a ee i ain i - Pi aC NN he ee ea, A cals le EP CE Ee ASS / Fe 2 VOLS f | PE Library of the Museum OF ‘COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Pounded by private subscription, in 1861. Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. { / Nowa 277 / / os ~ ie) a WOd ) = ees |S | ia Mel / } SPF LOLS QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE: ~ EDITED BY E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.RB.S., Honorary Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford ; Jodrell Professor of Zoology in University College, London; and Deputy Linacre Professor of Human and Comparative Anatomy in the University of Oxford. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF EH. KULELN, MD. BLES; Lecturer on General Anatomy and Physiology in the Medical School of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, AND ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.RS., Fellow and Assistant-Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge. VOLUME XXXI.—New Szrizs. Mith Rithographic Plates und Engrabings on Wood, LONDON: J & A. CHURCHILL, 11, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. "1890. TAATUOL YA 7 idle 4 ‘ea aunaud i Sal LAGHOE age ¢ i ii} Ba A: Til urs Mires rh ae) a ELA CA ‘ ’ yy Wj ary ye? if wu ah te at Ft | Oy gh Stee A sand GR EHSL i LAA + i AUT a OaEMe Bea TO \ iy of Ay i. teu' jabte indy ehh > 7 tT AY © 7 - . ri a - EY fi ” A b * AVG Oud Tae VOUOALIG PW if. Hd ae Oger ; CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. CXXI, N.S., APRIL, 1890. MEMOIRS : On Phymosoma varians. By Artuur HE. Surrtey, M.A, Fellow and Lecturer of Christ’s College, Cambridge, and De- monstrator of Comparative Anatomy in the University. (With - Plates I, II, III, and IV) The Spinning Apparatus of Geometric Spiders. By Cecit War- BuRTON, B.A., Christ’s College, Cambridge. (With Plate Y) . On the Structure and Functions of the Cerata or Dorsal Papillee in some Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By W. A. Herpmay, D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Natural History in University College, Liverpool. (With Plates VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X) ; Further Observations on the Histology of Striped Muscle. By C. F. Marswatt, M.B., M.Sc., late Platt Sc Scholar in the Owens College. (With Plate XI) On Cheetobranchus, a New Genus of Oligochextous eneedatil By Atrrep Grszs Bourne, D.Sc.Lond., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., Fellow of University College, London, and of the Madras University. (With Plate XII) : : The Presence of Ranvier’s Constrictions in the Spinal Cord of Vertebrates. By Dr. Wittiam TownsEenD Porter, of St. Louis. (With Plate XII dis) Prorsssor Birscuu’s Experimental Imitation of Protoplasmic Movement PAGE 29 41 65 83 91 99 CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. CXXII, N.S., JUNE, 1890. MEMOIRS : The Embryology of a Scorpion (Euscorpius italicus). By Matcoitm Lavriz, B.S8c., Falconer Fellow of Edinburgh Uni- versity. (With Plates XIII—XVIII) On the Morphology of the Compound Eyes of Arthropods. By § Wartasz, Fellow of the Johns Hopkins ones (With Plate XIX) : ; On the Structure of a Species of Earthworm belonging to the Genus Diacheta. By Franx EH. Bepparp, M.A., Prosector to the Zoological Society of London. (With Plate XX) Hekaterobranchus Shrubsolii, a New Genus and Species of the Family Spionide. By Fiorence Bucuanay, Student of University College. (With Plates XXI and XXII) An Attempt to Classify Karthworms. By W. B. Benuam, D.Sc., Assistant to the Jodrell Professor of Sere in a College, London . 2 CONTENTS OF No. CXXIII, N.S., AUGUST, 1890. MEMOIRS: On the Origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids. By WiL1i1Am Patten, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. (With Plates XXIII and XXIV) On the Origin of Vertebrates from a Crustacean-like Ancestor. By W. H. Gasxewt, M.D.,F.R.S. (With Plates XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII) The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus. By E. Ray Lanxester, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., and AntHUR WILLEY, Student of University College. (With Plates XXIX, XXX, XXXI, and XXXII) : i : PAGE 105 148 159 175 201 317 379 445 CONTENTS. Vv CONTENTS OF No. CXXIV, N.S., NOVEMBER, 1890. MEMOIRS: PAGE On the Structure of a New Genus of Oligocheta (Deodrilus), and on the Presence of Anal Nephridia in Acanthodrilus. By Franx E. Bepparp, M.A., Prosector of the Zoological So- ciety of London. (With Plates XXXIII and XXXIIJa) . 467 Excretory Tubules in Amphioxus lanceolatus. By F. Ernest Weiss, B.Sc., F.L.8., University College, London. a Plates XXXIV and XXXV) : ; 489 Studies in Mammalian Embryology. II.—The evalgoen of the Germinal Layers of Sorex vulgaris. By A.A. W. Huprecut, LL.D., C.M.Z.S., Professor of Zoology in the University of ipeeht (With Plates XXX VI—XLII) : : 499 Terminations of Nerves in the Nuclei of the Epithelial Cells of Tortoise-shell. By Joun Berry Haycrart, M.D., D.Sc. (from the Physiological Laboratory of the Faia o yr (With Plate XLIIT) . ; : . 563 TitTLE, ConTENTS, AND INDEX. e » 1 = ¥ Re Ai) on - : on s _ a H . 1‘. 7 wet Ait a ae im ¥e ne .: LAA sO fk ay) HM | e MAT ‘ A he Sandribehil) alaivo iO) li Ati earl ae eerie AMA Ou! A ond. albdullee kA Ve feasliina') Sie ‘ i ri “ « s “yy ailts 1%) a LI aly Sel ; : SL. ch gdh PALU Eds Hi mau’ il Yue. (ARLLE AL Pe CLASS etal Uy) Simlincel iG ehiyG qgeann |. Evil. setilosed al @egol lens oF muda yee Q if? oat aloe Nera ohh Sa af ome 2 OO ee (PURE Und, VOLES A : - ne hd inate jopstl alts ell Se og a ee ee alge . ' ent: nite. Vie TU RA 39 fF ‘me tty a FS s, rye ur i ei ret) a." eeanl's ee idels whe UB . ‘a . Se 4 hie he y eos b3 itd iit 2 a To MO leet a job awh = rr . ' ‘ i wen CY vitae be vitae ite | 21 cin adn tages - stint nok Ly wiaptsyy eae hy Fh et teh idea ots “alee ; ald re 7 A © . . , iJ lek 4 bake 4 s . z -F50HL AY get ve bbe ‘ ‘ q a . J J " a A a a G- a “ D » La - i 7 - 7 i. than oul 4 On Phymosoma varians. By Arthur E, Shipley, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Christ’s College, Cambridge, and Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy in the University. With Plates I, Il, III, IV. Tue material which forms the basis of the following paper was collected and preserved by Mr. W. F. R. Weldon, of St. John’s College, Cambridge, during a visit to the Bahamas. On his return to England Mr. Weldon commenced to work at Phymosoma, and made many microscopic sections and drawings. When, however, he received the appointment which he now holds at Plymouth he handed the whole material, together with his drawings, to me, with a request that I would complete the work thus interrupted. This statement will serve to show how much I am indebted to Mr. Weldon, both for material and for many of the drawings ; but I have further to express my indebtedness to him for many suggestions and much help in completing the work he was unfortunately obliged to lay aside. The observations here recorded were made on a species of Phymosoma (Ph. varians, Selenka) collected in the Bahama Islands. This species was sufficiently common in the island of New Providence; but it occurred still more abundantly in the lagoon of the Bemini atoll. The specimens were obtained by breaking up soft masses of coral rock with a hammer. Pieces VOL. XXXI, PART I,—NEW SER. A 2 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. of rock which were completely covered at low water contained many more specimens than those which were left dry by the tide. The species seems to be capable of much variation; and the descriptions hitherto published are incomplete in one or two important points. A detailed account of the external cha- racters may therefore be not altogether useless. EXTERNAL CHARACTERS AND EcTopERM. The length of fully extended specimens averages 50 mm., varying, however, from about 40 mm.to 55 mm. The greatest diameter of the trunk is from 4 mm. to 5 mm.; that of the introvert about 2 mm. The introvert is at least equal in length to the rest of the body. The head (figs. 1 and 5) bears a crown of about eighteen tentacles, arranged in the form of a horseshoe, with the open ends directed backwards; the whole structure lying far back on the dorsal region of the head (fig. 1). The ends of the teutacular horseshoe are connected with the lower lip; which is a thick vascular crescent enclosing considerably more than three fourths of the circumference of the head (figs. 2 and 6). The mouth is a narrow crescentiform slit, extending between the dorsal margin of the lower lip and the convex surface of the crown of tentacles. These relations of tentacular crown, mouth, and lower lip are shown in the diagram (figs. 1 and 32). It will be seen that in this species the condition of the head presents a marked resemblance to that which obtains in Phoronis. The tentacles themselves are short and simple, the surface directed towards the outer (convex) side of the lophophor being grooved, and the groove is ciliated; the opposite surface is covered with a deep brown pigmented epithelium (fig. 5). The space included within the concavity of the lophophor (the representative of the przoral lobe) is covered with a wrinkled, pigmented skin. In its centre lies a deep depression, similar to that of Sipunculus, at the base of which lies the ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS, 3 brain; while a sense-pit opens on to it on each side! (figs. 1 and 7). The introvert is dividable into several regions. Immediately behind the head follows a narrow, perfectly smooth region, extending for about 2 mm. At the posterior edge of this region is attached a small but very extensile collar, its anterior margin being free (figs. 1 and 4.) Behind the attachment of the collar the introvert swells slightly, and there follows a region about 6 mm. in length, which bears about twenty rows of hooks. Then follows a region of variable length, bearing papille; and lastly a second region of hooks, which in our specimens bore from forty to between fifty and sixty rings. Among the hooks of the posterior region are many papille; and these in passing backwards get more and more conspicuous, at the expense of the rings of hooks. These papille also exhibit traces of a tendency to form rings round the base of the proboscis. The characters of the hooks have been well described by Selenka and by Keferstein:? it will be sufficient here to refer to description given by these authors, and to the drawing (fig. 21). The papille on the introvert have the form shown in fig. 15; they are hemispherical or hemielliptical, being often higher than broad, each having a central opening surrounded by three or four plates of chitin, which often fuse into a single piece; and surrounding this central piece are numerous small rounded plates covering at least the upper half of each papilla. The papille on the trunk (figs. 11, 14, and 16) have a some- what different appearance, being larger and flatter, and having no marked central plate. They are also surrounded by a much pigmented ring. These trunk papille agree with the de- scription given by Selenka, who, however, seems to have over- looked the difference between the papille in the two regions of the body. The papillz are large and conspicuous at the two extremities of the trunk, where they are present on all sides ; 1 Cf., Speugel, “ Die Sipunculiden,” ‘ Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen,’ Bd. iv, 1883. 2 Selenka, loc. cit., ‘Keferstein, Zeit. fiir Wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. xv, 1865, 4, ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. in the middle of the body they are, however, almost entirely confined to the dorsal surface. These papille are shown in fig. 11. The colour varies in different specimens. The ground colour is always yellowish-brown, with a peculiar iridescence, noticed by other observers: on this are patches of a black or deep brown pigment, which are generally so arranged as to form a few irregular rings in the middle of the introvert and smaller patches on the anterior dorsal part of the trunk. Individuals are, however, found in which the pigment is only very slightly developed; while in others the whole dorsal surface of the body is thickly mottled with dark patches. The body wall is everywhere covered by an ectodermal epithelium, one cell thick. The characters of the cells pre- senting marked differences in different regions. The ectoderm covering the lower lip and the outer grooved surface of the tentacles is columnar and covered with short thickly set cilia (figs. 4 and 8). The preoral lobe, together with the inner surface of the tentacles, is covered by a layer of cubical cells, the outer half of each cell in this region being loaded with granules of a dark brown pigment (figs. 4, 7, and 8). These cells are not ciliated. The epithelium covering the collar is formed of short cubical cells, which appear to become more flattened when this organ is extended (fig. 4). On the remainder of the introvert the ectoderm secretes, except in the region of the hooks and papille, a clear homoge- neous cuticle 0:02 mm. thick. Each hook is secreted by a raised papilla, which projects into the cavity of the hook. The cells covering the papilla being large and cubical, provided with conspicuous spherical nuclei (fig. 21). Behind each hook is a small organ, apparently sensory, which will be described below. The ectoderm of the trunk consists of lamellar, dome-shaped cells, secreting a thick cuticle almost ‘04 mm. in thickness (fig. 13). The outer surface of this cuticle is rough and ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 5 granular; and it absorbs staining fluids with a certain readi- ness, while the main body remains in all the preparations quite unstained. The cuticular substance appears in the greater part of the body to be arranged in wavy columns, running more or less regularly at right angles to the surface of the body, and resting each on a single ectoderm cell (fig. 10). Each column exhibits a further tendency to a laminated structure, the layers composing it lying concentrically to the body of the animal. A result of the peculiar shape of the ectoderm cells in the trunk-region is the formation beneath them of a series of small cavities, containing a coagulum. By a kind of lifting up of several cells from the adjacent muscles, these cavities commu- nicate with one another and so attain a considerable size (fig. 10). They communicate with the cavities, to be presently described, which lie between the two layers of the papille (fig. 16). The function of these channels is in all probability con- nected with the circulation of the nutrient fluids; but I have not succeeded in tracing a connection between these and any other of the cavities of the body. The analogy between these spaces and the dermal spaces of Sipunculus need hardly be pointed out. A surface view of the skin shows that the cuticle is broken up into a series of fusiform areas (fig. 11). These areas roughly correspond with the skin-papille, the lines limiting them being formed by thickened portions of cuticle. When the animal is in an expanded condition the areas become thicker and shorter. The papille of the introvert and trunk are entirely ecto- dermal. Their external appearance has already been de- scribed ; the arrangement seen in section is shown in figs. 14 and 16. The cuticle seems, in the region round the base of each papilla, to contain irregular spaces, as if its inner and outer surfaces had been pulled apart, an appearance which may, of course, be due to the action of the knife used in cutting sec- tions. On the papilla itself, the plates seen in surface views 6 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. are visible as local thickenings of the cuticle, and are often loaded with a bright yellow-brown pigment. The body of the papilla has the form of a double cup, as if it had been formed by the invagination of a spherical out- growth of the general ectoderm. The outer layer of the cup is composed of flattened cells, which are continuous with those of the general ectoderm at the base of the papilla, and with those of the inner cup at its apex. The inner layer of the cup consists of large cells, loaded with granules of a bright yellow substance, so that the remains of their protoplasm are seen as slender strings of stained material, separating masses of the yellow formed material. This inner cup contains a small cavity, which communicates with the exterior by the pore at the apex of the papille. Between the two cups is a cavity, continuous with the subepidermal system of spaces above mentioned. In the absence of a detailed knowledge of the habits of the living Phymosoma it would be rash to assign any function to these very curious organs, but it seems not improbable that the secretion they produce may assist in softening the coral rock in which the animals form long tubular passages. GENERAL ANATOMY. The arrangement of the internal organs is shown in fig. 3 which represents a Phymosoma cut open longitudinally and the body wall turned back to expose the viscera. The intro- vert is invaginated to almost its full extent, the true anterior end of the body being at the point where the sense-pits lie. The longitudinal and circular muscles of the skin have been omitted for the sake of clearness ; a detailed description of them is given below. The retractors of the introvert are four in number. They fuse round the first half of the csophagus forming a muscular tube, and then separate into a dorsal and a ventral pair. The former are much the shorter pair; between them lies the dorsal blood-vessel, whilst the ventral pair have at their base the generative ridge and between them the nerve-cord. The ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 7 spindle muscle supporting the alimentary canal is shown running up the axis of the intestinal coil. The cesophagus is anteriorly surrounded by the retractor muscles, but the poste- rior half is free and ends in the coiled intestine. The number of coils varies, usually there are about fifteen. The intestine forms a thicker tube than the cesophagus, it ends in the rectum which passes straight to the anus in the dorsal middle line. The only part of the vascular system visible is the crumpled dorsal vessel. The brain is indicated through the walls of the introvert, and close behind it, at the sides, two black spots, the sense- pits, are visible ; the ventral nerve-cord is seen running down the body. The nephridia or brown tubes are conspicuous objects, vary- ing very much in size and shape in different individuals. Their external opening is at the anterior end and a little in front of the level of the anus. The opening is followed by a short neck which opens into the swollen portion or bladder which passes into the true secreting portion. The anterior half of the nephridia is attached to the body wall by muscle- fibres, the posterior is free (fig. 18). The generative ridge runs across the body at the base of the ventral retractors (fig. 22). It is sometimes V-shaped, the ridges slanting backward in the middle ventral line. Tue Muscurtar System, The muscular system is composed throughout of fusiform fibres with simple pointed ends. Lach fibre consists of an outer contractile and an inner granular portion, the outer por- tion being longitudinally striated. The elongated oval nucleus lies entirely within the inner layer, the nucleus and the con- tractile layer being easily stained, while the inner substance does not absorb staining fluids (figs. 13 and 21). The fibres of the retractor muscles are much larger than those of the body wall, their diameter being at least twice as great. 8 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. The fibres of the general body wall are arranged in an external circular and an internal longitudinal layer, separated by an exceedingly delicate layer of oblique fibres. This latter can only be seen in surface views, as, owing to its extreme thinness, it is difficult to detect in sections. The circular muscles commence behind the collar fold, where they form a series of rings round the introvert, one lying beneath each ring of hooks (fig. 1). Posteriorly to the hook-bearing region the circular fibres form a continuous sheath, which extends to the posterior end of the animal (fig. 22). The longitudinal fibres form a complete sheath round the introvert, commencing anteriorly just behind the attach- ment of the collar. At the posterior extremity of the intro- vert these fibres separate into longitudinal bundles, generally about twenty-two in number, which run parallel with one another down the trunk. In passing backward these bundles gradually fuse with one another, and so become fewer and larger, till near the “tail” they form a series of projecting ridges, giving to a section of the body-cavity in this region a characteristic star-shaped appearance (fig. 18). At the poste- rior extremity of the body the bundles finally unite. The lon- gitudinal bands occasionally give off side branches, which pass into the adjacent bands (fig. 22). The retractor muscles of the proboscis arise by a common origin from a kind of dissepiment, stretching across the body at the level of the origin of the mantle fold, and just behind the skeletal tissue of the collar (fig. 9). Almost immediately after their origin they split into two bands, which pass backwards, one on each side of the ceesophagus, for about half its length. Each lateral band then again divides into two branches, a shorter dorsal and a longer ventral branch, which run to the body wall, where they fuse with the adjacent bands of longitu- dinal fibres. The ventral bands, being longer than the dorsal, are attached to the body wall behind these, lying one on each side of the nerve-cord, and being connected by the generative ridge. The posterior ends of the retractor muscles are fan- ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 9 shaped and split up into bundles of fibres, which pass into the adjacent longitudinal bundles. A special muscle accompanies the nervous system on each side (fig. 29), and is described in connection with the nerve- cord. Its purpose is probably to regulate the movements of this important organ during the eversion or retraction of the introvert. The spindle-muscle and the intrinsic muscles of the ali- mentary canal are described with the digestive organs, and the intrinsic muscles of nephridia with the account of these organs. Except along the generative ridge, the body wall is lined by a layer of flat epithelial cells, which is never ciliated, in this respect differing from that of Sipunculus. THe SKELETAL TISSUE. A curious form of tissue is found in the collar and the ten- tacular crown of Phymosoma. As it seems to subserve the purpose of supporting and stiffening the collar and tentacles, and as a support for the insertion of the retractor muscles, I propose to call it the skeletal tissue. The cells composing this tissue are large rounded cells, which lie close to one another, but are not so crowded as to become hexagonal. ‘The cell nucleus is large, and both it and the proto- plasm of the cell staindeeply. Running across the cell, usually in a radial direction, are a small number of wavy lines. This tissue forms a ring lying in the substance of the collar, which it seems to stiffen. The horseshoe-shaped blood-space lies internal to this tissue, which is thicker at some parts, and thus serves to break up the blood-space as indicated in figs. 4 and 6. It also sends extensions into the tentacles, a group of these skeletal cells heing formed on both sides of the tentacular nerve in each section of the tentacle (fig. 17). From the position of this skeletal ring in the collar it will be readily understood that it is just in front of the invaginable introvert, and consequently it affords a valuable hold for the 10 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. insertion of the retractor muscles which are attached to this part of the body. THe ALIMENTARY CANAL. The digestive tube may be divided into three parts: (1) the cesophagus, which extends from the mouth to the beginning of the coiled intestine; (2) the intestine which forms a close, fairly regular coil with from ten to sixteen turns ; in its coiled state it is almost 10 mm. long; (3) the rectum, which is a straight tube passing from the anterior end of the coil to the anus. In spirit specimens the whole of the alimentary canal is white in colour, and is usually full of fine sand. A spindle- muscle serves to support and keep in position the coiled intestine and rectum. This muscle arises from the extreme posterior end of the body wall, and passes forward along the axis of the coiled intestine and then parallel with the rectum, to be inserted into the body wall a little in front of the anus (fig. 8). It gives off during its course numerous fibres, which are inserted into the walls of the intestine and rectum. In addition to the spindle-muscle the intestine is held in position by a thin muscle, which arises from the ventral surface of the body and is inserted into the anterior end of the coil. The position of the mouth has been described above. It is a crescentiform slit, lying between the lip and the convex side of the tentacular crown (fig. 6). It is lined with a continua- tion of the columnar ciliated cells which cover the inside of the lip and the ciliated grooves of the tentacles. The walls of the cesophagus are produced inwards into a series of from six to eight ridges, which reduce the lumen of the esophagus to a star-shaped tube. The grooves between these ridges are continuous with the grooves on the outside of the tentacles (fig. 9). The whole is beset with short thick-set cilia. Surrounding the cesophagus are a few muscle-fibres arranged circularly. For about half its length this first part of the alimentary canal lies between the retractor muscles, which in this region of the body have been reduced to two bundles of ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 11 fibres by the fusion of the anterior and posterior muscles of the left and right side respectively. These lateral bundles have fused with the cesophagus, a small amount of gelatinous connective-tissue containing branched cells being found be- tween them and the circular muscles of the esophagus. The dorsal blood-vessel lies between the lateral muscles in a groove, closely applied to the dorsal side of the cesophagus, and extending back almost to the beginning of the intestinal coil. Owing to the presence of very fine sand in the intestine and the delicacy of the tube which made it impossible to satis- factorily wash the sand out, I had considerable difficulty in studying the histology of this part. The intestine is lined throughout by a layer of columnar epithelial cells, one cell thick. The nuclei of these cells are situated near the base. Outside this layer is a thin membrane in which muscle-fibres are sparsely scattered. I do not think the intestine is uni- formly ciliated, but patches of cilia occur here and there. The arrangement of these ciliated patches I failed to make out. There is no groove with long cilia running the whole length of the animal, such as has been described by Keferstein in Sipunculus. The lumen of the rectum is almost occluded by the presence of numerous folds projecting into it. These folds are covered with a number of columnar cells some of which are ciliated, but the majority are crowded with large vacuoles containing minute granules; these are devoid of cilia. The rectum has no czeca opening into it, such as are found in Sipunculus. The external cuticle is folded into the anus for a little way, and the circular muscle-fibres of the body wall are thickened around the anus in this region, forming avery efficient sphincter. A number of radially arranged fibres also pass out all round the anus; these fibres are derived from the longi- tudinal muscles. Their action is obviously antagonistic to that of the sphincter. 12 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. THe VASCULAR SYSTEM. There are two varieties of blood-corpuscle found in Phy mo- soma. The larger kind exist in great numbers in the body- cavity, together with the ripe generative products (fig. 30). They are oval, about 02 mm. long and two thirds as broad ; their protoplasm is very clear and transparent, but the nucleus stains well and they have a very definite outline. The ccelomic fluid, in which these corpuscles float, bathes all the internal organs of the animal, and when the contraction of the poste- rior circular muscles forces the fluid forward it would serve to evert the introvert, which is withdrawn again by the retractor muscles. The second variety of blood-corpuscle is much smaller than the first, being about half as long and as broad; the proto- plasm is not so transparent and stains more readily. These corpuscles are contained in a close space which is usually called the vascular system. This space may best be described as consisting of three parts, all communicating with one another. The first of these is a horse-shoe shaped space (figs. 2 and 7) at the base of the tentacles. From this space there runs up into each tentacle a series of three vessels which anastomose freely with each other and communicate at the tip. Asa rule sections of the tentacles show one vessel near the inner pig- mented surface of the tentacle, just external to the tentacular nerve and two near the outer surface, one each side of the ciliated groove (fig. 17). The free ends of this horseshoe- shaped space at the base of the tentacles, near the dorsal middle line, are continuous with the ends of another horseshoe- shaped space which lies in the collar. This forms the second of the above-mentioned spaces. As the diagram (fig. 2) shows, it is very irregular in form, breaking up and anastomosing into a number of spaces. This communicates only with the inner smaller horseshoe, between the two is the crescentiform space in which the mouth opens. The third space—usually termed the dorsal blood-vessel—is a very extensile sac running along the dorsal middle line of the esophagus between the ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 13 right and left retractor muscles (figs. 2, 3, and 9). It usually extends about 3 cm. behind the head, and it ends blindly behind. Anteriorly it opens in the middle ventral line into the smaller or tentacular horseshoe, and at the point of junction is a large sinus which surrounds about three quarters of the brain—in fact, all those parts which are not in contact with the epidermis (figs. 2,4, and 8). The nervous matter is thus in close contact with the blood, being separated only by a thin layer of con- nective tissue, and the endothelium of the blood-space (fig. 27). The walls of this third part or dorsal vessel are muscular, and in some specimens are much contracted and crumpled. This vessel appears to serve as a reservoir for the corpusculated fluid, and when it contracts and the fluid is forced forward, it would serve to evert the lip and extend the tentacles. The whole of this space is lined by flat epithelium. I have never seen cilia on the walls, and it is entirely closed. Tue NEFHRIDIA. The nephridia or the renal organs are in the form of a single pair of ‘‘ brown tubes,” as in other Sipunculide. They lie on either side of the middle ventral line at some little dis- tance from the nerve-cord. Their anterior extremities, near which are the external openings, being a little anterior to the level of the anus (fig. 3). Each nephridium is about 1 cm. long, the length in preserved specimens varying according to the space of contraction of its muscular coat; by means of this muscular layer the whole organ has the power of shortening and dilating, and also of throwing itself into a number of curious curves. At the anterior extremity is a dilated bladder, the diameter of which is from four to five times that of the posterior cellular portion of the organ. The internal opening is situated at the anterior extremity of the bladder and is provided dorsally with a prominent ciliated lip! (fig. 18). The external orifice is just 1 The existence of this opening is doubted by Selenka, ‘ Die Sipunculiden,’ but it is sufficiently obvious in all the specimens. It was demonstrated in another species of Phymosoma by Dr. Spengel. 14, ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. behind the internal, and opens also into the bladder. The opening to the exterior is surrounded by a thickened ring of connective tissue with muscle-fibres intermingling, the latter forming a sphincter. The walls of the passage are folded and lined with cubical epithelial cells. The communication between the internal opening and the bladder is effected by means of a short passage, the epithelium of which is ciliated. The walls of the bladder itself are formed of a single layer of cubical cells, a middle coat of irregularly arranged muscle-fibres, and an external investment of peritoneum. The relations of the bladder and its openings will be evident from the diagram, fig. 18. The walls of the bladder are very elastic, they contain many muscular fibres, and are lined with cubical epithelial cells. The tubular portion of the kidney is a backward prolonga- tion of the bladder, and is attached from the anterior half of its course to the body wall by a mesentery, its posterior half being free. The tube possesses anteriorly a simple lumen, which is broken up posteriorly by a number of septa, producing an appearance which reminds one of that presented by the interior of a frog’s lung, the transition between the two regions is very gradual. The epithelium lining the tubular portion of the kidney is generally one cell thick; it is produced internally into a series of long papille, which are separated from one another by a series of depressions (see figs. 19 and 20). The cells forming the papille are extremely long, and are loaded with fine, yellowish granules. In specimens killed during the functional activity of the organ these papilla-cells are furnished at their inner extremities with a series of large thin-walled vesicles, which appear to be thrown off from time to time into the lumen of the kidney (fig. 20). The granules, with which the kidney-cells are loaded, appear to decrease in number as the vesicles are approached ; and it seems possible that the excretory products of the nephridial cells are stored up in the vesicles before being thrown, together with the vesicles themselves, into the nephridial tube. The ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 15 whole process is very similar to what takes place in a mammary gland during the excretion of milk. Théel mentions that the excretory organs of Phascolion emitted yellow vesicles which resembled drops of oil when the living animal was disturbed.! Between the papille lie a series of hemispherical depressions lined by a flattened epithelium, the cells of which are usually loaded at their base with the yellow granules above men- tioned. ‘These cells seem to develop into the high columnar cells described above. The muscle-fibres form an irregular network outside the nephridial cells, lying chiefly at the bases of the papillae. The hemispherical depressions seem to pass through the meshes of the muscular coat, and to lie in direct contact with the perito- neal investment of the organ (figs. 19 and 20), forming a series of projections visible on the external surface. The peritoneal epithelium which surrounds the kidney is dis- tinguishable from the nephridial cells by the greater ease with which it absorbs staining fluids, and by the absence of secretion granules. In the region of the hemispherical depressions the peritoneal cells frequently form thick masses several cells deep. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the excretion pro- ducts are passed through the peritoneal cells to the cells of the hemispherical cups, and thence to the cells of the papille, the internal opening of the nephridium having relation chiefly to its function as a generative duct. The relative amount of the secreting epithelium to the cubical epithelium lining the bladder varies greatly ; in one specimen even the area between the external opening and inner end of the internal opening was lined with the former cells, thus reducing the bladder to a very small structure. The lumen of the nephridium contains nothing but the vesicles above described, together with ripe ova or spermatozoa. It is remarkable that the cwlomic corpuscles appear never to pass through the internal opening of the organ. 1 Théel, “Recherches sur le Phascolion strombi,” ‘ Kongl. Svenska Ve- tenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar,’ Bandet 14, No. 2. 16 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. Tue Nervous System AND SENSE-ORGANS. The brain is a bilobed organ, continuous by its anterior face with the ectoderm of the invaginated preoral lobe, and surrounded elsewhere by a process of the lophophoral blood- vessel, from which it is separated, not only by the endothelium of the vessel, but also by a connective-tissue capsule (see figs. 2,4, 8, and 27). The groove between the two lobes is deepest and widest on the anterior surface, where the substance of the brain is continuous with that of the przoral ectoderm. In the brain, as in the ventral nerve-cord, the ganglion-cells are aggregated in the side nearest the skin; they are on the dorsal side of the animal in the brain, on the ventral in the nervous system. As the figs. 24, 25, and 26 show, there is a cap of ganglion- cells covering the anterior, dorsal, and posterior surfaces of the brain. The ventral surface is not invaded by the ganglion- cells; but here the fibrous tissue, which makes up the rest of the brain, comes in contact with the thin connective capsule. It is this region of the brain which projects into the blood- sinus. The majority of the ganglion-cells are small, with deeply stained nuclei, occupying about one half of the cell; they are either unipolar or bipolar. At the postero-dorsal angle of the brain, however, a certain number of giant ganglion-cells are found (fig. 27). These cells have a diameter of 02 mm., at least four times that of the smaller cells; their nuclei are rela- tively smaller, and they are unipolar. I was unable to trace what becomes of the fibres given off from these giant-cells. No such giant-cells occur in any other part of the nervous system. A pair of sense-organs, usually described as eyes, lie em- bedded in the substance of the brain. Each of these sense-organs has the form of a long tube bent upon itself, so that one limb is nearly at right angles to the other. The outer limb, the lumen of which is narrow, opens on to the surface of the przoral lobe (figs. 1 and 25), the opening lies ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 1; at the dorsal lateral angle of the brain, just dorsal to where the circumcesophageal nerve-commissure leaves the brain ; the lumen of the inner limb dilates into a vesicular swelling in the substance of the brain (fig. 23); the whole tube has, therefore, nearly the shape of a retort, and lies entirely in the lateral part of the brain. The wall of the tube is everywhere formed by a layer of clear, nucleated cells. In the outer limb these cells form a fairly regular columnar epithelium one cell thick, which becomes less regular as the inner limb is approached. The cells bounding the inner limb are arranged irregularly, and they appear to send out processes from their peripheral extremi- ties, which may be supposed to communicate with the pro- cesses of adjacent nerve-cells. The cells of the inner limb also secrete a deep black pigment, which lies in that portion of each cell which is turned towards the lumen of the tube. A clear coagulum sometimes lies in the cavity of this sense-pit. These organs are visible as two black spots at the level of the brain in the dissected animal (fig. 3). No trace exists in this genus of the curious finger-like pro- cesses which project from the brain of Sipunculus into the body-cavity. Three pairs of nerves are given off from the brain: (1) dorsally, a small pair supplying the skin of the preoral lobe— these lie nearest to the middle line (fig. 26) ; (2) ventrally, a nerve on each side, going to the corresponding area of the lophophor, and supplying a branch to each tentacle (fig. 24) ; (3) and posteriorly on each side arises a nerve which passes round the cesophagus, and joins its fellow of the opposite side to form the ventral cord (fig. 24). The lophophoral nerve arises between the point of origin of the nerve of the preoral lobe and the exit of the circumcesophageal commis- sures. The ventral cord itself shows no trace either of a division into two halves, or of a segregation of its nerve-cells into ganglia, It runs along the ventral surface of the body as a perfectly uniform filament, terminating posteriorly without any ganglionic swelling such as that found in Sipunculus. VOL. XXXI, PART I.——NEW SER. B 18 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. The fibres are on the dorsal, the cells on the ventral side of the cord. Along each side of the nerve-cord runs a longitudinal band of muscle-fibres, the cord and its pair of muscles being together enclosed in a special peritoneal sheath. The space between the sheath and the cord is filled with a peculiar connective tissue (fig. 29), which has been regarded by some observers as clotted blood, the cord being said to lie in a blood-vessel. My preparations afford no evidence in support of this view; and I am strongly of opinion that the substance lying between the nerve-cord and its peritoneal investment is, as above stated, connective tissue. By contraction of the muscles within the peritoneal sheath the nerve-cord may become crumpled, so that while the sheath is perfectly straight the cord within it presents the appearance shown in fig. 28. The nerve-sheath is attached to the ventral body wall by a series of mesenteric cords, each of which contains, not only a prolongation of peritoneal epithelium, but also a central axis of connective tissue (figs. 28 and 29). The peripheral nerves form, as in Sipunculus, a series of rings encircling the body, and lying between the circular and the longitudinal muscles. In the region of the introvert a nerve-ring lies beneath each ring of hooks, at the base of the circular muscle which supports them (figs. 1 and 2). Each nerve-ring is connected with the ventral cord by a single short nerve, which runs from one to the other in the middle ventral line. The lophophoral nerve runs along the base of the tentacles, one on each side of the lophophore. Lach gives off a series of small nerves, one of which passes up the axis of each tentacle, lying immediately beneath the ciliated groove (figs. 2, 5, and 17). In addition to the sense-pits on the brain there are a number of ectodermal structures on the introvert, which are probably sensory in function, and may well be described here. These bodies are arranged in circles parallel to the rows of hooks ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 19 running round the introvert (fig. 21). One of these organs is shown in fig. 12; the ectoderm-cells have multiplied and increased in size, forming a small heap; some of these cells have then formed stiff processes, which project beyond the level of the skin. These processes are gathered up intoa small brush by a chitinous ring which surrounds the base. The hooks (fig. 21) are very closely packed in a series of ridges formed by the circular muscle-fibres of the introvert. The point is directed backward, while the row of sense-organs lies immediately behind them, embedded in the muscular cushion. THe GENERATIVE ORGANS. Phymosoma varians is diccious; in no case are ova and spermatozoa found in the body of the same individual. The ovaries are formed by a fold of the peritoneal epi- thelium, elsewhere flat, which occurs at the base of the insertion of the long ventral pair of retractor muscles. This genital ridge extends beyond the inner edge of the muscle attachment across the ventral middle line lying between the nerve-cord and the skin; it does not extend beyond the outer or dorsal end of the muscle. The ridge is not quite con- tinuous, but it is interrupted from time to time; its free border is also irregular, and this gives it a puckered or frilled appearance (fig. 22). In transverse section—parallel to the long axis of the Phymosoma—the ovary is seen to be much thicker at its free border than at its base; the latter indeed is formed of but two layers of cells, thus giving the appearance of a simple fold of endothelium. These layers, however, thicken towards the free edge. Nearly all the cells have become ova, and are held together by a very scanty matrix. The organ is solid, and the ova dehisce from it into the body-cavity. In the ovary the ova increase in size towards the thickened free edge, where the oldest are. Those found free in the body- cavity also differ somewhat in size, and undoubtedly grow whilst suspended in the perivisceral fluid; but there is a very 20 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. marked difference in size between the largest ovarian ovum and the smallest floating one—a difference I am quite unable to account for. The floating ova are oval in shape, the largest about 1 mm. long, with a thick zona radiata, in which the radial markings can only be detected with very high powers (fig. 30). This membrane stains deeply except its outermost layer, which does not absorb any staining fluid. The protoplasm is very granular, and stains well. The nucleus is very large, and sometimes reaches almost from one side of the cell to the other ; it does not stain at all. No micropyle was to be seen. The testis occupies in the male a position similar to that of the ovary in the female. The mother-cells of the spermatozoa separate from the testis before or whilst dividing. Whilst floating in the perivisceral fluid the nuclei of these cells com- menced to divide, and the whole floats about as a multi- nucleated mass of protoplasm. The stages which most com- monly occurred were those with eight or sixteen nuclei (fig. 8). The males were much rarer than the females, and none of them contained ripe spermatozoa. SUMMARY. The following is a brief summary of the more important points described in detail in the body of the paper. (1) The head of Phymosoma is surrounded by a stiffened vascular horseshoe-shaped lip, the dorsal ends of which are continuous with the ends of a hippocrepian lophophor. The lophophor bears a crown of about eighteen tentacles—the number is always even. In the hollow of the lophophor lies the brain, which is continuous with the ectoderm of the preoral lobe. The inner surface of the tentacles and the ectoderm above the brain is crowded with dark brown pigment- granules, and the ectoderm of the preoral lobe is curiously wrinkled. Between the hippocrepian lophophor and the vascular lip is the crescentiform opening of the mouth. (2) At some little distance behind the lip is a thin but very ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 21 extensile collar, which may be so extended as to entirely cover the head. (3) The ectoderm consists of a single layer of cells. This secretes outside a cuticle of varying thickness. The ecto- dermal cells are vaulted, so that spaces are left in which a nutrient fluid might circulate between the circular muscles and the ectoderm. The ectoderm of the lower lip and of the outside of the tentacles is ciliated. (4) The skin-glands are of two kinds; each is formed by the modification of ectoderm-cells, which results in the pushing in of certain of the cells to form a double cup. The inner layer of cells thus produced develops a number of granules, which are extruded through a median aperture. In one kind of skin-gland, those of the introvert, this aperture is sur- rounded by a chitinous ring, which is absent on those of the trunk. (5) Rows of hooks set very closely together are found in the introvert; these are each secreted by a small multi- cellular papilla. (6) A skeleton tissue is present in the lip and tentacles. This seems to stiffen these structures, and to form a firm hold for the attachment of the retractor muscles of the introvert. (7) The nephridia or brown tubes consist of two parts, the bladder and the secreting part. The former opens both to the exterior and to the body-cavity, the latter opening being shaped like a flattened funnel and ciliated. The secreting part opens only into the bladder. Its walls are lined with a columnar epithelium, the cells composing which are crowded with granules. From time to time a vesicle or bubble crowded with these granules is formed at the free end of the cell, and ultimately breaks off into the lumen of the nephridium, and so passes out of the body. The only other structures found in the cavity of these organs besides these vesicles, were the ripening generative cells. (8) The vascular system consists of a horseshoe-shaped plexus in the lower lip, a similar plexus in the lophophor which gives off branches into each tentacle, and a reservoir 22 ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. lying dorsal to the esophagus. This communicates with the lophophoral sinus in the dorsal middle line. Just at this point is a blood-sinus which surrounds all those parts of the brain which are not continuous with the ectoderm. This system of blood-vessels is closed. It contains numerous small oval corpuscles. In addition to these the ccelomic fluid contains a number of much larger corpuscles, as well as ova and sperm -morule. The celom is lined by a flat epithelium which is not ciliated. (9) The brain is a bilobed mass, partly connected with the ectoderm of the przoral lobe and partly surrounded by a blood-sinus. The relative position of the ganglion-cells and fibrous tissue is described above. There are a number of giant ganglion-cells arranged in the lateral and posterior parts of the brain. (10) The brain gives off three pairs of nerves: (1) the first pair pass to supply the pigmented tissue of the preeoral lobe; (2) the second pair run along the base of the lophophor, and send a branch into each tentacle; (3) the third pair pass round the csophagus, and unite to form the ventral nerve- cord. This is supported by a strand of muscle in each side, and by numerous connective-tissue strands which pass to the body wall. It has no trace of a double structure, and no seg- mentaily arranged nerve-ganglia. It gives off from time to time a median nerve, which soon splits, and each half runs round the body, these fuse together again in the dorsal middle line, thus forming a nerve-ring. (11) The sense-organs consist of two pigmented pits in the brain, and of certain structures in the introvert. The former pits open on to the preoral lobe, and then pass into the brain at each side. Hach pit is bent on itself, and expands slightly at its inner end. The cells lining the pit are crowded with black pigment. The sense-organs on the introvert lie in rows close behind the rows of hooks. Each consists of a number of ecto- dermal cells produced outwards into a stiff process. These processes are gathered up into a little brush by a chitinous ring which surrounds their base. ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 25 (12) The animals are diccious. The generative organs are in the form of ridges at the base of the ventral retractors. The flat coelomic epithelium is here modified to give rise to ova in the females and the sperm morule in the males. CONCLUSIONS. I do not propose to consider at any length the theoretical conclusions which might be drawn from the facts above indi- cated until I have worked out in detail other forms of the Gephyrea, which I hope to do in the immediate future. I should, however, like to say something in favour of maintain- ing the genus Phoronis in its old position—that is, as a form closely allied to the more normal Gephyrea inermia. This relationship is most easily seen by comparing a view of the head of Phymosoma as seen from above with a view of Phoronis (figs. 31 and 82). In both genera the mouth is sur- rounded by a pair of vascular horseshoe-shaped ridges, one of which is dorsal and the other ventral : the sole point of difference lies in the fact that while in the one case the tentacles of the lophophor extend along both the ventral and the dorsal horse- shoe, they are in the other case confined to the dorsal limb. Again, the preoral lobe of Phoronis bears two large sen- sory pits, one on each side of the middle line; these are obviously comparable to the similar pits which open into the area in the concavity of the Gephyrean lophophor which I have spoken of as the preoral lobe. Further, the nervous system of Phymosoma, like that of Phoronis, is permanently connected with the epidermis. I do not enlarge upon the resemblances in the position of the anus, and the lengthening of the ventral surface at the expense of the dorsal, or on the presence of two nephridia, as these points have been already emphasised by Lankester. But I would direct attention to two structures hitherto, I believe, undescribed in the Gephyrea, which in my opinion have homologues in Phoronis. The first of these is the skeletal tissue ; this, as the descrip- tion above shows, agrees in position and function with the 24, ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. mesoblastic skeletal tissue which supports the tentacles of Phoronis as described by Caldwell. The second structure I wish to refer to is the thin membranous fold which I have above termed the collar. This seems to me to correspond very closely with the calyx or web which surrounds the base of the head in Phoronis. The absence in the unarmed Gephyrea of mesenteric parti- tions in the post-oral body-cavity, similar to those which exist in Phoronis, may be accounted for by the twisting of the intestinal loop in the more normal genera. The radial muscles which extend from the visceral loop to the body wall are, in all probability, the remains of an ancestrally continuous mesentery. It will be remembered that in Phoronis the body-cavity is divided into an anterior and a posterior division by a trans- verse septum passing from the body wall to the cesophagus, at the level of the nerve-ring. The former division includes the cavity of the preoral lobe and tentacles, the latter the rest of the body-cavity. I am disposed to think that a similar dispo- sition of parts obtains in Phymosoma. The organ which is usually regarded as forming the blood-vessels in the Gephyrea occupies precisely the same position as the anterior body- cavity in Phoronis; it has, however, acquired a reservoir— the dorsal vessel—into which the fluid may pass when the head is retracted. As this involution is impossible in Pho- ronis no such reservoir has been developed. If this homo- logy holds, there is nothing in the Gephyrea homologous with the true blood system of Phoronis. In connection with this it is perhaps worth noticing that the so-called vascular system in the Gephyrea gives off no vessels or capillaries, but simply consists of a number of intercommunicating spaces. April, 1889. The Morphological Laboratory, Cambridge. ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 25 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES I, II, III, and IV,* Illustrating Mr. Arthur E. Shipley’s paper “On Phymo- soma varians.” PLATE I. Fic. 1.—A semi-diagrammatic view of the anterior end of Phymosoma varians. ‘The introvert is everted and the tentacular crown expanded. The collar is not extended and lies at the base of the head. Only two rows of hooks are shown. Fie. 2.—A semi-diagrammatic view of the closed vascular system and nervous system, showing their relation to the alimentary canal. The vascular system shows the three parts, the lophophoral, the lower lip, and the dorsal blood-vessel. The latter communicates with the lophophoral in the middle line, and just at this point the sinus round the brain is given off. The brain is relatively too small. The three main nerves are shown, and the circular nerves which run in the skin. The cesophagus is cut off abruptly in front in order to display the vascular ring. Fic. 3.—View of a Ph. varians which has been opened along the median dorsal line. The introvert is retracted, the true anterior end of the body being where the eye-spots lie. Here and there patches of skin are seen which bear papille. PLATE II. Fic. 4.—A median longitudinal section through the head. The introvert is retracted, and the collar expanded until it encloses the whole head. The section is not quite in the middle line, or the lip on the dorsal surface would not be shown, cf. Fig. 6. The brain is cut through that part which is continuous with the ectoderm. Fic. 5.—A transverse section through the tentacles: the introvert is re- tracted. The tentacles show the ciliated groove on the outer surface, the pigmented epithelium in the inner, and the vascular spaces and tentacular nerves. Fic. 6.—A transverse section through the base of the lophophor and lower lip, just where the two fuse dorsally, the introvert is retracted. The skeletal tissue is shown in the lip, which is ciliated all round. Fie. 7.—An oblique transverse section through the base of the lophophor, showing the blood-space ; and in the centre some of the wrinkled pigmented tissue of the preoral lobe. The introvert is everted. 1 | am indebted to Mr. Weldon for the following figures :—Nos. 1, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, and 27. 26 : ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. Fic. 8.—A transverse section through the head in the region of the brain, The introvert is everted. This specimen had its body wall pushed upwards inside the lower lip in the ventral side into a kind of hernia, this accounts for the swelling containing blood-corpuscles and sperm-morule. The brain is shown in its sinus, also the depressions in the tissue of preoral lobe leading to the sensory pits. Fic. 9.—A transverse section through the cesopkagus. The dorsal and ventral retractor of each side have fused into a common lateral muscle, which almost fills up the body-cavity. The lumen of the cesophagus is occluded by ciliated ridges. Fic. 10.—A section through the ectoderm and cuticle. Below the ectoderm some fibres of the circular muscle may be seen. The ectoderm is vaulted leaving spaces which sometimes contain a coagulable fluid. The cuticle is traversed by numerous perpendicular lines, and the outer part only stains. Fic. 11.—A surface view of the skin, showing the longitudinal and circular muscle-fibres, the skin papille, and the ridges formed by thickenings of the cuticle. Fic. 12.—A section of one of the sense organs on the introvert, at the base of the ring of hooks. Fic. 13.—A transverse section through the posterior end of the animal. The longitudinal muscles have fused together and reduced the lumen of the body-cavity to a star-shaped mass. The skin papille are very numerous in this region, and the cuticle unusually thick. PLATE III. Fic. 14.—Section taken through one of the skin papille of the trunk. It shows the opening to the exterior, and the small cavity in the cup composed of enormous cells crowded with spherules. Fic. 15.—Surface view of the papille and hooks in the introvert. The chitinous plates round the orifice of these papillae are shown. Fic. 16.—An oblique section through a trunk papilla. This section shows the space between the two layers of the cup in communication with the sub- ectodermal spaces of the skin. Fic. 17.—Transverse section of a tentacle. At the base of the ciliated groove the tentacular nerve lies. Three blood-spaces are seen, and between them certain skeletal cells. The inner epithelium is crowded with pigment grains. Fic. 18.—A diagram showing the anatomy of the nephridium. The pos- terior blind diverticulum is the secreting part, the anterior thin-walled part is the bladder. The arrangement of the internal and external openings may also be seen. Fic. 19.—An oblique section through the secreting part of the nephridium, under a low power. This shows the peritoneal epithelium, then a dark ON PHYMOSOMA VARIANS. 27 layer of muscle-fibres and internally the secreting epithelium. The breaking up of the lumen into numerous side chambers is also shown in this figure. Fie. 20.—A portion of the same under a high power. The secreting epithelium is seen crowded with granules ; at their free edges these cells form ~ vesicles, which break off and fall into the lumen. Fic. 21.—A section through parts of several of the hooks on the introvert. The multicellular papillae which secrete the hooks are shown. One of these sense organs at the base of the hooks is also shown cut tangentially. Fig. 22.—A view of the base of the two ventral retractor muscles, showing the generative organ. The ventral nerve-cord lies between the muscles and dorsal to the generative ridge. The circular and longitudinal muscles are also shown, and the outline of the papille. PLATE IV. Fie. 23.—A section through the antero-dorsal corner of the brain, to show the blind end of the sense-pit. The cells lining the inner end of the pit are crowded with pigment. A few cells of the ectoderm of the preoral lobe are seen, and part of the blood sinus in which the brain lies. Fic. 24.—An oblique section through the lateral part of the brain, showing the origin of the circumcesophageal commissure and of the lophophoral nerve. This figure and the three succeeding ones show the arrangement of the ganglion-cells, the giant cells, and nerve-fibres. Fic. 25.—A section through the brain, transverse to its long axis, and nearer to the middle line than the preceding figure. It shows the fusion of the brain with the ectoderm of the preoral lobe, and the commencement of the preoral lobe nerve. Fic. 26.—A section in a place parallel to the preceding, but still nearer to the median line, it shows the origin of the preoral lobe nerve. Fic. 27.—A horizontal section through the posterior part of the brain at right angles to the preceding. This shows the histology of the giant-cells and their relative size. Fig. 28.—A longitudinal median section of the ventral nerve-cord, showing the arrangement of the ganglion-cells and fibres, and the mesenteries which attach the cord to the ventral body wall. Fic. 29.—A transverse section of the nerve-cord, showing a mesentery from the ventral body wall, the arrangement of ganglion-cells and nerve- fibres, the connective-tissue sheath, and the lateral muscles which run along each side of the nerve-cord. Fic, 30.—An ovum and some of the ccelomic corpuscles. The ovum shows the granular protoplasm, the large nucleus, and the zona radiata. Fic. 31.—A diagrammatic view of the head of Phoronis, seen from in ront. Fic, 32.—A similar view of Phymosoma. ae sane ue aww Brie 1h > i," « el 6 | t hha) alone . id ¢ i ives yeu Rviei iPad , cee bar eee! he eel be , igs - » ty ae Wy oat i ri v Las : 7 tims - 7 Mi) fi eee hiiw Were & mr? ais ist Mi) thir rej 71% ih MB \ibad > ome ‘ fi see Bory 4h 7 sé &. Pen Ah | ae FPO f Aen he; j - Mia! & eto { i ! ise y oT Wil itive rae @ tid = ) Bil uae Gi , ait ste Wi « fps Wi PG AIT) no MT WA ee 2 meet - ~ vita A} 4 00) 1 Wii... ss _ ‘4 6 (ere@h@) Ap were? Paese ¢ q Wieg T Ue t= i. 4 Tir My , ome (huik, ptlg ii plee — be 1 f e749 9 - ie ly 7 36 _. nae & 2 = Ula = is & ' Bay Pv, a i i a | © é As é Vote , am «4 oot b voit , ai| | i) ae Pe La) | wd i 7 ’ » at wi i hada » JOP Pas al oe ae ( . ? be i» i ‘ ‘ 48 ri id s i) oe i] ' td 4 eae ae 7 J ' ‘ Th Soft Ae, itt =4 » ; ‘. 4 im if +4 ‘| : ‘ ; ae: 7 e a ? i MO ® io erage ets ‘i utt ssa el pe i rH & wi il gun af hint gi ob ald ont } ih boned ete vt, aghe a Allan becesinnd A, 4) oe deena its vey iat Liha | Pete etre omar eS 7 i amapert: i oe of! whet aupolert ae ae eke een 4" (a ee writ pileleigs wt ba c sci eagaeie er? Bay SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIC SPIDERS. 29 The Spinning Apparatus of Geometric Spiders. By Cecil Warburton, B.A., Christ’s College, Cambridge. With Plate V. Tue familiar circular snare constructed by the “ geometric ” spiders has always been an object of interest to naturalists, but it is remarkable how little has been known until lately of the highly complicated organs which compose the spinning apparatus of these animals. Thanks mainly to the labours of Blackwell,! Emerton,’ Bertkau,® and lastly Apstein, a tolerably complete knowledge has now been obtained of the structure and general arrange- ment of these organs. Apstein’s excellent paper,* recently published, contributes much that is new and valuable, and fairly represents our present knowledge of the subject. Recent researches, however, have led me to dissent from some of that author’s conclusions as regards the functions of the various spinning glands, con- clusions based upon evidence for the most part too indirect to be entirely satisfactory. Before discussing this matter, some description of the 1 Qn the Mammale of Spiders in Spinning,’ ‘Trans. Linnean Soc. London,’ 1889, vol. xviii, pt. ii. 2 «The Structure and Habits of Spiders,’ Boston, Cassino & Co., 18838. 3 *Cribellum und Calamistrum,” ‘Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte,’? 1882, p. 316. 4 « Bau und Function der Spinnendrusen der Araneida,”’ ‘Archiv fiir Natur- geschichte,’ 1889, p. 29. 30 CECIL WARBURTON. morphology of the organs in question will be necessary. The large garden spider, Epeira diademata, is taken as the most convenient type of the family, but the following remarks apply in the main to all its orb-weaving congeners. External Spinning Organs. These occupy a small round area on the under surface of the abdomen towards the posterior end, where, when at rest, they present a bluntly conical protuberance (figs. 1 and 2, sp.). If this area be» examined under a low power, it is seen to be occupied mainly by four conical spinnerets, their bases form- ing a quadrilateral, and their apices meeting in the centre of the area (fig. 8). The narrow space which intervenes between the bases of the anterior (or inferior) spinnerets (a) is filled by a small tongue-like process (¢). The wider gap separating the posterior (or superior) spinnerets (p) is occupied by a terminal projection of the abdomen (z) containing the anus. Each of these spinnerets is two-jointed, and furnished at its extremity with a multitude of hair-like tubes containing the ducts of the spinning glands. They are possessed of a wonderful mobility, and can be widely separated, or energetically rubbed upon each other with a rotary motion at the will of the animal. Their separation discloses a third and smaller pair of spinnerets consisting of one joint only, and having their apices directed backwards and inwards, so as to lie immediately beneath the apices of the posterior spinnerets (fig. 10, 2). These again present a large number of glandular orifices. They will be referred to hereafter as the intermediate spinnerets. Thus we have, in all, three pairs of spinnerets capable of a great variety of movement, and bearing at their extremities, as will be presently seen, about 600 spinning tubes. Internal Spinning Organs. Apstein has shown that there are, in this group of spiders, five distinct kinds of glands, to which he assigns the names Ampullaceal, Aggregate, Tubuliform, Piriform, and SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIC SPIDERS. 31 Acinate. The first three kinds are few in number and of large size, extending throughout the greater part of the abdomen. The piriform and acinate glands are minute and numerous, and are closely grouped together immediately above the spinnerets. Their exact arrangement is important and may be summarised as follows : There are two pairs of Ampullaceal glands (fig. 3) debouch- ing on the anterior and intermediate spinnerets re- spectively on the inner side. There are three pairs of Aggregate glands, their three outlets on each side being situate upon the inner surface of the posterior spinneret. There are three pairs of Tubuliform glands, two opening on the inner side of the posterior spinnerets, and one upon the outer surface of the intermediate spinnerets. The above glands are comparatively large, and their ducts terminate in distinct tubular prominences. There are about 200 Piriform glands, all connected with the anterior spinnerets, where their ducts terminate in hair-like tubes. Finally, there are about 400 Aciniform glands, each posterior and each intermediate spinneret bearing the hair-like terminations of about a hundred ducts. Or thus, tabulating for one side only: GLANDS. | Ant, SPINNERET. | INTERMEDIATE. PosTERIOR. Ampullaceal . 1 on inner side 1 on inner side Aggregate 3 On inner side. Tubuliform 1 on outer side 2 on inner side, Piriform . A About 100 Aciniform About 100 About 100. The question naturally arises as to the different functions 32 CECIL WARBURTON. performed by glands apparently so distinct. Apstein attempts its solution by reasoning which is mainly indirect and, in my opinion, misleading. It occurred to me that the problem might be attacked in a more direct manner, and with this view the experiments to be now described were performed. A spider of this group usually trails a line from its spin- nerets while walking. With a little dexterity it can be quickly seized, and imprisoned in such a manner that the spinnerets from which the line is proceeding can be microscopically examined. This may be best effected by means ofa piece of wood about the size and shape of a microscope slide, with a narrow band of cloth attached by its end to one extremity. The cloth band is then held in front of the crawling animal, which may, with a little practice, be thus trapped between the cloth and the wood, so that the band passes beneath the cephalothorax, leaving the abdomen free for examination with the lately emitted line still attached. The fourth pair of legs must be kept from interfering with the experiment by pins suitably adjusted. The spinnerets will now be in their quiescent position, and the precise origin of the threads therefore invisible. If, however, it be gently drawn forwards, i.e. towards the animal’s head, certain facts with regard to it become at once clear. As, however, the phe- nomena differ at different times, we must take the various cases in succession. In the simplest case (fig. 9) one of the anterior spinnerets will be pulled forward with the thread, which will be easily seen to consist of a single line emanating from one large tube. More frequently (fig. 10) the line will be double issuing from similarly situated tubes on the inner sides of the two an- terior spinnerets. This is probably the most usual case, and I have drawn out from a spider many yards of such a double line of silk, its origin being all the time plainly visible. It is important to note that there is no adherence between the two lines, which remain perfectly distinct throughout their whole parallel course. SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIC SPIDERS. 33 The spider will probably tire of having its silk thus drawn out—a process which it can only influence indirectly. Were its hind legs free it would seize the thread and break it. It sometimes contrives to do this by a rapid movement of its spin- nerets, but occasionally it decides to strengthen the thread instead. The spinnerets are accordingly actively rubbed to- gether, and a little flocculent mass of silk appears upon the line, which is thereafter seen to consist of four strands, two of finer calibre having made their appearance between the former lines (fig. 11). To see their origin the anterior spinnerets must be kept forward by a gentle strain on the thread, and the pos- terior spinnerets thrust aside with a needle. The new lines may then be traced to the intermediate spinnerets, and proceed from large spinning tubes on the inner side. Again, the four lines remain distinct and non-adherent. Should the spider still resolve on strengthening the line a further rubbing together of the spinnerets occurs, and presently a large number of strands are seen to proceed from the nume- rous hair-like tubes on the anterior spinnerets (fig. 12). The four previous lines are still distinguishable by their greater thickness. If after drawing out several inches of this compound line it be slightly slacked, a puff of air separates the strands, showing that, though contiguous, they are not adherent. Lastly, upon rare occasions, the whole battery of tubes seems to be brought into play, the posterior spinnerets contributing their quota to the strengthening of the line. Thus the “ trail- ing line,” as I have called it, will be found at any moment to be constituted as indicated in one of the cases above described. It appears, therefore, that such a line usually consists of either two or four non-adherent threads emanating from what Apstein has shown to be the origin of the Ampullaceal glands, and that it may on occasion be strenghened by con- tributions from the Piriform and Acinate glands opening upon the anterior and posterior spinnerets respectively. It was next attempted to apply the same direct method to VOL, XXXI, PART IL—NEW SER. c 34 CECIL WARBURTON. the observation of the animal when employed naturally in its various spinning operations. Here the difficulties experienced were considerable, but some results were obtained by the aid of a simple contrivance, consisting of a pair of compasses with the points fixed some two inches apart, and between them a narrow strip of cloth stretched. A flat piece of wood was held behind the spider while at work, and between this and the strip of cloth the creature was suddenly trapped, the points of the compasses, which pro- jected the eighth of an inch beyond the cloth, being buried in the wood on either side. Flies were now placed in the various webs, and the spiders seized in the act of binding them up in the usual manner. The fly is held and rotated by means of the jaws, palps, and ante- rior legs, while the fourth pair of legs draw up from the spin- ners the bands of silk which are to enclose it. These silken bands were found to be constituted as shown in figs. 12 or 13. There seems no doubt, therefore, that the Aciniform and Piriform glands are mainly used in performing this operation. The structure of the geometric snare was next investigated. This is a familiar object, and may be said to consist of— (1) a sort of frame or scaffolding, to which are attached the distal ends of (2) the radial lines ; (3) the spiral line, extending from the periphery to near the centre. (1) The thread of the framework was generally found to be composed as exhibited in fig. 11. When necessary the spider strengthened the line by repeating the journey, and laying it down a second time. (2) The same line, or that of fig. 10, was also employed in constructing the radii of the snare. Thus the framework and radii of the geometric web are supplied by the Ampullaceal glands. (3) The spiral line requires a more detailed description. A low power shows it to consist of bead-like viscid globules SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIO SPIDERS. 35 strung upon a thread with remarkable regularity, as shown in fig. 14 d. It was until a few years ago supposed that these globules were separately deposited by the spider, whereas a uniform coating of viscid matter is given to the thread in the first in- stance, and its subsequent subdivision into globules is an entirely physical phenomenon. Boys! well describes the spider’s action as follows: “The spider draws these webs slowly, and at the same time pours upon them a liquid, and, still further to obtain the effect of launching a liquid cylinder into space, he pulls it out like the string of a bow, and lets it go with a jerk.” That this separation into globules is really a secondary phenomenon I have shown by taking upon a slide a portion of such a spiral immediately upon its completion. It readily stains with hematoxylin, and on microscopic examination shows the various stages indicated in fig. 14. We have thus separately to consider the ground-line (Grund- faden, Apstein) and the viscid matter with which it is en- veloped. Apstein imagines the ground-line to be furnished by the Aciniform glands, and to be many-stranded. I have not yet succeeded in tracing it with certainty to its origin, but have established the following facts with regard to it: In the first place, it is not many-stranded, but double only. When engaged upon this line the creature is so absorbed as to allow of pretty close examination with a hand-lens. I have at such times noticed that the posterior spinnerets are partly open, and that the line is, at first, distinctly double, fusing, by virtue of its viscid envelope, where grasped by the leg which draws it forth. Moreover, on staining and teasing the spiral line, the ground thread readily shows its double nature (fig. 15), but no amount of teasing breaks it up into further strands, as would surely be the case if such existed, for their separate 1 “ Quartz Fibres,” by C. V. Boys, F.R.S., ‘ Nature,’ July 11, 1889. 36 CECIL WARBURTON. existence as threads implies a degree of dryness inconsistent with complete fusion. As far as I have been able to trace these lines they have appeared to emanate from the intermediate spinnerets. They are much more elastic, however, than the radial lines, and can therefore hardly proceed from the Ampullaceal orifices. The only other paired orifices on the intermediate spinnerets are those of the Tubuliform glands. Now, an important function of these glands is undoubtedly, as Apstein remarks, the spinning of the egg cocoon, for they are always distended with yellow fluid in the female just before the deposition of ova, and comparatively inconspicuous after, while the cocoon consists of yellow silk. If, however, they also furnish the ground-threads, this would help to explain their presence in the male spider, which has not hitherto been very easy to understand. The objections to this view are, first, that cocoon silk is not especially elastic, and secondly, that I have not been able to find threads in the cocoon of the precise diameter of the ground- threads. In spiders of the species under consideration the following thread-diameters were found to be fairly uniform: Cocoon line d : ; : : ; 006 mm. Anterior Ampullaceal . 5 ‘ : : 003) 7 Ground-line of spiral . : : ‘ : 0025 ,, Intermediate Ampullaceal . : : : 0016 ,, The imperfect view I obtained of the origin of the ground- thread led me to think that though it proceeded from the inter- mediate organs, it had some subsequent relation to the posterior spinnerets. It is possible, therefore, that Apstein is correct in supposing that the Aggregate glands, which debouch on the inner side of the posterior spinnerets, deposit the viscid matter above described. | The arguments hitherto adduced in support of this view are, first, the convenient arrangement of the Aggregate orifices for such a purpose, and secondly, the presence of these glands in SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIC SPIDERS. 37 such spiders—and such only—on whose threads the viscid matter has been observed. On dissecting out the various glands from a spider, isolating them on slides, and crushing them, I found that the contents of the Aggregate glands retained their viscidity the longest. Evidence was also sought from histological changes in the glands themselves before and after web-spinning, and though a much larger series of obser- vations would be necessary to afford trustworthy results, alterations similar to those known to occur in active serous glands seemed to be taking place (figs. 19 and 20). This would show that the Aggregate glands are used in spinning the web, in which case they must furnish the viscid matter, all the other structures being accounted for. The unsafe nature of such indirect evidence is, however, freely admitted, but it may be pointed out that the certainty which now exists with regard to some of the glands gives greater probability of the true function being allotted to the remainder. One other web structure remains to be briefly discussed. Foundation lines are attached to surrounding objects, and ordinary non-viscid lines are glued to one another by little patches of silk which we may call attachment discs (Haft- scheibe, Apstein). The spider rubs its anterior spinnerets against a surface, emitting silk from the Piriform glands, and upon walking away a line is drawn out from the spinnerets. I have been best able to study these structures in a small bottle in which a spider was obliging enough to deposit its eggs, fixing the cocoon in its place by a multitude of cross threads fixed to the sides of the bottle at their ends, and to one another where they intercrossed. Their appearance is given in figs. 16—18. It was this structure which led to the belief in the highly compound nature of the spider’s line. 38 CECIL WARBURTON. Summary. 1. Facts newly established.—A spider’s line does not consist of many strands fused or woven together, but ordinarily of two or four distinct threads. The framework and the radii of circular snares are supplied by the Ampullaceal glands. The Acinate and Piriform glands are those mainly em- ployed in binding up captured prey. The “trailing line” consists primarily of Ampullaceal threads, sometimes strengthened by contributions from the Acinate and Piriform glands. The ground-line of the spiral is double only, and the two strands are bound together merely by the viscid matter which envelops them. 2. Corroborative of Apstein.—The “attachment discs” are furnished by the Piriform glands. The Tubuliform glands supply the silk for the egg-cocoon. The viscid matter of the spiral is probably the product of the Aggregate glands. Finally, the origin of the spiral ground-line is uncertain, but it may proceed from the Tubuliform orifices on the inter- mediate spinnerets. Morphological Laboratory, Cambridge. SPINNING APPARATUS OF GEOMETRIC SPIDERS. 39 EXPLANATION OF PLATE V, Illustrating Mr. Cecil Warburton’s paper on “ The Spinning Apparatus of Geometric Spiders.” Fic. 1.—Profile of Epeira diademata, sp. spinnerets. Fic. 2.—Ventral aspect of the same species. Fig. 3.—Ampullaceal gland. Fic. 4.—Ageregate gland. Fie. 5.—Tubuliform gland. Fie. 6.—Piriform gland. Fic. 7.—Acinate gland. Fic. 8.—External spinning organs at rest. a. Anterior, p. Posterior spinnerets. ¢. Anterior tongue-like fold. z. Terminal fold of abdomen. Fics. 9—13 show the composition of the “trailing-line” under various circumstances. 7¢. Intermediate spinnerets. Fic. 14.—Stages in the formation of the viscid globules. d. Shows the final arrangement. Fic. 15.—Teased spiral line, showing that the ‘ ground-line”’ is double. Fie. 16.— Attachment disc” (Haftscheibe, Apstein). Fic. 17.—The same, more in profile. Fie. 18.—Attachment disc, gluing together irregular strands which held an egg-cocoon in position. Fic. 19.—Section (somewhat diagrammatic) of aggregate gland at rest. Fic. 20.—Ditto of aggregate gland when the spider had just constructed its web. (The right half only of Figs. 19 and 20 is shaded.) 7" * 4 STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. Al On the Structure and Functions of the Cerata or Dorsal Papille in some Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Ww, A. Herdman, D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Natural History in University College, Liverpool. With Plates Vi; VIL, VIII, EX, and X. Most of the Nudibranchiate Mollusca are provided with brightly coloured and sometimes elaborately branched projec- tions from the sides and dorsal surface of the body. These include— 1. The Rhinophores, or dorsal tentacles. 2. The true Branchiz. 3. The Cerata, or dorsal papille. The rhinophores are a pair of tentacles placed near the anterior end of the body, on the dorsal surface of the head. They are undoubtedly sense-organs, and are supplied by large nerves arising from the cerebral ganglia. They are present in all the forms discussed in this paper. The branchiz, although they may possibly not be true ctenidia, are specialised organs of respiration. They are not present in all Nudibranchs. The cerata, which were the special subject of my investiga- tion, vary greatly in number, size, and arrangement in the different genera and species, and the characteristic appearance of the animals is in a great measure due to these structures. They are often termed dorsal papille, or branchial papille, or even branchie ; and they have been supposed by many z0o- 42 WwW. A. HERDMAN. logists to be organs of respiration. They are not present in all Nudibranchs, but in many cases they are very large and conspicuous. ‘They may be present along with true branchie. I find the cerata in the genera which I have examined to be of two kinds : 1. There are those which contain large diverticula of the liver, as in the case of the genera Holis and Doto. 2. There are those which are essentially processes of the body-wall, and have no connection with the liver, as in the genera Tritonia, Ancula, and Dendronotus. The term “ cerata” may, as introduced by Lankester in his article ‘‘ Mollusca,” ! be employed for these processes in general, while those in the first category might be specially denoted as hepato-cerata, and those in the second as parieto- cerata. All the forms which I have examined are either distinctly hepato-cerata or are parieto-cerata. I have found no intermediate conditions. In regard to their morphological nature, if the fold of integument overhanging the foot in Doris is to be regarded not as a mantle edge, but as an epi- podial ridge (see Lankester, loc. cit., p. 655), then the smooth or tuberculated dorso-lateral ridges in the genera Goniodoris, Polycera, and Idalia, the larger row of lateral tubercles of Aigires punctilucens, the lateral clavate processes of Triopa claviger, the palisade-like cerata of Ancula, the branched parieto-cerata of Tritonia and Dendronotus, and probably also the hepato-cerata of Doto, Holis, Proctonotus, and all other forms, may be considered as epipodial papilla—outgrowths from a more or less distinct epipodial ridge. The six common British genera, Doris, Ancula, Tritonia, Dendronotus, Doto, and Eolis, show very different con- ditions of the cerata and other dorsal processes, and form an instructive series of types. The general anatomy of all these forms is well known, thanks chiefly to the labours of Alder and Hancock and of Rudolph Bergh, and many points in the detailed structure of particular organs have been worked out by Bergh, Vayssiére, Trinchese, and others; but the method 1 * Ency. Brit.,’ ninth edition, vol. xvi, p. 655. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 43 of serial sections, giving the exact histological relations of the different parts of the body, has apparently not up to now been made use of by any of these writers on the structure of the Nudibranchiata. My specimens have been collected in the Liverpool Bay district, either in the neighbourhood of the Biological Station on Puffin Island, or at Hilbre Island, in the estuary of the Dee. They were generally killed with Kleinenberg’s picric acid, hardened with graduated alcohols, stained in picro-carmine, embedded in paraffin, cut with the Cambridge “ rocking” microtome, and mounted in Canada balsam. Some were soaked in gum, cut in the freezing microtome, and examined in water, in glycerine, and in Farrant’s solution for comparison with the others. My laboratory assistant, Mr. J. A. Clubb, who is working along with me in the collection and identifi- cation of the Nudibranchs of the district for the Reports upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay, has given me a great deal of assistance in preparing the specimens and cutting the sections. Doris. In Doris (Pl. VI, fig. 1) there is a pair of short stout laminated rhinophores on the head, and a clump of well- developed branchie near the posterior end of the dorsal surface of the body. There are no cerata or other dorsal processes. The branchiz are in the form of a number (usually 6 to 12) of pinnate plumes arranged in a circle round the anus. In sections the branchiz have the structure shown in fig. 2. The branches are subdivided and the surface is very irregular. The epithelium varies from nearly squamous to columnar, and there are large blood-lacunz forming irregular spaces and passages and coming into close relation with the surface, being only separated from the ectoderm in some places by a very thin layer of structureless connective tissue. ANCULA. In Anculacristata (fig. 3) there are rhinophores, well- developed branchiz, and large but simple unbranched cerata. 44, WwW. A. HERDMAN. The rhinophores are large, and are placed in the usual position on the head. Each of them has its upper half strongly laminated or marked with parallel transverse ridges, while near the base of each two simple tapering branches arise, the one directed horizontally forwards and the other rather out- wards to the side. There are three branchial plumes, which are placed in the centre of the dorsal surface. The largest one is median and anterior, and the other two form a pair placed a little further back : they are all much branched. The cerata form a series of five erect, rod-like processes along each side of the back. They extend from the centre nearly halfway to each end of the body, and thus form a protecting palisade along the middle third of the back, at each side of the branchiz. In sections through the front of the head (fig. 4) it is seen that the branches of the rhivophore are, like the cerata further back, prolongations upwards of the body-wall composed of ordinary mesodermal tissue containing only the usual small blood-lacune. A few sections behind (fig. 5) we come upon the rhinophore proper, showing the broad lateral lamine, while the stem contains a large bundle of nerve-fibres and, further up, a ganglionic mass of nerve-cells (fig. 5, g). Some way further back in the body the cerata and branchie are seen in section. Fig. 6 shows in the centre the basal part of the first or median branchia cut near its anterior end. It contains a large blood-cavity. On each side is seen one of the cerata, that on the right having had several undulations near its middle. These cerata are seen from this and neighbouring sections to be direct continuations upwards of the ectoderm and mesoderm of the body-wall, and to contain no special struc- tures beyond the epithelium and the connective and muscular tissues of the integument (fig. 6). There are many small blood- lacune in the mesoderm, but these are not more numerous nor larger than the corresponding spaces in the body-wall, and nothing approaching the structure of a branchia is seen. Pl. VII, fig. 7, shows a section further back where the median branchia is cut through longitudinally about its central STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANOHS. 45 part, while the second pair of cerata are seen one on each side. This shows well the laminated structure of the branchia and the bundle of muscle-fibres branching through its interior. A few spaces are visible in the branchia, but they are com- paratively small, and it is only under a higher magnification that the numerous lacunz lying in the mesoderm close under the ectoderm, and containing blood-corpuscles (fig. 8), become visible. This is part of a vertical section; while fig. 9 shows part of a transverse section similarly magnified. These two figures show the deep infoldings of the surface of the branchia, and the former (fig. 8) exhibits well the change in the character of the ectoderm cells from place to place. The general arrange- ment and structure is the same as in the section of the branchia of Doris (fig. 2), and is very different from the struc- ture of the cerata when similarly sectionised and magnified (see fig. 10). So that, although in sections such as are repre- sented in figs. 7 and 11 the cerata and the branchiz sometimes overlap and become displaced, small pieces of the one are always distinguishable by their structure from those of the other. The cerata (see figs. 6, 7, 10, and 11) have the ecto- derm very thick, and the infolds are not nearly so_ deep or so close as those of the branchie. A layer of longitudinal muscle- fibres (fig. 10, m) lies under the ectoderm in the cerata, and there are only a few small lacune in the mesoderm. Fig. 11 represents a section further back, in which parts of all three branchiz and of two pairs of cerata are seen. The lateral branchie have their inner surfaces much more deeply folded than their outer surfaces, and this is especially the case near their bases. This is shown in fig. 12, a vertical sec- tion of the base of one of the lateral branchiz, where the left side shows the outer surface next to the cerata, while the right side is the inner surface nearest to the middle line of the body. Some of the deepest infolds of the ectoderm are seen to end in little crypts where the ectoderm cells become suddenly large and are arranged in a radiating manner around the end of the infold so as to form a spherical clump (fig. 12, gl). These are probably glandular. 46 W. A. HERDMAN. TRITONIA. In Tritonia (e. g. Tritonia, or Candiella, plebeia) the body is long and low, nearly square in transverse section, and tapers rapidly to the posterior end (fig. 13). The rhinophores are large and complicated, having the base surrounded by a sheath and the terminal part divided up into a number of branches. There are no true branchie such as are present in Doris and in Ancula, but placed along each side of the dorsal surface is found a row of short branched cerata (fig. 13, c). These are seen in sections (figs. 14 and 15) to be merely processes of the body-wall containing no special structures and only a few small lacunz, such as are present under the integu- ment all over the body. In some transverse sections, where the sides of the body are much corrugated the irregular folds of the surface are almost as much branched as the cerata, and have very much the same appearance (see / in fig. 14). It is clear then (1) that true branchiz, such as those of Doris and Ancula, are not present in Tritonia plebeia; (2) that the cerata of the latter are merely processes of the body-wall like the cerata found along with branchie in Ancula; and (3) that although these cerata may become considerably branched (see fig. 15) they have not the structure of special respiratory organs. DENDRONOTUS. In Dendronotus arborescens there is practically the same condition asin Tritonia. Branchiz are absent, but the rhinophores are large and complicated, and the branched cerata arranged along the sides of the back are so greatly de- veloped as to form the most conspicuous part of the animal in the living condition (Pl. VIII, fig. 16). There are usually six pairs of these cerata, with occasional much smaller ones scattered between. In a specimen 4 cm. in length the largest pair of cerata may be 1 cm. in height, and have stems 3 mm. in diameter at the base. They branch repeatedly so as to form an arborescent structure. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 4.7 The cerata of Dendronotus have been generally described as branchie, and have been universally supposed, until quite recently, to contain large digestive ceca or diverticula of the “liver.” I regard them, however, as being merely excessive developments of the small cerata found in Tritonia, and as having no special branchial function ; while last summer Mr. Clubb and I showed! that no digestive czeca penetrate into the cerata in Dendronotus. Such ceca were described and figured originally by Alder and Hancock,? and more recently by Dr. R. Bergh,® but these distinguished anatomists worked entirely, I believe, by means of fine dissections, and I can explain, I think, how it is that a deceptive appearance of hepatic diverticula is produced which has led to error when not corrected by the examination of serial sections. The so-called liver is a very large organ lying underneath (ventral to) the ovo-testis. It consists of a posterior and right and left anterior lobes, as correctly described by Bergh. It gives off a few diverticula directed dorsally, but these do not reach to the bases of the cerata, but end blindly in the body- wall. In the specimens examined by Mr. Clubb and myself last summer we found such prolongations going towards the rhinophores and the two first pairs of cerata, and sometimes, but less definitely, towards the smaller succeeding cerata, but in no case, either in dissections or in sections, were they found to reach the base either of rhinophores or of cerata. Dissections alone are apt to be misleading, as there are large blood sinuses (a) in the side walls of the body close to the liver and (4) extending up into the cerata, and these cavities join and open into the dorso-lateral veins close to where the hepatic diverticula terminate, so that it is easy to imagine a direct con- tinuity between the slender end of the diverticulum and the blood sinus and so proceed to trace the supposed hepatic ceca onwards into the cerata. In serial sections, however, the pro- 1 ©Proe. Liverpool Biol. Soc.,’ vol. ili, p. 228, 1889. 2 ¢ Ray Soc. Monograph,’ pt. ii. 3 “ Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde,” ‘Natura Artis Magistra,’ Afl. xiii, viii, p. 25, Amsterdam, 1886. 48 W. A. HERDMAN. longations of the liver can be followed with exactness until their terminations in the body-wall are found. In one case, for example, amongst our preparations the hepatic cecum going towards the left rhinophore can be traced forwards through sixty-six sections, gradually narrowing until it ends blindly, the last section passing through its anterior wall. At this point it has not nearly reached the base of the rhinophore. Dr. Bergh has figured! the cecal extremities of the hepatic diverticula in the terminal branches of the cerata as seen in transparent preparations, and I freely admit that such appear- ances are sometimes to be seen and that they look superficially very like granular, dark-coloured liver ceca; moreover, when one of the cerata is cut off near its base from a living Den- dronotus the cut surface sometimes (i. e. in darkly coloured individuals) shows an outer clearer zone, and then a dark chocolate-coloured ring which is very suggestive of the hepatic czeca, as seen in the cerataof some species of Holis. Sections, however, show that in both such cases, the terminal twigs and the freshly cut stumps of the cerata, the appearance is due to branching masses of pigment-cells lying in the solid mesoderm, always a little way in from the surface and sometimes more densely aggregated around the blood sinuses. I found that a specimen killed and hardened rapidly, soaked in syrup and gum, and cut at once in the freezing microtome without staining, showed these pigment-cells much better than did the specimens carefully hardened and stained and embedded in paraffin. PJ. VIII, fig. 19, shows the arrangement of the pig- ment in such a fresh section: it is of a rich reddish-brown colour. I believe, then, that the appearance of hepatic prolongations in the cerata, which have been described by various careful investigators, is due to the presence (1) of blood sinuses, and (2) of a good deal of dark pigment in the mesoderm, and that the hepatic ceca are not really prolonged into the cerata, Dr. Bergh has lately suggested to me in conversation that possibly my results might be due to the ceca being contractile, 1 Loc. cit., pl. ii, figs, 21, 22. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 49 and having been in some specimens retracted completely into the body ; but that cannot have been the case, because, in the first place, it is difficult to understand how a system of czeca extending up into the terminal twigs could be completely with- drawn from a densely branched structure like the cerata; and, in the second place, some of my sections were made from spe- cimens in which the cerata were suddenly cut off from the living animal with a pair of fine scissors, when fully expanded and healthy, in a dish of sea-water, and these showed the same structure when sectionised as did the other preserved speci- mens. I mention this, here, to show that this conceivable ex- planation of the absence of the cxca, which might occur to other readers, had been foreseen, and found not to be possible. The argument that as Dendronotus belongs to the group Kladohepatica it is very unlikely to be without hepatic ceca in its cerata is worthless, as Bergh has described an Eolid (Bor- nella excepta) which has absolutely no prolongations of the liver into the cerata.! The large cerata of Dendronotus are, then, as we would expect from our previous examination of the smaller similar cerata of Tritonia, prolongations upwards of the mesoderm and ectoderm of the body-wall, and contain no special structures, such as are found in the cerata of Holis and Doto. The upper part of fig. 17 shows a longitudinal section of one of the cerata, and fig. 18 is a drawing of a transverse section. The ectoderm-cells throughout are of moderate size, of low columnar form, and are not differentiated in any part. The mesoderm, which has the same structure as that of the cerata of Ancula and Tritonia, is penetrated by large, irregular spaces, containing blood-corpuscles. These may be called the ceratal sinuses ; they are near the centre of the mesoderm, and run in the main longitudinally (see fig. 17,c.s.); they occasionally branch, and they open into the numerous minute lacune which exist in the mesoderm here as elsewhere. Fig. 18 shows a transverse section where several branches of the ceratal sinus are present, In fig. 19 also several spaces containing blood- 1 See ‘Report upon the “ Challenger ” Nudibranchiata,’ p. 41. VOL, XXXI, PART I.-—NEW SER, D 50 Ww. A. HERDMAN. corpuscles are seen. Fig. 20 shows a small portion of the mesoderm more highly magnified, to show the network of connective tissue and the small blood-lacune in the meshes. At the bases of the cerata these large ceratal sinuses are continued into the body, and their communication can be traced in sections with the anterior and posterior dorso-lateral veins (fig. 17, d. J. v.), which open directly into the auricle. The junction between the ceratal sinus and the dorso-lateral vein is effected by means of a narrow transversely running branch, and from this point the ceratal sinus is continued ventrally through the mesoderm of the body-wall outside the “ liver,” and may be called the lateral sinus (fig. 17). It is with the upper part of these lateral sinuses that the prolonga- tions from the liver come in some places into close proximity, and so may have given rise in dissections to the appearance of a direct continuity between the liver and the blood-spaces in the cerata. . The cerata contain also bands of muscle-fibres, mostly lon- gitudinal in direction, nerves, pigmented connective tissue, forming branched masses and ramifying threads of a rich brownish colour, and finally masses of large distinctly nucleated cells, lying in meshes of fibrous connective tissue (see fig. 21). These occur chiefly in the smaller branches of the cerata, and are possibly mucus-secreting glands; they resemble the small groups of gland-cells seen under the ectoderm in the cerata of - some species of Holis (see fig. 837). The contrast in structure between transverse sections of the cerata of Dendronotus and of Holis is seen by comparing ‘figs. 18 and 34 or 35. Doro. In the genus Doto there are no true branchie; the rhino- phores are large with simple filiform distal ends, but having their’ bases surrounded by large funnel-shaped sheaths. The cerata form a row along each side of the back (fig. 22); they are very large and complicated, being swollen, tuberculated, usually brightly coloured, and forming the most conspicuous STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS., 51 part of the body. They contain large branched hepatic diverticula, and are therefore hepato-cerata. Transverse sections of Doto coronata show the relatively very large size of the hepato-cerata (fig. 23), and the manner in which they are occupied by numerous branches of the large hepatic ceca; ten or a dozen branches may often be found lying in one section. In fact, in this form, there is far more of the liver in the cerata than in the body proper. The median portion of the liver is reduced to a small tube flattened dorso- ventrally, which lies along the under surface of the large ovo- testis (see figs. 23 and 27, m. /.), and gives off at intervals lateral branches, which run up the sides of the ovo-testis (figs. 25 and 26, h. c.’) to enter the cerata, and there expand into the large branched ceca. The difference, then, between this state of affairs, where the part of the liver in the body is little more than a duct leading from the hepato-cerata to the stomach, and that seen in Ancula, Tritonia, and Dendronotus, where the liver is wholly in the body, and the parieto-cerata are merely processes of the mesoderm and ectoderm of the integu- ment, is very great, and affords sufficient ground, I think, for the separation of the cerata into two categories. Eo.is. For my present purpose it is convenient to use the term Eolis in its older, wide sense, as employed for example by Alder and Hancock, and as including the modern genera Facelina, Flabellina, Coryphella, Galvina, &c. In these forms we have much the same condition as in Doto. There are no true branchie, rhinophores are present, and there are also large coloured hepato-cerata arranged along the back (Pl. X, fig. 29), and constituting the most conspicuous part of the animal. The hepatic diverticula in the cerata are either simple or not so much branched as in Doto, and are not cecal, but com- municate indirectly with the exterior at their apices. The hepato-cerata also contain at their apices cnidophorous sacs 52 W. A. HERDMAN. which open at the upper end to the external world, and at the lower into the extremity of the hepatic diverticulum. This state of affairs was long ago pointed out by Alder and Hancock! as seen in transparent specimens, and it has more recently been demonstrated by Bergh in Phidiana Selence, Facelina Janii, Chlamylla borealis and Gonieolis typica; but the communication has often been denied or doubted, and Ray Lankester probably expressed the mental attitude of most zoologists towards the matter when he wrote in 1883 that the supposed communication of the hepatic ceca in the dorsal papille or cerata of some of the Ceratonota with the exterior by means of apertures in the apices of the papille ‘requires confirmation.”* Last year Mr. Clubb and I de- scribed and figured® sections showing the exact manner in which the communication takes place in specimens of an Eolis from the Puffin Island Biological Station, and I now give some more detailed figures here (Pl. X, figs. 32, 36, and 37). The upper end of each of the hepato-cerata is occupied by a sac containing a number of large cells (the cnidocysts) filled _ with ecnida or thread-cells. This cnidophorous sac is evidently an invagination of the ectoderm, the cnidocysts being modified ectoderm cells (figs. 32, 36), and it communicates with the exterior by a small but perfectly distinct and clearly-defined aperture at its apex, through which the thread-cells are some- times found protruding (fig. 36). The size and shape of the cnidophorous sac varies in different species. Figs. 28a to 28c represent the upper ends of hepato- cerata from Facelina drummondi where the sac is greatly elongated, may become irregularly shaped, and overlap the upper end of the hepatic cecum (fig. 30). The ecnida are ovate or nearly spherical in shape (figs. 30, 38, and 39), with a small terminal projection, and the everted threads bear some large spines arranged in a spiral round the base (fig. 39), and smaller ones projecting alternately from opposite sides all the 1 *Ray Soc. Monograph,’ part iii. ® Article “ Mollusca,” ‘ Ency. Brit.,’ ninth edition, vol. xvi, p. 659. § * Proe, Biol. Soc. Liverpool,’ vol. iii, p. 233, and pl. xii, STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 53 way along. In (?) Cuthona nana (figs. 36, 37) the sac is short and rounded, and the cnida are much smaller than in the last species, but still spherical in form; while in Galvina picta (figs. 31, 32) the sac is more elongated, the cnidocysts are very distinct (fig. 40), and the cnida are narrow rod-like bodies (fig. 33). The hepatic czeca occupying the greater part of the interior of the cerata (see figs. 34 and 35, which show transverse sections of two species) reach nearly or quite to the lower end of the cnidophorous sac, and communicate with it by means of a longer or shorter slender tube with thin walls strengthened by a few muscle-fibres. In Facelina drummondi (figs. 28 and 30) the connecting-tube is very long, and may be bent upon itself. In the small species of Eolis shown in figs. 36 and 37 (probably Cuthona nana) the cnidophorous sac is nearly spherical, and the connecting-tube is short and has a distinct muscular thickening, forming a sphincter around the small opening into the hepatic cecum. This condition suggests that possibly in all cases the communication between the hepatic cecum and the exterior through the cnidophorous sac may not be permanently open, but be kept closed when required by the contraction of the sphincter muscle. FUNCTIONS OF THE CERATA. In regard to the functions of these various kinds of cerata in the Nudibranchiata, in the first place I do not think that in any case they are specially branchial. In Ancula, as I have shown above, there are parieto-cerata existing along with true branchiz, and the two have a distinct structure, so that, although in sections pieces of the cerata and of the branchiz may become displaced, they can be distinguished by their structure from one another. Then in Tritonia and in Dendronotus I have shown that the parieto-cerata agree in structure with those of Ancula, and not with the true branchiz of Doris and Ancula. From a recent conversation with Dr. Bergh I learn that he regards the cerata as having a branchial function, and even in Ancula, where there are 54 W. A. HERDMAN. large true branchiz present, he thinks that the cerata are supplementary respiratory organs. I am still of opinion, how- ever, that, considering the relatively large size of the branchize and the perfection of their adaptation to their function and the absence of any such adaptation in the cerata, the action of the latter in effecting respiration must be so feeble, com- pared with the action of the branchie, that it may be neglected. Dendronotus arborescens is the form in which it might be most readily supposed that the parieto-cerata have ac- quired, secondarily, a branchial function, but a close com- parison of sections shows that these processes do not contain more blood-cavities than the general body-wall, and have not even so many small lacune close to the surface as some parts of the dorsal and lateral integument. Hence, although they may by their extended surface aid somewhat in respira- tion, still they cannot be regarded as in any way specialised branchie. Then, again, in Eolis and Doto, although from their relatively very large size the hepato-cerata may be of some importance in respiration, it is merely as being an extension of the general integument, and not as being special respiratory organs. Nearly the whole of the space in the hepato-cerata in these two genera is occupied by the large hepatic czeca, and there are only a few small blood-lacunz to be seen scattered here and there in sections. Specimens of both Eolis and Doto continue to live after being deprived of most of their cerata; so, both from their constitution and as the result of experiment, it may be inferred that these structures cannot be of primary importance as respiratory organs. One function, of course, of the cerata in these genera is to contain the greater part of the liver; and no doubt this has led to an increased size and some modification of structure. In Eolis, finally, the apices of the hepato-cerata accommodate the cnidophorous sacs, which act, doubtless, as important organs of offence. But I believe that, in addition to these minor functions, the cerata of the Nudibranchiata are of primary importance in giving to the animals, by their varied shapes and colours, STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 55 appearances which are in some cases protective and in others conspicuous and warning ; and in this, it seems to me, we have an explanation of the extraordinary development and variety of these otherwise mysterious processes of the dorsal body-wall. For several years past I have been paying some attention to the colours of Nudibranchs and their variations in connection with their habits and natural surroundings. In October, 1888, I described! a peculiarly coloured Doris (Archidoris) tuber- culata which was especially well protected from observation, and since then I have found the same species repeatedly lying in hollows in the surface of large sponges, generally Hali- chondria panicea, and simulating the colours of its sur- roundings so closely as to be quite inconspicuous.” Giard has recently noticed this same point on the coast of Normandy, and has also recorded a few other cases of protective colouring amongst common Nudibranchs.” The view which I have given above in regard to the primary function of the cerata occurred to me early last summer, when observing some of the Nudibranchs in their natural conditions _on the shore at Puffin Island, and I have since brought the theory briefly before the notice of the Liverpool Biological Society and before Section D of the British Association at the recent Newcastle-on-Tyne meeting. Since then Mr. Garstang has independently arrived at practically the same conclusions in regard to the function of the cerata from his observa- tion of the colouring and habits of the Nudibranchs at Plymouth. I shall now give a few instances from my own observations in support of my views. Tritonia (or Candiella) plebeia is fairly abundant at Puffin Island and at Hilbre Island, near Liverpool, and is always found (so far as I have noticed) in these localities 1 ¢ Proc. Biol. Soc. Liverpool,’ vol. iii, p. 13. 2 IT see that Mr. Walter Garstang, in his recently published “ Report upon the Nudibranchs of Plymouth Sound,” has noticed this same instance of protective colouring. ‘Journ. M. B. A.,’ vol. i, No. 2, p. 174. 3 * Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique,’ t. xix, 1888, p. 492. 4 See Abstract in forthcoming volume of Reports. 56 Ww. A. HERDMAN. creeping over the surface of colonies of Aleyonium digi- tatum. The specimens of Tritonia plebeia are marked with many colours (none of them bright) including tints of yellow, brown, blue, grey, black, and opaque white ; and when examined in a vessel by themselves considerable differences between individuals are noticed, but when in their natural con- dition on the Aleyonium colony they are nearly all equally inconspicuous. The colonies of A]cyonium differ consider- ably amongst themselves in tint, some being whiter, others greyer, and others yellower than the rest. Different parts of the same colony also vary in appearance on account of the different states of expansion of the polypes, and on account of irregularities of the surface and of adhering sand and mud, so that the varieties of colouring found in Tritonia plebeia do not render it conspicuous, but are suited to the varying con- ditions of the Alcyonium colonies. The small branched cerata along the back of the Tritonia aid the protective re- semblance not only by contributing to the general colouring, but also by their similarity in appearance to the crown of tentacles of the partially expanded polypes. They are placed at just about the right distance apart, and have the necessary tufted appearance. Then, again, Doto coronata when isolated is a very con- spicuous and brightly coloured animal, but I find it at Hilbre Island invariably creeping on the under surfaces of ledges and stones on which are large colonies of the zoophyte Clava multicornis, and in that position the Doto is not readily seen. The gay appearance of this Nudibranch is mainly due to the large and brightly coloured cerata, and these agree so closely in their general effect with the upper ends of the zooids of Clava, covered with the numerous tentacles and the clusters of sporo-sacs, that when the Doto remains still it is hidden to a very remarkable extent. Dendronotus, again, with its large branched cerata and 1 Mr. Garstang tells me, in a letter just received (October), that at Ply- mouth the specimens of Doto are not so highly coloured, and are found upon Calyptoblasts, Clava being rare there. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 57 its rich reddish-brown and yellow markings, is a handsome and most conspicuous object, but I have frequently found it amongst masses of brown and yellow zoophytes (coarser forms such as Sertularia abietina and Hydrallmania falcata) and on purplish-red seaweeds, where it was very completely protected from observation and I did not for several seconds recognise what I was looking at.! Now, these are all cases where the colouring is protective, and I have no doubt there are many other similar instances to be found amongst the Nudibranchiata,? but the species of Eolis appear to belong to a different category. They are noted for the very brilliant hues of their cerata and they are always conspicuous, so far as I have noticed, even in their natural conditions. Then, again, the species of Holis are rarely found hiding in or on other animals; they are not shy, and they are active in their habits—altogether they seem rather to court observation than to shun it. When we remember that the species of Eolis are protected by the numerous stinging-cells in the cnidophorous sacs placed on the tips of all the cerata, and that they do not seem to be eaten by other animals, we have at once an explanation of their fearless habits and of their con- spicuous appearance. The brilliant colours are in this case of a warning nature for the purpose of rendering the animal pro- vided with the stinging cells noticeable and easily recognisable. It is, of course, important for the soft-bodied Nudibranch that it should be not only disagreeable to taste but also as con- spicuous as possible, in order that it may not run the risk of being tried by voracious animals. An experimental snap from a fish might cause the death of the Nudibranch even though it was immediately rejected as food. These, then, are the grounds upon which I base my view that the cerata from their structure cannot be important respira- 1 Professor Giard finds it at Wimereux amongst red seaweeds of the genus Callithamnion. 2 Such as the interesting cases of Hermea bifida and H. dendritica, described by Garstang, loc. cit., p. 191. 58 W. A. HERDMAN. tory organs and that their chief function is by their varied shapes and colours to enable the animals to assume protective or warning appearances as may be found best suited to their surroundings and mode of life. It is still necessary for the satisfactory establishment of this theory that I should have some more definite experimental grounds for my opinion that such forms as Doto and Dendro- notus are edible, while Eolis is distasteful to (say) fishes, and I have lately arranged a series of experiments which will be conducted in the fish-tanks of the aquarium here, with the kind assistance of Mr. T. J. Moore, the curator of the Liver- pool Museum. We have just commenced observations, and have got satisfactory results so far with eight species of shore fishes, but at this season it is almost impossible in this neigh- bourhood to get Nudibranchs in any quantity. As soon as more material can be obtained the experiments will be resumed, and I shall give a detailed account of the results when suffi- cient evidence has been accumulated. Summary. 1. In Doris there are true branchiz and no cerata. In Ancula both branchie and cerata are present. In Tritonia and Dendronotus there are cerata, but no true branchie. In Ancula, Tritonia, and Dendronotus the cerata, whether simple or branched, large or small, are merely processes of the body-wall (parieto-cerata) and contain no special organs or structures. 2. In Doto and Eolis there are no true branchie. The cerata (hepato-cerata) are large, and contain extensive hepatic diverticula. 3. In Eolis the hepato-cerata contain also cnidophorous sacs which communicate on the one hand with the distal end of the hepatic cecum, and on the other with the exterior at the apex of the ceras. 4, Morphologically, all the forms of cerata are probably epipodial processes. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 59 5. The large, elaborately branched parieto-cerata of Dendro- notus are merely a further development of the small tufted parieto-cerata of Tritonia, and although they may on account of their extended surfaces have secondarily acquired to a certain extent a respiratory function, they cannot be regarded as specialised branchie. 6. The cerata, whether they are large branched parieto- cerata as in Dendronotus, or hepato-cerata containing the greater part of the liver as in Doto, or having cnidophorous sacs in addition as in Holis, are not of primary importance either in respiration or in digestion, but give to the animals, by their varied shapes and colours, appearances which are in some cases protective and mimetic, and in others conspicuous and warning, as may be found best suited to their individual surroundings and mode of life. EXPLANATION OF PLATES VI, VII, VIII, 1X, X, Illustrating Prof. W. A. Herdman’s paper “ On the Structure and Functions of the Cerata or Dorsal Papille in some Nudibranchiate Mollusca.” a, Artery. ap. Aperture of cnidophorous sac. 4. c. Blood-corpuscles. br., br., 6r?. Branchie. 6.8. Blood-space. ¢., c'., c®. Cerata. ex.s. Cnido- phorous sac. c. ¢. Connecting tube between hepatic caecum and cnidophorous sac. c. tis. Connective tissue. d./.v. Dorso-lateral vein. ec. Ectoderm. ec’. Invaginated ectoderm-cells (cnidocysts) which produce ecnida. ec’’. Young cnidocysts or cells of cnidophorous sac. f Foot. / g/l. Foot-glands. g. Gang- lion. gl. Gland-cells. 4. c. Hepatic cecum. 4. ce’. Narrow part of hepatic cecum in the body of Doto. 7. Junction of Cerata with body in Doto. k. Folds of the integument. 7. Liver. 7. m. Longitudinal muscles. m., Muscle-bands. m’. Longitudinal muscle-bands in body of Dendronotus. m.l, Median part of liver in body of Doto. mes. Mesodermal tissues. z. 60 W. A. HERDMAN. Nerves. o.¢. Ovo-testis. yp. Pigment. 7. c. Renal cavity. 74. Rhinophore sph. Sphincter muscle. 7¢. m. Transverse muscles. ¢z. Oral tentacles. Diameters. S. | =Swilt’s lin-objoc. 2 ; ; 5 . magnifying about 45 Seca oe ee : : ; : us »» 230 Sepa cme FU ee ier ‘ ; ; bs » 93030 Z. jz; = Zeiss’s 7; ,, (oil immersion), oc. 2 sf DUB 5 if BS oc; 4. 33 950 to 1363 Where not otherwise stated, the drawings were made from specimens hardened in Kleinenberg’s picric acid and graduated alcohols, stained in picro- carmine, embedded in paraflin, and cut with the ‘‘ rocking” microtome. PLATE VI. Fic. 1.—Outline of a Doris seen from the left side, showing the rhino- phores (r2.) and the branchie (d7.). About natural size. Fic. 2.—Part of a longitudinal section through the branchia of Doris (Acanthodoris) pilosa. 0.8. Large blood-space. S. 3. Fic. 3.—Outline of Ancula cristata seen from the right side, showing the rhinophores, the branchiz, and the cerata (¢.). x 3. Fic. 4.—Upper part of a transverse section through the head of Ancula (middle of odontophore), showing the tentacle-like branches of the rhinophores (rh.) cut in longitudinal section. The mesoderm contains only a few small blood-spaces (4. s.). 5. 1. Fic. 5.—Transverse section through the front of the body of Ancula, showing the rhinophores cut longitudinally. m. Muscles. x. Nerves. g. Ganglion. 8S. 1. Fic. 6.—Transverse section through Ancula at the anterior end of the median branchia (d7'.), showing the first pair of cerata (cl.), and the large blood-space in the branchia (4. s.). 8, 1. PLATE VII. Fic. 7.—Transverse section through Ancula in the middle of the median branchia, and first pair of cerata. S. 1. Fic. 8.—Small part of median branchia in longitudinal section, showing the blood-spaces in the mesoderm. S. 4. Fic. 9.—Small part of same branchia in tranverse section. 8. +. Fic. 10,—Part of the outer edge of one of the cerata shown in Fig. 7, near base. 58, 2. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 61 Fic. 11.—Transverse section of Ancula through tie lateral paired branchis (é77.) _S. 1. Fig. 12.—Vertical section of part of base of lateral branchia. S. +. Fig. 13.—Tritonia (Candiella) plebeia, from right side. x 3. Fie. 14.—Outline of transverse section of Tritonia plebeia through rhinophores, showing processes of the body-wall (4.). 8. 1. Fic. 15.—Outline of transverse section of Tritonia plebeia through middle of body, showing cerata. S. 1. PLATE VIII. Fic. 16.—Dendronotus arborescens from the left side. Natural size. Fic. 17.—Transverse section of Dendronotus near the middle of the body, showing one of the second pair of cerata cut in longitudinal section (c.). The relative positions of the liver (/.), short hepatic cecum (A. ¢.), ceratal blood-sinus (c. s.), and dorso-lateral veins (d. J. v.) are shown. S. 1 (reduced). Fic. 18.—Transverse section of one of the third cerata of Dendronotus, showing the solid mesoderm (mes.) containing muscles (m.) and ceratal blood- sinuses (¢.s.). 8.3. Fic. 19.—Transverse section near the base of one of the cerata cut off the living animal, rapidly hardened, cut in the freezing microtome, and ex- amined unstained in water, to show the distribution of the dark-brown pigment. S. 1. Fic. 20.—A small piece of the mesodermal tissue as seen in some sections of the cerata, to show the lacune containing blood-corpuscles. S. 2. Fic. 21.—A section near the top of one of the cerata, from a specimen killed with corrosive sublimate and glacial acetic acid, then hardened gradually with alcohols of different strengths, soaked in gum, cut with the freezing microtome, and stained with picro-carmine, to show the masses of gland-cells lying in meshes of connective tissue. 8, 1. PLATE IX, Fie. 22.—Outline of Doto coronata, from the left side. x 3, Fic. 23.—Transverse section of Doto coronata through the posterior part of the body, showing the large cerata and their contained hepatic cca (i ¢.). 8.1. Fic, 24,.—Part of a similar transverse section more highly magnified, showing the junction of one of the cerata with the body, §, 2, Fic, 25.—Part of another similar section, showing the continuation of the hepatic cecum (4. c!.) into the body alongside the ovo-testis (0. ¢.). S. 2, 62 W. A. HERDMAN. Fic. 26.—Part of another similar section, showing the narrow continuation of the hepatic cecum (4. c!.) sinking into the body and moving to a more ventral position, so as to reach the median tube lying under the ovo-testis. 8. 2. Fic. 27.—Part of another section, showing the median tubular part of the liver (m. 7.) lying in the body below the ovo-testis (0. ¢.). 5.2. Fic. 28, a, B, c—The extremities of three cerata of Eolis (Facelina) drummondi preserved in glycerine and then treated with potassic hydrate, and slightly squeezed to show the long recurved tube connecting the tip of the hepatic caecum with the cnidophorous sac. S. 1. PLATE X. Fic. 29.—Eolis (Galvina) picta from the left side. x 6. Fic. 30.—Part of the tip of one of the cerata of Eolis (Facelina) drummondi from Hilbre Island, preserved in glycerine and treated with potassic hydrate, showing the connecting tube (c. ¢.) between the cnidophorous sac (ez. s.) and the hepatic cecum (4. ¢.). sph. Sphincter muscle. ec. Hcto- derm, covered with fine cilia. 7. m. and ¢. m. Longitudinal and transverse muscle-bands. 5. 2. Fic. 31.—Transverse section near the tip of one of the cerata of Holis (Galvina) picta, showing the cnidophorous sac (cz. s.) containing large invaginated ectoderm-cells (ec’.), in which are placed the enida. 8. 3. Fic. 32.—Longitudinal section through the tip of one of the cerata of Eolis (Galvina) picta, showing the ectoderm (ec.) turning in at the terminal aperture (ap.) to form the large cells or cnidocysts (ec’.) in the cnidophorous sac (cz, s.). 8. 2. Fic. 33.—Three of the cnida of Eolis (Galvina) picta. Z. 34. Fic. 34.—Transverse section (with freezing microtome) of one of the cerata of Eolis (Acanthopsole) coronata from Puffin Island. ec. Ectoderm. mes. Connective tissue and muscle-fibres. 4. s. Blood-spaces in the mesoderm. 4. c. Hepatic cecum. S. 2. Fic. 35.—Transverse section of one of the cerata of Holis (Cuthona) nana (?), showing in addition to the hepatic caecum (2. c.) groups of large gland-cells (g/.) embedded in the mesodermal tissues. §&. . Fic. 36.—Longitudinal section through the tip of one of the cerata of Lolis (Cuthona) nana (?), showing the opening (ap.) of the enidophorous sac (cz. s.) to the exterior, the continuation inwards of the ectoderm-cells (ec.) to form the enidocysts (ec’.) which contain the enida, the sphincter muscle (sph.) round the opening of the cnidophorous sac into the hepatic cecum, and the clumps of gland-cells (g/.) lying in the mesodermal tissues, 8.4, STRUCTURE, ETC., OF CERATA OF NUDIBRANCHS. 63 Fig. 87.—A neighbouring section to the preceding one, showing the con- necting tube (ce. ¢.) between the cnidophorous sac and the hepatic czecum, cut open in the greater part of its length, being only crossed by a few of the fibres of the sphincter muscle at its lower end. The other parts are before. 8. 4. Fic. 38.—Group of enida of EHolis (Facelina) drummondi in various positions ; the upper four are unexploded, the lower one has the thread everted. Z. > 5- Fic. 39.—Cnida of Holis (Facelina) drummondi more highly mag- nified (x about 1360), showing the arrangement of the spines on the basal part of the thread. Z. 54, oc. 4, tube. Fic. 40.—One of the large cells or enidocysts (ec’.) from the cnidophorous sac of Holis (Galvina) picta, in which the cnida are formed, showing the nucleus and nucleolus and the numerous elongated cnida embedded in the protoplasm. Two younger cells (ec”.) are seen at the base. Z. 54. ‘ er eee | pay UE ee ee . > Ld > A ee ee one @ r my (We On ree es bd Al eu ty . .. « 4 ¥ C a bre ‘(ake ae ' Pe i ali aa ss eT? . ie . ia ceep hi vi ro) ial bal vrei pet Taos me | gas ; F - sat? cial Ww alta’ a = MA Ci Cet ; ~ ; ; i Tom i , .* re & ‘ 4 =z ' s . , be - F P . es - . . ci @ F - * @ . - ed - ‘ or r } * = - P E , a 7 ‘ ne be Lg © OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 65 Further Observations on the Histology of Striped Muscle. By Cc. F. Marshall, M.B., M.Se., Late Platt Physiological Scholar in the Owens College. With Plate XI. In a recent paper published in this Journal! I gave the results of some researches on the histology of muscular fibre. The present paper is a record of my further investigations on this subject. These are somewhat incomplete owing to want of time to finish them satisfactorily, but several results have been obtained which I trust are worthy of publication. In order to render the questions dealt with more intelligible the summary of results arrived at in the former paper is repro- duced. Summary of Former Paper. 1. In all muscles which have to perform rapid or frequent movements a certain portion of the muscle is differentiated to perform the function of contraction, and this portion takes on the form of a very regular and highly modified intra- cellular network. 2. This network, by its regular arrangement, gives rise to certain optical effects which cause the peculiar appearances of striped muscle. 1 «Observations on the Structure and Distribution of Striped and Un- striped Muscle in the Animal Kingdom, and a Theory of Muscular Contrac- tion,” ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,? 1887. VOL. XXXI, PART I.—NEW SER. E 66 O. F. MARSHALL. 3. The contraction of the striped muscle-fibre is probably caused by the active contraction of the longitudinal fibrils of the intra-cellular network: the transverse networks appear to be passively elastic, and by their elastic rebound cause the muscle to rapidly resume its relaxed condition when the longi- tudinal fibrils have ceased to contract; they are possibly also paths for the nervous impulses. 4. In some cases where muscle has been hitherto described as striped, but gives no appearance of the network on treat- ment with the gold or other methods, the apparent striation is due to optical effects caused by a corrugated outline to the fibre. 5. In muscles which do not perform rapid movements, but where contraction is comparatively slow and peristaltic in nature, this peculiar network is not developed. In most if not all of the invertebrate unstriped muscle there does not appear to be an intra-cellular network present in any form; but in the vertebrate unstriped muscle a network is present in the form of longitudinal fibrils only ; this possibly represents a form of net- work intermediate between the typical irregular intra-cellular network of other cells and the highly modified network of striped muscle. 6. The cardiac muscle-cells contain a network similar to that of ordinary striped muscle. Discussion of the Views of Recent Observers. Before commencing the subject-matter of this paper I propose to discuss the results arrived at by several recent observers concerning the structure of muscle-fibre, and also some of the criticisms which have lately appeared concerning the existence of an intra-cellular network in striped muscle. The most important paper to discuss is that of Rollett.? He considers the muscle-fibre to consist of longitudinal fibrille grouped together into “ muscle-columns,” the cross-sections of which correspond to Cohnheim’s areas. Filling up the spaces between the muscle-columns is the interfibrillar material or ‘ «Arch. f. mikr, Anat.,’? 1888, pp. 233—265. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 67 “sarcoplasma.”? Each muscle-column consists of alternating thick and thin segments ; in the centre of each thin segment is a dark granule. The thick segments of the muscle-columns correspond to “‘ Bowman’s sarcous elements,” and the dark granules in the centre of the thin segments correspond to “ Krause’s membrane” or the “ transverse network” (fig. 13 =n Diagram A (high focus). Diagram B (low focus). The sarcoplasma is the part which is stained in gold prepara- tions. In short, Rollett regards the appearance of gold preparations as due to the staining of the sarcoplasma, and considers this to be a honeycomb of interfibrillar material, and not a true intra-cellular network. The latter portion of Rollett’s paper is devoted to an elaborate criticism of the network view of the structure held by Melland, Van Gehuchten, Carnoy, and myself. He states that what we describe as the fibrils of the network are only transverse and longitudinal sections of the walls of the honey- comb or sarcoplasma (‘‘ Was beide Autoren an diesen als Faden beschreiben sind nur Quer- oder Liingsschnitte der Winde des Wabenwerkes, welches das Sarcoplasma um die Muskelsaiulchen bildet,” p. 252). He describes the appearances seen in fresh muscle-fibre as follows :—At low focus (diagram B) the muscle-columns appear dark and in a line with the granules, the sarcoplasma appearing light. At high focus (diagram A) the sarcoplasma appears dark, the muscle-columns light, and two rows of granules appear in a line with the sarcoplasma and alternating with the muscle- columns. He states that the dark lines drawn by Melland 68 O. F. MARSHALL. joining the dark granules are only parts of the optical longi- tudinal sections of the walls of the sarcoplasma and are only seen at high focus; and that they do not lie in a line with the dark granules, but alternate with them, the dark granules being only seen at low focus. The granules which appear at high focus he considers to be thickenings of the sarcoplasma. The above diagrams, modified from Rollett’s figures, will make these points clearer. Diagram B represents the appear- ance at low focus, and diagram A the appearance at high focus according to Rollett. In B the muscle-columns appear dark and the sarcoplasma light ; in A the sarcoplasma dark and the muscle columns light. In the same way he states that the rows of granules seen in gold preparations are thickenings of the sarcoplasma lying between the thin segments of the muscle-columns, and that the true row of granules which correspond to and are parts of the muscle-columns are only seen at low focus, and then do not lie in a line with the dark lines, but alternate with them. He describes the same appearance at low and high focus in hardened muscle, and states that Melland and Van Gehuchten place the granules alternating with the muscle-columns, whereas they are really in a line with them. In short, he concludes that a network does not exist, and that the appearances described by Melland, Van Gehuchten, and myself are due to errors in the interpretation of micro- scopic appearances and confusion of high and low focus (‘ Ich komme also zum Resultate dass ein Netzwerk im Sinne von Melland, Marshall, und Van Gehuchten und ein Enchyleme im Sinne des Letzteren in der quergestreiften Muskelfaser nicht existirt,” p. 262). In answer to this criticism I venture to make the following observations. 1. If the appearance of the network in fresh muscle is due to the optical appearance of the “sarcoplasma” at high focus, there must always be a double row of granules—one on each side of Krause’s membrane. (I use this term for the sake of convenience, and take it to represent the row of dark OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE, 69 granules of Rollett’s muscle-columns, and the row of granules of the transverse network of Melland, &c.). 2. If the granules seen at high focus in gold preparations are thickenings of the sarcoplasma stained by gold, there must again be a double row, one on each side of the true row of granules which are only seen on the low focus, and further, the former rows of granules must alternate with the latter. (Vide diagram A.) Although I have examined several hun- dred preparations of muscle-fibre, I have never seen two rows of granules in any gold or fresh preparation, nor have I seen any change in the position of the granules at high and low focus. The granules have always appeared to me to be ina line with, and connected with the longitudinal lines of, the network (or “ sarcoplasma”’) at both high and low focus. 8. Rollett states that the “sarcoplasma” is a honeycomb, and that the appearance of the network is due to the optical sections of the walls of that honeycomb. If this is true, I do not understand why there is never any appearance of honey- comb structure in finely teased preparations, whereas isolated pieces of network are easily obtained. Moreover, one prepara- tion obtained by Melland is, I think, almost conclusive in favour of a network (fig. 15). 4, According to Rollett, the “muscle-columns” are the essential parts of the fibre, and the “ sarcoplasma” is simply interfibrillar material ; we should therefore expect the latter to be least abundant in the most perfectly developed muscles. Now, in insects which possess the most powerful and most rapidly contracting muscles of all animals, the part stained by gold is more strongly marked than in other animals. This seems to point to the fact that it is the most essential part of the fibre and not interfibrillar material, and is therefore in favour of the network view. 5. Again, in developing muscle-fibre I have shown that the network is present but only demonstrated with difficulty ; whereas if it were inert interfibrillar substance, one would expect it to be relatively more abundant in the embryonic fibre. 6. If, as I haye attempted to show, the nerve-ending is 70 CO. F. MARSHALL. connected with the part of the fibre stained by gold, this again points to the latter being the essential portion of the fibre ; while if Rollett’s view is correct, we should expect the nerve-ending to be connected with the muscle-columns. 7. The apparent connection in some cases of the network with the intra-nuclear network of the muscle-corpuscles is in favour of the network view. 8. Lastly, the network view places the muscle-cell on a basis of comparison with other cells having intra-cellular networks, whereas all other views of the structure are at variance with such a comparison. Dr: Klein! adopts Rollett’s view in the new edition of his text-book, and states that ‘“‘the reticulation described by Melland, Marshall, and others, is due to the coagulation of the sarcoplasma brought about by certain hardening reagents.” Dr. Michael Foster apparently holds the same view of the structure in the new edition of his book,’ for he states that the muscle-substance is composed of longitudinal fibrillze, embedded in interfibrillar substance which stains with gold, and hence appears as a network. He says, “ The interfibrillar substance is relatively to the fibrille more abundant in the muscles of some animals thanin those of others, being, for instance, very conspicuous in the muscles of insects, in which animals we should naturally expect the less differentiated material to be more plentiful than in the muscles of the more highly developed mammal.” Now, I think I am right in saying that the muscular system of insects is the most highly developed in the animal kingdom ; certainly the muscles are far more powerful in comparison with the size of the animal than in mammals, and among insects are found the most rapid movements. It therefore appears to me that the fact of the meshwork being more conspicuous in the muscles of insects is strongly in favour of its being the active part of the pike, and not of the nature of interfibrillar substance, 1 «Blements of Histology,’ p. 76. 2 *Text-book of Physiology,’ vol. i, p. 91. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 71 I shall next give arésumé of the results of some recent observers who are in favour of the existence of a network. Van Gehuchten! has described a network in striped muscle similar in most respects to that described by Melland, myself, and others, but differing in some details. Carnoy? also adopts the network view, and remarks that “La cellule musculaire est une cellule ordinaire dont le réti- culum s’est regularisé, et l’enchyleme chargé de myosine.” Haswell® has recently published an important paper on this subject. His observations were made on the gizzard of various species of Syllis, where he claims to have found very primitive forms of striped muscle. He divides striped muscle into simple and compound types, the simple type showing only transverse striation, not due to network; the com- pound both transverse and longitudinal. These two types correspond to what I have termed true and false striation ; the characteristics of the compound or true striped muscle being as follows : 1. Each fibre consists of a bundle of fibrils. 2. Each fibre is composed of two alternating series of anisotropous and isotropous segments, the former of which are more easily stained than the latter. 3. Running across the fibre in the middle of each iso- tropous segment is the transverse network, or Krause’s mem- brane. 4. Between the fibrils run the strands of the longitudinal network. 5. Each fibre is formed from a single cell, the nucleus of which divides and forms “a multinucleated protoplasmic body, by modification of whose protoplasm the muscle sub- stance and networks are formed.” He states that in these animals the elements of the fibre are on a larger scale than in Vertebrates and Arthropods, and 1 «Etude sur la structure intime de la cellule musculaire Striée.” Extrait de la Revue ‘La Cellule,’ t. ii, 2 fascicul. Louvain, Gand et Liege, 1886. 2 “La Biologie cellulaire,’ 1884. 3 © Quart. Journ. Micr, Sci.,’? 1889. 72 C. F. MARSHALL. are hence favorable for the study of the structure of mus- cular fibre, which ‘seems to lead to that view of the structure of compound striated fibres advocated by Retzius, Bremer, Melland, C. F. Marshall, and others; the only point of importance in which there seems reason for dissenting from that view being with reference to the relation of the trans- verse networks to the fibrils.” The chief differences between the network Haswell describes and that described by the above observers are these: (1) He states that the transverse networks are not only in the interspaces between the “ fibrils,” but partly also penetrate them. (2) The longitu- ninal networks, though mostly longitudinal, have oblique strands and anastomoses. (3) The transverse networks some- times appear as rows of spindle-shaped granular bodies, but in crushed specimens he says these are seen to consist of a close reticulum of delicate threads, the spindle bodies being con- densed parts of it. (4) The distance between the transverse networks is much greater. Haswell regards the “ fibrils” as the contractile part, and not the network. I shall refer to Haswell’s observations again in the subse- quent portions of this paper. A. B. Macallum! has published some interesting observa- tions dealing with striped muscle. He confirms the existence of the network of Retzius, Melland, and others, and considers it the contractile part of the fibre. He states that the muscle- nuclei are marked by furrows, sometimes transverse and some- times longitudinal, and that these are probably caused by pres- sure of the trabecule of the network. He also states that in some nuclei there is an intra-nuclear network similar to that of the fibre itself. It thus appears that the view of the existence of a true intra-cellular network in striped muscle-fibre has received much support, and has been confirmed by several recent observers ; and that the view held by Rollett and others that it 1 “Qn the Nuclei of the Striated Muscle-fibre in Menobranchus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ 1887. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 73 is interfibrillar material has not sufficient evidence for it to be accepted. I shall therefore, in accordance with the results of Retzius, Bremer, Melland, Carnoy, Haswell, Macallum, and myself, assume that the former view represents the true structure of striped muscle. The present paper deals with the following points: 1. The connection of the transverse networks with the muscle-corpuscles. 2. The development of the network. 3. The connection of the nerve-ending with the network. Connection of Network with Muscle-corpuscles. It was shown by Retzius! that the transverse portions of the muscle network were directly connected with the muscle- corpuscles. He states that the protoplasm of the muscle- corpuscle is produced into several processes from which finer processes arise forming the transverse networks. Retzius’ results were obtained by a modification of gold staining. The fresh muscle-fibre was first placed in a1 per cent. solution of formic acid for a few seconds, then in gold chloride +—4 per cent. for twenty-five minutes, then in formic acid 1 per cent., and exposed to light for 10—20 hours. By a special method of staining I have been able to confirm Retzius’ results, and have made specimens showing the un- doubted connection of the transverse networks with the muscle-corpuscles. Method of Preparation.—The method of er I adopted is a modification of that employed by Mays for demonstrating nerve-endings in muscle. He uses the follow- ing solution : Arsenic acid 4 per cent... : : , 20 parts. Gold chloride a per cent ; : ‘ Ain Osmic acid 2 per cent. . ; ; ‘ S55 This solution although it preserves the nerve-endings disinte- grates the muscie-fibre. This I found was due to the arsenic ‘Zur Kenntniss der Quergestreifter Muskelfaser.? Biologische Unter- suchungen, 1881. 74 C. F. MARSHALL. acid. I therefore tried various strengths of acetic and formic acid in place of the arsenic, and found the best combination was the following : Acetic acid 1 per cent. . ; : : 20 parts. Gold chloride 1 per cent. k : : Air 553 Osmic acid 1 per cent. . : ; : Laan The muscle-fibre was placed in this solution for fifteen minutes, after previous immersion in acetic acid 1 per cent. for a few seconds ; then in acetic acid 1 per cent. in a warm chamber for one or two hours. 1. Dytiscus.—Fresh muscle-fibre of Dytiscus stained by the above method shows the muscle-corpuscles in the form of one or more chains of nuclei in the substance of the fibre, the nuclei being surrounded by a small amount of undifferentiated protoplasm. The transverse networks are seen directly con- tinuous with the nuclei. This is well shown in fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows a portion of fibre with two rows of muscle nuclei; the transverse networks are seen to be connected with both sets of nuclei in some places. Fig. 3 shows several isolated nuclei with the transverse processes attached to them. Transverse views of the network and nuclei are more diffi- cult to obtain. Fig. 4 shows a transverse view of an isolated nucleus, with part of the transverse network connected with it. 2. Dragon-fly.—The muscle-corpuscles of the muscle- fibre of the dragon-fly are situated peripherally, i.e. just under the sarcolemma, contrary to the general rule in insects. In one preparation of this muscle I could trace the trans- verse networks into the muscle-corpuscles ; and, moreover, the networks appeared to be distinctly connected with the intra- nuclear networks of the muscle-corpuscles (fig. 5). 3. Crayfish.—In a preparation of crayfish muscle pre- pared by Retzius’ method I could apparently trace the connection of the muscle network with that of the muscle- corpuscle. In this case it was somewhat difficult to tell whether the effect was not due to the network lying over the muscle-corpuscle ; but by careful focussing I think the con- nection could be made out (fig. 6). OBSERVATIONS OF THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 75 These observations confirm Retzius’ results, viz. that the transverse portions of the muscle network are directly con- nected with the muscle-corpuscles ; and, furthermore, that the network is directly continuous with the intra-nuclear network of the corpuscles. Development of the Network. This I have studied in embryos of the trout and rat. Trout.—In some gold preparations of embryo trout, taken from the ova, I found developing muscle-fibres in an early stage. These consisted of a portion of undifferentiated proto- plasm containing the nucleus, and a portion already trans- versely striated. Under a comparatively high power the transversely striped portion showed darkly stained masses of an ellipsoidal shape arranged side by side, and causing the appearance of striation. Under a very high power (4 immer- sion) the network could be seen between these darkly stained masses, and in the same form in which it appears in the adult fibre. The dark masses appear to be some substance altered by the method of staining, and shrunken in the meshes of the network (figs. 7,8 and 9). No connection was seen between the network and the nucleus. In older fibres the network is more fully developed, but still no connection appears to exist between the nuclei and the network (fig. 10). Rat.—-In developing muscle-fibre from the embryo rat the fibres consist of an axial core of undifferentiated protoplasm containing the nuclei, and a peripheral part with developing network. Here, again, no connection was observed between the nuclei and the network. It thus appears that— 1. The network appears at a very early stage. 2. It develops in its permanent form, and is not produced by the transformation of an irregular network into the adult type. 3. Each muscle-fibre is probably developed from a single cell, and is not formed by a coalescence of cells, either end to 76 C. F. MARSHALL. end or laterally (as Calberla! states), because the fibres of trout muscle examined were evidently single cells, and had the network well developed. It is difficult to conceive that these become fitted together, either end to end or laterally, so that the network of one cell should exactly fit on to that of the next. 4, The network develops centripetally, and commences at the part of the cell farthest away from the nucleus; moreover, it does not appear to become connected with the nuclei till the fibre is fully developed. Haswell,? from his observations on the muscle of the gizzard of Syllis, forms a view of the ontogeny of striped muscle which does not agree with that described above. In the same organ, in various species of Syllis, he finds in one case bundles of non-striped fibres ; in another, compound hollow striated fibres, consisting of bundles of fibrils similar to the above, and bound together by a single transverse network. In a third there are three transverse networks, and so on up to the fully developed type of striped muscle found in Vertebrates and Arthropods. He therefore regards each striped fibre as derived from a bundle of non-striped fibres. He thinks the transverse network probably the equivalent of a transverse line of nuclei of the unstriped fibres, which occupies a similar position. If this is correct each striped fibre must be a multicellular structure, and the network intercellular, and not intra-cellular, However, in another part of his paper he speaks of each fibre being formed from a single cell, the nucleus of which divides and forms “‘a multinucleated protoplasmic body, by modification of whose protoplasm the muscle-substance and networks are formed.” 1 ¢ Arch. f. mik. Anat.,’ xi, 1875. ? Loc. cit. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE, 77 Connection of Nerve-ending with Muscle Network. Nerve-endings may be divided into two main types, the circumscribed and the diffused form. Between these types there are many intermediate forms, as shown by Kiihne in his classical work on ‘ Nerve-Endings.’! The nerve-endings in the muscle of the snake form a good example of the circumscribed variety. Here we have a localised end-plate, compact and non- ramifying. This is also the common type in mammalian muscle. In Dytiscus, on the other hand, we find the diffuse form, which branches and ramifies nearly to the end of the fibre. In each case the nerve-ending, when stained by any of the gold methods, is seen to consist of a slightly stained ramifying portion, with darkly stained irregular masses between the branches of the lighter stained portions. The lighter stained part appears to be continuous with the axis-cylinder of the nerve. In attempting to demonstrate a connection between the nerve-ending and the muscle-network there is great difficulty, because the methods which best show the nerve-endiugs usually disintegrate the muscle-fibre and destroy the network. The best method of obtaining the nerve-endings is that employed by Mays,’ and also, with modifications, by Kiihne,? viz. the mix- ture of arsenic acid, gold chloride, and osmic acid mentioned in the first part of this paper. But this method usually destroys the network, owing to the action of the arsenicacid. Another difficulty arises from the fact that the connection, if it exists, must take place underneath the nerve-ending, and hence in the normal position of the parts it could hardly be seen. Dytiscus.—In one preparation of Dytiscus muscle prepared by May’s method I succeeded in finding a portion of fibre with the network still intact (fig. 11). A portion of the ramifying nerve-ending is seen crossing the fibre transversely ; both the ' “Untersuchungen iiber motorische Nervenendigung,” ‘Zeit. f. Biol.,’ Bad. xxiii. > «Zeit. f. Biologie,’ Bd. xx, 1884, 3 Loe. cit. 78 Cc. F. MARSHALL. fibre and nerve-ending are stretched out transversely more than in the normal state. The nerve-ending appears to have been broken off from the upper part of the network and tilted over to show its inner surface, which here appears to be connected with the longitudinal bars of the network. The upper border of the nerve-ending, in the position of the figure, I take to be the external surface next the sarcolemma, the lower border to be the internal surface ; the outline of the latter seems to me to point strongly to the fact that it is really connected with the longitudinal bars of the network. Crayfish—lIn preparations of crayfish muscle there are frequently found what I may, for waut of a better term, call “streaks” of slightly stained matter usually crossing the fibre transversely. In some preparations these are seen to be dis- tinctly continuous with the nerve-fibre going to the muscle, and are hence presumably portions of the nerve-ending. They appear to correspond to the lighter stained part of the nerve- endings as usually seen. In several specimens these streaks appeared to be connected with the longitudinal bars of the network, in the same way as in the specimen of Dytiscus muscle. Fig. 12 shows one of these streaks of nerve-ending connected with the network. The reason that these are so much stretched out appears to be on account of their connection with the network, which stretches them with it when it becomes stretched itself. In this figure the triangular deeply-stained bodies appear to represent the deeper stained part of the normal nerve-ending. They also appear to be continuous with the network at their apices. Although the above results are imperfect, and not so con- clusive as those discussed in the previous portions of this paper, nevertheless it appears to me that the nerve-ending is connected with the muscle-network, and apparently chiefly with the longitudinal fibrils of the network. A recent paper by Macallum! on the termination of nerves in the liver of Menobranchus has an important relation ' «Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,? March, 1887. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 79 to the above question. He states that he has traced the terminal fibrils of the nerves into direct connection with the intra-nuclear network of the hepatic cells, and the figures he gives seem to place this beyond doubt. This by analogy gives support to the view that the nerve-ending of muscle is connected with the network; and possibly this is the normal method of termination of nerves in connection with cells. Haswell’s! observations are also interesting in connection with this question. He describes a ganglion-cell at the end of each fibre, and occupying the axis of the fibre. This sends out numerous branching processes, which penetrate between the fibrils. He states that the core of the fibre is occupied by granular protoplasmic material, through which runs a network of fine threads, “‘ connected with the fine branches of the nerve- processes of the ganglion-cell, and with the network of the muscle substance.” Special branches of nerye-processes also ramify on the surface of the fibre, and probably enter into con- nection with the transverse networks. Hence both Macallum’s and Haswell’s observations lend support to the view that the network is connected with the nerve-ending. Conclusion. In reviewing the foregoing observations we are at once met by an apparent contradiction, viz. that in the young muscle- fibre the network does not appear to be connected with the nucleus, whereas the connection is definitely established (Retzius, Marshall) in the adult fibre. This at first sight is an absolute contradiction: for, on the one hand, it is difficult to conceive that processes originating as outgrowths from the nucleus could exactly hit off and fuse with the already formed network ; on the other hand, it is almost equally inconceivable that the fibres should grow into the nucleus. This apparent contradiction can, I think, be to a great extent explained. Firstly, we must bear in mind that histological differentiation proceeds during its development from without inwards, i.e. 1 Loe. cit, 80 C. F. MARSHALL. centripetally ; and that the special characters of the adult cell appear first and are most marked at the periphery, i. e. farthest from the nucleus. Examples of this rule are seen in the de- velopment of epidermic- cells, dentine, cartilage, and bone. In bone and dentine the processes are not supposed to grow from the cells, but to be formed by the lengthening of connecting strands by deposit of new matter. Secondly, the nerve-ending being on the surface of the fibre, and the network also appearing first on the surface, the con- nection between the two can be established from the first ; whereas if the network grew out from the nuclei it could only be connected with the nerve-ending at a much later period. Hence the fibre would be useless till it was far advanced in development, because for the network to be of any use it must from the first be connected with the nerve-ending. Fora new structure of any kind to be developed it must always have been of use from the first, either for its ultimate purpose or for some other. If the network grew out from the nuclei it could not be of use till it got to the nerve-ending, i.e. to the surface. In considering this point we may imagine that the cell divides into ‘‘ formed and unformed matter” (Beale), the formed matter being characteristic of the particular cell. In the case of the muscle-fibre the protoplasm divides into net- work and muscle-plasma all along, beginning at the periphery and gradually extending to the nucleus. We are here met by an apparent difficulty, for in the muscle-fibre the “formed matter”? which is characteristic of the cell is the muscle- plasma, and not the network (which is presumed to be the contractile part). But the special feature of striped muscle is not the fact that it contracts, but the mode in which this is brought about, i.e. the rapidity; and this will be a matter of nutrition which will depend on the muscle-plasma, There- fore the special feature of striped muscle is probably the mode of nutrition of its specially contractile part, i. e. quick repair. The active network bathed in such a fluid is placed in a good position for such rapidity. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTOLOGY OF STRIPED MUSCLE. 81 Summary. 1. The transverse portions of the network of the striped muscle-fibre are directly connected with the muscle-cor- puscles. 2. The nerve-ending appears to be connected with the muscle-network, and chiefly with the longitudinal bars of the network. 3. The development of the network takes place at a very early stage in the development of the fibre, and the network develops from the first in its permanent form. 4. The network develops first at the surface, and grows cen- tripetally. It does not appear to be connected with the muscle-corpuscles till the fibre is fully developed. 5. Each muscle-fibre appears to be developed from a single cell, and not by a coalescence of cells. The investigations described in this paper were carried on in the Physiological Laboratory of Owens College during the winter of 1887. My thanks are due to the Council of the College for a special grant to enable me to carry on the research. I must express my thanks to my brother Professor Milnes Marshall for many valuable suggestions in producing this paper, and for examining several of the preparations. I must also thank Professor Stirling for much assistance to me in my work. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI, Illustrating Mr. C. F. Marshall’s paper, ‘ Further Observa- tions on the Histology of Striped Muscle.” [The main details were drawn under the camera in all the figures. ] Fic. 1.—Muscle-fibre of Dytiscus, showing transverse networks connected with muscle-corpuscles. The longitudinal bars of the network are omitted VOL. XXXI, PART I.—NEW SER. F &2 C. F. MARSHALL. for the sake of distinctness, 1th obj. Acetic acid, osmic acid, and gold chloride. Fic. 2.—Portion of another fibre, with transverse networks connected with two rows of muscle-corpuscles. -;th immersion obj. Same method. Fic. 3.—Three isolated muscle-corpuscles of Dytiscus muscle, with trans- verse networks attached. jth immersion obj. Same method. Fic. 4.—Muscle-corpuscle of Dytiscus, with portion of transverse network connected with it. Transverse view. Gold preparation. ;+,th immersion obj. Fic. 5.—Muscle-fibre of dragon-fly, showing two muscle-corpuscles with their intra-nuclear network. Some of the transverse networks are seen to be connected with the intra-nuclear network of the upper corpuscle. 5th immersion obj. Acetic acid, osmic acid, and gold chloride. Fic. 6.—Muscle-corpuscle of crayfish, with portion of the muscle network apparently connected with its intra-nuclear network. 1th immersion obj. Fics. 7 and 8.—Developing muscle-fibres of trout, showing striation. 2. Nucleus. -{;th immersion obj. Acetic acid 2 per cent., a few seconds; gold chloride 1 per cent., fifteen minutes ; formic acid 25 per cent., thirty minutes in warm chamber. Fie. 9.—Portion of the striated part of one of the above fibres, showing the network and the darkly stained bodies in its meshes. »>;th immersion obj. Fic. 10.—More fully developed fibre of trout. 2. Nucleus. ,th im- mersion obj. Fig. 11.—Muscle-fibre of Dytiscus, with a portion of nerve-ending appa- rently connected with the longitudinal bars of the network. 4th imm. obj. Mays’ method. Fie. 12.—Muscle of crayfish, showing a “streak” of nerve-ending appa- rently connected with the longitudinal bars of the network. 35th imm. obj. Retzius’ method. Fies. 13 and 14.—Diagrams comparing the view of Rollett and others with the network. In Fig, 13 the structure, according to Rollett, is marked in full lines, and the network marked in dotted lines. In Fig. 14 the thick segments of Rollett’s muscle-columns are shown by dotted lines in the meshes of the network. x. Network. s. Muscle-columns. g. Granules. Fic. 15.—Portion of muscle-fibre of Dytiscus, showing network very plainly. One of the transverse networks is split off, and some of the longi- tudinal bars are shown broken off. (Copied from Melland, loc. cit., fig. 6.) [Note.—In figure 13 the lines connecting the thick parts of Rollett’s muscle-columns should be much thicker. They represent the thin segments of the columns. ] ON CHATOBRANCHUS. 85 On Chetobranchus, a New Genus of Oligochetous Chetopoda. By Alfred Gibbs Bourne, D.Sc.Lond,, F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., Fellow of University College, London, and of the Madras University. With Plate XII. Habitat.—I discovered this very remarkable worm in the mud from a pond (Anglo-Indian “tank’’) in Madras town. The mud had been placed in a bottle and allowed to stand, so that the Naids for which I was searching might come to the top. On examination I found projecting from the surface of the mud, among numerous individuals of Nais and Dero, several specimens of this worm. These at once attracted my attention on account of the branchial processes, which could be seen with the naked eye. The mud is of a very finely divided character and is brown in colour, and contains very little animal and hardly any vegetable life, and very little or- ganic débris. I obtained a large quantity of it, and by the use of muslin sieves secured numerous specimens of Chetobranchus. The worm does not secrete any glutinous material, and so make itself a mud tube; but, as I have been enabled to ascer- tain by keeping them in a small aquarium nearly filled with the mud, makes for itself long tracks in the mud—“ burrows,” they might be called ; and each worm appears to reside in its own “burrow,” at times projecting from the surface of the mud into the water, and at other times withdrawing itself com- pletely into its “burrow.” The mud is of such a character 84. ALFRED GIBBS BOURNE. that unless disturbed in some way the “ burrow” remains as a permanent structure. The mud can be dried in cakes, and when such a cake is broken across, the “ burrows” are as obvious as they are in a lump of earth in which earthworms have lived. Some of these mud-living Oligochzta secrete a glutinous substance, so that when they are removed and the loose par- ticles washed away a tube of mud remains, while others secrete no such substance; and when these latter are removed and the loose mud washed away the worm remains quite unpro- tected. Chetobranchus belongs to the latter category. External Characters—Branchial Processes—Sete. —The worms vary in size, but when stretched out and crawling on a slide an average sized individual is about 1} inches to 2 inches in length, and about =, inch in breadth (fig. 9), and consists of about 130 segments. The anterior extremity is a little thinner than the rest of the worm, and the body wall in this region is slightly pigmented; the pigment is to a cer- tain extent arranged in transverse bands on the dorsal surface, each band corresponding to a segment. There is no proboscis, and the eye-spots are absent. The most remarkable and striking feature of the worm is the presence of dorso-laterally placed processes, of which there is a pair to each of the anterior segments, commencing with the second! segment. It is difficult to say how many pairs of these processes exist, as, after the ten to twelve most anteriorly placed pairs, they gradually diminish in size until they become mere warts on the surface of the worm, and in the posterior segments are entirely absent (fig. 1). I have counted about sixty to seventy pairs. In most of the individuals I have exa- mined the five or six most anteriorly placed processes are a little shorter than those immediately following, but there is no 1 T have assumed that the first setigerous segment is the second segment of the body, the first segment of the body being the buccal segment with the prostomium. The nomenclature of the segments in earthworms is usually based upon this assumption, and it would be more convenient if a similar practice were always adopted with regard to other Oligocheta, ON CHAU TOBRANCHUS. 85 regularity about this, and I am inclined to believe that these get more or less injured in the “ burrowing.” The length of the processes relatively to the size of the body may be judged of from an examination of fig. 1. These processes are obviously branchial in function. The structure of one of these branchial processes is shown in fig. 2. Each is virtually a hollow prolongation of the body wall; the coelomic corpuscles may occasionally be seen pushed out into it. The epidermis is bounded externally by a distinctly visible cuticle, through which project very fine cilia—so fine that they might easily escape notice but for the commotion which they create among particles of mud in the water. At the extremity are a few stiff processes, doubtless sensory in function. Into each of the longer processes (about the first fifty) runs a loop of the lateral vessel (see below, circulatory system). Entirely contained within each process are all, in the case of the more anterior, or some in that of the more posterior, pro- cesses of the setz belonging to the dorsal bundle; so that in the anterior portion (about thirty segments) of the worm no dorsal setz project freely outside the body wall, while in the region immediately following (about thirty segments) two at least of the dorsal setz do not freely project, while one seta of the dorsal bundle does so project, and in the remaining portion of the body all the setz project. There are no muscular structures in the branchial pro- cesses, which are kept fairly rigid, and are moved by the dorsal setze, and thus serve the worm as locomotor organs. The seta bundles are placed in four rows—two ventral rows and the two dorsal rows mentioned above. The dorsal seta bundles commence in the same segment as do the ventral seta bundles, i.e. the second body segment. Two kinds of sete occur in the dorsal bundles: the one kind is the straight capil- lary seta shown in fig. 5; they vary in length; in the anterior segments they are very long. The seta drawn in fig. 5, if in- tended for one of the longest, should have been drawn double the length it is, to be on the same scale as the sete drawn in 86 ALFRED GIBBS BOURNE. figs. 6 and 7a. The relation of these long capillary sete to the branchial processes is described above. The other kind of seta occurring in the dosal bundle is always of the same length, and has a curved sickle-shaped free extremity (fig. 6). Such sete do not occur in the more anterior bundles, and in passing backwards one comes across intermediate conditions between a short straight capillary seta and the sickle-shaped form figured. As arule, there are two or three straight and two or three curved sete in each bundle. The ventral sete are all “ crotched-shaped ;” in the most anterior segments the free extremity has the shape drawn in fig. 76; but this, in going backwards, soon passes into the shape shown in fig. 7a. Each of these ventral sete has a little swelling placed rather nearer to the free extremity than to the root. ‘There are four to six sete in each ventral bundle. All the sete diminish rapidly in size as one approaches the poste- rior extremity, which presents therefore, as in Naids, the appearance of being a region of continued growth. Viscera.—The alimentary canal presents no special feature of interest ; there is no enlargement corresponding to the so- called gizzard of many Naids. : The celom is, as in most Oligocheta, incompletely divided into a series of chambers by diaphragms placed between the segments. The coelomic corpuscles are rounded (fig. 8), and like those of Naids. They contain numerous olive-green granules, which look like droplets of fatty matter. They may be seen passing from segment to segment, and at times into the branchial processes. The circulatory system consists of a dorsal and ventral vessel and a series of lateral vessels, a pair in each segment, which run from the dorsal to the ventral vessel, and in those segments provided with well-developed branchial processes loop out into the process (fig. 2). The walls of the dorsal vessel are much pigmented, as in many Oligochzta, while those of the ventral vessel, and, as a rule, the lateral loops, are unpigmented. ON CHATOBRANCHUS. 87 The nephridia are not very clearly seen, but are undoubtedly present, a pair in each of the segments. In the middle region of the body they have exactly the same appearance as have the nephridia of Naids. Asexual Reproduction.—Although I have examined a very large number of individuals I have found a few specimens only in the act of asexual reproduction, and this process appears to be more like one of simple fission, as opposed to gemmation, than it is in Naids and Chetogaster. In these latter forms a new region, a “ budding zone,” is produced between two existing segments ; this divides into two portions: the anterior portion forms the new tail of the anterior daughter zooid, and the posterior portion forms a head for the posterior daughter zooid, while the previously existing segments! of the parent zooid undergo little or no change. In Chetobranchus I cannot find any “ budding zone.” In the specimen which is drawn in fig. 10, for instance, I counted over 200 segments. The most anterior sixty segments bear recognisable branchial processes, which, as usual, get smaller as one passes backwards ; then there are about thirty segments which bear no trace of processes; then about forty-five seg- ments on which branchial processes can be counted, the anterior ones almost as large as those usually found in the head region, and the posterior ones becoming so small as to be unrecognis- able; behind the last process-bearing segment I counted about sixty-five segments, the posterior ones very much crowded together, as though active growth were taking place in this region. This individual would doubtless soon have divided into two zooids, the posterior one of which must form a head, consisting, at any rate, of a buccal segment and a prostomium. The re- markable feature in this process is the new growth which occurs - in connection with so many segments of the parent zooid, viz. the development of the branchial processes in all those seg- ments which bear them, and which subsequently form part of the posterior daughter zooid. 1 Semper, ‘Arb. Zool. Zoot. Institut, Wurzburg,’ Bd. iv, 1877-8. 88 ALFRED GIBBS BOURNE. I have found several individuals preparing in this way for fission, but never found any trace of a “ budding zone.” At some other time of year I shall, I hope, be able to make further observations with regard to this process, and also with regard to the generative organs. I have hitherto found no trace of generative organs. This is unfortunate, as it leaves the systematic position of the worm still open to some doubt. Systematic Position.—This is without doubt the worm referred to by Semper as occurring along with Dero philip- pinensis.! In many details of its structure, as well as in the fact that it exhibits fissiparous reproduction, Cheto- branchus resembles the Naidomorpha, and represents, I be- lieve, a family closely allied to the Naidomorpha (Vejdov- sky) and the Cheetogastridz (Vejdovsky). The most remarkable feature in its structure is, of course, the possession of branchial processes, and these processes are themselves re- markable in completely surrounding the whole or a portion of the dorsal seta bundle. With the exception of the con- tained sete these branchial processes closely resemble in structure the long branchial processes found in the anal region of some species of the genus Dero. The only other Oligochete which possesses branchial pro- cesses is Alma nilotica; but, judging from Vejdovsky’s remarks anent this form, it is very different from Cheto- branchus. Generic Description.—Chetobranchus, g. n.—Capil- lary sete present. Each of the anterior segments, from the second segment backwards, bears a pair of dorso-laterally placed branchial processes, which entirely include some or all of the sete in the dorsal bundle. Dorsal setae commence in the same segment as do the ventral sete, i.e. the second segment. Chetobranchus Semperi, sp. u.—Fresh stagnant water, Madras town. I have dedicated the species to Professor Semper, as the ' *Arb, Zool. Zoot. Institut, Wurzburg,’ Bd. iv. ON CHETOBRANCHUS. 89 worm which he discovered in the Philippine Islands is un- doubtedly either the same or a closely allied species. It is impossible, in dealing with a single species such as this, to define the specific characters ; the absence of eye-spots, the character of the sete, the length of the branchial processes, the nature of the pigmentation, will probably serve, among other characters, to mark the species. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII, Illustrating Professor A. G. Bourne’s paper “On Cheto- branchus Semperi.” Fic. 1.—Lateral view of Chetobranchus; the branchial processes and dorsal and ventral sete of one side only are drawn. pr. Prostomium. m. Mouth. az. Anus. Fic. 2.—A single branchial process. s. Dorsal sete. a. Afferent blood- vessel. ¢. Efferent blood-vessel. Fic. 3.—A portion of the dorsal blood-vessel. 7. A pair of lateral vessels. Fic. 4.—A portion of the ventral blood-vessel. 7. A pair of lateral vessels. Fie. 5.—A capillary seta from a dorsal seta bundle. Fie. 6.—A seta from a dorsal seta bundle, with a sickle-shaped free extremity. Fic. 7.—a. A seta from a ventral seta bundle in the posterior region of the body. 4. The free extremity of a similar seta from the anterior region of the body. Tic. 8.—A ccelomic corpuscle. Fic. 9.—Dorsal view of Chetobranchus. Natural size. Fie. 10.—A “budding” individual of Chetobranchus. About twice the natural size. J Z Mitr DOW F Huth, Lith® Edint RANVIER S CONSTRICTIONS IN THE SPINAL CORD. 91 The Presence of Ranvier’s Constrictions in the Spinal Cord of Vertebrates. By Dr. William Townsend Porter, of St. Louis. With Plate XII, dis. No question in the controversy over Ranvier’s constrictions is more interesting than that of distribution. Torneaux and Le Goff! declared in 1875 that constrictions are present in the spinal cord. Their discovery remained almost unnoticed until Schiefferdecker,? not aware that he had been anticipated by the French observers, offered silver pictures as proof that the constrictions are not confined to the peripheral nerves. The statements of these authors have been contested. Boll? wrote against Torneaux and Le Goff; and Kolliker,* seeking to test the results of Schiefferdecker, worked over the same ground, but arrived at opposite results,-and brought new argu- ments in favour of the old opinion. It is of importance to have this question examined by many observers, for the presence of constrictions in the spinal cord 1 “Note sur les étranglements des tubes nerveux de la moelle épiniére,” ‘ Journal de |’Anatomie,’ 1875. 2 “Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baues der Nervenfasern,” ‘ Arch. f. mikr, Anat.,’ Bd. xxx, 1887. 3 “Ueber Zersetzungsbilder der markhaltigen Nervenfasern,”’ ‘Arch, f. Anat. u. Entwickelungsges.,’ 1877. 4 ¢Handbuch des Gewebelehre des Menschen,’ Leipzig, 1889, Bd. i, p. 154. 92 WILLIAM TOWNSEND PORTER. must influence our conceptions of the form and the purpose of these structures in the peripheral fibres. In order to prove that constrictions are present in the central nervous system, it is necessary to demonstrate them in silver and in osmium preparations, in isolated fibres and in sections. Silver Preparations—teased.—Small pieces of the white sustance of the spinal cord treated with silver-osmium solution give these results: the colour ranges from pale grey to deep black, according to the size of the piece, the strength and quantity of the osmic acid, the duration of its action, the distance of the fibre from the surface of the piece, and the thickness of the myelin. Beneath the outer darker parts of the fragment used is a portion whose pale grey colour and soft consistence show that the osmic acid has affected it but slightly. It is here that the silver crosses are seen at their best, for the silver solution readily penetrates the entire piece, and its deep brown impregnations contrast strongly with their grey sur- roundings. The teasing should not be too thorough; the nerves are easily broken at the constricted points, and even in the most careful preparations many will be found with the silvered constriction torn in two. In the grey fibre-groups are numerous axis-cylinders cross-striped with Frommann’s lines, and sticking out in all directions from the edges of the group. Small granular silver masses, of a great variety of forms, may at first be taken for constriction stains; some of these are probably the remains of broken crosses, and others are pre- cipitations between the fibres. The medullary sheath is poorly marked, often quite unrecognisable, and again only indicated here and there by faint lines, more or less parallel to the axis- cylinder. Well-shaped crosses are hard to find, but crosses whose sharpness of outline is somewhat blurred by the silver granules lying about them are common. A sceptical observer will sooner or later be convinced by finding an unmistakable cross in a fibre whose medullary sheath is still recognisable, and whose isolated position guards against deception. The lines of Frommann have in my preparations been seen to best advan- RANVIER’S CONSTRICTIONS IN THE SPINAL CORD. 93 tage in the frog and the guinea-pig; but the crosses are larger and clearer in the spinal cord of the ox. Osmium Preparations—teased.—Difficulties surround the demonstration of constrictions in teased preparations of central fibres treated with osmic acid alone. Only a small number of the fibres are properly “ fixed.” The absence of Schwann’s sheath makes isolation difficult, and from the same cause by far the greater number of the constrictions are torn by the needles. We have no reason to suppose that the rule according to which the interval between any two constrictions is approximately directly proportional to the thickness of the fibre is any less true of central than of peripheral fibres. It is the larger central fibres which are most easily isolated, and their constrictions, if this rule holds good, must be widely separated. Inthe animals used by me it seemed impossible to isolate pieces long enough to show two constrictions. Only when the locus minore resistentiz has escaped the teasing needles and the fibre is torn through the myelin can constric- tions be found. If the teasing is not too thoroughly done, small groups of fibres, lying for the most part parallel, will be secured. It is near the edges of these groups that the con- strictions are most likely to be found, because the outermost fibres protect the rest. In both rabbit and ox I have seen entirely isolated fibres with good constrictions. Osmic Acid Preparations; Sections.—Longitudinal sections of central fibres are best made from the spinal cord of the ox. The part used by me was taken from the neighbour- hood of the median fissure. For the detection of the con- strictions sections of the average thickness of the fibres are most suitable. The constrictions are not so easily seen when the nerves are cut in the plane of the axis-cylinder. Only the outer fibres of a section should be used, because they are usually found lying with more space between each fibre than is the case elsewhere, and are better “ fixed.” Many of the interruptions in the continuity of the nerves are of considerable width. They are so broad that one at once thinks of artificial separations or of places where fibres have 94 WILLIAM TOWNSEND PORTER. been cut through as they rose above or sank below the plane of section. Examination with a high power shows that this is true of only a small number, and that the myelin at many of the other interruptions is plainly neither cut nor torn. The myelin has here the shape of a cylinder, ending in a truncated cone. When the fibre is seen a little obliquely, the observer looks into the end of this cone and sees that out from it comes a pale, ribbon-like or cylindrical structure, which runs a more or less wavy course until it enters another myelin sheath. It has the look of a constriction elongated by the process of pre- paration. A little search shows that the space which separates two medullary sheaths is often not greater than the breadth of the fibre, and in such cases appears large because the fibres are very broad. In these narrower interruptions the axis- cylinder is usually well shown. In a good section are inter- ruptions not wider than half the breadth of the fibre. On either side is the cone-shaped ending of the medullary sheath ; between the two, looking very small and colourless in contrast with the thick myelin, is the axis-cylinder—straight, of uni- form calibre, and often faintly striped in a longitudinal direc- tion. All the structures lie in parallel planes. The fibre is neither cut nor torn. It is a true constriction, and closely resembles, except that the sheath of Schwann is absent, the Key and Retzius! drawings of peripheral constrictions in man. With a strong immersion system it is possible to see that most of the constrictions are crossed about the middle by a very fine line, which seems to lie closely upon the axis-cylinder, and sometimes appears as an indistinct ring. From the margins of this ring I have sometimes seen a line of equal fineness, passing on either side towards the medullary sheath. These delicate structures are just within the limits of visi- bility. They correspond to the lines found in silvered central fibres, and are probably portions of the ensheathing neu- roglia. No sheath of Schwann is present. Long fusiform 1 «Studien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems und des Bindegewebes,’ Stockholm, 1876, ii, Bd. i, plate vii, figs. 11, 18, 14, 15. RANVIER’S CONSTRICTIONS IN THE SPINAL CORD. 95 nuclei sometimes lie against the myelin, but I have found no proof that these do not belong to the neuroglia. The myelin was not broken by the incisures of Schmidt and Lantermann. The value of these results depends of course on the value of the method by which they were obtained. Well-founded objections have been brought against nitrate of silver. This reagent may be reduced in all parts of the nerve-fibre, and even between the individual fibres! Combinations of various forms of impregnations give a great variety of pictures. In teased preparations, for reasons previously stated, the crosses are not often found isolated. These facts make deception easy, but do not lessen the force of the truth that unmistak- able crosses are proof of the presence of Ranvier’s constric- tions. It may be said that the constrictions found in osmium preparations were artificially produced. Naturally, the only evidence which can be offered here is the testimony of accu- rate drawings. The demonstration of the presence of constrictions in cen- tral fibres helps directly in the settlement of some vexed questions and is of indirect value with respect to many others. Ranvier® advanced the opinion in his original memoir that the myelin is impervious to crystalloids, and that nitrate of silver enters the nerve at the constriction. This, he said, goes to show that uutritive fluids take the same route; and his explanation is accepted by most physiologists. There is, as Boveri insisted, no reason for supposing that the nutrition of medullated central fibres is different from that of medullated peripheral fibres. Boveri,> not finding the constrictions in the spinal cord, rejected Ranvier’s hypothesis and substituted his own, which was that the constrictions served a purely mechanical end, permitting great freedom of motion, like a 1 T can confirm Kolliker’s statement that stripings similar to Frommann’s lines occur in silver preparations of small blood-vessels. Boll (I. ¢., p. 310) saw cross-striping in elastic fibres treated with nitrate of silver. 2 “Recherches sur l’Histologie et la Physiologie des Nerfs,’ ‘Arch. de Physiologie,’ iv, Mars, 1872, No. 2. 3% “ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nervenfasern,” ‘Abhandl. der math. physik. classe d. k. Bayer. Akad. der Wissensch.,’ Bd. xv, 1886, 96 WILLIAM TOWNSEND PORTER. jointed chain, and removing the danger of injury from the sudden bendings to which many peripheral nerves are ex- posed. This can be accepted as one of the uses of peri- pheral constrictions, but the objection to Ranvier’s explana- tion falls to the ground with the confirmation of Torneaux and Le Goff’s discovery, and the constrictions may be looked upon as a food-way to the axis-cylinder. Constrictions are present in the spinal cord; the sheath of Schwann is absent from the spinal cord; therefore the sheath of Schwann is not concerned in the formation of constrictions in central fibres, and is probably not an essential part of peri- pheral constrictions. We can safely reject the dictum of Hans Schultze :1 The sheath of Schwann is “ die formgebende Ursache der Ranvier’schen Markunterbrechungen,” an idea * prominent in many researches, and may look with suspicion on theories that find in Schwann’s sheath an explanation of the structure of the constrictions. : Further inferences are very tempting. The central nerve- fibres are epiblastic, and lie in an epiblastic framework (Geriist); no mesoblastic tissue ensheathes them (Gierke) ; in Palemon squillathe medullated nerves have no connective- tissue sheath ; therefore, the myelin of central fibres, like the axis-cylinder, is of epiblastic origin, and the medullary sheaths of peripheral nerves are probably formed from the axis- cylinder. If the myelin is formed from the protoplasm of the axis-cylinder, then the function of the sheath of Schwann is that of a simple connective-tissue envelope. The many theories of development and degeneration that affirm a generic relation between the sheath of Schwann and the medullary cylinder are incorrect; spinal nerves are developed and regene- rated through their cells of origin, and changes in the nuclei of Schwann’s sheath are not the cause of the growth or decay of the medullary substance. But the evidence in our possession does not warrant our going so far, for, although Gierke® de- 1 * Axen-cylinder und Ganglionzelle,’ p. 27. 2 i.e. Axis-cylinder and medullary sheath. 3 « Die Stiitzsubstanz des central Nervensystems,’‘ Arch. f. mikr, Anat.,’ RANVIER’S CONSTRICTIONS IN THE SPINAL CORD. 97 clares that no connective tissue surrounds the individual nerve- fibres in the spinal cord, yet it is by no means settled that the medullary sheath of central fibres is not mesoblastic. Blood- vessels enter the cord at a very early date in the life of the embryo,’ and it is not certain that the mesoblastic tissue which forms and surrounds them is limited, as Gierke thinks, to the blood-vessels themselves. Joseph’s? assertion that a con- tinuous network penetrates and binds together axis-cylinder and medullary sheath in the peripheral nerves—a fact of much importance if true—has been denied by Retzius,? who found the network only in the axis-cylinder. The discovery of Retzius* that Palemon squilla has medullated nerves which lack Schwann’s sheath and are provided with oval nuclei lying between the medullary sheath and the axis-cylinder has not yet been confirmed. There are finally many who still deny the correctness of the views of His* regarding the for- mation of the central nervous system. Such reflections are therefore merely suggestive, and are of use only as they emphasize the fact that a solution of many weighty problems is to be found through a sufficient explana- tion of the origin of myelin. I take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the kind- ness of Professor Flemming, under whose direction this work was done at the Anatomical Institute in Kiel. xxv, 1885, p. 533 :—* Alle faserigen Elemente der Stiitzsubstanze Fortsatze von Gliazellen sind; andere Faden, als elastische oder Bindegewebsfibrillen, sind durchaus zwischen den Nervenfasern nicht zu finden,” 1 His found blood-vessels in the cord between the fourth and fifth week. See “Zur Geschichte des Menschlichen Riickenmarkes und der Nerven- wurzeln,” ‘Abhandl. der math. phys. Classe der Kgl. Sachs. Gesellsch. der Wissensch.,’ 1886, xiii, No. 6. 2 “Ueber einige Bestandtheile der peripherischen markhaltigen Nerven- faser,” ‘Sitzungsber. d. Berlin, Akad.,’ Bd. ii, 1888, p. 1281. 3 «Der Bau des Axencylinders der Nervenfasern,”’ ‘Verhandlung des Biol. Vereins in Stockholm,’ Bd. i, Jan., 1889, No. 4. 4 “ Ueber myelinhaltige Nervenfasern bei Evertebraten,” ‘ Verhandl. d. Biol. Ver.,’ Stockholm, Bd. i, Dec., 1888, No. 3. ° « Every nerve-fibre is a process from its own nerve-cell ; this is its genetic, nutritive, and functional centre.” His, ]. ¢. p. 513. VOL. XXXI, PART I.—NEW SER. G 98 WILLIAM TOWNSEND PORTER, DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII, dis, Illustrating Dr. William Townsend Porter’s paper, “ The Presence of Ranvier’s Constrictions in the Spinal Cord of Vertebrates.” Fics. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.—White substance near median fissure. Ox. Osmic acid 2 per cent., nitrate of silver 1 per cent., each 1 part, two hours. Dilute solution of caustic potash, about five minutes. Teased in glycerine diluted about one third with distilled water. Leitz, ;, ocular 3, draw-tube out. Fig. 6.—Spinal Cord. Guinea-pig. Osmium-silver mixture as above, three hours. Teased in diluted glycerine. Leitz, 3, oc. 3, d. t. out. Fie. 7.—Medulla oblongata. Rabbit. Osmium-silver mixture, two hours. Picro-carmine, twenty-four hours. Teased in diluted glycerine. Leitz, 3, oc. 1. Axis-cylinder shows three silver cross-stripes at constriction; the ‘lines between the ends of the medullary cylinders represent the light reflex. Fic. 8.—White substance near median fissure. Spinal cord, Ox. Osmic acid 2 per cent., twelve hours. Celloidine, cloves, balsam. Leitz, 3;, oc. 3, d. t. out. The section was cut the average thickness of the fibres. EXPERIMENTAL IMITATION OF PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENT’. 99 Professor Butschli’s Experimental Imitation of Protoplasmic Movement. Proressor Burscuur, of Heidelberg, has recently made some extremely interesting observations upon a substance which simulates ina remarkable way the appearance and move- ments of the protoplasm of an Ameeba, or of the plasmodium of Mycetozoa. He has been kind enough to send to me some oil in a suitable condition for use, with directions as to the exact details of the experiment. In my laboratory, by fol- lowing his directions, the movements described by him have been observed in a satisfactory manner. In order to obtain the best results some experience and care is requisite, and probably they cannot always be obtained by a single experi- ment. The subject is so interesting, and so fitted for further investigation by all who have leisure and a taste for the study of the vital phenomena of the Protozoa and of living protoplasm in general, that I think it will be of advantage to readers of this Journal to have Professor Biitschli’s directions, which he has permitted me to publish, placed in their hands. E. Ray Lanxesrer, March, 1890. HEIDELBERG, February lst, 1890. You have kindly asked me how I prepare the protoplasma- like drops which I have described. As you yourself feel greatly interested in this discovery, and presumably a like interest exists among other English biologists and micro- scopists, I hasten to satisfy your desire, and to explain some- what more fully the methods which I have described in a previous publication. 100 PROFESSOR BUTSCHLI’S As you well know already, I use in the preparation of these globules—showing protoplasma-like streaming—ordinary olive oil. My first experiments were made with a small quantity of olive oil which had been standing for along time in my labora- tory in a small bottle. By some happy chance this oil had just the right properties which are necessary for the success of the experiment, for not every sort of olive oil is suitable. As far as my experience goes, it tends to show that the ordinary oil cannot be directly used, because it is too thin, or is perhaps deficient in other qualities on which the success of the experi- ment depends. In order, therefore, to prepare a suitable oil, I proceed in the following manner :—A medium-sized watch-glass or flat dish is filled with a thin layer of common olive oil, and is placed on a water-bath or in a small cupboard, such as are used for embedding in paraffine, at a temperature of about 50° C. Under the influence of the higher temperature the oil gradually loses its yellow colour and becomes thicker. The great point now is to select the right moment at which the oil will have attained the proper degree of thickness and viscosity, as also the other properties which at present I am not able to define more exactly, but on which much of the success seems to depend. The exact moment can, however, only be found out by systematic trials. After the oil has been thickening for three or four days a trial should be made with a drop of it in the manner described below. Should the drop not become finely vesiculate, and exhibit little or no streaming, continue the heating process and experiment again on the following day. If the oil should have become too thick it will form good frothy drops, but will scarcely show any streaming. In this case mix it with a small quantity of ordinary olive oil, and thus render it more liquid. If it has become much too thick it will form a good froth, but the latter dissolves very rapidly in glycerine. You see thus that the process to obtain the suitable oil is somewhat slow, but I do not at present know of any other method by which the result can be arrived at more quickly and surely. EXPERIMENTAL IMITATION OF PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENT, 101 To prepare the vesiculate drops I proceed in the following way :—In a small agate mortar I grind a small quantity of pure dry carbonate of potash (K,CO;) to a fine powder. I then breathe on to the salt till it becomes slightly moist, and with a glass rod add to it a drop of oil, mixing the two con- stituents to a thickish paste. The success of the experiment depends, however, more upon the nature of the oil than upon the proportions of oil and salt in this mixture. Then witha glass rod or a needle I place a few drops of the paste, about the size of a pin’s head or smaller, on a cover-glass, the corners of which are supported by small pegs of soft paraffine. I then place on a slide a drop of water, and put the cover-glass over this in such a manner that the drops of the paste are immersed in the water, but are not much compressed, to which end the corners of the cover-glass have been supported by the paraffine. The preparation is then placed in a damp chamber, and remains there about twenty-four hours. The drops have now a milk-white and opaque appearance. The preparation is then well washed out with water by applying blotting- paper to one edge of the cover-glass, and supplying water at the other edge from a capillary tube. If the drops have turned out well, they will begin almost immediately after this to move about rapidly, and change their shape continuously. The water under the cover-glass must now be displaced by glycerine, diluted with an equal bulk of water, and the drops will then exhibit a vigorous streaming and forward movement, becoming gradually quite transparent. The amceboid movements are generally more distinct if the drops are somewhat compressed. If the drops do not show the streaming movement you may succeed in producing it by tapping the cover-glass slightly, by applying gentle pressure, or sometimes by breaking up the drops. For it seems as if at times incrustations were formed on the surface of the drops, which prevent or impede the streaming movement, and which can, in part at least, be removed by the above-mentioned manipulations. It is especially interesting to see how fast and beautifully the 102 PROFESSOR BUTSCHLI’S drops creep to and fro in water, or in half-diluted glycerine, even when they are not compressed. The streaming movement, on the other hand, is better seen if the drops are somewhat compressed, which may be done by inserting under the cover- glass a piece of a broken cover-glass of medium thickness, and then removing the paraffine pegs. Then draw away the liquid until the necessary pressure is obtained. This streaming movement is best demonstrated twenty-four hours after the addition of the glycerine, as the drops will then be thoroughly cleared and transparent. Further, it is interesting to note that a progression of the drops takes place in the direction in which the streaming moves. As this forward movement is rather slow in compressed drops, it is necessary to use a micrometer ocular to satisfy one- self of the advance. Unfortunately the oils which I have prepared since my first experiments do not move and stream so well or so rapidly as those I employed then. The movement and streaming show themselves much more markedly and distinctly if they are examined on a warmed stage at a temperature of 50°C. If you should be in a position at your demonstrations to conduct the experiment at this temperature, the phenomena will cer- tainly be much more evident. From the preceding description you will see that it will be necessary, to obtain good results, to gradually get hold of the methods, and you must not doubt the correctness of the phenomena which I have described if the first trials do not give the desired results. At all events, you will have at first to make some experi- ments so as to obtain an insight into the conditions and sort of phenomena, but I do not doubt that you will succeed in observing the appearances and in demonstrating them to others, though perhaps in not so vigorous a degree as I might desire. I have lately made some trials to render olive oil suitable for these experiments by heating it more rapidly. Although at present I have no entirely reliable results, it EXPERIMENTAL IMITATION OF PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENT. 103 seems to me that by heating ordinary olive oil to 80°—90° C. for twelve or twenty-four hours, a suitable medium may be obtained. Finally, I would like to remark that I am the last person to defend the view that these drops, exhibiting protoplasma-like movements, are directly comparable to protoplasm. Composed as they are of oil, their substance is entirely different from protoplasm. ‘They may be, however, compared with the latter, in my opinion, firstly with regard to their structure, and secondly with regard to their movements. But as the latter depend on the former, we may assume that the amceboid movement of protoplasm itself depends on a corresponding physical constitution. These drops, too, resemble organisms inasmuch as they continue for days to exhibit movements, due to internal causes, which depend on their chemical and physical structure. I do not believe that up to this time any substance has been artificially prepared which in these two points, viz. structure and movement, has so much resemblance to the most simple form of life as have these vesiculate drops. I hope, therefore, that my discovery will be a first step towards approaching the problem of life from the chemico-physical side, and towards passing from vague and general hypotheses of molecular constitution to the surer ground of concrete conceptions of a physical and chemical nature. It is, however, a special satisfaction to me to hear that in your country, which has given rise to so many aad so cele- brated men in biological science, my investigations are followed with interest and sympathy. With friendly greetings, Yours sincerely, O. ButscH11. 4 7’ di a e =a ‘ Pcs is res \ A" c . \ 4 = i Se . a 8 i | - : , ; itt j vib ~ i 4 , “ * rf *\e : it vies. — Pest ‘ ) Jo Tie : ® ® - Lee (sits - = é P ‘2 ee: } the eer Oana t 7. (or). af TLOSMsRUS (AeNee ts Ores an? eng ae ae 2 ayes: bas lit ePr ol hea ~ aie bers be OE Ot BO nove PRUSL ae + , ‘. les sluts ae te, Uke Most oD Nie is oo fe hoor a whe ; ’ be _ r - ‘~ ‘i Ai OOK 4 a é Pali E : ‘ wy ‘ : ‘i te na ** ig ‘ iS Merraptie? , ; ; - s7TOGE ie 2 A 8) i ast ® - 5.1) if ae j jim i ; , ‘ i Ae e ‘ > oo, eet ; P Tye bos ae Ls ; i | wigs? 7 Mid4t Wr ene ¢ = « . as a P 3 ’ i - « Sot iti tes “Tae ~) * - voll Pate, siutittaatal >it 2) Oi cmaene ae Co ait Lo dai bab aA wy tie OL the THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 105 The Embryology of a Scorpion (Euscorpius italicus). By Malcolm Laurie, B.Sc., Falconer Fellow of Edinburgh University. With Plates XIJI—XVIII. Srtyce 1870 there has been no detailed work on the de- velopment of the Scorpion. As it seemed likely that with modern methods of section-cutting and the great advance which has been made of late years in the field of embryology, a renewed examination might yield interesting results, I have, at Professor Lankester’s suggestion, examined and cut sections of a large number of embryos of Euscorpius italicus preserved for him by the Zoological Station at Naples. I have also examined a number of embryos of Scorpio (Buthus) fulvipes preserved and sent over from Madras by Professor Bourne. These, however, chiefly owing to the small amount of food-yolk, show such a great difference from E. italicus in their mode of development that it seems better to postpone the description of them to a future paper. The Scorpion is interesting not only as being the lowest, and, as far as we know, the oldest type of air-breathing Arachnid, but also as being exceptional among Arthropods in that the whole development takes place within the body of the female— in the ovarian tubes. The only other instances of this with which I am acquainted are Phrynus, which is also viviparous, VOL, XXXI, PART II,—NEW SER. H 106 MALCOLM LAURIE. and Spherogyna ventricosa, one of the Acarina in which the young are born sexually mature. I may fitly here express my thanks to Professor Ray Lan- kester not only for the suggestion that I should work at this interesting subject, and for the generous way in which he has provided me with material, but even more for his continual and invaluable assistance and advice while the work has been in progress. HistoricaAL INTRODUCTION. Johannes Muller! gave a short description, with five or six figures, of the development of Buthus. Owing to its brevity and the absence of any attempt to ascertain the internal arrangement, his paper is of little value except from an histori- cal point of view. Duvernoy” gives also only a few figures of Buthus and of another form, probably Euscorpius. He describes at some length a cord (baguette) which he says passes from the appendix of the follicle in Buthus to the mouth of the embryo, and which Miller had compared to an umbilical cord. I hope to be able in a future paper to give a detailed account of this and other curious points in the development of Buthus. The chief value of Duvernoy’s paper was that he reconciled the contradictory descriptions of the ovary which had been given by Miiller and Rathke.? While doing this he makes a rather serious mistake in describing the ovum of Buthus as occupying the whele of the diverticulum of the ovarian tube, instead of only a small space at the top. The next writer on this subject is Léon Dufour,* who gives 1 Joh. Miiller, “ Beit. z. Anat. des Skorpions,’”’ * Meckel’s Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys.,’ Bd. xiii, 1828. * Duvernoy, “ Fragments sur les organes de la génération de divers Ani- maux,”’ ‘Mém. de l’Acad. des Sci. de l'Institut,’ t. xxiii. 3 Rathke, “Zur Morphologie,” ‘ Reisbemerkungen aus Taurien,’ 1837, Riga, 4to. 4 Dufour, “ Hist. Anat. et Phys. de Scorpions,” Mém. Presentés a |’Acad. des Sciences,’ t. xiv, 1856. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 107 an elaborate description with numerous figures of the anatomy of the adult. His description of the embryo is, however, very brief and his figures unsatisfactory. Elias Metschnikoff! is the only writer who has treated of the development of the Scorpion with any degree of fulness. He gives a detailed account of the whole development, and his paper, which deals chiefly with the surface views and optical sections, contains a large amount of accurate and laborious observation. It is the classic on this subject, and up to 1886 no attempt was made to add to it or supersede it. In 1886 Kowalevsky and Schulgin® published a short account of the development of Androctonus ornatus. Unfortu- nately their paper has no figures, which detracts much from its value. I find reason to differ from them on a few points, but it is quite possible that this may be due to our having worked on different genera. The only other paper on this subject which I am acquainted with is by G. H. Parker,? who treats at some length of the development of the central and lateral eyes. I had worked at this point before the appearance of his paper, and on the whole agree with his conclusions. These are briefly that the lateral eyes are monostichous, being formed from the hypodermis without invagination. The median eyes, on the other hand, are formed by invagination, and are therefore three-layered, all the layers being derived from the hypodermis. The retina is the second layer, the third being reduced to a post-retinal membrane. The material at Mr. Parker’s disposal did not enable him to go back to the commencement of the formation of the central eyes and their connection with the cerebral invaginations. 1 Metschnikoff, ‘‘ Embryologie des Skorpions,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ 1870. 2 Kowalevsky and Schulgin, ‘‘ Entwickelungsgeschichte des Skorpions,”’ ‘ Biol. Centralblatt,’ Bd. vi, 1886. 3 Parker, “The Eyes in Scorpions,” ‘Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard,’ vol. xiii. 108 MALCOLM LAURIE. THe Ovary AND Ovarian Eee. The ovary consists, as is well known, of three longitudinal tubes connected by transverse anastomoses, so as to form eight quadrilateral meshes. The oviducts arise from the lateral angles of the two foremost meshes and run forward to open together on the genital operculum. The ovary appears to be embedded in the liver, the chief mass of which lies dorsal to it; this is not really the case, for, though lobes of the liver pass through the meshes of the ovarian network they do not unite on its ventral side. Both the longitudinal and transverse tubes bear ova, which project from their outer surface as oval bodies each attached by a short pedicle and measuring when ripe about 1:2 mm. in length and *83 mm. in breadth. Ova in all stages of development are present on the ovarian tubes at the same time, and there are in addition the corpora lutea (v. p. 111). The microscopic structure of the ovarian tubes is shown in Pl. XIII, fig. 2. They are there seen to be formed of two layers surrounding an irregular lumen. ‘The outer layer, o. ., which is purely skeletal in function, consists of irregularly polygonal cells, with circular nuclei and strongly marked cell outlines. The contents of these cells are highly refractive. Towards the inside of this layer the cells become flattened so as to form a distinct, cellular, limiting layer. The inner layer, which surrounds the lumen of the tube, is formed of very long and thin columnar cells, with oval nuclei and clear, faintly granular protoplasm. The nucleiare for the most part confined to a central zone, leaving a large part of the outer and a smaller part of the inner ends of the cells clear. It is from this inner layer of cells that the ova and their follicles are formed ; it is, in fact, the germinal epithelium. The first sign of the formation of an ovum is that one of the cells of the inner layer of the ovarian tube begins to increase in size (fig. 1, ov.). It contains finely granular protoplasm, a large and distinct oval nucleus, and a darkly THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 109 staining nucleolus. There is at first no sign of its presence on the outside of the ovarian tube. As it increases in size, however, it pushes its way, at the head of a column of cells, towards the outside. The outer layer of the ovarian tube becomes very thin, but remains as a membrane containing few, if any, nuclei (fig. 2, fol’.). By the time the ovum is about ‘04 mm. in length (fig. 2) it has passed completely through the outer layer and is visible as a small protuberance on thesurface of the ovary. It remains connected to the inner layer of the tube by a column of cells which is somewhat expanded over the base of the ovum. The nucleus has not increased in size in proportion to the growth of the cell. The nuclei of the cells of the column which connects the ovum to the inner layer of the ovarian tube next arrange themselves so as to leave a clear space down the centre of the column (Pl. XIII, fig. 3, mz.). They also grow round the ovum so as to form a follicle (fig. 3, fol.) one cell thick. The cells of this follicle rapidly become flattened and their nuclei become smaller. The cells which remain clustered at the base of the ovum (fig. 3, ger’.) on the other hand increase in size, and shortly after the stage represented in fig. 3, which is a drawing of an ovum of about +1 mm. in diameter, they begin to secrete the yolk of which the greater part of the ripe egg is composed. The outer layer of the ovarian tube can still be traced as a thin and apparently structureless membrane (fig. 3, fol’.) surrounding the egg outside the cellular follicle. The nucleus has increased in size and is now a distinct oval body with a round, granular nucleolus. In fig. 4. is shown a longitudinal section of an egg of about ‘4 mm. in length and ‘28 mm.in breadth. A considerable quantity of yolk is now present in the form of spheres ranging in size from mere granules up to as much as ‘025 mm. These spheres are clear, homogeneous, sharply defined bodies showing no internal structure except that there is, in the larger ones, a collection of granules at one point near the outside. Round the nucleus the yolk-spheres are small, and round the margin of the egg the protoplasm is coarsely 110 MALCOLM LAURIE. granular, the rest of the space being filled up with the larger spheres. The nucleus (fig. 4, 2.), which retains its central position, is large (‘05 mm.) but indistinct in outline and is probably breaking down as I have been unable to find any trace of it in eggs larger than that here figured. The nucleolus (fig. 4, v’.), which is situated towards one side of the nucleus, is also large, staining darkly with carmine and showing a very distinct circular outline. It often contains one large, clear, circular vesicle and a number of smaller ones. The whole egg is surrounded by a distinct, rather thick vitelline membrane (fig. 4, v. m.). No trace of pores or any other structure was made out. Outside the vitelline membrane the egg is surrounded, except at the base, by the follicle in which the two layers (fol. and fol’.).of the ovarian tube can still be traced. The cells of the inner layer of the follicle are now flattened and small. The large yolk-forming cells at the base of the egg (ger”.) have increased in size and arranged themselves in a circle the centre of which is occupied by a prolongation of the ovarian tube (mz.). ‘The egg is only separated from this prolongation of the lumen by the vitelline membrane. The spermatozoa are thus enabled to reach and fertilize the egg while it is still in its follicle. Pl. XIII, fig. 5, shows the base of a ripe egg attached to the ovarian tube. The pedicle has become shortened and its lumen has increased very much in size. The yolk-forming cells have degenerated, their flattened nuclei (ger’.) being, however, still distinguishable, and the follicle has become much thinner owing to the growth of the egg. The egg itself is a mass of tightly compressed yolk-spheres, among which I have in vain sought for the nucleus. It is probable, however, that the nucleus and the greater part of the protoplasm migrate to the base of the ege as segmentation commences there. The yolk (Pl. XIII, fig. 6) consists of spheres, ranging up to ‘2 mm. in diameter. They are not homogeneous, but contain spherical or prismatic bodies, which stain darkly with borax carmine, These bodies are very large in the smaller yolk- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 11] spheres, which contain one, two, or more of them. In the larger spheres they are much more numerous and much smaller. Many of the spheres show round holes as if the darkly staining bodies had dropped out. It may be, however, that these cavities contained a fatty or oily substance, which has been dissolved out in the course of embedding and mounting. The only structures remaining to be described in connection with the ovary are the corpora lutea mentioned above (fig. 7). These are irregularly shaped bodies of about ‘12 mm. in diameter, showing a slight tendency to radiate structure, and containing a considerable number of nuclei, which are scattered about without any definite arrangement. They project from the surface of the ovarian tubes, and are evidently the collapsed remains of the follicles after the egg has passed out. I was confirmed in my idea that these were corpora lutea by their resemblance to the structures described by v. Siebold! in the ovary of Apus. They differ from these latter, however, in not containing fluid. First Periop.—Formation of Blastoderm. The egg is fertilized in the follicle, from which it does not begin to pass out until the end of this period. It then passes into the ovarian tube in which it undergoes the rest of its development, the young when born being exactly like the parent in form. Kowalevsky and Schulgin’ state that the egg in Androctonus is not fertilized until it has entirely left the follicle, and passed into the ovarian tube, or, as he calls it, uterus. I can hardly believe this to be the case, but it is quite possible that it leaves the follicle at an earlier stage in Androctonus than in Euscorpius. Stage A.—I have not, unfortunately, been able to observe the processes of fertilization and the formation of the first segmentation-spheres. I should think it probable that the 1 vy, Siebold, ‘Beitrage zur Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden,’ Leipzig, 187 1s.px 19) = Loe, cit., p. 526, 112 MALCOLM LAURIE. greater part of the protoplasm with the nucleus collects at the base of the egg. The youngest stage in my possession is shown in surface viewin Pl. XIV, fig. 8, and in sectioninfig.9. The blas- toderm forms a circular patch about ‘2 mm. in diameter, lying on the surface of the yolk at the end of the egg nearest to the micro- pyle, and consists of about twenty large cells, those in the centre measuring about ‘(03 mm. in diameter. In section (Pl. XIV, fig. 9) it is seen to be a single layer, the cells of which are about ‘023 mm. thick in the centre. Round the margin the cells are wedge-shaped so that the blastoderm les flush with the surface of the yolk. The cell-contents are coarsely granu- lar, rather more so towards the lower side. The nuclei are large, round and granular with distinct outlines. The yolk-spheres under the blastoderm appear to be breaking down. The blastoderm and yolk are closely surrounded by the structureless vitelline membrane (v. m.). This stage seems to be a little younger than that figured in Metschnikoff’s paper in Pl. XW, fig. 6. Stage B.—In the next stage (Pl. XIV, fig. 10) the blastoderm is somewhat larger, measuring ‘*23 mm. in diameter. The blastoderm is now almost twice as thick (‘045 mm.). Some of the cells are columnar, and occupy the whole depth of the blastoderm, but the majority have divided in a plane parallel to the surface, so that it is in places two or even three cells deep. The nuclei vary in shape, those in the columnar cells being oval. Stage C.—In the next stage (Pl. XIV, fig. 11) the blastoderm, now ‘3 mm. in diameter, is formed of an irregular mass of cells showing as yet no trace of arrangement into layers. The cells are comparatively small with well-marked outlines and large nuclei. Round the margin of the blastoderm the cells form a single layer on the surface of the yolk, but in the centre the blastoderm is five or six cells thick, and the cells push their way in between the yolk-spheres to which some of the cells attach themselves. These cells, which attach themselves to yolk-spheres, lose their definite outline and take, as far as I have been able to ascertain, no part in the further growth of THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. rs the embryo. There is no doubt that these yolk-cells are derived from the blastoderm in this and the next stages, and do not arise in the yolk by any process of free cell-formation. Kowalevsky is also of this opinion. The yolk in the Scorpion’s egg shows no sign of segmenting as does that of the Spider. The yolk of the Spider’s egg seems! to represent the hypoblast, and takes an active part in the building up of the embryo; that of the Scorpion, on the other hand, remains throughout develop- ment an inert mass of food-material. This fundamental difference in the segmentation makes any comparison of the early stages of these two groups impossible, and would seem to point to an independent origin for their abundance of food-material. If the segmentation in Scorpions is a modifi- cation of the centrolecithal type, as would seem probable from the modes of segmentation in other groups of the Arachnida, it is a very extreme one, and almost all trace of its origin has been lost. Srconp Prertop.—-Formation of the Three Layers and the Em- bryonic Membranes. Stage D.—It is difficult to get good sections at this stage as the blastoderm is often humped up at the end of the egg and compressed by the ovarian tube into which it is beginning to pass. In one, and only one, series of sections I have seen what appeared to be a longitudinal groove in the blastoderm. This primitive groove is figured by Metschnikoff (PI. XVII, figs. 2 and 3), but he may have been misled by the edges of the serous membrane which is growing up and might easily give the appearance of a groove in surface view. If the primitive groove exists, which I am inclined to doubt, as the appearance in my sections may have been due to shrinking, it is a very temporary structure. Towards the posterior end of the blastoderm the cells are proliferating and forming what I shall call the primi- tive thickening. From this primitive thickening is formed the mass of hypoblast which is found later on in the tail-segment. 1 Locy, “ Observations on the Development of Agelina nevia,” ‘ Bull. Mus,, Harvard,’ vol. xii, 114 MALCOLM LAURIE. It would seem to represent a modified invagination, and is com- parable to the primitive streak in the chick. I was at first in- clined to call this the primitive cumulus, but considering the fundamental differences between Scorpions and Spiders, and also the-fact that, while Balfour! places what he calls the primitive cumulus at the posterior end of the embyro, Locy? gives the same name to a thickening at the anterior end, it seemed better to avoid a term which might suggest erroneous homologies. A layer of cells (fig. 12, pr. hy.) is seen to be forming under the rest of the blastoderm, though not yet extending to its edges. This is well marked in the next stage, and forms the greater part of the primitive hypoblast or hypomesoblast. It would seem to be simply split off from the epiblast. I have seen no appearance of a “‘ down-sinking ” of cells to form the hypoblast, such as is described by Kowalevsky and Schulgin ;$ but, without the help of figures, it is not easy to be certain of their exact meaning. Whether this “down-sinking” is supposed to take place over the whole blastoderm or only at the primitive thickening is not clear from their descrip- tion. Round the edges of the blastoderm a single layer of large cells (fig. 12, s. m’.) is seen to be spreading a little way over the surface of the yolk. These peripheral cells, which are at present continuous with the epiblast, form later on the continuation of the serous membrane. ‘This serous membrane, or outer layer of the amnion, is seen growing up as a single layer of cells from the edges of the blastoderm (Pl. XIV, fig. 12, s. m.). It spreads over the surface of the blastoderm from all sides, and its edges ultimately meet and fuse in the middle line. At this stage the edges have not yet come together, and the cells of the layer are still small and similar in appearance to those of the rest of the blastoderm. The yolk is broken down to a considerable extent, and the 1 Balfour, “Notes on the Development of the Araneina,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xx, 1880. 2 Locy, loc. cit. 3 Loc. cit., p. 526. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 115 cells in it (fig. 12, y. ¢.) are numerous. Their nuclei are very large and granular, and of irregular shapes. The cell-outlines have entirely vanished, the cells being swollen up by an enor- mous quantity of yolk-stuff. According to Kowalevsky and Schulgin these cells are capable of amceboid movements. Cells continue to be added from the under surface of the blastoderm to those already in the yolk up to the end of thisstage. Their function—of breaking down the yolk—is carried on at a later period by the hypoblast. Stage E.—In the next stage the blastoderm (Pl. XIV, fig. 13) has assumed an oval form, the thickened part or ventral plate measuring *35 mm. in length and :25 mm. in breadth, though the peripheral cells extend some way beyond this. I have not been able, either in surface view or section, to find any trace of the primitive groove, and imagine that, if ever present, it has filled up. The primitive thickening (fig. 14, pr. t.) is better developed than in the last stage, and the single layer of primitive hypoblast (figs. 14 and 15, pr. hy.) is now quite definite and extends a little way beyond the thick part of the blastoderm, and forms a layer (hy’.) of cells under the peri- pheral cells. These last (s. m’.) extend a good deal further than in the last stage. The serous membrane (s. m.) is now com- pleted over the surface of the ventral plate. Stage F.—In the next stage the embryo, of which fig. 16 shows a longitudinal section, consists of two somites—those which will afterwards bear the chelicerze and chelee—in addition to the head- and tail-segments. The head- and tail-segments are large, and a third somite is beginning to be formed from the tail. The first somite is smaller than the second, and not as yet very distinctly marked off from the head. It does not become fully separated from the head until a much later stage (eight somites). Except for this curious delay in the forma- tion of the first, all the somites are formed and separated in regular succession from the tail-segment. The epiblast has undergone little change since the last stage, except that it is somewhat thinner between the somites than in them. It is beginning to grow up at the edges over the surface 116 MALCOLM LAURIE. of the ventral plate as a single layer of flat cells to form the inner embryonic membrane—the amnion proper (fig. 16, am.). This amnion never loses its connection with the epiblast as the serous membrane has now done, but remains attached to its edges and only extends round the egg as the epiblast _ extends. The most important change in this stage is the formation of the mesoblast (mes.). This layer is formed under the whole ventral plate by a multiplication of the cells of the primitive hypoblast, from which it is in places not yet distinguishable. The mesoblast extends across the whole ventral plate from side to side, and is much thicker in the somites than between them. The serous membrane (s. m.) has, as mentioned above, now lost all connection with the blastoderm, and is continued round about two thirds of the egg by the “ peripheral cells,’’ which are now beginning to separate from the egg and form a definite membrane. The cells of the serous membrane are becoming large and flat. The hypoblast extends a little way beyond the ventral plate, forming a single layer of cells (Ay.) in the periphery of the yolk immediately under the serous membrane. By the time the embryo has reached a stage with three somites completely formed (Pl. XIV, fig. 17) most of the changes which were going on in the last stage are completed. The amnion has entirely closed over the embryo (fig. 18, am.), though its cells have not yet attained their characteristic form. The mesoblast (mes.) is entirely separated from the hypoblast, and remains henceforth a distinct and independent layer. The hypoblast (hy.) is now a single layer, extending under the whole ventral plate, except in the tail-segment, where it consists of a spheri- cal mass. This hypoblastic mass in the tail-segment is the direct product of the primitive thickening. The hypoblast extends somewhat further round the egg than the other layers, as is diagrammatically shown in fig. 19. The description given above of the mode of formation of the serous membrane and amnion differs very considerably from THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 117 that of Kowalevsky and Schulgin. They describe it as a fold, the outer layer of which forms the serous membrane while the inner forms the amnion. This is probably the more primitive mode of origin for these structures, and the mode described above for E. italicus is probably derived from it either by a hastening of the formation of the serous membrane or a retarda- tion of that of the amnion. Iam unable to confirm their state- ment that mesoderm cells are present between the two layers. THirp Prrtop.—Up to the Formation of Nine Somites. This period covers the rest of the time before the appendages begin to form. The egg has by this time entirely passed into the ovarian tube. It has also increased considerably in size, but I am unable to say whether this is due in any degree to absorption of fluid or whether it is entirely due to internal changes. Stage G.—In the first stage belonging to this period which I have examined (Pl. XV, fig. 20) the embryo consists of nine somites. The first of these—that which will bear the cheliceree, is much smaller than the others, and is seen in section to be not yet fully separated from the head. The second somite, which will bear the chele, is larger than those following it. The next four are the ambulatory, and the seventh will bear the genital operculum. A slight groove (nz. g.) runs down the middle line of the body; this is chiefly due to the mesoblast having divided into two longitudinal bands (figs. 21 and 22, mes.). The epiblast is moderately thick in the somites, and is beginning to grow as a single layer round the rest of the egg (fig. 21, ep’.), carrying the amnion with it. By this stage it has extended almost as far ashas the hypoblast. The cells in the middle line show a more definite arrangement than the rest of the epiblast. This is preparatory to the formation of the neural groove. The cells of the amnion (am.) have developed their characteristic nuclei—spindle-shaped in section—and form a well-marked thin membrane lying close over the embryo. The mesoblast (figs. 21 and 22, mes.) shows most impor- 118 MALCOLM LAURIE. tant changes. As mentioned above, it has now separated into two longitudinal bands. This separation does not extend into the tail-segment (fig. 23, mes.), where the mesoblast remains as a solid mass of cells somewhat thinner in the middle line. The coelomic spaces are now formed by a splitting of the meso- blast in the somites. They are best seen in the posterior somites (fig. 21, cw.), where the mesoblast is thin and forms only a single layer on each side of the celomicspace. Further forward (fig. 22) the mesoblast is thicker and the celomic space is not so well marked. The hypoblast has undergone very little change. It is still visible in the tail as a solid mass (fig. 23, hy.m.), and spreads under the ventral plate and a little way beyond its margin as a single layer (figs. 21—23, hy.). The cells of this single layer have large oval nuclei which stain less darkly than those of the epi- and meso-blast. These nuclei are somewhat widely separated from each other, and the cells seem to contain a considerable amount of food-stuff. The serous membrane (figs. 21—23, s. m.) is by this time quite separate from the egg all round. - It has attained its final structure, the nuclei being enormously large (‘05 mm.), flat, and at a considerable distance from each other. As far as my observations go I can confirm Blochmann’s statement? that the nuclei of the serous membrane divide directly without forming any karyokinetic figures. As the serous membrane plays a purely passive part in the future development it will not be necessary to refer to it again. Stage H.—In the next stage (Pl. XV, fig. 24), which is the last before the formation of the appendages, the embryo consists of nine somites. The first is very much smaller than the others, while on the second, which is the largest, a trace of the appendages is just visible. The first six somites are clearly distinguished from those further back, owing to their sloping backwards and outwards, while the posterior ones are at right angles to the axis of the embryo. 1 “Ueber direkte Kerntheilung in der Embryonalhiille der Skorpione,”’ ‘Morph. Jahrb.,’ vol. x. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 119 A distinct groove, the neural groove (n. g.), runs down the middle line and extends some distance into the head-segment. It is due to a thinning of the epiblast in the middle line (figs. 25 and 26, n.g.). The ventral nervous system is formed by a thickening of the epiblast along each side of this groove. The epiblast now spreads as a single layer beyond the hypoblast (ep’.) and extends over nearly half the yolk, carrying the amnion with it. This is diagrammatically shown in fig. 27. In the head-segment (fig. 25) the epiblast is irregularly grooved and thickened. This is the commencement of the formation of the cerebral ganglion. In the thoracic somites (fig. 26) the epiblast is very thick and solid at the corners (ap.) where the appendages are about to appear. It is also some- what solid just at each side of the neural groove (n. th.). This is the commencement of the thickening which will form the ventral nervous system. The mesoblast is a thin layer in the head-segment (fig. 24, mes.), but shows the ccelomic space (c@.) distinctly. This development of a head ccoelom does not, of course, as Balfour has pointed out, necessarily indicate that the head-segment is equivalent to a body somite. In the body somites (fig. 26) the mesoblast is pretty thick and the ceelomic space is almost entirely closed up. The mesoblast does not extend across the middle line or beyond the limits of the ventral plate. The hypoblast (figs. 25, 26, hy.) shows no change from the last stage but remains as a single layer, except in the tail- segment, where the hypoblastic mass is distinctly visible. As the next stage shows the commencement of a large number of new structures, the ventral nervous system, the appendages, &c., it seems advisable to give a short summary of what has taken place so far. First Period. (1) The blastoderm commences as a single saucer-shaped layer of cells at one end of the egg (Stage A). 120 MALCOLM LAURIE. (2) These multiply and form a thick mass (Stages B, C). Second Period. (3) The serous membrane grows up from the edges of the blastoderm over its surface as a single layer of cells, and is continued round the yolk by the peripheral cells (Stages D—F). (4) The hypo-mesoblast is formed partly as a single layer of cells split off from the under surface of the blastoderm and partly, at the tail end, as a thick mass, the primitive thickening, which probably represents an invagination. Before and up to this stage cells pass from the blastoderm into the yolk (Stage D). (5) The mesoblast is formed as a layer several cells thick, extending right across the blastoderm. The hypoblast remains, after the formation of the mesoblast, as a single layer, except in the region of the primitive thickening, where it is a spherical mass (Stage E). (6) The amnion is formed as a single layer of cells growing up from the edges of the epiblast, with which it retains its connection. ‘The serous membrane has by this time lost all connection with the blastoderm, and spreads round the greater part of the yolk (Stage F). The embryo by this time consists of three somites and the large head- and tail-segments. The somites are formed from the tail in regular succession. Third Period. (7) The mesoblast divides into two longitudinal bands, and celomic spaces are formed in the somites and in the head (Stage G). (8) The epiblast and amnion begin to spread round the egg beyond the limits of the ventral plate (Stage G). (9) The neural groove is formed by a thinning of the epiblast in the middle line (Stage H). (10) The epiblast in the head-segment begins to thicken to form the cerebral nervous system (Stage H). THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 121 Fourtu Preriop.—From the Formation of the Appendages to the Hatching of the Embryo. Stage I.—The first stage of this third period shows—as mentioned above—the commencement of some of the most im- portant structures. The embryo, of which a surface view is given in Pl. XV, fig. 28, now consists of twelve somites in addition to the head- and tail-segments. These somites are no longer separate thickenings as in the last stage, but have grown close up to one another, and are marked off by narrow grooves. ‘The epiblast extends as a single layer all round the egg. The longitudinal neural groove is well marked and extends the whole length of the body with the exception of the tail-segment. The first six somites bear appendages, i.e. the chelicere, chelz, and four pairs of walking legs. These appendages are simple outgrowths, and are, with the exception of the first two pairs, of approximately equal size. The chelicerz are much smaller, and the chele somewhat larger than the other appen- dages. The appendages are an outpushing of the epiblast and the outer layer of mesoblast or somatopleure (Pl. XVI, fig. 31). They are hollow, the spaces being prolongations of the coelomic pouches. There is at this stage no sign of appendages on the somites behind those bearing the walking legs. The embryo has a strong dorsal flexure so that the cephalic segment curves round the end of the egg. This is best seen in longitudinal section (Pl. XVI, fig. 29). The anterior margin of the cephalic segment is deeply cleft in the middle line, the segment being thus divided into two lobes. The lobes are in much the same state as in the last stage, and show no signs of the cerebral invagination from which a greater part of the brain is formed. In the middle line, and a very short way behind the bottom of the cleft, is a circular raised area with a pit in its centre (Pl. XV, fig. 28, st.). This pit is the stomodeum. It is seen in section in Pl. XVI, fig. 29, and is a simple inpush- ing of the epiblast. VOL. XXXI, PART II.—NEW SER. I 122 MALCOLM LAURIE. The ventral nervous system consists of a pair of thickened bands of epiblast running the whole length of the body on each side of the neural groove (Pl. XV, fig. 28). The bands are cut up into blocks by the grooves which separate the somites. The epiblast is not evenly thickened, but the nuclei are ar- ranged so as to present a wavy outline. This is characteristic of the formation of nerve-tissue in this animal, and was well seen in the cerebral lobes in the last stage (Pl. XV, fig. 25). The small ganglia of the cheliceral somite are well seen at this stage (fig. 28, g. I). The tail-segment, from which the six caudal somites have yet to be formed, has begun to be pushed out (Pl. XVI, fig. 29). The epiblast in this region is very thick, and the cavity of the outpushing is lined by a thick layer of hypoblast, which is the *“hypoblastic mass ” of earlier stages (fig. 29, hy. m.). Besides this mass in the tail-segment the hypoblast extends as a single layer round the whole egg (Pl. XVI, fig. 29, hy.). Along the ventral side the cells of this layer are close together, but towards the sides and back they become more scattered, and are to a great extent involved in the yolk. It is from the mass in the tail-segment that the mesenteron is chiefly formed. The hypoblast along the ventral surface also takes some part in its formation, but that round the sides and back is not involved, though it aids in the formation of the great digestive gland or liver. The mesoblastic bands (P]. XVI, fig. 31) are not yet united across the middle line. The celomic spaces (Pl. XVI, figs. 30 and 31) are well marked and quite separate for each segment. Those in the first six somites are prolonged into the appendages. The somatopleure is several cells thick ; the splanchnopleure, on the contrary, consists of a single layer of cells. The mesoblast in the cephalic segment is thinner than in the body somites, and the ccelomic space is narrower. Stage K (Pl. XVI, fig. 32).—The thoracic appendages have increased very much in size, and the cheliceree and chele are both bifurcated at the extremity. A section through the base of one of the ambulatory appendages (Pl. XVI, fig. 33) shows THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 123 a well-developed process extending inwards towards the middle line. This is undoubtedly the sternocoxal process, which is present on the second, third, and fourth appendages of the adult. Lankester! characterises the presence of this process as a very important point of resemblance between the thoracic appendages of Limulus and Scorpio. It is therefore interest- ing to find it at this early stage present on all four pairs of ambulatory appendages. A series of sections through the base of the fifth appendage, i.e. third ambulatory (Pl. XVI, fig. 34, a—h), shows the first stage of another structure characteristic of Limulus and the Arachnids—the coxal gland. This consists of a simple tube opening to the exterior at the base of the fifth appendage (fig. 34 @), and running forwards through the meso- blast to open in fig. 34 @ into the ceelomic space. There can be no doubt that it is a nephridium. Gulland’s researches® on the coxal gland in the young Limulus point to the same con- clusion. I have been unable to find traces of nephridia in any other somites, unless, indeed, the genital tubes are partly nephridial. The six abdominal segments also bear appendages (Pi. XVI, figs. 32 and 35). These appear on surface view much more prominent than they really are owing to their white colour, which is due to the greater thickness of cells. In section (Pl. XVI, fig. 35) they are seen to project very slightly, and to be formed by a thickening of the epiblast and somato- pleure, but with no definite outpushing such as there is in the thoracic appendages. The first pair of these appendages—the genital opercula—is very small, and concealed by the last pair of walking legs. The other five pairs—the pectines and four pairs of lung-books—are all of approximately equal size and structure. Ihave been unable to find the smallest trace of appendages on the somites behind these, i.e. somites 13—17, and do not believe they exist. The cephalic segment is not so deeply cleft as in the last stage, and the mouth has shifted posteriorly sc that now it lies between the bases of the chelicere. In the centre of each 1 *Timulus an Arachnid,’ p. 20. 2 «Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxv. 124 MALCOLM LAURIE. cephalic lobe is seen a dark spot (fig. 32, ce. in.). These spots are the cerebral invaginations. They begin in a somewhat earlier stage (Pl. XVI, fig. 36) as a pair of small inpushings. These extend rapidly backwards and meet in the middle line, their two lumens becoming continuous. This is seen in Pl. XVI, fig. 37 a—p, in which four transverse sections through this region are figured. Owing tothe strong cephalic flexure in this stage the stomodzum (s¢.) is also shown in section. The cells, both at the sides of the cephalic lobes and throughout the greater part of the invaginations, are rapidly increasing in number to form the cerebral ganglia. Those in the centre of the cerebral lobes remain as a thin layer, and take no part in the brain formation. The cells also on the dorsal side in the middle, where the two invaginations have united (Pl. XVI, fig. 37 D, oc.), are more closely packed than the others, and take no part in the formation of the brain. They are the beginning of the retinal layer of the central eyes. The ventral nervous system is in much the same condition histologically as it was in the last stage. The commencement of its separation from the hypodermis can, however, be seen (Pl. XVI, fig. 35) where the hypodermis is growing over it from each side as a thin layer. The tail segment is now divided into six somites, and extends forward along the ventral surface of the body, reaching, at this stage, to the third abdominal somite. The epiblast is thickened on the ventral surface to form the nervous system. This is not shown in fig. 35, as the section passes between two thicken- ings. The cavity of the tail is occupied by a tubular extension of the hypoblast (fig. 35, Ay.) surrounded by mesoblast. There is as yet no trace of the proctodeum. The cclomic spaces in the thoracic somites have not developed much. ‘Those in the abdominal somites, however (Pl. XVI, fig. 35, cw.), have extended enormously, and now reach round almost one third of the egg. The mesoblast, ex- cept in abdominal appendages, consists of two single layers of cells. In the tail the coelomic spaces are not yet formed. Stage L.—The embryo, of which fig. 88 (Pl. XVII) shows a THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 125 surface view, has by this time made considerable progress in several important points. . The thoracic appendages are slightly segmented (Pl. XVII, fig. 39, ap.), though this is not apparent in a surface view. The chelicere have moved in towards the middle line, and the mouth is now concealed between their bases. The chele are very large, and have their pincers well deve- loped. The coxal gland, which opens at the base of the fifth pair of appendages, is no longer a straight tube, but has become bent on itself, so that a section through it (Pl. XVII, fig. 39, cox.) shows the tube cut in three places. It can still, however, be traced through a series of sections as a simple tube opening into the celom. The abdominal appendages have undergone great changes. The genital opercula are still simple thickenings of the epi- and meso-blast, but the pectines (Pl. XVII, fig. 40) have become folded in a direction parallel to the long axis of the body, i.e, transverse to their own axis. The most im- portant change is, however, that of the four following abdo- minal appendages. These (Pl. XVII, fig. 41) are pushed in so as to form shallow cup-shaped cavities. The inpushing is on the posterior part of the appendage, and is directed slightly forwards. This is the commencement of the formation of the lung-book. The cephalic segment, which is shown in Pl. XVII, fig. 38, extended in the same plane as the ventral surface of the embryo, is no longer so distinctly bilobed as in the last stage. The cerebral invaginations (Pl. XVII, figs. 42, @ and 4, and 43) are much shallower, and have entirely joined together, so that there is now only a single inpushing. This lies justin front of the chelicere (Pl. XVII, fig. 38). The brain is being formed from the sides of the inpushing, and shows a very characteristic structure. ‘The mass of cells is more or less grouped round small circular clear spaces (fig. 43), which give to this part of the brain the appearance of being composed of a number of small vesicles. I have not succeeded in tracing the development of the nerve-fibres, which occupy the centre of the cerebral ganglion (fig. 43). This central portion appears at this stage perfectly transparent and empty. 126 MALCOLM LAURIE. The retina of the central eyes is still a thickening of the dorsal layer of the cerebral invagination (Pl. XVII, fig. 43, rin.). It is visible in surface view (fig. 38, oc.) as a white spot on the margin of the invagination. The hypodermis imme- diately outside it is somewhat thickened, and will in this region form the vitreous layer (fig. 45, vit.). The ventral nervous system is now completely separated from the hypodermis (figs. 40 and 41, ”.c¢.). The cells are beginning to congregate together to form the ganglia, though the nerve- cord between the ganglia is still largely cellular. Nerves are seen growing out from the ganglia as thick cords of cells (fig. 40). The ganglia contain a clear space in their centre which later is occupied by a mass of fibres. The tail (Pl. XVII, fig. 38) has now attained its full number of segments but the sting is not yet formed. The gut extends up almost the whole length of the tail. There is no sign yet of the formation of the proctodeum. The hypo- blast in the rest of the body remains as a scattered layer of cells. The mesoblast has now grown round the body as a double layer, with the coelomic space between. In the middle line of the back, where the right and left folds of mesoblast meet, there is a somewhat irregular thickening in which both soma- topleure and splanchnopleure seem to be involved. From this thickened band, which extends from close behind the brain to the beginning of the tail, the heart is formed. On the ventral side in the thoracic region the mesoblast of the outer layer is broken up into long strings of cells—the muscles—so that the coelomic space can no longer be very definitely made out. The stomodeum reaches as far as the back of the cerebral ganglion. This is the limit of its growth, and it remains a closed tube until, at a much later stage, the gut has grown forward and united with it. Stage M.—The embryo (Pl. XVII, figs. 44 and 45) does not show very much change in surface view. The thoracic appendages are longer and distinctly segmented. They overlap across the middle line and conceal the pectines. The chelicere THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 127 are further forward in relation to the mouth, which can now be seen lying between the bases of the chele. The genital opercula begin to grow out from the body wall and the genital duct begins to be formed. This last (Pl. XVII, fig. 46) is developed in the mesoblast as a tubular portion of the coelom, but does not open to the exterior up to the time of hatching. It may be nephridial in its nature, but this very late formation of the external aperture is not very favorable to such an hypothesis. The pectines are separated at their outer ends from the body wall. The inpushings for the lung- books are much deeper, and the cavity, which extends forwards from the opening, is divided up by lamelle which grow down from its upper end (Pl. XVII, fig. 47). It is in close relation to a space in the mesoblast which contains blood-corpuscles. The cephalic segment (Pl. XVII, fig. 45) is now rapidly approximating to its finalshape. The cerebral ganglion, which is seen from the surface as a four-lobed white mass (fig. 45, ce.), has now lost all connection with the epiblast. The invagina- tion remains, but its sides no longer give rise to nerve-tissue (Pl. XVII, figs. 48 and 49). The thickening for the central eye (figs. 48 and 49, rin.) is more largely developed, and pigment is deposited in the ends of the cells furthest from the invagination. The eye is plainly visible as a double black spot on the surface. The upper edge of the invagina- tion is growing down to close its orifice. The hypodermis lying immediately above it is clearly marked off from the rest as the vitreous layer (fig. 49, vit.). A considerable space still separates the retina from the vitreous layer. The lateral eyes now appear for the first time as black spots on what Lankester terms the “optic area,” 7. e. the front margin of the head (Pl. XVII, fig. 45, oc.). Their development, as Parker! has shown, is strikingly different from that of the central eyes. Hach eye, and in this species there are at first three, is formed (fig. 50) by a slightly cup-shaped thickening of the hypodermis. The nuclei of this thickened portion become larger, and pigment soon begins to be deposited at the 1 Loe. cit. 128 MALCOLM LAURIE. outer ends of the cells. Fig. 50 @ shows a somewhat later stage, in which the cupping of the hypodermis has become flattened out. There is no invagination of any sort, and the eyes are, as Lankester and Bourne! described them, mono- stichous. The ventral nervous system has not undergone much development. It has sunk somewhat deeper and is separated from the hypodermis by the mesoblast. The tail has now developed its terminal segment—the sting. The cavity of this last is partly occupied by the paired poison gland, apparently formed by inpushing of the hypodermis (PI. XVIII, fig. 51, p. g/.). Hach mass is connected to the super- ficial hypodermis by a short duct. The gut extends down the whole length of the tail, and the proctodeum is present in the form of a solid mass of hypodermis cells blocking up its end (Pl. XVIII, fig. 51, proct.). The gut has also begun to grow forward (Pl. XVIII, figs.52 and 53). In the last abdominal segment it is a complete tube surrounded by a thin layer of mesoblast (fig. 52, ant.). It gives rise to two tubular outgrowths from its dorsal side, which are the Malpighian tubes (fig. 52, mlph.). These run first towards the back and then bend forward. ‘There can be no doubt as to their hypoblastic origin in this form, as the proctodzeum is not yet formed. They have been already shown to be outgrowths of the mesenteron in some Spiders by Loman,’ and also in ter- restrial Amphipoda by Spencer.* Further forward (Pl. XVIII, fig. 58, int.) the gut is simply asemi-cylindrical layer of hypoblast supported by a string of mesoblast and open to the yolk on its dorsal side. In the thorax it has not yet begun to form. The mesoblast is broken up into strings and bands. The ceelom is still pretty distinct in the abdominal region (Pl. X VIII, fig. 53, cw.), and the heart is a large thin-walled tube apparently connected with both somatopleure and splanchnopleure. As mentioned above, the genital tube is formed in the somato- pleure in the seventh somite and is a portion of the celom. 1 ¢Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxiii. 2 ¢ Tijdschrift der nederl. Dierk. Vereen,’ i. 3 © Quart. Journ. Mier, Sci,,’ vol. xxv. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF A SCORPION. 129 Stage M.—The changes from the last stage up to the time of hatching are not very numerous, though very important. The body attains a structure almost exactly lke that of the adult, the appendages being segmented and the whole animal covered by a thin, structureless, highly refracting cuticle. The coxal gland still opens by a small aperture to the exterior at the base of the fifth appendage (Pl. XVIII, fig. 54). This aperture, which is lined for a short distance by the cuticle, leads to a straight duct (fig. 54) lined by cubical cells with round nuclei, which closely resemble the cells of the gland. The gland itself is distinguishable into medullary and cortical portions as described by Professor Lankester! in the adult. The tubules have distinct lumens surrounded by acubical epithelium. The gland and its duct are surrounded by a thin capsule of flat mesoblast cells. The genital tubes have pushed their way some distance between the lobes of the liver, but they are not yet connected by transverse tubes nor do they open to the exterior. The two layers of which the tube is composed in the adult (v. supra, p. 108) are not yet distinguishable. The pectines approximate very closely to their adult structure. The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth appendages are also very similar to those in the adult (Pl. XVIII, fig. 55). The number of lamelle is not so great, but their structure is very well shown. Lach lamella is covered by a thin cuticle, and its cavity is in direct communication with a blood-sinus (fig. 55, bl. s.). The cells which form the lamelle are very large, espe- cially towards the base of the appendage. Towards the apex they become smaller, and finally pass into a mass of different cells from which more lamelle are formed as the animal grows. The spaces between the lamellee (fig. 55, a. c’.) are narrower and in communication with the exterior through the stigma. The head is now completely formed, the mouth having shifted so as to lie behind the chelicere. The invagination which forms the central eyes has closed up. 7 7 7 Po - e451 aed : u Let Vee 1 oe a 5 s = i U - p ~ rT nT) : " ‘es Fee Ay if off Dibeagt : Pi ‘J while + P a 4h4 i vo‘ [ap 2 wet ae Lo bt eae . valine Ae tonsa tae tes cht we east a) toa tnt ie j ork lee ce STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHMTA. 159 On the Structure of a Species of Earthworm belonging to the Genus Diacheta. By Frank E. Beddard, M.A., Prosector to the Zoological Society of London. With Plate XX, I RECEIVED some time since, through the kindness of Mr. Windle, a number of examples of earthworms from the Bermudas. Some of these belonged to a species of Lum- bricus, while others seemed to be referable to the genus Urocheta; under this generic name I described a year ago in ‘Nature’ the remarkable characteristics of the sete of the hinder end of the body of the worm. 1 believe now that the earthworms belong to Mr. Benham’s genus Diacheta (5), though probably representing a new species of that genus, which is at present only known by Mr. Benham’s account of the anatomy of Diacheta Thomasii. I cannot, however, be certain about this, as Mr. Benham’s description of this species is not complete, any more than is the description of the Bermuda form contained in the following pages. The worms measure about four inches in length, are com- paratively stout, particularly in the anterior region, comprising about the first ten segments, which is smooth and swollen. So far as I can see, there is no prostomium, but the mouth opens terminally, as in D. Thomasii! and in Urocheta. 1 T have been as careful as possible in ascertaining this, because I find that I have made a mistake in stating that Thamnodrilus has a terminal mouth and no prostomium ; Mr. Benham suggested the possibility of an error 160 FRANK E. BEDDARD. There is some little difficulty in counting the anterior seg- ments, for the reason that the first two or three appear to be retractile, as they are stated to be in Urocheta. Moreover, the first two are very narrow (see Pl. XX, fig. 1), and although there is a distinct furrow separating them,! their total diameter is less than that of the 111rd segment. From this point onwards, the only difficulty in mapping the segments accurately is caused by the fact that a number of the anterior segments of the body are entirely un- provided with sete. In three specimens, which were par- ticularly examined with regard to this point, the first five segments were entirely without setz, so that the first seti- gerous segment is the 6th body-segment. So far as I am aware, this is the only instance among the Oligocheta of so large a number of segments whose setz have disappeared ; in certain forms, such as Nais, the sete of the first few anterior segments are considerably reduced in number by the disappearance of the dorsal bundles, while in Cheto- gaster there is apparently a number of segments without any sete intercalated. between the first and second setigerous segments. in my description, having discovered a long prostomium in an example of a worm which seems to be identical with my Thamnodrilus Gulielmi (2); on re-examining my specimens I find that a prostomium is present in that species, and that I actually figured if (2, woodcut, fig. 2, p. 157) in its retracted condition. The ornamented sete are, moreover, not confined to the clitellum, but are found all over the body, though the ridges upon them are very much less marked, and quite escaped my attention. It is therefore evident that my Thamnodrilus is identical with Rhinodrilus. It is possible that Anteus does not generically differ from either of these forms. 1 Tam not at all prepared to state positively that there is really this divi- sion. In longitudinal sections the supposed division looked of no more importance than the division between the annuli of the succeeding segments ; the brain is as usual placed between two segments, or rather near to the posterior boundary of the segment containing it. If this is reckoned the third, as in other earthworms, then the supposed two segments will be really only one; but then we shall have the apparently anomalous position of the testes and vas deferens funnels in the 1xth and xth, instead of in the xth and xith segments. STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHATA. 161 The sete of this Diacheta are remarkable for three different reasons. In the first place, they are irregularly disposed, and the irregularity commences, as in D. Thomasii, from the very first, and continues to the end of the body ;' to the end of the xith segment the sete are grouped in two lots on either side of the median ventral line, as shown in fig. 1, but their arrangement does not exactly agree in any two consecutive segments; further back there are four sete separated from each other by considerable intervals, and two closely approxi- mated on each side to form a pair; towards the tail end the paired arrangement is again lost, and the irregular dis- position of the sete is returned to. Fig. 8 illustrates this arrangement. Another remarkable fact about the setz of this species of Diacheta is that in the first three (setigerous) segments, at any rate, they are not situated along one line running parallel with the intersegmental furrow; they have a curiously alternate arrangement as seen in the figure (fig. 1), some being situated further forwards, others further back in the segment to which they belong ; they form, in fact, almost a double row. It might, perhaps, be supposed that this appearance is due to the simple fact that I have confounded two segments and regarded them as one; and this supposition is strengthened by the fact that in two out of the three seg- ments a faint groove divided the segment into two. Never- theless, I regard this groove as the division between two annuli; it is frequently the case among earthworms that the anterior segments, when large, are marked by one or more annulations; moreover, in Segments vi and vit the sete, although showing the curious arrangement referred to, are only eight in number. The 1xth segment, on the other hand, in one of the three specimens, was certainly fur- nished with nine set; indeed, I actually counted eleven; but it is possible that two of these, being placed each very close 1 The irregularity in the arrangement of the sete is much like what Schmarda (11) has described in his genus Pontoscolex. 162 FRANK E. BEDDARD. beside another seta, may represent only setz ready to replace the others; but as they were perfectly mature, and appeared to protrude from the body, it is at least equally possible that this segment was furnished with two pairs of sete in addition to seven scattered sete. I did not observe anywhere else more than eight setz in the segment, though their arrangement in two ill-defined rings was very noticeable on several of the anterior segments. In Pericheta Houlleti I have occa- sionally seen a similar dislocation of the ring of setz, but in no other forms, though I have not yet specially investigated the point. These various facts with regard to the sete have some bearing upon, though of course I do not pretend that they entirely explain, an important question in Annelid mor- phology. One of the most remarkable facts in the structure of this group is the varying position of the different organs in different genera and families. For example, in most earth- worms the testes are in x, x1, and the ovaries in x11; in Nais, on the other hand, the testes and ovaries are respec- tively developed in the vth and vith segments. Are we to con- sider in such cases that the testes of one form are perfectly homologous with the testes of another genus which are placed in a different segment? or are we rather to regard them as ‘serially homologous,’ believing that any and every segment can develop testes, which are actually developed here in one case and there in another? A third possible alternative is to consider that Nais and Lumbricus have been evolved along different lines from a common ancestor, in which there were at least six pairs of testes, occuping Segments v, VI, VII, VIII, Ix, x, x1. If either of these views were true, we might expect to meet with abnormal specimens with a larger number of testes; but this is not the case—such individuals have not been met with.! Connected with this view as to the reason for the 1 It is true that Lumbricus is often provided with what appear to be an - additional rudimentary pair of ovaries in Segment xu. But this is hardly a case in point, inasmuch as the normal presence of the ovariesin Phreoryctes | and EKudrilus seems to indidate, as do other considerations, that two ovaries STRUCTURE OF HARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHATA. 168 varying position of important organs, and apparently confirm- ing it, is the observed fact that the growth of the worm—the addition of new segments—takes places at the tail end. It is common to find worms in which the last segment, or the last two or three, have no sete at all, or fewer than the normal number, while the internal organs show a corresponding em- bryonic condition. In spite, however, of these facts, which are undoubtedly true so far as they go, another mode of for- mation of new segments occurs in earthworms. Fritz Miiller (6), in describing the anatomy of Urocheta core- thrura (termed by him Lumbricus corethrurus), called attention to the invariable presence, at a constant distance from the clitellum, of a group of segments evidently newly formed, for the reason that they were unprovided with sete. Here, therefore, is an example of an intercalary growth of seg- ments; but as it takes place in the least differentiated part of the body, it is perhaps to be regarded as being essentially different from the process of formation of new segments at the caudal end. The structure of Diacheta appears to me to be suggestive in the light of the hypothesis of an in- tercalary growth of segments at the anterior end. It has been mentioned that the first three segments are very much narrower than those which follow, and they can be apparently retracted into the buccal cavity ; it may be, there- fore, that they are in course of disappearance—the initial steps, i.e. the disappearance of the setz andthe reduction in size, having already occurred. The opposite interpretation is of course possible. But whatever may be the value of these facts, the arrangement of the setz on the vith, vith and virrth seg- ments (or vth, vith and vith) seems to be inexplicable except on the hypothesis of the intercalary production of new segments. Throughout the body the sete, although they are so far irregular in their arrangement that they do not correspond in position in successive segments, are nevertheless regular, in that corresponding to the two testes on each side may be the original condition in the Oligocheeta. 164. FRANK E. BEDDARD. they are disposed along a line encircling the segment; in two individuals (the only ones examined from this point of view) this regularity in the first three setigerous segments was lost. The sete of each segment were placed in two quite distinct lines, separated by a slight furrow. This abnormal state of affairs may perhaps seem capable of being explained by the simple theory that the supposed “ segment” was in reality two segments. But in this case there should be sixteen setz, whereas I counted them very carefully and only found a total of eight, except in one of the three segments of one individual; here there were eleven setz, distributed fairly equally between the two annuli of the segment. On first noting these facts (which, as they occurred in three individuals selected at random, must surely be fairly con- stant) it appeared possible that there was in this earthworm just a trace left of a primitive condition, in which the sete, like the nephridial pores, were scattered irregularly. There is, however, no evidence that the setz have, like the nephridia, been derived from some unsegmented aucestor. If this be the case, there is no reason to suppose that the setze were not dis- posed in a perfectly metameric fashion from the first. It seems, therefore, that these facts, if they have any mean- ing, point to the conclusion that the scattering of the setz is a preliminary to the formation of two segments out of one; it does not seem likely that the reverse interpretation—viz. the nearly complete fusion of two segments—is the right one. If this be allowed, we then have a means of under- standing the varying position of certain important organs in allied genera. The third point in which the sete of Diacheta are remarkable is their very unusual degree of specialisation. Examples of the various set are illustrated in figs. 3—7, all carefully drawn to scale by the help of the camera lucida. On the first few segments of the body the setz are all of the form indicated in fig. 6: there is a long shaft ornamented with raised arches, like the sete of Rhinodrilus, and the clitellar setee of Urocheta; the distal end of the setz is STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACH®TA. 165 sharply curved; these sete are found on about the first ten segments; after this they still occur, being sometimes (fig. 6a) of very large size, but are mingled with sete (fig. 5) of the usual lumbricid pattern, and of which no special description is necessary ; these sete gradually come to be the only only ones present, and towards the end of the body their free extremities are much more hooked. Benham has re- marked (5, p. 90) that in Diacheta Thomasii “the extre- mity is more strongly curved than in the ordinary setz of Lumbricus.” At the tail end the setze become enormously enlarged (figs. 3, 4); they are so large that their amber-yellow colour can be distinctly recognised by the unarmed eye, and their strongly recurved apices catch in the skin when the worm is held by the tail, and produce the impression of some sticky substance. In a recent number of ‘ Nature’ I have referred to the pro- bable use of these setz, viz. to give the worm a stronger hold upon the ground when it is lying outside its burrow with only the tail concealed. These large hooked sete, although all are larger than the setz of the segments in the middle of the body, vary much in size, as will be seen from an inspection of figs. 8,4. On the whole, they increase in size towards the end of the body. The last few segments have fewer sete ; their numbers in the last few segments of one individual were as follows—8, 7, 7, 7. Though most earthworms are furnished with two kinds of setee, I am not acquainted with any case which is quite com- parable to the present. It is remarkable to find that the sculptured sete of the anterior segments become less nume- rous upon the clitellum than they are in the segments in front of it, for the reason that the similar sete of Urocheta and Rhinodrilus, two genera evidently allied to Diacheta, are either confined to or better developed upon the clitellum. The clitellum occupies a large number of segments, per- haps as many as in D. Thomasii (5), but I am not able to state the exact number. So much, then, for external characters, the description of 166 FRANK E. BEDDARD. which has occupied an unusual amount of space; this worm, however, possesses a more interesting exterior than is gene- rally the case. INTERNAL ANATOMY. It appears from Mr. Benham’s account of the internal seg- mentation of Diacheta that there is some difference between his species and mine in the segments occupied by the various organs. There are six strong intersegmental septa (fig. 9), the first bounding the vith segment ‘posteriorly, and the last inter- vening between the xith and x11th segments ; the position of these is the same as in D. Thomasii, but there is one more. The spermatheca are situated a segment further back, the first (of the three pairs) being in Segment vu, behind instead of in front of the first thickened intersegmental septum. Benham mentions the presence of a single pair of long ‘‘tongue-shaped” sperm-sacs attached to the anterior wall of Segment xur. I find two pairs of sperm-sacs, both small, and confined to the x1th and x11th segments respec- tively. The vas deferens funnels are in Segments x, x1; only one pair of these organs are mentioned by Benham, those occupying the xith segment. The testes are in the same segments, and occupy the usual position, i.e. they are attached to the front of the segment opposite to the funnels of the vasa deferentia. § Integument. There are two points in the structure of the body wall which require notice. The first point is the absence of those peculiar structures in the epidermis which have been regarded as possibly abortive setz; it is important to mention their absence in Diacheta, for the reason that they are present in Urocheeta, which isin many other respects so closely allied to Diacheta. In all the segments of the body, commencing with the vith (the first setigerous segment), the circular muscular layer is STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHATA. 167 interrupted in the middle line, as shown in the figure (fig. 15) ; a number of muscular fibres of different appearance from those out of which the circular muscular layer is formed; they are of less diameter, and not composed of a bundle of closely united fibrils. These few fibres are shut off in a compart- ment which runs completely round the segment, and which is partially divided up by a fine network in the meshes of which lie the individual fibres. This peculiar specialisation was to be seen in the anterior segments of the body commencing with the vith ; it is possibly this which gives rise to the appearance of annulation already referred to as seen in the anterior segments. § Nephridia. The nephridia do not seem to differ much from those of D. Thomasii. ‘The first six segments are occupied by a large pair of nephridia, which differ much in minute structure from the “mucous glands” of Urocheta, although agreeing with them in being very much larger than the following nephridia; the apertures of these nephridia appear to be upon the rvth seg- ment, and all the following segments are provided with a pair. The external apertures are placed very far forward in the seg- ments, quite inthe intersegmental furrow; they are furnished with the remarkable cup-like structure (fig. 14) at their external aperture, which has hitherto been only found in Urocheta; it seems to be clear that the structures are muscular, and perform the office of a sphincter; the muscular fibres are chiefly disposed in a radial direction, but outside is a thin layer of circularly disposed fibres, which, though fewer, are thicker than the radial fibres, and may be of equal strength. § Alimentary Tract. There are two noticeable peculiarities about the alimentary canal of this earthworm: the first is the presence of a large thin-walled crop of equal diameter with the gizzard, into which it opens immediately; the gizzard itself is situated in 168 FRANK E. BEDDARD. the vith ring, just in front of the first of the specially thickened intersegmental septa. The second peculiarity concerns the calciferous glands, or rather their equivalents; for, like Mr. Benham, I have been unable to find any calciferous glands like those of Urocheta. The csophagus is a narrow tube with greatly vascularised walls, there being apparently a con- tinuous blood sinus below the lining epithelium. Its inner wall is raised into numerous irregularly arranged folds ; in the xuith segment it suddenly increases in diameter, and exhibits a remarkable structure, which is illustrated in Pl. XX, figs. 9g/., 10ca., 11. The folds which are distinctive of the cesophagus become greatly increased in depth, and at the same time regularly arranged ; each fold consists of two layers of epithe- lium, enclosing in the space between them a blood channel. The structure of this part of the gut, which occupies three segments, is not unlike that of the calciferous glands in Acanthodrilus (Beddard 8); its epithelium is not ciliated. § Vascular System. The vascular system of this worm is distinguished by the enormous size of two pairs of “ hearts,’ which unite the dorsal and ventral vessels in the xth and xith segments. Both in dissection and longitudinal sections these vessels were seen to be gorged with blood. The interior of each vessel was dis- tended with a coagulated mass of blood, which, however, did not consist of a uniform yellow-coloured clot; but, as shown in the accompanying figure (Pl. XX, fig. 18), contained scattered through the blood certain curious structures, con- cerning the nature of which I feel rather doubtful. The two pairs of hearts opened each by a relatively very narrow opening into the two longitudinal trunks. The orifice of communica- tion was in each case guarded by a well-marked valve, which consists of a mass of elongated cells (see Pl. XX, figs. 12, 13), evidently a special growth of cells which line the blood-vessel throughout. It is interesting to note the valve between the heart and the dorsal vessel (fig. 13) projected into the former, while in the case of the communication between the heart and STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHHTA. 169 the ventral vessel (fig. 12) the valve projected into the ventral vessel, thus showing the course of the blood to be from the dorsal vessels through the hearts into the ventral vessel, as in Lumbricus. § Nervous System. The position of the cerebral ganglia, as already mentioned, is somewhat anomalous. They lie close to the posterior boundary of a segment which, if the oviducts are to open on to the xivth, and the other organs of the reproductive system to be normally placed, must be regarded as the rvth, i.e. a seg- ment further back than is usual. The cerebral ganglia give off two intertwined bundles of fibres to the pharynx, which represent the stomatogastric system, usually developed in earthworms. There are not many data regarding the minute structure of this stomatogastric system. In Megascolides Spencer describes and figures (12) this system, and expressly notes the absence of ganglionic corpuscles. In longitudinal sections of Diacheta, the presence of numerous ganglion- cells in the branches forming the stomatogastric system was quite obvious. § Testes, Sperm-sacs, and Vasa Deferentia. In Diacheta Thomasii there are a pair of extraordinarily long sperm-sacs attached in front to the septum separating Segments x1, x11, and extending back through more than twenty segments. Similar sperm-sacs have been described in Urocheta (10), and, though much smaller, by myself in Typheus (4). I find, however, in Diacheta two pairs of these organs in the x1th and x11th segments (fig. 9,vs), not at all large, though containing abundant developing spermatozoa. It is possible that the single pair of sacs described by Benham may be the result of a fusion between two sacs on each side; but the matter requires further study, and, in the meantime, Benham only discovered one pair of vas deferens funnels. Two pairs of these organs were quite obvious in longitudinal sections, and, corresponding to them, two pairs of testes in VOL, XXXI, PART II,—NEW SER, M 170 FRANK E. BEDDARD. the Diacheta investigated by myself. There is nothing in the structure of these orgaus that calls for particular remark. § Ovaries and Oviducts. There is a single pair of ovaries in Segment x111; the ovi- ducts open into the same segment and on to the exterior on Segment xiv, on a line with and between the ventral sete ; aperture is distinct. § Spermathece. There are three pairs of these organs in Segments vit, VIiL, 1x. The first spermatheca, although lying in Segment vu, opens on to the exterior in Segment vi; its duct perforates the thickened intersegmental septum separating these two seg- ments, and opens on to the exterior distinctly in front of the intersegmental groove. This fact appears to me to be of some little importance, and for the following reasons. Ben- ham has mentioned that in D. Thomasii the sperma- theca are in Segments VI, VII, VIII, 1.e. a segment farther forward than in the present form; but the apertures are, according to Benham, placed posteriorly in each segment ; accordingly, the present species, though differing in many par- ticulars from D. Thomasii, and, among others, in the fact that the spermatheca are in vii, viII, 1x, instead of v1, v1, v1, agrees in the important fact that the external aperture has remained in the same place, uninfluenced by the slight alte- ration of the segmentation; a very slight shifting in the attachment of the intersegmental septum, such as occurs in many worms—for example, in Hormogaster (Rosa, 9, 11)— would place the spermatheca entirely in the vith segment. I have myself pointed out an analogous change in the posi- tion of the spermatheca of Allolobophora complanata. In this case, therefore, it is clear that the spermathece of Diacheta are homologous in both species, and that their posi- tion is only apparently and not really changed. STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACH@TA. 171 It is clear from the above very brief account of the organi- zation of Diacheta that, as Mr. Benham pointed out, it is closely allied to Urocheta. But the two species of Diachzta differ from each other in most of their points of agreement with Urocheta. In both species there is no prostomium, and the set alternate in posi- tion from segment to segment as they doin Urocheta, though the alternation begins from the very first in Diacheta, and not until later in Urochezta; there are five strong septa commencing behind Segment vi, and three pairs of simple spermathece. Diacheta Thomasii agrees with Urocheta in having only a single pair of testes, sperm-sacs, and vasa deferentia. Diacheta Windlei, as I desire to name my species, agrees with Urocheta in that the clitellum commences at Segment xv, and in the mass of muscles which surrounds the aperture of the nephridia. In the following table the principal points of resemblance and difference between the three forms are shown :— 172 FRANK E. BEDDARD. DIACHETA DIACHETA UrocHzta. THOMASII. WINDLEI. Setz . {Irregular in distri-|[rregular in distri-|First five segments. bution after Seg-| bution from the| without sete, irre- ment x; f-shaped,| first. _f-shaped,| gular in distribution with bifid extre-| with pointed ex-| on remaining seg- mity. Some of cli-| tremity. Clitellar) ments. Sete highly tellar sete orna-| sete not different?) specialised, there mented with ridges being three forms : (1) simple “shaped, (2) ornamented sete | as in Urocheta, (3) large hooked sete. Epidermic Present Absent Absent. glands be- tween setzx Prostomium ./Absent Absent Absent. Clitellum xv (xvi)—xxm 0 (xx—xxxmI xv—? & pore »|KIX/XX XXII ? Atria. . Absent Absent Absent. Destes.. . One pair in XI One pair in x1? =| Two pairs in x, XI. Vasa deferen- One pair in x1 tia funnels Sperm-sacs One pair in xI Two pairs in xX, XI. . One elongated pair|One elongated pair|Two pairs (small) in extending from x1] extending from XI] Xt, XII. to XIV to XXXVIII Simple sacs without|Simple sacs without/Simple sacs without diverticula in vut,| diverticula in v1,| diverticula in vu, VIII, 1X (opening| VII, VIII (opening VIII, Ix (opening at at anterior border} at posterior border| posterior border of of segment) of segment) Segments VI, VII, VIII). . Anterior pair form-|Anterior pair form-|Anterior pair form- Spermathece Nephridia . ing a branched] ing a “mu-| ing a “mucous “mucous gland”| cous gland,’ not| gland,” not branch- opening on Seg-| branched, opening| ed, opening on Seg- ment u. First) on Segment 1.) ment iv. Ordinary pair of ordinary} Ordinary nephri-| nephridiacommence' nephridia in Seg-| dia commence in| in following seg- ment iv. External} Segment tv. No| ment. Orifices opening surround-| sphincter. guarded by asphine- ed by a “ sphinc- ter. ter ” Posterior Present Absent Absent. glands con- nected with nephridia Alimentary |Three pairs of cal-/No calciferous {No calciferous gland, tract ciferous glands | glands but a portion of in- testine(in Segments xlI—xIv) with a similar structure. STRUCTURE OF EARTHWORM OF GENUS DIACHATA. 173 It may perhaps be considered that the points of difference enumerated in the above Table are sufficient to distinguish generically all three forms; but I defer the discussion of this matter until something is known about the structure of other allied forms, which may occur in the West Indies. It is to be noted, however, that the species, which for the present I refer to the genus Diacheta, although much specialized in the shape of the setz, and in the loss of the setz of the ante- rior segments, connects in some ways (e.g. in the structure of the generative organs) the genus Urocheta with allied forms, such as Geoscolex. List oF MEMOIRS REFERRED TO. 1. Bepparp, F. E.—‘‘ On the Tail Bristles of a West Indian Earthworm,” ‘Nature,’ vol, xxxix, p. 15. 2. Bepparp, F. E.—‘‘ On the Structure of a New Genus of Lumbricide (Thamnodrilus Gulielmi),” ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, p. 154. 8. Bepparp, F, E.—‘ On the Specific Characters and Structure of Certain New Zealand Earthworms,” ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1885, p. 810. 4, Bepparp, F. E.—‘“‘ Note on some Earthworms from India,” ‘ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ ser. 5, vol. xii, p. 213. 5. Brennam, W. B.—‘‘ Studies on Earthworms,” No. 2, ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxvii, N. S., p. 77. 6. Miuter, Fritz.—‘On Description of a New Species of Earthworm, Lumbricus corethrurus,” ‘Ann. and Mag Nat. Hist.,’ ser. 2, Vol. xx, p; lo: 7. Perrier, H.—“ Recherches pour servir alhistoire des Lombriciens terrestres,” ‘Nouv. Arch. d. Mus.,’ t. viii (1872). 8. Perrier, H.—‘ Organisation des Urocheta,” ‘Arch. d. Zool. Exp.,’ t. ni (1874), p. 331. 9. Rosa, D.— Sulla Struttura dello Hormogaster Radii,” ‘Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino,’ t. xxxix, ser. 2, p. 3. 10. Rosa, D.—‘‘ Lombrichi raccolti nell’ isola Nias, &c.,” ‘Ann. Mus. civ. Genoa,’ ser. 2a, vol. vii. 11. Scumarpa.— Neue wirbellose Thiere,’ Bd. i, pt. ii. 12. Spencer, W. B.—“The Anatomy of Megascolides australis,” ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria,’ vol. i, pt. i, 174 FRANK E. BEDDARD. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XX, Illustrating Mr. Frank E. Beddard’s paper “ On the Structure of a Species of Earthworm belonging to the Genus Diacheta.” Diacheta Windlei. Fic. 1.—Ventral view of anterior segments, to illustrate arrangement of sete and their disappearance from the first five segments. Fic. 2.—Front view of first segments, to show absence of prostomium. Figs. 8 and 4.—Hooked sete of posterior segments. Fic. 5.—Sete of middle segment. Fic. 6.—Sete of anterior segments. a. Seta of larger size. Fic. 7.—Extremity of one of these sete, more highly magnified to show ridges. Fic. 8.—Tail end of body. s. Large hooked sete. m. Muscles moving them. JZ. Last segment. z. Intersegmental groove. Fic. 9.—Semi-diagrammatic longitudinal view. c. Brain. xph. Aperture of anterior nephridia. g. Gizzard. sp. Spermathece pore. 7¢. Testes. vs. Sperm-sacs. g/. Calciferous gland. v. d.f. Funnels of vasa deferentia. ov. Ovary. od. Oviduct. The segments are numbered. Fic. 10.—Longitudinal section through calciferous gland. @. @sophagus s. Septa. ca. Gland. Fic. 11.—A portion of ditto more highly magnified. yp. Peritoneal cover- ing. J, 7. Muscular layers. 4/. Blood-space. ep. Epithelium. Fie. 12.—Section through point of opening of heart into ventral vessel. h. Heart. 0. Ventral vessel. v. Valve. Fie. 13.—Similar section through opening of heart into dorsal vessel. h. Heart. 0%. Dorsal vessel. v. Valve. a. Fibrous matter contained in blood. Fic. 14.—Sphincter (sp/.) at aperture of nephridium (xp.). Fie. 15.—Section through body-wall in middle of Segment vir or vir. ep. Epidermis. ¢7. Transverse muscles, /. Longitudinal muscles. z. A tract of transversely running fibres enclosed in a separate fibrous sheath. HEKATEROBRANCHUS SHRUBSOLII. L75 Hekaterobranchus Shrubsolii. A New Genus! and Species of the Family Spionide. By Florence Buchanan, Student of University College. With Plates XXI and XXII. THis worm was found at Sheppey by the members of the University College Biological Society during an expedition made therein July, 1889. It appears to have been already known to naturalists living at Sheppey, but no one had tried to identify it. Not being able to find any published account of it, I believe it to be as yet undescribed, and have therefore, at Professor Lankester’s kind suggestion, undertaken the exa- mination and description of it.? Occurrence.—The worm was always found associated with Haplobranchus (described by Dr. Bourne in the ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ 1883), and occurs therefore in soft mud at the bottom of gullies, usually overlain by an inch or so of water. It is not so tenacious of life as Haplobranchus, and is hence not always to be found in mud containing Haplobranchus. Its 1 See, however, note at the end of this paper. 2 I have been greatly helped in my investigations by the kindness of Mr. Shrubsole, of Sheerness, who has sent me up from time to time, as I required it, fresh material. I will take this opportunity of thanking him for the kind way in which he has allowed me to encroach upon his time and patience ; for collecting and searching through mud to see that a particular animal, and that a very minute one, is present in it is no very easy nor interesting task. 176 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. other associates are Nais littoralis, Hemitubifex (Clitel- lio) ater, nematodes, and planarians. It is, however, more of a marine form than its associates, since, after heavy rain at low water, itis, Mr. Shrubsole informs me, seldom to be found, while the other forms of life may be still abundant. When present it can, as a rule, be recognised readily by its nematode-like move- ments and red colour, and the four tentacles waving on its head. It is usually from about 6 to 10 mm. in length, the size varying according to the number of segments. It is, therefore, slightly larger than the Haplobranchus. It forms loosely coherent tubes by gathering up particles of mud round it, but inhabits each only for a very short time. It is more frequently to be found moving about in the mud. Anatomy.—The number of segments varies. I have never counted more than forty-eight, and the greater number of specimens examined had between thirty and forty. The body is divided into regions which, as in other members of the family, are not so distinctly marked off from one another as in most sedentary annelids. Cephalic Region.—The Ist or head-segment has a well-developed prostomium, on which are two well-marked pairs of eye-spots, one pair more dorsal and median than the other. In two out of the many specimens examined there were eight eye-spots, not, however, arranged as four pairs, but scattered and at very unequal distances apart. In another specimen there were five eye-spots, three on one side and two onthe other. It is not unusual for the number of eyes to vary individually in marine annelids; it is, indeed, usual for the number to be greater in the larva than in the adult; and it would therefore seem that the eight-eyed condition is to be explained rather as a retention of a larval feature, than as due to the divi- sion of the four eyes normally found in the adult. Behind the eye-spots, at the base of the prostomium, between it and the body of the Ist segment, are the cephalic ten- tacles, each containing a single contractile blindly-ending vessel (P]. XXI, figs. 1 and 2,7¢.). They are richly ciliated all round, the cilia not being confined, as in most other HEKATHROBRANCHUS SHRUBSOLII. E77 members of the family, to a single longitudinal groove. The tentacles have an annulate appearance, due to slight surface ridges on which are the cilia, and to greenish-yellow streaks crossing the tentacles here and there. Between the ridges are short, stiff, tactile hairs. The contractile vessel (figs. 2 and 12) lies freely in the cavity of the tentacle which is part of the celom, and in which, in transparent specimens, ccelomic cor- puscles can be seen. The tentacles are situated more laterally than in most members of the family: they are placed on either side of the mouth, and slightly above it. When the animal is at rest they are bent forwards in search of food, and infusorians may be seen carried down by their cilia to the mouth. When the animal is moving and tosses its head, the tentacles stand up more or less vertically ; or, when it is moving in a definite direction, they are bent back over the dorsal surface, reaching back usually to the 3rd or 4th segment. Behind these tentacles, which, for want of a better name, I have merely called “ cephalic,” and dorsad of them, situated on the body of the Ist segment, is a pair of organs with the characteristic structure of Spio branchiz, although a great deal larger than these usually are (figs. l and 2, dr.). They are about half as long again as the “ cephalic ”’ tentacles, and of a reddish-orange colour, due to the presence of an ascending and descending blood-vessel, forming together a simple loop in each. They are ciliated, but the cilia are shorter than they are on the “cephalic ” tentacles, and they do not appear to be ciliated quite allround. The vessels, not being contractile, are not readily seen except in section (fig. 10). They run close to the epidermis, projecting into the cavity of the branchia which is a prolonga- tion of the celom. The one vessel is rather larger in calibre than the other. Jike the “cephalic” tentacles, they may either be carried erect, or bent back over the dorsal surface. Their length, also, varies much individually. Usually when bent back they would cover the first five segments ; sometimes, however, they reach back over more than eight. At the base of each branchia are two or three short capillary chete (fig. 1, and fig. 12, ntp!.) 178 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. On the same segment (the lst), placed ventro-laterally, almost vertically below but a little behind each branchia (fig. 1), is another group of three or four rather longer capil- lary chzetze, behind and below each of which is a membranous lobe—the ventral ‘cirrus’ of most authors, the neuropodial “ lamina” of others. The body of the first segment reaches further forward on the ventral than on the dorsal surface, and is there folded, forming a kind of ventral collar (figs. 1 and 3, ». coll.). This fold can be traced up laterally to the base of the branchie, which appear to be attached to it. Thoracic and Abdominal Regions.—On all the other segments of the body there are, as on the first, two groups of cheetze on each side, but the cheete are longer (when of the same kind) and more numerous than on the Ist segment. Their number varies in different individuals and in different segments of the same individual, but with no constancy. Five, six, and seven are usual numbers, but sometimes there are aS many as nine ina group. Seeing that they may so very easily be knocked off, and that new ones may always be form- ing, not much importance can be attached to their exact number in different segments and in different individuals. In the dorsal groups throughout the whole length of the body the cheete are capillary only (fig. 4, a.). In the ventral groups they are so also in the anterior region of the body; but from the 8th segment onwards there are, as well as these, also hooked or crotchet cheete. We may, therefore, consider the thoracic region to extend as far as the 7th segment (in- clusive), and the abdominal region to beginin the 8th. There are at first two or three crotchets to about four or three capillary cheete. More posteriorly there are usually about five hooked chete to two capillary ones. LKach crotchet (fig. 4, c.) is three-toothed at the extremity, the one tooth being larger and more prominent than the other two, so that in some views it alone is to be seen clearly (fig. 4, c.'). The hooked extremity is surrounded by a membrane. 1 The name “cirrus” would imply a homology with the cirrus of the HEKATEROBRANOHUS SHRUBSOLII. 179 The chete all arise from sacs, each group from one sac, firmly implanted in the body-wall and projecting into the body- cavity, though the ventral sacs do not project so far as the dorsal. The wall of each sac is supplied by muscles, by means of which the sac can be moved in and out asa whole. Springing separately from the body-wall behind both dorsal and ventral chetze-bundles slightly dorsad, of the dorsal ones and ventrad of the ventral ones, are the membranous lobes known either as “cirri” or ‘‘ parapodial lamine.”! They can readily be seen in the first few segments, but then gradually grow smaller, and are not found in the posterior region of the body. It is difficult to determine exactly in which segment they cease to exist, and whether this is constant in all, since, to see them clearly, the animal must be living and moving, and it is then not easy to count them. When the animal is killed the lobes become, by the position taken up by the worm, very difficult to see and be certain of. The dorsal ones are much closer to one another, i. e. nearer to the median line, anteriorly than posteriorly, and in the 2nd segment (the first one in which they exist) they are so close together that they seem to form, or form part of, a collar, which is therefore dorsal, and quite distinct from the ventral collar of the 1st segment (figs. 1 and 12, d. coll.). There are very minute stiff hairs on all these lobes, resembling cilia, but without their movement. Such hairs are also found elsewhere on the cuticle of the body-wall. Internal Anatomy.—The bod y-wal] consists of—(1) An outer epidermic layer of cells,in parts more than one layer thick, with a fine cuticle (figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8, epid.). The epidermis is thicker on the ventral surface than elsewhere. parapodium of an Errant annelid, e.g. Nereis or Phyllodoce ; and it is difficult to say whether this homology exists without first deciding, by the comparison of a large number of forms, to which families of the Errantia the Spionide are most nearly allied, taking the Spionidee to be, as they probably are, the living representatives (though probably degenerate) of the most primitive of the Sendentaria. A cirrus may vary so much both in form and position that we can see no reason why these membranous lobes in the Spionide should not represent cirri; but this, of course, does not alone in the least prove them to be true cirri. 180 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. Here and there in the epidermis, and occupying its whole thickness, are a few large coarsely granular cells with well- marked large nuclei and nucleoli, probably opening to the ex- terior, and secreting the material by which the animal holds the fragments together which compose its temporary tube. (2) The circular muscular layer (c. m.) is only very slightly developed, and can scarcely be seen except in longitudinal sections. It is best developed in the ventral region just over the nerve-cord (where there are no longitudinal ones), and can there be seen in transverse sections. (3) The longitudinal muscular layer, on the other hand, is very well developed, running in three bands, one dorsal and two ventral (figs. 5, 6,7, and 8, d./. m. and v./.m.). Although a single band, the dorsal one is much more feebly developed in the median line than on either side. (4) Below this again is a delicate layer of ceelomic epithelium, forming the outer wall of ccelom, and only to be distinguished by a few nuclei scattered here and there on the extremities of the muscle-fibres (figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8, c. ep.). Coming from and dividing the dorsal longitudinal muscles on either side, and stretching vertically downwards to be attached close to the thickened portion of the epidermis of the ventral surface on either side, are, in the anterior region of the body, i.e. from the 2nd to the 6th segments, very distinct dorso-ventral muscles (fig. 5, d.v.m.), dividing the cavity of each of these segments more or less completely into three longitudinal chambers. Besides these there are in every segment muscles going from the ventral epidermic thickening on each side to the two setal sacs (s. s.m.), but these appear to be rather continuations of the circular than of the longitudinal layer. Both these and the dorso-ventral muscles are covered by a delicate layer of celomic epithelium. Alimentary Canal.—The mouth is not terminal, but is overlapped by the prostomium (fig. 1, m.). The two “‘cephalic” tentacles, as already mentioned, arise just above it on either side. The pharynx extends through the first two segments HEKATEROBRANCHUS SHRUBSOLII. 181 (fig. 2). Its anterior part is evertible and richly ciliated. It is almost always extruded at once when the animal is first compressed by acover slip (fig. 3, 8. ph.). The pharynx narrows in the posterior part of the 2nd segment to form the cesophagus, which is continued through the next few segments. The canal then gets much wider, and begins to be constricted intersegmentally by the septa. The segment in which this change from cesophagus to intestine takes place varies with the size of the individual. Posteriorly, i.e. in the posterior third or fourth of the body (again varying according to the size of the individual), it narrows again, and this part espe- cially is exceedingly contractile. The anus is terminal (fig. 2). From it cilia can be seen moving upwards towards the mouth, indicating thereby some anal respiration. In some specimens, but not in all, ciliated ridges could be seen in the intestine just in front of the anus (fig. 11), probably the same thing as the richly ciliated swelling found in the larve of allied forms. ‘The alimentary canal is lined throughout by columnar epithelium, consisting of cells one layer deep, ciliated in the pharynx and esophagus, and also in the hinder unconstricted part, of the intestine, but apparently not in the anterior con- stricted part, which occupies the greater length of the body. This epithelium is much folded in the anterior region, especially in the pharynx (fig. 5, mt. ep.), not so much in the third and fourth segments, but again in the hinder wsophageal region. It is not folded, and the lumen of the canal is wide, in the anterior intestinal region (fig. 6); afterwards it again becomes folded to some extent (fig. 7). The cells forming the folds are longer and narrower than the others (figs. 5 and 7), but their nuclei, as in the other cells, are situated close to the peripheral wall, all the nuclei together forming a very regular circular layer. Outside the epithelial layer is a very thin circular muscular layer, best seen in the anterior region of the body (fig. 5, c. m”.), but not seen at all distinctly posteriorly, though its presence would seem to be indicated by the muscular contractions of the whole alimentary canal. There are no longitudinal muscles to 182 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. be seen, and directly outside the circular muscle layer comes the celomic epithelium. Neither of these-last two layers takes any share in the folds. In one specimen which I had, which was evidently a young form with only about twenty segments, the alimentary canal was wide, and constricted intersegmentally in all the anterior segments of the body as far back as the 10th. Between the 10th and 11th segments was a deep permanent constriction, the canal continuing very narrow throughout the rest of the length of the body. This would seem to imply that the pharyngeal and cesophageal region of the alimentary canal developed late.!. In this specimen there was green pigment all down the sides of the alimentary canal, not, as far as I could see, enclosed in any way. There were also no thoracic nephridia. Like so many other Chetopods, this one has almost con- stantly present parasitic monocystes in its intestine, and these are often very numerous. They are broad at one extremity (apparently the anterior), and usually pointed at the other (fig. 13). The cortical substance forms a clear zone, wider at the anterior extremity. The medullary substance is coarsely granular, and in it, reaching to the posterior extremity, is usually a long narrow vacuole (vac.), which may sometimes be found bursting. Sometimes they have no vacuole, and such I at first mistook for eggs, until finding that they were in the alimentary canal and not in the ceelom. They may be seen moving backwards and forwards with the intestine, apparently incapable, while in the body at least, of any independent motion of their own. The nucleus (z.) is spherical and well marked, containing a nucleolus. Vascular System.*—There is a contractile dorsal vessel 1 But it may be that the cesophagus is developed, but resembles the part of the intestine following it in being intersegmentally constricted, since this appears to be the case in the larva of what is probably a Spio or Nerine described by Leuckart in the ‘ Arch. f. Naturg.,’ 21st Jahresg., 1855, p. 63, &e., and pl. ii, fig. 1. Here, however, I did not observe anything marking off the two regions of the alimentary canal from one another, as Leuckart describes in his larva. 2 The whole arrangement of the vascular system is not easy to determine, HEKATEROBRANCHUS SHRUBSOLII. 183 (figs. 2 and 12, d.v.) in the anterior region of the body, con- tinued forwards into the prostomium. Just before it reaches the prostomium two vessels are given off, one to each branchia (d. br. v.). These run up the inner sides of the branchiz, and return by vessels on the outer side (v. 67. v.), which meet in the median line on the ventral surface in the posterior part of the first segment to form the ventral vessel (v. v.).1 Before they meet each appears to give off or be joined by the single con- tractile vessel going to the “cephalic” tentacle (¢.v.). The ventral vessel runs throughout the whole length of the body (figs. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, v. v.), passes in the anal segment into a sinus (figs. 2, 7, 8, sz.) surrounding the intestine, and lying just outside the epithelium, probably between it and the cir- cular muscular layer; or it may be that the circular muscular layer is really absent in this region, and that the sinus lying between the intestinal and the ccelomic epithelium of the ali- mentary canal has some contractile power of its own, as it has in other sedentary annelids, e. g. Spirographis,? where, however, muscular fibres are present as well. This sinus com- pletely surrounds the intestine in the whole of its posterior non-constricted part, and is at first continued over part of the constricted part; then, however, a nucleated mass appears inside it on the median dorsal line of the wall of the intestine, and forms a longitudinal upstanding ridge. Part of the sinus closes in round this ridge, and becomes nipped off from the rest of the sinus (figs. 2 and 6, d.s. v.), and so is continued forwards and what is given in the text is only what appears to me—after the examination of numerous living specimens and series of sections—to be its probable distribution. When living the animal is too opaque, when dead the vessels are seldom in the same state of contraction or expansion in two individuals. The vascular system in the highest animals even is subject to individual variation, and it may be that there are really slight individual variations in its arrangement in worms, and in this amongst others. 1 The direction in which the blood flows in the branchie cannot be deter- mined, as the vessels cannot be seen in the living. It probably may flow in either direction, from the ventral to the dorsal at one time and from the dorsal to the ventral at another. 2 Claparede, 1873, ‘ La Structure des Aunélides sédentaires.’ 184 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. on the intestine, the ridge inside it being separated from the intestinal epithelium by a very fine layer of coelomic epithelium only. Some series of sections would seem at first sight to show that the ridge was in its posterior part directly continuous with the intestinal epithelium ; but a more careful examina- tion leads rather to the conclusion that it is formed by the tucking-in of the ccelomic epithelium which lies outside the sinus on either side. It lies, however, especially posteriorly, exceedingly close to the intestinal wall. Its significance (whether physiological or morphological) is as difficult to deter- mine as that of the so-called “* Herzkorper” or “ cardiac body” of certain other Polycheets,! which it in all probability repre- sents. No lumen is to be seen in it here throughout its course. In the cesophageal region the nipped-off upper part of the sinus enclosing the longitudinal ridge (fig. 2) leaves the walls of the alimentary canal, and becomes the contractile dorsal vessel which runs upwards until it comes to lie just beneath the thin part of the body-wall in the dorsal median line, 7. e. where the longitudinal muscle layer is only very feebly deve- loped (fig. 5,d.v.). It is here surrounded by a well-developed circular muscular layer (¢. m’.) to which its contractile power is due. The walls of all the other vessels and of the sinus appear to consist only of coelomic epithelium. It is difficult to say what happens to the rest of the sinus (which is continued throughout the intestinal region) when the dorsal vessel finally leaves the wall of the alimentary canal in the cesophageal region. It certainly is not continued as a sinus, but whether it forms vessels or not is a difficult point to determine, since there are other very much coiled vessels in each segment of the cesophageal region. These coiled transverse or dorso-ventral vessels seem to me to connect the dorsal and ventral vessels (as shown diagramma- tically in fig. 12), but it may be that they connect the ventral not with the dorsal, but with lateral vessels which are continua- tions forwards of the sinus, lying, for some part of their course at least, close to the dorsal vessel. ‘The dorso-ventral vessels 1 See Cunningham, ‘Some Points in the Anatomy of Polycheeta,” this Journal, vol. xxviii, 1887. HEKATEROBRANCHUS SHRUBSOLII. 185 all lie freely in the ceelom. They are represented in the first segment by the vessels going to the branchiz. In the posterior region of the body, z. e. where there is the sinus, it is difficult to say whether transverse vessels are present or not. In some series of sections vessels may be seen here and there leaving the upper part of the remaining sinus where the dorsal vessel is just nipped off. More posteriorly, where the sinus is con- tinuous all round the intestine, vessels may sometimes be seen running from the ventral vessel (fig. 8, v.v.). These do not appear to occur regularly in every segment, and they cannot be seen. at all in some series of sections which show the other parts of the vascular system clearly. But it is difficult to say whether they are really not present, or whether they are merely contracted, and therefore not seen, or not recognised as blood- vessels. We should not, therefore, be justified in concluding that the sinus represents them, although this would seem not unlikely in the most posterior region where the sinus is com- plete. In other Polychets where there is a sinus (e. g. Scali- bregnia, Trophonria, Eumenia) transverse vessels running to it from the ventral vessel are long and well marked.' The blood flows from behind forwards in the sinus and dorsal vessel, from in front backwards in the ventral vessel. It is probably aérated both at the anus and in the branchiz on the head-segment, and also to some extent in the ‘‘ cephalic” tentacles. It would be interesting to note whether all forms that have a sinus round the intestine have also other indications of an anal respiration. The blood is red, coloured probably by hemoglobin. It contains, as far as I have seen, no cor- puscles. Celom and Nephridia.—The celom is partially divided into separate cavities by the septa, which are thin muscular partitions between the segments coated with ccelomic epithelium on either side. They move backwards and forwards with the intestine. There is a dorsal and ventral mesentery supporting the intestine (fig. 7), and thus dividing the ccelom longitudi- 1 See A. Wiren, ‘ Beitrage ziir Anat. u. Hist. d. Anneliden. Konigl. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar,’ Bd. xxii, No. 1. VOL. XXX1, PART II],—NEW SER, N 186 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. nally into two halves. Besides this there are in the anterior region the three longitudinal chambers separated from one another by the dorso-ventral muscles. There are nephridia of two kinds. In the anterior (tho- racic) region of the body there are at once seen in the living (fig. 1) two green tubes, one on either side of the alimentary canal. On further examination each is seen to be bent on itself, and cilia may be seen moving in it, especially well seen at the bend of the tube which is in the posterior part of the 6th segment. As far as I can make out from examination of the living and from sections, the opening to the exterior is between the second and third ventral bristle bundles, in the hinder part of the 2nd segment. By analogy we should expect the internal opening to be in the septum dividing the 1st from the 2nd segment. Whether this is so or not I am unable to say ; I can trace the lumen of the internal limb in longitudinal sections up into the 2nd segment to the level of the second pair of bristle bundles, but it is difficult to trace further. It may be that the septum is temporarily bent back, so as to lie partly within the 2nd segment. In transverse sections the internal limb (fig. 5, meph. ¢.) is not at all easy to see and to trace, since it lies almost in the dorso-ventral muscles or is obscured by them. The external limb (fig. 5, neph.e.) lies below the internal one on either side of the ventral vessel, with it in the middle one of the three longitudinal cavities shut off by the dorso-ventral muscles. Both limbs consist of simple drain-pipe cells. ‘These nephridia are probably excretory in function.’ 1 Such thoracic nephridia in other sedentary annelids have been called “tubiparous glands” by Claparéde and others; but it is more probable, as has been pointed out by Cosmovici, Soulier, and Brunotte (as quoted by Meyer in the ‘Zool. Mith. v. Neapel’ for 1888), that it is the unicellular glands of the epidermis, not the thoracic nephridia, which secrete the material for fixing together the particles of mud or sand of which the tube is formed, since worms from which the thoracic region of the body has been entirely removed can still form tubes, and since the tube does not begin to be formed until after the development of the unicellular glands. In favour of this view is the fact that, in forms most nearly allied to the one we are here considering, which are more tubicolous in habit, there are not these modified thoracic nephridia. HEKATEROBRANCHUS SHRUBSONII. 187 In the young specimens above mentioned (p. 182) these tubes were not to be seen, showing probably that they also develop late with the cesophagus. The second kind of nephridium is found in the abdominal region of the body only of those individuals in which the gonads are developed, a single pair in each segment in which there are gonads. In such individuals they may be seen very distinctly in transverse section (fig. 8, xeph.). They are very short, simple, uncoiled, ciliated tubes (fig. 14). But here, again, it is very difficult to say with absolute certainty whether they lead through a septum from one segment to the next, or whether they lie wholly in a segment. In individuals in which there are no genital products present they are, if represented at all, at any rate functionless, and with no lumen. They serve, therefore, as genital ducts. Genital Organs.— The sexes appear to be distinct, though I am not sure that I have seen any specimens with ova. As is usual in marine annelids, the generative products develop only at certain seasons of the year, and at other times the males and females are indistinguishable. In living speci- mens which I examined in the summer I thought I saw eggs, i.e. I saw bodies resembling eggs, but forget whether I dis- tinctly saw them in the ceelom, or only inferred them to be there. They may, therefore, have been only parasites. Un- fortunately, thinking that I was sure to get plenty more with eggs, I did not preserve or cut sections of any of them. The sperm-mother cells are oval or spherical, with well- marked nuclei which may be seen dividing. Masses of them may be seen in the ripe male individual on either side of the intestine just above the nephridium, and attached to the ccelomic epithelium surrounding the sinus of the intestine in all the hinder abdominal segments (fig. 8, ¢es¢.). Spermatozoa with long tails may also be seen. Together they occupy almost the whole cavity of the coelom in the region where they are developed. In the one ripe male individual of which I was able to cut sections, which was a specimen with thirty- five segments altogether, the gonads (and consequently the 188 FLORENCE BUCHANAN. nephridia) were present in the posterior twenty-two segments, i.e. from the fourteenth to thirty-fifth inclusive. Nervous System.—There is a supra-cesophageal ganglion nearly filling the prostomium (fig. 2, gzg.), and probably sup- plying the much-thickened epidermis of the anterior region of the prostomium, the eyes, and the anterior pair of tentacles.! From this a commissure goes down on either side to join the ven- tral nerve-chain, which runs throughout the whole length of the body as a double cord in the much-thickened epidermis of the ventral surface (figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2. c.). The two cords are distinct from one another, although very close together. There are no ganglionic swellings on them. Very minute giant-fibres (‘neural canals,” “ fibres tubulaires,’ ‘ neurochords”) may be made out by careful staining in each cord on its dorsal and inner side. In sections stained with hematoxylin each appeared as a hollow tube, containing a shrunken homoge- neous mass inside (figs. 5, 6, and 7). In other sections, stained with borax-carmine (fig. 8), the giant-fibres were more difficult to distinguish from the rest of the nerve-cord, the homogeneous mass not having shrunk away from its sheath. b> > > > b> For descriptions of this genus and its species see Perrier, ‘Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, vii, 1872; Bed- dard, ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,? 1885—1887 ; ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’? xxviii, xxix, and xxx; Horst, ‘Notes from Leyden Museum,’ ix, x; Michaelsen, ‘ Jahrb. d. hamburgischen wiss. Anstalten,’ vi, 1889; Rosa, ‘Ann. d. Mus. Civico d. Stor. Nat. di Genova,’ ser. 2, vi, 1888, and vil, 1889. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 251 Genus 9. Tricaster, Benham, 1886 (= Benhamia, Michaelsen, 1889). Setze in four couples, all on the ventral surface ; individual sete of each couple close together. Clitellum occupies Somites xiv to xx; complete ventrally only on the first few somites. Spermiducal pores in xvul, and prostate-pores in XVII and xIx, in a large pit or fossa occupying the middle of the ventral surface of Somites xvit to xx, the margins of which are formed by two papille. Sperm-sacs not observed. Prostates asin Acanthodrilus. No penial sete. [Prostomium not dovetailed into peristomium. No dorsal pores are present. Spermathecz simple pear-shaped sacs without appendices, opening close to mid-line on ventral surface. Three gizzards in Somites vil, vit1, and 1x. No calciferous glands. Anterior masses of nephridial tubules in Somites tv, V, VI, grouped to form ‘‘ pepto-nephridia.”’] Species 1. T. lankesteri, W. B. B., 1886; St. Thomas, West Indies. 2. T. rosea, Michaelsen, 1889; West Africa. See Benham, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvii; Michaelsen, ‘ Jahrb. d. hamburgischen wiss. Anstalten,’ vi, 1889. Genus 10. De1nopritus, Beddard, 1888. Setz twelve per somite, nearly equidistant. Clitellum complete ventrally ; occupies only Somites xiv to XVI. Spermiducal pores, prostate-pores, sperm-sacs, &c., as in Acanthodrilus. [Prostomium dovetailed into peristomium. Spermathecz with three small globular appendices, two pairs in Somites viii and 1x. A single gizzard occupies Somites vi, vu. No calciferous glands. 252 W. B. BENHAM. The dorsal vessel is double throughout its length, and is enclosed in a special ceelomic tube. ] Species 1. D. benhami, F. E. B.; New Zealand. See Beddard, ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxix. DovustFrut GENUS. Neodrilus monocystis, F. HE. B., New Zealand. Founded on a single specimen, and differs from Acantho- drilus in possessing a single pair of prostates and a single pair of spermathece. It appears to me very doubtful whether this should be considered as a new genus, or whether the characters are merely some peculiar variations of Acautho- drilus. Remarks on the Acanthodrilide. The genus was originally characterised by the presence of two pairs of male pores; it is only recently that Beddard has shown that these pores belong to the prostates, and that the sperm-ducts open by a pair of pores on the eighteenth somite. The chief points of difference between Acanthodrilus and Trigaster lie in the fact that the male pores and atriopores in the latter genus are in a pit (in my original description 1 placed the atriopores in xvi, xvi11; I believe that this statement is wrong, and that the prostate-pores and spermiducal pores are placed as in Acanthodrilus), and in the absence of penial or copulatory setee and the presence of three gizzards. When the genus was formed, the only worm with more than one gizzard (except Moniligaster) was Digaster. That the existence of three gizzards is not generic is now established by the formation of Michaelsen of a species, T. rosea, with only two gizzards. Three species of Acanthodrilus are known with two gizzards—A. buttikoferi and A. beddardi of Horst; and A. scioanus, Rosa. Horst also figures the prostate-pores in A. schlegelii as situated in a fossa. But the great extent of the clitellum in Trigaster, to- Bisa or. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 233 gether with the position of the spermathecal pores close to the ventral mid-line, and the general appearance of the worm, warrant the retention of the genus. I may mention here that frequently a mere description of the position of pores and organs, unaccompanied by figures, might lead to the associa- tion of two worms, an examination of which would leave a very different impression as to their relation. The genus Deinodrilus is sufficiently interesting and pecu- liar in the possession of twelve sete per somite; but this interest is greatly enhanced on comparison of the internal organs with those of Acanthodrilus on the one hand and of Pericheta on the other. Some species of Acanthodrilus have large nephridia, the power of which alternate in position; but no statement is made as to whether these nephridia are accompanied by a network : I believe we may expect this to be the case. Many species have the dorsal vessel double to a greater or less extent. b. Setee more than twelve (usually many more) in most of the somites, arranged in a ring, which is continuous all round, or interrupted dorsally and ventrally. Family III. Perichetide, Claus (= partly L. postclitel- liens, E. P.= Perichetidz + Pleurochetide, Vejdovsky). Clitellum completely surrounding the body, obliterating entirely the intersegmental grooves, and extending over all or some of the Somites x11I—xvu. Spermiducal apertures on Somite xvii, on the ventral surface. Oviducal apertures close together on Somite xiv. Genus 11. Prrtcnmta, Schmarda, 1861 (includes Mega- scolex, Templeton, 1844; Pleurocheta, Beddard, 1883 ; and many of Kinberg’s genera). Setz from twenty to eighty, or even 100 per somite, on a ridge (at least in spirit specimens), either in a continuous ring or interrupted by a greater or less gap in the dorsal or ventral VOL. XXXI, PART 11.—NEW SER. Q 234. WwW. B. BENHAM. mid-line, or both. Sete usually small and of equal size, and generally equidistant, though in some species more or fewer of the more ventral ones are larger than the rest. On the clitellum the sete are invisible. Clitellum on Somites xiv to xvi or xvi, rarely only two or more than four; well defined, and altogether obliterating the intersegmental grooves. Spermiducal pores in Somite xvim, usually rather later- ally placed. Oviducal pores in Somite xtv very close together, or more usually single and median. Penial setz and various “ copulatory papille” are fre- quently present. Sperm-sacs, in Somites x1 and xu, two pairs, rarely more, and sometimes connected by median sacs enclosing testes. Prostates.—A pair in Somite xviii, lobed or greatly sub- divided, or even digitate; the duct after being joined by the sperm-duct is very muscular and probably protrusible; it may be called a “ penial duct.” [Worm cylindrical ; prostomium sometimes dovetailed into peristomium, sometimes not dovetailed. Dorsal pores present. Testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x and x1, sometimes, at any rate, enclosed in the median portion of the sperm-sac. Ovaries in Somite x11. Spermathece, usually only two pairs, in Somites vir and 1x, opening anteriorly ; sometimes only one pair ; sometimes more than two pairs. Usually with an appendix which varies in shape. Gizzard occupies any position between Somites v and x.: usually occupying three Somites, vii1, 1x, and x. In most species a pair of tubular ceca in Somite xxvi are present. | Species 1. P. houlleti, E. P., 1872; Calcutta (and Nice) ; Bahamas (F. E. B.) ; Manila (F. E. B.). 2. P. posthuma, Vaillant, 1869 = P. affinis, K. P., 1872 ; Cochin China; Java (Horst) ; Philippines (F. E. B.). AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 235 Species 3. P. robusta, E. P., 1872 = partly P. cingu- 4,.:P bP 6,; 'P / iiaed ee $272 oP 10:2 cn a 12.) PB: 13.0 P. 14. P 1550P: 1G34P. AI pet 133-2 1? 20.8 Pal a 22. 2 23. P 24. P. 25. P. 26.52. 4 fe ao: Ps ooe 30. P ole. lata, Sch. and Vaillant ; Mauritius, Manila, Nice, Bahamas. . aspergillum, H. P. 1872 (loc.?); Bermuda (F. E. B.). . quadragenaria, H. P. 1872 = partly P. cingulata, Sch. and Vaillant; Hast Indies. . elongata, EH. P., 1872; Peru (? indigenous). . indica, Horst, 1883; Sumatra; New Cale- donia (F. E. B.). . sumatrana, Horst, 1883 ; Sumatra. . hasseltii, Horst, 1883 ; Sumatra. . Sleboldii, Horst, 1883; Japan. . japonica, Horst, 1883; Japan, musica, Horst, 1883 ; Java. capensis, Horst, 1883; Cape of Good Hope. . annulata, Horst, 1883; Malay. cerulea, Templeton, 1844; Ceylon. ceylonica, F. E. Beddard, 1885; Ceylon. . armata, F. E. Beddard, 1883; Calcutta; Burmah (Rosa) ; Nias, near Sumatra (Rosa). . horsti, F. E. Beddard, 1886; Manila. . newcombei, F. E. Beddard, 1887; Aus- tralia. . upoluensis, F, E. Beddard, 1887; Upolu, Pacific Isles. . lawsoni, A. G. Bourne, 1886 ; India. . bivaginata, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. . gracilis, A. G. Bourne, 1886 ; India. stuarti, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. burliarensis, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. hulikalensis, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. . mirabilis, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. salettensis, A. G. Bourne, 1886; India. . australis, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. . coxii, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. tenax, Fletcher, 1886; Australia, 236 Species 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 4A. 45, 46. 47. 48. “49. 50. alt 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. WH NWN W. B. BENHAM. . austrina, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. . barronensis, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. darnleiensis, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. . gracilis, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. peregrina, Fletcher, 1886; Australia. . queenslandica, Fletcher, 1886 ; Australia. bakeri, Fletcher, 1887 ; Australia. dorsalis, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. . canaliculata, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. exigua, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. fecunda, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. hamiltoni, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. monticolla, Fletcher, 1887 ; Australia. raymondi, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. . stirlingi, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. wilsoniana, Fletcher, 1887; Australia. birmanica, Rosa, 1888; Burmah. . fee, Rosa, 1888; Burmah. modigliani, Rosa, 1887; Nias (Sumatra). antarctica, Baird 1873; New Zealand. intermedia, Beddard, 1889; New Zealand. . attenuata, Fletcher, 1888; Australia. . enormis, Fletcher, 1888; Australia. . dissimilis, Fletcher, 1888; Australia. . macleayi, Fletcher, 1888; Australia. Doubtful Species.—Some of Perrier’s, viz. P. bicincta, P. luzonica, P. coerulea, P. biserialis, P. juliana. Schmarda’s P. leucocycla, P. viridis, P. brachycycla, P. cingulata. tima, Rhodopis, Lampito. See Perrier, ‘Nouvelles Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris,’ viii, 1872. Beddard, ‘ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ 5th ser., vol. xvii, 1886; ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1886; ‘ Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin.,’ xiv, 1887. Kinberg’s genera, Amyntas, Nitocris, Phere- Rosa, ‘Ann. d. Mus. Civico d. Storia Nat. di Genova,’ 2nd ser., vi, 1888, vol. vii, 1889; Fletcher, ‘Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.,’ 2nd ser., vols. i, ii, ii; A. G. Bourne, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soe.,’ 1886. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY HARTHWORMS. 237 Remarks on the Perichetide. Although some fifty species of this genus have been formed within the last few years (besides those which have been cha- racterised only by their external anatomy, and which must be in many cases discarded), yet very frequently insufficient data have been given. On the whole it is a well-defined family, but the single genus may really be capable of subdivision. I have already mentioned my reason for removing Perionyx from the family, a proceeding which may at first appear arbitrary. The character of the prostomium and the presence or absence of the characteristic intestinal czeca, as well as the position of the gizzard, may prove to be of generic value. The observa- tions on the excretory system are in most cases very superficial and incomplete, and frequently no mention is made as to whether in a particular species large “ nephridia” or a small network of tubules is present. Where these observations have been carefully made the presence of a pair of large nephridia! appears to be associated with the absence of the intestinal ceca, a forward position of the gizzard in Somite v or v1, and with the existence of three pairs of spermathece. But there are too many apparent exceptions to generative on this point at present. Amongst the more peculiar species may be mentioned P. indica, Horst, where some of the more ventral sete are larger than the rest; P. hasseltii, Horst, in which the ventral sets are more closely placed; P. stuarti, Bourne, with two pairs of male pores and two pairs of prostates. P. bakeri and P. intermedia have prostates resembling those of Acan- thodrilus. The number of sete per somite, position of copulatory papille, extent of clitellum, number of spermathece and shape of appendix, and of the prostates, serve as the leading characters in which the species differ from one another. The worms figured by Schmarda are only described so far 1 Probably accompanied by a network. 238 WwW. B. BENHAM. as their external anatomy is concerned, and cannot be recognised with certainty. Kinberg’s genera must be relegated to oblivion. Branch II. Mrcanerurica. The excretory system is in the form of large, greatly coiled tubes unaccompanied by a network of small tubules. Each nephridium opening into the celom by a funnel: usually a pair in each somite, though the most anterior somites may be deprived of nephridia. a. A prostate is present. a. Male pores intersegmental, immediately behind Somite x or xr; clitellum developed around this and the adjacent somites. Family IV. Moniligastridz, Claus, Vejdovsky Rosa (= L. aclitelliens, E. P.). Genus 12. Monizicaster, E. P., 1872. Sete in four couples. Clitellum observed in only one species (M. sapphirina- oides, A. G. B.), where it occupies Somites x to x111; it isill- marked. Male pores between Somites x/x1 ; or x1/xil. Oviducal pore on Somite x11 (or xiv). S perm-sacs, one pair occupying Somite x1 (Horst), or 1x and x (Beddard). Ovisac in Somites xrv to xv1, or fewer somites. Nephridiopores in a line with the outer couple of sete. Prostates small, or large and tubular. Testes in Somite rx (Beddard). S permathece in Somite viir or rx. The nephridium has a long cecal prolongation of the duct beyond the point at which the short slightly coiled tubule enters. There is apparently no modification of the anterior nephridia. Gizzard moniliform, four-lobed, in all or some of the Somites x111 to xxii (sometimes there is an additional gizzard ante- riorly). AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS, 239 Species 1. M. deshayesii, E. P., 1872; Ceylon. M. barwelli, F. E. B., 1886; Manila. . houteni, Horst, 1887 ; Sumatra. . grandis, A. G. B., 1886; India, .uniquus, A. G. B., 1886 ; India. sapphirinaoides, A. G. B., 1886; India. robustus, A. G. B., 1886; India. . papillatus, A. G. B., 1886 ; India. 9. M. rubens, A. G. B., 1886 ; India. 10. M. minutus, A. G. B., 1886; India. See Perrier, ‘Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. de Paris,’ viii, 1872; Beddard, ‘Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,’? 1886; ‘Zool. Anzieger,’ 1887, No. 268, and 1889; ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxix, 1888 ; Horst, ‘ Notes from Leyden Mus., ix; Bourne, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1886. So) GoD A Se) erie sie se Remarks on Moniligastride. The three authors who have studied the internal anatomy of the genus Moniligaster differ from one another in their statements as to the position of the male pores and other organs. Perrier, in his description of M. deshayesii, describes, as is well known, two pairs of male organs; the ducts of the first pair opening between Somites vii and vit, those of the second pair between Somites x and xr. In connection with each of the first pair of ducts is a double gland (his ‘ prostate’); and similarly there is a gland in connection with the other pair of ducts, which is fairly elongated (his “ seminal vesicle ’’). Beddard’s original description in 1886, as well as his more recent figures, shows considerable differences from this arrange- ment, apart from the question of numbering. He identifies Perrier’s first pair of “testes” as spermathece ; the “ prostates ” (which are not represented in M. barwelli) he suggests may be accessory sacs, which are so frequently found in connection with spermathecz, whereas Horst identifies these “prostates ”’ of Perrier as the true spermathece. Horst’s figures are much more like those of Perrier than 240 WwW. B. BENHAM. are Beddard’s; and were it not that the spermathece and sperm-sacs in M. houteni occur one somite behind those of M. deshayesii we might believe that he was dealing with the same species. In fact, we have here another example of the difficulty of accurately counting the somites in earth- worms. Beddard has quite recently (October, 1889) altered his previous numbers for M. barwelli, owing to the discovery of a small setigerous somite following the peristomium, so that the male pores of M. barwelli are, as in M. deshayesil, between Somites x and x1. The spermathecal pores, too, which were previously given as between vi and vii, now agree with the pores of Perrier’s “ anterior sperm-ducts,” in being placed between Somites vir and viii. The diagram accompanying this paper is taken from Horst’s figure of M. houteni, and the position of the various organs differs somewhat from that in the other two species. As will be seen, the sperm-sacs are in Somite x1 (and probably also the testes and funnels of the sperm-ducts which open externally between Somites xr and x11). The ovipore is in Somite xrv, and probably the ovary is in Somite x111, these organs being therefore in the normal position. Here the prostate is a large structure, whilst in M. barwelli it is extremely small. The spermatheca in Somite 1x has a long duct opening anteriorly. The “ ovary”’ of Perrier’s species is not the true gonad, but the “ ovisac,” or receptaculum ovorum, and recalls the way in which the ova push their way back through several somites in Microdrili. The ovary is unknown. Beddard has figured (‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxix, pl. xi) the oviduct with its funnel and external aperture; but the numbering here given is revised in the ‘ Zool. Anzeiger,’ No. 318, where the external aperture is placed on Somite x11, and the funnel in Somite x1, so that in all probability the gonad is in Somite x1, Prof. Bourne has given us a few facts about seven new species of the genus, chiefly as regards the position of the gizzard, but says nothing about the genital organs, The most AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 241 interesting point in this connection, however, is his descrip- tion of aclitellum in M. sapphirinaoides occupying Somites X—XIII, a structure previously denied to the genus. The recorded absence of a clitellum is probably due to the fact that, as in the water-worms, this structure is only deve- loped at the breeding season. The anterior gizzard, which Perrier described, has not been recognised in the later species. I believe Moniligaster to be more nearly related to the ancestors of earthworms than any other genus we know of, as I have pointed out in Part VI of this paper. b. Male pores on Somite xvit or xvitt. Clitellum occupies all or any of the Somites x111 to xviii. 1. Eight setze per somite, in couples or separate. Family V. Eudrilidz, Claus (=Lumbriciens intraclitel- liens, E. P., in part=part of family Eudrilide, Vejdovsky, Rosa). The eight sete are in couples or separate; the clitellum, complete ventrally, extends over all or some of the Somites XIII tO XVII. The male pores are behind the clitellum, or just within its limits. The prostate is simply tubular, convoluted, or lobed. Spermathecze usually with diverticulum. Typhlosole absent. The duct of the nephridium is not produced into a cecum, nor is there any modification of the anterior nephridia. Genus 13. Evpritvs, E. P., 1872. Setz in four couples. Clitellum covers Somites (x111) xiv to xviII. Male pores large, on Somite xvir (from it the curved chitinous penis sometimes protrudes), in line with inner couple of sete. 242 W. B. BENHAM. Female pores on Somite xiv, slit-like, large, dorsad of the inner couple of sete. Nephridiopores in line with outer sete (or inner sete in E. sylvicola, Beddard). Generative Apparatus.—Three pairs of sperm-sacs in Somites x, x1, x11. Testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x, xr, enclosed in median sperm-sacs. The two sperm-ducts of each side run separately to the prostate, which is much elon- gated, and occupies Somite xvir and following somites. This communicates with a “ bursa copulatrix” in Somite xvi1, into which also open two small glands. The bursa contains a curved chitinous penis. There appear to be two pairs of ovaries (Beddard) in Somites x111 and xiv, enveloped in membranes which are con- tinuous with the wall of the spermatheca. Into the neck of the latter there also opens an albumen gland. The“ ovary” in Somite xrv is also an ovisac. [The gizzard occupies Somite v1. In Somites x, x1, there are ventral diverticula of the ali- mentary tube; in Somite x11, lateral calciferous diverticula. The nephridium consists of a slightly coiled tubule, the terminal portion of which is only slightly dilated to form a duct. | Species 1. E. decipiens, E. P., 1872; Antilles. 2. KE. lacazii, E. P., 1872; Martinique. 3. E. peregrinus, HE. P., 1872; Rio Janeiro, Surinam. 4, E. boyeri, F. E. B., 1886; New Caledonia. 5. E. sylvicola, F. E. B., 1887; British Guiana. Note.—Horst believes that the first four of these are in reality the same species, and proposes to retain the name of E. decipiens for them. See Perrier, ‘Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris,’ viii, 1872; Beddard, ‘ Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin.,’ xiii, 1885-6; ‘Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,’ 1886-7; ‘ Journ. Anat. and Phys.,’ xxii, 1887; ‘Zool. Anzeiger,’ 1888, No. 293; ‘ Encycl. Brit.,’ 9th —~ AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 243 edition, “ Worms;” Horst, ‘ Notes from Leyden Museum,’ ix; Beddard, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxx. Genus 14. TELEUDRILUS, Rosa, 1888. The eight set, in couples, are rather far apart. The clitellum includes Somites xtv—xvit. The male pore is median on Somite xrx; the pair of oviducal pores between Somites x1v and xv; a median spermathecal pore between Somites x11 and xtv. Nephridiopores in line with outer setz. The testes in Somites x and x1, enclosed in a sac-like con- tinuations of the sperm-sacs, which lie in Somites xz and x11. The ciliated rosettes are in the latter somites. The two prostates open into a median copulatory sac, communicating with the exterior and receiving another median sac. The ovary is continuous with the wall of the ovisac, into which the funnel of the oviduct opens. There is a commu- nication between the ovisac and the neck of the spermatheca on each side. [The gizzard occupies Somites vi and vit (? also v); there is a pair of lobed calciferous diverticula in Somite x111, and ventral diverticula in Ix, x, XI. Nephridia simple, as in Eudrilus.] Species 1. T. raggazii, Rosa, 1888; Africa. See Rosa, ‘Ann. d. Mus. Civico del Storia Nat. d. Genova,’ Series 2, vi, 1888. Genus 15. Pontopritvs, E. P., 1881. The eight set are separate. The clitellum, which is complete, occupies Somites x111 to XVII. The male pores in Somite xvitr. The prostate is tubular and convoluted. Sperm-sacs.—Two pairs, in xt and x11. Testes and funnels in 1x, Xx. Ovary and oviduct as usual. 244 W. B. BENHAM. The nephridia do not commence till Somite xv; the pores are in line with the second seta. The “ duct ” of the nephri- dium is feebly marked. There is no gizzard, no typhlosole, no subneural vessel, no dorsal pores. [Found on the sea-shore. Two pairs of spermathece, which have small appendices in Somites vir and 1x, opening anteriorly. | Species 1. P. littoralis, Grube, 1855 ; Villa-Franca. 2. P. marionis, E. P., 1874; Marseilles. See Perrier, ‘ Arch. d. Zool. Exp. et Gen.,’ ix, 1881. Genus 16. Puotopritvs, Giard, 1887 (=Lumbricus phosphoreus, Dugés). The eight sete are separate. No. 1 setais near the middle line. Clitellum on Somites x11 to xvit. The male pores on Somite xvm1. There are “ penial” sete in this somite, and anterior penial sete in Somites x11 and xIII. Genital organs as in previous genus. The nephridia commence in Somite xiv; the pores are in a line with the second seta. There is no gizzard, no typhlosole, no subneural vessel. [One pair of spermathecz in Somite rx. The prostomium does not encroach on the buccal somite. “ Septal glands” in Somites v to 1x, probably open dorsally. Four esophageal swellings in Somites x to x11. Small, transparent, rose-coloured worm, clitellum orange ; phosphorescent. ] Species 1. P. phosphoreus, Dug., 1837; Europe. See Giard, ‘Comptes Rendus, 1887; Rosa, ‘Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino,’ iii, 1888. Genus 17. Microsco.ex, Rosa, 1887. The setze in four couples; those of outer couple further apart than those of the inner couple. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 245 The clitellum, complete, covers Somites x111 to xvi (xvi). The male pores are in Somite xvi. Sperm-sacs, testes, ovaries, as in preceding genus. The prostates lobate; penial sete present. The nephridia commence in Somite 1v; nephridiopores in front of the third seta. There is no gizzard, no typhlosole, no subneural vessel, nor dorsal pores. [Small, transparent ; white clitellum. One pair of spermathecze in Somite 1x.] Species 1. M. modestus, Rosa; Italy. See Rosa, ‘ Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino,’ ii, 1887, and iii, 1888. Genus 18. Ruopopritvs, Beddard, 1889. The sete separate, in eight series. The clitellum occupies Somites x1v to xvit. The prostates are tubular; penial sete present; the male ducts open independently of the prostates—all in Somite xvi. The sperm-sacs in Somites x1, x11. Prostomium incompletely dovetailed into the peristomium. [Spermathecee.—Four pairs, in vi, vil, v1, 1x; each with appendix. A gizzard is present in Somite v. No calciferous glands. Nephridiopores in front of third seta. Dorsal pores are present. | Species 1. R. minutus, F. E. B.; New Zealand. See Beddard, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1889. Genus 19. Piutetuuvs, E. P., 1878. Setz eight, equidistant. The clitellum covers Somites xiv to xvi1, complete ven- trally. The male pores on Somite xviit. Oviducal pores on Somite x (7). The nephridial pores in line alternately with sete two 246 W. B. BENHAM. and four except anterior four pairs, which open in front of third seta; nephridia simple, slightly coiled tubule, lying entirely within one somite (?). The sperm-sacs in Somite x11. Prostate tubular, convoluted. [Spermathecze.—Five pairs, in Somites v to 1x; very small, with coiled diverticulum. Ovary in Somite x (?). Gizzard in Somite v1; cesophageal glands in Somites x, x1, XU, The dorsal pores begin behind Somite vi. Lateral hearts in Somites x, x1, x11.] Species 1. P. heteroporus, E. P.; Pennsylvania. See Perrier, ‘ Arch. d. Zool. Exp. et Gen.,’ 11, 1873. Remarks on Eudrilide. I have here united with the peculiar genera Eudrilus and Teleudrilus a number of other genera which are much more normal in the arrangement of their genital organs than are these two; for I think, with Rosa, that Eudrilus need not form a type of a separate family. It is only lately that we have had a thorough description of the female genital organs of Eudrilus; and though from Perrier’s descriptions, and the earlier ones of Beddard, it appeared as if we had to do with a very abnormal type, Bed- dard’s more recent papers on the subject, and Rosa’s descrip- tion of Teleudrilus, remove some of the apparent peculiari- ties. But they both remain very different from other worms, in that the ovary is not freely dependent in the cclom, but enclosed in a sac, the walls of which are continuous with those of the oviduct; a similar condition of things is present in Microcheta in regard to the testis. And no doubt both these cases are in reality similar to the enclosure of the testes and rosettes in a common sac in Lumbricus and other forms, Here, however, the portion of ccelom separated by the wall of the sperm-sac is very considerable, whereas in the case of the ovary of Eudrilus and the testis of Microcheta, AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 247 this separated coelomic space is smaller, and has appeared more peculiar than it really is. As above mentioned, Kudrilus possesses two pairs of ovaries according to Beddard, the posterior pair serving apparently as ovisacs. Rosa has already pointed out the close relation between Pontodrilus, Photodrilus, and Microscolex. ‘These three forms serve to show the invalidity of Claparéde’s charac- teristics of “Terricole.’’ The absence of a gizzard is, no doubt, connected with the character of the food. Plutellus is altogether a peculiar form; the only descrip- tion we have of it is that by Perrier. The position of the ovi- ducal pore and of the ovary is so abnormal that a renewed examination is desirable. 2. Sete more than eight (30—40) per somite. Family VI. Perionycide. Genus 20. Perionyx, E. P., 1872. Setz thirty to fifty per somite. Prostomium dovetailed incompletely into peristomium. Clitellum on Somites x1v—xvi1 or less, complete ven- trally ; intersegmental grooves not completely obliterated. Male pores close together, in a depression on Somite XVIII. Oviducal pore median, in Somite xrv. Prostate flattened, rounded; its pore common with the spermiducal pore. - [Genital organs as in Pericheta, but without a median sperm-sac. Gizzard in Somites vi and vir; no ceca or other diverticula of the canal. Nephridia large, paired; the duct not provided with a cecum; apertures irregularly arranged in some species, as in P. saltans. | Species 1. P. excavatus, HK. P., 1872; Cochin China, the Philippines, and Burmah. 2. P. MclIutoshii, F. E. B., 1883; Burmah. 3. P. saltans, A. G. B., 1886; India. 248 WwW. B. BENHAM. See Perrier, ‘ Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, vili, 1872; Beddard, ‘Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ 5th Series, vol. xii, 1883; ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1886; Bourne, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1886; Rosa, ‘Ann. d. Mus. Civico d. Storia Nat. d. Genova,’ vi, 1888. Remarks on Perionycide. In external characters Perionyx agrees exceedingly closely with Pericheta. In the former, however, the male pores are close together in a median pit, whereas in most species of Pericheta they are rather wide apart, and on papille. Again, the clitellum does not so completely obliterate the segments and the grooves in Perionyx (nor are its limits so distinctly defined) as in Perichzta. The absence of ceca, and of any other diverticula of the alimentary canal, and the presence of large nephridia, are characters said to be found in some species of Perichzta. The median position of the ovi- ducal pore has certainly a striking resemblance to that of Pericheta. It may be possible to transfer those worms with large nephridia, with forward position of the gizzard, without ceeca, and with closely approximated male pores, which are at present regarded as species of Pericheta, to the genus Periony x. At present only three species have been described: P. ex- cavatus, H. P:; P. MeIntoshi1, F>E. B.; and Py saliane A. G. B.—the last two very briefly. B. There is no hollow prostate in connection with or in the region of the male pore. 1. The male apertures are behind Somite xvii1, within the area occupied by the clitellum. a. Eight sete, separate or even alternate in some part of the body. There is only one pair of sperm-sacs, which extend through several somites. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 249 Family VII. Geoscolecidex, Rosa (=partly L. intraclitel- liens, E, P.=partly Eudrilide, Claus, Vejdovsky = partly Geoscolecidz, Rosa). The eight setz have a tendency to separate, or even to be arranged alternately in consecutive somites, either throughout the body or only posteriorly. The clitellum commences behind Somite x1v usually, and extends over nine or more somites, intersegmental grooves not being obliterated. The sperm-sacs are very long; there is but one pair of testes and rosettes; the genital pores are very small, and may be accompanied by glandular swellings. A few of the anterior nephridia are larger than the following ones, and may even be collected into a mass forming a pepto- nephridium. The typhlosole is a mere dependent fold. Genus 21. GzoscoiEx, Leuckart, 1841 (=Titanus, E. P., 1872). The separation of the setz occurs posteriorly, but no alternation seems to occur. Clitellum is incomplete ventrally, and extends over Somites Xv to XXIII. Spermiducal pores are intersegmental between Somites xviir and xix, surrounded by an internal thickening of epi- dermis. Oviducal pores are on Somite xtv. Sperm-sacs extend from Somites x11 to xx or xxv. [Testes and ciliated funnels are in Somite x11. No spermathece are known. Gizzard is in Somite vi; calciferous glands in Somite x111. Nephridia commence in Somite iv; the pores are in front of the inner couple of sete. The nephridium consists of a short, slightly and loosely coiled tubule, opening into a strongly developed duct, which is produced into a blind sac: this czecum varies in its proportions in different parts of the body. The first nephridium is rather different from the following, VOL, XXXI, PART 1I—NEW SER. R 250 W. B. BENHAM. as the coil of the tubule is larger and more compact ; it serves probably as an extra-buccal pepto-nephridium. Both Leuckart and Perrier were unable to see the nephridiopores in front of the fourteenth somite, but nephridia are present although the pores are difficult to see. | Species 1. G. maximus, Leuckart, 1841 (=T. brasiliensis, E. P., 1872), Brazil. 2. G. forguesii, E. P., 1881; La Plata. See Leuckart, ‘ Zool. Bruchstiicke, Stuttgart, part 11, 1841 ; Perrier (Titanus), ‘Nouv. Arch.,’ &c., viii, 1872; and ibid., ix, 1881, foot-note, p. 235; Rosa, ‘ Boll. d. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino,’ i11, 1888, Genus 22. Urocuara, E. P., 1872. Sete eight; anteriorly in couples, then they gradually become separate; and finally, alternate in consecutive somites. Clitellum on Somites x1v to xx11, complete ventrally; inter- segmental grooves not obliterated. Spermiducal pores between Somites xx and xxi (on Somite xx, E. P.; between x1x and xx, Rosa). Nephridiopores in line with the 3rd seta. Sperm-sacs, one pair, occupying Somites x111 to xv, or evel more. [Prostomium appears to be absent. Penial setz on Somites xix, xx, xxi, and xxiI. Testes and ciliated rosettes in Somite x11. Three pairs of spermathecz, in Somites vi1, vi11, 1x (Rosa), VI, viI, vii (Beddard, Horst), or vi11, 1x, x (Perrier). The nephridia, except the anterior pair, are simple, slightly coiled tubes, without any or only with very feebly developed duct. The anterior nephridia are massed together to form “ pepto- nephridia,” the tubules of which open at one end into the celom by ciliated funnels, and at the other into a large duct which communicates with the exterior in front of Somite 111. The gizzard occupies Somite vir; and there are three pairs of flask-shaped calciferous diverticula, in Somites vil, Ix, X. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 251 “ Pyriform ” sacs occur in posterior part of the body, on the ventral surface. | (N.B.—The enumeration of the somites is given differently by the three authors who have described Urocheta. Rosa has pointed out that there is some reason to believe that Perrier counted a portion of the extended buccal region as the first somite ; with the result that his first setigerous somite, instead of being the second, as in all other worms, is the third ; hence it becomes necessary to subtract one, in some cases, from Perrier’s numbers. Beddard has elucidated the position of the gonads by means of longitudinal sections—the only reliable means of deciding their position; and on this point I have followed him. ‘The position of the external organs, and some of the internal structures, I have been able to decide for myself by an examination of some specimens kindly given to me by Mr. W. Sclater, who obtained them in Demerara.) Species 1. U. corethrura, Fr. Muller, 1857; Brazil, Java, Martinique, Fernando Noronha, and Aus- tralia. 2. U. dubia, Horst ; Sumatra. See Perrier, ‘ Arch. de Zool. Exp. et Gen., iii, 1874; Beddard, ‘Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin.” 1887; ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix; Rosa, ‘Ann. d. Mus. Civ.,’ Genova, viii, 1889. Genus 23. Dracnz#ta, Benham, 1886. Setz 8, separate, alternate from somite to somite through- out the body, except Seta 1, which always retains a linear arrangement. Clitellum complete ; covers Somites xx to xXxxIII, inter- segmental grooves distinct all round. Spermiducal pores on Somite xx11; no penial sete. Sperm-sacs extend through Somites xit to xxxvit.! Nephridiopores in front of the outer sete. [No prostomium. Testes (?) and ciliated rosettes in Somite x1. * In apaper by Beddard (a proof of which Prof. Lankester has kindly allowed me to see) on a new species of this genus, two pairs of sperm-sacs are described. 202 W. B. BENHAM. Spermathece.—Three pairs in Somites vi, vu, and vil, opening at the posterior edge of the somites. Gizzard in Somite v1; no accessory glands or czca. Septa in anterior somites strong as in the other two genera. Nephridia large, the duct simple without a cecum. Those of the first pair, which open externally in Somite 111, are much larger than the rest; the coil of tubules compact, and having a glandular appearance. It no doubt serves as a “ pepto- nephridium.”” I have not observed any funnel to this first nephridium. | Species 1. D. thomasii, W. B. B., 1886; St. Thomas, W. Indies. See Benham, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvii. Remarks on Geoscolecide. I have divided Rosa’s family of this name into two families, retaining his name to include three genera which agree closely with one another, especially in having a single pair of testes and sperm-sacs. But the structure of the nephridia do not here serve as a family character, since the cecum of Geoscolex is not present in other two genera. The position of the male pores is noticeably different from that in most other families, and resembles that in the Rhino- drilide. The fact that Perrier’s worm Titanus is identical with a worm described by Leuckart some thirty years before was apparently discovered by Rosa, who pointed out the curious agreement even in the words used by these two zoologists in their description of the worm. b. The eight sete are in couples and exhibit no alternation in their arrangement. There are two or more pairs of sperm-sacs. Family VIII. Rhinodrilidz, mihi (= partly L. intraclitel- liens, E. P., partly Eudrilide, Claus, Vejdovsky, Rosa). The eight setz are in four couples, the individual set of each couple being close together. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. P5933 The clitellum, incomplete ventrally, commences in front of Somite xviii, and occupies ten or more somites. The spermiducal pores are behind Somite xv11r (with the exception of Hormogaster), and are usually nearly in the middle of the clitellum. There are two or more pairs of sperm-sacs, and two pairs of testes and rosettes. The spermathece are either small, or if large are quite simple, without appendices. The gizzard is in front of Somite x. Nephridia are provided with a large duct, usually produced into a cecum; nephridiopores are in a line with the outer couple of setz (except in Hormogaster). Genus 24. Rarnopritus, E. P., 1872 (= Thamnodrilus, Beddard, 1887). Prostomium is two or three times longer than the first somite [and can be withdrawn into the buccal cavity; at any rate, it is so in spirit specimens]. The setw are ornamented near their distal ends with several rows of crescentic ridges, which are slightly more marked in the clitellar set. The clitellum, which does not extend across the ventral surface, occupies seven or more somites, xv to xxv (XX—XxXVI, Horst). Along its ventral boundary, on each side, is a glan- dular band—tu bercula pubertatis—on Somites xx—xxy. The spermiducal pore is intersegmental between xx and XxI (according to my own observation) (x1x/xx, E. P.). The nephridiopores are in a line with the outer setz, Sperm-sacs are two pairs, in Somites x1, x11, with median sacs. [Two pairs of testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x1, x11. Spermathece are long and club-shaped, in Somites vu, vii1, 1x (Horst), or globular, in Somites v to viii, in a species examined by myself. The nephridium has only a short and slightly coiled tubule ; the duct is produced into a cecum. The anterior six 254. Ww. B. BENHAM. or seven pairs of nephridia are larger than the following ones; and the duct is simple. The first pair, or extra-buccal pepto-nephridia, opening externally on Somite 11, is parti- cularly large, and lies below the cesophagus. Gizzard in vit or VIII. Typhlosole is a small fold, with a spiral line of origin: (Hsophageal glands, six or eight pairs, in the next following somites. In addition to the dorsal vessel, there is a supra-intestinal trunk below it, from which two or three pairs of large “ intes- tinal hearts ” go to the sub-intestinal vessel. | Species 1. R. paradoxus, HE. P., 1872; Venezuela. 2. R. tenkatei, Horst, 1887; Surinam. 3. R. gulielmi, F. E. B., 1887; Brit. Guiana. 4. R. ecuadoriensis, W. B. B., 1889 (MS.); Ecuador. See Perrier, ‘ Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris,’ viii, 1872; Beddard (Thamnodrilus), ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887 ; Horst, ‘Notes from Leyden Museum,’ ix. Genus 25. Microcu#ta, F. E. B., 1885. Setz extremely small, in couples. Clitellum occupies ten to twelve somites between x and XXV. Spermiducal pore on Somite xix or xx. Oviducal pore between Somites x11 and x1tt. Nephridiopores very large, in a line with outer setz. Sperm-sacs in Somites x and x1, each pair being connected by a median sac in Somites 1x and x. [Prostomium small. No dorsal pores. Testes in Somites 1x, x, in special sacs communicating with sperm-sacs. Ovary in Somite x11.1 1 The peristomium in M. beddardi is provided with sete, and is therefore homologous with the peristomium + the second somite of Lum- bricus, hence the position of the ovary and other structures is typical, although dissection shows them one somite anterior to their real somites, In AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 255 Spermathece very minute and numerous, being from two to four pairs in all or some of the Somites x1z to xv. Nephridia very large, and of a peculiar form, each consisting of agreatly coiled tubule, arranged as a tuft, communicating with a large duct, which is produced into a great sac-like out- growth. This cecum is less developed in the anterior somites ; and is most feebly marked in the first pair of nephridia. Gizzard in Somite v1. A single pair of cesophageal glands in Somite rx, or partly in vir and partly in rx. The dorsal vessel is doubled anteriorly and specially enlarged in Somite viit. Lateral hearts, vi—x1.| Species 1. M. rappi, F. E. B., 1885; Cape of Good Hope. 2. M. beddardi, W. B. B., 1886; Natal. See Beddard, ‘ Trans. Zool. Soc.,’ xii, 1886 ; Benham, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvi and xxvii. Genus 26. Urosenvs, W. B. B., 1886. Setz in couples. Clitellum occupies Somites x1v to xxv, incomplete ven- trally. Spermiducal pore on Somite xx. Nephridiopores in a line with the outer sete. Sperm -sacs two pairs, of which one pair is in Somites x11 and x11, the second pair in Somite xtv. Peculiar “ pyriform sacs”? occur in pairs on the ventral surface of the body-wall opening externally ventrad of the inner setz, commencing in Somite x. Testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x11 and x1mt. [Spermathece three pairs, in Somites vii, vi11, and rx. Gizzard in Somite viii. Three pairs of flask-shaped calciferous glands in Somites ix; x, 7k M. rappi I find no trace of sete in the peristomium—the fusion is com- plete. 256 W. B. BENHAM. Intestinal pouches in Somites xvi to xxv. A pair of tubular intestinal ceca in Somite xxv1 resembling those of Pericheta. All the nephridia have a large ceecum; the duct being very long in the first seven nephridia. ] Species 1. U. brasiliensis, W. B. B., 1886; Brazil. See Benham, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvii. Genus 27. HormocastErR, Rosa, 1887. Set in couples; those of the inner couple rather far apart. Clitellum occupies Somites xv to xxv. Tubercula pubertatis along the edge of the clitellum on Somites xviii to xxiv. Spermiducal pores between Somites xv and xvi. Nephridiopores in line with Seta 2. Sperm-sacs in Somites x1 and x11. Gizzards three, in Somites v1, VII, VIII. [Globose intestinal czeca in Somite xxi, and smaller ones in following few somites. Spermathecz in Somites x, XI, XII. Testes and rosettes in Somites x, xI. Nephridial ducts provided with slight cxcal prolongations. | Species 1. B. redii, Rosa, 1887 ; Italy. See Rosa, ‘Sulla Struttura dello Hormogaster Redii,’ Torino, 1888. Genus 28. Bracnypritvus, Benham, 1888. Setz very small, in four couples. Clitellum occupies Somites xvi to xxi (though probably more). Spermiducal pores in a deep fossa occupying Somite XVIII. Two pairs of sperm-sacs, in Somites x, x1, enclosing the ciliated rosettes. Large and muscular thickening of body-wall, through which the sperm-ducts pass to the exterior, occupies Somites xv to XX. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS, 257 Spermathece small; two or three pairs on hinder margin of Somite x1. Two pairs of nephridia in each somite, each a simple tubule without a distinct duct. [Sixteen globular “albumen-glands” are present, as four sacs on each side of Somites x, x1. Ovaries in Somite x11.! The worm is very short in proportion to its width. ] See Benham, ‘ Zool. Anzeiger,’ 1888, No. 271. Remarks on Rhinodrilidz. I include in this family the remaining genera grouped by Rosa in his Geoscolecidz ; the two families together nearly correspond with Perrier’s “ intraclitellian worms.” The most aberrant form is Hormogaster, with its male pores far forwards, and nephridiopores in line with the inner couple of sete. In these two points, showing a decided affinity to Lumbricus, and perhaps it belongs to the family Lumbricide. Brachydrilus is of interest in possessing two pairs of large uephridia in each somite; evidently an intermediate condition between a network in which the tubules have become grouped, as in Cryptodrilus, into three masses on each side, and the ordinary condition of a pair of nephridia. It is quite conceivable that, as in Megascolides, one tubule becomes gradually larger, whilst at the same time the rest become fewer, in some other form two such tubules might increase in size, and so result in two pairs of nephridia per somite. The testes and spermiducal pores have abnormal positions very usually in this family; for instance, in Microcheta testes and ovaries are placed one somite further forwards than is normally the case;? in Urobenus and Rhinodrilus the 1 The fusion between peristomium and first setigerous somite appears complete. * See foot-note on p. 254, 258 W. B. BENHAM. funnels are further back, as I have ascertained by longitudinal sections, in addition to dissection. 2. Male pores in front of Somite xvii, anterior to the clitellum. Family IX. Lumbricide, Claus and Rosa (=L. anteclitel- liens, E. P. = Lumbricide +Criodrilide, Vejdovsky). The eight sete are either in couples, the individual setz being very close together ; or they may gradually separate so as to give eight equidistant setz per somite. The clitellum, incomplete ventrally, usually commences behind Somite xx (in one case on Somite xv), and occupies from six to nine, sometimes more, somites. The spermiducal pores are on Somite xv, or on an anterior somite. There are three or four pairs of sperm-sacs in Somites 1x to XII. Testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x, x1. The oviducal pores are on Somite xrv. Spermathecez may be absent, or when present are nearly spherical sacs without diverticula. Nephridiopores in a line with the inner couple of set. Each nephridium is a greatly coiled tube, terminating in a large muscular duct without a cecum. The gizzard when present lies behind Somite x. There are no pepto-nephridia. Genus 29. Lumpricus, Eisen (= partly Lumbricus, Limneus, &c.). Prostomium dovetailed completely into the peristomium. Setze always in couples, the individual sete of which are close together. Clitellum occupies six or seven somites, commencing some- where between Somites xxvi and xxxiI. Spermiducal pores on Somite xv. Sperm-sacs three pairs, in Somites rx, x1, x11, connected AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 259 across the middle line in Somites x, x1, by sacs enclosing the testes and ciliated rosettes. Tubercula pubertatis, four on each side, forming a band along the ventral limit of the clitellum. These, and the sper- mathece are absent in L. eiseni. [Colour reddish brown, iridescent. Form cylindrical, more or less flattened posteriorly. First dorsal pore may begin between Somites vir and vitt, or posteriorly to this. Anus terminal. Spermathecz.—Two pairs in Somites rx and x, opening posteriorly nearly in a line with the lateral sete. Spermatophores, in the breeding season, fixed to the body behind the genital pores. Gizzard occupies Somites xvi1 and xvitt. (Hsophageal calciferous glands x1 and x11.] Species 1. L. agricola, Hoffm., 1845; Europe, N. America (= L. terrestris, L., partly). 2. L. rubellus, Hoffm., 1845; Europe, Newfound- land. 3. L. castaneus, Sav., 1829; Europe, Newfound- land. 4. L. melibceus, Rosa, 1884; Europe. 5. L. eiseni, Levinsen, 1883; Europe. 6. L. caucasicus, Kulagin, 1888; South Russia. See Hoffmeister, ‘ Die bis jetzt bekannten Arten aus d. Fam. der Regenwirmer,’ 1845; Hisen, ‘ Ofvers. af Kong. Vetensk. Akad. Forhandlungen,’ 1870, 1873, &c.; Rosa, ‘ Il Lombricidi del Piemonte,’ Torino, 1884, and later papers in ‘ Boll. Mus. Zool.,’? Torino. Genus 30. ALLoLosporHora, Hisen (= Lumbricus, L., partly). Prostomium only partially dovetailed into the peristomium. Setz either in four couples, or individual setz more or less widely separated. 260 W. B. BENHAM. Clitellum occupies five to nine somites (rarely more), commencing somewhere between Somites xxvi and xxxII. Spermiducal pores on Somite xv. Sperm-sacs.—Four pairs, in Somites rx, x, x1, and x11, unconnected from side to side, so that the testes and ciliated rosettes lie freely in Somites x and x1. Tubercula pubertatis are two or three pairs, sometimes in consecutive somites, sometimes on alternate somites (ten pairs in one species): rarely absent as in A. subrubicunda. [Colour more varied thanin Lumbricus; from deep sienna- brown to light transparent grey, sometimes green. First dorsal pore may begin as far forwards as Somite rv, or more posteriorly. Spermathecz usually two pairs (sometimes more, or they may be absent asin A. subrubicunda), opening either ante- riorly or posteriorly, either near the lateral setz or near the dorsal line. Spermatophores fixed behind the genital pores. (Esophageal pouches in Somite x, and calciferous glands in XI. Gizzard as in Lumbricus.] Species 1. A. chlorotica, Sav., 1832; Europe, N. America (= L. riparius, Hoffm., 1845). 2. A. foeetida, Sav., 1829; Europe, N. America, Australia (= L. olidus, Hoffm., 1845). 3. A. submontana, Vejd., 1875; Bohemia. 4, A. fraissei, Orley, 1881; Balearic Isles. 5. A. mediterranea, Orley, 1881; Balearic Isles. 6. A. nordenskjoldii, Eisen; Scandinavia, Siberia, Azores, Newfoundland. 7. A. subrubicunda, Eisen, 1873; South Siberia, Europe, Magellan. 8. A. tumida, Eisen, 1874; Denmark, N. America. 9. A. parva, Eisen, 1874; Denmark, N. America. 10. A. arborea, Eisen, 1874; Denmark. 11. A. dubiosa, Orley, 1881 ; Europe. AN ATTEMPT TO GLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 261 Species 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Wf 18. Lo: 20. 21. 22. 20. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. él. 32. 30. 34: A. norvegica, Hisen, 1873; Norway. A. mucosa, Eisen, 1873; Europe, Siberia, N. America. A. trapezoides, Dug., 1828; Europe. A. turgida, Eisen, 1873; Europe, N. America, Australia. A. longa, Uhde, 1885; Germany. A. hispanica, Uhde, 1885; Spain. A. profuga, Rosa, 1884; Italy. A. transpadana, Rosa, 1884; Italy. A. minima, Rosa, 1884; Italy. A. constricta, Rosa, 1884; Italy. A. alpina, Rosa, 1884; Italy. A. veneta, Rosa, 1886; Italy, Portugal. A. ninnil, Rosa, 1886; Italy. A. tellinii, Rosa, 1888 ; Italy. A. molleri, Rosa, 1889; Portugal. A. orleyi, Horst, 1887; Hungary. A. (Dendrobena) rubida, Sav. 1832; Europe, Siberia, N. America (= L. octohedra, Sav., = A. boeckii, Hisen, 1870; = L. puter, Hoffm., 1845). A. bagdonowi, Kulagin, 1888; Russia. A. nassonowi, Kulagin, 1888; Russia. A. celtica, Rosa, 1886; Brittany. A.camplanata, Dug., 1828; Europe. A. icterica, Sav., 1832 ; Europe. A. gigas, Dug., 1828; Europe. Genus 31. Criopritus, Hoffmeister, 1845. Prostomium not dovetailed into the peristomium. Sete in couples, which are so placed as to give the body a quadrangular outline in section. Clitellum, ill-marked, extends from Somite x1v to about Somite x.y. Spermiducal pores on Somite xv, on a large rounded papilla almost lateral in position. 262 W. B. BENHAM. No tubercula pubertatis. [The worm is aquatic in habit; in colour, brownish green. In the breeding season one or more “ spermatophores ” are found fixed to the body in the neighbourhood, and in front, of the genital pores. Cocoons spindle-shaped, dark green. The anus is dorsal. Genital apparatus as in Allolobophora; the male duct passes through a glandular thickening of epidermis situated around the aperture. No spermathecee. No gizzard and no cesophageal glands are present. The typhlosole, frequently denied, is present. The nephridia commence in Somite x (according to Collin, Zeit. Wiss. Zool.,’ xlvi, 1888). ] Species 1. C. lacuum, Hoffm., 1845 ; Europe. See Benham, ‘Quart. Journ. Micr.Sci.,’ xxvii; Orley, ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxvii; Rosa, ‘Sul Criodrilus lacuum,’ Torino, 1887. Genus 382. AttuRus, Hisen (= L. tetraedrus, Dugés). Prostomium partially dovetailed into the peristomium. Setz in four couples, latero-ventral and latero-dorsal in position. Clitellum occupies Somites xx11 to xxvit. Spermiducal pores on Somite x11, lateral in position. Sperm-sacs as in Allolobophora; sperm-duct opens through a glandular thickening of epidermis as in Criodrilus. [Body posteriorly quadrangular. Spermathecee minute sacs (visible only in sections) in Somite vill; aperture not intersegmental, but close to the lateral sete. Gizzard in Somite xvii. Small esophageal glands in Somites x—xr1v, not very distinct. The nephridia commence in Somite rv. First dorsal pore between Somites rv and y.] AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 263 Species 1. A. tetraedrus, Sav., 1832; Europe. See Beddard, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxviii. Remarks on Lumbricide. Hisen was the first to subdivide the genus Lumbricus into two sub-genera, according to the relative amount of dovetailing of the prostomium into the peristomium. This is accompanied by certain other characters, which have been held sufficient to characterise genera in other cases. So that I retain his sub- divisions Lumbricus and Allolobophora; but as his genus Dendrobena is only distinguished from the latter genus in having all the setze equidistant, and as all stages occurring in this separation are found in Allolobophora, I agree with Rosa that we ought not to recognise it. The anatomy of Criodrilus, recently worked out by Rosa and myself, and again by Collin, is not very greatly different from that of Allolobophora. The most important points of difference are in the extent of the clitellum—which, till my dis- covery of it, had been denied, and in which Collin confirms me—and in the fact that this glandular modification of the epi- dermis commences in Somite xv ; together with the absence of spermathece. This last character—which at first sight seems to mark it off from the rest of the family—serves in reality as a further link; for spermathecze are absent in Lumbricus eiseni, Levinsen,! and in Allolobophora constricta, Rosa.” This negative character is, as Rosa has recently * pointed out, accompanied by another negative character, viz. the absence of tubercula pubertatis—structures almost limited to the family Lumbricide, as they have only been mentioned or figured in the species of Rhinodrilus, and in Hormogaster. The spermatophores, so noticeable a feature in nearly every adult specimen of Criodrilus, are also known in many 1 Levinsen, ‘ Syst. geogr. oversigt over de nordiske annulata,’ &c., Copen- hagen, 1883. 2 Rosa, ‘Il Lumbricidi del Piemonte,’ 1884. 3 Rosa, ‘ Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp.,’ Torino, vol. iv, November, 1889, 264 W. B. BENHAM. species of Lumbricus and Allolobophora; and unknown elsewhere. Criodrilus, in fact, must be regarded as a degenerate Allolobophora, owing to its altered mode of life; its aquatic habit has no doubt a connection with the absence of a gizzard, and very likely with the absence of nephridia in the anterior somites, which may probably be used in ordinary earthworms as salivary glands—that is, for the purpose of moistening the food. At any rate, we find the same absence of anterior nephridia in another aquatic form, Pontodrilus; aud the fact that in so many worms the anterior nephridia are specially large, or modified in some way (as in Urocheta, Diacheta, &c.), and even open into the pharynx instead of externally, bears me out in this idea. In this connection it is interesting, though contradictory, to find that Allurus, which is also an aquatic form, but lives in the soii below the water, whilst Criodrilus lives actually in the water, has nephrida in the anterior somites. Allurus has no true spermathece. Beddard describes a minute sac embedded in the body wall, and opening exter- nally on the somite, but no spermatozon were observed in it; and it may perhaps be either degenerate, or of the nature of an albumen (“ capsulogenous”’) gland. The species both of Lumbricus and Allolobophora are in a state of great confusion; even modern authors make two species out of one, or split up one into two. The list I have given is taken from Vejdovsky’s ‘System und Morphologie,’ with additional species described since the date of his mono- graph. Incerte sedis. He opritus, Hoffmeister, 1845. Setz black, in couples. Clitellum absent. Spermiducal pores on Somite xv. Gizzard present. Pigment spots are present on peristomial somite, but are absent in young individuals. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 265 Ecuinopritus, Vaillant, 1869 (= L. multispinus, Grube, 1851). Set four bundles of 5 in each somite. Clitellum absent. Spermiducal pores in Somite x11. Anrtevs, E. P., 1872. Setze four couples. Clitellum ill-defined, on Somites xv to xxix. Spermiducal pores unknown. Sperm-sacs, two pairs, in Somites 1x, x. Gizzard, Somite v1. Nephridia large; pores in line with outer sete. Anterior septa very thick. Vaillant points out that in many respects Perrier’s descrip- tion agrees with that given by Beddard and myself for Micro- cheta rappi. Size: Anteus, 1:16 m. (i.e. 45 inches); Microcheta is 3 feet 6 inches to 6 feet. The arrangement of setz and indistinctness of the clitellum are also points of resemblance. To show the difficulty of deciding where the clitellum commences in Microcheta, it is noteworthy that whereas Beddard puts the extent of this structure as Somites x to xxx inclusive, I reckoned it as occupying Somites x11 to xxv. Both Beddard and I were unable to recognise the spermi- ducal pore externally. The anuulation of the somites rendered it difficult to count them ; thus Beddard figures the gizzard in Somite vi1, whilst I found it to be in Somite vr. He states that the spermi- ducal pore is on Somite xvi11; I found it to be on xx. In both Anteus and Microcheta the anterior septa are especially thick and infundibuliform. Perrier places the last of these thick septa behind Somite 1x; Beddard places it in Microcheta behind the eighth, and I found it behind the seventh. These discrepancies are no doubt due to the diffi- culty of counting the somites. A nephridium of Anteus is figured by Perrier. He repre- VOL, XXXI, PART II],—NEW SER. s 266 Ww. B. BENHAM. sents it as a long, narrow tube, equal in diameter throughout, and thrown into a number of curves. It ends in what he regards as the celomic funnel—“ une sorte de houpe formée par une série de replis membraneux implantés sur sa portion terminale libre.” This I take to be in reality a tuft of loops of the coiled tube, such as exists in the nephridium of Micro- cheta (see my paper, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvi, pl. xvi, figs. 21, 25, 26). It is possible that the wide muscular duct there figured might in an ill-preserved specimen shrink, and have the appearance of such a duct as Perrier figures. Perrier states that behind the twentieth somite the nephridia are smaller and somewhat different from those anteriorly ; such is also the case in Microcheta. The fact that the spermathece in Microcheta are very small, and quite differently situated from what is the rule in other earthworms, might be suggested in explanation of their having been overlooked by Perrier. In Microcheta the dorsal vessel becomes doubled in each of the Somites tv, v, v1, vi1, and viii, and in the last is very much thickened. In Anteus Perrier figures and describes it as ampullate and bent aside in Somites x11—xvi1, and does not note any doubling. It would be exceedingly interesting to investigate more fully the anatomy of Anteus, for its locality, Cayenne, in Brazil, is so far removed from the home of Microcheta in South Africa that it seems scarcely credible that the two are identical. Kisenta, Vaillant, 1889 ( = Tetragonurus, Eisen, 1874). Prostomium does not dovetail into peristomium. Setz in couples. Male pores in Somite x11. No further details are given. Species 1. E. pupa, Hisen, 1874; Canada, N. America. See Hisen, ‘ Ofvers af. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Férhandl.,’ 1874. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 267 IV. Tasutar SumMMARY oF GENERIC CHARACTERS. I have here brought together the main characters of the various genera in a tabular form, the genera being arranged alphabetically. The information is, of course, condensed, and the terms employed are defined in the chapter dealing with nomenclature. V. InpEx To IDENTIFICATION OF GENERA. In addition to the following ‘‘ tabular summary” it has occurred to me that it would be useful to zoologists examining earthworms to have the genera arranged in such a manner that identification to some extent may be rendered less diffi- cult, as it is by no means an easy matter to distinguish many of the genera from one another, and I have found a table of this sort a great help to myself. In order to add to its usefulness I have appended to each genus the page in this memoir in which will be found further details and references to papers on the genus. OO eee oJLUIOS YqIANOF umrut RSOYy . Ur ulseq £ jos paryyy| opdurrs SOrrydoursoyy|-oystzod ogur poyieyoaoq LT aqodutoo (ZT) 9T-€T sodnod FAST ‘xXepoosorory_ “gT| GZ-OT W9EMYOq ALOT. 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7 uo sarod ‘epg ‘d ‘SN[IIpozuog poynpoayon f ‘wmrmoysttod ojur paprezoaog d J] avy “out ‘6c2 ‘d ‘sn[ltpoyqguvoy ° ° * Bssoy B Ur le avy “XIX c -JVU194[B ‘epg “d ‘sutpoynt qd oyeandos aos f umruroysttod oqur poyreyoaod {: *ITAX—IIIX pues ITAX soqrut you ‘sMOL UT ‘Lez di reg eus ray, * + + essoz doop uy J -og ut ‘sated omy, J "yee d fL04svSoyorq Xx ‘W1AxX ‘sared omy fsozvqsoad avynqny, * * * XX—IIIx ‘ppg A ‘xopoosocorqy * °° * * ° aed ouo {saqeqsord poqory * * * ITAX—IITX ‘TVS ‘d ‘s PL RE polteqoAop mantut0ysord fsajdnoo uraqyeg * * * IIIAK—AIX - omams se *: Paieieacp jou umnrmoysoad £sazdnoo uy DOSED. “es “Lez. ‘df sovs-u10ds ‘rogsvsiq | yosared omy, "O2Z ‘df sows-utrods preps: Smee Nis tnputo4stiad * weyog ‘IIAX—AIX J tS ‘snaydhy | youvd ougs “gpg ‘d SUIPOPONA{ Sou perreyaaop umrimmoqjsoad £ aqgvandag } ‘gez ‘d ‘aogseSomioq °° ° * IAX/Ax ‘Tog ‘d ‘sn[iaportg * * * * umrmoystsed ojur porezoAop JON "ecg ‘d ‘vaoydoqojo[[yV * * * * * * * Ajajeydtmoour perreyoAog p* UINTIUOJsOIg "AX ‘geg ‘d ‘snotaqmny * umnrmojstrod oqur AJojo;dut09 pojreyoaoq, "8 * saqrutog woe -d aNanTTy. |) Sf et 8 ce Se tere | 9qtu0s ‘seg ‘d “ToqseattiuoyT ° °* * ° &Irx/rx 10 1x/x J rod ‘oeg *d <(IIXX—AIX UNTEPTO fIXx/XxX os0d oyemt) Byw@yoorQ * * * * Ajxorsoysod AjuQ]* *seqrHI0s BOS dATINIsUO0D ‘Tog ‘d “(iTxx oz0d oem) veyayourq * * Apog oy} qnoySnoaqy, ) wtoyeureypy J emer tcl (TAIN AcKiac Axe TIKOTTONLTO)) AN TARO Oi ee) 91 hee “ype °d “(vrprrydou oSavy) xXuotrag * soq}090} asojo A104] * sasod ayeyy “SULL B UL ‘geez -d “(erpraydou jo synj [fems) vya@yottog * * * * gavdv avg J otou 109g0}9T) “VUANGH) FO NOILVOMILNAGT OL XPANT—' A AN ATTEMPT TO OLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. Par fe VI. Puytoceny. I will now endeavour to trace the phylogeny of the group of earthworms, but owing to the scanty information as to their ontogeny, it is impossible to found anything like a true phylo- genetic tree. First of all it will be desirable to say a few words as to what may be considered ‘ primitive characters,” as two widely different families have been regarded as the more primitive, viz. Pericheta by Beddard, and Acanthodrilus by Rosa. I hope to be able to bring forward sufficient reason for denying to either of them an archaic condition. The excretory system, the sete, clitellum, prostate, and sperm-ducts may be taken as the more important characters. The Excretory System.—The recent researches of Bed- dard and Spencer have resulted in the conclusion that the net- work of tubules is a more primitive state than the large nephridia ; that, in fact, the latter have been derived in some way from the former. In Megascolides the excretory system in the anterior region of the body consists in a network of delicate tubules, with numerous external apertures, but without ccelomic funnels. Further back, one of these tubules on each side increases in size, and the network diminishes in extent; whilst in the somites quite posteriorly there is on each side a large tubule, which possesses a coelomic funnel, and which still retains its connection with the network. Spencer regards the anterior plectonephric condition as more primitive, and differs from Beddard in considering the nephridial funnels as new struc- tures, and not as derivatives of the flame-cells of Platyhelmia. It is to be noticed that the modification begins in the posterior somites, whilst the anterior part of the body still retains a primitive condition. Other instances of the co-existence of large nephridia with the network of tubules have already been given, 274 W. B. BENHAM. In Pericheta we have certainly a primitive condition, but more modified than in Megascolides, in that, at any rate in some species, the plectonephric tubules are provided with funnels, and in others co-exist with large nephridia.! 2. The Setw.—Beddard considers the perichztous condition as antecedent to the octochetous. Now, I believe we have ample evidence that the reverse is the case. Firstly, it is a nearly universal character of the Chetopoda that the setz are in two bundles on each side of each somite; in the Polycheta there are many setz in each group, in the Oligocheta only a few, and in a very large number of cases only two. In the Archi-annelida sete may be absent or only in one bundle on each side in each segment, but it is not unlikely that this group contains degenerate and not primitive forms. In Pericheta itself it is very usual to find fewer sete on the anterior somites than posteriorly. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, we are not in possession of actual details as to the mode of development of the setz in this genus. But if the modification of nephridia in Megascolides commences posteriorly and works forward, may we not assume that the same has happened in the case of the sete of Pericheta or Perionyx? If this were so, we should expect to find just what is actually existent, fewer setz anteriorly, i.e. less modi- fication than posteriorly where greater modification has taken place. In some of the species (P. attenuata and P. enormis) described by Fletcher (‘ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W..,’ vol. v, 1888) there are only eight sete in four couples in the first few somites ; then twelve in some of the following somites; and posteriorly they become more numerous. In P. dorsalis, only 16 at first, more posteriorly 30. In P. monticolla, only 16 per somite on first few rings, increasing to 27 about clitellar region, and behind to 50. Again,in Urocheta and inGeoscolex the setware arranged 1 For a discussion of the subject see Baldwin Spencer’s monograph on Megascolides, and Beddard’s papers in ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxviii and xxix. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY HARTHWORMS. 275 normally—i.e. in couples—anteriorly, but become separated posteriorly, or even, in Urocheta, alternate from somite to somite. That is, according to my view, modification has commenced posteriorly, but has not affected the whole of the body; whilst in Diacheta this change has extended all along the worm.! The perichzetous condition, according to my view, has arisen firstly by the separation of the individual sete, originally in couples, so as to produce eight equidistant sete (as in species of Acanthodrilus, in Plutellus, and Allolobo- phora boeckii) ; and then intermediate sete have appeared gradually fillmg up the spaces, leading on through Deino- drilus with twelve, to Perichzta with 20—100 per somite. I conceive this intercalation of setz to be effected by the gradual increase in length of the accessory sete (‘soies de remplacement” of Perrier), which are very usually found, one to each of the functional setze in many, perhaps in all earth- worms. Supposing all the accessory sete of a somite became thus fully developed contemporaneously with the existent sete, we should get a doubling of the sete, i.e. sixteen per somite. Hach of these would, later on, have an accessory seta, and these might develop into functional setz, and so on, till we get the perichetcus condition. Mr. Beddard would regard the penial setz in special sacs, found in many earthworms, as vestigial representatives of a perichetous condition. I would regard them, however, as secondary and as developed from ordinary accessory sete, which if carried to a greater extent would lead to a peri- chetous condition. If we look upon the perichztous condi- tion, then, in this light, the removal of Perionyx from its associations with Perichzeta merely indicates that the con- dition has been developed twice, and independently ; and if we 1 In a new species, D. windlei, Beddard states that there are no sete on the first five somites. Here the modification has gone further, and the sete have disappeared altogether. Microcheta presents a somewhat similar case of disappearance of sete and fusion of somites. This condition, of course, may have resulted also from a perichztous condition. 276 W. B. BENHAM. remember that the separation of the couples and that penial sete are present in various genera and families, I think it is allowable to so regard it. The Position of the Clitellum.—In the fresh-water worms (Microdrili) the clitellum is developed only during the breeding season, and around the somite carrying the male pore, or those immediately on each side of it. That is, the *intra-clitellian ” condition is the more primitive. Now, in Moniligaster sapphirinaoides the clitellum is on Somites x—x111, and the male pores between Somites x and x1. The reason that it has not been observed in other species of this genus is very likely due to the fact that it is present only for a short period, during the actual breeding season. When the male pores shifted backwards, as they have done in the rest of the earthworms, the clitellum probably accom- panied them, giving rise to what Perrier called “lombriciens intra-clitelliens :”’ in some cases the extent of the clitellum is small, at other times it is great. But apparently in some cases—Pericheta, Acanthodrilus, &c.—whilst retaining its limited extent, it has not kept up its relative position, coming to lie in front of the male apertures; whilst in the family Lumbricide it is still further removed from its primi- tive position, and lies far behind the spermiducal pores. The Sperm-ducts.—In the majority of the water-worms (except Lumbriculide) there is only one pair of sperm-ducts, and this I regard as the primitive condition—that is to say, when once the position of the genital glands had become fixed to definite somites, and the nephridia specialised for the pur- pose of conveying generative products to the exterior, there was only one pair serving as sperm-ducts, and one pair as oviducts ; previously to this state of things of course we should get a less limited specialization ; but from general considera- tions I believe one pair, and not two pairs (if so, why not three pairs or four pairs?), of sperm-ducts was the typical arrangement, AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 277 This condition is retainedin Moniligaster, where, too, the ducts are limited in length, passing through only one septum, and have their external aperture more nearly in the position common to the majority of water-worms than in any other earthworm. The single pair of sperm-ducts (and testes) is retained in the family Geoscolecide, in which, too, we find the sperm-sacs occupying, as in Tubifex, several somites. In Typheus, again, this primitive character is retained. The size of the ovisac in Moniligaster recalls the fact that the ova in water-worms after separation from the ovary push the septa back, and come to occupy several somites. When a second pair of sperm-ducts appeared, each would have its separate external aperture ; but (except in Pericheta stuarti, A. G. B.) the two pairs of apertures have dis- appeared; the two sperm-ducts become more or less fused together; and as in the case of sete and nephridia this fusion commences posteriorly and gradually ex- tends forwards. Thus in Acanthodrilus, and in Eu- drilus and Megascolides, the two ducts remain separate till they join the prostate; in Microcheta they remain separate through several somites; finally, in Lumbricus and others, the two unite immediately behind the second rosette. The Prostate.—In the majority of water-worms there is an enlargement of the sperm-duct near its pore, and this enlarge- ment may have glandular walls; this condition is retained in Moniligaster barwelli. In the rest of the earthworms, when present, we have either (a) a diverticulum of the sperm- duct, (4) a single pair of sacs opening independently of the sperm-ducts, or (¢c) a couple of pairs of separate prostates. In all the prostatiferous earthworms except in Acanthodrilidex we find either (a) or (0). Dichogaster has prostates of both varieties. No doubt the tubular prostates, as seen in these latter and in other genera, are more primitive than the branched prostates of Perichta, the flattened condition seen in Cryptodrilus and Perionyx leading towards this. Moniligaster barwelli is, in this matter, more primi- 278 W. B. BENHAM. tive than the remainder of the earthworms, and closely resembles Stylaria in the condition of its prostate. As I said above, we have practically no embryological data on which to found our theories as to ‘“‘ primitive” and “secondary ” characters in the earthworms. But there is one organ on which we have definite information, and that is that the dorsal blood-vessel is in Criodrilus formed by the fusion of a double vessel. Now, in several earthworms we find this double condition of the vessel. In Acanthodrilus multiporus and in Deinodrilus benhami there is a pair of dorsal vessels; in A. dis- similis this vessel is doubled in every somite, fusing at the septa: this condition is also present in the anterior somites of Microcheta rappi, and according to Beddard in Peri- cheta cerulea (Pleurocheta moseleyi), and this seems to have been the chief reason, in addition to its plectonephric condition, for regarding Acanthodrilus as the more primi- tive genus. In which worm are any of these organs retained in their most primitive condition? I think that Moniligaster sup- plies the answer in most points. The setz, clitellum, sperm- ducts, and prostate are all in agreement with the above-formu- lated conditions. The gizzard, too, is very different from what we find in other worms; its walls appear to be much less muscular than is usually the case; it is less marked, extends through several somites, and recalls the enlarged intestine of water-worms, with its wall only slightly thicker than the pre- ceding cesophagus.! Thus, on the whole, I am inclined to regard Moniligaster as the most primitive living earthworm, or rather as approaching most nearly to their original ancestor. At the 1 T should add that the anterior gizzard mentioned by Perrier has not been found in any of the species recently described—seven by Bourne, one by Horst, one by Beddard; and it is probable that he mistook for gizzard a mere dilatation of esophagus, as was the case in his description of Perionyx. Here he stated that the gizzard was in Somite x11; Rosa found here a swelling only, the true gizzard being in vil. AN ATTEMPT TO OLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 279 same time, in the condition of its excretory system and in the matter of the dorsal blood-vessel, Moniligaster is in a less primitive condition than many other worms, which, whilst advancing in respect of certain of their other organs, retain the primitive network of tubules more or less com- pletely. My idea as to the relation of the various families is as fol- lows:—From some of the earlier “ Limicolous” forms—Lum- bricomorpha minora—the earthworms have been derived along two lines.! Along one branch (a) the more primitive plectonephric condition has been retained from some Platy- helminth ancestor of the whole Chetopoda. Along the other (B) this has been replaced by the meganephric condition more usually found in the group. The Typhzide, having a single pair of prostates, stand at the end of the main branch of the first line (a); but from this line a branch has given rise to the Acanthodrilida, to which Dichogaster has some affinity. The Perichetidz appear to have arisen from the Typhzid stem—from some form with flattened prostates, by multipli- cation of sete. Deinodrilus, having a dozen set, would not necessarily be related to the Perichetidz, but might point to the possibility of the development of a perichetous condition in the family Acanthodrilide. The branch (8) leads through Moniligaster to the Geo- scolecidz, which retain the single pair of testes, &c., and exhibit amongst the genera stages in the separation of the sete, but which have lost the prostate, a primitive character of the group. Springing from this branch is another, leading, after the appearance of the second pair of testes, &c., through the Eudrilide to the Perionycide. The loss of prostates and the extension of the clitellum gives us a new line leading to Rhinodrilide, which, through Hormogaster, presents some affinity to the Lumbricide. 1 It is quite possible, of course, that earthworms have not been derived from water-worms; the latter may have been developed from earthworms, but I think the evidence is in favour of the statement in the text. 280 W. B. BENHAM. Indeed, Hormogaster might perhaps be included in the latter family but for the existence of only two pairs of sperm- sacs. Per ae Rhinodrilide Perichetidz ; ~—~Lumbricidze Typhede alt Acanthodrilide——_—-- x gure “sli Ferg ee minora I would here record my thanks to Professor Lankester for his help and advice on many points during the progress of this paper. Postscript, April 30th. While this paper was in the press, I received from Dr. Michaelsen his recently published memoir! describing two new species and six new genera from the neighbourhood of Zanzibar. The two new species are Trigaster stuhlmanni and T. affinis, which are evidently very closely similar. He suggests, with good reason I think, the removal of Horst’s species Acanthodrilus schlegelii, A. biittikoferi, and A. bed- dardi, as well as Rosa’s A. scioanus, from the genus under which they have been placed in the present paper to my genus Trigaster (= Benhamia, Mich.), since the male pores are 1 «Beschreibung d. v. H. Dr. F. Stuhlmann im Miindungsgebiet des Sambesi gesammelten Terricolen,” ‘Jahrb. d. hamburg. wiss. Anstalten,’ vii, 1890. AN ATTEMPT: TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 281 placed in a deep median fossa, and with the exception of T. schlegelii they each have two gizzards. It is to be regretted that the “law of priority” is so frequently dis- regarded. The name Trigaster, though losing its struc- tural significance, has every right to be retained as a generic title. The new genera appear to belong to my family Eudrilidz with one exception; but it is a pity that more figures, in illustration of the very curious arrangement of the genital system in some of these, have not been given. I have diagrammatised four of these genera. 1. Pygmeodrilus. Setze in four couples. Clitellum complete, round Somites xiv, xv, XVI. Male pores paired on Somite xvit. Nephridiopores in front of the outer couples of sete. The male apparatus resembles that of Eudrilus, but the female system is not aberrant [for further characters see fig. 33]. Species.—P. quilimanensis; from Quilimane. 2. Eudriloides. Sete in four couples. Clitellum complete, on Somites xiv to xvitt. Male pore single, median, on Somite xvit. Spermathecal pore single, median, between Somites X111/XIv. There is no direct communication between oviduct and spermatheca. Penial setz and dorsal pores are present. The details given are insufficient to diagrammatise. Species.—E. parvus and E. gypsatus. 3. Nemertodrilus. Setz in tour couples. Clitellum on Somites xu to xvitt. Male pores paired between Somites xvi1/xviil. “Spermathecal” (?) pores paired on Somite x11. VOL. XXXI, PART II,—NEW SER. T 282 W. B. BENHAM. Ovipores on Somite xiv. Nephridiopores in line with inner couples of sete. No penial sete. The septa, x111/x1v and x11/x111, are fused together except below the intestine, so that Somite x111 is almost obliterated. There is a connection between the oviduct and ‘‘ sperma- theca” of each side; in fact, the so-called spermatheca appear to be a greatly elongated ovisac, which has, as Michaelsen suggests, taken on the function of spermatheca (see Poly- toreutes). Apart from this the genus somewhat resembles Rhododrilus. Species.—N. griseus. 4, Callidrilus. Setz in four couples. Clitellum only developed ventrally on Somites xvi1 to xx. Male pores paired on Somite xvii. Spermathecal pores numerous, between Somites x111/xrv. Ovipores on Somite xrv. Nepkridiopores in line with inner couple of setz. Numerous paired copulatory pits are present on Somites XI tO XXIV. Spermathece in the form of small sacs; a dozen in auterior of Somite xiv [cf. Brachydrilus]. Species.—C. scrobifer. 5. Polytoreutes. Setze separate, eight. Clitellum on Somites x111 to xvii. Male pore median on Somite xvii. “ Spermathecal” pore median, single, on Somite xrx. Ovipores paired on Somite xiv. No penial sete. Each prostate is very long, and provided with two rows of small contiguous diverticula along its whole length. The two prostates unite on Somite xvir. The “‘spermatheca” isa median sac passing forwards from its pore in Somite x1x to AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 283 Somite xiv, where it divides into two short processes, one to each oviduct. InSomites xvi and xviii there are long, paired, blind processes from the spermatheca. These remind one of the elongated ovisacs of the water-worms. ‘This is the only form known with spermathecal aperture behind the male pore, and it appears to me to be doubtful whether this sac is homo- logous with the spermatheca of the ordinary type. Michaelsen makes no statement as to its contents. It may be, though he gives no grounds for this supposition, that the oviducts are in a state of degeneration, and that the “‘ spermatheca ” serves as an enlarged ovisac, in which perhaps the ova are fertilised and retained during development. In fact, the worm may be ovi- parous. Species.—P. ceruleus. 6. Stuhlmannia. Sete four couples. Clitellum on Somites xiv to xvit. Male pore median in Somite xvit. Spermathecal pore median, single, in Somite x11. Ovipores in Somite xiv. Two long prostates extending from Somites xvir to xxiv, and uniting in xvit. Median spermatheca; from its proximal end a pair of out- growths surround the intestine and meet dorsally. Oviducts communicate with the spermatheca. These structures are so complicated, and so brief a descrip- tion of them is given, that I have not attempted to construct a diagram. Species.—S. variabilis. Of these six genera, all but one—viz. Callidrilus—are probably referable to the family Eudrilide, mihi. The exception appears to belong to the family Rhinodrilide, mihi, although it presents one or two points in which it does not agree with my diagnosis of the family, e.g. position of male pore and of nephridiopores. Michaelsen gives no details as to the structure of what he called “ prostate,” and it may 284 W. B. BENHAM. very likely be merely a thickening of the body-wall. If it be a prostate, then Callidrilus, like the rest, will belong to Eudrilide; but even here it will form an exception to the general characters of the family in the position of the clitellum, and in the character of the nephridia and spermathece. The chief point in which Pygmezodrilus approaches Eudrilus is in the possession of elongated prostates, and of a penis within a “bursa.” The muscular part of the sperm- duct very probably corresponds to a portion of the prostate of Eudrilus, in which the duct enters the prostate some distance along its length. Polytoreutes and Stuhlmannia present so many ab- normal characters that it is desirable that we should have more detail before deciding on their affinities. Apparently they are most nearly related to Teleudrilus. VII. Expianation oF DraGRrams. These diagrams, representing the genital, alimentary, and excretory systems of the genera recognised in the accompany- ing paper, have been constructed in most cases from drawings published by the various authors mentioned below, or, where no figures have been given, from the descriptions of the different worms. I have usually selected those species which have been most fully and most recently described, as types of the genera. It must be borne in mind that the accompanying figures are merely diagrams, and are not accurate copies from previous figures. I have arranged them in the same order as that in which the genera have been described in the body of the paper, and the numbering of the figures agrees with the numbering of the genera. In every case the clitellum, if it occurs within the first twenty somites, is indicated by the thickened boundary of the diagram. In all cases the upper figure (a) represents genital system ; the middle (4), alimentary and excretory systems ; the lowermost figure (c), a few somites seen externally. In the diagrams of the genital system the testes and ovaries are in black, the genital ducts in outline, the sperm-sacs and AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 285 ovisacs are dotted; the spermathece are outlined; and the prostate and sac with penial sete are also represented in outline. In the alimentary canal, the extent of the buccal cavity as re- presented is not intended to indicate the actual extent, as we have no sufficient data for determining this point; hence the position of the commencement of pharynx is hypothetical ; but its posterior limit is true in most cases, although in many genera this point is left vague in the drawings and descriptions of authors: the limit here assigned is, in these cases, deduced from analogy with better known genera. The gizzard is indicated by its thicker outline, and by the transverse line in front and behind it. — In the excretory system the black dots represent the funnels, the thicker line the ‘duct,’ and the narrow wavy line the coiled tube: there is no attempt to indicate the arrangement of this coil. In the “ plectonephric” genera the short lines are intended to indicate the passage of the duct through the body-wall to the exterior. The external openings are shown in the lowermost diagram as small circles,' the sete as short lines, and any genital apertures as black dots. In cases where the nephridiopores are not indicated their arrangement is not known. The representation of the excretory system is purely con- ventional, especially in forms with “tufts” or network, and merely serves to indicate whether the genus is “ plectonephric ” or “ meganephric,”’ and in the latter case whether the duct is “simple” or “ cecal.” The modification of the anterior nephridia or excretory net- work to serve to moisten the food, and act as ‘‘ pepto-nephridia,” is indicated. The diagrams represent the worms slit open along the middle line of the dorsal surface, and cut edges of the body-wall pinned aside. 1 Unfortunately the ‘“‘ process” has in many cases not reproduced the circle, so that the nephridiopores appear as small black dots. The index lines, too, are often not reproduced. 286 W. B. BENHAM. Family I.—Typazipz. Fic. 1.—Typhezus. The drawings, both the alimentary and the genital systems, are taken from the descriptions and figures of T. gammii by Beddard, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix, p- 111, and pl. xii. In fig. 1 a, the small sac (Ps.) in Somite xvi1 represents the special sac with penial sete, the external aperture of which is shown in fig. 1 ¢, in front of the male pore on each side, which is indicated by the large black dot. Pro. is the prostate, which joins the sperm-duct before the latter opens externally. The outlined structures in Somite vir are the spermathece. In fig. 1 4, the gizzard is shown in Somite vir; the calciferous diverticula in Somite xir (Ca.). The sacculated intestine commences in Somite xvz. EPN. is the extra-buccal pepto-nephridial network, which is shown in thicker lines than the remaining network. Fig. 1 ¢, represents Somites xvI, xvi, and xv1iI seen externally, when flattened out; showing the arrangement of the sete, the numerous nephridio- pores (as small dots), the penial sete in Somite xv replacing the ordinary sete; and behind these the large black dots indicate the male pores. Distribution of the genus: India. Fie. 2.—Megascolides. Modified from the drawings of M. australis, McCoy, given by Baldwin Spencer in ‘ Trans. Roy. Soe. Victoria,’ vol. i, pl. i. In fig. 2 @, the four pairs of lobed, dotted structures marked s., in Somites XI, XII, XIII, and XIv, represent the sperm-sacs. PRo. is the coiled prostate. In fig. 2 4, the plectonephric condition is seen, the network in Somites 1 to IV communicates with the pharynx by small ducts, and forms an “ intra-buccal pepto-nephridial network ” (1PN.). G. is the gizzardin Somite v. In Somites x11 to xvi the pouched intestine is shown (Pp.), the sacculated, non-typh- losolar intestine commencing in the next somite. Fig. 2 c, represents Somites XVII, XVIII, and xrx externally, showing sete, nephridiopores, and the male pores which are in XVII, Distribution of the genus: Australia. Fic. 3.—Cryptodrilus. a. Genital system, modified from the figure of C. fletcheri, given by Beddard in ‘ Proce. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, p, 547. pro.,the prostate. 6. Alimentary system, composed from Beddard’s description of C. fletcheri in ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, and from Fletcher’s description of various species in ‘ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.’ The gizzard occupies two somites. oa. The first of the four calciferous diverticula on each side. The sacculated intestine commences in Somite XVI. The plectonephridia are not continuous from somite to somite. Fig. 2 c, represents any three somites behind the male pores, showing the sete: the nephridiopores are probably numerous and irregular, Distribution : Australia. = BF PPEEE Ss *® del | | LL SS fell FLaaB0ss ra ee egre CRYPTODRILUS Dat it (esa BY GIS, Z = CRYPTODRILUS ry vs SriCiiep ie - TYPHEUS MEGASOOLIDES 288 Ww. B. BENHAM. Fic. 4.—Didymogaster. a. Genital system. The clitel- lum, xtv to xvi. sF.!, sp.°, are the first and third sperma- thece. s. The digitate sperm-sac of Somite rx. ps. The sac of penial sete ; and pro., the prostate. 6. Alimentary system. cl, «2 The two gizzards lying in Somites vi and vir. Both diagrams modified from Fletcher’s figures of D. sylvaticus in ‘Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.,’ i (2nd ser.), 1886. c. repre- sents three somites from any part of the body, and shows the arrangement of the sete; the nephridiopores are probably, as in other plectonephric genera, numerous. Distribution: Australia. Fic. 5.—Perissogaster. a. Genital system. ps. Sac with penial sete. pro. The unequally lobed prostate. 0. Alimentary system. a.!, c.?, Gc. The three gizzards. p. The first dilatation of the intestine in Somite rx, followed by five others, all of which are doubtfully calciferous. s. The com- mencement of the sacculated intestine in Somite xv. ¢. shows the arrangement of the sete. Constructed from the descrip- tion given by Fletcher for P. excavatus in ‘ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W..,’ vol. ii, ser. 2, 1887. Distribution : Australia. Fie. 6.—Dichogaster. a. Genital system. vPro. The first prostate, communicating with the sperm-duct. pro.” and pro.’ The second and third prostates, which are independent of the sperm-duct. 6. Alimentary system. c.', c.? The two gizzards, each occupying two somites. Ca. The first of the three calciferous diverticula on each side. s. The commence- ment of the sacculated intestine. ren. The intra-buccal pepto- nephridium with its duct. c. represents the Somites xvi, xvir, and xvi externally. The large black dots in xvir are the male pores, those in xv1i1 the prostate pores of this somite. In these two and in Somite xrx the inner couples of setz are absent. Modified from the figures given by Beddard for D. damonis in ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix, pls. xxiii, xxiv, Distribution: Fiji. =| i \ 6, MULT TY PT in PERISSOGASTER DIDYMOGASTER T DICHOGASTER DIDYMOGASTER PERISSOGASTER 290 WwW. B. BENHAM. Fie. 7.—Digaster. a. Genital system. ps.) The anterior sac with penial sete. The posterior sac, which is described as lying in this somite, is omitted to prevent crowding. Pro. Prostate. 6. Alimentary system. «a.!, gc.” The two gizzards lying in Somites v and vir. The intra-buccal pepto-nephridia are indicated at 1pn. c. The exterior of Somites xvi, xvitt, and x1x to show the sete; male pores represented by black dots, and the openings of the two pairs of sacs with penial sete, ps.!, ps.”, lying one in front of the other. Modified from the figures of D. lumbricoides given by Perrier in ‘Nouv. Arch. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris,’ viii, 1872, pl. ii; the modifica- tions being in accordance with Fletcher’s description of D. armifera in ‘Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W..,’ vol. i, p. 943. Distribution: Australia. Family II1.—AcantHopRILip#. Fie. 8.—Acanthodrilus. a. Genital system. Modified from Beddard’s figure of A. dissimilis in ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, p. 388, in accordance with his more recent observations in regard to the independent opening of sperm-duct and pros- tates. ps.t, ps.2 The sacs of penial sete in Somites xvir and xvill. PRo.!, pro.” The prostates in Somites xvii and xviii. 6. Alimentary system. Modified from Beddard’s figure of A. multiporus in ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1885, pl. liii. Ca. The first pair of calciferous diverticula. s. Commence- ment of sacculated intestine in Somite xvi. pn. Intra-buccal pepto- nephridia. The grouping of the nephridial network so as to form eight groups, six of which only are represented, is indicated in Somites xv1, et seq. See Beddard, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’? 1885. The clitellum in A. dissimilis and A. multiporus commences in Somite x11. I have represented it as beginning at Somite xIII, which appears to be more usuaily the case. c. External view of two Somites, a, B, of A. multiporus, and others in which the eight setee are separate. c, somite of A. nove-zealandiz, and other species in which the sete are in couples. Distribution: New Zealand, Australia, West Africa, New Caledonia, Kerguelen Island, the shores of Magellan Strait. Fic. 9.—Trigaster. a. Genital system. sp. Sperma- thece. o. Ovary. pro.!, pro.? The prostates. Sperm-ducts, sperm-sacs, and testes unknown.' 9. Alimentary system. Slightly altered from my own figures of T. lankesteri in ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvii, pl. ix, after a renewed examination as to the position of some of the structures. c.1, G.2, 6.3 The three gizzards. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. The anterior nephridial network is more evident than that more posteriorly, but it is uncertain whether there is any communication with the pharynx. c. Three somites seen externally to show the arrangement of the sete. Distribution: St. Thomas, West Indies. Michaelsen, however, has in his last paper described the testes and ciliated rosettes in Somites x and x1, and sperm-sacs in Somites xI and x1. eaten TS TRIGASTER ACAN THODRILUS - ‘TRIGASTER 292 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 10.—Deinodrilus. a. Genital system. sp. Anterior spermatheca. pro.!, pRo.? The two prostates of one side. 46.! Alimentary system. oc. Gizzard occupying two somites. EPN. The extra-buccal pepto-nephridia. A connection exists here and there between the nephridial network of neighbouring somites. Beddard says but little of the alimentary canal or the nephridia, but special groups (ePn.) of the latter occur in Somites 11, 111, and iv. c. Exterior of these somites, showing the characteristic twelve sete and numerous nephridiopores. Constructed from Beddard’s description of D. benhami in ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix, p. 105. Distribution: New Zealand. Family I1I.—Prricnarips. Fic. 11.—Pericheta. a. Genital system. Modified from Rosa’s figure of P. fez in ‘ Ann. Mus. Civico d. Stor. Nat. di Genova,’ vi, 1888, pl. i. 5. Alimentary system. oc. Gizzard, occupying more or less of three somites. vp. The first, and p.1 the last, of the thirteen pouches. Nine somites are cut away, as they are merely a repetition of these pouches. c. The characteristic cylindrical czcum of one side. [These are absent in some species.] s. The commencement of the sac- culated, typhlosolar intestine. Composed partly from Perrier’s and Rosa’s description. The excretory system is taken from Beddard’s figure of P. aspergillum in ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’? xxix, pl. xxiv. The black dots represent the funnels of the nephridial network. c¢. represents three somites from different regions of the body of P. monticolla, Fletcher, ‘Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., vol. ii. In Somite a, from anterior part of body, only sixteen sete are present ; in Somite B, from about Somite xv, there are thirty setz, and posteriorly in Somite c fifty or more. This same variation in numbers occurs in other species. The nephridiopores (represented as small dots) are drawn from Beddard’s description of P. asper- gillum. Distribution of the genus: India (with Ceylon), Malaya, Australia, and islands between the two continents. DELNODRILUS 294 W. B. BENHAM. Family [V.—Moni.icastTripa. Fie. 12.—Moniligaster. a. The left upper figure, genital system. Modified from Horst’s figure of M. houteni in ‘Notes from the Leyden Museum,’ ix, pl. i, fig. 1, in accord- ance with Beddard’s more recent figures and descriptions (‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix, pl. xii, fig. 12; and ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ No. 818, 1889). sp. Spermatheca, with its long duct, in Somite 1x. These are the “anterior testes” of Perrier. s. Sperm-sacs—Perrier’s “ posterior testes.” sp. Sperm-duct and ciliated rosette. pro. Prostate. o. Ovary. op. Oviduct. os. Ovisac. 6. The right figure, alimentary system. Modified from Perrier’s figure of M. deshayesii in ‘ Nouv. Arch. d. Mus. d’Hist. Nat.,’ viii, 1872, in accordance with the more recent descriptions of Beddard, Horst, and Bourne, who have not observed Perrier’s anterior gizzard. «. The characteristic elongated gizzard region. The nephridia are after Horst. ca. The cecum of the nephridial duct. c. The left lower figure, the exterior of Somites x to x111I—the region of the clitellum, showing the sete, nephridiopores, and male pores, which lie between Somites xi and x11. Distribution: India, Ceylon, Sumatra. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS 295 MONILIGAS TER, 296 W. B. BENHAM. Family V.—EvpriLip#. Fic. 13.—Eudrilus. a. Genital system. Modified from Beddard’s figure of E. sylvicola in ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, p. 381, in accordance with his subsequent descriptions and figures of the female apparatus, which are peculiarly arranged. Tt will be seen that the ovary (o'.) in Somite x11 is enclosed in a sac, the neck of which communicates with the true oviduct (oD.); into the latter also open an albumen-gland (GL.), a large spermatheca (sp.), and the ovisac (0.),’ which functions also as a second ovary, and lies in Somite xiv. PRo. is the prostate, into which the sperm-ducts open about halfway along its length. x. is one of two glands communicating with B.c., the bursa copulatrix, which contains a chitinous penis: the bursa opens externally at Pp. in xvu, a dotted ring? indicating the male pore. 4. Alimentary system. Modified from Perrier’s figure of E. decipiens in ‘ Nouv. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat.,’ viii, 1872, pl. ii, fig. 26, in accordance with Horst’s more recent description in ‘Notes from the Leyden Museum,’ ix. oc. The gizzard. ca. Calciferous diverticula. Commencement of the sacculated intestine in Somite xv. The nephridia are original; they present no cecum, but the duct is continuous with the tubule asin Lumbricus. c. External view of a normal somite of E. decipiens, showing (A) sete and nephridiopores ; (8) Somite xvir of the same species, showing the male pores—as black oval dots—occupying the position of the inner couples of sete, which are absent; (Cc) is a normal somite of E. sylvicola, in which the nephridiopores are in line with the inner couple of sete, instead of with the outer couple, as in other species. Distribution : South America and New Caledonia. Fic. 14.—Teleudrilus. a. Genital system. Notice the peculiar recurved ciliated rosettes ; the median position of the male pore in Somite x1x (represented as a dotted semicircle P.) and spermathecal pore in Somite xvii is peculiar. The female organs present some difference from the typical arrangement, analogous to that in Kudrilus in that there is a connection between the oviduct and spermatheca, but a less direct communication in that genus. o. Ovary. op. Oviduct. os. Ovisac.? sp. Spermatheca. 3B.c. Bursa copu- latrix, opening externally at P in xIx. It is in communication with the sperm- ducts, prostates (PRo.), and asac (s.), probably glandular. 4. Alimentary system. After Rosa’s figures of T. raggazil in ‘Ann. Mus. Civ. d. Stor. Nat. di Genova,’ vi, 1888, pl. ix. G. Gizzard. ca. Calciferous diverticula. s. The commencement of sacculated intestine. c. represents the exterior of Somites XVIII, XIx, and xx, showing sete, nephridiopores, and median male pore in Somite xix. Distribution: Scioa, Africa. Fie. 15.—Pontodrilus. a. Genital system. pro. Pros- tate. sp. Spermatheca. 6. Alimentary system. Note absence of gizzard. s. Sacculated but non-typhlosolar intestine. Note: the nephridia do not commence till Somite xv. c. shows the exterior of Somites xvi, xvir, and xvii, with sete, nephridiopores, and male pores. After Perrier’s figures for P. marionis in ‘ Arch. de Zool. Expér. et Gén.,’ ix, 1881. Distribution: Europe (France). 1 The index line does not go quite far enough; it should extend to the small round sac at the end of the tortuous tube. 2 This is very feebly indicated in the diagrams. 3 The index line should extend to the round dotted area. xa ce ee Sie eee EUDRILUS TELEUDRILUS VOL. XXXI, PART II.— NEW SER. PONTODRILUS 298 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 16.—Photodrilus. a. Genital system. sp. Sperma- theca. pro. Prostate. 6. Alimentary system. Both diagrams are constructed from the description given by Giard for P. phosphoreus in ‘ Comptes rendus,’ 1887. Here the nephridia do not commence till Somite xrv. Their pores are between the outer and inner couple of sete as shown in fig. ¢. Distribution : Europe (France). Fie. 17.—Microscolex. a. Genital system. Pro. Prostate. ps. Sac with penial sete. 6. Alimentary system. Constructed from Rosa’s descriptions of M. modestus in ‘ Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. Torino,’ ii and ii. Although closely allied to the two preceding genera, the nephridia, as usual, commence far forwards. c., taken from Rosa’s woodcut, represents Somites XVI, XVII, xvi1I. He does not state that the sete are absent on this somite, but he does not figure them. The male pore is in line with the seta 1. Distribution : Italy. Fie. 18.—Rhododrilus. a. Genital system. sp. The first of the four spermathece on one side. pro. Prostate opening independently of the sperm-duct. 6. Alimentary system. 6G. Gizzard. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. c¢. Ex- terior of three somites. Diagrams constructed from Beddard’s brief diagnosis of R. minutus in ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1889, p. 381. Distribution: New Zealand. 18. ft ( BEBE NULL PREP PRP Pea Ae eee ee ao RHODODRILUS MICROSCOLEX PHOTODRILUs RHODODRILUS MICROSCOLEX LUS RHODODRI MICROSCOLEX PHOTODRILUS 300 W. B. BENHAM. Fie. 19.—Plutellus. a. Genital system. The position of the genital organs is very abnormal, and requires confirma- tion. s. The sperm-sacs in Somite x11. sp. The first of the five spermathece. pro. Prostate. The sperm-funnels and ducts are unknown. o. Ovary in Somite x; and op., the ovi- duct opening externally in Somite x1. 6. Alimentary system. e. Gizzard. ca. Calciferous diverticula. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. The nephridia are shown alternating in position, the first four pores being in line with the third seta, the rest alternating with second and fourth sete. Moreover, the funnels are said to be in the same somite as the coiled tubule and external aperture. n.! The first of the series of nephridia which open in line with the third seta. wN.2 The first of the series which open in line with the fourth seta. n.3 The first of the series in line with second seta. c. An external view of Somite v1, to show spermathecal pore (black) in line with second seta, and nephridiopore (n‘) in line with third seta; of Somite x11, to show the normal arrangement in the even numbered somites; and of Somite x111, to show normal arrangement of the odd numbered somites. Composed from Perrier’s description of P. heteroporus in ‘Arch. de Zool. Expér. et Gén.,’ 11, 1873, p. 381. Distribution : Pennsylvania. Family VI.—Perionycip#. Fic. 20.—Perionyx. a. Genital system. o. Ovary. op. Oviduct. pro. Prostate. 6. Alimentary system. oc. Gizzard. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. Modified from Perrier’s figures of P. excavatus in ‘ Nouv. Arch. d. Mus. d’Hist. Nat.,’? 1872, in accordance with Rosa’s description of the same species in ‘ Ann. Mus. Civ. d. St. Nat. di Genova,’ vi, 1888. c. External view of three somites, showing the numerous set and the paired nephridiopores. Distribution: India, Burmah, Philippines. PERJONYX ~ PLUTELLUS PERIONYX _ 302 W. B. BENHAM. Family VII.—GeroscoLecip™. Fie. 21.—Geoscolex (Titanus). a. On the left genital system. o. Ovary. op. Oviduct. No spermathece are known. Modified (in accordance with my own observations) from Perrier’s figure of G. maximus, Leuckart (T. brasiliensis, E. P.), in Nouv. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat.,’ viii, 1872, pl. i, fig. 15. 6. On the right alimentary system. «G. Gizzard. Ca. Calciferous diverticulum. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. The first nephridium is slightly different from the rest, and forms an extra-buccal pepto-nephridium, EPN., the coiled tubule being more compact, and the cecal part of the duct shorter. Nn. The anterior nephridia, in which the tubule leaves the duct about halfway along its length. w.! The posterior nephridia, in which the tubule joins the cecum near its external aperture. Composed from my own observa- tions. c. Exterior of four somites: a.a. from the anterior part of the body, where the sete are in couples; B.B. from the posterior region, where the setz are separate. Distribution: Brazil. Fie. 22.—Urocheta. a. Genital system. Composed from Beddard’s description in ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxix, p- 246. sp. The first spermatheca. 4. Alimentary system. G. Gizzard. ca. Calciferous gland. s. Commencement of the saccu- lated intestine. Composed from my own observations. The nephridia are modified from Perrier’s figures of U. corethrura in ‘Arch, Zool. Exp., iii, 1874. The first nephridium (rpwn.) is much larger than the following ones, both the tubular portion and its duct being greatly developed; there are at least three funnels to this extra-buccal pepto-nephridium. c. View of four somites, namely, v1, xx, and two consecutive more posterior somites (pp.), in order to show the couples of sete anteriorly, and the scattered and alternate arrangement of these posteriorly. In Somite xx, in which the spermiducal pore is situated but not shown, the ventralmost sete (No. 1) are replaced by groups of larger penial sete. After Beddard, ‘Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb.,’ xiv, 1887, p. 162. Distribution: South America and neighbouring islands also Australia, Sumatra, 21, GEOSCOLEX | UROCBE&TA . 304 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 23.—Diacheta. a,b. Genital and alimentary sys- tems. sp. Spermatheca. «a. Gizzard. s. Commencement of acculated intestine. Modified from my own figures in ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvii. n. The normal nephridia commence, as in Urocheta, immediately behind the extra-buccal pepto- nephridium (PN.). c. Somites XXI, XXII, XXIII, seen exter- nally, showing the alternation of the setz with exception of No. 1 on each side, the position of the nephridiopores (rings), and of the spermiducal pores, which are represented as black dots. Distribution: St. Thomas, West Indies. Family VIII.—Ruinoprivipaz. Fie. 24.—Rhinodrilus. a, 6. Genital and alimentary systems and nephridia. Composed from my own observations on, and from Beddard’s description of, R. (Thamnodrilus) gulielmus, ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1887, p. 154. Following the greatly modified first or extra-buccal pepto-nephridium (nPw.) are seven pairs of nephridia (N.) which differ from the more posterior ones (N.!) in Somite x in having no cecal prolon- gation of the duct. ca. The cecum of the posterior nephridia. sp. Spermathece. oe. Gizzard. ca. The first calciferous diver- ticulum. s. Commencement of the sacculated intestine. c. External view of Somites xrx, xx, and xxi, to show sete, nephridiopores, and intersegmental spermiducal pores. Distribution: North of South America. Epa a DOO uk im NA GCC | PrP RERTM ARERR ERA E RHINODRILUS > DIACILETA RHINODRILUS DIACHETA RIINOGRILUS 306 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 25.—Microcheta. a, 6. Genital and alimentary systems and nephridia. Copied from my own figures of Microcheta rappi, ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxvi, pl. xv. The cecum of the nephridium is less marked in the anterior nephridia (N.). In the posterior nephridia (N.!), in Somite x, et seq., the czecum (c@.) is very large. In @, o. is ovary ; OD. oviduct ; os. ovisac; sp. the numerous small sper- mathece. As mentioned in the body of this paper, the peristomium in M. beddardi is provided with setz, so that the ovaries and testes are morphologically in their normal position. In M. rappi, however, there is no trace of setz in the peristomium, so that the gonads appear in one somite in advance of the normal position. In 4, «. is the gizzard; ca. the calciferous diverticulum; s. the commencement of the sacculated intestine. Inc, three normal somites are shown. Distribution : Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Fic. 26.—Urobenus. a,b. Genital and alimentary systems and nephridia. Copied from my own figures in ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxvil, pl. viii. The anterior nephridia (N.N.) are larger than the following ones (N.'), and the cecal portion (cm.) of the duct is less developed. In a, sp. marks the first spermatheca. In 4, G. is the gizzard; ca. the first calciferous diverticulum ; P. the first of the series of pouches of the intes- tines; p.! the last of the series,—the intermediate eight somites are removed ; c. the peculiar cecum in Somite xxvi, and s. the commencement of the sacculated intestine. c¢ represents Somites xrx, xx, and xx1, to show the setz, nephridiopores, and spermiducal pores. Distribution : Brazil. Fic. 27,.—Hormogaster. a, b. Genital and alimentary systems and nephridia. Modified from Rosa’s figures of H. redii in ‘ Sulla Struttura dello H. redii,’ Torino, 1888. We have no information as to any variation of nephridia. sp. Spermatheca. os. Ovisac. G.!, c.?, «.3 The three gizzards. c. Globose cecum in Somite xx1. Six somites are removed. ¢ represents three ordinary somites. Distribution ; Italy. R " HORMOGASTE int BOrGrcr (EE We Aehomae eocos A gs w AY UROBENUS 26 Ss = cal ED ty eanLIaa0 royetrrpsbenrehanedcered ia 25. HF if . 3 Cl MICROCLETA SAN RN G Se See goa aa EE ee EE s ~ MICROCHATA ‘ uw HORMOGASTER UROBENUS MICROCHA.TA 308 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 28.—Brachydrilus. a, 6. Genital and alimentary systems. Original. See the description, ‘ Zool. Anzeig.,’ 271, 1888. There are two pairs of nephridia which are very simple —iN. the inner nephridia; on. the outer nephridia in every somite. In the Somites x and x1 are four sacs on each side, which are not represented, as they le underneath the sperm- sacs; these probably correspond to the “ albumen-glands” of Lumbricus. I believe the same fusion of somites has gone on here as in Microcheta. Ina, sp.is one of the small spermathece, which in position is abnormal. o. is the ovary. In 6, c. is the gizzard. ca. Calciferous gland. s. Commence- ment of sacculated intestine. In c, the sete and nephridio- pores are shown. Distribution : Unknown. Family [X.—Lumsricip2. Fic. 29.—Lumbricus. a, 6. Genital and alimentary sys- tems. Original. See Hering, ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ viii, 1856, pl. xviii; Lankester (alimentary canal), ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,”” 1865-6. In a, sp. the first spermatheca of one side. os. Ovisac. In 6,G.is gizzard. pr. Proventriculus. s.! Com- mencement of sacculated intestine. ca. Calciferous glands, bilobed, one lobe in Somite x11, the other in Somite x1; these communicate with a pouch (cr.) which opens into the ceso- phagus in Somite x1. c¢ shows the exterior of Somites xiv, xv, and xvi, with setz, nephridiopores, oviducal pore in xtv, and spermiducal pore in xv (as black dots). Distribution : Europe. Fic. 80.—Allolobophora. a. Genitalsystem. sp. Sper- matheca: three pairs are shown, as is the case in A. chloro- tica; in other species more, in others less than three pairs are present. os. Ovisac. Modified from Bergh’s figure of A. turgida, ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.’ xliv, pl. xxi. 6, Alimentary canal. a. Gizzard. pr. Proventriculus. ca. Calciferous gland in Somite xr, opening into the pouch (cr.). Original. c. External view of a somite from three different species: a. of A. chlorotica; Bs. of A. subrubicunda; and c. of A. boeckii.! Distribution : Europe. 1 The nephridipores are too feebly indicated, LUMERICUS me oe se | Baio XVI LUMBRICUS ALLOLOBOPHORS 310 W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 51.—Criodrilus. a, d. Genital and alimentary sys- tems. os. Ovisac. w. Thick-walled region of cesophagus. From my own figures, ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,? xxvii, pl. xxxvill. The nephridia, similar to those of Lumbricus, commence in Somite x. Distribution : Europe. Fie. 82.—Allurus. a. Genital system. Modified from Bed- dard’s figure, ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxviii, pl. xxv, fig. 2. The small white circles (sp.) in Somite vi11 represent certain microscopic spermathece according to Beddard, but no sper- matozoa were found, and perhaps, from their abnormal position, they may be “albumen-glands.” os. Ovisac. In 3, G. Giz- zard. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. ca.,ca. The first and last of the four calciferous glands. x. A pouch (? corresponds to the pouch [cr.]in Lumbricus). 4. Alimen- tary system. Composed from Beddard’s description, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xxviil, p. 368. Distribution : Europe. ALLURUS CRIODRILUS CRLODRILUS ALLURUS CRIODRILUS 312 W. B. BENHAM [The following figures are placed out of their proper place, as they have been constructed during the passage of the text through the press. ] Fic. 833.—Pygmeodrilus. a. Genital organs, partly from Michaelsen’s figure of P. quilimanensis [‘ Jahrb. d. ham- burgh wiss. Anstalten,’ vii, 1890]. sp. Spermatheca, with its numerous diverticula. s. Sperm-sac. Mm. Muscular thickening of the sperm-duct. sc. Bursa copulatrix, which contains a penis. pro. The lay prostate ; the narrow portion is muscular, the distal region is glandular. 6. Alimentary canal, from Michaelsen’s description. ca. Calciferous diverticulum. There is some douht experienced as to the existence of a gizzard. ‘The nephridia are not described beyond the statement that there is a pair in each somite. c. Exterior of three somites, showing sete in couples ; the nephridiopores ; and male pores in xv1ith Somite. Distribution : Quilimane, near Zanzibar. Fic. 34.—Nemertodrilus. a. Genital system, from Michaelsen’s description of N. griseus in ‘Jahrb. d. ham- burg. wiss. Anstalten,’ vii, 1890. s!. Anterior sperm-sac. s*. Greatly elongated posterior sperm-sac. os. Ovisac, which is prolonged backwards (os'.) and is regarded by Michaelsen as “ spermatheca.” pro. Prostate. 6. Alimentary tract and nephridia, from Michaelsen’s description. «. Gizzard. s. Commencement of sacculated intestine. No details as to nephridia are given, except that they are a pair to each somite, and have, apparently, a dilated ‘‘ duct.” c. Exterior of Somites XVI, xviI, and xviiI, to show the couple of sete, nephridio- pores, and male pores. Distribution: Quilimane, Zanzibar. Fic. 85.—Callidrilus. From Michaelsen’s description of C. scrobifer, in ‘Jahrb. d. hamburg. wiss. Anstalten,’ vii, 1890. a. Genital system. s.s.* The first and fourth sperm- sacs. sp. The numerous, small spermathece. x. is a struc- ture which Michaelsen identifies as a prostate. He states that it is small, and from the general anatomy of the worm I fancy that it may be merely a thickening of the body, such as is present in Brachydrilus. 6. Alimentary and excretory system. mM. A thickening, which is, according to Michaelsen, not muscular. It probably represents a gizzard. s. Com- mencement of sacculated intestine. The nephridia are merely said to be paired, and to be provided with a bladder, which I take to mean a “ cecal” outgrowth of the duct. c. Exterior of Somites xvi, xvi1, and xvi11, to show couples of setz, nephridiopores, and male pores. [N.B.—I believe this worm belongs to my family Rhinodrilide]. Distribution: Quilimane, Zanzibar. PYGMEODRILUS NEMERTODRILUS CALLIDRILUS VOL, XXXI, PART II.—NEW SER. D. ¢ 314. W. B. BENHAM. Fic. 36.—Polytoreutes. A very brief description, with a figure, is given by Michaelsen of the hinder portion of the genital system of P. ceruleus, in ‘Jahrb. d. hamburg. wiss. Anstalten,’ vii, 1890. No details are given of the alimentary system. a. Genital system. sp. Sperm-duct. 0. Ovary. m. A large sac, into which open (op.) the oviduct; the ovisac (os.) and the so-called “spermathece” (w.). This has a unique position and shape; it is produced into lateral pouches (w.!, w.*), and opens externally by a median pore (wo.) in Somite xrx. The oviducal pore is shown at op. The prostate (PRO.) is long, but how long Michaelsen does not say ; and is beset with numerous secondary sacs. Its aperture is in front of that of the spermatheca on Somite xvu1, and is represented by a dotted circle, and labelled pv. c. Exterior of Somites XVII, XVIII, and x1x, to show the sete and median genital pores; that of the spermatheca in x1x, and that of the ducts in XVIIe Distribution : Zanzibar. AN ATTEMPT TO CLASSIFY EARTHWORMS. 3815 POLYTOREUTES Aly ‘Se, a rae aeik $e] ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 317 On the Origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids.! By William Patten, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. With Plates XXIII and XXIV. “In the growth of each science, not only is correct observation needful for the formation of true theory, but true theory is needful as a preliminary to correct observation.”—H. SPENCER. *The “ Annelid theory,” after fifteen years of dexterous modelling, is now as far as ever either from fitting the facts of Vertebrate structure, or from shedding any direct light on the great problem of the origin of Vertebrates. It certainly is not without significance that, of all those who with willing eyes and minds have grappled with the Annelid theory, not one has discovered a distinctively Annelid feature in Vertebrates: mesoblastic somites, nephridia, segmental appendages, and seg- mental sense-organs are found in nearly all segmented animals. 1 Tinclude in the Arachnida the Spiders, Scorpions, Limulus, Trilobites, and Merostomata. 2 Most of my observations on Acilius, Scorpio, and Limulus were made in the Lake Laboratory, Milwaukee, Wis. I am greatly indebted to the founder of that institution, Mr. E. P. Allis, for generously placing at my disposal the excellent facilities for research which his laboratory affords. As a full description of my observations could not be published without considerable delay, it seemed advisable to present my theoretical conclusions first, at the same time giving a short account of those facts bearing directly on the subject-matter. A few simple diagrams have been introduced to make the text more intelligible. These are throughout referred to as Figs. 1, 2, 3, &c. The reference to figures in the two plates is always indicated by the addition of the letters Pl. XXIII or Pl. XXIV. VOL. XXXI, PART III.—NEW SER, Y 318 WILLIAM PATTEN. In failing to add materially to what the anatomy and embryology of Vertebrates themselves can demonstrate, the Annelid theory not only is sterile, but is likely to remain so; because unspecialised segments being characteristic of Annelids, it cannot hope to elucidate that profound specialisation of the Vertebrate head which it is the goal of Vertebrate morphology to expound. Moreover, since Vertebrate morphology itself reflects as an ancestral image only the dim outlines of a segmented animal—but still not less a Vertebrate than any now living,—it is clear that the problem must be solved, if at all, by the discovery of some form in which the specialisation of the Vertebrate head is already foreshadowed. Since of all Invertebrates, concentration and specialisation of head segments is greatest in the Arachnids, it is in these, on a priori grounds, that we should expect to find traces of the characteristic features of the Vertebrate head. Finding from time to time confirmation of this preconceived idea as the unexpected complexity of the Arachnid cephalothorax revealed itself, I now feel justified in formulating a theory that Verte- brates are derived from Arachnids. I have presented the facts as they appear to me, and have hazarded an interpretation of them; not, however, without a lively sense of the difficulties of the task, certainly not without the conviction that I may have fallen into errors which greater experience and a better knowledge of the intricacies of Vertebrate anatomy might have avoided. In the following preliminary sketch of the structure of Limulus, and especially of the Scorpion, I shall attempt to prove—(1) That in the Scorpion the cephalothoracie neuro- meres, nerves, sense-organs, and mesoblastic somites present, in a general way, not only the same specialisation and the same numerical arrangement in groups, but also the same difference as a whole from the body-segments, as do the corresponding parts in the Vertebrate head; (2) that the Arachnid cartila- ginous sternum represents the primordial cranium of Verte- brates ; (3) that in the Trilobites and Merostomata the internal structure of the cephalothorax resembles in some respects that ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 319 of Scorpio and Limulus; (4) that the remarkable fish-like Pterichthys and related forms, judging from their external structure, are closely related to the Merostomata, and serve to connect Arthropods with Vertebrates ; and (5) that the em- bryology of Vertebrates in its main features can be reduced to the Arthropod type. First let me state certain conclusions that have been reached concerning segmentation in Arthropods. In Scolopendra each neuromere has four pairs of spinal nerves ; the first two pairs in each neuromere are larger and darker, and probably contain more sensory fibres than the two following pairs. Certain facts indicate that this condition is the ground plan of the nervous system in all Arthropods, and that the various modifications of it found in other Arthropods are produced by fusion of the nerves. The two sensory nerves tend to fuse with each other first ; afterwards the two motor nerves; and finally the double motor and the double sensory nerves unite, thus producing, in different groups of Arthropods, neuromeres with four, three, two, and one pair of nerves. In Scolopendra the neuromeres appear to be double ; and, if what we have indicated above is true, it follows that in all Arthropods the neuromeres, and consequently the segments themselves, are double. In support of this view we mention the following facts :—(1) In all Arthropods carefully studied two cross commissures have been found in each neuromere. (2) In Acilius the median furrow between these cross com- missures is similar to that between the successive neuromeres. (8) In Acilius, according to my observations, there are two pairs of tracheal invaginations in each segment: one pair, that which is always readily seen, is situated near the anterior edge of the segment ; the other, which is very rudimentary and difficult to distinguish, is situated in the same line as the first, but near the posterior edge of the segment. (4) In all the insect embryos I have examined, and in almost all figures where the tracheal openings were represented, the stigmata were situated near the anterior edge of the segment. (5) The 320 WILLIAM PATTEN. frequent presence in Arthropods, especially Crustacea, of bifurcated appendages ; this condition is due, we may suppose, to the partial fusion of two originally distinct appendages. (6) The frequent occurrence of insect monsters having double pairs of legs. (7) According to Heathcote’s important obser- vations, the segments in Julus are certainly double, as shown by the duplication in each segment of the somites, cardiac ostia, arteries, neuromeres, trachez, and legs. (8) In Scorpio the neuromeres are distinctly double, each one being composed of a large anterior portion and a small posterior one. Large pit- like invaginations of the median furrow are found between the halves of the anterior portions, and faint indications of a second series of pits between the halves of the posterior por- tions (Pl. XXIV, fig. 3). But in Scorpio the most singular feature of all is that the parts of each abdominal neuro- mere finally separate, the posterior portions uniting with the anterior portion of the neuromere just behind it (PI. XXIV, figs. 3 and 4, and Fig. 11, p. 348). This process may be followed with ease and perfect certainty in surface views. All these facts point to the conclusion that the segments in all Arthropods are double, and are derived from those of diplopod-like ancestors. If Vertebrates are derived from Arthropods, they are also, in all probability, composed of double segments. It may be worth mentioning in this connection that in many fishes the spinal nerves, and especially the cervical ones, split up into two, three, and sometimes four pairs of nerves for each neuro- mere. I. Tue Grovupine oF THE CRANIAL NEUROMERES OF Scor- pio is a result of the varying union of the first thirteen neuromeres. From the cephalic lobes three neuromeres arise which fuse completely to form the fore-brain of the adult (figs. 1—4, Pls. XXIII and XXIV, and Fig. 1, F. B., p. 821). The first neuromere of the six thoracic segments pushes its 321 ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. ‘snseydosa 04 soposnm r0jowrjoxT “mw “4 “4UOULSaS-UIeAG 4SAy IO ‘oqo] avUNTIWAg “7 ‘s “aansstuU0D ureiq IOMO4SOg "09 'H *XRAOY} OY} JO SOAIOU [RUIVY IOWO\SOg ‘y-\~ "YM “SOAIOU snsea [eMoU 91} JO SJOOY 4-2 "'Y ‘*syuauSes OOVIOY} Of} JO SAATIU [RAMAN “g~(%" “SPAIU [LINAU O1[} JO Oseq 94} 4B VISURd JeNaNT *y-\ 4° ‘oasou Jeunoad 40 (UO ‘2 “UW “OAIOU [BAYSO 10 [RRpOWIOS WeIpayYy “wv “7s mw ‘aatou oho URIPO| “w'a"m “YyNOT ‘mw ‘oAroU of [eIOyery “wa “7 ‘SAIWOINIU SNSVA PAY} puke PUODS ot} JO saarou yeuULBY posny ATfeEsed MO] OY, “42 *y pue *,a y ‘oroWMOANoW snSea qsiy ony JO Soarou OMejsod pus IoMojue yuspuadepur oy], *,2°y pue*a"y “quouISes [eIDOI[OYO VY} JO oAIOU [RMA O44 YITA pasny Ayeyaed ‘orowomou urerq-a10y party} oy} JO oAtou [ema oy} Surywasoador A[qvqoad “yoos ayeorfap AI9A YW "uy = “UN yeLys *3 1o ‘umsopou worsuey “pow 4 ‘oursoyisny uorpsuen fF “ajayo Jo UTyS UI suBS10-asuas po19yyvos a4 04 soyoueiq Aueut yo SUIAIS ple ‘sueS.10-9sUas [exOd pUe [e|UaWSas of} WO, poattop uoT[Sued osiey *,6 °(¢) oyaqyeduids [elueig “4s ‘a *satouoinou NOBOY} OT} JO SOATOM [BUTBI] LOMUY “yy “Y “SOAMSSTULUMOD TOMY ‘09 -M —"UlRAQ-a10T “GT eS“ UTeAQ-PIW “YT “TL “UIeIg-PULET “ZH “Wreaq Aiossaody “gq Y—'suoroassip puv suoiyoos jo suvaut fq pajonaysuoo ‘uordtoog y[upe Jo uEIG—T “dI\T ws, S22 WILLIAM PATTEN. way in front of the mouth, forming a sharply defined region, that I shall call the mid-brain (Fig. 1, m. B.). The remaining five thoracic neuromeres are imperfectly fused; they constitute the hind-brain (#. B.). Finally, four very intimately fused abdominal neuromeres are added to the preceding ones, forming an accessory brain (A. B.). A very similar grouping is found in Vertebrates. (1) As shown by the segmental character of the optic, pineal, and olfactory nerves, the fore-brain probably contains at least three completely fused neuromeres. (2) The mid-brain, as is now generally recognised, contains but a single neuromere, which, judging from the character of its nerves and somite, probably belonged originally to what Gegenbaur calls the six primitive head-segments, and which, just as in Arachnids, has subse- quently become separated from them, forming an independent region. (3) The hind-brain is composed of five or six neuro- meres, which Gegenbaur, omitting the fore and accessory brain, regards as the primitive brain; the large size of these neuro- meres in Vertebrates, their incomplete fusion, and the distinct swellings at an early stage in this brain region, are facts to be expected on the Arachnid theory, for these features are also characteristic of the six thoracic neuromeres of Scorpio and Limulus. (4) According to Balfour and Van Wyhe, there is an accessory brain in Vertebrates composed of four body neuromeres, secondarily added to the head. There is difference of opinion as to the exact number of neuromeres in each brain region of Vertebrates; but as the matter now stands it would not violate these views more than they do one another to assume that the grouping of cranial neuromeres in Vertebrates is exactly the same as in Scor- pions. Il. Sprvau Nerves.—In embryo Scorpions each neuromere, except those of the fore-brain, has three pairs of nerves; one pair is mainly motor, another mainly sensory, and the third is probably sympathetic. In the abdominal region the nerves to each neuromere fuse to form the spinal nerves of the adult; but the distal and ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 323 proximal ends of the primitive motor and sensory nerves remain unfused, forming for each spinal nerve two distinct branches and two roots. The abdominal sympathetic nerves are very small, and their relation to nerves of the adult has not been in all cases determined. The sensory root of the adult spinal nerve arises near the neural surface of the neuromere. Besides the ordinary fibres, it contains an axial bundle of coarse and deeply stain- able nerve-tubes, surrounding which is an elongated mass of small ganglion-cells (Fig. 2, sp. g.). The motor root arises near the hemal surface of the neu- romere, and is distinguished by its light colour and by the absence of the dark nerve-tubes and ganglion-cells. A short distance from the neuromere the motor and sensory roots unite to form a single nerve, which, on reaching the sides of the bedy, divides into two branches, one extending backwards, the other laterally (Fig. 4). The above features are not so clearly defined in the caudal segments. Thus the abdominal spinal nerves of Scorpio resemble the spinal nerves of Vertebrates—(1) In their origin from two or more originally separate nerves ; (2) in the failure of the distal and proximal ends of the nerves to unite; (3) in the motor and sensory roots arising respectively from the hemal and neural surfaces of the nerve-cord; (4) in the presence of two kinds of nerve-tubes in the sensory root; (5) in the presence of a collection of ganglion-cells in the sensory root, between the nerve-cord and the point where the two roots unite ; (6) in the origin, as will be shown later, of this ganglion from a spe- cialised part of a dark lateral border of the ventral cords, comparable with the neural crest of Vertebrates. III. Tue Tworacrc on Craniat Nerves of Scorpio remain separate throughout life; hence they differ from the abdominal nerves in the same way that it is supposed some of the Verte- brate cranial nerves differ from the spinal ones. Examined more closely, we find that of the three pairs of 324. WILLIAM PATTEN. nerves to the first hind-brain neuromere, that supplying the chele is much the largest. We shall call it the neural or pedal nerve; it undoubtedly corresponds to the sensory roots of the abdominal segments, and agrees with them in being a mixed motor and sensory nerve, in containing two kinds of nerve-tubes, and in having at its base a ganglionic swelling that we shall call the neural ganglion (Figs. 1 and 3, n.g.). The latter is serially homologous with the spinal ganglia, as shown by its development from the neural crest ; but it differs from them in being very much larger, in having the ganglion-cells arranged upon the surface of the nerve- root, and in being more intimately fused with the nerve-cord. In Limulus there are at the base of the pedal nerves similar swellings; they are here more clearly ganglia of pedal nerves, because they are more independent of the nerve-cord than in Scorpio (Fig. 10, g. n*.). In Scorpions about ready to hatch, a short distance beyond the neural ganglion is a purely sensory and richly ganglio- nated coxal nerve; it is distributed to a number of sense- organs on the median basal side of the legs; one of these organs is very much larger than the rest, and from it is split off a very large coxal ganglion (Fig. 8, cv.g. and cx.n.). Each of the sense-buds (s. 6.) also gives rise to one or more ganglion-cells, which pass into the nerve that supplies the bud. There is a similar set of coxal sense-organs in the spiny mandible-like swellings in the coxal joints of Limulus. The main nerve is continued beyond the coxal nerve into the chela. Near the base of the chele it expands into a ganglionic swelling, formed by an inward proliferation from a true segmental sense-organ ( S$. 8. 0.). The exact fate of the coxal and segmental ganglia I have not been able to determine. The large coxal sense-organ seems to disappear, but the ganglion produced by it wanders inward, forming a swelling on the coxal nerve. The segmental sense-organ also disappears, and its ganglion probably unites with the coxal ganglion, At any rate in the adult, I find a large lateral ganglion united by several branches not only with ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 3209 the pedal and hzmal nerves of the chele, but also with the skin (Fig. 1, g.7.). I believe this ganglion is formed by the fusion of the segmental and coxal ganglia. All the pedal nerves of the thorax are built on the above Fic. 2.—A. Section through the anterior portion of a neuromere of Scorpio in Stage z, fig. 3. B. Section, at same stage, through the posterior portion of a neuromere. C. Section of nerve-cord in anterior portion of abdomen of a Scorpion embryo, with pigment just appearing in the body-wall. D. Section through the third abdominal neuromere of embryo about ready to hatch. Z#. Section through first abdominal neuro- mere of adult. #. Section through the occipital ring of the endocranium or sternum of Scorpio. G. A segmental sense-organ of Stages F, G. bt. c. Botryoidal cord. c. cr, Cartilaginous endocranium. c. cent. = g. m.c. Imperfect canalis centralis formed by the ganglionic portion of the median furrow. 4g. m.c. Ganglionic portion of median furrow. 4g. s. 0. One of the large marginal sense-organs that give rise to the spinal ganglia. h, m. Heemal nerve. 7. m.c. Interganglionic portion of median furrow, or “anlage” of spinal artery. 7. 2/. Inner neurilemma. &. st. Wedge- shaped cord, a remnant of the median furrow, out of which a branch to the spinal artery is formed. x. cr. Neural crest. md. Medulla. m. m. Neural nerve. sp. a. Spinal artery. sp. gy. Spinal ganglion. sp. 2. Spinal nerve. sz. o. Sexual organs. 3826 WILLIAM PATTEN. plan, the only difference being that in the other segments the coxal sense-organs and consequently the coxal nerve are smaller, and there seems to be no lateral ganglion in the adult. Two pairs of hemal nerves arise from each of the six thoracic neuromeres ; they are small and light coloured, and are probably entirely motor, supplying the innermost muscles, and probably some of the anterior viscera (Figs. 1 and 3, a. h. n. and p. h. n.). | Segmental Sense-organs and Ganglia.—One of the most important evidences of the Annelid origin of Vertebrates has been the similarity between the segmental sense-organs of fishes and Annelids. The value of this evidence has recently been destroyed, because it is now known, from the researches of Beard and Allis, that the lateral line-organs of fishes are formed by a backward growth of cranial sense-organs, and that their segmental arrangement is only secondarily acquired. Moreover, Beard’s researches show such an unsuspected com- plication of cranial ganglia, sense-organs, and nerves, that it is difficult, if not impossible, to compare them with similar parts in the body. To say the least, his observations do not strengthen the Annelid theory, because the latter cannot explain this extraordinary difference between the cranial and spinal nerves, its aim and only hope being the reduction of the ancestral Vertebrate to a collection of like, not unlike meta- meres. We certainly do not have this difficulty with the Arachnid theory, because the distribution and history of the thoracic sense-organs, ganglia, and nerves of Scorpio and Limulus, resemble in a striking way those of the corresponding parts of Vertebrates. For example, in Scorpio (1) the pedal nerve, its neural and lateral ganglia, and its purely sensory branch, or coxal nerve, the coxal and the segmental sense-organs, and the anterior and posterior hemal nerves,—all these features produce in each thoracic neuromere a complex condition similar to that found in a typical cranial neuromere of Verte- brates. (2) Omitting the fore and accessory brain, and using the cranial ganglia as guides, there are in the head of ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 827 Vertebrates six sets of sense-organs, or exactly the same num- ber as in Scorpio and Limulus. In Vertebrates the ganglia, presumably derived from segmental sense-organs, are the ciliary, Gasserian, facial, auditory, and glossopharyngeal, and the first free vagus; or omitting the latter, and counting with some authors the facial ganglion as double, we would still arrive at the same conclusion. (3) In both Scorpio and Vertebrates these sense-organs give rise to “ lateral ganglia.” (4) In both cases neural ganglia are developed in the head, which are serially homologous with spinal ganglia. (5) In both cases the neural and the spinal ganglia develop from aspecial modification of the edge of the nerve-cords, the “ neural crest.” In Scorpio the crest consists of a row of large dark sense-organs extending the whole length of the nerve-cord (Pls. XXIII and XXIV, figs. 1—3, nc. = sp. y.; and text, Fig. 2,a and p, ne. and sp. g.; also text, Fig. 11, sp.g.). (6) The manner in which the coxal nerve unites with a coxal sense-organ and receives ganglion-cells from it, and the way it becomes connected by small branches Fic. 3.—Semidiagrammatic section through the base of a leg and a thoracic neuromere of an embryo Scorpion.—a. 4. z. Anterior hemal nerve. cw. s. 0. Coxal sense-organ. 4. s. s. Ganglion-cells arising from segmental sense-organ. z.g. Large neural ganglion, serially homologous with spinal ganglia of abdomen. jp. %. z. Posterior hemal nerve. p. x. Pedal nerve. s. 4. Sensory buds (comp. fig. 4, Pl. XXIV, s. 0.). 8. 8. 0. Segmental sense-organs. 328 WILLIAM PATTEN, with innumerable sense-buds scattered over the skin of the legs and ventral surface of the body (Fig. 3, s. ., p. 327, and Pl. XXIV, fig. 4) is comparable with the growth of the “ supra- branchial”? nerve of Vertebrates. (7) Moreover, although we have not determined with certainty the history of the ganglia arising from the segmental sense-organs of Scorpio, there is reason to suppose they represent the ganglia which, according to Van Wyhe, are connected with the ventral branch of cranial nerves. We should thus, in another way, arrive at and confirm the conclusion of Froriep, that the ventral root-ganglion is the most primitive; for in Scorpio and Limulus the segmental sense-organs and ganglia are undoubtedly more primitive than the coxal ones. Beard denies that there is any ganglion to the ventral root, so it is difficult to determine whether the coxal sense-organs or the seg- mental ones, or both, correspond to the supra-branchial sense- organs described by Beard; but for several reasons I am inclined to think they are the coxal sense-organs. If we accept Beard’s scheme of the cranial nerves, the enor- mous transitory sense-organs of Limulus would come in exactly the same place as the ear of Vertebrates—that is, reckoning three segments to the fore-brain, on the seventh cranial segment. It is also worth mentioning that the general appearance of the two organs at an early stage is very much alike. The lateral cord of ganglion-cells and nerve-fibres of Limulus may be compared with the “ ganglien-zellen-strang” described by Vejdovsky in the Oligochzeta, and may be regarded as having the same morphological value as the lateral cord of the central nervous system. It is not improbable that the longitudinal nerves of the Vertebrate head, such as that, for instance, uniting the seventh and fifth nerves, are remnants of a lateral nerve-cord like that in Limulus. IV. Tue Vacus Nerves of Scorpio, as I shall call them, or those arising from the accessory brain, are intermediate in ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES FROM ARACHNIDS. 329 character between the cranial and spinal nerves; at the same time they present remarkable features not found elsewhere. The neural nerves to the four vagus neuromeres fuse com- pletely to form the large pectinal nerve ; but the neural ganglia at the base of the nerves retain to a certain extent their inte- grity, forming what I have called the ganglion nodosum or ganglion laminatum (owing to the remarkable concentric laminz composing its medullary core), the ganglion fusi- forme, and the ganglion minus (Fig. 1). The hemal nerves to the first vagus neuromere form two distinct pairs, as in the typical cranial segments (A. v!. and h. v?.). In each of the succeeding neuromeres the hzmal nerves have united with each other, forming three nerves with double roots; the latter decrease in length from the first pair to the third, passing gradually into a condition like that in the abdominal hemal nerves. A short distance from the brain all five hemal nerves form a compact bundle extending backwards, some of the nerves passing through the hemal wall of the cartilaginous cranium or sternum, others passing out of the neural canal. Thesecond and third double nerves (v*. and v*., Fig. 4), some distance from the brain, fuse to form a single nerve supplying the first and second lung-books and the ventral surface of the body ; on its way to these organs it passes over the ventral surface of the liver, to which it possibly gives branches. The anterior heemal nerve of the first vagus neuromere (v!.) runs close to the coxal gland, and, dividing into numerous branches, is lost on the surface of a thick peritoneum-like membrane. The poste- rior nerve (v?.) extends along the arthrodeal membrane supply- ing numerous sense-organs in the skin of the sides and back of the abdomen. The fourth vagus (v‘.) supplies the skin and longitudinal muscles on the ventral surface of the abdomen. A small nerve arises from the ventral surface of the accessory brain, and supplies the distal portion of the sexual ducts (Figs. 1 and 4, 2). I could find no way of ascertaining to what neuromere this nerve belongs. 330 WILLIAM PATTEN. Hence the term vagus is applicable to these nerves, for, owing, as we shall see, to the almost complete disappearance of their proper field of distribution, they have not only wan- dered into other segments, but to organs which they do not normally supply. Little is certainly known about the vagus nerves of Verte- brates, but at present I see no serious objection to supposing they are derived from the vagus of Scorpions. The most im- portant resemblance between these remarkable groups of nerves are the following :—(1) The vagus nerves in both Scor- pions and Vertebrates extend backward (although the neuro- meres to which they belong have been pushed forward), and supply muscles and internal organs to which the corre- sponding nerves of the other segments are not normally distributed. (2) This wandering of the nerves in both Verte- brates and Scorpio is probably due to the same cause, i. e. the great concentration of their neuromeres and the absence of their mesomeres; the result is that the nerves must also disappear or wander to other tissues. This point is an im- portant one, because these conditions are not found in any other animals besides Vertebrates and Arthropods. (8) In the Scor- pion the main vagus nerve is formed by the early and remark- ably complete fusion of four neural nerves of an accessory brain. In Vertebrates the vagus is formed in the same way; but there is nothing to show whether these fused nerves, either in Scorpio or Vertebrates, represent neural nerves or only their sensory branches, or both. (4) The hemal vagus nerves of Scorpio form a compact and isolated group of nerves evidently undergoing profound secondary changes; already they are partly fused with one another, and their roots have moved backward at the same time that the neural roots have moved forward. Since in Vertebrates there has probably been a similar movement in the vagus region (Gegenbaur), it is possible that in Petromyzon the four posterior vagus roots of the eight de- scribed by Ahlborn represent hemal vagus roots which have moved backward along the medulla oblongata only a little more markedly than the hemal vagus roots in Scorpio. 9 + 17s. Fies. 59—61.—Three sections through other blastocysts in which further confirmation of these karyolytic processes is distinct. In Fig. 59, @ indicates a spot where the dividing nuclei have just sepa- rated and rearranged themselves. Fig. 59.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n* Sorex 73 al, 37. 23 s. Fig. 60.— BS of = 18 s. Fig. 61.— ie 3 de Sai Ded oee, (This latter section belongs to a series of which no surface reconstruction is given.) PLATE XL. Fies. 62—64,—Three surface views (obtained by reconstruction from an unbroken series of sections drawn with camera) of three embryos from the same uterus (No. 45). The mesoblast, of which the outer boundary is indi- cated by a dotted line, stretches some distance beyond the epiblastic shield. It is in this stage already a continuous plate, only interrupted in the median line below the epiblastic shield by the gastrula-ridge (gr.), the protochordal wedge (pw.), and the protochordal plate (pp.). The arrows indicate the exact situations, and also the extent of the sections figured under the corresponding numbers. Fie. 65.—The uterus, No. 45, natural size, drawn from the spirit specimen. Fries, 66—68.—Three sections through the embryonic region of Fig, 62. pp. Protochordal plate. pw. Protochordal wedge. Ay.az. Remnants as yet fairly distinct of the annular zone of modified hypoblast of Figs. 33—35. Fig. 66.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n°’ Sorex 45 c, 47. 5s. Fig. 67.— ” 5B) » 2s, Fig. 68.— és Mi » 3718s. Fic. 69.—An oblique section through another embryonic shield of the same stage. Letters as above. C. Rudiment of a canal in the protochordal wedge. Mus. Utr. Cat. n* Sorex 45e,47.10s. STUDIES IN MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY. 561 Fies. 70—77.—Kight sections through part of the embryonic shield of Fig. 63. Lettering as above. Fig. 70.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n* Sorex 45 0,27. 38s. Fig. 71.— ra 3 re 25 s. Fig. 72.— Be 36 So Mose Fig. 73.— a5 53 3 5s. Fig. 74,— ” ” 2 7 Ss. Fig. 75.— 35 * . 9s. Fig. 76.— 33 A A alley Fig. 77.— 55 5 17s. Fie. 78.—Part of a section through an embryonic shield not here figured. Here, again, there is an unmistakable rudiment (c.) of a canal in the proto- chordal wedge. Mus. Utr. Cat. n* Sorex 45 a, 47. 22 s. PLATE XLI. Fies. 79—81.—Three surface views of three embryos from the same uterus (No. 42), They were obtained in the same way as those of the foregoing plates. pp., pw. gr. as in Figs, 62—64. Cel. Regions of the celom. (per.: in Fig. 80 first indication of pericardial ccelom, in transverse sections in Fig. 88.) Fig. 82.—The uterus, No. 42, drawn from the spirit specimens (natural size). Fies. 83—87.—Five sections through the embryonic shield of Fig. 79. The sections are oblique, i.e. asymmetrical. This brings out all the more clearly (especially in Fig. 87) the slight but still marked differences between the mesoblast that more particularly belongs to the protochordal plate (mes. pp.), that which is continuous with the protochordal wedge (mes. pw.), and that which belongs to the region of the gastrula-ridge (mes. gr.). Lettering as before. gr. and gg. The front end of gastrula-ridge and gastrula-groove as seen in oblique sections. (In Figs. 85 and 86, and also in Fig. 90, there are rudiments of a protochordal canal inside the protochordal wedge.) Fig. 83.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n° Sorex 42 ce, 3 7. 6 d. Fig. 84.— x A x Ode Fig. 85.— i: ¥ a ea Fig. 86.— ws a ulate Fig. 87.— < se ain Ss Fics. 88 and 91.—Two sections as indicated in Fig. 80. Fig. 88.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n* Sorex 42¢,376 5. Fig. 91.— ry i - MIS e: Fics. 89 and 90.—Idem for Fig. 81. Lettering as above. Fig. 89.—Mus. Utr. Cat. n° Sorex 42 6,47. 27s. Fig. 90.— + 3 4 22s. 562 A. A. W. HUBRECHT. PLATE XLII. Figs. 92—95.—Four diagrammatical figures to illustrate certain theoretical speculations developed in the text (p. 533), Fig. 92.—An amphibian or cyclostomatous gastrula-stage. Fig. 93.—A hypothetical transition between the foregoing and the mammalian diagram, fig. 95 (partial perspective). Fig. 94.—A sauropsidan gastrula-stage (copied with very slight modifi- cations from Rabl). Fig. 95.—A mammalian stage corresponding to the phase which is also represented in the surface views 62—64 (partial perspective). Grey and black: trophoblast, embryonic epiblast. Black with white dots: palingenetic hypoblast of the protochordal wedge. Black with parallel stripes: palingenetic hypoblast of gastrula-ridge. Blue: ccenogenetic hypoblast with protochordal plate (pp.) and modified annular zone (hy. az.). In Figs, 92 and 93 the distinction between palingenetic and ccno- genetic hypoblast is not actually existent, but arbitrarily introduced in order to elucidate the facts as presented by 95. TERMINATIONS OF NERVES IN TORTOISE-SHELL. 063 Terminations of Nerves in the Nuclei of the Epithelial Cells of Tortoise-shell, By John Berry Haycraft, M.D., D.Sc., From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh. With Plate XLIII. Tue land tortoise (Testudo greca), so commonly imported into England from the south of Europe, appears to be a very sluggish animal. This is not really the case, and its move- ments on a hot summer day are the reverse of phlegmatic. In this condition its carapace is sensitive to the slightest impact. Ifthe carapace or plastron be very gently tapped, the nearest leg is alone withdrawn, a heavier tap causing a withdrawal of its whole body. We have here, therefore, a structure which is a true sensitive surface, and like the soft skin of a frog or of a man, it is brought into relation- ship with the central nervous system. Like the soft skin of other animals it may be mapped out into areas, from which the nerve-fibres passing to the spinal cord are all especially connected with outgoing motor nerves, so that the definite reflex movements of limbs as already described may come about. The above experiment naturally suggested that the sensory nerves passed right through the thick bone of the carapace and plastron, and ended near the outer surface, either in the epithelial tissue of the tortoise-shell itself or in the layer of connective tissue which unites it to the subjacent bone. After removal of a scute of tortoise-shell the connective VOL. XXXI, PART IV.—NEW SER. PP 564 JOHN BERRY HAYORAFT. tissue outside the bone was found, in confirmation of this surmise, to contain sensory nerve-fibres, for the application of acetic acid, or of an interrupted galvanic stimulus, caused definite reflex defensive movements, similar to those which follow the application of acid to the frog’s skin. Inasmuch, therefore, as sensory nerves evidently end quite superficially, it became an interesting question to determine their exact mode of termination in the curiously modified tissues of the carapace. Portions of the carapace, generally taken from the region of the costal plates, were softened in chromic acid and nitric acid fluid, frozen, and cut with a thick-bladed razor. In this way one can obtain fairly thin sections even of the tough tortoise-shell. The sections were treated in various ways, with a view of demonstrating nerves or nerve termina- tions, and in no case was I able to discover any nervous struc- ture in the tortoise-shell itself. In the subjacent connective-tissue layer, however, were bodies which I, at first sight, thought were end organs (Pl. XLITI, fig. 1). They turned out to be the transverse sec- tions of curiously modified nerve-fibres. These nerve-fibres are easily distinguished from the blood-vessels (which in this situation are devoid of a muscular coat) by their solid appear- ance (fig. 2), strong connective-tissue covering, and by their occasional transverse section, which is very characteristic in appearance. Fig. 1 represents, in transverse section, two of these fibres bound together by a common sheath of connective tissue (H). Each fibre consists of an external layer of concentrically arranged connective tissue, consisting of laminz of colloid granular material with intervening connective-tissue corpuscles (m). Within this is acolloid-looking core (Kk), devoid of nuclei, and also staining pink with picro-carmine. In the centre of the core is generally to be found a small spot, probably an axis-cylinder, somewhat differentiated from the rest of the core (Gc). No trace of medullary matter is to be found in connection with any of these nerves, nor are ordinary medullated fibres TERMINATIONS OF NERVES IN TORTOISE-SHELL. 565 to be found in this region; and one is forced to conclude that owing to their peculiar situation—perhaps on account of the pressure of the hard scutes placed immediately above them— the medullated nerves are replaced by axis-cylinders, enclosed and protected by the sheaths of modified connective tissue just described. These modified nerve-fibres can be traced back a little way into the bone, and no doubt ultimately pass into the ordinary medullated nerves found so plentifully on the inner surface of the carapace. Under the scutes they freely branch, becoming smaller and smaller, and ultimately terminate in the lower epithelial cells of the tortoise-shell. We have, therefore, medullated fibres passing from the central nervous system to the bone of the carapace and plastron, these then pass into the medullary nerve-fibres seen under the scutes, from which, as we shall presently see, fine terminal naked axis-cylinders run into the scutes. The final intra-epidermic termination of the nerves was never seen in any of the sections, for the softening of the tissue previously to its cutting prevented their subsequent . demonstration by staining agents. The nerve endings may, however, be demonstrated by another very simple method. The scutes from a recently killed tortoise are removed in pieces with a sharp scalpel, care being taken to keep attached to their under surfaces as much as possible of the subjacent connective tissue; and it will be found advisable before doing so to remove as much as possible of the dense outer part of the scute. In this way one can obtain thin and fairly transparent pieces of tissue, consisting of the lower layers of the tortoise-shell and the tissue connected with it. These are placed in absolute alcohol 2 parts, and distilled water | part, and after twelve hours are thoroughly steeped in distilled water until every trace of alcohol is removed. The tissues are then placed in a solution of hematoxylin until they are sufficiently stained ; they may then be mounted in balsam, the connective tissue or deeper layer being above the epithelium and next the cover-glass. 566 JOHN BERRY HAYCRAFT. Hematoxylin Solution. Ammonia alum, 3 grammes ; Pure hematoxylin, 3 grammes ; UDistilled water, 100 c.c. * C Absolute alcohol, 16 c.c. Mix A and B, keep in diffuse daylight for two weeks, and dilute with 20 volumes of distilled water. On looking down into the connective tissue with a power of three or four hundred diameters, the modified nerve-fibres are seen branching in all directions. On deeper focussing the lower cells of the epithelium are seen from below. Their out- lines are in most situations fairly well seen, and their nuclei should be stained with the hematoxylin. In these preparations the nuclei frequently shrink within the nuclear cavities, appearing as dark blue granular masses (B, fig. 4) ; but in most cases they fill the nuclear cavity, and their chromatin filaments can clearly be made out. The greater number of cells are devoid of any nerves, but here and there nerve-fibres may be seen branching again and again in the connective tissue, and sending their finest ramifications to the nuclei of the epidermic cells. These are what appear to be definite sensitive spots where alone the nerves terminate. These spots are of variable size, so small as to correspond to a space occupied by only a dozen cells, or so large as to occupy two or three fields of the microscope. I should say that some twenty or thirty of these “spots” might be found on one square inch of a costal scute. Between these spots the epithe- lium presents, as already observed, nothing very remarkable, but within the spot the appearance is very striking. The non-medullated fibres deeply stained with the logwood divide again and again, sending, in many cases, hundreds of fibres to the epithelial cells. Fig. 3 represents a sector of one of these spots carefully drawn from a specimen. At the cireum- ference (B) the fibres terminate in only a few of the epithelial cells, but towards the centre all or nearly all of the cells receive fibres. The outlines of the cells are not well marked, the fibres at first sight appearing to terminate in little round blue masses, which are in reality the nuclei of the cells. TERMINATIONS OF NERVES IN TORTOISE-SHELL. 567 In fig. 4 a very small portion at the outer part of a sensi- tive spot is more highly amplified. At the upper part of the figure the epithelium outside the spot is seen. Below this the terminations of the nerves can readily be made out. They certainly pass into the nuclear cavity. Whether they end in little flat plates within the nuclear cavity and closely applied to the outside of the nucleus, or whether they are prolonged into the chromatin of the nucleus, I should not like dog- matically to state. I am inclined to believe in the latter view, and think it probable that they are continued into true nuclear substance. The appearances seen at x HB, fig. 4, are pro- bably due to shrinkage as a result of treatment with alcohol ; but in c ¢, fig. 4, the nuclear cavity is completely filled by the nucleus, all the chromatin substance having apparently gone to form the knob or cup at the end of the nerve, leaving the rest of the nucleus almost devoid of granular matter, and very faintly tinted by the hematoxylin. The nerves end in the cells of the rete alone, for it is impossi- ble to trace them beyond the deeper layer of the epithelium. This is what might be expected, for in the adult tortoise-shell the rete consists of one, two, or perhaps three layers of nucle- ated rounded cells, and above these, with hardly any transi- tional tissue, there are the dense lamin of the horny layer, made up of flattened keratinised scales with unstainable nuclei. It follows from the foregoing remarks that the scutes of the tortoise, in spite of their hard, dense nature, form a very typical epidermic sensory covering for the animal. As in the soft skin of mammals, the nerves end in localised sensitive spots in the epidermis, and before penetrating this tissue they form a horizontal plexus in the upper part of the connective tissue. The final terminations of nerves in epithelium has received much attention from histologists, who have studied this sub- ject perhaps most fully in the tadpole’s tail. In some situations the nerves appear to run entirely between the cells—indeed, this appears to be generally the case (Ran- vier, 1; Klein, 2; Eberth, 3; Leboucq, 4). They either end in a simple plexus, or terminate in very small knobs or plates, which, 568 JOHN BERRY HAYORAFT. judging from the drawings and preparations I have seen, are for the most part much smaller than the chromatin knobs of the tortoise. But some authors have traced nerves into the epithelial cells themselves, where they appear to end in little knobs embedded in the cell protoplasm, near but never in the nucleus. Thus Pfitzner (5), working with the Amphibia, finds this to be the case; and more recently Macallum (6) describes nerves termi- nating both between and within the epidermic cells of the tadpole’s tail. In the tortoise-shell the nerves certainly pass right into the nuclear cavity, within which the only structures deeply stained by hematoxylin are the club- or cup-shaped masses into which the nerves pass. A very remarkable fact is the ease with which these preparations are obtained. I have made over twenty, and in all cases good demonstrations were obtained. I have tried several gold methods, but they were vastly inferior to the log- wood, and, as usual, chiefly characterised by want of uniformity in the results obtained. In other situations the non-medul- lated nerves of the tortoise do not stain at all readily with logwood. PAPERS QUOTED IN TExtT. 1. Ranvier.—‘ Traité technique d’histologie,’ p. 900. 2. Kierm.—‘ Atlas of Histology.’ 3. EpertH.—‘ Archiv f. mikr. Anat.,’ Bd. ii, p. 490, 1866. 4. Lrsovce.— Bull. de Acad. Roy. de Belgique,’ 1876. 5. Prirzner.— Morph. Jahrbuch,’ Bad. vii, p. 726. 6. Macauium, A. B.—‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xvi. TERMINATIONS OF NERVES IN TORTOISE-SHELL. 569 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XLII, Illustrating Dr. John Berry Haycraft’s paper on “ Termina- tions of Nerves in the Nuclei of the Epithelial Cells of Tortoise-shell.” Fig, 1.—Section through the lower part of the tortoise-shell, the sub- jacent connective tissue, and part of the bone of a costal plate. 4. Lower lamine of horny layer of tortoise-shell. B. Cells of rete, with big nuclei and deep ridges passing into subjacent connective tissue. (c) Process— profile view of a ridge—of connective tissue running into epithelial cell. D. Pigment-cell in tissue around nerve-fibres. H. Sheath common to two nerve-fibres. m. Outer covering of granular modified connective tissue. K. Inner part of nerve-sheath, consisting of granular non-nucleated connec- tive tissue. G. Spot in centre, probably an axis-cylinder. #, Bone. Fic. 2.—Longitudinal view of a nerve considerably smaller than the one represented in transverse section (Fig. 1). Fic. 8.—Part of a sensitive spot; the tortoise-shell is viewed from below. x 250. A. Centre of spot. Branching nerve-fibres seen ending in nuclei of epithelium. Border of cells not seen because of low power used. B. At periphery of spot, where most of the epithelial cells are unconnected with nerve-fibres. Fic. 4.—Part of the same highly magnified. x 800. .4. Nucleus outside sensory spot. It contains chromatin filaments. B. Nucleus that has shrunk within nuclear cavity. cc. Nerve-fibre passes into nuclear cavity, and apparently ending in the chromatin of the cell, the rest of the nuclear cavity being filled with clear, almost colourless material. sxx. Nothing is to be seen inside the nuclear cavity except the knobs terminating the nerves. The rest of the nucleus has probably shrunk around this. #. Towards centre of spot the outlines of the epithelial cells are very indistinct. rar Ma etn at) ales Vie PND x On WO ln xo. NEW SERIES. Acanthodrilus, anal nepridia of, 467 Amphioxus, development of its atrial _ chamber, by Lankester and Willey, 445 # excretory tubules of, by Weiss, 489 Arachnids, the origin of vertebrates from, by Patten, 317 Atrial chamber of Amphioxus, its development, by Lankester and Willey, 445 Beddard on Deodrilus and on anal nephridia in Acanthodrilus, 467 = on the structure of an earth- worm belonging to the genus Diacheta, 159 Benham on the classification of Harth- worms, 201 Bourne, A. G., on Cheetobranchus, a new genus of oligochetous Cheto- poda, 83 Buchanan, F., on Hekaterobranchus, a new genus of Spionide, 175 Biitschli’s imitation of protoplasmic movement, 99 Cerata of Nudibranch Mollusca, by Herdman, 41 Chetobranchus, a new genus of oligochetous Chetopoda, by A. G. Bourne, 83 | Deodrilus, Beddard on, 467 Diacheta, a species of, by Beddard, 159 Earthworm of the genus Diachata, by Beddard, 159 _ Earthworms, an attempt to classify, by W. B. Benham, 201 Embryology of Mammalia, by Hu- brecht, 499 5 of Scorpion, by Laurie, 105 Eyes of Arthropoda, morphology of, by Watase, 143 Gaskell on the origin of Vertebrates froma Crustacean-like ancestor, 379 Haycraft on terminations of nerves in tortoise-shell, 563 Hekaterobranchus Shrubsolii, anew genus and species of Spionide, by F. Buchanan, 175 Herdman on the cerata of Nudibranch Mollusea, 41 Hubrecht, studies in mammalian em- bryology, No. II, 499 Lankester and Willey on the develop- ment of the atrial chamber of Amphioxus, 445 Laurie on the embryology of a Scor- pion, 105 572 Marshall, C. F., on the histology of | Sorex, development of germinal layers striped muscle, 65 Muscle, histology of Marshall, 65 Nephridia, anal, in Earthworms, 467 Nerve-terminations in tortoise-shell, by Haycraft, 563 Nudibranch Mollusca, the cerata or dorsal papille of, by Herdman, 41 striped, by Oligocheta, a new genus of, by A.G. Bourne, 83 Patten on the origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids, 317 Phymosoma varians, by Shipley, 1 Porter on the presence of Ranvier’s constrictions in the spinal cord of vertebrates, 91 Protoplasmic movement, imitation of, by Bitschli, 99 Ranvier’s constrictions in the spinai cord of vertebrates, by Porter, 91 Scorpion, embryology of, by Laurie,105 Shipley on Phymosoma, 1 INDEX. of, by Hubrecht, 499 Spiders, spinning apparatus by, War- burton, 29 Spinal cord, Ranvier’s constrictions in, by Porter, 91 Spionide, a new genus of, by F. Buchanan, 175 Tortoise-shell, nerve-terminations in, by Haycraft, 563 Vertebrates, their origin from a Crustacean-like ancestor, by Gas- kell, 379 3 their origin from Arach- nids, by William Patten, 317 Warburton on the spinning apparatus of spiders, 29 Watase on the morphology of the compound eyes of Arthropoda, 143 Weiss on excretory tubules of Am- phioxus, 489 Willey and Lankester on the develop- ment of the atrial chamber of Amphioxus, 445 PRINTED BY ADLARD AND SON, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. 6 wg Opes ewes a Sh ein te ee mt Sete ON ee re ayers emmy ev Aero ee Aa raer - Soe tk ee 8 ~~ PN IN ET LTE ET a A NO a ill EN Hy = ee ee et, ee a Se ee ee naemn SE Pe eae OPO nce hanna nee etree ae OR Gen ae ee ee om PPO OTD SO LALLA LORE IES a OR ll ey ENED ee AOL ne eR Oe AI I et Oy NS ten hem Agee te eee a A a a a i AEA A AEA AN AOTC np pn DOE Race ies A Ne ah RD eA cel OPE te Oy AE ONG OE OO = 0 AO RO ly eel 8 AO SE MOBS wi et Rat Ae hk Oe pers Reh tO Ope Nee tee hey Rg ee 2 he : —