A’/- Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Scieucesf J ' [FORMERLY PROCEEDINGS OF FEB 7 I^ORIDA ^ ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol.8 December, 1945 No. 4 Contents Page Bless — Atomic Ei^ergy 267 Koenig — The Establishment of Mussolini ^s Neofascist State 280 Mustard — The Pectin Content of the Persian Lime 290 Brannon — Factors Affecting the Growth of Myxophyceae in Florida 296 Netting and Goin — The Cricket-frog of Peninsular Florida 304 Tyner — Properties of Limerock Concrete. .311 December, 1945 Vol. 8, Number 4 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A Journal of Scientific Investigation and Research Published by the Florida Academy of Sciences Printed by the Rose Printing Company, Tallahassee, Florida Communications for the editor and all manuscripts should be addressed to Frank N. Young, Editor, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Business communications should be addressed to Taylor R. Alexander, Secretary-Treasurer, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. All exchanges and communications regarding exchanges should be sent to thd Florida Academy of Sciences, Exchange Library, Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville. Entered at the Post Office at Tallahassee, Florida, as second class matter. Subscription price. Three Dollars a year. Mailed November 19, 1946 ATOMIC ENERGY A. A. Bless University of Florida 1. The Atom This year we are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of X-rays. There is another fiftieth anniversary which is, perhaps, just as important, namely, the discovery of the electron and the beginning of atomic physics. Until 1895 the atom was considered to be a sphere of invariable composition. The atom of oxygen, for example, was assumed to be a sphere with every part having the same composition, and the composition of one atom being totally different from that of any other atom. The universe of matter was assumed to consist of 92 distinct building blocks or elements. In 1895, J. J. Thompson and other workers discovered that all materials contain negatively charged particles, electrons. If matter contains negative charges, it must also contain an equal number of positive charges, since matter in its ordinary state is electrically neutral. The elementary units of matter, the atoms, must therefore have a structure con- sisting of an equal number of positively and negatively charged particles. The manner in which these particles must be arranged so as to provide the observed stability of atoms is a whole story in itself, and we cannot go into it now. The picture of the present day atom evolved slowly, but by the end of the first quarter of this century, the picture was fairly clear. The atom is assumed to have a positively charged nucleus situated at its center and negative charges, electrons, whirling around at various distances from the nucleus. Fig. 1. The number of charges on the nucleus of any element turned out to be equal to the order number of the element in the periodic table. Thus, hydrogen had one positive charge on its nucleus; helium, two; lithium, three; boron, four; etc. The number of electrons outside the nucleus was naturally equal to the number of positive charges on the nucleus, since the atom in its usual state is neutral, as mentioned before. Regardless of what was done to the electrons, the nature of the element did not change. Electrons could be expelled from a given atom, and then the atom would be in an ionized state, but it would still remain the same atom. It did not exist long in this state of ionization and very soon acquired a number of electrons equal to the positive charge on the nucleus. 267 m 7 268 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES The disturbance of the electrons creates light rays, ultraviolet rays or X-rays, depending on the number of the electrons and their closeness to the nucleus. The configuration of the electrons is also responsible for the chemical and physical properties of the material. In the last analysis all these properties depend on the number of positive charges on the nucleus. So long as the number of posi- tive charges on the nucleus remains the same, the number of elec- trons and their configuration remains the same, so that the chemi- cal properties, as well as the radiations emitted by the atom when disturbed, remain essentially the same. In order to change the chemical properties, or to change the nature of the radiation, the number of positive charges on the nucleus must be changed, which in turn changes the number of electrons outside the nucleus and their configuration. \ Fig. 1 — The atom consists of a positively charged nucleus with negative electrons moving around it. The nucleus contains most of the mass of the atom. The size of the nucleus and of the electron is of the order of about 10"^^ cm in diameter, which is extremely small compared to the size of the atom, the latter having a diameter of about 10"® cm. The distance, for example, between the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and its electron is 10,000 times as great as the size of either the nucleus or the electron. The space occupied by these particles is thus an infinitesimal fraction of the total space occupied by the atoms. This fact has a great deal to do with the utilization of atomic energy. 2. The Nucleus As mentioned before, the nucleus contains a number of positive charges equal to the order number (or the atomic number, as it is ATOMIC ENERGY 269 sometimes called) of the element in the periodic table. Each posi- tive charge is associated with a mass equal to the mass of the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. The atom of sodium, for example, the elev- enth element of the periodic table, contains eleven hydrogen nuclei, or protons, as they are often called. However, the atomic weight of the element is 23. This means that the element must have 23 units of mass on the basis of oxygen having 16 units. This also means that the nucleus of the sodium atom must contain approxi- mately 23 times as many mass units as a proton. Since it already has 11 protons, it needs, therefore, 12 more mass units which have no charge on them. These mass units are called neutrons. Each atom, therefore, contains as many protons as is equal to its atomic number, and enough neutrons to complete its atomic weight. So long as an atom has a given number of protons, it will possess certain definite chemical and physical properties, regardless of the number of neutrons it possesses. For example, the element of sodium may have 12 neutrons or 13 neutrons, its atomic weight being consequently either 23 or 24. (Substances which have the same number of nuclear charges but different weights are called isotopes). However, so long as the number of positive charges re- mains the same, all physical properties of the element, with the ex- ception of its mass, remain essentially the same. Similarly, the hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of one proton; deuter- ium or heavy hydrogen has a nucleus consisting of a proton and a neutron. While the mass of the deuterium nucleus is thus double that of the light hydrogen, the properties of heavy hydrogen re- main essentially the same as those of light hydrogen, since it con- tains only one positive charge. The nucleus (and the atom as well) is completely specified by the number of positive charges and the number of mass units it contains. It is customary to place the number of charges in the lower left and the number of mass units in upper right of the chemical symbol of the element. For example, sodium with 11 charges and 23 mass units is represented as uNa^^; its heavier isotopes as uNa^^. The light and the heavy hydrogen are re- spectively iH^, iH^. The notation stands for carbon with 6 units of charge and 12 mass units. is the nuclear symbol for the neutron since it contains no positive charges and has one mass unit. 270 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 3. Eadioactivity: Transmutation of Elements. While most of the atoms are very stable, many, particularly among the heavy ones, are not. Becquerel, in 1896, found that uranium atoms eject alpha, beta, and gamma rays. The alpha rays turned out to be nuclei of helium atoms, (symbol: 2He^), while the beta rays are high speed electrons; the gamma rays are merely short wave X-rays, emitted presumably because of the excitation of the atom. The process of ejection of particles from the nucleus is called radioactivity. The ejection of a negative charge moves the element up one place in the periodic table, since the number of positive charges on the nucleus then increases; while the ejection of positive charges lowers the place of the element in the periodic table. The lowering or the raising of the number of positive charges on the nucleus and thus the changing of one element into another ,H.' + Fig. 2 — Pictorial representation of the formation of carbon out of berillium. Neutrons are represented by blank circles, while protons are circles with a plus sign. may be accomplished by a number of agents : ultra short gamma rays, or high speed particles such as electrons, alpha particles, neu- trons, protons, heavy hydrogen atoms, etc. An illustration of such a process is the change by the aid of fast alpha particles of the beryllium atom into carbon with the ejection of a neutron. The reaction can be represented thus : (Fig. 2) : 2He^+4Be®”^6C^2+ ©n^+E. In this reaction we use the same principle of balancing as in an ordinary chemical reaction. The number of charges of the product and also the number or mass particles in the product must be equal to the number of charges and mass particles in the reactants. The number of positive charges of He and Be (6) is equal to that of C. ATOMIC ENERGY 271 Similarly, the number of mass units of the reactants (13) is equal to the number of mass units of the product (12-|-1). In most nuclear reactions some of the particles move with great speed and thus have large kinetic energy. The term E represents the excess kinetic energy of the product over that of the reactants. More wiU be said about E later. It sometimes happens that the bombard- ment of an atom by means of particles results in the formation of an element of a lower atomic number. This occurs when the num- ber of positive charges emitted in the process by the new element is greater than the number of positive charges it receives from bombardment. Transmutation of elements thus became a reality. The old dream of the alchemist was realized, when man was able to make gold out of baser elements. This transmutation was accomplished, however, not by the aid of the ^‘philosopher's stone,’’ but by the aid of more realistic devices such as cyclotrons. Van de Graaff machines, etc. These devices give to particles, such as heavy hy- drogen, the high speeds necessary to break through or into the nucleus. The process of formation of gold out of mercury by these means is much too expensive to be commercially profitable. However, some substances formed in this way are worth much more than gold. In this class belong the so-called man-made radioactive substances. 4. Tracer Elements Occasionally the material resulting from bombardment is not stable ; it is emitting particles and rays similar to those of naturally radioactive substances. Such substances were thus termed arti- ficially radioactive. These man-made radioactive substances are just as effective in the treatment of diseases as the naturally radio- active substances, and can be more cheaply produced. Moreover, many of them proved to be of extreme value in biological investiga- tions. Some substances are absolutely essential for the well-being of plants or animals, even though the amount of that substance taken in by the organism is too small to be measured by chemical means. However, if these substances are made radioactive, it is possible, by means of special detectors, to trace the progress of the element in the digestive system of the animal, and thus study di- rectly the effects of the element on the various portions of the di- gestive system. Sodium, for example, is made radioactive by bom- bardment with heavy hydrogen. The radioactive atoms fed to animals or plants will betray their progress in the digestive system through the rays that they are emitting. These rays are detected 272 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES by special devices, so-called Geiger counters, the operation of which we cannot discuss here. 5. Uranium Fission The process of artificial transmutation was so well developed during the last decade that practically every element in the period- ic table was made artificially. Many scientists were intrigued by the probability of being able to form new elements beyond the uranium atom, the last or heaviest element known, by bombarding uranium. While some evidence was obtained that the bombard- ment of uranium yielded transuranic atoms, there was also evi- dence of an entirely new kind. It was found that some of the products of the bombardment of uranium, instead of differing from uranium by very few units in mass or in charge, actually differed from the uranium atom by a great deal. In other words, evidence was discovered that uranium was split into two fragments of nearly equal size, such as seBa and seKr; ssLa and siRb; 54Xe and 38 Sr ; 53I and 39Y ; 52Te and 40Z. In most cases the elements so formed are unstable isotopes of the common stable elements. This was the first time that splitting (or fission as it is often called) of an atom was accomplished. Also, in common with other nuclear reactions, the products of disintegration had a great deal of kinetic energy; they were moving with tremendous speeds. These speeds were equivalent to those of electrons acted on by 200,000,000 volts, or to the average speed of particles at a temperature of a trillion degrees. 6. Matter Energy In order to understand the origin of this kinetic energy, we must go back to a principle of equivalence of mass and energy which was given by Einstein in 1905 in connection with his theory of relativity. Einstein at that time showed from theoretical con- siderations that a given mass, m, corresponds to an amount of energy given by the relation E=mc^. For example, one gram of mass or of matter is equivalent to an amount of energy equal to 9 X 10^^ ergs or 9 x 10^^ joules. This relation was verified in a great variety of ways. It is important to understand the distinction between chemical energy and this matter energy. In the case of chemical energy, re- sulting, for example, from the combustion of 1 gram of coal or gasoline, the total mass of the products of combustion is equal to the mass with which the reaction was started. One gram of coal, upon combustion, yields approximately 10,000 calories. This energy is released entirely at the expense of the configuration of the elec- ATOlMilC ENERGY trons. Matter, so far as is now known, takes no part in this reaction. On the other hand, when matter is transformed into energy in ac- cordance with the relation E=mc^, the matter itself disappears. All of the energy is at the expense of the material, none of which is left. The amount of energy given off by one gram of matter in this kind of reaction is about a billion times as great as the amount of energy given off at the expense of electron configuration. The difference in the quantity of energy developed by the two processes may be understood from this example: the complete combustion of a pound of coal and the complete utilization of all of the energy of combustion would raise the battleship Missouri (which weighs 45,000 tons) to a height of about 1.5 inches. On the other hand, the energy realized from the transformation of 1 pound of matter ENERGY OF COMBUSTION 5 K.W. H. I LB. COAL I LB. PRODUCTS ATOMIC ENERGY I LB. MATTER i __ I -|- 5,000,000,000 NO PRODUCTS KW.H. Pig. 3 — Comparison of energy of combustion and energy of matter. would be sufficient to raise the battleship Missouri the total dis- tance from here to the moon. The energy obtained from the dis- appearance of one pound of matter would provide more than 5 billion kilowatt hours (Fig. 3). It was found that in the disintegration of uranium, the total mass was slightly (about 0.1%) less than the mass of the reacting elements, and this loss of about 1/1000 of the mass accounts for the high energy observed in the process of fission. 7. U-235 Disintegration Chain. Reaction After a great deal of study, it was found that the fission pro- cess is supplied, not by the common 9211^^®, hut by an isotope, name- 274 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ly, U-235, or those uranium atoms which have 92 positive charges and only 143 neutrons instead of 146 neutrons possesssed by the normal uranium atom. This U-235, on splitting into fragments, emits also from 1 to 3 neutrons. These neutrons, in turn, are cap- able of affecting other U-235 atoms, and if, in their flight, they do encounter U-235 atoms, more fission will result with the conse- quent emission of more energy and ejection of new neutrons, and so on. This was the first time that products of a nuclear reaction were such as to enable the process to go on, and so provide a chain reaction. Since the time it takes for the splitting of the atom and the ejection of new neutrons is extremely short, the energy devel- oped in a very short time is so great that an explosion is bound to result. The speed with which such a reaction proceeds is greater even than the speed with which TNT explodes. Since the energy developed by one pound of U-235 during a nuclear reaction is very much greater than the energy developed by a ton of TNT, the ex- plosive possibilities of this reaction become evident. While deposits of uranium ore are reasonably common, most of the uranium atoms are of the U-238 type, which is difficult to split, the U-235 fraction being only about 0.7 % of the total. In the nor- mal mass of uranium metal there are too few U-235 atoms to pro- vide a chain reaction. Neutrons emitted in the splitting of the first one or two atoms of U-235 may never hit another such atom unless the percentage of these atoms in the material is much greater. If energy is to be utilized by the bombardment of U-235 atoms by means of neutrons, there must be a greater concentration of these atoms. This concentration may be provided by separat- ing these atoms from the common U-238 variety. The separation of atoms when they have different chemical characteristics is fairly easy, because it can be obtained by precipitation of one element from another by utilizing the difference in the combining power of the two elements. However, in the case of the two uranium isotopes, this evidently is impossible because the chem- ical properties of the two are similar. In their separation, the only property which is different in the two elements, namely, the mass of the atoms, must be utilized. The separation of isotopes may be made in a great variety of ways. It is known that lighter atoms diffuse more easily through a given porous membrane. After diffusion, the fraction of the lighter element in the mass which has diffused is slightly greater than before diffusion. By making a given quantity of material diffuse a great many times, each time using only the fraction ATOMilC ENERGY 275 which passed through the membrane first, each succeeding pro- duct has higher concentration of the lighter element than the preceding and in this way the partial separation of U-23’5 atoms may be accomplished. Another method of separation is by thermal diffusion. This is very similar to diffusion through a porous membrane. The lighter elements possess a slightly higher velocity at a given temperature than a similar fraction of the heavier elements. If the faster portion of the gaseous product is removed and evaporated again, the fraction of the U-235 atoms in each new batch will be higher with each new evaporation than in the preceding. There is one other difficulty with the utilization of the energy that accompanies the fission of the U-235 atom. The neutrons which are ejected as a result of the fission have too high a speed to produce new products of fission. It is found that slow neutrons are more effective in producing fission of uranium-235 ; they are captured more easily by the uranium nucleus than the fast neutrons. The problem of slowing the original neutrons ejected in the process of fission is solved by mixing the U-235 atoms with a moderator. A moderator is a substance which does not absorb neutrons, but merely slows them down. It was found that ele- ments of low atomic weight, such as heavy water, graphite and paraffine, make efficient moderators; they slow down neutrons, without capturing them. The chance of neutrons, upon their slowing, of being captured by U-235 atoms, is greatly enhanced. (Fig. 4.). 8. The Critical Size of a Bomb It was pointed out before that the size of the nucleus and of the electrons is a small fraction of the total size of the atom. If the nucleus is taken as a sphere with a diameter of about 1/4 inch, the atom would be a sphere with a diameter of 200 feet, and this would be the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atoms. The chance that neutrons emitted by a given atom would strike another atom close to it is extremely small because the nuclei occupy such a small part of the total space. If there is to be a chain reaction, we must provide enough material so that one or two neutrons from each of the disintegrating atoms of uranium are sure to strike another nucleus of U-235. If enough material is provided so that no matter in which directions neutrons are traveling they will hit another nucleus, the chain reaction will proceed. If the amount of material is insufficient, the reaction will stop after one, two, or a few more uranium atoms have been broken up. It follows therefore, that there is a critical size for 276 JOURNAL. OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ATOMaC ENERGY 277 the amount of material that must be used in a chain reaction. If the amount of material used is less than that, the reaction will not proceed; if the amount of material is greater than that, the re- action will proceed with great violence. This shows that it is perfectly safe to store a given quantity of U-235 so long as it is considerably smaller than the critical size. Bringing two or three such safe masses together will give a mass which is greater than the critical size and will allow the chain reaction to take place with the consequent explosion. 9. Neptunium and Plutonium For a while, U-235 seemed to be the only source of atomic energy. However, very early in the study of fission it was pre- dicted that an element beyond uranium, one whose atomic number (or whose number of positive charges) is 94, would be as susceptible to fission as U-235. The production of such an ele- ment is accomplished by the bombardment of U-238 with fast neutrons. The elements resulting from that bombardment are shown by the following reaction: 238 1 239 0 239 239 0 U n Ne -j- e ; Ne Pu -j- e 92 0 93 -1 93 94 -1 The first product of the reaction is neptunium. This element, on ejection of a negative charge, becomes plutonium, with an atomic number 94, and an atomic weight 239. Since it is a different element, plutonium has different chemical properties, and its separation from uranium may be accomplished by chemical means. The probability of formation of plutonium out of U-238 is greatly increased if the neutrons have just the right energy, intermediate between the high energy of neutrons emitted in the process of U-235 fission, and the low energy neutrons, which are most effective in producing fission. The slowing down of neu- trons emitted in the fission process must be such that some of them have just the right velocity range for plutonium formation, while others have the right velocity range for U-235 fission, so that the chain process could be continued. The problem was solved satisfactorily, and by the end of the War plutonium was being produced in fairly large quantities. The metal had the predicted properties. (Fig. 4.). 10. Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy The process of formation of plutonium out of uranium is very promising from the standpoint of utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The process, though it involves great evolu- 278 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES tion of energy, can be made to take place slowly enough to pre- vent explosion. In order to keep the process going, a given mass of uranium metal must be enriched with a considerable quantity of U-235 in order to provide the chain reaction. The splitting of U’235 provides neutrons for the formation of plutonium out of U-238, and it also provides neutrons for splitting of other U-235 atoms and for continuing the chain reaction. The process is stopped periodically and the plutonium is removed by chemical means. This metal itself may then be used as the spark plug for the chain process. As we have seen, the disintegration of U-235 creates a great amount of heat. In order to lower the temperature of the whole mass a cooling agent, such as water, must be used. The energy of the hot water can then be utilized without any great difficulty for peaceful purposes. If the heat energy is to be utilized in engines or similar labor saving devices, the temperature of the reaction must be very high. The high temperature would create serious difficulties in the process of formation of plutonium ; however, it is quite likely that such difficulties will be overcome and atomic energy may be used in large stationary installations. On the basis of our present knowledge of atomic energy the probability of using small amounts of such an agent as U-235 to propel planes or other mobile engines is extremely small. 11. Conclusion The development of our understanding of atomic processes leading to the utilization of matter energy discussed in the pre- ceding pages, does not give the reader any idea concerning the tasks that had to be performed and difficulties that had to be overcome before the final product was obtained. Literally thou- sands of problems had to be solved, thousands of calculations had to be made in a very short time before the first atomic bomb was allowed to explode in New Mexico. Every step was over untried ground. The official report of the project by Smyth gives only a very faint idea of the magnitude of the task involved. Paraphrasing Churchill one may with justice say that at no period in the history of science has so much been done by so few in so short a time. It will stand as a magnificent scientific achievement. On the other side of the ledger is the fact that at no time in the history of humanity has a weapon so destructive, so vicious in its possibilities, been let loose on humanity. The explosive force of this weapon defies imagination. But this is not all. The amount of radioactivity involved in the process of explosion and ATOMIC ENERGY 279 in the process of disintegration of the atoms is such as has never been witnessed by humanity. The total amount of the radio- active materials in all hospitals in the United States is a fraction of a pound. One thousandth part of a pound of radioactive ma- terial such as used in the treatment of cancer, if allowed to spill in a good-sized room would make that room uninhabitable. In the case of the bomb, many pounds of radioactive material are dropped in a relatively small area. The harmful possibilities of such a concentration of radioactivity can only be dimly realized. It is a poison against which no gas masks are of any avail. The duration of the radioactivity is not yet fully known, but certainly it is much longer than any lethal gas that has ever been invented. Needless to say, scientists are aware of the terrible effects of this weapon. As a consequence, they are taking greater interest in the social aspects of our national and international life. This is indicated by the stand that scientific societies are now taking with reference to questions of international organization. If, as a result of the atomic bomb, the scientists of the world will exert greater influence on social affairs and bring to the solution of these questions the qualities of objectivity, understanding, and intellectual honesty which are the prime prerequisites for all scientific discovery and the same qualities which have enabled scientists to create this bomb, the dropping of the bomb will have been a blessing to this world. If, on the other hand, the solution of all social problems is left in the same hands that have guided the world in the past, that have brought so much misery and pain, the addition of the atomic energy may well be the last straw needed to finish off this world. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE Duane Koenig University of Miami For more than eighteen months after the surrender of Italy in September of 1943, Benito Mussolini served as Adolf Hitler’s quisling in the Nazi occupied areas of the Peninsula. The spec- tacle of the erstwhile Sawdust Caesar cravenly accepting crumbs from the hands of his former protege quite naturally aroused derision throughout Italy and the entire world. Yet this phe- nomenon went deeper and bore graver implications for the history of the country than might appear at first hand. It is the purpose of this paper to show how Mussolini was set up as Hitler’s Italian puppet, and to indicate the importance of that development. One distinction should be drawn at the outset. The revival of Fascism came about as a necessary alliance between two divergent viewpoints. To the Germans, it was a mere incident in their effort to use Italy for the immediate and limited purpose of war. To Italian reactionaries, it was the logical outcome of the Fascist experience, 1922-43. * * * When on September 8, 1943, General Dwight D. Eisenhower announced Italy’s capitulation, the German government was forced to decide between risking a hasty occupation of the king- dom or allowing Italy to be taken over by the Anglo-Americans. Once the military occupation was determined, the Nazis had the choice of governing the overrun territories in their own name or by means of puppets. The task facing an army of occupation is to rule with the least possible trouble and the fewest possible soldiers. A collaborationist regime will relieve the conqueror of tedious and time-consuming administrative detail. In the case of Italy, such a government might rally certain blocs of public opinion to the assistance of the Nazis and prevent some military units and equipment from falling into the hands of the Allies. Thus it was that, although after the collapse of his original part- ner the Fuehrer spoke of Italy as having been a “liability” to the Reich, at the same time he sponsored the organization of a Fascist quisling dictatorship. The first indication that the Germans intended to set up a puppet government in the Italian areas under their control came 280 ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE 281 over the Nazi Zeesen radio station early on September 9, barely twenty-four hours after the Eisenhower broadcast. The German radio spoke of the formation in Italy of “a National Fascist gov- ernment speaking in the name of Mussolini/’ and called for Fascist volunteers to enroll immediately for the purpose of resurrecting the Party and committing acts of sabotage- against the Allied forces. Soldiers and airmen were ordered to destroy all installations, to refuse to give up their arms ; railway workers were told to cease operating the trains. That this reanimated Fascist government existed in name only was patent, for the first proclamation of the new regime did not even mention a single minister of state or other official connected with it beside Mussolini. The broadcast, preceded by the playing of the Fascist anthem Giovinezza, stressed particularly that ‘The Badoglio be- trayal will not be perpetrated,” that all turncoats would be punished, and that the revivified Fascism (called by the Allies “neo-Fascism”) would be concerned with fundamental social reform. The days following September 9 were used by the Germans to extend and consolidate their control of central and northern Italy. The cities of Milan, Turin, Verona, and Bologna were scenes of much disorder. Bitter clashes between German and Italian troops and between Germans and partisans were reported for almost a fortnight before opposition was reduced and the patriots disarmed. The chaos made the distribution of food diffi- cult and bread riots were common. The capital city of Borne quickly fell to the Nazis with King Victor Emmanuel and Premier Pietro Badoglio barely making their escape. Except for periodic promises that the Bepublican Fascist government’s composition would be announced shortly, little was known definitely, but it was believed that some sort of cabinet of collaboration was impending. Weight was added to this opinion by a German announcement of the 10th that the Badoglio regime no longer existed. Meanwhile, Allied newspapers specu- lated whether Koberto Farinacci, one of the more rabid Fascists, might not be selected as the Italian quisling. Mussolini was still held as prisoner by Badoglio and, even if rescued, no one knew whether he would consent to serve under the Germans. One newspaper recounted the alleged statement to his barber that the Duce made after his arrest, “You must know that I always was and (always) will remain a good Italian.” The paper added, “Many Italians doubt whether Mussolini is ready to accept the planned collaboration.” 282 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Lacking though information might be about a Republican Fascist government, the German methods of domination were those which had been time-tested in the other occupied countries. Martial law was proclaimed and local governmental authorities were made responsible for the behavior of the populace in their districts. The German military divided occupied Italy into two zones, north and south, except for Rome which had a separate administration. By virtue of an agreement concluded at 4 :00 p.m., September 10, between the Nazis and the Italians, control over the Eternal City was to be exercised through an Italian commandant. Division General Count Giorgio Carlo Calvi di Bergolo. The arrangement provided that German soldiers were to remain outside Rome, an open city, except for guards at the telephone exchange, the German embassy, and the EIAR radio transmitter. This armistice was violated almost before the ink of the signatures was dry. Lorries of German soldiers rolled into the metropolis, the principal points were placed under guard, and sentries were stationed at the approaches to Vatican City. The purpose of the pact, apparently, was to make it possible for the Germans to hand orders to Calvi di Bergolo to be reissued in his own name. This would avoid having all prohibitions blamed on the Nazi command. To the north, similar arrangements were made by General Vittorio Ruggero for the surrender of the Milan area. The situation was stated quite concisely by the National Fascist radio, broadcasting via Berlin, on September 20. After denying a rumor that Pope Pius XII had refused to receive the commander of the southern military zone. Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, the Fascist radio declared, “Kesselring can be denied nothing.’^ It was thought expedient by the Germans to allow the forma- tion at Rome of a giunta of career bureaucrats to carry on the technical and administrative functions of the various ministries in the absence of a national government. Accordingly, four days after the surrender of Rome, a series of such nominations was published. These new officials were called commissaries and received no salaries. None of the appointees was a former rank- ing Fascist.^ ^A former prefect, Dr. Gian Giacomo Bellazzi, was named president of the council of ministers ; Dr. Augusto Rosso, onetime ambassador to Washington, became commissary for foreign affairs; Dr. Lorenzo LaVia, ex-prefect of Bergamo, headed the interior ministry. Others picked by Calvi di Bergolo were : Dr. Enrica Cerulli, Italian Africa ; Dr. Giovanni Novelli, grace and justice; Dr. Ettore Cambi, finance; Dr. Giuseppe ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE 282 In the meantime, the possibility of the formation in Italy of a national regime along Fascist lines had been given substance by a Trans-ocean flash, on the evening of September 12, that Nazi para- troops and men of the Waffen S.S. and Secret Security Service had just rescued Mussolini from confinement in the mountainous Gran Sasso area northeast of Rome. Several former associates as well as his family were said to be with him. On arrival in the R'Cich, the Duce was alleged to have telephoned his thanks to Hitler and then retired to rest. The German radio and press chortled over the escape and promised that Mussolini would soon place himself at the head of things in occupied Italy. Mussolini, presumably at Munich, spent the days immediately following his liberation in resting and catching up on the events v/hich had taken place since July 25, for the Badoglio jailers had kept him cut off from all news sources. While Fascist hierarchs who had escaped the Allies were conferring with Mussolini to select a capital for the new government on Italian soil, the Ger- man and Japanese foreign offices found time to state categorically: “The Government of the Empire of Japan and the Government of the Greater German Reich jointly and solemnly declare: the treachery of Marshal Badoglio’s Government in no way affects the three power pact which remains in force without any change. The Government of the Japanese Empire and the Government of Greater Germany are determined, jointly, with all the measures at their disposal, to carry on the war to a victorious conclusion.” Later a Wilhelmstrasse spokesman added: “Let it be under- stood that the National Fascist government, which has the support of all militant sections of the Italian people, is determined to carry on the war at the side of its allies.” It was advertised that many Blackshirt and some infantry divisions in Greece and Jugoslavia were taking up arms again in support of Mussolini. The first proclamations of the National Fascist government look the form of five orders of the day published over Mussolini’s name on September 15. These decrees announced: (a) Mussolini’s assumption of the supreme direction of Fascism, (b) his appoint- ment of Alessandro Pavolini as temporary secretary of the Na- Giustini, education; Professor Vittorio Ronchi, agriculture; Luigi Velani, communcations ; Dr. Ernesto Santoro, industry and commerce ; Paolo Saltino, public works ; Dr. Amedeo Tosti, popular culture ; Dr. Francesco Cremonese, foreign currency and exchange ; and Dr. Franco Liguori, war production. At least two of these men. Rosso and Tosti, had held places briefly under the Badoglio government. Three days later, September 17, commissaries for the military ministries were chosen : General Rino Gambelli, war ; Vice Admiral Emilio Farrari, marine ; and General Pilot Aldo Urbani, air. 284 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES tional Fascist Party (henceforth to be known as the “Republican Fascist Party’^), (c) restoration of all former Fascist office- holders to their old positions, and (d) appeals to the people to collaborate with the Germans, fight the Anglo-Americans, reform the Fascist militia, and punish traitors. All Italian soldiers or ex-soldiers were ordered on the same day to report to the nearest German commandant. Shortly thereafter. Lieutenant-general Renato Ricci was named commander-in-chief of the Voluntary Militia for National Security. Several more days elapsed with little indication that the government was anything more than a radio invention of the Nazis. Except for a D.N.B. broadcast reporting that Mussolini had released all army officers from their oaths to Victor Emman- uel, events lagged. Even Mussolini’s whereabouts was not pub- licly known. The business of government was carried on only at the provincial and communal levels. Mussolini’s first radio address after his liberation was made from Germany on September 18. His voice sounded old and tired. Omitted were the histrionics of the past. Such odd phrases as “the radio does not permit long speeches” made the speech seem weak. The Duce told of his escape from confinement, then urged his people to war against the Allies. He outlined a four point program for faithful Fascists: (a) the taking up of weapons again at the side of Germany and Japan, (b) the reconstruction of the army with the Fascist militia as nucleus, (c) the elimina- tion of the traitors of July, and (d) “the establishment of a social basis on which the State may be erected, supported by the work of its citizens.” Interesting was this emphasis on social reform: ‘ The State we wish to establish anew shall be national and social, in the best sense of the word, a Fascist state as it was at its beginning.” World reaction to Mussolini’s comments came quickly. Prime Minister Churchill seemed to express prevailing Allied feeling when he said to Parliament : “The escape of Mussolini to Germany, his rescue by paratroops, and his attempts to form a quisling Government which with Ger- man bayonets will try to refix the Fascist yoke on the necks of the Italian people raise, of course, the issue of Italian civil war. It is necessary in the general interests, as well as in that of Italy, that all surviving forces of Italian national life should be rallied around their lawful Government and that the King and Marshal Badoglio should be supported by whatever liberal and leftwing elements are capable of making head against the Fascist-quisling combination and thus of creating conditions which will help to drive this villainous combination from Italian soil, or better still, annihilating it on the spot.” ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE 285 The Diario Comercial of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, echoed this with a reference to Mussolini as an “exploded skyrocket.’^ After his radio speech, Mussolini visited Hitler and then de- parted on the 21st for Italy. Two days later came the listing of the slate of neo-Fascist cabinet ministers. Mussolini was chief of government and foreign minister. Marshal Kodolfo Graziani, out of favor since 1941, received the portfolio of defense. Guido Buffarini, who supported Mussolini during the Badoglio palatine revolution in July, was named interior minister.^ In order to give a picture of an Italy with a centralized Fascist government, broadcasts of the Republican Fascist radio reported great activity by the new regime : Fascist prefects were said to be functioning in the principal cities of occupied Italy; the Fascist Party had been reformed at Genoa ; the new prefect of the Trentino was ordering the pictures of Mussolini to be put back in the place of honor in all government offices ; a new cur- rency tied to the Reichsmark was announced to be in the process of preparation; and a commission was appointed in Rome to examine the attitude adopted by members of the Fascist party during the July crisis. One of the most surprising actions of the National Fascist government was the broadcasting of attacks on the Vatican. This was totally out of keeping with Fascism’s previous program, for down to 1943 efforts had been made to maintain satisfactory relations with the papacy. September 20, at 6 :30 p.m., the National Fascist radio, broadcasting via Berlin, aired an anti- clerical statement written in the style of Roberto Farinacci : “The Vatican, with its preaching of pacifism and with its anti- German sentiments, has disturbed the Catholic conscience of the Fascist fighters. These centers of sabotage and betrayal will be eliminated from the new Fascist and Republican Italy. Let not the policy of the Vatican force us to have recourse to radical measures. . . . the Catholic Church has had many favors from the Mussolini regime. ... to this. . . . the Catholic Church replied with direct and indirect sabotage of the Fascist war, of the racial cam- paign and of Fascist ethics. ... If it were true — and it is not — that there exists an incompatibility between the Catholic faith and ^Domenico Giampietro Pellegrini, former treasury undersecretary, be- came minister of finance; Antonio Tringali-Casanova, Fascist leader who had supported Mussolini on July 25, was chosen minister of grace and justice ; Carlo Biggini received the portfolio of education ; Fernando Mezzasoma, popular culture; Giuseppe Peverelli, public works; Edoardo Moroni, agriculture ; Silvio Gai, corporative economy ; and Domenico Arcidiacono, communications. Francesco Maria Barracu was selected under-secretary to the premier. 286 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES the Fascist faith, and if we are forced to choose between the Catholic faith and the Fascist faith, we by the side of our German comrades, would choose the Fascist faith.” Whether or not the Germans were using the Fascist radio to say unofficially what they were hesitant about saying openly, the fact remains that they failed to follow up the original charges against the Church. On the very next day the Nazi Transocean news agency denounced as ‘‘pure invention’’ the Reuters’ report of the radio attack on the Vatican. A Wilhelm- strasse spokesman was quoted as saying that neither the German nor the Fascist Republican government knew of any such broad- cast. A second, though less hostile, denunciation came on the 25th when the Fascist radio complained about Italian ecclesiastics who were opposed to Fascism. Nor was the Vatican alone in bearing Fascist wrath. Jews, freemasons, traitorous generals, industrialists, leftists, and anti-Fascists were condemned along with the priests. To reassure skeptical Italians, the neo-Fascist press and radio gave little play to stories which might bring unfavorable reac- tions. The Fascists did say, though, on September 19, that Italian militiamen would be organized and sent to the Russian front to erase the defeats sustained by the Italian expeditionary force in the Don Bend at the beginning of 1943. The capital of the Republican Fascist state was located at Verona, on the excuse that telegraphic communication with the rest of Axis Europe would be better there than in Rome. The Eternal City was also regarded as being “too near the sea.” By the end of September, most of the new ministers had been installed in office at Verona. Mussolini felt obliged at this time to make another public statement calling on former Fascist legionaries to follow his lead : “Legionaries ! Once more the Duce calls you. Now it is a question of life or death. Legionaries of Africa, Spain, Russia, the Duce knows you will gather around him. It is better to meet a glorious end on the battlefield than to live as traitors. Legion- aries ! He who fears death is unworthy to live !” On the basis of reports from Switzerland, the attempts of the Fascists to mobilize the militia proved futile. In most places not one man in ten answered the call. In Domodossola, a town of 6,500 inhabitants, only thirteen men appeared. The rest of the able-bodied men went into hiding to escape mobilization. Mussolini’s efforts to obtain diplomatic recognition abroad succeeded but slowly. Germany, Roumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Slovakia granted quick recognition. The Japanese let it be ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE 287 known that appropriate steps would be taken when official reports had been received from the Japanese ambassador to Italy and after consultation with the German government. To speed up recognition from the Nipponese, the Duce saluted the third anniversary of the Tripartite Pact, September 27, saying that he deemed it a good sign that his return to Italy coincided with the anniversary of the Pact, and pledging to maintain that alliance and wipe out the humiliation of Italy’s collapse. The Hungarians gave grudging recognition “at Germany’s request,” on the 29th. It was alleged that in a stormy five-hour cabinet meeting the Budapest government decided to maintain relations with Marshal Badoglio. Two hours after the publica- tion of this news, a strong note from Berlin brought an about face and Mussolini was recognized. Several days later the puppet government of Burma followed suit, then ultimately Spain and Japan. Finland flatly refused to recognize the neo-Fascists. The first cabinet session took place on September 27. The government promised to summon a constituent assembly in due course to draw up a constitution for the state. It was apparently decided that in propaganda the emphasis should be laid on pre- senting the regime to the Italians as a genuine government of the people. While the use of the term democracy was carefully avoided in all official statements, every effort was made to view the changes anticipated as a return to primitive Fascist prin- ciples. Hence the newspaper II Messaggero wrote, “With the disappearance of the monarchy, the road is clear for the abolition of all remaining privileges.” For home consumption, stories were spread that Sicily was to be detached from Italy and turned into a British strategic base, that thousands of Italians were being deported to Africa and Russia, and that the Barclay Bank was engaged in exploitation in Sicily. As an aftermath of the first cabinet meeting, a decree of October 2 created special tribunals to try for high treason party members “guilty of passing to the enemy at the moment of trial.” This was followed by mass arrests of persons who manifested joy when the Fascists fell from power. These included senators, diplomats, army officers, prominent administrators, newspaper men, and ex-Fascists. Roberto Farinacci and Alessandro Pavolini particularly promised arrest of all traitors without clemency. Marshal Graziani was the most active of the cabinet ministers during the early days of the neo-Fascist government. He held meetings at Rome and elsewhere of army officers and tried to get them to serve the Mussolini cause once again. 288 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES While Graziani was rebuilding the army, the Germans were begging for workers from Italy for their factories and recruits for their armies. Marshal Kesselring appealed in person over the Kome radio on September 29 for men. He promised that the enlistees would receive the same pay as German soldiers and, after a period of training in special camps, enjoy the same rights as their Nazi friends. The impressment of workers into the ranks of foreign laborers in Germany was carried on by the neo-Fascists. The Mussolini government called for the migration of workers from southern and central Italy to the northern part of the country, promising work and decent living conditions; no hint was made that the workers might be transported to the Reich. A clue to what awaited the laborers was contained in the threat that criminal activity would be countered by summary action under the Ger- mans’ inexorable laws. The indication that the new National Fascist state was a functioning entity came with the publication of the oath of allegiance to the puppet government. Whether anyone could sup- port the new regime is equivocal ; certainly there must have been many mental reservations among the neo-Fascist bureaucrats and army officers who promised: ‘‘I swear to serve and defend the Italian Social Republic, its institutions and laws, its honor and territory in peace and in war, if necessary at the cost of the extreme sacrifice. I swear it before God and those who gave their lives for the unity, independence and future of the Fatherland.” * * * So far, this paper has dwelt on the technical process by which Mussolini returned to power. Now it remains to evaluate the results of this temporary rebirth of Fascism. These results may be divided into two categories, short and long term. Of the im- mediate consequences, the following should be pointed out: (a) First of all, the Fascist renascence rallied some diehard Black- shirt troops to the German cause. These soldiers became available either for combat duty or for guarding military installations behind the front lines. Also, valuable equipment, including some naval units, was prevented from passing to the Allies, (b) The Italian defection had been a mighty blow both to Nazi pres- tige and the whole philosophy of dictatorship. The reappearance of Mussolini helped the Axis to recover face. At the same time it made possible the propaganda line that the majority of Ital- ians rejected the surrender brought about through the treachery of King Victor Emmanuel and Marshal Badoglio. (c) The neo- ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSSOLINI’S NEO-FASCIST STATE 289 Fascists performed routine administrative functions and kept to a minimum the numbers of Nazi personnel required to rule the country. A whole generation of Italians knew no other form of government than Mussolini’s. It was easier to control such people by reconstructing the old order than by outright martial law. Also, jobs were created for deserving Fascists who had been ousted from their posts by the Badoglio coup d’etat. This helped to keep them from drifting toward the Allied camp, (d) On the principle that most Italians would rather receive unpleasant directives from other Italians than from Germans, the Nazis used Mussolini to recruit workers for Reich factories, (e) By reestab- lishing the Fascist state, the Germans kept up the fiction of the Fascist partner-in-arms, thus giving them a legal lever for regu- lating Italians abroad and Italian laborers inside Germany, (f) The Nazis found it to their advantage to use the Fascist press and radio as sounding boards for statements they did not wish to make on their own initiative. In contrast to the foregoing are the broader achievements of the Germans, (a) The neo-Fascists split Italians into two camps, those favoring Mussolini and the Nazis, and those backing Badoglio and the Allies, (b) The Badoglio people, in summoning Italy to join the Allies, had put much stress on the legitimacy of the monarchy. The Fascists, who countered by espousing repub- lican doctrines, succeeded in stirring up much latent republican- ism among Italians in northern Italy, (c) Through radical promises, the revived Fascist political machine tried to discredit in advance any liberal institutions Italy might be given by the democratic parties. If someday it would be possible to compare column by column a workable liberal constitution with a paper charter of radical Fascist reforms, some argument might be made for the latter program. Parenthetically, Mussolini must have hoped that a successful comeback would give him a more impres- sive niche in history than he had earned previously, hence his willingness to gamble to the last on a German victory. It remains for the historian to add two other considerations. Because the Fascists punished many of the July traitors, Italian courts later were spared the trouble of having to try these ex- Fascists for war crimes and other offenses. And lastly, the rise of the National Fascists with their attacks on the middle classes and the important industrialists, godparents of the original Fascism, provided a telling argument for the Anglo-Americans. It showed in clear colors how the Fascist hydra came ultimately to devour its very progenitors. THE PECTIN CONTENT OF THE PERSIAN LIMRi Margaret J. Mustard University of Miami During recent years the production of Persian or Tahiti limes has steadily increased until it has become one of the major indus- tries of south Florida. A portion of each year’s crop is now being processed in order to help supply the growing demand for canned fruit juices. Of the 218,693 boxes of Persian limes produced in Florida during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, 11,908 boxes were processed. During the months of July and August of this year alone, 28,609 boxes of limes were sent to the canning plant (L. G. MacDowell, in lit., 1945). The lime residue resulting from processing this fruit is, at the present time, being used chiefly as a source of lime oil (L. G. MacDowell, in lit., 1945). Although pectin is extracted commercially from some of the other citrus residues, apparently little information is available on its extrac- tion from the residue of the Persian lime. Adriano and his associates (1932) working with the Philippine-grown Tahiti lime found that the peel of this fruit contains 2.63 percent pectin. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the quantity and grade of pectin which can be extracted from the Persian lime grown in Florida. Material and Methods The limes used in this study came from various lots of fruit delivered to a packing house in south Dade County during the 1945 season. Since each of the lots came from different widely scattered groves, they were fairly representative of the limes produced in that area. Each sample consisted of fifty, unwaxed limes selected at random from lots of either ungraded fruit referred to as “field run” or from lots of fruit graded as “Number 3’s”. The analyses were run as soon as possible after the fruit arrived in the laboratory. A composite sample of juice was extracted from the fifty limes with an electric reamer, its specific gravity determined, and a 100 ml aliquot transferred to a liter beaker containing 500 ml of distilled water. Another composite sample was made from the peel and rag remaining after the juice had been extracted from each group of fifty limes. Such a sample was composed of small, triangular sections removed at random from each of the 100 ^This investigation was sponsored by the Science Research Council of the University of Miami. THE PECTIN CONTENT OF THE PERSIAN LIME 291 pieces of peel and rag. After such a composite sample was weighed, it w^as blended with 300 ml of distilled water in a Waring Blendor, the resulting mixture poured into a liter beaker, and 200 ml of distilled water added. The diluted sample of juice and that of the peel and rag were each adjusted to a pH of 1.45 with IN HCl and extracted with constant stirring at 70 degrees C. for one hour. Myers and Baker (1931:21-32) have previously demon- strated that these are the optimum temperature and pH condi- tions for the extraction of pectin from such samples. Due to the relatively high viscosity of the extracts, it was necessary to dilute those of the juice to approximately 900 ml and those of the peel and rag to approximately 1800 ml before attempting to clarify them by filtration. A small amount of Hyflo Supercel was added to each of the diluted extracts before filtering it through a large Buchner funnel containing a previously prepared filter mat. Each filter mat consisted of two sheets of Reeve Angel No. 230 filter paper covered with a thin layer of the Hyflo Supercel. The filtered juice and peel and rag extracts were placed in 1000 ml and 2000 ml volumetric flasks respectively and diluted to volume. The pectin was determined as true calcium pectate by a method fundamentally the same as the modification of the Carre’- Haynes method described by Hinton (1940). One hundred ml aliquots of the clarified juice extracts and 75 ml aliquots of the clarified peel and rag extracts were used in these determinations. The pectin used in the determination of the jelly grade was obtained by precipitating this material from 600 ml of the clarified peel and rag extracts with twice that volume of 90% ethyl alcohol containing 5 ml of 1.0 N HCl per liter. The pre- cipitated pectin was removed by filtering the mixture through a piece of fine cotton cloth and squeezing it as free of alcohol as possible. It was then’ rinsed in two changes of 95% alcohol followed by one of ethyl ether. After the ether had been allowed to evaporate at room temperature, the pectin was dried in a constant temperature oven at 60 degrees C for 16 hours, ground with a mortar and pestle, and returned to the oven for an addi- tional 16 hours at the same temperature. This method is essen- tially the same as that outlined by Myers and Baker (1931:5). These authors have pointed out that the addition of sufficient HCl to the alcohol used in the precipitation of the pectin obviates the construction of jelly strength-pH curves for the various pectins, since pectins precipitated under these conditions will have hydrogen ion concentrations that will result in the forma- 292 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES tion of jellies having the greatest strength (1929:17,41 and 1931:6). Jelly grade^ was determined on the basis of a 65% added sugar jelly made by first dissolving 0.5 grams of pectin followed by 50 grams of sugar in 100 ml of distilled water and boiling the mixture until the weight of the contents of the beaker was 77 grams. As soon as this weight was reached, the contents of the beaker was quickly poured into a wide mouth bottle which was immediately stoppered to prevent evaporation. The jellies were allowed to stand at room temperature for 24 hours before jelly grade determinations were made using the apparatus and cali- bration curve described below. Various pieces of equipment have been used to determine the strength of jellies. The strength of the jellies here described was determined with a piece of apparatus similar in principle at least to the Lipowitz meter (Tschudy, 1943). The apparatus consists of a vertically supported, sliding rod having the flat surface of a small, metallic hemisphere attached to its lower end and a small balance pan mounted on its upper end (Plate 1). The wide mouth bottles containing the jelly samples were placed under the lower end of the rod in such a manner that the metallic hemisphere rested on the center of the surface of the jelly. Small washers of approximately the same weight were placed on the pan at the rate of one every two seconds until a sufficient weight had been added to cause the hemisphere to break through the surface of the jelly. The total weight supported by the jelly, including the total weight of the washers plus the weight of the apparatus, was converted into jelly grade by reference to a calibration curve (Fig. 1). This curve was constructed by deter- mining the weight supported by 65% added sugar jellies of known jelly grade. These jellies were made by the procedure described above except that various amounts of 150-grade com- mercial citrus pectin were used instead of the pectin of unknown grade. The amounts of this pectin used were such that they were equivalent to 0.5 grams of pectins ranging from 100 to 525 grade. It was found by constructing a jelly strength-pH curve that solutions made from this commercial pectin needed no pH adjust- ment, since the untreated pectin solutions were found to produce the jellies of greatest strength. *The jelly grade of a pectin is expressed as the number of parts by weight of sugar that one part by weight of pectin will cause to gel when the jelly is prepared according to a standardized procedure. Under such conditions, 1 gram of 100 grade pectin will gel 100 grams of sugar. Plate 1 — Apparatus used for determining jelly grade. WEIGHT SUPPORTED BY JELLY-GRAMS THE PECTIN CONTENT OF THE PERSIAN LIME 293 Fig. 1 — Curve sliowing the relationship between the weight supported by a jelly and the jelly grade. Results The data obtained as a result of these analyses is presented in table 1. The percentages of pectin were calculated on the fresh fruit basis. It should be remembered, as pointed out previously in this paper, that each composite sample consisted of represen- tative portions of fifty fruit from each individual lot. Thus the number of fruit used in obtaining the figures for the average pectin content and jelly grade varied from 100 to 200 depending upon the number of lots of a particular grade sampled on that date. JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TABLE 1. DATA FOR PECTINS EXTRACTED FROM PERSIAN LIMES OF SOUTH FLORIDA. WD •S ,, * ^ Description of Sample Pectin Content Jelly Grade Ot 'tw m w S-I ft a (Calcium Pectate) (65% Sugar) o o 02 Avg. Range Avg. Range % % 7/ 3/45 3 Field run Peel and rag 2.68 2.60-2.81 411+ **343-5254- Juice 0.08 0.06-0.11 — 7/ 3/45 2 Number 3’s Peel and rag 2.69 2.33-3.05 420 388-451 Juice 0.07 0.06-0.08 — 7/17/45 4 Field run Peel and rag 2.93 2.84-3.17 338 259-392 Juice 0.06 0.02-0.15 — 7/17/45 2 Number 3’s Peel and rag 3.18 3.03-3.32 373 341-404 Juice 0.11 0.05-0.16 — 7/31/45 3 Field run Peel and rag 2.83 2.23-3.23 375 370-378 Juice 0.03 0.03-0.03 — 7/31/45 2 Number 3’s Peel and rag 3.19 3.17-3.21 335 264-405 Juice 0.08 0.07-0.09 — 8/14/45 4 Field run Peel and rag 3.11 2.82-3.38 427+ 336-525+ Juice 0.05 0.03-0.07 — 8/14/45 2 Number 3’s Peel and rag 3.10 3.07-3.12 358 336-380 Juice 0.15 0.15-0.15 — ♦Each composite sample consisted of representative portions of each of the fifty fruit from a respective lot. **(-!-) Indicates that one of the jellies had a higher grade than 525 which was the upper limit of the calibration curve. The data do not show any consistent differences in the quantity or quality of pectin contained in the different grades of fruit. It is apparent that a good yield of pectin of exceptionally high grade can be extracted from the peel and rag of either “field run” or “Number 3” limes. The pectins, precipitated from the extracts with alcohol and used in the jelly grade determinations, were almost a true white and compared favorably in appearance with a sample of commercial 150-grade citrus pectin. No attempt was made to determine the grade of the small amount of pectin contained in the juice extracts. Due to the rather limited nature THE PECTIN CONTENT OF THE PERSIAN LIME 295 of this investigation,^ no definite conclusion can be reached with regard to any seasonal variation that may exist in the pectin con- tent of these fruit. Conclusion It is obvious from the results of this preliminary investigation that the Persian lime is an excellent source of pectin. In view of the diversified uses of pectin and its derivatives in the fields of food, industry, and medicine, it is planned to undertake a more extensive investigation of the possible utilization of lime residue and cull fruit as an additional source of these products. Acknowledgments The author wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to those members of the Chemistry and Botany Departments of the Uni- versity of Miami who offered many helpful suggestions during the course of this study. Acknowledgment is also made to Florida Lime and Avocado Growers at Princeton, Florida who supplied the fruit used in this investigation. REFERENCES Adriano, F. T., H. L. Ylizarde, and E. Villanueva 1932. The pectin content of some Philippine fruits. The Philippine Jour, of Agr., Ill (4) : 273-279. Hinton, C. L. 1940. Fruit pectins. Their chemical behavior and jellying properties. Depi. of Sci. and Ind. Bes. (British) Food Invest. Special Report No. 48. (New York: Chemical Pub- lishing Co.) : 7-13. Myers, Philip B. and George L. Baker 1929. VI. The role of pectin. 2. The extraction of pectin from pectic materials. TJniv. of Delaware Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 160. Tech. No. 10: 17, 41. 1931. VII. The role of pectin. 3. Effect of temperature upon the extraction of pectin. TJniv. of Delaware Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 168. Tech. No. 12 : 5-6, 21-32, 44. Tschudy, Robert H. and Marston C. Sargent 1943. Agar-bearing seaweeds at La Jolla, California, Science, 97 (2508) : 89-90. *Tlie hurricane which recently swept through this area caused so much damage to the lime groves that it was impossible to continue the investigation this year. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION OF MYXOPHYCEAE IN FLORIDA Melvin A. Brannon University of Florida This paper reports the study of some physical, chemical and biological factors affecting the growth and distribution of Myxo- phyceae collected in three closely related sinks. These sinks are located in a suburban area of Gainesville, Florida. They form an approximate right-angled triangle. Sink I, located at the southwest corner of the triangle, is 450 feet from Sink II at the northwest corner. Sink II is 750 feet from Sink III at the southeast comer, and Sink III is 550 feet from Sink I (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1 — Showing the relation of Sinks I, II, HI and the dimensions of the right angle triangle formed by their locations. During a ten year interval, the average annual rainfall in this area was 48.90 inches. MYXOPHYCEAE IN FLORIDA 297 Table I. Showing Monthly Rainfall in Inches During the Years 1941-1943 1941 1942 1943 January 3.51 4.04 1.45 February 3.02 4.54 0.12 March 2.27 7.25 2.77 April 3.71 0.52 2.86 May 1.77 0.54 4.94 June 6.57 9.31 5.70 July 5.76 2.79 6.50 August 6.12 5.08 8.07 September 3.15 5.88 5.41 October 15.78 2.21 0.26 November 2.90 0.39 0.40 December 6.24 4.76 2.43 TOTAL 60.80 47.31 40.91 These records exhibit pronounced monthly and annual varia- tion in precipitation. During the first eight months of 1941 the precipitation was normal. The water supply in the sinks was favorable for plant growth. However, very few Myxophyceae were collected. In September a single genus and species were found in Sink I, and none in Sinl^s II and III. In October there was an ex- ceptional rainfall of 15.78 inches. This affected several physical and chemical factors, but no noticeable increase in population of algae, and no increase of genera and species were observed. In 1942 the monthly rainfall was very irregular. During three months of the year it was less than an inch per month. Such irregular precipitation causes changes in concentration of solutes, osmotic pressure, and pH. It was expected that some correlation between these changing physical and chemical factors and the number of genera and species of Myxophyceae collected might be found. No correlation could be determined. During the greater portion of this 15 months study the water in each sink covered 1/2 acre of area. The water level varied 5 feet in 1941 and 4 feet in 1942. The following Myxophyceae were collected during the period from September 1, 1941 to December 1, 1942. The dates of collec- tion of each species reported are indicated. The greatest number of species was collected in October of 1942. Sink I Lynghya Diguetii Gom 9-17-41 11-26-41 Lynghya putealis Gom 11-13-41 Chlorococcum humicola Nag 2-14-42 Anacystis marginata Menegh 6-13-42 Anacystis rupestris Drouet 1- 5-42 298 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Sink I — Continued Aphanocapsa Orevillei (Bark.) Rabenh 6-13-42 8- 5-42 Aphanocapsa Richteriana Hiron 6-13-42 Oscillatoria tenue var. natans Gom 1- 5-42 Lynghya Patrickiana Drouet 8- 5-42 10- 6-42 Lyngbya Taylorii Drouet and Strickl 10- 6-42 Lyngbya aestuarii Gom 10- 6-42 10- 21-42 Lyngbya versicolor Gom 10- 6-42 11- 10-42 Phormidium autumnale Gom 11-10-42 Nostoc Hederulae B. and F 4> 8-42 6-13-42 Nostoc humifursum B. and F 10-20-42 Alosira implexa B. and F 8- 5-42 10- 6-42 Fremyella diplosiphon (B, and F.) Drouet 2-14-42 Scytonema coatile B. and F 8- 5-42 10- 6-42 11 Genera — 18 Species Sink II Nostoc Muscorum B. and F 10-10-41 10-21-41 10-25-41 10-26-41 8-24-42 Calothrix parietina B. and F 11-25-41 Plectonerna Nostocorum Gom 11-25-41 10- 6-42 Oscillatoria anguina Gom 10- 6-42 Oscillatoria chlorina Gom 10- 6-42 Oscillatoria princeps Gom 10- 6-42 Oscillatoria tenue var. natans Gom 10- 6-42 Microcoleus lacustris Gom 8-24-42 Anabaena oscillarioides B. and F 4- 8-42 Scytonema ocellatum B. and F 8-24-42 Fischerella ambigua (B. and F.) Gom 10- 6-42 8 Genera — 11 Species Sink III Polycystis aeruginosa Kutz 10-23-41 Anabaena circinalis B. and F 10- 9-41 3-26-42 3-27-42 3-29-42 Anabaena flos-aquae B. and F 3-26-42 3-27-42 3-29-42 Oscillatoria Agardhii Gom 6-13-42 6-24-42 6-30-42 3 Genera — 4 Species MYXOPHYCEAE IN FLORIDA 299 Distribution These lists show selectivity and individuality in habitat of the Myxophyeeae reported in this study. Only four of twenty-four genera were found duplicated in two sinks — ( Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Scytonema in Sinks I and II, and Anahaena in II and III). Also only one species was duplicated in two sinks — ( Oscillatoria tenue var. natans in Sinl^s I and II). Figure 1 shows the intimate relation of the three sinks. When the animal agents associated with these sinks (turtles, herons, domestic ducks, dogs and human beings) are considered, it would seem that there should have been more inter-sink distribution and duplication than was found. Since Myxophyeeae have no means of moving from sink to sink by their own power, but must depend wholly on biotic agents, there is, of course, a large element of chance in their distribution, even in such closely related sinks as I, II, and III. The problem called for an examination and appraisal of some of the physical, chemical and biological factors affecting these algae in order to find a solution. The factors considered were light, heat, osmosis, and radioac- tivity ; mineral nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH ; over- crowding of living forms, and possible excretion of growth substances which might retard or accelerate growth. Sink I is located in an open area which is free from surrounding shrubs and trees. In the summer Lotus leaves and Panicum grass form a shade border ten feet wide around the outer zone of the sink. This growth cuts the light and lowers the temperature slightly. The light and heat factors are very high in Sink I in the summer. They are exceedingly favorable for photosynthesis and growth and reproduction of Myxophyeeae. In contrast Sinks II and III are closely surrounded by shrubs and trees. Also in Sink II a dense carpet of Spirodela pohjrhiza developed over the major portion of the water area. These timbered borders and carpet seriously affected both light and heat. The result was registered, to some extent, in the reduction of genera and species of Myxophyeeae in II and III. Osmosis was somewhat higher in Sink III than II and I. The difference in this factor, however, did not affect the growth and distribution of the algae to any measurable degree. Radioactivity was suggested as a possible factor in this prob- lem. The results secured from precision tests of water samples from each sink answered this suggestion in the negative. 300 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Chemical analyses of the water in each sink gave the following results ; Bicarbonate Alkalinity Sink I Sink II Sink III (Calc, as CaCos Insoluble Residue 61.0 32.5 72.8 Sio plus BaS04, etc. 3.6 6.8 4.0 R2O3 meaning FeaOs+AlaOg 8.4 4.4 3.2 CaO determined gravimetrically 41.6 27.8 36.0 Total p.p.m. as reported (analysis) 114.6 71.5 116.0 Free oxygen was present in abundance for respiration of algae in all sinks. Ample carbon dioxide was secured from the Bicarbonates for the photosynthesis of the algae. The mineral nutrients, calcium, iron and phosphates were in adequate quantities for the normal metabolism of all algae and higher plants present in the sinks. The factor of pH was studied carefully in the case of each sink. Many collections of water were made during the time this study was made. The minimum and maximum readings were : Sink I Sink II Sink III pH Min 6.92 6.26 6.92 Max 8.75 7.80 9.15 This factor varies when the CO2 varies from high in the morn- ing, after the low light of night, to a lower level in the sun- light and resulting photosynthesis. It varies with changing concentration of the solutes, which are acid, base or salt, in sink water. The pH factor is such a dominant agent in the metabolism of the living organism that it must have great importance in growth and multiplication of Myxophyceae. Pasteur, who first recognized its significance in all living forms, affirmed that “each plant has its optimum and mini- mum concentration of pH for growth. Not only different species, but different races of the same plant show different requirements with reference to pH. ’ ’ Bonner (1934) pointed out that the magnitude of growth sub- stance effects is directly related to the hydrogen-ion concentration of the medium in which growth substance is applied. He concluded from his study with Avena coleoptile that the growth substance is converted from the form of an inactive salt to an active, non- dissociated form in the presence of acid buffers. MYXOPHYCEAE IN FLORIDA 301 Marmer (1937) also found that the effect of growth substance on the growth of wheat seedlings is related to the pH of the applied solution. She reported that indole-3-acetic acid is 15,000 times as effective at pH 4.6 as at pH 7.5, and that indole-butyric acid is 10 times as effective, and indole-propionic acid is 20 times as effective at these respective levels of pH. Albaum, Kaiser, and Nestler (1937) found that the penetration of indole-3-acetic acid into cells of Nitella takes place more rapidly at pH 3.65 than at pH 7.94. On the basis of their results they con- cluded that the hydrogen ion concentration affects the degree of dissociation of molecules of growth substance and that the heter- auxin enters cells of Nitella in molecular form. All of these research workers secured results in complete agree- ment with Pasteur’s appraisal of pH action. He stated that “one might as well expect to get the same chemical reactions at different levels of pH as to get the same chemical reactions at different degrees of temperature. ’ ’ In view of the importance and power of hydrogen-ions, and the greatly increased biological-chemical action when optimum pH levels are employed, it is suggested that the hydrogen-ion may have a large effect in growth of Myxophyceae growing in sinks I, II, III. Other factors are involved, indubitably, in causation of the variables reported in this study — such as only one species out of 33 appearing in 2 sinks, and only four genera out of 22 being found in a second sink. The biological factors of crowding and secretion of accelerating and retarding substances were observed in the genus Anahaena. On the 26th of March 1942 there was an excessive growth of Anahaena circinalis and A. flosaquae in Sink III. The precipitation during the preceeding 7 months had been over 40 inches. The temperature was 24° C, and the pH was 8.87. These were very favorable for the rapid development of Anahaena. A green, cream-like mass covered the water surface, and there were over 100 million plants p.c.c. This condition reached its maximum state within 96 hours. Then there was decline in numbers and a gradual disappearance of Anahaena. The excretion of oil caused a disagreeable odor about the entire sink during the period of maximum growth. This seemed to be associated with decline of growth and disappearance of the alga. This was the only example of the accelerating and retarding effects of crowding and excretion of toxic products by any of the Myxophyceae reported in this study. The variable number of genera and species of Myxophyceae growing in the closely associated sinks I, II, III, presents a paral- 302 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES lei which has been observed by algologists in other parts of Florida and the world. It is interesting to learn from L. H. Tiffany (1944:99) that he had similar experiences with collections of Oedogoniales. He states that ‘‘A pond scarcely more than an acre in area located in a cypress “strand” just south of Arcadia, Flori- da, yielded thirty-one species and two varieties of Oedogonium and Bulhochaete. This large number was not equaled anywhere else in the state, although most of the ponds in cypress swamps were highly productive. It is very difficult to understand the diversity of yield in what appear to be very similar bodies of water. Nearly every algologist has had the experience of discovering a pond, or other habitat, in a given area unusually rich in species when com- pared with apparently similar habitats in the same area. Until biological investigations can be carried out in different localities over a period of years, the relations of environmental factors to algal productivity as well as the accident of introduction through carrier agents such as birds can be surmised but not accurately gauged. ’ ’ After discussing dormancy, permanency of habitat, proper en- vironmental conditions, and the accident of dispersal or rise of species by some heritable variation, he (Tiffany, 1944:100) con- cluded that “these intriguing problems cannot all be solved in a day or a year or even a lifetime, but the patient accumulation of ecological, physiological, morphological, and genetical data on the Oedogoniales will some day make it possible for us to see through much of the haze that now surrounds the explanation for the dis- tribution of the members of this algal group.” Summary In this study of factors affecting growth and distribution of Myxophyceae collected in Sinks I, II, and III, a total of 22 genera and 33 species were identified. Four physical, four chemical and two biological factors were considered relative to growth and dis- tribution. Only one of the ten factors mentioned seemed to have the rank of a limiting factor in growth and multiplication of units, and thus indirectly influenced distribution by reason of increasing population. This factor was the hydrogen-ion. This conclusion was supported by evidence that the magnitude of growth in higher plants was definitely due to the effect of the hydrogen-ion. Acknowledgements I wish to acknowledge, with much appreciation, assistance received from the following scientists: Professor J. R. Watson for Gainesville, Florida 1941-42 and 43 precipitation records; Dr. R. MYXOPHYCEAB IN FLORIDA 303 A. Carrigan for pH determinations ; Dr. Fred H. Heath for chemi- cal analyses ; Drs. Arthur A. Bless and Cyril L. Comar for radio- activity studies of material collected in Sinks I, II, and III ; and Dr. Francis Drouet, Chicago Museum of Natural History, for precision studies and determination of the Myxophyceae listed in this paper. Literature Cited Albaum, H. G., S. Kaiser, and H. A. Nestler. 1937. The Relation of Hydrogen-ion Concentration to the Penetration of Indole-3-acetic Acid into Nitella Cells. Amer. Jour, of Bot., 24 : 513-518. Bonner, J. 193^ The Action of the Plant Growth Hormone. Jour. Gen. Physiology , 17 : 63-76. Marmer, D. R. 1937. Growth of Wheat Seedlings in Solutions Containing Chemical Growth Substances. Amer. Jour. Bot., 24 : 139-145. Tiffany, L. H. 1944. The Oedogoniales of Florida. Amer. Midi. Nat., 32: 98-136. THE CRICKET-FROG OF PENINSULAR FLORIDA M. Graham Netting and Coleman J. Goin Carnegie Museum and University of Florida Field studies in the southeastern states and laboratory examina- tion of large series of freshly preserved specimens have convinced us that the cricket-frogs of peninsular Florida comprise a recog- nizable, homogeneous population. For this form the following name is available: Acris gryllus dorsalis (Harlan) (Plate 1, upper fig.) Florida Cricket-prog Rana dorsalis Harlan, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ser. 1, 5 : 340, January, 1827. Diagnosis A cricket-frog with two distinct dark postfemoral stripes pres- ent ; no anal warts ; toes very slender and delicate ; size small (adult females seldom exceeding 20 mm in snout-to-vent length). The thigh patterns and anal wartiness of dorsalis, gryllus, and crepi- tans are illustrated upon the accompanying plate. Type Locality As more than one form of Acris occurs in Florida, we have checked the itineraries of collectors who visited Florida prior to 1827, in an attempt to find the most likely source of the specimens which Harlan used in describing dorsalis. Fortunately, this was before many herpetological explorations of the State had been made, and it appears probable that Harlan’s specimens were ob- tained by one of two parties.’ In 1818, Thomas Say, in company with William Maclure (then President of the Philadelphia Academy), George Ord and T. R. Peale, ascended the St. John’s River to ‘‘about 100 miles from its mouth” (as far as Picolata in what is now St. John’s County), seeking “subjects of Nat. Hist, of which the acquisition was the sole object of our undertaking” (see Fox, 1901: 235). In 1822, according to Vignoles (1823: 67), Captain John Le Conte ascended the St. John’s to about the same point that John Bartram had reached in 1766. Dr. Francis Harper informs us that this was about the latitude of Titusville. We do not know where or how much Le Conte collected on this trip, but it may be significant that Carr (1938: 105) considers that the specimens described by Le Conte from the St. John’s as Testudo floridana (=Pseudemys /. floridana) were probably “collected in the lower (northern) reaches of the river. ’ ’ 304 Plate 1. Miss Mary Cleeves, del. Typical postfemoral patterns of Acris. x8. Upper. Acris g. dorsalis. CM no. 17123, Fla., Alachua Co., 1/2 mile east of Gainesville. Center. Acris g. gryllus. CM no. 16845a, Ga., Liberty Co., Riceboro. Lower. Acris crepitans. CM no. ISOOa, Mich., Washtenaw Co., Ann Arbor. THE CRICKET-FROG OP PENINSULAR FLORIDA 305 So far as we know, these were the only two major herpetological collecting expeditions made to Florida prior to Harlan’s descrip- tion of dorsalis in 1827. Dr. Harper informs us that he believes, on the basis of his investigations of early biological explorations in Florida, that the material used by Harlan probably was col- lected on one of these two trips. We have specimens of Acris collected on the St. John’s River, in St. John’s County, by the junior author, which are typical of dorsalis as herein defined. We, therefore, restrict the type locality of Bana dorsalis Harlan to the lower (northern) one hundred miles of the St. John’s River. Description Harlan’s description, although brief, is very much to the point and there appears to be no doubt that he had specimens of the peninsular form at hand. Dunn (1938: 154) states that he has been unable to locate the types of dorsalis; hence decision as to the applicability of Harlan’s name must be made on the basis of char- acters used in his description. This is quoted in full: Char. — Alove fuscous, smooth, with a broad, white, longitudinal vertebral band, bifurcating anteriorly, and extending over each eye : snout above, pale or whitish : beneath white : throat and inner part of the thighs freckled : buttocks white, with two brownish transverse lines : a white line on the side of the neck, extending from the eye to the scapula. Length of the body 8/10 of an inch ; of the legs 1-1/2 inches. ‘ This measurement being taken from the largest of seven specimens. Inhabits Florida. Specimens in the Cabinet of the A. N. S. Of the two heretofore recognized forms of Acris, gryllus and crepitans, only the former need be considered in connection with this description, for crepitans would not be described by any care- ful observer as having ‘‘buttocks white with two brownish trans- verse lines”; nor does it inhabit the southeastern lowlands. Occa- sional southern specimens of gryllus do have such a thigh pattern, but the fact that Harlan redescribes gryllus very accurately on the same page indicates that he was well acquainted with this form. Furthermore, many of our specimens of dorsalis display exactly the dorsal pattern mentioned by Harlan, namely, ‘ ‘ a broad, white longitudinal vertebral band, bifurcating anteriorly, and ex- tending over each eye ’ ’ ; the latter portion of this statement is the most important, for specimens of gryllus rarely exhibit an anterior bifurcation of the dorsal stripe; in gryllus this stripe usually be- gins at the apex of the postocular triangle. Furthermore, dorsalis does not exhibit the elongate dorsal warts so frequently seen in gryllus, although many specimens have the dorsum well covered 306 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES with small rounded warts; the size mentioned (.8 inch = 20 mm) corresponds accurately with the measurements of a large number of dorsalis and is too small for the largest specimen in almost any series of adult gryllus selected at random. Variation The typical pattern of the posterier thigh of dorsalis consists of two longitudinal white stripes and two longitudinal brown stripes. When the thigh is viewed from the rear, the stripes from the dorsal to the ventral surface are as follows: 1) A clear white stripe bordering the colored dorsal surface of the thigh and very well defined along this border because both the dorsal ground color and the superimposed spots are generally darker in dorsalis than in gryllus; both edges of this stripe are usually straighter than in gryllus, the stripe is usually broader, and it approaches the vent more closely at its proximal end than it does in gryllus. 2 ) A dark brown stripe beneath the superior white stripe, extending from the vent to the knee, usually narrower than the same stripe in gryllus, more straight-edged above and below, and frequently narrower than the white stripes which border it. 3) A second or inferior white stripe which is usually equally as distinct as the upper white stripe. The two white stripes vary considerably in width ; they may be similar in width, the upper may be the broader, or the lower may be the broader, but, in any event, they appear to have been widened at the expense of the brown stripe which they en- close. Harlan’s description of the buttocks as white with two transverse [= longitudinal] brownish lines conveys the correct impression. 4) A light brown stripe beginning immediately below the vent and extending diagonally so that its distal end is always on the ventral surface of the thigh and sometimes (depending upon preservation) the entire stripe is ventral in position. This stripe is rarely as dark as the superior brown stripe, and it is generally uniform in color from edge to edge, not browner at the margins as in those few gryllus which display a similar stripe. The inferior brown stripe is almost always visible from behind in dorsalis and is always a definite stripe, whereas the most frequent pattern in gryllus is a general suffusion of brown below the inferior white stripe, resulting in a triangular dark area which lies immediately below the vent and which reaches a point beneath the knee. The last mentioned characteristic offers the best means of sepa- rating gryllus and dorsalis, but it is not invariably satisfactory. For example, two of a series of eleven topotypes of gryllus have clearly defined inferior brown stripes which are diagonal, but these are the darkest specimens in the series and the white stripes THE CRICKET-FROG OF PENINSULAR FLORIDA 307 are both narrower and less sharply demarcated than in dorsalis. Such specimens of gryllus with an excess of dark pig^ment concen- trated into a stripe have much more heavily marked thighs when viewed from beneath than do specimens of dorsalis. It must be noted that the distinctness of the thigh pattern in Atlantic Coast gryllus increases as latitude decreases. Virginia specimens show little resemblance to dorsalis, Riceboro topotypes occasionally ap- proximate dorsalis in thigh pattern although their adult size is larger, and southern Georgia specimens are the most difficult of all to distinguish from dorsalis. Preserved specimens of dorsalis may or may not have a brown triangle on the head ; this triangle may be completely bordered by white, it may be bordered on the sides only, or it may be without light edging. The mid-dorsal stripe may be narrow and white, broad and light brown (sometimes green in life), or absent. The pattern of the back may consist of an anterior pair of blotches which resemble reversed parentheses, followed by a posterior pair of diagonal club-shaped spots ; or the two spots on each side may be confluent with distinct lobes directed laterally ; or a single pair of curved spots may be present, in which case the elongate spot on each side is rarely as much broadened throughout its length as in gryllus. A white line from the eye to the shoulder is almost invari- ably present ; the dorsal surfaces of the thighs are marked with narrow bars or blotches ; the belly is immaculate or lightly freckled anteriorly; the throat ranges from a heavily spotted condition in some males to an immaculate condition in a few specimens. The amount of webbing is highly variable even in a series of specimens collected at the same time and place, and apparently cannot be correlated with sex. The web is always broadly attached to the base and sometimes to the middle of the penultimate phalanx of the fourth toe and extends along this toe as a narrow margin to the disc; it is always broadly attached as far as the base of the ultimate phalanx of the fifth toe and sometimes to the disc; simi- larly, it is always broadly attached at the base of the ultimate phalanx of the third toe, and sometimes beyond the middle of this phalanx. Describing webbing on the basis of the number of joints free is not wholly satisfactory in this genus ; crepitans has the most completely webbed feet and it also has by far the largest feet, so that when the toes are spread there is a very impressive amount of web. The feet of gryllus are smaller and appear less fully webbed than those of crepitans. The trend toward narrower feet continues in dorsalis, which has toes that are slightly more slender 308 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES than those of gryllus and do not spread apart so widely, so that the foot appears to have less web. In spite of this, no constant differ- ence in point of attachment of the web on various toes has been noticed in comparing dorsalis and gryllus. A. g. dorsalis appears to be the smallest form in the genus. Thus, 146 specimens from peninsular Florida range from 13 to 21 mm and average 17.3 mm in snout-to-vent length. In dorsalis the heel of the extended hind leg generally reaches beyond the snout. Habits The junior author, who is well acquainted with dorsalis in the field, first became convinced that it differs from the cricket-frog of West Florida when he noted differences in the behavior of the two populations. In endeavoring to escape capture, dorsalis proceeds by a number of short leaps with frequent changes of direction, whereas gryllus in West Florida often leaps as much as five or six feet and maintains a relatively straight course. In addition, dorsalis exhibits a greater tendency to hide under concealing bits of vege- tation either in the water following a dive, or upon land after a few short hops; under similar circumstances gryllus may come to rest upon the open beach or upon a grass stem in full view until the collector approaches sufficiently close to stimulate the frog into making another long leap. On April 17, 1939, at a small pond about three miles east of Gainesville, the junior author observed dorsalis tadpoles feeding upon free-swimming colonial rotifers (Conochilusf). The tadpoles, at subtransformation stage, were numerous in the pond. Individ- uals were observed to swim slowly up to a colony of rotifers and then suck the entire colony into the mouth. In some instances the colonies were too large to be swallowed and after a few futile at- tempts the tadpole would desist and swim off in search of a colony of smaller size. Range We have seen specimens of A. g. dorsalis from the following Florida counties: Alachua, Broward, Clay, Dade, Duval, Hills- borough, Lake, Levy, Marion, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. John’s, and Volusia. A series of nine specimens from near St. Marys, Camden County, Georgia, and a single specimen from five miles north of Yulee, Nassau County, Florida, are, in most respects, intermediate between gryllus and dorsalis. Every variation in fe- moral pattern from that of gryllus to that of dorsalis is exhibited by these specimens, but their patterns average somewhat closer to THE CRICKET-FROG OF PENINSULAR FLORIDA 309 that of dorsalis. On the other hand, in body size and in the lack of distinct dorsal stripes they approximate gryllus more closely. One series of 27 specimens from Leon County, Florida, includes a num- ber of adults which exhibit a good dorsalis thigh pattern, but these are large in size and extremely dark dorsally. The range of A. g. dorsalis y then, may be stated as from Duval and Jefferson counties, Florida, south throughout the peninsula. Typical gryllus, as we understand it, ranges from about Dismal Swamp, Virginia, south- ward along the Atlantic Coastal Plain to about the Florida-Georgia boundary, where it intergrades with dorsalis. Specimens which differ in certain respects from typical gryllus, but which are best retained under this name at present, range along the Gulf Coastal Plain from Leon County, Florida, to New Orleans. Acknowledgments We are particularly indebted to Dr. Francis Harper for infor- mation concerning early explorations in Florida; to Mr. Clifford H. Pope for collecting for us a series of topotypes of gryllus; and to Mr. Percy Viosca, Jr., for frequent assistance throughout the course of the study. Prof. T. H. Hubbell, Dr. A. F. Carr, Jr., and Dr. Horton H. Hobbs, all of the Department of Biology, University of Florida, have aided us considerably in collecting specimens in certain critical areas, for which we extend our thanks. To the following persons and to their respective institutions we are in- debted for the loan of material or for permission to examine specimens : Dr. Doris M. Cochran, United States National Museum ; Mrs. Helen T. Gaige, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan ; Dr. Thomas Barbour, Museum of Comparative Zoology; Dr. E. K. Dunn, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Mr. Karl P. Schmidt and Mr. Clifford H. Pope, Chicago Natural History Museum; and Mr. C. M. Bogert, American Museum of Natural History. The Carnegie Museum has generously paid for the plate which accompanies this article. Literature Cited Carr, Archie Fairly, Jr. 1938. A new subspecies of Pseudemys floridana, with notes on the floridana complex. Copeia, 1938 (3) : 105-109. Dunn, Emmett Reid 1938. Notes on frogs of the genus Acris. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 90: 153-154. 310 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Fox, William J. 1901-02. Letters from Thomas Say to John F. Melsheimer, 1816-1825. I-XI. Entomological Neim, 11: 110-113, 138- 141, 173-177, 203-205, 233-236, 281-283, 314-316; 12: 9-11, 38-40. Harlan, Richard 1827. Genera of North American Reptilia, and a synopsis of the species. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ser. 1, 5: 317-372. ViGNOLES, Charles 1823. Observations upon the Flondas. New York. 197 pp. I Fig. 1 — Ocala Chamber of Commerce Building constructed from limerock concrete. i 1 Pig. 3 — Poured limerock concrete construction (residence built by Mr. B. F. Williamson in Gainesville, 1929). 2 — The Gainesville Livestock Market Office Building constructed with limerock concrete masonry units. Fig. PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE Mack Tyner Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Gainesville, Florida Two kinds of limestone occur in Florida ; the hard variety and the soft variety known locally as limerock. The amount of hard limestone available is small compared to the total amount of soft rock, hence the experimental work described here was concerned solely with use of the soft variety. This limerock is found in abundant quantities in the north-central and central parts of the state, extending in the west to the Gulf Coast. Limerock is a soft and friable high calcium limestone of white to cream color made up of marine fossil remains laid down during the Eocene Age. It is obtained by open pit mining and is generally crushed before use. Since the limerock contains no clay or organic material, washing or other processing of the natural material is not necessary. The most extensive uses of limerock have been as a sub-base for highways and as a concrete aggregate. It offers unusual prop- erties for road building such as high stabilization values, low cost, local availability, and ability to be reworked. For use as a con- crete aggregate it is cheap, available, and produces a reasonably strong product in an economical mix. Much limerock is being used as aggregate in the manufacture of concrete masonry units. Numerous buildings and pavements have been constructed using monolithic limerock concrete and limerock concrete masonry units (Figs. 1 and 2). These constructions show excellent resistance to the weather and, in fact, weathering brings out the pleasing white to cream color of the limerock. Figure 3 shows an all concrete residence of poured limerock concrete constructed in Gainesville in 1929 by Mr. B. F. Williamson. Even the roof structure is lime- rock concrete. This residence, according to the owner, is satisfac- tory in every way. The newest field of application of limerock concrete is in the construction of concrete highways. In the fall of 1944, the State Road Department, in cooperation with the Limerock Association of Florida and with the advice of the University of Florida Engi- neering and Industrial Experiment Station, constructed 4500 lineal feet of experimental limerock concrete road just north of Gainesville on US 441. In this construction three different mixes 311 312 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES s were used in three different cross sections, thus giving nine differ- ent concrete sections which will show the suitability of limerock concrete for highways in Florida. At the present time every section is completely satisfactory. Strength of Limerock Concrete The compressive strength of various limerock concrete mixes has been studied for several years at the University of Florida in an effort to encourage the use of limerock as a concrete aggregate. The results of this work have been published in Bulletin 7, “Lime- rock Concrete, Part This bulletin covers the method of mixing and placing limerock concrete, effect of mixing water on compres- sive strength, and the most favorable conditions for limerock concrete. It shows the need for careful water control in mixing limerock concrete, and includes compressive strength data for the various mixes from 1 :5 to 1 :9 by volume. The 1 :7 mix by volume has generally been found to be the most economical mix. This mix (1:7) with 0-1" slump will give a 28-day compressive strength of about 1500-2000 psi. Figure 4 shows the mixing water/cement ratio vs. compressive strength curve for various mixes, based on the data taken from Bulletin 7. The most recent test work on limerock concrete was done by the State Road Department and the Portland Cement Association Re- search Laboratory, Chicago, in studies for the experimental lime- rock sections on US 441 just north of Gainesville, Florida. Both the S. R. D. test data and the P. C. A. results are summarized in the Florida State Road Department’s “Preliminary Report of Ex- perimental Limerock Pavement Test Sections.” The data in Table I are taken from this report. The screen analysis of the limerock aggregate is very important. For best results the aggregate should all pass the 1" screen. The following screen analysis is approxi- mately the same as that of the aggregate used in the experimental pavement test sections on US 441. The laboratory tests made by the State Road Department are in satisfactory agreement with the values in Table I found by the P. C. A. Research Laboratory; both results substantiate the data in Bulletin 7 and are further proof that limerock is a satisfactory aggregate for 1500-2000 psi strength concrete. *Univ. Florida Eng. & Ind. Exp. Sta., Bull. 7. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - PSi at 28 days PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 313 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 FREE MIXING WATER RATI 0-gallons PER SACK Pig. 4 — Compressive strength at 28 days vs. free mixing water-cement ratio for iimerock concrete. TABLE I Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Limerogk Concrete Specimens from the Florida State Road Department by The Portland Cement Association Unvibrated specimens were cast on June 28, 1944, by the State Road Department test laboratory in Gainesville. They were cured one day under wet burlap, one day in a moist room and then packed in wet sawdust for shipment to Chicago. They were received at the Chicago Research Laboratory on July 20, placed in a moist room July 21 until tested at 28-day age on July 26, 1944. Slump of concrete was 2 in. Beams were loaded on their sides as cast, at 1/3 point of 27 in. span. 314 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Mix Proportion Strength at 28 days Modulus of Elasticity (Beams) psi X 10-« >5 •ession " cylin- iverage linders Flexure 6x6x30" Beams o B ^ S tangent (b) 'm a 1 Q -I' 94:582 1:6.2 1.013 7.6 gal. 1360 280 1.98 2.00 1.34 94:456 1:4.9 0.893 6.7 gal. 1675 350 2.22 2.26 1.44 94 :374 1:4.0 0.720 5.4 gal. 2115 360 2.40 2.43 1.54 94:308 1:3.5 0.653 4.9 gal. 2405 420 2.60 2.66 1.66 94 :257 1:2.7 0.613 4.6 gal. 2745 480 2.86 2.86 1.89 (a) Tests made on July 21 before placing specimens in moist room. (b) Tests made on July 26 after 5 days in moist room. (c) Values calculated from load-deflection curves for beams. The mechanical analysis of the aggregate used in the above laboratory samples was as follows : Total passing 1-1/2" sieve 100%> ?? 1" 99 96 3/4" 99 93 J? 1/2" 99 89 J? 3/8" 99 84 ?? 4 mesh 73 M >9 8 64 99 99 16 99 52 9 9 9 9 30 99 43 99 9 9 50 31 9 9 99 100 99 17 Fineness modulus 3.43 Dry rodded weight per cu. ft. 94 lbs. Absorption 14.0% THERMAL PROPERTIES Thermal Conductivity of Limerock Concrete Walls Since limerock concrete is finding' extensive use in the building trades in the form of both monolithic and block structures, it was thought that the heat conductivity properties of the concrete should be determined. The thermal conductivity values of limerock concrete at different moisture contents have been measured and will be reported in a paper to be published elsewhere. PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 315 The coefficient of thermal conductivity, k, of limerock concrete is a function of temperature, composition, and moisture content. The effect of composition is to increase the value of k with richer mixes, e.g., the 1 :5 mix by volume has a k that is 10% larger than the k for 1 :7 mix by volume. The effect of moisture is also to in- crease the value of k, e.g., an increase of moisture from zero to 5% increases the k of 1:5 mix by 23%. Therefore, limerock concrete should be kept dry if the maximum heat insulation effect is de- sired. The k for bone-dry limerock concrete is 0.51 for the 1 :7 mix and 0.56 for the 1 :5 mix. The k for ordinary sand and gravel concrete is l.OP (1:2.0: 2.75 mix). The coefficient of thermal conductivity measures directly the rate at which heat will flow through a homogeneous material, but it does not give a complete picture of the heat insulation value of walls or other heterogeneous constructions. For heterogeneous con- structions the overall coefficient of heat conduction, U, must be used for such comparisons. For a wall built up of a homogeneous material (such as a poured concrete wall) of conductivity k and x feet thick the coefficient of heat transmission, U, is determined by equation (1) below: 11x1 (1) U hi k ho where U = the overall coefficient of heat transmission in Btu/(hr) (sq ft) (deg F difference between the air on the two sides), and h = the surface coefficient of heat transfer. Subscript i is used to designate inside coefficient, and o, the outside coefficient. For a wall with air space construction consisting of two homo- geneous materials of thicknesses xi and X2, and conductivities ki and k2, separated to form an air space of conductance a, the co- efficient of transmission is 1 1 Xi 1 X2 1 (2) U hi ki a k2 ho The over-all coefficient of heat transmission, U, is the amount of heat expressed in Btu transmitted in one hour per square foot of the wall for a difference in temperature of 1 deg F between the air on the outside and that on the inside of the wall. There- to wley, F. B. and Algren, A. B. “Thermal Conductivity of Building Materials,” Univ. Minn. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 12. (1937). 316 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES fore the value of U directly determines the insulation value of a given wall. Low values of U mean good insulation construc- tion and high values of U mean poor insulation construction. Surface Coefficients of Heat Transfer: Heat is transmitted to or from the surface of a wall by a combination of radiation, conduction and convection. Because of these variables the sur- face coefficients may be subject to wide fluctuations for different materials and different conditions. Values of hi in still and in moving air at different mean tem- peratures have been determined for various building materials.^ The surface conductances, ho, for different materials at a mean temperature of 20 deg F for different air velocities are given in the A.S.H.y.E. Guide (22nd Edition, 1944, page 90). These values are available for specific problems; however, the general comparison of the heat insulating value of walls is made using an average value for the surface coefficients hi and ho. The usual procedure is to take hi =1.65 as an average inside coefficient and ho =6.0 as an average outside coefficient for a 15 mph wind velocity.^ All of the coefficients of transmission, U, in this report are calculated on this assumption. Calculation of TJ for Poured Concrete Walls: The equation 1, above, is used for calculating the coefficient of transmission, U, of poured concrete walls. The following data are used in the calcula- tions of U of various concrete walls. hi=1.65 ho=6.0 x=0.656 (7-7/8" wall — equivalent of the 8"x8"xl6" block wall) k=1.01^ for sand and gravel 1:2.0:2.75 mix =0.88^ for limestone concrete 1:4.75 mix =0.56 for limerock concrete 1 :5.0 mix =0.51 for limerock concrete 1 :7.0 mix =0.23® for clinker concrete All the k ’s w^ere determined by the hot plate guard ring method on dry concrete samples. The values of k=0.56 and 0.51 for limerock ^A.S.H.V.E. Research Report No. 869. “Surface Conductances as Affected by Air Velocity. Temperature and Character of Surface,” by F. B. Rowley, A. B. Algren and J. L. Blackshaw. Trans. Amer. Soc. Heat. Vent. Eng., 36 : 429. (1930). ^A.S.H.V.E. Guide, 22nd Edition, page 91. (1944). Amer. Soc. Heat. Vent. Eng., 51 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. °Rowley and Algren, op. cit. ^Griffiths, Ezer. “Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Materials Used in Building Construction.” Jour. Inst. Heat. Vent. Eng., 10: 106-138. (1942-43). PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 317 concrete in the above list are based on one thickness of test sample as are the other values of k from the literature. Then the coefficient of heat transmission for various 7-7/8" poured concrete walls is as follows : Wall No. 1. Wall No. 2. WaU No. S. Wall No. 4. Wall No. 5. For a sand and gravel concrete wall: 1 1 0.656 1 — = + + = 1.42 U 1.65 1.01 6.0 U = 0.704 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) For a hard limestone concrete wall: 1 1 0.656 1 — == + + = 1.52 U 1.65 0.88 6.0 U = 0.658 Btu /(hr)(sq ft) (deg F) For a Florida limerock concrete (1:5 mix) poured wall: 1 1 0.656 1 — = + + = 1.94 U 1.65 0.56 6.0 U = 0.515 Btu /(hr)(sq ft) (deg F) For a Florida limerock concrete (1:7 mix) poured wall: 1 1 0.656 1 — = + + = 2.06 U 1.65 0.51 6.0 U = 0.485 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) For a clinker concrete poured wall: 1 1 0.656 1 — = + + = 3.62 U 1.65 0.23 6.0 U == 0.276 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) For a 14 inch sand and gravel concrete poured wall: 1 1 14 1 — = + + = 1.93 U 1.65 12(1.01) 6.0 U = 0.517 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) Thus it is seen that a sand and gravel concrete wall has to be almost twice as thick as a 7-78" limerock concrete wall to have the equivalent heat insulation value. 318 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Calculation of U for Concrete Bloch Walls: A standard con- crete masonry unit is sketched in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 5). The dimensions of commercial blocks may vary somewhat from Fig. 5 — Standard concrete masonry unit (8x8x16 inches). plant to plant, but small variations in the dimensions will not af- fect the calculated results appreciably. For purposes of calculation this standard block can be split up into alternate solid slabs and air containing sections as shown in Fig 5. Slab No. 1 is solid con- crete of size 7-7/8"x7-7/8'xl-3/8". Slab No. 2 is a heterogeneous section, size 7-7/8"x7-7/8"x2-19/32", made up of an inside concrete prism, an air space and an outside concrete prism. The dimensions are shown on the sketch in Fig 5. The complete wall can be vis- PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 319 ualized as being made up of these two kinds of sections, and there- fore, neglecting the mortar joints, the coefficient of transmission can be calculated from a combination of the results of equations 1 and 2. The conductance, a, of the vertical air space in section No. 2 is given as 1.10 in A.8.R.y.E. Guide (22nd Edition, page 98, 1944). Wall No. 6. For a sand and gravel concrete masonry unit wall: Applying equation 1 to the slab No. 1 gives the following value for coefficient of transmis- sion, Ui, for that section: 1 1 0.656 1 — = + + = 1.41 ui 1.65 1.01 6.0 ui = 0.71 Equation 2 when applied to slab No. 2 gives 1 1 1.593 1 1.593 1 — = H + + — 1 = 1.95 U2 1.65 12(1.01) 1.10 12(1.01) 6.0 U2 = 0.51 Since slab No. 1 comprises 34.6% (1.375/3.97=34.6%) of the face area and Slab No. 2, 65.4% of the face area perpendicular to heat flow, the coefficient of transmission for the complete block or wall is found to be : U=0.346 Ui+0.654 U2 =0.346(0.71)4-0.654(0.51) =0.58 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) This value of U agrees with the data in the A.8.R.Y.E. Guide, (22nd Edition), very closely. The Guide gives U=0.56 for this wall. Wall No. 7. For a limerock concrete masonry unit wall. Using the thermal conductivity value of 0.51 for 1 :7 mix limerock concrete gives the fol- lowing values for coefficient of transmission of the WaU: For slab Jl 1 1 0.656 1 — = H = 2.06 ui 1.65 0.51 6.0 ui = 0.485 320 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES For slab #2 1 1 1.593 1 1.593 1 + -j -| 1 =: 2.20 U2 1.65 12(0.51) 1.10 12(0.51) 6.0 U2 = 0.454 Therefore U = 0.346 (0.485) +0.654 (0.454) -U= 0.46 Btu /(hr)(sq ft) (deg F) It is seen that under the same conditions a sand and gravel concrete block wall will conduct 26% more heat through the wall than will a limerock concrete block wall. Comparison of U for Frame Walls and Concrete Block Walls: The A.S.H.Y.E. Guide, (22nd Edition, page 100) gives a table of values for coefficients of transmission, U, for common frame walls such as that sketched in Fig. 6. These values are tabulated in Table II together with the coefficients for various concrete walls. All the tabulated values in Table II were determined for the same conditions; i. e., hi =1.65 and ho =6.0. It appears that concrete masonry unit walls cannot approach wood frame structures in insulation value unless they are made of special aggregate concrete blocks or have additional insulation material in the interior. However when interior insulation material is used with limerock concrete blocks or sand and gravel concrete blocks, a wall whose coefficient of transmission is equal to that of a frame wall is obtained. PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 321 When sand and gravel concrete block walls have an interior finish consisting of metal lath and 3/4" plaster on 2" furring strips, the coefficient of transmission is much reduced. The calculations below (based on the slab method used in the previous section) show how effective this type of interior finish is in reducing the co- efficient of transmission. The conductance of each air space (block hole and furred area) is taken as 1.10 and that of 3/4" plaster on metal lath as 4.40 in accordance with the A.8.H.V.E. Guide, (22nd Edition, 1944). Wall No. 8 For slab #1 1 1 0.656 1 1 1 — = + + + 1 = 2.56 ui 6.0 1.01 1.10 4.40 1.65 Ui = 0.39 For slab #2 1 1 1.593 1 1.593 1 — — -j- ' + + i U2 6.0 12(1.01) 1.10 12(1.01) 1.10 1 1 + + = 3.09 4.40 1.65 U2 = 0.32 Then the coefficient of transmission of the complete wall is, U==0.346 (0.39) + 0.654 (0.32) =0.34 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg P) Using the same wall construction as Wall No. 8 above and limerock concrete blocks (1:7 mix whose k=0.51) instead of sand and gravel concrete blocks, the coefficient of transmission is as follows: Wall No. 9 For slab #1 1 1 0.656 1 1 1 — — -|- -|- _|- — ^ ■ ■ -] = 3.20 ui 6.0 0.51 1.10 4.40 1.65 ui = 0.312 For slab #2 1 1 1.593 1 1.593 1 — — _j- { U2 6.0 12(0.51) 1.10 12(0.51) 1.10 1 1 + + = 3.34 4.40 1.65 U2 = 0.30 Then, U=0.346(0.31) + 0.654(0.30) =0.30 Btu /(hr) (sq ft) (deg F) 322 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Therefore concrete block walls can be made equal to frame walls (see Table II) in heat insulating effect by finishing the interior of the wall with metal lath and 3/4" plaster on 2" furring strips. Plastering directly onto the concrete blocks would not increase the heat insulating effect of the wall appreciably as it is the air space furnished by the furring strip which gives the increased insulation effect. The air space would also block water transmission through a concrete block wall. Concrete block walls with an interior finish of gypsum board (3/8") on 2" furring strips would have the same coefficient of transmission as the walls finished with plaster on 2" furring strips. When the interior finish of a sand and gravel concrete block wall is made up of insulation board (k=0.028) on 2" furring strips the coefficient of transmission, U, is equal to that of the better frame constructions. The following calculations show this in detail : Wall No. 10. For slab #1 1 1 0.656 1 0.5 1 — = + + + + — = 3.82 ui 6.0 1.01 1.10 12(0.028) 1.65 Ui = 0.262 J^'or slab #2 1 1 1.593 1 1.593 1 — — _|_ -}- 1 U2 6.0 12(1.01) 1.10 12(1.01) 1.10 0.5 1 + + = 4.35 12(0.028) 1.65 U2 = 0.23 Then the coefficient of transmission of the complete wall is, U=0.346 (0.262) + 0.654 (0.23) =0.24 Btu /(hr)(sq ft) (deg F) Using the same construction as Wall No. 10 above and sub- stituting limerock concrete blocks for the sand and gravel blocks gives a wall with the following coefficient of transmission: Wall No. 11. For slab #1 1 1 0.656 1 0.5 — — _j_ _|- ui 6.0 0.51 1.10 12(0.028) 1 + = 4.46 1.65 ui = 0.224 PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 323 For slab #2 1 1 1.593 1 — = H + U2 6.0 12(0.51) 1.10 1 0.5 1 + h + = 1.10 12(0.028) 1.65 U2— 0.217 U =0.346 (0.224) + 0.654 (0.217) ==0.22 Btu /(hr)(sq ft) (deg F) 1.593 + 12(0.51) 4.60 These insulated concrete block wall constructions have a coefficient of transmission equal to the better frame wall con- structions. The calculated coefficients of transmission for vari- ous concrete constructions are tabulated in Table II together with the accepted coefficients for frame wall constructions. TABLE II Coefficients of Transmission, U, for Various Walls Frame Construction (A.S.H.V.E. Guide, 22nd Edition, p. 100) Exterior Finish Type of Sheathing Interior Finish U Type I Construction (Fig. 6) a. Wood Siding Gypsum (%") b. Wood Siding Wood (25/32") & building paper c. Wood Siding Wood (25/32") & building paper Type II Construction (Fig. 6) a. Stucco Gypsum (%") b. Stucco Wood (25/32") & building paper c. Stucco Wood (25/32") & building paper Type III Construction (Fig. 6) a. Brick Veneer Gypsum (i/^") b. Brick Veneer Wood (25/32") & building paper c. Brick Veneer Wood (25/32") & building paper Metal lath & plaster 0.33 Metal lath & plaster 0.26 Wood lath & plaster 0.25 Metal lath & plaster 0.43 Metal lath & plaster 0.32 Wood lath & plaster 0.30 Metal lath & plaster 0.37 Metal lath & plaster 0.28 Wood lath & plaster 0.27 Concrete Construction (Results from this paper) Wall No. Interior Finish XT Concrete poured walls (7-7/8"), smooth surface. 1 Sand & gravel 1 :2.0 :2.75 0.70 2 Limestone 1 :4.75 0.66 3 Limerock 1:5 0.52 4 Limerock 1:7 0.49 5 Clinker concrete 0.28 Concrete block walls (7-7/8") 6 Sand & gravel 1 :2.0 :2.75 0.58 7 Limerock 1:7 0.46 8 Sand & gravel 1 :2.0 :2.75 Metal lath & 3/4' " plaster, furred 0.34 9 Limerock 1:7 Metal lath & 3/4' " plaster, furred 0.30 10 Sand & gravel 1 :2.0 :2.75 Insulation board (Va"), furred 0.24 11 Limerock 1:7 Insulation board (%"), furred 0.22 324 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Thermal Expansion of Limerock Concrete The rate of expansion of concrete with temperature is a prop- erty of scientific and technologic importance. It determines the spacing of expansion joints in structures and the type of rein- forcing material usable in concrete. It may be expressed in several ways, of which the commonest is the mean coefficient of expan- sion, a. It is the increase of length M==42 — h, of the specimen, divided by the original length li, when heated over the tempera- ture interval AT==T2 — Ti; that is, the change in length per unit of length per degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature. 1 M a = h AT The method used for determining the coefficient of expansion of concrete was to measure directly, with an extensometer, the expansion in length which a beam undergoes when heated over a definite temperature interval. The extensometer was lagged with 1%" 85% magnesia insulation to eliminate temperature changes and was equipped with a dial guage which gave the expansion changes in 0.001". A stainless steel rod of known composition was used for checking the equipment and the method used in the laboratory. Since age and moisture content cause dimensional changes in concrete every effort was made to take each set of measurements at a constant moisture content and the same age. The concrete specimens were made from 1:7 & 1 :5 mixes by volume and were cast in the form of 3" x 3i/^" x 24" beams with stainless steel reference tips placed in the ends of each beam for accurate measurement of the length changes on heating. A ther- mocouple was cast in the center of each beam for use as a tempera- ture measuring device. The center temperature was taken as the temperature of the whole beam. When length measurements were made the reference point of one end of the concrete beam was placed on the base point of the extensometer and the top reference point of the beam was placed under the dial guage feeler. Since the tips of the reference points were rounded, the maximum dial guage reading was used each time. At the same time that length measurements were made, corresponding temperatures were measured for the concrete beam and extensometer beam so that accurate calculations could be made. Fig. 7 shows a concrete beam in the extensometer ready for a length measurement. The stainless steel (18-8) rod used for checking the accuracy of the equipment and the method was diameter and 24.7" long Fig. 7 — Concrete beam placed in the extensometer for making a length measurement Fig. 8 — Laboratory apparatus for measuring water transmission of concrete samples. PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 325 with the ends machined to have the same shape as the reference points set in the concrete. Two thermo-couples were soldered to the rod, one on the center and the other about 1'' from one end. Length measurements were made when both thermocouples indi- cated the same temperature. The completed rod was encased with 1^" thickness of 85% magnesia insulation. Handbook data give the coefficient of expansion of stainless steel (18-8) as 9.8x10’® foot per foot per degree Fahrenheit in the 70-212 F temperature range. In the laboratory the average of 6 measurements on this rod gave 9.5xlO’®/F as the coefficient of expansion with a maximum deviation of any one measurement of ziz0.2xl0-®/F. Since the maximum deviation of any one measurement was rather small and the difference in values of the handbook data and these data could be explained on a basis of difference in heat treatment of the steel, it is believed that this method and equipment gives good results. The data on concrete beams were taken in order to determine any effect moisture content would have on expansivity. From 28 observations made at different moisture contents on both 1 :5 and 1:7 mixes it appears that any effect moisture content has upon expansivity must be negligible for no appreciable trend was found in a for moisture contents from dry to saturated. The following data on beam A2 (1 :7 mix) is representative of the constancy of a with changes in moisture content : Effect of Moisture on Expansivity Moisture (% by weight) a 12.0 (saturated) 3.3x10’® 10.7 3.6 9.1 3.4 7.8 3.6 5.0 3.3 1.8 3.2 0.5 3.2 Average 3.4xlO’®/F The results of 14 measurements on each pair of beams made from 1 :5 and 1 :7 mixes give expansivities as follows : Effect of Composition on Expansivity Mix a Max. Deviation 1:5 by volume 3.4xlO-®/F ztO.3 1:7 by volume 3.4xlO-®/F ±0.2 S. L. Meyers^ gives the following values for expansivity of lime- ys. L. Meyers, “Thermal Coefficient of Expansion of Portland Cement — Long Time Tests.” Indust. & Eng. Chem., 32; 1107-12, (1940). 326 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES stone concrete (1:3.1 mix) for different ages and storage conditions : Effect of Age and Storage Conditions on Expansivity of Limestone Concrete Hard Limestone Concrete 1 :3.1 mix 0 1/2 1 2 4 yrs. a. Dry Storage 5.0 7.9 5.3 3.9 3.4xl0-®/P b. Enclosed air storage 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.0 c. Water storage 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.7 2.3 Thus our results are about the same magnitude as the values for hard limestone concrete under enclosed air storage conditions. Note the fact that water storage produces a material which is least affected by temperature expansions and that the expansivity does not change appreciably with age. Meyers gives the expansivity of various concrete mixes as follows : Effect of Richness of Mix and Different Aggregate on Thermal Coefficient of Expansion (Data on 2 year-old samples) Mix axlO"® per P Neat normal cement .....10.3 1 cement : 1 sand 7.5 1 cement : 3 sand 6.2 1 cement : 6 sand 5.6 Flint aggregate 1:4.7 mix 7.2 Sand aggregate 1 :4.7 mix 4.8 Granite aggregate 1 :4.7 mix 4.8 One point of universal agreement is that the coefficient of ex- pansion increases with richness of mix as illustrated by the above data. Engineers usually use an approximate coefficient of thermal expansion for ordinary concrete of 5.5x10'® per P, and the expan- sivity of concrete reinforcing steel is generally taken as 6.0x10'® per P. Then limerock concrete expands much less than ordinary concrete. As an example, the expansion of a 100 foot limerock concrete slab for an 80° F temperature rise amounts to only 3.4xl0'®xl00xl2x80=0.33 inches. whereas, an ordinary concrete slab under similar conditions would expand much more, 5.5xl0'®xl00xl2x80— 0.53 inches. As a result expansion joints in limerock concrete need be smaller or less frequent than in ordinary concrete structures. The effect of using reinforcing steel whose a =6.0x10'® per P PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 327 with limerock concrete whose a =3.4x10"® per F is not known but the stainless steel reference points used in the test beams and whose a =9.8x10"® were still bonded tight after some of the beams have been heated and cooled over a 125 P temperature change as much as seven times. WATER PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE Expansion of Limerock Concrete With Increase of Moisture. Most materials change dimension with a gain or loss of water. Concretes are no exception — ^they increase in length on taking up water to the saturation point and decrease in length upon drying. Data in the literature on this phenomenum are very sparse; how- ever, Miller and Snyder® found that the average expansion due to wetting clay tile (28-days in water) was 0.5x10"^ ft per ft of length, or 0.6" per 1000' tile and for dry tamped concrete tile the average expansion due to wetting was 4.6x10"'^ ft per ft of length or 5.5" per 1000 ft of concrete tile. Wendt and Woodworth® found that the expansion due to wetting a 1:3.45:2.3 (3.7 gal/sk mixing water) sand and gravel masonry unit was 3.7" per 1000 ft. This change of length with moisture content is probably of greater magnitude than is generally recognized by the construction men in the industry. Using Wendt and Woodworth ^s figure, a 16" dry tamped concrete block if put up wet would contract 0.0059" on drying out. This appears to be a negligible contraction, but it is probably enough to set up stresses in the block that would frac- ture occasional blocks in the wall. The expansion of limerock concrete (plastic mix) due to wet- ting was measured by using the same technique and equipment described in the previous section. Two pairs of beams, 8 months of age, were used for measurement. The length of the bone-dry beams was measured and compared with the 28-day water soaked length of beam. The average expansion due to wetting was 3.3x10"^ ft per ft of length. There was no apparent difference in expansion be- tween the 1 :5 and the 1 :7 mix by volume, although the 1 :7 mix absorbs 13.0% moisture compared to 12.4% moisture absorbed by the 1 :5 mix. This expansion of limerock concrete due to wetting is equivalent to the expansion resulting from a 95 deg F rise in tem- perature. Common practice is to design thermal expansion joints for an 80 deg F rise and neglect expansion due to wetting entirely. *:Miller, D. G. and Snyder, C. G. “Expansion of Clay and Concrete Drain Tile due to Increase of Temi)erature and Moisture Content.” Agri. Eng., 25: 179. (1944). “Wendt, K. F. and Woodworth, P. M. “Tests on Concrete Masonry Units Using Tamping and Vibration Molding Methods.” Jour. Amer. Concrete Inst., 36: 27. (1939). 328 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES As a result of this experimental work, it appears that allowances should be made for expansion due to wetting in addition to the usual allowances for thermal expansion, especially if the structure is exposed to wetting and drying conditions. Results op Water Transmission Measurements Water leaks in concrete masonry walls occur from two sources, (a) porous areas and leaks in the units themselves, and (b) leaks in the mortar joints between the units. If the masonry units were completely sealed there would still be trouble with leaks through the mortar joints. The remedy for eliminating leaks from walls is to seal the outside surface of the finished wall. Sealing the units at the plant is only half the answer. Properly tooling the mortar joint will eliminate many leaks and put more emphasis on pro- ducing good, tight masonry units. Test Work: The experimental work on this problem was con- ducted on slabs cut from commercial limerock masonry units. Com- mercial samples were used since they are analogous to an actual wall and will be more uniformly packed than a hand made product. On testing li^"x7-3/4"x7-3/4" slabs cut from commercial ma- sonry units it was found that of 21 samples tested only 4, or 19%, were ‘ ‘ water tight ’ ’ ; that is, water did not leak through and drop from the underside of the block. The test apparatus is shown in the accompanying photograph (Fig. 8). The test was designed to measure the rate of loss of water through the concrete slab when water is held on one surface of the concrete and free evaporation is allowed on the other surface. A calibrated container of distilled water was clamped onto the top side of the concrete slab and free air was allowed to circulate on the bottom side of the slab. The measurements were made on the basis of the amount of water passing through and evaporating from the underside of the slab per day. Two coats of aluminum Xngment paint were used on the edges and face of each slab to limit the test area to 6"x6". All slabs were in thickness., The absolute rate measurements are grams of water per day passing through a 36 sq. in. area of concrete thick. Unless the slab was classed as leaky, a film of water never collected on the un- derside of the slab. Various surface treatments have been applied to the leaky slabs in an effort to determine each treatment’s effectiveness in sealing leaky concrete slabs and also in decreasing the water transmission rate of non-leaking concrete slabs. Each treatment was tested on two leaky concrete slabs to obtain an average result. Only 19% of the untreated slabs did not leak on test. PROPERTIES OF LIMEROCK CONCRETE 329 TABLE III Summary of Treatment Processes with Test Results on Limerock Concrete Slabs 1 unit of water /(day) (36 sq in)= 0.28 lbs water /(day) (sq ft) Water Transmission Material and Treatment Rate Remarks units/ (day) (36 sq in) Before treatment Red Clay Brick 1.5 to Untreated non-leaky Concrete Slabs 1.0 to After treatment 1. Asphalt Material a. Emulsion applied in 2 coats with a stiff brush. 0.4 b. Cutback RCIS applied in 3 coats with stiff brush. Leak 2. Na Silicate “o” Brand applied in 3 coats of dilute solution fol- lowed by an acid wash. 1.5 3. Linseed Replacement Oil (Dutch Boy) applied by stiff brush in 4 coats. 0.5 4. Zn Stearate applied in 10% kero- sene solution by stiff brush in 2 coats. 2.4 5. Ethyl silicate. Three coats of a partially hydrolised solution were brushed on the surface. 2.3 6. Vinyl copolymer paint applied by stiff brush in two coats. 0.2 2.0 2.0 Only 19% did not leak Very low rate after treat- ment. Emulsion penetrated pores very well. Poor color. Three coats of asphalt did not seal leaks. Emulsion was more satisfactory to apply. Poor color. Two such treatments were required to seal leaks and then the water rate was not decreased. It produced a clean inert whitish surface. Large number of coats re- quired to seal leaks. Oil pene- trated very well and was very effective in reducing water rate of concrete. One slab leaked after two coats. Surface was very water repellent. This solution left the concrete surface in its natural color and some harder. Apparently it did not seal leaks very well for one slab leaked after 3 coats. Produced a lustrous film over the natural color concrete. Sealed leaks and had very low water transmission. 7. Synthetic resin paint Type B. Two coats were applied by stiff brush. 8. Ceramic seal coat cement. Two coats were brushed on with stiff brush and allowed to set. 9. Limerock Cement Paint. Two coats of a 1 ;2 weight cement : limerock (-100 mesh) mix were brushed on with stiff brush. 10. Limerock Cement water Repel- lent Paint. Same as No. 9 except 1% A1 stearate based on cement and limerock was added. Gave very good results simi- lar to Vinyl copolymer. 0.3 Gave attractive finish and was good sealing material. 1.5 Sealed leaks very well and had fairly low water trans- mission. 0.9 Sealed blocks effectively and gave water repellency to sur- face. This would probably be 1.0 a great advantage on vertical walls. 330 JOURNAL OF FLORIDA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES The emtilsified asphalt was very effective in sealing the leaks and pores in the concrete. When the emulsion is put on with a stiff brush it appears to penetrate the pores and holes in the surface very well. The black color is objectionable. The vinyl copolymer and sjmthetic resin base paints gave good results on sealing the leaks in the slabs and both had very low water transmission rates. They are probably too expensive ($5-$6 per gallon) to be considered for general use. The ceramic seal coat cement gave good results as a sealing compound but the water transmission rate is higher than that of cement-water paints. At present the most satisfactory solution to the waterproofing problem from both cost and performance viewpoints, is the use of Portland cement-water paints. Tests show that the cement-water paints were very effective in sealing the leaks in the surface and they also lower the water transmission. They are the cheapest and most durable treatment tested. Adding 1% of aluminum stearate to the cement paint before mixing gives water repellent properties to the paint film. By actual tests made on an ordinary cement paint film and a water repellent cement paint film (1% alumi- num stearate) it was found that water dropped on the ordinary cement paint penetrates into the film in 10 to 15 seconds as com- pared to no penetration of the water drops into the repellent film on standing 3 to 4 hours. In fact, the water drops on the repellent surface evaporate before they penetrate the film. The repellent films have the same water transmission as ordinary cement paint films. The National Bureau of Standards in Tests of Cement-Water Paints and Other Waterproof ings for Unit-Masonry Walls found that cement-water paints were more effective as waterproof- ings than oil-base and emulsified resin paints. They also found that bituminous coatings applied to the inside faces of brick walls were ineffective as water-proofings and that brush coatings of Portland cement and sand were more effective. The American Concrete Institute Committee 616 report on “The Nature of Portland Cement Paints and Proposed Recom- mended Practice for Their Application to Concrete Surfaces covers the composition, mixing, and application of cement-water paints to concrete surfaces. It appears that there is no reason for a leaky concrete wall to exist when cement-water paints are available. ^•Obtainable from Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. as Building Materials & Structures Report BMS 95, Price 15c. ^Jour. Amer. Concrete Inst., 13: 485-501. (1942).