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B., on certain pecu- liar structures in the placenta of the bitch, 299. 53 on Vibriones, 300. Aymot, T. E., on the “finder,” 303. B. Barry, Dr. M., on muscular fibre, 240. Beale, Dr. L., on the construction of cells for preserving objects in fluids, 54, = on substances of extraneous origin in urine, &c., 92. Bennett, Dr., on leucocythemia, re- view of, 130. 5s an introduction to clini- cal medicine, review of, 223. Binocular microscope, notice of, 236. Bitch, certain peculiar structures in the placenta of, 299. Bird, Dr. Golding, remarks on the preparation of the polypidoms of zoophytes for microscopical exami- nation, 85. Blanchard, Emile M., observations on the circulation of the blood in Arachnida, 279. Blood human, occurrence of nucleated red corpuscles in, 145. Bothrenchyma, on the formation of, Dr. T. Inman on, 57. Branchipus stagnalis, 277. Bridgman, W. K., on the “finder,” 303. Brightwell, T., on the genus Tricera- tium, with descriptions of figures of the species, 245. VOL. I. British Association, Belfast Meeting, ‘Sept. 1852, 61. Busk, catalogue of marine polyzoa, notice of, 136. » on the oceurrence of nucleated red corpuscles in human blood, 145, Cc. Cells for preserving objects in fluid, new method of constructing them, Dr. L. 8. Beale on, 54. Cellularia avicularia, 87. Cephalopoda, retina of the, 269. Chemistry, physiological atlas of, by Dr. O. Funke, notice of, 137. Chirocephalus diaphanus, 277. Clubfoot, Quekett on the condition of the muscles in. 130, Cobbold, Dr. T. S., on the embry- ogeny of Orchis maseula, 90. Cornea of the eye in insects, remarks on by J. Gorham, 76. Cryptococcus glutinis, 235. Ctenoglossa, 171. Cynthia microcosmus, 107. Colouring matter in animals identical with the chlorophyll of plants, 278 D. Dactyloglossa, 173. Daphnidz, physiological remarks on by Dr. W. Zenker, 273. Dentine, certain appearanees in, by S. J, A. Salter, 252. Diatomacez, synopsis of the British by Rey. W. Smith, notice of, 225. FP 5 some new forms of, by Mr. Shadbolt, 311, Didemnum candidum, 107. Dotted tissue, on the formation of, 57. Diatomaceous earth, found in the Island of Mull, Dr. W. Gregory on, 242. Diatoma elongatum, 21. i vulgare, 21. Drapernaldia glomerata, 20. Drepanoglossa, 172. Drinking waters, microscope as a test of the purity of, 60. 2A 314 EK. Echinococcus veterinorum, the true structure of, T. H. Huxley on, 239. Encephaloid tuberculous deposit, the microscopic characters of, 127. Eyes of insects, the cornea of, J. Gorham, M.R. CS. E., on, 76. F. ‘‘ Finder,” description of -by J. Tyr- rell, 234. = by E. G. Wright, 302. - by T. E. Aymot, 303 EF by W. K. Bridgman, 304. Flustra foliacea, 86. ;» truncata, 88. Funke, Dr. O., atlas of physiological chemistry, 137. G. Gemellaria loricata, 86. Geranium, structure of the epidermis of the petal of, 56. Glass, thin, for covers, G. Jackson on, 141. Goitre, excess of colourless corpuscles occurring in cases of, 176. Gold-dust under the microscope, 144. Gomphonema cristatum, 21. curvatum, 21. Gorham. J., remarks on the cornea of the eye in insects, 76. Gosse, P.H.,on thestructure, habits,and development of Melicerta ringens,71. Gray, Dr. J. E., on the teeth on the tongues of Mollusca, 170. Gregarine, on the, by Dr. F. Leydig, 206. , | — : a me) nn Sa. Qo ) é bi ‘) 2 , cima : Vl maga % kt te We 4 te a. ; meet ect ia a & West, Tp. St Saxe Garden Era T AGINITTT ARIA DEesley.del Toff Wee scalp. Nour See POM Tran. Ford & Wort, ep 6h Wate Carden THmxey del. Toffen West . sculp BRACHIONUS. (ay A WAG iIMUiARLA. B MELICEHRTA. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. The letters throughout have the same signification :—a, trochal dise ; b, body ; ¢, tail of peduncle; d, mouth; e, pharynx; /, ‘‘ yellow mass ;” 9g, gizzard; h, “pancreatic sacs ;” z, rectum; k, anus; /, ovary; m, _water-vessels ; 7, ganglion; 0, ciliated sac; p, upper circlet of cilia; p’, lower circlet of cilia; 7, vacuolar thickenings. PLATE I.—Lacinularia socialis. . A single individual from the side. Lateral view of the trochal disc. Trochal disc from above. Aperture of the mouth—ciliated sac and ganglion. Animal retracted. . Armature of the gizzard, viewed laterally. . Termination of a water-vessel in the trochal disc. . Water-vessel much magnified, showing the long flickering cilium. . A portion of the ovary much magnified, showing the germinal vesicles with their spots scattered through its substance. 10, 11. Stages in the growth of the ovum. x 12-18. Stages in the development of the embryo. 19. Spermatozoon ? OONABAMPROD EE PLATE I. 20. A portion of the ovary undergoing the change into an ephippial ovum, 21, 22. Ephippial ova, the latter having its contents divided into two portions. 23. Ephippial ovum burst. 24. Its contents. 25. Muscular fibre—relaxed, a; contracted, D. Melicerta ringens. 26. Viewed laterally. 27. From the ganglionic side. 28. From the mouth side. 29, Extremity of the calcar, showing its apparent closure and the bundle of cilia. Brachionus polyacanthus. 30. Viewed laterally. 31. From the mouth side. 32. From the ganglionic side. 33. From above. Philodina, sp. ? 34. Trochal disc from above. : laterally. 86. From the mouth side. 37. From the ganglionic side. PLATE III. The Diagrams of Adult Rotifera, and of Larval Annelids and Echino- derms, illustrate Mr. Huxley’s paper on Lacinularia. Fig. 1. Raphides from Cactus enneagonus, showing a nucleus surrounded by concentric lamine. 2. The same, with irregular lamina. 38 & 4. The same, without concentric lamination, 5. Nuclei of raphides. 6. Separated crystals of compound raphides. = Iran Note V3 Se ea LLL ‘Ditton Wert, scalp Teed & West Imp 54 Hattce Garden ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On the Anatomy of Me.icerta RINGENS. By Professor W. C. Wittramson. [Continued from page 8.] The most interesting portion of the history of Melicerta is connected with the development of its ova, which process the transparency of its organs enables us to watch with facility. I have already described the position of the ovary and oviduct. The ovary is a hollow sac consisting of a very thin pellucid membrane. It is filled with a viscid granular protoplasm of a light grey colour, in which are distributed from twenty to thirty nuclei (23), each having a diameter of from 1-1200th to 1-1600th of an inch. Each nucleus contains a large nu- cleolus varying in diameter from 1-1600th to 1-3500th. In its normal state, the granular protoplasm is of an uniform grey colour, flowing freely out of the ovary when the latter is rup- tured. The nuclei situated near the centre of the ovary appear to be successively selected for development. One of these nearest the surface attracts round it a small portion of the granular pro- toplasm, detaching it from the remaining contents of the organ, though still in close contact with them. The portion thus specially isolated gradually enlarges, assuming at the same time a darker hue, whilst, from its central position, it partially divides the upper from the lower half of the remaining ovarian proto- plasm. At the same time the central nucleus sometimes undergoes some slight enlargement, and its nucleolus appears to become absorbed ; the position of this nucleus in the centre of the ovum is now indicated by an ill-defined transparent spot; but on bursting the protoplasmic mass it is seen to be a small spherical cell (26) about 1-1000th of an inch im diameter, having very thin pellucid walls, and scarcely any visible cell-contents. When the ovum thus segmented from the ovarian protoplasm has attained its full size (14 ¢q), it becomes invested by a thin shell, which is apparently a secre- tion from its own surface. This view of its origin is of course difficult to prove, but I have sought in vain for evidence that it could have been formed in any other way. The ovum being now ready for expulsion, it is slowly forced down to the lower part of the ovary, the stomachs being drawn upwards and to one side in order to make way for it. Yield- ing to the pressure produced by the successive contractions of the body, the ovum sweeps round the inferior border of the VOL. I. F 66. ON THE ANATOMY OF MELICERTA RINGENS. lower stomach, and, passing through the dilated oviduct, enters the cloaca. ‘The latter canal becomes entirely everted, as is the case when the excrements are discharged, and by a sudden contraction the ovum is expelled. At this stage of its development the egg has an average length of 1-150th of an inch, and a diameter of 1-250th. Its yolk usually consists of a single segment (14 q and 25), there being a small space at each extremity of the egg which the yolk does not occupy. Very soon, the central nucleus becomes drawn out and subdivides into two, this division being followed by a corresponding segmentation of the yolk (26). The same process is repeated again and again (27), until at length the entire yolk is conyerted into a mass of minute cells (28). The first trace of further organization which presents itself appears in the form of a few freely moving ciliz. These pre- sent themselves at two points, one at 28 a, which corresponds with the future head, and the other near the centre of the ovum (286), which is destined to become the cavity of the stomach: shortly after this appearance of cilia, traces of the central parts of the dental apparatus present themselves, this again being soon succeeded by the union of the entire mass of yolk-cells, and the formation from them of the various organs of the animal (29). The ciliz now play very freely, especially at the head (29 a). The creature twists itself about in its shell; two red spots (29 6) appear near the head, which Ehrenberg regards as organs of vision, and along with them a very dark brown and somewhat larger spot is developed in the integument near the lower stomach. The young animal now bursts its shell, and, on first emerging, presents the appear- ance of fig. 30; the two hooks are formed (30 a) as well as rudiments of the two tentacles (30 5), and the whole of its internal organization, though but obscurely seen, is neverthe- less that of the perfect animal, and not that of a larval state. Almost immediately after its escape from the egg, the young Melicerta stretches itself out, and everting the anterior part of its body unfolds several small projecting mamillz covered with large ciliz, by means of which it floats freely away. Its present form is seen in fig, 3l. The ciliated mamille (31a) at this stage of growth are not unlike those seen in Notammataclavulata, but they soon enlarge and become developed into the flabelliform wheel-organs of the matured animal. The dental apparatus (31 0) is now fully developed ; the alimentary canal and muscular fasciculi are all present, only the epithelial cells of the former have not as yet ob- tained their yellow granular contents, consequently the viscera exhibit the same hyaline aspect as the rest of the organism. ON THE ANATOMY OF MELICERTA RINGENS. 67 The two red specks (3i ¢) are imbedded in two of the mammille. After swimming about for some time, like other free Roti- fera, the animal undergoes further changes. The dark brown spot (31d) is the first to disappear, and soon afterwards the two pink ones (31 ¢) cease to be visible. The animal attaches itself by the tail to some fixed support, and developes from the skin of the posterior portion of its body a thin hyaline cylinder, the dilated extremity of which is attached to the supporting object. This structure has been already noticed by Dr. Mantell (Thoughts on Animalcules), though I have never seen it so largely developed as is represented in his figures. The young animal, having chosen a permanent rest- ing-place, commiences the formation of its singular investing case. I have verified Dr. Mantell’s account of the position occupied by the first-formed spheres. They are arranged in a ring round the middle of the body, and are for some time unattached to the leaf or stem which supports the animal. They appear to have some internal connection with the thin membraneous cylinder (32a). At first, new additions are made to both extremities of the enlarging ring. But the jerking contractions of the animal at length force the caudal end of the cylinder down upon the leaf, to which it becomes securely cemented by the same viscous secretion as causes the little spheres to cohere. All the new additions are now made to the free extremity, which, as Ehrenberg remarks, never extends beyond the level of the cloacal aper- ture of the outstretched animal. At its attached base, the cylinder consists of closely fitting hexagons (33) 1-1600th of an inch in diameter; but as we approach the opposite extremity, they become perfect spheres (34) (1-1100th of an inch in diameter), each one touching six surrounding ones, by six corresponding peripheral points. Small triangular spaces intervene, occupied only by the transparent secretion which glues the little spheres together. The fully-matured animal maintains its position within this case by means of its caudal prolongation, the extremity of which can be more or less flattened out into a suctorial dise (20 c). From the above description it will be seen that the Melicerta ringens, one of the most highly organised of the Rotifera, does not pass through any larval form, in which it is represented by some of the simpler polygastric Infusoria. Though its external appendages, and especially the rotatory organs, are imperfectly developed at its birth, the organization as a whole is complete and final. The parts are all present, and only require to be expanded by the ordinary process of growth. F 2 68 ON THE ANATOMY OF MELICERTA RINGENS. We have no metamorphosis such as is common amongst the Articulata: I have not even seen any evidence that the creature casts its skin. This fact was noticed by Dutrochet, and his observation appears to be correct. When the ova are discharged from the cloaca they succes- sively fall into the cavity of the tessellated case, where they undergo their further development. I have often found as many as four in one case, in the various stages of progress represented by figs. 12 to 16. It is whilst the eggs are thus protected that the young animals burst their shells—swim- ming out at the free extremity of the case as soon as they are liberated. When the ovum escapes from the cloaca its yolk usually consists of a single segment. In one insiance only it had divided into eight whilst within the ovary. A second ovum is frequently seen progressing towards development whilst a fully shelled one is retained in the ovarium. Re- specting the process of fertilization we know nothing. The two tubes which I have referred to as being possibly spermatic ducts are the homologues of similar ones in other Rotifera, to which Ehrenberg has assigned fertilizing functions. Melh- certa ringens countenances his opinion on this point, though it does not prove it. I have seen nothing resembling spermatozoa. In the possession of so highly organised a form of voluntary muscle, in the investment of the faseiculi by a sarcolemma, and in the existence of a well defined ciliated cellular epithelium lining the alimentary canal, we have indications of an organiza- tion approaching that of the lower Articulata. The dental apparatus appears to constitute a splanchno-skeleton like that of the Crustacea; but, on the other hand, the absence of a visible nervous system removes the Melicert@ far below the Homogangliate animals. That they should possess a nervous system of some kind appears almost a matter of necessity, if the presence of striated muscular fibre indicates volition ; but its actual existence has yet to be demonstrated. I have found no special organs of circulation or respiration. On watching the movements of the small free cells which float in the visceral cavity, as well as in the tail (147), it becomes obvious that the fluid contained within the integument moves freely with every contraction of the body. I detect no vessels or pulsating organs. ‘These facts also tend to associate the animal with the lower Nematoneura, if not even with the Acrita, rather than with the Homogangliate Crustaceans. At the same time its organization is of a higher type than that of the Bryozoa. Any attempt to establish the existence of homologies between the phenomena attending the development of the ova in the ON THE ANATOMY OF MELICERTA RINGENS, 69 Melicerta and those of the higher Mammalia may be deemed premature and unwise. Nevertheless there are some points in which a close relationship appears to be displayed. ‘These affinities will be best traced by proceeding backwards from a stand-point where the homology is clear and definite. The yolk of the matured egg of Melicerta is the obvious homologue of the yolk of the Mammalian ovum. The circumstance that the entire yolk of the former enters directly into the composi- tion of the young embryo, by a process of segmentation, instead of indirectly and through the medium of a germinal membrane, does not materially affect the case. The granular yolk of the Melicerta still corresponds with some early states of the granular yolk of the Mammalian ovum. In the latter case each Graafian vesicle is filled with granules, along with some nuclei, float- ing in a colourless fluid. Amidst these, the germinal vesicle, with its. contained nucleus or germinal spot, is developed. After a while some of the granules and a portion of the fluid in which they float are attracted around the germinal vesicle, and thus form the yolk, All this corresponds with what takes place in Melicerta. The entire sac of the ovary in the latter resembles a large compound Graafian vesicle distended with fluid, in which there float numerous granules, as well as twenty or thirty nucleolated vesicles, or nuclei ; each of these nuclei successively attracts around itself a portion of the gra- nular fluid to form the granular yolk, and the thickened shell may perhaps be regarded as the vitelline membrane, though this latter idea is not free from some objections. Bischoff has observed that, as the Mammalian ovum advances towards ma- turity, the number of the granules increases, and hence the yolk is more opaque in the mature, and more transparent in the immature ovum. This is precisely identical with the changes undergone by the yolk of the Melicerta, as described in the preceding pages. We may conclude from this com- parison, that the elements which are contained in and solely occupy the ovisac of the Melicerta, are those which in the ovaries of the higher mammalia are restricted to the interiors of the Graafian vesicles; that whilst in the former case the protoplasmic stock forms one undivided mass, from which portions are successively pinched off to form the ova, in the latter examples it is divided into small portions, each being contained within a special receptacle, or Graafian vesicle ; the interspaces being occupied by the stroma or tissue of the ovary. Since recording the preceding observations, I have had the advantage of perusing Mr. Huxley’s instructive paper on 70 ON THE ANATOMY OF MELICERTA RINGENS. Lacinularia. 1 have verified Mr. Huxley’s observation of the existence of two circlets of cilia, fringing the double mar-, gins of the sinuated wheel-organs ; one being larger than the other. The larger one passes round the fissure dividing the two larger lobes, and consequently above the mouth. The smaller one, which is most external, passes below the mouth, being con- tinuous with the ciliz which fringe the “chin” of Mr. Gosse, the “ fifth wheel-organ” of the preceding memoir. The food that reaches the mouth is whirled round the wheel-organs along the groove that separates the two circlets of cilia; and since these circlets diverge near the “ chin,” the mouth being located between them, the food is necessarily conveyed di- rectly to the latter organ. The two sets of marginal cilia, by bending towards each other whilst in motion, almost con- vert this groove into a sinus, especially in the two larger segments. I had previously noticed the outline formed by the outer and smaller of these margins, but regarded it as merely a thickened portion of the disk, to the surface of which I erroneously imagined these additional cilia to be attached. On each side of the oral aperture there project two small flattened lobes with ciliated margins, continuous with those of the chin, and which obviously assist in directing the food into the cesophagus. Between the mouth and the cesophageal bulb, on the same side as the ovary, is the transparent ball of horn-like sub- stance referred to by Mr. Huxley ; within the cesophagus, near its junction with the pharyngeal bulb, the ciliated lining mem- brane appears to hang in several loose, vibratile, longitudinal folds. I do not feel satisfied respecting the functions of the ‘“‘ nervous ganglion” of Mr. Huxley. I see no sufficient rea- sons for assigning to the small organ in question nervous functions. * Of the ciliated sac of Mr. Gosse I have obtained some faint glimpses, not having been so fortunate as to see the animal when engaged in its architectural occupations ; when not so engaged the sac becomes so contracted as to be almost invisible, The singular bodies resembling spermatozoa exist in various parts of the organism, where they are apparently enclosed within hollow canals, I have never seen them occupying the two main trunks of the “ water vascular system,” or czeca, nor can I succeed in tracing any connexion between them. In several cases | have seen one or two of these curious bodies opposite the centre of the upper stomach, very near to, but independent of, the main caecal canal, and at some distance below the point where the latter probably subdivides into branches. Near the neck there are usually from two to three GOSSE ON THE MELICERTA RINGENS, 71 pairs. Their vibratile motion ceases the moment the animal is killed by pressure. This fact does not countenance the idea that they are spermatozoa. Two or three pyriform glandular (?) looking bodies are often attached to the base of the upper stomach, near the con- striction which separates it from the lower one. Similar but larger bodies are seen in the neighbourhood of the cesophagus. Not having been able to trace any ducts or orifices passing from these organs to the viscera, | have hesitated to assert their glandular character. In one example of Melicerta, the membranous ovisac was contracted and empty, containing neither protoplasm nor nuclei. Is this accidental, or may it have been a male animal ? On the Structure, Functions, Habits, and Development of Meticerta R1InGENS. By P. H. Gossz, A.LS. By the courtesy of Mr. Matthew Marshall I was favoured, on the 27th of May, 1851, with some fragments of Lemna trisulca, and other aquatic weeds, from a large glass jar, swarming with Melicerta to such an extent that sixty or seventy are crowded on a single leaf. They are very distinctly ap- preciable to the naked eye, for many of the tubes are 1-24th of an inch long, and when the animals are expanded, they reach to about 1-20th of an inch. They are set on both surfaces of the leaves. The tubes contain about thirty-two rows of pellets; each pellet is surrounded by six others ; the rows are straight and uninterrupted perpendicularly, but transversely they are zigzagged, and the regular course is dia- gonal, Each pellet, examined separately, is of a yellowish or olive colour, composed of granules, and rather oval than round: the whole tube is of a reddish-brown. In old ones the surface is studded with Conferve, Diatomacee, Podophrye, and other extraneous matters, even to the summit. By picking to pieces the tube with the points of needles under a small microscope, I can readily extract the animal; it is often hurt by the pro- cess, but generally it is sufficiently whole to display the organ- ization. Fig. 12, plate I1., is one so extracted. The tubes or spurs on each side of the head below the chin are evidently consimilar with the antenne of Rotifer, &c. There is a slender piston in each, capable of being retracted and protruded, and bearing at its extremity a tuft of very fine, divergent, motion- less hairs. The jaws are very complex, and differ so much in different aspects, that they are difficult to understand. Viewed in situ 72 GOSSE ON THE MELICERTA RINGENS. their appearance is as at fig. 16, or that of a single one examined carefully, as at fig. 17; but, under pressure, they become turned half-round, and appear as at figs. 18 and 19. In figs. 20 and 21 these two aspects are reconciled, the corresponding parts being lettered alike, according to my belief. The oblique pro- jection (d) appears conspicuous in a side view, as shown 7x situ in fig. 20. These parts are enclosed each in a globose transparent muscle (?), by whose action the form is much al- tered ; the points of the teeth (a) are drawn forward and down- ward, or vice versa, and the part (6) seems to be lengthened and variously modified in form, “A filmy line, more or less obvious, connects the point b (in fig. 20) with its fellow in the opposite jaw in some unintelligible way (sce fig. 16), The action is not exactly that of two flat-surfaced mullers working on each other in a grinding manner, but a complex motion, impossible to be explained by words. Below the two globose lobes there is another rounded lobe (see figs. 16 and 18) equally hyaline, and probably muscular, which seems united to the two others, and alters in form as they and the jaws work, lengthening down- ward as they approach, and dilating and shortening as they re- cede. A slender cesophagus leads down to the gizzard, through whose lower part water is continually percolating, as it appears ; but perhaps the appearance is caused by ciliary waves. Below the gizzard extends along, wide cylindrical stomach ; it ap- parently embraces the gizzard at its base without an appre- ciable tube ; a large globose gland (see fig. 12) 1s probably one of a pair of pancreatic glands. ‘The walls of the stomach are tnick, and the food is received into a central tube, whence it passes into a globose intestine, the interior of which is covered with minute cilia, From the lower part of this viscus a slender but dilatable rectum turns up, and proceeds forward toward the occiput, till it terminates on the dorsal surface, just below the level of the gizzard. The cloacal outlet is capable of being greatly protruded, and this takes place in the moment of dis- charge, in order to shoot the faecal mass out of the case, for it is then projected from above therim, The feces are slightly coherent and jelly-like, not at all like the case-pellets. The ventral region is, as usual, occupied by the ovary, sometimes granular and clear, at others filled with a dark maturing ovum. The head-mass, when retracted as in fig. 12, appeared separate and removed from the outer integument, and to be drawn together in a puckered manner. It descends into a small conical tubercle behind the gizzard, and between this and the base of the stomach there was one little tremulous tag, of the same structure as in Notommata aurita. From the same spot also project, into a space of peculiar clearness, two trumpet- GOSSE ON THE MELICERTA RINGENS. 73 shaped bodies of the greatest delicacy, and without motion (See fig. 12). From far up in the trunk long muscular cords descend and pass into the foot, which they entirely traverse. This long organ is corrugated into close, irregular, transverse wrinkles; and there seem to be annular muscle-rings, exceedingly numer- ous throughout. The tip of the foot is not cleft, but it has a retractile disc, doubtless a sucker, if this be the principle of its adhesion; but near the tip, on its ventral side, there ap- peared a little granular body connected with the tip by a point, and enlarging at the upper end, where it was connected with a small globular vesicle. (See fig. 22.) Can this be a secerning gland for the secretion of an adhesive glue, by which the foot adheres, as in Monocerca ? Opening one or two cases I freed one and another very curious egg-like bodies (fig. 23), not symmetrical in shape, being oaks more gibbous on one side than the opposite, and measuring 1-150th by 1-260th of an inch, Each was encircled by five or six raised ribs, running parallel to each other longi- tudinally, somewhat like the varices of a Wentle-trap. Viewed perpendicularly to the ribs the form is symmetrical—a long, narrow oval. The whole surface between the ribs appeared punctured or granulate, and the colour was a dull brownish yellow. Under pressure it was ruptured, and discharged an infinity of atoms of an excessive minuteness, but every one of which, for a few seconds, displayed spontaneous motion. Their whole appearance, and the manner in which they pre- sently turned to motionless disks, were exactly the same as of the Spermatozoa, which the male eggs of other Rotifera con- tain, except that these were so minute. From another I extracted an egg of the ordinary form and appearance (fig. 24). It was very long, measuring 1-145th by 1-390th of an inch. The contained embr yo was well advanced ; two red eyes were plainly seen by reflected and by transmitted light: the gizzard was transverse, very large in proportion, and the jaws worked vigorously ; a little opaque body, white under sunlight, was in the posterior part. This embryo died without hatching. May 30.—A young one, about half adult size, was at- tached by the base of its tube to the side of the tube of an adult, near the summit of the latter, so as to project obliquely upward. This specimen, which was perfectly formed, gave me an excellent opportunity for observing the ventral aspect (see fig. 14), and the dorsal (fig. 15). It had two red eyes, one placed. near the base of each larger petal. I could not discern eyes in adults. It was very energetic, diligently engaged in 74 GOSSE ON THE MELICERTA RINGENS. manufacturing the pellets and laying them on. It seems that the action of the pellet-cup is voluntary, and not always co- existent with the passing of the ciliary current over the chin, The animal frequently makes abortive efforts to deposit a pellet, and sometimes bends forcibly forward to the edge of the case before the pellet is haif formed. The chin forms a projecting lobe, apparently concave at the tip, spoon-shaped or tubular (see fig. 13), well covered with cilia, which carry on the current from the great sinus. The petals are evidently thick in the middle, and I think are very abruptly attenuated from the ring of nervous (?) matter that runs round them, to the margin. The wheel-cilia have their bases on this ring, and not on the margin (see fig. 15); a very delicate granular mass runs out in a point from the base to the centre of each petal; this may be cerebral, and the rings muscular. The edges of the petals are contracted, corrugated, incurved, and folded together at the will of the animal. Between the two larger petals is the mouth, for in the lateral view (fig. 13) a rather wide pharynx was distinctly seen extending from that point to the summit of the gizzard, and minute particles were traceable through it, which were rapidly poured be- tween the jaws. The lower portion of this duct is seen also in fig. 14. The breast, between the diverging antenne, forms several irregular rounded lobes, and below the gizzard it is constricted laterally. There is a very close affinity between Melicerta and the Philodinade, say, for example, Rotifer citrinus. ‘The wheels are sinuous instead of round, but the great sinus and pro- jecting spoon-shaped chin are in both; the antenna, single and medial in MRotifer, is repeated and thrown apart in Melicerta, but the structure is identical: The gizzard is essentially the same—a pair of muscular hemispheres with hard transverse teeth: tbe stomach and intestine are the same; and the upward direction and production of the rec- tum are but trivial modifications dependent on a tubicolous habit. The structure of the foot is, however, nearer to that of Brachionus, or perhaps Pterodina, being corrugated, not telescopic-jointed, and terminating in a sucker, not in toes ; but this again is a tubicolous modification. May 31.—On looking into the live-box, in which were several tubes, I found a young one swimming rapidly out in a giddy, headlong manner. I believe it was just hatched. Its form was somewhat trumpet-shaped, or like that of a Stentor, with a wreath. of cilia around the head, interrupted at two opposite points. ‘lhe central portion of the head rose into a low cone. After whirling about for a few minutes, its motion GOSSE ON THE MELICERTA RINGENS. 75 became retarded, and it began to adhere momentarily, and to move forward by successive jerks, not more than its own length at once. The periods of its remaining stationary in- creased, so that I several times supposed it had taken up its permanent position, when some shock or alarm would send it off for a little distance again. At length, about an hour after I first saw it, it finally settled, adhering by the foot to the lower glass of the box. Fig. 25 represents the ventral, fig. 26 the dorsal outline of this young one, but more I could not sketch, for after a few rapid gyrations upon the foot as a pivot, it became vertical, and appeared to the eye looking down on it, as at fig. 27. The form of the adult was now distinctly assumed, the four petals of the disk were well made out, though the sinuosities were yet shallow: the antenne at first were only small square nipples (fig. 27, aa), but soon shot out into the usual form; the ciliated chin was distinct, as was also the whirling of the pellet-cup immediately beneath it. A pellet was quickly formed, and instantly deposited at the foot; the same operation was repeated with energy and in- dustry, so that in a few minutes a row of pellets were seen, forming a portion of a circle around its foot-base, as shown at fig. 27,5. When two or three rows were formed, I took occasion to measure the time of their construction; one pellet was deposited every minute with great regularity. 1 mixed a little carmine with the water: the result was beautiful; for the dark torrent that poured off in front, and the appearance of a rich crimson pellet in the cup (fig. 27, ¢), were instanta- neous. Yet the imbibition seemed deleterious; for the animal would withdraw itself suddenly, after a revolution or two, and presently retired sullenly, having laid five or six carmine pellets, whose deep tints made them conspicuous on the pellucid yellowish ones. Some three hours after, I saw that no more were laid. But in the course of the night the case was considerably increased with carmine; the part so made was much less regularly formed of pellets than that composed of the natural material, for the red portion was all confused and blended as it were into a mass, without distinc- tion of pellets, though retaining the tubular form. A large one, whose case had become accidentally injured near the base, so as to be slit for some distance up, protruded itself through the opening, remaining still attached by the foot. It did not again enter, but continued for several days, carrying on all its functions in the healthiest manner, exposed. ‘It frequently made pellets, but these were never deposited, but allowed to wash off into the water, nor was any attempt made to construct a new case. A half-grown one, very active, 76 ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. that was near, deposited pellets only rarely, eight .or ten in several days; whence it appears that this process is quite voluntary : indeed, if it were not so, so rapid is the formation, that the tube would be increased beyond all bounds in a very brief period of the animal’s life. The process of swallowing carmine enabled me to see very distinctly that (as shown at fig. 14) the cesophagus enters the gizzard between the larger ends of the jaw-mullers, and that the stomach-duct leads off from their smaller ends, through the semi-globular Jobe beneath. This duct, though short and wide, is distinct. June 12.—The young one obtained May 30 was active till this morming, when it suddenly died, having lived ur confinement fourteen days. During the whole time it has scarcely increased in size, nor has it added any pellets to its case, except a few the first day or two. The eyes were dis- tinctly visible to the last. Remark on the Cornea of the Eye in Insects, with reference to certain sources of fallacy in the ordinary mode of computing the Microscopie hexagonal Facets of this membrane: with an Appendix, containing a brief notice of a new method of taking transparent Casts of the above, and other oljects for the Microscope, in Collodion. By Joun Gornam, M.R.CS.L., Fellow of the Physical Society of Guy’s Hospital ; Honorary Fellow of the Royal Botanic Society of London, ce. Tue eye of the Insect tribe has been chosen for the present communication, not only from its great beauty and wonderful organization, but on account of its transparent portion (cornea) presenting a multitude of well-defined planes, forming a reti- culation which is especially calculated to excite our admira- tion. It is to this, therefore, and not to the interior, that our attention will be chiefly directed. On examining the head of an insect we shall find a couple of protuberances more or less prominent, and situated symme- trically, one on each side. Their outline at the base is for the most part circular, elliptical, oval, or truncated; while their curved surfaces are spherical, spheroidal, pyriform, &c. These horny, rounded, naked parts seem externally to repre- sent the corne of the eyes of Insects; at least they are ap- propriately so called from the analogy they bear to those trans- parent tunics in the higher classes of animals. They differ from these latter, however, in this respect, that, when viewed by the microscope, they display a number of hexagonal facets ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. 77 which constitute the media for the ingress of light to as many simple eyes. Under an ordinary lens, and by reflected light, the entire surface of one of these cornex presents a beautiful reticulation, like very fine wire gauze, with a minute papilla, or, at least, slight elevation in the centre of each mesh. These are resolved, however, by the aid of a compound microscope, and with a power of from 80 to 100 diameters, into an almost incredible number, when compared with the space they occupy, of minute, regular geometrical hexagons, well- defined and capable ot being computed with comparative ease, their exceeding mipateness being taken into considera- tion. When viewed in this way (hau entire surface bears a resemblance to that which might easily and artificially be produced by straining a portion of Brussels lace with hexa- gonal meshes over a Saal hemisphere of ground glass. That this giv es a tolerably fair idea of the intricate carving on the exterior may be further shown from the fact that delicate and beautiful casts in collodion* may be procured from the sur- face by giving this three or four coats with a camel’s-hair pencil. When dry it is peeled off in thin fla!.es, upon which the impressions are left so distinct, that their hexagonal form can be discovered with a Coddington lens. This experiment will be found useful in examining the configuration of the facets of the hard and unyielding eyes of many of the Coleo- ptera, in which the reticulations become either distorted by corrugation or broken from the pressure required to flatten them. It will be observed, also, that by this method perfect casts of portions of the cornea can be obtained without any dissection whatever, and that these artificial exuvia, for such they really are, become available for microscopic investi- gations ; obviating the necessity for a more lengthened or labo- rious preparation. But to return. The dissection of the cornea of an insect’s eye is by no means easy. I have generally used a small pair of scissors, with well-adjusted and pointed extremities, and a camel’s-hair pencil, having a portion of the hairs cut off at the end, which is thereby flattened. The extremity of the cedar handle, on the other hand, is shaved to a fine point, so that the brush may be the more easily revolved between the finger and thumb, and the coloured pigment on the inte- rior may thus be scrubbed off by this simple process. A brush thus prepared and slightly moistened forms, as far as my ex- perience goes, by far the best forceps for manipulating these objects preparatory to mounting ; as, if only touched with any * A solution of gun-cotton in chloroform, It can be procured of any chemist. 738 ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. hard-pointed substance, they will often spring from the table from mere elasticity, and thus the labour of hours may be lost in one single moment. It does not appear to me desirable to attempt to flatten an entire cornea by pressure and maceration, although I am aware this is generally recommended, but no useful purpose is really served either in developing the beauty or counting the number of its lenses. The rounded membrane, on the other hand, becomes, as might be antici- pated if the margin remains intact, corrugated, and so one hexagon overlaps the other. It will be useful, therefore, to make two preparations of the eyes of one insect, the one entire, retaining its naturally curved form, not having been subjected to any pressure—the other nicked at its margin, or cut into small fragments and pressed flat between two slides. Each of the hexagons above-mentioned is itself the slightly ‘“‘ convex horny case of an eye. Their margins of separation are often thickly set with hair, as in the Bee; in other in- stances they are naked, as in the Dragon-fly, House-fly, Ke. The number of these lenses has been calculated by various authors, and their almost incredible multitude has very justly excited astonishment. Hooke counted 7000 in the eye of a House-fly ; Leeuwenhoek more than 12,000 in the eye of a Dragon-fly, and 4000 in the eye of a domestic fly; and Geoffroy cites a calculation, according to which there are 34,650 of such facets in the eye of a Butterfly.” Having carefully examined with the microscope a small flattened portion of the eye of a Dragon-fly and a few analo- gous specimens, we are, I think, in a position to assume two things which will serve to form the basis in our calcula- tions :— lst. That the reticulations referred to are composed of per- fect, regular, geometric hexagons; and 2ndly. That the hexagons are all of equal size. Their number, in any individual specimen under investiga- tion, might, of course, be ascertained by actual enumeration ; the process however would be a very laborious one, and in- jurious to the sight. Leeuwenhoek computed them by assum- ing the prominent part of the eye to be hemispherical.* He then counted a single row of hexagons from the summit to the base, and this multiplied by four gave the great circle of a sphere, the area of which was then discovered by a simple arithmetical process. It will be observed, however, that those eyes only, the surface of whose common cornea is hemispherical (and there is a large number in which it is not), can be treated in this way; and, if the facets could be * The eye under examination was that of the Moth of the Silk-worm. ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. 79 thus computed, the results would be incorrect according to the method of Leeuwenhoek ; inasmuch as in all his calculations the hexagons were reckoned as squares: thus many hundred were lost even in one single eye. Having pointed out this source of fallacy, we proceed to endeavour to correct it. A mere inspection of the above square area of hexagons will show that such an outline, enclosing as many regular hexagons of a given size as it will contain, has a less number on the one side, A B, than on its adjacent side, AC. A closer examination will discover that these numbers bear a ratio of 8: 9.25, or of 1: 1.156; while, if the entire area is counted, not omitting the portions which are truncated by the sides of the square, it will be found about 74 (or 8 x 9.25). Those numbers are not, indeed, mathematically cor- rect, but sufficiently so for our present purpose ; for, doubt- less, we have not failed to notice that if the side, A B, had been squared in the ordinary way (8 x 8), and not treated as if it were composed of hexagons (8 x 9.25), we should have lost as many as ten planes even in a space containing so few hexagons ; and these will vanish by hundreds instead of tens, as the area increases. And, if we take a circle with a row of hexagons passing through its great diameter, A B, and calculate from this the entire number spread over its whole superficies, we shall soon discover how very far wide of the truth our results would be, supposing the hexagons were treated as squares. For, first, let it be required to find the area of a circle in squares with any number, say twenty, composing its diameter. Now, the 80 ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. square of the diameter X .7854 = the area: hence 20° x .7854 = 314.160 the area in squares. Again, given a circle whose diameter = 20 regular hexa- gons, arranged with their sides in apposition (fig. 1), to find the area in hexagons. Now, as circles are to one another as the squares of their diameters, and as we have already seen that a square of hexagons = the product of 8: 9.25, or numbers in that ratio, we have :—8: 9.25 :: 20: 23.125. Hence 20 x 23.125 = 462.5, the diameter squared, and 462.5 x 7854 = 363.247 the area in hexagons. Or a circular area of hexagons may be thus found :— Given: a circle with twenty small hexagons (arranged side by side, fig. 1) passing through its great diameter, to find the area, The circle of the circumscribing circle will pass so close to the side C D (fig. 2) of the hexagon, that we may safely call ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. 8] 1 irc EB= of the diameter. Now evidently Fee a gh has — 20 area of hexagon number of hexagons; we have therefore to find area of hex- agon. BC =AC-—AB =4BC?— AB 3BC = AB 2 AB co ia. AB area of triangle ABC = BC x AB = Wa 1 a (=?) ‘= 1 5 D?v/3 = 00125. D# 1.73025 800 area of circle = .7854 D? = .0021650625 D? £7854. area of circle = no. of hexagons = 002165 = 363 nearly. 2 = 2 A B* ./3 area of hexagon = 6 V3 area of hexagon From these and analogous calculations, tables might be constructed for all possible dimensions of the square and the circle, the side being given in the former case, and the diameter in the latter :— SQUARE. Side. _ Area Saree Difference. in Squares. | in Hexagons. 10 100 115 .625 15.625 20 400 462.500 62.500 30 900 1040625 140.625 40 1,600 1850.000 250.000 50 2,500 2890.630 390.630 100, &e. 10,000 11562 .500 1562.500 CIRCLE. . Area Area . eter: in Squares. | in Hexagons. i 10 78.540 90.811 12.271 20 314.160 363 .247 49.087 30 706.860 817.306 110.446 40 1256.640 1452.990 196.360 50 1963 .500 2270.300 806.800 100 7854 .000 9081.875 1227 .875 G 82 ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. A few only are necessary in this place ; but even in these the columns of difference sufficiently indicate the loss likely to follow from miscalculation. I pass on to notice, however, that the only quadrilateral figure which will so contain a number of hexagons that its area may be discovered by squaring a side, is a rhomb of 60° and 120°; that is to say, two equilateral triangles placed base to base. When such a plane is occu- pied by regular hexagons, any side, A B, may be supposed to consist of small rhombs ranged side by side, each being exactly one-third (G) of one of the enclosed hexagons. All the sides are alike; hence it follows that, if one of them be multiplied into itself, and the product divided by three, the area of the rhomb, A BCD, in hexagons, is determined. Let AB = 6 rhombs, then cs = 12 the number of hexagons in ABCD. But the sides themselves are deduced from a single row of hexagons E F extending across the rhomb per- pendicularly with respect to AD and BC; and it is to be remarked that the number of rhombs in a side is always double of that of the hexagons composing this perpendicular series. In the figure there are three such hexagons EF, and consequently six rhombs ina side. The hexagons can always be calculated therefore by the formula (ax ay 3 where a represents the number of hexagons in the perpendi- =)\2 cular series, Let a@ = 3 then Se = {2 the area of ABCD. Allasion has been made to Leeuwenhoek’s calculations of the lenses of the silkworm’s eye. These may now be cor- rected. The number of facets, counted from the base to the ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. 83 summit of the hemispherical cornea, in the eye of the silk- worm moth, is thirty-five. But a single row, extending over a space = one quarter of the great circle of a sphere, x 4 = the circle itself, or 140. Now, the area of a sphere = four times the area of its great circle, and the area of a great circle = the square of the diameter x .7854. Again, the great diameter = the circumference ~ 3.1416. Thus, 140 3.1416 44.563 x 51.525 (i. e., in the ratio of 8 : 9.125) = 2296.108 ----- squares of diameter in hexagons 2296.108 x .7854 = 1803.363 - - - area of circle and 1803.363 x 4 = 7213.452 - - area of sphere in hexagons 7213.452 = 44.565 ----- diameter of the circle = 3606.726 hexagons in superficies of one he- 2 misphere or eye. Spherical area according to Leeuwenhoek, with the hexagons counted as squares = 6236 Spherical area computed as above, with the hexa- gons considered as such = 7213 Number lost by Leeuwenhoek = Difference - -- 977. We have seen how easily a surface of hexagons, whether it be circular or hemispherical, square or rhombic, may be computed from a single row; and we have now to procure sections of eyes, presenting such shapes for inspection under the microscope. ‘To excise small fragments from such minute and fragile membranes, and those of regular and determi- nate figures, requires nice manipulation. The quadrilateral figures I have been in the habit of making, by enclosing the membrane between two pieces of gummed white paper, upon one side of which the parallelograms are drawn; they are then cut entirely through with a penknife, and soaked for a short time in cold water, which softens the gum, and thus separates the paper. Circular sections are made with a small punch, after having been enclosed between paper as above recommended. On the surface of a small circle of the eye of a Dragon-fly, excised with the smallest saddler’s punch, marked No. 1, I have counted about 800 facets; in another, a size or two larger, about 5000, and so on. I have not felt satisfied with many of these preparations, however, although several have come out very well. Their edges are often lacerated by the punch, while the parallelograms, when magnified, have presented considerable deviations from the’ a2 84 ON THE CORNEA OF THE EYE IN INSECTS. true parallel. These inconveniences are obviated by making smali apertures, of the required shape and size, in black paper, which are placed immediately over the specimens to be examined. The circular openings can be punched out, while the others can be removed with a sharp knife. A simple and not inelegant mode of procuring very small rhombic apertures, perfectly equilateral and equiangular, consists in excising two small equilateral triangles from two slips of black paper, and sliding one over the other until the small rhomb in the centre, produced by their mutual intersection, is of the required size. The cornea is placed under this rhombic aperture, and the lenses are viewed and counted through it, by merely enumerating one row extending in a perpendicular direction, with respect to any two opposite or parallel sides, and joining them as in the dotted line of the annexed rhomb. APPENDIX. This is the first time, I believe, that the collodion has been employed in the production of transparent membranes for microscopic purposes. There are reasons for supposing that it will enable us to construct a series of novel and highly inter esting preparations, by its pr esenting the minute tracery observed on the surface of many opaque objects in a trans- parent form. In this way we can multiply impressions of specimens which are very beautiful or very rare. It bids fair, also, to put us into possession of the general configura- tion on the surface of certain minute fresh vegetable struc- tures which become shrivelled, and their beauty obliterated in drying. It is best applied as follows:—A few chips of Red Sanderswood are shaken up in a drachm or two of good collodion ; the surface of the object is then painted over four or five times, and in less than ten minutes the flake or cast of collodion can be peeled off, and mounted on a slide under a thin cover as a dry preparation. Remarks on the Preparation of the Potyrivoms of ZooruyTEs for Microscopical Examination, with a notice of the phe- nomena they exhibit with polarized light. By Goxrpine Biro, A.M., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. ALMOst every miscroscopic observer is familiar with the extreme beauty of the horny polypidoms of the Anthozoa, and the calcareous structure of the Polyzoa, when examined as transparent objects in their recent state. There are few persons who have not regretted the extent to which these become disfigured by drying, so as to afford hardly an idea of the elegance which had previously rendered them so attractive. The failure of all attempts to preserve them in balsam and restore them to their original transparency and sharpness of outline induced me, during a recent visit to the coast of Pem- brokeshire, to try some experiments in the hope of over- coming this difficulty, which have yielded some interesting results. The great obstacle to preserving these structures in balsam arises from their retaining, when dried, air in their tubes and cells so obstinately that it is hardly practicable to get rid of it, as well as from their shrivelling up in the process of dry- ing. By the following plan I find the polypidoms may be preserved as permanent preparations, retaining the appear- ance of the most beautiful recent specimens, wanting only the expanded tentacula of the former inhabitants of their cells to complete the appearance they present when living in their native seas. The specimens should, if possible, be preserved in weak spirit until leisure is afforded for their preparation: if, how- ever, they have been dried, they should be soaked in cold water for a day or two before being submitted to the following processes. 1. Select perfect specimens of the proper size for the microscope, which in the larger zoophytes should not exceed two inches in length. Immerse them in water, heated to, 120°, ina glass cylinder, and place them under an air-pump receiver. Slowly exhaust the air; torrents of bubbles are given off from the surface of the tubes and cells, and very soon the water will appear to be in a state of active ebullition. In a few minutes re-admit air into the receiver, and after a short time again exhaust; repeat this three or four times. By this process the air is removed from the cells and tubes, watery vapour taking its place; at the same time, by the re- peated admission of water into them, and its removal during the process of exhaustion, the internal structure of the poly- 86 Dr. GOLDING BIRD ON THE POLYPIDOMS OF ZOOPHYTES. pidoms becomes freed from the dead polypes and other animal matter. With the exception of a few of the cellular Polyzoa, especially Flustra foliacea and Gemellaria loricata, | have never found any difficulty in thus removing every air- bubble. 2. The polypidoms should now be removed and allowed to drain for a few seconds on a piece of bibulous paper, and then placed in an earthen vessel fitted with a cover and previously heated to about 200°. The best thing for this purpose is one of the common, thick, white pots, with its cover, used used by druggists to hold ointment. These are so thick that they retain their temperature sufficiently long for the purpose required, They are most conveniently heated by boiling them for a few minutes in water, lifting them out with a pair of forceps, and hastily wiping them with a thick cloth. The specimens, being dropped into one of these vessels, and covered with the loosely-fitting lid, are then to be placed under the receiver of an air-pump, and the air rapidly ex- hausted. By this process the specimens are very quickly and completely dried, the water being evaporated from the cells and tubes so rapidly that they hardly collapse or wrinkle. 3. The specimens are to be removed in an hour or two from the air-pump, and dropped into a glass cylinder containing perfectly transparent camphine. This may be quite cold when the horny, tubular polypidoms, as those of the Sertulariz, are used, but should be previously heated to 100°, when the cal- careous, cellular Polyzoa are the objects to be preserved. The vessel, being covered with a large watch-glass, must be placed on the air-pump, and the air exhausted and re-admitted two or three times. After this the vessel may be set aside until it is convenient to place the specimens in balsam in the following manner :— 4. One of the slips of glass intended for each specimen should have a narrow piece of card-board fastened by a little glue to each end so as to prevent the subsequent injury of the structure from pressure. The slip thus prepared should then be carefully cleaned from any dust, and be held over a spirit- lamp to warm it sufficiently to allow the balsam to flow freely over it. ‘This should be applied by means of a thick glass rod, so as to cover the glass with a large body of balsam. All air-bubbles must be carefully removed by a needle point in the usual way. Whilst still warm, the polypidoms (previously removed from the camphine and drained for a minute ina watch-glass) should be grasped by a pair of forceps and care- fully immersed in the balsam. A second plate of glass, without the pieces of card, should be quickly warmed on the spirit-lamp, and a thin-layer of balsam spread over its surface. Dr. GOLDING BIRD ON THE POLYPIDOMS OF ZOOPHYTES. 87 It must then be carefully placed over the specimen, by allowing one end to rest on one piece of card-board fixed to the slip of glass, and then gradually lowered. If this be adroitly done, not a bubble of air will be entangled in the preparation. The plates should then be gently grasped in the middle by the wooden forceps or fingers, and fastened together by means of the smallest quantity of sealing wax at each end. Slips of paper are to be carefully pasted round the sides and ends, and the preparation may then be preserved without injury. Thus prepared, such specimens become the most beautiful of transparent objects for the miscroscope. Their translucency is as complete as in the fresh zoophyte. The structure of the cells and vesicles is most beautifully exhibited. Scarcely any more beautiful objects for the microscope can be thus obtained than those of the common Sertularia abietina and operculata. The vesicles in each are most interesting. The curious mouths of the former, and the opercular lids of the latter, are sure to arrest the attention. ‘These objects are finely shown by a two- inch object-glass; the bird’s-head processes of Cellularia avicularia require, however, an inch-glass ; a deeper objective being very seldom required, except for making out very mi- nute structures. But it is when these objects are examined by polarized light that the most interesting results are obtained. For this purpose, let a piece of selenite be placed on the stage of the microscope, and the polarizing prisms arranged so that the ray transmitted is absorbed by the analyzer. Of course in the absence of the selenite, all light would disappear from the instrument, and none would reach the eye. On placing the selenite on the stage it will, if of proper thickness, allow an abundance of green light to be transmitted. Selenite which presents a bluish or violet tint when thus examined, is not so fitted for these observations. If, then, a specimen of Sertularia operculata be placed on the selenite stage and examined with a two-inch object-glass, a most beautiful spectacle presents itself. The central stem is shown to be a continuous tube, assuming a more or less pink tint throughout its whole extent. The cells assume a bluish or sometimes violet tint, their pointed orifices, and, indeed, their whole structure becoming much more distinct than when exa- mined by common light. The vesicles appear paler than the rest of the object, and their lids, which so remarkably resemble the operculum of the theca of a moss, being composed of a some- what denser structure, generally assume a yellowish or orange tint, so that they become beautifully distinct. ‘This zoophyte is often covered with very minute bivalve shells, distinguished by the naked eye from the vesicles only by their circular form, 88 Dr. GOLDING BIRD ON THE POLYPIDOMS OF ZOOPHYTES. and these when present add much to the beauty of the speci- men, presenting a striated structure, and becoming illuminated with the most brilliant colours. Thus, when submitted to polarized light, the zoophyte becomes not only a most beautiful, but an instructive object, the relation of the cells to the tube which bears them, and the continuity of the latter being so readily seen. Sertularia fili-_ cula is also an interesting object, the waved stem or central tube becoming of a deep dusky red, whilst the cells assume but little colour, renders their mutual relation very obvious. Sertularia abietina is also a fine object, especially when loaded with vesicles as it so often is in the autumn. Halecium halicinum, perhaps the least elegant of this class of beings, assumes a very interesting appearance, its cells assuming a moderate amount of colour. The very beautiful Plumularia falcata acquires fresh beauty under polarized light; for although its cells do not become coloured, merely assuming a pale green, yet the tubular stem becomes more or less of a crimson hue, presenting the appearance of a beautiful feather. It is really remarkable how much more distinct every structure appears, and how much greater a charm is thrown over the elegant structure of the polypidoms when examined in the green light of the selenite. They seem almost, to an imagina- tive eye, to be once more in their native element. The most splendid tints are exhibited by the calcareous siructure of the Polyzoa, and among these the Flustra trur- cata is perhaps the most interesting. When a preparation of this zoophyte is examined by polarized light with a two-inch glass without the selenite, the structure of the cells, and the shape of their mouths, are well seen ; but in several portions of the specimen the walls of the cells present the appear- ance of a tesselated pavement, several minute, spherical, coloured structures being scattered over it. On replacing the object-glass by one of one-half inch focus, these spherical bodies present the dark cross with beautiful tints in each quadrant, at first sight resembling the carbonate of lime I discovered some years ago in the urine of the horse. On examining them carefully, however, the polarizing structure will, in many of them, be found to be identical with that seen in the crystalline lens of the cod, or in a spheroid of unannealed glass when immersed in oil, and different from that of a slice of cale-spa or circular plate of unannealed glass. The centre of each spherule being occupied by a black cross with the tinted quadrants, the whole being circumscribed by a black circle. Beyond this extends a second set of black arms with more varied tints between them. A more interesting structure I have never had occasion to examine than that presented by Dr. GOLDING BIRD ON THE POLYPIDOMS OF ZOOPHYTES. 59 these spherules of carbonate of lime. On placing the selenite plate under the specimens, the black cross and circle became green; and a very beautiful result occurs from some tints being raised, and others depressed, in the scale of colours. On digesting a piece of Flustra truncata in diluted hydro- chloric acid, and then putting it upon balsam, like the fresh specimen, this beautiful structure disappeared; all appear- ances of tessellated tints and coloured spheres had vanished. Hence they depended upon the crystallized arrangement of the carbonate ot lime. The more common Flustra_foliacea is an interesting object on the selenite stage, but does not exhibit the peculiar polar- izing structure of the other species. The Cellularia avicularia is a brilliant object with the selenite stage, its cells being covered with plates of carbonate of lime; it presents a fine display of tints, the bird’s head appendages being exceedingly beautiful. The Gemellaria loricata is one of the most beautiful objects with the selenite, the cells assuming a pale pink, and the obovate orifices of each—provided apparently with a frame of carbonate of lime to keep them patent—assumes a fine and rich orange tint. I have alluded to some of the most beautiful of the struc- tures which have occurred to me; but I feel sure, that those observers who have more time at their disposal, will add to our knowledge of the diversity existing between the polarizing structure of these polypidoms. I would especially draw atten- tion to the curious spherules of Flustra truncata; they deserve a very careful examination. I was disappointed in not detecting a similar structure in the birds’ heads of Cellularia. I cannot close this little communication without alluding to an excellent and very simple plan for preserving the zoophytes as wet preparations, so as to retain the polypes and their ten- tacular arms in situ. Ellis stated nearly a century ago, that if the zoophytes were plunged into brandy so as to kill them speedily, they might be preserved for a long time. I find, however, that it is better to select a very vivacious specimen and plunge it into cold pure water—the polypes are killed almost immediately, and their tentacula often do not retract: proper sized specimens should then be selected, and _pre- served in weak alcohol. For this purpose little phials* about two inches long should be made, from very thin, flat glass tube, so as to be half an inch wide and about a quarter of an inch, or even less, from back to front. The specimens being * Mr. Pastorelli, of Cross-street, Hatton Garden, who has taken much pains to manufacture these little flat phials, supplies them at a very low price. 90 COBBOLD ON THE ORCHIS MASCULA. fixed to a piece of thin platinum wire, should then be placed in one of these flat phials (previously filled with weak spirit), so as to reach about half-way down. When several of these are thus arranged, they should be placed in a glass cylinder and removed to the air-pump. On pumping out the air, a copious ebullition of bubbles will take place, and many of the tenta- cula, previously concealed, will emerge from the cells. After being left ix vacuo for a few hours the bottles should be filled up, closely corked, and tied over, like common anatomical preparations. I find that, for all examinations with a one or two-inch object-glass, these bottles are most excellent, and afford cheap and easy " substitutes for the more expensive and diffi- cultly managed cells. In this manner specimens of the genera Cycloum, Membranipora, Aleyonidium, and Crisia, exhibit their structure most beautifully. A few dozen of these little bottles hardly occupy any room, and would form a useful accompaniment of the microscopist by the sea-side: Any one who would visit the caverns in St. Catherine’s Island, at Tenby, could reap a harvest which would afford instruction and amusement for weeks. In these caverns, so rich in zoophytes and sponges that they are really roofed with the Laomedee, Grantie, and their allies, whilst the elegant Tubularie afford a garden-like ornament to the shallow pools on the floor, the walls abounding with the pink, yellow, green, and purple Actinie, days may “be spent with instruction and amusement of the most interesting kind. 1 have, indeed, been informed by my friend Mr. Dyster, of Tenby, who has devoted himself to the investigation of the inhabitants of these caverns with great zeal and success, that no locality affords, in the same space, such an abundant treat for the zoophytologist. I cannot too strongly recommend a visit to them, to all who have a few days leisure in the summer. On the Embryogeny of Orcuts mascuta. By T. Spencer Cossotp, M.D., formerly Senior President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. Arter the elaborate memoir of M. Tulasne on the vegetable embryo in the ‘Annales des Sciences Naturelles’ for 1849, containing not only the results of his own extended investi- gations, but embodying a complete analysis of all that has been previously written on this subject, it is with diffidence that I offer the following details, which are chiefly con- firmatory of facts already elicited. "The reviewer of Professor Quekett’s Lectures on Histology in the first Number of this Journal, page 44, hints that “the question of the entrance of COBBOLD ON THE ORCHIS MASCULA. 9] the pollen tube into the sac of the embryo” is still one of interest to vegetable physiologists ; this remark has suggested the present communication. Of all the natural orders hitherto examined by the embryo- logist, few have been more clesely studied or yielded more satisfactory results than the Orchidacee: the researches of Brown, Amici, Mohl, Muller, Hofmeister, and many others, are too well known to require recapitulation; our own in- quiries have extended over a large number of genera, but the selection of a single species sufficiently demonstrates the question under consideration. Referring at once to the illustrations, fig. 1. will be recog- nized as a floret of Orchis mascula, with the peduncle (p) and bract (6) attached. Before fertilization is accomplished, the peduncle (which encloses the ovarium) begins to enlarge, con- sequent upon the growth of the contained ovula. Plate IL, figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5, indicate the successive stages of develop- ment of the ovula; their first appearance is only recognised by a slight bulging outward of the cellular parietes (placente) of the ovarian chamber, in the form of papillz, which are the representatives of the nucleus of the perfect ovulum (marked nin all the figures). The mode in which the primine (pr.) and secundine (se.) are developed, and subsequently enclose the nucleus, is also well shown. Some time after impregna- tion has been effected, the condition of the ovary assumes the appearance seen in fig. 6, a ‘section of which, slightly magni- fied, is given in fig. 7. Bundles of pollen-tubes (pt.) run along the inner side of the placentz and terminate by short curves, entering the micropyles of the ovula (ov.); on the left side of the figure their distribution is well exhibited, the ovula being detached, and the pollen-tubes left pendant. Examining the ovules at this stage, we now perceive a cavity in the centre of each nucleus; this is surrounded by a cell- wall, and constitutes the embryo sac (fig. 8, es.). In the interior of the sac granular matter exists in more or less abundance, being generally found thicker near the apex ; but, whether or not distinct cytoblasts or embryonic vesicles exist prior to the contact of the pollen-tube with the embryo sac (as is indubitably the case in numerous other phanerogamia), is a point not fully determined. In those instances where we have witnessed the union of the pollen-tube with the embryo sac, the granular matter has usually been found collected together opposite the point of application (figs. 9 and 10), and, in one instance, three embryonic vesicles (ev.) were visible at the apex of the sac, the pollen-tube remaining firmly adherent (fig. 11). This latter observation, agreeing as it does with what we have ourselves observed in Gesnerea, 92 BEALE ON SUBSTANCES OF and being also in accordance with the views advocated by all later authorities, we think we cannot better close this short paper than by drawing the following conclusions, which may be regarded as embracing the leading facts and particulars hitherto promulgated on this interesting subject :— 1st. That prior to impregnation the ovule contains an embryo sac. 2nd. That the embryo sac is commonly formed at the apex of the nucleus. 3rd. That in the interior of the embryo sac there exists a granular fluid or formative blastema. 4th. That the sac frequently protrudes beyond the exostome (ovule tube; Griffith, Dickie). 5th. That in the interior of the sac, prior to impregnation, one or more cytoblasts, or embryonic vesicles, are formed. 6th. That their formation takes place by the aggregation of molecules. (Amici, Meyen, Hofmeister.) 7th. That the cytoblasts, or embryonic vesicles, also contain a fluid more or less granular. (Globulo-cellular cambium ; Mirbel.) 8th. That the pollen is always necessary for fertilization (apparent exception given by Smith in Celo- begyne ilicifolia). 9th. That the pollen, when applied to the stigma, sends out one or more tubes (prolongations of the intine), which contain granular matter (fovilla), 10th. That in most cases the union of the pollen tube with the apex of the embryo sac constitutes the very act of impregnation. 11th. That the result of this union is the formation of an embryo. 12th. That this formation takes place either by the meta- morphosis of one of the pre-existing germinal or embryonic vesicles, under the dynamic influence of the fovilla (acting catalytically ?); or, as is more probable, by the union of the contents of the pollen-tube with that of a germinal vesicle, similar to what occurs in the conjugation of Conferve. On the Importance of recognising Substances of extraneous Origin when they occur in Urine, and of distinguishing them from those Bodies which enter into the Composition of Urinary Sediments. By Lionet Beare, M.B. In the microscopical examination of urinary deposits, the observer often meets with substances whose nature and origin cannot readily be determined. This is due in many instances to the presence of bodies which have fallen in accidentally, or which haye been placed in the urine for the express purpose of deceiving the practitioner. The im- portance of recognising matters of an extraneous origin can scarcely be sufficiently dwelt upon, for until the eye becomes familiar with the characters of these substances, it will be obviously quite impossible to derive such information from a EXTRANEOUS ORIGIN IN URINE. 95 microscopical examination of the urine, as will enable the observer to distinguish between those substances whose pre- sence denotes the existence of certain morbid conditions, from certain matters which have accidentally found access, and may therefore be entirely disregarded. Practitioners who use the microscope for investigating the nature of urinary deposits, will derive advantage from subjecting many of the substances referred to in the present communication to mi- croscopical examination, by which their general appearance will soon become familiar to the observer, and he will then be able to recognise them without difficulty should they be met with in the course of an examination of urine. © As most of the undermentioned substances are readily obtained, a brief notice of their characters will be sufficient ; the chief object of this communication being to direct the notice of practitioners to the fact of the frequent occurrence of many of them in urine, and to draw attention to those characters in which they resemble, or are liable to be mistaken for, any insoluble constituent of the urine. I may remark that among many substances whose presence is accidental in urine, the following are some of the most important that have fallen under my own notice :—Human hair, cats’ hair, blanket hair, coloured worsted, fibres of cotton, flax, and silk, small portions of feathers, fibres of wood swept from the floor, starch, globules of various kinds, fragments of potato, bread-crumbs, portions of tea-leaves, common house sand, oil globules. Once, a specimen of urine, which had been sent to Dr. Todd for examination, was found to contain several white bodies about half an inch in length, which upon microscopical examination I found to contain trachew, and they ultimately proved to be larve of the blowfly, although it had been stoutly affirmed that these had been passed by the patient. A few days since Dr. Stewart informed me that a man had brought some urine to him for examination with a thick bright red deposit, which was analyzed by Mr. Taylor, and proved to consist of sesqui- oxide of iron. The urine containing this deposit was of spe- cific gravity 1011, and, upon the addition of ammonia, a brown flocculent precipitate (hydrated sesquioxide of iron) was thrown down. Dr. Stewart tells me that a considerable quantity of the powder remained suspended in the urine after it had stood for many hours, and that the fluid was still turbid after having been passed through a double filter. The man who brought this urine has also been endeavouring to impose upon my friend Dr. Weber, of the German Hospital. Hiair of various kinds is very frequently found amongst urinary deposits, but, as its microscopical appearance is so well known, it is not necessary to enter into a description 94 BEALE ON SUBSTANCES OF of the characters by which it may be distinguished. The varieties of hair most commonly met with are human hair, blanket hair, and cats’ hair; not unfrequently portions of coloured worsted will be found, but the colour alone will often remove any doubts with reference to the nature of the substance. Portions of human hair are sometimes liable to be mistaken for narrow casts of the uriniferous tubes —such as are quite free from epithelium or granular mat- ter, and which present throughout a homogeneous appear- ance. The central canal in many cases will be sufficient to distinguish the hair from every other substance likely to be mistaken for it, but sometimes this cannot be clearly made out, and the marks on the surface may be indistinct, when attention must be directed to its refracting power, well-defined, smooth outline, and also to the sharply trun- cated ends, or to its dilated club-shaped extremity in the case of the hair bulb. In these points small portions of hair will be found to differ from the cast, for this latter does not refract so strongly, the lines on each side are delicate but well defined, and the ends are seldom broken so abruptly as in the case of the hair. Cats’ hair can scarcely be mistaken for any urinary deposit with which I am acquainted, and its transverse markings will serve at once to distinguish it with certainty. Cotton and flax fibres are very often found in urine. When broken off in very short pieces they may be mistaken for casts, but the flattened bands of the former, and the some- what striated fibres of the latter, will generally be found suf- ficiently characteristic. Portions of feathers are often detected in urinary deposits upon microscopical examination, and are derived, no doubt, from the bed or pillow. Their branched character will always enable the observer to recognise them with certainty. Pieces of silk are not unfrequently present, but these can scarcely be mistaken for any substances derived from the kidney. Their smooth, glistening appearance and small diameter at once distinguish them from small portions of urinary casts, and their clear outline and regular size from shreds of mucus, &c. Fibres of deal from the floor. Of all the extraneous mat- ters likely to be met with in urine, and calculated to deceive the eye of the observer, none, perhaps, is more liable to be mistaken for a portion of a transparent cast, than a short piece of a single fibre of deal. In hospitals, where the floor is un- covered and frequently swept, portions of the fibres of the wood are detached, and, being light, may be very readily blown into any vessel which may be near. In fact, these fibres enter largely into the composition of the dust which is swept EXTRANEOUS ORIGIN IN URINE. 95 up. I became familiar with the appearance of these bodies for a long time before I ascertained their nature, for, although the peculiar character of coniferous wood is sufficiently well marked, when only very small portions are present, and in a situation in which they would scarcely be expected to be met with, their nature may not be so easily made out. Often only two or three pores may be seen, and not unfrequently these are less regular than usual, in which case they may be easily mistaken for a small portion of a cast with two or three cells of epithelium contained within it. I have very frequently met with these fibres amongst the deposit of various specimens of urine which have been obtained from patients in King’s College hospital. Starch granules are very commonly found in urinary de- posits; usually their presence is accidental, but large quanti- ties of starch have often been added for purposes of deception, in which case their true nature may be discovered, either by their becoming converted into a jelly-like mass on being boiled with a little water in a test tube, by their behaviour upon the addition of free iodine, or by their well defined microscopical characters. The three kinds of starch most likely to be met with in urine, are potato starch, wheat starch, or rice starch. They are readily distinguished by microscopical examination. Small portions of potato, or pieces of the cellular network, in which the starch globules are con- tained have been occasionally met with. Under the head of starch, may-also be included bread-crumbs, which are very commonly present in urine, and have a very peculiar appear- ance, which may be so easily observed, that a description would appear superfluous. Many of the starch globules will be found cracked in places, but their general characters are not otherwise much altered. Portions of tea-leaves are occasionally found in urine. The beautiful structure of the cellular portions, and the presence of minute spiral vessels, distinguish this from every other deposit of extraneous origin. A small piece of a macerated tea- leaf will be found to form a most beautiful microscopic object. Milk is sometimes purposely added to urine, in which case there is danger of mistaking the specimen for one of the so- called chylous urine, from which, however, it may be easily distinguished by the presence of small oil-globules, with a well defined dark outline, while the fatty matter in chylous urine is in such a minute state of sub-division, that it only presents a granular appearance under the microscope. Fatty Matter. The existence of fatty matter in urine is a subject of so much importance to the practitioner, and its accidental presence so frequent, that it may be well to consider 96 BEALE ON SUBSTANCES OF the different forms in which it occurs, instead of simply describing the manner in which fat of accidental origin may be distinguished from oily matter, which has been excreted by the kidney. Upon the presence or absence of this deposit often depends the prognosis of a case, and hence it is of the utmost importance to recognise that form which is charateristic of fatty degeneration of the kidney with certainty. Fatty matter occurs in urine in at least three distinct forms. The first form which I shall notice, is that in which it is met with in certain specimens of chylous urine, and the peculiar milky appearance of the secretion is entirely due to the existence of fatty matter in an exceedingly minute state of division. Upon microscopical examination of such a speci- men, all that can be detected is a multitude of minute granular particles, not unlike those of amorphous lithates, scattered all over the field. Upon carefully focussing, it will be observed that each particle is in constant motion, and the movements resemble those met with in chyle and certain other fluids. That these particles are really composed of fatty matter in a minute state of division is shown, by the addition of ether to the urine, which immediately becomes clear; and by the evaporation of the etherial solution, the fatty matter may be obtained in its usual form. From a remarkable specimen of the so-called chylous urine, for which I am indebted to the kindness of my friend Mr. George Cubitt, I obtained as much as 13-9 grains of fatty matter from 1000 of urine; the whole of this large quantity having previously existed in the urine in the minute state of division to which I have just alluded. In such instances, it is clear that from microscopical examina- tion alone, it would be quite impossible to determine the nature of the substance to the presence-of which the peculiar character of the urine was due. The second form in which fatty matter is found in urine is that of globules, each globule consisting of one portion of fatty matter, which either floats freely upon the surface of the urine, or is carried to the bottom in consequence of becoming entangled in some heavier deposit, as for instance mucus, or cells of epithelium. In this case, the oil particles will pro- bably not be very numerous, and they are too large to give to the urine the opalescent appearance, which results from the suspension of fatty matter in a molecular state. The globules _ appear in the microscope as highly refractive particles, of a perfectly circular form, with a dark and well defined outline. The more minute of these globules present the appearance of a perfectly round black spot. It is in the form of distinct and separate globules that fatty matter is found in urine, when it finds access into that fluid accidentally, as, for instance, EXTRANEOUS ORIGIN IN URINE. OY if a small particle of butter or a little oil fall into the urine ; or if urine drawn off by an oiled catheter be subjected to examination, the oil globules will present this character, and usually they vary very much in size, some being often of considerable diameter. The third form in which fatty matter is met with in urine, differs from the preceding in this essential particular, that many distinct and separate oil globules, often varying much in size, will be found collected together ia the interior of a cell; at the same time, a certain number of free oil-particles may be observed. In a collection of oil particles invested with a cell-membrane, the term “ fat cell” has been applied, and it is to these cells found in the deposits, and entangled in casts of the uriniferous tubes, that so much attention has been directed of late, in reference to the mdications of the existence of fatty degeneration of the kidney afforded by the presence of these bodies in the urine. Hence by carefully observing the particular character which the oily matter assumes, there is little danger of being mistaken in reference to its origin. Infusoria and fungi.—After urine has been kept for some time, various forms of fungi, and not unfrequently some in- fusorial animalcules may be present—vibriones, vorticella, and monads are among those most commonly met with, but many other forms are frequently present. The period of time which elapses previous to the development of vibriones and fungi is found to vary very much in different cases; these bodies being sometimes found in urine within an hour after it has been passed, while in other cases the urine may be kept for many days without the development of any animal or vegetable organisms whatever. Many other matters of extraneous origin frequently form- ing part of an urinary sediment might be here described, but as most of these will doubtless occur to the mind of every observer, and as their nature is often easily determined, it is unnecessary to enter into further description, which would prolong this paper to too great a length. It is hoped, how- ever, that enough has been said to draw the attention of observers to the importance of the subject, and to point out the necessity of rendering the eye familiar with the characters of many other substances than those which really enter into the formation of wrinary deposits, before the microscopical examination of urine can be successfully employed in clinical investigation. VOL, I, H Osoer'y TRANSLATIONS. Description of Actinophrys Sol. By A. Ké turer. From Siebold and KGlliker’s Zeitsch.: 1., p. 198. 1849. (Continued from page 34.) General Considerations. To the above description of Actinophrys, it will not be out of place to add a few general reflections, and in the first place to ask what systematic position it is entitled to take. When compared with the simplest known forms of animal life, it appears clear that Actinophrys is most closely allied to Ameba and the Rhizopoda of Dujardin, who himself agrees in this view, and considers that it differs from them only in the uncommon slowness with which the tentacles are moved. In fact Actinophrys, like Ameba, Gromia, &c., consists of a per- fectly homogeneous, everywhere contractile substance, without any trace of structure, and having in precisely the same way processes on the surface of an ephemeral nature and of various forms. The granules also of Actinophrys and its clear spaces have their analogues in the granules of Amewba and Gromia and in the vacuoles of Amwba, Arcella, Trinema, and Gromia. And just in the same way an Actinophrys artificially divided by Eichhorn, finds its exact counterpart in an Amoeba prin- ceps, the same observation being made also by Dujardin. It must be confessed that, notwithstanding this correspondence, Actinophrys exhibits a great peculiarity in its mode of taking nourishment. But is it ascertained, it may be asked, that the Ameebz and Rhizopoda take in their food in any other way ? By no means; much rather does it seem, to the author at least, from all that is known as to the mode of feeding in those creatures, to be indicated, that it is precisely similar to that which obtains in Actinophrys. We have only to refer to what Dujardin remarks with respect to Ame@ba (Infus., p. 228 et seq.) to see that he was very near the discovery of the remarkable proceeding witnessed by the author in Actino- phrys. Referring to the circumstance that in the first place there is in Ameba neither mouth nor intestine, and secondly, that, nevertheless, Navicule, Closteria, fragments of alga, and other nutritious particles occur abundantly in its interior, having been admitted at any part of the surface at will—it may be held as an established fact, that the admission, diges- tion, and rejection of the food is effected in Amwba precisely KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. 9 in the same way as in Aetinophrys. Dujardin, moreover, himself, although he assumes that the Amcebe are nourished by means of absorption, a and that the nutritious matters above mentioned, enter them only by accident, is not inclined to deny that they do derive nutriment from the articles thus in- cluded ; adding (p. 229)—‘ Si toutefois on voulait prétendre, que ces corps étrangers sont entrés par une bouche, et sont logés dans des estomacs, il faudrait admettre, que cette bouche sest produite sur un point quelconque, et la volonté de 0 Amibe, pour se refermer et disparaitre ensuite, (this recalls Ehbrenberg’s expression (p. 128), that the true mouth of the Ameba opens only in the act of swallowing and rejection,) tandis que les estomacs eux-mémes, dépourvus de membrane propre, se creu- seraient indifféremment ¢a et la au gré de l’animal, pour dis- paraitre de méme; dans ce cas les mots seuls seraient diffé- rents et l’explication des phénomenes resterait encore celle, que jai donné” The latter is by no means credible, and it is rather to be asserted that it is not by chance, but by will (sit venia verbo) that the food enters the body in the Ameba. What holds good in Ameba may also be supposed to be the case in the closely-allied Rhizopoda, which, although they have no vestige of a mouth, nevertheless contain Infusoria and Bacillariz, as has been seen by Dujardin in Arcella vulgaris (p. 247) and Euglypha tuberculata (p. 251), and by Ehren- berg in Difflugia enchelys (p. 1382) and Arcella vulgaris (p. 133), where even it is remarked, that the latter takes in Indigo, and that in feeding, a spot in the interior of the soft body—from time to time opens and closes—of which spots also two are frequently present, Relying upon all this, the author is of opinion that Actino- phrys belongs to the same group with Ameba and the Rhizopoda of Dujardin, and to which group the latter name seems most appropriate. Distinct families would be formed of the Ameebe, the species of Actinophrys, to which probably also the genus Acineta would belong; and of those provided with shells, which again might be divided into those with a simple body (Arcella, Diffiugia, Gromia, &c.) and those with a simple semi-divided body, the Polythalamia (Miliola, Vorti- cialis, &c.). The character of these Rhizopoda would in part be that already given by Dujardin: a structureless body of a homogeneous, contractile substance, without mouth, intestine, or other organs, with mobile processes. Reception of food at any part of the surface of the body, by a retraction of the sub- stance and the introduction of the morsel into the interior ; digestion of the aliment in spaces temporarily formed for the purpose, and expulsion of the remains at any spot at will, Propagation by fission? by germs ? u 2 100 KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. Having thus shown the alliance of Actinophrys with Amoeba, Gromia, &c., the position of the thus constituted Rhizopodous group with respect to the rest of the lower animals remains to be considered. The first question which here arises is, whether this group is to be placed with the Infusoria, or should constitute an independent class. The answer is difficult, since the structure of the Rhizopoda and Infusoria is, it must be regretted, not yet so clearly made out in all points as to admit of a certain comparison between them. The author starts with the proposition that the Infusoria (from which he excludes the Rotifera, and the Bacillaria, Volvocina, and Closterina belonging to the vegetable king- dom) all without exception consist of a single cell. He 1s of opinion that what he had shown to be the case in the Gregarine,* holds good of all the true Infusoria, as has been shown in the most convincing way by Siebold in his Compa- rative Anatomy. In this view all the Infusoria consist as it were of a cell, which in the one case is entirely closed (Gre- garina, Opalina, Euglena,t &c.); and in the other possesses a mouth or even two openings. No one who examines with sufficient attention an Opalina, Bursaria, Nassula, &c., can longer entertain the smallest doubt as to this. He will find for the most part a contractile and structureless membrane fur- nished with cilia, frequently partially contractile cell-contents with granules and vacuoles, and almost always an homogeneous, frequently curiously formed nucleus. This point being once established, it may be asked, in the second place, Can the Rhizopoda be likened to a cell? At first sight the answer would appear to be in the negative, seeing that they (Ameba, Actinophrys, &c.) have no distinct * That the Gregarine are unicellular cannot for a moment be doubted by any one who has once seen these creatures ; but, on the other hand, it has hitherto been a question whether they were complete animals or not. The author thinks that this point may now be considered as settled, since his more recent observations (Mittheilung. der Ziiricher. naturf. Gesell- schaft, heft i., 1847, p. 41, and 8. and K., Zeitsch., vol. i. p. 1, et seq.), and which have been confirmed by many excellent observations by Stein (Mill. Archiv., 1848, p. 182) have shown clearly that the so-called Psewlo navicelle are the germs of Gregarine. He would here, however, remark cursorily that the metamorphoses of the Gregarine into Pseudo navicellw, apparently from their connexion in pairs, cannot be compared with a conjugation, as Stein is inclined to do, because in this connexion the contents of two Gregarine are not mixed together as is the case in the conjugation of the alge, without exception, with the contents of the united cells. + As there is scarcely any reason for doubting that Euglena properly belongs to the Monadina, and that it is a plant, it should be removed from the above category. Nor has it any distinct cell-wall, being composed wholly of a mass of protoplasm.—T. KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. 101 tunic equivalent to a cell-wall, and, at least many of them, no cell-nucleus. But it must be inquired, Is this sufficient to deprive them of the title of cells? With respect to the nucleus, it really appears to be present in some of them (vid. Ehrenberg’s figures), and where it is wanting, as in Actinophrys, whose nuclear and vesicular internal substance above described can here hardly be so regarded, a true nucleus may have existed at an earlier period, and be absent only in the full grown animal; or again it may be entirely wanting, and still the animal regarded as a cell. The former supposi- tion is highly credible, the same thing taking place in many cells (human blood-corpuscle, &c.) ; and with respect to the latter, it may be remarked that although in the higher animals the nucleus is a constant element in the cell, it is stil] not proved, that, speaking generally, there cannot be a cell without a nucleus, that i is to say vesicles, which otherwise in all respects as to growth, reception and rejection of nutriment, movement, increase, &e., behave exactly as do cells. It may here ‘© stated that certain Infusoria, which on account of their great resemblance to others, distinctly unicellular, must be taken to be altogether of a like nature, nevertheless have no nucleus. With respect to the membrane, it may be regarded as certain that there are cells with a membrane of such extreme tenuity as to be hardly distinguishable from the contents; thus the author observed in blood corpuscles of the embryo chicken noticed in the act of division, that when pressure was made upon them, the two halves became separated, and without any escape of colouring matter, were again formed into perfect cells. The blood corpuscles of the Frog under pressure behave very nearly like the soft substance of ie filaments of Actinophrys, the processes of Ameba, Gromia, &c. In the second place, it is to be remarked that there are cells, in which at a later period all difference between the membrane and the contents disappears—for instance, the elements of the smooth muscles in the higher animals—what are termed by the author fibre- cells. Which of these possible conditions, as concerns mem- brane and nucleus, obtains in the Rhizopoda, the author is unable to answer, not knowing with certainty whether they are to be regarded exactly in the light of cells or not, but he goes on to remark that their other relations are not opposed to the notion that they may be simple cells ; such as their structureless homogeneous contents, its contractility, and the vacuoles in it, resembling in all respects the contents of the body in the unicellular Infusoria ; then the simplicity of their form and mode of taking food, so closely resembling the way in which the Infusoria introduce a morsel into their parenchyma JQ2 KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL, and there digest it. Certainly the presence of a cell-membrane is scarcely reconcilable with the circumstance that the body is capable of admitting a morsel of food at any part of the surface, but partly, it is not indispensably necessary to assume that such exists in the fully developed Actinophrys, and partly also it is by no means wonderful that a membrane, in consistence almost the same as the rest of the parenchyma, should be capable of being torn and of reuniting. To leave, however, this region of hypotheses and possibilities, it may at all events be stated that the notion that the Rhizopeda are of a nature similar to simple although modified cells, has especially this to recommend it, that there is little else to be made of them. It cannot be admitted that they consist of a whole aggregation of cells, and as little is it to be supposed that they are simply a mass of animal matter without further distinction, as it were, an independent living cell contents. And the less can this supposition be entertained, because, according to all recent investigations which have proved cells to be the elementary parts of the higher animals and plants,—as the initial point for further development (ova, spores, &c.), as the simplest form of vegetable organisms (Closterium, Navicula, unicellular Algz, &e. ), we cannot in the animal kingdom also, but regard the unicellular animal as the simplest form. On this account it seems provisionally, best to consider the Rhizopoda as peculiarly modified simple cells—which pro- bably may have a membrane, but in tiie mature condition at least, to all appearance have no nucleus, and to arrange thet together with-the other Infusoria in the class of Unicel- lular animals. In conclusion, the author adds a few words respecting the contractile substance of Actinophrys and the Rhizopoda in general. He is induced the more to do this by a very in- teresting Memoir by A, Ecker, ‘On the Structure and Life of the Contractile Substance of the lowest Animals.’ * The contractile substance presented in the Rhizopoda is evidently very nearly allied, physiologically and chemieally, as well as in external appearance, to that which Ecker describes in Hydra, and has shown to exist also in other animals, and from the author’s observations on those animals he cannot but confirm Ecker’s statement. This contractile substance, termed by Ecker ‘ amorphous’ (an improved edition of Dujardin’s Sarcode), deserves in every case to be further investigated in the way pointed out by Ecker, and to be compared with the contractile elements in the higher animals, Already, as it * §. and K,, Zeitsch., B. i. 'p. 218, KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. 103 seems to the author, is an interesting law apparent when all contractile parts are regarded, that only two such occur in the animal kingdom,— Cell-membrane and Cell-contents, which either by themselves alone or together constitute a con- tractile element. Other parts, such as the cell-nucleus and its derivatives—nucleated fibres, and elastic fibre—amorphous substance not deposited in cells—coagulated fibrine, &c., are never contractile. 1. Contractile cell-membranes occur : a. In unicellular animals. 1. As universally contractile membranes, such as are met with in Gregarina, Leucophrys, Coleps, Trachelius, Loxodes, Bursaria, Kolpoda, Uroleptus, and many other infusoria. 2. As motile processes of a con- tractile or motionless membrane (Opalina, Bursaria, &c.). b. In aggregated simple cells, 1. As in membranes con- tractile in toto, as in the heart-cells of the embryo in Alytes and Sepia, the cells of the embryo Planaria, and those in the tail of the larve in the Tunicata (Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1846, p. 221), and the caudal vesicle of the Limax embryo (Ecker, Iscs). 2. As partially contractile membranes, cilia, or epithelium cells, c. In cells which are united so as to form a tube, capillary lymph, and blood-vessels.* Contractile cell-contents occur : a. In unicellular animals. In all infusoria in which there are contractile spaces, a part at least of the contents or paren- chyma is contractile. 6. In non-independent cells. The spermatic filaments of animals which are here meant, originate as a deposit in the interior of cells, or, more correctly, in the nucleus of the sper- matic cells. * That the structureless walls of these canals are of the nature of coalescent cell membrane was shown by the author in the ‘ Ann. d. Sc. Nat., 1846.’ It is true that Bidder (‘ Verhaltniss d. Ganglien-K6rper zu den Nervenfasern,’ 1847, p. 53) has recently termed the Author’s statements merely conjectures, although, as it would appear, simply upon the ground that they do not accord with his own real conjectures (l.c. p. 54). He adduces no facts contradictory to the Author’s statements, and relies solely upon the law propounded by Reichert, and adopted by no one but himself, and which is altogether incorrect—viz. that elementary forms of different histological importance never enter a continuous connexion with each other. This is not the place to remark farther upon this question, and the author contents himself with observing, without meaning anything per- sonal, at least this much, that those who upon actual examination of the capillaries of the Batrachian larva do not see that they are formed from outstarting processes and stellate cells, have not claim to the title of microscopist. 101 KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. c. In tubes formed out of coalesced cells. Under this head are to be reckoned the animal or striped muscular fasciculus, im which the contents are represented by the primitive fibrille, and the tubes formed out of coalescent cells by the Sarco- lemma.* 2. Contractile membranes and contractile cell-contents, united into one body are seen :-— (a). In unicellular animals ; premising that Actinophrys and the Rhizopoda come under this head. (6). In multicellular animals ; in which all the cells have coalesced to form a homogeneous substance. Under this head are to be reckoned :— 1. The Hydrz. These, according to Ecker’s investigations, exhibit no trace of cells—nothing, in fact, but a uniform sub- stance ;—they must, therefore, at least according to the author’s view, be regarded as originally composed of a mass of cells, since we know that they are developed from ova, which have undergone the process of segmentation. 2. The parasite of the venous appendages of the Cephalo- Bidder also allows no weight to the Author’s observations on the deve- lopment of the muscular fasciculus (1. ¢.,p. 50), relying upon the untenable law of continuity sought to be established by Reichert, and on the observa- tions of Holst and Reichert (‘ De Structura Musculorum,’ Dorpat, 1846). ‘The Author, however, maintains his own opinion as the only true one, in opposition to the Dorpat observers. Renewed investigations have shown him that, in the chicken, in the mammalian embryo, and in the Batrachian larva, in all alike, the whole muscular fasciculi originate in series of cells, and that each of the widely separated fibrille originates in a series of cells, and that they are simply modified cell-contents. This has been recently confirmed also by Bendz, in the Vertebrata, and Leydig, in the Annelida, With respect to the striped muscles, it is not uninteresting to notice the occurrence in them of anastomoses, or branchings of the entire fasciculus. ‘This may be observed in the fasciculi of the auricle of the frog (fig. 6). In this case it will be found that here and there two fasciculi are united by a transverse fasciculus, and that there exists not merely a mutual application of separate fasciculi, but a continuous connexion, an actual coalescence. The Sarcolemma of the three fasciculi in fig. 6, for instance, forms three connected anastomosing tubes, and the primitive fibrilla also pass apparently without any line of demarcation from the one into the other, although it cannot be exactly said that they are actually continuous in the three fasciculi, In the same way Dr. Leydig has noticed very beautiful anastomoses and branchings of the striped muscles in Piscicola (S. aud K., Zeitsch., B. i. p. 108). The author has no doubt but that these anastomosing striped muscles, in part at least, originate in stellate cells; in this case there exists a perfect analogy in the develop- ment of the most important higher elementary tissues, inasmuch as that they are all formed, in part by the coalescence of rounded or elongated, and in part by the union, of stellate cells. he latter condition has hitherto been observed in the capillary blood- and lymph- vessels in the termina- tions of the nerves (S. and K., Zeitsch, B. i., p. 54) and in those of the trachez in insects. KOLLIKER ON ACTINOPHRYS SOL. 105 poda, which the author has named Dicyema paradoxum, in which exactly the same condition is found to existas in Hydra (vid. Kélliker’s Bericht ttb. d. Zootom. Anst. in Wiirzburg, 1849, p. 61). (c.) Certain cells elongated into fibres in the higher animals —for instance, the so termed muscular fibre-cells or the ele- ments of unstriped muscle; which are to be regarded as elongated cells, in which the membrane and contents are united into a soft substance. In this enumeration, all those parts of animals which have been distinctly proved to possess a contractile property are contained, and it is consequently apparent that all these parts, taken in a general point of view, fall into but few categories— viz. into two, contractile cell-membranes and motile cell- contents. It is not thence, however, to be inferred that there are but two kinds of contractile elementary tissue, much rather must several such, more or less different, be admitted accord- ing as the cell-membrane and its contents assume one form or another, Such an arrangement as the following appears to be most suitable :— Contractile elementary tissues are— 1. The amorphous contractile substance = a) a cell-con- tents; 4) one or several cells with membrane and contents united, 2. The spermatic filaments = the formed nuclear contents of a cell. 3. The cilium = an out-growth of a cell-membrane. 4. The contractile vesicle = an entire cell-membrane. 5. The contractile tube = a number of coalescent cell- membranes. 6. The contractile fibre-cell = an elongated cell with mem- brane and contents united. 7. The contractile fibril-fasciculus (animal muscular fasci- culus) = the contents of a series of coalescent cells, which are metamorphosed into a homogeneous contractile tube (vid, Leydig on ‘ Piscicola’). If instead of the anatomical characters, the physiological properties of the contractile parts are regarded, other groupings of them naturally arise ; thus, for instance, 1, 2, 3, and in which the movement is wholly independent of nerves, and 5, 6, 7, in which it is effected by nervous influence, would respectively be associated. Besides this, regard must be paid to the relations of the contractile element, to galvanism, cold, mechanical irritation, &c. This is a point, however, which cannot be further entered upon in this place, and the author 106 SCHACHT ON THE MANTLE OF CERTAIN ASCIDIANS. concludes with the expression of a wish that his readers may deduce at least this, from his communication, that what is simple enough in nature affords a key to what is compound, and is therefore worthy of all consideration, On the Microscopical and Chemical Examination of the Mantle of certain Ascipians. By Dr. H. Scuacut. Miiller’s Archiv, p.176. 1841. (Continued from page 29.) The above facts show, first of all, two things:—1. That the cell-membrane in the mantle of Phallusia does not, as stated by Kélliker and Léwig, consist of cellulose, but rather that it behaves towards iodine and sulphuric acid, as well as towards caustic potass, exactly like an animal substance nitrogenous ; 2. That the homogeneous, or only in the second layer, slightly fibrous interstitial substance, is composed of tolerably pure cellulose. In Clavellina Kolliker and Léwig found cells ina lamina of the mantle, similar to those in Phallusia, also imbedded in an interstitial substance; in the tunic of Salpa these cells are wanting, the cellulose substance contains nuclei and crystals ; in Pyrosoma, they found in the structureless tunic, only isolated ramified cells; the structureless membrane of Diazona is penetrated according to them by elongations of the fleshy tunic of the animal. In the tunic of Didemnum, the same observers again found cells, of which the membrane, though incrusted with carbonate of lime, was soluble in boiling potass ; in Aplidium they found similar cells in the interstitial substance, and here also the membrane of the cells was soluble in the caustic potass—only the interstitial substance remaining. In Botryllus, according to them, the internal layer consists of delicate fibres, which, like the rest of the homogeneous sub- stance, in which nuclei and crystals occur, resist the action of hydrochloric acid and of potass; the nuclei are soluble in potass ; the crystals insoluble in acid; branched channels, dilated at the extremity, which exist in this instance, are regarded by K6lliker and Lowig as processes of the fleshy tunic, [The author then details his experiments on the mantle of Cynthia microcosmus, and proves the existence of cellulose in it ina fibrous form, mixed with another substance soluble in caustic potass, of which the outer epidermis appears to be wholly composed. But whether the fibres are composed of pure cellulose, and the second nitrogenous clement is simply SCHACHT ON THE MANTLE OF CERTAIN ASCIDIANS. 107 deposited between them, or whether the latter also pervades the substance of the fibres themselves, he is unable to deter- mine. The cellulose, however, in Cynthia microcosmus appears to differ in some respects from that in the tunic of Phallusia mamillaris, inasmuch as it is coloured blue by ioduretted chloride of zinc, which the latter is not. In this part of his paper the author describes a mode of procuring thin slices of very soft or yielding substances, by including the latter tightly between two pieces of cork and cutting thin slices of the whole with a razor. The structure of the mantle in the undescribed Ascidian from Chili appears to be very similar to that of the Cynthia last described.] He then proceeds :— Although the methods pursued by us respectively, were very different, yet the results of my observations coincide in great measure with those of Kélliker and Léwig. In only one principal point do I differ from them: the membrane of the large cells in the mantle of Phallusia 2s not composed of cellulose. It behaves exactly like animal membrane, and is probably nitrogenous, and would therefore represent the pri- mordial sac of the vegetable cell, which exhibits precisely the same chemical re-actions. It seems to me that the observers just quoted had not seen the membrane of these cells, indicated by the delicate folds described above, as they adduce as a distinction between these cells and those of a plant, the coalescence of their walls, composed of cellulose, with the homogeneous interstitial sub- stance. In Didemnum candidum, it is true, they observed not only the membrane, but also that it was soluble in caustic potass ; and consequently in this case it could not be composed of cellulose. That I did not meet with isolated cells in the mantle of Cynthia as Kolliker and Lowig did, does not surprise me, those observers not having found a trace of sych cells in the mantle of Phallusia gelatinosa, whilst in another specimen they noticed nuclei and indications of these cells. It seems, therefore, as if the latter belonged to a definite period of the animal’s life. Kolliker and Lowig at the end of their paper refer to the history of the development of the embryo of certain Ascidians, given by Milne Edwards; from which they conclude :— 1. That the external structureless tunic of the embryo after- wards forms the mantle of the adult animal, consisting of cellulose ; 2. That this tunic, which subsequently contains nuclei, fibres, &Kc., is the product of the cells formed by the segmentation of the yelk. They believe also that the mantle of other Ascidians, which is perforated by vessels, as in Phallusia, 108 SCHACHT ON THE MANTLE OF CERTAIN ASCIDIANS. is at first structureless, and in this condition is not composed of cellulose, but that cells are formed in its substance which multiply and secrete the cellulose; at a latter period, however, themselves again disappearing. They also detected in the stomach and intestines of Phallusia, Clavellina, and Diazona, both the remains of Algz as well as Closteria [in salt water ?]. The cellulose, therefore, would seem to be introduced from without ; in what way, however, it is separated from the blood, in order to be secreted in certain parts of the body, remains unexplained ; an accurate analysis, therefore, of the blood of the Ascidians would be of great importance. If, now, the occurrence of cellulose in the mantle of the Ascidians above described, be compared with the conditions under which the same element exists in the vegetable kingdom, the following very essential differences are apparent :— 1. In the vegetable kingdom the cellulose constitutes the so-called primary cell-membrane, and the thickening layers of the cell deposited upon it. The vegetable cell-wall, consisting of cellulose, is always separated from the wall of the neigh- bouring cells, by an interstitial substance (intercellular sub- stance) which is soluble in chlorate of potass and nitric acid, On their being boiled, therefore, with caustic potass and by maceration [in chlorate of potass and nitric acid] these cells separate from each other ; but in the mantle of Phallusia no such separation takes place, because there, the cellulose, although probably distinct from the nitrogenous membrane of the cells, itself constitutes the interstitial substance; the in- tercellular substance of the plant being entirely absent. 2. The vegetable cell is thickened by the laminated deposit of new cellulose in the previously existing layers of that substance ; such a laminated structure, which is demonstrable by proper treatment in all thickened vegetable cells, is alto- gether absent in the cellulose of the mantle of the Ascidians. 3. In the vegetable kingdom the cellulose never occurs in the form of free fibres, as in the mantle of Cynthia, &c.; the band in the spiral vessels of plants, apparently composed of a fibre, arises in the unequal development of the thickening layers. 4. In the vegetable kingdom, the cellulose never appears as a homogeneous substance, either between the cells or nuclei of cells ; as is the case in the mantle of the Ascidians. These differences in the mode of occurrence of the cellulose are so essential, that it would seem to be impossible to con- found an animal tissue containing cellulose with any vegetable tissue whatever, |'lhe appearances exhibited in a section of the stem of Laminaria saccharina, when treated with iodine SCHACHT ON THE MANTLE OF CERTAIN ASCIDIANS. [09 and sulphuric acid, are adduced and figured by the author, as a contrast to what takes place under the same re-agents in the mantle of Phallusia. | The chemical relation of the cellulose itself, however, in the Ascidians examined by me, is not essentially different from vegetable cellulose. Caustic potass has no effect upon either ; sulphuric acid dissolves both; iodine and sulphuric acid colour both equally, blue; ioduretted chloride of zinc induces, it is true, in most vegetable tissues the same blue colour as that produced by iodine and sulphuric acid; there are, on the other hand, vegetable tissues (such as, in Fucus serratus, Chordaria scorpioides, the wood-cells of Pinus sylvestris, &c.) upon which the same re-agents produce no effect ; the iodu- retted chloride of zinc appears generally to be less energetic in its action than sulphuric acid. After they have been boiled with caustic potass both the cellulose-substance of the mantle of the Ascidians and the thickening substance of the so-termed plant-cell are coloured blue or violet by the ioduretted chloride of zinc solution, the potass probably in both cases removing a material which prevented the action of the re-agent. By maceration after Schultz’s method, the last-mentioned material, in the Ascidians above noticed, is as little dissolved as the cell-membrane in Phallusia, nor is it, in the vegetable kingdom, always removed by the same maceration; the thickening layers of the epidermis cells of several plants are not coloured blue by ioduretted chloride of zinc after macera- tion, whilst after boiling with potass that re-agent produces the characteristic colour. The substance, therefore, in the mantle of the Ascidians, soluble in caustic potass, appears to be closely allied in its properties to the so-termed incrusting substance of the vegetable tissue. In the mantle of Phallusia, we have, as I have certainly proved, both a homogeneous, interstitial substance composed of cellulose, and also indications of fibres composed of the same element ; besides which there are, in the interstitial sub- stance and between the fibres, nuclei and cells, thus the same elements as those which occur in Cynthia and the new species from Chili; in the case of the Phallusia the cells are more abundant, in the latter the nuclei and fibres; which seem generally to accompany each other. In the fibrous part of the mantle of Phallusia we find only nuclei, and no cells; in the portion, again, which consists of cells, no fibres, and but few nuclei. As in this case we are without any history of the development of the tissue, no further conclusions can be drawn respecting it, Although, in the present state of science, the occurrence of 110 SCHACHT ON THE MANTLE OF CERTAIN ASCIDIANS. cellulose does not suffice for a distinction between plants and animals, yet the previously established law that the animal cell-membrane always contains nitrogen retains its force. The animal cell is in all cases, as far as I know, entirely different from the vegetable cell. The intercellular substance is always wanting in tissues composed of animal cells ; the animal cell itself corresponds with the primordial sac of the plant-cell, which also does not consist of cellulose, but is probably nitro- genous, like the animal cell-membrane. Whilst the plant-cell is thickened by the secretion of cellulose around the primordial sac, and thus obtains the true cell-wall; the animal cell also secretes a material—in the mantle of the Ascidians the same cellulose—but this material does not form a special envelope around the previously existing nitrogenous cell, the secretions of the individual cells, owing to the absence of any intercellular material, coalescing into one substance. In this way probably is formed the interstitial substance composed of cellulose in the mantle of Phallusia ; and in like manner the stroma of the cartilaginous tissue, which is not composed of cellulose, and the interstitial substance, impregnated with calcareous salts of the osseous tissue. The want, therefore, of an intercellular substance constitutes the principal distinction between the animal and vegetable cellular tissues. Owing to this, the animal cells, even in cases where cellulose occurs, never have a wall composed of that substance, which is characteristic of the vegetable cell. It is to be regretted that this diagnostic character is wanting in the lowest unicellular animals and plants. The existence of the intercellular substance has, it is true, been very recently disputed, with respect to the plant-cell, by Wigand (Intercellular Substance and Cuticula. Braunschw. 1850). That author has termed the true intercellular sub- stance, which, so far as my most recent investigations extend, is always present, the primary cell-membrane, whilst the latter is not to be distinguished, either optically or chemically, from the thickening layers of the vegetable cells consisting of cellulose. The resumé of my reseaches therefore may be thus given :— 1. In the mantle of the Ascidians there is a substance insoluble in caustic potass, but soluble in sulphuric acid, which is turned a beautiful blue by iodine and sulphuric acid, and which consequently consists entirely of cellulose. This substance constitutes the interstitial substance of the cells ; in the mantle of Phallusia it is homogeneous, but in Cynthia, &c., exists for the most part in a fibrous form. 2. The mantle of the Ascidians contains, besides this cellu- lose, another material soluble in caustic potass, but insoluble SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 111 in sulphuric acid, and not coloured blue by iodine and sul- phuric acid, and which consequently is not cellulose; in the mantle of Phallusia it is only sparingly present, but in Cynthia and the new Chilian Ascidian it is much more abundant, and alone constitutes the corneous epidermis of their mantle. 3. The membrane of the cells in the mantle of Phallusia does not consist of cellulose ; it is coloured brown by iodine and sulphuric acid ; is soluble in caustic potass, and behaves exactly like an animal membrane, as do the nuclei and vessels. 4. Inthe mantle of Phallusia cells abound ina homogeneous, interstitial substance composed of cellulose ; it is only at the inner margin of the mantle that fibres composed of cellulose, with nuclei amongst them, make their appearance. In Cynthia, &c., there are scarcely any traces of cells, whilst the nuclei and cellulose fibres abound. 5. A tesselated epithelinm, containing no cellulose, covers the inner surface of the mantle of the three Ascidians examined by me; the outer surface of the mantle of Phallusia appears to possess a similar epithelium. 6. There are two essential points of difference between the modes in which cellulose occurs in the Ascidians and in the vegetable king¢dom—1. In Phadllusia the cellulose constitutes the intercellular substance, but does not, as in plants, form an integral part of the cell-wall itself; 2. In Cynthia and other species the cellulose forms free fibres, a form in which it is never observed in the vegetable kingdom. 7. The substance of the mantle in the Ascidians is not dis- integrated by boiling with caustic potass or by maceration with chlorate of potass and nitric acid, like the vegetable cellular tissue into its elementary parts; there is in it none of the intercellular substance universally present in vegetable tissues, and by which the cells are connected, but which intercellular material is never composed of cellulose, as it resists sul- phuric acid, but is soluble in caustic potass, as well as by maceration. On Unitcettutar Piants and ANIMALS. By .C. b- v. SieBpoLp. From Siebold and Kdlliker’s Zeitsch. f. w. Zool. Bd. 1,'p. 270. In the first part of my work on the ‘Comparative Anatomy of the Invertebrata,’ published in 1845, I have arranged the Protozoa (Infusoria and Rhizopoda) as unicellular animals ; thus separating them from a series of minute organisms, de- scribed by Ehrenberg as Polygastric Infusoria, viz. the Clos- 112 SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. terina, Bacillaria, and Volvocina, which I referred to the vegetable kingdom. The limits of that work did not allow me to adduce more than the most important reasons by which I had been induced to come to this conclusion. I could well foresee that in the publication of these views I should be placed in direct opposition to Ehrenberg’s authority; an authority so generally recognised. Ehrenberg had already reproachfully said that I should have been more careful in protecting science against new opinions respecting the or- ganization of microscopic organisms, which are easily intro- duced, but not so readily dissipated. I can assert, however, that having for years entertained doubts as to the correctness of Ehrenberg’s views as to the organization of the lowest animals, I have not ventured to oppose so great an authority, unless prepared by the assiduous study of the lower organ- isms, and that the deeper did I enter into this inquiry the deeper did my doubts, with respect to Ehrenberg’s views, become rooted. How very much disinclined I have been from the first to dis- seminate lightly and incautiously, erroneous views in science, is shown by the way in which I acted with respect to an error [had fallen into, in the year 1836, and with which I was charged by Ehrenberg in 1848, meaning me, when he says, without men- tioning my name, “ the author of the new genus of an inch-long double animal (Syngamus trachealis), which, after the publi- cation of his correct anatomy of it, it was necessary for some one else to remark is nothing but a pair of strongyli in the act of conjunction, as he himself acknowledges.”—Wieg- mann’s Archiv, 1837. This error, the moment I knew it, I recanted ; so that it was not quite a year before the scientific world. On the other hand, how obstinately does not Ehren- berg adhere to the chain of delusions and errors in which he has more and more closely involved himself from year to year. In vain, hitherto, have other naturalists in Germany, on the Seine, and on the other side of the Channel, endeavoured to draw either Ehrenberg or his followers from their erroneous ways, and to set them on the right path; and I will therefore direct the attention of the latter to a voice, which, even from the other side of the Alps, has made itself loudly heard in opposition. Meneghini, of Pavia, seeking to prove the vege- table nature of the Closteria and Desmidiacew, thus expresses himself on the subject of Ehrenberg’s errors :—‘“‘ Cosa se ne deve dedurre? Che anche il piu accurato osservatore e ’ uomo de genio possono errare. Ne cid potra mai scemarne il merito, o rendere men importanti i benefizii ch’ egli rese alla scienza, I] danno non ridonderebbe che su coloro, i SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 113 quali, schivi alla fatica dell’ osservare, si accontentano della autorita del maestro et ne abbraciano indifferentemente, cosi le vere scoperte come gli errori. Grazie al cielo |’ epoca del autorita e tramontata, e chi ve si aggioga erri pure conpace, che per questo la scienza non avyanzera meno, ed anzi da quegli errori stessi essa potra trarre vantaggio.’’* With respect to my views on the organization of the Pro- tozoa, published in 1845, I have nothing in the main to recall ; on the contrary, I have since then had the satisfaction of knowing that recognised naturalists and distinguished micro- scopists have already sided with me. It is, moreover, highly gratifying to notice that at present the study of the lower vegetable forms, which as unicellular plants correspond to the Protozoa as unicellular animals, is exciting a very high interest, and that these hitherto much neglected organisms are now finding investigators among the most eminent Botanists, by whose labours their position in the vegetable world will eventually be decided. As one of the most important of the works that have appeared of late upon this subject, the following must be indicated :—Néageli’s ‘Genera of Unicellular Alge, physi- ologically and systematically considered.’}. I believe it will not be without interest if I here notice the more important points in which, according to Nageli’s re- searches, the unicellular Algz are distinguished from the lower animal forms. As especially worth consideration, I would adduce the following expression of Nageli’s (p.2):—“ It is to be lamented that of several genera and of many species of hitherto known unicellular Algz nothing has been observed respecting their propagation, and that consequently not only has their systematic position but even their independence as unicellular plants remained in doubt.” I am satisfied that many of Ehrenberg’s Infusoria, were their origin and de- velopment, as well as their modes of propagation, fully traced, would long since have been recognised as vegetable forms ; that is to say, as lower forms of Alge. _ For the better appreciation of the exposition given by Niageli respecting the organization and vital actions in the unicellular Alga, with reference to the vegetable forms con- sidered as Infusoria by Ehrenberg, it will be necessary to premise a list of those vegetable organisms which have been treated by Ehrenberg as Infusoria, and by Nageli as uni- * G. Meneghini. Sulla animalita delle Diatomee. Venezia, 1846, p- 172. + Gattungen einzelliger Algen physiologisch und systematisch bear- beitet von C. Nageli (Zurich, 1849, mit 8. lith Tafl.). VOL. I. I 114 SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. cellular Algae. Among the eight orders of unicellular plants instituted by Nageli, that of the Curoococcace# contains, in Meyer’s genus Merismopeedia, Gonium ylaucum, tranquillum and punctatum, Ehr. The order of the DsatomacEz# cor- responds to the siliceous Bacillaria, Naviculacea, Echinellea, and Lacernata, Ehr. In Nageli’s order of the Patmet- LACE we find Arthrodesmus and Tassarthra, Ehr., referred to Scenodesmus, Mey.,as well as the genus Micrasterias, Ehr.. to Pediastrum, Kiitz. Lastly, the order DEsmipiacEz contains many unicellular Alge, placed by Ehrenberg under the genera Desmidium, Pentasterias, Euastrum, and Closterium. For part of these Ehrenberg’s definition is retained; but others of them are raised to the rank of distinct genera. Thus has Nageli from Closterium trabecula, Ehr., formed the genus Pleurotenium, and from Closterium cylindrus, Ebr., the genus Dysphinctium ; whilst a portion of the Desmidez with Pen- tasterias have been placed under the genus Phycastrum, Kiitz. According to Nageli (p. 3), the unicellular Algze occur either solitary or united into colonies, which readily break up into single cells ; or they may be firmly united by a gelatinous envelope, though separated from each other by a gelatinous s ubstance, and without any organic connexion; or they are placed singly at the extremities of a branched gelatiniform peduncle. Occasionally, also, the cells are firmly connected into a parenchyma, as in multicellular plants, in which case the connexion breaks up into smaller portions, or even into single cells, either not at all or but very seldom. With regard to the relation of the unicellular Alge to the uni- cellular animals, and the unicellular condition of multicellular animals, Nageli(p. 4) thus expresses himself. ‘‘ The most im- portant difference :—that the vegetable cell-membrane contains no azote, whilst the animal cell-membrane does—cannot be ap- plied, especially in doubtful cases ; the tenuity of the membrane not allowing of the investigation, That animals possess the power of locomotion but plants not, is, in the first place, in- correct, as applied generally, and also here the less admits of application, becaus@ many unicellular Algz exhibit motion, fre- quently very energetic motion (when swarming), whilst the ova of multicellular animals are quiescent. The unicellular Alge differ from the Infusoria in this, that their membrane and its appendages are not motile, and that consequently they have a rigid form, whilst the latter, in some instances, change their figure, and in others are furnished with motile-cilia. The presence of starch in the cell-contents is, further, invariably decisive as to the vegetable nature of a cell. The ova of multicellular animals, the figure of which is rigid and un- SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 115 changeable, may also be recognised as not belonging to the unicellular Alge from the want of colouring matter, which is present in all the latter.” I shall have an opportunity further on of recurring to several of these points, and of entering more particularly into them. As respects the chemical relation of the cell-contents of unicellular Alga, Nageli lays great stress upon the presence of colouring matter. This colouring matter is distinguished by him as Chlorophyll, Phycochrom, Erythrophyll, and Diatomin. The Chlorophyll is of a grass or yellow-green colour, little or at all affected by diluted acids and alkalies, and frequently turns brownish-green upon the death of the plant.* The Phycochrom is verdigris-green or orange, changed into orange by the action of diluted acid, and into a brown-yellow by that of diluted alkalies. The Erythrophyll presents a red or purple colour, not changed by diluted acids, but becoming green on the addition of alkalies, and also most usually after death. The Diatomin is brownish-yellow, not altered by diluted alkalies, but changed into verdigris-green by diluted hydrochloric acid, and, for the most part, by death. Together with the colouring matter, continues Nageli (p. 9), starch grains, or colourless oil-drops, are frequently formed, with the increase of which in the persistent cells (dauerzellen) the former finally disappears. ' I must here remark, that we can scarcely expect chemistry to decide what is animal and what plant, having several times been deceived in our hopes in this respect. The non-nitro- genous cellulose, which at first sight appears to be an exclu- sive attribute of the vegetable, also occurs pretty generally disseminated in the animal kingdom, as we learn from the researches of C. Schmidt on Cynthia mamillaris, and those of Kolliker and Lowig on a great number of the most various of the lower animals. Just as little does Chlorophyll ap- pear to be exclusively characteristic of the vegetable world, since the green granules and vesicles, which occur imbedded in the parenchyma of Hydra viridis, of various Turbellariz (Hypostomum viride and Typhloplana viridata, Schm.), and of Infusoria (Euglena viridis, Stentor polymorphus, Bursaria vernalis, Luxodes bursaria, &c.), are probably closely allied to Chlorophyll, if not identical with it. Erythrophyll also might be said to occur in the lower animals, for instance, in Leucophrys sanguinea and Astasia hematodes, in which latter the red colour frequently passes into green, as does the Ery- throphyll of unicellular Algz. * Vide Cohn. 116 SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Another more important circumstance connected with the chemical composition of the cell contents, is also noticed by Niageli, and which relates to the so called red eye-spot of certain Infusoria. He saw, for instance (p. 9), in the midst of the Chlorophyll of certain unicellular Algz, one or several bright red or orange-coloured oil-drops, upon which he remarks upon the similarity of these red granules with the red point, which occurs in several swarm-spores, for instance in Ulothrix. An inspection of Néageli’s Pl. 1V., B. fig. 1-4, will at once show the identity of the bright red oil-drops in the quadran- gular unicellular Algae Polyedrium trigonum, tetragonum, tetraedricum, and lobulatum, Nag., as well as in the interesting new unicellular Algwe, Ophiocytium majus, Nag. (Pl. 1V., A. fig. 2), with the points, so often stated to be eyes by Ehrenberg. These are precisely the same red points, as those which are met with also in Eudorina, Chlumidomonas, and Volvoxr Infusoria—which I must declare to be unicellular Alge. Very remarkable is Nageli’s statement (p. 9), that the chloro- phyll in many unicellular Alga occasionally disappears altogether, being transformed into a red or orange-coloured oil, a change not always connected with the death of the cells, as for instance in Pleurococcus miniatus, Nag. ; Protococcus nivalis, Kiitz.; Palmella miniata, Leibl., &c. In almost all the genera in which chlorophyll occurs Nageli found (p. 11) one or more chlorophyll-cells, for the most part in regular number and disposition, and exhibiting the appear- ance of granules or even of nuclei. Nageli satisfied himself that these chlorophyll-cells, even from external appearance, are the same forms as those which occur in the multicellular algze containing chlorophyll, such as Zygnema, Spirogyra, Sphero- plea, Conferva, &c. Further investigation perfectly assured him of their identity. These chlorophyll-cells at first con- tained only chlorophyll (that is, mucus coloured by chlorophyll) with a delicate membrane. But they seldom remain in this condition, starch at a subsequent period becoming developed in them, by which the chlorophyll is wholly or in part dis- placed. Then there either lie in the chlorophyll-cell one or several minute starch-grains, or it becomes almost entirely filled with starch, as happens in the Palmellacee and Desmidiacee. From this it follows that, although the presence of starch, as Nageli says, is decisive as to the vegetable nature of a cell, this important means of diagnosis does not always admit of application, because starch is not found in all stages of the de- velopment of those plants which might be confounded with unicellular animals, But to return to these chlorophyll-cells—is it not apparent SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 117 that they are the bodies described by Ehrenberg as the testes ? To perceive this it is only necessary to compare the various figures in Niigeli’s work with Plates X. and XI. of Ehrenberg’s great work, in which Scenodesmus, Mey., is figured as Arthro- desmus and Tassarthra, and further Pediastrum, WKiitz., as Micrasterias. The colourless hollow spaces filled with water, observed by Nageli (p. 91, 95, Kc.) in the above named, as well as in many other unicellular Algae, bave been regarded as gastric cells by Ehrenberg, as is obvious at the first glance, whilst the green granular Chlorophyll contents of these vege- table organisms, according to Ehrenberg, would have to be regarded as ova. In various Desmidiacew, for instance in Pleurotenium, Calocylindrus, and Closterium, Nageli noticed several Chlorophyll-cells, frequently arranged in a serial man- ner. In Closterium digitus and Moniliferum, as well as in some other Closteria, he observed in the centre of the cell a clear nuclear-yesicle with an opaque central nucleolus. It is these chlorophyll and nuclear cells which Ehrenberg and Eckhardt would arbitrarily explain sometimes as a polygastric apparatus, sometimes as the male glandular organs of the Closteria. The cell-wall in the unicellular Algae, according to Nageli (p. 12), exhibits in respect to colour, conformation, and sub- stance, the greatest variety. Very frequently it possesses a considerable thickness, and in this case may be regarded as laminated, the innermost very delicate layer representing the true cell-membrane, whilst the external thick layer, more or less distinctly defined on the outer side, constitutes an enve- lope for the cell. This enveloping membrane consists of vegetable gelatine in various stages of condensation. It may surround each individual cell, or contain 2, 4, 8, &c. together, or even a whole aggregation of cells, as an entire family or colony. As forms of Algz furnished with a gelatinous enve- lope I may adduce Gonium, Schizonema, Naunema, and Syncy- clia, Ebr.; to which must be added Eudorina, Spherosyra, Chlamidomonas, Pandorina, and Volvox, Ebr. In some cases the lamination and thickening of the envelope takes place only on one side, whence it assumes the form of a peduncle, at the extremity of which the cell is placed, owing to which, when longitudinal scission of the cells takes place, a branched pe- duncle is produced. With reference to this compare the figures of Synedra, Achnanthes, Echinella, Cocconema, and Gompho- nema, Ebr. Frequently also the cell-membrane exhibits thick- enings, which are sometimes placed towards the interior (in the Diatomacez), sometimes towards the exterior (in Euastrum and Closterium). The growth of the unicellular Algae, according to Nageli, 118 SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. takes place, either with a general expansion of the cell-mem- brane or with a unilateral, or point-growth as it is termed. The propagation of the unicellular Alge (p. 17) is effected in very various ways, by division, by conjugation, by free cell- formation, and by abscission of segments, with various modi- fications. Of these various modes of propagation discussed by Nageli, I will only observe upon those which have refer- ence to the Algz described by Ehrenberg as Infusoria, In the mode of propagation by scission the entire cell-con- tents, according to Nageli, become individualised into two (rarely four) parts. After the formation of these filial cells the mother-cell ceases to exist. Nageli here adduces, as an example, the propagation of the Palmellacez (to which belong several spe- cies of Gonium, Ehr.), the Diatomacee and Desmidiacee. In Euastrum, after the scission has taken place, in each filial cell the one half is perfected entirely anew, whence in the younger condition this new half is small, almost spherical and colour- less. Ndageli has shown this mode of propagation in Euastrum margaritiferum, Ebr. (p. 118, Tab. VII. A, fig. 2, e); whilst we had previously a description of this interesting process of division and growth in Staurastrum and Euastrum, by Ralfs (Ann, Nat. Hist., vol. 14, 1844, Pl. VI, VII., and vol. 15, 1845, Pl. X., XII.) and Focke (Physiol. Stud., Bremen, 1847, p- 47, Pl. IL). Propagation by conjugation occurs in the Desmidia- cee, which Nageli (pp. 17, 18, Tab. VII, A. fig. 64) thus describes, in Euastrum rupestre, Nag. :—Two individuals are placed close together, and push out short processes, which meet, and by the absorption of the wall constitute a canal, into which the entire contents of the two cells thus connected enters, constitutes one mass, and is gradually formed into a single cell. Néageli adds, however, that in Closterium this act of conjugation proceeds in a different way, which I can confirm. In Closterium lunula, according to Morren (Ann. d. Se. Nat., tom. V. 1836—Botanique, p. 325, pl. 9) the con- jugated individuals appear to grow together exactly in the way above described ; in Closterium rostratum also, two indi- viduals appear to become united by the middle of their body (Vid. Focke, |. c. pl. Ill. fig. 34-36, and Ralfs, Brit. Desmi- diew, 1848, pl. XXX. fig. 3¢); whilst Closterium Diane, lineatum, striolatum, setaceum, &c., behave in a totally different manner in this process. In these species the middle of the cell-membrane dehisces with a transverse fissure, and the entire contents, from two contiguous, opened cells, coalesce into a single rounded or angular mass. Sometimes (in Closterium lineatum) it is only the two upper and lower halves which thus SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 119 coalesce, forming two closely approximated compressed glo- bule&. Relatively to this mode of conjugation I refer to the representations given in Ehrenberg, pl. V. and VI., as well as in Ralfs, pl. XXIV. to XXX. It remains to be inquired whether the green bodies produced by this conjugation, the covering of which, at first very delicate, gradually becomes thickened, are to be regarded as spores or as sporangia. I have not myself been able to observe what proceeds from the green bodies in course of time. According to Morren (0. c. p- 329, pl. 10), however, it would appear that in Closterium lunula the green spores arising from the conjugation grow into a new Closterium after they have emerged from their envelope and, like the spores of Vaucheria, move about freely in the water. This process, as is truly remarked by Focke and Nigeli, is not in any way one of multiplication, but pro- perly a kind of reduction or diminution. I suppose, there- fore, that the green bodies produced by the conjugation are not in all cases developed into a single Closterium, like spores, but that, as in the case of other Algzw, such as Vaucheria, (£dogonium, there are two sorts of spore formations, and that under certain circumstances these green bodies represent a germ—capsule or sporangium—in which, by a process of divi- sion, several young Closteria come to be perfected. With this mode of development, probably, is connected the vesicular body, containing sixteen small Closteria, figured by Ralfs (pl. X XVII.) as belonging to Closterium acerosum. Accord- ing to Jenner (ib. p. 11) the covering of the green bodies in Closterium, which are regarded by Ralfs as sporangia, swells whilst a mucus is secreted within it, and minute Closteria are formed, which at last, by their increase, rupture the attenuated vesicular covering. Whether or no that form of gelatinous vesicle, containing eight young Closteria, which, according to Focke (op. c. p. 57, pl. III. fig. 27), proceeds, in Closterium digitus, from a process of envelopment, belongs to this category, I will leave undecided. Ehrenberg has proposed (0. c., p. 89) to designate these green bodies of the Closteria, produced by conjugation, as double buds, and the entire act of conjugation as a double gemmation. This designation, however, is quite inapplicable, since in any form of gemmation it is impossible that the entire contents of a cell, as is the case here, should germinate into the new- formed bud. Ehrenberg, moreover, in the exposition of the organization and vital processes of the Closteria, perceived their similarity with those of the Zygnemacee (Zyguema, Spirogyra, Zygogonium, &c.), which are also propagated by conjugation. He says (0. ¢., p. 99) that were any one readily disposed to 120 SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. look for similarities, it would be easy to speak of vesicule seminales, oviducts, and testes (in Spirogyra): but alk is motionless ; and just as motionless is everything in the Closteria. All those particulars, which, according to Ehrenberg, would serve to prove the animality of these organisms, either have no existence at all or are of no validity. He adduces four princi- pal characters especially (7. c¢., p. 88), which would exclude the Closteria from the vegetable kingdom. 1. They have spontaneous motion. The slow, turning, and at the same time rare movements of the Closteria, present no character of spontaneity ; these motions are certainly merely the consequence of an active endosmosis and exosmosis, by which the water immediately surrounding the Closteria, and consequently themselves, are put into motion. 2. That they have an opening at each end. But these openings have not been seen by any other observer; the sharp-sighted Focke (0. ¢., p. 95, 60), even, has been unable to perceive any. That Eckhardt (0. ¢., p. 211; p. vii, fig. 1, rr) should have intro- duced these openings into his figure of Closterium acerosum— although they have not been observed in that instance, either by himself or by Ehrenberg—can decide nothing. 38. That they are furnished with conical, wart-like organs, projecting even from these two openings, which are in continual motion; but these organs, also, have not been discovered by any other observer. According to Ehrenberg, the number of these proboscis-like, motile organs is easily computed, since their basal portions, in the form of minute, continually moving papilla, may be dis- tinctly seen and counted in almost all Closteria. These papille, however, are nothing else than quivering masses of granules, in molecular motion, contained in two vesicular spaces. 4. Lastly, Ehrenberg refers to the transverse division observed in the Closteria, which, according to him, is to be indisputably regarded as irreconcilable with the vegetable character. That Ehrenberg is here altogether in error, will be admitted by any one who has at all studied the lower vegetable world. The Closteria, therefore, are not only as rigid as the Zygne- mata, but have quite as much right to be regarded as belonging to the vegetable kingdom. No part of their body possesses that contractility and expansibility which is an attribute of the animal body alone. The progressive motion of granules and fluids, which has been noticed in Clsoterium by Meyen, Dalrymple, Lobarzewski, Focke, and Ralfs, does not proceed from any contractile part of the Closterium cell, but corre- sponds much more with the circulation exhibited in other plant-cells, as in Chara, Vallisneria, and the hairs of the Nettle, &e, But whether this motion of the fluids depends upon an SIEBOLD ON UNICELLULAR PLANTS AND ANIMALS, 121 internal ciliary investment, as asserted by Focke (0. ¢., p. 56), I may be allowed to doubt, as I have never been able to per- ceive such cilia in the Closteria; and my friend A. Braun, whose opinion on such a matter is of the utmost value, has been equally unsuccessful. Since the Closteria, as well as the rest of the Desmidiacex, are certainly plants, it follows that conjugation, or zygosis, as a special kind of propagation, does not belong to the animal kingdom, unless Kdlliker’s observa- tion, of the coalescence of two individuals of Actinophrys Sol, should be regarded as an analogous process. There is nothing contradictory in the notion that such a conjugation should exist in Actinophrys Sol, a protozoon of so simple a kind, whose structureless body, according to Kélliker’s late researches, consists of a homogeneous, contractile substance, without mouth, intestine, or other organs. I would, on the other hand, ask those who, with Ehrenberg, not only regard the Closteria as animals, but are, besides, under the erroneous impression that these creatures possess a very complex, motile apparatus, polygastric digestive organs, male and female sexual organs— I would ask them what becomes of this motile apparatus,—of the various stomachs, ovaries, and testes,—when all these parts, with the rest of the contents of the two cases which enclose these so-termed complete animal organisms, have coalesced in the act of conjugation ? A third mode of propagation, viz. a free cell-formation, in which the contents of the mother-cell are employed as a nutri- tive material, in the formation of the filial cells, and, conse- quently, in which the death of the mother-cell is involved, would appear, according to Nageli (p. 17), to be restricted to the orders of the Protococcacee and Valoniacez. Whether such a production of filial cells within a mother-cell does not occur in certain Palmellaceze and Desmidiacexe, which have been confounded with Infusoria, | must leave as doubtful. [To be continued. ] ( 122°) RE VA Eas LecruRES ON HISTOLOGY, DELIVERED AT THE RoyAL COLLEGE oF SUR- GEONS OF ENGLAND, IN THE Session 1850-1. By JoHN QUEKETY. London, Bailliére. [Second Notice. } Want of space compelled us to defer further notice of Professor Quekett’s work in our last number. We shall now make a few remarks on that portion devoted to animal histology. Those who are less acquainted with vegetable than animal tissues will wonder that a larger proportion of this work is devoted to plants than to animals. We have already stated our opinion that the best introduction to the study of animal cells is the study of the cells of plants, and we think in a limited course Mr. Quekett has done wisely in thus dwelling on the simpler forms of organization. Having said so much upon the vegetable histology, our remarks must be rather illus- trative than critical on the remaining portion of this volume. The following table will serve as a guide to the subjects treated in this department :— EXAMPLEs :—Walls of cells. Pos- terior layer of the cornea. Cap- sule of lens. Sarcolemma of muscle, &c. White and yellow fibrous tissues. Areolar tissue. Elastic tissue. Cartilage. Adipose tissue. Pig- ment. Grey nervous matter. Rudimentary skeleton of inverte- brata. Bone. Teeth, &c. “1, Simple membrane: employed alone or in the formation of Te as membranes Fibrous tissues . . Cellular tissues . EEE a Sclerous or hard tissues . Mucous membrane. Serous and synovial membranes, ‘True or secreting glands, of simple membrane, and a layer of cells of various forms (epithe- lium or epidermis), or of areolar tissue and epithelium 6. Compound tissues: a, composed of tubes of homogeneous membrane containing a peculiar substance b. Composed of white fibrous tis- sues and cartilage 5. Compound membranes : ee | Muscle. Nerve. } Fibro-cartilage,” The descriptions given of the structure of membrane, of areolar tissue, and of yellow fibrous tissue, are all good, and contain many original observations. The structure of the various forms of cartilage is also described with great accuracy. There is now no question as to the non-vascularity of these tissues, but in a state of disease, the blood-yessels by which QUEKETT’S LECTURES ON HISTOLOGY. 123 they are surrounded increase in size, and render them what are called vascular. “In a specimen from a diseased joint, which after removal was carefully injected, numerous vessels may be observed passing through the cartilage ; they are derived from the vessels of the shaft, as the articular lamella being involved in the disease, permits the vessels to pass through it; they proceed in straight lines through the cartilage to the free articular surface upon which they form a network, and anastomose with others probably derived from the synovial membrane. The subject from whom this spe- cimen of cartilage was obtained was fifty years of age, and the disease had existed for nearly twelve months. Series of changes occurring in the hydropical condition of zoospores. 18. Lg, 20. More highly magnified view of the same—where there is apparently 21 99 2 “ 99 23. a second coat in process of being thrown off from the central mass of protoplasm. ‘| A series of changes undergone by the same zoospores in the course of ‘| twenty-four hours. Fig. 22 shows the partial dropsy of the cell, but which did not proceed further. . Professor Williamson’s hexagonal areolation. 5. Ditto under iodine. 26, Appearance assumed by the zoospores in the early state, where, owing to abundant nutrition, the quantity of protoplasm is very abundant. This form gradually passes into the ordinary, and it is in this state that the contractile spaces are most advantageously to be sought. . Shows the situation of the contractile vacuole in a connecting band. SF ff - ¢ ) IFW NA Meter S00 Z WE ¢ &@ *ea9 2 @ & | Bard & West, Timp. 54, Hatton Garden Trandt, Motor be: LVI DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VI. On the Structure of Volvox globator, by Professor W. C. Williamson. The same letters of reference are employed throughout to indicate the same structures. 4 Cells of the stellate var. of Volvow in different stages of the con- 3. traction of the protoplasmic threads. a, outer cell-wall; b, pro- ra toplasm ; e, connecting threads ; g, cilia. 5. Section of Volvox, with its ciliated parietal cells. , vesicles in which the ciliated gemmz are developed. Two of the gemma seen out of focus. 6. Young gemma ruptured by pressure. 06, detached protoplasms ; J, vesicles within which the gemma is developed; ¢, protoplasmic membranes of three segments of the gemma. 5b, granular and mucilaginous matter escaping from the ruptured segments. 7. Portion of a Volvox mounted in glycerine and viewed obliquely. a, cell-walls ; b, protoplasms ; cc, protoplasmic membranes ; e, col- lapsed connecting threads. 8. Similar cells, in which the protoplasmic membrane is more distended. References as before. 9. Specimen in which the threads appear to traverse the intercellular spaces. References as before. 10. Ordinary appearance of the var., with spherical protoplasms. 11. Specimen of the same mounted in glycerine. 12. Probable section of living Volvox, d, superficial pellicle. _ 18. Probable section of fig. 11. 9; Sections of figs. 1-4, after being mounted in glycerine. 16. Detached cells from the same, viewed superficially. 17. Similar specimen, in which the cells are invisible—the protoplasmic membranes alone being seen. ae = a et 5 Sede ] bn ot la dete ' ‘ ') ey tee | J iPr +f LANGE as ’ f a F, . | my v1 iq : ante AY ‘iM | » fe uv. see . nae | ee ) 2 De, See : J 4 . - b4 - . : yu 7 ‘ ese § . ee oy . qi ¢ he f j i / d é/ te ‘ 1 hae ft ~~ ee : . 4A ¢ =, > La (149°) ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On the Development of the Teeth, and on the Nature and Import of Nasmyth’s “ Persistent Capsule.” By Tuomas H. Huxtey, F.R.S. 1 am desirous of setting forth in the course of the following pages, as concisely as may be, the principal results to which I have been lately led in the course of working over the development of the human and of some other teeth. I have directed my investigations, not to the general phenomena of dentition, our knowledge of the course of which, firmly established many years ago by Professor Goodsir, has not been affected, so far as | am aware, by any subsequent in- vestigations, but to those points of structure and develop- ment upon which every writer, from the time of John Hunter to the present, seems to have formed, with more or less plausibility, an opinion of his own, different from that of all others. I must suppose such a knowledge of the general course of development of the teeth as may be found in the ordinary hand-books of physiology—my limits allowing no unnecessary disquisition—and proceed at once to the questions whose discussion I am about to attempt. These are, firstly: What are the three structures which are concerned in the develop- ment of the teeth, viz., the pulp, the capsule, and the enamel organ, morphologically, or in relation to the parts of the mucous membrane from which they are developed ? Secondly : What is the relation of the dentine, the enamel, and the cement, to these organs ? Thirdly : What is the relation of the histological elements which enter into the composition of the soft parts, to the dentine, enamel, and cement, which are formed from, or within them. : These questions, I think, involve all the essential points connected with the teeth. Having endeavoured to answer them, I shall inquire with what other organs of the animal the teeth correspond. 1. The nature of the pulp, the capsule, and the enamel organ, with relation to the mucous membrane from which they are de- veloped. The teeth are developed in two ways, which are, however, VOL. 1. M 150 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. mere varieties of the same mode in the animal kingdom.* In the first, which may be typified by the Mackerel and the Frog, the pulp is never free, but from the first is included within the capsule, seeming to sink down as fast as it grows. In the other the pulp projects freely at one period above the surface of the mucous membrane, becoming subsequently included within a capsule formed by the involution of the latter: a marked instance of this mode of development occurs in the human subject. The Skate offers a sort of interme- diate stage. If the thick and opaque, coloured, mucous membrane of the jaw of the Mackerel be torn away, and the alveolar edge of the jaw be then examined with a low power, minute germs will be seen to be imbedded in the substance of the jaw, among the large, fully-formed teeth. One of the smallest of those which I examined is figured at Pl. III., fig. 10. It was an oval mass, about 1-60th of an inch in long diameter; its” upper part was roofed as it were by the epithelium of the gum ; its sides were constituted by a continuation of the base- ment membrane of the mucous mémbrane of the mouth; within this was a homogeneous substance, containing nu- merous oval or rounded nuclei, about 1-5000th of an inch in diameter, and continuous with the lowest layer of the epithe- lium of the mouth. In the centre appeared a large conical mass, nearly as long as the sac, the proper tooth pulp. Pointed above, it widened below, and then gradually con- tracted again, so as to form an almost hemispherical lower extremity, which was united to the base of the sac by a narrow neck. In the upper part of the papilla the proper dental tissues had already begun to make their appearance ; but below, a delicate membrane formed its outer boundary, and this passed directly into the basement membrane of the sac. It is clear then, that in this case the papilla is wholly a process of the derm (or that which in a mucous membrane corresponds to it) outwards, while the sac is a process in- wards of the same structure; and that the homogeneous sub- stance, with its imbedded nuclei between the two, corresponds with the epidermis or epithelium. In the Frog the same relations essentially hold good ; the young teeth are here developed in minute sacs, which lie at the bottom of the dental groove in the upper jaw. I could never detect any free-projecting pulps (nothing, therefore, * For the purposes of the present examination I have taken the Skate, the Mackerel, the Frog, the Calf, and Man, as accessible specimens of each of the great divisions of animals possessing teeth. HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE.TEETH. 151 corresponding to the papillary stage in the human tooth), but the smallest and youngest rudiments of the teeth 1 found were oval or rounded sacs, 1-180th of an inch Jong, containing an oval papilla, about one-fourth shorter. Externally, these were bounded by a strong structureless basement membrane, which enclosed a homogeneous substance, containing nuclei in its cavities, "These were rounded, and very close together, next to the basement membrane, but became transversely elongated in the inner layers and next to the pulp. This last was bounded by a structureless membrane, which at its narrow base became continuous with the basement membrane of the capsule. In the Frog, then, the relations of the pulp and of the cap- sule are the same as in the Mackerel. In the Skate, as is well known,* the young teeth are developed in longitudinal rows within a deep fold of the mucous membrane of the mouth, behind the jaw. So far as my examinations go, however, I find: that this is not a mere simple fold, such as it has been described to be ; but its two walls behave just in the same manner as those of the primitive dental groove in man—that is, they become closely united in lines perpendicular to the direction of the jaw, so that partitions are formed between every two rows of teeth— transverse partitions again stretch between the separate teeth of each row, but these did not appear to me to be complete, terminating by an arcuated border below (fig. 11). Each longi- tudinal canal therefore answers to a single elongated mammalian follicle, or to that prolongation of the alveolar groove from which the posterior permanent molars are formed in man (see Goodsir), only the process does not go so far as in this case, the separate capsules remaining imperfect anteriorly and posteriorly. The lateral walls of the capsule, however, seem to me to have as much (or as little) ‘organic connexion with the pulp and attachment to its base” as in man, and the pro- cess seems to correspond with something more than the “ first and transitory papillary stage of the development of the mam- malian teeth.” ¢ Each pulp is invested by a very distinct basement mem- brane, whose continuity with that of the mucous membrane of the follicle is very obvious. The epithelium of the follicle forms a thick layer, which sometimes, when the upper wall is stripped back, adheres to it—sometimes remains as a cap * See Blake’s ‘ Essay,’ &c. 1801, in which the essential peculiarities of the development of the teeth in the shark and skate, and their mode of advance, are very well pointed out. He refers to Herissant and Spallanzani as having anticipated him. + See Owen’s ‘ Odontography,’ p. 15. M 2 152 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. investing the papilla. Even when the latter does not take place, shreds of the epithelium frequently adhere to the papilla in the form of irregular, more or less cylindrical nucleated cells; as often, however, the papilla, whether any of the proper tooth substances be formed or not, has nothing adherent to it, but presents a perfectly smooth sharp edge. Other portions of the epithelium, particularly towards the bottom of the follicles, are more or less altered and irregular, Frequently assuming the form of a stellate tissue. In the Skate, then, the follicle is an involution of the derm, the papilla is a process of it, and the epithelium between the two becomes metamorphosed sometimes into a peculiar stellate tissue. The same essential relations prevail as before. In Man, some confusion has prevailed with regard to the homology of the various component parts of the tooth sae, though they might be readily enough deduced from the mode of development of the sac ; however, it is, | think, not at all” difficult to obtain perfect demonstration upon this subject. If a young tooth capsule be opened (say of a foetus at the seventh month), whatever care may be exercised, it will always be found (Hunter, Bichat) that a space filled with a fluid exists between the inner surface of the capsule and the outer surface of the pulp—the two are perfectly free from all adherence to one another—+the only substance between them, besides tle fluid, being a more or less abundant whitish matter which sometimes adheres to the one and sometimes to the other (see Goodsix, J. c.). If the tooth he very young, a structureless membrane, the m. preformativa of Raschkow (the basement membrane of Bowman), may be traced over the whole surface of the pulp, or if calcific deposition have already commenced, it may be found readily enough at any rate in the lower unossified part ; and it is not at all difficult to trace this in perfect continuity on the walls of the capsule—in fact into its basement mem- brane. ‘The best way of seeing this is by detaching the whole sac from its alveolus, and then, laying it carefully open in a watch-glass, turn the capsule carefully back, transfer the whole to a glass plate, and cover it with a piece of thin glass. The continuity of the basement membrane of the pulp with that of the capsule is now evident enough under the microscope. The wall of the capsule is often folded, and sometimes I have noticed villous processes, such as those described as vascular by Dr. Sharpey.* Not unfrequently the basement * See also Goodsir, /.¢. p. 17. In a child at birth “ the interior of the sac had a villous, highly vaseular appearance, like a portion of HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 1538 membrane of the capsule is quite naked, but ] have sometimes observed a lining of short cylindrical nucleated epithelium cells upon it. I have said that a whitish substance lies between the base- ment membrane of the pulp and that of the capsule. It is delicate and friable, but frequently forms a more resisting layer towards the pulp. On this surface I have found it to be composed of a layer of elongated, more or less cylindrical epithelium cells 1-1000th of an inch in length, with or without nuclei, and adhering together in the direction of their short diameters. On the surface towards the capsule, on the other hand, this substance is composed of irregular cells united into a network (jig. 7), and very similar to those which have been described in the Skate. The structure of this substance, and its relation to the basement membrane of the pulp, and of the capsule, clearly indicate that it is nothing more than the altered epithelium of these organs.* It is the so-called “ enamel organ”’ of authors, and very wonder- ful figures and descriptions indeed have been given of it in various works upon the teeth. The only detailed,t and at the same time, as it seems to me, completely accurate account I have met with of this so-called enamel organ, is the very clear and admirable description by Mr. Nasmyth, contained in his posthumous work, ‘Researches on the Development, Structure, and Diseases of the Teeth, 1849. The merits of this gentleman have met with such scant justice that I can- not do better than let them speak for themselves in this place ; those who work over the subject hereafter will not fail, I think, to acknowledge them as I have done. injected intestinal mucous membrane.” See also p. 25 of the same ad- mirable essay. * Goodsir (‘ Edin. Med. and Phys. Journal,’ 1839) and Todd and Powman (‘ Physiological Anatomy’) state very distinctly that the pulp is an ordinary papilla, and the capsule an involution of the mucous mem- brane, and the latter justly described the membrana preformativa of the pulp as a basement membrane (p. 175), but they consider the ** stellate tissue ” and the enamel organ to be the “ wall of the.sac itself.” Kolliker (‘ Mikr, Anat.,’ p. 101) expresses the same opinion. t Mr. Tomes (‘ Lectures,’ &c., 1848) appears to me to have described the enamel organ very accurately, but he has, I think, failed to distinguish the proper enamel organ or epithelium of the sac from the submucous cellular tissue—the latter is his ‘‘ reticular stage of the enamel pulp,” the former his “ second stage”’ or “ stellate tissue,” while what he calls the “‘ transition part,” p. 99, is, I think, the dense superficial layer of the capsule, very well described by Mr. Nasmyth (wide infra) as “ the inter- nal lamina of the dental capsule.” Professor Kolliker (‘ Mikr. Anat.,’ p. 99 B) appears to me to have fallen into the same error. 154. HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. Development of the Formative Organs of the Teeth, Follicular stage.— “« At an early period of the follicular stage when the apex of the papilla rises above the level of the surrounding fence of mucous membrane, a small quantity of whitish matter may be detected in the groove between the papilla and the follicle—this is the enamel organ. Not unfrequently the whitish matter has the appearance of granules which seem to have been separated from the surface of the follicle. These granular masses have a pearl white aspect, and are soft and friable. Under the micro- scope they are seen to be composed of cells which separate from one another upon the slightest compression. The cells offer considerable variety in respect of size and shape, some being small and round, others large and flattened, and furnished at one extremity with a delicate prolongation ; while others again are elongated and narrow, and have a defined and regular margin. They contain nuclei and nucleoli, and are covered on their interior by minute granules, which are also found in con- siderable abundance in their interstices.”—p. 104. ‘‘ In the numerous examinations which I have made of the stages of growth of the teeth here described, the enamel organs did not appear to me to be attached either to the papilla or to the surface of the follicle. This may probably arise from the circumstance that all the embryos which I dissected had been kept for some time in diluted spirits of wine.” —p. 105. He then quotes Raschkow’s account of the structure in the Lamb and Calf, and goes on to say,— “ In my own investigations made with the aid of one of the best micro- scopes of modern construction, and with a magnifying power of one-tenth of an inch focal distance, I found the enamel substance to be composed of cells of three different kinds. ‘“‘ The first kind of cells are found in the, interior of the organ, and compose its loose, soft, and easily compressible texture. They are flattened and triangular in form, and connected to adjacent cells by means of delicate filaments prolonged from one of theirangles. These appendages have no analogy with the filaments of areolo-fibrous tissue, as declared by Raschkow. JI have seen them in connexion with the cells of other tissues, and the error on the part of this observer must have arisen from the use of low microscopic powers. “ The second kind of cells are oval in shape, and form an envelope to the preceding: they are situated both upon the superficial and deep aspect of the latter. “The third kind of cells occupy the deep stratum of the enamel organ, lying in contact with the dental papilla. They are narrow and oblong in shape, and are arranged closely side by side; one of their extremities being in relation with the papilla, the other being directed outwards. They are firmly connected together, and have a radiated position in respect of the papilla. It is to the layer formed by these cells that Raschkow has assigned the name of enamel membrane. ‘Taking this view of the construction of the enamel organ, I cannot perceive any grounds for the division of it into two parts suggested by the description of Raschkow. It is obviously nothing more than a single organ, and the difference in the form and arrangement of the cells must simply be regarded as a tran- sition of the first and second kinds into those of the third—the latter being in the state of preparation for the reception of the calcareous salts. “The mucous membrane which rises in the form of a ring fence around the papilla developed from the dental groove is the future dental capsule, At an early period it is difficult to determine to what extent the internal HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 155 surface of the growing follicle differs from mucous membrane. That it does so may be inferred from the change in function which it assumes ; and at a later period, when the follicle is about to close, the difference in its organic character becomes strikingly obvious. For example, it is white, silvery, loose, and rugous, and easily falls into folds, and, under the microscope, offers the appearance of a number of minute cells possess- ing characters widely different from those of the epithelium. “ A portion of the internal lamina of the dental capsule, placed under the microscope, shows it to be composed of layers of cells loosely arranged, and separated by interspaces equal to half the diameter of the cell. The cells are oval in shape, and provided with one or more distinct nuclei, and they contain in their interior a small quantity of granular matter. The internal lamina of the dental capsule maintains but a slight degree of adhesion with the enamel organ, and possesses no vessels. Subjacent to it is a network of blood-vessels, supported by a web of areolo-fibrous tissue formed by the interlacement of tine homogeneous filaments, among which nucleated cells are not unfrequently observed.”—p. 107. Saccular Stages —When the sac closes— *‘ The space between the pulp and the sac becomes filled with a fluid secretion which distends its cavity, and often produces a conspicuous enlargement in the situation of the tooth.”—p. 108. **On the part of the capsule corresponding with the sides and neck of the crown is a flat portion of the enamel organ, which is destined to the formation of the enamel in that situation. ‘This lamina has a well defined inferior border at a later period in the growth of the enamel organ ; the appearance which it presented of a gelatinous mass is lost, and the substance contracts into a membranous layer. At this time also the prominences from the internal surface of the capsule have enlarged, and have become vascular and more closely adherent to the enamel organ. Some writers have inferred from this appearance that the enamel organ itself becomes vascular,* but this is not the fact; it is simply that portion of the capsule which lies in contact with the enamel organ that presents the vascularity referred to. “The dental capsule being originally, as we have seen, a production of the mucous membrane of the alveolar groove, is attached by its external surface to the neighbouring soft parts by means of loose areolo-fibrous tissue. Blood-vessels ramify very freely in this tunic, and from the interlacement which they then form, numerous capillary loops are given off, which extend into the superficial portion of the membrane. These vascular loops are separated from the enamel organ by a delicate layer of cells, the characters of which have been already explained. ** Not the least interesting of the features attendant upon the develop- ment of the teeth is the relation which the capsule bears to the pulp and to the tooth at various periods of its growth. In the follicular and early periods of the saccular stage, previously to the commencement of the formation of the ivory, the capsule is continuous with the base of the dental papilla ;f and at a subsequent period, when the ivory of the crown * Raschkow, in a note appended to his Researches, remarks that he has observed the enamel organ to receive blood-vessels in certain parts, and believes the parenchyma of the organ to be pervaded by capillary vessels. The conclusion which he deduces from this observation is, that the enamel organ was from the beginning joined to the capsule. t It passes upwards over it, forming a distinct envelope, separated from the layer of mucous membrane externally. 156 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. forms a complete covering to the pulp, the same arrangement takes place. But at a more advanced stage in the growth of the tooth, when its forma- tion has proceeded beyond the limit of the crown, the capsule attaches itself closely around the neck, and the connexion of the two structures is so firm, that every attempt to effect their separation generally results in the laceration of the membrane. The continued growth of the tooth carries the capsule upwards with the rising alveolus to the under part of the gum, which now stretches over it; when pressed upon by the surface of the crown, it becomes atrophied and absorbed. No portion of the capsule seems to pass down into the alveolus.”—p, 110. Everything that I have seen confirms this admirable de- scription as to matters of fact, and the only objections I shall have to offer are to certain of Mr. Nasmyth’s conclusions, In Man, then, as in the Skate, the Mackerel, and the Frog, the tooth-pulp is a dermic process bounded by its basement membrane ; the capsule is an involution of the derm, bounded by its basement membrane; and the epithelium of these organs lies between them, having in this case received the name of “ Enamel-organ,” from the supposition that the enamel was developed by the calcification of its elements. Of this, however, I shall speak below. There is an important difference between the dental sac of the Calf and that of Man, which has given rise to much con- fusion. The “ actinenchymatous” tissue (Raschkow) of the former does not at all correspond with the stellate tissue of the latter, as has been assumed by all writers. In fact, in the Calf the wall of the capsule is separated by only a very narrow space from the surface of the pulp, and this space is completely filled up by elongated cylindrical epithelium cells, which glue the capsule to the pulp. Between the basement membrane of the capsule and the alveolar wall, indeed, there is a very wide interval (see Owen, J. c., pl. CX XII. a, fig. 9 ¢) occupied by Raschkow’s actinenchyma. ‘This, however, is nothing more than the loose submucous cellular tissue of the gum, similar to that so well described by Mr, Nasmyth in the wall of the capsule of man. Professor Owen says (J. c., Introduction, p. lix.) that “no capillaries pass from the capsule into the actinenchymatous pulp of the enamel.” But those which I have examined do not bear out this statement; in fact, this tissue presents one of the most beautiful and obvious vascular networks with which I am acquainted.* The true homologue of the “enamel organ” in Man there- fore, in the Calf, is not the actinenchymatous tissue, but the thin * Blake, who wrote in 1801, mentions the vascularity of the “ spongy ” outer membrane of the tooth sac in the calf; he says it is * very vascular,”—p, 81, HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 157 layer of epithelium between this and the pulp. The general relations of the different dental organs are, in other respects, the same in the Calf as in Man. I may now proceed to the second question. What is the relation of the proper dental tissues to the three organs of the tooth capsule ? The answer is shortly this. Neither the capsule nor the “Enamel-organ”’ take any direct share in the development of the dental tissues, all three of which—viz. enamel, dentine, and cement—are formed beneath the membrana preformativa, or basement membrane of the pulp, In proof of this asser- tion, I have to offer the following facts:—If, in a human foetus of the seventh month, a dental capsule (say of an in- cisor) be treated as I have above described, it will generally happen that the surface of the young tooth-cap appears quite smooth under a low power; or it may be that a few of the elongated cells of the “‘organon adamantine” adheres to it. In any case the adhesion is loose, and these cells may be readily detached. Under a higher power the surface of the upper part of the ossified cap appears reticulated, the meshes being about 1-5000th of an inch in diameter. At the lower part, where only a thin layer of dentine is formed, this ap- pearance is less distinct, but the surface is somewhat wrinkled, the wrinkles sometimes forming large and pretty regular meshes, Viewed in profile, these wrinkles are seen to be produced by the folding of a delicate structureless membrane, which is continuous below with the membrana preformativa. Towards the apex the tooth substance is almost too opaque to make much out of it: the yellowish enamel, however, can generally be distinguished from the dentine. Now, while the object is under a low power of the micro- scope, add some strong acetic acid ; a voluminous transparent membrane will immediately be raised up in large folds from the whole surface of the tooth. If the acetic acid be pretty strong, it soon softens the substance of the tooth a little, and then a slight pressure exhibits very distinctly the ends of the enamel fibres under this membrane. ‘There can be no question about this fact, as | have been able to demonstrate it to the satisfaction of my friends, Mr. Busk and Professor Quekett. The membrane is about 1-2500th to 1-1600th of an inch thick, perfectly clear and transparent, and under a high power exhibits innumerable little ridges upon its outer sur- face, which bound spaces sometimes oval and sometimes quadrangular, and about 1-5000th of an inch in diameter. Furthermore, at its lower edge this membrane gradually loses 158 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. all structure, and passes into the membrana preformativa.* In fact, it is the altered membrana preformativa itself, no trace of which has ever yet been found in the locality in which, ac- cording to the prevalent hypotheses upon the development of the teeth, it should .exist—viz., between the enamel and the dentine. In the Calff a similar membrane may be demonstrated, but it is much more delicate, and I have not seen the peculiar areolz upon its surface. In the Frog, in which the layer of enamel is very thin and structureless, the membrane (fig. 8) may be very readily de- monstrated by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid, which in this animal, as in the Mackerel and Skate, dissolves out the enamel layer at once, while it only acts gradually upon the dentine. In all these animals I have examined the smallest teeth I could find perfectly entire, without any rough mechanical treatment, which I should think would destroy the delicate membrane. In the Frog, its surface is in parts reticulated, as in Man; in the Mackerel and Skate (jigs. 9, 12) I have been unable to find any such reticulation. In both these the enamel forms a conical cap of almost structureless or ob- scurely fibrous substance at the extremity of the tooth, while the layer upon the body of the tooth is very thin.{ In the Skate it is thick, dense, yellowish, structureless, and perfectly smooth; but in the Mackerel it is developed upon the lateral edges of the young tooth into sharp notched processes; lines stretch across the body of the tooth from these, not unlike the contour lines one sees on the enamel of a young human tooth. A membrane, corresponding with that which has been de- scribed in the human subject then, is also found in members of each of the other groups of Vertebrata which possess teeth. In the human subject, and in Mammals, this membrane was * It is stated, by all the writers on the subject whom I have consulted, that the membrana preformativa is the first portion of the tooth which ossifies. ‘This statement, however, is never supported by evidence; and my own observations lead to precisely the reverse conclusions. t Sce Hassall, Micr. Anatomy, p. 318. $ As this “ dense exterior layer” may be dissolved out by dilute acid, leaving the “‘ membrana propria of the pulp,” which is very much thinner, standing, it is quite clear that it is not “formed by the calcification of the membrana propria of the pulp, which therefore precedes the formation of ordinary dentine.”—( Odontography, p. 17). Why should it not be called enamel? It has at least as much claim to this title as that of the lrog, HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 159 discovered, and very accurately figured and described, four- teen years ago (that is, in January, 1839, in the ‘ Medico- Chirurgical Transactions), by Mr. Nasmyth, under the name of the “ persistent capsular investment.” No question has ever been raised as to the right of Mr. Nasmyth to this dis- covery ; but it is remarkable, that neither in Professor Owen’s ‘ Odontography,’ which is the first subsequent work upon the teeth, nor in Professor Kélliker’s ‘ Mikroskopische Anatomie,’ which is the last, is there any notice of Mr. Nasmyth’s dis- covery. Kdélliker, indeed (/. ¢., pp. 76, 77), describes the structure as ‘‘ schmelz-oberhautchen,” but his description is not so good as that of Nasmyth, and he states that it does not extend over the cement—Nasmyth having shown that it does. Unfortunately, however, the latter, like all who have succeeded him, misled by the supposed mode of development of the enamel from the enamel-organ, imagined that, as the “‘ persistent capsule” was outside the enamel it could be nothing else than the membrane of the dental capsule; and hence the erroneous description of the adherence of the latter to the crown of the tooth, which I have already quoted. Had he chanced to examine a tooth before its eruption, he would at once have seen the incorrectness of his hypothesis. Since then this “ Nasmyth’s membrane” is identical, on the one hand, with the persistent capsule which lies external to both enamel and cement, and, upon the other hand, with the preformative membrane of Raschkow, or otherwise with the basement membrane of the pulp; it is clear that all the tissues of the tooth are formed beneath the basement membrane of the pulp; in other words, they are all true dermic struc- tures—none epidermic.* The third problem was, the relation of the histological ele- ments of the soft parts (that is, as we now see, of the pulp) to the Dentine, Enamel, and Cement. Three theories have been prevalent as to the mode of de- velopment of the dentine. The first, the old excretion theory, need not be considered here, as it has been given up on all sides, The second, the Conversion theory, consists essentially * That the enamel is not formed directly from the enamel pulp might have been concluded from Professor Goodsir’s observations (J. ¢., p. 25). He says, “‘ The absorption (in the granular matter) goes on increasing as the tooth substance is deposited, and when the latter reaches the base of the pulp, the former disappears, and the interior of the dental sac assumes the villous vascular appearance of a mucous membrane. This change is nearly completed about the seventh or eighth month.” It will not be said, however, that the growth of the enamel ceases at the seventh or eighth month. 160 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. in the supposition that the dentine is the “ossified pulp ris that the histological elements of the pulp become calcified and converted directly into the dentine—the arrangement of the elements of the dentine depending upon that of the elements of the pulp. This is the doctrine maintained by Blake, Schwann, Nasmyth, Owen, Tomes, Henle, Todd and Bowman, and, more or less doubtfully, by Kolliker and Hildebrandt.* The third theory is that contained in the remarkable phrase of Raschkow. ** Postquam ... fibrarum dentalium stratum depositum est (quoted by Schwann) idem processus continuo ab externa regione internam versus progreditur germinis dentalis parenchymate materiam suppeditante... . Converse fibrarum dentalium flexure que juxta latitudinis dimensionem crescunt, dum ab externa regione internam versus procedunt sibi invicem apposite continuos canaliculos effingunt, qui ad substantie dentalis peripheriam exorsi multis parvis anfractibus ad pulpam dentalem cavum- que ipsius tendunt, ibique aperti finiuntur novis ibi quamdiu substantiz dentalis formatio durat fibris dentalibus aggregandis inservientes.” The dentinal substance, that is, is deposited within the pulp beneath the membrana preformativa in definite masses (Raschkow calls them fibres, to which, indeed, under a low power they have a remarkable resemblance), the gaps between which eventually constitute the dentinal tubules. This, if a name be wanted, might be called the Deposition Theory, and is especially characterized by its asserting that the histological elements of the pulp do not enter as such imto the dentine. The following description of the young dentine in the human subject holds good for all the animals which I have examined ; and if it be true, I think the incorrectness of the Conversion Theory necessarily follows. To justify my own method of procedure, however, I am necessitated to remark that I have been unable to verify the statement of Professor Owen (J. c., Introduction, p. xxxix.), that the teeth of Man “will not yield a view of the cap of new- formed ivory and the subjacent pulp in undisturbed con- nexion by transmitted light with the requisite magnifying power.’ Qn the contrary, 1 have found it sufficiently easy, by cutting off the half-ossified cusp of a young molar, or eyen by submitting an entire canine or incisor to slight pres- sure, to obtain a most distinct view of the pulp in undisturbed connexion with the dentine, and in a profile view. Indeed, _* Dr. Sharpey, on the other hand, with characteristic caution, after citing the statements of some of the advocates of the Conversion Theory, adds, ‘* We must confess that, after a careful examination of the human teeth, we have been unable to discover any of the above-mentioned changes, except the enlargement of the more superficial cells of the pulp, and their clongations in the immediate vicinity of the dentine.”—Quain and Sharpey, )p. U8s, en ©. HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 161 had other observers adopted this method, I do not think they would have been led to consider the lacunze in young den- tine, whose true nature was demonstrated by Raschkow, as metamorphosed nuclei of the pulp. When the ossifying boundary of a tooth-pulp is examined in the way which I have here pointed out, it is seen that where dentification has not begun, the membrana preformativa is in immediate contact with the substance of the pulp, composed of a homogeneous transparent base, in which closely-arranged “nuclei”? are embedded. ‘These are rounded or polygonal, apparently vascular; contain one or more granules, and are about 1-2500th—1-3500th of an inch in diameter. Passing towards the ossifying edge, we see in the profile view a clear, more strongly refracting layer, gradually increasing in thick- ness, which begins to separate the proper substance of the pulp from the membrana preformativa. This is at first quite struc- tureless to all appearance, both in this view and in one per- pendicular to its surface. When it has attained a thickness of 1-2500th of an inch, however, it acquires a sort of mottled appearance in the profile view, while superficially numerous very minute irregular cavities, about 1-5000th of an inch apart, present themselves (fig. 5). Ina thick portion of the den- tine (3-5000ths) these cavities are very readily seen in the profile view to be elongated into canals; superficially they are rather larger ; and as they run somewhat obliquely, 1t may very readily happen that, unless the focusing of the micro- scope be very careful, one will run into the other, and so produce the appearance of fibres described by Raschkow. This young dentine is as transparent as glass. No trace of “nuclei” can at any time be discovered in it; the bodies which have been described as such being, as I have said, simply lacunz ; nor, if strong acids be used so as to dissolve out the calcareous matter, are any nuclei brought to light, though those which exist in the pulp became much more dis- tinct, and even coarse, in their outlines, Again, if to a pulp thus treated, a weak solution of iodine be added, the nitro- genous substance of the pulp is immediately coloured deep yellow, the nuclei themselves becoming brown ; but the den- tine remains pale, except that here and there a yellow pro- cess of the matrix of the pulp may be seen stretching a little way into one of the canals of the dentine. I have only ob- served this, however, once. I believe that these facts afford sufficient demonstration that the pulp is not converted directly into the dentine, and that, the structure of the latter does not depend upon the calcification of pre-existing elements. lam the more satisfied with this negative evidence, as in 162 HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. young bone it is easy to demonstrate the “nuclei” in the lacune by the aid of acids, &c. As to whether the perpendicularly crowded “nuclei” of the pulp under the dentine disappear, or whether they are merely pressed inwards, | cannot pretend to offer a decisive opinion. The former supposition, however, if we may judge by the analogy of bone, appears more probable. Dentine, in fact, might be considered as a kind of bone, in which the lacune are not formed in consequence of the early disap- pearance of the nuclei, whose persistence for a longer or shorter period appears to be the sole cause of their existence in bone.* Still less can the enamel be produced by any conversion of a cellular structure. Between it and anything which can be called a nucleated cell it has on the outer side Nasmyth’s membrane ; on the inner, the layer of dentine, which in Man is formed before it. The fibres of which it is composed are structureless, and almost horny ; and | think we must be content for the present to consider its existence and its structure as ultimate facts, not explicable by the Cell Theory. It is par- ticularly worthy of notice that in the Skate the dermal teeth or plates on the upper surface of the head have as distinct a layer of enamel as those of the mouth, though in this case there is most assuredly neither rudimentary capsule nor “ enamel organ,” In a morphological point of view, the relations of the cement show it to be homologous with the enamel. In a very beau- tiful section of a human tooth from Mr. Busk’s cabinet, the upper portion of the cement exhibits in places a very distinct transverse striation, resembling its perfect enamel. But the transition of the one structure into the other is best exhibited in the young Calf by the cement of the fang of a molar which had not cut the gum. Here it is a white substance, from which generally a fitting section can be cut only with some difficulty, in consequence of its triability. The layer is about 1-40th of an inch thick, and consists of an external delicate structureless Nasmyth’s membrane; internal to which three- * I have here no space to enter into the discussion of the various hypotheses and assertions, respecting the development of the dentine, made by the various authors whose names I have cited. I trust it will not on that account be supposed that I have neglected to make myself acquainted with them. But there are two statements to which I must refer in confirmation of my own view. ‘The one is that by Dr. Sharpey already quoted: the other is the very just declaration (in italics) by Pro- fessor Kolliker (Handbuch, p. 386), that “* the most careful investigation oo no trace of any elongation of nuclei” in the peripheral cells of 1@ pu p- HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 163 fourths of the thickness of the layer are formed by parallel fibres 1-5000th of an inch in diameter, quite structureless, and completely resembling enamel fibres, but absolutely enormous (as much as l- 60th of an inch) in length. These fibres were softened and rendered pale by the ac Gon of caustic ammonia, ‘The inner fourth of the layer of cement was com- posed of an inextricably interlaced body of such fibres, united into a mass, which in some places was almost homo- geneous, by calcareous salts, and containing here and there lacunze 1-1600th of an inch in length, similar to those of bone. That this structure was the young cement is certain, inasmuch as no enamel is formed on the fang of the tooth, to say nothing of the presence of the lacune. On the root of the fang of the molar in front of this, which had cut the gum some time, and had come into use, the cement had the ordi- nary structure. It may be worth while to add that in these teeth the capsule, though closely connected with the outer surface of the fang, could be readily stripped from it, and then exhibited a lay er of epithelium upon its inner surface, showing clearly that the cement was not derived from its ossification. It may be concluded, then,— 1. The teeth are true dermic structures, formed by the de- posit of calcareous matter beneath the basement membrane of a dermic papilla, or that which corresponds with one. 2. Neither the capsule nor the ‘enamel-organ,” which consists of the epithelium of both the papilla and the capsule, contribute directly in any way to the development of the dental tissues, though they may indirectly. 3. The histological elements of the pulp take no direct part (except, perhaps, eventually in the cement) in the deve- lopment of the dental tissues, becoming either absorbed or being pressed in by the gradual increase of the latter. The Conversion Theory is, therefore, as incorrect as the Excretion Theory, and the dentine is formed, not by ossification of the histological elements of the pulp, but by deposition in it, “‘ parenchymate materiam suppeditante.” I have already exceeded my limits, and I must, therefore, dismiss my last point very concisely. ‘The true homologues of the teeth in Man are, I think, the Hairs. As Hildebrandt says, “ As the Hairs in their bulb (sac), so the Teeth are de- veloped in their capsules.” The stage of the free papilla, which does not occur in the hairs of man, is absent in the teeth of the Mackarel and Frog, and, indeed, it would seem in the permanent dental capsules of man also. Substitute corneous matter for calcareous, and, the Tooth 164. HUXLEY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. would be a Hair. The cortical substance of the hair contains canals not unlike those of the dentine; its relation to a dermal papilla is the same as that of the dentine:* for although it is universally stated to be such, I think it can be shown that the hair shaft is not an epidermic structure, but a dermic one. Again, the so-called cuticle of the hair corresponds in all respects, except absolute and relative size, with the enamel —its inner layer with the enamel proper—its outer with Nas- myth’s membrane. On the root of the hair the cuticle is not continuous with the proper epidermic cells, but with a structureless membrane, which occupies more or less dis- tinctly the place of a membrana preformativa. ‘The two root- sheaths, again—true epidermic structures, but which do not enter all into the construction of the hair proper—represent the altered and unaltered portions of the “ enamel-organ.” Hairs and Teeth, then, are organs in all respects homolo- gous, and true dermal organs. Under the same category, probably, will come Feathers and the Scales of fishes. The Nails, on the other hand, seem to be purely epidermic, at least according to Kélliker’s account of their development (l.¢., p. 119); and in that case they are the homologues of the root-sheaths and enamel-organs of Hairs and Teeth. * See Todd and Bowman, p. 175. (7SE6D"*) On the Photographic Delineation of Microscopic Oljects by Artificial Illumination. By Grorcr Suapzort, Esq. Tue application of Photography to the purpose of delineat- ing microscopic forms I have for some years entertained as a favourite project; but some practical difficulties of mani- lation deterred me from putting it to the test until quite recently, when a sufficient stimulus was applied in the beau- tiful specimens both on paper and glass exhibited in the month of October last, at the Microscopical Society of London, by Mr. Joseph Delves, of Tonbridge Wells. Of the excellent promise for a highly valuable adjunct to microscopic science, the proofs in the present Number of the Journal will afford your readers an opportunity of judging. As it is. not my intention to enter into particulars of the rise and progress of this art as connected with the microscope, I will only observe that the earliest microscopic photographs which I had the pleasure of seeing were some Daguerreotypes executed by Mr. Richard Hodgson by the aid of the direct rays of the sun; and for these I believe he is entitled to claim the honour of having been the first to produce a picture of this kind. But however beautiful the sharpness and detail of pictures upon metallic plates, there are many causes to confine the practice of the Daguerreotypic art within such very contracted limits as to render it of but little use to the microscopist ; whereas the increasing beauty and sensibility of the Collodion process renders it a much more encouraging medium for fur- ther experiment in this direction, besides offering the addi- tional inducement of enabling one to transmit duplicates upon paper to others engaged upon similar observations at a distant part, by which comparisons of much value can be made, and without the expense and inconvenience of having to execute duplicates from the objects themselves. As it happens that the great majority of the followers of microscopic science are mostly engaged in professional or other business pursuits during the day-time, and in most instances at a distance from home, it occurred to me that if artificial light could be made to act sufficiently energetically to produce microscopic pictures, it would be a very consider- able advantage to a large number of persons who would other- wise not be able to avail themselves of so excellent an assistant as the photographic art ; and further, that to render it practically useful, it must be done by an illumination readily accessible and inexpensive ; 1 therefore determined to institute a series of experiments with this end in view, and having availed myself VOL, I. N 166 ON THE PHOTOGRAPHIC DELINEATION of all the hints thrown out by Mr. Delves, Mr. Hogg, and others, at the Microscopical meeting in October, after very many failures and no small amount of trouble, I at length was fortunate enough to meet with such success as, in my opinion, to offer very considerable encouragement for further operations with a reasonable hope of a really useful result; and at the meeting of the Microscopical Society in November last I had the pleasure of exhibiting a picture of a Fly’s Proboscis, pro- duced by the aid of a very small camphine lamp. In the hope of enlisting more labourers in this field of research, I purpose detailing the ‘‘ modus operandi” which I have found most successful ; trusting that, in a short time, the little seed thus sown may bring forth an abundant harvest. I would premise that I do not advocate photography in microscopic, science as a rival that will supersede the draughts- man, except in certain cases; and although it may in very many instances do so, it will most assuredly make much more work than it takes away from those who follow the occupation of a microscopic artist. When the object to be delineated is flat and moderately thin, as compared with the necessary power in use, a very excellent picture may be produced without any aid from the limner; but where the object is not so formed—although when under microscopic examination the mind can readily acquire a cor- rect knowledge of the form by focussing up and down—it is evident that from the very construction of a good objective a picture can only be obtained in one plane at a time, and it will then be necessary to take several pictures in different planes, and call in the artist’s aid to unite the productions. The immense amount of time and labour that can be thus saved in delineating subjects of an elaborate character can only be ap- preciated by those who have attempted the production of objects of this class. _ It is scarcely necessary to enter into a preliminary explana- tion of the photographic phenomena, as it is of very little use for an entire novice in the practice of this art to commence upon microscopic subjects; I shall, therefore, presume that I am addressing those who understand the general principles of photography, and shall therefore commence with _The Arrangement of the Apparatus.—Place the microscope with the body in a horizontal position, and screw on the objective to be used, and fix the object in its proper position on the object-plate of the stage by pressing down the sliding spring-piece. ‘Turn the mirror aside or remove it altogether, and having taken out the eyepiece, insert into the body a tube of brown paper /ined with black velvet, in order to prevent the OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 167 slightest reflection from the sides, which would infallibly spoil every picture if allowed to operate. The lens should then be removed from an ordinary photographic camera, and the latter elevated so as to bring its centre in an exact line with the axis of the microscope body, which must have its eyepiece-end inserted in the place left vacant by the removal of the camera lens, and that portion of the opening not filled up by the body may be rendered impervious to light by a piece of black cloth, velvet, or other similar material. The lighted lamp must next be brought, so that the centre of the flame is in the axis of the instrument, and its distance must depend upon the focus of the lens used to concentrate the light, for which purpose an ordinary convex lens of 23 to 3 inches diameter, with its flat side towards the lamp, is per- haps as useful as any, provided a second plano-conyvex lens of that focus is interposed near the object to concentrate the light still more strongly. It is not necessary, or even desirable, that an image should’ be formed of the source of light, and consequently the spherical aberration in such an arrangement as recommended is not detrimental, and may be advantageous. The ground glass screen to receive the image being in its proper place in the camera, the object may be brought toa correct focus in the usual way with the coarse and fine adjust- ment, and this cannot be done too accurately ; in fact, for delicate objects, a means of magnifying the image is absolutely requisite, and for this purpose a positive eyepiece, placed in contact with the ground glass, is perhaps best. Most achromatic objectives of the best construction are slightly over-corrected (as it is termed) for colour, in order to compensate for a small amount of under-correction in the eye- piece, that is to say the violet and blue rays of the spectrum are therefore projected beyond the red ones. As it is ascertained that most of the photogenic or actinic rays are located in the violet end of the spectrum, it follows that with such alens as is used for the microscope, the chemical focus will be somewhat more distant from the object than the visual focus, and it therefore becomes necessary to make some allowance for this difference. This may be done in two ways, either by placing the sensi- tive plate somewhat farther off than the ground glass on which the image is received, or by altering the focus by the fine adjustment ; the latter being the plan I prefer, as I find it much more accurate. The amount of difference between the foci probably varies in every objective, even apparently of the same make, and can only be ascertained by direct experiment, but the follow- n 2 168 ON THE PHOTOGRAPHIC DELINEATION ing may be some guide to those who wish to experiment upon the subject. An inch-and-a-half objective of Smith and Beck’s make required to be withdrawn from the object after the correct yisual focus is ascertained 1-50th of an inch, or two turns of their fine adjustment. A two-thirds of an inch object glass of same make wants a withdrawal of 1-200th of an inch, or 4 a turn of the fine adjustment, and A 4-10ths of an inch, about 2 divisions, or 1-1000th of an inch farther off. With the 1-4th, and higher powers, the difference between the foci is so minute that it is practi- cally unimportant. The above differences are those actually existing in my own objectives, but, as before intimated, it does not follow that they will be correct for others even of the same makers. Having arranged the apparatus, focussed, and made the requisite adjustment for chemical focus, the ground glass may be removed, and the sensitive plate placed in its stead. As in all other photographic processes, the time of exposure must be varied according to the power in use, the nature of the object to be taken, and the amount of illumination, to which must be added in the present instance the medium in which the object is mounted, but from 1 to 10 minutes’ exposure is generally requisite. An explanation of the last named disturbing cause may probably be found in the beautiful dis- covery of Professor Stokes of the property possessed by certain transparent media of arresting the chemical rays. Any account of the preparation of the collodion, &c. &e. would be more fitted for a work on photography, and would render the present paper much too lengthy : moreover there is an abundance of information on photographic manipulatory details readily accessible in numerous publications, such as Mr. Robert Hunt’s Manual, Mr. Bingham’s, Mr. Archer’s, Mr. Horne’s, Mr. Hennah’s, &c. &c. There are, however, one or two points which it is as well to allude to. If the film of a collodion picture be examined by the microscope, some specimens will present an appearance very much resembling condensed cellular tissue, such as that seen in the cuticle of leaves, being apparently made up of flattened irregular hexagonal cells ; while others seem to consist of an entirely structureless amorphous mass; the latter sort of collodion is most suitable for microscopic purposes. The final fixation of the picture by removal of the iodide of silver has a singular influence upon the result according to the method employed, and advantage may be taken of this in OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 169 order to improve the effect according as it is desired to pro- duce glass positives or negatives; for though all collodion pictures partake of both characters, one of the two should always be predominant. Of course a negative is most useful, because the drawings can be multiplied upon paper almost ad infinitum, but for certain objects the amount of detail when very delicate is in- conceivably better shown upon glass than upon paper. If then a negative picture be desired, it is best to develope with the pyrogallic acid solution, and fiz with a solution of hypo- sulphite of soda; but if, on the contrary, a positive picture is the desideratum, the effect will be infinitely better by fixing with a bath of the following, viz. :— Cyanide of Potassium . : . » 13 drams. Water 5 : ° . - a pinivs Nitrate of Silver ‘ : . . 15 grains. The cyanide to be dissolved in the water, and tbe crystals of nitrate of silver added, which immediately cause a curdy precipitate, but this is quickly redissolved, and the whole becomes quite translucent. By this method of fixing, the whites are very much purer and brighter than when the hyposulphite is used, but the pictures do not answer so well for printing from. A still further intensity of the whites may be produced by developing the picture with a solution of the proto-su/phate of iron, instead of the pyrogallic acid, and afterwards fixing with the cyanide solution ; there are, however, certain difficulties of manipulation to overcome. The solution is made as follows :— Proto-sulphate of Iron in Crystals 2 eg 87 Water. : . - by measure 10 oz. Sulphuric Acid . : : Ass 1 cz. This is best used by placing in a glass bath and totally im- mersing the plate, which should be withdrawn the moment the picture is perfectly developed, which will be in from 15 to 60 seconds, and it ought to be instantly plunged into a bath of plain water sufficiently copious to dilute the adherent moisture very considerably. The object of the bath being of glass, is in order to see the development of the picture, as every second it remains after it is fully produced, is to the detriment thereof, by causing a sort of fogginess to appear all over it. When developed with the protosulphate of iron, the pictures may be exposed to direct day-light before the final fixing, without injury, in fact with positive benefit according to Mr. Martin. The causes most frequently operating to prevent the success 170 TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. of the process are, first, want of attention to the proper illumi- nation; it is to this point more than any other that the utmost attention should be paid, and I feel confident that by well concerted measures to attain this requisite, we shall eventually be able to obtain pictures in a tithe of the time now necessary ; in the second place failures more often occur from over exposure than from being too short a time; thirdly, want of allowance for difference of visual and chemical foci. In conclusion, I would observe that some experiments upon the different light-producing substances would in all probability well repay the trouble of testing their capabilities, as from certain hints thrown out by Professor Stokes, there appears to be a very considerable difference in the amount of actinic rays emitted by differing combustibles, and it seems not improbable that a well contrived spirit lamp may be found highly advan- tageous to use while taking the impression, although its light- giving properties are so defective. I hope shortly to be able to resume this subject. On the Teeth on the Tongues of Mottusca. By J. E. Gray, PhD, FRCS S VEZ St Die, oe Lister, Leeuwenhoeck, Swammerdam, Poli, Cuvier, Fleming, Delle Chiaje, Verany, Eydoux, Souleyet, Van Beneden, Oersted, and some other naturalists, have, at various and dis- tant periods, described and figured the teeth on the tongues of isolated species of Mollusca. Dr. Troschel, in Wiegmann’s ‘ Archiv,’ 1836, 257, t. 9 and 10, and 1839, 177, t. 5, f. 8, describes and figures the teeth of some German terrestrial and aquatic Mollusca. In the same Journal, 1845, 197, t. 8, f. 6, the teeth of Ampul- laria, and in 1849, 225, t. 4, he has described and figured the teeth of some exotic Bulimi and Nanine. The Rev. Mr. Berkeley, in the Zoological Journal (iv. 278), describes the teeth of Cyclostoma elegans. Dr. Wyman, in the Boston Journal of Nat. Hist., has described and figured those of Tebenophorus and Glandina ; and Mr. Thomson, in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History (1851, vii. 86, t. 3), has published a very interesting essay on the dentition of British Pulmonifera. MM. Quoy and Gaimard, in their large government work, figured the teeth of several marine genera of exotic Mollusca ; but, unfortunately, on verification, the figures of some of the genera are so incorrect as to throw doubt on the others. TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. KL Dr. Loven, in his very excellent paper on the Mollusca of Scandinavia, made some important observations on the teeth of some marine Mollusca; and in a special paper on the sub- ject (Oversigt. af Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Férhandl., 1847, 175) he describes and figures the teeth of the several orders, families, and genera of Scandinavian Mollusca. He divides the tongues he has seen into fourteen groups, and separates the genera into families and sections, characterized by the number, position, and forms of the teeth, which opened a new series of characters for the systematic descriptions of the Mollusca. Messrs. Alder and Hancock, in their beautiful work on British Nudibranchia, and Messrs. Hancock and Embleton, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1852, have figured the teeth of several British Nudibranchiate gasteropods; and Dr. Troschel, in Wiegmann’s ‘ Archiv’ (1852, 152 t.), MM. Eydoux and Souleyet, Voy. de Bonite, M. Oersted, and myself in a paper in the Annals of Natural History for 1853, have described and figured the teeth of some genera of marine Mollusca which had not been before deseunenl Mr. Hancock and Dr. Embleton (Phil. Trans., 1852, 211) have described the development, wearing, and succession of the teeth of the Dorides ; they observe, “ fie mode of growth of the spiny tongues of Doris is evidently quite analogous to the growth and advance of the teeth of the rays and sharks, &e., or of the hoof and nails of Mammalia.” Dr. Troschel, in the third edition of Wiegmann and Ruthe’s ‘Handbuch der Zoologie,’ Berlin, 1848, proposed to divide the Gasteropods into four orders, according to the number of the teeth on the lingual band, giving them the names of— 1. Tenioglossa ; 2. Toxoglossa; 3. Proboscidea; 4. Rhipido- glossa. In some observations on this paper (Annal. and Mag. N.H., 1852, x. 411) I proposed to use the names of ‘iene aciias as technical terms in the description of the families, and pro- posed a new one, Ctenoglossa, for the numerous uniform teeth of the Pulmonata and other genera; and in a paper on the families of Ctenobranchiate Mollusca (Annal. and Mag. N. H., 1853, xi. 124), where I have described some new forms of ~ teeth, I have extended the number of terms so proposed. Believing that it will be useful to science to have a series of terms to indicate the chief modifications of these teeth which have been observed, I have sent you the following table of them, illustrated with a figure of each form, and with a list of the families of Mollusca which they characterize :— I. Rhachiglossa. The lingual membrane has a single cen- 172 TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. tral series of teeth, as in the family Glaucide, Loven, t. 3, /\ Fig. 1.—Yetus olla. Fig. 2.—Cymbiola Turneri. I Fig. 4.—Mangelia costata. Fig. 5.—Chrysodomus antiquus. Fig. 3. -Conus, sp. figs. 15, 16 ; Dotonide, Phyllirrhoide, Limapontiade of Nu- dibranchiata ; and Volutide (figs. 1, 2), of Ctenobranchiata. If. The lingual membrane, with two series of elongated subulate teeth, one on each side of the central line. a. Toxoglossa; the teeth elongate, straight, or spiral. 1. Conide ; teeth with a channel on the side and barbed. (Fig. 3.) 2. near at ; teeth subulate, straight, simple. ig. 4.) 6. Drepanoglossa ; the teeth curved, elongate, slender, com- pressed, short, conical, strong. Philinide, Onchidoride. III. The lingual membrane, with three series of teeth ; central teeth simple, A. Hamiglossa ; the lateral teeth versatile, attached by the inner end, and capable of being bent over on each side (Fig. 5); as ee Buccinide, Olivide ; with the lateral teeth flat ; ane Lamellariade ; with the lateral teeth curved TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. 173 B. The lateral teeth bent towards the central one. Cavoli- nide, Limacinade, Loven, t. 3, fig. 5,6. Amphisphysade, Lovén, t. 3, f. 20. c. Odontoglossa ; the lateral teeth fixed on the same plane as the central ; immoveable (figs. 6 and 7); as a. Fasciolariade ; the central teeth small, few-toothed ; the lateral very broad, many-toothed. (Fig. 6.) b. Turbinellide ; the central teeth moderate, largely toothed ; the lateral moderate, few toothed. (Fig. 7.) DANIO A AU Fig. 6.—Fasciolaria filamentosa. AAA Fig. 7.—Turbinella cornigera. Fig. 8.—Lepeta cceca. IV. Oplatoglossa ; the lingual membrane, with siz series of teeth, the central large, the lateral hooked, similar, (Fig. 8.) Lepetade. V. The lingual membrane, with seven series of teeth, the central recurved at the top; the inner lateral, broader, re- curved at the top. Fig. 9.—Natica pulchella. a. Tenioglossa ; the two other lateral, more or less conical, incurved. (Fig. 9.) Among Ptenobranchus Gasteropods :—Pterotrachide, Atlan- tide, Paludinide, Ampullariade. Melaniade, Littorinide, Valvatide, Naticide (fig. 9), Velutinide, Cypreade, Tricho- tropide, Capulide, Calyptreade, Pediculariade, Cyclosto- mide, Helicinide. Aporrhaide, Strombide, Loligide, Sepio- lide, Octopide. b. Dactyloglossa ; the two outer lateral teeth broad, divided into many filiform lobes at the end (fig. 10), as Amphi- peraside. 174 TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. NW, > = 4 Ys Wy Fig. 10.—Amphiperas Ovum. VI. The lingual membrane, with numerous series of teeth. a. Ctenoglossa. The teeth nearly uniform, similar; the central distinct or wanting. Among the Pulmobranchiata, as Veronicellide, Arionide, Helicide, Auriculade, Lymneade. Amphibolide, Siphona- riade, Cyclostomide (?), Helicinade, Onchidiade (Peronia). Ptenobranchiata, as Janthinade, Scalariade (fig. 11), Cas- sidide. Pleurobranchiata, as Bullade, Aplysiade, Amplustride, Acteonide. Nudibranchiata, as Tritoniade, Doride, Diphyllidiade. Pteropoda, as Clionide. THACHER Fig. 11.—Scalaria Turtoni. B. LHeteroglossa central (rarely wanting); and inner lateral teeth larger, often unequal, and variously shaped; the lateral few, uniform, (Fig. 12.) Amongst the Nudibranchiata, as Triopide (Triopa, and Idalia). Lovén, t. 3, figs. 9,10, 11. Pleurobranchiata, as Cylichna in Bullide. Lovén, t. 3, fig. 21. “Scutibranchiata, as Dentaliade, Chitonide (fig. 12); Patel- lide (fig. 13); Tecturide (fig. 14). Fig. 12.—Chiton cinereus. TEETH ON THE TONGUES OF MOLLUSCA. rH Fig. 14.—Tectura testudinalis, Fig. 13.—Patella vulgata. c. Rhipidoglossa. The central and inner lateral teeth larger, often unequal and variously formed ; the lateral teeth uniform, very numerous (fig. 15). Turbinide, Liotiade, Trochide, Stomatellide, Haliotide, Fissurellide. Neritide, all belonging to the first division of Scutibranchiata. Fig. 15.—Emarginula crassa. I may observe, that, from the examination I have been able to make of numerous kinds of Molluscs, the teeth offer one of the best characters for their division into natural families. I have such confidence in their permanence and importance in the economy of the animals, that, if I found any very considerable modification in the teeth of two genera which had been referred to the same family, or, much more, of two species, which had been referred to the same genus, I should conclude that they had been erroneously placed in such close proximity—as this modification must indicate an important difference in the habits and manners of the living species under consideration, which had before escaped our observation. The researches of Dr. Lovén, who has figured and described the teeth of several Scandinavian species of Nassa, Chryso- domus, Buccinum, §c.; of Mr. Thomson, who has described 176 COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD. the teeth of the various species of British Helices, Lymnea, &c. Mr. Alder and Mr. Hancock’s researches on the teeth of Nudibranchiata, and my own observation of the teeth of seve- ral extra European species of Tritons, Murices, Fasciolarie, &e., show that they offer such modifications in the form, surface, and shape of the edges of the individual teeth as to afford very good characters for the distinction of the species. They will, therefore, most probably furnish most important characters for the distinction of the species, especially of such genera as Crepidula, Calyptrea, Patella, &c., which, from their being long attached to particular places, change the external character of their shells, and thence assume particular forms, which have been regarded as distinct species. I may add, that the lingual band bearing the teeth, or, as it is termed, the “ tongue” of the Mollusca, makes a most in- teresting object for the microscope; and I hope that persons living in different parts of the globe will make a collection of the tongues of the marine, terrestrial, and fluviatile Mollusca in their neighbourhood, carefully marking the name of the species to which they belong, as by so doing they will afford a most important addition to the knowledge of Malacology. Excess of the Colourless Corpuscles of the Blood (Leucocythemia) occurring in Cases of Goitre. By Tuomas 8S. Hottanp, M.D., Corresponding Member of the Société Anatomique and of the Parisian Medical Society, Cork. Tue impulse which the researches of Professors Bennett and Virchow have given to the study of the histological alterations in the Blood will be, I presume, sufficient excuse for the publication of these observations ; and by confining myself to a simple narration of facts I hope to secure the attention of those who live in districts in which Goitre is of frequent occurrence, and perhaps induce them to make, in all such cases, a microscopical examination of the blood. Case 1st.*—Johannah Nissl, aged 70, died in the Allge- meine Krankenhaus of Vienna on the 17th of September, 1851; and dissection made, twenty-eight hours after death, exhibited the following appearances. — Body of the middle height, thin, pale; lower extremities * T am indebted to the kindness of Professor Rokitansky for permission to publish these cases, and the preparation, from case No. 1, is in the Pathological Museum. COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD. 177 eedematous, pupils dilated, neck thick, thorax small, sternum prominent, mamme atrophied. Head and Neck.—Calvarium porous; a small amount of coagulated blood in the superior longitudinal sinus ; pia mater pale, opaque, and cedematous ; brain soft, with a half ounce of serum in the ventricles, and small serous cysts on the choroid plexus. Neck and Thorar.—Thyroid gland so much enlarged that its right half had acquired the size of a man’s fist, and the isthmus that of an egg, while a process extending from the latter lay upon the membrana obturatoria. The left half of the gland reached as low as the right ventricle, extending slightly across the chest at the superior opening of the thorax, and measuring three inches in length by one in thickness. The entire mass was made up of small lobules, having the normal structure of the gland, through which passed large and somewhat congested veins containing fluid blood. In each pleural cavity about two pints of brownish serous fluid, which had compressed the inferior lobes of both lungs, and there was much mucus in the bronchi on each side. Two or three ounces of serous fluid in the pericardium ; general dila- tation of the heart’s cavities, more especially the right ventricle, and its base lay a little lower than usual. Pul- monary artery dilated to half again its normal size, while the heart’s cavities contained much fluid, or but imperfectly coa- gulated blood; valves healthy. Abdomen.—Right lobe of the liver somewhat enlarged, and presenting the so-called nutmeg appearance; in the gall bladder a few drops of yellowish thin gall, its mucous mem- brane being thickened and cedematous. Spleen normal in size, colour, and consistence. Kidneys rather large, and the cortical substance of a yellowish brown colour. Cavity of the uterus exceedingly small, with the internal orifice of the cervix closed. Microscopical Examination.—The spleen was most carefully examined, and appeared perfectly free from all trace of diseased action. The fluid and partly coagulated blood taken from the left ventricle exhibited a fine demonstration of that state to which Professor Virchow gives the name of Leu- keemie,* and Dr. Bennett+ that of Leucocythemia, the colour- less corpuscles being about seven or eight times more numerous than they appear ordinarily in healthy blood, and * Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. 1852. vol. ‘v. p. 43. t+ On Leucocythemia, or White Cell Blood. Edinburgh. 1852. 178 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. I had an opportunity of having this observation confirmed by my friend Dr. Robert MacDonnell of Dublin, who was at that time in Vienna. Case 2nd.—I regret exceedingly having lost the notes of this most interesting case, and in order to avoid mistakes I will only state that, in an autopsy, made in the Allgemeine Krankenhaus, in October, 1852, on the body of a woman, aged about 50, the thyroid gland was found enlarged to four or five times its usual size, while the spleen was in every respect normal, I took blood from the abdominal aorta immediately above its bifurcation, and examined it with Dr. Heschl (first assistant to Professor Rokitansky), expecting to find in ita well marked excess of the colourless corpuscles, but 7 pre- sented no such appearance, while blood taken from the pulmonary artery contained so great an excess of these corpuscles that they filled the greatest portion of the field. It would be of course quite useless to attempt generalizing from two cases, and I would only suggest that, in all similar researches, the venous and arterial blood of the pulmonic, hepatic, renal, and glandular systems be examined sepa- rately, and that the account of the autopsy be as minute as possible, as this state of the blood may be connected with very many diseased conditions, On the Practical Application of Puorocrapuy to the Iilustra- tion of Works on Microscopy, Natural History, Anatomy, §c. By Samus Hieutey jun. Many scientific phenomena, when first discovered, either from their remarkability or beauty, have excited much interest in the popular mind, but have only been regarded by it as pleasing toys, till in the course of time their practical value has been discovered, and they have been arranged thereafter in the list of applied sciences. Such was the globe of water, magnifying in distorted form the fly or flower, till in the hands of science it sprung into that exquisite refinement on optical knowledge, ‘‘ the microscope,” that discoverer of hidden worlds and life, and the seat or form of disease within the inmost walls of the human frame. Such the kaleidoscope, the tin case with its bits of coloured glass, regarded long, only as a wonder from the fair, till in practical hands we find ourselves in- debted to its aid for many of the beautiful geometric designs which ornament our walls or floors. So likewise was the camera-obseura, the discovery of Baptista Porta, of Padua, till the progress of chemical knowledge discovered to us the means of fixing its fleeting shadows; and even then its product, together with its adjunct, the stereoscope, was little PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 179 thought of in its most valuable practical bearings ; but of late this has rapidly impressed itself upon us, and we cannot as yet see the limits of its utility. In Microscopy, Natural History, Physiological and Pathological research, what an invaluable agent will Photographie art prove ; for Nature here depicts herself with her own pencil, and, in all probability, ere long from her own palette ; and in this resides one of its greatest values, for truthfulness is insured, and our studies delineated with a faithful and unbiassed hand; and with what minuteness of detail, the photographs in this Journal bear witness. With regard to good photographs from the microscope, as we have presented to our view what the eye itself would only see if directed to the field of that instrument, we may expect many valuable records of histological research soon to be in circulation, to elicit further investigation. In delineating the peculiarities of the Geological features of a country, or of its Flora and Fauna especially, where species that could not be acclimatized to other regions are concerned, the naturalist will appreciate its aid. To the old complaint of the surgical anatomist, that little can be gained from flat plates, a new atlas may be opened by the applica- tion of stereoscopic principles to photographs of well-dissected surgical parts. To the physician it offers a means in many cases of conveying to the student an idea of the ‘“‘ Physiognomy of Disease,” as already has been shown by Dr. Diamond’s interesting collodion series of ‘ Types of Insanity ;’ whilst in the accident ward, or the operating theatre, the exact delineation of many a curious and interesting case might, in a few seconds, be added to the records of its hospital, when time and the restlessness of the sufferer would not permit a drafts- man to exercise his art. Convinced of the value of this beautiful art, the offspring of phy- sical and chemical science, it is with a considerable degree of grati- fication that, as one of the Publishers of the Microscopic Journal, I am enabled to lay before the world in the plate which accom- panies Mr. Delves’ paper its first practical application as a printing process to the illustration of scientific literature, a field where it will be mostly appreciated. And it is to the principles involved, and the processes and apparatus employed, that I devote this paper, for the information of those of our readers who may be unacquainted with the details of Photography. Photographic phenomena are dependent on the power of certain rays, of which white light is composed, to effect the decomposition of certain chemical bodies when presented to their action. When white light is decomposed by the refracting influence of a glass prism, it is resolved into a spectrum, which appears to be con- stituted of seven rays, viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red; and the experiments of Sir John Herschel and Professor Stokes prove the further extension of the violet rays into lavender and spectral blue rays, and the red into a crimson ray, though these 180 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. are not visible to the unassisted eye. Sir David Brewster has, how- ever, proved that this spectrum consists only of three primary rays, blue, yellow, and red, which overlap each other, and thus by their combination produce the other spectra. These primary rays may be recognized in every part of the visible spectrum, and each seems to be possessed of a different physical property: thus Thermotic, calorific, or heating effects reside in the red rays, Light or luminous effects in the yellow rays, and the Actinic or chemical effects in the violet and the rays beyond it. Photography (light-drawing) and Heliography (sun-drawing) seem therefore to be inappropriate terms, since the light-giving rays are by experiment shown not to be the chemical agent in the pheno- menon, and artificial light produces actinic effects as well as the sun. But as, whenever photographic effects are produced, actinism is the agent, I would venture to suggest that the term Actinography would appear to be most correct. When surfaces prepared with agents sensitive to the actinic rays are exposed to light, a molecular change sets in, and the surface darkens all over; if, however, we protect any part, as by inter- posing a piece of black lace or a transparent print, we obtain a faithful outline of the first and an imprint of the second; but in both instances the natural appearance is reversed, for the parts exposed most to the light darken, whilst those parts protected remain white ; thus the black lace placed on light paper appears white on a dark ground ; whilst in the picture all the lights appear as shades, and the shades as lights. Such prints are called Negatives, and wherever this interchange of blacks for whites or lights for shades occurs, the result belongs to this class. If, however, we again print from these, the dark ground or shades protect the surface they are laid on, and they then resemble the originals; such are called Positives, and this term is applied in all cases where the lights and shades are represented as in nature. When we are operating on transparent media, this power of reversing natural effects is of the greatest value, as it presents us with the means of obtaining what is analogous te engraved plates, from which we may print numerous copies, having all the effects true to nature ; and it is to this circumstance that the Collodion Process offers such advantages, on account of the transparency, together with the modulations and depth of tone of the reversed or negative pictures obtained. It is to the production of Collodion negatives in their application to natural history and anatomical subjects, and the method of print- ing positives from them, that I devote the following description of the various operations ; and although these are described as when conducted under the most favourable conditions, this course is pre- ferred, that a guide may be given to others as to the general prin- ciples of the arrangements necessary, but which may be modified according to the position and circumstances under which they may be placed, or the extent to which they may feel inclined to carry their experiments. ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. 181 ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. The Operating Room, wherein the negative plate is taken, should be situated at the top of a house in a clear atmosphere ; if possible, it should command a northern and southern aspect : where, however, only one aspect can be obtained, the northern is preferable, as it is exempt during the greater part of the day from the direct -rays of the sun, and the actinic action over different times of the day is more uniform from this direction. ‘This is divided into two compartments,—one, being the light room, contains the Object Table, the Background and Indicating Frame; the other, the dark room, contains the Camera, the table, sink, and necessary materials for coating, developing, fixing, and washing the plate. The Light Room is built of glass, with the exception of a skirting, which rises about two feet from the floor. Within the panels are fixed rollers with black and white blinds, arranged so as to give the operator a thorough command over the direction and amount of light admitted, as may be readily understood by reference to fig. 1. Whe Object Table I have planned (T, fig. 1,) is so contrived on a cylindrical pedestal, that the object can be raised and lowered, or turned to one side or the other, with facility, so that different parts can be arranged at any angle that may be required, as when taking an anatomical view from a dead subject. Whe Back-ground (G)_ usually consists of a short-napped blanket, or a piece of nankeen cloth stretched on a frame. This is suspended by rings on the rods RR, which run across the sides of the room, so that it admits of being adjusted at any distance from the object; it may either hang perpendicularly, or gradually slanting from the object, which gives the appearance of a receding background to the picture. The best effect, however, is produced by using a very long and rough napped blanket, placed from three to five feet behind the object; and whilst the picture is being taken, VOL. 1. o 182 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. swinging it from right to left by means of a cord attached to the frame: this produces a clear transparent background, which throws the object out into bold relief with excellent effect. Whe Endicating Frame (I, fig. 1) I have contrived, consists of a broad, flat, black wooden frame, on the sides of which are painted white letters or numbers, and a fine wire, having free movement, corresponds to each letter or number, so that, if its end is dropped on any particular part of the object, we can refer to it by giving the letter or number at its origin on the frame; any other lettering, as the name of the object or that of the producers of the negative and positive, may be neatly written in with a chalk-pencil on the upper or lower bars. The top and bottom bars can be removed and replaced with others of different widths, so that the frame may be increased or decreased in width at pleasure. This is likewise suspended from the rods R R, and is so adjusted that the object is seen through it whilst the frame itself occupies the margin of the picture. By this arrangement the positive print gives a counterpart to which the type of the work it illustrates refers, and at the same time gives a finished appearance to the picture, whilst it also saves the expense and trouble of afterwards engraving the references, &c. on the plate. The Bark Room is separated from the light by black curtains C, which can be drawn from each side towards the centre, by the par- tition P, and a black blind B, which draws down, so that the room may be made impervious to white light, when the picture is to be made sensitive or developed. At other times the curtains and blinds are drawn together so as to cut off the light which comes from beyond the margin of the Indicating Frame. A window of glass, stained yellow by oxide of silver, or common glass with two or three folds of yellow glazed calico strained over it; or, according to Mr. Wilkinson’s observations, a window may be made of sheet India rubber, about 1-32nd part of an inch in thickness, is placed at the side for observing the development of the negative. The yellow media being employed to cut off the actinic rays from the light admitted, which would other- wise affect the sensitive plate. The sink is lined with gutta percha and drains off into a carboy placed for the reception of the washings, which contain silver, and are worthy of consideration in the econo- mics of large photographie establishments ; the water being at convenient opportunities evaporated off, the residue should be pre- served, till a sufficient quantity is collected, to reduce the silver it contains, or convert it into a useful salt. The Camera, or dark chamber, is usually constructed of well seasoned walnut-wood, in a manner similar to that figured above. It consists of a base-board A (figs. 2, 3), 18 inches long, to the under surface of which are screwed three brass plates BBB (fig. 3): to these the spring legs, hereafter described, are attached. To guard these plates and the clamp-serew J, a stout bead, about 14 inches deep, runs round the margin of the board, and is planed 7 SS We | | | | ] 'D D | | ae: so as to stand perfectly true on any level surface. To the base- board is attached the front of the camera C: this is square and 63 inches long laterally, into this slides D, the telescopic part of the back of the camera, which is 6 inches long. This should fit with great accuracy, that it may move smoothly and not admit any light into the interior. D’ is the part that receives the focussing gla and plate-holders; laterally it is 44 inches long; in other respects it corresponds with the dimensions of the front of the camera C. The top of this portion, Z, is only about 33 inches wide, and is moveable, sliding in two horizontal dovetail grooves in the sides of D’, leaving an aperture for the reception of the plate-holders, either at the back or towards the front of D’, according as to whether it is pushed in the direction of the lens or drawn from it. ff are perpen- dicular grooves in the sides of D’, into which the focussing- glass and the plate-holders are accurately adjusted, so that the plates and the ground glass may occupy exactly the same plane. By this arrange- ment, together with the rackwork movement of the lens, a range of foci, varying from 5 to 18 inches, are obtained. The replacement of the ordinary trap by the sliding trap E, I have found advantageous. In the front of C are two perpendicular dovetailed grooves, G G (fig. 4), into which slides the board carrying the lens F, which ean be fixed by means of the clamp-screw H, at varying heights. This movement of the lens allows the image of the object to be centered on the focussing glass without disturbing the parallelism of the camera to the object itself, as otherwise it would be necessary to resort to the objectionable mode of tilting the camera, to obtain a proper distribution of fore ground. ‘The interior of the camera is usually blackened, but M. Laucherer states, that by whitening it, he has found the time of exposing the plate lessened, and that there is greater uniformity in the distribution of the lights and 02 184 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. shades in the pictures obtained; but this method has been found by others to be objectionable. Fig. 4. The Focussing Glass consists of a plate of ground glass’ fixed into a frame of wood about 1 inch in thickness, in such a manner that when the frame is dropped into the grooves ff, it shall exactly coincide with the position the prepared surface will occupy in the plate-holders when placed in the same grooves; in other words, both focussing-glass and sensitive surface must be equally en from the lens. The ground glass is ruled with squares and cireles in pencil to correspond with the sizes and show the position the various sized plate-holders occupy in the camera; and in focussing, the image of the selected portion of the object is made to occupy that sized circle which corresponds with the size of the plate on which the picture is to be taken. When the focussing glass can be used in the front grooves, the back part of D’ serves as a shade whilst obtaining a sharp image of the object. In focussing, the rough adjustment is obtained by means of the telescopic movement of the camera ; the fine adjustment, by the rackwork or sliding moyement of the lens. After a satisfactory image is obtained, the back part of the camera is clamped by means of the screw I, which runs in a slit in the base board, The Plate-holder consists of a wooden frame (fig. 5) K, about 1 inch thick, which exactly fills up the aperture that may be made in either the back or front part of D’, and the grooves f f, into which it slides. Into this frame may be fitted two glass-plates,* between which sensitive paper is placed ; or these may be replaced by various * This or any other glass that may be interposed between the light and sensitive surface should be tested, according to Professor Stokes’s recent experiments, to see if it be of a kind that will cut off the actinic rays of the spectrum, ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. 185 plate-holders suited for the different sized plates. These are made of oak slabs, of the thickness of the two glasses, having apertures cut through them suited to the size of the plate they are intended to hold, and of the shape shown in fig. 5. Across the angles of these apertures are let four pieces of black glass, MM M M, of the same thickness as one of the glass plates. On these corners is dropped the prepared glass or metal plate, N: the sensitive surface ur \ ( i i | | iia Fig. 5. thus occupies the same plane as paper would between the glass plates. A sectional view of glass and wood plate-holders is given in fig. 5, the references being the same as in the back view. In yertical side grooves, and in front of the holder and plate, works the slide or shutter of the frame O: this is hinged, so that when it is drawn up, it may be bent over the camera so as not to be in the way whilst operating. A door hinged into the side of the frame, closes in the plate; to the centre is screwed a spring, which presses the plate up to the proper position when the door is closed and hasped. Cameras are constructed in various ways, so as to render them simpler and cheaper, or more complicated and costly, but the form described is a very good type of what a working camera should be. What are called hinged portable cameras are just costly refinements, excepting where lenses of long focus or that cover a large field are employed, for as a certain space must be occupied by the chemicals and apparatus, &c. required for the various operations, this may just as well be arranged for in the interior of the camera, which then serves as a packing case, and is ready for use as soon as the box containing the materials is removed from it. If the form of the camera described is used for travelling, a handle should be let in flush with the top of C (fig. 2). Whe Lens.—Photographic lenses are of three kinds, the single— the single combination—and the double combination,—which are selected for use according to the nature of the object to be taken. The desiderata in a lens are, sharpness of definition over the whole of a flat field, depth of definition, coincidence of the plane of chemical or actinie focus with that of the visual; in other words, the lens should be free from spherical or (relatively) chromatic aberration— I say relatively, for photographic lenses are not absolutely free from 186 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. chromatic aberration, for part of the thermotic and the actinic rays are combined, those rays of the spectrum which produce the visual effect being present in the focus and in the same plane with those which combine to produce the aetinic effect, whilst lenses intended to be used wiswally combine only those rays which have the greatest intensity in producing light. As the term “‘ achromatic,” in relation to the correction of photo- graphic lenses, involves an erroneous idea, Mr. Hunt has lately proposed the term ‘‘diactinie” for those bodies which are trans- parent to the chemical rays, and ‘‘ adiactinic” for those which are opaque to them. Spherical aberration is attributable to the incident rays M (fig. 6) not being equally refracted through different parts of the lens, the rays nearest the axial ray being less refracted than those nearer the marginal rays M, consequently they are collected at dif- ferent foci, as is shown in fig. 6; the result being a confused image Fig. 6. of the object on the focussing glass, bright and sharp in the centre, but gradually passing off into a hazy halo towards the edge. This is dependent on the form of the lens—the greater its convexity, or the greater the inequality of the curves on its two faces, with reference to the direction of the incident rays, the greater will be the spherical aberration: it is therefore less in a lens of periscopic form, which renders the marginal rays longer than the axial rays when the concave side is presented to the object. Spherical aberration is still further corrected by placing a dia- phragm, or stop, at such a distance before the lens that it will just admit the rays of light from the object and thus exclude the margi- nal rays, as in fig. 8. In proportion, however, as we decrease the size of the aperture of the stop, we increase the sharpness of the image and the size of the field, but the operation of exposing the ensitive surface is prolonged in consequence of the amount of light ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. 187 thus cut off. This decrease of actinic power, by the use of stops, is generally in the proportion of 1, 4, 8—thus, eeteris paribus, if with the largest aperture a picture was given in one minute, the smaller aperture would require four minutes, and the smallest eight minutes, to produce the same effect. Chromatic aberration is dependent on the unequal refrangibility of each of the coloured rays into which white light is decomposed whilst passing through the refracting substance of a lens. As the red rays of the spectrum are least, whilst the violet rays are most strongly refracted, it is evident that the violet or actinic rays, A, will be collected at a shorter distance from the lens than the red, or thermotic rays, 'T, as is shown in fig. 7. The space between A and T constitutes the chromatic aberration, and within it are situated, at various points, the intermediate rays of the spec- trum. At the point of intersection of the violet and red rays is situated the yellow or duminous rays and point of visual foci, L L. If therefore we obtained a sharp image on a focussing glass placed at LL, it would be necessary to place the sensitive surface, at A, to obtain a photographic picture with an uncorrected lens: this dif- ference between the chemical and visual foci, in a single crown glass lens, usually amounts to about 1-27th of its focal length. A simple mode of testing whether the visual and chemical foci are coincident, or the amount of aberration between the two, so that, in case of non-coincidence, the proper photogenic focus may be indicated, is by placing the camera before a flight of miniature steps, numbered on their faces from 1 to 7 consecutively, then focus for number 4 the centre step, take a photograph of the steps; if 4 appears sharper than the other steps or numbers, the chemical and visual foci coincide; on the other hand, if a number nearer to the plate is most distinct, the chemical focus is shorter than the visual, which indicates that the glass is under-corrected ; if a number further from the plate is most distinct, the chemical focus is longer than the visual, which indicates over-correction, and the photogenic focus will then be behind instead of before the visual focus. When lenses are used that have not these two foci coincident, a scale indicating the variation between the chemical and visual foci at different focal lengths should be marked on the draw-tube of the lens or the telescopic part of the camera. Ckromatic aberration is corrected in single lenses by the form of 188 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the lens, the meniscus being the best, and by cutting off the mar- ginal rays, in which chromatic aberration is chiefly resident, by means of a ‘stop, S, as is shown in fig. 8. Fig. 8. The most effectual mode of correcting chromatic aberration is by combining two lenses of media possessed of diferent refractive and dispersive powers. This is usually effected by employing a double convex lens of crown glass, the refractive power of which will place the focus of the violet rays at v (fig. 9), and the red rays at r, and a plano-concave or double concave of flint-glass, the refractive power of which would place the violet rays in focus at 7’, and the red rays at 2”, the result being the recombination of the various rays into white light, and the production of an achromatic image at a mean point dependent upon the focal lengths of the two lenses. Fig. 9 The perfect correction of the chromatic aberration is solely de- pendent on the proper ratio of the curves of the flint to the crown glass lens, and, according to Mr. Ross’s experience, diactinism can only be determined by trial with each individual lens. The experiments of Professor Stokes, Malaguti, and Sir John Her- schel, warn us that care should be taken in selecting for the con- struction of photographic lenses such glass and cements as will not impede the actinic rays. A. refractive aberration is common to many lenses producing images wherein straight lines are represented as bulged inwards or outwards. ‘This defect is generally confounded with spherical aber- ration: whereas it is depe sndent on the media of the lenses refract- ing more strongly at the marginal than at the central part of the ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. 18¢ lens, consequently bending outwards those portions of a line which are nearest the margin, and producing a pincushion shaped image of a square, or zrwards producing a barrel shaped image of a square, according to the form and position of the lens. As the single lens is slower in action than the double combina- tion, but as it gives a larger field and greater depth of definition —by which term is meant the power of a lens to take in near and distant objects with equal distinctness *—it is therefore best adapted for landscapes and immoveable objects, as time, which is then of no object, can be allowed for bringing out the detail of the picture. Fig. 8 represents the section of a single lens or objective, which is used on account of being cheaper, “and taking in a larger field. | 3 A i :0 Fig. 10. Fig. 10 represents a single achromatic lens, in section, constructed according to the principles of: correction described, with stops S ; cap. O; and rackwork adjustment R. With the double combination lens (fig. 11) two corrected lenses are employed; and the aperture or diameter being greater in pro- | a eeeeseee SEA | Fig. 11. * The best instance I have seen of this is in Pretsch’s view of Vienna, taken by a Ross’s lens, and exhibited at the late Photographic Exhibition at the Society of Arts. On the front of a house, situated about fowr or six miles distant from those in the foreground, the name of the occupant is discernible. 182* PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. portion to the focal length than in the single lens, it is more intense and quicker in action, therefore best adapted for taking portraits, pictures of animals, and other moving objects, though the image is considerably reduced in size. The references S, QO, R in this sectional diagram correspond with those in fig. 10, Microscopic Objectives usually consist of three, sometimes only two compound lenses ; but as they are over-corrected, the chemical ISS | rept Fig. 12. aud visual foci do not coincide, therefore must be compensated for. As it is important that the sensitive surface should be parallel to the object-glass, and having found difficulty in centering the body of the microscope to the camera, according to the mode recommended by Mr. Delves and Mr. Shadbolt, I have adopted the arrangement shown in fig. 12: a piece of tube is screwed into the flange of my photographic lens, and into a plate with which one end is closed, is screwed the object-glass; over this tube smoothly slides another, likewise closed at one end, but having an aperture correspond- ing to that of the lens: to this is attached a piece of metal, on which slides the clamping slide-plate, re- moved from the stand of my microscope ; or two springs may be screwed to the front of the outer tube, the pur- port of either being to hold the microscopical slide or object. A scale, showing the difference between the chemical and visual foci, should be marked on the inner tube. With high powers a lever fine adjustment is neces- sary. ‘To those photographers who have not microscopes, this will be found an economical mode of adapting lenses to their cameras, as the stand of the microscope is dis- pensed with. The Stand, in its simplest form, is made by fixing three spring legs, of the construction shown in Fig. 13, into the brass sockets B B B (Fig. 3), and thus forming a steady tripod, which allows the Camera to be easily adjusted in any position, and combines the advantage of extreme portability. There are many other forms more expensive or less portable, but which have advantages under some circumstances. Amongst the latter is the stereoscopic camera stand, which admits of that instru- ment being fixed at different angles. ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. *1835 Arranging and Focussing the Object.—The proper position of the object can only be learnt by experience, as it depends upon an artistic appreciation of the arrangement of light and shade, com- bined with a perfect knowledge of the chemical eftect of light when radiated from surfaces of different colours. In anatomical subjects flaccid muscle should be padded up with cotton wool into a natural appearance of rotundity, the distinction between veins and arteries being obtained by employing coloured injections possessed of dif- ferent actinic actions ; and all parts that do not tend to a clear idea of the object should be cleanly cut away. A dark drab cloth should be thrown over the Object Table, to cover its mechanism, and to form a background to the object. After the object has been satisfactorily displayed, the indicating wires should then be adjusted to any parts that are to be specially described. Skeletons may be suspended from the rods R R (Fig. 1) by cords, or supports, of the same colour as the background, to prevent their prominence in the picture. Shadows of window bars, &c., must never fall across the object. Living animals should be taken at favourable moments, as when dozing in a standing posture, or on the look out for fuod ; if wild, they should be induced to one end of a long, well-lighted den, whilst the lens is inserted between the bars at the other. Birds, reptiles, and some animals of a torpid nature, form very favourable subjects for operating on. It should always be en- deavoured to get all parts of the object in as nearly the same plane as possible; if this cannot be attained, a small stop must be inserted to obtain greater depth of definition with the lens, to prevent dis- tortion of the natural proportions. The light should fall in parallel rays on the object, and the Camera placed directly opposite it, and in such a position that strong rays of light do not fall upon the lens or intervene between it and the object. The lens should be adjusted so as to be perfectly parallel with the object; and if this is near, and inclines backwards from a plane vertical to the lens, a plate- holder working onan axis may be adjusted to a position parallel with the object. A simple mode of ascertaining whether the Camera is level is by placing a marble on its top; when level, of course the marble will not roll in any direction; this likewise applies to the levelling stands. When, by focussing, a sharp image of every part has been obtained on the ground glass, the Camera is clamped, or, if working with an uncorrected lens, the variation between the two foci must first be allowed for. If a stereoscopic view of the object is to be taken, the Camera may be moved round about six degrees, to one side of a line central with the subject, anda particular part focussed on a fixed spot of the ground glass; the camera is then moved round to a corresponding degree on the other side of the central line, the same distance from the object being preserved, and the same part again focussed on the same spot. The two Photographs, taken at different points of view, when viewed in juxtaposition stereo- scopically, resolve themselves into one image, with an appearance of solidity and elevation. + 184* PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. With microscopic objects beautiful effects of light and shade may be produced by the employment of polarized light, as the varying thiekness of the object (as in crystals of urinary salts, &c.) produces colours of different actinic action; and with a Darker’s selenite stage great command may be obtained over the colours desirable for producing the best effects by this mode of arrangement. Cleaning the Plates.—Perfect cleanliness being of the wtmost importance, when the plates are first received from the glass warehouse they should be immersed in a bath of liquor ammonia and water in equal parts, that all traces of grease may be removed, or, if they have been previously used with iron developing solutions, they should be treated with a bath of two parts nitric acid to one of water, and afterwards thorowgh/y rinsed with pure water. A con- venient form of trough for these cleansing operations may be made of gutta percha, the sides being grooved for the reception of each plate separately, so that the liquid may have free access to both surfaces of the plate. To suit plates of different sizes, a moveable grooved slab may be fitted to move across the centre of the trough, so as to advance or recede according to the width of the plates ; as soap contains grease it should never be employed. On remov- ing the plates from the water they are wiped with a perfectly clean linen cloth, then laid on a flat metal plate,* and polished off with a silk handkerchief, a circular motion of the hand being used: they are then put away in the stock box till required. Before coating the plate with collodion it should be finally polished by rubbing it on a doe-skin buff, about ten inches long by four wide, and then dropped into a wooden bowl, to prevent contact with any unclean surface. To preserve the buff from dust it should have a hinged cover, only to be kept open during the operation of polishing. The moment before applying the collodion the surface of the plate should be lightly wiped with a cambric handkerchief to remove any trace of dust. : Glass Plates.—The glass plates on which the negatives are taken should be of the best patent plate, about } inch thick, per- fectly free from any irregularity of surface, and cut to fit the pres- sure-frames best suited to the size of the page to be illustrated, and the edges then ground. Kodized Collodion is a preparation of gun-cotton dissolved in a mixture of anhydrous ether and alcohol, and iodized with pure and white iodide of ammonium, or what is better, as it keeps longer and is more conveniently applied, the iodide of silver and ammonium. By varying the proportion of the alcohol this may be made to produce films of different thicknesses and degrees of tenacity. The greater the quantity the quicker and more even is its action; but, if too much is added, it becomes attenuated, and then cracks and parts from the plate. If the film is to be transferred to paper, * The metallic surface prevents the accumulation of any electricity pro- duced by the friction of the silk, which otherwise would attract floating particles of dust. o ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. *185 blocks or plates, it must be of a very stout quality. The neck of the bottle containing the collodion must always be freed from deposit before pouring any out. Coating the Plate.—Bend the forefinger of the left hand into an angle, with the tip pressing on the ball of the thumb; on this rest the corner of the glass plate numbered 1 in the annexed figure, and hold it firmly with the end of the thumb ; breathe on the glass to see if it is sufficiently |? clean and dry; if so, the vapour will pass off instantly ; give it the final wipe with the cambric 1 4 handkerchief, then bringing the glass into a =~ horizontal position, pour the collodion plentifully on to the centre of the plate; incline the plate so that it will flow smoothly and gently into the corner marked 1, avoiding the thumb, then into 2, then 3, and lastly 4 (if the film appears too thin, it may be again flushed up to 2, allowed to spread over the plate, and again returned to 4), when, without touching the neck, return the superfluous collodion to the bottle, bring the plate into a vertical position, and impart a tremulous motion to the plate along the direction of its longer axis, so that the ridges formed by draining may run into one another: pass the lip of the bottle along the edge from 1 to 4 and from 4 to 8, backwards and forwards several times till all superfluous liquid is drained off: the result should be a perfectly smooth and even film. When the collodion is sufficiently set, and which can only be judged of from experience, it is ready for exciting. 3 The Sensitive Bath.—A gutta percha trough | inch across, and about the dimensions of the largest plate of your camera, is usually used for the sensitive solution, and should be fixed obliqaely on a block of wood, not perpendicularly as is generally the case, for this position facilitates the insertion and management of the plate. I, however, prefer the glass trough adapted to the camera, which holds the bath,in a position coincident with the focussing glass, as this arrangement certainly facilitates and shortens the operation. In either case a glass dipper may be used, which is simply a strip of glass with another piece cemented across it, on which the plate rests. The trough is charged nearly full with a bath, which may be prepared according to Mr. Hennah’s formula, in the following pro- portions :— Nitrate of silver . : . 40 grains. Distilled water. : . lL ounce. Alcohol . : : . 25 minims. Separate about an eighth of the quantity prepared, and to the greater bulk add, drop by drop, a solution of iodide of potassium till a preci- pitate of iodide of silver is formed ; agitate, and allow it to stand for some hours till the precipitate is dissolved ; filter, and then add the portion previously set aside ; test with litmus paper, and if the bath is neutral add nitric acid, in the proportion of two drops to the pint— 186* PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY, prepare rather more of this solution than is absolutely required to fill the trough. When by use this bath is robbed of its proper pro- portion of nitrate of silver, it may be again restored to its former strength by the judicious addition of a saturated solution of that salt. When not in use, it should be kept in a bottle; if in use, a lid fitted into the mouth of the trough, or the bath-frame of the camera, will preserve it from dust. When the temperature is below 60° Fabr. the bath should be raised to this point by placing it in a water-bath or by warming the room. The operating room, during the process of exciting the collodion film, must be preserved from the admission of white light, and yellow light only employed. The coated plate is rested on the dipper, previously moistened to promote adhesion, and with one steady plunge is passed into the bath. If there is the slightest pause, a line will be produced across the film, which will be imparted to the posztves printed from it. After remaining in the bath for about a minute it is lifted in and out two or three times, and when the liquid flows evenly over the film it is sufficiently saturated ; it is then drained, the uncoated side laid ona pad of blotting-paper to remove superfluous moisture, and finally adjusted in the plateholder, with pieces of blotting-paper interposed between the corners of the plates and the glass rests (M, M, M, M, fiz. 5). If the glass bath adjusted to the camera is employed, the plate may be coated in the open air; and when the collodion is in a proper condition, the plate, resting against the sloping back of the bath, is plunged in, and the lid of the bath-frame shut down: in two minutes raise the lid and push the plate up to the front glass of the trough, so that it occupies a position corresponding with the plane of the focussing glass, and again close the lid, taking care during this movement not to allow any light to fall into the bath, which may be obviated by throwing a black cloth or yellow hand- kerchief* over this end of the camera. Exposing the Plate.—If operating in the rooms described, pull up to the required height the blind that shuts off the light from the room containing the object, and see that there is a sharp image on the focussing glass ; then fit the cap on to the lens, replace the focussing glass with the plateholder or bath-frame, raise the shutter of the frame (QO, fig. 5), remove the cap of the lens and expose for the necessary time, replace the cap, close the shutter, remove the frame, and proceed to develop the picture as soon as possible. The requisite time for exposure can only be judged of by experience, as it depends upon a knowledge of the action of the lens employed, whether single or double combination, the size of the stop, the sensitiveness or age of the collodion, and the nature of the light, colour of the object, and the temperature of the atmo- sphere at the time of operating; but it varies from a moment to a quarter of an hour. With asingle achromatic lens, of 12 inches _A large pw pocket-handkerchief will be found a very useful com- panion to a photographer when on a tour, ENGRAVING, OR ‘TAKING THE NEGATIVE. F187 focal length, 3 inches diameter, and 4 inch stop, from 10 to 30 seconds will be, however, on an average, found sufficient. If a negative is required, it must be exposed longer than for a positive. Developing the Negative.—On removing the plate in the darkened room no picture will be visible; if it has been exposed long enough for the production of a negative, develop the latent image with the following solution :— Distilled water 5 a . 8 ounces. Glacial acetic acid . ; . 14 drams. Pyro-gallic acid. : . 12 grains. If there is any sediment after the pyro-gallic acid has dissolved, filter and preserve it in a bottle. Place the plate on a stand, having an arrangement of screws by which it may be brought to a level; or the plan I employ saves the expense of this stand—across a glass plate, about 6 inches by 4, I cement a thicker strip about 13 inch from one end, to prevent the liquid flowing up to the fingers and staining them; round the longer end I fold a piece of stout blotting-paper like a note; when this is moistened it acts as a sucker when the plate is laid on it, and may be moved about by the hand without fear of its separating. Having, by either of these means, brought the plate to a horizontal position, pour out, into a perfectly clean glass measure, a quantity of the developing solution sufficient for the size of the plate, and for every dram add 2 drops of a solution of nitrate of silver in the proportion of 40 grains to 1 ounce of distilled water. A plate 4 inches by 3 requires 2 drams. 5 + 2? o 9 9 29 9 oe ” ~ ” 7 22 29 8&3 2? 63 >? 12 Pour this over the surface, and if the plate is held on the sucker impart a gentle whirling motion to it, that a perfect dispersion of the liquid may be facilitated. The lights of the picture should appear first, and then the shadows, according to their depth of tone. Examine the progress of the development by reflected light, and when the details of the original are well defined pour off the liquid, and wash in the horizontal position with a stream of cistern water poured gently over its surface. Never retain the solution on the plate after it has attained a dark brown colour; and if the plate has been under exposed, which may be known by the picture appearing very slowly, and by the lights deepening before the appearance of the shades, it should be washed off before the whites become opaque. If, on the other hand, both lights and shades appear instantly and about the same moment, with little difference of tint, the plate has been over exposed, and little can be done to make it useful. Developing the Positive.—If a positive is required, the pic- ture should have a shorter exposure in the camera, and be developed 190 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. with the previous solution, to which a few drops of nitric acid has been added.* Fixing the Piecture.—Cover the surface of the plate with a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda, and by daylight watch the absorption of the iodide of silver, when every trace of this yellow salt has been dissolved, well wash it, and leave a body of water on the surface of the plate for twenty minutes, maintaining it in a horizontal position throughout this operation.| After the plate has been washed several times (for it is important that every trace of the hyposulphite of soda be removed, or it will crystallize and spoil the negative, as it would fade during the exposure when printing from it), it is drained, and, when perfectly dry, varnished with amber dis- solved in chloroform, which is applied ina similar manner to coating the plate with collodion ; the negative is then ready to print from. MAKING THE PLATES READY FOR PRINTING. For printing, negative plates are alone employed. ‘The side coated with collodion is laid on the albuminized surface of the positive paper, pressure employed to bring them into close contact, and they are then exposed to the light till the proper depth of colour is obtained. The best form of pressure-frame is that sold by Newman, of Regent Street, as the pressure is very equally dis- tributed over the surface, so that there is little danger of breaking the glasses, and is thus constructed. A very flat, strong, well- seasoned board, with a cushion of cotton-velvet, padded with layers of flannel, is attached to two strong bars, which again fit into a still stronger bar, as will be readily understood by consulting the back and lateral views (Fig. 14). This cross-bar carries a screw at each end, over which a frame, fitted with a plate of glass, about 3-8ths of an inch thick, and correspond- ing with the size of the cushioned board, drops, and which can be screwed down to any required pressure by means of the nuts fit- ting on to the screws. In the ordinary way each sub- ject is printed on paper, only a little larger than tie size of the picture ; afterwards trimmed and mounted on paper ; but in the pre- sent instance it will be perceived . that both views, together with the Fig 14. letterings, are printed on one sheet and by a single operation. * See also Mr. Shadbolt’s Paper, Micro. Jour., p. 169. { A levelling stand may be readily formed of a gallipot and wedge of cork, placed in a dish or tray. ENGRAVING, OR TAKING THE NEGATIVE. 189 For the purpose of saving time (an important point in the appli- eation of photography to the illustration of periodicals or other works) I found it necessary to contrive a special arrangement to attain this end; and experience gained in working this out on the photographs illustrating this Journal fully justities the adoption of this method for the future. In a stout board, 3-inch thick, square apertures, in proportion to the size of the page to be illus- trated, are cut, just deep enough to admit a piece of plate-glass, t-inch thick, and the negative plate, so that when they are inserted together, the glass is flush with the wood; the thick plate, which is placed undermost, is rather larger than the negative, to allow of two beads fixing it down to the rabbet on which it rests ; within the beads the negative plate is cemented by its edges, collodion film uppermost. Above this is cemented the lettering-piece, which consists of a strip of glass, coated and blackened by the albumen or collodion process, and then engraved backwards and varnished ; this arrangement will be understood by examining Fig. 14. If the negative plates are too large for the work they are intended to illustrate, as was the case in the present instance, being about 6 inches by 5, the best portion must be selected, the centre of this ascertained, and a circle scratched round it with the sharp point of the compasses; the plate is then cut down witha diamond to the proper sized square. If the object would appear to. best effect with a black border, as in the figure of the Trachee of the Silkworm, the collodion film must be carefully trimmed away with a graver from the margin of the circle, then cleaned off with a cloth moistened with spirit, so as to leave the margin perfectly clear for the passage of light ; this consequently prints black ; on the other hand, when the subject is dark, as the Proboscis of the Fly, and would be thrown up with the contrast of a white ground, a circle must be cut out of black glazed paper, the aperture adjusted to the circle containing the part eee and the margin gummed down to the collodion side of the plate, Here I would suggest that if photography is found advantageous for the illustration of microscopical works, authors should adopt a plan similar to that found so convenient with object slides, of using a fixed scale of sizes for their glass plates, which must be determined by the sizes of the books they are intended to illustrate. A demy- octavo, with two negatives io the page, will only allow of the plates being 4 inches square ; a demy-quarto will take in four of these plates, or two plates 5 inches square ; a square octavo, one of the latter size. As by this arrangement of the pressure-frame, both the objects and lettering-pieces are printed on the same sheet of paper at the same moment, labour and time, which otherwise would be neces- sarily employed in mounting them, are saved, consequently expense. VOL, I, G.* 190 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. PRINTING THE POSITIVE. ALBUMINIZED PAPER PROCEss. The Positives, with which the present Number of this Journal is illustrated, are obtained by the albuminized paper process, which has been selected on account of the brillianey of the lights, inten- sity of the shadows, and definition of the pictures it produces. Whe Paper should have a smooth surface, a firm and even" texture, weight from 12 to 24 Ibs. per ream, of equal transparency | throughout, free from spots of any kind ; not too strongly sized,—a starch-sized being preferable to a gelatine-sized paper; as chemi- cally pure as possible, free from watermark, and old paper should be selected in preference to new—the best papers for photographic purposes being those manufactured by Canson Freres, Turner, Whatman, and Lacroix. The quality of a paper is ascertained by examining it vertically before a light, and the side to be chosen is that which does not show any small square indentations: this, being the smoothest of the two surfaces, is selected, and, for future recognition, should be marked in pencil with the letter R. For the albuminized process Canson Freres’ thick paper will be found the best, which should be cut in sizes, about 4 inch longer than the length of the picture required. The Albumen, Jn a large-lipped basin mix the following pro- portions :— The white ofeggs - - - - - = = loz* Distilled water - = ~ - == - - loz. Chloride of sodium - ae (sb de Se cee ee } OZ. Whisk this mixture up to a white froth with a wooden or ivory salad- fork, or, what is better, a bundle of three or four pens stripped of the feathers ; then skim with a wooden or ivory spoon, cover it with a glass plate, and let it stand for twenty-four hours. The scum that is formed on the surface at the end of that time should not be removed, as it protects the rest from dust. Make a small hole in this scum near the lip of the basin, and gently decant a sufficient quantity to cover the bottom of a gutta percha trough to the depth of ¢inch. The best troughs that I have seen are those sold by Henneman ; they are stamped in moulds, and are attached to slabs formed out of two pieces of well seasoned wood glued together in reverse positions of the grain: this effectually prevents warping, and secures a very flat bottom. As the internal surface is polished, it should never be wiped out with anything but a piece of fine sponge, and when not in use should be kept filled with water. Remove any air-bubbles that may form on the albumen with a piece of paper, then take the paper by two corners diagonally opposite, between the tips of the fingers and thumbs ; lay one corner on the albumen, bend * One ounce equals the white of one egg. PRINTING THE POSITIVE. 191 the paper backwards till it bulges out like a ‘ squaresail ” before the wind, lower the edge nearest the body gently on to the surface, and then, with an eyen and sweeping motion of the hand, carry forward the marked side of the paper over the surface of the albumen till it floats flat thereon, taking great precautions that air-bubbles are not interposed, and that the paper never touches the bottom of the trough, as in either case it would be spoilt ; allow the paper to rest for two or three minutes, then with a reverse motion of the hand rip it off the albumen, allow it to drain from a corner, pin it by one corner on to a tape stretched across the room; in a few minutes make a small piece of blotting-paper adhere to the lowest corner to absorb all moisture that may drain into it; when dry, place it on three or four sheets of blotting-paper, and one sheet on the back ; then p ss an iron over it so warm that saliva just simmers onit. ‘This coagulates the albumen, forming an insoluble size which renders the paper very tough. Making the Paper Sensitive.—In the dark room is placed a gutta percha trough, containing a solution* of— Nitrate of silver - - - - - = - 120 grains. misled water = ~- 9 ' =. = =e = = TL 08. on which the albuminized paper is floated for two or three minutes, and then dried in the same way and with the same precautions as in the former operations. When dry, the papers curl up into cones, like grocers’ sugar papers, and in a similar manner may be packed one inside the other, and placed in a tin case till required for use. If protected from white light, this paper will keep for about a week after its preparation. Exposing in the Pressure-frame.—In the darkened room take the sensitive albuminized paper, spread it out flat, and adjust it on the cushion of the pressure-frame ; place the board into which the negatives are fixed over it, so that the coated surface of the plates is in contact with the sensitive side of the paper; screw the two boards tight together, tilt the frame over into such a position that an equal beam of light falls upon the picture ; if in the direct rays of the sun, expose for about three minutes ; if in diffused light, from half an hour to one hour. The exact time for obtaining the tone required can, however, only be judged of by experience, as the depth of tone of the negatives operated with, and the amount and kind of light during the time of printing, must be taken into consideration. It is, however, better to over than under-print the positives, as the tone can always be reduced, but not increased, by after cperations. Fixing.—The positives must be finally fixed by carefully dis- solving out all the remaining chloride of silver they contain by * This proportion may be considered extremely strong, but Mr. Henne- man finds that it produces vigorous pictures with rapidity. The silver may be reduced to 100, 80, 50 grains, or less, but the chloride of sodium must be reduced in proportion, Oo” 2 192 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY. immersing them in a bath of one part of a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda and eight parts of water. The older this bath becomes the better are the tones obtained ; care being taken to add occasionally some fresh crystals of the hyposulphite to prevent its being saturated with the salt of silver obtained from the positive previously treated in it, in which case its dissolving powers cease. Fixing and Toning.— Various tones, from India paper tints to pure black, may be given to the positives thus obtained, by treating them, after removal from the pressure-frame, with a bath of— Hyposulphite of soda..- -... =» -s }=5. =.00e@ Water .= > =. -» -iws0 5s ae eee Chloride ofgold - - - - - = = 2 grains, contained in a gutta percha trough, the positive being placed with the picture uppermost. By this method the positive is toned and fixed by the same operation. . Watch the proof till the desired tone has been obtained, the posi- tives should then be removed, and afterwards washed ina succession of baths of warm water till every trace of hyposulphite of soda is removed. These washings usually require about six baths of a quarter of an hour each, and then a final one in distilled water. Too great care cannot be devoted to this operation being thoroughly performed, as otherwise the pictures fade in the course of time. On removal from the last bath dry the proofs by suspension ; when dry, smooth them out by passing a warm iron over the backs, or hot-press them ; the warnith also improves the tones of the picture, and glazes it. ; Having placed before the reader the various stages of the col- lodion and albumen process, it will be readily understood what advantages the former offers, for whilst by its aid we can obtain faithful delineations of such an object as the Proboscis of the Fly, from the moment of coating the plate to its final varnishing, in less than a quarter of an hour, and at the cost of a few pence, the same subject engraved on wood, with an equal amount of minuteness, would occupy a wood-engraver a month, and at a cost of not less than ten pounds. On the other hand, the expense of the employ- ment of silver salts, and the time required in fixing the positives, cousiderably enhances the cost of printing from them. 1 trust, how- ever, that photographers will see the necessity of devoting their attention to the perfection of some printing process wherein cheaper sensitive materials can be employed, and probably some of the chromates. would supply this desideratum: but such rapid and vigorous results have been obtained by the employment of the silver salts, that there has been little inducement to seek perfection by aid of other, though cheaper, agents. As yet the economies of the art have not come fairly before them. Another cause, tending to make Photographic Printing expensive and inconvenient, is the entire dependence of the operator on fa- vourable weather; means should, therefore, be adopted to render PRINTING THE POSITIVE. 193 him independent of natural light, and little difficulty would, I think, be experienced in arranging a diffused artificial light suitable for photographic purposes ; and the aim should be to produce a bluish violet-coloured flame, not an intensely white or yellow one. It will be seen that the photographer occupies the position of the draftsman, engraver, and printer of ordinary processes; but the analogues of drawing and engraving being performed at one and the same moment suggests a division of labour between the Photo- graphic Artist, who would devote his attention to the artistic prin- ciples of the subject and the production of the negatives, and the Photographic Printer, who would conduct the processes for the pro- duction of positives; and this branch should be conducted on an extensive scale, with division of labour, but this not of an expensive kind, as children or girls might be employed with advantage ; and, as mechanical means generally facilitate labour, a photographic press, of the following construction, might be employed. and ‘ Lectures on Polarised Light,’ the best familiar exposition of that abstruse subject in our language. He also contributed numerous articles to societies, journals, reviews, &e. By his labours he rescued therapeutics from the chaos of hypothesis and absurdity in which it was formerly involved, and established it on a firm scientific basis. His death has left a void amongst European pharmaceutists which will not be readily filled. As a lecturer, he secured the attention of his class by an earnestness of purpose, aptness of experimental illustration, and the practical bearing of his remarks. He was a real friend to the student, to whom he was ever most liberal in affording assistance, often devoting valuable time in making him thoroughly acquainted with the subject of his studies. Dr. Pereira was, at the commencement of his medical career, apprenticed to a general practitioner, attended the Aldersgate Dispensary, became its apothecary, and lectured on Chemistry and Materia Medica. He afterwards became lecturer on these subjects at the Aldersgate School of Medicine, where his lectures attracted many students from the City hospitals. He subsequently lectured at the London Hospital, till about six years since. In 1840 he obtained the degree of M.D. Erlangen, and 244 OBITUARY. became a licentiate of the London College of Physicians, and was elected a fellow of that body in 1845. In 1841 he was appointed Physician to the London Hospital, which post he occupied up to the time of his death. He also lectured at the Pharmaceutical Society, and was Examiner on Materia Medica in the University of London. Though of good and affluent family, from reverses suffered by his father through unfortunate mercantile speculations he was obliged to make his way through the world unassisted, and he attained his high position in the profession entirely through his own industry and perseverance. He was a liberal advocate of popular education, and frequently lent his aid at our scientific institutions. He loved science for its own sake, and his name will ever be associated with those departments to which he devoted his labours; whilst those who were personally acquainted with him will long honour his memory. ivan)? FR ANION th j inal'T’ ane 4 << TRANSACTIONS MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY LONDON. NEW SERIES. ee VOLUME I. LONDON: SAMUEL HIGHLEY, 32, FLEET STREET. 1853. rage tre Mig o's i ae & vier (oth, ety 2 2. at AB sy ha See aa i F FT INDEX TO TRANSACTIONS, VOLUME I. A. Aloe verrucosa, raphides in, 21. Amphistegina, 87. Asteridia, in Alge, Rev. W. Smith on, 68. B. Beale, Dr. L., analysis of raphides of Cactus enneagonus, 25. Binocular microscope, Prof. Wheat- stone, 99. Brachionus, 3. Busk, G., on the structure and de- velopment of Volvox globator and its relations to other unicellular plants, 31. 93 some observations on the structure of the starch granule, 58. C. Cactus enneagonus, Quekett on ra- phides of, 20. » senilis, Quekett on raphides of, 22. Chara vulgaris, 21, Cladophora glomerata, 21. Cocconema lanceolatum, 21. Cordylophora lacustris, 21. Cyst, membranous, containing a crys- tal of oxalate of lime, on the olfac- tory nerve of a horse, J. B. Simonds on, 26, D. Delves, Joseph, on the application of photography to the representation of microscopic objects, 57. Diatomaceous earth found in the Island of Mvll, Prof. W. Gregory, 92. K. Eleagnus pee et raphides in, 22. Epithemia turgida, 95. Eunotia Triodon, 95. », Pentodon, 95. 55) abr, 95. F. Fayasina, minute structure of, by Prof. Williamson, 87. Floscularia, vibrating membranes in, Fresh-water Algz, stellate bodies oc- curring in the cells of, Rev.W. Smith on, 68. G: Gosse, P. H., on water vascular sys- tem in WVotommata aurita, 5. Gregory, Prof. W., on Diatomaceous earth found in the Island of Mull, 92. H. Huxley, T. H., on Lacinularia so- cialis, 1. ; Hydrodictyon utriculatum, amyla- ceous corpuscles of, 67. K. K6lliker on division of the yolk in Megalotrocha, 11. | bs Lacinularia — socialis, gees and physiology of, by T. H. Huxley, F.R.S., 1. Leydig, Anatomie u. Entwick.-gesch d. Lacinularia socialis, &e., 2, 8, 12. Lyngbya floccosa, 71. M. Megalotrocha, 1, 12. Melicerta, 2. Merulius lachrymans, 74. Mesostomum, 7. Mesocarpus scalaris, 71. Mummery, I. R., on the development of Tubularia indivisa, 28. Mull earth, 95. Index to Transactions. N. Naviculacez, 93. Notommata aurita, teeth of, 4. water vascular sys- tem in, "P. H. Gosse on, 5. Nonionina, 87. N. Opuntia, raphides in, 21. P- Philodina, 17. Photography, on the application of, to the representation of microscopic objects, by J. Delves, 57. Polyzoa and Rotifera, analogy be- tween, 16. Potatoe, amylum grains of, 62. Polystomella crispa, 87. Q. Quekett, on the structure of the ra- phides of Cactus enneayonus, 20. 5 on the presence of a Fungus and of masses of crystalline matter in the interior of a living oak tree, 72, R. Raphides, Quekett on, of various plants, 20. Rhubarb, raphides in, 21, Ss. Scilla maritima, vaphides of, 21. Simonds, J. B., on a membranous cell or cyst upon the olfactory nerve of a horse, coutaining a large crystal | of oxalate of lime, 26. | Smith, Rev. W., on the Asteridie or | stellate bodies occurring in the cells | of Fresh-water Algz, 68. Spharoplea crispa, 21. Spherosira Volvor, 32, 39. Spongilla fluviatilis, 21. Starch, granule, observations on the structure of, by G. Busk, 58. Stephanoceros, 4. Surirella ovata, 21. Synedra fasciculata, 21. Abe Tous le mois, starch of, 65, 66. Truncatulina tuberculata, 87. Tubularia indivisa, development of by I. R. Mummery, 28. Turbellaria, 16. U. Udekem, on the water vascular sys- tem of Lacinularia, 6. MV. Volvox globator, Busk, G., on the struc- ture and development of, 31. = further elucidations of the structure of, by Prof. W. C. Wil- liamson, 45. V. aureus, 40. V. stellatus, 40. W. Williamson, Prof. W. C., further eluci- dations of the structure of Volvox globator, 45. Williamson, Prof. W. C., on the mi- nute structure of Fuwasina, Wheatstone, Prof, on the binocular microscope and stereoscopic pic- tures of microscopic objects, 99. Z. Zygnema quadratum, 70, » gquintnum, 70. TRANSACTIONS OF THE MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. LactNubariA socrAus. A saga to the Anatomy and Fg logy of the Rortrera. y DE Hoxrey, Mea, F.RS., Assist.-Surgeon R.N. (Road Dec. 31, 1851.) Tue leaves of the Ceratophyllum, which abounds in the river Medway, a little above Farleigh Bridge, are beset with small transparent, gelatinous-looking, globular bodies, about 1-5th of an inch in diameter. These are aggregations of a very singular and beautiful Rotifer, the Lacinularia socialis of Ehrenberg. On account of their relatively large size, their transparency, and their fixity, they present especial advantages for microscopic observation ; and I therefore gladly availed myself of a short stay in that part of the country to inquire somewhat minutely into their structure, in the hope of being able to throw some light on the many doubtful or disputed points of the organization of the class to which they belong. We are told by Ehrenberg (‘ Infusions-Thierchen,’ p. 403) that Lacinularia socialis was discovered and described anonymously in Berlin in 1753. Miiller bestowed upon it the name of Vorticella socialis, which was changed by Schweigger to Lacinularia in 1820. Previously to the time of Ehrenberg the genus appears to have become confounded with Megalotrocha ; and indeed Dujardin very reasonably, as it seems, altogether denies the propriety of their separa- tion. The extreme resemblance of the two forms is admitted by Ehrenberg himself; but he considers the attachment of the ova of Megalotrocha by a filament to the body—a circum- stance which does not obtain in Lacinularia—and the exist- ence of a gelatinous investment in the latter which is not found in the former, to be sufficient grounds of distinction, The matter is not one of much importance, but I call attention to the close alliance between Megalotrocha and Lacinularia for a reason which will appear in the sequel, The globular aggregations of which I have spoken are not VOL. I. L 2 Houxtey on Lacinularia socialis. ramified animals like the freshwater Polyzoa, to which, at first sight, they have no small resemblance, but may be truly called compound animals, since each of the Lacinularie is a separate individual, which at one time swam about freely by itself,* which has voluntarily united itself with its fellows, and has taken its share in throwing out the gelatinous sub- stance which connects them into a whole. Each Lacinularia (Pl. I. fig. 1) has an elongated conical body, whose outer extremity is considerably the wider, and whose inner smaller end is truncated, and serves as a sucker or means of attachment to the stem on which the whole mass is seated ; the outer third or fourth of the body contains the viscera, nothing but the muscular cords extending into the inner narrow elongated part of the animal. During con- traction the latter portion is thrown into sharp folds, while the visceral portion presents only three or four faint transverse constrictions. When the Rotifer is in a state of expansion and activity, its outer extremity is terminated by a large horseshoe-shaped wheel-organ, or “trochal disc” (figs. 2, 5), connected with the body by a narrowed neck. When contracted and at rest, the whole of this apparatus is drawn in, and the body takes on a more pyriform appearance (fig. 5). The mouth lies in the notch of the trochal disc (fig. 4 d) ; the anus is placed on the opposite side, at the lower part of the visceral portion of the animal (f). Anatomy of Lacinularia.—I will now proceed to describe the various organs of the animal more minutely. The “trochal disc” is, as I have said, wide and horseshoe- shaped. It is seen in profile at figs. ] and 2; from above at fig. 3. Its edges are richly beset with large cilia, which present a very beautiful wheel-like movement. Ehrenberg says that the ciliary organ is “as in Megalo- trocha,’ and in this he describes the disc as having a simple ciliated edge. I have not examined Megalotrocha, but I can say most decidedly that such is not the structure of La- cinularia.t In fact, the edge of the disc has a considerable thickness, and presents two always distinct margins—an upper (p) and * Or rather had the power of swimming about freely; for it does not appear that the young Lacinularie ever do leave the gelatinous envelope of the parent mass, unless aggregated together, + Leydig (Zur Anatomie und Entwickelungs-geschichte der Lacinu- lavia socialis—Siehold and Kolliker’s Zeitschrift for February, 1852) says that ‘‘an elevated ridge runs along the lower surface of the wheel organ, not far from and parallel to its margin, whence there is a double edge and a groove, in which alone ciliary motion is observed.” ie Hox ey on Lacinularia socialis. 2 a lower (p’), of which the former is the thicker and extends beyond the latter. The large cilia are entirely confined to the upper margin, and, seated upon it, they form a continuous horseshoe-shaped band, which, upon the oral side, passes entirely above the mouth (fig. 4). The lower margin (p’) is smaller and less defined than the upper, its cilia are fine and small, not more than 1-4th the size of those of the upper margin. On the oral side this lower band of cilia forms a V-shaped loop (fig. 4), which constitutes the lower and lateral margins of the oral aperture. About the middle of this margin, on each side, there is a small prominence, from which a lateral ciliated arch runs upwards into the buccal cavity, and, below, becomes lost in the cilia of the pharynx. The aperture of the mouth therefore lies between the upper and lower ciliary bands. It is vertically elongated, and leads into a buccal cavity with two lateral pouches, which give it an obcordate form; these lateral pouches contain the lateral ciliated arches. A narrow pharynx leads horizontally backwards from the lower part of the buccal cavity, and becomes suddenly widened to enclose the pharyngeal bulb in which the teeth are set. Where the buccal cavity meets the pharynx, a sharp line of demarcation exists (fig.2). In Meli- certa two curved lines are seen in a corresponding position, and evidently indicate two folds (PI. II. fig. 26), projecting upwards into the cesophagus. In Brachionus these folds are stronger (fig. 31), while in Stephanoceros and Floscularia this partition between the cesophagus and what may be called-the crop is still more marked. From the inner margin of the aperture in the partition two delicate membranes hang down into the cavity of the crop, which have a wavy motion, and it is to them I think that what Mr. Gosse describes as an appearance of “ water constantly percolating into the alimentary canal” is due. Dujardin had already noticed (I. c, p. 98) these “vibrating membranes” in Floscularia (‘ Infusoires,’ p. 611). Between the pharyngeal bulb and the mouth there lies on each side of the pharynx a clear, yellowish, horny-looking mass (f'), which sometimes appears merely cordate, at others more or less completely composed of two lobes. A similar structure exists in Brachionus and Melicerta. 1 believe its function is to give strength to the delicate walls of the pharynx, and that it is therefore to be considered as a part of the horny skeleton.* * Leydig (loc. cit.) calls these bodies sacs, and considers them to be salivary glands, b2 4 Huxtey on Lacinularia socialis. The general nature of the pharyngeal bulb and of its movements has been so often described that it is needless for me to refer to the subject here. With regard to the teeth, however, what I have seen is considerably at variance with the accounts of both Ehrenberg and Dujardin; the former calls the teeth of Lacinularia “reihenzihnigen,” that is, having a stirrup-like frame, with many. teeth set upon it's and the latter, in his general definition of the “ Melicertiens,” under which head he places. Lacinularia, has “ machoires en étrier” (¢ Hist. Nat. des Infusoires,’ p. 612).* As I have seen it (fig. 6), the armature of the pharyngeal bulb in this species—as in Stephanoceros—is composed of four separate pieces. Two of these (which form the incus of Mr. Gosse) are elongated triangular prisms,} applied together by their flat inner faces ; the upper faces are rather concave, while the outer faces are convex, and upon these the two other pieces (the mallei of Mr. Gosse) are articulated. These last are elongated—concave internally, conyex ex- ternally—and present two clear spaces in their interior ; from their inner surface a thin curved plate projects inwards, At its anterior extremity this plate is brownish, and divided into five or six hard teeth, with slightly enlarged extremities, Posteriorly the divisions become less and less distinct, and the plate takes quite the appearance of the rest of the piece. This is essentially the same structure as that of the teeth of Notommata, described by Mr. Dalrymple (‘ Phil. Trans,’ 1849), and by Mr. Gosse (on the Anatomy of Notommata aurita, Mic. Trans. 1851), and very different from the true “ stirrup-shaped ” armature. A narrow cesophagus passes directly downwards from the posterior part of the cavity of the pharyngeal bulb, through the neck of the animal to the body, where it opens into the wide alimentary canal. This is divided into three portions by an upper, a middle, and a lower constriction. The two upper parts are often not very distinctly divided. A wide oval or pyriform sac, whose wall contains many nu- cleated cells, opens into the upper portion on each side. This is the “ pancreatic” sac of Ehrenberg.t The middle dilatation frequently gives origin to several short cellular coeca, The lowest dilatation is globular, and has also several cel- * Leydig also finds Ehrenberg’s figures “ untrue to nature.” + Not described by Leydig. { According to Leydig there are four of these bodies, two smaller and twa larger, and they do not open into the alimentary canal.—Loe, cit., p, 463. ~- Huxtey on Lacinularia secial’s. 5 lular cceca projecting from its outer surface. Within it is clothed with very long cilia. The intestine is short and wide, and comparatively delicate ; it bends suddenly upwards on the side opposite the mouth, and terminates in a cleft of the integument, whose whole extent it did not seem to me to occupy. (Fig. 1 ) The Water Vascular System.—This system is thus loosely and confusedly alluded to—I cannot call it described—by Professor Ehrenberg :*—‘ The vascular system consists of transverse circular canals in the body, a vascular network at the base of the wheel-organ, with perhaps a broad circular canal at this part, and of trembling gill-like bodies”—(loc. cit., p- 403). The vascular system is so obyvious,{ that it is diffi- cult to understand how it can have been thus blurred over. The reader will bear in mind that the two bands which run up from the cloaca in many Rotifera, and are usually con- nected at their extremity with a “ contractile vesicle,” while they give attachment in their length to the “ trembling gill- like organs” of Ehrenberg, are considered by the latter to be the testes. He says that “ the trembling organs” appear to be within the sac in Hydatina, outside it in Notommata. Von Siebold (‘ Vergleichende Anatomie’) first pointed out that a vessel runs up in each of these bands, and that the *« trembling organs” are short branches of these vessels, each of which contains a vibrating ciliary band (Flimmer-laippchen), to which the trembling appearance is due. According to Von Siebold each of these vibrating bodies indicates an opening in the vessel. Oskar Schmidt (‘ Versuch einer Darstellung d. Organisation d. Riiderthiere-—Erichsons Archiv, 1846) asserts that the ends of the water-vessels are closed, and that the vibrating body is within them. Dalrymple (loc. cit.) saw no testes in the lateral bands of Notommata, and considers that the “ tags” (the “ trembling organs” of Ehrenberg) are externally ciliated at their extre- mities. Mr. Gosse (‘ Microscopical Transactions,’ 1851) describes the water-vascular system in Notommata aurita, and states that the “ tags” of Ehrenberg are really pyriform sacs ; but he seems not to have distinguished the contained cilium, at least his description is ambiguous. ‘* When trembling mode- rately they are seen to be little oval bags attached to the tor- tuous vessel by a neck and sac at the other end. A spiral * “T can thus affirm, that what Ehrenberg describes as vessels in Lacinularia are in fact not vessels at all.”—Leydig, loc. cit., p. 463. 7 “Sehr aus-gepragt,” Leydig, p. 465. 6 Huxtey on Lacinularia socialis. vessel, closed at the extremity, runs through most of its length, which maintains a wavy motion”—p. 98.* The following is what I have seen in Lacinularia :—There is no contractile sac opening into the cloaca as in other genera, but two very delicate vessels, about 1-4000th of an inch in dia- meter, clear and colourless (fig. 3 m), arise by a common origin upon the dorsal side of the intestine. Whether they open into this, or have a distinct external duct, I cannot say. The vessels separate, and one runs up on each side of the body towards its oral side (fig. 2). Arrived at the level of the pharyngeal bulb, each vessel divides into three branches (fig. 3); one passes over the pharynx and in front of the pha- ryngeal bulb, and unites with its fellow of the opposite side, while the other two pass, one inwards and the other outwards, in the space between the two layers of the trochal disc, and there terminate as cceca. Besides these there sometimes seemed to be another branch, just below the pancreatic sacs. A vibratile body was contained in each of the ceecal branches ; and there was one on each side in the transverse connecting branch, Two more were contained in each lateral main trunk, one opposite the pancreatic sacs, and one lower down, making in all five on each side. * M. Udekem (Annales des Sciences, 1851) has given a very elaborate, but I think not altogether correct, account of the water-vascular system of Lacinularia. He says that a vascular net-work exists at the base of the lobes of the wheel-organ; that these unite into gland-like ganglia (my ‘“ vacuolar thickenings,” in the margin of the dise infra) ; that from these, vessels proceed to the central glands (vacuolar substance, in which the “band” of the water-vascular system terminates, mii), from which three great vessels are given off. Of these, one ‘passes above the digestive tube, and anastomoses with its fellow from the opposite ganglion ; the second presents the same disposition as the first, but is placed below the digestive tube; the third passes directly downwards, skirting the digestive tube.” M. Udekem found it ‘“‘impossible to trace it any further, but considers that it becomes lost on the digestive canal and ovaries.” He, therefore, has missed the external opening of the water-vascular system. What I have seen and described as “vacuolar thickenings” in the peduncle, are described by M. Udekem as vascular ganglia, from which anastomosing vessels proceed. As M. Udekem’s instrument does not seem to have been good enough to define the vibratile cilium—for he speaks only of a ‘ vibratile or trem- bling movement”—I venture to think that he has been misled in describing these threads and vacuolar thickenings as forming any part of the true vascular system, Leydig’s opinion of M. Udekem’s results is, I find, much the same as my own. He says, “ Critically considered, then, we find that Udekem’s vascular system in Lacinularia is compounded of a multitude of the most heterogeneous parts of the animal—of structures which belong to the most different systems of organs, without one being a true blood-vessel.”—L. ¢., , p- 465. Hoxcey on Lacinularia socialis. 7 Each of these bodies was a long cilium (1-1400th of an inch), attached by one extremity to the side of the vessel, and by the other vibrating with a quick undulatory motion in its cavity (fig. 8). As Siebold remarks, it gives rise to an appearance singularly like that of a flickering flame. I particularly endeavoured to find any appearance of an opening near the vibratile cilium, but never succeeded, and several times I thought I could distinctly observe that no such aperture existed. Animals that have been kept for some days in a limited amount of water are especially fit for these re- searches. They seem to become, in a manner, dropsical, and the water-vessels partake in the general dilatation. The “band” (fig. 7) which accompanies the vessel ap- peared to me to consist merely of contractile substance, and to serve as a mechanical support to the vessel. It terminates above, in a mass of similar substance, containing vacuole, attached to the upper plate of the trochal disc. I shall refer to this and similar structures below. I examined these structures so frequently that I have no doubt that the account I have given is essentially accurate,* and I am strengthened in this opinion by the account and figure of the corresponding vessels in Mesostomum given by Dr. Max Schulze, in his very beautiful monograph upon the Turbellaria (Beitrige zur Naturgeschichte d, Turbellarien). Through these the transition to the richly ciliated water- vessels of the Naida, &c., is easy enough. Vacuolar Thickenings—(figs. 2, 3 r). Under this head I in- clude a series of structures of, as I believe, precisely similar nature, which, on Professor Ehrenberg’s principles of interpre- tation, have done duty as ganglia, testes, &c., in short, have taken the place of any organ that happened to be missing. In various parts of the body the parietes have become locally thickened, and the prominences thus formed have * Leydig’s careful description coincides in all essential points with that given above. He particularly notices the fitness of Lacinularia that have been imprisoned for some time, for the examination of the water-vascular system. The only discrepancy of importance in Leydig’s account is—firstly, that he considers what I have called the ‘ vacuolar thickening on each side of the pharyngeal mass,” and what Ehrenberg calls a nervous centre, to be formed by convolutions of the water-vessel itself; and secondly, that he describes a cloacal vesicle as in other Rotifera. i looked particularly for such a vesicle, but could never see any; in some cases, indeed, I could trace the water-vessels distinct from one another, close to the anus, Beyond these particular cases, however, I will by no means venture to contradict so accurate an observer as M, Leydig. Leydig does not seem to have noticed the transverse anastomosing vessel over the pharynx. 8 Hux ey on Lacinularia socialis. developed many clear spaces, or vacuola—a histological pro- cess of very common occurrence among the lower invertebrata. Now these thickenings are especially obvious in two localities—Ist, in the prolongation of the body below the visceral cavity ;* and 2ndly, in the trochal disc. Of the former thickenings, the four uppermost are pro- moted by Professor Ehrenberg to be testes, for no other reason, apparently, than that, having missed the true water- vascular system with its bands, he knew not where else to find what he calls a male organ. Again, the thickenings (figs. 2, 87) in the trochal dise are mostly towards its lower surface and at its inferior margin ; they are generally four or five on each side, and are connected by branched filaments with that body on each side of the pharyngeal mass in which the band of the water-yascular system terminates. According to Professor Ehrenberg these are all ganglia, and the two yellowish bilobed or cordate bodies en each side of the pharynx are “ comparable to a brain!” Nervous System and Organs of Sense-}—On the oral side * Leydig (loc. cit., p. 467-8) regards the central vacuolar mass at the root of the tail as a peculiar gland, from which he says a duct runs down- wards to terminate at the extremity of the tail. The purpose of this organ is to secrete the gelatinous envelope. I must confess that I saw no grounds for this interpretation. The extremity of the tail always seemed to me to present a ciliated hemispherical cavity, closed above. + Leydig (1. c., p. 457 et seq.) criticises at length, and altogether re- pudiates, the mythical nerves and ganglions which Professor Ehrenberg has ascribed to Lacinularia. He does not appear to have seen either the ciliated cavity, or the body which I still venture to think is the only true ganglion ; but describes a very peculiar nervous system, consisting of— 1. A ganglion behind the pharynx, composed of four bipolar cells, with their processes. 2. A ganclion at the beginning of the caudal prolongation, similarly composed of four larger ganglionic cells and their processes. The latter cells are what I have described as vacuolar thickenings; I could find no difference whatever between them and the thickenings in the disc, which Leydig allows to be mere thickenings. The former were not observed by me. I have not been able to repeat my investigations upon this point, as | hope to do ; for the present I must offer as arguments against Leydig’s interpretation of the nature of the structures which he observed— 1st. That the body which I describe as a ganglion is perfectly similar in appearance to the mass on which the eye-spots of Bra-hionus are seated, 2nd. That if such an arrangement of the nervous system as that which Leydig describes exists, the Rotifera are very widely different from their congeners, and, indeed, from all known animals. Leydig himself, however, says,—‘‘ That these cells, with their radiating processes, are ganglion-globules and nerves, is a conclusion drawn simply from the histological constitution of the parts, and from the impossibility of making anything else out of them, unless, indeed, organs are to be named according to our mere will and pleasure.”—L, c., p. 459. Huxiey on Lacinularia socialis. 9 of the neck of the animal, or rather upon the under surface of the trochal disc, just where it joins the neck, and therefore behind and below the mouth, there is a small hemispherical cavity (fig. 40) (about 1-1400th of an inch in diameter), which seems to have a thickened wall, and is richly ciliated within. Below this sac, but in contact with it by its upper edge, is a bilobed homogeneous mass (figs. 2 and 4 7) (about 1-800th of an inch in diameter), resembling in appearance the ganglion of Brachionus, and running into two prolongations below, but whether these were continued into cords or not I could not make out. I believe that this is, in fact, the true nervous centre, and that the sac in connection with it is analogous to the ciliated pits on the sides of the head of the Nemertidaw, to the “ciliated sac” of the Ascidians, which is similarly connected with their nervous centre, and to the ciliated sac which forms the olfactory organ of Amphioxus. Mr. GosSe has described a similar organ in WMelicerta ringens, and | have had an opportunity of verifying his obser- vations, with the exception of one point. According to this observer, the cilia are continuous from the trochal disc into the cup; so far as I have observed, however—and I paid par- ticular attention to the point—the cilia of the cup are wholly distinct from those of the disc. The interesting observations of the same careful observer upon the architectural habits of Melicerta would seem to throw a doubt upon the propriety of ascribing to the organ in question any sensorial function. But however remarkable it may seem that an animal should build its house with its nose, we must remember that a similar combination of functions is obvious enough in the elephant. No eyespots exist in the adult Lacinularia. In the young there are two red spots on the upper surface of the trochal disc, which are stated by Professor Ehrenberg to be seated upon “ medullary masses ” (Mark-Knétchen). I could not satisfy myself either of the truth of this statement or the contrary, in consequence of the difficulty of distinguishing the separate tissues in the young animal. I may be permitted here to say a word upon the nature of the “calcar” or “ respiratory tube” of Ehrenberg, which exists in so many Rotifera. For his first notion, that it is connected with the reproductive system, Professor Ehrenberg has substituted the idea that it is a respiratory tube, through which currents of water are conducted into the cavity of the body, and bathe the “ trembling organs” which he calls 10 Hux ey on. Lacinularia soctalis. “gills.” Professor Ehrenberg, however, has not produced any evidence of such in-going currents, and Dujardin has denied their existence. So far as has yet been observed, the calear is in immediate connection with the nervous ganglion. Melicerta affords a very good opportunity for ex- amining the structure of the organs, of which in this genus there are two. It is a somewhat conical process of the in- tegument, containing a similar process of the internal mem- brane, This, however, stops short a little distance from the extremity, and forms a transverse diaphragm, from the centre of which a bunch of long and excessively delicate sete pro- ceeds (fig. 29). I could observe no trace of any aperture with a power of 600 diam., though of course this is merely negative evidence. Is it not possible that, as the “ ciliated sac” of the Asci- dians has its analogue in the “ fossa” of the Rotifera, so the calcar may answer to the “ languet,’” which has a similar relation to both sac and ganglion ? ; In Notommata there is no calcar, but nervous cords proceed from the ganglion to the ciliated spots about the middle of the dorsal surface (Dalrymple). Reproductive Organs.—Considering Professor Ehrenberg’s determination of the male organs to be set aside, his descrip- tion of the reproductive organs extends only to the ovary, which, he says, in Lacinularia “ lies in the posterior cavity of the body, and has thus one and the same outlet with the intestine ” (p. 403). This seems to imply an oviduct; I could, however, see no such organ.* The ovary consists of a pale, slightly granular mass ofa transversely elongated form (fig. 5 7), and somewhat bent round the intestine; it is enclosed within a delicate transparent membrane, which is hardly visible in the unaltered state, but becomes very obvious by the action of acetic acid, which contracts the substance of the ovary and throws the membrane into sharp folds. Pale clear spaces, which sometimes seem to be limited by a distinct membrane, are scattered through the substance of the ovary, and in each of these a pale circular nucleus is contained,, The nucleus is more or less opaque, but usually contains 1-3 clear spots (fig. 9). These are the germinal vesicles and spots of the future ova. Acetic acid, in contracting the pale substance, groups it round these vesicles, without, however, breaking it up into separate masses, It renders the nuclei more evident. * Leydig (1. c., p. 469) says that there is a wide oviduct which becomes folded when empty. I must leave the discrepancy until a further exami- nation decides which is right. Houxtey on Lacinularia socialis. 11 The ova are developed thus:—One of the vesicles in- creases in size, and reddish elementary granules appear in the homogeneous substance round it (fig. 10). This accumu- lation increases until the ovum stands out from the surface of the ovary ; but invested by its membrane which, as the ovum becomes pinched off as it were, takes the place of a vitellary membrane. In the mean while the germinal vesicle has increased in size, and its nucleus is no longer visible. In the ovum it appears as a clear space ; isolated by crushing the ovum it is a transparent, colourless vesicle. The perfect ova are oval, about 1-10th inch in diameter, and are extruded by the parent into the gelatinous connect- ing substance, where they undergo their development (fig. 11). The changes which take place after extrusion, or even to some extent within the parent, are—l, the disappearance of the germinal vesicle (as I judge from one or two ova in which I could find none); 2, the total division of the yolk, as described by Kélliker in Megalotrocha, until the embryo is a mere mass of cells, from which the various organs of the foetus are developed (figs. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). The youngest foetuses are about 1-70th of an inch in length. The head is abruptly truncated, and separated by a con- striction from the body: a sudden narrowing separates the other extremity of the body from the peduncle, which is ex- ceedingly short and provided with a ciliated cavity, a sort of sucker, at its extremity. The head is nearly circular, seen from above, and presents a central protuberance in which the two eyespots are situated. The margins of this pro- tuberance are provided with long cilia—it will become the upper circlet of cilia in the adult. The margin of the head projects beyond this, and is fringed with a circlet of shorter cilia; this is the rudiment of the lower circlet of cilia in the adult. The internal organs are perceived with difficulty ; but the three divisions of the ali- mentary canal, which is as yet straight and terminates in a transparent cloaca, may be readily made out. The water- vascular canals cannot be seen, but their presence is indicated by the movement of their contained cilia here and there (fig. 17). In young Lacinularia, 1-30th of an inch in length, the head has become triangular, the peduncle is much elongated, and thus it gradually takes on the perfect form (fig. 18). The young had previously crept about in the gelatinous investment of the parents ; they now begin to “swarm,” uniting together by their caudal extremities, and are readily pressed out as 12 Houxtey on Lacinularia socialis. united free swimming colonies, resembling, in this state, the genus Conochilus. The process of development of these ova is therefore exactly that which takes place in all fecundated ova, and would lead one to suspect that spermatozoa should be found somewhere or other. Now, from the observations of Mr. Dalrymple, we should be led to seek a distinct male form with the ordinary sperma- tozoa. From those of Kélliker, on the other hand, we should equally expect to find each individual a hermaphrodite, with the very peculiar spermatozoon-like bodies which he has de- scribed in Megalotrocha. I must have examined some scores of individuals of Lacinu- laria with reference to the former case, without ever finding a trace of a male individual. All were similar, all contained either ova or ovarium, nowhere was an ordinary spermatozoon to be seen. On the other hand, I found in many individuals singular bodies, which answered precisely to Kélliker’s deserip- tion of the “spermatozoa” of Megalotrocha. They hada pyri- form head about 1-1000th in. in diam. (fig. 19), by which they were attached to the parietes of the body, and an append- age four times as long, which underwent the most extraordi- nary contortions, resembling however a vibrating membrane much more than the tail of a spermatozoon; as the undulating motion appeared to take place in only one side of the append- age, which was zigzagged, while the other remained smooth. According to Kdélliker again, these bodies are found only in those animals which possess ova undergoing the process of yolk division, while I foundthem as frequently in those young forms which had not yet developed ova, but only possessed an ovary. Are these bodies spermatozoa ?* Against this view we have * Leydig (loc. cit., p. 474) has observed, in several cases, what I de- scribe as probable spermatozoa, but considers them to be parasites. He does not notice the similarity of these bodies to those described by Kolliker in Megalotrocha ; but thinks that the latter has been misled by the vibratile organs. Leydig does not appear to be acquainted with the important observa- tions of Dalrymple, Brightwick, and Gosse; but brings forward as the true spermatozoon a tertiwm quid, whose description I subjoin in his own words :—‘‘In almost every colony we meet with from one to four (in large colonies) individuals which are distinguishable from the rest at the first glance. By reflected light they appear quite white, which appearance arises from peculiar corpuscles which fill the cavity of the body more or less completely, and are driven hitber and thither by the contractions of the animal, as well into the wheel-organ as into the caudal appendage. They are yellowish globular bodies, with sharp contours, 1-5000th to 1-1700th of an inch in diameter, with a double centre and a lighter peri- phery. The surface is covered by a mesh-work of bands projecting in- Hux.ey on Lacinularia socialis. 13 the unquestionable separation of the sexes in Notommata, and the very great difference between these and the spermato- zoa of Notommata. Neither are the mode of development nor the changes undergone by the ovum any certain test that it requires or has suffered fecundation, inasmuch as the process closely resembles the original development of the aphides (see Leydig, Siebold and K6lliker, Zeitschrift, 1850). In the view that KGlliker’s bodies are true spermatozoa, it might be said—1l. That the sexes are united in most Disto- mata, for instance, and separated in species closely allied (e.g. D. Okeniz). 2. That the differences between these bodies and the sperma- tozoa of Notommata is not greater than the difference between those of Triton and those of Rana. 3. That their development from nucleated cells within the body of Megalotrocha (teste Kolliker) is strong evidence as to their having some function to perform; and it is difficult to imagine what that can be if it be not that of spermatozoa. How- ever, it seems to me impossible to come to any definite con- clusion upon the subject at present.* Kolliker supposes that Ehrenberg has seen the ‘‘ spermato-~ zoa”’ and has taken them for the “ long vibratile bodies ;” while Siebold imagines that Kolliker has taken the long vibrating bodies for spermatozoa. No one, however, who has seen both struc- tures can be in any danger of confounding the one with the other, A sexual propagation of Lacinularia.—W hatever may be the nature of the process of reproduction just described, there exists another among the Rotifera, which has been noticed by almost every one, but not hitherto distinguished or understood. This is the production of the so-called ‘* winter ova,’ but which from their analogy with what occurs in Daphnia, I prefer to call ‘“‘ ephippial ova.” Ehrenberg says that many ova of Hydatina have a double shell, and between the two shells there is a wide space. ‘*¢ Similar ones occur in many Rofifera, im various often irre- gular forms: these have a much slower development, and I call them thence winter ova” (p. 413). See also his account of Brachionus urceolaris (p.512). He does not notice the occur- rence of these ova in Lacinularia or Megalotrocha. ternally, which give the body a mosaic (parquettirtes) appearance. Im- moveable hairs, 1-1700th of an inch long, may be seen in isolated globules to radiate from the surface.” I have not observed any of these bodies, * T may mention here that I have found in Melicerta an oval sac lying below the ovary, and containing a number of strongly-refracting particles closely resembling in size and form the heads of the spermatozoa of Laci- nularia, 14 Hoxtry on Lacinularia socialis. Kélliker speaks of the ova of Megalotrocha acquiring a deep yellow investment, as if it were a further development of those ova whose yolk he saw divided. I am strongly inclined to be- lieve, however, that he was misled by the peculiar appearance of the winter ova, which look as if they had undergone yolk division. Dalrymple gives a lengthened account of these peculiar ova in Notommata. He says that they are dark, and that their outer covering appears to consist of an aggregation of cells, under which is a second layer of cells containing pigment molecules. No distinct germinal vesicle, he says, is to be found in these ova ‘from the want of general transparency ” (loc. cit., p.340). It will be observed that all these authors consider the winter ova or ephippial ova and the ordinary ova to be essentially iden- tical, only that the former have an outer case. The truth is, that they are essentially different structures, The true ova are single cells which have undergone a special development. The ephippial ova are aggregations of cells (in fact, larger or smaller portions—sometimes the whole—of the ovary), which become enveloped in a shell and simulate true ova. In a fully grown Lacinularia which has produced ova, the ovary, or a large portion of it, begins to assume a blackish tint (fig. 20) ; the cells with their nuclei undergo no change, but a deposit of strongly refracting elementary granules takes place in the pale connecting substance. Every transition may be traced from deep black portions to unaltered spots of the ovarium, and pressure always renders the cells with their nuclei visible among the granules. The investing membrane of the ovary becomes separated from the dark mass so as to leave a space, and the outer surface of the mass invests itself with a thick reddish membrane (fig. 21), which is tough, elastic, and reticulated from the presence of many minute apertures, This membrane is soluble in both hot nitric acid and caustic potass.* The nuclei and cells, or rather the clear spaces indicating them, are still visible upon pressure, and may be readily seen by bursting the outer coat. By degrees the ephippial ovum becomes lighter, until at last its colour is reddish brown, like that of the ordinary ova; but its contents are now seen to be divided into two masses—hemi- spherical from mutual contact (fig. 22), If this body be now crushed, it will be found that an inner structureless membrane exists within the fenestrated membrane, and sends a partition * Leydig (1. c., p. 453) says that the shells of the ova were not dis- solved by maceration in a solution of caustic soda (cold?) for twenty-four hours, and thence concludes that they may be composed of chitin, The above observation tends to the contrary conclusion, Hoxtey on Lacinularia socialis. 15 inwards, at the line of demarcation of the two masses (fig. 23). The contents are precisely the same as before, viz., nuclei and elementary granules (fig. 24). This, indeed, may be seen through the shell without crushing the case. I was unable to trace the development of these ephippial ova any further. Those of Notommata, it appears, lasted for some months without change (Dalrymple). It is remarkable that jn Lacinularia these bodies eventually, like the ephippium of Daphnia, contain two ovum-like masses ; and there can, I think, be little doubt that the former, like the latter, are subservient to reproduction. _ There are then two kinds of reproductive bodies in Lacinu- laria :— 1. Bodies which resemble true ova in their origin and subsequent development, and which possess only a single vitellary membrane. 2. Bodies, half as large again as the foregoing, which re- semble the ephippium of Daphnia; like it have altogether three investments; and which do not resemble true ova either in their origin or subsequent development ; which therefore probably do not require fecundation, and are thence to be considered as a mode of asexual reproduction.* General Relations of the Rotifera.—It is one of the great blessings and rewards of the study of nature that a minute and laborious investigation of any one form tends to throw a light upon the structure of whole classes of beings. It supplies us with a fulcrum whence the whole zoological universe may be moved. I would illustrate this truth by showing how, in my belief, the structure of Lacinu/aria, as thus set forth, taken in conjunction with some other facts, gives us a clue to the solu- tion of the questio vexata of the zoological position of the Rotifera, and thence to the serial affinities of a large portion of the Invertebrata. * Leydig distinguishes particularly between the ordinary, and what I have termed, the ephippial ova. His description of the latter agrees essentially with that which has been given above ; but he has not, I think, observed the genesis of the ephippial ova with sufficient care, and he thence interprets their structure by sup- posing that they are ordinarily fecundated ova, which have undergone a peculiar method of cleavage. The tendency of the observations de- tailed above, on the other hand, is to show that they are not ova at all in the proper sense, but peculiar buds like those of Aphis or Gyrodactylus, and as such are capable of development without fecundation,. In the new edition of Pritchard’s ‘ Infusoria,’ it is stated (p. 620), that ‘in a recent paper by Mr. Howard on this species, he states that there are two kinds of reproductive bodies—one the ordinary ova, the other twice their size, representing gemma.” No reference is given to Mr. Howard’s paper, and I have been at a loss to discover it, though desirous to do justice to him if possible. 16 Hextey on Lacinilaria socialis. The curious analogy in form between the genus Stepha- noceros and the Polyzoa has, I believe, been the chief considera- tion which has led many naturalists, both in England and on the Continent, to arrange the Polyzoa and Rotifera together. This has been done in two ways, either by denying the affinity of the Rotifera with the Vermes, and so approximating them to the Polyzoa considered as organized on the molluscous type, or, as Leuckhart has done, by admitting the affinity of the Rotifera with the Vermes, but denying that of the Polyzoa with the Mollusca. I believe that there is a fundamental error in each case, namely, that of approximating the Polyzoa and the Rotifera at all. The resemblance between Stephanoceros and a Poly- zoon is very superficial. No Polyzoon has the cilia on its tentacles arranged like those of Stephanoceros ; nor has any a similarly-armed gizzard: still less is there any trace of the water-vascular system which exists in all Rotifera. The relations between the Polyzoa and the Rotifera, then, are at the best mere analogies. On the other hand, the general agreement in structure be- tween the Rotifera and the Annuloida— under which term I include the Annelida, the Echinoderms, Trematoda, ‘Tur- bellaria, and Nematoidea—is very striking, and such as to constitute an unquestionable affinity.* The terms of resemblance are these :— 1. Bands of cilia, resembling and performing the functions of the wheel-organs, are found in Annelid, Echinoderm, and 'Trematode larve. 2. A water-vascular system, essentially similar to that of the Rotifera, is found in Moneecious Annelids, in Trematoda, in Turbellaria, in Echinoderms, and perhaps in the Nema- toidea.t 3. A similar condition of the nervous system is found in Turbellaria. 4, A somewhat similarly armed gizzard is found in the Nemertide ; and the pharyngeal armature of a Nereid larva may well be compared with that of Albertia. 5. The intestine undergoes corresponding flexures in the Echinoderm larvae. There are, therefore, no points of their organization in which the Rotifera differ from the Annuloida ; * M. Milne Edwards, with his accustomed acuteness, pointed out (Annales des Sciences, 1845) the close affinity of the Rotifera with the Annelids, the Turbellaria, and the Nematoidea; but he did not include the Echinoderms in the group, doubtless because, at the time he wrote, sufficient was not known of the Echinoderm larve to demonstrate their truly annuloid nature. + To these may be added the Cestoidea and the Nemertide. i Huxtey on Lacinularia socialis. ij and there is one very characteristic circumstance, the presence of the water-vascular system, in which they agree with them. Now, with what Annuloida are the Rotifera most closely allied? To determine this point, we must ascertain what is the fundamental type of organization of the Rotifera. Suppose in Lacinularia a line to be drawn from the mouth to the anus, and that this be considered as the axis of the body ; suppose, again, that the side on which the ganglion lies is the dorsal side, the opposite being the ventral ; suppose, also, the mouth end to be anterior, the anal end posterior,—then it will be found that the lower circlet of cilia upon the trochal disc encircles the axis of the body, while the upper circlet of large cilia does not encircle the axis, but lies in the lower and an- terior region of the body. If the region behind that ciliary circlet which is traversed by the axis be called the post-trochal region, and that in front of it the pre-trochal region, we find that the circlet of large cilia is developed in the inferior pre-trochal region. Now compare this Rotifer with the larva of an Annelid. It will be immediately seen that the two are of essentially the same type, only that, while the Annelid larva is equally and symmetrically developed in all its regions, and has frequently no accessory ciliated bands, the Rotifer has its superior post-trochal and inferior pre-trochal regions de- veloped in excess ; so that the anus is thrown to the ventral, while the mouth is thrust towards the dorsal surface,* an accessory ciliated circlet being at the same time developed in the latter region. Melicerta ringens (compare figs. 26-28) resembles Lacinu- laria in the arrangement of its ciliated bands, only they are far more distorted from their normal circular form. ‘Tubi- colaria closely resembles Melicerta, and there can be little doubt that Megalotrocha and Limnias are to be added to this division, In Brachionus, Philodina, Rotifer, Notommata, the same fundamental type obtains, but the deviation from symmetry takes place in a different way. In all these it is the ventral post-trochal region which is over-developed, and therefore the anus is thrown to the dorsal or ganglionic side, In Notommata the trocha appears to be simple and un- altered in most species, and there is no accessory circlet. * This over-development is not a mere matter of hypothesis. The young Lacinularia has the anus nearly terminal, and the “ peduncle” only subsequently attains its full proportions, Compare fig. 17 and fig. 18, pl. I, VOL, I. Cc is Hoxtey on Lacinularia socialis. In WV. aurita, however, as it appears from Mr, Gosse’s de- scription, and in Brachionus polyacanthus (figs. 30-33), several processes, three in the latter case, are developed from the superior pre-trochal region, They are richly ciliated, and appear to represent the accessory circlet of Lacinularia. Another distinct type is presented by Philodina (figs. 34- 57). In this the great trocha is bent upon itself, and the anterior divison of it, at first sight, simulates an accessory circlet developed in the superior pre-trochal region. It is not so, however, as the continuity of the band of cilia can be readily traced throughout. To this division of the Rotifera, viz. those which have the anus on the same side of the body as the ganglion, appear to belong the genera Stephanoceros and Floscularia—at least, if the ganglion be what I believe it to be, a granular mass, in connexion with the upper part of a large oval mass com- posed of clear cells, and having a pit in its centre exteriorly, which I believe to be the altered ciliated sac. These might then be considered as Notommate whose trochal circlet had become produced into long processes in Stephanoceros, while they remain as shorter knobs in Flos- cularia ; a tendency to which development may be traced in the little processes into which the trochal circlet is thrown around the mouths of Lacinularia and Melicerta, and perhaps in the three processes which, according to Mr, Dalrymple, arch over the mouth in Notommata. But Stephanoceros, Philodina, Notommata, Brachionus, and Lacinularia are the types of the great divisions of the Rotifera, and whatever is true of them will probably be found to be true of all the Rotifera. We may say, therefore, that the Rotifera are organized upon the plan of an Annelid larva, which loses its original symmetry by the unequal development of various regions, and especially by that of the principal ciliated circlet or trochal band; and it - is curious to remark that, so far as the sexes of the Rotifera can he considered to be made, out (approximatively), the dicecious forms belong to the latter of the two modifications of the type which have been described, while the moncecious forms belong to the former. It is this circumstance which seems to me to throw so clear a light upon the position of the Rotifera in the animal series. In a Report in which I have endeavoured to harmonise the researches of Prof. Miiller upon the Echinoderms,* I have shown that the same proposition holds good of the latter in * Annals of Natural History, 1851. Hoxzey on Lacinularia socialis. 19 their larval state, and hence | do not hesitate to draw the con- clusion (which at first sounds somewhat startling) that the Rotifera are the permanent forms of Echinoderm larve, and hold the same relation to the Echinoderms that the Hydriform Polypi hold to the Medusx, or that Appendicularia holds to the Ascidians. The larva of Sipunculus might be taken for one of the Rotifera; that of Ophiura is essentially similar to Stephano- ceros; that of Asterias resembles Lacinularia or Melicerta. The pre-trochal processes of the Asterid larva Brachiolaria are equivalent to those of Brachionus. Again, the larve of some Asterid forms and of Comatula are as much articulated as any Rotifera. It must, I think, have struck all who have studied the Echi- noderms, that while their higher forms, such as Echiurus and Sipunculus, tend clearly towards the Dicecious Annelida, the lower extremity of the series seemed to lead no-whither. Now, if the view I have propounded be correct, the Rotifera furnish this wanting link, and connect the Echinoderms with the Nemertide and Nematoid worms. At the same time it helps to justify that breaking up of the class Radiata of Cuvier, which I have ventured to propose elsewhere, by showing that the Rotifera are not “ radiate” animals, but present a modification of the Annulose type— belong, in fact, to what I have called the Annuloida, and form the lowest step of the Echinoderm division of that sub- kingdom. From our imperfect knowledge of the Nematoid worms it is difficult to form a definite scheme of the affinities of the Amnuloida; but perhaps they may be sketched as in the Diagrams, pl. III. These diagrams represent the arrangement of the ciliated bands with relation to the axis of the body in the Rotifera. Underneath each Rotifer is an Annelid or Echinoderm larva, with its ciliary bands represented in a like diagrammatic manner, to show the essential correspondence between the two. This paper is now printed exactly as it was read before the Micro- scopical Society on the 31st of December, 1851, with the exception of those notes which refer to the very excellent memoir of Dr. Leydig, pub- lished in February, 1852. Dr. Leydig must have been working at the subject at about the same time as myself, in the autumn of last year; and if I refer to the respective dates of our communications, it is merely for the purpose of giving the weight of independent observation to those points (and they are the most important) in which we agree. It is the more necessary to draw attention to this fact, since Professor Ehrenberg, in a late communication to the Berlin Academy, hints that the younger observers of the day are ina state of permanent conspiracy against his views. df begets ig! : July 9, 1852. Qo ( ROR On the Structure of the Rapuipes of Cactus ENNEAGONUS. By Joun Quekettr, Esq., Professor of Histology to the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (Read Jan. 28, 1852.) Every living being that is made up of parts or organs, each having a definite structure, and performing a certain office, is termed an organized being; and the materials, however com- plicated, of which it is composed, are termed organic matter. The components of the Mineral Kingdom, on the contrary, possessing little or no structure, but generally being homoge- neous throughout, and having no adaptation of parts to per- form separate functions, are called inorganic or imorganized. If organic matter be subjected to chemical analysis, it will be found that in the first stage certain compounds, termed by some chemists proximate principles, or organic compounds or organizable substances by others, will be obtained; each of which principles, by further or ultimate analysis, will yield simple elements. ‘lhus, for instance, from the organized sub- stance termed muscle we obtain by analysis, first, fibrine, a proximate principle, which is its chief constituent ; and, sub- sequently, by the analysis of fibrine, we get the principal elements—oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur in certain proportions. If, however, a mineral, or inorganic matter of any kind be subjected to analysis, we get no proxi- mate principles, but only simple elements. Organic matter may be found in two states, viz., in that of life or in that of death. Living matter possesses the powers of growth and integrity, may select from surrounding materials, and appro- priate to its uses the inorganic elements; but in the state of death these powers are destroyed, and decay is the natural consequence. It is to the nature of this organic basis or matter of plants that | would now direct your attention, leaving that of animals for future consideration. In commencing our examination with the vegetable king- dom we shall find that inorganic or earthy matter exists in plants in two states, viz., Ist, as crystals, termed raphides, occurring in the interior of cells, and 2nd, in intimate con- nexion with the organic basis of the plant—in this last state the inorganic element chiefly consists of silica. If we examine a portion of the layers of an onion or of a squill, or by taking a thin section of the stem or root of the garden rhubarb, we shall observe many cells in which either bundles of needle-shaped crystals or masses of a stellate form occur; these are termed raphides, from the Greek Pagis, a needle, the first crystals discovered being of this shape. Quexerr on the Raphides of Cactus enneayonus. rH Raphides were first noticed by Malpighi in Opuntia, and were subsequently described by Jurine and Raspail. According to the latter observer the needle-shaped or aci- cular are composed of phesphate, and the stellate of oxalate of lime. There are others having lime as a basis, combined with tartaric, malic, or citric acid. These are easily de- stroyed by acetic acid; they are also very soluble in many of the fluids employed in the conservation of objects: some of them are as large as the 1-40th of an inch; others are as small as the 1-1000th. They occur in all parts of the plant—in the stem, bark, leaves, stipules, sepals, petals, fruit, root, and even in the pollen, with few exceptions. They are always situated in the interior of cells, and not, as has been stated by Raspail and others, in the intercellular passages.* Some of the containing cells become much elongated, but still the cell-wall can be readily traced. In some species of Aloe, as for instance Aloe verrucosa, with the naked eye you will be able to discern small silky filaments. When these are magnified they are found to be bundles of the acicular form of raphides. In portions of the cuticle of the medicinal squill— Scilla maritima—several large cells may be observed, full of bundles of needle-shaped crystals. These cells, how- ever, do not lie in the same plane as the smaller ones belong- ing to the cuticle. In the cuticle of an onion every cell is occupied either by an octohedral ora prismatic crystal of oxalate of lime—in some specimens the octohedral form pre- dominates, but in others from the same plant, the crystals may be principally prismatic, and are arranged as if they were be- ginning to assume a stellate form. Those persons who are in the habit of examining urinary deposits must be familiar with the appearance of the crystals ef oxalate of lime, and would readily recognise their close resemblance to those in the cells of the onion. Raphides of oxalate of lime are found in very great abund- ance in the medicinal rhubarb—the best specimens from Turkey containing as much as 35 per cent.; those from the East Indies 25 ; and the English, or that sold in the streets by men dressed up as Turks, 10 per cent. ; Buyers of this drug generally judge of its quality by its grittiness, that is by the quantity of raphides it contains ; and this is a curious fact, as the crystalline matter cannot be of any beneficial importance in the action of the medicine, for the * As an exception I may state that, many years ago, I discovered them in the interior of the spiral vessels in the stem of the grape-vine; but with some botanists this would not be considered as an exceptional case, the vessels being regarded as elongated cells. 22 Quexerr on the Raphides of Cactus enneagonus. tincture in which no raphides are contained is as efficacious as the powder. Some plants, as many of the cactus tribe, are made up almost entirely of raphides. In some instances every cell of the cuticle contains a stellate mass of crystals, in others the whole interior is full of them, rendering the plant so exceedingly brittle that the least touch will occasion a fracture, so much so that some specimens of Cactus senilis, said to be 1000 years old, which were sent a few years since to Kew from South America, were obliged to be packed in cotton, with all the care of the most delicate jewellery to preserve them during the transport, Raphides of peculiar figure are common in the bark of many trees. In the hiccory (Carya alba) may be observed masses of flattened prisms having both extremities poimted. Similar crystals are present in the bark of the lime-tree; they occur in rows, their pointed extremities nearly touching each other, their principal situation being in the cellular tissue close to the medullary rays. Other forms of crystals, as the rhom- bohedron and a small stellate form, are also found in the bark of the lime. In vertical sections of the stem of Eleagnus angustifolia nu- merous raphides of large size may be seen in the pith. Raphides are also found in the bark of the apple-tree, and in the testa of the seeds of the elm; each cell contains two or more very minute crystals. It is at present not known what office raphides perform in the economy of the plant: some have gone so far as to state that they are deposits to be applied towards the mineral part or skeleton of the plant; but the fact of their bemg insoluble © in vegetable acids would prove this view of their use to be erroneous. The more rational supposition is, that they are generally accidental deposits formed by the union of vege- table acids with lime or other base existing im the plant or taken up from the soil. They may, however, be formed artificially, and my late brother succeeded in doing so in the following manner :—If oxalic or phosphoric acid be added to lime-water, the precipitate will be pulverulent and opaque. If, however, a vessel containing oxalate of ammonia in solution be connected by means of a few filaments of cotton with another vessel containing lime-water, crystals will be formed at the end of the fibres in contact with the lime-water. This led him to attempt to form them in the interior of cells: he selected for the purpose a portion of rice paper ; this substance was placed in lime-water under an air-pump in order in fill the cells with the fluid ; the paper was then dried, Quexerr on the Ruphides of Cactus enneagonus. 23 and the process again and again repeated, until many of the cells were charged with lime-water; portions of the paper were then placed in weak solutions both of oxalic and phos- phoric acid, and at the end of three days crystals were found in the cells in both instances, those of the oxalic acid being of the stellate and those in the phosphoric acid being of the rhombohedral form. None of the acicular, however, were ever present, although the process was continued for ten days. One of these pieces of rice paper I now show you, and a stellate mass of crystals is very plainly to be seen in the centre of the field—each precisely resembles the raphides found in rhubarb. The above description, which is a modification of that given in my lectures, well applies to the raphides in most plants, but the case will appear to be a little different in those plants, such as the cacti, which live to a great age, and in which the crystalline matter is in the greatest abundance. Whilst working at this subject about twelve months since I was in- duced to examine the raphides of a species of Cactus termed enneagonus, a specimen of which had been given me by a friend as abounding in crystals. This specimen I have with me, just as I received it, the part containing the crystals being about thirty-nine years old; that they are very numerous, and at the same time very large, may be known by their being visible to the naked eye. If any of these raphides be examined in fluid with a power of at least 100 diameters, they will appear to be made up of crystals (as far as their external surface is con- cerned), which project outwards in the form both of sharp pointed and truncated prisms; and if the centre be brought into focus this part will be found more opaque than the rest, and to be of a circular figure like a nucleus. If the masses be mounted in Canada balsam before they are examined they will then present one or other of the appearances given in Plate III. figs. 1, 2, 3,4; some, as in fig. 1, will show a nucleus surrounded by concentric laminz of a brown colour ; others, as in fig. 2, will exhibit a spot like a nucleus, first surrounded by concentric lamina, but towards the margin the lamina become irregular, and the margin itself is composed of prismatic flattened crystals, not clear and transparent, but more or less granular, whilst some other specimens, as shown in figs. 3 and 4, are made up almost entirely of the prisimatic crystals, with little or no trace of concentric lamination. Having found this to be the case I was anxious to ascertain the chemical com- position of these so-called raphides, and for the purpose I tried the action of various re-agents upon them, and noticed that the crystals were slowly dissolved in dilute hydro-chloric 24 Quexertr on the Raphides of Cactus enneagonus. acid, but I was much astonished to find that in many cases 2 basis or cast of the entire mass was left behind after the action of the acid had ceased ; and in most instances I could tell pre- cisely not only the spot where the crystals had been, but also form some general idea of the shape of the mass, and instead of their being, as I first imagined, a mass of crystals only, I found that there was some organic matter or basis connected with them. : When one of these raphides is crushed between two plates of glass, the outer crystals are readily detached ; some of these are represented by fig. 6: the part composing the nucleus is much the hardest, and exhibits a radiated and concentrie laminated deposit, like the masses of carbonate of lime found in the urine of the horse. If portions of the cellular tissue of the cactus be examined, some cells will occasionally be found in which a more or less spherical mass, as shown in fig. 5, occurs in the centre of each: these masses correspond in every respect with the nuclei of the larger raphides: it would there- fore appear that in the early stages of development of these raphides the nucleus consisted of one of these spherical bodies, and the crystals on the exterior were formed subsequently. It may also happen that the bases of some of the crystals in process of time coalesce to form lamina, a condition not unlike that occurring in shell, as has been so well described by Dr. Carpenter, or rather like that which takes place in the formation of most of the laminated kinds of urinary calculi. My object in bringing the subject before the Society at this time is to ask those of our members who are chemists, and would be willing to look into the matter, if they could deter- mine the nature of the residuum or basis left after the destruc- tion of the earthy ingredient by means of the acid. They will find, as I shall presently have the opportunity of showing you, that there is something peculiar in the dissolution of the crystals—they are all, more or less, granular, as if the organic matter were not confined to the investing membrane, but intt- mately mixed up or incorporated with every atom of the lime. I have this day examined some sections of the Soap wood of China, in which stellate masses of crystals are very abundant. If these be acted on by dilute hydrochloric acid, the earthy constituent will disappear, but a cast of the original mass will be preserved in what may be termed organic matter. This point, however, is the one which requires to be carefully ex- amined by persons more skilled than myself in the science of organic chemistry. As far as my observations have hitherto gone, it would appear to be a rule that we rarely, if ever, find inorganic QuekettT on the Raphides of Cactus enneagonus. 25 material in the vegetable or animal kingdom, except in the crystalline state, without the existence of an organic basis. Since the above was written, my friend Dr. Lionel Beale has been kind enough to examine the raphides in question, and the following is his report on the subject. “ A few of the white globular crystalline masses were treated with boiling distilled water, and the aqueous solution, after being filtered, was evaporated to a small bulk. Upon examining the residue by the microscope, numerous small colourless crystals, in the form of obtuse rhomboids, were observed. The residual solution was found to give precipi- tates insoluble in strong nitric acid, with solutions of nitrate of barytes and nitrate of silver, proving the presence of chlorine and sulphuric acid. Oxalate of ammonia gave a pre- cipitate insoluble in acetic acid, but soluble in strong nitric acid, showing the presence of lime. ‘“* Hence boiling distilled water extracted a small quantity of soluble matter, which contained lime, chlorine, and sul- phuric acid, probably in the form of sulphate of lime and chloride of sodium. * Acetic Acid.—The crystalline masses were not affected by boiling acetic acid. “* Potash.—No observable action was produced by boiling a few of the masses in solution of caustic potash. “ Nitric Acid.—Upon the addition of strong nitric acid, effervescence occurred with some few of the bodies as they dissolved, but upon the majority this re-agent exerted little action in the cold. When the mixture was boiled, complete solution immediately took place. “ The acid solution was evaporated to dryness; the dry residue was boiled in distilled water, and the filtered solution, after concentration, was allowed to remain ina still place for some time. Upon examining the residue with the microscope numerous well-formed octohedra of oxalate of lime were ob- served. “ Another portion of the original matter was incinerated :— the masses still retained their globular form, but became black, and the products of combustion burnt with a blue lambent flame. After exposure to a dull red heat for three or four hours, the crystals were perfectly decarbonized, and by the unaided eye could scarcely be distinguished from those which had not been incinerated. Upon microscopical examination, however, the crystalline fragments of which the crystalline masses were composed, were found to have acquired a dark granular uneven surface, and the sharpness of outline had been 26 Quexett on the Raphides of Cactus enneagonus. destroyed. The decarbonized residue was entirely dissolved in acetic acid with brisk effervescence ; and upon the addition of a solution of oxalate of ammonia to the acid solution, an abundant white precipitate was immediately produced ; this was soluble in strong nitric acid, but insoluble in excess of acetic acid—oxaiate of lime. In all probability, therefore, the crystalline masses consisted of— “ 1, A little organic matter ; “2. Sulphate of lime ; “ 3. A little of carbonate of lime ; “4. Traces of chloride of sodium ; ** 5. A vegetable salt of lime, containing a considerable pro- portion, or consisting entirely of oxalate of lime.” On the occurrence of a Membranous Cell or Cyst upon the Olfactory Nerve of a Horse, containing a large Crystal of Oxalate of Lime. By James B. Simonps, Esq. (Read April 28, 1852.) Tue recent publication of Mr. Quekett’s lectures on the oceur- rence of earthy salts in both animal and vegetable cells gives an unusual interest to these depositions, and more especially when they are met with in those parts of the organism of animals where we should scarcely anticipate their presence. For this reason, and as an addendum to his valuable papers now being read before the Society, 1 am induced to bring before you an interesting and novel fact which has lately come to my knowledge relating to a deposit of the oxalate of lime within a cell or small membranous cyst. In the latter part of March a pupil of the Royal Veterinary College found, in dissecting the brain of a horse which had been procured from the slaughterhouse, a small transparent cyst, possessing a very bright or glistening aspect, attached to the bulbous portion of the right olfactory nerve. The speci- men, together with a small portion of the nerve, was carefully removed, and a day or two afterwards it was kindly presented to me, he at that time believing it to be an hydatid. From having been kept in water I found that the nerve was somewhat decomposed, and very readily separated into a pulpy mass ; a circumstance which prevented any minute examina- tion of its structure being made. I observed, however, that its substance was partly absorbed, so as to form a cup-like con- cavity for the lodgment of the cyst; and I am led to infer from this circumstance that the sense of smell of the animal On a Cyst upon the Olfactory Nerve of a Horse. 27 was greatly interfered with, and probably rendered very obtuse. But of this, as well as the existence or otherwise of pain from the pressure of the cyst, we are without means of ascertaining. On placing the specimen under the microscope, and viewing it with a two-inch object-glass, I was surprised to find a large octohedral crystal of oxalate of lime, with beautifully de- fined facets freely floating in a limpid fluid which distended the walls of the cell. There appeared to be no obstacle to the passage of the crystal from side to side of the cavity or in any other direction when the specimen was placed in different posi- tions, its weight quickly carrying it to the most depending part. The walls of the cell have every indication of beimg composed of layers of areolar tissue spread out in a membranous form ; they are not, however, of uniform thickness throughout, although everywhere very translucent. Towards the circum- ference or periphery of the cell on one side there exists a bell-shaped spot (a Fig. 1, Pl. 1V.), which is thinly co- vered with membrane, but surrounded with many fibres, far more dense than in any other part. Besides the crystal within the interior there is a small mass of granular-like matter, which can also be made to vary its position; this mass is marked 6. The occurrence of this deposition of the oxalate of lime in this situation is the more interesting from the circumstance that this salt of lime is very rarely met with in the urine of the horse, in which the carbonates, on the contrary, are very com- mon. Various forms of the carbonate of lime are noticed in the urine of the herbivora, produced by causes disturbing its ordinary mode of crystallization ; but none of these forms can be confounded with the octohedral arrangement of the oxalate. The priority of the formation of the cell or the crystal is not easy to be determined, it being possible that the blood of the animal, from impregnation with the oxalate of lime, deposited this salt in the place it was found, and that subsequently a cell enclosed it to prevent any serious ill consequences to the surrounding organism; or it may be that the cell was first formed, and then the salt was effused into its interior, where it led to the exudation also of fluid. It is perhaps right to mention, in conclusion, that several capillary vessels are to be observed ramifying upon the walls of the cyst, and that it was firmly held in its place by fibres of areolar tissue. 1 may also add that the crystal has not been measured to ascertain its exact size, but that it can very readily be seen by unassisted Vision. ( 28) On the Development of Tubularia indivisa. By J. B. Mum- mMERY, Esq. [Read May 26, 1852. ] Havine found considerable difficulty in reconciling the accounts given by various naturalists of the development of Tubularia indivisa, | was gratified to have discovered a locality whence I could obtain by the dredge a regular supply of fresh speci- mens of that very interesting zoophyte; and during the past six months have made almost daily observations by the micro- scope upon its structure and development. The painstaking investigations of the late Sir John Graham Dalyell appear to have supplied much of the information pub- lished on the subject. It appeared however to me, on comparing the results of my own observations with the accounts and figures contained in the work of that indefatigable observer, that he had ever laboured under the disadvantage of employing a very imperfect microscope, and consequently misapprehended some of the phenomena to which he directed his patient attention. The general form of Tubularia indivisa has repeatedly been well described, but there are some portions of its structure re- specting which greater accuracy appears desirable. The repro- ductive gemmules have usually been described as originating at the base of the lower row of tentacules, and, owing to the pro- fusely crowded situation of these oviform bodies in the full- grown head, it is quite impossible to detect their real place of attachment to the body. It is however a well-known fact, that the full-grown head within three or four days drops from the stalk, and that in the course of six or seven days a new head is produced from the medullary pulp. On examining the newly-formed head, under a magnifying power of fifty diame- ters, the oviform gemmules are even at this early stage per- ceptible, arranged upon the outer surface of the body, and ex- tending vertically from the lower tentacules to the base of the oval tentacules in twelve equidistant lines ; two of the lower tentacules originating in the space between each ovary, thus making the whole number twenty-four. In the early stages of their growth the capsules are attached to the ovary by a very short and somewhat thick stalk; the stalk gradually becomes elongated, having the capsules affixed alternately on each side throughout its length by a broad attach- ment, and the substance of the capsule is now of a pale rose- colour. ; As development advances the general rosy tint disappears, and the colouring matter appears concentrated in a well-defined organ of deep-red colour, which evidently supplies the connect- Mummery on the Development of Tubularia indivisa. 29 ing link between the stalk and the enclosed embryo, and has been denominated the placental column. The pedicle, attach- ing the capsules to the stalk, having now become much smaller in proportion, the stalk, with its capsules, presents the appear- ance of a bunch of grapes. Sir John Dalyell declares his in- ability to discover the ascending and descending currents con- veying granular matter, which have been observed in the stem of Tubularia by several naturalists. In addition to these, how- ever, I have distinctly noticed similar, though not equally ener- getic currents, in the stem supporting the reproductive gem- mules. The writer just named appears to have never detected more than one embryo in each cyst, but in some specimens I have found each cyst in the group to contain two, and occasionally even three embryos, distinctly perceptible through the sides of the cyst, which is sometimes quite transparent. - While some clusters are fast approaching maturity, others, attached to the same ovary, are still in the very earliest stages of growth. As the contents of the capsules at length arrive at maturity, a bright red spot (which for some weeks past had become per- ceptible at the apex of the capsule) is observed slowly to expand in a quadrangular form, presenting the appearance shown in fig. 3, Pl. IV. The basal extremity of the nascent animal is now seen slowly emerging,—the drawing (in the particular instance illustrated) exhibiting the progress of development at intervals of an hour, commencing at 8 30 p.m., and concluding at 1 30 a.m., when the process of extrication was complete. The extremity which will form the future point of attachment in the fixed state of the young animal is always presented towards the aperture of the capsule, which appears to be dilated solely by the efforts of the animal. Slowly it emerges, withdrawing its tentacles in succession, until it has set itself free, when it crawls slowly upon the bottom of the vessel containing it, elevating itself on the extremities of its eight tentacles. After a period of time, varying from one to four days, the animal (which, in its free condition, has never been remark- able for activity), having selected a suitable stone, or the surface of an old polypidon, reverses its position, and, with the mouth upwards, now attaches itself by the opposite ex- tremity, and remains rooted fast for life. , In every instance that has come under my notice, the first animal that escapes is of an ellipsoidal form, not very greatly 30 Mummery on the Development of Tubularia indivisa. differing from the adult, excepting in the number of its ten- tacles. Within five minutes after the extrication of the animal already described, a second escapes through the dilated mouth of the capsule, but differing greatly from the former in con- figuration. It closely resembles, in miniature, a young spe- cimen of one of the star-fishes (Solaster papposa), presenting a discoidal form, surrounded by twelve obtuse tentacles. In the course of thirty-six hours this had greatly changed in form, and, within a few days after, the two varieties pre- sented but slightly different aspects, especially after they had fixed themselves. The empty capsule, or ovisac, with its contained placental column, remains dilated, exactly as when the young animals quitted it. After the lapse of about six weeks, the animals, which were previously colourless, gradually acquire a pale rose tint around the head, and eventually the ovaries are developed as it ap- proaches the adult state. Much difficulty is experienced in preserving this zoophyte in a healthy state for examination, but, it may be worth ob- serving that I at length succeeded tolerably well by connect- ing a syphon of gutta percha with a reservoir of salt water, and thus causing a small stream to fall from a height of several feet upon the surface of the water containing the specimens, and allowing the surplus water to overflow into a larger re- ceptacle. The agitation thus produced had the effect of retarding the fall of the heads. I trust I may be pardoned for referring to the highly in- teresting suggestion of Professor Forbes, in his admirable treatise on the naked-eyed Medusa, viz.: That possibly all the Medusz are, at one period of their life, fixed animals, as proved by Sars in the case of Cyanea aurita ; and that, con- versely, many of the zoophytes may be found to pass through a medium stage of existence, during which the germs are developed from which the zoophyte is reproduced,—as in the instances of Laomedea and Cyanea. As the latter zoophyte presents so close an affinity to the subject of my remarks, I have most carefully repeated my observations, and feel convinced that the animal which escapes from the pedunculated capsule is distinctly trace- able through all its stages, until, when fixed, it becomes the adult Zubularia, and that it undergoes no intermediate metamorphosis, or alternation in its mode of existence; | have thought it possible that the eight-armed creature might prove a Medusoid. ( 31) Some Observations on the Structure and Development of Vo.vox GLOBATOR, and its relations to other unicellular Plants. By Geo. Bus, Esq., F.R.S. (Read May 26, 1852.) Turee forms, or, as they are commonly regarded, species of Volvox are described and figured in Ehrenberg’s great work, and have been noticed by other observers. These are V. glo- bator, V. aureus, and V. stellatus. A fourth very similar or- ganism has also been described under the name of Spherosira Volvoz. As J regard the three first named of these at all events, merely as forms or phases of one and the same species, the following observations will apply in some respects to all of them. They have more particular reference, however, to the common form of V. globator, which happens to be that most accessible to me. This beautiful and well known object, which was first noticed by Leeuwenhoek, received little satisfactory elucida- tion until it fell under the observation of Ebrenberg, whose account of its structure and notions respecting its nature have been adopted by most subsequent observers, and have been received with little opposition until very lately—in fact until the beginning of last year. At that time Professor William- son read a paper on the subject before the Manchester Lite- rary and Philosophical Society, which is published in the 9th volume of their Memoirs. Professor Williamson’s observations have led him to con- clusions in many points opposed to those arrived at by Ehrenberg, and especially are they confirmatory of Siebold’s original view of the vegetable nature of Volvoz. With respect to some points of structure, however, concerning which Professor Williamson differs from the Prussian observ er, I am inclined, from my own observations, to side with the latter, whowe errors in the case of Volvoz are not those of direct observa- tion; but in this instance, as in very many others, itis obvious that Ehrenberg has allowed his imagination, working upon preconceived notions, to play the part of reason in che inter- pretation of correctly-observed phenomena; he has thence, in the explanation of what he has seen correctly, fallen occa- sionally into great and important errors, Whilst it cannot be denied that the recent progress of knowledge with respect to the structure and nature of the lowest classes of organised beings, places an observer of the present day in a position so much more advantageous, that it is scarcely fair to institute a c omparison between him and the great and laborious Prussian microsc opist, at the time his principal works were written, VOL. I. d 32 Busk on Volvox globator. still it is much to be regretted that these modern lights, clear as they are, have not apparently been allowed to penetrate his mind, and that one to whom science is so much and so deeply indebted should retain views long since deservedly exploded by nearly all competent observers. The more common and best known form ef Volvox globator, to the naked eye, or under a low power, appears as a trans- parent sphere, the surface of which is studded with numerous, regularly placed green granules or particles, and which con- tains in the interior several green globules, of various sizes in different individuals, though nearly always of uniform size in one and the same parent globe. These internal globes, which are the young or embryo Volvox, at first adhere to the wall of the parent cell, although the precise mode of connexion is not very apparent. When thus affixed, they are in a different concentric plane to the smaller green granules. At a later period, and after they have attained a certain degree of development, these internal globes become detached, and frequently exhibit a rotatory motion, similar to that of the parent globe. In the form of Volvox, termed V. aureus by Ehrenberg, the outer sphere, or cell, exhibits precisely the same structure as the above, the only apparent difference between them con- sisting in the deeper green colour of the internal globules. These, however, soon exhibit a more important distinctive character in the formation of a distinct cell-wall of consider- able thickness around the dark green globular mass. This wall becomes more and more distinct; and, after a time, the contents, from dark green, change into a deep orange-yellow ; and simultaneously with this change of colour the wall of the globule acquires increased thickness, and appears double. The third form, or Volvox stellatus, differs in no respect from the two former, except in the form of the internal globules, which exhibit a stellate aspect, caused by the pro- jection on their surface of numerous conical eminences, formed of the hyaline substance, of which the outer wall of the globule is constituted. The deep green colour of the contents of these stellate embryos, and their subsequent changes into an orange colour, at once point out their close analogy with those of V. aureus. Ihave no doubt of their being merely modi- fications of the latter; and, in fact, the two forms are very frequently to be met with intermixed, and on several occasions I have observed smooth and stellate globules in the interior of one and the same parent globe. The organism described and figured by Ehrenberg, under the name of Spherosira volvox, also presents the appearance Busk on Volvox globator. 33 of a transparent globe set with green spots, but it differs from the foregoing in two important respects. 1. In the absence of any internal globules or embryes. 2. In the irregular size of the green granules lining the wall, which, instead of being of a uniform size, are of various dimensions (fig. 13, Pl. V.). The different sized granules are irregularly disposed, although, in relation to the sphere itself, they, or rather the centres of them, are as regularly dis- tributed as in the three just-described forms. What is rather remarkable with respect to this form is the circumstance, that the larger granules are not disposed over the whole periphery of the sphere, rarely occupying more than two-thirds of it, towards one side. In the more minute description of the elements of the above-mentioned organisms, the investigation of which requires the higher powers of the microscope, it will be convenient to commence with the common Volvox globator; and as the tracing of the development of the internal embryonic globules affords the readiest road to a compre- hension of the true structure of the mature globe, I shall pro- ceed in that course. The internal embryonic globules are visible in the young Volvox while still within the parent; but as they are at first concealed by the density of the wall of the young Volvoz, the very earliest stage of formation of the embryo cannot be readily noticed. In the earliest state in which these bodies can be observed, they appear as a globular, or rather discoid, nucleated cell (fig. 3), which, besides its apparent central nucleus, contains a number of minute spherules placed towards the periphery. At this time no distinct wall can be detected, the whole embryo (to use a convenient though incorrect term) apparently consisting of a homogeneous substance, with a lighter nuclear-looking space in the centre, and the above- mentioned spherules towards the periphery. This nucleated cell, as it may be termed, although without a cell-wall, in- creases in size, and the solid or coloured contents appear to retreat from the centre, which becomes clearer and clearer towards the periphery, which gradually becomes more and more opaque. As the cell grows, the nucleus (?) seems to disap- pear, or to be converted into the clear central space; or, it may be, broken up and confounded in the more opaque con- tents. The number of spherules increases as the cell grows, and it is very soon apparent that the now very thick parietal deposit of cel! contents is breaking up into small portions or lobular masses, the centre becoming clear, and apparently filled only with a clear aqueous fluid. When the cell has thus acquired a considerable size, the contents begin to un- d2 34 Busk on Volvox globator. dergo segmentation, as pointed out in the case of Volvor—l believe first by Professor Williamson. This process com- mences and proceeds precisely as in the ova of animals—the contents dividing first into two, and then each of the halves into two, and so on, till the division becomes too minute to allow of the counting of the segments. It is to be remarked, moreover—and I think this has not been noticed before—that the bright spherical bodies multiply quite as rapidly, if not in amore rapid ratio, up to a certain point, than the segmenta- tion goes on, so that each segment of the still-dividmg mass always exhibits two, three, four, or even more of these par- ticles (figs. 1, 2). Ultimately the segmentation ends in the formation of innumerable green bodies, which are closely packed round the periphery of the cell. These bodies, though perfectly defined, are not at first separated by any clear space, and each contains at least one of the bright spherules alluded to (fig. 3). By their mutual pressure, these soft corpuscles of course assume an hexagonal figure, and they are now about 1-4000th of an inch in diameter, or rather more. As soon as, or even before, the segmentation commences, a distinct though delicate membrane, surrounding the embryonic mass, is quite evident, as described by Mr. Williamson; and beyond this is usually to be observed a very delicate zone of apparently gelatinous matter, which is sometimes so delicate as to escape observation, but may, I believe, always be detected by the use of a solution of iodine. When the segmentation is completed, in the way above de- scribed, the embryo Volvor exhibits the appearance of a sphe- rical body composed of a transparent membrane lined with distinct, uniform-sized, contiguous hexagonal masses. It con- tinues to grow, and very soon clear lines become apparent between the green masses, which are thus very distinctly defined, retaining the same hexagonal form—each with an apparent nucleus, which is probably derived from the bright spherule contained in it, but as yet without brown spot, clear space (vacuole), or vibratile cilia. As the embryo continues to grow, the spaces between the green masses continue to in- crease ; the green bodies gradually lose the hexagonal form, and assume the appearance of the ciliated zoospore next to be described. They are now about 1-3000th of an inch, or thereabouts, in diameter, and the embryo, detached from its parent, becomes a free Volvox in its interior. We have thus arrived at the complete Volvoxr, and from the mode of its for- mation it is apparent that it consists of a transparent wall lined with the green bodies, and hollow in the interior ; and also that it is surrounded, at all events while within the Busx on Volvox globator. 35 parent, with a delicate transparent areola, apparently of gela- tinous matter We have now to examine more minutely the structure and nature of the green granules, and the further changes they undergo. Upon examination of the wall of a full-grown V. globator with a sufficient magnifying power, it will be seen, upon view- ing the edges, as it were, of the image in the field, with the object so arranged as to bring the equatorial plane exactly into focus (fig. 5), that the green granules are, in fact, vesicular or semivesicular bodies of a flask-like or conical form, about 1-3000th of an inch in transverse diameter, and placed at uniform distances apart. Each of them is prolonged out- wardly into a sort of peak or proboscis of a transparent and colourless or hyaline material, and from which proceed two very long vibratile cilia, which in close contact at first, pass through the parent cell-wall, upon the outer side of which they separate widely and perform very active movements. The outer cell-wall presents a minute infundibuliform depression at the point of exit of the cilia. It will also be observed, that each ciliated cell or zoospore, as it may analogically be termed, contains a green granular mass or masses, composed, for the most part probably, of chlorophyll granules and a more trans- parent body, which I suppose may be regarded as a nucleus, and derived, as it would appear, from one of the bright sphe- rules which have been noticed before. Atan early period after the maturity or completion of the zoospores they exhibit a minute, circular, clear space, or sometimes, but I think rarely, more than one, which is worthy of very attentive considera- tion. This space is of pretty uniform size in all cases, and about 1-9000th of an inch in diameter. It may be situated in any part of the zoospore, or not unfrequently in the base, or even in the midst of one or other of the bands of protoplasm connecting it with its neighbours. Its most important charac- ter consists in its contractility—a property already known to be possessed by similar spaces or vacuoles in vegetable spores. But what appears to me a very curious, and as yet unnoticed peculiarity of this contraction, consists in the fact that it is very regularly rhythmical. In several cases in which I have watched the phenomenon in question, uninterruptedly, for some time, the contractions or pulsations occurred very regularly at intervals of about 38” to 41”. _In one case, however, if I was not misled in the observation, the interval was about twice this, viz., 1’ 25”. The contraction, which appears to amount to complete obliteration of the cavity of the “ vacuole,” takes place rapidly or suddenly, as it were, whilst the dilatation is slow and gradual, The interval above noted was measured 36 Busk on Volvox globator. between one sudden contraction and the next, and about half of it perhaps was taken up by the slow dilatation of the space. This contractile vacuole always reappears in precisely the same spot. It would seem to exist, or at all events to present a contractile property only for a limited period, and to disappear soon after the formation of the brown spot, when, as I con- ceive, the zoospore has reached its maturity. The most favourable cases in which this contractile space is to be sought for, are those in which the Volvoz is in the most vigorous state, and especially in that variety in which, owing perhaps to the copious supply of nutritive matter, the amount of protoplasm is very abundant, and the zoospores consequently very numer- ous and connected to each other, not by slender filaments but by wide processes, as in figs. 26, 27, which latter shows a contractile space situated in the base of one of the connecting bands of protoplasm. With the exception of the small space occupied by this contractile spot, the zoospore at first appears to be quite solid, and no distinct wall can be perceived around the green matter, but it rapidly changes. Owing either to the expansion of the vacuole, above described, after it has lost its contractile property, or to the formation of others ofa different nature, and also perhaps in some degree to the absorption or consumption of some of the colouring contents, the zoospore gradually becomes more and more transparent (fig. 7); till at last, the greater part of it is clear and colourless, and what remains of the green matter contracts into a small irregular mass, adherent to the bottom or sides of what is now a cell— primordial cell of Cohn. (Figs. 5, 6.) Each cell, when fully formed, usually presents a brown spot, which is adherent to one side of the cell towards the narrow end (figs. 5, 6); and what is remarkable, it will be noticed in a perfect specimen, that the brown spots are placed in a corresponding situation in all the cells, that is to say, all the cells appear to look the same way. This is the so-termed eye-spot of Ehrenberg. When examined with a high power (800—900 diam.) it presents the form of a cup or disc, con- cave on the side which looks outward, and convex on the other. ‘Though placed quite on the side of the cell, and pro- jecting a little upon it, the brown spot is nevertheless always covered by a thin membranous expansion of protoplasm, or, in other words, it is always lodged within the substance of the zoospore. Though most usually present, the brown spot does not appear, in all cases, to be at any period a necessary con- stituent of the zoospore. It is one of the most persistent however, remaining visible as long as any portion of the zoo- spore is discernible. Besides the above-described elements, the Bus on Volvox globator 37 zoospore, when viewed from aboye, exhibits two highly refrac- tive spots placed side by side, which seem to represent the insertions or origins of the two vibratile cilia. - The periphery of the cell presents a clear line, and appears to be formed of a delicate membrane—although, in the earlier stages of the existence of the zoospore, that is, before the for- mation of the eye-spot, or disappearance of the contractile vacuole, the whole evidently consists of a homogeneous sub- stance, in which the above described parts are imbedded. From the periphery of the zoospore proceed six thread-like processes, connecting it with as many of its neighbours. These threads appear to be simply continuations of the quasi? cell- wall, and to be of the same nature chemically as it, as are also the vibratile cilia. The connecting threads are sometimes double, or even triple, between some one or more of the sur- rounding cells, and they are invariably continuous between the two cells. This description applies more particularly to the zoospores in situ. When the Volvox is ruptured, many appear to be- come immediately detached, and to be washed out, as it were, with the aqueous contents of the parent cell. Under these circumstances they lose some of their previous regularity of form, but not much; they become more globular and the beak less prominent, but in other respects they appear much the same as before. The two vibratile cilia remain in con- nexion with them, and continue their active movements. This is opposed to Mr. Williamson’s statement, that “‘ when thus liberated they exhibit no traces of the two cilia, or probos- cides” of Ehrenberg, and agrees with that of the latter. Among the thus liberated ciliated zoospores will usually be found numerous detached cilia, which, as is observed by Mr. Williamson, are generally more or less coiled at one end into a ring. And besides these I have not unfrequently noticed some extremely delicate annular bodies, about 1-9000th of an inch in diameter, perfectly clear and colourless, which seem as if they had escaped from the interior of the ruptured zoospore : but of this and their true nature I am unable to speak posi- tively. Having thus described what I conceive to be the anatomy of the common form of Volvox globator, 1 will thus sum up the result of what my observations have led me to conclude as to its structure. 1. That it originates in an apparently nucleated, discoid cell, which is generated in the interior of the parent, and liberated in a perfect, though not fully matured form; within which are contained similar germs. 38 Busk on Volvox globator. 2. That the contents of this apparently nucleated discoid cell, consisting of a grumous material and refractive amyla- ceous (?) spherules, after a time undergo segmentation, at the same time exhibiting a distinct wall, beyond which is a delicate areola, apparently of a gelatinous consistence. 3. That this segmentation, attended with a corresponding augmentation in the number of the refractive spherules, ter- minates ultimately in the formation of numerous contiguous particles or segments. 4, That these ultimate segments are gradually separated from each other, remaining connected only by elongated pro- cesses or filaments, and constituting the ciliated zoospores of the mature Volvoz. 5. That these zoospores at first are simple masses of pro- toplasm, containing a transparent nuclear body, and _ that afterwards they present for a time clear, circular spaces, which contract rhythmically at regular intervals ; and are subsequently furnished with a brown eye-spot; and at a very early period with two long retractile cilia, which, arising from an elongated hyaline beak, penetrate the parent cell-wall, and exert active movements external to it. 6. That in a concentric plane internal to these ciliated zoo- spores are placed the germs of future individuals destined to follow the same course. Having thus traced one form of Volvozx through its course of development, I will proceed much more briefly to the others. In V. aureus, as I have said, the constitution of the wall of the parent cell is exactly as above described. At its earliest appearance also the internal embryonic body cannot be dis- tinguished from that of the ordinary form, except in its deeper green colour. It afterwards, however, acquires a thick wall, changes its colour to yellow without material alteration in size, and acquires a second equally firm and distinct envelope, or rather, as I believe, the original contents contract somewhat, and then form a second coat around themselves. Eventually a considerable space exists between these two coats (figs. 10, 12), which space is occupied by a clear and apparently aqueous fluid, but upon the addition of a solution of iodine a granular cloudiness is produced in this fluid. ‘The contents of the inner cell consist chiefly of amylaceous grains mixed with a greenish material in the one case, and with a bright yellow apparently oily fluid in the other. The amylaceous particles are of an irregular botryoidal form, and far from uniform in size. As regards the future destination of this form of germ, I am as yet in total ignorance ; there can, however, I think, be little doubt but that it represents the “still” form of spore of Busk on Volvox globator. 39 other Alga—that it may, in fact, be termed the “ winter spore” of Volvoxr, destined, owing to its more persistent vi- tality, to continue the species, when its course of development in the usual way is interrupted by surrounding circumstances. Of that form of Volvoxr termed V. stellatus, 1 would only here observe that it seems to me merely a modification of the one last described, and that it appears to follow the same course of change and doubtless of future development. With respect to Spherosira volvox, my observations have been very limited, and I by no means desire to express myself with certainty as to its relationship to the forms above de- scribed. I merely surmise that it may be found to represent a peculiar mode of development of one and the same species. In externa] aspect, except in the want of uniformity in the size of the ciliated zoospores, it appears to agree in all respects with V. globator. It however contains no internal embryonic bodies, and it is therefore only to the ciliated cells that any reference need here be made. The smaller ones appear to me to resemble in all respects those of Volvox globator, and each to possess two cilia, which is important if true, because the only distinction between Volvor and Spherosira in Ehren- berg’s classification depends upon the circumstance, that in Spherosira there is only a single cilium to each zoospore, whilst there are two in Volvoz. My supposition that Spherosira volvox and V. globator are allied, is founded, it must be owned, not upon any direct ob- servation, but chiefly upon the fact, that in the water in which the specimens of Volvoz 1 had under examination were con- tained, there was at first none of the Spherosira any more than of V. aureus observable, and that after some days both were very numerous. The difference I am about to describe in the after develop- ment of the ciliated zoospores, is not by any means a sufficient ground upon which they should be deemed distinct species, because much greater differences are known to exist in other of the lower Alge during their various forms of development without its being thence allowable to suppose that they are of different species. In Volvox spherosira then, as at all events it may be termed, the larger green granules are in fact the ciliated zoospores in a stage of further progressive development. In the same spe- cimen they will be seen in all stages of division or segmenta- tion (fig. 13)—first into two, then into four, and so on till, as in the case of the embryo Volvox, the ultimate result of the segmentation constitutes numerous minute ciliated cells or bodies (fig. 14)—not, however, as in that case, lining the 40) Bus on Volvox globator. inner surface of the wall of a spherical case, but forming by their aggregation, a discoid body, in which the separate fusi- form cells are connected together at one end, and at the other are free, and furnished each with a single cilium. In this stage these compound masses become free and swim about in the water, constituting, in fact, a species of the genus Uvella, or of Syncrypta of Ehrenberg. With respect to the chemical constitution of the above deseribed parts, the following are the results at which I have arrived :—1l. By the use of iodine and sulphuric acid, tried repeatedly and in various ways, I have never succeeded satis- factorily in eliciting any tinge of blue in the wall of the mature Volvox. 1 therefore conclude that it contains no cellulose. It is invariably coloured, by the above re-agents, of a deep brown colour, and when thus coloured, this outer wall presents no trace whatever of structure; it appears uniformly transparent and homogeneous. The ciliated zoospores, also, with the connecting filaments and cilia, are turned brown, but of a very deep brown, by the same re-agents, excepting usually one or more particles in the interior of each, which are apparently turned blue. I am not satisfied as to the chemical re-action of the brown spot; it appears to assume a blue colour, but from the intensity of its colour and consequent opacity I am not sure that this is the case. The embryo cell, when young, is turned a deep brown, but when older and fully formed, but before it has arrived at maturity, it will be found that it is only the green masses, or future ciliated zoospores, that are thus changed, the cell-wall acquiring scarcely any tinge of brown. But when a young cell thus tested with iodine and sulphuric acid is ruptured, I have occasionally noticed that the fluid contents contain an abundance of minute bluish flocculi—I use the word flocculi because the particles are light and flocculent, and not at all like any of the more ordinary and more solid forms of amylaceous matter. The quantity of this flocculent matter appears to be greater towards the periphery of the cell, and, in fact, it would seem that the green bodies are at this time imbedded as it were in an amylaceous matrix, which they not improbably assimilate, because in the mature cell nothing of the sort is apparent. In the embryonic bodies, however, or winter spores of V. aureus and stellatus, the presence of cellulose is rendered abundantly evident in the two coats forming the tunic of the spore by the blue colour produced in them by iodine and sul- phuric acid (fig. 11); nearly as distinctly, in fact, as it is in the tunic of Micrasterias and other Desmidiee. The appa- rently clear fluid between the two tunics is rendered brownish Busk on Volvox globator. 41 and turbid at the same time (figs. 11, 12), and the solid con- tents of the interior are shown to consist, for the most part, of amylaceous grains of the peculiar botryoidal form above noticed. (Fig. 9.) The yellow oil-like fluid in the ripe spore acquires a green tint under the action of the same re-agents. (Fig. 9.) ApPENDIx.—( October, 1852.) The above are the observations read at the Microscopical Society. I am now satisfied that they afford an account of but one of the multiform varieties under which Volvoz occurs at different times and places. I must own also, that at the time my observations there detailed were made, I was unable to reconcile much of what I saw with some of the statements and figures in my friend Professor Williamson’s ingenious paper on the same subject. Subsequent investigation, how- ever, and some correspondence with him, have satisfied me that I was hasty in drawing conclusions from one form only of a very protean object. I freely confess, that in much, in respect to which I had conceived Professor Williamson had fallen into some error of observation, he has been quite right, though at the same time I must say that his explanations of the appear- ances described and figured by him, do not exactly accord with my notions respecting them. I still maintain that the structure of the wall of Volvox—upon which alone I think we are dis- agreed—is essentially such as I have described it, viz., that it is formed by a continuous, external tunic, lined by the ciliated zoospores. Professor Williamson, on the other hand, as I understand him, conceives the globe to be “a hollow vesicle, the walls of which consist of numerous angular cells filled with green endochrome, &c., the intercellular spaces being more or less transparent.’ The ciliated zoospore, therefore, according to him, is not amass of vegetable protoplasm, without dis- tinct wall, and precisely analogous to a Euglena, or other naked zoospores, but represents the endochrome of a cell hay- ing two walls, an external and an internal, which latter is “a ductile cell-membrane, lining the interior of each cell and sur- rounding the cell-contents,” and which ‘ inner membrane be- comes separated from the outer cell-wall excepting at a few points, where it is retained in contact.” And he thus explains the mode of formation of the connecting filaments. In this case, therefore, these filaments would never pass directly from one green mass to another, but would of course be interrupted in their course by the walls of two contiguous cells, ‘That this, 42 Busk on Volvox globator. however, is not the case in the form of Volvox, which formed the subject of my paper, is sufficiently obvious. But it is nevertheless true, as I find from examination of Professor Wil- liamson’s specimens, that his representation is, in certain cases, equally correct, as I shall afterwards explain. Another cir- cumstance also noticed by Mr. Williamson, and which, till he pointed it out particularly to me, had, though not altogether unnoticed, been disregarded, is the existence of delicate lines between the green granules, and dividing the wall of the Vo/- vox into very regular hexagonal spaces, in the centre of each of which is placed one of the green granules. The former of these conditions— which, though I have never met with it myself distinctly in specimens from any other locality, seems to be sufficiently abundant in the neighbourhood of Manchester—is represented in figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. In these it will be seen that the coiteal: green body i is sammanealeed at variable dis- tances, by a tolerably thick, distinct membrane or wall, and that numerous irregular filaments, where they exist at all, extend from the central mass to this wall, and there terminate, and do not pass from one green mass to another, as in the usual form. Now, I explain the way in which the zoospore is thus modified, in this way: I regard the external membrane merely as the boundary-wall of the original zoospore, and, like the entire body, as composed of vegetable protoplasm; and I believe that this peculiar appearance is produced by a great and unusual expansion of the interior of the zoospore (by endosmosis of fluid probably), by which the outer or periphe- ral layer is separated from the remainder and principal part of the mass, containing the chlorophyll and nucleus, or supposed nucleus, &c. Zoospores, in fact, in this condition might be said to be dropsical. That this separation of the wall from the contents arises in this way, and not, as Mr. Williamson says, from the shrinking of contents, is, I think, sufficiently obvious from several considerations, and is rendered very clear, if we trace the progressive stages ‘of the hydropical enlarge- ment in one and the same Volvoz, as I have done in the figures above cited. In this series it is easy to observe the earliest formation of the clear space up to the most extreme dilatation of which the cell is capable, owing to its contiguity with others. Of course when a number of “cells are thus enlarged and mutually compressed, they assume an hexagonal form ; but this hexa- gonal arrangement must not, as it appears to me, be con- founded with another, to which I have before alluded, and which I conceive to be due to a different circumstance alto- gether. In fig. 15 of this series, some cells will be observed Busx on Volvox globator. 43 little if at all altered, from what I assume to be the normal form, and it will be seen that these little altered cells are mutually connected by the usual continuous filaments. In fig. 16 the zoospores are more expanded, and being in con- tact in many points, the connecting threads are absent; fig. 17 shows a further degree of expansion, but more irregu- lar, and with irregular connecting filaments. In fig. 18 the enlargement is nearly as great as it can be, and numerous threads or processes of protoplasma extend from the central mass to the wall, just as they do in almost any vegetable cell from the nucleus to the primordial utricle, which utricle, in fact, is represented by the cell-wall in the case we are dis- cussing. In fig. 19, the dilatation is complete, and, owing to the greater age of the specimen from which this figure was taken, the protoplasma is much wasted, and all the filamentary processes completely gone. A faint granular appearance occupies the cavity of the primordial cell. It is a curious fact, as showing perhaps that all the vital action in the cell resides in or around the nuclear mass, that not unfrequently the central mass after considerable expansion of the cell, and the formation in that way of one wall, will begin to throw off asecond. This condition is represented in a more highly magnified drawing in fig. 20. Although I have not myself seen any natural specimens in which this condition of the zoospores was present, except those for which I have been indebted to Mr. Williamson, still I have repeatedly observed a partial appearance of the same kind to take place, when a specimen of Volvox of the normal sort is kept for some hours under observation in the micro- scope. Figs. 21, 22, 23 show the series of changes that took place in a certain number of zoospores watched at intervals, and left undisturbed for about twenty-four hours. (Fig. 21,10 am., Oct. 4. Fig. 22, 1 pm., Oct. 4. Fig. 22, 8 a.m., Oct. 5.) Now with respect to the other form of hexagonal areo- lation, for my knowledge of which, as I have stated, I am chiefly indebted to Professor Williamson, and which is represented in figs. 24, 25, I have already observed, that I regard it as quite distinct from that produced by the mutual pressure of contiguous dilated zoospores. Professor William- son appears, from what he has told me by letter, to consider that this appearance is invariably present, or at all events that it can be elicited in all cases by appropriate means. I must confess however, that I have not been successful in seeing it, or in producing it in very many instances, and that I believe it is occasionally impossible by any means to demonstrate its d4 Busx ox Volvox globator. existence. At some periods not a single specimen from a given locality will exhibit it, whilst at another, every indi- vidual will show it at the first glance. Thus in the month of August last, when, in a certain pond on Blackheath there was the most incredible abundance of Volvoz, so great in fact as to render the water at the lee side of the pond in certain spots of a deep green colour, and to cause it to afford, when collected, a very strong herbaceous or confervoid smell, the majority of the plants exhibited the stellate form of spores, or rapidly acquired spores of that character, and very many were in, or soon assumed, the form of V. aureus. They seemed in fact to be entering upon their hybernating state. Many among them, however, though all small and starved-looking, were of the common kind ; in all these Mr. Williamson’s hexagonal areola- tion was very distinct. In the month of October, however, upon returning to the same pond, | was able to find very few Volvoces at all, and all of the usual kind ; in none of these could I detect the least appearance of the same arrangement. I there- fore conclude that the greater or less distinctness, or complete absence of this character, is to be referred to external condi- tions with which we are not fully acquainted. The appear- ance itself I explain in this way. It appears to me that each zoospore is imbedded in a distinct gelatinous or semi-fluid envelope of considerable thickness, and that the hexagonal areas are formed by the sides of these distinct masses of gelati- nous matter coming into contact. I am inclined to think that there is no distinct membrane containing this gelatinous matter : if there be, it must be infinitely thin, because the line of con- tact is extremely delicate and single. I conceive, in fact, that each ciliated zoospore is surrounded with a gelatinous or semi-fluid areola, of the same nature precisely as that which surrounds the embryo Volvozx while within the parent, and in which also it is not I think possible to detect a distinct limitary membrane. This envelope of the ciliated zoospores contains a nitrogenous element, which sometimes, on the addi- tion of iodine, gives rise to the appearance of minute heads around the outer periphery of each gelatinous mass, or in the lines of the hexagonal areas as seen in fig. 25. It is to be observed also, that connecting filaments of protoplasma may occasionally be seen to pass from one zoospore to another across the line of junction of the two gelatinous envelopes (fig. 24). These zoospores therefore of Volvox would appear to represent the “encysted zoospore” of Cohn (Protococcus pluvialis, &c.), and his fig. 43, plate 67, may perhaps be taken as a fair representation of what I conceive to be the condition in these connected zoospores in Volvox, This ex- Busx on Volvox globator. 45 planation of the hexagonal areolation, however, does not clash at all with that which I have given as to the structure of the wall of Volvox. For in this case, as in all others, the collected mass of zoospores, and their envelopes, is enclosed by a con- tinuous external membrane, not in any way derived from them but from the parent cell in which they were originally formed. There are several other interesting points relating to Volvox which have come under my observation ina prolonged atten- tion to the subject, including another form of development of the internal spore, in which it divides, not in the usual way, into what may perhaps not inappropriately be considered as macrogonidia, to use Braun’s expression, but into a much smaller and differently arranged sort, which may be considered as his microgonidia; but to enter fully upon this and other points would demand more space than is here at command. [Whilst this paper is passing through the press, I have found that a faint, but quite distinct, purplish blue tinge may be produced in the wall of Volvox globator by means of Schultz’s solution. The specimens of Volvoz in which I have noticed this have been preserved in glycerine for two months.—G. B.]| Further Elucidations of the Structure of VoLvox GLOBATOR. By Professor W.C. Wittramson. (Read June 21, 1852.) In May, 1851, I had the honour of laying before the Philo- sophical Society of Manchester a memoir on the Volvox globa- tor,* containing the results of a series of observations, which brought to light in that elegant object, a cellular structure, hitherto unobserved. Since the existence of these cells affects the character and affinities of the organism, it is desirable that the fact should be established beyond the possibility of dispute. My friend Mr. Busk, in a recent communication made to the Microscopical Society of London, either doubts their existence, or rejects my idea of their cellular nature. This denial, coming from such a quarter, renders it incumbent upon me to make the matter more plain than was done in my previous memoir: I am enabled to do this, partly by new ob- servations on the living Volvox, and partly by some changes which the specimens prepared last year have undergone, making their structure more obvious than it previously was. * Published in the Ninth Volume of its Transactions. 46 Wittiamson on Volvox globator. No one who has seen these specimens can for a moment doubt that there exists immediately beneath the superficial pellicle, or common investing membrane of each Volvoz, a layer of closely-packed translucent vesicles, within each of which is located one of the numerous green spots ornamenting its periphery. In the memoir referred to, | endeavoured to show that these vesicles are true cells, whilst the green spots are the inner cell-membranes and their contents, representing the internal utricles of Harting and Mulder, the primordial utricles of Mirbel. The appearance of these cells in their different stages of growth was described, and the mode of their development and multiplication examined. Mr. Busk, who has recently directed his attention to this subject, has arrived at a different conclusion from my own, | respecting the structures in question. Not having, then, seen the hyaline vesicles, which I regard as true cells, in any of his own specimens, he concluded that the Volvox consists of a number of protoplasms, which have resulted from the suc- cessive segmentations or subdivisions of one primary pro- toplasm, in the way described in my memoir. On being afforded an opportunity of examining some of my preparations of Volvox made last year, and in which the vesicles are re- markably distinct, though the appearance they presented was wholly new to him, he was still disposed to maintain his pre- vious opinion. Instead of admitting them to be true cells, he concluded that they were merely the outer layers of the protoplasmic segments, which, after separating from the pro- toplasmic mass, had become dropsically distended, and as- sumed the appearance of a true cell. Since I believe this general conclusion to be incorrect, I am anxious to render more clear than I have hitherto done, what appears to be the true interpretation of the structures in ques- tion. In accomplishing this, it will not be necessary to reca- pitulate all the details of my preceding memoir, since the accuracy of the greater number of them, as well as my con- clusion respecting the vegetable nature of Volvox, are con- firmed both by Mr. Busk and by other observers: some points, however, require to be examined in detail. There is one point respecting which I was clearly in error ; my present correction of the mistake is due to the suggestions which I have received from Mr. Busk. I found that each young germ was developed from one of the peripheral stratum of cells, by the ordinary process of cell-division or segmenta- tion. Having ascertained that each protoplasm in its matured state was invested by a true external cell, in addition to a very thin inner one which held the granular mass together, I con- Wittiamson on Volvox globator. 47 cluded that, in the earlier stages of the process of segmentation and development of the germ, each protoplasmic segment would be invested by a similar external cell-membrane, as is the case with Hematococcus, Palmella, &c. I could not ascer- tain what became of these outer cells, as successive subdi- visions of their contained protoplasms multiplied their number, but hazarded the surmise, that the earlier cells might either have been re-absorbed, or that they still existed in the form of thin membranes, consolidated with and investing the newer cells which I supposed had been developed within their in- terior. It is now obvious that none of the protoplasmic seg- ments have secreted their external cell-membrane, until the entire number destined to compose the matured organism has been completed. This interpretation accounts for many ano- malous circumstances. It explains the very close contact in which we find the green protoplasms of the immature germ. No transparent spaces intervene ; these only appear when the -young germ is matured and furnished with cilia. It also explains my want of success in searching for the layers of cellulose, the residue of the supposed earlier-formed cells, - which must have existed had the organism been developed in exactly the same way as a Palmella or an Hematococcus. In these latter objects, each segmentation of the protoplasm is followed by the secretion of a true cell, which invests each segment. The point now to be demonstrated is the existence of two mem- branes surrounding each mass of protoplasm. First an inner one, very thin, and in the living state, closely embracing the gra- nular protoplasm, and corresponding with the inner cell-mem- brane of the ordinary Conferve ; second, an outer cell-mem- brane secreted from the exterior of the first. To facilitate describing, we may term the former of these the protoplasmic membrane, and the latter the cell-membrane. The protoplasmic membrane is easily shown to exist. Fig. 6, Pl. VI. represents a very young gemma, or budding germ, which consisted of but few segments, as it appeared when sub- jected to pressure under water. Some of the protoplasmic seg- ments glided through an aperture made in the common vesicle, without becoming ruptured. They accommodated themselves to the size and form of the aperture, and, on escaping, regained their spherical form. On increasing the pressure, each seg- ment burst, all the granular and mucilaginous contents flowing out and mingling with the water (6)'). As they did so the protoplasmic membranes (6c) were distinctly seen as thin hyaline spheres. In the subsequent development of Volvox this membrane always continues in existence. Its appearance VOL, I. e 48 Wituramson on Volvox globator. in the matured organism will be described immediately. When the gemma has attained its full size, by the process of segmenta- tion described in my former memoir, further changes occur. Translucent spaces separate the green protoplasms, now be- come hexagonal by mutual pressure. These translucent out- lines mark the development of the external cells investing the protoplasmic membranes. At first the two are in close oppo- sition; they subsequently separate, as the cell increases in size, excepting at certain points where they remain in contact. Before tracing out the further stages of this process I must observe that the Volyox exhibits two apparently distinct states, which are, nevertheless, mere varieties of one species. In the one, each ‘protoplasm assumes the appearance of fig. 1 6, being angular, and giving off thick, irregular and often dichotomous threads (le), the extremities of which are attached to the cell-wall (1a). In this case, the radiating threads consist not only of the protoplasmic membrane, but also of its granular, mucilaginous contents. The other condition referred to is represented in fig. 10. Each protoplasm (10d) is perfectly spherical, and connected with its neighbours by delicate capil- lary threads, these being so fine as to be sometimes almost invisible. In this state the cells to be described are often invisible ; nevertheless, they exist. The changes undergone by the stellate variety were described in my previous memoir. The cell expands, and as the pro- toplasm is only attached to it at certain points, the latter is drawn out until it finally assumes the stellate contour deli- neated in fig. 1. Each of the radiating threads is attached to the cell-membrane by its peripheral extremity, at a point exactly opposite the correspofiding threads of contiguous pro- toplasms. On rupturing a Volvox under water these threads become detached from the cell-wall, and passing through the stages represented in figs. 2 and 3, assumed that of fig. 4, which is precisely that of fig. 10, minus the connecting threads, a state which occasionally occurs in the living Volvox. In numerous examples of both these varieties of Volvox 1 found each protoplasm surrounded by an angular, usually hexagonal, areola, as represented in fig. 5 of my original me- moir. They appeared as dark outlines when the object was illuminated by transmitted light. On exposing these speci- mens for a while to the action of some re-agents, as glycerine, I soon found that each dark line was really double, and marked the boundaries of two cells. This was shown by the gradual separation of these cells at the angles of the areole, as repre- sented in fig. 11, which is a faithful transcript of part of one of these specimens when mounted in glycerme. In this ex- Wiiamson on Volvoxr globator. 49 ample no cells were at first visible ; but as I watched them, they came gradually into view in some parts of the organism, but not in others. Fig. 11 represents a portion of it, in the upper part of which the cells are visible, whilst in its lower part they cannot be traced; here the tissues were transparent and apparently quite structureless, as was the entire sphere in the first instance. The transition from the one condition to the other was gradual; the dark lines becoming less conspicuous and finally disappearing as we approached the opposite side of the Volvox to that on which they were most distinct. ‘This specimen illustrates thousands that have been examined, and proves that the apparent absence of the cells from so many of the objects is no proof that they do not exist, but merely shows that certain favourable conditions are required to bring them into view. We are justified in concluding that they exist alike in all the specimens of Volvox, and are not merely accidental developments in a few individuals. In my mounted preparations we obtain further evidence respecting the nature of these two membranes—the proto- plasmic and the cellular. We see that the wall of the sphere bas an appreciable thickness, the inner margin being as definite as the outer one, and nearly parallel with it. Fig. 5 represents this as seen ina section of a Volvox. A moment’s inspection of my preparations would convince the most sceptical that such is the case; several of these peripheral cells, as seen in the section, are more highly magnified in figs. 14 and 15. The thin investing pellicle (15 d) com- presses the outer wall of each cell into conformity with the peripheral curve of the sphere; /aterally the septa (15 a) are straight and parallel to one another. Internally, each cell is a little turgid (15 a), the centripetal pressure at this point being obviously at the minimum, and allowing the primary tendency of the cell to assume a spherical form to manifest itself. The green protoplasm adheres firmly to the peripheral wall of each cell, through which the cilia are protruded. Between the true cell-wall and the protoplasm, we have the protoplasmic membrane (14 and 15 c’) in variable conditions. Some- times it forms an oval cell (14 c’), sometimes it is oval at one end and flattened out at the other (14c, l5c’); at others it is not only flattened out at each extremity and in close opposi- tion with the cell-wall, but even at the two sides (as in the centre cell of fig. 15) the two membranes are closely ap- proximated. f If we turn to a superficial view of the same specimens, we shall obtain similar results. It must be borne in mind that in the living Volvox, even where the cells are viene we only ea 50 Wittiamson on Volvox globator. see the true cells ; the protoplasmic membrane being in such close apposition to its granular and mucilaginous contents as to prevent its being identified as a separate tissue. But when the specimens have been mounted some time, we often find that a change takes place. The protoplasmic matter shrinks up into a small irregular mass (7 6), and thus becomes detached from the protoplasmic membrane (7 c¢, c') which forms a ring round it. When we succeed in compressing the object so as to force the cells into an oblique position (as is done in those to the left of fig. 7), we see that these circles are really iden- tical with figs. 14 and 15 c, c’ in the sections. The external cells (7 a) remain in mutual contact, excepting at their angles. There is a little discrepancy between this description and that of fig. 11 in my former memoir, and the explanation of its cause will do much to diminish the real difference between myself and Mr. Busk, whilst it tends to confirm my ideas respecting the cellular structure of Volvox. In many of my mounted specimens, the outer or cell-membranes have either failed to become visible, or have disappeared again. On the other hand, in these examples, the protoplasmic membranes have separated from their protoplasms and become very con- spicuous. I formerly confounded the two, and imagined that in the latter examples the incipient separation of the cells at the angles (seen in figs. 11 and 16) had been subsequently carried much further, causing a complete isolation of the cells, as is apparently the case in fig. 17. My error was corrected by the specimen delineated in fig. 7, in one part of which both these tissues are seen as there represented, thus enabling me to iden- tify the imner protoplasmic membranes (7c) of the one with the only membranes seen (17 ¢) in the other. Numerous similar specimens have since confirmed the correctness of this explana- tion, which clears up many obscure points. I now find no difficulty in recognising the two structures; the protoplasmic membrane, whether seen in front or in profile, is always more granular, from the adhesion to its inner surface of some of the granular elements of the protoplasm, than is the case with the cell-membrane, the outlines of which are invariably clear and fine. Fig. 8 represents three cells from the same specimen as fig. 7, in which the protoplasmic membranes nearly fill the respective cells; such specimens, seen in section, exhibit the appearance of the centre cell of fig. 15. I conclude that if we could bring all these structures into view in a section of aliving Volvox, they would present the appearance of fig. 12, where a represents the cell-membranes, b the protoplasm and its contiguous membranes, d the common pellicle, and e the prolonged threads of the proto- Wictiamson on Volvox globator. 51 plasm connecting it with the peripheral walls of its cell. Such a section however cannot be obtained until chemical re-agents have rendered the tissues rigid, which process alters their arrangement and aspects. The entire thickness of the cellular peripheral wall of the Volvox is about 1-1400th of an inch, in specimens that have been a few days mounted in glycerine. The superficial] dia- meter of the cells in the living Volvox varies from 1-800th to 1-]000th of an inch. The next question relates to the nature of the threads that connect together the protoplasms of the two varieties of Volvox. These cannot be exactly the same in figs. 1 and 10. In fig. 1, the entire protoplasmic mass is drawn out into a stellate form. Each thread consists of the protoplasmic membrane, and a portion of its contents. In fig. 10, on the other hand, the threads contain little or none of the protoplasmic granules, but appear to consist solely of a portion of the membrane, Of course to produce such a result this membrane must be highly ductile, and consequently but partially organized, That the threads are ductile and capable of being drawn out is easily seen on compressing a Volvox between two glasses. The fluid distending the sphere is very viscid and probably consists of mucilage. This must have been secreted by the protoplasms. When we remember that cellulose is but a modified form of” gum, we can readily conceive that the conversion of the one into the other may sometimes be imperfectly accomplished amongst these lower forms of vegetation. Such I believe to be the explanation of the ductility of the protoplasmic membrane, and of the threads into which it is drawn out. Fig. 16 throws a little additional light on this subject. We see from it that whilst the thread sometimes consists of the drawn-out membrane (16 a), at others the membrane has re- _ ceded from the outer cell-wall, leaving only a very faint line, thickened at its peripheral extremity, marking the former point of junction with the outer cell-wall. The same thing is seen in fig. 7. In both these examples the threads were ori- ginally of the stellate type seen in fig. 1. Whilst the points of contact with the outer cell-wall are still indicated, they have lost their irregular dichotomous character, and are reduced to straight, radiating, capillary threads, such as are seen in fig. 1. The greater portion of the viscid membrane has receded towards the protoplasm, whilst a small part has in like manner accumulated at the point of attachment to the cell-wall, form- ing the peripheral dots seen in the above figures; similar appearances present themselves in the other variety, fig, 10, Near the centre of fig. 11, the threads uniting several of the 52 Wi.uiamson on Volvox globator. protoplasms have become broken; those which remain have drawn their respective protoplasms towards the sides of the cells to which they are attached. All these circumstances in- dicate a degree of ductility in the protoplasmic membrane such as would scarcely exist supposing it to consist of per- fectly organized cellulose. In the young gemme, as already observed, the protoplasms are in close contact on all their sides ; but it is only at a few points that an actual junction is established corresponding with the extremities of the future threads. What has been the eclectic power leading to this result? It is not mere acci- dent. Reference to fig. 11 will show, that in passing from one protoplasm to another these threads always traverse the sides of the hexagonal cells, and never their angles. It is also ob- vious that these points of adhesion are chosen prior to the de- velopment of the outer cell-membrane. This is indicated by the unvarying continuity of the threads when they are single ; but still more so when they are double and treble, as is frequently the case (figs. 10 and Ile, e’). Whatever the number pro- ceeding from a protoplasm to any one side of its cell, the same number proceeds to the proximate side of the adjoining cell: I have scarcely seen one exception to this rule. I think the explanation just given meets the case ; if so, it may be a ques- tion whether the cell-membrane is developed between the con- tiguous extremities of the two protoplasmic threads, or whether it is deficient there, admitting of an actual as well as an appa- rent continuity. I have already given one or two reasons for believing the former hypothesis; but even should the latter prove the true one, we shall only have recurring in Volvox a phenomenon that is common enough amongst the perforated cells and ducts of the higher plants. In but one instance haye I seen a specimen countenancing the latter idea. In it the peripheral layer of cells was very thin and compressed ; many of the cells appeared to be wholly detached from each other, as represented in fig. 9 ; nevertheless the threads proceeded from protoplasm to protoplasm, apparently traversing the intercel- lular spaces. This specimen is so entirely exceptional as to leave little doubt on my mind that is capable of being explained. I have no doubt that, owing to the thinness of the peripheral cells, a section of it would resemble fig. 13. If we suppose that the circumstances which render the majority of Volvox cells hyaline and invisible, still continue to affect the portions of those in question that are external to the dotted line 13 f, the remainder being visible, we should have precisely such an appearance as is presented in fig. 9; the only visible por- Wituiamson on Volvox globator. 53 tions of the cells being those which were below the points of mutual contact. The direction taken by these threads frequently demonstrates the presence of invisible cell-walls midway between two pro- toplasms. We have already seen that when the threads are liberated their tendency is to become shortened ; hence they pursue the most direct course from one point to another. But we occasionally see examples of what is delineated in fig. 10 e’, where two threads run parallel for some distance and then suddenly diverge, proceeding to different protoplasms. his condition obviously indicates the existence of some invisible point dappui, where the divarication occurs. This, doubt- less, consists of the hyaline cell-wall. We obtain similar evi- dence from almost every example of Volvox, when we examine the protoplasms at one margin of the sphere in profile. This can readily be done with object-glasses of short focus, owing to the transparency of the tissues. We very frequently see that the threads, instead of being straight, dip inwards towards the centre of the sphere, and meet at a well-defined angle mid- way between the two protoplasms, as represented in fig. 12 e. This can only be explained in the way just suggested. Whatever may be the true nature of the objects which I re- gard as cells, they are obviously separated from the protoplasms before the latter assume their stellate forms, or develop their delicate connecting threads. I have had specimens of every age, from the gemma artificially liberated from the parent sphere, to the hyaline and matured individual, in all of which these cells exist. They are obviously developed immediately after the final process of segmentation has completed the re- quired number of protoplasms ; the development of these cells of the cilia and of the common pellicle apparently taking place about the same time. Names sometimes matter little; but here they are significant, since they involve the origin of the disputed structure. Mr. Busk regards it as the outer covering of the protoplasm dropsically distended; I believe that the outer covering (my protoplasmic membrane) remains in close connexion with the viscous protoplasm until the two are sepa- rated artificially, and that the cell is a secretion from the outer surface of the protoplasmic membrane. According to this ex- planation, the two bear the same mutual relations as exist between the outer and inner membranes of any other Confervoid cell. The beautiful stellate, spiral, and other forms which the inner membranes of many of these plants assume after their separation from the cell-wall, with which they were primarily in close contact, afford ready illustrations of the similar trans- formations in Volvox. 54 Wittiamson on Volvox globator. The origin of the superficial pellicle (fig. 14d and 15 d) remains to be considered. In my last memoir, I stated that each young gemma was developed within a large transparent vesicle (fig. 5 f and 6 f), which appeared to be the expanded cell-wall of the primary cell (a). My more recent investigations confirm this conclusion. When we detach a young gemma and its vesicle from the parent Volvox, the vesicle usually carries away with it a few of the contiguous protoplasms adhering to its outer surface (fig. 6 6), indicating the firm adhesion between this vesicle and the walls of the sphere, which we know to exist. This vesicle expands as the gemma increases in size. At first, the Jatter is closely invested by the former; but when the cilia are developed on the surface of the young organism, the vesicle becomes considerably distended, allowing the gemma to revolve freely within its prison house. (See fig. 5.) At this time the gemma is already invested by its proper superficial pellicle ; hence the latter cannot be the modified primary germ-cell, as supposed by Mr. Busk, but is a new growth developed on the surface of the gemma whilst enclosed within the enlarged germ-cell. ‘lhe source of this pellicle must be sought for in the aggregated protoplasms. It appears to be an independent secretion thrown off by them, in the way that the epidermal celis of a leaf co-operate to produce the similar structureless superficial pellicle. If this be a true homology, it would countenance the opinions of Schleiden and Payen, rather than of Mohl and Henfrey, the latter of whom regards the superficial pellicle as composed of the altered primary walls of pre-existing cells, and not as an external secretion. Henfrey’s explanation is that which I applied to the pellicle of Volvox, until the suggestion of Mr. Busk, respecting the primary condition of the volvocine protoplasms, showed me that in this instance the hypothesis was untenable. The relative periods at which the cells, the superficial pellicle, and the cilia make their appearance is not easily determined. So far as I have been able to form an opinion, I am disposed to think that the cilia first make their appearance, the cells and the outer pellicle being subsequent growths. A priori, we should have expected this to be the case, since it would not have been easy for delicate, flexible cilia to force their way through one or two imperforate invest- ing membranes. When the cilia are first produced they are very short, but they gradually lengthen, apparently by addi- tions to the base of each, secreted by the respective proto- plasms. After their formation we can readily understand how the pellicle could be secreted from the mass of protoplasms between and round the roots of these cilia, no pellicle being Wittiamson on Volvox globator. 55 produced where they were attached to the protoplasm. As subsequent additions were made to their length, they would readily push through the apertures so left. After the cilia have fallen off, these apertures can occasionally be seen arranged in pairs, as described in my last memoir. I have, in my cabinet, one specimen in which two large Infusorie have been developed within the Volvox, and have apparently eaten away many of the protoplasms without destroying the integrity of the sphere: the cilia have also fallen off: the remaining membranes confirm my previous description of the appearance and relative positions of these apertures. The fluid with which the sphere is filled is not mere water, but is apparently mucilage. In a preparation in which a number of these objects are mounted in dilute alcohol, this gummy matter has changed to a brown colour, and refused to mingle with the alcohol, as would be the case supposing it to be mucilaginous. This proves that it is a true secretion from the organism, and not merely water absorbed by endosmosis. We may possibly obtain from this source an explanation of the distension of the entire sphere, of the individual cells, and of the vesicles investing the germs. As this gummy secretion increased in quantity, each thin membrane investing the respective protoplasms from which the fluid was derived, would become distended for its reception, as the mere result of internal centrifugal pressure. The secretion itself is, perhaps, little more than a diluted condition of the same gum as that which is more or less completely converted into cellulose in the various investing membranes just enumerated. I cannot but think that the details now brought forward, resulting from a careful re-examination of the entire subject, will convince every unbiassed observer of the general accuracy of my previous conclusions, and especially those relating to the cellular structure of the walls of the sphere. In the memoir in which these conclusions were recorded, I pointed out the close analogy that existed between the development of Volvox and that of many of the lower Algz and Conferve. I also referred to the obvious resemblance of each protoplasm to the well- known Zoospores. It is only whilst the segmentation of the gemmz is in progress that a real relation exists between Volvox and young growing Conferve. At a later period every segment of the former becomes converted into a Zoospore: each Zoospore, in turn, having the power to cast off its cilia, and go through a new process of segmentation, in precisely the same way as the Zoospores of a Conferva or a Vaucheria. Only a few in each Volvox are selected for this purpose, but the potentiality 56 Wittiamson on Volvox globator. doubtless resides in all. The cell-walls in the Volvox re- semble the cells in which the Confervoid Zoospores are deve- loped, the only essential difference being, that in the former instance the cilia penetrate the cell-wall, instead of being retained within it, and the germination is carried on whilst the Zoospores maintain their connexion with the parent sphere, instead of being previously detached from it. All the facts brought to light by this inquiry confirm my previous conclusion (which conclusion receives, also, the effective support of Mr. Busk), that the affinities of Volvox are with the vegetable, and not with the animal kingdom. Since the above memoir was laid before the Society, Mr. Busk has supplied me with specimens of Volvozx stellatus. I quite agree with him in his view that V. stellatus, V. globator, and V. aureus are mere varieties of one species. In his specimens of J. stellatus the protoplasms were of the stellate form of fig. 1. The investing cells were obviously present in all the examples which I examined. The above generalisation by Mr. Busk does away with the possibility of the brilliant granules of the protoplasm being spores, and leads to the probability that the curious bodies either in V. stellatus or V. aureus are the true winter spores. In J. séellatus I have noticed that the ordinary power of gemmation appears to have worn itself out; since, though the gemmz often co-exist with the spores (?), they are small, colourless, and abortive. The curious stellate invest- ments of the spores (?) of V. stellatus appear to me to be homologous with my vesicles (fig. 5), within which the true gemmz are developed, and consequently to be the modified primary germ-cells. These often exist without the stellate protuberances, when their resemblance to the vesicles of the gemmez is very obvious. In the pond from which I chiefly obtained my specimens this year, they were all of the type represented in fig. 10. This was their character in April. In the beginning of September, all traces of the connecting threads had disappeared, each protoplasm then resembling my fig. 4. At the close of September nearly all the Volvoces disappeared. In the few that remained, the protoplasms had reverted to the stellate type of fig. 1. Ca On the Application of Puorocraruy to the Representation of Microscopie Objects. By Josepn Dertves, Esq. Commu- nicated by Mr. Bowerbank. (Read Oct. 27, 1852.) Ar the present time, when the microscope is contributing valuable aid in nearly every department of science, and its uses as an instrument are more generally known, it becomes of the greatest importance to possess some method more truthful than those hitherto adopted for copying the beautiful images of the achromatic object-glass. The recent discoveries in photography render its appli- cation to the microscope a subject for much consideration, since only by its assistance can we hope to obtain trustworthy impressions of objects so delicate and minute. I would, there- fore, beg to submit to the consideration of the Society the method I have adopted for producing. these copies; and as an illustration of the successful application of Photography to the microscope, I have the honour of presenting the specimens which I have recently obtained. I must, however, beg to state that others have an earlier claim than myself to this application; but with so little success had it previously been carried out, that I believe I am correct in saying it has been generally abandoned as a means of depicting microscopic objects. But for the satis- factory result it is only necessary to refer to plate VII. The only arrangement necessary for the purpose is the addition to the microscope of a dark chamber, similar to that of the camera obscura, having at one end an aperture for the insertion of the eye-piece end of the compound body, and at the other a groove for carrying the ground-glass plate. This dark chamber should not exceed 24 inches in length (the size which I have found best to adopt): if extended beyond this, the pencil of light transmitted by the object- glass is diffused over too large a surface, and a faint and unsatisfactory picture is the result. The specimens ex- hibited were taken at this distance, which has the additional advantage of producing a picture, in size very nearly equal to the object as seen in the microscope. The eye-piece must be removed from the compound body, and the object (being well illuminated by reflection from the concave mirror) must be adjusted and focused upon the ground-glass plate. In the production of positive pictures a slight difficulty here arises, dependent upon the “ over-correction” of the object-glass. The effect of this “ over-correction” is to project the blue rays of light beyond the other rays of the spectrum, and as the chemical properties of light reside in the violet and blue VOL. I. £ D8 On the Application of Photography. rays, it becomes necessary that the plane of the sensitive plate should coincide with the foci of these rays, and it must therefore be placed beyond the surface at which the best definition is seen; this amounts to some distance with the lower combinations, and decreases with the increase of mag- nifying power. For the production of negative pictures the ordinary illu- mination is not sufficient, and recourse must be had to the sunbeam, which should be reflected upon the object by the plane mirror when powers are used not exceeding the quarter of an inch combination. It is not necessary here (when pro- ducing negatives by the sunbeam) to allow for the “ over- correction” of the object-glass, but merely to focus the object carefully upon the ground-glass plate. With regard to the time required for the production of these photographs, unfortunately no precise rules._can be given, since it must vary with the sensitiveness of the mate- rials employed. The larger group exhibited was produced by the “1 inch object-glass,” and the time given varied from ten seconds to one minute. The smaller group, representing “scales of Lepisma saccharina by the quarter inch and one- eight inch glasses, was taken with a more sensitive collodion ; and the time from ten to fifteen seconds.” In the production of negative pictures (from which the paper specimens were obtained) a moment’s exposure to the sunbeam is sufficient when using the lowest powers, and with the highest I have varied the time from five to ten seconds. In conclusion, I beg to submit this method which I have found so simple and successful, in the hope that the com- munication may be the means of directing attention to a subject both useful and interesting, and in the confidence that most satisfactory results will yet be obtained. Some Observations on the Structure of the Starch-Granule. By Geo. Buss, Esq., F.R.S. (Read Dec. 29, 1852.) “ No substance has been more investigated, and yet of which there is less known, than starch. After the researches of ten years, in the course of which the most various views have been propounded on the nature of starch, and after all its character- istics as a proximate vegetable substance have been discussed, we are little or nothing in advance of the old point of view ; and although we may, perhaps, not be wholly without some addition toour knowledge in secondary points, we are still entirely without any sound reasons to suppose that we have arrived at the truth.” This passage, from Poggendorff’s Annal., 1837, vol. xxxii. Busk on Starch-Granules. 59 is quoted by Professor Schleiden, writing eight years after- wards,* and he adds that these eight years, notwithstanding the publication of innumerable works by chemists and vegetable physiologists, had been equally thrown away in the investi- gation of this important vegetable element; but, strangely enough, asserting that this unsatisfactory result had arisen solely in consequence of neglect, or from superficial micro- scopic examinations, If our knowledge respecting the structure of the starch-grain were thus unsatisfactory in 1844, it can scarcely be said to have been much enlarged since, notwithstanding the investiga- tions of the learned and eminent Professor himself; and to which investigations—whatever he may be inclined to think or express with respect to the labours of others—he would not be the last to resent the imputation of superficiality. We cannot but believe that a subject, which has thus baffled the endeavours of so many and such competent inquirers, must possess some inherent difficulty, for, in 1851, we find Dr. A. Braun,{ one of the most accurate and acute of recent vegetable physiologists, still lamenting, in the same terms as Schleiden, the want of accurate knowledge on the subject of the origin, forma- tion, and structure of starch, which he is of opinion demands a new and careful investigation, seeing that none of the views set up are sufficiently based upon direct observation. Having lately been incidentally led to the investigation of the structure of the starch-granule, I have thought the results might be interesting to the Society, although they cannot be said to be altogether novel. In the numerous and very different modes in which it has been attempted to explain the structure of the starch-granule, only two really and essentially distinct views seem to be ex- pressed. ‘‘These views,” as Schleiden observes, “are de- cidedly opposed to each other, and on the assumption or rejec- tion of them, the chemical judgment passed upon this substance must essentially depend.” 1. According to the one view the starch-granule is a vesicular body, the wall of which differs, at all events in consistence, if not in chemical constitution from the contents, 2. In the other view the granule is considered as a solid body, constituted either of a homogeneous substance, or com- posed of concentric layers, deposited, according to one set of observers, around a nucleus, either differing in its chemical * ‘Principles of Scientific Botany.’ Translated by Dr. Lankester. 1849. p. 19. + ‘Betrachtungen iib. d. Erscheinung der Verjiipngung in der Natur.’ 1851. SF 2 60 Busx on Starch-Granules. nature from the layers around it (Fritsche), or not essentially different in that respect (Endlicher and Unger). Schleiden, on the other hand, and many other observers, look upon the supposed nucleus as a minute cavity or indentation. Dr. Braun (/. c.), however, supposes that this cavity does not eciot originally i in the Sruntite! but that it is of a secondary nature, arising in the disappearance of the nucleus. Phe laminated, or supposed laminated, appearance evident in many forms of starch, and demonstrable perhaps in many others by means of polarized light, has been variously explained according to the above views of the essential constitution of the granules. In accordance with the former of these views, Muinter,* Niigeli,t and Link, suppose that the laminz are formed by an internal or centripetal deposition of matter in the interior of the cell, and, according to the latter, this deposition is con- ceived to take place from without, or, as it may be expressed, centrifugally. This notion appears to be that more generally adopted. Originally propounded by Fritsche, it is followed by Schleiden, and, more recently also, though with some hesi- tation, by Dr. A. Braun (/. c.) who considers it as much more probable than that advocated by Munter and Nageli, if the starch-grains are not themselves cells, but merely the product of secretion from the cell-contents, in the same way as the cell- membrane is, with which the starch is so closely allied. The same view is also adopted by Focket and Schacht.§ The above is a very brief and imperfect summary of the views more generally entertained on the structure of starch, and, omitting all reference to what has been written respecting its mode of origin (which, in fact, amounts to little) and its use in the vegetable economy, I will now proceed to notice what may be termed 4 modification of the former of the above described views, or of that which assigns a cellular structure to the starch-granule, and the reception of which I am greatly inclined, from my own observations, to advocate. Leeuwenhoeck,|| to whom we are indebted for the earliest notice of starch-granules, enters with considerable minuteness into a description of those of several plants, such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, peas, beans, kidney beans, buckwheat, maize, and rice, and very distinctly describes experiments made by * Miinter, ‘Ub. das Amylon der Gloriosa superba,’ &c. (‘ Bot. Zeit.’ 1845, p. 198.) + Nageli, ‘Zeitschrift.’ 1847, p. 117. + Focke, ‘ Die Krankheit der Kartoffeln.’ Taf, ii. fig. 18, f. g. h. § Schacht, ‘ Die Pflanzenzelle.’ 1252, p. 41. \| Leeuwenhoek, ‘ Epistole Physiologice,’ &c. Delphis. 1719, p. 2386: Busx on Starch-Granules. 61 him in order to investigate the structure of the starch-granule, He placed a certain number of the grains upon a clean piece of glass, and added a minute drop of water, and, upon the grains thus separated from each other, he placed two more drops of water. The water was then dissipated by the apph- cation of heat for about a minute. He then noticed that the starch-granules had lost their rotundity and degenerated into plane figures of unequal size. From this experiment he con- cluded that the starch-grains of wheat, and other plants examined by him, were covered, like the wheat-grains them- selves, by a cuticle. And he imagined that the incurvation of the starch-granule took place at that part only, where the cuticle, not being continuous, was joined by a sort of com- missure—whence, he conceived it arose, that the granules, being heated and moistened, dehisced, and sank down into a flat form. He gives numerous figures of various sorts of starch in different stages, from partial expansion to complete evolution. We have here apparently the basis of the cellular hypothesis of starch, afterwards more fully developed by Raspail and others. Leeuwenhoeck, however, does not appear to have re- garded the contents of the starch-cell as fluid; and in this he was obviously more correct than his modern followers. But as Raspail’s view, in its integrity, is no longer maintained, I believe, by any one, having been long ago given up even by his more immediate followers, and particularly by Payen and Persoz, it is needless further to advert to it. The later modi- fication also of it advocated by Miinter and Nageli, though with more scientific pretensions, is still so diametrically opposed to what may perhaps now be considered the correct doctrine of vegetable cell-formation, as in my opinion to be totally inadmissible. Following in the footsteps of Leeawenhoeck, Dr. S. Reissek* attempts to deduce the cell-nature of the amylum-granules from the phenomena presented during their decay or disso- lution, when left for some time in water. He says that, “‘ owing to the solution and exosmosis of their internal and more solid substance (in contradiction to Schleiden and Miinter), they become hollow, so that of the entire starch-granule only the outermost layer remains, which, having become soft and flexible, assumes the appearance of a closed sacculus, that is, of a cell.” He therefore regards the amylum-granule as a perfect cell. * Keissek, Haidinger’s ‘ Berichten iib. d. Mittheil. von Freunden d,. Naturwissen. in Wien.” Mai—Oct. 1846. Wien, 1847, p. 84. 62 Busx on Starch-Granules. M. Guibourt * says that the internal portion of the starch- grain breaks up in the form of flocculi, whilst the outer portion, the membrane, is lacerable, and occasionally exhibits the form of an empty pouch. The expansion and -alteration in form of the starch-grain, under the influence of heat and of sulphuric acid and other re-agents, is a fact recognised also by Schleiden and those who adopt the view of its solid or homogeneous nature; it is, in fact, so obvious a phenomenon that it could not possibly escape observation. They, however, and I believe nearly all who have adopted the cellular hypothesis, consider this to be owing simply to the expansion of the solid body or vesicle. Till very recently, Leeuwenhoeck only appears to have attri- buted this increase in size and change of form of the granule, not to a mere expansion, but to an opening out of the granule on one side, or to its evolution in other words, whence it assumes a flattened figure, and of course an increase in apparent diameter. Although not, in the precise sense, understood by Leeuwenhoeck, I believe that his notion, with some correction, represents more nearly the true doctrine of the structure of the statch-granule than that of any of his successors till a very recent period. In the Philosophical Magazine for April last is a paper ‘On the Amylum Grains of the Potato,’ by A. G. C. Martin, Librarian of the Imperial Polytechnic Institute of Vienna, which appears to me to contain the germs at all events of a correct doctrine with respect to starch ; and as I was led to pretty nearly the same conclusions as himself, though from experiments of a different kind and instituted for a different purpose, I have the more confidence in his results. And as the procedure I was led, more accidentally than otherwise, to adopt is perfectly easy and simple, this paper may at all events serve to incite others to repeat the experiments, and thus we may hope that the verata questio of the structure of starch may in some degree be set at rest. M. Martin’s mode of experimenting is nearly as possible the same as that adopted by the illustrious Leeuwenhoeck, and his results are not in the main very dissimilar. As the observed results at which M. Martin and myself have arrived in the examination of potato starch appear to coincide in every particular, it is obvious that the reasoning applied to his is equally applicable to mine. These results have in both cases been arrived at by noticing the phenomena which take place in the amylum-granule during its expansion, and * ¢ Journal de Pharmacie.’ 1846, p. 191. Busx on Starch-Granules. 63 not when it has nearly or completely terminated.* This ex- pansion or dissection of the granule is effected by M. Martin by means of heat applied in an imgenious but still incon- venient way, while the object is under the microscope. He thus employs it :— “Between two very thin glasses, of the same size as the stage of the microscope, a little amylum, with a sufficient quantity of water, is to be put, and the former well spread out with the finger, to prevent as much as possible the formation of bubbles. The number of amylum grains in the field of view should not exceed ten or fifteen. The glasses should lie freely on the spring-piece, which must be raised by means of two pieces of cork introduced below it, so that while the two glasses are lying right upon the object-bearer, a current of cold air will ascend from below, or permit the little flame to continue burning in the hole of or below the stage. As the glasses are wide, they protect the microscope from too great a heat or other danger. The small flame is to be obtained from a common thread, doubled and slightly waxed. This, when ignited, gives a flame quite sufficient to boil the amylum.” In the course of his experiments he discovered that the slightly iodizing of the starch-grains delayed, so to speak, the entire process of boiling, and rendered the result more certain and satisfactory, and he states that his process seems to succeed still better in a concentrated solution of alum, with as much tincture of iodine as will colour the grains of a steel blue. The same benefit arises also in my process from the addition ofas much iodine as will render the starch a pale blue without destroying its transparency ; and the use of iodine in either case is attended with the further advantage that it renders the starch in its subsequently changed condition much more visible than it otherwise would be. Instead of heat 1 employ concentrated sulphuric acid, and in the following way:—A small quantity of the starch to be examined is placed upon a slip of glass and covered with five or six drops of water, in which it is well stirred about, and with the point of a slender glass rod the smallest possible quantity of solution of iodine is applied, whichis to be quickly and well mixed with the starch and water. As much of the latter as may be must be allowed to drain off, leaving the moistened starch behind, or a portion of it is to be removed by inclination of the glass, and the starch is then to be covered with a piece of thin glass. The object must then be placed in the * Vide Observations on the Structure of the Starch-granule in a paper on Valisneria spiralis, by E. J. Quekett, published in the third number of the ‘ London Physiological Journal’ in 1844. 64 Busk on Starch-Granules. microscope, and the object-glass (4 or +) brought to a focus close to the upper edge of the piece of thin glass. With a slender glass rod, a small drop of strong sulphuric acid is to be carefully placed immediately upon, or rather above the edge of the cover; care being taken that it does not run over it. The acid of course quickly insinuates itself between the glasses, and its course may be traced by the rapid change in the appearance of the starch-granules with which it comes in con- tact. The course of the acid is to be followed by moving the object upwards, and when, from its diffusion, the re-agent begins to act more slowly, the peculiar changes in the starch- granules, now also less rapid, may be readily witnessed. These changes in potato-starch are thus described by M. Martin.* “First, the amylum grain sinks in, in that place, where, according to Fritsche, the kernel (nucleus) is situated. On the surface minute fissures appear, two of which almost regularly diverge towards the thicker end of the grain. The grain continues to be depressed inwards until a cavity is formed which is surrounded by an elevated ridge. In pro- portion as the grain swells up, this ridge increases in circum- ference and decreases in breadth, that is, continues to get flatter until fissures, mostly of a stellated form, appear in the hitherto little altered thicker part of the grain. The process is not very rapidly developed, and it is very difficult for the eye to follow it. Suddenly something is torn off, the grain is extended lengthways, and in the next moment a wrinkled skin of a rounded, generally oval shape, lies on the glass. Middle sized and small grains exhibit this shape most dis- tinctly ; and they have usually only one longitudinal wrinkle, the upper and lower ends of which are pointed. The constant appearance of this wrinkle is important for the development of my theory. The appearance of this disc,’ he goes on to say, “ demonstrates that it is perfectly flat, and has a slightly elevated edge which also becomes flat on pressure. The con- tour is rounded, but perfectly sharp. If the two glasses be violently moved from one side to the other whilst pressing the amylum, the disc is torn, and it is distinctly seen, especially in the blue-coloured ones, to consist of two layers, an upper and a lower one. Further examination shows that they are collapsed vesicular bodies, consisting of an extremely fine but strong and elastic membrane.” “The primary form, therefore, of the amylum grain,” ac- cording to M. Martin, “is aspherical or ovate vesicle. If this be considered as empty, and so contracted that one-half * L.c., p. 279. Busx on Starch-Granules. 65 lies in the other half, a watch-glass shaped basin is formed, which after boiling and pressure between the two glasses, appears, in consequence of the delicacy and elasticity of the membrane, as a flat, round-edged disc.” According to him, it follows, that the starch-granule, in its more usual form at least, is formed by the inrolling upon itself of this spherical or ovate vesicle. It is not very easy, at all events I do not find it so, to comprehend M. Martin’s expla- nation of the mode in which this inrolling or involution takes place, nor have my own observations as yet enabled me to express a very decided opinion with respect to this point. The appearances exhibited in the microscope, under the action of strong sulphuric acid, convey the idea rather of an unfolding of plaits or rugee, which have, as it were, in some kinds of starch (those with a long fissure-like or stellate hilum especially) been tucked in towards the centre of the starch grain, than of the unwinding of rolls. And I conceive that the apparent laminz are nothing more than the indications of the edges of such plice or folds in the contracted state, upon which I shall say a few words presently. The starch-grain of the horse-chestnut perhaps affords as good an example as any, and one readily obtainable, of the appearances which might be supposed to arise were the constitution of the granule such asI have just described ; that is, as far as the tucking in of the vesicle towards the centre is concerned, because in this grain I am not aware that the concentrically laminated appearance arising from folds of the vesicle is evident. Fig. 10, Pl. VIIL., represents the usual forms and aspect of the unaltered starch of this fruit, and figs. 11, 12, 13, various granules in different stages of evolution under the use of strong sulphuric acid. If it be allowed that the starch-vesicle, as the ultimate product of the evolution of the grain might perhaps be termed, be elastic—which, in all probability, it is—it is easy to understand, as in fact is pointed out by M. Martin, that the portions which are folded into the interior must be more or less compressed, and thence denser ; in consequence of which inequality of tension the phenomena exhibited under polarised light might be explained. 1 have examined several varieties of starch, such, for instance, as of the Po- tato; the Arrow-root termed ‘Tous les mois,’ which is, I believe, afforded by a species of Canna; two other kinds of arrow-root ; the starch of the Spanish Chestnut; of the Yam ; of aspecies of Curcuma, which seems to be identical with East Indian arrow-root; of Cycas circinalis ; Zamia integrifolia ; Arum maculatum, and what is termed Tacca arrow-root ; and find more or less distinctly in all, indications of a similar 66 Busx on Starch-Granules. structure, differently modified, however, in some respects, in each. Upon referring, moreover, to the figures of different kinds of starch given in Schleiden’s Botany,’ before quoted, a tolerably complete series of development, as it may be termed, of different forms of starch, will, I think, be suffi- ciently obvious. Fig. 13 of Schleiden, representing starch- grains from the rhizome of Anatherum iwarancusa,* and fig. & those of Iris pallida, show, as I conceive, the simplest form of inversion or folding of the edges of the starch-vesicle. O6TF OL F O6LF ee a] Gpipeel fee I 8 B ° ° ° ° #S,lexyUeg 48 couvleg 9 6 OL LSTF O-eL ea Sf rs S&S * Sj qO}0RT IOS). Worse pUmaOR) p joy G9 . . . . . . . . . . . sayy) “OUIPUL 0 ‘Kydvisoqyiy ‘sy1oday pue suoryoesuvly, Sulu 0 TL? OL ° * * * ° * «109 ‘aBerteg ‘e8uysog ‘Arem0Ty41¢9 0 6 8 Ob be SS eS 4 * AS CoeRtog ae cb "sy ueurysenory 0 6 6 8 ° * ‘oy Bunty ‘TIO ‘svg ‘sSuyoayy ye oouvpusy, Vy 0 OPO Gwe A me ate eens Areyo100g JWe}SISs a 0 OmOT cs = =* (Ts Gb SS pers os se Rgonmin() tO-Ame|Ba “p ORO LN OG) al a ae ates ene eens ee LEO Ke GuORUIOO UT OMe ny ey Se , ta) SB. 5 D8 *y “SLNGAWAYV J * —— sjosuog, ‘PIL “8G "2013 WO puoplary Swat yey E81 6981 IS8T O¢8T 6PST §S8T . Pjos suorjoRsURAL “e “ce “ce ve syuewteg penuuy ec SIST ‘Slaqmoyy JO oouvguy 10,7 "SLAIIOTY] "ECS “UITT Atenaqa,y 07 ‘ZogT “Igy_ Arenaqoyy wor SHOLIGAV AO LYOdaa * ava snotaeid wo sourjyeg the Microscopical Society. 73 The President delivered the following Address :-— GENTLEMEN,—It has been customary on the recurrence of the anniversary of this Society for the President to make some observations, in addition to the reports of the Auditors and Council, on the progress made during the past year. In compliance with that custom I have first to congratulate you on the accession to our ranks of no less than thirty new members ; a greater number, I believe, than have been elected in any one year since the formation of the Society. That our members, both new and old, take an interest in our proceed- ings, is evinced by the increased attendance at our ordinary meetings ; while the subjects brought forward, and the discus- sions which have taken place on them, sufficiently prove that a large proportion of us are working microscopists. By the Auditors’ Report at the last anniversary we were informed that the funds in the Treasurer’s hands, which at the previous audit amounted to 85/., had become reduced to the small sum of one pound and eight pence. At the same time the publication of our Transactions was considerably in arrear ; and to add to our difficulties, the Horticultural Society, whose rooms we have hitherto occupied at a rent proposed by them- selves, gave us to understand that this rent would be increased by ten pounds a year. The ground assigned for the increase was the large amount of accommodation afforded to us; and inasmuch as the occupation of the council-room every W ednes- day by our curator was not contemplated when the rent was originally fixed, there was some show of justice in the de- mand. It was found also that very few of our members availed themselves of the opportunity afforded them of coming here in the daytime to use the microscopes. The Council, therefore, judged it proper, in accordance with the economy which the state of our funds so peremptorily obliged us to exercise, to discontinue the Wednesday attendance of the curator, by which they hoped not merely to save his salary, but also to remove the ground assigned for the proposed in- crease of our rent. In this latter expectation they have been disappointed, The Horticultural Society persist in their determination ; and it has therefore been resolved to remove our meetings to No, 5, Cavendish Square, where the Chemical Society will afford us the use of very eligible rooms, together with light and fire, for the rent which we have hitherto paid without these accommo- dations. By the Auditor’s Report, just now read, you will perceive 80 _ Thirteenth Report of that, although we have brought up our arrears of publication to the month of June last, and have paid all our debts, we have now a balance in hand of 32/., which the economicai measures adopted by the Council will, I hope, increase during the next year. In order that the members may not be deprived of the opportunity of using the microscopes, examining the objects in our cabinet, and consulting and exchanging books, the Council has engaged a curator to attend at six o’clock on the evenings of our ordinary meetings, which, it is hoped, will be found more convenient than the day attendance that has been dis- continued, The necessity for the prompt publication of our Transac- tions has been adyerted to by more than one of my prede- cessors, and must be sufficiently obvious to all of us; for when a man has observed a new fact, or suggested an im- provement in the mode of observing, and has determined to bring the matter before the public, he is seldom contented with the notice which the mere reading of his paper may attracf, but is anxious to see it disseminated in print, so that his claim, either of discovery or invention, may rest on a firm basis. Unless, therefore, we can offer these advantages, we © must expect that many interesting papers which might other- wise have come to us will be taken elsewhere, and be sub- mitted to the public through some more expeditious channel. In accordance with these views, the Council has made an arrangement with two of our members, who have commenced a Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, for the regular printing of our Transactions in that periodical ; so that authors will not only see their papers promptly published, but will also enjoy the benefit of the large circulation which the Journal has obtained. Our members, also, in addition to a copy of the Transactions, will obtain all the other matter which the Journal contains for one shilling per number. On the value of this matter, as two numbers have been already published, it is needless for me to expatiate at any length. Besides interesting original communications from observers in our own country, by means of translations and extracts from foreign journals and reviews of foreign works it affords to the mere English reader the knowledge of what is being done by microscopists in all parts of the world; and by thus giving a starting point to his inquiries, prevents his wasting his time and energy in re-discovering what has been already observed. The publication in full of our Transactions up to the end of June last, and the abstracts in the Journal of the papers read before us in October, November, and December, render the Microscopical Society. 81 it unnecessary for me to go so deeply into the contents of these communications as has been usual at former anniversaries. Mr. Shadbolt’s paper, containing a variety of useful prac- tical information on the habitats and mode of collection of a number of beautiful microscopical objects, was listened to with much attention, and elicited many remarks and inquiries, and, had it not been already published in the Journal, would have demanded from me a more extended notice. The paper of Mr. Simonds records an interesting patho- logical fact. As a medical man, I cannot help regretting that pathology is a subject on which we have very few communica- tions ; for I feel assured that the investigation of the products of disease is one of the most 7mmediately useful purposes to which the microscope can be applied ; and I believe that such communications would be well received, not merely by those of my own profession, but by the members generally. The paper of Mr. Mummery on the development of Tubu- laria indivisa, and those of Mr. Busk and Mr. Williamson on Volvox globator, contain a vast amount of well-illustrated microscopical observations. The same praise is due to Mr. Busk’s paper on Starch, which also teaches us the useful lesson, not to be satisfied with examining things in their natural state, but, by applying re- agents under the microscope, to combine chemical research with microscopical observation. The subject of Microscopical Photography, on which Mr. Delves has favoured us with a communication, accompanied by some beautiful specimens, is one of great interest. That it will attain a high degree of perfection no one who knows the persons engaged in its cultivation can reasonably doubt. There is, however, a difficulty in its application, which, I fear, will materially limit its use. Those who have been in the habit of using the microscope since the first introduction of achromatic lenses must have noticed that in proportion as the object-glasses have increased in aperture and improved in definition they have lost the power of penetrating to any depth; and this has now been carried to such an extent that when we examine with a high power any but the thinnest objects lying in an almost mathe- matical plane, we can only do so effectually with the finger on the fine adjustment to regulate the focus for the particular point on which the eye is fixed. This precision of focus, which is a necessary consequence of precision of definition, must have the effect of confining pho- tography (except with low powers) to the representation of the class of objects above described; or of only allowing us the 82 Thirteenth Report of alternative of having portions of them well delineated while the rest is indistinct. Other difficulties attending Micro- scopical Photography have been pointed out in Mr. Hodgson’s paper, on which it is not necessary for me to dilate. In spite of these obstacles, I venture to prophesy that this beautiful art will flourish; for its want of universal appli- cability need not prevent its use in the numerous cases to which it is appropriate. The paper of the Rev. William Smith on the Stellate Bodies occurring in the cells of fresh-water Alge gives some further details of these plants, which may hereafter assist us in forming a more correct theory of their physiology. Our Secretary, to whom we have formerly been so much indebted for valuable contributions, has recently read a very interesting account of some observations he has made on the presence of a fungus, and of masses of crystalline matter, in the interior of a living oak tree; a circumstance which does not appear to have been previously noticed, and which hardly admits of a satisfactory explanation in the present state of our knowledge. It is not, however, less worthy of record on that account ; for all sound theory must be based upon carefully- observed facts; and the first fact of a kind is at least as valuable as those which may hereafter follow it. The very large demand for first-class microscopes, which has increased rather than diminished during the past year, has stimulated the makers to use every exertion to extend to the utmost the apertures of their object-glasses. Messrs. Smith and Beck have produced a 4-10th inch of upwards of 90°, chiefly valuable for the examination of opaque objects. Mr. Ross has lately made some objectives of 1-8th inch focal length, and 155° of aperture, which, by permitting very oblique illumination, bring out the markings on the most difficult test objects in a highly satisfactory manner. Mr. Wenham, in following up his experiments to ascertain the limits of useful aperture, has constructed a glass of 170°, and 1-12th inch focus ; but is still of opinion that nothing is gained beyond 150°. From a very brief examination of his object- glasses, I am inclined to differ with him, and to think that for the purpose of merely discovering the existence of very close lines or dots the aperture cannot be too great. For the useful application of the microscope to minute anatomy and physi- ology a much smaller aperture will suffice, which, from not requiring such careful adjustment, and such close proximity to the object, is far more convenient in use. When we consider that the real aperture of an object-glass is the chord of the angle at which light is admitted, and that the the Microscopical Society. 83 chord of 170° is more than ‘996 of the diameter of a circle, we may be certain that if the extreme limit has not already been reached, its further extension will scarcely be appreciable. To correct the aberration of these glasses as far as possible, and to bring them to the neatness of definition that has been attained in those of more moderate aperture, must now be the aim of our scientific opticians. A very useful addition to the mechanical arrangements of the microscope has been contrived by Mr. Brooke. In former days, when our objectives were single lenses, it was usual to set four or six of them in a wheel, by turning which the power could be changed in a moment. Our present object- glasses, consisting generally of three achromatic combinations, requiring to be set in tubes of some length and thickness, cannot be compressed into so small a space. Mr. Brooke has, however, effected the same purpose to the extent of two powers. To the nozzle of the microscope an arm is screwed, projecting in front, and carrying a pin on which a bar revolves, to each end of which an object-glass is screwed, Either of these, by rotating the bar, can be brought under the body of the instru- ment, while the other is carried beyond the stage so as to be quite out of the way. Object-glasses of one inch and one- quarter inch mounted in this way are found to be very con- venient when pursuing microscopical researches; the one to take a general view, and the other a particular one, of the object under inspection. Mr. Brooke also exhibited a neat little contrivance for con- verting a pocket eye-glass into a table microscope. ‘Two straight square pieces of brass are halved into each other, and the pillar on which the eye-glass slides screws into the inter- section, the straight pieces forming the foot. The whole makes a useful stand, and packs into something smaller than an ordinary spectacle-case. Mr. Ross has constructed a very comprehensive microscope- stand, furnished with right-lined and circular motions, not merely to the stage but to what may be called the sub-stage, or that part which carries the different illuminators for trans- parent objects. All these motions being effected either by pinions or screws, the various adjustments are made with great comfort to the observer. The instrument is heavy, and the quantity of excellent work in it necessarily renders it somewhat costly. Messrs. Smith and Beck have adopted an improved method of attaching the object-glass to the body for the purpose of preventing the excentricity which is frequently caused by the imperfection of the screw. They have also carried the same 84 Thirteenth Report of principle into the construction of the eye-piece by attaching the cells to the tubes by cylindrical fittings. Here, Gentlemen, I would willingly conclude; but I have still the melancholy duty remaining of recording the death of three of our members, a duty from which my predecessor was last year happily exempted. Of Mr. Edward Stokes I had no personal knowledge ; but I have been informed that he was a zealous cultivator of science. Mr. Dalrymple and Dr. Mantell have both left names which will not speedily be forgotten, and which merit a much more extended notice than it is in my power to give. John Dalrymple was the eldest son of William Dalrymple, a highly distinguished surgeon at Norwich, under whom he received the early part of his professional education. He afterwards studied at the University of Edinburgh, and in 1827 became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, and settled in the city. In 1832 he was elected Assistant-Surgeon to the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, and Surgeon in 1843. In 1847 he retired from that office on account of ill health, and was appointed Consulting Surgeon. In 1851 the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons elected him a Councillor. He published a work on the Anatomy of the Eye in 1834; and a splendid one on the Pathology of that organ he only just lived to complete. In fact, he revised the last number but a few days before his death. His style is clear and concise ; and the soundness and precision of his views, and the accuracy of his delineations, are universally acknowledged by the profession. In 1839 he removed from the city to the west end of London, where his practice in- creased, and latterly had become greater than was compatible with the state of his health. In addition to his own peculiar department of surgery, in which he had attained the highest eminence and the full confidence of the profession, he suc- cessfully prosecuted the delicate and interesting science of microscopical anatomy, both human and comparative. He was an original member of this Society, and one of our first council ; and he contributed a valuable paper “ On the Ar- rangement of the Capillary Vessels of the Allantoid and Vitel- line Membranes in the incubated Egg” to the first volume of our Transactions. Until illness obliged him to spend his evenings at home, he was a frequent attendant at our meet- ings; and his remarks, when he took a part in our discus- sions, were characterised not less by clearness and precision than by the modest and gentlemanly tone in which they were delivered. the Microscopical Society. 89 Soon after the death of Dr. Gideon Mantell a brief memoir of him appeared in the Athenzeum, from which I shall extract a few particulars. Although a member of the medical pro- fession, he was not a graduate in medicine, but derived his title from the degree of LL.D. conferred by a foreign uni- versity. He commenced his career as a general practitioner at Lewes; removed to Brighton in 1835, and to London in 1839, residing first at Clapham, and afterwards in Chester- square. He was naturally an enthusiast, and, gifted with quick observation, he would have distinguished himself in almost any branch of science. ‘I'he accident of his position made him a geologist; for little was then known of the Wealden formation, or of the fossils which it contained. Sel- dom has an observer had a richer field for the exercise of his powers, and seldom has an opportunity been better seized. In the course of a few years he collected together a museum of specimens from the Wealden and the chalk which now forms a portion of the British Museum, the trustees of that institu- tion having purchased it for 50002. His first paper, published in 1813, was on the organic remains discovered in the en- virons of Lewes ; and from that period almost to the time of his death his literary labours were unceasing ; for on the sub- jects of Zoology and Botany no less than sixty-seven papers and works have been enumerated. When it is remembered that during all this time he was pursuing the active practice of his profession, contributing papers to the medical journals, and occasionally writing on other subjects, we may form some idea of his indefatigable industry. Dr. Mantell had also the satisfaction of making known the important discovery, by his son, of the remains of the gigantic birds of New Zealand, of which he possessed many very fine specimens, and on which he wrote several papers. Of his talents as a popular lecturer I can speak from my own observation. Possessed of a rapid and even flow of appro- priate language, sometimes rising into eloquence, and being enthusiastically fond of his subject, he managed to inoculate his audience with the same enthusiasm, and therefore had no difficulty in keeping up their attention even when he tres- passed considerably beyond the accustomed hour, He was an occasional but not frequent attendant at our meetings. Permit me, Gentlemen, in conclusion to thank you for the kind indulgence with which you have received my very im- perfect endeavours to fulfil the duties of your President. Of their imperfection no one can be more sensible than myself ; but at the same time no one can more sincerely desire the con- tinued prosperity of the Society, or strive more to promote it. 86 Thirteenth Report of the Microscopical Society. Resolved unanimously—That the Reports of the Council and Auditors be received ; and that they and the President’s Address be printed in the Transactions of the Society. The law relating to the election of officers was then read ; and the Society proceeded to ballot for the officers and four new members of council for the year ensuing. The ballot having been taken, the following were declared elected :— Officers. Prondeiy Eee ae GerorGE Jackson, Esq. DCUSITET Fs on co da N. B. Warp, Esq. Pg 0g lt et ae tae JoHN QUEKETT, Esq. Assistant Secretary . . Mr. Jonn W1t.1ams. New Members of Council. W. Gittert, Esq. Joun Ler, Esq., LL.D. Rosert WarincTOoN, Esq. F. H. Wenuay, Esq. In the room of M.S. Luce, Esq. M. Marsuatt, Esq. ALFRED Ros tine, Esq. J. B. Smmonps, Esq. Resolved unanimously—That the thanks of the meeting be given to the President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members of Council, for their services on behalf of the Society during the past year, On the Minute Structure of a Species of Fausasina. By Pro- fessor W. C. Witttamson. Communicated by Matthew Marshall, Esq. (Read June 22, 1851.) In the last memoir on the Foraminifera which I laid before the London Microscopical Society, I pointed out the existence of a curious system of tubes and canals, penetrating the parietes and septa of several species of Foraminiferous shells. In Polystomella crispa these chiefly presented themselves in the form of large canals passing through the calcareous umbilical regions. In some species of Nonionina and Amphistegina they existed as a dense network of minute canals, having their external orifices at the peripheral margins of the discoid shells. In the latter examples the canals were of small diameter, and their use in the economy of the living animal very dubious. On making a number of sections of a species of Faujasina (D’Orb.) from Manilla I discovered the existence of a much larger and more interesting arrangement of tubes than any that I had previously seen. This shell is constructed on the inequilateral plan of the common Truncatulina tuberculata. Its inferior surface is flat, the corresponding extremities of the segments being arranged on a nearly uniform plane. As successive convolutions have been added to the antecedent ones, they have assumed the arrangement of a series of hollow cones placed over one another, the additions to the length of each new segment being confined to its upper extremity. Hence, whilst inferiorly all the convolutions are visible, on the upper surface we only see the outermost one presenting the aspect of a truncated cone. Fig. 1, Pl. X., is an enlarged representation of the lateral appearance of the shell, viewed as an opaque object. Whilst the vertical septal lines (1 d) are translucent, the intervening parietes of the segments (1 g), in which the minute foramina exist, is of an opaque gray colour. The inferior peripheral margin (1 f), and its continuation at the flat inferior surface, constituting the spiral septum (fig. 2) separating the con- volutions, exhibit the same translucent aspect; as does also the truncated apex of the cone (1 d'), towards which all the vertical septa converge. In nearly all the Foraminifera a translucent line appears to mark the existence of a subjacent septum. The segments, which do not extend to the summit of the shell, communicate with one another by one very large oral aperture (1 e). : Along each of the vertical septal lines (1 @) there exists an irregular double row of very distinct pits or depressions (fig. 6 f). Similar pits are seen inferiorly in the radiating septa VOL. I. h 88 WILLIAMSON on Faujasina. which divide the different segments of each convolution (fig. 2 6 andd), but they do not occur in the peripheral margin (1 f and 6 e), or in the spiral septum (fig. 2). At the upper ex- tremity of the shell similar, but larger, pits are seen both on the flat truncated surface (1 da’) and on the sides intervening be- tween it and the upper portions of the segments (6 4). On making a series of sections of the shell we learn that these pits are the external orifices of a curious system of intra-septal canals and spaces, ramifying in its interior. Fig, 2 represents a thin superficial section of the inferior flat surface, viewed as a transparent object. Thus examined, the conditions are reversed. The foramina in the parietes of the hollow segments tend to intercept the light and look dark, whilst the solid calcareous septa are translucent and transmit it freely. This section was made a little below the peripheral margin and parallel with the points a,a in fig. 1. The walls of the segments (2 a) exhibit the ordinary forami- nated aspect, and the segments themselves are arranged in the usual spiral manner. The spiral contour is lost in the centre of the section, owing to the circumstance that it there becomes very thin, and passes under the central cells which are placed a little above the level of those which surround them. In the radiating septal lines are seen numerous small orifices (2 6), which open by means of short canals (fig. 5h, h’) into the interseptal spaces immediately above them. As already observed, these orifices do not exist in the spiral sep- tum (2 e), but here and there even this superficial section ex- hibits traces of deep-seated canals passing through the septum and uniting the orifices belonging to contiguous conyolutions (2c). In this portion of the shell the apertures are usually in single rows ; but towards the exterior of the outer segments we sometimes see them arranged in pairs (2d). It is of course the external surface of the base of the shell that is re- presented in the drawing. On making a second section parallel to the last, but a little above the peripheral margin, in the plane of the points 1 4, 6, we have the appearance presented by fig. 3. The drawing represents this section as seen when viewed in the opposite direction to the last, viz. looking at its upper or inner surface, and towards the base of the shell—some of the foraminated parietes of which are still preserved. We now perceive that there exists a number of large branch- ing intra-septal tubes and passages, which commence at the innermost segments and proceed in a radiating manner towards the periphery. As each of these tubes emerges from the septum separating two contiguous segments, and reaches the spiral one intervening between two convolutions, it exhibits a WILLIAMSON on Faujasina. 89 marked tendency to divide into two branches (fig. 3 a, b), one of which is usually ina plane a little above the other. On tracing back these tubes as they proceed from the outermost to the inner convolutions, we perceive that the bifurcations, which at one time marked the outer extremities of each series, serve two purposes: they are designed, primarily, to multiply the number of the external orifices ; but in addition to this, they subsequently facilitate the establishment of a free communica- tion hetween the internal intra-septal spaces and those of the newer convolutions, in which the septa are much more nu- merous ; but though a lateral divergent communication is thus maintained, I have only seen one instance in which a direct lateral communication was established between two transverse septa of the same convolution, parallel with the spiral septum. The exception is seen at fig. 3c. In this respect the species under consideration differs materially from the forms described in my preceding memoirs. The small circular apertures which appear along the course of these tubes, mark the points where the section has traversed the orifices of the canals descending to the inferior surface of the shell. Fig. 4 represents a third section made across the points fig. lec. This section has cut through the shell a little above the superior extremities of the cells belonging to the central conyolutions ; a few of those belonging to the second spiral being seen at 4a. The outermost convolution, on the other hand, has been intersected across its large oral (?) apertures (fig. 1 e), revealing the nature of the connection (40) that exists be- tween contiguous segments. We now see that the portions, which in the section fig. 3 had the appearance of large radiating tubes, are really the lower borders of vertical intra-septal spaces (fig. 4 ¢ c’), which also give off true divergent cylindrical canals from their external margins, pene- trating the thick parietes of the shell. These spaces extend from the top to the bottom of each septum, and only assume the form of canals when they approach the peripheral shell walls. The connecting branches which unite the spaces of different convolutions (fig. 3 5) are also tubular. (ue The septa of the second convolution in this section exhibit similar intra-septal spaces (4 d), which communicate exter- nally, as just described, with those of the outermost convo- lution, and also open internally into a large and very irregular central cavity (fig. 4 e and 5g). The true nature of this cavity will be better understood on referring to fig. 5, which repre- sents a vertical section of this instructive object, passing nearly through its centre. I am not quite certain whether it has actually traversed the primordial cell, but if not, it has cer- 90 WILiiAMson on Faujasina. tainly crossed the second one (see fig. 3), which is seen at a, along with four others, 6, c, d, and e, in the order of their suc- cessive development. Whilst their inferior portions of the seg- ments are nearly on an uniform level, the upper extremites of those belonging to successive convolutions become rapidly elongated, leaving between them a large, irregular, conical space (fig. 5 g, g), the inverted apex of which rests upon the most central segment (5 a) and communicates with the inferior surface by means of the canals fig. 5h’. Similar canals are also seen at 5 hk, passing upwards into the inter-septal spaces ; whilst at 5 72’, corresponding ones proceed inwards through the respective septa of the cells c and d—in the translucent walls of the latter of which their direction, and the extent of the inter-septal space may be traced. I have not in any one instance found these spaces, or their divergent canals, communicating with the interiors of the seg- ments, though at the first glance many of them appear to do so, as is the case with the inner margin of the large segment fig. 5d. But from the examination of a considerable number of sections, am satisfied that where such an appearance exists, it is either the result of an accidental fracture or an optical illusion; and that the only direct communications existing between the two parts of the organism, are through the pseu- dopodian foramina, many of which open into the tubular por- tions of these passages (figs. 3d and 4f); but never, as far as I have observed, into the intra-septal spaces. But the section now under consideration, in common with several of the others just described, presents anew and curious feature. The cavities in the translucent calcareous shell are thickly lined with a dark olive-brown substance, apparently the residuum of the soft animal. This substance not only exists in the interior of all the segments, closing up the oral aper- tures, as at 5 f, but also occupies the intra-septal spaces and their respective canals, as well as the irregular cavity in the umbilical centre of the shell. If this substance is really the desiccated soft animal—and of this we should not have enter- tained a doubt, had it existed only in the interior of the seg- ments—it is evident that in this species the gelatinous tissue has not only filled the true chambers but has also occupied the intra-septal canals and passages. The specimen from which the section, fig. 4, was prepared, exhibited the same appearance, and traces of it occur in all ; hence it appears most probable that this brown substance is really the desiccated soft animal. If this should prove to be a correct conclusion, it is curious that the only medium of communication between the soft tissues inhabiting the spiral segments of the shell and those WI LuiAMson on Faujasina. 91 occupying the intra-septal and central passages, should have been the minute pseudopodian foramina. ‘The structure is so very different in this respect, from anything that has been previously observed, that I am afraid to speak with too much certainty on the subject, though I entertain but little doubt respecting it. On examining the external contours of young examples of this species, we often find the apex occupied by a deep and irregular depression, surrounded by the projecting upper extremities of the segments constituting the external convolu- tion. This depression, which is really identical with the irregular central cavity (fig. 59,9), subsequently becomes arched over by a calcareous layer (fig. 1d), derived from the upper portions of the newer convolutions. The roof thus formed is perforated by large apertures (fig. 66), through which a free communication is maintained between the external medium and the enclosed space. The nature of the latter varies considerably. Sometimes it exists in the form of a large irregular cavity, as already described, and at others as an intricate network of large canals. The character of the external orifices also varies. In some examples they are large and patent, as in fig. 6 6; in others, numerous smaller tubes, ascending from the subjacent network, converge at some super- ficial depressions which occupy the position of the larger orifices. Fig. 6 represents a thin superficial section made in the plane of the oblique sides of the conical shell and exhibits three septa (6c), with the large orifices of their intra-septal canals (bf), part of the external parietes of four segments (6d), densely perforated with minute pseudopodian foramina, part of the inferior peripheral margin (6 e), and a small lateral portion of the dome-like apex of the shell (6). The preceding facts are sufficient to show that the subject of this brief memoir presents a very different structure from any of the Foraminifera hitherto described. Whether or not my supposition as to the probable occupation of the intra- septal canals and spaces by the gelatinous soft animal be established, it is obvious that this organism supports the con- clusion at which I arrived in a preceding memoir, viz. that the soft animal had the power of extending itself externally far beyond the limits of any individual segment, and would thus be able to secrete calcareous matter in other situations than the mere parietes of its own segment. It is only in this way that we can explain the production of the dome-like covering which encloses the central umbilical cavities and their ramifying canals. But if it should be ultimately proved that the soft tissues have occupied all these irregular cavities, we shall then have a form of organization which, from its great variability 92 WILLIAMSON on Faujasina. of contour, will approach much more closely to the calcareous sponges than any hitherto described. Tam well aware that, to many, these dry details will appear unnecessarily and tediously minute; but it must be remem- bered that, until we are accurately familiar with all the dead ing types ‘of structure existing in this interesting group of organisms, we cannot be in a condition to arrive at final con- clusions respecting their nature and zoological position. Manchester, May 21st, 1851. Notice of a Diatomaceous Earth found in the Isle of Mull. By Wittram Grecory, M.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of Chemistry in the University of. Edinburgh. Communicated by Pro- fessor Joun E, Quexetr. (Read March 23rd, 1853.) , Tuts earth was discovered, about two years ago, by the Duke of Argyll, who gave a short account of its geological position to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. It constitutes a bed, resembling marl in appearance, lying in a rough piece of ground, at Knock, near Aros, between Loch Baa, a fresh-water lake, 3 miles long and 1 mile broad, and the sea. The lake is about 30 feet, the land about 40 feet, above the sea-level, and the lake is surrounded with high mountains on all sides except the west, where its waters flow towards the sea, passing through the rough district, boggy in parts, above mentioned, which is about a mile broad. The marl-bed, as it is called on the spot, lies within 50 yards of the lateral granite rock, and half-way from the lake to the sea. The surface of the land between the lake and the sea is very uneven, covered with large stones, gravel, and sand. At one part there is a hollow, which in winter used to become a small loch, in summer only a stagnant pool, and in draining this the bed of marl was discovered. It was filled in summer bya small stream unconnected with the lake. The bed rests on the gravel, which again rests on the granite of which the whole district is formed. As there is no formation of an epoch be- tween those of the granite and of the gravel, we cannot, from its position, ascertain precisely the geological period at which the bed was deposited. The Duke of Argyll regards the gravel as belonging to the Diluvium, and the Infusorial de- posit as comparatively of very recent origin. But there is reason to think, from the character of the species, that the deposit may belong to a more remote epoch. Ehrenberg, to whom I sent a portion of it, writes to me, that he thinks it probably connected with the Tertiary, or at all events, with GREGORY on Diatomaceous Earth. 93 the Quaternary period, but he had only been able to make a partial examination of it at the time he wrote. This deposit must not be confounded with the Leaf-bed, also discovered in Mull by the Duke of Argyll; for that bed, which also contains a large number of Diatomaceous remains, occurs at a place 20 miles from the deposit now under con- sideration, and is found between two beds of volcanic trap, showing that the Dicotyledonous trees—remains of which abound in it—must have lived before the eruption which gave rise to the upper trap-bed, whatever may have been the period of that eruption. To return to the Infusorial deposit. The Duke of Argyll thinks it possible that the waters of Lock Baa, which now pass to the sea at a distance from the deposit, may, at one period, have flowed through the hollow where the deposit is found. Mr. Campbell Paterson, a gentleman residing on the spot, thinks that the sea at one time communicated with Loch Baa, and that the present barrier is the result of some geolo- gical change or convulsion. The gravel and sand, he says, exactly resemble those now forming in the neighbouring sea ; and although he has not observed any marine shells in the gravel, he thinks that the rocks at a higher level bear marks of the action of the sea. These are points on which I cannot speak without a personal knowledge of the locality, but the deposit appears to contain only fresh-water organisms. The Duke of Argyll kindly gave me a small portion of the earth first discovered, which happened to be very pure, and which he stated to contain Naviculacee. On examining it, | was struck with tlie variety of forms, and resolved to study it more closely ; this | have only been able recently to do, and I think the results may prove not uninteresting to the Micro- scopical Society. The Mull earth is, in the purest specimens, when dry, almost white, and much resembles chalk, being light, friable, and adhering to the fingers. But more commonly it has a pale fawn colour, and it is frequently strongly tinged with iron. The lightest and whitest specimens contain hardly anything besides siliceous organic remains, for the most part entire, but with some fragments. Other portions, which are denser, contain also many fragments of quartz of various sizes, and vast numbers of comminuted fragments of lorice. In the densest and worst, the quartz or sand and the fragments en- tirely predominate, and these can hardly be cleaned, The specimens of middling quality, as well as the inferior ones which I at present possess, contain a great many minute fragments of lorica, often exceeding half or three-fourths of 94 GREGORY on Diatomaceous Earth. the mass. These fragments form an excellent polishing powder, which may be had of various degrees of fineness. I find it best, except in the case of the very purest specimens, first to ignite the earth over the spirit-lamp in a platinum capsule, till the black colour first caused by the action of the heat on the organic matter present is burned off, and the earth is again nearly white. I then digest it for some hours in strong nitromuriatic acid, which removes the iron, and, after washing away the acid, press the lumps in water gently with the finger till the whole is diffused in the water. It is then elutriated as usual, to separate on the one hand the coarse sand, if any be present, and, on the other, the com- minuted fragments. The slides now offered to the Society were prepared in this way from earth of but middling quality, my supply of the purest having been very small and long ago exhausted ; while the deposit being at present, and for months past, flooded, it is impossible to procure a fresh supply of the purest earth. In endeavouring to identify the species present in this earth, I found the greatest difficulty from the want of any work containing figures of all the known species. The only figures I could procure were those of Ehrenberg’s Atlas, 1838, and those of the last edition of ‘ Pritchard’s Infusoria,’ The former, of course, does not contain the very numerous species added to the list since 1838, and the latter has sel- dom more than one or two species in each genus. I had also Kiitzing’s ‘Species Algarum,’ without any figures. But I was able, after studying a good many slides of excellent quality, to distinguish somewhere about 65 forms, although I could not with any confidence name above one half of the number. Under these circumstances, I ventured to apply to the Rev. W. Smith, to whom I was fortunately able to send an excel- lent specimen of the earth. That distinguished naturalist had the very great kindness, in spite of his absorbing occupa- tions, to examine the earth, and to send me the following list of species which he has detected in the specimens sent. The names are those adopted in his forthcoming synopsis :— Pinnularia major Pinnularia gracilis i acuminata a lata = oblonga eb ciit alpina 35 viridis | Navicula serians divergens 5 rhomboides an acuta 5 ovalis . | . x radiosa ' m dicephala os mesolepta a firma fe interrupta <4 angustata Tabellaria Gomphonema acuminatum sibba + cruciatum GREGORY on Diatomaceous Earth. 95 Gomphonema Vibrio Himantidium gracile, Kiitz. 55 capitulatum PA bidens, W. Sm. Amphora oyalis ¥ pectinale, Kiitz. Stauroneis Phcenicenteron i arcus, Kiitz. és gracilis a major, W. Sm. ee linearis a undulatum, Ralfs. a anceps Tabellaria frustratay Ktitz. Cymatopleura elliptica ; * ventricosa, Kiitz. & apiculata Epithemia turgida Cocconeis Thwaitesii an gibba a Placentula Eunotia gracilis Surirella Brightwellii » retrorsum ss biseriata » Diadema Cymbella Helvetica Synedra capitata o maculata 5 biceps ep sativa Fragillaria capucina, Kitz. pee aitinis Orthoseira viridis, W. Sm. 5 cuspidata $3 ouchalcea, W. Sm. It will be perceived that Mr. Smith has found, in the speci- mens sent to him, 59 species of fresh-water Diatomacee. As I had made sketches of all those forms which I could not name, I was easily able to identify Mr. Smith’s species. I have stated that I had distinguished about 65 forms. I believe that some of these were side-views of species un- known to me at the time, and others, in all probability, accidental varieties. But I also think it probable that there may be a few species in the deposit which do not occur in the portion seen by Mr. Smith. At least, I am quite certain that that portion differs remarkably in some points from that which I had under examination at the same time. For ex- ample, in Mr. Smith’s specimen, of which he kindly sent me two slides as I had not tested it myself, I find that there are numerous and fine lorice of Epithemia turgida—a species which I had indeed observed in mine, but which I had found remarkably scarce. 1 have reason to think that hardly any two specimens will be found exactly to agree, and it is quite natural that different parts of the deposit should differ in the prevailing forms, Among the forms which I thought I had observed, but which Mr. Smith did not meet with, are Melo- siera distans, and possibly M. nummuloides; Hunotia Triodon, and E. Pentodon; possibly E. fabra, and one or two more. But most of these, if they do occur, are very scarce ; and therefore I do not venture to add any names to Mr. Smith’s list until I shall be confirmed by him or by some other experienced authority, There are several other forms, also doubtful, which I thought I had seen, but I need not name them. The Mull earth is characterised by several peculiarities. First, by the abundance of very fine specimens of the Navi- 96 GREGORY on Diatomaceous Earth. culacew, especially of the genera Pinnularia (14 species), Navicula (6 species), and Stauroneis (4 species). There are many splendid individuals of Pinnularia major (some 1-50th of an inch in length), oblonga, virides, divergens, and others ; and a few, but these very fine ones, of P. data, and of the rare and beautiful P. alpina. Navicula rhomboides and N. serians are particularly frequent and fine, as is also Stauronetis Phenicenteron. 2ndly. It is characterized by the abundance of Cymbelle of which there are 5 species. drdly. There is a remarkable development of the Eunotie, as Eunotia Tetraodon, E. Diadema, Himantidium Arcus, H. bidens, and the 4 other Himantidia and Epithemia turgida. 4Athly. There is a great abundance of Tabellaria fenestrata in every stage of development, some specimens being 10 or 12 times as long as others, but not broader, and of T. ventricosa which, how- ever, occurs almost always short. 5thly. There is a remark- able abundance of fine specimens of Gomphonema coronatum, - and fine individuals of G. acuminatum also occur. ‘The genera Amphora, Cymatopleura, Cocconeis, Surirella, and Nitzschia occur less abundantly, and in some cases are very scarce. Fragilaria capucina, Kiitz., Orthoseira viridis, W.Sm., and O. ouchalcea, W.Sm., are abundant, as is Synedra biceps. have observed the variety 6 recta, Kiitz., of this species. ; Besides the 59 species named by Mr. Smith (and I would again remind the Society that the names in the above list are those of Mr. Smith’s daily expected Synopsis), there is one form, to which I directed bis attention, and which he cannot with certainty refer to any known genus. This form is abundant in all specimens of the earth, and is therefore an additional characteristic of it. It varies from 1-600th to 1-470th of an inch in length, and has usually the form of a plano convex lens, with two notches near the ends of the plane or very slightly concave side. It is broadest in the middle, and has sharp apices (fig. 1). At other times the apices are less sharp and the ends broader (fig. 2). It is finely cross striated, and Mr. Smith has ascertained the number of strie to be 44 in 1-1000th. It requires a very good glass to make out the striae, and it is possible that this form, from its abundance in the Mull earth, may be found available as a test object. For a long time I could not make out the striae (although I felt sure of their existence from the resemblance or aspect to other forms known to be striated) with a glass which had sufficed for all the other forms. But with a first-rate object glass, and good management, the stria may be shown and counted, It is possible that this form GREGORY on Diatomaceous Earth. 97 may be an immature one, but to what are we to refer it? It differs from Himantidium Arcus and Eunotia gracilis in the number of strie, and Mr. Smith thinks it must stand near Eunotia Arcus, Kiitz.= Navicula Arcus, Ebr. It is not, how- ever, that species, nor is Mr. Smith sure that it is of that genus. He is to examine it more fully, and the matter is therefore in good hands. I may add, that while it has a general resemblance to small specimens of Himantidium Arcus, or of other allied species, it does not commonly occur where these are abundant. I have looked at a number of Diatomaceous earths, in many of which there were all the common species of Hunotia and Himantidium, but have only seen this form in one, namely, in a slide prepared by Mr. Topping, and labelled ‘‘ from the banks of the Spey.” This slide has many things in common with the Mull earth. Any of the slides sent with this paper will exhibit numerous examples of this form. I have further to add, that an average specimen of the Mull earth, on being analysed, was found, after being dried at 212°, to be composed of — Silica - - - - - - 70°75 Protoxide of iron, containing traces of phosphoric acid and manganese - - - - 15°04 Organic matter = - - - - - 12°36 Loss, chiefly water - - - ~ 1°85 100°00 The iron is here stated as protoxide, but if calculated as peroxide, would amount to 16°69 per cent. Some of it cer- tainly is in the latter form from the action of the air, and the brown colour, and this diminishes the loss, but I have stated it as protoxide, because I believe it to be in that state before the air has access to it. The presence of phosphoric acid, which was easily detected in the oxide of iron, by the use of molybdata of ammonia, is interesting. It is most probably derived from the organic matter of the Diatomacee, but I am not aware that its presence has been yet observed in any in- fusorial earth. Ihave not determined the proportion of phos. phoric acid, which, although small, is appreciable. The earth contains neither lime nor magnesia. It is probable that this earth may be useful as a manure from the finely divided silica, the organic matter, and the phosphoric acid it contains. Professor Bailey ascribes the fertility of certain districts in America to the abundance of infusorial remains on the soil, so that the experiment is worth trying. 98 Grecory on Diatomaceous Earth. I find I have omitted to notice that, besides the Diato- maceous organisms, the Mull earth contains abundance of the long spicules, and also of the gemmules of Sponyilla fluviatilis and S. lacustris, also a considerable number of siliceous forms, apparently Phytolitharia, more particularly Lithostylidium clepsammedium, and similar forms. There are also some silicified forms much resembling certain deposits in the cuticle of Graminez, &c., besides occasionally silicified pollen grains, belonging both to grasses, and as I believe to Conifer. I have also seen some fragments of woody fibre and cells, probably silicified ; but I have not the means of determining with any accuracy these various organisms. Probably many members of the Society will be able easily to do this. I think I have seen some forms which resembled very much the Desmi- diacee, such as Euastrum, Staurastrum, and Cosmarium; but on these points I will not venture to assert anything, although, as Desmidiacee occur in flint, and often contains a little silica, this occurrence is possible. In conclusion, even the imperfect examination to which the Mull deposit has been subjected, proves it to be richer in Diatomaceous species, and I think also in genera, than any other known deposit, so far as I am acquainted with them. I have heard that the deposit at Santa Fiora contains 39 species, and that found near Peterhead, and described by Dr. Dickie, contains 40, but I know of no others which equal these two, whereas in the Mull earth we have at least 60 species and 16 genera. ‘This will of course be interesting in reference to the geographical distribution of fossil Diato- macee, and I may add that Ehrenberg, who is preparing to publish a great work on this part of the subject, has been very much interested in the Mull earth, as being the first he had been able to obtain from the Hebrides, and thus filling up a great blank in his work. It is not, however, the first that has been discovered in the Hebrides, as there is a Diato- maceous earth at Raasay, also in the Hebrides. This I have. not yet examined, but I presume it has been described. I beg to offer to the Society a few slides made, as I have stated, from a specimen of only middling quality, such as alone has been in my possession of late, and also a specimen of earth, not yet examined, in its natural state, which may possibly turn out good. I have added a portion of prepared earth in water, which cannot be cleaned from quartz fragments, but certainly contains a good many fine examples of the rare and beautiful Pinnularia alpina. The subjoined figures are rough sketches of the doubtful GreGorY on Diatomaceous Earth. 99 form in the Mull deposit. They are represented with a power of 400 diameters. I find the length to vary from 1-470 to 1-600 of an inch. There are, as Mr. Smith first ascertained, 44 striz in 1-1000 of an inch. It always exhibits the two notches towards the ends of the plane or slightly concave side. Fig. 1 is by far the most usual form; fig. 2 is, however, not unfrequent. The form is very abundant in the Mull deposit, and I have only seen it in one other, also from Scotland, namely in a slide labelled “ From the banks of the Spey,” which, I had from Mr. Topping. Himantidium Arcus, which, when small, has some slight resemblance to the above form, has only 22 striz in 1-1000 of an inch and its striz are consequently, ceteris paribus, quite easily seen, when those of the doubtful form cannot be made out. Mr. Smith thinks its place must be near Hunotia Arcus, Kiitzmg—Navicula Arcus, Ehr.; but that it cannot be referred to that species. Indeed it is only very immature specimens of FE. Arcus (Kiitz.) that at all resemble this form, since the mature £. Arcus (Kiitz.) has a bend or rounded angle in the middle. The doubtful form may be an immature one, but what is its aspect when mature ? Fig.l. SL On the Binocular Microscope, and on Stereoscopic Pictures of Microscopic Objects. By Professor C.“Wuratstong, F.RS. Communicated by Dr. Lankester, F.R.S. (Read April 27, 1853.) In Section 11 of my first Memoir on Binocular Vision, pub- lished in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, I have alluded to the illusions to which microscopic observers are liable, from their inability to judge correctly the relief of objects when one eye only is employed. This indetermination of the judgment exists whenever a shadowless object is re- garded with a single eye. Frequently an elevation appears as a depression, a cameo as an intaglio, a hollow pyramid (as a crystal of muriate of soda) as a pyramid in relief, &c., and vice versa; but this indecision is entirely removed when the object is viewed with both eyes simultaneously. No mistake, if the object be a near one, can then be made with regard to 100 WueEatstonE on the Binocular Microscope, &c. its relief; and the relative positions of every point, in depth as well as in length and breadth, can be correctly determined. The stereoscope affords a convincing proof that the two pro- jections of an object presented to the two eyes, suggest the real object far more effectively to the mind than a single projection to one eye does; and those who have paid much attention to the ap- pearance of binocular pictures in the stereoscope, will not have failed to remark, that not only is double vision of importance to enable us more accurately to judge of the relief of bodies, but it also occasions us to perceive things which pass entirely unnoticed when monocular pictures alone are regarded. Fully impressed with these views, and convinced, from the reasons above stated, that a binocular microscope would possess great advantages over the present monocular instrument, J, shortly after the publication of my first memoir, called the attention both of Mr. Ross and Mr. Powell to this subject, and strongly recommended them to make an instrument to realize the anticipated effect ; their occupations, however, pre- vented either of these artists from taking the matter up. The year before last, previous to the publication of my second memoir, I again urged Mr. Ross, and subsequently Mr. Beck, to attempt its construction, and for a short time they interested themselves in the matter, but ultimately relinquished it for want of time, and in my opinion over-estimating the difficulties of the undertaking. It appears, however, from a communication in the ‘ Ame- rican Journal of Science’ of January, 1853, which has been reprinted in the last number of the ‘ Microscopical Journal,’ that. such an instrument has been actually constructed by Professor J. L. Riddell of New Orleans, and the results expected have been obtained. 'Thesmethod Mr. Riddell employs is similar to the one I recommended to Mr. Beck. After the rays from the object pass through the compound object-glass in the usual manner, he deflects them by means of a system of rectangular prisms into two directions parallel to the original, and suffi- ciently separated for the images to be seen by each eye. As in this arrangement there must be a considerable loss of light, I have proposed another which will not have this disadvantage, and which I will shortly submit to the Society. A binocular microscope is, however, by no means a novelty, and its invention dates nearly two centuries back. I have found, in the library of the Royal Society, a work entitled ‘La Vision parfaite, ou les Concours des deux Axes de la Vision, en un seul point de l’Objet. Par le P. Cherubin @ Orléans, Capucin. This work was published at Paris in 1677, and in it eight chapters and a plate are devoted to a Wueatstone on the Binocular Microscope, &c. 101 minute description of the instrument, which he informs us he constructed, and presented to the Dauphin. The following is an extract from the Preface :— “¢ Some years ago I resolved to effect what I had long before premedi- tated, to make a microscope to see the smallest objects with the two eyes conjointly ; and this project has succeeded even beyond my expectation, with advantages above the single instrument so extraordinary, and so surprising, that every intelligent person to whom I have shown the effect has assured me that inquiring philosophers will be highly pleased with the communication. For this reason I have determined to make it the principal subject of the present work.” And the second part, which contains a description of the in- strument, is thus headed :— * Section the first, in which is taught the method of constructing a newly-invented microscope to see the smallest objects very agreeably and conveniently, represented entire to the two eyes conjointly, with a magni- tude and distinctness which surpasses everything which has been hitherto seen in this kind of instrument.” In the Pere d’Orléans’ binocular microscope, two object- glasses have their lateral portions cut away so as to allow of close juxta-position, and these nearly semi-lenses are so arranged, that their axes correspond with the two optic axes passing through the tubes containing the eye-pieces. The author’s aim in its construction was solely the reinforcement of the impression by presenting an image to each eye, for he assumes, according to the then prevalent error, that vision by the two organs conjointly is naturally and necessarily unique, from the perfect conformity of all the homonymous parts of the two images of the object on the two retina. The real ad- vantage of such an instrument entirely escaped his attention ; viz., that of presenting to the two eyes the two dissimilar microscopic images of an object, under precisely the same cir- cumstances as the two unlike images of any usual object is presented to them when no instrument is employed, by which simultaneous presentment the same accurate judgment as to its real solid form, and the relative distances of all its points, can be as readily determined in the former case as in the latter. In the construction of a binocular microscope there is one thing especially to be attended to—viz., that the images be both direct, for in this case only a true stereoscopic representation will be obtained. If the images, on the contrary, be inverted, a pseudoscopic effect would be produced which will give a very erroneous idea of the real form. The reason of these effects is fully explained in Sections 5,10, 22, 23, of my Memoirs. The reversal of the images by reflection from mirrors or reflecting prisms, will produce the same result as to the stereoscopic and pseudoscopic appearances as their inversion by lenses. The binocular microscope constructed by the Pere d’Orleans was 102 WuearstoneE on the Binocular Microscope, &c. pseudoscopic, though he describes one which, -had it been made, would have been stereoscopic; he was, however, quite unaware that there would be any difference of this kind between them. The pseudoscopic effects when inverted images are presented, and the natural appearances when erecting eye- pieces are employed, have not escaped the observation of Mr. Riddell. Besides actual inspection by means of the binocular micro- scope, there is another way in which the advantages of bino- cular vision may be applied to microscopic objects. The beautiful specimens of photography, reproducing the highly magnified images of objects, inserted in a recent number of the Microscopic Journal, makes one regret that they were not accompanied by their stereoscopic complements. A very simple modification of the usual microscope would fit it for producing the two pictures at the proper angles ; all that is necessary is to cause the tube of the microscope to move inde- pendently of the fixed stand round an axis, the imaginary pro- longation of which should pass through the object. A motion of 15° would include every difference of relief which it would be desirable to have, and it is indifferent in what direction this motion is made in respect to the stand. The pair of stereo- scopic pictures may be obtained by a still simpler method, which requires no alteration in the microscope ; the object itself may be turned round on an imaginary axis within itself, from 7° to 15°. But this method is inapplicable unless the light be perfectly diffused and uniform so as to avoid all shadows, the presence of which would give rise to false stereo- scopic appearances. In the former case, where the object remains stationary and the tube moves independently of the frame, the arrangement of the light so as to cast single shadows might be an advantage, and assist the visual judgment. 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