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' i -'3 4 a>, Sr ah . . 7 Gc ‘ in . 72? 7oy ‘<) ae | r ar ag aati N ile we uy «6s GS cel BB ape : A. . Val a a s! ae ie Pp t > iy ‘ 2 » . : oe fi J i vt . - ; ‘ ; 4 . - sae . ‘ . uJ - - > J ys J ¥ < 7 ‘ "e - * sy afd? ¥ > x ’ . * * 4 ra ¥ # a eS - ae -_——_-- - - —— - LONDON: PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STRELT AND CHARING © § y Sa : eis A — 7 P ad © (Pht fybloc Fgh Oo THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. JANUARY, 1869. I. THE ETHEREAL HYPOTHESIS OF LIGHT. By James Samvuexson, Editor. Tue thirst for knowledge in the human mind is as insatiable as the wants of an immortal soul are necessarily unlimited. There are indeed myriads, content to go their daily rounds and confine their inquiries to the price of corn, cotton, consols, or whatever staple may serve to provide them with the necessaries and luxuries of life ; but there are nobler men than those, who would rather be the discoverers of a secret in nature that yields wealth to thousands, than one of the ignorant thousands who reap the fruits of their researches ; and of such men none have shown themselves more disinterestedly devoted to their intellectual calling than the students of physical and chemical science. Indeed it is almost to be regretted that they are not a little more worldly, for in that case their scientific theories and speculations would probably rest upon a more material basis than they sometimes do at present. Amongst the numerous subjects which are now engaging the attention of physical philoso- phers, there is none, perhaps, of deeper interest either to scientific men or to the lovers of the mysterious in nature, than that which relates to the illimitable space, wherein the universe of suns and planets moves incessantly, which serves as the medium to convey intelligence from sphere to sphere, and to communicate life from the great centres to the surrounding orbs. But it is rather as a curious inquirer, than with any pretensions to original research ; rather in the hope that my observations and criticisms may sti- mulate discussion and cause further investigation, than with an expectation that they will throw fresh light upon so difficult and obscure a cosmical inquiry, that I propose its consideration in the present article. There are in the present day two distinct theories in relation to light, arising not from any difference of opinion as to the action of VOL. VI. ; B 2 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. [Jan., that force, inasmuch as the undulatory theory is now pretty generally accepted, but from opposing views as to the medium upon and through which it operates. It is needless for me to dwell long upon the undu- latory theory, but, for the government of those who have not devoted much attention to the subject, it may be as well to mention that formerly light was not regarded as a force acting upon matter, but was supposed to consist of particles or atoms emitted by the luminous body, whilst electricity was considered an imponderable fluid which travelled through the substances electrified. Now, strangely enough, the views of the more advanced physical philosophers are to some extent reversed. Mr. Grove considers the electrical spark, at least, to consist generally of projected particles of the electrified substance,* and he gives apparently satisfactory reasons for so doing, whilst Professor Tyndall thinks that electricity may be a force acting upon , “ condensed ether which surrounds the atoms” of matter.f And on the other hand, as we shall presently find, the latter entirely dis- cards the notion of any known substance as the vehicle of light, whilst Grove considers it to be a force acting upon gross but highly attenuated matter. But as I have already said, all are agreed upon the dynamical theory of light, first propounded by Huyghens in Newton’s time, and afterwards supported and established in this country by Dr. Young ; and this theory attributes to light a simi- lar, though not exactly the same property, as sound, regarding it as a force which causes undulations of marvellous rapidity in the medium through which it travels. In the case of sound, the passage of the force is admitted on all hands to be through known matter, and it is well known that a vacuum is incapable of transmitting sound ; but in that of light, which passes from sphere to sphere in the universe, and traverses a vacuum with apparently greater facility than air, it is obviously necessary either to discover or to suppose a medium for its transmission. That there is such a medium in interplanetary space is most probable, for light occupies time in its passage, corresponding with the distances between the luminous bodies from which it emanates and the spheres it illumi- nates, and therefore (in the case of our sun and earth for example) it cannot be the atmosphere alone which offers resistance to its passage. There is most likely matter of some kind, however at- tenuated, in space; and this is shown, not alone by the impeded passage of light, but by the retarded motions of the comets. But what is that interplanetary matter ? * “The electric spark, the brush, and similar phenomena, the old theories regarded as actual emanations of the matter or fluid Llectricity, I venture to regard them as produced by an emission of the material itself from whence they issue, and a molecular action of the gas, or intermedium, through or across which they are transmitted.”—‘ Correlation of Physical Forees and Continuity,’ p. 112. oth edition. Longmans: see also p. 181. + ‘Heat as a Mode of Motion,’ p. 216, note. 2nd edition. Longmans. 1869.] The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. 3 Ts it, as Professor Tyndall supposes, a specific “ether,” which serves as the vehicle for light and electricity? Does it enter, as he believes it does, into the constitution of material bodies? or is it excluded beyond the limits of our atmosphere? Or again, is it, as Mr. Grove believes, an attenuated gas or mixture of gases, given off from the atmospheres of the revolving worlds ? Let us first endeavour to understand the conceptions of these opposite thinkers, and then to test their respective hypotheses by the best means at our command. Professor Tyndall’s conception of a “luminiferous ether ” is that it is “a substance almost infinitely elastic,” filling all space as with “jelly.”* It fills up the interstices between molecules of all kinds of matter, “suffering no rupture of continuity at the surface of the eye, the intermolecular spaces of the various humours being filled with it.”t He believes it to form the infinite ocean in which worlds move, and to be the medium for the transmission of light there, as well as in the intermolecular spaces of material substances—in short he regards it as the medium for the transmission of light—(and probably of electricity) everywhere. Mr. Grove objects to this idea of a specific ether, both for the transmission of lght and electricity.t His views concerning the latter force we have given generally,§ and his ground for refusing to accept the doctrine in regard to light is, that “the more porous bodies, or those most permeable by ether, should be the best con- ductors,” || and that “an objection immediately occurs in the opacity of porous, and transparency of certain dense bodies.{1 He believes in the universality of ordinary matter, however attenuated, and considers his hypothesis “ the least gratuitous.” ** There are other writers, who, seeking to reconcile these opposite views, suppose that the ether does noé penetrate our atmosphere, being “ non-miscible ” with it, and that therefore it does not permeate terrestrial matter.tt This hypothesis may be at once dismissed, for if the supposed ether is not miscible with our atmosphere, then the latter should itself be the medium upon which light operates; therefore the first stroke of the piston of an air-pump should cause the receiver to darken, and an object in an exhausted receiver should be invisible, just as the sound of a bell striking therein is inaudible. In the present state of the discussion and of our knowledge, therefore, we are left to consider the respective merits of the two hypotheses, * ‘Heat asa Mode of Motion,’ p. 254. + ‘On Radiation, p. 9. Longmans. t ‘Correlation and Continuity,’ p. 183-4. § They wilt be found detailed im the chapter on ‘‘ Electricity ” in his work on the ‘ Correlation of the Physical Forces,’ || ‘ Correlation,’ p. 148. ¥ Ibid., p. 168. ** Thid., p. 186. ++ Brooke’s edition of Golding Bird’s ‘ Natural Philosophy. Sixth edition, p. 576. Churchill. B 2 4 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. | Jan., which for convenience I shall call those of Grove and Tyndall ; * and in order to guide the students of various branches of physical science in their investigations, I propose, first, to select a few pheno- mena for the consideration of the micro-zoologist, chemical and physical experimenter, and mineralogist, and then to point out what appears, in my humble judgment, to be the inference deducible from those phenomena, leaving it to each class of observers to consider the value and accuracy of my inyestigations, and of the conclusion to which I have been led by them.+ First, then, it is familiar to all who have any knowledge of natural history that the brilliant hues of the Lepidoptera, or Butterflies, are due to innumerable minute scales, regularly disposed upon their wings, just as the feathers of birds impart the bright colours to those races. In certain butterflies the wings have an iridescent, or metallic lustre (Lycaena Adonis, the Clifton Blue) ; in others it is dead and velvety (Vanessa Io, the Common Peacock) ; whilst in others again, both appearances are intermingled (Polyommatos Phileas, the small copper). Now let us inquire to what cause this phenomenon is attributable. We will take a specimen of Lyccena Adonis, the Clifton Blue, of which the blue is quite metallic, or satiny, if I may be allowed to coin the word, and on placing a few of the scales of this insect under the microscope and examining them by transmitted sunlight, that is, by light reflected from the mirror and transmitted through the scales to the eye, we shall find certain of them quite crystalline and transparent (see Plate, Fig.1); others bright orange-red (Fig. 2) ; and others again dusky brown, almost approaching to black. Now let us close off the light reflected from the mirror and examine the same scales by incident light, that is, by light concen- trated upon them with the aid of the bull’s-eye lens, and we shall find those which by transmitted light appeared translucent and colourless (Fig. 1) to be greenish brown or grey, studded with bright spots (Fig. la); those which were orange-red by transmitted light (Fig. 2) now appear of a brilliant violet-blue (Fig. 2a), the characteristic blue of the wings themselves ; whilst the dull brown * T call the “ ethereal” theory Professor Tyndall’s, inasmuch as he has sought to develop it; but those who are interested in its origin and history may refer to that author’s work, ‘Heat as a Mode of Motion.’ Professor Faraday appears to have given a cautious, or perhaps I should say partial, adhesion to the theory ; and he refers to it once or twice in passing, in the Bakerian Lecture of 1851, which I shall quote freely in this article. See also Tyndall’s ‘Faraday as a Discoverer,’ p. 129, Longmans. + Mr. Clerk Maxwell, it may be mentioned, considers “light” as a mode of electro-magnetic motion, He says, it ‘ consists of alternate and opposite rapidly recurring transverse magnetic disturbances, accompanied with electric displacements, the direction of the electric displacement being at right angles to the magnetic disturbance, and both at right angles to the direction of the ray.” (Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1864.) 1869. | The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. 5 scales (Fig. 3) are the least changed of any, being rather lighter (Fig. 3a) and presenting a steel-like surface. The cause of these changes is quite obvious. In the scale which was translucent and colourless by trans- mitted, but brownish-grey under incident light, a portion of the ray (as I shall for the present call it) is reflected back to the eye in the latter condition ; that is to say, whilst it passes unimpeded through the scale in the first instance, it is arrested in the second, being partly absorbed and partly reflected. In the scale which appeared differently coloured under both aspects, namely, red by transmitted, and blue under incident light, the ray was arrested im both in- stances, the same part, namely, the orange-red passing through, and the other (the blue) being reflected. In the first instance, we saw the ray which had passed ; in the second, that which was unable to pass, but which was reflected. (It must always be borne in mind that for the present I speak popularly, for we shall presently con- sider what “ray” and “portion of ray” really mean.) In the third example (8 and 38a) there is secreted in the scale itself a sub- stance which has the power of arresting certain rays when the light enters from above (incident) less than when it strikes upwards from below (transmitted). Because, in the first instance, the scale surface arrests and reflects a portion of the light before even it enters the scale, as exemplified also in Fig. 2a, or perhaps more characteristically still in another species, Lycaena Alewis, where the scale is pale brown (also caused by pigment) by transmitted, and pearly opal (Fig. 5) under incident light. In the “ Admiral” (Vanessa Atalanta) the effect is as nearly as possible the same under both conditions, the colour being due to pigment, Fig. 4.* Deferring for a time the consideration of the bearing of these phenomena upon the ethereal hypothesis, I will now direct the reader’s attention to the results of afew of the elaborate and inte- resting experiments of the late Professor Faraday, connected with “the relations of gold and other metals to light.” These were fully recorded in his Bakerian Lecture, 1857, and printed in the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ for that year; and a careful perusal of his observations, and if possible a repetition of his experiments, will well repay the student for his labour. He found that gold-leaf * In order to ensure accuracy as to the cause of the colour in these scales, I enlisted the aid of my friend Dr. Frankland, to whom I sent portions of the wings and scales corresponding with those which I had submitted to microscopical inves- tigation. He bleached, or tried to bleach them with Peroxide of Hydrogen, and with Chlorine water, and the result was generally, as I had anticipated. The brown scales bleached easily and completely ; the blue ones only turned pale green. After describing to me the different reactions, Dr. Frankland said :— “ Judging from these experiments as well as from the appearance of the wings, I should say that the blue scales owe their colour in every case to interference, whilst all the rest are tinted with pigments,” 6 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. [Jan., by transmitted light is green; by incident light, yellow, and of a metallic lustre. “When gold-leaf is laid upon glass, and its temperature raised considerably without disturbance, either by the blow-pipe or an ordinary argand-burner, it seems to disappear, ¢. e. the lustre passes away, the light transmitted is abundant and nearly white;’* but “when gold, rendered colourless by annealing, is subjected to pres- sure, it again becomes a green colour,” .... and “the green colour can be again taken away by heat to appear again by renewed pres- sure.”t Again, gold in a minutely divided condition caused by deflagration, transmitted violet, green, or ruby rays; but by re- flected light “it is golden and metallic.”{ “It is evident that all the colours described are produced by one and the same substance, namely, gold, the only apparent difference being the state of division and different degrees of the application of heat;”§ ... “and I think T am justified by my experiments in stating that fine gold particles so loosely deposited that they wipe off by a light touch of the finger, and possessing one conjoint structure, can in one state transmit light of a blue-grey colour, or can by heat be made to transmit light of a ruby colour, or can by pressure from either of these former states transmit light of a green colour, all these modi- fications being due to gold as gold.”|| That it is the disposition of the particles which causes the modifications of colour is further shown by the author, when he says{| that thin films of gold pre- pared by phosphorus give “a feeble grey-violet” by transmitted light ; if the films are a little thicker they give “a violet;” but “ superposition of several grey-violet films does not produce a green tint, but only a diminution of light without change of colour.” Yet it will be remembered that a sheet of gold-leaf gives a bright een. Another result of Faraday’s observations is that vapours and gases will pass through these films ;** and their appearance with a power of 700 linear is reported to be “slightly granular.” tt} * ‘Phil. Trans., 1857,’ p. 148. + Ibid., p. 149. It may be as well to mention here what Faraday thought in relation to the cause of the change. At p. 149 he says:—* As to the essential cause of this change of colour, more investigation is required to decide what that may be. As already mentioned, it might be thought that the gold-leaf had run up into separate particles. . . . On the whole I incline to this opinion.” Let me add in reference to these ‘remarks of Faraday, that on examining with a microscope some “ gold bronze,’’ which I know consisted of very fine particles of gold, I found that by transmitted light they gave in the massa yellowish-red colour, and each particle precisely resembled minute flakes of crumpled gold-leaf; but when I subjected the dust to pressure between two sides, not alone each particle, but the whole aggre- gation of them assumed the characteristic green hue—the change being, however, more apparent in the individual particles. t Ibid., p. 152. § Ibid., p. 153. GE. Los. q Pp. 155-6. ** “ Experimentally, also, I find that vapours and gases can pass through them,” p. 156, th bs hove 1869. ] The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. 7 After reading the account of Faraday’s beautiful and exhaustive experiments,* of which I have only referred to one series, I should have despaired of being able to add any information that would elucidate our inquiry had not nature herself prepared a beautiful microscopical object, which, in common with many friends, I have examined with undiminished pleasure and admiration for nearly twelve years. It is called the “ Sonnenstein,” or Sun Stone, from its peculiar brilliancy, and ig found in Arendal in Norway. Its brightness is due to innumerable minute metallic crystals imbedded in a matrix of a translucent substance of a spar-like nature. Examined with a low power by transmitted light, it resembles a colourless transparent fragment of glass or spar, containing irregularly-shaped pale, orange, and red translucent crystals (Fig. 6); where these are superposed one above another, they assume a brighter hue; but when viewed by incident light an almost miraculous transformation takes place, some of the crystals appearing bright blue, others pre- senting every colour of the spectrum, and if the object be turned slowly round the same crystals reflect different huesas they revolve.t The transparency of the matrix is due to its extreme tenuity (the object having been cut with the aid of a mechanical contrivance, by the late Dr. Oschatz of Berlin), and viewed with a higher power under incident light in one position, the light is reflected from its * T have also considered those of Professor Tyndall, just published in the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ and fully reported in our Chronicle of Physics ; but although they are very interesting, I do not at present see anything in them to throw fresh light on our inquiry. + My correspondent, Mr. T. Rudler, of the Museum of Practical Geology, gives me the following account of the “ Sonnenstein.” ‘‘The mineral called by the Germans ‘ Sonnenstein,’ by the French ‘ Pierre de Soleil,’ and by the English ‘ Sun-stone,’ is a variety of Oligoclase-felspar, originally discovered at Archangel, but now found chiefly in Norway. It exhibits a beautiful spangled appearance, somewhat resembling that of Aventurine, and hence it has been called Aventurine-felspar. This appearance is apparently due to the reflection ef light from the walls of minute fissures traversing the stone, and also to the presence of small six-sided plates which are usually disseminated through the mineral. What they really are, is difficult to say. Scheerer regarded them as crystals of specular Iron Ore (anhydrous Peroxide of Iron), and Oschatz confirmed this observation, but Kenngott will have it that they are magnetic pyrites (Pyr- rhotine). Some, I believe, regard them as titaniferous iron ore, whilst others refer them to the species Géthite. Formerly they were thought to be little scales of Mica. “T ought, perhaps, to say there is some little confusion in the use of the word ‘ Sun-stone,’ as a few writers have applied it to an opalescent potash-felspar, or Adularia. The beautiful colours exhibited under the microscope by the embedded erystals are due, I should think, rather to their extreme thinness than to any colour inherent in the crystals.” To this account of Mr. Rudler, I would add that from the analogy between them and the iridescent butterfly scales (Figs. 2and 2a in my Plate) which are red by trans- mitted, and blue by incident light, I have no doubt that their brilliant colours are due to reflexion from their surface. In my specimen there are scales which are opaque by transmitted light and which more nearly resemble a crumpled fragment of metallic tinsel than a fiat geometrical crystal ; indeed the crystals are very irregu- lar and not often six-sided. 8 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. [Jan., surface, which is then opaline (Fig. 6a), and the imbedded metallic crystals are invisible. As to the dimensions of my little preparation, it is difficult to form a correct idea of them. In the Plate (Fig. 6 and 6a) the whole object is magnified about 5 diameters, or about 25 times in superficial area: but from the mode in which it is mounted between sheets of glass above and below (the former being a combination of two slips, flint and crown, I believe), it is impos- sible to form an accurate estimate of its thickness. In conjunction with a friend, an experienced microscopical observer, I haye, how- ever, tried to form an approximate idea, and with a magnifying power of 56 diameters, it appears about .', of an inch thick, there- fore in reality it may be from >, to +45 of an inch. This isa very rude mode of arriving at its thickness, but it would be quite useless even to guess at the degree of tenuity of the contained crystals or plates. They are embedded at various depths in this thin shaving of mineral, showing no indications of an edge, and are sometimes at such relative distances below each other, that the focus requires to be considerably changed to bring one after the other into full view. Occasionally they are superposed one above another with a space intervening. I have examined some of the individual crystals with powers of 200, 270, 540, 900, and about 1300 diameters, and notwithstanding their extreme tenuity, I have not been able to detect the least appearance of structure, or breach of continuity in the uniformly flat orange-yellow surface which they present to the eye by transmitted light. Where a crystal happens to be imperfect, its broken edge examined with a high power, re- sembles torn paper, but has no indication of geometrical symmetry. As already stated, these crystals, which by transmitted light are a uniform orange, by incident light veflect all the colours of the spectrum, each crystal reflecting usually one colour, but often the same is variously tinted. In Fig. 7 I have attempted to represent a few of them, but no idea can be formed of their brilliancy unless they are seen under a good bright light in nature. Sometimes (as in the three upper crystals in the figure) the same crystal reflects a metallic lustre in one position, and exhibits the orange transparency in another. Sometimes again, a sharp line divides a crystal in two; and if it be moved round, each division will, by turns, present the trans- parent orange and the reflected light. This is doubtless owing to the light being reflected from some neighbouring crystal or from one of the fissures of the felspar, and passing upwards through the whole or part of the crystal, as in the case where transmitted light is used. The matrix of felspar partially depolarizes polarized light, but the latter has not the least effect upon the imbedded crystals. Before considering the bearing of these phenomena upon our inquiry, let us briefly refer to another, in which the experimenter calls into action the force of which he at the same time observes the 1869. | The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. 9 effect upon matter. It will be found described in Professor Tyn- dall’s ‘ Radiation,* already quoted, and is one for which we are indebted to the researches of Dr. Draper. By means of a current of electricity, a platinum wire is gradually raised to a state of in- candescence, and after the luminous rays emitted by the wire have passed through a prism, the prismatic colours appear one by one as the light becomes more intense, beginning at the red, and ending at the violet end of the spectrum, until from a white light in the wire the whole of the spectrum is obtained upon the screen. And now, before we endeavour to glean from these phenomena what information we are able concerning the action of hght, let us try to define what “light” means. Of course, according to the “ethereal hypothesis,” it is the vibrations of the atoms of the hypothetical “ether ;” but if we adopted this definition we should be admitting the hypothesis of which we desire to test the accuracy, and should be reasoning from the unknown to the known: this we must of course avoid. All observers will agree in regarding light as a force operating upon and causing a motion of matter. It proceeds in a right line and passes freely, and probably unchanged except in degree of intensity, through air, through what we call a vacuum, and, when it falls upon them at certain angles, through other forms of matter which are known as transparent; but it is also a force, capable when it reaches some forms of matter, (by what means we cannot say), of resolving itself into three or more distinct modes of action, differing in their nature and operation. Sometimes one of these modifications of the force is incapable of producing any perceptible effect upon a particular form of matter, and then it reflects back upon and through the same unknown medium until it reaches the retina, where it produces the effect known as colour. At other times some portion of the force is inoperative when it reaches the surface of the material object, and then its reaction or reflexion causes a combination of colours. In other cases again, chiefly when the force reaches certain forms of matter at a particular angle, no portion of the force is able to affect it, and then we have what is called the reflexion of ordinary light, but there are cases where the whole force is capable of acting upon and through the same form of matter, but whereas 1t entered it as one whole force, it issues from it as three or more distinct forces or phases of force, and those forces, when they again reach certain forms of matter, reflect upon the retina as a complete “ spectrum.” Of all these effects of the force “light” we have had examples in the phenomena already referred to, and in some of them, as for example in the sunstone, we had, in the same object, illustrations of nearly all the modifications to which the original force is subject, * « Radiation,’ pp. 2, 3. 10 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. | Jan., and of its resolution as above stated. And now let us inquire whether and in what manner light differs in its operation from the other known forces, or “ modes of motion.” First, as regards its penetrability. If we do not assume that the medium which serves as its vehicle until it reaches a solid object enters into the constitution of that object, but that it is arrested at its surface, then we shall find that the dmpact produces the same effects in the case of light as in other forces, and, moreover, we shall avoid a grave difficulty attending the assumption that the hypothetical “ether” serves as the vehicle of light in and through the solid body, namely, that porous substances through which the “ether ” should pass most freely are opaque, whilst dense forms of the iden- tical substance are transparent. If we place a number of billiard-balls in a row thus (Fig. 1), and drive a ball or other object against the terminal ball A, the force traverses the whole closely-packed series instantaneously, and the ball Z starts forward at once ;* but if the balls are disposed as at Fig. 2, and A be struck with the same force, Z will only moye slightly forward, and not so instantaneously as before ; and if they be disposed as at Fig. 3, not touching each other, then if A be struck, Z will not move at all, but some of the intervening balls will fly off laterally at different angles. Now the first position (Fig. 1) may be assumed to be that of the particles of matter in a dense, and the other two in porous bodies, and if we regard light as a “mode of motion,” there is nothing abnormal in its passing more rapidly through, or, to speak correctly, in its traversing the particles of a dense than a porous body, merely on account of the density, and provided the particles be conveniently disposed. Again, air is the medium of sound, as ether is supposed to be that of light; but when sound, or rather the agitated air, impinges upon the * Professor Tyndall employs this illustration to exhibit the effect of sound. + Perhaps it would be more correct to say that sound is the vibration of the sensible, as heat and light are the vibrations of tle insensible parts of an object. The latter definition is Locke’s. 1869. | The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. li sonorous object, the air does not enter into the object, but the force is transferred to the material particles of the object itself. Blow into the air and you have no sound (except that caused by the com- pression of the air between the lips). The air is transparent or nearly so, to sound. Blow upon a tumbler, and you have a “ note.” There is a reflection or reaction of part of the force upon the air, and an absorption of the other into the sonorous substance ; and, precisely as in the case of light, the effect produced is varied according to the nature of the object upon which the force impinges. Professor Tyndall has shown the close analogies between sound and light in his beautiful work on the former force;* but I cannot help thinking that if he had considered the nature of the “chromatic” scale in both cases, conjointly with the other resem- blances between the two forces, his views regarding a hypothetical ether circulating within bodies, would have become modified. He attributes the velocity of sound in its passage through substances, to a direct action upon the matter itself; but why not suppose some attenuated gas to be the medium, as sonorous “ether?” Such a supposition is at once negatived by the fact that whilst the velocity of sound through the rarest of gases is only 4164 feet in a second,t it traverses steel wire at the rate of 16,023 feet per second. The density of a substance does not therefore necessarily impede the passage of sound (any more than that of mechanical motion), and when the field of operation of the force is changed, and it leaves a rarer form of matter to act upon a denser one, its effect in the new direction is intensified and its result upon the senses changed. So far, then, as the analogies between light and sound, as well as the mere density of bodies, are concerned, we are at least as cor- rect in leaving the “ether” (whatever that may be) at the outside, as in admitting its presence within solid bodies; and now let us inquire how various substances behave under the influence of light as compared with other forces, which are supposed by the etherealists to have the ether for their vehicle everywhere, within as well as without solid objects. The following are the conducting or transmitting powers of certain well-known types of matter :— Heat. Light. Electricity. Wetalsiima ee COOdm nies IDAGN i ee ood. Wharcoallece se Malte ken eee bads 5) © coy ood: NCOMNC Iams Enon OOC- emer eS OOdu os ss) alr, Poreelainye) 6) oa ee be tat, “Ls © 63) bed. Glass eee em batlen eeaeieee O0G. 25. = sei Wad: Rock Salt ba) Ady we wees) OO 4,)-, (3.4 bad: Now, when we consider these phenomena along with those referred * «On Sound,’ p. 44. Longmans. + Ibid., p. 37. 12 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. [Jan., to in our illustrations, we must be struck with the insufficiency of the “ ethereal” hypothesis to afford an explanation of them. On the contrary, I fear the remark of Dr. Frankland,* which I appre- hend he meant to be applied to this hypothesis, holds good, that “it hinders rather than expedites the advance of the experimenter.” Suppose we were to assume that the “ether suffers no rupture of continuity ” at the surface of glass, for instance ;f how is it that the force, “ light,” acting upon that “ ether,” passes through the glass freely, whilst one of its resolved forces or phases, heat, notwith- standing that it operates solely upon the same hypothetical medium, is unable to pass? It cannot be merely because “ light” proper acts upon the ether with greater intensity, causing it to vibrate more rapidly than heat; for, according to Professor Tyndall, that would result in the mere phenomena of light and darkness. ‘“ Darkness,” he says, “may be defined as ether at rest; lght as ether in motion:” t and although the same author says the ether never is at rest, and that when light-waves are not passing through it, heat- waves are; yet I do not see how the two forces can be severed, and more especially how one can be reflected (or, more strictly speaking, can reflect) back, whilst the other proceeds onwards, as we found it to do in our insect scales and in the other cases described, unless the medium which yields to one phase of the force, and resists the passage of the other, is different from that which serves as the vehicle of the reflected force, or is invested with the attributes of various kinds of gross matter; and, indeed, it appears to me that there must be either a distinct form of “ ether” for each force, or one phase of the force must act directly wpon the constituent particles of the object which is transparent to it, and the other react upon the medium which served as its vehicle until it reached the surface of the solid object. Nor can we suppose “ ether” to be invested with attributes which cause it to change the character of the force with the direction of its passage through it ; for although the velocity of heat travelling through certain crystals is greater in one direction than in another,§ and along the fibre of wood greater than across it; || yet it always remains “ heat,” a force which is supposed by the etherealists to consist, like light, of the “ vibration of ether” everywhere, so in whichever way we try to use the “ ether,” we always find that it is the particles of matter which, after all, modify the force. There is another circumstance which I should like to submit for the consideration of those who are desirous of forming accurate * Proceedings of Royal Institution,’ June 12, 1868. + I have taken glass as a familiar example, but rock-salt is a better one. t ‘ Radiation,’ p. 9. § ‘Heat as a Mode of Motion,’ p. 221. | Ibid., p, 223. 1869.] The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. ils conclusions on this interesting subject. There is no reason why the form of matter. which is believed to serve as the vehicle of light should be so extremely attenuated as the “ether” is sup- posed to be, except the necessity which seems to exist in the minds of the etherealists of its permeating all other matter; but when we look at the known attenuated forms of matter, we find that even the most highly rarefied are unable to penetrate certain dense substances, and pass through porous ones slowly. Pro- fessor Faraday found that the materials upon which he operated were pervious to the passage of gases and vapours, but what must be the nature of that “ether,” through which the light waves are supposed to speed, undergoing transformations in their passage, and which must be continuous in its presence through the various dense substances composing “Sonnenstein.” First, it must pass through a thickness of glass and through felspar, in both of which it must serve as the vehicle of colourless light; then it must be agitated within an embedded crystal, or if there be two super- posed, then through both and the intervening felspar, and in all three it must serve as the medium for the force which subsequently becomes apparent to the sense as orange light ; then another layer of felspar intervenes ; next, flint and crown glass; and then it passes through air, a form of matter in which the hypothetical ether may be supposed to agitate freely. But here its course is not ended ; lens after lens of the microscope, each with its particles closely packed, and humour after humour of the eye must all be filled with this attenuated “ether,” and must afford space for and be accom- modated to instantaneous changes im its varied vibrations. I have no wish to dogmatize upon this difficult theme, my purpose being, as stated at the outset, to present a few phenomena for the consideration of the reader, and to suggest such mquiries as seem to me calculated to throw light on the subject. From the foregoing remarks, however, it will be clear that I lean to Grove’s view of the purely material character of the substances which serve as the vehicles of light, and that, notwithetanding the need which appears to exist for some special medium, either elementary or compound, to provide for its passage across a “vacuum,” yet I cannot admit either the possibility or necessity for a specific “ ether ” which permeates all matter. For although the chain of hypotheses which must be employed to support the one hypothesis of a homo- geneous specific “ether,” filling all space and “ fitted mechanically for the transmission of the vibrations of light and heat,”* and per- meating all kinds of gross matter, may seem necessary and justifiable in the minds of those who are more accustomed than I am to con- sider these phenomena, yet it seems to me that before the hypo- * Tyndall’s ‘ Radiation,’ p. 8. 14 The Ethereal Hypothesis of Light. [ Jan., thesis becomes a theory it will be necessary to invest the “ ether” with the properties of a variety of forms of known matter, in ad- dition to some abnormal attributes which it is already supposed to possess, and such a proceeding appears less philosophical than to seek in the phenomena connected with known forms of matter, a revelation of the nature and modus operandi of “light” and its constituent forces; or failing that, to wait patiently for the dis- covery of new material conditions that may render the problem less difficult of solution. * DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. Fic. 1.—Battledore scale of Lycena Adonis (Clifton Blue Butterfly), viewed by transmitted light, magnified 250 diameters. la.—The same, viewed by incident light, magnified 250 diameters. 2.—Another scale of Lycena Adonis, viewed by transmitted light, mag- nified 150 diameters. 2a.—The same, viewed by incident light, magnified 150 diameters. Colour probably due to structural arrangement of particles. 8.—Another scale of the same, viewed by transmitted light, magnified 150 ; diameters. 3a.—Scale of the same, viewed by incident light, magnified 150 diameters. Colour due to pigment. Fic. 4.—Scale of Vanessa Atalanta (The Admiral), magnified 150 diameters. Colour due to pigment. 5.—Scale of Lycena Alexis (the Common Blue), magnified 150 diameters. 6.—“ Sonnenstein,” by transmitted light, magnified 5 diameters, 6a.—The same, by incident light, magnified 5 diameters. 7.—Crystals embedded in “ Sonnenstein,” viewed by incident light, mag- nified 75 diameters. (The three upper objects in Fig. 7 are the same Toke) in different positions, but always illuminated by incident ight. II. THE ALKALINE LAKES OF CALIFORNIA. By J. Arruvur Puimures. AtKauine and thermal springs abound over an area constituting a large proportion of the State of California ; whilst in some extensive districts, and particularly in the vicinity of the great Colorado desert, the ground during the dry season is whitened by an incrust- ation principally consisting of various salts of soda. In many parts of the country also, although alkaline springs are readily found, potable water is exceedingly scarce, being usually met with but once or twice only in the course of a day’s journey. * It is only fair to Professor Tyndall, that after availing myself so largely of his writings, I should mention that his views and speculations on the subject of the “ether,” which I need hardly say are well deserving of consideiation, will be found in the work just quoted, as well as in his ‘ Faraday as a Discoverer.’ 1869. | The Alkaline Lakes of California. 15 The most remarkable accumulations of alkaline waters are, however, those of Mono Lake and Owen’s Lake; and of these, together with the celebrated Borax Lake, I propose giving a short description. Mono Lake.—Mono Lake is about fourteen miles long from east to west, and, in its broadest portion, nine miles wide from north to south ; it was, however, formerly much larger than it now is, its ancient shore-lines being very conspicuously indicated by a succession of parallel terraces. On its south-eastern side a ravine has been eroded through the sandy desert which surrounds it, to a depth of from sixty to a hundred feet ; and in this cafion five well-defined terraces may be distinctly seen. The level of the lake was once certainly at least 600 feet higher than it now is; and it is not improbable that it then com- municated with the valleys both of the Carson and Humboldt, thus forming a most important feature in the ancient geography of the country. The waters of this lake, which have a high specific gravity, are intensely alkaline and saline, removing grease readily, and bemg far more detergent in their properties than ordinary soap-suds. They contain, in addition to common salt, large quantities of carbonate and sulphate of soda, and apparently also a certain pro- portion of lime, since large quantities of calcareous tufa have been deposited along the lake-shore, and on the terraces far above the present level of its waters. Near its northern shore are numerous springs holding much lime in solution ; these have caused the form- ation of extensive deposits of tufa, some of which rise above the surface of the lake, resembling gigantic fungi of from six to ten feet in height. In Mono Lake there are several islands, two of which are of considerable size,—the larger being two-and-half miles in length, whilst the smaller is about half-a-mile long. ‘To the north of this lies a group of volcanic islets of inconsiderable dimensions. On the south-eastern corner of the larger island are numerous hot springs accompanied by jets of steam, covering some thirty acres of land, and extending into the lake itself, thus perceptibly raismmg its tempe- rature for a considerable distance. The steam and heated gases thus escaping at the same time from hundreds of fumeroles, are often attended with considerable noise, and deposit around the orifices of many of the apertures a red incrustation, probably of chloride of iron: there is, however, no smell of sulphur, nor any deposit of that substance. On the north side of the island are two well-defined craters in the midst of hard basaltic rock, but both are now filled with water. The smaller island is entirely composed of hard, dark basalt ; and has at its western extremity a somewhat elevated volcanic cone of black basalt capped by cinders. 16 The Alkaline Lakes of California. [Jan., Myriads of aquatic birds resort during the breeding season to this lake ; but its waters are, with the exception of the larva of a fly, destitute of life. These larvee, which are small white worms, occur in such immense quantities, that they are collected by the Indians, under the name of “ Koo-chah-bee,” as an important article of food. For this purpose they are first dried in the sun; the hard cuticle is then crushed by rubbing between the hands, and afterwards sepa- rated by winnowing in large shallow baskets. Before being eaten, the prepared grubs are kneaded into a kind of dough, and baked in the embers. Stretching south from Mono Lake is a chain of extinct volcanoes : obsidian and pumice are abundant throughout the whole region, the soil being so intensely dry and pulverulent, that the traveller sinks over his ankles at every step, and experiences no small dif- - ficulty in obtaining even a scanty supply of fresh water. Owen’s Lake-—This lake is: situated about a hundred miles to the south-east of the foregoing, in lat. 36° 20'S., long. 118° W. from Greenwich, and is twenty-two miles in length, and about eight in width. Owen’s River rises in the Sierra Nevada, not far from the head of the San Joaquin, and near the southern extremity of the valley flows into Owen’s Lake, which has no visible outlet, and whose shores are thickly coated by an alkaline incrustation. No fish of any description are found in its waters, but they produce large quantities of koo-chah-bee, which is plentifully collected by the various tribes of Indians inhabiting its shores, and dried for winter consumption. The water of this lake has a specific gravity of 1-076, and con- tains 7128°24 ers. of solid matter to the imperial gallon; of this, 2942 ers. are chloride of sodium, 956 grs. sulphate of soda, and 2914 gers. carbonate of soda. The remainder consists of sulphate and phosphate of potash, silica, and traces of organic matter. Iodine is also present in very minute proportions. The incrustations which at certain seasons of the year are depo- sited on its shores to the extent of many hundreds of tons, consist of a yellowish-white efflorescence. A specimen of this substance subjected to analysis afforded the following results :— wl Whlonde.gfSodium.. 5; .«: ~», jsa gen, werd Solphsteousoga., 28 +. Si fos ioc) pom UE DOHELO Ms) yee as +s) op) eel Sap EOD Sills’, Aa Same toe Me | N27. PO SHWE hE) dec hs. ca, Ges. oie ee UGER Water with traces of organic matter «» wO7 ae 100°00 The carbonic acid and soda in this case exist in such propor- tions as to form a monocarbonate of that base; but fragments 1869. | The Alkaline Lakes of California. tt) collected from various other localities along the lake-shore showed a distinct excess of carbonic acid. Twenty miles south of Owen’s Lake is Little Lake, a pond evidently occupying the crater of an extinct volcano, and in the vicinity of which are some remarkable boiling springs. The country between Little Lake and Owen’s Lake is a barren sandy plain, in which the only vegetation consists of a few cactuses, together with some stunted wild-sage bushes and grease-wood ; whilst the surface of the ground is everywhere thickly strewn with fragments of obsidian, pumice, and tufa. These, with numerous extinct craters seen in the distance, sufficiently indicate the volcanic nature of the whole region. Borax Lake.—This sheet of water, the Lake “ Kaysa” of the Indians, is situated in Lake County, 110 miles from San Francisco, and lies a little east of Clear Lake, about half-way between Cache Creek and Hawkin’s Arm. This lake, which is separated from Clear Lake by a low range of hills belonging to the cretaceous period, has, under ordinary circumstances, a length of about a mile and an average width of half-a-mile. Its extent, however, varies considerably at different periods of the year, since its waters cover a larger area in spring than during the autumnal months. No stream of any kind flows into the basin, which derives its supply of water from the drainage of the surrounding hills, as well as, m all probability, from subter- raneous springs discharging themselves into the bottom of the lake. In ordinary seasons the depth thus varies from 5 feet in the month of April, to 2 feet at the end of October. Borax oceurs in the form of crystals of various dimensions embedded in the mud of the bottom, which is of an exceedingly unctuous character, and is found to be most productive to a depth of about 34 feet, although a bore-hole, which was sunk near its centre to a depth of 60 feet, afforded a certain proportion of that salt throughout its whole extent. The crystals thus occurring are most abundant near the centre of the lake, and this rich portion extends over an area equivalent to about one-third of its surface. They are, however, also met with in smaller quantities in the muddy deposit of the other portions of the basin, some of them being, in the richest part before alluded to, over a pound in weight. ‘The largest crystals are generally enclosed in a stiff blue clay, at a depth of between 3 and 4 feet, and a short distance above them is a nearly pure stratum of smaller ones, some 24 inches in thickness, in addition to which crystals of various sizes are disseminated throughout the muddy deposit of which the bottom consists. Besides the borax thus found in a crystalline form, the mud is itself highly charged with that salt, and according to Oxland, when VOL. VI. O 18 The Alkaline Lakes of California. | Jan., dried, affords (including the enclosed crystals) 17°73 per cent. Another sample, analyzed by Mr. Moore of San Francisco, afforded him 18°86 per cent. of crystallized borax. In addition to this the deposit at the bottom of the other portions of the basin, although less productive, still contains a large amount of borax, and it has been ascertained by sinking numerous pits on the lake shore, that clay containing a certain proportion of this salt exists in all the low ground around it. The borax at present manufactured is exclusively prepared from the native crystals of crude salt, whilst the mud in which they are found is returned to the lake, after the mechanical separa- tion of the crystals by washing. ‘The extraction of mud from the bottom is effected by the aid of sheet-iron coffer-dams, and dredging- machines worked by manual power, the whole of the labourers being Chinese. Until 1866 the only apparatus employed con- sisted of a raft covered by a shingled rvof, with an aperture in its centre, about 15 feet square, and above which were hung, by suitable tackle, four iron coffer-dams each 6 feet square and 9 feet in depth. This raft or barge was moved in parallel lines across the surface of the lake, and at each station the four dams were sunk simultaneously by their own weight into the mud forming the bottom. When they had thus become well embedded, the water was baled out, and the mud removed in buckets to large rectangular washing-vats, into which a continuous stream of water was intro- duced from the lake by means of Chinese pumps, the contents of the cisterns being at the same time constantly agitated by rakes. At the present time dredging-machines are employed for bringing up the mud and crystals from the bottom of the lake, and these are introduced into cisterns and washed as above described. In this way the turbid water continually flows off, and a certain amount of crystallized borax is finally collected in the bottom of each tank. This is subsequently re-crystallized, but from the density acquired by the washing water, of which some hundred thousand gallons are daily employed, it is evident that less than one-half the borax existing in the form of crystals is thus obtained, whilst that present in the mud itself is again returned to the lake. In 1866, when I visited this locality, the crystals of crude borax daily obtained amounted to about 3000 Ibs., and after bemg carefully washed, they were dissolved in boiling water and re-crys- tallized in large lead-lined vessels, from which the crystallized borax was removed into boxes each containing a lhundred-weight. The amount of refined salt daily obtained varied from 2500 to 2600 Ibs., which was produced, as nearly as I could calculate, at a cost of about 182. per ton. It is evident from the foregoing description that the system of working employed is exceedingly crude, and by no means calculated 1869. | The Alkaline Lakes of California. 19 for obtaining the best results, and that in order to do so, it would be necessary to adopt some efficient process for the lixiviation of the mud after its removal from the bottom of the lake, and the re- erystallization of the borax thus obtained. The total extent of the muddy deposit considerably exceeds 300 acres, and if we assume that of this area 100 acres, or that portion only now worked for borax crystals, would be sufficiently rich to pay the expenses of treatment by the process at present employed, we shall arrive at the following figures :— One hundred acres are equivalent to 484,000 square yards, and if the mud were worked only to a depth of 34 feet, this would represent about 565,000 cubic yards, or, allowing a cubic yard to weigh a ton, which isa very low estimate, the total weight of 100 acres of mud, in its wet state, will be approximately 565,000 tons. If the mud, as extracted from the lake, be now assumed to contain sixty per cent. of water, there will remain 226,000 tons of dry mud, containing, according to the mean of the analyses of Messrs. Oxland and Moore, 18°29 per cent. of borax, but if in practice only twelve per cent. of borax were obtained, this area alone would afford 27,120 tons of crystallized salt. According to Mr. 8. M‘Adam, of Edinburgh, to whom a specimen was forwarded for analysis, the crude borax from Borax Lake has the following composition :— Biborate of Soda, dry otc aa ee OLSD Water of Crystallization .. .. .. .. 40°44 Imsolubletmatiberiscs: vce aise iace) misen ersten linac Sulphate OsSodadtyencicn ee yen ee OZ06 Chloride of Sodium, dry .. .. .. .. 0°08 Phosphateiof Seda; drys 3. oJ... dels 100-00 Mr. Moore, of San Francisco, gives the following as the com- position of the water of Borax Lake, which has a mean specific gravity of 1:0274:— In an Imperial Gallon. Chloride of Sodium .. .. .. .. «. 1198°66 5 IROWPRSTONI Eo Go om ge D792: Todide of Magnesium Boe ey oon 22, Bromide e sor oe: ook CE trace Bicarbonate of Magnesia.. .. -- «. - A Soda pe om tee os” LSSEZS Be ZNTAIMONIBe sy sel) set ee trace Carbonate of Soda .. .. .. «.. «+. 978°65 Biborate Mort A issn cs. - POLES Phosphate of alumina .. .. .. =: 3°52 Sulphate ofimes <3) ss 2 - Bee trace Silicie acids es) eee fe ek ae 2°37 Matters volatile at ared heat.. .. .. 238°66 2501-76 Q bo 20 The Alkaline Lakes of California. [Jan., In the foregoing analysis all the salts have been calculated as being anhydrous; but crystallized borax contains about 47 per cent. of water, and hence the 281°48 grains found will correspond to 535° 08 grains of crystallized salt. Besides the amount of biborate of soda contained in the mud of the lake, its waters are therefore capable of affording at least 6000 additional tons. The borax, being the least soluble salt present in any consider- able quantity, has evidently been deposited in the form of crystals in the mud at the bottom; and that the process is still rapidly going on is shown by the coating of crystals formed upon sticks or other substances immersed for a short time in the waters of the lake. A consideration of the phenomena attending the production of borax further leads to the beef that its formation is effected by the decomposition of carbonate of soda by boracic acid emitted from sources beneath its bed, and large quantities of carbonic acid con- stantly escape from the surface of the water. Should this be the case, 1t is more than probable that any moderate extraction of borax will be fully compensated for by the formation of that salt constantly taking place. * The waters of another lake situated in a little valley a few miles north-east of Clear Lake, and surrounded by a thick forest of oak and pine, are also known to contain borax. The bottom of this lake, which covers an area of about twenty acres, consists of a clay similar to that found in the larger one; but although it con- tains large quantities of borax im solution, no crystals of that salt have as yet been found in the mud. In addition to the localities already mentioned, there are numerous springs in the vicinity of the lakes, the waters of which are more or less impregnated with borax. To the north-east of Borax Lake, and about a mile from it on the borders of Clear Lake, is a large depcsit of sulphur where solfatara action is still apparent. The volcanic rocks have here been extensively fissured and decomposed, and from the various orifices steam and sulphurous vapours are constantly issuing. The amount of sulphur which has been deposited in this place is very large, covering an area of several acres, but the depth to which it may extend can only be ascertained by the further development of the excavations now in progress. From six to eight tons of this sulphur are refined daily by dis- tillation in large iron retorts, after which it is used for the manu- facture of sulphuric acid, and in gunpowder, match, and other factories. The most interesting fact in connection with this deposit is the association of cinnabar with the sulphur sometimes distinctly separated from it, in quartz, evidently of recent origin and deposited from solution, but more frequently thoroughly intermixed with the mass. 1869.] Experimental Researches on the Properties of Steel. 21 Another large deposit of sulphur, about two miles distant, occurs in what is known as Chalk Mountain, so called on account of its peculiar white appearance, caused by the decomposition of the volcanic rock ; and still another at Sulphur Springs, farther east on the road to Colusa: but in neither of these localities is the sulphur discoloured by the presence of cinnabar. The rocks at Chalk Mountain are extensively fissured and much decomposed by the action of steam and acid vapours, and springs yielding water highly charged with carbonic acid are numerous throughout the district. In fact, volcanic materials and hot springs occur in a line from Clear Lake eastward toward the Sacramento valley, and, as Pro- fessor Whitney remarks, there is evidence of a transverse fissure extending from the Geysers across the volcanic belt, of which Mount St. Helena is the culminating point, to the Sacramento valley. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON THE MECHA- NICAL PROPERTIES OF STEEL. By Wm. Farrparen, LL.D., F.RS., &e. Tue present may be justly considered the age of iron, as in every branch of industry where force, form, and motion are required, iron enters largely into construction, and its powers of application have supplanted almost every other material. It presents wonderful facilities in its adaptation to every description of art, whether of the useful or decorative style; and its improved tenacity, elasticity, and ductility have enlarged its field of usefulness in the construction of buildings, ships, steam-engines, bridges, and machinery of all sorts where strength combined with lightness is required. ‘To this powerful and valuable material we are indebted for railways, loco- motives, and rolling stock; and there is no branch of manufacture in which it does not form a whole or a prominent part. Possessed of such a material in its cheapest and best forms, we should be de- ficient in duty if we left it in the rude state in which it was found in the days of Cort, and his immediate successors. That great improvements have been effected of late years does not admit of doubt, and there is probably no material that has undergone greater changes in its manufacture than iron; and judging from the attempts that are now making, and have been made, to improve its quality and to enlarge its sphere of application, we may reasonably conclude that it is destined to attain still greater advances in its chemical and mechanical properties. The earliest improvements in the process of the manufacture of iron may be attributed to Cort, who intro- 22 Experimental Researches | Jan., duced the process of boiling and puddling in the reverberatory furnace, and those of more recent date to Bessemer, who first used a separate vessel for the reduction of the metals, and thus effected more important changes in the manufacture of iron and steel than had been introduced at any former period in metallurgic history. To the latter system we owe most of the improvements that have taken place ; for by the comparatively new and interesting process of burning out the carbon ina separate vessel, almost every descrip- tion of steel and refined iron may be produced. The same results may be obtained by the puddling-furnace, but not to the same extent, since the artificial blast of the Bessemer principle acts with much greater force in depriving the metal of its carbon, and in reducing it to the state of refined iron. By this new process increased facilities are afforded for attaining new combinations, by the intro- duction of measured quantities of carbon into the conyerting vessel, and this may be so regulated as to form steel or iron of the homo- geneous state, of any known quality. The production of iron and steel in the homogeneous state is one of the most important improvements that have taken place since the process of rolling direct from the reverberatory furnace. The former process was first to melt the iron as it came from the smelting-furnace in the shape of pigs, to puddle it or to stir it about until the mass took the form of a ball deprived of its carbon ; it was then placed under the hammer, and formed into slabs or ingots. ‘The next process was to roll it into bars, which being cut into short pieces, were again heated and rolled either into plates or bars as required. Now the great defect of this process was the unsound state of the iron, as the least rust or scoriz on the surface of the piled bars prevented the welding or fusion of the metals, and hence followed what are called blistered plates, or laminated bars of unsound construction. The new process it will be observed obviates all these difficulties, as in the Bessemer process the melted iron is deprived of its carbon by the action of an artificial blast—the same as formerly prevailed on the hearth of the refinery—and thence it is cast into ingots of the weight required, either for the hammer or the rolls. From this it will be seen that the risk of piling and welding is entirely dispensed with, and the article produced, whether of iron or steel, is perfect in its homogeneity. It may be of good or inferior quality, hard or soft, but by this process it is free from the risk of being unsound in its homogeneous state. As regards the steel, of which we have to submit the results, as produced by the principal manufacturers of this country, it will be observed that in making steel from the puddling-furnace, similar combinations may be produced, but with less certainty as regards 1869. | on the Mechanical Properties of Steel. 23 quality, as everything depends on the skill of the operator in closing the furnace at the precise moment of time, before the mass is deprived of its carbon. This precaution is necessary in order to retain the exact quantity of carbon in the puddled bulb, so as to produce by combination the requisite quality of steel. It will be observed that in the Bessemer process this uncertainty does not exist, as the whole of the carbon is volatilized or burnt out in the first instance; and by pouring into the vessel a certain quantity of crude metal containing carbon, any percentage of that element may be obtained in combination with the iron, possessing qualities best adapted to the varied forms of construction to which it may be applied. Thus the Bessemer process is not only more perfect in itself, but admits of a greater degree of certainty in the results than could possibly be attained by the mere employment of the eyes and hands of the most experienced puddler. Thus it appears that the Bessemer process enables us to manufacture steel with any given proportion of carbon, or other eligible element, and thus to describe the compound metal in terms of its chemical constituents. Important changes have been made since Mr. Bessemer first announced his new principle of conversion, and the results obtained from various quarters bid fair to establish a new epoch in metallurgic manipulation, by the production of a material of much greater general value than that which was produced by the old process, and in most cases of double the strength of iron. These improvements are not exclusively confined to the Bessemer process, for a great variety of processes are now in operation pro- ducing the same results, and hence we have now in the market homogeneous and every other description of iron, inclusive of steel, of such density, ductility, &c.,as to meet ali the requirements of the varied forms of construction. The chemical properties of these different kinds of steel have been satisfactorily established ; but we have no reliable knowledge of the mechanical properties of the different descriptions of homo- geneous iron and steel that are now being produced. To supply this desideratum, I have endeavoured, by a series of elaborate experiments, to determine the comparative values of the different kinds of steel, as regards their powers of resistance to transverse, tensile, and compressive strain. These experiments have been instituted not only for those engaged in the constructive arts, but also to enable the engineer to make selections of the material as will best suit his purpose in any work proposed. In order to arrive at correct results I have applied to the first houses for the specimens experimented upon, and judging from the results of these experiments, I venture to hope that new and important data have been obtained, which may safely 24 Experimental Researches | Jan., be relied upon in the selection of the material for the different forms of construction. For several years past, attempts have been made to substitute steel for iron, on account of its superior tenacity in the construction of ships, boilers, bridges, &c.; and there can be no doubt as to the desirability of employing a material of the same weight and of double the strength, provided it can at all times be relied upon. Some difficulties, however, exist, and until they are removed it would not be safe to make the transfer from iron to steel. These difficulties may be summed up in a few words, vz. the want of uniformity in the manufacture, in cases of rolled plates and other articles; which require perfect resemblance in character, and the uncertainty which pervades its production. Time and a close observation of facts in connection with the different processes will, however, surmount these difficulties, and will enable the manufacturer to produce steel in: all its varieties with the same certainty as he formerly attained in the manufacture of iron. In the selection of the different specimens of steel, I have endeavoured to obtain such information about the ores, fuel, and process of manufacture as the parties supplying the specimens were disposed to furnish. To a series of questions, answers were, in most cases, cheerfully given, the particulars of which will be found in the experimental Tables, published in the Transactions of the British Association for 1867. I have intimated that the specimens have been submitted to transverse, tensile, and compressive strain, and the summaries of results will indicate the uses to which the different specimens may be applied. ‘Table I. gives for each specimen the modulus of elas- ticity, and the modulus of resistance to impact, together with the deflection for unity of pressure; from these experimental data the engineer and architect may select the steel possessing the actual quality required for any particular structure. This will be found especially requisite in the construction of boilers, ships, bridges, and other structures subjected to severe strains, where safety, strength, and economy should be kept in view. In the case of transverse strain some difficulties presented them- selves in the course of the experiments, arising from the ductile nature of some part of the material, and from its tendency to bend or deflect to a considerable depth without fracture. But this is always the case with tough bars, whether of iren or steel, and hence the necessity of fixing upon some unit of measure of the deflections, in order to compare the flexibility of the bars with one another, and, from the mean value of this unit of deflection, to obtain a mean value of the modulus of elasticity (EK) for the different bars. This unit or measure of flexibility given in the Table, is the mean value of all the deflections corresponding to unity of 1869. | on the Mechanical Properties of Steel. 25 pressure and section. In order to determine the resistance of the bars to a force analagous to that of impact, the work in deflecting each bar up to its limit of elasticity has been calculated. These results differ considerably from each other, showing the different degrees of hardness, ductility, &c., of the material of which the bars are composed. ‘The transverse strength of the different bars up to their limit of elasticity is shown by the amount of the modulus of strength or the unit of strength calculated for each bar. Table II., on Tensile Stram, gives the breaking-strain of each bar per square inch of section, and the corresponding elongation of the bar per unit of length, together with the ultimate resistance of each bar to a force analogous to that of impact. Table III., on Compression, gives the force per square inch of section requisite to crush short columns of the different specimens, with the corresponding compression of the column per unit of length, together with the work expended in producing this com- pression. It will be observed from the following Tables that the results of the experiments show that the deflections produced by a transverse strain are in proportion to the pressures within the limits of elas- ticity. In Table [., as in the other two on tension and compression, the value of the work done on each specimen has been determined, and the results recorded in the last column indicate the comparative strength of each particular bar; and the mean value of the deflec- tions corresponding to unity of pressure and section will be found in column 3. These may be taken as the measure of flexibility, elasticity, and ductility of the different bars, and the uses to which the material may be applied. The mean value of E, the modulus of elasticity taken for thirty of the best specimens, is about 31,000,000, which exceeds that of wrought iron by more than the thirtieth part. Steel having a much greater flexibility than malleable iron, accounts for the approxima- tion of their respective values in D,. This arises from the fact that the bars of the greatest flexibility—other things being the same— have the least value for the modulus of elasticity. On tensile strain the mean result derived from thirty of the best specimens is 47°7 tons, or nearly 48 tons per square inch; and in this, as in the previous Table, the measure of ductility and strength is given in the last column, which indicates the utility of the material and the purposes for which it may be selected. Comparing the best quality of steel with the best wrought iron at 24 tons as the breaking-weight per square inch, we find that we have a material of double the strength with the same weight, or what is the same thing, of only half the weight with the same strength, or as 47°7 to 24. In the art of construction these 26 Hxperimental Researches [Jan., CompaRIson of STEEL MANUFACTURED after the BessEMER Process, with that MANUFACTURED by other PRocESsSEs. TABLE I—TRANSVERSE STRAIN on inch-square bars, and 4 ft. 6 in. between the supports. Mean | | Mean | value, D,, | work Mean Bye. da of the de- | Mean value | of de- | value of MANUFACTURER. Dessipon flection for of the flection, | C, ia REMARES, Steel unity of | modulus of | uw, for | unit of ; pressure | elasticity E. | unity | working and of strength. section. | section. tons. lbs. Mean Messrs. J. Brown & Co. { sear “0012739 30,730, 000, 52-721] 5-918 bk 00 weight Messrs. C. Cammell & Co. a 0013518 29, 166,000 59°897| 5-921 Do. 950 Messrs. H. Bessemer & Co. ges *0016684 29, 813,000.49-°489) 5-659 | Do. 975 The Hxmatite Steel and Tron Company .. | se 0014590 27, 153 ,000 26°463) 3°914 | Soft steel. Westnet ng 6 0014382 29,215,000 47-142) 9° 283 Sy al aa lag Peers 0013007 30,278,000 65-049, 6-548 | Mean Messrs. S. Osborn & Co. a -0014296 27 , 48200052 574) 5 een 1250 weight Messrs. C. Sanderson &\! | _|..9018209129,973,000/47-411| 5-521 | Do. 1250 Messrs. T. Turton & Sons *001312030,294,00052°680) 5°886 | Do. 1200 The Titanic Steel and\ Mushet’s Iron Company .. | steel *0012350 31,901,000 63°542) 6°455 ‘0013196 30,042,000 56°251 6-002 Mean TasiE IJ.—TeEnsILE STRAIN on bars ¢ inch diameter. Elongations taken on 8 in. length. M e aia Mean breaking Mean nt . a train per square 1 A Description | Specific | laidon | SY ed elonga MANUFACTURER. of Steel. Gravity. | inIbs, | i™¢h of section. | tion, per | producing | ~ Ea Fe rupture. S, s, | length, Mean value of wu, or work Mesere. J. Brown & Co. (ea) 33,603 | 90,379 40-35] -0460 Messrs. Cammell & Co. BH iS, 34,085 | 101,132 45-14) +0595 Messrs. Bessemer & Co. iter ay 38,189 | 89,955 | 40°15| *0753 The Hematite Steel and 33,321 | 72,195 32°22) +0942 Iron Company .. Bloan: hs u.2: ee “7a 34,299 | 88,415 | 39-46] -0682 Messrs. Naylor, oe Melted in ( 39,449 108,099 48° 5| 0372 & Co. .» «evs J [the crucible Messrs. S. Osborn & Co. a3 ee 44,131 103,214 | 46° “0341 Messrs. OC. Sanderson & -75683 | 39,592 | 95,553 | 49° 09229 UByOUnenB tas. Weert Se am Messrs. T. Turton & Sons ah : | 39,295 | 93,380/41°61| °0165 The Titanic Steel and\ Mushet’s \'| 37.179 | 93,616 | 41° “0551 Iron Company .. steel ‘ _ SS a RR TIEROSIT ee Tree en ene or ee ne Mean .. ad Semha : 39,923 | 98,772 | 44-07 1869. | on the Mechanical Properties of Steel. 27 CoMPARISON of STEEL — continued. TABLE IT].— Compressive STRAIN on specimens ? in. diameter and 1 in. in length. Mean Greatest weight | Mean | \alue of D ‘oti Mean laid on per square inch of | Com- U, OF : wae fre : Sa escription | weight section, pression) voc ex. of Steel, | laid on in per endedh lbs. ‘unit of Pe hi D length crushing Ibs. Tons. *| the bar. Messrs. J. Brown & Cot Poser e*\! 91,840 225,568 | 100-700 | +347 | 39,101 Messrs. C. Cammell & Co. 91,840 | 225,568 | 100°700 | -339 | 38,232 Messrs. H, Bessemer & Co. sn 91,840 | 225,568 | 100°700 | -379 | 42,720 The Hematite Steel and / BY Boilies ina enn \ AS 91,840 | 225,568 | 100:700 445 | 50,207 —_—___ Mean .. ¢ ao) ce 91,840 | 225,568 | 100-700 | -377 | 42,981 ae 91,840 | 225,568 | 100°700 | -267 | 30,014 A) 91,840 | 225,568 | 100-700 | -328 | 36,906 Messrs. S. Osborn & Co. Messrs. C. Sanderson & IBIRQUMGRS “ne Bp i Messrs. T. Turton & Sons | ies The Titanie Steel and\\Mushet’s Iron Company.. ..J) steel \ Tia ie en | G | es aylor, Vicker 9M te bef 91,840 | 225,568 | 100-700 | -286 | 32,300 ; 91,840 | 2: 225,568 | 100°700 | +398 | 29,254 | 91,840 | 225 oy) ,968 | 100°700 | *315 | 35,551 | Mean .. ..| .. .. | 91,840 | 225,568 | 100-700 | -318 | 32,805 are considerations of great importance; and in every case where steel can be depended upon, it is entitled, on the score of economy and lightness, to the judgment and practical knowledge of the architect and engineer. In Table III., on compression, each of the specimens were reduced, when cut from the bars previously experimented upon, to small columns of # mch diameter and 1 inch in height. They were each loaded with weights equal to 100 tons per square inch, without undergoing any sensible appearance of fracture. On con- suliing the Table it will besefound that with the above weight of 100 tons per square inch they were compressed, on the average, to two-thirds their original length; and from these facts we were enabled to find the value of w, recorded in the last column, as the value of work done by the load which produced the change of form in each of the specimens submitted to pressure. This, it will be observed, was the true test of the powers of resistance of the respective specimens to a compressive strain, and the conditions under which materials of similar properties may be safely applied in constructive art. On comparing the mean tensile resistance to rupture at 47-7 tons per square inch, it will be seen that the resistance to com- 28 The Treasures of Siluria. [Jan., pression is more than double the resistance to extension, or as 100-7 to 47:7, being in the ratio of near 2:1. Hence it follows that the most economic form of a steel bar undergoing a transverse strain would be a bar with double flanges, haying the area of the top flange about one-half that of the bottom. This conclusion is borne out by the results of experiments on transverse strain, where §,, the strain per square inch of the material at the elastic limit, = 6C = 6 x 6°83 tons = 40°98, or 41 tons nearly ; but the mean breaking-strain per square inch by extension = 47°7 tons, clearly indicates that the compressive resistance in the former case was considerably in excess of the tensile resistance. It is important in every experiment on the strength of materials, which enters so largely into constructive art, that we should be thoroughly acquainted with the properties of the material of which the structure is composed, and that its resistance in all the different forms of strain should be clearly and distinctly ascertained. In the foregoing experiments we have determined the resisting powers of the different specimens to bending, tension, and compression ; but we have omitted that of torsion, or twisting, until we have an opportunity of doing so upon the same identical bars. These I hope to accomplish at some future period, and also to give some further results upon an enlarged scale, calculated to confirm what has already been done, and to ascertain some additional facts in regard to the changes now in progress in the manufacture of Iron and Steel. IV. THE TREASURES OF SILURIA. Thesaurus Siluricus: The Flora and Fauna of the Silurian Period. With Addenda (from recent acquisitions). By Joun J. Biaspy, M.D., F.G.8. London: Van Voorst. 1868. 4to, pp. 268. Tue “ Treasures of Siluria” consist of a vast assemblage of those “ Medals of Creation” with which the late Dr. Mantell, years ago, made the intelligent reader familiar. These medals are coins of various denominations, each of which had an unnumbered cireu- lation. But the region over which they severally passed current, and the relative value which belongs to them, are questions which, amongst others, we shall discuss in this article. At the head of our review we haye placed the title of but one book,—not because it gives us every possible information about the «Treasures ” whose value we wish to estimate, but because it is a synopsis of everything that has hitherto been published on the subject, and of not a little that is even now in the hands of the 1869. | The Treasures of Siluria. 29 printer. Especially let us mention that M. Barrande’s ‘Systtme Silurien du Centre de la Bohéme—-Recherches Paléontologiques, Professor James Hall’s ‘Paleontology of New York, Mr. David- son’s ‘ British Silurian Brachiopoda,’ Mr. Salter’s numerous works on Silurian fossils, and the Reports of the Canadian Geological Survey, are the great storehouses from which Dr. Bigsby has collected most of his material, while innumerable memoirs by an army of English, Continental, and American authors have yielded to his search an almost equal number of species. Dr. Bigsby has, indeed, spent a vast deal of time in groping about amongst the archives of a host of ancient cemeteries of all dates and of all climes. He has found records of the burial of numerous groups of individuals, each ‘group being known by a distinct name. Some of these are represented in countries far apart, and during successive periods of lengthened duration ; but the majority of them have remained true to their native country, and have not survived the vicissitudes of climate and conditions to which all regions are more or less subject. In other words, as we shall have occasion to point out again, those individuals and com- munities which emigrated to distant regions flourished and multi- plied, after the manner of more modern emigrants, under the more favourable conditions of their new habitation; while those which remained true to their birthplace succumbed during a strugele for existence with either their own progeny or new colonists, aggra- vated by a decrease in the means of subsistence and a more rigorous condition of external circumstances. The ‘ Thesaurus’ contains the names, dates, and habitations of nearly nine thousand species, so far as they are at present known. These species are classified zoologically into their respective orders, the genera of each order and the species of each genus being then given alphabetically. At the end of the list of members of each order is given a “ geographical summary,” showing at a glance the distribution of the genera and their species over the surface of the globe. Finally, at the end of the book is a very complete list of works on Silurian Palzontology, which will necessarily be of great assistance to future students of the subject. The untiring and long-sustained industry necessary to the successful compilation of a work-of this kind is a quality possessed by comparatively few men of science; and while we rejoice that the Royal Society has recognized and rewarded the perseverance of the author by a grant of 1002. im aid of the publication of hig book, we sincerely hope that the scientific public will follow so distinguished an example, and will preserve the author from pecuniary loss by purchasing a work of reference unique in its aim, and without which every geological library must be regarded as incomplete. 30 The Treasures of Silwria. [Jan., Preceding the lists of species which form the main body of the work, Dr. Bigsby records a number of “ Facts and Observations” as the result of his analysis of them. These general conclusions bear even stronger testimony to the author’s industry, and much more powerful witness to the vigour of his intellect, than the lists of species themselves. Indeed, if the ‘Thesaurus’ had been placed in the hands of a dozen Palzontologists, we doubt whether any one of them would have drawn a more original series of inferences than these same “ Facts and Observations;” and we are quite confident that a more suggestive series it would be impossible to bring together. While it would be both tedious and difficult to scrutinize lists of species, it is infinitely easier to criticize conclusions than it is to arrive at them. The reviewer comes to their examination rather inclined to object to them, while the author, on the other hand, having been for weeks, for months, perhaps for years, accumulating and selecting materials which have suggested to him certain in- ferences, finds it extremely difficult fully to appreciate such hostile facts as would require very serious modifications of his previous results. Having thus confessed our bias, we will endeavour to guide our readers fairly through some of the paths trodden by our author, and will commence with that very intricate formation known as the “ Primordial Zone.” Although the commencement of what is still included in the “Silurian System” may not be of the greatest importance to the registrar of the births and deaths of Palaeozoic fossils, there is no doubt whatever that it possesses the highest interest for the scientific theorist. The “ Primordial Zone” must, in fact, be still looked upon as practically the natal epoch of organic life, for the in- habitants of the vastly more ancient Laurentian period are still too little known to enable the Paleontological genealogist to deal with them. Dr. Bigsby devotes three or four pages to a brief sketch of the salient facts connected with his census of the inhabitants of the Primordial Period, but owing to his apparent desire to extend its limits, he is obliged to commence with the following sentence :— “‘ Waiting for the results of the investigations now taking place in Canada as to the exact relations of the Quebec Group with the Primordial Stage, it will be better not to dwell long on this part of the Silurian Epoch, especially as the present ideas on these relations do not give entire content.” He further remarks that “it is indissolubly Silurian by almost every possible tie—by facies, materials, stratigraphy, and organic contents,’—but in this latter conclusion he will not be supported, we think, by our working Welsh geologists. 1869. | The Treasures of Siluria. | 81 Dr. Bigsby gives us an imposing summary of the fauna of the Primordial Zone in Europe and America, namely, 375 species in the former, and 597 species in the latter region; but his definition of the formation is so extremely wide that it is difficult, from his figures, to arrive at the real value of the fauna of the period in its more restricted meaning. ‘To prevent any misunderstanding, we give the followmg comparative statements of what is usually included in this formation, and of what the author includes within its definition :— BRITAIN. Braspy. Morcuison, Beir, Satrrr, &e. Lower Llandeilo | Lower Silurian of