qtet, ait ( EB ee Sea) : 39 @)sGk-o he D: ee LIBRARY OF R.D. LACOE. For the Promotion of Research in PALEOBOTANY: and PALEOZOOLOGY RETURN TO SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, D. C. bbejadeiat QUARTERLY JOURS AEN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. VoL. XXX. 1. Description of the Sxuxt of a Sprcies of HarirnErtum (H. Can- HAMI) from the Rep Crae of Surrorx. By Witrram Henry Frower, Ksq., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c., Hunterian Professor of Compa- rative Anatomy, and Conservator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (Read November 5, 1873.) [Puate I.] Waite looking, a few weeks ago, over the very rich collection of Crag fossils formed by the Rev. H. Canham, of Waldringfield, near Woodbridge, that gentleman called my attention to an unusually fine fragment of a skull, which he had been unable to identify with any | known form. He very obligingly allowed me to bring it to London for the purpose of careful examination and comparison ; and I have the pleasure of exhibiting it to the Society this evening. The specimen was found in the so-called “ coprolite ” or bone- bed at the base of the Red Crag at Foxhall, about two miles from Waldringfield; and it presents the usual aspect of the mammalian remains from that bed. It is heavily mineralized, of a rich dark. brown colour, almost black in some parts, with the surface much — worn and polished, and marked here and there with the characteristic round or oval shallow pits, the supposed Pholas-borings. Unfortu- nately, before it was extracted from the matrix in which it lay, it was broken by the pick into several pieces, some of which were lost by the workmen ; but all that were preserved have been skilfully reunited by Mr. Canham. The great interest of this skull consists in its affording the first recorded evidence of the former existence of an animal of the remark- able order Sirenia in this country. The fragment consists of the anterior or facial portion of the cranium, which has separated, probably before fossilization, from the 3. G. Ss Nos Ly: B / fy y ] “yY % \ oY 2 W. H. FLOWER ON A HALITHERIUM posterior part at the fronto-parictal suture, and in a line descending vertically therefrom. This portion has then been subjected to severe attrition, by which the greater part of the premaxillary rostrum, the orbital processes of the frontals, and the zygomatic processes of the maxillaries, and other projecting parts, have been removed. In consequence of this, what may be called the external features of the skull, which are especially necessary to determine its closer affinities, are greatly marred, though enough remains of its essential structure to enable us to pronounce with confidence as to its general relationship to known forms. Fortunately the whole of the portion of the maxille in which the molar series of teeth are implanted is preserved ; and though the teeth have fallen from the alveoli in the front part of the series, and in the posterior part are ground down to mere stumps, so that the form of the crowns cannot be ascertained in any way, many important dental characters may still be deduced from the number, form, size, and position of the sockets and roots that remain. As the intensely hard ivory-like rostra of the ziphioid cetaceans, the tympanic bones of the Baleenidee, and the teeth of terrestrial mammals almost alone remain in these deposits to attest the former existence of their owners, it is doubtless to the extreme massiveness and density of the cranial bones, so characteristic of the order Sirenia, that we owe the preservation of so large a portion of the skull, under the very unfavourable conditions to which, in common with the other fossils of this formation, it must have been exposed. A comparison of the fragment with the skulls of the two existing forms of Sirenia, the Manati (Manatus) and the Dugong (Halicore), gives the following results. As regards size, the skull must have been considerably larger than that of either of those animals, as the following comparison of some of its dimensions with those of a full-sized American Manati and an Australian Dugong will show :— Halitheriwm. | Manatus. Halicore. Teng nae upper gua | from meétre. métre. metre. poole peealranmioe | pais | ove | ele APCLbULE ...........eeeeceee ener surface of frontal bones to 0-153 0:120 : 0-115 Height of skull from mr lower surface of palate-bones Width of skull in temporal 0:070 0-050 0:070 fosse, narrowest part ...... Width inside anteorbital fora- 0-095 | 0-062 6-058 nthe ayckeprnasare eesandsuBDoe Width between widest part of outer border of maxillary 0-114 0-064 0:067 BES BH ss Tiel a The posterior surface of the fragment (fig. 1) shows in its upper ~ part the concave impression of the anterior cerebral lobes, with a * Something should be allowed for wearing of the edges of the bone to make the comparison exact. ‘ FROM THE RED CRAG OF SUFFOLK. 3 deep median hollow; but the crista galli and the cribriform plates are broken away, giving full view into the nasal cavities, divided as usual posteriorly by a horizontal partition (P.) into an upper or “ olfactory chamber ” and a lower or “ narial passage.” The lateral portions of this partition formed by the palate-bones(PZ.) still remain, but its central part, together with the whole of the vomer, has dis- appeared. In the middle of the roof of the olfactory chamber the upper part of the stout septum formed by the strongly ossified mesethmoid (VE#.) remains; and a prominent longitudinal ridge (£T.) on the lateral wall, but preserved on the right side, is all that indicates the turbinals. The whole of the sphenoids and their dependencies and the pterygoids are broken away, the fracture ex- tending through the bodies of the palate-bones, just behind the pos- terior molar teeth. The upper surface (fig. 2) includes the whole extent of the frontals, except the antero-lateral processes which form the upper margin of the orbit, which have been worn away. It is probably also due to attrition that the general surface is evenly convex from side to side, instead of laterally ridged and flat or even concave in the centre as in the existing species. The anterior edge of this surface, forming the upper boundary of the anterior nares, is evenly arched, showing no median process as in the Manati, and to a less extent in the Dugong ; but this may also be due to the wearing off of the thin part of the edges of the bones. A nearly semicircular suture an inch behind this margin appears plainly to mark off a distinct pair of nasal bones (Va.), joining each other in the middle line and therefore widely differing from their rudimentary or suppressed condition in recent Sirenians. But, as is well known, in some species of Hali- therium they are developed as conspicuously as in the present example*. The size and form of the anterior nasal aperture (fig. 3) is characteristically Sirenian, and in its height compared with its breadth more like that of Manatus than Halicore. Its boundary on the right side by the ascending process of the preemaxilla (P Mw.) is well seen ; but on the left this is broken away ; and, as before men- tioned, the anterior boundary with the greater part of the rostrum has unfortunately perished. The floor of the cavity has precisely the same general form as in the recent Sirenians. The lateral surface of the fragment (fig. 4) shows the inner wall of the anterior part of the temporal fossa, and of the orbit, the prominent margins of the last-named cavity and the zygoma being removed, and the great anteorbital foramen thus converted into an open groove. This region presents a striking difference of conform- ation from both of the existing genera. In Halicore, in the dried skull, there is a very large vacuity between the frontal and maxillary bones, connecting the orbital cavity with the nasal fossa. In the genus Manatus this vacuity is greatly reduced, the thin edges of the two bones, in the form of delicate paper-like laminz, uniting more or less completely in different skulls. In the present fossil specimen * H. Schinzi, Kaup, ‘ Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der urweltlichen Sau- gethiere,’ Heft ii. 1855, tab. ii. fig. 2. B2 4 W. H. FLOWER ON A HALITHERIUM the orbit is completely separated from the nasal fossa by a stout bony wall nearly an inch in thickness, across which the suture between the frontal (/r.) and the maxillary (Ww.) can be clearly traced. What remains of the anterior root of the zygoma (Zy.) shows that this process must have been considerably more massive than in either of the existing species. ‘The foramina of this region of the skull correspond generally with those of the Manati. Posteriorly several grooves run horizontally forward from the broken part of the skull ; one of these (a) conducts the optic nerve to the orbit. Further for- ward, in the suture between the frontal and maxillary bones (at 6) is a considerable-sized foramen (apparently accidentally enlarged on the right side) for the passage inwards of the palatine branches of the second division of the fifth nerve In front of the anteorbital foramen, in the suture between the maxilla and ascending or nasal branch of the premaxilla, is a foramen (c).which transmits the branch of the same nerve and the vessels which supply the horny plate, which doubtless existed on the under surface of the rostrum. This canal is again exposed (at d) in its course between the bones, by the destruction of the anterior extremity of the skull. The inferior surface (fig. 5, two thirds natural size) shows the palate and sockets of the molar teeth. The former is elongated and narrow, as in the existing Sirenians, but rather broader posteriorly than in front. Its surface is quite flat, and rounded at the edges, owing to attrition. The posterior edge is concave in outline, but more evenly rounded than in either Dugong or Manati, in both of which a deep V-shaped notch exists in the middle line, entirely wanting in the present fossil*. The suture between the palatine (PZ.) and maxillary bones (Mzw.) is very distinctly seen, the extent of the former being much the same as in the modern Sirenians. Near the middle line, just in front of the suture, are a pair of foramina, also found in the corresponding situation in Manatus ; and further forward are several irregular foramina, which would indicate a considerable vascular supply to this part of the palate, as in the recent genera. Dentition—The number of maxillary teeth, as indicated by the alveoli, is six on each side, all placed in close contact with each other. The two most anterior have simple rounded alveoli about equal in size (0-017m. in diameter), indicating teeth with single cylindrical roots as in the Dugong, but differing in being rounded at the apex. The third appears to have had two roots, outer and inner, each rounded and smaller than those in front. The three following teeth resemble each other in form, though the most anterior or fourth of the whole series is rather smaller than the other two. They have three roots—one inner, compressed from side to side, and two supporting the outer border, each compressed from before back- wards exactly as in the Manati. The general form of the tooth appears wider in proportion to its antero-posterior diameter than in that genus; but this is perhaps more apparent than real, as the minor root, as in the Manati, diverges considerably from the others, so that the deeper the section the wider the whole base of the tooth * The notch shown in the figure appears to be due to a fracture. FROM THE RED CRAG OF SUFFOLK, 5 appears. The teeth, on the whole, are considerably larger in pro- portion to the size of the skull than in Manatus, as well as fewer in number, but differ still more fundamentally in presenting a distinction in character in the fore and hind part of the series, a division into simple premolars and more complex molars, if these terms can be correctly employed when we have no knowledge of a succession of the teeth. ; It will be seen from the foregoing description that the specimen presents many characters common to the Manati and the Dugong, and others by which it differs from both, the most striking of them being the more normal development of the nasal bones and the outer wall of the nasal fossee, and especially the dentition, in all of which it shows a more generalized condition. From Rhytina it is removed still further, as that genus is characterized by entire absence of maxillary teeth. It will be necessary now to consider its relation with the extinct Sirenians of European Miocene and Pliocene deposits. These are generally known collectively under the generic name Halitherum, Kaup, though several more or or less marked subdivi- sions have been established. The genus is characterized by its founder, as far as the teeth are concerned, by having “two (as in Halicore) tusks in the steeply decurved preemaxille, and six tubercular molars with closed roots, increasing in size from before backwards ’””*. Of the preemaxillary rostrum or tusks of our present specimen we know nothing; but the general characters of the molars certainly correspond with those of Halitherium. In that genus, however, theree ar two forms—one to which Professor Capellini has given the name of Felsinotherium, founded on a very perfect specimen from the Pliocene beds near Bolognat+ and including the French Pliocene species figured by Gervais as H. Serresiit. From these the present specimen decidedly differs in the absence of the deep notch in the posterior edge of the palate, in the position of the anterior root of the zygoma, which rises from the maxilla opposite to the penultimate and antepenultimate molars, whereas it is much further forward in the above-mentioned species, and in the larger size and greater number of molar teeth, which do not appear to exceed five in either the Italian or French species assigned to this group. On the other hand, it approaches more nearly to H. Schinz, Kaup, from the Miocene of the Rhine valley, which appears to have had six molars, the first two having single roots. Comparing it, however, with Kavup’s figures § and with specimens in the British Museum, distinctions certainly of specific value can be seen, particularly in the superior size and massiveness of construction, in the form of the nasal bones and their relation to the upper ends of the preemaxille, the form of the hinder edge of the palate, and the greater size of * Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der urweltlichen Saugethiere. Zweites Heft (1855), p. 10. t “Sul Felsinotherio.” Bologna: 1872. a Paotoeie et Paléontologie Frangaises, 2nd ed. (1859), pls. iv. v. and vi. yp. cit. Part 6 W. H. FLOWER ON A HALITHERIUM the molar teeth, both absolutely and relatively to the cranium generally. Very few remains of Sirenians have hitherto been found in Belgium. My esteemed friend Professor Van Beneden has recently described and fieured the much-mutilated occipital portion of a skull of an animal apparently of this order, to which he has given the name of Crassi- therium robustum*. It is obvious that there are no materials for instituting a comparison between this and our present specimen. M. le Vicomte Du Bus has given a preliminary notice of the discovery of the remains of a species of Halitherium in the clay at Boom, between Antwerp and Brussels. But of the head unfortunately very little was found, and no detailed description has been published. And the same may be said of a nearly complete skeleton discovered by M. Lesseliers at Basel, near Rupelmonde, in the same neighbour- hood, referred to in Professor Van Beneden’s memoir quoted above. A very thorough examination and comparison of all remains of extinct Sirenians scattered throughout the various continental mu- seums must be made before their specific distinctions can be satis- factorily ascertained. It is quite possible that the present specimen might then be found to belong to one of the already-named species ; but, as has just been pointed out, it presents characters in which it does not agree with any of those which are sufficiently preserved and well-described to admit of comparison. I think it will be most convenient to bestow upon it a specific designation, and therefore propose that of Canhami, to commemorate the assiduity with which its owner has collected, and liberally made available for scientific * examination, the paleeontological treasures of the neighbourhood in which he resides. The subject of the origin of the very mixed fauna of the Red Crag bone-bed has been so frequently and ably discussed in the publica- tions of this Society and elsewhere, that there is no occasion for me to enter into it at present. I would only remark in passing that the discovery of a Halitherium allied to the species found in the neigh- bourhood of Darmstadt is an additional instance to those already recorded of the existence in our Crag of forms characteristic of the Miocene fauna of the Rhine valley. It is also worthy of mention that Mr. Canham’s collection contains three fine specimens of teeth of Squalodon, a form often found associated elsewhere with Hali- theriumt. On the other hand, as showing the mixed nature of the fauna, there are from the same beds some beautifully preserved teeth of Coryphodon—one in particular, a last upper molar, very _ like, but rather larger than that figured by Hébert as C. eocenus, from the earliest Tertiaries of France$. * “Un Sirénien nouveau du terrain Rupelien,” Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 2me série, t. xxii, (1871) p. 164. + Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 2me série, t. xvi. (1868) p- 20. ¢ One of these is mentioned by Mr. RayLankester (Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol. xxvi. (1870) p. 512). The others appear to have been added since. § Ann. Se. Nat. 4me série, t. vi. p. 1. 7 of t xt ay Quart. Journ .Geol Soc. Vol XXX 1 ; 3 nat, size. Mantern Bros imp. ¥TUM CANHAMT. Se nat , St le9 nat, sixe 3 Mintern Bros. imp. a cn. G.H.Ford & C.L.Griesbac HALITHERIUM CANHAMT. FROM THE RED CRAG OF SUFFOLK. af DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I. Fig. 1. Posterior surface of the fragment of skull of Halithertwm from the Crag. 2. Upper surface. 3. Anterior surface. 4, Lateral surface. All one third the natural size. 5. Under surface of the same, two thirds the natural size. Letters in all the figures :—F’. frontal bones; Wa. nasals; Mz. maxillary ; PMzx. premaczillary ;* WE. mesethmoid; HT. ethmoturbinal; PL. palatine; Zy. zygomatie process of maxillary; P. (in fig. 1) remains of horizontal parti- tion separating olfactory chamber from posterior narial passages ; a, b, c, d (in fig. 4), foramina for the passage of nerves and vessels; J 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (in fig. 5), sockets for the six maxillary or molar teeth. DIscussIon. Mr. Prestwicu thought the specimen a most interesting addition to the derived fossils of the lower beds of the Red Crag. It was most likely derived from some of the Miocene beds which formerly existed, probably on what is now the basin of the German Ocean. Mr. H. Woopwarp mentioned that in the Woodwardian Collection there was a skull of Halitherium from the Miocene of Darmstadt. It was, he thought, of great interest to meet with these Miocene forms in the Crag, most of the fossils of which appear to have been derived from the lower beds of the London Clay. Dr. Lerra Apams mentioned the discovery of a tooth of Halithe- rium in a calcareous bed in Malta, where also he had discovered one of the ear-bones. Mr. Srerey pointed out that the skull presented some peculiari- ties, which made him doubt whether it could rightly be ascribed to Halitherium. He thought it might possibly belong to a new genus ; at the same time he had noticed in the Crag deposits some vertebrae which he thought might be attributed to Halitherium. The Cuarrman (Prof. Ramsay) was glad to find that so many geologists were disposed to regard the majority of the fossil bones from the Crag as derivative. He had long regarded them as belonging to a Miocene period, and probably a late one, and to a time when this country was united to the continent. When at the Crag period a portion of the surface was submerged, the neighbouring land might, however, have been still inhabited by the old Miocene fauna. 8 H. WOODWARD ON FORMS 2. New Facts bearing on the Inquiry concerning Forms interme- diate between Brrps and Reprites. By Henry Woopwarp, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S., British Museum. (Read November 5, 1873.) Tuere is perhaps no single point along the whole line of defences raised by the opponents of the theory of Evolution which has been more warmly contested than the question of the significance at- taching to the relationship of birds to reptiles. Professor Huxley truly remarks that “to superficial observation no two groups of beings can appear to be more entirely dissimilar than reptiles and birds. Placed side by side, a humming-bird and a tortoise, an ostrich and a crocodile, offer the strongest contrast, and a stork seems to have little but animality in common with the snake it swallows” *. “In perfect strictness,” writes the same authority t, “no doubt, it is true that birds are no more modified reptiles than reptiles are modified birds, the reptilian and ornithic types being both, in reality, somewhat different superstructures raised upon one and the same ground-plan ; but it is also true that some reptiles deviate so very much less from that ground-plan than any bird does, that they might be taken to represent that which is common to both classes without any serious error.” “A lizard is not very far from being the centre of the circle, the periphery of which is occupied by Chelonia, Ichthyosauia, Plesio- ’ sauria, Pterosauria, and Aves” tf. If we consider for a moment what are the peculiarities presented by each of these divisions of the Savrorsrpa (under which great class Prof. Huxley has proposed to unite these several orders), we shall begin to perceive that the peculiar and distinctive characters which we have hitherto assumed to be expressive of the class Aves are not more remarkable than many which distinguish the divisions of the Reptilia from one another. On what grounds, then, are their wide differentiation insisted upon by the separatists, and their combination advocated by evolu- tionists ? In the case of those who insist on their separation, it is urged that.we have no connecting links demonstrable between these widely different forms of to-day ; whilst on the other handit has already been shown by Prof. Huxley and others that there are abundant points of anatomical structure shared even by existing Aves and Reptilia, and that many of the desiderated forms, exhibiting inter- mediate points of structure, have already been noticed among the recent discoveries which have rewarded the labours of the geologist and paleontologist, not only in Europe, but also in America. Admitting generally that all existing birds differ definitely from living reptiles, ‘‘ one comparatively small section, nevertheless, cer- * Huxley's Lecture, Royal Institution, February 7th, 1868. t Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 415. t Lbid. INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN BIRDS AND REPTILES. > tainly does come nearer reptiles than the others. These are the Ratite, or Struthious birds, comprising the Ostrich, Rea, Emu, Cassowary, Apteryx, and the but recently extinct birds of New Zealand, the Dinornithes, which attained gigantic dimensions. Ail these birds are remarkable for the small size of their wings, the absence of a crest or keel upon the breast-bone, and of a complete furcula, and, in many cases, for the late union of the bones of the pinion, the foot, and the skull. In this last character, in the form of the sternum, of the shoulder-girdle, and in some peculiarities of the skull, these birds are more reptilian than the rest; but the total amount of approximation to the reptilian type is but small, and the gap between reptiles and birds is but very slightly narrowed by their existence” *. All the living, or recently extinct, wingless birds, however, de- serve to be specially mentioned, not only on account of the more generalized type of structure which they offer, but because they present, in their distribution, one of the most interesting geogra- phical problems to the consideration of naturalists and paleeonto- logists. Africa has its Ostrich +; Madagascar had its Mpyornis; Java and the adjacent islands of the Indian archipelago the Cassowary ; Australia its Emu and extinct Dromornist; New Zealand its Dinornis ; South America its Rhea; the London Clay its Dasornis londiniensis §. Thus, then, we have this most ancient type of wing- less running birds presenting not merely the greatest range in time, but also the widest geographical distribution over the globe of any order .of its class. None of these forms, however, depart in the main from the avian type, and we must seek still further for modifications of even greater import than the wingless birds present. Is there any thing in the Pterosawria which affords a missing link ? If we examine that remarkable group the ‘“ flying lizards,” or Pterodactyles, extending in time from the Lias to the Chalk, we find they exhibit many adaptive modifications of the avian type, such as the great air-cavities in the bones, and the prolongation of the premaxille into beaks (which were probably sheathed in horn), although the rest of the jaw was armed with teeth. But the manus, with its four free digits (three armed with claws, and the fourth enormously prolonged to support the wing-membrane), the non- avian characters of the pelvis and hind limbs, all depart most widely from the ornithic type. But among the various additions made to our knowledge of ex- tinct forms, some at least may certainly be claimed as affording links * See Huxley’s Lecture, Geol. Mag. 1868, vol. v. p. 360. 1 Formerly the geographical range of the Ostrich extended into Arabia, Persia, and part of India, within the Historic period; but it has been exterminated by the agency of man. + Dromornis australis, Owen, Trans. Zool. Soe. 1873, vol. viii. part vi., and Geol. Mag. 1869, vol. vi. p. 383. § See Trans. Zool. Soc. 1872, vol. vii. p. 123, pl. 16. This specimen was de- tected and its avian characters pointed out by Mr. Davies, of the British Museum. 10 H. WOODWARD ON FORMS by which to unite more closely the SavropsmpA to one another as a class. Foremost of these in importance must be mentioned :— I. The discovery of that remarkable Mesozoic type of bird, the Archeopteryx macrura (Owen), with its peculiar reptilian-like tail, composed of twenty free and apparently unanchylosed cylindrical vertebre, each supporting a pair of quill-feathers, the last fifteen vertebre having no transverse processes, and tapering gradually to the extremity. Two of the digits of the wing (or manus) have curved claws, much stronger than those of any existing bird; and the metacarpal bones appear to be quite free and disunited. In these particulars the Archeopteryx certainly does exhibit a closer approximation to reptilian structure than any modern bird *. II. The next remarkable fossil bird to be enumerated is the Ich- thyornis dispar (Marsh), discovered by Prof. O. C. Marsh, in 1872, in the Upper Cretaceous beds of Kansas, U.S. It possessed in both jaws well-developed teeth, which were quite numerous, and im- planted in distinct sockets. The teeth were small, compressed, and pointed, and all similar in character. Those in the lower jaw number about twenty in each ramus, and are all more or less in- clined backward. ‘The series extends over the entire upper margin of the dentary bone, the front tooth being very near the extremity. The maxillary teeth appear to have been equally numerous and essentially the same as those in the mandible. The jaws were, apparently, not encased in a horny sheath. The bones of the wings and legs all conform to the true ornithic type. The vertebre were all biconcave, the concavities at each end of the centra being distinct and nearly alike. The tail does not appear to have been preserved. The bird was about the size of a pigeon. The bones do not appear to have been pneumatic, although most of them are hollow. The species, Prof. Marsh considers, was carnivorous and probably aquatic. A second form discovered has been named Apatornis celer (Marsh). Prof. Marsh thinks it probable that Archwopteryw possessed teeth and biconcave vertebree. In confirmation of the former suggestion, it may be mentioned that part of a small detached jaw with teeth was detected by Mr. John Evans, F.R.S., Sec. Geol. Soc., upon the slab containing the skeleton, and possibly may have belonged to it, although referred by Prof. Owen to the “ premaxillary bone of a ish? 4: In an article published by Mr. Evans in the ‘ Natural History Review’ for 1865, vol. v. p. 415, he carefully and critically dis- cusses this question; and he furthermore cites the opinion of the late illnstrious Hermann von Meyer, that the teeth observable in the jaw were unlike any heretofore known from the lithographic stone, although they somewhat resembled those of Acrosaurus. On * See Prof. Owen on Archeopteryx, Phil. Trans. 1863. t Phil. Trans. 1863, p. 33. See also article by H. Woodward in ‘ Intellectual Observer,’ Dec. 1862, vol. ii. p. 313, and plate; and by S. J. Mackie, ‘ Geologist,’ 1865, vol. vi. p. 1. INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN BIRDS AND REPTILES. 11 the whole, however, Von Meyer concludes that there can be little doubt the jaw really belonged to Archwopterya; and he expressed his conviction that this singular feathered fossil cannot be looked upon as a bird with persistent embryonic characters, but rather as a distinct type, and perfect of its kind. In this article Mr. Evans also gives the result of his researches in reference to a certain nodular mass haying a distinctly bilobed out- line which he had observed upon the slab containing the Archeo- pteryx. Mr. Evans, having prepared casts of the brain-cavity of a great number of living birds, was enabled to institute a long series of careful comparisons, and to demonstrate most satisfactorily the cor- rectness of his determination, that the mass in question represented a cast of the anterior portion of the brain-cavity of Archeopteryx. III. Prof. Owen has added to his ornithological researches another Eocene bird from the London Clay of Sheppey *, to which his at- tention had been drawn by Mr. W. Davies, of the British Museum, who also worked it out with his own hands. This bird, which he has named Odontopteryx toliapica, is ren- dered remarkable by the very prominent denticulation of the alveolar margins of the jaws, to which its generic appellation refers. The denticulations are intrinsic parts of the bone bearing them, and are of two sizes, numerous smaller denticles occupying the spaces between the larger ones, which are about half an inch apart. When perfect the skull was probably 5 to 6 inches in length; but the anterior extremity is wanting. Prof. Owen concludes the Odontopteryx to have belonged to or near the Anatide, and that it was web-footed and a fish-eating bird, for which its serrated jaws would admirably adapt it. As we have not the other parts of the bird, but the skull alone, it would be presumptuous to surmise as to the presence or absence of other modifications besides the pseudo-teeth with which the jaws are armed f. From the extreme rarity of all terrestrial animal remains pre- served in a fossil state, it may justly be concluded that many more such archaic birds, having reptilian modifications, actually existed in the Mesozoic epoch, although they may possibly never be discovered by geologists. Passing from birds to Dinosauria, we are able to enumerate several forms of reptilia which appear to offer points of structure tending towards the so-called “ wingless birds,” or those birds which are devoid of the power of flight by reason of the relatively small size of their fore limbs and the feathers which they support. * See Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. for November 1873, and abstract in Geol. - Mag. August 1873, p. 376. + Many living birds, and notably the Merganser serrator, have a denticulated mandibular border which, although connected only with the horny covering, and not with the bones of the mandibles (as in Odontopteryx), yet is sufficient to prove that the presence of feathers can no longer be looked upon as neces- sarily implying that the beak with which they were preened must have been edentulous. (John Evans, op. cit. p. 421.) 12 H. WOODWARD ON FORMS I. The first of these is a small and very singular reptile from the Oolite of Solenhofen, which, notwithstanding its minute size, Prof. Huxley thinks must be placed ‘with the Dinosaurs (the Compsogna- thus longipes of Andreas Wagner), not much more than 2 feet in length, having a small head, with toothed jaws, supported on a long and slender neck. The iliac bones are prolonged in front of and behind the acetabulum ; the pubes were long and slender. The bones of the fore limb are very small, and probably furnished with two clawed digits. The hind limb is very large, and disposed as in birds, the femur being shorter than the tibia. The proximal division of the tarsus is anchylosed with the tibia as in birds. The distal ends of the tarsal bones in the foot are not united with the three long and slender metatarsals, corresponding with the second, third, and fourth toes. ‘There is only a rudimentary metatarsal to the fifth toe. It is impossible to look at the structure of this strange reptile and to doubt that it hopped or walked in an erect or semierect position, after the manner of a bird, to which its long neck, slight head, and small anterior limbs must have given it an extraordinary resemblance *. II. Much of the recently acquired knowledge of the huge Dino- sauria of our own Secondary rocks has resulted from the earnest labours of Professor Phillips, bestowed upon the remarkable series of remains in the Oxford Museum. We now know certainly that the Megalosaurus, that huge carni- vorous lizard, perhaps 30 feet long, which ranged from the Lias to the Wealden, had strong but not massive hind limbs, and short reduced fore limbs, five anchylosed sacral vertebrae (Owen), the ilium, ischium, and pubis slender and bird-lke, as in the Ostrich, the scapula and coracoid resembling those of the Apteryx. From all these considerations Professor Phillips agrees with Profs. Owen and Huxley in viewing the Megalosaurus, “not as a ground- crawler, like the alligator, but moving with free steps, chiefly, if not solely, on the hind limbs, and claiming a curious analogy, if not some degree of affinity, with the Ostrich” +. What we have cited as regards the carnivorous Meqgalosaurus is true also of the vegetable-eating lizards of the Mesozoic rocks (Iguanodon, Scelidosarus, &c.). The sacrum is composed of from four to six vertebrae. The pelvic bones are bird-like in form and disposition; there is a strong crest which passes between the head of the fibula and the tibia, as in birds. The tibia has a great anterior or “ procnemial” crest, not seen in other reptiles, but existing in most birds, especially the running and swimming birds. The toes are reduced in number; Scelidosaurus has four toes and a rudiment of a fifth ; Zguanodon has three, with a rudimentary indication of a fourth. There is evidence in ‘‘the manner in which the three principal metatarsals articulate together, that they were very intimately and * Prof. Huxley’s Lecture, Joc. cit. + ‘Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames,’ by John Phillips, M.A., E.R.S., F.G.8., &., 1871, p. 196. INTERMEDIATE BELWEEN BIRDS AND REPTILES. 13 firmly united, and that a sufficient base for the support of the body was thus afforded by the spreading out of the phalangeal regions of the toes.” (Huxley, loc. cit.) Mantell long since, and more recently Leidy, have concluded, from the great difference in the size between the fore and hind limbs, that Iguanodon and Hadrosaurus, as well as other Dinosauria, may have supported themselves for a time at least upon their hind legs. But Mr. Beckle’s discovery of pairs of large three-toed foot-prints, of such a size and at such a distance apart that it is difficult to believe they have been made by any thing but Jguanodon, leads to the supposition that this vast reptile, and perhaps others of its family, must have walked temporarily or permanently upon its hind , loc. cit. p. 364). Many years since, Mr. Allan Cunningham (H. M. Botanical Col- lector for Kew), who accompanied the Expedition to survey the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, from 1818 to 1822, under Captain Philip King, R.N., F.R.S., secured a specimen of a remarkable Frilled Lizard, which had perched itself upon the stem of a small decayed tree, at Careening Bay, Port Nelson*. This has been named Chlamydosaurus Kingii, by Dr. Gray. The stufted specimen is preserved in the British-Museum collection in a semi- erect position, its fore feet (which are very much smaller than the hind feet) scarcely touching the ground at the extremities of the claws. I had the advantage (in company with my esteemed colleague, Dr. Giinther, the Assistant Keeper of the zoological collections of the British Museum) to hear the remarks of an Australian resident on this lizard, which is common about the gardens in the environs of Sydney. This observer reports that the lizard in question not merely sits up occasionally, but habitually runs upon the ground on its hind legs, its fore paws not touching the earth. This statement interested me immensely; and on re- peating it to Prof. Huxley, I learnt that that acute observer, Mr. Gerard Krefft, of the Sydney Museum, had noted the same peculiarity. With this upright carriage, special modifications of the sacrum and pelvic bones are necessary; and, no doubt, when a specimen is dissected, this very interesting point will be corrobo- rated by the form and articulation of the bones. As geologists, we cannot but be interested in this peculiarly modified existing type of lizard, occurring, as it does, on the continent of Australia (which has yielded such a remarkable assemblage of Tertiary and existing Marsupialia to be critically examined and chronicled by our great anatomist, Professor Owen)—a land also remarkable for the pos- session of many living Mollusca of Mesozoic types on its coasts. It is noteworthy in connexion with these observations on bipedal reptilia (existing and extinct), to find that the Solenhofen Lime- stone, which has yielded both the long- and short-tailed Péterosauria, the long-tailed Reptilian-like birdy, and the long-necked short-armed Avian lizardt supplies a bipedal track upon one of its slabs, which * See King’s ‘Survey of Australia,’ 8vo, 1827, vol. ii., Appendix, p. 424. + Archeopteryx. { Compsognathus. 14 Track of Saurian from the Solenhofen Limestone (Ichnites lithographicus, Oppel), one fourth natural size. H. WOODWARD ON FORMS reminded me at once of what Chla- mydosaurus or Compsognathus might produce under favourable condi- tions. The slab presents a median track formed by the tail drawn along on the ground; the. two hind feet with outspread toes leave their mark, whilst the fore paws just touch the - ground, leaving a dot-like impression on either side of the median line (see figure). Dr. Oppel has named this track I[chnites lithographicus*. In calling attention to the slab, Dr. Oppel remarks that the foot- steps are ranged in two parallel lines with a middle continuous impres- sion alternately stronger and fainter. The footsteps go in pairs. It re- sembles no other form of track already noticed or described from this or any other formation. Dr. Oppel thinks Archeopteryx might have formed such a track, although he is unable to explain the alternate deepening of the middle track. Remembering that the tail of Ar- cheopteryx is bordered all the way by feathers, it will at once be seen that it could not leave behind a clear and simple furrow, but a broad smudge composed of many lines, like that left by a flat colour-brush drawn along upon paper. The tail of a lizard progressing by hops and supporting itself upon its hind limbs and tail, would, however, produce just such impressions, the deepening of the furrow made by the tail being caused by the depres- sion of the tail in making each on- ward hop. Viewed by the additional lght which our present knowledge of the structure of the Mesozoic Dinosauria and of the existing Chlamydosaurus * Palaontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des Konigl. Bayer. Staates von Dr. Albert ear Stuttgardt, 1862, tab. 39, p. 121. id INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN BIRDS AND REPTILES. ° 15 affords, we need no longer be doubtful as to the origin of the many bipedal tracks which occur in the Trias and upwards. Some are very probably the “spoor” of Struthious birds which may have existed fully as far back as the beginning of the Secondary Period; but most are, no doubt, due to the bipedal habit of our Secondary reptiles, a peculiarity still maintained by the Australian Chlamydosaurus. Discussion. Mr. Sertry thought that the footprints on the slab cited in the paper had been produced by some saurian, such as a Pterodactyle, the fore limbs of which were wider apart than its hind limbs, rather than by Compsognathus. If the foot-track had been due to a saurian walking on its hind legs only, he thought that the principal im- pressions must of necessity have been nearer together. He disputed the correctness of the term “ adaptive modification” as applied to the air-cavities in bones. He was inclined to regard the Pterodactyle as more closely allied to birds than did the author of the paper. The condition of the carpus, as well as the tarsus, in these reptiles showed their ornithie affinities. He cited jerboas, kangaroos, and other forms, in which the hind legs were mainly used for pro- gression, but in which the sacrum and other bones were not modified, as instances calculated to inspire caution in connecting the mode of progression with structure. Mr. Hvrxe could not regard the tracks as those of a Pterodactyle, as the inner marks were much less distinct than the outer, and would therefore hardly be due to the hinder limbs, on which the weight would mainly fall. Mr. Branrorp agreed with Mr. Seeley that the mere fact of the Chlamydosaurus walking on its hind legs did not suffice to prove any affinity with Dinosaurians. Mr. Woopwarp, in reply, stated that the two points on which he had mainly founded the paper were :—Ist, the occurrence of footprints in the Solenhofen limestone, characteristic of a bipedal progression of some saurian, which had, moreover, used its tail from time to time to give it a forward impetus ; and 2ndly, the method of walking of Chlamydosaurus. With regard to animals thus pro- gressing, he was not prepared to accept the view that there was no corresponding modification in structure. 16! J. W. HULKE ON A LARGE SAURIAN LIMB-BONE 3. Note on a very Lares Savetan Lims-sone adapted for Proerus- ston upon Lanp, from the Kimmuriper Cray of Weymourn, Dorset. By J. W. Hurks, Hsq., F.G.S., F.R.S. (Read November 5, 1873.) [Puare II. | Ar rare intervals there have been obtained from the Kimmeridge Clay in several localities (¢nland and also on the Dorset coast) re- mains of very large reptiles differing from the contemporary Enalio- saurs (the Plio-, Plesio-, and Ichthyosaurs) by the adaptation of their limbs to walking upon dry land. On June 23, 1869, I brought before the Society a large humerus of such a reptile, which had been obtained in Kimmeridge Bay by J. C. Mansel Pleydell, Esq., a Fellow of our Society. It was afterwards presented by him to the British Museum*; and to the Saurian indicated by it I gave the name of Jschyrosaurus. The subject of this note is a much larger limb-bone lately found in the Kimmeridge-clay beds, near Weymouth, by Mr. R. I. Smith, and intended to be added to the national collection. It was enveloped in large septarian masses, which stuck so closely to it that thin lamine of the surface of the bone were unavoidably detached in stripping the matrix from it. The natural surface, where unin- jured, is smooth; it has a close, fine grain resembling that of the humerus of the /schyrosaurus, and quite unlike the coarse texture of many Enaliosaurian bones. The bone has been much fissured, and cemented together by spar; and some parts have been distorted by squeezing ; but the general figure is well preserved. It has a closer resemblance to the Crocodilian type of humerus than to any other bone; and I am disposed to regard it as a humerus, the left one. Its present length is 54 inches ; but the articular sur- faces of both ends are wanting, and for these scarcely less than 9 addi- tional inches can be allowed ; so that the whole length of the perfect bone can hardly have been less than 63 inches. The middle of the shaft is cylindroid; its girth is 21 inches; and its horizontal transverse diameter is 7°8. Its transverse section (PI. IT. fig. 4) is a subtrigonal figure ; and it exhibits a large coarsely cancellated core enclosed in a stout compact cortical ring. Towards the proximal end the width increases, chiefly by the backward sweep of the posterior border, to a present maximum of 17 inches; but this would be increased by the absent posterior moiety of the proximal surface, including the articular caput and the adjoining end of the posterior border. The outline of the dorsal or upper surface in this situation is transversely convex, whilst longitudinally it rises in a gentle curve from the cylindroid shaft to the proximal end, owing to the increased thick- * A description and figures of it will be found in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxy. p. 386. t In the following description the bone is imagined to be placed nearly hori- zontally, with its long axis perpendicular to the animal’s trunk. ARUS HUMERO-CRISTATUS Aral size M&N Hanhart imp, G.L Griesbach - OSAURUS HUMERO-CRISTATUS HUMERUS OF (eee vee naiee AN ts ~ } = ae iis Savi ue Tc, FROM THE KIMMERIDGE CLAY OF WEYMOUTH. 17 ness required here for the support of the terminal articular caput. The distal moiety of the dorsal surface beyond the shaft expands gradually to a maximum width of 16 inches at the distal articular surface. A very long, wide, and rather deep intercondyloid groove traverses it longitudinally. The ventral surface of the expanded proximal moiety is yery hollow transversely ; and beyond the shaft its distal moiety in the same direction is gently convex. The distal articular surface (fig. 3) is an oblong, the long diameter of which measures 16 inches, and the short one averages 6 inches. It is divided into a pair of condyles by a very shallow vertical groove, which above joins the dorsal intercondylar groove and below ends between two low eminences at the ventral surface. The posterior border, gradually contracting from the shaft towards the proximal end, becomes here a relatively thin rounded edge. In the distal moiety this border is stouter. The anterior border in its proximal half is much wider than the corresponding part of the posterior border ; it is flattened and produced downwards as a ventrally projecting crest (fig. 2, dc.) which greatly increases the hollowness of the ventral surface in this part. The distal moiety of this border, in its whole length, has the form of a thin, rough, very prominent crest project- ing forwards. These crests form one of the most striking features of the humerus, which distinguish it immediately from the almost equally large Mantellian Pelorosaurian humerus preserved in the British Museum*, and from the almost equally huge, but rather stouter, humeri of the Ceteosaurus oxoniensis in the Oxford Univer- sity Museum, so admirably restored by Prof. Phillips+, as also from the much smaller humerus of Jschyrosawrus to which I have already referred. A general correspondence with the humerus of Ceteosaurus oxoni- ensis inclines me to provisionally refer this new Kimmeridge Saurian to the genus Ceteosaurus as typified in C. ovoniensis. Its rough strong crests suggest the specific designation humero-cristatus (Ceteosaurus humero-cristatus). EXPLANATION OF PLATE IL. Fig. 1. Dorsal or posterior surface of humerus: d. distal end ; px. proximal end; ant. anterior border; post. posterior border ; cr. crest. 2. Ventral or anterior surface of humerus: pa. proximal end; d. distal end; ant. anterior or outer border; post. posterior or inner border ; dc. deltoid crest.. * 3. View of distal articular end. 4. Transverse section near middle of shaft. Discussion. Mr. Sretzy remarked that the internal structure of the bone re- sembled that found in Grgantosaurus, and the general form of the humerus was such as might be expected did it belong to an animal of that genus. * British Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden Formation, Supplement ii. vol. xii. p. 39. + Geology of Oxford, p. 272. OO. Gass No. LL C 18 J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII. 4. Scupprementat Nore on the Anatomy of HypsttopHopon Foxtr. By J. W. Hors, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. (Read November 19, 1873.) [Puate IIT.] Ar the close of last Session I read a note upon some remains of an immature Hypsilophodon Fou which I had shortly before obtained in Brixton Bay, Isle of Wight, from the west end of the well-known bed which crops out at the top of the cliff at Barnes Chine and dips under the beach at Cowleaze Chine. ‘Their chief value consisted in the additional light they threw upon its dentition, and the informa- tion they afforded of the form and the proportions of the limbs. In September I was so fortunate as to obtain in the same locality parts of two individuals (one probably fully grown) which, as they illus- trate some structures better than any other remains of this Dinosaur yet before the Society, have appeared to me worthy of being made the subject of a supplementary note. The bones are imbedded in a block of sandy elay-stone which had fallen from the cliff and had been washed to and fro by the sea until some of them had become much abraded. The most important are a skull and two chains of vertebre, each including a considerable part of the sacrum. Skull.—This is larger than that found by Mr. Fox, which Prof. Huxley exhibited here in November 1869. Its upper surface was ex- posed; and I have laid bare its right side (PI. III. fig.1). The maxillary apparatus is broken off from the cranium proper, and twisted round so that the dentigerous border of the maxille and the palate now look upwards, the pterygoids resting in the lower part of the right orbit. The upper surface of the skull is a long rhomboid (I refer now to the part behind the front of the orbits), of which the short diameter connects the stout postorbital processes; and the sides are lines drawn from these to the front of the supraorbital arch and to the extremity of a salient occipital (Pa’.) spine in which the parietal region terminates behind instead of presenting here the entering angle usual in lizards’ skulls. Large pieces of the parietal and of the frontal bones have exfoliated, laying bare the matrix moulded to the inner surface of the vault. Between the temples this pre- sents a ridge suggestive of a parietal crest; and between the orbits is a mesial furrow indicative of the division of the principal frontal bone. The root of the right. parietal suspensory process only is preserved (Sp.); its direction is nearly vertical to that of the parietal crest. The orbit is very capacious ; ‘4 inch below its upper border lie six of the thin bony scales of the sclerotic coat of the eyeball (S.). Thepreemaxille (Prmx.)want the edentulous anterior extremity seen in Mr. Fox’s specimen; but other parts of their structure are better displayed here, owing to their partial separation from the maxille. J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII. 19 The body of the prazemaxilla is a vertical plate, -45 inch deep from its nasal to its dentigerous border, smooth, except quite in front, where its surface is wrinkled. From each end rises a strong process. That in front is a compressed trihedral blade narrowing upwards, shorter than the posterior or outer process. Applied to its fellow of the other side it forms the lower part of the septum between the anterior nares. Its front edge seen on the surface of the snout is stout; the posterior edge is thin. The posterior or outer process, broader and longer, is closely ap- plied to the anterior border of the maxilla, but not suturally united with it. It overlaps the maxilla, which has a shallow groove for its reception. The dentigerous border, nearly straight, is ‘65 inch long ; and in this space it contains, I think in separate sockets, five mature eylindrical teeth, of which the roots, with only small portions of the crowns, now remain. At their inner side, between the second and third and the fourth and fifth teeth, two immature crowns are just visible. A large triangular palatal process, mesially united to its fellow, completely roofs this part of the mouth. From the anterior palatine foramen to the posterior extremity of the interpreemaxillary suture measures ‘7 inch. This sutural margin is longer than the free posterior border, and it forms a projecting angle to which, on the right side, the front of a vomer is (V.) attached. The teeth all lie behind the anterior palatine foramen; the small portion of the edge of the right jaw in front of this is smooth and toothless. The maxille(Mx. Ma'.) are large subtriangular bones. The left is very perfect. Its straight dentigerous border, 1-6 inch long, contains an unbroken series of eleven* compressed sculptured teeth, of which the front four are smaller than the others. The hinder margin of the crown of each tooth slightly overlaps the front margin of that next behind it. The crowns are obliquely worn, the thickly enamelled outer contour being the longer. The number of premaxillary teeth agrees with that of Mr. Fox’s skull; the maxillary teeth are one more in myskull. The teeth themselves agree so closely with those described in my last note as to make any further account of them unnecessary. In front of its dentigerous part the lower border of the maxilla and its upper border converge and send forward upon the deep surface of the preemaxilla the thin grooved plate mentioned as receiving the posterior ascending process of the latter. Above this plate the anterior border of the maxilla rises in a sinuous curve to a height of 1:1 inch above the second tooth, making here a blunt angle with its upper border, which behind this declines in a gentle hollow curve to a height of -45 inch above the last tooth. Above this tooth, at the height of -35 inch, the surface of the maxilla is angulated, and a strong triangular process, at least -6 inch long, passes backwards. The uncertainty whether a narrow line obliquely crossing the junction of this process and the body of the maxilla is an accidental crack or a suture leaves it doubtful whether this process is part of the maxilla or a separate bone. * Perhaps one tooth is missing between the second and the third. C2 20 J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII. In the body of the maxilla above the third to sixth tooth is a large subtriangular gap ; it is the aperture between the orbit and external nostril seen in Mr. Foxs skull. Below this, and extending nearly the whole length of the bone, the outer surface of the maxilla is pierced by a chain cf conspicuous foramina, such as are seen in the maxille of Megalosaurus and Teratosaurus. The divergence of the maxille posteriorly partially exposes the palatal apparatus, the hinder part of which lies in the right orbit. The pterygoids (Pt, Pt’), not mesially joined, but separated by a fissure, have a remarkably stout body, the posterior border of which bears a very large basisphenoidal process, anteriorly limited by a prominent ridge produced downwards, and terminating angularly at the mesial border. Theleft pterygoid (P?’) retains the root of a strong quadratic process directed outwards and backwards, in front of which the hollow outer border runs out in an ectopterygoid. In front of the ptery- goids the palatals (PJ, Pl’) are partially visible, their inner borders also separated by a fissure. The left palatal, which is best seen, is a flat rod 35 inch wide, with (so far as it is exposed) parallel margins. Its buccal surface is longitudinally grooved. It is almost superfluous to remark that the skull of Hypsilophodon, as was, indeed, shown by Mr. Fox’s specimen, is constructed after the lacertilian and not after the crocodilian pattern. In this respect, so far as the material allows of the comparison being made, it agrees with the large skull from Brooke which I brought under the notice of the Society two years ago, and provisionally referred to Jguanodon Mantellr. Spinal Column (fig. 2.)—Crossing the block from right to left, at a little distance from the skull, is a continuous chain of eight consecutive vertebrae. The ventral surface of the centra is uppermost. The first three from the right are too much mutilated for description ; the fourth is much abraded, the fifth less so; but the sixth, seventh, and eighth are sufficiently preserved to exhibit all their essential characters. These three last centra are inseparably anchylosed, every trace of their primitive separateness (which is still evident between each of the central (1s, 2s) to their right) has quite disap- peared. The seventh and eighth centra are further distinguished by the confluence of the expanded distal ends of their transverse pro- cesses. These two marks—confluence of the vertebral centres of the outer ends of the transverse processes—make it certain that the seventh and eighth vertebre are part of the sacrum. The sixth vertebra (Z) has distinct transverse processes which stand out from the neural arch in the form of flattened, tapering blades, ‘4 inch long. Confluent with that border of the transverse processes furthest from the sacrum, at their union with the neural arch, is a pair of articular processes, the articulating surfaces of which have an upward and inward aspect; this aspect and their position prove them to be prezygapophyses (Prz.). A vertebra whose centrum has coalesced with that of a next sacral, which yet has its own separate transverse processes, and also whose articular processes furthest from the sacrum bear the characters of prezygapophyses, must J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXITI. mall precede the sacrum and cannot follow it; the sixth vertebra must in fine be the last lumbar. The length of this centrum is rather less than ‘9 inch, the same as that of the fifth and fourth centra. Its form is cylindric, its contour transversely convex, and longitudinally hollow, the middle slightly contracted and the ends swollen, particularly that which is anchylosed to the first sacral. Its transverse diameter at its middle is ‘6 inch, at its front end -8, and at its posterior end somewhat more. The transverse processes of the second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebre have slender ribs anchylosed to their extremities, a distinct knot marks the union of dia- and pleurapophysis. They differ in this respect from the corresponding vertebre in the Alligator (A. luctus) and other existing crocodilians, in which the traces of the primitive separateness of the transverse process and rib disappear with the maturity of the individual. The determination of the first lumbar carries with it that of the next succeeding vertebra, it is the first sacral (1 s.); we have then the first, and not the posterior moiety of the sacrum. The first and second sacral centra are much smaller than the last lumbar, a similar difference of bulk obtains in the sacrum assigned to Jguwanodon Mantelli ; but this difference does not extend to their figure, which has a general resemblance to that of the lumbar vertebre. It too is cylindroid, constricted at the middle and expanded at its end, which gives the lower contour of the chain a sinuous outline, hollow at the middle of the centra and convex at their coalesced extremities. The swelling which marks the junction of the coalesced centra is not a uniformly tumid nodal ring; but it is greatest at the union of the sides and inferior surface, forming here a pair of small elevations similar to those in the reputed sacra of Zguanodon Mantelli and Hyleosaurus. The transverse process of the first sacral vertebra springs from the junction of this vertebra with the last lumbar, standing out from here vertically to the axis of the sacrum. It is remarkably stout, the antero-posterior diameter of its root is °6 inch; its anterior contour merges into the lateral contour of the last lumbar centrum, greatly increasing the apparent bulk of this. At ‘5 inch distance from its origin, it bends backwards nearly at a right angle to its first direction, and joins the dilated outer end of the second transverse process springing from the union of the second and first centra, and it includes with this a large subcircular loop. A third transverse process in like manner abuts on the junction of the third and second sacral centres, and from two of the loops with the second and fourth transverse processes, making in all three of those loops or nerve-foramina ; but the third and fourth centra are missing, the third having been broken off just behind its union with the second, Against the strong buttress formed by the confluent dilated ends of the transverse processes on the right side lies a fragment of the right ileum (J/.). Below this chain of vertebre lies a second chain of seven smaller vertebre with part of a sacrum including four centra. It appeared so unlikely that this should be part of the spinal column 22 J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII. of a second individual, and so probable that it might be the posterior moiety of the near-lying larger sacrum with part of the tail, that at first I rather hastily imagined it to be such; but unwilling to leave it doubtful, I laid bare the articular and transverse processes of the two vertebre next the sacrum, which proved them to be lumbar. After this I could not resist the conviction that I had investigated in the same block of stone the remains of two distinct individuals; the smaller sacrum repeats all the essential features of the larger one. The third centrum (3 s.), missing in that, is here well preserved, as is also the second ; but the first and the last lumbar centra are badly mutilated. The third lumbar centrum is better preserved than any other; its lateral surface is less convex and more plane vertically than the corresponding part of the first lumbar centrum of the larger individual. From beneath the right side. of the sacrum, partly hidden by a fragment of a pelvic bone, the proximal half of the right femur projects (F¢.). Its inner trochanter is well preserved, wanting only the thin triangular lower angle. At its inner side is a very distinct shallow pit. Near the skull and beneath the larger chain of ver- tebree, I found several very thin bony plates having one surface granular, the other smooth and furrowed by a vascular net. Their shape was irregularly polygonal; and their size varied much, some attaining an area of about 1 square inch. I regard them as thin scutes (fig. 1, sc.). Prof. Owen has taken exception (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xxix. p- 531) to the generic distinctness of Hypsilophodon, and maintained its identity with the genus Jguanodon, basing his argument mainly ‘on the similarity of their compressed, ridged teeth, on the peculiar mode in which these wear down, and on the spout-like form of the edentulous anterior extremity of the mandible in both. Fully re- cognizing these points of structural agreement as evidence of a very close affinity, it appears to me that there remain so many and so great differences as to fully justify the adoption of the separate genus Hypsilophodon. As I stated fully in my first note what appeared to me the chief structural differences, it is unnecessary to recapitulate them here; they were chiefly those presented by the limbs, and had respect to their form and proportions, and to the number of toes. In his paper of November 10, 1869, Prof. Huxley noticed certain vertebral differences ; but; his comparison did not extend to the sacra, this segment of the spinal column being hidden in the Mantell- Bowerbank fossil, the subject of the paper. I have therefore taken the opportunity which my recent acquisitions afford, to compare my Hypsilophodon sacra with the type specimen of the [guanodon- Mantelli sacrum figured in the ‘ Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden Formation’*. The result is that I find the form of the vertebral centrum quite different, being cylindroid, rounded below in Hypsi- lophodon, laterally compressed, so much as to be angulated or almost keeled below, in Jguanodon ; this difference seems to me of higher than specific value. * Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden Formation, order ‘“‘ Dinosauria,’” p. 11. GH.Ford & C.L..Griesbach. HYPSILOPEM Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.Vol. AAA. FILL Mintern Bros. mp ION. FOXIL. at ; a eal . ad f 4 < i Quart. Journ.Geol. Soc Vol. XXX. PLII - GHFord & C.L.Griesbach. Mintern Bros. imp . HYPSILOPHODON FONII. 159 eee i e . ae J. W. HULKE ON THE ANATOMY OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII. 23 EXPLANATION OF PLATE ITI. Remains of Hypsilophodon Foxit. Fig. 1. Skull: Pa. parietal bone; Pa’. its supraoccipital spinous process ; Fr. frontal bone; Po. postorbital process; Pro. preorbital process ; Sp. suspensorial process; S. bony plates of sclerotic coat of eyeball lying beneath orbital arch; Mz. right maxilla; Ma’. left maxilla; Prinz. premaxille ; V. yomer ; Pi. right palatal bone ; Pl’. left palatal bone; 7. right pterygoid ; Pz’. left pterygoid; Sc. scutes. 2. L. last lumbar vertebra; 1s, 2s, 3s, first, second, third sacral vertebra ; Prz, prezygapophysis ; Psz. postazygapophysis; J/. ileum; Fe, femur. Discussion. Mr. Bory Dawxrrs thought there was as much distinction between Hypsilophodon and Iquanodon as between Hipparion and Hquus, and that this was quite sufficient to be regarded as generic rather than specific. He was not satisfied as to the additional bone in the foot in Mr. Beccles’s specimen, but thought it might belong to some other part of the animal. He considered that all the teeth of Jgwanodon were always ground flat by wear. Mr. Szrtzy considered that the author was likely to substantiate his opinions. He pointed out certain differences in the structure and form of the maxillary and other bones of the skull in Hypsilophodon and [guanodon, and especially in the maxillary. He attached great importance to the thickening of the enamel at the base of the teeth of Hypsilophodon, which approximated to that which was found in some mammals. The teeth commonly reputed to be those of Jgua- nodon might, he thought, belong to different species, if not genera, and showed some divergence in character. The observations on the palatal bones of Hypsilophodon were, he thought, calculated to throw great light on the anatomy of Dinosaurs, 24 J. W. HULKE ON THE ASTRAGALUS OF IGUANODON. 5. Note on an Astracatus of Ievanopon Mantetu. By J. W. Hoxxg, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.8. (Read November 5, 1873.) I am indebted to the courtesy of one of our Fellows, E.P. Wilkins, Esq., of Newport, Isle of Wight, for the opportunity of exhibiting this re- markable astragalus of Mantell’s Jguanodon, a bonenot contained in the rich series of remains of this Dinosaur preserved in the British Museum, and, so far as I can ascertain, hitherto unknown. Mr. Wilkins ac- quired it several years ago with other reptilian fossils obtained from the cliffs in Brixton Bay; and last September, when I paid a hasty visit to his collection, he showed it to me as a bone which had much puzzled him, and which he had been unable to determine. On learn- ing its extreme interest, he anticipated my wish for a sketch of it by suggesting that I might take it with me to London and bring it under the notice of the Geological Society. It has a depressed oblong figure, measuring in its long axis between the extreme limits 94 inches, and in its short axis 53 inches. The under surface has the regular pulley-shape characteristic of a movable hinge-joint (fig.1). A well-marked median constriction separates the lateral portions, the inner of which is rather more swollen.than the outer. The upper surface (fig. 2) has an irregular unsymmetrical shape, adapted to that of the distal end of the tibia of Mantell’s Iguanodon. ‘The applied surfaces of astragalus and tibia must have so interlocked as to have prevented all motion between them. A . strong ridge passing between the anterior and posterior margins divides the upper surface into a larger antero-internal and a lesser postero- external moiety. The former of these is a wide trough strongly con- cave from back to front. The outer moiety slants steeply down from the dividing ridge, and it descends much lower than the general level of the inner half of the same surface, than which it is also much narrower. The inner half looks upwards, backwards, and inwards ; and the outer half looks upwards, forwards, and outwards. The downward slope of the outer moiety of this surface renders the outer border of the bone very thin; it is indented at its middle by a notch ; and in its pre- sent condition it does not show any mark of an articulation with an os calcis. The inner border of the bone is so stout that it might be properly termed a surface; it has a vertical depth of about 23 inches. The posterior border, less stout, rises quickly from its outer end, where it includes a right angle with the outer border to the ridge which divides the upper surface; and from here it curves gently downwards, rising again at its inner end (fig. 3). The anterior border, thinner than the posterior, rises from both ends in the form of a blunt lip, which belongs more to the inner than to the outer moiety of the bone (fig. 4), and was received into the entering angle and groove present in the anterior surface of the distal end of the tibia. The base of this lip in the present specimen has been fractured and pressed backwards so as to make the outer edge of the lip now appear J. W. HULKE ON THE ASTRAGALUS OF IGUANODON. yper View. Fig. 2.—Up oe Fig. 1.—Under view of Astragalus of Iguanodon. aS = [e) Sy &, 3 S ad SS aa e . S S *~ o = r a 3 | a = faa) (eo) ah Sy on e. i ?, Inner 3 26 J. W. HULKE ON THE ASTRAGALUS OF IGUANODON. continuous with the end of the ridge that divides the upper surface ; but when undistorted, the ridge ended, not at the outer edge, but on the posterior surface of the lip. This lip clearly represents the ascending process of the avian astragalus. To those who were present in June 1870, when Professor Huxley made his valuable communication “‘On the Affinities between the Dinosaurian Reptiles and Birds,” any comments upon the bone will be superfluous; but for others who are not acquainted with that paper, I may state that, besides its value as a distinct addition to the anatomy of Zguanodon, it has an additional interest as constitu- ting another link in the chain which joins these two classes. In all extant reptiles, and, excepting the Dinosauria, in all fossil ones which have a foot capable of being flexed and extended on the leg, this hinge-movement occurs between the leg-bones and the astragalus; but in the Dinosauria the tibia and the astragalus were tightly inter- locked, and the movable ankle-joint was between the astragalus and the next distal segment of the tarsus, which is its position in birds. In most of these, however, the separateness of the astragalus and the tibia disappears at an early age; only in the Ratite does it continue to maturity. In the New-Zealand Dinornithide and their living successors, the Apterygide, I have seen it present in fully grown skeletons. In the Dinosauria the distinctness of these bones, transient in birds, persisted throughout the whole life of the indi- vidual. READE—DRIFT-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 27 6. The Drirt-Beps of the Nortu-West or Enerann.— Part I. SHEL of the LancasHIRE and CHESHIRE Low-LevEL BovLpER-cLay and Sanps. By T. Metziarp Reape, Esq., C.E., F.G.S. (Read November 19, 1873.) ConrTENTS. 1. Introduction and Explanatory Section. 2. Description of Localities. 3. Mode of Occurrence and Condition of the Shells, constitution of the Beds, and general inferences therefrom. 4, Analysis of the list of Shells and comparison with the present Molluscous Fauna of the British seas. 5. Position of the Low-level Boulder-clays and sands in the Glacial series. 1. Lyrropuctrion. BeroreE treating of the stratigraphical distribution of the Low-level Boulder-clay and sands of Lancashire and Cheshire in which the shell-fragments occur, I have thought it better to discuss first, by the light of the fragments themselves, the geographical distribution of the species represented, their mode of occurrence and condition, and the nature of the matrix in which they are found—some of the problems involved in an accurate interpretation of the glacial-marine phenomena of the drift of the north-west of England. To enable you to understand the character of the drift from which the shells were taken, I exhibit-a section of the Bootle Lane Station cutting (fig. 1), in which most of the beds seen about Liverpool are typically represented. The majority of the shells have been derived from clay answering more nearly to No. 7 than to the others. No distinction, however, can be made on paleontological grounds between any of the various beds, which I have reason to think are only local developments of one system. The beds are as follows, in ascending order :— 1. Pebble-beds of the Trias (Bunter). 2. Shattered rock. 3. Red Sand, with tightly compacted rubble and débris of the Trias. (Ground-moraine equivalent of the Scotch till.) 4. Lowest bed of Boulder-clay (unstratified); largely composed of the red sand, containing rounded and subangular pebbles and boulders, mostly striated, of mountain-limestone, granite, syenite, Silurian grits, traps, and decomposed greenstone, &c. Also shell-fragments, as shown on the list and marked (Lower Clay), apparently quietly deposited on the red sand. A few boulders rest on the red sand. 5. Stratified sand and shell-fragments. This bed splits in two and is separated by the Lower Clay under the bridge to the 8.W., the Lower Clay here resting upon yellow sand (rock débris). At the N.E. end, at a, it is divided by a bed or tongue of the Lower Clay. At g is a small bed of shingle, situated at the thinning out of the Lower Clay. (Surface-level about 120 above O. D.) AUK \ te ‘ \ - AS Fig. 1. Section at Bootle-Lane Station. \ \ \\ 8.W. T. MELLARD READE ON THE QS AN \ TUTTI TATTLE SL YS \ Ss \ Wy \\ YY ~ \\ Horizontal and Vertical Scale of Feet. 6. Bed of fine unctuous clay or marl, laminated for a few inches where itrests on sand below. Above thisitis homogeneous, unlaminated, containing a small proportion of sand, and having boulders, similar to bed 4, sparsely distributed through it; contains shell-frag- ments. It is of a bright red brown, shining when cut with a spade. A similar clay was got out of the Huskisson Branch Dock. When washed it is shown to contain small rounded gravel. 7. The ordinary brick-clay from which most of my shells have been taken, contains more stones than No. 6, and more subangular and striated stones than No. 4. It is in constitution intermediate be- tween 4 and 6. No. 6 impercep- tibly shades into No. 7. 8. Sand-bed. At c¢ containing bands of stratified clay ; it is here of a red and orange colour. d is an intercalated bed of clay and gravel. ¢ is stratified sand with thin beds of sandy blue clay. 9. Stratified yellow sand. In the upper part this contains thin beds of peat, and belongs to the ‘‘ Washed Drift sand” of my “ Postglacial Geology of Lancashire and Cheshire.’ It in fact becomes subaerial ; it 1s capped by surface- soil*. * Specimens of beds 4, 5, 6, and 7, were kindly examined microscopically for me by Mr. David Robertson, F.G:S., of Glasgow. He sends me the following list of Foraminifera, and says, ‘“‘ It does not appear that the various beds need be kept separate, seeing that there is no- thing in particular in the one bed that is not in the other..... Cytheridea papil- losa, Bosquet, is the only ostracod that need be noticed, which is moderately common. There are one or two other imperfect forms not yet made out, but whose absence can be of little conse- quence. Cytheridea papillosa is not DRIFT-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 29 2. LocaLITIES IN WHICH THE SHELLS WERE FOUND. Toxteth Park.—The whole of these specimens were taken from the brickfields, and were distributed through the clay. There are thirty species. Elevation about 120 feet above ordnance datum. Kirkdale Upper Brickfields—Most of these specimens were taken from the clay in the brickfields near to the Kirkdale Industrial Schools, just above Bootle-Lane Station. Level about 125 feet above O. D. (16 species). Kirkdale Lower Brickficlds—Yhese occurred in the brickfields between the latter place and Sandhills Station. The shells are very sparsely distributed through the clay (9 species). Bootle-Lane Station.—These shells, though belonging to the same locality as the last two, were taken from the railway-cutting, where the distinction of beds could be observed. The upper beds correspond with the beds of the Kirkdale brickfields. The shells of the lower bed were collected for me mostly by one of the men working at the excavations. Surface about 120 feet above O. D. 14 species in Lower clay, 8 in Upper clay. Bootle Northern Outlet Sewer.—Surface-levels are between the 25 and 50 feet contours. The shells were all picked by me from the clay thrown out of the excavations. It was pretty rich in shells. To all appearance the bed was like the preceding brick-clays. A nest of decomposed greenstone boulders occurred at one spot. No. of species, 26. Garston.—These were picked promiscuously out of the railway- cutting and dock excavations. Those from the dock were below high- water mark (9 species). River Dee.—Yaken from the face of sea-cliff between Dawpool and West Kirby, 9 species. Mr. Mackintosh has given a list of fifteen species from the lower Boulder-clay, thirteen of which I have marked A in this column; the other two species are Scrobicularia alba and % uncommon in our Scottish glacial clays, raised beaches, and in the present surrounding seas. In sample of bed No. 4 there were one Echinus-plate and some small pieces of Polyzoa, Salicornaria. FoRAMINIFERA. 1. Biloculina ringens, Lamk. 9. Bulimina pupoides, D’ Ord. 2. Quinqueloculina seminulum, Zinn. 10. Discorbina rosacea, D’ Orb. 3. Ferussacii, D’ Orb. 11. Truncatulina lobatula, Walker. 4, Lagena sulcata, W. & J. 12. Rotalia Beccarii, Linn. 5. globosa, Mont. 13. Polystomella crispa, Linn. 6. marginata, Mont. 14, striato-punctata, I. § M. Ue squamosa, Mont. 15. Nonionina asterizans, IF’. ¢ M. 8. Polymorphina compressa, D’ Ord. 16. depressula, W. & J. This last species is the prevailing form; Lagena sulcata, Polystomella striato- punctata, and Nonionina depressula are moderately common ; the others are represented by ones and twos; none exceeds three.” 30 T, MELLARD READE ON THE Lacuna divaricata (Q. Journal of the Geological Society, vol. xxviii. . 39). . ian of Edge-Hill Station.—A portion of these were obtained by me out of the brickfields; the remainder from the railway-cutting just above. Level about 175 feet above ordnance datum. The clay is similar in constitution to that of all the preceding brick- fields. Number of species in railway-cutting, 37; brickfields, 14 species. ; Warrington.—These shells were found by Mr. Pears, and are now in the Warrington Museum. ‘They are described by Mr. Paterson as occurring in a sand-seam on the Liverpool Extension Railway between Bewsey and Sankey. Ihave myself examined the section, which consists of stratified beds of sand,-included in the Boulder- clay. Jam indebted to Mr. Darbishire for the correction of the list, the one published by Mr. Paterson being incorrect; he informs me that the condition of the shells bears a striking resemblance to those of the Blackpool Middle sands. Surface-level about 50 feet above O. D. Birkenhead tramway-road, 13 species. Gas-works, Linacre.—About 50 feet aboveO. D. These were ob- tained by Mr. Isaac Roberts, F.G.S., during the excavations for the gas-holders ; all of them appear to have been taken from the clay (see Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1870-1, pp. 68, 69). The individuals were more perfect than most of those found by me. : Various other Localities about Liverpool._—These were found by Mr. G. H. Morton, F.G.S., and others, and are given by him in the Pro- ceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1871-72, pp. 92 & 93. The last column represents shells of the list, which are to be found tiow on the Southport or Formby shores. I am indebted to Mr. Chas. Brown, of Southport, who thoroughly worked out the conchology of the district, for these particulars. Those marked a were found by him alive. Note.—For purposes of comparison, I have given Mr. Darbishire’s list of Moel Tryfaen, Macclesfield, and Blackpool shells; but in addition to these there are the following species and varieties, repre- sentatives of which have not been found by me, viz. :— Pholas candida. Fissurella reticulata. Mya arenaria. Trochus cinerarius. Corbula nucleus. Littorina rudis. Tellina proxima. littoralis. Mactra elliptica. Lacuna vincta. Venus casina. Natica clausa. Artemis lincta. monilifera. Astarte crebricostata. Trichotropis borealis. Cardium aculeatum. Fusus gracilis. norvegicum. Trophon barvicensis. fasciatum. scalariformis. Mytilus edulis. — Gunneri. Nucula. Mangelia nebula. Arca lactea. pyramidalis. Patella vulgata. Cyprza europea. Dentalium abyssorum. | | [To face page 30. AY ABOUT LIVERPOO] ‘ales, as well as species found), Extracted SAAC from Hig : Morron’s No. i List. TH, RanGE, &c. irae NT aa (Among stones and Huci, and p-water mark of neap tides, 39, | * O a (S. Wood); C. and R. Crag | : pms; muddy and weedy locali- {. Chief habitat, the shallower | great numbers in from 7-10 33. | % | crereerecees vr (00 fathoms; affects gravelly i 34, Jeers ? seeree Ind 650 fathoms; muddy sand, } he coast of Northumberland. | ind of wide distribution. 35, beeen O r lentiful in the Irish Sea; be- | ‘ north. 36, | * O f jlow tide-marks ; most variable | 37. | * O 7 al, sand (verge of littoral and } an zones). E 98, frreeeee (S) vr fathoms; gravelly and stony | j hark to 145 fathoms (Beechey). 39, | * O Ff \ter to 100 fathoms. Extended g glacial epoch. 4Q, prrsesttr | cereeees wees ¢ Pliocene (extinct in Mediter- 8, living on various kinds of shell-banks. 41. %* Ganoccacces ||] ‘dosacK lathoms. 49. | ¥ senveceecees fo bst generally diffused glacial | (Stony ground in the lami- | eep-water zones, Jeffreys.) AQ, Jercseors |e yacsevsvsces i Essentially northern. ‘Ten- } )-150 fathoms, Jeffreys), | 44, | * | etcoeonsc: ur ind coralline zones. reely range south of the Bri t most prolific in Celtic and nd mostly increasing In num nland and Boreal America. cea aat ad gat ai nie i ee ANE Or * mie oes i: : LIST OF SHELLS FROM THE BOULDER-CLAY ABOUT LIVERPOor, [To face page 30. Comparative columns are given, showing the occurrence of the same species in other localities in the N.W. of England and Wales, as well as species found by others in the Low-level Boulder-clays of Lancashire and Cheshire. Low-loyel Lancashire Boulder-olay, Mr. Darnisuine’s List. p Recent. Now] Isaao | Extracted Low-leyel | found on Parensox’s Rama from igh: Southport Found by Mr. D, Metranp Reape. eaten Rosunte' inarea High: Toyel Sands and Bonldos-lay| “hore No. Srecizs. ae Driihieall re ices Hanrrar, Derm, Rasox, ko, | ; Brows, : Bootle-Lane | Bootle Riyer Dee. | N.D. of Edgehill Various oth — Toxtoth | *irkdale Station. Northern! Garston, | ararzea, Station, Birken-| Warsington.| Zinaero | localities | Mfoot | Bacclessield. Parks eee fae aw | wet found by Me) Tatteay.| Leds Blon«) Gasworks. | about | Tryfen. Blackpool. 2 ia) padita| Jaret | Upper | Sewer. Mackintosh. | Brickiteld| Gutgrey Liverpool. Older. | Newer. Pholas crispata, Linné... ot | [ean Eee eter | Uemreee nl Meere cat | r-raaas Sacer |) |! eats avec rere | nor | eee wa 2 |C. Omg. Burress Various kinds of rock, clay, gyp- : b sum, and peat (Jeffreys). f 2. | Saxicava rugosa, Linné .. teres | seteee sree r he r tenses | seeese * 2 |C. ond R. Coe. Burrows in limestono, chalk, and sandstones. Most. generally distributed glacial’ shill (Forbes), Vertical range great, near low water to 145 fathoms. 3. |—norvo ca, Spengh. wees) cece | seers Peon ates cook || core atenee Gopstrox ||| seaceee ur sense seesaceeneee. coon tp gosthotiiu | 4 \C.and R. Crag. 30 fathoms at Durham, and 82 fathoms at Shetland (Jeffreys). Abundant in the glacial clays of tho Clyde, with valves togother as if in sifu. Only onol men has been found on the Norwogian : A few specimens havo been obtained astof Northumberland and Durham. Fossil ; in Mediterranean. 4. | Mya troncata, Linné ... f f seen i sen f f f f f a o Decerccccerren eretrreeere f i r r +a | 1 Cand R, Crag. Mediterrancan in glacial epoch. Sand | and mud and Bravels aes and deep-sea down to oor 145 fathoms. Clyde beds in sifu. Big | Essmimobin Xerxoenete;|Chemr 55/7. be cree eee ees r “ ve 2 S o Be |) cnn . 2 lo Gee Raro in glacial bats (Porte). Sand) and ; mud, 3-90 fathoms. 6: | Donax vittatus, Da Costa Ca errr eccccr eceer eer ef cee | cee . or Or | sess ur vr “2 2 |Sandy shores. Littoral, near low water to 25 fathoms. Few of our bivalves moro uniyersally dilfused on ‘ Sa British shores. 7. | Tellina balthica, Linné a a a a a a a aa a a * o x (o) r c f c wa 2 |First appeared in the glacial epoch. Sandy bays and inlets.“ Unerringly marks the shallow water under REF which Pleistocene formations accumulated" (Forbes), 8. | Mactra solida, Zinné ... r 50000 r r cd r A r i . EVs | tess ores ts r r r r . 1 /C.and R. Crag. Usually littoral. Sand and gravelly sand, near low-water mark to 15 fathoms; 39 fathouis 9. | Lutraria elliptica, Lamarck ...... iy e a f fi) cua ¥ i cra| gece é 2 Oozy sand and mud. Low water of 15 fathoms; 12 fathoms in Anglesea. pee i Abundant round the British coast. 10, | Scrobicularia piperata, Gmelin...) of |... pan fetes ae | siti ra Ue eee ss ano. |) ei Wai 2 \R. Crag. Littoral. Estuarine mud whore fresh water | | casionally flows over them, Beds of mud and cls a s at low-water mark, and as deep us 4 fathoms (Jeffr 11, | Venus chione, Linn€ scene) i. | cesta |) ease on || Perce r 9 r ef oo | f 5 |. Crag. 12-20 fathoms in eiscrat Bay. “R turned southwards during prevalence of glacial con- — - ditions” (?) (Forbes), 12. | Tapes virgineus, Zinné ... oa eerste |Werteesre ut yetess ts |) cea) “i]|ftesae aren || eesonee: ||! ccs |} craig HMeesessstesash ll werracencess DW cet. || exuce 2 |C.and R. Crag. Littoral, to 145 fathoms. Tt appears to bo more of a southern than-a northern species en (Jeffreys). 13, | Venus gallina, Linné .... r ae | Wena r r r ur r ur r ea 2 |Sandy ons near low water to greatest depths ( | | thoms, Jeffreys). Appears to have commenced its hen | | existence during “Newer Pliocene.” 14. | —exol eta, Zanné. r Wom | isenerwid [eres | Roce el || Secece wl Medes? ll iaecttewse tA) dectee- || artes | | . - ur . 2 \0. Crag. Low water to 80 fathoms, Sandy bays. 15, | —lineta, Pult. . vr | r \C.ond R. Omg. Sand, sometimes mixed with mud; et . ™ | i low-water mark to 00 fathoms. 16. | Cyprina islandica, Linné. c c Chom |) Eee ener c c © ce . o * 2} e ° f . 1 |Crag. 5-80 fathoms (low water to 100fathoms, Jeffrey). Extended to the Mediterranean during glacial epoch, Very variable in form, being of wide range. 17. | Astarte sulcata, Da Costa ... ans |) orien |) aaete I} eects II) succes Chea rests AVON |fircsnset | ieee unin cron vr sor eee 1 /Rare in Crag. Sand end mud, 7-85 fathoms (145 fa- La thoms off Mull of Galloway). 18, | —clliptica, Brown .... cae | one [ieee int, # # rs r ? les r oon i cr ae 3 |Crag (only on authority of Woodward's Norwich-Crag list) 5-10 fathoms, mud (10-40 fathoms, on muddy bottom, Forbes), 19. | —— compressa, Montagu ... epson Ween Ce ners ca | aveecee | Patera r . ? c sien cctent Gre || cate fs | 3 \C. and R. Crag. 7-40 fathoms; 70 fathoms, Zetland Seas: muddy bottom. Found in fathoms, cold area north of the Hebrides (Jeffreys). Sand, often mixed with mud. 20. | — borealis, Chemn. e ° c c © ° c 4 e . (oy 9) eter cos c e ur 4 |Crag. Fresh single valve taken in 80 fathoms. The [This T consider to be typ) most southern known limit of its habitation is Kiel cal foal et the Bonlder-ley, Bay, in the Baltic (Jeffreys). calities.] 21. | Cardium echinatum, Linné......... c ° ‘ c © cy WM cde oA c e . * r iP r r . 2 |R. Crag, 7-80 fathoms. Mud and sand, and muddy i gravel. 22. | — tuberculatum, Liané ..., site Press ur cee eernns seuu. | S$ [Sandy bays. Low water spring tides to 12 fathoms. 23. | edule, Linné .. a a a c r ea | 2 |R. Crag. Littoral, low-water mark to a few fathoms. | Sand. Replaced in Greenland and Boreal America | by Cardium idandicum. 24. | Mytilus modiolus, Zinné.... Fie |\pece.. f pat | lca, a oe MP eer r f if . ve r r ano oiainceox *a 1 Crag. Low water to 60 fathoms. Small at great depths. Frequents gravelly and muddy localities, a most frequent from 7-30 fathoms. 25, | Leda pernuls, Miter Co) eee | ieee Wierescial ieee ur 4 vr hell cana ll nn co r 4 |Not in Crag. Mr. Jellreys dredged a young live spe men in 80 fathoms, off the Shetland Isles. Arctic A and Scandinavian seas, from 10-100 fathon 26, | Pectunculus glycymeris, Zinné...) or | 2 | uu. | een Sea | erase Af r ur ur eccrc ana | 2 |Dies out in upper beds of Crag. 15-60 fathoms (7-00 | fathoms, sandy and shelly gravel and Nullipore, Jé/- freys). 27, | Pecten opercularis, Zinné ....., muh ste | yaes ieee waters r At o * r vr r fer OG |e (x ed R. Crag. 5-100 fathoms. Common to nll sandy coasts, 28. | Ostrea edulis, Linné.. c Pea | a sscciall zee. | Paton 37° ||| Serene] Meepenerra eRe r on *% {o) ur ur crn r ea 2 |¢. Gan lower beds of Red Crag. 12-26 fathoms (low _ i Fy water to 45 fathoms, Jeffreys). 29, | Dentalinm entalis, Zinné . Gl eerccoe tl Iicceertoell eons A litesice Gl cofecne ||) Spoor on TIN) |Visesrey o tenes ® 2 )R. Crag. Sand, or sandy mud, 3-100 fathoms. 145 4 a futhoms off tho Mull of Galloway (Jeffreys). 80. | — tarentinum, Lamarck nies or 5 |©.and R. Crag. Low wator to 25 fathoms. 81. | Littorins litores, Zinné .. r r 1 |Numerous varieties in R.Crag. Linble to great changes ~ ————}- ~ ‘inch peranch coloursy(Amongestones und uch and on rocks below high-water mark of neap tides, effreys.) | Durri inné. 2 |Vory raro in the Crag (8. Wood); ©. and R. Be ecrecou ere CONTE cette) a G a a a a a aA a @ 0 o % ° ° é £ a “CRortes). 4-100 fathoms; muddy and weedy local ties in great abundance. Chief babitat, the shallower sea-beds, occurring in great numbers in from 7-10 fathoms. 33. | Aporrhais pes-pelecani, Linné ... r r te SE [Wee nal pees ae “ r ee * i ur ur vr or . 2 (eS eR Me Crag. 4-100 fathoms; affects gravelly 4 ; onion 3 |North of Hebrides, 189 and 650 fathoms; muddy sand, SA. | Notica gramlandios, Beck ss...) coor Ee |) ctrocaa. |) asrempee | | eeeeaee sore. ||| Ce || cee ? gee || one || 29 40-60 fathoms, off the coast of Northumberland, Exeentilly northern, and of wide aisteibution F : . 2 [5-20 fathonis. Most plentiful in the Irish Sea; be- 985, | Murex crinacous, Zinnb .....sccc00.| cesses | sseeee oat rere lieccen. || -ahes Peel lWesissvel |i anit illsrevssee a ° fr f ig f ‘aoe mearcac ae Teo RET 4 ° . 1 |R.Crag. Rarely lives below tide-marks; most variable 96. | Purpura lapillus, Linné .. PN CA ered eee AaB ll a7 SBN ROR sl yaoee | nk Pace Oo * ° ee eta he oe “i of Una TTestcea, fi ‘ vccmmene | 2 (O.and R, Crag. Littoral, sand (verge of littoral and 87. | Nassa reticulata, Linné ............ conor || [Ieee coh r coum r snd 4 crboss r eons Oo x (e) ia Cha Z i jo. tbper part of laminarian zones), is oe P . = . 2 |0. and R. Crag. 0-50 fathoms; gravelly and stony 38, | — incrassata, Strom .. obi: oxpip:|||erans cme, é ° ur 7 | is Sound Law-water mark to 140 fathorns Bechey) - ¥. “a 1 |C. and R. Crag. jw water to 100 fathoms. Exteni 99. | Buceinum undatum, Linné........) f FE | ever | es i f f i . o ¥ fe) 8 : f ta Mediterranean Glring glacial poe. . A sa 1 JR. Crag. Sicilian Nower Pliocene (extinct in Mediter- 40. | Pusus antiquus, Linné..... r ee os aacuee con ry r r cerere o *nettaxe G “4 ranean). 5-30 fathoms, on various kinds of I ground, but preferring s| nks. Peery 3 |C.and R. Crags. 5-80 fathoms. ai rae eeraas eer Sonne on coro cop % sere setae 3 (Crag. One of the most generally diffused glacial . phon truncatus, Strom .. r r f ¥ shells; 5-60 fathoms. (Stony ground in the lami- marian, Cae ind doep-water zones rege) 2 1 rag. 3-100 fathoms, Fssentially northern. ‘en- Pleurotoma turriculs, Montagu.) se. | cee. Buin ||| oC | seeere| Ue eee Mee eeeeA Pa Se rer o Pernt f dency to vary great (10-160 fathoms, Jeffreys), Sand, in the latninarian and coralline zones. Shells marked 1 are species now living throughout the Celtic Tegion in common with the North seus, and scarcely range south of the British ep j 2 now living, ranging far south into the Lusitanian and Mediterranean regions, but most prolific in Celtic and North Seas. il = ch the Arctic Circ! & a ” still existing in the British seas, but confined to the northern portion of them, and mostly increasing in number of individuals as they approseh the Aretic Circle, 3 van = 4 a 4 mn now known living only in European seas north of Britain, or in the seas of Greenland and Boreal America, » » Soon fossil in the Crag, but now restricted to British and South-European seas, . DRIFT-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 31 3. Mops oF OccURRENCE AND ConDITION OF THE SHELLS, dc. The whole of the shells in the appended list, consisting in all of 44 species, occurred distributed through the drift. In nearly every case they were taken from the clay beds ; for though in the included sand-seams shells are occasionally met with, they are, as a rule, rare. Being small, fragmentary, and rolled, sparsely distributed through the clay, and not in any case found in zones or beds, it would be very difficult to make a collection from the faces of the clay in excava- tions; but when the clay is “ cast ” for brick-making, and has been subjected to heavy rain, the fragments are weathered out and are more readily found. The bulk of my specimens have been obtained in this way by my own hands, and are undoubtedly genuine. Beds or zones of sands containing shells more perfect in their state of preservation are, however, occasionally met with; more perfect specimens than mine of some of the species have also been found in the clay, such as those taken by Mr. Isaac Roberts, F.G.8., from the excavations for the Linacre Gas-works*. The Warrington shells, which are, according to Mr. Darbishire, in about the same condition as the Blackpool specimens, were (if the locality be correctly de- scribed by Mr. Paterson?) taken out of stratified beds of sand and gravel, which I have myself inspected in the excavations of theLiver- pool Extension Railway near Sankey Bridges. These stratified beds bear a closer relationship to the sands and gravels of the so-called middle drift at Blackpool than to the clays from which I have obtained most of my specimens. Strange and puzzling as is the condition of the fragments and their distribution through the clays, it is one of the main peculiarities which should point to a correct interpretation of the way in which these beds of drift were laid down. Professor Forbes, who has remarked on this in his admirable con- tribution to the literature of the Glacial periodt, which, even now, for comprehensiveness and grasp is unexcelled, and who is evidently much puzzled to account for the usual fragmentary character of the shells and their tolerably even distribution through the drift, has imagined it to be due to the ploughing up of icebergs or the great rush of ocean-currents§ ; but these suppositions, as I will presently show, cannot be more than a limited and partial explanation of a general and wide-spread phenomenon. It is worthy of notice that the shells most generally found whole are of a form most calculated to resist pressure, and, in some cases, of quite minute dimensions. T'wrritella terebra, found everywhere in the greatest abundance, is not unfrequently perfect. Trophon trun- catus and Pleurotoma turricula are also found perfect, while the large Fusus antiquus, and Buccinum undatum are generally represented * «Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society,’ 1870-71. p. 68. + Procceedings of the Warrington Literary and Philosophical Society. ¢ “Fauna and Flora of the British Isles,’ Memoirs of the Geological Survey, vol. i. p. 383. § Ibid. p. 384. 32 , MELLARD READE ON THE only by well-worn fragments of the columella. Oyprina islandica is invariably found in fragments, sometimes angular and sometimes worn, while the hinge, being more adapted to rolling, is usually much rounded and worn. It is quite exceptional to find a perfect valve of a bivalve, and it is confined, as far as my experience goes, to small and strong valves. I had the good fortune to find a perfect valve of Leda pernula at Edge Hill*. I have also a perfect valve of Tellina balthica, retaining part of the colouring, from the sewer in Thomas Lane, Broad Green. Some few other species occasionally occur more or less perfect ; but we may safely say that, as a rule, those only are preserved which, by the peculiarity of their form, or their minuteness combined with their form, are fitted to resist pressure or rolling about. Again, the association of the various species, distributed entirely without order through the clays, shows that they could not possibly have lived together on the same bottom, some being peculiar to sand, others to mud, some to rock, and others to shingle, some requiring deep water, and others shallow ; so that the conclusion is irresistibly forced upon us that they must have been to a large extent trans- ported. Had the confusion been due to the ploughing up of icebergs, as suggested by Forbes, the disturbance at each stage of subsidence would not have reached beyond a certain depth below the surface of the sea, and all below that depth would have been free. It isin fact impossible to construct a satisfactory explanation which does not allow for a successively varying depth of sea-bottom from zero up to 1400, and perhaps even 2000 feet. We have, as before shown, every reason to infer that some at least of the bottom beds of the drift, of which I purpose giving you sections and more fully explaining in my second paper, are those originally formed on the first subsidence of the land after the retreat of the ice-sheet to the mountain-districts of the north}. In several examples we see the bottom-clay reposing upon the sand ground-moraine derived from the Triassic rocks, with the line of division as sharply defined as could well be ; and resting upon the sand and in the clay are boulders and pebbles, evidently transported from the north, and having their surfaces scratched, indented, and polishedt. This bottom-clay is largely composed of the red sand upon which it rests, and out of which, together with mud from more distant localities, it has been formed. ‘This is the distinguishing difference between the inferior and the overlying clays, and varies from a strongly marked distinction, according to the proportions of the included sand, to a difference of appearance only minute. If, however, we examine the constitution of the clay itself, we find no real or appreciable distinction from that above it ; for in both the same distribution of shell-fragments occurs, and the included boulders are * Now in the possession of Mr. Darbishiire. + The existence of the ice-sheet and the proofs of the statement will be given before the subject is completed. (See also abstract of the author’s paper on Glacial Strie at Miller’s Bridge, ‘Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society,’ Session 1872-73.) { These are found 162 feet below the surface at Widnes, or 140 feet below the ordnance datum in the ancient bed of the Mersey. See ‘The Buried Valley of the Mersey,” by the author, in the same volume. DRIFI-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 33 of the same mineralogical type and most probably from the same pa- rent rocks, the larger proportion being scratched and polished. Now assuming, as we are justified in doing, that the lower beds of the Lancashire clays are older than the Macclesfield and Moel Tryfaen drifts*, it is quite evident that in some of the numerous sections I shall show you we ought to find representatives of the deposits which must have taken place at all depths between the two extremes men- tioned, both during subsidence and after elevation. That, however, which constitutes the great puzzle, and which led Forbes to infer the drifts to be all shallow-water deposits, is the occurrence of littoral shells, the absence of deep-sea corals, and the extremely similar, not to say identical, character which they all exhibit. It is true one part is more sandy or stony than another, one part contains gravel, and another consists almost wholly of a fine unctuous clay; but throughout are the broken and rolled shell-fragments and the scratched erratic pebbles and boulders. It is easy, however, to see that the subsidence and reelevation of the land to a vertical extent each way of 2000 feet must, by the deflection of tidal currents (each stage of vertical movement having its own proper system of stream-tides), alternately bring every por- tion of the sea-bottom under its erosive action. That these tides, assisted by winds and storms, must act on the coast-lines and sweep off the shells thrown up on the beach, again to distribute their fragments over the sea-bottom, is equally evident. That tidal action is effective at much greater depths than is generally admitted, I have satisfied myself, and, having carefully studied the question, shall, I hope, at a future time bring before you sufficient facts to prove it. It also presents a probable explanation of much of the curious bedding and stratification met with so generally in the Drift. From the condition of many of the boulders and pebbles so irregularly scratched, and from a consideration of the climatic con- ditions of the period, pointed to by many facts, I infer the prevalence of coast-ice—an additional cause for the distribution and extreme comminution of most of the shell-specimens. It must not be lost sight of, if my explanation of the phenomena be correct, that though the shells are in fragments, they are (unless they are derivative, of which there is no proof) as truly representative of the conditions prevailing at the time of their deposition as if they had been found on the spot where they died. 4, AnAtysis oF THE List, CoMPARISON WITH THE PRESENT MoztLuscovs Fauna oF THE BritisH sEAs, AND INFERENCES THEREFROM f. The most generally diffused shell in the Lancashire and Cheshire * It is necessary to assume this for our present purpose ; but the question will be discussed 7m extenso and proof given when I deal stratigraphically with the beds. t For the identification of most of the shells I am indebted to Mr. R. D. Dar- bishire, F.G.S., who has with great care gone over from time to time some pounds Od, Gas, Ne. 117, D 34 T, MELLARD READE ON THE Boulder-clays, as well as the one found most frequently perfect, is Turritella terebra. Tellina balthica comes next in the scale of fre- quency, but is seldom found perfect. Cardiwm edule, C. echinatum, and Cyprina islandica, always found in fragments, follow in the order given; but the typical fossil, the representative of the climatic conditions prevailing at the time the clays were laid down, is un- doubtedly in my opinion Astarte borealis. Though not the most fre- quent, itis a common fossil ;+and I have found it in all the localities mentioned in the list, as well as in other places unrecorded. It has also been found in the same series of clays at Blackpool, Warrington, Chester, and other places, by independent observers. Unlike Leda pernula, which, though occurring in the same clays, is rare, or Saai- cava norvegica, which is represented only by two fragments, Astarte borealis may safely be taken as indicative of the then condition of the British seas. According to Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys, “the most southern known limit of its habitation is Kiel Bay in the Baltic.” Astarte compressa, A. elliptica, and Trophon truncatus, also fossils of the clay, though still existing in the British seas, are confined to the northern portion of them, and increase in number of individuals as they approach the Arctic circle. A reference to the list will also show that twelve of the remaining species are northern and Celtic shells, scarcely ranging south of the British seas. Twenty-one range far south into the Lusitanian and Mediterranean regions, but are most prolific in the Celtic and northern seas ; while Venus chione (several well-marked hinge-fragments of which as well as other fragments I found at Edge- hill), Dentalium tarentinum, and Cardium tuberculatum (only single fragments of which occurred to me) are southern shells. Though all, with the exception of Astarte borealis, Leda pernula, - and Sawicava norvegica, may be described as Irish-Sea shells, yet, if we make a fair comparison, we shall find that the Boulder-clay assemblage possesses a more northern facies than the present fauna of the British seas. If I may so express it, the area of the Boulder- clay fauna and thatof the present British seas overlap; but their centres are considerably apart, that of the former being in a higher latitude. To assist in the illustration of this idea, I have given a column showing the species now found on the shore between Southport and Formby, the nearest locality for comparison ; and reference to it will show that the most characteristic northern forms are absent. There are in addition also many Celtic and southern forms found on the same beach which are absent in the Boulder-clay. The presence of Venus chionein the low-level Boulder-clays as well as in the Macclesfield drift where it was first discovered by Mr. Dar- bishire, is certainly a remarkable fact ; but it is not an isolated one ; for Cardium aculeatum and C. pygmeum, both Lusitanian forms, are found in the Scotch drift; and in the Irish drift southern forms also weight of fragments, and has assisted me in various ways. To Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys I owe the identification of some of the more doubtful species, and a revision of my list. DRIFT-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND, 39 occur*, If weturn our attention to the east coast of North America, we may find a possible explanation of this curious mixture; for at Cape Cod, in latitude 42°, and, I believe, also in higher latitudes, arctic and southern forms are now dredged up alive from the same bottom. D. Posrtion or THE LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE LOW-LEVEL BovuLDER- CLAYS AND SANDS IN THE GLACIAL SERIES. A comparison of my list with that of the shells from the Middle drift at Blackpool will hardly, I think, establish the hypothesis often broached, that the so-called Middle Drift represents interglacial con- ditions. No doubt fluctuations of temperature occurred during the laying down of the Boulder-clay series. Though I have found about Liverpool a greater number of northern forms than occur in the Blackpool sands (the latter being, I consider, but a local develop- ment of the Drift), it is impossible to draw with safety wide genera- lizations from the paleontological evidence. On the other hand the so-called Lower Boulder-clay of Mr. Mackintosh at Dawpoolt has not yielded him a more northern assemblage than the Brick or Upper Boulder-clay of Lancashire has yielded me§. It is partly on these grounds that I have ventured to group together all those beds which are typically represented in the Bootle-Lane Station, under the title of Low-level Boulder-clays and sands. Whether or not there are stratigraphical grounds for their subdivision will be discussed in my concluding paper. For purposes of comparison I have appended a list of the Moel- Tryfaen and Macclesfield shells||; but though, when compared with the Liverpool shells, the former shows a more and the latter a less northern facies, I do not think we can safely deduce therefrom the relative ages of the Drift in which they occur. Proximity to the mountains generating the glaciers may have been tke cause in the first case, local circumstances in the latter. It is only by a consideration of their structure, position, and stratigraphy, combined with the * Forbes notes the discovery by Captain James of T'wrritella incrassata, a Crag fossil, a southern form of Fusus, and a Mitra allied to the Spanish species in the Wexford gravels. t It must not be lost sight of that glacial conditions in a low latitude would produce extremes of heat and cold greater than would occur in a higher latitude having the same mean annual temperature, and consequently currents of variable temperature would result. Forbes says the distribution of Mollusca depends not on latitude but temperature. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxviii. p. 388. § See ‘‘ Notes on various Shells found in Stratified Drift near Macclesfield,” Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, Session 1864-65. || The Lower Clay of Bootle-Lane Station is an exact counterpart of the Lower Clay at Dawpool; but that, again, yielded me the same characteristic fossils, as will be seen on reference to the list. D2 36 T. MELLARD READE ON THE oscillations of level which occurred during their deposition, that the relation of the high-level sands and gravels to. the low-level Boulder-clays can be satisfactorily made out; and when this is done the palzontological evidence may very properly be taken into account. Considering, then, all the low-level beds as a group, what position do they hold in the Glacial series? Before answering this question it will be necessary to glance at the condition of the base-rock upon which they generally rest. It may be safely asserted that wherever the Boulder-clay is removed in Lancashire and the rock exposed, if it is fitted to retain striations and groovings, there they are sure to be found. Where the rock is unfitted to receive them, it is, so far as my observation extends, ground to powder, broken up into closely compacted rubble, or otherwise displaced or shattered. Every thing bears evidence of the passage of an ice-sheet over the country in a north-westerly direction ; and this, it is needless to say, represents in- tense glacial conditions. When, however, we come to the Marine Drift, if paleontological evidence is of any value, the climate must have been much ameliorated, being probably such as is found in the northern parts of Labrador. Thus, then, if my premises be correct, there must have been a great break or lapse of time between the cutting of the strize and the deposition of the Marine Drift. If so, during this period the rocky surface, together with the detritus upon it, must have been subject to subaerial conditions; for I can find no evidence of any marine clays (though I have examined the base and searched for them in many places) older than those forming the subject of this paper. If, on the other hand, we turn our attention to the east coast of England and Scotland, we find evidences of much more severe cold prevailing during the deposition of some of the beds of Marine Drift than any that are to be discovered in Lancashire. The Arctic shells found by the Rev. Thos. Brown at Elie in Fifeshire and Errol in Perth- shire were declared by Dr. Otto Torel to be identical with species now living in front of the great glacier of Spitzbergen*. The Bridlington beds, on the coast of Yorkshire, have also yielded a molluscous fauna of a more arctic character than either the Lancashire clays or the Clyde bedsf. Mr. Searles Wood, jun., whose elaborate investigations of the East-Anglian glacial phenomena are of so much value, also considers that he has discovered a complete series of beds commencing after the Cromer Forest-bed with a crag-like fauna, gradually developing into an arctic one, and thence shading down to the Celtic fauna of the present seas. If Mr. Wood’s reasoning is correct, and be coupled with the break I have shown existing between the period of the ice-sheet in Lancashire and the deposition of the marine clays, it seems diffi- cult to escape from the conclusion that the north-west lowlands were under subaerial conditions while the east of England was depressed below the sea-level. It would thus also follow that the low-level Boulder-clays and sands of Lancashire belong to the later glacial * Trans. of the Royal Society of Hdinb. vol. xxiv. p. 627. T Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1869, p. 97. DRIFT-BEDS OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 37 group; but for a full discussion of this point I must wait until I am enabled to lay further evidence before you*. Having now sketched, though imperfectly, some of the principal elements in the formation of correct conclusions as to the age and sequence of the Lancashire Drift, I shall be enabled next to approach the question of distribution and stratigraphy, which I have investi- gated over a large area of the N.W. of England, with greater freedom than I otherwise could have done. As yet, however, I have not dealt with the travelled and striated blocks, boulders, and pebbles, which will fall more naturally to the concluding division of my paper, in which the structure of the beds will be described and discussed. * The speculations on the physical geography and causes producing the climatic conditions prevailing at the time, I have omitted for further consideration and, if necessary, combination with facts to be brought forward in my concluding paper. [For Discussion, see page 41. | 38 R. D. DARBISHIRE ON A DEPOSIT OF 7. Note on a Deposit of Mrippre Puiristocenrs Graven in the Worpen-Hatt Pits, near Leyntanp, LAncasutre; and on a Cot- LECTION of SHELLS and FRaemeEnts of Suetis found there by Miss M. H. Frarineron. By R. D. Darsisuire, Esq., B.A., F.G.8. (Read November 19, 1873.) Axovr a mile from the Leyland station, on the east side of the Bolton and Preston railway, there is an extended flat-topped hill of small elevation, which has for many years past been the chief or only source of supply for a considerable district, of coarse and fine road- gravel. The pits from which the gravel is got have been worked from the eastward. The material is screened and sorted on the ground, the stones and gravel carried away, and the refuse left to fill up holes. At present the exposed section of the hill is seen in two large excavations as a face some 40 or 50 feet in height, of which the upper 10 feet consists, under the sward, of yellow brick-clay. The remainder of the face exhibits a thick bed, 30 to 40 feet thick, of marine gravel (shingle) and sands, very rarely showing any clayey admixture. The gravel consists of pebbles of a very large variety of rocks, ranging in size from that of a cylindrical mass 8” by 18” down to that of coarse and fine shingle and sand. ‘There are occasionally small layers, of slight extent and thickness, of fine sea-sand; and the whole mass rests on a bed of the same sort of sand, the depth of _ which has not yet been ascertained. The accumulation of stones from different rocks and from different strata is remarkable, and will, it is hoped, be worked out hereafter. A characteristic fossil of this bed is coral from the Mountain Lime- stone. This occurs not unfrequently—masses, of several species, lying amongst the gravel, and, having had the matrix dissolved away, exhibiting the polypidom singularly clean and perfect. A certain small proportion of the larger stones exhibit glacial striation ; arid, much more rarely, small much-worn flints occur, of a grey or brown colour when fractured. Throughout the gravel there occur very sparsely small fragments of marine shells ; but near the bottom of the bed these, with whole shells occasionally, occur more frequently, immediately above the underlying mass of fine sand. The elevation of this lower shell-bearing layer is about from 240 to 250 feet above the level of the sea. For many years past Miss M. H. Ffarington, of Worden Hall, has carefully collected shells and frag- ments as they occurred in these gravel-pits. The collection which she has made is remarkable for the range of species, for the abun- dance of specimens, and for its clear exhibition, upon the result of years of collection, of the comparative frequency of occurrence of species. MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE GRAVEL IN LANCASHIRE. 39 The annexed list enumerates all which have yet been identified. The names are given according to the British Conchology of Mr. Jeffreys. In addition to its extent, the list exhibits several points of interest, and, in certain characteristic respects, points of novelty in comparison with any hitherto published lists from deposits of similar age in Lancashire or England. These are noted in the sequel. Except where otherwise marked, all the species are represented by small much-worn fragments; but the occurrence of whole and of comparatively little-worn shells is much more frequent than in the gravel at Blackpool or the Liverpool clays. The assemblage of species as a whole most nearly represents that of the Wexford gravels, of which it may not be too wild to consider this deposit a Lancashire representation, if not extension. The present occurrence of the larger univalves (Aporrhais, Purpura, Murex, Nassa, and Buccinum undatum) comparatively little worn may perhaps indicate that this bed is one of deposit at a time when the shells found in it were living at no great distance, and probably on or near a sea-beach or at the bottom of some littoral current. In this respect the facies of the collection differs from that of similar representations from the Blackpool or Liverpool beds, and resembles rather those from Moel Tryfaen and Macclesfield. One might almost conjecture that the Blackpool and Liverpool fossils were actually those of some Leyland or Macclesfield shores, further worn and widely redistributed by the waves and currents of a retreating ocean. The list, although containing a few names of species of a northern character (Astarte and Fusus), contains also several of shells of markedly southern origin. Venus (Cytherea) chione, which has been identified at Macclesfield and in several of Mr. Reade’s Liverpool localities, may almost be called a characteristic fossil at Leyland. Cardium tuber- culatum (rusticum, F. & H.) occurs not unfrequently. One perfect and characteristic hinge of Mactra glauca (helvacea, F. & H.) was found. All these are essentially southern species. The only shell which is peculiarly arctic in character is Fusus (Trophon) craticulatus, Fabr., a species now living in Greenland, of which one fine and (for drift) fairly ° fresh-looking shell has been found. The same species was identified at Moel Tryfaen. With this last-named exception the series from Leyland must be described as very similar to that of the fauna of the present seas along the western shores of Britain. A curious feature of it is the occurrence in comparative frequency of Fusus antiquus, var. contrarius, a Wexford fossil and common in the Crag. Another is the similar occurrence of limestone pebbles burrowed by Saaicava rugosa, and in some cases still enclosing the two valves of the miner. In the following Table v. r. means that 1 to 3 specimens have occurred; r.3 to 10; f., frequent; ¢c., common; and a., abundant. 40 R. D. DARBISHIRE ON A DEPOSIT OF 4) 2 SOOO SS OU COINS) ie 10. Species. Pholas crispata.......--..2..0--- Saxicava rugoSa.........2--..see NOLVELICA......ee0e ee eee ene Solen siliqua ..........00eeeeeee- Mya truncata... ....0..-.eseeeee Lutraria elliptica ..........see0. Mactra glauca .........0+...8 D8 solida vtreeenaes Psammobia ferroensis ......... Tellina balthica ............... Tapes pullastra .........-+2..0... Venus Casina,........-..-0eceeeees chione ....... gallina, var. striatula ... Astarte arctica ..........2.2..+.. sulcata, var. elliptica ... SULEENEY | Sonnooconsdedoconcads Cyprina islandica............... —— tuberculatum ............ == GIMATEATIIN ~ Gousooosdoose Pectunculus glycymeris ...... Mytilus modiolus............... Pecten opercularis ............ Ostrea edulis .................. Dentalium entalis ............ Littorina litorea ............... Obtusatale eee Natica catena ..,,........20...- Aporrhais pes-pelecani......... Purpura lapillus ............... Buccinum undatum ............ Murex erinaceus ...... ese Trophon truncatus ............ craticulatus ............... Fusus antiquus.................. , var. contrarius ... Sa (HUEVOS a ashoadaapdantonodoc propinquus ..............- Nassa reticulata,................. CUO inicio eoeeeeeee Balanus porcatus ............ .. Cliona Bete w meee cee esses cere eens Occur- rence. v. Yr. | Very abundant, large and small. Remarks. (Panopea). One characteristic hinge. Valves and fragments very thick. (T. solidula). Some valves ex- tremely thickened. Doubtful fragments. Small fragments. (Cytherea). Many hinges and other characteristic fragments. One whole valve occurred. Many hinges and characteristic fragments. Characteristic fragments. Whole and fragments. an . The shells exhibiting a crag-like variation in form. A few comparatively unbroken shells occurred. Very fine and little-worn shells occurred. One fine shell. \ About equally frequent. Shells and fragments. Many whole shells, with much variation in form. Large. In shells and fragments. MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE GRAVEL IN LANCASHIRE. 41 Discussion. Mr. DarsisHireE was not prepared to accept the view of the shells in the Drift having existed on the spots where now found. He thought rather that the fragmentary remains might have been de- rived from the destruction of earlier beds deposited under somewhat different conditions. The occurrence at Wexford of nearly similar beds to those at Leyland pointed to a great destruction of an old sea-shore. Mr. Gwyn Jerrreys thought that all the shells found in these Lancashire beds were just such as might have been thrown up on the shore, though the matrix in which some of them are found is not sandy. The Zvrophon discovered was 7’. truncatus, and not T. clathratus. Neither was he quite satisfied that Miss Ffarington’s Fusus (or rather Trophon) was really 7’. craticulatus. The occurrence of Fusus antiquus, monstr. contrarius, did not surprise him, though that of Mactra glauca was very remarkable. He did not believe in the retiring or voluntary migration of Mollusca, though they might be transported by currents or driven away by want of food. He did not regard any of the shells as truly Arctic, and doubted whether any of them afforded clear evidence of climatal conditions. Mr. Prestwicn remarked on the progress which had been made in our knowledge of these shells since Sir P. Egerton had first called attention to the Drift in which they occur. The number of perfect specimens from Leyland was, he thought, very striking. He had some difficulty in following Mr. Reade into the large theoretical questions into which he had entered, but pointed out that the stria- tion of the surface of the country was significant of a period of intense cold, which any alteration in the arrangement and pro- portions of land and water could hardly account. But in the over- lying Boulder-clay the fragments of shells were all of species still existing in the neighbouring seas of the present day; and he did not think that at the time of its deposit the climate was of necessity intensely cold. Prof. Hucues did not think that the deposits were in any way immediately connected with the Boulder-clay, to which they were long subsequent. He rather correlated them with the Hessle and Kelsey beds of the east coast. The deposits might in many cases have been formed on the shore of a sea which was eroding a cliff of Boulder-clay ; and by this means there would be an admixture of the more recent shells with the redeposited boulders from the older clay. He submitted that the shells belonged to an age succeeding the true Glacial period. In the higher deposits there were still some traces of the more Arctic forms, while a more southern facies came over the fauna of the lower beds. Mr. Cuartesworte observed on the possibility of the transport of shells in the stomachs of fishes. As to the comminuted condition of Cyprina islandica, he remarked that in the Crag beds these shells are nearly always much cracked, even when delicate shells in the neighbourhood are perfect. 42 ON A MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE GRAVEL IN LANCASHIRE. Prof. Ramsay was glad that the old view as to the successive elevations and submergences during the Glacial period was not likely to be disturbed. As to the physical causes which conduced to the extreme cold, he did not undervalue the changes in physical geography; but if the astronomical causes, the existence of which seemed now to be fairly established, would have produced the effects, he did not see why they should be ignored even if the geographical causes might suffice. These latter seemed to be at best theoretical, whereas the former seemed mathematically necessary. He was not inclined to detach the shells from the clay, and thought that during the time of their deposit there were still glaciers on the higher parts of the land. He did not agree with Prof. Hughes in regard- ing the beds with striated pebbles in the Vale of Clwyd as post- glacial, and could not believe that in the case of the reconstruction of the beds the strize could be preserved and the pebbles not be- come smooth. Mr. Reap, in reply, stated that his observations were intended to apply merely to the conditions under which the beds containing the shells had been deposited, and not to the period of extreme cold, for which he was quite willing to admit the potency of astronomical causes. He agreed with Prof. Ramsay in regarding the clay as a real Boulder-clay, the pebbles in it being for the most part scratched. H. G. FORDHAM ON STRUCTURE DEVELOPED IN CHALK. 43 8. Norms on the Srrucrure sometimes developed in Cuatx. By H. Guorce Forpuam, Esq., F.G.S. (Read December 3, 1873.) A papER on this subject (the peculiar parallel striz found in Chalk), read before the Society last May, brought up a discussion in which such a great variety of opinion as to the origin of this structure was shown, that I thought the following few facts might perhaps be of interest. In a pit one mile east of Ashwell, on the borders of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, a small section of the ‘“‘Chalk without flints” of the Geological Survey, about 40 or 50 feet above its base, is exposed. The chalk here is hard, and may be divided into layers, which differ considerably in structure. There are at least three varieties :—(1) layers of hard chalk, divided into slabs about an inch thick; (2) beds much thicker and more massive than the last; and (3) a bed of a concretionary nature. These beds are from six inches to several feet in thickness. The concretions are marked nearly all over by the lines of this structure. I find that the lines are only found on the con- eretions (which are easily removed from the parent rock) and in their very immediate neighbourhood. The other beds are entirely free from any trace of the structure. . The chalk at this particular spot has not been very much faulted, and the layers can be traced without change for some little distance; it is hard; and the fossils in it, which at this place are compa- ratively numerous in the concretionary bed, are invariably crushed, as if by pressure: the structure seems to have no connexion with them. These facts seem to point to a relationship between the concre- tions and this structure. I believe the peculiar strie in this case are due to an incipient crystallization arising from the formation of the concretions. In support of the view that they are due to crys- tallization, I exhibit a specimen of iron pyrites from the Chalk of Beachy Head, attached to which is a small portion of chalk, very hard and striated. Now the chalk there is in very Jarge masses, as much as 6 feet each way, and does not appear to be in any way anomalous in structure. It would seem that in this specimen the crystallization of the pyrites had induced a crystallization in the chalk. I believe that in some places, however, an almost identical structure is due to slickensides, but only in very broken and faulted strata. Discussion. Mr. Sretery observed that the structure was familiar to all. If it were due to crystallization, whether incipient or otherwise, he 44 H. G. FORDHAM ON STRUCTURE DEVELOPED IN CHALK. wished to know to what combination with lime for a base the form of the crystals was due. He thought that a certain amount of phosphate of lime was present in the concretions, but was absent in similar specimens in the Upper Chalk; so that it appeared as if the same cause could not apply in both cases. The striee were not, he thought, due to slipping or to organic growth, but might arise from some alteration in the character of the chalk. Mr. Evans observed that the strie appeared to be due to two causes—crystallization, whether incipient or destroyed, and slicken- sides. He thought that in the Ashwell specimens much was owing to the hard nodules resisting pressure better than the surrounding chalk, which, in being condensed, passed over their surfaces and produced a kind of slickensides. The same appeared to have been the case with the nodule of pyrites. Mr. Forsrs remarked that an inspection of the specimens on the table convinced him that in several instances the structure was due to slickensides, but that in others traces of a very different structure were visible, which he imagined was due to crystallization, the car- bonate of lime having most probably assumed the form of Aragonite, which, owing to its instability, had lost its crystalline lustre and assumed a mealy or chalky appearance. Mr. Jupp thought that the difference between the conclusions of the two papers communicated to the Society upon this subject was mainly due to the difference between the Chalk of Yorkshire and that of the south of England. The abundance of this structure in Yorkshire had caused Mr. Mortimer to connect it with some organism concerned in the formation of the Chalk; while its rarity in the south had led Mr. Fordham to assign another and a chemical cause. He thought that it became apparent only in those parts of ‘the Chalk through which water most readily passed, and considered that in some cases the crystallization had been that of Aragonite, in others that of Calcite. He commented on the dimorphism of carbonate of lime, which under slightly different conditions assumed different crystalline forms ; and remarked that, as was the case with many igneous rocks, the structure in the Chalk only became apparent after weathering. Mr. Mryrr remarked that the striae were most common where nodules were present, and in beds in which the fossils were crushed: So far as he had observed, they were always vertical; and he attri- buted them to a re-arrangement of the particles of the Chalk under pressure. Mr. Forpuam explained that two of the specimens had been taken from the sides of a fissure, and were actually slickensides. He thought that some of the nodules exhibit traces of internal struc- ture; but it was true that the general direction of the striz was at right angles to the lines of bedding. He was glad that his remarks had led to so interesting a discussion. Mr. Prestwicu suggested that an analysis should be made of the specimens, A. W. EDGELL ON BUDLEIGH-SALTERION LAMELLIBRANCHS. 45, 9. Notes on some LAmELLIBRANCHS of the BupLEeteH-SAaLTERTON Pessies. By Arraur Wyatt Enpcetr, Esq., F.G.S. (Read January 7, 1874.) [Plates IV.-VI.] Ir will be recollected that in the Quarterly Journal of the Geologi- cal Society, vol. xx. p. 283, there is a paper by Mr. Vicary, of Exeter, drawing attention to the pebble-bed of Budleigh-Salterton ; appended to this is a description of some of the included fossils by the late Mr. Salter. Since this a paper on the Brachiopoda from the pebbles has been given (in vol. xxvi. p. 70) by Mr. Davidson. In the former paper a full description of the bed is given by Mr. Vicary, to which there is little or nothing to add. It is sufficient to say that it consists of a bed of nearly 100 feet of pebbles of various rocks, inclined at a low angle to the horizon, lying on and covered by the Trias, that the pebbles contain fossils, as a rule, unknown elsewhere in England, that the fossils in some are Silurian and in others Devonian, and that the matrix including Silurian and Devonian fossils is often identical. Through the kindness of Mr. Vicary I have been allowed to figure some of the more remarkable Lamelli- branchs in his collection which were undescribed by Mr. Salter (or of which the descriptions and figures have been lost); and I have added a few of my own. This task would not have been attempted had there been any chance of a more competent person’s under- taking it. The figures annexed have been submitted to M. Lebes- conte, of Rennes, who has a large collection of Norman and Breton fossils ; he recognizes several of them. M. Bayan, of the Ecole des Mines at Paris, has also seen them, and compared them with the collections of MM. d’Orbigny and de Verneuil ; they have also been shown to M. Gaston de Tromelin, who is working at the Norman and Breton rocks. In July last I visited M. de Tromelin at Argentan, and was much struck by the general resemblance between the fossils and rock- specimens in his collection to those in that of Mr. Vicary. The first question I asked was, ‘‘ whether Orthis reduaw was by far the most abundant fossil,” which is notably the case in Devon; the answer was that no other shell was nearly so frequent ; and this appears to be worth noting. M. de Tromelin obligingly took me to see some beds of quartzite near Trun (about six miles from Argen- tan) which are used for road-metal, they are believed to be the “Grés Armoricain.” It was easy to recognize in these beds the material of one of our commonest Budleigh pebbles, which is whitish hard quartzite, with a profusion of Trachyderma traver- sing it. M. de Tromelin says he has found no other fossil in it. Mr. Vicary tells me he has never found any thing in the same pebble with Trachyderma ; nor have I. These beds of quartzite are nearly vertical, as far as can be observed, the Zrachyderma-tubes being 46 A. W. EDGELL ON BUDLEIGH-SALTERTON LAMELLIBRANCHS, almost horizontal ; the bedding is otherwise obscure. The strike appears to be about N.W. and 8.E. I cannot help thinking that a closer acquaintance with the beds of Normandy and Brittany will assist persons acquainted with the Budleigh-Salterton bed to refer each pebble to its proper origin, though the resemblance between the Silurian and Devonian quart- zites of France in some cases is very great indeed. The figures given here are all of the natural size*. Moproropsis ARMoricrI (Salter). Pl. IV. figs. 1,1a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) Syn. Modiolopsis armoricana; M. armorica, Bigsby, ‘Thesaurus Siluricus ;’ Avicula prima, D’Orbigny, ‘ Prodrome.’ This figure has been recognized by all the three above-named gentlemen; and M. Bayan found a specimen in M. de Verneuil’s collection labelled “ Modiolopsis armoricana, Salter. Avicula prima, D’Orb.” The figure given by Salter, Q.J.G. 8. vol. xx. pl. 16. fig. 1, is, as I believe, the interior cast of this ; such interior casts are com- mon and variable in form. I have figured one from my collection, Pl. V. fig. 6. As it is clearly not an Avicula, I have kept Salter’s name. Moptororsis Lrprsconti, sp.nov. Pl. LV. figs. 2, 2a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) The outline of this, which I take to be an interior cast, differs from that of any other in Mr. Vicary’s collection. The cast is ovate, rather gibbous at about one third from the hinge; and the gibbosity decreases more rapidly towards the hinge-line than towards the yentral margin. The pallial impression is visible in places in a strong light. Length 2 in. 7} lines; breadth (from hinge-line to ventral margin) | in. 7 lines; thickness 4 lines. I have ventured to name this after M. Lebesconte, of Rennes, as I am informed that, though known in May, it has received no name. SANGUINOLITES ? sp. (conTortts, Salter?) Pl. IV. figs.3, 3a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) This appears to be crushed; but Mr. Vicary informs me that it was not considered by Mr. Salter to be so. The left valve is convex along the hinge-line, while the right valve, from the beak to the anal angle, is concave. The beak of the left valve curves over the hinge- line, which is straight ; it is marked by irregular lines of growth. Length of hinge-line 1| in. 2 lines; from hinge-line to ventral margin 103 lines. It answers, as well as can be observed, to the genus it is here referred to ; it bears a label ‘allied to Sangquinolites contortus,” which I believe to be in Mr. Salter’s writing. This form is recog- nized by M. Lebesconte as French. * Since the above rematks were written, I hear from M. de Tromelin that the pebbles of Bayeux and Carentan are fossiliferous, Orthis redux being common in them, ‘They occur in the Trias, as do the Budleigh pebbles. A. W. EDGELL ON BUDLEIGH-SALTERTON LAMELLIBRANCHS. AT AVICULOPECTEN TROMELINI, sp. noy. Pl. V. fig. 1. This is the exterior of a shell in my collection ; the broken ear is much better seen on the other half of the pebble, and shows the shell to have been almost if not quite equilateral. The radiating ribs are well developed, and alternate towards the centre with smaller ones; these latter are indistinct and irregular towards the sides. Measurement from beak to ventral margin 1} inch; breadth across the shell 1 in. 7 lines. PreringEa, sp.? Pl. V. figs. 2, 2a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) (Compare P. lineatula.) The surface of this is not well enough preserved to be sure of it, I have a specimen from Gahard, which may be the same. M. Lebesconte recognizes it. Preriyga, sp. Pl. V. fig. 3. (Mz. Vicary’s collection.) This is a very globose inflated form, with an acute wing on the anal side of the beak and concentric lines of growth ; length from point of wing to beak rather more than 6 lines. Mr. Vicary has other larger specimens. PreRINEA RETROFLEXA (Hisinger). Pl. V. fig. 4. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) This is so like some forms of this very variable shell that I can give it no other name. Length from buccal to anal angle 1 in. 5 lines ; from hinge-line to ventral margin 84 lines. It is recog- nized by M. Lebesconte. Patmarca, sp. Pl. V. figs. 5, 5a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) Two specimens are figured which differ from the Palcarca secunda of Mr. Salter ; the angle made by the anal slope with the hinge- line is much more obtuse, and the hinge-line longer in proportion to the shell; the teeth also appear to differ. It is recognized by M. Lebesconte. Avicuta, sp. Pl. VI. fig. 1. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) A distinct form, but very impertect. CrrmpopHorus? PI. VI. figs. 2, 2a. M. de Tromelin thinks this may be a Cleidophorus; the buccal muscular impression is doubtful. It is in my collection. Prerinea, sp. Pl. VI. fig. 3. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) The cast of an exterior from Gahard is before me exactly re- sembling this in outline; M. Lebesconte recognizes it. M. Bayan thinks it may be Aviculu matutinalis, D’'Orb. Pl. VI. fig. 5 also represents a specimen of this species. LunvuLacaRpium ventRIcosum. PI. VI. figs. 4, 4a. (Mr. Vicary’s collection. ) Very like M. Barrande’s genus Stlurina ; the beak is slightly in- 1 48 A. W. EDGELL ON BUDLELGH-SALTERTON LAMELLIBRANCHS. clined to the left; it has radiating ribs; from beak to ventral margin 1 in. 34 lines ; thickness of the valve shown 4 lines. Named by Mr. Etheridge. Crenoponta, sp. Pl. VI. figs. 6, 6a, 66, 6c. (Mr. Vicary’s collec- tion.) Very inflated; the incurved beaks are nearly a line apart, hinge- line short, with four teeth visible in each valve, muscular scars on both sides of the beak strongly defined, pallial impression visible on the buccal half. Recognized by M. Lebesconte. From beak to ventral margin nearly 9 lines; length i in. 44 lines; thickness of both valves nearly 8 lines. Orrmonora? Pl. VI. fig. 7. (Mr. Vicary’s collection.) The grain of the matrix is too rough to make much of this ; it is very like some specimens in Jermyn Street from the Upper Silurian beds. M. de Tromelin recognizes it. ; EXPLANATION OF PLATHS IYV.-VI. Shells from the Budleigh-Salterton pebbles, natural size. Prats IV. Hee: 1, la. Modiopsis armorici (Salzer). 2, 2a. Modiolopsis Lebesconti, sp. nov. 3, 3a. Sanguinolites ? (contortus, Salter ?). Puate V. Fig. 1. Aviculopecten Tromelini, sp. nov. 2. Pterinea, sp. (lineatula?); 2a. portion of surface enlarged. 3. Pterinea, sp. 4, Pterinea retroflexa (Hisinger). 5, 5a. Palearca, sp. 6, 6a. Modiolopsis armorici, internal cast (?). Puate VI. Fig. 1. Avicula, sp. 2, 2a. Cleidophorus? 3. Pterinea, sp. 4, 4a. Lunulacardium ventricosum. 5. Pterinea, sp. 6, 6a, 66, 6c. Ctenodonta, sp. 7. Orthonota ? Discussron. Prof. Ramsay commented on the value of the paper. The dis- tance of the parent rocks, the rolling of the pebbles, and their travel- ling from south to north, threw considerable light on the physical condition of the Triassic period. If the New Red Sandstone were, as was now generally supposed, of lake origin, the information given was of still higher interest. Madlare & Macdonald Lith to *he \oeen London New Autogruphic BUDLEIGH-SALTERTON FOSSILS. Quart.Journ. Geol Soc. Val. XXX.PLV. 2 = es 2 £ A ; Fi ] £ i 1 s i i Ye 3 ee Maclore & Macdonald. Tith tothe Qneen London New Autnfraphie Proesas Quart. Journ. Geol.Soc. Vol XXX. PLV1. a Wodlore & Macdonald Tath ta the uses Lond Now Antosraphir |'rner BUDLEIGH-SALTEREON FOSSILS. A. W. EDGELL ON BUDLEIGH-SALTERTON LAMELLIBRANCHS. 49 Mr. Gopwin-Austen observed that one of the remarkable features of the Budleigh-Salterton-beds was the presence of fine sandy deposits, both above and below, which at once suggested a difficult question as to what could have been the condition under which they were deposited. He thought that they might be connected with some glacial action, especially as blocks of porphyry, 25 tons in weight, had been transported from the neighbourhood of Exeter and deposited in the Triassic beds, which could hardly have been effected otherwise than by ice. In the same manner as the shingle of Lake Superior is carried away and redeposited by shore-ice, so he thought it possible that some action of the same kind might during a portion of the New Red Sandstone period have drifted materials off from the French shore of the Triassic lake, and deposited them in this shingle-bed at Budleigh-Salterton. In conclusion, he alluded to the loss which the Society had sustained in the death of Professor Louis Agassiz, its distinguished foreign member, to whom the now generally accepted term roches moutonnées and other evidence of glacial action, so often mentioned in the course of the evening, was due. Mr. Warraxer pointed out that in the slaty rocks at Mevagissey in Southern Cornwall, there were quartz reefs of similar material to the material of the pebbles at Budleigh-Salterton, and recommended a careful examination of these reefs before accepting the Breton origin of the pebbles as conclusively established. The deposit at Budleigh Salterton was, he believed, a lenticular mass of no great extent. Mr. Erneriper remarked that Mr. Salter had long ago been of opinion that the fossils in the pebbles were of French origin. Mr. Tawney, also, had examined the beds near Torbay and Babba- combe, and found the lithological character curiously like that of the pebbles. He did not, however, think that any of the same fossils had been found in them; nor had they been found in the Mevagissey beds in Cornwall. Mr. Hicxs thought that we were going too far in search of the original home of the fossils, which might have been in some rocks destroyed during the formation of the Channel. Q. J. G.S. No. 117. 2 5” A. W. SLIFFE ON THE MUD-CRATERS AND 10. On the Mup-crarers and GrotoercaL Srructure of the Muxran Coast. By Lieut. A. W. Srirrs, late Indian Navy, F.R.A.S. (Read December 3, 1873.) {Communicated by Prof. Ramsay, F.R.S8., V.P.G.S.] Tue coast of Mekran (the ancient Gedrosia) extends in an east and west direction for about 500 miles, between the town of Sonmiani, on the Pir Ali river near the frontier of Hindustan, and Ras Jashak, near the entrance point of the Persian Gulf (fig. 1 It is an almost rainless district, but occasionally subject to heavy storms of rain not of long duration, and generally occurring in the winter months. Sometimes no rain falls during the whole year, or even for two years successively. There are no rivers of any size; but the large watercourses after heavy rain discharge large volumes of water. The appearance of the coast is singular, and the hills near the sea are all of similar formation—table hills with abrupt, almost perpen- dicular sides, fantastic peaks, pillars, and pinnacles rising out of ex- tensive plains of clay being the universal type. These clay plains are irregularly veined in places with crystalline gypsum, and are impregnated with saliferous matter, which efflor— | esces on the surface. It need hardly be added that nearly the whole country near the sea is a desert. The hills m the vicinity of the coast are of various heights above the plain, and rise above 2000 feet in some places: they are chiefly _ composed of beds of clay from 50 to 1500 feet in thickness above ~ the sea-level, capped and sometimes alternating with coarse, friable, fossiliferous calcareous strata from 5 to 30 feet in thickness, the whole either horizontal or dipping at a small angle. Beyond Jashak to the westward, and Ras Kicheri to the eastward, the form- ation appears similar; but the strata are highly inclined, probably at an angle of from 40° to 60°, the ridges of the hills being separated by great anticlinal valleys. Fossils have not been observed in the clay; but the calcareous beds are composed entirely of marine organic remains, in parts dis- tinct and perfect, forming a shelly breccia, and passing into a more or less compact hmestone. These beds, as indicated by the fossils, are ‘referred by Mr. Ktheridge to the Miocene epoch. He says :— «The shells appear to me to be of Miocene age, although all are mere casts, and therefore it is very unsafe to pronounce definitely as to their age. I cannot determine them to belong to the modern species of the Persian Gulf. The casts of Conus, Cyprea, and Ostrea are certainly not those of existing species ; and the mass of shelly breccia containing Dentalium, Cardita, Astarte, Venus, Trochus, Arca, and Telling I believe to be of more modern date, if not receut. ‘The unctuous argillaceous deposit at Ras Farsah upon which the GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE MEKRAN COAST. 5) terrace of shelly beds lies, is bored by the living Lithodomus allied to the Indo-Pacific LZ. attenuatus. They appear to be vastly abun- dant in the clay, which is riddled by the perforations in all directions and at all angles. ‘The genera of shells occurring in the shelly layer, believed to be of Miocene age, are Hburna, Ostrea, Cyprea, Conus, and Cardium ; and all occur in the form of casts.” The surface of these beds is in some places strewed with pebbles, much water-worn, composed of jasper and quartz, &c., and possibly of trappean origin. With the possible exception of the craters to be shortly referred to, the writer has observed no traces of volcanic action on this coast. Within the Persian Gulf, however, a similar formation, which ex- tends along the entire north coast, and forms all the large islands, has been much disturbed by the protrusion of recent volcanic matter. Near Jashak, at the western end of the coast, is found a hot spring, ef a temperature of 128°, situated near high-water mark, and but little above the sea-ievel. It is unimportant in volume, and has six or seven little surface-basins close together. The water emits a strong odour of sulphur, and forms a stalagmitic deposit round its margin*, There are also springs of pure hot water near Karachi beyond the eastern boundary of the region. As might be expected from the nature of the formation, a vast amount of denudation has taken place, and is still in progress, which would be much accelerated but for the almost rainless nature of the country. The clay being gradually removed by rain, when it occurs, or in the sea-cliffs by the action of the waves, the upper stratum falls in great masses or slabs, and forms a talus, which in some degree protects the base of the cliffs from further disintegration. On the inland faces of the hills, ravines and precipitous valleys are formed in the same manner; and the surface-crust of the ground, eracked and broken in every direction, often presents an appearance such as might be the result of an earthquake. A typical section at Guadur is given in the diagram (fig. 2): the immense space between the cliffs has, it is presumed, been removed by denudation. The several projecting headlands, and the island of Astola, apparently all belong to the same group, and stand as remnants showing the original extent of the formation. In some parts, as at the great headland called the Malan, large masses of the clay are constantly falling with a dull roar, breaking up into clouds of dust. From one cliff the writer has watched a succession of such landslips for an hour with hardly any inter- mission. The mud-craters, which have hitherto been attributed to volcanic action, are, it is believed, peculiar to this coast. They are found over an extent of about 200 miles of coast from Guadur to Ras Kicheri. Probably the most characteristic group is that near the latter place, where there are a number close together, some of which may be termed extinct, others being in action. These craters vary * It is regretted that the specimen for analysis has been mislaid. E2 o2 A. W. STIFFE ON THE MUD-CRATERS AND in height from 20 to 300 or 400 feet above the plain ; and a probable section is shown in the diagram (fig. 3). They rise out of the clay plain many miles from any hills, and are cones of clay of very regular form, with truncated tops, and sides at an angle estimated at about 40°, or whatever the limiting angle or angle of rest of such mud may be. The largest one ascended by the writer was about 100 feet wide on top, and nearly circular; it resembled a cup filled to the brim with semiliquid mud somewhat thicker than treacle, which slowly and only now and again overflowed, trickling down the outside of the cone, but scarcely sufficient in quantity to reach the base. From time to time an ebullition of gas or air took place from the surface of the pool. Mr. Ward has kindly analyzed the mud ejected, and found it to consist chiefly of clay with a large admixture of carbonate of lime and a small proportion of quartz sand. The aqueous part contains much chlorine, a little sulphuric acid, a little lime, with soda and a trace of potash. No magnesia was detected in the solution. It would therefore probably be merely a water containing common salt with a little sulphate of lime. The edge or lip of the cup was very narrow, in parts barely allowing room to walk round it, and being quite soft under foot. A plummet on being thrown in from the side sank rapidly from 50 to 60 feet, when it stopped, apparently from the friction of the line against the side, there being no means at hand of lowering it over the centre. There is no heat accompanying the phenomenon; and there is no reasonable doubt that the walls of the cones are formed entirely by the accumulated overflow and induration of mud. It is therefore a question whether it is necessary to resort to vol- -canic agency, or whether hydrostatic pressure alone is not quite sufficient to account for these mud-springs, as they may perhaps be more appropriately called. The thickness of the clay deposit below the level of the plains is unknown; the veins of gypsum seem to indicate it is not merely superficial, or derived fram the denudation of the hills. From the form of the sea-bottom it is possible that the same clay beds which form the hills attain a considerable thickness below the present sea- level. The sea-bottom for some miles from the coast is of similar nature and appearance to the clay of the plains, with a depth of water increasing gradually to 20 or 30 fathoms and then sinking suddenly and (in several places, at least) quite precipitously to a depth of from 300 to 400 fathoms. There is some evidence of the existence of these curious craters under the sea. Near Jashak I discovered a shoal, three miles off shore, rising suddenly from 13 fathoms to a height of only 10 feet below the surface. It is very small, not a ship’s length across, and composed of clay which, on the shoal part, was so tenacious that the lead could hardly be disengaged when let go on it. It is unusual to find so small a shoal unless of rock; and it is suggested that it may be probably of similar origin to the craters on shore. ‘The natives state that the action of these craters (the amount of [To face p. 52.] 67 ge opllekran Coast. / i | ymarine cliff. horizontal. are known to exist. leseribed. Fig. 1.—Sketch Map e Mekran Coast. ; [Zo face p. 32] 58 60 61 62 63 G4 65 66 oy s ! Approximate line of submarine cliff. = Strata approaching the horizontal. Bes Areas in which craters sre known to exist. Highly inclined strata. Fig. 3.—Section of Crater called Chundra Koop. Position of hot-springs. @---- Supposed submarine crater. be Line of section in fig. 2. a. Dry mud. 6, Liquid mud. Fig. 2.—Section across Guadur and Jebel Mehdi. - ee Geographical Miles Datum line __ Sea level : 5 a ee eee | Y 1 ‘The natives state that the action of these craters (the amour GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE MEKRAN COAST. 53 ebullition and discharge) is much increased at spring tides; and this the writer has heard from several different sources. None have been heard of more than a few miles from the shore, so - far as the writer is aware. As to the causes of the present configuration of the coast, it is suggested that since the deposit of the Miocene beds the great sub- marine cliff may at one period have been raised above the sea, which then washed its base—that the coast then subsided, probably to near the present level, when the beds were removed from the edge of the great cliff to the present coast-line—and that the coast may have been depressed below its present level sufficiently to allow the sea to produce the present inland cliffs, since which it has been again slightly raised. The presence of Jithodomus in the clay considerably above the present sea-level seems to warrant, at any rate, the latter hypothesis. The author’s time when visiting the places on the coast has been much taken up with his duties connected with the telegraph cable, which is his excuse for the incompleteness of the information and of the series of fossils. Discussion. Mr. Evans thought that the fact of the mud from some of the cones having ceased to flow was in favour of the theory of their being due to hydrostatic action, the outflow ceasing when the pres- sure was insufficient to overcome the resistance, and a fresh vent being found elsewhere. Mr. Forsss had frequently observed the mud-craters of Peru, which were undoubtedly due to volcanic action, though in many instances the outflow was cold, or nearly so. In the cases described by the author, however, it was possible that they might be due to another cause. Prof. Puitires mentioned a spring which rose through mud in Bridlington Harbour, from which the outflow varied both with tide and rain. The spring tides in the Persian Gulf might effect a rise in the mud-craters by obstructing some passage by which water from the upland was discharged into the sea. Were this so, the upward movement in the crater would on each occasion probably occur some- what later than the high tides. Mr. Sretry remarked on the presence of undoubted volcanic action in the district, in the shape of hot springs &e., and therefore ques- tioned the propriety of bringing in hydrostatic pressure to account for the phenomena. Mr. Mrzter cited the mud-volcanoes of Iceland as instances of pure volcanic action, and drew a distinction between the occurrence of mud-craters near the sea and at a distance from it. The AvrHor, in reply, observed that he had merely suggested the possibility of the outflow being due to hydrostatic pressure, and did not insist upon it. He stated that there was ample evidence of vol- canic action at a distance of 200 or 300 miles from the district he had described. 54 E. J. DUNN ON THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE 11. On the Move of Occurrence of Diamonps in Soutm Arnica. By E. J. Dunn, Esq. (Read December 17, 1873.) {Communicated by Professor Ramsay, F.R.S., V.P.G.S.] Tur conditions under which diamonds occur in South Africa are quite different from those of every other known locality, and are so unusual as to deserve the earnest attention of all geologists. It is quite certain that the present ‘“‘dry diggings,’ such as “‘ Colesberg Kopje,” “ Du Toit’s Pan,” “ De Beer’s,” “ Bultfontein,” and “ Jagersfontein,” are being worked in the rock which has brought the diamonds to the present surface; they all possess certain com- mon features of very marked character. Each area is more or less circular in form (fig. 1, a); the boundary of each is usually horizontal, or nearly horizontal, shale. At the junction, and back for a distance of from one to several feet, the edges of the shale are bent sharply upwards (fig. 1, 6). The contents of these “ pipes” in the shale are the same in all cases, and show distinctly that they are of igneous origin. The base is more or less decomposed gabbro (?) or euphotide (?), through which are scattered particles, fragments, and huge masses of shale, nodules of dolerite, occasional fragments of chloritic schist, micaceous schist, and gneiss. The principal foreign ingredient is the shale, which in many places, particularly at Colesberg Kopje, is thoroughly commi- nuted, forming a breccia, with euphotide (?) as a base. Where large masses of shale occur, the lines of bedding, as might be expected, are not horizontal, but lie in all directions. From the forms, contents, and general features of the pipes, it is reasonable to infer that they are merely the channels that con- nected ancient volcanic craters with deep-seated reservoirs of molten rock. On sinking into these pipes, the following sequence, with slight variations, occurs :—First, from a few inches to several feet of red sand, or sandy soil, brought into its present position by the agency of wind. Even within the last 20 years portions of the neigh- bouring country have been stripped of soil down to the bed-rock, and other portions covered by such means. Then a layer of tufaceous lime, from a few inches 9 8 or 10 feet thick, generally much harder and purer on the surface, shading gradually underneath into the decomposed rock from the altered pyroxenic minerals of which it has doubtless been formed. The segregation of the lime to the surface would be materially assisted by climatic conditions; for in this subtropical region rain usually falls in heavy showers during the summer, No sooner is the rain over than the intense heat causes rapid evaporation. Lower still is the very friable decomposed euphotide (?), so soft and crumbling that, for a few feet, it may be almost dug out with a spade. OF DIAMONDS IN SOUTH AFRIOA. 55 It is of greenish or yellowish colour; a considerable portion of it is altered into serpentinous material ; gradually, as the depth increases, it becomes firmer. For a depth of from 30 to 40 feet, cracks, joints, and irregular cavities filled with red sand from the surface penetrate; with the sand, and showing that it has come from the surface, are fragments of ostrich-egg-shell, small rounded grains of chalcedony, agate, dc., identical with the same substances mixed with the surface-soil. There are also veins of calc-spar and nodules of iron pyrites. At 100 feet in depth, at Colesberg Kopje, the rock is very dark in colour, much more compact, and less altered than near the surface. At 130 feet, the greatest depth so far attained, the rock becomes compact, tough, and shows the original texture, though the constituents are altered, notably the pyroxene or augite into bronzite*. From the surface down, the following minerals are met with in the altered rock, viz. garnet, calc-spar, mica, bronzite, augite, diopside, diallage, iron pyrites, &c. The entangled blocks of shale and sandstone are frequently altered, the latter sometimes into quartz rock. Disseminated throughout the decomposed rock, diamonds are met with, from the enormous size of over 150 carats down to minute ones only the 100th of a carat in weight. Still smaller ones probably occur, but are too minute to be observed. Many of the diamonds are beautifully formed crystals ; but a large percentage consists of fragments and broken crystals; and it is a noticeable fact that the corresponding pieces, even when the original erystal was of large size, are never found, though most carefully looked for. This would argue very forcibly against the supposition that the euphotide (?) rock in which the diamonds are now found is their original matrix or “ mother rock.” At the same time, it is marvellous that it contains such a rich sprinkling of glittering gems if not the original matrix. Colesberg Kopje, for instance, is but 122 acres in area, and has been dug out to a depth of from 80 to 90 feet, yielding some millions’ worth of diamonds. Some of the claims have produced immense numbers of diamonds. One claim, 30 x 30 feet, worked out to a depth of 100 feet, was recently sold for £4000. A very well known fact on the diamond-fields, and one rather in favour of the euphotide (?) being the mother rock, is that each of the pipes furnishes diamonds easily distinguishable from those found in the others. Bultfontein produces small white stones, occasionally specked and flawed, but very rarely coloured; while Du Toit’s Pan, within half a mile, seldom yields other than coloured stones. So well marked are the characteristics of the diamonds from the various diggings, that diamond-buyers can generally tell by the appearance of a stone the locality it has come from. Denudation has effected great alterations since the shales were so completely penetrated by igneous matter; it is therefore not so * Specimen recently sent by Sir H. Barkly. 56 E. J. DUNN ON THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE surprising that not a vestige of a crater, or of any of the usual subaerial products of volcanoes, has been found in §. Africa. A brief sketch of the various intrusive rocks of S. Africa will help to explain their relation to the one under notice. The oldest are the diorite dykes of Namaqualand, running about east and west, extremely rich in copper ores, frequently very mica- ceous. They were formed subsequently to the “ Namaqualand Schists” (pre-Silurian), but do not penetrate the “‘ Table Mountain Sandstone” (Devonian ?). Penetrating the same rocks, gneiss and metamorphic, are dykes of granite, syenite, and porphyry, probably of the same age as the diorites. The extensive intrusive action by which thousands of square miles of Dicynodon-shales were penetrated by enormous dykes and lateral sheets of dolerite, took place at a much more recent period, as the “Stormberg beds” (containing coal and abundant fossil plant-remains, such as Sphenopteris elongata, Pecopteris odontopterordes, Cyclopteris cuneata, &e.) are penetrated by doleritic amygdaloids &c., while the “‘Sundays-River beds” (Middle or Upper Oolite) are not intersected by any intrusive rock. The most recent and, at the same time, most interesting eruptive rock in 8. Africa is the ‘Trap Conglomerate,” or breccia, apparently a doleritic rock, which in places becomes a conglomerate on account of the intermixture of pebbles and boulders of other rocks, while in other places it is filled with angular fragments forming a friction- breccia. It extends continuously in a horse-shoe form for several hundred miles in length, varying from 1 to 3 miles in breadth, and throwing off many bifurcations. Detached outliers are not uncom- mon. It penetrates the diamond-field rocks at Pniel, and contains fragments of amygdaloid entangled in its mass. It is possible that the diamond-bearing rock filling the pipes belongs to one or the other of the last-mentioned intrusive out- flows. Areas similar in every respect to those worked at the diamond- fields occur near Schietfontein (see fig. 1), about 200 miles from the present workings, while Jagersfontein is 70 miles distant in another direction. Those near Schietfontein have not yet been proved; but as all similar places at the fields have yielded diamonds, itis probable that they will also when properly opened. Near the diggings it is by no means an easy task to find the pipes, through the accumulation of surface-soil; but at Schietfontein the boundary can be traced to a foot by means of the upturned edges of the shale. The variety of rocks occurring within a very limited area sur- rounding Pniel, on the Vaal river, is very noticeable, and would require considerable attention to the details of their occurrence before satisfactory conclusions could be arrived at. ‘There are dolerites, diorites, amygdaloids, porphyries, trap-breccia, &c. Near Du Toit’s Pan the rock, which is of doleritic character, presents very different texture and colour within a few yards. Along the banks of the Vaal “ almonds” of quartz that have weathered out of amyg- OF DIAMONDS IN SOUTH AFRICA. a7 daloid cover the surface of the country, in places, several inches deep. Where masses of shale have been entangled in the igneous rock, it has been altered into hornstone. Diamonds have been distributed from their original position in the igneous rock by three distinct agencies—water, ice, and the wind. To the action of running water the diamond-bearing drifts of the Vaal river are referable. They are of two dates. The older one, Fig. 1.—Plan and Section of Pipe on Fisher's Farm, Shietfontein. (Scale, 10 chains to 1 inch.) a 5 ——— — i rT =—Z Zz lll == \ SSS = 4 il An SITTIN a. Plan. 6. Vertical section in line ed. apparently Postpliocene, occurs at a higher level than the other, as outliers along the present valley (its present position) indicate that the Vaal has deepened its course since the old drift was deposited. The famous Pniel Kopje was of this age, the depth of sinking, about 30 feet, consisting of a few feet of fine gravel, composed of agates, chalcedony, amygdaloid, dolerite, &c., with some gar- nets, imenite, topaz, quartz, and diamonds. Below this, in places, was a hard layer of conglomerate, the pebbles cemented with lime. The remainder of the drift was composed of large boulders of igneous rock, exceedingly tough and hard, with fine drift containing diamonds filling the interstices. The.bottom is soft igneous rock, probably dolerite. At Gong Gong a calcareous conglomerate occurs high above the recent drift, and appears to belong to the same age as the Pniel drift. Wherever worked, along the course of the Vaal, diamonds Q. 0: G. Ss Nowa iy. F *(snodeytuog.ep) speq-uopoudorg aeddq -» ‘SOYA OLJLIOTO. *a ‘soy dp oytorg, “f ‘opIURL “0 ‘(UBIMOAE(T) OUOJSpURY ULBJUNOPY [qT “¢ ‘Aadydtog "y 2 "(g) otc 4D ‘(aiydaouzep_) ystgog puxyenbeueyy “9 ‘ssLou “p 58 E. J. DUNN ON THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE ~ Ms Ns Naugat. -~ Schuit Klip. i ) ( Kat River -- Zwart Modder. ae iver. (e Buis Valley. }\\\\\_____ T’Nous. y i Prieska. a iii V }})) 1/1) | ) \\ \ a ) ) Naame Lota Rivers (/)/)// (tana Great Falls | J) (Orange R.). pel ——S—— "*-~~ Rhenoster Kop. Zak River. Kakamas. River). Brakfontein. --—— Hope Town. \if--— Orange RB. | (((@----- Cross-hammers Kopje. Ss ) © [eset Tourmalin Kop (Orange R.). )---- Hzelberg. <--—— Modder R. - til ® 4 al Ni ! \ Hi} s Na i aH \ ZAM | A ) yy Bogner, oS SH 7/7, Blinkfontein. NNN i PEM Ree Kl e, a onaaeetn De Nuis (Orange Port Nolloth. Oogarbis Hill. Annenous. Klipfontein Hill. Ookiep Mine. - Springbok. _ No.6 Copper-lode. , _. Kweek Fontein. 6.1aqsaj0g 02 YROP/ON 10g 3M IUD) ayQ mouf WON.I—~Z “SLT | N’Gaun. © \\_. N’Gannais. oS )__ I’Gaams. (YOU T 0} 109} QOLOT ‘TBs [BoL}10A £ Your T 07 sertM 1% noge ‘ayeos [eyUOZTIO FT) OF DIAMONDS IN SOUTH AFRICA. D9 were found in this drift. Some localities have yielded immense quantities, as Pniel, Klipdrift, &e. The newer one, or “recent” drift, occupies the present river- bed. It differs in composition from the older drift, in containing a larger percentage of sandstone pebbles and pebbles of soft rocks. its general colour is greyish, while the older drift is of a reddish colour. The newer drift contains the same well-rounded polished pebbles of agate &c. as the older one. Diamond-workings have been successfully prosecuted for a conside- rable distance along the Vaal river. In the newer drift ‘‘ Cawood’s Hope” was an unusually rich digging; while Waldeck’s Plant yielded the largest diamond yet found in 8. Africa; its weight is 288 carats. The gems found in the drift-workings are of finer quality, and invariably command ea higher price than those obtained from the various “ dry diggings.” A very extensive development of “ glacial conglomerate ” spreads over the country along the course of the Orange River, west of Hope Town (lat. 29° 8.). Further west it leaves the river to the north, and spreads as a belt through Bushmanland. Isolated tracts oceur near Beaufort West. At Prieska, on the Orange river, diamonds were found in this conglomerate. Several have been found on its surface between Prieska and Hope Town, notably the “ Star of 8. Africa.” Systematic search is not likely to meet with much reward in the case of this conglomerate, as the very nature of its formation forbids the hope of diamonds being thickiy distributed in it. Many of the hard boulders are scored and scratched in such a manner as to leave no doubt concerning its origin. That the wind has acted as an agent in the distribution of dia- monds, though perhaps of small ones only, is clearly proved by their occurrence in the drifting sandy soil at Du Toit’s Pan. It has, no doubt, been the means by which the streaks of sand found tv a con- siderable depth in the pipes were supplied. A complete series of the diamond-field rocks has been placed in the British Museum. Their arrangement in the country is shown by the accompanying section from Port Nolloth to Colesberg Kopje (fig. 2). Discussion. Mr. Masketyne complimented the author on the contribution which he had made to geological science, by showing that the rock in which the diamonds occur is confined to the pipes such as he had described. He was able, from specimens which he had examined, to state positively that this certainly igneous rock differed essen- tially from the dolerites and other igneous rocks in the neighbour- hood. He would not attempt to give it a name, whether gabbro, euphotide, or any other designation. The materials, so far as they could be determined in their present altered condition, were such as would not build up any one of the known rocks. There were garnets, and minerals resembling clinochlore, smaragdite, phlogopite, diallage, and calcite, and apparently another mineral entirely ser- 60 E. J. DUNN ON SOUTH-AFRICAN DIAMONDS. pentinized. The diallage was the true diallage, viz. a mineral of augitic type. The mineral resembling clinochlore was, he had proved, vermiculite ; and the phlogopite was not improbably Jeffrey- site. The calcite had been thought to have been derived from the decomposition of augitic silicates; but this he doubted. One specimen, from a depth of 130 feet, exhibited a completely serpen- tinous metamorphosis, which had involved one mineral as yet undetermined, but probably enstatite. The absence of felspars in all the rocks but one was singular; in one specimen from Bult- fontein, however, there was an abundance of kaolinite, proving the original presence of a felspar. He thought that the fracture of the diamonds might be due to the breaking up of the rocks in which they are now found. < SE = > =~ S Ss — = = . “SS 5 : f 3 A Cy 3 s Zz y S ae iH PI q @: B 3 os 8 i EI 5 S33 2. NS ° 3 E = so q 3 gee om Ss BS Oo = | iS a ce = oS B a s S | S) gq = =] 1 3 g ce] q ~~ cas a Bee We 3 Ss Oa cs ai ak 2 = = ° 5 ane So g = ~ q 2 aes 3 ze 2 8 oS ~) es So 48 a) cS si BS ee Z ne a ‘ EE, £3 | oa ¢ Z ED oo - oN ae ag ~~ a OE 32) S| _ &) Ze poli! pl = pe Zz ae z La, d ae < aff a eS eR ere Ke aE = 3 8: — Sy 2?) J 8% a Bll eeeacetacvncotctate ad Wee SS 3 2 ; Ea a SPERM A NRE) SOE ieee E S 3 j 2 5 ca] pee [ea] u faa = a es Placing the more northern contact-lines as indicated in the fore- going observations, and those of the Simla area also, upon a map of small scale, they seem, thus reduced, to possess considerable irregu- larity, favouring the idea of unconformity, as in the case of the deep sinus coinciding with the bend of the Jhilam at Mozufferabad ; but ce. Hill- Nummulitic Limestone. 6. Nummulitic-Limestone bands. (Nummulitic). a. Murree beds. 74 A. B. WYNNE ON SOME FEATURES IN THE it should be remembered that the depth of this bay is twenty miles on its shortest side, lying within British territory, on the right bank of the Jhilam, that this side is there nearly a straight line, and as strongly resembles a fault separating highly contorted rocks as any other portion of the contact. Examined in the same way, other parts of the junction lose much of their apparent sinuosity. 17. The sudden change in the direction of the ranges and strike of the rocks in the Jhilam valley has been already mentioned ; and in this connexion it is somewhat singular to mark that on the further side of that river from our district, in the tributary valley of the Poonch (Kashmere), occurs the nearest instance of the unconformity con- tended for by Mr. Medlicott, at a place called Dundelee. The strike of the rocks (EK. 35°S.) belongs to the same system as that of the Himalaya east of the Jhilam valley ; and the section as given in Mr. Medlicott’s report is extracted (fig. 5) for comparison with those Fig. 5.—Section at Dundelee, Poonch Valley. (From ‘Mem. Geol. Surv. India,’ vol. ii. pl. 2, p. 96.) c'. Kral group. c?. Infra-Krol. d. Subathu group. within our district (figs. 2, 3, and 4) and lying about 45 miles to the west-north-west. The “hard blue limestone,” c', in this section, taken by Mr. Med- licott to represent his Krol subdivision, if it is the same as that of Mochipoora Mountain (as may be gathered from a footnote at p. 92 of the Report), is most probably Nummulitic, or might also include some of the Triassic limestones of that range; at any rate it would appear to belong to the Hill-limestone rocks. c’ is said to be com- posed of “ thin carbonaceous slaty shales,” which, if they are the same as those of Shah-durrah, mentioned in the succeeding passage, pro- bably belong to the zone marked d* in the section fig.5; indeed this might be inferred from the parallelism to the latter which Mr. Medlicott mentions. d*, red sandstone and clays, and d*, num- mulitic clays (and limestones ?), are evidently the same as those of the Murree beds previously described under letter E. If the slaty shales c* pass conformably below the limestone c', they probably represent some of the many hard splintery shaly beds of the Mochi- poora nummulitic rocks. Of course, without having seen the Dundelee section, these remarks upon it are given with reserve; still it is much nearer to our district than to the Simla area, and this must be the excuse for an attempt to interpret it according to Upper-Punjab experience. rod PHYSICAL GEOLOGY OF THE UPPER PUNJAB. 79 Independently of the question whether the beds c? in this section belong to the central ridge or to the flanking rocks, those marked @ and d° (the description of which so exactly coincides with the Murree group) still appear unconformable to c’, the central limestone ; and yet there is only wanting an apparently very probable line of fault on each side to make this section resemble a modification of the same kind of feature as is represented in our Shah-durrah and Chuttur sections (figs. 3 and 4), where the discordance has no similarity to unconformity. It may also be instructive to compare this Dundelee section with another in the Pot’war district, some 60 miles to the 8.W., taken N.W. and §.E. across Diljubba Mountain, part of a chain of hills which runs from the Salt range almost directly towards Dundelee, but vanishes before reaching the Jhilam river. The strike of the beds is parallel to that of the ridge; and the section is given from memory. Fig. 6.—Section across Diljubba Mountain. N.W. 1. Salt-range series, including Cretaceous ?, Triassic, Silurian, and Salt marl &. 2. Nummulitic Limestone. 3. Grey Sandstones, Red Clays, &e. A (bones). 4. Red zone B. 5. Fault. The Nummulitic limestone in this section has not its full develop- ment; but it shows well the parallelism between this and the suc- ceeding strata. The fault shown is the probable extension of a long fracture, most strikingly seen further to the west; and no sign of unconformity appears in the section. Whether the movements connected with the origin of the Hima- laya (as out-thrust produced by settlement, &c.), to some of which Mr. Medlicott ascribes the succession of abnormal junctions of the outer Tertiary zones, may have differed in kind, intensity, or in number as well as in direction here, is as yet mere matter of specu- lation ; but it is at least possible thaf in the neighbourhood of this region the greater variety in the bearings of the vast mountain masses may be accompanied by greater complexity in their structure. 18. The only attempt to explain the structure of the Tertiary belt in this Upper Punjab region with which the writer is acquainted is that given in Dr. Verchere’s paper before the Asiatic Society, where a diagrammatic section occurs at p. 104, 76 A. B. WYNNE ON SOME FEATURES IN THE In this the contorted lower Miocene (Murree) beds are made to thin out towards the south, where they are overlapped by the Sivalik or upper rocks, these also thinning out towards the bulk of the Murree series, which latter is shown to rest unconformably upon porphyry, felstone, &c. In support of this section there seems to be nothing to advance. No trace has been found of the overlap of the two series as shown; and the rocks against which the lower group rests are not porphyry and felstone, but limestone and shale. This is the case from Murree westward to Kohat; and even at Oori, in Kashmere, the Murree group was found in junction with limestones, as already mentioned, and the latter with metamorphosed schistose rocks ; nor could the representation of the locality given in another of the same author’s sections be recognized. 19. The general features of the outer Tertiary junction with the hill-rocks will have been gathered from the foregoing remarks ; but the difficulty remains of asserting the non-existence of unconformity along a complex boundary, only because nothing of the kind can be observed. On the other hand it is equally difficult to rest satisfied from the evidence obtainable that the discordant junction marks a limit of unconformable deposition. Reverting to the sections of this district appended, there is nothing in them contrary to the exist- ence of faulting ; the crucial-test section of Mr. Medlicott near the Markunda river has no parallel among our observations ; and though the unconformity which it exhibits (Report cited, p. 108) be unques- tionable, there seems to be room left to doubt its applicability beyond the boundary line on which it occurs, which is also that of the newest subdivision beneath the alluvium as well as of the coarsest beds, most palpably formed from detritus of the neighbouring rocks, among the three groups of the Simla Tertiary series. Nor does it appear reasonable to suppose that the basal contact of these outer Himalayan Tertiary beds must have everywhere occurred along a denuded cliff-line, which is a part of the supposition advanced for the Simla area. If so, the continuous-cliff-line conditions would in all probability have to be extended from the Simla area to the Punjab, a distance of some 600 miles, or, for all we can tell, even to the whole Indian frontage of the Himalaya range, or from this to the Alps. It may fairly be asked, does any coast-line, ancient or modern, present an unbroken cliff-line of this length, or one so little marked by indentations ? The circumstance that the line of abnormal contact is also a geo- logical boundary limiting the main development of this part of the Tertiary formation, at first sight greatly favours the idea of unconformity. Supposing the Upper-Punjab contact, however, to have been caused by displacement, there is nothing in this demanding that the newer beds should continue persistently far beyond their present general limits, or if they did even to a greater extent than is known, the denudation of this country would have been amply sufficient to have removed them from all prominent positions*. In * Notwithstanding this, the writer’s impression must be stated that these beds of the Tertiary formation had no widely extended.range over the Outer Hima- PHYSICAL GEOLOGY OF THE UPPER PUNJAB. 77 the hilly and contorted limestone-and-slate country lying just north- ward of the line of contact, there are two distinct unconformities (see table) observable without difficulty, notwithstanding local contortion and faulting ; and this being the case, it is not easy to conceive why unconformity should be invisible along the sharply defined contact of the hill-lhmestones with the outer Tertiary zone. 20. Having thus failed to find in this line of contact proof of either conformity or unconformity of the adjacent rocks, it only remains to glance at the general structure of the country, in order to see if there are any points observable likely to aid in arriving at a fairly satis- factory explanation of the facts. A feature common to the structure of the whole of the Upper Punjab is prevalence of lateral changes in the series of which it is formed. Thus the great Nummulitic deposits of the Salt range die out to the east, as do also the Carboniferous, the fossiliferous por- tion of the Trias, and some other groups of that region ; while others, again, disappear westward ; so that each end of the range presents an almost entirely different section. In the hills to the north also the Cretaceous rocks have a local development, the Trias of different regions differs, and the character of the Jurassic beds is inconstant. These changes are not, as a rule, connected with perceptible un- conformity, the northern Jurassic group being the ‘“‘ exception which proves the rule,” but seem to have resulted from gradual thinning out of the beds, their original partial deposition in detached patches, or difference of the rock-forming materials. The outer Tertiary belt presents a sort of gradation or transition towards the hill-character ; for we find among the rocks of the Murree zone harder beds than elsewhere, limestones also occasionally appear, and some of these are dark in colour, as the hill-beds usually are, and contain in places the same kind of minute organisms, chiefly un- determined Foraminifera. The prevalent reddish or purple colour of the group changes too ; and grey shaly bands appear of quite the same aspect as those of the hill-rocks, in the part of the series nearest to the latter. None of these shales nor any alternations of the beds with limestones characterize the basal portion of these newer Tertiary layers in the vicinity of the Salt range. The Nummulitic limestones of the Salt range, with their large Bivalyes and Gasteropoda, have the appearance of shallow-water origin, while the diminutive organisms of the hill- Nummulitic Lime- stone would seem to have inhabited greater depths. Another common feature of the country is contortion of its strata, this disturbance having affected some of the very newest Tertiary beds, so as to place them in a vertical position, and having almost everywhere thrown the rocks into more or less complicated folds, layan hill-country. Their great extent along the base of the Himalaya might favour the supposition that they stretched also in other directions; but in a country where we have hills 7000 ft. in altitude, entirely composed of these newer Tertiary rocks, considerable masses of them might be expected to occur in the lower and contorted limestone hilly ground north of the main boundary, if; they had ever covered that region. Such masses are almost entirely absent.. Q.J.G.8. No. 118. H 18 A, B. WYNNE ON SOME FEATURES IN THE which have in many cases been pushed over from the direction of the mountains so as to produce inversion of the strata. As instances of this, may be mentioned the complication near the mouth of the Chichalee pass, westward of Kalabagh (trans-Indus)*, the convolu- tions along the escarpment or slopes of the Affreedi hills overlook- ing Kohat, and the well-marked case on the hill road from Shaal’- ditta to Khanpoor, northwards from Rawul Pindi, where the Jurassic series behind the outer ridge, with its characteristic band, one mass of a large Trigoma (like T. ventricosa, Krauss), almost horizontally overlies the Nummulitic limestone. It must be admitted that, were these numerous foldings and con- tortions expanded and restored to their original horizontality, or any © thing like it, the area occupied by the now contorted rocks would be much greater than it is at present. 21. All geological formations being subject to lateral variability, it would seem from the foregoing remarks that those of this district are no exceptions to the rule, if, indeed, the variability is not un- usually pronounced throughout the local formations. Hence it does not seem improbable that the red Tertiary zone of the Salt range may correspond to the Murree group of the northern side of the Tertiary belt, so that, if we could eliminate the line of abnormal con- tact bounding the latter, we should have an ascending sequence from the Salt-range Nummulitic to the newest rocks of the formation on _ that side of the belt, and to the north another aseending sequence from the hill- Nummulitic Limestone, but one formed under different conditions of depth of water, contemporaneous with the former, yet only in a general way, neither succession being wholly without evidence of interruption, in the small rolled pebbles of fossiliferous Nummulitic limestone previously mentioned. It is possible that the hill- Nummulitic Limestones alternated some- what in their upper portion with the purple and grey Murree beds, in favour of which the similarity of certain of the basal limestones and shales to those of the hill- Nummulitic rocks, may be again noticed as indicating a slow change of condition, although the two groups are now separated by the most abrupt discordance, disturbance, and displacement. This change, too, may have taken place over a much wider area than that now occupied by the rocks, if the lateral expansion caused by restoring the contorted beds to their original horizontality be granted, thus enlarging the space within which thinning out might have occurred. With regard to a separation from an early Tertiary period between the Salt range and northern hill-regions, this seems possible. The nature of the outer Tertiary belt suggests a shallow-water origin; and yet in the Murree beds alone a thickness (which no reason exists to doubt) of a mile and a half, or nearly 8000 feet, has been observed, while 10,000 or 15,000 feet does not appear at all too much for the whole series: but this means 2500 fathoms; and the impossibility of * Noticed by Dr. Fleming, who gives a somewhat imperfect illustrative section across the inversion. See his report to Gov. of India, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 1853, pp, 266, 267. - Vol. XXX. P).VIL > 4 ~ = Peshawuro IC = Line of an 2 °Kohat Sect 1 a i x T 4 a Egy ANION | Wy pss M THE NEWER NORTH F. Dangerfield lith. lod PHYSICAL GEOLOGY OF THE UPPER PUNJAB. 19 associating such a depth with the idea of a shallow sea or lake con- strains one to call in the aid of subsidence to account for the accumu- lation. Subsidence, however, can hardly be universal any more than elevation ; so that an idea of limitation is suggested for the area re- ceiving the deposits and consequent denudation round the border. The first clear evidence of this in the case before us dates from a considerable height in the post-Nummulitic series. 22. In conclusion it may be inferred from the foregoing observa- tions that the physical relation between the outer Himalayan lime- stones, &c., and the adjacent great Tertiary belt are obscure in the Upper Punjaéb, and that the local facts hardly warrant the close application of arguments used to explain some similar relations in the Simla area. Palpable unconformity has not been found along the region of contact, nor any positive evidence leading to the con- viction that it exists. Inversion of the lower strata of the outer Tertiary band is common close to the line of contact; but this is not surprising, the violent disturbance which has affected all the rocks having inverted some of the hill-limestones within a comparatively short distance of the junction. It would also appear that the Simla area possesses a struc- ture more easily comprehended from the fact that the outer Tertiary zone has a definite Nummulitic (Subathu) base resting on rocks of uncertain age, while here Nummulitic rocks certainly occur on both sides of the same outer Tertiary abnormal boundary. This abnormal junction-line is evidently a feature inseparably connected with the causation of the great mountain-chains, preserving, as it does, a parallelism to the axes of the outer ranges; and whether it marks an invisible break in the series or not, the conviction is strongly impressed on the observer that it is chiefly due to intensity of distur- bance amounting to fracture and dislocation, combined with more or less complicated inversion, the result of lateral pressure along a region which has suffered, and from the same cause, a similar thrust to that affecting the place known as the spring of any ordinary arch. The detailed examination of the upper Punjab has not been com- pleted ; and only the general facts bearing upon the peculiar junction- boundary of a large and important group of the local rocks have been considered, with the impression that it is only by collecting such facts and comparing them with others similarly obtained that the nature and value of obscure points in physical geology can be arrived at. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII. Sketch Map showing the Newer Tertiary boundary in North-western India. Discussion. Mr. Drew gave some further explanution of the author’s views and of the geology of the district. Prof. Ramsay agreed with the author as to the analogy between H 2 Quart . Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. XXX. Pl.VIL MAP SHOWING THE NEWER TERTIARY BOUNDARY in NORTH-WESTERN INDIA 80 A.B. WYNNE ON THE PHYSICAL GEOLOGY OF THE UPPER PUNJAB. the outer ridges of the Himalayas and those of the Alps, and also as to the difficulty in such cases of distinguishing between an in- version and a fault. From the different conditions as to metamor- phism of the Miocene and Kocene rocks in the Alps, he had been led to question the fact of the inversion, and now found that most Swiss geologists had come round to the opinion that the present position of the beds was not due to mere inversion but to actual dislocation. He thought this might also prove to be the case in the Himalayas. A. CG. RAMSAY ON THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. 81 13. The Puystcat History of the Vauiny of the Ruins. By A.C. Ramsay, LL.D., V.P.R.S. (Read February 4, 1874.) [Puate VITI.] Havine on several journeys, extending over more than twenty years, had occasion to traverse the valley of the Rhine, from the plains between the sea and Cologne to its sources in the Alps, I have long desired to explain, if possible, the physical origin of the valley, and especially of the part that lies between the Drachenfels and Basel. Other occupations for the last thirteen years prevented me from revisiting the greater part of the ground; and I had there- fore no opportunity of testing the truth of such hypotheses as had occurred to me. Last summer I revisited the country, spending nearly six weeks on the investigation of the subject; and the following paper em- bodies the broader conclusions at which I arrived. First, however, it may be useful briefly to sketch the great features of the valley of the Rhine, from its sources to its mouth. The Rhine is usually stated to have two principal sources—that of the Vorder-Rhein (in a glacier region), 7689 feet, and that of the Hinter-Rhein, where it springs from the Rheinwald glacier, 7268 feet above the level of the sea. Both are in the Canton of Glarus. The accumulating waters, swelled by many tributary streams, pass through the Lake of Constance, 1305 feet above the sea; and thence, hemmed in between the lower slopes of the Schwarzwald and the eastern end of the Jura, the river flows westerly as far as Basel, where it is 803 feet above the sea. A little above that city it escapes from the immediate neighbourhood of the hills, and, suddenly bending, flows northerly through the great gravelly inclined plain that les between the mountains of the Vosges and the Hardt and those of the Schwarzwald and the Odenwald. ‘This plain extends north for about 170 miles to Mainz and Bingen, where it is about 272 feet above the sea, showing a fall between Basel and Mainz of 531 feet. The average slope of the plain is therefore 0° 2’ 3”, or about 3 feet 14 inch per mile. In its broader parts the plain is from twenty-five to thirty miles in width. At Bingen, the Rhine suddenly enters the gorge, which, inclusive of the larger windings of the river, is about sixty miles in length, as far as Rolandseck, near which a second great plain of the Rhine begins, at first narrow, but below the Siebengebirge broadening rapidly, to form still lower down the modern delta which merges in the vast plains that bound the German Ocean between Calais and the Elbe. The chief questions which I now attempt to decide are, what is the origin of the present features of the plain that extends be- tween Basel and Mainz, and also of the gorge between Bingen and 82 A.C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY Rolandseck, through which the waters of the Rhine escape into the lower plain ? Looking south from the hills above Bingen, or from the northern slopes of the Taunus, the impression readily rises in the mind that the vast plain, bounded on all sides by hills, must have been a lake at a very recent geological period, and that the opening of the gorge was the cause of the drainage of this supposed body of water 170 miles in length. Several observers have entertained this idea, at least in conversation with me; and this popular notion may be found printed in Baedeker’s Guide-book. The opening of the gorge was formerly sometimes attributed to the disturbance and wide frac- ture of the Devonian strata through which the river runs, though it is unlikely that this view is now at all generally held. For many years I also inclined to the hypothesis that the long plain above the gorge might have been a lake in geological times comparatively recent. I also thought it not unlikely that the action of glaciers might at least have assisted in the work of excavating the hollow, bordered as it is on three sides by well-known old glacier-regions—Switzerland on the south, the Schwarzwald on the east, and the Vosges on the west; and this year I determined to put the whole question to the proof. As I proceeded with the work, I could find no signs of moraine matter on the slopes near Bingen and Mainz, no evidence that the glaciers of the Schwarzwald and the Vosges had ever been large enough to descend into the plains of the Rhine, or that the great old glaciers of Switzerland had ever reached the Rhine valley as far as Basel; and therefore glaciers seem to have had nothing to — do with the excavation of the hollow. Point by point, all the other circumstances that might have helped to support a post-Miocene lake-theory also gave way; and beginning anew with fresher and sounder data, founded on more accurate knowledge of the physical geography and geology of the area than I previously possessed, I at length arrived at certain definite conclusions. In connexion with the subject, it is of importance to endeavour to ascertain approximately the geological date at which the waters of the Rhine began to flow in their present course ; and to do this it is neces- sary to state briefly some of the later events relating to the history of the Alps, and of the Miocene strata of Switzerland and the Rhine. It is well known that the Alps, as a mountain-range, existed in some form before and during the deposition of the Miocene strata (see Map, fig. 2); and considering the length of time that has elapsed since the beginning of that epoch in those regions, and the amount of waste that all the preexisting Alpine rocks have undergone during and since that period, it may perhaps be assumed, notwith- standing the subsequent elevation that attended the disturbance of the Miocene rocks, that relatively to the Miocene deposits the Alps may have been during Miocene times as high above the level of the sea as they are now. One of the most striking proofs of the waste of these older Alps during Miocene times is found in the well-known conglomerates or OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. 83 Nagelfiuh of the Righi, the Rossberg, and the other subalpine hills that flank the older mountains, continuously over great spaces, and at intervals elsewhere, all the way from the Rhine near its entrance into the Lake of Constance to the Lake of Thun, and which again appear on the north side of the Lake of Geneva, near Vevey (Map, Pl. VII1). Nor are these conglomerates confined to one precise geological horizon. The statement also is often made that, during the deposition of the Miocene strata, the Jura as a mountain-range had no existence. This is a slight overstatement of the case; but, without going into details, it is sufficient for my present purpose to menticn that in the opinion of Mr. Merian, of Basel, and, I believe, of other Swiss geologists, the range of the Jura in a very rudimentary stage preceded the deposition of the Miocene strata—so far, that the pre- Miocene formations had been somewhat disturbed and considerably denuded, so as to form a kind of low undulating plain, afterwards entirely buried in the Miocene waters. During the deposition of the Miocene strata the whole of the region now occupied by the Jura, and of the area that lies between that range and the Oberland, and far to the east into Bavaria and the dominions of Austria, was generally but little raised above the level of the sea and frequently depressed below it, as witnessed by the occurrence of marine beds among the Miocene freshwater strata, not in one middle band or subformation, as is sometimes stated, but in several occasional interstratifications, by no means universally spread throughout all the Swiss area (Map, fig. 2). There is also every reason for the belief that the patches of Miocene rocks in the Jura (Map, Pl. VIII), both freshwater and marine, were originally united to the larger mass that forms the low- lands of Switzerland. On the elevation of the whole territory, and the more special disturbance and denudations consequent on the uprising of the Jura, the Molasse that lay on the Mesozoic formations of that range was converted into a series of outliers still existing in the large synclinal basin-shaped hollows, which, as broad mosses and green meadows, so frequently form the upper valleys of the hilly land of the area, and which have been so well described by Professor Desor. These outliers of one original stretch of Molasse thus easily carry us to the confines of Basel. If this be true, it establishes a direct original continuation of the Miocene strata with those of the basin of Mainz, between Basel and Mainz, including in the word Miocene (for the sake of brevity) all the subformations classed by some geologists, both in Switzerland and Germany, under the terms Oligocene and Miocene (Map, Pl. VIII). These Miocene strata form much of the country bordering the plain of the Rhine, near Basel and thence to Mulhausen and still further west, rising in high tabular masses of flat-lying strata which overlook the broad flats of alluvial gravel that lie between the Schwarzwald and the southern end of the Vosges. Thence they skirt the plain on the right bank of the river as far north as Freiburg ; and on the left they appear at intervals to the west of 84 A. C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY the alluvium, all the way from Mulhausen to Mainz and the neigh- bourhood of Bingen. Between the two last-named towns and the country west of Worms they form broad tablelands, in great part consisting of flat, or nearly flat, strata of limestone, rising in places from 300 to about 450 feet above the plain of the Rhine (as shown in fig. 3, marked a). An isolated patch, surrounded by alluvium, according to Von Dechen’s map, rises in the very middle of the great plain west of Carlsruhe, rather more than half way between Basel and Mainz. Taking all these circumstances into account, there is good reason for the belief that the whole of that part of Germany which is now the valley of the Rhine, between Basel and Mainz, was once filled with Miocene strata (Map, fig. 2), the precise thickness of which is to me unknown. If we consider what is now concealed by the alluvium (Map, Pl. VIII.), and the thickness of the exposed tabular - masses irrespectively of the removal of any overlying beds by denu- dation, then the original plain must have formed the surface of a set of strata from 300 to 500 feet thick, and probably more. During their deposition, and when completed, these strata, to- gether with those of Switzerland, were bounded on the south by the pre-Miocene Alps, on the east by the mountains of the Schwarzwald and the Odenwald, on the west by the Vosges, and on the north by the hilly Devonian plateau, of which the mountains of the Taunus form part, and through which the gorge of the Rhine now passes between Bingen and Rolandseck (see Map, fig. 2). This deep gorge, however, had then no existence; and at that time the Rhine had not begun to flow ; for the drainage of the area under review was partly in the contrary direction, or from north to south, during the deposi- tion of the Miocene freshwater strata of the basin of Mainz and the northern part of Switzerland. The facts as understood by some of the continental geologists are, that the freshwater Miocene rocks be- tween Mainz and Basel were altogether deposited, not in a great lake or lakes which were sometimes invaded by the sea, but rather in the alternating freshwater and marine beds of a river and river- mouth, in this respect resembling the estuarine interstratifications of the Purbeck, Wealden, and fluvio-marine Eocene formations of the Hampshire basin. In certain strata the pebbly beds of this Miocene river can be traced all the way from a northern tract formed partly by the present strata of the Kaiserstuhl, whence brooks flowed to mingle their waters with tributary streams bearing gravels coming from those parts of the old Miocene continent now called the Schwarzwald and the Vosges. These conglomerate beds, with dis- tinctive pebbles showing whence they came, can be traced as far as Delsberg, in the Bernese Jura, having always travelled south. The foregoing summary of events of the Miocene age is necessary, - otherwise the second part of my argument would not be clearly intelligible. ina The upheaval and general disturbance of the Miocene strata over Jarge Kuropean areas* altered the physical geography of the older * And others with which we are not concerned in this paper. OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. 85 continent in a remarkable manner. The Alps received a new eleva- tion along with the adjacent Miocene rocks, which, previously not much above the level of the sea, now, in the heart of Switzerland, vary from about 1200 to 5800 feet in height. In lke manner, though elevated in less degree, and much less disturbed as regards curvature of the strata, the Miocene beds that lie between Basel and Mainz were also upheaved; so that now those strata attain elevations of at least 1000 feet above the sea near Basel, and probably of not less than from 700 to 800 feet near Mainz. The general result was, that in all those parts of Central and Northern Europe with which I have now to deal the systems of drainage were wonderfully altered, and in some cases almost entirely remodelled. In Switzerland the amount of disturbance and elevation of the Miocene strata having been greater than that of the Miocene beds in the valley of the Rhine, the effect of watery erosion in the Alps must have been proportionate during all the time that the Crag formations of England and Belgium were being deposited; and during this period more than the rudiments of many of those valleys were formed that afterwards were filled by and, over much of the lowlands, entirely buried beneath the great glaciers of Switzerland, when the cold of the glacial epoch attained its maximum. Along the lines of these early valleys, between the Oberland and the Jura, such as that of the Aar, there can be no doubt that the glacier sheets lay thickest, and the amount of glacial erosion must therefore have been greatest; and very important changes in the outlines of hili and valley were the result. Some of these I have long ago discussed, and J will not renew the subject; but this seems certain, that, after the post-Miocene upheaval of the Alps, the present main drainage of the area began before the glacial episode, and was in many important respects only established by the influence of glaciers. The upper valley of the Rhine was at that time filled by a river of ice which, joined with others, covered the valley more than halfway from Schaffhausen to Basel, while from its western edge and end the liquid river followed its present general direction, hemmed in between the Jura on the south* and the lower hills of the Schwarzwald that bounded the river on the north. Its level must then have been higher than now in this part of the channel. While these were some of the effects of the post-Miocene upheaval of the Alps and the lowlands of Switzerland, including the Jura, it is also my opinion that by the same upheaval the contiguous area of the Rhine between Basel and Mainz was tilted, so that the main drainage in what is now the basin of Basel and Mainz flowed in a di- rection opposite to that which it followed during the Miocene epoch ; that is to say, the new tilting of the country (fig. 1) ended in pro- ducing a thorough drainage that flowed from south to north instead of from north to south. About a hundred miles east of Basel, following the windings of the Rhine, the Lake of Constance is 1305 feet above the sea, and * Or, rather, the northern continuation of the rocks of the Jura. 86 A.C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY 502 feet above the average level of the river at the bridge of Basel. Assuming, as the data seem to warrant, that the basin of Basel and Fig. 1.—Hypothetical Section along the Valley of the Rhine. ML ZL. TT = Teo Le ee TT EL IL ILL IIL ITT TII TIT TILL IPATIT IT ITIL TTT PARK nem EEE EERE RE RP ID 1. Post-Miocene hills of Switzerland on the south (Jura &c.). == —— 4, Plain of Miocene strata inclined from south to 2. Pre-Miocene rocks where the gorge now begins near Bingen, on the 3. Mountains of the Schwarzwald &c. on the east side of the valley. north, over which the Rhine flowed, and bounded on the west by the mountains of the Vosges. north. Mainz was filled with Miocene strata to a height of more than 300 feet at Basel above the present plain of the Rhine, there was still ample fall for the river springing from the end of the old Rhine glacier, or even at a later date from the level of the Lake of Constance, for the Rhine to have flowed along the inclined plain of Miocene rocks that, at levels of at least from 300 to 500 feet above the present plain, once extended from Basel to Mainz and the neighbourhood of Bin- gen. I have already stated that the present. fall from Basel to Mainz is 531 feet. In the older epoch adverted to, even allowing the Mio- cene strata of Mainz to have attained a height of 500 feet above the level of the present plain, there may still have been a fall in the river- channel on the surface of the ancient plain of more than 300 feet between Basel and Bingen. This is equal to about 1 foot 9 inches per mile, an inclination amply sufficient to have carried forward at a rapid rate the waters of the Rhine. At this epoch of the history of the river, the general arrangement of the rocks must have been somewhat of the kind shown in fig. 1. In this manner I consider that it must have happened that the river originally flowed along the surface of a high inclined plain of Miocene strata that then filled the valley of the Rhine, from the confines of Switzerland to what is now the southern end of the gorge. When this system of drainage began, the deep river-gorge that now separates the Taunus and the Hunds- ruck had no existence (see Map, fig. 2). The hilly slopes on either side were, so to speak, un- broken; and a mere minor shallow valley, the bottom of which was as high as the edge of the present gorge, received and carried northward the waters of the Rhine. By degrees the great river flowing at this high level began to scoop out a channel, which gradually deepened and became bounded by cliffs. Just in proportion as the channel of the gorge deepened, so the Rhine, wandering through the long inclined plain of Miocene rocks between Basel and Bin- gen, by degrees had its surface-level lowered through the ordinary processes of watery ero- sion. The wide alluvial flat through which the river, studded with islands, now flows, shows 87 oO OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. that in modern times the Rhine has often changed its channel, winding hither and thither all across the plain between the Schwarzwald and the Vosges, and leaving terraces sometimes remote from its present banks. As it acted then and is doing now, so it must have acted in the post-Miocene times recorded in this memoir, till at length Fig. 2.— Map showing the Distribution of Miocene strata north of the Pre-Miocene Alps, in the area now occupied by the Rhine between Basel and Mainz. 7 Me < vi 4 4 Hr & = Ww y 4 “An nt i) aw “zz Nin AD —— SE ny = =; BZ Sql Ss 3, 7 Wwe My — 2 x Z =BeE f- G Ayo Gl mnt Ys aw == SS Ue S Si aay, z 2g me, I N& = wy Ly, mane Rg. I} = ay f ae W SS Os < Miz iS fe gt @ AN ( AS _F iim) YS AY = RS Y, Saari" 5 AS ——= i ng AS l= ell ly Cz S> A Wis “BX SES =F = “ SSeS 2 wil z 1) SSS NS MnwZ S Zoe S SSS SSS = ‘CS —= G ——SSSSSSSSSSSSS=—— < WS an DAW YY; YY UP S = SS Ny DD AG i = ae i il <<" ii ee Wit ~~ < are! s 2«& SS ZS SALES SN B, C, D. Pre-Miocene mountains (Schwarzwald, Vosges, BE. Pre-Miocene Alps, bordering Mio- Mn klilide Wy, ) iy Wa AA. Miocene strata. &c.), bordering Miocene waters. cene waters. (The arrow indicates the direction of the drainage in part of what is now the Rhine valley.) the greater part of the high plain of Miocene strata was worn away ; and the tabular uplands near Basel and Mainz now bordering the modern plain remain to attest the amount of denudation that the valley has suffered by watery erosion. This hypothesis readily accords with the occurrence of stratified banks of gravel at various levels above those of the more modern river-terraces which are common in the plain. If also much of the Loess be only river-mud of a comparatively ancient date, and per- haps partly of glacier origin, this view helps to account for its A, C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY 88 ‘sutyrd of} Sutsepaoq syoor ouooorpy Jo S[piy aepnqey, *vv “U abuag fo ymos syooyy auaooy fo spp mjnqny, puv ouysy ayn fo 2. MM I— 6 cA OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. 89 being found at many different levels on the slopes that flank the Rhine valley, far better than that of a hypothetical partial submer- gence of the country which converted a large part of the valley into a kind of freshwater estuary. Thus the Jurassic hills between Her- holz and Ettenheim on the right bank are partly covered by these old river-deposits to heights of about 200 feet above the river, while lower down, as at Worms, the Loess rests on river-gravel close to the great plain ; and at Eltville the Loess covered with vineyards descends to the level of the Rhine. As the river by degrees lowered the level of the plain, it left its finer detritus at these and many other levels. While this plain still retained its original high level, and the Rhine, as already stated, flowed through the upland slopes formed of Devonian rocks now lying between Bingen and Konigswinter, it first began to form the gorge; and as this work of watery erosion went on, the water, constantly deepening its channel, at length scooped it to its present depth. The traces of its temporary levels as the river cut its way down, may still be seen on the cliffs high above the present surface of the water. Thus on the hill behind Bingen, called the Rochusberg, on the spur of Devonian quartz rock on which the Hotel Hartmann stands, there is a chapel, called St. Roche, standing on the relics of a plain 341 feet above the river, and which a little further west rises to a height of nearly 400 feet. This plateau, also in a fragmentary shape, is continued further down the Rhine. Where the gorge begins, going down the river, it presents the outline shown in fig. 4. Fig. 4.—Section across the Rhine Valley, showing the present and old Levels. /) Tinimnnnnn 1. The present level of the Rhine. 2. Part of an old level of the river. 3. Part of the hilly ground beyond, that formed the original river-bank. Lower down the river, below Niederheimbach, the left bank, looked at in front, presents the aspect shown in fig. 5. The plain, 3, slopes gently to the north; and numerous gullies or minor valleys, which open out just above the present bank of the Rhine and end in the plain above, have been produced by atmospheric decomposition and rain and snow during the time that the river has been cutting its way from 3, its higher, to 1,its present level. At Wellmich, looking down the river, the general appearance of the high banks is given in fig. 6, which shows the terraced plain on the left bank receding to the north in a gradual perspective, the more hilly ground to the right and left that bounds these terraced plains not being visible from this point of view. 90 A. C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY Fig. 5.—View of bank near Niederheimbach. —= 1. The present level of the Rhine. 2. The cliffy ground of the west side of the gorge. 3. Anoldriver-plain. 4. The more distant hills that bounded the earlier river-valley. Fig. 6.— View near Wellmich. Fig. 7.—View on the left bank of the Rhine, near Salzig. a ae — ~ Fig. 7 represents the left bank of the Rhine at Salzig, still further down. The lower part (No. 1) is cliffy, above which there is the same kind of plain, 2, gently inclined northward, and which like those already noticed marks an old level of the river about 400 feet above its present channel. No. 3 marks the undulating hills beyond, as in fig. 5. * The general aspect of much of the country between Coblenz and Bingen is given in the following rough sketch of part of the scenery, looking up the river (fig. 8). Fig. 8.—View, looking up the Rhine, between Coblenz and Bingen. In this diagram high terraced plains are well marked, and the same kind of form is occasionally repeated at different levels. The OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE, 91 same general outline is seen near Rheineck (fig. 9), where the terraced form above the river cliff is well preserved. Finally, just about the Fig. 9.— View near Rheineck. mouth of the gorge above the Siebengebirge, looking up the river, the long hilly slopes on the coast are seen descending towards the Rhine, as in fig. 10, ending in a terrace (a) similar in height and Fig. 10.—View near the Siebengebirge, looking south. general character to those previously mentioned. In fact from end to end of the gorge there are constant recurrences of these forms, on approximately corresponding levels above the Rhine, and at other elevations besides. As the gorge was being gradually cut out and deepened, and as a consequence of this the Rhine, wandering through the plain beyond Bingen, by degrees lowered the surface of that broad part of the valley ; so just in proportion the Maine, the Neckar, the Murg, the Kinzig, the Elz, and other tributary rivers also lowered their channels: in other words, when the Rhine flowed at a higher level, the valleys of the tributary streams were also proportionately higher ; and this remark equally applies to the tributaries of the Rhine on either side of the gorge, such as the Lahn, the Moselle, and many smaller streams. By this means we arrive at the post-Miocene history of the deepening of river-valleys over very large areas; and the reasoning now applied to the Rhine is equally applicable to the Danube and other European rivers of equal importance. One other minor point remains with regard to the history of the Rhine. When the great Rhine-glacier, aided by tributary streams of ice, spread westward in the valley some distance below the junc- tion of the Rhine and the Aar, vast quantities of moraine-matter must have been shed from its western end or edge. The large bodies of water that then flowed from a glacier so enormous carried great part of this moraine-matter down the course of the » 92 A, C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY river, just as the streams that issue from the smaller glaciers of to-day attack the terminal moraines and restrict their growth. A necessary consequence of the powerful flow of such a large body of glacier-water must have been to carry the waterworn stones onward to Basel and into the flats beyond; and in time, as the river changed its channel and wandered hither and thither across the plain, the gravels got scattered over the whole of its area. The thick strata of sand, loam, and gravel that form the present plain of the Rhine are therefore in great part the waterworn débris of old moraines, just as the gravels of the plains of Piedmont and Lom- bardy are relics of the moraines of the gigantic glaciers of the Italian side of the Alps. ‘This view of the origin of the gravels of the Rhine was pointed out to me thirteen years ago by Professor Desor, of Neuchatel, though I do not recoilect that he has printed any thing on the subject. The substance of the foregoing remarks may be summed up as follows :— 1. During portions of the Miocene epoch the drainage through part of the valley that lies between the Schwarzwald and the Vosges was in great part from north to south, or, in other words, from the hills north of Mainz into the area now occupied by the Miocene rocks of Switzerland. 2. After those physical disturbances and elevations that closed the so-called Miocene epoch in these regions, the direction of the drainage was reversed, and thus it happened that :— 3. After passing through the hill-country between the lake of Constance and the place where Basel now stands, the Rhine flowed along an elevated plain formed of Miocene rocks, the relics of which still exist between Basel and Mainz. 4. At the same time the Rhine flowed in a minor valley through the upland country formed of the Devonian rocks that now con- stitute the Taunus, the Hundsruck, and the contiguous high land’ lying northerly towards Bonn. 5. Then by the ordinary erosive action of the great river the gorge was gradually formed and deepened to its present level, and— 6. Just in proportion as the gorge deepened, so the gently inclined Miocene strata of the area between Mainz and Basel were also in great part worn away, so as to leave the existing plain, which to the uninstructed eye presents the deceptive appearance of once having been occupied by a great lake*. * Since this memoir was sent to the Geological Society I have read a learned paper sent to me by Professor Fridolin Sandberger “On the Upper Rhine Valley in Tertiary and Diluvial Times” (Das Ausland, No. 50, Dec. 15, 1873). This memoir, which is of the highest value, contains a great amount of infor- mation on the relations, stratigraphical and paleontological, of all the formations found in the valley of the Rhine from the Upper Bunter Sandstone down to the times of the Loess and superficial gravels. Professor Sandberger only here and there incidentally touches upon the physi- cal questions to which I confine myself, and apparently had no intention of going into the details by means of which I attempt to prove what I conceive to be the physical history of the valley, especially in its later stages. Wherever he does touch on these subjects, however, there is no discrepancy in our views. On ¢ Soc Vol. XXX PL Vil AP SENT DISTRIBUTION DF STRATA, pst Muocene-Alps, N THE land Mam, re ss was pane in we et OF THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE. 93 EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII. Map showing the present distribution of Miocene strata north of the post- Miocene Alps, and in the basin of Basel and Mainz. the contrary there seems to be agreement, a circumstance on which I may be permitted to congratulate myself. With Professor Sandberger’s permission I trust soon to publish a translation of his memoir. From M. Merian, of Basel, and Professor Studer, of Berne, I received much valuable collateral information, which helped me to work out the theory pro- pounded in this memoir. MM. Dufrénoy and Elie de Beaumont attribute the original formation of the plain of the Rhine, between the Vosges and the Schwarzwald, to the sinking of the highest part of a long. gently curved arch formed by the ancient junction of the rocks of these mountains above the space now occupied by the valley. This space, according to these distinguished authors, was let down by a series of faults, which produced the scarped sides of the mountains on either side of the great valley of the Rhine (Explication de la Carte Géologique de la France, vol. i. p. 437). Dr. Hibbert, in his celebrated ‘ History of the Extinct Volcanos of the Basin of Neuwied on the Lower Rhine,’ 1832, states the theory propounded by M. Elie de Beaumont, and seems partly to consider that, previous to the deposition of the Tertiary deposits, the solid strata of the Rhine gorge “would be shaken to their very foundation; while during their very forcible elevation deep fissures or, according to a late phraseology, deep valleys of disruption (vallées d’écarte- iment) would ensue, . . . . in which case, owing to the attriting power of torrents contained in such fissures during an incalculable period of time, it would not be always easy to distinguish such appearances as have originated amidst the convulsive effects of uplifting causes, from those which have been caused during an incalculable lapse of ages by the persistent degradation of meteoric agents.” He thinks that the Moselle, with all its windings, has ‘‘the close resemblance of a deep fissure or split,” and the same of the Brihl and the Nette—that the gorge of the Rhine between Andernach and Rheineck, and thence towards Cologne, was formed ‘“‘ by the same common convulsion,” and, indeed, “that the valley of the Rhine, as far even as from Bingen to Bonn, was originally an immense: fissure, suddenly induced by causes of violence ;” and to this and other fissured valleys he attributes different dates. All of these were antecedent to the Ter- tiary period, or probably so (pp. 10-14). Again, following M. Boué, he considers “the valley from Mayence to Basel one of the ancient marine basins of Europe during the Tertiary period,” and that a barrier of high land stretched across “‘the present site of the Straits of Bingen,” so that “this marine basin had no connexion with the present channel of the Rhine from Bingen to Cologne.” “Tts waters flowed in a direction quite opposite to that which they now main- tain, being from north to south, while its southern extremity [about Basel, I presume] was connected with the other marine basins of Europe by means of narrow channels.” ‘The more modern view is that it was directly and broadly connected with the freshwater and occasional marine interstratifications of the Swiss Miocene strata, which, quoting from M. Boué, he states to consist of marine and freshwater débris of shells &e. confusedly intermingled by frequent débicles(p.17). The basin of Neuwied Dr. Hibbert also considers to have been a lake which was partly drained by the convulsively disrupted fissure which now forms the gorge of the Rhine between Andernach and Linz; and this drainage of the lake was helped by ‘‘the fissured channel of the Brith], which was probably a remote effect of the volcanic eruptions which in this district distinguished the commencement of the Tertiary epoch” (p. 19). The different statements seem to me to be not quite consistent with each other; but they may be partly under- stood as rather expressing the opinions of M. de Beaumont and M. Boué than Dr. Hibbert’s own opinion. Further explanation is perhaps wanted in my memoir respecting the basin of Neuwied and the valley of the Brihl; but I may return to this subject in a future memoir, ; Q.J.G.8. No. 118. I - A Theron badd WAP SHOWING THE PRESENT DISTRIBUTION ’ MIOCENE STRATA North of the Tost Mocane Alps, aan * OPE n aia ( SRO | Miocene Strata 94 A.C. RAMSAY ON THE PHYSICAL HISTORY Discussion. Mr. Camppett, in illustration of the paper, and of the effects which running water is capable of producing, brought forward some views in Daghestdn and the Caucasus. Very considerable tracts of this country are drained by cafons, very narrow, but some hundreds of feet in depth; the streams which pass along them are principally fed by melting snow. | Prof. Hucurs doubted the view which referred the present Rhine to any configuration of the country due to the original level surface of the Miocene while it ignored the post-Miocene elevation of the Alps and Jura. He had traced the lava from the Forniche Kopf, near Andernach, down to within 100 feet of the present Rhine. He thought, therefore, that the Rhine began to cut back a channel by rapids and waterfalls, from the Rolandseck end, at the first appear- ance of the land above the Miocene sea, and before the close of the earth-movements aud volcanic eruptions which seem to be con- nected with the later Miocene, but that it took the river so long to eat its way back as far as Bingen that it had time to wind about and form a broad valley in the upper part of its course—that the river continued to run at the higher level at the Bingen end until, at a comparatively far less remote period, the gorge was eaten back through this flat valley; and when once the river had got through the harder rocks near Bingen, it soon disposed of the softer beds in the Mayence basin. Mr. Kocu was inclined to think that the Jura chain had existence in Miocene times, as beds of that age lay horizontally in hollows in the Jurassic rocks. He quite agreed with Prof. Ramsay as to the terraces along the sides of the Rhine gorge. Mr. Tippeman did not see the difficulties suggested by Prof. Hughes. The Duke of Areyri remarked that if the physical history of the Rhine were established, it would throw much light on that of other great rivers. He considered the paper of great value, but suggested a doubt whether the history assigned would account for all the phe- nomena exhibited along the course of the river. There appeared to have been at the commencement of the existence of the river several upheavals of the land, but subsequent to the main upheaval of the Alps. He regarded the channel of the river as entirely due to flu- yiatile nailer. but he confessed to having some doubt whether the erosion of the river alone could have effected the enormous amount of denudation exhibited in the district. He inquired whether there was not a possibility of some marine denuding power also having been at work. He also inquired as to the flexure of the rocks and subterranean movements affecting the conditions of the case, espe- cially in connexion with the angles at which the Miocene strata are tilted. A third question alluded to by Prof. Hughes was as to the volcanic action that had gone on in the valley of the Rhine; and he wished to know whether that might not also have conduced towards the present contour of the valley. As to the terraces, he accepted OF THE VALLRY OF THE RHINE. 95 the author’s view as correct; but the question still remained as to how far the gorge was due to gradual erosion and how far to some subterranean action. Prof. Ramsay, in reply to Mr. Hugh Miller, stated that the de- tritus brought from the north was found in Switzerland, and that Prof. Sandberger considered that at the time of its transport the Jura was not in existence. He had conversed with all the principal Swiss geologists; and it was from thern he learnt that, along what is now a part of the valley of the Rhine, a river flowing south- wards, during episodes in the Miocene period, carried pebbles from the north along its course. This river must have dated back even to Eocene times. In reply to Prof. Hughes, he stated that the attribution of the volcanic outflows to Miocene times was somewhat problematical, and that there was some probability of their belonging to a more recent period. Neither did they affect the district mainly under consideration. There was no great succession of terraces, but one main terrace of fluviatile origin, of which extensive traces re- mained. Similar terraces occurred on the Moselle. In reply to the Duke of Argyll, he stated that he did not think that volcanic action had any thing to do with the formation of the gorge. The Miocene strata lay in an approximately horizontal direction, and were not tilted in such a manner as to suggest that their absence in the basin was due to any disturbance of the strata. They must, in his view, have been of necessity scooped away by the action of flowing water. 96 J. CLIFTON WARD ON THE ORIGIN OF SOME 14. The Ortatn of some of the Laxe-Bastns of Cumpernann. By J. Cuirton Warp, Esq., Assoc. R.S.M., F.G.S., of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. (Read January 7, 1874.) [Prares IX. & X.] Frrst Paper. Tue subject of the origin of lake-basins is one whieh has received considerable attention at the hands of several eminent observers, and notably of Professor Ramsay. At the present time I propose to discuss the origin of those depressions in which some of our Cumberland lakes lie, taking as examples Derwentwater and Bas- senthwaite, and Buttermere, Crummock, and Loweswater. The two former lakes I have myself carefully sounded; the latter were sounded many years since by Mr. P. C. Crosthwaite ; and the depths obtained by him will here be made use of, with some observations of my own. The first point is to obtain a true idea of the proportions and depths of the lakes as compared with the surrounding mountains. For this purpose I have drawn a number of sections on a true scale (the same yertical and horizontal), both in the direetion of the length of the lakes and transverse to that direction. In the case of the longitudinal sections (figs. 1-3), outlines of the mountains on the left sides of the respective valleys are inserted, with their true height, and the lakes are indicated by deep-black lines of a thickness corresponding to the various depths. To form a strictly accurate idea of the original size of the lakes, the following points must also be taken into account. Both Derwentwater and Butter- mere must formerly have extended nearly a mile higher up their respective valleys (see Map, Pl. IX.). Derwentwater and Bassen- thwaite were once continuous, though now parted by some three miles of alluvial land. Buttermere and Crummock were likewise originally one, though three quarters of a mile of alluvium now separates them. The filling up of the head of Derwentwater is due to the matter brought down by the river Derwent and the Watend- lath beck ; amd the soundings for a mile and a quarter north of the mouth of the Derwent show how this proeess is still going on, the depths for that distance only increasing from 5 to 18 feet, there being much deeper channels on either side the northern part of this shallow tongue (fig. 17). The Barrow beck has also done its share of work in forming an alluvial fan projecting into the lake, and in shallowing the parts immediately beyond. The tract of alluvium between Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite has been formed by the river Greta flowing from the east, and the Newlands beck and its tributaries flowing from the south and west. The head of Butter- mere has been filled up by the detritus borne down by the Gates- garthdale and Warnscale becks, flowing westwards on either side of OF THE LAKE-BASINS OF CUMBERLAND. 97 Honister Crag ; and the alluvium separating Buttermere from Crum- mock is mainly the product of Mill beck flowing down from the north, and Sourmilk Gill from the south, upon the opposite side. In the absence of borings the thickness of these alluvial deposits cannot be estimated; but it might be that, formerly, the greatest depths of the original long lakes were at points somewhere between Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite in the one case, and Buttermere and Crummock in the other. The figures 5-10 and 13-16 inclusive, give the forms of the lakes in transverse section, while figs. 1, 2, & 3 represent their longitudinal sections along the lines of greatest depth. When the true dimensions are thus laid down to scale, the point that first strikes one is the insignificance of the hollows in which the lakes le as compared with the elevations of the surrounding ground. But since these lakes are not sheets of water merely dammed back by moraine mounds, but lie in hollows scooped out of the solid rock, it becomes an interesting and legitimate question to inquire what was the agent which produced the hollows. Now I think there is no doubt whatever that the principal valleys of the district in which these larger lakes lie are of very great age. After more than four years’ intimate acquaintance with mountain and valley, the fact is very strongly impressed upon my mind that all the grand mountain-sculpturing to be met with here is due to the apparently weak agents now in operation, the powers of the atmosphere, wind, rain, frost, and running water. Nor can I see any reason to doubt that the elaboration of our present Lake-district scenery has been going on uninterruptedly, though very likely at different rates, at least ever since the close of the Carboniferous period, and perhaps from an earlier date still. It will thus be seen that I do not consider our Cumberland valleys to be merely gigantic ice-grooves formed by a mammoth ice-cap, as was recently suggested to this Society by Mr. Campbell to suit the case of Ireland; but, rather, I look back through long past ages during which these valleys were being sketched out, formed, and deepened, under very varying circumstances and climates, now under almost tropical con- ditions, and now beneath an arctic mantle of snow and ice—some- times when the district was far higher above the level of the sea than it is now, and sometimes perhaps when at a lower elevation. In all probability glaciers have moved down these old valleys at more than one period previous to the modern Glacial; and though they may have effected a large amount of denudation by attrition and transport, yet did they hinder the work of the denuding agents for long ages after, just in proportion as they left the country with a smooth and polished surface against which the atmospheric powers might beat for long in vain. Such considerations as the foregoing lead me to conclude that the lake-hollows are of very recent date, geologically speaking, and represent the removal of but some of the last rock-shavings by nature’s tools. And what the special tool was which effected this we have now to consider. Professor Ramsay has ably shown the difficulties which attend an 98 J. CLIFTON WARD ON THE ORIGIN OF 80ME explanation of the formation of rock-basins by such agents as the ‘sea, running water, and mere weather-action, or by rock-disturbance, special depression, or the formation of gaping fissures. Certainly the lakes in question do not appear to have been formed by any such actions. They bear no marks of marine action, even supposing the sea capable of scooping out smooth hollows in closed fiords running far inland. Such hollows are not now being formed by running water, but rather filled up through its action. They do not lie in synclinal troughs of rock; for the general direction of the two sets of lakes is directly across and at right angles to that of the strike of the rocks. No one could suppose that the shallow basins represented in these diagrams were special areas of depression, when the contour of their bed is seen to conform so closely to that of the hills on either side, and the lie of the rocks shows no evidence of so limited a movement. Neither can they possibly be regarded as resulting from great fissures having taken place; for the rocks show no signs of such at either end of the long shallow troughs, or on either side; nor, as far as I can tell, do the lakes lie along lines of fault, with the exception of Derwentwater, which is bounded on the east side by a fault throwing together the hard Volcanic Series of Borrowdale and the soft Skiddaw Slates (fig. 13), These lakes are, indeed, merely long shallow basins with a smoothed and well-scratched inner surface, worn out of the Skiddaw Slate, which is much crumpled, cleaved, and comparatively soft. The smoothing and the scratching of the rocks, in the direction of the length of the lakes, may be traced at many points passing under the water; so that there is no doubt that the hollows have been at one time filled with glacier-ice ; and it remains to be seen how far in these cases Professor Ramsay’s theory of the glacial origin of lake-basins will hold good. In a former paper, on ‘“ The Glaciation of the Northern Part of the Lake District” *, I brought forward details to prove that at the period of greatest glaciation the large glaciers were more or less confluent, and that the greater part of the district was almost com- pletely enveloped in ice. In the longitudinal sections (figs. 1 & 3), however, I have made the thickness of the ice no greater than the highest ice-scratches pointing down the valleys clearly warrant. In many cases ice-rounded rocks are common above the point at which the highest scratches are seen; but for our present purpose we will ignore this further evidence and take a low estimate of the thickness of the old glaciers. At the very outset of our examination a diffi- culty will present itself to some minds. If we take the case of the old Borrowdale glacier and mark its course along the valley of the Derwent, over the present sites of Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite, we are struck by the great flatness of the ground for full thirteen miles, from Seathwaite to the lower end of Bassenthwaite lake, ten miles of which is occupied along the line of section either by existing lake or alluvium representing former lake. If, then, we had to consider the old glacier a line of ice by itself, arising in the part * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxix. p. 422. OF THE LAKE-BASINS OF CUMBERLAND, 99 of the Derwent valley above Seathwaite, and having no other out- ward push but that due to gravitation down the two-and-a-half-mile slope from Allen Crags to Seathwaite, and to molecular gravi- tation throughout its length, we might be inclined to question the possibility of its moving over the thirteen miles of flat ground and scooping out lake-basins in its course. But just as the river Derwent now receives very many tributaries, some as large as itself, from the valleys and mountains on either side, and yet does not occupy a much wider channel, but acquires a faster flow and greater power of moving material onwards with it, so did the old Borrowdale glacier, the former representative of the Derwent, receive additional impulse from the numerous glacier sheets shed off the mountains on either side and down the tributary valleys. Let us see what this additional impulse really means. Above the village of Rosthwaite there met several large ice-streams. The Derwent glacier proper received reinforcement from ice coming down from Sty Head, out of Sourmilk Comb between Grey Knotts and Base Brown, and down the valley in which Comb Gill now runs due north from Glaramara. Just above Rosthwaite it was joined by the Stonethwaite glacier, made up of the Longstrath and Greenup ice-streams (see fig. 11). The union of these two glaciers (Derwent and Stonethwaite) formed the main Borrowdale glacier, which had then to be forced through the narrowest part of the valley, between Rosthwaite and Grange, a great ice-sheet moving over the fell-tops on the east side more or less coalescing with it (see Map, Pl. IX., and fig. 12). The old Rosthwaite Lake, of an oval form, and nearly a mile in length, occurs, it should be noted, just beyond the junction of the Derwent and Stonethwaite glaciers, and where the ice, after having its rate of flow somewhat checked at the junction, would have acquired an additional impetus (see Map, Pl. IX.). About Grange the ice- sheet shed off Brund Fell and down the Watendlath valley joined the main glacier on its escaping from the so-called jaws of Borrow- dale (just about Castle Crag, fig. 12). Thus increased in mass, the ice was urged through the valley, over the present site of Derwent- water, between Cat Bells* and Bleaberry Fell (fig. 13). I have little doubt that the pressure in a N.N.W. direction was here so great that the western side of the glacier partly escaped over the Cat Bell ridge—especially through the Hause Gate, between Maiden Moor and Cat Bells (fig. 3)—and became confluent with the New- lands glacier upon the other side. It is just about this part of the valley (fig. 13) that the greatest depth of Derwentwater is found— a depth, however, very slight as compared with the thickness of the ice, the former being 70 feet, and the latter something like 1100. Tracing the course of the glacier still further down the valley, it seems that about Keswick it was joined by several other large ice- sheets. There were the Newlands and Coledale glaciers wedging in about Braithwaite, and the western part, at any rate, of the great ice- sheet coming down the Thirlmere valley, pressing along the Naddle * Skelgill Bank in fig. 13 is the northern end of the Cat Bells range. 100 J. CLIFTON WARD ON THE ORIGIN OF SOME -yale, and over the low ridge towards Keswick (see Map, Pl. IX.). Besides these, sheets of ice of greater or less size probably descended ‘the southern slopes of Skiddaw and came down the valley of the Glenderaterra. The main valley, just below Keswick, is about three miles in width, between Braithwaite and Latrigg; and it seems almost certain that the confluent glaciers occupied the whole width to the thickness at least of a thousand feet. Only two or three miles further down, however, this great volume of ice had to pass through a part of the valley not more than a mile wide at its base, between Barf and Dodd (fig. 14), beyond which it was able to escape to the west and east of the present Bassenthwaite Lake, mainly at first, I should fancy, to the west (over into Wythop vale, fig. 15), on account of the pressure from ice-sheets probably shed westward and north-westward from the lofty mountain mass of Skiddaw. It will be seen that the deepest part of Bassenthwaite is along the western side, just where resistance to the westward trending of the glacier would be most felt ; and at the same time it is evident what a small proportion the depth of the long narrow trough bears to the probable thickness of the ice*. Turning next to the examination of the case of Buttermere, Crummock, and Loweswater, we are struck at once with the differ- ence in form of the valley-bottom, when seen in section (figs. 5-10), from that of the valley in which Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite lie (figs. 13-16). In the latter case the contour is like a more or less wide flat-bottomed pan, in the former (Buttermere, Crummock, and Loweswater) like a round-bottomed basin. The head source of the Buttermere glacier was upon Fleetwith, below Grey Knotts, whence ice-streams flowed down on both north and south sides of Honister Crag, uniting with one another to form the main glacier just at the head of the present Buttermere Lake, where the valley is narrowest, the mountains on either side the most lofty, and where also the greatest depth of the present lake is found (see Map, Pl. IX., and figs.5 & 19). The two ice-streams are represented in fig. 4, and the glacier after their union in fig. 5. It will also be noticed on reference to fig. 1 that the present lake commences just at the foot of the steeper part of the glacier-bed, and that beyond this point to the further end of Crummock there is scarcely any incline. Besides the small glaciers shed down the steep hill-side from Burtnesst and Bleaberry Tarn+ Combs, a considerable ice-stream, coming down the Mill-Beck valley, must have joined the main glacier and helped to swell its mass (fig. 6). In my former paper I showed that the Buttermere glacier on approaching Mellbreak was probably split into two branches, the main mass continuing down the valley, but a part of its left side being pressed across the low watershed by Black Beek, just north of Scale Force (fig. 7), to join _ * Tt should be borne in mind that a glacier, like a river, has its motion checked on approaching a narrow part of its valley bed, and flows more swiftly on its escape. Example, the strait between Barf and Dodd. + Between High Stile and High Crag... { Between High Stile and Red Pike. OF THE LAKE-BASINS OF CUMBERLAND. 101 another ice -stream flowing northwards down Mosedale from Gale Fell (see Map, Pl. [X.). Any part of the ice-mass thus got rid of from the main valley at this point, however, was probably more than made up for by the ice poured down from the flanks of the Grasmoor and Whiteless Pike range. Between the northern end of Mellbreak and Grasmoor, the valley is again considerably reduced in width ; and along this lower half of the lake its depth is greatest. Escaped from this narrow part, the main mass of the glacier continued down the vale of Lorton, reinforced by ice shed off from the west sides of the lofty Grasmoor and Whiteside range; and it is certain that at one time, at any rate, the left limb of the glacier passed over the present site of Loweswater, and partly enveloped Low Fell. This must have been at a time when the outward thrust of the ice was suffi- ciently powerful to push a portion of the glacier westward up an incline of 75 feet in a distance of a mile and a half, from Crum- mock to Loweswater (fig. 2). At the east end of Loweswater other ice-streams from the south met this branch of the main glacier ; and the whole mass was squeezed through the narrow valley between Carling Knott and Low Fell (fig. 10), in which Loweswater now lies, its deepest part (60 feet) bemg midway between these highest points (fig. 21). A mile and a quarter beyond the upper end of Loweswater the ice would pass over the low watershed at Sosgill (fig. 2) into the flat country beyond. I think that when the following points are carefully considered —the fact of the lakes under examination being but long shallow troughs, the thickness of the glaciers which moved along the valleys in which the lakes now le, the agreement of the deepest parts of the lakes with the points at which, from the confluence of several ice-streams and the narrowing of the valley, the onward pressure of the ice must have been greatest—one can hardly resist the conclu- sion that the immediate cause of these lake-basins was the onward movement of the old glaciers, ploughing up their beds to this slight depth, in the way Professor Ramsay’s theory suggests. At the same time it should be noticed that in the case of Buttermere and Crummock—lying in a valley with rounded bottom, as seen in cross sections—the action is merely a slight deepening of the basin, or the formation of a smaller basin of similar general form at the bottom of the larger; whereas in the case of Derwentwater and Bassen- thwaite the action has been to produce a long shallow groove, of yarying width, upon the flat bottom of the wide pan-like valley— this groove in the case of Bassenthwaite being situated (for pro- bable reasons before noticed) markedly at one side of the pan, close - under the rising sides. It may be urged by some that the fact of the deeper lakes being situated in the valley bearing the glacier of least thickness is against the idea of the lake-basins being formed by the ice; but I think, in this case, the fact is rather due to the original forms of the respec- tive valleys, the same or a less amount of rock-scooping giving rise to a deeper lake in an originally round-bottomed valley than in a flat-bottomed one. 102 J. CLIFTON WARD ON THE ORIGIN OF SOME At a future time I hope to test the results here obtained for these lakes by bringing forward like details in the ease of some of the other lakes, and notably Wastwater, and also in a similar way to consider the origin of the many mountain-tarns scattered throughout the district. This latter subject leads me to make the remark that a great service would be rendered if some one could be induced, during the summer months, to visit the various tarns with a small light canoe and sound their depths. The work is one I would mostly gladly undertake myself; but as my official business will not allow me the necessary time, I must leave it, hoping some one may be found to do it out of pure love for scenery and science. EXPLANATION OF PEATES. Puate IX. Map of the northern part of the Lake district, showing the direction of ice- scratches by arrow-marks, and the tines along which the transverse sections in Plate X. have been drawn. Puate X. Horizontal sections to illustrate the form of the valleys, the depth of the lakes, the height of the mountains, and the thickness of the ice; together with plans of the five lakes: all on a true scale of 1 inch to1 mile. Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of the Buttermere and Crummock valley, from Grey Knotts to Low Fell. . Longitudinal section of the Loweswater valley, from the foot of Crum- mock Water to Sosgill. . Longitudinal section of the Derwent valley, from Allen Crags to the foot of Bassenthwaite Lake. . Transverse section of the head of the Buttermere valley, from Scarf Gap to Dale Head. . Transverse section across the deepest part of Buttermere, from High Stile to Robinson. . Transverse section across the lower end of Buttermere, from Red Pike to High Snockrigg, and High Snockrigg to Whiteless Pike. . Transverse section across the head of Crummock Water, from Black Beck to Whiteless Pike. . Transverse section across Crummock Water, from Scale Knott to Ran- nerdale Knotts. . Transverse section across Crummock Water, from Mellbreak to Gras- moor. 10. Transverse section across the deepest part of Loweswater, from Carling Knotts to Low Fell. 11. Transverse section across the head of Borrowdale, from Great Gable to Ullscarf. 12. Transverse section across Keskadale, Newlands vale, Borrowdale, and Watendlath vale, from Knott Rigg on the west to High Tove on the east. 13. Transverse section across the deepest part of Derwentwater, from Causey Pike to Bleaberry Fell. 14. Transverse section across the head of Bassenthwaite Lake, from Lord’s. Seat to Skiddaw. 15. Transverse section across the deepest part of Bassenthwaite Lake, from . a little south of Wythop Hall to Ullock Pike. 16. qos section aeross Bassenthwaite Lake, from Sale Fell to Little nott. bo ~ 09 or Qe) Gok Ais er) OL OOG MAP \ NORTHE o, OF THE < LAKE pst Scale about 4S P lo 7 mule) 0) SS WH NU dine HS \ ’ SJ Wy), VY aboth a WE \ We Soe Fell 927, 1,Ullscarf 2370. 2,6lar Steel Fell 18/1, 8, Blencathra, 2847. Troutbeck Mell Fell ¢ Beck iterate Common te § Ww ie uni! a i W.Robinson, 2417. 12,Hi | Ligh Crag, 2443, 18 High Stile, 2643. 19,Red Pile, 2479. 20, Mell break, J676. 2,Carling Kinott,/78). 2 56. BO-BroomEAll, 1670. 3h. d ected; 2084. 3%, Gavel Pike, 2577. 38, Annstone Cragg, 1423. 39 Fairheld, 2862. 9, Skiddaw, 3054. 10, Bart, 1586 27, Dellywaggon Prke, 2810. 28,Ratse, 2889, 29, Lords Seat, 1811. up J Lakes. Mintern Bros. Lith Quart. Journ. ( MAP OF NORTHERN PART OF THE LAKE DISTRICT, Scale about '2 inch tc 7 mile il | uli * SSeatcligx— Ape, Ave { 4 wow ff ‘Seathwaite I \ “\ Rsac™ og \ 2 yy 1. oO %, i 1,0 scarf 2370. 2,Glaramara, 2560. Robinson, 2017... 12,Hindscarth, 2385. 2),Carling Kinott,J78/. 22, Great Borne, WBroom Fall, 1670. 31,Kirk Fell M76. 32,Grisedale Pike, 3,.Base Brown,2/20, 4, Grey Knotts,2287. 5,Cat Bells, 1482. 13, Dale Head, 2473. /4,Whiteless Pike, 2159. 15, Grassmoor, 279). 2019. 23 Kirk Fell, 2630. 24,Pillar, 2926. 26, Hay cock, 2619. 2593. 33,Crag Hill, 2749. 34, Causey Pike, 2082. — il Sa 6 Helvellyn, 38, 7, Steel Fell, 18/1. 8, Blencathra, 2847. 16, Whiteside, 2317. 17, High Crag, 2443, 18 High Stile, 2643. WH e% ry nn Troutbeck Matterdale Common 9, Skiddaw, 3054. +0.Bart: 1536 19, Red Pile, 2479. 20, Mellbreak,/676. 26, Stybarrow Dodd.2756. 27.Dellywaggen Pike, 2810. 28,Raise, 2889, 29, Lords Seat, 18/1. wititinn = 3OOO 10. 2000 Ki. The points of the Arrows woo 10001, unin Contours 2S Filled up Lakes. indicate the Tee marks. 35, Bellbarrow, 1363. 36, Starling Dedd, 2084. 37, Gavel Pike, 2577. 38, Annstone Gragg, 423. 39.Fatrfield, 2862 Mintern Bros. Lith Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol XXX. Pl. X. Surface of Water 226Ft. Surface of Water 238 Ft. Surface of Water 33/ Ft. S Fig. 19. See 0 ' ' 126 Ta cao WBE ~~~ 1 & Surface of Water 327 Ft. Fig. 20. Gummock Warter 9.10 _ fark Bees, “YJ are , Surface of Water 396 Fb. < RS Fig. 21. Loweswater Scale Tinch to 1 mule. Lakes with their soundings, depths tn feet. Mintern Bros. Lith. Quart, Journ Geol Soc. Vol XXX PiX PLANS AND SECTIONS TO ILLUSTRATE PAPER ON “THE ORIGIN OF SOME OF THE LAKE-BASINS OF CUMBERLAND” BY J. CLIFTON WARD. 5 us Fig |7, Fig.| 8 Foie “Sa Hay Stacks Scarf 6ap High Gra 2442 ig \7 Fig iy Méllbreak Tow Fell Fig | 10 Fig 6 tile 2648 Red Pike 2478 aaa Pee a S SES Fig. Buttermere Lake Crammeck Water Crummock Loweswater Seagull Fig. 2 Fig 13 - Fig th Fig. 12. Crag HUL 2749 Coledale Horse Fig. 4 Pig. 18 Fig | 6. Allen Crags 257! Aaron Cragae — Base Brown 2120 Little Gatesgarthdale High Scuwdel High Spy Pke Outersite 1863 Sand. Hill Whinletter Puss Beckstone Cull Sale Fell 176 And Barrew OS Grisadale Puke 2593 Seat How 1626 Bart 1535 IMM I TOT Fig. 3 Seathwaite Old Resthwaite Lake Surfice of Witer 238 Fe Grasmoor 27H Scarf Gap * Honuster Crag Dale Hea A735 High Stile 2643 Has eness Robinson 2417 Red Pike 2476 High Sneckeigg Whateleas Pike AKG Rannerdate linette Whitelens Pee 2169 Crummock Meilbreak 1668 Carling Knotts Loweswoter law Fell Warnscale Bottom Gateagarthdale Beck B Bleaberry Tarn Buttermere MAL Beck Black Beck Crummeck Scale Kno we Hanrersiale Hinette Oummeck J 77 tA % > a A A 4 NCO ) “ os ee Se = =i A \ 5 — J 7 one eet .: = = ~~ wt VOD UW QD BS SEES tan ti 80 As il = Pig. +. Fig. 5. Fig. 8 Z ¥, g 6 Fig 19. ern Great Gable 2048 Seathowaite Fell 1969 Glaramara 2660 Sergennts Crag 1872, Ulecar’ 2370 Kexkerdale Beck Little Dale Newlands Beck River Derwent Watendlath Tarn Casey Pte 082 Rowling Bnd 22 Skelgill Bank Bleaberry Pell 1932 ; Styhead Gill River Derwent Leng Strath Greenup Gill Knott Rigg 272 Robinscntrage Hindscarth 2364 High Spy 2142 Castle ag Brand: Fell 1368 High Tove 1686 Newtaneds Beck Derwentwater: 8 ea Lbs s Porro Y gg yy = 7 a= | ws) 3 ; ey Glee ‘ 1) a Fig.l Fig. 20. Cummocle Water Lords Seat 1810 Bassenthwaite Dodd W612 Cart Sitle Skid 3054S. Wythop Hall Ullock Pike Sale Fell 1170 Watches Little Knott Bart 1535 y Bassenthwoite Baasenthwaite ~ KK « Suartace of Water 3.96 Ft. YS = | Fig. 21. Tweed \ eee WC J Seale, 1 inch to | mile, both vertical and herixental : Fig lt. Fig 16 Be Scale Vinch w 1 mile 5 any . . Nove, The Patte bs aude, atari be ih (UMMM Voteanic Seriew of Borrowdlale SN middaw states SBeacier ice The marks thus ‘Fig\10" show where transverse sections cross the longitudinal sip si Matpalspner ain Dango! Cnet nou ten formations, bear ne relation te either bedding er clearage Lakes with their sourdings, deptiain feet. OF THE LAKE-BASINS OF CUMBERLAND. 103 Fig. 17. Plan of Derwentwater, 18. Venere ae narte dake, with depths given in feet, and dotted 19. ;, Buttermere, 5 ; : 2). i Crummock Water, _| lines along which the sections run. 21. », Loweswater, ) Discussion. Mr. Campsett said that he had listened with great pleasure to the able paper of the author. He was not himself acquainted with the Lake-district ; but he knew many similar districts in which similar phenomena existed. He agreed with the author’s conclusion, that these lake-basins were the result of glacial erosion. But if ice could do so much, it might have done more. In confirmation of the author’s views, Mr. Campbell said that in the Caucasus there are very few lakes. He had found no glacial phenomena in the whole range, except one small moraine near the only lake in Daghestan. Mr. Evans inquired what effect the varying hardness of the strata, their trend and dip, might have had on the formation of the basins, and how the presence of islands was to be explained. He men- tioned that at the present day the rainfall at Seathwaite was in some years nearly 200 inches, which, if there were sufficient cold, would suffice even now for an enormous supply of ice. Mr. SeeLry inquired whether the position of the lake-basins in the supposed glacier had any definite relation to the positions of smaller affluent glaciers, and whether the lake-basins were to be attributed to that relation. Mr. Gopwry-Avsten remarked on the acceptance which Prof. Ramsay’s views had received, and the support which they were receiving. There was little doubt of the former existence of ice over a large portion of this part of Europe; but whether it could have existed in such thickness as was required by some geologists was another question. He doubted as to the power of glaciers to drive ice forward to any great extent over land either up a slope or over a horizontal space. He considered that the paper would add a great interest to the country to which it related. Capt. Dovetas Gaxron disputed the power of ice to act in a manner materially different from that of water. Owing to the friction of the ice at the bottom of a glacier, he thought its flow would be so much retarded that its excavating power would be almost annihilated. Mr. Warp, in reply, stated that the basins in all the cases he had cited were excavated in the Skiddaw slate, the hardness of which was nearly uniform. The dip of the strata was very vari- able, but he could not point to any spot where the depth of the lake was connected with the dip.. The islands in Derwentwater might be the result of an old moraine left by the glaciers in retreating up the valley. The position of the lakes was in the direct line of the principal glaciers. The thickness of the ice was proved by the existence of scratches along the sides of the valleys, such as could not have been produced in any other way. The probability was 104 J. CLIFTON WARD ON CUMBERLAND LAKE-BASINS. that the ice had been even thicker than shown by these marks. Though the laws of motion of ice were the same as those of water, yet the action of a hard body was of necessity different from that of a liquid. Prof. Ramsay was so accustomed to meet with papers such as this, confirming his original views, that he was almost becoming weary of the subject. He considered, however, that the sections given by the author on a true scale were of very great value, as calculated to give a correct idea of the actual phenomena, and as showing the value of De la Beche’s maxims with regard to such diagrams. He inquired whether there could be any difficulty in a body of ice, some thousands of feet in thickness, cutting out such inconsiderable hollows as those shown, just in the same manner as running water sometimes excavates its channel more deeply at one spot than another, if from local circumstances the nature of its motion is increased. NOTES ON A JOURNEY FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 105 15, Gronoercat Norrs on a Journny from Axermrs to the SAHARA. By Grorez Maw, Esq., F.G.S. &ce. (Read February 52, 1874.) | [Puare XI.] Durine the spring of 1873 I paid a short visit to the province of Algiers, and beg to lay before the Society the result of my observa- tions on the main geological features of the district between Algiers and the Sahara. The military read running almost due north and south from the Mediterranean coast of Algiers to the borders of the desert at L’Aghouat, the most southern French military outpost, and crossing nearly at right angles the prevalent line of strike and trend of the high and low ground, suggested itself to me as affording the most comprehensive section in a continuous line that could be selected for my object, which was to compare the geological features of Algeria with those of Marocco observed during my visits to that country in the years 1869 and 1871. Very little has heretofore been written about the geology of Algeria ; and, indeed, the best published maps fall short of giving a correct delineation of even the hill- and valley-systems of the country. My line of route of 285 miles and 3° of latitude (viz. from 36° 47' N. to 33° 48’ N., or a trifle over 210 miles in a direct line) included 30 miles by rail, from Algiers to Blidah, thence by diligence over the Lesser Atlas, through the gorge of La Chiffa to Medeah, and thence over the high land of the Tell to Boukhari, along a well-engineered road which at present terminates at a point about 110 miles from Algiers (See Map, Pl. XI.). From Boukhari to L’Aghouat, for the remaining 200 miles over the Salt Plains and Hauts Plateaux, com- munication is kept up by a small omnibus, running every fifth day along a rough track almost devoid of bridges, little better than a caravan-route, and which would be quite impassable to ordinary European vehicles. The dotted line on the map indicates my route, and the black line the section represented in the diagram Pl. XI., in which an occasional feature lying a little east or west of the actual line of section has been introduced. ‘The fine double lines crossing the main line of section indicate the strike of the beds. In general terms the portion of Algeria crossed in my route may be described as a great plateau of an average height of 3000 feet; bounded on the north by the range of the Lesser Atlas, in precisely the same way as the great plateau of Spain is backed up on its north side by the Pyrenees, and shelving off to the north in slopes and terraces to the sea-level of the Sahara. In detail, the general mass must be viewed as a series of high plateaux, separated by in- tervening plains at a relatively lower level ; these plains appear to correspond with the former relative level of the Sahara submergence, their present height indicating the subsequent rise of the land, and represent a great Postpliocene anticlinal, to which the more ancient 106 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY foldings of the Mesozoic and Tertiary beds are subordinate in their effect on the contour of the country. I purpose, in the first place, to follow my route as an itinerary, and to describe the contour and geological features in passing from north to south, and then to summarize my observations in the order of stratigraphical sequence. The coast in the neighbourhood of Algiers presents, in the absence of cliffs and escarpments, the same character as the Marocco sea- board of the Mediterranean and the coast-lines of Corsica and the Reviera already referred to in previous papers. The hill- and and valley-system of the land shelves under the adjacent sea, with- out the intervention of distinct escarpments, indicating, as I believe, that the existing coast-level is so recent that the sea has not yet had time to excavate a cliff-boundary. The paleontological evidence on the connexion of Europe and Africa in Postpliocene times brought forward by Mr. Boyd Dawkins in his paper ‘“‘ On the Physical Geo- graphy of the Mediterranean during the Pleistocene age ”’ (Popular Science Review’ for April 1873) supports the view of the recent origin of the existing Mediterranean coast-line. Raised Coast-beaches—I am informed by Mr. Tristram that a series of raised concrete shell-beaches occurs on the Mediterranean coast to the west of Oran, ranging in height above the sea-level from 200 to 600 feet. The fragments exhibited were obtained by him at Mers-el-Kebir, at a height of 400 feet; and among them Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys has determined the following species :—Pecten opercularis, Pectunculus glycymeris, Cardium edule, Venus gallina, Turbo rugosus, and Fusus corneus, all common Mediterranean and Pliocene species. Neighbourhood of Algiers.—The city of Algiers is built up the side of a high boss of land standing out as a promontory on the west side of the bay, and separated from the higher land of the Lesser Atlas and Tell Plateau by the level plain of the Mitidja, the submer- gence of which to the extent of 200 or 300 feet would separate the high boss as an island. It is about eight miles across from north to south, and the same distance from east to west. It includes the oldest rocks observed on the line of section, viz. mica-schist and gneiss, with intercalated quartzite, disposed as an anticlinal with a north and south strike. Its highest point, about 800 feet above the sea, is a little to the west of Fort de ’Empereur, from which the beds dip nearly east and west at an inclination of 30°. Skirting these ancient micaceous rocks, Tertiary beds are super- imposed as terraces ranging round the Bay of Algiers to the 8. and S.E. of the city, and ascend in the vicinity of Moustafa-Supérieur nearly to the summit of the hill. They have a prevalent dip of from 10° to 20° S.E. and E., and consist of soft, calcareous, cream-coloured freestone, here and there tufaceous, occasionally including beds of compact limestone, and closely resemble in mineral character the Calcaire grossier. They abound in shells, among which Mr. Etheridge has determined the following—Pecten jacobeus, Arca, Cucullea, Modiola, sp., casts of Certthium, Natica, sp., and fragments of Pecten and Ostrea ; and he supposes them to be of Miocene age, and possibly FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 107 in part Pliocene. The Museum at Algiers contains a few corals from these beds. Remains of Postpliocene mammals have also been found in the neighbourhood of Algiers; and the skull of a fossil ox (Bubalus antiquus), remarkable for the immense length of its horn-cores (about 20 inches) is preserved in the museum. It was found in excavating stones for the road to the Penitentiary of Bab-Azzoun, near Algiers. It resembles in mineral character the Tertiary fossils, and was probably imbedded in rearranged débris from the Tertiary freestone beds. The Plain of the Mitidja.—The railway, for about eight miles, skirts in a §.E. direction the bay of Algiers close to the sea, then turns south by La Maison Carrée through some cuttings of shingle and loam, and by a westerly bend at once enters the plain of the Mitidja at a height of 100 feet above the sea. The Mitidja is a level plain, about eight miles across, running out to the sea at the southern extremity of Algiers Bay, and separates the high boss of land against which Algiers is built from the range of the Lesser Atlas, forming its northern boundary. ‘The plain consists of sandy loam inter- calated with pebble-beds, and rises almost imperceptibly westwards, from the sea-level at Algiers Bay to the neighbourhood of Blidah, where a fan-shaped delta of shaly débris stretches from the foot of the Atlas half across the plain. This appears to have been deposited during the submergence of the Mitidja by the stream which debouches from the back of Blidah. Blidah station is situated about halfway up the regularly sloping delta, at a height of 500 feet; and the town of Blidah a mile higher up, at a height of 650 feet, and about a mile from the foot of the Atlasrange. From Blidah station the rail again descends the western slope of the delta, till it reaches the average level of the plain at the station of La Chiffa, at a height of about 350 feet. The low ground is here left; and turning due south we enter the gorge of La Chiffa—a sinuous pass through the Lesser Atlas, closely resembling many of the lateral valleys of the Pyrenees. The Lesser Atlas.—Trending nearly due east and west, on the south side of the plain of the Mitidja, is the Lesser Atlas, the only range included in the section which, either in structure or altitude, can lay claim to the title of a mountain. Compared with the noble chain south of the city of Marocco, rising 13,000 feet above the sea, the Algerian chain looks dwarf and diminutive, In altitude it scarcely averages 4000 feet, and few points exceed 5000 feet. It presents the character of a single rounded ridge, here and there rising up as separate blunted points. Very few of the intervening depressions occur at a lower elevation than 2500 or 3000 feet. Viewed from the‘south side, the mountainous aspect disappears, as it forms the northern boundary of the high tableland of the Tell, almost equalling it in height, excepting that here and there the summits rise up as shrub-covered hills above the general level of the Tell plateau. In structure, the Lesser Atlas of Algeria bears no analogy to the great Atlas of Marocco. It includes no eruptive 108 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY rocks ; nor did I observe a single eruptive rock on. the line of section from Algiers to L’Aghouat. At the foot of the Lesser Atlas, flanking the Mitidja, small isolated fragments of Tertiary beds are seen clinging to the older rocks, and, itis probable, were once continuous with the Tertiary beds on the north side of the plain near Algiers; as these fragments, both at the back of Blidah and at the entrance of the gorge of La Chiffa, run up into the Atlas valleys, they must have been deposited since the Atlas assumed its existing contour. The central mass of the range, exposed in a number of sections in the gorge of La Chiffa, consists of a hard, close-grained, dark blue, argillaceous rock, commencing with a small anticlinal at the entrance of the gorge, and then dipping south at a high angle, averaging from 50° to 60° and occasionally 70°, or almost vertical, with a strike nearly east and west, corresponding with the trend of the chain. The rock is here and there slightly cleaved, the cleavage being nearly coincident with the stratification. At first sight the Atlas rocks appear to be a distinct series from those forming the base of the Tell plateau; but after a careful working-out Ge this part of the section, I think it probable that they are merely an altered condition of the lower members of the great series of Mesozoic beds (probably of Cretaceous age), of which the Tell and the Hauts Plateaux are composed, the prevailing character of which resembles that of our Lower Lias. On the north side of the range, strata of this aspect are seen in the bed of the stream by the first bridge south of Blidah, and are replaced a mile further south by the more slaty rock of the Atlas, with a similar strike and dip. Again, at the south end of the gorge of La Chiffa the slaty rock gra- duates into stratified alternations of hard bands with intervening clayey shales; and these, between the south end of the gorge and Medeah, give place to a great mass of grey marly shales, here and there somewhat schistose, which are seen to underlie the Tertiary, series forming the capping of the Tell. The inven of the Tell consists of an irregular tableland, of an average height of 3500 feet, about 30 miles across, extending from the Lesser Atlas on its northern boundary to Boghar on its southern escarpment. In ascending from the gorge of La Chiffa, the Mesozoic grey shales and marls are lost, and the capping of the northern half of the Tell is seen to consist of a Tertiary series ex- tending about 14 miles from Medeah to within a mile of Berou- aguia, as an irregular undulating synclinal, presenting a series of escarpments at its northern and southern boundary respectively, facing north and south, and including bright red marls resting on the Mesozoic rocks, overlain by calcareous freestones containing fossils, interstratified with grey and variegated marls, the whole having a collective thickness of from 300 to 500 feet. The fossils are very obscure, most of them occurring only as casts, and few of the species are determinable, Mr. Etheridge has determined the following genera, and from their general facies thinks the series may include beds of both Pliocene and Miocene age, viz. Solen, FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA, 109 Cyprina, Arca, Pectunculus, and several species of Ostrea and Pecten. The calcareous freestone is highly ferruginous, and contains deposits of hydrous sesquioxide of iron, undistinguishable from the iron-ores of the Northamptonshire Oolites. After the Tertiary escarpment is crossed near Berouaguia, at a height of 4000 feet, the road rapidly descends to a level of 3100 feet, and for a few hundred yards a sharp anticlinal of hard grey slaty rock similar to that of the Atlas is passed; from this point to near Boghar the road, at a level of from 3150 to 3600 feet, passes over an undulating country, the higher parts of which are crowned with forests of Pinus halepensis. Overlying the anti- clinal above Berouaguia, beds apparently identical with those in the southern half of the gorge of La Chiffa again set in and extend without interruption to the southern escarpment of the Tell, at Boghar. In physical aspect they resemble our Lower Lias, and consist of dark bluish marls, often en masse, but occasionally in- terstratified with well-defined thin courses of hard calcareous and argillaceous rock. These beds are highly contorted, and present a succession of dips both north and south at high angles, occa- sionally vertical, and arranged in shortly repeated series of syn- clinals and anticlinals, the valleys nearly always occurring on anticlinals. The strike of these contorted beds is locally variable, but maintains a general east and west direction. I obtained na fossils between Berouaguia and Boghar; but at Boukhari (a neigh- bouring village, situated on an outlying spur of the Tell plateau), I collected the following species :—Ostrea, allied to O. multicostata, a fragment of an Ostrea allied to O. eyathula, Ostrea allied to O. callafera, Pullastra (sp.), Plewrotomaria (sp.), and several examples of Pecten which are supposed by Mr. Etheridge to be of Miocene age. In the museum at Algiers, there is a small series of fossils from the neighbourhood of Boghar, which I have had photographed. It includes some large Ostrew, which Mr. Etheridge and Professor Phillips think may be of Tertiary age, but possibly Cretaceous ; there are also some Lower-Cretaceous fossils from the same locality, viz. a Turrilites, an Ammonites allied to A. Deshayesir, a Trigonia, an Inoceramus, and an Astarte; also an Urchin, of the genus Micraster or Toxaster. This series is important, as affording a key to the age of the great mass of stratified beds of the Tell plateau, and tallies in age with some Lower-Cretaceous fossils of other species obtained by Mr. Tristram in 1861 on the northern escarp- ment of the Hauts Plateaux. The beds at Boukhari are apparently on the same horizon as the Boghar escarpment; and I am inclined to think that the rather imperfect series of fossils I obtained from the neighbourhood of Boukhari may be of Cretaceous age, especially as their general facies resembles the fossils I collected from the Neocomian beds at Saffe, on the coast of Marocco. Between Boghar and Boukhari the road descends the southern escarpment of the Tell plateau to the valley of the Cheliff and the great low-level plain of the northern Sahara, situated at a height of Q.J.G.8. No. 118. K 110 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY 2150 feet. The Arab village and French fortress of Boghar is situated near the summit of the escarpment, at a height of between 3000 and 4000 feet, from which a magnificent view is obtained. Looking north, the nearer parts of the Tell plateau are seen, capped with forests of Pinus halepensis, the distance being bounded by the summits of the Lower Atlas. In a southerly direction, the great level plain of the northern Sahara spreads out as a sea-like expanse, bounded on the southern horizon by the mammillated chain of the Djebel Sahari, the curious notched outline of which is faintly seen in the extreme distance. The level plain runs up amongst the out- lying spurs of the Tell plateau, which die out like promontories and islands resting on the flat expanse. From Boghar we look directly down into the valley of the river Cheliff, which rises in the plain of the Northern Sahara at a height of a little over 2000 feet. It is the most important river in Algeria. Its waters, like those of nearly all the North-African rivers, are very turbid. It first flows northward through a winding ditch-like channel between high banks of alluvium, and then westward into the Mediterranean a little to the east of Oran. In the alluvial banks of the Cheliff, near Boukhari, Mr. Tristram found some Hippopotamus-bones. The species was not determined, and the specimens have unfortunately been lost. At the carayansary of Bou Guezoul, twelve miles south of Boukhari, the outlying spurs of the Tell plateau are left behind, the road terminates, and we enter on the great plain covered with Artimisia, Sueda, Salicornia, Chenopodium, and other salt-loving plants, perhaps indicating by their presence a comparatively recent marine submergence. The uniformity of the plain is only broken by an occasional low escarpment of gypseous and variegated marls, which are well exposed near the caravansary of Ain Oussera. These marls appear to be inferior to the fossiliferous beds of Boukhari and the Tell; but they are for the most part shrouded over in the plain by a deposit of grey loam, which, throughout the district included in the section, seems to mark the limit of the Sahara sub- mergence. This loam, as well as the older beds that come to the surface, are in many places coated with a calcareous surface-crust similar to that observed in the Marocco plain, the formation of which was, I believe, due to the great heat of the sun, in alternation with heavy rain, quickly drawing up and evaporating from the substratum water containing calcareous matter in solution. © The Djebel Sahari.—The low-level plain of the Northern Sahara is crossed, in a direction nearly east and west, by a single range of hills known as the Djebel Sahari, towards which the plain rises from north and south to the third caravansary of Guelt-el-stel, at an altitude of 2900 feet. The Djebel Sahari, which are probably 700 or 800 feet high and 3500 feet above the sea-level, consist of a steep anticlinal of hard yellow sandstone, rising up from beneath the gypseous marls here and there isolated as dome-shaped masses, with escarpments facing both north and south. Denudation has sculptured the range into a curious mammillated series of hills, separated by deep indenta- FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 111 tions, which are conspicuous from a great distance. Between these hills and the northern escarpment of the Hauts Plateaux, the low- level plain continues for about fifteen miles, first descending from the anticlinal of Guelt-el-stel to a level of 2550 feet, and then gra- dually ascending to the Rocher de Sel at the foot of the Hauts Plateaux, at a height of 2800 feet. This second plain appears to be a repetition, dipping south, of the gypseous and saliferous marls of Ain Oussera, on the north side of the Guelt-el-Stel anticlinal. Two large salt-lakes (the Sebka Zahrez) occur at a height of 2550 feet in the plain, a little to the south of the Djebel Sahari; and a little further south nitre is obtained by evaporation from square pans ex- cavated in the grey marls. The plain south of the Djebel Sahari is covered with a deposit of grey silty loam, before referred to as the “ Sahara loam ;” and here we have clear evidence of recent marine submergence in the occur- rence between the Djebel Sahari and the Hauts Plateaux of an ex- tensive range of sandhills. I am also informed by Mr. Tristram that raised beaches of conerete shell-beds, similar to those on the coast, occur in this neighbourhood. He does not mention their altitude, which, however, cannot be less than from 2000 to 2500 feet. They form a most important point in the evidence of the Sahara submergence, to which I shall have to make further reference. The Rochers de Sel, or, in Arabic, Hadjar el Mehl, forming the first and most northern escarpment of the Hauts Plateaux, rise up from the northern boundary of the plain, which here attains a level of 2850 feet near the fifth carayansary. The Rochers attain a further height of 300 or 400 feet, and present a strangely weird aspect. The mass consists of dark grey marls, mixed with rock-salt and gypsum, and interstratified with hard grey argillaceous rock-bands, the whole presenting a broken and tumbled arrangement. In one place the strike is nearly north and south, and dip nearly vertical ; but the general dip and strike correspond, as far as I could ascertain, with the general dip and strike of the northern escarpments of the Hauts Plateaux, the beds of which the saliferous marls appear to underlie. The salt-mountain is capped with great blocks of tumbled rock scattered about in the wildest confusion, the placement of which is evidently due to the dissolution of the intercalated and underlying salt-marls ; and I am inclined to think that the irregular dip and strike of the beds im situ has been materially influenced by the failure of support from the dissolution of the salt-rock, just as in some glacial beds the melting of intercalated ice is supposed to have brought about a confused and contorted arrangement. From these beds I obtained an Ostrea allied to O. carinata. Mr. Tristram has given me two specimens of Exogyra sinuata and an Ostrea allied to O. cyathula he found here in 1860; and Mr. Etheridge thinks they are of Cretaceous or Neocomian age. The Hauts Plateaux.—From the south of the Rochers de Sel, the ground rapidly rises in a series of terraces, forming the northern escarpments of the Hauts Plateaux. Immediately to the south of K 2 112 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY the salt-rock near the fifth carayansary, bright red and green marls are exposed in the banks of the Oued Melh, dipping south at an angle of 35°. These bright-coloured marls appear to overlie the grey saliferous marls of the salt-mountain, and form the base of the series of the Hauts Plateaux. Their well-marked mineral character enables their horizon to be identified in several localities further south. The Hauts Plateaux may be described as a great synclinal, about 35 miles across, forming an open tableland of an average height of 3700 feet, bounded north and south by successive series of terraced escarpments. The beds are probably of Lower Cretaceous . age, and apparently a repetition of those ef the Tell Plateau, consisting of grey gypseous marls alternating with well-defined courses of hard fine-grained argillaceous and ealeareous stone. The town and fortress of Djelfa is situated near the centre of this tableland, at a height of 3600 feet; seven miles further south the road attains its highest point, at a height of a little over 4000 feet, which, however, is not the actual summit, as higher terraces both right and left surmount. the main level of the plateau, and probably attain a level of about 4700 feet. The road now descends the southern esearpment, crossing over the same series of beds dipping north that were passed in ascending from the Rochers de Sel to Djelfa; and at Ain-el-Ibel, she sixth earavansary, the bright red and green marls seen near the salt-mountain are again exposed, underlain by a conglomerate at a height of 3300 feet. Mr. Tristram, in his ‘Great Sahara,’ records the occurrence of irregular beds of lignite in this neigh- bourhood. From the Hauts Plateaux to [’ Agkouat—From Ain-el-Ibel, the road gradually descends over an undulating plateau of red and yellow sandstone, probably a recurrence of the sandstone thrown up in the anticlinal of Guelt-el-Stel. The sandstone south of Ain-el-Ibel dips 21° N.N.E., and further south gradually decreases in inclination till within a mile or two of the seventh caravansary of Sidi Makhelouf, where level strata of red sandstone, forming apparently the crown of the low anticlinal are reached ; these are the lowest beds exposed in this part of the section. At the caravansary of Sidi Makhelouf, 2725 feet above the sea, the sandstone on the south side of the an- ticlinal commences to dip 8.8.W. at an angle of from 10° to 15°. At this point the open plateau merges into a valley shut in by ranges of the beds overlying the sandstone. These present scarped faces on either side of the gradually narrowing strath. Between Sidi Makh- elouf and Metlili, at a height of 2700 feet, several low sandstone hills (Fig. 1) rise out of the valley, and are remarkable for their perfectly flat tops at a uniform level independent of their stratifica- tion, which inclines at an angle of 15°. I can only account for their contour by marine denudation. Here also the fundamental sand- stone begins to be shrouded over by grey loam, which is continuous with the grey loam covering the open Sahara plain further south ; it is noticeable that this superficial deposit sets in at exactly the height at which it occurs north of the Hauts Plateaux, near the Rochers de Sel, and at the height at which the isolated range of FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 11183 Fig. 1.—Flat-topped Sandstone Hills between Sidi Makhelouf and Metlili. (2700 feet above sea-level.) “oo ce ie oe SS —e ~. i Grey loam in bottom of valley. sand-dunes occurs in the same locality. I shall further on refer to these evidences of the former extent of the Sahara submergence. At Metlili the flat valley narrows to a mile and a half in width, and follows a direct southwest course. Itis bounded by symmetrical escarpments 250 feet high, composed of gypseous marls interstra- tified and capped with harder strata, the irregular denudation of which has resulted in a singular range of isolated bosses and pinnacles separated by little lateral ravines. Near Metlili, bright red and green marls similar to those at Ain-el-Ibel and those near the Rochers de Sel are again cbserved in the bottom of the valley; so that the escarpments bounding it probably correspond with the beds of the Hauts Plateaux ; the upper part may be on a higher horizon. The road here follows for a few miles the line of strike, but on turning S.E. gradually passes an ascending series of beds, under which the red and green marls are lost ; and turning through a break in the eastern escarpment, where the flat valley widens out, drifted sand and sandhills commence; the open plain is now approached, into which the cliff-lke escarpments die out as isolated ridges running N.E, and 8.W., separated by flat-bottomed valleys about a mile wide. The scene is most singular, and at once suggests to the eye the sub- mergence of the older land beneath a newer deposit, which continues as a level plain as far as the eye can reach. Three or four parallel ridges, separated by intervening straths, terminate the high ground, each alternate flat occurring between dip slopes and on denuded anticlinals (Fig. 2); the final escarpment, dipping N.W. at an angle of 25°, presents a cliff-lke amphitheatre facing the great plain (Fig. 3). Beyond this, at a distance of about three miles, isolated rocks with a complementary escarpment facing N.W. rise up out of the plain, and dip away S.E. at a steep angle under the shroud of grey lcam and sandhills. On one of these rocks L’Aghouat, the most southern French fortress in this part of Algeria, rises up from an oasis amid an immense grove of date-palms, and presents a pictu- resque association of Arab mud houses, French military buildings, and a new mosque. The town is situated at a height of 2333 feet above the sea. The great altitude at which the sandhills commence in its neighbourhood, was a fact I had not auticipated, as further to the N.E., south of Biskra, the desert plain is on the level of the sea, Fig. 2.—Section of Hscarpments on the borders of the Sahara Plain, near L’ Aghouai. ----Open plain and sandhills 2206 feet above sea- Ye--------Rocher de Chien ----B’Aghonat. San — - Fig. 3.—Last Cliff south of the Harts Platcaua, facing the Sahara Plain, L’ Aghouat. 7 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES OWN A JOURNEY 114 FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. eles and the French surveyors have ascer- tained that some of the lagoons in the neighbourhood are below the sea-level. From inquiries I made at L’Aghouat, L ascertained that the plateau on which it is built spreads out as a promontory in a south-easterly direction towards the level of the main desert, descending by slopes and terraces to the sea-level. Mr. Tristram tells me that red sand- stone, which he supposes to be of Triassic age, rises up in the M’Zab country to the 8.H. of L’Aghouat. This is probably a recurrence of the red sandstone which comes to the surface in the Sidi Makhelouf anticlinal. Although there is good evidence of a Posttertiary submergence of the dis- trict surrounding L’Aghouat, the high level of the sandhills may also be partly attributed to the agency of wind, the effect of which in transporting sand to great distances must be seen to be fully realized. My approach to L’Aghouat was through a blinding sand-storm, which was still in full force on the following day, when on ascending one of the rocky eminences over the town I obtained my first view of the desert plain. A bitter east wind was blowing, and the light was quite subdued by the sand-storm. Looking south over the plain I could but dimly see the level horizon through the murky haze; and nearer the sudden gusts of wind were picking up from the desert cloud-like patches of sand, and whirling some of them away towards the great smoky mass of moving sand in the distance, and heaping up the nearer clouds in talus-like slopes against the boundary escarpments. To the north, terrace upon terrace of the cliffs of the Hauts Plateaux, piled up in receding lines, formed the boundary (Fig. 4). The near view was equally remarkable. East and west I looked along a broken ridge of rocks, completely isolated in the plain, crowned by handsome French buildings and long lines of fortifica- Fig. 4.—Southern Escarpments of the Hauts Plateaux, facing the Sahara Plain, as seen from LD’ Aghouat. 116 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY tions. Lower down on either side of the rocky ridge were the Arab flat-roofed habitations, built of sun-dried mud bricks, embosomed in a dense forest of date-palms, many of them from 90 to 100 feet high; and stretching away from this dark green and brown mass, lines and patches of light green vegetation spread out into the desert, where its thirsty sand was sucking in the last drainings from the oasis. During my stay at L’Aghouat, I took sketches and sections of several of the escarpments and rocky outliers (represented in Figs. 3, 4, and 5), the most important of which is the Rocher de Chien, W.S.W. of the town, a jagged hill (Fig. 5), rising up 300 feet Fig. 5.—Rocher de Chien, an isolated Rock, Sahara plain, west of b) LP Aghouat. B.E. p ah N.W. 5 r=] = 3 a a a3 & a o (3) 2 ro 3 So mre a ates s = a k= oe Ss. 3 S83 Siro PP cyt a8 : FS ehiahea) S S) <) rc ee re es es es ee G os ba a SS So a Se es a eS as ; SSSSSSGNSS out of the sandy plain, and consisting of a hard calcareo-argilla- ceous rock, with a N.E. and S8.W. strike, dipping S.E. under the plain at an angle of 65°. At the foot of its N.W. escarpment: occurs a calcareous cream-coloured rock, with casts of fossils, inclu- ding a Chemnitzia or Turritella, underlain by a fine-grained sand- stone, with casts of bivalve shells, which Mr. Etheridge thinks may be of Miocene age. The sandstone is succeeded by grey gypseous marls, which are lost under the Posttertiary deposit of grey loam, filling up as a plain two miles wide the denuded anticlinal between the Rocher de Chien and the boundary escarpment to the north. The lower beds of marl and sandstone en the north side of the Rocher de Chien have a less steep inclination than the overlying rock, and dip 8.E. at an angle of about 35°. The face of the main escarp- ment N.E. of the town (Figs.3 and 4) presents the following succession of beds in ascending order. At its base white gypseous marls, inter- stratified with bands of fine-grained white stone, occur as a low terrace a little in advance of the cliff face, and dip 15° N.N.E. with a W.S.W. and E.N.E. strike. The main face of the cliff consists of grey marls interstratified with hard bands and gypseous green marls ; and its jagged summit is capped with hard calcareous bands, con- taining curious concretionary masses, which are very fossiliferous, including a spatangoid Urchin, which Dr. Wright thinks may be a FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 117 Hemiaster or Penaster, resembling Penaster Fournelli, from the Hip- purite limestone (Brissus?), Avicula, Inoceramus, Lucina, Cardium, Arca, Byssoarca, Cardita, Cyrena? Cucullea, Clavatula, &c. These stand out as bosses from the matrix, with a weathered black surface, and look like blotches of black mud; the colour is only skin-deep, the mass of the nodules being of a pale grey. They are excessively hard and difficult to break, and probably consist of ferruginous chert. The view from the summit of the escarpment is very singular. To the south the eye ranges over the great plain interrupted only by the rocky ridge of L’Aghouat; looking north a gentle dip-slope descends to the flat valley about a mile wide, bounded on the opposite side by a complementary dip-slope, with a repetition in reverse of the beds seen in ascending the first escarpment. The second ridge is soon crossed ; and on descending its escarpment facing north, another flat valley about a mile wide is reached, bounded on its opposite side by an escarpment facing S.E. The view from the summits of these ridges presents a series of ranges running N.E. byS$.W. (Fig. 2), nearly buried by a Posttertiary deposit of grey loam, forming flat valleys about a mile wide, each alternate valley occurring between dip-slopes and in the centre of a denuded anticlinal, suggesting to the eye the levelling up by a recent deposit of a series of hills and valleys that had originally been of greater height and depth. The level valley- bottoms of loam are obviously an inland extension of the plain, and were deposited when the Sahara sea ran up as fjords between the promontories of older land that branched out from the isolated land of Algeria. Lignite occurs in several localities N. of L’Aghouat, viz. in the Djebel Amour at Kusra and at Berich, also at El Kheicha on the banks of the Oued M’Zi, a branch of the L’Aghouat river, where it is a metre thick, and overlain by black rock ; but I had not an opportu- nity of seeing it 7m situ. Fossil plants are said to occur a day’s journey N.W. of L’Aghouat, and are probably associated with the lignite formation. The only locality where the lignite has been observed tn situ by 2 geologist is that noticed by Mr. Tristram at Ain-el-Ibel, where it occurs near the horizon of the band of bright red and green marls exposed in several localities on my line of section, and probably a little above the horizon of the salt deposit of the Rochers de Sel. Of the occurrence of other minerals, the following localities were named to me at L’Aghouat :— Nitrate of potash is found near Touat, manganese at Outhed el Abiod, lead at Oued Sidi Bilgassem, and copper at Berich; but I could not ascertain the mineralogical conditions under which the lead and copper occur. My return journey from L’Aghouat, following the same line of route, enabled meto check and correct the altitudes and fill in addi- tional details in the section. Stratigraphical Summary.—In conclusion I will give a general summary in stratigraphical sequence of the formations and of the successive changes of level and contour of the district comprised in 118 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY the section. Of eruptive rocks there are no traces in any part of the district between Algiers and L’Aghouat. ‘The oldest rock is the boss of micaceous schists and gneiss at the back of Algiers, striking nearly north and south and dipping away east and west from a low anti- clinal, the crest of which occurs near the Fort de ’Empereur at the summit of the hill. Rocks of the Lower Atlas and Anticlinal north of Berouaguia.—The pass through the gorge of La Chiffa exposes hard slaty rocks, dipping south at a ‘high angle and somewhat cleaved, which appear ‘repeated as an anticlinal on the south side of the higher part of the Tell Plateau. They contain no fossils; and but for their being confor- mable to the overlying Neocomian beds, I should, judging from their physical character, place them on a much lower horizon. There is no satisfactory evidence as to their age. They strike N.N.E. by W.S.W., and closely resemble in mineral character the nearly vertical slaty shales on the northern flanks of the Great Atlas south of the city of Marocco. Sandstones of Giuelt-el-Stel and Sidi Makhelouf—tIn the denuded plain separating the Tell from the Hauts Plateaux, and again on the south side of the Hauts Plateaux, red and yellow sandstones are thrown up as anticlinals, between which the overlying beds of the Hauts Plateaux form an elevated synclinal. There is no paleeontolo- gical evidence as to their age; but they resemble the Bunter in mineral character, and are overlain by red marls resembling the Keuper. A similar succession of beds of Triassic age occurs in the south of Portugal ; and I am informed by Mr. Tristram that red sandstone, supposed to be of Triassic age, comes to the surface at Warigla in the MW Zab country, S.W. of L’Aghouat, probably as a third anticlinal. Saliferous Marls of the Rochers de Sel.—The northern escarpment ef the Hauts Plateaux is the only point in the section where the saliferous marls are clearly exposed. I must take exception to the view expressed by Mr. Tristram, in his ‘ Great Sahara,’ that they are “‘an eruption of argillaceous calcareous mud and rock-salt up- heaved across the Secondary and Tertiary deposits.” Although they appear isolated, they occupy a well-marked horizon in the Mesozoic beds at the base of the Hauts Plateaux ; and though absent in similar positions at other parts of the section, they are clearly interstratified between the sandstones below and the red marls, grey marls, and rocky courses above. In mineral character they resemble the salt deposit at Bex, in Switzerland. Crystals of salt and gypsum are intimately mixed up with the grey marls. Ten or fifteen miles north of the Rochers de Sel, the presence of these marls is indicated by the two great salt lakes, or Zahrez ; but south of the Hauts Plateaux, although their horizon can be identified, I observed no salt deposits ; and if they occur in the north Sahara plain, their presence is obscured by the surface-deposit of grey loam and calcareous crust. The patchy occurrence, so to speak, of the salt corresponds with the isolated distribution of salt rock in the Keuper of Worcestershire and Cheshire. Red and Green Marls.—Overlying the red sandstones, a thin series FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA, 119 of very bright red and green marls is exposed as a low escarpment in the north Sahara plain between the Tell and the Hauts Plateaux, near the Rocher de Sel at the foot of the Hauts Plateaux, at Ain- el-Ibel at the foot of the southern escarpment, and again on the south side of the Sidi Makhelouf sandstone anticlinal from which the marls have been denuded. Itis probable the red marls are brought up by rolls of the surface in several parts of the north Sahara plain both north and south of the Guelt-el-Stel anticlinal, but are obscured by the calcareous surface-crust, sand, and other superficial deposits. Grey Marls and rocky bands of the Hauts Plateauw.—Immediately in upward succession from the band of red and green marls is an immense series of dark grey marls, interstratified with argillaceo- calcareous bands, resembling the Lias, the collective thickness of. which cannot be less than 1500 feet. They compose the great syn- clinal of the Hauts Plateaux and the contorted mass of the Tell Plateau, separated by the denuded plain of the northern Sahara. From these beds I obtained no fossils; but as they immediately overlie the saliferous marls of the Rochers de Sel containing EHwogyra, they are probably Cretaceous. These beds also extend south of the Hauts Plateaux to the borders of the Sahara at L’Aghouat, where they are overlain by The Fossiliferous Beds of L’ Aghouat.—These occur in conformable succession from the marls of the Hauts Plateaux, and consist of gypseous marls interstratified with bands of fine-grained stone, and capped with limestone containing curious black concretionary nodules full of fossils, which Mr. Etheridge considers are of Miocene age. It is probable that these beds may also occur on the summit of the Hauts Plateaux, but were not observed along my line of route, which was below the highest platforms of rock seen to the right and left. Tertiary Beds of the Tell and Algiers.—The only other Tertiary beds included in the section are, first, the soft yellow calcareous freestone flanking the anticlinal of gneiss and mica-schist of the Algerian promontory, at a height of from 100 to 900 feet above the sea ; and, secondly, the red and grey marls and ferruginous freestone of Medeah, capping the Tell Plateau as an irregular synclinal, and occurring at a height of from 2500 to 4000 feet, probably of Miocene age. The great difference in height at which these two masses of Tertiary beds occur within a short distance, is an important point in the physical geology of the district presently to be referred to. Posttertiary Deposits.—Yo the north of the Lesser Atlas, the plain of the Mitidja consists of grey loam interstratified with shingle-beds, commencing at the sea-level south of Algiers, and ascending inland by a gentle slope to a height of from 200 to 300 feet. Again, on the south side of the Atlas and Tell, the great plain of the northern Sahara is covered with grey loam and occasional sandhills from a height of 2000 feet on its northern side to a height of 2700 feet on its southern boundary ; and after crossing the Hauts Plateaux, the same deposit sets in on its southern side, commencing in the inter- vening valleys ata height of 2700 feet, and gradually descending 120 GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY in the open Sahara plain to a height of a little over 2000 feet, where it is overlain by sandhills. The raised beaches along the coast, ranging in height from the sea-level to 600 feet, and similar beaches inland south of the Tell Plateau, occurring at an elevation of 2000 feet, may be contempo- raneous in age with the Sahara loam. In addition to these deposits, which are evidently marine, the allu- vium of the valley of the Cheliff, near Boukhari, containing bones of the Hippopotamus, and the superficial calcareous crust, coating both the Sahara loam and the older beds, may be enumerated as the most recent formations in Algeria. Succession of Events, and Changes of Level—(1) The oldest land on the the line of section is the anticlinal of mica-schist near Algiers. As the north and south strike is nearly at right angles to the strike of the neighbouring Atlas and of the Mesozoic beds of the Tell and Hauts Plateaux, which do not seem to have been affected by the mica-schist upheaval, these beds must have been more recently de- osited. 7 (2) The upheaval of the Mesozoic rocks may have been contem- poraneous with the first upheaval of the chain of the Lesser Atlas, striking N.E. by E. and 8.W. by W., with which the strike of the Mesozoic beds corresponds. (2) A long period of denudation followed, which removed at least a thousand feet of Mesozoic strata from the area of the north Sahara plain, and commenced moulding the rocks of the Lesser Atlas into hill- and valley-contour ; but there is no clear evidence as to the amount of this denudation, which was Pre- and Posttertiary. (4) A subsidence of at least 3000 feet during the Tertiary period, ‘in which were deposited the Miocene beds capping the Tell and similar beds at Algiers, fragments of which are seen skirting the denuded ravines of the Atlas. (5) An elevation of at least 4000 feet of the Tell Plateau, and a lesser elevation of at least a thousand feet of the district north of the Lesser Atlas chain, including what is now the plain of the Mitidja. I am inclined to think that the north face of the Lesser Atlas was a Posttertiary line of fault of at least 3000 feet ; otherwise it is difficult to account for the great altitude of the Tertiary beds on the Tell compared with the height of those surrounding Algiers. (6) A long period of denudation followed, during which the Ter- tiary beds were removed from the plain of the Mitidja, and a further denudation took place of the Mesozoic beds from the north Sahara plain. (7) This was followed by a Posttertiary depression, which I shall term the Sahara submergence, during which the formation took place of the concrete shell-beds along the Mediterranean coast to a height of 600 feet, and similar beds on the south or inland side of the Tell Plateau at a height of at least 2000 feet. The deposition of shingle and loam in the plain of the Mitidja at a height of from 100 to 300 feet, was probably contemporaneous; and to the same period of submer- gence must be ascribed the formation of loam-beds and sand-hills on FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. ~ 11271 the northern Sahara plain at a height of 2700 feet, and on the open Sahara south of the Hauts Plateaux at a height of from 2700 to 3000 feet, as well as the coast-denudation of the flat-topped sandstone hills at Sidi Makhelouf at a height of 2700 feet. At this time the Algerian promontory was an island, separated from the Atlas and Tell by a strait six or seven miles wide, now the plain of the Mitidja. ‘The Lesser Atlas rose directly from the sea, into which its streams were bringing down subaérial débris, and depositing the great delta-like mass of drift on which Blidah is built. Crossing the Atlas and Tell we should soon reach another inland sea some fifty miles wide, now represented by the north Sahara plain, out of which the range of the Djebel Sahari rose as a chain of islands; and its southern limit is now well recorded’ by the long range of sandhills on the southern margin of the plain north of the - Hauts Plateaux. The Hauts Plateaux formed another range of isolated land running nearly east and west, 30 miles wide ; and on its southern side fjords ran up among the valleys and debouched at L’Aghouat into the open Sahara sea, some 800 miles across, which separated by a broad expanse of water the islands of the Tell and Hauts Plateaux from the highlands of Central Africa. (8) Reelevation of the Land.—An upward movement followed the Sahara submergence, the extreme limit of which, whether repre- sented by the present height of the land, or attaining a higher level, is open to question. It is, however, certain that an emergence of the highlands of Algeria took place to the extent of about 3000 feet ; but the reelevation appears to have been greatest to the south of the chain of the Lesser Atlas. The contour of the limit of elevation, as indicated by the present level of the marine deposits of the Mitidja and Sahara plains, would represent a wide low anticlinal, gradually rising from the sea-level at Algiers across the plain of the Mitidja to a height of 2700 feet at the north side of the Hauts Plateaux, and then descending from 2700 feet on its south side to the sea-level in the open Sahara. The extent of the elevation following the sub- ' mergence of the Sahara, is a question of considerable interest. In a former paper read before the Society, and in a paper read before the British Association at Liverpool, I recorded several facts in proof that the present coast-line of the Mediterranean, in several far- removed localities, is gradually subsiding ; and Mr. Boyd Dawkins, in his paper on the physical geography of the Mediterranean, has on paleontological and other evidence pointed out the probability that during the Pleistocene age the land now forming its shore- line stood at a height of about 3000 fect above its present level. Again, moraines were observed by Dr. Hooker, Mr. Ball, and myself in the Great Atlas south of Marocco, at a height of from 6000 to 7000 feet, in a latitude where no perpetual snow now lies at.12,000 feet ; so it is probable that the land stood at a much greater eleva- tion when these moraines were formed. On the other hand, Sir C. Lyell has suggested that the former diminution of temperature and extension to lower levels of alpine glaciers was probably the result of diminished temperature due to 1 Qy GEORGE MAW’S NOTES ON A JOURNEY the Sahara submergence; but the Great Atlas chain to the N.W. would probably have partaken of the general depression, and the comparatively low level at which moraines there occur would have been brought still nearer the sea-level, counterbalancing the effect of increased refrigeration. A small glacier still exists at a height of between 8000 and 9000 feet in the Sierra Nevada south of Granada, in latitude 37°; and supposing the Great Atlas had partaken of the elevation of 3000 feet assumed by Mr. Dawkins as the Postpliocene height of the present Mediterranean boundary, a corresponding alti- tude of the Great Atlas of from 15,000 to 16,000 feet would probably have afforded sufficient height for the bearing of similar small glaciers at existing temperatures. The high land of Algeria has certainly been elevated 3000 feet since the Sahara submergence ; and it is probable that its maximum elevation may have reached 6000 feet in Postpliocene times, since which a gradual subsidence of 3000 must have taken place and appears to be still going on. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Section across Algeria, from Algiers to L’Aghouat, Sahara. Vertical scale 1 inch to 9000 feet; horizontal scale 32 inches to 30 miles. 2. Map of route from Algiers to L’Aghouat. The line of route is indi- cated by a dotted line, the line of section by a thick black line, and the strike of the beds at different parts by fine double lines. Discussion. Mr. W. Bory Dawxrns considered an elevation of from 2000 to 3000 feet necessary to allow of that migration of animals through Spain and ‘Sicily, to and from Europe and Africa, which took place in Pleisto- cene times; and this view appeared to be confirmed on physical grounds by Mr. Maw. He believed that a great axis of disturbance ran east and west along the course of the Mediterranean; and to this the strike of the beds observed by Mr. Maw was parallel. It is a remarkable fact that the change in the level of the Sahara observed by Mr. Maw should be the same as that which has taken place in the Mediterranean area, but in the opposite direction. Probably the elevation of the Sahara was coincident with the depression of the Mediterranean. Mr. Bavrrman called attention to the excellent drawing of a desert escarpment exhibited by Mr. Maw. He said that this draw- ing perfectly represented what is to be seen in every dry desert country, like the north of Africa or Arabia. In the latter country the succession of the beds of Neocomian and Tertiary age was similar to that observed in Algiers. He thought that the disturb- ances attributed by Mr. Maw to the dissolving out of salt, were in reality due to the dissolving of gypsum. Mr. Davipson remarked that thirty years ago M. de Verneuil found many fossils in the region to which Mr. Maw’s paper related. These included a great Ostrea, Terebratule, and other forms which were both Miocene and Pliocene. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc . Vol .XXX. Pl. XL. HAY HILLS, DESERT ME = Grey Gypseous Mag Grey Loam overlain by Sandhills of compact fine NS Rode / Neacomia Ss BNO, Ae TT G. Ma Mintern Bros. lith. (ees 5 —— ayy Ben fs e PLAIN OF LESSER PLATEAU OF THE METIDJA ATLAS THE eis g 8 8 S ® < } 8 § § { ee Bs : g 8 S &S y “ S x 8 < o ne es S : iS Coa : rs \ ee 3 NS S BS SsS SSs = & eS ae i SZ LN. ‘ ‘ {SHEN SSS etreec Nes 96h St 5 DN ee t My Ze A NIN ct UW Veiller of the Cheli ff 2150 feet. ' Fig.1. SECTION ACROSS ALGERIA FROM ALGIERS TO LAGHOUAT, SAHARA. SALT PLAINS DJEBEL SALT 3 3 SSAHARI LAKES s iS) 3 S 8 Sg | 8 Ss Ss & & * 5 : S . e : 3 s : : | ; g 8 s & 8 iS g is CS S 8 8 § sy N © R S ia) 5 iS 8g 5 8 ~ & a a cS NOS x not aN ® ~ : Saas Sin aS ges 3 2 é Ses s ge 8 5 gs : g Ro Ses sy gS Tertiary Freestenes and Marls Hard Shales _Neocomian ? Hard Shales £ Gritstones, reating or Mesozoic: (Neoconian?|Beds. & Gritstones slightly cleaved). Metamorphic Gneiss, Micaschist & Dark Quartaite overlain by Tertiary Calcareous Freestone. (NNE ssw ln Vertical Scale, linch to 9000 feel. Horizontal. Scale 3% inches to 80 miles. G.Maw del April /875. Vertiary (Miocene ?) Red: £ Grey Gypseous Marls overlain by Post Tertiary loam & Sand, Anticlinal of Compact Sandstone Neocomian? YN by w Fig. 2. MAP OF ROUTE FROM ALGIERS TO L'AGHOUAT. WD A\\) RA x “So As SS Zi AN N= HAUTS PLATEAUX® Highest point of Road F050 fe \Dyelter 3606 fob sa TLL Air eb Lbel Carcransary 3300 feet 3150 feet Y) 2920 feet 850 feet. \ WW, Wy aes sossngmeeet S by E Saliferous and Red Marls Gypseous Marls { nw Grey Gypseous Marls wterstratilied wit bands of compact tine grained (alcarto-Argdlaceous Rod: / Neacomian or Cretaceous ? ) ted Marts lignite & Conglomerate EF, ~ LF, LY yyy Ly YY 2726 feet; Yaravansary Sidi Makhelouf fetlili, 2600 feet: ? i 5) Me Wi WA Anticlinal of Red & Yellow Sandstone ( 2 Triassic) ‘idi Makhelouf ha LLL = LL ILE. VM LID Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc . Vol .XXX. Pl. Xt. ae | HILLS, DESERT f L Aghouat 2330 feet. — MEY Red and Gree Marts / Uj y) H/ Metlili Gypseous Marls ke o, i Gre Loam overlain by Sandhills jocene! ssw ) ie (Bz AGHOUAT | Mintern Bros. lith . Sra fea FROM ALGIERS TO THE SAHARA. 123 Prof. Ramsay asked for information as to whether there was evidence of a great sea having extended across the north of Africa at a comparatively recent period, as he thought that this would explain certain ethnological phenomena. He was struck by the difference of the elevation of that part of the Sahara visited by the author from that described by Prof. Desor. Mr. Presrwicn considered the occurrence of recent shells at so great a height something quite new. The former French observers had referred to their occurrence on the Sahara itself, and below the level of the sea. Subsidence appeared to be still going on. The Rey. Mr. Housmaw remarked that the eastern coast of Spain was still rising. Mr. Evans observed that the existence of such tracts of high and ~ absorbent soil as those described might, with even a moderate amount of rainfall, account for the supply of water to the Artesian wells with which the lower part of the Sahara is dotted. He mentioned that Cardium edule and Buccinum gibberulum had been found in the Sahara by Desor, and that the latter had been considered iden- tical with a shell now found on the N.W. coast of Africa. Mr. Maw briefly replied, and stated that the sandy plain near L’Aghouat referred to in his paper was a tongue of elevated land, east of which, at all events, the desert stretched away at or near the sea-level ; and this was undoubtedly submerged during the period of depression. He thought that the sea also probably extended westward at the same time, perhaps to the Gulf of Guinea. 124 YT, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID SE. 16. On the TRIMERELLIDE, a Patmozoic Famity of the Patiio- -BRaNcHS or BracuiopopA. By Tuomas Davinson, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S., &e., and Professor Wittzam Kine, Sc.D. Honoris Causa, Queen’s University in Ireland. (Read February 25, 1874.) [Puates XIJ.—XIX.] ConTENts. I. Bibliography of the Trimerellids. II. Chiefly descriptive of their internal features. UII. Myology and other characters ef the family. IV. Affinities of the family. V. Geological range, Chronogenesis, and Evolution of the family. VI. Physiography of the Seas tenanted by the Trimerellids, as compared with that of the Cambrian Seas. 3 VII. Diagnosis of the family. VIII. The genus Zrtmerella and its species. IX. The genus Monomerella and its species. X. The genus Dinobolus and its species. APPENDIX. a. Lingulops Whitfieldi. | b. Chelodes Bergmani. I. BrsrioGRAPHy oF THE TRIMERELLIDS. YneE important group of shells forming the subject-matter of this memoir is, comparatively speaking, of recent acquisition in palzon- tology ; for, though two of its species were made known in 1853, under - the designations of Obolus Davidsonwi and O. transversus*, it is only of late years that a beginning was made towards gaining a correet view of its remarkable internal features. So little understood were the interiors of these species at first, that they were confidently, but erroneously, referred to the genus Obolus by one of the present writers. Billings did not escape the same error when he described his Obolus canadensis. The next stage, one decidedly in advance, was gained by Billings, who, finding some Canadian specimens with a singular interior, was led to institute a new genus for them under the name 7J'rimerella— observing, at the same time, that it ‘‘is allied to Obolus, but from which it differs in the possession of longitudinal septa”+. He erred again, however, in describing another species of the present family under the name Obolus galtensis§. In 1867, Lindstrém published an important paper, describing some specimens found in the Island of Gotland as far back as 1859, and which he had no hesitation in referring to the genus T’rimerella of billings, throwing at the same time further light on the internal structure of the group. He also referred to some specimens of the * Davidson, Introduction Br. Foss. Brach. p. 136, 1853. + Report on the Geological Survey of Canada, p. 28, 1857. { Pal. Foss. Geol. Canada, i. p. 166, June 1862. § Ibid. p. 168. TI, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID. 125 so-termed Qbolus Davidson which had been discovered in the same island *, For the first time, in 1868 the public became acquainted with the fact that an objection had been made by Prof. Hall against the generic allocation of the so-termed Obolus Davidsoni, though (bowing to the opinion of other authorities) he was induced to name an allied species Obolus Conradi+. In 1870, Dall, from not being well acquainted with the characters upon which Billings had founded his genus Trimerella, and only having before him Lindstrém’s description of the Gotland specimens above referred to, was led to propose for the latter the separate generic designation, Gotlandiat. All along our friends were either supplying us with specimens, or with an account of their discoveries; so that, with close attention to both, we felt justified in believing ourselves enabled to throw addi- tional light on the group. In the mean time others were still working on the same subject. Hall brought out a short notice, in the early part of the summer of 1871, which contained a description, with names, of his proposed genera Rhynobolus and Dinobolus§. Dall published a second paper giving further details (already known to ourselves) on the internal characters of Trimerella, abandoning at the same time his genus Gotlandia. In this paper Dall briefly referred to the different known species of Trimerella, and added two or three new ones||. During the same year Meek published a description of Trimerella ohioensis Y ; and Billings brought out a supplement containing a fuller description of his 7’. acuminata** ; while, in the same year, Quenstedt briefly noticed the genus Trimerella, along with Obolus, Schmidiia, Obolella, and Acritesty. On the 29th of December, 1871, Billings published a short notice of a new genus, Monomerdla, which, he intimated, would be soon fully described, and illustrated by us from both Canadian and Swedish specimens. He also proposed another genus for his Obolus canadensis under the name Obolellina tt. In April, 1872, Hall published a reissue of his paper ‘“ printed in March, 1871,” to whichis added a plate illustrating the interior of Trimerella, and the ventral valve of his so-termed genus Rhynobolus. In the same month, Billings brought out a fuller account, with figures, of his genus Obolellina§$§. * Ofv. Vet. Ak. Forh. vol. xxiv. p. 253, 1867; and Geol. Mag. vol, v. p. 441, 1868. t Twentieth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, p. 368, 1868. { American Journal of Conchology, vol. vi. p. 160, 1870. § Notes on some new or imperfectly known forms among the Brachiopoda: March 1871; and Neues Jahrbuch, p. ¥89, 1871. || American Journal of Conchology, vol. vii. p. 79, 1871. {| American Journal of Science and Art, vol. 1. 8rd ser. p. 305, April 1871. ** Tbid. June 1871; and Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th ser. vol. viii. August 1871. tt Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands, p. 669, &c. 1871. {{ Canadian Naturalist, New Series, vol. vi. p. 220, 1871. §§ Ibid. April 1872. Q.J.G.8. No. 118. L 126 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. On the 20th of August, 1872, the writers of this memoir com+ municated to the Geological Section, at the Brighton Meeting of the British Association, a paper entitled “‘ Remarks on the genera T7i- merella, Dinobolus, and Monomerella,” in which they endeavoured to point out the characters pertaining to the Trimerellids, as well as the place this family should occupy among the Palliobranchs*. Before concluding the present section, it may be mentioned that, up to this date, about eighteen species of fossils belonging to the group we are engaged with have been described, or notified, and that seven different names have been proposed for the genera in which to include them. Some of these names, it has been admitted, are synonyms, or belong to one and the same genus; certain others have been proposed for groups which cannot, we think, take a generic rank, We are consequently led to restrict the number of genera to three—namely, Zrimerella, Monomerella, and Dinobolus. These constitute our family Zrimerelliide. Another genus, Lingulops, has been proposed by Hall for a curious fossil: we propose giving a de- scription of it in this paper; but we are yet undecided whether it is a Trimerellid, or a Lingulid. -We now subjoin a list of the species :— Trimerella grandis, Billings. Monomerella orbicularis, Bill. acuminata, Beil. Lindstromi, Dav. & King. Lindstromi, Dall. Dinobolus Conradi, Hail. —— Billingsu, Bill. — ohioensis, Meek. —— wisbyensis, Dav. § King. canadensis, B2d/. Davidsoni, Salter. transversus, Salter. galtensis, Bill. —— Woodwardi, Salter. Monomerella Walmstedti, Dav.f King. —— Schmidti, Dav. § King. prisca, Bail. —— magnifica, Bill. As soon as it became known that we had decided on preparing the present memoir, specimens from every one who had them were sent to us. Dr. Lindstrom, Professors Hall, Fr. Schmidt, and Walm- stedt, Messrs. Fegroeus, Bergman, Dall, Whitfield, Etheridge, and Meek, and several Dudley friends furnished us with the best things in their possession, with a liberality and courtesy we cannot forget, as did also Mr. Billings (Paleontologist of the Canadian Geological Survey), Sir W. Logan, and Mr. Selwyn. To all we beg to return our sincere thanks. TI. CHIEFLY DESCRIPTIVE OF THEIR InTERNAL Parts. The family Trimerellide includes both transversely and longitudi- nally elongated species, also thick- as well as thin-valved ones. The species are generally of considerable size, the largest known measuring nearly 4 inches in length. Their shell-substance is chiefly calcareous, though in certain thin species the lime may * Printed in full in the ‘Brighton Daily News’ newspaper for the 21st of August, 1872; also in the Geol. Mag. vol. ix. Oct. 1872; and in the Annals and. Mag. of Nat. Hist. for the same month. ind T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. 127 possibly have been small in quantity compared with the corneous element*. The species often fail in neatness or regularity of form, especially in their umbonal region. This part is often massive and strongly projecting, and, it may be, ecurving, incurving, or twisted to one side. Some species have it obtusely and regularly rounded. All the species apparently have had their outer surface smooth, or marked with lines of growth, coarse in some, and fine in others: slight traces of diverging longitudinal lines are occasionally visible. Guided by certain evidences indicating the existence of two of the chief organs belonging to shells of their class, it is readily seen that the Trimerellids have had the large valve pedunculated, and the smaller one characterized with oral or (the so-called) brachial ap- pendages; it is therefore proposed to name the former the pedicle (Pl. XII. figs. 1,3, 5), and the latter the brachial valvey (Pl. XII. figs. 2, 4, 6). The pedicle-valve has the cardinal face of its umbo flattened so as to form a triangular space or area, which differs remarkably in size according to genera and species. The longitudinally elongated species have the largest area; while in those that are transversely elongated it is small. As in other Palliobranchs, the area is made up of different parts; two, however, possess exceptional features. The deltidium (Pl. XII. figs. 1a, 3, 7a), carved, as it were, out of the central portion of the area, is comparatively level, in relief, or an excavation: it is crowded with fine imbricated transverse lamine, in general arching towards either the point of the beak or the hinge-line. At, and parallel to, its broad end or base, there is a narrow inclined bard-like space or deltidial slope (b), distinguished by a few faint longitudinal lines : it is, however, often so slightly developed as to be with difficulty observed. Next to the deltidium, or on each side of it, are what may be called the “ delti- * No microscopic sections of the shell have been made; as in all the speci- mens possessing remains of the shell-substauce that have been under examina- tion, these remains, owing to their being a methylosed replacement of calcite, or dolomite, are not in a condition favourable for the retention of any original histological characters. On this point, see ‘‘ Monograph of Spirifer cuspidatus,” Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th series, vol. ii. July 1868; and “ Histology of the Test of the Class Palliobranchiata,” Transactions of the Royal Irish Aca- demy, vol. xxiv. pp. 453, 455. + The pedicle- and brachial valves respectively correspond with those usually called ventral and dorsal. While describing the various parts which characterize the Trimerellids, our references will be confined to the figures or diagrams given in Pl. XIT., unless otherwise stated; and we shall distinguish similarly situated parts (irrespective of whether they are homologous, or analogous) of the two valves—those of the pedicle- [or ventral] yalve by roman letters, and those of the brachial [or dorsal] one by italics. It must not be expected that certain of these parts will be found unless diligent and prolonged investigations are devoted to them: they are to be sought for, not only by allowing the light to fall, on places where they occur, in every favourable direction, but even at different times of the day, and in different states of the atmosphere. We do not say that our diagram figures are, strictly speaking, correct representations ; but we offer them as reliable approximations, subject to immaterial corrections. Such, we believe, will not vitiate the descriptions herein given of the interior of the shells under consideration. 12 — 128 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. dial ridges” (c), prominent in some species, more or less flattened in others, and marked with arching lamine: they are each defined on its outer side by a well-marked incised line. The deltidial ridges terminate near the hinge-margin, each as a cardinal callosity (e), which is extremely variable in form and size. The areal borders (d), usually narrow and transversely scored, differ in nothing from those in other Palliobranchs. In front of the deltidial slope is situated a tolerably well-defined cardinal facet (f), the long axis of which corresponds to the trans- verse direction of the hinge-line: it varies much in size according to species. This part generally inclines or falls towards the cavity of the shell: in one species, however, as will be noticed hereafter, the inclination is in the opposite direction. Although in some cases the cardinal facet passes without any marked break into the inner surface of the valve, it is often raised by the hinge underneath becoming thickened. The part beneath the cardinal facet thus raised, while in many species its thickness is in no way diminished vertically, is in some others materially reduced in lateral dimensions, thereby presenting itself under the form of a thin vertical hinge-supporting plate or cardinal buttress (h). The parts belonging to the hinge of the brachial valve are rude and extremely variable in form: one of them may be variable in position. The central portion of the hinge in certain species shows nothing remarkable, no marks or prominences—due possibly to ero- sion; but in others it distinctly displays an excavation or cardinal _scar (PI. XII. fig. 2v), as in 7. ohioensis, also apparently in 7’. Dall (PL. XV. fig. 2). The excavation is bicupped in 7’. ohioensis (Pl. XVI. fig. 7); but the same species also presents it transversely grooved (Pl. XVI. figs. 4,5, 6). There is no prominence in these cases. In some other species, however, the cardinal scar, though in general badly seen, appears to be situated on an elevation—rounded, or squared, and more or less developed, according to species. Nay, in the same species, as in 7’. Lindstromi, the elevation varies much in size, certain individuals having it very small, others very large and standing out like a great tooth—so large that it must have dipped deeply into the umbonal cavity of the pedicle-valve: fig. 3, Pl. XIV., represents the elevation in its median size. In short, the cardinal scar is so variable that to give a description of it applicable to any one species would be a somewhat difficult task. The hinge of the brachial valve is further characterized by another variable part. Though absent in several species, there exist in others two depressions or cardinal sockets (¢) on the hinge, one on each side : when well defined (which, however, is seldom the case) by a promi- nent border on the inner side, the cardinal sockets appear to have received the cardinal callosities belonging to the pedicle-valve*. * Lindstrom, who has represented the lateral margins of: a species of Trzme- rella “ grooved by a furrow which helps to close the valves more tightly ” (Geol. Mag. vol. v. p. 14), seems to think that this was the only provision the genus had for a dentary apparatus. We cannot help thinking that he has taken too T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA, 129 In certain species (Monomerella prisca) the hinge of the brachial valve or, rather, we believe, its outside, is strongly striated trans- versely: this peculiarity may be considered the same as the trans- verse lines on the areal borders. In some cases the point of the umbo of the brachial valve is replaced by a cavity (Mon. Walm- stedti, Pl. XVII. fig. 3), apparently due to erosion; in others (7'ri- merella ohioensis, Pl. XVI. figs. 5 & 6) it is rounded. As regards the parts belonging to their interior, the Trimerellids are peculiarly distinguished. In the medio-longitudinal region of the posterior half of both valves there is what may be called a platform {j and 7), large or considerably elevated in some species (PI. XIV. figs. 2, 3, 6, &c.), small and even excavated in others (PI. XVI. fig. 8, Pl. XVIII. fig. 13, Pl. XIX. fig. 4). In most cases the largest and most elevated platform occurs in the brachial valve. Generally both valves have the platform medio-longitudinally depressed on the top, and rounded at the sides, thereby giving it a biconvex surface: it also presents characters which, while constant in certain genera and spe- cies, undergo marked modifications in others. ‘Thus in most Trime- rellas each platform is distinguished by two tubular cavities—plat- form vaults (k, k)—short, or nearly obsolete in certain species, and in others running underneath the platform in its entire denies the vaults are separated by a median partition (Pl. XVI. figs. 1, 2,3). In a few species the platform is solid, or a little raised above the inner surface of the valves, with the slightest indication of vaults (Pl. XVI. figs. 8, 9). In Monomerella this part, though well developed, is not vaulted i in either valve; it is the same in Dinobolus. Returning to Trimerella, the median partition is prolonged aa the anterior half of the shell under the form of a median plate (1, /). It characterizes both valves, but is always the largest or longest in the brachial valve (Pi. XLV. figs. 2, 3, &e.). Some congeneric spe- cies appear to have had no plate (Pl. XVI. figs. 8, 9). To complicate the camerated character of the Trimerellids, in the species which have a cardinal buttress this part divides the interior of the umbo (of the pedicle-valve) into two hollow sections or umbonal chambers (1), large and wide-mouthed in the Monomerellas, long and tubular in 7’rimerella Lindstromi. ‘There are species, how- ever, belonging to both these genera, also Dinobolus generally, with- out umbonal chambers; though in some eases indications of them occur. Occasionally there are appearances of them in the brachial valve: an unusually developed case occurs in this valve of Trimerella Lindstromi, as shown by the pair of postlateral prominences (casts) limited a view, probably arising from an examination of a specimen with long lamelliform orders: such as occur, one on each side, on the hinge of 7’. ohio- ensis (P|. XVI. fig. 7). In this species, however, there is a deepish hollow on the inner or posterior side of each border, and seemingly corresponding callosities on the hinge (where angulated) of the pedicle-valve: the latter may have be- longed to the deltidial ridges. So variable are the cardinal sockets and cardinal callosities, that we are quite prepared to meet with specimens having lamelli- form borders developed or elongated somewhat as represented by Lindstrom. 130 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. in fig. 7, Pl. XIV. Nothing is more singular than the aspect of the interior of the typical Trimerellids—some, as will now be under- stood, having two specialized cavities (Monomerella), others four (Pl. XIV. fig. 6, Pl. XV. fig. 44 &.), and others six (7. Lindstrom, T. Dalli, &e.). It may be stated, subject to correction, that the platform in each valve is marked by four sets of scars, which, for the present, we shall merely distinguish by the names medians (m, m), anteriors (n, 2), laterals (0, 0), and postmedians (p,p). The postmedians, we believe, are a set having no relation to the others. In addition to the foregoing, the entire family 2s characterized by a submarginal crescent (q, r, 8, g, 7, 8) confined to the posterior half of each valve. It varies to some extent in each genus, also in dif- ferent species: even different individuals of the same species do not unfrequently present variations that seem to depend on differences of age, thickness of the valves, and other peculiarities. As a conse- quence, this part, or merely a portion of it, may present itself in relief, excavated, obscurely, often partially in any of these conditions, or complicated by successive enlargements of its area; so that we feel a difficulty in representing it otherwise than diagrammatically, or in giving a description that is strictly accurate when applied to any single case. Closing these preliminary remarks, the crescent may be described as formed of three portions—the crown (q, ¢), sides (r, 7), and ends (s,s). The crown consists of a line running along - the hinge, from each side of which it descends into the cavity of the valves at the origin of their postlateral margins: this portion, in _ the brachial valve, is pointed in the middle of the hinge (Pl XII. fig. 6, 7); while, in the pedicle-valve, it passes along and close to the outer edge of the cardinal facet. The sides, which are pointed oval in shape in the typical genus, pass forward along and a little within the postlateral margins of the valves. The ends, for the most part obscurely defined, occupy the space between the widest portion of the platform and the adjacent margin of the valve. Somewhat similar in outline to the crown is a submarginal impres- sion occurring in the anterior half of both valves: it resembles a small arch or archlet (u, «),1s simple in form, consists of two halves, has its two bases attached one to each end of the crescent, and throws itself forward to within a short distance of the anterior margin of the valves, apparently to a less extent in the pedicle than in the brachial one. On each side of both valves one member of a pair of linear trans- verse scars (t, t) strikes off from near the point of junction of the eres- vent and archlet to the widest part of the platform, thence in front of the latter part to the median plate: the other member makes a similar traverse on the opposite side, and terminates at the same place. Reverting to the hinge of the pedicle-valve, there is situated on the cardinal facet an oval-shaped scar or lozenge (g), having its long axis in the transverse direction of the valye. It is formed poste- riorly by a line that runs parallel and near to the deltidial slope, and anteriorly by what may be supposed to be another line running close to the crown of the crescent. There is much obscurity in the part T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. 131 under consideration, especially its anterior; for generally the latter portion, and the line forming the crown of the crescent, are so inter- blended as to prevent either one or the other being individually de- fined: still we occasionally perceive appearances favouring the idea that they are distinct. Besides the foregoing there are some other scars that require noticing. In the pedicle valve of certain Trimerellas there is an appearance of an impression (fig. 1, w) situated below the hinge, and on the cardinal buttress: in the Monomerellas two impressions occur (fig. 3, w) similarly situated, 2. ¢. at the base of the cardinal buttress or at the posterior end of the platform (j): and in Dinobolus David- sont there are two distinct marks (inadvertently omitted in fig. 5, w) below or on the outer edge (which is rounded off) of the hinge. Suspecting that all these may form one and the same set, we pro- pose to call them subcardinal scars. The brachial valve of Monomerella and Dinobolus equally shows in a similar position (that is, in front of and below the middle of the crown of the crescent, or near the centre of the umbonal cavity) a well-marked impression (figs. 4 & 6, w). There are faint indica- tions of the same scar in Trimerella ohioensis (Pl. XVI. figs. 5 & 6). Trimerella and Monomerella have in their pedicle-valve a pair of umbo-lateral scars (x, figs. 1 & 3), a member being situated close to and below each cardinal callosity (e). An apparently corresponding set, but slightly marked, occurs in Dinobolus (x, fig. 5), occupying a somewhat similar position. The brachial valve of Monomerella exhibits an analogous pair (fig. 4, v) within the crescent, a member being situated close to each of its sides. III. Myotocy anp oTHER CHARACTERS OF THE FAMILY. We shall now offer some suggestions as to which organs the various scars respectively belonged to; but before proceeding further we find it necessary to anticipate a point which will be treated of in another section. Having failed in making out any satisfactory resemblance be- tween the Trimerellids and Terebratulids in their internal parts, we were led to extend our investigations to another family. It was with this object that one of us entered upon an examination of the various muscles, and scars belonging to them, that characterize Lin- guia anatina*. The result has been attended with much more success than in the case of the Terebratulids. In the species named, the valvular muscles are of two kinds, direct and slanting. The direct muscles are an anterior pair, situ- ated in the central region of the shell, and a single one, lodged in the umbonal cavity. The slanting muscles are four pairs :—one pair, * Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th ser. vol. xii. July 1873. When speaking of the muscles and other parts of Lingula anatina, our references will be made to the figures in Plate II. accompanying that paper. Sketches after the two principal figures are given in the annexed woodcuts in the following page. 132 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZE. transmedial, crossing in a backward direction from the middle of the sides of the posterior half of the brachial valve to the reverse sides. of the pedicle-valve ; the remaining three pairs (laterals) pass from Fig. 1.—Lingula anatina, to dlustrate the Scars in Trimerella. > ==N \ Vico SS \ Y S eZ = \eZ ce = (ES : fee 3 i |— Be s 2 \ | = se Pde Ne - = B We Nag Oi ie | Se Z KK We C ' 4 Z a sy) ; ee ea Ky Gytliy WS: ATTN FITTS Brachial valve. Pedicle-valve. g. Umbonal muscle. h. Central muscles. z. Transmedial muscles: 6, Parietal band. J, &, 2. Lateral muscles (7, anteriors; 4, middles; J, outsiders). A. Splanchnoceele. B. Pleuroceles. C. Brachioccele. the sides‘of the same half of both valves to points further forward and adjacent to the median line of the shell, but without crossing it. Reverting to the Trimerellids, we shall make one or two sugges-— tions respecting the subcardinal scars (w, w). First, they may have belonged to a muscle corresponding with the umbonal one of Lingula. If, as appears probable, the single umbonal muscle, just referred to, is the homologue of the two posterior adductors of Discina, there is no reason against assuming that the presumed corresponding muscle of the Trimerellids has been simple in certain genera (Pl. XII. fig. 1, w), and compound or double in others (figs. 3 & 5, w)—or divided at its attachment in one valve, and undivided in the other. Second, they may be the same as the part in the brachial valve we have called the cardinal scar (v, fig. 2)—a view, however, which re- TY. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. ieee quires the pertaining muscle to have been divided at its extremity, one division attached to the hinge, and the other to the umbonal cavity. But another idea regarding the cardinal scar (v) has been adopted by Dall, that it afforded attachment to a muscle homologous with that belonging to the cardinal process of the Terebratulids. Certainly from its position, and especially when seated on an eleva- tion, as in Trimerella Lindstrom, this scar has much the appearance of being identical with the process characteristic of the hinge in the family just referred to; but we think a more correct appreciation of its true relationship is involved in the suggestion that it is homolo- gous with the small pair of postlateral or converging muscles, of which, as in Discina, a member passes from near each side of the pedicle- or flat valve to the space between the posterior adductor - muscles in the brachial or convex valve. This suggestion, it must be understood, does not necessitate the abandonment of the idea that the scar (w, w) belonged to the umbonal muscle: only, instead of this muscle being divided, with a division implanted on each side of the pair of converging muscles, as in Discina, it may have been simple in some cases, and have passed between the latter muscles. Such an arrangement would be the reverse of what prevails in Dis- cina ; but it does not seem to be opposed by any valid objections. With respect to the slanting muscles of Lingula, we strongly sus- pect that the transmedial pair was absent in the Trimerellids—the close union of the valves at the hinge, or the possession of a dentary apparatus, rendering impossible any lateral movement of the valves in their posterior or umbonal region, such being the function of the transmedials. The three remaining pairs of slanting muscles, which have been generically designated laterals, and severally named “ anteriors,” «‘middles,” and “ outsiders,” appear to us to have characterized the fossil family. The “anterior” pair of Zingula may correspond with, in the Trime- rellids, the anterior scars, n*, of the brachial valve, and the ends of the crescent (s), of the pedicle one; the “ middle” pair with the median scars, m, of the pedicle-valve, and the ends of the crescent, s, of the brachial one; the “outside” pair with the lateral scars, 0, of the pedicle-valve, and the ends of the crescent, s, of the brachial one. In accordance with these suggestions, the letter s (that is, in the brachial valve) denotes a compound scar; but, instead of being triple, as in Lingula (which, it must be borne in mind, has, in addi- tion, one of the terminations of the transmedial muscle implanted in the corresponding part), it would be double. Moreover, in Lingula anatina a pair of slanting muscles is im- planted in the brachial valve, adjacent to, or upon the medio- longitudinal ridge, a member on each side, where the scars left by the muscles are generally well seen. We have already assumed these scars to correspond with those lettered x in figs. 4, 6, that is, on the. * We have not lettered that portion of the platform in Pl. XIT. fig. 2, where, ap- parently the scars would be situated, as there are grounds, presently to be noticed, for believing that they were in this instance transposed to the median plate (/). 134 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA. projecting or anterior portion of the platform belonging to the brachial valve of Monomerella and Dinobolus; which genera, it will be seen, have no median plate, or only a rudimentary one. But considering that in the brachial valve of Trimerella this part is as well developed as the ridge in Lingula, or even more so, we are strongly persuaded that it or its posterior end was marked by the scars in question. If the median plate of the brachial valve were not a muscular fulcrum of the kind, it would have to be considered merely analo- gous to the medio-longitudinal ridge of Langula, and not its homologue; or, instead of belonging essentially to the splanchnoccele, it must be an integral part of the brachiocceele. The latter view, however, has nothing in its favour; on the contrary, in all known living Pallio- branchs (and most of them have it) the ridge, when present, lies within the splanchnoceele, and serves as a muscular fulerum. The corresponding plate in the pedicle-valve of Trimerella may have been subordinated in the same way; but we are more inclined to believe that it merely strengthened the platform, as we think was also the case with the rudimentary one in the brachial valve of Dinobolus (fig. 6, 1). The aberrant Trimerella Billings and T’.. galtensis do not possess the median plate in the brachial valve: in these cases the muscles would be attached to the anterior portion of the platform, as in Dinobolus and Monomerella. Besides their use as muscular fulera, it may safely be admitted that the platforms, to some extent, supported the viscera. We are in- duced to refer the postmedian scar (p, fig. 6) to the ovaries. These organs have been allocated by Dall and others to the platform-vaults ; but their usual position in living Palliobranchs would require them to be lodged in, or connected with, the posterior portion of the splanchnocele. We are consequently more disposed to believe, considering their postlateral situation in Rhynchonella*, and in other shells of its class, that the ovaries were similarly situated in the Trimerellidst: the large umbonal cavities characteristic of cer- tain species, seem well adapted for containing them. The platform-vaults appear, from their contiguity to the usual locale of the liver, to be the most likely receptacles for the divisions of this organt. Another view has been taken respecting the use of * Hancock, Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. cxlviii. pl. lx. fig. 3, 1858. t Certain genera, especially Camarophoria and Pentamerus, haye hollows in the umbo of the pedicle-valye, not only corresponding with, but evidently ful- filling the same office as, the umbonal chambers of the Trimerellids. Many years ago one of the writers, studying Camarophoria multiplicata, expressed his belief that the spaces within the “vascular circles” occurring in this species “were the seats of reproduction.” Monograph Permian Fossils, p. 116. : { In our previously published “Remarks on the genera Trimerella, Dino- bolus, and Monomerella,’ we instanced the excavated scars of Obolus, which haye an overlapping posterior margin, thereby approaching in appearance to the platform-vaults of Zrimerella; but these are undoubtedly due to muscular at- tachment. In Leptena Dutertrii the myophore of one of the valves is doubly vaulted, possibly for holding portions of the liver and a case homologous with the platform-vaults of Trimerella. = T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZ, 135 these vaults. Lindstrém supposes them to have been hollows in which the muscles were implanted*. We have searched for impressions likely to have resulted from such implantation, but without success ; and it appears highly improbable that the vaults, which run the entire length of the platforms up to the hinge in certain species, could have served this purpose+. We may leave for a short while the consideration of the internal parts of the Trimerellids to take a passing notice of the hinge-cha- racters. These clearly show that the shells have been furnished with a massive pedicle, closely agreeing in its attachments with that of Lingula. As in this shell, the proximal extremity of the pedicle in the fossil (doubtless in the form of a flatly compressed cylinder— that is, with two flattened faces) was evidently attached by one of its faces to the entire surface of the deltidium, the imbricated la- minee of which are the marks of attachment. The pedicle of Lin- gua is further attached by the end of the same face, also by two lateral extremities or lobes, the former to a narrow lineated space in front of the deltidium, and each of the latter to a point on both sides of the narrow spacet. It cannot be objected that the deltidial slope (b) of the Trimerellids marks the attachment of the end of the adhering face of the pedicle; and we strongly suspect that the del- tidial ridges (c) and cardinal callosities (e) have resulted from the attachment of the laterallobes. In certain of these fossils, especially in Trimerella galtensis, the deltidium displays a deep median groove (Pl. XVIII. fig. 13), called by Hall the “ central pedicle-groove,” a peculiarity we would suggest as being due to the strong attach- ment of the middle part of the adhering face of the pedicle, as evidence of the kind occasionally occurs in specimens of Lingula anatina. It requires to be mentioned that in the latter shell the face, end, and lobes spoken of belong to the corneous sheath of the * Lindstrom, who speaks of the platform-vaults as “ prolonged muscular scars,” states that the corresponding parts in Lingula are occupied by two im- pressions of the adductors. Geol. Mag. vol. v. p. 442, 1868. + In a letter received by us from Mr. Whitfield, dated the 4th of Dec., 1871, he states, ‘In relation to the uses of the cavities beneath the plate [platform], they certainly could not have contained any part of the adductor muscles; but, from the large size of these muscles necessary to work such large and, in one species [7Z\ ohioensis], ponderous shells, the greater part of the surface of this part (the cardinal half) of the shell would necessarily be taken up by them, and there would be but little space left for the pallial smuses containing the testes or ovaries; and the plate [platform] is consequently raised to get these large muscles out of the way in the centre of the valve, and to let the organs (sexual) pass beneath them. This I conceive to be the use of them. I have often thought the matter over when explaining these and allied forms. In one form, Pentamerus galeatus, many of which I have examined, I know the roughened spaces known as ovarian spaces are carried inwards, close to the sides of the thin central septum, leaving no space between them such as we see occupying the centre of Orthis and allied forms, as well as in most Brachiopoda.” t We have previously noticed the two incised lines in connexion with the deltidial ridges: these lines, we believe, are likewise produced by the attach- ment of the lateral lobes; also the corresponding lines occasionally seen on the area of certain Spirifers. The transverse strize on the areal borders, as well as those on the outside of the hinge in the brachial valve, are evidently due to epidermal or external lines of growth, as in Lingua. 136 TY. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. pedicle. Besides these parts, this organ is attached by the end (compressed) of its inner fleshy or muscular cylinder to an ellipsoidal space in front of the narrow lineated band, and behind the umbonal muscle. The part similarly situated in the Trimerellids, and named lozenge (g, figs. 1 & 7), we attribute to the attachment of the same cylinder. Referring again to Lingula, the submarginal portions of the posterior half of its valves are distinguished by a compound scar consisting of :—a line on the hinge; two eapansions, one near each of the postlateral margins; and two longitudinally elliptical spaces, one connected with each of the expansions, and terminating at about the transverse median line of the valves. The first is formed by the postparietal of the splanchnoccele ; the second, their inner side by the post-lateroparietals of this chamber, and their outer side by the posterior primary vessels belonging to the pleuroceeles; the third mark the attachment of the slanting muscles, which are limited on their outer side by the lateral walls of the splanchnoccele. That the crescent of the Trimerellids is made up of the same parts (though subject to modifications, as exemplified in Dinobolus), its crown, sides, and*ends respectively representing the first, second, and third, is a proposition which, we think, requires nothing further for its establishment. In Lingula anatina the splanchnoccele is bounded in part by another wall, the anteparietal. The transverse scars (t, ¢) in Z’rimerella occupy a similar position, evidencing that they were produced by the same wall. A further agreement consists in the anteparietal of the recent shell running forward, in the brachial valve, with a duckbill- shaped outline, considerably into the brachioccele ; for doubtless a ' similar peculiarity obtained in the fossil through the attachment of the same wall to the sides of the median plate, as it does to the cor- responding ridge of Lingwla, with this difference, however, that the projection would be longer, and its base narrower. ‘There is no appearance of the transverse scars starting off from any place in front of the platform: they run close up to the median plate, thence apparently forward, and along éach side of it; which would neces- sarily cause the attached portion of the anteparietal projection, Ons in the brachial valve, to be comparatively narrow. The archlet was evidently produced by the attachment of the anterior pair of primary vessels. In Lingula anatina these vessels do not, strictly speaking, unite at their anterior extremity; and it appears to have been the same in 7rimerella, as the archlet seems often to open at its apex. In the brachial valve of the Trimerellas (7. grandis, Pl. XIII. fig. 2b) the archlet has also a remarkable agreement in form with the course pursued by the pair of primary vessels in the recent species referred to. ‘The opposite valve of the latter shell shows the same vessels, but more shortened : the archlet belonging to the corresponding valve of the fossils possesses a similar peculiarity. We have not yet met with any impressions producing secondary vessels. It will be understood that we are now in the brachioccele—the chamber holding the arms or labial appendages. So far no convoluted 7. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. 137 impressions referable to these organs have occurred to us: they have been found in other fossils*. Such impressions, however, may yet be detected, especially of the apical portion in the pedicle- valve. In some specimens a shallow submarginal groove is present, which is all we have seen that could be attributed to the setal band. Itis extremely doubtful, from the construction of the hinge, that this organ would be carried round the posterior margin of the valves, as in Lingula. TV. Arrrnitres oF tHE Famity. Dall places the genus Trimerella in the family Lingulide; of which he makes two divisions (Linguline and Oboline), remarking that its nearest affinities are with Lingula and Obolus, but adding “perhaps it may be eventually placed in the second division of the family”. Hall, referring to his Dinobolus Conradi, prefers the same allocation, asserting that it is closely allied to Obolust. The same may be said of Billings, who states that “both Trimerella and Monomerella are subgenera [evidently a mistake for subgroups] of ‘Obolus:” he also adds that his O. canadensis and O. galtensis belong to “a third group” §. Quenstedt, the only continental paleontologist who has touched on the subject of its affinities, includes 7’rimerella in his family Ungulite ; which he makes to consist of Obolus, Schmidtia, Obolella, and Acrites ||. One of the points that has led these authors to affine Trimerella with Obolus is possibly the resemblance there is between the cres- cent of the former and certain scars which curve forward from the hinge of the latter. Until one of us had ascertained that the scars alluded to in Obolus represent the posterior adductor muscles of Discina4, and not other organs, as in Lingula, we were also inclined to take the view of our colleagues: now, however, as will be under- stood from what is stated in the previous sections, we have aban- doned it**. Believing that the Trimerellids are closely related to the Lingulids, but distinct as a family, we shall next enter upon a comparison between the two groups by tabulating their differences and agree- ments :— * Such as Productus, Chonetes, Strophalosia, Strophomena, Koninckina, Ano- latheca, Davidsonia, &c. + American Journal of Conchology, vol. vi. part 2, p. 153, 1870. ¢ Twentieth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, 1868; and revised edition, p. 376, 1870. § Canadian Naturalist, vol. vi. no. 2, p. 222. || Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands; Die Brachiopoden, p. 668, 1871. @ Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xii. p. 15. ** Tt may be mentioned that an examination of a large number of specimens belonging to the genera Obolus, Schmidtia, Obolella, Acrites, &e. have led us to group them all together under the family Obolide, proposed by one of tho writers in 1850: See Monograph of Permian Fossils, p. 81. 138 Points in which the Trimerellids may be said to differ from the Lingulids. . Calcareous shell-substance. . Closed at the hinge. . Dentary, though rudely. . Brachial valve with a cardinal pro- or T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZ. Points in which the Trimerellids may be said to agree with the Lingulids. Deltidium and its accessories. Mode of attachment of the pedicle to the deltidium. Muscular system generally. Splanchnoceele in its general out- line. . The possession of pleuroceeles. cess. . Apophysary system generally ele- vated platforms, one in each valve; and the platforms in the type genus doubly vaulted. 6. Absence of transmedial muscles, | 6. on PO De Sk peo). General arrangement of the vascular and modifications of the umbonal system. muscle. 7. Setal band not carried round the | 7. The combination of certain parts hinge. or organs, producing thereby the posterior crescent. The differences between the two groups, we contend, are quite sufficient to warrant the step we have taken in making of each a distinct family; while, on the other hand, their points of agreement are so numerous as to show that they are intimately related. Obolus is placed by Dall in the family Lingulide; but its close relationship to Discina opposes the allocation. This relationship alone prevents our placing the Trimerellids in any family group which embraces Obolus, though we are quite ready to admit that both belong to one and the same great division in their class. At first sight the Trimerellids, considering their general external resemblance to Uncites, Stringocephalus, and other genera, might be ‘considered to belong to the great subclass, Clistenterata; but, although certain parts belonging to their hinge seem to favour a different view, it cannot but be admitted that the consensus of their characters completely establishes them as Tretenterates*. V. GeotocicaL Ranex, CHRoNoGENESIS, AND EvoLUTION OF THE Famiry. The Trimerellids, as will be seen hereafter, characterize two consecu- ‘live geological systems—the Cambro-Silurian, and Silurian. Neither the Cambrian nor Devonian rocks have as yet yielded any repre- * Tretenterata (open-gut) and Clistenterata (closed-gut) form two great sub- divisions of the Palliobranchs or Brachiopoda. The names Plewropygia and Apygia, proposed some years ago by Bronn, stand for the same groups. The latter, bemg a negative term, is totally inadmissible; while the former not. only prejudges and limits the position of an important organ in a variable group of shells, but 1 seems likely to turn out to be no more than of sectional value. The singular aperture, and tube, respectively characterizing the hinge-plate of the brachial valve of Athyris pectinifera, and A. concentrica, also the foramen occurring, 77 addition to an open deltidiuwm, in the umbo of the pedicle-valve of several other palzozoic shells apparently belonging to the Leptenids, Spirife- rids, Obolids, and Rhynchonellids, may be regarded as indicating, in such cases, the posterior position of the intestinal outlet.—W. K. t We include in the Cambrian system the formations below the Arenigs— namely, the Tremadocs, Ffestiniogs, Menevians, and Longmynds : as such it an- swers to the Primordial group of Barrande. The Arenig, Llandeilo, and Bala T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZ. 139 sentatives. All the known species of Trimerella and Monomerella, hitherto only found in Sweden, the United States, Canada, and Russia, are from beds equivalent in age to the Wenlock and Aymes- try formations of Great Britain. Dzénobolus, however, has obtained a more extended vertical and horizontal range: of the seven forms at present known, D. Schmidti (a Russian species), D. magnificus, and D. canadensis (both from Canada) are Cambro-Silurian—the two species last-named having been found in the Trenton or Black-river Limestone, about the horizon of the English Upper Llandeilo or the base of the Caradoc. Dinobolus Conradi, confined to the United States, be- longs to the Niagara Limestone(Upper Silurian). D. Davidsoni appears to have been found in the Llandovery formation, as well asin that of the Wenlock in Sweden; but it, with D. Woodwardi and D. transversus, chiefly characterizes the Wenlock in the counties of Shropshire and Staffordshire: the latter three are the only British species known belonging to the family. It is a remarkable peculiarity in Lingula anatina that the post- lateral parietals of the splanchnoccele, unlike the membranous coun- terparts in other Palliobranchs, are highly muscular—so much more than seems to be needed to protect the viscera as to give rise to the idea that they also served to some extent to keep the valves together. It is therefore not improbable that in some forms related or belonging to the Lingulids the muscularity of the walls referred to was still more developed, thereby causing them to become approximately valvulars or adductors. From this con- dition to complete specialization, such as is presented by the pair of postadductor muscles that characterize Discina, seems to be an easy gradation. Obolus may be cited as an additional ex- ample. Although a considerable number of Cambrian Tretenterates, usually recognized as Lingulide er Linguloid shells, are known%, it nevertheless happens that information regarding certain of their in- ternal characters is too limited to enable paleontologists to select any of them as constituting the gradational form in question. A better source seems to offer itself in the family under description. Neither Trimerella nor Monomereila appears likely to assist us, inasmuch as the scars (sides of the crescent) due to the post-latero- parietals do not differ notably from their equivalents in Lingula. In Dinobolus, however, the same scars are strikingly different; each one has a composite structure, with two, or more separated indenta- tions strongly marked—showing that it has been produced bya muscle, ormuscles, unusually large and powerful. Though evidently belonging to the postlateral walls of the splanchnoccele, very little modification or Caradoc formations we group together: and in justice to the labours of Sedgwick and Murchison, also in accordance with the compromise proposed by the first cited of these illustrious men, we name them collectively, as others have already done, the Cambro-Silurian system. * See paper “On the Earliest Forms of Brachiopoda hitherto discovered in the British Paleozoic Rocks,” Geol. Mag. vol. v. no. 7, July 1868, by one of the present writers. Some minute American fossils, described by Hall, Bil- lings, and others, may be included in the same category. 140 {, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A, of the muscles represented by the scars referred to would seemingly convert them into specialized adductors. The peculiarity exhibited by the s¢des of the crescent, as just noticed, is of importance in our present inquiry, inasmuch as it cha- racterizes the earliest genus of the Trimerellids ; and of equal import- ance is the fact that Dinobolus is the least calcareous of its group. This genus therefore stands out not only as an initial form, but as indicating the period of development or chronogenesis of the “family. We may go further, and assume that, while the Trimerellids strongly retain many of the leading characters of the more ancient family (Lingulide), the genus Deas, by its crescent, discloses a relation- ship to another group strongly differentiated by its myology. As- suming this to be correct, we shall have to account, on the doctrine of evolution, for the creation* of the Trimerellids out of some pri- mordial or early form possessing a stronger tendency to become characterized with specialized adductor muscles, situated like the postadductors of Discma, than is displayed in the recent Lingula anatina, There is no improbability in the idea that a generalized form will yet be discovered, either in the Cambrian or early Cambro- Silurian rocks, bringing Discona and Lingula, also Obolus, into close myotie relationship inter se and with Dinobolus. Such a form would constitute the root from which the Trimerellids have originated. VI. PrystogRaAPHY OF THE SEAS TENANTED BY THE 'RIMERELLIDS, AS COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE CAMBRIAN SEs. One of the peculiarities which characterize the Trimerellids as a family, in comparison with the related group the Lingulids, is the chemical composition of their shell-substance. The latter family comprises forms whose valves are in great part corneous (consist- ing of the organic “‘ basement membrane” of Bowerbank), with ad- ditions of calcium phosphate and carbonate—the phosphate being the largest in amount ; whereas the former one includes essentially calcareous species. These differences seem to be in intimate relation with certain physiographical phenomena that distinguished the Cambrian from the Cambro-Silurian and Silurian periods. In the Cambrian period, and, as far as known, before the Trime- * The terms creation and evolution, it requires to be understood, are not used as meaning the production of one species (hypothetically an interreproductive group) independently of, or owt of another, in the second case effected solely by extraneous agencies or circumstances. One doctrine is unscientific ; the other is based on phenomena of no more than a secondary or subsidiary character. Evo- lution, taking it to be exemplified by metagenesis and metastomotosis, respectively characterizing the Hydrozoa and Batrachia, is obviously the result of innate formative action adapting itself to extraneous influences or conditions: the cases referred to do not differ in their causation from the great progressive mutations which the life-system of our planet has passed through, as revealed by paleontology. ‘The variations produced in plants and animals by external influences constitute a highly important study, giving rise, if considered in con- nexion with the doctrine of ¢xnate adaptive formativity, to the noblest and most exalted conceptions that man is capable of forming.—W. K. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. 141 rellids were in existence, limestones are no more than exceptional deposits amongst their argillaceous and siliceous associates. On the contrary, in the Cambro-Silurian and Silurian Periods (that is, during the role of the Trimerellids), as ever since, depositional phenomena became remarkably characterized by caicareous elaborations. It is equally noteworthy that the Cambrian life-system is but poorly represented by forms in whose skeletons calcium compounds are essential constituents. Although representing groups most of which afterwards included members possessing a massive calcareous framework, the Coelenterates, Mollusks, Echinoderms, and Crusta- ceans of the Cambrian period had slender skeletal structures, in which lime was not particularly abundant; and they thus stand out in striking contrast to their massive successors of subsequent periods. Doubtless in the Cambro-Silurian and Silurian seas — those tenanted by the Trimerellids—ordinary marine calcium compounds prevailed as at present. But, in view of what has already been stated, are we to suppose that such compounds did not occur to the same extent in Cambrian seas? Or are we to imagine that the Cambrian organisms were incapable of abstracting lime from the medium they lived in? As few, we think, will be found to enter- tain the latter idea, it may be dismissed to leave room for the con- sideration of the other one. It is well known that the Archzan rocks* are of enormous thickness. In the British Isles they consist of the ordinary meta- morphics, composed of silacid minerals. In North America, especially in Canada, where they apparently comprise two (or more) uncon- formable series—Laurentian and Labradorian—they include both silacid and silo-carbacid rocks+. The “ zones” (“ bands,” or “‘masses”) of “ Crystalline limestone,” of the Canadian Geological Survey, which constitute the silo-carbacid group, attain an aggregate thickness of some thousands of feet +. The Cambrian rocks, though varying in certain respects in different regions, agree pretty generally in their lithological features. * Dana, rejecting the term “ eozoic,” which has been applied to them “to indicate the morning of that great creative day in which the lower forms of animal life were introduced upon our planet” (Dawson), distinguishes the Laurentian and associated metamorphic rocks, older than the primordials, by the name Archean. This change very properly does not reject the idea that undoubted or indisputable organic remains may yet be found in such rocks ; for it is quite likely that the term eozoie will share the same fate as that of azoic, as proposed originally for the Cambrians. + For the distinctive characters of these rock-divisions, see a paper in tks Geological Magazine, January 1872, entitled, ‘‘ The Microscopic Characters of a Silo-carbacid rock from Ceylon; and their Bearings on the Methylotic Origin of the Laurentian ‘limestones.’ ”’ + In both the upper and lower series of the Archean rocks, “the united thickness of which in Canada cannot be less than 30,000 feet, and probably much exceeded it,” there are several zones of limestone. Of these it has been ascertained that three at least belong to the lower series.” The “ Zone of Grenville limestone [the lowest of the series] is in some places 1500 feet thick.” At Clarendon the Archean rocks have a ‘‘thickness of 4000 feet, about two thirds of which (2666 feet) consist of Crystalline limestone.”—Logan, Geology of Canada, p. 31, 1863. Q.J.G.8. No. 118. M 142 {T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. Now, as regards the silacid members of the Archzans, there is no difficulty in understanding how they have given rise to the argillites and sandstones of the Cambrians. But where are the limestones that we ought to expect would have. heen formed by contemporary reproduction out of the Silo-carbacid rocks? We cannot be satisfied with the answer if it refer to the American cases represented by the primordial limestones of Belle Isle, Troy (N.Y.), and other places, or the calciferous sand-rock usually included in the Potsdam formation™. . Turning next to the British Cambrians, we shall be met by a still less satisfactory answer. The Longmynds, Menevians, Ffes- tiniogs and Tremadocs, which range from twenty thousand to thirty thousand feet, or more, in aggregate thickness, consist of all the rock-forming materials except the one we are searching for. The lapse of time during which the argillites and sandstones of these groups were in process of formation must have been immense ; and not only are they divested of limestone, but calcareous fossils are exceedingly rare in them. The cases cited form one of the most difficult problems in prim- ordial geology ; for considering the “ masses” of ‘‘ Crystalline lime- stone” characterizing the American Archeans, the totally incom- mensurate amount of calcareous rocks amongst the Cambrians seems to be unintelligible: and the difficulty is further increased by the fact that contemporary organisms rarely had skeletons in which lime is the predominant constituent. We shall make no attempt to solve the problem: all we can do at present is to call attention to the subject. Certainly, it may be said in conclusion, there are some grounds for believing that great physiographical differences prevailed between the Cambrian and the succeeding periods—that great changes in life and sedimentation, of a persistent nature, began during the early portion of the Cambro-Silurian, and have been maintained ever since. ‘The Trimerellids appear to have played no unimportant part in the beginning of these changes. VII. Draenosis or THE FAmILy. Class PaLLioBRANCHIATA, De Blainvillet. Subclass Trerrnterata, King f. Family Trimerellide, Davidson & King§. Shell-substance of the valves calcareous. Species generally massive, especially in the umbonal region. Umbo of the pedicle-valve often * The limestones of the Quebec group are excluded, as they are now generally considered to be on the horizon of the Lower Llandeilo formation ; and it is even possible that the Calciferous sand-rock is at or near the base of the Cambro-Silurian system, and equivalent to the Arenig group. t Brachiopoda, Cuvier 1805; Dumeril, 1806; Lamarck, 1809; and of the generality of paleontologists. Palliobranchiata, Blainville, 1824. t Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th Ser. vol. xii. July 1873. § Cuvier’s name, Brachiopoda, is a misnomer, as it is now generally admitted T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. 143 large ; pointed; projecting variously; solid, or hollow: its hinge- face with a well-developed area. Area usually of considerable size ; with a large delttdium, which is solid throughout. Hinge of both valves rudely or faintly dentary: that of the pedicle-valve thick ; entire in its whole length ; and more or less elevated ; supported in the latter case by an upright rib or cardinal buttress of varying thick- ness ; with a wide median space or cardinal facet enclosing a lozenge- shaped scar: that of the brachial valve with a more or less elevated median prominence, or depression. Attached to the interior surface of the posterior half of both valves is a more or less elevated plat- form; which is medio-longitudinally situated, and solid, or doubly vaulted: from the middle of its anterior end a median plate occa- sionally projects into the anterior half of the valve, especially the brachial one. Both valves have a compound impression or evescent running a little within the margins of their posterior half, including the hinge. A submarginal impression or archlet characterizes the other or anterior half of the valves. The detailed description already given of the various parts cha- racteristic of the family renders it unnecessary to add any thing by way of general observations. Variations of these parts, to a con- siderable extent, occur in the whole group. It is principally on the variations of the platform, and other parts belonging to the cardinal region, that the genera Trimerella, Monomerella and Dinobolus are founded. As in other families, the present one is not without species which cannot be satisfactorily allocated generically. VIII. Tae Gunvs TRIMERELLA AND ITs SPECIES. Genus Trimerella, Billings, 1862*. Obolus (galtensis), Billings, 1862. Gotlandia, (Dall), 1870. Rhynobolus (galtensis), Hall, March 1871. Obolellina (galtensis), Billings, Dec. 1871. Valves thick ; longitudinally oval. Umbo of pedicle-valve usually massive; solid; occasionally double-chambered; irregularly pro- jecting. Area of considerable size; longer than wide. Deltidium large. Hinge generally thick, and elevated; rudely or slightly dentary ; and variously modified in different species. Cardinal facet large. Crescent rather well defined in typical species. Platforms elevated, and doubly vaulted ; occasionally solid, and slightly raised. that the brachial appendages are not locomotory organs. It seems probable that locomotion is effected by the pedicle, at least in shells in the young state: this view is supported by Morse’s observations on Linguia pyramidata, and by the evidence of Stoliczka, who, from what he saw of Lingula anatina on the coast of Arrakan, is inclined to believe that it is capable of changing its place actually by movements of the pedicle: see Mem. Geol. Survey of India, vol. iv. 1, p. 5. Blainville’s name, Palliobranchiata, is unobjectionable, as the pallial lobes are the principal respiratory organs. * Geological Survey of Canada, Palxontology, p. 166, 1862. The name Z77- merella, like Monomerella and Dinobolus, is unfortunately not above criticism. M 2 144 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. Median plate occurring generally in both valves; longest in the brachial one. Type species Trimerella grandis, Billings. ; The genus varies much in some of its chief characteristics. ‘The umbo of the pedicle-valve, usually large, subconical, and occasionally double-chambered, is exceptionally flattened in 7. Billingsii and T. galtensis ; and the hinge of these species is consequently very slightly elevated: on the contrary, in 7. Dalli the umbo is prominently double-chambered, as in the next genus. The hinge has a central part, projecting in certain species, and excavated in others. In 7. Billings, and T. galtensis, the platforms are slightly raised or depressed, a peculiarity which remarkably differentiates them from the typical species. The genus Lthynobolus, proposed by Hall for Obolus galtensis, appears at first sight to possess sufficient distinctive characters ; but, comparing its type with 7. Billingsit, we cannot see how it can be separated from the latter generically: both species are similarly characterized by flat longitudinally-elongated valves, a flattened umbo in the pedicle-valve, a large area and deltidium, and solid or slightly elevated platforms. The distinctions made out by Hall for 7. galtensis appear to us to be insufficient ; as through the depression of its platforms the anterior portion of these parts, in- cluding their scars, show nothing more than what is seen in 7’. Billingsu. Both species may be considered aberrant forms of the genus; the former departing somewhat further from its type than the latter. TRIMERELLA GRANDIS, Bill. Pl. XIII. figs. 2, 3. Trimerella grandis, Bill. Geol. Survey of Canada, Paleontology, p- 166, fig. 151, 21 Jan. 1862. Dall, American Journal of Conch. vol. 1. part 2, p.. 160, 1870, vol. vu. p. 82, 1871. Quenstedt, Petrefactenkunde, p. 172, pl. lxi. fig. 42, 1871. Hall, Explanation of figures in “ Notes on some new or imperfectly known forms among the Brachiopoda,” pl. xiii. figs. 11-16, 1872. Day. and King, Report of Brighton Meet- ing of Br. Assoc. 20 August, 1872. Shell much longer than wide ; broadly rounded anteriorly ; taper- ing posteriorly to an almost pointed beak; greatest breadth at about two thirds from the beak; surface smooth. Pedicle-valve—beak slightly curved: area a little more than a quarter of the length of the shell: deltadiwm rather raised, but longitudinally depressed along the middle : deltidial ridges well defined: platform rather wide; oc- cupying nearly the entire posterior half of the shell; biconvex ; and most elevated at its anterior margin; its vaults of greater, or lesser depth: median plate extending to a short distance forward along the bottom of the shell: crescent of large size: archlet about the width of the platform; and passing a little way in advance of the median plate. Brachial valve—hinge with a slightly projecting cardinal process: crescent with sides and ends of considerable width, and well outlined: platform comparatively narrow, oecupying half T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA, 145 of the valve; its vaults of greater or lesser depth: median plate extending to within a short distance of the anterior edge of the shell, dividing it into two lateral portions: archlet wider than the platform, passing forward to the end of the median plate. The discovery of this remarkable species is due to Mr. Billings, who, in January 1862, published a short description, with figures, of an internal cast. He also at the same time proposed for it a new generic appellation, stating that it was allied to Obolus, but differed from this genus in the possession of three longitudinal septa in each valye*. Some good figures of the interior of the shell, taken from gutta-percha squeezes, were subsequently published by Professor Hall, in 1872. Billings, when noticing the muscular scars of the present species, ~ states that “‘on each side” of the platform “ there appears to be a small ovate muscular impression as in Obolus.” The specimen which displays this impression was kindly placed in our hands by Mr. Billings. At first we imagined he had correctly interpreted it; but our subsequent investigations, as stated in another place, have con- vinced us that the interpretation is not correct. The impression on each side of the platform belongs to the crescent, which, as already shown, has its parallel in the posterior half of both valves of Lingula; therefore, instead of having been produced by the postadductors, it is more likely to have been formed by the implantation of the post- and post-lateral parietals of the splanch- nocele and other organs characterizing the genus referred to. These organs, as elsewhere made known, it is highly probable, pro- duced the crown and sides of the crescents; but the ends of the crescents (terminating in a line intersecting the anterior portion of the platform) are formed by a scar, or rather scars, which there is every reason to believe resulted from the posterior attachment of a group of slanting or lateral muscles +. The ends of the crescents escaped our notice when fig. 26, Pl. XIII. of the present species was drawn: indeed it was only after becoming acquainted with the parts corresponding with them in Lingula that they disclosed themselves tous. On the right side of the specimen, as represented by the figure just noticed, there is tole- rably well seen, as in the annexed woodcut (fig. 2), the scar s, which, from its relative position, we have no doubt is due, as in Lingula anatina, to the posterior attachment of the lateral muscles. The interior of the umbo in the pedicle-valve looks as if it were to a slight extent doubly chambered; the chambers separated by a wide cardinal buttress{. The hinge, on the top of the last part, * We have shown elsewhere, there exists in reality but one septum—that is, the median plate—the other two forming the sides of the platform: the name Trimerella is therefore a misnomer. t+ See paper on “ Lingula anatina,” Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th Series, vol. xii. July 1873; also woodcuts in p. 132. { Lwo figures of this species, representing apparently young individuals, given by Professor Hall (Preliminary Notice, 1872, pl. xiii. figs. 14, 15), show the umbonal chambers rather well developed, and separated by a narrow cardinal buttress. 146 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZ. Fig. 2.—Brachial deine a Trimerella grandis. 7, sides, and s, ends of the crescent. shows something like a hollow that may have been the seat of attachment of the umbonal muscle. Trimerella grandis, chiefly in the form of internal casts, appears to be a very abundant fossil in the Guelph limestone—a rock imme- diately overlying the Niagara limestone (Upper Silurian), at Hespelar, Galt, New Hope, Elora, Guelph, also at Ontario, in Canada West, or about four hundred miles from Montreal. In the last locality some specimens have been found three inches and a half in length by two in breadth and one in depth. TRIMERELLA AcuMINATA, Billings. ° Pl. XV. figs. 4-7, and Pl. XVI. figs. 1, 2. Trimerella acuminata, Bill. Memoirs of the Geol. Survey of Canada, Paleontology, p. 167, fig. 151, 21 Jan. 1862. (?) Lind- strom, Ofversigt af Kongl. Vet. Akad. Forhandlingar, p. 253, pl. Boxe figs, 3, 4, 1867. Dall, American Journ. Conch. vol. vil. part 2, p. 82, 1871. Bill. Am. Journ. Sci. Arts, ord ser. p. 471, June 1871. Billings, Notes on Trimerella acuminata, Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 4th ser. vol. viii. p- 140, August 1871. Dav. and King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Br. Assoc. 20 August 1872. Shell large; massive; longitudinally oval; broadly rounded in front; tapering in its posterior half: swface smooth, or strongly marked at intervals by concentric lines of growth. Pedicle-valve mode- rately convex: beak produced ; somewhat rounded at its extremity : deltxdium triangular ; very wide; deeply concave ; strongly marked with anticlinal lines: deltidial ridges well pronounced: areal borders narrow: deltidial slope narrow; marked from side to side by fine T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA. 147 lines: hinge depressed, or concave in the middle: cardinal facet large ; passing down with a considerable inclination to the cardinal buttress, from which it is separated by a well-defined edge: plat- form extending to about half the length of the valve; strongly depressed along its surface ; with perpendicular lateral walls: vaults extending to a little way underneath the central part of the hinge: cardinal buttress low; standing approximately at a right angle to the plane of the shell; as wide as the platform: wmbonal chambers extending to some distance under the hinge outside of the deltidium. Brachial valve deeper and more convex than the opposite one: hinge raised in the middle; with a strong lamelliform cardinal process : platform well developed; a little longer than that of the opposite valve ; its vaults of considerable depth: median plate much elongated. Mr. Billings, to whom paleontolgists are indebted for the dis- covery of this species, and who was the first to give a brief descrip- tion. of it, accompanied by a figure of a fragment of the internal cast of the ventral valve, informs us that the largest specimen he has seen is three inches and a half in length, by three inches in width. He also states “‘ there is sufficient to show that this species is quite distinct from 7. grandis. Ifa section were made across the beak of a perfect shell of 7. acuminata, it would show four perforations arranged in a curve, exactly as in the similar section of the Swedish species figured by Dr. Lindstrom. But if the beak of 7. grandis were cut across, 1t would show only two orifices, and they would be the homologues of the two lateral perforations [our wmbonal chambers| in the section of 7. acwminata, because in 7’. grandis the two central tubes [our platform-vaulis| do not extend into the beak, but terminate before they reach it.” According to our mode of describing its interior, the species under description shows six ‘perforations ”—four in the pedicle-, and two in the brachial valve. Itis extremely difficult to give all the “ perforations” in one view: our figure 4%, Pl. XV. only shows those (vaults) belonging to the platforms: there are, however, in the pedicle-valve of the specimen represented other two (umbonal chambers), one on each side of the umbo. The deltidium is usually wide and concave, giving the area a singular appearance. ‘The hinge is remarkable in having its middle in the pedicle-valve concave, and the corresponding part in the opposite valve convex: the convexity of the latter part is in- creased by the lamelliform cardinal prominence (Pl. XV. fig. 4"). The cardinal facet exhibits the lozenge faintly, though with close inspec- tion its bordering lines may be made out. There are two small ““umbo-lateral scars,” one at the entrance, and on the outer side, of each umbonal chamber (fig. 1, x, Pl. XII.). The scars on the platform and crescent, though far from satisfactorily defined (Pl. XV. fig. 4"), appear to be formed and arranged as represented in PE ene i520 T. acuminata occurs chiefly in the state of casts *, in the Guelph * We have succeeded in making some very good gutta-percha moulds from some of these casts. 148 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. limestone immediately overlying the Niagara limestone (a rock equal in age to the Aymestry limestone of England, or about that level, according to Mr. Billings) at Hespelar, Galt, Elora—villages situated near each other in Ontario (Canada West). Mr. Weston, of the Geological Survey of Canada, has discovered several new specimens in the localities, already mentioned in our description, which have yielded 7. grandis: among these are two exhibiting casts of both valves in connexion. Mr. Weston discovered also at Hespelar an incomplete specimen, measuring three and a half inches in length, which showed that the shell was smooth, or marked only by con- centric lines of growth. Well-characterized internal casts of 7’. acuminata were likewise found by Dr. Lindstrom in several parts of the Island of Gotland, as far back as 1859, in rocks about equivalent in age to those of Canada. The species appears to have had a very extended horizontal range; for it occurs in the same horizon in Canada, the United States. and in Sweden. TRIMERELLA Linpstremt, Dall. Pl. XIV. figs. 1-7. Trimerella? Lindstrom, Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Aka- demiens Forhandlingar, p. 253, pl. xxi. figs. 1 & 5 to 9, 1867. Gotlandia Lindstromt, Dall, American Journal of Conch. vol. 11. part 2, p. 160, 1870. 2? Trimerella, Dall, vol. vii. part 2, p. 84, .1871. Dav. and King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Br. Assoc. 20 August, 1872. Shell very massive; longitudinally oval; anterior half broadly rounded ; posterior half tapering rather rapidly to the extremity of the beak, which is pointed ; greatest breadth at about one third of the length of the shell from the anterior margin: surface smooth or marked with concentric lines of growth. Pedicle-valve very thick; rather less deep than the opposite one; sloping from the point of the umbo to the anterior margin: area equilateral ; trian- gular; rather longer than one fifth of the length of the shell: areal borders rather wide: deltidiwm flat, or raised; wide; triangular; with amore or less marked longitudinal depression along the middle: deltidial ridges and callosities prominent; crossed by strongly in- dented lines or ridges: deltidial slope variable ; occasionally its lines appear to be coarse: cardinal facet large ; variable in its inclination: umbonal chambers resembling tubular perforations : platform and vaults nearly as in 7. grandis. Brachial valve massive ; moderately and uniformly convex, especially about the umbo: hinge generally with a large, massive, projecting cardinal process in the centre ; and two depressions, one on either side: platform and vaults agreeing pretty nearly with those in 7. grandis. Trimerella Inndstroemi varies remarkably in its cardinal features ; the variations in some cases being highly puzzling. ‘The cardinal process is rude and inconstant in shape: the variety given in Pl. XIV. fig. 3 (the part answering to the cardinal scar v in fig. 2, Pl. XII.) may be regarded as showing its median state of deve- lopment—some specimens exhibiting it lower, others even more T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. 149 elevated. In the latter state it appears to have fitted like a tooth into a deep excavation in the hinge or near the origin of the plat- form (Pl. XIV. fig. 5), thereby apparently effacing both the cardinal facet and buttress: this excavation is bounded posteriorly by a perpendicular wall. Whether the facet was situated on the wall is a point on which it is difficult to offer any more than a suspicion. A similar difficulty attaches to the excavation ; was it produced by the attachment of the umbonal muscle? A variation in the opposite extreme is represented in fig. 2, Pl. XIV., which shows the facet, with the lozenge, occupying a place seemingly corresponding to the bottom of the excavation seen in fig. 5. But certain appearances, presented to us, favour the suspicion that the facet and lozenge were situated on the posterior wall, rather than at the bottom of the excavation. In most of the Trimerellids the facet dips forward from the delti- dium,—suddenly, we should say, in the present species, if represented only by such individuals as that in fig.5; but other specimens exhibit it with a moderate inclination, as in 7’. acuminata (Pl. XV. fig. 4a); while in the one represented in fig. 2, Pl. XIV., it actually inclines backwards or in the opposite direction. The umbonal muscle may or may not have been attached to the bottom of the excavation in fig. 5 specimen; but it is difficult to point out its locality of attachment in fig. 2 specimen: possibly it was attached at the origin of the platform, where occasionally there is something like a scar. The dentary system, taking it to be represented by the deltidial callosities in the pedicle-valve, and the cardinal sockets in the oppo- site one, is equally variable; though, possibly, some of the appear- ances of variation may be due to erosion. ‘The callosities are strong bosses in certain specimens, and thick plates in others ; it is therefore possible that the appearances which led Lindstrém to believe in the groove-and-ridge mode of articulation were presented by an extreme case of lamelliformity *. The umbonal chambers are of small calibre, being little more than tubular perforations. Lindstrém has given a figure? showing their presence in an early stage of growth, also that their tubular form was persistent. Such a case strongly favours the idea that the chambers were for some particular purpose; otherwise it is difficult to understand why they have not been filled up with organic accre- tions. The umbonal cavity of the brachial valve in the specimen represented in our fig. 7, Pl. XIV. is doubly chambered; the large size of the conical prominences (casts), on each side, shows that the chambers have considerable depth and width. The platforms do not appear to be so large as in the last species : they resemble more closely those of 7’. Billings, particularly in haying short vaults. ‘The scars are represented with approximate correctness in fig. 2, Pl. XIV. The submarginal impressions, generally indistinct, are resolvable into the typical crescent. * The specimen in question, which we have not seen, is preserved in the Mu- seum of Stockholm. + Geol. Mag. vol. vy. pl. xx. fig. 9. 150 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. Specimens of this remarkable fossil were first discovered by Dr. Lindstrom in 1859, and soon afterwards forwarded for examination to one of the writers of the present memoir, accompanied by a MS. description and figures; but it was only after the publication by Billings of his genus Z’rimerella in 1862 that certain other characters of the shell were determined by Dr. Lindstrom. His material being more complete than that upon which the genus was founded, he published, in 1867, a description and figures of the species, but without giving ita name. He was, however, mistaken in believing that the vaulted platform is smooth, and had no impressions of muscular scars upon it, as these occurred to us very plainly on one of his specimens, thus confirming the idea entertained by Billings in 1862. In 1870 Mr. Dall, from not quite understanding the characters of Mr. Billings’s genus T'rimerella, and those of Dr. Lindstrém’s species, proposed for this last a new generic appellation, Gotlandia; but in 1871 he corrected the mistake. In the same year he described the species under the designation of ? Trimerella Lindstrom. Some specimens have been found three inches in length by two and a half in breadth and one in depth. We are informed by Dr. Lindstrom that this species may be re- garded as one of the most characteristic fossils of the Silurian rocks of the Island of Gotland. Almost everywhere may be discerned fragments of it on the weathered surface of the limestone—often transverse sections of both valves; so that the hard crystalline rock seems to be almost entirely made up of them—to such an extent that it might be termed the “ Trimerella limestone.” ‘There are, nevertheless, a few localities where tolerably good speci- - mens may be collected, such as at Klinteberg, Fole, lamsugnen, a limestone quarry in the parish of Olham, at Furillen on the east steep coast of Gotland, Widlansudd, situated quite at the extremity of the island, and in Faro on the north coast of Gotland. It is, however, only within the range of the “‘ Central Gotland ” beds of the islands of Gotland and Faro that 7. Lindstreemi (with T. acuminata) has been found. These beds have been considered by Dr. Lindstr6m and by Sir R. Murchison equivalent to the Aymestry rocks of England, a view fully supported by fossil evidence. We are indebted to Dr. Lindstrom, to Prof. E. Walmstedt of the University of Upsala, and to Herr Fegrceus for many specimens of this species. TRIMERELLA Birziinesi, Dall. Pl. XVI. figs. 8 & 9. Trimerella Billingsit, Dall, Am. Journal of Conch. vol. vii. part 2, p. 82, pls. 1, 2, 1871*. Shell longitudinally oval; compressed: wmbonal region projecting; twisted to one side. Pedicle-valve—deltidium large ; wide; trans- versely striated; slightly excavated ; strongly bordered at sides by the * The fossil referred to 7. Billinsgii in this paper was so labelled by Mr. Dall; but he must have mistaken some other specimens for this species, as the longitudinal section given in his fig. 3 appears to have been taken from a speci- men of Trimerella grandis. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&®. 151 deltidial ridges, and in front by a tolerably well-defined deltcdial slope. The cardinal facet appears to be small. The platform is solid, long, and large, but of slight elevation: it has a raised \\-shaped anterior margin the side divisions answering to the openings of rudimentary vaults. The median plate scarcely exists, and extends to no more than a line in advance of the anterior termination of the platform. Scars occupy the anterior half of the platform: some strongly marked are situated near its front border. The crescents are faintly indicated. This remarkably compressed species is one of those aberrant forms which render it difficult to diagnose a generic group, or to determine what genera they should be placed in. It has much the appearance of Tirimerella grandis; and therefore seems naturally to fall into the same genus. Another species, next to be described, stands out prominently as a still more aberrant form. 7. Ballingsi does not possess any thing like a dentary system: its pedicle-valve has no * median plate ; but the centre of the anterior margin of the platform is somewhat prolonged. Besides the scars on the anterior half of the platform, there are linear impressions (answering to the trans- verse scars, t in fig. 1, and ¢ in fig. 2 of Pl. XII.) passing in front of the rudimentary vaults. The platform and the openings of its vaults have much the appearance of a flattened nose, with the nostrils and their rim prominently exposed. All we have seen of this species is the internal cast, measuring two inches three lines in length by one inch five lines in width, of a single pedicle-valve, found by Mr. Billings in the Guelph Limestone at New Hope, West Canada. TRIMERELLA (?) GALTensis, Billings. Pl. XVIII. fig. 13; and Pl. XIX. figs. 4 & 4°. Obolus galtensis, Billings, Geol. Survey of Canada, Pal. p. 168, fig. 151, 21 Jan. 1862. Trimerella minor, Dall, Am. Journ. of Conch. vol. vil. p. 83, 1871. Rhynobolus galtensis, Hall, Re- port on the State Cab. of Nat. Hist. preparations of Pal. New York, p. 5, March 1871. Obolellina, Bill. Can. Nat. vol. vi. p. 222, 29 Dec. 1871; also April 1872. Dinobolus, Dav. and King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Br. Assoc. 20 August, 1872. Shell compressed or moderately convex; tapering rather sharply behind; broadest, and rounded anteriorly. Pedicle-valve flatly convex: area large; long ; nearly an equilateral triangle: deltidium raised ; occupying a considerable portion of the area; crossed by strong imbricated lines ; with a broad deepish furrow along its entire length : areal borders transversely striated: platform wide; very slightly raised ; its anterior very obtusely V-shaped. Brachial valve slightly convex: platform V-shaped; scarcely raised, or an excavation ; deeply marked with scars, which give it a tripartite appearance: crescent well pronounced, especially at the crown, the middle of which is pointed, the point directed backward. Under the name of Obolus galtensis this shell was very briefly described in 1862 by Mr. Billings, who at the same time gave an incomplete figure of an internal cast of the dorsal valve. In 1871 la? T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZ. Mr. Dall also published a very brief description of the ventral valve under the designation of Trimerella minor, n. sp.?* Later, in March 1872, Prof. Hall noticed this shell, calling it Rhynobolus , and in December of the same year he gave a fuller account of it. Only slight traces of the crescent have been observed in the pedicle-valve. The hinge and beak bear considerable resemblance to those of 7’. Billings. We suspect that Dall, Hall, and others view what we call the deltidium in a different light from ourselves— they taking the median furrow to represent this part; we, on the contrary, look upon the whole as forming the deltidium. ‘There are only slight traces of the deltidial ridges: Hall, however, has repre- sented one of them prominently on the left side of the area. The scars on the platform of the brachial valve form three sets :—one on the ante-median portion, which is circular or slightly lozenge-shaped ; the second or median set immediately behind (partly represented in fig. 4*, Plate XIX.); the third with its two members separated by © the last set, and diverging backwards. Trimerella galtensis has been placed in different genera. Billings at first considered it to belong to Obolus, but afterwards included it in his genus Obolellina: Dall placed it in Trimerella: Hall constructed his genus Fhynobolus for it: and the present writers, on a former occasion, allocated itin Dinobolus! It certainly differs in some important fea- tures from the typical forms of 7rimerella, having partly sunk plat- forms and no vaults ; but so does 7’. Billingsii, though not to the same extent. In the last species, as already noticed, the platforms are considerably reduced (at least the one belonging to the pedicle-valve), nearly to the exclusion of the vaults. The absence of vaults in Monomerella, it may be readily seen, causes the platform in the pedicle-valve to be considerably modified ; and evidently their absence in the present species has given the platform of the same valve its peculiar character. We are quite ready to admit that in its apophysary system 7’. galtensis offers a close approach to Monomerella; also, looking at the scars on the platform of the brachial valve, that it very closely agrees in this respect with Dinobolus: but, with the exception of these scars, we see very little resemblance between this and any of the known species of the latter genus. Were it not that its umbonal characters are characteristic of 7rimerella, we might have been induced to give the present species a different generic allocation : our views in this matter are generally influenced by the peculiar characters of Trimerella Billingsii: besides, excepting the form of the scars on the platform, we see very little resemblance between 1. galtensis, and any of the known species of Dinobolus. Another most important difference prevails: in the shell under description the crescent shows no appearance of the composite structure (the strong indentations) which characterizes the inner border of the sides of the same part * Both Mr. Billings and the authors of this paper, who have seen the speci- men upon which it was established, are able to assert that Mr. Dall’s Trime- rella minor was founded on one of the typical forms upon which Mr. Billings had originally instituted his Obolus galtensis. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. 153 in the latter genus. The present species appears to us to be an ex- treme aberrant form linked to Trimerella by meaus of 7’. Billingsi. Some well-preserved internal casts of both valves have been pro- cured by Mr. Billings and Prof. Hall from a light-yellow rock of the Guelph Limestone (Upper Silurian) at Galt, Ontario, in Canada. The largest examples, we have seen, measured—length one inch eight lines, breadth one inch one line. TRIMERELLA OHIOENSIS, Meek. PI. XVI. figs. 3-7; Pl. XIX. figs. 1, 2. Trimerella ohioensis, Meek, Sill. Am. Journ. Sci. & Art, p. 305, April 1871. Dall, Am. Journ. of Conch. vol. vii. part 2, p. 83, pl. i. figs. 3, 4,1871. Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meet- ing of Br. Assoc. 20 August, 1872. Shell large; massive ; globose, or longitudinally oval; anteriorly broadly rounded; greatest breadth towards the middle: beak moderately produced ; occasionally much incurved : eaterior smooth. Pedicle-valve moderately convex, or flattened : deltidium large ; wide ; triangular ; deeply concave: platform commencing almost imme- diately under the hinge, and extending to about two thirds of the length of the valve: vaults very large and deep: median-plate tolerably long. Brachial valve with an incurved umbo: cardinal process variable; well developed: platform commencing under the hinge ; deeply vaulted: median-plate considerably elevated ; extend- ing to within a very short distance of the margin of the valve. This, which may be considered a typical form, is more tumid than any of the preceding species. Mr. Meek states that on com- paring specimens of 7’. ohwoensis with 7. grandis he found them quite different and distinct—that proportionally 7. ohioensis is a much broader shell, and differs in having the beak of the dorsal valve strongly incurved beyond the plane of the connecting edges of the two valves—that it is also more convex, its ventral valve more arched, and the rostral cavity of its dorsal valve deeper. The platforms and vaults, in their length, resemble those of 7. acumimata. We have not become acquainted with its platform-scars and crescents ; but certain obscure indications of the former are observable close to the almost perpendicular hinge-wall and below the cardinal process : they seem to have been produced by the attachment of a valvular muscle, possibly the umbonal. The hinge, much elevated in the middle of the brachial valve, presents different appearances through modifications in the mode of the attachment of the muscles belong- ing to the cardinal scar, v; which in certain individuals appears as a ridge running along the hinge (figs. 5 & 6, Pl. XVI.); while in others it is double cup-shaped (fig. 7, Pl. XVI.). Meek mentions that “the centre of the hinge appears to have been furnished with a massive gently rounded cardinal process.” Through the liberality of Mr. Meek, Mr. Joseph Henry, Prof. Hall, and Mr. Whitfield, we have been able to examine a number of well-preserved internal casts. These vary considerably ; for while some examples are almost spherical, or as wide as long, others are a good deal longer than wide. Mr. Meck assures us that some speci- 154 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA, mens are nearly four inches in length, two and a half in breadth, and one inch and a half in depth. The breadth is also greater in some specimens, as we possess an internal cast in which it measures three inches. T’, ohioensis abounds in the Niagara Limestone (Upper Silurian) at Genoa, Ottawa Co., Ohio; Sinking Springs, Ohio (I. 8. Newberry). According to Mr. Dall one valve was found in the Guelph Limestone of Canada. TrimeRELLA Datut, Dav. & King. Pl. XV. figs. 1-3. Trimerella Dalli, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872. Shell ovate, or longitudinally oval: surface smooth. Pedvcle-valve flatly convex, especially along the middle: beak prominent ; nearly straight ; about one fifth the length of the shell; with two wmbonal chambers rather deep, conical, separated by a strong cardinal but- tress: crescent tolerably well pronounced: platform divided at its posterior end by an extension of the buttress into two lateral por- tions ; wide and short: vaults not of much depth: median plate of small extent. Brachial valve uniformly convex: cardinal process an excavated projection: plaiform long; extending to the middle half of the valve: vaults rather short: median plate much elon- gated. Several internal casts of the present fossil were sent us for exami- nation by Mr. Billings. After taking gutta-percha squeezes from them we arrived at the conclusion that they are distinguishable from all other species of the genus chiefly by the presence of deep um- ‘ ponal chambers separated by a lamelliform cardinal buttress. These characters approximate the species to the genus Vonomerella. The largest example that has come under our notice measured 1 inch 4 lines in length, 1 inch 1 line in breadth, and 8 lines in depth. T. Dall occurs in the Guelph Limestone at Hespelar, Canada West; where it was found by Mr. Weston. TRIMERELLA WISBYENSIS, Day. & King. Pl. XIII. fig. 1. Trimerella wisbyensis, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872. Brachial valve nearly circular, or a little wider than long: platform moderately long; depressed along its middle: vaults extending a the platform to apparently half its length: median plate ong *. Of this species all we know is the internal cast of a single dorsal valve, 13 lines in length by 11 in breadth, found by Dr. Lindstrom in the Upper Silurian (Wenlock) near Wisby, in Gotland. * Traces of the crescent are visible on the hinge. Although our figure repre- sents the platform as if complete, we suspect that it was larger than represented. Its surface shows median and lateral scars. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA. 155 IX. Monomerrxya AND ITs SprcrEs. Genus Monomeretta *, Billings, 1871. Shell thick ; circular, or transversely oval, in its marginal outline. Pedicle-valve—umbo usually large ; projecting ; double-chambered : area of considerable size: deltidium large: hinge generally thick and elevated ; ledge-shaped ; depressed or concave in the middle portion : cardinal facet a wall-like space rising out of or behind the ledge or flat of the hinge: cardinal buttress strong; lamelliform: platform flat ; slightly elevated ; widest, highest, and very obtusely angulated in front. Brachial value—umbo rounded: hinge moderately thick : platform trilobed; usually with a thin margin. Type species, Monomerella prisca, Billings. The unvaulted character of its platforms, large umbonal chambers, and certain other characters differentiate this genus remarkably from Trimerella. The platform of the pedicle-valve, which widens out from behind, has its front formed by two edges meeting at a very obtuse angle. The platform of the brachial valve is widest behind, and conspicuously trilobed, the latter character deeply incurying its sides anteriorly: its surface is divided, answering to the attachment of three sets or pairs of muscles—a lateral pair, with a member be- longing to each of the lateral lobes, a median pair belonging to the space between the lateral lobes, and an anterior pair belonging to the anterior lobe. The cardinal facet reminds one of the perpendicular wall behind the deep excavation that characterizes the hinge in certain varieties of Trimerella Lindstremi (Pl. XIV. fig. 5)—a peculiarity strongly favouring the idea that in such varieties the cardinal facet was situated similarly to what it is in the present genus, particularly as traces of the lozenge have occurred to us on the “ wall-like space” belonging to the hinge of its typical species. The dentary system of Mono- merella does not form a prominent feature: we only find evidence * Mr. Billings, in a letter bearing the date 5th May, 1871, notified to me the discovery of a species (which he forwarded at the same time for exa- mination, see Pl. XVII. fig. 5, the type of Monomerelia) that appeared to him to “look like a cross between Odolus and a Trimerella,’ and added “ What shall I call it?” I at once perceived that the species was referable to the same genus as another fossil (herein named M. Walmstedti), occur- ring in Sweden; a figure of the pedicle-valve of which had likewise been communicated to me by Dr. Lindstrém, on the 18th of December, 1869, with the intimation that it belonged to another genus, more akin to Trime- rella and Obolus than the others (alluding to some other genera spoken of in the letter). Inadvertently overlooking for the moment the fact last noticed (for which I feel some apology is due to both Dr. Lindstrom and the public), and as both the Swedish and the American fossils required a new generic name, I left it to Mr. Billings to impose one; which he did in the ‘Cana- dian Naturalist,’ published December 1871. It has been considered necessary to mention these circumstances, that Dr. Lindstrém’s discovery and opinion might be adequately recognized. The figure above alluded to represented the valve we have figured in Pl. XVII. fig.2. Dr. Lindstrom had also sent me a figure of the brachial valve (the one re- preserited in Pl. XVIII. fig. 3), ina letter dated so far back as the 18th January, 1860.—T. D. 3 wens 156 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. of it, apparently sockets, in the brachial valve of M. Walmstedtr. The cardinal process, slightly developed, is only known to us in this species. We entertain considerable doubt as to the transverse lines occurring apparently on the hinge of M. prisca being the repre- sentatives of this part : their position behind the crown of the crescent strongly favours our scepticism. ‘The genus includes the following species. MonomeERELLA Prisca, Billings. Pl. XVII. figs. 5-8. Monomerella prisca, Bill. Can. Nat. vol. vi. p. 221, 29 Dec. 1871. Dav. & King, Remarks on the genera Trimerella &e., Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August 1872; Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1872, and Geol. Mag. Oct. 1872. Pedicle-valve obscurely triangular; with rounded angles; longer than wide; greatest breadth at about two thirds of its length from the beak; tapering posteriorly ; very much flattened; convex only at the sides: wmbo almost straight; about one third of the length of the valve: area broadly triangular: deltidial ridges moderately wide: areal borders narrow ; raised; strongly marked with trans- verse lines: deltidial slope and cardinal facet well developed : hinge, in its central portion, much depressed: wmbonal chambers wide- mouthed: cardinal buttress strong ; prolonged to some distance along the bottom of the valve: platform moderately large; obtusely an- gular in front; with one of its sets of scars striated longitudinally, and strongly suleated obliquely. Brachial valve almost circular ; nearly straight in front; evenly convex; and deeper than the oppo- site one: hinge slightly raised or convex in its middle portion; transversely striated on what appears to be its outer or exposed por- tion : crescent in parts strongly marked: platform large; V-shaped ; round and projecting at its antemedian point; very slightly elevated above the surface of the valve; its sears tolerably well shown. This species is strongly marked by characteristic features, espe- cially its wide deltidium. Its various muscular scars are generally well displayed. In the brachial valve three pairs (anterior, median, and lateral) are well seen on the platform: the anterior pair is de- pressed below the median pair. The subcardinal scar, w, is rather conspicuous in the umbonal cavity. The hinge appears to be un- usually slight in depth, showing nothing more than the crown of the crescent, which forms a deepish furrow. On the outside of the hinge there is a strongly striated surface; the strie parallel and running transversely: probably this feature represents the epidermal lines on the area of the corresponding valve of Lingula*. The an- terior portion of the crescent, apparently its ends, widens out a little, and presents a compound appearance. A pair of umbo-lateral scars, «, lies within the crescent, a member on each side, at its departure from the hinge. The pedicle-valve also shows its scars for the most part rather obviously: two pairs, one behind the other, occur on the platform ; * Our figure does not represent the striz so fully as could be wished ; they are in reality more numerous, forming a deeper band, and run out straighter. fT. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDZX. 157 the hindermost or posterior lying close against the cardinal buttress ; the anterior a strongly striated pair. There are also faint indica- tions of a third pair situated at the ante-median point of the platform. A pair of small umbo-lateral scars, x, occurs on the outer side, a mem- ber in each, of the umbonal cavities, corresponding to a pair similarly situated in Trimerelia. The deeply excavated hinge gives a promi- nent appearance to the cardinal facet: faint but determinable traces of the berdering lines of the lozenge occur on the last part. The largest example that has come under our notice measures 2 inches in length by 1 inch and 10 lines in breadth. Internal casts of this species, discovered by Mr. T. C. Weston, of the Geological Survey of Canada, do not appear to be rare in the Guelph Limestone (Upper Silurian) at Hespelar, Ontario, in Canada. Specimens showing the exterior of the shell have not yet been dis- — eovered; but it was in all probability smooth, or nearly so, as ap- pears to be the case with all the species of Trimerellids hitherto discovered. Monomeretta Watmstepti, Day. & King. Pl. XVII. figs. 1-4, and Pl, XIX, fig. 3, 3°? Monomerella Walmstedti, Dav. & King, Remarks on the Genera Trimerella, Dinobolus, and Monomerella, Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc., 20th August 1872; Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ath ser. Oct. 1872; and Geol. Mag. vol. ix. Oct. 1872. Shell somewhat triangular; with rounded corners; very thick ; broadest anteriorly; tapering posteriorly; front flatly rounded. Valves almost equally deep; most convex in the umbonal region: surface smooth or marked by fine concentric lines of growth. Pedicle-valve flattened anteriorly: beak large; massive; slightly incurved: area wide; equilatero-triangular: deléidiwm broad; flat; strongly laminated: deltidial slope narrow, but well defined: del- tidial ridges wide; flattened: hinge deeply depressed or excavated in its middle; projecting to a point in its centre; and backed by a nearly perpendicular wall: cardinal facet situated on the back-wall of the hinge: umbonal chambers deep; and wide-mouthed: cardinal buttress stout; extending to some little distance along the bottom of the valve: platform obtusely angular in front ; more or less excavated laterally by three pairs of scars. Brachial valve evenly convex in its posterior half: wmbo much incurved: Ainge transversely ridged, and raised in the middle portion ; somewhat excavated at the sides : platform with a V-shaped anterior outline; sharp, and raised at the edges ; excavated on its surface by three sets of scars. The proportions of this species are variable: one example, appa- rently of ordinary size, measured | inch 8 lines in length by 1 inch 5 lines in breadth and 10 lines in depth. Monomerella Walmstedti, although agreeing very closely with the last species, is characterized by some well-marked differences. The umbo of the pedicle-valve is more elevated ; while that of the opposite valve is more rounded or incurved. The hinge of the brachial valve is thicker; has its middle portion more elevated, becoming, it would Qos, Gas. Nos lis: N 158 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. appear, a rounded cardinal prominence; and it is excavated on each side, or where the dentary sockets occur in Trimerella. Instead of the outside of the hinge being transversely striated, it shows the centre of the umbo excavated. The hinge-characters of the pedicle-valve resemble those of MW. prisca. The cardinal facet is similarly situated, equally large, and shows traces of the lozenge, as well as the crown of the crescent. The platform (except in being more elevated) and the umbonal chambers are also in close agreement with those in the latter spe- cies. The crescent is not conspicuously marked in either valve. Very perfect specimens, in separate valves, of this remarkable species were discovered, as far back as 1867, by Dr. Lindstrom, at Klinteberg, Central Gotland, in a rock considered to belong to the Aymestry formation. These specimens are preserved in the Museum of Wisby ; and other examples may be seen in that of Stockholm. Some internal casts of the same species were found by Herr Fegroeus in the same formation in the island of Faro, north of the mainland of Gotland. We are also under obligations to Prof. F. Schmidt, of St. Petersburg, for kindly enabling us to add copies of sketches of casts, probably representing the species under description, which were found by Count Keyserling at Kerkaw, in Livonia, Russia, in rocks considered to be the equivalent of the Wenlock Group in England: the original sketches were found among the papers left by the late Dr. Pander. Monomeretia Linpstremti, Dav. & King. Pl. XVII. figs. 9,9 a. Pedicle-valve transversely elliptical: wmnbo moderately produced : umbonal cavities shallow, and wide-mouthed : cardinal buttress rather stout ; attenuated; considerably elongated in advance of the hinge : platform long, and wide; the elongated portion of the buttress passing nearly to its front edge; striated longitudinally ; somewhat rugose transversely ; its front edge obtusely angulated. Brachial valve trans- versely elliptical in outline; flatly rounded in the middle: platform with anterior lobe a little more elevated than the lateral lobes. We are only acquainted with this shell from a single cast showing both valves in conjunction, and measuring 11 lines in length by 17 in breadth and 5 in depth. We therefore can only describe it im- perfectly : but the character and shape of the cast leave no doubt of its belonging to a well-marked species—and different from either of the preceding in being much wider than long, and more compressed. Monomerella Lindstremi was procured by its discoverer (after whom it has been named) from a calcareous bed of the age of the Wenlock formation in the neighbourhood of Wisby, in Gotland. MonoMERELLA ORBICULARIS, Billings. Pi xevaie hee, ILO), Monomerella orbicularis, Bill. The Canadian Naturalist, vol. vi. p- 221, 29th Dec. 1871; Dav. & King, Report of Brit. Assoe. Meeting, Brighton, 20th August 1872. “ Broadly ovate, nearly circular, lenticular, both valves moderately convex. ‘The casts seem to show that a thin plate extends forwards T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA. 159 a short distance from the cardinal edge, supported by the septum. The lergth and width appear to be about twelve or fifteen lines” (Billings). Only two internal casts ef this species appear to have been found. The platforms are of the usual form: that in the brachial valve is excavated ; and at its posterior end is situated the subcardinal scar, w, which is well pronounced. The crescent in the same valve has its crown rather deeply impressed on the hinge; and its sides are expanded, though not shown in the drawing (fig. 10). We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. Billings for the opportu- nity of examining the original and typical specimens. It occurs in the same formation and locality with MW. prisca. X. DrInoBoLus AND ITs SPECIES. Dinozotus*, Hall, 1871. Obolus, Davidson, 1853; Lindstrom, 1867; Hall +, 1868. Dinobolus, Hall, “March 1871.” £ Ehynobolus (in part), Hall, 1871. Ungulites, Quenstedt, 1871. Obolellina, Billings, Dec. 29th, 1871 §, &c. Shell circular, or generally wider than long. Valves moderately thick. Pedicle-valve with a slightly prominent evenly formed umbo: area wider than long: platform more or less sinuated ; widely V-shaped; and slightly raised in front : crescent prominently marked in its crown and sides: hinge moderately thick; with a rounded edge, on which and in front of the cardinal facet is a pair * The synonymy of the present genus, and the quotations added, have in- fluenced us in the adoption of the name Dinobolus. + ‘Some years since, having these fossils under consideration, I proposed a new generic name for them; but sending drawings to Mr. Davidson, he gave me the opinion of himself and Mr. Woodward that they belonged to the genus Obolus. There are certain points of difference, however, which I have been in- clined to believe are of generic importance ; and I am not entirely satisfied in referring them to that genus, as illustrated, though closely allied to it” (Twen- tieth Report of the State Cabinet, p. 368). (It is only fair I should admit that Professor Hall is correct in his more recent statement [see ‘American Journal of Science and Arts’ for August 1872, p. 20] that, in a letter of date 31st October, 1862, he proposed to me the generic name Conradia for this fossil.—T. D.) ‘Notes on some new and imperfectly known forms among the Brachiopoda. «This pamphlet was published in March 1871, and a number between twenty-five and thirty copies delivered to meat the time. The type was left standing in order to print a large number to be accompanied by a plate of figures then in progress, with descriptions of the same. Of these copies the greater part were distributed in the United States soon after publication. Copies were sent to the Geological Society of London, to Mr. Davidson, M. Barrande, Dr. Lindstrom, Dr. Geinitz, and others. The pamphlet is noticed in the ‘Jahrbuch’ for 1871, p. 989. On the 7th of April, 1871, the printing establishment of Weed, Parsons, and Co. was destroyed by fire, together with the Twenty-third Report of the State Museum (printed to nearly 200 pages), the lithograph-stones, and every thing else pertaining to the work.”— Op. cit. § Canadian Naturalist, vol. vi. p. 222, 1871; and p- 3380, April 1872; also American Journal of Science, April and May 1872. nN 2 160 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDA. of subcardinal scars, w. Brachial valve rather tumid at the umbo = platform somewhat strongly trilobed; its outer margins a little raised; its antemedian portion rounded, projecting, and terminating in a slightly developed median plate: crescent a strongly marked linear scar on the hinge; arching forward in front of the cardinal facet; inner border of its sides with strongly marked indenta- tions—one near the hinge, another further forward; outer border a fine line: a rather strongly marked subcardinal scar, w, in the umbonal cavity: a large rhomboidal postmedian scar, p, in front of the latter. Type species, Obolus Conradi, Hall. The somewhat general description given in the above diagnosis points out some of the chief differences between the present genus and the preceding ones. In the latter the area is longer than wide ; consequently the umbo is much more projecting. In Dinobolus de- velopment of the valves is in general bilateral rather than longitu- dinal; and the areal characters are, as a consequence, not well exhi- bited: nevertheless the hinge shows the crown of the crescent rather conspicuously. This last part in both valves differs from its equiva- lent in Trimerella and Monomerella: the outer border of its sides is a simple line which runs off from the hinge along and within the post- lateral margins of the valves, as in these genera; but the inner bor- der, instead of also being a simple line, is irregular in width, and com- posite in structure, being broad and strongly indented—at least in two separate places: the ends of the crescent are not well defined, arising from interblending growths. The platforms nearly resemble those of Monomerella; but the one belonging to the pedicle-valve has its front sinuated (sometimes five-lobed),—not straight, as in the genus referred to. The umbonal cavity of the pedicle-valve shows a tendency to become double-chambered, the division being caused by a slightly developed cardinal buttress (Pl. XVIII. fig. 7, 7a). This region shows a very small pair of umbo-lateral scars (Pl. XII. fig. 5x) below the subcardinal scars, w, already noticed. The deltidium and other parts belonging to the area are imperfectly dis- played in all the specimens we have examined; though in one spe- cies (D. canadense, not examined by us), according to Mr. Billings’s figure of it, copied in Pl. XIX. fig. 7, the deltidium appears to be well developed. The dentary system is probably rudimentary. The platforms occasionally show a tendency to become vaulted. The genus embraces D. Conradi, D. Davidsoni, D. canadensis, D. transversus, D. magnificus, and some others which may be mere varieties. Drvosotus Conrant, Hall. Pl. XVIII. figs. 1-5. Obolus Conradi, Hall, Twentieth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, p. 368, 1868; and revised ed., p. 375, 1870. Trimerella Conradi, Dall, American Journ. of Conch. vol. vii. part 2, p. 83, 1871. Dinobolus Conradi, Hall, Preliminary Notice, Twenty-third Report Y. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®, 161 -on the State Cabinet of New York, p. 3, March 1872: Dav. & King, Report of the Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872. General form orbicular ; depressed; broadly rounded anteriorly ; ‘tapering rapidly in the umbonal region. Pedicle-valve flatly convex: area small: deltxdium concave: platform undulated on its surface ; sinuated, and elevated in front: cardinal buttress slightly but obviously developed: crescent conspicuously displayed. Brachial valve rather tumid at the umbo: platform sinuated, and raised at the sides; produced, and depressed in its antemedian portion: median plate short: crescent conspicuously displayed in part. Of this important species some specimens have attained to 13 inch in length by 1 inch 11 lines in width; but the larger number of specimens that have fallen under our notice presented almost equal length and breadth. In a specimen measuring 11 lines in length, the platform of the pedicle-valve is to some extent doubly vaulted, the vaults attaining two lines in depth (Pl. XVIII. fig. 2, »); but in none of the other examples we have seen did they exceed a line or a line and a half. Dinobolus Conradi occurs in a dolomitic limestone belonging to the upper part of the Niagara group (= Upper Silurian), at Leclaire, Iowa; also at Racine, Wisconsin, United States of America, Divosotus Davinsont, Salter. Pl. XVIII. figs. 6-11. Obolus Davidsoni, Salter, MS. ; Woodward, Manual of the Mollusca, p- 240, 1856; Davidson, Mon. Brit. Foss. Brach. vol. i. Intro- duction, p. 58, pl. 4. figs. 30-39, 1866; Salter, Murchison’s Siluria, 2nd ed. p. 543, 1859 ; Lindstrom, Sil. Brach. of Got- land, Ofversigt. af. K. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. p. 375, 1860. Dinobolus Davidsoni, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872. General form slightly wider than long ; subequivalve ; compressed : surface marked with concentric lines of growth. Pedicle-valve moderately convex: umbo very short: area and its component cha- racters small: crescent well defined in its crown, the central part of which curves forward ; its sides and ends complex: hinge a T-shaped ledge, the top branches forming its sides, and the perpendicular part forming the cardinal buttress : platform with sides straight, and diverging from its posterior end; a broad sinuated front; and a strongly undulating surface. Brachial valve moderately convex: crescent well defined at its crown, the centre of which is pointed, the point directed backward: platform trilobed in outline; its central lobe or terminal extremity projecting, and depressed below the lateral lobes: close behind is situated the postmedian scar, p, which is rhomboidal in outline: further behind is the subcardinal scar, w. This species occurs occasionally so well preserved that it has afforded the principal characters diagnosed for the genus, especially the sears on and near the hinge, also those belonging to the platform. The crescent, as will have been observed, is instructively displayed in aed 162 £, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. some of the English specimens: it is also well shown in a cast we have been favoured with by Dr. Lindstrém, and which remarkably confirms the accuracy of the drawings (made previously to our seeing the cast) of this part, as represented by fig. 6 of Pl. XII. The plat forms have the usual scars—three pairs on each—very well displayed. The postmedian scar, p, in the brachial valve, has all the appear- ance of being a visceral impression. Dinobolus Davidsoni, the first discovered form among the Trime- rellids, was erroneously referred, in 1853, by one of the writers to Obolus; with which genus it seemed at the time to bear the closest affinity, especially as nothing was then known of the shells composing - the family under description. From near Dudley, chiefly as internal casts. Mr, C. Ketley informs us that all the specimens have been found in certain beds of the lower or “thick” band of limestone of the Wren’s Nest. These beds are supposed to have their equivalents exposed at the Rushall Canal, near Walsall; where also similar specimens were obtained during the cutting of the canal many years since. At Dudley tunnel have been found a few specimens, doubtfully considered to be D. Davidsona, in the lower strata. Their absence in the higher strata, with the reverse erder in another species, D. transversus, may be perhaps considered worth notice. In the island of Gotland it is very abundant: and in rocks of a similar age, near Wisby, slabs may be seen covered with scores of indifferently perserved internal casts and impressions of the shell. It is stated to oceur at Ferriters Cove, Kerry, Ireland. Drvozotvs caAnapensts, Biltings, sp. Pl. XIX. fig. 7. Obolus canadensis, Bill. Report of the Gool. Survey of Canada for the year 1857, figs. 20-23 (not fig. 19). Obolellina canadensis, Bill. Can. Naturalist, vol. vi. p. 222, 29th Dec. 1871; and April 1872, figs. 15° Dinobolus canadensis, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1852; Annals, and Geol. Mag. for same year. General form longer than wide. Pedicle-valve slightly and gently convex: 6cak somewhat prominent; very slightly incurved: area rather wide: deltidium deeply excavated*. Brachial valve convex, especially in the umbonal region+. In 1857 Mr. Billings included in the present species both elon- gated and wide forms: of late, however, he has formed of the latter a distinct species, the next but two under description. Not having had the advantage of examining specimens of D. canadensis, we are obliged to depend entirely upon the description and figures of it published by Mr. Billings. As now restricted the species is exceptional in form. Width usually about 2 inches; but some fragments that have been found undoubtedly belonged to individuals which were 3 inches * Billings states that the exterior of this valve is not clearly shown in any of his specimens. + Billings has figured the interior of the brachial valve, which par ie! shows the characteristic platform and scars. T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. 163 wide. As the shells that are wider than long have been removed to another species, possibly the fragments noticed belong to it. This species is stated to occur in the Black-river limestone at Fourth Chutes of Bonne Chére, Pauquette’s rapids ; and in the town- ships of Stafford and Westmeath, county of Renfrew, Canada. Its geological position seems to be about the horizon of the Upper Llandeilo—that is, below the Caradoc formation. Drnopotvs TRANSVERSUS, Salter. Pl. XVIII. fig. 12. Obolus Davidsoni, var. transversus, Dav., vol. i., General Introduc- tion, p. 136, fig. 53, 1853; Sil. Brach. p. 59, pl. v. figs. 1-6, 1866. Dinobolus Davidsoni, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872; Annals, and Geol. Mag. of the same year. General form much wider than long; compressed. Valves exter- nally marked by fine striz parallel to their margins. Brachial valve thick, and elevated in the umbo-cardinal region; thence thin and flattening out to the margin: crescent strongly impressed at its sides ; obscurely impressed at its ends: platform depressed; very slightly raised at its margins; well defined posteriorly: postmedian scar, p, subrhomboidal; sharply differentiated from the platform scars: sub- cardinal scars, w, 1 close contact with the latter. Very little is known with reference to this species, only a cast of the interior of the brachial valve having been found: it exceeds 24 inches in breadth by nearly 2 inches in length, indicating: a large size for the species, apparently larger than any of the others. It differs from D. Davidson in being wider and more depressed—also in its internal characters, as denoted in the diagnosis. The sides (apparently their inner border) of the crescent, which are consider- ably apart from the lateral margins of the valves, have the pecu- liarities characteristic of other species, but still more exaggerated. _ Dinobolus transversus occurs in the calcareous shales at the top of the Wenlock limestone in the neighbourhood of Dudley; and at the Rushall canal, near Walsall, Park Hall. Drxoporus Woopwarnt, Salter. Obolus Davidsoni, var. Woodwardi, Salter, MS.; Dav. Sil. Brach. p- 60, pl. v. figs. 7, 8, 1866. Dinobolus Davidson, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc. 20th August, 1872; also in Geol. Mag., and the Ann, & Mag. Nat. Hist. of the same year. Certain undetermined differences observable in an imperfect cast, which is transversely oval and marked with concentric lines of growth, led Mr. Salter to suggest that it might belong to a species distinct from D. transversus: possibly, however, when better known, it may prove to be no more than a variety. It occurs in the Wenlock limestone of Dormington, Woolhope, and in the associated shales. near Dudley. 164 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. Drvnosotvs maentricts, Billings, Pl. XEX. fig. 8. Obolus canadensis (in part), Billings, Geol. Survey of Canada for 1857, fig. 19 (published in 1858). Obolellina magnifica, Bill. Can. Nat. for April 1872, p. 17, fig. 7. Dinobolus magnificus, Dav. & King, Report of Brighton Meeting of Brit. Assoc., 20th August, 1872. We have not seen speeimens of this species. Mr. Billmgs has given the figure of one valve only, showing nothing more than its exterior. Hestates, however, that the “ dorsal valve” is “ trans- versely broad ovate; width about one fourth greater than the length, uniformly and moderately convex; apical angle about 130 degrees ; cardinal edges nearly straight or gently eonvex for about one third the length of the shell; sides and front rounded, the latter more broadly than the former. The area seems to be obsolete altogether or merely linear ; the ventral valve is depressed convex, with a large beak slightly incurved; area with a wide triangular peduncular groove, no lateral furrows; surface of both valves econ- eentrically marked with imbricating lines of growth. In a specimen which appears to have been about 20 lines in length the height of the area is nearly 3 lines.” Dinobolus magnificus, excepting being wider and less long, offers a close resemblance to D. transversus. It occurs in the Black-river formation (Lower Silurian) along with D. canadensis. Drvosoivs Scumipt1, Dav. & Kmg. Pl. XIX. figs. 5 & 6. This species, only known from two specimens, is almost eircular ; obtusely tapering at the beak: valves moderately convex: surface smooth. It elosely resembles D. Conradi; but seemingly differs therefrom in being of less width. The pedicle-valve, the only one we are acquainted with, possesses impressions charaeteristic of the genus. Professor F. Schmidt, after whom we have named this species, discovered in 1873 the specimens above noticed at Kirna, Esthonia, Russia. They oceurred in the Lyckholmer Schicht (2* of Schmidt’s Classification), which he considers to be nearly equivalent to the Caradoc of Great Britain, and the Trenton limestone of North America. — APPENDIX. a. Linevtors Wairrretpi, Hall. Pl, XIX. figs. 9, 9a. In his recently published “‘ Notes on some new or imperfectly known forms among the Brachiopoda,” &c., Professor James Hall states that “in a late examination of some Lower-Silurian species, usually designated as Lrneuna, one of them was found to possess a muscular impression differing entirely from any described Linguloid species. The ventral (?) valve presents a small area with a narrow pedicel-groove ; a large lobed muscular impression, which in the T., DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID.X. 165 cast extends as a narrow groove towards the base of the shell. The character of the area and foramen differ from the typical forms of Lingulella; though in that genus the form and character of the muscular impression has not been determined, as far as I am aware. For this shell I propose the name Linevtors” *. In plate 13, fig. 2, of the ‘‘ Generic illustrations ” attached to the “Notes” the author has given a view “showing the arrangement of some of the muscular and parietal scars, and also the ramifica- tions of the vascular lines, which, although originating at nearly the same points as in recent Lingulide, do not extend so far back towards the beak.” Professor Hall has liberally supplied us with gutta-percha squeezes of this interesting form; and as his description and figure do not . afford sufficient information respecting its characters, we have been induced to publish the following observations. The fossil, which is less than two lines in length by one in width, is an impression or cast, of the interior and outline of a single valve : it shows, however, some charactersina _, i , remarkably fine state when examined by Fig. 3.—Lingulops Whit- a good pocket-magnifier. Hall’s figure, fieldi, interior magnified. taken from the natural impression or the fossil itself, exhibits these characters with a faulty appearance ; our gutta- percha squezees show them in relief, and depressed, exactly as they would present themselves in the inner side of the valve. Even our figure in Pl. XIX. is not so |: , satisfactory as could be desired, as cer- "| tain points have only occurred to. us since the plate was struck off; for which reason we haye given an additional figure in the annexed woodcut (Fig. 3). The most striking features are :—first, the posterior semicircular broad zone, eee with an inner sinused border; second, the arched fillet situated below the hinge, and on the zone; third, the central space marked with scars; and, fourth, the linear impressions occurring in the anterior half of the fossil. The fourth feature, no doubt, represents the median plate, and the pair of primary vessels belonging to the brachioceele ; the third obviously forms the apophysary system ; the second is evidently the equivalent of the crescent characterizing the Trimerellids; but the first we cannot properly identify with any part belonging to the Palliobranchs. Hall is evidently disposed to believe that the fossil represents the pedicle-valve (‘‘ ventral”): we, however, entertain a strong idea that it belongs to the opposite or brachial valve, notwithstanding the statement that it “ presents a small area with a narrow pedicel- * Preliminary Notice ; twenty-third Report on the State Cabinet of Natural History for the Palzontology of New York, March 1871, p. 2, and reprint of the same, March 1872, pl. 13. fig. 2. 166 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. groove.” The gutta-percha squeezes in our possession show very faintly what has been taken for the “ groove” (much less so than is represented by Hall, and which even appears too much like a notch _ in our original figure): there is something like a depression; but, considering two peculiarities to be noticed presently, we believe it to be nothing more than such as occasionally occurs on the hinge of the brachial valve of Lingula anata. The peculiarities alluded to belong to the crescent and the median plate. In the pedicle-valve of Trimerella, as will be recollected, the crown of the crescent has a forward curve in the middle, due, we believe, asin Zingula, to this portion having been forced out by the pedicle ; while the crescent in the brachial valve has a pointed crown, with the point directed backwards: now it is the latter peculiarity that plainly presents itself in Lingulops. The other pecu- liarity equally sustains our view; for in the Trimerellids, as also in Lingula, the pedicle-valve has a short or rudimentary median plate, whereas in their brachial valve this part is well developed and elongated as it evidently is in Lingulops. Believing that the fossil is a brachial valve, we feel tempted to offer a suggestion in connexion with the semicircular zone. In Lingula anatina a broadish flattened organ, called the setal band, is attached, chiefly at both its sides, by a muscular cord to the valves (differing somewhat in each) a little within their margins: in the brachial valve the setal band is uninterruptedly (not being interfered with by the pedicle, as in the pedicle-valve) carried round the hinge behind the umbonal muscle. _ Our suggestion is that, while the semi- circular zone itself formed the seat of the mass of the setal band *, _ the arched fillet was produced by the attachment of the outer mus- cular cord and associated vessels; also, that the inner scalloped border is mainly due to the attachment of the posterior and post-lateral walls of the splanchnoccele f. We have yet to explain the peculiar sinused character which gives the semicircular zone such astriking resemblance to a moorish arch. The inner side of the zone is cut out by five sinuses—one in the middle, and two on each side—only opposite ones being equal. The sinuses are each the outer side of a circular scar, its inner and imperfect side lying near or against the central apophysis or platform: it is only lately that we have been able to make out the form of the sinuses. Let us next try to explain their origin. The middle sinus, we have little doubt, has been produced by the umbonal muscle pressing against the postparietal or posterior wall of the splanchnoceele. It might be suggested that the lateral sinuses have been formed in the same way by other muscles; but as Lingula is not characterized by any similarly situated (at least the brachial * The entireness of the zone at its apex forms another evidence in favour of the valve being the brachial one. + See “On some characters of Lingula anatina,” Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 4th series, vol. i. July 1873. The setal band and its modifications in the brachial valve are shown in the two woodcuts already given in a preceding page of the present memoir (p. 132). ‘TY, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. 167 valve *), we prefer the idea that they represent certain viscera; and they may be recesses produced by the pressure of ovarian lobes against the inner side of the postlateral walls of the splanchnoceele. The vascular impressions in the anterior half of the fossil are, in their arrangement, unlike any thing we have seen in the Trimerellids, or in Lingula; for they run at first in front of the platform, and next along each side of and close to the median plate. In the Trimerellids and in Lingula they strike directly out from the sides of the platform, and take a more or less submarginal direction. At their origin, and in the medio-lateral region of Lingulops, the vascular impressions are much obscured by apparently others of the kind, seemingly nume- rous and passing off to the margins. The ends of the semicircular zone merge into the same regions, and are equally obscured. Neither our — figure, nor Hall’s gives any thing more than a faint approximation to the true characters and grouping of these impressions. We think it probable that lateral muscles similar to those charac- teristic of Lingula were implanted in the same regions. Much diffi- culty attaches to gaining a satisfactory clue to the similarly situated scars in the Trimerellids. Considerable resemblance prevails between the platform of Tri- merella and the apophysis of Lingulops in their outline; and the resemblance appears to be equally close in their scars: there is apparently a lateral, a median, and an anterior pair. With reference to the position which Zingulops occupies, the characters, as now made known, evidently relate it both to the Trimerellids and Lingulids; but, while thus affined, we feel un- decided as to which family it should be placed in. So long as the other valve remains unknown the safest plan will be to waive this subject, and simply join with Hall in regarding the fossil as a ** Linguloid form.” Lingulops Whitfieldi is stated to be a “ Lower Silurian species ;” but its locality has not been mentioned, further than that it is in the United States. b. Curnopres+ Breremant, Dayidson & King. Pl. XVIII. fig. 14, 14abe. ; If doubts prevail in our minds as to the family to which Lingulops belongs, we haye doubts of a far wider bearing with reference to the fossil now to be described. Out of respect to our friend Dr. Lindstrém, who, believing it to be related to them, wished it to be described along with the Trimerellids he so kindly placed in our hands for description, we append an account of this fossil. As it possesses some characters seemingly resembling those peculiar to the pedicle- valve of a Palliobranch, the following description has accordingly been drawn up. * In the pedicle-valve of Lingula anatina the transmedial muscles have their attachment similarly situated. Were the fossil the same valve we should have had little hesitation in referring the lateral sinuses to these muscles, notwith- standing their being single on one side and double on the other in Lingula. ~ + QClaw-shaped. 168 T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. Pedicle-valve thick, claw-shaped, slightly geniculated across the middle: the geniculation forms the base of the beak, which is a little less than half the length of the valve, and almost an equilateral tri- angle in outline. One face of the beak is flatly convex, and slightly lineated transversely: the opposite face or area is concave, and crossed by rather strong curving lines. The other half of the fossil has parallel lateral margins, and a squarish end with a slight sinus in its middle. One face, the external one, is flatly convex, and marked with regular and rather distinct lines of growth running parallel to the end. The opposite face or cavity has an outline formed by the sides and end of the convex face, also by the curved basal side (or hinge) of the area: its surface has two slightly raised oval tracts situated one on each side, separated for the most part by a medio-longitudinal hour-glass-shaped furrow, and united by an arcuated band lying near and parallel to the hinge: the oval tracts are marked by curving subdivided ribs; and the uniting band is somewhat tuberculated. The hinge is thin, undercut, and marked in the middle by a pointed tooth-like process; which has been inadvertently omitted in fig. 14. There is something in favour of this singular fossil being related to Trimerella. Its general form does not depart much from that of T. Billingsti and T. galtensis. The same may be said of the “beak.” The “area,” it is true, shows no appearance of a del- tidium ; but it may be surmised that this part has been developed at the expense and obliteration of the areal borders,—a tendency of the kind being displayed in several Trimerellas. The “hinge” is thin, and projecting or ledge-shaped—not an improbable modification ; _ and it has actually a central V-shaped projection (the “ pointed tooth-like process”), reminding one of the curving middle that cha- racterises the crown of the crescent in the pedicle-valve. Even the characters belonging to the cavity may be considered as placing this fossil among the Palliobranchs, inasmuch as the lateral tracts have a striking resemblance to the convoluted impressions representing the labial appendages, such as are seen in Davidsonia, certain Spiri- fers, and Productuses. The curved connecting band might be sup- posed to represent the highly muscular portion forming the base of the arms. Still, notwithstanding these remarkable points of resem- blance, it is our opinion that Chelodes Bergman is not a Palliobranch : on the contrary, we are strongly inclined to the belief that it belongs to a section of the Ceelenterates, represented by Calceola and Gonio- phyllum. In contending for this position we are unfortunately at issue with Dr. Lindstrom, than whom no one has paid so much atten- tion to the section in question: nevertheless, feeling that our view requires more than an incidental notice, we hope to be able to publish a paper on another occasion giving our reasons for maintaining it. Chelodes Bergmani was discovered by Herr Bergman, to whom we dedicate it, at Klinteberg (a hill about 120 Swedish feet above the sea), Isle of Gotland, in the central Gotland formation,—an equi- valent in age to the Aymestry limestone of England. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. 169 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Prats XII. Diagram figures of the cardinal and internal parts of Trimerella (figs. 1, 2, 7, 8), Monomerella (figs. 3, 4), and Dinobolus (figs. 5, 6). Pedicle- or Ventral Valve. Brachial or Dorsal Valve. . Deltidium. . Deltidial slope. Deltidial ridges. . Areal borders. Cardinal callosities. Cardinal facet. . Lozenge. . Cardinal buttress. Umbonal chambers. Platform. . Platform vaults. Median plate. m. Median sears. fs) Cardinal sockets. m mono Platform. Platform vaults. Median plate. m. Median scars. MHS SAAD ASS Paso er > n. Anterior scars. mn. Anterior scars. o. Lateral scars. o. Lateral scars. p- Postmedian scars. p. Postmedian scars. q. Crown q. Crown r. Side f cmscent 7. Side | omsset s. End s. End t. Transverse scars. é. Transverse scars. u. Archlet. uw. Archlet. ». Cardinal scars. w. Subcardinal scars. w. Subcardinal scars. x. Umbo-lateral scars. az. Umbo-lateral scars. Fig. 1. Pedicle-valve of the genus Trimerella, principally from specimens of 7. grandis. k, vaults passing under the platform, j ; i, chambers in the umbo, one on each side of the cardinal buttress,h. The wmbonal chambers and their casts are exhibited in fig. 2c, and fig. 2, Pl. XIIT. 2. Brachial valve of the same genus, principally from 7. grandis and T. ohioensis. The scars, s (also their correspondencies, s, in the pe- dicle-valve), are usually difficult to define; but the left-hand one, as shown in a woodcut in the text (p. 146), has been satisfactorily made out in one of the specimens we have examined. 3. Pedicle-valve of Monomerella, chiefly made up from WM. prisca and M. Walmstedti. h,a perpendicular plate supporting the hinge (cardinal buttress) ; it is thinner than usually in Trimerella: x, umbo-laterat scars that occur one on the outer side of each wmbonal chamber, i. 4. Brachial valve of the same genus. The scars, 2, probably occur in Trimerella, fig. 2; but they have not been satisfactorily detected (ap- parently a pair of corresponding scars, x, occur in the pedicle-valve of Trimerella, fig. 1): they are very obvious, however, in a cast of Mo- nomerella prisca. 5. Pedicle-valve of Dinobolus, chiefly from specimens of D. Davidsoni and D. Conradi. The pair of subcardinal scars, w, is on the edge (rounded) of the hinge. ‘The pair, x, are below the latter, each member in a shal- low depression corresponding to an internal chamber. 6. Brachial valve of the same genus. p has much the appearance of a visceral scar. The parts, 7 and s, have been determined from a num- ber of good examples of D. Davidsoni. Taking in the line that runs off from the hinge a little distance along and within the postlateral margins of the valve (the line was detected on the right of one of these 170 T, DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID A. margins), the part r (side of the crescent) corresponds to the same part in Trimerella and Monomerella, except that its inner boundary is much thicker, and has a compound structure: probably the inner portion of the deep impression situated at the angle, near the hinge, is the homo- logue of the scar, x, in Monomerella, fig. 4. The sides of the crescent, as represented in fig. 5 (pedicle-valve), may not be strictly accurate. 7. Area and hinge of pedicle-valve of Trimerella. 8. Medio-longitudinal section of the area, hinge, platform, and median plate of pedicle-valve of the same genus. i, wmbonal chamber on left side of the cardinal buttress, hh; k, platform vault on left side of the median plate, |. Prate XIII. Fig. 1. Trimerella wisbyensis, n. sp. Interior of the brachial valve, from a gutta-percha squeeze taken from an internal cast. Wisby strata (= Wenlock), near Wisby, Gotland. 2. Trimerella grandis, Billmgs. 2, internal cast of pedicle-valve (minus the beak) : 2 a, internal cast of brachial valve : 2 6, interior of brachial valve: 2, restoration of the pedicle valve: 3, natural cast of pedicle valve. Guelph limestone (Upper Silurian), Hespelar, Canada. Prate XIV. Figs. 1, 1a, 1b. Trimerella Lindstroemi, Dall. Exterior of a large specimen. Cen- tral Gotland (Aymestry limestone), Klinteberg, Gotland. Interior of pedicle-valve. Wialmsudd, Gotland. —— —. Interior of brachial valve. Klinteberg, Gotland. — —. Restored longitudinal section of both valves. . Fragment of a pedicle-valve, showing the deep depression below the hinge. Transverse section across both valves. e : . Internal cast of the brachial valve. Island of Faré. Col- lection of Herr Fegreeus. The projections on each side of the poste- rior end are casts of umbonal chambers. SID GR whe PLATE XV. Figs. 1,14, b,c,d,e. Trimerella Dalli,n.sp. From an internal cast. Guelph limestone, Hespelar, Ontario. 1, cast of pedicle-valve; la, of brachial valve; 16, of both valves in conjunction ; 1c, interior of pedicle-valve, from a gutta-percha squeeze; 1d, N, vaults, exposed under platform ; M, umbonal cavities, separated by the cardinal buttress, seen in fig. le; le, interior of brachial valve,—n, one of the platform vaults. on Interior of brachial valve, showing cardinal process. Same formation and locality. 3,3, b. Internal cast, tolerably perfect, in the Museum of the Geological Survey of Montreal: a, brachial valve ;. 3, pedicle-valve. 4, 4a,b,¢. T. acuminata, Billings. Internal cast of both valves in conjunc- tion, from the Guelph limestone, Hespelar, Ontario: Museum of Mon- treal. 4d, mould in gutta percha taken from the umbonal region of same cast, showing the cardinal process projecting into the interior of the shell and towards the pedicle- (upper) valve. Internal cast of pedicle-valve, with one of the projections (cast of platform-vault) broken. Internal cast of a pedicle-valve, from original example figured in 1862. Hespelar; Museum of Montreal. The three lines are furrows defining two long platform-vaults. 7, 7a. . 7, internal cast; 7a, gutta-percha squeeze, slightly restored at the margin. Guelph limestone (Upper Silurian), Hespelar, Canada; Museum of Montreal. 6. T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID&. AE Pirate XVI. Fig.1. Trimerella acuminata. Interior of brachial valve: N, cavity under platform exposed. 2. Interior of pedicle-valve: N, cavity under platform exposed; O, um- bonal chamber. These moulds were taken from the internal cast figured in Pl. XV. fig. 4: the beak is added in fig. 2. Guelph limestone, Hes- pelar, Ontario. . T. ohioensis, Meek. Internal cast, showing the pedicle-valve. The same cast, showing the hinge-characters of both valves. Niagara Group, Upper Silurian, Otwa County, Ohio. Internal cast of brachial valve. Same locality. Gutta-percha mould taken from the hinge portion of the cast so as to show ridge-like cardinal process, &c. Specimens 3 to 5 were sent us for illustration by Mr. Meek. . Gutta-percha mould of brachial valve, taken from an internal cast in the possession of Mr. Whitfield, of Albany. This mould shows the cardinal process in the form of two circular depressions in the centre of the hinge, also indications of rude articulation (elongated plates) of the valves. From the Niagara Group of Yellow Spring, Ohio. . Trimerella Billingsii, Dall. Internal cast of pedicle-valve. Gutta-percha mould taken from the same cast so as to show the interior of the valve. Guelph Limestone, New Hope, West Canada: Museum of Montreal. 2X Be an £© 00 Prate XVII. Figs. 1, 1a, 6. Monomerella Walmstedti, n.sp. A perfect testiferous specimen. Fig. “Central Gotland,” Klinteberg, Gotland: Museum of Wisby College. 2, —— . Interior of pedicle-valve. 3. —— ——. Interior of brachial valve, Same museum and locality. ———— Internal cast of pedicle-valve. Same formation: Island of Faré. Coll. of Herr Fegreus. 5, 5a, b,c. —— prisca, Billings. Internal cast of both valves in con- junction. Fig. 5. The pair of scars (the impression on middle) belong to the brachial valye. Guelph Limestone, Hespelar, Ontario : Museum of Montreal. 6, 6 a. . 6, internal cast of pedicle-valve. 6a, gutta-percha mould taken from the same cast, showing the interior of the valve. Same locality and museum. Interior of the pedicle-valve, taken in gutta-percha from a large internal cast. Same locality. Interior of brachial valve of same species, taken in gutta- percha from an internal cast. Same locality. 9, 9a, 4, e. Lindstremi,n.sp. 9,9 a, ternal cast. 9b, showing both valyesin conjunction. 9c, interior of pedicle-valve from a gutta-percha mould. “ Wisby Strata,” near Wisby, Gotland. 10, 10 a. orbicularis, Bill. 10, external cast of brachial valve; 10a, of pedicle-valve. Guelph Limestone, Elora, Ontario: Museum of Montreal. PruatE XVIII. 1. Dinobolus Conradi, Hall. Interior of pedicle-valve from a gutta-percha mould. 2. . Another specimen. Same valve, showing deep vault, N, ex- tending under the platform. From Niagara limestone, Leclaire, Iowa. Collection of Prof. Hall. 3. Interior of brachial valve. 4, —— ——. Internal cast of pedicle-valve. 5. —— ——. Natural cast of brachial valye. Same museum and locality. 6, 6a. —— Davidsoni, Salter. Exterior. Wenlock shale, near Dudley, 172 T. DAVIDSON AND W.. KING ON THE TRIMERELLID®. Figs. 7, 7 a. Dinobolus Davidsoni. 7, internal cast of pedicle-valve : 7 a, interior of same valve taken in gutta-percha from internal cast. Wenlock, Dudley. Dudley Museum. 8, 8a. 8, internal cast of brachial valve. 8a, interior of same valve from a gutta-percha mould taken from same specimen: the two valves are in juxtaposition in the cast. 9: Interior of pedicle-valve. This specimen, which shows no undercut under the platform, is taken in gutta-percha from an internal cast. Dudley. In the Museum of Practical Geology, London. 11, 11a. - Internal cast: from the “ Central Gotland” (=Wen- lock) of the neighbourhood of Wisby, Gotland. 12. transversus, Salter. Internal cast of brachial valve. Top of Wen- lock, Dudley. Dudley Museum. 13. Trimerella galtensis, Bill., sp. Interior of pedicle-valve. Guelph limestone, Galt, West Canada. Collection of Prof. Hall. 14, 14.4, 6, c,d. Chelodes Bergmani, nu. g. et n. sp. The tooth-like process in the centre of what appears to be the hinge is not represented. ‘“‘ Cen- tral Gotland” (=Aymestry limestone), Klinteberg, Gotland. Collec- tion of Herr Bergman. Pratt XIX, Fig. 1. Trimerella ohioensis, Meek. Exterior of brachial valve; showing also area and deltidium of pedicle-valve. Internal cast of pedicle-valve. Upper Silurian, Otwa, Ohio county. After drawings by Mr. Whitfield, communicated by Prof. Hall. 3, 3a. ? Monomerella Walmstedti. 3, internal cast of pedicle-valve: the projections are casts of umbonal chambers : 3 a, internal cast of brachial valve. Upper Silurian, Kerkaw, Livonia, Russia. After MS. draw- ings by the late Prof. Pander, communicated by Prof. Schmidt. A, 4a. Trimerella galtensis, Bill., sp. 4, internal cast of brachial valve ; 4a, interior of same, enlarged. Upper Silurian, Galt, Canada, Mu- seum of Montreal. 5,6. Dinobolus Schmidti, n. sp.? Pedicle-valve: internal casts. Lower Silurian; Kiina, Esthonia, Russia. From specimens forwarded by Prof. F. Schmidt ; and the only two examples of the genus hitherto found in Russia. 7. Dinobolus canadensis, Bill., sp. After a figure published by Mr. Bil- lings. ‘Trenton or Black-river limestone. Lower Silurian, Canada. Museum of Montreal. 8. Dinobolus magnificus, Bill., sp. After a figure published by Mr. Billings. Same locality and museum. 9, 9a. Lingulops Whitfieldi, J. Hall. 9, natural size: 9a, interior of brachial (?) valve, much enlarged. Lower Silurian, United States, America. Collection of Prof. J. Hall. Discussion. Mr. Hicxs remarked that the oldest known Lingulid is Zingulella primeva. The Lingule in the earliest rocks increase in size as they approach shallow deposits ; and higher up, namely in the Lingula- flags, a change takes place in their form. In the Menevian beds, which were deposited in a deep sea, the shells are small. Mr. Hicks thought, therefore, that we must admit these changes to be due to changes in the conditions of existence. The Lingule had been declared to be allied to the Annelids; the Trilobites were also allied to the Annelids; and these three are the earliest known forms of Jeu | Soc . Vol. XXX. Quart. Journ. Geol. Damdson &% King del Mintern Bros . imp. TRIMERELLIDE. Fle phe GaN a eat NeUeg eta ty lat. JOULILIisE OL, 00C. \ Tho’ Dawidsan del eb hth MXN Hanhart imp INEM AGI, MILD a i Se eg ae anes raise 7 J) Vo ~ fal SVOVG: }G n lan FEO TEO 1uagial tart Jo 0, We MXN Hanhart mop Tho Davidson del et ith Re Dye M 8 li Tho’ Davidson del BLIDA., ICU T | Juart Journ.Geol Soc Vol XXX PL XVI. Ie Tho’ Davidson d 1 MAN Han) =~ Quart Journ .Geol.Soc' Tho’ Davidson del et lith M&N Hanhart imp hart imp M & N Ham ai we MIE HD) (er 2] Iv Ae M&N.Hanhart. imp. Davidson. del.et hth. 5 Tho T. DAVIDSON AND W. KING ON THE TRIMERELLIDS. Wis life. It would be well worth while to follow the inquiry how far they were related. Prof. Ramsay was delighted to hear the opinion expressed by Mr. Davidson, that the distinction of species was merely an abstract idea. He had always considered that the apparent distinction of species was due to the absence of the connecting links. He was thankful to Mr. Davidson for stating that in different geological formations there were forms which had received distinct specific names but which he could not distinguish otherwise than by their derivation. Mr. Hicks had spoken of the three forms of organisms which occur deep down in the Cambrian, and founded an argument upon their rarity. But Prof. Ramsay had long maintained the heterodox opinion that the Lower Cambrian was a freshwater for- mation, in which marine deposits are here and there intercalated. He looked forward to the future discovery of marine Lower Cam- brian beds with a much richer fauna, and considered that it was only from accidental circumstances that the fauna of the Lower Cambrian is so poor. Mr. Eruerine® also called attention to the poverty of the Lower Cambrian fauna in Great Britain. Mr. Borp Dawxurs remarked that the most lowly organized forms seemed to be the most persistent. Ors, G8: No: lis: 0) 174 D. MACKINTOSH ON GLACIAL TRACES IN 17. On the Traces of a Great Icz-sHEEt in the SoutnmRn Part of the Laxe District, and in Nort Wares. By D. Macxintosx, Esq., F.G.S. (Read January 7, 1874.) (Abridged.) _ [Puatr XX.] [| Arrer a few introductory remarks on roches moutonnées, the dis- tinction between primary and subsequent strie, &c., the author proceeds to consider the main subject of his paper as follows. | A tabular statement of facts will, I think, clearly show that the primary or most persistent glaciation of the south-central part of the Lake District, must have been produced by an _ice-flow capable of ignoring the drainage of the country to a much greater extent than could have resulted from any system of confluent glaciers strictly so called. Primary glaciation. Far Hasdale (near Grasmere), rocks generally smoothed fromiibetweent:2 ii sacs ee es ae OE each atetineeiog N.N.W. and N.W. Entrance to Far Easdale (east side), stria from ......... N.W. Kast of Easdale House, striz from about .............00+- N. 10° W. Near Sourmilk waterfall, strixe from ................0cee0e. N.W. Near Blind Tarn moss (crossing the outlet), striz from... N. 30° W. On summit of the rock and bog tableland between Kasdule and Great Langdale up to at least 1700 feet above sea, roaches moutonnées smoothed from about ... N.N.W. Stris/on ditto fron ee ee N.N.W. A short distance north of High Close, striz from ...... N. 40° W. Top of High Close col, striz from ..............s000-seceeee N. East of Chapel Stile (Great Langdale), strie from ...... N. 30° W. North of Elterwater Village, rocks smoothed and striated ALON i ehios Hotisis wolslunis seimasuatee wel eiettattetelsc a ve Gasete elias N. 26° W. Bottom of Great Langdale west of Elterwater Village and south-west of Chapel Stile School, rocks smoothed andistriated: from eons. eces snc aces see orcs seen eee sonts ses N.W. On roadside (up hill) from Elterwater Village to Dale 1D Aha rs asRoirMs (anc SessadonodaddaioacoeodacdudasasdoRuoKebos N. 40° W. Higher up on same road, strie from ...............:.-00000 N. 40° W. North of Little Langdale Tarn, strie from ............... N.W. Between Little Langdale Tarn and Blea Tarn, striz PROM eal eece signe assks euaguae name aawsun anaemune saiose meaemeaeod N. 30° W. and N.W. Near the Parsonage (Grasmere), striae from about ...... N.W. Jast of Town End (Grasmere), strise from ...........-.-- N.N.W. Roches moutonnées between Town End and Whitemoss quarry, smoothed from about .........cecsseeeeeeeereeerees .W. At Whitemoss quarry, strie from about .................- N.W. Rydal valley (about 1 m. north of Wordsworth’s house), strie from ...... aanauelosenana uaciae wane resus ace ameseseesues N. 10° W. Near Ambleside (on Grasmere road), striz from ......... N. 20° W. Near Ambleside Church, striz from about ............... N. 15° W. Rocks on north side of f Loughrigg Fell, smoothed from SUG CEU ino J saEE JusrBooS anon scee sOd dobhaduocesonodn anos aKebuKdae N.N.W. THE LAKE-DISTRICT AND NORTH WALES, 175 Primary glaciation. Loughrigg Tarn and the neighbourhood, strize from DOU DM eee rece nce spice suicasiveaiios ose aaeaceas seccsbeeeetee N.N.W. and N. by W. In one place crossed by strize from about N.W. North side of Brathay valley (between Loughrigg Tarn and Clappersgate), striz from........+..ssssseessstereeeeee N.W. Crossed by striz from a little N. of W. Near Pull (on road from Clappersgate to Hawkstead), SUIS a MOMy AO OUb pec ceecen xeric cossin santos aaeneseee eee eae N. 27° W. Quarry near Mr. Atkinson’s house (north-west of Win- dermere) metrics Sones. Aeon hasiseandsss Meee N. 30° W. Crossed by later strix from N. 10° W Windermere churchyard, broad grooves FLOM vs eseseeeee N. 25° W. Crossed by sharp strize from N. 10° W. Near Mr. Pritt’s house, Bowness, strie from ............ N. 30° W. In front of a house called the Ferns, Windermere, strice fironal between Aiea tte. oa tee ne eee cee eee mae N. 20° and N. 30° W. . Near Rev. Mr. Stock’s house, Bowness, striee (possibly Secondary) MmOMts piece uses rirranaatesseecates te see tine N. 10° W. Near Crossings (Windermere) broad grooves, from IDELWEENE Nene tenatetteaeceere eater once Steet eae N. 20° and 23° W. Crossed by strix from about W. 35° N., and a few grooves from about N. 33° W. About halfway between Windermere and the Lake, BUNT ATOM ses oansine secure teeeaeeeadsacie seleanelaemiaclae ses N. 33° W. Orrest Head (Windermere), smoothed from about ...... N.N.W. Top of a high ridge called School Knott (near Winder- mere), crossed by great grooves from...............ss0008 N. 35° W. Near Ings (east of Windermere) a number of large roches moutonnées smoothed from about..........-.+--+++ N.N.W. Broad grooves and striz on ditto, from between ......... N. 20° and 380° W Rocks at a considerable height on west side of Trout- beck valley, smoothed from about ...........seeeeeesesees N.N.W. Watershed between Style End (Kentmere) and Long Sleddale:striz from: \ i ...sscceneneseaee crete eee eee West of Stavely Parsonage, primary glaciation from POON sopdoangdocdocosoondadde DesdoocasndoeanoOnoaud05coaR6G0 eoeeotl NVVis Crossed by large grooves from nearly.................. W. Near entrance to Tilberthwaite valley (about High Yewdale, Coniston), rocks extensively smoothed up hill AROMA ADOUWG ea cinieeicsia ganas scieaniosionetis umeinmesaneaeeaeeta tate N North side of Church Beck valley about halfway between Coniston and Copper-works, rocks extensively grooved obliquely down hill from about ............06+..2s00e coco Jt) Crossed by striz running in direction of valley or from N.N.W Near Copper-works, strize (covered with stratified sand Pee anoyorcavel) ih OMerepencmacncertn ester etteneses testcase N.N.W. ‘Between Copper-works and Paddy End, strie from...... N. 30° W. At mouth of Reddale valley above Copper -works, striz THE@NE soaoannventesnnensoqodaiaon edodeunscnsancqns°co0anAnAsESK> . N.W. On steep slope above Copper-works, rocks extensively striated down hill from about. ...............c:e:essee eee es N. 10° W. Roches moutonnées on nearly opposite slope, smoothed vung) Linllll Theasael @]970)1 nepogempeseeonceneecspaeocbosd-ecs sone suns: 3 IN Between Duddon Bridge and Seathwaite Church, 7 oches moutonnées with parallel undulations and striz coin- ciding in direction, from about ...............:s2seeseeee N.N.E. It will be seen from the above statement of facts that the pri- mary ice-marks embrace an area extending from near Style End 0 2 176 D. MACKINTOSH ON GLACIAL TRACES IN and Stavely (Kentmere), on the east, to nearly as far west as Stickle Tarn and the Coniston Old Man *—and from Far Easdale on the north to as far south as Bowness and Church-beck valley, Coniston. In the neighbourhood of Windermere they average about N. 27° W., and run generally up hill. About Ambleside their average direction is nearly the same. Around Grasmere they average about N.40° W. ‘To the north-west and west of Grasmere, in the upland valleys and on high ridges, they average about N. 30° W. South of Grasmere and in Great Langdale they average about N. 35° W. In the Coniston district they average a little W. of N. In the neighbourhood of Windermere and Bowness, the ice, be- sides moving generally up hill, must have ascended and passed over Orrest Head (700 feet above the sea), crossed a high ridge called School Knott (760 feet) at right angles, and the upland valley between Windermere and Stavely at nearly right angles. North- west and west of Ambleside it must have obliquely crossed Rydal water, and a high, if not the highest part of Loughrigg Fell (1100 feet). East of Grasmere it would appear to have smoothed the side of Rydal Fell up nearly to the summit ; but, so far as yet known, the ice must chiefly have ignored the configuration of the ground in a district extending for some miles to the north-west, west, and south-west of Grasmere. From the north slope of Far Hasdale, it must have obliquely crossed the dale, smoothed the rocks on its south side up hill, then crossed a high ridge, descended into Kasdale, smoothed the rocks obliquely across the dale, marched from the bottom of the dale (900 feet) up hill to the top of a ridge more than 1700 feet above thesea. This ridge consists of hard volcanic breccia and other felspathic rocks ; the summit is a narrow tableland con- sisting of alternate rock-basins and bosses; the rock-basins are partly filled with peat and water ; and many of the bosses are roches moutonnées. Nowhere in the Lake District have I seen such a striking series of mammillated rocks: they have been considerably roughened by the weather ; but the regular curvilinearity of their forms has been perfectly preserved. From the appearance of the surface of the great tableland on the north-west (which reaches a height of between 2300 and 2500 feet), and the rounded rocky eminences on its southern border, it can scarcely be doubted that the ice went over it; but I did not examine the ground further west than Stickle Tarn. From the top of the ridge just described the ice must have gone down into great Langdale, smoothing the sides of the projecting rocks which faced it or looked up hill, and leaving the down sides cliffed or jagged. Numerous examples of this smoothing of the sides of the rocks which offered the greatest * The parallel undulations and striz of Duddon valley, though probably primary, as they coincide in direction with the valley, may at present be left out of consideration. t The ice-flow which crossed School Knott must have come from at least as far as Rydal (a distance of about 7 or 8 miles), and moved the greater part of the way over longitudinally level ground, and the latter part up hill. THE LAKE-DISTRICT AND NORTH WALES. 177 resistance to the descending ice, may be seen on the north side of Great Langdale from High Close westwards; many of them were pointed out to me by EH. B. Wheatley Balme, Esq., of High Close. The ice in obliquely crossing Great Langdale (about 300 feet) in one place nearly coincided in direction, without altering its course, with a bend in the valley. A greater number of distinctly striated roches moutonnées may be seen in the lower part of Great Langdale than perhaps anywhere else in the Lake District: they extend to the base of the ridge called Lingmoor on the south side of Great Langdale ; and the eastern part of this ridge is striated in such a manner as to leave no doubt that the ice passed over it. In some places further west there are indications of the ice having ascended the north side of the highest part of Lingmoor (about 1500 feet), and glaciated Side Pike, nearly 1200 feet ; but the rocks are much dilapidated and their bases scree-strewn. On the south side of Lingmoor the striz and roches moutonnées clearly point to ice having descended from its summit ; so that it may safely be in- ferred that the ice-flow crossed over Lingmoor from Great into Little Langdale. In the Coniston-Old-Man area we meet with phenomena which cannot be very satisfactorily explained without supposing that the ice-sheet continued its march not only across Little Langdale, but (after a westerly deflection of its course) up the northern slopes of the Coniston Fells, over ground at least 2000 feet above the sea, down into Church-beck valley (600 feet) *, and ’ up the side of the ridge on the south, beyond which I have not traced the ice-marks. As, however, it is barely possible, though not probable, that the ice which accomplished such feats among the Coniston Fells may have belonged to an ice-dome rising to a great height above tbe northern part of the Fells, and sloping down towards Little Langdale, we may principally direct our attention to the Easdale and Langdale ice-sheet until the Coniston mountains have been more extensively examined, especially to the north and north-west of the Copper-works. Source of the Easdale and Langdale Ice-sheet.—Several years ago I noticed that the northern part of the Lake District must have been mainly glaciated from the south; and Mr. Ward has brought his 8. and N. ice-marks to within two miles of where my N. and §. ice- marks begin, as may be seen from his map (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxix. pl. xy.). It is impossible that a strip of ice not two miles in breadth could have originated two ice-flows in opposite directions, and both of them many milesin length. The northern ice-flow may have taken place at a later period than the southern ; but however this may have been, I think it may be regarded as certain that the southerly ice-flow could not have performed the feats above specified without being backed up on the north by an ice-dome rising to a great height and covering many square miles of country to the north of Far Easdale. Until the central part of the Lake District * At intervals along the whole of the northern slope of Church-beck valley N. and §. primary strix may be seen running obliquely down hill. The instance noticed in the tabular statement is perliaps the best-defined. 178 D. MACKINTOSH ON GLACIAL TRACES IN has been carefully searched for ice-marks further west and east (but especially further east) than the area treated of in this paper, it might be going too far to invoke an ice-flow assailing the Lake District from without, and overriding an area extending west and east from the Duddon valley to Kentmere, if not to the West Riding of Yorkshire, and as far south at least as Morecambe Bay. Traces of an Ice-sheet in North Wales.—The state of the basin of the Irish Sea between the Lake District and North Wales, at the time of the greatest development of the ice, cannot be well ascer- tained without a wider induction of facts than we at present possess. The north-western side of Snowdonia has been principally glaciated from the 8.E. and S. or in the direction of the lower valleys. In the high-level valleys, as long ago shown by Professor Ramsay, there are strize which indicate a thickness of ice sufficient to have enabled it to cross minor ridges and hollows, and to move along the sides of hills at great altitudes. During recent visits to North Wales I saw many glaciated surfaces between the Vale of Conway and Capel Curig, the striz varying from between 8.W. and W.S.W., and indi- cating an ice-flow capable of ignoring hills and valleys. In the great Ogwen Pass, near a farm-house called Wern-go-ischaf, I found an extensive rock-surface striated at right angles to the pass (or nearly N. and 8.) which a small glacier coming down from above did not seem capable of explaining, especially as the lines did not coincide in direction with the small lateral valleys on the right and left. To the south of the Snowdonian range of mountains I happened to alight on a number of phenomena which clearly indi- cated the southerly movement of a great ice-sheet capable of ignoring or crossing deep valleys, and which probably had its source in an ice-dome covering the peak of Snowdon and the sur- ‘ rounding heights, and levelling the area between Snowdon and Moel-wyn. The group of mountains of which Moel-wyn is the principal, furnishes evidences of the former existence of such an ice-sheet. On the southern side of Bwlch-cwm-orthin (which separates the head of Cwm Croesor from Cwm Orthin) away from any valley, and at a height of more than 1800 feet above the sea, J found a number of rock-surfaces, smoothed, mammillated, and striated from about W. 30° N. There is a possibility of these surfaces having been glaciated by floating ice ; but when viewed in connexion with roches moutonnées at a lower level, soon to be noticed, I think it is more probable that the agent was land-ice of a thick- ness sufficient to fill up and override the upper part of Cwm Croesor before it found its way to the irregular plateau on which the glaciated rocks occur. Between Cwm Croesor and Beddgellert mammillated rocks may be almost everywhere observed ; but the greatest display occurs immediately to the south of the bare and craggy felstone ridge called Yr Arddu; I believe they are unequalled in any part of Wales or, perhaps, in the Lake District. Their regularly rounded and approximately dome-shaped forms, not exceptionally, but as a general rule, furnish an unquestionable evidence of a great flow of land-ice, as icebergs would have tended to flatten and plane py THE LAKE-DISTRICI AND NORTH WALES. 179 down projecting rocks, though, under exceptionally favourable cir- cumstances, they might have left rocks more or less rounded. These roches moutonnées are not in a valley, but on an irregular plateau. They occur at various heights, and must have been smoothed by ice which moved independently of the drainage of the country. Indeed the ice by which many of them were smoothed must have come over Yr Arddu. They are so much smoothed that it is often difficult to tell the precise direction from which the ice came ; but taken in connexion with a number of striw, the direction would appear to have been approximately N. The ice may have radiated from the Snowdonian dome south-easterly towards Bwlch- cwm-orthin and southerly towards Yr Arddu. East of Moel Wyn the mouth of Cwm Orthin is magnificently mammillated, as long ago mentioned by Professor Ramsay; and a survey of the surface- configuration would, I think, lead to the conclusion that the mam- millation was principally caused by a great ice-sheet and not by a corry glacier. The above remarks on the primary glaciation of a part of North Wales are intended as supplementary to those on the Lake District, and not as exhaustive of the subject. [The author concludes with observations on the correlation of the drifts of the Lake District with those of North Wales, the relation between lake-basins, drifts, and moraines, the commence- ment of the great submergence while the land was deeply covered with ice, &¢., &c.} EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX. Map intended to show the positions and directions of the primary striz and rock-smoothing in connexion with the surface-configuration of the prin- cipal area described in the paper. Discussion. Mr. Warp was inclined to regard the scratches in the Lake-dis- trict described as due to the confluence of several glaciers, so as to form a large mass of ice, the pressure of which enabled it to travel over the ridges separating the valleys, especially at their lower ends. If the phenomena could be explained in this manner, he thought it needless to invoke the existence of a large general ice-sheet. If such a thing had existed, it must have brought some of the rocks from the north and deposited them in the district ; and this was not the case. Mr. D. C. Davies thought that the author had left some cireum- stances out of view, especially the difference of dates of the striz on the Welsh mountains, which had been cut at different times during the elevation and depression of the land. He instanced the occur- rence of fragments of Scotch granite in gravels at an elevation of from 1500 to 2000 feet above the sea. 180 oN GLACIAL TRACES IN THE LAKE-DISTRICT AND NORTH WALES. Prof. Ramsay observed that some years ago he had attempted to show that Anglesea had been glaciated by ice that had come from the north in the Cumberland district, and attributed this cireum- stance to the preponderance of this northern ice over that from the Snowdon range, which was, as it were, set aside by it. He was inclined to think that the Menai Straits, the direction of which coincided with the main lines of glaciation in Anglesea, might be due to the same cause. W. SHONE ON THE DISCOVERY OF BOULDER-CLAY FORAMINIFERA, 181 18. Discovery of ForaminirEra, &e., in the BouLpER-cLays of CursHirE. By Witiiam Suonz, Esq. (Read March 11, 1874.) [Communicated by D. Mackintosh, Esq., F.G.S.] In the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for November 1872, Mr. D. Mackintosh described the Upper and Lower Boulder- clays of Cheshire, and he also appended lists of the Mollusca found therein. I cannot add any thing to Mr. Mackintosh’s description, it being a most accurate, full, and exact account of the lithological and strati- graphical characteristics of the drift-clays of Cheshire. For some - time I had been searching for Foraminifera in these clays in the vicinity of Chester, but failed to find them. Last September, how- ever, my friend Mr. J. B. Manning (Constable of Chester Castle) happened to find in the Upper Boulder-clay of Newton-by-Chester a boulder bored by Sawicava rugosa, in the cavities of which fragments of the shells remained. Wishing to possess these fragments, he proceeded to wash them out; but in doing so he observed that the holes were not filled with the red clay in which the boulder was found, but with sand. On examining this sandy débris beneath the microscope, we found that it contained several shells of Polystomella crispa. Mr. Manning thereupon remarked, “if we are to succeed in finding Foraminifera in the Boulder-clay we must look for stones with holes in them.” It then occurred to me that the turbinated shells of Turritella terebra would offer a still more effective shelter to the Foraminifera. I happened to possess a considerable number of these shells, gathered from a newly exposed railway cutting, which passed through Upper Boulder-clay at Newton-by-Chester ; so I put the idea at once into practice by washing out the substance which filled the inner whorls of the Turritelle. After pouring off the fine muddy particles there remained behind a sandy residuum, in which Foraminifera, Ostra- coda, Sponge-spicules, and the spines of Hchint were abundantly distributed. The Foraminifera were in a most perfect state of preservation—so perfect, indeed, that I found it impossible to distinguish the fossil forms taken out of the Turritelle of the Upper Boulder-clay from the recent ones of the same species which I had gathered along the shores of the estuary of the Dee. On examining a number of T'wrritelle, I observed that some were entirely filled with a remarkably fine greyish white sand, others only partly filled with it, though invariably that portion of the shell nearest the apex; while some T'urritelle were wholly filled with the red clay in which they were imbedded. I found that the Fora- minifera &c. occurred in those shells which were wholly or partly filled with the greyish-white sand, and that the Turritclla filled with the red clay scarcely contained any Foraminifera &c. The fact that the Turritelle filled with the greyish-white sand 182 W. SHONE ON. THE DISCOVERY OF FORAMINIFERA ETC. yielded abundantly Foraminifera and Ostracoda, and that those wholly filled with the red clay in which they were imbedded con- tained scarcely any, would appear to suggest that the former had been transported to their present positions by the same agency which brought the pebbly gravel and striated erratics which lie mingled with them in the clay. On examining the clay in which the Turritelle lay imbedded, I found that it contained from three to six shells of Foraminifera per cubic inch. I obtained from it about twenty Foraminifera of five species identical with those occurring in the Turritelle, but more worn and fossilized*. I will not, however, at present venture an opinion as to whether the Foraminifera found free in the clay lived in situ, or were washed out of Turritelle filled with them previ- ously to being transported hither from some distant shores. I am indebted to my friend Mr. J. D. Siddall, Chester, for the names of the Foraminifera, and to the Rev. H. W. Crosskey, F.G.S., and G. 8. Brady, Esq., F.G.S., F.L.S., for those of the Ostracoda. In the following list U. B. C. signifies Upper Boulder-clay, and L. B. C. Lower Boulder-clay. Where found. ———_. ps | fe, OstRACODA. Cythore villosa ...........2...00- In Turritelle from U. B.C., Newton, Chester. antiquata ........0...seeeee 5p ” ” = {logan ENS Gosdaaocosooode os Ay 0 —— JOMESH ........... ec cee eeees x » » WEIN) Heh. CrigacoueaHobousooaoNG ” 99 ” Cytheridea punctillata? ...... ” ” » Cytheropteron nodosum ...... ” ” 9 Cytherura angulata ............ as: ” Eucythere? argus............... 9 » Loxoconcha tamarindus ...... ¥s 0 » AMPLESSA) | aseeesics ce eee 5 66) 3 Paradoxostoma arcuatum ... % ” ay HeEXUOSUM .cecesnce seer esse. fi 5 » ANNELIDA. Spirorbis nautiloides ......... 3 53 3 EicHINODERMATA. Spatangide, fragments of SPINES! ste scas ses csmaencccs 6 i 3 Cidaridz, too much broken to identify species ............ 3 : _ e] SPONGIDA. Triradiate sponge-spicula ... ah 69 _* See note on p. 29 of Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xxx. for list of sixteen spe- cies of Foraminifera found in the Boulder-clay of Liverpool by Mr. Reade, F.G.S. IN THE BOULDER-CLAYS OF CHESHIRE. 183 Where found. In Turritelle from a FoRAMINIFERA, Biloculina ringens, very rare ......... U. B. C. Newton- | L. B. C. Dawpool. by-Chester. Triloculina oblonga, uncommon ...... ” ” ” ” trigonula, TARE ceccccceccccvccecrecs ” ” 7 ” Quinqueloculina seminulum, common ” ” ” ” secans, frequent.............2..2..2- a ” Lagena sulcata, rare .........-02s.ceeeee ” ” USS VAS) PAC) « sirsicisee veissieteite v oiisie nore ” ” ” ” Biriatas Mares an scemsnecactelsoaeeee cae ” ” globosa, rare ............sceeeeeeee ” ” marginata, rare ...........2...6600e- ” ” BQUAMOSA, LALO ....-.eeeeeeeereeeeee ” ” ” ” Cristellaria crepidula, rare ............ ” » ” ” Nodosaria scalaris ?, very rare..... Beas ” ” Dentalina communis ?, very rare ...... ” ” Polymorphina lactea, not common ... ” » Uvigerina angulosa, very rare ......... » ” Globigerina bulloides, frequent ....-. ” ” ” ” Textularia variabilis, frequent ......... » ” ” ” difformis, frequent aidistat=\elalchate’s| e/a ” ” ” ” globulosa, uncommon ............ ” ” Bulimina pupoides, very fine large shells, COMMON .......--e00e eeeeceee eee ” ” ” ” marginata, uncommon ...........- ” ” ” ” oyata, not COMMON ...........-46. ” ” ” ” elegantissima, frequent............ ” ” Bolivina plicata, frequent ............ 006 ” » Discorbina rosacea, frequent......... Bn Planorbulina mediterranensis, fre- QUCTIE ....ce ee ee ecee eee eet ence eee eeeeeees Truncatulina lobatula, frequent ...... Rotalia Beccarii, frequent and well Geyelopedicrace.cccccs aeciersecerevesee= == nibida, small and rare) yasqacn see depressula, uncommon............ On comparing the recent Foraminifera from the tidal reaches of the Dee with the same species from within the Turritelle in the Upper Boulder-clay, Mr. Siddall and I found it impossible to dis- tinguish the one group from the other, except that Rotalia Beccartt and Bulimina pupoides are finer in the Boulder-clay. The general facies of the Foraminifera of the Upper Boulder- clay appears to indicate a shallow sea, into which large quantities of fresh water intermittently flowed. According to the observations of Mr. Mackintosh, the Upper Boulder-clay of Cheshire, Lancashire, and Cumberland cannot be traced much higher than 500 feet above the present sea-level. The Foraminifera and Mollusca I have found in the Upper Boulder- 184 W. SHONE ON THE DISCOVERY OF FORAMINIFERA ETC. clay of Chester, so far, appear to confirm Mr. Mackintosh’s conclu- sions. When the surface of this part of England was submerged beneath the Upper Boulder-clay sea, and the striated erratics from the Lake-district, borne on floating ice, were being dropped on the muddy bottom consisting of this clay, there must have been large volumes of fresh water poured into it, especially when the accumu- lated winter’s ice and snow melted before the increasing heat of summer. Would not such an addition of fresh water to a shallow sea be likely to have the same effect upon the Foraminifera of that period as the freshwater of tidal rivers has upon the recent Fora- miniferal fauna characteristic of estuaries ? I may here mention that the Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Turritelle in the Lower Boulder-clay of Dawpool bear a more fossilized appearance than those from the Turritelle in the Upper Boulder-clay of Newton-by-Chester. The Ostracoda from the Dawpool clay have not yet been named. I trust that those interested in the fauna of the English drifts will endeavour to search for Foraminifera &c. in these glacial deposits. I believe that the distribution of the 7wrritelle containing Foraminifera and Ostracoda &c. will be found to be coextensive with the distribution of the Lake-district erratics in the Boulder- clays. Note.— For the results of the Rev. H. W. Crosskey’s and Mr. David Robertson’s investigations of the fauna of the Post- tertiary fossiliferous beds of Scotland, see the ‘ Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow,’ vols. iii. and iv. Note on Mollusca from the Boulder-clay at Newton, near Chester. CoNCHIFERA. GASTEROPODA. 1. Mytilus edulis, Linné. 12. Lacuna divaricata, Fabricius. 2. Cardium echinatum, L. 13. Littorina rudis, Mazon. 3. C. eduie, L. 14. Turritella terebra, Z. 4, Cyprina islandica, L. 15. Aporrhais pes-pelecani, ZL. 5. Astarte suleata, Da Costa. 16. Purpura lapillus, Z. 6. A. borealis, Chemnitz. 17. Buccinum undatum, L. 7. Tellina balthica, L. 18. Murex erinaceus, L. 8. T. calearia, Ch. 19. Trophon truncatus, Strém. 9, Mactra solida, L.; var. elliptica, | 20. Fusus antiquus, L. Brown. 21. Nassa reticulata, Z. 10. Mya truncata, L. 22. Pleurotoma pyramidalis, Str. 11. Saxicava rugosa, L. : All the above except Aséarte borealis and Pleurotoma pyramidalis inhabit the British coasts, and are littoral or sublittoral. _A. borealis and P. pyramidalis are more northern species [J. Gwyn JErrreys |. Discussion. Mr. Evans remarked that there seemed to him to be two principal points for discussion in the paper :—first, whether the Foraminifera IN THE BOULDER-CLAYS OF CHESHIRE. 185 eited were peculiar to brackish water ; and, secondly, whether the Turritelle had been transported. Mr. Gwyn Jerrreys said that the Foraminifera sent by Mr. Shone are exactly the same as those found on the coasts of Great Britain. The Turritelle presented a puzzling question. ‘The Foraminifera in- habit the Laminarian zone, and their light shells are thrown up at the edge of high water, so that they would naturally fill any shells that might be lying on the shore about that line. The Turritelle might have been transported by ground-ice. The species was T'ur- ritella terebra, the common European species. Mr. Jeffreys remarked that we know comparatively little of the Arctic fauna at present, and that it was highly desirable that an expedition should be sent to investigate the marine fauna of high northern latitudes. Prof. T. Ruprrt Jonzs stated that the Rotalie are not identical all round the coasts, those from different localities presenting dif- ferent characters, as may be plainly seen in the Rotalia Beccurti of the Adriatic and of the English coasts. Various circumstances seem to act in changing the forms, especially whether the animals have inhabited deep or shallow water, or water more or less fresh. The Globigerine have thicker shells in deep than in shallow water. When ill-nourished, Foraminifera alter in the style of their outline. Prof. Hugurs remarked upon the difference of opinion prevailing as to the geographical affinities of the shells found in this deposit, and as to the origin of the deposit itself. He discussed the question of the origin of the clay, and came to the conclusion that it was not a true Boulder-clay, but derived. Mr. Seetey referred to a Boulder-clay, at March, in Cambridge- shire, containing Foraminifera now common on our present shores. 186 W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. 19. On the CornrEsPONDENCE between some Arras of Apparent Up- HEAVAL and the TuickENING of Sussacent Beps. By W. Tortezy, Esq., F.G.S., Geological Survey of England and Wales. (Read February 4, 1874.) ConrTENTs. . Introduction. The Jurassic and Triassic Rocks of Central England. The Oolitic Rocks of Yorkshire. — The Carboniferous Rocks of Yorkshire. The Carboniferous Rocks of Derbyshire. . The Weald. . Observations on Basins. . Conclusion. COTS? SH G9 BO 1. Introduction.—The fact that the Secondary strata of England vary considerably in thickness as we trace them over any wide area is very well known. Professor Phillips long ago observed the south- easterly thinning of the Oolites in the Midland Counties *; and Professor Hull, in 1859, read before this Society a Memoir on this subject, giving the results obtained by himself and others engaged on the Geological Surveyy. Recent investigations as to the probable extension of the coal-measures under the south-eastern counties, have again drawn attention to this subject ; and much information bearing upon it is contained in the Reports of the Royal Coal Commission. In the following paper I shall endeavour to show that, from these facts, some important conclusions may be drawn concerning the ob- served dip of the strata, and the disturbances which the strata are as- “sumed to have undergone, conclusions which I think cannot be denied if the facts be granted, but which have hitherto been overlooked. It is known that the Tertiary and Cretaceous beds under London lie in a “‘ basin,” whilst as we recede from London the beds rise at varying angles ; so that strata which occur at considerable depths under London attain great elevations in the surrounding districts. It has always been assumed that this is due to an upheaval of the beds in the direction in which they rise. I think, however, that 1f we allow the full weight to known facts as to the thinning out of beds (facts which every one accepts), we must conclude that this is in many cases an erroneous assumption. In some cases the observed dip and rise of the beds can be wholly accounted for- by the known or inferred thinning and thickening of the beds. Not, however, the thinning of beds the dip of which is seen ; although this has some small effect. But we must take into account the sum of the thinning of all the underlying beds. If we do this, we can often account, not for a part only, but for the whole of the observed dip. * Manual of Geology, p. 303. t “On the South-easterly Attenuation of the Lower Secondary Formations of England,” Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 63. W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL, 187 2. The Jurassic and Triassic Rocks of Central England *—As an illustration of the thinning out of the Oolitic rocks of this area, we may take a section from Leckhampton to Burford (fig. 1). Leckhampton Hill is one of the prominent points of the Cotteswold escarpment ; and here the thickness of the Inferior Oolite has been carefully measured. If the summit of this hill were capped by Great Oolite, the base of that formation would be at an elevation of nearly 1000 feet. At Burford, which lies 19 miles a little to the south of east of Leckhampton Hill, the average elevation of the base of the Great Oolite is about 400 feet. In ordinary geological language we should then say, that from Leckhampton Hill to Burford the beds have a dip of 600 feet in 19 miles. Along this line the exact amount of the thinning of the Inferior Oolite and Upper and Middle Lias is well known, and that of the Lower Lias may be approximately inferred. At Leckhampton the thickness of strata intervening between the base of the Great Oolite and the base of the Lias is about 1200 feet; at Burford the total thickness is probably under 200 feet. There is therefore a differ- ence in thickness between the two places of about 1000 feet of Lower Jurassic strata, whilst the dip of the Great Oolite is only 600 feet in the same distance. Therefore the thinning out of the Jower beds will far more than account for the observed dip of the higher beds. To make the matter more plain, let us refer both geological horizons under consideration to the present sea-level. The base of the Great Oolite at Leckhampton would be 1000 feet above the sea- level; at Burford (19 miles distant) it is 400 feet above the sea; therefore the dip of the Great Oolite is from west to east, 600 feet in 19 miles. The base of the Lias at Leckhampton is about 200 feet below the sea-level, at Burford it is about 200 feet above it; therefore the dip of the base of the Lias is from east to west, 400 feet in the same distance of 19 miles. But we have here only considered the thinning of the Inferior Oolite and Lias, whereas it is known that the New Red series thins in like manner in the same direction. The amount of this thinning cannot be even approximately known between these two places ; but it will probably be several hundred feet. The thickness of the Trias in Cheshire is given by Professor Hull as 5600 feet, and about 600 feet in East Warwickshire ; it is pro- bably absent under Oxford. From Cheshire to Warwickshire the Trias thins 5000 feet in about 80 miles, or about 62 feet per mile. If this district were covered by higher Secondary rocks, the dip of * The data for the observations are taken from Prof. Hull’s paper already re- ferred to, and from the same author’s Geological-Survey Memoir, on Sheet 44. [It was pointed out by Mr. Bauerman and Mr, Etheridge, during the discussion upon this paper, that borings near Burford have proved the thinning of the Lower Lias to be less rapid than had formerly been supposed. Therefore the westerly dip of the base of the Lias would be less than that shown in the figure. The chief point of my argument, however, still remains, that the easterly dip of the Great Oolite can be entirely accounted for by the thinning of the Inferior Oolite and Upper and Middle Lias. ] W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. 188 "aUTTOO way +f ‘sery aoddq ‘p ‘SBITT JOMOTT “g ‘aYOO aorteyuy “a “OUOISTABT “2 “poy MONT “” coal “7 0001 00s : » 4008 RELA DP PELE REE DS SSS SS ae { { 1 ! 1 1 t ! ! ong q20qLooa GA = “paojang ; “YOROTYIAON, THE, voydueyyoory “M “900 yang ayy fo dig hpsaysngy quanbasuos ayn pun ajyn0g sowafus pun sovT ay fo no-buruunpy, oyp moys 02 “paofung o2 paz wordiunyyoary out (synng buagun0) woyoay mouboig— | *8uq W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. 189 these rocks would be affected by this amount, besides that resulting from the thinning of the higher Secondary rocks themselves. We see, then, that in estimating the dip of the beds in any such district, our results will vary according to the rocks which are exposed init. Butinasmuch as our knowledge of the great movements which have affected the earth’s crust is generally deduced from such obser- vations, this liability to error becomes a very serious matter. We infer, for instance, because of what we know of the dip of the Great Oolite in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, that the beds have been upheaved towards the west and north-west, which has resulted in a dip to the east and south-east, or towards the London basin. But if, over this area, denudation had gone much further than it has done, and all the Oolites down to the higher part of the Lower Lias had been swept away, we should observe that the beds along this line were approximately flat; and we should infer that there had been no upheaval here, or that the net results of such movements as had taken place had been to leave the beds in a horizontal position. If the whole of the Lias had been denuded, we should infer a slight westerly dip or from the London basin. If denudation had gone far into the Trias, sweeping away the whole of the higher Secondary rocks, we might have inferred a considerable westerly dip *. 3. The Oolitic Rocks of Yorkshire-—These afford another very striking example. It is known that the entire Oolitic series, which is so magnificently developed in the northern part of the county, is absent under the Wolds, and that the Red Chalk there rests directly on the Lower Lias. In part, no doubt, this is due to the great un- conformity between the Cretaceous and Oolitic rocks ; but it is also partly due to actual thinning of the strata, the Lower Oolites having disappeared entirely in this manner. In order to estimate the amount of the dip which is due to this thinning, we have only to compare the small actual southerly fall of the bottom of the Inferior Oolite along the base of the western escarpment with the great southerly dip which the Coral Crag would have if it now stretched (as once it did) along the top of that escarp- ment. But this is not all; for the Lias itself is thinning in the same manner, and we find that the base of the Lias undergoes comparatively small changes of level along the same north and south line. 4. The Carboniferous locks of Yorkshire-—The Carboniferous Limestone series of Yorkshire has a general dip, from the high land of * Since this paper was read, Mr. Whitaker has kindly drawn my attention to the following remarks by Sir W. V. Guise, in his address to the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club, April 19, 1869. Referring to the meeting of the Club held on March 25, 1868, Sir W. Guise says :—‘‘ Mr. Lucy mentioned his having recently made an excursion in the Cotteswolds round Stow and Burford, and ealled attention to the gradual thinning out of the beds in a northerly [?]} direction. On the authority of Mr. Hull’s Memoirs, to illustrate Map 44, Geological Survey, he stated that, while at Cleeve Cloud the Inferior Oolite attains an elevation of 1130 fect, the Cornbrash south of Burford is not much more than onc half that height, This, however, is in some degree due to the greatly diminished thickness of the underlying strata in the latter locality,” Oro mone Noel 1S: P 190 W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. the great Penine escarpment, towards the east and south-east. In this direction the beds, as a whole, thin out*. In part, then, the westerly rise of the beds is due to the westerly thickening: A noteworthy exception to this easterly and south-easterly dip occurs between Wharfedale and Wensleydale, where the beds have a northerly and north-easterly dip, from what Professor Phillips has called the ‘“¢ Wharfedale Axis” +. Now it is near Wharfedale that the Lower or Scar Limestone series attains its maximum thickness. The top of this series—the upper limit of the ‘‘ main limestone ”—is a well- defined line; and by it Professor Phillips has estimated the dips. But the dip of this bed is partly produced by the thinning of the underlying mass of the Lower Limestone; therefore the ‘‘ Wharfe- dale Axis” is partly due to unequal thickness of underlying strata. 5. The Carboniferous Rocks of Derbyshire.—The rapid south-east- erly attenuation of the Millstone Grit and Yoredale Rocks in Derby- shire is well known. From 3500 feet on the west of Sheffield (between the Bradfield and the Rivelin valleys) the beds diminish to 1500 feet a few miles north of Belper, a distance of about 20 milesf. The highest bed of the Millstone Grit has therefore, from this cause alone, a dip of 2000 feet in 20 miles, whichis rather more than 1°. What further proportion of the dip may be due to the thinning of still lower beds we do not know. If the Millstone Grit here were entirely covered up by Coal-measures, we might be in ignorance of this rapid thinning, and we should probably refer the “ dip ” of these Coal-measures to upheaval or depression. 6. The Weald.—Perhaps the most striking and most important example of apparent upheaval being partly due to thickening of strata, is that afforded by the Weald. Up to the year 1855, when Mr. Godwin-Austen read before this Society his memorable paper on the extension of the Coal-Measures §, no one doubted that the Lower Cretaceous and Oolitic rocks passed beneath the London basin. The Wealden Beds were supposed to thin away somewhere, but to be replaced by Oolitic strata, the whole of the beds under the Chalk being bent into a synelinal supporting the London Tertiary basin. Under these circumstances it was natural to infer that the strata had been uniformly folded into basins and anticlinals, and that the dip of beds exposed at the surface was a true index to the dip of those below. But when it became apparent that the succession was incomplete, thatin fact the entire Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic series were absent under London, but gradually came in and thickened as we receded therefrom, the question was entirely changed ||. * Prof. Phillips’s Geology of Yorkshire, Part ii, Mountain Limestone Dis- trict, 1836, pp. 19, 32, 41, 46, 77, 175-7. t Loe. cit. p. 137. ¢ See the Sections by Messrs. Green, Foster, and Dakyns, in the Geology of .... parts of Derbyshire, p. 139, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1869. § Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xii. p. 38. || Some of the difficulties which are here referred to concerning the upheaval of the Weald, appear to have presented themselves to Mr. J. H.H. Peyton. See his lecture on the Boring at Netherfield, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1873. W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. 191 The rise of the Cretaceous beds towards the central anticlinal of the Weald is too well known to need description here. The base of the Gault, which is 940 feet below sea-level at the Kentish-Town well, would be rather more than 2000 feet above the sea, if the Lower Cretaceous beds were restored over Crowborough Beacon, the highest point along the central anticlinal of the Weald. We may therefore take 3000 feet as the difference of level of the base of the Gault between the centre of the Weald and Kentish Town. For the present we will leave out of consideration the minor anti- clinals of the Weald, and will speak only of the great and general anticlinal. At Kentish Town the Gault rests almost directly upon Paleozoic rocks* ; at Crowborough there would be at least 2000 feet of strata between them. How much more than this there may be we shall shortly know by the sub-Wealden boring. But supposing, in order to simplify the subject, that the Paleozoic rocks are met with at a depth of 940 feet below the sea, then is it not plain that the actual rise of the Gault towards the centre of the Weald is accounted for by the gradual thickening of the underlying beds? The paleozoic floor would be a horizontal line (disregarding still the minor folds); the Oolitic, Wealden, and Neocomian strata would all dip to the north, the higher beds dipping more rapidly than the lower; the Gault would have the maximum dip of 3000 feet in 36 miles. If it be true that great movements which have affected the strata near the surface have had an equal influence on those below (and upon this assumption a large portion of our geological theories are based), then the converse of this should be equally true :—If in any area we can show that deeply buried strata are undisturbed, should we not infer that no great disturbance has affected the overlying rocks, and that the dip of these higher beds must be due to some other cause ? But since the beds with which we are now dealing are partly of freshwater origin, we cannot apply the same reasoning to them as we can to those which are wholly marine. The thinning of the Jurassic rocks may be due to failure of sediment in a south-easterly direction, where was probably the open sea; this is rendered likely by the fact that the limestone beds of the Great Oolite do not, so far as they can be observed, thin in that direction. If the Wealden rocks were deposited in a delta, the direction in which the freshwater sediment failed would also be that in which marine conditions most prevailed. But, so far as we know, marine or estuarine forms are, in the English Wealden beds, confined to the highest and lowest members of that series, and where the beds are seen to thin out against the old rocks they are still of freshwater origin. This thinning out, however, may have been against the old shore- line of the estuary or lake; and in that case the supposed horizontal position of the paleeozoic floor would probably be due to an upheaval of the bed of the lake or delta, or to a sinking of the old land. This necessarily complicates the question, so far as the Weald is concerned ; * There has been doubt as to the age of the lowest rocks found in this well ; but Mr. Prestwich now regards them as Old Red Sandstone. pP2 192 W. LTOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. but even after making every allowance for this, we are still compelled to admit that the dip of the higher Cretaceous beds is partly due to thinning of the underlying Neocomian beds. The main line of watershed of the Weald runs from near Fair- light westwards along, or near to, the main anticlinal line, as far as the western extremity of the Hastings beds, near Horsham; it then turns northwards over the Weald Clay, and goes over the top of Leith Hill, on the Lower Greensand range. The top of the Weald Clay attains its maximum height at Leith Hill, where it is about 750 feet above the sea. If the Weald Clay here had only the thicix- ness which it is known to have further east, it would be necessary to assume that the main Wealden anticlinal, or the lime along which the lower beds attain their greatest elevation, passes under Leith Hill; in which case the main anticlinal and the main line of watershed would coincide, as they usually do. From an exa- mination of railway-cuttings between Dorking and Horsham, it is now certain that the Weald Clay must be of unusual thickness there, probably not much under 1000 feet. The result of this is, that if we consider only the base of the Weald Clay, we see that the main anticlinal lies near Horsham, where we should expect to find it: if we consider only the top of the Weald Clay (or the base of the Lower Greensand), we see that the main anticlinal lies under Leith Hill. Mr. Beckles some years back published some notes in the J ournal of this Society upon the Lowest strata of the cliffs at Hastings*. He there describes a set of beds, the highest member of which is a peculiar sandstone, which, when exposed in large masses on the shore has the appearance of a pavement; hence it has been called the “'Tessellated Sandstone.” At several places between Hastings and Cliff End sandstone of this character is seen, which by Mr. Beckles is believed to be the same bed; but this lies at very different depths below the base of the Ashdown Sand. Either, then, Mr. Beckles is mistaken as to the position of these sandstone beds, or the beds between them and the base of the Ashdown sand thicken out enormously in a comparatively short distance. This thickening would occur just where the anticlinal comes ; in fact the “‘ Fairlight anticlinal,” which is assumed to have affected the Ash- down Sand and overlying beds, would be largely accounted for by this thickening. For this reason, and also because the “ tessellated sandstone ” cannot be continuously traced, I have always thought that Mr. Beckles was mistaken in the matter ; but the numerous instances which we have considered of dips and anticlinals being produced by thickening of underlying strata, certainly very much weakens one of the arguments against Mr. Beckles’s viewr. * Vol. xii. p. 288. t Mr. A. Tylor bas remarked upon the thinning of the lowest Wealden beds of the Sussex coast. In describing a section of the coast, which is given in the paper, he says:—‘ The passage of some beds of sand-rock into clay is well shown on the east of Hastings...... ; and the thinning of the Castle Rock on the same line is also shown. ‘The bearings of the same strata to the west, through St. Leo- W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. 193 7. Observations on Basins.—We have seen that there is a very general tendency for beds to thin towards the dip, and to thicken towards the rise; but the illustrations given are of strata which support geological basins. With the strata forming the basins themselves the reverse appears to be often the case; they thicken towards the centre of the basin. This is certainly the case with the Lower Tertiary strata of the Loudon basin; it seems to be also the case with the Hampshire basin. Professor Hébert informs me that the same thing occurs in the Paris basin; whilst the Lower Cretaceous beds which support that basin thicken as they rise to the west. It is a point of common knowledge amongst the mining engineers in the north of England that the strata of the Newcastle coal- field thicken towards the centre of the basin. The seams of coal . are ata greater distance apart along the centre of the basin than towards its western margin, the easterly dip being somewhat greater in the lower seams than in the higher. The difference of the dip due to the general easterly thickening is of course usually small ; but it occasionally happens that the difference is very marked, and in consulting colliery plans it is necessary always to bear in mind to which seam the plans refer. Besides the general easterly thickening of the strata, there are occasionally local thickenings of certain parts, the result of which is to cause undulations in the overlying beds which are apparently the result of movements of the strata. I may just mention one case, although (as the area in question is not yet published by the Geological Survey) I cannot give full details, which, indeed, are not necessary. An important scam of coal on the north-east of Morpeth had been worked at Ashington to its regular outcrop on the west; borings earried through the Boulder Clay still further west proved that this seam rolled in again in a small basin, in which a large colliery (Longhirst) is now working. A deep bore-hole put down at the outerop of the Ashington seam proves that some sandstones which underlie it are of great and unusual thickness there; from this we may infer that the “ anticlinal,’ which throws out the upper seam for a short distance, is due, largely if not entirely, to the local thickening of this sandstone. Yet if these were rocks which were not deeply explored for mining-purposes, and if we reasoned only by what we see at the surface, we should certainly refer the anti- clinal and synclinal in question only to movements of the strata. 8. Conclusion.— Whatever value may be attached to many of the foregoing remarks, I think this much is certain: enough has been said to prove that great caution is necessary in reasoning, from the observed dip of beds, to any conclusions as to great movements of the earth’s crust. In fact, it would seem that we can never feel nard’s to Bexhill, are of considerable interest, as they appear to lose much of their thickness before they pass under the highest part of the Hastings Sand series and the overlying Weald Clay of Pevensey.” —Quart. Journ. Geol. “oc. vol. xviii, p. 252, 1862. 194 W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL. absolutely certain that any observed general dip is wholly due to disturbance. The dip may often be so great that we may be quite sure that some part of it is due to this cause; but it will gene- rally happen that the proportion of the dip due to disturbance, and that due to possible thinning of subjacent beds, cannot be determined. Besides the question of the movements which the earth’s crust has undergone, there is another question involved in this inquiry, of special interest just now; that is, the influence which such moye- ments have had in producing the present features of the surface. Most geologists now believe that this influence has been but small, that it has had little or no direct effect in producing the present sur- face-features, and that it has only been exerted in guiding the action of the denuding agents now quietly at work around us. But others still believe that the direct influence of disturbance of the strata has been very great. As regards the Weald it has long been held, chiefly through the writings of Mr. Martin and Mr. Hopkins, that in the original upheaval of that area a system of longitudinal and transverse fissures was formed, which not only marked out, but immediately form the valley-systems. It is, perhaps, scarcely necessary to remark that there are other signs of disturbance met with in the rocks besides the rise and dip of beds. There are sharp flexures and contortions of strata, as well as actual fractures and faults, which can only be due to movements of the rock-masses. But, after taking all these fully into account, I believe that, as the result of this inquiry, one supposed cause of the formation of surface- features is materially weakened ; and yet the fact that great denu- dation has taken place remains. Not only so, but the amount of denudation which has actually taken place is greater than is gene- rally supposed. For if the strata which now remain are thicker at their outcrops and at their escarpments than they are further to the dip, we may fairly assume that the strata which once stretched beyond the present escarpments were thicker than any which are still preserved. Discusstron. The Rev. Mr. Fisner remarked that he had always considered that the Paleozoic rocks under London had formed an axis against which the Secondary rocks had abutted, instead of their being carried over the old rocks, as shown in the diagram. He presumed that there would be difficulty in any natural cause constantly leading to the thickening of strata at some particular spot during successive epochs so as to form a ridge in a certain position, and argued that the shattered condition of the flints in some tilted rocks showed that they had been violently upturned. Mr. Srrrzy thought the paper extremely suggestive, though pos- sibly its suggestiveness had been carried too far. If the author’s views were correct, the sea in which the beds had been deposited W. TOPLEY ON AREAS OF APPARENT UPHEAVAL, 195 must have been of enormous depth; but of this we had no evidence. He could not believe that the Chalk or any other sedimentary de- posit could in the process of deposition assume such dome-like forms as would be necessary under the author’s hypothesis. Prof. Hueuss considered that there were two kinds of thickening— (1) by deposits from a shore-line, or (2) by sediment accumulating in a basin. The instances adduced appeared to be the result of the thickening of strata in a basin. He accepted the cautions of the author as to hasty deductions from the dip of strata at the surface. Mr. Baverman considered that the Lower Lias was of greater thickness at Burford than supposed by the author. Mr. Toptuy, in reply, stated that he did not dispute the fact of the Paleozoic rocks being much disturbed and crumpled, nor did he deny that there may have been some disturbance of the upper beds. What he wished to point out was that the disregarding of the fact that strata thickened in certain directions might be, and had been, a fruitful source of error. 196 C. CALLAWAY ON A TREMADOC AREA IN SHROPSHIRE. 20. On the Occurrencr of a Tremapoc Arma near the WREKIN in Sourh Surorsnire, wth Description of a new Fauna. By Craries Cattaway, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., &. (Read March 11, 1874.) (Communicated by Dr. 1. A. Nicholson, F.G.S.) [ Abstract. | THe author stated that in an exposure of light-green micaceous shales dipping south-east at 50° at Shineton, near Cressage, which are represented as of Caradoc age in the Geological-Survey Map, he found a series of Trilobites and other fossils which induced him to regard these Shineton shales as belonging to the Lower Tremadoc series. He described as new species Asaphus Hos, Conocoryphe Saltert, C. angulifrons, Platypeltis Croftii, Conophrys salopiensis, Lichapyge cuspidata, Lingulella Nicholsoni, Metoptoma Sabrine, and Vheca lineata. The author regarded these shales as the equi- valents of beds containing Dictyonema found near Malvern and at Pedwardine. Discussion. Mr. Ernrriner differed entirely from the author, and thought the fossils exhibited by him were of Caradoc age. Mr. Wicks was inclined to refer the fossils to the Upper Llan- deilo; but the fragments exhibited were not sufficient to enable the species to be determined. H. G. SEELEY ON MURZNOSAURUS LEEDSII. 197 21. On Murznosavrus Leepst, a Piestosavrtan from the OxrorD Cray. Part I. By Harry G. Szetey, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S. (Read May 13, 1874.) [Puare XXT.] WHILE on a yisit to Charles E. Leeds, Esq., M.A., of Exeter Col- lege, Oxford, a gentleman whose specimens have more than once enriched the writings of Professor Phillips, I was shown a Saurian in such perfect preservation as previously, so far as I am aware, had rarely been seen except from the Lias. It was gathered from the Lower Oxford Clay (a stratum abounding in Plesiosaurians in the middle of England) in Huntingdonshire, in fragments almost innumerable, which have been adjusted and reunited with remark- able skill and zeal by the labours of Mr. Charles Leeds and his brother Mr. Alfred Leeds, so that now the animal displays :—the front and hinder parts of the skull; the lower jaw, somewhat over a foot long; a vertebral column of 79 vertebre, from which, how- ever, nearly all the tail is missing—the vertebre preserved being 44 cervical, 3 pectoral, 20 dorsal, 4 pelvic, and 8 caudal; numerous ribs; the coracoids and scapule; the pubes, ischia, and iliac bones, together with both fore and hind limbs. Whether the tail has be- come a prey to the casual collector’s unscientific mania for bones I know not ; but these remains, being the fruit of long zealous collecting and care, could obviously only have been gathered in a district where competition was kept subordinate to scientific spirit. Finding that this noble specimen (from which hardly any important part except the tail is lost) indicated in my opinion a new genus as well as a new species, Mr. Charles Leeds volunteered to write from my dic- tation the account of the animal which I am thus by his kindness able to submit to the Geological Society. The short time at my disposal compelled me to leave the hind limbs undescribed, to form hereafter the subject of another communication, when I hope to offer to the Society some account also of the other undescribed or imperfectly indicated Plesiosauria from the Oxford Clay, with which this species may be properly compared. The Skull. The skull is represented by the premaxillaries, portions of the max- illary bones, the frontal bones, supraorbital, postfrontal, parietal, basi- sphenoid, exoccipital and basioccipital bones, and the lower jaw. The premaxillaries carry five teeth on each of the bones, which are connected by a nearly straight median suture. They have the surface rough and irregular on the superior and lateral parts as well as on the palate, the roughnesses being due to a conical bulging of the bone around the entrance to nutritive bloood-vessels. Each premaxillary bone is triangular infront; but no sutures can be seen separating the bones from the nasal bones behind, perhaps because the premaxillary QJ.G.8. No, 119: a 198 H. G, SEELEY ON MUREHNOSAURUS LEEDSII, bones extend back to the nares as in Plestosaurus. The anterior al- veolar border is convex and measures 23 inches round the lateral curve on each side. The posterior median bird-like or lizard-like extensions of the premaxillaries (unless they are nasals blended with the premax- illaries) are narrow and smooth, meet each other in a penthouse ridge in the median line of the skull, and join the frontal bones at a distance of 5 inches from the rounded extremity of thesnout*. The frontal bones are about 22 inches long, and terminate backward in the foramen parietale, the posterior border of which is formed by the parietal bones. The frontals are flattened bones, with a groove on each side of a slightly elevated median ridge; the suture between them is distinct; they measure 13 inch from side to side where narrowest, are compressed from above downward; and nearly the whole of the outer parts of the under-surfaces form the upper bor- ders of the orbits; the sides of the bones are subparallel; they are slightly concave from side to side. They may have small distinct supraorbital ossifications in front, above the orbits, though from the state of fracture in which the specimen was found this is not quite certain. From the posterior angle, in which they join the parietal bone, the narrow postfrontal bones are given off. The postfrontals are then directed outward and slightly forward, and are traversed by a ridge which divides their outside surface into anterior and posterior areas. The foramen parietale is large, and is directed downward and backward, increasing in size as it descends. The parietal bone is greatly compressed from side to side, forming a sharp longitudinal keel above ; as in the nearly mature fowl, it shows no trace of a me- dian suture, though the frontals are separate; it measures 23 inches from front to back, and terminates posteriorly in a straight, transverse, almost smooth and flat, vertical suture: the bone widens from side to side from before backward, and becomes compressed at its outer posterior border. The hinder part of the parietal bone is occupied on the underside by a small part of the cerebral surface. This is concave from side to side, and straight from front to back, with a slight median ridge. This surface in front was probably occupied by the small lizard-like cerebral lobes which, as among Teleosaurs, were prolonged forward into two long olfactory nerves; posteriorly the cerebral surface is more excavated, seemingly for the posterior border of the cerebral lobes, which was raised above the portion of the brain which succeeded it next behind. The basisphenoid is united by suture with the basioccipital bone ; like the basisphenoid of [chthyosaurus, it appears to be perforated by the carotid, which passes obliquely through it. The basisphenoid appears to be underlapped by the basitemporal or by a backward prolongation of the presphenoid bone. The basioccipital bone is 1} inchlong. It is remarkable for having a nearly hemispherical surface for the occipital condyle, to which the exoccipital bones do not contribute as they doin many Plesiosaurians * This interpretation differs from Prof. Owen’s account of the bones in Plesio- saurus, but agrees with a memorandum of my own on the bones in Plesiosaurus Zetlandicus, at York. A PLESIOSAURIAN FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. 199 and in Teleosaurus. The basioccipital condyle is short from front to back, and has its chief extension from above downwards, in- dicating that the head of the animal had more vertical than lateral movement; the condyle is margined by a slight depression. The under surface of the bone, as usual, is concave from side to side and prolonged outward and downward into strong short lateral processes. The exoccipital bone is preserved only on one side, where it is slightly fractured. It does not appear to be perforated for the hypoglossal nerve or for blood vessels. Its external surface is nar- row, flat, and inclined obliquely towards the median line of the cranium ; it terminates behind in a sharp border, which is inclined obliquely inward and forward so as to make the foramen magnum pyriform. The anterior nares, which are imperfectly preserved, appear to be ~ small, and situate 33 inches from the anterior termination of the skull and about 14 inch from each other. Lower Jaw. The lower jaw is 13 inches long. The symphysis is 2 inches long, with the symphysial suture obliterated. In length the rami are gently convex on the outer side. The jaw is broadest from side to side at the coronoid process, where it measures 64 inches in width, and 14 inch in vertical depth. At this point, on the under- side of the jaw, the dentary bone ceases to be prolonged backward : it looks obliquely downward, outward, and forward ; its surface is rough, and towards the symphysis is pitted with the apertures of blood-vessels and nerves. On the underside of the anterior sym- physial part of the jaw a concavity runs parallel to its inner border. Each ramus appears to have sockets for twenty-one teeth. The portion of the dentary bone interior to the aveolar margin in the front part of the jaw is an inch wide, becoming narrower be- hind; it is oblique and convex, but is more vertical at its backward extension. At 43 inches behind the anterior extremity of the sym- physis it is overlapped by the splenial bone, which in front is only half as deep as the inner border of the dentary bone which it over- laps. The surfaces of both dentary and splenial bones are marked with the canals for many small blood-vessels, while the canal for Meckel’s cartilage is open for at least 5 inches in front of the articu- lation of the lower jaw. Posteriorly to the coronoid process the jaw is compressed from above downward so as to be only 1 inch deep; its upper part is formed by the coronoid bone, its lower part by the surangular bone. The coronoid appears to extend backward s0 as to form the anterior border of the articulation of the lower jaw. The articular surface is quadrate, about 1,4 inch from side to side, and less than 1 inch long; it is concave from front to back, with a slightly elevated oblique ridge passing from the inner an- terior corner to the outer posterior side; the posterior margin of. the articulation is elevated, and consists of an inner and an--outer part. The articular bone appears to be small, thin from. above Q2 200 H. G. SEELEY ON MURENOSAURUS LEEDSII, downward, superimposed upon the angular bone; it widens the jaw from side to side; and below the articulation the angular bone is compressed from side to side to form a rounded heel. The heel behind the articulation is 1? inch long; at first it is triangular in section from being flattened above, but tapers posteriorly in all ways and terminates in a rounded vertical concavity about 3 an inch in diameter. The extreme width of the lower jaw over the articulations is 54 inches; the heels approximate still more and appear to have measured 4} inches from side to side; but the left heel is fractured. ; The hindermost teeth look directly upward; but as they approach the front of the jaw they are necessarily directed more and more out- ward and forward. Vertebral Column. The vertebral column, as preserved, comprises 79 vertebree, which T group as 44 cervical, 3 pectoral, 20 dorsal, 4 pelvic, and 8 caudal. No vertebrae appear to be missing in the series; and probably these numbers, except for the missing tail, give the vertebral formula of the species. Arranged end to end, as Mr. Leeds has placed them, they measure about 13 feet; so that with the missing part of the tail the length of the vertebral column may have been something under 15 feet, or nearly as long as in Plesiosaurus macropterus from the Lias, though the proportion of length of head to length of body probably comes nearest to Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, where it 1s one to thirteen. Cervical Vertebre. The atlas and axis are anchylosed; and all trace of their union with the wedge-bones is obliterated. From front to back these vertebra measure rather less than 27 inches. The atlantal cup for the basioccipital is imperfectly preserved ; it is 13 inch deep, but appears to have been narrower. The whole mass widens from side to side behind the posterior articular surface of the centrum, being nearly circular, 14 inch from above downward and 13 inch from side to side ; it is flattened, but slightly concave. The neural arches are not preserved, but appear to have been distinct from each other; and the arch of the axis was more developed than that of the atlas. The neural canal is flat below and smooth, and 12 inch long, so that, as is usual in Plesiosaurians, the inferior wedge-bones pro- long the articulation for the basioccipital bone forward considerably on the inferior margin. A hypapophysis is developed in the median line of the underside, but does not reach within 3 an inch of the hindmost articular surface; anteriorly it is broad, strong, and rounded, posteriorly sharp and compressed from side to side, but not greatly developed. The cervical ribs of these vertebra are broken away; that of the atlas appears to have been very small, while that of the axis does not differ in its articular facet from that of an ordinary cervical vertebra. The seventh cervical vertebra (Pl. X XI. fig. 1) has the centrum A PLESIOSAURIAN FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. 201 14 inch long, with the articular surface in front 14 inch wide and rather less than 1jinch deep; on the posterior surface these dimensions are somewhat exceeded. The articular surface of the centrum is con- cave, more so in front than behind ; both surfaces are margined by a groove, which indicates the union of the epiphysis with the centrum. The centrum is greatly compressed in its upper half from side to side, and is therefore concave from front to back laterally ; below the middle on each side there is a sharp slightly elevated ridge, which dies away at the articular margins. At the junction of the side of the cen- trum with its base the cervical ribs are given off: each is attached by a narrow ovate surface about an inch long, is compressed from side to side, directed downward and a little outward and backward in acurve. The anterior margin of the rib is convex in length and sharp in edge; the posterior margin is concave from above down- ward, and rounded from side to side; the inner surface of the bone is flattened ; but the outside is more convex: the free end of the bone terminates in a concavity indicating a cartilage. The suture between the neural arch and the centrum is obliterated. The total height from the base of the centrum to the top of the neural spine is 34 inches. ‘The length from the front of the anterior zygapophyses to the back of the posterior zygapophyses is 2} inches. The anterior zygapophyses project about 7 of an inch in front of the centrum ; the posterior zygapophyses project about 4 an inch behind it. The anterior zygapophyses are large oval facets looking upward and in- ward; the part of the neural arch behind them is constricted; and from their base on each side a ridge arises which is prolonged backward, upward, and outward to form the upper margin of the posterior zygapophysis (which measures ? of an inch from side to side) and form the limits of a small table from which the neural spine arises ; below this oblique ridge the posterior portion of the neural arch is compressed from side to side; above it the neural arch rises 1 inch. The neural spine terminates in a sharp short pos- terior border; a little concave and nearly vertical, and has a sharp long anterior border inclined obliquely backward. In passing down the vertebral column the vertebre get steadily longer from back to front, and steadily larger; the neural spines become a little wider, from back to front, and stronger; and at the eighth vertebra the cervical rib has the usual hatchet-shaped pattern. Lower down the vertebral column the antero-posterior ridge on the side of the centrum becomes shorter and less elevated, and finally disappears about the thirty-second vertebra ; the oblique ridge be- tween the anterior and posterior zygapophyses gradually becomes more horizontal and less elevated, so that in the lower part of the neck there is no trace whatever of a platform from which the neural spine arises. From about the fifteenth vertebra to about the thirtieth the neural spine, which has become much widened, is com- pressed from side to side, and terminates upward in a long flat car- tilaginous surface, and has its anterior border nearly vertical, and its posterior border inclined obliquely forward. In the seventeenth vertebra, which has the centrum Le inch long, the neural spine 202 H. G. SEELEY ON MUR NOSAURUS LEEDSII, rises more than 2 inches above the zygapophysial ridge, while the vertebra measures 43 inches in extreme height. In the middle of the neck the articular surface of the centrum becomes much more circular, and appears to be, relatively to its size, rather less deeply cupped. In the twenty-fourth vertebra the centrum is 2,4, inches from side to side in front, and 14 inch from above downward; at the side it measures more than 23 inches from back to front. The circumference of the articular surface has now become rough- ened for the attachment of small connecting vertebral ligaments. The upper part of the body of the centrum remains still greatly compressed from side to side. The extreme height to the top of the neural arch is 5? inches; the zygapophysial ridge is nearly horizontal; and the sharp anterior process of the neural spine extends forward between the anterior zygapophyses of that vertebra, and divides the posterior zygapophyses of the preceding vertebra from each other; the neural canal is remarkably small and triangular, higher than wide, and higher behind than in front. In the thirty-third vertebra (fig. 2) the centrum is 27 inches long, in front 27 inches deep, and about ;4, to 3 of an inch wider. The articular surfaces are relatively flatter, while the margin external to the epiphyses is now becoming wider. The posterior articular sur- face is about 23 inches wide and 27 inches deep. The zyga- pophyses are, in front, on their inner articular surfaces concave from above downward, so that they almost meet in a median line, forming the lower half of a cylinder. The extreme height to the top of the neural arch is 7 inches; the extreme width over the zygapophyses is 33 inches; the antero-posterior extent of the top of the neural spine is 1? inch; the anterior border of the neural spine is slightly concave from above downward. Between the posterior zygapophyses, convex from above downward, there is a median slit into which the lower anterior margin of the neural spine of the succeeding vertebra is wedged, thus constituting a new kind of vertebral joint, compa- rable in complexity to that of Iguanoid lizards and serpents, though of somewhat different mechanism and function. In the thirty-ninth vertebra (fig. 3) the neural canal becomes con- siderably larger ; the vertebral articular surfaces are becoming flatter ; the cervical ribs are wider in their attachment, and incline more markedly to the posterior border of the centrum: this vertebra has an exostosis on the right posterior articular margin; its height to the top of the neural spine is rather more than 74 inches. The neural spine is 13 inch from back to front in the middle. The neural spine reaches its extreme height in the fortieth vertebra, where it extends to 74 inches. The posterior zygapophyses are margined above by a slightly elevated ridge. In the last cervical, the articulation for the rib, which in the three preceding vertebre has been rising on the side of the centrum and becoming circular and elevated, is now higher than wide and in- clined a little backward. The centrum increases in flatness, and the neural spine is inclined slightly backward ; the articular edges are more than usually compressed and expanded ; and the nutritive fora- 4 PLESIOSAURIAN FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. 203 mina are very much smaller than in the early part of the neck, in which there is only one pair. In length from back to front the centrum is diminished to rather less than 2 inches; its width from side to side is increased to 2? inches, while from above downward the centrum measures 2} inches. Pectoral Vertebre. In these vertebre the face of the centrum is somewhat larger than in the terminal neck-vertebre, and has a small central pit; the articulation for the rib is long and oblique, formed partly by the neural arch, partly by the centrum; itis longest in the middle pectoral, broadest in the third. The under surface of the centrum is rounded from side to side in the first, flatter in the second, while in the third it is so flat on the under surface as almost to make an angle with the sides, a character which is slightly exag- gerated by compression. The neural arches are imperfectly pre- served, but appear to be inclined a little backward as in the last cervical. Dorsal Vertebre. The neural arch is not well preserved in the dorsal vertebre till the seventh ; and none of the neural arches of the dorsal vertebree retain their transverse processes for the attachment of the ribs. The centrum is modified in form, owing to the rib being raised on to the neural arch ; it is flat on the underside from back to front, very slightly concave there from side to side, and has its sides con- siderably compressed, and shows below the middle on each side a large nutritive foramen. What was in the cervical vertebre the pit in the centre of the articular surface of the centrum now becomes slightly elevated, with a central puncture, in some respects recalling a Pliosaurian character. The zygapophyses retain the singular method of articulation already described in the later cervicals. The neural spines now, however, widen in antero-posterior exten- sion, while from below upward they are extremely compressed from side to side. In all the vertebre both of neck and back the neura- pophyses join the centrum after the manner characteristic of Plesio- saurus, and show no approach to the circular pedicles of Pliosaurus. The transverse processes of the seventh and succeeding vertebre are directed upward and outward from the part of the neural arch in front of the posterior zygapophyses ; these transverse processes are compressed from above downward in a sigmoid fold, being higher in front than behind, and convex above in front, and concave behind, with corresponding folds below. The tenth dorsal vertebra has the centrum much as in the ver- tebree already described, except that the circumference of the arti- cular margin of the centrum is now becoming much sharper and losing the rounded edge seen in the neck ; the base of the transverse process is getting shorter from back to front; the sides of the neural spine are subparallel; it is 1Z inch wide, truncated as usual at the uppermost end, which is 7 inches from the base of the centrum ; 204 H. G. SEELEY ON MURZNOSAURUS LEEDSII, the neural arch is inclined very slightly backward. Beyond this vertebra, which is the middle of the back, the vertebre get gradu- ally smaller, and the neural spines shorten, though they retain their breadth. The sixteenth dorsal has the centrum 14 inch long, and measures 63 inches from the base of the centrum to the top of the neural spine; the position of the transverse processes remains un- changed, but the base of the pedicle has become shorter from front to back, and is rhomboidal in section. Pelvic Vertebre. The neural arch is not preserved in the pelvic or sacral vertebree, and the form of the centrum is modified in consequence of the descending position of the transverse process. The two middle pelvic vertebre appear to have the centrum shorter from back to front than the others, measuring only 14 inch. The articular surface of the centrum appears to be somewhat depressed from above downward, and to be more concave than in the dorsal region, while the under- side is less convex from side to side. ‘The transverse process is strong, and subquadrate where broken off at the base. In the last pelvic vertebra the transverse process appears to have been much larger than in the others, and to have come away from the centrum by a sutural surface 11 inch deep by 14 inch wide, which stands up from the centrum with an elevated margin. Caudal Vertebre. In the next three vertebre the caudal rib has descended to the side of the centrum, and is marked by a large thick fragment of a rib, which appears to have been anchylosed to the centrum. These vertebre are less than 13 inch long, and have the articular centrum- - margins bevelled as in the neck. Asin the pelvic region, the neural arch rises from a more anterior part of the centrum than is the case with the dorsal vertebre, and is shorter from back to front. The third caudal has the neural arch preserved, and shows that the zygapophysial facets still retain their quarter-cylinder form: the extreme height from the base of the centrum to the top of the neural spine is 5inches. The neural spine is directed backward, and tapers from below upward, where it is rather more than an inch from back to front, and is somewhat expanded from side to side at its superior termination. The fifth caudal (fig. 5) is the first which gives indications of a chevron bone, and that only on the left side. The facets for these bones in the succeeding vertebre are singularly large and elevated, and somewhat triangular in form. They raise the side of the centrum near them, and are so placed that the chevron bones attached to them never impress the articular surface of the succeeding vertebree (fig. 4), in this differing from Plescosauwrus and recalling Mosasaurus. In the fifth caudal the centrum is 13 inch from front to back, 13 inch from side to side, and 134 inch from above downward. As in all the other vertebree, the posterior measurement is slightly longer than the anterior measurement. The articular margins do not stand up from A PLESIOSAURIAN FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. 205 the centrum as in the cervical region ; and the upper part of the centrum is but slightly compressed laterally, so that the sides of the bone are not very concave from back to front. The pedicles to which the chevron bones were attached have left rough granulated surfaces, which do not enter into the posterior face of the centrum ; they look obliquely downward and backward ; and often one is some- what larger than the other ; and occasionally the chevron bones were anchylosed to them*. The Coracoids. The extreme width of the coracoids from side to side immediately behind the articulations is rather less than 14inches. The bones are imperfectly preserved, the whole of their interior and posterior parts being broken away ; moreover they are crushed at the articular sur- faces, exceptin the median line. As much as is preserved of the me- dian suture measures 4 inches in length and 2 inches in depth; the surface is pyriform, tapering most rapidly behind. The two bones ap- pear to have been placed during life very nearly in the same plane. The abdominal surface behind the broad thick anterior part and within the curved lateral parts was a shallow basin; and externally the bones presented a corresponding bulging, which in the median line of the body formed a marked keel; externally, at right angles to this keel, where thickest, the bone is compressed and extends trans- versely as a rounded surface towards the point where the articular surfaces for the scapula and humerus meet, but does not reach them. The whole of the articular surface for the scapula lies in front of this rounded ridge, which has a concave outline in front on each side, with the concavities approximating anteriorly so as to form a strong median process, which extends further forward than any part of the articular surface for the scapula. In front of this rounded transverse ridge the inner side of the bone is prolonged anteriorly, so as to form a compressed anterior extension of the coracoid, very thin and deeply concave in its antero-posterior ex- tension of nearly an inch, and very slightly concave from side to side. Itis broken away towards the median line of the animal; but towards the outer anterior surface it widens and thickens, blending with the adjacent bone to support the articulation for the scapula. The length of the scapula-articulation is rather over 23 inches; it looks obliquely forward and outward. In its compressed state it is 12 inch deep where it joins the articular surface for the humerus, which is about equally long and concave from before backward, and from below upward ; its anterior margin is 6 inches, and its posterior margin 72 inches from the median line. ‘The least width across both the coracoids from side to side is 93? inches at a distance of 7 inches behind the anterior apex of the bones; the extreme posterior extension is 13} inches behind the most anterior * T have occasionally seen similar caudal vertebrae from the Kimmeridge Clay ; and about five years ago Mr. Charlesworth showed me a series of cervical, dorsal, and caudal vertebre from the Kimmeridge Clay of Ely, with the caudal similat ; but they belonged to a distinct species. 206 H. G@. SEELEY ON MURHENOSAURUS LEEDSII, point ; the bones have extended further backward; but at the point where fractured they would have measured 14 inches from side to side. The outermost lateral margin is flat, concave from before backward in a continuous sweep; the bones are convex from side to side, and considerably compressed towards the distal end. The coracoids have no anterior articular surfaces in the median line of the body. The Scapule. The scapule are of a form distinct from that seen in any described Plesiosaurian genus. They are imperfectly preserved, but were placed inclined inward and forward, like the scapula of Plesio- saurus. The inferior surface is flat from side to side, and coneave from before backward. The bone is four-sided, comprising two posterior portions ; the articulation for the coracoid is 23 inches long, and the humeral surface rather more than 2 inches long; the diameter of the bone between these extremes is 34 inches; its extreme length as preserved, measured from the junction of the two posterior sides to the junction of the two anterior sides, is about 5 inches. The inner margin, forming the outer part of what would usually be the scapulo-coracoid foramen, is compressed and sharp, and concave, so as to continue the curve of the front border of the coracoid bone; the outer margin is nearly straight and sharp, making an angle with a part of the bone, which is prolonged from the abdo- minal to the dorsal part of the body. The lateral part is at about a right angle with the inferior surface. Posteriorly and inferiorly the anterior process is thickened and rounded, the ridge being prolonged downward and outward to the inner and anterior humeral margin. The surface of the bone between this ridge and the scapulo-coracoid .foraminal border is oblique, looks inward, and is concave in each direction. The anterior portion may have extended much further forward, being exceedingly thin ; but its form is such as to suggest that no clavicular bones or interclavicle existed, and that the bones may have met so as to complete the one large foramen which they indicate. The Pelvic Bones. All the pelvic bones are preserved. The pubes and ischia each unite to form more marked median keels than that formed by the coracoids, while the pubes and ischia do not meet each other in the antero-posterior median line, as in Plestosaurus, so as to form two foramina, but constitute one foramen, 84 inches from side to side, which is slightly indented by the forward mesial angular margin of the ischia behind, so that it measures 34 inches from back to front in the median line, and four inches from back to front where longest, midway in each lateral moiety. Neither ischium is perfectly preserved ; and each bone lies entirely behind its articular junction with the pubis. This line of union is transverse and looks forward, and is nearly 13 inch long, while the articular surface for the femur is fully 24 inches long ; but its A PLESIOSAURIAN FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. 207 shape is probably altered by compression. The external surface of the bone is slightly convex in each direction, and measures 7 inches from the median line to the femoral margin; its least width is 24 inches at about 2 inches from the femoral surface. The anterior margin is sharp and compressed and concave, the concavity looking forward and slightly inward. The bone appears to have had the usual triangular form seen among Plesiosaurs ; but its thin posterior expansion is not entirely preserved; its posterior border is sharp and compressed, thinner than the anterior border, concave in a curve which extends inward and backward to within about 24 inches of the median line, where its antero-posterior extension is 44 inches measured from border to border. The median symphysis is thick ; rather less than 3 inches of it is preserved antero-posteriorly ; and, as compressed, it is more than 11 inch deep. The inner side of the bone is concave from side to side as well as concave from back to front. The bones meet at an angle of 120°. The pubis is thin, and only the posterior portions are preserved ; the antero-posterior extent of the symphysis appears to be about 64 inches ; but this is inferred from the two incomplete bones. The bone is thickest at its posterior side and becomes exceedingly thin anteriorly. The width of the bone from the posterior point of the symphysis to the outermost margin of the femoral articulation is 8 inches; the ischiatic union extends 12 inch behind this line; and its innermost margin is within 43 inches of the symphysial line. The outer margin of the pubis is compressed from side to side, and directed outward, so that 34 inches in front of the femoral articula- tion the concave outer margin is more than 83 inches from the median line. Like the ischium, the bone is slightly convex on its external side, slightly concave on its abdominal surface; a slightly inflated thickening runs parallel to the lateral border. The iliac bones are 7 inches long. The articular surfaces appear to have been somewhat expanded so as to extend over the upper part of the head of the femur; but it is difficult in the present state of the specimens to determine by what surfaces each could have joined the pubis and ischium so as to form the acetabulum. Each bone is compressed from side to side, 24 inches broad at the proximal end, and expanded at the sacral end in the same direction to a width of two inches, its least width in the middle being 13 inch. The anterior border from above downward has a slight sigmoid flexure from side to side; but its anterior lateral margin is nearly straight and about 6 inches long. The posterior margin is concave, and 5 inches long. The compressed sacral end is convex from before backward, and inclined backward. Half an inch below the upper- most margin the inner side shows scars, 1 inch long, of two sacral articulations. The Fore Lamb. The fore limb is much smaller than the hindlimb. The humerus 208 H. G@. SEELEY ON MURZNOSAURUS LEEDSII. is 10 inches long, and but slightly expanded at the proximal end of the cylindrical shaft; and this expansion appears to be due to the development of the great trochanter in a transverse direction to the distal expansion, which is 53 inches from side to side. The bone is compressed slightly from the proximal to the distal end, being about 2? inch deep proximally and 1? inch distally. The anterior border is slightly concave; the posterior border is much more concave, especially towards the distal end. In the middle the shaft is about 2 inches in diameter. There are strong roughnesses towards the proximal end, indicating the attachment of muscles; and a slightly elevated longitudinal ridge marks the middle of the posterior border of the bone. The distal articular surface is divided into two flat- tened areas, apparently with cartilaginous margins back and front, to which bones may not have been articulated. The ulna and radius are short from above downward, as in Plesio- saurus, and quite distinct in form from those bones in that genus. The radius is compressed from side to side towards the external border, and thickened towards the ulnar border; it is more than 22 inches from side to side, and is nearly 2 inches from above downward where deepest, near the external border. ‘The humeral surface is slightly convex ; the distal surface is slightly concave from side to side; it shows a short second facet for the middle carpal. The ulnar surface is deeply concave from above downward. The ulna is shorter from above downward on its radial margin, where it measures about 1 inch, than on its external border, which is convex, and in extreme depth from above downward measures nearly 2 inches. The bone is about 17 inch through from side to side, and 1? inch along its proximal articular surface. The distal end ineluaes two apcular surfaces, of which the posterior is -rather the smaller. The surface facing the radius is concave from above downward, and appears to have been occupied by muscle while the external margin, like the external margin of the radius, was cartilaginous. There are six thick polygonal carpal bones pre- served. They appear to have formed two rows of three each. The longest is about 14 to 12 inch long by 1{ inch deep. The phalanges are strong and thick, like those of Pliosawrus, and not compressed from side to side, as in typical Plesiosaurs. Towards the distal end of the limb they become short, and have the proximal and distal ends of the bone greatly expanded relatively to its length. There appear to have been five digits ; but the mlaaloee of phalanges in each is not known. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXI. Fig. 1. Right side of seventh cervical ver tebra of Murenosaurus Leedsii. 2. Front view of thirty-third cervical vertebra. 3. Left side of the thirty-ninth and neural arch of the thirty-eighth cer- vical vertebre. 4. Front view of centrum of third caudal vertebra. 5 . Under surface of centrum of fifth caudal vertebra. GH.Ford & C.L..Gmesbach. ; MURANOSA: Quart. Journ.Geol.Soc Vol . XXX. Pl. XXI. Mmtern Bros.1mp fe © LEEDSII. : Quart. Journ.Geol .Soc .Vol XXX. Pl XX]. P i Mintern Bros. imp . GH Ford & C.1..Griesbach. MURENOSAURUS LEEDSII. ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF NOVA SCOTIA. 209 22. On the Urrmr Coat-rormation of Eastern Nova Scotia and Privce-Epwarp Isnanp in its Retarrion to the Permian. By J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., McGill College, Montreal. (Read March 25, 1874.) Tuts formation was first distinguished as a separate member of the Carboniterous system in Eastern Nova Scotia by the writer, in a paper published in the first volume of the ‘ Journal of the Geological Society,’ in 1845—and was defined to be an upper or overlying series superimposed on the productive Coal-measures, and distin- guished by the absence of thick coal-seams, by the prevalence of red and grey sandstones and red shales, and by-a peculiar group of | vegetable fossils. Subsequently, in my paper on the South Joggins* and in my ‘ Aca- dian Geology,’ this formation was identified with the upper series of the Joggins section, Divisions 1 & 2 of Sir William Logan’s sectional list, and with the Upper Barren Measures of the English Coal-fields and the third or upper zone of Geinitz in the Coal-formation of Saxony ft. Still more recently, in a ‘ Report on the Geology of Prince Edward Island,’ 1871, I have referred to the upper part of the same forma- tion the lower series of sandstones in Prince-Edward Island, not previously separated from the overlying Triast. In Prince-Edward Island, however, where the highest beds of this series occur, they become nearly horizontal, and are overlain appa- rently in a conformable manner by the Red Sandstones of the Trias, which differ very little from them in mineral character. It thus happens that, but for the occurrence of some of the characteristic Carboniferous plants in the Lower series and of a few equally cha- racteristic Triassic forms in the Upper, it would be difficult to affirm that we have to deal with two formations so different in age. In connexion with this, the entire absence of the Permian system, __ not only here but throughout Eastern America, raises the question which I have already suggested in ‘ Acadian Geology,’ whether the conditions of the Upper Coal-formation may not have continued ~ longer here than in Europe, so that rocks in the former region con- stituting an upward extension of the Carboniferous may synchronize with part at least of the Permian. On the one hand, there seems to be no stratigraphical break to separate these rocks from the Middle Coal-formation of Nova Scotia; and their fossils are in the main identical. On the other hand, where the beds are so slightly inclined that the Trias seems conformable to the Carboniferous, no very marked break is to be expected; and some of the fossils, as the conifers of the genus Walchia, and Calamites gigas, have a decided Permian tendency. * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. x. t Acadian Geology, p. 149. { ‘Report on the Geological Structure of Prince-Edward Island,’ by J. W. Dawson, LL.D. &c., and B. I. Harrington, B.A., Ph.D. 210 J. W. DAWSON ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF On the whole, in the ‘ Report’ above referred to, I declined to separate the red beds of the Lower Series in Prince Edward Island from the Newer Coal-formation. Prof. Geinitz, however, in noticing my Report*, and also in a private letter, expresses the opinion that the fossils have, as an assemblage, so much of a Permian (or Dyadic) aspect that they may fairly be referred to that formation, more particularly to its lower part, the Lower Rothliegende. Attaching, as every one must, great weight to the judgment of Prof. Geinitz on - such a point, [ have in recent visits to Nova Scotia reexamined the more instructive sections of the Newer Coal-formation on the eastern coast of that province, with the view of ascertaining whether any stratigraphical or paleontological line can be found to divide the Upper Coal-formation series of my former papers into two members or to separate it from the Middle Coal-formation. The results of this reexamination and their bearing on general geological questions I propose to state shortly as follows :— The Carboniferous district of Pictou county, extending for about 45 miles along the shores of Northumberland Strait, exposes in that distance in coast- and river-sections the whole thickness of the Carbo- niferous system, arranged in three synclinal forms (see Section, fig. 1). The first or eastern synclinal (No. 1 in the Section), extending from the older metamorphic rocks on the eastward and southward to a line running nearly east and west through the town of New Glasgow, consists entirely of the Lower Carboniferous, Millstone Grit, and Middle Coal-formation, and contains all the known workable Coal- measures of the county. Its northern boundary, the New-Glasgow anticlinal, brings up a bed not recognized in the other Nova-Scotia Coal-fields—the New-Glasgow Conglomerate, an immense mass, believed in some parts to be 1600 feet in thickness+, and containing boulders 3 feet in diameter, with pebbles of all sizes, many of its largest stones being composed of the hard brown or purplish sand- stones of the Lower Carboniferous. Its stratigraphical position is that of the upper part of the Millstone Grit or lower part of the Middle Coal-formation ; and it is evidently an exceptional bed, re- presenting an immense bar or beach of gravel and stones stretching from the eastern end of the metamorphic chain of the Cobequid Mountains across the Pictou Coal-field, and protecting those deep swamps in which the Pictou main coal, 36 feet thick, and its black shale roof, more than 1000 feet thick, were deposited. The theory of this remarkable deposit, one of the most singular connected with any Coal-field, is fully discussed in the second edition of my ‘ Aca- dian Geology.’ I may merely remark that, facing as this bed does the open sea stretching to the northward in the Coal-formation period, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it indicates the action of heavy ice grounding on the shores behind which grew the Srgil- larva-forests of the Coal-swamps. The arrangement of the beds in * Neues Jahrbuch, 1872. t This is Sir W. Logan’s estimate, and is warranted by the breadth which the bed occupies in the Section; but there are indications that it thins rapidly toward the dip. 211 EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE-EDWARD ISLAND. Fig. 1.—General Section of the Carboniferous rocks of Pictou, New-Glasgow conglomerate and anticlinal. Nova Scotia. Carribou Cape-John anticlinal. anticlinal. ‘ 1 1 ® ' ' 1 ' 1 . f a, Silurian. 6b. Lower Carboniferous. ce. Millstone Grit. 1. Middle Coal-formation. 2 & 3. Upper Coal-formation and Permo-Carboniferous. QUA J. W. DAWSON ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF the first synclinal, which is that of the great Pictou coal-beds, has recently been worked out in much detail by Sir W. E. Logan and the late Mr. E. Hartley. The second or middle synclinal (No. 2 in the Section) extends from New Glasgow to Carribou Harbour, and centres in the deep indentation of Bighorn Harbour. On its sontihens side it contains, north of New Glasgow, the depauperated equivalent of the Middle Coal-formation ; and the remainder of it is occupied by the Newer Coal-formation, whose newest beds, however, are not represented in this trough. The low anticlinal which separates it from the third trough brings up nothing older than the lower part of the Newer Coal-formation. The third synclinal (No. 3 in the Section) extends from Carribou Harbour to Cape John, and, stretching westward through the Cum- berland Coal-field, shows in its centre the newest beds of the Upper Coal-formation. It is to be observed that in these synclinals the north-west sides have steeper dips than the south-east sides, and consequently occupy aless breadth on the map. The south-east sides also show the best and most continuous sections ; and for this reason I shall select the section from New Glasgow to Pictou Harbour, and that from Carribou Harbour towards Cape John, as typical of the lower and upper parts of the Upper Coal-formation. 1. Section on the East River of Pictou. 1. On the river-section, below New-Glasgow bridge, the conglo- merate is succeeded in ascending order by a grey concretionary limestone 20 feet thick, associated with sandstone and shale, and containing in some layers great numbers of the Spirorbis which I have described as S. arietinus*, and whose habits of life were pro- bably not dissimilar to those of S. carbonarius, so abundant in the Coal-measures. This limestone does not appear in the immediate river-section, but on the flank of the conglomerate east of New Glasgow. 2. Above this is a series of black shales and underclays with grey sandstones and some reddish and purple shales, and thin seams of bituminous shale and coal. These beds contain Stigmarice, Lepi- dodendra, Entomostracans and fish-remains, the fossils and the mineral character of the beds alike corresponding with those seen in the upper part of the Coal-measures south of the conglomerate. The thickness of these beds is about 400 feet. 3. This series is succeeded by a thick grey sandstone holding Calamites, Calamodendron, trunks with aerial roots (Psaronius), &c., 30 to 50 feet thick. This appears at the mouth of Smelt Brook and in several quarries to the eastward of that place. 4. Above this is a second series of dark shales and under-clays, * «Report of Geol. Survey of Canada.’ This limestone may be compared with the ‘“ Sprorbis-limestone” of the Shrewsbury, Lancashire, and Warwick- shire Coal- fields i in England. See Hull ‘ Coal-fields of Great Britain’ EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE-EDWARD ISLAND. Pas and bituminous shales associated with grey sand-stones and contain- ing fossils similar to those of the series below. It especially abounds in fish-secales and Cythere; and several of the fishes are specifically identical with those of the upper part of the Middle Coal-measures as seen in the southern trough, south of New Glasgow. These beds are about 200 feet thick. Mr. H. Poole has described them in the ‘Canadian Naturalist’ for August 1860. 5. The beds up to this point may be considered the equivalents of the Middle Coal-measures or of the upper part of them, and are now succeeded in ascending order by thick grey and reddish sand- stones and reddish and grey shales, including, however, thin coaly bed and underclays, and clays with nodular limestone. These may be regarded as belonging to the Upper Coal-formation ; and their aggre- gate thickness as far as Pictou Harbour may be 2000 feet. They contain Calamites, trunks of Dadowylon materiarium, Lepidodendron, Pecopteris arborescens? and Neuropteris. The dip of the Conglomerate is high; and that this is not alto- gether due to false stratification is shown by the fact that to the eastward of New Glasgow the limestone and the Coal-measure beds rest on the Conglomerate at an angle of 45°; but this rapidly dimi- nishes to 20°, and in the greater part of the section it is only from 8° to 6°. The line of demarcation between the Middle and Upper Coal- formations is not marked here by any great physical break, but merely by the cessation of the characteristic beds of the Middle Coal-forma- tion and the change to sandstones associated with red shales. At first sight 1t might appear that as the beds north of the Con- glomerate dip uniformly to the north, and mostly at slight angles, and those south of its outcrop are much more disturbed, there might be evidence of unconformability. This, however, is due to a line of fault extending along the outcrop of the Conglomerate, and to the greater relative disturbance of the beds of the southern synclinal. 2. Section west of Carribou Harbour. This Section exposes the south side of the third or northern syn- clinal, and may be supposed to begin not far above the base of the Upper Coal-formation. It extends in ascending order obliquely across the synclinal for about ten miles along a coast in which the beds are on the whole well exposed, with uniform dips of about N. 30° E. magnetic, or nearly true north, and at an angle of about 10°; and no break or evidence of unconformability exists throughout the series, which amounts here in thickness to about 2500 feet. The lowest beds seen in this section at the mouth of Carribou River are red and grey shales, and grey, red, and brown sandstones, including a small bed of coal 5 inches thick, with Stigmaria-rootlets in the underclay; and at Carribou Island, nearly in the line of strike, there is a somewhat thicker bed of coal. The overlying series may be described as consisting of indefinite alternations of shales, mostly deep red, with sandstones, grey, red, and brown, the latter sometimes Q.J.G.S8. No. 119. R 214 J. W. DAWSON ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF coarse and pebbly, and occasionally in thick massive beds. Several of the beds of shale contain concretions of limestone, in one case forming a nearly continuous bed, and with no fossils except a few casts of a Cythere. In one of the lower beds of sandstone seen on Carribou River there are concretions of grey copper, and fossil trunks of trees penetrated by this mineral; and some of the fossil trees found in the sandstones on the coast are partly mineralized with sulphate of baryta. The only material difference in mineral character is that red beds become more prevalent toward the upper part of the section, where the general character of the beds is precisely that of the supposed Upper Coal-formation rocks at Miminigash, Governor’s Island, and Gallas Point in Prince-Edward Island, and on the coast of New Brunswick at Cape Jourimain*. The following statements, reduced from my sectional lists, will serve to illustrate these points of mineral character. In the whole section the sandstones, including the argillaceous sandstones, are to the shales in the proportion of about two to one in vertical thickness, and the grey and buff sandstones are about equal to those which are brown and red, while the red and mottled shales greatly preponderate over those which are grey. In the lower half of the section, extending to the mouth of Toney River, the grey sandstone, red sandstone, and shales (mostly redyare in the proportions of 43, 3,63. In the upper half of the section they are in the proportions of 43, 53, 3; so that red sandstones become decidedly more prevalent in the upper part, where there is also a greater proportion of coarse pebbly sandstones and of light-red shale with greenish stains. If we compare this with the upper part of the Joggins section as given in Sir William Logan’s lists, we find a thickness of 2267 feet ; and if we regard the Ragged-Reef Sandstones as equivalent to the heavy sandstones at the base of the Pictou section, it is possible that the upper part of the latter is not represented at the Joggins. Taking the proportions of sandstones and shales at the latter place, we find them to be grey sandstone 12, red and brown sandstone 1, shale 10; so that here the proportions of sandstones to shales are not very dissimilar to those in the lower part of the Pictou series, but the grey sandstones are greatly more prevalent. Like those in the upper part at Pictou, some of the upper beds at the Joggins are coarse and pebbly, a character not observed, in either Coal-field, in the sandstones of the Middle Coal-formation. If, on the other hand, we turn to Prince-Edward Island, the geological relations, and especially the fact that the outcrops on Prince-Edward Island correspond with the extension of two of the New-Brunswick Carboniferous anticlinals, would lead us to believe that the upper Coal-formation beds seen, at Gallas Point, and amounting to about 800 feet in vertical thickness, must belong to the upper part of the Pictou series, or may even reach some way above its summit. Accordingly we find the proportions of the : * Report on Prince-Edward Island. EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE-EDWARD ISLAND. 215 several rocks to be grey sandstone 2, red and brown sandstone 4, shales 2, or a still greater proportion of red sandstone as compared with Pictou. All this accords with the idea of a gradual increase of red beds in approaching the summit of the formation, so that the upper Coal-formation passes in its upper part into beds haying more the aspect of some parts of the Lower Dyas or Permian. No true dolomite is present in these beds; but Dr. Harrington’s analyses show that some of the thin beds of concretionary limestone are highly magnesian, and the sandstones contain concretions of sul- phate of copper, while the fossil trees which abound in them are often mineralized with sulphates of copper and iron, and sulphate of baryta. Fossils of the Upper Coal-formation. Fossils are by no means so abundant in the Upper as in the Middle Coal-formation, and they are chiefly vegetable. One of the most characteristic plants is Dadoxylon materiarium, a species with simple medullary rays, drifted trunks of which abound in a calcified or silicified condition in the sandstones. The fine specimens of the Sternbergia pith of this species which I described in 1857 * and 1871+ are from this formation. In the upper beds leafy branches of the genus Walchia are common fossils, probably be- longing to trees of the genus Dadowxylon, the only pines which accom- pany them. Calamites are also abundant, especially C. Suckovia and OC. Castiz; and Calamodendron approximatum is not uncommon, while Calamites gigas occurs rarely in the upper part. Annularia sphenophylloides is a characteristic plant in the lower part, and Cor- daites simplex is very abundant in some beds. Lepidodendra are rare, and represented principally by a species which is identical with, or very near to L. pictoense. Among ferns the most abundant species are Pecopteris arborescens and a variety of Alethopteris nervosa. Stigmarice and Sigillarie are much less frequent even in the lower part than in the Middle Coal-formation, and have not yet been re- cognized in the upper part. The following tabular view may serve as a summary of the flora of the Upper Coal-formation as at present known. ‘The first two columns represent the upper and lower parts of the Upper Coal- formation in Nova Scotia; and the third column represents that of Prince-Edward Island. Of the species all but about ten, or more than three fourths, have been found in the Middle Coal-formation also. It will be observed that the number of species, which in all is much smaller than that in the Middle Coal-formation, becomes rapidly reduced in the upper part, and that there is a considerable similarity between the upper series in Nova Scotia and that in Prince-Edward Island. This is further noticeable in the great prevalence of specimens of Dadoaylon materiarium, Walchia, Cor- daites simplex, and Pecopteris arborescens in this part of the forma- tion in both districts. * Proc. Amer. Association, 1857, Canad. Nat. vol. ii. + Report on Prince-Edward Island. R2 216 J. W. DAWSON ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF Upper Coal-formation. : Nova Scotia. : Species. Prince- Edward Lower | Upper Tena part. part. . Dadoxylon materiarium, Daws. ........ ... * * . Walchia (Araucarites) gracilis, Daws.......] ...... * 2 )) THOUS), JOH cbcvccacascnosecee|| oeeane |)" oacaae . Sigillaria scutellata, Brongn. ............065 1 2 3 4 5. Stigmaria ficoides, Brongn.............1064.. 6 7 8 9 kK * % . Calamites Suckovii, Brongn. ............64. * x HEI, JEVROWGMao0coccc000000009D000R00000% * 9 ERS, JEIROGT0o socooooccnoanq00000040ndoo} coac0s |)“ ‘cosenc ENEMYS WIS TY OMAP oonaccdoacocoudebabosasdl, | coddda. vl sosnde 10. Calamodendron approximatum, Brongn. 11. Annularia sphenophylloides, Zenker ...... longifolia, Brongn. .........100...0.006 13. Sphenophyllum emarginatum, Brongn.... : longifolium, Geinitz ............0.005- 15. Cyclopteris oblongifolia? Gopp............. heterophylla, Gopp. 2 )............- TWIN OMAN), LES saacooodoeosnoenadeds05 18, Neuropteris flexuosa, Brongi................ Cordata, BONG sence sooceoatee se heterophylla, Brongn...............0.4+ rarinervis, Bunbury ....... auriculata, Brongn. ..........-s0se.-+0-- . angustifolia ?, Brongn. ...........005. 24. Odontopteris Schlotheimii, Brongn. ...... 25. Sphenopteris latior, Daws. ...............605 PINE he, JEVOAG Os, “ocosogoseedocdo.0ee.oe0 anc 27. Alethopteris nervosa, Brongn..............+. Serle eBrongmereneece- cease Sieaecdaees BXSWUIE), JEVAOMG Pb ocano0acc00%00000 Rebate ee 30. Pecopteris arborescens, Brongn. .........+.. abbreviata, Brongi.........0.---sess0+0- 32) —— unite, Brongn, .cicecsaccscecsccsesseeens * 3d. ——-vigida, Daws.” .0.....6........2cceceeses|| oe cee * * , oreopteroides, Brongn. ...........0... ea * * 30. Bucklandi?, Brongn., or ? Massi-| ©. : Mons; Ses asap. sesicedto desler Materaceen stalk traraticmtine Mlle hart ae * | 36. Beinertia Geepperti, Daws. ....,........0.... * 37. Paleopteris acadica, Daws. .................. * 38. Cordaites simplex, Daws. .............ec0e0e * 39. Lepidodendron pictoense, Daws............. * undulatuml: Ste7;70a ce seensecceseeee * * * * * * aK % OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok * * OK OK KK X 2K OK XK OK CK OK OK OK 41, Lepidophloios parvus, Daws. ............... 42. Lepidophyllum, (various sp.) ............... 415}, « PivaaLWAVENE) 92 aaedbadeseocbsnaddacnobaddoKodoodedun 44, Trigonocarpum Neggerathii, Brongn. ... 8 S1Ok" Chore eRe Taine Oe Eatin encararaoeeaeccel| t uadacky fuel. can aads * AG. Rind os IMSIPNIS, DAws........0.000-.. * 47. Antholithes squamosus, Daws. ............ * There is unfortunately no recognized Permian in Eastern America wherewith to compare the fossils of the upper member of the Newer Coal-formation ; but inasmuch as the Coal-formation of Nova EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE-EDWARD ISLAND. 217 Scotia is, as I have elsewhere shown, more nearly allied in its fossils to that of Europe than to that of the interior of North America; and as the Permian flora consists to a great extent of survivors from the Coal-formation, it will not be unfair to compare the above list with the species in Geinitz’s and Goppert’s Memoirs on the European Permian. The very abundant Dadowylon matercarium is a tree of the same type with several species found in the European Permian, as for instance D. saxonicum, Reich., and D. Schrollianum, Gopp. Wal- chia is also regarded as characteristic of the European Dyas; but as it is not improbable that it represents merely leafy branches of Dadoxylon, it belongs to the Carboniferous as well. One of our species, however, is very near to W. piniformis of the Dyas. Calamites arenaceus, whether or not an internal axis of Hquisetites, is Dyadic in Europe; and some of my specimens may well belong to C. letoderma of the European Permian. C. gigas is a decidedly and peculiarly Permian species. C. Suckovii and C. Cistiw are Permian as well as Carboniferous in Europe, as is also Calamoden- dron approximatum. Annularia longifolia is Permian as well as Carboniterous. Newropteris rarinervis is peculiarly American and very widely distributed ; but it is questionable if some of its larger- leaved varieties are not identical with European forms known by other names. Veuwropteris flecuosa, N. cordata, and N. auriculata, as well as Pecopteris (Cyatheites) arborescens, P. oreopteroides, and. P. abbreviata are both Carboniferous and Permian; and the species which I have compared doubtfully with P. Bucklandi, and with P. Massilionis of Lesquereux, has strong points of affinity with P. densifolius of Goppert. Cordaites simplex is a peculiar American species, but nearly allied, according to Geinitz, to his C. Resslerianus from the Lower Dyas. Finally Geinitz thinks the 7rigonocarpum from Prince-Edward Island to be the same with his Rhabdocarpus dyadicus. We thus have an undoubted paleontological resemblance between the upward extension of the Carboniferous in Nova Scotia and Prince-Edward Island and the Permian of Europe, though in the former regions no stratigraphical break enables us to establish on that ground any well-marked line of division. Taking into con- sideration the great thickness of the Carboniferous in Nova Scotia and the large development of this Upper Permo-Carbo+iferous member, it would not be surprising that in this last we may have a chronological equivalent of part at least of the European Permian. We have no evidence as to age derivable from marine shells. The highest marine limestone known to me, a bed near Wallace Harbour, which I described many years ago in the Journal of this Society *, belongs to the base of the Newer Coal-formation, and contains Productus cora, P. semireticulatus, and Aviculopecten simplea, all characteristic Lower Carboniferous forms. In Prince-Edward Island the Upper Carboniferous and the Trias are appparently conformable, and may almost be said to pass into * See also ‘Acadian Geology,’ p. 214, 2nd edition. 218 J. W. DAWSON ON THE UPPER COAL-FORMATION OF each other, though in Nova Scotia the Trias rests unconformably on the Carboniferous. I believe, however, that this apparent conformity in Prince-Kdward Island, and the resemblance of the two series in mineral characters, arises from the almost horizontal position of the Carboniferous beds, and from the circumstance that the Trias has been in part formed from their waste. The Triassic fossils, though few, are of species quite distinct from those of the Carboniferous. Further details as to the relations of these formations in Prince-Edward Island will be found in my Report on that island. To sum up, it may be said that the beds which overlie the Coal- field of Pictou and extend into Prince-Edward Island, and which constitute the upper part of the Upper Coal-formation, have such strong points of resemblance to the lower part of the European Permian, both in their mineral character and organic remains, that they may fairly be named Permo-Carboniferous, a name already applied to certain marine limestones in the West, in which the Carboniferous graduates upward into the Permian. They may also be held to some extent to bridge over the gap which in Kastern America separates the Carboniferous fromm the Trias. I may add that in Nova Scotia the Lower Carboniferous beds are usually more hardened and altered than those of the Middle Coal- formation, and the latter more than those of the Upper Coal-forma- tion. Moreover there are instances in Nova Scotia of local uncon- formability of the Lower Carboniferous beds; and the New-Glasgow conglomerate affords evidence of extensive denudation of the Lower Carboniferous before the deposition of the productive Coal-measures. These facts indicate the long duration of the Carboniferous period and the extent of the physical changes which it included; and it is evident that, had unconformability or extensive local denudation occurred somewhat higher in the system, it might have been regarded as forming the base of an overlying Permian series. I have discussed somewhat fully the relations of the flora of the Lower Carboniferous to those of the Devonian on the one hand, and of the Upper Members of the Carboniferous on the other, in a ‘ Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit,’ recently published by the Geological Survey of Canada*. I hope that I may be able at some future time to describe and illustrate fully the plants of the Upper Coal-formation in the same manner. Discussion. Prof. Ramsay agreed with the author in thinking that these Upper Carboniferous rocks represented the Permian, and that there is a gradual passage from the Carboniferous to the Permian. In North Staffordshire there is some evidence of this passage, but not in other parts of England. Mr. Binney had argued that the Per- mian is the uppermost part of the Carboniferous series; but this is not true in the English area, although it is true if we consider the * Montreal, 1873. EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE-EDWARD ISLAND. 219 globe in general. The Coal-measures are grey, black, and blue; but in the upper portion they sometimes change to a red tint. During the Coal-period we have evidence of estuarine conditions ; but subse- quently the access of the sea was cut off, and the Permian rocks were formed in vast inland lakes. Prof. Huenes remarked that the group referred to by Principal Dawson under the head of Permo-Carboniferous could not be con- sidered as in any way proving a passage from Carboniferous to Per- mian, seeing that the Permian was altogether wanting in Eastern America, unless the fossils approached those of undoubted Permian in Europe. But he pointed out that many large portions of the so- called Permian of Europe had been already proved to be only stained Carboniferous. The fossil lists were founded on a wrong classifi- cation of the rocks, which had not yet been set right. Believing, therefore, that the Permian system must be broken up and part given back to the Lower New Red and Magnesian Limestone series, previously so well established, and part to the Upper Carboniferous, he was inclined to refer the Permo-Carboniferous of Principal Daw- son to the latter, the difference in the plants being only such as might reasonably be expected between the newer and older portions of a series representing immense lapse of time and changing condi- tions. Principal Dawson had shown that the beds in question were similar in almost all but colour, and conformable to the underlying undoubted Carboniferous. If, therefore, they were higher than any Carboniferous beds of England, they must be synchronous with the lower part of the unrepresented time between the Carboniferous and so-called Permian ; but being more closely connectod with the lower rocks, he saw no necessity in the present state of our knowledge for such a term as Permo-Carboniferous. Prof. Ramsay could not agree with Prof. Hughes in his opinion as to the value of the term Permian. ‘The staining of rocks occurs in two ways—namely, by infiltration from above through overlying beds, and by direct deposition. Silurian rocks are often stained in the former manner. Mr. Evans remarked that this paper had given rise to an inter- esting discussion. The fact of the two deposits being conformable in one place and unconformable in another, did not, in his opinion, necessarily convert them into one system. He thought there were symptoms that the Permian would eventually be regarded as Upper Carboniferous. He believed that there was a third mode in which rocks were stained—namely, by the oxidation of iron already existing in the beds. 220 J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. 23. The Sxnconpary Rocks of Scortanp. Second Paper*. On the Ancient Voicanors of the Hicuianps and the Retations of their Propucts to the Mesozorc Strata. By Joun W. Jupp, Esq., F.G.8. (Read January 21, 1874.) [Puates XXII. & XXITT.] ConTENTS. 1. Introduction. 1. History of Previous Opinion on the subject. 2. Voleanic Origin of the rocks constituting the great plateaux of the Hebrides and the North of Ireland. 3. Subaerial Origin of these old Volcanic rocks. 4, Evidences of the Former Existence of great Volcanic mountains in the district. II. The Tertiary Volcanoes. . Classification of the Tertiary Volcanic rocks. . Nature and origin of the great Volcanic rock-masses :—Lavas, Intru- sive masses, Volcanic agglomerates and Volcanic breccias. . Relations of the Volcanic rocks to one another and to the older deposits in the island of Mull. . Sections illustrating the structure of the island of Mull;—Beinn Greig, Beinn Uaig, Craig Craggen, Beinn More. . Proofs that the central mountain-group of Mull constitutes the relic of a great volcano. The Voleano of Ardnamurchan. . The Volcano of Rum. . The Voleano of Skye. The Volcano of St. Kilda. . Comparison of the great Tertiary Volcanoes. . Dimensions of the great Tertiary Volcanoes. . Series of later Volcanic eruptions in the Hebrides, resulting in the formation of “ Puys.” : 13. Subterranean Phenomena of the Tertiary Volcanoes. 14. Ages of the several Volcanic outbursts already described. _— SMI oo FP OF we = SS b * In the first published paper of this series (vide Quart. Journ. Geol. Sce. vol. xxix. p. 97) 1 found it possible, in a single communication, not only to discuss the nature and origin of the remarkable physical relations of the vestiges of the Secondary strata on the east coast of Scotland, but also to reconstruct from them the history of the several Mesozoic periods as exemplified in that district. This, however, was only accomplished by extending the paper to a somewhat unusual length; and in dealing with the strata of the same age on the western coast, I have found it impossible, such is the complication of the questions involved in their study, to deal with both branches of my subject in a single paper. Consequently I have confined myself, in the present commu- nication, to a description of the positicns and relations of the fragments of Secondary strata, and a discussion of the causes to which these are due. In a third paper, which is already in an advanced stage of preparation, I propose to illustrate the succession of geological events in the Western Highlands during the Mesozoic periods ; while in a fourth paper I anticipate being able to conclude the account of my studies of these rocks by an endeavour to deal with those problems of ancient physical geography and general paleontology for the solution of which these remarkable fragments of Secondary strata sup- ply such valuable materials. J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. 221 15. Connexion between the Tertiary Volcanoes of the Hebrides and those of other districts. 16. General conclusions from the relations of the Volcanic and Plutonic rocks of the Tertiary period. III. The Newer-Palzozoic Volcanoes. 1. Lavas of Lorn and the adjacent islands. 2. Characters of the Voleanic rocks of Lorn. 3. Relations of the Volcanic rocks of Lorn. 4. Succession of rocks in Lorn. 5. Conditions under which the Volcanic series of Lorn was deposited. 6. Age of the Volcanic series of Lorn. 7. The Newer-Palxozoic lavas of the Lowlands of Scotland. 8. The Eruptive masses of the Grampian mountains. 9. Relations of the igneous rocks of Beinn Nevis and Glencoe. 10. Physical Features of Northern Scotland during the Newer-Palezozoic periods. TV. Conclusion. 1. Comparison of the two great periods of Volcanic activity in Scotland. 2. Influence of Volcanic action in determining the Characters and Rela- tions of the Secondary rocks of Scotland. 3. The ‘ Geological Record ” in the Highlands. 4. Light thrown upon some problems of Physical Geology by the Volcanic rocks of the Highlands. I. Introduction. For the preservation of the most valuable illustrations of the in- stitutions, manners, and arts of Ancient Rome, the archxologist is indebted to the action of a volcano: the relics of Pompeii have survived in consequence of being buried under the ejections of Vesuvius. To a similar agency, operating at a distant epoch and on afar grander scale, the geologist owes the escape from destruction, in the Western Isles of Scotland, of most wonderful monuments of physical change and highly interesting records of life-history during the Secondary periods ; for such, indeed, are those remarkably pre- served fragments of sedimentary rocks which it is the object of this memoir to describe. As he prosecutes an examination and comparison of all the cir- cumstances under which the scattered relics of the Secondary formations present themselves in the West of Scotland, the geologist will be again and again impressed by the extent of the protective influence which the vast masses of Tertiary lava have evidently exerted upon the subjacent stratified rocks. And when he has concluded that survey, he can scarcely have failed to arrive at the conclusion that, but for this protective influence, every vestige of the Mesozoic deposits in the district must have been inevitably swept away by denudation *. * Those familiar with the geology of Central France will at once recall the manner in which the sheets of basaltic lava capping the great plateaux have, in se many cases, secured the preservation of masses of the lacustrine strata on which they rest, every trace of which must otherwise have been swept away by denuding forces. (Vide Scrope’s ‘Geology and Extinct Voleanos of Central France,’ p. 7 &c.) : 222 J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. When, therefore, we reflect upon the remarkable combination of circumstances to which we are indebted for the preservation of these interesting records of the whole series of Secondary formations (from the Trias to the Upper Chalk inclusive) we cannot fail to be im- pressed by the accidental (and often, indeed, exceptional) nature of the conditions upon which the escape from destruction of fossili- ferous deposits has in so many cases depended. It would be difficult to adduce a more striking illustration of the necessarily great imper- fection of the geological record than that which is suggested by these strangely preserved fragments, of what were evidently once widely spread formations representing geological periods of vast duration. It is impossible rightly to understand the features presented by the Secondary rocks in the Western Highlands without carefully studying, in the first place, their relations to the great masses of igneous rocks among which they lie. These relations are of the most intimate and often complicated character. Not only have the fragments of Mesozoic strata which had escaped denudation at the commence- ment of the Tertiary period, been buried under vast accumulations of lava sheets to the depth of hundreds and even thousands of feet, but they are often, as I shall show hereafter, penetrated by igneous masses connected with three distinct periods of volcanic activity, from the influence of which they exhibit every conceivable stage of metamorphism ; and, further, their fragments are found, often in great abundance, imbedded in the vast masses of scorize and ashes which have been ejected from the volcanic vents. In order, therefore, to reconstruct the history of the Mesozoic period, it is necessary to carefully restore and reunite all these scattered fragments of evidence; for the same volcanic agency that has so wonderfully preserved the records, has at the same time unfortu- nately, in too many instances, sadly mutilated and defaced them. I shall show, moreover, that although during nearly the whole of the Secondary periods the voleanic forces were dormant in the district, yet that era was preceded, as well as followed, by an epoch of the most intense and prolonged igneous activity. The influences of this earlier period of volcanic action in determining the characters of the Secondary deposits, although less marked than those of the succeeding eruptions of the Tertiary period, are nevertheless clearly traceable. Further, many of the peculiarities and anomalies pre- sented by the Secondary rocks in this district appear to find an adequate explanation in the circumstance that they were deposited in the interval between these two periods of violent igneous activity, and that the areas which they occupy may therefore naturally be sup- posed to have been subject to frequent and excessive disturbance. But while many points of great importance with respect to the Secondary rocks are thus dependent for their elucidation on a care- ful study of the volcanic products with which they are so intimately associated, much new light is at the same time thrown upon the nature, age, and history of the latter by an examination of the relations which subsist between them and the interesting fragments of fossiliferous, and thereby dated, rocks of the Mesozoic periods. J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. 223 In this manner we are led to many very interesting conclusions with regard to the chronology of the various rocks of the Scottish Highlands. Moreover, as I hope to be able to show, the prosecution of this research concerning the relations between these sedimentary and eruptive rocks, is calculated to throw new light upon some of the obscurest problems of physical geology. Under these circumstances, I have considered it advisable to con- fine myself in the present communication to this question of the mutual relations between the Secondary and Volcanic rocks of the west coast of Scotland—a question of much complication but at the same time of the highest interest—reserving for a future occasion the details of the history of the Mesozoic periods in the district, as deduced from the paleeontological and physical evidence. 1. History of Previous Opinion on the subject—The very inti- mate manner in which the Secondary and Voleanic rocks of the Hebrides are associated with one another not unnaturally led the earlier geological observers to regard them as being of contempora- neous age. ‘This opinion received its first shock in 1851, through the discovery by the Duke of Argyll of the leaf-beds of Ardtun, and the determination by Professor Edward Forbes of the Miocene age of the fossil plants contained in these deposits*. It then became evident that a part at least of the Volcanic rocks of the Hebrides belongs to the Tertiary period. In 1865 Professor A. Geikie had arrived at the important conclusion that the vast sheets of igneous rock lying between the Secondary strata in the Hebrides are in every case intrusive, and therefore not contemporaneous with those rocks ; and on a review of all the facts of the case, he was led to an- nounce his conviction that the whole of the volcanic rocks under consideration belong to the Tertiary period +. This conclusion I have been able to confirm by showing that the volcanic rocks in question unconformably overlie even the youngest members of the Chalk. The unmistakably volcani¢ origin of the so-called “trap rocks ” of the Western Isles had been noticed by many observers ; and some of these, especially Dr. Maccullocht¢ and Professor Geikie§, have dwelt upon the evidently close relations between these and the Plutonic rocks of the district. The Duke of Argyll has remarked on the manner in which the two classes of igneous rock, as seen in a section in Mull, appear to graduate into one another—and also on the indi- * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. vil. pp. 89, 103. t Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. vi. (1866-67), p. 72, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. (1869). vol. xxvii. p. 283. I gladly take the present opportunity of bearing witness to the great value of Professor Geikie’s researches among the volcanic rocks of Scotland. Although the conclusions at which I have arrived are, in many cases, very different from the opinions which he has expressed on some of the phenomena of this interesting district, I think that in almost every case it will be found that the points in which he differs from myself are those in which he has put forward useful suggestions of a tentative character rather than the results of direct observation. In almost every case of the latter kind, I am happy to be able to confirm his great accuracy and acumen., { ‘A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland,’ 1819. § Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xxvii. p. 282. 224 J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. cations of the volcanic character of the mountain of Beinn More, in the same island, afforded by the highly scoriaceous character of its materials*. Although many very valuable geological observations have been placed on record by Dr. Jameson, Boué, Dr. Macculloch, Principal J. D. Forbes, and Prof. A. Geikie, but little has been hitherto done in the systematic examination of the relations of these old voleanic rocks. The characters of the minerals and rocks themselves, have, however, been much more successfully investigated by several of these authors. Dr. Macculloch’s mineralogical knowledge was so large and accurate that the lapse of more than fifty years has failed to deprive his descriptions of the rocks of this district of their interest and value ; and very recently one of the greatest masters of the methods of petrological research, Prof. Zirkel of Leipsic, has supplemented these early observations by a series of careful re- examinations of the same rocks, to the results of which I shall have occasion to refer more particularly hereafter. 2. Volcanie Origin of the rocks constituting the great plateaus of the Hebrides and the North of Ireland.—The rocks which constitute such extensive plateaux, both in Ulster and the Hebrides, have long excited attention and interest in consequence of the remarkably picturesque forms which are assumed by them at certain points where the columnar structure is finely developed; this is especially the case with those justly celebrated localities the Giant’s Cause- way and the isle of Staffa. That the rocks which present these remarkable characters are of voleanic origin, and indeed constitute the remains of great lava-streams, is a fact which was clearly re- cognized by some even.of the earliest geological observers +; and the more minutely and carefully the phenomena presented by the rocks connected with active or recently extinct volcanoes have been examined, the more strikingly has the soundness of this conclusion been made apparent. At the present day the volcanic origin of these rocks may be regarded as so far an established portion of geological science as to render quite superfluous on this occasion any details of the grounds on which it rests. Whether we regard the chemical composition of the different varieties of rock, or their mineralogical constitution (especially as this is revealed to us by the microscope), or the pecu- liarities of their petrographic structure, such as the remarkable vesicular and columnar features which they exhibit,—we are alike struck by the perfect identity of characters between them and the materials of recent lava-streams. Innumerable minor features serve to confirm this conclusion—such as, among others, the highly vesi- cular or scoriaceous character of the upper and under surfaces of the great masses, the inclusion between them of layers of scoriz, * Brit. Assoc. Report (1867), Trans. of Sections, p. 55, and Address to Geol. Soc. 1873, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xxix. p. lxxv. t Vide Sir Joseph Banks, in Pennant’s ‘Voyage to the Hebrides,’ p. 267; A. Mills, in Phil. Trans. for 1790, pp. 73-100; Macculloch, Syst. of Geol. (1831), vol. ii. p.114, &e. J. W. JUDD ON THE SECONDARY ROCKS OF SCOTLAND. 225 lapilli and ashes, or the vestiges of ancient soils and vegetation, and the indications exhibited by the surfaces on which these rock masses he of having been subjected to the action of heat. One of the most striking points of similarity between these old lavas and those seen to be actually connected with existing vol- canoes has, through a very prevalent misinterpretation of the ap- pearances presented, been generally overlooked. I refer to that re- markable peculiarity, connected with the columnar structure, which is nowhere better exhibited than in the beautiful caves of Staffa, and which has been so clearly described by Mr. Scrops as giving rise to such conspicuous features at Pont Gibaud, the Coiron, La Gravenne de Souillols, Jaujac and other points in Central France*. In all these cases the same lava stream is found to be composed of two portions, which at a short distance appear to be very distinctly separated from one another. The lower of these divisions, which usually occupies about one third of the thickness of the lava stream, is composed of very regular, upright, and generally jointed columns, the articulations of which often exhibit remarkable curved surfaces and angular processes. The upper part of the stream, however, pre- sents strikingly different characters, being made up either of nearly amorphous basalt or of thickly clustered columns of small diameter, these being usually curved and twisted in the most remarkable manner. All who have visited Staffa will at once call to mind the contrast presented by the thick upright pillars which form the «Colonnade ” and the sides of Fingal’s Cave, and the thin, grace- fully curved, and intricately interwoven shafts which form the Buchaille, the Clam-shell Cave, and the roof of Fingal’s Cave. Si SoD nee inde owe Sa Kilmorf Gachna cricei Alasaid Hp is Faenrayls ofrrean I. stle x aBoR® : oh = SFileam straid eatv oF Seale of Miles. + oTighgeadh I4 SKETCH MAP ILLUSTRATING THE STRUCTURE OF THE VOLCANO OF MULL. Mintern Bros. Iith. DUP OF MULL. Guachan Dearg Mam Chlachaig Quart. Journ. Geol Soc Vol XXX. P] XOUI . Fig. 1, SECTION THROUGH THE CENTRAL MOUNTAIN GROUP OF MULL. Dun-da-yu Beinn Tsalla Beetin Quachan 3772 % Se : Beinn Yarnach A Glashven Vam-an Tiondre Glen Mam Chlachaig Forsa Fig. 2. BEINN GREIG. 1941 Fig. 3. CRAIG CRAGGEN. Fig. 4. BEINN MORE. Fig. 5. SECTION AGROSS RUM. SECTIONS ILLUSTRATING THE RELATIONS OF THE VOLCANIC ROCKS IN THE ISLANDS OF MULL AND RUM. acnssaxseotney ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SAPPHIRES AND RUBIRS IN SITU. 303 24. Nore on the Occurrence of Sarpurres and Rvustrss in sith with CorunpvuM, at the CULSAGEE ConuNDUM-MINE, Macon County, NortH Carotina. By Colonel C. W. Jenxs. (Read February 25, 1874.) (Communicated by David Forbes, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S.) Tne oriental ruby and sapphire are, mineralogically considered, merely coloured crystals of corundum, which mineral species has been shown by chemical analysis to consist of the earth alumina in a crystallized state and nearly pure condition. Where these gems have been met with, they appear almost always, if not invariably, to have been discovered in the beds of rivers as waterworn pebbles ; and although the existence of corundum in small quantities in granular limestone in Asia Minor and the United States has long been known, any thing like a deposit of this mineral in siti, suffi- ciently abundant for commercial exploration, appears to have been altogether unknown, until the author’s attention was directed to the occurrence of numerous fragments of corundum on the surface and in the river-beds of Macon County, North Carolina, which encour- aged him to make a minute examination of this district, and resulted in the discovery, in the summer of 1871, of the deposits of corundum now known as the Culsagee Corundum Mine. The locality of this mine is a hill, situated about nine miles east of Franklin, the principal town of Macon County, the summit of which is some 400 feet above the valley and about 2500 feet above the level of the sea; geologically it is a boss of serpentine pro- truded through the surrounding granite. In the bed of the river, which runs past the south side of this hill, now commonly known as Corundum Hill, numerous waterworn pebbles of corundum, often of large size, were met with, along with small fragments of rubies and sapphires; and subsequent explora- tions revealed the existence of some fine nearly parallel veins con- taining corundum, cropping out for a length of about a mile, along the steep side of this hill in a north-east and south-west direction. These veins all dip to the south-east, at an angle of about 45°, and, although generally only a few inches across at the surface, widen out as they descend into the body of the hill. In the deepest working, now 75 feet, the vein is seen to be 10 feet thick. The veins themselves consist of a mass of chlorite, jefferisite, and corun- dum, the latter forming from about a third to one half of the entire mass, and occurring as more or less well-developed crystals imbedded in the other minerals. Along with these the following mineral species were found in minor quantity :—chrysolite, anthophyllite, margarite, damourite, felspar, talc, sapphire, ruby, spinel, zircon, hornblende, staurolite, diaspore, black tourmaline, chalcedony, quartz, chromoferrite, magnetite, and two new silicates to which Professor Genth has given the names of kerrite and maconite. 304 C. W. JENKS ON THE OCCURRENCE OF The corundum is invariably crystallized, some of the crystals weighing more than 300 pounds; usually the large crystals are found to enclose plates of chlorite or jefferisite, just as if these minerals had been entangled in the very act of the crystallization of the corundum itself. About 200 tons of corundum have already been extracted from this mine, and, after crushing, used for grinding and polishing stones, glass, and metals &c., being found far superior to emery for these purposes. Taking the sapphire as a standard at 100, the corundum from this mine was found to have an abrasive power of no less than between 90 and 97, whilst the best Naxos emery only stood at between 40 and 57. The colour of the corundum crystals is very variable. Some are perfectly colourless and transparent, while others have all shades of yellow, green, blue (sapphire), pik and red (ruby), many of the crystals showing different colours in different parts of their sub- stance—some of the large ones, when fractured, revealing portions coloured as rubies or sapphires, from which many gems have already been broken out and cut for setting: most of these have as yet, however, been of small size, owing to the difficulty of finding large pieces free from flaws or cleavage-planes passing through them. There can be no doubt as to these stones being the true gems; and Mr. H.C. Sorby, to whom the specimens have been submitted, declares, from their microscopic structure, that they must have been formed at an elevated temperature, and that they contain the same well-marked fluid-cavities filled with a highly expansive liquid (without doubt liquefied carbonic acid) as are seen in the sapphires from Ceylon; he also attributes the colour of the rubies and of the green sapphire to chromium, but is uncertain as to the cause of the blue of the sapphire, suggesting that it may be due to protoxide of iron or possibly to uranium ; and he sees no reason for doubting these gems being quite identical with those so long known from the East. The serpentine rock of the Corundum Hill has been analyzed by M. Th. M. Chatard with the following results :— Sil Califrscepanschatebenipeteniss deme es smusaesiins sade seeds cessaenens 41°58 I Mimraberey Soocasnsdoooquar deo. coo cUab oo dnngdauadooadoDsdoKe oBeoDdaBbONe 0-14 ProtoxiGe OLATOM | ovecsena cso oncescecce or wenene emcees ese 749 Protoxide of nickel (trace of cobalt and manganese)......... 0:34 WE ELOGENEY spdoncdcdoscccundsacobodssocn{a00G0 abo GbonsqUDodGoHNGCS cusbhde 49:28 Binion Pe Seat eS oye enerotso tt ol ee eiec ais ac atlacilape ts ete au chincisersoretamrmanta O11 TOES) Gi WeAVUNOI doocgoggsovoqzo0 s0deUosaqaqdocERboOcODABOboAsqa0000000 1-72 100-66 As several of the minerals occurring in the Culsagee Mine have been analyzed by Professor Genth, M. Chatard, and Dr. Koenig, the results obtained by these chemists are given below :— SAPPHIRES AND RUBIES IN SITU WITH CORUNDUM. 305 Sp. gr. 3°766. Sp. gr. 3°797. Sp. gr. 3:695. SPINEL Mace naemeceeessnesa set Fine-grained. Coarse-grained. Dark green. Koenig. Koenig Genth. PAlltummiiian ie eeeacecomeasscceoe cece sacs 5432 56°58 66°63 Sesquioxide of chromium ......... 3°96 2:28 trace. Sesquioxide of iron ..............-04- 11-51 9°66 1:80 Protos derote irom seeeeteese reece seer 11°16 14-60 11:35 IMIEFETOIEESED, « Shsoodeqone0aagqo600DnBDnOOHOd 19:05 16°88 19-86 Oxideonicoppers.-raseesscescccsssese /aeeties | IV euses O-11 Oxatlevotenickelteerertrcsacccsccoseasey abamaeiy penn Milmniterrd 0:25 100-00 100-00 100-00 GIGIRTANSTS) cone sdecntneseoebooHOse Broadly foliated. Sealy. Koenig. Chatard. Chatard. illcapmas Aaa cu ws ses tunamaimercio eco epele 33°93 33°77 34:00 ANhataehn ies cape saadee ened eniconceeseente 17°38 17-56 20°36 Sesquioxide of iron ...............005 5-42 5-61 4:91 Ex otoxderol ION. esas cece 0:50 0:50 0:42 Provoxid exotmickelye-enascetseaseseeee 0:35 ? 0:57 IMAGTIOSIAL vr. cceecinecsmaesanesas cence 23°43, 22°48 21°71 Homitionbloss) seeeeee teen steectsececee TPIT) 20°30 18°50 100-18 100°22 100:47 Cliloniteteescees-c-c Foliated dark green. Fine scaly. Genth. Genth. STUN ane oteacaaoenb adequts came oneace 27-56 29°48 FAV MIMNITI A ees Nyaden teenies cciasecenne 22°75 22:22 Sesquioxide of iron .............-- 2°56 0-70 iProvoxide) ol imOneeesesrseeeeeee = 5:43 5:30 Oxide of nickel with eae 0:30 0-11 Oxide of manganese oe 0:17 (Mia pT eSiai estrone eteesiiese sites seoses 28°47 30°99 Ignition loss..... scan oboodpDSEAobe _ 13.80 11-63 100:87 100:60 Margarite, sp. gr. 3087. Staurolite, sp. gr. 3°711. Chatard. Genth. HINGE), co desocsocbaeconacHeseesnG0G066 28°80 27°91 Jima athseh pelengacbosasosecocudueusner 49:57 52:92 Sesquioxidetoturonyvs-essessnece eases 6:87 Protoxid eof LOMessesseereseeter ts 0:34 7:80 IWIBYOTVESIE, Gocooanqaoncooonaosonqadce 0-75 3:28 ILPKN® coocessoouecaoacoocsoHaggeANGIeNC 11:33 trace. Ignition lOss.......2..0s.ssesssessee 6:64 1:59 Soda, potash and lithia ......... undetermined ...... 10037 Maconite, sp. gr. 3827. Kerrite, sp. gr. 2°303. Chatard. Chatard. [SWIGIG2). anoooopoogaaseconoanedoDnab00ces 3420 38°26 ANEHCRTIR!, Zaaenaccsducons|0ndc0es005c 21-66 11:42 Sesquioxide of iron ............++- 12°54 ie) Protoxide of ir0n......6........00 0:32 0°32 Nickel with cobalt ............... 0:13 0:22 Mia oniestan ins seeenstenssclsmecceocreas 14-61 26°50 Mnthias eccceteradaeussnecsesscesss tEACEsy | ete hv ay unmberecee SOGBHarossamesseaectiascessncusesties O250a Vice ry Paes aaa Potash :satscneceaeueocasneesenee OOo tas Pelee: Momiblonelosseeasseesria se steerer 11:90 21:28 101-77 99:97 306 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SAPPHIRES AND RUBIES IN SITU. Discussion. Mr. Warineton W. Smyru considered the communication made by Col. Jenks as a very important and interesting one. He referred to the nature of these gems, and expressed a hope that Col. Jenks’s further operations might result in the discovery of large and fine crystals. Mr. D. Forsrs remarked that much credit was due to Col. Jenks for having followed up the fragmentary evidence which he originally obtained with such good results. The origin of these gems had long been a disputed point; all those hitherto obtained have been found in a waterworn state in the beds of streams. Col. Jenks had discovered the actual home of the so-called oriental ruby and sapphire. Prof. Tennant observed that Mr. Sheppard had years ago brought home sapphires from the same district. They were obtained from the beds of rivers. Col. Jenxs gave some further statements with regard to the depth to which the corundum-veins referred to in his paper have been worked, and stated that some of the crystals obtained from the veins could be broken across by a very slight pressure in the fingers when first taken from the vein, but that they became hard by exposure to the air. R. ETHERIDGE ON ECHINOTHURID® AND PERISCHOECHINIDE. 307 25. On the RELATIONSHIP earsting between the EcutnotauRipm, Wyville Thomson, and the PrriscHoEcHInipm, M‘Coy. By R. Eruerier, Jun., Esq., F.G.S. (Read March 11, 1874.) [Puate XXIV.] A CONSIDERABLE degree of light has lately been thrown on the rela- tionship existing between palzeozoic and recent Echini, from mate- rials obtained during the cruise of the ‘ Porcupine’ in 1869. Prof. Wyville Thomson, in his ‘ Depths of the Sea’*, described two new and peculiar genera of Echinoidea, Calveria and Phormo- soma, which, in certain peculiarities of structure, such as the over- lapping of the constituent plates of the test, appear to unite the Echini of the present seas with certain of those genera which existed during palzeozoic times. Although the structure referred to had previously been noticed, in the case of Cretaceous Echini, by the late Dr. 8S. P. Woodward, and in that of a Paleozoic genus by Prof. James Hall, of Albany, yet it was not until Mr. J. Young, of Glasgow, drew attention to the nature of the plates in the Carboniferous genus Archeocidaris that such structure had been observed in any paleozoic genus found in this country. Prof. W. Thomson states+ that in the test of Calveria (woodcuts, figs. 1 & 2) the ambulacral and interambulacral plates, instead of abutting directly against one another, and thus forming a rigid and compact test, overlap each other, those of the ambulacra from below upwards (that is, from the mouth to the apical pole), those of the interambulacra from above downwards, or from the apical to the oral pole. The overlapping of both series of plates takes place at their inner ends, whilst the outer ends of the interambulacral plates are separated, the one from the other, by intervening membrane, thus assisting in the general mobility of the framework. At their outer extremities the interambulacral plates carry each a primary tuber- cle, and also overlap the outer extremities of the ambulacral plates, *‘ go that the ambulacral ares are essentially within the interambu- lacral” §. The pores of the ambulacral plates are arranged in a pe- culiar manner, in arcs of three, specially placed. The second genus, Phormosoma (P. placenta, W. T.), resembles the preceding in the arrangement of the ambulacral and interambula- cral plates and flexibility of peristome ; but the overlapping of the plates is not carried to so great an extent as in Calveria, and no membranous spaces are left ; so that the test is continuous, as in the normal forms of the Echinoidea. Phormosoma is chiefly remarkable for the peculiar characters of the under or ventral surface, where the * ‘The Depths of the Sea, an account of the General Results of the Dredging- cruise of H.M.SS. ‘ Porcupine” and ‘“ Lightning,” during the Summers of 1868, ’69, 70.2 London. 8vo. 1878. + Geol. Mag. 1873, vol. x. p. 301. t Loe. cit. p. 158. § Loe. cit. 308 R. ETHERIDGE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN Fig. 1.—Calveria hystrix, Wyville Thomson. (Two thirds nat. size.) * (From Thomson’s ‘ Depths of the Sea,’ p. 156, fig. 27.) \ ¥ Fig. 2.—Calveria hystrix, Wyville Thomson*. (From Thomson’s ‘Depths of the Sea,’ p. 157, fig. 28.) Inner surface of a portion of the test, showing the structure of the ambulacral and interambulacral areas. * [We are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Macmillan, the publishers of Prof. Wyville Thomson’s work, for the loan of these engrayings.—Hp. Q. J. G.8.] THE ECHINOTHURIDA AND THE PERISCHOECHINID®. 309 distinction between the ambulacral and interambulacral ares becomes entirely lost. Ihave quoted thus largely from Prof. Wyville Thomson’s work that the succeeding remarks on the fossil forms may be thoroughly understood. The first of these, Echinothuria, S. P. Woodward, together with the two preceding recent genera, compose Thomson’s family of the Echinothuride ; and it is to the consideration of the relation of this family to the Perischoechinide, M‘Coy, that I purpose to devote the remainder of these remarks. Echinothuria was obtained some years ago by Mr. Wickham Flower from the Upper Chalk of Higham, near Rochester*, and in its prin- cipal characters agrees completely with Calveria and Phormusoma. It differs from the first named, however, in the wider interambulacral and ambulacral plates, in the smaller amount of overlapping of the same, and in the abseuce of membranous intervals; from the latter by having the structure of the oral and apical surfaces the same. (Thomson.) So far we have examined the characters of those genera which constitute the Hchinothuride ; and if we now turn to the paleozoic forms of the Echinoidea we shall find an interesting repetition of many of the foregoing facts. Paleozoic Echini are represented by a limited number of species, comprised in the following genera :—Archeocidaris, M‘Coy, Pale- chinus, Scouler, Perischodomus, M‘Coy, Lepidechinus, Hall, Kocidaris, Desor, Melonites, D. D. Owen, Lepidocentrus, Miller, and Olagoporus, Meek & Worthen. In 1849 Professor M‘Coy + proposed the order Perischoechinide, to include paleeozoic Echini possessing more than two rows of plates in each interambulacrum, as distinguished from those of Secondary, Tertiary, and living genera, where the same arez are composed only of two rows. This complexity of the interambulacral system was found by M‘Coy to be present in the genera Archeocidaris, Palechinus, and Peris- chodomus. Since the first enunciation of these characters sufficient information has been obtained to enable us to add the remainder of the paleozoic genera mentioned (I am not so certain of Lepidocen- trus, Miller, and therefore do not wish these remarks to be applied to that genus with so much certainty as to the others) to M‘Coy’s Perischoechinide. Mr. Young’st remarks on the interambulacral plates of Archwo- cidaris clearly indicate that a certain amount of overlapping took place in that genus. These, as originally pointed out by M‘Coy §, are of two kinds, a pentagonal and a hexagonal series, arranged in the test in three or more rows. The larger pentagonal plates have two of the sides bevelled (Pl. XXIV. a, fig. 1), against which would fit the corresponding bevelled surface of the next plate, but in this case * W. Thomson, J. c. p. 162. + Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1849, vol. iii. t Loe. cit. p. 302. § Synopsis Carb. Foss. Ireland, p. 173. 310 R. ETHERIDGE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN on the lower edge. Mr. Young also observes that one of the other two sides is provided with a small groove, into which would fit the edge of a succeeding plate, and so probably prevent too great a laxity of test. If, for a moment, we now examine the state of matters as regards Palechinus, we shall find, judging from M‘Coy’s beautiful figures in his ‘Synopsis of the Carboniferous Fossils of Ireland’ (pl. 24), that the test in this genus had no overlapping plates, but was rigid, after the normal character of the Echini*. Sufficiently good specimens of Archwocidaris have unfortunately not been obtained to show a series of these overlapping plates in juxtaposition; but I think a careful examination of well-preserved interambulacral plates, with their peculiar bevelled edges, cannot but prove that these edges could have served no other purpose. Confirmatory evidence of this is to be met with in a closely allied genus, Lepidechinus, which is described by Hall as having the “plates of the interambulacral series imbricating from the dorsal side, and the lower edges of each range overlapping those below ; while the plates of the ambulacral series are imbricating in the op- posite direction” 7, a complete repetition of the arrangement seen in Calveria. {Note.—In the 3rd vol. ‘Illinois Geol. Report, p. 552, Messrs. Meek & Worthen remark that Prof. Hall has since stated that his original description of L. cmbricatus, the type of the genus, was not absolutely correct, but that the imbrication of all the plates is exactly the reverse of what he had supposed. He suggests that he may have been mistaken in regard to which was the dorsal and which the ventral side. | From a consideration of these facts, and admitting that if the existence of overlapping plates be accepted in Archwocidaris, whilst the presence of simply abutting plates is recognized in Palechinus, we have in M‘Coy’s Perischoechinide two types of structure—one, Archeocidaris, with overlapping plates, allied to Thomson’s Echino- thuride, the other, Palechinus, with abutting plates, allied to the ordinary forms of Echini, but both still possessing their great distinctive character, viz. the increase in the number of interambu- lacral plates, which at once presents a clear line of demarcation be- tween them and all recent types. Perischodomus, Melonites, Eocidaris, and Oligoporus have not been shown to possess overlapping plates, although, as will be presently pointed out, from their resemblance to one of the two preceding, it is probable that some of them at least will be found to do so. I shall now proceed to note the more intimate test-structure of the genera constituting the Perischoechimde, and showhow theyagree with this family on the one hand, and with the Echinothuride on the other, simply premising that they all possess the distinctive character of the former, viz. the great increase in the number of the interambu- lacral plates. * Mr. W. H. Baily has also given good figures of Palechinus, which show the arrangement of the interambulacral plates. See Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, vol. i. + Descr. New Sp. Crinoidea, Prelim. Notice, Albany, 1861, p. 18. THE ECHINOTHURIDZ AND THE PERISCHOECHINIDZ. Biol Genus ArcH#mocrpaRIs, M‘Coy, 1844*. Pl. XXIV. fig. 1. (Echinocrinus, Agassiz, 1841. Palcocidaris, Desor, 1846.) In this genus the ambulacra are narrow, and composed of two rows of small plates, of irregular form, each provided with two pores, The interambulacra are continuous from pole to pole, and are composed of three or more rows of plates, each provided with a primary tuber- cle. The rows of plates bordering the ambulacra are pentagonal in form, the middle row or rows hexagonal; the large oblong penta- gonal plates have two of the sides bevelled from the upper surface, the opposite side being bevelled on the lower edge; one of the other two sides has a small groove into which the edge of the next plate was received +; the primary tubercles are perforated and hollow; apical disk unknown ; mouth surrounded apparently by a membrane bearing numerous minute imbricated plates t. Taking this genus as the type of the Perischoechinide, we have the first approach towards the structure of the Echinothuride, as typified by Calveria. Whether the interambulacral plates of Archceocidaris were imbricated from above downwards, and the ambulacral from below upwards, or vice versa, must remain an open question at present, as we are not in possession of sufficiently good specimens to prove this point. In Calveria the peristome is covered with small plates §, and the primary tubercles, as in Archcocidaris, are hollow. Archeocidaris is confined to rocks of Carboniferous age. Genus Patacuinus (Scouler), M‘Coy, 1844|/. Pl. XXIV. figs. 2&3. The plates composing the test of-this genus abut end to end in the regular way, and, so far as we know, there is no overlapping or in- termediate membrane. ‘The interambulacral arez are composed of from five to six or eight rows of plates, those adjoining the ambulacra pentagonal as in Archeocidaris, the others hexagonal. The ambu- lacra, narrow, and sometimes slightly furrowed, are composed of two alternating rows of small plates, wider than long, each perforated by two rows of pores. The apical disk consists of five genital plates each perforated by three pores, (ovarian and seminal), the fifth being somewhat larger (madreporiform plate?), and five ocular plates, each perforated by two openings 4. Further, in the apical disk there are eight plates, answering to the suranal of the Saleniade**. It becomes apparent that Palechinus belongs to that division of the Perischoechinide which more nearly approaches the normal Echini, from which, however, it differs in two most important cha- * Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland, 1844, p.173. + J. Young, loc. cit. p. 302. t Palzontology of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 294. § W.Thomson, J. c. p. 157. | 2.@ jon Alia | Baily, Geol. Mag. vol. ii. p, 44. ** Baily, two papers read before the Royal Geol. Soc. Ireland, March 9th and April 12th, 1864, “On the Structure of Palechinus.” [On the other hand Prof. de Koninck has described and figured (Geol. Mag. vii. p. 259, pl. 7. fig. 1) the apical disk of Palechinus with genital plates only, four perforated by three pores, and the fifth by one pore. ] os Z x. o12 -R, ETHERIDGE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN racters, viz. the triple perforation of the genital plates and the double perforation of the oculars. It has usually been considered that Palechinus possessed spines only of one kind, small ones, analogous to the secondary spines of Archwociduris ; but Baily has shown * that both primary and secondary spines were present, the former with tubercles perforated for the passage of the ligamentum teres of the spine. Pam penne is chiefly confined to Carboniferous rocks. It is said to occur also in the Silurian. Genus PrriscHopomus, M‘Coy, 18497. Nearly related to Archeocidaris, from which it is principally di- stinguished by the presence of primary tubercles only on the mar- ginal interambulacral plates bordering the ambulacra. Each ambu- lacrum is composed of two rows of small plates, each pierced by a pair of small pores; the interambulacra are wide, and composed of five rows of plates of irregular form and shape. Very little is known regarding this genus. It was described originally from two very imperfect specimens, consisting only of portions of the test; and I am not aware that any other specimens have since been described. With the small amount of evidence at our command it is impossible to form an opinion regarding the con- struction of the test; all that can be said at present is, that it is closely allied to Archeocidaris, although the interambulacral plates appear to be more irregular in ‘form and size. Perischodomus, so far as is known, is confined to Carboniterane rocks. © Genus Lepipecuinus, Hall, 1861+. “The form and arrangement of the ambulacral and interambula- cral series, as in Palechinus, with the plates of the interambulacral series imbricating from the dorsal side, and the lower edges of each range overlapping those below, while the plates of the ambulacral areas are imbricating in the opposite direction, narrow and deeply in- terlocking at their joining edges, each plate pierced near the opposite extremity by two pores” §. Of all the paleozoic genera of Echinozdea the present one shows in the most complete manner the imbricating character of the Echino- thuride. According to Prof. Hall, the interambulacral arex are many times as wide as the ambulacral, and contain a large number of-plates of somewhat irregular form, judging from the figures ||. The imbricating nature of the plates of the test closely connects this genus with Archwocidaris, from which it may be distinguished by the form of the ambulacral and other plates, and probably, according to Meek pad Worthen], by the fact of there being no primary tubercles on * Baily, loc.citt. ft Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1849, 2nd ser. vol. iii. p. 253. - { Deser.. New Sp. Crinoidea, Prelim. Notice, Albany, 1861, p. 18; also, 20th Rep. State Cabinet N. Y. 1867, p. 295. § See Note, p. 310. || Ld¢d. pl.9.fig.10. § Pal. Illinois, vol. ii. p. 295. ¢ THE ECHINOTHURIDH AND THE PERISCHOECHINIDS. 313: any of the interambulacral plates on the underside of the test, ir? -¥ on the marginal plates bordering the ambulacra. If we accept this statement, founded on imperfect specimens, as given by the latter authors, it must be borne in mind that Perischodomus has pri- sie mary tubercles only on the marginal interambulacral plates; so, presuming for one moment that that genus is ultimately proved to possess imbricating plates, the two genera, Lepidechinus and Peris- chodomus, may perhaps be considered identical. Lepidechinus has hitherto been found only in America, in the Chemung (Devonian) and Burlington-Limestone (sub-Carbouiferous) groups. Genus Eocrparis, Desor, 1858*. Ambulacra composed of a double series of plates, perforated near their outer extremities by two small pores; interambulacra of five or more rows of plates, those bordering the ambulacra, as in the other genera, pentagonal, the remainder hexagonal, some of the rows of which become obsolete before reaching the poles; each interambu- lacral plate carries a primary tubercle, but without the usual miliary ring surrounding it. The above characters are taken from Prof. Hall’s emended de- scription ; and from them it appears tolerably certain that this genus did not possess imbricating plates, but is distinguished from the other palzeozoic genera by the absence of the ring surrounding the primary tubercles, and the decrease in the number of the rows of interambulacral plates towards the poles. Eocidaris occurs in the Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian formations. Genus Metonirzs, D. D. Owen, 1846}. Pl. XXIV. figs. 5 & 6. Body ovoid, spherical ; interambulacral plates hexagonal; ambu- lacral plates of two kinds—one elongated hexagonal series composed of two rows in the centre of the ambulacral are, elevated into a prominent ridge, giving rise to a furrow on each side at the junction of each row with the second kind of plates, which are smaller, poly- gonal, ranged in four vertical rows on each side the larger central rows, thus giving to each ambulacrum no less than ten rows of plates; each ambulacral plate perforated by a pair of pores, which, in the smaller polygonal plates, are said by Owen to be central, whereas, in the larger hexagonal plates, they are placed on one side, that furthest from the central ridge. In Melonites we find a still further departure from the regular Echinid type, in the great development of the rows of plates in the ambulacral ares, five times as many as those seen in Calveria, Pale- chinus, or Archeocidlaris. The apical disk in this genus presents some peculiarities worthy of notice. Both ocular and genital plates are present, as usual; but in some cases the former are without any- * Synopsis des Hchinides, p. 155. t 20th Report State Cab. New York, 1867, p. 297. t American Journal, 1846, 2nd ser. vol. ii. pp. 225 e¢ seq. ‘R, ETHERIDGE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN © _ trace of pores, at other times a single pore may be present in two of them. ‘The genital plates vary even more than the oculars ; for in some instances three of the plates are pierced by four pores, the other two by five; again, three of the plates may carry four pores, and the other two plates three pores only*, showing how great may be the variation in this respect amongst individuals of this genus. Genus Otteoporus, Meek & Worthen, 1860+. Pl. XXIV. fig. 4. In the size and arrangement of the plates composing its ambula- cral and interambulacral aresze Oligoporus agrees very closely with Melonites, but differs from it in possessing only four rows of plates and four double rows of pores in each ambulacrum, in the place of ten. The ambulacra are deeply and doubly furrowed. _ Oligoporus appears to be intermediate between Melonites and Palechinus, possessing half the number of ambulacral plates and pores of the former, and double the number of the latter. It also agrees with the former in the deeply furrowed nature of the ambu- lacrat. Confined to Carboniferous rocks. In the foregoing remarks some of the more general characters of the various genera have been touched upon. I have now to notice a few deductions to be drawn from them. 1. We have seen that the group Perischoechinide was established by M‘Coy for the reception of those paleeozoic Kchini with more than two rows of plates in each interambulacrum,—a character common to all the genera previously noticed, and thereby distinguishing them from Recent and Secondary forms. 2. Certain members of the Perischoechinide possessed overlapping plates, both in the ambulacra and interambulacra, in one at least, Lepidechinus, on a plan similar to that seen in the recent genus Calveria. 3. We have no conclusive evidence of the presence of mem- branous interspaces in conjunction with the overlapping plates as in the Echinothuride ; but the fragmentary condition in which the remains of Archeociduris are usually found would lead us to the con- clusion that such did exist. 4. There does not appear to have been any paleozoic genus, so far as our present knowledge goes, which exhibits the peculiar want of distinction between ambulacra and interambulacra on the ventral half of the test seen in the genus Phormosoma. 5. In two closely allied genera, Melonites and Oligoporus, we find an increase in the number of rows of plates in each of the ambu- lacra, similar to that which takes place in the interambulacra throughout the whole group. 6. Lastly, the Perischoechinide differ from recent and later Echini in an increase in the number of perforations of the ocular and genital * Pal. Illinois, vol. ii. p. 228. t Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences Philad. 1860, p. 474. {£ Pal. Illinois, vol. ii. p. 249. THE ECHINOTHURID AND THE PERISCHOECHINID. 315 plates of the apical disk: in Palechinus the ocular plates are doubly perforated, the genital plates triply so ; in Melonites the perforations appear to vary in different individuals. In conclusion, it will be obvious that the diagnosis of the Peris- choechinide must be so far modified as to include the characters of the overlapping plates of Lepidechinus and Archeocidaris, and the increase in the number of the rows of plates in the ambulacra of Melonites and Oligoporus. It has also been pointed out that Mr. Baily has discovered primary tubercles in Palechinus ; how far this will affect M‘Coy’s division of the Perischoechinide into two families, based on the presence or absence of primary tubercles, will very much depend on the cha- racters of these structures in some of the other genera mentioned. [Since these remarks were written I have seen the description of another genus of this group, Lepidesthes, Meek & Worthen, in the 3rd vol. of their admirable ‘Illinois Survey Report,’ p. 522. Here the interambulacra were composed of plates imbricating from below upwards and outwards from the middle; the ambulacra were com- posed of ten rows of small pieces imbricating from above downwards, with two nearly central pores to each piece. The whole surface appears to have been ornamented with small granules, probably for the articulation of small spines. Lepidesthes, in the mode of imbri- cation of its plates, agrees with Lepidechinus, Hall, as now under- stood, but differs in the relative breadth of the ambulacra and inter- ambulacra. In the presence of ten rows of plates in the former, it agrees with Melonites, but differs in their imbricating character. Messrs. Meek and Worthen remark that this. peculiar imbrieation of the plates will probably “be found to be of even more than generic importance.” | EXPLANATION OF PLATH XXIV. Fig. 1. Archeocidaris, interambulacral plates, from drawings kindly supplied by Mr. J. Young, F.G.S.: a, bevelled edges. 2. Palechinus, portion of an ambulacrum, and the bordering interambu- lacral plates, enlarged. (From Prof. M‘Coy’s figures, ‘Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland,’ pl. 24.) 3. Palechinus, apical disk, enlarged: a, genital plates, with triple perfora- tions; 6, ocular plates, with dual perforations. (From Mr. Baily’s figure in a paper read before Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, March 9, 1864.) 4. Oligoporus, portion of an ambulacrum and bordering interambulacral guess (After Meek & Worthen’s figure, ‘Illinois Geol. Rep.’ ii. p. 248, fig. 28.) 5. Bee aites similar figure to last. (L.c. fig. 27.) , apical disk: a, genital plates, with pores; 8, ocular plates, with- out pores. (L.c, p. 228, fig. 22.) 7. Oral disk and teeth of a recent Cidaris: a, the five ambulacral segments, with notched ‘and perforated plates. (From Mr. S. P. Woodward’s figure, ‘ Geologist,’ 1863, pl, 18.) Discussion. Mr. Eruertper described Calveria as resembling an elastic ball rather than an ordinary Sea-urchin, its calcareous plates being held 316 Rk. ETHERIDGE ON ECHINOTHURIDE AND PERISCHOECHINID A. in place by a flexible membrane—and as connecting the ordinary forms with Echinothuria, in which the plates slide over one another like armour. He remarked that the apical disks vary in each genus; in the paleeozoic genera the ovarian plates have three or more and the ocular plates two perforations. The interambulacral areas in the paleozoic genera have invariably more than two rows of plates. In Archewocidaris the plates have bevelled edges. The chief point of the paper was its indicating that a type supposed to have been long extinct is still represented in our seas. Mr. Szrtry observed that the buccal membrane in the recent Echinoidea has overlapping plates, so that if the development of the plates usually forming the remainder of the test were arrested, forms would be obtained approaching those described in the paper. He stated that in his opinion both the Echinoderm-type and the Bra- chiopod-type have analogies with the Annelids, which are supported by a comparison of the multiplied poriform zones of Melonites with the perforated shells of Terebratula; this he thought indicative of a far-off affinity between these types. Mr. H. Woopwarp stated that the author of the paper had done much towards the investigation of the Carboniferous fossils of Scot- land. He had detected in the Carboniferous rocks undoubted spi- cules of Synapta and Chirodota, showing that the soft-bodied Echi- noderms were in existence at the period of their deposition. Mr. Woodward further remarked that of the Holothuride some forms, such as Psolus, are protected by calcareous plates having perfect freedom of motion. Mr. Gwyn Jerrrerys stated that Calveria hystria was dredged off the Faroe Islands, and subsequently in the Bay of Biscay. He remarked that many missing links will probably be found hereafter, and that nomenclature will be benefited thereby; thus, if Hchino- thuria and Calveria really belong to the same genus, one of these names may be discarded. In support of this view he stated that the paleozoic Huomphalus is identical, as regards the characters of the shell, with the recent Homalogyra. It is very desirable that zoologists and paleontologists should employ the same names. < imp Mintern Bros G.H Ford. PERISCHOECHINIDE . T. F. JAMIESON ON THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 317 26. On the Last Stace of the Guactat Prriop in Nortx Briar. By T. F. Jamizson, Esq., F.G.S. (Read May 27, 1874.) ContTENTS. § 1. Introductory. § 6. Kaims, Eskers, &c. § 2. General features of the surface. § 7. Gravel terraces. § 3. Disappearance of the marine beds, § 8. Comparative glaciation of east § 4. Moraines at low levels. and west coasts. § 5. Freshness of the glacial markings. § 9. Conclusion. § 1. Introductory. In Scotland we seem to have at least three well-defined stages in the history of the Glacial period, viz. :—1st, the great early glaciation by land ice; 2nd, the period represented by the glacial marine beds, containing remains of arctic mollusca, when much of the country was covered by the sea; and, 3rd, what I shall call the time of the later glaciers. It is to the history of this last part that the follow- ing pages are chiefly devoted. During the first stage glacial conditions seem to have attained their maximum, and the whole of Scotland appears to have been covered for a long time with snow and thick ice, as North Greenland is at the present day. An opinion has occasionally been expressed that it was the polar ice which at this time spread in a continuous mass from the arctic circle over a considerable part of the northern hemisphere, covering much of the north of Europe as well as most of Britain. I cannot say that I have met with evidence of a mass of glacier-ice from the polar regions haying moved over the district with which I am acquainted. On the contrary, there are facts which seem to me inconsistent with such a notion. One of these is the occurrence of extensive beds of chalk-flints along the crest of a range of low hills running for six or seven miles inland from Peter- head. These beds of loose flint pebbles, lying, as they do, on the very top of a range of bare exposed hills at altitudes of from 250 to 370 feet, must have inevitably been swept off by a great mass of glacier-ice moving over them from any quarter. It is true they have been carried away here and there, and cut off abruptly in cer- tain directions, as if by the glacier-ice of the adjoining district; but for a distance of several miles they lie thickly along the very top of the ridge. Their quantity, and the extent of ground they cover, forbid us from supposing that they have been drifted from some foreign region; but assuming that they are native to the locality, it may still be said that they were not in the state of loose pebbles at the time of the ice, but may have been imbedded in strata of solid chalk, which have since been dissolved. This, however, I consider a very improbable supposition. This ridge, although it attains the altitude of only a few hundred feet, is, nevertheless, higher than any ground immediately to the 318 T. F. JAMIESON ON THE LAST STAGE OF north of it; in fact it may be said to be nearly open sea between it and the North Pole. Ever since I visited the district of Lochaber and the Parallel Roads of Glenroy in 1361-62 I have inclined to the belief that there must have been a great development of snow and ice in this country after the submergence, or second stage of the Glacial period ; and an examination of the glens around Ben Nevis impressed me at that time with the belief that the glacier, and not the sea, was the last occupant of the surface. It also seemed to me that the recurrence of severe glacial conditions on the land after it emerged would ex- plain many facts otherwise very difficult to account for. In sub- sequently examining various parts of Scotland I have kept this point specially in view ; and the result has been to force upon me the con- viction that the development of snow and ice during this third stage of the Glacial period must have been far greater than most geologists suppose. § 2. General Features of the Surface. The general features. of the country, even in the lower districts, do not appear to me to correspond with the notion that since the sea retired nothing but the ordinary action of the elements has modified the surface. In such a case I should expect to find level sheets of gravel, sand, and silt, containing some remains of marine fossils in a more or less perfect state; also zones of beach-pebbles mixed with some littoral shells, and deposits of a similar nature capping emi- nences that had been in shoal water; and, in particular, I should look for traces of estuary mud along the curves of the wider valleys, where the tide and the river had formerly met. Now in Scotland, so far as I am aware, we have absolutely no trace of any such estuary beds containing remains of animals peculiar to places of the sort, except at levels below thirty feet, and which belong, as I have elsewhere shown, to a more recent period, when glacial conditions had passed away, the shells indicating a climate rather. warmer than at present. How could the glacial sea have gradually retired, or, rather, how could the land have gradually emerged, without some tidal sediment being left here and there along the valleys where a pause in the change of level took place? It is true some have thought they have discovered traces of ancient sea-margins in certain more or less horizontal banks and terraces, which, however, admit of a different explanation; but no one, so far as I remember, has been able to point out any estuary beds, containing estuary fossils, along the valleys at high levels. Why, also, should we not see some more distinct lines of old sea-cliff and sea-caves at higher altitudes, and likewise some heavy masses of blown sand and shells, like what we find on the coast at present? The beds of glacial marine clay and sand have been destroyed along the valleys to an extent inexplicable on the supposition that the sea gradually retired and nothing but ordinary subaerial action followed. In certain low districts, where this clay has nearly all disappeared, patches of it are left on eminences and places just where we might suppose it THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 319 most likely to have escaped the action of glaciers; and at the mouth of some valleys (as, for example, that of the Dee at Aberdeen) we find masses of it which seem to be the denuded remains of beds that some powerful agency has swept clean out of all the rest of the valley. And some of these beds appear to have been dislodged from their original position and thrust out seawards in a confused mass, as in the banks near the Aberdeen lighthouse and powder-magazine —a result such as we might suppose would follow from a glacier moving down the valley over the beds of clay and sand, wasting them gradually beneath it, and forcing them partly before it. Now let us consider what would be the effect of a glacier extend- ing itself over beds of sand and clay such as had been deposited during the submergence of the country. The advance of the ice over this old sea-bottom would either destroy the marine beds, by pushing them before it and wasting them beneath it (the water flowing from the end of the glacier contributing to the effect), or it would move over them without entirely destroying them. Much would depend upon the weight of ice, its duration, the slope of the country, and also the depth and firmness of the marine strata. Where the glacier was thick and the valley narrow and steep, the marine beds would probably be entirely cleared out. The glacier would push them bodily before it; and where it did slide over them, the pressure of the ice would work up the clay and sand into a liquid mud, which would be continually carried off by the water escaping from beneath the ice; so that the wasting of the mass would go on rapidly, and result in its entire destruction, leaving only the stones and washed gravel in front of the glacier. But where the glacier was not very thick, and the marine strata of con- siderable depth and firmness, I imagine the ice might slide over such a deposit without entirely destroying it. The effect would probably be to compress and wrinkle it to some degree, and to work the upper portion of it into an unstratified paste or mud mixed with stones. This would result from the grinding pressure of the ice and the want of good drainage for the water beneath it; for unless there was a current of water to carry off the mud, the material would remain beneath the glacier, although a part would no doubt be con- tinually carried forward by adhering to its sole and travelling on along with it. The pressure of the ice pushing into beds of strati- fied clay and sand would, in some cases, displace them, and wrinkle them into folds, thus giving rise to beds of contorted drift. The unstratified, unfossiliferous mass of pebbly clay which occu- pies so much of the surface, and is occasionally seen overlying marine beds containing arctic shells, may have been formed in the way above described. It occurs in many parts of Scotland, and has got the name of upper drift or upper boulder-clay. Much of what has been occasionally described as the upper covering of gravel and boulders I believe to be also a result of the action of the later gla- ciers. When these upper beds consist of marine deposits ground into mud by the action of the ice, it is evident that bits of broken shells may occasionally be found in them. 320 T, F. JAMIESON ON THE LAST STAGE OF Mr. Trimmer, who devoted much attention to the superficial accu- mulations of England, and sought to explain them chiefly by the action of the sea and floating ice, was yet unable to overlook the remarkable fact that there is a general absence of marine remains, and of regular beds of these remains, in what he termed the Upper Erratics, not only in Norfolk, which he had specially studied, but also in every district of England, Wales, and Ireland he had ex- amined *. § 3. Disappearance of the Marine Beds. The general disappearance of the glacial marine beds over most of Scotland is a fact difficult to explain, except upon the sup- position that there was a subsequent occupation of the ground by glaciers. The amount of submergence is on this account very diffi- cult to determine; for the evidence of the sea’s presence has been destroyed. Several geologists, influenced no doubt by the dis- coveries in Wales, have supposed, and perhaps rightly, that the sub- mergence reached to a great amount, and that the former coast-line must at one time have been 2000 feet above the present, or even more. But when we ask for proof we get little that is satisfactory, the presence of far-travelled boulders at great heights being almost the only fact of any value; and this may admit of explanation by the agency of land-ice. Supposing, however, that the submergence was much less, and reached no higher than say 500 feet (which no one, I imagine, will consider an overestimate), we ought to find marine beds far more widely spread than we do. For with the ex- ception of some of the flatter ground along the east coast, away from the mountains, and here and there over the Scottish coal-field, beds containing marine arctic fossils are unknown. As a rule, they are absent from all the Highland valleys, even at low levels, and, generally speaking, are not to be met with near hills, and from the country to the west of the Caledonian canal have not been reported at all. In the Clyde district many shell-beds are known, but generally near the shore, and very little above the present reach of the tide. If we suppose that the glaciers again occupied the surface after the sea withdrew, it will afford a better explanation of the disappear- ance of the marine beds than any other I can think of. For much of Ireland and England the same hypothesis seems to be required. In Caithness the area occupied by the dark grey drift containing marine shells probably marks the extent of ground in that quarter which escaped the action of the later glaciers. This area seems to be bounded by the hilly ground which borders the plain of Caith- ness to the west and south. In the latter direction it stops at the low ridge that divides the water of Dunbeath from Berriedale Glen, into which the grey shelly drift does not enter. Very likely the grey drift may have been cleared out of the lower part of Berriedale by a glacier; for some patches of it occur about the mouth of the * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. vii. p. 24, 1850. THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 3821 glen, in the cliffs facing the sea. I regret having been prevented from tracing the outline of this peculiar fossiliferous drift of Caith- ness along all its western boundary ; for features of interest will no doubt present themselves where the ice from the hilly ground came down upon it. From Berriedale to Inverness, all along the eastern border of Sutherland and Ross, the later glaciers seem everywhere to have come down in great force to the present coast-line. At Ardersier, near Fort George, I came upon a small patch, a few yards in extent, of grey clay, containing arctic sea-shells. It was buried underneath, or enveloped in, a brownish unfossiliferous mass of gravel and silt, and seemed to be a remnant of some bed that had been destroyed by the action of the later glaciers. Its occurrence, however, in- terested me much, by showing that glacial marine deposits had once existed in that neighbourhood. Although no marine fossils were got in the cuttings for the Caledonian Canal, it is worthy of note that they have now been discovered near Fort William and Fort George, at both extremities of the great glen. Glacial clays containing marine fossils of arctic type are scarcely known along the borders of the Moray Firth. Dr. Gordon, of Birnie, tells me the only instances he is aware of are this one at Ardersier and another at Burghead. In the interior of Nairn and Elgin they have not been found. I met with them, however, some distance to the east of Spey- mouth, between Cullen and Banff, where the sea-cliffs here and there show deep masses of dark bluish clay, in which remains of arctic shells may occasionally be detected. Further eastward, at Gamrie, they again present themselves, but only to a very limited extent, having apparently been swept out of the little ravines by small glaciers descending from the neighbouring heights. Without this hypothesis it is difficult to account for the patchy manner in which these marine beds have been left there. In the island of Arran, as has been shown by the Rev. Mr. Watson and Dr. Bryce, we have evidence of submergence to the amount of some hundreds of feet above the present sea-level; but the marine beds have all disappeared from the mountainous part of the island, and even in the lower southern extremity they have been wellnigh destroyed and overwhelmed beneath heavy masses of sand, mud and boulders—the work, as I suppose, of the later glaciers. Long ago Dr. Scouler pointed out that certain ravines near Dublin had apparently been formed after the deposition of the shelly gravel of that district, from the fact that they are completely desti- tute of any vestige of this marine gravel, although it ascends to higher levels in the neighbourhood. But he was at a loss to under- stand on what principle of selection one set of hollows had become receptacles of this shelly drift while others had escaped (Journ. of Geol. Soc. of Dublin, vol. i. p. 266). Afterwards Mr. Oldham, in 1848, in examining this locality and confirming Dr. Scouler’s observations, was struck with the same remarkable fact, that several of the glens in Wicklow contain no trace of marine beds, although shelly gravels 322 T. F. JAMIESON ON THE LASL STAGE OF surround them on all sides and ascend to much higher elevations ; and he further states that the great boulder deposit of Wicklow is perfectly distinct from, and in all cases subsequent to, these marine beds (bid. vol. i1. p. 302). Mr. Darwin was the first to perceive the true meaning of such | facts. After studying the similar phenomena of Wales, he pointed out, in 1842, the evidence they afford of the advance of glaciers subsequent to the deposition of the marine beds, showing that when the land had risen to nearly its present height the ice filled some of the valleys near Snowdon, and cleared out the accumulations left in them by the sea. In tracing the phenomena downwards, Mr. Darwin seems to have been unable to say where glacier-action ended and marine action began. Professor Ramsay, who followed up Darwin’s observations, and confirmed them by additional details, does not bring his chief Snowdon glacier far down the valley, supposing the lower ground near the sea to be covered with marine drift which the later glaciers have not disturbed ; and he looks upon the high- lying flats, at elevations of even 2000 and 2300 feet, as terraces of marine formation, marking pauses in the reelevation of the country (Old Glaciers of Wales, pp. 95-102, and map). Judging from what I know of Scotland, I am inclined to think the later Welsh glaciers must have been far more extensive than these views would indicate, and that the Snowdon one at least must have come down to the Menai Straits. Mr. Symonds has pointed out many facts which imply the action of land-ice and snow, after the land emerged, not only in various parts of Wales, but also in the Malvern Hills. As illustrating the nature of the climate I suppose to have pre- vailed during the time of the later glaciers, let me give the follow- ing example. In the northern extremity of Aberdeenshire there is a hill called Mormond, about 800 feet high, which lies a few miles south of the town of Fraserburgh. It rises out of the low surrounding region like a great mole-heap. Many years ago I had found a good deal of evidence in the neighbouring district of the presence of the sea up to heights of nearly 500 feet, and, among other facts, had noted beds of well-rolled shingle forming the crest of certain low hills, at eleva- tions of from 200 to 480 feet, which seemed to me to have been shoals in the sea of that period. In some of these I got remains of arctic shells. I argued, therefore, that if the sea had covered the land to the height of 480 or 500 feet, as it evidently did, it should have encireled this hill of Mormond, and formed a belt of shingle round it at a corresponding height; or if the submergence was suf- ficient to completely cover the hill, it ought to show a mass of gravel on the top. I accordingly spent two long summer days in the month of June examining the hill, which is a wide-spreading, heath-covered mass, some eight or nine miles in circumference, bare and brown, without a bush or tree upon it. J was disappointed and puzzled to find no rolled shingle anywhere over the whole surface of the hill, neither on the top nor on the sides of it. But along the base and THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 323 skirts I came upon mounds of gravel which did not form a zone or sheet at any regular level, but were disposed in a manner I could not account for by marine action of any sort. Nowhere did they reach to the height of 400 or even 300 feet ; and all the top and sides of the hill seemed completely destitute of marine deposits of any kind—no beds of gravel, shingle, sand, or silt—nothing but the angular stony rubbish of the gneiss, quartz-rock, and granite of which the hill is composed. Mormond is somewhat of a horseshoe-form, by reason of two spurs or ridges it throws out towards Fraserburgh, which enclose a hollow in the northern bosom of the hill. This hollow contains a bed of peat, below which we find coarse grey mud, lke what occurs beneath a glacier, full of stones, several of which are ice-scratched. In front of this hollow, at the distance of a mile or so towards Fraserburgh, there is a transverse ridge of gravelly débris (some- what like a kaim), called the Sinclair Hills, the base of which is not more than 50 feet above the sea. The explanation of the matter I take to be as follows:—This hill was no doubt encircled by the sea, or may have been completely under it during the time of the submergence ; but after the waters withdrew, it appears to have been covered by snow and ice, which obliterated all trace of the sea’s presence, and carried down the gravelly débris to its outer edge to form the mounds we now see along the base of the hill. The hollow in its northern face was probably occupied by a glacier which stretched further out, the ridge of the Sinclair Hills marking its former termination. Some of this gravel may have been originally of marine formation, and afterwards remodelled by the glacier and by the water flowing from it. In the north-eastern part of Aber- deenshire I find traces of heavy snow beds, or small glaciers of the second order, on the flanks of hills even lower than Mormond; but in most districts these low hills have been overrun by ice from the interior of the country. § 4. Moraines at Low Levels. One of the proofs that the glacier and not the sea has been the last occupant of the surface is the occurrence of well-preserved moraines at low levels. Now the goodness of the evidence here de- pends, first, upon the certainty that the masses in question are really moraines, and, secondly, upon the assurance that they have never been covered by the sea since they were formed. Differences of opinion will, no doubt, exist for some time in regard to both of these points. When Agassiz visited Dr. Fleming at Aberdeen, in 1840, he was shown some ridges of gravel near the coast, a little to the north of that city, and pronounced them to be moraines. Fleming dissented from this opinion, on the ground that they were of more recent origin than the beds of fine clay beside them, which contain arctic shells. I think Agassiz was right as to the mounds being moraines, and that Fleming was also right, that they were a more recent 324 7, F. JAMIESON ON THE LAST STAGE OF deposit than the clay containing the shells. They imply, in my opinion, that the glaciers of the Dee and Don coalesced and reached the coast after the period of submergence—the left flank of the ice lying upon Belhelvie, and the right flank on the hills of Nigg. As- suming that these mounds at Aberdeen are actually moraines of the later glaciers, we ought to be able, on proceeding up the valley of the Dee, to point out the various halting-places of the glacier as it gradually retreated to the mountains. This, I think, can be done. Ten miles up the valley of the Dee we find indications of a halt, a crescent-like band of moraine-matter curving out from the base of the Hill of Fare to the Loch of Drum. At Aboyne (20 miles further up) there are indications of another halt. But the longest and most decided pause has been a little below the village of Ballater, about 40 miles from Aberdeen and 600 feet above the sea. Here there is a great assemblage of mounds on both sides of the river. On the north side they commence at the base of the hill immediately below the Pass of Ballater, and extend eastward past Tullich to Culbleen, where they cover all the ground between the river and the base of the hill, forming a great mass of hillocks and tumuli of various forms. To the eastward of Tullich they reach an elevation of about 400 feet above the river, their upper surface forming a nearly hori- zontal line or platform, which, however, is not quite horizontal, but slopes slightly to the eastward or down the valley. These moraine- heaps fill all the curve of the hills between Camus 0’ May and Tul- lick. The flank of the hill of Culbleen is much bared, and dotted with perched boulders. Here may be seen split blocks of red gra- nite, which may have been broken by tumbling off the end or side of the glacier. On the south side of the valley, along the base of Pannanich Hill, the higher part of the moraine does not take the shape of hillocks so much as it does on the north side, but forms a great bank leaning against the hill-side, like a rude platform or terrace, strewed with granite boulders, and corresponding in height with the upper level of the moraine on the opposite side of the valley. The granite of the spur of the hill to the east of Pannanich Wells is bare, and dotted with perched blocks, of which there are some fine examples. The rock itself is rounded off into pillowy masses, which are more rugged on their eastern outline; these appearances extend far above the level of the highest moraines. ‘The granite, however, is too much weathered to show the finer glacial markings; and the same remark applies to most of the granite on Deeside. The great sheet of gravel which covers the moor of Dinnet for some miles to the east of Camus o’ May has probably been spread out by the waters pour- ing from the end of the glacier, and issuing from beneath it, aided by occasional floods when the snow and ice thawed extensively. Other moraines of later origin than this one below Ballater are to be found in the upper branches of the Dee—as, for example, in Glen Lui, near Derry Lodge, at an altitude of about 1600 feet, and still higher up, near the top of Glen Derry, not far from Loch Etichan, at the base of Ben Muick Dhui, probably 2000 feet above THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 325 the sea. These mark the last stages of the glacier. Corresponding moraines occur in Glen Dee and in the ravines on the north side of the Cairngorm mountains. That the glacier of the Dee actually did come far down the valley after the land emerged is also shown by a remarkably fine series of terminal moraines in the valley of the Feugh, which is a tributary of the Dee. These moraines occur at levels of 300 and 400 feet. They appear to be perfectly undisturbed, and, so far as I can judge, have never been touched by the sea since they were formed, Oc- curring as they do at these low levels, they afford good evidence of the advance made by the later glaciers. The Feugh takes its rise at the foot of Mount Battock (2555 feet), and, after a course of about fifteen miles, falls into the south side of the river Dee, at the village of Banchory, which is eighteen miles from Aberdeen and 150 feet above the sea. On walking up the valley of the Feugh for about a couple of miles we meet with a moraine at a place called Gellan, on the south side of the stream. This moraine must have been formed by the glacier of the Feugh after it had been joined by those of its two tributaries, the Avon and the Dye. The moraine here comes down below the level of 300 feet; and the glacier, at the time of its formation, was about thirteen miles long. Proceeding two miles further up the valley, immediately after passing the mouth of the Dye, we come to a fine moraine at a level of about 300 feet, which must have been formed by the united glaciers of the Feugh and the Avon, when the ice-stream was ten or twelve miles in length. The great size of this moraine marks a very long pause of the glacier here. The quantity of débris is enormous, especially on the south side of the valley, where it forms a range of mounds com- posed of gravel, sand, and rolled boulders. One of these hillocks, called the Dunimore, is about 120 feet high. In some of these ridges there is a considerable quantity of washed sand, like river- sand; others are composed of blocks and boulders of granite mixed with rough stony débris, while a few consist of a mass of boulders of all sizes up to 3 or 4 feet in length, with a mixture of disin- tegrated granite. All the material of the moraine on the south side of the valley seems to be derived from granite; but on the opposite side, at Whitestones, much of it consists of gneiss and crystalline schist. This accords with the distribution of the rocks, which are all granite on the south side, but mostly of gneiss on the north. It would seem, therefore, that the débris of the two sides of the valley has been kept from mingling; and this is just what a glacier would do, and not what we should expect had these mounds been heaped together by the sea. In the centre of the valley, which is here very flat, the moraine has been swept away. The river Avon, which joins the Feugh a little above this, is a small stream that also rises at the foot of Mount Battock, and flows along a deep, narrow lonely glen, or gorge, between Clochnaben (1944 feet) and Peter Hill (2023 feet). There is a fine little moraine just outside the entrance to the gorge, at an altitude of about 440 feet above the sea, forming a characteristic crescent-shaped ridge, dotted over with large granite Q2d. G. S= Now 1tg: 2A 326 T. F. JAMIESON ON THE LAST STAGE OF boulders. There it lies, clear as a sunbeam, just as the glacier left it. I walked up the glen a good long way above this, until I was near the foot of Mount Battock, but observed no other moraines, which would seem to show that the glacier must have shrunk rapidly above this. Here, therefore, as in Lochaber, the glaciers seem to have retreated by stages, pausing for a long time at certain places and retiring rapidly at others. ‘There seems to be a corresponding moraine on the Feugh, near Finzean; and I have no doubt others will be found in Glen Dye, which, however, I had not time to explore. Terminal moraines (at least what I suppose to be so) also occur on the south side of the Grampians, in localities which imply very intense glacial conditions. Thus in Kincardineshire I observed one at Drumlithie, near the railway station there, at an altitude of 280 or 300 feet above the sea, formed apparently by the glacier of the Bervie, a small stream which takes its rise among hills of from 1500 to 1700 feet in height. When this moraine was formed, the gla- cier was seven or eight miles long. This moraine, I believe, is locally known as the Kaims of Candy, and seems to resemble the kaims of the south of Scotland, many of which have been described by Mr. Milne-Home, Professor Geikie, and others, and are supposed by them to be accumulations formed underneath the sea by the action of conflicting currents or tides. This kaim at Drumlithie, however, appears to me to be a terminal moraine. It consists of a long narrow mound, or series of mounds, from 20 to 30 feet high, with sides sloping at angles of 20° to 30°, curving in a crescent- or horseshoe-form, with the convexity seawards. So far as I could make out, it is composed of coarse gravelly débris, irregularly piled together. These mounds are most sharply defined at their north- eastern extremity. Outside them (?.¢. seawards) there are traces of lower and more gently sloping mounds, all under cultivation. A narrow steep-sided mound like this, over which one can easily pitch a stone, curving along for more than a mile in a crooked manner, is not, I think, an accumulation which conflicting tides or currents would make. The action of the sea would rather level such a mound than make it. However, I shall touch upon the subject of the Kaims and Kskers further on. In the north and west Highlands, where the mountains come near the coast, moraines of a more decided character are often to be seen close beside the sea. Those at Brora, for example, on the east coast of Sutherlandshire, are very striking, and have attracted the atten- tion of many observers. I examined another very good example near Muir of Ord, about ten miles west of Inverness, formed appa- rently by the right flank of a glacier descending Glen Orrin. Along both sides of the Dornoch Firth I noticed moraine-like masses, which implied that the glacier had come well down the Firth there. The great range of gravel ridges and boulders which runs from Cul- loden Moor to Kildrummy*, near Nairn, consists, in my opinion, _* Kildrummy is a Gaelic word, and probably means the head or end of the ridge, which is very descriptive of the place. THE GLACIAL PERIOD IN NORTH BRITAIN. 327 of moraines, and shows that the later glaciers which filled the valley of the Caledonian Canal and the neighbouring glens to the west- ward reached the head of the Moray Firth. Many of the moraines that attracted the attention of Agassiz in 1840 were at low levels. The most distinct and well-marked of all he saw in the British Islands were, he tells us, near Florence Court (the seat of Lord Enniskillen), in Ireland. He also mentions as good examples those on the banks of Loch Awe and Loch Etive, especially near Bunaw Ferry ; all these must have been formed by the later glaciers. Buckland also pointed out a number in Scotland and England which indicate a very great advance of the ice. Dr. Hooker, in a communication to the ‘Reader,’ in 1865, mentioned that in the upper valley of the Tees there are huge moraines, as well developed and as clearly marked as any in the Alps or Hima- layas, and that the glacier determined precisely the present course of the river and its windings. I am therefore inclined to believe that not only in the north of Scotland, but also in Ireland and much of England, the glacier, and not the sea, has been the last occupant of — the surface, and that many of its peculiar features, such as the © kaims, eskers, gravel terraces, and unfossiliferous upper drift, will have to be referred to the action of glaciers and freshwater currents. — The valley-gravel is well explained by supposing it to have been formed during the gradual and final retreat of the glaciers; and the remarkable absence of the bones of elephants and other large quad- rupeds which occur so frequently in the south of England and France is no doubt due to the later occupation of the northern regions by snow and ice. A great many of the land-locked hollows along the bottom of hills, now occupied by peat-mosses, probably indicate the position of the last beds of snow and ice which lingered there before they finally vanished. In places where the glaciers did not reach there were probably heavy beds of snow, which would be partly converted into ice at the bottom. These would exert a modifying influence on the surface, and also affect the drainage of the localities they occupied. Mr. Kinahan reports a well-marked terminal moraine at a height of only 140 feet above the present sea-level, near Bantry Bay, in the extreme south-west of Ireland—a district which enjoys the mildest winter temperature in the British Islands. This moraine, he says, could never have been under water, or it would have been washed out of shape (Proc. Geol. Soc. Dublin, March 14,1866). Facts like these have not been sufficiently weighed ; for if glaciers came down to within 140 feet of the sea at Bantry Bay, what must have been their development in the northern parts of Britain ? § 5. Freshness of the Glacial Markings. The freshness of the glacial markings on the bare top of many a hill, in localities which betoken an immense development of ice, affords another argument in favour of a late extension of the glaciers ; 2a2 328 ’. F. JAMIESON ON THE LAST STAGE OF for we can scarcely suppose that these markings would have stood the action of the weather so long as they must have done had they been imprinted in the period before the submergence. The length of time that has elapsed since then must be enormous; and yet on some hills of 2000 feet, the summits still exhibit the ice-worn sur- faces left by the glaciers which overflowed them from the central heights. As no covering of earth or turf seems ever to have pro- tected them from the weather, it is difficult to conceive how they could have escaped destruction so long had they existed before the time of the submergence. § 6. Kaims, Eskers, Se. Many of the narrow, steep-sided, curving ridges of gravel, known in Scotland by the name of Kaims*, and in Ireland as Kskers, I believe to be deposits formed along the margin of the later glaciers. - The fact of these gravel-ridges being composed of water-worn mate- rials, often stratified, although generally in confused, irregular beds, has induced most people to think that glaciers could have nothing to do with them; and British geologists generally refer them to the agency of marine currents. But in an ice-covered country where precipices and high rocky escarpments seldom occur, and where the hills are comparatively low with gentle slopes, the deposits formed along the margin of glaciers will often be of a gravelly nature, abounding in beds of sand and rolled pebbles having a sort of stra- tified arrangement. Such is the case in many of the old moraines of the Vosges. jaw (undescribed) ...... ——: . (undescribed) ...... —— : tooth (undesceribed)...... : 4, (undescribed)...... Hybodus, teeth and dorsal SIMON seycves sie de cits se ete ciee sae Ischyodus brevirostris, 4g. ... Otodus appendiculatus, Ag. ... ——, large..,.....0....0.205 pucherniodud glyphodus, FEU GIED (69 NAGA soc ocaconencee Pisodus ?, palate...............06 IE RG OLCIVED EY, " Agacneocanascemone Se lanciformis, Harlan...oe Sageeanosodoncaccone Reprinia &e. Chelonian bones................+. Crocodilian ? egg ..2...........» Ichthyosaurian vertebre ...... Plesiosaurian vertebre ......... Polyptychodon _ interruptus, CBG coocnonngnenssanonaesacecce Rhinochelys (lower jaw), Seeley a Beare seit, ides cauncueseees dq ) 5-3 Lower Gault. Eb 5 5 I. | IL. \IIr. soe * * mK Ke i * The following are additional species in the collection of Mr. J. S. Gardner, F.G.S., for which I have no localities :— “Opis, sp. Mmarginula, sp. Nezera sabaudiana ? ¥. G. H. PRICE ON THE GAULT OF FOLKESTONE. 304 “UUNAVULLNIIG SD.LBD0.LADT ‘Ssnsr90p -Usnsnyy Wuosury ung simy ody ‘punassyznUdo "AT “opphannag DynonvT “sngpysewo “PW “wunpnag sapuouup ‘vyouponb nurad -fig ‘vaqnjb vaynongy “awuarn -p.n sryyhpy ‘svanwo DpaUDvs SDjOYT “SNIDLISOL ‘y ‘snsoowma sazuouump ‘sn2 -pojnsqns “J ‘sngoajns snup.sao0uy ‘SNIDAISOL SAQUOULULPT ‘saprounzoad ningnoyg ‘Wwozney snumonuag ‘vypoydeg 0jnj0L9 -alay, ‘vuy nuabury ‘snwiu -1u, wagsouuary ‘nuygnnb srunpyy “suDIeDd “VW ‘Sn2DLISVL “VW “1UIIDY POOL SAIIUOULULP *SNUIU2) -mg uagoag ‘udsrg snumsa00uy s ——=| ‘S[ISSOT OTJSTLOJOVIVY "snp -1unn sanuomup |G 9 9909 -s2ua sanuomup |e i=) *SNS09 “10d sapuoUwupy \EE lor) ‘puny puabury | 1 Veo) "Sn QD49 “Sou sapwuowulp |G 9c “UL 40g “sped “*souoz, jo ssoul “pray ‘soTNpouU JO ouly year ‘so[npou Jo our] puoveg “paq-4seo SNgDIINS - SNUDLIDOUT "snUDwU -nvy vaqoag surare, -u0d seynpou jo eur “puvsucery roddq ey} 0} dn poansvoyy AGP eR jo do} ye mes prey ‘TTA peg Jo doy omy ye se_Npou JO oUly sal ‘TITA Peq Ur seTnp -OU JO SUIT puodeg "Sn} “DONS + snmunsa00UT jo pueq poysnao oy, “snUprUnNnDay uajoag sutureyuod sopupou jo oul] VW rt WOIF POANsvo][ “suojsayjog 1 ynny 042 fo spog fo 21907, *SNO.AOJI[ISSOF Ayysry ‘Kepo yaeq | “TIA “STISSOF 92UnU -a4 pues sojnpou Jo soul, OM4 SUT -ureyuoo ‘ea0qe ueq} Joytep AeTD *keyo Ayaeur oars opeg | “XI ‘amoyoo fous oped B jo [Av paeA |X “qt ysnosgy suruuni yory3 ‘UL @ 4o0J G pus -ueeIs jo uUlvos e@ UjIA ‘yreur feis = pjoo ‘eT@q | IX wa | PA jo oangje Ny oN ‘TITA 365 € e F, G. H. PRICE ON THE GAULT OF FOLKESTONE. ee nnn ‘snpUng -OL SOZVUDET “MUNDAS H sD.Lad -010 ‘sngdnisagur sapruowuypy "IBA ‘SNIIUND SAQIUOUL YY “DID.LDI -)n0 sipyssody ‘snummany sns -N ‘apuoulie, wnryzIway “D2DU -yoad nynonay ‘punu Dou “DULZ -ynnb vyngsoj “Dsauan DULaNT ‘snpnoungoag ‘snprbi. sadeoyjog ‘snapnuagyy sanuunpy ‘vuobn12a) DUULT ‘Najos 0} pate vpaT ‘ud ~1apouy ‘ql ‘Usayopy sagshLovoDInT “pyjayojnd punjaapy “anunjag sazwwout -up ‘snurynvb snsng ‘ungos -snaap wnyojuag ‘nnb2)90 v21QDAT “sngnD) Sagi -owup ‘vukasa npyjaunsnyg “unsafywuouw wniwnjoy ‘su -bisur “si ‘sngnbuoja snyoouzojug ‘sniwmuap "WF {(7ABA TTRUIS) s2g2nw -100 sazruomump ‘snunrpimbneT SaQUywiny, ‘Vwyoag snurawvo0.L0a\T *smgDpjvUe ~UDU saqmUomupy **** ‘snadnu ~daQuesanuoMmulpy | T. "IBA ‘$702 20ND sanuowup | ‘SUBIDEISHAY | O “20NLD) - sapuowump | F "snp -D) sajruomumpy | 9 *SNLUDU -ap sapvuommy | 0 “see*""* SHAQ OUOISOH[O MT 66 eeecevecscce ssoUyOITy T?40., ‘oR OL | S[ssof poysnao Jo purg F TIT poq 3451] Jo oseg « : ‘on Sqvio Jo syoeq SurUILy F -u0d ‘sejnpou jo oury "8}S¥0 poy[Or pure sopnp Q | -ou oyeydsoyd jo oury iEEIe -JOUL OLOU seTIODeq T | Avpo oj} easoya oury *poq jo doy ‘aves paeyy re *spoq WRIULO0O -oont Jo dog ‘woat Jo jounydtns Jo soynpoNy “snadnutap -Uud sapuoumup fo ouozZ OY} GAO" STIS -80F poysnao Jo pueg "IT poq yoryq Jo dog, ‘029 SQB1I JO SYIVq Ygta ‘soynpou jo oury ‘oyeydsoyd ut 8880 PoT[OL SUIUTE, -100 seTNpou Jo oury "A poq-jetoo jo doy, sreeeesusesmunsuaad LaMoT ‘soTnpou WodT pue ‘puvsuseis yaep ‘Ae yaeq “sMO[OO YSIY SuIIeoq ss ISsOT ‘Avo yaep ALI0A “£eyo po -ANO[OO-UMVF YYSTT “pey}jour you ‘eaoqe oy} Uvty coyysy, = AysITS *‘punoisd ysTyvep 110) SoUTy ABUL gst] YA poyjodg “keyo yaep uo Suryrem yst “FUST] TTA POTION ‘Til 366 ¥. G. H, PRICE ON THE GAULT OF FOLKESTONE, EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXxyV. . Buccinum gaultinum, D’Orb. (large specimen, decorticated). (small specimen, with shell preserved). . Natica obliqua, Price, enlarged. . Avellana pulchella, Price, front view, enlarged. , back view, enlarged, . Nucula ovata, Mantell. De Raneei, Price. Fig. TOD OUR G9 BO Discussion *. The Rey. T. WitrsutrE remarked that the various beds were fre- quently divided by lines of nodules, especially towards the bottom, and that these nodules had definite forms in the different belts, in some being all rounded, in others radiate. He thought it was very desirable to ascertain the reason of this. With regard to Ammonites rostratus, he stated that its aperture was beaked in the young as well as in the adult state, and remarked that information as to its mode of growth, and especially whether the successive beaks were absorbed, would be of much interest. He also referred to the unexplained fact that a bed at the base of the Gault contains both shells and casts. Mr. Carrutuers referred to the discovery in the Gault of Folke- stone, by Messrs. Gardner and Price, of cones belonging to two spe- cies of Sequoia, and, associated with these, some species of Pinus, two of which were to be referred to a group of that genus at present found associated with the two existing species of Sequoia on the mountains of western North America. ‘These Sequoie from the Gault are the oldest known representatives of the genus; and it is remarkable that they should be thus early associated with species of the same group of Pines which is now represented only in the same country where the Sequore also grow. Mr. Carruthers believed this to be the earliest trace of the geographical distribution of plants which now exist on the surface of the earth. Mr. Torrey remarked that the lithological and stratigraphical break between the Gault and the Neocomian is less marked than is generally supposed. At a place near Folkestone the lithological difference is so small that it becomes difficult to say where the one ends and the other begins. At Folkestone the highest beds of the Neocomian are false-bedded sands; and, contrary to what might be expected, these sands are the most constant of the series, always occurring where the Neocomian is represented below the Gault. As the Gault is traced westwards we come to places where it is difficult to discern any difference between it and the Neocomian. He stated that Prof. Way had found the exterior of the nodules to contain more phosphate of lime than the interior, which seemed to indicate that the phosphate came from without. Mr. CHarteswortu doubted whether the fossil egg, if that of a Crocodile, could be that of a living species. With regard to the * This discussion also relates to Mr. Meyer's paper ‘On the Cretaceous Rocks of Beer Head.” F. G. H. PRICE ON THE GAULT OF FOLKESTONE. 367 forms of nodules, he remarked that in the Crag the nodules round the fang-like bases of sharks’ teeth were more or less globular; and he did not think that the form of nodules has any relation to that of the nucleus around which they may have been aggregated. Mr. Hawxrys Jouyson considered the nodules to be due to organic structures, probably sponges, which had grown upon a hard bottom, and afterwards been affected by its mineral constituents. Mr. Tat inquired whether the nodules at the base of the Gault had been rolled. Mr. Szrtzy, having examined the supposed Crocodile’s egg, de- clared that from its form it could not be that of a Crocodile, and he did not think it was that of a Turtle. It might possibly be the egg of an Ichthyosaurus or Plesiosaurus. He stated that he had found nodules of different forms scattered indiscriminately in the Gault, and that his investigations led him to believe that all these nodules had been subjected to wear and tear before coming into their present position. The subdivisions of the Gault recognized at Folkestone would not, he thought, be represented elsewhere; for their mineral characters were found to change greatly towards the west, the Gault itself becoming more sandy and micaceous as it approaches the gra- nitic rocks. He believed that the Blackdown beds represented both the Greensand and the Gault. Prof. Huenss thought that we should take as the base of the Lower Cretaceous Series the first marine beds which succeed the freshwater deposits of the 8.E. of England and rest on the Trias and older rocks in the 8.W. He considered them to be deposits formed during a considerable period, as successive parts of an irregular land-surface were being depressed below the sea; so that a shore deposit might be formed at Blackdown while fine sand or clay was being thrown down further out to sea over that part of the south-east of England which had already been submerged to a con- siderable depth. Prof. Ramsay observed that the value of such detailed sections, in a paleontological point of view, was very great; and with respect to the physical relations of the Gault and Upper Greensand, he stated that in some parts of England there is lithologically no clear line of demarcation between the two formations; and, in like manner, in some other areas there is no very definite boundary line between the Upper Greensand and the Chalk. He then drew attention to . the views originally advanced by Mr. Godwin-Austen, who showed that in this part of the world all these Upper Cretaceous formations were deposited over a great continental area that was being slowly submerged, so that while the Upper Greensand began to be deposited in the sea in one area much of the land still stood above water, and as it got depressed these Greensand strata were gradually deposited on the sinking land. For this reason the two ends, so to speak, of a long section of the Greensand will be of somewhat different age ; and while the end nearest the land was being deposited as sand, further out at sea true Chalk was being formed; and thus much of the Upper Greensand may be considered to have been formed con- 368 F. G. H. PRICE ON THE GAULT OF FOLKESTONE. temporaneously with much of the Lower Chalk under different local conditions of proximity of land and depth of water. Mr. Braxe believed that the animal of Ammonites rostratus might have lived outside its shell. Mr. Price stated that he did not wish to imply that the divisions indicated in his paper would hold good over wide areas. He added that bones of Turtle were not unfrequent in the Gault. Mr. Meyer said that the division between the Gault and Green- sand was not distinct. ‘The Beer stone deposited in a hollow to the westward exhibited a change of texture. The upper beds of the Lower Greensand of Folkestone represent a lower horizon of the Lower Greensand at Guildford. Quart. Journ Geol . Soc Vol. XXX. Pl. XXV. G.H.Ford & C.L.Griesbach Mintern Bros imp GAULT FOSSILS. C. J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF BEER HEAD. 369 29. On the Cretaczous Rocks of Brer Heap and the adjacent Cx1rr- sEctions, and on the RetativE Horizons therein of the WaRmIn- stER and BuackpowNn Fossiiirexovus Deposits. By C.J. A. Meyer, Esq., F.G.S. (Read April 29, 1874.) Tne Cretaceous rocks which cap the higher ground over a considerable portion of the south-east of Devonshire, and from the partial destruction of which vast beds of gravel have accumulated over the same area, are exposed on the coast-line between Seaton and the west of Sidmouth in numerous fine cliff-sections. The strata thus exposed, while resembling in great measure the various corresponding deposits of other parts of England, possess at the same time a certain facies of their own which renders their correlation in part a matter of uncertainty. I purpose to offer in this paper a description of certain of these cliff-sections, to point out the various petrological and paleon- tological subdivisions of the strata therein expused, and to leave to the consideration of others the chief point of interest which I have been as yet unable to determine, namely the age of the lowermost deposit. This paper probably contains little which is not already to be found in the writings of previous observers. But so far as it is the result of independent observation, it may not be without its value. Reference to Previous Descriptions. The following papers, to some of which I shall have occasion to refer, are amongst the principal contributions to the literature of the subject :— Dr La Becue, Sir H. T. (1822). ‘Remarks on the Geology of the South Coast of England,” &c. Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. i. pp. 40 & 95. Dr La Becur, Sir H. T. (1826). ‘On the Chalk and Sands be- neath it (usually termed Greensand) in the vicinity of Lyme Regis,” &c. Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. 11. p. 109. Frrron, Dr. W. H. (1886). “On the Strata between the Chalk and the Oxford Oolite in the South-east of England.” ‘Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 233 &e. De La Becue, Sir H. T. (1839). Ordn. Surv. ‘ Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset,’ p. 237. Gopwin-Austen, R. A. C. (1842). “On the Geology of the South- east of Devonshire.” ‘Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. vi. p. 433. Hurcntnson, P. O. (1843). ‘The Geology of Sidmouth and of South-eastern Devon.’ 8vo. Sidmouth. Renevier, M. E.(1856). Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Se. Nat. v. pp. 51, 52. Wuiraxer, W. (1870). “On the Chalk of the Southern Part of Devon and Dorset.” Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvii. p. 93. The Cretaceous rocks in their range westward from the Isle of Wight repose successively on the abraded surface of older and yet 370 Cc. J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF older deposits. The Oolitic, the Liassic, the Triassic, and Old-Red- Sandstone strata support in turn the overlying Cretaceous series. In passing westward these Cretaceous rocks diminish steadily, yet at the same time unequally, in thickness. They change slightly, also, both in mineral character and in their fossil contents. From Lyme Regis westward to Axmouth, and from Beer Head again west- wards to their last exposure on the coast at Peak Hill, near Sidmouth, the base of the series rises gradually higher in the cliff-sections. In the face of this prevailing rise of the Cretaceous series to the westward, the Chalk-cliffs of Beer Head, the most westerly chalk promontory in England, owe their preservation in great measure to a local synclinal or trough-like arrangement of the strata. Many writers on the geology of Devonshire have attributed the present trough-like arrangement of these strata to subsidence since their original deposition. It is not clear, however, that this view is correct ; and it may, perhaps, be worth considering presently whether this seeming subsidence is not due in part to an original inequality of the ocean-bed. For the moment I must pass on to other matters. I. Cretaceous Rocks represented in the Cliff-Sections of South Devonshire. The Cretaceous rocks of the Beer-Head district include the fol- lowing principal subdivisions :— Upper Chalk (in part) ? Middle Chalk. Lower Chalk. Chalk Marl. Chloritic Marl. Upper Greensand. Gault. (?) These broader and generally recognized divisions are split up naturally into many minor beds, either by variation in mineral composition or by the prevalence of a special fauna. In describing these minor beds, or groups of strata, it may be most convenient to take them in their natural or ascending order, and for facility of reference to number them throughout consecutively. Description of the minor Subdivisions of the Cretaceous Strata as seen in the Beer-Head* and adjacent Sections (fig. 1). Bed 1.—Greenish sandy argillaceous strata. Including often, near its base, a grit-bed of minute subangular pebbles, or frag- ments of the underlying rocks. Thickness variable, usually a few feet only; 3 ft. at White Cliff, 33 ft. at Dunscombe, 24 feet at Salcombe Hill. Prevailing fossl—Hxogyra conica (small var.). * The sections here referred to as adjacent sections are :—those of White Cliff and Beer ; the Southdown Undercliff, or landslip of 1789 ; the cliffs at Brans- combe Mouth, Weston Mouth, Dunscombe, Salcombe, and Sidmouth. BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. 371 Fig. 1.— General Section. Scale 48 ft. to the inch. Upper (?).-.-..--- Chalk ¢ Middle...--— IDOE do Ee EY Gaia SE \ Boor Stone. Chalk Marl..........J PSSSSSSsS egy e: :,) }--. Phosphate-bed. Chloritic Marl.......... ---- Warminster beds. SS <= : = Chert-beds of Up- as Beare) (eae per Greensand, Upper Greensand pecans RXKKKXA KX MKXX MKKXHK KK XW 30 RXR KEN KAR KKK LAN NRE NERY ——<—$———— --- Blackdown beds. 372 Cc. J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF Fossils :— Exogyra conica, Sow. (small var.)...... Peak Hill. Salcombe. Weston. Vermicularia concava, Sow. ............ Salcombe. Arca carinata, SOwW.............ccceeceeeees White Cliff. i MareXoyalle}s (3} 95. —-opnoboosbooogensnopacaqeo0Gcee Axmouth. This, the well-nigh universal base-bed of the Devon Cretaceous series, is, from its somewhat retentive character, usually the most difficult to examine in situ. It may be seen in part at White Cliff, and here and there along the cliffs from Branscombe westward to Peak Hill. It is present also, in much the same condition, at the base of the Blackdown strata at Punchey Down, near Collumpton, and again, further westward, at-Haldon. Bed 2.—Argillaceous sand, with abundance of green earth. Varies in colour from dark greyish to pale brownish green, appa- rently according to its condition of moisture. Fossiliferous semi- indurated nodules occur near the top of this bed at White Cliff and in places to the westward, and have much resemblance to the “‘ Cow- stones” of Lyme Regis. Thickness variable: 15 ft. at White Cliff, 25 ft. at Dunscombe, 25 ft. at Salcombe Hill, 20 ft. at High Peak. Fossils, in places, numerous. May be seen at White Cliff and in the cliff-sections between Branscombe and High Peak to the west of Sidmouth. Fossils of bed 2 :— Miadrepoxal(P)jecceteoseescee ee erence Salcombe. 1B ya KOYA01 (0) SagoaeoeacaspoabasmbudascucoDAd Peak Hill. Nilicifiediwoodees-ceeeeteet eee eeee eee A Epiaster Murchisonie, Mant. ......... Axmouth. Hemipneustes Greenovii, Forbes ...... a Peak Hill. White Cliff. Fusus quadratus, Sow. ..............0055 Peak Hill. Rostellaria Parkinsoni, Sow............. “H AMOMIaLIS Doe tojoeceesaeeeeeeeree eet as Exogyra conica, Sow. ...............s0s008 Salcombe, &e. Wk NE (SodR soooogooonsceoscoscocue. Axmouth. Pecten Millerii, Sow. ....3.......00..0000: Peak Hill. orbicularis (small var.) .:.......... im White Cliff. Area carinata, Sow...........cceeceese eens A Axmouth, Cardium Hillanum, Sow. ............... os) White Cliff. Cyprina cuneata, Sow. ...............60- 53 Salcombe. Tnoceramus sulcatus, Sow. ............++: 5 Axmouth. Lucina orbicularis, Sow................+4- 4 White Cliff. Mactra angulata, Sow. ...............4.. 5 Nucula impressa, Sow. ............0.000+ 43 lineatas Sows: ccsecnccaccwecsico cost Pectunculus umbonatus, Sow. ......... Dunscombe. White Cliff. Tellina striatula, Sow.............0....0065 Peak Hill. (or Psammobia)..............0c0000 ss Thetis major, Sow. ...........cceeeeneee ee 3 Trigonia (allied to Coquandiana, D’ Orb.) xp spectabilis, Sow......... .eccceeee eee White Chiff. Beer Head. iB) e siniasiacsieeinape ome namanemienaoir tee Dunscombe. Axmouth. 5) 194) cosgaodasese qodbacanacoacsn sod qnecad Axmouth. Venus immersa, Sow. .......-.0eccceee ens ” Vermicularia polygonalis, Sow. ......... % ConcayasSovvie.-neeeccsee esc ceeeeian Salcombe. Peak Hill. BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. 3/3 At White Cliff these fossils occur only as casts and impressions in the indurated nodules. At Branscombe some of them are more perfect. At Peak Hill, where the condition of the bed is slightly different, many of the species occur precisely as at Black down,the shell itself having been replaced by chalcedony. De La Beche* has recorded many other species as having been obtained from this bed at White Cliff; and he was also one of the first to point out their resemblance to the Blackdown fauna. Bed 3.—Buff-coloured and greyish marly sands, with large, rounded, and spongiform concretions. Thickness variable: 40 ft. at White Cliff, 30 ft. at Branscombe, 25 ft. at Dunscombe, 20 ft. at Salcombe. Fossils scarce. Fossils :— Exogyra conica, Sow. .........+0-....se0ee White Cliff. kev tata, SOW. -eeeeanensnescecaee: * Branscombe, &c. Pecten orbicularis, Sow. (var.) ......... 5 Axmouth. This bed may be seen at White Cliff and in all the sections from Branscombe westward to High Peak. Bed 4.—Light-coloured, yellowish, and slightly marly sands, with irregular concretions. Thickness about 20 ft.: 25 ft. at White Cliff (?), 20 ft. at Beer Head, 25 ft. at Dunscombe. Prevailing fossilsa—Hxogyra columba, Lam., and Jamra quadri- costata, Sow. A shingle-bed or layer of sandstone pebbles, mingled with the broken valves of Pecten and Exogyra, occurs in the upper part of these sands at White Cliff. Near Branscombe and at Weston Mouth the broken shells occur without the pebbles. The White-Cliff section of this portion of the series gives, in descending order :— (@)Arpillaceous sand) (22. eeanenadeectensen e-retertaaeen 1 foot. (6) Dark, greyish, sandy clay, with pyrites............... 1 (ce) Greenish grey sand, crowded with sandstone-pebbles ana broken! shells) aerces-heseer cee reaeeeceet eee ee 2 feet fT. (d) Sands with irregular concretions ............+--...... 20", Hi oye)! Brppanppnocodbeduétoss05ccouondscdcvoududnteceRe 25 feet. Fossils :— Exogyra columba, Lam. Pecten elongatus, Lam. Janira quadricostata, Sow. Vermicularia umbonata, Sow. Pecten orbicularis, Sow. Bed 5.—Light-coloured sand, with chert in nodules or layers, usually more or less tabular. Thickness variable: 25 ft. at White Cliff, 20 ft. at Beer Head, 920 ft. at Branscombe, 8 ft. at Weston Mouth, 7 ft. at Dunscombe. * Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2. vol. ii. p. 114. + This shingle-bed has been thought by some geologists to mark the upper limit of the Gault. Oe nGas. No. 119: 2D 374 C.J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF Characteristic fossils—Hwogyra columba, Lam., and Janira quadri- costata, Sow. The diminution in the thickness of these strata to the westward is so considerable that I have thought it advisable to give the sections. They are, in descending order, as follows :— ft. in. Sand, with chert in layers) ....6.....s.cccs ste. 00 12 0 White Chiff...... Bed of sandstone-pebbles, with broken shells... 3 6 Sandy with cherti.j.), «scene eee econe qd @ Sand, with chert th layers 22. ote... eiieces eeu ee 6 0 Beer Head ...... Broken-shell sedi eeneiotanaecsteeeeeeee acer ek meer Es 1 0 Sand swith clertiy icant ce daeaueny sas eeenenemenencees 11 0 Sand and chert (shattered) ............cscecesucees 6 0 Mieston\ ity. -ceac: Broken\ shells wy reese Ma ne teen eee eee 0 8 Chert : an almost continuous layer............... 1 0 Dunscombe...... Chert in sand (shattered)...........-.0.cccecneeseee i At Axmouth the chert and sand about it is crowded with sponge- spicules. Bed 6.—Light-coloured sand (in places almost white) passing into sandstone. Thickness variable; 1 ft. at White Cliff, 2 ft. 6in. at Beer Head, 1 ft. at Branscombe, 6 in. at Weston. Fossi—Lwogyra digitata, Sow. Bed 7.—Sandstone-pebbles, with fragments of large Ostree. Thickness O ft. at White Cliff, 2ft. at Beer Head, 1 ft. at Brans- combe, (?) at Weston. Bed 8.—Buff-coloured-sand beds, irregular in structure, with zones of sandstone pebbles. Thickness variable: 5 ft. at White Cliff, 10 ft. at Beer Head, (?) at Branscombe, 5 ft. at Weston Mouth, 2 ft. at Dunscombe. Characteristic fossils—Hwogyra digitata, Sow., and Orbitolina concava, Lam. Fossils :-— Orbitolina concava, Lam. ............65- Axmouth. Weston. Beer Head. Branscombe. Exogyra digitata, Sow. ...............055 Axmouth. Weston. Beer Head. Rhynchonella Schloenbachi, Dav. ...... Weston. Spans) Cie CHGINS 5 5004 c00009400066000000000 Dunscombe. Bed 9.—Buff-coloured saccharine-looking sandstone, with fine green grains. Includes layers of quartzose grit. Thickness variable: 5 ft. at White Cliff, 20 ft. at Beer Head, 15 ft. at Branscombe, 8 ft. at Weston, 4 ft. at Dunscombe. Fossils :— Rhynchonella Schlenbachi, Dav. Spines of Cidaris. Ditto (fragments). Small fish-teeth. Bed 10.—Rubbly, yellowish, quartzose sands, in chalky paste. Thickness variable: 6 ft. at White Cliff, 15 ft. at Beer Head, 10 ft. at Branscombe, 5 ft. at Weston Mouth, 4 ft. at Dunscombe. BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. 375 Characteristic fossils—Siphonia, sp., Nautilus levigatus, D’Orb. Fossils :— (Note.—Abbreviations as to localities :—Ax.=Axmouth, BH.=Beer Head, Br. =Branscombe, D.= Dunscombe, WC. = White Cliff, W. = Weston.) PASETEAU CG) coe tncee iron bic s va laste soos hae Oe en e D. iBryozoa) (Several specios)) «06... sa eniasaneneecete ces D. BH. PS TSHOM IA SPS 4). Secale sein vas shack eae eabeae eee D. Br. BH. Ax. Ananchytes subglobosus, Leshe...........0..0cc0 cess BH. Ax. Cottaldia Benettie, Konig — ......-..eessccceseueeess BH. Discoidea subuculus, Kleim © .......--.cecceseeeceeseuee D. BH Echinoconus (Galerites) castaneus, Brorgn. (small APE )M(S) yiesncuns ceceteceduiecsesisseaceemeaineneeee eee D. Byrne ovaloiiny Ags A ceken enc mae ksereae meee BH. Bratti sHOr0es h.dctr chek ea eee eae eee BH. Salenia petalifera, Desm. \..-2-s2-.ces-seesaseo--e-e ven BH. Ammonites Mantelli, So2w..........secccessseeeeeeeneens Ax. Nautilus levigatus, D’ Orb. .2.........0.0c0sceeresseee Ax. D. LOIERIVEE (3) OS eR ee eRe pee nen ero sacnansenucen csederancndemccccons D. Pleurotomaria Mailleana, D’ Orb. ..........0..cc cee ees D. PLELOCRL APN ist see Aen nse Nee eee een NaS eee Ds SPowtrer st tad tunsacuaasanecsWeanaaeaae marcato anes D. Phevslens Wiewtligmrck, JEMOyADS. Bocosaconodeccoenodcoade D. Hrochusyisps Mas uectecs ean eee eae canes D. Aurrivelln, Bausa eI): Onge nce sastetn eee see sere D. Caprotin acs pis dances secte sen cose meters see eens D. Gasirochsenas sp. sac pacers te err ce ne oe eee D. BH. Tnoceramus latus, ME: Ma eee ee otto. BH. Ax. LO} Qty S) Cleaner a ern adaeactionatced aaa ideceaocdsadan rc: 1D). Trigoniasulcataria, Wan .neseceeteasesc neces DE tenuisulcata, Dujard. Sead hinpaacicosoenademcetee D. W. nS] Dea pb ar esAc rn Sa oecocdib sho boadoa 600400 syosqaunaoneaadE D. —— abrupta, Buchs i: eee Haggandes 4 aaoneoors D. Pernai(oryAvicula)?) cic scenaseter coseee er eee ence D. iiimaormata, DOr0s ...osceaseanepce enter eenees De owner JOO, nonacadcodsaoseoneoodo00dNeucd D. semisuleata, Goldf, ...0-0..cn-.ensncecseseesieices 1D). Janira quinquecostata, Sow. ..........scececeees eee 1D Mytilus striato-costatus, D’ Orb. ..........sccsceeee es Ax. Ostrea (allied to O. Normaniana, D’Ord.) ......... Ax. BH. Garimata:S Os ss sceosrssoee rere ence eRe eer ee enee D. Giluyianase/1..... hee eeeenetrreraeceR cee eee err ne DD Ax. Beetenpas pers PAG cise. due nearei-b men aye ar me ECE: D. Rhynchonella dimidiata, Sow. .......:..cccsseeeeeenes BH. ganna J8y Par oobepenoopenends=osccenos +3 700 vodenD ae OONVEE MSelTthoconoenes603000000600090409 700000003050 Schloenbachi, DOs. wsasendees scweteeheene apne el Terebratella pectita, Sow. .........::ssccseeneesscensees D, BH. Bed 11.—Yellowish quartzose sand, with fine green grains, in a chalky paste, semicrystalline. Thickness variable: 2 ft. at White Cliff, 3 ft. at Beer Head, 2 ft. at Branscombe, 6 in. at Weston Mouth, 2 ft. at Dunscombe. Characteristic fossils—Crustacean (Callianassa 2), Exogyra co- lumba (small var.), and Terebratella pectita, Sow. Fossils :— Crustacean (CallianassaP ..........secsseeescseereerees BH. Bryozoa (Many SPeCies) ......-6.eeceeeeseenecsnereneven D. BH. 376 C. J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF Ananchytes subglobosus, Leshe............ceccce cence D. =. ep yis, Dele) ae aun os Na eeny ny ye can ners St BH. Discoidea subuculus, Klein ............c ccc e cece ees Bre Goniophorus lunulatus, B21) [ie abiaa Antone Suan eae D. Miucrasteryispy eyunscacdateciecmnn sede teehee eee BH. Pseudodiadema IMEVaelbbaMl, Z1GZ, SoadooceconoaneHasa00e0 BH. VABBLOERGES JEVROMETOs basadanoacdapsesadouabqngnsdson a: BH. Mrochus isp ceseeeeeee eee eee a uay eevaa tarenaunee D. Caprotinayysp cain cscst aasBoracee voces ce semctonncsecenpees D. Exogyra columba, Lam. (small var.) ............... W. A Bihar jos enh eagacdagammacdue docaacaanackenosnnanaeibessano. D. Cyqoe hk W DO ay desodnoasstn nc soscncsavedscoumbasun: D. Janira quinquecostata, Sow. ............cceeece cence ees BH. PSL OMRRH Rea cau oBAcorrna a RAamaaNaHe Hie anacucose uonaadat BH. Pecten rhotomagensis, D’ Orb. ..........2-.0.00000-0 D. —— Puzosianus, Math........cccecceccceneceneeneennes BH. aspen; Lamar cnenOasas venue ecanl a uh eee a BH. Trigonia, sp. (allied to T. sinuata, Park.) ......... D. Rhynchonella dimidiata, Sow. ..................00005. D. prasian a, ZOKD sinc 2s a: denon. Aacee eee maeecrt D. BH. Sid ollosaloryclon, DGB cocoogcoasnaconcosab0b00b0e0ns00s BH. Merebratellaspectitasy Sow mencrreeoercsceseceec ences D. Terebratula rugulosa, Morris............. ee D. Bed 12.—Compact, nodular, rubbly bed, with green grains and quartz grains, in a chalky paste. Thickness variable: 1 ft. at White Cliff, 2 ft. at Beer Head, 2 ft. at Weston, 23 ft. at Dunscombe. Characteristic fossils—Catopygus carinatus and Ammonites varians. The top of this bed usually presents an uneven surface at its junction with the next above, the junction of the two being also marked in places by a ferruginous line. May be seen at White Cliff and in all sections from Beer Head westward to top of Dunscombe cliff. Fossils :— Bryozoa (many species) REBRAC HEHE AROEABOR MaSatHEARn GAS D. BH. Ax. Scyphia (species)...............6.0¢ eo ava ate ROME ae D. BH. Spongia (several species) ......... pobsesbbannondouc0daE D. BH. Ax. [These are mostly coated with green Sees and more or less covered with Serpule and the attached valves of Crania and Plicatula. | Ananchytes subglobosus, Leske............. matrtlataecteiae BH. &c. Catopygus carinatus, Gloldf................ceeceecenen es BH. &e. Discoidea subuculus, Kletm ..... ccc cece cece eee eee BH. D. Echinoconus (Galerites) castaneus, Brongn. ...... D. Nucleolites lacunosus, Gloldf. ...1.....c.cce ce eeee eee D. Pyrina Desmoulinsi, D7 Arch. ':..0.. 6.252. 6..0.- +500. _D. Pratt; MOOS) saueas saci an tence eae cee nner nees BH. yuan, ZIG}, Sossoncadoosd006 baa cia cuts on ae ober ei aly SalemiaycibbayrA gan aerenect creer cece crensnces rer ee BH. petalifera, Desm. ......0..05.+ a Aik dole koa teas h BH. Spatangus bufo, Brongn. .......... foaten mace reise Mal sere BH. Le Vas, Dele hie eeniyh pte pnei ctl cacti ens D. Ammonites Mantelli, Soww.............ccceeceeceeveeeees Ax. Copel; Brongn ialscseis. saensscusten tee steee: Ax. re = VAPIANIS OO Wen aeeurnescebce eciewiniseebee ace eee WC. D. Nautilus Largilliartianus, D’ Orb.................0004. 23% 1D), Fittoni, ShArpe .........ccccecc ese ee ees Sra Seselteree Ax. ———— Neevi pats, DOB sien ssjnin voices nseeceemenat st Ax. BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. Sth Scaphitesvsequalis) Sozw.|'........c.c+ss+0- 00008 heels WC. nnrilitesicostatus Lana oes eee naeeee ene ene 1D). BB CCHeiy SOU) se cise satacrusisawaunic ouane eRe ee iAcxe A\@lllevaey GHSIES, TOAOTADS seonconoounedeonsecdscesdocococus D. FETUS IB Nas ete nite fos oialaarols ain aie cavacioneranleelnna anes D. UN IICA RSP yee nee cane decersindcaiciaemeaad one nmeen notes D. UNERIGO PSISS SPoeteses che svaves si dacscracceacedse some aeee 1D). IETS MYOSOMIANTIA 1 BPs saestciho) «21 ccec ‘od. ——,—— : “dQ “o[ppHAL = “4oMmorT. -——— ed Se nF Be C. [IRIN AWETO ea IoJSUIULIE A = Le ‘t0TyO “pursuasig todd gq 388 *(panurquod) *T LIEV, “speq —— uMOpyovlg = : ‘qed 389 BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. o fre ch Opduljocoanolaoasal|anaced\on ayoiei)| sreteieisin fisfoseisisis!| aiataialaly |(ele!> eieln\||aisielalseleleralsieia “YIO TT ‘snuvisozng ates ae | eects soo0a0 “(aA TpeUIs) ° al leintotetstsi| nietatetets\| (er sferetels)l(nfa\w}uie/ureis{s\sleisieters “Mog ‘sTaepNoTqIO fete eeelee Gaon) odsdn scnincrnn eneecee UnT ‘snqesuoja =e 44 me ttt elec e elev evnnlecereclanscceleccceel(ececes|sosens|eeensslscesseccene eee * -wOTT ‘zadse 90400, tel atevets||[overalerare'| ejotereraret| (eve cue BOS REO IDLMEOD Cini lg ‘g1aB[NoIse A 5 Hocecddllaaoono|loccndollosoccollsnoocollosns Saolloudovol soonuo|loogenn|locqocoqKacn O00 UU ‘enerAnyIp —— col osoone|scoadollaccasnllodoscclloodscnloc alevere'|ctererateve| fetefarievetniwrevete(a |||-iolateloielllere'e eteivislolulsln)slelnlelele nsa\sivin(elelsisleiciv'e se dg é Cc. J. A. MEYER ON THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF 392 Mawel ewes eels reer alesse celesscenlesseesleserer|eeeuvs(seursslsoecee Tete wee el ee wea lesen eles eeelecereel|seeeerleneses|scereslseererierscee ele e reset ens ceel see cerl ere neal sercari(sseeeri(ersnes seer le ewe melee eww e lees eee lee sensi eeeslecneesleeeseslttesee weet ewww eel ieee celer eres ecscesleceees|scescs|erervelsensesl|srsensl(terese 000000) DO0000) DO CO0 0) IGG0000) IGO000C |OU0000) INco000) IS U0 R00] 00000) |DOb000} |G 5umddl lagdu0b Rall (Ott) GOGO ISIC IC CIOO! ISICICISI in! Sigs! Omigiciig! (SC irigioig Sorin! (einirrrins imiriciry eset lw wesw eles ewe elec eee else ere eleeeceelecet ee lavensslesesseleeeersl(eerarelevete® ‘0G | 6 | SL | ZT | 9L | ST | PT | "ST | SL | TT | OT | AD ie AS 5 Ia eee S| | ee — y ‘zo. ——~-—— : : *spoq ‘spoq ~~" -dq “°[Ppul “TOMOTT : TOISUIULTE AA = uwMopyorlg = : —_— Oo | OW ; Se Pike) MPG | Mert “t0TYyO : | ‘puvsusety todd gq “qeg d meee ete nese ee “SaOSTG ¢ BsseuRlyeg ‘VEOVLSAUO jjeeponenenae 080g ‘sngemoseqny <= s0t5d0G0G00G00060 ‘UDT, ‘S1Y84809 nopogD0008000004 mog Tayooq SOql[Itin, J, SobaDuADGOOSnOO0eD “mog ‘snnbitqo sje Mog ‘sipenbes seqiydeog sondpodcne00006 HO ‘SNYBSIART setae "QO. ‘snwenwwrpypiscey sdvoo0uen0dd adunyy “T0441 snpryne NT conavsuaounnngnDDoOeGua0on eppoyTUMLTO gy sfofotslsJefefeleleteieverelsheisistetele nog ‘SURLIBA Pain an “og ‘sIsuaseUOJOYA siefoiefelele(sleisisteiatele “mog ‘SLIBNOTARUL SOOOOUDOROOODOOOOG “Mog TTOJUR PL ——— so0000 ‘ubuorg tadnop seytuowuly “VYacdOTVHda) *(panunwoo) *T ITAV, BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. 393 Taste II.—Tllustrating the Succession of the Cretaceous Strata near Beer Head, Devon. 3 Za eo a E EEE Divisions. | + Minor Divisions. S 3 Zones of Fossils. é = = Upper ft. (P) 20. | White chalk, with flints ...... 70 | Micraster cor-anguinum. S Terebratula carnea. a} 19. | Chalk, without flints............ 15 | Inoceramus Cuvieri. = Terebratula semiglobosa. | 18.| Hard chalk, with flints in |40 | Inoceramus Brongniarti. : layers. Holaster planus. = 17.| Marly chalk. Flints finger- |10 | Inoceramus mytiloides. S Pe like, dispersed. Micraster cor-bovis. 8 16. Nodular sandy chalk, without | 14 | Rhynchonella Cuvieri. flints ; semicrystalline. 15. | Cream-coloured sandy chalk; | 10 | Inoceramus mytiloides. L semicrystalline. si (| 14.| Hard nodular chalk, with| 5 | Discoidea subuculus. S quartz grains. fs 1 13.) Greyish nodular chalk, with | 5 | Ammonites Mantelli. 3 quartz grains, green grains, Discoidea cylindrica. GH and Phosphatic Nodules. Rhynchonella Mantelliana. ( 12.| Compact nodular bed, with Ammonites rhotomagensis. = green grains and quartz Scaphites eequalis. ra grains in a chalky paste. Holaster subglobosus. S a Catopygus carinatus. S 8 11. | Yellowish quartzose grit in a Rhynchonella dimidiata. Pea 1 chalky paste. Terebratula ete ios oe Exogyra columba (small var.). a a 10.| Rubbly, yellowish, quartzose Siphoria. = | grit in a chalky paste. Nautilus levigatus. lL Discoidea subuculus. (| 9.| Buff-coloured sandstone and grit-beds, with fine green grains. : 8. | Buff-coloured sands ............ Orbitolina concava. S | Exogyra digitata, Sow. S 7.| Shingle-bed of sandstone- 8 | pebbles. ee = 4| 6.| Light-coloured sand and/| 23) Exogyra digitata, Sow. = | sandstone. a 5. | Chert-beds, in light-coloured Exogyra columba. 2 sand. Janira quadricostata. = 4,.| Yellowish marly sands, with Exogyra columba. eee irregular concretions. Janira quadricostata. s a | Pecten orbicularis. aS || 3.| Greyish marly sand, with | 30 | Exogyra conica. S72 nodular concretions. a levigata. + g (| 2.| Sands, with green earth (ar- | 25 | Blackdown fauna. 3 Se gillaceous). Tnoceramus sulcatus, Sow. io) | 1 sue) sands and grit- | 34} Exogyra conica (small var.). ? 4 bed. BEER HEAD AND THE ADJACENT CLIFF-SECTIONS. 393 Taste I]1.—Zllustrating the Succession of the Cretaceous Strata near : Sa Divisions. | +3 Minor Divisions. S = 3 ao A + Upper ft. (?) | 20.| White chalk, with flints ...... 70 E s 19. | Chalk, without flints............ 15 a P Cr 18.| Hard chalk, with flints in | 40 4 layers. 3 17.| Marly chalk. Flints finger- | 10 = like, dispersed. oS 7-_-__— 8 4 16. | Nodular sandy chalk, without | 14: flints ; semicrystalline. 15. | Cream-coloured sandy chalk ; | 10 U semicrystalline. Z 14.| Hard nodular chalk, with! 5 S quartz grains. as 1 13. | Greyish nodular chalk, with | 5 a quartz grains, green grains, Sie At and Phosphatic Nodules. i ( 12.| Compact nodular bed, with} 2 a green grains and quartz = 3 grains in a chalky paste. a g 11. | Yellowish quartzose grit ina| 3 P=a| 1 chalky paste. Sa & S 10. | Rubbly, yellowish, quartzose | 15 = grit in a chalky paste. ay, (| 9.| Buff-coloured sandstone and | 20 grit-beds, with fine green grains. ‘ 8. | Buff-coloured sands ............ 10 se} Es 7.| Shingle-bed of sandstone-| 2 3 | pebbles. = 4| 6.| Light-coloured sand and| 23 o sandstone. ol 5. | Chert-beds, in light-coloured | 20 a sand. = 4. | Yellowish marly sands, with | 20 5 irregular concretions. sien a 3 3.| Greyish marly sand, with | 30 =e nodular concretions. + & | (| 2.| Sands, with green earth (ar- | 25 2 Sant gillaceous). oS || 1.| Greenish-grey sands and grit-| 33 ? bed. Beer Head, Devon. Oru Gas: No. 120. Zones of Fossils. Micraster cor-anguinum. Terebratula carnea. Tnoceramus Cuvieri. Terebratula semiglobosa. Inoceramus Brongniarti. Holaster planus. Tnoceramus mytiloides. Micraster cor-bovis. Rhynchonella Cuvieri. Tnoceramus mytiloides. Discoidea subuculus. Ammonites Mantelli. Discoidea cylindrica. Rhynchonella Mantelliana. Ammonites rhotomagensis. Scaphites sequalis. Holaster subglobosus. Catopygus carinatus. Rhynchonella dimidiata. Terebratula pectita. Exogyra columba (small var.). Siphonia. Nautilus leevigatus. Discoidea subuculus. Orbitolina concava. Exogyra digitata, Sov. Exogyra digitata; Sov. Hxogyra columba. Janira quadricostata. Exogyra columba. Janira quadricostata. Pecten orbicularis. Exogyra conica. » levigata. Blackdown fauna. Inoceramus sulcatus, Sow. Hxogyra conica (small var.). QF 394 J. G. GOODCHILD ON THE CARBONIFEROUS CONGLOMERATES 30. Nots on the CARBONIFEROUS ConGLOMERATES of the HASTERN Part of the Basty of the Epun. By J. G. Goopcnip, Esq., H.M. Geo- logical Survey of England and Wales. (Read March 25, 1874.) (Communicated by H. W. Bristow, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S., by permission of the Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom.) Prorsssor Puriiies has pointed out, in his ‘Geology of Yorkshire,’ that the Mountain-Limestone between the northern border of the Lake-district and the river Eden includes a group of red sandstones, alternating with limestones in the lower part of the series. They were referred to by him as the “Alternating Limestone and Red Sandstone Series,” and were considered to be the passage-beds be- tween the true basement series, or Upper Old Red, and the principal mass of the Mountain-Limestone which forms the comparatively high ground between the basins of the rivers Lune and Kden. This middle group is fairly exhibited about three miles to the south of Kirkby Stephen, at Ash Fell, where the different members of the whole series may be examined in the quarries and natural — sections laid bare in the immediate neighbourhood (fig. 1). The general sequence in descending order is as follows :— ‘¢q.” Principal mass of the Carboniferous Limestone, including a few thin beds of stained sandstone and shale between thick masses of limestone, and having a total thickness of not less than 1000 feet, between Ash Fell and Kirkby Stephen. : ««b.”” Obliquely laminated, soft, red sandstones, here and there very calcareous, generally containing many traces of Coal-measure plants, and frequently assuming a conglomeratic character in conse- quence of the presence of a few pebbles of milky quartz, and the occurrence of lenticular fragments of now decomposed shale on some of the faces of bedding. These beds alternate with thin shales, which are usually very full of fossils where calcareous, and with beds of limestone of variable thickness and different degrees of purity. Near the top of the series these limestones are usually encrinital — and crystalline; others are rather earthy and have interlaminated sandy bands; while those nearer the base, although generally pure in the mass, have courses of quartz pebbles up to an inch in diameter on some of the bedding planes. Here and there amongst the quartz pebbles may be detected pieces of pinkish felspar or fragments of slaty rock, probably of Silurian origin, which suggest by their usually subangular character that the associated quartz was rolled into pebbles ere it began to be drifted into its present position. The total thickness of this series at Ash Fell is about 500 feet ; but the interbedded limestones thin rapidly in a north-westerly direction, so that near Shap the total thickness cannot be much more than 300 feet, which is mostly made up of sandstones more or OF THE EASTERN PART OF THE BASIN OF THE EDEN, 8. River Lune, Ash Fe Roman Fell. N. o ' Fig. 1.—Diagram Section from the Howgill Fells to Roman Fell. See=.8| Upper —_— p peel old Rea, =e nee 5s] Carboniferous eeSestes) P, i et ehry ermian. z-2cI Sandstones. Sea Fig. 2.— Diagram Section along the Oross-Fell Escarpment. N.W. Crors Fell. Roman Fell. Brough. §.E. = ! 2 = ————— = i —.— 3 WZ iim Wea r = — Cra eH Seal" mH tf nr =m = 5 ben i} Hy HI —————— == fy Seo Siete ST = SS 396 J. G. GOODCHILD ON THE CARBONIFEROUS CONGLOMERATES less conglomeratic, and subordinate beds of limestone, which are similar in lithological character to those in the Ash-Fell sections. Some sandstones about the middle of this series may be seen in the railway-cutting in the village of Shap. “¢,.” The Sandstone series is succeeded by a variable thickness of limestone, which cannot be less than 500 or 600 feet near Ash Fell. The beds are not usually so pure as those of the upper series ; but this lower group is nowhere split up by beds of sandstone or shale. Near the base it becomes thinner-bedded and passes down by almost insensible gradations into the next series. Slee This group in its upper part consists of shales, with thin impure limestones here and there containing grains of quartz, and passes down through calcareous beds of a more decidedly conglo- meratic character into a series of apple-green quartz conglomerates and chocolate and grey shales. These, in their turn, are succeeded without any clear line of de- marcation by the Drift-like series of red conglomerates, sandstones, and shales which forms the lower part of the Carboniferous base- ment-beds here, and has always been considered the equivalent of the Upper Old Red of other parts of the kingdom. This basement-series is exceedingly variable in thickness and mineral character; and, so far as it has yet been proved, it seems to be mainly composed of locally derived materials. These are the beds which are seen at intervals along the northern border of the Lake-district between the Silurian rocks and the lime- stone scars of the Carboniferous series. They are very well exposed in Birk Beck, between Tebay and Shap Wells. Between Poola Bridge, at the foot of Ullswater, and the village of Dacre are thick masses of roughly stratified conglomerates belonging to this basement-series. Itis these beds which form the striking conical hills known as Great Mell Fell and Little Mell Fell, as well as others of the same outline between the foot of Ullswater and the outcrop of the Carboniferous Limestone to the north. A thickness of several hundred feet of limestone belonging to group “‘¢” comes on above the conglomerates in the river-Hamont sections north of Ullswater; and it is not until we reach Yanwath, about two miles to the south of Penrith, that we find the Ash-Fell beds in full force. Groups “6,” “c,” and “d’’ form much of the valley-ground skirting the north-eastern border of the Lake-district; and the generally north-easterly dip of the beds causes these lower groups to pass beneath the higher members of the Carboniferous series and the Permian rocks up to the great lines of disturbance at the foot of the Pennine escarpment, where they are again thrown up to the surface by faults which have several thousand feet of downthrow on the south side. About a mile and a half to the east of Ash Fell a north-easterly line of disturbance cuts off the Ash-Fell beds on the east, and throws in limestones belonging to the series “a.” The strike of the beds on the western side of the faults continues OF THE EASTERN PART OF THE BASIN OF THE EDEN. 397 nearly parallel to the lines of disturbance from near Ash Fell, north- ward along the foot of Stainmoor, to the Cross-Fell escarpment (fig. 2, p- 895); so that limestones belonging to the higher part of “a” are not lost sight of for any great distance, but may be traced round to the perfectly clear section in the scars above Brough, where the principal bed of this series is recognized as the Melmerby-Scar Limestone. This is the bed which forms, with the Whin Sill, the more striking and picturesque features of the Carboniferous rocks on the upcast side of the Pennine faults, A little to the west of Brough the generally north-easterly dip of the beds on the north side of the lines of disturbance brings up from beneath the Melmerby-Scar Limestone a series of sandstones of various degrees of coarseness interbedded with shales and beds of impure limestone. These are clearly seen to overlie a group of conglomerates, gan- nister-like sandstones with Coal-measure plants, and subordinate beds of sandy limestone containing many courses of well-rolled pebbles of quartz. This conglomeratic series is succeeded by a mass of grey lime- stone, the thickness of which cannot be made out in the typical sections. These beds, from the Melmerby-Scar Limestone downwards, cor- respond so closely in lithological character and geological position with the beds seen south of Kirkby Stephen that there is little room left for doubt as to their identity. The sandstone and impure limestone series next below the Mel- merby-Scar Limestone probably represents the lower part of group “a,” which was described as being split up by thin beds of sand- stone and shale. It must be admitted that the interbedded limestones in this sand- stone group in the escarpment are rarely found to be thicker than 25 or 30 feet, while those on what is supposed to be the same horizon south of Kirkby Stephen have a thickness of from 100 to 150 feet between the partings of sandstone. As there is a distance of a little more than eight miles between the two lines of outcrop, few geologists accustomed to follow indivi- dual beds over long distances will feel inclined to lay much stress on the difference in thickness of the limestones in the two sections, when the thinning can be shown to be at the rate of only 15 feet ina mile. As an additional argument in favour of the identity, at least in part, of the escarpment-sandstone and thin limestone series with the limestone group “a” south of Kirkby Stephen, it may be mentioned that the thin beds of sandstone observed in the limestone series “a” north of Ash Fell are found to thicken and the asso- ciated beds of limestone to diminish in thickness, and become still further split up by sandstones and shales, as they are followed in a north-westerly direction towards Penrith. If it were possible to follow these beds under the Permians still further to the north-west, we should probably find that the lime- stones had become quite subordinate to the sandstone series, and 398 J. G. GOODCHILD. ON THE CARBONIFEROCUS CONGLOMERATES that there would be little, if any, noticeable difference, except that of colour, between these beds and the rocks below the Melmerby- Scar limestone at the eastern end of the Cross-Fell escarpment. The conglomerate series next in order, notwithstanding its super- ficial resemblance in lithological character to the conglomerates of the basement-series, as seen at the foot of Ullswater, is distinguished from them by its including thin beds of limestone; and we should probably not err in referring this part of the series to beds about the horizon of the Ash-Fell beds “0b.” The mass of grey limestone on which the conglomerates lie occu- pies the relative position of the limestone group “c,” beneath the Ash-Fell beds, and probably is wholly or in part identical with it. The base of the series is not clearly seen in the typical section in the escarpment ; but, as in an adjoining section the conglomerates are clearly seen to be at no great distance from the floor of Silurian rocks upon which the Carboniferous beds lie, there cannot be any great thickness of this lower limestone. Perhaps the only other distinction of any note between the beds seen in the escarpment and those along their southern outcrop about Ash Fell lies in the fact that the very well-marked red tint which is seen in the Ash-Fell sandstones is nearly or quite absent in the beds under the Melmerby-Scar limestone. But as other sandstones higher in the series, which are red on the downthrown side of the great faults, are clearly seen to be of their natural colour on the upthrown side, it is inferred that the staining is due to Permian influence; and the mere absence of the red tint is therefore not a distinction of any value. In my opinion this marked absence of staining in the Carboniferous beds on the escarpment sides of the great lines of disturbance is due to a considerable upheaval in late geological times, the plain upon which the Permian rocks once rested being now only in part repre- sented by the tops of the highest fells on the north side of the Pennine faults. Perhaps there is no place along the Cross-Fell escarpment where this group of sandstones and conglomerates can be so well examined, and its relation to the beds above and below so clearly made out, as on Roman Fell and in the sears to the south-east of it. Along other parts of the escarpment, much of the lower slopes along which these beds mostly occur is obscured by drift and by fallen blocks from the scars above. It will therefore be convenient to speak of the whole series be- tween the base of the Melmerby-Scar limestone and the top of the lowest thick limestone as the Roman-Fell beds. This group will therefore include not only the supposed repre- sentatives of the Ash-Fell beds “ 6,” but also the lower part of the Limestone series, indicated by the letter ‘“‘a” in the diagram section at Ash Fell (fig. 1). In following the outcrop of the Roman-Fell beds towards Cum- berland, the conglomeratic beds from the middle of the group down- wards are found to increase much in thickness, and the included OF THE EASTERN PART OF THE BASIN OF THE EDEN. 399 stones to become so much larger that there is little difficulty in finding masses of quartz nine inches or a foot in diameter in some of the coarser beds. The upper part of the group, between the conglomerates and the Melmerby-Scar limestone, does not seem so changeable: except that the interbedded limestones are thinner and usually of a lesser degree of purity, and that coals set in to the north, there is but little differ- ence between these beds under Cross Fell and their eastward exten- sion as seen near Brough. As has already been remarked of some of the limestones associated with the Ash-Fell beds on the south side of the great faults, the beds above and below the Roman-Fell series become much thinner in a north-westerly direction, so that under Cross Fell the Melmerby- Scar limestone is little more than half as thick as the same bed at Brough ; and there is reason for believing that the lower limestone, which is seen under the Roman-Fell beds near Brough, dies away completely before we reach Cumberland. The exact point where it does so cannot be indicated until a more detailed examination of the ground has. been made. So far as the writer has been able to make out in his holiday rambles, there does not appear to be any undoubted equivalent of the true Carboniferous basement-series along the escarpment, although it is possible that those beds may be feebly represented in places by the lower part of the conglomerates. The tendency to become coarser in a north-westerly direction is not so marked along the southern outcrop of the Ash-Fell beds, so far as they have yet been traced into the basin of the Eden; but at a short distance west of Penrith some sandstone beds, which must be very near this horizon, are quite as coarse as any millstone grit, and in themselves could not be distinguished from it. Over a considerable area to the east and north of the Silurian rocks of the Lake-district one of the results of the Geological Survey has been to prove that, as a rule, the limestones of the Carboniferous series increase in thickness towards the south-east, and that, on the other hand, the purely drifted deposits come on in greater force, and generally tend to increase in coarseness, in proportion as they are followed towards the north-west. As this rule can thus be shown to be one of wide application in the higher parts of the series, one may infer that these lower beds form no exception, but that the whole of the lower part of the Carbonife- rous series tends to assume more and more of a littoral character as it is followed towards the north-west, and that any of the limestones which can be shown to have died away along the escarpment will not be found to reappear along the northern outcrops of the local base of the carboniferous rocks, but that these Roman-Fell beds over large areas will be found to rest directly upon the older rocks wherever there are no intervening patches of ‘“‘ Old Red.” We should perhaps not be far wrong in considering that these Roman Fell beds are about the horizon of the Calciferous Sandstone series of the south of Scotland. If one may judge by the published descrip- 400 CARBONIFEROUS CONGLOMERATES OF THE EDEN BASIN. tions, there is a close agreement between them both in lithological character and in their position in the Carboniferous series*. From what has been stated it would therefore appear that certain beds, which can be shown to occur about the middle of the Carboni- ferous Limestone in one part of Westmoreland, develop into coarse conglomerates, which are locally undistinguishable from much of the true basement series, and have been described, by authors who have not had opportunities of tracing out the true position of these beds in the Carboniferous series, as undoubted Old Red Sandstone. Discussion. Prof. Hueuxs confirmed the observations of Mr. Goodchild, and showed their importance as bearing upon inquiries into the changes of the land which furnished, and of the currents which arranged, the materials of the beds described. Prof. Ramsay remarked that the author was entitled to much praise for the manner in which he had worked out the minor details of the Carboniferous system. The Cross-Fell conglomerates had been called Old Red Sandstone ; they are now placed in the Lower Carboniferous, but no distinct line of demarcation can be determined. Prof. Ramsay remarked on the distribution of deposits of the Carboniferous series in Britain, and referred especially to the Carboniferous Limestone. In the south of Pembroke and Glamorganshire this formation is 2500 or 3000 feet thick; in the Devonshire area 100 feet, and in the north of Glamorganshire 500-600 feet represent the whole of the Mountain-Limestone ; in Coalbrook Dale, again, its thickness is only about 100 feet, in North Wales 800 feet, in Anglesea 500 feet. In advancing towards Paleozoic districts, where old land existed, the limestone becomes thin, whilst it becomes thick in the deep- water areas,—in Derbyshire 3000-4000 feet, falling off to less than 1006 feet in Cumberland, where it is split up by sandstones; and this is still more strikingly the case in Scotland, where 100 feet of limestone is a rarity. He thought the existence of coral reefs in the Mountain-Limestone doubtful. fi Mr. Trppemawn remarked that the Mountain-Limestone was 3000 or 4000 feet thick in the Lake-district, and in the Pennine Chain, at a distance of 15 miles, only 600 feet. * The writer wishes it to be stated that he had independently arrived at this conclusion before he heard. that Mr. James Geikie held similar views regarding these Roman-Fell beds. W. WHITAKER ON THANET BEDS AND CRAG AT SUDBURY. 401 31. On the OccurRrENcE of Tuaner Beps and of Crag at Supsury, Surrorx. By Witi1am Wuiraxrer, B.A. (Lond.), F.G.S8., of the Geological Survey of England. (Read June 10, 1874.) (Communicated by permission of the Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom.) 1. Tuanet Bens. Tue newer Tertiary deposits of the Eastern Counties have had such: a power of fascination over geologists that the older beds have been left almost unnoticed: indeed since the description of a few sections in Mr. Prestwich’s essays on the Lower London Tertiaries, which have now been published 20 years and more, I know of but one paper (and this probably known to very few geologists)* that gives us any information about that series in the district in question, whereas the number of papers that treat of Crag and Drift is legion. It has therefore been an agreeable surprise to me to find, in the course of my Geological Survey work, that there are fine sections of the older Tertiary beds in Suffolk and the neighbouring part of Essex ; and it was with some astonishment that I saw one of the finest sets of sections in the London Basin round the town of Sudbury, on the border of those two counties. These sections convinced me that the lowest member of the Lower London Tertiaries, the Thanet Beds, crops out along part of the northern edge of the Tertiary district, an occurrence of which I had a very slight suspicion from other sections near Ipswich. Mr. Prestwich has, indeed, doubtfully referred some of the sands of the northern outcrop to this division, though without describing any section; but he does not notice the particular part where it is now to be seen in many large and clear pits, and the following notes are all that can be gleaned from his elaborate papers :— ‘In north Essex the zone of outcrop of these sands usually occurs on the slope of hills, and they therefore form a very narrow belt, which is further frequently so obscured by drift that they do not constitute any marked feature in the district. Owing to this cause and the want of sections, their structure there remains uncertain. Their thickness may be from 30 to 50 feet” +; and in a foot-note is added the remark that the Thanet Sands, if present, probably com- mence (on the west) somewhere near Bishop’s Stortford. Again, in a later paper, “I am doubtful whether the Thanet Sands range thus far north. If they do, they must be represented by the bed of sand which is to be seen reposing on the Chalk in a few pits be- tween Bishop Stortford and Newport” t. Since the above was written a great improvement in the matter of sections has taken place, so that I have had the advantage of * J. B. Phear, “ On the Geology of some parts of Suffolk, particularly of the Valley of the Gipping,” Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. ix. p. 431 (1856). + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. viii. p. 241 (1852). { Lbid. vol. x. p. 92 (1854), 402 W. WHITAKER ON THE OCCURRENCE OF further and better evidence. The sands above referred to must in great part belong to the Reading Beds, as there is no thickness of even 20 feet of Thanet Sand to be seen in North Essex ; but I think it can be shown from an examination of the pits at Sudbury that there is really an outcrop of Thanet Sand—though I believe it does not reach so far westward as Stortford, unless the bed of clayey greensand that comes on above the Chalk there should belong to this division of the Lower London Tertiaries. Details of the various sections will be given in the proper place (a Geological-Survey Memoir) ; but it has been thought better to lay -a statement of the facts (trifling though they be) before the Society than to keep them hidden away for perhaps some years. It will be Section of the Lower Tertiary Beds at the Great Chalk-pit, Balingdon. 1873. (Scale 8 feet to an inch.) feet. a. London Clay, brown and dark grey, with ‘‘race.” No basement-bed. (A —— b. Blackish, rather sandy clay, and clayeyasand ep rcenccenmr neste ee sec eae Reading Bede: | c. Pale greenish-grey, red-mottled, bedded ( sandy clay, the upper part redder... 6 (d. Buff and pale grey, fine, soft, and somewhat clayey sand, bedded and firm. The bottom 3 feet or so (d') pinkish, that tint being stronger at the lowest half foot (d”)...... about 12 | : | e. Clayey greensand, very bright-co- : aa ek 4 loured at top, with 2 few green- eee eae ; coated flints at the bottom, and here Oh penser eee and there some higher up. This : bed is noticed by W. Smith, in his ‘ Geological Map of Hssex’ (1820), as ‘“ Greensand, called | Devil’s Dung,” a name still kept in \ theslocalittypmemsascdeceaiseccs about 2 q" = ee = f. Chalk. A thin bed of tabular flint (of alter- = == =P nate black and white layers) at top (.). == Other flints rare (?=the ‘‘ Margate Chalk” of = Kent). The top flint bed is noticed by W. TaN {\ \ vn Smith, in his ‘Geological Map of Suffolk’ Wy VAIN i) (1819) thus :—“ Chalk, covered with a Floor enough here to notice the one great section where all the beds from the London Clay to the Chalk may be seen. ‘This is in a pit on the right slope of the valley of the Stour, just south of Balingdon, the Essex suburb of Sudbury, which is worked down to the level of the of Stratified Flint.” THANET BEDS AND CRAG AT SUDBURY, SUFFOLK. 403 river, laying bare the set of beds shown in the figure, drawn on the same scale as various analogous figures in the Memoir on the London Basin*. No fossils have been found in the beds that I have classed as Thanet Sand, except some pieces of Foraminifera, by Dr. Holden; the reasons for this classification are purely lithological, and as follows :— 1. The likeness of the sand, in fineness, compactness, and colour to that which occurs in the same position in West Kent. 2. The persistence of these characters in all the sections, and the absence of false-bedding of pebbles and of red-mottling, tending to show that the sand belongs to the Thanet Beds rather than to the more varying Reading Series. 3. The fact that the greensand at the bottom is like the “ base- bed ” of the Thanet Sand; and the occurrence immediately beneath it of a layer of tabular flint, as is very usual where that bed caps the Chalk. Westward from Sudbury I have traced this sand for more than three miles; but eastward it is soon hidden by Drift, after being shown in many sections on the outskirts of the town. The green- sand over the Chalk, near Ipswich, is much like that at Sudbury ; so perhaps the progress of the Geological Survey may establish the » occurrence of the Thanet Beds in that direction. In the northern band here noticed this division seems to be pre- sent at the expense of the overlying Reading Beds, which are re- markably thin at Sudbury; and this outcrop most likely joins on underground to that in South Essex and Kent, many of the deep wells in the tract between seeming to pass through the Thanet Sand. 2. Crag. The pits that give evidence of the occurrence of Crag have been opened only during the last few years, and are all on the left, or Suffolk, side of the Stour, at the northern and eastern edge of Sud- bury, the three best sections being close together, on the hill within a quarter of a mile N.E. of St. Peter’s Church. The general section of these is as follows :— A small patch of Drift. Crag. Ferruginous dark reddish-brown sand, with layers of ironstone, slightly false-bedded; in parts a light-coloured grit with broken shells; thin layers of flint-pebbles, phosphatic nodules, and phosphatized bones in the lower part; and at the bottom a marked bed of the same, up to a foot or more thick. The whole as much as 10 feet in a hol- low, elsewhere as much as 7 feet. Thanet Sand; the lower pinkish bed, and the green base-bed. Chalk. In the furthest pit, Mr. Webb’s, the shells are mostly broken up, and many specimens of Purpura lapillus, var. crispata, with one valve of a small Anomia ephippium, were all that could be found in any thing like a perfect state ; but in the nearest pit, Mr. Harding’s, * Memoirs of the Geological Survey, iv. (1872). 404 W. WHITAKER ON THE OCCURRENCE OF all the fossils were in the state of casts and impressions in one of the layers of ironstone, which yielded the following :— Nassa elongata. Mya arenaria. Natica occlusa. Mytilus edulis. Trophon antiquus (lower whorls)- Pecten opercularis. Cardium Parkinsoni. Tellina. Mactra. Pollicipes. Modiola modiolus. Balanophyllia. From their unsatisfactory state these fossils are of little value in deciding the age of the bed; indeed Mr. Etheridge assures me that it is hard in most cases to assign the specific names with any cer- tainty, and consequently it is open to suggest that the bed might be a fossiliferous member of the Glacial Drift. The reasons, however, for referring it to the Crag are as follows :— 1. That no fossiliferous Glacial Drift is known within a very great distance, much greater than the distance of the Crag tract (on the east). 2. That no layer of phosphatic nodules is known to oceur at the base of the Drift, whilst the presence of such a layer at the base of the Crag is very usual. 3. That the bed is unlike the well-developed Drift of the neigh- + bourhood, whilst it is like some of the less fossiliferous beds of the Red Crag. As might be expected, this small patch belongs to the upper and wider-spread division, the Red Crag *, and not to the lower and rarer White (or Coralline) Crag. Its chief interest consists in the dist- ance from any yet known masses, it being some miles westward of all other exposures. Perhaps Crag may yet be found still further westward ; for my colleague Mr. Penning showed me a section near Stoke (west of Clare) where, between a mass of Drift sand and the Chalk, was a bed of angular flints and flint-pebbles, in which I found one very small piece of phosphatized bone, and on the top of which we were told.a mass of shells had once been found. We have since seen some of these, which turn out to be Purpura lapillus, the common Sudbury shell. The level of the Crag is, I believe, far higher at Sudbury than in any other part of the Eastern Counties. I fear that the layer of phosphatic nodules at the bottom is here too thin, too irregular, and too much mixed with flint-pebbles to be of economical value. P.S.—Since the above was written Mr, Penning and myself have found traces of the bottom bed of the Crag southwards of Thaxted, in Essex, in the shape of a few small phosphatic nodules and a piece of phosphatized bone in a very thin layer of gravel at the bottom of Drift sand and lying on London Clay. [April 1874.] A few days after this paper was read [June], when with my colleague Mr. Bennett, I found Thanet Sand a little north of Had- leigh, and south of that town some nodules of ironstone in sand (resting on London Clay), which were crowded with casts of shells, * Mr. S. V. Wood, Jun., thinks it most likely to. belong to the higher part (Chillesford beds) of this division. THANET BEDS AND CRAG AT SUDBURY, SUFFOLK. 405 the most common being Cardium angustatum, a species hitherto found in Crag only, as I am informed by Mr. 8S. V. Wood, who has kindly examined my Sudbury fossils, which he regards as belonging to the Crag rather than to the Drift. DiscussIon. Mr. Prestwich said that he was quite prepared to accept Mr. Whitaker’s interpretation of the beds referred to the Thanet Sand. Rev. Mr. Trurns remarked that the presence of ironstone did not prove the beds in which it occurs to belong to the Red Crag. Mr. Gwyn Jzrrreys said that the limits of the Red Crag were not easy to determine, and that the casts of shells obtained in the beds near Sudbury were not sufficient to prove the exact position to which they should be referred, although they represented Crag Species. “ite Sretry stated that he had seen fine sections of Thanet Sands fully 20 feet thick at Hadleigh sixteen years ago. They contained sharks’ teeth. The sands were capped with pebbles, and above these with London Clay. The Reading Beds either almost thin out to the north or are changed to sands at Hadleigh. This would give the Thanet Sands a more northern extension. Mr. CHaRLEswortH inquired as to the number of species that could be identified with true Red-Crag fossils. He thought that the presence of phosphatic nodules was confirmatory of the beds belonging to either the Red or the Mammaliferous Crag. Mr. Gopwin-Austen remarked that the occurrence of Thanet Sands at Sudbury was a fact of much geological interest. Prof. Ramsay considered that freshwater conditions generally succeed marine, and that the submergence of the Chalk areas was followed by upheaval of land. Prof. Hueues thought that the base of the Thanet Sands could not represent a land-surface, but that there had been land in the neighbourhood, which gave rise to fluviatile conditions. Mr. Wuiraker, in reply, said that the beds at Hadleigh, referred to by Mr. Seeley, belonged to the basement-bed of the London Clay, being above the Reading Beds. He maintained that the balance of probabilities was in favour of the beds referred by him to the Red Crag being of that age rather than Drift. 406 N. STORY-MASKELYNE AND W. FLIGHT ON THE CHARACTER 32. On the Cuaracter of the DramantirEeRous Rock of Sourn AFRICA. By Prof. N. Srory-Masxetyneg, F.R.S., Keeper, and Dr. W. Frieut, Assistant, of the Mineral Department, British Museum. (Read June 10, 1874.) ; Intropuctory Norte. Tue character of the rock in which the diamonds are found in South Africa, in the various diggings of Du Toit’s Pan, Bultfontein, (the Old) De Beer’s, and the Colesberg Kopje or New Rush, is essentially the same. In some observations I made to the Society on the occasion of a notice of Mr. Dunn’s on the subject of the rocks of the Diamond- fields, I gave a brief account of the minerals of which the particular rock in question appeared to be composed. I had at that time only optical, crystallographic, and pyrognostic features to go upon. Since then these minerals have been carefully selected and sepa- rated, and have been analyzed in the Laboratory of the Mineral Department by the careful and accurate hand of my colleague Dr. Flight; and the results that gentleman has obtained confirm in almost every particular the forecast I gave to the Society regarding these minerals. The specimens of rock examined by us came from various depths— from near the surface down to 180 feet (in the case of one mass from the Colesberg Kopje). Their general character is that of a soft and somewhat pulverulent ground-mass, composed of a mineral soapy to the touch and of a light yellowish colour in the upper, and of an olive-green to bluish- grey colour in the lower regions of the excavations. In this ground-mass are seen interspersed fragments of shale more or less altered and a micaceous-looking mineral which sometimes rises into an important constituent of the rock. It is a mineral of the vermiculite group. Crystals of a fine bright green colour of a ferriferous enstatite (bronzite) are not infrequent; and a hornblendic mineral is occasionally met with, apparently rather as an accidental than as a constituent ingredient: it closely resembles the mineral known as smaragdite. Garnet is also frequently but sparsely met with. Ilmenite also is present, generally in rather greater abun- dance than the garnet. A more important mineral, however, than these as a constituent of the rock, since it occurs in much larger and more generally diffused fragments, is a kind of bronzite of a paler buff tint, and in this respect, as in the size of its crystals, differing from the former bronzite, which owes its brilliant green to a small amount of nickel, and exists uniformly in small prismatic crystals not larger than a canary seed. A diallage much altered, but recognizable by its optical as well as by its mineral characters, is present to some amount in the rock of Du Toit’s Pan. Opaline silica, occasionally in the form of hyalite and sometimes resembling hornstone, is disseminated through the greater part of OF THE DIAMANTIFEROUS ROCK OF SOUTH AFRICA. 407 these rock-masses ; and calcite has penetrated them everywhere, in some cases even surrounding and, as it were, cementing the diamonds in their rocky setting. The analyses of the several minerals composing the rocks are given below, with the localities from which they were taken. They will be seen to exhibit this undoubtedly once igneous rock in the light of a bronzite rock converted (except where the remains of crystals have still survived the process of metamorphism) into a hydrated magnesium silicate, which has the chemical character of a hydrated bronzite. It is possible that the steatite-like magma in which the other minerals and shale fragments are contained may have, in fact, originated in an augitic mineral once more plentiful, but of which part of the calcium and the silica have been separated as opaline silica and calcite. It is, however, not very probable that a separation of ingredients in this way from a decomposed augite would leave a hydrated bronzite with so definite a character as is the base of this rock. It is far more probable that the calcite is an infiltered ingredient, and that the silica has been imported by the agency of water, probably thermal, and possibly associated with the secondary results of the volcanic outburst to which the columnar pipes filled with these rocks, and of which they were first shown by Dr. Cohen to have been probably the volcanic throats, were due. It would seem that the diamonds are more plentifully, if not almost exclusively, found in the neighbourhood of dykes of diorite that intersect the hydrated rock or occur near it in the horizontal strata through which the igneous rocks have been projected. This is the view taken by Mr. William Nevill, whose experience on the diamond-fields is the more valuable from his having carried with him to South Africa some mineralogical experience. At Bultfontein, where the diamantiferous rock is in contact with a narrow dyke of diorite, small diamonds, numerous and remarkable for the absence of colour in them, occur in the immediate neighbourhood of the diorite. At the “ diggings ” of Du Toit’s Pan, on the other hand, where the diamond-bearing rock intervenes between the diorite and the horizon- tal strata of shale, large yellow diamonds, accompanied by a few white ones, were found. Jn the old De Beer, again, diamonds were found in a rock that abutted on a large boss-like mass of a much more coarse-grained diorite. The same thing was true of the rich deposits of diamonds found at the so-called New Rush or Colesberg Kopje. The distinctive character of the diamonds met with in these different localities would seem to point to a source in each case not very remote from the place where they are found, a confirmation of which is further to be seen in the sharp and unabraded character of the edges of the crystals, while the fact that so many diamonds have undergone fracture and in fact are found as fragments, would not be inconsistent with such a view. The presence, in intruded masses, of diorite, and the crushed and broken appearance so often presented by the metamorphosed en- statite rock containing the diamonds—the fragmentary nature of so 408 N. STORY-MASKELYNE AND W. FLIGHT ON THE CHARACTER many of these stones, while at the same time they offer no evidence of attrition—the eroded lines carried on their octahedral faces by so many of the diamonds, indicating (as shown by Gustav Rose) the probability of their having beenexposed to an incipient combustion,— these facts, added to the brecciated character of many of the rocky masses containing fragments of carbonaceous shale, all seem to point to a great disturbance of the original enstatite rock. This rock, probably at some depth below the present surface, and possibly at the places of its contact with carbonaceous shales, was probably the original home of the diamond—the alterations that have ensued from its shattering, at a period subsequent to its becoming solidified, having aided in effecting the hydration that has so largely changed it from an enstatite rock into a mixture of enstatite with a hydrated enstatite, a combination which, both in its composition and structure, recalls vividly to the mind the similar mixture of the former mineral with the so-called pseudophite in which it occurs at Zdar in Moravia.—N. 8. M. I. Rock or Burtrontein. The ground-mass of this rock is formed of a drab-coloured mineral, which appears to be quite broken into fragments that are cemented by calcite in bar-like forms, much resembling crystals of felspar. This contains a good deal of the bright green bronzite which will be hereafter noticed, while garnet, always surrounded by crystals of a kind of vermiculite, is more abundant than in the varieties of these rocks from other localities. There is also a paler-coloured bronzite (see No. 4); and the whole rock appears to have undergone more’ than ordinary change. This rock has the following composition :— Oxygen Ratios. ime carhonaten eae oe 59-625 Magnesia carbonate ........ 4-972 ikronecarbonatemmeon meee: 3°016 Siliciceacidy dees) aes 20°700 11:04 TAMIAMI AM EMER eee 0:553 Tron qpEOtoxId ew ie ere ae 4296 0:95 } 3.97 (Milo risa iii. co tr 11238). me ee G.H Ford. TRIASSIC LABYRINTHC Quart. Journ Geol Soc Vol XXY¥ PL XXV] ae a ip ipso Oi Semen Se Mintern Bros imp NTA, ( WARWICKSHIRE.) Saye of <8 Hes: 4A. ming ™ — ——ann__aim j : lla am ah { — ss OCR aS ie ae f r / eS oe GH Ford. TRIASSIC , Paes ou be ae ae Ay F LABYRINTHODONTA, ( WARWICKSHIRE. ) Quart. Journ Geol Soc Vol XX¥ Pl XXVI 2.0. Mmtern Bros imp GH Ford TRIASSIC LABYRINTH Quart. Journ. Gedl. Soc Vol. XXX Pl XYVIE. Mmtern Bros. imp Pasties) dunt soig wssypnyy TIAXX [d XXX TS 20g fo29 wanop y.tenty GH Ford. Quart Journ.Geol.Soc.Vol XXX.Pl XXVIII. Mantern Bros mp. DIADETOGNATHUS. (Tooth - sections ) Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Fig. 1. FROM THE KEUPER SANDSTONE OF WARWICK. 435 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Prats XXVI. Mastodonsaurus pachygnathus, Owen. Orbital region. The restored outline of the orbit is indicated by a dotted line.