nd aan ea dca STS eee hack HARVARD, ‘UNIVE Rolt ¥. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. gal B Koay» — Dotgber. Ib, /900 J, QUARTERLY JOURNAL MICROSCOPICAL SCLENCH. E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ST. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF THE LINCEI OF ROME; ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM; FULLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.RS., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 5 W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.R.S., LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD; LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 5 AND SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. VOLUME 43.—New SErRIEs. Gith Aithographic Plates and Engrabings on dlood i LONDON: & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1900, CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. 169, N.S., FEBRUARY, 1900. MEMOIRS: PAGE Contributions to the Embryology of the Marsupialia. Parts II and Il. By Jas. P. Hitt, B.Se.Edin., F.L.8., Demonstrator of Biology in the University of Sydney, New South Wales. (With Plates 1 and) : ‘ ‘ : : : : i Studies in the Retina: Rods and Cones in the Frog and in some other Amphibia. By H. M. Bernarp, M.A.Cantab. (from the Biological Laboratories of the Royal College of Science). (With Plate’) . f ; , : | 98 On the Sensory Pit of the Crotaline. By G. 8. West, B.A., A.R.C.S., Student. of St. John’s College, Cambridge. (With Plate 4) . : : ; . 49 A Re-investigation of the Early Stages of the Development of the Mouse. By J. W. Jenxryson, M.A. (With Plates‘ and6) . 61 The Structure of the Rostellum in Two New Species of Tapeworm, from Apteryx. By W. Braxtanp Benuam, D.Sc., M.A., Pro- fessor of Biology in the University of Otago, New Zealand. (With Platey7 and 8). ; ; aye < eis The Habits and Karly Development of Cerebratulus lacteus (Verrill). A Contribution to Physiological Morphology. By Cuas. B. Witson. (With Plates 9—11) 5 : » OF CONTENTS OF No. 170, N.S., APRIL, 1900. MEMOIRS: On the Reaction of Daphnia magna (Straus) to certain Changes in its Environment. By Ernest Warren, D.Sc., University College, London , : 3 : : . 199 iv CONTENTS. A Revision of the Genus Steganoporella. By Sipnny F, Harmer, 8e.D., F.R.S., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge ; Superintendent a the University Museum of ma (With Plates 12 and 13) : On a New Histriobdellid. By Witttam A. Haswett, M.A,, DSc; RSs Challis Professor of Bee University of Sydney. (With Plates 14 and 15) : : On Spongioporphyrin : the Pigment of Suberites Wilsoni. By C. A. MacMunn, M.A., M.D. (With Plate 16) Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxus. By E. W. MacBripg, M.A., D.Se.(Lond.), Professor of Zoology in McGill University, Montreal. (With Plate’17) Quelques Observations sur les Onychophores (Peripatus) de la Collection du Musée Britannique. Par E. L. Bouvirr, Pro- fesseur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris On the Diplochorda. TIT. The Early Development and Anatomy of Phoronis Buskii, Mcl. By Arrnur T. Mastermay, M.A.(Cantab.), D.Se. Guond: and St. A.), Lecturer on Zoology i in the New Medical School, Edinburgh. (With Plates” 18—21) CONTENTS OF No. 171, N.S., JULY, 1900. MEMOIRS: The Anatomy and Classification of the Arenicolide, with some Observations on their Post-larval Stages. By F. W. Gampte, M.Sce., and J. H. Ashwortn, D.Sec., Demonstrators and Assistant Lecturers in Zoology, Owens College, Manchester. (With Plates ~99—99) . Diagrams illustrating the Life-History of the Parasites of Malaria. By Ronautp Ross, D.P.H., M.R.C.S., Lecturer in Tropical Medicine, University College, Liverpool, and R. Fretprne -Ouxp, M.A., M.B., Acting Demonstrator, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. (With Plates‘30 and 31) Note on the Morphological Significance of the Various Phases of Hemameebide. By HE. Ray LaAnKester PAGE 225 299 337 351 367 419 571 581 CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. 172, N.S., SEPTEMBER, 1900. MEMOIRS: Hippolyte varians: a Study in Colour-change. By F. W. GamBue, D.Se., Owens College, Manchester, and F. W. Keene, M.A., Caius College, Cambridge ; late Assistant Lecturer in Botany, Owens College, Manchester. (With Plates 32—36) On the Nephridia of the Polycheta. Part III. The Phyllodocide, Syllide, Amphinomide, etc., with Summary and Conclusions. By Epwixn S Gooprica, M.A., Aldrichian Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. (With Plates'37—42) Nouvelles Observations sur les Peripatus de la Collection du Musée Britannique. Par E. L. Bouvrer, Professeur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris Tirne, INDEX, AND CONTENTS. VoL. 43.—NEW SERIES. b PAGE 699 749 ‘7; , ae) eT ie = ce “ahs 7 he a. Uae ite Nea eee a 2 dy: ae ae a 7 io 7 PVN ay + (a - Hae EF if 2yLe | ; : wri St ; hy OF ty he ‘nn mei: ra Hol en ee, Ge eh EF ars. Sua _ owe f a inl = a, The vee a5 an t On ; 3 > ow oO ar . Nas CWE ats Bs 7 aK ‘ a ee > e L ra uae bey) Se rox ¥ VO see aS | Ti ee yo: | Ae ceah il) ey etd si MATa Le he eee ‘anites = a | - oad ieee ok . a - ef : r : : \ = “ft * _ . P 3 : y : * a . =, ‘ } a J ON THE SENSORY PIT OF THE CROTALINA. 49 On the Sensory Pit of the Crotaline. By G. S. West, B.A., A.R.C.S., Hutchinson Student, St. John’s College, Cambridge; Professor of Natural History at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. With Plate 4. - Tue distinguishing character of the group of vipers known as the Crotaline is the depression or “ pit” on each side of the head between the eye and the nostril. Cope! defines the group as vipers possessing “a deep fossa on each side behind the nostrils, partly occupying the excavated superior maxillary bone;”? and Boulenger? gives the following characters for the crotaline as distinguished from other viperine snakes :—‘‘ A deep pit on each side of the snout, between the nostril and the eye; maxillary hollowed out above.” The earliest mention of this feature—which is mainly responsible for the appearance of extreme ferocity which these snakes present—was by Russell and Home,* who gave a rough figure of the pit in the head of the “ fer-de-lance” (Lachesis lanceolatus). Leydig‘ in 1868 was the first to prove that this pre-orbital pit was a sense-organ. He some- 1 Cope, ‘ Proc. Acad. Philad.,’ 1859, p. 334. 2 Boulenger, ‘Catalogue of Snakes in Brit. Mus.,’ vol. iii, 1896, p. 464. 3 Russell and Home, “Obs. on the Orifices in certain Poisonous Snakes between the Nostril and the Hye,” ‘Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.,’ 1804. 4F, Leydig, “Ueber Organe eines sechsten Sinnes.” “Zugleich als Beitrag zur Kenntniss des feineren Baues der Haut bei Amphibien und Reptilien.” ‘ Novorum Actorum Academ. Cesaree Leop. Carol. Germ.,’ nat. cur., T. xxxiv, 1868. vou. 43, PART 1.—NEW SERIES. D 50 G. 8. WEST: what roughly investigated its general structure in Crotalus horridus, Lachesis (Trigonocephalus) puniceus, and L. atrox, and described the nature of the nerve terminations in the organ. It was pointed out in Bronn’s ‘ Klass. u. Ordnung. Thier-Reichs,’ Rept. III, Schlangen, 1890, p. 1411, that the skin of the pit is not itself fixed to the hollow of the maxillary bone; and although this is the first mention of what is, perhaps, one of the most important features in the structure of the organ, it is a somewhat erroneous statement. The membrane stretched across the hollow in the maxilla is not the “skin of the pit,’ but a thin partition (which I shall fully describe further on) dividing the pit into two chambers. The peculiar osteological characters of this region of the skull are mentioned by Peters! and also described by Taylor.? The present investigation, which can obviously be little more than an account of the anatomy and histology of the organ, was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. Gadow, to whom I offer my best thanks for sundry information and for specimens of Lachesis lanceolatus, Moreau, and L.suma- tranus, Boul., from the Museum of Comparative Anatomy at Cambridge. The greater part of my material was very kindly supplied to me by Mr. G. A. Boulenger from the duplicate specimens in the British Museum. I have to tender him my sincerest thanks for specimens of Lachesis gramineus, Russell, L. mutus, Seba, L. atrox, Boul., Crotalus triseriatus, Boul. (young and adult), and C. terrificus, Seba; also for embryos of Crotalus scutulatus, Boul., Ancistrodon Blomhoffii, Boul., and Lachesis nummifer, Boul. In addition to these I had in my possession adult specimens of Ancistrodon Blomhoffii from Japan, and a species of Crotalus from North America. 1 W. Peters, ‘“ Ueber die craniologischen Verschiedenheiten der Grubenot- tern (Trigonocephali),” ‘ Berliner Monatsb.,’ 1862, p. 670. 2 W.E. Taylor, “ Prelim. Notes on the Osteol. of the N- Amer. Crotalide,” ‘Amer. Naturalist,’ March, 1895, p. 282. ON THE SENSORY PIT OF THE CROTALINA. ik All the above were spirit specimens, and only a few were in a sufficient state of preservation to admit of any detailed histological investigation. I. The Structure of the Organ in the Adult Animal. The precise position of the external opening of the sensory pit is somewhat variable ; it is situated either in a direct line between the eye and the nostril, or somewhat below this line. In some species of Crotalus it is almost immediately underneath the nostril, e.g. Crotalus terri- ficus (cf. Pl. 4, fig. 4). Its form is generally oval or pear- shaped, with the narrower end directed posteriorly. From this posterior extremity a groove passes in a slightly upward direction to the eye. This feature is more marked in some species than in others, and among the snakes examined it was most conspicuous in Lachesis mutus, L. atrox, L. lanceolatus, and Crotalus terrificus. In the first- mentioned animal the groove was partly protected by a distinct flap of tissue, which on being lifted up exposed more of the cavity of the pit (Pl. 4, fig. 2). In Lachesis lanceolatus prolongations of the scales forming the an- terior and inferior borders of the pit enter respectively into the construction of the more external portions of the anterior and inferior walls (Pl. 4, fig. 12). The external orifice leads into a chamber, the inner wall of which is very thin and membranous. This membranous wall is a partition separating the outer chamber from a second more deeply situated inner chamber. The outer chamber (Pl. 4, fig. 14, 0.c.) is lined by a smooth cuticle continuous with that of the rest of the head. This cuticle is from 3°5 to 5 w in thickness, and in adult speci- mens (after preservation) it easily comes away from the thin wall of sensory tissue underlying it. At its junction with the cuticle of the scales bordering the orifice there is a con- voluted depression, lined with crenulated cuticle of the same 52 G.-S. WEST. nature as that found between all the scales of the head (cf. Pl. 4, fig. 14). The inner chamber (Pl. 4, figs. 14 and 17, 7. c.) lies deeper than the outer one, and is rather more posterior in position, being situated immediately in front of the orbit, and occupying a hemispherical hollow on the outer face of the maxillary bone. Its posterior wall abuts against the anterior wall of the orbit, and in the largest animals exa- mined these walls were very thin and semi-transparent. The outer wall of the inner chamber also forms the inner wall of the outer chamber, and consists of a membranous partition which I shall subsequently refer to as the “ pit- membrane.” The cavity is not a completely closed one, but communicates with the exterior by a minute pore at the anterior angle of the orbit. As this pore lies under the posterior margin of the lower antorbital scale it is not exter- nally visible, but on reflecting the border of this scale it is easily discernible (cf. Pl. 4, fig. 6, 0.7.), and readily admits of the introduction of a bristle. The inner chamber was mentioned by Russell and Home! as an oval cavity between the pit and the eye. Its interior is lined throughout by a continuous thin cuticle of not more than 1 w in thickness. In some crotalines (e. g. Lachesis eramineus) the cuticle is crenulated on both the internal and external walls of the chamber, but in others (e. g. Crotalus triseriatus, C. terrificus) only that of the internal wall is crenulated, that of the external wall being quite smooth. This crenulated cuticle is of precisely the same nature as that lining the depressions between the scales on the exterior of the animal, and consists of an expanded sheet of knob-like elevations, each of which is distinct from its neighbours. 1 Russell and Home, |.c.; they inferred from the situation of these oval cavities that “they must be considered as reservoirs for a fluid which is occasionally to be spread over the cornea; and they may be filled by the falling of the dew, or the moisture shaken from the grass through which the snake passes.” ON THE SENSORY PI OF THE CROTALINA. 5Y3} When seen in surface view (PI. 4, fig..11) these elevations are rounded and of variable size, being from 9 to 14°5 w in diameter. The characteristic embossed appearance is due to the formation of the cuticle by a lining epithelium of hemi- spherical cells, each of which has a height of about 7 to 9 p, and a flat base resting upon more numerous, smaller, sub- epithelioid cells. The nuclei of these cells are large oval structures, containing a very distinct nucleolus. Immediately underneath the cellular stratum, and forming a bed upon which the latter rests, is a second layer consisting of dense fibrous connective tissue containing blood-vessels, and be- tween this layer and the hollow of the maxillary bone there is a third stratum of delicate connective tissue, containing numerous, relatively large, connective-tissue corpuscles. In consequence of the delicate nature of this third stratum, the lining epithelium of the chamber, together with the layer of fibrous connective tissue upon which it rests, readily comes away from the hollow of the maxillary bone, which in young animals is a smooth hemispherical cavity, but in older examples is generally irregularly pitted. A considerable number of nerve-fibres are found in the connective tissue underlying the cellular layer (cf. Pl. 4, fig. 10, c.t. f.), but I have not succeeded in tracing their ultimate distribution to the epithelial cells. The total thickness of tissue between the inner cuticle of the chamber and the maxillary bone is not more than about 50 pn. The pit-membrane forms the inner wall of the outer chamber and the outer wall of the inner chamber, and, as both these chambers are lined by a thin cuticle, this mem- branous partition consists of a thin sheet of tissue, bounded by cuticle on both its external and internal faces. It is the only truly sensory part of the organ, and is a semi-transparent membrane of not more than 25 mw in thickness, somewhat loosely stretched between the chambers, and forming a com- plete wall of separation between them. As was mentioned by Leydig,’ it exhibits a series of folds or ridges; these are only 1 Leydig, |. ¢. 54 G. S. WEST. conspicuously evident in adult animals, and may vary in number from about eight to twelve. They run in a somewhat posterior direction from the periphery towards the centre, each fold being a thickening of the membrane. Alongside the folds, towards the edges of the membrane, are a few dark brown, much-branched pigment-cells ; these are less numerous in the adult than in the young animal, and are generally con- spicuous only round the borders of the pit. The nerve-trunks, which enter at the periphery, traverse the above-mentioned folds, and by repeated divisions form an immense number of fibres of extreme tenuity as they pass towards the centre of the membrane; the ultimate divisions of these minute fibres form a slight anastomosis before terminating in the nerve endings. The nerve terminations are cells of variable form, many of them possessing a flat surface closely applied to the cuticle of the outer face of the pit-membrane (cf. Pl. 4, figs. 7—9). Under this cuticle more than one layer of nerve- cells can be distinguished, and in most cases the cell walls are very indistinct, although by careful teasing and staining the form of the cells can be plainly observed. They are somewhat triangular or even spindle-shaped in outline, one pole being connected with a minute nerve-fibre, and in many cases they exhibit a considerably branched appearance (PI. 4, figs. 7 and 8). The nuclei are of a round or oval form, and stand out prominently. The delicacy and indistinct nature of the cell walls, which the most careful treatment scarcely renders visible, caused Leydig! to describe and figure ag- glomerations of nuclei round the small nerve branches. The nerve terminations, although mostly confined to the outer surface of the membrane, are also found in small numbers near the edges of the inner surface. The nerve supply for the entire sense-organ is-derived from the V (trigeminus) nerve. The nerve bundles entering the upper margins of the membrane are derived from the ophthalmic branch, and those entering the lower margins are 1 Leydig, |. c., t. iv, f. 31, ON THE SENSORY PIT OF THE GCROTALINA. 55 derived from several divisions of the maxillary branch (cf. Pl. 4, figs. 13 and 14, Vio. and V.m.). The pit-membrane is richly supplied with blood-vessels, the main trunks of which enter at the periphery and run in the folds alongside and internal to the nerve-trunks. From these main vessels a capillary network extends through the whole membrane, lying embedded in a sheet of fibrous con- nective tissue internal to the nerve terminations. The blood supply is derived from the ophthalmic artery. In a section of the pit-membrane, such as that figured (Pl. 4, fig. 15), the nerve terminations (v. ¢.) are seen imme- diately beneath the outer cuticle (c.), then within these the numerous nerve-fibres (n. f.), then a few blood-vessels (b. v.) embedded in the fibrous connective tissue, and finally the inner cuticle. Most of the structure described was made out from serial sections, cut through the anterior region of the head. In the case of adult animals a mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent. chromic acid and 1 per cent. hydrochloric acid was used for decalcification; but in the case of the embryos the follow- ing solution, recommended to me by Mr. J. Bles, was used with success :—900 parts of 90 per cent. alcohol, 70 parts of formalin, and 30 parts of acetic acid. For thorough decalci- fication this mixture was required to be renewed every few days for two or three weeks. Sections were also cut of the entire soft tissues removed from the pit, and treated by Weigert’s method for nerve tissue. A figure is given of the edge of the pit treated in this way (Pl. 4, fig. 17); in it only the larger nerve-fibres can be distinctly seen. II. The Structure of the Organ in the Embryo. The outer and inner chambers of the pit arise by invagina- tions of the epidermis. That which gives rise to the outer chamber retains a widely open communication with the ex- terior, but that which ultimately gives rise to the inner 56 G. S. WEST. chamber only retains a communication with the exterior, in the adult animal, by the small pore opening at the anterior angle of the orbit. The second invagination, which gives rise to the inner chamber, arises at the side of the first one,— in fact, almost as a lateral dilatation of it. The layers of tissue intervening between the inner chamber and the maxillary bone are of greater thickness in the embryo than in the adult, but there are only two of them. ‘The lining cellular layer is very thin, but there is a considerable development of the delicate layer of connective tissue imme- diately outside the maxilla. This layer contains much branched connective-tissue corpuscles, with large oval nuclei, and close to the outer surface of the maxillary bone these corpuscles are very numerous. It is not until a late stage in development that the cham- bers of the organ become lined by a distinct cuticle, and the crenulated cuticle does not make its appearance until the animal is still further advanced in growth. The pit-membrane of the embryo is of much greater thick- ness than that of the adult, and is not so transparent. Ina well-grown embryo it is about 54 y in thickness, but this be- comes reduced to less than half as the animal becomes adult. It contains relatively fewer blood-vessels, and the reticula- tion of capillaries, which forms such a conspicuous feature of the structure in the adult, is by no means so marked. On the outer side of the pit-membrane there are several layers of flattened cells which rest upon a single layer of cubical supporting cells, with large round nuclei. On the inner sur- face of the membrane is a layer of somewhat short and very broad cells with round nuclei similar to those of the outer layer of supporting cells. Between these layers are large numbers of non-medullated nerve-fibres and a few blood capillaries. The nerve-fibres have prominent nuclei, and mostly run close to the inner surface of the membrane. They are continuous towards the outer surface of the mem- brane with branched nerve-cells, the latter receiving pro- longations direct from the innermost of the flattened cells on ON THE SENSORY PIT OF THE CROTALINA. 57 the outer surface of the membrane. ‘These processes pass between the cells of the supporting layer, and connect the outer flattened nerve-cells with the inner branched nerye- cells, the latter being in direct continuity with the nerve- fibres (cf. Pl. 4, fig. 16). III. Conclusion. That this large and prominently situated sense-organ of the pit viper must be of some considerable use to the animal there can be no doubt, but no likely suggestion has been, made concerning its probable function. - Russell and Home,!} so long ago as 1804, expressed the idea that the apparatus was a “ membrana nictitans,” but at that time the sensory nature of the organ had not been discovered. Demoulins 2 (1854) writes, “organes particuliéres, dont Vusage ou la fonction ne sont pas connus;” and Boulenger® (1890) states that “the physiological significance of this pit is still unknown.” It is reasonable to suppose that an organ of this nature must be concerned with some peculiarity in the mode of life of the crotaline snakes, but no recorded observations offer the slightest clue to the presence of anything aberrant in the habits of these animals not exhibited by other vipers. The thin wall separating the organ from the orbit and the groove leading from the pit to the eye are somewhat remark- able features, and may be of more significance than is at first sight apparent. Again, the main partition stretched across the hollow of the maxillary bone like the membrane of a drum is an interesting feature, especially as it is the only truly sensory part of the organ. Another feature exclusively possessed by the Crotalinee among venomous snakes is the sphincter near the termina- tion of the poison duct, and, as the sense-organ is lodged * Russell and Home, |. c. (1804). 2 Demoulins: cf. Bibron u. Demeril’s ‘ Erpetologie,’ 1854 (vide Leydig, l. c.). 3 Boulenger, ‘ Fauna of Brit. India; Rept. and Batrach.,’ 1890, p. 418. 58 G. S. WEST. in the hollow of the maxillary bone, i.e. practically in the base of the poison fang, and therefore in very close proximity to the sphincter of the poison duct, can these features be in any way associated ? A careful study of the habits of these animals in their native localities, especially with regard to any peculiarities which they may exhibit in their mode of life, would no doubt do much to elucidate the nature of the sense-organ; and it seems probable that the exact function of this tegumental sense-organ of the lateral line series, so characteristic of a large group of viperine snakes, will not be thoroughly understood until such an investigation has been made. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 4, Illustrating Mr. G. 8. West’s paper “ On the Sensory Pit of the Crotaline.” Reference Letters. b.v. Blood-vessels. c¢. Cuticle. c.¢./. Fibrous connective tissue (together with a few fine nerve-fibres). gr. Groove passing from the pit to the eye. h.gl. Harderian gland. ¢.c. Inner chamber of pit. ma. Maxillary bone. n. Nostril. .f. Nerve-fibres. 2.¢. Nerve terminations. o0.c. Outer chamber of pit. o.e¢. External opening of sensory pit. 0.7. Opening of inner chamber to the exterior. p.d. Poison duct. yg. Pigment cells. p.m. Pit-membrane. V.m. Maxillary branch of V nerve. V.o. Ophthalmic branch of V nerve. PLATE 4. Fic. 1.—Lachesis mutus: head viewed from the left side, showing the relative positions of the sensory pit and the nostril. Nat. size. Fic. 2.—Lachesis mutus: anterior portion of left side of head. Nat. size. The flap of tissue partly covering the external opening of the pit is lifted up, showing the groove between the pit and the eye, and the external opening of the inner chamber (0. 7.). ON THE SENSORY PIT OF THE CROTALINA. 59 Fig. 3.—Lachesis mutus: enlarged surface view of the pit-membrane, showing the characteristic folds. Fic. 4.—Crotalus terrificus: head of adult from left side. Nat. size. Fie. 5.—Crotalus scutulatus: head of embryo from left side. Nat. size. (At this stage the scales are well marked.) Fic. 6.—Lachesis Wagleri: anterior portion of head from left side. x 2. The posterior edge of the lower antorbital scale is slightly reflected to show the external opening of the inner chamber (0. 7.). Fics. 7—9.—Crotalus triseriatus: nerve terminations from a teased- up pit-membrane. xX 520. Fic. 10.—Crotalus terrificus: portion of a section to show the tissues between the inner chamber and the maxillary bone. x 520. Fig. 11.—Lachesis gramineus: surface view of the crenulated cuticle covering the inner wall of the inner chamber. x 500. Fic. 12.—Lachesis lanceolatus: anterior portion of head from right side. X 2. Fic. 18.—Lachesis mutus: dissection of left side of head from above to show the nerve supply of the sensory pit. Nat. size. The dotted line indicates the depth of the pit. Fic. 14.—Crotalus terrificus: vertical section through the entire sensory pit of adult. x 18. Nerve-fibres from branches of the V nerve are seen passing into the pit-membrane. Fie. 15.—Crotalus terrificus: section of pit-membrane of adult animal. x 520. Fie. 16.—Crotalus scutulatus: section of pit-membrane of embryo. x 520. Fic. 17.—Crotalus triseriatus: section of lower portion of sensory pit. > 75. The larger nerve-fibres are shown out black by Weigert’s method. ee a as VS } ries Bak ie sia bapa sit eet vee cathe Po ngepns. a; PEE AES SSR Cae Pin. re Ae os 5 aes page aed hy mite is Tes - Hy oe A eaipatiins Widagls od Pie aie J Sete rant es) es MS Sa elit whe te ayaa? 2 aes! pane eS reas Se geraed 28 witty te OO DS > ea idiecacr ij eae ay yebiota yr aay paeer hs tp? sdten ria : (2E) Sel aioe sere eall ord nea ae busty hokey at ap WAP OPO ad rai eey | LAU a-ha a hae ener = Ot 0 . Shtleatiy ae, ee Fesxe ts cysts 3 sat Vol mates aie ; dren SABI Powe: ae) agit wee HSE Wass ; : Te 2 . ESSA GRY ( NOgHY sila seeay oo wi eatctid Rs enc? wen! i rt : 3 j Aas . Oey aise- + re & - War POW cek ot + Sree on 4% a are veal as? fae) lati Ria satire to = ; j WON AAS 1." ste TAT, PEE Ae Toad Bisesiods we dete) Sacre ee ais af « 5 ‘ ‘ ’, ; di EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 61 A Reinvestigation of the Early Stages of the Development of the PLGHEe: By J. W. Jenkinson, M.A., Assistant to the Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the University of a With Plates 5 and 6. Axour a year and a half ago, while working in Professor Weldon’s laboratory at University College, London, at cer- tain points in the organogeny of the Mammalia, I cut a series of sections of the pregnant uterus of a mouse, which proved on examination to contain a much younger embryo than I had anticipated ; and on searching through the literature of this subject, I came across, in vol. xxxiii of this Journal, a paper by Robinson (25) describing the development of the germinal layers in the mouse and rat, and containing figures which, I found, differed considerably from my own sections. I also found that the observations of the author were not only in startling disagreement with those of earlier investigators— such as Selenka and Duval—on the same genus, but that they were also totally at variance with what might have been expected from the known embryogeny of other types. In -addition, the writer of the paper seems to have been so cer- tain of the accuracy of his own description that he ventured to call in question the validity of the interpretations put by others (van Beneden, Hubrecht, Selenka, Duval, etc.) on their own work, and to substitute for them a generalisation founded only on the single form which he had investigated, but which he wished to apply to the whole of the Mammalia. Still he was able, in a short paper—published subsequently (26) 62 J. W. JENKINSON. —on Mustela ferox, to substantiate in some measure, as he believed, his previous assertions. His work, however, was received, if we may judge from an article of Born’s (8) and from Duval’s (12) comments on “les précieuses observations publiées récemment par Robinson sur la cavité de segmenta- tion des Rongeurs,” with less criticism and suspicion than it would seem to have deserved ; and I hope, therefore, that I need not apologise for publishing the results of some investi- gations which I have undertaken with the view of finally deciding, if possible, whether Robinson’s account or that of the earlier observers was correct. | I have been fortunate enough to obtain between thirty and forty embryos of the critical age (about the fifth day, when the blastocyst is still free in the uterus). These were pre- served in rather weak Flemming’s solution, which was injected into the uterus, and the latter, with the contained embryos, was cut into series and stained in various ways. In order to ensure a most careful examination of the sections, I have taken the precaution of making camera drawings of all of them, and I append a list of those embryos of which I have counted the nuclei, which will show, I think, that my series is tolerably complete : 1.— 55 8.—126 15.—150 22.—195 2.— 95 9.—130 16.—151 23.—200 3.—100 10.—140 17.—161 24.—220 4.—105 11.—140 18.—170 25.—256 5.—105 12.—145 19.—170 26.—261 6.—106 13.—145 20.—170 27.—285 7.—125 14.—150 21.—185 28.—295 Table showing in order the number of nuclei in twenty-eight mouse embryos. In the youngest of these the inner mass is quite undifferentiated, and the blastocystic cavity is small. In the oldest the epiblastic mass is well formed, and the hypoblast is partially extended round the inside of the much enlarged blastocyst. According to Robinson, the blastocyst of the mouse in its earliest stage consists of a hollow oval vesicle, one end of which—the “ floor”—is formed of a mass of cells two or three deep, “‘ which is not separable into an inner mass of EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF 'THE MOUSE, 63 hypoblast and an outer layer of epiblast” (25, p. 377), while the other end, the “ roof,’’ and sides of the vesicle are composed of a single layer of cells (see his figs. 38 and 4). The “floor”? he terms hypoblast, the sides and “ roof” epi- blast, the “cavity” segmentation cavity (Plate 5, fig. A). The long axis of the blastocyst is parallel to that of the uterus lumen, the “floor” is distal or anti-mesometric, and the embryo isas yet free. The “ roof” and sides of the blastocyst now increase very considerably in extent (see his fig. 5), and in the next stage (his fig. 6) the embryo is found, still not fixed, in a cylindrical anti-mesometric diverticulum of the uterus lumen, which is lined not by the ordinary columnar cells, but by a rather low cubical epithelium. The “ floor,” as before, stains more faintly than the sides and “roof,” which latter is (25, p. 879) “continuous with a mass of nucleated protoplasm which occupies the interior of the vesicle,” and which agrees in staining characters with the walls, though its nuclei are small. ‘‘ In the interior of the inner mass is a small cavity, from which a dark line extends to the surface of the proximal pole of the ovum.” “It seems probable that during the sixth day the thin roof of the blastodermic vesicle is invaginated into the blastodermic cavity. . . . It does not become divided into an outer layer and an inner mass, for the inner mass is undoubtedly formed by invagination of the thin roof of the vesicle’ (the spacing is mine) (fig. B). The segmentation cavity thus becomes obliterated, and a cavity is formed in the thickened floor by vacuolation, the cavity of the yolk-sac (his fig. 7). By the development of this a stage is reached in which the epiblastic knob (the invaginated inner mass) is found resting on the concave proximal end of an elongated yolk-sac, and covered by a cap of trophoblast derived from the sides of the original segmenta- tion cavity (his figs. 8 and 9) (Plate 5, fig.C). By the growth of the trophoblast is formed the “Trager,” which subsequently invaginates the epiblastic knob into the cavity of the yolk-sac (his figs. 10, 11, and 12) (Plate 5, fig. D). Such is Robinson’s description. In the last-mentioned 64, . J. W. JENKINSON. respect it agrees with those of Selenka (27) and Duval (11), but in his refusal to recognise a layer of trophoblast outside the yolk-sac, as well as in his account of the mode of development of the latter, and of the epiblastic knob, and of their relations to one another, he differs widely from them. I can only say that the study of my own preparations, quite apart from more general considerations, has convinced me that Selenka and Duval are right, though Duval’s figures are somewhat diagrammatic, and that the interpretation Robinson has put upon his sections is absolutely incorrect. The formation of the primitive layers is not so different in the mouse to what it is in other mammals, as Robinson’s description would lead us to suppose. Ina young blastocyst, such as he has figured, there are present (1) an outer layer, one cell deep, of trophoblast, which is continuous over (2) an inner mass which becomes differentiated into the embryonic epiblast and the hypoblast, and which is quite distinct from the overlying trophoblast, as my specimens invariably show (see especially figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the last of which is cut transversely). Ata certain stage this proximal trophoblast (the so-called Rauber’s cells of the rabbit) certainly becomes very thin (figs. 6 and 7), but it never wholly disappears, and soon thickens again (fig. 8) to form the “ Trager,” or, to use a modern expression, trophoblastic syncytium, which is destined to play an all-important part in the formation of the placenta. Up to this point the development of the blasto- cyst consists merely in the multiplication of the cells of all layers, in the separation of the hypoblast, which commences to grow round and across the inside of the trophoblast, from the embryonic epiblast, which is now rounded off into a definite spherical or ellipsoid mass, in the flattening of the trophoblastic cells, and the considerable enlargement of the blastocystic cavity. This agrees essentially with the account of Selenka (27), Duval (11), and Cristiani (10), as may be seen by a reference to their figures (Selenka, figs. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10; Duval, figs. 73—80, 83, 84; Cristiani, figs. 21, 24, 26, 28, 31), which call for little comment except that Duval does not EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMEN'T OF THE MOUSE. 65 sufficiently emphasise the distinction between epiblast and proximal trophoblast, a point to which he attaches consider- able theoretical importance, and to which I shall have to return later. In attempting to account for Robinson’s error I am inclined to believe that he had some difficulty in identifying the tro- phoblast in a later stage (such as that which I have repre- sented in fig. 8; compare Selenka, fig. 25,and Duval, fig. 90), in which it is enormously extended and thinned out (Reichert’s membrane) and not always easy to distinguish from the submucosa of the uterus; and that his endeavour to give an explanation of this has led him to a misinterpretation of the earlier stages. In the first place he has assumed that the unattached blastocyst, as it moves down the uterus to the position it is permanently to occupy, does not rotate upon itself in every possible direction (as it most certainly does), and hence, with the help of a slight difference in staining, has identified that end which he happened to find anti-mesometric in a free blastocyst, and which is in reality the embryonic knob, with the end which is distal, or anti-mesometric in a fixed stage, that is to say the yolk-sac, and has therefore labelled this end hypoblast (see his figs. 3, 4, 5; fig. A). In the second place he has described an “ invagination ” of the “roof” of the “ segmentation” cavity (his words in this connection are somewhat inconsistent) from two sections only, figured in his figs.6and 7. The first of these, I think, must have passed through a fold in the trophoblast, such as are of frequent occurrence in material fixed with picro-sulphuric acid; this fold would be what he calls hypoblast; what he has described as the epiblast I believe to be really so, or rather the embryonic knob, but I feel sure that the line by which he makes the central cavity of this epiblast communi- cate with the exterior is an artifact. Fig. 7, I think, must be tangential (it is the tenth of fourteen and cut obliquely !), the appearance of the spaces (which he regards as separate, though he advances no evidence in support of this, and as segmentation and yolk-sac cavities respectively) being due to VoL, 43, PART 1,—NEW SERIES, B 66 J. W. JENKINSON. the irregularly folded surface of the trophoblast (I have shown a section of a similarly distorted blastocyst in my fig. 6). And lastly, in figs. 8 and 9, he has made the distal and lateral trophoblast continuous, not with the proximal tropho- blast overlying the epiblastic knob (the distinction in staining properties which he has introduced is, in my opinion, much exaggerated, and in any case of insufficient value by itself), while in figs. 10 to 12 he has ignored this layer altogether (compare figs. C and D). With regard to Robinson’s account of the isolated stage he had of the ferret, according to which there is here also an epiblastic disc resting on the surface of a hypoblastic vesicle, I think it must be regarded as probable that he was not unbiassed by his previous inter- pretation of the development of the mouse. But whether this description is correct or not, I hardly think it justifiable to base a speculative theory on an individual case, as Robinson has done (and he is not the only one), more particularly in mammalian embryology, a subject by no means easy to work at in itself, and in which it is peculiarly difficult to bring the phenomena into line with what is known of the development of other Vertebrata. Before, then, I proceed to criticise the theories of Robinson, Assheton, and Duval, I may perhaps be allowed to briefly review the history of our knowledge of the embryogeny of the Mammalia. As is well known, the first accurate account of the de- velopment of the mammalian ovum was given by van Beneden, who published in 1875 a very careful description of the segmentation and formation of the germinal layers in the rabbit. According to him, one, the larger and clearer of the first two blastomeres, divided more rapidly than the other, and there resulted an embryo composed of an outer layer of clearer cells derived from the former, surrounding, except at one point, an inner mass of somewhat larger and darker cells derived from the latter. The outer layer van Beneden termed from its subsequent fate ectoderm, the inner mass endoderm; he named the whole a metagastrula, and EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 67 the one point where the outer layer was incomplete a blasto- pore. By the continued enlargement of the cavity which appeared between the outer layer and inner mass the blastodermic vesicle was formed, in which the inner mass of rounded cells was attached at one point, the site of the blastopore, to the inner surface of the hollow sphere of flattened cells derived from the outer layer. The innermost cells of the inner mass now began to spread out and grow round the inner surface of this sphere, the remainder forming a definite layer, the mesoderm, between the two primary ones. The embryonic area was thus marked out, and it became possible to definitely compare such a blastodermic vesicle with the blastoderm of a chick, especially when it was shown that the formation of the primitive streak, amnion, and allantois was essentially the same in the two cases. However, Rauber published almost at the same time an account of his own independent researches, in which he energetically maintained that what van Beneden had de- scribed as mesoderm was in reality the embryonic ectoderm (which was therefore derived from the inner mass), while the flattened cells of the outer layer over these (since known as Rauber’s cells) disappeared, the remainder of the outer layer fusing with the edges of the disc of embryonic ectoderm. These conclusions van Beneden refused to accept until compelled to do so by Kolliker’s careful reinvestigation of the subject published in 1882. Since then the researches of Selenka on Mus, Arvicola, Cavia, and Pteropus, of Heape and Lieberkiihn on Talpa, of Hubrecht on Erinaceus, Sorex, Tupaia, and Tarsius, and of Assheton on Sus and Ovis, have all tended to show, firstly, that in the typical mammalian blastocyst the embryonic epiblast, and frequently the true amnion, as well as the whole of the hypoblast, are derived from the inner mass, while the outer layer, which we may now, with Hubrecht, speak of as the trophoblast, gives rise to the false amnion, and comes into close connection with the uterus, playing a very important part in the formation of the placenta; and secondly, that while the mode of formation of 68 J. W. JENKINSON. _ the amnion is exceedingly variable, there is always a stage in which the knob of embryonic epiblast is included in the trophoblast or false amnion. In some cases (Hrinaceus, Cavia, Pteropus) a cavity, the amniotic cavity, which never communicates with the exterior forms inside this knob; in others (Mus) the cavity is only temporarily in connection with a cavity in the Trager, and in others again (Lepus, Vespertilio, Sus, Ovis, Sorex, Talpa, Tupaia, Tarsius) the epiblastic knob folds or flattens out, the overlying tropho- blastic cells (Rauber’s cells) disappear (though this is denied by Assheton for the rabbit, and Heape for the mole), and | the amnion then forms in the characteristic Sauropsidan manner. Most writers have, therefore, agreed that van Beneden’s theory of the metagastrula was premature, that the primitive streak really represents the point where gastrulation takes place, and that the so-called blastopore in those forms in which it has been found (Lepus—though its existence here is denied by Assheton—Talpa, Vespertilio, and Didelphys) is a structure of unknown significance. At the same time it must be admitted that Selenka’s account of the development of the opossum is difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile with what we know of other mammals. It may be that a re- investigation of the early stages in the segmentation of the Marsupial ovum will throw fresh light on this subject, or possibly the development of this group of animals is quite different to that of the remaining Placentalia. More recently, however, Duval (12) has announced his intention of resuscitating and defending the abandoned meta- gastrula theory of van Beneden. His views are based on his account of the development of Vespertilio murinus. There is in this mammal, according to Duval, an epibolic gastrula, of which the outer layer of clear cells is derived from two of the blastomeres, the inner mass of dark cells from the re- maining two in the four-celled stage, the earliest which Duval was able to find. At the opposite pole of the ovum to that at which the inner mass is attached (the point where van EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 69 Beneden, Heape, and Selenka found the “blastopore”’), Duval also figures a gap in the outer layer to which he gives this name. The inner mass is, according to him, endoderm alone, and soon becomes everywhere reduced to a single layer of more or less flattened cells spread over the inner surtace of the ectoderm, while the epiblastic knob is produced by an inward proliferation of certain cells of the outer layer (see figs. H, F, G). This is also, it should be said, the account given by Duval of the formation of the embryonic epiblast in the mouse, rat, and guinea-pig. Now, as far as the mouse is concerned, I have little hesitation in saying that Duval’s interpretation is wrong. I have already said that his figures are diagrammatic, and I think a comparison of them with Selenka’s or mine will convince anyone that this is so. In my series of embryos, which I think it will be admitted is a tolerably complete one, I have the clearest evi- dence that the inner mass, the cells of which are at first all alike, becomes gradually differentiated into a compact epi- blastic knob and hypoblastic cells, many of which are isolated from one another as they creep round the inside of the blastocyst. The trophoblast cells overlying the inner mass are, almost from the first, as Selenka originally described them, very much flattened, and could not well be supposed to have given rise by proliferation to the rounded cells of the embryonic epiblast ; and, besides, all the mitoses that I have found in the trophoblast have the axes of their spindles tan- gential. Finally, though I should be unwilling to lay any great stress upon this, it seems to me a little remarkable that the ratio of the number of cells in the inner mass to that of those of the trophoblast is sensibly equal, in those stages in which the epiblastic knob is already beginning to be differ- entiated, to what it is in the earlier stages, in which no difference is to be detected among the cells of the inner mass. I think, therefore, we may take it that Duval’s account of the mode of formation of the embryonic epiblast in the mouse is not correct, and if so we may fairly regard with a certain amount of suspicion his description of the same pro- 70 J. W. JENKINSON. cess in the bat. Judging from what I know to be the effect of picro-sulphuric acid upon delicate blastocysts, I should think it quite possible that his “ blastopore” is an artifact. But, apart from this, there is a very serious gap in his series at what is, for his theory, the most critical point; for he has no embryos whatever between the stage in which the inner mass is still several cells deep, at the point of its original attachment to the outer layer, which is everywhere composed of a single layer of cells, and the stage in which, as he inter- prets it, the inner mass has completely spread out as a single layer, while the cells of the outer layer have at one point proliferated to form the “ amniotic mass.” The cells of the inner layer are at this point, as he admits, closely related to those of the “amniotic mass” (he homologises this fusion with the primitive streak), and taking into consideration what we have seen of his description of a similar stage in the mouse, together with the absence of the hypothetical stage (fig. F), in which the cells of the outer layer and those of the inner mass are alike disposed in a single layer, it does not seem impossible that Duval’s interpretation may here also be at fault. But, whether the bat differs from most other mammals in this respect or not, it seems a little hazardous to suppose that other authors have misinterpreted the phenomena observed by them in such different mammals as Talpa, Tupaia, Sorex, Lepus, Mus, Cavia, and—since Duval wrote—Tarsius, Ovis, and Sus. It is not necessary to criticise in detail Duval’s attempt to interpolate a hypothetical ‘‘stade didermique primitif,” not observed even by himself in Vespertilio, among the stages figured by these writers, because any one who will take the trouble to look at these figures and descriptions (Heape, 18, 14; Hubrecht, 15—19; Assheton, 2, 3; Selenka, 27—30) will be able to convince himself that Duval’s interpretation of their facts is exceedingly strained. Indeed, Assheton has already expressed his opinion that such a stage could hardly have been overlooked by the many investigators who have worked on the rabbit ; and as far as Mus, Sorex, Tupaia, and EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE, (A! Tarsius are concerned, all of which I have myself studied, I believe Duval’s hypothesis to be quite untenable, particularly in the last-mentioned case, in which the epiblastic knob is differentiated long before the hypoblast grows out to form the umbilical vesicle. Hrinaceus, it must be admitted, is an exception, in so far as here the epiblastic knob does not begin to form until some time after the hypoblast is completely separated off; but we must at the same time remember that the earliest stages in the development of this mammal are quite unknown to us. We may now turn to a consideration of the far-reaching speculations of Robinson (25) and Assheton (2). Of these Assheton’s is partly based on that of Robinson, while both rest upon phenomena which their authors have, or supposed themselves to have observed, in a single genus alone. I have already endeavoured to show that Robinson’s account of the early development of the mouse is devoid of any serious basis in fact; and I need, therefore, now only briefly discuss his extension of this erroneous description to the rest of the Mammalia. Starting from a comparison of the blastocystic cavity with the segmentation cavity, and of the embryonic knob with the yolk-cells of the lower Vertebrata (an homology which might be criticised on more grounds than one), he finally arrives at the conclusion that the epiblast forms a small knob on the surface of a hypoblastic vesicle, round which it is unable to grow as it does in the Sauropsida and in Hrinaceus; and seizing on the statement of van Beneden and Julin (since, however, contradicted by Duval), that in the bat the hypo- blast does not completely grow round at the anti-embryonic pole of the blastocyst, he puts forward the hypothesis that it is in reality the edges of the epiblast which are here free, while the hypoblast forms a completely closed vesicle round which the epiblast grows, and not conversely (fig. H), and this hypothesis he proposes to extend to the rabbit, mole, and other mammals. This strained interpretation has been already contested by Assheton, and a glance at his figures, 72 J. W. JENKINSON. and at those of Heape, Hubrecht, Selenka, Duval, and others, will show how impossible it is. Now, although Assheton refused to accept these specula- tions of Robinson, he fully acquiesced in the account given by the latter of the development of the mouse; and having found in the sheep (although not in the pig) what he believed to be evidence for the hypoblastic nature of the trophoblast, he has proceeded to apply this as a generalisation to every other mammalian blastocyst. The only criticism of this is, as before, to refer the reader to the original descriptions and figures of the various authors, an inspection of which will show whether the ingenious diagrams which Assheton has published are defensible or not. It will be more profitable to consider the basis in fact upon which he believed his theory to rest, and the speculative arguments which he has urged in its support. Assheton found that in some, though not all of his speci- mens of the segmented ovum of the sheep, certain of the cells which were placed internally stained less deeply than the others (fig. L). These less deeply stained cells he thought he could trace to the epiblastic knob of the blasto- cyst, the outer darker cells to the trophoblast ; and since he found that some of the cells of the inner mass prior to the appearance of the blastocystic cavity (fig. M), and the hypoblast cells in a later stage (fig. N) agreed with the trophoblast, and not with the epiblast in their staining character, he came to the conclusion that the trophoblast was hypoblastic in origin, and formulated the theory that the blastocyst of the placental Mammalia represents a Sau- ropsidan ovum which has lost its yolk, and into which the embryonic epiblast has sunk. Now I think it must be admitted that morphological con- clusions drawn from a slight difference in staining reaction are open to grave suspicion, especially when the difference is not to be detected in all the preparations, and is absolutely unsupported by any other evidence, such, for instance, as the direction of the nuclear spindles, which in Assheton’s EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 73 fig. 9, for example, are just in the opposite direction to what one would have expected on his theory ; when, moreover, an allied animal, the pig, affords no confirmation of such a view, and the evidence furnished by all other Mammalia is dis- tinctly opposed to it ; and is it not a little unfortunate in this connection that the same author’s figures of the rabbit (1) should show a staining reaction which suggests the very opposite interpretation to that which he has advoeated here for the sheep (see his figs. 22, 24, 27). If this is so, then the basis of fact upon which Assheton has relied becomes very slender indeed. We will turn, therefore, to a consideration of the general arguments advanced in favour of the hypothesis; and we will admit for the moment that the Mammalia are immediately descended from ancestors with a megalecithal egg, from which the yolk has in all the Placentalia practically disappeared. Assheton supposes (see his diagrams A—D) simply that the epiblast, which in a Sauropsidan grows over the surface of the yolk, has ceased to do so in all mammals except Monotremata, and has instead become included in it; and that the blastocystic cavity cor- responds to the archenteron, which he (and also Robinson) believes to arise in the Sauropsida as a split amongst hypo- blast cells. I am aware that the current view of the origin of the hypo- blast, as set forth in the ordinary text-book of embryology, is that it arises from those yolk-nuclei which are separated from the blastoderm by the first tangential division. Now I do not wish to express a positive opinion in this matter, be- cause I have not yet had the opportunity of looking at pre- parations of the blastoderm of the chick during the early stages of segmentation ; but, judging from what I have seen of some very excellent preparations of the early stages of incubation, I should lke to suggest that the “ Dottersyn- cytium,” as it seems undoubtedly to be in Teleostei, and possibly in Elasmobranchii, and as Mehnert has stated it to be in Emys (22), is also in the chick a structure entirely sui generis, separated at an early stage from the primitive 74, J. W. JENKINSON. blastoderm, but certainly not derived from the “ Neben- spermakerne”’ of Riickert and Oppel. The function of this structure is simply ‘‘ Dotter-resorption,” and its nuclei do not form any part of any embryonic layer whatever, but swell, divide directly, disorganise, and ultimately disappear; while the hypoblast proper is derived later on from the blastoderm. If this were so, then on the assumption that the mammalian ovum was once megalecithal and similar to that of the Sau- ropsida, the theoretical reasons which Assheton has urged would lose greatly in force; for it would not in that case be the trophoblast and hypoblast which were derived in the segmented ovum from a cell or group of cells separate to that which gave rise to the epiblast, but the epiblast and hypoblast which arose in common from a group of cells, namely from the inner mass, which was distinct from the trophoblast. At the same time it must be remembered that in the Am- phibia yolk-cells and hypoblast are identical, and that in the Gymnophiona we have what appears to be a condition inter- mediate between the former and the Sauropsida ; though even here, judging by Brauer’s figures (9), a good many yolk- nuclei are left unaccounted for after a definite epithelium has been formed to make the floor of the gut. It might still be urged, of course, that the trophoblast was the representative of the “ Dottersyncytium,” but this is not the point in Assheton’s paper. Minot (28), indeed, has insti- tuted a comparison between the Mammalian blastocyst and the segmented ovum of Amphibia, in which he does homo- logise the trophoblast of the former with the yolk-cells of the latter, which he supposes to have grown over the epiblast as Rauber’s ‘‘ Deckschicht” (see figs. I, K). He, however, does not treat the hypothesis at great length, and dismisses rather lightly the somewhat fatal objection that in the mammalian blastocyst hypoblast cells are found at an early stage under- neath the epiblastic mass. But, setting aside these perplexing and somewhat unpro- fitable speculations, there is a much more serious objection BKARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 75 to Assheton’s theory; an objection which he himself has seen. If the trophoblast is hypoblastic, then the false amnion of the Mammalia cannot possibly be homologous with that of the Sauropsida, and the character by which these two groups have up till the present been distinguished from the Anamnia has no morphological value whatever. Assheton pleads that in the Sauropsida it is from the hypo- blast that the embryo draws its first nourishment, and that as the trophoblast performs a similar function in the Mam- malia, it may therefore be regarded as hypoblastic; I can only say that to do this seems to me to substitute analogy for homology, in short to abandon the morphological stand- point altogether; and as such the argument stands self- condemned. In conclusion, speaking for myself, I believe that all attempts to institute homologies between the mammalian blastocyst as such, and the segmented ova of other Verte- brata, are foredoomed to failure, just because the conditions under which the Mammalian ovum develops are so peculiar, and because we have at present no clear idea of how this ovum came to be derived from that of either an amphibian or reptilian ancestor. The phenomena which we observe in the early ontogeny of the Mammalia are, in my humble opinion, absolutely sui generis; and I believe that the only sure method of arriving at any homologies at all is to take, not the ovum, but the embryo at a time when it possesses an organ, such as an amnion, which can be de- finitely compared with a similar organ in other groups, and from this to argue backwards to an earlier stage. Until lately two separate processes have been, so far as concerns the Vertebrata, confused under the term “ gastrula- tion.” The first is a movement of the vegetative cells to- wards the animal pole, inside the cells of which they may, and do in small-yolked, holoblastic eggs, become included ; the second is a backward and lateral overgrowth and in- growth of animal cells to form a notochordal and mesodermal plate, and possibly the roof of the gut on the inside, and on 76 J. W. JENKINSON. the outside the medullary plate, which thus lies on what was originally the vegetative pole of the egg (a somewhat awk- ward fact for such hypotheses as Minot’s). This second process appears to be represented in the higher Vertebrata by the primitive streak; the first (in the Sauropsida at any rate) by the growth of the epiblast of the blastoderm. These are facts which any one may observe for himself in the frog, and which, taken in conjunction with Brauer’s remarkable and brilliant work on Hypogeophis, do much to remove Lwoff’s (21) original generalisation from the region of pure hypothesis. It would seem, therefore, that a knowledge of the axes of the ovum during segmentation is necessary before it is possible to speak of gastrulation at all; and it is just this knowledge which, for Mammalia, we do not possess. More than that, Assheton was unable to confirm in the rabbit van Beneden’s statements as to the inclusion of cells derived from one of the first two blastomeres in a layer derived from the other, though Duval has, indeed, reasserted this for the bat. I therefore think it preferable to avoid the term gastrulation altogether, whether applied to the formation of the blasto- cyst, or to the primitive streak; and not even to use the alternative of hypergastrulation suggested by Selenka to get over the original difficulty of the inclusion of epiblast as well as hypoblast in the inner mass. If it is necessary to employ any term at all to express the processes which result in the formation of the blastocyst, I should prefer to speak of a very early development of the amnion (due to whatever causes) in placental mammals. This is an actual ontogenetic fact in Hrinaceus, Pteropus, and Cavia; and as it is a stage through which the embryos of all Placentalia pass, I think it is justifiable to believe that it is, for them, the more primitive one. But that this points to the direct descent of the Mammalia from a vivi- parous amphibian ancestor, and to the secondary oviparity, and formation of the amnion by folds in the Sauropsida, as Hubrecht has suggested, is a hypothesis on which I will not EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. vit venture at present to express a very definite opinion, except that I am inclined to believe that a via media might be found, which should avoid those grossly mechanical explana- tions of the origin of the amnion and allantois, against which this author has rightly protested, on the one hand, and on the other the very serious difficulties in which the Monotremata involve us when we attempt to derive the Mammalia directly from an Amphibian ancestor with a small-yolked and holo- blastic ovum. Before I conclude I must express the great obligations I am under to Professor Weldon, to whose kind encouragement and sympathy I owe it that I have been able to undertake this piece of work at all; to Professor Lankester, who allowed me both time and space in his laboratory here last year; to Mr. G. C. Bourne and Mr. (now Professor) H. A. Minchin for many hints and suggestions; and last, but by no means least, to Professor Hubrecht, with whom I spent five weeks last Christmas, for his generosity in giving me free access to his laboratory and his preparations, and for his courtesy in placing so much of his own valuable time at my disposal. Oxford, Jwy, 1899. POSTSCRIPT. Since the above was written van Beneden has published in the ‘ Anatomischer Anzeiger’ of last September an account of the development of the bat (Vespertilio murinus), which to my mind completely disposes of Duval’s hypothesis of a “stade didermique primitif,” and of the origin of the embry- onic epiblast from the trophoblast. Van Beneden’s description and figures show in the clearest way that the epiblast in the bat, as in other forms, is a part of the inner mass; and I need here do no more than give a few quotations from his paper, including his remarks on the “blastopore ” figured by Duval at the anti-embryonic pole of the blastocyst (Duval, fig. 24). For the details the reader must be referred to the paper itself, 78 J. W. JENKINSON. “T/opinion de Duval, sur la fermeture tardive du blasto- pore au pole anti-embryonnaire du blastocyste, repose sur Vétude d’une vésicule blastodermique qui, 4 mon avis, avait été accidentellement rompue ” (p. 313). roe . Je crois pouvoir affirmer, en ce qui concerne le Murin, que, chez ce Cheiroptére comme chez le Lapin, les deux feuillets de l’embryon procédent l’un et l’autre, entiére- ment et exclusivement de la masse cellulaire interne de l’couf segmenté, que la couche enveloppante [the trophoblast of Hubrecht] n’intervient en rien dans )’édification de l’embryon proprement dite? (p..817); .... dai trouvé la démonstration évidente du fait que ce que Mathias Duval appelle lamas amniotique procéde con- curremment avec la couche qu’il nomme endoderme de la masse interne de l’ceuf segmenté” (p. 318). December, 1899. List oF PAPERS REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT. 1. Assueton, R.—“< A Reinvestigation into the Early Stages of the Deve- lopment of the Rabbit,” ‘ Quart. Journ, Micr. Sci.,’ xxxvii, 1894. 2. AssHeton, R.—‘ The Segmentation of the Ovum of the Sheep, with Observations on the Hypothesis of a Hypoblastic Origin of the Tropho- blast,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ xli, 1898. 3. Assurton, R.— The Development of the Pig during the first Ten Days,” ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xli, 1898. 4. van BenepEn, E.—‘‘ De la maturation d’ceuf, de la fécondation, et des premiers phénoménes embryonnaires chez les Mammiféres, d’aprés les observations faites chez le lapin,”’ ‘ Bulletin de l’Académie Royale des Sciences de Belgique,’ 1875. 5. van BENEDEN, E.—“ Recherches sur |’Embryologie des Mammifeéres : la formation des feuillets chez le lapin,” ‘ Arch. de Biol.,’ i, 1880. 6. van BeNEDEN, E., et Junin, C.—‘‘ Observations sur la Maturation, la Fécondation, et la Segmentation de |’@uf chez les Cheiroptéres,” ‘ Arch. de Biol.,’ i, 1880. 7. vaN BENEDEN, E., et Jutin, C.—‘‘ Recherches sur la Formation des Annexes foetales chez les Mammiféres,” ‘ Arch. de Biol.,’ v, 1884, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2i. 22. 23. 24. 25. EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE, 79 . Born.—“ Erste Entwickelung svorginge,” ‘Kregebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte,’ 1892. . Braver, A.— Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungsgeschichte und der Anatomie der Gymnophionen,” ‘ Zool. Jahrb.,’ x, 1897. . Ortstrant.— L’Inversion des Feuillets blastodermiques chez le rat albinos,” ‘Arch. de Phys. norm. et path.,’ 1892. . Duvat, M.—‘ Le Placenta des Rongeurs,” ‘ Journ, de l’Anat. et de la Phys.,’ 1889-92. . Duvat, M.—* Etudes sur l’Embryologie des Cheiroptéres,” ‘Journ. de Anat. et de la Phys.,’ 1895-6. . Hears, W.—“ The Development of the Mole: the Ovarian Ovum, and Segmentation of the Ovum,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxvi. . Hearse, W.—“‘The Development of the Mole: the Formation of the Germinal Layers, and Early Development of the Medullary Groove and Notochord,”’ ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxiii. Husrecut, A. A. W.—“ Studies in Mammalian Embryology. I. The Placentation of Erinaceus europeus, with remarks on the Physio- logy of the Placenta,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxx. Husrecut, A. A. W.—* On the Didermic Blastocyst of the Mammalia,” ‘Report of Brit. Assoc.,’ 1894. Husrecut, A. A. W.—“ Studies in Mammalian Embryology. II. Tie Development of the Germinal Layers of Sorex vulgaris,” ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxxi. Husrecut, A. A. W.—“ Die Phylogenese des Amnions und die Bedeutung des Trophoblastes,” ‘ Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam,’ 1895. Husrecut, A. A. W.—‘‘ Die Keimblase von Tarsius,”’ ‘ Festschrift fiir Carl Gegenbaur,’ 1896. Koriiker, A.—“ Die Entwickelung der Keimblatter des Kaninchens,” ‘ Festschrift zur Feier der Universitat zur Wurzburg,’ 1882. Lworr.— Die Bildung der primaren Keimblatter,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Imp., Moscow,’ viii, 1894. Mennert, E.—‘Gastrulation und Keimblitterbildung der Emys,” ‘Morph. Arbeiten’ von Dr. Gustav Schwalbe, i, 3, 1891. Minor, C. S.—‘ Human Embryology,’ New York, 1892. RauBEeR.—‘ Die Entwickelung des Kaninchens,” ‘ Sitzungsb. der Natur- forsch. Gesellsch. zu Leipzig,’ 1875. Rosinson, A.—‘“‘ Observations upon the Development of the Segmenta- tion Cavity, the Archenteron, the Germinal Layers, and the Amnion in Mammals,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxxiii, 80 J. W. JENKINSON. 26. Rosinson, A.—‘ Observations upon the Development of the Common Ferret, Mustela ferox,” ‘ Anat. Anz.,’ viii. 27. Sevenka, E.—‘ Keimblatter und Primitivorgane der Maus,’ Wiesbaden, 1883. 28. Sevenka, .—‘ Die Blatter umkehrung im Hi der Nagethiere,’ Wiesbaden, 1884. 29. SevenKa, E.—‘ Das Opossum,’ Wiesbaden, 1886-7. 30. Setenka, E.—‘ Studien tiber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere,’ funftes Heft, zweite Halfte: ‘‘ Keimbildung des Kalong (Pteropus edulis), Wiesbaden, 1892. 81. Vircuow, H.—‘ Dottersyncytium, Keimhautrand, und Beziehungen zur Konkrescenzlehre,’ ‘ Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungs- geschichte,’ 1896. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES 5 & 6, Illustrating Mr. J. W. Jenkinson’s paper on “ A Re-investiga- tion of the Harly Stages of the Development of the Mouse.” PLATE 5. (The dark is hypoblast, the light epiblast.) Fics. A—D.—Diagrams to illustrate Robinson’s account of the develop- ment of the mouse. In A the blastula is shown, with a thin-walled epiblastic roof and a thick hypoblastic floor. In B and C the roof has been invaginated to form the epiblastic knob, covered by the trophoblast, and the cavity of the yolk-sac has arisen by vacuolation of the floor. In D the trophoblastic Trager has invaginated the epiblastic knob into the yolk-sac. Fies, E—G.—Diagrams to illustrate Duval’s theory of the origin of the epiblastic (amniotic) mass. F is the hypothetical ‘‘stade didermique pri- mitif.” In G the amniotic mass is produced by the proliferation of the outer layer. Fic. H.—Diagram to illustrate Robinson’s theory of the partial over- growth of the epiblastic trophoblast over a closed hypoblastic vesicle. Figs. I, K.—Diagrams to illustrate Minot’s comparison of the mammalian blastocyst, K, with the frog’s blastula, I. In K the hypoblast has decreased in size through loss of yolk, and has grown over the epiblast as Rauber’s layer. Fics. L—O,—Diagrams to illustrate Assheton’s hypothesis of the hypo- EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUSE. 81 blastic nature of the trophoblast. In L the outer layer of cells are hypoblast, the inner mass embryonic epiblast. In N the hypoblast of the inner mass is seen to have a common origin with the outer layer, since in M the blasto- cystic cavity appears inside the hypoblast. In O the hypoblast proper is growing round inside the trophoblast. PLATE 6. Fie. 1.—A young blastocyst (95 cells) in which the cavity is small, and the inner mass undifferentiated. Fig. 2.—A slightly older blastocyst (140 cells). The inner mass is still undifferentiated. Owing to the slight obliquity of the section the cavity does not appear to be as large as it should. Fic. 3.—A blastocyst of 170 nuclei, in which the inner mass is beginning to differentiate into epiblast and hypoblast, and in which the trophoblastic cells which overlie the inner mass are slightly flattened. Fic. 4.—A blastocyst of only 105 cells, but in which the inner mass is already differentiated. Fie. 5.—Transverse section through the embryonic end of a blastocyst of about the same age as Fig. 3. The trophoblast cells are quite distinct from those of the inner mass. Fie. 6.—A blastocyst of about 200 nuclei. The trophoblast is much crumpled and folded, and is flattened over the inner mass. The latter is well differentiated into a rounded epiblastic knob and scattered hypoblastic cells. Fie. 7.—A much enlarged though still unfixed blastocyst with nearly 300 nuclei. Over the epiblastic mass the trophoblast is very much stretched, and the hypoblastic cells are commencing to grow round the inside of the blastocyst. Fie. 8.—A very much older embryo which is firmly embedded in the uterine crypt, of which the epithelium has disappeared. The trophoblast has proliferated to form the “ Trager,” which has invaginated the epiblastic knob, in which the amniotic cavity is apparent, into the yolk-sac. Figs. 1—7 were drawn with Zeiss, obj. 2 mm., comp. oc. 4, xX 740; Fig. 8 with Zeiss, obj. D, comp. oc. 4, x 350. Am. Amniotic cavity. 2. Embryonic epiblast. 4. Hypoblast. JZ. Inner mass. JZ. Trophoblast. Zr. Trager. Y. S. Yolk-sac. voL. 43, part 1.—NEW SERIES. F - PY Z oa 7 , oan 7 cc 7 iT _ = = 4 . - > ~ * — ou. : 7 - a << Pa 4 F 1) a * TAPEWORM FROM APTERYX. 83 The Structure of the Rostellum in two New Species of Tapeworm, from Apteryx. By W. Blaxland Benham, D.Sc., M.A., Professor of Biology in the University of Otago, New Zealand. With Plates 7 and 8. On the 11th November, 1898, I received from the Curator of the Botanical Gardens the body of a young specimen of Apteryx Bulleri, one of a lot recently purchased by the Corporation of Dunedin, and placed in the public gardens of the city. The intestine of the bird was literally crammed with para- sites, the duodenum contained a great quantity of very small Cestodes, measuring a sixteenth to an eighth of an inch in length. Further down were a number of larger Cestodes of another species, and measuring three or four inches in length. Still further down, and mixed with these, were a number of large yellow Echinorhynchus, which occurred in still larger quantities throughout the greater part of the intestine, as far as the origin of the ceca. I counted more than 100 Echinorhynchus, and 150 of the larger Cestodes. In the gizzard were a number of Nematodes, measuring about half an inch in length, as well as a number of small isolated proglottids of some tapeworm. ‘These appear to belong to the small species occurring in the duodenum, where also isolated proglottids occur, and their occurrence in the gizzard must have been due to regurgitation. 84 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. I suggest the names Drepanidotwnia minuta and D. apterygis for these two new Cestodes. I. Drepanidotenia minuta, n. sp. The smaller of the two Cestodes occurs in the duodenum ; when killed it measures from an eighth to a sixteenth of an inch in length, with a breadth of one twenty-fifth of an inch. The scolex is followed by about ten or twelve apparent pro- glottids, all of which are of the same breadth. The whole strobila thus is nearly rectangular, with the exception of the curved scolex. In horizontal section—section, that is, in a plane parallel to the broad surface of the worm—it shows a maximum of eighteen proglottids, of which the ante- rior ones are very short, and do not show on the surface ; these are preceded by an unsegmented area or neck, equal in length to about the first half-dozen proglottids. In compressed specimens, mounted entire, the delimita- tion of the scolex is obscure (fig. 1), but in specimens floating in spirit the anterior proglottids are frequently but not invariably narrower than the hinder margin of the scolex (fig. 2). This appears to be connected with the state of con- traction of the parts concerned, for most specimens have the shape shown in Plate 7, fig. 1. The proglottids do not overlap one another to any noticeable degree. Of the eighteen proglottids, the last alone contains ripe eggs, with fully formed onchosphere in their envelopes. This last proglottid readily falls off, so that in many instances no complete eggs occur. In the four or five penultimate pro- glottids the generative organs are more or less fully formed, but the greater number show only traces of the gonads. The isolated proglottids are usually U-shaped, and rather larger than the terminal proglottid of the strobila (fig. 7) ; but in other cases they agree in size. Frequently during the process of mounting a strobila a proglottid would separate. The peculiar form assumed by the isolated proglottid, brought about by the unequal contraction of the muscles, seems to TAPEWORM FROM APTERYX. 85 serve for the better dispersion of the ripe eggs contained within. ‘The camera drawings (figs. 6 and 7) show the posi- tion of these eggs in the terminal and in the isolated pro- glottids. The spacious uterus occupies the anterior region of the proglottid. After separation (or even before) the circular muscles of the hinder margin contract more strongly than elsewhere, so that this border is thrown into a curve ; the anterior margin is thus spread out, and by contraction of the longitudinal muscles the body-wall is drawn away from the uterus, and during this process the thin walls of the latter become ruptured, and thus the eggs are dispersed. This seems to render improbable any prolonged independent life of the proglottid (such as is recorded for those of Dav. proglottina). The ripe eggs measure ‘03 mm. in diameter over all, and possess two coats, an outer granular cellular envelope, and an inner, firmer, thinner one, pressed against which there appear to be flat nuclei (fig. 8). The scolex, which is very much flattened from side to side, is provided with the usual four suckers or acetabula hollowed in the sides, and corresponding to the flat faces of the strobila (fig. 4). Hach acetabulum presents the characters usual in the family Teniade, but is rather oval than circular in outline, and seems remarkable for the fact that its lower posterior margin projects upwards and outwards as a kind of flap, so that sometimes in mounted specimens, as well as in unmounted ones, examined under spirit, the aperture appears reduced, and may even be triangular in form (figs. 2 and 3). From the various conditions here figured it seems certain that this “flap” is moveable, the general effect being that the aperture faces forwards instead of outwards. The apex of the scolex is provided with an armed rostellum, which bears a ring of eighteen or twenty small hooklets arranged really in two circlets, but very close to one another, so that the line of bases forms a zigzag (see figs. 5, 16, and 17), each of which is provided with a “handle” nearly as long as the “blade,” while the “guard” is short but quite distinct. The entire length of this hooklet is°04 mm. In 86 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. structure the rostellar apparatus agrees with that described for T. undulata by Leuckart (see Bronn, p. 1827), but differs in some details. It is described at the end of the present paper. As to the systematic position of this Cestode, I speak with some diffidence, since I have no recent literature, beyond a few manuscript notes on anatomical points, to aid me in the determination. Bronn’s ‘Thierreich’ has not yet reached the systematic account of the group. But the worm appears to belong to Raillet’s genus Drepanidotenia—a charac- teristic genus of avian parasites. But the number of hooklets on the rostellum is greater than in those species to which I can find reference ;* and, moreover, they are in two closely placed circlets instead of the “single circle” given as a character of the genus. The hooks themselves are larger, and apparently the parts are better marked than in other species. It may be a representative of a distinct genus, but pro- visionally I name the worm Drepanidotenia minuta, and characterise it as follows : A tetracotylean Cestode measuring about 1°5 mm., with nearly parallel sides, consisting of a very few (about a dozen) proglottids, of which the last alone contains ripe eggs. The scolex is much flattened ; the suckers are provided with flaps (or valves), so that the entrance appears reduced. The ros- tellum is complex ; the hooks, in two closely set circlets, are eighteen or twenty in number; each hook measures 0:04 mm., and has the usual parts well marked, the “handle” being much longer than the “guard.” There is practically no neck; the proglottids are short and wide; the genital pores are alternate. The ripe eggs measure 0'03 mm. Hab., intes- tine of Apteryx Bulleri. Remarks.—The small size of the strobila and the fewness of its proglottids render this worm rather remarkable, for it is one of the smallest species of Cestodes. Amongst the Tetracotylea (the family Tzeniade in the wide sense) there 1 Shipley, “On Drep. hemignathi,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xl, p. 613. TAPKWORM FROM APTERYX. 87 are 'T’. echinococcus, which reaches only a length of 5mm. ; T. acanthorhyncha, Wedl, from Podiceps nigricollis, and Davanica proglottina, Dav., from the fowl, which does not exceed a millimetre in length: all these have but a few proglottids. But from each the present species differs in various ways. From D. proglottina, with which it has some apparent affinity, it differs in that the suckers are not provided with hooklets. The peculiar flap to the sucker seems to be quite unique amongst the family Tzeniade sensu lato; nevertheless it faintly recalls the condition seen in the fish Cestodes, Pros- thecocotyle Forsteri, Krefft, and Marsipocephalus rectangulus, Wedl, both of which belong to the family Tetrabothride (order Tetraphyllidea). From Bronn’s figures it appears that in the former species there is a small muscular wing arising from the outer margin of the sucker distally. It is represented (Bronn, pl. xliv, fig. 2) as projecting into the sucker. ‘lhe representation of the other species is not very distinct (pl. xlv, fig. 15), but there appears to be a kind of flap springing from the lower (distal) margin, as in the species from Apteryx. As far as I can discover from all the general literature, one of the characters of the Tzeniade sensu lato, is that the hemispherical sucker has not projecting mobile mar- gins. The two species herein described appear to contradict this statement. II. Drepanidotenia apterygis, n. sp. The tapeworms from the intestine are altogether larger than those in the duodenum, and are evidently a different species. They measure some 38 to 43 inches in length, and about 4 inch across the terminal proglottids ; the scolex, however, is only about 4, inch across, so that the worm gradually widens posteriorly (fig. 9). The strobila consists of some 300 proglottids, most of which (about 200) are of the same short length, whilst beyond this point they become gradually 88 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM, much longer. I killed the worms in various fluids ; those in corrosive sublimate showed the last proglottids of about the same length as breadth, whilst in glacial acetic acid they shrank a great deal, and became shorter than broad. The proglottids are a good deal imbricated, the hinder margin of each covering nearly half the succeeding one (in the greater part of the strobila) (fig. 13). The genital pores are alternate, and the side that bears the pore is longer than the other, so that each proglottid is somewhat wedge-shaped. (Here, too, I note a difference in specimens killed differently. Those in acetic acid show this character less than those in corrosive sublimate.) Here and there I noted half -proglottids intercalated amongst the others. I believe this phenomenon has been noted in the case of a species of Bothriocephalus from Japan. The eggs, which appear distributed over the entire ripe pro- glottid, are provided with shells only in the last dozen segments or so. Previous to that the blastomeres into which the ovum has segmented are plainly visible, as they readily take the stain; whereas, when once the shell is formed, the stain does not penetrate (in entire worms). The onchosphere (fig. 14) measures 0°03 mm. (this refers to the diameter of the refringent shell only, and does not include the granular envelope; the eggs, then, and the oncho- sphere are larger than those of D. minuta), and their hooklets 0:01 mm. in length. The scolex is conical, with four large oval suckers, the lower margins of which are often everted and prominent, and appear, consequently, to be mobile. This lower lip does not, however, rise upwards, as in the preceding Cestode, but the cavity of the sucker is directed outwards.! The shape of the suckers and general appearance of the scolex recall that of certain Selachian Cestodes of the family Tetrabothridex ; but the armed retractile rostellum, as well as other anatomical 1 T have a specimen of tapeworm with a similar scolex from a penguin, but have not yet worked its character out. The shape is peculiar for a Tenia. TAPEWORM FROM APTERYX. 89 characters, point to its affinities with the other avian Cestodes. The rostellum, which, though constructed on the same plan, is smaller than that of D. minuta (compare figs. 15 and 16, which are magnified to the same extent), is armed with twelve hooks, arranged in a single circle (fig. 10). Hach hook is 0:03 mm. long, and is thus smaller than in the preceding worm. ‘The shape, too, is quite different, as the guard and the handle are much smaller, the latter rather larger than the former; it is, in fact, a typical Drepanidotzenian hook Gigs tt). The scolex is more nearly square in section than in D. minuta; the suckers have the usual structure found in Tenia (fig. 12). This species is much more like a typical Drepanido- tenia, except for the shape of the suckers (?), and agrees with one species (not named by Shipley, but referred to) in the alternate position of the genital pores. It may be characterised thus: Drepanidotenia apterygis, n. sp. A Tetracotylean Cestode, measuring about 100 mm., with some 300 proglottids, much broader at the free end than at the scolex; the hindmost proglottids are as long as they are broad. ‘The scolex, square in section, has oval suckers, with posterior margin prominent; the rostellum is armed with twelve hooklets in a single circle. Hach hooklet is 0:03 mm. long ; the guard is about equal to the handle, but both are short. The genital pores alternate; the eggs measure 0:03 mm. across the internal shell. Hab., intestine of Apteryx Bulleri. The Rostellum of Drepanidotenia. The small size of D. minuta renders it a convenient object for the study of the rostellar apparatus—its structure and the mechanism of its movement—in specimens mounted entire. From the following account it will be seen that it 90 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. agrees with the rostellum of certain other species of avian Cestodes. The rostellum in both the present species consists essen- tially of two concentric muscular sacs, each filled with a fluid (figs. 15, 16). The inner sac is the true rostellum ; the outer sac is the “ receptaculum rostelli,” the wall of which is reflected on to the rostellum over a certain area, so that the latter may move in and out of the receptaculum. The rostellum itself is more or less ovoid, but is divisible into two unequal regions by a circular constriction or neck near the distal end. The smaller of these regions is capable of protrusion, and bears the crown of hooks; it may there- fore be termed the “acanthophore” (figs. 16 et seq., b) ; the proximal region is about twice the size of the acanthophore, and owing to its function may be termed the reservoir (c). The wall of this inner sac or rostellum consists of an outer layer of longitudinal muscle, and below of circular muscle (fig. 21, l.c.). The longitudinal muscles extend up to the level of the insertion of the “ guard” of the hooklets; the circular coat is distinguishable beyond this level, and ceases at the distal limit of the “handles” of the hooklets (fig. 20). This circular coat is much thicker at the neck than elsewhere, and it is due to its presence here that the constriction is so marked (figs. 16, 17). The longitudinal coat is difficult to distinguish in flat preparations of the entire object, but in transverse sections is visible enough, Just above the neck, but below the hooklets, is a series of radial muscles, which in most preparations are seen to be in two layers or strata, one above the other (figs. 16, 19, e). These bundles of muscles arise from the wall of the sac, and there are spots visible below the interspaces between the hooks; consequently there are as many bundles of radial muscles as there are hooklets (fig. 17, e). Possibly the duplication of these muscles is in relation to the double circlet of hooklets. In the retracted condition of the rostellum these radial TAPEWORM FROM APTERYX. 91 muscles have a horizontal direction, i.e. their axis is at right angles to the long axis of the entire organ. But when the rostellum is protruded they become vertically disposed (figs. 18, 20). For a long time I was unable to determine the mode of insertion of these muscles, but in good longitudinal sections, and even afterwards in old preparations, I was able to recognise an extremely thin membrane (fig. 19, 7) that, in a retracted state, is folded within the acanthophore. In fact, the free distal extremity of the rostellum is in- vaginated as a delicate membrane; and when the apparatus is fully everted this membrane is forced outwards, and assumes a convex form (fig. 20,7), taking with it, of course, the insertions of the radial muscles. It is very difficult to determine this invaginated membrane ; for some time I believed that the terminal wall was double, and that the membrane was capable of movement to and fro, as implied by Studener (vide Bronn). I thought I could detect the aperture of invagination at the apex, and then again I could not make it out in the other case or in the specimens mounted whole. But a comparison of a series of camera outlines, representing every stage of protrusion, as well as a renewed study of several states of protrusion, showed that the circle of hooklets increased its diameter on protrusion ; and I feel confident that the explanation of this hes in the facts above recorded. Neither this membrane nor the muscles are directly con- nected with the hooklets. The cavity of the rostellum, or, to be more particular, of the reservoir, is occupied by a granular material, in which numerous nuclei are recognisable, but without cell outlines (figs. 16, 19, 20, ¢). In certain preparations a fibrillation of this material is apparent; these fibrille, however, are not muscular ; they react to stains quite differently, and do not stain at all; I am inclined to think that they are due partly to the arrangement of granules in rows, and possibly to some coagulation effect. This granular material is very compress- 92 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. ible, and may be regarded as fluid ; for on the contraction of the wall of the reservoir it is driven forwards so as to distend the acanthophore, pushing forwards the radial muscle and the membranous anterior wall of the acanthophore. Turning now to the receptaculum rostelli, it has similarly a wall of two layers of muscles, complete posteriorly, but reflected distally (anteriorly), so as to be continuous with the wall of the rostellum at the neck. The contents of the receptacle in D. minuta is of two kinds. In the distal region is a very faintly granular fluid (not taking the stains) with scattered nuclei, without evident arrangement or cell boundaries (fig. 19, p). But the bottom of the receptaculum is occupied by a very deeply staining granular mass, so deeply staining in boracic carmine as to hide the nuclei which are scattered therein; but in hema- toxylin the nuclei stain more deeply. This mass is contained in four elongated sacs (figs. 16—22, s), the membranous walls of which meet below the bottom of the rostellum, so as to form an X-shaped septum in transverse section, and a longi- tudinal one when seen in longitudinal section (as noted by y. Linstow in 1890). These granule sacs fill the post-rostellar region of the receptaculum, and push forwards about halfway along the latter, where they end by obliquely tapering off, so that the less granular material distally intervenes between them and rostellum (figs. 1, 9). The receptaculum is moved by extrinsic muscles, some of which pass upwards and out- wards from the wall, near its anterior end, diverging in a fan-like manner, to be inserted in the apex of the scolex above the suckers (fig. 16, m’). These muscles seem to be in four groups or bundles, two on each side of the receptaculum, lying between it and the chief nerves issuing from the brain. Other muscles pass downwards and are lost behind the suckers (m). But it does not seem that these extrinsic muscles play any great part in the protrusion of the actual rostellam. In this process we have to distinguish two independent movements; firstly, the protrusion of the rostellum; and secondly, the distension or TAPEWORM FROM APTERYX. 93 erection of the acanthophore (see the series of figures, 16 —18). The first movement is effected by the contraction of the walls of the receptaculum rostelli. The fluid contents are merely compressed, and force the rostellum forwards, the acanthophore being thus protruded from the receptaculum (fig. 17), and ultimately through the aperture at the true apex of the scolex (fig. 18). The distension of the acanthophore is effected by the con- traction of the wall of the rostellar sac, the reservoir. This drives the fluid contents (¢.) forwards, distending the acan- thophore and pushing forwards the membrane, so that a more or less spherical ball is formed, the wall of which is tensely stretched (figs. 19, 20). The radial muscles now come into action. Hitherto, as the various figures show, they have been horizontal, but as the membrane to which they are inserted is pushed outwards they take on the vertical position, and are considerably stretched. During this process of protrusion the points of the hooks are kept pressed down against the side of the acanthophore, but now by the contraction of the radial muscles it appears that the terminal membrane, and therefore the “ guard,” is pulled downwards, and consequently the point is caused to diverge. This type of rostelluam—with two concentric muscular sacs —has been described by Leuckart, von Linstow, and others for certain species, e.g. “Tenia” undulata, T. puncta, T. serpentulus,—all avian Cestodes ; and it differs from the apparatus in mammalian Cestodes, e. g. T’. crassicollis, which is a solid mass of muscles, having various directions. I believe, however, that I have been able to add some details in regard to it and to clear up some points that were doubtful, and I have thought it worth while to give the series of figures representing accurately the relations of the various parts during its movement, as I know of no such series having been hitherto published. Dunepin ; May 11 th, 1899. 94. W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES 7 & 8, Illustrating Mr. W. Blaxland Benham’s paper on “The Structure of the Rostellum in two New Species of Tape- worm, from Apteryx.” Drepanidotenia minuta, n. sp. Fic. 1.—The entire strobila, stained and mounted as a transparent object. x 30. (Camera.) Fic. 2.—The “scolex,” seen as an opaque object, in alcohol, uncompressed, showing the flaps of the suckers more plainly than in the compressed specimen. Fic. 3.—Three different suckers, showing mobility of the flap or anterior margin of the sucker; the muscle-fibres of the margin are seen to be continued on to this apparent flap. Fic. 4.—A transverse section through the scolex. x 46. (Camera.) A. rostellum, 7. receptaculum rostelli. Fic. 5.—One of the rostellar hooks; a. blade, d. handle, c. guard. x 625. (Camera.) Fic. 6.—Outline of the terminal proglottid of a strobila from a horizontal (though somewhat oblique) section ; e. eggs, p. coiled penis, 0. genital pore. Fie. 7.—Outline of isolated detached proglottid: the margins a. 8. corre- spond with those in Fig. 8. Fic. 8.—Onchosphere in its envelopes. Drep. apterygis, n. sp. Fic. 9.—The entire strobila, natural size. Fic. 94.—Scolex; freehand. Fie. 10.—Apex of scolex, with protruded rostellum. Fie. 11.—A rostellar hooklet, a. blade, 6. handle, c. guard. Fie. 12.—Transverse section of scolex. x 150. (Camera.) r. recepta- culum rostelli, 2. aperture of excretory tubule. Fie. 13.—A portion of the strobila, mounted, entire, transparent, somewhere near the middle. x 78, (Camera.) It happens that, of the five proglottids figured, four have the genital pore on the same side; in other regions the alternation of the pores is more regular. o. genital pore, p. everted penis, TAPEWORM FROM APERTYX. 95 z. longitudinal excretory canal. The imbrication of the proglottids is well seen. Fic. 14.—An onchosphere enclosed within its coats. Fie. 15.—The apex of the scolex, showing the retracted rostellar apparatus; in optical section, from a transparent specimen. Xx 375. (Camera.) a. the apical pore, R. rostellum, 7. receptaculum rostelli, s. sucker. Compare the size with that of the apparatus of D. minuta (fig. 10). The Rostellum of Drepanidotenia minuta. Fics. 16—18 are optical sections, from stained, transparent, entire stro- bilas. All are drawn with the camera, under the same magnification. x 375. Fig. 16.—The rostellum entirely withdrawn into the receptaculum. a. Apical pore in the scolex. 34. Acanthophore. e¢. Reservoir of rostel- lum. d. The circular muscles of its wall (the longitudinal only shown at the base). e¢. The radial muscles. m’,m''. The extrinsic muscles that move the receptaculum. p. Finely granular contents of the anterior region of the receptacle. 7. The muscular wall of the receptacle. §. Outline of sucker. s. Coarsely granular contents of the posterior region of the receptacle contained in membranous sacs. w. The septum formed by apposition of these sacs. Fig. 17.—The rostellum at the commencement of protrusion. The acanthophore is moving upwards in the pre-rostellar canal. The reservoir is greatly constricted by the circular muscles at the neck and elsewhere; the radial muscles (¢.) are still horizontal. This pro- trusion is effected by the contraction of the wall of the receptaculum ; the “septum” (w.) between the membranous sacs is now longer, and the sacs lie nearly entirely behind the rostellum. y. is a sphincter muscle closing the lower aperture of the pre-rostellar canal. ‘The radial muscles, as well as other details, show better in this preparation, which was stained in alum-cochineal (Czokor). The radials are appa- rently interrupted by vertical lines; as a fact, there are eighteen groups of radial muscles. Fig. 18.—-The rostellum is protruded, though not to its fullest extent. The acanthophore not only projects through the aperture (a), but is distended by the fluid contents of the reservoir, forced upwards by the contraction of its wall. The longitudinal muscles are here shown. The apex of the acanthophore is depressed (4’), and between the hooks the “radial muscles” (e) are seen to be vertically disposed. Fies. 19 and 20 are longitudinal sections x 450. Outlines and main details with camera. 96 W. BLAXLAND BENHAM. Fig. 19.—The rostellum in the same stage as in Fig. 18—at the com- mencement of protrusion. The distal wall of the acanthophore is seen to be invaginated as a thin membrane (j), to which the radial muscles (e) are inserted. The longitudinal and circular muscles of the rostellar wall are shown (JZ. C.), the latter extending up to the upper insertion limit of the hooks. The granular contents (¢) are represented with the greatest care. They show granulation and fibrillation and nuclei, and are seen to be confined to the reservoir. The details of the recep- taculum are also faithfully represented; the contents of the mem- branous sacs (s) appear to coagulate or shrink, leaving a space, so that the cells appear to form an epithelium. Fig. 20.—The rostellum only is shown in a fully protruded condition. The section is not quite median so far as the acanthophore is con- cerned, hence the distance between the hooklets is not as great as it would be if the hooklets were at the ends of a diameter. The reservoir is strongly contracted, so that the contents (¢.) have been entirely forced against the ‘radial muscle ” (e.), and thus distend the acanthophore. The radial muscles are practically vertical (cf. Fig. 19), and the invaginated membrane (j.) into which they are inserted is pushed forwards so as to become convex. The contraction of these muscles in this condition, when their area of insertion (j.) is rendered tense, raises the points of the hooklets so as to effect attachment to the wall of the gut. Fie. 21.—Transverse section through the rostellar apparatus about the middle of its length. 2. Rostellum. 7. Receptaculum rostelli. JZ. 2. Longitudinal musculature. CC. c. Circular muscular of each. The rostellum is seen to be filled with finely granular material, in which are nuclei. 2. Nuclei. The coarsely granular contents of the receptaculum are contained in four saes (s.), the walls of which meet to form four septa (w). Fie. 22.—A transverse section of the receptaculum below the rostellum. Letters as before. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. oF The Habits and Early Development of Cere- bratulus Lacteus (Verrill). A Contribution to Physiological Morphology, By Chas. B. Wilson. With Plates 9—11. OUTLINE. I. IntRoDUCTION . - ; : 5 Oe 5s Il. Tor Apyitt Worm. a. Determination of Species 2 : : . 102 B. Habitat and Habits: (1) Geographical distribution . ‘ 5 . 103 (2) Burrows and burrowing . F : . 104 (3) Food . ‘ ; : . : LO (4) Breathing . : ; : : ~ £09 (5) Locomotion . : : : : LO (6) Dismemberment : : ; : ~ Ai (7) Regeneration . , : : . 2 PS IIT. Larvat DEVELOPMENT. A. Sexual Organs: (1) The ovaries : (a) Germ tissue. : , : ower (4) Odgenesis : : : : eles (ec) Formation of oviduct . : - 125 (2) The testes: (a) Sperm tissue . : ; : . 126 (4) Spermatogenesis ‘ : : « 126 (c) Formation of sperm-duct : : > 127 B. Egg-laying F : : ‘ . 12s c. Fertilisation and Pomorie 2 (1) Fertilisation . : : 5 . 130 (2) Formation of polar pois é : ; elcal (3) Activities of polar bodies : (a) Description of activities ‘ ; . 138 (4) Connection with egg . . : » db (c) Polarisation . : : : . 135 VoL. 43, PART 1.—NEW SERIES. G 98 CHAS. B. WILSON. (d) Summary (e) Conclusions Dp. Segmentation: (1) Mode of cleavage (2) Behaviour of polar bodies (3) Filose activities (4) Contractile movements (5) Separation of blastomeres (6) Blastula (7) Summary (8) Conclusions E. Gastrulation: (1) Ciliation of the larva. (2) Formation of gastrula (3) The apical plate (4) Change from radial to bilateral Sranetry (5) Escape from egg-membrane IV. Tue Prurpiom. a. Habits: (1) Locomotion ‘ (2) Use of apical flagella. (3) Food . : B. Morphology: (1) External morphology . (2) The primitive intestine c. Mesoderm Formations: (1) Origin of mesenchyme cells . (2) Their contractility : (3) Development of the larval muscles : (a) Apical muscles (4) Interparietal muscles . (c) Gisophageal muscles (d) Circumoral muscles (e) Parietal muscles (/) Lappet muscles (4) Summary (5) Conclusions vp. Histology: (1) The epidermis (2) The apical plate (3) The cilia rows (4) The intestinal canal (5) Summary 138 138 141 141 144 145 149 149 149 151 153 154 155 156 158 159 159 161 162 162 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 174 175 181 182 185 188 189 HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 99 INTRODUCTORY. Tue ontogeny of the Nemerteans, and more particularly that of the Schizo-nemerteans, is of special interest on account of the metamorphoses through which the young embryos pass. Ever since its discovery and naming by Miller in 1847 (38) the pilidium form of larva has attracted the attention of leading scientists the world over. Asa result of their inves- tigations we are to-day in possession of the leading facts with reference to the histology of the pilidium and the meta- morphoses from this free-swimming form into that of the adult worm. Much work has also been done upon the origin and matura- tion of the sexual products in different species. But our knowledge of fertilisation, segmentation, and the early history of the pilidium has been derived almost wholly from two papers by Metschnikoff, one in 1870 (385) and another in 1882 (36). The former paper I have been unable to examine, but from the excellent abstract given by Biirger (13) I judge that Metschnikoff obtained the eggs already fertilised, and fol- lowed their subsequent development as closely as possible. At all events he confines his attention in both papers almost exclusively to the later development of the larva, and seems to have derived his facts from observation of histolo- gical material, and not from a study of the living embryo. 1 Since the above was written it has been my pleasure to receive from the author, Dr. W. R. Coe, of the Sheffield Biological Laboratory of Yale University, a copy of his excellent paper upon “ The Maturation and Fertili- sation of the Egg of Cerebratulus” (16). This is the first step toward supplementing our knowledge of this long neglected group and is most praiseworthy. 100 CHAS. B. WILSON. In the present investigations for the first time, so far as can be determined, the eggs of a Nemertean were fertilised artificially. The consequent abundance of embryos has rendered it possible to follow in detail every step in their development, and to use living material far more than has ever been done heretofore. In much of the recent embryological work there has been a tendency to confine the attention almost exclusively to the study of sections and prepared material. And embryos have been reared for the sole purpose of furnishing such material. But it is clearly evident that the true purpose of histology is to supplement, and not to supplant, the study of the living animal. For this reason the morphological drawings in the present paper have been made, whenever it was possible, from living specimens, with the aid of the camera lucida. Adults have also been captured and kept in aquaria where their habits could be closely watched, and many interesting facts have been thus discovered. Eggs have been laid and fertilised by individuals thus kept in confinement, so that it has been possible to verify all the details obtained from the artificially fertilised eggs, and, in addition, to discover the method of egg-laying and fertilisation. The development and habits of the pilidium have been carefully watched for four successive summers, and as a result it is possible to present quite a full account of this particular species. A second result has been the growing conclusion that this species is particularly fitted for embryo- logical work in our laboratories. Many different reasons have led to this conclusion, among which may be mentioned: 1. The vitality of the adults, by reason of which uninjured sexual products can be obtained from them even under very adverse circumstances. When reduced to such a dire neces- sity, a single piece of a disruptured worm, but a few inches in length, can be used at the rate of half an inch a day for a week or more, and it will yield all the while germinal pro- HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 101 ducts capable of producing normal embryos. A clean glass vessel (4 to 6 gals.) with plenty of the sand or mud from which the animals were taken, and a constant but slow renewal of the water, has proved to be the best aquarium. Only one pair of worms should be placed in a single vessel, and the supply of plant life should be very meagre. Under these conditions no difficulty has been experienced in keeping the worms for six or eight weeks, and they have laid pro- fusely (cf. Coe, 15). 2. The ease and uniformity with which the egg may be fertilised artificially. 3. The persistence and remarkable activity of the polar bodies. They remain in close connection with the egg all through segmentation and gastrulation, the second body being actually connected with the blastomeres by protoplas- mic processes, while both display to a marked degree those protoplasmic activities which have been designated as * spinning.” 4, The transparency of the larva subsequent to gastru- lation, which renders it very easy to follow its internal development. It is so clear that very high powers may be successfully used. An excellent opportunity is thus afforded for the study of muscular development, owing to the peculiar nature of the mesenchyme cells. Every fact of importance has been included in the present paper; when not verified by personal observation, due ac- knowledgment has been made. The author desires to express his indebtedness to Librarian Wm. I. Fletcher, of Amherst College, for the free use of the science library of that institution, without the help of which the present work would have been impossible. It is likewise a pleasure to acknowledge the inspiration and the many valuable sugges- tions given by Dr. H. A. Andrews, of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, and by Mrs.G. F. Andrews. And to Dr. W. R. Coe, of the Sheffield Biological Laboratory, acknowledgment is due for the kindly loan of mounted material illustrative of spermatogenesis, and for much friendly criticism. LOZs * CHAS. B. WILSON. Toe ApuLtt Worm. Determination of Species. The species under consideration is one of the largest of the Nemerteans, and possesses all the characteristics of the group. These consist negatively in the absence of all external appendages and of a definite body-cavity, and the entire lack of visible segmentation. Positively they include the posses- sion of a smooth body, flattened dorso-ventrally, and of a very long tubular proboscis, which can be protruded by eversion from an aperture in the front of the head. Much work has been done upon the classification of the Nemerteans with no decisive results. Different species and even genera frequently resemble one another so closely that they cannot be distinguished after preservation. Hence we can find in the attitude of different authors every variation from one (46) 75 per cent. of whose enumerated species are new creations, to another (27) who would include all the Schizo-nemerteans under a single genus. And our present species is classified by different authors under distinct names and even under different genera. The name we have chosen is the one selected by Verrill, but the same species was called by Girard Meckelia fragilis, by Leidy Meckelia ingens, though at first he designated it M. lactea. The name of the group, Nemerteans, was first applied by Cuvier, and is derived from Nemertes, one of the Mediterranean sea-nymphs, daughters of Nereus and Doris. The generic name, Cerebratulus, was first given by Renier in 1804 to a single species, and continued until re- cently to be simply a specific name. It is derived from cerebrum, the brain, probably from a fancied resemblance of the tissues (41). The specific name, lacteus, was given by Leidy to cer- tain small white specimens, which afterwards proved to be the young of this species, and accordingly the name was HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 103 extended by Verrill, in 1892, to include the larger adults which are often not at all “milky” (46). Habitat and Habits. This large Nemertean is quite common along the entire Atlantic coast, from Florida to Massachusetts Bay, and is found locally at Casco Bay on the coast of Maine. From this latter locality were obtained all the specimens which furnished data for the present paper. Verrill states (46) that he found adults at Quohog Bay, one of the numerous inlets of Casco Bay. These were associated with a number of other southern forms, such as Venus mercenaria, Crepidula convexa, Hupagurus longicarpus, Gam- marus mucronatus, Nereis libata, Meckelia ingens, Asterias arenicola, etc. These species properly belong to the region south of Cape Cod, and it might be inferred that Cerebratulus also was a southern species, and that it could be found in northern waters only under specially favourable conditions. Such, however, is not the case; I obtained a number of specimens from Quohog Bay, but found them more abundant at Stover’s Point on the east side of Harpswell Neck. All the specimens used were obtained here, but none of the southern species named above were found anywhere in the vicinity. Furthermore, the Point is only about a mile from the end of the Neck, and it gets the full sweep of the tide from the open ocean twice a day. The largest colony of Nemerteans was on the outer or exposed side of the Point, and was associated exclusively with hardy northern species. The fishermen often find these worms when digging for clams during the winter, and some of the material used for the origin of the sexual products was obtained from them at that season. When we reflect on the severity of the winter upon the Maine coast, where the mud is exposed between tides to an atmosphere that frequently 104 CHAS. B. WILSON. registers many degrees below zero, we may conclude that Cerebratulus has at least become well acclimated. This species burrows in sand and mud between tides, and in shallow water down to several fathoms in depth. It occurs most plentifully at and just above low-water mark, but may be found inder stones in sheltered positions (Quohog Bay), nearly up to the high-water mark of medium tides. It is gregarious in habits, and the finding of one is a good indication that there are others in the immediate vicinity. It also occurs in the same localities year after year, but after prolonged search in any one place the number of large specimens becomes very sensibly diminished. The largest specimens are not solitary, as McIntosh declares to be the case with the great Lineus marinus (84), but they are so limited in numbers as to warrant the conclusion that here, as in some of the higher forms of life, size is ‘inimical to profusion.” One of its favourite haunts is along the edges of an old mussel-bed amidst the broken shells and stones, into which it is often almost impossible to drive a clam-hoe. But it is also dug up with clams in clean white sand and mud, and is known locally to the fishermen as a “ clam-worm.” Scarcely a trace of the worms save the entrance to their burrows can be seen except at high tide. This is their period of activity, and they may then occasionally be ob- served gliding amongst the sea-weed on a muddy or sandy shore, or in the shade of the rocks in a large tide-pool. They are essentially nocturnal, and come out of their burrows much more frequently during the night tides than during those which occur in the day time. The burrow itself is little more than a hole or tubular opening through which the worm can move freely in either direction. The walls of this tube are coated thickly with the slimy mucus exuded from the worm’s skin, which materially facilitates its progress. The burrows are neither very long nor very deep, for even the largest worms are found within a few (six or eight) inches of the surface. There is no evidence to show that the same burrow is inhabited for any length of time. On the contrary, HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 105 all observations indicate that the worm roams about con- stantly in the mud after food, and that it is able to move quite rapidly, even when forming a new burrow. ‘The enor- mous amount of slime secreted by the worm’s ectoderm may be inferred from the fact that it eevee the walls of its burrow constantly coated. This slime often oxidises the iron elements in the mud, with the result that the latter is tinged a dull rusty red in the im- mediate vicinity of the burrow. Repeated attempts were made to ascertain just how the burrowing was done, by digging out specimens and throwing them on a fresh surface. It was noticed that the worm thrust its pointed head a little way into the mud and then seemed to brace itself for a further effort, the head at the same time being withdrawn slightly. The significance of this fact was in doubt for some time, but on placing a few worms in a glass aquarium with five or six inches of mud at the bottom, they immediately began to burrow near the glass. It was then seen that the bracing action was due to the fact that the worm was driving its proboscis into the mud ahead of itself. The proboscis was protruded for six or eight inches, and then enlarged slightly and crooked a little at the end. Aided by the hold thus obtained the worm was able to thrust its head rapidly into the mud, keeping it narrow and pointed the while. The extreme tip of the head was then contracted into a broad rounded form, and the wave of contraction thus started passed slowly backward along the anterior portion of the body, thereby moving the latter forward about aninch. As soon as this wave was fairly started in its backward motion the head became pointed, the proboscis was thrust forward again, and the whole process was repeated. The tip of the head was then contracted, and a second wave was started backward before the first had reached the centre of the body. In this way one wave followed another so quickly that the resultant motion was nearly a steady advance instead of being jerky. This rapid burrowing by means of both proboscis and 106 CHAS. B. WILSON. body contractions must be of great service to the worm in escaping from its enemies and in obtaining its food. In locomotion the proboscis seems to be of use chiefly as an organ of feeling or touch, being thrust forward to determine the direction in which the burrow is to be made. Whenever it strikes an obstacle, such as a small stone, it feels around it, sometimes on several sides, and selects apparently the place that offers least resistance. In doing this it often happens that the proboscis will be thrust up into the water. It is then quickly withdrawn only to be thrust up again, perhaps in a very few seconds. The only idea of direction, therefore, seems to be to keep beneath the surface of the mud. It is also evident that when the proboscis is thrust forward forcibly into the mud or sand, it makes an opening for the subsequent passage of the head. The worm may often be seen to withdraw its proboscis and push its head along in the opening thus left. It is also possible that the proboscis may have some tractile power in helping to pull the body forward. That it is actually used as an organ of prehension was witnessed several times. The Nemerteans were fed with common clam-worms (Ne- reis). When a Nereis in wriggling about came in contact with a Nemertean, or crossed the mouth of a burrow when a Nemertean was inside, the latter suddenly darted out its proboscis and coiled it spirally around the Nereis. The spiral coil covered an inch or more of the Nereis’s body, and the proboscis was then slowly withdrawn, bringing the Nereis up to the Nemertean’s mouth, where it was finally swallowed. This corresponds exactly with the graphic description given by Kingsley (cf. 34) of a specimen of the species Polia mandilla (Amphiporus lactifloreus, McIntosh) in the act of devouring a fish. McIntosh, however, questioned Kingsley’s accuracy (84), because the latter says that the proboscis assists in prehension, but Cerebratulus certainly uses it sometimes for that purpose. When withdrawn the proboscis is coiled up in that portion HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 107 of the sheath which lies above the cesophagus, as can be seen in fig. 4. Its large anterior end is continuous with the walls of the sheath just in front of the ganglionic commissure, while its small posterior end is fastened at a single point where the cesophagus joins the intestine. As the proboscis itself is several times the length between these two points of attach- ment it is coiled very closely. Furthermore, being attached at the posterior end, it follows that it must always be of double thickness, with a blunt anterior end when everted. This increases its strength for prehension and burrowing, and does not seem to detract from its delicacy as an organ of touch. Food.—tThis species of Cerebratulus is almost wholly car- nivorous, and feeds upon other worms which frequent the mud between tides, showing a decided preference for Nereis. Several times both Nereis and Nemerteans were placed in the same dish when obtained; the former were found to have been swallowed by the latter on reaching the labora- tory half an hour later. The Nereis is always swallowed tail first (fig. 1), which is exactly the opposite of the method usually followed by carnivorous animals, but is occasionally found in other carnivora, as when a snake swallows a frog or toad (28). In such cases the animal swallowed is usually defenceless, while its captor is well armed, but in the present instance these conditions are exactly reversed. And it is very hard to understand how a Nemertean, which has neither teeth nor jaws, nor indeed offensive weapons of any kind, can yet over- come a well-armed Annelid nearly as large as itself. The head of the Nereis, with its powerful jaws, is left entirely free, but although I have seen the victim wriggle frantically in its efforts to escape, until it finally disappeared down its captor’s throat, it never made any attempt to bite. This is the more remarkable in view of the well-known fact that when two Nereis come together they almost invariably fall upon each other tooth and claw, and often inflict very severe 108 CHAS. B. WILSON. wounds with their powerful jaws. Dr. E. A. Andrews has suggested to me that possibly the dense coating of slime which is constantly exuded from the Nemertean’s ectoderm may afford it protection. Ifa minute drop of this slime be placed upon the tongue it will be found so intensely acrid as to parch the whole mouth, and the taste remains for a long time. This quality, then, might effectually prevent the Nereis from inflicting any injury with its jaws. ‘These Annelids do not often leave their burrows altogether, but simply protrude the head and anterior portion of the body in search of prey. ‘Taken in connection with the fact that the Nemertean swallows them tail first, this suggests that they are not ordinarily caught outside their burrows, but that the Nemertean probes around beneath the surface until it strikes the home of an Annelid, and then proceeds to swallow the unfortunate occupant. In such a case the Annelid’s jaws would be practically useless, for it could not turn about in its burrow. The snout. of the Nemertean, in front of the mouth, is usually turned backward during the process of swallowing, the proboscis being wholly withdrawn. The digestive fluid acts very quickly. Several attempts were made to preserve a specimen with a Nereis nearly swallowed and protruding an inch or two from its mouth. But they failed at first because the Nereis was forcibly ejected as soon as the Nemertean touched the preserving fluid, no matter how far it had been swallowed. A subse- quent attempt was crowned with success; a Nemertean with an inch of Nereis nearly as large as itself protruding from its mouth was plunged into boiling water for a moment and then preserved in formalin. ‘This produced death so instantaneously that there was no time for ejection, and the perfectly preserved pair still remain to attest the fact (fig. 1). But although the first efforts were failures in one direction they were a success in another. The swallowing of an ordinary Nereis occupies about ten minutes, but in every instance it was found more than half digested upon ejection, HABITS, HTC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 109 The same thing happened when a dead squid was left in a pail with some Nemerteans. One of them swallowed a long arm of the squid, and when its further progress was stopped at the base of the arm it drew its body down in wrinkles until as much of the digestive tube as possible had come in contact with the arm. It remained in this position for five or six minutes and then withdrew, leaving the arm com- pletely digested for more than half its length. Of course, there is very little substance to the body of a Nereis, and it can be assimilated without much change; but the arm of a squid is more substantial, and must require considerable digestion. It is evident that this takes place rapidly at the very beginning of the alimentary canal. This fact suggests one reason why the loss of the posterior portion of the body does not seriously affect the animal. Several of the fishermen have told me that specimens of Cerebratulus are sometimes caught by them when fishing in shallow water with a bait of Buccinum undatum or Natica heros. The same thing is noted by McIntosh (84) with reference to the deep-sea form, Lineus marinus, which was caught while fishing for cod. Like that species, Cerebratulus also must have “an indiscriminate appetite,” feeding upon both living and dead forms, and ejecting the bristles and other indigestible material through the anus. Occasionally a bristled or spiny victim proves too much for its captor, with the result that the bristles or spines perforate the digestive tract and the body-wall. Dr. W. R. Coe tells me that he found a Cerebratulus in this condition with a large Nereis half swallowed, the poste- terior portion of the Nereis protruding through a large rent in the ventral wall of the cesophagus. In confinement Cere- bratulus eats readily almost any animal food, but prefers a Nereis to anything else. Breathing.—This species and probably most other Ne- merteans breathe by means of the walls of the cesophagus. With the incoming tide the Nemertean opens the anterior 110 CHAS. B. WILSON. end of its burrow by turning it abruptly upward to the sur- face, and then lies with its head in the lower part of this vertical portion. The burrow around the head and in the immediate vicinity is enlarged somewhat, so that the water can circulate freely, and by alternately swallowing and eject- ing mouthfuls of water the Nemertean generates a very per- ceptible current. The swallowing is long and slow, while the ejection is short and abrupt, the two together occupying about ten seconds. This is evidently the Nemertean’s mode of breath- ing, and the purification of the blood must take place in the walls of the cesophagus, as we should naturally infer from the arrangement of the circulatory system. These facts, of course, were chiefly gathered from specimens kept in an aquarium where the supply of water was constant, but it was curious to note that they alternated periods of rest with periods of breathing exactly as if they had been subject to the flow of the tide. And their periods of rest usually, though not always, corresponded closely with those of the ebb tide. During the breathing the cephalic slits along the sides of the head were occasionally, though not regularly, opened and closed. At such times, of course, a current of water would enter the side-organs, and it is possible that they assist somewhat in the purification of the blood. But from the regularity of movement in the cesophagus and the entire lack of it in the cephalic slits, we must conclude that the former constitutes the true respiration. Locomotion.—The mode of locomotion by means of which the Nemertean moves through its burrow has already been described. They also come out of their burrows at times and swim about in the water. Verrill states (46) that “while swim- ming the body is turned up edgewise and thrown into many undulations, and the motion resembles that of an eel, but is less rapid.” Coe adds (15) that “it is often met with at night swimming near the surface of the water.” This is a HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 11] well-known habit of all species, the lateral margins of whose bodies are produced into a thin edge throughout the greater part of their length. But although I have been out at night repeatedly and towed over localities where the worms were abundant, I have never been fortunate enough to catch one swimming. Frequently, however, some that were dug out of the sand were thrown into the water and watched swimming about, and others have often been seen swimming in the aquarium. Under such circumstances the Nemertean does not turn up edgewise, but undulates about in every possible position, the body being now dorsal side up, now ventral, now with the right side uppermost, now the left, the change from one position to another being continuous though slow. It would seem probable that they come out of their burrows and swim about most frequently during the breeding season, although eges are laid inside the burrows, as we shall see later. In addition to swimming and crawling through their burrows these Nemerteans are also capable of moving along on the bottom over the mud or stones quite rapidly, and yet as they have no sete like the earthworm, norany other means to prevent slipping, and as the surface of their body is slimy, there is always a considerable loss of motion. Ona solid surface the mode of progression is by crawling in a manner similar to that of a Gastropod, with the exception that the waves of muscular contraction, passing backward from the head, are much more apparent. But this is true only of the adults; young individuals can glide over the glass sides of an aquarium so smoothly that their bodies show scarcely a wrinkle (cf. 34). The Nemertean also leaves a track of mucus, like the Gas- tropod. This mucus is exuded even when the animals are lying coiled up at rest, and it is so abundant that a pail con- taining several fresh vigorous worms is soon filled with a perfect meshwork of mucus, from which the worms must be pulled or cut out. And it acquires sufficient consistency to offer considerable resistance. If it be removed it is quickly 112 CHAS. B. WILSON. formed again, but several removals produce a marked dimi- nution in the amount secreted. This abundance of mucus gives some of the smaller forms the ability to crawl back downward on the surface of the water, after the manner of nudibranchs, the mucus forming a sort of float, and being firm enough to give the animal a purchase for its muscles. McIntosh states (34) that “if a Nemertean is raised from the surface on which it crawls it always clings most perti- naceously by the anterior end ; indeed it would appear that the lips exercise a kind of sucker-like action, or at least that the flattened under-surface of the snout does so.” I have never been able to verify this observation on Cere- bratulus, for I could not see that one portion clung to the supporting surface any more than another. But the head and anterior cesophagus are usually kept in contact with the surface, while the other portions of the body are often removed temporarily. Dismemberment.—Almost every scientist who has dealt with the Nemerteans has noted their disagreeable habit of dismembering themselves when irritated. But even the specialists have not gone beyond a mere statement of the fact except in one or two instances, while the best and most recent monograph on the Nemerteans, that published by Birger as the 22nd volume of the ‘ Fauna and Flora of the Gulf of Naples,’ does not even mention the habit at all. We are informed that we must secure our specimens very quickly, and kill them in something that produces instan- taneous death if we expect to obtain anything more than a handful of fragments for our pains; but we are left to answer for ourselves the many interesting questions that are sure to arise. Do the Nemerteans ever fragment without irritation? If so, under what conditions and what advantage is it to the worm ? After fission can both anterior and posterior fragments re- generate, the one a new body and the other a new head ? In answer to the first question, I had noticed for three HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTHUS. 113 summers that it was very difficult to obtain perfect specimens toward the close of the breeding season, though they were fairly common at an earlier date. On the contrary, the number of specimens possessing regenerating papille increased as the season advanced. It was evident, therefore, that they must dismember for some reason during the breeding season, and it was suspected that the eggs might be discharged in this way. During the past summer the matter was put to test with the following results. A perfect male and female Cerebratulus were secured during the latter part of June, and placed in an aquarium half filled with the same mud from which they were taken. They burrowed into this mud at once, and remained there under fairly normal conditions, and apparently perfectly healthy, until the 1st of September, when they were both preserved on leaving. They were nearly sexually ripe when obtained, and after being kept a fortnight the female laid three batches of eggs at short intervals, each of which was fertilised by the male. Soon after the last lot was laid they both dismembered, leaving but a comparatively short piece of the body attached to the esophagus. This anterior portion at once began to regenerate, and by the Ist of September, an interval of three and a half weeks, it possessed a regenerating papilla nearly 50 mm. long in the female, and about 40 mm. in the male. The posterior fragments lived for two weeks, and then died with no signs of regeneration. I have kept headless fragments alive, however, under much less favourable cir- cumstances for nearly a month, and McIntosh in his mono- graph (84) states that most of the pieces of a fragmented Lineus were alive six months after dismemberment, and that the sexual products were developed and discharged from them in a perfectly normal manner. But this happened to be a male, and he could obtain no eggs upon which to test the fertilising power of the sperms. VoL. 43, PART 1.—NEW SERIES. H 114 CHAS. B. WILSON. In another species the posterior fragment began to develop a new head, and he figures several stages in the process, which occupied nearly three months but was not completed. Barrois also has described the regeneration of headless ‘trunk-pieces in another species, and they have been known to regenerate new heads in the common Lineus socialis. Fission certainly produces very little apparent effect upon vitality. I have repeatedly obtained headless fragments of both sexes containing unripe sexual products and kept them until they ripened, a period sometimes of two or three weeks, and then fertilised the eggs from one fragment with the sperm from another, and obtained perfectly healthy pilidiums as a result. Of course the posterior fragments can eat nothing, but the anterior ones display as voracious an appetite as ever imme- diately after fission, or even during the process. This is attested by the preserved specimen whose photograph is shown in fig. 1. The prolonged retention of sexual functions by head- less fragments under adverse circumstances gives some idea of the vitality possessed by these worms in their native haunts, but repeated search has failed to find a single one in which regeneration has even commenced. These faets, taken in connection with those developed in the aquarium, lead to two conclusions. First, that Cerebra- tulus frequently dismembers at the close of the breeding season ; and second, that while the anterior fragments regu- larly regenerate, the posterior ones seldom if ever do so. Professor Benham, of Oxford, has noted a similar case of spontaneous dismemberment in the genus Carinella (10). Here also there was a relation between fission and genital maturity, but of a different nature from that in Cerebratulus. He found that the genital elements in Carinella were pre- sent only in the posterior regions of the body, and that this portion was constricted and cut off as fast as the elements ripened. Fission in this genus, therefore, would be a method of discharging the ripened sexual products. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 115 In Cerebratulus, on the contrary, the genital elements are distributed throughout the whole body, and if there be any priority in ripening, it is in favour of the anterior and not the posterior portion. Fission does not take place until after the eggs and sperm have been discharged, and hence it cannot be regarded as assisting that discharge in any way. We are thus confronted again with the question, what advantage can result to the worm in thus parting company with a large portion of its body at this particular time ? The body is composed essentially of two series of pouches, arranged in alternating pairs on either side of the straight intestine. Ordinarily the digestive pouches occupy the larger part of the space, but as the breeding season approaches the reproductive organs begin to enlarge, and by the time the sexual products are ripe they occupy practically the whole of the space, and the intestinal ceca are flattened between them until their opposite sides meet. This is especially true in the posterior portion of the body, which at this time becomes little more than one large ovary or testis, divided into lobes by the flattened czca. McIntosh (84) states that “the glandular elements in the walls of the digestive tract undergo a certain amount of atrophy during the period of reproduc- tive perfection.” For a long time, therefore, these intestinal pouches can function very little, if at all, and so they contri- bute nothing to the nourishment of the body. After the eggs and sperm have been discharged there is evidently still less use for them until the next breeding season, and regeneration proceeds so fast that before that time a new body will have been formed. In fragmenting, therefore, at the close of the breeding season, it would seem that Cerebratulus is parting company with a portion of its body which has for some time been devoted to a single pur- pose, that of perfecting the sexual products, and of which, now that this purpose has been accomplished, it has no im- mediate need. Fragmentation under irritation is evidently a defensive action. As Hubrecht (27) well says, “an animal that at the 116 CHAS. B. WILSON. approach of danger can separate in two or more parts, each of them capable of regeneration and so of producing an entire new animal, evades this danger very effectively by doing so.” But even if all the fragments are riot capable of regenera- tion, the nemertean still has the chance that its enemy will be satisfied with half a loaf, and that the posterior half. The actual fission of the body-walls is brought about by internal phenomena which will be discussed later (see p. 118). The circular muscles at the.severed ends contract violently, and draw the margins of the rupture together so tightly that the end is completely closed. It is also rounded like the true anal end of the body, and this resemblance is often increased by aslight emargination at the centre, due to the excessive contraction of the muscles, and by the formation of a regene- rating papilla in this emargination (fig. 2). Such a papilla is slender and almost pure white in colour. At first it is difficult to distinguish it from the true anal papilla with which the body normally terminates, but it may be recognised by the fact that it always possesses a very broad base which fades gradually into the body-wall, while the anal papilla is narrow and ends abruptly at the emargi- nation. After closing the broken end the circular muscles go into a kind of tetanus, and keep it closed until its edges are joined permanently by the formation of new tissue. No such formation of new tissue has been observed thus far in the case of the posterior fragments, but their ends remain closed, and this no doubt aids them in retaining their vitality for so long atime. The regeneration papilla rapidly increases in length and width, but always tapers much more than the normal body and remains light-coloured. Speci- mens have been obtained in which this papilla was four or five inches in length. Fission takes place through the intestinal ceca, since they offer the point of least resistance, and it usually involves a rupture of the adjacent sexual pouches. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 117 The process is very rapid under irritation, and may be completed within a few seconds after the application of the irritant. It may also take place at two or three points at the same time. If the irritation be extreme the process may be carried so far that the whole body is divided into very short fragments, the majority of which contain but a single pair of ovaries or testes. This is a frequent result when the worms die through a stagnation of the water in which they are kept. In such instances the fission goes forward slowly and may occupy several hours, and the contents of the genital pouches are commonly discharged, whatever their state of maturity. Fresh water acts as a powerful irritant upon Cerebratulus, and always induces dismemberment, but it does not kill very quickly. Fission and regeneration in Cerebratulus is not confined to the body-walls; it often takes place in the proboscis. Under the action of powerful irritants both the anterior and posterior connections of the proboscis are severed at once, so that the extruded organ is not turned inside out, but remains in its ordinary condition, or it may be half everted and then extruded bodily. In either case it often lives a long time, many days or even weeks. If it be irritated, and some- times voluntarily, it moves in such a lifelike manner, and looks so much like a young worm, that it might easily be mistaken for one. Indeed, a similarly extruded proboscis of another species did mislead several excellent zoologists (6). They described it as a young animal, and its possessor as viviparous, and presented both as such to the British Museum, where they now remain as striking examples of the-folly of judging by external appearances. A proboscis thus extruded is reproduced by the formation of a small conical papilla on the surface of rupture just in front of the ganglionic commis- sure. This papilla grows backward rapidly, and a new organ is formed in a few weeks. A similar renewal takes place when the proboscis is forcibly removed by cutting (cf. 33). This species, therefore, in common with others, possesses 118 CHAS. B. WILSON. the ability to restore lost parts so quickly, so easily, and with so little apparent inconvenience during the process, that any- thing short of being absolutely eaten whole could scarcely prove fatal. We are left with the two most interesting questions to answer. First, how is fission actually accomplished? The only description of the process that can be found is the one given by Benham (10). From a study of sections in different stages of fission he concludes that a double row of nuclei appear in the connective tissue along the line of rupture, and that the longitudinal muscle-fibrils are severed between these rows of nuclei, either through the cell substance of the con- nective tissue becoming actively contractile and nipping off the fibrils, or in consequence of the fibrils being eaten through by some solvent action. Neither of these conclusions would explain fission in Cere- bratulus, for the whole process, under irritation, occupies only a fraction of a minute. Hence the connective tissue would have no time to become contractile, but must exist in that condition all the while, ready to act at an instant’s notice, i.e. it must itself be muscle. On the other hand, any sol- vent powerful enough to act in so limited a time would not be likely to stop with the mere severing of the longitudinal muscle; it would dissolve everything within reach, and prevent any regeneration. How, then, is fission accomplished ? The rupture takes place through one of the intestinal ceca, where the body-walls can be most easily divided. It may take place at any caecum, and sometimes under ex- treme irritation the worm will divide itself into fragments so small that they contain but a single pair of pouches. If there were any special apparatus for producing fission it ought to reveal itself opposite each of the ceca, at least in specimens killed after irritation. But careful examination fails to reveal anything of the sort. What we do find is that Cerebratulus has a thick layer of circular muscles, which are almost entirely lacking in Cari- nella. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 119 There are also well-developed dorso-ventral muscles in the walls separating the intestinal ceca from the reproductive pouches, and these muscles are enlarged into thick pillars at the inner ends of the walls (fig. 60). Finally, an examination of the regenerating longitudinal muscles shows that in early stages of growth they consist of both longitudinal and trans- verse fibres, about equally divided (fig. 60). Later the longi- tudinal fibres become more numerous, but there are always many transverse ones to be found among them. We are left to conclude that in Cerebratulus dismember- ment is at least greatly assisted, if it be not entirely produced, by a sudden and excessive contraction of these transverse muscles of the body. The dorso-ventral muscles being meta- merically arranged, and the others being evenly distributed, dismemberment would occur at a definite place in each seg- ment. The final question is one which demands the method of re- generation; we shall note only the most important points. Immediately after the rupture is completed the walls of the body are drawn together, and held in that position by the contracted circular muscles. This brings the severed edges of the ectoderm into contact with each other, and they quickly unite and heal the wound over with the exception of the posterior end of the intestine, which is left open to func- tion as an anus. The cells in this newly formed ectoderm, and the mesoderm cells immediately beneath them, proliferate rapidly and form a regenerating papilla which grows back- ward, keeping the anus open at its extremity. This papilla is much paler in colour than the rest of the body, and at first consists of a thin ectoderm entirely filled except at the centre with mesoderm cells. At the same time the entoderm lining the intestine grows backward as a straight tube along the centre of the papilla. The muscular system is, of course, developed from the mesoderm, and two things are worthy of note in its differentiation. The circular muscles appear first, and are followed by the outer longitudinal layer. The latter is developed very slowly, and for a long time consists of a 120 CHAS. B. WILSON. meshwork of longitudinal and transverse fibres which cross each other nearly at right angles. The longitudinal fibres are then increased greatly in number and size, while the transverse ones remain about the same. But the chief interest centres about the nervous system. There has been a great deal of controversy over the origin of this system in Nemerteans. Salensky in 1884 declared, as the result of his researches on Monopora vivipara, that | the nervous system was derived from the epiblast (44). Hubrecht, two years later, declared that in Lineus ob- scurus no portion of the central nervous system takes its origin in epiblast, but that it is all of mesoblastic origin, and he undertakes to disprove Salensky’s statement in regard to Monopora (26). Finally, Barrois and other investigators derive certain important portions of the nervous system from invaginations of the cesophagus, i.e. from hypoblast (7). All these inves- tigators were working with embryonic material, in which it is usually very difficult to determine the exact relation of the different parts. It is interesting to note in this dismembered Nemertean the mode of regenerating the lateral nerve-cords, since the process is attended by phenomena which leave no possible doubt as to the origin of the new tissue. At the same time that the muscle-fibres first appear we find upon the ventral surface two invaginations in the epi- blast (fig. 21), forming two parallel grooves running longi- tudinally along either side of the central line and quite near to it. : The ectoderm external to these grooves contains gland cells, that in the grooves themselves and in the® space between them contains no gland cells, but seems to be made up entirely of epiblast cells. A third groove then appears in the centre of the space between the other two, dividing it into two low ridges (fig. 23). Toward the inner surface of each ridge the epiblast cells are gradually changed into neuroblasts, and form one of the long nerve-cords. These cells are not fully differentiated, but seem more like the so- HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 121 called Ersatz cells, destined to give rise to epithelium, but still capable of being transformed into neuroblasts. After being formed in this ventral position the nerve-cords migrate upward along either side of the body to their final normal situation, carrying with them a thick covering of the neuroblast cells (fig. 22). As soon as the nerve-cords leave the ridges, gland cells begin to appear in the epiblast cover- ing the latter, and it becomes in all respects like that on the outside of the grooves. The grooves then disappear, and leave a smooth epithelial surface. The new nerve, therefore, is in no respect an outgrowth from the old one, but results from a new growth of cells which are entirely independent of the old nervous system. It hardly seems reasonable that this Nemertean in its embryology should derive its nervous system from mesoblast when in regenerating lost parts it shows such a distinctively epiblastic origin. LarvAaL DEVELOPMENT. Sexual Organs. The sexes are distinct as in most Nemerteans. There is no perceptible difference in external form or size, but in the breeding season there is a difference in colour, due to the sexual products which show through the body-wall. The male then appears cream-coloured, while the female is greyish red, turning to a light chocolate-brown in many cases. This difference is clearly seen in the male and female photographed in fig. 3, the latter being much the darker of the two. In regard to the original formation of the genital pouches, nothing can be offered in the present paper, since the deve- lopment is not followed that far. Hubrecht considers (26) that they arise as invaginations of the ectoderm in Lineus, but Birger’s comment seems far more probable. 122 CHAS. B. WILSON. He says (13, p. 480), “I have not been able to decide upon the origin of the sexual pouches in those forms in which they are preformed (e. g. Drepanophorus, Cerebratulus), but I am convinced that they are of mesodermal origin because they arise as clefts in the parenchyme or the dorso-ventral muscle layer, while there is no possible doubt that the sexual pouches in those forms in which they are not preformed (e. g. Carinella, Malacobdella), but are developed in conjunc- tion with the sexual products, arise from the parenchyme, and hence are a tissue derived from the mesoderm.”’ The development of these pouches in a regenerating papilla bears suggestive testimony toward the same conclusion. We have already stated that in regeneration a thin ecto- derm grows backward from the surface of rupture to form the exterior of the papilla. At the same time the entoderm forms a straight tube through the centre, which is of the same size as the central lumen of the intestine since the anus remains at the extreme tip of the papilla, and which is at first without any side pouches (en., fig. 60). The space between ectoderm and entoderm is filled with mesoderm, from which is developed the body musculature. The circular muscles and the two longitudinal layers appear first, but are quickly followed by the dorso-ventral muscles. ‘ A row of the latter muscles, each consisting of several fibres, appears on either side of the intestinal tube and close to it, at about the position they are to occupy when regenera- tion is completed. These form the thickened pillars at the inner ends of the germinal pouches (fig. 60, dvm.). Two lines of smaller vertical muscles extend from these pillars outward to the body-wall, diverging slightly. They are woven together by connective tissue so as to form walls which eventually separate germinal pouches from intestinal ceca. As the papilla increases in width the walls grow also, each pillar with its diverging walls enclosing a germinal pouch (0.). As soon as the pillars and walls begin to form, the ento- HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 123 derm of the intestine grows out to the right and left between the pillars and along the side of the muscle walls, thus form- ing the intestinal ceca. A blood-vessel, connecting the dorsal with the lateral vessels, is formed in the connective tissue at the inner end of each cecum (bv.). The genital pouches are thus bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by bands of dorso-ventral muscles, above by the proboscis sheath, and below by the lateral blood-vessel beneath the intestine. An epithelium now appears, made up of small irregular nucleated cells which cover the pouch unevenly. It is impossible for this epithelium to be formed by an outgrowth from either the ectoderm or entoderm, since it nowhere ‘comes in contact with either of them. It is evidently derived from the parenchymal tissue which binds together the vertical muscles to form the wall of the ovary or testis. In winter the pouches are much smaller than the ceca, and are flattened between the latter until their sides meet. Karly in spring the sexual products begin to develop, appearing first at the outer end of the pouch nearest the muscles of the body-walls. In the figure given (fig. 63) it will be seen that the pouch extends, in the form of separate longitudinal pockets, both forward and backward along the ends of the adjacent ceca (cf. figs. 61 and 62). Odgenesis.—The first appearance of egg development is an increase in one of the nuclei of the epithelium lining these pouches. This is carried so far that the nucleus with its large nucleolus comes to occupy a large portion of the cell. It is then gradually surrounded by a layer of fine-grained protoplasm which protrudes into the lumen of the pouch (ec.’, fig. 65). Subsequent development consists in a continued growth of both cell body and nucleus, the latter developing into the large germinal vesicle and the former spreading somewhat over the adjacent epithelium cells which have remained apparently unchanged (ec.”). This gives the ovum a flask shape, the neck of the flask being inserted between the epi- 124 CHAS. B. WILSON. thelial cells into the underlying connective tissue. As the ovum matures the neck of the flask is gradually pinched off from its connection with the epithelium, and the egg is set free in the central cavity (ec.””). It is not, however, naked as at first, but is now invested with a delicate follicle, and is soon surrounded by a thick layer of gelatine, both of which are apparently formed from adjacent epithelium cells. As fast as an ovum is pinched off into the central cavity the epithelium partly closes behind it and new ova are formed, this process continuing until the whole pouch is filled. Interspersed among the ova and scattered through the jelly which fills the central cavity are small spherical highly pig- mented bodies, granular in structure. These are probably the same as those described by Hubrecht (27) for Drepanophorus and Cerebratulus marginatus, and like them they disappear gradually as the ova ripen. Hence they must contribute to the development of the egg, and undoubtedly furnish the yolk material. There are also other cells, slightly smaller and lighter in colour, but staining more deeply, which are scattered all through the central cavity. From these comes the gelatine which fills all the space not occupied by eggs (gc., fig. 65). In a ripe ovary the eggs are crowded together so closely that they become more or less angular in outline. If a mass of these eggs be examined before they have touched any water they present the appearance seen in fig. 18. Hach egg is separated from its fellows by the thick layer of transparent gelatine which surrounds it. This is bordered in turn by a stiffened external surface, where it comes in contact with the coats of adjacent eggs. This gives the whole mass somewhat the appearance of honeycomb, made up of angular gelatinous cells, with an egg in each cell very near its centre. The gelatinous envelopes cling to the eggs almost as firmly as the similar jelly around amphibian eggs (Amblystoma, etc.), and they evidently serve the same purpose. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LAOTEUS. 125 The ripe ovum is spherical, quite large (0°1 to 0°2 mm. in diameter), and appears white to the naked eye, but by trans- mitted light is seen to be dark brown and opaque, owing to the large number of yolk granules which it contains. It possesses a germinal vesicle fully one third its own diameter, much lighter in colour, translucent, and slightly elliptical in outline. Inside the germinal vesicle is a large spherical nucleolus, which is nearly always eccentrically placed at one end of the vesicle, the end farthest from the original point of attach- ment (ec.””, fig. 65). As the eggs are developed the ovaries increase greatly in size, until finally they occupy nearly all the space, and the ceeca are flattened between them. Formation of Oviduct.—The ovaries now push inward nearly to the wall of the intestine, and outward, downward, and upward to the body-wall. In both horizontal and verti- cal sections they appear larger at either extremity than in the middle. When the eggs are nearly mature each sac pushes out into the longitudinal muscle layer, presumably at the point where it meets least resistance, i.e. on the dorsal surface about one quarter of the diameter of the body from its lateral edge. It then penetrates the muscles as a fine canal, the first beginning of a genital duct, which as soon as the eggs or sperm are fully ripe pushes through the skin to the exterior. The epithelium lining this canal is made up of flattened cells, which are elongated until they look almost like muscle- fibres. Just inside the mouth of the duct there is a cluster of gland cells, which secrete a large amount of mucus. As maturity advances the ducts grow shorter, in conse- quence of the distension of the body and the resultant de- crease in thickness of the body-walls. Hence when the genital products are ripe they are easily discharged through these ducts. As soon as the egg enters the water it is seen to be sur- 126 CHAS. B. WILSON. rounded by a zona pellucida, which swells up in fifteen or twenty minutes to about twice the diameter of the egg itself (fig. 20). This zona pellucida is entirely distinct from the gelati- nous envelope already mentioned, from which it is separated by two concentric membranes, situated close to each other and at quite a distance from the surface of the egg. The membranes and the zona pellucida itself are perfectly colour- less and transparent. Soon after the eggs are placed in water for artificial fertilisation, or soon after they enter the water when laid naturally, the outer gelatinous envelope dissolves and disappears, leaving the egg surrounded only by the zona pellucida and the membranes. If the eggs are placed in water before they are fully ripe the outer envelope does not disappear, but remains holding the eggs together in bunches. After the ovum is pinched off into the central cavity of the ovary it retains its original flask shape for a long time, some- times even after it is laid. Hence it occasionally happens that after the outer gelatinous envelope has disappeared the limiting membranes will be found to possess a teat-like pro- tuberance on one side, which is manifestly the remains of the original connecting stalk (fig. 20). And sometimes a cor- responding remnant may be found upon the egg itself, the neck of the old flask which has not been wholly withdrawn into its body. These protuberances are of special signifi- cance, because they enable us to orient the eggs perfectly, and to determine that the polar bodies always come off at a point diametrically opposite to them, and hence opposite to -the original point of attachment. It should be added that since the egg is always elongated into its flask shape at approximately right angles to the surface of the epithelium, it follows that the egg axis bears no definite relation to the axis of the mother, but may stand at any angle with it. Spermatogenesis.—The testes are formed and developed in the same way as the ovaries. The origin of the spermatozoa in Lineus has been admirably worked out by Lee (80). He HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 127 found that they were not developed in preformed sacs, but that they themselves gave rise to the latter, or rather furnished the occasion for their existence. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 9—11, Illustrating Mr. Chas. B. Wilson’s paper on ‘The Habits and Harly Development of Cerebratulus lacteus (Verrill).” Key to LEtrters. am. Apical muscle. ai. Anterior invagiuation. 6v. Blood-vessel. c. Intestinal ceca. cc. Cilia cells. em. Circular muscles. com. Circumoral muscle. e¢. Connective tissue. dvm. Dorso-ventral muscles. ec. Ectoderm. en. Entoderm. ge. Gelatine cell. gic. Gland-cell. gr. Groove for food. im. Interparietal muscle. Jam. Lappet muscles. dm. Longitudinal muscles. fom. Locomotor muscles. o. Ovary. @. Gsophagus. pm. Post-cesophageal muscle. s. Stomach. sc. Sperm mother-cell. ¢. Testis. we. Wall-cell. yc. Yolk-cell. PLATE 9. Fie. 1.—Cerebratulus swallowing a Nereis five minutes after dismembering the posterior half of its body. Photograph from preserved specimen, one eighth life size. Fic. 2.—Cerebratulus with regenerating papilla. Photograph from life, one eighth life size. HABITS, ETC., OF ORREBRATULUS LACTEUS. 195 Fie. 3.—Male (left) and female (right) Cerebratulus, the latter showing normal anal papilla. Photograph from life, one eighth life size. Fig. 4.—Cerebratulus with proboscis sheath cut open to show how the proboscis is coiled when withdrawn. Photograph from preserved specimen, one eighth life size. All the remaining figures, with the exception of Nos. 11, 53, 54, and 59, have been drawn with a camera lucida on a Leitz microscope. The magnification is indicated by giving the Leitz numbers of the eye-piece and objective used. ‘The figures have then been reduced one half in making the plates. Fie. 5.—Gastrula, showing shape and arrangement of ectodermal cells and beginning of cilia rows. 3 and 7. Figs. 6 and 7.—Successive stages in the process of escaping from the egg membranes. 3 and 3. Fic. 8.—Gastrula just escaped from the membranes, thirty-eight hours old. Cilia and flagella drawn the exact length seen. 1 and 7. Fic. 9.—Larva forty-eight hours old, first stage in formation of apical muscle. 1 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 10.—Same, fifty-four hours old, second stage; side view. Fic. 11.—Same, ninety-six hours old, third stage. Zeiss camera lucida, magnified 575 diams. Fie. 12.—Same, 108 hours old, fourth stage; end view. 1 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 13.—Same, 120 hours old, fifth stage ; side view, showing spipal muscle attached to dorsal wall of cesophagus. Fig. 14.—Same, six days old, sixth stage, showing apical muscle divided and extending down on eitlier side of the intestine to fasten to the oral surface anterior to the mouth. This figure shows also interparietal, post-cesophageal, and circumoral muscles. Fie. 15.—Same, ten days old, seventh stage. Apical muscle fully de- veloped ; post-cesophageal muscle forming a triangular sheet ; radiating lappet muscles weil developed. Fie. 16.—Same, twelve days old; surface view showing parietal muscles. Fic. 17.—Transverse interparietal muscle attached to apical plate, from larva six days old. 1 and 7. Fie. 18.—Eggs taken from ripe ovary and examined before they have touched any water. 3 and 3. Fic. 19.—Same after immersion in salt water three minutes. Fig. 20.—A ripe, freshly laid ovum, unfertilised, showing membranes and attachment protuberance. 1 and 7. 196 CHAS. B. WILSON. Fic. 21.—Transverse section of a regenerating papilla very near its posterior end, showing ventral grooves and beginning of the lateral nerve- cords. land 3. Fie. 22.—Same farther forward, showing lateral nerve-cords migrating toward their normal position. Fre. 23.—Same still farther forward; nerve-cords nearly in their normal position, and circular muscles weil developed. PLATE 10. Fic. 23a.—Fertilised egg, showing flattening of the superior pole previous to the giving off of the polar bodies. 1 and 7. Fies. 24—36.—Maturation of the egg and formation of the polar bodies, with the beginning of filose activities. 1 and 7, tube drawn 60 mm. These drawings are all from the same egg, and were taken at the following intervals :— 11.05 a.m., 11.065, 11.08, 11.21, 11.216, 11.22, 11.228, 11.235, 11.24, 11.27, 11.28, 11.335, and 11.40. Fic. 37.—A second egg, showing abnormal activities during completion of the polar bodies.. 1 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fig. 38.—A third egg with unequal papille and slightly abnormal activities. Magnification the same. Fig. 39.—Egg with polar bodies pressing against the inner membrane and bulging it outward. 1 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 40.—Polar bodies of egg shown in Figs. 24—386, taken at 11.36. 3 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 41.—Same, first polar body at 11.17. Fic. 42.—Polar bodies and sperm at beginning of first segmentation. 3 and 7. Fic. 43.—Same at close of first segmentation. Fie. 44.—Polar bodies during 64-cell stage. 3 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fig. 45.—Same in 128-cell stage. Fies. 46—50.—First segmentation, showing filose activities of polar bodies and blastomeres. All figures from the same egg at the following intervals :— 12.06 m., 12.065, 12.09, 12.11, 12.16. land 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 51.—Egg in which blastomeres were almost entirely separated, and in which they showed perceptible motion during flattening. Same magnifica- tion. Fic. 52.—Same egg as in Figs. 46—50, in the 4-cell stage (12.30). Central opening crossed by spin-threads. Fic. 538.—Four-cell stage, top view. Enlarged from a camera lucida sketch of living egg. HABITS, ETC., OF CEREBRATULUS LAOTEUS. 197 Fic. 54.—Eight-cell stage, showing dextral twisting of the upper cells. Enlarged from camera lucida sketch of living egg. Fic. 55.—Blastula with differentiated ectoderm and entoderm, and mesen- chyme cell separating from the latter. 3 and 7, from a preserved and mounted specimen. Fie. 56.—Section showing nuclear spindle parallel with surface subsequent to giving off of first polar body. 3 and 3. Fic. 57.—Same with spindle diagonal after extrusion of second polar body. Fic. 58.—Same with segmentation spindle for first segmentation. Fic. 59.—Sperms, enlarged from camera lucida sketch, ef. Fig. 42. PLATE 11. Fie. 60.—Longitudinal horizontal section of a regenerating papilla, showing formation of sexual pouches and intestinal ceca; anus terminal. 3 and Tolles l-inch objective. Fies. 61 and 62.—Longitudinal horizontal sections of male and female ; immature genital pouches scattered through the connective tissue. Killed in April. 1 and 8. Fic. 63.—Transverse section of female killed in April, showing relation of developing egg-pouches to inner longitudinal muscle layer. 3 and 3. Fie. 64.—Portion of immature ovary from Fig. 62, enlarged to show method of egg development. 1 and 7. Fig. 65.—A single egg pouch of Fig. 62, enlarged to show egg cells, yolk cells, and glycerine cells. The walls are formed from connective tissue. 1 and 7. Fre. 66.—A single sperm pouch of Fig. 61, enlarged to show formation of sperm mother-cells. The connective tissue here extends into the pouch, and the sperm cells are supported upon it. 3 and 3; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 67.—A small portion of Fig. 66, enlarged to show the way in which the sperm cells are borne on the mesoderm strands. 3and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. Fic. 68.—A single sperm pouch magnified still farther to show transfor- mation from sperm mother-cells into sperms. 3 and one twelfth oil immer- sion. Fies. 69—73.—Vertical sections of a late blastula and four gastrulas in different stages of development, showing the origin and development of the apical plate, the formation of mesenchyme cells, and clearing of ectoderm. 1 and 7; tube drawn 60 mm. VoL. 43, PAR! 1.—NEW SERIES. ) 198 CHAS. B. WILSON. Fic. 74.—Longitudinal vertical section of pilidium; apical plate fully developed with apical muscle attached ; aboral ectoderm much flattened and perfectly transparent ; oral ectoderm thicker, more opaque, and beginning to invaginate anteriorly ; micromesencytes scattered over the inner surface of both ectoderm and entoderm. 1 and 7. Fic. 75.—Transverse section of lappet; three rows of cells bearing long cilia ; locomotor muscles. 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fic. 76.—Longitudinal section of apical plate, showing arrangement of flagella in bunches and the connection of the muscle-fibres. 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fie. 77.—Longitudinal vertical section through the lappet, the esophagus wall, and the stomach. The locomotor muscle band (/om.) is here seen to be continuous with the circumoral muscle (com.). 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fic. 78.—Longitudinal vertical section of the lappet through the wall cells of the cilia rows, with a portion of the locomotor muscle band and the mesen- chyme cells forming the radial muscles of the lappets. 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fic. 79.—Longitudinal vertical section as in Fig.77, showing the locomotor muscle band composed of cells and fibres. 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fic. 80.— Longitudinal vertical section of stomach, showing ordinary ento- derm and gland cells. 3 and one twelfth oil immersion. Fic. 81.—Same as Fig. 77, but showing more plainly the row of mesen- chyme cells which form the radial lappet muscles. Fic. 82.—Longitudinal horizontal section just above the mouth, showing the two anterior invaginations with mesoderm attached ; the walls of the ceso- phagus with a central groove posteriorly for the food particies. 3 and 8; tube drawn 60 mm. With Ten Plates, Royal Ato, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum (prepaid) the JouRNAL is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journat, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/-. 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Contributors to this Journal requiring extra copies of their communications at their own expense can have them by applying to the Printers, Messrs. ApLARD & Son, 224, Bartholomew Close, H.C., on the following terms : For every four pages or less— 25 copies 3 : : : 5/- Uke . : . ; 6/- 100 7/- a : ; : : Plates, 2/- per 25 if uncoloured; if coloured, at the same rate for every colour. Prepayment by P.O. Order is requested. ALL CoMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITORS TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE CARE or Messrs. J. & A. Cuurcuity, 7, Great Mariporoucu Srreer, Lonpon, W. THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Patron—H.R.H. the.PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., F.R:S. President—Prof. E. RAY LANKESTER, LE. Ba ES: 30; THE ASSOCIATION WAS FOUNDED “ TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN LABORATORIES ON THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHERE ACCURATE RESEARCHES MAY BE CARRIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCREASE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS REGARDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BRITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, &e. Works published by the Association include the following :—‘ A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A,, 4to, 25/-. ‘The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands, J. IT. Cunningham, M.A., 7/6 net (published for the Association by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.). The Journal of the Marine Biological Association is issued half-yearly, and is now in its fifth volume (price 3/6 each number). In addition to these publications, the results of work done in the Laboratory are recorded in the ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ and in other scientific journals, British and foreign. Specimens of Marine Animals and Plants, both living and preserved, according to the best methods, are supplied to the principal British Laboratories and Museums. Detailed price lists will be forwarded on application. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. AwnnuaL MEMBERS . : é . £1 1 Operannum. Lire Members . 4 : : . 15 15 O Composition Fee. FOUNDERS . : : , : posived 070 Jeph Oe 6) ee 5 Governors (Life Members of Council) 500 O O Pa 53 Members have the following rights and privileges:—They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, &e. ; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges ure granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with— The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. JUN 4 1900 fs a. | _New Series, No. 170 (Vol. 43, Part 2). Price 10s. APRIL, 1900. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY EH. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R:S., HONORARY FELLOW OF EXErER COLLEGE, OXFORD; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ST. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA} FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF TH® ACADEMY OF THE IINCEL OF ROME; ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, FULLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF | ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.BS., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 5 | W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.R:S., LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD; i LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; AND | SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F-R:S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER, WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. ft ~ LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1900. Adlard and Son,] [Bartholomew Close. CONTENTS OF No. 170.—New Series. MEMOIRS: On the Reaction of Daphnia magna (Straus) to certain Changes in its Environment. By Ernest Warxen, D.Sc., University College, London A Revision of the Genus Steganoporelia. By Stpnny F. Harmer, Se.D., F.R.S., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge; Superintendent of the University Museum of Zoology. (With Plates 12 and 13) . On a New Histriobdellid. By Witutam A. Hasweut, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Challis Professor of Biology, ie of ae (With Plates 14 and 15) 5 : On Spongioporphyrin: the Pigment of Suberites Wilsoni. By C. A. MacMunn, M.A., M.D. (With Piate 16) Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxus. By E. W. MacBripz, M.A., D.Se.(Lond.), Professor of Zoology in MeGill University, Montreal. (With Plate 17) Quelques Observations sur les Onychophores (Peripatus) de la Collee- tion du Musée Britannique. Par M. EB. L. Bouvier, Professeur au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris On the Diplochorda. LI. The Karly Development and Anatomy of Phoronis Buskii, Mcl. By Arruur T. MastErMaN, M.A. (Cantab.), D.Sc.(Lond. and St. A.), Lecturer on Zoology in the New Medical School, Edinburgh. (With Plates 18—21) PAGE 199 225 299 337 351 367 375 JUN 4 1900 CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 199 On the Reaction of Daphnia magna (Straus) to certain Changes in its Environment. By Ernest Warren, D.S8c., University College, London. For some years I have been engaged in breeding Daphnia magna (Straus), for the purpose of obtaining data which would be of value in testing the current theories of heredity. The investigation has led me to a series of experiments on the action of common salt, and on the effect of a confined volume of water on this animal. Some of the results seem to present certain features of considerable interest and of wide biological significance ; they illustrate how closely the organism is knit to its external conditions of life. It will be best to give here a brief epitome of some of the results. In the first place it will be shown that the times of killing with varying strength of solutions of sodium chloride are between certain wide limits (‘9 per cent. to 6:0 per cent.), well represented by a rectangular hyperbola. The modifica- tion induced by varying temperature is then discussed. The physiological condition of the animal at the time of immersion into the salt solution is shown to have an enor- mous effect on the resisting power. From the results ob- tained an antagonism between excessive vegetation and animal life was surmised. In a foot-note to the description of the experiment it is suggested that the observed injurious effect was due to the green light and the shading caused by VOL. 43, PARTY 2.—NEW SERIES. P 200 ERNEST WARREN. the plants. Since this was written some experiments have been made which point to the conjecture being correct. At the present time I am engaged with the subject, but the following results seem to be appropriate here. Newly hatched Daphnia were placed in five glass capsules, each of which was put in a shallow box. The first box was covered by a sheet of ground glass.! Second box by a flat glass dish containing a solution of fuchsin in spirit. (Spectroscopically a pure red.) Third box by a sheet of Chance’s pot-green glass (trans- mitting a trace of blue green). Fourth box by (1) a sheet of cobalt-blue glass, on the top of which was placed (2) a flat glass dish containing a diluted solution of ammoniated copper sulphate (perhaps transmitting a trace of red). Fifth box was made light-tight. Two broods of Daphnia were taken, and an individual from each brood was placed into each glass capsule. Thus there were two individuals derived from two broods in each cap- sule. A second series of chambers was prepared, and three in- dividuals from three broods were placed in each pot. The animals were constantly supplied with fresh water and mud. After a certain period the animals were measured by an ocular micrometer; the dimension taken was the total length of the body excluding the spine (see fig. 3, A, B). The results of the experiment are given in the following table: 1 With two pieces of ground glass the intensity of the white light is very much reduced. The effect on the Daphnia, however, was practically the same, hence the results observed are not simply due to the varying intensity, but to the wave-length of the light. CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. AON Ist Series, 12°—19° C. 2nd Series, 19° C. | Web. 25th, 2 | Source of |. : : | individuals of March 25th, 3 indi- Qnd series. ight. 5 Y ill, : ; Sen /Same size (just) Mean ae viduals of same size | Mean hatched). Mea- size. Spite (just hatched). Mea- | size. sured on pring.) Sured on April 10th. AS Se TES et “oy. "5}. - ~ Waa co Kah 10S SANs OQ Sa <*, oe S a te —h, ONS aes as ‘=. Len 1 x S) eee % i) ee ‘ ‘ ‘ o*, ») aN x. ‘ ‘uoneodia3zur ies ‘ Aq UMBIP 391 SOAIND ay) : SUITTIY Jo aul % P2eATISQgoO VY} JUVSaIdaI SapP1TD DY, ~ s axccite ie S27 MALI 208 ERNEST WARREN. about ten minutes) heating the water in which the Daphnia were placed. The ends of the temperature curves in the neighbourhood of 33° C. and 35° C. give no indication of being influenced in any way by the approaching point of heat-rigor. Clearly the curves would end practically abruptly against the verti- cal through this point. The temperature at which heat- rigor occurs introduces a new order of things, which is probably distinct from the influence of temperature in accelerating the time of salt-rigor. 8. The Effect of the Physiological Condition of the Animal on the Rate of Killing. Tt was noticed by repeated trials that out of a number of Daphnia taken from the tank and placed into 2 per cent. NaCl some 75 per cent. died in 4 days. The individuals which survived were removed and placed separately in tum- blers of fresh water, and broods were obtained. When the offspring had grown up they were put into *2 per cent. NaCl, and if was found that all the individuals survived 4 days’ immersion. These individuals had been bred in a fairly constant temperature of 20° C. The question now to answer was, whether this strong resisting power was inherited from the parents, or whether it was due to the change in the conditions of life. That is the change from living in the large tank to living in clean tumblers, and so under different con- ditions with regard to food, light, temperature, etc. The following observations show that the latter alternative is quite sufficient to account for the result. The tank in which the Daphnia were living had become choked with the luxuriant growth of Vallisneria, and it was noticed that the Daphnia were dwindling in numbers. On the morning of November 23rd most of the Vallisneria was removed. Ina few daysthe Daphnia were visibly increasing in numbers, and in about three weeks there was quite a swarm. Some of these Daphnia were now put into ‘2 per cent. NaCl CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 209 and none died, while 75 per cent. of the Daphnia taken out of the tank a few days previously died in four days. Previous to the removal of the plants all the Daphnia (except in one case where an individual survived and bred) immersed into ‘5 per cent. NaCl] died in thirty-six to forty hours; but two days after the removal most of them lived for ninety-six hours, while some survived and produced young. During the following three weeks sets of ten indi- viduals were repeatedly put into ‘5 per cent. NaCl, and the time when 100 per cent. had succumbed was noted. The results are given in the accompanying table. Taste LV. Daphnia living in a tempera- Put into a temperature of ture of 17° C. 20°C. Date at which 10 Daphnia from Time in hours when 100 per the tank were put into “5 cent. of the Daphnia had per cent. succumbed. Nov. 19th $06 ae 36 >» and ste See 40 sy SSN oie he oe) oo) 2th Bod Sa 96 Dec. 6th ss as 72 ay ohge re pad 40 Bye ksh nae 366 40 yan if ie 40 », Leth ee aie 22 », 14th on a 22 Removal of Vallisneria 11 o’clock a.m., November 23rd. The vigorous condition of the Daphnia on November 25th, 29th, and December 6th was followed by a rapid decadence in the power of resisting the action of the salt. These large and remarkable fluctuations in the resisting power seem to point to the following conclusions. The removal of the excessive vegetation was highiy favourable! to the Daphnia; reproductive activity came into full swing, and the general 1 The exact cause I am endeavouring to ascertain at the present time. I am inclined to think that the shading effect and the green light are both pre- judicial to the growth and reproductive power of Daphiia, 210 ERNEST WARREN. health of the animals reached a maximum. The resisting power to the salt at this period was very great. Gradually as the tank became crowded, the poisoning effect (further evidence of this will be adduced later) of the close proximity of large numbers of animals of the same kind came into force. The Daphnia became sickly, and the resisting power to the salt sank very low. This view is supported by the further behaviour of the animals in the tank; the crowd of Daphnia died off, and after about a month only a com- parative few remained. 4, Experiments on the acclimatisation of Daphnia magna to sodium chloride. a. History of the Y Family. October 19th.—F ive individuals from the tank were placed into *2 per cent. 27th.—There was one survivor (= Y), and this had pro- duced a brood (= Ya). Y and Y a were now placed into ‘5 per cent. solution. November 3rd.—Ova appeared in the brood pouch of Y, and they became red by the action of the salt. This proves that the salt has a distinct chemical action, and that the phenomena observed are not to be referred to merely the density of the medium. 15th.—Y, Y a, Y a, were put into °55 per cent. solution. 18th.—Y dead. 24th.—All the animals dead. B. History of the X Family. October 19th.—Five Daphnia from the tank were placed into ‘5 per cent. solution. 21st.—All five animals were dead, but a newly born indi- vidual was alive and well. This was placed into a fresh tumbler of *5 per cent., and labelled X. November lst.—X produced a brood Xa; two individuals of this brood were placed into fresh water to act as a control, CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 211 The X family was living in 200 c.c. of solution, and 1 c.c. of 1 per cent. solution was now added on alternate mornings. Ath.—Kges in brood pouch of X reddish. 8th.—X and X a were put into °525 per cent. solution. 1lth.--The eggs in brood pouch of X had become of the ordinary dark colour. 15th.—X, X a, X a, were put into °55 per cent. solution, and no addition of salt was now made. 18th.—X apparently well; the broods X a and X a, were very slow in growing; the largest were not more than half the size of the two control individuals which had been placed into fresh water on November Ist. One of these two control animals had produced two young on November 16th. 23rd.—All dead; the controls were perfectly healthy. Thus in both the X and Y families it was not found possible to acclimatise the animals to a solution above ‘55 per cent. NaCl. The gradual increase in salinity from ‘5 per cent. to ‘do per cent. during a fortnight proved to be too rapid to affect a thorough acclimatisation to °55 per cent. It is very doubtful whether acclimatisation per se could be carried much beyond this. 5. Does acclimatisation to a certain strength of solution increase the resisting power to a solution containing a higher percentage of salt? Suppose an animal has been acclimatised to a certain solu- tion of salt, say a per cent., and is then plunged into an # per cent. solution, where # is greater than a, the question arises whether the w per cent. solution would act on the acclimatised animal like an w«—a per cent. solution on an ordinary Daphnia from the tank. Thirty Daphnia! were taken from the tank and gradually acclimatised (taking seventeen days in the process) to *25 per cent. solution. None of the Daphnia died in the process. 1'This was at the period when ‘2 per cent. solution killed 75 per cent. of the animals in four days. pA ys ERNEST WARREN. Thirty other Daphnia from the tank were made to live under exactly similar conditions as the animals being accli- matised, except that no salt was added to the water. These individuals were for the purpose of acting as a control. (1) Ten apparently healthy acclimatised Daphnia and ten control animals were plunged into separate tumblers of 1 per cent. solution. The acclimatised individuals “died” in eighty- eight minutes, and the ten control Daphnia in ninety-eight minutes. Nowif the 1 per cent. solution had acted on the acclimatised animals like (1—°*25) per cent. = °75 per cent. solution on ordinary Daphnia, they ought to have lived for | hours, but we see that they resisted the salt less well than the Daphnia which had been living in fresh water. (2) Ten acclimatised and ten control Daphnia were plunged into 1:2 per cent.; the former succumbed in thirty-five minutes, and the latter in fifty-eight minutes. Thus, a result similar to that of the first experiment was obtained. It should be added that the Daphnia acclimatised to *25 per cent. solution were perfectly healthy in appearance, and in fact more so than the control individuals living in fresh water, for some of the latter had died, and for some unknown reason they did not seem in a very healthy condition. Il. THe Reaction or DAPHNIA MAGNA TO A CONFINED VOLUME or WATER. The second series of experiments deals with the effect of a small body of water on a certain dimension, and on the power of growth and reproduction ; incidentally some remarks will be made on the effect of a sudden transfer from one kind of water to another. 1. The influence of a confined volume of water on the length of the spine. The “spine”? is formed by the posterior prolongation of the carapace. Fig. 3 a represents an ordinary Daphnia with a moderately long spine. Professor Weldon pointed out to me that in all compara- CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 213 tively small volumes of water with no circulation, the spine appeared to gradually diminish in length. Continued obser- vation then proved that at the end of six months or so a A. A Daphnia with a fairly long spine. B. An individual in which the spine is absent. colony of Daphnia in a large bell glass would possess exceed- ingly small or no spines. Some experiments were now undertaken to determine the rate at which the spine diminishes, and the volume of water which produces this reaction. Daphnia were placed in a known volume of water, and the length of the spine in successive generations was measured. 214 ERNEST WARREN. Measurements.—(1) The length of the spine was measured along a line which passed from its apex to a point on the ventral surface of its base (B c). Since Daphnia con- tinue to grow throughout life, it was necessary to express the length of the spine in terms of some other dimension. For this purpose the total length of the body was chosen. (2) The body-length was measured along a line which passed through the above point on the ventral surface of the base of the spine, and cut the convex surface of the head opposite the middle of the compound eye (a B). The measure- ments were made under the microscope by means of Zeiss’s screw micrometer. Twelve adult Daphnia were taken without selection from the tank. Four of these (‘‘ A”’) were placed separately in four glass tumblers containing 200 c.c. of water (that of the New River Company) and alittle lump of Conferva. At the bottom of the tumblers there was a layer of mud taken from the Victoria regia tank at Regent’s Park. This mud contained many Alge, &c., and constituted an adequate food-supply for the Daphnia. The tumblers were covered with pieces of glass. Four others (‘‘a”) were placed in tumblers which were in every way similar to those of “Series A” except that the coverings of glass were not used, and rain water collected in the country was added from time to time to supply the loss due to evaporation. The remaining four Daphnia (“ b ”’) were placed in tumblers containing similar mud, but the water was changed at least six times a week. A brood was obtained from each parthenogenetic female. The mother was then measured, and the offspring were allowed to grow up. When adult and about to produce broods, all the children were measured except one. ‘The one which was left was any individual of the brood, for no selec- tion was made. After this animal had produced a brood it was measured, and the offspring were left in the tumbler. The results of the measurements on the spine are given in CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 215 the following table, and they are diagrammatically repre- sented in the accompanying figure (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. TABLE V. = S = i=) =x —) ao ee = x a o = 2 = E\.8 Generation. te = |= 5 We ese cAI) eats | o etl) Str > — al s a0 sS S = j~) mM | @ 1m | = | Malli- metres. | Ratios. The 4 “A” parents . .| 3°235 | 241 The children of the above 2°621 | 171 parents (20) The4 “a” parents . . 2°998) 276 © The children (14). . .| 2°785 | 249) N The grandchildren (18) . 2°616 | 185 f ¢ | = The 4 “5” parents . . 3°119 | 194 4 The children (15) . . .| 3°086 | 179) & The grandchildren (15) . 3°225 | 204 - The great-grandchildren 2°997 205) & (23) | | = CHILDREN. GRANDCHILDREN. Apparently in these figures there are some signs of the inheritance of the length of the spine, but it is much obscured by the overwhelming influence of the condition of the water voL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. Q 216 ERNEST WARREN. in which the animals were living. The slope of the line aaa’ (Fig. 4) is not very different from that of aa’; and since the series “a” and “a” were living under fairly similar conditions, this fact would seem to point to the cha- racter being inherited. ‘he line b b’b” b’” shows a slight downward tendency in the first generation, but in the second and third generations there is a small rise above the parental mean, which happened to be somewhat low. The mean spinal length in the three generations was 196 thousandths, and the parental mean was 194 thousandths; thus in the water that was continually being changed the spine showed no tendency to diminish. The relative length of the spine sinks as the animal grows ; and since under favourable conditions Daphnia continue to grow as long as they live, the mean never becomes quite steady. Consequently the means given in Table V would only be absolutely comparable if all the animals had been measured at one particular size. However, between the limits of size employed the change in the mean would be small, and if a correction could have been applied, it would only have made the effects of the condition of the water still more apparent. In the “a” series, where no fresh water was added, twenty individuals grew to an average size of 2°62] mm. in 800 c.c. of water; this gave an average bulk of 40 c.c. of water for each animal. The average diminution of spine was 241—171 SaOn0IS a 70 thousandths of body-length. Under the somewhat different conditions in the ‘ a”’ series, where rain water was added, twenty-seven individuals grew up to a size of 2°704 mm. in an average bulk of 30 c.c. of 276 — 218 water, and the average lessening of the spine was 7000 = 58 thousandths. Thus quite roughly it may be said that if a newly hatched Daphnia be allowed to grow up to “adult” life in 40 c.c. of freshly drawn water, its spine would on the average be CHANGES 1N ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 217 shorter by several hundredths of its body-length than if it had lived in an unlimited bulk. 2. The influence of a confined volume of water on the rate of growth and reproduction. (a) The History of the “A,” “a;7? and “b” Families: The differences in the conditions of life in the three series of tumblers used in the previous experiment produced a con- siderable effect on the rate of reproduction; asmall supply of water decreased in a marked manner the number of generations and the number of offspring in a brood. The following table gives the mean dates at which broods were produced, and the total number of offspring in each series. TaBLeE VI. Series ‘‘ A’ | Series “‘a” Series “6” (no fresh water added). (a little rain water added). (water constantly changed). The four mothers put in tumblers and produced | broods of the— | 1st generation, Ist generation, Ist generation, July 28rd (20!) |,-,.... July 23rd (14) July 28rd (15) The 2nd generation, eV 2nd generation, oe 2nd generation, TN Aug. 7th (17). Aug. 8th (18). Aug.7th(25-10) 3rd generation, 3rd generation, 3rd generation, Aug. 30th (12) 23days Aug. 29th (15) 21days Aug. 25th (23) 18days | 4th generation, vy er ‘ude ’ Senn) Sept. Sthi(22) ) WaAdays Sth generation, These individuals of the 3rd generation grew ex- | Sep.23rd(25-14) 15days ceedingly slowly. About twelve young were pro- 6th generation, duced towards the end of September and then Oct.9th(24-12) 16days breeding stopped, and all the individuals were dead | 7th generation, by the beginning of December. | Nov. 4th (16). 26days Although the water was | continually changed two of the families died out, Fresh Daphnia from the tank were put into these | and the others were in a tumblers on December 10th. They very soon be- ‘sickly condition on Dee. came unhealthy in appearance, and some died in | 15th, abont a fortnight. Very few young were produced, and all the animals were dead early in January. Fresh Daphnia taken from the tank and put into the same tumblers, with the same mud, lived and produced broods in a per- fectly normal manner. The te:nperature was kept at about 17° C. 1 These are the number of young produced by the four mothers, 218 ERNEST WARREN. This table requires some comment. The number of generations and the number of offspring in the series in which the water was continually being changed are seen to be far in excess of those in the other two series. Thus the condition of the water arrived at by remaining in the tumblers! was prejudicial to the growth and reproduction of Daphnia. The fifth generation of twenty-five young was produced by the ‘b” series at about the same time as the fourth genera- tion of 12 young by “A” and “a” series. I am unable to account with certainty for the ultimate weakening of the stock in the series, which had an ample supply of fresh water. It is possible that the following circumstance was the cause of it. (8) The Effect of Sudden Transference from one kind of Water into another. On August 3rd all the Daphnia were carefully packed and taken by train under personal supervision to Canterbury. They were placed on a table by an east window facing a garden. The water used for series “b” was the town water supplied by the local waterworks. On August 5th broods were produced amounting to twenty- five young, of these ten became sickly and died when a few days old; also the period (eighteen days) between the second and third generations was somewhat in excess of the usual fortnight. ‘lhe stock, however, completely recovered and became perfectly healthy. On bringing the animals back to London and replacing them in New River water some fourteen of the young died, and the stock became permanently weakened. In October two of the families died out altogether, and the 1 Every week or ten days the water and mud were emptied out of the tumblers, and the glass was thoroughly cleansed from the green incrustation of alge, etc., which had collected on it. In the “A” and ‘‘a” series the same water was then replaced. CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 219 remaining two were alive but apparently sickly at the middle of December. That this result was due to the unavoidable shaking in railway travelling would seem to be unlikely. It is con- ceivable that the sudden stimulus produced by transfer from one water to another was prejudicial, and that the second application of a like stimulus was still more damaging to the race. The following table shows that the two kinds of water differ widely in the amount of their mineral constituents. Canterbury Water.! New River Water. Grains per gall. Grains per gall. Carbonate of line. . . 1°39 Carbonate of lime . . 12°70 Sulphate of lime . . . 0°07 Sulphate of lime. . . 1°60 Nitrate of lime. . . . 2°04 Nitratevof lime. 2 . 1700 Macnesia.: . 9: . . . 0727 | Nitrate of magnesia. . 1:28 Aikaline chlorides. . . 3°41 | Chloride of sodium . . 2°02 Dede e sea cet in 5 OTAO Silene is 3 7s. 3. e026 Weiss ok 7-58 | Alumina, ete. . . . . ie | Total. . 19°00 Thus in the New River water there is two and a half times more mineral matter than in Canterbury water. The kind of reaction which was observed is very similar to that which M. W. M. Hafkine? found among two races of Infusoria. A race living in a clear pond near Paris was killed by an artificial infusion of hay and leaves in which the same species of Infusoria was flourishing. y. Reproductive Cycles. Another possible explanation may be sought in the follow- 1 This analysis was kindly sent to me by Mr. 8. Harvey, the City analyst. * The analysis of the New River water is taken from Dr. J. A. Wanklyn’s ‘Water Analysis,’ 1896. 3 « Recherches sur |’Adaptation au Milieu chez Infusores et les Bacteries,” par W. M. Hafkine, ‘ Anu. Inst. Past.,’ 1890. 220 ERNEST WARREN. ing way. From much observation in breeding Daphnia it seems probable that families have periods of reproductive activity independent of physical conditions, such as tempera- ture and the nature of the water, and perhaps in the “b” families the generations on September 23rd marked the end of a reproductive cycle. This supposition, however, would not explain the sudden retardation in growth, and the death of some of the individuals when Canterbury water was first used. It should be remembered that the mud and tumblers were in a perfectly wholesome condition ; for after the death of the families on putting in fresh Daphnia from the tank, broods were produced in a normal manuer. o. [The Poisonous Nature of the Water in which Daphnia had been living for a Prolonged Period. The decadence of the “A” and “a” families was un- doubtedly due to the condition of the water, for fresh Daphnia became sickly in it, and produced but few young, and they all died in about a month. That this result was not due to the mere lack of oxygen is certain, for the con- ferva and unicellular alge gave off large quantities of the gas. At the beginning of February the water was decanted from the mud and conferva and filtered. It had a faint brownish tinge. 200 c.c. of this water were evaporated over sulphuric acid, and the residue was dissolved in about 5 c.c. of water. On filtration a fairly clear amber-coloured fluid was obtained. This was tested for proteids, but none were found. The ammonium hydrate reaction for uric acid was tried, but no indication of its presence could be observed. Dr. Collie very kindly tested it, and he informed me that he believed it contained a minute trace of an organic base, but that the quantity present was so small that it was quite impossible to ascertain its nature. CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. PPA | About a cubic centimetre of the concentrated solution was injected hypodermically into a frog, but without any marked effect. The remainder of the water which had been filtered, and had been kept for a month in a bottle plugged with cotton wool, was put into two beakers, and Daphnia were placed in them. The animals grew and reproduced in a normal way. Thus the poisonous nature of the water had apparently passed off. All that can be said at present is that— (1) Daphnia living in a small confined volume of water with plenty of food and oxygen gradually become unhealthy, ‘their spines diminish in length, and reproduction ceases. After a prolonged period they die. (2) This water is injurious, though not as a rule fatal to fresh Daphnia; the reproductive power, however, is very quickly acted upon. (8) Cyclops and Cypres were observed living in the water apparently without hurt. This fact would almost seem to indicate that the water becomes specifically injurious to Daphnia. (4) The injurious nature of the water seems to pass off after a sufficiently long period. In a considerable volume (1L0—40 htres) of water the phenomena observed are slightly different. On stocking the aquarium, say with a dozen Daphnia, after a month or six weeks with favourable conditions of temperature and food several hundred animals may be produced. ‘Then quite sud- denly something appears to happen, and the greater number die, young and old alike. A few, perhaps thirty, survive. These will live for months without producing eggs. After a very considerable time eggs are formed, and the Daphnia may become fairly plentiful again, but this second swarm is never so great as the first. Considering the course of events in a small volume (200 c.c.) of water, we may perhaps interpret the above pheno- mena in the following way. Dae ERNEST WARREN. Daphnia, like all living organisms, must continually be throwing off into the water excretory matter, using this term in its widest sense. ‘This matter, either in itself or through its favouring the presence of certain bacteria, may feasibly be supposed to be particularly injurious to Daphnia; for when the Daphnia are fast disappearing, there may be a swarm of Ostracods or Copepods. Thus the first swarm of Daphnia may be supposed to render the water unfit for Daphnia life. A few individuals, however, are strong enough to survive, the rest die. Now, by some natural process, the water gradually becomes purified (possibly by the action of plant life), and at last the few Daphnia that are still alive are able to reproduce. Summary. From the foregoing experiments certain conclusions of some interest may be drawn. The curve of the time of killing with salt is quite clearly not «a logarithmic curve, as the usual method of stating Fechner’s supposed relation of stimulus to effect might perhaps lead us to expect. Between the limits of ‘8 per cent. and 6:0 per cent. solution, the rate of killing appears to directly depend on the number of inolecules (above the number contained in ‘8 per cent. solu- tion) of salt which. beat on the Daphnia per unit of time. With an increase of temperature the molecules are moving with greater speed, and consequently strike the Daphnia more frequently and with greater momentum, and the chemical or physical reactions which take place are per- formed with greater rapidity. Thus a Daphnia in 1°6 per cent. at 3° C. dies in one hundred and five minutes, but at 29° C. in sixteen minutes. The physiological condition of the animal at the time of immersion into the salt solution has an enormous effect on the resisting power. ‘Thus in the case of a number of Daphnia plunged into ‘5 per cent. NaCl, whether they all die in about twenty-two hours or live indefinitely depends on CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT OF DAPHNIA MAGNA. 223 their state of health at the time being. From this we may infer that if a natural piece of fresh water containing Daphnia were suddenly inundated with a certain quantity of salt water, whether all the animals would be killed or not would depend on the physiological condition of the animals at that particular period. Supposing, for example, the water were choked with excessive vegetation, then the population of Daphnia would become extinct. The physiological condition arrived at by acclimatising Daphnia to *25 per cent. solution might certainly be expected a priori to increase the resisting power to a stronger solu- tion. In the experiments described this was found not to be the case. Probably, although the acclimatised animals appeared perfectly healthy, yet there was a certain weakness in the constitution which caused them to succumb quicker to the stronger solution than ordinary unacclimatised Daphnia. The effect of living in a confined volume of water on the length of the spine is somewhat surprising, but I think the evidence for it is quite overwhelming. The apparent direct action of the environment on a character which has no obvious connection with any change in the environment has been observed by Darwin and others. Doubtless the length of the spine is correlated with something which is acted upon directly by the state of the water, and the difference observed in the spinal length is merely the expression of this correla- tion. Living in a confined volume of water has a very marked effect in decreasing the power of reproduction, both in the number of generations and in the number of offspring in a brood. Sudden change from New River water to Canterbury water, and vice versa, produced a pause in growth, and some of the younger Daphnia died. Doubtless the mineral character of a water is one of the numerous causes which decide whether or not Daphnia are to be found living in any particular pond or ditch. 224. ERNEST WARREN. The supposed poisoning effect of Daphnia on Daphnia is not new in principle, and it has considerable significance from the point of view of epidemics, which so frequently arise when from any cause one kind of animal becomes excessively abundant. In conclusion I wish to express my indebtedness to Pro- fessor Weldon for his kind help and ready suggestiveness. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORKELLA. 225 A Revision of the Genus Steganoporella. By v Sidney F. Harmer, Sc.D., F.R.S., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge; Superintendent of the University Museum of Zoology. With Plates 12 and 13. Some months ago Professor A. C. Haddon presented to the University Museum of Zoology at Cambridge a collection of Polyzoa, obtained by him during his first expedition to Torres Straits in 1888-9. The bulk of his collection had previously been given to the British Museum, and had formed the subject of a paper by Mr. R. Kirkpatrick ;! but the material acquired by the Cambridge Museum, although consisting mostly of small pieces, contained many species which do not seem to have been represented in the other part of the collection. Among these I observed three species of Steganoporella, two of which appear to be undescribed. One of these was of special interest from being well pre- served in spirit, enabling observations to be made on its structure. My results on this subject are not quite ready for publication, and I shall at present merely indicate their general nature. In drawing up an account of the genus Steganoporella I have made use of the following collections :—(1) the speci- mens brought by Professor Haddon from Torres Straits ; (2) other specimens in the Museum of Zoology at Cambridge, mostly presented by Miss Jelly; (3) the collection of the ' «Sci. Proc. RK. Dublin Soc.’ (N. S.), vi, 1888-90, p. 608. 226 SIDNEY F. HARMER, British Museum, for the opportunity of studying which my best thanks are due to the Director, Professor EH. Ray Lankester, and to Mr. Kirkpatrick, who has shown me not a little kindness in giving me information; (4) one or two specimens in the collection of the Manchester Museum; (5) specimens sent to me from Jamaica by Mr. J. EH. Duerden, and from Victoria by Professor W. Baldwin Spencer, to both of whom I desire to express my indebtedness, as well as to other friends who have unsuccessfully attempted to procure specimens of Steganoporella. Steganoporella is a genus of very striking appearance ; and, as has happened in many other cases, its generic cha- racters are so distinctive and conspicuous that the specific characters have not hitherto received due attention. ‘Thus I believe that the forms described by various writers as S. magnilabris, Busk, belong to a number of different species, and, in place of the two recent species given in Miss Jelly’s catalogue,’ I am able to define no less than twelve species. The only author who seems to have published the opinion that most specimens of this genus are not necessarily to be referred to S. magnilabris is Jullien,? who further alludes to two undescribed species which he has dredged on the coast of Liberia. It is probable that these are not included in the material which has been at my disposal. The Polyzoa belonging to this genus are characterised by the large size of the zocecium and of the operculum. The zocecium consists of a calcareous basal wall and four vertical walls, which will be described as, respectively, proximal (= aboral), distal, and lateral. The proximal and distal walls are commonly somewhat oblique, their free edges being situated more distally than their base-lines. The sixth or ‘‘upper”’ surface is covered, as in the Membraniporide, by a chitinous membrane or ectocyst, the “epitheca” of most 1 «Syn. Cat. Recent Mar. Bryozoa,’ 1889. I give below my reasons for referring Membranipora delicatissima, Busk, to Siphonoporella, Hincks. 2 §Miss. Sci., Cap. Horn,’ vi, Zool., 1888, p. I. 79. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 227 authors, with which the base of the enormous operculum is continuous. In zocecia from which the epitheca has been removed, the four vertical walls end in a thin “ raised line,” which outlines the entire zocecium, separating it from its neighbours. Busk! regarded this as a “chitinous hollow filament,” which he supposed to be a channel of communica- tion between different parts of the zoarium. In incinerated specimens the lateral walls of neighbouring zocecia may appear separated from one another by a narrow slit in place of the “raised line.” This is in fact the edge of a chitinous layer separating contiguous zocecia, and prolonged into the membranous epitheca. This agrees with the account given by Nitsche? of the calcification of the zocecia of Mem - branipora membranacea, in which the calcareous matter is said to be formed in the middle of the chitinous ectocyst, part of which is left on each side of it. In S. auriculata the basal wall is covered externally by a chitinous ectocyst, the limits of the zocecia being visible as a chitinous line, just as on the upper surface. The proximal part of the zocecium is covered by the epitheca, which is tightly stretched across it; and there is here no calcareous portion which projects above the level cf the epitheca. The distal wall is usually raised above the epitheca of the adjacent zocecia into a conspicuous calcareous “oral arch,” the development of which differs in different species. The thin summit of the post-oral part of each lateral wall will be described as the “edge.” Nearer the base the proximal and lateral walls have a thickened granular or tubercular calcareous portion, as in many species of Mem- branipora. ‘This may be referred to asthe “shelf,” a name which has already been used by Waters.’ It is constantly present on the lateral walls, but may be evanescent on the 1 «Challenger Report,’ pt. xxx, 1884, p. 75. 2 « Zeitschr. wiss. Zool.,’ xxi, 1871, p. 455. 3 «Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xliii, 1887, p. 51; Waters, however, used the term only for what I describe below as the oral shelf. 228 SIDNEY F. HARMER. proximal wall. It may also occur on the distal wall, giving valuable specific characters, and when present here it is found as a projection within the oral arch, and at a considerably deeper level (fig. 13). Immediately on the basal side of the shelf a porous “ cal- careous lamina” takes its origin from the proximal and lateral walls, forming a layer more or less parallel to the epitheca. This is the “cryptocyst” of Jullien,! and the space between it and the epitheca is the “ hypostegia” of the same author. The Microporide, Steganoporellide, with the Membraniporidz and certain other forms, are grouped to- gether by Jullien as Diplodermata,? in allusion to the oceur- rence of a cryptocyst distinct from the ectocyst. In most of these forms the cryptocyst is not complete, but has a free internal edge which limits an opening of varying size, the ** opesia.” The cryptocyst of Steganoporella is always complete proximally. As it passes distally, it sinks towards the basal wall—in some species with a slight angular deviation from the epitheca, in which case it joins the distal wall of the zocecium (figs. 11 and 15) at a greater or smaller distance from its base. In other species the ecryptocyst descends steeply, often at right angles to its proximal portion, to join the basal wall (fig. 10). The importance of the place of in- sertion of the distal border of the cryptocyst as a specific character has hitherto been completely overlooked. Since the calcareous walls are more or less transparent, it follows that in some species the basal wall seen from below shows merely the origin of the four vertical walls, while in others it shows in addition the insertion of the edge of the crypto- cyst (fig. 27). This structure is developed as an outgrowth from the proximal side of the zocecium, which in its young state passes through a condition, with incomplete crypto- cyst and large opesia, which is permanent in species of Membranipora. ; ' «Bull. Soe. Zool. France,’ vi, 1881, p. 4 (sep.). ? See also Jullien, ‘Cap. Horn’ (t. cit.), p. I. 66. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 229 The cryptocyst extends through the body-cavity of the zocecium, which thus occurs both above it and below it. Its descending part is never developed so much as to form a complete septum across the body-cavity, but it is always perforated by a more or less circular hole (fig. 13). Through this passes the tentacle-sheath of the polypide, which oc- cupies the chamber on the basal side of the cryptocyst. The tentacle-sheath does not completely fill the hole, so that there is a free communication between the two parts of the body-cavity. The opening in the distal part of the cryptocyst is the base-line of a calcareous “tube,” which projects into the distal or subopercular chamber of the zocecium. That part of the tube which is remote from the basal wall is always well developed, and is usually clearly visible from above. The structure which is thus seen as a projection from the descending part of the cryptocyst is what I shall hereafter term the “ median process,” whether it is merely the upper wall of the tube (fig. 7) or is complicated by the outgrowth of flanges, as in fig. 11, etc. In species in which the cryptocyst descends vertically to the basal wall, the opening of the tube is vertical, and cannot be seen (fig. 2) unless the zocecium is looked into obliquely from the distal end. In those in which the cryptocyst joins the distal wall the opening is oblique, and can usually be readily seen from above (fig. 13). The sides of the tube are generally much less developed than its roof, and there may be no tubular wall on the basal or distal side. In this part the opening may be completely surrounded by the crypto- cyst, of which it is a mere perforation, surrounded laterally and above by upstanding walls (fig. 11, large zocecium). In other cases (fig. 11, small zocecium) the cryptocyst is still more incomplete, the sides of the tube usually diverging and joining the basal or distal wall, according to the arrangement of the cryptocyst. The position of the opening and the extent of its tubular walls offer valuable specific characters. The tube, which thus rises from the free surface of the 230 SIDNEY F. HARMER. descending part of the cryptocyst, partially interrupts the distal region of the body-cavity, so that a pair of spaces, which will be referred to as the “ lateral recesses,” are found one on either side of it. Jullien’ has quite correctly appre- ciated the function of these cavities, which, as he points out, contain muscles. I propose to give a more detailed account of these muscles on a future occasion, and will for the present merely state that they are of three kinds: (i) divaricator muscles, which open the operculum ; (11) occlusor muscles, for closing this structure; (i11) depressor muscles. These last are inserted into a linear chitinous thickening (fiz. 16, e. s.) of the epitheca on each side. These thicken- ings will be termed the “epithecal sclerites.” Their form differs in different species. Busk? described them as ‘‘furcate spicula,”’ although the furcate appearance was no doubt produced by the insertion of the tendon of the de- pressor muscle into the middle of the sclerite, which is often angulated at this point, so that the vertical tendon seen in perspective with the two halves of the sclerite may have the appearance of a Y. I think, with Jullien,® that there can be little doubt about the function of the depressor muscles. They are to be regarded as special modifications of the parietal muscles of other Polyzoa, whose function is, by depressing the upper ectocyst, to exert a pressure on the fluid of the body-cavity, by which the polypide is extruded.t| The tendons, as shown by Jullien, pass through the well-known lateral foramina of such forms as Micropora and Thalamoporella; and Jullien, in his memoir on the Polyzoa of Cape Horn, suggests no less than thirteen generic types for recent and extinct species characterised by differences in these foramina, which he terms the “ opesiules.”” This application of Jullien’s prin- ciple would result in assigning different specimens of S. Gap. Horn, p..: 77. 2 «Challenger Rep.,’ pt. xxx, p. 75. 3 *Cap. Horn,’ pp. I. 80, 81. ‘ Cf. Nitsche, ‘ Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool.,’ xxi, 1871, p. 426. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 231 magnilabris to different genera, but credit is due to this author for having distinctly understood the purpose of the opesiules. In Steganoporella distinct “ opesiules”? may be formed by the concrescence of the median process with the lateral walls of the zocecium. This is specially the case in S. auriculata (fig. 8) and im 8. connexa (fie36) The tube is probably not to be regarded as a median struc- ture, as may be concluded not only from the internal evidence afforded by Steganoporella, but by a comparison with some of its allies. In Siphonoporella nodosa, Hincks,' of which I have been able to examine a specimen (labelled “ Australia”’) belonging to the Manchester Museum, there is a descending cryptocyst, which, as in some species of Steganoporella, joins the basal wall and leaves a con- siderable subopercular cavity into which a tube projects. Although Hincks did not convince himself that this tube opens into the proximal part of the body-cavity (and I have myself not been able to demonstrate this in the dry spe- cimen), there can be little doubt, on the analogy of other forms, of the existence of the communication. ‘The tube arises quite unilaterally from the descending cryptocyst, and is pressed against one or other of the walls of the distal cavity of the zocecium. The Manchester collection contains a specimen labelled by Miss Jelly as Steganoporella delicatissima, Busk. Although the original figure of this species ? gives little idea of its internal structure, Miss Jelly’s determination was undoubtedly correct, and I am thus indebted to her for having my attention called to a species which appears to throw considerable light on the structure of Steganopo- rella. Although Mr. Kirkpatrick has been unable to find the actual type-specimen of M. delicatissima, he procured for me a fragment of the type-specimen of the Alga (Amansia pinnatifida) on which, as Busk points out, 1 ¢ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.’ (5), vi, 1880, p. 90, pl. xi, fig. 10. 2 «Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ N.S., i, 1861, pl. xxxiv, fig. 1. VOL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. R 232 SIDNEY F. HARMER. M. delicatissima constantly occurs; the fragment being, moreover, from the locality (King George’s Sound, West Australia) from which Busk records the Polyzoon. The Alga is, curiously enough, covered by Membranipora bicolor, Hincks,! which appears at first sight to correspond with Busk’s description of M. delicatissima. I find the expla- nation of this discrepancy in two specimens (co-types, from King George’s Sound) of Amansia pinnatifida in the University herbarium at Cambridge. One of these is covered by M. bicolor, and the other by M. delicatis- sima, both being strikingly alike when seen without magni- fication. M. delicatissima (figs. 42, 43) should clearly be placed in the genus Siphonoporella. ‘The first impression pro- duced by its appearance is that it is a spineless Membrani- pora, with a large “aperture ” occupying nearly the whole of the front surface, and filled by a transparent membranous ectocyst, in which lies the small operculum. A small portion of the front wall is calcareous, immediately on the proximal side of the aperture. The calcareous cryptocyst descends with a uniform slope from this region, and thus has no hori- zoutal proximal portion asin Steganoporella. At about the middle of the length of the zocecium the cryptocyst meets the basal wall on one side, while from the other side a well- developed tube projects into the subopercular portion of the body-cavity. ‘This tube is so asymmetrical that the cavity of the zocecium which is roofed by the cryptocyst is retort- shaped, the junction of the tube with the cryptocyst being in some cases a little complicated. ‘The proximal division of body-cavity overlaps the base of the tube on one side, and in some cases (as in figs. 42, 43) on the upper side as well. The tube on the other side springs directly from the lateral wall of the zocecium, and below from the basal wall along the line z. The consequence of this arrangement is that the 1 «Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.’ (5), vii, 1881, p. 148. The species is probably nearly related to Siphonoporella, although perhaps not actually to be referred to this genus. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 233 tube appears to be traversed by three more or less transverse lines. The most superficial of these, when seen from above, is the line x, which indicates the bending round of the cryp- tocyst to join the actual base of the tube. This appears, at a deeper level, as the line y, where the recurrent part of the cryptocyst bends round to form the upper wall of the tube. This fold is indicated in optical section to the left of the figure. The third line, z, in the plane of the basal wall of the zocecium, is the origin of the deeper or basal part of the wall of the tube. These relations are further explained by _ the diagrammatic fig. 43, representing an ideal longitudinal vertical section of the entire zocecium. The operculum of 8. delicatissima is very much smaller than the comparatively gigantic opercula of Stegano- porella. That of the zocecium shown in fig. 42 measures only 90 w in diameter, while the smallest normal opercula of any of the species of Steganoporella here considered measure no less than 320 yu. There is at present no reason for regarding the zoocia of Siphonoporella as dimorphic. The opercula (in S. delicatissima) have a concentric thickening bar, as in the “A opercula”’ of Steganoporella; and the proximal ends of this bar project to a considerable extent from the lower side in a direction at right angles to the plane of the operculum. The question arises whether Siphonoporella should be regarded as distinct from Steganoporella. I think the answer to this must be in the affirmative, while admitting that the former shows many points of resemblance to certain species of Steganoporella. Siphonoporella differs from Steganoporella in the small size of its opercula (which in S. delicatissima do not exceed 100 yw in diameter), in the absence of any horizontal proximal part of the crypto- cyst, and in the fact that the “area” bounded by the “raised lines” and filled by the membranous epitheca is usually not co-extensive with the frout wall of the zoccium, The cryptocyst of 8. delicatissima is tubercular, but not porous; the mouth of the tube may be surrounded above 934 SIDNEY F. HARMER. by fine calcareous processes, giving it a fimbriated appear- ance. In Steganoporella evidence of asymmetry of the tube is conspicuous in certain species, as in 8. lateralis (fig. 1), where the condition hardly differs from that in Siphono- porella, and in 8. magnilabris (fig. 10), where the asymmetry, though less apparent at first sight, is equally striking in reality. In other species of this genus the tube tends to pase a median structure ; and its appearance in most cases is much modified by the outgrowth of lateral calcareous flanges from its upper wall. These usually take the remarkable form seen in figs. 3, 8, etc. In most species the roof of the tube can be distinctly seen as a convex floor (fig. 10) to the cavity which is formed by the development of these flanges. It is not easy to suggest a satisfactory explanation of this structure. The lateral flanges have the effect of more completely de- limiting the lateral or muscular recesses. They also strengthen the distal edge of the median process which corresponds with the base-line of the operculum. I cannot find evidence that the cavity of the median process contains any organ of importance; and I think it not improbable that it prevents the too forcible retraction of the epitheca by the contraction of the depressor muscles. If the epitheca should be de- pressed so far as to come into contact with the edges of the cavity in question, the resistance of the fluid in the cavity (which is quite closed basally) would probably act as a cushion, which would be less likely to tear the epitheca than would a sharp calcareous edge unaided by a fluid cushion. The distal part of the cryptocyst has hitherto been spoken of as if it descended equally both medianly and laterally. Although this may be approximately true of some species, as of S. Buskii (fig. 13), the arrangement is usually compli- cated by the fact that the part which descends into the cavity of the median process has a different slope from that part which forms the floor of the lateral recesses. One of the most striking features of the genus Stegano- A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 20) porella is the dimorphism of the zocecia, which usually, though apparently not always, occurs. The dimorphism is due not only to differences in the form and size of the calcareous parts of the zocecia, but in an even more striking way to differences in the opercula. These, in Stegano- porella, are always strengthened by vertical bars of chitinous substance, which stand out from their lower side like the joists from the lower part of a floor. In the one form of opercula (which, with their corresponding zocecia, I shall designate as ‘‘a”’) the operculum is usually semicircular, with the main strengthening girder or bar concentric with its curved margin (fig. 19). These zocecia may be regarded as the equivalents of the ordinary zocecia of the Cheilostomes. In the “8” form the operculum is usually a good deal larger, and has an entirely different form of strengthening bar, which may be roughly A-shaped (fig. 41) or N-shaped (fig. 14). The a and B forms of opercula appear to differ in their mus- cular system, as I hope to show on a future occasion. A more obvious distinction depends on the character of the chitin- ous teeth borne by the opercula. While a opercula may be quite toothless (fig. 19), or with two (fig. 15) or four (fig. 24) strong teeth on the main thickening bar, or in one case (S. magnilabris, figs. 45, 46) with numerous small submarginal teeth, the B opercula are nearly always characterised by the greater or smaller development of submarginal teeth (figs. 36, 38). In one case (8. alveolata, fig. 41) each of these teeth fits when closed into a socket in the calcareous oral shelf of the zocecium (fig. 12). I have found the opercula eminently serviceable in the discrimination of the species. The nature of the dimorphism of Steganoporella has formed the subject of some discussion, though the sugges- tions that have been made are mere guesses. Hincks and Busk have regarded the epi-cryptocystal chamber as occial in function, in the B form at least; although Jullien! has rejoined that part of the cavity in question contains muscles, and cannot be regarded as an internal ovicell. This ' Toe. cit. (1888). 236 SIDNEY F. HARMER. criticism appears to me to lose sight of the fact that the supposed ocecial cavity of Hincks and Busk was more than the lateral recesses. I have no evidence which justifies me in expressing a definite opinion on this subject, although I have no reason to think that the dimorphism is connected with sexual differences. The ratio between the a and B forms is curiously different in different species. In the majority of forms characterised by the possession of B opercula with A-shaped thickening, the 8 form is found in large numbers. In those with a f-shaped thickening, on the contrary, this form of zocecium is always rare, and appears to be disappearing altogether. This leads to the cases (S. neozelanica, etc.) in which no B zocecia can be found at all. In S. alveolata the reverse condition obtains, the a form being very rare, almost the entire colony being composed of B zocecia. This is the only species in which I have been able to obtain spirit material in which the polypides are present ; and it is obviously not well adapted for the examination of the meaning of the dimorphism. I have at present been unable to detect any trace of reproductive organs, but I am able to state that polypides occur in the comparatively few A zocecia, and I have not noticed any difference between these and the polypides of the 8 form. Steganoporella possesses no avicularia, although these are present in its ally Thalamoporella. I am at present inclined to regard the B form of zocecium as representing an avicularium, and probably that form of avicularium, common n the extinct allies of Steganoporella, which Jullien 1881) terms an “onychocellarium.” I am disposed to do this largely in consequence of the similarity between its muscles and those figured by Jullien (‘Cap. Horn,’ pl. xu, fig. 3) in the avicularium of Beania magellanica. I am aware of the fact that the occurrence of avicularia containing polypides would be very unusual. A tentative suggestion with regard to the function of avi- cularia may be here made. Anyone who examines encrust- ing and Escharan forms of Polyzoa must be struck by the A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 237 idea that one of the principal dangers to which they are subjected is the competition of other fixed organisms. An excellent example of this is afforded by a specimen of the encrusting form of 8. neozelanica, which I have found growing over another Cheilostome with a very uneven surface in such a way that the basal wall of the Steganoporella had moulded itself over every irregularity of the form on which it was growing, thereby completely closing every zocecial orifice. Many Polyzoa are particularly subject to the attacks of encrusting Polyzoa,—as, for instance, Lepralia foliacea of our own coasts. In some cases these attacks probably do little harm, because the basal parts of the colony become covered by a calcareous thickening of its own which occludes the zocecial orifices, and the zocecia with functional polypides are those in the younger parts of the colony. Although Steganoporella grows into large flat surfaces which might form an excellent fixing-point for other Polyzoa , I have never seen any overgrowth of this genus by encrust- ing Polyzoa in specimens which were in good condition, with their full complement of opercula. I have, however, exa- mined a colony of S. truncata which was largely covered by Membranipora, Cellepora, and Smittia; and it was obvious that some of these were growing on parts of the Steganoporella which had lost their opercula. The others were in parts in which the opercula were wanting here and there, and it seems to me not unlikely that the zocecia had really been dead, although they had not yet lost their opercula. Another case of Cellepora growing on the Vin- cularian form of §. neozelanica is capable of being ex- plained in a similar way. I venture to suggest that certain of the external features of a Polyzoon colony may be correlated with the discourage- ment of the fixation of the larve either of Polyzoa or of other encrusting animals. Many of the irregularities of the surface, such as the armature of oral or marginal spines, may act in this way by making the surface irregular and unfit for the attachment of larve; and in particular it seems to me 238 ; SIDNEY F. HARMER. probable that avicularia and vibracula may contribute to- wards the same result. In the case of Steganoporella, the B opercula, with their formidable teeth, may protect the colony by the destruction of the larvee of Polyzoa or other animals which are fixed in their adult state. The a opercula may also take their share in this work, and would be parti- cularly effective when furnished with teeth. It may be noted that the a opercula are provided with two or four powerful teeth in several of the species in which the B opercula are apparently vestigial or completely absent. The disap- pearance of the B opercula may in fact have been facilitated by the occurrence of teeth on the a opercula. The fixation of a Polyzoon larva is a deliberate process, and does not take place until the larva has wandered about over the surface of fixation for some time, rotating by its cilia as it does so. During this process it may easily be sup- posed that it would sooner or later be brought within the reach of an avicularium in genera so provided, or of a B operculum in Steganoporella, one closure of which would be sufficient to destroy any intruding larva. The relations of the oral shelf of the 8 form are by no means adverse to this idea, particularly in 8. alveolata, but the cavity above the shelf, in that species at least, is not adapted for the per- formance of an ocecial function. The nature of the dimorphism of Steganoporella may perhaps in the future form the subject of direct observation in some locality where suitable species are abundant. Descriptions of the Species. The species of Steganoporella form an interesting study in evolution. ‘The complicated arrangements connected with the distal part of the cryptocyst can be traced from a simple to a more differentiated condition, and the former can be compared with the arrangements of other genera. Certain forms show a considerable range of variation; but on the whole the characters of each species are well marked, and do A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 239 not appear to vary to any great extent even in specimens from widely different localities. In characterising the species I have found the following features of special service : (1) The opercula (A and B forms). (i) The arrangement of the descending or distal part of the cryptocyst. (ii) The form of the tube and of the median process. I have not derived any special assistance from the rosette- plates, a character which, in the hands of Mr. Waters in particular, has given valuable aid in the discrimination of species. ‘he rosette-plates of Steganoporella are large and conspicuous. Their typical arrangement seems to be identical with that described by Nitsche for Membrani- pora membranacea.! ‘The zoccia are in longitudinal rows, those of adjacent rows usually alternating, so as to give a regular quincuncial disposition. Hach zocecium typically communicates with its neighbours by two proximal, two distal, and four lateral rosette-plates on each side. It has typically six neighbours, and it is connected with each one by two rosette-plates, although there are many deviations from this rule. I am unable to point out any constant cha- racters by which the rosette-plates of one species differ from those of another species, while in one and the same colony very different conditions may obtain in neighbouring zocecia. As an instance of this I may mention the case of a fragment of the encrusting form of 8S. neozelanica, in which the proximal wall of four zocecia could be examined from the inside. In one of these there were two large watch-glass shaped *rosette-plates with their concavity opening into the distal zocecium ; in a second there were two similar rosette- plates with their convexity in the distal zocecium ; in a third two flat rosette-plates were present ; and in the fourth none could be discovered. In 8. buskii, while four lateral rosette-plates may occur, other zocecia may have only three, or even two. The proxi- 1 «Zeitsehr, f. wiss. Zool.,’ xxi, 187], p. 421 (fig. 1). > Cf, Waters, ‘Challenger Reports,’ pt. Ixxix, 1888, p. 18, 240 SIDNEY F. HARMER. mal or distal rosette-plates may be of the typical number (two), situated on the basal side of the insertion of the cal- careous lamina, or each of these may fragment into as many as three pieces placed close together (fig. 33). In 8. truncata, although the typical number of lateral rosette-plates may occur, one zocecium was noticed to have three vertically arranged rosette-plates instead of the usual horizontal series of four. It is obvious from what has been said that the relation of the distal rosette-plates to the line of insertion of the crypto- cyst is not the same in all species. In those in which the cryptocyst joins the distal wall at some distance from the base the distal rosette-plates are typically found, one beneath the floor of each lateral recess (fig. 33). In species in which the cryptocyst joins the basal wall the rosette-plates of the distal wall are of course entirely distal to its insertion. The subopercular cavity is in fact part of the body-cavity, what- ever the relation of the cryptocyst, and the distal rosette- plates maintain their position irrespective of the behaviour of the cryptocyst. Methods employed.—For the examination of the muscular system I have found it convenient to remove the basal wall of the zocecia. This may easily be done by embedding a piece of spirit material (not decalcified) in paraffin, and cutting away the basal wall with a scalpel after the paraffin has cooled. On dissolving out the paraffin the zocecia can be stained and mounted in Canada balsam. The removal of the basal wall greatly facilitates the examination of the internal anatomy of the zocecia. The preparation of the opercula has been made by the following method, which has enabled me to obtain satisfac- tory evidence of the structure of small unique specimens without in any way destroying their value. The fragment of the colony is boiled for two or three minutes in a 4 per cent. solution of caustic potash (although a stronger solution might be used with impunity). The opercula are then brushed off, or if necessary, removed, with the epitheca, by the aid of aneedle. The calcareous parts are washed and reserved A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 241 for further examination, while the opercula are placed in a test-tube with nitric acid (which should not exceed about 50 per cent.) and boiled for two or three minutes. I have found this procedure specially necessary in the case of dry speci- mens, in which the dried tissues in connection with the orifice are by no means easy to remove from the lower side of the opercula. Even after treatment with nitric acid it is often necessary to brush or dissect away these remains, in order to obtain clean preparations of the opercula, which are mounted in Canada balsam after staining with picric acid. If the material is not specially valuable the opercula may be prepared by boiling the dry fragment of a colony in nitric acid ; but the other method is preferable, in that it permits the examination of the dry calcareous parts and of the opercula of the same fragment. In dry mounts of specimens from which the epitheca has not been removed some in- formation with regard to the characters of the calcareous parts may be obtained by wetting the epitheca, a procedure which makes it for the time more transparent. The examination of the calcareous parts could hardly have been made except by employing some device for rotating the fragment, so as to be able to see it from different points of view. I have used for this purpose a small cylinder, as described in my paper on Lichenopora,! to which the piece of the colony could be temporarily fixed. Steganoporella, Smitt (Steginoporella, Smitt, 1873). Zoarium encrusting, Hemescharan or Escharan. Zocecia typically dimorphic, completely covered in front by a mem- branous epitheca, the oral region alone rising as a calcareous arch above its level. Opercula of great size, rarely less than 320 in diameter, and often much larger, strengthened by a girder (main sclerite) which projects from the lower surface, and often by additional girders. Cryptocyst a more or less horizontal, porous plate proximally, separated from the epitheca by the depth of a tubercular calcareous shelf ; 1 «Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ xxxix, 1897, p. 74, 242 SIDNEY F. HARMER. distally descending to join the basal or distal wall of the zoceciun. The descending part of the cryptocyst is per- forated by a passage or tube, through which the tentacle- sheath passes to the orifice, the walls of this passage being developed at least above. The parts of the cavity on either side of the tube form more or less deep lateral recesses, which contain the opercular muscles and those which depress the epitheca. The tube is usually produced into distal and lateral flanges which limit a hollow, the cavity of the median process, which opens upwards into the space beneath the epitheca. Avicularia of the ordinary type and external ovicells wanting. In arranging the species of Steganoporella somewhat different results would be arrived at according to whether the characters of the opercula or of the cryptocyst and of the tube are taken as the basis of the arrangement. The possible affinities of the species may perhaps be indicated by taking three main divisions, as follows : (i) B opercula, if present, with a M-shaped thickening bar or main sclerite;! a opercula undifferentiated or with two teeth on the main sclerite. (ii) B zocecia apparently wanting; a opercula with four teeth on the main sclerite. (iii) B opercula with a A-shaped main sclerite. The cryptocyst usually joins the basal wall in sections (i) and (11), while it joins the distal wall in most of the species included in section (111). (i) B Opercula, if present, with a M-shaped main sclerite; A Opercula undifferentiated, or with two teeth on the main sclerite. 1. Steganoporella lateralis, MacGill. Figs. 1,19, 20, 27. S. lateralis, MacGill., Mon. Tertiary Polyzoa Victoria, ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria,’ iv, 1895, p. 53, pl. vi, fig. 18. Cryptocyst joining the basal wall, angulated and thickened 1 The term “ sclerite ” may conveniently be used for any definite thicken- A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 243 at the commencement of the descending portion. Tube well developed, rising very asymmetrically from the descending cryptocyst; its opening vertical, completed by the basal wall, or if complete not far raised above the basal wall. The formation of a median process distinct from the tube is indicated only by a pair of unequally developed horns on the upper wall of the tube. 8 opercula rare, with N-shaped main sclerite, but without basal sclerite ; submarginal teeth long, strong, and recurved, confined to the distal half of the operculum. A opercula undifferentiated. Insertion of the cryptocyst, as shown on the back of the zocecium, usually produced proximally into a deep asymmetrical sinus (fig. 27). (a) Tahiti; Manchester Mus., Miss H. C. Jelly.! (b) Tahiti; Hincks Coll., Brit. Mus., 99. 5.1, 261 [from Miss Jelly’s collection]. (c) Torres Straits; Haddon Coll., Cambridge Mus., 24..2.98 [Muddy Creek, Victoria (Tertiary), MacGillivray]. The material on which the diagnosis is based consists of three small encrusting specimens, two of which, from Miss Jelly’s collection, were no doubt obtained at the same time. The specimen from Torres Straits is without opercula. Of all the species I have examined this one most nearly resembles a Siphonoporella, and I have accordingly put it at the head of my list. The tube (fig. 1) arises quite asym- metrically from the cryptocyst, as pointed out by MacGil- livray, sometimes from one side, sometimes from the other, and its position in a series of zocecia does not obey any obvious law. The change from a right-handed to a left- handed zocecium takes place abruptly in the course of a ing of the operculum or epitheca, following a practice usual in entomology. The ‘‘ main sclerite” is the principal thickening bar of an operculum, which bears the tubercle for the insertion of the occlusor tendon. 1 The localities given are those of the specimens which I have myself exa- mined. The specimen first mentioned is the one which I regard as the type- specimen in the case of the new species. In the remaining species ‘‘ B. M.” = British Museum, “C. M.” = Cambridge Museum, tlie register dates being given in both cases. 24.4, SIDNEY F. HARMER. longitudinal row of zocecia. If the series bifurcates, the two daughter-zocecia may have the same asymmetry as their parent, or one of them may have the converse symmetry ; or both may be converse. I suspect that the asymmetry 1s cor- related with the position of the retracted polypide, and that the tentacles lie in some zocecia on the right side, and in the others on the left side. In the specimen figured the tube springs from the (apparent) right side of the subopercular cavity. The proximal wall of the right’ lateral recess is not apparent in the figure, while that of the left recess is just visible. Between this wall of the left lateral recess and the tube the basal wall is exposed to view from above. On turning the zocecium over this appears as a deep sinus (fig. 27) passing proximally and asymmetrically in correlation with the asymmetry of the tube itself. A view from this side at once shows that there is considerable variation in these respects. ‘The condition shown in the upper zocecium of fig. 27 corresponds with that of fig. 1; that shown in the lower zocecium indicates that the cryptocyst does not any- where touch the distal wall, while another condition is found when the cryptocystal floor of the lateral recess meets the distal wall (in any case very low down) on both sides. The upper border of the opening of the tube is produced into two points, which are typically asymmetrical, that on the side of the sinus being more developed than the other, as indicated by fig. 1. The edge (see p. 227) of the zocecium is hardly as high as the calcareous post-oral shelf, from which it is separated by a distinct furrow. The shelf is strongly tubercular, but is not so deep as in most species. The horizontal part of the cryptocyst is accordingly com- paratively little depressed below the level of the epitheca ; it is well developed, thick, and tubercular, and has small pores. A strong tubercular continuation of the shelf runs 1 It will be convenient to describe what is actually seen in the figures, without alluding on each occasion to the fact that the figure has been re- versed by the microscope, A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 945 across the zocecium, along the line where the descent of the cryptocyst commences. The descending portion joins the horizontal portion at a distinct angle, and the tube springs from it at a deeper level than the tubercular edge. As is usual in species in which the cryptocyst descends verti- cally, the basal wall is well exposed from above. ‘The oral shelf is completely absent. The oral arch is well raised. The epithecal sclerites are rather long, nearly straight proximally, curving outwards distally towards the ends of the main sclerite of the operculum, which they nearly reach. The epitheca is delicate and transparent. The characters of the B zocecia have not been observed ; but two B opercula have been found with respectively ten (fig. 20) and nine submarginal teeth, but otherwise closely agreeing with one another. The tendons of the occlusor muscles are shown in the sketch, that on the right side being displaced from its natural position. They are inserted, as in the case of the opercula of Steganoporella generally, into a distinct tubercle (a), which is marked by a group of fine dots which doubtless correspond with a fibrillar insertion of the tendon into the operculum. The main sclerite (6 c) of the operculum is M-shaped; and, as seen from the inner or basal side, is an oblique girder springing from the oper- culum along the line c, and with a free edge at b. This edge rises further from the plane of the operculum on the proxi- mal side of the occlusor tubercle, and projects as a pointed lobe whose edges are formed by the parts d and e, between which there is a deep concavity sinking down to the level of the proximal end of the base-line (c) of the sclerite. This upstanding lobe is supported by a buttress or sclerite (f), which passes down to the plane of the operculum. The line c, the buttress jf, and (in some cases) the submarginal tooth-bearing sclerite, being the parts which are most in the plane of the operculum, are conspicuous as dark lines on the opercula in an ordinary dry preparation seen from above. In the present species, which is characterised by the delicacy of its opercula, the lines c and * can be seen in a dry prepara- 246 SIDNEY F. HARMER. tion from above. The free edge d is in most species some- what thickened, so that the first impression, in examining a transparent preparation, is that the main sclerite bifureates proximally into two limbs, one of which is really the base line of the sclerite, the other its free edge. The intermediate oblique portion of the sclerite may be so thin as to appear to be a foramen; but in some cases at least I have satisfied myself that the apparent foramen is merely a thin part of the sclerite. A feature of the B operculum of 8. lateralis, to which attention must specially be directed, is the absence of a basal sclerite, this being indeed the only species in which I have found this condition to occur in the B opercula. The general structure of the a opercula (fig. 19) is very similar to that of the 8 form. The differences are—its smaller size and greater relative breadth ; the absence of teeth; and the somewhat more distal position of the occlusor tubercle. As this type of operculum does not appear to differ widely from those of other Cheilostomes, I describe it in the present paper as “undifferentiated.” The diameter of the B opercula is about 515 w, and that of the a opercula about 415 p. 2. S. sulcata, n.sp. Figs. 2, 14—17, 28, 29. Steganoporella magnilabris, Hincks, ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.’ (5), xiii, 1884, p. 358; ‘Journ. Linn. Soc.,’ xxi, 1889, p. 130. Cryptocyst joining the basal wall, angulated and thickened at the commencement of the descending portion. Tube short, its opening vertical and completely separated from the basal wall. Median process variable, usually broad and with a shallow cavity, the deepest part of which is a median lon- gitudinal groove (hence sulcata); or narrow and T-shaped. B opercula rare, with N-shaped main sclerite; submarginal teeth well developed, sometimes long and weak, confined to A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELIA. 247 the distal half of the operculum, which has a distinct basal sclerite. A opercula with two strong teeth on the distal part of the main sclerite; the teeth sometimes vestigial. Back of the zocecium showing the insertion of the cryptocyst, distal to which the basal wall is commonly thin, so as to form a rounded fenestra, through which the tube is visible. (a) Isle des Neufs, Amirante Is., Indian Ocean, Voy. “ Alert,” 15 fathoms (B. M., 82.10.18, 88). (6) Darros I. (Amirante Is.), Voy. “ Alert,” 22 fathoms (5. Ms, 82:10:18, 125). (c) Galle Point, Ceylon, Dr. Ondaatje (B. M., 85.7.27, 1). (d) Mergui, Burmah, Hincks Coll. (B. M., 99.5.1, 28). (e) Mergui, Burmah, Dr. Anderson (B. M., 85.12.29, 10). (f) [Possibly N. Australia.] ‘On Avicula margari- tifera” (B.M.). All the specimens are encrusting. The largest, from Darros Island, encrusts the greater part of a cylindrical piece of coral limestone, about 85 x 30 mm. ‘The existence of the specimen (d) in the British Museum collection enables me to state that ‘““S. magnilabris” recorded by Hincks from the Mergui Archipelago belongs to this species. S. sulcata appears to be closely allied to 8. lateralis, from which, however, the characters of the tube are sufficient to discriminate it. The opening of the tube is circular and complete, and it is often well separated by a portion of the descending cryptocyst from the basal wall, a large part of which is visible from above. A median vertical calcareous wall usually rises from the roof of the tube, and typically diverges above into the two flanges which are seen to unite in the median groove (fig. 2) which is one of the most strik- ing features of the species. A transverse section through the tube and its annexes could accordingly be represented by a circle on which is standing a short-legged Y with very divergent arms. On the analogy of 8S. alveolata (see p. 229) it may be confidently stated that the tentacle-sheath passes through the opening of the tube round the distal end of the median process. The transverse distal border of the latter is VoL, 45, PART 2.-NEW SERIES. s 248 SIDNEY F. HARMER. accordingly connected with the opening of the tube by a pair of nearly vertical flanges, which are situated in a transverse plane ; thus forming a smooth surface over which the tentacle- sheath can glide easily in its movements of eversion and retraction. In the type-specimen (a) the distal margin of the tube is produced into two strong horns, which curve downwards towards the basal surface. It is probable that these serve as the point of origin of muscles or ligaments which regulate the movements of the tentacle-sheath. In some cases (particularly in specimen d) the origin of the tube from the cryptocyst is almost as asymmetrical as in S. lateralis, though without the deep sinus of the latter. This condition is not so easily observed in other cases. In the specimens (f) and (d) there are some interesting variations in the median process. In some zocecia this struc- ture has thetypical form (as in fig. 2), being broad and markedly sulcate. At the opposite extreme the process is T-shaped (fig. 29) as seen from above, with nearly transverse distal border, ending in a sharp point on each side, a linear lon- gitudinal portion connecting the distal border with the descending cryptocyst. Hven in extreme cases the linear portion slightly widens proximally, and an indication of the longitudinal groove can usually be made out here. All stages exist between this condition and the typical suleate form. The edge in this species is but slightly raised. The post- oral shelf is narrow, especially proximally, and is sharply separated from the cryptocyst ; it 1s continuous with a thick- ened tubercular portion which runs along the angulated part of the cryptocyst. The transverse thickening is not quite complete medianly in the single B zocecium (fig. 2) which has been examined. ‘This differs from the a zocecia in the greater size of the distal or subopercular cavity. The oral shelf is quite absent. The condyles for the origin of the hinge of the operculum are conspicuously long, and at right angles to the lateral walls of the zocecium. The oral arch is ® moderately raised above the level of the epitheca, The A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA,. 249 cryptocyst is not much depressed proximally, and is thick, with rather large pores. Some asymmetry in the floors of the two lateral recesses is not uncommonly noticed; and the asymmetry, when present, is indicated on the basal wall. This is usually very characteristic, and is distinguished by the occurrence of a large distal region, limited proximally by the insertion of the cryptocyst, and often covered by a wall which is much thinner than the rest of the basal wall, so that the tube is clearly visible through the fenestra thus formed. In the single B zocecium examined the descending part of the cryptocyst meets the basal wall and the two lateral walls at a long distance from the distal wall. The epithecal sclerites are rather long and conspicuous, and start from the base of the operculum. ‘The epitheca is thin and _ trans- parent. The single B operculum examined of the type-specimen (fig. 14) has eight well-developed teeth, most of which are conspicuously long, and apparently weak and flexible. ‘They are confined to the distal part of the submarginal sclerite, which fades away proximally. ‘The main sclerite is N-shaped, and the operculum has a distinct basal sclerite. The a oper- cula (fig. 15) have two very conspicuous distal teeth on the main sclerite. The sclerite f, which acts as a buttress to the proximal projection of the main sclerite, appears in this species at least to be a hollow prolongation of the main sclerite which runs into the chitin of the outer surface of the operculum. The opercula of this species are as variable as the calcare- ous parts: While those of the specimens (b) agree with the type-specimen except in having somewhat shorter teeth in the a form, those of specimens from other localities are somewhat different. The B opercula are always rare, and I have been able to examine only one of specimen (d) and one of (f). In the former (fig. 16), from the Mergui Archipelago, there are nine stiff erect teeth, the distal ones being long; the edge of the main sclerite is at a considerable distance from the border of the operculum, The teeth of a are 250 SIDNEY F. HARMER. shorter than in the type, and barely project beyond a slight web-like lamella which connects them along the distal part of the main sclerite. In f, possibly from N. Australia, the B operculum (fig. 17) is short and broad,’ its main sclerite otherwise resembling that of the type, but it has only four teeth, which are stout and erect. The teeth of a are vesti- gial, and their web-like connection is just indicated. A mounted fragment of specimen (b) shows a curious abnormality. One of the zocecia is unusually large, and has a twin operculum, formed of two halves, each of full size, with its own convex border ; but the two are united laterally, their main sclerites being here continuous as well as the rest of the opercula. The zocecium has a partial calcareous septum dividing the proximal part only of the cryptocyst into two halves. This septum is in the line of union of the two halves of the operculum, as is also the single median process of the zocecium. The growing edge of the colony had at this point met another lobe of the same colony. The interference thus produced probably resulted in the imperfect longitudinal division of this part of the growing edge. The double zocecium is separated from the point of union of the two lobes by two imperfect zocecia, without orifices or median processes. The diameter of the B opercula is about 460 ; that of the A opercula averages about 470 au, the extreme measurements taken being 350 mw (f) and 540 mw (b), both these extremes departing considerably from the mean of their own specimen. 3. S. tubulosa, n. sp. Figs. 3, 22, 238. S. magnilabris, Hincks,? ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.’ (5), viii, 1881, p. 7; and (5) ix, 1882, p. 123 (“ Bass’s Straits ”’). Cryptocyst joining the basal wall, angulated and often 1 Considerable variations occur in other species in the relative breadth of the opercula. 2 It may be presumed that Mr. Hincks’s remarks refer to the specimen here described, A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 251 much thickened at the commencement of its descending portion, which is usually far from the condyles. ‘Tube origi- nating far below the angle of the cryptocyst, conspicuously long, with a complete wall well raised above the basal wall ; its opening nearly vertical. Median process formed by distal and lateral upgrowths from the roof of the tube, which is largely exposed as the floor of the wide cavity of the median process. B opercula rare, broad and short, with strong M-shaped main sclerite, the insertion of the occlusor muscle being unusually elongated. Submarginal teeth ves- tigial. A opercula relatively small, weak, and undifferen- tiated. Curtis I., Bass Strait (Hincks Coll., B. M., 99.5.1, 29). The specimen to which this description refers is a large KEscharan or bilaminar plate, about 70 mm. long, probably part of a larger colony. The surface is undulating, and although no secondary plates are given off, one is apparently developing as a ridge near the peripheral edge. Mr. Hincks had merely labelled the specimen ‘‘ Curtis,” but this, as I am informed by Mr. Kirkpatrick, is Curtis Island in Bass Strait. The conspicuous features of this species are the extremely long tube (fig. 3) and the great length of the post-opercular (proximal) part of the zocecium, due in large measure to the distance by which the condyles are separated from the base of the median process. The Escharan habit should not be left out of account. I am inclined to think that Smitt, Hincks, and others have gone a little too far in denying the value of the characters of the zoarium in distinguishing species. The edge is unusually high, and is the summit of a ridge, triangular in transverse section, which is sharply separated laterally from the post-oral shelf. This is well developed, tubercular, and rounded, and is well separated from the cryptocyst. The oral shelf is smooth and narrow ; the con- dyles are small, the oral arch well raised. The cryptocyst 1s thick and tubercular, with small pores. It is sharply angu- 2 SIDNEY F. HARMER. lated where it begins to descend, and the angle is usually greatly thickened by a tubercular transverse portion, which may extend, in the middle, proximally so as to obliterate some of the pores. ‘The parts of the cryptocyst which bound the lateral recesses are vertical. The tube is complete all round, its wall being unusually well developed on its deep or basal side. The opening is well raised above the basal wall of the zocecium. ‘he cavity of the median process is not very deep, the convex roof of the tube forming its floor, and being clearly exposed to view from above. The lateral and distal boundaries of the cavity are well developed. A view of the basal wall of the zocecia shows clearly the insertion of the cryptocyst. The epithecal sclerites are short and deli- cate, just overlapping the angulated edge of the cryptocyst, but not nearly reaching the operculum. 8B zocecia have not been observed. The B opercula (fig. 28) are very rare, and only three (one of them damaged) have been found. They are short and broad, and they agree in possessing a very strong M-shaped main sclerite, the insertion of the occlusor muscle being of vreat size, and much elongated transversely. The proximal projections of the main sclerite are much prolonged into spout-like lobes, which are concave externally. The basal sclerite is strong. This operculum is almost unique among B opercula in having no submarginal ' teeth, these structures being, however, represented by vestiges, which are merely inconspicuous rounded lobules. The a opercula (fig. 22) are small, and belong to the undifferentiated type ; the buttresses of the proximal projections of the main sclerite are well developed. The average diameter of B is 530 yw, that of the specimen figured being 560». The average diameter of a is 420 u, the range being from 370 to 470 yp. 1'The teeth do not always appear submarginal in the sketches. The boiling with strong nitric acid is probably responsible for the disappearance of the very delicate margin which I find in the opercula of many species (as in fig. 88) outside the tooth-bearing sclerite. I believe this delicate margin to be a normal feature of the opercula. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELILA. 203 A. S. simplex, n. sp. Figs. 7, 21. Zocecia of large size. Cryptocyst joining the distal wall close to its origin from the basal wall; angulated andthickened laterally at the commencement of its descending portion. Roof of tube short, thick-walled, and tubercular ; the opening vertical and separated from the distal wall. Median process not distinct from the tube. B zocecia not found. A opercula with two strong recurrent teeth on the main sclerite. Darros Is. (Amirante ts.). (B. M., 82.10.18, 125.) This species is founded on a single encrusting fragment removed from a dry preparation which otherwise consisted of S. sulcata. It differs from that species in its larger size, in the fact that the ecryptocyst joins the distal wall,’ and in the remarkably simple character of the tube and median pro- cess, the latter being indeed hardly distinguishable from the tube. The edge is but slightly raised. The post-oral shelf is boldly tubercular, deep, and descending steeply to the erypto- cyst, which is thus a good deal depressed; the shelf is less developed proximally. ‘lhe oral shelf is present, but is narrow and hardly tubercular. The condyles (for the hinge of the operculum) are blunt and massive. The oral arch is strong and moderately raised. The cryptocyst is thick, very tuber- cular, and with small pores; its descent is oblique, though with a steep slope. The tube is not much more than a mere perforation in this oblique partition, its upper border being, however, developed into a short but massive and tubercular portion, which thus forms a spout-lke prolongation of the perforation in the cryptocyst (fig. 7). The thickening of the cryptocyst at the descent of the lateral recesses may slightly extend on to the base and sides of this tube, thus giving rise to a hardly appreciable concavity, which is all that can be compared with the cavity of the median process. The epi- 1 A larger quantity of material might perhaps show that the union was sometimes with the basal wall in the neighbourhood of the distal wall, 254, SIDNEY F. HARMER. thecal sclerites are long and conspicuous, and start from the operculum. The epitheca is thick. The A opercula (fig. 21), though resembling those of 8S. sulcata in the existence of two distal teeth, differ from them in that the teeth are more recurved. The base line (c) of the main sclerite bends inwardly, at its proximal end, much nearer the occlusor tubercle than in S. sulcata. The operculum figured measures no less than 610 » in diameter. 5. S. connexa,n.sp. Figs. 6, 18. Zocecia of large size. Cryptocyst joining the distal wall close to its origin from the basal wall, not angulated at the commencement of its descending portion in young zocecia, thickened and angulated in old zocecia. Roof of tube long, greatly developed, the opening nearly vertical, invisible from above, separated from the distal wall. Cavity of the median process shallow, its walls being all strongly tuber- cular. The distal border of the median process is thick, and joins the condyles; the sides are greatly developed wings, slightly convex above, and unite with the sides of the zocecium in such a way as to leave two foramina or ‘ opesiules ” on each side for the passage of tendons.) A zocecia not found. Bs opercula broad and strong, with strong submar- ginal teeth which begin not far from the base of the oper- culum. John Adams’ Bank, H.M.S. “ Herald,’ Busk Collection (B. M., 99.7.1, 408). There is some uncertainty with regard to the position of “John Adams’ Bank,” a locality from which, as Mr. Kirk- patrick informs me, a number of specimens in the Busk col- lection were obtained. The slde with this label contained not only a specimen of S. connexa (the only one I have seen), but also one of S. magnilabris, Busk. The latter 1 These were actually made out, passing through the opesiules. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 255 species has a wide distribution, but the specimen in question more closely corresponds with those from the West Indies and Abrolhos I. (coast of Brazil) than with any others I have seen. A slide in the Busk collection at the British Museum (referred to on page 176 of the “Challenger Report,” part xxx) is labelled “ John Adams’ Bank, North Atlantic,” as I am informed by Mr. Kirkpatrick; while the Bank is said to be in the South Atlantic on page 36 of Part III of the British Museum Catalogue of Polyzoa. I am indebted to Mr. Kirkpatrick, to Captain Tizard of the Hydrographic Department at the Admiralty, and to Captain Froud of the Shipmasters’ Society, for much trouble which they have taken in trying to elucidate this point. Although there is an Adams Rock at Pitcairn Island, I am satisfied, as the result of a letter received from Captain Craig, of the U.S. Hydrographic Office, that the Bank is identical with the “Victoria Bank” (S. of Abrolhos I.) of our own Admiralty charts. The discovery of this Bank by the U.S.S. “John Adams” is announced in the ‘ Nautical Magazine,’ 1850, p. 186, and Captain Craig informs me that the name ‘ John Adams Bank” is still employed in a publication! of the “ Service Hydrographique de la Marine” at Paris. The species appears to be a well-marked one, the connection of the lateral walls of the median process with the sides of the zocecia (fig. 6), and the consequent formation of two distinct “opesiules””? on each side, being particularly noteworthy. The species has a robust appearance. The epitheca and the opercula are thick and strong, and the calcareous parts are no less strongly developed. The edge is but slightly raised, and is separated by a slight groove from the post-oral shelf. This is massive, deep, and coarsely tubercular, being strongly developed even proximally, where the shelf is narrow in several of the other species. The oral shelf is narrow and smooth. The condyles are ' «Instructions Nautiques .. . Brésil,? by Mochez and Roquemaurel, 1890. 256 SIDNEY F. HARMER. strong, and ankylose with the distal margin of the median process, thereby forming an unusually massive support for the base of the operculum. ‘he oral arch is well raised. The cryptocyst is sharply separated from the post-oral shelf, and is slightly tubercular. The pores are small, and do not usually occur on the part of the cryptocyst which descends into the median process, being here obliterated by a tuber- cular calcareous thickening. ‘The tube is complete, though the only part of its wall which is well developed is the upper part. The lateral parts of the wall are very low, while basally the tube is a mere perforation in the oblique crypto- cyst. The epithecal sclerites are minute and widely separated from the operculum. They are probably small, because the epitheca generally is so thick that it is strong enough to withstand the pull of the depressor muscles without differen- tiating special sclerites. In the dry condition a somewhat complicated appearance of sclerites seems to be present in the epitheca. As these cannot be seen in Canada balsam preparations, I have convinced myself that they are due to the crumpling of the epitheca during drying. I have found only one form of operculum (fig. 18); the similarity of these to the B opercula of S. sulcata (and particularly to that of specimen f) induces me to regard them as belonging to the B type, in which case we have here the unique peculiarity of a species in which the B opercula alone are known. In the absence of any certain evidence as to the meaning of the dimorphism of Steganoporella, it is not impossible that some species consist of two kinds of colonies, in one of which the a form of zocecium preponderates or is alone present, and in the other the p form. If this were the case it would not be inconceivable that S. connexa might be the second form of 8. simplex or 8. auriculata, for instance. The supposed species are not unlike in some respects; but I do not think that they are really related in this way. The chitin of the opercula, and in particular that of the sclerites, is thick and dark-coloured. ‘The occlusor tubercle A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 257 is situated rather more distally than in most species. The submarginal teeth are strong, and are borne on a distinct sclerite, which commences near the base of the operculum. Their number varies from about thirteen to about twenty, the proximal ones being minute. Highteen may be regarded as the average number. The operculum is always broader than long, though the disproportion between the two measure- ments is sometimes a good deal less than in fig. 18. The size varies as much as the shape, but without altering the general characters of the operculum. ‘The diameter varies from 450 to 700 pu, that of the specimen figured being 570 yu, which is almost exactly the average of the specimens measured. (i) B Opercula apparently wanting. a Opercula with four teeth on the main sclerite, the proximal pair being derived from the occlusor tubercle. . 6. S. auriculata, n. sp. Figs. 8, 24. Cryptocyst inserted near the junction of the distal and basal walls, usually joining the distal wall, but sometimes joining the basal wall; not angulated at the commencement of its descending portion. Median process with enormous auriculate lateral wings; uniting distally with the large con- dyles, which project into the subopercular space as con- spicuous points. A curved “opesiule,” for the passage of tendons, is thus formed on each side. The opening of the tube is nearly vertical, and is invisible from above. Cavity of median process very broad above, diminishing almost to a point below. 8B zocecia not found. a opercula with four enormous teeth on the main sclerite ; a broad and excessively strong transverse, sub-basal sclerite connecting the bases of the two proximal teeth. Madagascar : T’. W. Waters, Esq. (B. M., 84.11.18, 1). The specimens of this species are—(a) an imperfect colony on a red seaweed, Hemescharan in character, forming an ex- panding flattened collar which encircles the narrow stem of 258 SIDNEY F, HARMER. the seaweed, and measures about 20 mm. in length by about 6 mm.; the orifices are on the outer side of the collar; (5) slides which have been prepared from this specimen. This species cannot well be confused with any other ; the great auriculate median process (fig. 8), uniting distally with the condyles, the four strong opercular teeth (fig. 24), and in particular the immense sub-basal sclerite, make this species one of the most distinct which I have had the opportunity of examining. The edge is hardly raised. The post-oral shelf is deep, massive, and tubercular, being well developed even proxi- mally. The oral shelf is narrow and smooth. The condyles are long, and meet the distal border of the median process, projecting as well-defined points into the distal chamber of the zocecium. ‘The oral arch is thick and not much raised. The cryptocyst is sharply separated from the post-oral shelf, and its horizontal portion is much depressed, tubercular, and (when old) with small pores. It slopes very steeply but without angulation into the cavity of the median process. he tube is incomplete distally, its low lateral walls joining the distal (or basal) wall, by which the tube is completed. The cryptocystal boundary of the lateral recesses is nearly vertical. The back is tubercular, and is too thick to be trans- parent. It is covered by a thick epitheca, which is con- tinuous with a chitinous layer that separates the vertical calcareous walls of adjacent zocecia, and is itself continued into the epitheca of the free surface. The uncalcified part of the vertical wall being relatively thick, some of the zoccia of an incinerated specimen appear completely separated from one another laterally, each having its own wall. The epitheca is thin and the epithecal sclerites are long, and start from the operculum. B zocecia have not been observed. The a opercula (fig. 24) are very strong, broader than long, with four great teeth on the main sclerite and an enormous sub- basal transverse sclerite between the two proximal teeth. When seen from above, in a dry preparation, the opercula show a specially dark line at g, and another, not quite so A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA,. 259 dark, indicating the base of the tooth-bearing or main sclerite. Both these dark lines are in the plane of the outer surface of the operculum, and g is accordingly the origin of the sub-basal sclerite (seen from the inside in fig. 24). The real form of the sclerites can be well made out in these large and thick opercula in dry specimens seen from the inner side. The edge h of the sub-basal sclerite stands up above the surface in this view, the sclerite sloping from its origin g obliquely to its most prominent part h. This is continued into the projecting proximal spout 7, in which each of the halves of the main sclerite ends. The proximal tooth of each side is connected by a buttress with the distal end of the sub-basal sclerite. ‘The main sclerite is very convex on the proximal side of the proximal tooth, sloping from here to the base of the operculum, where the main sclerite runs into the general level of the operculum. In optical sections of Canada balsam preparations the proximal part of the main sclerite appears as two parallel bars, the most prominent part being thinner than its sides. The edge h of the operculum rests on the distal border of the calcareous median process, the projecting points of the condyles fitting into the angles where / turns proximally. The opercula do not vary much. Their average diameter is about 550 w, the size of the specimen figured. 7. S. neozelanica, Busk. Synonyms of Typical or Vincularian Form. Figs. 4, 25, 30. Vincularia neozelanica, Busk, ‘Quart.Journ. Micr. Sei.’ (N. S.), 1, 1861, p. 155, pl. xxxiv, figs. 5, 5a; and ‘Chall. Rep.,’ pt. xxx, 1884, p. 76; Hutton, ‘Man. New Zealand Mollusca,’ 1880, p. 189. Steganoporella neozelanica, Hincks, ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.’ (5), #571882. p. 119, and’ (6); xi, 1893, p. 175; Waters, ‘Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xli, 1885, p. 292, and xliii, 1887, p. 50; ‘Chall. Rep.,’ pt. Ixxix, 1888, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 32 (or ? var, 260 SIDNEY F. HARMER. magnifica); Hutton, ‘Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst:,7 xxi, 18905 p: 1104: Synonyms of Hncrusting Form (var. magnifica, Busk, MS.) (figs. 5, 26). Membranipora magnilabris, Hutton, 1. cit., 1880, pe t90: Steganoporella neozelanica, Hincks, ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.’ (5), 1x, 1882, p. 119; -Waters, “Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xlii, 1887, p. 50. S. magnilabris, Busk, ‘Challenger Rep.,’ pt. xxx, 1884, p. 75 (Tongatabu); Hutton, ‘Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Institute,’ xxii, 1890, p. 105. Cryptocyst inserted into the basal wall, angulated and slightly thickened at the commencement of its descending portion. Median process with a spreading border, its cavity very deep, vertical, narrow above, but expanding transversely until it equals the diameter of the tube at its junction with the latter. Opening of the tube vertical, usually surrounded by the descending part of the cryptocyst, but sometimes completed by the basal wall. 8B zocecia not found. a opercula with four strong teeth on the main sclerite, and with a more or less complicated system of additional sclerites. Vincularian Form. (a) New Zealand, Mr. Busk (C. M.). (b) New Zealand (Wanganui, Napier), Miss EH. C. Jelly (C. M., 24.5.95). (c) New Zealand (Hawke’s Bay), Hincks Coll. (C. M., 13.5.99). Var. magnifica. (a) New Zealand (Napier, Foveaux Straits, Stewart Island), Miss H. C. Jelly (C. M., 24.5.95). (b) Tongatabu, Sir E. Home, Busk Collection (B. M., 99,7.1, 400, 401), A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 261 I have found great difficulty in deciding whether the encrusting species of Steganoporella which is common in New Zealand deserves to be ranked as a species. For the present I shall describe it as var. magnifica, a name which I have found on two slides! from Tongatabu, in the Busk collection at the British Museum. In the diagnosis I have chosen those characters which are common to the two forms. I now give a description of the typical form, indicating later the special characteristics of var. magnifica. The Vincularian form grows from a mass of stout, chitin- ous rootlets, which give off a number of cylindrical, unjointed shoots, the largest of which, in the Cambridge collection, is 36 mm. long. The zoecia open all round these shoots. They are arranged in the usual longitudinal rows characteristic of Steganoporella, but their basal wall tends to be reduced to a longitudinal line occupying the axis of the shoot. If this result were actually arrived at the zocecia would be three-sided prisms, all reaching the centre. ‘here is, how- ever, a considerable amount of irregularity in this respect, the arrangement being indicated by fig. 30, which represents part of a transverse section of the cylindrical shoot. The mode of growth of these groups of cylindrical stems, united by a common mass of roots, does not seem to have been described. Although I have not quite complete proof as to the details, I have very little doubt as to what really happens. The cylindrical stems are unbranched, except for the fact that at their base, just where they join the mass of rootlets, many of them give off a small offset. This offset may reach a length of asmuch as about 5mm. At this stage the connection of the offset with the parent stem is becoming weak, no doubt by an absorption of some of the calcareous matter. The offset is already directly connected with the tangle of rootlets, and is ready to break off as an independent stem. This offers an interesting parallel to the mode of jointing 1 A third slide, of uncertain locality, labelled by Mr. Busk as S, magni- fica, belongs to S. magnilabris, 262 SIDNEY F. HARMER. which has been described by Lomas! in Cellaria fistulosa. The young branches in this species, as in Crisia and doubt- less in other jointed Polyzoa, arise as outgrowths of the older branches, formed of zocecia which are at first rigidly connected with their parents. By the “ breaking” (no doubt accom- panied by some absorption of the calcareous walls) of the base of these zocecia a joint is formed, the broken ring dis- playing chitinous tubes beneath, which connect the young branch with the older one. The rootlets of S. neozelanica are probably comparable with the connecting tubes of other jointed Polyzoa, although they are continuous with the external epitheca. Assuming the correctness of Nitsche’s account already referred to,” the connecting tubes of Cellaria may be regarded as formed from the chitin which is left on the inner side of the calcareous wall by the calcification of the middle lamella only of the original chitinous ectocyst. S. neozelanica is thus to be regarded as a jointed species; and if what has been said above with regard to the arrangement of the zocecia is correct, the group of tubes may be derived from an originally Escharan (bilaminar) colony, with narrow branches given off in a pal- mate manner, a longitudinal division of the colony taking place with the formation of each fresh branch. The edge of the zocecia is very slightly raised, and slopes continuously into the post-oral shelf. This is finely tuber- cular, and often slopes continuously into the cryptocyst. The oral shelf is represented by a mere line. ‘The condyles are small. The oral arch is thick, and practically not raised above the level of the epitheca. The cryptocyst is thick and tubercular, not much thickened at the commenceinent of its descent, which is angulated and at right angles to the proximal portion. ‘The cavity of the median process is very deep, its upper opening usually in the form of a longitudinal shit, the cavity widening regularly as it descends until it reaches the same transverse diameter as the tube where it joins this 1 «Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc.,’ iii, 1889, p. 219, 2 See p. 227. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 263 structure. The periphery of the median process is everted. The cavity of the process, when seen from the distal side (fig. 30), is thus like a flask with a narrow neck and a spread- ing mouth. ‘he tube (¢.) is little more than a circular open- ing in the vertical cryptocyst. The opening is large, and commonly of the same width as the zocecium itself at this level. While it is usually separated from the deepest point of the zocecium by a part of the cryptocyst, its lateral boundaries are formed by the lateral walls of the zocecium, an arrangement peculiar to this form. In some cases the tube may, however, occupy the entire deeper part of the zocecium. Hach lateral wing of the median process commonly comes into contact with a tooth given off from the lateral part of the zocecium, thus limiting a complete “ opesiule” (fig. 4). The lateral recesses (fig. 50, 7.7.) have an unusual form. They are completely vertical, and, sharing in the great depth of the median process, they take the form of cavities which appear triangular when seen from the distal side, their apices being directed towards the axis of the branch. The epithecal sclerites (fig. 4, e.s.) are rather short, and do not quite reach the base of the operculum. No B zocecia have been found. ‘he a opercula (fig. 25) have four well- developed teeth on the main sclerite, which is massive, its proximal ends projecting considerably as rounded, sometimes trifoliate lobes. ‘The area included within the semicircular main sclerite is occupied by a complicated system of smaller secondary sclerites. A varying number of longitudinal bars, usually converging towards the middle line, and uniting with one another in various ways, start from a basal sclerite, and are united by a more or less transverse sclerite, which joins the main sclerite at its two ends, and may give off distally irregular longitudinal sclerites, some of which may join the main sclerite. ‘his set of sclerites is highly variable. Hach is a girder-like thickening, like the other sclerites of the operculum. The size of the opercula is very constant, averaging about 450. That of the specimen drawn is 500 nu, VoL, 43, PART 2,—NEW SERIES, Ly 264 SIDNEY F. HARMER, S. neozelanica, Busk, var. magutifica, Busk (MS.). Figs. 5, 26. The habit is encrusting, this variety covering large areas and appearing to have a special fondness for oyster shells. There are no rootlets. The basal wall is equal in size to the upper wall, as in other encrusting species. The edge is more distinct from the post-oral shelf, and the latter from the cryptocyst, than in the Vincularian form. ‘The oral shelf, as in the latter, is represented by a mere line. The condyles are not well marked. The oral arch is thick and more raised than in the Vincularian form. The cryptocyst is thick, proximally horizontal and tubercular, not much depressed, and it is slightly thickened at the angle formed by the commencement of its descent, which is vertical, the insertion being into the basal wall. The pores are rather small. The opening of the cavity of the median process is rounded or subtriangular, not slit-like as in the Vincularian form, with which, however, this variety agrees in the deep flask-shaped cavity of the median process. The expanded mouth of the median process does not meet the side of the zocecium, which has no tooth in this position. The lateral recesses are bounded proximally by a vertical portion of the cryptocyst. The tube is little more than a circular perforation in the cryptocyst, being well separated both from the basal and the lateral walls, and so differing from that of the Vincularian form. As the opening of the tube does not nearly reach the lateral walls of the zocecium, the proximal boundary of the lateral recess is not cut off by the tube from the deeper part of the ecryptocyst. The basal wall shows the insertion of the cryptocyst, which marks off a distal chamber whose base is more or less semi- circular or biconvex, the diameter of the semicircle (if of this form) being constituted by the base of the distal wall of the zocecium. The epithecal sclerites are subparallel, nearly straight, rather short, and do not reach the operculum. ‘he opercula (fig. 26) resemble those of the Vincularian A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA, 260 form, having four well-developed teeth and a series of secondary sclerites. ‘he young operculum shows the main sclerite only. The smaller sclerites consist of a_ basal sclerite, an irregularly arch-shaped sclerite which is roughly concentric with the main sclerite, and additional sclerites starting from these two. One of these may start from the arch-shaped sclerite opposite each of the four teeth, and unite with the main sclerite in such a way as to pass beneath its projecting edge and to form a buttress-like support for the tooth. Although the pattern of the opercula is very variable even in the same colony, there is usually a recognis- able difference between these opercula and those of the Vincularian form, in which there is commonly a more or less transverse secondary sclerite and a system of subparallel longitudinal sclerites between this and the basal sclerite. The proximal projections of the main sclerite of var. magnifica are usually hook-shaped on their outer side, but they commonly have a lobe on their inner side as well. The most striking difference between this and the Vincularian form is, however, the existence of numerous fine denticula- tions on the outer side of the base of the main sclerite. These appear to be constant in this variety, but I have seen no trace of them in the typical 8S. neozelanica. The size of the opercula is rather uniform. The average diameter is about 550 pe. I am very doubtful whether this form should be regarded as a distinct species, in which case Busk’s MS. name magnifica, affixed to the specimens fron Tongatabu, might be regarded as the specific name. he difference in habit between the Vincularian and the encrusting forms seems to be constant. Some of the other differences, such as the form of the basal wall, the boundaries of the tube, and the shape of the lateral recesses, are directly connected with the habit. Others, and in particular the denticulation of the opercula, the pattern of the secondary sclerites, and the shape of the median process, are not obviously connected with the habit. 266 SIDNEY F. HARMER. S. neozelanica has formed the subject of several de- scriptions. Hincks (1882) regards the encrusting and Vin- cularian forms as varieties of one species, and shows that the Vincularian habit cannot be regarded as a generic character. Waters (1885) states, if I understand him correctly, that in S. magnilabris the bifurcation of a longitudinal row of zocecia takes place on the distal side of a B zocecium: since the Vincularian S. neozelanica grows in a form in which there is no frequent multiplication of the rows, no B zocecia are found. I do not think that this is an adequate explana- tion of the absence of the B zocecia. It has been shown above that they may be absent or excessively rare in en- crusting species. It is, moreover, not the case that bifur- cation of a row takes place only on the distal side of a B zocecium ; and these are not necessarily larger than the a zocecia which are their neighbours. Waters in this paper calls attention to the four teeth and the secondary sclerites of the operculum of S. neozelanica. In 1887 Waters uses the term “shelf” in describing Steganoporella. Although he refers merely to what I have called the “ oral shelf,” I have found it convenient to extend the term to the thickened borders of the lateral and proximal walls. The diagrammatic longitudinal section given by Waters (1888) is not quite satisfactory, inasmuch as the epitheca is omitted, and the base of the operculum appears to be continuous with the median process. (111) B Opercula with a A-shaped main sclerite. Oral shelf well-developed, in B zocecia at least. This group consists of species in which, for the first time (with the exception of S. connexa in the previous groups), the B zocecia are ordinarily so common that no difficulty is experienced in finding them in even small fragments. Their A-shaped main sclerite gives them a character which is quite distinct from that of the first group of species. The two halves converge distally, and after a longer or shorter parallel course diverge outwards in a curved line, to become continu- A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 267 ous with the submarginal or tooth-bearing sclerite. In the distal part of their course the space between the halves of the main sclerite is floored by a transparent layer of chitin which has a sharp arch-like edge proximally (figs. 36, 41). This space contains living tissue, as is shown by its behaviour to staining reagents. It appears as a loop-shaped area, often dilated distally, between the two parallel halves of the distal region of the main sclerite. Hach of these halves becomes more and more prominent as it passes proximally, being pro- duced on the proximal side of the occlusor tubercle into a strong projection, which stands out to a considerable distance beneath the upper surface of the operculum. ‘The space between this projecting edge and the more externally placed base-line of the sclerite (on the proximal side of the occlusor tubercle) often appears as a fenestra (cf. fig. 36), but is more probably due to the fact that a thin vertical lamella of chitin connects a broad base with a broad edge. There is always a strong basal sclerite (b) ; and an oblique sclerite (0) runs from the proximal projection outwards as an additional buttress to this part of the operculum. The projecting ends are for the insertion of a strong muscle, as I hope to show on a future occasion. ‘This type of operculum differs widely from the B opercula of the first group of species, and I can hardly doubt that it is of great functional importance to the colony. The possession of this highly characteristic operculum may be regarded as indicat- ing the relationship of the species to other species similarly provided. The submarginal teeth of these B opercula are nearly always strong. The median process of the B zocecia is usually obviously narrower than that of the a zocecia. This is probably due to the larger muscles of the B form, necessitating a wider lateral recess, aud a consequent compression of the median process. Several very distinct types of a opercula occur in this group of species. I begin with the species in which these opercula are still of the “ undifferentiated” type. 268 SIDNEY F. HARMER. 8. &. haddon;'n. sp. “Wirs sli se, "a0. S. magnilabris, MacGill., “Mon. Tert. Pol. Victoria,” ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Vict.,’ iv, 1895, p. 53, pl. vi, figs. 14—16. B zocecia about twice as large as the A zocecia. Crypto- cyst descending gradually and slightly, without angulation, joining the distal wall rather high up. Median process wide,’ its distal border usually without poimted angles, its cavity not very deep, the roof of the tube forming its distal boundary rather than its floor. Opening of tube oblique, clearly visible from above; that of 4 zocecia usually com- pleted by the distal wall, that of B zocecia entirely sur- rounded by the cryptocyst. 8B zocecia with an enormous oral shelf ; their opercula usually longer than broad, the halves of the main sclerite being close together and parallel for a con- siderable distance distally, so that the sclerite is A-shaped rather than A-shaped; submarginal teeth fine, recurved, limited to the distal half of the operculum. a zocecia small ; ral shelf evanescent or narrow; their opercula undiffer- ntiated. (a) Torres Straits, Haddon Coll. (C. M., 24.2.98). (b) Port Darwin, N.W. Australia, H.M.S. “ Alert” (B. M. 82.2.23, 512). (c) Australia, Dr. J. H. Gray (B. M.). (d) Australia (B. M.). (e) Australia (B. M., 62.6.5, 18). jf) Australa, Busk Coll. (B. M., 62.6.5, 18) ; marked by Mr. Busk “8S. magnilabris, var.” [Various localities, Victoria (Tertiary), MacGillivray. | MacGillivray, who describes this form as a Tertiary fossil, appears to be the only author who has noticed it. He describes the B zocecia as having a shelf, which is seen from his fig. 14 a to be large, and to form a distinct ogee arch. The a zocecia have no shelf, or in some specimens a narrow shelf. One specimen had a conical process on the back of 1 Not so wide in B zoecia, see p. 267. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 269 the zocwcium (fig. 14 b), “ probably a modified radical tube.” The opening of the tube is well visible from above, being shown in both A and B zoccia. These characters clearly point to the species being identical with 8S. haddoni. Mac- Gillivray suggests that his fig. 15 may be 8. neozelanica. The dimorphism of the zoccia, the large oral shelf of 8, and the obliquity of the opening of the tube make that determi- nation improbable. I name this species in honour of my friend Dr. A. C. Haddon, whose collection from ‘Torres Straits formed the starting-point of the present paper. This species is probably of Hemescharan habit ; the largest piece (c) measuring 386 X 33 mm. There is very little varia- tion in the specimens I have examined. The zocecia are commonly arranged with great regularity, and in some speci- mens considerable parts of the colony are found in which the arrangement is— A 5 eae a eae A A ee eda 3 ed eee ce A In other cases the B zocecia may be less numerous, a zocecium of this form being followed in the same line by three, four, or even five A zocecia. The back is very charac- teristic. It of course shows no trace of the insertion of the cryptocyst. That of each zocecium is slightly convex, with 270 SIDNEY F. HARMER. intervening slight depressions between the longitudinal rows. ‘The back bears a moderate number of short cylindroid calcareous papille. ‘These are much more definite structures than the irregular outgrowths found on the back of many encrusting species which grow on irregular surfaces, Some of them have a rounded termination, while others are trun- cate; this truncation suggests that the papillae: may be con- tinued into chitinous rootlets, and one or two of the (dry) specimens appear to show remains of these rootlets, which are, however, much more delicate than those of the typical form of 8S. neozelanica. The edge is thin and much raised, passing gradually into the post-oral shelf, which is usually very narrow, especially proximally, though of considerable depth, and commonly slopes gradually into the cryptocyst. ‘The oral shelf is narrow or vestigial in a zocecia, but of great horizontal extent in the B forms, where it is finely tuberculated, flat or concave above, its free edge somewhat upwardly directed at two distal points which more or less distinctly give it the form of a trifoliate or ogee arch. The space above the shelf is, however, to a considerable extent due to the fact that this part of the zocecium overlaps the next zocecium on its distal side, the curved transverse line (fig. lla) being the upper end of the wall of separation between the cavity of the B zocecium and that of its next neighbour distally. The oral arch is not much raised; it is rounded in A zocecia, quad- rangular (with rounded distal corners) and parallel-sided in B. The cryptocyst is thin, with large pores; it slopes gradually and gently into the median process and the lateral recesses, its slope often beginning from its proximal border, so that it is hardly possible to speak of a horizontal portion as in most of the species. From the cryptocyst which enters the median process the upper wall of the tube usually rises without any angulation. ‘lhe descending part of the cryptocyst is, owing to its slight descent, much more easily seen than in any of the preceding species, and it entirely hides the basal wall of the zocecium, except by deep focussing through the opening A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 271 of the tube. ‘lhe median process in 4 is broader than long ; in B longer than broad. Its border is not much everted, nor with pointed distal corners; and its cavity is shallow. The tube in B zocecia is usually surrounded by the cryptocyst, its low lateral walls sloping down distally, so that the distal border of the tube has no raised wall. In a zoccia the tube is incomplete distally, though its wall may be more developed than in fig. 11. The lateral recesses commonly have a par- tial roof, formed by a thin upstanding calcareous lamella continuous with the lateral wing of the median process, from which it passes proximally and then forwards on the outer side of the lateral recess. The epithecal sclerites are small and inconspicuous, sepa- rated by a wide interval from the operculum. The B opercula (fig. 38) are quite distinctive. They are of great size in pro- portion to the a opercula ; they are more or less quadrangular, with rounded distal corners, and are usually longer than broad. ‘There are nineteen to twenty-four fine, long, sharp, recurved teeth, borne on the distal half only of a thin sub- marginal sclerite. The distal part of the A-shaped main sclerite is formed of two long, prominent, parallel bars, the loop between which is not much dilated distally. The chi- tinous floor of this space ends at the proximal end of the parallel portion, the space on the proximal side of its edge between the diverging parts of the sclerite being triangular. The occlusor tubercles are small. The proximal projections are very prominent, and are somewhat everted with a con- cavity on their inner sides. ‘The basal sclerite is strong, and the oblique sclerite well marked. The A opercula (fig. 39) are of the ‘undifferentiated ” type, and closely resemble those of some of the preceding species. The diameter of the a opercula in the type specimen (a) is about 490, and that of the B forms about 520. The a opercula of specimen e average about 350 , and the B forms about 450 972 SIDNEY F. HARMER. 9. 8S. buskii,n. sp. Figs. 13, 33—35. Membranipora magnilabris (part), Busk, ‘ Brit. Mus. Cat.,’ 11, 1854, p. 62. B zocecia much less than twice as large as A zocecia. Cryptocyst descending gradually and slightly, without angu- lation, joining the distal wall at a high level. Median process wide and short in A zocecia, much narrower in B, its distal border usually produced into projecting points; its cavity shallow, limited beneath by the descending cryptocyst, and distally by the roof of the tube. Opening of tube nearly horizontal, entirely visible from above, completed by the distal wall in both a and s. Oral shelf not much more de- veloped in B than in A. B opercula with A-shaped main sclerite, with numerous small submarginal teeth, sometimes vestigial, the series beginning near the proximal end of the operculum. Parallel portions of the halves of the main sclerite of moderate length, the arch formed by the proximal parts wide and evenly rounded. a opercula undifferentiated. (a) Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, Miss EH. C. Jelly (C. M., 24.5.95). (b) Algoa Bay (three slides), Busk Coll. (B. M., 99.7.1, 404—406). (c) Shahr, South Arabia (B. M., 94.6.18, 7a). (d) Reef in Talisse Island, North Celebes, Professor S. J. Hickson (C. M.). (e) Thursday Island, Torres Straits, four fathoms, H.M.S. “ Alert ” (B. M., 82.2.28, 512). (f) Australia (B. M., 50.8.28, 9). This species is named in honour of Mr. Busk, to whom the first description of a species of Steganoporella is due. The examination of the three slides (b) from Mr. Busk’s col- lection in the possession of the British Museum shows that the original description of 8. magnilabris (but not the figure) was based on two distinct species. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 2793 The characters of this species are sufficiently well marked, though it is distinguished by a considerable amount of varia- bility. It is encrusting or Hscharan, possibly sometimes Hemescharan. The slight descent of the cryptocyst is shared only by 8. haddoni, and to a less extent by S. truncata. The combination of a B operculum thickened in a A-like manner with an “ undifferentiated” a operculum is only found in 8. haddoni of the species at present known; and this differs from 8. buskii in the great relative size of the B zocecia, and their enormous oral shelf, besides many details in the B opercula, and in particular the restriction of the teeth to the distal half. The edge is thin and rather distinctly separated from the post-oral shelf, which is narrow, small proximally, and is covered by sharp tuberculations which may give it a denti- culate appearance. The oral shelf is not much more de- veloped in 8 than in 4. The condyles are conspicuous in B, smaller in a. The oral arch is well raised; a transversely elongated fenestra (or semi-transparent part of the distal cal- careous wall) within the oral arch in 4 and B is conspicuous in some specimens (a), and indicates the extent to which the zocecium overlaps the next in the series. The cryptocyst is sharply separated from the post-oral shelf; it is thin, with conspicuously large pores, and slopes gently, without any angulation, into the cavity of the median process and the floor of the lateral recesses. Some specimens show the cryptocyst in a very simple condition. Its descent in (c) is unusually slight, and there is nothing to distinguish the commencement of the floor of the lateral recesses except the cessation of the pores of the horizontal part. The median process, although of the typical form, is small and has an un- usually shallow cavity, whose floor is nearly in the same plane as that of the lateral recesses. The margins of the median process are not continued to form a proximal boundary to the lateral recesses. The opening of the tube is entirely visible from above; it is nearly circular, completed as usual by the distal wall, its lateral walls being so low as to appear 274 SIDNEY F. HARMER. like a narrow border on each side of the opening. The a opercula of this specimen are perfectly typical, and two B opercula found, so far as can be seen in the dry preparation, are in no way remarkable. ‘lhe specimen has much less than the normal proportion of B zocecia. ‘he South African specimens (a, b) show the simple cha- racter of the cryptocyst in a somewhat less marked way. The sides of the median process are usually continued obliquely across the proximal border of the lateral recesses as far as the sides of the zocecia, though fading away to a mere line before they reach this part. The lateral recesses are thus sharply outlined; their floor is at a hardly deeper level than that of the cavity of the median process, and its plane is somewhat different, since it slopes basalwards as it passes from the tube to the side of the zocecium. Ina few cases a distinct curved line, with its concavity towards the median process, runs transversely across the cryptocyst from one lateral recess to the other. The part of the cryptocyst on the distal side of this line is thin-walled, transparent, and usually without pores. I can offer no suggestion with regard to this appearance, which may have bearings on the function of the median process. The difference in the size of the lateral recesses in A and B is striking, indicating a difference in the development of their muscular system. The opening of the tube is usually narrower distally ; its sides meet the distal wall in a highly characteristic way; they are alike in both a and B, and the first impression produced by examining them without sufficient focussing is that of a line on each side of the opening fixed to the distal wall by an expanded foot. The lateral wall of the tube is, in fact, somewhat expanded aud thickened where it joins the distal wall. The tentacle- sheath, in its passage through the tube, must lie in contact with the distal wall, instead of being separated from it, as in some other species, by a part of the cryptocyst. The basal wall of the zocecium is not visible from above, except by deep focussing through the opening of the tube. The back shows merely the origin of the four vertical walls. ‘The proximal A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 275 or distal wall, on the contrary, shows two curved obliquely horizontal lines (fig. 33) corresponding with the insertion of the floors of the two lateral recesses. The epithecal sclerites are short, nearly straight, distant from one another, and not nearly reaching the operculum. The 8 opercula (fig. 34) have about thirty submarginal teeth. The series begins not far from the base of the oper- culum, and the teeth are short and small, or even vestigial. The submarginal sclerite is not sharply defined, and the parallel part of the main sclerite projects but little above the general level of the operculum. On the proximal region of this part the halves of the main sclerite diverge so as to form a bold arch, which is completed distally by the edge of the chitinous portion which connects the two parallel parts of the bar. The projecting proximal ends of the sclerite are less everted than those of 8. haddoni. ‘The basal and oblique sclerites are well developed. The a opercula (fig. 35) are of the ‘‘ undifferentiated ” type. This species is a somewhat variable one. The Port Eliza- beth specimens (a) are bilaminar, while that from North Celebes (d) is encrusting. The zocecia of the South African forms (a, b) are larger than those from other localities, and their opercula are more robust. There is considerable varia- tion in the form of the opercula. The B form shown in fig. 54 may be regarded as a long one, as it is considerably longer than broad ; others, even of the same colony, being relatively much shorter and even a good deal broader than long, In these cases the parallel portion of the main sclerite is shorter than in fig. 34. The specimen (e) from Torres Straits has conspicuously short and broad B opercula. The diameter of the opercula (in pu) is as follows: B. A. Specimen a (Port Elizabeth) 500—590 . 420—560 - c (South Arabia). — . 3840—500 d (North Celebes) . 560 . 450—560 f (Australia) : 500 . 370—450 3) ) 276 SIDNEY F. HARMER. 10. S. truncata, n.sp. Figs. 9, 36, 37. S. magnilabris, Busk, ‘Challenger Report,’ pt. xxx, 1884, p. 75 (Port Dalrymple) ; MacGillivray, in McCoy’s ‘ Prodr. Zool. Vict.,’ vol. i, decade 6, 1881, p. 43, pl. Ix, fig. 1; and ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria,’ xxii, 1887, p. 208. B zocecia hardly larger than a zocecia. Cryptocyst descend- ing rather steeply, without angulation, to join the distal wall at or below half its height. Median process well developed, usually with rounded distal angles, and with deep cavity into which the cryptocyst descends steeply, the roof of the tube being visible in its floor. Opening of tube oblique, entirely visible from above, completed by the distal wall, or complete and separated by a narrow portion of the cryptocyst from the distal wali. Oral shelf well developed in both a and B, not tubercular. Oral arch of B semicircular, of a truncate, and usually slightly concave distally. B-opercula very strong, with A-shaped main sclerite, and with about twenty sub- marginal teeth, all except a few of the proximal ones being stout, long, and nearly erect. A opercula transversely oblong, with rounded corners; a strong tooth on the main sclerite not far on the distal side of the occlusor tubercle, and a strong basal sclerite. (a) Victoria (Port Phillip, etc.), Miss E. C. Jelly (C. M., 245.95). (b) Victoria, Hincks Collection (C. M., 13.5.99). (c) Victoria, Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer (C. M., 1899). (d) Port Dalrymple, Tasmania, voyage “ Rattlesnake,” Busk Collection (B. M., 51.9.29, 34). The name which I suggest for this well-marked species is in allusion to the truncate form of the A zocecia (fig. 9). By this character (already noticed by MacGillivray), and the shape of the opercula with their dark brown sclerites, the species can be recognised at a glance. The two large teeth of the a opercula distinguish it at once from any other species A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 277 with A-shaped sclerite in the B opercula. The union of the cryptocyst with the distal wall, and the deep cavity of the median process, are also important characters. MacGillivray states that this form is Escharan, Hemes- charan, or encrusting. He records an Escharan colony which measured no less than 13 X 9 x 6G inches. Of the material at my disposal, c and d are mere fragments, a and b are both bilaminar or Escharan, with anastomosing plates, and have somewhat the habit of Lepraliafoliacea. At the lines of union of the plates the two layers of zocecia diverge, so that hollow cavities originate, lined by the basal walls of the zocecia. Considerable unilaminar pieces may thus occur at the nodal lines. The ratio of a to Bis about 4—5:1. No constant difference in this ratio was noticed in ‘different parts of the colony, or on its opposite faces. The edge is thin, a good deal raised, and well separated from the post-oral shelf. his is slightly tubercular, deep, and massive, being well developed even proximally. The oral shelf is about equally developed in a and zB. It has the form of a perfectly smooth rounded fillet, a well-developed concave space with smooth floor occurring between it and the oral arch. ‘The condyles are strong, especially in Bs. The oral arch is slightly raised; that of B semicircular, of A with straight parallel sides and a truncate distal border, which is usually slightly concave distally. Cryptocyst either sloping gently into the post-oral shelf or sharply separated from it; its horizontal portion is very small, thick, and with small pores, whose outer opening may be obviously smaller than the inner opening. It slopes steeply, but without any angulation, into the cavity of the median process. The cryptocyst is usually porous in this region, but an imperfo- rate part, forming the proximal wall of the cavity, may be separated from the horizontal part of the cryptocyst by a curved line, as in 8. buskii. The median process has a deep cavity, floored by the convex roof of the tube, which may arise from the cryptocyst at an angle (as in fig. 9), or with a continuous slope. The borders of the median process are 278 SIDNEY F. HARMER. usually continued across the proximal edge of the deep lateral recesses to join the sides of the zocecia, and the lateral re- cesses may be margined in their proximal half by a thin upstanding flange of calcareous matter. The lateral walls of the tube are well developed. In both a and 8 the base of the tube may, in some cases, be a hole in the descending cryptocyst, a narrow portion of which intervenes between it and the distal wall. The walls of the tube may not, how- ever, grow from the entire margin of this hole, the tube growing upwards in such a way that its lateral walls unite with the distal wall of the zocecium, and being thus incom- plete above. The appearance seen in the A zocecium of fig. 9 is thus produced. The basal wall of the zocecium is, of course, invisible from above. The epithecal sclerites are long and gently curved, reaching the base of the operculum, usually more distant from one another in a than in sp. The B opercula (fig. 36) are re- markably strong, with coarse, sharply pointed, nearly erect teeth, which are so strong that their bases can be clearly seen from above through the dry operculum. The longest teeth may reach 65 uw in length. The submarginal sclerite is strong. The halves of the main sclerite are widely separated distally, enclosing a space which is dilated dis- tally, the edge of its chitinous floor forming a somewhat pointed arch with the proximal part of the main sclerite. The two bars composing this end proximally in a stout pro- jection. The occlusor tubercle is very large and strong. The basal (b) and oblique (0) sclerites are as usual well deve- loped. The characteristic form of the A opercula (fig. 37) has already been described ; their most striking characters are their large size and the development of a strong tooth just beyond the occlusor tubercle on each side of the main sclerite, which is far removed from the periphery of the operculum. The occurrence of a distinct and strong basal sclerite is an unusual feature in a opercula. Should an A zocecium give rise to two younger zocecia at its distal end, its oral arch and its operculum are more or less semicircular. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 279 I have found very little variation in this species, my specimens of which have, however, come from practically one locality. ‘The characters of the opercula are remarkably constant. It need hardly be pointed out that where a zocecium is restricted in its growth by want of room its operculum may be abnormally small. Leaving these cases out of account, the diameter of 4 opercula varies between 490 and 640 n, with an average of about 525 4; that of B opercula between 500 and 620 uw, with an average of about 550 un. 11. S. magnilabris, Busk. Figs. 10, 31, 44—46. Membranipora grandis, Busk, ‘ Cat. Mar. Polyzoa Brit. Mus.,’ i, 1852, p. vi (explanation of pl. Ixv), pl. lxv, fig. 4. Membranipora magnilabris, Busk, ibid., ii, 1854, p- 62 (part), 118, ? Haswell, ‘Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales,’ v, 1881, p. 38. Steginoporella elegans, Smitt, ‘Svenska Ak. Handl.,’ xi, No. 4, 1873, p. 15, pl. iv, figs. 96—101. Steganoporella magnilabris, Hincks, ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.’ (5), ix, 1882, p. 1238 [Abrolhos I., Singa- pore], ? pl. v, figs. 8, 8a; Busk, ‘ Challenger Rep.,’ pt. xxx, 1884, pp. 75, 76 (woodcuts, fig. 4), ple xxi, figs, 25,20: § Ortmann, “Arch, -£. Naturg.,’ lvi, 1, 1890, p. 380, pl. ui, fig. 7. B zocecia considerably larger than the a zocecia. Crypto- cyst descending at right angles, without or with thickened angulation, to join the basal wall. Median process usually with high walls, and often with a somewhat thickened distal edge supporting the basal sclerite of the operculum ; its cavity moderately deep (exceptionally shallow or absent), its floor wide, formed by the convex roof of the tube. Opening of tube vertical, not or hardly visible from above, complete basally, or completed by the basal wall of the zocecium, oral shelf distinct in both a and 8, larger in B, where the cavity between the shelf and the oral arch is specially large. B VOL, 45, PART 2,—NEW SERIES, U 280 SIDNEY F. HARMER. opercula usually elongated, with nearly parallel sides ; the main sclerite A-shaped; submarginal teeth developed round the entire free border of the operculum, the proximal ones small or vestigial, the distal ones long and recurved. A opercula with numerous submarginal teeth ; arch formed by the main sclerite usually somewhat pointed. (a) Abrolhos Islet, coast of Brazil, 20 fathoms, Voy. “ Beagle,’ Darwin Coll. (B. M., 54.11.15, 222). (Type-) (b) Abrolhos Islet, Busk Coll. (B. M., 99.7.1, 403). (c) Pedro Bank, 40—50 miles 8. of Jamaica, 10—12 fathoms (on coral), J. E. Duerden, Esq. (C. M., 30.6.99). (d) St. Vincent, W. I. (B. M., 40.10.28, 18). (e) Off Honolulu, Challenger Coll., 20—40 fathoms (B. M.). (f) Port Molle, Queensland, 12—20 fathoms, H.M.S. “ Alert” (B..M., 82.2.28, 443). (g) Tizard Reef, China Sea, 27 fathoms (B. M., 89.8.21, 10). (h) Singapore, Hincks Coll. (B. M., 99.5.1, 260). (7) St. 208, Challenger Coll. (Philippine Is.), 17th Jan., 1875, 18 fathoms (B. M.). j (j) John Adams’ Bank,' H.M.S. “ Herald,’ Busk Coll. (B. M., 99.7.1, 407). (k) ? loc., “On Meandrina,” Busk Coll. (B. M., 99.7.1, 402). (1) ? loc., ‘‘Off Brain-stone,’ Hincks Coll. (B. M., 99.5.1, 262). [Florida, 15—37 fathoms, Smitt; Japan, slight depths to 200 fathoms, very common, Ortmann. | The figure illustrating the original description of this species was published in the first part of the ‘ British Museum Catalogue’ (1852), the name Membranipora grandis ap- pearing in the explanation to the plates. The description was published in the second part of the Catalogue (1854). l See p. 254. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 281 As Busk had himself dropped the earlier specific name, and as later writers have accepted that given in the diagnosis (1854), I have preferred to retain the familiar name. The locality “ Algoa Bay,” given by Busk, does not refer to this species, but to what I have called 8. Buskii (see p. 272). As the locality ‘‘Abrolhos Islet”’ stands first in the diagnosis, and as, moreover, the figure refers to the species from that locality (as may be concluded in particular from the form of the a opercula and the presence in them of a basal sclerite), it is clear that Busk’s name should be applied to the S. American form. In the ‘Challenger Report’ Busk gives unmistakable figures (p. 76) of the opercula (a and zB) of this species, describing the two forms of zocecia; and calls atten- tion to the epithecal sclerites (‘‘furcate spicula”’). The statement that the epitheca is closely adherent proximally to the calcareous lamina is not correct; and the generic diagnosis must be amended by stating that the cryptocyst may join the distal wall instead of the basal (‘‘ posterior ’’) wall. It is at present premature to speak of the B zocecia as the “fertile cells.’ Fig. 2a on pl. xxii of Busk’s Report is somewhat misleading, inasmuch as the B opercula are shaded in precisely the same way as the zocecia which have lost their opercula. Biflustra crassa, Haswell,! is given by some authors as a synonym of 8. magnilabris. I do not think there is sufficient evidence for regarding this species as a Stegano- porella. Haswell gives Membranipora magnilabris in his list of species; and although the zoarial character doubtless guided him in assigning B. crassa to Biflustra, I think it would be difficult for the same writer to refer two forms of Steganoporella to different genera on account of differences in their habit without at least calling attention to the resemblance of their zocecia. This widely distributed species occurs in various forms. Most of those I have seen are encrusting, but (e) is Escharan, as figured in the ‘ Challenger Report.’ Smitt states that 1 «Proce. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.,’ v, 1881, p. 38, pl. i, fig. 8. 282 SIDNEY F. HARMER, the species occurs in encrusting, Hemescharan (of “ Sipho- nella form”’’—not to be confused with Siphonoporella, Hincks) and Escharan growth, at a depth of 15—37 fathoms off Florida. If all the specimens which I have referred to S. magnilabris are correctly placed there, the species must be regarded as a somewhat variable one. It is the only form with A-shaped main sclerite in the B opercula in which the cryptocyst of both a and B zocecia joins the basal wall ata considerable distance from the distal wall. The large ex- posure of the basal wall and the invisibility of the opening of the tube, when seen from above, are characteristic marks of this species, which is, moreover, peculiar in the possession of well-developed submarginal teeth in the a opercula. The following description refers to the type-specimen (fig. 10) :—The edge is thin and sharply separated from the post- oral shelf. This is but slightly developed, finely tubercular, and may be vestigial proximally. The oral shelf is moderate in B, narrower in A, where it is mostly smooth, and may be con- spicuously denticulate near the base of the oral arch. The condyles are much larger in B than in a. The oral arch is much raised ; by the overlapping of the zocecia over their next neighbours distally there is a large concave space in the B zocecia, between the oral arch and shelf. The oral arch of B is much larger than that of a, the shape corresponding with that of the respective opercula. The cryptocyst is sharply separated from the post-oral shelf (except, as in most other species, at the distal corners of its horizontal portion), descending steeply (without any angulation in the type-specimen) into the cavity of the median process. This is wider in a than in B; it is moderately deep, its wide, rather long floor being constituted by the convex roof of the tube, whose opening is vertical and invisible from above. The lateral recesses are commonly very asymmetrical, only one meeting the basal wall, the floor of the other passing into the lateral wall of its side. On examining the back of the specimen this arrangement gives rise to the appearance of fig. 31. The thick curved line rising from the left lateral A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 283 wall is the line of insertion of the cryptocyst, forming the proxi- mal boundary of the corresponding lateral recess. The thin line running transversely from this to the opposite lateral wall may or may not be present. If it is absent, the tube is com- pleted by the basal wall, and we have here a case precisely like that of Siphonoporella delicatissima (see p. 282), where the tube rises asymmetrically from one side of the base of the zocecium. If the thin line is present the tube has a completed wall, and is connected with the basal wall by a thin transverse septum, which is part of the cryptocyst. If the cryptocyst of both lateral recesses meets the basal wall two thick curved lines appear. The asymmetry of 8S. magnilabris, taken in conjunction with what has been said under S. lateralis, seems to me to have an important bearing in showing the derivation of Steganoporella from an asymmetrical ancestor. The lateral walls of the tube are well developed. The lateral recesses are often partly roofed in by a thin flange of calcareous matter more or less continuous with the sides of the median process, but principally developed at the outer side of the lateral recess. The epithecal sclerites are short, not very conspicuous, and they are widely separated from the operculum. 8B zocecia occur in large numbers. In some parts each B is followed in the longitudinal row by two a, and the second of these by another 8B; in others, three or more A intervene between each two B, and sometimes only one A. The B opercula (fig. 44) vary a good deal in size and shape, without, however, losing their distinctive characters, the most important of which is the arrangement of the teeth. These are developed along the whole length of the submarginal sclerite ; the proximal ones are small, but the distal ones are very long, strong and recurved. Minute teeth may excep- tionally occur between the larger ones (as in the figured specimen). The parallel part of the main sclerite is usually moderately long, though not so long and narrow as in 8. Haddoni. The B operculum is commonly elongated, with 284. SIDNEY F. HARMBER. straight nearly parallel sides (fig. 44), or it may be short and broad, intermediate conditions also occurring. The number of teeth varies from twenty to twenty-four (not counting the minute intermediate teeth), the proximal six or seven on each side being very small. The a opercula (fig. 45) are even more distinctive, being characterised by the possession of 26—33 minute submarginal teeth, which absolutely distinguish this species from all others at present known. ‘The main sclerite has the form of a pointed or Gothic arch, this feature being well shown in the figures given by Busk (B. M. Cat.) and Smitt, and there is a distinct basal sclerite, which is thinner medianly. The following points may be noted about the specimens from other localities. One of the Jamaica specimens (c) agrees well with the type, except that the cryptocyst is angular and thickened at the beginning of its descent. Most of the B opercula are long and parallel-sided. One abnormally small B has only thirteen teeth. Another Jamaica specimen is remarkable for the great size and strength of the opercula of both kinds (see measurements below). The a opercula (fig. 46), which vary a good deal in their relative length and in their outline, have unusually large distal teeth, borne on a distinct submarginal sclerite. The main sclerite is a good deal expanded at its anterior end. If this process were to continue, the sclerite might meet the submarginal sclerite and give rise to a form of operculum essentially similar to 8B, although it will be noticed that the proximal ends of the main sclerite are of the A form. The B opercula of this colony are rare, and one or two are of gigantic size, though not differing in any essential detail from the type. ‘The flanges of the sides of the zocecia which roof the lateral recesses give off a process distally which meets the lateral border of the median process ; some- times the opesiule thus cut off is subdivided by a second similar process, thus approaching the condition found in S. connexa, although differing from that species in that the formation of the opesiules is not due to out- A REVISION OF THE GENUS SIRGANOPORELLA. 285 growths from the median process. This has unusually everted walls, its cavity may be otherwise normal, but in several cases it is shallow or even evanescent. The (ueens- land specimen (f) approaches the one last described in the form of the main sclerite of the a opercula, which are distinctly large, and in the large size of their teeth, which number from 22 to 24, The B opercula are relatively short, the parallel part of the main sclerite being little developed. The number of teeth is only 18 to 20, the minute proximal teeth being fewer than in the type. In some of the zocecia the cavity of the median process is unusually shallow or even evanescent, the convex (tuberculated) roof of the tube being almost on a level with the proximal part of the cryptocyst ; but it may resemble that of the type. The cavity may be developed on only one side of the roof of the tube. The cryptocyst may be somewhat thickened and tuberculated at the commencement of its descent. Specimen d (St. Vincent; without opercula) and k and 1 (doubtful locality) are not specially noteworthy ; & has no opercula; 7 (John Adams’ Bank, cf. p. 254) is also a normal S. magnilabris. Specimen e (Honolulu) is of Escharan habit, with narrow branches, as described in the Challenger Report. The zocecia and opercula are distinctly small, p being variable in form ; the teeth of A are very minute and even vestigial, and the basal sclerite is hardly complete across the middle. The calcareous parts are, in the older regions of the colony, more massive than in the type, both oral and post-oral shelf being more developed and more tubercular. The horizontal part of the cryptocyst is smaller and thicker, and may be thickened and tubercular where it joins the descending portion. The asymmetry of the lateral recesses is well marked here, as in other cases. Specimen 2 (Philippine Islands), which is not alluded to inthe ‘Challenger Reports’ (xxx and Ixxix), is of Hscharan habit, but is more foliaceous than the last specimen. The B opercula are relatively short, though with distinct parallel portion of 286 SIDNEY F. HARMER. the main sclerite; their teeth number 16 to 21, the proximal ones being very minute. The a opercula (which, like the others, are thin and delicate) have even more vestigial teeth ; the more distal ones alone can be made out, and not more than twenty can be counted. The opening of the tube is unusually wide, its sides sloping very much outwards and downwards, and then somewhat approaching one another, to join the basal wall, which completes the tube. In a good many of the zocecia one of the lateral walls of the cavity of the median process is not developed. The cryptocyst may be thickened at the commencement of its descent. Specimen g (Tizard Reef) agrees well with many of the other specimens. Its back is very nodular, probably from having encrusted an irregular surface. The opercula are normal, A having twenty-seven small teeth, and 8 twenty-four teeth (one operculum of each kind mounted); 8 is short and nearly semicircular. Specimen h is the merest fragment, but the characters of its (dry) opercula show it to belong to this species. It is of importance as giving another locality for the species. Measurements of Opercula (in pw) and Number of their Teeth. A B SSS SSE SS | | BLPC, Locality. Diameter. Length. | Nove Diameter.| Length. | No 6k "yetwal SN 8 es 4 Sy Ve ea eeiae pelea ie a Abrolhos Is. j 450 430-480 26-38 | 480-580) 600-730 20-24 cl Jamaica , . 850-460 | 870-480 30-31 | 820-570 | 430-7202) 13-25 ce x . «480-650 | 480-640 30-82 | 890-960 | 970-1050 20-24. e€ Honolulu. . 820-370 3830-420 29-33 370-400 | 450-5380 | 23-27 ip Queensland . 480-610 450-580 | 22-24) 560-610| 540-610 | 18-20 g |Tizard Reef .| 400 370 27 620 580 =| 24 ~ | Philippine Is. . 400-450 330-880 18-20 450-580| 420-520 | 16-21 l ? 6 430 410 | 37 | 410-640} 500-580 | 20-27 1 The length is measured obliquely from the proximal end of one of the halves of the main sclerite to the distal border (median) of the operculum. 2 Leaving one operculum out of account, the figures would be :—s, diam. 430-570; length 590-720. 3 One or two smaller opercula (Bb) were u0l measured, A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 287 12. S. alveolata, nu. sp. Figs. 12, 32, 40, 41. A and B zocecia of about equal size, 4 extremely rare; both forms shortly oblong with angles hardly rounded, the oral arch hardly distinguishable. Cryptocyst descending steeply, without angulation ; in B inserted at or near the junction of the basal and distal walls, in a meeting the basal wall at a great distance from the distal wall. Median process with very deep cavity, the roof of the tube forming its floor ; with rounded, often everted border in B, appearing transversely oblong in a. Opening of tube oblique or nearly vertical, visible or hardly visible from above, complete or incomplete distally (or basally). Oral shelf forming a trifoliate arch in B, with a series of marginal sockets or alveoli, each of which receives a tooth of the closed operculum; in a forming a rounded arch. 8 opercula with strong A-shaped main sclerite and a series of extremely strong, curved submarginal teeth, each of which fits into a distinct socket in the calcareous part of the zocecium when closed. a opercula transversely oblong, with basal sclerite and without teeth. Channel between Mer and Dauer, Murray Islands, Torres Straits, March 12th, 1889, Haddon Collection (C. M., 24.2.98). This species was obtained, well preserved, in spirit, and by its means I have been able to make out some of the details of the structure of the genus; these I hope to publish sub- sequently. The species is in some ways the most interesting of all, the evolution of the B opercula reaching their highest point. They are moved by enormous muscles, and the occur- rence of sockets to receive the points of the teeth is a unique feature in the genus. The excessive rarity of the a zoccia is another remarkable feature ; in one mounting I counted only 6 a to 198 8; in another case 3 4 to 86 B. The description is based on a single piece, of Hemescharan habit. The zocecia are in the usual longitudinal rows, and are very regularly quincuncial. The edge is slightly raised and thin ; and the oral archis hardly higher than the edge of the 288 SIDNEY F. HARMER. proximal part of the zocecium. The arch is usually not rounded asin the great majority of forms (a zocecia of S. truncata excepted), but is typically transversely oblong, with angular distal corners, giving this species an aspect entirely peculiar to itself. A few B zocecia occur, however, with a nearly semi- circular oral arch, even in zocecia which do not precede the division of a longitudinal row. The post-oral shelf is tuber- cular and very deep, descending steeply to the much depressed horizontal cryptocyst, from which it is sharply separated ; it is usually narrower proximally. The oral shelf of a forms a semicircular arch, whose upper surface is smooth and regularly concave, and there are, of course, no tooth alveoli. That of B 1s trifoliate, its upper surface slightly concave medianly and just distally to the condyles, but strongly convex above in the latero-distal parts which render the arch trifoliate. The shelf of Bis of an entirely different character from that of other species. Whilst in these the shelf is usually concave above, or in any case so arranged that there is a considerable cavity between it and the closed operculum, the two convex parts of the oral shelf of S. alveolata stand up above the level of the oral arch, and the concave surfaces of the operculum be- tween the distal end of the main sclerite and the submarginal sclerite actually come into contact with and are supported by these convexities when the operculum is closed. ‘The oral arch is no thicker than the post-oral edge, and thus is entirely different from the strong oral arch of other species. The occurrence of the series of tooth-alveoli just within the very thin oral arch is highly remarkable. A smaller oval shelf can be made out in the figure at a deeper level than the main shelf. This may be regarded as the basal edge of the thick oral shelf. This edge does not project in A. The condyles are strong. The cryptocyst is thick and tubercular, its hori- zontal part small in B, very small in 4; the pores are of medium size. ‘l'he descent into the median process is very steep, but without angulation. The cavity of the process is deep, short and broad in a, and with a rounded, everted border in B. It may, however, be much compressed, and A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 289 with less everted border than in the specimen figured. The opening of the tube is usually just visible from above, although it is nearly vertical. The basal wall of a is largely exposed from above, since the cryptocyst is inserted at a great dis- tance from its distal end. In B, although the lateral recesses are very deep, their floor (formed by the cryptocyst) usually slopes so as to meet the base of the distal wall, or the distal end of the basal wall. Although the tube may be complete distally, it is commonly incomplete. In A it appears to be asymmetrical, one wall joining the lateral wall of the zocecium, the other joining the basal wall (fig. 12). It is also often asymmetrical in B (as in fig. 12), and this is correlated with a curious difference in the lateral recesses. While the floor of the left one (in the figure) joins the lateral and distal walls only, that of the right one, while joining these two walls, dips down medianly at its distal end to meet the basal wall on the distal side of the tube. In other words, the cavity of the right lateral recess (in this particular zocecium). reaches the basal wall at a small region in or near the middle line of the distal end of the zocecium; and this results in the formation of a small circular or slit-like mark (fig. 32) on the back of some of the zoccia. This is, of course, not present if the cryptocyst joins the distal wall only. It may, however, be regarded as a common character of this species. It may be noted that the vertical walls of this species are very thick and strong. I have not found distinct epithecal sclerites. The B opercula (fig. 41) have nearly always six to eight strong curved distal teeth (counting the two corner ones, which are often specially large); and there are usually two to four on each side besides; this number is not often exceeded. In one case minute interstitial teeth were observed, as in fig. 44 (S. magnilabris). The opercula have the usual delicate border outside the strong submarginal sclerite; and it is obvious that this flange is of importance in fitting closely over the zocwcium, and being so thin as to leave no edge which could be lifted up by any intruding animal. The 290 SIDNEY F. HARMER. closure of this species must be remarkably effective. The parallel part of the main sclerite is short, and the cavity therein included is much dilated transversely at its distal end. ‘The proximal ends of the main sclerite are very stout. The a opercula (fig. 40) are large and transversely oblong. There is a distinct basal sclerite and a fine submarginal sclerite in addition to the main strengthening arch. Key to tHE SPECIES OF STEGANOPORELLA. (x opercula with four teeth on the ne main sclerite . : : é 2 ek opercula with two teeth or none on the main sclerite : 5 = L ( A opercula with an enormous sub- | basal sclerite . ; . 6. S.auriculata. 2<~ A opercula with small secondary | sclerites within the main le sclerite . ; ; : . 7. 8.neozelanica. ( B opercula with A-shaped main sclerite . 4 3 : : 4 3< B opercula with fM-shaped main sclerite ; these opercula usually [ rare : : ‘ : F 8 ( A opercula with straight or slightly concave distal border, more or less distinctly transversely ob- long, and with a basal sclerite. 4% B opercula with stout teeth . 5 A opercula with very convex distal border. 8B opercula with minute teeth or none in their proximal L half, or with all the teeth small 6 A REVISION OF THER GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 291 ia opercula with a pair of strong teeth on the main sclerite, just | distal to the occlusor tubercle. B opercula convex distally, with | a series of strong, slightly curved, suberect teeth . SOS) tromeat a. e | A opercula rare, without teeth. B ae opercula transversely oblong, | with six to eight strong curved submarginal teeth distally, and | two or three others on each side; the teeth fittimg into | sockets in the calcareous z0ce- i cium ‘ : ; ; . 12. 8. alveolata. f | : A with submarginal teeth; those of B much stronger distally than proximally. : : 11. S.magnilabris. - | 4 toothless, ‘‘ undifferentiated” . / ( Submarginal teeth of B long, fine, restricted to the distal half of the operculum. B zocecia about = | twice as large as A zocecia » 18.58: addon ( s Submarginal teeth of B small, the series commencing in the prox- | imal half. B zocecia not twice L as large as A zocecia . »\ | SuiSy Baska. ( Cryptocyst inserted at or near the | base of the distal wall ; zocecia of large size . : : ‘ 9 i Cryptocyst inserted into the basal wall at a distance from the L distal wall : : : : 10 292 SIDNEY F. HARMER. ( Median process with greatly deve- loped lateral wings, which unite with the sides of the zocecium . ; : Median process simple, without \ lateral wings . : : J A. Ss simplex 9 5. 8. connexa. An asymmetrical tube, without late- ral wings, springs from the descending cryptocyst . . ib. lateralis: edian process bounded by late- ral wings is differentiated on It the upper surface of the tube. iil 105 Am ( Median process with a longitudinal groove . : : . . 2. 8. sulcata. 11< The roof of a well-developed tube forms the convex floor of the L median process ° : . 3. 8S. tubulosa, The determination of the species will be facilitated by noticing that in S. magnilabris, 8. neozelanica, 5. tubulosa, S. sulcata, and 8S. lateralis the cryptocyst joins the basal wall at a distance from the distal wall, leaving a considerable amount of the basal wall exposed from above ; that in S. Buskii, S. Haddoni, and 8S. truncata the cryptocyst joins the distal wall, the opening of the tube being clearly visible from above, but not the basal wall ; and that in S. auriculata, S. connexa, S. simplex, and 8. al- veolata the cryptocyst is inserted at or near the junction of the basal and distal walls, the opening of the tube not being visible from above except in some zocecia of 8. alveo- lata, which is sufficiently distinguished in other ways by its quadrilateral zocecia and by the alveoli which receive the points of the teeth, in the B zocecia, A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 298 Bathymetrical and Geographical Distribution, There is very little to be said under the first of these head- ings. Most of the records of the occurrence of Stegano- porella refer to the locality only. S. magnilabris, of which there are several records, has usually been found at depths of 10—40 fathoms; but a Steganoporella which is probably 8. magnilabris is recorded by Ortmann from shallow water to 200 fathoms from Japan. All the other localities from which specimens of the genus have been obtained mention some land or submerged bank; and the evidence is in favour of its being principally littoral or found in shallow water. With regard to geographical distribution, it may be con- cluded that the genus is a southern one, which is common between the equator and 50° S., and has extended in one or two cases to the north side of the equator, reaching 35° N. in Japan. The only species which are known to occur north of the equator! are 8S. magnilabris (W. Indies, Sandwich Islands, Eastern Archipelago, Japan) ; and 8S. Buskii and S. sulcata, both of which occur in the Indian Ocean. Of these, S. magnilabris occurs in all the great oceans ; being found, in addition to the localities already indicated, off the coast of Brazil and off Queensland; and being the only species described from the Atlantic Ocean. Jullien has, however, stated? that he obtained two new species off the coast of Liberia; and it is not to be supposed that S. Buskii does not extend along part of the western coast of Africa. No species is at yet known from the southern part of South America. The Indo-Pacific region is clearly the head- quarters of the genus, Torres Straits, with four or five species (S. lateralis, ?S. sulcata, 8. Buskii, S. Had- 1 Various northern species, recent and fossil, belonging to Thalamo- porella, have been described under the name of Steganoporella, 2 ‘Miss. Sci. Cap. Horn,’ vi, 1888, p. I. 79, 294, SIDNEY F. HARMER, doni, 8. alveolata) having a richer representation than. any other locality. The characteristic species of the Indian Ocean appear to be S. sulcata and 8. Buskii, while S. auriculata occurs in Madagascar, and 8S. simplex in the Amirante Islands. New Zealand has one species (8S. neoze- lanica), which occurs in two well-marked varieties, one of which is recorded from Tongatabu. Australia has a larger number of species; in addition to those from Torres Straits, S. truncata and 8S. tubulosa occur off its southern coast. It may further be noticed that MacGillivray! describes four Tertiary species of Steganoporella from Victoria. Of these S. patula, Waters, does not seem to me to be a Steganoporella, as is shown by the occurrence of avicu- laria and external ovicells, and by the Thalamoporella- like condition of the cryptocyst. S. depressa, MacGill., is not represented in the recent collections I have examined. S. lateralis and 8. Haddoni (described by MacGillivray as S. magnilabris) are recorded above from Torres Straits and other localities. Waters describes fossil Steganoporella from various localities? in Australia and New Zealand, but I am not able to refer them with certainty to any of the recent species. Forms related to Steganoporella, although probably not to be referred to that genus, are common in various deposits in Europe, the Cretaceous deposits being very rich in these forms, as Jullien (1881) has pointed out. It may probably be concluded that the Steganoporellide (including Tha- lamoporella and other similar genera) are a group of world- 1 <'Irans. Roy. Soc. Victoria,’ iv, 1895, pp. 58, 54. MacGillivray uses the term “opesia”’ for the part of the zocecium distal to the commencement of the descending portion of the cryptocyst—a use of the term which would be difficult, to employ in describing a species (e.g. 8. Buskii) in which there may be no marked line of demarcation. Jullien’s original definition as ap- plied to Steganoporella shows that the term should be used for the opening of the tube; in other words, to the opening limited by the free edge of the cryptocyst. 2 ‘Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xxxvili, 1882, pp. 265, 506; xxxix, 1883, p. 436; xli, 1885, p. 292; xlili, 1887, p. 50, A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 295 wide distribution, but that Steganoporella itself is pri- marily a southern genus. It is noteworthy that the species of Siphonoporella at present known (see p. 231) are both Australian; while this region has a good representation of the allied genera Tha- lamoporella, Thairopora, and Diploporella. It is not improbable that Australia may have been a centre from which species of this group have spread. All the species of my third group (with A-shaped main sclerite in the B oper- cula) occur in Australia, although 8. magnilabris occurs all round the world. Of the second group (with four teeth on the main sclerite of the A opercula) 8. neozelanica occurs in New Zealand and Tongatabu, and 8. auriculata in Madagascar. Of the first group (with f-shaped main sclerite in the B opercula), S. tubulosa, 8. lateralis, and possibly 8. sulcata are Australian ; the first being restricted to Australia (so far as is at present known), the second occurring as a Tertiary fossil in Victoria, found recent in Torres Straits and extending to Tahiti; and the third found also in the Indian Ocean. ‘The other two species are known from isolated localities,—S. simplex from the Amirante Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and S. connexa from Brazil. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 12 & 13, Illustrating Mr. Sidney F. Harmer’s paper “A Revision of the Genus Steganoporella.” PLATE 12. The figures on this plate were all drawn to the same scale (camera lucida, Zeiss A obj.; afterwards x 3), and are x 40. (B. M.= British Museum ; C. M. = Cambridge Museum.) Fic. 1.—Steganoporella lateralis, MacGill (p. 242). Zocecium a. Tahiti, Manchester Museum. VOL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES, x 296 SIDNEY F. HARMER. Fic. 2.—S. suleata, n. sp. (p. 246). Zoccia a (left) and B (right). One condyle is wanting in B. Amirante Islands, B. M., 82.10.18, 88. Fic. 3.—S. tubulosa, n. sp. (p. 250). Zoccium a. Curtis Island, Bass Strait, B. M., 99.5.1, 29. Fie. 4.—S. neozelanica, Busk, typical or Vincularian form (p. 261). Zoecia A. The lower zowcium shows the operculum in situ; e.s. epithecal sclerite. Wanganui, New Zealand, C. M., 24.5.95. Fie. 5.—S. neozelanica, Busk, var. magnifica, Busk (MS.) (p. 264). Zocecium a. Stewart Island, C. M., 24.5.95. Fie. 6.—S. connexa, n. sp. (p. 254). Zoccium B. John Adams’ Bank, B. M., 99.7.1, 408. Fig. 7.—S. simplex, n. sp. (p. 253). Darros Island, B. M., 82.10.18, 125. Fic. 8.—S8. auriculata, n. sp. (p. 257). Madagascar, B. M., 84.11.18, 1. Fic. 9.—S. truncata, n, sp. (p. 276). Zocecia a (left) and B (right). Victoria, C. M., 24.5.95. Fie. 10.—S. magnilabris, Busk (p. 279). Zocecia a (right) and B (left). From the type-specimen. Abrolbos Island, B. M., 54.11.15, 222. Fie. 11.—S. haddoni, n. sp. (p. 268). Zocecia a (left) and B (middle). Torres Straits, C. M., 24.2.98. Fic. 12.—S. alveolata, n. sp. (p. 287). Zovecia a (right) and B (left). Torres Straits, C. M., 24.2.98. Fic. 13.—S. buskii, n. sp. (p. 272). Zocecia a (lower) and 8B (upper). Port Elizabeth, C. M., 24.5.95. PLATE 13. The figures on this plate, with the exception of the diagrammatic figs. 27— 33 and 43, were all drawn to the same scale (camera lucida, Zeiss c obj. ; afterwards X 3), and are X 80. ‘The reference to a preceding figure indicates that the operculum or other structure is from the same colony from which the figure referred to was drawn. ‘The lettering is explained in the text. : Fie. 14.—S8. sulcata. Operculum B (Fig. 2). Fig. 15.—S. sulcata. Operculum a (Fig. 2). Fic. 16.—S. sulcata. Operculum B and epithecal sclerites (e.s.). Mergui Archipelago, B. M., 99.5.1, 28. Fic. 17.—S. suleata. Operculum 8B and epithecal sclerites. ‘On Avicula margaritifera,” B. M. Fic. 18.—S. connexa. B (Fig. 6). The occlusor tendon is seen on the right side. A REVISION OF THE GENUS STEGANOPORELLA. 297 Fic. 19.—S. lateralis. a (Vig. 1). Fic. 20.—S. lateralis. B (Fig. 1). Both occlusor tendons are seen, that on the right side being displaced. Fic. 21.—S. simplex. a (Fig. 7), Fig. 22.—S. tubulosa. a (Fig. 3). Fic, 23.—S. tubulosa. B (Hig. 3). Fie. 24.—S. auriculata. a (Vig. 8). Fie. 25.—S. neozelanica, typical form. Napier, New Zealand, C. M., 24.5.95. Fic. 26.—S. neozelanica, var. magnifica. Foveaux Straits, C. M., 24.5.95. Fie. 27.—S. lateralis. Back of zoecia (Fig. 1). Fic. 28.—S. sulecata. Back. Darros Island, B. M., 82.10.18, 125. Fig. 29.—S. suleata. Variations of median process (Fig. 16). Fic. 30.—S. neozelanica, typical form. Part of transverse section of the colony seen from the distal side: 4., basal wall; /.7., vertical proximal wall of one of the lateral recesses; m.p., distal wall of the flask-shaped cavity of the median process; ¢., opening of the tube into the subopercular cavity of the zoecium. New Zealand, C. M., 24.5.95. Vig. 31.—S. magnilabris. Back (Fig. 10). Fig. 82.—S. alveolata. Back (Fig. 12). Fie. 33.—S. buskii. Proximal wall of a zocwcium, showing the insertion of the cryptocyst, and the two fragmented rosette-plates (Fig. 13). Fig. 34.—S. buskii. Operculum B (Fig, 13). Fie. 35.—S. buskii. Operculum a (Lig. 18). Fic. 36.—S. truncata. 3. Victoria, C. M., 13.5.99. Fie. 37.—S. truncata. a (Fig. 36). Fig. 38.—S. haddoni. B (Fig. 11). Fie. 89.—S. haddoni. a (Fig. 11). Fic. 40.—S. alveolata. a (Fig. 12). Both occlusor tendons are seen. Fic. 41.—S. alveolata. B, seen obliquely (Fig. 12). Fig. 42.—Siphonoporella delicatissima, Busk (p. 232). An entire zoecium, some of the calcareous parts seen through the epitheca. King George’s Sound, Western Australia, Manchester Museum. Fic. 43.—S. delicatissima, Diagrammatic side view (Fig. 42), Fic. 44.—Steganoporella magnilabris, 3B (Fig. 10), Fig. 45.—S. magnilabris. a (Fig. 10). Fic. 46.—S. magnilabris, a. Jamaica, C. M., 30.6.99, ON A NEW HAISTRIOBDELLID. 299 On a New Histriobdellid. By William A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Challis Professor of Biology, University of Sydney. With Plates 14 and 15. INTRODUCTION. Dvurine a recent visit to Tasmania I found the minute animals which form the subject of the present paper living in abundance in the branchial chambers of the fresh-water crayfish (Astacopsis tasmanicus) that occurs in streams in the neighbourhood of Hobart. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Alexander Morton, F.L.S., the Curator of the Tasmanian Museum, for his kindness in facilitating my work in Hobart by every means in his power, and also for afterwards pro- curing and sending to me in Sydney specimens of Tasmanian cray fishes. Histriobdella homari,! the only known relative of the new animal, is found living among the eggs of the European lobster (Homarus vulgaris). The first recognisable account of it was given by P. J. van Beneden (2) in 1858. Our knowledge of this remarkable animal was greatly extended in 1884 by Alexander Feettinger (6), who supple- 1 Feettinger’s alteration of both the generic and specific names does not appear to be necessary, and van Beneden’s name must apparently be re- stored. Histriobdella is certainly not a leech; but the name Histriodrilus proposed by Feettinger does not indicate its true affinities with any greater exactness. Moreover the termination ‘“-bdella” occurs in the accepted names of several genera that do not belong to the Hirudinea, 300 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. mented van Beneden’s description of most of the internal organs, described the nervous system for the first time, and pointed out the erroneous nature of van Beneden’s conclu- sions as to the animal’s affinities. Since the date of Foettinger’s paper Histriobdella has never been re-investigated, and a good many points in its structure still remain obscure. The animal with which the present paper deals, though without doubt nearly related to Histriobdella, differs from it in a number of points of greater or less importance; and I have signalised these differences by giving it a new generic name—Stratiodrilus. The species I propose to name S. tasmanicus. External Features: Movements. Like Histriobdella, Stratiodrilus is a very small animai, the largest being only a little over a millimetre in length, and about one sixth of a millimetre in greatest breadth. In general shape (figs. 1 and 2) it approaches very near to Histriobdella. In front is a well-marked head, separated by a constriction from the body. ‘The head is dorso-ventrally compressed, convex dorsally, nearly flat ventrally ; in outline as seen from above it is approximately heart-shaped—the apex, which is rounded off, directed forwards. ‘There is no distinction into prostomium and peristomium, and the mouth is situated on the ventral surface quite close to the anterior extremity. The head bears seven appendages, arranged exactly in the same way as the appendages of the head of Histriobdella, but differing in shape. Five of these appendages are tactile, and may be called tentacles. The other two aid in locomo- tion, and may be termed the anterior limbs, Of the tentacles, one (fig. 1, ¢') is median, and projects forwards from a point immediately above and behind the middle of the anterior margin of the head; it is about one sixth of the length of the head, very slender, cylindrical, and unjointed. The most anterior pair of tentacles (f*) are a little longer than the ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 301 median, and each consists of two distinct segments, the basal much shorter than the distal. They are attached a little below and behind the antero-lateral border of the head at some little distance from the middle line. he second pair (¢5) are nearly twice as long as the first, attached on the antero-lateral margin of the head a little behind the first pair; each consists of two segments, of which the basal is somewhat longer and thicker than the distal. All the tentacles are tipped with very fine non-motile sensory cilia, arranged in a circlet or spiral. ‘The remaining pair of ap- pendages of the head, the anterior legs (/. a.), are of a very different character. They are much thicker than the tentacles, unjointed, and retractile, being capable of becoming com- pletely withdrawn into the interior of the head by the action of retractor muscles. They are situated on the ventral surface of the head, considerably behind the posterior tentacles. They are somewhat shorter than the latter, of subcylindrical form, broadest at the base, ordinarily directed outwards, forwards,and downwards. At the free end is a slight expan- sion, apparently of the nature of a sucker. Close to the base of each is a rounded mass of unicellular glands, about half a dozen in number, the ducts of which traverse the appendage to its extremity. The body is regularly constricted at intervals, and may best be described as imperfectly divided into six segments. The nature of these can only be discussed after the internal organs have been dealt with. All the constrictions are much more strongly marked laterally than dorsally or ventrally. They are clearly marked in the living specimens. The first or neck segment is small, and is devoid of appendages. ‘lhe second has on each side a mammiform elevation, on the summit of which is inserted one of the cirri of the first pair (c!). These are slender cylindrical appendages, similar in character to the tentacles, and each consisting of two segments, a thicker proximal and a thinner distal. Like the tentacles, the cirri are tipped with fine non-motile sensory cilia. Behind this are three rings, which are probably to be referred 302 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. to the next or third segment, the main part of which bulges out laterally like the second, and bears a similar pair of cirri (c?). On this follows a small annulus, probably belonging to the fourth segment. The main part of the latter is much broader than the segments in front, bulging out prominently at the sides. In the female this segment is devoid of ap- pendages, but in the male it bears a pair of remarkable organs, the claspers (cl.). These are situated laterally in a position corresponding to that of the cirri on the other seg- ments. They are not unlike the anterior legs in their general shape, but are considerably larger. They are of cylindrical shape, stouter at the base than towards the free end. ‘I'he distal extremity is obscurely divided into two lobes, tipped with a few non-motile cilia; close to this, situated laterally, are two small rounded elevations. A large unicellular gland (fig. 14, gl. cl.) lies in the basal part of the interior of the clasper, its duct opening at the distal end. The following segment, the fifth, is as wide as the third, but somewhat shorter. It bears laterally a pair of cirri (c’), similar to those on the more anterior segments. The part of the body which lies behind this is sharply marked off from the rest, as will subsequently be explained. It cannot be looked upon as a single segment, and it will be preferable to term it the posterior or caudal region. It nearly equals in length the two preceding segments put together, but is much narrower, being in fact the narrowest part of the body. It is divided by shght constrictions into six fairly regular annuli, which, however, may become obliterated when the body is greatly extended. At its posterior end, rather towards the dorsal side, is the anal aperture. At the sides of this lie the large posterior legs (J. p.). These are non-retractile, and in a state of rest usually extend first outwards and backwards, and then, towards their extremities, bend forwards. They are much larger than the anterior legs (as long as the entire caudal region) ; subcylindrical, stout at the base, constricted towards the free end, which is expanded into a flattened adhesive disc, the edge of which is divided by notches into ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 303 about ten minute lobes. A large mass of unicellular glands (1. gid.) lies just within the base of each leg, and the numerous ducts open on the terminal lobes. The expanded terminal part (foot) of these appendages is strongly adhesive—not owing to any sucker-like action, as there is no muscular arrangement for bringing this about, but on account of the sticky character of the secretion of the gland. On the posterior border of each leg is a short cylindrical tentacle or cirrus (c*), tipped with motionless cilia; and close to its base lies a shorter process of similar character. Stratiodrilus differs from Histriobdella homari, as regards the external features, mainly in the presence of the cirri, of which there is no rudiment in the latter form. The anterior and posterior limbs and the claspers, though differing in minor points, are very similar in essentials. Foettinger has, however, failed to distinguish the adhesive glands of the posterior legs, with their ducts, from the muscular fibres that run close to them. He says, “ Nous avons ici, comme dans les pattes antérieures, un amas de cellules musculaires composées de deux parties, une centrale, cellulaire avec noyau et une périphérique, sous forme de fibre. Tous les fibres se dirigent vers extrémité élargie du membre, et se terminent en divergeant & peu de distance de son bord aminci.’! But the fibres referred to are the ducts of the glands, and the secretion may frequently be seen oozing through their fine terminal apertures. The greater develop- ment of the cephalic tentacles in Stratiodrilus is a minor point of difference. P. J. van Beneden’s description of the extraordinary move- ments of Histriobdella applies so well to the form at present under consideration, that they may be quoted. “On peut dire sans exagération que c’est un ver bipéde ou méme quadrupéde, quand il se déplace sur une plaque de verre, ou tout autre corps uni. Que I’on se figure un clown de cirque le plus complétement disloqué possible, nous allions méme dire entisrement désossé, faisant des tours de force et lL. c., p. 459, 304 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. @équilibre sur une montagne de boulets monstres qu’il s’évertue 4 escalader, posant un pied (en forme de ventouse) sur un boulet, ’autre pied sur un autre boulet, balancant le corps ou le roidissant, se tordant sur lui-méme ou se cour- bant comme une chenille arpenteuse, et on n’aura encore quwune idée trés-imparfaite de toutes les attitudes qu’il prend au bout de quelques secondes.” For the “immense balls” (eggs of the lobster) in the above description substitute “filaments of the branchiz,” and it would apply equally well to Stratiodrilus, except that the bending movements of the latter are not so free, being re- stricted by a certain stiffness of the body, due apparently to the firmer cuticle. When moving over the bottom of a glass vessel the mode of locomotion is very grotesque. The posterior legs are advanced alternately like the legs of a man in walking, the anterior portion of the body, and particularly the head, being strongly swayed from side to side. The anterior legs are also used, though not invariably, and sup- port the weight of the head and front part of the body. It is from this entirely unique style of locomotion that I have derived the name I have given to the genus. By means of the viscid secretion of the glands of the posterior legs the animal is able to adhere so firmly to the smoothest surface that it is difficult to detach it. On one occasion I found four specimens, out of a number that had been placed in a glass dish, collected together, and executing the most remarkable movements. They were in ceaseless motion, creeping over and under one another, touching one another all over with their tentacles, and occa- sionally inflicting a bite sharp enough to cause the bitten individual to start back with a sudden movement. This went on for an hour or more without intermission. Integument and Muscular System. The integument consists, as in Histriobdella, of a cuticle and an epidermis. The former, though not very thick eyen ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 305 relatively, is remarkably firm, if one may judge from the fact that the form of the body is not readily altered under the action of various reagents. In Histriobdella this layer is described by Foettinger as structureless ; in Stratiodrilus, on the other hand, it is marked by two systems of fine lines crossing one another nearly at right angles, as in the cuticle of many Cheetopoda. The epidermis is a thin layer of proto- plasm in which cell outlines are not recognisable, but in which nuclei occur at wide and irregular intervals. No in- tegumentary glands of any kind appear to occur with the exception of those situated at the bases of the legs and of the claspers, and a few small unicellular glands situated in the neighbourhood of the genital opening in the male. The integument of Histriobdella would appear from Feet- tinger’s description and figures to differ from that of Stratio- drilus not only in the structureless character of the cuticle, but in its relative thinness, and in the relative thickness of the epidermis. The chief muscles of the body are the four longitudinal muscles (figs. 1 and 9—13, m.d. and m.v.). These have the form of thin flat bands, two dorsal and two ventral, extend- ing from the neck constriction to the bases of the posterior legs. There is no layer of circularly arranged fibres. The fibres of these bands are flattened in a direction approxi- mately at right angles to the surface of the body ; each fibre, of which there are only about ten to twenty in each bundle, appears to extend through the whole length of the body. In front of the neck constriction, in the posterior part of the head, the place of these longitudinal bundles is taken, to some extent, by oblique and transverse fibres, by means of which the movements of the head on the neck are effected, by two pairs of retractor muscles of the jaws, and by the retractors of the anterior legs. The transverse and oblique fibres form an imperfect partition between the ccelom of the head and that of the trunk. In the third segment of the male are two pairs of retractor muscles of the claspers (fig. 1, 7. el.) running obliquely out- 306 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. wards from near the middle of the ventral body-wall ; the fibres of the more posterior of these extend through the appendage to its extremity. In the following segment are two pairs of narrow bands of fibres which act as protractors and retractors of the penis, running inwards from the lateral body-wall, the latter in front of and the former behind the third cirrus, and becoming inserted into the processes at the base of the penis (figs. 1 and 14, pro. m., retr. m.). In the same sex, in the interval between the second cirrus and the clasper, a pair of bundles of fibres run nearly vertically from the dorsal body-wall to the ventral, enclosing between them a mesial space in which lie the alimentary canal on the dorsal side and the nerve-cord on the ventral, with a portion of the testis between. Further back again a similar pair of dorso-ventral bands separate the alimentary canal, nerve- cord, and penis, situated mesially, from the testes and seminal vesicles at the sides. In the female a pair of bands of the same character (fig. 11, m. ob.) occur in the region of the anterior part of the ovary. In both sexes a strong band of transverse fibres extends across between the fifth and the following segments; it does not seem to form a complete partition. Throughout the body slender oblique bundles occur at fairly regular intervals, running from the cuticle of the lateral surface to that of the ventral near the nerve- cord. The dorsal and ventral longitudinal bands both send con- tributions of fibres to a pair of large flexor muscles (fig. 1, fl.) which run through the posterior leg on its anterior side, and eventually terminate in the minute lobes at its distal end. From the ventral longitudinal band a bundle of fibres runs backwards and outwards to become inserted into the cuticle about the middle of the ventral surface of the leg. A few of the fibres of the extensor muscle run nearly transversely in- wards as a narrow band which unites with the corresponding band of the opposite side. A narrow bundle runs obliquely inwards and backwards from the angle between the leg and the caudal region to the posterior median depression between ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 307 the legs; and from the latter point a pair of small bundles run forwards parallel with one another, one on each side of the anus. A small muscle runs along the posterior border of the leg, and another crosses its cavity nearly transversely from the base of the cirrus to the anterior border. Digestive System. The mouth, a wide, somewhat quadrilateral aperture, is situated, as already stated, close to the anterior extremity of the head. From it a narrow cesophagus (figs. 6 to 8, «s.) leads backwards and slightly upwards through the head to open into the stomach. Below the cesophagus lie the jaws (figs. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8), the anterior extremities of which when they are retracted lie just within the mouth opening, while the posterior ends are at the posterior limits of the head. The chitinous pieces of the jaw apparatus (figs. 4 and 5) are arranged in two sets, which, though linked together, are capable of being moved independently to some extent. One of these two sets—the upper jaws—consists of a median piece which I will call the fulcrum, and two sets of lateral pieces composing the rami. ‘The latter set—the lower jaws—is paired throughout. The fulcrum of the upper jaws (/.) is a slender, nearly straight rod lying between and somewhat above (dorsal to) the lower jaws. Articulating with its distal end is a small median piece, and with this articulate the right and left rami. The latter consist each of a number of freely articulated basal pieces supporting four teeth. The teeth are provided with hooked claw-like extremities, and their inner surfaces are beset closely with extremely fine transverse ridges, giving them on that aspect the appearance of minute curry- combs. When at rest the fulcrum is drawn back, so that its posterior end is nearly on a level with the posterior ends of the two lower jaws. When it is in this position the rami are folded up into a small compass with the teeth inwards, between and dorsal to the anterior portions of the lower 308 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. jaws. When this part of the apparatus is brought into use the fulcrum is pushed forwards by the action of its protractor muscles, and the two sets of rami, becoming thrust out through the aperture of the mouth, become widely divari- cated with the teeth at their outer ends. When the upper jaw has been fully exserted in this way the right and left rami are brought together sharply, the fulcrum being jerked back slightly at the same time. This series of movements is effected with great rapidity, so that it is extremely difficult to follow and analyse them. The chief part of each of the two lower jaws is a stout, slightly curved rod (j.”), thickest behind and tapering slightly in front. These rods lie nearly parallel with one another, but diverging slightly anteriorly. The most anterior part of each (about one seventh of the length of the whole) articulates with the rest by a transverse joint. Behind this to about the middle of the posterior portion of the rod runs a thin, internally projecting flange with a smooth inner edge. Firmly fixed to the anterior portion of each rod along its inner edge is a broad plate, the inner edge of which is in contact with that of its fellow of the opposite side. ‘lhe anterior edge of this plate is finely denticulated ; its antero-lateral angle is produced into a pointed process directed outwards and backwards. Connecting together the rami of the upper jaw with the lower jaws on each side is a sort of bridle (br.) composed of two pieces, the posterior of which curves over the rod of the lower jaw, and slides along it when the upper jaw is pro- truded or retracted. he effect of this arrangement is to restrict the forward movement of the upper jaw, the curved piece being checked when it reaches the anterior broad plate of the lower jaw above described, and further movement of the upper Jaw forwards being thus prevented. At the same time, as will be explained presently, it is through the inter- mediation of the bridle that the biting movements are carried on. Whether the lower jaws have any function beyond merely supporting the upper jaw and controlling its movements is not clear. I have not observed them performing any inde- ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 309 pendent movements; but the strength of their muscles and the toothed character of their anterior edges would seem to indicate that they play something more than a merely passive role. In addition to the bundles of fibres which play the part of protractors and retractors, the jaws have three other sets of muscles concerned with their movements. One of these is a pair of large bundles of non-striated fibres, each of which is wrapped round the ventral side of the corresponding lower jaw, the fibres running forwards parallel with the latter throughout their length. These two muscles are in close apposition with one another along the mid-ventral line, separated, however, by a thin septum of nucleated material continuous with the lining of the head ccelom, of which it appears to be a thickening. They are continuous with the retractor fibres behind. The ventral edge of each is in- folded, and becomes continuous with the ventral edge of the corresponding muscle of the second pair. The latter (figs. 4 and 7, str. m.) are a pair of bundles of transversely striated muscular fibres, which are in immediate contact with the lower jaws and enclosed ventrally by the muscles just men- tioned ; behind they arise from the main shaft of the lower jaw, towards its posterior end; in front they are inserted into the chain of pieces which I have called the bridle. The third set consists of a number of non-striated fibres which run forwards parallel with and close to the slender central shaft of the upper jaw (fig. 7, 7.1). The precise mode of action of these various muscles is very difficult to determine with certainty. But there cannot be much doubt that the striated bundles bring about some movement which has to be performed with special rapidity and strength. From their connections, and what I have been able to observe with regard to their mode of action, I am led to conclude that, acting through the bridles on the lateral parts of the upper jaw, their function is to bring about the sharp movements by which these are brought to bear on an external object in the act of biting. 310 WILLIAM A. HASWELL, Foettinger’s figure of the jaws of Histriobdella homari resembles in essentials that given by P. J. van Beneden, and represents a structure widely different from that of the jaws of Stratiodrilus, though probably reducible to the same general type. Both figures are very general; but it would appear that one of the most striking differences lies in the shape of the lower jaws, which are comparatively wide, and in the larger number of teeth in the upper jaw. The bridles are figured by both authors, but their significance was appa- rently not detected by either. Van Beneden’s description is as follows :! “Tl ya d’abord deux miachoires placées symétriquement et qui se correspondent compléetement sous tous les rapports. Elles ont une couleur bistre, s’allongent en arriére sous forme de lames jusque prés de l’extréme limite de la région cépha- lique, et laissent un certain espace entre elles. On pourrait les comparer a des élytres trés-allongées de Coléoptére légére- ment écartées l'une de lautre, surtout vers leur extrémité postérieure. . . . Ces machoires sont également larges sur toute leur longueur; leur extrémité libre en arriére est tronquée obliquement. “Hn avant, ces organes chitineux se touchent au point de se confondre, en s’unissant a la troisisme piece dont nous allons parler. “Ces machoires, vers leur extrémité libre antérieure, qui est logée au fond de l’entonnoir, devienne rugueuses a la sur- face et se hérissent méme de courtes aspérités qui leur donnent une apparence de brosses. Au lieu d’étre terminées en pointe en avant comme on le voit communément pour ces piéces de la bouche des parasites, ces organes sont tronqués en travers. «A la base de cette portion rugueuse, on appercoit encore une éminence crochue, dont la pointe est dirigée en dehors et en arriére, et qui semble empécher le retrait de ce singulier appareil de succion, quand il a perforé les parois des ceufs dont il suce la masse vitelline. Mc. p. a4. ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. ott “A ces pieces paires se joint une troisiéme piéce impaire plus courte et beaucoup plus gréle que les précédentes, de la méme couleur et de la méme consistance, et qui fait, par son extrémité postérieure, l’effet d’un stylet, dont les autres formeraient la gaine. Cette derniére, en effet, est étroite dans toute sa longueur, et son extrémité postérieure est entiérement libre.” Feettinger does not add much to this. He merely states, “Les machoires sont au nombre de trois, une médiane et deux latérales; celles-ci, réunies en avant par une partie impaire et situées du cété ventral, ont assez bien la forme @élytres trés allongées de Coléoptére ainsi que le décrit P. J. van Beneden. A cdté de leur terminaisons antérieures se trouvent deux petites languettes chitineuses, et plus en avant deux masses de méme nature, a surface hérissée de pointes, articulées par leurs extrémités postérieures avec la partie impaire, et pouvant se mouvoir latéralement de facon a rap- procher ou a écarter leurs bords antérieures. La machoire médiane, placée au dessus des deux autres leur est réunie en avant. Je ne métendrai pas plus longuement sur l’aspect de cet appareil, P. J. van Beneden en ayant donné une descrip- tion complete.”’! It will be observed that both van Beneden and Feettinger agree in connecting the part bearing the teeth with the paired lower jaws rather than with the median upper jaw. From the mouth a narrow cesophagus runs backwards through the head to open into the stomach. The latter is a tolerably wide sac extending through the first, second, and third segments. In the fifth segment there succeeds a very narrow canal, much more contracted in the female than in the male, leading to the intestine, a comparatively wide tube running through the caudal region to the anal aperture. The wall of the alimentary canal is composed throughout of a single layer of cells, beset on their inner surfaces with numerous long cilia. Here and there in the wall of the stomach is to be distinguished a non-ciliated cell, which IL. c., p. 462. VOL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. Y 312 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. becomes affected by staiming agents much more strongly than the rest; these are probably of the nature of unicellular digestive glands. External to this there is merely a thin peritoneal layer without any muscular fibres. The stomach and intestine invariably contain a quantity of miscellaneous granular particles which are so finely com- minuted as to afford no clue to their nature. Body-cavity. There is an extensive body-cavity sending a prolongation into the head. In Haistriobdella, Foettinger describes this cavity as lined by a ceelomic epithelium having the usual relations of such a membrane, a splanchnic layer covering the surface of the digestive canal, and a somatic layer lining the inner surface of the body-wall. But such a description does not give a correct idea of the ccelomic wall, at all events in Stratiodrilus. Covering the stomach and intestine throughout is the splanchnic layer of ccelomic epithelium, a thin layer of flattened cells with small nuclei. But the soma- topleure remains in a very primitive condition. Closely applied to the inner surfaces of the dorsal and ventral longi- tudinal bands of muscle is a single layer of cells, the proto- plasm of which is seen in the best series of sections (fig. 3) to be completely continuous with the muscle substance of the fibres. These cells, which are obviously the cells by means of which the muscular fibres have become formed, are also the only representatives of the somatic layer of the meso- derm. This condition of things corresponds exactly to what has been described by Fraipont as occurring at a certain stage in the development of Polygordius. In the latter the somatic layer of the ccelomic epithelium subsequently becomes formed by the division of this single layer into two; in Stratiodrilus the embryonic condition remains permanent. There are no mesenteries of any kind, the wall of the stomach and intestine being simply fused on the dorsal side with the ectoderm as described by Feettinger. In this ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 313 position the ectoderm is thicker than in most other situa- tions, and in transverse sections a pair of nuclei are most regularly to be observed in this thickened area; the double row of cells which those represent would thus seem to form a cord having the function of supporting the digestive canal. The special developments of the ccelomic epithelium in the genital region will be described in the section on the repro- ductive organs. The ccelom of the head is almost completely cut off from that of the trunk by the muscular fibres of the neck constric- tion and the gland cells that lie in that region. But this separation is not complete, as evidenced by the fact that in several female specimens sperms were found to have pene- trated into this region. Nervous System. The nervous system (figs. 1 and 2) consists, like that of Histriobdella as described by Foettinger, of a brain, a pair of cesophageal connectives, and a ventral nerve-cord with gan- glia at intervals. The brain (figs. 1, 2, 6, 8), situated in immediate relation to the integument of the dorsal surface of the head, consists dorsally of a mass of nerve-cells (br. ¢.), and ventrally of a mass of fibrillated material (br. f.). Of the nerve-cells, special groups (tentacular ganglia) (fig. 6) situated opposite the bases of the tentacles give off peri- pherally nerve-fibres which run to the extremities of the latter. The fibrous material is in the form of a curved transverse band obscurely divided into two portions, anterior and posterior. Running back from the main mass of the brain at the sides of the cesophagus is a pair of processes which are perhaps to be looked upon as representing the visceral nervous system (“nerfs sympathiques”’? of FF cet- tinger). The ventral nerve-cord consists of a strand of finely fibril- lated material and groups of small nerve-cells similar to those of the brain. In transverse section the fibrillated cord 314 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. has the shape in different regions sometimes of an entire oval, or is bilobed, or more or less deeply cleft, or even com- pletely divided. The ganglia consist of very slight enlarge- ments of the fibrillated cord, covered on its ventral and lateral aspects with the nerve-cells; where a nerve is given off, the group of nerve-cells is produced for a short distance around its base. There are five ganglia, one for each segment, in the internal region of the body. The first ganglion is short, but (as regards its group of nerve-cells) expanded transversely. The fibrillated cord is here deeply divided into right and left portions, each continuous with the cesophageal connective of its side. The second ganglion, which is very close to the first, is of much larger size; it is situated opposite the cirri of the first pair, and gives off a pair of nerves ending in a pair of ganglia at the bases of the cirri. From the nerve- cells of these lateral gangla nerve-fibres pass along the axis of the cirri to the extremities, where they terminate in connection with the sensory cilia. In transverse section the second ganglion appears very distinctly double, especially in its posterior portion; in the female it is completely divided into two parts, separated by a definite gap. The connection between the second and third ganglia is of considerable length, and is very distinctly double. The third ganglion gives off a pair of nerves to a second pair of lateral ganglia. In the male the fibrous cord is not distinctly divided, but further back it is divided into two completely separated though closely apposed portions ; in the female it is deeply divided throughout. The connection between this and the fourth ganglion is not cleft, but only obscurely divided in the male; in the female it is deeply cleft. The fourth ganglion is situated opposite the claspers in the male, and in a corre- sponding position in the female. It gives off a pair of nerves which in the male supply the claspers, while in the female thev end in a pair of small lateral ganglia. In the anterior part of this ganglion the cord is not divided ; further back it is bilobed; yet further back it is undivided and ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 315 dorso-ventrally compressed. In the male the cord just behind this ganglion and immediately in front of the penis gives off a pair of strong branches, and then becomes greatly reduced, passing towards the dorsal side as a double cord, to run between the intestine and the penis, in which position it enlarges into a small ganglion, the fifth, completely divided into two lateral bodies ; this gives off a pair of nerves to the ganglia at the bases of the third pair of cirri. In the female the nerve-cord becomes extremely attenuated behind the fourth ganglion (in the neighbourhood of the dilated median part of the ovary), but retains its ventral position ; the fifth ganglion is dorso-ventrally compressed in its anterior portion, but loses this character further back where it gives origin to a pair of nerves passing to the ganglia at the bases of the cirri of the third pair. In the caudal region the ventral chain may be described either as represented by a single elongated ganglion imper- fectly divided into five or six portions, or as consisting of five or six imperfectly separated ganglia. Nerve-cells clothe the nerve-cord ventrally and laterally through all this portion of its extent, except that there are about five narrow intervals in which they are almost absent, the breadth of the intervals differing in different specimens according to the degree in which the body is contracted. Throughout this posterior region the cord is deeply cleft. From the posterior end of the cord nerves pass to the posterior legs, and to a pair of ganglia situated at the bases of the cirri which they bear. The account of the nervous system of Histriobdella homari given by Foettinger corresponds fairly closely with what I have found in Stratiodrilus as described above, except that in the former in the caudal region there are only three ganglia, somewhat better defined than those in the corre- sponding region of Stratiodrilus, and that the lateral ganglia are absent, or at least have not been recognised. A more important point of difference is that the nerve-cord of His- triodrilus would appear to be in complete continuity with the epidermal layer, while in Stratiodrilus it is much more dis- 316 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. tinctly differentiated ; a comparison of my figures of trans- verse sections with those of Fcettinger will show how marked this difference is. There are no organs of special sense, unless we reckon as such the tentacles and cirri; there are no vestiges of eyes, and the ciliated pits described by Foettinger as occurring in Histriobdella are not present. Excretory System. The excretory organs (fig. 1) take the form of a series of pairs of ciliated canals. These are for the most part very thin-walled, so that they are only to be traced in the living animal by the movement of the cilia, and are not to be followed with any certainty in any of my series of sections, except in one or two localities where their walls are thicker. A good many details thus remain to be elucidated, but the following general features have been satisfactorily made out. The arrangement of these canals differs considerably in the two sexes. In both the system extends forwards into the head, and backwards as far as the posterior end of the body. Each nephridium of the most anterior pair divides in the first segment into an external and an internal branch. The former runs right forwards into the head. The latter crosses obliquely over to the opposite side, and joins the external branch of the opposite nephridium. Judging from the direction of movement of the cilia, which is always from behind forwards, the external apertures of this pair of nephridia must be in the head. None of the other nephridia are branched. In the female an apparently continuous line of cilia is traceable backwards on each side from the head canals to a point some little distance behind the second cirrus, where a canal is clearly traceable, which, after bend- ing round in a loop, opens on the exterior on the ventral side. But as the direction of movement of the cilia is from before backwards in the posterior part of this line, it would ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 317 . appear probable that there are two pairs of canals in this anterior region in the female. In the male, on the other hand, there is no such evidence of division, the pair of nephridia which branch in the head being traceable back- wards, without change in the direction of the cilia, nearly as far as the bases of the second cirri, at which point they bend inwards and terminate in the ccelom near the middle line. In some specimens each tube seemed to end in a loop, in others this was clearly not the case; a difference in the degree of contraction may have been the cause of this dis- crepancy. In all cases the posterior part of the canal, from the point where it begins to bend inwards, has comparatively thick granular walls. The extremity of each is not funnel- like, but is enlarged into a rounded knob which has the appearance of having a narrow cleft on it; but I am not certain of the existence of a coelomic aperture. The two knob-like ends he in a compartment of the ccelom, bounded by the stomach above and the ventral nerve-cord below, and at the sides by a pair of fibrous partitions passing vertically from the stomach to the ventral wall of the body. In the fourth segment the nephridia are probably repre- sented in the female by the oviducts, in the male by the vasa deferentia. In both sexes a pair of nephridia, which begin in the fifth segment (in a loop in the male), run backwards through the caudal region at the sides of the intestine, and terminate close to the anus. ‘I'he direction of movement of the cilia in these is from behind forwards. The arrangement of these canals, though to some extent partaking in the metamerism of the body, is not strictly a metameric one, there being apparently only three pairs in the male and four in the female. Ciliary flames have not been observed, and, I think I may say positively, do not occur in any part. To judge from Feettinger’s description and figures, there is an important difference between Histriobdella and Stratio- drilus as regards the excretory system. ‘Ces canaux ue se 318 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. rencontrent pas dans toute l’étendue du corps de Histrio- drilus. Je n’en ai pas vu la moindre trace dans la téte ; aussi, sans en vouloir nier d’une facon absolue la présenee, je suis porté a croire quwils n’y existent pas.”! ‘ Dans la apa: Die PS Sp Rer : 2 partie tout a fait postérieure du corps je n’ai jamais pu dé- couvrir d’organes excréteurs.”’” Reproductive System. The male reproductive organs (figs. 1 and 1416) consist, in addition to the claspers, of two testes fused together in part of their extent, two seminal vesicles (ves.), two lateral vasa deferentia (v. def.), a median ejaculatory duct, a median chitinous penis (p.), two sets of granule glands (gr. gid.), and a pair of accessory glands (ac.). The claspers have been already referred to. In the interior of the base of each is a large unicellular gland (fig. 14, gl. cl.), the duct of which opens at the extremity. The testes when fully developed fill the greater part of the cavity of the third, fourth, and fifth seg- ments. Anteriorly (in the third and partly in the fourth seoment) the right and left testes are separated from one another by a distinct space ; posteriorly they are completely fused. They consist of oval masses of spermatidia and sperm, the fully developed sperms being in later stages of formation, most abundant towards the posterior end. A thin envelope invests the whole. The seminal vesicles (ves.) are a pair of oval sacs situated laterally in the interior of the testes, just in front of the third cirri. Hach has on its dorsal aspect a wide, nearly longi- tudinal slit, the edges of which are beset with vibratile cilia. In the interior, in mature specimens, is always a large mass of sperms. On the ventral surface are usually to be observed several curved ridges, which are found when carefully traced to be continuous with the ducts about to be described as 1L. c., p. 469. ? Thid., p. 471, ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 319 those of the granule glands. These ridges are formed by accumulated masses of the secretion of these glands. The glands which I have termed granule glands, on account of their resemblance to the glands so named in the ‘Turbel- laria and some Trematodes, are situated on each side imme- diately behind the base of the clasper. In each of the two groups there are about half a dozen of these glands, which are pear-shaped and unicellular. The narrow end of each, which is directed inwards, is prolonged into a delicate duct which runs to the seminal vesicle, into which it opens on the ventral side. The rod-shaped granules which the glands secrete are thus mixed with the sperms in the cavity of the seminal vesicles. Sometimes the ducts are found to be dis- tended with accumulated masses of the secretion. The vas deferens is a thin-walled, widish tube, which runs inwards to a point in the middle line close to the base of the penis, where it unites with its fellow to form the median ejaculatory duct. The penis (figs. 14—16) is a hollow chitinous spine, per- forated throughout by the ejaculatory duct. At its base it is produced into three processes, one median and two lateral, for the insertion of the protractor and retractor muscles. It is broadest at the base and tapers gradually distally, ending ina sharp point. At the free end it is cut off obliquely like the needle of a hypodermic syringe. Near the extremity it bears two very minute spinules, one dorsal and one ventral.! When at rest the penis lies enclosed in a folded integu- mentary sheath, which projects more or less prominently on the ventral surface, its pointed extremity directed backwards and downwards, and just protruding through the median ventral reproductive aperture. In a good many preserved specimens it was found fully protruded when it extends forwards and slightly downwards from the reproductive aperture at the end of the everted sheath. The glands which—their function being unknown—I have 1 The shape of the penis and its processes differs somewhat in different specimens, 320 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. termed accessory glands are small, sharply contoured, oval bodies ‘(02 mm. in length, lying one (ac.) on either side of the penis behind the vas deferens. The long axis is directed forwards and inwards, and from the narrower inner end there arises a thin-walled duct, which opens into the sheath of the penis. In the interior of the gland is a well- defined lumen; the wall is composed of a small number of cells arranged in a single layer, each bulging somewhat in the middle into the cavity. Foettinger has failed to recognise the significance of vari- ous parts of the male reproductive apparatus in Histriobdella, owing mainly to his having followed P. J. van Beneden, and taken the claspers for a pair of penes. He describes the seminal vesicles, though without fully recognising their nature or their relations and tracing their ducts (in which he observed sperms) to their union to form a median duct. Of the median structure on which this opens he says, “ Celle-ci est cylin- drique et pourvue d’un canal assez étroit qui, d’apres ce que jai vu sur le vivant, doit étre le tube impair; elle a une structure peu déchiffrable ; on dirait avoir affaire 4 un pénis.” The chitinous hollow spine of Stratiodrilus is not repre- sented, but a number of very minute spinules, represented in his woodcut on p. 488, though not referred to in the text, have probably a similar function. The granule glands are the cells which Fcettinger describes and figures as ‘‘cellules pariétales.” With regard to these he states,’ “ Au niveau de la partie antérieure de ces vesicules, on voit les cellules pariétales qui avoisinent le tube digestif et les muscles dorsaux faire fortement saillie dans le segment et se recourber vers le bas en longeant les extrémités internes de leur congénéres. Les parties recourbées sont tres étroites et arrivent a la face dorsale des vésicules; ot elles se divisent en deux feuillets nucléés formant une sorte de revétement cellulaire’ From the figure (pl. 29, fig. 2) to which refer- ence is made it is evident that what are here referred to as the ‘parties recourbées” are the ducts of the granule Pe Paton ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 321 glands. The irregular masses which he figures as projecting into the cavities of the vesicles, and which he describes as “des corps allongés, plus ou moins cylindriques, droits ou non, homogénes, trés réfringents sur le vivant et qui semblent unis aux parois par une base assez larges,”! are probably the masses of the accumulated secretion of these glands to which reference is made above. In the female the ovaries (figs. 11 and 12; ov., fig. 17) occupy a corresponding position in the body to that occupied by the testes in the male. Anteriorly they diverge; poste- riorly they are coalescent. The formation of the ova begins in the anterior portion of each ovary (fig. 11), and as we pass backwards they advance in development. In nearly all the specimens examined the whole of the posterior part of the united ovaries is composed of a single immense ovum, very much larger than any of the rest, and occupying nearly the entire interior of the body in this situation, the alimen- tary canal and also the nerve-cord being in this position ereatly attenuated. The diameter of this relatively enormous ovum is as much as ‘2 mm.; its nucleus about ‘02 mm. Its cytoplasm is coarsely granular, in which it contrasts strongly with that of the smaller ova. In a few cases, however, there is a second ovum, somewhat approaching the largest in size, and resembling it in the coarsely granular character of the cytoplasm. The entire ovary is invested in a layer of nucleated mate- rial, which is probably to be regarded as specially developed peritoneal epithelium. Probably it is from the cells of this layer that new ova are formed. It forms a complete investment for all the larger ova, and this investing follicle, which is of considerable thickness in an ovum approaching maturity, has doubtless the function of ministering to its nourishment. A pair of specially modified nephridia appear to act as oviducts (fig. 11, od.). These open on the exterior in a lateral position behind the second pair of cirri, and opposite the anterior paired portions of the ovary. Hach runs first Pie: p.. 487. 3822 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. forwards and inwards, and then bends round, following the line of the anterior border of the ovary, and runs backwards to open near its fellow of the opposite side into the anterior part of the space (uterus) containing the large mature ovum. It is a comparatively wide tube, ciliated internally, with thick walls, having a granular appearance, due evidently to the presence of numerous minute bright granules or vesicles. In close relation to it is a glandular body (vit.), of varying size, consisting of finely granular material, with a large nu- cleus here and there, but without cell limits and without lumen. When well developed this body fills up a good deal of the space between the wall of the body, the alimentary canal, and the lateral paired portion of the ovary. It appears to terminate behind in close relation to the corresponding oviduct. Iam in doubt whether these bodies are to be looked upon as shell glands or as vitellaria. I think the latter view is the more probable, and accordingly I have provisionally given them that name. If they have this function the shell must be secreted either by the cells of the follicle or by the wall of the oviduct. When a ripe ovum has become discharged its place is taken by the next in size. This must receive accessions of vitelline matter with great rapidity, as the median ovum in mature animals is nearly always greatly larger than the next in point of size. From their arrangement it is evident that the ripe ova are derived from the right and left sides alter- nately. The shrivelled follicle of the ovum which has been last discharged is sometimes to be found pushed on one side by the ovum which has succeeded. Foettinger’s account! of the female reproductive organs in Histriobdella differs from the above in several important points. The structure of the ovaries is evidently similar in all essential respects, except that in Histriobdella there is not, as in Stratiodrilus, a single ovum greatly predomi- nating in size over the rest—several ova of approximately equal size occurring together; and that in the former the Me. spsada. ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 323 posterior portion of the organ extends nearly to the posterior end of the body. The ducts would appear, however, to be widely different. From each female aperture there runs a very short canal opening into an ampulla, the cavity of which is drawn out into digitations. This often contains a granular material, which passes out and spreads over the surface for some distance around the reproductive aperture. Usually one only of the digitations communicates with another ventrally placed vesicle of spherical form, containing bodies supposed to be sperms. This vesicle communicates by a constricted portion with a flattened canal, having cellular walls ciliated on the dorsal side only ; this opens into the body-cavity. Living sperms were found in abundance in the body- cavities of several females. In one instance they had pene- trated in large numbers into the head, the coelom of which is not completely cut off from that of the trunk. In one instance they were found in the tail region—the partition between this and the segment in front apparently not being sufficiently complete to prevent their passage. In several specimens dense masses of sperms were found, always in the neigbourhood of the ripe ovum. But it was only in one specimen that I happened to meet with the appearances represented in fig. 12, which appear to explain the mode of impregnation. Here a darkish body (spr.), having the size and shape of a cast of the internal cavity of the penis, with short prolongations representing the three basal processes, was found with its point directed inwards, close to the single large ovum and close to the internal opening of the oviduct. Close to it in front, in the next section, is a mass of sperms which had begun to become scattered. Ob- viously the foreign body is the case of a spermatophore, thrown off from the inner lining of the penis. After having been discharged—the penis having previously been thrust through the body-wall—the spermatophore had become rup- tured and its contents liberated. In the other specimens in which sperms were found in masses, the case of the spermato- phore had apparently become absorbed. 324 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. This observation renders evident the purpose of the pair of claspers with their adhesive glands and the peculiarly shaped penis. In the act of copulation the male, holding the female fast by means of the claspers, drives the sharp-pointed penis through the body-wall in the neighbourhood of the mature ovum, and discharges a spermatophore into the body- cavity. Fertilisation is thus internal, but the fertilised ovum would appear to be deposited at once, as no segmenting ova were ever found. The section represented in fig. 12 shows definite processes given off by the ovum towards the mass of sperms ; these may be of the nature of receptive prominences, or perhaps are processes formed during maturation. The body lettered pl. in fig. 12 is most probably a polar body. As it passes out the oosperm becomes enclosed in a firm shell, and is attached to the axis of a gill-plume or an epipo- dite, usually near its base. Only a few stages in the development of the embryo have been examined ; a full account of this part of the subject I hope to be able to communicate at some future time when sufficient material is available. So far as they go, my results are in full conformity with the hypothesis dealt with in the following section, that the Histriobdellide are derived from the Roti- fera. When it escapes from the egg, the young Histriodrilus is fully formed in all respects, except as regards the repro- ductive organs. Affinities of the Histriobdellide. P. J. van Beneden (1) in his earliest communication on the subject referred Histriobdella with doubt to the Poly- cheeta, as perhaps the larva of a Serpulid. In his later paper (2) he assigned it to the Hirudinea. Foettinger (6) enters into a full discussion of this question, and comes to the conclusion that Histriobdella is nearly related to Polygordius and Protodrilus, and ought to be looked upon as a member of the class Archiannelida, and ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 325 this view has been generally accepted by later writers, though frequently with some reservation. Harmer (12, p. 22) assents to Foettinger’s views as to affinities, and adds, “In the number of segments, in the segmentation of the ventral nervous system, and in the arrangement of the muscular system Dinophilus more nearly approaches Histriodrilus than any of the other Archianne- lida.” Hatschek (15) suggests that Histriobdella may be a degenerate Hunicid. Hisig (5) expresses the opinion that in Histriobdella we have to do with a strongly modified and degenerate animal, and not with an Archiannelid. Though I have not been able to trace a closer affinity between the Histriobdellide and any other group of the Annulata, I have come to the conclusion that to class them as nearly related to Protodrilus and Polygordius is altogether unjustifiable. Of the common features which Foettinger adduces as affording evidence in support of his view, nearly all are general annulate characteristics. To the alleged primitive condition of the nervous system no weight can be attached, since, as I have shown above, this condition scarcely obtains in Stratiodrilus; and since, as has been pointed out by various observers, it is a condition which is by no means confined to the Archiannelida, but which occurs also in various Cheetopoda that do not, in other respects, present any primitive features.1 To the purely negative feature of the absence of sete, also, it is impossible to attri- bute much importance. In both the Polygordiide and Histriobdellidz the body is segmented ; but the nature of the metamerism differs greatly in the two cases. In the former group the segments are numerous; they are not very sharply defined externally, but internally their cavities are separated by transverse par- titions or mesenteries. In the Histriobdellide the segments are few in number: they are defined externally by constric- tions, and, in the case of Stratiodrilus, by the occurrence of the paired appendages ; but only one intersegmental partition, 1 See Mensch, 21. 326 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. and that an imperfect one, is developed, namely, that at the commencement of the tail region. In both familes a head is present, and is clearly marked off from the rest. Its composition, however, does not in any way correspond in the two cases. In the Polygordiide it consists, as in most Cheetopods, of a prostomium lodging the brain, and of a peristomium, on the ventral surface of which the mouth opens. In the Histriobdellide it is undivided, and the mouth opens far forwards, near its anterior extre- mity in front of the brain. ‘The presence on the head of the remarkable retractile anterior limbs is highly characteristic of the Histriobdellide, as is also the presence further back of the retractile claspers in the male. The highly developed posterior limbs with their glands are also special structures. One of the most characteristic features of the structure of the Histriobdellide is the presence of the elaborate jaw apparatus, which is not represented in the Polygordiide, though the muscular sac appended to the cesophagus in the members of the latter family may correspond to the sac in which the jaws are lodged in the Histriobdellide. A. blood-vascular system is fairly well developed in the Polygordiide, but is not present in the Histriobdellide. The nervous system is much more highly developed in the latter than in the former, and the ventral nerve-cord takes the form of a chain of ganglia metamerically arranged, whereas in the Polygordiide there is no trace of ganglia. The reproductive organs of the Polygordiide are of a generalised character, and are constructed on the same general plan as those of the Polycheta. In the Histriobdel- lidee they are highly specialised. On the whole it appears to me that the relationship between the Histriobdellide and the Polygordiide is extremely remote, and not such as to justify their inclusion in the same class. A comparison with Dinophilus reveals certain common features not shared with the Polygordiide. In both Dino- philus and the Histriobdellide the animal consists of a dis- tinct head, and a trunk consisting of a small number of ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 327 seoments. In Dinophilus there is sometimes (D. meta- meroides) an undivided post-anal or tail region, beset with small adhesive papille, with glands serving as organs of attachment. In both groups the ventral nervous system consists of metamerically arranged ganglia, though in Dinophilus there are two separate chains connected by trans- verse commissures (at least in Schimkewitsch’s species) into a ladder-like structure (25). Dinophilus wants the tentacles and cirri; possesses bands or a cavity of cilia, and a pair of eyes. In some species the metameric condition of the nephridial system is more pronounced than in the Histriob- dellidae, in others less so ; there is an extension forwards into the head. In Schimkewitsch’s species there are metameric- ally arranged bundles of annular muscular fibres, and a pair of ventral longitudinal muscles. In the alimentary canal there is a close resemblance between the two groups, though the horny jaws are absent in Dinophilus. Though Dino- philus possesses a mesoderm, segmented in the larval condi- tion, developed from primitive mesoderm cells, its general body-cavity has no epithelial lining, and the equivalent of the ccelom is reduced to the cavity of the reproductive organs. In the reproductive organs there is a considerable similarity between the two groups, especially in respect of the male apparatus with its median penis and associated hypodermic mode of impregnation, and the paired vesicule seminales. On the whole I consider that there is more reason for including Dinophilus and the Histriobdellidz in one class than for grouping either of them with the Polygordiide. It is obviously of radical importance in connection with this question to determine if those features of the Histriob- dellidee which seem to be of a primitive nature can be explained as a result of degeneration. If the Histriob- dellide are degenerate they must be degenerate Cheetopods, or, at all events, degenerate achetous Annelids. If we are to take this view, we must at the same time acknowledge that, side by side with the supposed degeneration, there must VoL, 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIKS, Z 328 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. have gone on a special development in certain directions ; that, while the definite character of the segmentation became lost, a special set of locomotor organs with an elaborate musculature became evolved, the mouth became shifted for- wards, and complex reproductive organs of a specialised type were developed. This view appears to me to involve diffi- culties so great that they render the degeneration theory extremely improbable, and it seems more in accordance with the facts of the case to conclude that the Histriobdellide are really primitive Annulates, and that the rudiments of their specialised features have been inherited from forms lower in the scale. A connection between Dinophilus and the Rotifera has been insisted on by various writers, notably by Schimke- witsch (25), who says, “ Ohne Zweifel sind auch einige Ziige _ vorhanden die Dinophilus mit den Rotatorien verbinden : die Furchung des Hies, die Anwesenheit des Schwanzanhanges, der mit dem Fusse der Rotatorien iiberemstimmt, der ge- schlechtliche Dimorphismus: man muss auch gestehen, dass im Baue des Nervensystems und der Hautmusculatur der Rota- torien die Tendenz zur Erwerbung der Metamerie bemerkt werden Kann; bei Dinophilus aber erstreckt sich diese Tendenz auch auf das Mesoderm und die Excretionsorgane. Auch bei den Rotatorien erscheinen, wie bei Dinophilus die Genitalhéhlen als einzige Homologa des Céloms. . . “Ks giebt aber auch ausser der Metamerie des Meso- derms einen fundamentalen Unterschied in der Entwicke- lung; die Rotatorien besitzen nach den Beobachtungen Zelinka’s gar Kein Mesoderm, wogegen bei Dinophilus die mesoepitheliale Anlage vollkommen entwickelt ist... . “Hs Konnen also die Dinophiliden entweder als oligo- meren Archianneliden deren Célom sehr spit im Laufe der Entwickelung erscheint und ginzlich auf die Bildung der Genitalhéhlen mit ihren seitlichen Anhingen geht angesehen werden, oder man Kann sie auch als Rotatorien auffassen, die eine echte metamere mesoepitheliale Anlage, vielleicht durch das Anwachsen der Genitalanlige, und die metamer angeordneten Segmentalorgane bekommen haben ” (p. 74). ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 329 It will be observed that in order to connect Dinophilus genetically with the Rotifera we have not only to assume the development of metamerism, but also the loss of the mastax and the appearance of the external ciliation. Let us now consider what assumptions must be made if we are to regard the Histriobdellide as direct descendants of the Rotifera. The evolution of an incomplete metamerism must of course be assumed. But there are indications of such a tendency not only externally, but in both the muscular and nervous systems of the Rotifera. In the general shape the Histriobdellide more nearly resemble the Gastrotricha than the Rotifera proper—in the narrow body, in the presence of a distinct head region having the mouth at its anterior end, and in the foot being represented by a pair of processes each with its pedal gland, with the anus situated nearly between them on the dorsal side. But in Paraseison (23) we have a true Rotifer in which the trochal disc is not developed, and in which there is a definitely separated head region, containing the brain and the mastax, and having the mouth at its anterior end. The tail region of the Histriobdellidz correspends to the tail of the Rotifer; the posterior legs of the former to the “toes” of the latter. The tail of the Rotifer is always entirely post-anal; but, as shown by T’essin and by Zelinka (27), its interior is filled at an early stage with endoderm cells, from which circumstance the latter author comes to the conclusion that the anus originally opened at the end of the tail. In the Histriobdellide the terminal position of the anus was retained. The resemblance between the glands in the bases of the posterior legs of the Histriobdellide and the foot glands of the Rotifers will be obvious. In some cases the latter would appear to consist of homogeneous masses of protoplasm, not divided into cells, with scattered nuclei (Plate, 24) ; but in others (Callidina), as in Stratiodrilus, each is a group of distinct, apparently dust bearing, cells (Zelinka, 27). In Paraseison, as already noted, there is a head region 380 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. closely comparable with that of the Histriobdellide. From the mouth, situated anteriorly, a long narrow cesophagus runs back; and contained in a diverticulum of this, given off close to the mouth, is lodged the mastax. The various tentacles or papillz tipped with sensory cilia on the anterior region in the Rotifera are closely comparable to the tentacles of the Histriobdellidee. Homologues of the anterior or head legs of the Histriobdellide are not of general occurrence in the Rotifera. But the groups of unicellular glands forming a viscid secretion, the ducts of which, in Paraseison, open at certain definite spots on the surface of the head, appear to perform a similar function in connection with locomotion to the glands of the anterior legs in the Histriobdellide, and may be homologous to them. And still closer come the pair of mobile retractile tentacles of Floscularia Hoodii, which would appear to be provided with glands at their bases... Homologues of the cirri of Stratiodrilus are readily to be found in the processes or papille tipped with sensory cilia on the body of various Rotifera. The nervous system of the Histriobdellide differs from that of the Rotifera in the presence of the ventral chain of ganglia, but the discovery by Zelinka (27) of a subcesopha- geal ganglion in Callidina and Discopus serves to greatly reduce this difference. The nephridial system, like the nervous, differs from that of the Rotifera in partaking (though in this case only toa slight extent) in the metamerism of the body, and also in the absence of ciliary flames. The reproductive system is readily capable of being con- strued as a direct development from that of the Rotifera. One of the most striking points of resemblance is the median penis with the associated mode of impregnation. ‘The rela- 1 T obtain my information on this point from Hudson and Gosse’s ‘ Roti- fera,’ in which it is stated (p. 55), “ Mr. Hood tells me that both in young and adult specimens he has seen brown granular matter discharged from their free ends.” ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 331 tions of a pair of nephridia in the genital segment to the reproductive apparatus is a special development following upon the establishment of metamerism, such as we could not expect to see foreshadowed among the Rotifera. The secon- dary male character of the presence of the claspers seems to be paralleled in some species of As planchna, in which there is present only in the males a pair of lateral processes which seem to have glands at their bases. If, as the evidence adduced above seems to indicate, the Histriobdellidee are primitive Annulates which retain certain Rotiferan features that have become lost or disguised among higher forms, it becomes necessary to account for Dinophilus in a similar manner, unless we are to suppose that the annu- late features of the latter have had an independent origin. Now Dinophilus, while in most respects distinctly less advanced than the MHistriobdellide towards the normal annulate type, has at the same time fewer Rotiferan features, and is looked upon by most of the zoologists who have paid special attention to it as directly related to the Turbellaria. If, however, the evidence in favour of the derivation of the Histriobdellide from primitive Rotifers is sufficiently strong, we must look on Dinophilus as having diverged from the direct line of descent between the two groups, and as having lost some of the Rotiferan features that in the Histriobdel- lidee have undergone a further evolution. The phase of metamerism which the Histriobdellide exhibit is of great interest. The metamerism of Stratio- drilus and that of a Chetopod must be acknowledged to be of the same nature, though the former is less complete in certain respects. In an animal which, whatever may be the nature of its food, is of extremely alert and active habits, great degeneration does not seem to me probable; and yet, unless we are to look upon the Histriobdellide as degenerate, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that in them we have a metamerism tending in the direction of that of the Annu- lata, but in an incipient condition. If this be granted, it carries with it the conclusion that the metamerism of the 332 WILLIAM A. HASWELL. Annulata did not result from the modification of a chain of zooids developed by serial budding as supposed by Haeckel, Hatschek, and others ; but by the dividing up of the body of an elongate animal into a series of similar parts (Lang, Meyer, Hisig). In whatever manner the mesoderm bands, the mesoderm somites, and the resulting secondary meso- dermal structures may have first originated, whether by modification of reproductive cells as supposed by H. Meyer, or by the proliferation of primitive mesodermal elements, it appears probable that the various organs passed through a condition of pseudo-metamerism, which became converted into nascent true metamerism as the ciliary mode of locomotion became completely given up, and a creeping mode fully adopted. LITERATURE. 1. Benepen, P. J. Van.—‘ Note sur une larve d’Annélids,” ete., ‘ Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg.,’ t. xx. 2. Benepen, P. J. Van.—‘ Histoire naturelle d’un Animal nouveau de- signé sous le nom d’Histriobdella,’ ‘Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg.’ (2), tome v. 3. Detace, Yves, and Hérovarp, Epcarp.—‘ Traité de Zoologie Concrete,’ tome v, ‘‘ Les Vermidiens,” 1897. 4. liste, Huco.— Die Capitelliden,’ ‘Fauna u. Flora des Golfes v. Neapel.’ 5. E1ste, Huco.—* Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Capitelliden,” ‘Mitth. Z. Stat. Neapel,’ Bd. xiii, 1898. 6. Fa@rtincer, ALEXANDER.—“ Recherches sur l’organisation d@’ Histriob- della homari, P. J. Van Beneden, rapportée aux Archiannélides,” ‘Arch. Biol.,’ tome v, 1884. . Frarpont, Jutinn.— Recherches sur le systeme nerveux central et périphérique des Archiannélides (Protodrilus et Polygordius), et du Saccocirrus papillocercus,” ‘Arch. Biol.,’ t. v, 1884. 2 | 8. Frateont, JuLteEN.—‘‘ Le genre Polygordius,’ ‘Fauna .u. Flora des Golfes v. Neapel,’ 1887. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. . Lankester, E. Ray.—‘‘ Notes on Embryology and Classification,’ ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. aoe . Frarvont, Junren.—“ Le rein cephalique du Polygordius,” ‘ Arch. Biologie,’ t. v, 1884. . Grarr, Lupwie von.—‘ Monographie der Turbellarien. I. Rhabdoccelida.’ . Hatiez, Paut.—< Contributions & Vhistoire naturelle des Turbellaries.”’ . Harmer, 8. F.—“ Notes on the Anatomy of Dinophilus,” ‘Journ. 2 Marine Biol. Assoc.,’ new series, vol. i. . HlarscHEeK, BerrHotp.—‘‘ Studien iiber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Anneliden,” ‘ Arbeiten aus dem Zool. Institut der Universitat Wien,’ Bd. ili, 1878. . HatscHek, Bertuotp.—‘ Protodrilus Leuckartii,” ‘ Arbeiten aus dem Zool. Institut der Universitat Wien,’ Bd. iii, 1881. . HatscHek, Bertuouty.—‘ Lehrbuch der Zoologie,’ Lieferung iii, 1888. . Hupson, C. T., and Gossz, P. H.—‘The Rotifera or Wheel Ani- malcules,’ London, 1886; Supplement, 1889. . Korscurtt.—* Die Guttung Dinophilus,” ‘Zool. Jahrbiicher’ (Spengel), Bd. 11, 1887. . Lane, Arnotp.—“‘ Die Polycladen,” ‘Fauna u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel,’ 1884. . Lane, ArnoLtp.—“ Der Bau von Gunda segmentata,” ete., ‘ Mitth. Z. Stat. Neapel,’ Bd. iii. ’ ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.’ (2), vol. xvii. . Menscu, P. Catvin.—“ The Relation of the Ventral Nerve-cord and Hypodermis in Procerea,” ‘Zool. Anz.,’ Bd. xxii, 1899. Meyer, E.—“ Die Abstammung der Anneliden: der Ursprung der Metamerie und die Bedeutung des Mesoderms,” ‘ Biol. Centralbl.,’ Bd. x, 1891. Puatre, L.—‘‘ Ueber einige ectoparasitische Rotatorien,” ‘ Mitth. Z. Stat. Neapel,’ Bd. vii, 1886-7. Puatse, L.—‘‘ Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Rotatorien,” ‘Jen. Zeitschr.,’ Bd. xix, 1885. ScHIMKEWITSCH, Wiapimir.—“ Zur Kenntniss des Baues und der Ent- wickelung des Dinophilus vom Weissen Meere,’’ ‘ Zeitschr. wiss. Zoologie,’ Bd. lix, 1895. We pon, W. F. R.—‘On Dinophilus gigas,” ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxvii, 1887. Zuuinka, C.—“ Studien uber Raderthiere. ILI. Zur Hntwickelungs- geschichte der Raderthiere nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihre Anatomie und Biologie,” ‘ Zeitschr. wiss. Zoologie,’ Bd. liii, 1892. 334. WILLIAM A. HASWELL. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 14 and 15, Illustrating Prof. Wiliam A. Haswell’s paper “On a New Histriobdellid.” List of Reference Letters. ac. Accessory glands of male reproductive apparatus. d7. Bridle pieces of jaws. dr. c. Nerve-cells of brain. 47. f Fibrous matter of brain. ¢. Cirrus, cel. Clasper. ex, Cisophageal connective. ca. Colom. ca. ep. Celomic epithelium. Fulcrum of upper jaw. fed. Follicle of large ovum. gi. ed. Gland of clasper. gz. cd. Ganglion of nerve-cord. gz. ¢. Tentacular ganglion. gr. gid. Granule glands. in¢. Intestine. j.' Upper jaw. j.? Lower jaw. /. a. Anterior legs. 7. al. Leg gland. /. p. Posterior leg. m. Mouth. m. d. Dorsal longitudinal muscles. m. ob. Oblique muscles. m.v. Ventral longitudinal muscles. zeph. Nephridium. z. 7. Lateral nerve. od. Oviduct. @s. Gisophagus. ov. Ovary. p. Penis. p.y. Muscular fibres supposed to act as protractors of jaws. pro. m. Protractor muscles of penis. r. Ramus of upper jaw. 7. ec. Retractors of clasper. retv, m. Retractor muscles of penis. 7. y. Retractor muscles of jaws. +. 2. a. Retractors of anterior legs. s¢. Stomach. sé¢r. m. Striated muscle of jaws. 7.) Median tentacle. ¢.? 7.3 Lateral tentacles. ¢e. Testis. v. def. Vas deferens. ves. Vesicula seminalis. v¢. Vitellarium. Fic. 1.—Entire male of Stratiodrilus tasmanicus. xX 200. The outline drawn from a living specimen with the aid of camera lucida: nervous system coloured blue, muscles red, nephridia (including vasa deferentia) green. ‘I'o avoid too great complication the ganglion situated on the dorsal side of the penis and the cesophageal connectives have been omitted. Fic. 2.—Outline of female specimen with the nervous system (coloured blue). Fic. 3.—Transverse section of a portion of one of the longitudinal bands of muscular fibres, the coelomic surface below. x 1500. Fig. 4.—Jaws with the rami retracted, ventral view. x 800. Fic. 5.—Jaws with the rami everted, ventral view. Fic. 6.—Approximately transverse section of head in the brain region. Fic. 7.—Transverse section of head behind the brain region in the region of the anterior legs. Fic. 8.—Longitudinal vertical section of head, approximately median. Fic. 9.—Transverse section of the second segment, immediately behind the first pair of cirri. ON A NEW HISTRIOBDELLID. 335 Fic. 10.—Transverse section of female in the region of the second pair of cirri. Fic. 11.—Transverse section of the same series as that represented in Fig. 10, in the region of the anterior paired portions of the ovaries. Fic. 12.—Section (somewhat oblique) of female specimen in the region of the posterior unpaired part of the ovary, showing spermatophore; pr. processes of ovum. Fre. 13.—Transverse section of caudal region. Fre. 14,—General view of the male reproductive organs. Fie. 15.—Ventral view of penis. Fic. 16.—Lateral view of penis, partly protruded. Fie. 17.—Ovary. The follicle cells are not represented. ey es | ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 387 On Spongioporphyrin: the Pigment of Suberites Wilsoni. By Cc. A. MacMunn, W.A., Vi.D. With Plate 16. I. Spongioporphyrin. Preliminary.—In July of last year Professor Ray Lankester sent me a specimen of the Australian sponge, Suberites Wilsoni, which is coloured a fine purple, with a request that I would report on its colouring matter. Pro- fessor Lankester had already named this pigment Spongio- porphyrin, a name which is most suitable, but which must not lead to the supposition that the pigment is in any way related to hematoporphyrin, as I shall show further on. Accompanying this specimen were also specimens of ano- ther sponge, viz. the Hexactinellid Polyopogon gigas, and of a gorgonian coral, both being coloured purple. ‘These were sent so that | might determine whether their pigments were related to that of the Suberites. Mr. Kirkpatrick, assistant in charge of the collection of sponges at the British Museum, had made at Professor Lankester’s request some observations on the pigments both of Suberites and of Polyopogon, which are in- cluded in this report by Professor Lankester’s wish. 338 CG. A. MACMUNN. This pigment is characterised by possessing a very well- marked banded absorption spectrum, and by certain other characteristics which distinguish it from other pigments which have been hitherto described. An inspection of the accompanying plate shows the remark- able spectra which the various solutions of Spongioporphyrin present. Looking at sp. 5 or 6, one is reminded of oxy- hemoglobin, of carminic acid, of turacin, and of antedonin, etc.; but a closer inspection reveals differences between the spectrum of Spongioporphyrin and that of any known animal or vegetabie pigment, and, as will be seen further on, the wave-length measurements of the absorptive bands of the solutions of this pigment, and the chemical characters of these solutions, show that it is a pigment not identical with any hitherto described. Acid Solutions of Spongioporphyrin.!—Professor Lankester had suggested various solvents to Mr. Kirk- patrick, and among others alcohol acidulated with nitric acid, and the spectrum of this solution was mapped by the latter observer correctly, and is shown in sp. 1. This represents the spectrum of a suitable depth, or suit- able concentration of solution. In a deeper layer, or in a more concentrated solution, the absorptive bands coalesce, and one can see a broad black band occupying the middle of the spectrum, the red rays and some of the blue being trans- mitted, while in a deeper layer still, or in a more concentrated solution, only some of the red rays are transmitted. All the acid solutions of Spongioporphyrin have a red- purple colour, while the alkaline solutions have a bluer tinge. This difference is especially well marked when the solutions are filtered ; the filtering paper being coloured reddish purple in the case of the acid solutions, and bluish purple in the case of the alkaline solutions. Taking the readings of a suitable depth of a rectified (90 per cent.) spirit solution acidified with a couple of drops of nitric acid we get,—First band, from A 595 to A 5838, centre 1 Of course all these solutions were filtered. ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 339 589 ; second band, including shadings, X 577 to A 545, the darker part extending from X 574 to A 552; the centre of darkest part being about X 563. Hydrochloric acid is quite as good a solvent for the pig- ment as nitric acid, when added in very slight amount to alcohol or even distilled water, and is really preferable for many reasons; but alcohol acidulated with sulphuric acid is a very poor solvent. A solution of Spongioporphyrin in absolute alcohol acidu- lated slightly with hydrochloric acid, gave the following measurements for the absorption bands :—First, A 602 to r 574, including shadings, dark from X 598 to X 580; second, A 566 to A 556°5; third, A 548°5 to rA 535. The bands in an aqueous solution acidulated with hydro- chloric acid, of which the spectrum is shown in sp. 5 (only for another depth of solution), read—First band, X 592 to A 542, dark part A 586 to A 547, centre about A 566; second band, A 533 to X 514, centre A 524. The pigment is gradually deposited from an aqueous solu- tion acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and can be quickly precipitated out by adding caustic potash solution drop by drop until the fluid is slightly alkaline. In this way I found that I could isolate Spongioporphyrin, as will be referred to below. Mr. Kirkpatrick found, as I have done, that the pigment is insoluble in benzol, ether, chloroform, and ammonia, but I find that distilled water and glycerine take a little up as well as water to which a little ammonia has been added. Neutral Solutions of Spongioporphyrin. — The spectrum of a neutral aqueous solution is shown in sp. 7, and that of the solid pigment mounted in balsam in 8. That the very small amount of acid or of alkali required to extract the pigment must exert some slight influence on the pigment is Shown by a comparison of the spectra of the alkaline and acid solutions. Compare, for instance, sp. 5 and 6 with 3 and 4. Of course the alcohol acidulated extracts show a different spectrum from that of the corresponding acidulated 340 C. A. MACMUNN. aqueous extracts, as is usually the case,— due, no doubt, to the different refractive index of the solvent. An aqueous solution gave the following readings for the absorption bands :—First, ’ 592 to » 547, dark from A 586 to A 552, centre A 571; second, A 588 to A 516, centre A 527. If an excess of sulphuric acid, or of hydrochloric or nitric acid, be added to such a solution, we finally, after allowing the solution to stand some time, get the spectrum shown in sp. 9. Certain intermediate changes of spectrum take place which are not easy to map. Glycerine, as already said, also extracts some of the pig- ment from the sponge, forming a violet solution, and giving two bands :—First, A 586 to » 550, dark from 2X 581°5 to X 560; second, A 540 to A 518. Alkaline Solutions of Spongioporphyrin.—Both caustic potash and caustic soda, added in small quantity to alcohol or to water, are capable of extracting considerable quantities of pigment. Ammoniacal alcohol, on the con- trary, extracts very little; in aqueous solution it extracts more. But whereas we can precipitate Spongioporphyrin out of an acid solution, such as that obtained with hydro- chloric acid, by means of caustic potash, we cannot do so by adding an acid to the alkaline solution, or at least only toa limited extent. If a great excess of caustic alkali be added to a solution of Spongioporphyrin, obtained by extracting the sponge with water or alcohol containing a little caustic alkali (and giving sp. 3 and 4), no further change takes place. Although the colour of such a solution seems red in deep layers or in concentrated solutions, yet in thin layers or in weak solutions it is more of a bluish colour than the acid solutions, or to be more correct it has a violet colour. If we take a solution got by digesting some sponge with water to which a few drops of caustic soda have been added, and examine a deep layer, we find the red rays between, say, A 620 and A 700 are transmitted; in a less deep layer the spectrum is blocked out from about A 615 to X 505, while in a ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 341 still thinner layer a band from about A 610 to A 515 appears, and on diluting further or diminishing the layer we get sp. 3, and in a still thinner layer or more dilute solution sp. 4. An aqueous and caustic potash solution, a few drops only of the alkali having been used for the extraction, having a fine deep thick purple colour, gave the following measurements for the bands :—First including shadings from A 602 to A 552, dark from A 595 to X 560, centre about A 577; second, Xr 545 to A 522, centre about A 534, A thin layer or a dilute solu- tion has a beautiful lavender tint. Although the spectrum obtained by adding an excess of a mineral acid to a feebly acid solution finally shows the spectrum of sp. 9, yet there is evidence of the presence of some intermediate substance which may show five or six bands. I have not yet investigated this substance or substances. As stated above, an excess of caustic alkali does — not seem to produce any change of spectrum. Nitric acid added to a weak aqueous solution acidulated with hydro- chloric acid produces the change just mentioned. Sulphuric acid produces a similar effect. Is this Pigment Respiratory ?—The addition of ammonium sulphide to a neutral aqueous solution of Spongioporphyrin lightens the colour of the solution and diminishes the intensity of the bands, and on vigorously shaking with air the bands did seem darker and the colour deeper. The addition of formol produces no change. The shght change produced by reducing agents does not enable one to conclude whether the pigment is respiratory or not. The Action of Strong Sulphuric Acid.—It was necessary to find out if strong sulphuric acid produces any- thing hke hematoporphyrin, when made to act on Spongio- porphyrin, as it does in the case of turacin.! Accordingly some pigment isolated as described below was treated with pure sulphuric acid, and filtered through asbestos. The filtrate, which was of a purple-red colour and showed a spectrum closely resembling sp. 5, was poured into water, 1 ¢Philos, Trans.,’ vol, clxxxiii, p, 516. 342 C. A. MACMUNN. and ammonia added to alkalinity; the precipitate which formed was separated by filtration and a part digested in alcohol and ammonia, but this merely showed the ordinary alkaline spectrum as shown insp. 3. Another part was digested in alcohol acidulated with sulphuric acid, but this only showed a spectrum similar to sp. 1. Hence Spongioporphyrin is not allied to haemoglobin or to hematin. Isolation of Spongioporphyrin.—After trying various methods of isolating the pigment, I have come to the con- clusion that by far the easiest and best method is as follows : —KExtraction of portion of sponge with distilled water, to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added, filtering, precipitating the filtrate with caustic potash to feeble alka- linity, collecting the precipitate on a Schleicher and Schiill’s toughened filter-paper, washing on the filter-paper with abundance of distilled water, collecting precipitate, drying, and washing with alcohol and ether. The amorphous pre- cipitate can thus be obtained fairly pure, or it may be further purified by re-solution and precipitation. So far I cannot obtain it in crystals, and on incineration on platinum foil it leaves a little greyish ash. I have not yet been able to get enough pigment for a series of combustions, nor to determine more closely its chemical characters, but I find that it is soluble in distilled water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and insoluble in ether, chloroform, benzol, absolute alcohol, liquorice, distilled water, aqueous solutions containing caustic potash, and in alcohol containing caustic potash. Like the pigment as it exists in the sponge, it is soluble slightly in alcohol acidulated with hydrochloric acid. Solutions of the isolated pigment give the same spectra as those obtained from the coloured sponge itself. II. The Pigment of Polyopogon gigas. Whereas Spongioporphyrin is very stable, even when treated with strong mineral acids, the colouring matter of ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 343 Polyopogon is extremely unstable. This was observed by Mr. Kirkpatrick, who states in his notes: “ (a) HNO, bleaches instantly ; (b) KHO turns colour from purple to brick-red ; (c) KHO and NH, added to a bleached piece of sponge partly restore colour; (d) the alkaline (KHO) brick-red colouring matter is bleached by HNO,, and again restored by adding more KHO; (e) colouring matter insoluble in benzol.” In contrast to the pigment of Suberites, that of Polyo- pogon disappears at once when portions of sponge are put into water acidulated with hydrochloric acid. On putting portions into water to which a little caustic potash had been added, the colour changed to brick-red. ‘The sponge itself has a kind of dull violet-brown colour quite different from that of Suberites, and in the sponge itself and in its solutions I could not see any absorption bands. Both water and glycerine take up some pigment from Polyopogon. The aqueous solution has a pale violet tint, and shows no bands. Nor do any appear on treatment with ammonium sulphide. The same remarks apply to the glyce- rine extract. Portions of sponge clarified by means of glycerine and examined with an Abbé condenser and open diaphragm, and microspectroscope, show no bands before or after adding ammonium sulphide. This pigment may be isolated by taking an acidulated alcoholic solution, which has a faint yellowish tint, and shows no bands, and adding a little caustic potash solution. The almost colourless fluid gets reddish. The precipitate may then be filtered off and further purified. If a bit of sponge be taken which has lost its colour under the influence of alcohol acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and be washed free from acid and then be placed in water containing a little caustic potash, the sponge becomes reddish brown. If now the alkali be washed off, and a little water to which hydrochloric acid has been added is poured on the bit of sponge, the latter is again almost decolourised. It has now, however, a faint greenish tinge. On again washing and VOL, 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES, ar 344 Cc. A. MACMUNN. adding caustic potash solution the reddish-brown colour is restored. Weak spirit will not dissolve the pigment, as Moseley found it did in the case of Polyopogon amadou. Hence it is quite evident that the pigment is quite dif- ferent from Spongioporphyrin. III. The Pigment of a Gorgonian Coral, Pterogorgia pinnata. Professor Lankester found the pigment of this species “insoluble,” and truly it is so. I tried all kinds of solvents, but without result. Alcohol, ether, chloroform, acidulated water, aqueous alkaline solutions, etc., were all tried in vain. In the case of the Aleyonarian Heliopora Moseley? found he could get the pigment out by dissolving the corallum in hydrochloric acid. I tried all kinds of acids, but with a negative result. The pigment as it is present in the or- ganism does not seem affected by acids or by alkalies. I may mention that the spirit in which this specimen had been preserved showed a faint chlorophyll spectrum. From a specimen of the solid pigment mounted in balsam, which Professor Lankester had prepared, I could see no definable bands with the microspectroscope, so that one can infer that this pigment is not related to Spongioporphyrin, and it is not identical or apparently related to the pigment of Polyopogon. Remarks.—On looking up the literature of sponge pig- ments I cannot find any mention of any pigment which presents the characters of Spongioporphyrin. Krakenburg® is the only observer who has made any extended observations on the pigments of sponges. I thought at first I was dealing with a “ floridine” when 1 «Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xvii, N.S., p. 1. 2 *Vergl. physiol. Vortrage, 1886, iii, and ‘ Vergl. physiol. Stud.,’ 1882, pp. 22, ete. 3 For chlorophyll, ete., 'n sponges, see ‘Journ. Physiol.,’ vol. ix, No. 1. ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 3845 examining Spongioporphyrin, but I am now sure that such is not the case. On comparing Spongioporphyrin with polyperythrin, which I have shown reasons for supposing to be hematopor- phyrin,' with antedonin, which is shown in sp. 10, drawn from a specimen given me by the late Professor Moseley, and with, in fact, all the pigments which have been described up to the present time, I am quite sure we have in Spongio- porphyrin a pigment which is new to biology. I hope soon to be able to say something more about the chemical characters, as well as about the spectro- photometry of this pigment. In being apparently so easily isolated and purified, as compared with pigments which are mixed with fat, or even of a fatty nature, it promises to give interesting results when submitted to a thorough chemical examination. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16, Illustrating Mr. C. A. MacMunn’s paper “ On Spongiopor- phyrin: the Pigment of Suberites Wilsoni.” (The scale attached is one of wave-lengths in 100,000th mm.) Sp. 1.—Spectrum of a rectified spirit and nitric acid extract of Spongio- porphyrin. Sp. 2.—The same; shallower depth or weaker solution. Se. 3.—An aqueous and caustic soda solution of Spongioporphyrin, Sp. 4.—The same ; shallower depth or weaker solution. Sp. 5.—Spongioporphyrin in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid. Sp. 6.—The same ; shallower depth or weaker solution. Sp. 7.—Neutral aqueous solution of Spongioporphyrin. Sp. 8.—Spongioporphyrin in neutral state mounted in Canada balsam. Sp. 9.—Action of excess of nitric acid on an aqueous solution of Spongio- porphyrin, Sp. 10.—Moseley’s antedonin, mounted in balsam. From a Specimen put up by the late Professor Moseley when on the “ Challenger.” 346 GC. A. MAOMUNN. POSTSCRIPT. The Spectrophotometry of Spongioporphyrin. In this Journal (vol. 40), in his paper “ On the Green Pig- ment of the Intestinal Wall of Cheetopterus,’ Professor Lankester has given curves showing the percentages of light transmitted by solutions of cheetopterin and bonellin. These curves were drawn by Professor Engelmann, being worked out by means of his microspectrophotometer. At Professor Lankester’s request I here give spectrophotometric curves for feebly alkaline and fully acid spongioporphyrin. I may briefly describe the instrument by means of which these curves were obtained. It is constructed on the lines first proposed by Vierordt,! but with improvements since made by the brothers Kriiss? and others. It consists of a double slit, the jaws of which open symmetrically to the optic axis ; this was made by Mr. A. Hilger, and he has constructed the screws so well that there is not the slightest ‘ lash,” or any other defect. The eye-piece is provided with the usual moveable shutters, and the instrument with a measuring arrangement; by means of these a slice of the spectrum can be isolated and measured in wave-lengths. The glass cells glass body,’ and are 11 mm. from front to back, the “ glass body” being 10 mm. in the same direction; thus one can compare a depth of fluid of are provided with Schulze’s “ 1 mm. with one of 11 mm., which is the same as comparing 10 mm. with a depth of nothing. The graduated drumheads attached to the screws, moving the jaws of the slit, allow 1 «Journ. Physiol.,’ vol. vii, No. 3; vol. viii, No. 6. * Vierordt, ‘Die Anwendung des Spectralapparates zur Photometrie der Absorptionsspectren,’ ete., 1873; and ‘ Die Quantitativ Spectralanalyse in ihrer Anwendung,’ ete., 1876. 3 Kriiss, G. and H., ‘ Kolorimetrie und Quantitatiy Spektral Analyse,’ ete., 1891, ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 347 one to read off the percentages of unabsorbed light. These are the percentages which are expressed by the ordinates of the curves. The abscissz of the curves are wave-lengths of light, in millionths of a millimetre (uy). I may now give the data upon which these curves are con- structed. [The tables of measurements and the diagrams exhibiting these results in the form of a curve are printed on the next two pages (pp. 348, 349), so as to enable the reader to com- pare them without difficulty. They should be compared with the similar curves drawn by Professor Engelmann for chetopterin and bonellin (this Journal, vol. 40). The size and conditions adopted for the two diagrams of absorption curves here figured would seem to be well adapted to serve -asa standard scheme, and it would be desirable to have a series prepared on this model, illustrating the absorption of each of the more important substances which present irre- gular curves of absorption, such as hemoglobin, chlorophyll, potassium permanganate, nitrous oxide gas, etc.— H. R. L.] 348 C. A. MACMUNN, ifs - Feusty ALKALINE SPONGIOPORPHYRIN (a little KHO in distilled water). X = wave-lengths in pp (1 = 0:001 p). A. A weak solution. | B. A stronger solution. Percentage of unab- Percentage of unab- a. sorbed light. a. sorbed light. 661 91°2 661 66:2 ? 598 17°4 598 65 578 8'8 578 30 563 12'8 563 5'8 553 22°0 593 8:0 544 20°6 544. 7-0 | 535 240 535 25 523 38'8 523 12:0 498 89°6 498 | 22°6 427 56°4 427 53 | G.i. B6s6 = C656 YEE) TTD F486 G430 H4#O0 ON SPONGIOPORPHYRIN. 349 LE. Frrsty Acip SronciororrHyrin (a little HCl in distilled water). X = wave-lengths in pu (1 = 0°001 p). B. A stronger solution, which had become A. A weak solution. slightly altered by standing. Percentage of unab- Percentage of unab- x. sorbed light. r. sorbed light. 661 80°4 661 42°2 635 76°6 635 36°5 | 589 18°4 589 | 8:2 | 563 3°2 563 3°2 547 66 547 8:2 537 13:0 5387 12:0 520 12'8 520 148 | 498 41°2 498 ea 427 26'8 427 15°7 See Curve II (Fig. 2). FiG.2. 2686 C656 D589 E526 E486 G430 H40 These numbers express the mean of five readings for each. I may mention that I have repeated these measurements over and over again for solutions of the same strength, and I find they agree to within 0°5 per cent. for the middle of the spectrum, aud to below about 2 per cent. for the red end, a cw 3S ae 7 ed simon «| HIN Sil 4) pan a” ae HS 9° ieee” at aeR = Iara pat UA ay a 1 ne eG ya - a ce oo! 6» el bed! 7 he Vinge ee ie ee yr oe 2 Hist : ols egies oo ae t ch Se | tere 0 eee wt Ast Say ; REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 3051 Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxus. By E. W. MacBride, M.A., D.Sc.(Lond.), Professor of Zoology in McGill University, Montreal. With Plate 17. In 1897 I published in this Journal (6) a paper entitled “The Karly Development of Amphioxus.” In this work it was shown—(l1) that the gut wall is all formed by the endoderm, and that the blastopore is at first posterior and subsequently displaced on to the dorsal surface; (2) that the mesoderm originated from five distinct rudiments, viz. (a) an anterior pouch of the gut, from which the head cavities are formed ; (b) a pair of dorso-lateral pouches which give rise to the first pair of myotomes, and to long ventral sac-like outgrowths of the same which extend back into the atrial ridges; and (c) a pair of dorso-lateral grooves in the gut wall extending back to the blastopore, which gradually become separated off in front, and at the same time divided up to form all the myo- tomes which succeed the first. It was further shown, in the paper referred to, that the tube found in the larva on the left side above the mouth, and called by Hatschek a nephridium, was the persistent con- nection existing between the first myotome on the left side and the gut, from which in the younger larva it had origi- nated as an outgrowth. Lastly, I asserted that the lymph canals found in the metapleural folds were the remains of the ventral extension of the first myotomes. sue E. W. MACBRIDE, In the same number of this Journal in which my paper appeared, Professor Lankester published a criticism (4) of some points contained in it. He considered that in referring to a paper by himself and Willey (8) I had given the impres- sion that they had not deviated from Kowalevsky’s view on the subject of the development of the atrial cavity ; and that further, since in my own paper I used the term “atrial fold ” to denote the wall of the atrial cavity, I had virtually adopted Kowalevsky’s view on this subject, and overlooked the cor- rection of this view by Dr. Willey himself, and that in so doing I was “ perpetuating error.” Such a strong statement from a zoologist occupying the position of Professor Lankester could not be passed over in silence. But various preoccupations, especially those con- nected with the organisation of the Zoological Department in McGill University, prevented my undertaking a renewed examination of my preparations before now. This I have, however, at last accomplished, and the results of this exami- nation are given in the present paper. In general it may be said that these results confirm Kowalevsky’s position as to the mode of formation of the atrium, but in many details they support the observations of Lankester and Willey. Kowalevsky observed (2) in the older larvee of Amphioxus that two ridges appeared on the ventral surface. Subse- quently he found underneath the animal a median tube—the rudiment of the atrial cavity. This tube was situated be- tween the ridges observed in an earlier state, and these ridges could still be observed projecting from its walls. These freely projecting portions could be traced into still older larvee, and were found to constitute the metapleural folds of the adult. The canals contained in the folds were stated by Kowalevsky to be extensions of the general cclom. The interpretation placed by Kowalevsky on his observations was that the ridges had met beneath the ventral surface of the body, and so enclosed the atrial cavity. Lankester and Willey (3) have made similar observations, but have interpreted them rather differently. They say the REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXOS. 353 atrial cavity becomes floored in by ingrowths which meet one another, arising from the inner sides of the free ridges. They were not able to trace the lymph canals into continuity with the ccelom, but state that they appear to be formed by the hollowing out of the originally solid ridges. The atrial cavity is at first a narrow tube, which later expands so “as nearly to surround the alimentary canal.” When in my first paper I stated that Lankester and Willey had confirmed most of Kowalevsky’s results, I believed then and believe still that the difference between the flooring in of the space existing between two ridges, and the growing together of the same ridges so as to meet, were practically only a difference in the form of expression. Kowalevsky undoubtedly figured the atrial ridges too far from the mid- ventral line, and does not seem to have observed the first origin of the cavity, but only a later stage, and the account of Lankester and Willey is a needed correction of his observa- tions; but it seems to me rather unreasonable to require a detailed reference to these minor differences in a paper mainly devoted to the earlier development of Amphioxus ; especially when in a later part of the same paper I further described the views of Lankester and Willey as to the mode of growth of the atrial cavity, and expressed doubts as to their accuracy. Both, however, in the résumé of their observations given by Lankester and Willey, and in the criticism of my paper by Professor Lankester, there is a view put forward of the origin of the atrial cavity which seemed to me most improb- able, and one main object of the present paper was to test its accuracy by fresh observations. In the paper by Lankester and Willey they sum up the development of the atrium in these words : “ a narrow groove which closes and sinks (as it were) into the body of the Amphioxus ;” although they are careful to add that the mode of formation suggested by Kowalevsky and that de- scribed by them ‘ ultimately come to the same thing so far as the obvious morphological relations are concerned.” In 354 E. W. MACBRIDE. Professor Lankester’s later paper he asserts that he and Willey showed that there were no atrial folds at all, since the atrial cavity originated as an insinking formed between two free edges which were only the metapleura. A renewed and careful examination of my preparations has led me to a different conception of the origin of the atrial cavity. I hold that there are atrial ridges, and that the first rudiments of these make their appearance long before the stage in which they were observed by Lankester and Willey. In transverse sections of larve of the latest stage to which they can be artificially reared—that is to say, of larve at the period of the formation of the mouth—it can be observed that the section of the body has a very different shape in the pharyngeal from what it has in the posterior region of the animal. In specimens preserved in osmic acid it can be seen that in the pharyngeal region there are two latero-ventral ridges, sometimes extraordinarily dilated. By carefully following up the sections it can be seen that the cavities contained in these ridges are extensions of the cavities of the first myotome (somite) on each side (fig. 1). This pair of myotomes was proved by me to have an independent origin from the alimentary canal, and was compared to the collar region of Balanoglossus, for which reason its cavity on each side is termed the collar cavity in this paper. The dilation of the collar cavities and the consequent extension of the latero-ventral ridges vary a good deal, and seem to depend on the amount of fluid contained in them. As we follow the sections back the collar cavities become more and more restricted to the latero-ventral angles of the animal, and between them and the pharynx is interposed on each side the splanchnoceele, that is the cclomic tube formed by the coalescence of the ventral portions of the posterior myotomes (figs. 2 and 3). Our knowledge of the formation of the splanchnoccele is most unsatisfactory. Kowalevsky’s obser- vations on this point do not rest on sections. In larve of the age under discussion, in the anterior region the splanch- REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 355 noceele often appears in sections as a solid wedge of cells; whilst in the posterior region the splanchnoccele is not completely formed; the ventral portions of the coelomic sacs are, it is true, nearly shut off from the dorsal portions, but the coalescence of the ventral divisions to form the splanch- noceele is not complete. The youngest larve in my collection caught by the tow-net are too advanced to throw further light on the subject. About five or six sections behind the only gill-slit formed at this stage the collar cavities somewhat abruptly cease, and the form of the section changes; the ventral ectoderm becomes, so to speak, moulded on the gut (fig. 3) and the ventro-lateral ridges disappear. The ventral part of the splanchnoccele can just be made out as a cord of cells, intervening between gut and ectoderm. When later larve are examined, in which several gill-slits have been formed (figs. 4 and 8), the collar cavities can again be recognised. Owing to the extraordinary inequality of growth of the two sides of the pharynx so characteristic of these larvee, the first gill-slit, which was originally situated in the mid-ventral line, becomes shifted up on the right side. In this region the ventro-lateral ridges appear as before on each side of the gill-slit; they have here, in accordance with the changed position of the shit, become lateral. Further back (fig. 8), however, the hinder gill-slits are still in the middle line, and the ventro-lateral ridges containing the collar cavities are distinctly seen on each side. In still later larvee (fig. 5) the ventro-lateral ridges become still more accentuated. On the right side it can be distinctly seen that the portion of the collar cavity contained in the ventro-lateral projection is cut off from the rest. This portion we may designate as metapleural coelom. A similar cavity exists on the left side, and has doubtless a similar origin, but owing to the disturbance caused by the appearance of the mouth this could not be demonstrated. The greater part of the ridge which we may now designate as atrial ridge is, however, caused by a peculiar thickening of the ectoderm 356 E. W. MACBRIDE. (ect., fig. 5). This is caused, as is shown by fig. 6, by an enlargement of some of the cells, whose protoplasm becomes at the same time clear and glassy. These enlarged cells sink inwards, and are covered by the adjoining unaltered ectoderm cells. A first trace of this peculiar change can be noted even in younger larve, such as that shown in fig. 4. In a later stage (fig. 7) the atrial ridges have coalesced to floor in the atrial cavity. The metapleural ccelom on each side is represented by a solid mass of cells, and some of these cells are already being drawn out transversely. This is an indication of their approaching modification into the muscles of the floor of the atrial cavity. A few fibres are already dis- tinguishable by their refractive power (¢. musc.). In the right atrial ridge a cavity is seen with indications of nuclei in its walls. This space I at first supposed to be identical with the metapleural ccelom of the earlier larva. Lankester and Willey call it a lymph canal, and suppose it to be derived from the hollowing out of the ectodermic thickening seen in an earlier stage. This latter view I now believe to be correct. In the series from which fig. 7 is taken, one can distinctly see the metapleural ccelom in the extreme anterior portion of the right atrial ridge. As one follows the series backwards, the metapleural coelom changes into a solid plug of cells, and is pushed to the one side by a mass of watery cells lying under the external ectoderm, in which further back the cavity appears. From this observation I have no doubt that Lankester and Willey are right in assigning to the meta- pleural canals a “ pseudoceelic ” origin. The question now is whether the rudimentary atrial cavity has been formed by an invagination of the ventral ectoderm, or whether it has been walled in by the farther downgrowth of the atrial ridges. If figs. 5 and 7 are carefully compared with one another, it will be seen that the latter view is the only tenable one. These figures represent sections taken from corresponding parts of two larve, one with free ridges, the other with a rudimentary atrial cavity. The lymph canal in the older larva has been carried further downwards than REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS., 3507 the corresponding ectodermic thickening in the younger larva by the growth of its base. Had an upgrowth or invagination taken place, it must have pushed back the pharyngeal wall, an event which we can see from the figures has not taken place. The same conclusion will be arrived at by a comparison with one another of figs. 9 and 10, which represent sections through the posterior pharyngeal region of two larve, one with free ridges and one with a rudi- mentary atrial cavity. One can see that we have to do with a process of elongation of the walls of the cavity, for parts in fig. 10, as compared with those in 9, are stretched out. The further growth of the atrial cavity is described by Lankester and Willey in terms with which I cannot agree. They say that the atrium encroaches on the space hitherto occupied by the ccelom, and finally nearly surrounds the alimentary canal. I freely admit that this is a view which is at first sight strongly suggested by an examination of sections through the region intervening between the end of the pharynx and the atriopore. It seems to me, however, that an examination of the relations existing between the atrial cavity and the gut in the pharyngeal region necessitates a different view. he point of origin of the atrial wall isinallstages of development situated at the edge of the gill-slit. In the larva the gill-slit is a mere pore situated near the ventral line, and the atrial wall appears to arise in this stage near the ventral line also. As the animal assumes the adult form the gill-slit elongates enormously in a dorso-ventral direction, and the atrial cavity grows in strict correspondence with this enlargement. The atrial cavity certainly enlarges, but it does not ‘ displace the ccelom,” or acquire new relations; its expansion is only a part of the general expansion of all the ventral structures of the animal. A comparison with one another of the pharynx of the larva and adult as to histological structure confirms this view. We find that the whole of the lateral walls of the pharynx of the larva have the same structure as the hyperpharyngeal eroove and adjacent epithelium of the pharynx of the adult, 358 E. W. MACBRIDE. The rudimentary character of the ventral and lateral walls of the pharynx of the larva accounts for the apparently ventral origin of the atrial wall. This wall always arises at the spot where the flattened epithelium passes into the high ciliated branchial epithelium. Since the view of Lankester and Willey has been shown to be untenable as far as the pharyngeal region is concerned, it is very unlikely that it is true for the posterior region of the animal. If we examine a just metamorphosed individual we find that near the atrial pore the atrial cavity is com- pletely ventral to the intestine, whilst further forward the cavity half surrounds it. If, however, we measure the dis- tance from the mid-dorsal line of the gut to the dorsal edge of atrial cavity in the two regions, we shall find it about the same, so that the apparent upgrowth of the atrial cavity is largely if not entirely accounted for by the increased size and downward extension of the ventral part of the gut.! Lankester and Willey state further that their account of the growth of the atrial cavity ‘‘is readily harmonised with the existence of the post-atrioporal extension of the atrium which gradually tapers to a fine cecal canal.” I must say that I hold on this subject an absolutely contrary view. In an individual which had just completed the metamor- phosis there is no trace of this post-atrioporal extension. In the region of the atriopore we find in such a specimen four ventral ridges. ‘The two outer are the metapleural ; the two inner, on the contrary, are the separated walls of the atrium, here hanging vertically down. In an individual, on the other hand, in which the genital organs are commencing to appear, the post-atrioporal connection can be traced back 1 Lankester and Willey give figures in the text of their paper illustrating the manner in which, according to them, the upgrowth of the atrial cavity divides the splanchnoceele into the inner or splanchnic and an outer or pleural portion. I can find in my sections no traces whatever of this outer pleural portion. Can Lankester and Willey refer to the genital sac? This has of course been shown to be formed not from the splanchnoceele at all, but from the myotome, REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 309 for a few sections only. It is formed not as a groove at all, but by the meeting together of the two free atrial walls, which in younger individuals are well defined, and continued for some distance backwards behind the atrium. Its mode of formation is, therefore, strictly comparable to the account given by me of the manner in which the main portion of the atrium is formed. To sum up— (1) The atrial cavity in Amphioxus is walled in by a pair of ridges which may be termed atrial ridges, which appear at a very early period of development as comparatively low, broad elevations, each of which contains a cavity, which is an extension of that of the first myotome (collar cavity). (2) The ectoderm on the external side of these ridges be- comes thickened, the cells composing the thickening become clear and glassy, and eventually are hollowed out to form a “lymph canal.” My former statement as to the ccelomic nature of this lymph canal is therefore incorrect. The thickenings containing the lymph canals are called meta- pleuree. (3) The extensions of the collar cavities into the atrial ridges become first separated off as the metapleural ccelom on each side ; later this coelomic space becomes converted into a solid mass of cells, from which arise muscular fibres in the neighbourhood of the gill openings, and almost certainly later the subatrial muscle. This separation and solidification of the metapleural ccelom is coincident with an accentuation of the atrial ridges. (4) The atrial ridges unite beneath the ventral surface of the body, and enclose the atrium. (5) In the larva practically the whole sides and dorsal portion of the pharynx represent merely the hyperpharyngeal groove and the adjacent epithelium of the pharynx of the adult, the whole of the branchial epithelium of the adult being represented by a very narrow strip of the ventral wall of the pharynx of the larva. The subsequent disproportionate growth of this part of the pharynx of the larva and of the VOL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. BB 360 E. W. MACBRIDE. adjacent portion of the atrial cavity has given the impression that the atrial cavity grew upwards and displaced other structures, which is not the case. (6) Whilst Kowalevsky’s main idea as to the manner in which the atrium is formed is therefore correct, the descrip- tions given by Lankester and Willey of the structures seen by them are quite correct, but the consideration of additional facts renders it impossible to accept their interpretation of the processes of growth involved. Before closing this account of the development of Amphi- oxus I should like to refer to another criticism of my former paper, and also to some papers on the same subject which appeared subsequently to its publication. The criticism referred to is that of Klaatsch (1). In discussing my paper he remarks (1) that my figures do not awaken much confidence in the state of preservation of the specimens; (2) that my position as regards the formation of the mesoderm is governed by a rash and exaggerated comparison with Balanoglossus. In reference to Klaatsch’s first remark, I should like to say that the figures do not satisfy me, and are very far from doing justice to the preparations. I regret to say that my powers of draughtsmanship are not first-class, and that the figures were somewhat hurriedly executed owing to my having to leave Cambridge for Montreal, and not being able on that occasion to take my preparations with me. Nevertheless, imperfect as they are, they give a far better idea of what is actually seen in well-preserved preparations than the highly schematic figures of many authors, who represent an epithe- lium of clearly defined pillar-like cells with a nucleus showing ineach. It is astonishing how often a first glance at a pre- paration will give the impression of such a structure, when more careful examination will only reveal a row of elongated nuclei, with here and there a cell limit seen. In particular, in Amphioxus the whole protoplasm both of ectoderm and endoderm is so loaded with yolk that cell limits are excessively difficult to make out once the blastula stage has been passed. I was careful to base my work only on preparations which REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 361 gave evidence of thorough preservation ; and in such of my material as was not preserved in osmic acid the limits of the various cavities could not be made out, since shrinkage of ectoderm and mesoderm and the swelling of the gut cells had obliterated them. With regard to Klaatsch’s second remark, I can only interpret it as an insinuation that I wilfully distorted facts in order to make the development of Amphioxus harmonise with that of Balanoglossus. Such an insinuation I most emphatically repudiate. It is perfectly true that I have long regarded the structure of Balanoglossus as likely to give the best clue to Vertebrate ancestry, and that I was convinced that a careful examination of the early development of Amphioxus would reveal agreement in the essential plan of development of the twotypes. But the mannerin which this agreement manifested itself was a surprise to me. I commenced by investigating Hatschek’s nephridium in the older larva, and I was astounded to find that it was in continuity both with the alimentary canal and the cavity of the first myotome. I then, by examining successively younger stages, traced this connection back to the embryo, and found there the first myotome on either side was in communication with the gut cavity when no other myotome opened into the endoderm. ‘This was seen in all the embryos of this age which I examined. I then made the discovery that no other myotome, in the strict sense of the word, is ever in open communication with the gut, but that one always finds at the hinder end of the animal on each side a dorso-lateral groove or evagination of the gut wall, from which fresh myotomes (somites) were successively cut off as the animal grew in length. I may remark that this view of the origin of the bulk of the meso- derm is not only in accordance with the results of the latest work on the origin of the mesoderm in Vertebrata, but, as Mr. Sedgwick was kind enough to inform me, it was in accordance with the results of his own unpublished observa- tions on Amphioxus, 3 362 E. W. MACBRIDE. As far as regards the head cavities, I was able by sections to confirm Hatschek’s account of the matter, with the trifling addition that both head cavities originate from a common evagination of the gut. So that, whatever view one may hold of the relationship of Amphioxus and Balanoglossus, the fact remains that in Amphioxus the mesoderm originates from five rudiments— (a) the anterior unpaired pouch of the gut; (b) two dorsal pouches situated far forward, giving rise to the first pair of myotomes ; and (c) two dorso-lateral evaginations of the gut wall, which become divided into somites as the animal increases in length. Samassa’s paper (7) onthe development of Amphioxus was published after mine, but the work was carried on simulta- neously with mine, and in many points I regard his results as a welcome confirmation of my own. Ib is curious that we should have been both driven to use the celloidin-paraftin method as the only possible way of dealing with such delicate embryos. ‘The points of difference between us which I may notice concern (1) the segmentation, (2) the gastrula- tion, and (3) the formation of the mesoderm. With regard to the first point, I asserted that at the close of segmentation no difference is observable between the sizes of the blastomeres at the two poles of the blastula. his con- clusion was based on sections, but as orientation is impossible with spherical objects, it is possible that my sections were horizontal, and I have no doubt that Samassa’s views, based on an examination of fresh material, are correct. With regard to the gastrulation, Samassa’s figures are in many ways similar to mine, but he regards the lip of the blastopore at which there is a well-marked separation of the endoderm and ectoderm as dorsal, whereas I regard it as ventral. Now the only method of determining which lip is dorsal and which ventral is by getting hold of a specimen in which the first trace of the dorsal flattening preparatory to the formation of the medullary plate is visible. Such a specimen REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 363 has been figured by me in fig. 9 of my paper, and it is clearly seen that the “clear space” referred to by Samassa is in the ventral lip. Since, further, I have figured a much more complete set of intermediate stages of the gastrulation than Samassa, I must hold to the opinion that in this point an error has been made by that investigator. As to the mesoderm, Samassa’s observations are obviously incomplete, no mention is made of the head cavities, and the whole subject seems to have interested him less than the subjects of the segmentation and gastrulation. None of his statements, however, are irreconcilable with my position. Legros’ paper (5) is unfortunately only known to me through the abstract of it given by Klaatsch in the ‘ Zoolo- gisches Centralblatt,’ but the results therein communicated have awakened the utmost astonishment in me, and prove con- clusively not only that Legros has never seen the earlier stages in the development of Amphioxus, but also that he has never had properly preserved larve at all. I may pass over his theoretical conclusions in silence, for any conclusions founded on such erroneous observations are devoid of any value. Legros states that the pre-oral pit of the larva is an ecto- dermal ingrowth, and denies that the club-shaped gland has an outer opening. It will be remembered that the accepted view of the origin of the pre-oral pit referred it to the left head cavity of the embryo. NowTI must reiterate this view in the strongest possible terms. I have seen the pre-oral pit in the larva about the time of the formation of the mouth as a closed vesicle, not once or twice, but twenty to thirty times, —as often, in fact, as I examined a larva of that age. I have further traced it back until I found it arising as a thickening of the left side of the head cavity. As to the club-shaped gland I am entirely of Willey’s opinion that it is a gill-slit. I have seen its origin again and again as a pouch of the pharynx, and I have also found its external opening, but to see this it is necessary to have larvee preserved in osmic acid. I have only mentioned the club-shaped gland incidentally in my former paper, for it never occurred to me that the 364. E. W. MACBRIDE. results of Willey (8), obtained six years before by an exami- nation of abundant living material, would be questioned on the grounds of examination of imperfectly preserved and scanty material: had such a contingency occurred to me I could have given figures of every stage in the development of the club-shaped gland. MonrtTREAL; December 38rd, 1899. List oF WORKS REFERRED TO IN THIS PAPER. 1. Kusarscu, H.—Referat iiber “‘The Early Development of Amphioxus,” ‘Zoologisches Centralblatt,’ Jahrg. vi, No. 4/5, 1899. 2. Kowatevsxy, A.—‘‘ Weitere Studien tiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte des Amphioxus lanceolatus,” ‘Arch. f. mikr. Anat.’ Bd. xiii, 1877. 8. LanxesterR, E., and Wittey, A.—‘‘The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxxi, 1890. 4, Lanxester, E.—‘‘ Note on the Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus,” ibid., vol. xl, 1898. 5. Lecros.—‘ Développement de la cavité buccale de lAmphioxus lanceolatus,” ete., quoted by Klaatsch in ‘ Zoologisches Central- blatt,’ Jahrg. vi, No. 4/5, 1899. 6. MacBripz, E. W.—*'The Early Development of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. x], 1898. 7, Samassa.—‘‘ Studien tiber den Hinfluss des Dotters auf die Gastrulation und die Bildung der primaren Kleinblatter der Wirbelthiere N. Am- phioxus,” ‘Arch. f. Entw. Mech.,’ Bd. vii, Heft 1, 1898. 8. Wittey, A.—‘ The Later Larval Development of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart, Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxxii, 1891. REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIOXUS. 365 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17, Illustrating Mr. E. W. MacBride’s paper entitled “ Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxus.” List of Abbreviations employed. ect. Ectodermal thickening of the atrial ridge. /oxg. musc. Longitudinal muscles developed from the inner wall of the collar ccelom, and constituting the first myotome. my. The myotomes derived from the ccelomic groove. neh. The notochord. sp.c. The spinal cord. ¢. muse. The transverse muscle-fibres in the floor of the atrial cavity. The outlines of all the figures are drawn with a camera lucida, but in Figs. 5, 7, 9, aud 10 the details of the histology of the ectoderm and endoderm are not given. Fic. 1.—Transverse section through the anterior portion of a larva just before the formation of the mouth, in order to show the continuity existing between the first myotome and the collar celom. Magnified 1100 diameters. (Zeiss, oc. 2; Leitz, immersion 1. Fic. 2.—Transverse section through the hinder end of the pharyngea region of another larva of the same age as that from which Fig. 1 is taken. The splanchnoceele (represented on the right side by a wedge of cells) inter- poses between the pharynx and the backward extension of the collar coclom. Magnification as before. Fic. 3.—Another section from the same series as that to which Fig. 2 belongs, taken a little further back. On the right side the collar ccelom has disappeared, and the outline of the section has changed in consequence. Fic. 4.—Transverse section of the pharyngeal region of an older larva, in which several gill-slits have been formed. The atrial ridges are not as yet recognisable. Magnification as before. Fie. 5.—Transverse section of the pharyngeal region of a still older larva, to show the first appearance of the atrial ridge. The metapleural ccelom has become separated from the remainder of the collar celom. Magnification 350 diameters. (Zeiss, oc. 2, obj. D.) Fic. 6.—A small portion of another section from the same series as that to which Fig. 5 belongs; taken further forward. It illustrates the peculiar thickening of ectoderm cells on the atrial ridge. Fic. 7.—Transverse section of the pharyngeal region of a larva in which the atrial ridges have just met, ‘so as to form a floor for the atrial cavity. Magnification 350 diameters. The metapleural ccelom has become solid, and 366 E. W. MACBRIDE. is giving rise to the subatrial muscle. The ectodermic thickening is hollowed out to form a lymph-space. Fig. 8.—Transverse section through the posterior part of the pharyngeal region of the same larva as that from which Fig. 4 was taken. Magnification 1100 diameters. Fic. 9.—Transverse section through the posterior pharyngeal region of a larva, with numerous gill-slits, older than that figured in Fig. 5, but younger than the larva represented in Fig. 7. The atrial ridges are well marked. Magnification 350 diameters. Fic. 10.—A section from the same series as that figured in Fig. 7, through the posterior pharyngeal region of the larva. The atrial cavity is formed. The metapleural ceelom has become solid, and in each atrial ridge there is a lymph-space. QUELQUES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES ONYCHOPHORES. 367 Quelques Observations sur les Onychophores (Peripatus) de la Collection du Musée Britan- nique. Par M. E. L. Bouvier, Professeur au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. M. te ProresseuR Ray LanKesteR ayant eu Vaimable obli- geance de soumettre 4 mon examen les Onychophores du Musée Britannique, je crois utile de résumer briévement les principaux résultats auxquels m’a conduit l’étude de cette riche collection. A.—Relativement aux espéces américaines, qui appartien- nent toutes au genre Peripatus, ces résultats sont les sui- vants: 1. Le P. dominic Poll., le P. trinidadensis Sedg., et le P. Imthurmi Scl., sont des espéces fort voisines, mais certainement bien distinctes les unes des autres. 2. Le P. juliformis Guild. différe du P. Edwardsi Blanch., avec lequel on l’a confondu, parses papilles principales qui sont de deux sortes, par le nombre de ses pattes et, pro- bablement aussi, par le nombre des papilles sexuelles du mile ; cette espéce habite Vile de St. Vincent, mais elle est re- présentée a la Jamaique par une variété intéressante et, dautre part, se rapproche beaucoup du P. dominice. 3. Dans Vile de la Jamaique se trouve également une espece des plus remarquables, le P. jamaicensis Gr. et Cook, qui ressemble au P. torquatus par ses pattes fort nombreuses, mais qui se distingue de tous les Peripatus américains par Virrégularité de ses plis et par ’uniformité de ses papilles. 4, Les Péripates caraibes sont représentés dans la région de Amazone par une espéce nouvelle de grande taille, le P. brasiliensis, dont les plis fort réguliers sont dépourvus des bifurcations segmentaires normales. - 368 M. E. L. BOUVIER. d. Une autre espéce nouvelle, le P. Lankesteri, appar- tient au groupe des Péripates andicoles; elle se rapproche de beaucoup d’espéces non américaines par la présence d’une papille sur la face dorsale du pied, mais elle offre en outre, comme les autres espéces andicoles, deux papilles pédieuses en avant et deux en arriere. 6. La Nereis viridis d’ Adams n’est rien autre chose que le P. Brdlemanni Bouy. 7. Les embryons de presque toutes les espéces américaines présentent des papilles principales de deux sortes, des grandes et des petites, méme chez les formes ou les papilles principales de l’adulte sont subégales. Ce caractére rend fort difficile la détermination des jeunes; il semble prouver que les espéces & papilles principales de deux sortes sont plus primitives que les autres. B.—Les espéces australiennes (genre Peripatoides) ne m’ont par offert une moisson de renseignements aussi riche; pourtant j’ai pu constater que les ¢ de P. Leuckarti Siang., var. orientalis Fl. présentent une papille sexuelle sur toutes les pattes, depuis la seconde paire jusqu’a la quatorzieme inclusivement. C.—Les formesde |’ Afrique australe sont plus intéressantes. Parmi leurs espéces les plus instructives il y a lieu de signaler VOpisthopatus cinctipes Purcell, qui est représenté dans la collection par un certain nombre de jolis exemplaires. Ces derniers proviennent de Durban, c’est a dire, d’une localité assez éloignée de Port Elizabeth, région ou furent captures les types primitifs de l’espéce. II se distinguent de ces derniers par leur grand orifice sexuel en croix, par les énormes vési- cules coxales évaginables de leurs pattes (6 a 16 inclus.), par leurs papilles plus réguliérement sériées et par leur jolie teinte d’un gris noiratre granité. Ces exemplaires me parais- sent appartenir a une variété nouvelle de lespéce (var. nata- lensis) ; d’ailleurs ils ressemblent a |’espéce typique par leur développement, car j’ai pu observer dans un méme individu, a ’exemple de M. Purcell, des embryons a divers stades. Une autre espéce non moins intéressante est le Peri- QUELQUES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES ONYCHOPHORES. 369 patopsis Moseleyi W. M.; cet Onychophore, en effet, ressemble aux espéces américaines par des variations considér- ables dans le nombre de ses pattes ; il peut en compter de 22 a 25 paires et les derniéres, qui sont fort réduites, tantot sont munies de eriffes, tantot en manquent completement. Malgré ces variations, tous les spécimens que j’ai observés m’ont paru fort semblables et je n’ai pu que les ranger dans la méme espéce. J’ajouterai que M. Purcell semble incliner vers une opinion analogue, depuis son dernier travail; ce savant m écrit, en effet, qu’il s’efforce de recueillir des P. Moseleyi vivants afin de savoir si leurs jeunes présentent des variations sem- blables dans le nombre des pattes. Le P. Moseleyi m’a paru se rapprocher étroitement du P. Sedgwicki Purcell, espéce qui présente 20 paires de pattes toutes munies de griffes. Pensant que l’étude des embryons me permettrait peut-étre d’identifier les deux espéces, j’ai ouvert une femelle pleine de P. Sedgwicki, mais tous les jeunes qu’elle renfermait dans son utérus avaient, comme elle, 20 paires de pattes. Cette observation ne m’a donc par donné les résultats que j’espérais, mais elle m’en a fourni d’autres, de non moindre importance. J’ai pu constater, en effet, que les embryons de P. Sedgwicki ressemblent a ceux des Opisthopatus en ce quwils ne sont pas tous au méme stade de développement, que leurs pattes postérieures sont plus développées relativement que celles de Vadulte, enfin que les plus jeunes présentent sur la téte une vésicule trophoblastique diversement développée. Par ce caractére, le Peripatopsis Sedgwicki se rapproche du Paraperipatus nove-britannie Willey, abstraction faite des dimensions de le vésicule, qui est plus réduite, et qui représente vraisemblablement, dans la premiécre de ces espéces, un organe embryonnaire en voie de disparition. I] y a lieu de penser qu’on observera des caracteres analogues dans les embryons de P. Moseleyi. D.—J’ai pu également examiner les types de Paraperi- patus nove-britannie offerts par M. Willey au Musée Britannique. Je n/’airien a ajouter aux savantes observations 370 M. E. L. BOUVIER. de ce zoologiste, si ce n’est que les pattes de la derniére paire sont réduites et qu’elles représentent, comme les pattes pos- térieures des Peripatopsis, des appendices en voie de dis- parition. Conclusions.—I] me parait aujourd’hui probable que les modifications les plus importantes de la morphologie des Onychophores sontle résultat d’atrophies semblables, plusieurs Schémas représentant la disparition progressive des pattes postérieures et les modifications correspondantes de l’extremitié terminale du corps. A. Peripatus. B. Peripatoides. C. Peripatopsis. D. Paraperipatus. fois répétées, qui ont réduit et fixé le nombre des pattes. Dans les Peripatus (toutes les formes américaines sauf une du Chili; P. Tholloni Bouv., du Congo, et P. sumatranus Horst, de Sumatra) le nombre des paires de pattes s’étend de 934,43, et varie dans une méme espéce, l’orifice sexuel se trouve situé entre les pattes de l’avant-derniére paire, et celles de la derniére sont toujours plus ou moins réduites, mais pourtant QUELQUES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES ONYCHOPHORES. 371 armées de griffes. Chez les Peripatoides (espéces d’Aus- tralie, de l'asmanie, de Nouvelle Zélande, et du Chili) et chez les Opisthopatus (certaines espéces de |’Afrique australe), les pattes de la derniére paire sont complétement atrophiées, et Porifice sexuel reste entre les précédentes (qui sont main- tenant les derniéres), la partie postérieure du corps se termi- nant par un cone apode plus ou moins allongé. I] en est encore de méme chez les Peripatopsis (autres espéces de l’Afrique australe), mais les pattes postérieures y sont fort réduites, et placées 4 la base d’un céne anal des plus petits. On observe dailleurs, dans les espéces du genre, les divers stades de Vatrophie des pattes postérieures: dans le P. Sedgwicki Purcell, le P. leonina Purcell, le P. clavigera Purcell, et le P. Balfouri Sedg., ces pattes sont encore assez fortes et munies de griffes; elle sont de taille variable et le plus sou- vent inermes dans le P. Moseleyi W. M., enfin elles se réduisent 4 un court moignon et perdent toute trace d’arma- ture terminale dans le P. capensis Gr. Dans le genre Paraperipatus (Nouvelle-Bretagne), cette patte postérieure disparait complétement, et lorifice sexuel se trouve en arriére de celles qui les précédaient et qui sont ici, 4 présent, les derniéres. D?ailleurs ces pattes disparaitront vraisem- blablement a leur tour (car elles sont déj& notablement ré- duites), le céne anal qui porte Vorifice sexuel s’atrophiera peu a peu, et ainsi se produira une réduction progressive dans le nombre des appendices. Ce nombre, qui s’éléve 43 paires dans les especes américaines, descend jusqu’a 16 chez certaines formes africaines, et finit méme par s’abaisser & 14 ou 16 chez les espéces d’Australie et de Nouvelle- Zélande ; en méme temps qu’il se réduit, ce nombre tend a devenir de plus en plus fixe pour une méme espéce; il acquiert méme une fixité absolue dans tous les Onychophores ou il descend au-dessous de 20. En se fondant sur ces caractéres et sur quelques autres de diverses valeurs, on peut grouper et distinguer comme il suit les cinq genres qui constituent la classe : ove M. E. L. BOUVIER. Orifice sexuel entre les pattes de l’avant- derniére paire; pattes postérieures réduites, mais normalement conformées. Un récep- tacle séminal sur chaque branche de l’ovi- ducte. Embryons a& divers stades de dé- veloppement et munis d’une formation placentaire a laquelle ils se rattachent par un cordon. Plis de la peau généralement réguliers. Couleur variant du _ brun Peripatus, (Guild.) Pocock. L { jaunatre au noir. J Orifice sexuel) Un réceptacle sé-} entre les pattes de | la derniére paire | minal sur chaque | branche del’ oviducte; qui ne sont pas | le développement | Peripatoides, réduites ; em- | s’effectue tout entier| Pocock. bryons a divers | a Vintérieur de l’ceuf ; | stades de déve-; un cOne anal bien loppement et dé- pourvus de pla- centa. Plis de la x ° 4 peau tres irre- guliers. Couleur fondamentale al- ee eee développé. Pas de réceptacle | séminal (Purcell) ; le développement se fait | Opisthopatme 1 us, lant le plus sou- librement dans Vin- + Purcell. vent du vert au noir, rarement | cOne anal rudimen- | ) térieur de lutérus; jaune ou brune. taire. Orifice sexuel entre les pattes de la der- niére paire, qui sont fort réduites et ees inermes; cOne anal rudimentaire. Pas ire réceptacles séminaux. Les embryons se développent librement dans lutérus ee Peripatopsis, ternel et y sont presque toujours au meme | Pocock. stade; parfois, pourtant, ils sont a des stades divers et munis d’une ei Couleur allant le plus souvent du vert au | noir, Plis de la peau trés irréguliers, J QUELQUES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES ONYCHOPHORES. 378 Orifice sexuel en arriére des pattes de la} derniére paire (qui sont réduites, mais nor- males), sur un cone anal trés développé. Un réceptacle séminal sur chaque branche de Voviducte. Hmbryons a divers stades + de développement et munis d’une grande | vésicule. Plis dela peau assez irréguliers. Couleur fondamentale allant du vert au noir. 5) Paraperipatus, Willey. Je terminerai en disant que par leur couleur et, jusqu’a un certain point, par le nombre de leurs pattes, les Onycho- phores découverts par M. Richard Evans, membre de la Skeat Expedition, dans la presqu’ile malaise, semblent se rapprocher surtout du genre Peripatus. Paris; Le ler Janvier 1900. ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. B70) On the Diplochorda. III. The Early Development and Anatomy of Phoronis Buskii, MclI. By Arthur TT. Masterman, W.A.(Cantab.), D.Sc.(Lond. amd St. A.), Lecturer on Zoology in the New Medical School, Edinburgh, With Plates 18—21. LITERATURE. Dr. Dysrur (6) appears to have first published observations upon the development of Phoronis (P. hippocrepia). The anatomical part of his paper is principally concerned with the alimentary and vascular systems, and parts of this will be referred to later on. He watched the whole process of oviposition, the passage of the eggs through the nephridia (the ‘‘ hollow ridge ”’) and their deposition in the inner space of the lophophore. To the wall of this ridge they adhere by a glutinous exudation. “They are voided alternately through each ridge (ne- phridium) and form a compact white mass, separable only with considerable difficulty on each side of the space in the con- cavity of the lophophore, shadowed over by the interlacing extremities of the inner tentacles.” He states, further, that the larva “quits the parent nest when about forty-eight hours old.” He figures three larvee at different stages, the latest having one pair of tentacles. Both the figures and description clearly show that he mistook the anal end for the VOL, 43, PART 2,—-NEW SERIES. GE 376 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. oral, and vice versa. ‘lhe eggs after deposition measured zéy inch in diameter. Kowalevski (9) in 1867 published the results of his labours upon Phoronis at Naples. Some observations upon the anatomy are followed by an account of the early develop- ment. He states that fertilisation takes place in the ccelom. Total cleavage leads to the formation of a hollow sphere, which invaginates. ‘The mesoderm is formed by delamina- tion from the ectoderm. The blastopore shifts from a ter- minal to a ventral position. Further development results in the formation of the hood over the mouth and the ten- tacles at the posterior end. Between the latter the anus breaks through. On becoming set free from the egg membrane the larva is uniformly clothed with cilia. He succeeded in definitely identifying the Phoronis larva as being none other than Actinotrocha, Finally, he was led to consider that Phoronis had no connection with the Gephyrea or the Bryozoa. In fact, he doubted the cor- rectness of placing it amongst the worms, himself inclining rather towards the Mollusca as its true phylum. Metschnikoff (13) in 1871 gave an account of early Ac- tinotrocha larve and their structure in so far as could be ascertained from external observation. He figures and describes a free-swimming larva with one pair of tentacles, and follows this up through stages with two and three pairs of tentacles. His description of stages later than this do not concern the present subject. in 1882, however, in a paper (14) dealing generally with oastrulation and the origin of the mesoderm in Metazoa, he follows these processes in Phoronis from the blastula onwards. He appears to have relied solely upon an exami- nation of the entire embryos for his results. He shows large mesenchyme Cells present in the blastoccele cavity before gastrulation, and smaller ones scattered during this process in the reduced cavity, more especially in the pre-oral lobe. In this region they are figured as arranging themselves as a layer lining the cavity. From these observations he is led ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. onal to conclude that the mesoderm of the adult arises from mesenchyme cells. In this opinion he is supported by Foettinger (7), who finds what he considers early mesen- chyme cells (“le premier élément mésodermique”) in as early a stage as that of eight blastomeres. He followed the segmentation processes from the earliest condition to gastrulation. Like Metschnikoff, he relied upon optical sections of the entire embryos, and also subjected them to a course of treatment with acetic acid. In 1885 appeared a short paper on the early stages of Phoronis by Caldwell (3). This observer was the first to apply the method of sections to the elucidation of the subject in hand. His paper is almost entirely concerned with the origin of the mesoblast. Briefly, he dismisses Kowalevski’s statements by supposing that he was deceived by the ecto- derm cells being darker at the base, and those of Metschni- koff and Foettinger by explaining their ‘ mesenchymatous” cells as being “‘amceboid processes of the endoderm cells growing into the segmentation cavity,’ or possibly other non-nucleated bodies which are to be found in the blastoccele. He concludes, “‘I have observed them frequently, but it is certain that they have nothing to do with the true meso- blast.” His papers and figures have been introduced into numerous text-books, and are well known, so that we need merely repeat here his summary (p. 25). 1. The blastopore gives rise to both mouth and anus. 2. The mesoderm arises in an anterior pair of entoblastic modified diverticula, and in a posterior pair of ectoblastic diverticula connected by a few mesodermic cells derived from the middle of a primitive streak. 3. The nephridial openings to the exterior are parts of the blastopore. In 1890 Roule (15) attacked the subject, and formed no exception to the others in differing remarkably from his predecessors. His material was derived from Phoronis sabatieri. 378 ARTHUR 'T. MASTERMAN, Roule’s paper is unaccompanied by any figures, and is of the nature of arésumé. He has followed the segmentation to the stage with thirty-two blastomeres, in which he states there is no blastoccele. The spherical blastula spreads out laterally to a discoidal shape, which then invaginates and hence becomes globular. The blastopore is at one of the poles of the gastrula, but becomes eccentric by differential growth. He finds no mesoblast till the mouth and pre-oral hood over it are established, thus differing from Metschni- koff and Foettinger, and indeed from Kowalevski. From this stage onwards he finds primary mesenchymatous cells in the blastoccele. Later still, the “ mésendoblast” in the neighbourhood of the anus proliferates to form the initial “‘mésoblastiques.” The cells of these break up partly into single cells, which join the mesenchyme already referred to, and partly form two compact masses which Roule considers to be the mesoblastic bands (homologous to those of the trochophore). Roule does not state his methods of investiga- tion, though it would be difficult to determine with any certainty the points above described without serial sections of the embryos. Lastly, Schultze (16) has quite recently (1897) published a short paper upon the development of the Phoronis found in the Black Sea. He found that the blastula became bilateral. As in the case of Roule and Metschnikoff, he describes the mouth as formed from the blastopore, the anus being a new formation. He, like Metschnikoff, finds single mesoderm cells in the blastoccele of the blastula stage. They arise from the endoderm, and later become pressed into the pre- oral lobe and the anal region, eventually arranging them- selves into somatic and splanchnic layers. He illustrates this process by figures, but does not in any way refer to his methods. He attempts to account for Roule’s and Caldwell’s descriptions as being due to the per- sonal element and the influence of Hertwig’s ccelom theory. He also remarks that Caldwell evidently mistook the ventral invagination which gives rise to the adult body for a pair ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 379 of posterior coelomic sacs. This cannot possibly have been the case, for Caldwell’s embryos were cut in the tentacles of the parent, and in all-the species of Phoronis whose de- velopment has been known up till now the larve leave the parent at the stage with only one pair of tentacles long before the invagination commences. Apart from this, Cald- well’s figures, drawn by camera from the sections, scarcely allow of such an explanation. Lastly, he refers to my comparison of Phoronis and Balanoglossus, and objects to it on the score of the dif- ferent fate of the blastopore in each case. Reference to this will be made later. Thus the ontogeny of Phoronis is almost unique in this respect, that with regard to it there is universal disagree- ment on such an important point as the development of the mesoderm. In a former paper I have investigated the structure of the late Actinotrocha larva, but was debarred from following the early stages because neither Phoronis nor the early Actinotrocha occurs in St. Andrews Bay. The later larvee appear to be brought by the tide currents from else- where, probably from the Frith of Forth, in which Dr. Stret- hill Wright first found the adult. Although a renewed investigation of the early stages might furnish fresh proof of the correctness of the view which was suggested of the natural affinities of Phoronis, and could hardly reveal anything prohibitive of it, more especially as the origin of the mesoblast in Tornaria is still considered as undecided (cf. Spengel and Morgan), it seemed justifiable to publish at once the facts already found, such as the five coelomic sacs, and draw the legitimate in- ferences from them rather than keep back the whole work for years. Such, however, does not appear to be the opinion of some, to judge by recent criticism, so that I determined to attempt an investigation of the early stages in Phoronis Buskii, although the specimens kindly given me by Pro- fessor McIntosh were preserved in about 1870, and even 380 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. then more with regard to preservation of the adult than of the embryo. This author has himself made a few observa- tions upon the larve and their presence in the tentacles of the parent (12). Methods. The animals themselves were well preserved, probably in corrosive sublimate followed by spirit, but some little diffi- culty was experienced in the case of the embryos, so that the study of them has failed. to elicit all that might have been expected, especially with regard to the origin of the meso- derm. The embryos were cut in series mostly with a thickness of 1:25 to 2 uw, and were then deeply stained with heemalum fol- lowed by aqueous eosin. A very beautiful differential staining resulted. Not only were the nuclei sharply defined, but the stages in development were clearly indicated, all the earlier stages staining with eosin, and the later stages, especially after gastrulation, becoming clearer. At the same time the hypoblast always took a darker eosin stain than the epiblast. Such a method of staining very thin sections when applied to suitably fixed embryos of Phoronis kowalevskii could not fail to settle the vexed question of mesoderm formation in this species, with regard to which every observer has up till now disagreed with his predecessors. Some of the sections were made with paraffin alone, and others with the celloidin-paraffin method ; the latter were the more satisfactory, mainly on account of the possibility of more accurate orientation. The Karly Development of Phoronis Buskii, Mel. It appears as far as is known to be a general character of the Phoronidea to retain the eggs in the lophophore until the early stages are passed through. In the case of P. Buskii the same arrangement holds as was noticed by Pro- ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 381 fessor McIntosh in his monograph upon the species. The doubts which have been thrown upon the claims of this form to specific distinction do not seem to be well founded, as it has well-marked differences which cannot be explained as variations. Apart from those which concern the compara- tive length of the adults, the number of tentacles, and the differences in pigmentation, it is noteworthy that the size of the embryos in Phoronis australis is greater than that of P. Buskii; so much is this the case that it is easy to dis- tinguish the embryos of each species by their relative size in a mixture of the two. In P. Buskii the embryos are found in enormous numbers in the outer coil of the lophophore. They are all enclosed in a thin ege-membrane, which is intact in the latest stage found in the tentacles. Rupture of the egg-membrane would appear to be synchronous with escape of the larvee from the lophophore of the parent. Fig. 59 is a transverse section of the lophophore and sur- rounding partsof Phoronis Buskii, seen from above. As is well known, the lophophore is composed of a nearly com- plete ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth. This ring, at first nearly circular in those species in which the young stages are known, is drawn out laterally into an ellipse, and then the extension on each side is rolled up dorsally (to- wards the anus) into a spiral. The inner (oral) surface of all the tentacles presents a ciliated epithelium of long cells, which probably cause cur- rents of food and water to pass downwards towards the mouth. The outer surface of the tentacles has a non-ciliated epithelium of cubical cells, which are much flatter than the cells of the inner surface. In Fig. 59 the distribution of the two layers is shown as seen in a section about halfway up the lophophore. Thus the inner coil of the lophophore leads down to the mouth, whilst the outer coil eventually opens out opposite its fellow in the median line between mouth and anus. Through the greater extent of the lophophore the apertures of the 382 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. outer coils upwards are freely open, but in a section at the very base of the lophophore they are seen to be partially blocked by a pair of large organs, one on each side (see fig. 61). These problematical organs have had various functions as- signed to them. Caldwell (1) claimed for them a sensory function as indicated by the name “ciliated pit,” and they have been compared to certain sensory pits in some of the Gephyrea. McIntosh (12) also observed them in the species under consideration, and noted that they were simple and rudimentary in the young individual. He also noted the presence of mucus in the central cavity of the organs. Benham (2), working upon Phoronis australis, was led to doubt their sensory function, and considered them to be glandular in nature. He remarked that a similar glandular modification extends as a ridge throughout the lophophore, lying along the face of the inner series of tentacles. I have carefully examined these organs, and can confirm the obser- vations of Benham upon their structure and extent. The “ciliated pit” itself is really only the involuted terminal portion of the ridge of ciliated glandular epithelium extend- ing along the base of the outer coil. Benham has named the whole organ, including the portion extending through- out the length of the outer coil, the “lophophoral gland.” My observations of its structure and relationships in P. Buskii do not differ sufficiently from his to justify further figures. With regard to the functions of this lophophoral gland, I believe there is sufficient evidence to assume that it secretes mucus, which, driven up the coil by the cilia, forms an adherent surface for the eggs and embryos to be carried in the same direction. Thus these glands would come under the category of subsidiary reproductive organs, or nida- mental glands. The proot for this assertion is partly direct and partly indirect. Upon dissecting the lophophore, the mucus lying in the gland may often be removed as a long band with a great ON THE DIPLOGHORDA. 383 number of embryos adhering to it. The embryos usually present a more or less progressive series as regards develop- ment (fig. 20). This band is also found in Phoronis aus- tralis. If we are justified in assuming that the cilia on the inner surface of the tentacles cause a food- and water-current downwards, the water must tend to filter between the tenta- cles into the outer coils, and down them into the median space, where the current would be reinforced by the water directed by the epistome out of the imner coil through the dorsal gap in the tentacles, which I called the branchial fissure. This current of water would pour outwards between the two spirals of the lophophore, and over the apertures of the nephridia and the anus. I have not had any live specimens of Phoronis, so cannot demonstrate with certainty that these currents actually exist, but I fail to see any other way of interpreting the structure of the lophophore. This current would tend to bear away from the animal both the feces from the anus and the excretory products from the nephridia, but in the breeding season the sexual products would in like manner be carried away from the parent. Whilst this may or may not be a desirable consummation in the case of the spermatozoa, further provision would be necessary to retain the eggs in the lophophore (see figs. 61 and 62). If we may assume that by a contraction of the base of the lopho- phore the openings of the nephridia could be approximated still more to the mouth of the lophophoral gland, the eggs would come in contact with the mucus immediately upon extrusion, and adhering thereto must be carried up the outer coil in the teeth of the down-coming water-current, in which there would doubtless be spermatozoa from another indi- vidual, Sheltered in the tentacles of the parent, the egesare in this situation not only in the best position for fertilisation, but the continuous stream of water makes the lophophore, like the branchiz of Lamellibranchs, an ideal ‘nursery ” for the early stages (see fig. 61). Again, the fact that the lophophoral glands develop very 384 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. late in life indicates a probable connection with the sexual function. These remarks concerning fertilisation are contrary to the statements of Kowalevski that it takes place inside the body-cavity, but this does not appear to be the case in P. Buskii or P. australis. Like Benham, I have failed to find any mature spermatozoa in the coelom. In lke manner the eggs are never segmented in the ccelom, whilst the un- segmented eggs are found in great numbers in the tentacles. In any case all are agreed that the nephridia act as genital ducts. Thus the structure, function, development, and relationship to surrounding parts of the lophophoral gland indicate alike that it acts as an accessory gland in connection with repro- duction with a nidamental function. Arrived at the apex of the lophophoral spiral the embryos appear to become detached from the mucus, and are then carried round the outer coil, probably by the water-current, which passes not only downwards, but from the apex of the spiral to the opening of the outer coil. Thus the forward movement of the embryos to the centre of the coil is reversed, and they travel round the spiral till they are discharged in the water-current to the exterior between the two spirals of the lophophore, dorsally to the lophophoral gland (see figs. 60, 61, and 62). A suitable section will show the spiral with every stage of development from the segmented blastula at the apex to the advanced larvee with three pairs of tentacles in the outer coil (cf. fig. 59). We may regard the increase in number of tentacles and their coiling as being adaptations connected with nutrition and growth, and these features have been seized upon for the protection and ‘‘ nursing ” of the young in an analogous manner to similar phenomena in the Lamellibranchiata. At the early phyletic stages of the group, when the lophophore was a ring, it could have afforded little or no protection to the young ; the lophophoral glands were probably absent, and the ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 385 eggs were discharged direct into the water. As the lophophore commenced to coil the eggs were retained for a longer and longer portion of the ontogeny in the shelter of the tentacles. Phoronis australis and Phoronis Buskii form the head of the series in this as in nearly all other features of anatomy and physiology. Thus the eggs and young are found in the tentacles, and as a rule still enveloped in the egg-membrane till as late as the Actinotrocha stage with three pairs of tentacles. Segmentation. The earliest unsegmented ova are found in the lophophore, which fact militates against the view that fertilisation and part of the segmentation is effected in the ccelom of the parent, as was stated to be the case in the Phoronis examined by Kowalevski (9). Cori (4) has been led to doubt this observation, and I have certainly failed to find either in P. Buskii or P. australis a single ovum undergoing seg- mentation within the coelom. The ova are perfectly round, and surrounded by a very delicate and pellucid membrane, which usually has a small pedicle by which it was attached to the mucus band (see fig. 20). The first segmentation results in the formation of two equal blastomeres, which appear to be almost symmetrical. The second furrow is at right angles to the first, and results in four quadrants which now differ shghtly at the two poles. Hach tapers to one end, so that the whole egg appears to be slightly pointed and broader at the base (figs. 2 and 3). This condi- tion is foreshadowed in the two-cell stage, but becomes well marked here. A view of the base (fig. 4) shows the arrange- ment in which two opposite blastomeres form a cross-line. All the eggs of this and the eight-cell stage which I have seen show this arrangement, though, as in the case of the frog, there are probably variations, and the point is one to which little importance need be attached. At the apex the two furrows form a regular cross. A transverse section of this 386 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. stage shows (fig. 21) that there is a well-defined blastoccelic cavity, slightly compressed from side to side. Roule (15) states that the blastoccele does not develop till much later. The third furrow is at right angles to the first two, and is almost exactly equatorial, The fact that the first four blastomeres taper results in the upper four being less in bulk than the lower (fig. 5). The base and apex of this stage appear similar to those of the four-celled. The further stages in segmentation are difficult to trace in the specimens to hand. The cells of the blastula stage are very nearly if not quite equal in size. The cells of the lower hemisphere, however, appear to retain a slightly greater size. Fig. 22 is a median section through an early blastula, with five upper cells and four lower cells in the median plane. The blastula is still perfectly spherical, but in further segmentation both the blastula and the blastoccele appear elongated in a median section (fig. 23). In this figure the lower cells are distinctly larger and rather longer than the upper ones. The elongated appearance is not due to an elongation in one axis of the blastula (the horizontal axis), but to a gradual flattening of the whole blastula in the vertical plane, so that it becomes disc-shaped (cf. fig. 11). Fig. 24 shows an even later stage of the blastula, in which there isa great increase of cells, and the lower cells have become slightly flattened on their outer surface. This is the commencement of gastrulation. As segmentation proceeds, the nuclei, which in the four-celled stage lie at the centre of the cells, gradually move outwards to the peripheral part, and in fig. 24 come to he almost under the limiting cell wall. Gastrulation and the Fate of the Blastopore. The external appearance of the several stages here dealt with is shown in figs. 6 to 15. The embryos not having been observed alive, one can only follow the changes by the examination of a selected series. The whole process of gastrulation and closure of the blastopore appears to be ON 'THE DIPLOCHORDA. 387 extremely rapid if one may judge by the small proportionate number of embryos to be found at these stages, and the very small extent of the coils which is occupied by embryos at this stage. The spherical blastula appears to become more or less hemispherical by a complete invagination of the lower and rather larger cells, so that the gastrulation is typically embolic. Fig. 11 shows the view from below of an embryo in which the invagination is nearly completed ; fig. 6 is a lateral view of the same embryo. The blastopore at this stage is large and circular, with a diameter little less than that of the whole blastula. In the next stage which I have found (fig. 7) the embryo has commenced to elongate shghtly in an axis perpendicular to the principal axis of the blastula, and corre- sponding very nearly with the long axis of the late larva. Hence in ventral view (fig. 12) the embryo appears to be oval in outline, and the blastopore is correspondingly oval. At the part which we may now distinguish as the posterior end, the oval blastopore is seen to taper off into a groove which extends as a furrow very nearly to the posterior border of the embryo. These appearances certainly lead one to the inference that the blastopore is closmg up by an approximation of its lips in the posterior region. A reference to the lateral view of the same embryo (fig. 7) shows that the anterior part of the embryo, mainly in front of the blastopore, is increasing in size rapidly, and is tending to bend over ventrally. At the next stage (fig. 18) this increase of the anterior region has caused the outline of the embryo as seen from below to apparently taper at the posterior end. The blasto- pore has now further contracted in extent, and narrows off posteriorly in connection with the median groove, which has increased in length. In comparing this stage with the last we note that the anterior lip of the blastopore appears to be further back than in the latter, which is probably due to the growth of the anterior region and to its further ventral flexion (cf. fig. 8). On the other hand, the appearances here still further confirm the result arrived at above, that the 388 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. blastopore is undergoing a process of closure by an approxi- mation of the lips in the median line. The closure proceeds from behind forwards, and the line of closure is indicated by the faint median groove. At the next stage the growth, both laterally and ventrally, of the anterior region has altered the outline of the embryo (figs. 9 and 14). The blastopore has closed for the greater part of its extent, and it is now rather broader from side to side than before. The closure having almost ceased, the blastopore, or rather its anterior end which is still open, broadens out and soon after this becomes circular; it is defi- nitely to be identified as the larval mouth, or more accu- rately the opening into the “stomach.” The ventral groove can now be barely distinguished except by careful arrange- ment of the light, and after this stage is quite indistinguish- able. The ventral flexure of the anterior part of the embryo is very marked (fig. 9), and in the next stage (figs. 10 and 15) has proceeded so far that the mouth is completely covered over by this part, now to be identified as the “hood” or pre-oral lobe. The period included between these two last stages appears to be a fairly long one, during which some important internal differentiations are in progress. So far as external observation can show, we may notice that the gastrulation is embolic, the blastopore closes from behind forwards, its anterior part persisting as the “ mouth.” We may here anticipate a consideration of the work of other observers by saying that in no embryo have I been able to find either in external view or in section any trace of the “yosterior pit” of Caldwell (8) as a posterior persistent portion of the blastopore. Fig. 25 is a median vertical section through fig. 11. In it the larger granular cells are seen to be invaginating. Throughout the whole series of sections the histological characters of the hypoblast are markedly different from those of the epiblast. Apart from the differences of size and number, ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 389 the hypoblast cells contain far more yolk, which stains well with eosin, the cell walls are much fainter, and are in some cases indistinguishable (due to method of preservation), whilst the nuclei are slightly larger and less regularly arranged. In fig. 25 the blastoccele cavity is still seen, and it is usually quite destitute of any structural contents. Occasionally I have noticed a few fine strands of cytoplasm crossing it, or even gathered into small masses, but in no case have I seen a nucleus, or any body which stained with the dark blue tint of hemalum present in the blastoceele. Fig. 26 shows a median sagittal section of a stage a very httle later than fig. 12. Here the invagination is completed, and the blastopore even in its length has considerably con- tracted. The epiblast cells are slightly longer and more abundant at the anterior end than elsewhere. The blasto- coele cavity is still distinguishable and empty as before. Up to this stage there is nothing which could be construed into a trace of mesodermic elements in any part of the embryo. Fig. 27 is a median sagittal section of the stage represented by fig. 13 or slightly earlier. Here we may note that the hypoblast is in close contact with the epiblast in every direc- tion. Whether due in any degree to a post-mortem contrac- tion or not, the blastoccele cavity has disappeared altogether. The blastopore has further narrowed in extent, and the epiblast at its lips has commenced to grow inwards, following in the wake of the invaginated hypoblast. Figs. 29 and 30 are median sagittal sections of figs. 14 and 15 respectively. In them the further formation of the stomodeum is shown, fig. 30 indicating that the whole ‘qgsophagus” of the larva is formed in this way from epiblast. The gradual ventral growth of the pre-oral hood is also clearly shown. One feature to be noted is the entire absence of any indication in section of the ventral groove. In transverse sections it appears merely as a superficial depression of the cells, and it would appear that concrescence of the respective hypoblast and epiblast of the two lips 390 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. takes place as rapidly as the formation of the groove itself, so that there cannot (in this species) be found a part in which these two layers are fused; at least, I have failed to find a section exhibiting this condition. The ventral groove would thus appear to be a structure merely indicating the line of fusion of the blastoporic lips, and not correlated with an internal line of junction between hypoblast and epiblast. Fig. 27 shows that internal separation of the two layers proceeds forwards with the fusion of the blastoporic lips. Formation of the Mesoblast. A determination of the true formation of the mesoblast in Phoronis was the primary object of this investigation. Unfortunately, owing to the fact that the material was not preserved with a view to embryological work, I am not in a position to demonstrate every detail of the mesoblast forma- tion in P. Buskii to the extent which I could wish, and I was tempted to withhold these results till the opportunity of working out another species with properly prepared material presented itself ; but as the lesser details may as likely as not differ in the two species, I propose to give a brief account of the results to which I have been led by the examination of sections of P. Busk1ii. We have already seen that up to the stage depicted in fig. 12 and in fig. 26 in section, there is no trace of mesoblast in any part of the embryo. In fig. 27 the archenteron is seen to be extending into the anterior part of the embryo, which is at this stage rapidly growing. The hypoblast level with this forward extension of the archenteron bounding it laterally and anteriorly is thinner than the rest (fig. 27, p.c.), and in places has more nuclei. Ata slightly later stage, in coronal section, this anterior part of the archenteron is seen to have still thinner walls, and to grow backwards as a pair of lateral horns. Its cavity is still ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 391 in continuity with the general cavity of the archenteron, but is connected only by a narrow aperture (fig. 28). At a later stage (fig. 31) complete separation is effected, and the pre- oral lobe then contains a cavity separated from the archen- teron, and lined by low flat cells which have been directly derived from the hypoblast. The cavity forms the pre-oral coelom lined by its mesoblast. In fig. 30 the same cavity is shown with its walls growing back dorsally between epiblast and hypoblast, and in figs. 35 and 36, trans- verse sections of the same stage, it can also be recognised as growing down laterally. The pre-oral body-cavity (or protoccele) would thus appear to arise directly from the archenteron, and its mesoblastic walls from the anterior hypoblast. At the stage seen in fig. 28 the cells of the hypoblast at about the middle of the embryo are seen on either side to have a group of massed nuclei (msc.), whilst here and there a cell- wall can be seen separating them. In transverse section of this region (fig. 35) it is seen that the masses are really ventro-lateral in position, and that the inner surface of the archenteric cavity is indented just opposite the massed nuclei. These indentations or grooves correspond in position and appearance with similar grooves described by Caldwell (8) in Phoronis Kowalevskii. The cells of the hypoblast sur- rounding them appear to be segmenting off their inner ends, and cell divisions proceeding rapidly, a pair of ventro- lateral masses of mesoblast result. The separation of these two mesoblastic masses must be effected later than that of the pre-oral ccelom, and they do not appear at first to con- tain a cavity. Their future development will be followed ; they give rise to the collar cavities or the cavities of the lophophore. In the stage of fig. 28 there is an arrange- ment of cells at the posterior end of the archenteron much as seen in the figure (mtc.). After careful search | have not been able to discover any more definite condition than this. A little later on, in fig. 51, there can be recognised a pair of posterior accumulations of nucleated cells, as depicted. voL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES, DD 392 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. There can be no question that these cells are segmented off from the hypoblast in this region, and in fact could even be regarded as being still integral parts of the hypoblast. I cannot say for certain whether these two masses of cells have archenteric grooves opposite them or not. It is possible that this may be the case, and even that they are formed by two archenteric diverticula which have been disguised by shrinkage and imperfect preservation. The development of these posterior mesoblastic masses is later than that of the collar, for in fig. 32, a section a little ventral to fig. 31, the collar cavities have expanded to form a median ventral cavity. The posterior masses still lle in a dorso-lateral position above the gut, and very little further developed in the latest stages; there can be little question that they give rise to the ccelom of the trunk, as found in late Actino- trocha. Figs. 34—39 are a selected series of transverse sections through the stage depicted in fig. 15. Figs. 34 and 35 show the pre-oral cvelom (pe.) containing its cavity, and giving off its two lateral horns, These horns proceed backwards on either side of the mouth, and their terminal portions are cut across in fig. 37 level with the mouth. Further back, in fig. 38, the collar mesoblast has fused ventrally, and formed a spacious collar cavity (mse.) extending up laterally towards the dorsal surface. In fig. 89 the posterior tip of the collar ccelom is cut ven- trally, and the paired masses of trunk ccelom (mtc.) are seen lying dorso-laterally to the gut. They contain no cavity, and are small. Later Development. Returning to fig. 15, we find that further external differ- entiation results in (fig. 16) the bifurcation of the posterior end to form the rudiments of the two first tentacles and a further growth of the pre-oral hood, Round the edge of this ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 393 hood a slight ridge may be traced, and on either side this ridge passes downwards till it is lost on the surface of the tentacles. It does not appear to be ciliated, though this may be due to the inadequate preservation. Lastly, there appears at the hind end posterior to the two tentacles a single median protuberance. This is the anal papilla, and its pre- sence gives the embryo the appearance of bearing at this stage three tentacles. Figs. 40 to 45 are selected from a series of transverse sections through this stage. In fig. 40 may be seen the large stomodzum which is forming the cesophagus, and is spreading out laterally to form the atrial grooves. Sur- rounding the cesophagus and part of the stomach is the spacious pre-oral ccelom. The stomach still consists of long granular cells with more or less irregular nuclei. In fig. 41 the atrial grooves are still wider, a mere tip of the pre-oral ccelom is cut in the hood, and there is no mesoblast present in the body. Lower down, however (fig. 42), the two collar elements (msc.) appear in a ventro-lateral position, and these may be traced through figs. 43, 44, and 45 as gradually expanding out, and containing a collar cavity within them. The epiblast in figs. 44 and 45 can be seen to grow out into the two tentacular rudiments with great numbers of elongated cells. In fig. 45 the collar mesoblast can be seen to grow out into these rudiments. In figs. 44 and 45 the trunk mesoblast (métc.) can be recog- nised as lying dorsally to the stomach and more or less united into one mass. The anus does not appear to open at this stage, nor do any of the ccelomic cavities open to the exte- rior. Figs. 17, 18, and 19 illustrate the external appearance of two later stages. In fig. 17 the first pair of tentacles has increased in size, and the rudiments of the second have grown out on either side posterior to the first. The ridge round the hood can still be noticed, and it now passes down to the second tentacle on each side, The anal 394. ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. papilla has increased in size. The ridge now passes to the latest developed pair, and has a prominent bay at the spot at each corner of the hood where the atrial grooves emerge. The tentacles may be regarded as arising on this ridge one by one. If the ridge prove in future investigations to be ciliated, the early Actinotrocha at this stage would have a single post-oral ciliated band comparable to that of Bipin- naria, which in later life breaks up like that of this Echino- derm into a pre oral and a post-oral band. Under any circumstances the pre-oral band edging the pre-oral hood, and the post-oral band following the course of the tentacles, are connected at these early stages by a thick- ened ridge which probably indicates a phyletic unity. The common origin of these two bands from one “architroch ” has been suggested by Lankester (9a). In fig. 18 the tentacles spread out in such a way as to hide the anal process altogether, but it may still be recog- nised by reversing the larva. Fig. 19 shows a front view of the same stage; the large bell-shaped pre-oral lobe is conspicuous, and it extends out laterally beyond the body. This is the latest stage found in the tentacles of the parent, and it is probable that rupture of the egg-membrane is effected after its attaimment, the larva then leaving the lophophore of the parent. The internal structure of the stage with two pairs of ten- tacles is intermediate in character between that with one pair which has been described, and that with three pairs (figs. 18 and 19). The internal structure of this latter stage is indicated by the sections shown in figs. 46, 47, 48, and 49, and by the restoration in fig. 50. There is little change in the epiblast, except that the central nerve-ganglion (ng.) can be discerned in figs. 46 and 49 as a thickening of the epiblastic cells over the esophagus. The stomodzeum (cesophagus) is now very long and curved round into the stomach, which is still simple, and does not appear to have yet given rise to the pleurochords. The hind end of the alimentary canal is constricted off to form the intestine ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 395 (fig. 47), and in most the anus opens to the exterior, though the aperture is very minute. ‘The intestine seems to be hypoblastic in origin. In the mesoblast there are considerable changes. The mesoblast cells have now formed the thin “ lining-mem- brane” type of endothelium,—in fact, typical coelomic endo- thelium, not to be distinguished from the ccelomic endothe- lium of the free Actinotrocha with six pairs of tentacles. The several portions of the coelom have come together and formed typical mesenteries. The pre-oral ccelom or protoccele does not otherwise differ in extent from the stage with one pair of tentacles, except that the two horns have reached back to meet the mesocceles or collar cavities on either side of the cesophagus, which also grow forward from their former position to effect the junc- tion. At the point of junction are formed a right and left mesentery (fig. 49), but in the middle line dorsally the pro- toccele and mesoccele do not meet, but leave a hamoccele space just under the nerve-ganglion (figs. 49 and 46, sns.). This is the subneural sinus, differing only in size from that of the later Actinotrocha. Other hemoccele spaces can be observed, such as that below the cesophagus in fig. 49, but the extent of these vascular spaces is difficult to trace, and probably varies to a considerable extent. The mesocceles(msc.) have extended dorso-laterally round the stomach, to meet dorsally just on the fore-part of this organ (fig. 47), whilst they expand widely in a lateral direction, and dorsally at their posterior part, giving off branches to each tentacle on either side. In fig. 48, a transverse section at the level of the post-oral ring of tentacles, the two mesoceeles may be seen pushing dorsally, their walls forming a pair of con- spicuous mesenteries with the walls of the metacceles (mtc.). On either side of the anus and slightly ventral to it the meso- cceles open to the exterior by a small pore (fig. 47), which is evidently the mesoccelic pore or collar pore. There can be little doubt that this is later metamorphosed into the collar nephridium of the later Actinotrocha, probably by the 396 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. invagination of an epiblastic portion carrying the actual mesoblastic pores into the interior of the mesoccele. The metacceles appear to have fused, and to lie asa shallow (from side to side) coelomic sac dorsal to the stomach and intestine. ‘They are surrounded in front and on either side by the mesocceles, and their walls form with them a con- spicuous pair of dorso-lateral mesenteries (fig. 48), and a median transverse mesentery (fig. 47). Fig. 50 is a semi-diagrammatic representation of a half- larva at this stage, cut in the median sagittal plane. It serves especially to illustrate the position and inter-relation- ships of the ccelomic cavities at this stage. It is clear that very few changes are necessary in order to change this larva into the free Actinotrocha with five pairs of tentacles, the structure of which has been described in a previous paper. In the epiblast the pre-oral sense-organ and the subneural gland have yet to appear, and possibly a proctodzum, whereas a pair of protoccelic pores do not seem to have been yet formed. In the hypoblast the pleurochords and the partial separation into pharynx and stomach are still required. ‘The later growth is largely a protuberance of the anal papilla and the surrounding parts, and with it an increase in size and extent of the metacceles until they would meet ventrally to form a ventral mesentery, whilst the peri- anal band would form later. Metschnikoff (18) found pelagic Actinotrocha larve with no more than one pair of tentacles, and traced them up to the later stages, so that the presence of a proctodeum and the fuller development of the collar nephridia are among the few points still requiring elucidation. Metschnikoff’s larve belong to one of the smaller species at Naples, and it is important to note that they leave the tentacles of the parent at a much earlier stage than is the case in Phoronis Buskii or P. australis. ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 397 Comparison with the Work of others. In comparing these facts with the previous work of others, one can divide them into two series. The first of these consists of facts which have been observed by external exami- nation and connected with the external differentiation of the embryos, including the phenomena of segmentation, gastru- lation, and the fate of the blastopore; the second are the changes undergone by the tissues within the embryo, especially connected with the phenomena of gastrulation and the formation and subsequent fate of the mesoblast. With regard to the first series all observers agree very closely. Segmentation has in all cases been recognised as being nearly equal, and gastrulation embolic. The blastopore appears to survive (in part at least) as the mouth in all the species, but all do not recognise the fusion of the blastoporic lips pos- teriorly. Metschnikoff (14) followed and figured the fate of the blastopore in detail, and he notes that it is at first round, then becomes reduced in size, and then presents a pointed oval outline. He also describes a median longitudinal furrow running backwards from the reduced blastopore to the posterior end of the embryo. Caldwell (3) followed with another account, which describes a similar ventral furrow (his so-called primitive streak), but in addition he finds a posterior pit, which he regards as the posterior part of the blastopore. Metschnikofi’s account would be quite as true for Phoronis Buskii as for his own species. Schultze (16), working upon ~ a species in the Black Sea, finds no trace of this ventral furrow. The difference may all be probably accounted for as due either to defective observation or to specific variability. Coming to the second series of phenomena a very different condition prevails. All previous observers with the excep- tion of Caldwell appear to have relied upon the observations of entire embryos in optical section, and this method, when applied for the elucidation of important internal changes, can 398 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. be regarded as neither reliable nor conclusive. Of these Kowalevski (9) held that the mesoblast arose by delamination from the hypoblast, and, so far as it goes, this agrees with the present results. Metschnikoff (14) described and figured mesenchyme cells present in the blastoccele cavity at an early stage before gastrulation, and Foettinger (7) went even further, and claimed to recognise the mesoblast cells at an even earlier stage. Caldwell (8), in applying the method of sections to the ques- tion, failed to corroborate these observations, and attempted to explain Metschnikoff’s figures on other grounds. He failed to find any trace of mesoblast till well on in the process of gastrulation. Roule (15), who followed him, also failed to detect any mesenchyme cells until the pre-oral lobe and the mouth were established. As stated above, there are no figures, and Roule gives no account of his methods. Addi- tional interest in the question has been roused by a recent communication of Schultze (16), in which he reasserts the origin of the mesoblast from mesenchyme cells. At the present stage of the paper it will be sufficient to note that he claims to find a mass of mesenchyme cells scattered throughout the blastoccele cavity at a very early stage before gastrulation. Again we are led to inquire, what were the methods pursued? Schultze gives three woodcut figures which may or may not have been drawn from sections, and this is all. Such being the case, special care was taken in this instance to find out whether there are or are not mesenchyme cells present in the early stage. The sections were stained very deeply with eosin and hemalum, and the nuclei were depicted with remarkable clearness. In the great number of embryos I have examined I have failed to find a single nucleus in the blastoccele cavity till after gastrulation. The most one ever finds are a few cytoplasmic strands and fragments, which are stained with eosin alone, and show no trace of nuclei. In all the stages up to the spherical blastula all the nuclei which are present are arranged symmetrically in the ectoderm cells ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 399 as in the figures. The blastula is simply a single-layered sphere with each nucleus in its place, enclosing a spacious blastoccele space. In this respect Phoronis Buskii ap- pears to resemble the species examined by Caldwell (P. Kowalevskii).! The results of Kowalevski (9) and Roule (15) are in accord- ance with what an exact observer would see of the develop- ment of mesoblast in Phoronis Buskii by an examina- tion of transparent embryos. Roule probably observed the anterior mesoblast cells after their origin from hypoblast, and the posterior masses (metacceles) which he called meso- blastic bands. In the case of Foettinger (7) his figures and remarks upon them would lead us to suppose that the bodies he describes are neither cells nor nuclei, and do not give rise to the meso- blast; whilst the entire absence of mesenchyme at early stages in sections as shown by Caldwell, and confirmed by myself above, cast grave doubt upon the results of Metschnikoff and Schultze. It seems more natural to make an appeal to the evidence of sections in a case of this kind. With regard, however, to the actual development of the mesoblast from the hypoblast there are considerable discre- pancies between Caldwell and myself. He describes and figures a pair of “modified archenteric diverticula,” which are evidently identical with the rudiments of the collar celom as described above. From them he derived the pre-oral ccelom. In this I am inclined to think he was misled by the growth backwards of the two horns of the pre-oral ccelom, which he figured in precisely the same posi- tion as above in fig. 37. The lateral masses of mesoblast, instead of growing forwards as he stated to form the pre-oral coclom, grow backwards and ventralwards to give rise to the collar or tentacular ccelom. 1 IT am indebted to Mr. A. E. Shipley, of Christ?s College, Cambridge, for kindly sending me some original drawings of the earliest stages of P. Kowalevskii, which appear to resemble closely the similar stages as given in this paper.—A. T. M. 400 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. The rest of the ccelom he derived mainly from a pair of posterior pouches which arose in connection with the “posterior pit”—a remnant of the posterior part of the blastopore. Schultze emphatically denies the existence of these posterior pouches, and in this, as far as P. Buskii goes, I can corroborate him. Many weeks’ search amongst hundreds of embryos whole and in section has failed to bring to light a single structure bearing the slightest resemblance to either the posterior pit or the posterior coelomic pouches. Schultze (16) suggests that Caldwell was misled by the ventral invagination which gives rise to the adult trunk, but this cannot be the case, as this organ does not appear till long after the larve have left the parent. Caldwell (3) figures these appearances not only in P. Kowalevskii but in P. australis as well, and although I have failed to find them in the latter I merely state the fact, and defer further consideration till I am able to examine the other species with fresh material. Comparison with Development of Balanoglossus. In the first of this series of papers on the Diplochorda the structure of the late stage of Actinotrocha was com- pared in some detail with that of Balanoglossus. The facts above recorded of the early development serve to emphasise this comparison. There are at present known at least two types of development in the Enteropneusta, the direct development of Balanoglossus Kowalevskii (?) known to us through the work of Bateson (la), and the so- called indirect development with Tornaria larva. ‘The early stages of this indirect development do not appear to be known, though one would expect to find the development of Phoronis with its free-swimming larva Actinotrocha conform more closely to this type. However, taking Bate- son’s type for comparison we find that the stages of seg- mentation are identical. In both cases there is total seg- mentation with very slightly pronounced inequality in the ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 401 blastomeres, or, in other words, subequal segmentation. Gastrulation is in each case total, and Bateson’s fig. 5 would serve equally well for a stage of Phoronis. The subsequent behaviour and fate of the blastopore is markedly different. In Balanoglossus it closes up gradually and completely, the hypoblast becoming completely separated from the epiblast. Subsequently the anus opens at about the same spot, as far as can be judged, as that at which the blastopore closed, and the mouth appears ventrally as a new structure. In the case of Tornaria the young stages do not appear to have been followed prior to Goette’s larva. In Phoronis it is certain that the mouth is a persistent an- terior portion of the blastopore, and it is pretty clear that the anus opens subsequently at the posterior closed portion of the blastopore. Schultze (16) emphasises the different fate of the blasto- pore in criticising my comparison of Balanoglossus and Phoronis. Those who accept the view that the blastopore becomes phyletically both the mouth and anus of the Colomata will not regard the fact that it persists in a special ontogeny as mouth or anus, or both, or neither, as having any bearing upon the question; but for those who hold other views one may recall the behaviour of the blasto- pore in other groups. In the Echinodermata the blasto- pore usually becomes the anus, but does not survive as mouth or anus in Antedon, nor in Asterina. Again, within the group of Gastropod Mollusca the blastopore becomes the mouth in Patella (Patten), Chiton (Kowalevski), and Nassa (Bobretsky), whilst it survives as the anus in Palu- dina (Lankester) and numerous others. In the face of such examples as this we can hardly attach phyletic relationship or otherwise to a comparison of the behaviour of the blastopore. In Chiton the blastopore would appear to migrate from a terminal position, where the anus opens later, to the position where it survives as the mouth. In this, as in Balanoglossus Kowalevskii, it is possible to follow this migration owing to the fact that there 402 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. is present in each case a ring of cilia. Such a migration would be very hard to follow, except by direct observation of a developing embryo, in such a type as Phoronis. The larva of Balanoglossus Kowalevskii differs from Tor- naria in developing the perianal band very early alone, whereas the latter develops this band after the post-oral band. In this respect Actinotrocha resembles the free- swimming Tornaria, as the perianal band has not ap- peared in P. Buskii even in the larva with three pairs of tentacles. I hope to show later elsewhere that in Tornaria and other larve, such as those of Echinoderms, the ciliated bands can be classified by their primary functions into trophic and motor. Of these the post-oral band of the Hchinoderms, Tornaria, and Actinotrocha is trophic, whereas the peri- anal band of Tornaria, Actinotrocha, and the circular bands of Auricularia and Antedon are motor. Thus in Tornaria and Actinotrocha, with free larval life at a very early stage, the trophic bands are essential, whilst the perianal motor band is added in due course. In the de- mersal type of Balanoglossus Kowalevskii the mouth and anus are closed till late; no pelagic food is required, and the post-oral band does not appear, whereas the perianal band is developed early for the locomotion of the larva. The same considerations apply to Antedon and pupal Auricularia. After closure of the blastopore the next essential com- parison is in the development of the mesoblast. In Pho- ronis, as we have already seen, there has been a great difference of opinion upon this point. The following facts appear to be indicated. 1. The mesoblast arises from five separate parts of the archenteric hypoblast, of which one is pre-oral and unpaired, and the other four are paired and post-oral. 2. The pre-oral mesoblast is in the form of a portion of the archenteron which is pinched off from it, the cavity being part of the archenteric cavity shut off in course of development. ON THE DIPLOOHORDA. 403 3. The first pair of post-oral elements (collar-somites) are formed of masses of cells segmented from the distal ends of the hypoblast cells which lie opposite to slight depressions in the archenteric walls. These cells at first have no cavity. 4, The second pair of post-oral elements (trunk-somites) arise at the anal extremity in a similar way to the former, but they may consist of invaginations of hypoblast in which there are two walls in close contact. Under any circumstances these mesoblastic elements come to lie between hypoblast and epiblast as paired masses with no cavity. As regards 1, there is an identity in type with Balano- glossus. 2. The development of the pre-oral coelom in Tornaria does not appear to have been followed except in the case of Goette’s larva, in which it is indicated as in course of inva- gination from the gut. Morgan (14a), however, has thrown doubt upon this interpretation. In any case the pre-oral ccelom arises much earlier in Tornaria than the rest of the mesoblast, and this agrees exactly with Phoronis, as has been shown above. In the case of the demersal larva of Bateson (1a) the data are definite, and the pre-oral ccelom appears to arise in a manner precisely similar to that of Phoronis. In both cases it commences to be separated from the archenteron at the time when the proboscis on the one hand, and the pre- oral hood on the other, are commencing to be differentiated externally. In both cases this ccelomic pouch, after separa- tion from the archenteron, grows backwards laterally and dorsally, forming a pair of lateral horns. ‘The pouch of mesoblast grows backwards, surrounding the gut except on the ventral surface, but especially forming the hollow horns lying in a horizontal position, one on each side of the gut” (Bateson, loc. cit., p. 220). The only difference appears to lie in the earlier separation of the coelomic pouch from the archenteron in Phoronis, and in this feature it resembles 'Tornaria. 3. The development of the collar-somites (mesocceles) in 404, ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. Tornaria has been carefully followed by Morgan (14a). He finds that there is “a process of proliferation of the walls of the stomach, so that the wall at this point, by division of its cells, becomes two-layered.” ‘I'he mesoblastic mass, thus derived, has at first no cavity. The whole process is precisely similar to that of Phoronis, as described above. In the demersal larva Bateson states that the collar meso- | blast arises by a modified form of archenteric diverticula. “This pair of cavities is bounded on the inner sides by the cells forming the wall of the gut, and the external boundary is made up of a single layer of cells continuous dorsally and ventrally with the hypoblast.” As a matter of fact, Bateson’s reasons for regarding them as archenteric diver- ticula appear to be two. Firstly, there is a connection of their cavity with that of the archenteron which occurs in ” secondly, he notes that “the middle mesoblastic tracts in Tornaria are said to be archenteric “very few larve ; diverticula.” Under any circumstances the inner walls would appear to arise from the hypoblast in a similar manner to the mesoccele in Tornaria, according to Morgan (14a), and the mode of formation is really a type inter- mediate between the formation of archenteric diverticula and delamination. Bateson points out that these meso- blastic pouches extend principally posterior to their point of origin, which is also the case in Phoronis. 4, The third pair or trunk somites arise in Tornaria (Morgan) as a pair of hypoblastic outgrowths, two-walled from the first, but containing no cavity till after separation from the hypoblast. In the demersal larva they arise as a pair of archenteric diverticula. In Phoronis I am unable to state with certainty that they arise either as hypoblastic outgrowths actually involving the wall of the archenteron, or whether they are formed by active division from the distal ends of archenteric cells, but very probably by one of these two methods. In this respect Phoronis resembles Tor- naria rather than the demersal type. Bateson (1a) states ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 405 that the wall separating the trunk somites from the archen- teron is last closed on the dorsal side, and in Phoronis the trunk somites are dorso-lateral in origin, whilst his section (fig. 33) shows the collar somites to be ventro-lateral, in this respect also resembling the homologous structures in Pho- ronis. It will thus be seen that the formation and relationships of the several parts of the mesoblast in Phoronis resemble even in minute particulars that of Balanoglossus, the resem- blance in mode of origin being rather closer to Tornaria than to the demersal type, though in many respects the latter differs more from Tornaria than from Phoronis. My comparison of Actinotrocha with Balanoglossus and Cephadiscus receives very little modification with further work upon the subject. Professor L. Roule (15a) has published one or more papers in which he states that he is unable to find in the Actinotrocha of Phoronis sabatieri certain structures which I have described in the Actinotrocha at St. Andrews; perhaps further research may clear up this difficulty. He corroborates the descrip- tion given of the chordoid structures in Actinotrocha, but is inclined to regard this larva as closely allied to the tro- chophore of the Annelida. My views of the relationship of the trochophore to Actinotrocha are sufficiently clearly indicated in a recent paper (10a), but it may be noted here that Roule makes no reference to the five coelomic cavities which I have figured and described in Actinotrocha, though the mesenteries separating them can be seen with a hand lens in the living or mounted larva!! His paper has no figures, and his methods are not described. Roule’s account of the early development of the mesoblast in Phoronis so differs from mine and from that of others that it is not sur- prising that there should be a like discrepancy in description of the later stages. 1 As already noted (‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,? August, 1897), they were correctly figured by R. Wagener as early as 1847, but were supposed by him to be nerves,—A. I’. M. 406 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. Structure of Lophophore and Coloration. The anatomy of Phoronis Buskii and that of Pho- ronis australis, a closely allied species, have been described by more than one worker, and it is here proposed merely to add a few fresh observations to the facts already known. Coloration. Preservation in alcohol does not appear to affect to any extent the black pigment of Phoronis australis. The arrangement of this is somewhat peculiar. The lophophore or crown of tentacles is banded. Figs. 51 and 52 are dorsal views of the entire animal (natural size). The tentacles appear to be black throughout the greater part of their length, except for a light unpigmented area extending hori- zontally across each coil at about three fifths of the distance towards the base. Another narrower band is found at the base of the lophophore, under which les the nerve-cord. Fig. 54 is a ventral view of another specimen, in which the white band on the tentacles is seen to extend down to the base of the lophophore, thus meeting the lower band. There is, however, considerable variation in the colora- tion, though these three illustrate the general rule. Fig. 54 shows an abnormal specimen, in which the whole lophophore is inky black, with no bands. The trunk is pigmented for a very variable extent of its length, as is seen by figs. 51—54, in which a dotted line indicates the transition from the pigmented to the unpig- mented areas. It is possible that the unpigmented portion is that part which during life was embedded in the skeletal tube of Cerianthus, which also appears to be dark in colour. All the pigment is deposited as minute black granules in the cells of the ectoderm, but whilst the pigment in the trunk is uniformly distributed in the cells, that in the lophophore is confined to the ectoderm of the cubical type, which is found only on one side of the tentacles, ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 407 Ectoderm. The ectoderm covering the trunk is corrugated (fig. 55) into circular ridges, which have been supposed to be due to contraction caused by spirit. An inspection of the figure would lead one to doubt this, as the reduplications appear to he very regular, and the thin cuticle runs from tip to tip of the corrugations instead of following the course of the corruga- tions. The cells are elongated and have elongated nuclei. On the left hand the presence of black pigment spots is indicated. At the base of the ectoderm cells is seen the fine plexus of nerve-fibres which is very characteristic of Pho- ronis as of Balanoglossus. Below this again is the chondroid tissue. At the junction of collar and trunk the nerve-plexus be- comes hypertrophied into a massive post-oral ring of nerve- cells and nerve-fibres (fig. 56). The inner ends of the ectoderm cells can be traced in some cases into nerve-cells, and in others into nerve-fibres. The nerve-cells rather tend to accumulate close under the chonaroid tissue, but every transition stage can be selected from the densely crowded long ectoderm cells to the nerve-cell removed from the surface. Fig. 57 shows some of the transition stages ; they indicate how intimately the nervous system still is bound up with the ectoderm in this group. The ectoderm of the collar or lophophore is of two types, which I have elsewhere described as branchial and atrial epithelium respectively. From other work upon the alimentary processes of Hchino- derm and other larve I have been led to more generalised names for these types of ectodermal epithelium. A great number of facts seem to point to the supposition that the method of food ingestion, by the activity of ciliated areas causing currents of water, which in their turn carry micro- scopic food particles, is the primitive method for the early Metazoa from the gastrula stage onwards. This method of food ingestion may be termed cilio-trophic, and is found VoL. 43, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. KE 408 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. very generally in the lower types of Metazoa, especially sedentary types in which the cilia, no longer motor, are entirely trophic in function. The first important differen- tiation in cilio-trophic alimentation is the separation and retention of food particles and the removal of the water- current. The active areas which are trophic have a charac- teristic form of epithelium which may be termed tropho- phoral, and the areas along which the return water-current is removed have another type of epithelium which may be termed hydrophoral. Trophophoral epithelium is made up of densely crowded elongated cells, covered with active cilia, and very commonly having glandular cells added to them. Hydrophoral epithelium has flat or cubical cells, usually non- ciliated or with few cilia, and often pigmented or even actively excretory. For the separation of the food particles from the water- current at least two important general methods are resorted to. The first is the principle of filtration, in which water is allowed to pass through certain apertures and food retained, or vice versa; and the second is by an entanglement of the food particles in mucus strands which allow the water- currents to pass in other directions, whilst they themselves are conveyed into the alimentary canal. The first system is probably the most primitive, and in almost every case the second is superadded to it. I have attempted elsewhere (10b) to show that a great number of the characteristic organs of the Chordata, including noto- chord, hypochorda, pharyngeal clefts, thyroid gland, and hypophysis, may be traced to an origin which they subserved in either one or other of these methods of food ingestion, and the matter will be further dealt with later. In Phoronis both methods are exemplified very perfectly. In the case of water-filtration it is evident that the greater the surface of contact which is effected between the tropho- phoral areas and the hydrophoral areas, the greater will be the efficiency of the filtration attained. The simplest rela- tionships obtain in the larve of Echinoderms in which the ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 4.09 whole body-surface is divided into trophophoral and hydro- phoral areas, and the pinne or “arms” and processes may be all, as I hope to show later, accounted for as contributing to the efficiency of filtration. In Actinotrocha the line of contact between the two areas is at first multiplied by a simple row of tentacles, throughout the length of which the line of contact passes (cf. figs. 59—62). After fixation the young Phoronis is provided in like manner with a simple row of tentacles round the oral aper- ture, and the subsequent history of the Phoronidea may be traced as a successful attempt to increase the efficiency of filtration by a gradual multiplication of the number of ten- tacles. The known species may be placed in order from Cori’s (4) table : Greatest length Number of ‘Thickness of in mm. tentacles. tentacles in mm. Pe eracilis’*. : 10 joe 40 ite 05 P.hippocrepia . 15 tae 60 i — P. cespitosa : 35 Ab: 70 ve 057 P. psammophila . 50 os 90 ca ‘06 PS Buski : - 52 a. 300 asi — Po australis . e150 =. ~o00 es. — From this it will be seen that the increase in size corre- sponds very closely with the number of the tentacles and their thickness. Probably the comparative length of the tentacles follows the same rule. As the tentacles seem to serve the ingestion of food, the increase of ciliated sur- face on the one hand, by increase in number, length, and thickness of the tentacles, and the increase in bulk of the body, on the other hand, are probably directly connected with each other. The tentacles in transverse section show that their inner or oral surface is covered with trophophoral epithelium and their outer surface with hydrophoral, and bear a remarkable structural resemblance to the ctenidia of Lamellibran- 410 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. chiata, the tentacles of numerous sedentary Annelida and Brachiopoda, Cephalodiscus, and even the branchial filaments of Tunicata and Amphioxus. These resem- blances depend upon a similar method of food ingestion, the cilio-trophic, in each of the groups, and it seems fairly clear that in each case the branchial function has been only secon- darily added. In Phoronis not only does this filtration method hold, but the trophophoral epithelium has glandular cells distributed in it. As the result of the activity of these cells fine strands of mucus pass down the oral side of the tentacles and serve to entangle minute algoid bodies. In fig, 8 these strands with their contents may be seen passing along the oral side of the epistome into the cesophagus. Lastly, the epistome itself is so arranged in relation to the rest of the lophophore that it acts as an organ to remove the water from the oral aperture. Figs. 60, 61, and 62 are intended to illustrate this point. ‘he coils of each half of the lophophore are arranged spirally, and the tentacles are widely separated from each other for about their distal two thirds and united together laterally for the proximal one third. A transverse section of the lophophore may illustrate the arrangement at different heights. Thus in fig. 59 the outermost half-coil shows the tentacles cut in transverse section, each having the trophophoral epithelium on its oral surface and filtration spaces between contiguous tentacles. For the rest of the course of the coil the deeper parts are cut in which the tentacles are fused to- gether laterally, so that the tentacular filtration method no longer acts at this depth. But not very far up, at the beginning of the second coil in the figure, the epistome may be seen in transverse section projecting across the floor of the oral aperture for a little over a coil in length. After this the section is too deep to cut the epistome completely with its ectodermal epithelium, but its ccelomic cavity can be seen in transverse section up to the very tip of the spiral. Benham (1) criticises Allman’s description ON ''HE DIPLOCHORDA. 411 of the epistome, and remarks that Allman’s figure “ conveys quite a wrong idea of the organ.” The same remark would be equally applicable to his own. He described the epistome as extending “right across the oral side of the animal from right to left,” and figures it in the same way (fig. 7). As a matter of fact it is continued as a con- spicuous ridge on either side to the very tip of the spiral, continuous throughout the three coils of the lophophore. If the tentacles be regarded as forming the incomplete lateral walls of a spirally coiled chamber, then the epistome forms the floor of this chamber except for a fissure between it and the outer row of tentacles through which the mucus strands pass down into the cesophagus (fig. 58). This floor descending from the apex to the base of the spiral must necessarily serve to prevent access of the greater portion of the water-current into the cesophagus, and to cause it to flow out in the median line through the gap in the inner row of tentacles where it would join the current along the hydrophoral area of the outer surface of the tentacles. The figures 60, 61, and 62 should make this clear. In fig. 60 the lophophore is viewed from above, and the epistome (shaded) is seen projecting over the mouth. The currents are shown by the arrows descending the coils and passing’ through the tentacular gap to escape over the anal area. Fig. 61 is a section through fig. 60 at a, showing the course of the water first separated by the intertentacular filtration, and further down the course of the water impinging upon the upper surface of the epistome. In fig. 62, a section through B, this water is seen to pass out through the tentacular gap, whilst the mucus strands continue their course down the cesophagus. The epithelium of the trophophoral area is indicated by thick lines, that of the hydrophoral by thin. Conclusion. My labours upon the Diplochorda (Phoronis and Cephalodiscus) have now extended over some time. We may here refer to some of the results. 412 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. The first of these is that Actinotrocha has a pair of organs which have at least as great a claim to be regarded as rudimentary chordoid organs allied to the notochord of the Vertebrates as have the so-called notochord of Balano- glossus and Cephalodiscus. Roule (15a) has confirmed the chordoid structure of them, although he differs in other points. In 1897 (10) it was pointed out that the chordoid structure of the gut in Actinotrocha was not confined to the two diverticula, but was also found in the mid-ventral portion of the stomach just opposite the sac-like invagination which later gives rise to the trunk of the adult.!. This alone showed the need for caution in drawing too close homologies, and although the hypothesis was made that the two pleurochords represented the paired rudiments of the single notochord of the Vertebrates, it was with some reservation. A study of Balanoglossus itself shows that the chordoid metamorphosis of the gut epithelium is very wideiy present in the various parts of the alimentary canal, especially in the pharynx, in parts of which it extends completely round the whole pharyngeal wall. This is so easily demonstrated (it is referred to by Spengel) that it is surprising, firstly, that the fact is universally ignored in text-books ; and secondly, that in the face of it the small pre-oral diverticulum alone should have been selected for comparison with the notochord of the Vertebrata (cf. Bateson). Considering that the organ lies pre-orally, its great claim for notochordal recog- nition must rest in the fact that its cells are metamorphosed into vacuolated tissue similar to that of the vertebrate notochord, and the value of this comparison is considerably lessened when it is considered that the dorsal part of the gut in the collar region, and even beyond it, is chordoid, and is in a position relative to the nervous system more closely resembling that of the vertebrate notochord. The structure 1 This appears to be in the same position as the so-called “ pygochord ’’ of Willey, occurring in certain species of Enteropneusta—A. T. M., March, 1900. ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 413 of Actinotrocha and Bala oglossus points out clearly that chordoid modification may occur in any part of the hypoblastic organs. On the other hand, in Cephalo- discus, and, as I hope to show elsewhere, in ‘ornaria, the chordoid metamorphosis is restricted to a pair of lateral grooves along the pharynx, so that we are justified in sup- posing that this represents the earliest condition of the Archichorda, and that the Diplochordate condition has become disguised in adult Balanoglossus by a further spreading of the chordoid metamorphosis. Hence in Balanoglossus there does not appear to be any one organ which can be compared directly to the noto- chord of the Euchorda. The phyletic history of an organ appears to consist of the following steps : 1. The function and structure are co-extensive with the organism itself, or very early limited to either the endoderm, ectoderm, or mesoderm. 2. The function becomes concentrated in a certain part of the primary layer, and the part itself then becomes differ- entiated structurally from the rest of the layer. 3. The function is so fully defined as apart from that of the primary layer as a whole, that the organ also becomes organically separated from the parent layer. In a natural group it is to be expected that the lower members will exhibit stages 1 and 2 of organs which are in stage 3 in the higher. It has been suggested to divide the Chordata into two main groups, Archichorda and Euchorda, the former com- prising Balanoglossus, Cephalodiscus, Phoronis, and possibly the Echinodermata ; whereas in the latter there are included the Urochorda, Cephalochorda, and Vertebrata. The Archichorda are regarded as being the lower members of the group, and we may inquire, How do they stand the test of the organismal relationships above referred to? In the case of the nervous system, stages 1 and 2 are 4.14 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. prevalent in all the Archichorda, a diffuse nervous plexus (stage 1) and sundry definite nerve tracts being character- istic of the group; whilst in the Euchorda the central and peripheral nervous systems are alike organically separated from the parent ectoderm. Applying the same test to the notochord, we find that in the Archichorda a large and more or less indefinite part of the endoderm is metamorphosed into chordoid tissue in accordance with the needs of each particular type. (A cross- section of the pharynx of Balanoglossus shows this clearly.) At the same time there are indications of stage 2. The chordoid tissue becomes definitely located at certain parts, and these become more or less distinct structurally as organs (pleurochords) still in organic continuity with the rest of the endoderm. In the Euchorda the notochord has completely separated from the endoderm in the adult. This method of looking at the matter will show clearly the relationship of the chordoid organs of the Archichorda to those of the Kuchorda. It may be possible with further research to indicate an actual organ among the former which may be regarded as the direct homologue of the notochord, but it will probably be in some larval form with an unpaired dorsal rudiment, not in adult Archichorda. The same relationships might be pointed out in the meso- dermic organs. The mesoderm in the Archichorda merely shows archimeric segmentation, and does not show a com- plete separation into various organs. In the Huchorda the mesoderm is not only metamerically segmented, but early divided up into separate organs, such as nephrotome, myo- tome, sclerotome, etc. Lastly, in the case of pharyngeal clefts, I have attempted to indicate elsewhere (10b) that the origin of these organs must be sought for in the grooves at the corner of the mouth which, very early even in the history of the Archi- chorda, become segmented backwards from the mouth. In this way I would regard the pharyngeal clefts as originating ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 415 primarily from the mouth, the inverse to Dohrn’s hypothesis, which regards the Vertebrate mouth as a pair of fused pharyngeal clefts, a view which does not appear to take suffi- cient account of physiological differentiation. In part 1 (10) it was shown that Actinotrocha has five coelomic cavities, with many of the relationships of the five cavities in Balanoglossus; and they were compared not only with these, but with the five cavities which appear to be an integral part of the constitution of a great number of the lower Coelomata. In this last part of the work the origin of these cavities is shown to be similar to that of the same organs in Balanoglossus. Roule (15a) in a recent paper disagrees with my conclu- sion on the relationship of Phoronis to the Hemichorda (so called), and attempts to regard Actinotrocha as a trochophore. The body-cavity of a trochophore is a hemocecele, whereas the hemoccele is restricted in Actino- trocha to small spaces between the ccelomic sacs. Until Roule is in a position to demonstrate the absence of these five coelomic sacs one need hardly attach much importance to his comparisons of Actinotrocha with a trochophore nor to his refusal to accept my enlignment of the former with the Enteropneusta. St. ANDREWs ; March, 1899. VOL. 430, PART 2.—NEW SERIES. BR 416 ARTHUR TT. MASTERMAN. REFERENCES. 1. Bennam, W. B.— Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ July, 1889. la. Bateson, W.—‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxiv, 1884. . CatpwELL, W. H.—‘ Proc. Royal Soc.,’ London, xxxiv, 1882-3. . CALDWELL, W. H.—‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxv, 1885. . Cort, 1.—“ Inaugural Dissertation,” Prague, 1889. . Cort, C. J.—‘ Zeitschrift wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. li, 1891. . Dystrr, F. D.— Trans. Linn. Soc.,’ London, vol. xxii. . FarringerR, A.—‘ Arch. de Biol.,’ tom. iii, 1882. . Kowa.evski, A.—‘ Mém. Acad. Impér.,’ St. Petersburg, t. x. Kowateysk1, A.—‘“‘ Inaug. Dissertation,” St. Petersburg, 1867. . LanxesTer, EK. R.—‘ Polyzoa,” ‘ Encyclopedia Brit.,’ 1885. 10. Mastermay, A. T.—‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xl, 1897. 10a. MastEerMAY, A. 'I.—‘ Proc. Royal Soc.,’ Edinb., June, 1898. 10b. Masterman, A. T.—‘ Report Brit. Assoc.,’ 1898. 11. McIntosu, W. C.—“ Challenger Reports,” vol. Ixxv, 1888. 12. McIntosu, W. C.—‘“‘ Challenger Reports,” vol. xxviii, 1888. 13. Merscunikorr, .—‘ Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. xxi, 1871. 14. Metscunikorr, E.—‘ Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. xxxvii, 1882. 14a. Morean, T. H.—‘ Journ. of Morph.,’ v, 1891. 15. Routz, L.—‘ Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci.,’ Paris, tom. ex, 1890. 15a. Rouse, L.—‘ Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci.,’ Paris, Oct., 1898. 16. Scnutrzz, E.—‘ Imp. Soc. Nat.,’ St. Petersburg, vol. xxviii, pt. 1. CHONAAT A W LY xe) © ON THE DIPLOCHORDA. 417 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 18—21, Illustrating Mr. Arthur T. Masterman’s paper “ On the Diplochorda.” ABBREVIATIONS. arch, Archenteron. 4p. Blastopore. dc. Blastoceele. ené. Enteron. m. Mouth. mse. Mesoceele (collar cavity). mite. Metaccele (trunk cavity). xg. Nerve ganglion. p. Pre-oral hood. pe. Protoceele. szs. Subneural sinus. st. Stomodeum. 7, @, /3. Pairs of tentacles. PLATE 18. Fic. 1.—Embryo in egg-membrane. Fie. 2.—Kmbryo with two blastomeres ; side view. lic. 38.—Embryo with four blastomeres; side view. Fie. 4.—Embryo with four blastomeres; ventral view. Fig. 5.—Embryo with eight blastomeres ; side view. Fics. 6—10.—Lateral views of series of larve. Fies. 11—15.— Ventral views of series of larve. Fics. 16—18.—Lateral views of late larve. Fie. 19.—Ventral view of Fig. 18. Fie. 20.—Mucus band with embryos. PLATE 19. Fic. 21.—Transverse section of Fig. 3. Fies. 22—24.—Longitudinal sections of embryo later than Fig. 5. Fie. 25.—Longitudinal sagittal section of Fig. 11. Fic. 26.—Longitudinal sagittal section of Fig. 12. Fig. 27.—Longitudinal sagittal section of Fig. 18. Fie. 28.—Longitudinal coronal section of Fig. 18. Fic. 29.—Longitudinal sagittal section of Fig. 9. Fic. 30.—Longitudinal sagittal section of Fig. 10. Fies. 31, 32.—Lougitudinal coronal sections of Fig. 10. Fie. 33.—Transverse section of Fig. 10. Fies. 34—39.—Series of transverse sections of Fig. 16 (early). Fies. 40—44.—Transverse sections through late stage of Fig. 16. PLATE 20. Fie. 45.—Transverse section through larva of Fig. 16. Fies, 46, 47. Longitudinal sagittal sections through Fig. 18. Fries. 48, 49.—Transverse sections through Fig. 18. Fig. 50.—Semi-diagrammatic half-larva at stage of Fig. 18. 418 ARTHUR T. MASTERMAN. Fies. 51—54.— Lateral views of Phoronis australis, natural size. Fig. 55.—Longitudinal section through body-wall of trunk region ot Phoronis Buskii. Fic. 56.—Transverse section through nerve-ring of P. Buskii. Fie. 57.—Isolated elements from Fig. 58. Fie. 58.—Longitudinal section through epistome of P. Buskii. Fic. 59.—Transverse section of lophophore of P. Buskii. PLATE 21. Fic. 60.—Diagram of transverse section through lophophore of P. buskil, showing currents. Fic. 61.—Longitudinal sagittal section through lophophore of P. buskii, showing currents. The section is supposed to pass through A. in fig. 60, but the coil of end coil in fig. 60 should be twisted a little more, so as to be cut once more by the line. (Cf. fig. 59.) Fie. 62.—Median sagittal section through lophophore of P. Buskii, showing currents. The section is supposed to pass through B. in fig. 60. i With Ten Plates, Royal 4to, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By KE. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, Great pe peeuelk Street, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers ; for this sum (prepaid) the JourNAL is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journat, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/-. 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Ht O75 THE ASSOCIATION WAS FOUNDED “‘ TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN LABORATORIES ON THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHERE ACCURATE RESEARCHES MAY BE CARRIED — ON, LEADING TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCREASE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS REGARDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BRITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, &c. Works published by the Association include the following :—‘ A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J.T. Cunningham, M.A., 4to, 25/-. ‘The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands, J. T. 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FORO os os Governors (Life Members of Council) 500 O O > = Members have the following rights and privileges:—They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, &c.; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges ure granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with— The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. a ee a } | | | New Series, No. 171 (Vol. 43, Part 8). Price 10s. | 15a) JULY, 1900. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY BE. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.B.S., HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ST. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA}; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIRTY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF THE LINCEI OF ROME; ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THR CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM; FULLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.RS., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 5 1 We PR WELDON, M.A.” FARS. y) I d LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MEKTON COLLEGE, OXFORD, LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGH, CAMBRIDGE j AND SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. TLONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1900. \ ERIE RET eT LT I OM Ee ei a I ee ee ea Adlard and Son,] [Bartholomew Close. CONTENTS OF No. 171.—New Series. MEMOIRS: The Anatomy and Ciassification of the Arenicolide, with some Obser- vations on their Post-larval Stages. By F. W. Gamsiz, M.Sc., and J. H. Asawortu, D.Sc., Demonstrators and Assistant Lecturers in Zoology, Owens College, Manchester. (With Plates 22—29) Diagrams illustrating the Life-History of the Parasites of Malaria. By Ronaup Ross, D.P.H., M.R.C.S., Lecturer in Tropical Medicine, University College, Liverpool, and R. Frerpinc-Ov1p, M.A., M.B., Acting Demonstrator, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. (With Plates 30 and 31) : 2 ; Note on the Morphological Significance of the Various Phases of Hemameebide. By HE. Ray LankestEr PAGE 419 571 581 SEP i 1900 ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 419 The Anatomy and Classification of the Areni- colide, with some Observations on their Post- larval Stages. By FEF. W. Gamble, M.Sc., and J. H. Ashworth, D.Sc., Demonstrators and Assistant Lecturers in Zoology, Owens College, Manchester. With Plates 22—99. CoNnTENTS. 1. Introduetion . Distribution and Habits 3. Hxternal Characters I. Segmentation Il. Prostomium : III. Eyes and Nuchal Organ IV. Peristomium V. Gills 4. Sete 5. Hpidermis 6. Musculature 3 : 7. Generai Anatomy of Internal Organs 8. Alimentary Canal : 9. Vascular System: Heart-body 10. Ceelom 1]. Nervous System I. Brain ; Il. @sophageal Connectives ILI. Ventral Nerve-cord : IV. Giant-cells and Giant-fibres A. Giant-fibres B. Giant-cells ; : c. The Nature of Giant-cells and Giant-fibres [a 2) p The Occurrence of Giant-cells in Arenicola. you, 43, PART 3.—NEW SERIES, GG PAGE 420 4.24 43.4 435 4.36 438 439 441 4.44 452 453 454: 456 458 467 468 469 478 480 483 483 485 491 498 420 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH, PAGE 12. Sense-organs: Otocysts . : : : : . 500 13. Nephridia . ‘ : : : : 3 . 508 14. Reproductive Organs : : : : : . 521 15. Specific Characters and Classification of the Arenicolide . - 528 16. Affinities of the Arenicolide , 2 : : . 543 17. Summary of Results ; : ; : : . 547 18. Literature . : : 5 : ‘ ; . 554 1. Introduction. ArnouaH the literature which treats of the anatomy of Arenicolais a large and growing one, there are several struc- tures, such as the nervous system, the nephridia, the “ hearts ” and “ heart-body,” which have received little or no attention from anatomists such as de Quatrefages, Grube, Claparéde, Pruvot, Racovitza, who have contributed largely to a know- ledge of the comparative morphology of Polychetes. Hmbry- ologists have neglected the Arenicolidee even more. Wilson’s early paper (1882)! still remains the only account of the development of an Arenicola (A. cristata) from the egg up to the early post-larval stage, and naturally enough only deals with the external features. In 1893 the post-larval stage of the common lugworm was identified by Dr. Benham, and though his decision was soon afterwards questioned by Mesnil (1897), Benham’s statements have since received full confirmation. It is not our purpose to give in this place a full résumé of past or recent work on the Arenicolide, but merely to point out that both in morphology and embryology there are lacunz where our present knowledge is scanty or entirely lacking. ‘This statement applies, moreover, to the groups with which it has been suggested, though on some- what slender grounds, that the Arenicolide are allied, namely, the Maldanidz on the one hand and the Scalibregmidez on the other. For all we know to the contrary, these families may represent three more or less parallel but independent modifications. Their relationship can only be adequately 1 The dates in brackets form references to the literature quoted at the end of this paper. ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 421 discussed when the modifications of structure and develop- ment of each family are known as a whole. With reference to the Scalibregmide, for example, many of the structural features are only known through the work of Rathke (1845) or of Danielssen (1859). Even more recent writers, such as Wirén (1887), have been content, when dealing with the vascular system or the subdivision of the body-cavity, to record the results of the examination of one or two genera without even determining the limits of specific differences, which at any rate in the Arenicolide extend from obvious external marks to the mode of origin of the gonads, or the grade of development of certain ganglion-cells in the nerve- cord. But there is yet another class of evidence quite as impor- tant for phylogenetic deduction as the modifications of organs or the changes in larval and post-larval history. We refer to the power of response to stimulation, or, in other words, the physiology of the group. It is generally assumed that the members of the sub-order of Polychaeta to which Benham has given the term Phanerocephala Scoleciformia,! like those of some other sub-orders, have acquired their distinc- tive grade of organisation, in part at least, in adaptation to their burrowing or sedentary mode of life. For example, the reduction of the brain, the small size of the prostomium, the absence of an armed pharynx, the modifications of the sete, are explained by reference to the loss of free life, lack of active competition, and to the necessity of acquiring a structure conforming to a less complex mode of life than is enjoyed by the Nereidiformia. A test which is quite applicable to both groups, since they are in a large sense living under similar conditions, would be the sense of response to variations of light-intensity at different phases of growth, and to other well-known forms of stimulation. At present we have abso- lutely no data. The noteworthy presence in the Capitellida of one form, Dasybranchus, which possesses a brain more 1 Including Opheliide, Maldanide, Arenicolide, Scalibregmide, Chlore- mide, and Sternaspide, 499, F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. highly organised than that of any other Polychete at present known, is sufficient to indicate that among other groups there may be members which possess a highly sensitive organisa- tion where we at present only suspect a slight power of physiological response. The search for this important class of evidence is at present a much more promising field than the trodden paths of anatomy and embryology, though it is clear that all these have to advance together in any attempt to solve a phylogenetic problem. In this paper, however, we confine ourselves to the anatomy and the post-larval developmental features of the family. The work has been largely carried out in Manchester, but has necessarily involved visits to the coast. We have examined the Lancashire coast, the neighbourhood of Port Hrin, Isle of Man, Plymouth Sound, and St. Andrews Bay. To Professor Agassiz we are specially indebted for the loan of specimens of Arenicola from the Harvard Museum. We also wish to express our thanks to M. Felix Mesnil for specimens of A. Grubii and of Branchiomaldane from St. Martin, and to Mr. J. E. Duerden, Curator of the Institute of Jamaica, for obtaining, after much trouble, a specimen of A. cristata from the shore at Bluefields. The Naples station has sent us specimens of this species, which is rare, or at any rate diffi- cult to obtain in the Mediterranean, and also material repre- senting A. Claparedii and A. Grubii. For the post-larval stages we are indebted to Mr. R. L. Ascroft and to Dr. Benham, who gave us a specimen sent to him from Ply- mouth. To Professor Hickson we owe several valuable sug gestions, and many of the facilities which have helped us in the course of the work. The material upon which this paper is based has been col- lected from many sources during the last three years. (1) Arenicola marina, Linn.—In addition to specimens from various parts of the British and Irish coasts, and from Jersey, we have received two specimens from the Harvard Museum, collected at Grand Manan, and also coloured draw- ing by Professor Agassiz of an undoubted example of this ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 423 species taken at Nahant. Although labelled Arenicola natalis, Gir., and A. arenata, these American specimens all belong tothe common Huropean form. Our attempts to obtain living specimens of larval or post- larval examples of the lugworm have so far been unsuccess- ful, but Professor Benham has presented us with a post-larval stage, 45 mm. long, captured at Plymouth, and Mr. R. L. Ascroft has given us two specimens taken in the tow-net at high water near Lytham, on the Lancashire coast. (2) Arenicola cristata, Stimps (A. antillensis, Liit- ken.)—Three specimens from Naples ; a large specimen from the Harvard Museum, but with no indication of its place of capture ; a smaller one from the same museum, collected at Captiva Key, Florida; and another, 47°5 mm. long, from Bluefields, Jamaica, (3) Arenicola Claparedii, Levinsen.—A_ considerable number of specimens, full-grown and immature, from Naples ; and four specimens of what we consider to be this species from the Harvard Museum, collected by Professor A. Agassiz at Crescent City, California. (4) Arenicola Grubii, Claparede.—We have collected this form in abundance at Plymouth, and at Port Erin and Port St. Mary in the Isle of Man. Mr. Hornell has supplied us with specimens from Jersey, M. Mesnil has kindly sent a few from St. Martin, and we haye also received specimens from Naples. A specimen was taken by one of us at Port Appin, near Oban, in Loch Linnhe, and others at Valencia in the south-west of Ireland. (5) Arenicola ecaudata, Johnston.—Many adults from Port St. Mary, Plymouth, Valencia, and Jersey; a few and three post-larval stages from Port Erin (August, 1896). Dr. 8. F. Harmer submitted a few specimens collected in the north of Ireland. They differed slightly from more southern specimens, but agreed closely with Rathke’s description of his A. Boeckii, which, however, does not rank as a distinct species. A424 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. 2. Distribution and Habits. DISTRIBUTION. The genus Arenicola may be divided into two sections ; one (including A. Grubiiand A. ecaudata) in which the sills and parapodia are continued tothe end of the body, and a second (including the remainder of the genus) in which these structures are confined to the middle region. Of the members of the first section, A. Grubii is the more southern form, occurring in the Irish Sea, North Atlantic, the Channel, Mediterranean, and Black Sea; while A. ecaudata ranges from Norway on both the east and west coasts of Great Britain and Ireland to the Channel. Neither of these species has been hitherto recorded from the American continent. The sectionof the genus including A. marina, A. cristata, and A. Claparedii occurs on both sides of the Atlantic. It was pointed out in our paper (1898) on A. marina, that lat. 40° N. approximately marks the southern limit of this species, since it is not found either in the Mediterranean or south of New Jersey. In these more southerly latitudes its place is taken by A. cristata, which, however, appears to be rare at Naples, while it is abundant at Charleston Harbour, Virginia (Stimpson, 1856), and at Anglesea, ten miles north-east of Cape May (Ives, 1890). It has also been found at Jamaica (Liitken, Duerden), Florida, and is reported from Vancouver and Alaska on the Pacific coast. Arenicola Claparedii isa common Mediterranean form, and four specimens which exhibit the distinguishing features of this species have been sent to us from California. In his catalogue of non-parasitical worms in the British Museum, Johnston (1865) records three species of Areni- cola—(l)the common species, A. piscatorum (A. marina), (2) A. branchialis, (3) A. ecaudata,'—but only the first and third of these are recognised generally as British. 1 Johnston first recorded and described this species in 1835 (‘ Loudon’s Magazine’), but gave a new diagnosis and figure in this British Museum Catalogue, ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 425 In a paper on “ The Habits and Structure of Arenicola marina” (1898) we have shown that there are on the Lanca- shire coast two varieties of A. marina, differing in hahits, structure, and times of maturity. The typical specimens of A. marina inhabit the littoral zone, living in U-shaped burrows. They average about eight inches in length, and their gills, which are only well developed in old deeply pigmented Specimens, are composed of 9—11 stems, each provided with 3—5 pairs of short lateral branches. These forms breed in the summer, at any rate on the Lancashire coast. The second variety of A. marina is found in the upper part of the Laminarian zone. It breeds in the spring, from the beginning of March onwards. The gills of this form are highly pinnate structures, consisting of about twelve stems, united by a connecting membrane at their bases, and bearing ten or more branches on each side of the axis (cf. figs. 2 and 38, Pl. 3, Gamble and Ashworth, 1898). This type of gill has hitherto been known only in A. cristata. The discovery of two races or varieties of A. marina distinguished by the form of their gills necessitates a revision of the diagnostic characters of this species, which have hitherto been based chiefly on the shape of the gills and on the sete. We were unable to find the Laminarian variety during a visit in September, 1897, to St. Andrews, where the coast has been carefully searched for years by Professor McIntosh and his pupils without meeting this form. It has, however, been found in Jersey, and has been figured, probably from the coast of Normandy, by Milne Edwards in the coloured plates of Cuvier’s ‘Régne Animal’ (édition de Disciples, pl. viii, fig. 1). From the records of A. marina made by Scandi- navian and other naturalists who have examined specimens from the Northern seas, it would appear that the littoral type is the only one with which they were acquainted. The species Arenicola branchialis was established by Audouin and Milne Edwards (1834, vol. ii, p. 287, and pl. viii, fig. 18). Itis distinguished, according to these authors, by having the first fifteen segments setigerous only, by having 4.26 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. 16 —28 pairs of branchial tufts, and by the posterior portion of the body being abranchiate and apodous. We have been at some pains to obtain the types or specimens of this species. Unfortunately the types are lost from the museums both of London and Paris. We have not been able to find among the large number of specimens we have obtained, any which, while agreeing in other respects, exhibit a tail of the length figured by Milne Edwards. It is possible that the species A. branchialis is founded upon a specimen of either A. ecaudata (which it resembles in the position of the first pair of gills) or A. Grubii, in which the last few pairs of gills have not been formed. We have several times found specimens of A. Grubii without gills, and parapodia on the last two somites, and indeed specimens of this kind belong- ing to the species A. Grubii have been sent to us from Paris labelled A. branchialis. It seems to us that as the descriptions and figures of this species are insufficient to enable it to be identified, and as the type specimens have been lost, for all practical purposes it must be ignored. While working at Port Erin, Isle of Man, during Easter, 1897, we collected near Port St. Mary specimens of Arenicola—with gills extending to the end of the body— which would be called A. ecaudata by most naturalists. On examination we found that these specimens could be separated into two sections; the members of one were characterised by the first gill being attached to the twelfth chetigerous segment, while those of the other section had the first gills on the sixteenth segment (Pl. 22, figs. 3, 4). More- over a careful scrutiny of the nephridiopores showed that the first section had only five pairs of nephridia, but the second had no less than thirteen pairs. On comparing these specimens with A. Grubii from Naples, we saw at once that those specimens which had five pairs of nephridiopores and gills commencing on the twelfth chetigerous segment belong to this species, which had not hitherto been recorded from Britain ; while the specimens with thirteen pairs of nephridio- pores correspond exactly with Johnston’s description and ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 427 figure of A. ecaudata. Dissection, moreover, revealed further differences between the two species, which are especially obvious in the reproductive organs (see figs. 44 and 45). It is somewhat remarkable that the result of a dissection of A. ecaudata has never been published,! since even a rough dissection of a single specimen, especially in the spring of the year, would have revealed so many points by which this species might be at once distinguished from any other species of Arenicola. The uncertainty which hangs over the distinctiveness of this species, even at the present time, is shown by the endeavours of some recent authors to use A. Grubii, hitherto known from the Mediterranean only, as a synonym for A. ecaudata. One of the objects of this paper is to point out the distinguishing characters of the species, so as to enable more accurate records of these forms to be made than has been the case hitherto. The species, A. Claparedii, was founded by Levinsen (1883, pp. 136—138), who pointed out some of the differences between this Mediterranean form and the northern specimens of A.marina. Specimensof Arenicola from Naples which possess thirteen pairs of gills are often labelled A. marina, which, however, does not occur in the Mediterranean. It is replaced by A. Claparedii, which differs from A. marina in the form of its gills, in having only five pairs of nephridia, and in other ways. Stimpson (1856, p. 114) founded the species A. cristata (A. antillensis, Litken) upon specimens obtained in Charleston Harbour. ‘This species differs from others in the richly pinnate character and smaller number of the gills, and in usually possessing certain papillary processes on the tail (Pl. 22, fig. 1, and Pl. 24, figs. 30—33). All specimens of Arenicola which have hitherto been completely investigated and described, fall within the five species mentioned above, viz. A. marina, A. cristata, A. Claparedii, A. Grubii, and A. ecaudata. 1 Since this was written we have received a paper from M. Fauvel (1899) in which this has been done. 428 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. A. marina (= A. piscatorum, Lamarck) includes A. tinctoria, Leach, and A. carbonaria, Leach,! which dif- fered somewhat in colour from more typical specimens. A. natalis, Girard (1856, p. 88), is nothing more than an ordinary A. marina, in which Girard has mistaken the ventral for the dorsal surface. The smooth dorsal line which he describes as one of the peculiar characters of this worm is the line found on practically all specimens of Arenicola indicating the position of the ventral nerve-cord, its anterior division into two being the usual division into the two metastomial tracts or grooves which mark the position and course of the cesophageal connectives. A. natalis has thirteen pairs of gills, and six pairs of parapodia in front of the first gill, thus exactly agreeing in these respects with A. marina. It was found on Chelsea Beach (Mass., U.S.A.), 1.e. well to the northward of lat. 40° N., which, as we have shown, marks the southern limit of A. marina. As stated below, Clymenides sulfureus, Mesnil (1897), is now proved to be the post-larval stage of A. marina. A. cristata (= A. antillensis, Liitken, 1884) probably also includes A. glacialis, Murdoch,? from Alaska. The description of this latter species is very brief and insuffi- cient, the only characters of real importance mentioned being the presence of eleven branchiferous segments, preceded by six abranchiate segments, thus exactly agreeing with A. cristata. Czerniavsky* describes three new species of Arenicola from the neighbourhood of Sevastopol (Black Sea), viz. A. cyanea, A. dioscurica, and A. Bobretzkii; but these are undoubtedly specimens of A. Grubii, differing from each other only in colour, age, and size. All of them have eleven anterior abranchiate segments, as in A. Grubii, and at 1 *Hneyclopedia Britannica,’ Supplement, vol. i, p. 452. 2 «Proceedings United States National Museum,’ Washington, vol. vii, 1884, p. 522. * «Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou,’ vol. lvi, 1881, pp. 358—356. “ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA, 429 most only one posterior abranchiate segment, which, as men- tioned above (p. 426), is frequently found in specimens of A. Grubii. The only differences between these forms are connected with the colour and number of gills. The colour of A. Grubii varies within wide limits, for in one gathering at Port St. Mary we have taken specimens of this species varying in colour from dark green through dark red to reddish yellow. The number of gills described as occurring in A. cyanea, A. dioscurica, and A. Bobretz- kii is respectively thirteen, fifteen, and twenty pairs. This difference is probably explained by the different ages of the specimens chosen as typical of the species. A. Boeckii, Rathke, as described by him (1843, p. 181, and pl. vil, figs. 19—22), is an indubitable but probably young A. ecaudata, as it has the first gill on the sixteenth chetigerous segment, and has forty pairs of gills. Speci- mens agreeing with Rathke’s description have been sub- mitted to us, and after acareful examination of their external characters, and of some points in their internal anatomy, we consider them to be young forms of A. ecaudata (see p. 423). Clymenides ecaudatus, Mesnil (1897), is the post-larval form of A. ecaudata. A. pusilla, de Quatrefages,! of which only a single in- complete specimen is known, from Coquimbo: A. assimilis, Khlers,? from the Straits of Magellan: and A. Loreni, Kinberg,® from the Cape: are so shortly and insufficiently described, that for all practical purposes they must be ignored. Hapsirts. (1) Arenicola Grubii and A. ecaudata. On the coast of the Isle of Man, at Port Hrin and Port St. Mary, and at Plymouth, A. Grubii and A. ecaudata 1 «Hist. des Annelés,’ tome 2, part i, p. 266, 1865, Paris. 2 ¢‘Magalhaen. Sammel Reise-Polycheten,’ Hamburg, p. 108, 1897. 3 «Kong. Svenska Fregatt. Hugenies Resa,’ 1857, and ‘ Annulata nova Recensuit,” ‘Oefv. k. Vet. Akad. Forhandl.,’ 1865, p. 355, 430 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. live together near the bases of rocks in a deposit composed of sand and small stones. Like A. marina, they are charac- teristically littoral animals, occurring in and above the upper portion of the Laminarian zone. At Port St. Mary they are best obtained by overturning large boulders lying on the gravel-like beach, and digging in the place so exposed with the hands until the worm is seen gliding, almost like an earthworm, intoits burrow. The excavation is then enlarged all around this point, as the worms seem to occur in batches in certain places, each of which, being probably very suitable to their wants, has attracted several specimens. The débris of decomposing rock appears to have a great attraction for these species, and in a suitable locality such as Port St. Mary they may be collected in considerable quantities. At this place four workers obtained seventy-six specimens of A. Grubii and thirty-six of A. ecaudata in the course of rather over an hour’s work, while at Port Hrin only about half a dozen specimens of A. Grubii were obtained in the same time. ‘These species do not construct a regular burrow like that of A. marina. They are often found in oblique and curved holes in the gravel, a few inches below the surface, but there is not a definite opening leading to the exterior. ‘hey take into their alimentary canal the sand and gravelly material in which they live, and their castings, being composed of larger particles, are less firm than those of A. marina; and the components fall apart from each other, mingle at once with the gravel among which the worms live, and are not piled up on the surface as in the case of the common lugworm. In specimens of A. ecaudata obtained from Valencia (co. Kerry) there was little sand, but the alimentary canal was distended with pieces of Fucus. At Naples A. Grubii lives chiefly in sand mixed with putres- cent matter, and breeds through the spring (Lo Bianco, 1899). On the British coasts both this species and A. ecaudata breed in the spring. Most specimens of A. ecaudata are yellowish red or dark red in colour, but some are dark green. A. Grubii is ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 431 generally dark green in colour, but may be dark red or occasionally yellowish red in colour. As we said above (p. 429), Arenicola Boeckii appears to be merely a variety of A. ecaudata, and we are confirmed in this opinion by the examination of a few specimens col- lected by Mr. H. Hanna, of St. John’s College, Cambridge, and sent to us for identification by Dr. Harmer. The note appended to them (written by Mr. Hanna) supplies some details of their capture. “The specimens came from Murlough Bay, near Fair Head, co. Antrim. Four were found living in deep circular pits, 24 feet deep and about 1 foot broad, in a raised bank of soft green sandstone near high water. The bank of rock was washed over by waves at high tide. The worms were of a bright scarlet colour, and lived in soft greyish mud inside their membranous tubes, which slipped off very readily.” The form and position of the nephridia show that these specimens belong to Arenicola ecaudata, but as they differ in appearance from specimens of the usual pigmented type in their transparent body-wall, and agree in this respect and in size with Rathke’s A. Boeckii, we con- sider them to form a variety of the species A. ecaudata, for which Rathke’s name may be retained. Concerning the methods of oviposition and the habits of the larva we have been unable to obtain any information, but we have obtained three very young specimens of A. ecaudata. On August 18th, 1896, while at Port Erin one of us col- lected at a very low tide a large number of the “ roots” of Laminaria from the ruined breakwater, in the hope that in their interstices some rare worms might be lodging. On washing and examining the roots carefully one by one, many worms were obtained, among which were three young speci- mens of A. ecaudata. ‘These are 7:2 mm., 8 mm., and 9-4 mm. long respectively. They are probably only a few months old, and had but recently settled down to their littoral habitat. They possess thirteen pairs of nephridia, but no gills have yet been formed (PI. 24, figs. 35, 36). 432 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. Fauvel (1899) has shown that the early post-larva of A. ecaudata before the assumption of gills lives not in sand, but in the interstices of algze. It is enclosed in a gelatinous tube, through which the internal organs of the transparent body can be readily perceived. Only later on when the gills are well developed does the animal adopt the arenicolous mode of life. Lo Bianco (1893, p. 10) states that Neapolitan specimens of A. Grubii attain a length of 150mm. The largest British specimens of this species and of A. ecaudata attain a length of 225 mm. The skin of A. Grubii and A. ecaudata is remarkable for the large amount and tenacity of the mucus which exudes from it. This is generally yellowish green in colour, and readily stains the hands. The peristaltic action of the body-wall, the waves passing from behind forwards, was observed even more clearly than in A. marina, but the gills of these two species do not possess the same amount of contractility as those of A. marina. (2) Arenicola Claparedii. This species is found at Naples living in sand mixed (Lo Bianco, 1893, p. 9; 1899, p. 484) with putrefying matter, and breeds from November to May. The body is often trans- parent, the tail chrome-yellow. In other specimens the colour is reddish with green reflections. The examples from Crescent City, California, were of a dark green, almost black colour. Specimens of A. Claparedii average about 70—80 mm. in length, but according to Lo Bianco (1899) they may attain a length of 150 mm. (3) Arenicola cristata. This species is rare at Naples, and occurs chiefly among (Lo Bianco, 1899, p. 484) decaying matter in the Porto mer- cantile, breeding from June to August. It was found by Stimpson (1856) at the entrance to Charleston Harbour living ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA, 433 in the lower portion of the littoral zone. The general colour is dark velvety bottle-green, with slight yellowish and bluish iridescence. The branchiz and proboscis are reddish, the notopodial setze golden yellow. The specimen from Captiva Key is flesh-coloured, and the one from Jamaica is black up to the seventh segment, semi-transparent and almost colour- less behind. The large American specimen of A. cristata is 360 mm. long (Pl. 24, fig. 80), and specimens 400 mm. long have been taken at Naples (Lo Bianco, 1899, p. 484). According to Liitken (1864) this species (to which he gave the name A.antillensis) is common on the shores of the West Indies, but although Mr. J. HK. Duerden, Curator of the institute of Jamaica, has searched the coast for some time he has only been able to meet with one specimen, so that this species is not common on the Jamaican shores. Of the habits of A. cristata Stimpson (1856) says, “ It occurred in the third and fourth sub-regions of the littoral zone, living in holes in the hard sand excavated to two feet. The holes were exactly adapted to the thickness of the animal, and were not furnished with a lining of any kind. They extend obliquely downwards, at first perpendicularly, then curving horizontally. The lower extremity is about one foot below the surface. Hach worm was found head downwards in its burrow. During the latter part of March we frequently observed in and about the holes of this animal ereat quantities of a soft transparent jelly filled with minute brownish specks, which proved to be the eggs.” Of these ego-masses Professor EH. B. Wilson (1883) gives an interest- ing account. “The eggs are embedded in huge gelatinous masses, which assume various forms as they are swayed to and fro by the tide. A common form is irregularly cylin- drical, three or four feet long and as many inches wide. Sometimes they are rounded and shapeless, lying flat on the sand ; in other cases they are as long as six feet and more, and from one to three inches in diameter. The eggs are small, ‘13 mm, in diameter, nearly spherical or slightly ovoid, A434 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. very opaque, and are enclosed in a thick chorion, which seen by oblique light appears to be perforated by minute radiat- ing pores. The yolk is a hight cinnamon colour. Segmenta- tion is almost equal, and the embryo gradually elongates, and when eighteen to twenty-four hours old acquires a belt of cilia in front of which two eye-spots appear, and a broad band of cilia also appears on the ventral surface. The first pair of setee appears on the third day, and the mouth is by that time distinct. The larve hatch on the third day, and swim freely for a day or two. The notopodial: sete are first formed, appearing from above downwards; the neuropodial setee appear at the end of the third or beginning of the fourth day. The larve then secrete a gelatinous tube, sink to the bottom of the vessel, and creep about there. There - they lived for more than three weeks, and by the end of that time possessed eleven to twelve setigerous segments.” The post-larve of A. marina taken at Plymouth by Garstang, and described by Benham (‘ Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc.,’ vol. i1, No. 1, 1898, p. 48), also inhabited gelatinous tubes which they had secreted, and which closely invested their bodies. This covering, however, did not prevent them swimming actively in an eel-lke manner, generally near the surface of the water (Garstang). Small specimens of A. marina when taken from the sand are beautifully transparent for some time, but when placed in sea water the skin gradually becomes translucent and finally opaque. littoral forms are generally reddish or yellowish red in colour, while those from the Laminarian zone are much darker in colour, sometimes indeed almost black. On the Lancashire coast Laminarian specimens attain a length of 400 mm. 8. External Characters. Although the chief external features of the Arenicolide have been carefully studied by a number of zoologists, yet there is still some doubt as to the meaning of certain of ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 435 the more obscure points, such as the prostomium, the mor- phological value of the buccal segment, the nature of the gills, the presence of cirri, the presence or absence of scat- tered sense-cells in the skin of the body. I. Segmentation. — The strictly morphological com- ponents of the entire worm are the prostomium, the pygidium, and the long intermediate region composed of segments, the parapodia of which mark out certain regions. Thus there is always a chetigerous but abranchiate region up to the seventh segment;! then in the “marina” section of the genus there are from eleven to thirteen segments, bearing plumose, highly vascular gills attached to the dorsal element (notopodium) of the parapodia. Gills and parapodia then cease, and behind this point there is merely a caudal region, varying in length, and, with the exception of some varieties of A. cristata, unprovided with any parapodial outgrowths, though still preserving traces of its segmentation. In these specimens of A. cristata there is a double paired row (one pair more dorsal and one more ventral) of hollow processes placed at segmental intervals along the sides of the tail (PI. 22, fig. 1, and Pl. 24, figs. 30—32). We discuss this matter more fully later on (p. 442). In the “ecaudata” section the gills and sete are continued to the hinder end of the body. The presence of branched, strongly developed gills, and their arrangement on at any rate all the middle segments, together with their absence from the first seven, is. a cha- racter which distinguishes the genus Arenicola. Almost equally diagnostic and constant is the secondary annula- tion of the skin, so that the space between two chetigerous annuli is subdivided by three grooves into four rings. ‘The second of these grooves posterior to each of the chetigerous annuli is the intersegmental groove, and at this level the septa, if present, are inserted. The segments of the caudal 1 The first bundle of sete is placed in the adult worm in the middle of the first cheetigerous segment, and this segment is referred to in the text as the first segment. Consideration shows, however, that it is probably really the third segment (see p. 441). VOL, 43, PART 3.—NEW SERIES. HH 436 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. region in the “marina” section of the genus cannot, however, be determined by this criterion, since the chetigerous annuli are missing. The division of the body of Capitellids into thorax and abdomen by the use of regional characters afforded by the sete alone, finds but a feeble analogy in Arenicola. The anterior segments bear as a rule both the capillary sete de- fining the “ thorax,”’ and the crotchets which are confined to the “abdomen” of at least some genera of Capitellide. In Arenicola cristata alone is there an approach to the Capitellid arrangement. For in the first two and in some cases three segments the crotchets are absent or invisible in a surface view. ‘The regional external characters are afforded by the gills, which, as we have already mentioned, are pecu- har to the genus and the family. Il. Prostomium.—Though necessarily fused at its pos- terior margin with the peristomium, the prostomium is distinct, and at least in A. Claparedii fairly well developed (Pl. 27, figs. 59, 60). It is often stated or implied that this fusion is more extensive, and entails the more or less complete suppression of the prostomium, in Arenicola. Such, however, is not the case; and even in the “ecaudata” section, where it attains its least development, this structure has fully pre- served its individuality (Pl. 22, fig. 5). The misleading state- ments to the contrary are probably due to the retraction of this structure within the nuchal groove, which results from most of the ordinary killing methods. A powerful retraction of the buccal muscles in the living animal also tends to hide the prostomium. As is the case with so many other structural features, the prostomium exhibits two types characteristic respectively of the “marina” and the “‘ecaudata” sections of the genus. In the former it is a hollow, lobate, highly vascular and thin- walled structure; in the latter it forms a smooth, conical, Opaque prominence. ‘The forms which it assumes are more readily understood from Pl. 22, figs. 2, 5, and Pl. 27, figs. 59 —61, than from lengthy descriptions. ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLID®. 437 The shape of the prostomium of A. marina was described and figured in our previous paper, and we have only to add that A. cristata has an organ of almost exactly similar shape. In specimens from Jamaica, Naples, and the Pacific coast of America it is uniformly of a trilobate shape, and measures about 1 mm. in length by slightly more in breadth. It is hollow, and contains an extension of the ccelom accom- panied by vessels. As in the lugworm, the brain is in close association with the skin, and fills up the greater part of the cavity of the prostomium. In A. Claparedii, different specimens of approximately the same and of different lengths exhibit a considerable variation in the shape of the prostomium (Pl. 27, figs. 59— 61). Its comparatively large size drew Levinsen’s atten- tion to it, and he demonstrated for the first time the presence of the prostomium as a distinct structure in the Areni- colide. Some of the Californian specimens show a marked similarity in prostomial form to the typical adult Mediter- ranean ones, while others differ slightly in this respect, but their differences are paralleled by the variation in the shape of this organ in the young Neapolitan specimens as com- pared with adults. Unfortunately we have never seen A. Claparedii alive, and we are unable to state how far these differences may be accounted for by irregular contraction of the prostomial lobes, and how far they may represent natural variations in the form of the organ itself. The form of the organ is essentially similar to that of A. marina, but the median area is often conspicuously raised, while the lateral projections are bent downwards and out- wards, so as almost to suggest in some specimens that they represent traces of tentacles. Though hollow, the anterior lobes of the brain extend into them, so it is not probable that they are of tentacular nature. A comparable pro- stomium occurs in Scalibregma, in which the anterior prostomial margin is produced outwards like the cross of a T (see Rathke, 1843, pl. viii). In the “ecaudata” section the conical, non-lobate pro- 438 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. stomium is similar in the two species (Pl. 22, fig.5). In front it is continuous with the papillose margin, forming an upper lip which overhangs the mouth. Ill. Eyes and Nuchal Organ.—There are two struc- tures developed from the prostomium, the eyes (Pl. 24, fig. 34) and the ciliated grooves or nuchal organ, which may be considered under the head of external organs, though the former and the greater part of the latter are hidden when an adult specimen is viewed from without. The structure of the eyes is more fully considered in the section on the sense- organs (p. 506, and Pl. 27, fig. 55). It will be sufficient to state here that they are comparable with the earliest stage of the development of eyes in Nereis as regards structure, but that they are sunk even in early post-larval stages of A. marina into the ganglionic layer of the brain. In this position they persist apparently throughout life in all species of the genus. The nuchal organ or ciliated groove is a V-shaped ciliated but deep and narrow groove, formed by an invagination of the epidermis of the sides and hinder end of the prostomium, as is well seenin the figure of A. Claparedii on PI. 27, figs. 56 and 57, from a specimen 26 mm. long. The arms of the groove diverge, and run somewhat outwards and downwards as far as the anterior cerebral lobes, while their hinder ends are connected by a curved portion lying at a higher level. Since, however, the groove is sunk deeply into the body its appearance in horizontal section is that of a pair of tubes commencing anteriorly in the angle made by the projection of the lateral prostomial lobe, and then running inwards and backwards, so that only the dorsal sections show the union of the two grooves near the hinder edge of the prostomium, although of course they are in connection with the exterior along their whole length. In A. cristata the nuchal organ is essentially similar to that of A. marina described in our previous paper, and it is only necessary to emphasise the single character of the organ ; for although it is innervated from a pair of posterior ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA., 439 cerebral lobes there is no reason for regarding it as a double structure, at least in full-grown Arenicola, though it may arise from a paired origin, and is undoubtedly equivalent to the pair of ciliated eversible organs in Capitellids and Opheliacea, and to the two longitudinal grooves on the prostomium of Maldanide. In a very young specimen of Arenicola marina in our possession (a post-larva 4°5 mm. long) the nuchal organ is already present, and consists of a median transversely placed depression ‘04 mm. from side to side and ‘012 mm. deep. The groove is similar in both A. Grubii and A. ecaudata, while its course differs from that hitherto described (PI. 22, fig. 5). The arms of the groove commence ventro-laterally, and run upwards and backwards, but before meeting on the dorsal surface of the prostomium they bend sharply back- wards and then unite in a short transverse line. In A. ecaudata the thickened lips are nearly black in colour and fairly wide apart, and thus contrast with the pink tint of the bottom of the groove. In A. Grubii the lips are more closely apposed. In this section of the genus the nuchal organ is further distinguished by its innervation. In place of the cerebral lobes of A. marina there are several posterior outgrowths of the commissure-like brain, which have rather the appearance of nerves than of lobes. In some specimens, however, a median process of the brain extends backwards so as to underlie the dorsal part of the nuchal groove. The organ is already present in post-larval specimens of A. ecaudata 7:2 mm. and 9'4mm. long. IV. Peristomium.—The peristomium is fused with an annulated achztous region, which lies in front of the first parapodium. ‘The composition of this region is difficult to determine, but it can be shown to result from the fusion of the peristomium and the first chetigerous segment, the seta of which is vestigial and disappears early. The grounds for this conclusion rest upon (1) the external delimitation of the peristomium from the first segment in the post-larva of 44.0 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. both A. marina and A. ecaudata (PI. 24, figs. 34, 35) ; (2) the constant position of the otocyst; (3) the vestigial seta ; (4) the nerves given off by the connectives ; and (5) the presence of a segmental “ giant-cell” in the cord just behind the point of union of the commissures (see Pl. 29, fig. 79). The debatable region in question extends from the hinder border of the prostomium (as indicated by the nuchal groove) to the annulus immediately in front of the first (adult) para- podium. Laterally it is often marked by two sloping grooves, the “ metagstomial grooves” of Ehlers (1892), which indicate the course of nerve connectives uniting the brain with the ventral cord. It is crossed by a number of circular grooves, which vary in number in different species. The skin of the annulus between any two grooves is marked out into raised areas like a mosaic. The position of the otocyst is indicated by an aperture (A. marina) or by a slight depression (A. Grubii and A. ecaudata), a little dorsal to the point of intersection of the second of these grooves (counting from the prostomium) with the metastomial groove. The otocyst is supplied by a large nerve from the commissure, and a special development of ganglionic cells occurs at the pomt of origin of the otocyst nerve, extending slightly beyond and below this point. The region between the prostomium and the second groove is thus composed of two annuli bounding the mouth, and containing the otocyst, otocyst nerve, and ganglion. This region constitutes the peristomium. On this view the sugges- tion made by Ehlers that the otocyst represents a pair of modified peristomial cirri is extremely probable, but as the early development of these organs has not been studied in Arenicola, Aricia, Wartelia, or any other genus, the suggestion can hardly be regarded as proven. The presence of a vestigial seta in post-larvee of A. marina (Benham), A. ecaudata (Mesnil), which disappears later, indicates the presence of a segment between the peristomium and the first adult chatigerous segment. We have not been able to confirm the occurrence of this seta ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 441 with any certainty, but we are able to produce additional evidence in favour of this view. In A. marina and A. Grubii there are certain “ giant-cells ” which occur usually in couples near the hinder limit of each segment (see Pl. 29). In A. ecaudata and A. cristata we have also found them in the anterior segments, and always in the same relative position. Now at the meeting-point of the connectives there is a single giant-cell in the first three of the species named. This giant-cell lies in the region which bears the vestigial seta, and it may be taken as confirming the view first sug- gested by Benham (1893) that this is the second segment, the first parapodium being attached to the third. The limits of the second segment then include a number of annuli up to the dorsal insertion of the first septum, exactly one annulus in front of the first parapodium of the adult. Accordingly the first chetigerous segment of the full-grown Arenicola is really the third, and is preceded by a segment bearing a giant-cell and vestigial seta, and this again by the peristomium. The conical notopodium and vertical rows of neuropodial crotchets le about, or slightly behind, the middle of each of the succeeding segments. In all the species the surface of the body is areolated ; the areolez are composed of glandular pigmented cells, the interstices being made up of finer non glandular elements. V. The Gills.—These structures, so characteristic of the genus, are hollow branched outgrowths of the body-wall, and contain an extension of the ccelom by which the afferent and efferent blood-capillaries are brought into close contact with the thin and delicate epidermis. ‘The gills are attached to the inner side of the notopodium, and their branches radiate from this point like the parts of a fan. In the “ marina” section the type of gill is in every species the same, though, as we showed in our previous paper, there are two distinct varieties of gill (the dendritic and the larger feathery or pinnate) in A. marina. In this type the branches are only connected together at their bases by a kind of webbing, they are not 442 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. fused basally. In A. ecaudata and A. Grubii (as Horst [1889] first pointed out for the latter) the branches all spring from a common stem. The mode of division of the branches into leaflets is also somewhat different in the two cases. In A. marina, A. cristata, and A. Claparedii the division is nearly pinnate, though the leaflets are not strictly opposite, but more nearly alternate. In A. ecaudata and A. Grubiu the branches bifurcate, and then the posterior of the two so formed dichotomises near its tip. By a repetition of this process the leaflets have a very distinctive appearance when seen en masse, as contrasted with a pinnate type, all the subdivisions taking place on the corresponding (posterior) side of the secondary branches. The figures on PI. 22, fig. 7, will help to make this clear. The gills so formed are in some species retractile, though never to the same degree as in Capiiellids. This property is best developed in the common lugworm, in which the whole line of gills contracts from behind forwards, and so, as Milne Edwards (1838) pointed out, assists in maintaining a circula- tion of the blood. The gills of the Arenicolide are usually considered to be special structures rather than modifications of a dorsal cirrus, on the grounds that in development each gill arises from a slight evagination of the body-wall without the appearance of any specially sensory structures such as in the Nereidi- formia occur on the dorsal cirri before their transformation into gills (Benham, 18938, p. 50). The gills of Arenicola, in fact, develop from the first in connection with a capillary loop, and function at once as respiratory structures. Cirri, in fact, have never been demonstrated in the Arenicolide. In A. cristata, however, certain large papilla occur on the tail (Pl. 22, fig. 1, and PI. 24, figs. 30 —32), and these have been variously interpreted as cirri, as accessory gills, or as merely somewhat large purely epidermal processes. Stimpson (1854) and Liitken (1864) have referred to them in describing American and West Indian specimens. Levinsen (1883) suggested that they ¢ “ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 448 might be gills, but Ehlers (1892) was not disposed to take this view. No good description has been hitherto published, and no histological details exist up to the present. On the first caudal segment of the large specimen lent to us by the authorities of the Harvard Museum there exists a pair of rudimentary gills. This is clearly shown by the one on the right side being composed of four distinct branches bearing short processes (Itud. Br., Pl. 24, fig. 31). These two additional gills agree in position with the normal ones. Just dorsal to each of the last four or five neuropodia of this specimen, and of another from Captiva Key (PI. 24, fig. 39), there is a small tubercle (sometimes a slight depression), distinct, from its size and colour, from the neighbouring scattered papillae. The imperfect state of preservation of these specimens prevents us from making an exhaustive histological study of these structures, which agree in position with the “ Seitenorgane ” of Capitellids. It is very possible that examination of fresh or well-preserved material will result in the discovery of a sensory epithelium on these tubercles. There are also segmentally arranged outgrowths on the tail (Pl. 24, figs. 31, 32). Two of these, as we have already stated, are accessory gills; and just as beneath the last few pairs of fully developed gills there are peculiar tubercles, so beneath these rudimentary gills on the first caudal segment there is a tubercle, or rather two, one above the other. The three structures, gill and tubercles, are placed on a thickened annulus clearly corresponding (PI. 24, figs. 31, 32) to one of the chetigerous annuli, as is further shown by their relation to the internal septa (fig. 30). The more dorsal of these tubercles on the left side was 3 mm. long, and the one beneath this 2 mm. long. In section these tubercles are found to be hollow vascular outgrowths of the whole thickness of the body-wall, and though we have not ascertained that the epithelium has specially sensory elements or is ciliated, yet it is undoubtedly composed of columnar glandular cells, These tubercles are cirriform structures, but 444 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. in the absence of any good evidence of their sensory nature it would be premature to call them cirri. Each of the remaining segments of the tail bears one or two such tubercles, which are distinguished by their size and hollow vascular nature from the scattered epidermal papille. The annuli upon which they are placed are thickened and placed regularly at segmental intervals (PI. 24, figs. 31, 32). Such tubercles, borne on either the last chetigerous seg- ments or on the tail, occur in all the American and West Indian specimens we have examined. They are absent, however, from the Neapolitan examples of A. cristata. 4. Sete (Pl. 23). The sete of Arenicola may be divided into two kinds: (1) the capillary setee forming the notopodial pencil; and (2) the crotchets or chete present in the neuropodial ridge: though, as we shall point out below (see p. 446), these two kinds of setee in very young forms are not strictly confined to the positions above named. Notopodial Seta.—The notopodial sete are similar throughout the genus, though there are certain features which appear to be characteristic of the various species. Hach notopodial seta is a slender capillary structure inserted at its proximal end, along with many other similar setz, in a setal sac, which is moved by special retractor and protractor muscles. The seta has an almost uniform diameter for a con- siderable portion of its length, but it tapers at its distal end to a fine point. This tapering portion bears several rows of very minute hair-like processes, beautifully and regularly arranged like the barbs of a feather upon its shaft (figs. 13, 20, 23). The notopodial sete of adult specimens of A. marina, A. Claparedii and A. cristata closely resemble each other. They are moderately stout, and the hair-like processes upon them are numerous and well marked. The notopodial setz of A. cristata are very hairy, especially in old specimens, and the barbs or processes on the setze are more numerous ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDE, 445 than in any other species of Arenicola (see figs. 13, 14). In the notopodia of A. cristata the capillary setze appear to be arranged in two more or less distinct transverse rows. This is more obvious in the American than in the Neapolitan specimens in our collection. The anterior row contains shorter sete than the posterior row, those in the former being about two thirds the length of those in the latter (see Pl], 24, fig. 33), but in other characters they are identical. The sete of A. Claparedii are closely similar to those of A. marina, but are rather smaller and their barbs more obvious (fig, 23). The notopodial sete of A.ecaudataand A. Grubii are identical in form and characters. They are more slender than those of the three species named above, and taper very gradually indeed to a long and slender tip. The hairy pro- cesses are fewer in number, smaller in size, and more closely appressed to the shaft of the seta, so that they are much less obvious than those of the setz of the three caudate species (fig. 20). The length of the largest notopodial sete we have met with in the different species is as follows :—A. marina (250 mm. long) 7°5 mm., A. Claparedii (95 mm. long) 2°7 mm., A. cristata (360 mm. long) 9 mm. (the shorter sete of the anterior row are 6'4 mm. long in this specimen), A. ecaudata and A. Grubii (200 mm. long) 3°8 mm. The notopodial sete of post-larval stages of A. marina show several interesting points. The notopodia of a specimen of A. marina, 3°9 mm. long, bear from four to six sete, which, on further examination, prove to be of two different kinds (Pl. 23, fig. 12). Some are typical capillary sete, about *3 mm. long, bearing on their distal fourth minute hairy processes similar to, but of course smaller than, those of the adult setze (fig. 12 a). The other notopodial setze are quite different, being only about ‘17 mm. long, and ending in an exceedingly long fine point. A little beyond the middle of its length the seta bears a thin lamina or wing on each side, upon which very 446 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. faint oblique striations are occasionally visible (fig. 12 8). Each notopodial pencil contains only one seta of the latter kind, accompanied by three, four, or five of the normal plumose setee (Pl. 24, fig. 34). Mesnil (1897) found these two kinds of sete in the noto- podia of a small polychzte, which he then identified with Clymenides sulfureus, Claparéde. On comparing the post-larval stages of A. marina in our possession with Mesnil’s descriptions and figures of this polychaete we have no doubt that his Clymenides is nothing but a post-larval A. marina, and in a later paper Mesnil (1898) has arrived at the same conclusion. The notopodial setze of post-larval specimens of A. ecau- data are also somewhat different from those of the adult. Thus in a specimen 7'2 mm. long they are ‘25 mm. to ‘3 mm. long, and bear a distinct lamina on one side of the distal third or half of their length. The lamina is divided into two portions, a short proximal part devoid of hairs, and a longer distal part, on the greater portion of which distinct hair-hke processes may be seen (fig. 21), while between the two seta is slightly constricted. Setz identical with these were described by Mesnil (1897) from a small polychaete to which he gave the name Clymenides ecaudatus. On the pub- lication of Mesnil’s paper we at once identified his speci- mens with our post-larval specimens of Arenicola ecaudata obtained in August, 1896, to which conclusion Mesnil has also arrived in his later paper (1898). The most remarkable feature noticeable in the sete of young specimens of A. ecaudata is one to which Mesnil has also drawn attention, viz. that a crotchet indistinguishable from those of the neuropodia occurs in some of the posterior notopodia alongside the ordinary capilliform sete. In the posterior portion of a specimen 8 mm. long we find a crotchet in the notopodium in each of the last six segments which bear notopodial setz, i. e. in the last formed or young- est segments (Pl. 24, fig. 37). In the last and the last but two notopodia the crotchet stands alone, but in the others ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDM. 447 it is accompanied by one, two, or three capillary sete. In the segments anterior to them the crotchets are confined to the neuropodia, the notopodia bearing only the capillary setze described above (p. 445). Mesnil (1897) found a similar condition in the last six to twelve segments of his specimens of Clymenidesecaudatus (= Arenicola ecaudata), and in the last six segments of his C.incertus. In his account of the development of A. cristata, Wilson (1882) figures a larva eight days old, which bears five paired groups of sete, each of which groups contains a single crotchet along with one to four capillary sete. The crotchet is figured, however, distinctly ventral to the capillary sete, and may belong to the neuropodium, as Wilson thought, though the first three (and sometimes four) segments of the adult to which these segments of the larva correspond are devoid of neuropodia. As the single crotchet is present only in the last formed, i.e. youngest notopodia of A. ecaudata, and in recently formed segments of A. cristata, it there- fore appears probable that for some time after its forma- tion each notopodium bears a crotchet, but very soon the crotchet is lost, and henceforward the notopodium bears capil- lary sete only. It is interesting to note in Wilson’s figures of the post-larve of A. cristata (1882, Pl. XXI, figs. 60, 61) that each notopodium bears one laminated seta similar to those of the post-larval A. marina described above (p. 445), accompanied by one, two, or three ordinary capillary sete. There are other examples of parapodia of polychetes bearing both crotchets and capillary sete, e.g. the Capitellide. In Notomastus (Hisig, 1887, p. 565) the segments of the thorax bear laminated capillary setz similar to those described above in the notopodia of the post-larval Arenicola marina (p. 445), while the parapodia of the first eighty segments of the abdomen bear both laminated capilliform sete and crotchets. In Capitella (Hisig, 1887, pp. 565, 566), also, laminated setz and crotchets occur together in the same parapodium of one segment of the thorax. Thus, in young specimens 1 mm. to 3 mm. long, they are present together in 448 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. the fourth segment ; in specimens 3 mm. to 5 mm. long in the fifth segment; in older specimens 5 mm. to 10 mm. long in the sixth segment; and in adult specimens in the seventh segment. Neuropodial Chetz or Crotchets.—The neuropodial cheetz, though exhibiting the same general form throughout the genus, show more variation than the capillary sete in their minor characters, not only in the different species but in the same species at different ages; hence the chetee of a given species do not present constant characters. It is, therefore, difficult to determine by inspection of a given set of cheete to which species of Arenicola they belong. Hach crotchet consists of a shaft, generally somewhat curved, bear- ing at its distal end a beak-like rostrum placed at an angle to the shaft varying from about 70° to about 150°. There is generally a slight dilatation of the shaft near the middle of its length. Near the end of the cheta immediately behind the rostrum there are in most specimens two or more minute pointed teeth, the tips of which are directed towards the tip of the rostrum, while below the rostrum, at the junction of the rostrum and shaft, there is often a minute process which corresponds in position to the more prominent process? or tuft of hairs on the crotchets of the Maldanide. The rostrum is comparatively short, and its tip is generally rounded in medium-sized or large specimens, but it is larger and its tip is sharply pointed in small specimens. ‘The teeth are also better developed in chet obtained from young specimens than in those from older ones. By careful treatment with warm caustic potash solution (about 5 per cent.) the entire band of neuropodial cheetee may be isolated. It may then be seen that the new chete are formed at the ventral end of the series, the rostrum being first formed, then the teeth, and finally the shaft, which is at first comparatively short (see figs. 9,18). The neuropodia of young specimens contain very few crotchets 1 In the following description the terms teeth and process will be used in the same sense as above. ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 449 (see Pl. 24, fig. 37), but in old specimens there is a very large number of crotchets in each neuropodium. ‘T'wo of the neuropodia of a large specimen of A. cristata (300 mm. long) have been treated with caustic potash, and the entire bands of cheetee isolated. Hach band contains 187 fully formed chete, and about fifteen others in course of formation at the ventral end of the series. A. marina.—Crotchets of post-larval specimens (4°3 mm. long) are ‘04 mm. to ‘05 mm. long, and bear two, or very occasionally three, sharply marked teeth behind the rostrum, and also a well-marked process ending in a long fine point under the rostrum (fig. 8). In older specimens 17 mm. long, which have assumed the adult characters and mode of life, the crotchets are ‘1 mm. to ‘12 mm. long, and bear two well- marked teeth but no process (fig. 11). Specimens about 100 mm. long have cheetze which are ‘4 mm. to ‘5 mm. long, each of which bears two or three very small teeth and also a small process (fig. 10). The crotchets of very large specimens, especially those of the “ Laminarian” variety, may attain a length of ‘8 mm. to’85 mm. From the time of their forma- tion they are devoid of teeth, but bear a small rather blunt process beneath the rostrum (fig. 9). It is interesting to note that as the animal grows in size the rostrum of the crotchet, which in the early stages is at right angles to the shaft, in later formed chete makes a considerably greater angle with the shaft, the angle increasing with the age of the worm from which the chet are obtained, so that in a cheta from a large worm, e.g. a Laminarian specimen about 250 mm. long, the angle between the rostrum and shaft is almost 130° (cf. figs. 8—11). Concurrently there is a reduction in the size of the teeth of successive generations of chete; so that although in post-larval stages the teeth are large and comparable to the rostrum in size, they are entirely absent from the chetz of very old specimens (cf. figs. 8, 9). A. Claparedii.—The crotchets are nearly always strongly curved, sometimes being bent almost into the form ot a 450 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. semicircle (fig. 25). Hach bears about five small but clearly marked and nearly uniform teeth and a minute process (figs. 24, 25). The chet are slender, and never attain a very great size, ‘4 mm. (in a specimen 100 mm. long) being the extreme length attained in any of our specimens. A. cristata.—The crotchets of this species, especially of young specimens, are very similar to those of A. marina, except that the distal end is broader and more curved on the side opposite the rostrum. Full-grown chetze from a young specimen 47°5 mm. in length are ‘2 mm. to ‘*3 mm. long. Hach bears five or six teeth, the first of which (the one nearest the rostrum) is the largest, the others gradually decreasing in size (fig. 15). The same change in the angle of the rostrum is also seen in this species as the specimens increase in size. The rostrum of the cheta described above makes an angle of about 110° with the shaft. Fig. 16 represents a seta from a specimen 120 mm. long, in which there are faint indications of three or four teeth, and the rostrum makes an angle of about 130° with the shaft. An unworn cheta from a very large specimen (300 mn. long) is represented in fig. 17. The cheta bears two very small teeth and a very minute process. This rostrum and the shaft are nearly in a straight line, the angle between the two being about 150°. The cheetz of this species are very long, the full-grown ones of the large American specimen (360 mm. long) reaching ‘9 mm. in length. The teeth being so small are very early worn away, so that if the chete have been in use they are entirely devoid of teeth, and then closely resemble those of the large Laminarian specimens of A. marina, the only characters distinguishing the two being the curvature of the back of the cheta of A. cristata (ch tiess O27). A. ecaudata and A. Grubii.—The neuropodial crotchets, like the notopodial setz, of these two species are so closely similar that no constant point of difference can be detected. The shaft of each crotchet bears a moderately long rostrum, tapering somewhat towards its point, behind which are two ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 451 or three teeth. In older chet there is often also a very slight process beneath the rostrum (see figs. 18, 22). The crotchets of a specimen of A. ecaudata 7:2 mm. long are about ‘05 mm. long (fig. 19). Hach bears a curved, pointed, beak-like rostrum, placed at right angles to the shaft of the cheta, and two large teeth behind it. In some specimens there is a short pointed process beneath the rostrum, but this does not appear to be constant. On com- paring these cheetee with those of older specimens it will be seen that the same change takes place in the inclination of the rostrum to the shaft as is described above in A. marina and A. cristata (see figs. 18 and 19). The crotchets of A. ecaudata and of A. Grubii never attain a very great length ; at any rate, the largest cheetz in our specimens are only one third of a millimetre in length (in worms 200 mm. long). In order that the characters of the chete as above described may be accurately determined, it is necessary to examine unworn specimens; especially is this precaution necessary in the neuropodial cheete of medium-sized or large specimens, in which the teeth behind the rostrum, being very small, are worn away very soon after the cheetz come into use. It is therefore best to examine cheete: which have not yet come into use, and this may be readily done. After isolating the entire band of neuropodial cheetz by the use of warm caustic potash solution, the cheete in the ventral portion of the band should be examined. Besides the cheetee in course of forma- tion, one or two fully developed crotchets which have not yet come into action may be usually seen, and these should be selected for observation of their characters, since they are uninjured by wear. Especial care is also required in the case of the notopodial sete of A. ecaudataand A. Grubii, in which the hair-like processes are very small and soon worn away. vou. 43, PART 3,—NEW SERIES, i 452 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. 5. Epidermis. The “cuticle” is well developed in all species of A renicola, but perhaps most abundantly in A. ecaudata and Grubii. It is formed by the mucus cells of the epidermis. In post-larval specimens of the common lugworm the “ cuticle” forms a distinct gelatinous envelope or tube, which in- vests the body closely and does not impede the swimming movements, but appears to bend with each undulation and to be readily cast off. In post-larval A. cristata the envelope is described as “small masses of a soft gelatinous substance in which the animals creep actively about” (Wilson, 1883). In A. ecaudata at the abranchiate stage a similar tube is formed, and is attached to algz (Fauvel, 1899), but this is dis- puted by Mesnil. The cells which secrete this covering are at first confined to certain broad bands which alternate with non-glandular zones. Rough handling of adult specimens of A. ecaudata and A. Grubii induces an increased forma- tion of this mucous secretion, accompanied by a yellow colour- ing matter which readily stains the hands. There are, in fact, two kinds of pigment,—a yellow (orin adult A. marina green) pigment, soluble to some extent in sea water and especially in alcohol, and probably of lipochrome nature ; and an insoluble black pigment resembling melanin in its resist- ance to solution. Both these appear in early post-larve, to which they give a characteristic colour. We have not, however, examined these pigments in detail. In adult specimens of A. Grubii and A. ecaudata the epidermis is produced into ridges and furrows, resulting in the annulation and areolation of the skin. In the ridges the mucus cells are abundant, in the furrows they are absent; but in both positions the long cylindrical epidermal cells are almost filled with granules of an insoluble brown pigment, which appears black in the aggregate. They extend on to the prostomium, and, in fact, are present all over the epidermis, though to a less extent in the nuchal groove than elsewhere. In A. Grubii masses of this melanin-like pigment are actually found in ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 4538 the brain and in the thickness of the body-wall. The appear- ance of these brown granules is very similar to those of the secretory portion of the nephridia, but until the micro- chemistry of each set of granules is known, it is impossible to do more than suggest that the skin may in Arenicola act as an excretory organ. In A. marina, A. Claparedii, and A. cristata the furrows between the annular ridges are free from pigment, and contain few or no gland cells. The remaining elements of the epidermis are sensory and nervous, and are dealt with under their respective sections. Beneath the epidermis there is a slight connective tissue which accompanies the nerves, the subdermal extensions of the ccelom, and the superficial capillaries, which (e. g. in A. marina) may penetrate between the bases of the epidermal cells. 6. Musculature. Tn all species the muscles of the body-wall are similar to those of A. marina. Immediately beneath the epidermis there is a layer of circular muscles, and beneath this are the bands of longitudinal muscle-fibres, which are well developed in A. Grubiiand A. ecaudata. Kach bundle of notopodial sete is enclosed in a sac, to the inner end of which are attached (1) a single retractor muscle strand, which is inserted into the body-wall at the sides of the nerve-cord ; (2) six to ten protractor muscles, which are inserted in the sides of the body at the level of the setal sac. The musculature of the buccal mass is well developed in A. Grubiiand A. ecaudata, forming an almost complete sheath round the pharynx. ‘The muscles forming this sheath arise from the longitudinal layer in the region of the first diaphragm, and are inserted into the anterior region of the proboscis. They are not quite so well developed in A. cristata and A. Claparedii. The muscular fibres are essentially composed of a central 454 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. protoplasmic medulla and a contractile cortex which stains more deeply. The oblique muscles, which divide the body-cavity into three portions, vary considerably in their development in the various species. In this respect A. cristata agrees most closely with A. marina (see dissection of A. cristata, fig. 30, and compare with that of A. marina, PI. 2, fig. 5, of our former paper, 1898). In this species the oblique muscles commence behind the third diaphragm, and are present to the end of the tail. They are usually thin, moderately broad bands, arising at each side of the nerve-cord, and inserted right and left into the body-wall at the level of the setal sacs. They partially cover and bind down the nephridia. In A. Claparedii these muscles are present in the same region, but are not so well developed, and they bind down the nephridia to a far less extent. They are omitted from the drawing of the dissection in fig. 26. Oblique muscles are absent from the anterior portion of A. ecaudata and A, Grubii, in front of the second or third gills. Behind this point they are feebly developed, the muscle bands being very thin and narrow (about ;—} mm. wide), but are present to the end of the body. The absence of oblique muscle bands in the nephridial region is a most striking difference between these two and the other three species of Arenicola. In consequence of this absence of oblique muscles in these two species, the nephridia with their nephrostomes, and, in the case of A. ecaudata, the ovarian processes or spermatic sacs, are clearly visible on opening the body (Pl. 25, fig. 45). 7. General Anatomy of the Internal Organs (figs. 26, 30, 44, 45). The general arrangement of the organs, as seen after open- ing the body-cavity by a dorsal and median incision, is in all species similar to that of A. marina, except that in fully ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLID®. 450 mature A. ecaudata the ovaries or testes are so voluminous as to conceal the greater part of the nephridia and the alimentary canal. There are the usual three anterior dia- phragms placed exactly as in A. marina, the first being oblique and inserted dorsally, one annulus in front of the first notopodium, ventrally just behind the first neuropodium ; while the second and third are placed vertically, two annul behind the second and third parapodia respectively. From this point the coelom is uninterrupted by septa for a con- siderable distance. The septa, in fact, are reduced to strands of connective tissue binding together the afferent and efferent vessels which are connected with the nephridia, and in the “marina” section with the anterior gills. This tissue increases in amount so as to form a complete septum opposite the last gillof A. Claparedii and A. cristata, and regularly between the caudal segments in these forms (figs. 26,30). In A. ecaudata and A, Grubii the complete septacommence at the beginning of the branchial region, and are continued to the end of the body (Pl. 25, figs. 44, 45). In these species also the tissue supporting each of the vessels going to the nephridia from the ventral vessel may be regarded as an incomplete septum, since it is expanded peri- pherally, and inserted partly into the nephridium and partly into the body-wall in the region of the second groove behind the cheetigerous annulus—the usual limit of the segments. The first diaphragm in A. cristata, A. ecaudata, and A. Grubii is stout, and produced backwards into a pair of long, finger-shaped, contractile vascular sacs, 5 to 12 mm. long, which lie at the sides of and slightly ventral to the cesopha- gus. ‘These diaphragmatic pouches are entirely absent in A, Claparedii. On opening specimens which are sexually mature a mass of spermatozoa or ova is often found in connection with the third diaphragm. ‘The genital products accumulate either in front of, or more usually behind the diaphragm, and cause it to become distended, forming a pouch, or often two pouches or sacs, one on each side of the alimentary canal. In A. cristata there is, in the tail, a well-marked dorsal 456 F, W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. mesentery, connecting the alimentary canal to the body-wall (see fig. 30, Mes. D.). In A. Grubii, A. ecaudata, and A. cristata there are, immediately behind the heart, two small strands, which look almost like thin nerves, but which are composed of connective tissue, which arise from the ventral walls of the stomach, and are inserted into the body-wall on each side of the nerve-cord (Pl. 25, fig. 44). During diges- tion the stomach is swung to and fro by the movements of the body, and the function of these strands of connective tissue is probably to prevent the amplitude of the swing from being too great, and causing the rupture of some of the delicate branches of the ventral vessel, the main trunk of which is attached to and moves with the alimentary canal. It will be noticed that these strands (see fig. 44, Conn. Tiss.) are placed at the boundary of the segment.' 8. Alimentary Canal. The alimentary canal of the four species at present under consideration varies only in a few details from that of A. marina. In each there is (1) an eversible buccal mass or “ nroboscis,” generally pinkish in colour owing to its contained blood-vessels; (2) an cesophagus, brownish or pinkish in colour, and often somewhat transversely wrinkled, bearing glandular pouches just behind the level of the third dia- phragm ; (3) a gastric region with yellow glandular walls and numerous blood-vessels, extending from the level of the heart to about that of the eleventh or twelfth sete (sixteenth in A. ecaudata) ; and (4) an intestine, generally dark brown or dark olive-green in colour, extending to the posterior end and opening at the terminal anus. The alimentary canal of A.cristata very closely resembles that of A. marina, the only difference being that in the former the cesophageal pouches are relatively small. In A. ecaudata the pharyngeal portion of the alimentary canal is longer than in A. marina, due to the fact that in the 1 See foot-note on p. 519 re A. marina. ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDAH. 457 former species the anterior achztous region of the body is longer. The cesophageal pouches in this species and in A. Grubii are definitely divided into a globular anterior portion and a thinner hollow stalk, by which they communicate with the cavity of the cesophagus (figs. 44, 45). The pouches con- tain a neutral greenish liquid, but they often have a pink tinge owing to the large amount of blood contained in their walls. The intestine of A. Grubii and A. ecaudata is not drawn out asin A. marina into lateral wings by the septa of the posterior portion of the animal, but is of almost uniform diameter throughout (see fig. 44). There is one constant and striking point of difference between the alimentary canal of A. Claparedii and that of any other species, viz. the presence of multiple cesophageal pouches. ‘These are placed in the usual position on the ceso- phagus, about midway between the third diaphragm and the heart,and are different in shape from those of any other species. Sometimes they are little more than hollow papille about 2 mm. in length; more usually they are finger-shaped, and may be even more elongated, almost filiform structures, at- taining a length of about 10 mm. to 12mm. They often have a moniliform appearance (see figs. 26 to 28). In the specimen drawn in the dissection there are two pouches on each side, an inner smaller one about 3 mm. long, and an outer one about 5 mm. long. There are generally, however, three or four pouches on each side of the cesophagus, and there may be, as in a specimen from California, fifteen pouches altogether (fig. 28). The vessels on the intestine are rather differently arranged in this species (see fig. 26). The hairy-looking, dark brown, chlorogenous tissue present in considerable quantity, especially on the ventral vessel in A. marina (see Gamble and Ashworth, 1898, Pl. 2, fig. 5), is present in A. cristata in the posterior half of the gill region, forming small tufts on the oblique muscle bands. In the other three species it is either altogether absent or feebly developed (Pl. 26, fig. 54). The histological features of the various portions of the 458 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. alimentary canal are almost identical with those of A. marina. The cavity of the cesophageal pouches is partially subdivided by numerous incomplete septa, produced by infolding of the wall of the pouch. The septa are covered by colum- nar cells, among which are glandular cells. In each septum between the epithelial lamelle is a cavity filled with blood. The gland cells of the stomach are very obvious in all species. There is a well-marked ventral groove, commencing about the middle of the stomach, and con- tinuing backwards to the anus. In the stomach and an- terior part of the intestine there are, opening into this groove on each side, oblique grooves which are situated on the side walls of the alimentary canal, the general direction of which is downwards and backwards. The cells lining all these grooves are ciliated, and produce currents towards the anus. The anus is not surrounded by processes or by a special cone-like arrangement as in the Maldanide, but is merely bordered by simple papille. The exact nature of the food and the mode by which it is extracted from the sand and débris, and rendered available for absorption, are problems upon which we can throw little light. The great abundance of Arenicola wherever the sand, mud, or gravel contains a large proportion of decom- posing matter or sewerage, and its absence from long stretches of coast where the beach is clean sand, show that these animals feed on decaying animal or vegetable matter. 9. Vascular System (Pl. 24, figs. 26, 30; Pl. 25, figs. 44, 45). Milne-Edwards (1838) figured and described the chief parts of the circulatory system of a specimen of A. marina, which, however, possessed only five pairs of nephridia, the first pair being absent. His figures, while on the whole correct, are in error in showing the heart in direct connection with the dorsal vessel. Cosmovici (1880) has also described and figured the vascular system of the anterior portion of this species. He ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 459 has correctly shown the heart and its relations to the neigh- bouring vessels, and has also figured the blood-vessels of the alimentary canal and the nephridia. Jaquet (1886) has described the vascular system of A. Claparedii, but through- out his memoir he refers to this species as A. marina, although the distinction between these two species had been pointed out some time before by Levinsen (1883). In our paper on A. marina (1898)! we have fully described and figured the vascular system of this species, and still more recently, since our account and figures for the present memoir were completed, Fauvel (1899) has published a short account of the circulatory system of A. ecaudata. The vascular system of A. Grubii (except a figure of the vessels of asingle segment by Claparéde, 1868, pl. xix, fig. 2) and A. cristata has not hitherto been described or figured. The circulatory system is similar in its general arrange- ment throughout the Arenicolide. The dorsal vessel arises near the anus and runs forwards on the alimentary canal to the anterior end, where it breaks up into small vessels and capillaries. It contracts fairly regularly from behind forwards. In its course forward the dorsal vessel gives off intestinal vessels, each of which runs round the intestine and opens into the ventral vessel. In the gill-bearing region, in A. Grubii and A. ecaudata, the dorsal vessel receives an efferent vessel from each gill, while in A. cristata and A. Claparedii (as in A. marina) only seven pairs of the posterior gills send efferent branches to the dorsal vessel. Between consecutive efferent branchial vessels there are two or three pairs of intestinal vessels. From the point at which the dorsal vessel receives the most anterior efferent branchial vessel to the cesophageal pouches, the dorsal vessel receives no segmental vessels, but numerous branches of the gastric plexus open into it. The dorsal vessel has no direct communication with the heart. In front of the heart the dorsal vessel receives on each ' See foot-note on p. 519. 460 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. side (1) small vessels from the cesophageal pouches (except in A. Claparedii), (2) vessels from the anterior nephridia (see figs. 26, 30, 44, 45), (3) on reaching the third diaphragm a vessel from the third chetigerous sac and body-wall, and (4) on reaching the second diaphragm, one from the second cheetigerous sac and body-wall. The dorsal vessel runs for- ward, pierces the first diaphragm, and then breaks up into capillaries, supplying the buccal muscles, prostomium, and otocysts. The blood from these parts is collected into capillaries which unite to form the ventral vessel, which, soon after its origin, gives off a median vessel to the first diaphragm and, when present, its pouches: while just behind this, in A. cristata and A. Claparedii, it gives off a pair of vessels to the second setal sacs and body-wall. A little further back it supplies a median branch to the second diaphragm and nerve-cord, and another to the third diaphragm, the cord and first nephridium (and in A. Grubii and A. ecaudata a median vessel to the cord about the level of the first nephridium). From this point the ventral vessel as it pro- ceeds backwards supplies the chetigerous sacs, body-wall, nephridia, and gills (if present) by large segmentally arranged branches. The first and second nephridia of A. Grubii and A. ecaudata do not receive a branch from the ventral vessel. The difference of opinion which has existed on the subject of the nature of the blood-supply of the stomach and intestine appears susceptible of a very simple explanation. The earlier writers described this supply as a plexus of minute vessels, later authors as a continuous sinus, only parts of which are visible between the chlorogogenous areole. Benham (18938), however, showed that in the post-larval stage of A. marina there was a feebly developed plexus, but no sinus, and we are able to show by the examination of a large number of specimens of this species, that up to a length of 50 mm., or even more, the plexus increases, and only here and there (e.g. in the walls of the cesophageal pouches) fuses to form a ‘“sinus.’ As the lugworm increases in size this formation of ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THB ARENICOLIDA. 461 sinuses becomes more and more marked, until in specimens several inches long the stomach may be considered as lying in a gastric sinus, from which, however, the dorsal vessel is distinct from the commencement. Presumably during this sinus formation the endothelial linings of the previously dis- tinct capillaries unite and fuse, at least we have as good evidence of their presence in the later as in the’earlier stages of the process.1 The gastric plexus consists, then, at first of a network of vessels, later on of a sinus. Two vessels of the plexus which are ventrally situated are known as the subintestinal vessels. They commence just behind the heart, and run backwards to the level at which the first efferent branchial vessel joins the dorsal vessel ; behind this point they gradually taper and disappear. Hach receives, in A. marina and in A. Claparedii, six vessels, and in A. cristata four vessels, from the nephridia and gills situated in segments 7—12 and 7—10 respectively. The subintestinal vessels are the most ventral part of the gastric plexus, and they communicate, by means of the ventro-lateral vessels of the plexus, with the lateral gastric vessel, and so with the heart. In A. Grubii and A. ecaudata the subintestinal vessels are small, and receive no vessels from the nephridia or gills. The gastric vessel receives blood from the dorsal vessel and from the subintestinal vessels by means of the branches of the gastric plexus. It is usually first distinguishable pos- teriorly about the middle of the length of the stomach, and becomes more clearly differentiated as it proceeds anteriorly. It opens into the “ auricle,” which is a thin-walled expansion, probably of the gastric vessel. After giving off the lateral cesophageal vessel the auricle opens into the ventricle, the walls of which are muscular, and by their contraction drive the blood into the ventral vessel. The lateral cesophageal vessel gives off a moderately 1 Some authors (Fauvel, 1899) deny the presence of any endothelium, and state that the gastric sinus exists as such from its formation. 4.62 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. large branch (not yet traced in A. Claparedii) to the ceso- phageal pouch, and then runs forwards supplying the lateral walls of the cesophagus, breaking up into capillaries near the second diaphragm. On each side of the nerve-cord there is a small vessel, which accompanies the cord along the whole length of the body. In front the neural vessels arise in the triangular area between the cesophageal nerve connectives by the union of capillaries from the ventral region of the oto- cysts. They receive several branches from the ventral vessel (see above). From these neural vessels small branches are given off which supply the body-wall in their vicinity. The vessels of the body-wall are much more highly de- veloped in A. Grubii and A. ecaudata (and especially in the former) than in A.marina. There are two chief vessels : (1) a dorsal longitudinal, or parietal vessel, which runs along the whole length of the body, except at the extreme anterior end, at the level of the insertion of the notopodial sete; (2) a nephridial longitudinal vessel, which is present only in and immediately in front of and behind the nephridial region, and runs just ventral to the level of the nephridiopores. An- teriorly the parietal vessel is distinguishable just behind the first sete, and the nephridial vessel immediately behind the second diaphragm, where the two are united by a transverse connection (Pl. 25, fig. 44). The two vessels run parallel to each other through the nephridial region, but behind this the nephridial vessel gradually decreases in size, and in the anterior part of the gill region (about the level of the second or third gill) disappears entirely. The dorsal longitudinal, or parietal vessel receives blood chiefly from the afferent nephridial vessels. These arise from the ventral, vessel, and on approaching the nephridium bifurcate, one branch passing to this organ and the other going to the parietal vessel. An- teriorly the parietal vessel on each side is connected to the dorsal vessel by the branch which supplies the first nephridium. The second nephridium is supplied with blood by a small branch from the parietal vessel. In A. Grubii the afferent vessels situated in the three segments following the last ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLID™. 463 nephridial segment bifurcate near the body-wall, each sending one branch to the parietal and the other to the nephridial vessel (see fig. 44). A further account of the relation of these vessels to the nephridia is elven in the section on nephridia (p. 517). In A. marina and A. cristata there is a well-marked parietal vessel, which runs from the region of the first seta almost to the posterior end of the body, but the nephridial vessel is small and difficult to trace. We have not been able to follow these vessels in A. Claparedii, of which we have only spirit specimens at our disposal. Judging from sections of this species, both the parietal and nephridial vessels are very feebly developed. The hearts are a pair of contractile bulbs connecting the gastric and ventral vessels. There is a considerable differ- ence in the size of this organ in the various species. In A. marina and A. cristata (fig. 30) the heart is a large organ, the ventricle especially being capable of great dilatation. In A. Grubiiand A, ecaudata it is small even at the moment of diastole (see figs. 44, 45), while at the close of systole it igs little more than a rhomboidal enlargement at the junction of gastric and lateral cesophageal vessels. In A.Grubii and A. ecaudata, even more so than in A. marina, the vascular system clearly indicates the true segmentation of the body. An inspection of the drawing of the dissection of A. Grubii (Pl. 25, fig. 44) will show this point at once. The blood-corpuscles of all the species are very much alike. They are minute nucleated, rounded, or ellipsoidal cells from 5a to 10 in length (fig. 40), and in comparison with the complexity of the vascular system and the large quantity of blood are very sparsely scattered. ‘Their mode of origin is unknown. The Heart-body.—tThe structure of the heart-body re- quires separate consideration. Though absent in A. Clapa- redii and A. cristata, this organ is well developed in the re- maining species. In post-larval and young specimens of A. marina the heart contains no trace of this body, but it has ap- 464. F, W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. peared in examples measuring 65 mm. inlength. At this stage of growth, the wall of the heart consists of an outer peritoneal cubical epithelium and an inner but indistinct endothelium. Between these two layers it is not possible to detect any mus- cular tissue. The cavity of the heart is, however, invaded by strands of cells which repeat the structure of the heart wall, and are probably invaginations of it. In A. Grubii the in- vagination is clearly marked (figs. 38, 39). Later on, as the muscular tissue develops in the wall of the heart, fresh invaginations occur, composed of an extremely delicate en- dothelium, a muscular layer, and a mass of cells, some granular, some glandular, forming a fairly definite lining to the invagination, but projecting at their free ends into an irregular lumen (PI. 25, figs. 41—43), partially blocked up by cells within which yellowish or yellowish-brown granules may be seen. The cells cannot, however, be said to form a medullary layer. In some places the granules are larger, and united into a spherical mass lying in a vacuole; in others very minute and scattered (fig. 43). They agree in appearance with the chlorogogen granules of the peri- toneum. In A. Grubii, 140 mm. long, the first traces of the heart- body are found as a few short and apparently solid ingrowths of the muscular and peritoneal layers of the heart wall (fig. 38). These ingrowths occur on the posterior (and to some extent outer) surface of the heart, where the muscular layer is specially developed ; elsewhere it is indistinct. The granular chlorogogenous bodies are in this way carried into the cavity of the heart. A distinct endothelium forming the outer wall of the process can in some cases be detected with certainty (fig. 41). Within this there was a muscular layer, while the centre of the process is formed by somewhat cubical peri- toneal cells arranged in a network rather than as a distinct cortex, and between them muscular fibres are occasionally seen (figs. 41—43). The outlines of the more centrally placed cells are somewhat difficult to make out. Within these cells fine yellowish-brown granules occur, the larger ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDM. 465 ones heaped together as in A. marina. In addition to these there are colourless vacuolated and granular cells. Tn older specimens (200 mm. long) the number of ingrowths from the posterior wall of the heart has increased. A few are also developed from the opposite wall, and in these the neck of the involution is hollow, showing the nature of the ingrowth, involving, as it does, the entire thickness of the wall of the heart, and a virtual extension of the ccelom into the processes (Pl. 25, fig. 42). In A. ecaudata the appearance of the heart-body is very similar to that of A. Grubii. It is not present in post- larvee (7°2 and 9:5 mm. long), but in worms 120 and 150 mm. long it is well developed. In places the outer wall appears to consist of an endothelium, then follows the muscular layer, and finally the peritoneal cubical cells, which form an irre- gular outer layer, within which are scattered granular and glandular cells, the former with the usual yellow chloro- gogenous bodies. The suggestion, first made by Hisig (1887), as to the nature of the heart-body, and lately confirmed for Cirratulide by Picton (1898), namely, that this body is a modified portion of the peritoneal tissue, receives further support from these observations on Arenicola, but it is necessary to discuss this conclusion more fully. In Terebellids and Cirratulids, Picton (1898) came to the following results. ‘The heart-body is developed by an invo- lution of the anterior end of the dorsal vessel on its under surface, and first makes its appearance in Terebellid larve 15 cm. in length. Probably by proliferation of the ingrowth the body increases in extent, and a secondary lumen appears in its later strands. In the adult “ the organ is enclosed in an endothelium, within which cortex and medulla, seen, e. g., in Audouinia, are not distinguishable, but the elongated cells of which the structure is composed form a sort of network, radiating out from the central axis. There is no great lumen, but numerous intercellular spaces appear. The pigment granules are of a greenish-yellow colour, and each 466 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. is usually surrounded by a vacuole” (Picton, 1898, p. 289). This quotation is applicable word for word to the structure of the heart-body of Arenicola Grubii, so that in this respect and also in its mode of origin the heart-body, although absent in A. cristata and A. Claparedii, showsa close agreement with certain Terebellids (Lanice conchi- lega, Polymnia nebulosa). Only in its point of origin does it differ conspicuously from all other Polychetes, in which it is always unpaired and usually in the dorsal vessel,! whilst in Arenicola it is formed in each of the paired contractile “hearts”? which unite the gastric plexus or sinus and the ventral vessel. There is, of course, no a priori reason why an involution, followed by proliferation and resulting in a “ heart-body,” should not occur on any of the larger vessels, unless its occurrence is determined by some mechanical function which it may subserve. Now in Ampharetide (Fauvel [1897] ), Terebellidee, and Cirratulide, a short dorsal vessel arises from the gastric sinus, and ends by giving off pairs of branchial vessels, and both Picton and Fauvel have concluded by direct observation that the heart- body ensures the whole of the blood at each systole passing on to the gills. In Arenicola, however, its function cannot be thus explained. There is no cardiac body in the dorsal or ventral vessel in the branchial region or on any part of their course, but only on the vessel connecting on each side the gastric plexus and the ventral vessel. The heart-body, in fact, appears to be a means of preventing regurgitation of the blood into the gastric plexus after systole, and of ensuring its passage into the ventral vessel. Whether, in addition, it performs important excretory functions can only be decided when more data shall have been collected on the nature of the substances collectively termed chloragogen. 1 In Pectinaria Claparéde and Wirén have described a cardiac body in the ventral vessel, ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDM. 467 10. Ccelom. The ccelom of A.marinaand A. cristata is very spacious, that of A. Claparedii moderately so, but in A. Grubii and A. ecaudata it is comparatively small. Asin A, marina the middle region of the body is devoid of septa, but, as noticed above, there are structures in A. Grubii which may be regarded as rudimentary septa, viz. the thin sheet of con- nective tissue which supports the afferent nephridial vessel on its course from the ventral vessel to the nephridium (PI. 26, figs. 53, 54). In all species there are in the posterior region of the animal septa only incomplete ventrally. In the fresh condition A. Grubii and A. ecaudata show the peristaltic waves which pass along the body from behind forwards even better than A. marina. As pointed out in our account of A. marina (1898) this peristaltic motion is of considerable importance in promoting the efficient circulation of fluid in the coelom; in inflating the anterior portion, thus aiding in burrowing; in assisting the gut muscles to cause the backward motion of the sand in the alimentary canal ; and in assisting defeecation. The ccelomic fluid of all species resembles that of A. marina. It contains ccelomic cells and reproductive pro- ducts. Coelomic cells are tolerably abundant in all species, and consist of fusiform cells about 40 u in length, and smaller more spherical or amceboid cells. On the coagulation of the ccelomic fluid, which occurs very soon after its exposure to the air, the fusiform cells and to a less extent the amoeboid cells unite with the fibrous network which is formed during coagulation to forma clot. Fusiform cells are fewest in our specimens of A. cristata, and most abundant in A. Grubii. Instead of floating freely in the ccelom, a great proportion of the gonads present in the ccelomic fluid accumulate in the space between the oblique muscles and the body-wall. In A. Grubii and A. ecaudata they accumulate in the posterior region of the body, well behind the nephridia. The ccelom is lined throughout by a layer of flattened VOL. 43, PAR! 3,—NEW SERIES. KK 4.68 F. W. GAMBLE AND J. H. ASHWORTH. endothelial cells,! which apparently arise from the same embryonic tissue from which the longitudinal muscles are developed. The material at our disposal is, however, not young enough to enable us to trace the details of the process. 11. Nervous System. Methods.—Examination of the fresh nerve-cord of Arenicola is not of great use (except for the study of the “giant-fibres”) on account of the pigment and_blood- capillaries. We have tried a number of the modern methods for determining the course of the nerve-fibres and the histology of the cellular and fibrous parts of the cord, and the results of these trials are given below. Numerous attempts to obtain staining of the elements (particularly the giant-fibres and giant-cells) of the cord by methylene blue were ineffectual. The same _ process applied to Nereis or Polynoé resulted in a selective staining, which at the present time, fourteen months after the colour was fixed by Bethe’s ammonium molybdate method, is as sharp as it was when the preparations were first made. But though we tried three species of Arenicola and varied the process in several ways only a very few preparations were at all successful, and in none of these could we trace the origin of the giant-fibres from cells of the cord or brain, Impregnation by Golgi’s rapid method was given a trial, but, as other workers have discovered, this method rarely gives satisfactory results with marine objects. Most of our observations are based on sections fixed with the corrosive- acetic mixture and stained with iron-hematoxylin, but for comparison with Apathy’s (1897) results, we have employed the hematein stain 1 a of this author (the details of the recipe are given in the treatise 1897, pp. 710-16). For differentiating the giant-fibres and other stout tracts, vom Rath’s picro-osmic-acetic mixture was tried, since both Lewis 1 The appearances presented by this endothelium from different parts of the ceelom have been figured and described in Arenicola marina by Viallanes (‘ Ann. Sci. Nat.,’ ser. 6, vol. xx, 1886). ANATOMY AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARENICOLIDA. 4.69 (1898) and Hamaker (1898) have obtained good results on Polychztes by its use. The cord after fixation and washing was treated with pyroligneous acid or with pyrogallol until quite blackened. It was then hardened and cut, but the results were inferior to those obtained by fixing with the corrosive-acetic mixture and subsequent staining by one of the hematoxylin solutions. There are the usual components of the nervous system in Arenicola, the “brain,” the circumcesophageal connectives, the stomogastric system, the ventral cord, and the peripheral nerves. Professor Ehlers (1893) has described the general form of the brain in A. marina, A. Claparedii, and A. Grubii; and Retzius (1891) has figured one or two examples of the nerve elements stained with methylene blue, but there has been very little work published on the minute histology of the nervous system. We propose in this section to go rather more into the detail of this subject than we have done in the other organs. ie Bre ae J ‘ ; ij on o> » 4 4 c e~eri . r » it's ts «ee Let inal Wi 1 + > fall i. rin : es ee ls Oe ee f 5 ' ° : ry . é re vy AM Lig wae} Ss . \ ' : a) ‘ i] { o§, 7 —d * = = ; ce _ ‘ - ~ ‘ = ‘ = =) = ~ . i é . LIFE-HISTORY OF THE PARASITES OF MALARIA. oT Diagrams illustrating the Life-history of the Parasites of Malaria. by Ronald Ross, D.P.H., M.R.C.S., Lecturer in Tropical Medicine, University College, Liverpool ; and R. Fielding-Ould, M.A., M.B., Acting Demonstrator, Liverpool School of ‘Tropical Medicine. With Plates 30 and 31. THE parasitology of the red blood-corpuscle of Vertebrates was opened in 1870 by Ray Lankester’s discovery of the Drepanidium ranarum. In 1880 Laveran made the important observation that somewhat similar intra-corpus- cular organisms exist in the blood of human beings suffering from malarial fever. Since then Danielewsky, Kruse, Koch, Dionisi, and others have demonstrated allied parasites in the blood of reptiles, birds, bats, and monkeys, and Smith and Kalborne have shown that the disease of oxen called Texas cattle fever is due to an intra-corpuscular parasite of another kind. As the result of these observations we are now familiar with a considerable number of such organisms. All of them are usually classed among the Protozoa, and in the somewhat artificial order of the Sporozoa. They are generally divided into three groups, which are as follows. Group I. The parasite of Texas cattle fever, Pyrosoma (or Apiosoma) bigeminum, Smith and Kilborne, and sunilar organisms found in dogs and some other mam- malia (?); minute pear-shaped intra-corpuscular bodies, ie RONALD ROSS AND R. FIELDING-OULD. which are known to be communicated among oxen by the cattle tick, Boodphilus bovis. Group II. Organisms apparently allied to the Gregari- nide ; found in reptiles ; numerous species. Group III. Intra-corpuscular amoebze or myxopods found in man, monkeys, bats, birds, and possibly frogs. Four species are known to undergo further development in gnats. It is this last group which claims our attention at present. The diagrams are meant to illustrate a discourse delivered by one of us at the Royal Institution (‘ Proceedings of the Roy. Inst.,’ 1900, and also ‘ Nature,’ March 29th, 1900); but we shall now give a description sufficient to enable the reader to follow the life-history from this paper alone. The figures show the appearance of the parasites as seen in unstained preparations—the cytology of some of the stages (figs. 53—60) in the gnat not yet being sufficiently estab- lished to warrant illustration in a scheme of this kind. We adopt the name Hemamobide, Wasielewsky, for the whole group. At least three species occur in human beings (producing the different varieties of malarial fever) ; one species in monkeys, three in bats, and two in birds. We illustrate only the species found in man and birds, those of monkeys and bats being closely similar to the human species, (but, so far as we know at present, not identical). The deve- lopment of four of the species has been followed in gnats. The three human species develop in gnats of the genus Anopheles, while one of the avian species (Hamameba relicta) lives in gnats of the Culex pipiens type. The insect hosts of the remaining species have not as yet been found. So far as we know, the life-history of all the species is practically identical, and is as follows. The youngest parasites are found as minute amcebule living within or upon the red corpuscles of the vertebrate hosts. Hach contains a nucleus, which stains by the Romanowsky method. Growing rapidly in size, the amcebulz convert the hemoglobin of the containing corpuscles into a varying number of brown or black LIFE-HISTORY OF THE PARASITES OF MALARIA. 573 granules, which are called the melanin or malarial pigment. These granules lie in the bioplasm of the parasite surrounding the nucleus. After an interval of from one to several days (according to the species concerned) the amebule, still contained within the corpuscle, reach maturity, and become either (a) sporocytes or (b) gametocytes. In the case of the amcebulee which become sporocytes the nucleus divides into a number of segments (varying according to the species). Each segment of the nucleus surrounds itself with a portion of the bioplasm, and becomes a spore—the process being obviously one of simple asexual propagation. Finally the corpuscle which contains the parasite, and which has now been almost entirely destroyed by it, bursts and liberates the spores, allowing them and a small nucleus de reliquat, consisting chiefly of the melanin, to fall into the liquor sanguinis. The melanin is taken up by the phagocytes of the host, while the spores attach themselves to fresh red corpuscles, become amcebule in their turn, and thus continue the life of the organisms indefinitely within the vertebrate hosts. In the case of the amcebule which become gametocytes the history is quite different. [tis not yet definitely known what determines a given amcebula to become either a sporo- cyte or a gametocyte, but the fact must be accepted. In the gametocytes the nucleus does not divide as in the case of the sporocytes—the parasite reaches maturity without showing any sign of spore-formation. In the majority of species (genus Hamamceba) the gametocyte has a general form similar to that of the sporocyte before the spores are produced; but in one species (genus Hemomenas) the gametocyte has a special (crescentic) shape, which is recog- nisable at an early stage in its career. As their name indi- cates, the gametocytes are sexual forms, male and female. They possess no function within the vertebrate host, but are meant to continue the life of the organisms within a second host—a suctorial insect. When the gametocytes are drawn into the stomach cavity 574 RONALD ROSS AND R. FIELDING-OULD. of gnats (middle intestine) they immediately undertake their sexual functions. The male gametocyte (the nucleus of which is larger than that of the female) is destined to give origin to a number of microgametes, or spermatozoa; the female gameto- cyte develops into one macrogamete, or ovum, together with a residuum consisting chiefly of melanin. A few minutes after ingestion by the gnat both male and female gametocytes break from the enclosing corpuscle, and swell slightly. Attached to the naked parasite one can now often perceive one or two small spherical objects, which may possibly be the homologues of polar bodies. A few minutes later a quivering movement is observed in the male gametocytes, due to the emission of the microgametes. These bodies are long filaments endowed with very active powers of locomo- tion, and consisting of a thread of chromatin surrounded by a thin scroll of bioplasm. Breaking away from the parent cell, and leaving behind the melanin of that cell as a resi- duum, the microgametes travel through the liquor san- guinis contained in the stomach of the gnat in search of a macrogamete. ‘This being found, one microgamete enters the macrogamete and unites with its nucleus, producing a zygote. Shortly after the act of fertilisation the zygote may in some species become motile (when it is technically called a vermi- cule), and generally changesits shape. At all events, it travels towards the parietes of the stomach. If the insect be of an inhospitable species the zygote perishes ; but if the insect be hospitable the zygote passes through the parietes and affixes itself on or just under the outer muscular coat of the stomach. Here it becomes motionless and commences to erow rapidly in size. At first of about the size of a red corpuscle, and still containing the characteristic black granules of melanin, the zygote, after a week or so, reaches a very large size ; that is, it becomes about 60 u in diameter, or about eight times its original diameter, and about five hundred times its original bulk. As we have said, we are not satisfied regarding the Tg: aie SET LIFE<-HISTORY OF THE PARASITES OF MALARIA. 575 nature of the nuclear changes during the growth of the zygotes, but it is clear that the parasite acquires a very distinct capsule, and that its substance divides into from eight to twelve meres, which can easily be distinguished without staining. Hach mere seems finally to become a spherical blastophore, bearing on its surface a number of filamentous, or rather spindle-shaped blasts, in the manner depicted in fig, 60; at least, it is easy, by rupturing a nearly mature zygote, to expel a number of such bodies. When the zygote finally reaches maturity the blastophores disappear, leaving the capsule packed with thousands of the blasts (and con- taining also some residual fatty globules). The capsule now bursts spontaneously, and pours the blasts into the body-cavity of the gnat. On drying and staining the blasts are easily seen to be of about 12 to 16 mu in length, with a central nucleus, one or two clear oval areas, and tapering extremities. No definite movements have been observed in these bodies—possibly on account of the reagent (salt solution) which must be used to make them visible in fresh preparations. By some means or other, however, they find their way into remote parts of the host, and finally pierce the capsule of its salivary gland, enter the salivary cells, and lastly the salivary ducts, in all of which situations they can easily be seen with the aid of a strong salt solution. From the salivary ducts they evidently pass through the insect’s middle stylet or tongue into the circulation of a fresh verte- brate host, in which it is to be presumed they at once become the amcebule with which the life-history of the parasites commenced. At all events, numerous experiments, both on birds and on man, have demonstrated the fact that gnats whose salivary glands contain the blasts are capable of establishing infection by their bites in the appropriate verte- brate hosts. It should be noted that this life-history is in no way a hypothetical one. Kvery fact has been confirmed over and over again by many capable observers. ‘The stages in the yertebrate hosts, first established by Laveran and Golgi, have 576 RONALD ROSS AND R. FIELDING-OULD. been scrupulously studied and have given rise to a mass of literature already very large. The sexual functions of the gametocytes—which can be witnessed in vitro,—originally observed by MacCallum, have been seen also by Koch and Marchoux ; while the facts are confirmed by the cytological studies of Bignami and others. The development in the gnat and the infection of the healthy vertebrate host by the bite of the gnat, originally established by one of us, have been confirmed by Daniels, Koch, Grassi, Bignami, Bastia- nelli, and many others, and are accepted by Laveran, Ray Lankester, Metschnikoff, Manson, Celli, and other distin- guished men of science. A full history of the subject of the relation between malaria and gnats, together with a complete bibliography, has been written by Nuttall.* The terminology used above was arranged in consultation with Professor Herdman, F.R.S. It has been adopted by Laveran and Manson. Grassi and others had previously employed the terms gamete and zygote, but used sporo- zooid for the bodies we call blasts. We use the word blast somewhat in the sense employed in embryology, and as synonymous with sexually produced spores. Ray Lankester suggests for them the name filiform young. It should be added that, within the capsules of mature zygotes large black bodies (fig. 67) are often to be found. It is doubtful whether these have any real connection with the parasites.. We divide the Hemamecebide into two genera (‘ Nature,’ August 3rd, 1899), namely— Genus I. Hemameeba, Grassi and Feletti. The gameto- cytes have a shape like that of the sporocytes before the spores have been produced. * Nuttall, ‘ Hygienische Rundschau,’ numerous papers, 1898, 1899, 1900. Also “On the Réle of Insects . . . . in the Spread of Diseases,” ‘ Johns Hop- kins Hospital Reports,’ Baltimore, vol. viii. The most recent figures of stages of the malaria parasites are those published by Koch, ‘ Zeitschrift fiir Hyg. und Infect.,’ 1899 (photographs) ; Grassi, Bignami, and Bastianelli, ‘ Annalid *Igiene sperimentali,’ 1899 (plates); ‘Sierra Leone Expedition,” ‘Thompson Yates Laboratories Report,’ vol. ii (photegraphs). —. LIFE-HISTORY OF THE PARASITES OF MALARIA. 577 Genus I]. Hemomenas, gen. nov. (syn. Laverania, Grassi and Feletti, in part). The gametocytes have a special (crescentic) shape. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES 30 & 31, Illustrating Major Ronald Ross’s and Dr. R. Fielding-Ould’s paper on ‘The Life-history of the Parasites of Malaria.” Figs. 1—41 illustrate the two avian species and the three human species in the blood-vessels of the vertebrate hosts. Figs. 42—52 illustrate the development of the gametocytes of one of the human species, selected for the purpose, in the stomach cavity of Anopheles, or in a drop of blood freshly extracted from the finger (in which the parasites develop much as they do in the stomach cavity of the insects). Figs. 53—67 illustrate the further development of the parasites in the tissues of the gnat. Fies. 1—7.—Development of He mameba Danilewskii (syn. Halte- ridium Danilewskii, Labbé) in the blood of pigeons, jays, crows, etc. The ameebula is elongated, and lies by the side of the nucleus without dis- turbing its position. Several varieties exist. Fig. 1.—Spore. Figs. 2—4.—Growth of ameebula. Fig. 5.—Sporocyte. Fig. 6.—The containing corpuscle has burst, leaving nucleus, melanin, and free spores. Fig. 7.—Gametocyte. Fics. 8—14.—Development of Hamameeba relicta (syn. Proteosoma Grassii, Labbé) in the blood of sparrows, larks, crows, etc. The amcebula lies at one end of the corpuscle, and pushes the nucleus towards the other end. Fig. 8.—Spore. Figs. 9—11.—Growth of ameebula. Fig. 12.—Sporocyte. Fig. 13.—Freed spores. Fig. 14.—Gametocyte. Fics. 15—22.—Development of Hamameeba malaria, the parasite of quartan fever of man, The containing corpuscle is a small or medium-sized 578 RONALD ROSS AND R. FIELDING-OULD. one, the melanin consists of coarse dark brown eranules, the amoeboid move- ments are slow, the spores are about eight to twelve in number, development takes seventy-two hours. Fig. 15.—Spore. Figs. 16—18.—Growth of ameebula. Fig. 19.—First appearance of spore formation. Fig. 20.—Sporocyte. Fig. 21.—Freed spores. Fig. 22.—Gametocyte. Fries. 23—29.—Development of Hemameba vivax, the parasite of tertian fever of man, The containing corpuscle is nearly always an excep- tionally large one, the melanin consists of very fine light brown granules, amceboid movements are rapid, the spores are about twelve to twenty in number, development takes thirty-six hours. Fig. 23.—Spore. Figs. 24—26.—Growth of amebula. Fig. 27.—Sporocyte. Fig. 28.—Freed spores. Fig. 29.—Gametocyte. Fries. 30—41.—Development of Hamomenas precox, the parasite of remittent, pernicious, or estivo-autumnal fever of man. Several varieties, which are possibly distinct species. The amcebule are small, contain only a few clumps of black melanin, and retire to the spleen, bone-marrow, ete., on approaching maturity ; the gametocytes have a special crescentic shape. Figs. 30—34.—Growth of ameebula becoming a sporocyte. Fig. 35.—Freed spores. Figs. 36—39.—Growth of ameebula becoming a gametocyte. Fig. 40.—Male gametocyte (portion of red corpuscle still present). Vig. 41.—Female gametocyte (remains of corpuscle entirely disappeared). Figs. 42—52.—Development of gametocytes of Hemomenas precox in stomach cavity of Anopheles. Fig. 42.—Male gametocyte. Fig. 43.—Female gametocyte. Figs. 44, 45.—Gametocytes become oval five minutes after ingestion by the gnat. Figs. 46, 47.—Gametocytes become spherical a few minutes later. Polar bodies appear at the margin. Fig. 48.—Male gametocyte emitting microgametes (the so-called “ flagel- late body”). Fig. 49.—Female gametocyte or macrogamete awaiting fertilisation, Fig. 50.—Free microgametes. Fig. 51.—Microgamete entering macrogamete. Fig, 52.—Fertilised macrogamete, or zygote, 24s LIFE-HISTORY OF THE PARASITHS OF MALARIA. 9579 Fics. 53—67.—Development of Hemomenas precox in tissues of Anopheles. Fig. 53.—Zygote approaching inner surface of stomach wall. Fig. 54.—Zygote piercing stomach wall. Figs. 55, 56.—Zygotes affixed to outer coat of stomach. They possess an apparently alveolar structure, and still contain granules of melanin. Fig. 57.—Zygote increases in size. Figs. 58, 59.—Zygotes increasing in size and dividing into meres, which become blastophores bearing blasts. Fig. 60.—A single blastophore bearing a number of blasts affixed to it, each by one extremity. Fig. 61.—Stomach seen by a low power, and dotted with a number of mature zygotes. Fig. 62.—A fully mature zygote packed with blasts, some of which are escaping from a rupture in the capsule. Fig. 63.—Free blasts in body-cavity of Anopheles. Fig. 64.—Blasts entering capsule of salivary gland; also lying within salivary cells and duct. Fig. 65.—Junction of ducts of three lobes of salivary gland of one side, with blasts. Fig. 66.—Blasts escaping from extremity of middle stylet or tongue of Anopheles. Fig. 67.—Capsule of a mature zygote containing five large black bodies, provisionally known as ‘‘ black spores.” Note.—We may point out that the development of the remaining human species in Anopheles and of H. relicta in Culex are almost identical with those of H. precox given in the plates. All the figures, except Fig. 61, are magnified 2500 diameters. Fig. 61 is magnified about 70 diameters, the stomach tissues being flattened and extended by the cover-glass. VoL. 43, PARY 3,—NEW SERIES, RR > chi AG a he = me f peeraes 4 gf ee tr ea sh VARIOUS PHASES OF HAMAMCEBIDA. 581 Note on the Morphological Significance of the Various Phases of Heamame bide. by E. Ray Lankester. THe discovery of true sexual zygosis in unicellular or- ganisms! has so great an importance that I have thought it desirable to add a few words to the valuable account given by Messrs. Ross and Fielding-Ould, and to place before the reader some woodcuts illustrating the recent discovery of microgametes and macrogametes in the life-history of Coc- cidiidz, which serve to emphasise and confirm the discovery of MacCallum of sexual zygosis in the Hemamcebee. A very interesting and significant fact is that the microgametes of these Protozoa are neither more nor less than spermatozoa— agreeing with the spermatozoa of higher organisms in form and appearance and in mode of development. It is less remarkable, though significant, that the macrogamete is identical in character with the egg-cell or ovum of higher forms. The Coccidiidz are closely related to the Hemamcebide. Their sexual history was discovered but very shortly before that of the blood-parasites. In the first woodcut (Figs. 1 to 6) is shown in the upper three figures the development of the spermatozoa or micro- gametes of Benedenia octopiana, a coccidian parasite in the Cephalopod Octopus. The spermatozoa are seen to 1 The Protozoa in which microgametes and macrogametes were known before the year 1898, viz. Volvox and Vorticellide, are multicellular cell- colonies of which only special cells become developed as gametes, 582 E. RAY LANKESTER. form as a series of nucleated outgrowths of the original cell, leaving a non-nucleated “blastophore” or residual mass, as in Hzmomenas, PI. 30, fig. 48. In the lower three figures (Figs. 4, 5, 6) we have an egg-cell which is undergoing fertilisation. Three free spermatozoa are seen attempting to effect a junction with it. These figures are after the draw- ings and description of Siedlecki in ‘Annales de l’Institut Pasteur,’ 1898, and are copied from Mesnil, ‘ Revue générale des Sciénces,’ March 30th, 1899. The development of the spermatozoa or microgametes of a Fics. 1—6.—Development of microgametes or spermatozoa and fertilisation of the Coccidian Benedenia octopiana. After Siedlecki, from Mesnil. complex multicellular animal may be compared with what occurs in the unicellular Benedenia and Hemomenas. Our Figs. 7 to 11 show the development of the spermatozoa of the earthworm ; they are reproduced from Blomfield’s paper in vol. xx of this Journal (1880). It will be observed that in the earthworm, as in the Coccidian and the Hzemameeba, the spermatozoids form by a centifrugal movement of the VARIOUS PHASES OF HAMAMGBIDA. 583 segments of the broken-up nucleus of the original sperm mother-cell, and that thus they form a number of outstand- ing processes, at first short and ovoid, but later filamentous in form, upon the surface of a “blastophore,” a residual Fres. 7—11.—Development of spermatozoa of the Earthworm. After Bloomfield. central mass of considerable volume to which this name was originally given by Blomfield. As in Benedenia, so in Lumbricus and Hemameeba, the ripe filamentous spermatozoa become detached from the blastophore and swim about as active independent bodies, whilst the blastophore disintegrates and disappears. The exact character of the spermatozoa of a certain Coc- cidian (Hchinospora) has been well shown by Leger in the 584 E. RAY LANKESTER. ‘Archives de Zoologie expérimentale,’ 1898. In Fig. 12 we have reproduced (from Mesnil) his drawings. The sperma- tozoa are seen to be biflagellate, having a flagellum at each end of the fusiform body. The modes in which these flagella may be carried and exercised is shown in the drawings. Compare these with the active filaments produced by the male gametocyte of Heemamceba (Heemomenas) which are shown in PI. 30, figs. 48 and 50. The first discovery of spermatozoa as the product of a Coccidian cell was made by Simond (‘Ann. de I’Institut Pasteur,’ 1897. We reproduce here (Fig. 18) one of his drawings. Simond made his discovery in the typical well- known parasite of the epithelial cells of the rabbit’s intestine and liver—the Coccidium oviforme. He showed that whilst Coccidium oviforme very generally breaks up into sporocytes, which enter uninfected epithelial cells and develop into full-sized Coccidia directly, yet the cell indi- viduals of Coccidium oviforme also can and do under certain circumstances become gametocytes, instead of break- ing up into sporocytes; some developing a micropyle and becoming each a single ovum or macrogamete, whilst others (lying all the time within an epithelial cell of the rabbit) give rise to a crop of spermatozoa or microgametes, resting on a residual mass or blastophore just as in Lumbricus. The crop of spermatozoa and the blastophore of Coccidium oviforme is shown in the woodcut Fig. 138. The existence within the Protozoa of the form and mode of development of the male microgametes now so long familiar to us in higher animals, where they are called “ spermatozoa,” is one of the most striking results of the recent researches on Sporozoa. It is all the more curious when we remember that these cell parasites, such as Coccidium oviforme and Hemomenas precox, are amongst the most minute of the characteristically minute Protozoa. T will venture on one further comparison and comment in regard to the life-history of Haemomenas precox as described by Surgeon-Major Ross. Ross discovered the VARIOUS PHASES OF HAMAMGBIDA. 585 history of the fertilised egg (zygote) of the malaria parasite in the stomach wall and tissues of the gnat (Anopheles), and Fic. 12.—Spermatozoa (microgametes) of the Coccidian Echinospora. After Leger, from Mesnil. he, with Mr. Fielding-Ould, has given a series of important figures of the development of the zygote in Plates 30, figs. 53 to 57, and Plate 31, figs. 58 to 67, accompanying their paper in the present number of this Journal. Ross has shown that the zygote breaks up within its capsule or cyst Fic. 13.—Stage in the development of spermatozoa or microgametes of Coccidium oviforme, from the epithelial cells of the rabbit’s intestine. The microgametes are seen supported on the central “ blastophore.” After Simond, from Mesnil. into a number of “meres” (figs. 58, 59), and that each of these meres gives rise to a dense crop of filiform young on 586 E. RAY LANKESTER. its surface, which he terms “‘ blasts” (fig. 60). The “blasts ” or filiform young infect a new host when injected into his or her blood by the Anopheles which harbours them. I desire to point out that the fission process by which the fertilised zygote gives rise to these filiform blasts resembles the production of microgametes or spermatozoa, and that the blasts themselves are morphologically identical with micro- gametes, whilst a blastophore of residual material accom- panies their evolution. On the other hand, it is a rule in other organisms that the fission products of fertilised egg- cells resemble in form and development the macrogametes or female cells, and do not assume the characters of micro- gametes. The malaria parasite is, it seems, remarkable in being an exception to this rule. The fission products of the fertilised cell are not large cells produced by binary fission, and comparable in size and form to the female cells or macrogametes, but are in form and mode of development identical with male cells or microgametes. We may call them andromorphous or spermatomorphous “ blasts ” or cells, whereas in other Coccidia, as well as in Volvocinean flagel- lates and in the tissue-forming Enterozoa, the “ blasts” produced by the fission of the fertilised egg-cell are odmor- phous or gynzcomorphous cells. In all other cases the spermatomorphous cell seems only to be produced with the special and limited function of zygosis ; it is distinctively a fertilising cell. But in the Hamameebide a generation of spermatomorphous cells is produced which simply carry on their individual life, penetrate the blood- corpuscles of a vertebrate host, and divide into sporocytes. We are certainly accustomed to associate the phenomenon of non-sexual reproduction in higher animals with the produc- tion of odmorphous cells. It is only an egg-cell which is capable of multiplication and the production of new indi- viduals of the species, without conjugation with a fertilising cell (parthenogenesis). There are no cases on record, at any rate among animals, of parthenogenesis by means of male cells or male individuals. Speculation and & » Rhee, aoe yy of OR —~ + VARIOUS PHASES OF HAEMAM@BIDA. 587 experiment have both been brought to bear on the question as to whether an odmorphous cell can act as fertiliser to another, and as to whether an andromorphous cell (a sperma- tozoon) can be made to develop a new individual if supplied with a cell body but without the addition of the nuclear matter of an odmorphous cell. It seems to me that we have in the case of the spermatomorphous or andromorphous blasts or “ young” of the malaria parasite a distinct proof that the spermatozoon is, so far as its essential nature is con- cerned, capable of acting the part of the solely sufficient germ in a parthenogenetic reproduction or multiplication ; and that it is, therefore, not of the essence of “solely suffi- cient germs” that they should be egg-cells or odmorphous. At any rate, we have, I think, in the blasts or filiform young of the malaria parasite an altogether exceptional case of elements of the male form carrying on without acting as fertilisers, but as “solely sufficient,” the life of the species. We have here, indeed, a parthenogenesis by means of male elements. ‘The parthenogenesis hitherto known in animals is ‘ gynecocratic ;” that exhibited by the “blasts” of the Hemameoebide is ‘‘ androcratic.” Probably some instances among the Protophyta of the fis- sion and multiplication of flagellate “ zoospores” may be placed in the same category of ‘androcratic partheno- genesis.” For instance, the ‘‘coccus forms” of Schizophyta are oomorphous, and their multiplication without fertilisa- tion is a “gynecocratic parthenogenesis.” But the bi- flagellate bacillus form should perhaps be regarded as an andromorphous cell, and its multiplication by fission is androcratic parthenogenesis. ‘There is not, however, in this case the same reason for regarding the flagellate cell as really identical with a spermatozoid or microgamete as there is in the case of the Hamamosbide ; for in the latter it is not only the form of the cell, but its mode of development by centrifugal proliferation and the production of a “ blasto- phore ” which characterises the ‘ blasts” as truly male cells. I may remind the reader in conclusion that the word vou. 43, PART 3.—NEW SERIES. 8S 588 BE. RAY LANKESTER. “parthenogenesis ” is conveniently restricted to a repro- ductive process, not by neutral or ‘ medeterocratic” cells, but by cells essentially fitted for sexual zygosis which, in the exceptional cases designated by the term “ parthenogenesis,” develop to maturity without zygosis. The word “ parthenogenesis” is equally applicable to the development of a macrogamete (gynzcocratic), and to that of a microgamete (androcratic) wher it occurs without union with a cell of the opposite sex. With Ten Plates, Royal 4to, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, Great epeoten Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers ; for this sum (prepaid) the JournaL is sent Post Free to any part of the world. 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RAY LANKESTER, LL.D., F.R.S. 40) THE ASSOCIATION WAS FOUNDED “ TO, ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN LABORATORIES ON THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHERE ACCURATE RESEARCHES MAY BE CARRIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCREASE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS REGARDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BRITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, &e. Works published by the Association include the following :—‘ A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 4to, 25/-. ‘The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands, J. I’. 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FOUNDERS . - : : : = -1067:0:-0 3 = Governors (Life Members of Council) 500 O -0 = Ra Members have the following rights and privileges:—They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them; they have the | first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, &c.; and have access tothe Library at Plymouth. Special privileges ure granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with— The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, ~ Plymouth. . New Series, No. 172 (Vol. 48, Part 4). Price 10s. SEPTEMBER, 1900. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY KE. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ST. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF THE LINCEI OF ROME; ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY 7 OF PARIS; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM; FULLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.RBS., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 3 W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.RB.S., LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD; LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 5 AND SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER, WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. ‘LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1900. Adlard and Son,] [Bartholomew Close. CONTENTS OF No. 172.—New Series. MEMOIRS: Hippolyte varians: a Study in Colour-change. By F. W. GamBte, D.Se., Owens College, Manchester, and F. W. Kezsir, M.A., Caius College, Cambridge, late Assistant, Lecturer in Botany, Owens College, Manchester. (With Plates 32—36) On the Nephridia of the Polycheta. Part III. The Phyllodocide, Syllide, Amphinomide, etc., with Summary and Conclusions. By Epwin S. Goopricn, M.A., Aldrichian Demonstrator of Compara- tive Anatomy, Oxford. (With Plates 37—42) Nouvelles Observations sur les Peripatus de la Collection du Musée Britannique. Par E L. Bouvier, Professeur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris TITLE, ConTENTS, AND INDEX. PAGE 589 699 749 HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 589 Hippolyte varians: a Study in Colour-change. By F. W. Gamble, D.Sc., Owens College, Manchester, and F. W. Keeble, MI.A., Caius College, Cambridge ; late Assistant Lecturer in Botany, Owens College, Manchester. With Plates 32—36. ConTENTS. PAGE Introduction. : 4 : : : : pie) Section I. Methods . ; ‘ . 595 » ALL. Some Colour Forms of Hinpolyte varians : . 601 », III. “Chromatophores”’ and other Colour Elements. » 605 » LV. The Colour Mutability of Hippolyte varians . O12, 5 V. The Nocturnal Colour—Nocturnes 4 : ~ (88 » VI. Periodicity of Colour-change : 635 », WII. The Control of the ‘*‘ Chromatophores :” the Parts oer by the Eye, Central Nervous System, and by the **Chromatophores ” themselves in effecting Colour- change ; : . 643 », VIII. Summary of Bepedadeutal ecards 3 . 651 Appendix—Experimental Tables ; : F : + 1658 Literature : ; : ; ; . 692 INTRODUCTION. Ir is well known that the prawn Hippolyte varians may be found among the seaweeds in the lower tidal pools along VoL. 43, PARY 4,—NEW SERIES. 7 r 590 F. W. GAMBLE AND F, W. KEEBLE. the sea-shore or by trawling in the “ Laminarian zone.” Whilst specimens so obtained may present colours ranging through the whole gamut of the spectrum, many exhibit an astonishingly close resemblance to the colour of the weeds, zoophytes, or other objects to which they obstinately cling. Attracted by this phenomenon of “ protective resemblance,” naturalists, who have desired to record its features, have observed that the prawns change colour ina very short time: that an emerald green or rich brown colour may lose much of its brilliancy or even its characteristic tone within the time elapsing between capture and subsequent examination in the laboratory. The trivial name varians has thus come to connote not merely that the colour of these prawns exhibits great individual differences in tint and pattern, but that, in addition, the colour of the same individual may alter. It is but a step further to the idea that all the different colour varieties may be capable of passing into one another—a possibility often expressed but never experimentally verified. The bare fact of colour-change among Crustacea appears to have first been observed and recorded by Kroyer (1842) in this very species Hippolyte varians, or, as he called it, H.smaragdina. “In this species,” he says, “I have ob- served a very remarkable colour-change. The usual emerald green colour of those specimens which I have placed with sea water in a glass vessel passed rapidly into an olive or into a bluish-green colour. The azure spots behind the anterior edge of the carapace became so indistinct that did I not know their position I should have overlooked them. The longitudinal stripe on the carapace changed from blue to yellow, and finally disappeared completely. I believe I have noticed similar changes in other species of this genus, but none so plain or so striking” (1842, p. 244). Other natu- ralists have noticed the same kind of change in this and other Crustacea. Fritz Miller, for example (1880-81), showed that fresh-water prawns (Atyoida potimirum, Palemon potiporanga) of South America, when taken from their habitat and placed in a glass vessel, rapidly lose their brown HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 591 or black colour, and become colourless and transparent ; the first named in the course of a few days, the Palemon in a few hours. Palzemon, moreover, was seen to pass through a blue colour phase. These facts clearly indicated an interesting line of experi- mental work, which Pouchet took up in the early seventies with the most important and suggestive if not final results. From 1872 he published a series of memoirs culminating in that entitled ‘Changements de coloration sous Vinfluence des Nerfs’ (1876). In this paper—by far the most im- portant of those dealing with colour-change in Crustacea— not only were the facts of colour mutability correlated for the first time with changes of the pigment spots, but what is much more important, the rationale of the change was suggested as the result of experiments made at Coste’s zoological station at Concarneau on Palwmon, Crangon, and Hippolyte. Starting with the vague notions of fishermen, that fishes and Crustacea change in colour according to the tint of the sea bottom, Pouchet experimented with white and black dishes, and found that Palemon serratus (the form upon which his results are chiefly based) alters its colour sympa- thetically, becoming dark on a dark, colourless on a white ground. This change is effected by the expansion and con- traction of the pigment spots which are controlled by the nervous system. By cutting off the eyes, a dark coloration ensued, which remained unaltered until the eyes were re- generated. The loss of the power of colour-change thus appeared to be due to loss of sight, and the sequence of events in a normal prawn was stated by Pouchet in these terms (Conclusions, Nos. 17 and 18, p. 161) : “ La fonction chromatique doit étre définie: un ensemble d’actions réflexes sur les chromoblastes, dont le point de départ peut étre impression visuelle résultant des propriétés actiniques du milieu ambiant. Les nerfs sont les conducteurs de cette action réflexe: ils peuvent done provoquer l’expan- sion ou le retrait des chromoblastes.” The expression “ pro- 592 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. priétés actiniques du milieu ambiant” makes it doubtful how far Pouchet attributed colour-change in the prawn to the change in tint of the bottom, in other words to the varying quality of the light, or to the light intensity, or to both these possible causes. Other passages in the paper show that Pouchet attributed to the varying quality of the light reflected from the differently coloured surfaces on which the prawns happened to be resting, an important and perhaps the chief share in the resulting colour-change. But there is still another of Pouchet’s conclusions, which tends to show that he regarded the varying quantity of the light as at least a subsidiary factor which, acting through the eye and nervous system on the pigment spots, may modify the colour. He says (p. 151), “ L’obscurité de la nuit n’a aucune influence sur les changements que présentent les animaux, tandis que Vobscurité artificielle provoque au contraire des modifications qui pour n’étre pas constantes ni toujours bien définies n’en sont pas moins sensibles.” This conclusion Pouchet drew from his observations on fishes (turbot, goby, dragonet) as well as from those on Crustacea, and it is on this point more than on any other that we find ourselves opposed to him. It would, indeed, be singular if an animal were sensitive to change in light intensity, and yet remained the same colour by night as by day. In the sections on nocturnal colour and on periodicity we show not only that Hippolyte varians undergoes a rhythmical sequence of colour-change composed of nocturnal and diurnal phases, but that this is a habit which persists though the light or the darkness is maintained con- stant for days together. The effects of varying light intensity on Crustacea have attracted but little attention since Pouchet’s memoir in 1876. Matzdorff (1882) has experimented with Idothea and con- firmed many of Pouchet’s conclusions. Jourdain (1878), working on Nika edulis (a prawn belonging to a family distinct from the Hippolytide), obtained some interesting results. This form, he found, passed from a translucent nearly colourless condition in sunlight or diffuse hght to a HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 593 red colour in the dark. If it was then replaced in the light the red colour disappeared. Jourdain concludes (loc. cit., p. 302), “dés lors au moins lorsq’on Vétudie en captivité le Nika n’a pas la méme couleur la nuit que le jour,” but he does not appear to have made any observations at night to verify this. Jourdain also found that if the tem- perature is lowered to 5° or 6° C. the colour-changes are effected more slowly. In the case of specimens in which the eyes had been removed, the colour became and remained red at normal temperatures, was ultimately lost at or near 0° C., but returned if the water was warmed, and also when the eyes regenerated. Hye-amputated specimens ex- posed to very bright light for some time lost some of their red colour; but in all these experiments a certain number of the prawns behaved in a different manner. On the subject of the present work—Hippolyte varians —but little experimental evidence has been collected. Beyond the single result that, on a dark ground, green Hippolyte became reddish brown, Pouchet had little to record. More recently, however, Professor Herdman (1892, 1893, 1898), Mr. Hornell (1897), and M. Malard (1893) have made trials to test the colour mutability of this species on differently tinted weeds. Professor Herdman concluded (1898) “ that Hippolyte varians can change its colouring, though not in a very short space of time,’ but the change was not a close match with the tint of the new weed. Mr. Hornell concludes from experiments at Jersey that a power of sympa- thetic colour-change is equally well shown in the light and inthe dark. We have ourselves made the observation that even when the Algzw are changed in the dark, a colour-change occurs which in some cases may match the tint of the new weed ; and we offer an explanation of the apparently remark- able phenomena in the section on recovery from the nocturnal colour (Sect. IV, pp. 614 and 616). M. Malard (1898) found that green Hippolyte become red in the dark, but he does not appear to have followed up this observation by experiments at night. 594 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. It will be readily gathered from this historical sketch that there has been no attempt to completely investigate in Hip- polyte the different factors which in higher animals, such as the frog and chameleon, are known to be effective in pro- ducing a change of colour. In the present paper we deal with the effects of natural and artificial stimulation—both by agents, such as light, working through the eye, and by others, such as temperature, affecting the different parts of the body equally—on the general colour and on the “ chromatophores.” The research, on which we are still engaged, was commenced in the Owens College Zoological Research Laboratory, and was continued during the greater part of 1898 in the labora- tory of the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Committee at Piel, near Barrow. For permission to work in the laboratory we are indebted to Prof. Herdman, and we beg to tender our hearty thanks for the manner in which the resources of the labora- tory have been placed at our disposal. During the present year (1899) our investigations have been carried on, thanks to the generous hospitality of M. E. Perrier, in the Labora- toire Maritime de Tatihou, St. Vaast, Normandy. The problems of colour-change are so complex that this research, which promised to be brief, has proved to be well-nigh interminable ; at least we at present see no pro- spect of the vein giving out. We therefore have decided to give our chief results in order that we may be the freer to pursue our investigations into some of those questions mentioned in the text, to which these results have given rise. We desire specially to draw attention to the section dealing with “ Nocturnal Colour,” with “ Periodicity of Colour-change,” and to the excellent coloured sketches of Hippolyte on different weeds. These sketches, which we owe to the skill and kindness of Miss D. Richardson, repre- sent animals which had been allowed to make a choice as to a place of anchorage among a variety of weeds. Even the briefest examination will show how well in each case Hippolyte avails itself of its opportunity. Our thanks are due to Professors Hickson and Weiss for HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 595 their kindness in giving us the facilities necessary for the prosecution of these researches. Srotion I. Methods. There are in any research on colour-change three essential requirements: a standard illumination, observation under constant light conditions, a means of rapid record of the observed colour. No one of these have we been able to meet satisfactorily. As our standard illumination we employed light from an incandescent gas burner. Our colour records were made by observing Hippolyte against the white background of a porcelain dish. In recording colours we at first attempted to supplement verbal descriptions by the use of Maxwell’s colour top, but we were compelled to fall back upon water-colour sketches. We now content ourselves with a terse note of the colour and a careful description of the condition of the “ chroma- tophores,” as seen by transmitted and by reflected light under the microscope. The experience we have gained leads us to think this last mode of recording may, after it has served as an aid in unravelling the complexity of the “ chromatophores” themselves, prove alone sufficient as a colour record. It is necessary, of course, to note the condition of the “chromatophores” at the first moment of examination, since these bodies, or rather their pigments, are so susceptible to light as to immediately and profoundly change their con- dition when exposed to the powerful light necessary for microscopic observation. When the animal under obser- vation is not required for further experiment, change in its colour condition may be considerably retarded by placing it in water near the freezing-point, or, in some cases, by drop- ping the animal into water of about 90°F. Hippolyte in the latter case rapidly succumbs, but colour-changes in the 596 F, W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. living or the dead animal exposed to these conditions take place with sufficient slowness to admit of careful examina- tion. When trawling and shore collecting, at night or early morning, the colours of the animals as they appear when taken out of the net are observed by the light of paraffin lamps. Though, by this means, it is impossible to judge the fine shades of colour with sufficient accuracy for close comparison with those noted under the more constant con- ditions described above, yet it serves to give a general idea of the colour of the animal; nevertheless with practice a fair judgment can be made. The susceptibility of Hippo- lyte varians to temperature changes, incidentally referred to, is only one indication among many of the fact that it is less hardy than many of its allies. We found it necessary to spend a considerable time in devising an apparatus in which specimens under experiment could be supplied with aérated water and with food. Aided by a grant from the British Association Committee, we constructed an apparatus which serves for the culture of the animals, and also for determining whether they flourish better in vessels through which a constant stream of water is passing or in similar vessels through which a current of airis drawn. Inasmuch as the water current in the former induces the air current in the latter series, we have a means of accurately determining this question. After a prolonged trial we find that the prawns on the whole flourish better in what we will call, for convenience, the “air-circula- tor” dishes. It is true that we made no effort to exhaus- tively demonstrate this interesting point, being only in search of the most favourable conditions for experimenting upon Hippolyte. Our apparatus consists of a large aspirator bottle, of a capacity of about one and a half gallons (Fig. 1,4). The neck of the bottle is fitted with a cork bearing three tubes (a, b, c). The lateral opening below has a cork bearing one tube, the exit-tube. One of the three former tubes is of HIPPOLYTE VARTANS, 597 Fie, 1, | | [| iy il ih | Hl Circulatory apparatus. A is the aspirator by which air is sucked through the ‘‘air-circulator ” flasks B and C, and then through A to replace the water circulating through D and EH. The rate of the circulation depends upon the vertical distance x’ y between the level of x (the commence- ment of the outlet tube) and y (the point of exit of the water from the apparatus). Of the three tubes (a, , c) passing through the cork of the aspirator A, a allows air to escape in filling the bottle through 4 from the main tank of the laboratory, while ¢ transmits the air from the flasks B and C. 598 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. wide bore and of stout glass; it is connected with the main tank in the Piel Laboratory, from which the bottle can be filled in about one minute. A second tube (b), the pressure- tube, passing down almost to the level of the exit-tube, serves, when the apparatus is working, to give the aspirator the action of a Mariotte’s bottle,—that is to say, to maintain the rate of flow approximately constant (see F. F. Blackman, ‘Trans. Roy. Soc.,’ 1895). To this tube is connected a series of glass flasks, through which air entering the aspirator must pass (see Fig. 1, B and C). The exit-tube, fitted into the lateral tubulure of the aspirator, is at its commencement (x) of a very fine bore, and connects on by its wider end, which projects beyond the aspirator, with the first of our series of ‘‘ water-circulator ” dishes (D and E). Each “ water-circulator” is made of a glass dialyser frame having the form of a low cylinder, open above and below and provided with a lateral tubulure. To the bottom rim of this dialyser a glass plate is affixed by means of suitable wax. The exit-tube from the aspirator is connected with another passing through the cork in the tubulure of the dialyser, and so bent as to follow the curved side of the dish, in order that the water which it conveys may enter the dish at a point opposite the tubulure, and so be constrained to circulate before making its exit. Through a second hole in the cork a glass tube just pro- jects into the dish, and serves to carry the water to a second similar ‘‘ water-circulator,” whence it flows toathird. To the upper rim of each “ water-circulator” a glass plate ground at its edges has to be fixed. From the last of this series the exit-tube discharges the water which has circulated through the series. To prepare the apparatus for action, the aspirator is filled, a wide tube (the escapement-tube) just projecting through the cork of the neck being opened to allow the air to escape. The aspirator being full this tube is closed; the “ air-circu- lator ” flasks (the arrangement of the tubes of which will be readily understood by reference to Fig. 1) are filled to a HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 599 convenient height with water; the “ water-circulator”’ dishes are filled completely with water, the glass plates are carefully slid on, and thus each of these dishes comes to be, from the physical point of view, a mere dilatation of a long tube completely filled with water. Suction is now applied at the open end of the exit-tube from the last ‘ water-circulator,” air passes through the air- circulators into the aspirator pari passu with the outflow of water into the water-circulators. The rate of flow is determined by the difference in level between the lower end of the pressure-tube and the free end of the exit-tube from the last water-circulator (x! y). By raising or lowering this latter tube the rate is varied. The rate which we found most favourable for the cultivation of our Hippolyte was from 12 ¢.c. at night to about 65 c.c. per minute during the day, a rate which necessitates the refilling of the aspirator some seven times a day. By means of an arrangement of tubes fitted with two-way cocks, any single “ water-” or “ air- circulator ” can be cut off without interfering with the circu- lation through the others. The form of the “ water-circulator ” dishes described above was chosen in order that experiments on the influence of monochromatic light upon the colour-changes in Hippolyte might be made. To this end we employed the original, as well as a modified form of Landolt’s “ Strahlenfilter,”’ which consists of a cylindrical vessel with glass ends and metal side, glass plates accurately dividing the chamber into two or three compartments of required depths. These compart- ments are filled, through openings in the metal side of the Strahlenfilter, with the coloured solution made to Landolt’s prescription (see 1894). On some occasions, to ensure high intensity, light from the incandescent gas burner was re- flected through the liquid colour-filter into the “ water-circu- lator” beneath. The colour-filters were, in our hands at least, eminently unsatisfactory, and a more convenient form of light-filter is much to be desired (see Nagel, 1898). 600 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. We have been experimenting recently with a more simple colour-screen consisting of a deep narrow “cell,” made by clamping two pieces of plate glass vertically against a stout piece of india-rubber tubing curved in the formofaU. The “cell” so formed is quite water-tight. The coloured solu- tions (potassium chromate, copper sulphate, and certain aniline dyes) recommended by Nagel (1898) were then tested severally in different strengths and in mixtures by a Brown- ing hand spectroscope. Trial alone gives the strengths requisite for cutting off any portion of the spectrum which it is desired to eliminate. By this means either a broad or a narrow strip of the spectrum can be employed. In many ways this form of colour-screen is more con- venient than Landoit’s, but it has the drawback that for monochromatic work the light intensity is apt to be low— lower, in fact, than that transmitted by the Landolt screen. For our “air-circulators”? we now use ordinary glass flasks, which have the advantage of admitting of ready mani- pulation, though their curved sides make the observation of the enclosed animals somewhat more difficult than it is in the case of the “ water-circulator ” dishes, with flat plates above and below. By means of the “circulating” apparatus we have been able to keep isolated animals under constant conditions for upwards of three weeks, and it is our intention to endeavour to ascertain whether by its means broods of young Hip- polyte from a parent of a known colour may not be reared under known conditions. Alge, especially of the more delicate kinds, are greedily eaten by Hippolyte varians. In default of these the prawns will live upon dead animals and plants, and may even kill and eat specimens of their own kind. We have made a fairly extensive trial of preservatives with a view to keeping the colour of these prawns. Alcohol, glycerine, formaldehyde, sugar and water, potassium acetate, chrome alum, carbon tetrachloride, have been tested for this purpose. On the whole, formaldehyde (formalin 2 per HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 601 cent.) is decidedly the best, and retains the “ chromatophores” and their pigments remarkably well. It is the only reagent which preserves the blue colour of some of these prawns, but the inevitable loss of transparency destroys the delicacy of the azure tint of the living animal. For histological work on the chromatophores, owing to the complete solubility of the pigments of the body in alcohol of higher grades and their alteration by other hardening re- agents, we have been compelled to rely very largely upon careful and repeated observation of living transparent speci- mens. Only in this way can a true idea be formed of the several pigments, of their activities towards different stimu- lation, and of the relations of the chromatophores to the vascular, muscular, and nervous systems. For staining chromatophores in the fresh state, methylene blue was given a short but not altogether satisfactory trial. For subsequent observation material was fixed with osmic acid or its vapour, washed with weak chromic acid, and preserved in alcohol. Secrion IT. Some Colour Forms of Hippolyte varians. The close resemblance of Hippolyte in colour and in pattern to its surroundings has been remarked by many naturalists. Not merely are the markings and tints similar to those of the weed or zoophyte amongst which it lives, but, as in many other cases of ‘ protective resemblance,” the animal when discovered remains quiescent, often requiring a vigorous shake to induce it to let go its hold. When dis- placed it jumps towards some other object, on reaching which it attaches itself and instantly subsides again into its quiescent condition. That the prawns exert powers of selection with respect to their weed will be readily realised from Pls. 32 and 33, figs. 1 to 9, representing prawns placed in a dish with sea water, to which subsequently pieces of dif- ferent coloured weeds were added. The prawns were left 602 F. W. GAMBLE AND F, W. KEEBLE. free to select their weeds, and, as is seen in the figures, they succeeded in making wonderfully accurate colour matches. It is noteworthy that in captivity the prawns often lie beneath and along the weed, except when the light falls only from above, in which case the animals tend to place themselves in a vertical position (Fig. 2). Iie, WY. im MUU Showing the vertical position adopted by Hippolyte varians when illumi- nated by diffuse light from above. The jar had been standing under a stream of water since the previous evening, and had been shaded from light except that coming through the muslin cover. The prawns at 10.15 a.m., December 17th, 1898, were without exception in the vertical (head down) position shown, and though the weed was brown in colour they were of the most varied tints—green, purplish brown, red, and grey. The brown variety of Hippolyte varians (mature speci- mens) abounds amongst the masses of brown Halidrys HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 603 siliquosa which flourish in the ‘ Laminarian zone.” In shape, colour, and occasionally in its attitude this form, as Professor Herdman has pointed out, closely resembles the Halidrys pods. Young specimens of a uniform brown tint occur chiefly among the fronds of Dictyota dichotoma (PI. 33, fig. 9). Mature green prawns are somewhat rare at Piel, though young ones are plentiful in the clear and shallow water of the Zostera pools. Red, again, is not a tint commonly found in full-grown Hippolyte varians at Piel, though a few large and many small pink specimens were from time to time discovered. Very probably the somewhat muddy water, stunted weeds, and the comparative scarcity of clean red weed are the causes of the rarity of this form. The uniformity of their respective tints in these brown, green, and pink prawns is on a closer examination less apparent. The dorsal median line is generally marked by a white or yellow stripe, and the sides of the carapace or of the whole body may be spotted with minute blue dots, two of which, just below and behind the orbit, are curiously constant. Again, the terms brown, green, and pink cover a great number of shades, from light chestnut to black-brown, light green to olive, lake colour to mauve. It is, however, the immature variegated specimens that present the most re- markable cases of colour pattern and of resemblance to their surroundings. One of the commonest of these is the “red liner,” shown in P]. 32, fig. 5, nestling amongst a tuft of weeds. The colora- tion is striking, and differs from that of almost any adult Hippolyte varians. A median dorsal and a median ven- tral stripe run from end to end of the transparent body, whilst each segment is crossed by a bar of minute yellow and red spots. The eye-stalks, the inner edges of the antennal scales, and the joints of the thoracic limbs are reddish, while each tail lobe has an elliptical red mark with a clear centre. The stomach and liver are visible through the carapace, and appear slightly opaque greenish yellow. By reflected light 604 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. the body appears of a dull grey colour, the red marking being much less distinct. Along the mid-dorsal line from the rostrum backwards, spots of brilliant yellow or greenish yellow, previously invisible, are now distinct. On parts of the tail lobes, eye-stalks, and limbs, which appeared trans- parent by transmitted light, similar bright yellow spots are now to be seen. We were able to follow the change in the coloration of this variety for some little time. ‘“ Red liners” appear in great numbers in July among the finer sorts of red weeds in Piel Harbour. Many of them measured only 4 mm. in length, but as they increase in size the red pigment accumu- lates along the ventral stripe and the cross-bars; with this accumulation these regions appear of a dark red or even blackish colour. These “black liners” become fairly common in September, much more so in December, when some of them measured 15 mm. in length, and would now be described as transparent, and boldly marked by black and grey or dark purplish lines, the “ hump” or point of flexure of the tail being nearly free from pigments. Were these forms to increase considerably in size they would present an appearance identical with that of Hippolyte fascigera, whose characteristic habitat is the zoophyte-clad stems of Halidrys siliquosa, and whose independent specific rank is no longer maintained by such authorities as Dr. A. M. Norman and A. O. Walker, Esq., F.L.S. The occurrence of “‘ green liners,” a specimen of which is shown in Pl. 32, fig. 2, in which the red colour is more or less replaced by green in the stripes and bars, is not infrequent. But in this case the data for the probable progress of sea- sonal colour-change are not forthcoming. More striking than these “liners” is the black-barred colour form, fig. 3, which lives amongst the dark alga Cladostephus spon- giosus. The body is transparent and crossed by two bands of dark brown, almost black tint, a broad band across the carapace and a narrower one near the base of the tail; not infrequently a third band runs across the apices of the tail HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 605 lobes. Another variety (PI. 33, fig. 7), found amongst the miniature forests of Bowerbankia, is speckled and barred with light brown on a transparent ground, spotted with bright yellow when seen against a dark ground. This variety possesses, in summer, the plumose hairs on the carapace and abdomen, supposed formerly to be a charac- teristic of Hippolyte fascigera. In December, however, these hairs are not usually present. Other colour forms are seen in yellow and yellow-barred specimens ; in brown prawns spotted with lighter markings; in the dark opaque blue and the transparent, almost colourless or greyish forms, the exact habitats of which have not yet been discovered. Indeed, it may be said that the forms are infinite in variety ; yet it would seem to us that a fuller description even than that here given is very necessary before it can be deter- mined with certainty whether any given form follows an ordained colour sequence, whether change of surroundings can permanently modify this sequence, problems which we hope ultimately to resolve. Hippolyte varians exhibits a certain sexual dimorphism both with regard to size and to colour. This may be ex- pressed by saying that the males are on the average much smaller and less elaborately patterned than the females, which are more resourceful in adjusting their coloration to that of their surroundings. From the point of view of “ protection,” this difference is only what might be expected from the greater sluggishness of the female, burdened as she almost invariably is with a load of eggs or developing larvee. Section ITI. “ Chromatophores” and other Colour Elements. It has been observed in the preceding section that the colours of the bands in red- and other lined Hippolyte change according as transmitted or reflected light is used for the examination. We now consider the pigments to which these colours are due and the nature of the colour elements, the VOL. 43, PART 4.—NEW SERIES. UU 606 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. repositories of these pigments, which matters appear to have received hitherto curiously little attention. For the present we shall regard the condition of a colour form as fixed, re- serving the account of the chromatophoric changes effected by light and other stimuli for Section IV. If a red-lined variety is examined under a low-power objective by light transmitted through an Abbé condenser, the colours—except for the green or yellow patches formed by the stomach and liver and for any food substances in the intestine—are seen clearly to be due to masses of “ chro- matophores.” The chitinous investment and the epidermis being transparent and colourless allow the muscles, alimentary tract, the gills, heart, and blood-vessels, to be plainly perceived (Pl. 34, fig. 14). The median dorsal and ventral stripes of red colour are due to masses of pigment closely associated with the alimentary canal and nerve-cord respectively, and require deep focussing for their satisfactory definition; while the transverse bars which run across the body near the hinder edge of each segment are composed of red and yellow pigment spots placed nearer the surface of the body, though it is easy to determine that they are not in, but below the epidermis. Closer examination shows, in fact, that the bodies of all the ‘ chromatophores” lie in the connective tissue, and are definitely related to the digestive system, and especially the “liver,” the vascular and muscular systems (Pl. 34, figs. 14, 15, 19, and Pl. 35, fig. 23). Thus, as the peristaltic waves of contraction pass along the alimentary canal, scattered chromatophores move with the walls of the gut, though for the most part the pigmented sheath attached to the wall of the great intestinal venous sinus (in which the blood is slowly travelling forwards to- wards the heart) remains stationary. In a similar manner, the ventral layer of ‘‘ chromatophores” surrounding the nerve-cord is connected with the walls of the ventral blood- sinus. The pigment spots forming the transverse bars lie between the intermuscular arteries and venous spaces, and are frequently closely attached to the walls of the arteries, HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 607 either to those of the segmentally arranged vessels supplying the swimmerets and coming off in pairs from the dorsal aorta, or to branches of these which divide in the connective tissue under the skin of the pleura (PI. 34, figs. 14—16). The best example of this close relation between the pig- ment and the blood is seen in the eye-stalk (Pl. 34, figs. 17, 18). Within the eye-stalk lie the optic ganglia enclosed in con- nective tissue. Between the ganglia are the bodies of two or more large dark red pigment spots, whose processes extend right and left, at right angles to the narrower elongated centres, in a peculiar paired fashion over the ganglia. The blood is carried by an artery which runs near the surface of the eye-stalk, and which, after bifurcating, divides into a large number of branches interdigitating with the pigmented pro- cesses of the “chromatophores”’ (Pl. 34, figs. 18, 19). Previous observers of these Crustacea do not appear to have noticed the abundant store of chromatophoric pigment which exists in the muscles of Hippolyte, especially in the ex- tensors and flexors of the tail. In these positions the ‘**chromatophores”’ are so abundant that if, for example, a piece of muscle is cut out of a pink prawn, the muscle itself is seen to be pink, and under the microscope the arrangement of the pigment is similar to that of Pl. 34, fig.20. The trans- parent or semi-transparent specimens of Hippolyte (par- ticularly the immature and male examples) owe such colour or pattern as they possess more to these “ muscle-chromato- phores” than to the dermal ones underlying the skin. In larger and more opaque forms the colour is determined rather by a superficial network formed by the dermal “chromatophores,” which thus hide the (often similarly coloured) intermuscular ones (Pl. 35, fig. 24). The presence of pigment distributed in “ chromatophores ” among the muscles is by no means peculiar to Hippolyte varians. In the true prawns (Palemon serratus) the stripes of colour are due to superficial “ chromatophores” in the skin, each containing red and yellow pigment surrounded by a little blue. In the depths of the tail muscles there is 608 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. a store of (chiefly) blue pigment, which takes no part in the superficial coloration of the animal. We turn now to the detailed examination of the “ chroma- tophores” themselves, and for the purpose we select a pig- ment spot from one of the transverse bars on the abdomen. Occasionally such a spot or “chromatophore”’ has a distinct central “body” from which run branching and anastomos- ing processes; more usually (Pl. 34, fig. 19) there are two densely coloured and ill-defined central portions of a red colour by transmitted light. The processes are either red or yellow, finely branched, and, in places, continuous with those of adjacent “chromatophores.” By means of a high power the processes are seen to be tubes with a distinct wall, a feature most readily ascertained when the pigment has broken down into small globules separated by clear spaces. We have repeated this observation on a great number of “chromatophores” from different colour varieties, and though the finer arterial branches resemble chromatophoric processes free from pigment, the large blood-corpuscles in the arteries and the indubitable presence of pigment granules in the intact processes readily serve to distinguish these structures. In fact, with practice, the translucent, branched tubes can be seen radiating from a ‘‘ chromatophore”’ whose pigment is retracted into the central “body.” The “chro- matophore” is a structure whose outline is fixed,—that is to say, the processes are limited by a definite membrane. Colour-changes in the animal are caused by movements of the pigment within the chromatophores, movements which may be modified by nervous impulses, but of the nature and origin of which we know nothing. Summarising the more striking features of these colour elements in a red-lined Hippolyte varians, we may point to the presence of red and yellow pigment (and to anticipate, we may add blue) in the same “chromatophore ;” the close relation of these colour elements to certain organs, and par- ticularly to the vascular system; the tubular nature of the processes and flowing movement of the pigments; and the HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 609 fusion of the branches of one chromatophore with those of others. On one point, the histological character of these colour elements, our evidence is incomplete. We have not been able to demonstrate that the pigment spots or “ chro- matophores” are “cells.” In most cases the pigment appears to be stored in connective-tissue lacune. On the other hand, the flowing movement of the pigment to and from a “centre” seems only explicable on the view that these bodies are really cellular. We may point to the recent work by Holmgren and Schreiber on the crayfish and prawn for evidence on this head. Holmgren has shown (1898, p. 409) that in the prawn (Paleemon) the chromatophores are nucleated connective- tissue cells the processes of which are frequently confluent. Both authors describe a peripheral nerve-plexus in close con- nection with the colour elements and the ordinary nerve-trunks. So far we have dealt only with the most prevalent kind of “chromatophores,” but there is another element to which we must briefly refer. At the bases of abdominal pleura, along the mid-dorsal line, on the eye-stalks, and in few other positions a colour element occurs which possesses fine branches radiating from a well-marked central body. By transmitted light these spots are almost invisible to the naked eye, whilst under the microscope they look yellowish or dull greyish green. By reflected light they are brilliant yellow, more brilliant indeed than the yellow of the ordinary chromato- phores. ‘hey are filled with minute granules (often 1 u in diameter), together with a small amount of homogeneous yellow pigment. Similar colour elements are of constant occurrence in allied Crustacea. Leaving the red-lined variety and turning to the brown colour form of Hippolyte varians, we encounter an arrange- ment different from that just described. Under the micro- scope the colour is seen to be due to a dense red network enmeshing the clear cells of the epidermis, and blotched here and there by green patches (PI. 35, fig. 24). Some patches, bolder than the rest, seem to indicate the position of the 610 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. centres or bodies of the “chromatophores.” The network is continuous from one end of the body to the other, and from the right side to the left. By the aid of the microscope the green patches can be resolved into yellow and blue pigments lying in the same! processes: in other parts of the reticu- lum yellow pigment may be seen close to the red. The brown colour, in fact, is due to the superficial processes of “chromatophores,” the bodies of which lie in the subjacent connective tissue and give off other deep intermuscular pro- cesses, which are only revealed after the removal of pieces of the integument. The red pigment is fully expanded, the yellow considerably less, and the blue very slightly. This blue pigment, which we here encounter for the first time, is treated at some length in the section on Nocturnal Coloration (Section V, p. 622), and we need say little about it here, as it plays a much less important part as a rule in deter- mining the tint of the prawn during the day than the red or yellow. Whether, like these, it pre-exists stored up in the centre of the “chromatophores,” or can be, under suitable con- ditions, rapidly manufactured out of the red or yellow pigment, or whether both these alternatives contain something of the truth, we have not determined. Till our knowledge of the chemical nature of the pigments—presumably lipochromes— is extended in the way which Maly (1881) and Newbigin (1897) have indicated, these questions must be left open. To return to our description of the pigment bodies in the brown varieties of Hippolyte. In addition to the “ chro- matophores”’ just described, blue spots in the sides of the body, often visible to the naked eye, are of frequent but not of constant occurrence (Pl. 35, fig. 21). These blue spots occur in other colour forms of Hippolyte —for example, in green and variegated brown specimens,— and the same description will apply to most cases. In form and in size they are most variable. They may be spherical, almost black by transmitted light, and provided with a few short lighter coloured processes, or they may be elongated, ! Or in closely apposed ones. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 611 half a millimetre in length, and delicately plumose. The commonest form, perhaps, is that of an irregular blue net- work somewhat elliptical in outline (Pl. 35, figs. 22, 25). The marginal strands of the network fray out into thinner, lighter coloured processes ; the central strands are thick, and enclose in their meshes a transparent substance. By reflected light the blue spots are pale opaque blue, by transmitted light nearly black. A remarkable feature of these blue spots is that they are very generally separated, optically at least, from the surrounding chromatophoric network by a clear enclosing space. Not entirely, however, for across this clear halo there extend fine greenish-yellow or bluish radiations, continuous on the one hand with the frayed-out marginal strands just re- ferred to, and on the other with the surrounding “ chromato- phores.” Usually two or more of these radiations are stouter than the rest and more obviously continuous with the ad- jacent network.'! They differ, too, not only in being stouter, but also in the character of the pigment which they contain ; for by day they contain red pigment and join the red net- work we have described, whereas at night they contain blue pigment. We refer to this matter, which belongs to the next section, for the purpose of showing that the red pigment must either be concealed by the thick blue granular pigment at the centre of the “ blue spots,” or that the blue must be replaced by red radiations formed out of this pigment. We will now briefly discuss the green and pink colour forms. Specimens emerald green to the eye, examined by light transmitted through an Abbé condenser, appear much paler and yellower in colour; while by reflected light the green assumes a dull dark tone. The body of the prawn is transparent enough to allow the spherical, clearly defined, almost black centres of the ‘ chromatophores,” and the deli- cate close yellow network formed by their processes, to be clearly seen. The black centres have a faint bluish or green- ish halo, and under the high power a delicate blue reticulum d 1 Pl, 35, fig. 25. 612 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. can be seen all over the body of the “ chromatophore,” but particularly clearly at the margins of the “blue spots.” It is the close association of the yellow and blue network— perhaps in some regions the two pigments actually form parts of one reticulum—that causes the green colour. We saw, in dealing with the brown Hippolyte, that it was the network alone which gave rise to the colour of the animal, the greater mass of the pigment of “chromatophores” playing no part in the naked-eye colour, being, indeed, con- cealed by the surface colour. Here, inthe green variety, the same is largely the case, the finer branches and the super- ficial branches of the colour elements alone give rise to the gross colour. In the brown colour form, red is fully expanded, yellow slightly, and blue least of all; in the green variety, yellow and blue are fully extruded, while the red is so densely retracted as to have the appearance of spherical black dots. To complete the comparison, take the case of a pink specimen, the nearest approach to a red variety which the neighbour- hood of Piel or of St. Vaast permits. Here the ‘‘ chromato- phores” are large, moderately expanded, that is to say, the red pigment exists in a coarse network (PI. 35, fig. 25), while, except for the “‘ blue spots,” the blue and yellow are absent or invisible. The general conclusion, which must be of great use in future examination, may be noted: that the colour of the network defines the gross colour of the animal; and that, in any form, great stores of pigment, more or less concealed by the net- work, exist in the intermuscular “ chromatophores.” Section IV. Colour Mutability of Hippolyte varians. We have seen that the young specimens of Hippolyte varians often exhibit colorations distinct from that of adults, and we have shown that the patterns of the variegated forms and the tints of the uniformly coloured specimens are deter- HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 613 mined by the mode of distribution of the ‘‘ chromatophores,” and by the relative degrees of expansion of their contained pigments. We have described some of the more prevalent colour forms, without more than incidental reference to their possibilities of colour-change. That Hippolyte varians is to some extent capable of colour-change is well known (see Kinahan, 1857 ; Herdman, 1892, etc.), so that what we have described as different colour forms are in reality but the most stable phases in animals undergoing a series of colour-changes. We have now to dis- cover the extent of these changes in each case, the conditions under which they occur, and in what way change in condi- tions affects the redistribution or other modifications of the pigments of the ‘‘ chromatophores.” Harlier observers have attributed change of colour to change in the nature of the ground over which the animal is passing, to its change of habitat from one coloured weed to another, and also to a limited extent, in captivity (Pouchet, Malard), to change in illumination. When we remember that such classical problems as the causes of colour-change in the frog and the chameleon have only been quite recently thoroughly reinvestigated—that of the frog by Professor Biedermann (1892), of the chameleon by Dr. Keller (1895)—we shall not be surprised that uncertainty should still exist as to the nature of the stimuli which modify the coloration of these prawns. Professors Biedermann and Keller have shown that colour-change in the frog and the chameleon is produced not by light only, but also by contact of the toes with different substrata, by variations in tem- perature, and by changes in the amount of oxygen available for tissue respiration. These external changes are all effective in exerting a certain nervous activity which is mani- fested by change of colour. We are still engaged in endeavouring to unravel the tangled skein of causes in the case of colour-change of Hippolyte; as yet the only factor the influence of which on colour-change we have investigated with any fulnessis ight. In this section, therefore, we shall 614 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. confine ourselves to the consideration of light as a stimulus to colour-change. Effect of Colour of Weeds on Colour-change in Hippolyte.1—In this section and in the tables appended to it we give some of the evidence we have obtained showing that by replacing weed of one colour by that of another, a sympathetic colour-change may manifest itself in the prawns, though this certainly takes place to a less marked degree and more slowly than we had been led to anticipate. The experiments were made either in our “air-circulator”’ vessels or in dishes placed in the garden of the Piel Laboratory in full light. The colours in the record are those of the prawns as seen when placed, detached from their weeds, in a white porcelain dish, proper precautions being taken to minimise the ill effects of these artificial conditions. We deal here only with the diurnal colours. In case the records of these experiments, which we feel should be given at some length, are too tedious to be read by those not engaged in colour work, we preface them with the following summary. Adult prawns when placed with weed of a new cclour (the light intensity being as far as possible unaltered) are, under the conditions of the laboratory, only capable of very slow sympathetic colour-changes. Thus green Hippolyte placed on brown weed conserve this green colour even for a week or more, but in the end give way and become brown. Their subsequent recovery when placed with green weed is more rapid. We have repeated such experiments in the open, time after time, and have found that the prawns were either quite refractory or responded in this slow manner. Two greenish-brown, large female prawns are fully recorded in Table III, p. 670. They were taken from a number captured on July 26th, 1898, and were placed on the 28th ina glass jar with Zostera (green weed). A muslin cover was tied over the jar, through which a strong current of water was main- tained. From the table it will be seen that the animals re- 1 See Tables I—IV, pp. 660—672, and Summary, p. 651. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS, 615 mained during the first three days of an olive-green colour, but became more transparent. It was only at midday on the 30th, after having been for about fourteen hours in the dark, that a distinct green colour manifested itself. This green colour persisted in the light, and changed on the 31st toa greenish yellow, matching the lower parts of the Zostera stalks. The change in this case from olive-green to bright emerald green, accompanied by an enhanced transparency, is not very great ; but the close agreement of the colour with that of the weed is striking. We have also other records of brown prawns becoming green on green weeds. ‘Thus three adult and three small prawns taken the day before (July 27th) were placed (on July 28th) in a “ water-circulator” dish containing Ulva and other finer green weed, and exposed to diffuse light. One of the adults, a dark “fascigera” mottled with grey, underwent no change during the experiment, which lasted till August Ist. A second adult became of a lighter brown colour, developed a temporary green tint, but became brown again on July 31st, on which day it died. The remaining adult became dark green on the 29th. Of the three small prawns two had become bright green by the 29th. The opposite change from green to brown is well shown in the case of Prawn d in Flask B (Table II, p. 662). On July 22nd this green specimen was placed with brown weed, and on the 25th, after being exposed to alternate diffuse light and darkness, was the same tint as the finer brown weed. A fourth example of our experiments on the influence of the colour of the weed on colour-change of Hippolyte may be given, viz. the effect of red weed (Delesseria) on green prawns (Table IV, p. 672). The microscopic appearances of two green specimens were noted (August 8th). The prawns were then placed with the red weed in a “ water-circulator ”’ jar in the open. The experiment began at 12.30 in bright sunlight, but after half an hour the weather became dull and cloudy. At 4 p.m. one prawn had become of a clear brown 616 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. colour. On microscopic examination the red pigment, which had before been retracted, was now fully expanded, the yellow more retracted. The other specimen was dull green, but had emitted some red pigment. The change was in the direction of a red tint. The failure to assume it may be connected with the fact that this red colour is associated with an absence of yellow, whilst the green prawn possesses much pigment of this colour. The four experiments which may be taken as typical of a large number (pp. 658—669) show that a certain sympathetic change of colour is possible, but that the range of colour muta- tion accompanying change in the colour of the weed is not great, and that the rate of change is generally veryslow. With some forms, notably the small Hippolyte varians, which are always of a bright green tint when living in shallow water amongst the leaf-like branches of Zostera, little or no colour-change attends their transference to weed of another colour. Indeed, in a batch of prawns of any colour there are always a considerable proportion which are un- affected by such changes. We must now return to the first of the three experiments just given, to consider the apparently astonishing result that a sympathetic change of colour from brown to green takes place in the dark. In endeavouring to account for this sympathetic change occurring in the dark, two facts must be borne in mind, for in all probability at least two factors are involved. In the first place, light is not the only efficient stimulus to colour- change, as we demonstrate in Section VII; and in the second place the greening of the brown Hippolyte is attributable, at least in part, to an after effect of the light-stimulus. During the night the particular trend of nervous activity which had determined the diurnal colour, in combination with external conditions, is suspended. The animal during the night assumes an entirely different hue, of which we speak later. On the succeeding day, even though light be excluded, the animal resumes its nervous way, takes up its HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 617 chromatophoric habit at the point where, being overtaken by night, it had been compelled to leave it at the close of the previous day. That this is so we prove in the section on Nocturnal Colour. We suggest that a change owing to change of weed, for example, which may not have had time to express itself before nightfall on the previous day, may make its appearance as a modification of colour on the day ensuing. The argument may seem extravagant, though less so, we think, than the fact, and less, too, when the section on Nocturnal Colour has been perused. Effect of Change in Light Intensity.—Though the prawns offer no quick change of colour in response to colour- change in their weed, preferring ordinarily to change their habitat rather than their habit, they offer a series of re- markable colour responses to well-marked changes in light intensity or light distribution. Professor Herdman has sug- gested that the lack of sympathetic colour-change in response to change of colour of the accompanying weed is attributable, at all events in part, to the dulness of light conditions at Piel. The facts with which we now deal seem, however, to point away from that suggestion. The following observations indicate the pronounced nature of the colour-change which alteration of illumination induces in Hippolyte varians. The specimens, taken (August 15th, between 4 and 6 p.m.) from the trawl or bottom tow-net, were at once divided into four lots, each lot con- taining representatives of the various forms obtained. These four lots were disposed as follows (Table V, pp. 674—676) :— (A) in clear glass jar left standing open on deck, (B) ina glass jar covered with fine muslin, (C) in a white porcelain jar with muslin cover, (D) in a blackened jar with black cover. The jars A, B, C, D all contained fresh sea water but no weed. After an hour the specimens in B (glass jar with muslin cover), and especially in C (porcelain jar muslin covered), were found to have undergone a marked change, whilst those in A (clear glass jar) and in D (dark) were prac- tically unaltered. We have repeatedly tried the experiment 618 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. in the afternoon and early evenings of August, 1898, and always with the same general result. The change in B (muslined jar) and in C (porcelain jar), no matter what forms are contained therein, is in the direction of green or blue. All transitions towards these colours are found, including some so completely modified as to appear of a bright trans- parent azure blue. Speaking chromatophorically, the effect of a short sojourn of the prawns in these jars is a general retraction of the red pigment, and a slight expansion of the blue accompanied by increase in transparency. Brown specimens become green; “ black-barred,” greenish-barred ; “‘red-liners,” green-lined; and pink, mauve. If these speci- mens are kept in muslined flasks, or in white jars with muslin covers, under a good circulation, and supplied with food in the shape of small pieces of weed or dead Crustacea, the diurnal coloration remains green or bluish according as the specimens contain much or little yellow pigment. Whereas if, under the same conditions, a quantity of weed of one or more colours is introduced, the red pigment is extruded ; bluish-lined and barred prawns becoming black-lined and black-barred, and some green ones turning brown. The greening effect is also well shown by a short exposure of Hippolyte varians of different tints in a white porce- lain dish either to diffuse light, or—in which case the result is more marked—to sunlight or incandescent light. The change is very rapid, a few minutes’ exposure being sufficient to induce the green or blue effect. Some of the evidence for this is given on Table VI (Light Intensity, Expt. 2), where the chromato- phoric changes are also recorded. Five brown prawns were chosen. They were placed, one (E) in a black jar; another (F) exposed to sunlight in a glass dish on a black plate; a third (I) in glass jar half filled with dark grey sand ; and the two remaining prawns (G and H) in a white porcelain dish. The experiment was begun in the garden at 12.30, in cloudy weather with occasional gleams of sun. At 2.30 Gand H had lost most of their brown colour and had become greenish, G particularly; I was altered to a darker brown; F was HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 619 unchanged, and EH had gained transparency and a slight green tint in the middle of the body, but was otherwise un- altered. Hxamination showed that in the two (G and H) which were green the effect was due to retraction of the red and extrusion of the blue, which with the yellow already out gave the green tint. These two (G and H) were now put into the jar standing on the black plate, and at 4.50 and 7.5 p.m. were full dark brown; while E and F were transferred to the porcelain dish, and at 4.50 were greenish brown. Thus we see that alterations of light intensity and of the distribution of light act as powerful stimuli to colour-changes ; that light of low intensity scattered evenly from the surface of the vessel produces a retraction of the red pigment and an evolution of the blue (possibly also of the yellow) —in other words, a green colour—during the hours of daylight; that light of low intensity, either absorbed by the walls of the vessel or unequally scattered over its interior, effects the full expansion of the red pigment, and to a less extent extrusion of the yellow. Hippolyte avoid high hght intensity by creeping under the shadow of the dish. It is noteworthy that when, how- ever, they are compelled to submit to it—placed, for example, in a porcelain dish in the open—the high light intensity pro- duces a green effect; whilst if the prawns be similarly ex- posed, but in a dish with a background which absorbs the light, the red is maintained fully expanded, or retracts but gradually. Effect of Monochromatic Light.—Having ascer- tained that the distribution of a pigment in the “ chromato- phores” of Hippolyte varians is profoundly influenced by the quantity of hight, we next endeavoured to determine whether the quality of the light to which the prawns were exposed exerted any similar effect. For this purpose we employed the Landolt ‘ Strahlenfilter” already described. As sources of illumination we used, in some cases, diffuse light, in others incandescent gas-light, and again in others bright sunlight. The colour-screens do not transmit abso- 620 F, W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. lutely pure monochromatic light, but the quantity of light other than that of the colour desired is not considerable, and has been accurately determined by Landolt. In none of our experiments did we obtain evidence that the coloured light exerts, by virtue of its quality, any positive influence on the diurnal conditions of the pigments. Hven when bright light of high intensity was reflected on to the filters by means of mirrors, the results were exactly those which we obtain by subjecting the animals to very dim hght or darkness. The prawns exposed to approximately pure red or blue light rapidly became of their nocturnal colour (Sect. V). Green light has, however, less effect. Table VI, p. 678, gives the result of experiments with differ- ent coloured lights compared with those made by varying the light intensity. Specimen A, a light brown Hippolyte, in which the red and yellow pigments were well expanded, was put at 12.20 under a red colour-screen, through which daylight was transmitted. - At 1.5 the pigmentary condition had become entirely altered. The red and yellow were retracted and replaced by blue. As far as the colour was concerned the prawn was now a “nocturne” (as we explain in the next section). The same change occurred in another specimen (D) placedin blue ight. Those in the green light ' (B and C) had up to 1.5 shown no change; while the brown prawns (Gand H) in white porcelain dish had become green, and one on grey-black sand (I) from brown had changed to an even darker tint. At 2.30 G and H were transferred toa glass jar standing on a black plate, where they became and remained dark brown. At 7.5 p.m. all the prawns in the coloured lights were blue (“nocturnes”’), those in the porcelain dishes were greenish, and the others, on the black surface, brown. Our other experiments confirm this result, that coloured lights, if they produce any effect, cause a retraction of the red and yellow pigment and expansion of the blue, accompanied by increased transparency; in fact, the result is the blue colour normally induced by the darkness of night (see Summary of Experiments on p. 652). HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 621 It might be thought that this surprising result is due to the “light filters” transmitting a very feeble light, practi- cally only equivalent to dimness. We have endeavoured by the use of incandescent light and reflectors to bring the coloured light up to a high degree of intensity, and the results are the same as when daylight is employed. We conclude, then, that whereas light-intensity plays a considerable part in determining the colour patterns, the quality of light has no effect; a conclusion which harmonises with that derived from our observations on the small effect of different coloured weeds in modifying the colour. It seems, then, that this small and very slowly effected change is in all probability due to response to the different intensities of the light reflected from the differently coloured surfaces of the red, green, or brown weeds. A possibility, however, remains—that the quality of light may exert a directive effect on Hippolyte; may, failing to cause it to change its spots, cause it to change its position. Though we have endeavoured to obtain evidence as to the truth of this conjecture we have not yet succeeded. So far as our experiments have yet proceeded we find that, though the possession of a “colour sense” has been ascribed to so lowly a Crustacean as Daphnia, we have no need, even though we had the desire, to make a similar demand on behalf of Hippolyte varians. We may, therefore, refrain from discussing what exactly the term ‘‘ colour sense’ would imply with respect to a Crustacean. Conclusion.—Hippolyte varians is a parasite on sea- weeds and zoophytes. On these it finds both food and shelter. Its prime object in life is to anchor itself. Once fixed, rather than release its hold it will allow the ebb-tide to leave it stranded. By its immobility it has grown into its surround- ings and become coloured like them. Should it be forcibly separated from its favourite weed its movements become of an aimless sort. Its nervous system is thrown out of gear, so that it does not, at least for a time, exhibit the phytotaxic irritability which we believe it (for reasons given on p. 594) to possess. VoL, 438, PART 4,—NEW SERIES, xx 622 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Hippolyte exhibits marked sensitiveness to changes of light-intensity, but offers no rapid positive response to light in virtue of its colour. At least three kinds of colour-change must be distinguished. First, the slow sympathetic colour- change which accompanies a change in the colour of its weed. Second, the rapid changes produced by altering the light intensity. Third, a periodic habit of changing from the motley of the daytime to blue at night. We deal with this habit in the next section. Section V. Nocturnal Colour.—Nocturnes. Hippolyte varians, living in the so-called “ Lami- narian zone,” is subject, owing to tidal movements, twice every twenty-four hours to change in illumination. At high tide, the animals may be living in comparative obscurity beneath twenty feet of muddy water ; whereas later in the day, in the season of spring-tides at all events, the prawns may be exposed in shallow pools to fulldaylight. Since Hippolyte seems not to wander far from its food-plants, and since, moreover, as we have shown, it is very sensitive to change in light-intensity, there will doubtless be daily changes of coloration in the prawns in response to these periodic altera- tions in light. We find, in fact, that at very low spring- tides in summer, which always ebb about 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., prawns from the Halidrys beds are of a lighter tint than those trawled from the same spot in several feet of water. A careful study of colour-changes of the littoral fauna would probably bring to light many cases showing response to recurring alterations in illumination. A much more important colour-change than that which we have just recorded is effected by the daily alternations of light and darkness. Every evening, as darkness comes on, Hippolyte gradually loses its distinctive diurnal colour. In summer the change begins about 9 p.m., in winter at about 5 p.m. Toward this or that time, according to the season, a HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 6238 reddish tint—a sunset glow—the foreshadowing of the change, makes its appearance. This is followed by a green tinge which spreads fore and aft from the middle of the body. The green colour gradually melts into blue, and a general increase of transparency sets in. Thus, as darkness falls, Hippolyte is seen to become of a wonderful azure blue colour and absolutely transparent, except in the region of the liver and stomach, which are now very clearly visible. The depth of the blue colour varies in different specimens ; in some it is almost indigo, in others the faint azure of a sky at sunset (Pl. 33, figs. 10, 11). During August or September specimens of Hippolyte in the laboratory or tankroom undergo this change in one and a half to two hours, during December in about one hour. Prawns in this nightly condition, exhibiting a deep yet transparent blue colour, we propose to call nocturnes; those which become more transparent, greyish or almost colourless, “orey” or “colourless” nocturnes. The term semi- nocturne may be used to designate the antecedent phase during which the animal is green and semi-transparent. We give a few cases to illustrate the change. A “red liner ” (fig. 14) becomes green-lined in twilight: and in dark- ness, faintly blue-lined on a highly transparent ground. Ina “ black-barred ” specimen (Pl. 33, figs. 12, 13) the transverse markings become deep blue, standing out boldly against the transparent intervals. Dark brown forms become bluish green and ultimately deep transparent blue. Red specimens become first mauve, then colourless or bluish. Green forms pass quickly into the blue nocturnal condition. To show that this nocturnal change occurs in Hippolyte living under natural conditions we give the following extracts from our diary : I. August 20th, 1898. Dredged with strong tow-nets over the Halidrys bed at Piel, 9 to 9.30 p.m. Tide low, night dark but clear. Result :—All Hippolyte were nocturnes when examined at the moment of capture by the light of lamps carried in the boat. During the return trip they were 624 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. exposed to this light, and many recovered to their diurnal tints, but several were still quite blue and transparent when recorded again in a white porcelain dish in the laboratory. II. November 22nd, 1898. Mr. Andrew Scott (Curator of the Piel Laboratory), working during a very low tide on an exposed bank called the “Scar” at 5.30 a.m., observed that the prawns in the tide-pools were brown, green, and pink. The morning though dark was starlight; the moon, being in her first quarter, shed little ight. III. December 15th, 1898. On the Scar from 6 to 7.30 p.m. Very low ebb. Night clear, calm, and starlight. The ‘Hippolyte collected in the pools consisted of nocturnes and “ diurnes”’ in about equal proportions, while those trawled in two feet or so of water on the outer side of the bank were all full nocturnes. IV. December 16th, 1898. On the Scar by 6.30 a.m. Very dark thick weather, calm with misty rain. Poor ebb, only a small portion of the bank showing above water. All specimens obtained by hand-nets in the pools and among the weeds were nocturnes (some transparent and colourless). Dawn commenced about 7, and by this time some of the Hippolyte showed partial recovery to their diurnal tints. As it grew lighter the proportion of these increased, until at 7.30 to 7.45 none but fully recovered specimens were to be found. These facts establish the conclusions that the transparent and usually blue nocturnal condition of Hippolyte varians is due to a normal and nightly change, that the change occurs while the prawns are still on their beds of weed, -that the twilight before daybreak may be sufficient to induce a recovery of the diurnal colour in prawns occurring close to the surface of the water, and that the recovery is usually to be associated with the dawn, and gradually affects those indi- viduals which may be a few feet below the surface. Hippolyte varians is not the only Crustacean in which we have discovered such a nocturnal change. In the same hauls which contained several nocturnes of this prawn we have HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 625 frequently obtained specimens of Mysis (Macromysis neglectus and M. inermis’) of a transparent bluish-green colour, and other Mysidee of a highly transparent, colourless appearance, which recovered to a more or less pronounced brown colour on exposure to light. Pandalus annuli- cornis, which varies in colour during the day between green and red, exhibits a transparent and colourless (or slightly yellowish) nocturnal aspect. Other species of Hippolyte (H.spinus and H. pusiola), brightly coloured by day, have a faint bluish and very transparent nocturnal coloration. We are not aware that this recurring colour-change at night has been previously described in any Crustacea, but the observations made by Verrill on several species of fish (1897) show that they exhibit, when asleep at night, a colour and position very different from the tints and attitudes which they manifest during the day. On bringing a number of nocturnes of Hippolyte varians into the light, or on flashing a lighted magnesium ribbon over a dish containing them, the prawns recoil from the light with a sudden and violent start, and swim actively about. When rapidly examined under the microscope by incandescent gas-light their “chromatophores” undergo such speedy change, that in a minute or less the transparency has gone and the diurnal colour returned. In winter, however, the change is generally much slower, so that it is possible to examine them even with high powers and to discover the source of the blue colour. The transparency of the body is wonderful, and, as Professsor Sars found in 1867 to be the case with Mysis, greatly facilitates the study of their anatomy. ‘The outlines of the individual strands of muscle, the connective-tissue networks and bridles, the muscles of the heart and its ostia, the arteries and their branches, with the blood-corpuscles swiftly flowing along them and returning more leisurely by the veins, the gills, the alimentary canal, the nerve-cord, the optic ganglia, can all 1 We are indebted to A. O. Walker, Esq., F.L.S., and W. I. Beaumont, Esq., for their kind aid in the identification of these Crustacea. 626 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. be seen, but as though immersed in a clear blue stain. The “chromatophores” are reduced to shrunken blobs of a blackish colour, distributed under the alimentary canal, along the nerve-cord, on the optic stalks, and scattered through the connective-tissue networks. The ‘ chromato- phores” are separated from one another by comparatively wide spaces, and are each surrounded by a delicate blue halo; a most delicate and intricate blue reticulum connects these halos one with another. It is this reticulum which gives the blue tint to the nocturne. The blue network is strongly, perhaps chiefly, developed in the muscles. The excised muscle of anocturne is of a brilliant blue colour. In speaking of the prawns as seen in the daytime, we alluded to the stores of chromatophoric pigment which occur in the muscles. In some specimens of a faint blue colour to the naked eye, the blue tint becomes invisible when viewed by the powerful light concentrated by a sub-stage condenser, and in all cases the tint appears much less vivid under a microscope than to the unaided eye. The result of a large number of observations on the ‘‘chromatophores ” of nocturnes shows that the red and yellow pigments are fully retracted, forming irregular blackish masses. By reflected hight the centre of each “chromatophore”’ shows as a dark red mass with lighter yellow patches, the whole enveloped in a blue pigment (PI. 36, figs. 33, 34). In some specimens strong reflected light reveals peculiar coloured vacuoles at the “centres.” ‘The nature of these “vacuoles”? we have not investigated. During the examination the blue colour fades away from the reticulum very quickly, and becomes concentrated round the centres. The colourless branches of the ‘‘ chromatophores ” may now be seen as the yellow and then the red pigments flow outwards into them (Pl. 386, fig. 33). By reflected light the “ chromatophores ” now look green, with a bluer margin. The further succession of events is difficult to record, as several rapid changes take place simultaneously ; but it is HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 627 worth while noting that the “blue spots,” plainly visible during the height of the nocturnal phase, are during this period clearly continuous with the general blue reticulum, being connected therewith by branches which radiate from the centres of the blue spots across their clear surrounding “halos.” As the recovery to the diurnal tint progresses, these branches become red and join the now red network. The blue substance has the homogeneous appearance of a pigment in solution. It takes but a limited share in the coloration of the prawn during the day. The ventral denser sheath of “chromatophores” and, in many specimens, the thoracic limbs are the portions in which it chiefly persists in the diurnal phase. It is interesting to note in connection with the general lower light-intensity during the winter, that more blue is observed in the same colour varieties of Hippo- lyte varians during December than in July and August. Whether, however, all the blue of a nocturne consists of pigment extruded from the “chromatophoric” centres in which it is stored during the day: or whether there is an actual transformation of one or all the other pigments into blue, are difficult questions. Extracts of five brown specimens and of five brown ones in the full nocturnal phase in equal quantities of 90 per cent. alcohol gave approximately simi- larly coloured (red) solutions. This tends, as far as it goes, to show that the red and yellow pigments are not metamor- phosed. But more suggestive of a similar conclusion are Hxps. 1 and 2, Tables I and II, showing that the nocturne may pass in a remarkably short space of time over into the diurnal phase and back again to the nocturnal one. We have nothing, however, to say here concerning the difficult matter of the origin and relations of the pigments, though we hope subsequently to follow up this as well as some of the many other lines of investigation to which these colour-phenomena point (see Newbigin, 1897, 1898, and authorities quoted). So far we have dealt with the natural nocturnal colour in- duced by darkness. We must now consider certain means by which the assumption of the nocturnal phase may be hastened 628 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. and the recovery from it postponed. In the previous sections we proved the sensitiveness of Hippolyte varians to changes of light-intensity. By exposing prawns in muslined or porcelain jars, or in white dishes, to bright light in the open or to incandescent gas-light, a change of colour to green was shown to be induced. We can now show that by con- tinuing the experiments on freshly caught specimens till evening, the green colour deepens into the blue nocturne phase. In fact, the readiest mode of inducing the nocturnal condition is to place some prawns in a white jar, to cover the jars with muslin, and to add only a scrap or two of weed to serve as food. Placed under a current of water the specimens assume the nocturnal hue fully an hour or more before others in clear glass vessels. The following morning, at an hour when other prawns freely exposed to diffuse light have fully recovered, some of those in muslined jars are still nocturnes, and these generally exhibit a preference for clinging to the under surface of the muslin close to the light. Similar experiments made in December, 1898, with flasks enclosed in a double fold of white muslin, with and without green weeds, show that a green colour becomes habitual with originally olive, blackish, and brown specimens, and that this colour readily passes into the nocturnal tint during twilight. It would seem, indeed, that in captivity specimens live better in winter than in summer, and acquire and retain their nocturnal colour more readily. Scattered white light, then, predisposes the prawns to change in the nocturnal direction. In this ight, which is markedly different from that which the animals experience whilst hanging or lying motionless on their weeds, the colour- patterns, which their habitat has in some way or other im- pressed on them, are lost. Nothing could more clearly show that the maintenance of the colour-patterns in the normal prawns is the work of the nervous system ; though why the nervous system fails to maintain the sympathetic coloration under the peculiar light-conditions just indicated is beyond us to explain. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 629 So far, we have considered the nocturnal condition as induced by darkness, or facilitated by the use of muslin covers on the jars containing the animals. ‘This phase may, however, be effected in bright hight. If specimens of Hip- polyte which have stood for some hours in a white dish, or which have just been caught, be exposed towards evening in a porcelain dish to the full glare of the incandescent light, they (in most cases) gradually assume the characteristic nocturnal colour. These “ light-induced ” nocturnes differ in several points from normal nocturnes, in which the phase has been induced by waning light. They are no longer keenly sensitive to moderate changes of light intensity ; when placed in the dark or in dim light, if any colour-change at all occurs in them, it is of the nature of an emphasis of the nocturnal colour. In fact, the only means by which a fairly rapid recovery of these “ light-induced nocturnes” can be effected is the very drastic method of illumination by the light of a sub-stage condenser. For these reasons ‘“ light- induced nocturnes” have a peculiar value in experimental work, and we have used them extensively for determining the effects of stimulation on colour-changes. It may be urged that the expression “ light-induced nocturnes” is a misnomer, or at least far-fetched. If the criticism is delayed till after the section on periodicity has been perused we think that it will prove unfounded. We describe the phenomenon here in order to collect together in one section all the facts we have discovered concerning the conditions under which nocturnal colour is assumed ; we offer the explanation later, since it is only in the light of other phenomena that these can, we think, be interpreted. Recovery from the Nocturnal Condition. — The facts bearing on the recovery of natural and artificially in- duced nocturnes require further discussion. Do nocturnes always recover to the diurnal tint of the previous day ? Have they the power, at the moment of recovery, to assimi- late their colour with that of new weed if, meantime, they have left weed of one colour and attached themselves to 630 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. another of a different tint? Does prolonged darkness pre- vent their recovery? ‘To some of these queries we are in a position to give fairly confident answers. The long records of Flasks A and B (p. 658) furnish evidence on the first and last of these questions. Unfortunately, recovery can only be studied in specimens in captivity, since it is impossible to mark down prawns at large and find them again in the morning; but, speak- ing generally, dark-coloured and boldly marked varieties (lined and barred colour-forms) recover precisely to their former tints; and in cases where the colour is not the same as that of the previous day the change is curiously enough often in the direction of the tint of new weed placed with the nocturnes the night before, even if the recovery takes place in vessels completely screened from light. Returning to the change of colour in the dark we will quote a case in detail (Flasks A and B, July 22nd to August 4th, 1898, pp. 664—667). We may consider specimen d, which exhibits changes from brown through green to red. One of two small brown Hippolyte varians was placed at 5 p.m., July 29th, in the flask with much Delesseria san- guinea (which was, however, greenish red and not full claret- coloured). The flask was exposed to diffuse light. On the morning of the 31st, up to which time the prawn had exhibited no colour-change during the day, it was “ semi- transparent, brownish.”’ The flask was covered with black cloth in the evening of the 31st. At 10.80 the next morn- ing (August 1st) the prawn was light brownish green. The Delesseria sanguinea was now replaced by finely branched red and brown weed, the prawn appearing to choose the red. The flask was covered on the evening of the 1st, and at 7.20 a.m. (2nd) Hippolyte was pale brown with a reddish tinge. At 10.5 a.m. this tinge was scarcely perceptible. The change toward redness, be it noted, took place in the dark, and so cannot be considered as being due to a sympathetic colour reaction. The cover replaced at 10.5 a.m. (2nd) was removed at 2.5 p.m., and the colour of HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 631 the prawn seen to be unaltered. Once again the cover was replaced till 4.30 p.m. (2nd), when examination proved the prawn to be a nocturne of a delicate blue-green colour. After ten minutes’ exposure to diffuse light the nocturnal colour gave place to a dull pinkish brown (tail reddish). On August 3rd, 9.35 a.m., after having been covered from 4.40 p-m. of the previous day, the prawn was seen to be very transparent, middle of body pale greyish red, tail brighter red. Four minutes’ exposure in a white dish sufficed to diminish the redness; exposure for one hour considerably reduced the transparency. No further change occurring, it was put with fine plumose red weed (3.50 p.m., August 4th) and exposed to diffuse light. At 10.30 p.m. it had passed from ‘faint red transparent” to dull brown. On August 5th it had become bright red, and on this day it fell a victim to a larger prawn in the same flask, a fate which overtook not a few of our experimental animals. Another case may be given from our experiments. At 1 pm., August 14th, 1898, four green and four brown Hippolyte were taken and placed with some Zostera in a current of water. At 4.50 p.m. six were greenish and two brownish. They were at once covered and placed with finely divided red weed. At 9.30 p.m., during momentary examination, two nocturnes were observed. The next morn- ing at 10.50 a.m. all (except one very transparent greenish specimen) were brown with reddish tinge, while three were markedly reddish. Replaced in the dark at 10.50 p.m. all were nocturnes. The next morning two were nocturnal, two greenish brown, one light brown, and one yellow-brown. Green weed was now put in. They nocturned again at night, and the fol- lowing day four were transparent and green, the rest brown. With reference to the changes occurring during the course of this experiment, the following remarks may be offered. A prawn of a colour other than green which recovers to green (in the dark), especially after being in captivity a day or two, does so, not in reference to any weed, but because it is being acted upon by two impulses, one to full recovery and 632 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. the other to the retention of the nocturnal phase. Green, in fact, is, in this case, incomplete recovery. Red, on the other hand, is a colour specially induced during the diurnal phase by light of low intensity, and at the onset of the nocturnal phase; while dark brown is nothing more than the extreme expansion of red, in a prawn well provided with yellow and blue. A change in the dark, therefore, from green to brown or from pale brown to reddish brown (such as we have just shown) indicates, in the evening, the oncoming nocturnal hue;-in the morning or afternoon the recovery therefrom to the diurnally pigmented condition. Changes of colour, then, occur, and some of these changes, though they occur in the dark, are of a more or less “ sympathetic” nature, i. e. changes which tend to effect a match between the creature and the weed. ‘The experiments, however, seem incon- clusive ; and not these only, but many others which we made with a view to settling this curious point. We believe this inconclusiveness is not due to faulty methods, for the experiment is of the simplest kind, but in reality indicates the nature of the explanation. Colour- changes occur in the dark, to and from the nocturnal hue. Greenness is frequently the mean between the daily and nightly extremes. Normally in the dark, then, it will be possible to catch a brown prawn going over to, or passing from, the nocturnal condition, either in a reddish phase, or in a green phase, or as a transparent blue nocturne, or in a fully recovered brown stage. Hence the fact that some brown prawns kept in the dark with Zostera appeared green is capable of explanation. Change in the opposite sense may also occur, a green prawn becoming brown in the dark, for what we call a green prawn has no well-marked colour in- dividuality ; it may have been and indeed often has been, during exposure to hght of low intensity, of a reddish-brown colour. At the moment of examination, after dark exposure, it may be found as a nocturne presenting a remarkable colour contrast to the weed on which it hangs.! If the ebb of the 1 Pl. 33, fies. 10, 11. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 633 pigments is giving place to the flow, the animal may be seen green, or, if the flow be at the full, reddish brown or brown. The prawns in the dark are shown, in the next section, to be continually passing to and from the nocturnal condition, and their colour at any moment depends on the point which the colour pendulum has reached in its periodic swing. If there is any colour phase more stable than another, it is that which characterised the animal during its last light experi- ence, and hence it is to that colour-form that the animal most frequently reverts after a nocturnal bout. Whether the nocturnal condition in any way favours adaptive coloration, whether it be but a defect of the quality of a nervous system highly strung to colour attunement, a phenomenon of fatigue, or whether it be but a reminiscence of a pelagic habit either of the species or of some period in its own life history, we have no means of deciding. We have contented ourselves with describing one of the most beautiful and striking sights imaginable, a medley of colours swiftly passing into one harmonious hue. Conclusions on the Nocturnal Phase.—Contrary to Pouchet, we find that night induces a very distinct phase in the cycle of colour-changes of which Hippolyte varians is the subject. The same striking contrast between diurnal and nocturnal coloration is exhibited by species of Mysidee and by Pandalus. Pouchet himself, while denying, as we have seen, that darkness has any effect in altering the “fonction chromatique” in Crustacea, cites a couple of experiments, one with two young lobsters, one red and one blue, and the other with some dark, freshly caught shrimps, in which darkness produced in the red lobster a blue, in the shrimps a white coloration (1876, p. 152). The nocturnal phase is distinguished by the disappearance, or rather retraction, of all save the peculiar blue pigment, and is associated with great transparency of the tissues. In some cases the blue colour of the network is suppressed, and an almost colourless or greyish appearance results. The phase commences as darkness sets in, attains its full development, 634 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. and then passes away with the dawn. The time of the year, the particular atmospheric conditions, and the special nature of the coast affect the time at which the full nocturnes occur. Recovery is determined by the same factors, In August and September we have noticed at Piel and at St. Vaast that the change has usually taken place by 10 o’clock, or in captivity by 11 p.m.; while the resumption of the diurnal colouring occurs at an early hour of the morning. In winter (December) the times have been found to be 6 o’clock at night and 7 in the morning, though on a clear early morning in November (at dead low water) recovery may have taken place by 5.30 to 6 a.m. If this conclusion be, as we believe, correct and new, then it follows that the full appreciation of the causes underlying colour-change in any particular case, is not possible until a large body of experimental work has been gathered together on this and analogous groups of reactions. The nocturnal condition, especially the antecedent greening, may be induced artificially by exposing the prawns to uniformly scattered light of low intensity. It may also arise towards evening in “light-induced nocturnes ;”’ that is, in prawns which are exposed in por- celain dishes to powerful incandescent gas-light. Nocturnes artificially produced show marked loss of irritability. We have evidence that the nocturnal phase is a peculiar state with respect to organs other than those of colour. The muscular and connective tissues are much enhanced in trans- parency, and the heart-beat is nearly twice as rapid (about 240 per minute) as it is during the day (150 per minute), which facts point to a nervous condition very different from that which obtains during the day. To establish these changes in detail we require a much larger body of facts on the normal nocturnal condition than we at present possess. The distinctive blue colour is only one of a number of changes affecting the whole body, and it may prove to be the least significant character of ‘‘nocturnes.” We have some evidence that during the nocturnal phase the metabolism of AIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 635 Hippolyte differs in an important manner from that which obtains during the day. Indeed, we are prepared to say that the nocturnal state opens up a new chapter in biological investigation, and that by a study of this condition increased knowledge of the succession of metabolic events may be gained. Section VI. Periodicity of Colour-change. Hippolyte of the most diverse hues become nocturnes at evening. Daylight invests them once again with their motley. Change of light-intensity ushers in either colour- change. As light waxes the diurnal colour appears; as it wanes, the blue. Change of light-intensity is, we have shown, an efficient stimulus to colour-change. No other factor of their environment, as far as we have discovered, so profoundly affects the colour-state. It might therefore be concluded that the morning and evening changes are due, and solely due, to increase or decrease of light-intensity. Recovery from the nocturnal state seems, however, at times to anticipate the dawn, though this might be supposed to be due to the exquisite sensibility of Hippolyte in the nocturnal phase. But the colour-change occurs, though light-conditions are constant ; in other words, the change is periodic. The idea of periodicity is familiar to the botanist and physiologist ; the former knows it to be a function of growth itself, and of the “sleep”? and other movements of many sensitive plants ; the latter recognises it as characteristic of the metabolic pro- cesses in higher animals. The only case among Invertebrates in which periodicity has been claimed to manifest itself— though it cannot be said that it has been demonstrated—is that of the ascent of small pelagic animals to the sea-surface at night, and their descent to deep water during the day. The argument in favour of the periodicity of this movement lies in the behaviour of the Southern Plankton borne into northern waters during the short arctic summer. It is stated (Walther, 1893, p. 148) that, though the light-intensity re- 636 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. mains relatively high during the night, the vertical movements of the Plankton still continue. By periodicity is meant that rhythmic use breeds rhythmic habit; that by recurrent change of light or other stimulus the organism comes to manifest the phenomenon of movement or other change, to lapse again to its former condition, and to repeat this sequence at regular intervals although the stimulus be withheld. In the case of the colour-changes of Hippolyte, change of light-intensity is the efficient stimulus. By this stimulus the red and yellow pigments may be expanded. By the stimulus resulting froma lowered light-intensity these may be retracted and replaced by blue. If these changes are a func- tion of the time, i. e. if they are truly periodic, they should exhibit themselves when light-conditions are constant. This they do. We will not stay to discuss whether a mental pic- ture of the process can better be obtained by likening the phenomenon of periodicity to “memory” (see Darwin and Pertz., ‘ Annals of Botany,’ vi, p. 262), or to a persistent after- effect of precedent stimuli, but proceed at once to give evi- dence of the fact. his evidence is derived from experi- ments on the effects of continued darkness and continued light on the prawns. Effect of Continued Darkness (Table IX).—In each of four “ air-circulators” three specimens of three similar colour-forms were placed. They were fed with pieces of other prawns. The eyes of the prawns in two of these flasks (B and D) were amputated. Flasks A, B,and D were covered (by double folds of close black cloth); C, a control, was exposed to the light. The experiment lasted from Septem- ber 3rd, 10.80 a.m., till September 7th. During each exa- mination necessary for recording, the black cloths were lifted for the shortest possible time—usually about fifteen seconds. In the afternoon of September 3rd, the prawns in the covered vessels showed distinct change in the direction of transparency and greenness, one or two being nocturnal. The prawns in ©, the exposed vessel, showed no colour- change. In the evening all in the control and inthe covered HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 637 vessels were nocturnal, though the depth of the nocturnal tint varied. ‘Those in the former were all nocturnes of differing degrees, the latter were fully nocturnal. The next day, September 4th, 12.30, soon after noon all the specimens had recovered ; those in the covered flasks had completely regained their diurnal tint, and even the amputated specimens had ac- complished the change as fully as the rest. This had come about while the interior of the covered flasks was absolutely dark. In the evening (9.50, September 4th) the amputated speci- mens were clearly behind the others in assuming the nocturnal phase ; indeed, the two specimens in Flask D as yet showed no signs of its appearance, while the remainder were full “nocturnes.” On the next morning (September 5th) the amputated prawns were brown or reddish brown, the normal ones in the covered Flask A were transparent green, and the control specimens in C had assumed the tints they started with on September 3rd. In the afternoon the only change was an increase of transparency in Flasks D (covered), C (control), and a slight greening effect in the latter, so that the normal prawns in A had not fully recovered their diurnal tints. At 7 o'clock (it bemg only dusk) C (control) was in the transparent green stage; the remainder were all nocturnes, some fuller than others. At this point the experiment was directed from the effect of constant darkness to ascertain the effect of short exposure to incandescent light. The most note- worthy point was that the recovery of the amputated speci- mens was as complete as those of the normal controls, but that result is beside our present object. The experiment shows that although the Flasks A, B, and D are kept in constant darkness, yet there is the same succession of diurnal and nocturnal colour-phases as is characteristic of the prawns under natural conditions. It also shows that darkness has some effect in retarding the normal times at which these phases recur, and in weakening them. Further evidence of the periodic colour-change is seen in Table X (constant dark experiment, August 26th to 28th, 1898), and von, 43, PART 4,—NEW SERIES, YY 638 F, W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. is especially well shown by the brown specimens in “ water- circulator”? B and those in Fiask Aa (pp. 686, 687). Other experiments with the same object show that the longer continuous darkness is employed, the more it seems to wear down the periodicity ; so that, after a few days, noc- turnes may be found at almost any hour of the morning. Moreover an extraordinarily irritable condition supervenes, in which Hippolyte rapidly responds to alternations of lhght and darkness. Thus (Table I, specimen A in Flask A) a large specimen, which had been under observation since July 29th, and in the dark most of the time, at 7.15 a.m., August 2nd, had recovered slightly to a vivid transparent green, and after two and a half hours’ exposure to diffuse light, had become brown. It was now covered again, and at 2 o’clock was already almost fully nocturnal, and was then exposed to light for half an hour, and once more regained its brown colour though not fully. It was now put in the dark, and at 4.15 was a good nocturne, but lost much of its blue transparency during ten minutes’ exposure to light. Whether more prolonged, more complete exposure to dark- ness would result in the formation of permanently nocturnal Hippolyte we have not determined, but experiments lasting twenty-four hours, eighteen, and thirty-six days, made by Professors Brooks and Herrick, on Palemonetes varians (1895), showed that in all three cases when the dark chamber was unsealed the prawns originally of a shade of light brown or brownish green had become nearly white and looked bleached. Unfortunately these authors give no information as to whether recovery took place, their object being to test the effect of darkness on the colour of the newly hatched larve, and on the pigment of the eyes of the young and of the mother. They found that there was no appreciable dif- ference between the colour or the optic pigment of these larvae and of others born under natural conditions, but that in the eye of the parent prawn continued darkness had pro- duced a remarkable migration of the pigment and distal retinular cells outwards towards the cornea. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 639 Effect of Constant Illumination (Table VIII, p. 683, and Summary, p. 652).—A series of ‘ water-circulator” glass vessels covered with muslin were placed in porcelain dishes against a background of white cardboard. The cur- rent of water circulating through the vessels kept the temperature low and fairly constant. The vessels were illuminated by incandescent light, but a source of error was admitted by our inability to screen the vessels from diffuse daylight. An experiment was commenced on September 3rd with six brown, yellowish-green, and red specimens. ‘The lamp was lit at 5 o’clock, and at 9 p.m. all six were nocturnes. The next day at noon the prawns had recovered to an emerald green colour, which was maintained till 6 o’clock, and at 9.50 p.m. had passed again into the nocturnal blue tint. The next day (September 5th) at 11 a.m. the prawns were green, but in two cases had recovered in the tail region to a grey or greyish-brown colour. At 7.30 p.m. two were noc- turnes, two were sick and moulting (a constant source of loss of specimens), two were transparent green (Table VIII, p. 683). In another experiment (made on August 26th and 27th) the diurnal phase continued during the times of observation, but the majority of observations on the effect of incandescent light at night (as was pointed out in another connection on p. 629) tend uniformly to the conclusion that it does not inhibit the recurrence of the nocturnal phase, at any rate for the first two nights; though here again we do not know the effect of long-continued illumination which occurs in nature, for example during the summer on arctic shores. It might be urged, however, in regard to these experi- ments, that the occurrence of nocturnes should not be con- sidered as evidence of periodicity (which is our view), but as indicating the power of response of Hippolyte to a very small difference of light intensity. or, during the day, the observation dishes are exposed to a certain amount of diffuse light (reduced as far as possible by drawn blinds) in addition to incandescent light, while, during the night, the latter is alone operative. This objection may be met by an appeal to 640 F, W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. the previous experiments on the effect of continuous dark- ness, where the only source of error is the brief exposure of the animals to light during the recording of their condition. If the periodicity were more perfect, it would be possible to eliminate this source of error by leaving the animals in con- stant darkness for a long time, and then opening some flasks at morning, others at midday, and so on. Unfortunately the periodicity is far from perfect, the habit is but imperfectly acquired. After prolonged dark-exposure the animals may appear in the nocturnal phase at any hour of the day. Other difficulties in the way of bringing this method to a successful issue are the facts that the prawns eat one another with pro- voking frequency, or die moulting only too often. But we appeal also to another class of facts, against the hypothetical criticism that the constant-light experiments may only show that the prawns are extremely susceptible to small changes of light-intensity. In the first place, we have no evidence that when the light-intensity is already high this susceptibility is a fact. In the second place, we have the evidence of the “ light-induced nocturnes” already described which we must now discuss. Prawns exposed to a bright light—the incandescent—reflected from a porce- lain surface pass rapidly into a green colour phase, and toward evening they become brilliantly nocturnal. Toward morning they revert to their green colour, which is the “diurnal colour” of prawns subject to this high light-in- tensity. Viewed in the light of what we now know of the periodicity of colour-change, it no longer appears a paradox that change towards darkness or to increased light-intensity should result in the same nocturnal coloration. The habit is the dominant factor in the change. Prawns tend to “nocturne” toward evening, and the tendency is sufficient to overcome the antagonistic direction which the light stimulus would and often may induce. Just as a cup of black coffee at evening may be inefficacious in disturbing the periodic function of sleep in men, so, too, the stimulant light may fail to dominate the nocturnal tendency in the prawn. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 641 Further, as black coffee served out to a number of men may here and there succeed in effecting wakefulness, so we find that in a batch of prawns subject at evening to high light- intensity some individuals maintain their diurnal colours and habits, whereas others are proof against the excitant. Indeed, in devising the experiment of constant illumination we anti- cipated that the prawns would, by reason of their periodicity, resist the stimulus of light, and were delighted to find our expectations realised. It may be urged that in the colours of deep-sea Crustacea we can observe the effects of long-continued darkness, and that such forms exhibit no permanent nocturnes. Now, in the first place, we are not prepared to assert that continued darkness does induce permanent nocturnes. We know that other organisms exhibiting periodicity pass, after a certain exposure to constant-light conditions, into a state of rigor. In this state of rigor induced by constant darkness, the organism may assume a condition more like that which it normally displays during the day. So it may possibly be with Hippolyte. The colour-rigor, if such occur, may possibly be more like the diurnal than the nocturnal colour-phase, though the observations of Professors Brooks and Herrick, already cited, on Palemonetes varians tend to show that, in the case of that animal, a condition akin to that of our “nocturnes” is effected by prolonged darkness. In the second place, although the briliancy and depth of tone of the red coloration of the arctic and Norwegian deep- sea species of this and allied genera, adds point to the possibility which we have just indicated, yet we suggest that before the colours of deep-sea forms can be appealed to, these colours must be observed with more precautions than have yet been taken. We have seen how the colour of a full nocturne may give place almost instantaneously to the diurnal condition; hence, before any statement can be made as to their natural colour, the deep-sea Crustacea must be protected from light and other disturbing influences on their way to the surface. Even “shock,” as we shall show, 642 Fk. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. may profoundly modify the colour; and though we do not presume to say how these difficulties can be overcome, we would point out how small a value colour-records possess, when made without these precautions. Indeed, the existing records seem to show that colour- changes may occur during the ascent of the trawl. Not a few of the Crustacea figured by Milne-Edwards during the “Talisman ”’ expedition show the red in patches on a more transparent ground. Another good case we quote from Prof. G. O. Sars. In describing the Crustacea of the Nor- wegian North-Atlantic expedition the author refers (p. 32) to Bythocaris leucopsis, a prawn allied to Hippolyte. The colour is a “ magnificent rosy red, a trifle more intense at the end of each segment of the posterior division of the body. Extending across the middle of the carapace is ob- served, moreover, a large irregular saddle-shaped area of a dark bluish colour. Again, the “ Albatross” brought up a prawn, Benthesicymus Tanneri, from eight hundred and sixty fathoms, which showed a considerable amount of blue colour; and Professor Faxon, in reporting on the pecu- liar spottiness of the colour, makes the suggestion ‘that the unique coloration of the deep sea prawn may be due to a change of colour undergone by the animal as it was brought up into the full blaze of day” (loc. cit., p. 255). Conclusions.—During the night, Hippolyte varians exhibits a condition markedly different from that shown during the day. The most striking feature of the nightly condition is the colour (nocturne) ; though other peculiari- ties, such as the state of nervous irritability and the in- creased rate of heart-beat, accompany the colour-change.! The complete colour-cycle, from diurnal phase to nocturnal and back again, is completed in about twenty-four hours. Experiments in which the animals are subject to constant light, as well as those in which they are kept in constant darkness, show that the change is periodic; that is, it 1 Other changes in the muscular system and digestive-gland, accompany the nocturnal phase. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 643 declares itself when the external stimulus—change of light- intensity—is cut off. The ‘dark-induced” nocturnes are very susceptible to light-stimuli, the “light-induced” nocturnes are on the contrary refractory to them. The periodicity is worn down by constant light-conditions. Though we have evidence that the final phase of long-continued exposure to constant conditions of darkness is one nearer the nocturnal than the diurnal state, we are not prepared to state that this is the case. Blinded prawns exhibit periodicity, though often the phenomenon is complicated by the immediate effects of the operation. The shock does not appear to wear off com- pletely, since prawns, whose eyes have been rendered func- tionless by section of both optic stalks, are longer in performing the complete cycle of changes. The possibility of permanent nocturnes and of “ colour rigor” must be borne in mind in investigations on the colour of deep-sea Crustacea. Periodicity, which we believe is a new fact in colour physiology, may turn out to be a phenomenon of very wide occurrence among animals with contractile ‘‘ chromato- phores.” Section VII. The Control of the “Chromatophores:” the Parts played by the Hye, Central Nervous System, and by the Chromatophores themselves, in effecting Colour-change. The fact that Hippolyte varians is ab any moment of the day or night passing towards or away from the nocturnal condition must be reckoned with in any attempt to explain alteration of the chromatophoric condition. In discussing, in the last two sections, the effects of external agents such as differently coloured seaweeds and varying light-intensities we pointed this out. We have now to keep it in mind whilst endeavouring to trace the nature and the course of the impulses which play upon the “chromatophores” themselves. That the “chromatophores” respond independently of the 644 F. W. GAMBLE AND £. W. KEEBLK. central nervous system, and to that extent directly to light, the pigments flowing into the branches from the centre, was shown by cutting off appendages and making camera draw- ings of a selected pigment spot. In one case the antennal scale of a greenish prawn was cut off, and a “chromatophore”’ carefully observed and drawn at short intervals. Twenty- three minutes after the first drawing, the red and yellow pigments had considerably expanded and penetrated into the branches. In another case, Pl. 36, fig. 86, a chromato- phore was chosen from a prawn which was undoubtedly dead after the first sketch was made ; the heart had ceased to beat and the scaphognathite had stopped. Thirty-five minutes afterwards, when the last sketch was made, the red and yellow pigments were still actively spreading into the branches. To make the crucial test of the direct power of response of a “chromatophore ” it should of course be completely severed from all its nervous connections. ‘This we have not yet done, and consequently the results of the observations just quoted cannot be regarded as definite proof of a direct response of the chromatophoric pigments to changed light conditions. We employed several methods in attempting to render the eyes functionless without causing shock. First, we tried to render the cornea opaque by means of a mixture containing Indian ink, which when dry is insoluble in sea water, but the difficulty in maintaining the respiratory current whilst allow- ing the cornea to dry, and the uncertainty that light is totally cut off from the retina, made us abandon this method. We succeeded better by painting the eyes either with a solution of collodion in ether, or with silver nitrate, and the results thus obtained were confirmed in animals blinded either by snipping off the eyes near the base of the eye- stalks, or by pinching the optic ganglia with fine forceps. Different specimens of Hippolyte varians exhibit curi- ously different degrees of shock under the operation. Noc- turnes, for example, either remain motionless and strongly bent, moving erratically if at all, or immediately find their legs and exhibit little outward sign of discomfort. Ampu- HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 645 tation of one eye produces little effect. In the dim light or towards evening, prawns thus treated often become beauti- fully nocturnal, and recover quite symmetrically when brought into light. Amputation of both eyes causes, in a large proportion of cases, in brown specimens, a sudden appearance of the green colour, and, if the specimens be then put in the dark, a rapid transition to the nocturnal colour (Table XI, p. 689, Specimen G). In speaking of periodicity it was pointed out that amputated specimens nocturne and recover, though somewhat irregularly, and we can now bring additional evidence to confirm this. The preliminary green effect which often followed all our methods appears due in part to shock ; more largely, however, to suddenly cutting off the light by way of the eyes (some, however, became reddish). The most complete evidence of the behaviour of prawns when amputated or “nitrated” in comparison with normal control specimens is given in T'able XI, pp. 688—691. Thus G, originally a dark brown form (August 19th, 12.45 p.m.), became greenish after removal of the eyes, and by 3.50 had become nocturnal. It was then placed in a white porcelain dish and exposed to daylight in the open till 7 p.m., after- wards to the incandescent light. By 9.30 both G and BE (a specimen whose cornea had been treated with silver nitrate) had become semi-nocturnal, while the normal control specimen (I*) was now a full nocturne; that is, the speci- mens whose eyes had been operated upon had become nocturnal, and then in part recovered before the time of nocturning of uninjured specimens. G recovered fully by 9.50, H in two minutes, and both were now put with F in a muslined jar. At 10.40 p.m. G@ and E were again nocturnalish, I nearly full nocturne. Another example is C, which appears to show in addition that amputated specimens respond more slowly to change of light-intensity than do normal ones. ‘The specimen operated upon (C), and a control (I), were placed in a vessel beneath a Landolt lght-filter arranged to transmit red light. C, originally put into red light at 3.50, had, together with the 646 F. W. GAMBLE AND F, W. KEEBLE. control (I), become greenish or greenish blue at 7.10; but when again examined at 9.5 p.m. the normal specimen was (as is usual with uninjured Hippolyte) a full nocturne. (C) was partially nocturnal, but recovered to brown after five minutes’ exposure to white light. Both these experiments show that the difference in beha- viour between amputated and normal specimens is due in part to the effect of shock, in part to the loss of sight, and hence that the direct action of these changed light conditions on the chromatophores themselves is negligible. A series of camera drawings of amputated nocturnes exposed to light, Pl. 35, figs. 29—32, exhibits the flow of red and yellow pig- ments from the centre to the branches of the chromatophores. So far we have dealt with the results of the elimination of the eye’s action during the diurnal phase. Amputation of the eyes of a full nocturne at 9.15 p.m., August 5th, caused no immediate colour-change, nor had any change occurred at 9.40 nor at 10.25 p.m. Stimulation by Section of the Ventral Cord, by Ether, Electricity,and Change of Temperature. The nocturning and recovery of amputated specimens indicates that the periodicity does not reside in the eye and optic ganglia, but is a function of the rest of the nervous system. The colour-effects produced by the response of this system to various forms of stimulation have now to be considered. A very curious result is obtained by section of the nerve- cord in the middle region of the abdomen just below the “hump” or line of flexure of the tail. The behaviour of nocturnes may first be mentioned. The cord of a large full nocturne was cut just below the “hump,” and the prawn was then exposed to light in a white porcelain dish. The tail region recovered first and almost immediately after the operation. The head recovered some- what later, while the middle part of the body retained its nocturnal colour after half an hour’s exposure to light. The sudden shock may be pictured as setting up impulses which, besides effecting violent contraction of the swimmerets, HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 64:7 inhibit the normal tonic impulses which hold the red and yellow pigments retracted. ‘The tardiness of the middle region of the body to recover is perhaps due to the structural peculiarity of the nervous connections with the chromatophores of that region, since, in the course of recovery of intact animals from the nocturnal condition, the middle region is frequently bluish green when the head and tail are brown. Returning to the effect of section of the cord in intact Hippolyte, we record the result in a brown specimen which was put in the dark after the operation. At 7 p.m. it was examined and was found to exhibit a full nocturnal tint behind the eyes, while the region of the tail, just in front of and behind the line of section, had remained brown. In this connection experiments made by immersing Hippo- lyte in a mixture of ether and sea water, may be mentioned. Intact and eye-amputated (brown) specimens react to this mixture in a similar way. ‘They exhibit no immediate colour- change, but when taken out and placed in a current of sea water a green effect frequently appears just behind the eyes and extends back to the hinder end of the carapace, the remainder of the body resting unchanged or becoming lighter and more transparent. Intact specimens, in twenty minutes or so, revert to their original colouring or remain somewhat hghter. Amputated specimens exhibit the green effect more conspicuously as a rule, but also recover ina short space of time. An even more marked change of the same kind is obtained by painting the eyes with collodion. Here the operation is complicated, involving blindness and ether-poisoning. ‘The green effect took place all over the body (on brown speci- mens), but subsequently passed away. A second coat re- induced the change, from which, as well as from the ether- experiments, it seems clear that the green effect is due to the action of the ether on the central nervous system—possibly (in the case of painting the eyes) on the optic ganglia. The action of the interrupted electric current is somewhat similar. Thus if a “light-induced nocturne ” is exposed to 648 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. a fairly strong current for thirty to sixty seconds, no imme- diate result follows, but if replaced in water (when it les motionless except for the beating of the swimmerets) it soon loses its nocturnal colour and transparency, the tail becoming brown in half an hour, and the head either brown or green, while the middle region retains the nocturnal effect longest, as in stimulation by high light-intensity. On green specimens, thirty-seconds exposure to the interrupted current is fol- lowed, after a lapse of half an hour, by a brown coloration. In order to determine the mode of action of the current, a green specimen was taken from a jar placed in the same hght-intensity as that in which the induction coil was stand- ing. The body was cut across the middle. First the front half was stimulated, examined after the lapse of ten minutes, and found to have extruded some red pigment and recovered brown. Ina similar way the tail-half recovered. In other cases the latter was stimulated first and recovered to brown while the former remained unchanged. These results tend to show that the interrupted current acts through the ventral ganglia, or on the chromatophores directly, and not through the cerebral centres. Finally a simple but distinct effect follows a sudden ex- posure to high or low temperature. In one experiment, of three light-induced nocturnes, one was placed in water at the temperature of the laboratory (60° F.), a second in water cooled by a jacket of ice and salt to 8° C., and a third in water standing at first at 93° F., but falling in five minutes to 83° F. The experiment began at 9.20 p.m., August 6th, and in five minutes the first had recovered to greenish brown; the second was unchanged; the third, though appa- rently killed, was and remained for hours, if anything a more brilliant nocturne than before. After thirty-five minutes the nocturne in cold water showed traces of recovery, which, however, was not fully completed after an hour’s interval. Conclusions.—In addition to light, other forms of stimu- lation—ether, or recovery from its effect, electricity, cold, shock—may affect a change of colour in Hippolyte varians. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 649 While changes in the quality and intensity of light act no doubt to a large extent through the eyes, other of these agents must have acted independently of these organs, and appear to influence the central nervous system directly, and through it the chromatophores. We have, however, some reason for believing that a redistribution of the pigments in these bodies may take place independently of nervous control. Apart from the periodically varying action of the nervous system, it seems probable that any condition of the chromatophores is largely maintained by impulses passing to them from the nervous system. ‘he impulses passing from the optic ganglia to the “ brain” cause repeated alteration of those received from the ventral ganglia. When, for example, by amputation of the eye the optic impulses are cut off, profound changes occur often immediately ; changes which result in a retraction of red pigment, and even in extrusion of the blue. Recovery subvenes. ‘The central nervous system would appear to reassert itself and reassume its presiding influence over the chromatophores. Two considerations only remain: how can the phenomena of periodicity and of the nocturnal phase be interpreted in terms of utility ? and of what practical importance are they in further studies of the colour-changes of Crustacea? On the first pot we prefer to say nothing till we have learnt more of the habits of Hippolyte varians and of its nearest allies. We require to know, for example, whether periodicity is acquired during a lifetime, or is transmitted as a quality of the bodily structure of the larva; whether any of these prawns are or were naturally pelagic during the whole or part of the day; whether, in the particular instance of Hippolyte varians, the change from the free-swimming larva to the quasi-sessile life of the adult is accompanied by the appearance or modification of these phenomena. It igs conceivable that the “nocturne” is a nightly reversion to the blue-green colour so characteristic of pelagic animals ; - that the whole purpose of the wonderfully elaborate chro- matophoric system is to enable the prawn to respond to 650 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. changing intensities of light; that the nocturnal phase of colour (or colourlessness) is an extreme expression of the contractility of this system—is a defect of its qualities; and that the daily life of the prawns’ colour-work is “rounded with a sleep.” The other question, of the practical importance of pe- riodicity, is one which admits of a more confident statement. It is clear that this phenomenon has to be borne in mind in the description of any colour at all, and especially of any colour-change induced by stimulus; and that since the colour-condition of the animal is a function of the time of day, that time of day must be taken into account before conclusions can be drawn as to the real effect of the stimulus in question. (An abstract of this paper has appeared under the title “The Colour-physiology of Hippolyte varians” in the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ January, 1900, vol. xlv.) HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 651 Section VIII.—Summary of Experimental Records. Name of Table. : experiment. Object of experiment. Results. I Weed colour experiment 1. Flask A II | Weed colour | experiment 2.| Flask B IIL | Weed colour experiment 3 IV | Weed colour | experiment 4 V | Light. intensity experiment 1 To test result of placing Hippolyte of one colour with weeds of | a different tint Same as that of Table I Same results. No evidence that the colour of the weed as such has any effect. Changes of colour, referable in every case to a daily cycle of colour-change, influenced to some extent by the illumination. Irritable coudition on Aug. 2nd seen iv A, B, and C, followed by rapid changes to and from the nocturnal state of colour. The changes to green and to red noticeable in specimens A and d respectively occur in the dark, and therefore cannot be due to the colour of the weed, although in both cases the change was in the direction of the colour of the weed. To test result |The two Hippolyte exhibited rhyth- of putting two greenish-brown Hippolyte varians and one Spironto- caris pusiola with green Zostera Two green Hippolyte placed with red Delesseria in the open mical nocturnal changes, and assumed during the day a bright emerald-green and greenish-yellow tint matching the leaves and stalks of the Zostera. These changes took place as well in the dark as in the light (see July 30th, 12.30 p.m., and Aug. 2nd, 10.10 a.m.), and therefore cannot be attributed to the colour of the weed. Spironto- caris remained throughout of a trans- parent bluish colour. In 34 hours one became brown, and showed expansion of red pigment on being examined microscopically. To test result |Begun 4.6 p.m.; examined 7.30 p.m. of placing freshly caught Hippolyte under varying light intensities Dim scattered light produced by covering a porcelain pot with muslin is most favourable to the induction of “nocturnes.” A muslined glass jar produces a green colour. Clear glass jar standing exposed to full daylight and black covered jar produce very slight changes in the Hippolyte placed within. [In some of our more recent experiments (1899) nocturnes were found in the black covered jar, but muslined porcelain always is most favourable. ] with blinded Hippolyte 652 F. W. GAMBLE Table. Name of Object of experiment, experiment. VI Light- _|To test effects of intensity | different light- experiment 2} intensities compared with that of exposure to red, green, and blue light ; on the diurnal and nocturnal conditions | | Vit Coloured To test effects light of green and experiment | red light on nocturnes VALET Constant To test | illumination | periodicity of experiment | colour-change IX Constant To test the dark experi- | periodicity of ment 1 colour-change in normal and blinded specimens D.¢ Constant To test dark periodicity experiment 2 XI | Experiment | To test effect of removal of the eyes, and of otherwise blinding the prawns, on periodicity of colour-change AND F. W. KEEBLE. Results. 1. Effect of red and blue light on “diurnal”? prawns is to produce ‘‘ noc- turnes.” Green light had no effect. In the control-jars a more or less green colour was produced, especially in the porcelain ones. 2. Nocturnes pro- duced and maintained though sub- jected all night to red, green, and blue light derived from incandescent gas flame. They persisted till next morning under these conditions. ‘‘Light-induced nocturnes” also ob- tained by allowing Hippolyte to- wards evening to remain exposed to light in porcelain dishes. Next morn- ing, however, they had recovered. This experiment also demonstrates * periodicity,” in that the habit of the animal enables it to assume the noc- turnal hue in spite of the continued illumination. As in the previous experiment, nocturnes under bright red or green light persist all night and next morning in this condition, only losing somewhat of their transparency the following after- noon. Contrast with control speci- mens which recovered next morning. Periodicity shown by the fact that all the specimens became nocturnes the first evening in spite of the constant illu- mination. Partial recovery ensued, and this was followed by complete nocturning in three cases. The same occurred the following day. Periodicity shown. The blinded ones nocturne and recover more slowly than the normal. Proof lies in comparison with behaviour of a specimen (C) ex- posed to natural alternation of night and day. Periodicity clearly shown, especially in the small brown specimens in Flask B, those in Flask Aa, and in the water- circulator B. Experiment shows that periodicity per- sists though the eyes are rendered opaque or removed. The nocturnal colour is assumed and the recovery to the diurnal tint effected as in normal specimens, but more slowly. - (or) or Go HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. APPENDIX. EXPERIMENTAL 'T'ABLES. List of Abbreviations. Colours. —Since each of the terms brown, blue, green, red, covers such a wide range of colour, it is necessary to define more exactly what we mean by them. By brown is meant the colour of the brown seaweeds (Fucus, Halidrys, or Laminaria); by green, emerald green (of Zostera); by red, a claret colour; by blue, various shades of indigo. Yellow (when seen by transmitted light) is a straw-colour, but by reflected light yellow is the most brilliant Indian yellow. By this illumination “frosted effects” are often recorded. By this term we mean a bright almost sparkling colour, suggesting a reflecting substance. The yellow, whitish, and blue markings (invariably quite on the surface of the skin) are of this kind. By transmitted light such markings are dull and greyish. Topographical Terms.—The body of Hippolyte varians has a hump in the middle of its back or tail. As this point of flexure is often distinctively coloured some term is necessary, and ‘‘ hump” has the merit of being clear and short. The two flat scissor-like blades of the antenne are spoken of as the ‘antennal scales.” As the body is frequently of one tint in the middle region (usually from the stomach to the hump), and of another in front of and behind this central portion, we speak of the “Mid,” “ Ant.,” and eid!’ Ground Colour.—Apart from the obvious ‘‘ chromatophores” the body fre- quently appears to possess a ground colour possibly due to diffused pigment, possibly to very fine chromatophoric branches. Chromatophores.—The apparent form of these bodies alters as the pigments flow outwards from the centre or retreat towards it. When the pigments are maximally contracted they form irregular masses of one or more colour, and the chromatophores may then be described as ‘‘ contracted,” though the term applies rather to the pigment than to the chromatophore, the actual form of which is probably unaltered. In this condition the pigments (by reflected light) often show what look like ‘‘ coloured vacuoles ” (see supra, p. 626), the nature of which is uncertain. As the pigments flow outwards the form of the chro- matophore appears to change from an irregular to a “stellate,” and then toa *‘branched” one. The branches unite with those of neighbouring chromato- phores, and so may form a network in which the “ centres” are unrecog- nisable. Blue Spots.—These spots, described on pp. 610, 611, may be surrounded by a clear ‘ halo ” or transparent envelope crossed by ‘ radiations,’ some of which (red or blue) are usually thicker than the rest. Ant. The region of the body in front of the stomach. VOL. 43, PARTY 4,.—NEW SERIES. Tay 654. F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Ant. scales. The blades or scales of the antenne. B.s. Blue spots. Chrom. “ Chromatophores.” Covered. Means that the vessel in question is protected by black cloth from the light. Drip. A current of water flowing through an experimental vessel. Ground. Short for ground colour. Hind. The posterior region of the body from the “hump” backwards. L.3.3. Leitz’s system, 3 ocular and 3 objective. Mid. The central region of the body from the stomach to the ‘“ hump.” Noct. Nocturne. Ntwrk. Network produced by anastomosing branches of ‘‘ chromatophores.” R. By reflected light. Recovery. Resumption of the diurnal colour after the nocturnal phase. 7. By transmitted light. Transp. Transparent. Uncovered. Means that the vessel in question is left exposed to diffuse light. 655 i VARIANS. HIPPOLY'T ‘u9eis YSINTq “y ‘papuedxa Ajeyerepout ‘yovlq \L ‘por gavd ut ‘yacoa\jou ontq “ystn[q-ueerS “yueredsueary, “0S°6 paumexg “(onyq ssay faaueets ‘yuoredsuvay a10ut 2) aka poyen 0} Alaa0v01 OU (G6 TV o0I—8 F# A9zBm WI OSG 9” pIorid (1) "urd 086 aq qista mnaconat (9) JO soat4ua0 ou ‘uaars -pox [ap YIOMIOUW “AY AOA SOUL = 11e ‘Apoq [v4jueo OU *Y, Moos pue ‘teers ‘poysouy ‘MaedS YsInyq YLoageu |‘pert “1oagzou [fuses yavp “yovlq ysomye “yy euy Art0A yytas “moTpak YIM uaerS ystmorjek punors *y| punoas +7, pow apissuoye Ajquereddy Sutk] soyoursq meats ‘pPABMJNO SatjM9O WAZ YSItIIeIS SurutoDeq | “TLOAT[D SWOS ‘Sa1}UD pat PUR ‘UIEIS ‘mor[o4 | quelyiag yi “utoayo AraAo ysoumye “yy! UOOULO4 FB UI sv sayojed eer8 YAIM WNTNOYAI pat asoo[ fsaTONoVA OINIG-oTYAM YIM pot yup “| MOTIOA “yy, AMO -oq oes ‘AroAooar [eyyaed 10978 poutmex| — = = avy WH | uses UMOLQ UMOIQ euinqoou YSIUMOIg pury, ‘wae1y JIB | ystuMorg Wa | Jeter “wid SLOT ‘wd OL‘OL we'd OT ~u'd cfg ule O88 Re ee ee ee WO “SNy “QU SIT JUdOSopuROUT \YStuaeds YqTAs soyoqed ytomyou saroyd vB UT poy -OFEUIOIYD aMoyjoo punoas ee "I a1doosos01 yl auou ouoaed 10 9]49UT -SUBL, yoryq INo]oo -UMOIG [eatauex) “urd ¢ “aut] oyyM ou (;) *“youlq-uMorqg asavy ‘SUOIJIPUOD eUINooNT dtoyy Jo pue ‘oyAjoddiy UMoAg omy, Jo sploooy ordoosorory 268] ‘Hig isapoy ‘gq YSVIq Woud (Z) aNV ({) SNaWIOadg (‘g99 ‘4 ‘TT e1qeL 0288) ‘aquooay YOOTOS) AO A1dNVXi W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. i 656 ‘giqistaur Aycvou wnypnoyet ‘ora u90a3 [[Np "Y quieyz ystuaois "yy “VuIRy ‘mINNOIYea soovd ur winner | ontq fueedS | morjeé wnynoryer f anyq-aorpad ystaopja£ fonjq guoavd punoas *y, punoas “J, -suvay oped *y, pur ‘uy worsad [THD "UOISad [ILS qynoqe “g00u Ayarez pue ‘gue “goou A[jnz jou ‘onyq yu £UMOIG PUTT arvdsuvay oe ‘par yaup mnnoyet £punoas ystumorq “YT pea unjnoros £ moypoXk ayud anojoo puno1s *y, UAOIG WIR AA mOOU.A4 FB UI SB yromgou pot asojo Mou f pad &q paovidoa Saag suLoas “Y90T “md 086 “we 08'S ‘U40L “suy (x10mjou qsinyq up) anqq atud ‘e043 —_— Ytomgou ony) ystmoyjos +7, ad aly qS5'H UMOAG u0018 yang UMOA ysiniq “quod sapuRour “wid OL urm g—g LYyV ‘qysta Sulinp pred §quoredsurag you £ u90dS8-oAT/O | YAwp JUEM UWOIYVAIOSqO Jepuy *SUOTZBIPRL ony Furey YT on FySIAq “yY *suo1qe -IpBI ONT FUIVF puv soTey youry -sIp yqIa sjods onjq osavy ZL, sjods ony{q "yy OTBy yourgstpul YqtAy “Tp BUIs souduavo 10 ‘e 10 Z ‘Maz “I, au0u 10 9[941'T uMOIg ‘mdg *jeuanqoou Fo Lr9aodaa 4yLSts (ura OZ) aul} EWOS JOIZB f YOO[I,O J AV AozVA YT YLep ur youg gud 05°6 patiwmexg ‘oaniq ssay f1queat3 fyua1edsue.ty aout 2) aka paxeu 0} A1aA0da1 OU 08'6 IV ‘wd CP's *o0I—8 98 dojem Wl 0g'6 38 PIRI (T) ‘urd 9g"6 | “ure 0g'8 “W401 “SUV T oansodxo eyo} £ paseo ‘urepeodod ut oou0 4v gud “qry ‘urd e101 “urd OVO “S5I[ JUaoSapuRKoUy ystumorq AJourystp Surut09eq sv 4I ftojzv soqnuiM QT poulmexe * oqnutot wey} “qstp opUL FYSNog [jvus Z IMopoo punoas o1dooso.01 yy fouoaed SURAT, Inojoo [erouer ‘aut ory & (,) aka MOTEq T pus puryeq T ‘apis youe uo sjods onjq Z ‘aga “QULT} “MOT4VA -rasqo Sutanp acuvyy sjods oniq ‘w'd OL ee ‘ad ¢ ‘(ponuljuo0d) GxoOoTY ANOLOY AO WIdNVXUf 657 HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. “9UlI} UOTywAadtosqo pa.aaa00 Sump paraaooaa | SV Sty A[repnoraed yon —_ peorday | sqoqq anqq YI} UI spua pa sosva ‘sojonova ystmorjes | autos uy ‘woaryo par en{q WII s.10y40 “ontq d10Ul 10 J UI SuIpus AY Si1q “37 TIM amos “ped Yrep “yep Soaar ontq aqSqy “yy qourystput *sassoooid sossao0id SUOTJRIPVA YStMo]ja£ yoryy gatos Ontg I STT GIT ‘soyey Yaup TM “paa Yap 7 ‘asavl ‘snotemnu “J, |yoelq-antq “J, sayoqed studels uvyy Iasiry yng SuIplwuUrood ‘satfoqo[q, ystusars IV[NGITAL YIM twanynoMat ‘pat "7 sayoqud *soponova ystmorjek £41248 soyouesq ystuaais aNTqA YOM wos ‘sopvy ontq YIM pea yaep “y YIM pat “YORlA “pozowrqgar *mMoayo * J |‘ozepNoyYo1 “iL THOL “wd 0g'6 “WHOL “mre Og'g | skaprpe yy UMOIG PUT BI94SO7 040 ‘awly ueais “MOIQBA.LaSqoO V | a9 fore Surmp pewaoouy) |AS{q ur gnd puv peraaooug|! 4e paaaao0g sosuvyg satpuviq ontq YO Surpues osye ‘pat soys -asioy JO pua £ suolzenorqea aniq ‘sayouviq sSuryerpet auy YyIA. gods ontq eoys -astoy B fsqo[q pax o10ut to g Ul Sutpuea [je Ajrwou “y) aay pus Auryq YOR]G-on[q Yavp *y| snoswny | sgods ong so[ONOvA poepurdxe mood A[qu.apisuoo ou ‘paa YIOMZou “MOLY “UIU |‘paqgovaqgad yy aso[o as G—T 109FV | pot Yup, | Surmtoy pay} *moryy | aesepimy) wor wde ‘aut ogg & (,) 658 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste I.—WEED Piel, July 29th, 1898, Flask A, Air Circulator.—Hippolyte varians behind Piel Castle. Weeds at first brown, then green, July 29th. July 30th. ‘ July Bist. 10 a.m. 9.30 p.m. 1.15 p.m. 3 p.m. 10 p.m. 9.49 a.m. aa ers | A. @ fasci- | Transparent Very | Light clear | Faint olive- | Faint olive- gera, light | pale blue-green | transparent, | brown brown, not | — brown brown (nocturne) greenish; | bluish head and tail brownish B. 2, dark Transparent | Light blue; |Added at 5 p.m. Light Greenish brown with | light blue, ant. dead (Sa odark transparent blue ; white mid- and hind olive-brown ; no| blue; brown | extremities dorsal line |brownish (semi- white stripe | at ends of brown nocturne) body C. 9, dark Blackish ; Dead; y. 2 light Light Clear dark brown, almost pleura of bluish in mid, jolive-brown; no} transparent | olive-brown black, with | abdomen trans- white stripe | blue; brown white dorsal] parent blue at extremities line D. 9, light | Light trans- | Light olive- = Light Dead; olive-brown, | parent blue; brown transparent | opaque; light without white|brownish at ends blue; faint blue line of body brown at ends of body E. Small, dark Fairly Dark blue — Transparent Dark blue transparent ; dark blue | purplish clear blue-black brown; blue | at margins F. Small, blue- Bluish Greenish _ Light | Greenish green brown greenish blue — brown G. = = = = | = H. Weed Covered with | Uncovered Weed changed;) 6 and y dis- — Weed Halidrys;| black cloth /green Entero-|tinctly darken changed; flask left | morpha and | after 2 mins. brown uncovered | Ulva added | exposureto Dictyota gas-light; | and green | covered Ulva; | uncovered HIPPOLYTE VARTANS. Cotour Hxprriment 1. and the variety fascigera, taken from Halidrys in Bass Pool, then green and brown, then brown, and lastly red. July 31st. 10.15 p.m. Transparent pale olive- brown ; slightly green in mid. /Ant. and hind | brownish ; mid. clear deep blue Dead Dark brown ; blue at sides of body Dead Covered 10.15 a.m. Semi- transparent light brown Ant. and hind dark brown ; mid. bright green Added mauve Opaque brown with mauve tinge Covered August Ist. 4.15 p.m. Ant. and hind.) light brown ; mid. brownish green, especially on | abdominal | pleura Ant. and hind brown; mid. semi- transparent greenish brown Transparent light blue ; margins dull mauve; ant. and hind dark reddish Added Small green Opaque dull greyish brown; mauve margins Ulva re- moved, now only brown weed. In evening ex- posed to gas; uncovered 10 p.m. Ant. and hind brownish, semi-trans- parent and bluish on pleura Very trans- parent blue- green to tip of body (full nocturne) As at 4,15 Green Greyish mauve; sick ; moulting Covered August 2nd. 7.15 am. 10 a.m. Transparent | Full light green | brown and brownish extremities Vivid trans- Full parent green ;! brown faintly brown at extremities Transparent | Pale light blue, mauve with trace of mauve Yellowish Bright green green Dead Covered Exposed to diffuse light till 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Tail to hump brown ; rest of body | greenish blue| Greenish blue; espe- cially blue anteriorly Mauve, with blue tint ; transparent Bright green Exposed to diffuse light 2—2.30 660 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste I.—Wurp Corour August 2nd. | August 3rd. August 4th. 2.30 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 4.25 p.m. 6.25 p.m. 930 am. | 3.5 p.m. 2.5 p.m. A. Light Transparent Brown, Unchanged) Brown Brown, Brown olive- green-blue | except for | fairly brown ; (nocturne) ; |trace of green trans- | no green, tail faint | on hump and parent slightly brown 2 patches | trans- behind eyes | parent | B. Dull Nocturne ; Brownish, |Unchanged Brown Brown Brown greenish | tail greenish | fairly trans- brown brown parent; dull in front; green in hump faint mid. greenish; behind brown C. Darker Nocturne; | Mauve-pink, Bluish Bluish to |Full blue Dead reddish tail faint no blue hump, (sick) mauve, pinkish behind not blue reddish grey D. Bright Bright green| Bright green| Bright | Light green | Light | Dull green green green | green E. Covered Exposed to | Put in dark | Uncovered Uncovered Un- |Left in white 2.33 diffuse light | 4.30, at 4.45 6.30 9.35; fresh | covered |porcelain dish 4.15—4.25 | exposed for Dictyota with scrap of 2 mins. ; (brown weed) weed till no change; added 2.40 re-covered 4.47 eo ; HIPPOLYTE Flask A (continued). EXPERIMENT 1. August 4th. August 5th. 2.40 p.m. 10.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 2.32 p.m. Dull brown; |Transparent ;|Uniform dark} Greenish behind hump,| light bluish brown tinge and antennal| green; ant. scales green and hind light brown Olive-green | Same as A Clear = “Fucus brown ” Bright Transparent | Dull green Bright transparent greenish green green Light Brown with | No record | bluish green,| green mid. | transparent ; light brown ant. and hind Yellow-brown Brownish, Grey, Behind eyes | No record freckled with] transparent;| dull brown white antennal scales freckled grey VARIANS. August 6th. 6.25 p.m Light brown Mid. greenish ; ant. and hind brown Record closed Greenish yellow | Tohump | dull brown, | behind hump dull grey- brown Uncovered Brown weeds} Uncovered Uncovered |F examined taken out and put in micro- and red porcelain dish} scopically ; Odonthalia for 2 mins. | uncovered put in ; uncovered August 7th. 10.30 a.m. Record closed Brown, darker on tail; hump greenish Record closed No change Uncovered August 8th. 3 p.m. Dead. Dead. 662 F. W. GAMBLE AND. F. W. KEEBLE, Taste I].—WeEeED Flask B, Air circulator July 22nd, 1.30 p.m., not covered. | ee \a. 2 deep brown with long white stripe; had been on Ulva; under circulation 3 days b. 2 deep brown without stripe, from same bottle e. Q fascigera greenish d. $ green with reddish stomach iss) : 4 small green, from Foulney Scott said had shown transparency and recovery effects ; not covered 25th, 2 p.m. 26th, morn. 27th, 10 a.m. Dark brown white stripe No change Browner Delicate brown tint of finer brown weed 1 bright green, 2 green Covered Bluish above egg- sac; rest deep brown; recovery Recovered Transparent parts bluish Light transparent greenish brown Not to be found ; eaten ! Covered Dark brown, white | stripe, no blue ; recovered Recovered Browner, darker Dead _ Covered; brown | weed replaced | by Ulva | Cotour ExpPErImMeEnt 2. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. with brown weed and little sand. 663 28th, 9.55 a.m, Bright | transparent blue, | except antennal | scales and tail: not green; nocturne effect persisting Like @ Like a and 6 28th, 2 p.m. 5.10 p.m. Covered ; Ulva replaced by | brownand | adhering red | weed | Dark brown Dark brown Light greenish brown (no blue) Covered Transparent blue | except antennal scales and tail which are brown; long persistance | of nocturne Light olive- brown, no blue Seales and tail light brown: green and blue in middle | even to antennal Uncovered 29th, 9.15 a.m. Transparent blue | scales Dead ; light olive- brown Light trans- parent greenish brown, not blue Covered Green-brown with white stripe. Light brown. Covered. 664 F. July 29th, 5 p-m. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste II.—WeeEp Cotour Flask B, Air circulator, Weed 9.45 p.m. a. @ greenish | brown, white stripe brown, e. Small, semi- transparent, faintly red hind (added) d. 2 small brown (added) e. Uncovered, Delesseria Bluish flanks and | pleura; greenish rest, except brown ant. and hind 6. Dark olive- | without stripe | Brown ; pleura not greenish Reddish limbs ; bluish about 10 p.m. 81st, 9.20 a.m. Bright green, except ant. and hind. brownish. | except limbs and | carapace blue carapace 2 greenish Covered | Transparent blue, except ant. and hind. brownish | Dark brown, except pleura and margins of carapace blue Transparent, red lined 1 semi- transparent, brownish Uncovered Bright olive- brown, not transparent Dark olive- green Reddish lined ; sick, pickled Unaltered Uncovered Experiment 2 (continued), HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. Delesseria, old and greenish. 10.20 p.m. Aug. Ist, 10.30 a.m. 10 p.m. 665 Aug. 2nd, 7.20 a.m. 10.5 a.m. Dark brownish green, semi- transparent Dark greenish brown, semi- transparent, not bluish Added 2 under- sized bright green, with eggs Light brown, semi- transparent Covered Hind greenish brown; ant. brown behind eyes and pleura; nocturnal blue ; rest of body brown Dead; put in 70 per cent. alcohol No change Transparent, light brownish green Uncovered; | removed Delesseria; added fine red and brown weed Bluish green, fairly trans- parent; dull brown hind and ant. 1 small bright bluish green, and trans- parent; other lost Pale greyish brown, transparent Covered Transparent green; ant. and hind brown Unchanged ; sick Pale brown with reddish tinge Uncovered ? Full brown- white line. Full green. Faint brown, transparent, with only tinge of red. Covered. iE Aug. 2nd, 2.5 p.m., after dark. a. ® large brown- white stripe, full brown a 9 with eggs, green, small; blue-green on tail; dead Small green (added) © Medium-sized brown, faintly reddish es Put back in dark, 2.10 p.m., Aug. 2nd Tank-room, Piel. Aug. 2nd.—Dull, cloudy, occasional sun. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste I1.—Weep Cotour Flask B, fine red 4.30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Brilliant blue-green, except ant. and below hump brown Transparent green, middle bluish | blue-green ; tail behind hump blue Exposed to diffuse light, 4.35 to 4.45 p.m. Aug. 3rd.—Cloudy all day, with rain. Transparent, delicate | Dull green-brown at sides of white stripe ; brown parts darker No bluish tinge, very transparent Less transparent, | dull pinkish brown ; tail reddish Put back in dark 4.45 p.m. Head to hump green-blue ; behind hump and ant. scales brown Transparent, especially in front of hump Trace of blue, behind eye; more transparent ; loss of red Put back in dark 6.35 p.m. Colours examined by pouring all contents HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. HxPERIMENT 2 (continued). and brown weed. 607 Aug. 3rd, 9.35 a.m. = 10.80 a.m. 3.10 p.m. Head to hump brilliant trans- Diffuse light; after 3) Ant. scales brown; Brown- parent blue; behind hump minutes’ exposure behind that dull | white 1 segment greenish, rest blue lost; now green green; behind | stripe greenish brown ; antennal with dark blue spots, hump brown scales brownish red; white, with great disposition | mid-line; eye-stalks blue-| to take cover under green; eye black red weed Transparent, specially in mid,| No noticeable Unaltered Green, green change not very bright Very transparent; behind) In 4 minutes reddish Less Transparent, hump, ant. scales, and eye- tinge lost; ant. transparent faint, stalks reddish; mid. pale) scales only faintly reddish ereyish red reddish ‘Exposed in white porcelain dish to diffuse light till) Added from circu- | (fly ery: 10.30 p.m. lator air dish with | | transparent Ulva, 2 small green specimens (Ulva not added) ; put back in dark 10.35 p.m. ee bright green. Smaller, bright green ; put back in dark. into porcelain dish, using hand-mirror, Fresh water added after each examination. | | | 668 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. TasLe I1.—Weep CoLour Flask B, fine red and brown weed (after dark). Started Aug. 4th, Weed red, delicate Aug. 4th, 3.10 p.m. 3.50 p.m. a. Showed nocturnal tint. Was at once decapitatedjc. As before by cutting off the head close behind eyes. Ant. and hind brown ; mid. transparent blue-green. Hand-lens, ground colour light bluish green; numerous brown chromatophores; large “blue spots” with clear space round each; smaller blue spots without clear spaces.|d. Transparent, faint reddish Reacts violently to touch of tail (and occasionally spon- taneously) for more than 5 minutes. In 5 minutes loses transparency. Belly first to darken. In 10 minutes brown chrom. on the belly (which is now quite brown) form under hand-lens reticular patchwork,|? uniform dark brown-black. with occasional blue spots. Reacted to stimulation of] Chromat. not distinguishable tail after fifteen minutes (hand-lens) ; no blue spots Dorsal surface of mid. remains somewhat transparent]? dark brown white line; no greenish chromat. nor blue spots (with The head cut off: young Hippolyte anchored on it, and} lens) apparently ate some of it Rest as before — Weed changed; new specimen added; left in diffuse light e. f. As before. Put back; left uncovered EXPERIMENT 2 (continued). HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 669 3.50 p.m., with four specimens from Flask B., Aug. 3rd, at 3.10. plumose after diffuse hight. 10.30 p.m. Aug. 5th, 3 p.m, 2 small transparent nocturnes ; PAO QS IP d. Very transparent, dull brown, not blue blue, trans- parent ; hind and ant. light brown 1 small brownish ; dead Put back ; uncovered Nocturnal light d. Bright reddish Dark brown- black Dark brown, almost black ; no chrom. e, Transparent, blue-green ; examined microscopically Ff. Dull green "Uncovered 6.30 p.m. Aug. 7th, 10.30 p.m. Aug. 8th,3 p.m, (Bitten) == pone eaten Dark Unaltered Brown-black brown-black Dark brown, almost black e. Bluish green Brownish green Uncovered Dark brown, white line very clear Dull green Uncovered (1). Dark brown (2). Dead ; casting skin. Put 1 and 2 back with green weed and Halidrys (see p. 655). von, 43, PART 4.—NEW SERIES. AAA 670 i. Ws GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste I1I].—Weed July 26th.—T wo large ? Hippolyte varians and one ? Spironto- latter claret-coloured mid., and opaque speckled patch on head ; July 28th, 10.35 p.m., | 29th, after exposure to light. | 9.45 a.m., Weed—Zostera. | after dark. oe! rca ile Large 9, Semi- | perfectly trans- transparent) parent, and _olive- green blue to tips of (w hite line)| the tail 2. Ditto Ditto | (dark spot | on back) 3. SS. pusiola, | Perfectly very transparent ; transparent) colourless eggs showing clearly through dorsal surface Put into dark Left in light 29th, 5 p.m., after light. Light olive- green ; fairly transparent Ditto Very trans- parent, but now slightly bluish Put in light ™., after light. Clear itransparent) blue Ditto Unaltered ; bluish Put in dark | | 30th, 10 p.m., | after light. > Bright green | to tip of tail | | | Mid. bright green; ant. and _ hind brownish Very trans- parent, slight | bluish Putin light | 12.30—2 p.m., both 1 and 2 on} stem of | Zostera and exactly | matching the colour. Put in light | 30th, 3lst, 10 p.m., 9.15 a.m., | after light. after light. Perfectly Semi- itr ansparent|transparent | light blue bright green Perfectly | Duller ~ transparent; green, | light blue, | brownish except jon ant. and ant. and hind hind tinged with brown | Unaltered | Unaltered Put in Put in light light and in slightly | slower current ee HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. Colour Experiment 3. 671 caris pusiola trawled. The former were both greenish brown, the left for two days in light and under strong current. 3lst, 10.35 p.m., after light. August Ist, 9.30 a.m., after light. | Ist, | 10.30 p.m., | after light. 2nd, 7.45 a.m., after dark. Light blue- green; not so perfectly blue to tips of body as last night Light blue; transparent except at ends of body, which are brownish Unaltered Put in light Greenish yellow- | white stripe distinct ; semi- transparent Clear greenish yellow ; tail and ant. scales brownish, exact colour of lower part of Zostera; semi-transparent Unaltered Put in light | | Very transparent, light blue ; | very slight brownish tinge on | ant. and hind Ditto Unaltered Put in dark ; weeds, | Zostera and Entero- | morpha Trans- parent pale ereen ; behind hump faint brownish Trans- parent green; ant. and hind brown Unaltered ; still very trans- parent, and only a bluish tint on tail Put in dark 2nd, 10.10 a.m., after dark, Zostera. 2nd, 10.30 to 12, in open. Fairly trans- | parent bright green Fairly trans- parent dull green, except behind hump brownish Unaltered 10.80.—Taken into the open, sunny; added Bryopsis; temperature of water 20°5° C.; small yellowish- green Hippo- lyte slipped in ) with the weed Green, transparent (brilliant blue spots on cara- pace) Trans- parent, duller green Unaltered Left in light with Bryopsis 2nd, 7.15 p.m., after light. Perfectly green and trans- parent. Quite green and trans- parent. Unaltered. Put in dark. 672 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste [1V.—Weed Colour Experiment 4. August 8th, 1898.—Experiment made with a cylindrical glass jar filled with Delesseria sanguinea and placed on grass in the open. First half-hour bright, very dull subsequently ; water circulation maintained during expe- riment. Commenced 12.20 p.m. 12.20. 4 p.m. (1) Colour... $< Semi-transparent Bright brown. greenish T. No ground-colour _ T. Yellow ground, with | close red network and | green patches | T. Chromatophores red, fully expanded R. Yellowish-green R. Ground brownish. ground; fine yellow network Microscopical examination (2) Colour Green Dull green (dead). |T. Green ground colour, T. Chrom, red Microscopical yellow network, branched 3 in anterior cee ation chrom. red region stellate. R. Chrom.red branched R. Chrom. stellate green. (a EN ; a eT GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. W. F. 674 JUST esngFtp 09 posodxa ystp urvjootod ur pooqg ystusads qqst quoaedsuvay Atoa % (dtap tapun 4yory) (4{[voidooso.worut pourmexe ‘poulf-uedts T) aUAINJZOOU-1WW9s T sour -00u ][NZF Juordsuvsy G UMOIG YAVpP T ont YAVp T (wa0a3 qstfors dummy pur ‘se[vos (ju090 -sopuvour 03 pasodxa ystp ulepooaod ur 4jory) WITS SIM] 4S] queavdsuvry capulvu1oy «HOUT ,, W0Isd T (Wo1gBAdaS -qo Sulmnp anojoo yYSst -udaIs 0} d5uBYO 9M0G ‘YsTUdALS G 4svaT 9B nq UMOIq 1 so[vos [vUUIZUe pepyoods 441M “ystuses Z| UMOIG YSIS T ua0d5-MOTOA T ‘drip saoys v ur 4j0] Buteq 1yJ¥—"W'? CT TL ‘QL ystony *quaDSapPUVIUL 0} ainsodxo [uj toyyy—'"w'd Gp'6 jUdISOpPUBIUT SaqnUI G OF pue ysip uiejeotod ur 4ystpAep 0} aansodxa ta3yy—'w'd g -o010g *0 {UI[SNUI YIM 1oAO [[V podoaco aul ssuly) “a joj oyur orngdvo jo yuomow 4v qnd orem sumed oy, ‘avejo ktea you soqem f-urd g—FpP “oury, purv ivog oY} Worf SAY popMUd SUBIABA oykjoddipg yo suowtodg—‘ggg] ‘9[—G] ysuony ‘Tord ‘yystpkep Xq stp urejaosod ur ‘urd gE) (AroqRioqry 0} SUIMINgoL WO) PouUMeX Ty UMOIG YSItoets [[VUIs Z\que popyoeds) uses T (peppeds soyvos |4uryy umorq ystXous UMOAg-MoT[ox T UMOIG YSIUIIS T user |[eauoque) uasors-onjq T|}Uuoredsuery v Jo [vsoacg) MOT[OA-.490 T UMOLG JUST T]fo 90v19 WIM § UMOAG T an{q YAVp T peuly-yor[q T YOV[Q-UMOAQ [[BUUS T; UMOIG AVP T auIny quoredsura4 UMOIG Yacvp [[wuUIg & Yovyq & UMOAG-PAT[O Zj-oou uaers-on{q [NF ‘Ss T\-1wes ‘S uaais-antTd ZF 6 UMOAG YIVp Z-UMOIq Yep ooary Z! = = a “4ysly | ‘uado Surpurys ‘rel sseps Uva] Uy “Vv -I9A00 Yourq yA rel pousyoeg “a ‘1000 urpsnut yy god urey ‘T guowmisodxg PRECIP Ted "KLISNTIN]T LHOIT—'*A #TAV, ‘aul sseps avo[Q ‘V—! s[essoa yUorIOyIp “Mol “yours opty {Apnojo ‘avez aoyyvom aeou ‘poq SAIpIl[Vy, oy} Wor uwosyy 675 HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. UMOIG IY SI] Z TIUTT-ONTY FYS!Y T (sapvos pepyoods) udeaS-aatjo § T use1s yep AoA T 90S ISI] Z udaLS FYSIIq Z DANVOL T (qsor 3 T) quorrdsuvay -Iules “Ueeds 4ysi, ‘Sh T « dumny ,, puryoq uMoIg fuses yaup Sd T ssopNo[oo qsomye ‘quaivdsuray A120 T dtp ¥ tapun gyory|4gsoue “uoredsuvag A109 T porieq-an]{q T ssapInojoo “quoavdsueasy T udeds gy Staq T\wse1s yy SI] gueredsuvsy Z udeds-an{q Yap Z\(seyvos pepyoods) ysmyq T uUMOIG FIVpP T (soyeos | ua0a8-on[q quorvdsuvay F antq onbedo { pe[yoeds) onjq Yystusets T UMOIG-Ud2IS YAVp Z| m9018-an]{q E U9dIS YYSIT G PANVUL [[VUS Z aAnVU Z (yarep) onyq Yystusde1s T [eumyoou uears ystutq ‘4 eaneu ystmniq giAysys ‘amoriq ‘6 T udois yuordsuray ‘5 seuanjzoou [[nz ‘Ss g saurnjoou ays‘ s Z yoryq-onyq ° 4 Sso[Ano[oo “dtp UL yJoT—' Ue 6ST TL ‘(ponuryuoo) [ yuowmriodxg “yuaosapuRout Jo Mopeys ur urepoor0d ur yjaT— ‘wd 09°6 "SUIM GT Joy JWsosopuBoUt pue 41psi,kep 0} posodx9 Suloq 1oysy—'ur'd OTE “MOTjeUIMeXE SULIMP ‘qsip urepaoiod ur 4ysttdep 0} pasodxm— ‘wd g*y deois JY SIT T umoiq-morad Z ugeas-mojfak T UMOIG YSIMIaLs T UMOIG Gg pele ugats-aATjo yaup 6S T yoriq-umoaq 4 Z “UI[STLUL JO JOA00 PUL FI PUNO WIsNnUT JO ploy UO T}LM “Ael ssKPy “ ‘ALISNGIN] LHOIT—' A AAV, KEEBLE. GAMBLE AND F. W. WwW. F. 676 Sul YIM pasar ‘patieg-yov[q | potieq u9e5-9AT[O | UaIS FPS T woeei8 yuiez AOA T WIIIS YSIUMOIG Z (sofa puryaq qsnf ueo18) roury ysttdand T SANBUL YSIN[q T AANVUL qurey “uotudsurty AoA T quorwdsurty you fuses ysmntq ‘S T quoiedsuvty jou fyeurnjoou-tmes *s T qso] T pus pvop 6 T (auoyoo [eurngoou [NF ley JO aUOS 4SO] aseq} Uu04 -BUIULXO SUIIUp 4yuaosep -uvout 03 posodxa ott A) ¢¢ POTIVG-ONTY 5, ] SOTPIWIIAZXO JV UMOIG Jo 90819 YIM “WdaIs-an[q T JANVU JO aovly YQIM Quoaedsunsy T OANVUL a0vlg jim ‘aniq T udaI1S-9n]q yqst] quorvdsuvay Ar0A F (a.sury ysTUAMo1q FASS yILA ouo0) yuornd -suviy “Meers-ontq ‘hb Ff soaurinjoou [[NF [LV fo patavg-use1s Ys] Z% JOU] WIAs T W9d18-an]{q [BUS T aAnBUt pee quorvdsuvay AtaA ¢ aU.inyJoou T umorg yyst fs T quorsdsuvay ‘aaais-ontq “4 T auanqoou [Inj ‘4 Z you porteq-ontg an[q ystuse1s uotdsuvsy gyurey “yuoredsuvay As0A §, @ANVU O9BOITAP T [VuaIngoou [[® 4sey *plut ul ueeIs Jo a0el, YIM ‘umomq ‘4S T Ting Ajavou $& T sournjoou [nj ‘sd Z ¢¢ POTIVG-FYOVT 5, T por Fo osury quia ‘Aors yuorrdsuvsy T (sofa puryoq qsul moras ATQy Sts) por T << SHOUT[-Por ,, Z MOTOA [[VUIB T mopjak 4qSt] T uMoIq-MOT[OL T & Yovlq-umoaq ¢ & YOVlq-Ys!waaty “I9A09 UT[SNU 0} TO SUISURY PUP 4YSIT 0} SurpModo |[vus Z pus & aie] G) Wee OS TL *yuaosopuRout qoolIp wo. papeys ‘urefaoiod UI poo}ys peH—‘ard /p'6 *SUTUL QT 10J quaosapuvoul pue yysipkep | 0} Ystp utejaorod ut | pasodxa naeq pey}— urd ¢"g | | *KIORIOGR] 4B [PALIIe uo “td J ynoqy *19A00 UITSNU LM jyod wiejaoriog *9 ‘(ponutyuod) [ yuowtsedx a “ALISNGIN] LHOIT— A Wavy, 677 HIPPOLYTEH VARIANS. 4ST asngz -jiIp UI urepeo10d ur pooyg yuid | poareq-yoeyq T spueq ysraneut qurey yyIM ‘guoredsuvs T MoT[Ad FUSIT T UMOIG YAIVP T UMOIG WAIL [[VUIS T UMOIG YSIUIIS ¢ udeais-aATlo yrep 6S T soul “yeu =: paatno[oo- Apurs qjIM = ‘punois = uaa ystumorq ‘6 Balaclosey “wre GSI (aystu Sutmnp diap aapun 4jery) aAntut oped T [YER E JANVUL T paqteq-oelq T udets-an|q YIVp T udeds qys1] juoiedsuvyy Ar9A T WddIs ISI] F quoredsues A19A Jou ‘usars-en[q ‘sh | aANvUL Yysmyq qurey Quoavdsuvay Z JANVUL T |. podaeq-HOvyTq,, [[VUs T (sa[Bos pepTyoeaz) oonyq yarp T an[q YARp T UMOAG YSLMOT[a4 T UddIS 19YIVp T wae aystt queavdsuvay A190A Z UMOIG JUST T suLS |-1vU UWeets-onTq yusted -suvay fuMmorq yaep ‘Ss T UMOAG YStudseIs pury fdamy 07 uaeu8 §yuored (suet aaqgo oy} FO sqzuequod oy uvyy pasuvyo sset Yony) pet ystanvur ¢ paling Vlg antq ysiusers quoivdsurry Z UMOAG YSTUdeIS J MOTEL T UMOIG YSTYORyq T ysinyq A[gy sys‘ 6 usorg T az M FILM pepyoods poreqjvun ‘4 viloStosvgq-suvy ‘4 waostosvg|‘etocrosey & umoiq T "ecg “aul, Jo jed V omaial ane ‘md p MO[Aq ULepeoL0d UI pooys peyT , S18 qe ATOJRAOGRT UT [VALLIG 19FV pat ¢ « P2LIBG- OBIT 5» T (seTvos [vuuequB papyoods YIM) uMoIg YsTueeds JT uoer8-MoTok T umorq-Mo][ak T porteq-pat T Mood T umorq oped T UMOIG Z & woers yarep T & YOvlq ysourys T “ref poiaaoo youlg *a ‘(popnpouoo) 7 yuowlsodxg ‘ALISNHIN]T LHOIT—*A WIV], 678 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. TasLe VI.—Licar lyrensiry. Aug. 22nd, 1898.—On comparative effects of exposure to red, glass dish on black plate), and transparent jar containing tank-room. Morning grey after occasional bright sun. water frequently changed. Experiment 1.5 p.m. A. Mid-sized, ight brown Microse.— T. Ground yellowish Network red with green patches, Chrom. well expanded, red Blue spots many, big, no halos B. Large, brown T. Ground red | Network close, red, with green patches Blue spots few, slightly arbo- rescent, with halos C. Mid-sized, full brown YT. Ground yellowish | Network dark red with green| | patches | Blue spots arborescent, without; | halos | D. Mid-sized, greenish brown T. Ground yellowish green Network none Chrom. fairly expanded, some green in centres of chrom. Blue spots not arborescent, with halos and distinct radiations | E. Similar to A Network only in mid. Blue spots arborescent; in mid- line with halos Put in red light 12.20 p.m. Put in green light 12.25 p.m. Put in green light 12.25 p.m. Put in blue light 12.25 p.m. Put in black jar (with black cloth cover) | Good nocturne; very transparent. Network blue. | Chrom. fully retracted, _ red, with blue branches. | Blue spots with | distinct blue radiations crossing halos 1.5 p.m., very dark brown | | : | | 1.5 p.m., dark brown 1.5 p.m., nocturne 1 p.m., transparent greyish, as if greenish through brown. Ground light yellow- brown. Network half green, half red. Chrom. half green, half red Hxperiment 2. green, blue lights, darkness. Microscopical examination by daylight. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 679 White (porcelain dish), black (a sand. Hippolyte had been in drip from 18th uncovered in lasted till 5 p.m. in open, then in laboratory. 2p.m. 3.20 p.m. Light brown ; trace of green behind eyes 2 p.m., dark brown | 2 p.m., dark brown | | | 2p.m., ; good nocturne; | | recovered | immediately | during examina- | tion in porcelain | dish | 2.30 p.m., Put in blue at 2.30 p.m. Put in red at 2.30 p.m. Put in red at 2.30 p.m. Put in green at 2.30 p.m. Put in \Brown with faint) | trace of green | 3.20 p-m., dark brown, almost black | 3.20 p.m., | brown with tinge of green | | | | 3.20 p.m., light brown 3.20 p.m., very transparent ; porcelain dish very transparent, slightly greenish | in mid.; brown | ant. and hind at 2.30 p.m. | light brown ; tinge of green in mid, 4.50 p.m. Greenish brown 4.50 p.m., dark brown 4.50 p.m., nocturne in mid., ant. and hind brownish 4,50 p.m., yellowish brown | with trace of green 4.50 p.m., dull green; ant. and hind brown | | R. not possible ; 7.5 p.m. Bright green mid.; brown ant. and hind. Nocturne. Nocturne (recovered 1 minute or so during examina- | tion in porcelain | dish). Nocturne. No record. 680 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Noon, August 22nd. | F. Mid-sized, brown ae 1.5 p.m. T. Ground yellowish brown (had jumped out), No network /| greenish brown Chrom. fairly expanded, some 5 : ereen in centres | Put in glass dish on | Blue spots small, slightly ar- Seay a plate | borescent; halos eee | IG. Large, full brown | White porcelain 12.50 p.m., | T. Ground yellowish brown photo. dish good green. T. yellowish Network red | 12.30 p.m. | green. Network blue. Chrom. well expanded, red; | Chrom. very retracted, many with green centres | dark red, arborescent, MY s Blue spots few, arborescent, without halos without halos | | | | | H. Similar to A White porcelain | Greenish. Blue spots many, arborescent,, dish12.30p.m. | TT. Ground yellowish with halos green. Network green. Chrom. slightly expanded, red; slightly arborescent ; clear halos, giving off | /seemingly blue reticulum I. Large brown Glass jar half filled 1.5 p.m., T. Ground red | with grey-black | dark black-brown Red network with green patches | sand 12.30 p.m. Blue spots few, 1 small behind eye Added I and E to red light (not with above, but using Griffiths’s vessel), but at 7.5 Light incandescent. 7.5 p.m., Aug. 22nd.—Exposed A in blue, B and C in red, two porcelain dishes, one with I, and E, other with F. 10.30 p.m., Aug. 22nd. A. (in blue light, incandescent, mirror) Good nocturne . : : : B,C. Redlight. ; ; : : - Good nocturne . D. Green light . 2 - : : - Good nocturne . F. Porcelain : : ; : : . Fair nocturne . - : : ; ‘ j Slightly nocturne; transparent; brown G, H. Black plate . : E A < + tra iente BERIIO ? : I. Brown, trace of blue I, E. Porcelain : : : : : co ant on Ps HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 681 2.30 p.m., brown 2 p.m., greenish brown; a few minutes later brown 2 p.m., greenish p.m. replaced them in porcelain dish. D in green light, the two latter well mirrored. Nocturne. Put in porcelain dish at 2.30 p.m. Put on black plate at 2.30 p.m. Put on black plate at 2.30 p.m. 3.20 p.m. Brown with tinge of green in | mid. Brown but distinctly greenish, especially in mid. 3.20 p.m., dark olive- green 4.50 p.m., dull greenish brown 4.50 p.m., dark brown Dark brown Brown with tinge of green 7.5 p.m. Brown with touch of nocturne. Good brown. Good brown. No record. 11.10 a.m., Aug. 28rd. Nocturne in mid.; ant. and hind brown. Good nocturne. Brown, dark. Dark brown. Dead. Very transparent, grey. Microscopically : (E.) T. Incandescent. Ground colour none. Network faint, blue-green. Chrom. slightly expanded, yellowish red. R. Ground dull grey. Network invisible. Chrom. branches red ; centres greenish yellow, Had been exposed rather to daylight than to incandescent. Black plate standing near, and also GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. SW 682 0]. “ Suh al) "a Li aL a a SS eee eee : -“BALOSGO Sutanp yno Suro poa £ Worqtaaasqo ‘Oley ou fqudosoa -oqie = Kueyy *soyounsg enTq quoosa.toq “1B oped fq popunoains ‘pot Yep “yy Syovlq ‘po govtjet A194 "m90a8 ‘7 «6 f wood qsmyq oun “uaa {rep eal ‘ W90tS-MOT[O X q00u ou ‘M001d poor “4 SI, wae. %G “uory Sump duny, you jamooeq = — ‘saaoryd -oyvutoryo «= Kunz SUOIPUIPBI ONG “YY oyey Sur “UAMOIN STOIQRIPVA anyq YIM sofon -OVA [BAQOD puNoL Auvut ojUr uayo.q ‘snoretinu Apa ‘7, (sdurmy ojex -wdos Jo poesodmoo 19SU0] OU) seyoUTAG QMOYS UGTA uMoTG qsippot wan sdumy fF 10 e YgIA ‘sag ta0 pao “OL UMOIG YaAUp wel WL on] Ystudeas +47 OnTq JOUTSIP *L U0 YSN Yarep ‘yy fudeds ystaop[ak +g, pury pue que uMo01q “pra Ul WaaIs oUt WAST] poy T| "urd 0R'g “urd 03° *oq9 “omy UOlI4BATASqO sunmp oSuvyo sgods oniq sotoydoyermo.ayo (UNPNOg Or pue Ino[oo puno.wy d1doosoaot Aduoiedsuvay 1S i INOTOO [ea -9010.5 afo-poyeyy uol1y “VULUIEXO OOF -Oq quoMyvony, UO BULENT] * AAQMepy * -[ossa A uMoOIq TP 1s prop bai > PLOOTOSR iT *sOqO] [Ra puR so[vos poppoods pur ‘umorq qsor f "prim UL YSTUdALS Ayqure ournjoou oqib [L199 “JOON | “JOON UMOAC pur pues “que femangjoou ny ogmb | | gou fad TT | poaomoar | LOLALTAT | “QOONT | "QO0NT — aa Bec, = “WB 08'6— "ST | pate wd OT UMOAG Ayouts ([01}u09 Y) qsoa f Ystn{q ouanjoou UMOIG [[Np | uored tog Aqqoad — 07 AraAoooxy -SUBL, £01990q ssupg RGLOCGION bs) uMOTG pus qsou § dung quored | umoaq pu |ynoqe usead popuryq “Suva uddts pus ystfors ‘quoredsuvay er1our | Quoredsuvy | “uornd ‘ysrmoaas 8'6 Ayqoad [4g |-suv.cq-1u19g] ‘vao S108 vy (p) Sq ual] £ auingoou [Ny an[q-UMoarg}oqmb you 7 (¢g) — poreqyeay, Ayourg | favl urepoor0g qYSt] Ud9IS vu “VOON _ — -1njoou siq (z) TOMATO Aq soystp ud0Ld puv pot 01 U0 paqooqpoa QUST pus quy.dru 1l® suring 4ST] quaosap -uwour £4431] “qoou pat of pasodxe oq?) — --- [Bumyo0u 31q (T) ‘wid 0876 ‘urd 66 "md 99°g ‘urd 398 ‘uns Ou ‘Ko13 S4y Sty wood 0} % ‘pox 0} posodxa [ Suodo wi 4yor "urd 0g'g [119 “U'e OZ'6—" NBT “B1q [[e ‘Avp [yu yawp ul u99q pey smowioo0dg—'g¢6g1 “HILT ysndny SS De “INGNIYGAXH] LHYIT GXAIn01I0N—]T A AAV, 683 HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. "Vv ul ‘9 ‘gp Sq ul gE GL § yalep oy] Ut 109R] -nodto ae ‘tr gnd meyy ‘saqnurut QT Ur asuvyo ou fyarup ul WY sep ur gnd ‘urd cey 9y “SULJTNOM poi “UMOIG [ivy puw yuoIZ oUt f*plut UL eu.mgjoou [Ny aSUvYO ON asuryo ON UAMO.L -faas uored -suBI] JSoa ISULYD ON - aSUVyO ON £dwny auanqoou “9MINJOOU [[N,7| 07 eUINJOON auce | puryeq | YSIM Mog (:[218 Agysys *(yors) puryoq ystp | Apjueredde) | ‘users yy 817 -pat qurey Quoredsur.y uMomq —- f quoaedsuray ‘dummy oy umoiq ystiary poox Kia A udaIs aurngjoou "Ud0IS YY SVT Toa TeuGE ‘aurngoou duinq AT[nAqQnop ynq ‘teas | puryaq Aors | ouangoou [nz fgueredsuvaqg AOA} Systucery | Wa “urd gg) hi rates "wd 09°6 UMOLG aa = | pred Ww | U9dIS FY ST aumnjoou aurnjoou | fquordsuvay UVaIS TN] Wa LUGE Kaa A ssopInojoo | anyq qsowly aSuRYD ON Quin, asuvyo ON | auanjoou | | (euinjoou) Way | ueatg =| oumgoony:s (| UeOAS YSTNTG | | | | | | euangoou Kaas | WeeIs JUILF jon{q UIeT puv| puUe Nees pue ysthors | quoavdsuvx4 YSIUMOLG usar [ny | fyueredsueay, A190 A Squoandsuray, puryaq Ysa aoaq ‘duny uddaIs | [NF auInjoou [09 udeas FY ST] uda1s [[ny | fgueardsuvzy | Wag Squoavdsuvay, waar | Waals [[N Plecouayy aUInjo0N uaa) “wd OT'9 ae aF cl md QT’ “urd ¢ wap “dag ore & 19A00 ou £ diap ou £youeq uo sivl ssvps ul pooys £ (peqey -undaw sofa) ears ystmoypok ‘astey *Z “prot url WMOIq qstmojoh £ ssayanojoo ‘quoredsuray ‘asaey “9 yuid osuery *g| MOOI [[NJ“Pazis-PUN “F UMOIG JSUT “€ UMOIG ystmop]aX “pazis-prI “G “pita UI Uaets “MMOIG qstmo[jas esivy “TT “UR GH TT ‘pag 4ydag Vy ‘smopurm ATOJRLOGeT OY FO oMOS MOAT 4ST] ‘Avp oy) SuLIMp ‘poatooor Yor ‘savl oy} Fo Youq oy} ye poovyd sv paxvoqpavo oj Jo yooys "S681 ‘W1G 07 pag “gdog ‘ferg “LHOIT TNGOSHAONVONT HIM DENGAN d XG NOILYNIWATTT INVISNO)— [ITA Wd if, , ‘1OJVM JO 4UadINo B dopuN YsIp uLepoodod o4ryM UI SuIpueys stoAoo UT[suM [ITA savl sel KEEBLE. GAMBLE AND F. W. W. F, 684: “UMOIG- pat quorudswea y, “UMOAG-Pat quaiedsuety, "udadS QYSVT “UMOTG YSTUAALD UMOAG, ysranear dummy 03 youq £ udeIs sofa purryoq fquortedsunay, ‘a.SUBIIO ON ‘U90I8 POOS quoredsurry Ki0 A ‘usais oped quoredsurcy Kio A “wd ggg asuvygo ON asuvyo ON UddIS [[UYT UMOTG YSTMOTLA X UMOAG quotudsurea y, UMOAG-9}L[O00Y, Ysippou £ quorwdsurvay, onTq jou “Wea quoredsung Kio A anT{q JOU StaaL5 | £quoredsuesy A104 WR ST TL Wg “4dag aSUBILD ON asuUBYyO ON ptooat ON oUINZo0U [[OyT auIMgQooU [QT ua Ystdoas quvd apppru ‘UMoOrq [Up [ley pus pro OUIN{ZOOU [TOY duINgooU [LT ‘urd 99°6 UMOAG-PYT UMOAG “PO UdOLD OUT quorvdsuvty Kaoa §u9aas Apog JO JSot UMOTG [IV] UMOLG JULI] YSLUMOL ET UMOAG FO 08U1y Gia ‘Mo90a9 [NG W998 FO a9u1y (GIM ‘UMOrg FYSTy ‘urd Qg'@T “Wp dag suviava oykjoddry jo suomroods [jv q pur g UT fMOTJVALOSGO Loy LAVSSOOU OWL} 4SOJAOYS LOF POAOWIO SBA OITA “YOO Youlq YIM potoAoo (T pur ‘¢ “WV syseiy ‘pooy se uoats og Ajoddryx Jo sooord [pems f poom ou f ATLep oora\g 10 ooU0 pasueyo IoyVM Younoiyy suyepno11o «Ary [vuangoou Aysts OUI 490 NY ouANgoou [Ny] oUAIngoou [LOT AUINJOOU [Myf YStuodde Squorvdsuncy ATHY SIS [189 9B YSIUMOAG £ OULINJOO NY paiog {eu y “urd 03'6 | | “peed Koad quoaed -suviy £10 A YSTUMO.LG, Tez F asin quriey “quored -suvty £10 A ud0L [[NG aSuvnyo ON aoUvyD ON eqgepoooyg | “peo “p t0(] “HOY UOT aUANZOOU [VT | dwny | purgoq umo4rq | S OTUNJOON ud ¢ ‘poyejndure soo A1oyy pvt uooas oped [Rug udaIs JO adult YUM UMomd 44ST pazis-pL UMOIG qs, quoardsuray osaury :(pozeyndme soko) q YsVpq ; : oars oped [peurg woaas YStmol[ak pazis-pryl UMOLG quowedsueay as.very :(paatoaoos you) O ysl q EST : * UMOAG [TRIG ‘ Udd.15 POZIS-PLINT : UMOAG [[QJ 0.0.0UrT :(poyugndu soko) q SULA ; * Weed AYLST] [BUG Uda. [Up quorvdsavag pozis-priyy Ud9dLS YSIUMOAG quoavdsuvig a.d.vUry Vv ASvLdl {Tap ‘4YoI] posnyip 07 posodxo [oaquo0d & —) SVL] ‘T INGWIUHdxXG, WAV LNVLSNOSF)—'X] Wavy ‘quowldodxiy Yalvq gueysuog—'ggst ‘WIZ 07 pag aoquioydeg “ford 685 VARIANS. HIPPOLYTE Ig “ydag uo perp fraud 4 48 aSueyo ou fuedo ul VAT Q qgim gnd ulese fumo1q tye eh pesuvyoug BAT Reese elt £1078.10q¥] uo pooys fasanyo ON “we 08°01 Wah “ydag drip v SE UB U tas FYSIU Te 450] f asuvyo ON “ud01s plecouigy ‘u9da18 yuored -suvdy [ING ‘ud g UMOIG YsIppet quorvdsuray, { uMoaq ry | -Ueers oo Tap a=: | guard Ors -SUBI 09 L a = { UMOIq = oy -Wa01s me Il8@p 5 queried {_ -sueay, ‘mda REST ureyeo.r0d UI BAT) UI UMOIG FYST] quoredsursy Ki9 A UMOIG FY SI] UMOIG YSIppet 07 pataaodey] qusosepuBout gnd fumoaq |quoredsueay)ur uMorq Ystppet 03 Ayoqoqd [vuinqoou “TUG suinjoou poor) (-quoo) Set UdaIS 4ST] quorvdsuvay S10 Ud0IS 4ST] queredsurty, uddaIS FSI] quoredsuvay, (qu00) D YsVlq ou.injoou “18g (-qu09) gq YSVyA aUINgooU [NT auinjoou pooy (-qu09) VAS" ({stpper gusty] AxoA |-wood pasoaooea pey OzZ'L FV “MdaIS JYSI] pouremay “mue0IS JUST gset rey uo uMOIqG -morfok may, svm £ sognuTUT GI uoosopuvour ur yng *paloaooad Jou pry OFZ qe $gzg'), Jueosepuvout ul yng INO[OO YSIMTMOIG quoivdsuesy 03 19A00 “Ol JourysIp OSL 98 SOT ‘pveqd |jysIT guaosepuvour ur yng Ax0ye.10qvy Ut qoueq rtepun qysiy] wrp [req wo urgnd fueers| uwaeis jsay[np {users yuorvdsueay p[Bi1oury pletomg joz AroAooar f4y51[hep ur yng UMOIG JILSIT [ley fystuse1s yuerdsursy asuvyo ON | ueeIS [nq |oz Arpaovea f4ySyAvp ur yng ‘ud 0¢'g ‘urd OL'ST er aya : . “y49 ‘4dag wd og L 0} sb ‘(penulyuo0od) XT WTaV], ‘wd g*f “qyg “ydag BBB VOL. 43, PART 4.—NEW SERIES. 686 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. TaBLe X.—COoNSTANT Piel, Aug. 26th—28th, 1898.—Constant dark experiment with of examination Flask B, air circulator, Aug. 26th, 12 noon. 7.10 p.m. | 10 p.m. Large brown Hippolyte Semi-nocturne Nocturne Mid-sized, transparent, brown Slightly nocturnal; trans- Nocturne parent, grey ‘Small, brown Dull grey Nocturne | Flask A— Large, brown Went slightly nocturnal Mid-sized, light brown | Eyes after operation and re- Larger, light brown | amputated covered. At 7.10 p.m. all) 2 small, light brown dead. Flask Ag@— Cut ventrally |Nocturne; brown hind with view |Nocturne of section- |Nocturne | ing nerve- |Transferred to flask A cord Large, dark, black-brown Mid-sized ,, ” Small = » | All with suggestion of grey Good nocturne Good nocturne One not seen Water circulator B— 12.40 p.m. Scraps of Dictyota weed | Large, transparent, yellow-brown Unchanged | Mid-sized, brown Unchanged | 2 small, lightish brown \Unchanged ‘Water circulator A. No weed— | Mid-sized, light brown Light brown | Mid-sized, transparent green Light brown Mid-sized, yellowish green Greyish brown Mid-sized, almost black, freckled with lighter spots Unchanged Very transparent; almost colourless ; tinge of green Unchanged 2 nocturnes 2 very transparent and almost colourless; 1 of them slightly greenish HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. Dark Experiment 2. air and water circulators. (4—4 minute). Aug. 27th, 10.45 a.m. 3.45 p.m. 9.30 p.m. Nocturne Nocturne Transparent, brownish Large, opaque, mauve tinge Small, dark brown Transparent, pale brown No further record 2 brown 2 green and 1 red-brown 1 dead. reddish brown, with Good nocturne; ant. and hind brown Nocturne Brown Almost black Dark brown-black Very transparent, almost colourless 2 brown 2 light green 1 reddish brown Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne Good nocturne Good nocturne Transparent; very light yellowish 2 full nocturnes 2 nocturnes 1 light brown 687 Contents exposed only during time Aug. 28th, 12.10 p.m. Mid. faint blue-green; ant. and hind brown. Brown. Transparent, greyish. Dark brown. Dark brown. | Light, transparent, | yellow. 2 reddish brown. | 2 light green. | 1 reddish brown. 688 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. TaBLe XI.—ExPERIMENT August 19th, 20th.—Effects of darkness, scattered, and red light August 19th. 12.30 p.m. A. Black-brown T. Ground pale yellow; net- work red and green; blue spots fairly numerous, with clear halos B. Similar to A. Green streaky network R. Yellow marginal chrom.; some blue spots with dense red mass round them C. Dark olive-brown T. Red and green patches R. Chrom., red with green, and some with yellow centres; blue spots regular, some with dense red halos D. Dark brown T. Ground reddish; network red and green; blue spots numer- ous, without halos 12.45. EK. Dark brown R. Light brown ground; red and green network; few blue spots without halos F. (A control.) Same as E Eyes amputated ; no obvious microscopical change; put in drip in dark Put in drip in dark | Examined no change; eyes painted with AgNO,; expansion| of light frosted green branches concealing red reticulum Put in drip in dark microscopically, 3.50 p.m. Very sick ; putin dark (see below). Dark brown; put in open in white porcelain dish (see below). 3 p.m. Eyes painted with AgNO,; T. Chrom. green cen- tres and branches more marked ; red less marked ; put in drip. 3.15 p.m. Eyes amputated by squeez- ing; no change. 3.50 p.m. Good nocturne; R. Fine green network; red more contracted; blue spots with blue-green branches. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 689 with Brinpep HippoLytTe. on amputated, nitrated, and normal Hippolyte varians. August 19th. _ = 12.45 p.m. G. SameasE . ; : : ..Examined, no change; amputated eyes; green more marked; left in drip in light; went full nocturne. 1 p.m., incandescent. 3.35 p.m. H. Dark black-brown Left in drip Examined by incandescent, (Opaque to T.) no change; eyes nitrated R. Red and green network; 2 with AgNO,; slight but small blue spots distinct increase in green- ness. 1.10 p.m., incandescent. 4.35 p.m. I. Dark brown . : |Went lighter during exa-|Put in red light incandes- R. Red and green patches; blue| mination; put indrip3.40| cent and mirror. spots arborescent ZZ ee ee ee re | ee 9.5 p.m., incandescent. I. After red light. Colour—blue T, Delicate blue network; chrom., with black centres R. Network blue; chrom. dark red, with blue-green vacu- oles; blue spots small, blue- black, no arborescence aa 9.8 p.m., incandescent. Blue-green T, Network in part red; network in part biue; chrom. dark red; microscopically exa- mined R. Yellow-green ground; net- "work red; chrom.as before, but centres not so clear 690 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Taste XI— Angust 19th, put in dark. 3.50 p.m. 4 p.m. A. Amputated . 5 : : ; > . Dead. H. Nitrated - - - . : 5 . Slightly nocturnal. F. Normal control : : : ; ; : : : ee | In porcelain dish in open, 3.50 p.m. | Colour at 3.50. | 7 p.m., incandescent. 9.32 p.m. G, Ampntated : : . Good nocturne Green behind eyesto Blue-green in | hump; rest brown mid.; ant. and hind brown E. Nitrated . ; : . Dark brown-black | Dark brown, last | Semi-nocturne; 2 segments blue recovery in 2 min. (= network by | | microscope) | |E. Normal . : : -| Dark brown-black Dark brown | Full nocturne | In red light. Colour at 3.50. 7.10 p.m. 9.5 p.m. D. Amputated : : .. Dark brown ) Brown, slightly )) transparent | behind eyes IC. Nitrated . . ; .| Brown Two green Fair nocturne ; L nocturnes and one recovered con- L greeninmid. siderably to brown [ | (not taken out) in 5 min. I. Normal control . : ‘ Brown Full nocturne | |— J J | (continued). 10 p.m. Dead. Light brown (put in muslin jar) HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. August 20th, 11 a.m. Dark brown 691 7 p.m. Slight nocturne. | 9.50. = 10.40. - Be eae 10.55. | : ue ea | Fully ‘) Nocturne in) | Nocturne at Recovered to | recovered |. mid | sidesand behind) full brown. eyes | No record | : Dull blue; : Dead Putinmuslin. Put in Fe Faery pat lbp ane r/muslin Td Neck ie ei f/ereen light | green Ps | Dull blue- | Nearly full Dark brown No record. | green ) nocturne J 10 p.m. Put in porcelain dish with incandescent for 20 min. No nocturnes Put in inean- descent all night August 20th, ‘ 5 | 10.40 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 12.45 p.m. | Dead. | | _ Dark brown. | Unaltered; fair Unaltered. Good nocturne | except ant. and hind Left in incandescent nocturne except | ant. and hind brown Put in porcelain Partly recovered ; in open ; cloudy stillopaque | greenish. 692 1842 1857 1867 1867 1872 1876 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. LITERATURE. . Kroyer, H.—‘‘ Monografisk Fremstilling af Slaegten Hippolyte’s Nordiske arten,” ‘Kong. Dansk. Vid. Selskab. Afhandlinger,’ Deel 9, p. 244. . Krvanan.—‘ Proce. Nat. Hist. Soc.,’? Dublin, p. 48. . Sars, G. O.—‘ Histoire naturelle des Crustacés d’Eau douce de Norvége,’ p. 28, Colour Change in Mysis relicta. . Kinanan.—‘ Proce. Nat. Hist. Soc.,? Dublin, p. 47, figs. 1—6, Hip- polyte varians at Kingstowa. . Poucuet.—‘“‘ Sur les rapides changements de coloration provoqués expérimentalement chez les Crustacés,” ‘Comptes rendus,’ vol. Ixxiv, p. 757. . Poucnet.—“ Changements de coloration sous l’influence des nerfs,” ‘Journal d’Anatomie et de la Physiologie,’ pp. 1—90 and 113—165, vol, xii. 1880-81. Mituer, Fritz.—‘Farbenwechsel bei Krabben v. Garneelen,’ Kosmos, iv Jahrg., Heft 12, p. 472. 1882. Matzporrr.—“ Ueber die Farbung von Idotea tricuspidata,” 1891 ‘ Jenaische Zeitschrift,’ xvi, pp. 1—59. . Exner.—‘ Die Physiologie der facetterten Augen von Krebsen und Insekten,’ Leipzig und Wien. 1892. Herpman.—‘ Sixth Annual Report Liverpool Marine Biological Com- 1892 1892 1892 1892 mittee,’ December, 1892. . Acassiz, A.—‘ Studies from the Newport Marine Zoological Labora- tory. XXIX. Preliminary Note on some Modifications of the Chro- matophores of Fishes and Crustaceans,” ‘Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool.,’ Harvard, vol. xxiii, No. 4. . Matarp, A. E.—* Bulletin Société Philomathique d. Paris,” Sec. 8, vol. iv, p. 28, Trans. ‘Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ vol. xi, 1893. . Brepermann, W.—‘ Ueber d. Farbenwechsel d. Frésche,” ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ Bd. li, pp. 455—608. . . Brooxs anD Herrick.—‘‘ The Embryology and Metamorphosis of the Macroura,” ‘ National Academy of Sciences,’ vol. v, memoir iv; especially p. 333, “¢ Variation in Habits and Colour of Alpheus;” pp. 454—458, “The Eye under the Influence of Light and Dark- ness.” 1893. WatrHEeR.—‘ Bionomie des Meeres,’ Jena, Gustav Fischer. 1893 1894. 1895. 1895. 1896. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1898. 1898. 1898 1898 HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 693 . Herpman.— Seventh Report Liverpool Marine Biol. Committee.’ Lanpout, H.—‘‘ Methode zur Bestimmung d. Rotations-Dispersion mit Hilfe von Strahlenfiltern,” ‘Bericht deutsch. chem. Gesellsch.,’ p. 2872. Faxon.—*‘ Reports of the ‘Albatross’ Expedition. XV. Stalk-eyed Crustacea,” pp. 251-3, ‘Memoirs Harvard Museum,’ No. XVill. Keiier, R.—‘‘ Ueber den Farbenwechsel d. Chamaleons u. einiger anderer Reptilien,” ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv f. d. gesammt. Physiologie,’ Bd. lxi, pp. 123—168. Rosrenstapt.—“ Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baues d. zusammen- gesetzen Auges bei den Decapoden,” ‘ Archiv mikroscop. Anatomie,’ Bd. xlvii, pp. 748—770: Lucifer, Sergestes, Virbius, Pale- mon. Hotmeren.—“ Zur Kenntniss d. Hautnervensystems d. Arthropoden (Chromatophores of Mysis),” ‘Anat. Anz.,’ Bd. xii, Nos. 19, 20, Nov., pp. 449—487. Hornetu.—‘ The Protective Colouring of the sop Prawns,” ‘Journal of Marine Zoology and Microscopy,’ vol. ui, No. 6, Dec., pp. 101-3. NusBAUM AND SCHREIBER. —‘ Beitrag zur Kenntniss d. peripheralen Nervensystems bei den Crustaceen,” ‘ Biol. Centralblatt,’ Bd. xvii, No. 17, Sept., pp. 625—640 (Astacus). VerRiLt, A. E.—* Nocturnal and Diurnal Changes in the Colours of Certain Fishes and of the Squid (Loligo), with Notes on their Sleeping Habits,” ‘American Journal of Science,’ ser. 4, vol. iui, p. 135. Nerwsictn.—“ The Pigments of Decapod Crustacea,” ‘Journal of Physiology,’ vol. xxi, pp. 287—257 (Astacus, Nephrops, Homarus). HerpmMan.—‘ Twelfth Annual Report Liverpool Marine Biol. Com- mittee,’ pp. 19, 20. Hotmeren.—Zum Aufsatze W. Schreiber’s ‘‘ Noch ein Wort iiber das peripherisch sensible Nervensystem bei den Crustaceen” (Nerve- plexus, chromatophores in Palewmon), ‘Anat. Anz.,’ Bd. xiv, No. 16, May, pp. 409—418. . SCHREIBER, W.—“‘ Noch ein Wort iiber das peripherisch sensible Nervensystem bei den Crustaceen,’’ ‘Anat. Anz.,’ Bd. xiv, No. 10, Jan., pp. 273, 277. . Nacet.— Ueber fliissige Strahlenfilter,” ‘ Biologisches Centralblatt,’ xviii, No. 17, Sept. 694. F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. 1898. Newsiern, M. E.—‘Colour in Nature: a Study in Biology,’ John Murray, pp. i—xii, and 1—343, especially pp. 117—129, “‘ Colours of Crustacea” and Literature. 1900. Kersie, F. W., and Gampiz, F. W.—< The Colour Physiology of Hippolyte varians,” ‘ Proc. Roy. Soe.,’ vol. lxv, January. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 32—36, Illustrating Messrs. F. W. Gamble and F. W. Keeble’s paper on “ Hippolyte varians: a Study in Colour-change.”’ PLATE 32. Plates 1 and 2 illustrate some of the more distinctive colour forms of Hippolyte varians found at Piel, and show the close resemblance be- tween the colour or coloration of the prawn and the tints of the seaweed which it selects. The drawings (except figs. 12 and 13) were made by Miss D. Richardson, from specimens placed with the weeds trawled at the same time. After a number of trials it was found that certain colour varieties selected particular weeds; in other cases direct observation showed that green prawns affect Zostera, brown ones Halidrys and Dictyota. Fic. 1.—Two of these specimens show the full green tint assimilating these prawns to the “leaves,” and one shows the yellowish colour of the lower parts of the stalks. This difference of tint, associated with a preference for the upper or lower parts of the Zostera, was frequently observed by us. Fig. 2.—A green-lined Hippolyte on a piece of green Griffithsia. Fie. 3.—Two black-barred specimens on the alga Cladostephus spon- giosus. Fic. 4.—Two adult prawns on Laminaria. Fic. 5.—A finely red-lined and barred specimen hiding away amongst Gigartina. This is, however, by no means the only red weed affected by this colour variety. Fic. 6.—Brown Hippolyte on Halidrys siliquosa. PLATE 33. Fie. 7.—Young specimen of the “fascigera” variety found among Bowerbankia growing on the stems of Halidrys. Fic. 8.—Small “ red-liners ” sheltering among red Griffithsia. Fig. 9.—Mid-sized brown specimens on Dictyota dichotoma, HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 695 Fic. 10.—Two full “ nocturnes,” which had, during the day, been brown in colour, x 2. Fie. 11.—A nocturne showing on the antennal scales and abdomen a trace of the expanded red and yellow pigment. (In the tables this condition is registered as nocturne in “ mid.,” “ant.,” and “hind,” brown.) xX 2. Fic, 12.—A black-barred specimen in the nocturnal! condition. x 2. Fic. 13.—The same in the diurnal colour phase. x 2. PLATE 34. All the figures in this plate are taken from “red-liners” (see text, pp. 606 to 608). Fie. 14.—A “red-liner,” showing the characteristic bars and stripes of colour. ‘I'he specimen was outlined with the camera, and the painting made by transmitted light. Hence the (apparent) absence of yellow spots spoken of in the text (p. 609). x 7. Fie. 15.—A camera drawing of the chief arteries of the abdomen, taken from a red-lined specimen in all respects comparable to Fig. 14, except that the colour was very faint, and the increased transparency thus aided the definition of the deeper vessels. This figure is to be compared with Fig. 14, in order to show the close agreement between the course of the segmental arteries going to the swimmerets, and the bars of red spots in Fig. 14. In the specimen (Fig. 15) the bars of colour were placed exactly behind the seg- mental artery, which often gave off a small branch to them. The heart was beating about twice a second. No sign of an inferior abdominal artery could be detected, though the passage of the blood from the arterial capillaries into the sinuses was clearly seen. ‘The sternal and thoracic arteries are omitted. x 7. Fie. 16.—Three abdominal segments from the tail of a red-liner to show the aorta (D. 4.); the pigment attached to the wall of the intestine, and moving during peristalsis (I. P. Z.); the pigment associated with the venous intestinal sinus (which is dotted); the dense pigmented sheath (V. 8.) round the ventral cord, and the blood-vessel accompanying it. S&. WY. A swimmeret. Fic. 17.—Eye of a red-liner, to show the deep chromatophores in connection with the optic ganglia, and in the more superficial parts of the stalk. x 10. Fic. 18.—Eye of a faint red-liner in which, owing to the small quantity of pigment, one can see the ophthalmic artery and its branches, which later inter- digitate with the processes of the large chromatophore between the first and second optic ganglia. Only some of the venous spaces at the proximal end of the stalk are indicated. There are other venous currents from the retina, > MY). 696 F. W. GAMBLE AND F, W. KEEBLE. Fic. 19.—A “chromatophore” from a red-liner, to show the way in which these colour elements frequently wrap their processes round the walls of an artery. The blood-corpuscles are about equal in diameter to the calibre of this capillary. In the chromatophore the two pigments (red and yellow) are distinct, and a point of fusion with a neighbouring pigment spot is indicated. The anastomosing tendency of the branches is here distinct. Leitz, oc. 3, obj. 5. Camera lucida. September 20th, 1898. x 190. Fic. 20.— Deep intermuscular chromatophores of a red-liner. Leitz, oc. 3, obj. 6. Camera lucida. August 24th, 1898. x 250. PLATE 35. Fic. 21.—Right side of the carapace of a green specimen drawn with the camera, to show the varying form and size of the “blue spots.”’ Transmitted light. Leitz, oc. 1, obj. 3. x 30. September 19th, 1898. Fic. 22.—A “‘blue spot” from a green Hippolyte varians, sending out delicate branches which in close association with the yellow of neighbour- ing chromatophores produce a total effect of green by reflected light. Each of these chromatophores has possibly its own store of blue colour in addition to the red and yellow seen in the figure; but it is difficult to determine how much of the blue constituent of the green effect is derived from the branches of the large blue spot, and how much is proper to each chromatophore. Transmitted light. Leitz, oc. 3, obj. 5. Camera lucida. See text, p. 190. September 20th, 1898. Fic. 23.—Muscle chromatophores from a small pink Hippolyte varians. The colour of the specimen was almost entirely due to these deep chromato- phores. The red pigment (black in the figure) is arranged in tubes which run parallel to the course of the fibres, and give off branches which pass outwards and bifurcate. The colour of most small Hippolyte is deter- mined by the amount and arrangement of the pigments in these muscle chromatophores. In larger, less transparent forms the superficial network of colour conceals the great store of pigments which exist in the underlying muscle. Leitz, oc. 3, obj. 5. St. Vaast. August, 1899. Fic. 24.—A portion of the carapace of a full brown Hippolyte. The network is chiefly red witl some yellow strands, and here and there green patches. It is difficult to distinguish ‘ chromatophores.” Leitz, oc. 1, obj. 3. Camera lucida. September 16th, 1898. Fic. 25.—Blue spots and the indefinite irregular reticulum of a pink Hippolyte. The blue spots have distinct clear envelopes traversed by yellowish radiations, and by three stouter red processes which arise from the larger blue spot and mingle with the general reticulum. Leitz, oc. 3, obj. 5. August 5th, 1898. HIPPOLYTE VARIANS. 697 Kies. 26—28.—Three “ chromatophores ” from different levels of the same part of the body of a specimen of Hippolyte varians. Fig. 26 is a sub- epidermal pigment cell with red, yellow, and blue pigments, Focussing down ‘013 mm. (as determined by the distance through which the milled head of the fine adjustment is turned), Fig. 27 is reached, which shows the appear- ance of “ chromatophores ” lying between muscle-fibres. Focussing ‘066 mm. deeper, Fig. 28, a deeply placed pigmented element, comes into view. Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 3. Fies. 29—32.—A series of sketches of the same “chromatophores” at intervals of about ten minutes. They are taken from a specimen of the “fascigera”’ variety of H. varians, the eyes of which were amputated on August 22nd, 1898. The specimen was left in a current of water (in the dark) till11.20 a.m., August 23rd. It was then freckled, sandy-coloured, trans- parent, not at all nocturnal. Fig. 29 was drawn at 11.25, Fig. 30 at 11.80, Fig. 3lat 11.45. Fig. 32 is an enlarged view of one of the “‘ chromatophores ” at 11.55. A had two dark red spots (black in the figure), the remainder being clear yellowish green. B was bright red. The figures show that for the first ten minutes after exposure to light the “ chromatophores ” (even after extirpation of the eyes) began to expand. At 11.35 the specimen was put back in porcelain dish and covered with black cloth. At 11.45 a certain retraction of the yellow and red pigments in A and B respectively had occurred. At 11.55 the specimen was dead. Figs. 29, 30, and 31 are drawn with Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 3; Fig. 32, oc. 4, obj.5. All camera drawings. PLATE 36. Fie, 33.—D, four drawings of the same “ chromatophore;” A at 6.2 p.m., B at 6.43, C at 6.83, and D at 8.13 p.m. ‘They are taken from a nocturne at first rapidly recovering, owing to the stimulus of the trans- mitted light. Owing to slight movements of the animal there are slight discrepancies between the figures, but great care has been taken to represent the same “ chromatophore ” in each drawing. The red and yellow pigments in A are strongly retracted, while the enveloping blue merges into a delicate blue reticulum. As recovery proceeds the yellow pigment comes out, followed by the red, while as the blue retracts from the reticulum it forms irregular masses at the sides of the “ chromatophore.” The pigment is very granular, or, what is probably a more correct statement, there are bodies of peculiar optical properties bathed in a homogeneous yellow pigment. When this pigment is beginning to expand these bodies are carried outwards, and at first have very little pigment with them. They then appear dark by transmitted light, but bright yellowish by reflected light. Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 5. Camera lucida. December 21st, 1898. Fic. 34.—“ Chromatophore ” of a nocturne, to show retracted red and yellow and expanded blue pigments. Zeiss, oc. 4, obj. D. Camera lucida. 698 F. W. GAMBLE AND F. W. KEEBLE. Fie. 35.—A, B, C, a “ chromatophore” from a full nocturne; A at 6.44 p.m., B at 6.483, C at 6.56. At 7.10 there was no further obvious change. In this case the expansion of the red and retraction of the blue took place slowly aud only to a limited extent. Such is often the case with nocturnes in December, though cases of rapid recovery are not rare. December 18th, 1898. Camera lucida. Fic. 36.—A—F exhibit a series of changes in the same ‘‘ chromatophore,” though the prawn under examination was undoubtedly dead after B was drawn as far as could be ascertained by the stoppage of the heart and gill-current. The pigments were red and yellow. August 25th, 1898. Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 5. camera lucida. Fic. 37.—A—C, camera drawings of a “ chromatophore ” at intervals of five to ten minutes. The specimen was an Hippolyte ofa transparent greyish colour when its eyes were amputated at 3.25 p.m., August 25th. Up to 6.10, when sketch A was made, the prawn was kept in the dark. When brought out it was a nearly full nocturne, though greenish blue in tint. While being drawn it recovered (owing to the expansion of its “ chromatophores ”’) toa transparent brown tint, and was undoubtedly alive at 6.40 when the sketches were finished. This shows that amputated Hippolyte nocturne and recover just as normal specimens do. Pigments red and yellow. Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 5. Fic. 38.—A—C, camera drawings of the same “chromatophore ” from a transparent brown-barred “fascigera” variety of H. varians; A at 2.16 p.m., August 23rd, 1898, B at 2.18, C at 2.20. These show rapid expansion of pigment into hitherto colourless processes. Leitz, oc. 4, obj. 5. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 699 On the Nephridia of the Polycheta.' Part III—The Phyllodocide, Syllide, Amphinomide, etc., with Summary and Conclusions. by Edwin 8. Goodrich, M.A., Aldrichian Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. With Plates 37—42. PHYLLODOCID®. At the end of Part II of this work I announced the dis- covery in the Phyllodocidee of closed nephridia provided with solenocytes, and, indeed, it so happens that in this family are found some of the most beautiful examples of this type of excretory organ. The Phyllodocide are divided into two sub-families, the Alciopine and the Phyllodocine. Of the Alciopine I have been able to study fresh and preserved specimens of Al- ciope cantrainii, D. Ch., A. Krohnii, Gruff, Asterope candida, D. Ch., Vanadis formosa, Clp., at the Zoolo- gical Station at Naples. Amongst the Phyllodocine I have examined more espe- cially fresh and preserved examples of Phyllodoce Pa- retti, Blainv., Ph. laminosa, Sav., Hulalia punctifera, Gr., Eteone lactea, Clp., from Plymouth, and a spirit specimen of Hteone siphonodonta, D. Ch., from Naples. ' Part I appeared in vol. xl (1897), and Part IL in vol. xli (1898) of this Journal. For the contents of Parts I, II, and III see the table at the end of this paper. 700 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. Already Hering, Claparéde, and Greeff have described in considerable detail the excretory and genital organs of the Alciopinee, and Gravier those of the Phyllodocine ; but since these authors failed to recognise the essential structure of the true nephridium, and its distinctness from the genital funnel with which it becomes connected at maturity, it will be more convenient to delay the consideration of their writ- ings until after I have dealt with my own observations. Alciopine. The Nephridium.—On examining with the microscope a living specimen of Vanadis formosa compressed under a cover-glass, the nephridium can be seen in every trunk seg- ment, after the first two or three, as a long slender tube running ventrally along the side of the body, between every consecutive pair of parapodia (fig. 1). Hach nephridium opens ventrally, and just in front of the base of a para- podium. ‘T’he external opening leads into a slightly dilated chamber, which is continued into the nephridial duct extend- ing forwards, and ending blindly in the posterior region of the next segment; for the very incomplete septum here allows the elegantly curved nephridium to project beyond it. Bunches of solenocytes are set at irregular intervals along the nephridial canal, chiefly on the outer edge of the curved surface (fig. 1). The nephridium of Alciope cantrainii is very similar to that of Vanadis; but the canal branches anteriorly, and the solenocytes are fewer in number, and grouped near the ex- tremities of the blind branches (fig. 3). The bladder-like dilatation near the external pore is more marked (fig. 5). In Asterope candida the nephridium is more like that of Vanadis that that of Alciope. The detailed structure of the solenocytes in the Alciopinz and their relation to the nephridial tube are of considerable interest. The tubes themselves are of remarkable length, especially in Alciope (fig. 3), narrow, of almost even dia- meter throughout, and slightly oval in section. They pierce THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 701 the wall of the nephridial canal, projecting into its lumen for a certain distance (figs. 2, 3, and 9). At their distal ends they spring from rounded masses which look so like cells, in the fresh, that I was at first deceived into the opinion that they consisted of a row of large cells, each connected with from four to six tubes (figs. 3 and 9). On further examina- tion of stained preparations and sections, these rounded, long, slightly granular masses proved to be made up of a large number of small nuclei agglomerated together, and each be- longing to its own tube (fig. 2). Cell outlines there are none, and of cell substance scarcely a trace. A long flagel- lum works rapidly down each tube, passing into the lumen of the nephridial canal. Characteristic of the nephridia of the Alciopine is the presence of long powerful cilia situated on the outer or coelomic surface of the organ in the regions where the solenocytes are inserted. In Alciope, and perhaps to a less extent in the other two genera, the tubes of the solenocytes are regularly disposed in short transverse rows of from three to six (fig. 4), and the outer cilia appear to work rapidly backwards and forwards between these rows of tubes (figs. 3 and 9), thus renewing the ccelomic fluid which bathes their outer surfaces.! Another detail worthy of notice is that in Asterope candida, and perhaps also in Alciope (figs. 9 and 2), the bases of the tubes of the solenocytes are connected together by a thin web for some distance. A large number of irregular vacuoles and globules, no doubt of excretory nature, are generally found in the wall of the nephridial canal (fig. 9). There is no internal opening whatever. The Genital Funnel.—In the quite anterior segments 1 When these nephridia are kept undisturbed for any length of time under the cover-glass, the cilia soon cease to work; but on the introduction of a small drop of fresh sea water under the cover, both the outer cilia and the flagella inside the tubes begin to work again with renewed vigour. The ces- sation of movement is probably due to the want of oxygen. VOL, 43, PART 4,.—NEW SERIES, Clerc 702 EDWIN S. GOODRICH, no other organ is related to the nephridium; but passing backwards we find in immature specimens deep pouches of the septa open in front, and ending blindly behind, a right and a left pouch in every segment. These are the incom- pletely developed genital funnels. In Vanadis formosa the funnel is almost tubular in shape, its inner wall is formed of thick columnar epithelium, with short cilia not fully developed (fig. 1). The lip of the opening is continuous all round with the ccelomic epithelium, into which it gradually passes. When the worm reaches sexual maturity (as in the Alciope represented in figs. 8 and 51) the funnels become enlarged and thin-walled, the lip round the mouth specially differen- tiated, thickened, and strongly ciliated, whilst the posterior end fuses with and finally opens into the nephridial duct about halfway down its course, at a point marked by a bend in the immature condition (fig. 1). Such large saccular genital funnels are developed in con- nection with each right and left nephridium in both sexes throughout the greater length of the body in all the Al- ciopids I have examined. The shape of the funnel varies slightly in the three genera studied, being elongated in Vanadis, somewhat pear-shaped in Alciope (fig. 8), and more rounded in Asterope. In a young specimen of Alciope Krohnii I was able to follow the development of the genital funnel in the anterior segments. In the eleventh segment (fig. 6) it was still re- presented by a mere concave patch of thickened ciliated coelomic epithelium on the anterior surface of the septum, quite near the nephridium. Passing backwards, this rudi- ment was seen to increase in size, and become more concave in succeeding segments. In segment seventeen (fig. 7) it had already acquired the essential structure of the adult organ, excepting, of course, the opening into the nephridium, which is only formed when the genital products are ripe enough to be allowed to pass to the exterior. Fig. 8 repre- sents a longitudinal section through a ripe male Alciope THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 703 cantrainii, in which the communication between the two organs has taken place, and the ripe spermatozoa are seen to have passed down into the nephridial canal. As already mentioned above, several observers have de- scribed the excretory organs of the Alciopids. Hering long ago (18) gave a brief description of these structures, which he has since corrected and enlarged in a paper published in 1892, to which I shall presently refer (19). Claparéde, in the supplement to his classical work on the ‘ Annelids of Naples’ (2), confirmed most of Hering’s early observations, and gave detailed descriptions and figures of the nephridia and genital funnelsin Alciope cantrainii and Asterope candida. Concerning the former he says, p. 106: “‘ Les organes seementaires ont une forme trés remarquable. La premiére paire est placée au second segment sétigeére, et, jusqu’au 16™ leur conformation reste identique. Cesont de longs boyaux ciliés dont l’ouverture extréme est placée a la base des pieds du cété ventral. Le boyau se dirige d’abord en dedans, perpendiculairement 4 Vaxe, puis il forme un angle droit, et finit par s’élargir en un petit entonnoir qui s’engage dans le dissépiment séparant la cavité du segment de celle du segment précédent. L’entonnoir s’ouvre donc dans la cavité du segment précédent. . . . Mais 4 partir du 16™° seement sétigére l'appareil se complique, chez le mile, dune grosse vésicule piriforme, dont le court pédoncule tubulaire s’insére sur le boyau de Vorgane segmentaire. .. . Au temps de la maturité cette vésicule est remplie de zoo- spermes, et joue par conséquent le réle de vésicule sémi- nale.” Claparéde’s account is, therefore, nearly correct. He saw the nephridium, alone in the anterior segments, associated with the genital funnels in the segments behind the sixteenth. He failed to find the internal opening of the genital funnel (vésicule séminale), but saw its posterior communication with the nephridial canal. He missed, however, the true anterior extremity of the nephridium, with its solenocytes, and, misled 704 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. perhaps by the notion that a nephridium must necessarily open into the body-cavity, he erroneously described an open nephrostome. How near Claparéde was to discovering the solenocytes will be seen by the following quotation concern- ing Asterope candida (p. 114): “ T’ouverture interne de ’organe segmentaire se présente, comme d’ordinaire, sous la forme d’un entonnoir engagé dans le dissépiment. . . . L’entonnoir se continue dans le boyau cilié qui forme une anse en boucle, de forme trés-constante ; puis le boyau se dirige en arriére . . . presque jusqu’a la limite du segment suivant. La il se recourbe sur Iui-méme en s’‘élargissant considérablement .. . il débouche dans un vaste résérvoir cilié, 4 paroi fort épaisse, qui se dirige en avant, en s’atténuant par degrés pour venir s’ouvrir a la base du pied. Ce réservoir est la vésicule séminale de M. Hering. . .. La particularité la plus remarquable de cet appareil consiste dans existence de touffes de longs poils raides in- sérées sur la surface externe du boyau. Ces touffes se pré- sentent surtout a la surface de lanse en forme de boucle, mais on peut les suivre au dela, jusque vers le milieu de la longueur du boyau. M. Krohn, qui se trouvait a Naples en méme temps que moi, examiné, 4 ma requéte, PAsterope candida au point de vue de ces singuliéres touffes de poils, et en confirmé entiérement lexistence. On pourrait songer & des faisceaux de brides fort ténues, destinées 4 maintenir Vorgane en position, mais l’extremité des poils m’a toujours parue parfaitement libre.” Both Krohn and Claparéde, then, actually saw and figured the tubes of the solenocytes, believing them to be merely fine processes (touffes de poils). As shown above, Claparéde erroneously described and figured the genital funnel of Asterope as opening forwards directly to the exterior. Hering in his latest paper (19) gives a very similar de- scription of the nephridium of Alciope. His figures are more correct than Claparéde’s; but he fell into the same errors, believing the nephridium to open in front into the body-cavity, and the solenocyte tubes to be merely stiff hair- THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 705 like processes. The genital funnel he looked upon as a diverticulum of the nephridial canal, probably blind in front.! Curiously enough, like Claparéde, he states that the genital funnel occurs only in the male. This may be due to the fact that it is more difficult to see in the female, where it is not crammed with refringent spermatozoa, Greeff is the third author who has dealt with these organs. In his general work (14) he gives a very brief and incom- plete account of their structure, but returns to the subject in 1885 (15). Describing Rhynchonerella fulgens, Greeff says, p. 451: “ Bei den geschlechtsreifen Mannchen finden sich in 10, 11, 12, und 13 Segmente je ein Paar wurmformig gewundener mit Spermatozoiden erfiillten Schlauche (figs. 27 f, 28 c, 30a, 33a). Ihr worderes und inneres Ende hat eine, wie es scheint, sehr feine Offnung, die ich nur undeutlich geschen habe und vermittels welcher die Spermatozoiden aus der Leibeshohle aufgenommen werden.” Greeff seems, therefore, to have actually seen the internal opening of the genital funnel of which Hering only suspected the presence. 1 Describing Alciope Edwardsii, Krohn = cantrainii, Clap., Hering writes as follows (19, p. 726):—‘‘ Das infundibulum jenes Organ (the ne- phridium) liegt in der Nahe des Winkels zwischen Ruder und Pigmenthigel nahe der Bauchwand; es hat bei beiden Geschlechtern einen wulstigen, an den Randern stark lichtbrechenden gewundenen Saum. An letzteren bemerkt man relative lange, strahlenformig angeordnete, scheinbar steife Harchen, welche man fiir stark entwickelte Flimmerhaare halten wiirde, wenn sie beweglich waren. . . . Die mit Samen gefillte Samenblase sicht man allerdings leicht sowohl mit ihrem abgerundeten, scheinbar blind endendeu vordertheile, als mit dem spitz auslaufenden hinteren Ende unter dem Pig- menthiigel hervorragen (Fig. 3, Taf. ii, 5); ebenso lasst sich relativ leicht der Canal, in den sie ausmiindet, besonders wenn er mit Samen gefillt ist, bis bis zur nachst hinteren Ruderinsertion verfolgen, wo er, wie gesagt, einwarts von derselben auf einer kleinen Erhebung der Haut sich nach aussen Offnet ” (p. 727). And he adds concerning Alciope vittata = Asterope candida, Clap. (p.751): “Ob die Samenblase in der Nahe des Infundibulums ein blindes (vorderes) Ende hat, oder hier mit Leibeshohle communicirt, und ob die etwaige Offuung mit dem Infundibulum in Beziehung steht, weiss ich hier ebensowenig zu sagen wie bei Ale. Edwardsii (s. d.),” 706 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. It is evident from the above quotations that although, through the labours of Hering, Claparéde, Krohn, and Greeff, the anatomical relations of the genital funnels in the mature male Alciopids was known, the real structure of the nephridium and its morphological relation to the genital funnel were not understood. Phyllodocine. The Nephridium.—Like their allies the Alciopine, the Phyllodocine have a closed nephridium, the inner blind end of which bears a large number of solenocytes. In all the genera I have examined, Phyllodoce, Hulalia, Eteone, Ptero- cirrus, the inner extremity of the nephridium is more or less branched, the solenocytes being distributed on the branches in each case in a highly characteristic manner. In Phyllodoce paretti, for instance, they form fan-like bunches at the tips of the branches only (fig. 14). The tubes are here almost as long as in Alciope, the cell-body and its contained nucleus being perched on the distal end of each. This little rounded cell-mass gives off no processes, and contains a few highly refringent globules. There are no external cilia on the ccelomic surface of the organ. In most Phyllodocine, however, the solenocytes are ar- ranged not only at the tips, but also along the whole length of the terminal branches, as in Nephthys (11). These branches may be fused at their bases, forming a broad grooved plate-like organ, somewhat resembling the nephri- dium of Glycera (12). In the large worm Eteone siphonodonta, the nephri- dium of which is just visible to the naked eye, there are an immense number of solenocytes closely ranged in rows along the grooves and lobes on the upper surface. As in Phyl- lodoce paretti, the cell-body and nucleus is supported at the distal free end of the somewhat conical tube (figs. 10 and 11). The nephridial canal gives off several main pranches, which divide again into secondary branches, as in the Glyceride. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 707 In Eulalia viridis, Griffithsii, and punctifera, and in Eteone lactea the general structure is similar; but the nephridia are much smaller, and the number of solenocytes much less. Curiously enough Phyllodoce laminosa, amongst the forms I have studied, is provided with solenocytes resem- bling rather those of Glycera unicornis than of its nearer allies. In this Phyllodocid the cell-body of the solenocyte is oval, fixed by its base to the surface of the nephridium, and connected by an elongated ‘‘ neck” with the top of its flagellated tube (fig. 13). These cells are placed in rows facing each other, and at the tip of each branch two of them seem to be joined together by their cell-bodies, as is generally the case in Glycera unicornis (12, fig. 9). Numerous long cilia arise from the ccelomic surface of the nephridium, between the rows of solenocytes, and by means of their rapid movements serve to renew the fluid in the neighbourhood of the tubes (fig. 13). The Genital Funnel.—In the Phyllodocine the genital funnel has much the same relation to the nephridium as in the Alciopinz. Sections of immature specimens of Hulalia show it as a bell-shaped organ, open in front, closed behind, and formed of a deep layer of ciliated epithelium (figs. 27 and 17). It is so closely connected with the nephridium that, during a part of its course, the latter is actually em- bedded in the wall of the funnel (fig. 16), recalling the state of things described in Nephthys (11), where the nephridial canal runs through the wall of the ‘ciliated organ” (genital funnel). Beyond the funnel the nephridial canal continues alone to the nephridiopore (fig. 15). A longitudinal section through these organs, in a well-developed but not mature male Hulalia (fig. 28), shows that the posterior end of the genital funnel becomes closely applied to the nephridial canal, and that although at this point the walls of the two are somewhat thinned out and flattened together, yet they remain distinct and complete, allowing no passage from the ccelom into the nephridial lumen. 708 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. In similar sections of a mature male Eteone (figs. 18 and 29) it is seen that an opening has been formed at the point of fusion; but the limit of the two different tissues is stall quite plainly discernible. A passage has thus been formed for the first time from the ccelom into the nephridial canal, allowing the ripe spermatozoa to pass out to the exterior. The history of the development of the genital funnel is the same in both sexes, and in all the genera of the Phyllo- docine I have examined. Some variation occurs with regard to the shape of the fully-formed organ, which appears to be larger and more folded in Eulalia, for instance, than in Eteone (figs. 23 and 18). Genital funnels are developed throughout the trunk region, but dwindle, and finally disappear in the anterior segments, where nephridia alone are present (from about the twentieth). There appear to be a few segments in the adult, quite near the head, where the nephridia themselves have disappeared ; as, indeed, is generally the case in Polychetes. Gravier, in his careful account of the anatomy of the Phyl- lodocinee (18), figured and described their nephridia as simple wide-mouthed organs, opening from the ccelom to the exterior and serving as genital ducts. Finding my own results differ so widely from those of M. Gravier, I examined the prepara- tions he had worked at,! and found that, in fact, he had missed the inner end of the nephridium, which is very diffi- cult to recognise in fully mature specimens, where the ccelom is filled with genital products and the genital funnel becomes so much enlarged and so closely fused with the nephridial duct. As I had surmised, the large-funnelled “ nephridia” described by Gravier are the compound organs formed by the grafting of the genital funnel on the true nephridium (figs. 23 and 24). Syllide. My observations on this family of Polychetes, extending 1 T am much indebted to M. Gravier for very kindly lending me his sec- tions. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 709 over various genera and species (Haplosyllis spongicola, Gr., Autolytus, Myrianida, Trypanosyllis, Pionosyllis, Syllis, etc.), were made on fresh and preserved material chiefly obtained at Naples and Plymouth. Since much has already been written on the nephridia of these worms by Khlers (6), Saint Joseph (23), Claparéde (2), Malaquin (21), and others, it will only be necessary to dwell in detail on certain points which seem to me not to have been thoroughly elucidated. In the immature Syllids the nephridium consists of a slender tube opening externally on the ventral surface, and internally into the coclom of the next segment in front by means of a simple nephrostome. It is generally stated that, at the time of sexual maturity, the nephridium becomes much enlarged, and serves as a genital duct. Hhlers, in his im- portant work on the Polycheeta (6), says that “diese Organe (segmental organs) sind in zustande der Ruhe ausserst feine, innen wimpernde Rohren mit einer unter der Basis der Fiiss- hocker gelegenen ausseren, und einer in Mitte des Segmentes miindenden innerer Offnung. Zur Brunstzeit entwickeln sich die Organe zu sackartigen Behalten, welche durch aufnahme der Geschlechtsproducte durch die innere Offnung bis zur geanzlichen Anfillung des Segmentalraumes ausgedehnt werden. Die Kntleerung der Hier und des Samens erfolgt durch die aussere Offnung des Segmentalorganes” (p. 215). Malaquin, in his ‘ Monograph of the Syllids’ (21), goes a little further into detail :—“ La néphridie réduite pendant une grande partie de la vie du Syllidien a un canal étroit, simple- ment courbé en are et a trajet horizontal présente, a Vap- proche de la maturité sexuelle, c’est 4 dire au moment ou les produits des glandes génitales commencent a remplir la cavité générale, un accroissement secondaire qui se manifeste tout d’abord par une dilatation du canal néphridien ; puis par une croissance longitudinale ce qui nécessite un reploiement de la néphridie sur elle-méme. . . . L’entonnoir vibratile lui- méme s‘%élargit de facon a laisser pénétrer facilement les spermatozoides”’ (p. 280). 710 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. Now I shall endeavour to show that the remarkable changes undergone by the excretory organs at the time of maturity in the fertile segments of those Syllids which do not form buds, and in the segments of the reproductive buds, when they occur, described by these and other authors, are really due not so much to the mere enlargement of the true nephridium as to the addition at its anterior end of a new growth, the genital funnel. In the immature condition the nephridia of all the Syllids I have examined are of essentially the same structure, differing only in certain unimportant details. In fig. 34 is represented the anterior end of the nephridium of Try- panosyllis sp. The lumen of the canal is surrounded by a wall of granular protoplasm containing many excretory granules and vacuoles. Cilia are present here and there in groups attached to the inner surface. In front of the septum the canal projects, and ends by a small funnel, the lower lip of which alone protrudes far into the ccelom, and bears a flame-like bunch of cilia. Two nuclei can be detected, even in the living worm, in the lower lip of the nephrostome. The upper lip is not provided with cilia (fig. 34). It is formed of a mass of closely-packed cells continuous with the ccelomic epithelium of the septum. These are well seen in a section through the nephrostome of an anterior nephridium of Haplosyllis spongicola (fig. 37). In this species, how- ever, small cilia appear to be present in this region also (fig. 39). The lower lip of the nephrostome, as is well shown in the latter figure, projects quite freely as a flattened process. In Syllis vivipara (fig. 36) the lumen of the nephridial canal is surrounded by vacuoles, some of which at all events open into it. Minute globules are also scattered about the substance of the wall. These globules of varying size, and the large vacuoles, appear to be formed by the accumulation of fluid excretory products absorbed by the nephridial cells, and passing into the lumen of the canal, whence they are driven to the exterior by the cilia placed on its internal wall. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. rAal At the level of the septum the excretory products cease to appear, the tube becomes narrower, and then enlarges again as it passes into the funnel. The nephrostome is here also provided with a long lower lip, to which is attached a bunch of long powerful cilia. There is shown a short upper lip without cilia; but this may possibly be only the edge of the lower lip seen in optical section, since I was unable to find it in sections (fig. 85). It will be seen, then, that at this stage the funnel of the nephridium has all the appearance of being a true nephrostome—the open extremity of the nephridial tube, continuous with it, and of the same substance. It bears a strong resemblance to the nephrostomes of the smaller Oligochetes, such as Enchytreeus (9). If we now examine the structure of the excretory organ in a fertile and genitally mature segment of a Syllid, we shall find a very different state of things (figs. 20 and 38). Sections of the mature organ show that the lumen of the canal is somewhat enlarged, and often much distended with genital products, but that its walls are otherwise little changed in appearance, whilst in front of the septum, in place of the little nephrostome, a large ciliated funnel has become developed. The lip runs high up on the anterior face of the septum, then curves round to meet below in a projecting shorter lower lip. The funnel forms a large trumpet-like opening to the nephridium, and its walls extend, as those of genital funnels generally do, partly on to the septum, and partly on to the body-wall (figs. 21 and 38). The histological structure of this richly ciliated newly deve- loped funnel is quite different from that of the true ne- phridium—resembling, in fact, that of the genital funnels described in the Phyllodocide above ; and it is sharply marked off from the nephridium at the point where the nephrostome was previously situated (fig. 30). The nephrostome can no longer be distinguished. ‘he little mass of cells described above (fig. 37) as situated over the projecting lower lip of the nephrostome, must be regarded as the rudiment of the genital funnel, strictly comparable to the rudiments shown pil? EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. on the septa in the quite immature Goniada (12, Part II, Pl. 35, fig. 33), or in the Phyllodocids. In these worms, as in Syllids, the rudiments of the genital funnels in some of the anterior segments amount to merely a few cells gathered together just above the point where the nephridium is at- tached to the septum. No further development is undergone by the rudiment of the genital funnel (in the non-reproductive segments) in such forms as Haplosyllis, where ripe genital products are only stored in the posterior reproductive buds; but in a mature Pionosyllis, for instance, every stage is found, on passing from before backwards, between a nephridial funnel to which the coelomic epithelium appears to have contributed but little, and the more posterior perfectly developed genital funnels which have entirely superseded the nephrostomes (figs. 21 and 35). Amphinomide|! This account of the excretory organs of the Amphinomidee is based chiefly on an examination of sections of Huphrosyne foliosa, Aud. and Ed., from the coast of Normandy, and Kurythe sp., from Ceylon. Ehlers (6), describing the nephridia of HKuphrosyne racemosa, says: “ Die Segmentalorgane finden sich fast in allen Korperringen, denn ich sah sie ohne Unterbrechung bis im zwanzigsten Segmente. Sie legen dort paarweise in jedem zunichst unter der Riickenoberflache, mit ihrer 4usseren Miindung am medianen Rande des Kiemenbesatzes. Jedes dieser Organe ist eine langgestreckte zweischenklige Rohre, die vom Aufhingepunct an der ausseren Mindung sich unter der Riickenwand nach hinten wendet und wohl zwei oder drei Segmente durchzieht. . . Wederan den Miindungen noch im Lichten der Réhre habe ich Flimmerung gesehen ” (p. 78). I must confess that [I am quite unable to confirm this author’s extraordinary account, and am driven to the conclu- 1 Since I hope some day to be able to publish a description of the anatomy of a large Amphinomid I obtained in Ceylon, the structure of the excretory organs in this family will be only very briefly dealt with in this paper. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYOHETA. “is sion that, owing perhaps to the scarcity of the material at his disposal, he has been entirely misled by appearances. Prof. McIntosh, whose account resembles somewhat Ehlers’ de- scription, does not seem to have been more fortunate. The nephridia of the Amphinomide, as, indeed, we should expect from the general appearance and structure of these worms, resemble in all essential respects those of the Poly- noine and their allies. They are, in fact, of the ordinary large-funnelled type, formed most probably by the fusion of the genital funnel with the nephridial duct. In Huphrosyne the nephridia are paired organs, each opening ventrally by a minute pore, just on the hinder edge of the groove between the bases of two adjacent parapodia, at a point marked * in fig. 40. The nephridial canal is some- what large, slightly coiled, directed from the pore upwards through the body-wall, then forwards to the region of the septum, where a large number of muscles intersect the ecelom. Coiling round some oblique muscles, it narrows, then opens into a large trumpet-shaped funnel. The only peculiarity about the nephridium of Huphrosyne is that this large funnel opens backwards into the same segment that holds the nephridial canal to which it belongs. Since the same thing occurs in Hurythoe, it may be concluded that this position of the funnel is characteristic of the family. Such a_back- wardly directed opening of the genital funnel is not entirely unprecedented amongst the Polycheta, since it has been described by Claparéde in Hunice schizobranchia. There is in the Amphinomids that marked histological difference between the structure of the walls of the nephridial canal and of the large coelomic funnel which we have found in other cases. Here also, no doubt, the compound organ fulfils the functions both of a kidney and of a genital duct. FurtHer OBSERVATIONS ON THE HESIONIDA. In Part I (11) I gave a description of the nephridium and genital funnel (ciliated organ) of Tyrrhena and Hesione (Fallacia). he structure of these organs in some other 714 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. genera of the Hesionidz has proved to be of such remark- able interest with regard to the connection gradually estab- lished between the nephridium and the genital funnel, to the substitution of the latter for the real nephrostome, and to the formation of a compound organ—giving us a series of steps bridging over the wide gap which separates the structure of such a form as Nereis on the one hand, and the Syllids on the other,—that I deemed it advisable to return to the considera- tion of this family. The two species I shall describe areO phiodromus flexuo- sus D.Ch., from Naples, and Irma latifrons, Gr., for which I am indebted to my friend Dr. Willey, who brought a number of these worms back from New Guinea, It will be remembered that in Hesione the nephridium possesses its own nephrostome, which, however, is united with the large genital funnel at one point (11, fig. 2). In Ophio- dromus the genital funnel is much smaller (figs. 22, 25, and 26), at least in the specimens I have examined, which are not quite genitally mature; but it is more intimately connected with the nephridium, so completely surrounding the internal opening of this organ that the nephrostome can scarcely be said to exist as such any more (figs. 25 and 26). Series of sections through young and mature specimens of Irma show that the genital funnel becomes increasingly large as age advances, until in quite ripe individuals it is very extensive indeed, spreading over the large blood-vessels and the inner side of the body-wall near the base of the parapo- dium (figs. 19 and 50). The nephridium fuses with it, and the compound organ so formed serves as a genital duct. In the specimen figured, a ripe male, spermatozoa can be seen in the nephridial canal on their way to the exterior. The minute structure of the genital funnel in Irma, with its numerous ridges on the ciliated surface, is exactly like that of its homologue in Nereis and Hesione, which I called the “ ciated organ” (fig. 19), We have, then, in these genera Ophiodromus and Irma (to which may also be added Kefersteinia) organs, acting both as THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 715 kidneys and as genital ducts, obviously formed by the grafting of a large funnel on to the inner extremity of an originally complete nephridium. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE NEPHTHYIDA. On examining some sections cut through a Nephthys ceca, Fabr., which had previously been injected with some Indian ink, I found that the amcebocytes of the ccelomic fluid, charged with insoluble black particles, were accumulated at the base of each genital funnel (ciliated organ), and were for the most part enclosed in a sac formed by a double layer of flat ccelomic epithelium (fig. 33). Into this sac enters the ciliated organ, forming its posterior lining. The internal end of the nephridium with its solenocytes lies quite near, and rather above it; the nephridial canal passes just behind. The sac is, no doubt, homologous with the “nephridial sac”? of the Glyceride (12, p. 446), but it is a much less differentiated organ, being merely a sort of pocket in which the loose cells are accumulated by the action of the cilia of the genital funnel, which thus brings together waste products within easy reach of the nephridium.} Polygordiide. Adult specimens of Polygordius neapolitanus and P. appendiculatus were studied at Naples and here in Oxford. The only living larve I have been able to examine were obtained by me at Trincomalee last summer, and belong to an unknown species. 1 Since these observations were made, Mr. Stewart has published a paper on the nephridium of Nephthys ceca (24), in which he describes the accumulation of loaded phagocytes at the base of the genital funnel. He does not, however, appear to have seen the sac, which was, perhaps, not present in his specimen; and he believes the phagocytes to pass into the lumen of the nephridial canal. In this paper Mr. Stewart corrects the representation I gave of the vascular supply of the nephridium in a diagram (11, fig. 8). The blood-vessel marked d.l.v. should come off further from the nephridium, and the blood-vessel marked ». /.v. nearer the ciliated organ—as shown in my figure 7 (11). 716 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. The Adult Nephridium.—Already Hatschek (16) and Fraipont (7) have given a detailed account of the nephridium of Polygordius. In most respects I can only confirm their description, but, with regard to the structure of the nephro- stome itself, my observations do not quite agree with those of Fraipont. He describes the nephridial canal as ending in front in a funnel having a flattened brim of considerable width, derived from the coelomic epithelium. In fact, in a previous paper (10) I interpreted his description as favour- ing the view that the excretory organ of Polygordius is, as in so many Polycheetes, of double origin. I have been, however, quite unable to find any trace of such a peritoneal funnel in living or preserved specimens of P. neapolitanus, although many of those I examined had 1 The nephridiuam in this worm runs forwards just below the region where the oblique muscles join the body-wall (fig. 47), and ends in front of the next septum in a small nephrostome. Its short nearly ripe genital products in the ccelom. anterior lip projects into the ccelom, and is scarcely, if at all, ciliated. The longer posterior lip, on the contrary, bears a powerful bunch of long cilia (fig. 46). The nephridium of P. appendiculatus appeared to be quite similar. The Larval Nephridium.—In his very important work on the development of worms, Hatschek described the so- called head-kidney of Polygordius as a branched organ, opening internally by small funnels provided with peculiar stiff processes joined together by a web. Subsequently Fraipont (7) showed that the branches are blind, that a large nucleus is situated at the apex of each, and that the stiff processes are hollow tubes. I had long suspected that these structures were really of the nature of solenocytes. It was not, however, till this summer that I was able to confirm this surmise. On examining some living larvee at Trincomalee, the general structure of the organ was found to be very much as described by Hatschek and 1 The lumen of the nephridial canal is exceedingly small, being not only narrower than the nucleus of the ovum, but even than its nucleolus! THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. wd Fraipont, but the hollow tubes have each a flagellum working inside towards the nephridial lumen, and a long and slender “neck” of protoplasm reaches to the distal end of the tube, where it is slightly enlarged, and gives off fine irregular processes, obviously comparable to those in the nephridium of Nephthys (11). With the instruments at my disposal in Ceylon I was unfortunately unable to make out for certain the exact relative position of the tubes, the protoplasmic “necks,” and the delicate web. Nor have I been able to settle this difficult point with the help of sections. In fig. 48 these structures are drawn as I believe they really occur, but this figure must be considered as to some extent provisional. It will be seen at once that if this interpretation be correct the nephridium of the larva of Polygordius differs in one respect very remarkably from the similar closed nephridia of Nephthys, Glycera, or Phyllodoce. Whilst in these there is always one nucleus to each tube (forming one solenocyte), in the larval kidney there are several tubes surrounding one central nucleus.' As to the presence of this one large nucleus at the tip of each branch, my observations only confirm those of Fraipont and Meyer. Notwithstanding this difference, the structures at the inner extremities of the “head-kidney” of Polygor- dius appear to be quite justly comparable to and homologous with the solenocytes of Polychetes. And the recognition of this fact is of considerable importance. Hatschek has shown (and Meyer confirms his observation) that the second nephridium in the developing Polygordius has the same internal end, with solenocyte-like structures. That this second nephridium is strictly homologous with the third nephridium of the succeeding segment there can be no 1 Professor Edward Meyer has very kindly written to me on this subject, enclosing several figures of the ‘‘ head-kidney ” of Polygordius, some of which are, 1 believe, not yet published. Meyer confirms what is correct in the descriptions of Hatschek and Fraipont, and has moreover discovered the flagellum which works down the tube. But this tube he believes to be merely a canal in the process of the cell, a prolongation of the nephridial lumen. He therefore does not distinguish between a “tube ”’ and a “ neck.” voL. 43, PART 4,—-NEW SERIES. DDD 718 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. reasonable doubt. And so we are inevitably led to the view that head-kidneys and posterior nephridia form one homo- logous series of organs, a conclusion also reached by Meyer, and in favour of which I have argued in a previous paper (10). Two of the chief points, urged by those authors who have attempted to show that the head-kidney is an organ sui generis, are that it does not open internally, and that its lumen branches. Now both these characters are common to the nephridia of Nephthys and Glycera. Hither the head- kidney is merely a precociously developed nephridium, or Nephthys must be said to have a pair of ‘‘ head-kidneys” in every segment of its body. A careful study of the first, second, and third nephridium in Polygordius will, I think, dispose once and for all of the view that the “ head-kidney ” is not a true nephridium. Summary of the Most Important Facts described in Parts I, II, and III. Puaytiopocipm® (Part III, p. 669). Alciopine.—In Vanadis formosa the nephridia are paired, slender, longitudinal tubes, opening ventrally near the base of the parapodium, and continued forwards into the next segment, where they end in a curved blind extremity. Placed at intervals along the anterior third of the canal are bunches of solenocytes. The cell bodies and nuclei of the solenocytes are massed together at the free distal ends of the tubes. Long flagella work down the tube into the lumen of the canal, which is ciliated, and ends posteriorly in a slightly dilated chamber before the external pore. Cilia are situated on the coelomic surface of the nephridial duct, in the vicinity of the solenocytes ; by their action they renew the fluid in the neighbourhood of the tubes. The nephridia of other Alciopids examined, Alciope and Asterope, are of practically the same structure; but the 1 Part I appeared in vol. 40 (1897), and Part IJ in vol. 41 (1898) of this Journal; see the table of contents at the end of this paper. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYOHATA. 719 internal end is more or less branched, and the solenocytes restricted to the branches. No genital funnels occur in the quite anterior segments, in a varying number of which nephridia alone may be present. From about the ninth segment (Asterope) traces of the genital funnel may be seen as a thickened ciliated patch on the anterior face of the septum near the nephridium. Pass- ing backwards, this increases in size, and bulges into the segment behind in the form of a blind ciliated sac. In Vanadis the funnel is long and almost tubular in shape. At maturity the sac enlarges, becomes filled with spermatozoa or ova, fuses with the nephridial canal about halfway down its course, and finally opens into it, allowing the ripe genital pro- ducts to pass to the exterior by the nephridiopore (Alciope). Phyllodocine.—The nephridium closely resembles that of the preceding sub-family ; but the blind internal end is more branched, the lumen being even subdivided in some cases (Eteone) into primary and secondary canals. The solenocytes are generally set in rows chiefly on the dorsal surface of the lobed extremity. In Phyllodoce Paretti, however, they are grouped only at the tips of the branches. In most cases the tubes of the solenocytes support the cell- bodies at their distal free ends; but, in Phyllodoce lami- nosa, the cell-bodies are bent round so as to rest on the nephridium. In this species, also, cilia are developed on the coelomic surface between the rows of solenocytes. The genital funnels develop, except in a few anterior seg- ments, as thickenings of the peritoneum lining the septum dorsal to the nephridium, which become bell-shaped and ciliated, grow backwards towards the nephridial canal with the wall of which they become fused, and open at maturity into its lumen. The ripe genital products are thus enabled to escape through the nephridiopore. Neputuyip& (Part I, p. 188, and Part III, p. 715). The species Nephthys scolopendroides, and N. cxca, have been studied. The nephridium consists of a long 720 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. slender tube, opening ventrally to the exterior near the base of the parapodium. It passes inwards, and forwards, to the posterior limit of the next segment, where it ends blindly in a tuft of from three to five branches. Along these branches are set rows of solenocytes ; the tubes towards the inside, the cell-bodies on the outside, joined together in pairs. A long “neck” connects each cell-body, resting on the nephridium, with the distal end of its tube. The granular protoplasm of the “neck” is often drawn out into slender irregular processes. Situated quite near the nephridial tuft, so close that the nephridial tube is embedded for a part of its course in its posterior wall, is the rounded “ ciliated organ,” or incom- plete genital funnel. Its ciliated surface is marked by deep grooves converging downwards towards a point quite near the epidermis at the intersegmental groove ; here also it is closely connected with the nephridial duct. In Nephthys ceca, at this spot the lower extremity of the genital funnel passes into a sac, or pocket, formed by a fold of ccelomic epithelium, in which are aceumulated ame- bocytes loaded with waste products. “Gtycerip# (Part II, p. 489). In Goniada the nephridium opens ventrally to the exterior, and ends internally in a tuft of short blind branches provided with solenocytes. Goniada emerita has a large nephri- dium of which the internal end has a much subdivided lumen, and solenocytes placed in rows, as in the Phyllodo- cine. The cell-bodies of the solenocytes rest on the surface of the nephridium. The genital funnel consists of a trumpet-shaped ciliated organ, which develops rapidly at maturity, and finally fuses with and opens into the nephridial canal to allow the genital products to escape to the exterior by the nephridiopore. In immature specimens the funnel is in a very rudimentary state. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 721 In Glycera the genital funnel is developed even in young and immature specimens, and is not known to open to the exterior at any time. It is situated in front of the septum, provided with one long lip extending on to the body-wall in some species, and with another lip leading into a sac. This pouch of the celomic epithelium, which I have called the nephridial sac, varies greatly in size in different, species. Into it are driven floating cells from the cceloin by the action of the cilia of the genital funnel. Thins waste material is accumulated in the nephridial sac, brought there by amcebo- cytes and by the red corpuscles or hematocytes, which may also be both amceboid and phagocytal. The nephridial sac is but little developed in Glycera convolutus, much larger in G. unicornis, and best de- veloped in G. siphonostoma. In the two latter species it is provided with a cecal outgrowth, incompletely subdivided into secondary chambers. Special granular cells are found loose in the secondary chambers and main sac. The cacum lies along the nephridial canal, and probably represents that region of the funnel which in other forms is known to open into the nephridium. The nephridium itself is closely connected with the ne- phridial sac. It is blind internally, and opens externally by a pore on the ventral surface. The canal passes inwards and forwards through the next septum to the genital funnel, and then spreads over the nephridial sac, covering it more or less completely. The lumen of the nephridium in this region branches repeatedly, a spongework being formed by the numerous primary and secondary canals. The latter dilate at intervals into chambers, on the outer coelomic surface of which are situated the solenocytes. These cells are thus scattered over the inner extremity of the nephridium, which itself spreads over the sac. In Glycera convolutus and G. siphonostoma the solenocytes are arranged in small groups of two, three, or more, the cell-bodies containing the nuclei being supported at the free extremities of the tubes, and resting against each other; but in G. unicornis they 722 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. are placed in pairs, and the cell-bodies are fixed to the sur- face of the nephridium. PotyeorDiDH (Part III, p. 715). The nephridium of the adult Polygordius neapoli- tanus is in the form of a narrow tube running just below the junction of the oblique with the longitudinal muscles. Be- hind it bends towards the epidermis to open to the exterior ; in front it opens into the next segment by means of a small nephrostome, one lip of which only is ciliated. There appears to be no definité trace of a genital funnel, the genital products escaping by rupture of the body-wall. The first nephridium, the so-called heaa-kidney, of the trochosphere larva (described from an unknown species found on the coast of Ceylon) has a branched internal end, each blind branch of which is provided with a bunch of solenocyte tubes surrounding a single nucleus. HestionipH (Part I, p. 185, and Part III, p. 713). Hesione (Fallacia) sicula has a nephridium which opens ventrally to the exterior, passes inwards and forwards, becomes considerably coiled, and finally ends just in front of the intersegmental region by a small simple funnel opening into the ccelom of the next segment. Connected with the lip of the nephrostome by a narrow strip of epithelium is a large crescentic genital funnel (ciliated organ), the ciliated surface of which is marked by deep grooves. Those of the middle region converge towards the lower extremity of the organ, where it is connected with the nephrostome and with the body-wall. The exact mode of exit of the genital pro- ducts is unknown. In Tyrrhena the nephridium is essentially the same; but the genital funnel is smaller and more closely connected with the nephrostome. In Kefersteinia and Ophiodromus it completely surrounds the inner extremity of the nephridium. Finally in Irma, where the nephridium is no longer coiled, THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 723 the large genital funnel surrounds and fuses completely with its inner end, forming a trumpet-shaped ccelomic funnel. The genital products, collected together by the action of its ciliated surface, pass down into the nephridium, and so to the exterior by the nephridiopore. Syiuip# (Part III, p. 708). Those segments of Syllids from which genital products are not expelled, the regions, whether sterile or not, in which at all events the generative cells do not reach maturity, possess a simple nephridium. It is a slender tube, opening into the coelom by a small nephrostome, running backwards through the septum into the next segment, where it reaches the ex- terior on the ventral surface. The canal is ciliated more or less continuously throughout, as in other Polychetes, and a special bunch of long cilia is borne on the projecting lower lip of the nephrostome. ‘he upper lip is generally repre- sented by a little mass of closely packed cells, which is ap- parently a thickening of the ccelomic epithelium, and the rudiment of the genital funnel. In mature specimens of those forms which do not reproduce by budding, and in the ripe buds or reproductive regions of those which do, the genital funnel becomes very much enlarged, extending up the septum on to the body-wall, and surrounding the opening of the nephridium. The original nephrostome is then no longer distinguishable. The canal of the nephridium be- comes much enlarged, and the whole organ functions as a genital duct. Ampuinomips (Part III, p. 712). In these worms, of which the genera Euphrosyne and Kurythoé have been studied, the nephridia are provided with a trumpet-shaped funnel opening inwards and backwards. The funnel passes forwards and downwards into the nephri- dium, which is a short, thick, slightly coiled tube, running backwards, and opening to the exterior ventrally by a minute 724 _ EDWIN S. GOODRICH. pore in the inter-segmental groove near the base of the para- podium, corresponding to the segment in which the funnel opens. These organs function both as kidneys and as genital ducts. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. Hitherto in this paper I have scarcely ventured beyond the domain of facts, but I now propose to point out some of the more important theoretical conclusions which may be drawn concerning the homology of the Polychete nephridium and its relation to the genital funnel. The Genital Funnel.—First of all as to the genital funnel. Is it, as I have elsewhere contended (10), the mor- phological representative of the genital ducts of other Anne- lids? Or is it, as some would appear to believe, merely a specialised portion of the nephridium, a much enlarged nephrostome which may become separated off from its duct ? For various reasons the first of these views seems to me to be the only reasonable one. It is not advisable here to go into the general question of the homology of the genital ducts or funnels of the other Annelids, a subject which I have already dealt with in some detail in the paper referred to above (10), but it may be pointed out, that, where the anatomy and development of the genital funnel in these forms is understood, it is found to arise from the ccelomic epithe- lium, being in fact merely a specialised, ciliated, funnel- shaped outgrowth of the ccelomic follicle, designed to afford an outlet for the ripe genital products. From the facts described in Parts I, II, and ITI, and others we were already acquainted with, we are now in a position to state that in the Polycheta also a specialised, ciliated, funnel- shaped segmental region of the ccelomic epithelium is deve- loped, which forms a duct to lead the genital products to the exterior. Moreover, that this funnel may secondarily acquire other functions than the merely genital, and in this case is generally early developed in the immature animal (Nephthys, Glycera) ; that it may even occasionally cease to function as THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 725 Diagrams illustrating the relation between the genital funnel and the nephridium in the Polycheta: A, hypothetical form with separate genital funnel and protonephridium; 2B, Phyllodocide and Goniade ; C, Nephthyide; D, Dasybranchus caducus; #, Dasybranchus gajole and Tremomastus; F, Nereide; G, Hesione; H, Irma; J, Syllide, Spionide, Terebellide, ete. The nephridium is drawn with thick black lines, the genital funnel is shaded with thin cross-lines. ‘The small circles represent ripe ova. 726 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. a genital duct at all, no longer acquiring an opening to the exterior, and in some cases dwindle away perhaps entirely. On the other hand, that it may in various ways become grafted on to the nephridium, and fulfil its primitive function with the help of that organ. Quite briefly the tacts are as follows :—In the Phyllodo- cide the nephridium has no internal opening, but in most segments a ciliated genital funnel, developed from the coelomic epithelium, at sexual maturity fuses with and opens into the nephridial duct. The compound organ thus formed functions as a genital duct (Fig. B). In the Glycerida, in some species (Goniada), the relations of the two organs is found to be exactly the same as that described in the Phyllo- docide (Fig. B). But in others (Glycera), the genital funnel is not known to actually open into the nephridial canal; on the other hand, it is known to accumulate waste products near the nephridium, to develop early, and to persist in the immature individuals, being active throughout lfe. The method of exit of the genital products is still unknown. In the Nephthyidz the nephridium is also closed internally. The genital funnel is not known to acquire an opening either directly to the exterior, or indirectly through the nephridial canal. The mode of exit of the ova and spermatozoa isnot yet known. The flattened genital funnel is persistent throughout life, serving to collect waste products in the neighbourhood of the nephridium (Fig. C). In the Lycoridea, or Nereide, the genital funnel, although larger than in Nephthys, has not been observed to acquire an external pore (Fig. F). It is quite independent of the nephridium, which has a real open nephrostome of its own (8). The Capitellide have nephridia with true nephrostomes. The genital funnel in some forms (Dasy branchus caducus) is quite independent, acquires at maturity a pore to the exterior, and functions exclusively as a genital duct (Fig. D). In others the edge of the lip of the genital funnel may become connected with the nephrostome (Dasybranchus THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 720 gajole and Tremomastus, Fig. HE) ; but even in this case the funnel still develops an opening to the exterior, through which alone the genital products are shed. Lastly in Clistomastus, where the generative cells escape through the rupturing of the body-wall, the genital funnels are found only in a more or less rudimentary state, and do not normally open to the exterior. In figs. 31 and 32 I have represented some transverse sections of Notomastus latericius, showing that in this species the large genital funnels open to the exterior (at the level marked by an asterisk *), and are quite independent of the nephridium and its nephrostome, several sections inter- vening between the end of the latter and the beginning of the funnel. The Hesionidz present some very important variations of structure. Hesione (Fallacia) has a very large genital funnel, not known to open to the exterior; but which is connected at one point with the open nephrostome of the nephridium. The exit of the genital products has not been observed (Fig. G). In the genera Tyrrhena, Ophiodromus, and Irma, we find a gradually closer and closer union established between the funnel and the nephrostome. In Irma, where the genital funnel is very well developed, it is so completely fused with the nephridium that the two organs can no longer be dis- 1 These facts concerning the Capitellide are all drawn from Hisig’s mono- graph (5). The case of Clistomastus is so important in connection with Nereis and the Hesionids that his statements deserve to be quoted at length. About Clistomastus Hisig writes, page 146 :—‘ Aber—in einzelnen Falhen sind doch Spuren der Schlauche .... in den letzten drei Thorax-Segmente vorhanden. Diese Spuren sind erstens auf die Liebeshohle beschrankten und stellen dann peritoneale Wucherungen dar, die zwar noch an die Form der Genitalschlauche erinnern, aber doch jedweder ausseren Mindungen entbehren. Zweitens kénnen diese Spuren umgekehrt ansschiiesslich aus mangelhaft ausgebildeten Poren bestehen, welche den Hautmuskelschlauch nich durch- brechen oder, wenn sie das thun, doch nur in tiberaus kleine und undeutlich ausgebildete Genitalschlauche tibergehen .... In noch setteneren Fallen endlich . . . erreichen aber auch bei Clistomastus die Genitaschlauche eine vollkommenere ausbildung.” 728 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. tinguished (excepting, of course, by their histological structure and position). The nephridium thus acquires a large trumpet-shaped opening into the ccelom, and functions both as a genital, and as an excretory duct (Fig. H). In young Syllide the genital funnel can scarcely be said to exist, being represented only by a few crowded cells in the ccelomic epithelium on the anterior face of the septum, just above the opening of the small nephrostome into the celom. In those Syllids, like Autolytus, Myrianida, and Haplosyllis, which become differentiated into vegetative and reproductive regions or buds, the genital funnel advances little beyond this very rudimentary stage in the regions from which genital products are not extruded. But in the seg- ments from which the mature genital cells are shed, the genital funnel develops into a large trumpet-shaped organ fused on to the anterior end of the nephridium. The canal of the latter becomes dilated, and through this compound structure ova or spermatozoa pass out to the exterior (Fig. I). In the remaining great families of the Polycheta—the Eunicides, Amphinomide, Aphroditide, Spionide, Arenico- lide, Terebellide, Sabellide, and their allies—the excretory organs are always provided in the adult with large funnels opening into the ccelom, and function as a rule both as renal and as genital ducts. The structure of these organs is sufficiently well known, through the labours of Ehlers (6), Claparéde (2), Cosmovici (8), Cunningham (4), Meyer (22), and others, not to need a detailed description in this paper.! In all essentials they very closely resemble the compound nephridia of such a form as Irma (Hesionid). The upper lip of the funnel usually extends for a considerable way on the anterior surface of the septum (when it is present) and on the body wall (fig. 21). In some worms the anterior organs alone may act as genital ducts, as in the Polynoine 1 T have recently investigated the structure of the excretory organs of Saccocirrus ; but since it appears to be a very highly modified form, and does not seem to throw much light on the general question here discussed, I shall reserve my description for a future paper. For Polygordius see p. 715. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 729 (Trautzsch, 25), the Opheliide, etc. In others, on the con- trary, the posterior organs may be exclusively genital in function, as in the Terebellide, Sabellide, etc. In such cases, the organs which excrete have the glandular canal more highly developed ; whilst those which act as genital ducts only have the funnel region enlarged, and the nephridium reduced. Now, if we seek for an explanation of these facts, we are driven to the conclusion that, in a large number of Polychetes, the so-called “segmental organ” or “nephridium” is in reality formed by the fusion of a true nephridium with a genital funnel; two organs which in certain other Polychetes,' in all other Anne- lids, and indeed, so far as we know, in all other Coelomates have always remained distinct. That the nephrostome in the Oligochetes and Hirudinea belongs to the true nephridium, and is developed with it from the same rudiment, has now been proved over and over again (see 10); that, similarly, the nephrostome in the Nereide and Capitellide belongs to the true nephridium there can be scarcely any doubt, although the steps in its development have not yet been so carefully followed?; that the wide funnel on the anterior end of the segmental organs of the Amphinomide, Hunicide, Aphroditide, Spionide, etc., does not represent the nephrostome, but is the genital funnel, an organ originating from the ccelomic epithelium separately, seems almost equally certain; and, indeed, may be considered to have been proved by Meyer (22) in the case of the Tubicolous worms. Unfortunately we have, as yet, no evidence with regard to the development of these organs in the other families. I can only add one observation of interest in this connection. The nephridium of the pelagic larva of Arenicola® is 1 These are, of course, the Nereide (Lycoridea) and some Capitellids. 2 Hd. Meyer has figured the development of the nephrostome of Nereis from the extremity of the blind larval nephridium (22). 3 First described by Benham, who was unable to find the nephrostome (1). Since this was written, Messrs. Gamble and Ashworth have described this 730 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. provided with a small funnel, evidently a true nephrostome, projecting and opening into the ceelom (fig. 49). Its fringed lip, with ciliated protoplasmic processes, bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Nereis (8, and this paper figs. 41, 42, and 44). It seems but reasonable to suppose that this organ can be converted into the wide-mouthed “ nephridium” of the adult worm only by the addition of a genital funnel derived from the ccelomic epithelium. The comparison between the large funnel of the excretory organs of such a worm as Eunice (fig. 21), and the genital funnel of the Capitellide, might seem, at first sight, some- what strained and fanciful. But the two structures are so similar in structure and function, and the intermediate steps (Hesionidee, etc.) are so complete, that no other view seems now to be admissible. Although I do not wish to lay too much stress on histological similarity, and such resemblances may perhaps rarely be sure guides to the identification of homologous organs, yet, I think it will be admitted, that the presence of the peculiar and almost identical ciliated ridges on the surface of the large funnels of such widely separated forms as Nephthys, Nereis, Fallacia, Hurythoé,! and Tere- bella, can scarcely be due to mere coincidence. Moreover, it must be remembered that the two organs are mutually exclusive: never do we find a separate genital funnel in those forms which possess wide-mouthed excretory organs ; and conversely, with the one possible exception of Polygor- dius,” never do we find Polychetes having nephridia with only small true nephrostomes without genital funnels. The fact that no external pore has been found to the supposed genital funnel of the Nereids and Glycera cannot *‘post-larval stage,” denying the presence of a nephridial funnel (“ The Anatomy and Classification of the Arenicolide,” ‘Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci.,’ vol. 43, 1900). LIcan only state that funnels were certainly present in the specimen I examined at Plymouth, and moreover that the ciliated processes have nothing to do with the ciliated folds of the adult organ. 1 An observation I made on a large species dissected fresh. 2 See pp. 715 and 734, THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 731 be urged as a weighty objection to the homology, since any day such an opening may be discovered by some observer fortunate enough to find these worms in the act of shedding their genital products. If such a pore does not exist at all we have a ready explanation at hand in the already quoted example of Clistomastus (p. 726), where its absence is un- doubtedly due to degeneration of the genital funnel, accom- panying the adoption by this worm of another method of shedding its germ-cells. The position, then, is this: we find two separate organs in the Oligochzta, Hirudinea, and some Polycheta, the one excretory, the other genital. I contend that they are respec- tively homologous in the three groups. Surely the burden of the proof lies entirely on the side of those who would deny this homology. If the genital funnel of the Polycheta be merely a secondary derivative of the nephridium, not homologous with the genital duct of the others, then it should be explained why the latter duct is absent in these worms, and we might even reasonably expect to be shown a trace of it in some family. To answer that in the Oligochetes and Hirudinea them- selves these genital ducts are merely modified nephridia or their derivatives, is only to throw the question back a step farther. For then it may be asked, where are the represen- tatives in the Annelids of the genital ducts of the Platy- helminths and Nemertines? What has become of these ducts, have they disappeared, leaving no trace behind them, to be replaced by organs of exactly similar relations, but not homologous ? Perhaps a stronger argument still against such a view, is that it is directly opposed to the evidence of comparative anatomy and embryology, which goes to show that, as a matter of fact, the genital ducts or funnels are not modified nephridia at all, and have originally nothing to do with nephridia ; that their function is, and always has been pri- marily that of carrying the genital products to the exterior, and that consequently they must always have been in con- 732 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. tinuity with the coelomic epithelium, and in open communi- cation with the ccelom (10). The connection between the nephridium and the genital funnel:—From the brief review of the facts given on page 725, it will be gathered that the combination of the genital funnel with the nephridium is of three different kinds. According to the first mode of union, the funnel fuses with and opens into the canal of the closed nephridium: in Phyllodocide and Glyceride. According to the second mode, the funnel, whilst preserv- ing its original opening to the exterior, may be connected by the edge of its lip with the nephrostome: in some Capi- tellidee. Finally, in the Hesionide, the funnel, losing its external pore, surrounds and opens into the extremity of the nephri- dium. It may now be asked, what is the nature of this connection ? How far is it really similar in the three types, and is it likely to have happened independently in these three cases ? So far as one can judge from the facts now known, and without a knowledge of the development, it seems probable that the first mode of union (in the Phyllodocids and Gly- cerids) was brought about by the gradual approximation of the originally distinct openings of the funnel and nephridium, until the two organs opened together, and that the opening of the genital funnel shifted farther and farther up the nephridial canal, until it acquired its present position.? In the case of the Capitellide, the connection between the two organs is, after all, not very close. It consists in a 1 Of the mere shifting of the pores of both the nephridia and the genital funnels, we have ample evidence in the Annelids; and that the peri- toneal funnels have a peculiar tendency to fuse with adjacent tubes is shown in the case of the sperm-ducts of Oligocheetes and Leeches, and of the pro- nephric funnels of Vertebrates. Long ago, Nussbaum (‘ Arch. mikr. Anat.,’ vol. xxvii, 1886, p. 466) showed that the mesonephric funnels fused with and opened into the blood-vessels of Amphibia. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 733 running together of their lips, the functional meaning of which is not clearly understood. There is little difficulty in supposing that it has been independently acquired, and is peculiar to the family. The exact mode of origin of the connection between the nephrostome and the genital funnel in the third group is more difficult to determine. It might conceivably have come about, as indicated above for the Phyllodocide, by a gradual approximation of two originally distinct apertures, and the subsequent shifting of the genital funnel on to the tip of the nephridium ; or, as in the Capitellide, by the fusion of the lips of the two organs, followed by the loss of the primitive genital pore. On the whole, I am inclined to think that neither of these processes was the one adopted in this case ; but that the connection took place owing to the nephrostome itself becoming so closely situated to the end of the genital funnel, as the latter grew towards the epidermis at maturity, that a fusion took place, leading to the grafting of the genital funnel on to the internal extremity of the nephridium.! The genital products then passed down the nephridial canal, instead of directly to the exterior. It will be noticed that the nephrostome of the Hesionide is situated very close to the body-wall. This interpretation seems to be supported by Meyer’s description of the development of the excretory organs of Polymnia (22), where the inner end of the ne- phridial rudiment is represented as fusing with the apex of the developing funnel. Judging by the very similar final results obtained, it is from some such mode of union as this which has been de- monstrated in the Hesionide, that the compound large- funnelled excretory organs of the majority of Polychetes (Syllids, Eunicids, Aphroditids, Amphinomids, etc.) have been formed. The consideration of the structure and homology of the 1 The usefulness of the ciliated genital funnel in accumulating waste pro- ‘ducts in the neighbourhood of the nephridium has, no doubt, in all three eases contributed to bring about the “ rapprochement.” VOL, 43, PART 4, —NEW SERIES, EEE 734 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. nephridia themselves, to which we may now turn, will afford further evidence in favour of the views advocated above. The Nephridium.—lIt will be readily seen from the facts summarised above that three distinct types of nephridia are found amongst Polychzete worms. The first type, found for instance, in Alciope, has no internal opening. The second type, as in Nereis, opens into the ccelom by means of a true nephrostome. The third type, as in Polymnia, is a compound organ, formed by fusion with the genital funnel. Which of these three types is the most primitive? Are they to be looked upon as three stages in the development of any one of them, or as three divergent forms derived from some ancestral type? These are some of the questions which immediately suggest themselves, and it will help us to answer them if we first consider an objection that may be raised against the arguments put forth above with regard to the secondary nature of the connection between the ne- phridium and the genital funnel. It may, indeed, be said that the facts can be interpreted in exactly the reverse order. That, in the Phyllodocide, Capitellide, and Hesionide, for example, we are not dealing with nephridia which be- come gradually more and more closely connected with the genital funnel; but, on the contrary, that the wide-mouthed “nephridia” of the Spionide, Terebellide, etc., represent the primitive condition of things, and that we can observe in the series described the gradual separation from its duct of the nephridial funnel, and its subsequent acquisition of an opening of its own to the exterior for the extrusion of the genital products.! 1 Those who support the view that the separate genital funnels in the Polycheeta are not primitive organs, might point to Polygordius as an example of a primitive form in which these funnels have not yet become separated off from the nephridium. But such a statement, if acecpted, would prove too much. For if Polygordius really occupied the position assigned to it near the base of the Annelid stem, it is surely in this of all worms that we should expect to find the nephridium opening into the ceelom by means of a wide THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 735 It will be seen at once, however, that the adoption of such a view as this would lead us into a maze of difficulties, from which there appears to be no escape, if our theories concern- ing the Polychete nephridium are to be at all consistent with well-established conclusions concerning the structure of allied groups.! Take the case of the Phyllodocids, for instance. It would have to be supposed that in these worms the ori- ginal funnel became separated off, that the truncated ne- phridial canal acquired a highly complex, closed, branching extremity, and that the funnel became again grafted on at maturity to reassume something of its original relations and function. For all this there is, of course, not a scrap of evidence. Moreover, it is directly opposed to such evidence as we have from the study of development, that the further we go back, the earlier the stage investigated, the less close is the connection between the nephridium and the genital funnel (Part II, p. 454, Part III, p. 702). Far more natural is it to compare the closed, generally branched, nephridia of Phyllodoce, Nephthys, and Glycera, with the branched organs ending in flame-cells found in the Platyhelminths, Rotifers, and Nemertines (see p. 738 below). The solenocytes, indeed, appear to be comparable only to flame-cells. Such, at all events, must be the conclusion until a knowledge of their development warrants another opinion. This view is further supported by the knowledge that many nephridia, which in the adult condition open into the ccelom, pass through a ‘ protonephridial” stage with closed funnel, and acting as a genital duct. Now this is just what is not the case in Polygordius. Here the genital products escape by rupture of the body-wall, and the nephridia have only small nephrostomes (p. 715). Moreover, there really appears to be nothing in what we know of the structure of these worms which warrants any other view but that they are a specialised offshoot from the Polychate stem. And it may be pointed out that some of those very authors who would consider them as primitive Archiannelids, associate them wrecklessly with forms like Dinophilus and Saccocirrus, where the genital ducts acquire an unusual complexity, 1 See also p. 730, and my general paper (10), 736 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. internal end.!. The nephridium of the first segment, the so- called “ head kidney,” in the majority of Polychztes never passes beyond that stage. The discovery of solenocytes in the “head kidney” of Polygordius is of some importance in this connection (see p. 717). As for the second type of nephridium, it appears to have been developed within the Polychete group by the opening of the true nephridium into the celom. This is actually what happens in the development of Nereis (Meyer, 22). Such an opinion may, perhaps, commit us to the conclusion that the nephridium has acquired an opening into the ccelom independently in the Oligochzetes and the Polycheetes. This would be an objection, no doubt, but, whatever may be thought of this difficulty, it is clearly much less than the many difficulties to be met by the opposite view. The third type of organ has been already dealt with (p. 728) and explained as the result of the fusion of the genital funnel with the nephridium. The strictly provisional conclusion we have arrived at, therefore, is that, although the third type of excretory organ may conceivably have been derived from the second, the first type must represent a survival, possibly highly specialised, of the protonephridial ancestral form without communication with the ccelom. The Solenocytes.—Lastly, let us discuss those peculiar structures which I have termed solenocytes. ‘Typically they consist of a cell-body, containing a deeply staining rounded or oval nucleus, attached by a sort of neck to the extremity of a thin tube which opens at its opposite end into the lumen of the nephridial canal. The tube may be long, narrow, and of almost even diameter, as in most Phyllodocids (figs. 3 and 9) ; or comparatively short, conical, and compressed with fluted sides, as in Glycera (Part I, figs. 9 and 14). It appears to be formed of a dense cuticular substance, and may project far into the lumen of the nephridium (figs. 2 and 9). Working inside the tube and attached at its distal 1 Tn Oligochetes and Hirudinea, as well as Polychetes. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 137 end is a single long flagellum, which passes far down the nephridial canal; the movements of the flagellum are such as to propel liquid down the tube towards the external pore. In the majority of cases the cell-body hangs freely in the coelom, supported at the tip of the tube (figs. 11 and 14). The solenocytes then generally become grouped together for mutual support (Part II, fig. 14) ; or the cell-bodies may even be fused into large masses, as in the Alciopids, the individual cell-outlines being lost (figs. 2 and 9). In other cases the cell-body is bent round so as to rest on the surface of the nephridium, an elongated neck connecting it with the distal end of its tube (Part I, fig. 26; Part Il, fig. 9; and this Part, fig. 13). Such cells are usually joined together in pairs, more or less fused. The protoplasm of the solenocytes is generally finely granular, occasionally with refringent globules (Phyllo- doce paretti, fig. 14); but, as a rule, singularly free from concretions or granules of excretory matter. Indeed, ex- periments seem to show that they are not concerned with the excretion of such waste substances (Part II, p. 452). Often fine, irregular, probably amceboid processes are given off from the cell-body (Part II, fig. 4), or from its neck (Part I, fig. 26). The distribution of the solenocytes varies considerably. In Vanadis (fig. 1), where the nephridium is unbranched, they are placed in bunches along the anterior third of its course. In Alciope cantrainii (fig. 3), and Phyllodoce paretti (fig. 14) they are grouped only at, or near the tips of the branches of the nephridial canal. Nephthys (Part I, fig. 26), and most Phyllodocids in which the nephridium is branched, have the solenocytes ranged in regular rows facing each other, so to speak, along the whole length of the branches, On the contrary, in Glycera, where the nephri- dium spreads out in a flattened mass, they are iregularly scattered in small groups over its coelomic surface (Part II, figs. 14, and 29). Intermediate forms between these ex- tremes are also found. Sometimes cilia are developed in the Phyllodocide close to 738 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. the solenocytes, on the surface of the nephridium, by the action of which the surrounding liquid is kept in motion. In Alciope cantrainii these cilia work regularly between the tubes, placed in short transverse rows to facilitate this move- ment (figs. 3 and 4). The proximity of the solenocytes to the ciliated persistent genital funnels, in Nephthys and Glycera, and the general circulation of the ccelomic fluid in the latter genus, probably render the development of external cilia unnecessary in these forms. With our present lack of knowledge of the development of the solenocytes, we can do little more than make a rough guess at their homology. As has been shown above, p. 735, there seems to be little doubt that the nephridia of the Phyliodocids, Nephthyids, and Glycerids are primitive in being closed internally, that they have never been otherwise than closed, and must, therefore, be compared with the “ protonephridia” of the Platyhelminths, Rotifers, and Nemertines. Anyhow the solenocytes themselves can be more readily likened to flame-cells than to any other struc- tures described in the excretory organs of the Annelids, or their allies. Indeed, if we carefully compare these cells with the flame-cells described by Biirger (1 a) in the Nemertines, the resemblance is seen to be more than superficial. In both cases there is the same tendency to the grouping of the cells in bunches, the same shape and position assumed by the cell- body at the extremity of a narrow canal in which the cilia work ; and the processes drawn by Birger as arising from these cells, may perhaps be compared with those seen in Nephthys.? 1 There is a strange resemblance between the solenocytes and the peculiar cells described by Boveri as surrounding the openings of the excretory tubules in Amphioxus. Some years ago, I examined these tubules in fresh specimens, and came to the conclusion that the resemblance is only superficial. In Amphioxus, the straight processes converging towards the ccelomic openings appear to be solid protoplasmic rods (perhaps modified cilia), not tubular structures opening into the lumen of the kidney-tube, as in the case of solenocytes. * In this general discussion I have made no mention of the solenocytes in THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 739 It may, therefore, be concluded that, so far as our present knowledge allows us to judge, the closed nephridia and solenocytes of the Polychewtes are probably homo- logous with the protonephridia and flame-cells of the Nemertines. The Importance of the Nephridium in Classifi- cation.—Hitherto the classification of the Polycheta has been based chiefly on external resemblances, and the struc- ture of the alimentary canal. That the nephridium and genital funnel must also be taken into account, will, I think, be owned by anyone who has read the description of these organs given above. A superficial glance at the variations occurring in their structure amongst the Polycheta, might perhaps lead one to suppose that the genital funnels and nephridia are too variable to afford reliable material to the systematist. The extraordinary plasticity of the nephridium in the Lumbricidz, made known to us through the researches of Perrier, Beddard, and Benham, might encourage this view ; but it must be remembered that, even in the Lum- bricidz, although the nephridia vary immensely in the relative development of their parts, and in the number and position of their openings, yet they throughout maintain a definite Lumbricid character, a family resemblance. More- over, in each of the other families of the Oligocheta, the nephridium assumes a more or less characteristic type of structure, so that a worm could as surely be identified as belonging to the Enchytreide, for instance, by the exami- nation of its nephridium, as by that of any other part of its body (see Vejdovsky [26] and myself [9]). In the same way, amongst the Polycheta, although im- portant differences in the relative development of the parts of the nephridium undoubtedly occur, yet the type of struc- ture remains very constant within the families themselves. For example, in the Lycoridea (Nereidz), the nephridium is the “head kidney ’’ of Polygordius (p. 716), since I have been unable to ascertain for certain the exact detailed structure of these very aberrant organs. 740 EDWIN S. GOODRICH, always, so far as I have been able to ascertain, formed of a bulky mass enclosing a coiled canal opening into the ccelom by means of a small funnel, the edges of which are provided with ciliated processes. The shape, disposition, and number of these processes, and of their cilia, differ in the various genera (or sub-genera) and species; but each is charac- teristic of the species to which it belongs, and again the general structure of the nephrostome is characteristic of the family Lycoridea. For purposes of comparison, I have given the nephrostomes of the Nereids Lipephile cultrifera, Gr. (figs. 44, 45), Praxithea irrorata, Mgr. (fig. 41), Eu- nereis longissima, Johnst. (figs. 42, 43). That of Alitta virens, Sars, has already been figured by Cunningham (4), and of Nereis diversicolor, O.F.M., and Nercilepas fucata, Sav., by myself (8). Similarly in all the Phyllo- docidze examined, the nephridium was found to be of essentially the same structure; and the same may be said of the genital funnel. It is evident that these organs cannot be neglected in classification. Tabular Statement of the Relation of the Nephri- dium to the Celom, and to the Genital Funnel in the Polycheta. closed into nephridial canal may be ac- | Glyceride. internally. quired at maturity. Nephthyide. Genital funnel with independent ex- | See Nephridium Genital funnel distinct, but ‘ele |e t ; ? Nereide (Lyco- ernal opening. idea) ridea). Hesionide (all ?). Nephridium Syllidee. open Genital funnel becomes connected Aphroditide. internally. with the nephrostome, and loses } Bunicide. its primitive opening to the exte- | Spionide. rior. Terebellide. Sabellide. Ete. etc. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 741 From this table it will be seen that the Polycheeta fall into two main groups: the first having closed ‘“ protonephridia,” the second provided with nephridia opening into the ccelom. This last may further be subdivided into those in which the genital funnel retains its independent opening to the ex- terior, and those in which this opening has been lost. The latter may again be classed according to the extent of the fusion between the funnel and the nephridium, which gra- dually entirely loses its own nephrostome. I should not, of course, propose to base a new classification on our present knowledge of these organs, and the table must not be taken to represent an attempt at a phylogenetic classification. Yet it is clear that these results must be taken into consideration in reforming the classification of the Polycheeta. In conclusion it may be pointed out that, whereas in most Annelids, and so far as we know in all other Coelomata, the genital funnels remain distinct from the nephridia even when they replace them in function (Mollusca) ; in the Poly- cheeta alone they become variously connected with each other, and in the majority of cases the genital funnel be- comes so intimately fused with the nephridium to form a compound excretory and genital duct, that a study of the adult anatomy alone of these worms would probably never suggest that the organ is formed by the grafting of the one on to the other. The Polychete segment, then, is provided with two organs, the one a genital duct, the other an excretory nephridium. In some cases these organs remain separate, but in most Polycheetes a connection is established between them, a fusion takes place, and the resulting organ may fulfil either or both of their primitive functions. Propos—ED NOMENCLATURE. The excretory and genital ducts of the Polychaeta have proved to be of so complicated a structure that it becomes necessary to revise the nomenclature to avoid confusion, and 742 EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. to enable us to compare these organs with their homologues in other Ccelomata. To the genital duct of ccelomic origin in general the name ccelomoduct! may be applied. For its special funnel-like opening, which I have variously designated by the descrip- tive terms “ciliated organ,” “ genital funnel,” and “ peri- toneal funnel” (8, 10,11, and 12), I propose the name ceelo- mostome. When, as in the Annelids, the ceelomostome still fulfils its primitive genital function, it may be termed, more particu- larly, the Gonostome. For the primitive excretory organ, such as is found in Nereis or Capitella, the name Nephridium must of course be retained, and its coelomic opening called the nephri- diostome; but, for its closed representative in the Neph- thyide, Glyceride, and Phyllodocide, and for closed “ head- kidneys,” the term Protonephridium might, perhaps, be used with advantage. It is the name proposed by Hatschek for the closed nephridia of the Platyhelminths. ‘lhe tube- bearing cells have already been called Solenocytes (‘ Proc. Int. Congress Zoology,’ 1898, pp. 196 and 12). The ordinary wide-mouthed segmental organs of the Poly- cheeta, formed by the fusion of the nephridium with the genital funnel, may be called Nephromixia.' Thus a nephromixium = a nephridium + a ccelomostome. List oF WORKS REFERRED TO. 1. Benuam, W. B.—‘The Post-larval Stage of Arenicola marina,’ ‘ Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc.,’ vol. i, 1893. la. Binerr, O.—‘ Die Nemertinen,”’ ‘Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel,’ vol. xxii, 1895. 2. Cuaparbpr, A. RK. E.—‘ Annélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples,’ Geneva, 1868, and supplement, 1870. 3. Cosmovici, L. E.—‘“ Glandes génitales et organes segmentaires des Anné- lides Polychétes,” ‘Arch. Zool. Exp. et gén.,’ vol. viii, 1879—1880. 1 Kindly suggested to me by Professor EH, Ray Lankester. THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYOHATA. 743 4, Cunnineuam, J. T.—‘‘Some Points in the Anatomy of Polycheta,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxviii, 1887. 5. Eisic, H.—‘ Die Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel,” ‘ Fauna und Flora von Neapel,’ vol. xvi, 1887. . Enters, E.—‘ Die Borstenwurmer,’ Leipzig, 1864—68. . Fraivont, J.—‘ Le genre Polygordius,” ‘ Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel,’ vol. xxiv, 1887. 8. Goopricu, EH. 8.—** On a New Organ in the Lycoridea,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxxiv, 1893. 9. Goopricn, H. S.—* Notes on Oligochetes,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xxxix, 1896. 10. Goopricu, HE. §8.—‘On the Colom, Genital Ducts, and Nephridia,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxxvii, 1895. 11. Goopricu, H. $.—“ On the Nephridia of the Polycheta,” Part I, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xl, 1897. 12. Goopricu, H. 8.—‘On the Nephridia of the Polycheta,” Part II, ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xli, 1898. 13. GravieR, Cu.—“ Recherches sur les Phyllodociens,” ‘ Bull. Sci. France et Belgique,’ vol. xxix, 1896. 14. Greerr, R.—‘ Untersuchungen iiber die Alciopiden,”’ ‘Nova Acta d. kais. Leop. Car. Ak.,’ vol. xxxix, 1877. 15. Greerr, R.—‘‘ Ueber die Pelagische Fauna an den Kiisten der Guinea- Inseln,” ‘ Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool.,’ vol. xlii, 1885. 16. HarscueK, E.— Studien tber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Anneliden,”’ ‘ Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien.,’ vol. i, 1878. 17. Hatscurex, B.—‘ Lehrbuch der Zoologie,’ Jena, 1888. 18. Herine, E.—“ De Alcioparum partibus genitalibus organisque excre- toriis,” ‘Dis. inaug. Lips.,’ 1860. 19. Herine, H.—“< Zur Kenntniss der Alciopiden von Messina,”’ ‘ Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Wien,’ 1892. 20. McIntosu, W. C.—“‘ Contribution to our Knowledge of the Annelida,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 36, 1894. 21. Mataquin, A.—“ Recherches sur les Syllidiens,” ‘ Mém. Soc. Sci. et Arts de Lille,’ 1893. 22. Meyer, Ep.—‘‘Studien tiber der Kérperbau der Anneliden,” ‘ Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel,’ vol. vii, 1887. 23. Satnt JosrrH, Lz Baron pr.— Les Annélides Polychétes des Cotes de Dinard,” ‘ Ann. Sci. natur. Zool.,’ 7€ série, vol. i, 1886. 24. Stewart, F. A—“On the Nephridium of Nephthys cxca, Fabr.,” ‘Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ vol. v, 1900. I 744, EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. 25. Trautzscu, H.— Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Polynoiden,” ‘ Jen. Zeit. f. Naturw.,’ vol. xxiv, 1889, 1890. 26. Vuspovsky, F.—‘ Monographie der Enchytreiden,’ Prag., 1879. TABLE oF Contents oF Parts I, IJ, ann III. PAGE Part I, this Journal, vol. 40, n. s., April, 1897. Hesione: The Ciliated Organ : : ‘ : . | 185 The Nephridium : : : : 3 . wer Tyrrhena . : : : : : : «/ +188 Nephthys: The Ciliated Organ. : : . 188 The Nephridium ‘ : : é : . 190 Part II, this Journal, vol. 41, n. s., November, 1898. Glycera: . : : : : : . 440 The INepiiriefnina : ; : : . . 441 The Ciliated Organ. é : . 3 . 445 The Nephridial Sac. 44.6 On the Functions of the Ciliated Organ Neplisidial See. aitd Nephridium, and on the Celomic Fluid of the Glyceride 447 Goniada: The Nephridium : ; ‘ é . 452 The Ciliated Organ. : , ‘ ; . 453 Part III. Phyllodocidee : : ; : : : « 699 Alciopine : The Nepean : - ‘ : . 700 The Genital Funnel . : : : : a f0L Phyllodocine: The Nephridium . : - : ove The Genital Funnel . : : 3 : a OF Syllide . : s ; : : =. 708 Amphinomide : ‘ : - +- Wi8 Further Observations on the Hésionides ; ‘ : . 718 Further Observations on the Nephthyride : = le Polygordiidee : ; : - : . 715 The Adult Neghriavam . : : < = 716 The Larval Nephridium : 716 Summary of the most Important Facts desorbed” in Parts 1 IL, and III ; : : ; : : Seale THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 745 PAGE General Conclusions : The Genital Funnel. : 724 The Connection between the Nephridinin ad the Genital Funnel . : ‘ ; F J dios The Nephridium ‘ : ; ; : . 734 The Solenocytes 5 . . 736 The Importance of the Meohetdain { in (Claceifeation : . 739 Proposed Nomenclature, : : : A . 741 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 37—42, Illustrating Mr. Hdwin 8. Goodrich’s paper on “The Nephri- dia of the Polycheeta.” PLATE 37. Fie. 1.—Enlarged view of the right side of a median segment of an imma- ture female Vanadis formosa, showing the genital funuel and the nephiri- dium by transparency. From the living. Fic. 2.—Portion of a section through two branches of the nephridium of Alciope cantrainil, showing the nuclei of the solenocytes. Cam. oil im. qs) 0¢. 3. Fic. 3.—Enlarged view of the extremity of the nephridium of Alciope cantrainii. Only two branches are represented. From the living. Fie. 4.—Arrangement of the tubes of the solenocytes in short rows, between which the outer cilia can work. Fic. 5.—Enlarged view of the terminal enlargement and external pore of the nephridial canal of Alciope cantrainii. From the living. Fie. 6.—Enlarged view of the inner end of the nephridium, and the rudi- mentary genital funnel in a young Alciope krohnii; 11th segment. Fic. 7.—Similar drawing of these structures in the 17th segment of the same worm, Fie. 8.—Longitudinal section of Alciope cantrainii, ripe male, showing the genital funnels and nephridial canals filled with spermatozoa. Cam. PLATE 38. Fic. 9.—Enlarged view of a small portion of the nephridial canal, with its solenocytes, drawn from a living Asterope candida. Cam. Oil. im. eh oc, 6. 746 EDWIN §S. GOODRICH. Fies. 10, 11, and 12.—Three sections of the nephridium of Eteone siphonodonta. Fig. 10 from a transverse section, and fig. 11 from a longi- tudinal, show the subdivision of the lumen into primary and secondary canals. Fig. 12, from a longitudinal section, shows the rudimentary genital funnel. Cam. D, oc. 3. Fie. 13.—Enlarged view of a portion of the inner end of the nephridium of Phyllodoce laminosa. Fie. 14.—Inner branched end of the nephridium of Phyllodoce paretti. Cam. D, oc. 3. Fies. 15, 16, and 17.—Three transverse sections, from behind forwards, of the nephridial duct and genital funnel of an immature Eulalia punctifera, Cam. D, oc. 3. PLATE 39. Fie. 18.—Longitudinal vertical (sagittal) section through three segments of a ripe male, Hteone lactea, showing the genital funnels opening into the nephridial ducts. Cam. (In this and the next two figures the spermatozoa are not represented.) Fic. 19.—Similar section through a ripe male Irma latifrons. Cam, A, oc. 3. Fie. 20.—Similar section through a ripe male Pionosyllis, sp. Cam. A, oe. 3. Fig. 21.—Similar section through an immature Eunice sanguinea. Fic. 22.—Longitudinal horizontal (frontal) section through Ophiodromus flexuosus, immature female. The ova are shown in one segment only. Cam. L. 4, oc. 3. PLATE 40. Fries. 23 and 24.—Longitudinal vertical sections through a ripe male Eulalia punctifera; from sections lent by M. Gravier. Solenocytes are seen in the second figure only. Cam. A, oc. 3. Fies. 25 and 26.—Two longitudinal sections through the junction of the same genital funnel with the nephridium in a segment of an immature female Ophiodromus flexuosus. Cam. D, oe. 4c. Fic. 27.—Half a transverse section of an immature male Eulalia punctifera (cf. Figs. 23 and 24) showing the nephridia, and developing genital funnel. The lower nephridium is cut through near its external aperture, the upper one near its anterior blind extremity. Cam. AA, oc. 2. Fic. 28.—Longitudinal section through the junction of the genital funnel and the nephridial duct in an immature male Eulalia punctifera (the same specimen is represented in Fig. 27). Unripe spermatozoa are seen in the THE NEPHRIDIA OF THE POLYCHATA. 747 genital funnel. There is as yet no direct communication between the cavities of the two organs. Cam. oil im. 54, oe. ¢. Fic. 29.—Similar section through the junction of the nephridium and the genital funnel in a ripe male Eteone lactea (from which specimen fig. 18 has already been given). The communication is established, and ripe spermatozoa can be seen further down the nephridial duct. Cam. oil im. 34, Oc. 4c. Fie. 30.—Similar section through the junction of the genital funnel and nephridium in Pionosyllis sp. (same series as Fig. 20). The actual opening of the one into the other is not cut through. Cam. oil im. +4, oe. 3. PLATE 41. Fic. 31.—Two halves of transverse sections through a segment of Noto- mastus latericeus, showing the genital funnels. An asterisk marks the level of the genital pore. On the left hand side the backward prolongation of the lip of the funnel is seen; but it does not reach the nephridium. Fig. 32.—Similar sections farther back, showing the nephridium. The level of the nephridiopore is marked by an asterisk. Fie. 33.—Portion of a longitudinal vertical section of a Nephthys ceca, into the ccelom of which some Indian ink has been injected. The nephridium and genital funnel (ciliated organ) are cut through, and the latter is seen to dip into a sac in which are accumulated numbers of amcebocytes loaded with the insoluble black granules. Cam. D, oc. 2. Fic. 34.—Optical section of the nephridium from an anterior segment of a young Trypanosyllis. From the living. Oil im. +4, oc. 3. Fic. 35.—Portion of a longitudinal section of a young Syllis vivipara (median segment) passing through the nephridial funnel. Cam. Oil im. 34, oc. 4 ¢. Fic. 36.—Optical section of the nephridium of a posterior segment of a mature Syllis vivipara. From the living. Oil im. 74, oc. 6 ¢. Fie. 37.—Portion of a longitudinal section of a segment of the non-repro- ductive region of Haplosyllis spongicola passing through the nephridial funnel. Cam. Oil im. 54, oc. 4c. Fic. 38.—Transverse section (somewhat oblique) through a median segment of a ripe male, Pionosyllis sp. As in fig. 20, the spermatozoa are omitted. The genital funnel shows on the left, and the nephridial duct on the right. Cam. A, oc. 3. Fic. 39.— Portion of a transverse section of a non-productive segment of Haplosyllis spongicola, showing the lower lip of the nephrostome, and the upper lip (= rudimentary genital funnel ?), Cam, Oil im. 74, oc. 4e. 748 EDWIN 8. GOODRICH. PLATE 42. Fic. 40.—Portion of a longitudinal vertical section through a median segment of Kuphrosyne foliosa, showing the nephridium, partly indicated by dotted lines. Cam. D, oe. 2. Fie. 41.—Enlarged view of the nephrostome of Praxithea (Nereis) irrorata. From the living. Fie. 42.—Enlarged view of the nephrostome of Nereis longissima, From the living. Fre. 43.—Some of the ciliated processes of the same nephrostome. Fie. 44.—Enlarged view of the nephrostome of Lipephile (Nereis) cultrifera. From the living. Fie. 45.—Some of the ciliated lobes of the same nephrostome, with the nuclei stained. Fie. 46.—Enlarged view of the anterior portion of the nephridium of a female Polygordius neapolitanus, in optical section. Fic. 47.—Portion of transverse section of an immature Polygordius neapolitanus, showing the nephridium. Cam. D, oc. 3. Fic. 48.—Semidiagrammatic reconstruction of the extremity of one of the branches of the ‘ head-kidney”’ of a larval Polygordius sp., showing the solenocytes. The exact relative position of the tubes and the web is still uncertain (see page 716). Fre. 49.—Enlarged view of the nephrostome of a larval Arenicola (page 729). Fic. 50.—Reconstruction of the fused genital funnel and nephridial duct in a mature Irma latifrons, seen from in front. Fic. 51.—Reconstruction of the fused genital funnel and nephridium of a mature Aleiope cantrainii, seen from the side. NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES PERIPATUS. 749 Nouvelles Observations sur les Peripatus de la Collection du Musée Britannique. Par E. L. Bouvier, Professeur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. M. te Proresseur Ray LanKester ayant eu l’aimable obli- geance de me communiquer ce qui restait d’?Onychophores au British Museum aprés son premier envoi, j’ai pensé qu'il serait utile de faire connaitre les observations que ces ma- tériaux complémentaires m’ont permis d’effectuer. La présente note est donc la suite naturelle du court travail que j’ai publié, il y a quelques mois, sur la premiére partie de la collection de Péripates andicoles. Dans le deuxiéme envoi, les Péripates andicoles étaient représentés par un second exemplaire femelle de Peripatus Lankesteri Bouv.. Ce spécimen différe du premier par ses appendices ambulatoires plus nombreux (38 paires au lieu de 37), et surtout par sa taille remarquablement grande: la femelle type mesurait 35 mill. sur 5, tandis que celle qui nous occupe n’a pas moins de 82 mill. de longueur sur 9 de largeur maximum. Malgré tout, les caractéres de cette femelle sont exactement ceux qui appartiennent au type, les seules différences appréciables étant la coloration uniformé- ment noirdtre de toutes les papilles, la présence de deux petites dents a la base des griffes maxillaires, et le développe- ment de papilles accessoires qui viennent, surtout dans les grands plis, s’intercaler trés régulicérement parmi les papilles principales. Cet exemplaire m’a permis de constater que la taille des 1H. L. Bouvier, “ Observations sur les Onychophores de la collection du Musée Britannique,”’ ‘Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.,’ vol. xliii, p. 367, 1900, you. 43, PART 4,—NEW SERIES. FERRE 750 E. Le BOUVIER. jeunes augmente avec les dimensions de la femelle qui les porte. Dans la branche utérine droite se trouvait, en effet, un embryon mir qui avait 32 mill. de longueur et 3 mill. de largeur maximum; ainsi cet embryon était presque aussi grand que la femelle adulte du premier envoi, d’ou Pon peut conclure que cette derniére donnait sirement des jeunes bien plus petits. Dans cet embryon les petits plis tégumentaires sont rela- tivement plus réduits que ceux de ladulte et dépourvus de grandes papilles principales, les papilles accessoires ne sont pas encore apparentes, mais les papilles principales sont déja nettement différenciées en deux sortes, les grandes et les petites. Sur le bord postérieur de Vorifice buccal s’observe trés nettement la plaque cornée et cordiforme qu’on observe, en cet endroit, dans tous les embryons avancés du groupe. On sait que les Onychophores présentent, bien avant la naissance, le nombre complet de leurs appendices. L’em- bryon qui nous occupe avait 35 paires de pattes et présen- tait des papilles sexuelles sur les deux paires prégénitales au moins; c’était, par conséquent, un male, et nous voila dés lors fixés sur les caractéres essentiels que présentent les deux sexes dans cette intéressante espéce. J’ajoute, pour terminer, que la seconde femelle avait été capturée, comme la premiére, par M. Rosenberg, a Pa- ramba, c’est-a-dire 4 70 milles environ au N. de Quito. Péripates caraibes.—Pour la commodité de cette étude, je diviserai les Péripates caraibes en trois groupes; ceux qui ont pour type le P. jamaicensis Gr. et Cook, ceux qui se groupent naturellement autour du P. juliformis Guild, enfin les espéces fort nombreuses qui se rattachent plus ou moins directement au P. Edwardsi Blanch.. 1. Groupe du P. jamaicensis.—Ce groupe est carac- térisé par de trés nombreuses paires de pattes (40 environ), par Virrégularité des plis tégumentaires, et par luniformité des papilles, qui sont petites et trés serrées. I] ne comprend qu’une seule espéce dont je renvoie l'étude 4 la fin de cette note. NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES PERIPATUS. dol 2. Groupe du P. juliformis.—bLes femelles de ce groupe ont presque toujours de 30 a 34 paires de pattes, et les males des papilles sexuelles sur les trois paires prégéni- tales pour le moins; on en trouve parfois sur les 8 paires prégénitales dans le P. Sedgwicki Bouv., il y en a tou- jours moins dans le P. juliformis et dans une autre espéce qui appartient au méme groupe, le P. Brolemanni Bouv.. Toutes ces espéces sont caractérisées par des papilles prin- cipales de deux sortes, des petites et des grandes, les pre- miéres s’intercalant entre les secondes, et étant accom- pagnées de papilles accessoires qui comblent, trés impar- faitement, Vespece compris entre deux grandes papilles principales consécutives. Dans le matériel que m’a communiqué le Musée Britannique, ce groupe n’est représenté que par le P. juliformis et par ses variétés; toutes ces formes ont pour caractére commun une différentiation trés nette des papilles principales grandes et petites et une réduction extréme des papilles accessoires. Dans les exemplaires qui appartiennent a lespeéce typique (P. juliformis Guild.) les petites papilles principales sont médiocres et accompagnées de papilles accessoires fort éviden- tes; dans ceux qui représentent des variétés de lespéce, les petites papilles principales sont relativement grandes, tandis que les papilles accessoires sont, presque partout, rudimentaires. Je range dans la variété danicus Bouv. ceux dont les grandes papilles principales sont peu nombreuses et irréguliérement disposées, et je propose le nom de var. Gossei pour ceux dont les grandes papilles principales sont peu abondantes et assez nettement disposées en lignes longitudinales ondulées. L’espéce typique se trouve a 8. ‘Thomas (Mus. de Copen- hague) et aS. Vincent; ses exemplaires femelles ont de 32 a 34 paires de pattes; les males en ont 29 ou 30, et présentent une paire de tubercules sexuels sur trois ou quatre paires de pattes prégénitales. La variété danicus parait jusqwici propre a 8. Thomas; un male de la collection du Musée Britannique a 28 paires de pattes, et présente une paire de tubercules sexuels sur cha- 752 EK. L. BOUVIER. cune des quatre paires de pattes prégénitales ; une femelle du Musée de Copenhague a 33 paires de pattes; une autre, douteuse et en mauvais état, n’en a que 382. La variété Gossei est représentée, dans la collection du Musée Britannique, par deux exemplaires femelles qui ont 31 paires de pattes. Ces exemplaires avaient été considérés par M. Pocock comme des P. jamaicensis; ils ont été recueillis par Gosse, a la Jamaique. 3. Groupe du P. Hdwardsi.—Les nombreuses espéces de ce groupe ont un nombre de pattes plus restreint (30 en moyenne chez les femelles, et parfois sensiblement moins) que les précédentes; les papilles principales y sont le plus souvent subégales, mais beaucoup d’espéces en présentent des grandes et des petites; quant aux papilles accessoires, tantot elles sont trés nombreuses et bien développées, ce qui est le cas le plus fréquent, tantdt elles sont trés réduites ou manquent méme a peu pres complétement dans la région médiane du dos (P. Ohausi Bouy.). Dans toutes les espéces dont les males sont connus, on ne trouve de papilles sexuelles que sur les deux paires de pattes prégénitales. Pour le lot que j’étudie, les espéces de ce groupe sont le P. dominice Pollard, le P. trinidadensis Sedgw., le P. Simoni Bouy., et le P. brasiliensis Bouv.. Le P. dominice ressemble au P. juliformis par ses papilles principales qui sont de deux sortes bien tranchées, mais ses papilles accessoires sont fortes, nombreuses, et remplissent complétement l’espace compris entre les papilles plus grandes. Les males que j’ai eus entre les mains pro- venaient d’Oxford, et avaient 25 paires des pattes; les femelles en comptaient 29 ou 30 paires; dans une femelle du Musée de Copenhague le nombre des pattes s’élevait a 31 paires. L’une des femelles du Musée Britannique est le type de ’1Hunara Shawiana de Leach; l’étiquette, écrite de la main de cet auteur, est libellée de la maniére suivante : “Nereis pedata, Hunara Shawiana mihi.” Les maxilles des embryons murs sont dépourvues de denticules et de scie, mais il suffira d’une mue pour faire apparai- NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES PERIPATUS. 750 tre ces formations, qui se voient déja sous la chitine superficielle. Le P. trinidadensis se fait remarquer par l’abondance et la disposition irréguliére de ses papilles accessoires, qui passent par tous les degrés aux papilles principales; ces derniéres se différencient parfois, surtout chez les petits exemplaires, en grandes papilles’ blanchatres et en petites papilles de couleur plus foncée, mais la différence de taille entre ces deux sortes de papilles est infiniment moins tranchée que dans le P. dominicze. Cette espéce est propre ala Trinité, tandis que la précédente n’est connue qu’a la Dominique. Les nombreuses femelles de la collection du Musée Britannique ont de 29 a 31 paires de pattes; les males en ont 28. Le P. Simoni ressemble au P. Edwardsi par ses papilles principales subégales et par ses papilles accessoires assez nombreuses, mais ses papilles principales sont basses et franchement coniques, ses pattes sont tres largement séparées, son corps est long et gréle, et sa coloration d’un rouge brunatre uniforme. On ne connait pas les males de cette espéce. Les trois femelles (du Musée Britannique) furent capturées 4 Beeves, sur Amazone; tandis que les deux du premier envoi avaient l’une 29, autre 31 paires de pattes, celle du second n’en comptait pas plus de 28 paires. Les P. brasiliensis compris dans le second envoi pro- viennent de Santarem comme ceux du premier; ils sont représentés par deux femelles munies de 31 paires de pattes, par une autre femelle plus petite qui en a 32 paires, et par un male adulte qui a 29 paires de pattes. Cet exemplaire présente deux papilles sexuelles sur chacune des pattes des deux paires prégénitales ; c’est, jusqu’ici, le seul male qui soit connu dans cette espéce ; comme les femelles, il se distingue par ’absence complete de toute bifurcation segmentaire dans les plis dorsaux. C’est la, d’ailleurs, le caractére fonda- mental de cette espéce, celui qui la distingue absolument de toutes les autres espéces des genre Peripatus. Observations sur les Péripates de la Jamaique.— 754 E. L. BOUVIER. Les Péripates ont été découverts a la Jamaique par Gosse, qui en captura trois exemplaires actuellement conservés dans les collections de Musée Britannique. Hn 1892 (‘ Nature, vol. xlvi, p. 514) d’autres individus furent signalés par MM. Grabham et Cockerell, et briévement décrites sous le nom de P. jamaicensis. Depuis M. Grabham (‘Journ. Inst. Jamaica,’ vol. i, pp. 217—220, 1893) est revenu sur cette espéce, qui aurait, d’aprés lui, de 29 a 43 paires de pattes ; plus récemment (‘ Zool. Anz.,’ vol. xvi, pp. 341—3438, 1893) M. Cockerell a signalé deux ‘‘mutations” du P. jamai- censis, Vune de couleur homogéne noiratre (mutation Swainsone), lautre avec des papilles blanches éparses et le bout des antennes blanc (mutation Gossei); lun des in- dividus de la mutation Swainson avait 29 paires de pattes, et Pun de ceux de la mutation Gossei 36 paires. En 1894 M. Pocock (‘Ann. of Nat. Hist.,’ t. xxiv, p. 524) a décrit sous le nom de P. jamaicensis les exemplaires capturés par Gosse, et comme deux de ces exemplaires sont des femelles ayant 31 paires de pattes, tandis que l’autre est un mile de 37 paires, il conclut que les males de P. jamai- censis, contrairement a ce que l’on observe dans les autres Péripates américains, ont plus de pattes que les femelles. Toutes ces observations sont discordantes et peu en rapport avec ce que Von sait de lorganisation des Peripatus; dans aucune espéce du groupe, on ne voit le nombre des pattes varier dans une aussi large mesure (de 29 a 43 paires), dans aucune surtout on ne voit les males posséder plus de pattes que les femelles. Aussi dois-je remercier bien vivement M. le Professeur Ray Lankester qui, en me permettant d’étudier les Péripates du British Museum, m’a donné la possibilité de jeter quelque lumiére sur cette intéressante question. Les exemplaires capturés par Gosse appartiennent en réalité & deux espéces différentes; une qui a de nombreuses paires de pattes et & laquelle je conserve le nom de P. jamaicensis, l’autre qui a des pattes moins nombreuses et que j’ai désignée plus haut sous le nom de P. juliformis var. Gossel. NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES PERIPATUS. 755 1. P. jamaicensis.—L’exemplaire 4 37 paires de pattes recueilli par Gosse appartient a cette espéce ; comme Ll avait observé M. Pocock, c’est un mile muni de papilles sexuelles sur les deux paires de pattes prégénitales. Outre cet exem- plaire, j’ai pu étudier une femelle 4 40 paires de pattes de la collection du British Museum (femelle qui renfermait un embryon mir 4 41 paires) et deux exemplaires de méme sexe que m’a gracieusement donnés M. Sedgwick, de Cambridge. Ces deux exemplaires provenaient directement de MM. Grabham et Cockerell; ils avaient 39 ou 40 paires de pattes, et ’un d’eux renfermait des embryons miirs ayant 40 paires de pattes. De ces observations il semble déja qu’il est possible de conclure que les spécimens a pattes nombreuses forment une espéce particuliére, et qwils n’ont aucune relation avec ceux dont le nombre des pattes descend aux environs d’une tren- taine. Hn fait, ces exemplaires présentent tous des caractéres spéciaux et ne ressemblent 4 rien aux autres Peripatus d’Amérique. Leurs plis sont couverts de petites papilles ordi- nairement unisériées, et séparés par des plis plus réduits ot se trouvent des papilles beaucoup plus petites. Les plis 4 grandes papilles sont assez réguliers, sauf sur les flanes, ot ils ont une tendance a se confondre; mais les plis a petites papilles sont bien plus irréguliers et se fusionnent par intervalles avec les principaux. J’ajouterai que, dans mes spécimens, la papille urinaire anormale des pattes IV et V se continue en dessus avec le 3°arceau des soles pédieuses, et que le nombre des grands anneaux des antennes ne parait pas s’élever a 40, tandis qu’il est de 45 environ dans les autres espéces américaines. D’ailleurs, par leur coloration et la taille de leurs papilles, ces exemplaires peuvent se rattacher & deux types: lun dont la couleur foncée est absolument uniforme, jusqu’au bout des antennes, et qui parait correspondre a4 la mutation Swainsone de M. Cockerell; Vautre qui a des papilles blanches éparses un peu plus grosses et le bout des antennes blanc; ce dernier appartient certainement a la mutation 756 E. L. BOUVIER. Gossei. L’embryon extrait de la femelle de ce type ressemble absolument 4 la mére. 2. P. juliformis var. Gossei.—Les deux autres exem- plaires recueillis par Gosse sont partout, méme au bout des antennes, d’une teinte uniforme d’un brun jaunitre ; il est maniteste d’ailleurs qu’ils ont subi une forte décoloration. Dans un exemplaire de la méme variété recueilli par M. Swainson, la couleur est d’un brun violacé avec une teinte un peu plus claire a l’extrémité des antennes. Tous ces exemplaires sont des femelles ; les deux premiers ont 31 paires de pattes, le dernier en a 33 paires. Par le nombre de leurs appendices, ces exemplaires rap- pellent en conséquence le P. juliformis Guild.; ils se rap- prochent également de cette espéce par la disposition de leurs papilles principales, qui sont de deux sortes: les unes grandes et de teinte plus claire, les autres plus réduites et intercalées dans chaque pli entre les précédentes. D/ailleurs les plis sont fort réguliers et ne sont pas séparés, comme dans l’espéce précédente, par des rangées de petites papilles. Tl est probable que les males de cette forme ont des papilles sexuelles sur les quatre paires de pattes prégénitales, comme les P. juliformis typiques. La forme qui nous occupe se distingue d’ailleurs de ces derniers par ses papilles principales intercalaires, qui sont bien plus grandes, bien plus serrées, et qui sont rarement accompagnées de papilles accessoires. Dans plusieurs ex- emplaires les grandes papilles principales forment des lignes longitudinales sinueuses, qui rappellent jusqu’a un certain point la mutation Gossei du P.jamaicensis. Je propose pour cette forme de la Jamaique le nom de P. juliformis var. Gossel. 3. Conclusion.—De ce qui précéde on peut conclure: (1) que les Péripates décrits jusqu’ici sous le nom de P. jamaicensis appartiennent en réalité 4 deux espéces fort différentes, une qui mérite de conserver le nom de P. jamaicensis, l’autre qui est une variété du P. juli- formis; (2) que la premiére de ces espéces a de 36 a 45 NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES PERIPATUS. 797 paires de pattes, et qu’elle se présente sous deux formes différentes, ’une de teinte sombre uniforme (mut. Swain- sone), Vautre piquetée de blanc et remarquable par la teinte blanche que présente l’extrémité des antennes (mut. Gossei) ; (3) que la seconde a des pattes moins nombreuses (31 a 33 paires chez les femelles, moins certainement chez les males), et qu’elle rappelle par la disposition de ses papilles le P. juliformis. Je suis persuadé que ’exemplaire a 29 paires de pattes, attribué par M. Cockerell a la mutation Swainsone, est un male de P. juliformis var. Gossei; et que l’exemplaire a 36 paires de pattes de la mutation Gossei est un male ailleurs réguliérement dénommé. II serait a désirer que Padministration de l'Institut de la Jamaique voulut bien me communiquer les exemplaires types qu’elle posséde, afin de régler définitivement ces diverses questions. J’ajouterai que le spécimen de la Dominique remis au British Museum par M. G. F. Angas est un P. dominice des plus typiques, et non point, comme le croyait M. Pocock, un P. jamaicensis. VoL. 43, PART 4.—NEW SERIES. GiGaG NED ee Os V Ole Are; NEW SERIES. Amphioxus, development of, by Mac- Bride, 351 Apteryx, tapeworms of, by Benham, 83 Arenicolide, anatomy and classifica- tion of, by Gamble and Ashworth, 4.19 Ashworth and Gamble on the anatomy and classification of the Areni- | colide, 419 Benham on two new tapeworms from Apteryx, 83 Bernard, retina of frog, 23 Bouvier, quelques observations sur les Onychophores (Peripatus), 367 and 749 Cerebratulus, early development of, by C. B. Wilson, 97 Crotaline, sensory pit of, by G. 8. West, 49 Daphnia magna, its reaction to en- vironment, by Ernest Warren, 199 Diplochorda, on the, by Masterman, 375 Fielding-Ould and Ross on the para- sites of malaria, 571 Frog, retina of, by H. M. Bernard, 238 Gamble and Ashworth on the anatomy and classification of the Areni- colide, 419 Gamble and Keeble on the colour- changes of Hippolyte varians, 589 Goodrich on the nephridia of the Polycheta, part ii, 699 Hemameebide, by H. Ray Lankester, 581 Harmer, revision of the genus Ste- ganoporella, 225 Haswell on a new Histriobdellid, 299 Hill on embryology of Marsupialia, 1 Hippolyte varians,colour-changes of, by Gamble and Keeble, 589 Histriobdellids, a new genus of, by Haswell, 299 Jenkinson, early stages of mouse, 61 Keeble and Gamble on the colour- changes of Hippolyte varians, 589 Lankester, E. Ray, on the Hemame- bide, 58] 760 MacBride on the development of Amphioxus, 351 MacMunn on spongioporphyrin, the pigment of Suberites Wilsoni, 337 Malaria, parasites of, by Ross and Fielding-Ould, 571 Marsupialia, embryology of, by J. P. Hill, 1 Masterman on the Diplochorda, the anatomy and development Phoronis Buskii, 375 Mouse, early stages of, by Jenkinson, 61 of Nephridia of the Polycheta, by Goodrich, part ui, 699 Peripatus, quelques observations sur les Onychophores, par M. le Pro- fesseur Bouvier, 367 and 749 Phoronis Buskii, development and anatomy of, by Masterman, 375 PRINTED BY i ADLARD AND INDEX. Polycheta, the nephridia of, part iii, by Goodrich, 699 Retina of frog, by H. M. Bernard, 23 Ross and Fielding-Ould on the para- sites of malaria, 571 Spongioporphyrin, the pigment of Suberites Wilsoni, by Mac- Munn, 337 Steganoporella, revision of the genus, by Harmer, 225 Suberites Wilsoni, the pigment of, by MacMunn, 337 Tapeworms from Apteryx, by Ben- ham, 83 Warren on the reaction of Daphnia to its environment, 199 West on the sensory pit of the Cro- talinee, 49 Wilson, C. B., on the early stages of Cerebratulus, 97 SON, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, E.C., AND 20 HANOVER SQUARE, W. With Ten Plates, Royal 4to, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, Great oY Sage ‘Streak, Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum (prepaid) the JouRNAL is sent Post Free to any part of the world. 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