HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY TB1 >yyx AAsCUAj, l 0, in O'tvuaA^, d3 lyit ' QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., P.R.S., VOLUME 62.— New Series. IIONOIUUY FBI, LOW OK KXETKK COLLBGK AND HONORARY STUDENT OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCK (ASSOCIE ETIIANGER DE l’aCADEMIE DES SCIENCES) y CORRKSPONDKNT OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OK 8T. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF 8CIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, AND OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OK TURIN; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SCIENCES OF GOTTINGEN, AND OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF THE LINCEI OF ROME, AND OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF BOSTON ; ASSOCIATE OF T1IR ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM; HONORARY MEMBER <>F THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDIN- BURGH, AND OF THE BIOLOGICAL AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OK PARIS, AND OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF 8CIKNCKS OF SAN FRANCISCO, AND OF THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL AND MALACOLOGIC AL SOCIETY OK BELGIUM; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE 8ENKENBERG ACADEMY OF FR AN KFURT AM J FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, U.S., AND MEMBER OK THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH*, LATE DIRECT O K OK THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE B R IT 1 8 II MUSEUM; LATE PRESIDENT OF TUB BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE,* LATE FULLKRIAN PROFESSOR OK P II Y8IOLOG Y IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN i LATE LINACKK PR0FES80R OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLRGB, OXFORD; EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD EDITED BY WITH THE CO -OPERATION OF SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OK ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER; REGIUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW; AND PROFESSOR OK ZOOLOGY AT THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. plates awb fat-Jfigures, LONDON: GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1917. J. & A. CHURCHILL V CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. 245, N.S., NOVEMBER, 1916. MEMOIRS : PAGE On an Ichthyobdellid parasitic on the Australian Sand Whiting (Sillago ciliata). By Charles Badham, B. Sc., Junior Demon- strator in Zoology, University of Sydney. (With Plates 1 and 2, and 6 Text-figures) . . . . . .1 The Development ofAlcyonium digitatum, with some notes on the Early Colony Formation. By Annie Matthews, M.Sc. (With Plates 3-5 and 53 Text-figures) . . .43 The So-called Labial Cartilages of Raia clavata. By Edward Phelps Allis, junr., Menton, France. (With Plate 6) . 95 Index to Vols. 29 to 61 Inclusive (July, 1888 to July, 1916). CONTENTS OF No. 24 6, N.S., FEBRUARY, 1917. MEMOIRS : On Phoronis ovalis, Strethill Wright. By Sidney F. Harmer, Sc.D., F.R.S , Keeper of Zoology in the British Museum (Natural History). (Published by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum. (With Plates 7-9) .... 115 The Embryonic Development of Trichogramma evanescens, Westw., a Monembryonic Egg Parasite of Donacia simpl.ex. Fab. By J. Bronte Gatenby, Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plates 10-12) .... 149 On the Development of the Cape Cephalodiscus (C. gilchristi, Ridewood). By J. D. F. Gilchrist, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D. (With Plates 13 and 14). . . . . . 189 Note on the Sex of a Tadpole raised by Artificial Parthenogenesis. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With 5 Text-figures) .... 213 An Easy Way of Demonstrating the Nuclei of Nerve Fibres. By Henry E. Reburn, Student of Medicine. (From the Physiological Laboratory, King’s College, London) .... 217 On a Larval Actinian Parasitic in a Rhizostome. By C. Badham, B.Sc., Demonstrator in Zoology, University of Sydney. (With 3 Text-figures) . . . . . .221 The Early Development of the Spleen of Lepidosiren and Protopterus. By G. L. Purser, B.A. (Sometime Coutts-Trotter Student, Trinity College, Cambridge. (With Plates 15-17) . . • 231 A Note concerning the Collar Cavities of the Larval Amphioxus. By K. M. Smith, A.R.C.S., D.I.C., and H. G. Newth, Demonstrator in Zoology, Imperial College of Science and Technology. (With Plate 18) . . . . . . • 243 IV CONTENTS. PAGE CONTENTS OF No. 247, N.S., AUGUST, 1917. MEMOIRS : On the So-called Pharyngeal Gland-cells of Earthworms. By J. Stephenson, D.Sc., M.B , Lieutenant-Colonel Indian Medical Service ; Professor of Zoology, Government College, Lahore. (With Plate 19) . . . . . .253 The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens. Part II. — Fertilisa- tion. By Monica Taylor, S.N.D., D.Sc. (With Plate 20 and 1 Text- figure) ..... . 287 The Homologies of the Muscles related to the Visceral Arches of the Gnathostome Fishes. By Edward Phelps Allis, jr., Menton, France (With Plates 21 and 22 and 1 Text-figure) . . 303 The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-cells. Part I. — Lepi- doptera. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plates 23-25, and 5 Text-figures) . 407 The Degenerate (Apyrene) Sperm-formation of Moths as an Index to the Inter-relationship of the Various Bodies of the Spermatozoon. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plate 26) ..... 465 CONTENTS OF No. 248, N.S., DECEMBER, 1917. MEMOIRS : Notes on the Morphology of Bathynella and some Allied Crustacea. By W. T. Calm an, D.Sc. (Published by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum.) (With 14 Text-figures) . . 489 On Oxnerella maritima, nov. gen., nov. spec., a new Heliozoon, and Its Method of Division ; with Some Remarks on the Centro- plast of the Heliozoa. By Clifford Dobell, Imperial College of Science, London, S.W. (With Plate 27) . . . 51S “Proboscis pores” in Craniate Vertebrates, a Suggestion concerning the Premandibular Somites and Hypophysis. By Edwin S. Goodrich, F.R.S., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. (With Plate 28, and 3 Text-figures) ..... 539 The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-Cells. Part II.— Helix aspersa. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford (Dept, of Physiology). (With Plates 29-34 and 5 Text-figures) ...... 555 Note on the Development of Trichogramma evanesce ns. By J. Bronte Gatenby, Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford . 613 Title, Index, and Contents. 7 s-z 7 New Series, No. 245 (Vol. 62, Part 1). Price 10s. 6d. net* Subscription per volume (of 4 parts) 42s. net. NOVEMBER, 1916. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., HONORARY FBI. LOW OF RXBTKK CO LI. KG K AND HONORARY STUDENT OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCK (ASSOClfc ETRANGER DE J.'aCADEMIE DES SCIENCES); CORRESPONDENT OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF 8T. PETERSBURG, AND OF TUB ACADEMY OP 8CIKNCKS OF P HILADK LP II I A, AND OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF TURIN; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF 8CIENCBS OF GOTTINGEN, AND OF THE ROYAL BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF THE J.INCEI OF ROME, AND OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF BOSTON ; ASSOCIATE OK THE R O Y Al< ACADEMY OF BELGIUM; HONORARY MEMBER OP THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF 8CIKNCK8, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL 80CIKTY, AND OF THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF EDIN- BURGH, AND OF THE BIOLOGICAL AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF PARIS, AND OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF SAN FRANCISCO, aN|i OF THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL AND M AL ACOLOGIC AL SOCIETY OF BELGIUM; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SKNKENBERG ACADEMY OF FRAN KFURT A-M J FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. U.S., AND MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH; LATE DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM; LATE PRESIDENT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE; LATE FULLKRIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN i LATE T.INACRK PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE , OXFOR D ; EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, UNIVER8ITY OF LONDON WITH Till? CO-OPElt ATION OF SYDNEY J. I-IICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER; GILBERT C. BOURNE, M.A., D.Sc., E.R.S., ACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFOR J. GRAHAM KERR, M.A., E.R.S., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN Tills UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW; AND E. W. MACBRIDE, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AT THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND TEXT-PIGURES. J. & A. CHURCHILL Adlard & Son and West Newman.,] LONDON. 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1916. [London and Dorking. CONTENTS OF No. 245-New Series. MEMOIRS : PAGE On an Ichthyobdellid parasitic on the Australian Sand Whiting (Sillago ciliata). By Charles Badham, B. Sc., Junior Demon- strator in Zoology, University of Sydney. (With. Plates 1 and 2, and 6 Text-figures) . . . . .1 The Development ofAlcyonium digitatum, with some notes on the Early Colony Formation. By Annie Matthews, M.Sc. (With Plates 3-5 and 53 Text-figures) . . .43 The So-called Labial Cartilages of Baia clavata. By Edward Phelps Allis, junr., Menton, France. (With Plate 6) . 95 Index to Vols. 29 to 61 Inclusive (July, 1888 to July, 1916). JAN 10 1917 AN ICHTHYOBELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. : . | 1 On an Iehthyobdellid parasitic on the Australian Sand Whiting (Sillago ciliata). By CBiarles Badtiani, B.Sc., Junior Demonstrator in Zoology, University of Sydney. With Plates 1 and 2, and 6 Text-figures. Introduction. In August, 1912, during a visit to the Fish Hatcheries- Institution, Port Hacking, an inlet south of Port Jackson, Hew South Wa’es, my attention was called to a parasite which, I was informed, had for some time past caused the death of sand whiting kept in a large spawning pond. An examination of this parasite showed it to be a marine leech. The history of the infestation, so far as I have been able to ascertain, is as follows. It has been the custom for some years past to stock a large- sea-water pond of the Institution with two or three dozen sand whiting taken from the shoals in the vicinity. This appears to have been done several times, and on each occasion the fish were killed by the attacks of these leeches. The fish, shortly after being placed in the pond, sickened,, developed large ulcerated patches on their integument and died. Within ten weeks of being introduced into the pond most of the fish would be in a moribund condition. It was easy to know when the fish were seriously affected, for then they would swim very close to the surface* and on their sides. An examination of a badly infested fish usually VOL. 62, PART 1. NEW SERIES. 1 CHARLES BADHAM. showed about a hundred leeches in various stages of develop- ment, ranging in length from 1 to 13 mm. The parasites were found on the tins — pectoral, pelvic, dorsal, and caudal ; their presence was also noticed around ulcerated patches on the sides of the fish, and a few were found in the proximity of, but not on, the gills. Owing to their transparent nature, and the mucous secre- tions of the fish, they were not so readily visible as their highly pigmented form seen when magnified would suggest. On the occasion of the first visit in August I secured several hundred specimens, and in March of the following year, having determined to work out the anatomy and systematic position •of this leech, I again visited the Fish Hatcheries, but found that all the sand whiting had died. Dredging giving no results, arrangements were made to again place a number of the fish in the pond in order to obtain living specimens of the leech. Owing to an oversight, I was not informed of the state of these fish until all save one had died. This remaining fish was caught on June 8th, 1913, and was found but slightly infested. Most of the leeches obtained died in the first few days, but two hardy specimens were kept alive for three weeks, and these served for an extended intra vitam ■examination, for taking photographs, and for making a coloured drawing. Owing to the transparent nature and small size of the leeches, the details of the Blood-vascular, Nephridial, and Doelomic systems could be followed, and this with only the Might compression of the leech produced by the pressure of u thin cover slip. A number of photographs of the living form were secured showing these systems in detail, and have been of value in this work. The pond in which these fish were kept under conditions which so favoured the increase of the leeches was a large one, being about 50 x 100 ft. The water in it varied in depth from 2 to 6 ft., and was changed by means of valves, the water being run off at low and replaced at high tide. AN ICHTHYOJBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 3 About a dozen species of fish were kept in it: as well as the sand whiting (Sillago ciliata), there were present Pagrosomns auratus, Chrysophrys australis, and Oaranx georgianus. In no case were these leeches found on any fish other than the sand whiting. That this pond formed a favourable place for the development and increase of parasites was also shown by the fact that most of the fish, except the sand whiting, were infested by ectoparasitic Trematodes ; these will in du'e course be described by Dr. S. J. Johnston, of the Sydney University. At the beginning of February, 1914,1 had the opportunity of examining many hundreds of sand whiting netted by fishermen or caught byline in the estuarine and ocean waters of Wreck Bay, about 100 miles south of Port Jackson. Among these fish it was rare to find an individual which did not have from two or three to half a dozen specimens of this leech. I examined a large number of other species of fish netted along with the sand whiting, but never found them infested with this or any other leech. It was found necessary to create a new genus to contain this leech, which will be described under the name of Austrobdella translucens. Austrobdella gen. nov. Definition. — Small marine leeches with well-defined neck and body regions. The body cylindrical in the young, but much flattened in the adult. The lateral parts of the body below the clitellum bulging out and forming a shoulder-like appearance. Somite of six annuli. No pulsating vesicles present, their place being taken by a continuous contractile lacuna placed on either side outside the body musculature. Dorsal and ventral median lacunae present, communicating by segmental lacunae. Three ' pairs of pouches present in tho thick- walled intestine, a fourth pair being represented by :i flexure of the gut. Testes five pairs. Eyes one pair. 4: CHARLES BADHAM. Type species A. translucens, mihi. Type specimen' in the Australian Museum, Sydney, No. W. 403. External Form, r The material on which this work is based consists of a large number of specimens ranging from the young sexually immature to the adult form. From a number of specimens it has been possible to arrange a complete series of individuals to show the change of form during growth. I would lay stress on this very marked change in form, and my observa- tions have convinced me of the likelihood of the younger forms of similar marine leeches being described as new genera or species in the absence of a series of individuals linking up the young to the adult. In Text-fig. 1 are shown the outlines of specimens which measure 1*5, 3, 4, 55, and 7‘5 mm. long, to illustrate the change in form which takes place during the growth of this leech. Young forms possess a cylindrical body, and the chief change in shape during growth is due to the great lateral development of the body posterior to the cTitellum. The appearance of a specimen 1*5 mm. long is shown in PI. 1, fig. 3. When this leech is 4 mm. long the testes become mature. At this stage the body is cylindrical (PL 1, fig. 4), there is but a faint indication of the clitellum, and the ovaries are quite undeveloped. In 6 mm. specimens maturation divisions are seen in the ova. At this stage the clitellum has become enlarged and is now well marked. The young of Austrobdella have the anterior sucker of the same diameter as the cylindrical body and the posterior sucker nearly twice that size (Pl. 1, fig. 3). When a length of 4 mm. is reached the anterior and posterior suckers approach one another more closely as regards size and have a diameter a little less than the greatest din meter of the body (Pl. 1, fig. 4). When the leech has a length of 5*5 mm. (Text-fig. 1) the typical form of the adult is foreshadowed. At this stage the clitellum becomes evident, and owing to the increased lateral development that part of the body posterior AN IOHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 5 and lateral to it presents a shouldered appearance ; but the body is only slightly flattened. When a length of 7*5 mm. (Text-fig. 1) is reached the lateral development is quite pro- nounced, causing a more flattened form, and the suckers have assumed the ratio shown in the figure of an adult specimen, 9 mm. (PL 1, fig. 5). Text-fig. 1. Outlines of specimens of A ustrobdella translucens which measure P5, 3, 4, 5’5 and 7‘5 mm. long. The figure showsthe change in shape during the growth of this marine leech. I give below a table to show the measurements at different stages of development : Length. 15 mm. 4*0 mm. 7‘5 mm. 9-0 mm. Breadth below Clitellum. T3 mm. ‘52 mm. -135 mm. 3 25 mm. Height. 13 mm. '5 mm. ‘7 mm. 10 111m. Diameter Oral Sucker. 13 mm. ‘30 mm. •55 mm. •8 X 5 mm. = •65 mm. Diameter Posterior, Sucker.; •20 mm. •41 mm. 91 mm. 1-75 X 11- 142 mm. , The measurements given for the 9 mm. stage are from the specimen which is shown in PI. 1, fig. 5. The following additional .measurements are also from this specimen : 6 CHARLES BADHAM. Distance from oral sucker to male opening 1’26 mm. Oiameter of neck at base of oral sicker . *6 mm. Breadth of clitellum ..... *95 mm. All these measurements are taken from leeches killed by means of boiling corrosive acetic solution while in a quiescent condition. In describing Platybdella micliaelseni, Johansson (1911) states that the larger of two specimens secured was 6*9 mm. long. He found in this specimen that the testes were ripe but the ovaries slightly developed, despite the presence of spermatozoa. He therefore considers that this species would not attain a much greater size. However, if my ob- servations on the growth of Austrobdella are found to be generally applicable to marine leeches, the species he describes might grow to nearly twice the length given. Coloration. The transparent nature of the body of Austrobdella allows the beautiful pigmentation to be clearly seen. The drawing (PI. 1, fig. 1) is a careful representation in black and white of a living specimen, viewed from the ventral surface, as seen by transmitted light. The specimen depicted is a young extended form in which neither the clitellar region nor the lateral parts of the main body region are as well developed as usual. This individual was made use of owing to its having retained its colour in captivity better than its fellows. On the ventral surface most of the pigment cells are seen to be wrapped round what appears to be a tube. These cells, which are reddish-brown in colour, are in the walls of the ventral lacuna ; their stellate nature is well represented. Similar pigment cells are seen in relation to the ejaculatory canals ; these are here, as in most specimens, rendered con- spicuous by their dark colour. As well as the reddish-brown pigment cells mentioned, a smaller number of cells of varying shades of purple are AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 7 present ; some of these show through from the dorsal surface. Large and more diffuse yellow cells are scattered about the surface, and at the posterior region of the body certain of the cocoon glands have a light brown colour. Viewed from the dorsal surface the lighter coloured pigment cells of the neck region are seen to be placed in a single lateral and a medial double row. The darker cells are found in a well-marked single row along the mediad wall of the contractile lacuna and are plentiful, but without any apparent regular arrangement in the dorsal body wall. The lighter cells appear as five irregular rows in each side of the body. In a living specimen the two eye-spots are very con- spicuous. They are of a rich dark reddish-brown colour, larger than any of the pigment cells and characterised by their regular outline in place of the fringed appearance of the pigment cells. In the drawing they are shown as seen from the ventral surface through the body tissues. A microscopic examination of the caudal fin of a living sand whiting to which a leech was attached showed a remark- able similarity in colour and arrangement of the pigment cells of the two animals. So far as my observations go the pigment cells lose their fringed character in strong light and become more regular in outline. Movements. During my observations of living specimens I never saw an individual swimming, neither could I, by dropping the leeches into salt water, cause any swimming motion. They would fall straight to the bottom of the beaker and then move slowly along the surface of the glass by leech-like movements. These observations were made on leeches ranging in size from 2 to 12 mm. They have a bearing on the question of the deposition of the cocoon and the manner of infestation of sand whiting by young leeches. Johannson (1898), writing* 8 CHARLES BADHAM. about Abranchus (a genus allied to Austrobdella), corre- lates tlie fact that the members of fliis genus are unable tb swim, with the fact that they infest fish which live in shallow water among algal growths and so afford an opportunity for leeches to creep on to them. He also supposes that when the time comes for depositing the cocoon Abranchus drops to the bottom and fixes its cocoon in seaweed. I have not ascertained the method of depositing the cocoon in Austrob- della, but would point out that the fish on which it lives gets a great deal of its food by burrowing in the sand. Annulation. . A typical somite consists of 'three annuli, and in the adult these three annuli are divided so that the somite is of six annuli. In young forms the somite consists of the three primitive annuli ; this is followed by a stage in which there are five annuli to the somite, due to the division of the annuli anterior and posterior to the annulus in which the nerve ganglion is situated. This stage of five annuli to the somite “may persist in specimens which are quite large, but in the largest specimens all the somites in the testicular region have six annuli. Thus it happens that specimens 6 mm. in length are seen, in which the primitive annulus containing the nerve ganglion is still undivided. It is owing also to this subse- quent division of primitive annuli that a difficuly arises in regard to the number of annuli to be seen in the neck region, for these increase in number with the length of the specimen. In a leech of 4 mm. the male pore is between the 15th and :16th primitive annuli and the female pore between the 17th and 18th annuli. At this stage the somite in the testicular region is still trimerous. In a leech of about 9 mm. there are found twenty-three or twenty-four annuli in front of the male pore. The primitive annuli which divide to form the new annuli are the 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, and 15th (Text-fig. 2). In regard to the total number of annuli, my determinations have been varied owing to the fact that AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 9 the annulation of the 'posteriof part of the leech is very indis- tinct,*so that in specimens in which the annulation of the neck Text-fig. 2. Diagram showing the character of the annulation of the preclitellar and elitellar regions of Austrobdella trans- lucens and the relations of the nerve ganglia, proboscis, and sexual organs. S. gn. Subcesophageal nerve ganglion. N. gn. Nerve ganglion. P. Proboscis. Ej. t. Terminal part of ejaculatory canal. Sp. gl. Spermatophore glands. Male opening. $ Female opening. Roman numerals indicate primitive annuli, ordinary numerals the subdivision of the primitive annuli. and jlnid- body can be seen, that of this posterior part of the body is pot evident. 10 CHARLES BADHAM. The relations of the nerve ganglia, male and female openings, and the male glands to the neck annuli are shown in Text-fig. 2. The Epidermis. The cuticle is thin, 2 ju or less in thickness. The cells of the epidermis are irregularly cubical in shape, measuring about 8 fji. Towards the anterior and posterior suckers they become more cylindrical and have a length of 14 fx by 5 /u wide. On the ventral surface towards the median plane these epidermal cells are not so numerous. But a few of them are slightly enlarged and converted into gland cells with ducts opening on the surface. Hypodermal Glands. There is developed on the lateral margin of the main body region, partly surrounding the contractile lacuna, a remark- able layer of cells, three or four deep and of great size (PI. 2, fig. 9, L.gl.). Each is a unicellular gland and its duct opens on the ventral surface. The largest of these cells has a diameter of 63 fi and the size ranges from this to about 15 fj.. The shape varies considerably, but in all the secretion space passes gradually into the duct, which has a very small lumen. The nucleus varies a good deal in appearance ; generally it is more or less spherical, but frequently elongated and twisted ; it has many chromatin particles staining heavily with haematoxylin. These glands appear to correspond to certain cells, not so well developed, called the lateral glands in Branchellion by Sukatsehoff (1912). As is general in Ichthyobdellids, both mucous and albu- minous unicellular glands are present in the two suckers. In the oral sucker the albuminous glands are arranged around the dorso-lateral three-fourths of the sucker. They are placed inside the circular and longitudinal musculature of AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 11 the sucker wall, and, measuring about 20 /u in diameter, are about half the size of the same glands in the posterior sucker. Among them are placed the smaller mucous glands, and both types of glands open by ducts on the concave surface of the sucker. In the posterior sucker these glands are distributed over the whole sucker. The mucous glands are found also forming a pharyngeal group with ducts opening into the pharynx, and they extend posteriorly and lie among the salivary glands but nearer the body wall ; they are not present below the glandular oesophageal pouches. Clitellar Glands. As has been remarked by various authors, the development of the unicellular glands in the Ichthyobdellids is most remarkable. To quote Bourne (1884): “They attain rela- tively, and in Pontobdella and Branchellion actually, huge dimensions.” In this leech the largest among these cells have a diameter of 170 /u, and, if they are situated far back in the body, a duct 7 or 8 mm. long. The clitellar glands extend in the body region from the posterior sucker to the beginning of the clitellum. They are placed inside the body wall musculature and occupy practically all the space between it and the alimentary, reproductive, and lacuna systems. Text-fig. 3, drawn from a transverse section through the region of the thick-walled middle gut, shows the degree of development of these glands (Cl. gl. 1, Cl. gl. 2). Their ducts open all round the clitellum, that is from the level of the 10th nerve ganglion to midway between the 12th-13th nerve ganglia. SukatschofPs (1912) excellent work on these glands showed that in Branchellion there were three types producing different secretions, and he gives a description of extraordinary development of the branched nucleus, which may come to measure 336 ju and which he compares (p. 488) with other examples of nuclei of this type in the animal kingdom. 12 CHARLES BAPHAM. In Au strob della I shall content myself for the present with the appearances presented upon staining with Ehrlich’s hgematoxylin and eosin. By this means there are clearly differentiated two types of clitellar glands. The larger of these cells (Text-fig. 3, Cl. gl. 1), which are bowl-shaped or more elongated, are characterised by their large secretion space filled with a homogeneous substance showing a finely granular nature when highly magnified, and staining a light pink with eosin. These cells, which have an average diameter Text-fig. 3. A transverse section through the thick- walled, middle -gut region of Austrobdella translucens (x 40), showing the arrange- ment, development and character of the clitellar glands. The relation of the intestinal sinus to the epithelium of the thick- walled middle gut is shown. A portion of a segmental lacuna of one side is present. The blind gut has been cut at its narrowest part. Cl. gl. 1. Clitellar gland of the first type. Cy. Cytoplasm. Nu. Nucleus. Sec. s. Secretion space. Cl. gl. 2. Clitellar gland of the second type. Cl. gl. d. Groups of ducts of clitellar glands. V.ne. Yentral nerve cord. B. g. Blind gut. S. 1. Segmental lacuna. I. s. Intestinal sinus. M. g. ep. Epithelium of thick-walled part of middle gut. of 110 fi , have the bulk of their cytoplasm at the peripheral end i;n a layer, which is 30 or 40 jjl thick, and which lines, as it were, the secretion space, becoming finer towards the ducts. This cytoplasm is of very coarse structure, and the nucleus, wjiich is rich in large chromatin particles, has an irregular shape, as described by Sukatschoff in Branchellion, and is 3 AN IOHTHYOBDELIAD PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING-. \ - placed next to the secretion space (Text-fig. 3, Cy.} , riu., sec. s.). The other type of clitellar gland cell (Text-fig. 3, Gl.gl.y 2) is distinguished by the intense staining of the secretion by Text-fig. 4. Drawn from a whole mount of a specimen of Aust rob della translucens 6 mm. long (x 100) which was killed when the proboscis was protruding. The figure shows the character of the salivary glands and their relations to the nerve ganglia. P. Proboscis. S. gn. Suboesophageal nerve ganglion. N.gn. 7. Seventh nerve ganglion. S. gl. Unicellular salivary gland. S. gl. d. Unicellular salivary gland duct. Ej. t. Terminal part of the ejaculatory canal. Sp.gl. Unicellular spermatopliore glands. 14 CHARLES BADHAM. eosin. This secretion is coarse and consists of particles of 2 fi in diameter. These cells, which are a good deal smaller than those of the first type, have a diameter of about 60 /u, and are placed in between the larger cells beneath the body wall musculature, as well as internal to the larger cells, and a few are found outside the salivary glands with their ducts passing Text-fig, 5. Transverse section through the preclitellar region of a specimen of Austrobdella translucens 7 mm. long (X 186). The drawing shows the character of two of the unicellular salivary glands and their relatively large size. The position and character of the nucleus which is next to the secretion space is also shown. S. gl. Unicellular salivary gland. Cy. Cytoplasm. .A lu. Nucleus. Sec. s. Secretion space. N. gn. A ganglion of ventral nerve cord. P. Proboscis. back to open on the clitellum. The nucleus, which is irregular i ii shape, is either next to the secretion space or in it, and separated from the cytoplasm. The ducts of these two types of cells, filled with their characteristic secretion, are gathered into four bundles, which, just before the clitellum, are placed two in the dorsal and two in the ventral region. AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 15 The ducts of the larger glands have a diameter of 8 fi, the smaller 6 ^ . Salivary Glands. The salivary glands, as shown in Text-fig. 4 (S. gl.) are placed between the upper level of the eighth, and the lower level of the tenth nerve ganglion. On either side of the pro- boscis there are about five or six giant-cells and a number of smaller ones. The large cells have a diameter of about 120 /u, and other cells range in size from that down to 20^. Their ducts curve at right angles to the body of the cell and enter the base of the proboscis. The character of these cells and their relatively huge size is shown in Text-fig. 5. The position of the nucleus, which is next to the secretion space is also shown. The C(elomic System. We owe to Johansson (1898) and to Selensky (1906) our main knowledge of the coelomic system of the Ichthyobdellids other than Pontobdella, Br anchellion, and Ozo- branch us. The former in 1896 pointed out the great value of the knowledge of this system in systematic work, giving a number of examples of the chief features in different Ichthyobdellids. This leech, while possessing the main features of the coelomic system as described for Piscicola and Callobdella, diverges widely in certain respects. This divergence is most marked in that part which corresponds to the contractile vesicles of Piscicola and Callobdella. In Austrobdella, in place of a lateral row of such vesicles, there is a continuous contractile lacuna. This lacuna occupies the position of the contractile vesicles, as described for allied genera, lying laterally just beneath the skin outside the muscle layer. On either side it extends from the level of the proboscis to the level of the anus, but is contractile only in the region of the testes and the thick-walled intestine. This genus differs also in wanting altogether the lateral 16 CHARLES BADHAM. lacuna found in a numbed of Ichthyobdellid leeches, a fact of considerable importance when considered in relation to the direction of the flow of lymph in the body-cavity. Proceeding to a detailed examination there are found the following lacunae ; Dorsal, Yentral, Contractile, and the Segmental Lacunae. I shall follow Oka and Selensky in the use of the term “lacuna” in place of “sinus” in dealing with the various portions of the coelome, reserving the term “sinus” for the blood-space found round the intestine called by Johansson the “ intestinal lacuna.” The Dorsal Lacuna may be considered in two parts, the- testicular and the intestinal portions. It extends from the beginning of the testes to the anal region. In the testicular region it contains the dorsal blood-vessel (PI. 2, fig. 8, Dt.) ; in the intestinal region it surrounds the thick-walled intestine and the blood- stream in relation with it. Posteriorly the intestinal portion communicates with the ventral lacuna in the anal region. In each segment the dorsal lacuna communicates by a pair of segmental lacunae with similar extensions of the ventral lacuna (PI. 2, fig. 8, 8. 1.). The wall of the testicular portion of the dorsal lacuna has a thin well-defined membrane with small elongated nuclei, which are scarce. Beneath this membrane are a few muscle- fibres. The musculature is increased where the dorsal blood-vessel is fused with the wall of the dorsal lacuna. Frequently the dorsal lacuna is divided into two parts by the formation of septa placed dorsallv and ventrally to the dorsal blood-vessel (PI. 2, fig. 10, Sep. d. Sep.v.). Such septa generally begin with the origin of the valves of the dorsal vessel, but do not extend to the preceding or succeeding valve-origin ; so that at certain places the dorsal blood-vessel lies free in the dorsal lacuna. The Yentral Lacuna (PI. 2, fig. 8, v.l.) occurs as a tube, which varies in size and runs from the anal region to the proboscis, ventral to the alimentary canal. Throughout AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITINC. 17 its extension it contains the ventral nerve cord and the ventral blood-vesssl. Anteriorly it is considerably expanded and entirely sur- rounds the proboscis and related organs. A considerable expansion of the lacuna also contains the ovaries, and again it is dilated in the region of the posterior ganglionic mass. A pair of segmental communications is given off at the level of each nerve ganglion, joining with those given off more posteriorly in each segment by the dorsal lacuna. Everywhere the ventral lacuna is lined by a membrane of the same character as that of the dorsal lacuna, but the muscle-fibres are few. The Segmental Lacunae, as already mentioned, extend from the dorsal and ventral lacunae. They unite towards the lateral region of the body, just past the testes of each seg- ment, and are also found in the thick-walled intestinal region. Reference to the figure of the Ccelomic System (PI. 2, fig. 8) will aid the explanation of the course and branching of the segmental lacunae. Immediately after the junction of the dorsal and ventral extension, the lacuna divides and more laterally each division again divides in two ; of the four ultimate branches, the two inside ones unite and open into the contractile lacuna (PI. 2, figs. 8, 9, s. q. The two outside branches unite with the outside branches of the preceding and succeeding segmental lacunae respectively. Thus it follows that in each segment there are two openings of the segmental lacunae into the contractile lacuna. These openings into the contractile lacuna are furnished with muscle- fibres of annular arrangement and sphincter action. The lining of the segmental lacunae is a continuation of that of the dorsal and ventral lacunae ; no muscle fibres are found in their walls. Contractile Lacunae. — These extend on either side from the level of the base of the proboscis to the level of the anus, but are only contractile from the beginning of the testicular region. As already stated, their chief feature is their VOL. 62, PART 1. NEW SERIES. 2 18 CHARLES BADHAM. extension as tubes iti place of the row of vesicles found in allied genera. They possess, as shown in PI. 2, fig. 9 ( C . 1), the character of a series of pouches ; their walls are furnished with delicate muscle fibres. Anteriorly the con- tractile lacunae cease to be contractile at the level of the neck but are continued forward as non-contractile parts to the anterior sucker. I have not determined their course past this point, but they certainly do not appear to break up into capillaries. Posteriorly their relations are more important. At the level of the posterior sucker they curve sharply, and, passing ventral to the two branches of the dorsal vessel, open into the lacuna in the anal region. They receive on either side of each segment the two openings of the segmental lacunae (PL 2, fig. 8, C. 1.). Dorsally in each segment they give off three or four pairs of capillaries (PI. 2, fig 8, Cap. 1.) ; these run parallel to one another, just outside the muscle layer. In one living specimen I observed these opening into the dorsal lacuna, but was unable to demonstrate this in other specimens. In Callobdella Johansson has seen three or four pairs of capillaries in each segment going from the dorsal lacuna and stretching into the surrounding tissue. The Circulation of the Lymph. In the description of the circulation of blood in the vessels mention will be made of the contraction of the pouches of the thick-walled intestinal region. By these contractions a space is produced between the wall of the intestinal sinus and the wall of the intestinal lacuna, which is immediately filled by the lymph flowing in from the lacuna formed in the anal region by the fusion of the dorsal and ventral lacunas. When the intestinal sinus is again in the condition of diastole, the lymph is seen to be forced out of the dorsal lacuna and to flow into the segmental lacunae. At the spot where the dorsal and ventral extensions of the segmental lacunae join a great deal of regurgitation takes place. The lymph corpuscles AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 19 are seen to be violently hurried in various directions. Some are driven into the extensions of the segmental lacunae on either side, some towards the ventral lacuna, but the majority pass through the openings leading to the contractile lacuna. 'These are immediately closed by the annular muscle fibres (PI. 2, fig. 9, S. m.f-), which function as a sphincter when the contractile lacuna begins to contract. This contraction is from before backward and the lymph is carried to the lacuna, lying in the anal region, formed by the fusion of the dorsal and ventral lacunae, whence it flows again into the dorsal lacuna. The contraction of the contractile lacuna immediately follows the diastole of the intestinal sinus, and the dorsal blood-vessel in the testicular region; so that it is seen, in a leech freshly taken from an ocean whiting, to take place about thirty times per minute. In this description of the cycle of the circulation of the lymph, it will be observed that the events taking place in the ventral lacuna are not mentioned. This is due to the relative stagnation of the lymph in this lacuna. Despite repeated attempts to find a definite direction of flow in the ventral lacuna, I have been unable to observe anything more than a great deal of regurgition both in this and the ventral parts of the segmental lacunae. Frequently strong currents carry lymph corpuscles from the dorsal segmental lacunae far into these lacunae, and these, and other corpuscles therein, are kept in constant movement by eddies. But there appears to be no such definite direction of flow as is present in the dorsal and contractile lacunae. •Comparison with the Lymph Circulation of other Leeches. Salensky’s (1906) description of the valve arrangement in the side vesicles of Piscicola makes evident the course of the circulating lymph in this leech and affords an interesting ■comparison with the circulation above described. In Austrobdella I consider the contractile lacunae, on .account of their subcuticular position and pouched character. 20 CHAELES BADHAM. to be homologous with the paired vesicles of other Ichthyob- dellid leeches. They perform the functions of the side vesicles and lateral lacunas of Piscicola-like forms. In place of the valve described by Salensky, there are found openings guarded by sphincter-muscle fibres. The contraction of the dorsal vessel in the testicular region is not caused by the lymph flowing back from the lateral regions, as described by Johansson (1896 b) for Callob della, for here in the segmental lacunas the flow is always to the contractile lacunas. It is mainly caused by the flow of lymph from behind and partly by the contractility possessed by the blood-vessel itself. Alimentary System. Here I shall employ the terms used by Sukatschoff (1912)' in his excellent description of this system in Branchellion. The mouth opening is placed slightly towards the dorsal side of the anterior sucker and leads into the short pharynx (Text- fig*. 6, M.). Following the pharynx is the oesophagus, which contains the proboscis characteristic of the Rhychobdellid leeches and capable of being protruded by the eversion of the pharynx and oesophagus. There follows then the entodermal anterior gut. The proboscis, when retracted, occupies somites 7, 8, and 9 (Text-figs. 2 and 6, P.). The proboscis sheath consists of a thin ectodermal epithelium covering a number of longitudinal muscle fibres. It corresponds very closely to the same structure described in Branchellion by Sukatschoff — the Text-fig. 6. — Diagram of the Nervous, Alimentary and Reproductive Systems of Austrobdella translucens. (X 20), A.g. Caeca of anterior entodermal gut. A.m.g. Caeca of anterior thin-walled part of middle gut. A. s. Anterior sucker. B.g. Blind gut. Ej.t. Terminal part of ejaculatory canal. M. Mouth opening. M. g. Caeca of thick-walled part of middle gut. M. g.f. Flexure of thick-walled part of middle gut, representing a rudimentary pair of caeca. N. gn. 7. Nerve ganglion 7, etc. (Fs. (Esophagus. (Fs. gl. (Esophageal glands. Ov. Ovary. P. Proboscis. P. gn. Posterior ganglion of ventral nerve cord. P. s. Posterior sucker. B. Rectum. S. gl. Salivary glands. Sp. gl. Spermatopliore glands. S. gn . Suboesopliageal ganglionic mass. T. Testis. r AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 21 Text-fig. 6. 22 CHARLES BADHAM. only difference being that the nuclei of the ectodermal epithelium cells are more numerous, there being always one and sometimes two between each bundle of muscle fibrils (compare Sukatschoff, fig. 73). The proboscis is covered by a thin epithelium, beneath which are the longitudinal muscle fibres arranged in similar fashion to those of other Ichthyobdellid leeches. A number of radial muscle fibres more or less fan-shaped and 15 to 20 in one plane (Text-fig. 5, P.) stretch from the periphery of the proboscis to the epithelium lining the lumen. They frequently surround the longitudinal muscle fibres at their expanded ends. Midway between the periphery and the lumen of the proboscis are a series of annular muscle fibres. The epithelium lining the lumen of the proboscis is well developed. There is little difference in the muscular structure of the proboscis from that figured by Sukatschoff for Branchellion and by Johansson (1896) for Callob della lophii and Abranchus brunneus. In the spaces between the radial muscles are placed the ducts of the salivary glands and the blood-vessels of the proboscis. When the proboscis is retracted it lies surrounded by its sheath in the anterior lacuna, its apex lying close to the sub- cesophageal ganglion. The lumen of the proboscis opens posteriorly into a slight expansion of the entodermal anterior gut, which has been called the bulb in Branchellion. The gut narrows immediately and gives off in somite 11a- pair of oesophageal glands (Text-fig. 6, (Es . gl.). These lie in somites 10, 11, and 12, and communicate with the oesophagus by a very narrow lumen (5 to 10 p in diameter) in the eleventh somite just above the nerve ganglion. These glands are placed dorso-lateral to the accessory male glands and are somewhat convoluted. They measure *3 mm. in a longitudinal direction, and may, when distended, measure ’1 mm. trans- versely. Glands of this nature were first described by Johansson (1896) for the Ichthyobdellid leeches Piscicola,. Callobdella, and Abranchus. AN ICHTHY0BDELL1D PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 23 In 1913 Sukatschoff described similar glands in Brancliel- lion, and compares them to the oesophageal glands of Haementeria costata described by Ko wale vsky (1900), and to similar glands of Clepsine plana figured by Whitman (1891); Hemmingway (1912) found them also in the Grlos- siphonid leeches Placobdella pediculata and P. para- sitica. Both Johansson and Sukatschoff state that they are glandular organs and that fish blood-corpuscles are not found in them, and I agree with them. The nuclei of the epithelial cells which line these glands are of the same character as those of the following pouches of the thin-walled parts of the middle gut, but they are larger, some being twice the size. At the level of the opening of the female pore that is just below the 12th nerve ganglion the second pair of pockets of the anterior entodermal gut is given off (Text-fig. 6, A. g.). They have wide openings into the gut and are somewhat con- voluted at their blind ends. These pouches appear to corre- spond to those figured in Branch ellion by Sukatschoff (fig. 85, V. d. t. 2), and are homologous with the following six pairs of the anterior thin-walled division of the middle gut. Their difference in form is caused by their being pressed forward by the cocoon gland ducts, which prevent lateral distention. Behind this pair of pouches there is a sphincter of annular muscle fibres. Following the anterior entodermal gut is the middle gut, which is divdded into — (1) An anterior thin-walled part (Text-fig. 6, A.m.g.). (2) The blind gut (Text-fig. 6, B.g.). (3) A dorsal thick-walled part (Text-fig. 6, M. g.). The anterior thin-walled division of the middle gut lies in the testicular region, and consists of a small median tube from which are given off six pairs of caeca opposite to nerve ganglia 14 to 19 inclusive. The position and form of these six pairs of caeca are shown in Text-fig. 6, A. m. g. These pouches are lobed at their blind ends by the presence- 24 CHARLES BADHAM. of dorso-ventral muscle fibres, which produce two or more lobes in a distended pouch. A sphincter of annular muscle fibres surrounds the tube just before and immediately behind the first pair of pouches, and dorso-ventral muscle fibres are also present about the neck of the following pouches and may act as sphincters. A similar arrangement has been described by Sukatschoff in Branchellion, but Johansson (1896) states that all the pouches of this part of the gut of Callob- della nod u lifer a have sphincters of annular muscle fibres. The anterior thin-walled part of the middle gut is followed ventrally by the blind gut (Text-fig. 6, B. g.), which in Austrobdeila consists of a pair of elongated pouches which open into the last pair of caeca of the thin-walled part of the middle gut. They extend back to the anal region and are fused with one another in five places. In fact the fusion is so complete that the parts which are not fused form merely four small apertures. When this blind gut region is filled with fish corpuscles there is seen on either side a series of caeca extending laterally, which decrease in size from before back- wards. The extent of the development of this blind gut has an important bearing on an interesting hypothesis put forth by Johansson (1898). All the thin-walled parts of the middle gut are lined by a single layer of flat 'epithelial cells, which become considerably stretched when a pouch is distended, but are well developed in the median parts. Weak muscle fibres are occasionally present, and the pouches are generally filled with undigested fish blood-corpuscles. A comparison of the blind gut region of Austrobdeila translucens with Johansson’s (1898) figures shows that here the development of the blind gut is intermediate to that found in Callobdella nodulifera and C. lophii. In this paper Johansson compares the structure of this blind gut region in the different Ichthyobdellids and divides them into three types. The first, and in his opinion the most primitive, type is represented exclusively by the genus Ab ranch us, which has two completely, or almost completely, separated blind pouches. The second type, represented exclusively by the AN I0HTF1Y0BDELLJD PARASITLC ON SAND WRITING. 25 genus Pontobdella, has a single large undivided blind pouch. The third type, to which all remaining genera belong, shows transition forms between these two types. They have blind pouches fused for a greater or less extent in five places. In this group he placed the genera Platybdella, Piscicola, Cy st obranchus, and Callob della, and by the researches of Sukatschoff (1912) Branchellion must be included along now with Austrobdella. The development of the structure of the blind gut seen in the second and third types Johansson correlated with the fact that the leeches possessing it are enabled to exist for some time away from a host by reason of the greater storage capacity produced by this partial or com- plete fusion : and with the fact that it is found along with well-develoded musculature indicating good swimming power in such genera as are likely to experience difficulty in finding a fresh host. To this likely hypothesis as to the cause of the development of this fusion of the blind pouches Austrobdella affords little support. In fact, the case presented here is almost as hard to fit in with Johansson's hypothesis as that ofCallob- della lophii, to explain which Johansson (1898) has to say that ec it is hardly too bold to think that this leech never leaves its host." He offers no explanation as to how the cocoons are deposited, though elsewhere he states that all Ichthyob- dellids, so far as is known, deposit their cocoons away from their hosts. Here I may mention a note by Leigh- Sharpe (1913) about the capture of a large angler (Lophius piscatorius), only a few hundred yards from shore, with five .specimens of C. lophii. Nowin Austrobdella the blind gut is better developed than in C. lophii; the musculature is weak (about the same as C. lophii), and the ability to swim absent. The sand whiting, on which Austrobdella is exclusively parasitic, so far as I can ascertain, is common, and lives in very shallow water and feeds along shoals and beaches, frequently burrowing in the sand. According to this mode of life, following the reason used by Johansson for Ab ranch us, there should be little need for extra storage of food, yet in Austrobdella I find a development of the blind gut about 26 CHARLES BADHAM. lialf that of Callobdella nodulifera, a species parasitic on a deep-water fish ; however, the latter has better muscular development. It seems that the explanation of these apparent exceptions to what appears to be a well-reasoned hypothesis can only be gained when the life history of these leeches is discovered. The only record of Austrobdella trans- lucens being found away from its host is a curious one, a specimen being found by Prof. J. P. Hill some years ago in the gastric pouch of a jelly fish (Cambessa mosaica). The dorsal thick-walled part of the middle gut. — In Austrobdella only three pairs of pouches are developed in this division (PI. 1, fig. 1, M. g.). The fourth pair of thick- walled pouches is present only in a rudimentary state. The first pair of pouches lies between the 19th and 20th nerve ganglia (Text-fig. 6, M. g.) ; the fourth, which in other Ichthyobdellid leeches is placed between the 22nd and 23rd nerve ganglia, is represented here by a flexure of the intestine (Text -fig. 6, M.g.f.) The cells of the epithelium lining this part of the gut have their free surfaces covered with a film of densely-placed cilia, so that they present a fringed appearance in section, similar to that described by Sukatsclioff as occur- ring in Branchellion (1912, Fig. 78). There does not appear to be present a section of the gut bearing a ciliated epithelium of the usual type, such as occurs in Branch el lion and in other Ichtliyobdellids (Johansson, 1896a). Following the thick-walled part of the middle-gut there is the posterior gut, formed chiefly by the rectum (Text-fig. 6, /?.), which opens by the anus on the dorsaf surface of the 27th somite. The walls of this portion of the gut are muscular and the epithelium is similar to that lining the thick-walled part of the middle gut, but is not ciliated. The Blood- Vascular System. Following the well-known work by Oka in 1894, dealing with the blood-vascular system in Clepsine, there appeared the investigations of Johansson (1896 b) and Selensky (1906). AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 27 relating to this system in Piscicola. In 1902 Oka published a paper, in which he summarised his investigations concerning the blood- vascular system in the various families of the Hirudinea. In a lucid manner he showed that only in the Grlossiphonidee and Ichthyobdellidas was a true blood- vascular system present and that it had no communication with the lacuna system. Again, in 1904, Oka described in some detail the vascular system in Ozobranchus. My investigations of Austrobdella have shown that a closed blood-vascular system is also present here. In general this system in Austrobdella resembles that described in Ozobranchus and differs from the Piscicola and Callobdella type. There are, however, several important differences from Ozobranchus. The lateral paired branches in the anterior part of the body are three as compared with the four pairs found in Clepsine and the Ichthyobdellid leeches so far described. It is the second pair which are wanting. There is also a ring vessel in the posterior sucker with which the loops from the dorsal and ventral vessels connect; this is a very different arrangement from any so far described. Lastly, the division of the dorsal vessel into two parts takes place in the 24th somite, which is much higher up than in Clepsine and Piscicola. I have been favoured in these observations on the blood- vascular system by the transparent nature of the leech. The diagram of the blood-vascular system (PI. 1, fig. 2), is a careful representation of the course and relations of the blood-vessels in the neck and anterior sucker. The course of the blood-vessels is as follows : The dorsal blood-vessel gives off, in the anterior part of the body, three pairs of lateral branches, and an unpaired proboscis branch. The first of these (PI. 1, fig. 2, L. v. 1.), is formed by the forking of the dorsal vessel in the oral sucker. The two branches given off run round the eye-spots and unite in the region of the subcesophageal ganglion to form the ventral blood-vessel. The course of this first pair of lateral 28 CHARLES BADHAM. vessels is very similar to that found in Ozobranchus (Oka, 1904, Fig. 1). The second pair of lateral vessels (L.v.2), is given off in somite 9 ; these branches run ventrally and anteriorly, and unite with the ventral vessel just behind the spot where the first pair join. The third pair of lateral vessels (L.v. 3) are given off in somite 10 ; the two branches run at first posteriorly to the end of somite 1 1 ; then they curve sharply and, running forward, enter the ventral vessel, just behind the point of entry of the second pair of lateral vessels. Immediately in front of the first valve the dorsal vessel gives off the proboscis branch (P. v. 1.) which runs to the apex of the proboscis and there bifurcates. The two vessels thus formed unite almost at once to form the efferent proboscis branch (P. v. 2), which runs to join the ventral vessel, just behind the point where the second pair of lateral vessels enter into it. After emerging from its intimate relations with the •caeca of the thick-walled intestine posteriorly (J. s.), the dorsal vessel divides in two at the beginning of the 24th somite. These branches extend in such a way as to form a vessel running round the periphery of the posterior sucker. This part of the dorsal vessel gives off on each side four or five .short-looped vessels, which communicate with a ring vessel (P. v.) running right round the periphery of the posterior sucker. This ring vessel receives on each side seven branches of the ventral vessel. A certain degree of anastomosis is .seen in these branches before they unite to form the ventral vessel. I have followed the course of this ring vessel in living leeches obtained from different places. As stated in the account of the coelomic system, the dorsal blood-vessel lies in the dorsal lacuna, or its extension the intestinal lacuna, for almost the whole extent of these lacunae. Anteriorly the dorsal vessel passes out of the lacuna at somite 13. PI. 2, fig. 12, shows the vessels in the 11th somite shortly after the dorsal blood-vessel has left the lacuna. The ventral vessel is lying free in the dilated lacuna which .surrounds the accessory male glands. AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 29' Posteriorly the two branches of the dorsal blood-vessel in the 26th somite leave the lacuna, formed by the union of the intestinal and ventral lacunae, and enter the connective tissue to course round the periphery of the posterior sucker. The ventral vessel lies in the ventral lacuna from the 7tli to the 26th somite. It is formed by the union of the first pair of lateral vessels, just above the 7th somite. These lateral vessels enter the lacuna opposite the spot where they fuse. The ventral vessel lies quite free in the ventral lacuna above or at the side of the nerve- cord and always above the nerve ganglia. It leaves the ventral lacuna near the same spot as the dorsal vessel in the 26th somite. The histological features of the blood-vessel walls agree- closely with those described for Callobdella by Johansson (1896 6) and for Piscicola by Salensky (1906). The dorsal vessel, immediately on passing out of the dorsal lacuna, develops in the 13th somite a strong muscle layer of annular nature internal to a layer of finer muscular fibres- This structure continues until the diameter of the dorsal vessel becomes smaller after the proboscis branch has been given off. The anterior part of the dorsal vessel takes its origin in a peculiar way from that part of the dorsal vessel which has a much greater diameter. On the side of the- dorsal vessel, opposite to the point of origin of the proboscis vessel, this anterior part lies laterally to the dorsal vessel and opens into it at two places, both of which are guarded by valves. The lateral vessels, possessing this well-developed muscle layer for but a little distance after they spring from the- dorsal vessel, gradually come to resemble the ventral vessel in the nature of their walls. The wall of the dorsal blood- vessel in the dorsal lacuna possesses only a thin epithelium, with scattered nuclei (PI. 2, fig. 10, Nu.epi.), save only at those places where the valves are placed. Here there are one or two annular muscle-fibres, such as are found in the preclitellar region, and which, in contraction, form a sphincter, - against which the valve is pressed by the backward pressure of the fluid during the contraction of the dorsal vessel (PI. 2,. 30 CHARLES BADHAM. fig. 11, S.m.f). In somite 19 the dorsal vessel enters into intimate’connection with the caeca of the thick-walled intestine. This remarkable arrangement was first described by Johansson for the Ichthyobdellids inCallobdella, and in many respects the relations of the blood-vessel with the gut-walls, as described by him, hold good also for Austrobdella. Text-fig. 3 shows the relations of this vessel with the epithelium and muscular walls of the gut. At the beginning of the thick-walled intestine, the dorsal vessel is seen connected with the muscular layer of the gut, and almost immediately it opens on either side into the intestinal sinus, and ceases to be distinguishable from the walls of the sinus. The intestinal sinus is formed by the separation of the •epithelial and muscular walls of the gut. This separation is not complete in Austrobdella, for here and there the normal relations of the epithelial layer and the muscle layer are seen (Text-fig. 3, M. g. ep.), but save at these places of attachment, which are usually small, the blood-stream surrounds the epithelial layer of the thick-walled intestine. These relations are such as described for Callobdella. In the intermediate portions of the thick-walled intestine, which -connect the paired pouches, the dorsal blood-vessel separates from the intestinal sinus and lies in the dorsal side of these regions. Also, in the region of the fourth rudimentary pair of caeca, the sinus developed from the dorsal vessel is very small, and only for a short distance does the dorsal vessel cease to be defined : following this part the dorsal vessel is clearly defined and remains single until above the ganglion of the 24th somite ; here it divides in two. The two branches then run laterally to the gut closely connected with its muscular wall. In the 27th somite these two vessels diverge aud run round the periphery of the posterior sucker on either .side and finally unite (PI. 1, fig. 2). The valves in the •dorsal vessel are found from just before the giving off of the .second pair of lateral vessels to the beginning of the intestinal .sinus (PI. 1, fig. 2, VI.). They are placed somewhat irregu- larly, one or two in each somite. They are generally shaped AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 31 like a fir cone, measuring 80 /u long, and are made up of about eight cells. In some cases these cells become separated and present the appearance in section shown in PI. 2, fig. 11. The valve placed just before the intestinal sinus is twice the length of the others. Circulation of the Blood. I have investigated the circulation of the blood and the lymph in living specimens found on whiting which I caught on the ocean beach. The chief mechanism for propelling the blood is the peristaltic contraction of the muscular wall of the intestinal sinus, first described by Johansson (1896). This peristalsis occurs in the three pairs of pouches of the thick-walled intestine and also in the rudimentary pouch. In the living animal the whole of the thick-walled intestine is in a state of active contractile movements. These begin where the thick-walled intestine passes into the rectum. The general movement is from behind forwards. The whole of the con- tractile muscular wall appears to contract simultaneously when the animal is very active, but in specimens in which the rate of contraction is lowered it is seen that the peristalsis is from behind forward. There is seen, however, a certain amount of individual contraction of separate paired caeca. The most active specimens I examined showed a rate of con- traction of over thirty times per minute. The blood forced forward by the contractions is prevented from flowing back by the valves of the dorsal vessel. In the dorsal vessel the backward pressure of the blood causes the valve to press against the sphincter fibres of the dorsal vessel just behind it. Very rapidly the blood passes onward, and the next valve acting in the same manner, the first valve is again forced forward by the incoming blood. The constriction of the dorsal vessel is much greater at the sphincter muscle fibres than elsewhere. So great indeed is the contraction here that the dorsal vessel resembles a string of sausages. The constrictions being at the points occupied 32 CHARLES BADHAM. by the sphincters (PI. 1, fig. 2, VI.) , the dorsal vessel in the* testicular region is caused to contract by the pressure of lymph in the lacuna, so that its walls come into contact. In this manner the blood is forced forward and ultimately enters the paired branches ; these are not provided with valves. The blood then passes along the non-contractile lateral vessels into the non-contractile ventral vessel and so through the complicated branches in the posterior sucker, until it again reaches the intestinal siuus. The important relation of the contractions of the muscular walls of the intestinal sinus to the flow of the lymph and the contractions of the contractile lacuna has been dealt with in the section describing the circulation of the lymph. Nephridial System. There are eleven pairs of nepliridia arranged segment ally in the 13th to the 23rd somite. These form what is practi- cally a continuous network in this area. However, this is so arranged that the segmental character of the nepliridia is obvious. An inspection of PI. 2, fig. 7, will make this clear. The best developed parts of the nepliridia are two tubes ( L.n.c .), which are placed ventral to that part of the lacuna formed by the fusion of the dorsal and veutral segmental lacunae. These tubes have a diameter of about 40 ju, while the diameter of their lumen is 5 p. They pursue a tortuous course and frequently branch, and the branches anastomose. They give off in each somite branches which run to open at the nepliridiopore (IVp.),and they receive the branches which run from the dorsal and ventral networks. The paired branches, which are given off in each somite ta open at the nepliridiopore, are of the same size as the chief branches of the lateral canals. They are given off from the lateral canals near the level of the first annulus of the segment, and run medially and posteriorly, curving sharply as they approach the ventral lacuna at an angle of 45° (Np. b.). They run laterally for about half the distance of their first course- AN 1CHTHY0BDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 33 and open on the second annulus of each segment. The diameter of the aperture of the nephridiopore is about 5 In each segment the lateral canals receive three or four main branches, which are the outcome of the anastomotic canals. These latter are best developed around the ventral lacuna, but they also surround the dorsal lacuna. The arrangement and relative size of these canals is shown in PL 2, fig. 7. As is general in Hirudinea, the canals of this nephridial system are intracellular. The cells, which are burrowed through by these canals, have oval nuclei. The nephridiopores open directly on the body surface and not into pits, like those of Cystob ranch us. Neither in the living animal nor in serial sections have I been able to find internal openings, so that the ciliated funnels, possessed by Bran chel lion and Pontobdella, are here absent. In this respect then Austrobdella resembles Piscicola, Callobdella, Cystobranchus, Abranchus, and possibly Platybdella. This nephridial system is most like that described by Johansson for Callobdella. It differs in the much greater development of the branch going to the nephridiopore, and the greater degree of anastomosis of the smaller channels. In Austrobdella there exists on either side a fine canal, which may represent the dorso-lateral canal described for Callobdella. The lateral tubes are well developed in Austrobdella, being 40^ as compared with Abranchus and Callobdella 20 jjl, Piscicola 30 p, but again am smaller than Cystobranchus 50 /u (Johansson, 1896). Reproductive System. Thanks to the excellent work of Brumpt (1900), f Reproduc- tion des Hirudinees/ it is possible to compare the repro- ductive organs of Austrobdella with those of allied leeches. This species in its male organs resembles most Callobdella, (Trachelobdella) lophii as regards the structure of th& ejaculatory canal, but it lacks the muscular organ of Johansson VOL. 62, PART 1. — NEW SERIES. 3 34 CHARLES BADHAM. and the conducting tissue of the bursa described by Brumpt. Of the spermatophore glands, those described by Brumpt as A and B glands are present, while I am doubtful as to the presence of C glands. The glands A are well developed, and are enclosed in the muscular tunic of the terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals. The glands B, and perhaps C, surround the terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals and open into the •common part. Here the resemblance, owing to the develop- ment of the A glands, is more to the Glossiphonid type than to C. lopliii. In the female organs, owing to the isolated ovaries and the absence of both copulatory area and conducting tissue, Austrobdella resembles Callobdella lubrica, Platy- bdella solese, and Glossiphonia complanata. Concerning the interesting fertilisation by means of hypo- dermic injection of spermatophores, which Brumpt has shown to be true in most marine leeches, I have not yet ascertained if a similar phenomenon occurs in Austrobdella. I hope later again to keep these leeches in captivity and to endeavour to bring about copulation with a view to determining this point. There are five pairs of testes (PI, 1, fig. 1, T., Text-fig. 6, T .) placed in somites 14-18 inclusive. The vasa deferentia (PI. 2, fig. 12a, V. def.) on leaving the connective-tissue, become more than doubled in their diameter and constitute the ejaculatory canals, which lie in the expanded anterior end of the ventral lacuna. These ejaculatory canals become considerably coiled at the level of the 12tli nerve ganglion (PI. 2, fig. 12a, Ej. c .), and the lumen of each increases slightly and forms a seminal vesicle. They then come into close relation with the dorsal blood-vessel (PI. 2, fig. 12, Ej.c .) and shortly open dorso-laterally into the terminal parts of either side (PI. 2, fig. 12a, Ej. t.). The terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals are provided with a muscular tunic (PI. 2, fig. 12, Ej. t.) which encloses the unicellular glands, •called the A glands by Brumpt (1900). The two terminal parts open into a common part, the spermatophore sac of AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 35 Kovalevsky (1900) (PL 2, fig. 12a, Sp.s.), into which open the ducts of the unicellular spermatophore glands called the B glands by Brumpb (PL 2, fig. 12, Sp.gl.). The sperma- tophore sac leads into the bursa — an ectodermal invagination, whose external opening is the male orifice (PI. 2, fig. 6). The muscular tunic of the terminal parts consists of a single layer of fibres imbricated at their ends, About four to six fibres complete the circuit. At the anterior end the wall becomes two or even three fibres thick. This circular musculature is continued on around the spermatophore sac, but here the fibres, placed two deep, are separated from those on either side by the ducts of the spermatophore glands. At the bursa the fibres decrease to a single layer, and placed •external to them are several longitudinal fibres, apparently the diverted fibres of the body-wall muscles round the male genital opening, which may aid in the protrusion of the bursa (PL 2, fig. 6). The terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals are lined throughout with gland cells, the ducts of which run radially and are directed towards the spermatophore sac *(P1. 2, fig. 12, Ej. t.). These ducts almost obliterate the lumen into which they pour their secretion. There are found among these ducts the small cells of the supporting tissue. The cytoplasm of these glands stains more deeply with haematoxylin than those of the accessory male glands outside "the muscular tunic. 1'hese latter cells make up a well-developed glandular mass, which lies in somites 11 and 12 (Text-fig. 6, Sp.gl.). Each is a unicellular gland (PL 2, fig. 12, Sp. gl.) and opens in o the spermatophore sac. On either side this mass presents two lobes caused by dorso-ventrally placed muscle fibres. 'I he development of these glands is such that they wrap round the terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals (PI. 2, fig. 12, Sp. gl.). The secretion space of each cell is generally filled with numerous granular eosin-staining particles, as are also the •ducts opening into the spermatophore sac. 36 CHARLES BADHAM. I have not determined, by the staining methods of Brumpt,. if there are two kinds of gland cells present ; but in sections stained by haematoxylin and eosin they appear to be all of one kind. The bursa, which is shown in PJ. 2, fig. 6 (a medial sagittal section) is lined by a continuation of the epidermis of the body. The ovaries, which are two simple sacs lying free in the ventral lacuna, show considerable movement in the living' animal — a fact which Moquin-Tandon (1846) says caused Rondeau to take them for hearts in certain leeches. They become united just above the 13tli nerve ganglion, and from their junction the oviduct (PI. 2, figs. 6, 12a, Ovd.) runs dorsally and curves to enter the glandular part of the bursa (PI. 2, figs. 6, 12a, B. gl.). After their junction, the ovaries are continued forward to form each an anterior horn. The oviduct, which has a small lumen (PL 2, figs. 6, 12a, Ovd.), has a wall of circular muscle fibres, and external to these- a well-developed connective tissue layer with large nuclei, such as Brumpt has described as general in Ichthyobdellids,. and through which, he says, spermatozoa are frequently seen working their way. The epithelium lining the vagina is a continuation of the epidermis of the body, which is thrown into folds in the glandular part of the bursa. The ovaries in adult specimens are filled with ova in various stages of development. The development of the ovum (PI. 2, fig. 6, Ov.) and the breaking-down of the yolk cells appear to be similar to what occurs in Callobdella lophii, as described by Brumpt. Near the oviduct the ova are seen undergoing the first maturation division. This work was begun while holding the John Coutts* Scholarship. I wish to thank Prof. W. A. Haswell, in whose laboratories I worked, for his advice and kindness. Mr. F. W. Atkins, of the Sydney Technical College, re-drew the figures, and Mr. W. Graham, of the Department of Zoology AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 37 here, gave me great assistance with photographs of the living specimens. Literature. 1. Moquin-Tandon, A. (1846). — * Monographie de la famille dea Hirudinees.’ Paris. 2. Bourne, A. G. (1884). — “ Contribution to the Anatomy of the Hirudinea,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 24. 3. Whitman, C. O. (1891). — “Description of Clepsine plana,” ‘Journal of Morph.,’ vol. iv. 4. Oka, Asajiro (1894). — “ Beitrage zur Anatomie der Clepsine,” ‘ Zeit, Wiss. Zool.’ Bd. lviii. 5. Johansson, L. (1896a). — ‘ Bidrag till Kannedomen om Sveriges Ichthyobdellider.’ Upsala. 6. (18966). — “ fiber den Blutumlauf bei Piscicola und Callob- della,” 4 Festskrift Lilleborg.’ Upsala. 7. (1898). — “Einige systematisch wichtige Theile der inneren Organisation der Ichthyobdelliden,” ‘ Zool. Anzeiger,’ Bd. xxi. 8. Kovalevsky, A. (1900). — “ I^tude biologique de l’Hsementeria cos tat a Muller,” ‘Mem. Acad. St. Petersbourg (8) Cl.,’ phys. math.,’ vol. xi. 9. (1900). — “ Plienomenes de la Fecondation chez l’Helob- della algira (Moquin-Tandon),” ‘Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,’ Tome xiii. 10. Brumpt, E. (1900). — “Reproductions des Hirudinees,” ibid., Tome xiii. 11. Oka, Asajiro (1902). — “ Uber das Blutgefasssystem der Hiru- dineen,” ‘ Annot. Zool. Japon,’ vol. iv, part 2. 12. (1904). — Ueber den Bau von Ozobranchus,” ‘Annot. Zool. Japon,’ vol. v. 13. Salensky, Yon. W. (1906). — “Zur Kenntnis des Gefasssystems der Piscicola,” ‘ Zool. Anzeiger,’ Bd. xxxi. 14. Johansson, L. (1911). — “ Hirudinea, Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens, Hamburger Sudwest-Australischen Forschungsreise, 1905.” Michaelsen und Hartmeyer, Bd. iii. 15. Sukatschoff, B. W. (1912). — “Beitrage zur Anatomie der Hiru- dineen. 1. Uber den Bau von Branchellion torpedinis Sav.,” ‘ Mittheil. Zool. Station, Neapel,’ Bd. xx. 16. Hemingway, E. E. (1912). — “Anatomy of Placobdella para- sitica,” ‘Geol. and Nat. History Survey, Minnesota,’ Zool., series v. 38 CHARLES BADHAM. 17. Leigh- Sharpe, W. H. (1913). — “ Calliobdella lophii, Yan Beneden & Hesse,” ‘Journal Marine Biological Assoc.,’ vol. x. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 1 and 2, Illustrating Mr. 0. Badham’s paper “ On an Ichthyobdellid parasitic on the Australian Sand Whiting” (Sillago ciliata). [All figures refer to Austrobdella translucens.] PLATE 3. Fig. 1. — Drawing from life. Seen from the ventral aspect by transmitted light. The specimen is somewhat extended so that the shouldered appearance seen in large individuals (vide fig. 5) is absent. The pigment cells (P. c.) are represented and the ejaculatory canals ( Ej . c.) show up on account of their pigmentation. The five pairs of testes (T.) are a marked feature. Certain parts of the Blood- vascular System appear, and the thick-walled part of the middle gut stands out clearly (M. g.). A. m. g. Caeca of anterior thin-walled part of middle gut. C. 1. Contractile lacuna. Cl. gl. Clitellar glands. E. Eye spots. Ej. c. Ejaculatory canal. M. g. Caeca of thick-walled part of middle gut. Ov. Ovary. P. Proboscis. P. c. Pigment cell. T. Testis. V. v. Yentral vessel. Fig. 2. — Drawing of the Blood-vascular System from life. The dorsal vessel is shaded, the ventral vessel is outlined. The origin of the dorsal vessel is seen in the posterior sucker ; just above the union of the two branches from the posterior sucker this vessel enters into intimate relation with the caeca of the thick-walled intestine to form the intestinal sinus (1. s.). After leaving the sinus the dorsal vessel (D. v.) has a series of valves (VI.), one being placed where a constriction is seen on contraction. Anteriorly, the dorsal vessel gives off two pairs of lateral vessels (L. v. 3, L. v. 2) and an impaired proboscis branch (P. v. 1), and bifurcates just above the level of the eye spots to form the first pair of lateral vessels. The paired lateral branches are gathered together to form the ventral vessel (V. v.). This runs posteriorly and gives off in the posterior sucker a series of anastomotic branches which go to form the ring vessel (B. v.). D. v. Dorsal vessel. E. Eye spots. L. v. Lateral vessel. P. v. 1. Afferent proboscis vessel. P. v. 2. Efferent proboscis vessel. B.v. Ring vessel. VI. Yalve. Figs. 3, 4, 5. — Drawings of alcoholic specimens (fixed in boiling corrosive acetic), P5 mm., 4 mm. and 9 mm. long respectively. Fig. 3 AN ICHTHY0BDELL1D PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 39 is a side view, the other two figures are ventral views. This series shows the change from the cylindrical form of the young specimen (fig. 3) to the slightly flattened sexually mature specimen 4 mm. long (fig. 4). The shouldered appearance of the body of the specimen 9 mm. long (fig. 5) and its greatly flattened form are in striking contrast with the form of the younger specimens. PLATE 2. Fig. 6. — A medial sagittal section of a specimen 8 mm. long, showing the genital openings, bursae, oviduct, ovaries, spermatophore sac, and the relations of the ventral nerve cord and the ventral and dorsal blood-vessels in this region. Compare with fig. 12a. The male genital opening is seen at $ and the bursa leading into the spermatophore sac ( Sp . s.). The female genital opening is seen at $ leading into the bursa, which has the walls of its dorsal part plicated ( B.gl .) to form the glandular part of the female bursa. The oviduct ( Ovd .) has been cut at two places, where it leaves the junction of the ovaries and more dorsally where it is about to enter into the glandular part of the bursa. The sections of the ovaries (Or.) show ova in various stages of formation by the breaking down of yolk cells; the two spindles represent maturation divisions. The relations of the ventral nerve cord and ganglia 11, 12, 13 to the sexual organs are shown, and may be compared with the model depicted in fig. 12a. The ventral vessel ( V. v.) is seen lying free in the expansion of the ventral lacuna which contains the sexual organs in this region. The dorsal vessel ( D . v.) is seen as it is entering the dorsal lacuna. The degree of development of the circular and longitudinal body-wall musculature is displayed. B. gl. Glandular part of female bursa. C. m. Circular body-wall musculature. D. v. Dorsal vessel. L. m. Longitudinal body-wall musculature. N.gn. Nerve ganglion. Ovd. Oviduct. Ov. Ovary. Sp. s. Spermatophore sac. V.v. Ventral vessel. Fig. 7. — Diagram in relief of the Nephridial System in the testicular region of the body viewed from the ventral surface. The posterior end of the leech would be towards the observer. For the sake of clearness the somite is shown as consisting of the three primitive annuli. In order to show the segmental nature of the nepridial system one whole somite and its portion of the nephridial system is drawn, and parts of the preceding and succeeding somities with their portions of this system. The ventral and dorsal lacuna are shown, but neither the segmental nor the contractile lucunse. On either side the lateral nephridial canal is seen receiving branches of the fine capillary network of nephridial tubules which extend in the dorsal and ventral sides of the body. The lateral nephridial canals are shown giving off in each 40 CHARLES BADHAM. somite the pair of branches (Np. b.) leading to the nepliridiopores ( Np .). D. 1. Dorsal lacuna. D. v. Dorsal vessel. L. n. c. Lateral nephridial canal. N. p. Nepliridiopore. Np. b. Duct leading to nephridiopore. T. Testis. V. 1. Yentral lacuna. V. ne. Ventral nerve cord. V.v. Yentral vessel. Fig. 8. — Diagram in relief of the Lacuna System, viewed from the dorsal surface, in a somite of the testicular region of the body. The dorsal lacuna ( D.l .) is shown containing the dorsal vessel (D.v.). In the ventral lacuna (V. 1.) are the ventral nerve cord (F ne.) and ventral vessel (V.v.). The dorsal and ventral parts of the segmental lacuna of either side of the somite are seen to junction laterally, and after bifurcating to join up with branches from the preceding and succeeding segmental lacuna) of the same side. The segmental lacuna opens into the contractile lacuna in two places in each somite. The contractile lacuna receives in each somite three capillaries dorsally on either side. Cap. 1. Capillaries opening into contractile lacuna. C. 1. Contractile lacuna. D. 1. Dorsal lacuna. I). v. Dorsal blood-vessel. S. 1. Segmental lacuna. V.l. Yentral lacuna. V.ne. Yentral nerve cord. V.v. Yentral vessel. Fig. 9. — Drawing of horizontal section through the testicular region of the body showing the character of the contractile lucana (C.l.) and the branches of the segmental lacuna ( S.l .) leading to it. In one place a branch opens into the contractile lacuna and the opening is guarded by sphincter muscle fibres (S. m.f). The large unicellular lateral glands ( L . gl.) are shown, and the clitellar glands medial to the contractile lacuna. C. 1. Contractile lacuna. Cl. gl. Clitellar glands. L. gl. Unicellular lateral glands. (S.m.f.) Sphincter muscle fibres. S. 1. Segmental lacuna. Fig. 10. — Drawing of a transverse section through the dorsal blood- vessel and dorsal lacuna in the testicular region of the body, showing the dorsal and ventral septa (Sep. d., Sep. v.). The nuclei of the epithelial cells of the dorsal vessel bulge into the dorsal lacuna. D. v. Dorsal vessel. D. 1. Dorsal lacuna. Epi. nu. Nucleus of epithelial cell. Sep.d. Dorsal septum. Sep.v. Yentral septum. Fig. 11. — Drawing of a section through a valve of the dorsal blood- vessel in the testicular region of the body. Usually the valve (VI.) is fir-cone shaped and when forced back rests against the sphincter muscle fibre (S. m.f.), but sometimes, as shown here, the valve becomes broken up into separate cells attached to a common stalk. On con- traction of the dorsal vessel several cells of the valve may be forced past the spincter, as is shown here. D.v. Dorsal vessel. VI. Yalve. S. m.f. Sphincter muscle fibre. Fig. 12. — Drawing of a transverse section through the neck region AN ICHTHYOBDELLID PARASITIC ON SAND WHITING. 41 of a specimen 7 mm. long. The section passed through the eleventh nerve ganglion and is cut obliquely so that the terminal part of the ejaculatory canal ( Ej . t.) is shown on the right side and the main mass of the spermatophore glands on the left (Sp. gl.). The terminal parts of the ejaculatory canals are seen just before they have united to form the spermatophore sac (compare with fig. 12a). The ventral vessel is seen lying free in the ventral lacuna, here expanded to contain the sexual organs. The relations of the ejaculatory canals, oesophagus and dorsal vessel in this region are also shown. D. v. Dorsal vessel. Ej. t. Terminal part of ejaculatory canal. Ej. c. Ejaculatory canal. N.gn. 11. Nerve ganglion 11. (Es. (Esophagus. Sp.gl. Spermatophore glands. V.v. Yentral vessel. Fig. 12a. — Diagram in relief of the Reproductive System. The terminal part of the right ejaculatory canal (Ej. t.) is shown as cut away for the sake of clearness. The relations of the ventral nerve cord and ganglia to the male and female organs are made evident. B. gl. Glandular part of the female bursa. Ej. c. Ejaculatory canal. Ej. t. Terminal part of the ejaculatory canal. Ovd. Oviduct. Ov. Ovaries. Sp. s. Spermatophore sac. V. def. Yasa deferens. V. ne. Yentral nerve cord. 11, 12, 13. Nerve ganglia. <$ Male opening. ^ Female opening. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYONIUM DIGITATUM. 43 The Development of Alcyonium digitatum, with some notes on the Early Colony Formation. By Annie Matttiews, JJI.Sc. With Plates 3-5 and 51 Text-fignres. Table of Contents. 1. Preface .... PAGE 43 2. Introduction 44 3. Methods .... 44 4. General Account 45 5. Colony Formation . 55 6. Food .... 59 7. Segmentation 60 8. Pre-planula and Planula Stages, followed by Settling of Larva ..... 65 9. Mesogloea .... 70 10. Mesenteries 72 11. Tentacles, Mouth and Stomodaeum 78 12. Spicules .... 80 13. Mesenteric Filaments 81 14. Summary .... 86 15. Literature. 87 1. Preface. I take this opportunity of thanking the Council of the Marine Biological Association for the use of a table while working out these results. Also I gladly acknowledge the kindly and continued help given me by Dr. Allen and the various members of his staff. This generous aid rendered 44 ANNIE MATTHEWS. the work very much easier, and enabled me to get all the necessary stages with a minimum amount of labour. My warmest thanks are also due to Prof. Hickson, of the Man- chester University, for many useful hints and for reading through and criticising the completed paper. 2. Introduction to the Development of Alcyonium Digitatum. The broad outlines of the development of Alcyonium digitatum were worked out by A. Uowalevsky in 1873 (8), and amplified later by Hickson (2, 3, 4, and 4a), and it has been the object of this paper to add further details to the information given by these authors. On the whole the results agree, except in some details concerning the sequence of development of certain organs. There is an interesting general resemblance between the accompanying sketches of the segmenting egg, the planula and the early fixed polyp, and those previously given by : (1) de Lacaze-Duthiers, for Astroides calycularis (10). (2) Wilson, for Renilla and Leptogorgia (16). (3) Kowalevsky and Marion, for Sympodium and Clavel- lina (9). A comparison of the plates given by these authors with those at the end of the present paper will demonstrate this. In particular, PI. xiii, fig. 6, of de Lacaze-Duthiers, memoir (10) would illustrate excellently the way in which Alcyonium larvae settled in the finger-bowls in which they were reared, during the experiments now described. Therefore, A. digitatum bears out the collected evidence that the Anthozoa develop roughly according to one and the same plan. 3. Methods used to Preserve and Stain the Alcyonium Material. (1) Preserving fluids. (a) Schaudinn’s fluid (corrosive sublimate and absolute alcohol). THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYONTUM DIGITATUM. 45 (b) Corrosive acetic. (c) Bouin^s picro-formol-acetic. The above three reagents appeared equally good for preserving all stages, except when the structure of the spicules was required. Perhaps (c) was the best general preserving fluid. ( d ) Osmic acid, for preparations showing spicules and nematocysts. (2) Staining reagents. (a) Delafield’s hematoxylin. For morulas, and well-stained segmentation spindles ; also for gland cells in the oesophagus and ventral mesenteric filaments. (b) EhrlicKs hematoxylin, as (a). (c) Borax-carmine and picro-nigrosin. For planulas and all subsequent stages ; for structure of mesogloea. (d) RanviePs picro-carmine, followed by Kernschwarz, after fixing with osmic acid. For spicule structure. The picro-carmine stains the nuclei, while the Kernschwarz stains the spicule and its surrounding protoplasm. (e) Iron-brazilin. Good for all settled stages, gland cells,, etc., in combination with some plasma stain, e. g. safranin. 4. General Account. Ripe male and female colonies1 of Alcyonium digi- tatum are brought in by the trawlers in the Plymouth district from early December to early February, and fertilised eggs were obtained : (1) Between January 27th and February 13th, 1912. (2) Between December 10th and February 10th, 191 2 — 1913. (3) Between December 14th and February 10th, 1913— 1914. 1 Hermaphrodite colonies occasionally occur, male and female polyps being present. Hermaphrodite individuals are also sometimes found in these colonies, such exceptions finding a parallel in the case of Corallium nobile (11). 46 ANNIE MATTHEWS. These eggs were successfully reared in the Plymouth laboratory. The above data shows that A. digitatum spawns during two of the coldest and stormiest months of the year, when the supply of material is necessarily uncertain, and therefore the work of collecting the various segmentation stages is, as a rule, unavoidably spread over the whole of the spawning season. The colonies used for this paper came from the trawling ground between the Dodman and the E Idystone, i.e. outside and some miles west of Plymouth Sound. They reached the laboratory in good condition in buckets of sea-water, and after being well washed the ripest colonies were selected, the choice being easily made, as ripe ova are deep reddish-yellow in colour, and ripe sperm sacs a very opaque white. The colonies were then placed by them- selves in one of the laboratory tanks, through which a constant stream of sea-water circulated, care being taken to avoid overcrowding. As the colonies generally remain healthy for only a few days in the laboratory tanks, even under the most favourable conditions, rarely expanding fully and possibly never feeding, those chosen must be in the best condition and ready to spawn. Some hours later the circulation was stopped and the female colonies soon spaAvned in the still Avater. It seems essential to have the Avater still, as this is favourable to the necessary expansion of the very sensitive polyps. Simultaneously the male polyps discharged from their mouths large quantities of spermatozoa which SAvam freely and fertilised the floating OAra. On microscopic examination the latter were then seen to be completely covered by a delicate fringe of spermatozoa Avliich gave them a pseudo-ciliate appearance, but the “ cilia,” i.e. the tails, of the spermatozoa were non-motile. It Avas impossible to distinguish the particular sperm which fertilised the ovum, or to say when this occurred. Different colonies began to extrude their ova at varying times of the day or night (unlike Renilla, which spawns only between 6 and 7 a.m. (16)). The eggs of any one colony were passed out con. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYONIUM DIGITATUM. 47 tinuously for several days, until the spawning was com- plete. On January 3rd, 1913, a spawning colony was placed in a beaker of water and closely watched from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The majority of the polyps were expanded while their ten- tacles were half retracted ; others were only partly expanded (c.f. Text-fig. 1). Five eggs were successively extruded at regular intervals from the mouth of one polyp during a period of fifteen minutes. They passed up the stomodaeum one by one and after escaping from the mouth remained in contact with the tentacles and oral surface until some slight Text-fig. 1. Solitary polyp, lateral view. Tentacles retracted, body slightly contracted. This also illustrates the appearance of the colonial polyp while spawning. motion of the water finally dislodged them, when they floated upwards. In some cases several eggs were seen in the stomo- dseum simultaneously, one below the other, and in squeezing upwards through this narrow tube they became temporarily •oval but regained their round shape after extrusion. The trans- parent membrane which surrounded them before spawning, and which always envelops eggs taken forcibly from the mesen- teries, was thrown off during the process of spawning, and the empty membranes were ejected into the water after the ova. Although artificially fertilised ova did in some cases seg- ment satisfactorily, it was found more practicable for rearing on a large scale to collect the fertilised ova from the tank where they were naturally spawned and fertilised. To do this the water was siphoned over into white dishes, from which the eggs were removed with a pipette. 48 ANNIE MATTHEWS. The eggs are opaque, very yolky, and reddisli-yellow in colour. They are about 05 mm. in diameter, and float at Text-figs. 1a-8. Fig. 1a. Sixty-four celled stage, X 46. Fig. 2. Rather late pre-planula, with prominent lobes, X 56. Fig. 3. Latest stage pre-planula ; lobes softened into shallow wrinkles ; seventy-two hours old, X 62. Fig. 4. Round ciliate planula of sinuous outline, succeeding Fig. 3. The arrow indicates the direction of progress, X 52. Fig. 5. Oval planula of smooth outline, twenty-four hours older than last figure, X 40. Figs. 6 and 7 show planarian-like movements of long thin planula, X 40. Fig. 8. Planula showing lateral ridges when contracted due to irritation, X 40. various depths in the tank as though their specific gravity is very near that of sea-water. After segmentation has begun THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYONIUM DIGITATUM. 49' they increase slightly in size, and become somewhat paler in colour, and are thus distinct from newly-spawned eggs to the naked eye. They were pipetted into finger-bowls of “ outside 39 water (water brought into the laboratory from outside Plymouth Sound, and therefore in especially good condition), and development took place at the ordinary and by no means constant temperature of the laboratory. The developing eggs appeared to do equally well in outside, Berkefeld- filtered or ordinary tank water, and many larvae went through all the stages of development, settled and produced tentacles in the laboratory tank where the eggs were spawned. Twenty-four hours after spawning the embryos were all morulae, more or less advanced. Fresh colonies were continually added to the tank, and spent and unhealthy ones removed during the whole of the spawning season. Judging by the proportion of ripe ones brought in, this season reaches its height towards the end of January, and soon declines after that date. The segmenting egg (Text-fig. 1a) is in all stages typically spherical, though during segmentation some examples may become temporarily oval, regaining their globular shape later. At the close of the morula stage the embryo undergoes a curious change in shape. About the twenty to twenty-fourth hour the whole surface of the sphere is slowly drawn out into irregular blunt prominences with corresponding depressions (Text-fig*. 2), the component cells meantime undergoing a modification of structure and the segmentation cavity gradu- ally disappearing. This condition lasts for some time, but about the forty-fourth hour the knobs begin to withdraw again. Wilson (16) mentions a similar stage for Renilla and Leptogorgia, but apparently did not investigate it closely. As this definite stage is followed by the swimming planula,. it was convenient to call it the “ pre-planula ” stage. By the end of the third day of development the pre-planula no longer shows definite protuberances and depressions, these having softened down into a gently wrinkled outline (Text-fig. 3).. VOL. 62, PART 1. NEW SERIES. 4 ANNIE MATTHEWS. -5 0 On the fourth day the cells near the centre of the solid pre- planula begin to disintegrate, and so the larva again becomes hollow and passes on into a free-swimming planula stage with a definitely marked anterior pole. This planula developes cilia, is at first roughly spherical and of sinuous outline (Text- fig. 4), but lengthens somewhat in a few hours into a highly contractile oval planula still of wavy outline. By the fifth day it is a smooth oval planula swimming rather slowly at various levels in the water, usually in a horizontal plane (Text-fig. 5). Very soon the anterior end broadens and a pear-shaped planula results, which rotates continuously on its long axis while progressing in the water (Text-fig. 6). The reddish -yellow colour of the ovum is still present, but gradu- ally becomes paler as the yolk is absorbed, and the planula increases in length. The larva continually changes its shape, so that measurements of the ever varying length and breadth are rendered difficult. While swimming it exhibits charac- teristic planarian-like contractile movements, which are represented in Text-figs. 6 and 7, and any irritation causes strong contraction and lateral wrinkling (Text-fig. 8).1 By the seventh day the planula is very long and slender, measuring T3 mm. long and 03 mm. wide, but is not very often fully extended. The anterior and aboral pole is deeper in colour than the narrower posterior and oral pole where more yolk has been absorbed (PI. 3, fig. 1). The surface at this time is abundantly supplied with nematocysts and mucous cells (PL 3, fig. 2), the latter being especially numerous at the anterior pole. At first the planulae swim at varying levels in the bowls, but towards the third free-swimming day they become more sluggish, and most of them keep in a vertical position with the thin aboral end hanging downwards (c.f. Spiculoblast with spicule dissolved out. Spbv Spicule left in scleroblast, embedded in mesogloea. S. cell. Cell embedded singly in mesogloea. Sub. M. Subsidiary mesentery. S. B. Termination of wall of stomodseum. S. C. Segmentation cavity. £?. L. Supporting lamella. S. M. Separating membrane. S4 Mv Position occupied by supporting membrane in mesogloea of body wall. S. Mg. Mesogloea streaming out from endoderm among rounded cells at base of ectoderm. S. 0. S. Sloping oral surface. S. 0. Early stage in appearance of strap-like outgrowth of ectoderm of stomodseum, over endodermic part of ventral mesenteric filament. T. Tentacle. T. B. Swollen base of tentacle. Tl Bv Very young bud of the third row. T. R. Tentacles retracted. T. Sp. Tentacular spicules. V. M. Yentral mesentery. V. M. F. One of the six ventral mesenteric filaments. V. M. F1. Lower limit of ventral mesenteric filament. Wr. Wrinkled outline of latest pre-planula stage. Y. Yolk globules. Yv Small yolk globules. Y2. Large yolk globules. Y. D. Yolky detritus. Y. E. Inner half of columnar ectoderm cells, .still containing yolk globules. Y. V. Large yolk-containing vacuoles. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYON1UM DIGITATUM. 91 PLATE 3. Fig. 1. — Sagittal section of long highly contractile planula, towards end of free- swimming life. Yolky detritus still present in coelenteron. Ectoderm very full of mucous cells and nematocysts. X 78. Fig. 2. — Portion of ectoderm of full-grown planula, showing mucous cells and nematocysts among the ordinary cells. Granular reticulate protoplasm in mucous cells very deeply stained, x 507. Fig. 3. — Lateral view of polyp with older mesenteries than fig. 4. Second day of fixation. Adhesive plug shows well. X 16. Fig. 4. — Lateral view of polyp during early part of second day of attachment. Eight mesenteries appearing, x 16. Fig. 5. — Lateral view of polyp on the fifth day of attachment. Tentacles partly contracted, body expanded. X 37. Fig. 6. — Oral view of young polyp, with tentacles well expanded and mouth widely opened. The tentacles were still reddish-yellow and the body wall cream ; spicules abundant (about five days fixed). X 35. Fig. 7. — Oral view of polyp about the sixth day. Tentacles partly contracted, but mouth still exposed, x 39. Fig. 8. — Section through the eight-lobed egg of Text-fig. 30. X 78. Fig. 9. — Sagittal section through eight cell stage. One of the several nuclei that have again divided ready for the next segmentation is shown at N. X 78. Fig. 10. — Section through an egg protruding sixteen lobes ; two daughter nuclei are drawn, x 78. Fig. 11. — Sagittal section through sixteen cell stage, showing de- lamination spindle. X 78. Fig. 12. — Transverse section of a young morula showing delamination and ordinary spindles. X 78. Fig. 13. — Enlarged drawing of section of two blastomeres from the sixteen cell stage. The finely granular outer area, and large and small yolk globules are shown, x 133. Fig. 14. — Five endoderm cells from a late pre-planula, in which the lobes are almost withdrawn again. The yolk globules are few and very large and the segmentation cavity has disappeared. X 760. Fig. 15. — Ectoderm and endoderm cells from transverse section of a late pre-planula, when the ectoderm cells have become much longer nd narrower, while large vacuoles are still present. X 78. Fig. 16. Transverse section of a very late pre-planula, with rapidly proliferating ectoderm (stage of Text-fig. 3), just before it passes into 92 ANNIE MATTHEWS. the early round planula stage. A definite membrane is now present between the ectoderm and the endoderm. X 78. Fig. 17. — Sagittal section of smooth oval planula, with broadened anterior end. Endoderm cells in places only one row deep, but in others form club-like processes. (Second free-swimming day.) x 133. Fig. 18. — Ectoderm and endoderm cells from a somewhat younger pre-planula than PI. 3, fig. 14, and at a later stage than Text-fig. 2. Yolk globules fewer than in early pre-planula and increasing in size. X 760. Fig. 19. — Part of a vertical section of a young polyp with mesenteries and spicules. One mesentery is cut through vertically near its attach- ment to the lateral wall. Many scleroblasts and nematocysts are thus cut across, which have been drawn into the mesoglcea of the mesentery here. At the lower right-hand corner young scleroblasts and nematocyst cells are shown in situ at the base of the columnar ectoderm, x 380. Fig. 20. — Ectoderm and endoderm cells from a late morula stage, x 133. Fig. 21. — Transverse section of an earlier morula stage than fig. 20, showing large yolk globules in the endoderm and smaller ones in the cuboid ectoderm. X 167. Fig. 22. — Nematocysts (oval bodies of Hickson), from mesoglcea of solitary and colonial polyps. PLATE 4. Fig. 23. — Sagittal section of a polyp about stage shown in fig. 3. This section does not cut through the mesenteries. X 133. Fig. 24. — Sagittal section of newly-fixed larva, still planula-shaped and ciliate. At the base the outer edge of the ectoderm has been diagrammatically thickened in the drawing, to indicate clearly the extent of the fixed area. X 133. Fig. 25. — Vertical section of polyp with only one pinnule on tentacles, i.e. about six days fixed. At Mes2 and Mes4 the basal attachments of the two lateral mesenteries Mes3 and Mesd are seen. At V. 31. Fx is shown the termination of the ectodermic outgrowth forming the mesenteric filament of mesentery 31es3, i.e. about half way down the free edge of the mesentery. At S. 0. the continuity of the stomodaBum and this outgrowth is shown. X 133. Fig. 26. — Vertical section of a polyp fixed from six to seven days, showing the strap-like ectodermic process on the right, which forms the ventral mesenteric filament, and on the left the shorter ectodermic THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALCYONIUM DIGIT ATUM. 93 outgrowth over the free edge of the dorsal mesentery, which forms the dorsal mesenteric filament, D. 0. The dorsal mesentery is only partly shown at D. M. x 133. Fig. 27. — Part of ectoderm and endoderm of swimming planula. Multilayered and adjacent one-layered endoderm both shown. Granular ectoderm cells expanded at base rest on the separating membrane. Round interstitial ectoderm cells seen. Endoderm still full of yolk globules. X 760. (Ectoderm and endoderm of the pre-planula in the latest stage are very similar in detail.) Fig. 28. — Vertical section of polyp showing stomodseal invagination. There is as yet no communication with the exterior. Yolky detritus is still present, and mesoglea is flowing between the ectoderm cells of the attached base, and round the inner ectoderm cells of the lateral walls. X 133. (The stomodseal invagination is cut across laterally, and so is very narrow.) Fig. 29. — Transverse section of polyp settled from thirteen to fifteen days, cut below stomodseum ; the six ventral and two dorsal mesenteric filaments are shown. X 133. Fig. 30. — Section through the mesogloea of a fairly old polyp after dissolving the calcareous part of the spicules by staining with picro- nigrosin. The nuclei and organic remains of the spicules are shown, and it can be seen that the cavities occupied in the mesoglea by the spicules are replicas of the latter, x 245. Fig. 31. — Young spicules in scleroblasts, from solitary polyp. X 760. Fig. 32. — Young scleroblasts before secretion of spicule. X 760. Fig. 33. — Vertical section through the stomodseum of a polyp five days fixed. The remains of the degenerate base of the stomodseum are still visible, and the ectoderm of the stomodseum is growing down over a mesentery as a strap-like process (E. S. 0 .) ; the section is beyond the actual mouth opening. The rest of the mesentery ( Mes .) was seen in subsequent sections. X 450. Fig. 34. — Transverse section of a polyp settled from thirteen to fifteen days, cutting through the siplionoglyph. x 133. PLATE 5. Figs. 35, 36, 37 and 39. — Vertical radial sections of part of wall of young settled polyp, showing ectoderm, endoderm and origin of mesoglcea : Fig. 35. — Mesogloea secreted by endoderm, beginning to stream between the interstitial cells at the base of the ectoderm, at the time of the early formation of the mesenteries. X 380. 94 ANNIE MATTHEWS. Fig. 36. — Streams of mesogloea flowing between ectodermic interstitial cells, and cutting them off singly ( Sjob .), or in groups ( Gr . cell), x 760. Fig. 37. — Scleroblasts surrounded by mesogloea. (The spicules have been dissolved during preservation.) The mesogloea is seen streaming round the interstitial cells at the left hand of the diagram, x 760. Fig. 38. — Part of a transverse section of a young polyp, cutting through stomodseum and mesenteries, and showing the thin sheets of mesogloea, devoid of cells which together with the surrounding endo- derm form the mesenteries, x 380. Fig. 39. — Faintly staining streams of mesogloea, flowing in between the newly formed interstitial cells, from the endoderm. X 760. Fig. 40. — Vertical section of part of attached base of young polyp. The mesogloea is shown streaming in between the ectoderm cells, and then strengthening the mucous plug, x 608. LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RATA CLAVATA. 95- The So-called Labial Cartilages of Raia clavata. Bj Edward Pholps Allis, junr., Menton, France. With Plate 6. Gegenbaur (1872), in his classical work on “ Das Kopfskelet der Selachier,” describes (1. c., p. 216), in Raia (species not given) and Raia vomer, two cartilages which he considers to be the homologues of the labial cartilages of Selachii. In Raia (species not given), which is the one first described, one of these two cartilages is shown lying definitely nearer the anterior end of the ventral surface of the snout than the other cartilage, and, doubtless because of this, the former cartilage is called the anterior upper labial and the other the posterior upper labial. The so-called anterior labial lies,' however, farther from the symphysis of the upper jaw and farther from the upper edge of the mouth than the so-called posterior one, and if the mouth were terminal it would be the posterior instead of the anterior cartilage. Doubtless because of this, Gegenbaur says (l.c., p. 218) that it is evident that the so-called anterior upper labial of the Batoidei corresponds to the posterior upper labial of the Selachii, and the posterior upper labial of the Batoidei to the anterior upper labial of the Selachii. The posterior (oral) edge of the posterior labial is shown (1. c., PI. 17, fig. 1) in contact, its full length, with the palatoquadrate; its anterior (aboral) edge is said to be bound to the posterior (oral) edge of the anterior 96 EDWARD PHELPS ALLTS. labial; and the lateral (absymphysial) end of the latter cartilage is said to be in contact with the palatoquadrate. There is accordingly no space either between the adjoining edges of the two cartilages, or between their posterior (oral) edges and the palatoquadrate, and the nasal groove (Nasenrinne) must accordingly lie either wholly lateral (absymphysial) to both labials or external to them. In Raia vomer the posterior labial is said to be overlapped externally, in its middle portion, by the broad lateral (absym- physial) portion of the anterior labial, the latter labial thus not here having the markedly anterior and aboral relations to the other labial that it has in Raia (spe'cies not given). It however has the same absymphysial relations to that cartilage. The nasal g'roove (Nasenrinne) is apparently shown (l.c., PI. 16, fig. 7) lying between the lateral (absymphysial) ends of the two labials, but it is said that both labials lie, in part, in the nasal flap, and hence necessarily external to the nasal groove, as will be later fully explained. The anterior labial is referred to, both in the figure and in the text, by the index letter L , while in Raia (species not given) that letter refers to the posterior labial. In Rhinoptera, Gegenbaur says (1. c., p. 219) that there are, in addition to a cartilage that corresponds strictly to the so- called anterior upper labial of Raia, two small cartilages found near the angle of the gape of the mouth which together form a rudimentary labial arch similar to the arch formed by the posterior upper and the single lower labials of the Selachii. The presence of this posterior pair of labials in Rhinoptera is said by Gegenbaur to definitely confirm his already expressed conclusion that the other labial of Rhino- ptera must be the anterior upper one. But it also evidently proves, if correct, that the so-called anterior upper labial of Rhinoptera, and hence also the corresponding labial of Raia, must be the homologue of the similarly named labial of the Selachii and not of the posterior one; which is in direct con- tradiction to the positive statement made on p. 218 of his work and already above referred to. 97 LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAVATA. On a still later page of his work (l.c., p. 222) Gegenbaur says that the first (anterior) labial of selachians corresponds to the premaxillary bone of teleosts and the second (posterior) labial to the maxillary bone of those fishes, and as he includes both the Selachii and the Batoidei in the term selachians (Selachier), and as he makes no qualification whatever of the statement, it evidently implies that the so-called anterior and posterior labials of both these sub-orders of the Plagiostomi are homologous, which is again in direct contradiction to his positive statement made on p. 218. T. J. Parker (1884) gives a figure of these labials in Raia nasuta which somewhat resembles Gegenbaur’ s figure of them in Raia vomer, but the so-called first labial of Parker’s descriptions, which is Gegenbaur’s anterior labial, is so long that it crosses the opening of the mouth and overlaps ex- ternally the mandible. This labial is said to support the •corresponding flap of the fronto-nasal process, while the second labial, Gegenbaur’s posterior one, is said to lie in a fold of skin external to the naso-buccal groove. But as there is no fold of skin external to the naso-buccal groove excepting only the flap of the fronto-nasal process, this labial is thus here said to also lie in that flap. W. K. Parker (1878) also gives figures and descriptions of these labials in Raia maculat a and Raia clavata, but they differ so radically from Gegenbaur’s and T. J. Parker’s figures and descriptions that there is no possibility of comparison. These several descriptions of the labials of the Batoidei are accordingly not clear, and I have, in connection with my -present work on the cranial anatomy of Chlamydoselachus, -examined these cartilages in such specimens of these fishes as I happened to have at my disposal. These specimens con- sisted of a single head of Raia clavata, two small speci- mens of Raia, r a di ata, two small specimens of Myliobatis, and two partly dissected specimens of Torpedo ocellata. The head of Raia clavata was a fresh one, while all the other specimens had been long preserved in alcohol, and were -not in good condition for this particular dissection. VOL. 62, PART 1 . NEW SERIES. 7 98 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. In Rai a clay at a (3?]. 6, figs. 1-3) tlie posterior (oral) edge of the nasal flap of either side occupies about two-fifths of the distance from the angle of the gape to the symphysis of the upper jaw, and it covers a depressed region that will be referred to, in its entirety, as the nasal-flap furrow. The term nasal groove is avoided, because that term (Nasenrinne), as employed by Gegenbaur, would seem to refer to a lateral and deeper portion, only, of the entire furrow, as will be later fully explained. Between the nasal flaps of opposite sides the edge of the upper lip of the fish is deeply re-entrant, exposing the teeth and a considerable portion of the upper jaw. A well-marked furrow separates this part of the upper lip from the underlying upper jaw, and may be called the upper labial sulcus. Laterally, on either side, this sulcus runs into the mesial (symphysial) edge of the corresponding nasal-flap furrow, and the posterior (oral) edge of the nasal flap of either side accordingly appears as a direct continuation of the upper lip. It is, however, not a continuation of that lip, the lip and its related sulcus being prolonged a certain distance along the floor of the nasal-flap furrow, internal to the nasal flap, and there gradually vanishing, as shown in PI. 6, fig. 2. In the nasal flap, occupying approximately its entire- posterior (oral) half and extending mesially (symphysially) somewhat beyond the base of the flap into the subdermal tissues between the upper lip and the nasal capsule, lies the cartilage called by Gegenbaur the anterior upper labial. This so-called anterior upper labial of my specimen, like the corresponding one in Gegenbaur’s figure of Rai a vomer, lies external to the so-called posterior upper labial and farther from the symphysis of the upper jaw than that labial, but not definitely anterior to it. It is, however, not a labial cartilage, as will be later shown, but a cartilage developed strictly in supporting relations to the nasal flap. It can accordingly be called the nasal-flap cartilage, which will sufficiently distinguish it from the Nasenfliigelknorpel of Gegenbaur’s descriptions, which latter cartilage also in part supports the nasal flap and is the ala nasalis of certain. LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAVATA. 99' English authors. J. Muller (1834) also did not consider this nasal-flap cartilage to be a labial cartilage, and he called it the inner Nasenflugelknorpel. This nasal-flap cartilage of Eaia clavata has the shape shown in the accompanying figures, and it is connected with what Gegenbaur calls the anterior process of the correspond- ing ala nasalis by the dermal and connective tissues of tho nasal flap. At its anteror (aboral) corner there is, on one side of the head of my one specimen, a small and independent bit of cartilage. In about the middle of the postero-mesial edge of the cartilage there is a curved incisure, and slightly lateral to the bottom of this incisure,, and parallel to the edge of the cartilage, there is a ridge on the internal surface of the cartilage. The mesial surface of this ridge is flat and slopes gradually to the edge of tlie- cartilage, and, on either side of the incisure, it rests upon and is firmly bound to the posterior upper labial of GegenbauEs descriptions, this contact with the latter labial being particularly large and strong anterior (aboral) to the incisure. The lateral (absymphysial) surface of the ridge is abrupt and curved, and forms the mesial (symphysial) boundary of the nasal-flap furrow, thus marking the base of the nasal flap. The nasal-flap cartilage thus extends mesially beyond the base of the nasal flap into the general tissues on the ventral surface of the head, but it in no place reaches or touches the palato-quadrate, being everywhere separated from it either by the so-called posterior labial cartilage or by the nasal-flap furrow. The incisure in the postero-mesial edge of the nasal-flap cartilage arches over the posterior (oral) end of a short section of the nasal latero-sensory canal (Garman, 1888) that is directed antero-posteriorly. The posterior upper labial of Gegenbaur's descriptions above referred to, is the only labial found in either Eaia clavata or Eaia radiata, and it will accordingly be called,, in the following descriptions, the upper labial, or simply the labial. It consists of two broad and approximately parallel portions connected by a narrow neck of cartilage which 100 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. extends from the middle of the mesial portion to the mesial end of the lateral portion. The mesial portion lies quite closely upon the palatoquadrate, but is separated from it by Tranches of the nervus trigeminus and other tissues. Its mesial end projects antero-mesially beyond the palatoquadrate. The antero-mesial end of the lateral portion of the labial lies against the posterior surface of the nasal capsule, the remaining portion lying external to the muscles of the region, but separated from them by tough connective tissues, the cartilage being bent in conformity with the shape of the underlying structures. The postero-lateral portion of this lateral portion of the labial lies immediately beneath the external dermis and parallel with it, and its posterior end lies at a considerable distance from the angle of the gape, separated from that angle by the bulging muscles of the region. The connective tissues in which it lies are attached to it, but it cannot be said that the cartilage runs gradually into ligamentous tissues that are continued into the mandible, as Gegenbaur says is the case in Raia vomer. The narrow neck of cartilage that connects the mesial and lateral portions of the labial lies in the hollow between the aboral edge of the palatoquadrate and the posterior wall of the nasal capsule, and it is always somewhat bent or twisted. In my specimens of Raia radiata this twist is so pronounced that the primarily posterior (oral) edge of the cartilage is presented ventrally, the cartilage thus here lying, as Gegen- Tauer has said for Raia vomer, in a vertical position. The primarily external surface of the neck was thus, in these specimens, presented anteriorly instead of ventrally, and the nasal-flap furrow, having crossed the primarily posterior (oral) edge of the labial, had, anterior (aboral) to that edge, somewhat the appearance of lying on the internal rather than the external surface of the labial. There were, in my specimen of Raia clavata, no special ligamejitous attachments of the mesial (sympliysial) end of either the labial cartilage or the nasal-flap cartilage to the ventral surface of the rostrum, such as Gegenbaur describes LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAYATA. 101 in Raia vomer; this end of the labial of Raia clavata simply lying in dense connective tissues of the region, and the corresponding end of the nasal-flap cartilage lying upon and being firmly bound to it. On each side of the head the ventral edge of the posterior wall of the nasal capsule was partly membranous, and in this membrane there was a narrow and independent strip of cartilage. In the mesial wall of the capsule, near its ventral edge, there was a hiatus closed by membrane. One or more branches of the nervus trigeminus perforated the cartilage between the hiatus and the edge of the capsule. The nasal latero-sensory canal was so named by G-armaii (1888) in his descriptions of these fishes, and is the antorbital portion of the main infraorbital canal of my descriptions of Mustelus (Allis, 1901). Running mesial ly across the external surface of the musculi adductor mandibulae and levator labii superioris, this canal reaches the lateral edge of the lateral portion of the labial cartilage immediately anterior to the point where that cartilage assumes a position parallel to the external surface of the head. The canal then crosses the external surface of this portion of the labial and reaches its mesial edge, where it continues onward and reaches and traverses the narrow neck of cartilage that connects this lateral portion of the labial with its mesial portion. Having reached the mesial portion of the labial the canal turns abruptly posteriorly (orally) and crosses the external, surface of this part of the labial, lying close to its lateral edge. When the canal reaches the postero-mesial edge of the labial it traverses the incisure in the mesial edge of the nasal-flap cartilage and then turns abruptly antero-mesially along the postero-mesial edge of the labial ; and continuing in that direction it joins its fellow of the opposite side in the median line to form the median canal of Harman’s descriptions. The canal lies internal to the nasal-flap furrow, and internal also to the nasal-flap cartilage, and in no part of its course does it enter any part of the nasal flap. It lies everywhere external to the labial cartilage and is firmly attached to 102 EDWARD PHELrS ALLIS. that cartilage, but, excepting where it crosses the mesial portion of the labial, there is no noticeable groove to mark its course. In my specimens of Raia radiata, because of the marked twist in the neck of the labial, the canal there has markedly the appearance of lying on the internal rather than on the external surface of the labial. In Raia cl a vat a some of those branches of the nervus buccalis lateralis that innervate the organs of the canal perforate the labial, but most of them pass over the anterior (aboral) edge of the labial and then turn posteriorly (orally) across its external surface. They always lie internal to the nasal- flap cartilage. In Raia batis Ewart (1892) shows two loops in the nasal latero-sensory canal. No such loops were found in Raia clavata, and it is probable that they are exaggerated in Ewart’s figure, the loops simply representing points where the canal follows bends or twists in the labial such as I find in Raia radiata. In my specimens of Myliobatis the nasal-flap furrows are so wide (deep) that they nearly meet in the median line, a narrow “frenulum” (Gegenbaur) there alone separating them. In correlation with this extension of the nasal-flap furrows the nasal-flap cartilages have been carried toward the median ]ine, and are there separated from each other by only a narrow space in which lies the small median bit of cartilage that Muller (1834) describes as the “ Trager der Nasen- fliigelknorpel.” The nasal-flap cartilage, called by Muller the inner Nasenfliigelknorpel, has the triangular shape shown by that author in his figure of Myliobatis aquila (1. c. PI. 9, fig. 13), bufc it is more deeply fimbricated in my specimens than shown by Muller. The ala nasalis is as shown in Muller’s figure. The nasal-flap furrow lies internal to both these cartilages. The nasal latero-sensory canal runs internal to the nasal- flap furrow, and then outward and forward (aborally) in the frenulum to meet and fuse, in the median line, with its fellow of the opposite side. In one of my specimens the canal is enclosed in the ventral edge of a strip of cartilage that has LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAVATA. 103 somewhat the position of the narrow strip found along the ventral edge of the posterior wall of the nasal capsule in Raia cl a vat a, and already described. In the other speci- men the canal is enclosed in an independent tubule of tissue that has a semicartilaginous appearance. In Trygon tuberculata Gregenbaur describes (l.c., p. 220) and figures what would seem to be a strictly similar tubule, but it is said by him to be a rod; and although he says that this so-called rod is of fibro-cartilage, he nevertheless considers it to be the homologue of the anterior upper labial of his own descriptions of Raia and Myliobatis, which latter labial is said to be of hyaline cartilage. The lateral portion of this tubular or rod- like cartilage of Trygon is shown, in Gfegenbaur’s figure, lying definitely internal to the ala nasalis, and it seems as if it must accordingly lie, as does the latero-sensory tubule in my specimen of Myliobatis, internal also to the nasal-flap furrow. If such be the case it cannot be a nasal-flap cartilage, or so-called anterior labial, of this fish. It probably contains, in both Trygon and Myliobatis, a remnant of the upper labial of the present descriptions. If not, then that upper labial is entirely wanting in my specimens of Myliobatis, as it was in those examined by Gregenbaur. The cartilage described by Gregenbaur, in Myliobatis, as the posterior upper labial I could not find in my specimens. In Torpedo ocellata I find the nasal flap much less long, antero-posteriorly, than the flap of Myliobatis, this being due, as Gregenbaur has said, to the nasal capsules lying nearer the anterior edge of the mouth. The nasal flap is supported by a marked prolongation and development of the ala nasalis, similar to the prolongation of that cartilage in Myliobatis, but there is no indication of a separate nasal-flap cartilage. The frenulum is supported by a small median Trager der Nasenfliigelknorpel, as in Myliobatis, and the posterior (oral) end of this little cartilage is strongly attached by connective tissues to the adjoining mesial (symphysial) ends of the palatoquadrates of opposite sides. No upper labial cartilage was found, and a cord of connective tissue lying internal 104 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. to the nasal-flap furrow alone represented the aborted nasal latero-sensory canal. Certain of Gegenbaur* s statements regarding the labials of the Raiidge and their relations to the nasal flap may now be considered. In Raia (species not given), Gegenbaur says, as already stated, that the oral edge of the anterior labial is in contact with and bound to the aboral edge of the posterior labial, and that the lateral (absymphysial) end of the anterior labial is in contact with the palatoquadrate. Of Raia vomer he says (l.c., p. 216), that the posterior labial, where it bends posteriorly along the external surface of the musculi adductor mandibulge and levator labii superioris, “ gelangt dadurcli mit seiner Flaclie an die hintere resp. obere Flaclie des vorderen Knorpels, den er mit seinem Endabschnitte seitlich iiberragt.” This statement certainly implies that the lateral ends of the two so-called labials of Raia vomer are in contact, as they had previously been said to be in Raia (species not given), but the figure given of Raia vomer apparently shows the nasal-flap furrow (Nasenrinne) lying' between them; and it certainly shows the lateral end of the posterior labial lying internal to the nasal furrow. On p. 219 Gegenbaur says: “Wenn wir bei Raja erfahren, dass Labialknorpel in die mit der Bildung der Nasenfurche zusammenhangende Nasenklappe gelangen, in deren nicht bedeutende seitlich e Zipfel sie einragen, so folgt daraus, dass bei einer medialen Yerbreiterung des labialen Endes der Furche die Labialknorpel von ihrer Lagerung vor dem Oberkieferknorpel gelost werdenniiissen. Indem die lateral en Zipfel der Klappe auf eine grossere Strecke hin von der Unterflache des Kopfes sich trennen, kommen die Labialknorpel mehr oder minder vollstandig in die Klappe zu liegen. . . . Je mehr die beiderseitigen Nasenklappen gegen die Medianlinie zu frei werden, um so mehr werden die Labialknorpel in sie eintreten.” And on p. 226 he says: “Die beiden oberen Labialknorpel kommen ins Yelum zu liegen. Der zweite obere Labialknorpel wird aber nicht immer vollstandig vom Yelum umschlossen. Ein Theil davon LABIAL CARTILAGES OF BAIA CLAVATA. 105 tritt manchmal lateral iiber das Velum hinaus in den Boden der Nasenrinne, die er dann noch lateral mit begranzen hilft. Dem Nasenvelum gehort somit streng genommen nur der eine vordere, obere Lippenknorpel an.’5 These several statements of Gegenbaur’s certainly definitely affirm that both the anterior and the posterior labials of either side of Raia enter into some part of the corresponding nasal flap, and they are apparently both said to extend into the tip of the flap. This is, however, evidently impossible, in so far as the so-called posterior labial is concerned, for in both Raia clavata and Raia radiata, which cannot differ markedly in this respect from Raia (species not given) and Raia vomer, the nasal-flap furrow lies definitely between the lateral portions of the two so-called labials, and it would necessarily continue so to lie however much the furrow might be reduced, or be extended inesially. The mesial edge, or bottom, of the furrow marks, or rather determines, the base of the corresponding* nasal flap, and the so-called posterior labial could not possibly enter any part of that flap, as the flap is found in my specimens, nor could it enter into a velum formed by the fusion, in the median line, of two such flaps. Gegenbaur’s several statements, above referred to, are accordingly certainly incorrect. The nasal flap of Raia and the other non-electric rays is said by Gegenbaur to be derived from the much smaller and quite different nasal flap found in most of the Selachii, the Scylliidae being said to present several intermediate stages in the process of development. A nasal velum is said to be formed in Myliobatis, in certain others of the non-electric rays, and also in certain of the Selachii, by the fusion, in the median line, of the nasal flaps of opposite sides. In the electric rays the method of development (Genese) of the velum is said (1. c., p. 221), to be totally different from that in the non-electric rays, the inference accordingly being that the vela in these two groups of fishes are equivalent but not homologous structures. This will be further discussed 106 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. after considering the intimately associated nasal-flap furrow and naso-buccal groove. The nasal-flap furrow, as I have used that term, is the entire space that lies in the angle between the nasal flap and the underlying external surface of the dermis of the ventral surface of the head. The lateral (absymphysial) portion of this space is in Paia cl a vat a deepened, and this depressed portion, beginning immediately mesial (sympliysial) to the angle of the gape, runs at first anteriorly (aborally) and then turns antero-mesially to fall into the postero-mesial portion of the nasal pit. This deepened portion of the entire furrow thus forms a marked groove in the dorsal (internal) wall of the furrow, and it will be referred to hereafter as the naso- buccal groove, this term being taken from T. J. Parker’s (1884) descriptions of this fish. Parker, however, used this term to designate, not the naso-buccal groove alone of my descriptions, but the entire nasal -flap furrow. Gegenbaur says of the nasal groove of his descriptions (l.c., p. 224): “ Durch den geschilderten Yorgang der Yelumbildung werden nicht bloss die Nasenklappen dem Munde genahert, sondern die von der Klappe bedeckte Paumlichkeit dehnt sich dabei von der Nasengrube her gegen den Mundrand zu aus und bildet eine flache oder tiefere Pi line, die von der anderseitigen durch ein verschieden breites Frenulum getrennt ist, oder auch dei bedeutender Kiirze jenes Frenulums mit derselben zusammenfliesst. Eine solche Einrichtung kann als eine Weiterbildung des bei den zuletz aufgefuhrten Scyllien bestehenden Yerhaltens gelten. Sie findet sich bei Chiloscyllium, ahnlich auch bei Stegostoma, bei denen die ziemlich tiefe Rinne zum Mundwinkel lierab- fiilirt. Entfernter vom Mundwinkel fuhrt sie bei Crossorliinus zum Munde, indem sie den Rand der Oberlippe durchbricht.” The “ Paumlichkeit 99 or “Rinne” here described by Gegenbaur is evidently the entire nasal-flap furrow of ray- descriptions, but several others of Gegenbaur’ s statements seem quite definitely to make the term apply only to the naso-buccal groove. In a footnote on p. 218 he says : LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAVATA. 107 R Scy Ilium besitz keine Nasenfurche ” ; and this notwith- standing that there is a .well-marked nasal-flap furrow in •certain of the Scylliidas, and that in his own figure of Scyllium canicula a so-called “Nasenrinne” is indicated by index letters. On p. 217 he says: “Denkt man sich an der Yorderflache des Oberkiefers einen sich bedeutend verbreit- ernden Labialknorpel gelagerfc, so wird derselbe, da die Flachenvergrosserung nicht gegen den Mundrand zu statt- finden kann, nach vorn zu sich ausdehnen miissen und wird mit der Bildung einer von der Nasengrube zum Mundwinkel fuhrenden Nasenfurche median von derselbeu zu liegen kommen.” On p. 218 he says : “ Auf die Nasenfurche lege ich hiebei grosseres Gewicht als auf die Nasenklappe, denn dnrch den Yerlauf der ersteren zum Mundwinkel ist die Zutheilung der bezuglichen Knorpel zu dem zwischen beiden Nasenfurchen gelegenen zur Nasenklappe sich differenzir- enden Abschnitte des Integumentes zu erklaren.” And on p. 224 he says : “ Diese Nasenrinne oder Nasenfurche erscheint unter den Roclien allgemein verbreitet. Sehr ausgepragt ist ^ie bei den liajae,meist gerade zum Mundwinkel lierabziehend. Durch eine mediale Yerbreiternng* erfahrt die Binne eine Abflachung, und beiderseitige Rinnen konneu vor der Mun- doffnung zusammenfliessen, was bei einer geringeren Ausbil- dung des Yelums, wie z. B. bei manchen Rhinobatiden, fast zu einem Yerschwinden der ganzen Einrichtung fiihrt. Aus demselben Grunde ist auch bei Trygon die Rinnenbildung schwer zu erkennen und eben so bei Myliobatis. Die ganze Erscheinung erlangt bei diesen den liochsten Grad ihrer Ausbildung und zwar in einem das Verlmltniss bei den Rajae weit uberschreitenden und es damit unkentlich machenden Masse.^ In all these several quotations the so-called nasal groove (Nasenrinne) is evidently considered to be a groove that runs primarily from the nasal pit to the angle of the gape of the mouth, and the appearance of this groove is apparently conceived to precede the differentiation of the nasal flap. There is, however, no slightest indication in any of the many 108 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. fishes described by Gegenbaur of such a groove existing independently of the nasal flap and its related nasal-flap furrow, and it is quite certain that the groove is simply a secondary differentiation of the furrow. Such being the case the nasal-flap furrows of all the Plagiostomi are strictly homologous structures, and this is the conclusion that Luther (1909) arrives at from physiological considerations. A continuous nasal velum would then be formed if the furrows of opposite sides were to coalesce in the median line by the complete or partial breaking through of the intervening frenulum. There is, however, no indication whatever, in any of my specimens, that this frenulum is ever broken through, for even in Myliobatis the oral edge of the frenulum forms a part of the upper lip of the fish and not a part of the nasal flap of either side. The nasal-flap furrows of opposite sides are here certainly in communication with each other beneath the velum, but it is through the intermediation of the small persisting median section of the upper labial sulcus and not because of the coalescence of the furrows. I am accordingly convinced that a complete velum, extending across the median line, must, if ever found, be formed by the coalescence of the opposing- mesial edges of the nasal flaps of opposite sides in fishes where those flaps have been prolonged beyond the oral edge of the upper lip ; and this would seem to be confirmed by the conditions that I find in a small specimen of Scyllium. In this small specimen of Scyllium, which I am quite certain is Scyllium canicula, I find the nasal flaps of opposite sides so much more developed than those shown in Gegenbaur’s figure of this fish that it would seem as if the two fishes could not be of the same species. The flaps of opposite sides are separated by a small median incisure which extends to the oral edge of the frenulum, that edge certainly representing a small persisting median portion of the upper lip. There is accordingly no complete velum in my specimen of this fish. Such a velum would, however, be formed if the adjoining edges of the incisure were to fuse, and this is LABIAL CARTILAGES OP RA1 A CLAVATA. 109 apparently wliat does take place in older specimens, for 'Gunther (1870) says of this fish: “ The nasal valves confluent, without cirrus, forming together a simple broad flap in front of the month, the posterior edge of the flap being nearly free, not interrupted in the middle.” The nasal flaps of all of the Plagiostomi, whether Selachii -or Batoidei, are accordingly simply folds of the dermal tissues of the internasal portion of the snout, this internasal portion of the snout being presented more or less ventrally according to the greater or less development of the rostrum and the corre- lated configuration of the head. If the mouth were terminal and the nasal apertures disposed as in Amia and most of the Teleostei, this internasal region would lie on the dorsal surface of the snout, and the relations, anterior and posterior, would be the reverse of what they are in Raia. In the Batoidei the nasal flap always lies external to the nasal section of the latero-sensory canals, and the nasal-flap cartilage, which lies in large part in the flap, also always lies external to that canal, and external also to the nervus buccalis lateralis. In most Selachii the nasal flap lies wholly aboral to the nasal latero-sensory canal, that is, on the opposite side of the canal to the labial cartilages; but in my specimen of Scyllium it lies external to the canal, #as it does in the Batoidei. In Chlamydoselachus both labials lie oral to the suborbital latero-sensory canal but internal both to the third group of ampullae of Merritt Hawkes* (1906) descriptions and to those branches of the buccalis that supply those ampullae; the labials thus lying morphologically internal to the suborbital canal. In Mustelus (Allis, 1901) the labials have similar relations to the latero-sensory canals, ampullae, and related nerves. In my specimen of Scyllium the anterior end of the single upper labial (Gegenbaur, 1872) lies directly internal to the latero-sensory canals at the point where the nasal canal joins the suborbital canal ; and, in Stegostoma tigrinum, Luther (1909) says that the rostral (external) surface of the -anterior labial is grooved to lodge the nasal canal. The so-called anterior upper labial of Gegenbaur's descrip- 110 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. tions of the Batoidei, the nasal-flap cartilage of the present descriptions, can not accordingly be the homologue of either of the labial cartilages of that author’s descriptions of the Selachii, and it is apparently a fibro-cartilage developed wholly in supporting relation to the nasal flap. Sections of it show the interior of the cartilage a mass of fibrous strings running gradually, toward the exterior on either side, into hyaline cartilage. The nasal-flap cartilage of Raia thus not being the liomo- logue of either of the labials of the Selachii, the single upper labial of the former fish might represent either one of the labials of the latter fishes. I am, however, strongly inclined to believe that it represents both the labials of the latter fishes, here secondarily connected by a narrow neck of cartilage ; the mesial and lateral portions of the labial of Raia representing', respectively, the anterior and posterior labials of the Selachii. The general shape and disposition of the cartilage favours this view, and this composition of the labial would offer a possible explanation of the peculiar course of the nasal latero-sensory canal. The labials, in the Selachii,. lie either oral or internal to the nasal latero-sensory canal, as just above explained. In Raia the labial lies in large part aboral to the canal, and, in acquiring this position, the two parts of which I consider the labial to be composed have necessarily pushed against and carried with themselves those branches of the nervus buccalis lateralis that supply the organs of the related portion of the caual. This push on the nerves would naturally tend to displace the caual, but the mesial section of the canal was held in place by the attachment of the nasal-flap cartilage to the lateral end of the anterior labial. The lateral portion of the canal was not so held in place, and would in consequence be carried aborally by the pull of the nerves, and these nerves, becoming more or less enveloped in the pushing edge of the labial,, would be found perforating the cartilage in the adult. The sharp bend actually found in the canal would thus be accounted for. The relations of the nerves to the mesial LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAVATA. m portion of the labial, in Raia, and the relations of the canal itself to the lateral portion of the labial are both against the view that these cartilages are developed in direct relation to the canal, but the cartilage of Raia is nevertheless evidently of fibro-cartilaginous origin, for sections of it show certain fibrous strings in the interior of the cartilage. They are, however, much less numerous than in the nasal- flap cartilage. Gegenbaur considered the anterior and posterior upper labials of his descriptions of the Selachii, and their assumed liomologues in the Batoidei, to be cartilages that served as groundwork (Grundwerk) on which the premaxillary and maxillary bones, respectively, of the Teleostei were developed. My work has as yet offered nothing decisive either in favour of or against this view, in so far as it applies to the two labials of the Selachii and the one upper labial of the present descriptions of Raia, but the relations of the labial of Raia to the branches of the nervi buccalis and trigeminus favour the view that its two portions may represent the two bones of the Teleostei. There is, however, doubt as to which part of the labial represents the maxillary and which the premaxillary. The nasal-flap cartilage, Gegenbaur’s anterior labial, can not,, however, represent either of the two bones of the Teleostei. Its general position, in Raia, and its relations, in Myliobatis,. to the so-called Trager der Nasenfliigelknorpel, strongly suggest that it may represent the ascending process of the premaxillary bone of the Teleostei, and that the Trager der Nasenfliigelknorpel may represent the rostral cartilage of certain of those fishes. In two of my earlier works (1898, 1909) I came to the conclusion that the ascending process of the premaxillary bone of the Teleostei was primarily an independent bone,, the so-called dermal ethmoid, which later fused with the premaxillary. This primarily independent bone was said to have been developed in protective relation to a line of latero- sensory organs, and to be found as such a protective bone not only in certain ganoids (Amia, Polypterus), but also in 112 EDWARD PHELPS ALLtS. Elops and probably also in Belone. In certain other Teleostei the corresponding bone, the supra-ethmoid of current descrip- tions, was said to underlie a line of surface pit organs that corresponded to the canal line in Aniia. This supra-ethmoid bone was accordingly considered to be a bone of membranous origin that represented a deeper component of the canal- bearing bone of Amia, just as, in certain others of the canal- bearing bones of Amia and other fishes, there is au uuderlying membrane component apparently developed somewhat inde- pendently of the canal-bearing component. The conditions now found in Raia suggest that this supra-ethmoid bone of the Teleostei is represented in the nasal-flap cartilage of Raia. If this be so, the supra-ethmoid bone can not represent an underlying component of a canal-bearing bone, for the cartilage of Raia lies definitely external to the related canal. This origin of the supra-ethmoid bone from the nasal-flap cartilage might then account for the absence, in those fishes in which that bone is found, of the canal line found in Amia; for this cartilage, or bone, in sinking from the position which it has in Raia to that which it has in the Teleostei, would necessarily smother the uuderlying canal and ultimately lead to its complete abortion. The line of pit organs that over- lies the supra-ethmoid bone in certain Teleostei would then be a secondary outgrowth from the end of the infraorbital canal line, and hence not the homologue of the cross-commis- sural canal line of Amia and the other fishes in which it is found. In Amia, Polypterus, and Elops, it is to be especially noted that the presence of a canal-bearing ethmoid bone is associated with the relation of the maxillary bone to the pre- maxillary that Sagemehl (1884) described as lateral, and that is said by that author to be found in only a few of the Teleostei. These two conditions may accordingly be related, but the want of proper material does not at present permit me to farther investigate it. O Palais de Carnoles, Menton; January 20th, 1916. LABIAL CARTILAGES OF RAIA CLAYATA. 113 Literature. Allis, Edw. P., jr. (1898). — “On the Morphology of Certain of the Bones of the Cheek and Snont of Amia calva,” ‘Journ. Morphol.,’ vol. xiv, No. 3, Boston. (1901). — “The Lateral Sensory Canals, the Eye-Muscles, and the Peripheral Distribution of the Cranial Nerves of Must el us lsevis,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 45, part 2. (1909). — “ The Cranial Anatomy of the Mail-Cheeked Fishes.” ‘ Zoologica,’ Hft. 57, Bd. xxii, Lief. 3/5, Stuttgart. Ewart, J. C., and Mitchell, J. C. (1892). — “ The Lateral Sense Organs of Elasmobranclis. II. The Sensory Canals of the Common Skate (Raia bat is),” ‘Trans. Boy. Soc. of Edinburgh, vol. xxxvii, part 1 (Nos. 5 and 6), Edinburgh. Garman, S. (1888). — “On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and Holocephala,” ‘Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College,” vol. xviii, No. 2. Gegenbaur, Carl (1872). — Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere,” Hft. 3, ‘Das Kopfskelet der Selachier, ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der Genese des Kopfskelets der Wir- belthiere,’ Leipzig. Gunther, Albert (1870). — “ Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum,” vol. viii, London. Hawkes, O. A. M. (1906). — ■“ The Cranial and Spinal Nerves of Chlamy doselachus anguineus” (Gar.), ‘Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London for 1906,’ part 2. Luther, Alex. (1909). — “Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Muskulatur und Skelett des Kopfes des Haies Stegostoma tigrinum Gm. und der Holocephalen, mit einem Anhanguber die Nasenrinne,” ‘ Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae,’ Helsingfors. Muller, Johannes (1834). — “ Yergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden der Cyclostomen mit durchbohrtem Gaumen, Th. 1, Osteologie und Myologie,” ‘Abh. d. Berliner Akad. d. Wiss. (Phys-math. Abt.), Jahrg. 1834,’ Berlin, 1835. Parker, T. J. (1884). — ‘A Course of Instruction in Zootomy,’ London. Parker, W. K. (1878). — “ On the Structure and the Development of the Skull in Sharks and Skates,” ‘ Trans. Zool. Soc. London,’ vol. x, part 4, No. 1, London. Sagemehl, M. (1884). — “Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Fische. II. Das Cranium der Characiniden, etc.,” * Morph. Jahrb.’ Bd. x, Hft. 1, Leipzig. VOL. 62, PART 1. — NEW SERIES. 8 214 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6, Illustrating Mr. Edward Phelps Allis’s paper on “ The So-called Labial Cartilages of Raia clavata.” Index Letters. a. n. Ala nasalis. a. n. a. Anterior nasal aperture, ant. Antorbital cartilage (Parker), Schadelflossen-Knorpel (Gegenbaur). f.n. Fenestra nasalis. m. mouth, md. Mandibula. n. Nasal section of latero- sensory canal, n. b. g. Naso-buccal groove, n. c. Nasal capsule. n.f. Nasal flap, n.f.c. Nasal-flap cartilage, n.f.f. Nasal-flap furrow. orb. Orbital section of latero-sensory canal, pn. Pre-nasal section of latero- sensory canal, p. n. a. Posterior nasal aperture, pq. Palato- quadrate. r. b. Ramus buccalis lateralis, r. mx. t. Ramus maxillaris trigemini, so. Suborbital section of latero-sensory canal, sr. Subrostral section of latero-sensory canal, u. 1. c. Upper labial cartilage. Fig. 1. — Ventral view of the snout of Raia clavata. On the- right-hand side of the figure the dermis has been removed from the nasal flap so as to expose the ala nasalis, the nasal-flap cartilage, and the related sections of the nasal and pre-nasal latero-sensory canals. Fig. 2. — The same ; a deeper dissection. The nasal flap has been almost completely removed on both sides of the figure. On the left- hand side that part of the flap that contains the anterior process of the ala nasalis has been left and turned back so as to expose the nasal apertures and the nasal-flap furrow. Fig. 3. — The same; a still deeper dissection. The nasal flap and the related portions of the latero-sensory canals have been removed on the right-hand side of the figure, exposing the ala nasalis and the upper labial cartilage. On the left-hand side these last two cartilages have been removed so as to expose the nasal capsule. With Ten Plates , Royal 4 to, 5s. net. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS, By Sib RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. Chubchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is 42s. for the Volume of Four Numbers ; for this sum ( prepaid ) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at a uniform price of 10/6 net. 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The Association was founded “ to establish and maintain Laboratories on THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHERE ACCURATE RESEARCHES MAT BE CARRIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCREASE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS REGARDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS of British food-fishes and molluscs.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opeued in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, etc. Works published by the Association include the following : — * A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 4to, 25/-. ‘ The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands,’ J. T. 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Founders 100 0 0 „ „ Governors (Life Members of Council) 500 0 0 Members have the following rights and privileges: — They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them ; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, etc. ; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges are granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with — The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. 1^1 New Series, No. 246 (Vol. 62, Part 2). Price 10s. 6d. net. Subscription per volume (of 4 parts) 42s. net. FEBRUARY, 1917. THE J QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDIT K I) HY Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., HONORARY FELLOW OK EXETER COLLEGE AND HONORARY .-STUDENT OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD; MEMBER OK THE INSTITUTE OK FRANCK (ASSOClfe ETRANGER DE I.’aCADEMIE DES SCIENCES); CORRESPONDENT OK THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OK SCIENCES OF 8T. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OK PHILADELPHIA, AND OK THE IlOYAI. ACADEMY OK SCIENCES ok turin; foreign member of tub roial society ok sciences ok GOTTINGEN, AND OK THE ROYAI. BOHEMIAN SOCIETY OK SCIENCES, AND OK THE ACADEMY OK THE I.INCKI OK ROME, AND OK THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OK BOSTON; ASSOCIATE OK TUB ROYAI, ACADEMY OF BELGIUM: HONORARY MEMBER l)K THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OK SCIENCES, AND OK THE CAMBRIDGE P H 1 1,08 O I'll I C A I. SOCIETY, AND OK THE ROYAI, PHYSICAL 80CIKTY OK EDIN- BURGH, AND OK TUB BIOLOGICAL AND1 ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF PARIS, AND OK THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OK SCIENCES OK SAN FRANCISCO, AND OK THE ROYAI. ZOOLOGICAL AND M ALACOLOGIC AI. 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GRAHAM KERR, M.A., F.R.S., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW; AND E. W. MACBRIDE, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AT THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND TEXT-FIGURES. J. & A. CHURCHILL, LONDON. 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1917. Adlard & Son & West Newman, Ltd.,] [London and Dorking. CONTENTS OF No. 246-New Series. MEMOIRS : PAGE On Phoronis oval is, Strethill Wright. By Sidney F. Hakmer, Sc.D., F.B.S., Keeper of Zoology in the British Museum (Natural History). (Published by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum. (With Plates 7-9) . . . .115 The Embryonic Development of Trichogramma evanescens, W estw., a Monembryonic Egg Parasite of Donacia simplex, Fab. By J. Bronte Gatenby, Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plates 10-12) .... 149 On the Development of the Cape Cephalodiscus (C. gilchristi. Bidewood). By J. D. F. Gilchrist, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D. (With Plates 13 and 14) ..... 189 Note on the Sex of a Tadpole raised by Artificial Parthenogenesis. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With 5 Text-figures) .... 213 An Easy Way of Demonstrating the Nuclei of Nerve Fibres. By Henry E. Beburn, Student of Medicine. (From the Physiological Laboratory, King’s College, London) .... 217 On a Larval Actinian Parasitic in a Bhizostome. By C. Badham, B.Sc., Demonstrator in, Zoology, University of Sydney. (With 3 Text-figures) . . . . . . 221 The Early Development of the Spleen of Lepidosiren and Protopterus. By G. L. Purser, B.A. (Sometime Coutts -Trotter Student, Trinity College, Cambridge. (With Plates 15-17) . . .231 A Note concerning the Collar Cavities of the Larval Amphioxus. By K. M. Smith, A.B.C.S., D.I.C., and H. G. Newth, Demonstrator in Zoology, Imperial College of Science and Technology. (With Plate 18) . . . . . . .243 ON PHORONIS OVAL IS, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 115 On Phoronis ovalis, Strethill Wright. By Sidney F. Haimci’, Sc.D., I.K.S., Keeper of Zoology in tlie British Museum (Natural History). {Published by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum.) With Plates 7, 8, and 9. Introduction. In 1913 Miss R. E. Roper, who was working with Professor A. Meek at the Polvzoa of the Northumberland coast, was kind enough to send to the British Museum an empty shell of Neptunea antiqua bearing specimens of Alcyo- nidium mammil latum, Alder. On examining the surface of the shell on which this Polyzoon was growing, a curiously eroded appearance was noticed. In order to ascertain the meaning of this appearance, a fragment of the shell was decalcified ; and it was at once obvious that the substance of the shell was traversed by the burrows of numerous boring animals. A few of these belonged either to the Sponge, Cl ion a, or to a small Poly chaste, probably Polydora ciliata. The great majority of them belonged, however, to a minute species of Phoronis, which has proved to correspond closely with the description of P. ovalis given by Strethill Wright (18561, 18562) in the papers in which the genus Phoronis was established. The Neptunea which is here considered was obtained to the south-east of St. Mary’s Island, off the Northumberland coast, in 16 fathoms ; and it has VOL. 62, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 9 116 SIDNEY F. HARM Eli. been registered in the British Museum collection as 13. 7. 10. 1-2. Since the publication of the original description, P. oval is appears never to have been rediscovered (cf. Selys- Longchamps, 1907, p. 188) ; and it has been supposed that the species had been founded on the immature condition of some other species. I am happy to be able to confirm the accuracy of Strethill Wright’s account; and to show, by the occurrence of well-developed ovaries and testes, that it must be regarded as an adult form, in spite of its minute size- and the small number of its tentacles. The examination of the Northumberland material has furnished some explanation of the fact that this interesting species has so long escaped notice. Although present in very large numbers in the material under consideration, it is so completely concealed in the substance of the shell that its presence would not have been suspected unless the shell had been decalcified. Although I have not obtained other specimens, there seems every reason to think that the species will be discovered in equal abundance when shells of Neptunea or other Molluscs from the north- east coast of England and the east coast of Scotland are examined by the method of decalcification. A further result of the present investigation has been to demonstrate the occurrence of a remarkably active process of reproduction by fission, in confirmation of the results of certain other observers, for other species ; though taking place with far greater frequency than is indicated by anything that has previously been published. The genus Ph or on is was established by T. Strethill Wright in a paper communicated to the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh on April 23rd, 1856, and published in- two Edinburgh journals (18561, 18562). Two species were distinguished — P. hippocrepia, the tubes of which wer& embedded in a stone obtained at Ilfracombe; and P. ovalis,. found in a decayed oyster-shell, inhabited also by Cliona celata, dredged near Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth. Of P. hippocrepia an excellent description is given, so far ON RHORONIS OVALIS, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 117 as the structure could be made out in the part of the animal protruded from the membranous tube. This account includes an accurate description of the hippocrepian lophopliore, the number of tentacles being given as about sixty ; of the descending oesophagus and the ascending rectum, the position of the mouth, epistome, and anus being well described ; of the blood, containing red corpuscles ; and of the principal vessels, including the afferent and efferent trunks, the tentacular vessels, and some of the lophophoral vessels. The structure of P. oval is is described in less detail, but stress is laid on the form of its lophophore, which is oval but slightly flattened on one side. The tentacles were eighteen in number, and the blood-corpuscles were noticed. -The entire animal was about half an inch in length, and the gullet terminated in a globular gizzard, which communicated with a thick-walled stomach. Good figures are given of the oral ends of both species, the body of P. ovalis being figured as protruding from a delicate tube, embedded in the substance of the oyster-shell. The examination of Strethill W right's figures and description leaves no doubt that the specimens described in the present paper belong to P. ovalis. Although the eroded appearance of the outer surface of the Nept unea-shell furnished the clue which led to the discovery of the Phoronis, it does not appear to have been caused by the presence of this animal. The outer layers of the shell, both on the outer and on the inner side, are traversed by a number of branching’ hypha-like threads, which reach a diameter of as much as 24 /u ; and it appears probable that these are the principal cause of the erosion noticed on the outer surface. This is in accordance with the statements of Bornet and Flahault (1889), who give an account of various Algae and Fungi which bore in the shells of Molluscs. According to these authors the organisms in cpiestion commence their work by extending horizontally in the epidermic layer of the shell, subsequently sending branches vertically into the shell-substance and others parallel with the first set. These become so numerous and their branches 118 SIDNEY F. HARMER. so close together that the interposed calcareous substance finishes by disappearing, and the plant thus conies into contact with the external water, and is able to discharge its reproductive cells. The surface of the shell is thus rendered rugose and uneven. This process is supposed to be the principal cause of the disappearance of empty shells in quiet bays. I have not succeeded in determining the vegetable organisms found with the Ph or on is oval is, though they appear to have some resemblance to the Alga described by Bornet and Flahault as G-omontia polyrhiza. The hyphae of this plant are said to have a maximum diameter of 12 /u — a size which is considerably exceeded in the largest filaments found in the Northumberland material. The thickness of the N eptunea-shell varies between about 2 and 4’5 mm. In the neighbourhood of the columella it reaches its greatest thickness, while it is much thinner in the middle of the whorls. The diameter of the tubes of the majority of the Phoronis individuals is from *250 to *275 mm. Even in the thinnest part of the shell the diameter of the burrow of the Phoronis is thus not more than about one-eighth of the thickness of the shell, and there is accordingly plenty of room in the substance of the shell to accommodate a large number of these burrows. The general arrangement of the cavities inhabited by the Phoronis maybe indicated by comparing the shell with a mass of wood excavated by the burrows of Teredo. The Phoronis is present in very large numbers, its burrows passing in all directions through the shell, and opening to the exterior either on the outer side or on the inner side. The distal end of the burrow is commonly placed at right angles to the surface, but in some cases part of the tube lies in a superficial groove of the shell. In addition to the Phoronis and the Alga already mentioned, the substance of the shell is inhabited by other boring organisms, and particularly by the. Sponge C lion a and a Polychaete which ON PHORONIS OVALIS, STRE I'HILL WEIGHT. 119 is probably Poly cl ora. The Sponge forms much larger cavities than those produced by the Phoronis, and these naturally have a form corresponding with the lobes of the Sponge, being quite different in shape from the cylindrical Phoron i s-tubes, which remain of approximately the same diameter throughout their course. The Polychsete tubes are larger than those of the Phoronis; and, instead of having the hyaline character of the tubes of this organism, their transparency is affected by the presence in them of numerous granular particles. The tubes of the Phoronis are represented in several of the figures (e.g. PI. 8, fig. 15; PI. 9, fig. 37). It will be seen that they are by no means uniform in shape, but that they are generally curved in various ways. The thin mem- branous tube is closely applied to the inner surface of the excavation in the shell, and the burrows are accordingly curved in correspondence with the form of the tubes seen in a decalcified preparation. The most superficial examination of a number of the tubes set free by decalcifying the shell shows that there is an extraordinary amount of variation in the included organisms. It is hardly going too far to say that it is difficult to find two individuals alike on a slide containing a large number of individuals. The length of the animal varies within wide limits, while differences in the transverse diameter of the specimens are also marked. The most striking differences are seen, however, in the extent of the development of the lophophore. While some of the individuals are provided with a lophophore bearing well-developed tentacles (PI. 7, figs. 1—3), the lophophore is completely absent in others (PI. 9, figs. 29, 30). In others again a lophophore in an early stage of development can be made out at the distal end (PI. 8, fig. 13) ; while all stages between this and the fully-developed lophophore can be found without difficulty among the other individuals on the slide (PI. 7, figs. 5, 4, 8). It is impossible to interpret these appearances on any other supposition than the assumption that regeneration of the 120 SIDNEY F. HARMER. lopliopliore takes place with great readiness in this species of Phoronis. Although it is probable that this regeneration may be no more than the replacement of the lopliophore pre- viously present, there is reason to suppose that in other cases it indicates the occurrence of a process of asexual repro- duction, the regenerating lopliophore being formed, in such cases, at the distal end of a proximal part of the body separated off from the remainder by a zone of transverse fission. Before considering the evidence in favour of this view it will be convenient to notice previous observations bearing on this subject. The power of regeneration possessed by Phoronis early attracted the attention of observers of this animal. Dyster (1858, p. 251) states that “an abstracted head [of P. hip po- or epia] is renewed within forty-eight hours, not completely developed, but with a serviceable mouth and its covering- valve and stumpy tentacles which do their work of pro- viding food.” In the same year Van Beneden (18581, p. 460, Plate, figs. 4-6, and 18582, p. 18, PI. v, figs. 4-6) describes and figures the spontaneous loss of the lopliophore and its subsequent regeneration in P. gracilis. Cori (1890, p. 502), in describing P. psammophila, mentions the same phenomenon, which occurs spontaneously, although he refers to the belief of the fishermen of Messina that the “ heads ” are bitten off by small fishes. In the course of a paper dealing with Ccelenterates, Cerfontaine (1902, p. 262) records some interesting observations on P. kowalevsky i,1 which occurs at Naples in a very restricted situation under a bridge in the “ arriere-port de Naples.” The animal forms large colonies in this locality, and these are found in a flourishing condition during a certain part of the year, namely from May to November. They are provided, at this period, with lophophores, among the tentacles of which occur numerous 1 De Selys-Longchamps (1907, p. 173) points out that this form is indistinguishable on anatomical grounds from P. liippocrepia, but that its tubes are encrusting, while P. liippocrepia is a boring species. ON PHORONIS OVA MS, STRKTHILL WRIGHT. 121 •eggs and developing embryos, a great number of larvas being set free from time to time. At the end of this season the lophophores are lost and the colonies then consist of blackish u cakes” of matted tubes, from 1 to 2J cm. in thickness. At the recommencement of the favourable season these eakes become covered by aune riche vegetation de Phoronis.” The tubes, examined during the “ mauvaise saison,” were found to contain remains of the body of the Phoronis, with lophophores in all stages of regeneration. Actinotrocha is said to occur rarely in the plankton at Naples at any time in the year, and Cerfontaine points out that it is difficult to suppose that the innumerable Phoronis which appear on the surface of the old cakes in a few days, at the commence- ment of the favourable season, can have been derived from larvas. He concludes, therefore, that P. kowalevskyi possesses a mode of spontaneous annual regeneration. A more detailed account of the process of regeneration is given by Schultz (19031), who describes the spontaneous loss of the lophophore in P. m tiller i at Heligoland, and compares it with the loss of the calyces in the Polyzoa Pedicellina and Urnatella, or of certain parts in Compound Ascidians (Diplosomidae) and Hydroids. He states that the process occurs, in Phoronis, whenever the conditions become unfavourable ; and that it is followed by the regeneration of the lophophore as soon as better conditions return. The loss of parts of the body under unfavourable conditions is regarded as a physiological necessity which has become a normal process in various animals and plants (as in the loss of leaves by deciduous trees) ; this iC reduction ” being explained as the loss of parts which can be dispensed with temporarily during a period of hunger, thus leaving fewer structures to be nourished during times when nutriment is not abundant. Schultz points out that a reduction-process of this nature, in an animal which has a high capacity for regeneration, may lead to transverse fission, “ and so indirectly to budding,” although he does not prove that an asexual method of repro- duction occurs in Phoronis. 122 SIDNEY E. HARMED. On dividing a Phoronis transversely with a pair of scissors Schultz found that regeneration took place readily in both the pieces thus separated. Although he did not deter- mine the minimal size of the fragments which were capable of regeneration , he states that this process occurred, in both the proximal and the distal portions, wherever the cut was made. The distal portion regenerates a proximal end, for instance, even if the part separated consists only of the lopliophore and a part of the body containing the commencement of the oesophagus and the extreme end of the rectum. The proximal portion regenerates a new distal end whether the cut be made through the commencement of the oesophagus, or at practi- cally any lower level, while the distal end regenerates a new proximal end with a similar disregard of the region where the section has been made. The details of the process of regeneration are described. In a later paper (19032) Schultz shows that regeneration takes place in the Actinotrocha larva of Phoronis, similarly divided by transverse cuts, although it proceeds at a much slower rate than in the adult animal. None of the papers so far quoted contain any suggestion that the regeneration in Phoronis may be associated with a process of reproduction by fission. In his monograph of the Phoronidea of the Gulf of Naples (1907, pp. 161—) de Selys-Longcliamps gives further infor- mation with regard to the regeneration of species of this group. No evidence was obtained that the lophophoral end spontaneously thrown off was capable of regeneration. The lophopliore may be' thrown off several times in succession by the same individual, which regenerates this portion after each reduction. The proximal end of the body, or “ ampulla,” is incapable of regeneration, a process which appears to be con- fined to the muscular region. On cutting this part, in P. psammophila, into six pieces of approximately equal size,, each of these pieces regenerated so as to become a complete individual, while the lophopliore and the ampulla did not regenerate. Fragments hardly longer than wide in which tho 123 ON PHOEONIS OVALIS, STEETHILL WEIGHT. lophophore was being regenerated were found in certain colonies. On p. 164 of his monograph, de Selys-Longchamps makes the significant remark that it is difficult to believe that the numerous individuals which compose a colony of P. ko wa- le v sky i can have been derived from as many Actino- trocha larvae. It seems most unlikely that these larvae, which lead a pelagic existence, can assemble at the time of their metamorphosis in sufficient numbers to build up a colony of the kind characteristic of this and other species. Allusion is made to the observations of Cerfontaine, who found numerous re- generating fragments in colonies ofPhoronis which appeared to be dead and decomposing ; and toothers by Ikeda (1901, p. 580), who had found young animals which he supposed — probably wrongly — to have been derived from larvae, in the debris of old colonies. De Selys-Longchamps believes that fragmentation of the individuals is a normal process, and, as this is followed by regeneration of the pieces, that it is a method of asexual reproduction. The correctness of this con- clusion is borne out by my own observations on P. oval is. Specific Characters of Phoronis ovalis. It has already been pointed out that P. ovalis has not hitherto been recognised since its original description by Strethill Wright in 1856. As doubts have been cast on its claim to be regarded as an adult form (cf . de Selys-Long- champs, 1907, p. 188), it is important to notice that the Northumberland material includes specimens possessing fully developed ovaries (PI. 7, fig. 2) or testes. The following* diagnosis of the species may be given : Size very small compared with that cf other species of the genus. 'Total length reaching at least 6 mm., the diameter of the body being about 250 p, and of the tube, in large specimens, about 250-350 ju. Tube delicate, hyaline, em- bedded in the substance of shells of molluscs. Lophophore oval, not much broader than long, one of the longer sides of 124 SIDNEY F. HAltMER. the oval indented, thus indicating the hippocrepian form of the lophophore in other species. Number of tentacles very small, about twenty-two. Metasome (body) sharply divided into two distinct regions, the distal portion with strong longi- tudinal bundles of muscles, the proximal portion with an extremely thin body-wall in which muscles are absent or at most very slightly developed. The proximal end of the muscular region is slightly invaginable, so that in contracted specimens this portion forms a shallow cup surrounding the more distal part of the muscular region. About fourteen bundles of longitudinal muscles occur on each side in the distal portion of the body. Regeneration of the lophophore occurs with great facility, and this regeneration is frequently the result of transverse fission. Phoronis oval is differs from other species in its rela- tively minute size, in the remarkably simple character of its lophophore, which is, however, hippocrepiform, in the very small number of its tentacles, and in the sharp differentiation of its body into two regions, the proximal end of the muscular region being slightly invaginable. As the occurrence of functional gonads in some of the specimens indicates that it is really an adult form, the claims of the species here described to be regarded as a distinct species seem to be incontrovertible. P. oval is has often been referred to in literature, but as no subsequent observer has hitherto succeeded in obtaining it, these references are all based on Strethill Wright’s original account. De Selys-Longchamps (1903, p. 32) has stated that he considers the claims of P. ovalis to specific rank not improbable, and that Actinotrocha pallida, Schneider, may be its larva. The only description which might refer to the same species is Van Beneden’s account of C rep in a gracilis (18581, 18582). This was described as having from twenty -four to forty tentacles, and as reaching a length of 8-10 mm. The epidermis is provided with numerous stiff hairs, the points of which project to the exterior. The lophophore, as shown in ON PHORONIS OVALIS, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 125 tlie original figures, has a simple structure, its ends not being in-rolled. In this respect it agrees with P. ovalis; but Van Beneden’s figures represent animals with about forty tentacles, a number which is considerably in excess of that given by Stretliill Wright for his species, and of that found by myself in the Northumberland material. De Selys- Longchamps (1903, p. 25) has found a form at Heligoland, which he refers to Van Beneden’s species; and in support of this conclusion he emphasises the occurrence, in the Heligo- land specimens, of very numerous epidermic structures (see his Plate ii, figs. 22-26), which he identifies with Van Beneden’s. “ hairs.” This resemblance is certainly a striking one, especially as the author points out that he has not found these structures in any other species. The number of tentacles found by de Selys-Longchamps was, however, greater than that given by Van Beneden, being commonly fifty to sixty, but sometimes as much as eighty. The length of the tube of the Heligoland species is said to be 10-20 mm. It may be remarked that P. h i ppocrepia, P. gracilis, and P. ovalis are all found in burrows in the shells of Molluscs, or in other calcareous substances. They appear to differ from one another in size and in the number of their tentacles; P. hippocrepia having the largest dimensions and the greatest number of tentacles, P. ovalis occupying the other end of the series in both respects, and P. gracilis taking an intermediate position. P. millleri, also described by de Selys-Longchamps (1903, p. 6) from Heligoland, does not form colonies. It reaches a length of 40-80 mm. and has fifty to sixty tentacles, of which those on the oral side of the lophophore are specially short. Structure of P. ovalis. The general structure of the members of this genus is so well known1 that it will not be necessary to describe that of 1 See especially the elaborate monograph of de Selys-Longchamps (1907), who gives full references to the literature of the subject. 126 SIDNEY E. HARMER. P. ovalis in great detail. I confine myself, therefore, to a description which is sufficient to show that the subject of this paper is rightly referred to Ph or on is, and also brings out some of the more noteworthy features of P. ovalis. Tube. The characters of the tube can be readily examined after decalcification of a fragment of the shell containing the animals. The single shell which furnished the whole of the material must have contained hundreds of individuals, whose tubes penetrated the substance of the shell in all directions. Although accompanied by other boring animals (C lion a, Polychasta) there is not the slightest reason to suppose that the Phoronis inhabits burrows excavated by other organisms. The diameter of its tubes is distinctly smaller than those of its associates; and each Plioronis- tube closely lines the burrow in which it lies, along the whole of its course. De Selys-Longchamps (1907, p. 28) thinks that the tube is secreted by the proximal end of the ampulla, and that its growth takes place at this end. I have no observations to indicate how the boring is effected, but I am inclined to think that the main increase in length takes place as suggested by that author. The set of tubes shown in PI. 8, fig. 15, seems to prove, however, that this explanation is not sufficient, and that the faculty of boring and secreting a tube is not restricted to the region of the ampulla. The figure shows that secondary deposits of tube-material may be formed inside the original tube. Some of these are more or less curved transverse septa (E, B, E), occurring on the proximal side of the ampullar region. Others may be formed in an irregularly longitudinal direction, as at L. In three places (C, G, J) a lateral opening has been formed on the proximal side of a transverse septum, and a new tube has grown out at an angle with the original tube. These lateral tubes, which will be considered below in the section dealing with regeneration, can hardly have been formed by the ON PHORONIS OVALIS, STRETB1LL WRIGHT. 127 proximal end of an individual ; and it seems necessary to assume that the faculty of producing a tube and of boring in the shell is possessed by a considerable part of the body- wall. Structure of the Animal. Owing to its small size many of the principal points in the structure of this species can be made out in stained prepara- tions of the entire animal mounted in Canada balsam. The frequent occurrence of regenerating lophophores gives rise to an extraordinary want of uniformity in the appearance of the individuals. The even more striking variation in size, as exemplied, for instance, by PI. 7, figs. 2 and 5, appears to be due to the reduction in length produced by transverse fission. A. specimen with expanded lophophore is represented in PI. 7, fig. 1. The small number of the tentacles is at once apparent, and it constitutes one of the most characteristic features of the species. How striking is the difference between P. oval is and some other species of the genus may be illustrated by the comparison with P. buskii, the number of whose tentacles is estimated by de Selys-Long- champs (1907, p. 33) at about one thousand. In the great majority of the specimens the tentacles lie in their retracted condition inside the tube. This condition of the tentacles is shown in PL 7, fig. 3, and other figures. In favourably prepared specimens (PL 9, fig. 40) the epistome (ep.) can be seen as a distinct lip overhanging the mouth and surrounded by the bundle of tentacles. The distal part of the body-wall is thick (PL 7, fig. 3), a condition which is largely due to the presence of strong bundles of longitudinal muscles. These end abruptly at about the middle of the length of the body in this particular individual, although the proportion which the muscular part of the body-wall bears to the non-muscular part is highly variable. In PL 7, fig. 2, for instance, the muscular region 128 SIDNEY E. HA EM EE. is not more than a quarter of the entire length, although absolutely of about the same length as in PI. 7, fig. 3. In many of the specimens the proximal region of the muscular part of the body is slightly invaginated (PI. 7, figs. 4, 8), thus forming a sort of shallow cup surrounding the base of the remainder of the muscular portion. The cavity of the cup faces distally, towards the lophophore. The remainder of the body-wall is extremely thin and transparent. In some individuals (PI. 7, fig. 8) the extreme proximal end has the ampulla-like form usually found in Phoronis. The absence of a typical ampulla in other specimens is doubtless due to the loss of this region when transverse fission takes place ; but the ampulla is probably regenerated in due course by the distal individual formed by fission. Muscles have not been detected in the “non- muscular part ” ; and if they occur they must be excessively thin. The alimentary canal has the form usual in the genus. The first part of the descending limb is formed by an oesophagus, sharply marked oft from the succeeding part, and occupying from half to a quarter of the length of the muscular part of the body (PL 7, figs. 3, 8). The remainder of the descending limb, constituting the proventriculus ( pr .), is relatively narrow throughout the muscular region, but it gradually ddates in the non-muscular part, reaching its maximum size in the ampullar region, but before the extreme proximal end is reached. From the dilated stomach ( st .) thus formed (PL 7, fig. 8) a short section of the descending limb, of distinctly smaller size than the stomach, continues to the proximal end of the body, where it curves round into the ascending limb ( int This portion is for the most part of small diameter, though its size depends partly on the amount of the remains of food (commonly Diatoms) or the faeces which it contains. The last part of the intestine is of small size, and opens by the anus (Pl. 9, fig. 40, an.) close to the lophophore, and on the side corresponding with the base of the epistome. ON PHOEON1S OVALIS, STRETH1LL WEIGHT. 129 In a few individuals (PI. 7, fig. 2) a number of large eggs may be seen lying in the body-cavity of the noil-muscular region. These no doubt constitute the ovary, and the occurrence of this organ is of importance as evidence that animals in this condition are mature. In most of the specimens a considerable amount of granular tissue is visible, lying in the body-cavity, principally of the non-muscular region, between the alimentary canal and the body-wall (PI. 9, figs. 29, 33, ad.). This is the “ adipose body ” or “ vaso-peritoneal tissue ” of other authors ; and, as in other species of Phoronis, a part of this tissue commonly has the histological characters of a testis. I have not convinced myself that ovary and testis may occur in the same individual, and it is possible that P. ovalis is dioecious. If this difference really occurs between P. ovalis and other species (which are usually hermaphrodite) it is perhaps the result of the small size of the animal. Some of the anatomical features have been examined in sections ; but the material, contained as it was in the burrows in the shell, is not sufficiently well preserved to show the finer details. PI. 8, fig. 14, an approximately sagittal section of the distal end of the animal, shows the muscular region of the body-wall and the cup-like invagination (inv.) at its base. The strong muscular bands ( l . m.) are clearly seen, as well as the origin of the bundles from the body- wall in the region of the invaginated part. The epistome (ep.) is visible, surrounded by the tentacles, while the oesophagus ( aes .) is cut along the whole of its length, and is separated from the proventriculus (pr.) by a circular valve. The terminal portion of the intestine (int.) is seen by the side of the oesophagus; and the position of the anus (an.), which opens into a depression of the body-wall close to the lophopliore and the base of the epistome, is indicated. A few sections from a series cut transversely to the long* axis of the body have also been figured. In the first of these (PI. 8, fig. 16) the tentacles are seen to be arranged in the 130 SIDNEY F. HARM KB. form of a horse-shoe, though the ends of the lophophore are not drawn out to the extent found in species with numerous tentacles. Twenty-two tentacles can be counted? and this was the full number present in this individual. The tube (t.) is seen to consist of several superposed cuticular layers. In the next section shown (PI. 8, fig. 17) the bases of the tentacles have become confluent on the anal side, and the lopho- phore is now clearly seen to be liippocrepian in form. Some indication of the tentacle-vessel can be seen in several of the tentacles, in addition to the cavity of the tentacle. The tip of the epistome is cut at ep. In PI. 8, fig. 18, the union of the tentacle-bases is more complete, and a considerable part of the epistome ( ep .) is visible. The next figure (PI. 8, fig. 19) shows the epistome at its largest part. In PI. 8, fig. 20, the tentacle-bases have all united, so that the mouth (m.) is completely out- lined. The anus {an.) opens into a depression between a lobe of the metasome and the lophophore, and a part of the nerve-ring ( n.r .) is visible between it and the mouth. The two nephridia are seen in one or two of the sections which come next in the series ; but they have not been drawn, as the preparations are not very favourable for showing their details. In PI. 8, fig. 21, the oesophagus (ass.) and the intestine (int.) are seen, as well as the oral part of the nerve-ring ( n . r.). The afferent blood-vessel (a. v.) occurs between the oesophagus and the intestine, and some of the longitudinal muscles of the body-wall are visible. PL 8, fig. 22, shows a complete median mesentery ( mes .) supporting the two limbs of the alimentary canal ; and both the afferent {a.v.) and the efferent (e. v.) blood-vessel. The longitudinal muscles of the body-wall are now well developed. In PL 8, fig. 23, the longitudinal muscles (Z. m.) are still stronger, and about fourteen bundles can be seen on each side of the median mesentery. Both the longitudinal blood-vessels are still visible. Pl. 8, fig. 24, is through the proximal end of the muscular part of the body-wall, and shows part of the ON RHORONIS OVALIS, STRETHIIjL WRIGHT. 131 shallow invagination ( inv .) above described. PL 8, fig. 25, represents a section passing through the non-muscular part of the body, and shows the thin character of the body-wall in this region. PI. 8, fig. 26, is from another series of sections, and it represents a section through the distal end of the body, not far from the lophopliore. A considerable part of the nerve- ring [n. r.) is visible, as well as both nephridia ( neph .). The small lobes projecting into the body-cavity, near the tubes of the nephridia, are probably parts of the funnels of these •organs. Regeneration and Fission. In the material under consideration there is no need to make a careful search for evidence of regeneration. It is more difficult to find a lophopliore provided with tentacles of the full length than to find one with immature tentacles. It is, moreover, a striking and most obvious fact that the dimensions of the individuals vary to such an extent as to be unintelligible on any hypothesis of orderly growth from the immature to the mature condition. It may further be noted that there is no relation between the condition of the lopho- phore and the size of the specimen. It will be convenient to analyse the facts under the following heads : (a) Regeneration of the lophophore. (b) Direct evidence of transverse fission. (c) Method by which the tube of the proximal segment is -completed. (d) Size of regenerating individuals as indirect evidence of fission. (e) Position of die zones of fission. (a) Regeneration of the Lophophore. Assuming provisionally that transverse fission is a process of normal occurrence, it is obvious that the conditions under which a new lophophore is formed is not quite the same in VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 10 132 SIDNEY F. HARMED the two individuals formed by the fission. In the case of the proximal individual, the entire lophophore has to be formed de novo from a region which is far removed from the original lophophore. In the distal individual, regeneration if it takes place, presupposes the loss of the original lopho- phore. This latter process is of the same nature as that which has been described in other species, where the lopho- phore is thrown off, the wound closes, and a new crown of tentacles is formed from the extreme distal end of the animal* Many of the specimens figured illustrate the regeneration of the lophophore at the distal end ; and where the relations- of the tube give no indication of the previous occurrence of fission in this region (cf . section (c)) the regenerating lopho- phore appears to be a replacement of the original lophophore.. But as none of the regenerating specimens figured are as long as the fully adult specimen shown in PI. 7, fig. 2, it may be considered probable that they are all fractional portions of individuals produced by the metamorphosis of larvae. Neglecting for the moment the differences in the length of the individuals, the regeneration of the distal end may be illustrated by the following cases : In the distal individual shown in PI. 9, fig. 32, the thick- walled muscular region of the body is clearly indicated, with the collar-like partial invagination ( inv .) characteristic of the proximal end of this part. The new lophophore is repre- sented merely by the thickened body-wall at the extreme- distal end. In PI. 9, fig. 36, the distal thickening indicating the new lophophore is more distinct, and is separated by a slight annular constriction from the beginning of the muscular part of the body-wall. In PI. 8, fig. 13, the lophophore is still more distinct and shows distal lobulations which will become the new tentacles. Further stages in the growth of the tentacles are shown in PI. 8, fig. 11, and PI. 7, figs. 5, 4, and 8 ; and in the last of these- the formation of the new lophophore is practically complete. ON PHORON1S 0 VALIS, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 133 For a more detailed description of the growth of the regenerating lophophore reference should be made to the memoir of Schultz (19031). (6) Direct Evidence of Transverse Fission. It has not been very easy to obtain unmistakable evidence of the occurrence of this process, but several specimens have been found which appear to be demonstrative in this respect. PI. 9, fig. 31, represents what may be regarded as the commencement of this process. At the extreme distal end of the non -muscular part of the body an annular layer of tube- substance has been formed, projecting into the cavity of the tube, and slightly constricting the body-wall, which does not as yet show any indication of transverse division. In PI. 9, fig. 29, a similar process of constriction is taking place in the non-muscular region, at some distance from its distal end. The tube lies in very close contact with the body of the animal, but a constricting lamina can be seen on the left side of the figure. The body- wall now shows evidence of being constricted, and it may be noticed in particular that the mass of adipose tissue (ad.) which fills up most of the proximal region of the body-cavity is being divided into two parts by the constriction. This specimen furnishes the most direct evidence which has been obtained of the occurrence of the process in question. In PI. 9, fig. 32, two individuals lie in the same tube, the cavity of which has been divided by a transverse septum. The proximal end of the distal individual has a bilobed character, differing from the evenly rounded surface which characterises the normal ampulla. This lobed appearance of the proximal end has been noticed in many of the individuals, and may be taken as evidence of the occurrence of fission, the rounded form of the ampulla not being yet reconstituted. The figure shows that the mesentery of the alimentary canal is attached to the emargination between the two lobes. The distal end of the individual on the proximal side of the 134 SIDNEY F. HARMKR. septum is also lobed, and this region shows indications of regeneration, particularly in the commencing differentiation of an oesophageal portion of the descending limb of the alimentary canal. It appears to be practically certain that this specimen represents a stage not long after the occurrence •of transverse fission. In PI. 9, fig. 37, there are also two individuals in what may be considered one original tube. The individual on the proximal side of the septum already shows a recognisable lophophore and oesophagus, but it is constituting a new distal end to its tube by growing out laterally from the original tube. (c) Method by which the Tube of the Proximal Segment is completed. The specimen last described furnishes the evidence required, and the explanation it suggests is fully confirmed by a number of other cases which have been noticed. In most of the specimens referred to, a tube makes a sudden bend outwards, immediately on the proximal side of a trans- verse septum ; and tliis outwardly bent portion contains the distal end of an individual. This is represented, for instance, in PI. 8, fig. 9, and PI. 9, fig. 34 ; and the natural interpretation of the conditions shown is that the portion of the tube contain- ing the proximal end of the individual in question is part of an original tube, from the rest of which it is separated by the transverse septum ; and that at the formation of this septum the proximal part of the tube, being cut off from the exterior by the septum, has grown out laterally so as to form a new opening for itself. It may be noted that the formation of these laterally growing tubes makes it almost impossible to accept the view of de Selys-Longchamps, alluded to on p. 12, that the tube is secreted only by the ampullar end of the animal. The system of empty tubes represented in PI. 8, fig. 15, may be taken as distinct evidence, in the light of the facts ON PHORONIS OVAL1S, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 135 already recorded, that the process of fission may be repeated several times in one original individual and its products. The tube A-K appears to be part of a tube originally inhabited by a single individual, and added to from time to time as the result of successive transverse fissions of its inhabitants. A is the proximal end, and K the distal end of the portion represented. The transverse septa at B , F, and I, may be taken as indications of as many transverse fissions The segment of the tube between B and F has been occupied by an individual which has formed a new distal end to its tube at G-, and has restricted the size of the rest of its tube by the formation of the irregular, longitudinal, secondary deposit of tube-substance seen at L. The septum H may indicate merely a part of this process of reducing the size of the tube, but fission may have occurred at this point, in which case it must be assumed that the segment of the animal which occupied the portion B-H had not succeeded in forming a new distal end to its tube. The portion of tube situated proxitnally to the septum I has grown out into the irregular tube J. On the proximal side of the septum B a considerable length of the distal part of a tube has been formed at C. This individual occupied only a short portion of the original tube, a septum having been formed at M; and it then appears to have grown out proximally, in the direction P, a further fission of the inhabitant of the tube being indicated by the septa E. It is not impossible that the fragment of the individual left in P may have turned com- pletely round in its tube, so that E became the proximal end and P the distal end of its tube, but of this there is no evidence. The appearances presented by this system of tubes, together with the evidence brought forward in the next section ( d ) suggest that fission occurs repeatedly in this species, and it seems not improbable that all the numerous individuals found in a given area of the shell may have been derived by fission from a single metamorphosed larva, or from a small number of individual larvae which succeeded in 136 SIDNEY E. HAIiMER. effecting* their metamorphosis in the neighbourhood of the shell. Further evidence of the correctness of the interpretation of PI. 8, fig. 15, suggested above, is furnished by PL 8, figs. 9, 28, and PL 9, figs. 34, 37, which show individuals, in varying conditions of regeneration, in which the distal part of the tube arises laterally from another tube, and, usually, immediately on the proximal side of a tube-septum which appears to indicate the position of the zone of fission. ( d ) Size of regenerating individuals as indirect evidence of fission. The variation in length of the regenerating individuals is a very striking fact. The individual shown in PL 7, fig. 2, is about 6 mm. long, while that represented in PL 7, fig. 7, is only ’3 mm. long. If what is here described as regeneration were really explainable as the various stages by which a metamorphosed larva reaches its adult condition, there would be some definite relation between the size of the specimen and the stage of development of the body and lophophore. Nothing of the kind can be made out. The earliest stages in the development of the lophophore may be found in very long individuals, as in PL 9, fig. 36 ; and, conversely, very small specimens (PL 7, fig. 5) may have a well- grown lophophore. The only legitimate explanation of the facts seems to be that regeneration of the lophophore may occur indifferently in large and in small specimens; and from the evidence which has already been brought forward it appears to be fair to conclude that this process is commonly the result of fission. In cases where no tube-septum can be discovered on the distal side of a regenerating specimen, the process appears to be the consequence of the spontaneous loss of the lopho- phore, as has been described in other species of Phoronis. But in cases like PL 9, figs. 32, 33, the new lophophore is clearly being developed as the direct result of the formation of a fission-zone. PL 9, fig. 35, represents what appears to ON PHOBONIS OVALIS, STBE THILL WRIGHT. 137 be an unusual condition. The position of the fission-zone which cut off the small individual shown is clearly indicated by the annular tube-septum. But in this case the regenerating distal end is growing into the part of the original tube situated distally to the septum, instead of growing out laterally to form a completely new opening. Perhaps the septum was not a complete one ; but if not it must be assumed that the central part of the septum has been absorbed by the regenerating fragment. It is not more difficult to make this assumption than to assume that in other cases a lateral part of the tube can be absorbed, in order to allow the proximal fission-segment to form a new orifice to its tube. The great capacity for transverse fission possessed by P. oval is is indicated by the very small size of the re- generating fragments. The smallest specimen shown (PI. 7, fig. 7) is only *3 mm. long, but it shows clear signs of re- generation in the differentiation of a new muscular region of the body-wall, indicated by a greater thickness of this part distally, and by the formation of a distinct line of separation between it and the future non-muscular portion. The appear- ances here shown give reason to suppose that a fragment no more than *3 mm. long can regenerate a complete individual. The complicated arrangement of the tube-septa in this case implies that the cavity of the original tube has been reduced in size several times, probably in correlation with the small size of the living fragment left in this section of the tube. (e) Position of the zones of fission. The direct evidence obtained on this subject points to the non-muscular part of the body as the region where fission may occur. This is illustrated by PI. 9, figs. 29-31. It may be noted that this is not in agreement with the statement of de Selys-Longcliamps (1907, p. 163), according to whom it is the muscular region that is specially capable of regeneration. The observation by this author that, having cut the muscular region of a Phoronis psammophila into six fragments, 138 SIDNEY F. HARMER. each of these regenerated a complete individual, is too precise to be disputed. But in P. oval is I have found no certain evidence that the muscular region shares the power of division which is undoubtedly possessed by the non- muscular region. It is possible that PL 8, fig. 10, indicates that fission may occur in the muscular region, since in this case the longitudinal muscles are well differentiated in a frag- ment which is only just beginning to develop a new lopho- phore. PL 9, fig. 35, may also imply that the fission-zone was formed just distally to the junction of the two regions of the body-wall. But in most of the specimens drawn, the mus- cular part is at first indicated merely hy a thickening of the body-wall, and no distinct muscle-fibres can be recognised in the early stages. The regeneration of the distal end in fact commences, as has already been pointed out, with the regeneration of a muscular region, and the lophophore ap- pears subsequently at the distal end of the muscular region. The general result of these observations is that fission may occurin P. ovalis at practically any point of the non-muscular body-wall, and that very small fragments separated off in this way are capable of complete regeneration. No certain evidence has been obtained that the muscular part can form fission-zones, though this possibility is not excluded. A lobed condition of the proximal end of the body, as shown in Pl. 9, figs. 32, 36, 39, appears to indicate that the ampullar region has not been completely reconstituted since the last fission took place. Many of the individuals, whether regenerating or not, show a great development of the adipose tissue which accompanies the two longitudinal blood-vessels. In many cases, as in Pl. 7, fig. 6, PL 9, fig. 29, the body-cavity of a regenerating fragment contains a large quantity of this tissue, which may probably be regarded as a reserve of nutrient material, at the expense of which the fragment can continue to survive until it has reconstituted its alimentary canal and has formed a new orifice to its tube. Larger specimens which have developed a considerable amount of this tissue are probably in a favour- able condition for undertaking fission ; and it may be noticed OX PHOKON1S OVA MS, ST RETHILL WRIGHT. 139 that the specimen shown in process of dividing in PL 9, fig. 29, is well provided with adipose tissue. The regenera- tion of the lophopliore without fission may also be facilitated by the previous deposition of a sufficient reserve which can be drawn on for the nourishment of the other tissues during the temporary closure of the alimentary canal. It may be noted that the intestine of a regenerating fragment without a functional lophopliore frequently contains the remains of Diatoms, which must have been taken in during a period when well-developed tentacles occurred. The presence of a large amount of adipose tissue is not, however, a necessary prelude to fission, even though it may favour this process. Some of the specimens of full length are remarkable for being of smaller diameter than usual, their tissues being more transparent than in other cases, and the adipose tissue being deficient in amount. These seem to be ill-nourished individuals, and their occurrence probably accounts for certain abnormally slender regenerating frag- ments, of the kind shown in PI. 9, fig. 38, which are some- times found. The muscular part of the body-wall has com- menced to differentiate in PI. 9, fig. 38, and although it& small diameter points to a want of vigour, this individual, and others like it, may have been in a condition to complete tlio regeneration. The Occasional Complete Invagination of the Muscular Part of the Body-Wall. In several cases individuals have been found in the peculiar condition shown in PI. 9, figs. 41 and 39. In PI. 9, tig. 41, the partial invagination which normally occurs at the proximal end of the muscular body-wall has become so complete a& to result in the invagination of the whole of the lopho- phore and of the tentacles. The invaginated muscular wall is now turned entirely inside out, forming a sheath opening distally (or.), containing the tentacles ( tent .), and having its epidermal portion lining the cavity of the intro- vert and its longitudinal muscles on the outer side of the 140 SIDNEY F. HARMER. epidermis. The junction between the muscular and non- muscular parts of the body-wall now lies at the distal end of the introvert, and the outermost layer in this region is the part of the non-muscular wall into which the more distal part has been invaginated. The invagination has resulted in the formation of a loop of the alimentary canal which passes distally along one side of the invagination. PI. 9, fig. 39, is in a similar condition, except that the introvert contains no tentacles. In their place may be seen a projection which obviously consists of a regenerating mus- cular part of the body-wall, terminated by a commencing lophophore. I am unable to give a satisfactory explanation of these appearances, although the fact that three or four specimens have been found in this condition shows that the complete invagination of the muscular body-wall happens not infre- quently. It is perhaps one of the methods by which the lophophore may be regenerated, as it seems probable, from a comparison of the two specimens figured, that PI. 9, fig. 41, is the earlier stage in the process, and that the invaginated ten- tacles would have been thrown off somewhat later, the wound closing, and the body-wall in that neighbourhood then growing out into the part seen inside the introvert in PI. 9, fig. 39. It is not obvious what the later course of the regeneration would have been, though it is possible that the introvert Avould have been evaginated and the muscular wall recon- stituted, partly from the old wall and partly from the portion which is being regenerated in PI. 9, fig. 39. It does not seem probable that the loss of the original lophophore always takes place in this way. It is not easy to explain the mechan- ism by which the complete invagination of the muscular part of the body-wall takes place in these cases. The condition shown in PI. 9, fig. 41, resembles that found in Ectoproct Polyzoa during the retraction of the tentacles, though the Phoronis has no retractor muscles comparable with those of the Polyzoa. The resemblance does not appear to me, however, to lend any support to the view maintained ON PHORONIS OVALIS, STRETH1LL WRIGHT. 141 by some authors of a relationship between these two groups. The Plioroniclea differ from the Polyzoa in their embryonic development, as well as by striking morphological characters, and in view of these differences the resemblance of the invaginated body-wall to the tentacle-sheath of the Polyzoa seems to be merely a fortuitous one. The formation of an introvert containing the retracted lophophore might perhaps be compared with more reason with the similar introvert in Sipunculoid Gephyrea, though the affinity of the Plioronidea to that group has not been established with any certainty. The introvert of these specimens of P. oval is is not unlike that which occurs in certain Gasteropoda (e.g. Buccinum), but it would hardly be maintained that this resemblance is any indication of affinity. The Larval Form of Phoronis ovalis. Although the observations here recorded do not throw any direct light on this question, one or two remarks on the sub- ject may not be out of place. P. ovalis is known from Strethill Wright's original account to occur in the Firth of Forth, while the large number of individuals found by me in a single shell from the Northumberland coast suggests that the species is common along the eastern coast of the northern part of Eugland, although it has hitherto been overlooked owing to its retiring habits. Actinotrocha has more commonly been found in these regions than the adult Pho- ronis; and it is, for instance, of frequent occurrence at St. Andrews. The adult characters of P. ovalis seem to be so distinc- tive, particularly the small number of the tentacles and the restriction of the bundles of longitudinal muscles to a small part of the metasome, that a recently metamorphosed Actino- trocha belonging to this species might well be recognisable. It should, however, be pointed out that the characters of the individual produced by the metamorphosis of a larva may differ from those of any of the specimens examined from the 142 SIDNEY F. HARMER. Northumberland material. Reproduction by fission appears to take place so frequently in these specimens that all the observed individuals may well have been produced in this way. It would thus be unsafe to assume that primary indi- viduals metamorphosed from larvae have so restricted a muscular region as that of their fission-products. This may,, however, be the case ; and it would be desirable to bear in mind the short muscular region and the tendency for its proximal end to be slightly invaginated, should the oppor- tunity occur of examining recently metamorphosed specimens from this part of the British coast. Observations which I have attempted to make on this subject have led to no definite result. By the kindness of Prof. W. C. McIntosh, F.R.S., I have been able to examine specimens of Ac tin otr ocli a branchiata from St. An- drews ; and amongst them I have found one or two specimens which have recently completed their metamorphosis. There appear to be no sufficient reasons for referring these speci- mens to P. oval is. I have also examined three recently metamorphosed Phoronis kindly lent to me by Prof. J. Graham Kerr, F.R.S., who obtained them on the West Coast of Scotland, off the Island of Arran. The number of tentacles in these specimens seems to be not less than twenty- eight to thirty, and there is no obvious differentiation of muscular and non-muscular portions in the metasome. The evidence thus appears to indicate that the specimens in question do not belong to P. ovalis. De Selys-Longchamps (1903, p. 43) has convinced himself that Actinotrocha branch iata is the larva of P. mulleri, a species described by him from Heligoland, but not, so far as I am aware, at present recognised as a member of the British fauna. In the same memoir (p. 47) he has advanced reasons for believing that A. pallida, Schneider, is not the larva of either P. hippocrepia or P. gracilis; and he suggests that it may belong to P. ovalis, if that form is really a distinct species. His statement (p. 47) that the worm produced by the metamorphosed larva of A. pallida ON PHORONIS OVALIS, SI RUT HILL WRIGHT. 143 has eighteen handles of longitudinal muscles appears to be significant in this connection, though it should be remarked that the number of muscle-bundles which I have found in P. oval is (cf . PI. 8, figs. 22, 23) appears to exceed eighteen. Actinotrocha pallida was described by Schneider (1862, p. 64, PI. ii, fig. 12) from Heligoland, where it is said to be as common as A. branchiata. It is stated to have not more than ten tentacles, which are broader and shorter than those of A. branchiata. It possesses only a single mass of larval blood-corpuscles, while A. branchiata has a pair of these masses, one in connection with each of the nephridia. De Selys-Longcliamps (1907, p. 190) has found A. pallida at Wimereux (Pas-de-Calais) as well as at Heli- goland, and he represents two young stages in PI. xi, figs. 21, 22. He states that there are never more than six pairs of larval tentacles, and that the length of the larva does not exceed *6 mm., while that of A. branchiata (p. 189) is as much as 2 mm. The evidence at present available thus seems to point to A. pallida as being the larva of P. ovalis, and the small dimensions of this larva are in accordance with the small size of the adult form to which it is supposed to belong. Summary. Phoronis ovalis, which has usually been regarded as the immature form of some other species, is shown to be a well- characterised adult form. It inhabits burrows which it excavates in the shells of molluscs. It possesses in a high degree the faculty of regenerating the distal end, which is of common occurrence in the genus. Its gregarious habit is probably the result of its power of reproducing by transverse fission, a process which takes place repeatedly and profusely. There is reason to believe that a similar process occurs in certain other species which are found as colonies consisting of numerous individuals, though it is uncertain whether other species have the power of reproducing by fission. 144 SIDNEY F. HARMER. Literature. 18581. Beneden, P. J. Van. — “Notice sur un annelide cephalobranche sans soies, designe sous le nom de Crepina,” ‘Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique ’ (2), v, p. 450. 18582. — “ Notice sur un annelide cephalobranche sans soies, designe sous le nom de Crepina/' ‘Ann. Sci. Nat.’ (4), Zool. x, p. 11. 1889. Bornet, E., and Flahault, C. — “ Sur quelques Plantes vivant dans le Test Calcaire des Mollusques,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Botan. France/ xxxvi (Congres de Botanique, Paris, 1889), pp. 1-31 (sep.). 1902. Cerfontaine, P. — “ Reclierclies experimentales sur la Regeneration et FHeteromorphose cliez Astroides Calycularis et Pen- naria Cavolinii,” ‘Arch, de Biol./ xix, p. 245 (p. 262 : Account of Phoronis kowale vskyi). 1890. Cori, C. J. — “ Untersuchungen iiber die Anatomie und Histologie der Gattung Phoronis,” ‘ Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool./ li, p. 480. 1858. Dyster, F. D. — “Notes on Phoronis liippocrepia,” ‘Trans. Linn. Soc./ xxii, p. 251. 1901. Ikeda, I. — “Observations on the Development, Structure and Metamorphosis of Actinotrocha,” ‘ J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo/ xiii, p. 507. 1862. Schneider, A. — “ Ueber die Metamorphose der Actinotrocha branchiata,” Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol./ 1862, p. 47. 19031. Schultz, E. — “Aus d. Gebiete d. Regeneration,” iii, “ Ub. Regenerations - erscheinungen b. Phoronis Mulleri Sel. Long.,” ‘ Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool./ lxxv, p. 391. 19035. lb., iv, “ Ub. Regen. b. Actinotrocha branchiata Muller,” ‘ Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool./ lxxv, p. 473. 1903. Selys-Longcliamps, M. de. — “ Beitrage zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland,” “Ueber Phoronis und Actinotrocha bei Helgoland." ‘Wiss. Meeresunt. Kiel u. Helgoland,' n.f., vi Bd., Abt. Helgoland, Heft 1. 1907. “Phoronis,” ‘ Fauna u. Flora G. v. Neapel/ 30 Monogr. 18561. Wright, T. Strethill. — “Description of two Tubicolar Animals,” ‘Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh/ i, 1858, p. 165. 18565. “ Description of two Tubicolar Animals,” ‘ Edinb. New Phil. Journ/ iii, n.s., p. 313. ON PHORONIS OVALIS, STRETHILL WRIGHT. 145 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 1, S, and 9, Illustrating Mr. Sidney F. Harmer’s paper “ On Phoronis ovalis, Strethill Wright.” Reference Letters. ad. Adipose tissue, or vaso-peritoneal tissue, amp. Ampulla, an . Anus. a. v. Afferent blood-vessel, ep. Epistome. e. v. Efferent blood- vessel. /. Fission-zone. int. Intestine, or ascending limb of the alimentary canal, inv. Invagination of the proximal end of the muscular part of the body-wall. Z. Lophophore. l.m. Longitudinal muscles, m. Mouth, mes. Median mesentery, muse. Muscular part of the body-wall. neph. Nephridium. n.r. Nerve-ring. ces. (Esophagus. or. Orifice of invaginated body-wall. ov. Ovary, pr. Pro ventri cuius, constituting the greater part of the descending limb of the alimentary canal, s.s1., Septum of tube. st. Stomach, t. Tube. tent. Tentacles. [All the figures refer to Phoronis ovalis. The sections, PI. 8,. figs. 14 and 16-26, were drawn with a Zeiss C Obj.; the remaining figures with a Zeiss A Obj. All the figures have been reduced two- thirds.] PLATE 7. Fig. 1. — The expanded lophophore of an adult specimen. Eighteen tentacles can be counted. Slide L. Fig. 2. — A fully adult specimen with expanded tentacles. The ovary (ov.) is developed. The lobed character of the proximal end of the body probably indicates, as in other similar cases, that the ampulla (amp.) has not been completely reconstituted after transverse fission. Slide O. Fig. 3. — A. smaller specimen with retracted tentacles. Slide M. Fig. 4. — A small regenerating fragment. The marked angle between the axes of the proximal and distal parts of the body probably indicates, as in fig. 3 and other specimens drawn, the lateral outgrowth of the new distal part of the tube necessitated by the closure of the original tube by the septum formed during the process of transverse fission. Slide O. Fig. 5. — A smaller regenerating fragment. Slide N. Fig. 6. — A small regenerating fragment in which the lophophore is not yet developed. The muscular part of the body-wall (muse.) is already indicated. The adipose tissue (ad.) fills most of the body- cavity. Slide M. Fig. 7. — An extremely small fragment in about the same stage of regeneration as the preceding figure. The cavity of the tube is restricted by a complicated system of septa (s.). Slide Q. 146 SIDNEY F. HARM KR. Fig. 8. — A regenerating specimen resembling tliose shown in figs. 4 and 5, bnt more completely developed. Slide M. PLATE 8. Fig. 9. — A completely regenerated individual. The original tube has been subdivided by septa (s.), and the new distal end of the tube has been developed as a lateral outgrowth starting immediately on the proximal side of the septa. Slide Q. Fig. 10. — A small regenerating fragment in which the muscular part of the body-wall is unusually long; l., the commencing lophopliore ; l.m., longitudinal muscles. Slide M. Fig. 11. — The appearances of this specimen suggest that a small fragment produced by fission on the distal side of the septum (s.) has formed a new distal end to its tube by lateral outgrowth instead of making use of the original distal end of the tube. Slide P. Fig. 12. — Another small fragment. The muscular part of the body- wall (muse.) is already in vagina ted at its base (inv.) ; l., the commencing lopliophore. Slide N. Fig. 13. — A specimen with strongly marked invagination (inv.) of the proximal end of the muscular region (muse.) and a commencing lopliophore (l.). Slide M. Fig. 14. — A sagittal section passing medianly through the distal end of the body, inv., invaginated part of body-wall ; ep., epistome ; ces., oesophagus, separated by a circular valve from the proventriculus (pr.) ; an., position of anus. (Zeiss C Obj.) Slide F. Fig. 15. — A system of empty tubes from which the course of the transverse fissions of the animal can be inferred. For explanation see text, pp. 12, 20. Slide K Figs. 16-25. — From a series of sections transverse to the principal axis of the body of an adult specimen. (Zeiss C Obj.) Fig. 16. — Through the retracted tentacles, of which 22 are present, arranged in the form of a horse-shoe. Slide A1. Fig. 17. — The tentacles have united at their bases on the anal side (l.) ; ep., the tip of the epistome. Slide A1. Fig. 18. — A more proximal section; ep., epistome. Slide A1. Fig. 19. — The epistome (ep.) is cut at the level where it reaches its greatest size. Slide A1. Fig. 20. — The tentacles have completely united at their base, and the mouth (m.) is thus outlined. The anus (an.) lies between the lopliophore (l.) and a lobe of the metasome; n.r., part of the nerve- ring. Slide A1. ON PHOItONIS OVA US, STRE THILL WRIGHT. 147 Fig. 21. — Through the commencement of the metasome. The afferent blood-vessel (a. v.) is visible ; n. r., the part of the nerve-ring on the oral side. Slide A1. Fig. 22. — A more proximal section. Both limbs of the alimentary canal are supported by the median mesentery ( mes .). Both longitudinal blood-vessels (a.v., e.v.) are visible. Slide A1. Fig. 23. — A more proximal section. The longitudinal muscles (l. m.) form strong bundles. Slide A1. Fig. 24. — Showing part of the invagination (inv.) at the proximal end of the muscular part of the body. Slide A2. Fig. 25. — Through the distal part of the non-muscular region of the body. Slide A2. Fig. 26. — From another series of “ transverse ” sections, through the region close to the base of the lophophore ; n. r., part of the nerve-ring; neph., nepliridia. (Zeiss C Obj.) Slide B1. Fig. 27. — A small regenerating fragment which is not yet provided with an orifice to its tube. Slide M. Fig. 28. — Regeneration practically complete, the distal end of the tube having been formed as a lateral oiitgrowth developed on the proximal side of the septum (s.). Slide Q. PLATE 9. Fig. 29. — A regenerating specimen which is commencing to divide. At the distal end, the muscular part (muse.) is developing, while the lophophore ( l .) is recognisable owing to the presence of a septum dividing its body-cavity from that of the metasome; /., zone of transverse fission, accompanied by the formation of a tube-septum. The adipose tissue (ad.) is present in large quantity. The proximal end is lobed, indicating a previous fission, further evidence of which is afforded by the tube-septum (s.). Slide L. Fig. 30. — A larger specimen in the same condition. Slide O. Fig. 31. — The first indication of fission is afforded by the formation of the annular tube-septum (s1.), which in this case occurs at the commencement of the non-muscular part of the body. Slide Q. Fig. 32. — A later stage in the fission-process. The two products of fission are completely separated, the distal one showing a lobed proximal end, and the proximal one showing signs of regeneration distally. Slide N. Fig. 33. — The proximal member of the result of the occurrence of fission, the evidence of which is the tube-septum ( s .) and the lateral outgrowth of the tube (t.) on its proximal side. Slide Q. VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 11 148 SIDNEY F. HAEM Ell. Fig. 34. — A similar specimen of much smaller size. Slide N. Fig. 35. — A very small regenerating fragment, the distal end of which is growing through the annular tube-septum (s.) which presumably indicates the previous occurrence of fission. Slide Q. Fig. 36. — A large specimen, of a kind frequently observed, in which the alimentary canal is thin and occupies only a small part of the body-cavity : a condition which is probably due to deficient nutrition. Regeneration of the distal end is taking place. Slide O. Fig. 37. — The two specimens here shown have probably been separated from one another by fission, as indicated by the septum (s.) and the lateral outgrowth of the tube on its proximal side. The lopliophore (Z.) of the proximal individual is in an early stage of development. Slide N. Fig. 38. — A very slender and presumably ill-nourished regenerating specimen. Slide N. Fig. 39. — The significance of the condition here shown has not been ascertained. The entire muscular region has been invaginated, forming an introvert opening to the exterior at or. The introvert contains a regenerating distal end, in which the new muscular region (muse.) and lopliophore ( l .) can be distinguished. By the formation of the introvert the alimentary canal has been thrown into a loop, the portion of which belonging to the descending limb (pr.) is seen to the right of the introvert. The ascending limb of the alimentary canal probably has a similar course, but it was not observed in this specimen. The outgrowth of the proximal end of the body in a direction at right angles to the axis of the original tube probably indicates a lateral extension of the proximal end of the tube in order to provide room for the elongation of the corresponding region of the body, the growth of which, in this direction, would otherwise be prevented by the septum s. Slide N. Fig. 40.— Lateral view of the distal end of a mature specimen, showing the epistome (ep.) inside the group of retracted tentacles. Slide M. Fig. 41. — Another stage of the condition shown in fig. 39. The introvert contains a bundle of fully developed tentacles. This may be either an earlier stage than fig. 39, in which case the original lophophore has been completely retracted into the introvert, and was destined to be thrown off later ; or a later stage, in which the new lophophore has been completely regenerated. In this specimen there is evidence that the ascending limb of the alimentary canal, as well as its descending limb, forms a loop passing up one side (left in the figure)- of the proximal end of the introvert. Slide M. DEVELOPMENT OE TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESOENS. 149 The Embryonic Development of Tricho gramma evanescens, Westw., Monembryonic Egg Parasite of Donacia simplex, Fab. By J. Bronte Oatenby, Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. With Plates 10, 11, and 12. Introduction. Since the description of polyembryony in some parasitic Hymenoptera by Marchal (1) the attention of a few zoologists1 has been turned to the interesting problems these forms offer. 1 Sir Ray Lankester has kindly drawn my attention to the writings of the Polish Embryologist, Ganin, whose work on Platygaster, carried out forty years ago, is of great interest. Platygaster is a parasite on the larvae of some Diptera (Cecidomyia), and its larval form is curiously modified in early stages. According to Ganin the larva has neither nervous, vascular; nor respiratory systems (Compare p. 20 of this paper), and its last abdominal segment terminates in a curious caudal organ of a tree-like nature, almost certainly concerned in nutrition. The larva undergoes a number of moults, looses its caudal organ, and gradually becomes vermiform. I have lately noticed that the larva of an Apanteles parasitic on Porthesia has a remarkably modified ultimate abdominal segment, which is very large, vesicular, and formed of hypertrophied cells. The gut of this larva is in all the early stages completely blind, and the animal depends ou the swollen abdominal segment for its nutrition. Like Ganin’s larvae this form looses the vesicular segment just before pupation. It is a very remarkable fact that the ultimate abdominal segment should be modified for this purpose (Zeit. f. Zool., Bd. xv.). 150 j. bront£ gatenby. Silvestri (2) has contributed some important papers on the subject, but these have appeared in an Italian agricultural journal only taken by a small number of the scientific libraries of this country. Considering the vast number of parasitic Hymenoptera which exist, and their diversity and remarkable instincts, a rich field, only now being explored, is opened to zoologists. But it is a field full of difficulties, for the Trichogrammids, to mention one group alone, are, as Perkins (4) , has said, among the smallest of known insects. In several other groups of parasitic Hymenoptera there are to be found numbers of forms whose life history and habits are of absorbing interest. The pure observer finds problems and instincts of wonderful diversity, and the embryologist is impressed with the remarkable adaptations for the modus vivendi which these forms follow. The remarkable oogenesis of some of these parasites has been the subject of some interesting papers by R. Hegner (3). The parasite, a part of whose embryology I have described in this paper, is a member of that important family the Chalcididae, a numerous and highly interesting assemblage of minute Hymenoptera. These insects are of great importance to the economic entomologist, because among them one finds forms which aid the agriculturist, and which often injure. Trichogramma might be said to aid. It is a pleasant duty to express my thanks to Mr. Goodrich for his kind interest in this work, and for advice and criticism, which has been of great value. The Host1 (Donacia simplex, Fab.). Donacia simplex is quite common around Oxford in the early summer. Commander Walker informs me that he has occasionally taken this species at Oxford in winter. In the early summer one can always find the beetles on the water- 1 Kindly identified by Mr. H. Britten, Assistant of the Hope Depart- ment, Oxford Museum. DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESOENS. 151 reeds which grow from shallow ponds and the sides of streams ; they may be observed copulating and laying their eggs. The latter are laid in masses in a regular manner, the whole group forming a rectangular mass containing a varying number of eggs. In one mass eggs of several shades of brown may occur in patches, as if a number of beetles had oviposited in the same place. Whether this is so I do not know. The egg groups do not adhere very closely to the surface of the reed, and they are easily removed by bending the surface upon which they are laid. From the number of parasitized eggs which one can find there is no doubt that this Trichogrammid must cause a great deal of destruction among the broods of beetles, and were the Donacia a pest on valuable plants it would be quite easy and worth while to rear batches of parasites. This has been done in the case of parasites of injurious insects, particularly in America, and such methods of attacking pests have so far met with a good deal of success. In the case of Donacia almost the entire number of eggs laid in a locality where the parasites are common will be found parasitised. In PI. 10, fig. 3, is drawn an enlarged figure of Donacia simplex; in A the egg mass (OF.) viewed in profile upon the reed (P.) is shown, and resting on the lower eggs a Trichogramma (P.P.) is seen, drawn to about the same scale as the beetle. The Parasite (Trichogramma evanescens, Westw.) I have to thank Commander Walker for drawing my attention to some literature on Trichogramma. The Rev. J. Waterston, B.D., of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology, in kindly identifying this insect, writes that Trichogramma evanesce ns is generally found as a parasite upon the eggs of insects whose habits and place of oviposition are similar to that of Donacia. As is common with many of the parasitic Hymenoptera, Trichogramma evanescens has very gaudy colouring. The wings, which are a shiny blue, at once attract attention 152 J. BR0NT6 gatenby. to the insect as it walks over the Donacia egg mass. In collecting my material I found it most convenient to examine the rushes for Donacia egg-masses from a boat, and those upon which parasites were seen were removed from the water-plant and placed in a box. A most unfortunate circum- stance, unknown to me then, was the fact that the time1 taken to walk to the laboratory with the material was just long enough to allow the newly-laid eggs to form polar bodies, segment, and enter upon the blastoderm stage. Except in the case of a small number of eggs laid in the laboratory, all my sections begin from the blastoderm stage onwards, and some important stages are missing. If the insect is taken into the laboratory and placed with an egg mass of Donacia, it is possible to watch oviposition taking place. The little parasite may be observed to walk somewhat rapidly over the eggs, continually tapping them with its geniculate antennae. When is satisfied with the egg it has chosen it stops, unsheaths its ovipositor, and moves its abdomen backwards and forwards with a sawing motion about eight times, until the chorion of the Donacia egg is pierced. When this happens the parasite may be seen to depress its abdomen, thrusting home the ovipositor. It pauses about five seconds while the egg passes down the evipositor into the Donacia egg, withdraws its ovipositor, and generally begins on the next egg in the row. Though the parasite does not seem to work systematically along the rows, in many cases all the eggs in a mass are parasitised, though more often a few are left untouched. In cases where all the eggs have been parasitised several parasites may have laid in one mass. It is quite common to observe two or three Trichogrammids on one Donacia egg- mass. In very rare cases there are two eggs laid in the same Donacia egg ; one so seldom finds this that it is probable that a parasite is able to tell whether one of its fellows has previously given attention to an egg. What 1 Added to the fact that the fixative I used does not penetrate the chorion of the beetles’ eggs as quickly as desirable. DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 153 happens in development when two eggs are laid in the same Donacia egg I do not know, but one generally finds the two eggs in different stages of development. Probably the older embryo succeeds in the end in killing the other, for I have not yet found more than one insect imerging from one egg. I am unable to say whether there is more than one brood of parasites during the summer, but it is possible to collect at the same time eggs containing parasites ready to emerge, and some containing newly laid eggs. This points to there being more than one brood. There are two or three species of Donacia fairly common at Oxford, and they appear one after the other, so that this strengthens the view that several broods occur in one season. During the winter months I have not found the empty egg-cases of Donacia on the stems of the reeds, and I have not been able to satisfy myself as to whether the parasite hibernate in the eg’g-cases or whether they emerge in summer and creep into crevices with a view to wintering there. Nearly every year the reeds upon which the egg-masses are laid are submerged in the floods, and become withered and torn, and thoroughly soaked. For this reason it is unlikely that the parasites would remain in the eggs which they have destroyed. In remarking on the parasite and its host, I do not over- look the possibility of T. evanescens being found on the eggs of other insects.1 Technique. The egg of Donacia is covered by a thick chorion which, added to the yolk, makes sectioning a very difficult business. The parasitised egg-masses were generally preserved in Petrunchekewitsch, with a little more nitric acid than usual. This often gave splendid results. A mixture of Petrunche- kewitsch2 and Bouin2 was also tried with about equal results. 1 Prof. Poulton informs me that this Chalcid parasitises the eggs of Dragon flies. I have since been able to observe this interesting fact myself. 2 For these fixatives see Bolls Lee's Microtomists’ Vade-Mecum. 154 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Ill some cases the eggs were pricked and the whole thrown into picro-nitric. After some trials Petrunchekewitsch was almost exclusively used, and in most cases it gave a fine fixation, but not always. In using this fixative it is not necessary to prick the eggs. Ordinary preservatives like Bouin, corrosive acetic, or Flemming will not penetrate the chorion. This at once causes difficulties, for alcoholic fixatives are not always reliable. The eggs were left over night in the Petrunche- kewitsch and washed out in 70 per cent, alcohol. When in xylol the eggs were pricked with a fine needle and placed in the paraffin bath. It was not always possible to successfully prick the eggs, but unless this was done it was necessary to leave the masses longer in the bath. This hardens the eggs and makes sectioning a dreadfully difficult task. The eggs were cut in their groups, 5 jjl in thickness, on a Yung microtome, each section being painted with celloidin and ether. One could not be sure that the eggs were not parasitised until after staining, and three or four batches would often be cut without finding any stages. It was only by staining overnight in Iron Haematoxylin that a a suitable differentiation could be got. Ehrlich and the carmines were useless. In some cases alternate slides were counterstained in orange G. or dilute acid fuchsin. General Facts Concerning the Appearance of the Material in Sections and in Whole Mounts. In PL 11, fig. 8, there is drawn a part of the section of a parasitised egg-mass. The larval parasite (D.P.) lies in the yolk of the Donacia egg, and a little to the right and lower edge of the larva is the remains of the embryonic gut of the host {Gr.). At N.S. are the remains of the Donacia larva’s nervous system, and below at I is a still recognisable de- generate leg. The parasite has reached the stage just before it begins to swallow the yolk in which it lies. Abutting against the chorion of the egg in the middle of the field are DEVELOPMENT OF TR1CHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 155 the chorions of the neighbouring eggs, all of which were parasitised. It will be seen that when these eggs were attacked the contained embryos had become far advanced and were almost ready to hatch. Though one can observe a Donacia ovi- positing, and a parasite on the same mass piercing and depositing its eggs in the newly laid beetle's eggs, it is possible to find eggs parasitised at any stage. If one removes Donacia embryos from their chorion by means of fine needles and stains them in paracarmine, one can often find the developing parasites as in PI. 10. fig. 2, at _D.P. Now this embryo lies at the posterior pole of the embryo beetle, and is too far down to have been oviposited there. It may be that this egg was an outside one of the mass and that the parasite bored it from the side ; but such cases occur too frequently in sections of eggs in the middle of the mass, and I am inclined to think that in those Donacia eggs laid in a horizontal position the developing Trichogramma embryo may sink downwards. I cannot otherwise explain how parasites* eggs are found in this position, because the beetle's eggs seem too closely applied to one another to allow the parasite to get its ovipositor between them, and reference to PI. 10, fig. 1, will show how short the little insect's ovipositor is. (Both fig. 1 and 2 are drawn to the same scale: x 75.) The Effect of the Deposition of the Egg in the Developing Embryo's Body. Primarily the effect is to arrest further development of the host, but all life is not killed immediately, for living nuclei are to be found much later on as the parasite develops. As is well known, the nuclei in the yolk of an insect's egg are very large, and such vitellophags become larger than the other cells almost from the time they are established. I believe that it is the vitellophags which manage to live longest after the parasite has oviposited in the beetle's egg, and in 156 J. BRONTE GATENBY. some cases degenerate, but evidently still living yolk cells can be found in the gut of the young larval parasite. In degeneration the nuclei become hy perch romatic, large stainable masses collecting in both nucleus and cytoplasm, the cell finally becoming a black shapeless mass. I am inclined to believe that the large cells forming the serosa also live longer than the ordinary embryonic cells, after the Trichogramma embryo lias been developing some time. The Ovarian Egg when Ready to be Laid. In PI. 11, fig. 9, a longitudinal section of the nearly mature ovarian egg is drawn. The egg is of an elou gated oval shape, the anterior pole (J..) being somewhat broader than the posterior, and the cytoplasm appears homogeneous except for the occurrence at the posterior pole of a large dark mass ( G.G.D. ), the so-called germ-cell, or germ line, deter- minant. The probable nature, mode of appearance, and the fate of this protoplasmic inclusion will be dealt with under a separate heading. The follicle cells are much drawn out in PI. 11. fig. 9, and it is very difficult to distinguish between the wall of the ovary and the follicular layer. The nucleus lies slightly towards the anterior yolk of the egg in the mid line. It consists of a large condensed mass of chromatin surrounded by a clear nucleoplasmic zone. In the latter minute stainable granules may be found. The manner in which this condensed form of nucleus is produced is, as far as I am able to judge from my material of adult insects, the same as that described by Hegner for Copidosoma (3). The Newly Laid Egg. In the eggs at this period I have found a small body near the surface, which, I think, is the spermatozoon. In PI. 11, fig. 10, this darkly staining body is seen to be surrounded by a number of small granules. I have been unable to find any signs of activity around this body as one would expect if it DEVELOPMENT OF THICHOGRAMMA EVANESOENS. 157 were a spermatozoon, though in some insects no clearing of the cytoplasm around the male pronucleus, or other event, takes place at this period. In the stage later, during the formation of the polar bodies, the granules which were present in PL 11, fig. 10, around the male pronucleus ( M.P.N .) cannot be seen, but the latter has penetrated further into the egg. In all the sections of newly laid eggs that I have found, the cytoplasm towards the central region of the egg has become partially vacuolated and thinner, while the germ cell determinant has become much more faintly staining. My collection of newly laid eggs is not complete enough to show whether this thinning out of the central region of the egg is the rule, and it should be observed that in PI. 11, fig. 11, which shows the formation of the polar bodies, this vacuolisa- tion was quite absent. In PI. 11. fig. 7, I have drawn a transverse section of an egg which shows the nucleus lying in a central clear region, and quite close a denser part of the cytoplasm containing a cloud of granules ( Q.G. ). The egg, when laid, lies almost always towards the top of the Donacia ovum, and it never has a definite orientation, for in a section of a group of the host's eggs one cuts across eggs in all directions. In a brood of parasites which I caught emerging, some had their heads downwards in the Donacia egg, some their abdomens. At the stage when the larva begins to feed, it is forced to lie lengthwise in the host’s egg; because it has by then become too long to lie in any other way. It is obvious that the orientation of the pupating Trichogramma larva in relation to the Donacia egg is not governed by any special circumstance. Nevertheless it is possible, though to my mind unlikely, that the larva may be able to turn around at will witbin the Donacia egg. The newly laid egg is provided with a vitelline membrane and a thin chorion ( G.H. ). Formation of the Polar Bodies. In the one egg I found at this stage there were two polar bodies (PI. 11, fig. 11). One polar body ( P.B b) has been 158 J. BRONTE GATKNBY. extruded and lies on the surface of the egg. The spindle of the second polar body is in the telophase and the chromo- somes seem fused. No aster or centrosomes could be seen. Around the neighbourhood of the forming polar body is a clear zone, and a little above the dumb-bell shaped figure are two large granules. I do not know exactly how these granules arise, but I think that they are possibly extrusions of the polar figures, for expulsion of granules from the nuclei can be observed in later stages. The fate of the polar bodies is not known. In Oophthora and Encyrtus they eventually degenerate (Hegner, 3a). The Stages between Formation of Polar Bodies and the Blastoderm. These are not described in the present paper ; through lack of material last spring I have been unable to get the stages. This spring I was able to procure a great deal more material, with which I hope to describe the early segregation of the germ-cells and the accompanying phenomena. The Blastoderm Stage. The material from the blastoderm stage onwards to the formation of the young larva is very complete. The germ-cell determinant at the posterior pole of the egg has, by the time of formation of the polar bodies, become more faintly staining, and considerably broken up (PI. 11, fig. 20, broken pieces P.P.). Such broken pieces come apart, and the whole deter- minant loses almost all affinity for stains of any kind. The exact time at which the determinant usually disappears is at present unknown, but very rarely one can find rather darkly staining patches in the germ-cells of the blastoderm stage, which may be the remains of the germ-cell determinant (PI. 12, fig. 36 G.) In PI. 11, fig. 12, the earliest blastoderm stage is seen in longitudinal section. The number of germ-cells is very diffi- cult to determine, for at about this stage the latter lose almost DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 159 all affinity for stains. I feel quite sure that there are at least six germ-cells in the blastoderm stage, but often one counts more during later stages, in some cases as many as nine. Mitotic division of the germ-cells between the blastoderm stage and the adult larva I have not yet found, and I feel the more certain of this at the period of germ layer formation, because one never finds the germ-cells assuming a greater affinity for chromatin dyes as they would do if they were in the prophases of mitosis. From the time of their segregation onwards to the formation of the larva the germ-cells are resting. At the time when the larva has swallowed almost all the yolk (see PL 12, fig. 38 and p. 25) the germ-cells seem to become active again, but though I believe they begin to divide by amitosis, I have not enough material of this stage to feel quite certain of this. The germ-cells have the ap- pearance of fig. 36 of PI. 12, and the granules (6r.), which one can in rare cases discover, may be the remains of the germ-cell determinant. In PL 11, fig. 21, the structure of the germ-cells and the blastoderm nuclei is shown. The arrangement of the latter is very peculiar and characteristic. The nucleus consists of an oval nucleoplasmic zone, PL 11, fig. 21 A. ( N.P .) in which is placed excentrically, and always towards the periphery of the blastoderm, a large chromatin nucleolus ( M.G. ). This large granule is rounded on the side touching the edge of the nucleus and generally more irre- gular on its inner surface. Placed on the periphery of the nucleus, and always pointing towards the central region of the egg, is a granule, or two, much smaller, and quite sphe- rical ( G.R.C .) (P. 11, fig. 21). This remarkable arrangement and the peculiar orientation of the nucleus and its granules is quite clear. Observe also the transverse section in PL 11, fig. 12, and in fig. 17. This arrangement is quite constant and typical, but in one blastoderm alone did I find a difference, and this lay in the presence of other granules (0. G.) near the large main nucleolar granule (M. G.)y PL 11, fig. 16. It may be possible that the blastoderm was younger than its fellow drawn in 160 J. BRONT/2 GATENBY. PI. 11, fig. 12, and that the exceptional nucleus is an inter- mediate form. The nuclei at the anterior end of the egg are orientated in relation to the centre, as are those of the posterior. In the central region of the egg are found a number of black masses (Iron Hsematoxylin staining) of approximately the same size and shape as the excentric nucleolar mass of the blastoderm nuclei. That these masses are extrusions from the latter is proved by the fact that all stages in their expulsion can be found. In PI. 11, fig. 12, there were twenty- three in the egg. When the nucleolar mass is shot out towards the centre of the egg the nucleoplasm and the other granules break apart. The former disappears, the latter may be found in the egg (PI. 11, fig. 12, G. R. C.). In PI. 11, fig. 17, at X, there is a space left in the row of nuclei ; exactly on the same level, and quite near, are two nucleoli labelled Y. I believe that the empty space was occupied by the chromatic masses, both of which have lost their nucleoplasmic zone and their small granule. Additional proof that my conclusion concerning the character of these masses is correct will be mentioned below. In PI. 11, figs. 12, 13, 16, and 17, the central part of the egg is seen to contain extruded nucleoli. I have been able to count the number extruded in various eggs. In PI. 11, fig. 12, there were twenty- three ; in PI. 11, fig. 13, there were fifty-three; in PI. 11, fig. 16, there were twenty- four; in PI. 11, fig. 17, there were thirty; and so on, the number usually varying from twenty to fifty. In PI. 1 1, figs. 12, 16, and 17, are younger than Pi. 11, fig. 13, so fewer nucleoli have been expelled. It is generally true that the younger the blastoderm, the fewer the extruded nucleoli. Examina- tion of the figures of blastoderm stages will fail to reveal any dividing nuclei, and none are ever found in the sections. It is quite obvious .that if it is true that nuclei are extruded and no division takes place, one should find a decrease in the number of nuclei in the growing blastoderm. Up to a certain point this is so. In PI. 11, figs. 12 and 14 are both longitudinal DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 161 sections through the egg, the former at a time when most nuclei are present, the latter when fewest are present and just before multiplication begins again. PI. 11, fig. 12, ha& thirty-eight nuclei in the section; PI. 11, fig. 14, has thirty. Counts of a large number of sections yield similar results, though the total number of nuclei in a number of blastoderm stages varies a good deal. From PI. 11, fig. 12 to fig. 14, it will be noticed that the egg has broadened and contracted in length a good deal. Measured roughly from the camera lucida drawing, PI. 11, fig. 12, is a centimetre longer than the much older stage PI. 11, fig. 14. We then realise that two curious processes take place at this time ; one, the expul- sion of as many as fifty nuclei, the other, an obvious shortening and broadening of the egg. Explanations for both occurrences are difficult to formulate. In cases where no shortening can be shown to have occurred it is equally true that no lengthening has taken place, so that it remains correct that the developing egg departs from the proportions which it had when laid. A relative shortening always occurs,., i. e., in comparison of lengths and breadths of the eggs at different stages, for PI. 11, fig. 8, is one and three-quarter times as broad again as PI. 11, fig. 12, and a little shorter. PI. 11, fig. 13, is the later stage of the blastoderm. The egg has become relatively broader and shorter, and important changes have been taking place in the nuclei. It has already been remarked that in this egg fifty-three of these have been extruded. The germ-cells now stain quite faintly, but their arrangement is still unaltered. Most of the blastoderm nuclei in PL 11, fig. 13, are the same as those in PI. 11, figs. 12 or 21, but others show differences. Many of them have lost their small spherical granule, which was directed centrally, and in these the large nucleolar mass has shifted from its position in the periphery of the nucleoplasmic wall (PI. 11, fig. 21a) to the middle of the nucleoplasmic zone (PI. 11, fig. 13a, 2 and 3). The latter fig*ure is much enlarged and shows three stages in the alteration of the nuclear arrangement. At a later stage these changes become 162 J. BRONTE GATENBY. widespread, and by the stage in PI. 11, fig. 14, no granules are left and all nucleolar masses are found in the mid-region of the nucleoplasmic mass. I have not discovered the early blastoderm form of nucleus in any other stages. PI. 11, fig. 18, is a transverse section of an interesting- stage. It shows that the blastoderm nuclei have grown and that changes have taken place in their disposition, while the mass of extruded nuclei which, in PL 11, figs. 12, 13, 16, and 17, was situated in the centre of the egg, appears to be shifting outwards. Now, an examination of all later stages after the blastoderm will reveal the fact that the extruded nuclei leave their central position in the egg, and pass to the periphery (see PI. 11, figs. 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 25, and 27, E. X.N.). It is just after the stage drawn in PI. 11, fig. 12, that this occurrence takes place, and PI. 11, fig. 18, shows what happens. The central mass containing the nuclei, as is seen in PI. 11, fig. 13, is somewhat vacuolated. Almost the whole of this central region streams out to the periphery, carrying the extruded nuclei with it, and breaking through and disarranging the layer of blastoderm nuclei on one side; in the process several healthy nuclei are carried out as well (PI. 11, figs. 18 and 19, L. E. N.). The space left by the out- streaming mass is soon closed up, and the disarranged nuclei resume their places ; the new membrane appears between the re-formed blastoderm and the extruded mass (M. B., in PL 11, fig. 19). Regarding the position in which this final expulsion of extruded nuclei takes place, though no absolute regularity exists, it is a fact that the outbreak appears generally towards the middle at any place, but more often than not on the future dorsal side of the embryo. In PL 11, figs. 14, 18, and 19, it was ventral; in PL 11, figs. 15 and 25, it was dorsal. In PL 11, fig. 14, it wiis near the posterior pole; in the others about median. As will be seen in PL 11, figs. 15, 18, 19, and 27, at E. X. N. this extruded mass is quite large and consists of the DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EYANESCENS. 163 wider reticulate central part of the egg. After its expulsion the widely reticulate central part of the egg (PI. 11, fig. 13) disappears (observe PI. 11, figs. 14, 18, and 19). A partial vacuolisation may reappear secondarily, as in PI. 11, fig. 15, but this is rare. Further description of the fate of this extruded mass will be postponed, but it remains for a good while lying between the chorion (PL 11, fig. 19, V.M.) and the re-formed blastoderm, often becoming much flattened. The Appearance of the Germ Layers. The expulsion of the inner waste mass is a preliminary to the incipient formation of the germ layers. On what is later the dorsal surface of the embryo a longitudinal groove appears, and beneath this groove the regularity of the arrangement of the blastoderm nuclei becomes disturbed. On a space oocupied by about five or six nuclei broad and seven or eight nuclei long a gradual sinking-in begins. In PL 11, fig. 18 and 19, the groove is marked I. N. V. and the sinking nuclei N. 8. 1. In PL 11, fig. 14, the egg at this period is seen in longitudinal section. This process is undoubtedly gastrulation, though in view of the fact that the representative of the blastula is solid the event is somewhat disguised. PL 11, fig*. 19, has a striking resemblance to a gastrulating blastula, though there is no segmentation cavity or blastoccele. That the groove repre- sents the early blastopore ( I.N.V .) I have no doubt, and were the depression to become deeper it would form the mesenteron. As it happens, this never takes place, the cavity of the gut being formed in a different way. It has already been shown that about the stage in PL 11, figs. 13, 14, the nuclei loose their granule, and the large nucleolus becomes placed in the centre of the nucleoplasmic zone. By the stage in Pl. 11, fig. 14, this has taken place in every nucleus. In this figure the blastopore (I.N.V.) appears on the dorsal surface of the anterior end of the egg, but its VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIFS. 12 164 J. BRONTE GATENBY. position varies little. The row of nuclei which will form most of the gut, and which are now sinking in ( N.S.I .) are, on the average, a little bigger than the other nuclei. At thb anterior pole of the egg, near the letters E.X.N., is seen an extruded nucleus. It is a fact that though the main expul- sion of nuclei occurs between the stages in PI. 11, fig. 12 and fig. 13, even after the throwing out of the central part of the egg which contains these large granules, sporadic extrusion may take place. That these later extrusions do really occur is shown by comparing the size of expelled granules. In PL 11, fig. 14, the granule in the anterior end of the egg is twice as large as those extruded earlier at the posterior region. (Compare also PI. 12, fig. 32.) The germ-cells in PI. 11, fig. 14, have changed their posi- tion somewhat, becoming arranged towards the ventral edge of the posterior pole. In this figure the germ-cells are drawn a little darker than they should be. PL 11, fig. 19, is drawn from such a transverse section as that through K. in fig. 14. The insinking nuclei (N.S.I.) are shown. Such an arrangement does not last long, for as the nuclei sink inwards they lose their order. This is caused by the fact that some lag behind while others penetrate more quickly towards the centre of the egg. This is shown in PL 11, fig. 15, at N.S.I. By this time these nuclei have become very large. The relationship of the various nuclear elements in the egg now becomes more complicated, because at intervals around the periphery other nuclei grow larger and sink inwards (PL 11, fig, 15, at X.Y.). All these nuclei are quite distinct from those which were the first to begin sinking inwards, and I feel sure that some of them at least contribute to the formation of the gut. Others form loose cells lying in the cavity between the gut and the ectoderm. Often just before and at this stage amitotic division of nuclei is found taking place. Moreover, the chromatic arrangement of some of the nuclei changes curiously. In these the large centrally placed nucleolus becomes ragged at the edges and pieces break off and become arranged around the periphery DEVELOPMENT OF TH1CHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 165 of the nucleoplasmie zone. This process may go on till the nucleus becomes normal, that is, until a rough reticulum is produced, and sometimes the chromatin becomes very sparse. These changes are shown in PI. 12, figs. 40-43. In PL 11, fig. 15 such nuclei are marked N., and in PL 11, fig. 25, there is a large group of them towards the centre of the embryo. I do not know the reason for this reversion to the usual chromatic arrangement, but at a much later stage during pupation the early abnormal form of nucleus gives place to the normal one. The nervous system of the larva, for instance*, is formed of nuclei having quite a different chromatic arrangement from that of the adult. I feel convinced that the curious form of nucleus found in the larva is connected with the unusual metabolic conditions to which the developing egg is exposed. Inspection of PL 11, fig. 15, will show that a large number of nuclei are sinking inwards, but among them the nuclei marked N.S.I., which are the original endoderm, are remarkable for their size. In this figure the extruded nuclei and the inner mass of the egg have been thrown out on the mid-dorsal side, and lie in the space formed by the gas- trulating periphery of the ovum ( INV .). The germ cells lie towards the ventral edge of the posterior pole of the egg and have sunk inwards ; at Z. the edge of the blastodernl tends to embrace the pocket in which the germ cells lie. The latter stain very faintly, and form a light area on the posterior pole of the egg. Fig. 23 of PL 11 is a transverse section through this part of the egg, near the letters A -A ill PL 11, fig. 15. The latter figure is a little earlier than the former. In PI. 11, fig. 22, drawn at twice the magnification of either PL 11, figs. 9 or 23, is an oblique longitudinal sec- tion of the posterior pole of the egg to show both the manner in which the germ cells sink into the egg in the form of a pocket (G-CP.), the neighbouring blastoderm nuclei ( X.X .) surrounding and protecting the pocket, and the relative staining power of the egg cytoplasm and the germ cell cyto- plasm. Up to the stage drawn in Fig. 15 of PL 11, the somatic nuclei of the egg are scattered in a syncytium ; in 166 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Fig. 24 of PL 11a transverse section of the embryo is drawn at a stage when the cell outlines begin to appear. At the places where the body cavity is formed, the syncytium becomes thin and vacuolated, and between the future cell elements, cell walls are deposited. In PI. 11, fig. 24, the large endo- derm cells have become arranged in a definite manner (END.N.) , and the beginning of the lumen of the future gut is seen at GL. Beneath the ring of endoderm nuclei (END.N.) a large cavity ( CAV .) has already appeared, but otherwise the separation into regions is still slight. On what is the ventral side of the embryo, at the letters NCN, will be noticed three rows of nuclei. The upper row ( MCN .) just beneath the embryonic body cavity (CAV.) becomes detached by further vacuolisations in the region marked X, X, and in the larva becomes loose in the body cavity (PL 12, fig. 37, MCN.). Of the two lower rows, the bottom one, and at least some of the upper row nuclei, form the nerve chain of the adult. Fig. 39 of PL 12 should be compared with this figure. In PI. 12, fig. 39, the body cavity is better formed (CAV.). It will be noticed in PL 11, fig. 18, that there are four large nuclei marked Z which do not seem to be included in the forming gut. The upper two may form such large glandular cells as those marked Z in PL 12, fig. 39, for in this figure it will be noticed that in places the wall of the gut (GL.) is formed of two rows of cells. One can often find very large unattached cells in the newly-formed body-cavity, and these may break up later on (PL 12, fig. 39, XX.). Immediately after the final sorting up of the cell elements, and after each nucleus has taken its place, there is an expulsion of super- fluous cells, which degenerate either in the hsemocoel, or are cast from the surface of the ectoderm (PL 12, fig. 39, X, X.). The Formation of Stomodeum, Mesenteron, and Proctodeum. As far as one can tell in a case where such wide variation occurs, the large dorsal mass of nuclei which sinks inwards DEVELOPMKNT OF TRIUHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 167 takes part in the formation of no organ except the mid-gut, but, as I have already pointed out, some of the cells forming the mesenteron may conceivably be of another origin, namely from nuclei which sporadically wander in from the periphery on other parts of the surface of the embryo (PI. 11, fig. 15, XT.). From the first the nuclei destined to form the mid-gut are conspicuous by their large size and rapid growth. The lumen of the mesenteron appears just after the stage drawn in PI. 11, figs. 27 and 28. It seems to be formed by an internal delamination of the solid endo- dermal cell mass in some cases, but in others it looks as if, during growth, the ring of cells, gradually enlarging, left a lumen in their centre, just as the lumen is known to appear in an ordinary duct. In any case there is always a residuum left in the developing lumen (PI. 12, figs. 27 and 28). After the endodermal cells have grouped themselves as shown in PL 11, fig. 24, the proctodaeum aiid stomodaeum begin to be quite recognisable ; and there is no doubt that the latter is formed by a regular invagination (PI. 12, fig. 31, ST.). The manner in which the proctodaeum is formed is a little more doubtful. In the case of the stomodaeum the invagination is normal (PI. 11, fig. 27). The iupushing cells meet the roughly disposed endoderm cells, and when the final dis- solving out and disintegration of that part of the embryo which forms the body-cavity takes place the connection between the stomodasal and mesenteron cells remains unbroken. The same thing applies to a region where the proctodaeum is formed, but it is difficult to be sure of a true invagination such as occurs with the stomodaeum. The latter is formed of much smaller cells than the proctodaeum, and is longer, while the demarcation between mesenteron and proctodaeum is quite indistinct. In PI. 12, fig. 30, which is a horizontal section of the front region of a larva of the same age as that drawn in PI. 12, fig. 38; the stomodaeum, mouth, and mesenteron are shown. In PI. 12, fig. 34, there is a longi- tudinal section of the proctodaeum of a somewhat younger larva, but it serves to show how short the hind gut is. This 168 J. BRONTE GATENBY. seems to be the rule in many Hymenopterous larvae. In the oldest larvae I have found there is no oesophageal valve formed, nor is there any differentiation in the proctodaeal end of the gut. As the larva grows it swallows all the host’s yolk in the egg, and no defecation takes place until every yolk disci et has been swallowed ; by this time the animal is enormously stretched, and the body-wall and gut-wall are so thin as to be overlooked unless care is taken. PI. 12, fig. 38, is drawn when the swallowing is well advanced, PI. 12, fig. 33, when the first food has reached the mesenteron. When the larva has finished swallowing the yolk, it occupies almost the whole extent of the egg. The Head Region of the Larva of Trichogramma. In PI. 12, fig. 30, I have drawn the horizontal section of the head region. The mouth {MTU.) is a simple opening; but pointing forwards and outwards are two extraordinary horn-like processes {PRC.). These are seen to protrude from a pair of lateral thickenings — one on each side of the head. These thickenings arise quite early, and are closely associated with the inner side of the epidermis. In PI. 12, fig. 29, {TH.) 1 have drawn a transverse section of a younger head to show the thickenings before the horn is secreted from them. Beyond this curious organ I have been unable to discover any other mouth parts whatsoever. The Late Larva. In the stage when the larva has swallowed all the yolk several facts may be noticed. The first is absence of tracheae ; the second, absence of any external sign of segmentation ; and the third, the absence of completely differentiated muscles or heart. The larva is merely an ovoid sac, provided in front with two horn-like processes, and with an opening at either end, for taking in food and casting out waste matter ; internally there is a gut divided as usual into three regions ; and finally DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOG-RAMMA EVANESCENS. 169 there is the single median ventral germ-cell pocket, beneath the proctodaeum. In PI. 12, fig. 30 ( CU .), a distinct cuticle could be seen. It dipped into the pockets from which the horn-like jaw-pro- cesses protruded, and the latter are probably cuticular in nature. The thickening ( TH .) is ectodermal. Cuticle (chitin) was found in the stomodaeum, but I am not quite sure of its presence in the proctodaeum. It is possible that the processes are used for scooping up the yolk of the host as the larva feeds, and they are probably much modified mandibles. When the larva has swallowed all the yolk, very often not the smallest particle can be found outside its gut, and exactly how the yolk at the posterior end of the host's egg is worked to its mouth is impossible to say ; but it is probably by means of movements of the body that the unswallowed parts are brought forward. The Fate op the Extruded Matter. In PL 11, fig. 15, the extruded mass still lies within the vitelline membrane of the egg. As the larva grows the membrane becomes stretched and the waste mass flattened; but, though it remains intact for a good time, it eventually bursts. The extruded mass then floats free in the yolk of the Donacia egg. In PI. 11, fig. 27, EM., it is shown to the right of the ventral side of the posterior pole of the embryo. In PI. 12, fig. 35, it is seen quite close to the embiyo at EM. Curiously enough these fragments seem to live a good while, and nuclear changes, such as those undergone in the blastoderm, take place in some cases.1 The mass may becom spherical, as in PI. 12, fig. 32, and may resemble the egg itself. Eventually the mass either degenerates outside the 1 One is tempted to entertain the view that this peculiarity may he in some way or other connected with a faculty that culminates in the establishment of polyembryony. Were the extruded mass to contain enough live nuclei it might partially follow the development of the embryo. 370 J. BRONTE GAT UN BY. embryo or is swallowed by the latter. The live nuclei, to which the temporary persistence of the extruded mass is due, may develop the microsome granule ( GEC .) drawn in PL 11, fig. 21 a. This is the case with the nuclei marked LEN. in Pi. 12, fig. 82. (See addendum, p. 30.) The Nervous System. The nervous system can be recognised very early ; it arises from the multiplication of ectodermal cells in the usual manner found in insect larvae, but it never becomes properly separated off from the ectoderm. Even in late larval life the nervous system seems l< coarsely” made; that is to say, it is formed of comparatively few cell elements which are not differentiated in the characteristic manner, and there are no such things as nerves in the sense of offshoots or twigs to organs, such as exist in other larvae, such as Yespa. The nerve-cells do not differ in any way from other cells in the body, always excepting germ-cells. In PI. 11, fig. 18, the nerve- chord is seen in a rudimentary condition, and consists of the bottom row of nuclei marked N. C. N., and an unknown number of the row above. In PL 11, fig. 21, the brain (BE.) and nerve-chord ( N.C .) are cut longitudinally. In PL 11, fig. 22, PL 12, figs. 33 and 38, a better view of the chord in transverse section is seen, and in PL , fig. 29, the brain (BE.) is cut transversely, to illustrate its close connection with the epidermis (E/P.) and oesophagus (S TD.). No such things as ganglia exist, and the chain ends a little before the germ- pocket; it does not reach the proctodaeum. In late stages (PL 12, fig. 88, N. C.) it becomes an increasingly difficult matter to recognise the chain, so stretched does it become, and by the time the larva has swallowed all the yolk in the Donacia egg, the nervous chain is for most of the hinder part of its length quite unrecognisable. The oesophageal connectives seem to consist of single cells applied to one another (PL 12, fig. 30, CES. CON.), and are extremely rough. DEVELOPMENT OF TK1CHOGKAMMA E-VANESCENS. 171 The Amitotic Division in the Developing Embryo. It has been shown that the number of nuclei in the blastoderm stage becomes subsequently reduced, but that soon afterwards, at about the stage in PI. 11, fig. 15, amitosis can be found. Mitosis never occurs in the stages I have examined,, and I suspect that it never occurs at any stage of develop- ment ; but between polar bodies and blastoderm, and larva and pupa, I have no stages. I cannot find mitosis in the ovary of the imago, but my series is not satisfactory, and subse- quent work may cause me to alter my views. In the dividing nucleus the large median chromatic body may be seen to elongate (PI. 10, figs. 6a and 6b), while the nucleoplasmic zone ( NP . Z.) is unaltered in shape. The nucleoplasmic zone soon constricts and becomes elongate. The chromatin mass becomes roughly dumb bell-shaped, and the nucleus divides into two by a constriction (PL 10, figs. 15 a and b). From the scanty evidence afforded by PL 11, fig. 11, it seems probable there is no proper mitotic figure in the polar bodies. The figure draw in PI. 11, fig. 11a, closely resembles the stages of amitosis in the embryonic nuclei, except for the absence of the nucleoplasmic zone. It is probable that mitotic figures will be found during and after the formation of the pupa. . The probable reason for the absence of mitosis during early development is evidently connected with the explana- tion of the form of the nucleus. (See the discussion, p. 26.) Mesoderm. In the section of the young larva one always finds loose cells in the body cavity. These I believe to be mesoderm ; such cells are shown in PI. 11, fig. 27, MC. ; PI. 12, fig. 33, MC. ; fig. 34, X. The formation of mesoderm is quite unaccompanied by the appearance of mesoblastic somites; these cells which form the mesoderm are derived from nuclei which sink inwards from the periphery in the stage of fig. 15, PI. 11, but as the disposition of such nuclei varies I find it impos- sible to state exactly where they arise. It will be clear, after 172 J. BRONTE OATEN BY. an examination of PI. 12, fig. 39, that the cells marked MCX., which form the mesoderm, appear in a scattered manner, being set free by vacuolisations which rise around them as the body-cavity is formed. It has already been noticed that at this stage many such cells degenerate completely ( X , X., PI. 12, fig. 39), and the number which persists in the young larva is never constant. It is the body cavity cells which most usually exhibit that curious resumption of the reticulum of the nucleus shewn in PI. 11. figs. 27 and 28, X , and in PL* 12, fig. 34, X. The fate of these cells, and the part they play, if any, in histolysis, I do not know at present, but at the stage when the larva has swallowed up all the yolk in the Donacia egg, they seem few in number and much compressed, while their nuclei never show the reticulate structure. Some of the loose cells in the body-cavity also form muscles, becoming slightly flattened under the ectoderm. The Germ Cells. Trichogramma evanescens is one of those remarkable animals where a definite difference can be seen very early to exist between germ cells and soma cells; the difference between the two lies in the presence of a germ cell determi- nant in the former. At the time of segregation we know, from the cases of such insects as Chiron omus or Calligraplia, the germ cell determinant becomes included in the pole cells which later form the gonads, a'nd in some special examples pieces of the broken-up determinant can be found in fairly late stages of development. The germ cells at the blasto- derm stage PL 11, fig. 12, fig. 14, and fig. 15) have been described. They have already lost a great deal of affinity for any stains, and in bad preparations the nuclei can hardly be found. Xot long after the extruded centrally-placed nuclei are finally thrown out to the periphery of the egg, the germ cells begin to sink inwards. Exactly what causes them to move in this manner I am quite at a loss to say, but it is easy to watch the eveut taking place. In the fully ferified DEVELOPMENT OK TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 173 larva the germ cells lie in a pocket beneath the proctodeum, that is, on the ventral edge of the body-cavity. In the earliest stages the germ cells may be seen moving in this direction (fig. 14 of PL 11, in the direction of the arrow). One germ cell (M.) has begun its migration. By the stage in PL 11, fig. 15, the germ cells have sunk right into the ventral edge of the posterior pole, pushing aside the blastoderm nuclei. In Pl. 11, fig* 22, which is a somewhat oblique longi- tudinal section, this inpushing is finished, and the germ pocket is formed by the nuclei ( X ., X.X.). The latter are quite early set aside for this work, and continue in that position in late larval life. During the time the other organs are being differentiated the germ cells remain closely embraced by these cells ; and just when the lumen of the gut is appearing (Pl. 11, figs. 27 aud 28) the germ pocket has the appearance drawn in PL 12, fig. 37, in transverse section, and in PL 12, fig. 34, in longitudinal. The germ cell socket is enclosed by about four cells, and contains the germ nuclei in what appears to be a syncytium, though faint cell outlines and slight vacuolisations can sometimes be noticed. The germinal cytoplasm stains very faintly in plasma dyes. In PL 12, fig. 34a, I have drawn an enlarged view of the pocket in order to show the staining reactions. In the case of nearly every nucleus the nucleolus alone can be made to stain. Regarding the number of nuclei in the pocket I could count seven in one, and in another six, but there were always doubtful nuclei at or on the edge of the syncytum, which may or may not have been germ nuclei ; it is probable that the number of germ cells is subject to variation, though I have never found less than six. After the stage drawn in PL 12, fig. 34, my material is not very good, but at a stage a little after the time the larva has distended itself with the yolk of the host, the germ cells seem to become almost similar to the somatic cells, and •amitotic division begins. The exact details and further confirmation of the facts cannot be given at present. It will be noticed in PL 11, figs. 21, 22, and Pl. 12, figs.‘34 174 J. BRONTE GATENBY. and 35, that the germ nuclei gradually lose all staining power, except that of the chromatic nucleolus, the reticulum disappearing. In later stages, when the germ cells begin to stain more heavily, only the nucleolus can be made to take up chromatin dyes. With regard to the migration of the germ-cells from out- side the embryo inwards (PI. 11, figs. 21 and 22, no pole canal could be recognised. The germ cells seem to sink in passively, and never become amoeboid as in Calligrapha (3). The (Term C ell Determinant . The origin of the germ cell determinant, even in those insects where the eggs are larger and technique easier, is still in doubt. I have examined several Hvmenopterous insects parasitic upon Aphids, and find that the determi- nants appear as a cloud of granules towards the posterior pole of the egg. In Trichogramma the determinant is densest and most darkly staining during the period in which it still lies in the ovarian tubule, but is just about ready to lay (PI. 11, fig. 9). Py the time the egg has been laid and the polar bodies are in process of formation the determinant loses a great deal of its affinity for stains, and begins to break into pieces (PL 1 J, fig. 26, P, P.) At the blastoderm stage the determinant has completely disappeared, and with the exception of the rarest cases nothing of it remains (PL 12, fig. 36, G.). Indeed at at this stage the cytoplasm of the germ-cells, instead of staining more heavily than that of the somatic syncytium, as one would expect, has lost a great deal of staining power, both in nucleus and cytoplasm. This soon becomes very accentuated (PI. 11, fig. 22). In the newly laid eggs in PL 11, figs. 10 and 20, the germ cell determinant has become rather shrunken and faintly staining*, though in the case of Pi. 11, fig. 11, the determinant has a good deal more affinity for stains. DEVELOPMENT OF TKICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 175 Discussion. The Significance of the Nuclear Changes during Blastoderm Stage. — Many nuclei (from twenty-five to fifty-five) are cast out altogether. Others, as far as I can tell all of them, extrude the microsome or small chromatin granule, marked GRC. in PI. 11, figs. 16 and 21. In some cases there are two granules of the same size, both of which are expelled into the cytoplasm. No granule can be found to be extruded from the germ cells, and it might follow therefore that the latter, at this period at least, contain more chromatin than the ordinary blastoderm nucleus. In Miastor, Kahle (5) and Hegner (3) have described a definite chromatin diminution process whereby the somatic nuclei are deprived of a part of their chromatin during certain divisions. Though I do not overlook the possibility of a homologous occurrence taking place in Tricliogramma evanescens, I am more inclined to believe that another explanation should be attached to the remarkable chromatin diminution in the parasite. In the first place the chromatin diminution in Miastor takes place quite early, before the blastoderm is formed completely, and, moreover, the process is brought about in a different manner, not by extrusion of a granule, but by the discarding of the larger part of the chromosomes during the mitotic division, only the extreme ends of the chromosomes going to the opposite spindles at the telophase. The residual mass in the middle of the spindle undergoes degeneration. No satisfactory explanation of the occurrence in Miastor has been advanced, bat in Trichogramma evanescens I would suggest that the process is connected with the curious metabolic influences which must affect the nuclei. It must be remembered that all nourishment which is necessary for the development of the egg, and which is ordinarily provided by the central mass of yolk of the insect-egg, is, in the case of this parasite, derived from the yolk of another insect’s egg and without the aid of vitellophags. Such nourishment J. BliONTE GATENBY. 176 must be received over the surface of the ovum, and it follows that the surface nuclei must be partly engaged in the taking up of the food matter. A glance at PL 11, fig. 7, and fig. 28, will show how enormously the egg has grown during develop- ment. Both figures are drawn to the same scale, and the embryo in PI. 11, fig. 28, had not yet begun to swallow food. All the food necessary for this growth has been derived through the surface of the embryo and of the developing egg, and without the help of yolk cells, which are so characteristic in' hexapod embryology. The form of nucleus in the blastoderm must be the one suited to the requirements of the developing embryo, and the occasional expulsion of whole nuclei, and the constant extrusion of the granule, is probably due to the fact that the nuclei become liyperchromatic. That this nuclear arrangement is artificial and temporary is shown, in the first place, because it is not found in the adult insect (follicle cells of ovary excepted) ; and secondly, because there is always a tendency for the nuclei to regain the normal reticulate arrangement. It is as if the forces which suppressed the usual chromatic arrangement were overcome now and again, but soon recovered their power. To illustrate this suggestion it may be mentioned that the changes shown in PI. 12, figs. 40-48 take place sporadically. Nuclei like that figured in PL 12, fig. 43, occurred in the embryos in PL 11, figs. 27 and 28 (A.), were absent in Pl. 12, fig. 33, but were common in PL 11, fig. 15 (N.N.), and were found to occur in a scattered manner right up to the formation^of the larva, when they became suppressed. It was particularly in the loose cells in the body cavity that such nuclei were found, and it seems fair to conclude that these are the cells which would be least affected by the metabolic influences surrounding the embryo. The occurrence of the modified nucleus in the follicle cells of the adult iu sect's ovary is due to the fact that such cells are exposed to somewhat the same conditions as the nuclei in the embryo, and are engaged in passing on food to the ovum (PL 11, fig. 9, FN.). DEVELOPMENT OF TKICHOGUAMMA EVANESCENS 177 Hypercliromatic nuclei are known to occur in nurse cells of insects, in various cells of vertebrate foetal membranes, and in many tissues concerned in nourishment, and where these nuclei do not become noticeably hypercliromatic, they generally hypertrophy. The extruded granules are, therefore, to be regarded as superfluous chromatin, which has arisen through the peculiar conditions to which the blastoderm nuclei are exposed. Formation of the Gferm Layers. — In view of the- fact that the egg of Trichogramma is not provided with yolk the formation of the germ layers is of great interest, for the yolk profoundly alters the organogeny in the usual hexapod development. That one would receive a faithful representa- tion of the ancestral mode of development of the insect, from the case of Trichgramma is too much to expect, because the method of development, though primitive in some respects, is overshadowed by the effects of the parasitic mode of life. The blastoderm stage is without doubt quite normal, and except for minor nuclear phenomena differs not at all from that of the host or of Miastor (3), but the events leading to the formation of the endoderm are interesting. That the progress figured in PI. 11, figs. 14 and 19, is one of gastrulation one hardly doubts. In the case of Polygnotus minutus Marchal (7) describes how the embryo is formed by a complete invagination of one side of the hollow blastula, to form a two-layered gastrula. The method of gastrulation. in the parasite treated in this paper is somewhat less distinct than in the case of Polygnotus, and before the process is far advanced a secondary insinking of other peripheral nuclei almost completely obscures it (compare PI. 11, figs. 14 and 15.) The manner in which the endoderm is formed in Tricho- gramma is of very considerable interest in view of the dis- cussions which have been caused by the different opinions expressed by several authors (Dohrn, Kowalevsky, and Granin (7) ), but it is not intended here to review their widely different suggestions in the light shed by Trichogramma. 178 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Germ Cell and Determinant. In the ordinary Hymenopterous larva (e.g. Vespa) the germ cells lie about two-thirds way in the length of the body and above and resting upon the mid-gut. In the Tricliogramma larva the germ cells are situated at the posterior pole and ventral to the proctodasum. In the adult insect the ovaries occupy the same position as they do in the Vespa imago. Migration of germ cells is very small in the developing embryo. In most insect embryos the germ cells .are carried into the tail fold, and may be said to either migrate or be passively carried a good distance, but except for the early insinking of the germ cells and the formation of the germ pocket in Tricliogramma the position of these cells is hardly altered. I have looked carefully at my sections of the adult ovary, and find that the germ cell determinant appears as a cloud of granules, which become more and more heavily staining, and denser and denser, until the determinant resembles a dark spherical ball at the posterior pole of the egg. The whole history of the germ cell determinant, in so far as the ovary is concerned, has been exhaustively treated by Hegner (3) in more suitable insects. I have examined a number of sections of the Hymenopterous parasites common on Aphids, and I am able to substantiate most of his remarks ; but in the nurse cells, as well as in the developing oocyte, 1 have found curious large spherical granules which have not hitherto been mentioned. These seem to appear after synezesis in the oocyte, and whether they have anything to do with the germ cell determinant I cannot at present say. If suitable material is procured I hope to examine this point. Addendum. When this work had been finished I had not had the opportunity of acquainting myself with Prof. Silvestri’s writings, only knowing of them through short reviews in DEVELOPMENT OP TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESOENS. 179 •other papers more accessible to me. Since then I have been enabled, through Mr. Goodrich's kindness, to read Silvestri’s valuable articles. I have been impressed by the similarity between all stages in the development of Oophthora and of Trichogramma. To my eye, untrained in the apprecia- tion of small systematic differences in Chalcids, the adult insects in these species are closely similar, and the peculiar larvae of both species are structurally identical. Apart from differences due to different interpretation there is no doubt that the course of organogeny in these parasites is parallel. Silvestri (‘ Bolletino del Laboratorio de Zoologia Generale •e Agraria/ vol. i and iii) identifies the darkly staining masses of the inner region of the blastoderm stage (PI. 11, figs. 12 and 13 in my drawings) as a “ piccolo numero di nuclei, die in seguito degenereranno,” but lias overlooked the small granule ( G-RC .) (if really present in Oophthora) which is so characteristic of stages such as that of PI. 11, figs. 12, 13, and 21. In Oophthora the germ cells have sunk into the egg before any marked differentiation of the primary germ layers has taken place (vide Silvestri, vol. iii, p. 78, fig. xxx, vii, 5), for it will be remembered that in the stage drawn in my fig. 15, PI. 11, the germ layers are distinctly forming and the germ cells still situated at the pole of the egg. Regarding Silvestri's statement that the extruded masses are nuclei, it might be well to mention that these darkly staining masses are but a part (i.e. the nucleolus) of the •original nuclei (see p. 11, and the figs. 13a and 21 of PI. 11). In Trichogramma I have not described the formation of an ■embryonic membrane, nor do I believe that such exists. In Encyrtus apliidivorus and in Oophthora Slivestri des- cribes the formation of a “ pseudoserosa ” from a delamination of the surface cells of the embryo. He states : “ L'involucro embrionale dell* Oophthora h in parte omologo a quello dell’ Encyrtus, perche in questo sembra che derivi completamente per delaminazione delle cellule embrionali, mentre nell' VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 13 180 J. BRONTlS GATENBY. Oophthora la parte di esso, che prima si forma, deriva dalla parte spugnosa del protoplasma clie occupava, a blastoderma completo, il centro dell ovo. Intorno a tale differenza io pero non voglio insistere troppo perch e potrebbe essermi sfnggito il primo vero periodo di formazione dell' involucro embrionale nell' Encyrtus, mentre lio potuto seguirlo con ogni precisione nell' Oophthora.” In Encyrtus Silvestri gives several figures (vol. iii, 1908, p. 67) of the “inizio della psedoserosa,” which I find not unconvincing, but I cannot see any delamination taking place in fig. xxvi, 2, except at P., which I think has little in common with the “pseudoserosa” drawn in fig. xxv, 3. I will leave my comment at this point because Encyrtus is in some ways different from Trichogramma, and will consider Oophthora (vol. iii, pp. 71, 79). Whether Prof. Silvestri's or my views concerning these forms are correct, I am convinced that we have to deal with two species whose development is closely similar. I find stages such as those drawn by Silvestri in figs, xxxvii and xxxviii, and in almost all others of his figures. Not only this, but the modified larvae of both Trichogramma and Oophthora are similar. He believes that one part of the pseudoserosa is formed by the extruded inner mass (protoplasma superficial spug- noso), while the other is formed like that of Encyrtus, and is homologous with this membrane in the latter. In my figs. 15, 18, 19, 24, and 25 of PI. 11, I have drawn at EXN. what Silvestri calls the “ pseudoserosa.” Since read- ing the Professor's papers I have very carefully re-examined my sections, and find nothing to alter in my interpretations; but I have drawn PL 10, fig. 4, with a view to the clearer explanation of my view of the “pseudoserosa” of Silvestri. The egg when laid is surrounded by a vitelline membrane and a thin chorion, which, however, is quite distinct (PI. 10, fig. 6, CH.) As development goes on the waste nucleoli collect in the centre of the egg, and are soon extruded (Iff. 11, figs. 18 and 19). They come to the surface of the egg, and at first form a slight cavity in the ovum. But as DEVELOPMENT OF TRIOHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 181 the egg grows rapidly the chorion becomes slightly stretched, and the lump of “ protoplasma spugnoso ” becomes pressed flat, and mechanically spreads around the egg (PL 10, fig. 4, X, X, X.). Now should the chorion by any chance burst, as it sometimes does, the extruded mass is released and lies near the egg and embryo (PL 11, fig. 27; PL 12, fig. 35, JSJXN.). In Pl. 10, fig. 4, the extruded mass ( EXN .) lies inside the chorion, and has been flattened out between the points X,X,X.x on the dorsal surface of the embryo, but on the ventral surface (F) the chorion, though somewhat stretched and thinner, is still recognisable, and cannot be confused with any other structure. The “ protoplasma spugnoso ” of Silvestri is an extruded dead mass, and is in no way com- parable or homologous with either the ammon or serosa of other insects, and since, as Silvestri shows, there is really a living embryonic membrane around the egg of Bncyrtus, it is incorrect, in my humble opinion, to say that “ LTnvolucro embrionale delL Oophthora e in parte omologo a quello delL Encyrtus.” In his figure on p. 67 of vol. iii, he depicts a membrane (P.) which has nuclei evenly distributed, and the tout ensemble is far more convincing than his fig. xxxvii, 6, of Oophthora. In the latter figure there are no nuclei in the “ pseudoserosa ” except those on one side, which he had already declared were “ in seguito degenereranno.” I feel convinced that in Trichogramma and Oophthora the “ pseudoserosa ” of Silvestri is merely an artefact produced by the mechanical flattening out of a waste mass of proto- plasm and chromatin. If the chorion bursts early no “ pseudoserosa ” can be formed. I agree with Silvestri’s description of the larva except that his fig. XL., p. 81, which, he says, is a sagittal section, he marks what I consider to be the longitudinal nerve-chord, as “ cellule muscolari M.” It is true that no properly differentiated muscles seem to exist in the larva of either species, and the movements of the animal are brought about by flattened mesoderm cells lying here and there under the 182 J. BRONTE GATENBY. ectoderm. These cells only differ from the other somatic cells in that they are more elongate, their nuclei and cyto- plasmic structure being normal. It is a curious fact that Silvestri, though not paying much attention to the formation of the germ layers, has not figured the invagination of the endoderm (PI. 11, figs. 14 and 19). I cannot but believe that this happens in Oophthora, where all our other stages are almost identical. In Oophthora that remarkable nuclear arrangement of early stages (PI. 11, figs. 16 and 21) has not been described, and it possibly is absent ; however, Prof. Silvestri does not appear to have paid great attention to the nuclei of early stages, and it may have been overlooked. I mention this because the early changes in the nuclei of Trichogramma are so striking. As Silvestri has pointed out, Encyrtus aphidivorus is not a parasite on aphids, but a hyperparasite on one or two other true aphid parasites. With regard to the fate of the embryonic membrane which he figures enveloping the larva (on p. 69, fig. xxix) he says: “E in tale stato di sviluppo che la larva allungandosi rompe nella parte anteriore e nella posterior e la serosa e libera comincia a nutrirsi dei tessuti dell’ ospitatore.” It will be seen that, with the exception of those parts of organogeny which Silvestri has not treated at length, his admirable work agrees fairly well with the few remarks I have been able to pass on the embryology of Trichogramma, and I have no doubt that when the Professor examines his stages in greater detail, his results will fall into line with my own. Summary. (1) Trichogramma evanesce ns lays its eggs on the egg mass of a beetle, Donacia simplex, a single parasite emerging from one host’s egg. (2) The ovum has a large germ cell determinant at its posterior pole, and in segmentation the determinant is DEVELOPMENT OP TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESUENS. 183 divided among the large cells at the posterior pole, which are the germ cells. (3) In the single case found there were two polar bodies. (4) The blastula is fairly normal except for the curious arrangement of the chromatin in the somatic nuclei. (5) Many nucleoli are cast out into the centre of the egg, where they collect till from twenty-five to fifty are present; the mass is then extruded on the periphery of the egg. (6) As the blastoderm grows it broadens without lengthen- ing up to the stage where the germ layers begin to form. (7) About thirty-five nuclei sink inwards from the dorsal surface of the embryo to form endoderm. (8) From the blastoderm stage to that of the gastrula no nuclear division appears to take place. (9) Shortly after the formation of the endoderm amitosis may be found, and from this onwards the number of nuclei increases. (10) The mesoderm seems to be formed from peripheral nuclei, which sink in sporadically; no somites can be made out, nor does any segmental method of formation of the mesoderm occur. (11) The nervous system, stomodaeum, and probably procto- dasum, are normally formed. (12) The germ cells lie in a pocket formedjby several somatic cells, which embrace them. (13) Ordinary mouth parts, tracheae, heart, and oesophageal valve are wanting ; the head has two horn-like mandibular processes, which may assist in scooping forwards the food. (14) The larva does not feed on the food little by little, defecating as it eats ; instead, it begins by swallowing all the yolk at once, so that its body becomes enormously distended and stretched. (15) Metameric external segmentation is absent, the body and head being continuous and sac-like. 184 J. BRONTfi GrATENBY. Bibliography. 1. Paul Marchal. — “ Reclierches sur la biologie et le developpement des Hymenopteres parasites,” ‘Arch, de Zool. Exp.,’ 4e Serie, 2. 2. Silvestri, F., 1906-08. — “ Contribuzioni alia conoscenza biologica degli Imenotteri parasitici,’ i-iv, * Bollet. Scuola sup. Agric., Portici, T. 1 and 3. 3. Robert W. Hegner.* — “ Studies on Germ Cells : IY, Protoplasmic differentiation in the oocytes of certain Hymenoptera,” ‘Journal of Morphology,’ vol. xxvi, No. 3. 3a. ‘ The Germ Cell Cycle in Animals,’ New York, 1914. 4. Perkins. — “ Tricliogramma evanescens and Pentarthron,” ‘ Trans. Ent. Soc.,’ 1913. 5. Kahle, W. — “ Die Paedogense der Csecidomyiden,” ‘ Zoologica,’ 1908, Bd. xxi. 6. Henneguy. — ‘ Les Insectes,’ Paris, 1904. 7. ‘ The Embryology of the Honey Bee,’ J. A. Nelson, Princeton Univ. Press, 1915, p. 72. - * After Hegner’s paper (3) a useful bibliography is found. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 10, 11, and 12, Illustrating Mr. J. Bronte Gatenby's paper on “Triclio- gramma evanescens (W.) : a Monembryonic Egg Parasite of Donacia Simplex.” Lettering. ANT. Anterior pole. B. 0. Body cavity. BB. Brain. CAV, Developing body cavity. CH. Chorion. CU. Cuticle. D. Dorsal surface. D.P. Developing parasite. E. Ectoderm. ECB.N. Ecto- dermal nuclei. E. M. Extended mass of cytoplasm and chromatin. END.N. Endodermal nuclei. F. Food. F.N. Follicle nuclei; G. Stainable granule. G. C. Germ cell. G. C. D. Germ cell determinant. G. C. N. Germ cell nucleus. G. C. P. Germ cell pocket. G. L. Gut lumen. G. B. C. Minor granule of nucleus. GT. Gut. INV. In- vagination. L. Leg of host. L. E. N. Healthy nucleus extruded. M. Muscle cells. M. C. Cells of body cavity. M. T. H. Mouth. N. Nucleus. N. C. Nerve chord. N. P. Z. Nucleoplasmic zone of nucleus. N. S. I. Nuclei sinking inwards (endoderm). (ES. (Esophagus. (ES. COM. (Esophageal commissure. OV. Eggs of Donacia. P. Broken pieces of germ cell determinant. P. P. Parasite. P. B. 1st polar body. DEVELOPMENT OF TRLOHOGRAMMA EVANESOENS. 185 PD. Proctodseum. POST. Posterior pole. P. B. C. Frontal process of larva. B. Reed. S. L. N. Mostly vitellopliags of host. ST. Stomodseum. TH. Glandular thickening secreting frontal process. V. Yentral. V. C. Yacuoles in cells. V. M. Yitelline membrane. Y. Yolk. [In reproduction all figures reduced by one-half.] Figs. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, drawn with a Zeiss oil immersion and compen. eye-piece 8. A camera lucida was used, with drawing-board slightly inclined towards the microscope, and at table level. Magnification about 1,760 diameters. Figs. 27, 31, and 38 from Zeiss ^ an(^ comP- eye-piece 4. Figs 10a, 11a, 13a, 16, 21, 22, 26 enlarged about twice from camera drawings with O. ^ E. 8. Figs. 36, 40, 41, 42, and 43 enlarged in the same way about four times. Fig. 8 drawn with O. £ E. 2, drawing-board at table level. (Camera lucida). Fig. 39 was drawn with Zeiss O. F. E. 4. Fig. 4. — x 2400 (Koristka T\tli X Hug. oc. 5. PLATE 10, Fig. 1. — Tricliogramma evanescens (Westwood), adult female (now x 75.) Fig. 2. — Donacia embryo X 75 containing at its posterior pole a parasite ( D.P. ). Whole preparation. The parasite was at the stage drawn in PI. 11, fig. 24. Fig. 3. — Donacia simplex ( F .) X 4. Fig. 3a. — Egg mass of Donacia, viewed from side with parasite (P.). All to same scale as beetle. Fig. 4. — Transverse section in mid region of an embryo when the gut lumen has formed, Shows the flattening out of the extruded mass (EX. N.) under the chorion ( CH .). Fig. 5. — Stages in amitosis of somatic cells. Fig. 6. — Part of early blastoderm stage to show chorion (CH.) and extruded nucleolus (EX. N.). PLATE 11. Fig. 7. — Part of Donacia egg showing the newly-laid egg of the ^parasite in transverse section. 186 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Fig. 8. — Part of egg mass of Donacia in transverse section showing a parasite at the stage drawn in fig. 28. Fig. 9. — Nearly mature ovarian egg of parasite to show nucleus (N.y and germ cell determinant (G. C. D.). Fig. 10. — Newly-laid egg, with spermatozoon (M. P. N.). Fig. 11. — Formation of second polar body. Fig. 12. — Typical blastoderm stage showing extruded nuclei (EX. N .) and germ cells ( G . C.). Fig. 13. — Later blastoderm to show stages in nuclei and shortening of egg. Fig. 14. — Late blastoderm stage showing beginning of formation of endoderm (N. S. I.). Fig. 15. — Stage after fig. 14 to show beginning of insinking of peripheral nuclei (x Y.), and penetration and change of position of germ cells. Fig. 16. — Part of transverse section of blastoderm stage to show structure of nuclei. Fig. 17. — Transverse section of a blastoderm stage to show expulsion of nuclei (Y.). Fig. 18. — Transverse section showing final extrusion of nuclei (EX. N.) and beginning of gastrulation. Fig. 19. — Gastrula stage in transverse section after expulsion of nuclei (EX. N.). Nuclei in this specimen a little larger than usual. Fig. 20. — Transverse section of posterior pole of the same egg as that in fig. 7, to show germ cell determinant. Fig. 21. — Posterior pole of blastoderm stage to show germ cells (G. C.) and structure of nuclei. Fig. 22. — Posterior pole of egg just after sinking inwards of germ pocket (G. C. P .) and when the nuclei (X. X.) form a covering for the pocket. Fig. 23. — Transverse section of same embryo as that in figs. 24, 25, and PL 12, fig. 31, to show germ cells. Such a section as this is through the points A ... A in PI. , fig. 15. Fig. 24. — Transverse section of embryo during the formation of gut (END. N.) and nervous system (N. C.), etc. Fig. 25. — Section through anterior region near stomodseum. Fig. 26. — Enlarged view of posterior pole of the egg drawn in fig. 11, to show breaking up germ cell determinant (P. P.). Fig. 27. — Obliquely sagittal section through embryo to show forma- tion of gut (G. T.), stomodseum (STD.), proctodseum, brain, and nerve chord. DEVELOPMENT OF TIUCHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 187 Fig. 28. — Section such as that through points X y X y in fig. 27. X is a cell whose nucleus has temporarily resumed the usual reticulate arrangement. Compare PI. 12, figs. 40-43. PLATE 12. Fig. 29. — Transverse section through brain and thickening which secretes the horn-like process. Same age as embryo in PI. 11, figs. 27 and 28. Fig. 30. — Horizontal section through head region of a young larva to show liorn-like processes (P. R. C.), mesenteron ( MES .), and mouth (M. T. H.). Fig. 31 — Transverse section through developing stomodseum. Same embryo as that in PI. 11, figs. 23, 24, and 25. Fig. 32. — Cast-out mass of cytoplasm with the extruded nuclei. Has become round, and the nuclei still live (Zb E. N.). Fig. 33. — Transverse section of larva near midgut when it begins to take in food ( F .). Fig. 34. — Longitudinal section through germ pocket ( G . C. P.) of same embryo as that in PI. 11, fig. 27. Fig. 35. — Part of embryo and the extruded mass ( E . HP.) with some nuclei still living ( L . E. N.). Fig. 36. — A germ cell of blastoderm stage containing the faint remains ( G .) of the germ cell determinant. Fig. 37. — Transverse section through germ cell pocket ( G.C.P .) in same embryo as that in Pi. 11, fig. 28. Fig. 38. — Larva in transverse section after it has began to swallow yolk ( F .), and when the body becomes stretched thereby. Fig. 39. — Transverse section through embryo after the stage drawn in PI. 11, fig. 24, to show formation of body cavity (C. A. V.). Fig. 40-43. — Stages in the resumption by mesoderm nuclei of the typical reticulate arrangement. Compare fig. 34 at X. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALOD1SCUS. 189 On the Development of the Cape Cephalodiscus (C. gilchristi, Ridewood). By .1. I>. F. Gilchrist, M.4., l>.Sc., Pli.D. With Plates 13 and 14. In October, 1915, I recorded some observations on living specimens of the Cape Cephalodiscus, its eggs and larvae (4). I had hoped in the following summer to be able to procure additional specimens, more especially of advanced larvae, showing the process of metamorphosis. Contrary however, to all expectations, not a single living specimen was procured by the trawlers during the summer months. One colony, very much damaged, and with the zooid cavities filled with sand grains, was found on a sandy bottom, some six or eight miles from the usual habitat of the animal, of value only as indicating that the animal may be carried some distance by currents. The reason for this scarcity probably was, as suggested by the captains of the trawlers, that there had been no heavy seas, and no great “drawback ” or strong currents to detach the colonies from the rocky ground which, there is reason to believe, is their natural habitat. The material, procured during the previous summer, how- ever, has proved on examination sufficient to indicate some new facts regarding the development of the animal, which it may be desirable to put on record, without waiting an indefinite time for the uncertain possibility of procuring and rearing the larvse to later stages. This material was preserved in a variety of ways. Subli- 190 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. mate, sublimate-acetic, Gilson’s fluid, formalin-alcohol, alcohol, Fleming’s fluid, and formalin in sea-water were employed. Sublimate preparations seemed to be unfavourably affected, more especially in the yolk-laden parts; osmic acid caused great contraction, though the fixing was good, at least in the larva; the best results were obtained from 10 per cent, formalin in sea-water, provided care was taken to pass the tissue slowly through gradations of absolute alcohol and xylol. The passage from absolute alcohol to xylol was best effected by using half a dozen gradations of these up to pure xylol, though good results were obtained by passing the material from absolute, through to one-tliird and two-tliirds xylol to pure xylol. By the use of this method some very distinct preparations were procured, showing cellular struc- ture, of the early stages within the egg capsule, though, for some reason, the method was not successful in larvae hatched out from the egg. The history of the investigation into the development of Cep halo disc us need not be here gone into, further than to indicate certain points on which further information is desirable, or which are not beyond dispute. Masterman (1900) observed some segmenting eggs in the material pro- cured by the “ Challenger ” Expedition. Andersson (1903) noted the planula-like larva for the first time. Harmer (1905) described the eggs, heavily laden with yolk, their liolo- blastic and nearly equal segmentation, and suggested that they may give rise to solid embryos, in which the endoderm arises by delamination. He showed that the five body cavities of the adult arise at an early stage in the embryo. Andersson (1907) described his material more fully, and recorded the occurrence of a gastrula-like stage, in which there is a centrally placed mass of yolk with a narrow lumen ; he believes that this is the endoderm formed by a process of invagination. He also confirmed the early appearance of the body cavities. Scliepotieff (1909), though adding nothing- further towards the elucidation of the gastrula stage, con- firms the existence of the planula-like larva, and adds a THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALOD1SCUS. 191 further stage, which is free-swimming, and in which the five body cavities may be recognised. He regards the central mass of yolk in the embryo and larva as representing an endoderm formed by involution. Braem (1911) draws a comparison between this free-swimming larva and that of certain Polyzoa. Harmer (1915) draws attention to the different disposition of the body cavities, and gives a summary of the points in the development of Cep halo discus on which there appears to be unanimity, drawing attention to the unexplained origin of the gastrula-like stage. There are, as will be seen from this review, several important gaps in the development of Cep halo discus which have not yet been filled up, and on which further information is very desirable. Thus, nothing is known of what occurs between the first segmentation stages and the gastrula — this alleged gastrula requires further investigation ; the exact mode of origin of the body cavities has not been explained ; and finally, the metamorphosis of the larva into the adult still remains to be elucidated. The chief points on which the present work seems to throw further light with regard to these questions are : Segmenta- tion stages leading to the formation of a blastula, which does not become invaginated to form a gastrula, but develops into a solid body, the outer parts of which become differentiated into an ectoderm and endoderm, the main inner yolk mass not representing the endoderm, nor its cavity the arch enter on ; the origin of the body cavities, the anterior as a part parti- tioned off from the archenteron, and the posterior as a lumen internal to the developing endoderm. Ovary and Ovarian Egg. The structure of the ovary of this species has been briefly described by Ridewood (7). It consists of a very narrow oviduct, leading into a mass of developing eggs in which no distinct lumen can be made out. The great majority of the eggs are comparatively small, one or two, at the point furthest 192 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. from the oviduct, being greatly developed, and constituting the main part of the whole ovary. Each of these eggs is lodged in a follicle of small cells. Scliepotieff (8, p. 81, fig. 63) has described the large ova of certain species as lying between a central epithelial lumen and the wall of the oviduct, where they are surrounded by a relatively large quantity of blood. This has not been observed in the present species, in which the ovum in its follicle is always in close contact with the surrounding ova. The ova appear to arise in the walls of the oviduct. Two questions have been raised with regard to the ovary — the function of the pigment of the oviduct, and the method of discharge of the very large ova. With regard to the first, there is nothing new to add, except that the pigmented oviduct does not seem to be a luminous organ as has been suggested. None of the living animals examined, with a special view to ascertaining this, showed any trace of luminosity. With regard to the second question, Masterman's suggestion, with which Andersson (2, p. 86) does not agree, that the ova are set free on the death of the animal, seems to have some partial confirmation, from the fact that, in the fresh material, detached ovaries were frequently found. These may, of course, have been forcibly detached in the trawl, but living zooids were also observed in which the ovary, loosely attached to the animal, was seen to be quite exposed, suggesting that the whole ovary, or part of it, may break away from the body, without, however, necessarily involving the death of the animal — a condition which may also, perhaps, have been brought about by pressure in the trawl-net. Certain histological features of the ovarian egg, which do not seem to have been noted, may be worthy of mention, as they seem to indicate that the subject is worthy of further study. The nucleus (PI. 13, fig. 1) is a prominent feature of the developing egg. It is of a clear, almost homogeneous appearance, with only indistinct indications of chromatin elements. It has a distinctly demarcated border, which may, THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 193 however, assume various irregular shapes, as if it were of an amoeboid nature, though there were no prolongations into the surrounding yolk mass. It is never of the elongate or semi- lunar form figured by Schepotieff for his species. A con- spicuous, deeply staining nucleolus is always present, and, in- some preparations, was observed to have a series of rounded vacuole-like spots, arranged around its border ; in other case& there appeared to be a single large vacuole, seemingly con- firming the view that the vacuoles are of a changing nature. That the nucleolus takes a part in the functional activity of the egg at this stage is indicated by these different appear- ances, and also by the fact that in some cases it was observed drawn out in a tapering manner quite to the periphery of the germinal vesicle, and, iu one case, a small detached part of it was observed lying in the germinal vesicle not far from it. Stages in the formation of the yolk granules are well illus- trated. These granules are very numerous, of an oval or rounded shape, with well-defined borders, and stain deeply with eosin. Scattered throughout them appeared a number of minute bodies (PL 13, fig. 1, y. ?^.), which readily stained with hematoxylin. The transformation of the homogeneous substance of the ovum into yolk granules does not appear to begin in the immediate neighbourhood of the nucleus, as in some other cases, for, in several instances, the nucleus with its nucleolus was observed in a homogeneous matrix in the form of a crescent at the periphery of a large mass of yolk granules. In others, the homogeneous part assumed the form of a portion slightly constricted off from the main mass of the egg. The boundary between the homogeneous and the granular part of the egg in these cases was well defined, and in it occurred a layer of the deeply staining bodies above mentioned, which may be termed yolk nuclei, though a variety of objects seem to be included under this term. So definite was the demarcation that it was at first supposed that there were here two cells, the semilunar homogeneous cell with its nucleus being a nourishing cell, assisting in building up the relatively enormous yolk mass. The fact that 194 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. both were enveloped in a common follicle was not sufficient in itself to disprove this, but, as no nucleus could be found in the larger mass, it must be concluded that we are dealing* here with one ovum. More advanced ova, completely transformed into yolk granules and yolk nuclei, possessed a large nucleus and nucleolus, located now in the centre. The origin and nature of the yolk nuclei in general is still an obscure question. It has been suggested that they arise independently in the cytoplasm, that they are derived from the nucleus, and that they are derived from the nucleolus. The evidence in this case seems to be in favour of the last suggestion, in view of the appearances in the nucleolus noted above. The nuclei did not appear to originate from a single large yolk nucleus as is the case in other instances of such structures. The further study of the change in the ovarian egg seems to be worthy of attention. The Fertilised Ovum. Two or three specimens only of the unsegmented ovum, enclosed in its clear capsule and presumably fertilised, were procured. Such eggs (PI. 13, fig. 2) were quite spherical, in contrast to later stages. In sections, among the numerous eosin-stained yolk granules, were seen some small bodies, stained, though not conspicuously, with haematoxylin, pre- sumably the yolk nuclei. The eggs of Cephalodiscus have been described as oval and of a varying diameter. These are probably late stages of the ovum, in which the embryo is fairly advanced, and the egg proper may not vary much in diameter, though sufficient material at this stage was not available to give any certainty on this point. Segmentation . The first division of the ovum, from the beginning of the constriction to the complete separation of the blastomeres, was observed. More examples of this stage were found than THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAPE CEPHALODI8CU8. 195 of the undivided egg’, but still comparatively few (about ten out of several hundreds examined). This probably indicates that this stage is passed through at a comparatively rapid rate. Segmentation was in all cases total and usually about •equal. A typical case is shown in PI. 13, fig. 3, in which the blastomeres are about equal. Cases of decidedly unequal division, however, occurred as shown in PI. 13, fig. 4, and in one case the smaller blastomere was *21 x *16 mm., the larger *29 x ’37 mm. A large nucleus with nucleolus was conspicuous in some cases in each segment. Stages of four blastomeres were about as numerous as those of two. In some the second division was of the typical form, equal and at right angles to the first (PL 13, fig. 5). In others there were decided departures from this type. Thus a stage was found (PI. 13, fig. 6), in which the blasto- meres did not lie in one plane, each of them being so placed that it was in contact with the other three, as if a relative change in position had taken place subsequently to the second division, or the division spindles of the second division had been at right angles to each other. A second aberrant type (PI. 13, fig. 7) was found in two cases, in which two segments were widely separated, the other two being in close contact with each other. Both of these types may be connected with the fact, shown in another case, in which the division in one segment has been more rapid than in the other, resulting in the formation of three blastomeres, one large and two small (PI. 13, fig. 8). This segmentation may therefore be unequal, not only in quantity, but in point of time and method of division, probably connected with the great amount of yolk in the egg, a fact which also, as will be seen later, has a striking effect in further development. It apparently indicates a very inde- terminate type of segmentation which is seen also in the next stage observed. This consisted of six cells (PL 13, fig- 9)- Blastula. The earliest appearance of the segmentation cavity was at VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 14 196 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. a stage showing six segments in section (PL 13, fig. 10) ; here- it was very small, and was occupied by a homogeneous sub- stance stained faintly with haematoxylin. A well-marked blastula is soon developed after this stage, for a section showing nine cells has a relatively large blastocoele (PL 13, fig. 11). Here the cells at one side appear larger than at the other. Other sections, however, show that the grouping of large cells at one point does not appear to be constant. In a blastula of fourteen cells in section (Pl. 13, fig. 12) one cell was observed entirely within the hitherto complete circle of cells. It seems from subsequent events that this arises by proliferation of an outer cell rather than by ingrowth of a cell. It marks, as will be seen in later stages, the posterior end of the developing embryo. The beginning of a further change is seen in a blastula of about twenty-nine cells in section (Pl. 13, fig. 13), in which a more marked polar disposition of parts becomes evident. At one end, which, as subsequent development shows, becomes the anterior end of the animal, the cells are decidedly elongate, while more posteriorly they are still rounded. The nucleus in the elongate cells appears at the distal end, while, in the rounded posterior cells, it appears in the centre. Formation of the Yolk Columns. The elongate outer cells begin to assume a columnar form,, whose main body consists of an elongate mass of yolk cells with a peripherally placed nucleus (PL 13, figs. 14 and 15, e.r. y. e.). This is probably due to their increase in number, and consequent mutual pressure. The elongate character is gradually assumed by the other cells in a more posterior position, and ultimately all the outer cells assume the form of columns with peripheral nuclei. The last of these outer cells to assume the columnar form is a group of rounded cells at the extreme posterior end, from which the internal cells are proliferating. The internal cells are still some- what rounded, and ultimately completely fill the blasto- coele, so as to form a solid mass of cells. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 197 An interesting result of the rapid increase of these yolk columns is that an invagination is formed near the point (PL 13, fig. 15, p. inv.) where they are attached to the inner mass, apparently due merely to mechanical causes associated Avith the increase of the outer layer. This gives the appearance of a gastrula-like structure, which, however, can only be fully discussed when the changes in the inner yolk mass are considered. Origin of Ectoderm. After the formation of the external yolk columns, their cells divide rapidly, and the dermarcation between them, so clearly marked before, disappears. In view of their origin, Ave must regard each of the yolk columns as representing a single cell, and the breaking down of the cellular structure as due probably to the great abundance of yolk, the cell having lost control of the elongate and attenuated column. What Avas observed to occur at this stage was that the multiplying nuclei, with a certain amount of protoplasm, became each closely applied to a yolk granule, the two forming an ovoid body, in which the yolk granule, deeply stained Avith eosin, could be clearly distinguished from the nucleus, which Avas as distinctly stained with hsematoxylin. Presumably the yolk granules serve as nourishment for the rapidly multiplying cells, for, ultimately, the yolk granules dis- appear, first from the peripheral parts, and later from the deeper parts of the ectoderm, till finally only a network of protoplasm, or rather a vacuolated protoplasmic mass, with numerous nuclei embedded in its substance, is left. Two other points may be noted in connection with the origin of the ectoderm, viz. the formation of a basemeut membrane and the occurrence of excretory matter. With regard to the first, the outer cells were always distinguishable from the inner, except posteriorly, and an intervening space is seen in preparations of the more advanced stages. This demarcation becomes more distinct by the appearance of a 198 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. fine basement membrane at the base of the ectoderm cells, apparently secreted by these cells (PL 13, fig. 17, b. m.). This basement membrane was not, however, usually so dis- tinct as in the case figured, and it may be formed by the endoderm cells described later. With reference to the second fact, there are to be seen in the developing ectoderm, after the cellular structure has been lost, a number of small bodies about the size of nuclei, but readily distinguished from them by their black colour. These become larger, and are frequently fused together to form elongate black masses. That they are ultimately passed out to the exterior was evident from some which were observed partly protruding beyond the surface of the develop- ing embryo. This accounts for the presence in the living state of dark particles floating in the space between the embryo and the egg capsule, the rotation of the ciliated embryo causing them to move about rapidly, so that their presence is readily detected. It also accounts for the charac- teristic pigment spots of the embryo, which sometimes assumed an elongate shape, and formed a ring round the anteriorly situated sense organ. Certain areas of the ectoderm seem to retain their distinctly cellular structure throughout the changes which take place in the ectoderm. The most prominent of these is the part which appears as a ventral thickening in the embryo (PI. 13, fig. 18, v.th.), and which may, as Harmer suggests, represent the disc-like face of the proboscis. Its early appearance is noteworthy. The sense organ also consists of independent cells, as also the glandular cells of the ectoderm, but these are not seen at this early stage, and their cellular condition may be of much later origin. Origin of Endoderm. The origin and mode of formation of the endoderm is, as already indicated, one of the outstanding problems of the development of Cephalodiscus. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 199 The cells of the ectoderm before fusion are arranged radially, and are at this stage clearly marked off from the inner cells ; a little later they are further marked off from them by the basement membrane. Soon after the fusion of these ectodermal cells a few cells appear below the basement membrane. These are closely applied to yolk granules, and form with them a distinct layer round the anterior end of the yolk mass, but clearly marked off from it (PI. 13, figs. 17, 18 and 19, end.). As the yolk granules in this layer are used up, each of the cells sends out a long protoplasmic process towards the other, so that, ultimately, they form a chain of attenuated cells devoid of yolk granules. These cells appear first at the anterior end and later more posteriorly, so that the chain of cells gradually extends backwards, over the internal yolk mass, as an uninterrupted series, to the posterior end, at the point where the internal cells remain in connection with the ectoderm. Formation of the Yolk Cavity and Andersson's ‘ ‘ Gastrula.” Meanwhile a change has taken place in the inner cells, associated perhaps with the appearance of the endoderm. Unlike the ectodermal cells, they do not assume a columnar form, but remain more or less rounded, each, however, with a nucleus and a distinct cell boundary, and as heavily laden with yolk granules as the ectodermal cells. On the appearance of the endodermal cells their cellular structure can no longer be distinguished. It appears as if the nuclei, with their associated protoplasm, no longer controlled these cells, and had wandered to the periphery, as in the case of the ecto- dermal cells, leaving a central non-cellular mass of yolk granules. All the cells of the inner mass do not pass to the periphery, but some find their way to the centre, where they form a small but distinct group, embedded in a substance nearly devoid of yolk granules. A small cavity then appears in 200 J. D. F.- GILCHRIST. this substance. The cavity as seen in sections is usually rounded or oval in shape, but that it is in reality of an elongate nature is evident from the fact that it can be followed through a series of consecutive sections. It ends abruptly when traced in one direction, but may be followed in the Other direction to the periphery of the embryo, where it suddenly ends in a shallow pit in the ectoderm, apparently the involution or invagination of the ectoderm already noted. This was most clearly seen in sections which passed through the axis of this part of the embryo (PI. 13, fig. 16). The whole assumed the form of a structure, which, without this explanation of its origin, might be taken to be a typical gastrula, in which the central yolk-laden mass represents an endoderm, formed by invagination, and a central cavity, the archenteron ; the only suspicious feature being the very narrow lumen and the absence of cellular structure of the endoderm. Andersson (2, p. 87) was the first to notice and figure this gastrula, and he has apparently no doubt as to how it has arisen. He notes HarmePs suggestion (5, pp. 109, 110) that the gastrula is probably formed by a process of delamina- tion, and considers that for his species at least this is not the case, but that “ die Gastrula durch eine typisclie Invagina- tion sicli bildet 99 (p. 89). He was unfortunately unable, lie adds, to carry out any study of the cellular structure, as owing, he believes, to imperfect preservation, the ectoderm and endoderm appeared uniformly filled with yolk granules, which he notes, however, were absent in the immediate vicinity of the central lumen. His figure, however, indicates the existence of the external yolk columns. Schepotieff (8, p. 437) states that he found gastrula stages in C. indicus, but was unable to follow out their formation. That, however, he accepts the view that the central yolk mass represents an endoderm formed by invagination, is apparent from his description and figures of larval stages of the species. Harmer also (4, p. 245) accepts the view that the central yolk represents the wall of the archenteron. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 201 It appears from what lias been observed that, in this species, the central yolk-laden cells arise solely by unipolar prolifera- tion of cells into the cavity of the blast ula, that the cellular structure breaks down, and some of the nuclei, with their associated protoplasm, goto form the endoderm, while others pass towards the centre and become vitellopliags. Owing to the activity of these latter the yolk granules become used up, leaving a homogeneous detritus in which a cavity subsequently appears. This cavity extends at first to an •ectodermal involution, and it may be that the excretory matter passes out in this way to the exterior, just as the •excretory products of the growing ectoderm are given off in another manner already indicated. The subsequent changes •in this cavity and its relation to the posterior involution, as well as to the cavity immediately enclosed by the endoderm, will be described in later stages. Formation of Internal Yolk Columns. After the inner yolk-laden cells become a homogeneous mass of yolk with scattered cells, and soon after these reduced cells begiu to migrate, some towards the periphery, some to the centre, a change takes place in the uniform distribution of the yolk granules, and they assume the form of a number of yolk columns, or rather pyramids, whose apices meet round the central cavity, and whose broader distal extremities are in the proximity of the cells which form the endoderm (PI. 13, figs. 18 and 19, i. y. c.). The result bears some resemblance to what has occurred in the ectoderm, but it has apparently been attained in a different way, for the large yolk-laden cells do not individually become yolk columns ; at least there was no appearance of this, and it can hardly be imagined how they could do so, unless perhaps the cells, 'migrating outwards to form the endoderm, retained for a time some control over their original yolk masses, and similarly the cells migrating inwards draw out their associated yolk into lenticular masses. 202 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. The functional significance of the whole process seems very evident. A very little of the yolk is necessarily used up in the formation of the thin endodermal layer, and the main mass is reserved to be transformed by vitellopliags into a form which can be absorbed by the archenteron to feed the rapidly developing ectoderm, which has now used up it& original supply of yolk. The inner yolk pyramids persist as such for a considerable time, but later, when their yolk granules have been much reduced, they seem to disappear. Origin of Body Cavities. As development proceeds and the anterior part of the endoderm increases in size, a space (the archenteron) appears between it and the central yolk mass (PI. 13, fig. 19, * arch .). Posteriorly the endoderm is still in close contact with the yolk mass, but later a few cells, evidently arising from the yolk mass, as the endodermal cells did, appear below it on the yolk. These increase in numbers and ultimately form a distinct layer, so that the endoderm here seems double. The cavity between these two layers is very evidently the beginning of the first pair of posterior body cavities (PI. 13, fig. 19, and PI. 14, fig. 20, b. c.2). The second pair of body cavities is subsequently formed in a similar manner (PI. 13, fig. 18, and PI. 14, fig. 20, b. c.3). The body cavities may therefore be regarded as of endodermal origin, which, though not typically enteroccelic, is a modified form of such a method of development. At later stages both pairs of body cavities may be seen with a complete epithelial lining (PI. 14, fig. 21, b. c.2 and b. c.3). The definite origin of the single anterior body cavity was not observed until later, but it may be mentioned here that it is developed from the anterior part of the archenteron. The Laeva. The structure of the larva soon after hatching is not very different from that of the late embryo, but certain points. THE DEVELOPMENT OE THE GAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 203 obscured by the compression of the embryo in a small space, become clearer or assume a different aspect in the early larva. Thus the ectoderm, very much folded in the embryo, now expands, and the body cavities can more readily be made out. Certain more definite changes, however, were observed in older larvae. The general structure of the larva has already been described by Harmer (5), Andersson (2), and Schepotieff (8). The chief new points to be added are in connection with (1) the fate of the internal yolk mass, (2) the arrangement of the body cavities and the mode of origin of the anterior body cavity, (3) the origin of the anus, (4) the involution of the sense organ and its nervous tissue, and (5) a postero-ventral thickening and involution. (1) Fate of yolk mass. — Neither Harmer nor Andersson found any trace of cellular structure in the yolk. Schepotieff, however, indicates clearly (8, PL 8 fig. 16) that this part is divided up into large columnar cells, which, but for their distinct demarcation and single nuclei, might pass for the internal yolk columns, already described for the species under consideration. His fig. 7 also shows the walls of what he regards as the proboscis-ccelom, ending abruptly at the anterior part of the yolk, instead of passing round it to the posterior extremity, as here described. The cells of this body cavity are obviously very diagrammatically drawn, and it may be that those of the “Urdarm” in fig. 16 are of the same nature, in which case it would not be so difficult to interpret them as internal yolk columns. It is not, however, absolutely necessary to reconcile other accounts of the for- mation of the endoderm with that given here, as both may be correct; the mode of development, even in closely related forms of animals, having been proved in some cases to be very different. The further changes observed in the central yolk mass were as follows : The anterior space (archenteron) between the endoderm and the yolk becomes very large, and at the same time the yolk lumen increases in size (PI. 13, fig. 19, y. L). 204 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. This lumen appears somewhat triangular in longitudinal section ; in sagittal sections of some advanced embryos it is seen that the part of the yolk forming the upper portion or roof of the central cavity has disappeared, and it is now in connection dorsally with the archenteron. The consumption of these yolk granules in this particular region is apparently associated with the active growth in the tissues immediately adjacent to it. More posteriorly, a part of the roof of the lumen is still present, and a transverse section of this part would show a circular cavity in the yolk. This is very well illustrated in Andersson’s figs. 73-78, and in transverse sections of younger larvae of this species. He still regards this diminishing cavity as the archenteron, and its walls, including the homogeneous substance which is interpreted here as the detritus of yolk granules attacked by vitellophags, as the endoderm formed by invagination. The very large cavity in front of and above the yolk can in this case only be considered, as he does, to represent the cavity of the pro- boscis. Later embryos, however, show that the roof of the yolk lumen disappears even from the posterior part, just as it did in the anterior, so that no yolk cavity is left at all. This is seen in transverse sections (PL 14, figs. 23-30) of an advanced larva the exact age of which cannot be determined; it was found crawling over a ccenoecium and kept alive for about two days afterwards. Here the roof of the yolk lumen has entirely disappeared, though the floor, or ventral part, still persists as a fairly large mass, with the cavity of the archenteron above it. The ventral part of the yolk is probably used up in the next step in the metamorphosis of the larva, as yet unknown, but probably most marked on the postero-ventral aspect of the larva, where this yolk mass lies. (2) The body cavities of the larva. — The four posterior body cavities can usually be seen distinctly in suit- ably prepared material, provided there is not too great con- traction of the tissues. Their epithelial lining can also be sufficiently distinguished. As they are of importance in the THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 205 organisation of Cephalodiscus, and as tlieir relative position and extent may have a bearing on the subsequent processes of metamorphosis, some details may be added to what is already known for other species. Only a limited number of larvae were available, and several of these were, for various reasons, unsuitable for detailed examination of the cavities, some being too contracted or distorted, others were somewhat broken up, owing' to the difficulty of getting whole sections through the yolk mass. One or two series of transverse sections were, however, satis- factory, and showed the body cavities clearly. In one of these, cut into a series of 140 sections, the sixth from the posterior end (PI. 14, fig. 22) showed that the two posterior body cavities extended backwards beyond the yolk and archen- teron. At the 17th section (PI. 14, fig. 23) the body cavities are very large, extending almost completely round the yolk, but are -separated from each other dorsally by a mesentery - and ventrally by the posterior thickening already mentioned. That there is a here a ventral mesentery obscured by the pressure of the yolk is shown in other series, and it is evident in the next or 24th section (PI. 14, fig. 24). Here the upper wall of the archenteron has become broadly attached to the ectoderm, and the body cavities are beginning to disappear from the dorsal side. A few sections further on, at the 25th, the beginning of the second body cavity appears on the right side at its dorsp-lateral coiner, and, at the 27th section (PI. 14, fig. 25), it is of considerable size. At the 29th section (PI. 14, fig. 26) it has extended to the right side of the archenteron, and in this section the second body cavity of the left side appears at the upper angle formed by the ectoderm and the wall of the archenteron. That the point at which the second body cavities begin on each side is therefore not similar is evident from this, and in other series of sections it also shows a variation, as, for instance, in one in which it begins quite at the lateral wall of the ectoderm. The 36th section (PI. 14, fig. 27) shows further advance, and, at the 45th (PI. 14, fig. 29), the third body cavity has disappeared 206 J. I). F. GILCHRIST. on the right side. In the 67th section (PI. 14, fig. 30) both pairs of body cavities have disappeared. At the 95th section (PI. 14, fig. 31) the yolk mass is much smaller, and the ecto- derm has the clear spaces and the elongate cells characteristic of the dorsal and ventral parts of this region of the body respectively. The formation of the definite body cavity of the proboscis was not seen in these transverse sections, but in some longi- tudinal sections a division appeared running obliquely across the cavity of the archenteron anteriorly, and cutting off a portion of this cavity, the portion cut off being about one- fourth of the whole archenteron. This division was observed in two longitudinal sections only, and in these the thin wall of the archenteron was incomplete in places (PI. 14, fig. 37). How this division arose is not quite clear, and the question is perhaps better left open till further confirmation is possible. (3) Appearance of the anus in the larva. — In a sagittal section (PI. 14, fig. 38) of a larva the cavity of the archenteron extends to the posterior end, and comes in contact with the ectoderm. At the point of contact there is a slight involution and indication of a pore, though there is no well- marked opening. There seems little reason to doubt that this is the point of origin of the anus. In the section it is situated towards the dorsal aspect of the body. It doubtless, there- fore, represents the point at which the yolk mass remains in contact with the ectoderm, but has no connection with what is described later as a postero-ventral thickening und involution of the ectoderm. The section, however, was not entirely convincing, and later stages are desirable to clear up and confirm this point. There is no indication of the anal opening in PI. 14, fig. 22, a transverse section posterior to yolk and archenteron. (4) Changes in the sense organ appear in the larva. In the earlier stages it consisted of a group of elongate ciliated cells, at the base of which appeared a small patch of nervous tissue, as described for other species. In the more THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 207 advanced larvae the nervous tissue is seen to extend in a posterior direction under the general tissue of the ectoderm (PI. 14, fig. 32), and the cells of the sense organ now assume the same character as this nervous tissue. They lose their cilia, and become sunk in an ectodermal pit (PL 14, fig. 33), which may be drawn out posteriorly into a tubular structure (PL 14, fig. 35, inv.s. o.). (5) A postero- ven tral thickening and involution of the ectoderm was observed in some sections under the hinder end of the yolk mass. This thickening is seen in Pl. 14, fig. 23, and, a few -sections posterior to it, it is seen to lead to an involution. This involution is, however, more clearly seen in another series (PL 14, fig. 36). It may not prove to be of any particular significance, but may be noted, as it is in this region that the greatest change will probably take place in the metamorphosis of the larva. Summary of Results. (1) Certain facts are noted with regard to the formation of yolk granules, presence of yolk nuclei, character of nucleus and nucleolus. (2) The segmentation is holoblastic, equal, or markedly unequal, and apparently indeterminate. (3) A blastula stage occurs. (4) The blastula becomes solid by proliferation of cells at one end ; there is no invagination at this stage. (5) The point of proliferation marks the posterior end, and the anterior end is distinguished by the elongation of its cells. (6) All the outer cells become elongate, and assume the character of columnar cells full of yolk. As these increase in number a small posterior invagination appears. (7) The cellular character of the yolk columns disappears; the yolk granules are used up, and an ectoderm consisting of many nuclei in a protoplasmic network, with a basement membrane, is formed. 208 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. (8) Excretory matter in the form of dark specks and elongate rods is formed during this process and constitutes the characteristic pigment of the late embryos and larvae. (9) The ventral thickening of the ectoderm is found at an early stage. (10) The endoderm appears under the ectoderm, first as a number of cells at the anterior end, and ultimately as a com- plete chain of cells extending over the inner yolk, except at the point of proliferation at the posterior end. (11) The cells occupying the blastocoele break down like the outer cells, and become a mass of yolk granules, in which are scattered a number of nuclei with associated proto- plasm. (12) Some of these pass outward to form the endoderm, others pass inwards to form vitellophags. (13) A lumen is formed in the yolk mass and it becomes connected to the posterior involution, giving rise to a gastrula- like structure. (14) The internal mass of yolk assumes the form of a number of yolk columns or pyramids. (15) The posterior body cavities arise by a number of cells from the yolk mass forming a second layer under the endo- dermal layer. (16) The yolk lumen increases in size, the yolk granules becoming converted into a homogeneous substance. This takes place chiefly on the dorsal side, where the yolk lumen becomes connected with the archenteron. (17) The position and extent of the five body cavities in the larva are shown. (18) The yolk in the larva is in the form of an elongate mass of granules and homogeneous matter, lyiug on the floor of the archenteron. (19) Changes are described in the larval nervous system, and the appearance of a posterior thickening and involution of the ectoderm below the yolk mass is noted. TH 15 DEVELOPMENT OF THE- CAPE CEPHALODISCUS. 209' References. 1. Andersson, K. A. — “ Eine Wiederentdeckung von Cephalo- discus,” ‘Zool. Anz.,’ xxvi, 1903, p. 368. 2. “ Die Pterobranchier der schwedischen Siidpolar-expedi- tion, 1901-1903,” * Wise. Ergebn. schwed. Siidpolar-Exped.’ v, 1907. 3. Braem, E. — “Pterobranchier mid Bryozoen,” ‘Zool. Anz.’ xxxviii, 1911, p. 546. 4. Gilchrist, J. D. F. — “Observations on the Cape Cephalodiscus and some of its Early Stages,” with an Appendix by Sidney F. Harmer, ‘Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ ser. 8, vol. xvi, 1915, p. 233. 5. Harmer, S. F. — “ The Pterobranchia of the ‘ Siboga ’ Expedition,. with an Account of other Species,” ‘ Resultats des Explorations a bord du “ Siboga,” Monogr.’ xxvi bis, 1905. 6. Masterman, A. T. — “ On the further Anatomy and the Budding Processes of Cephalodiscus dodecalophus,” ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb.,’ xxxiv, 1900, p. 507. 7. Ridewood, W. G.— “A new species of Cephalodiscus (C. gilcliristi) from the Cape Seas,” ‘Mar. Inv. S. Africa,^ vol. iv, 1908. 8. Schepotieff, A. — “Die Pterobranchier des Indischen Ozeans,” ‘Zool. Jalirb. Abt. Syst.,’ xxviii, 1909, p. 429. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 13 and 14, Illustrating Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist's paper “On the Develop- ment of the Cape Cephalodiscus (C. gilchristi, Ridewood)." Explanation of Figures. The following reference letters are used in the figures : an. Anus. arch. Archenteron. b. m. Basement membrane. d. Yolk detritus. end. Endoderm. ex. y. c. External yolk columns, i. y. c. Internal yolk columns, inv. s. o. Involution in nervous tissue of sense organ. N.. Nucleus, n. Nucleolus, p. inv. Posterior invagination. p. v. inv. Postero-ventral involution, p. v. th. Postero-ventral thickening, s. o. Sense organ, vit. Vitellophag. v. th. Ventral thickening, y. Yolk. y.gr. Yolk granules, y.l. Yolk lumen, y.n. Yolk nucleus. [All the figures have been drawn by camera lucida except figs. 5. 210 J. D. F. GILCHRIST. und 8; figs. 1, 17, and 20 with a Zeiss F objective; figs. 2-13 with a Zeiss A, and the remainder with a Zeiss C. The ectoderm i-j represented diagramatically by a light shading, the yolk grannies by a stippled shading, where details are unnecessary. The scale of magnification is shown by a line representing 50 /*.] - PLATE 13. Fig. 1. — Section of ovarian egg. N. Nucleus, n. Nucleolus, y.gr Yolk granules, y.n. Yolk nucleus. Fig. 2. — Fertilised ovum. Fig. 3. — Two-celled stage with nearly equal division. Fig. 4. — Two-celled stage with unequal division. Figs. 5-7. — Four-celled stage showing various methods of division. Fig. 8. — Three-celled stage. Fig. 9. — Six-celled stage. Fig. 10. — Section of egg showing 6 blastomeres and segmentation -cavity. Fig. 11. — Section o£ blastula showing blastoccele and contents. Fig. 12. — Section of blastula showing beginning of internal prolifera- tion at posterior end. Fig. 13. — Section of blastula showing elongation of cells at anterior end of embryo. Fig. 14. — Section showing a solid embryo, the blastocoele being filled with cells from the posterior proliferation. The external cells assume the form of external yolk columns (ex. y. c.). Fig. 15. — Longitudinal section of an embryo showing the external yolk columns in increased numbers, and an invagination at the posterior end. Fig. 16. — Section of gastrula-like structure showing vitellophags (vit), homogeneous detritus ( d .), yolk lumen (y. L), posterior invagina- tion (p. inv.), and traces of external yolk columns (ex. y. c.), now disappearing at the anterior end. Fig. 17. — Section of part of anterior end of embryo showing the formation of the endoderm (end.), and the appearance of a basement membrane ( b . m.). Fig. 18. — Longitudinal section of an embryo showing the formation of inner yolk columns ( i . y. c.), the further development of the endoderm (end.), and the early appearance of the ventral thickening (v. th.). Fig. 19. — Longitudinal section showing further development of endoderm, and formation of posterior body cavities (b. c.2 and b. c.3), THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPE OEPHALODISCUS. 211 Increase in yolk lumen ( y . 1.), and disappearance of inner yolk columns from dorsal region of yolk lumen. PLATE 14. Fig. 20. — Longitudinal section showing details of formation of posterior body cavities, a second layer of cells forming the inner wall of b. c.2 but not yet in b. c.3. Fig. 21. — Horizontal section showing the completed epithelial lining of b. c.2 and b. c.3. Figs. 22-34. — Transverse sections selected from a series of 140 of a larva to show the positions and relations of the posterior body cavities (b. c.2 and b.c.3), the archenteron (arch.), the yolk (y), and the sense organ (s. o.). Fig. 22 is the 6th from the posterior end. 23 17th 24 ., 24th 25 . 27th 26 .. 29th 27 36th 28 . 40th 29 , 45 th 30 . , 67th 31 95th 32 , . 123rd 33 . , 132nd 34 , , 138th Fig. 35. — Transverse section from another series showing involution (inv. s. o.) in nervous tissue of sense organ below ectoderm. Fig. 36. — Transverse section showing postero-ventral thickening (p. v. th.), and involution ( p.v.inv .). Fig. 37. — Longitudinal vertical section of larva showing the anterior body cavity (b. c.x). Fig. 38. — Longitudinal vertical section of posterior end of larva showing origin of anus (an.). VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 15 TADPOLE RAISED BY ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS. 21& Note on the Sex of a Tadpole raised by Artificial Parthenogenesis. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. With 5 Text-figures. With the object of ascertaining what is the sex of tadpoles of It. temporaria raised by artificial parthenogenesis [ I undertook some experiments last April. As my intention was to procure as many tadpoles as possible, I adhered to the method of smearing the eggs with a mixture of blood and lymph and then pricking each one with a very fine glass needle. The usual precautions were taken in this work, even the water in which the eggs were raised being drawn from a tank where it had remained for several days; the frogs were carefully washed in alcohol before opening, and the eggs were not allowed to touch the skin while being withdrawn from the swollen uterus. Two sorts of glass needles were used ; one was drawn from glass tubing and the other from solid glass rod; the former gave a higher percentage of burst and spoilt eggs, but while the latter sort of needle gave fewer irretrievably ruptured eggs, the percentage of successful segmentations was lower. There is little doubt that the minute lumen left in the glass- tube needle served to introduce more of the blood and lymph into the egg, and hence to promote segmentation. In some experiments carried out by the late Dr. Jenkinson different 214 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Text-fig, 1. — Partlienogenetic tadpole three months old. X 1. Text-fig. 2. — Control fertilized tadpole at same age raised under same conditions, x 1. Text-fig. 3. — Gonad and surrounding organs of the parthenogenetic tadpole. F. B. Fat body. K. Kidney. B. Rectum. T. Testis, x 10. Text-fig. 4. — Gonad and surrounding organs of control male. X 10. Text-fig. 5. — Obliquely longitudinal section of part of the gonad and fat body ( F . B.) of the parthenogenetic tadpole, A. T. Attachment of gonad to roof of peritoneal cavity. G. E. Germinal epithelium. L. A. C. Lacunee in gonad. S. P. T. Spermatic tubules. X 270. TADPOLE RAISED BY ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS. 215 fluids were injected into tlie egg, but though very large numbers were treated, only one abnormal tadpole was procured. The data got from these experiments and from those since carried out by myself seem to show that there are almost certainly other factors in the problem, as, for instance, in one batch of eggs pierced by a solid needle a very good percentage of tadpoles was got, while in another lot pierced by a hollow needle, not one ev.en segmented. Nevertheless the whole series of experiments clearly showed in my case that the hollow needle was the better. Individual frogs differed markedly in the number of tadpoles raised from their eggs. I pricked five thousand eggs of R. temp or aria and raised about fifty tadpoles to the closure of the neural folds. There were, as is usual, many abnormal specimens, and the death- rate of those which hatched was high. Without going into details, it may be mentioned that fifteen tadpoles were raised to a stage when the external gills become covered by the epidermal overgrowth. Two of these were scarcely able to swim, and they soon died. Of the remainder all died except two, just before their hind limbs broke through. Those which died at this time did so, I believe, because the weather was most inclement, for the tadpoles born under natural con- ditions in the ponds were extremely backward for the season of the year. One of the survivors died at the critical period when the germ cells were beginning to become grouped in the manner which shows their sex. I believe this one would have been a male, but there was still undifferentiated material in the gonad. The sole survivor grew at a great pace and quickly outstripped the controls, so that it was nearly two and a half times normal size. In Text-fig. 1 and 2 are natural size drawings of this tadpole and a normal control raised n the same way ; the parthenogenetic tadpole is normally proportioned, its hind limbs, tail, faeces, and its general outward morphology being proportionately large. The rectum, as was shown by the size of its faeces, and as subsequent dissection showed, was also very large. At the age of three months the tadpole was placed in an 210 J. BRONTE GATENBY. aquarium from which it was known normal tadpoles could not escape. To my regret I found that just as the front limbs had broken through, the tadpole jumped out on to the floor, where it died before I discovered its plight. In figs. 3 and 4 are drawn the gonads (T), kidneys (K), and rectum ( R ) of the parthenogenetic and normal tadpole respectively. When I sectioned the gonads of the former, I found that it was a well developed male, as the external appearance seemed to show, for the gonads were distinctly testiculiform. In section the germ cells are clearly marked into numerous incipient spermatic tubules ; though the section drawn in fig. 5 was across the least well-differentiated region, the spermatogonial nests are well marked. Undoubtedly the gonad had passed beyond the indifferent stage during which it is impossible to speak with certainty as to the sex. The part marked X in fig. 5 contains germ cells which have just begun to form spermatogonial groups, while that marked Y is apparently nothing more than a non-germinal core, the cells and their nuclei staining like the tissue forming the mesorchium (A.T.). I feel quite sure that this tadpole was a male. Mr. Goodrich, whom I have to thank for his usual kind interest and sugges- tions, lately drew my attention to an abridged account of a paper by J. Loeb read before an American philosophical society on the same question as that dealt with in this note. Loeb found that the sex of an American species of partheno- genetic frog a year old was male. I have not yet seen LoeVs paper, but his results agree with mine as to the sex. DEMONSTRATING THE NUCLEI OF NERVE FIBRES. 217 An Easy Way of Demonstrating the Nuclei of Nerve Fibres. By Henry E. Relmrn, Student of Medicine. (From the Physiological Laboratory, King’s College, London.) While attending the histology class this summer, I, in common with my neighbours, found great difficulty in render- ing visible the nuclei of teased, fresh nerve fibres. Using gentian violet as recommended in Sir Edward Schafer’s * Essentials of Histology/ the nerve fibres were almost uniformly stained, and the nuclei did not stand out convinc- ingly. I tried other stains with equally disappointing results, and at last, in desperation, I used a mixture of nearly all the stains on the table (Ehrlich’s haematoxylin, methylene blue, and alcoholic solution of eosin) and thus obtained a prepara- tion in which blue nuclei stood out prominently on a reddish background. The preparation was shown to Dr. de Souza and Prof. Halliburton, who suggested to me that I should proceed to investigate the matter and ascertain what was the cause of success in this “ blunderbuss ” experiment. Without going into all the details of the numerous prepara- tions I made subsequently, I may state at the outset that the principal factor is the alcohol, in which, in my first successful experiment, the eosin had been dissolved. Aqueous solutions of eosin are quite as ineffective as the other stains. Fresh nerve fibres (and especially their nuclei), teased on the slide in the usual way, stain with great difficulty. But the nuclei stain readily with practically any dye (methylene blue, haema- 218 HENRY E. REBURN. toxylin, picro-carmine, gentian violet) after preliminary treat- ment with alcohol. Or if the dye is added first and the nuclei remain unstained, the stain in the nuclei becomes evident on subsequent addition of alcohol to the preparation. The difficulty of staining these nuclei in fresh preparations appears to have been noticed by others. Thus in Foster and Langley's ‘ Practical Physiology and Histology' (7tli edition, p. 125) I find this statement: “ The nuclei of the sheath may be stained by placing a piece of nerve after brief treat- ment with osmic acid in picro-carmine or haematoxylin for an hour." In Stirling's f Practical Histology' (2nd edition, p. 206) the directions for staining the nuclei include the statement that after osmic acid picro-carmine may be used, but it is best to leave them for several days in the stain. In consequence of these statements 1 made numerous preparations in order to see whether preliminary treatment with osmic acid will take the place of the alcohol, but with very indifferent results. Haematoxylin after osmic acid gave a brownish appearance to the whole nerve fibre, but the nuclei did not stand out ; and in the case of gentian violet after osmic acid the nuclei were apparent because they were stained less darkly than the rest of the fibre. Picro-carmine after osmic acid did stain the nuclei red, but this took a con- siderable time, and the preparations were not nearly so good as after treatment with alcohol. In A. B. Lee's ‘ Microtomists* Vade-mecum ' (7th edition, p. 136) I find the following, which seems germane to the present question : “ Living tissue elements in general do not stain at all, but resist the action of colouring reagents till they are killed by them. Objects which have been passed through alcohol generally stain better than those which have only been in watery fluids. But long preservation of tissues in alcohol is generally unfavourable to staining." It is well known that the nuclei of nerve fibres are usually quite well stained in sections, and in this case alcohol is usually employed in the stages of preservation or embedding. DEMONSTRATING THE NUCLEI OE NERVE FIBRES. 219' I can, however, confirm Lee’s statement that long preservation in alcohol is not beneficial to the staining of nerve nuclei; after a nerve has been kept for some days in alcohol it is almost as difficult to stain its nuclei as when it is in the fresh condition. The following is the method I would recommend for general routine work when a rapid result is wanted. The fresh nerve is teased on a dry slide in the usual way, the preparation being kept moist with the breath. A drop of absolute alcohol is added and then a drop of Ehrlich’s hsematoxylin, followed by a drop of methylene blue. Either dye may be used alone, but the nuclei are most deeply stained when both are employed. An alcoholic solution of eosin may be substi- tuted for the absolute alcohol ; the alcohol here is the essential reagent, but the eosin provides a red counter-stain. The preparation is then washed, cleared, and mounted in the usual way, and the whole operation is completed within a few minutes. ON A LARVAL ACT1NIAN PARASITIC IN A RHIZOSTOME. 221 On a Larval Actinian Parasitic in a Rliizo- stome. By C. Badlmm, 15. Sc., Demonstrator in Zoology, University of Sydney. With 3 Text-figures. Our knowledge of the medusophilous larval Actinians lias been summarised by Haddon (1) and by McMurrich (2). The last-named author says : “ The available evidence seems accordingly to point strongly in favour of the various medu- sophilous forms being the young stages in the development of Peachia rather than Halcampa; but a direct linking-up of the immature examples of Bicidium1 with their respective adults is necessary to settle the question.” In this paper I will show that I have found the larvae of Peachia hilli parasitic in a Rhizostome up to the stage in which they have been found free-living — thus linking up this medusophilous form with the adult. There is described, for the first time, the function of certain structures (the conchula and pores of the physa) found in Peachia larvae, and their importance in connection with the parasitism of the widespread genus Peachia is emphasised. So far as I am aware, this is the first time that a larval Actinian has been •described as parasitic in a Rhizostome. The parasitic larvae hitherto described differ from the larvae of P. hilli in this 1 A genus in which he places these medusophilous forms. 222 C. BAPHAM, respect — that they live either on the exterior of their hostr or in the gut which opens freely by a mouth. The larvae of P. hilli, however, live for a considerable period in the radial canals of a Rhizostome, from which they can only escape by perforating the body-wall of their host. This host is a large form, Crambessa mosaica, which is found in the land- locked harbours along the coast of New South Wales. This medusa is frequently found in large numbers, possibly brought together by currents and tidal action. At other times it is widely scattered. At all times it forms a very characteristic faunal element of the various inlets. So far as I can ascer- tain, it passes through its life-history in these waters. Peach ia hi lli, the adult form of these larvae, is found in Broken Bay, and was described by Miss Wilsmore (3) in 1911. She also described a free-living larval form, the internal anatomy of which showed that it was the larva of P. hilli. The larvae which are found parasitic correspond in their older stages with the larva found free-living, and so link up the medusopliilous forms with the adult. Character and Occurrence of Larvae. The larvae are found in various parts of the large radial canals adhering to the ex-umbrella wall of the gut, excepting when they are making their way out of their host. I found them at various stages of development from 5 mm. to 40 mm- long. They occur in about every tenth medusa examined during the months of September and October, but by January it is rare to find them. In October they were noticed in the act of escaping from their host, going through a hole, regular in outline, made in the sub-umbrella wall of the gut, near its periphery. I have found larvae lying free in the gut, But near a hole, others actually filling up such a hole, with their oesophageal end protruding, and yet others, having effected their escape,, adhering to the tentacles of their host. This latter condition ON A LARVAL ACTINIAN PARASITIC IN A RHIZOSTOME. 223 recalls the discovery in a similar situation of another and possibly closely related Actinian found by the Astrolabe Expedition (4) off the east coast of Australia in 1833, and recently investigated by Pax (5). The escaping larvae varied in length from 20 mm, to 40 mm. Description of Larvae. Both the adult and the larval form of P. hilli found free- living have been described by Miss L. J. Wilsmore from specimens obtained from Broken Bay by Prof. J. P. Hill. In regard to the colour of the larva, the body is light amber, the oesophageal folds somewhat flesh-coloured or tawny, and the twelve tentacles have purplish-brown mark- ings. There is a spot at the apex of each tentacle, and next to this is a line encircling the tentacle. The five markings which follow are V-shaped, and are on the oesophageal surface of the tentacle only. The colour of the apex of the V is weak or absent. There are no processes on the body resembling the suckers described by Haddon and Dixon (6) in the adult P. hastata; and neither while the larva is in its host nor “in vitro,” have I seen any attempt on the part of the larva to attach itself except by its oesophageal folds. There are two points which call for a further description, and which are, moreover, of considerable interest in con- nection with the parasitic life of the larva : I refer to the conchula and the pores present in the physa. Both of these structures are best studied in the living animal. The Conchula and Pores of the Physa. In the genus Peachia there is a single deep siphonoglyph. When the lips of the siphonoglyph come together, there is formed a tube which runs from the enteron to the exterior. In some species the external opening is surrounded by a complicated series of lobes, forming a conchula. In others the conchula is of a simpler nature. 224 C. BADHAM. McMurricli (2) gives a useful account of the conchula in the various species of Peachia. In the larva of P. hi lli the peripheral ends of the lips of the siplionoglyph project as a pair of small processes (Text-fig. 2, S. 1.), while from the base of the external opening there projects a median lobe. In this manner the conchula presents a simple three-lobed Text-fig 1. Drawing of a fully-extended, living larval specimen of Peachia liilli (x 1|). The subject has been kept detached from its host for a few days and the conchula (C.) is somewhat con- tracted. The oesophageal folds and the character of the tentacles are seen. The grooves on the surface of the body are clearly shown and some of the pores of the physa. The trilobed character of the conchula is evident. structure, such as appears to be the basis of the conchula of all species of the genus Peachia. Haddon (6), writing* of P. hastata, says that the conchula varies greatly in complexity, but that “ one basal, and two lateral lobes may ON A LARVAL ACTINTAN PARASITIC IN A RHIZOSTOME. 225 always be detected, which are larger and carry more secon- dary lobes than the remainder. The basal lobe forms a kind of lid or operculum to the siplionoglyph.” An original observation which I have made is that, when the larva is attached by the oesophageal folds, it is through the conchula that a constant stream of fluid bearing food particles goes to the enteron. This fact I have made out by studying living larvm which were still attached to the gut-wall of a Rhizo- stome. Correlated with the function of the conchula is the Text-fig. 2. Drawing of the oesophageal surface of a living larval form of Peachia liilli (x 2). The nature and markings of the tentacles are shown and the character of the oesophageal lobes. The conchula (C.) is seen to consist of a basal and two lateral lobes, the latter being borne by the lips of the siplio- noglyph (S.I.), which are in contact near the periphery but slightly separated near the centre. presence of a large number of pores in the physa. These pores were mentioned by Haddon (6) as occurring in P. hastata and included in his definition of the genus Peachia (7). They were noted by Miss Wilsmore (3) in sections and described by her so far as her material per- mitted. They are placed in the twelve external grooves of the physa, which, however, is not marked off from the scapus except in extreme contraction. There are generally twenty pores in each row arranged somewhat irregularly (Text-fig. 3). There is no central pore. 226 0. BADHAM. These pores are a conspicuous feature when the anemone is extended. The intake of fluid by the conchula is con- tinuous, and as these pores, which lead from the interior of the animal, are widely opened at such times, I consider that they serve to carry away the fluid taken in by the conchula. So that, in the attached larva, there is a constant stream of water, bearing food particles, going into the interior of the anemone through the conchula, and a stream of water passing out through the pores of the physa. It would appear as if the -conchula has been developed as a larval organ, correlated with Text-pig. 3. Drawing of the physa of a living larval Peachia hilli, showing the character and arrangement of the pores as seen when the anemone is extended and the pores open. the parasitic existence of the larval forms of the genus Peachia; and, associated with it, is the development of the pores of the physa. The manner in which the medusophilous larvae of Actinians take in their food has not been elsewhere described. Haddon ( 1 ) , however, suggests that the form he described as the larva of Hal cam pel la chry san thellum detaches itself and floats in the water. Other authors assign this form to the genus Peachia. The deep siphonoglypli present has an external ON A LARVAL ACTINIAN PARASITIC IN A RHIZOSTOME. 227 opening (Hacldon (8) ), and when the anemone is attached, would, I take it, function as does the conchula of P. hilli. McIntosh (9), writing of the parasitic larva of P. hastata, says : “ They appear to adhere to the medusa by the sucker- like action of the mouth, which is widely open, though the tentacles are closely applied to the surface. The free-swimming larval forms are thus, at a subsequent stage, carried about, without effort, by the medusae, and as there is abundance of nourishment of a suitable kind around, it is not necessary to limit the view only to the possibility of their feeding on Thaumantias, for by the use of their tentacles as organs of attachment the mouth may, at any time, bes et free.” My observations show that the larva of P. hilli adheres h>y the sucker-like action of the closely-applied oesophageal folds — the closed lips of the siphonoglyph completing the sucker — and that the tentacles are not brought into use. The larva is always found adhering in this way, save when escaping from its host, and it is through the conchula that the food is taken in. I am tempted to put forward the hypothesis that the larvae of the widespread genus Pea chi a are all meduso- philous, and that the single deep siphonoglyph, possessing as it does an opening below the oesophageal folds, is a larval organ, correlated with such parasitism. The development of a conchula, as a series of processes round the external open- ing, is seen in the older larvae. In support of this hypothesis I would draw attention to the distribution of the larval forms — of Peachia hilli para- sitic in Crambessa mosaica on the east coast op Aus- tralia; of Peachia parasitica on Cyanea arctica in the North Atlantic; of Peachia hastata on various medusae in the North Sea; and of Bicidium aequoreae, the probable larval form of P. quinquecapitata, off the -coast of British Columbia. In regard to the second and third forms, McMurrich (2) VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. ] 6 228 0. BADHAM. prefers to place these larvae in the genus Bicidium, until they are proved to develop into the adult Pea cilia. He regards the occurrence of P. quinquecapitata in the same locality as Bicidium aequoreae as suggestive, and considers it not improbable that their differences are due to age. It is to be noted that there are so far described, according to McMurrich (2), seven species of Peach i a, and these, together with an eighth species described by Miss Wils- more (3), are as widely distributed as the medusophilous Actinian larvas. In conclusion, it would seem that the parasitism of these larvae is only compatible with the presence of a deep siphono- glyph having an external opening or conchula, and such a structure is possessed only by the genus Peachia, if we except the little-known genus Actinopsis, which is said to possess a double conchula. I wish to thank Prof. Haswell, in whose laboratory this work was done, for his kind help and advice. The figures were re-drawn by Mr. F. W. Atkins, of the Sydney Technical High School. Literature. 1. Had don, A. C.— “Note on the Arrangement of the Mesenteries in the Parasitic Larva of Halcampa chry santhellum (Peach),” ‘ Proc. Hoy. Dublin Soc.,’ vol. v, 1886-7. 2. McMurricli, J. Playfair. — “ On Two New Actinians from the Coast of British Columbia,” ‘ Proc. Zool. Soc. London,’ 1913, p. 963. 3. Wilsmore, Leonora J. — “ On some Hexactinise from New South Wales,” ‘ Journ. Linnean Soc., Zoology," vol. xxxii, 1911. 4. Quoy et Gaimard. — “ Zoologie du Yoyage de la corvette ‘Astro- labe,’ ” Paris, 1833. 5. Pax, F. — “ Revision des types des Actinies decrites par Quoy et Gaimard,” ‘ Ann. Sci. Nat.,’ ser. 9, xvi, 1912. 6. Haddon, A. C. and Dixon, G. Y. — “ The Structure and Habits of Peachia liastata (Gosse),” £ Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc.,’ new series, vol. iv, 1885. ON A LARVAL ACTIN1AN PARASITIC IN A RHIZOSTOME. 229 7. Haddon, A. C. — Revision of the British Actiniae,” ‘Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc.,’ vol. iv, ser. 2, 1888-92. 8. “ Researches at St. Andrew’s Marine Laboratory, on Larval Actiniae parasitic on Hydromedusae at St. Andrew’s,” ‘Ann. Mag. Nat. History,’ vol. ii, ser. 6, p. 256. 9. McIntosh, W. C. — “ On the Commensalistic Habits of Larval Forma of Peachia,” ‘ Ann. Mag. Nat. History, ser. 5, vol. xx. SPLEEN OF LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 231 The Early Development of the Spleen of Lepido- siren and Protopterus By Cl. L. Purser, B.A., (Sometime Coutts-Trotter Student, Trinity College, Cambridge.) With Plates 15, 16, and 17. My first words must be those of thanks to Professor Graham Kerr for providing me with every facility for carrying out the research, the results of which are embodied in this short paper. He invited me to work in his laboratory, provided me with material already stained and mounted, and was especially helpful in suggestion and criticism. Owing to the uncertainty as to the time available for this work, I have done no fresh section-cutting, nor have I re- stained any of the sections already made. This being so, I found that the earlier stages of Protopterus were more suit- able for the present investigation than those of Lepido siren, and so I will first describe its development in detail, and then contrast and compare that of Lepido siren, adding further details where I can. The Spleen of Protopterus. In the earlier stages than N.T.XXXII.1 the foregut is short, thick, and solid, its enveloping mesoderm being yolky, and with difficulty distinguishable from the subjacent endoderm. 1 The stages are designated by the numbers used in Keibel’s Normentafeln.’ 232 O. L. PURSER. Just about this stage, however, the foregut elongates and narrows, and the mesoderm loses its granules, but remains fairly compact. On the right-hand side of the foregut, where it overlies the intestine, there is a distinct thickening of its layer of meso- derm, which is particularly vascular. This is where the spleen will arise (fig. 1 and la). It is in front of the dorsal rudiment of the pancreas, the only one which has developed at all at this stage, and, except for the posterior lobe of the liver, is entirely posterior to that organ. This posterior lobe is ventro-lateral on the right side of the position of the spleen, but more or less in the mesial plane of the embryo itself, the foregut being to the left of the middle line. The vascularisation is entirely venous, being part of the gut circulation. There is nothing to suggest that the endoderm has anything to do with the formation of this thickening, but it is impos- sible to be dogmatic on the point, because at stages just prior to the one under discussion the two layers seem completely fused, and it is impossible to decide in many instances whether a nucleus belongs to a cell of the endoderm or of the meso- derm. Since, however, all the organs known certainly to be of endodermal origin, e.g. liver, pancreas, or thyroid, arise as lieavily-yolked rudiments, therefore the development of the spleen from tissue entirely free from yolk granules and in all other respects resembling the mesenchyme of other parts of the embryo seem to lend support to the view upheld by Laguesse against that by Maurer and Kupffer. At Stage XXXIII (fig. 2 and 2a), the spleen rudiment is distinctly visible as a flat structure on the right side of the foregut extending as far forward as the point where the latter begins to bend to the mesial plane of the embryo over the lung outgrowth. The anterior ventral portion of the intestine extends for a considerable distance in front of the developing pyloric valve, and so the spleen rudiment is entirely dorsal to it. With regard to the glands of the alimentary canal, it lies behind the origin of the liver and the ventral pancreatic SPLEEN OF LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 233 buds but anterior to the dorsal bud, a position it keeps throughout life. As yet the cells of the organ are quite undifferentiated from those of the rest of the mesenchyme, but the rudiment is apparent owing to its vascularisation. The vein from the intestine here breaks up into a number of branches which run into the rudiment in a more or less forward and dorsal direction. This is the afferent system. The efferent is formed by a number of small tributaries which unite and enter the liver as the Hepatic Portal Vein. The organ itself contains large sinuses, chiefly peripheral, with which these two systems communicate. They have no visible endothelial lining. About this time in the development of the embryo the foregut greatly increases in length, and since the spleen lies embedded in its sheath it is to be expected that it would grow in that direction too. Examination of embryos at Stage XXXIV proves this to be the case, its length increasing from about; *2 mm. at Stage XXXIII to about *5 mm., while its greatest diameter remains at about T5 mm. Anteriorly it is slightly twisted towards the dorsal side of the foregut, where the latter begins to arch over the lung rudiment : which seems to point to this portion of the foregut being at this stage included in the twisting which occurs chiefly in the intestine. The position of the spleen with regard to the gut appendages is the same as earlier, i.e., the bile-duct opening and the ventral pancreatic buds lie roughly in tho same transverse plane as its anterior end, and the dorsal pancreas lies at the posterior end. The yenous circulation of this portion of the embryo has undergone no change, except, perhaps, that the peripheral sinuses are better marked, and I have been unable to trace any arterial supply. There is active cell-division going on throughout the organ, but particularly in the venous spaces, where the erythroblasts are multiplying freely. At this stage (fig. 3 and 3a) the differentiation between the cells of the spleen and those of the rest of the mesenchyme 234 Gr. L. PURSER commences. The nuclei at the periphery begin to take up a position with their long axes tangential to the organ ; the cells containing these will form the capsule. External to these the cells form a rather compact connective tissue, and within them the splenic tissue is but little more differentiated, but its spaces are, of course, venous sinuses. The alimentary canal between Stages XXXI Y and XXXY undergoes a considerable amount of remodelling (I use the word in the same sense as Professor Graham Kerr, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci./ vol. liv, p. 484). Whereas the first turn of the intestine has up to now been very prominent and has caused the embryo to be rather tadpole-like in shape, at this time there is considerable shrinkage in this region so that there is but little bulging exteriorly (vide Keibel’s f Nor- mentafeln/ vol. x). The result of this is that the relative positions of the organs in connection with the foregut and the anterior portion of the intestine are altered. The foregut itself is rotated so that the spleen lies laterally anteriorly and ventro-laterally posteriorly on its right side : the dorsally placed wall of that part of the intestine projecting in front of the pyloric valve shortens, so that the three pancreatic buds become fused together and the bile-duct opening comes to lie just behind the posterior end of the spleen, a very marked difference from its earlier position : the pancreas extends forwards under the posterior half of the spleen, but gradually retreats further back as development proceeds. The histology also has advanced, although the tissue is still very condensed. The trabeculae are developing, as will be seen by examining fig. 4, but the cells, except for their arrange- ment, are indistinguishable from the rest of the mesenchyme. By Stage XXXYI, the last one examined, the organ has become very well-marked and obvious in sections, but it never becomes so in dissection, because it remains embedded in the sheath of the foregut. It is just over 1 mm. long, and its greatest diameter, towards its posterior end, is about a third of this. The first turn of the intestine has shrunk still more, so SPLEEN OF LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 235 that the spleen projects for most of its length, but the posterior end, where it continues to overlap the pancreas, is contained within it. The histology is as follows : The cells are arranged to form closely-packed trabeculae, surrounded by blood spaces. These have no endothelial lining, and are the venous sinuses pre- viously mentioned. The peripheral sinuses, which were so well marked in the earlier stages, are now completely broken up by trabeculae to form the channels of the sponge-work. The blood supply is rather doubtful. There appears to be a small branch of the coeliac artery actiug as an afferent vessel in addition to the branches of the intestinal vein ; but, I think, some of the blood from the intestinal goes direct to the liver. The factors of the Hepatic Portal Vein compose, as before, the efferent system. The Spleen of Lepidosiren. Turning now to the development of the spleen in Lepi- dosiren, the differences observable are not of much morpho- logical significance. It apnears at just about the same stage as in Protopterus, but develops rather more quickly, so that by Stage 34, (figs. 5 and 5a) it is aleady about 1 mm. long, and shows the beginnings of a trabecular arrangement among its cells. Its position, too, differs from that in Protopterus; it is dorsal to the foregut anteriorly, turning over to the right side posteriorly, and lies almost entirely in front of the intestine. This last point of contrast is due to the difference of distribu- tion of yolk in the two species. I have been unable to discover a branch of the coeliac artery supplying it, but the intestinal vein, besides supplying the spleen, does continue directly to the liver. Already, however, at Stage 35, a branch of the coeliac artery can be made out going to the spleen, which is as far developed as the latest stage of Protopterus that I have examined (figs. 6 and 6a). 236 G. L. PURSER. At Stage 36 (figs. 7 and 7a) the organ is clearly defined from the rest of the mesenchyme dorsal to the endodermal wall of the gut. It has sharply-marked boundaries, and is compact, while the neighbouring mesenchyme has developed the alveolar structure typical of ordinary connective-tissue. The capsule-forming cells appear as a single layer of nuclei bounding the organ. These cells have formed a definite connective-tissue sheath over a large portion of the surface by Stage 37, the most advanced stage I have examined. For the histogenesis of the spleen in Lepi do siren I cannot do better than refer to Dr. Bryce’s paper on the “ Histology of the Blood of the Larva of Lepidosiren.” One point only will I mention. The cellular elements show a marked reduction in size between Stages 35 and 37. This change seems to affect the whole of the mesoderm cells of the foregut, as will be seen by examining figs. 6, 7 and 8. I thought at first that it was due to variation in the amount of contraction which the larvae had undergone during the preparation of the sections, but that this is not the case is shown by two facts : (1) the blood corpuscles do not show this change, and (2) the effect is observable in all the series examined. To return to the question of the blood circulation. It is quite clear that this is, to begin with, entirely venous, so that there is a sort of splenic portal system. This is in connection with the veins draining the intestine. The development of these had not been fully worked out in either form, nor have I had the time to do it properly myself, so the following remarks must be accepted with all reserve. Apparently, in both species the main intestinal vein which drains the intestine breaks up in the spleen. (It will have been noticed that I have referred to the vein which supplies the spleen as the intestinal. There is, of course, no vein ordinarily called by that name : I use it simply as a matter of convenience, because I do not wish to make any definite statement on the point.) The blood from the spleen runs to the SPLEEN OF LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 237 liver via the hepatic portal vein. There is, at first, no direct communication between the intestine and the liver, and no arterial supply to the spleen. This latter point seems to be general throughout the phylum, for Dr. Bryce states, in QuaiiTs f Elements of Anatomy/ vol. i, p. 237, that in the human embryo the artery develops late. What the chief factor of this intestinal vein is, is uncertain. In Pro top ter us it appears to be the intra-intestinal, while in Lepidosiren it is the subintestinal. This, however, is most likely only a question of which is most developed at the stage under consideration. At about Stage XXY in Pro top ter us, and earlier in Lepidosiren, there is visible a small vein which communi- cates directly with the liver. This is the Hepatic Portal Vein proper, which, in the adult, becomes a well-marked vessel. In Lepidosiren at the latest available stage I carefully examined the veins of this region (omitting the smaller tributaries from the intestine) . The arrangement is as follows, from before backwards. There are three veins which com- municate between the spleen and the hepatic portal vein, and behind the last of these the latter forks ; the right branch is confined to the liver, and the left, passing straight through the tissue of the pancreas and turning over the left side of the gut, gradually fades away in the lattePs ventral mesenchyme. I interpret this in this way. The subintestinal vein1 runs round the left side of the intestine to the dorsal surface, and then gives off a branch running backwards into the right lobe of the liver. It then continues forwards and gives off one branch to the splenic spongework, receives two from it, and then disappears. After reaching the side of the liver the portal vein seems to give off small branches into the liver tissue along the entire length. 1 Dr. Jane Robertson (‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. lix, p. 121) describes this vein as the posterior part of the original subintestinal and the proximal part of the left vitelline vein. 238 G. L. PURSER. W. N. Parker, describing the adult condition in Protop- terus, states that the main factor of the hepatic portal is a large mesenteric which runs close to the intra-intestinal artery- in the axis of the spiral valve and comes to the surface at the pylorus (this is the intra-intestinal vein of Laguesse). He mentions a subintestinal vein, the connections of which he has not made out, and then says that just anterior to the pylorus the mesenteric can be traced into an anterior and posterior branch, the latter supplying the posterior lobe of the liver behind the gall-bladder. (This is the first branch I have mentioned above.) He continues: “The former receiving a large lieno-gastric vein (the factors of which form a dense meshwork in the spleen) and a pancreatic vein, and then dividing into branches which supply the anterior lobe of the liver.” According to him, therefore, there is but one efferent vessel, and the afferent supply is wholly arterial. This is in marked contrast with what obtains iu other fish. (a) T. J. Parker on Must el us, for instance, describes two large veins connnected with the spleen, an anterior and posterior lieno-gastric. The former runs with the lieno- gastric artery, and is most likely . efferent ; the latter lies between the pyloric division of the stomach and the right lobe (morphological posterior portion) of the spleen and “ receives feeders from both.” (b) Laguesse on Acanthias says the hepatic portal is composed of two trunks : the supra-intestinal, running the length of the intestine, and, after passing the liilum of the spleen, receives from that organ the splenic vein ; and the subintestinal, which receives blood from the pancreas, at the edge of which it receives the accessory splenic. These two veins correspond to the anterior and posterior lieno-gastric veins of T. J. Parker respectively. He states that in the adult they are anastomosed, and in the embryo it is on this loop that the spleen appears. He also states that there is a double anastomosing arterial supply, one directly from the aorta and one from the coeliac, a condition which, he says, is found in the Trout as well. SPLEEN OF LEP1DOSIREN AND PKOTOPTERUS. 239 Judging, therefore, from these three descriptions, taken with the facts of embryology already known, one comes to the conclusion that the original circulation of the spleen must have been entirely venous, being a portal system between the intestine and the liver. Later it was “ shunted ” oft the main vessel so as to lie on a loop alongside. Later still, the delivery of arterial blood removed the necessity of an afferent venous supply, so that in all forms above the Pisces there are present a single splenic artery and a single splenic vein only. In the class mentioned, however, both the veins persist, and there may be a second artery as well. The direction of the blood- flow in the veins is of some importance, a point on which authors are not very clear. Judging from T. J. Parker's description of Mustelus, it seems as if both the veins are efferent in function. This entails a reversal of the current, in the one serving the right lobe, during development. This is not a serious difficulty (it would be by no means an isolated case), but it makes the efferent system extraordinarily large compared with the afferent, both the veins being so much larger than the artery. It seems, therefore, as if detailed investigation of the blood- vessels of this part of the body in Lepidosiren and Pro- topterus would be of much morphological value, and would most likely help to bring into line the various descriptions which have been published for the different fish investigated. Summary. (1) The spleen arises in a thickening of the mesenchyme of the foregut, just after that mesenchyme has become free from yolk granules. (2) It is, at first, a mass of mesenchyme cells, round about which are comparatively large venous sinuses without any endothelial walls; later the cells become arranged to form trabeculae across these sinuses, which thus get broken up into the channels of a spongework. (3) The afferent and efferent veins are in very close con- 240 G. L. PURSER. nection with the veins from the intestine and to the liver respectively. The arterial supply of blood develops from the coeliac artery rather later. (4) The organ remains throughout ontogeny embedded in the sheath of the foregut, and is therefore inconspicuous. Bibliography. Brvce, T. H. — “ The Histology of the Blood of the Larva of Lepido- siren paradoxa,” ‘ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin.,’ vol. xli, p. 454, 1904. Kerr, J. Graham. — “Notes on Certain Features in the Alimentary Canal of Lepidosiren and Protopterus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.r vol. liv, p. 484, 1909. Lagtjesse, E. — “ Recherches sur le developpement de la Rate chez les poissons,” ‘Journ. de l’Anat.,’ vol. xxvi, pp. 345-406 and 425-495, 1890. Parker, T. J. — “ The Blood-vessels of Mustelus,” ‘ Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.,' vol. clxxvii, pt. 2, 1886. Parker, W. N. — “The Anatomy and Physiology of Protopterus annectens,’* ‘ Trans. Roy. Irish Acad.,’ vol. xxx, pt. 3, 1892. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 15, 16, and 17, Illustrating Mr. G. L. Purser's paper on u The Early Develop- ment of the Spleen of Lepidosiren and Protopterus." All these figures have been drawn with the aid of a Zeiss Abbe drawing apparatus. I have to thank my sister, Miss Dorothy Purser, for making the diagrammatic drawings forming Plate 1 5. List of Abbreviations. ao. Dorsal aorta. er. Erythroblasts. /. g. Foregut. g. b. Gall- bladder. g.b.d. Bile-duct. h.p. v. Hepatic portal vein. int. Intestine. int.v. Intestinal vein, i.v.c. Inferior vena cava. k. Nepliridial tubes. li. Liver, lu. Lung. pa. Pancreas, sp. Spleen, sp. a. Splenic artery. tr. Trabeculae, v.s. Yenous sinus. SPLEEN OE LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 241 PLATE 15. Series of diagrammatic figures of transverse sections through the embryos of Pro top ter us and Lepido siren, to show the position of the spleen with regard to the neighbouring organs. Their numbers correspond to those of the lithographic figures, which are drawings of the same sections at a higher magnification. Pigs. la-4a. — Protop terus. X 20 (circa). Figs. 5a-8a. — Lepidosiren. X 10 (exc. 5a X 20). PLATE 16. Transverse sections through the spleen of Protopterus. Fig. 1.- — N. T. xxxii. X 180. Fig. 2 _ — N. T. xxxiii. X 180. Fig. 3.- — N. T. xxxiv. X 220. Fig. 4.- — N. T. xxxv. X 220. PLATE 17. Transverse sections through the spleen of Lepidosiren. Fig. 5. — N.T. 34. X 180. Fig. 6. — N.T. 35. X 180. Fig. 7. — N.T. 36. X 180. Fig. 8.— N.T. 37. X 180. COLLAR CAVITIES OF THE LARVAL AMPHIOXUS. 243 A Note concerning the Collar Cavities of the Larval Amphioxus. By K. M. Smith, A.R.C.S., And II. Q. Newth, Demonstrator in Zoology, Imperial College of Science and Technology. With Plate 18. Introduction. Notwithstanding the great volume of literature dealing with the development of Amphioxus, there are many points still outstanding on which the light of further investigation must he thrown. The present short communication attempts to dispose of one of these. It is well known that in Amphioxus the cavities of the typical somites give rise, on the one hand, to all the myocoels except the first pair, and, on the other hand — by the fusion of their ventral moieties on each side — to longitudinal spaces which are the splanchnoccels. But the fate of the so-called “ collar cavities has not hitherto been satisfactorily estab- lished. It was known that from the walls of their dorsal parts were formed the first pair of myotomes ; but there has been difference of opinion about the behaviour of their ventral parts. MacBride (1) at first maintained that "the metapleural ‘ lymph canals ’ found in the atrial folds are the persistent VOL. 62, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 17 244 K. M. SMITH AND H. G. NEWTH. ventro-lateral extensions of the collar pouches ” — having observed this relation to hold in the case of the right collar cavity, and inferring that it was true of the left side also. Lankester and Willey (4) have described a pseudocoelic origin of the metapleural spaces, and MacBride, in answer to criticism by Lankester and others, returned to this subject in his paper of 1900 (2). Some of the conclusions arrived at, as a result of this re-investigation, were as follows : “The ectoderm on the external side of these ridges ” (i. e. the atrial ridges) “becomes thickened, the cells composing the thickening become clear and glassy and eventually are hollowed out to form a f lymph canal/ My former statement as to the coelomic nature of this lymph canal is therefore incorrect. “The extensions of the collar cavities into the atrial ridges become first separated off as the metapleural coelom on each side ; later this coelomic space becomes converted into a solid mass of cells from which arise muscular fibres in the neighbourhood of the gill openings, and almost certainly, later, the sub-atrial muscle.” In the following year van Wijhe (5) affirms: “Nach den Verlialtnissen beim ausgebildeten Thiere halte ich die Angabe von MacBride aus dem Jahre 1898, nach welcher die Seiten- flossenhohlen in Continuitat mit den f collar pouches * entstehen wurden, fur richtiger als die spatere Behauptung des selbstandigen Auftretens der Seitencanale.” Finally, MacBride, in his latest contribution to this subject, reiterates his former assertion — made in his second paper — that the collar cavities form spaces in the atrial ridges, longitudinally co-extensive with the pharynx, and distinct from the splanchnoccel (3). The present investigation was begun at the suggestion of Prof. MacBride, and was carried out in his laboratory. We wish here to make grateful acknowledgment of our indebted- ness to him for the assistance he has given throughout the progress of the work, and for the generous permission to make use of his preparations for purposes of comparison. COLLAR CAVITIES OF THE LARVAL AMPHIOXUS. 245 Material and Method. Four larval stages were examined. Larvae which had been fixed in Hermann's fluid were obtained from the Naples Zoological Station. They were cut into series of transverse sections by the method of double embedding in celloidin and wax, and the sections, 4 /u or 5 u thick, were stained variously with Delafield’s liasmatoxylin, thionin, alcoholic haematein ; or with an aqueous solution of picro-nigrosin for the special purpose of making plain the relations of the myosepta. It is, as other workers have found, difficult to obtain perfectly preserved material ; larvae of the same batch apparently vary in their reaction to the fixative. To obtain reliable results it was found necessary to section a large number of animals, discarding those which showed distension or contraction, and basing conclusions on those alone in which the histological detail was convincing. Our drawings are, to the best of our ability, faithful reproductions of the appearance of the sections, except that in some of them the irrelevant cytological detail is omitted. They were all made at the level of the microscope stage with the aid of a camera lucida, the magnification being, in each case, that obtained with a 2 mm. apochromatic oil-immersion objective and No. 6 compensating ocular of Leitz. Description. The earliest stage examined was one in which the larvae show as yet no indication of the formation of a mouth. The left head cavity is a vesicle unconnected with the ectoderm — though in contact with it — the club-shaped gland opens widely into the floor of the enteron, and the endostyle appears as a slightly thickened area of the right side of the swollen pharyngeal region. The formation of somites from the archenteron is still occurring at the extreme posterior end of the animal, and the tail has not begun to grow. In such a larva the cavities of the collar somites have no 246 K. M. SMITH AND H. G. NEWTH. ventral extension round the sides of the fore-gut, and, indeed, in sections in front of the club-shaped gland the mesoblast does not appear at all between the ectoderm and the gut- wall (PI. 18, fig*. 1), save for an occasional isolated cell. In sections a little further back, in the region where the mouth will be formed, the collar somite on either side sends a ventral horn downwards round the gut as a thin plate of cells ; but since there are no cavities in these extensions and the myosepta have not yet assumed their characteristic appearance, it is impossible to make out the relations of the somites in this stage. The right collar cavity is completely separated from the gut, but on the left side there is a virtual communication, marked by the peculiar orientation of the cells of the gut- Avall. Our second (and critical) stage is one in which the mouth has just become established, but is still a mere pore. PI. 18, fig. 2, shows the appearance of a section about 5 /u behind the blind anterior end of the gut. The collar somites have con- siderable cavities which extend ventrally on either side of the pharynx. We will first deal with that of the right side. Into its dorsal part projects the mass of the first myotome, the cells of which are already differentiated as muscle ; its ventral horn can be traced, with diminishing lumen, to the mid-ventral line. The next section of the series (PI. 18, fig. 3) shows the ventral horn as before ; but in the muscle a crescentic septum has appeared, dividing its mass into an inner and an outer portion. This septum is the first myo- septum, and the inner muscle mass (in . contact with the notochord) is the anterior end of the second myotome (i.e , first trunk somite). Succeeding sections show the gradual increase in size of the trunk somite at the expense of the collar somite, as evidenced by the outward and downward migration of the septum (PI. 18, figs. 4 and 5). Two sections further on (PI. 18, Jig. 6) the cavity of the trunk somite is seen to be well established above the dorsal edge of the septum, and four sections beyond this the septum has just COLLAR CAVITIES OF THE LARVAL AMPHIOXUS. 247 lost its apical attachment to the gut, so that the cavities above and below now communicate (PL 18, fig. 7). The remains of the septum have disappeared in the next section. It will be plain from this description that the collar cavity of the right side is continuous with the splanchnocoel. It has a more extensive (longitudinally) communication with that space than have the succeding myocoels, but essentially its relations are the same. We have not found anything comparable to the septum described by MacBride as separating a postero-ventral extension of the collar cavity from the splanchnocoel. Turning now to the left side of the larva, we see that the first myoseptum is well in advance of that of the right side. In PI. 18, fig. 2, the ventral horn of the collar cavity is already pushed down to the level of the middle of the notochord, and in tracing sections back the first trunk myocoel is found to be well established dorsally when the section passing through the mouth is reached — the septum between it and the collar myocoel having passed obliquely downwards and backwards to meet the upper lip. The cavity of the upper lip (virtual at this stage) is that of the first trunk somite. What happens in the lower lip is more difficult to make out. A thickened layer of ectoderm, applied to the left head cavity and to the antero-ventral wall of the gut, suppresses altogether the ventral extension of the somite (PL 18, fig. 2) ; just behind this thickening the somite passes down, its lumen often occluded, to become continuous with the mesoblast of the lower lip, which, in its turn, is continuous with the splanchnocoel (PL 18, figs. 8, 4, 5). Again, no septum is observable between collar cavity and splanchnocoel ; but, the spaces being for the greater part merely virtual, it is impossible to state with certainty whether there is actual continuity. The great dilatation of the collar cavities, which MacBride took to be the first appearance of the atrial folds, is, in our opinion, largely a fixation effect. It depends, no doubt, as he 248 K. M. SMITH AND H. GL NEWTH. suggests, upon tlie amount of fluid contained in the cavities, but the actual ectodermal profile we take to be an artifact. On the left side, where the ectoderm is anchored, so to speak — by its fusion with the gut, to form the mouth, and with the head cavity to form the pree-oral pit — the swelling occurs to a lesser degree than on the right side, where no such attach- ments exist; and in the trunk region, where the cavities of the myotonies are small or virtual, and the close apposition of the walls of the splanchnocoel would preclude osmotic disrup- tion, it occurs not at all. The artificial nature of the disten- sion in question is frequently made apparent by a separation of the extremely thin outer wall of the somite from the ectoderm. This is seen even in so young a larva as that shown in PI. 18, fig. 1 (q. v.) ; in later larvse the action of the fixative is often to rupture the ectoderm on the right side. The communication between the left collar cavity and the gut, described by MacBride, is indicated in larvge of this stage (PI. 18, figs. 2 and 3). It still appears in the majority as a funnel-shaped depression in the dorso-lateral wall of the gut, with sometimes a plug-like fascicle of columnar cells filling it (PI. 18, fig. 2). It is never, in our sections, a very definite structure, but it gives a characteristic shape to the lumen of the gut, which is generally found to persist through several sections. In the preparations we have examined of a slightly later stage (mouth and one gill established) we have failed to demonstrate its presence ; but the swollen, vacuo- lated condition of the gut cells in this later stage makes it easily possible that the connection, though not recognisable, is present. In later larvae still (seven or eight primary gills present) the nephridium of Hatschek appears, as described by Goodrich (6), lying in a space which is apparently a backward prolongation of the left collar myocoel. But whether this space is the original portal of communication, drawn out into a tube by the growth of the larva, and, if so, how the nephridium (an organ presumably of ectodermal origin) comes to lie naked within it, are questions that our materials COLLAR CAVITIES OF THK LARVAL AMPHIOXUS. 249 do not enable ns to answer. Never theless, attention should perhaps be called to a constant but inconspicuous feature of our second stage larvas — the mass of cells marked with a point of interrogation in PI. 18, fig. 4. They occur just behind the communication above mentioned, and it is tempting to regard them as a proliferation of ectoderm into the first myoseptum and as the rudiment of the nephridium. We cannot, however, assert that this is so. In conclusion, our acquaintance, limited as it is, with the early stages of development of Amphioxus has convinced us of the need of careful experiment with the object of dis- covering better methods of fixation of the larvae. This can only be done by rearing them in large numbers in the laboratory — an undertaking never yet* achieved. Only so can material be obtained the study of which will give satis- factory answers to the many morphological questions which still remain doubtful. Note by Prof. E. W. MacBride. The investigation carried out by Messrs. Smith and Newth in my laboratory on the development of body cavities in the larva of Amphioxus has led them to results which in some respects are different from those which I have published on the same subject. In particular they find that the space into which the right collar cavity opens as it sweeps downwards towards the mid- ventral line is the splanchnocoel, and not, as I supposed, a distinct cavity lying external to the splanchnocoel, which later became the cavity of the atrial fold, or, as van Wijlie terms it, the pterygocoel. After a careful examination of the preparations made by Messrs. Smith and Newth, which were based on better preserved material than was available to me, I have come to the conclusion that these authors are right, and I am prepared to accept their view. A re-examination of my own prepara- tions leads me to believe that the septum which I believed to 250 K. M. SMITH AND H. G. NEWTH. divide the splanclmocoel from another cavity external to it is the parietal wall of the coelom, which in the process of preservation has become separated from the ectoderm. The facts elucidated by Messrs. Smith and Newth enable us to compare the collar cavity of Ampliioxus directly with the mandibular cavity of the embryos of Petromyzon and the Elasmobranch embryo. This cavity has been observed by Hatta to originate in Petromyzon from the wall of the gut independently of the outgrowth which gives rise to the myotomes behind, but in both Petromyzon and the Elasmo- branch embryo the mandibular cavity becomes subsequently connected by a long tongue-like ventral extension with the splanclmocoel. List of Woeks Referred to in this Paper. 1. MacBride, E. W. — ‘’ The Early Development of Ampliioxus,” ‘ Quart* Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xl, 1898. 2. “ Further Remarks on the Development of Ampliioxus.” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xliii, 1900. 3. “ The Formation of the Layers in Ampliioxus and its Bearing on the Interpretation of the Early Ontogenetic Processes in Other Vertebrates,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. liv, 1909. 4. Lankester, E. Ray, and Willey, A. — “ The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. xxxi, 1890. 5. Wijhe, J. W. van. — “ Beitr. z. Anat. des Kopfregion des Amphioxus lanceolatus,” ‘Petrus Camper,’ vol. i. 1901. 6. Goodrich, Edwin S. — “ On the Structure of the Excretory Organs of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart.. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. liv, 1909. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 18, Illustrating Messrs. K. M. Smith and H. G. NewtlTs paper, “ A Note concerning the Collar Cavities of the Larval Amphioxus.” Abbreviations. The asterisk marks the communication between the left collar somite and the gut. COLLAR, CAVITIES OE THE LARVAL AMPHIOXUS. 25 L ch. Notochord, c. g. Club-shaped gland, esty. Endostyle. 1. c. s. Left collar somite. 1. h. c. Left head cavity. 1. m. 2. Second myotome of the left side. 1. me. 2. Second myocoel of the left side. m. Mouth. n. c. Nerve cord, r.c.s. Right collar somite, r.h.c. Right head cavity r. m. 1. First myotome of the right side. r. m. 2. Second myotome of the right side. r. me. 2. Second myocoel of the right side. s. Septum. spl. Splanchnocoel. t. me. Trunk myocoel. Fig. 1. — Transverse section through the pharyngeal region of a very young larva, showing the relations of the collar somites to the gut. The section is 4 y thick and was stained with tliionin. Note the separation of the outer wall of the right collar somite from the ectoderm. Figs. 2-7. — Transverse sections through the pharynx of a larva in which the mouth is just formed. Figs. 2-5 are of consecutive sections ; between 5 and 6 one section is missed, between 6 and 7 three sections are missed. The preparation from which the drawings were made was overstained, in picro-nigrosin to make plain the septa, and this has obscured the cytological detail. For further description see text. Fig. 8. — Diagrammatical representation of the relations of the coelomic spaces of the left side of a larva in which the mouth is just formed , The dotted lines show the condition on the right side where the wide opening of the collar somite to the splanchnocoel is not interfered with by mouth or head cavity. VOL. 62, PART 2. N liW SERIES. 18 With Ten Plates, Royal 4 to, 5s. net. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By Sib RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. Chubchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is 42s. for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum ( 'prepaid ) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at a uniform price of 10/6 net. The issue of Supplement Numbers being found inconvenient, and there being often in the Editor’s hands an accumulation of valuable material, it has been decided to publish this Journal at such intervals as may seem desirable, rather than delay the appear- ance of Memoirs for a regular quarterly publication. The title remains unaltered, though more than Four Numbers may be published in the course of a year. Each Number is sold at 10/6 net, and Four Numbers make up a Volume. 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U-8., AND MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL 80CIETY ; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH*, LATE DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUBRUM; LATE PRESIDENT OF THB BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE; LATE FULI.KRIAN PROFB88OR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN ; LATE LIN AC R K PROFK880R OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON C O LLE G R , O X F O R D ; EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN UNIVER8ITY COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER; GILBERT C. BOURNE, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., LINACRE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, AND FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD J. GRAHAM KERR, M.A., F.R.S., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOI.OGT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW ; AND E. W. MACBRIDE, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AT THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND TEXT-FIGURES. J. & A. CHURCHILL, LONDON. 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1917. Adlard & Son & West Newman, Ltd.,] [London and Dorking. ;i ffJ'.f-O QE.m-Cft.f-iM'' CONTENTS OF No. 247-New Series. MEMOIRS : On the So-called Pharyngeal Gland-cells of Earthworms. By J. Stephenson, D.Sc., M.B., Lieutenant-Colonel Indian Medical Service ; Professor of Zoology, Government College, Lahore. (With Plate 19) ....... The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens. Part II. Fertilisa- tion. By Monica Taylor, S.N.D., B.Sc. (With Plate 20 and 1 Text- figure) ....... The Homologies of the Muscles related to the Visceral Arches of the Gnathostome Fishes. By Edward Phelps Allis, jr., Menton, France (With Plates 21 and 22 and 1 Text-figure) The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-cells. Part I. — Lepi- doptera. By J. Bronte Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plates 23, 24, and 25, and 5 Text-figures) The Degenerate (Apyrene) Sperm-formation of Moths as an Index to the Inter-relationship of the Various Bodies of the Spermatozoon. By J. Bront£ Gatenby, B.A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. (With Plate 26) ..... PAGE 253 287 303 407 463 PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 253 On the So-called Pharyngeal Gland-cells of Earthworms. By J. Stephenson, D.Se., M.B., Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Medical Service ; Professor of Zoology, Government College, Lahore. With Plate 19. Contents. PAGE 1. Historical ...... 253 2. Material and Methods .... 260 3. Pheretima posthuma .... 261 ‘ 4. Pheretima heteroch^ta , . . . 265 5. Pheretima hawayana .... 267 6. Lumbricid,e . . ... 269 7. The Appearances in Young Specimens . . 274 8. The Cells in the Lumbricid Embryo . , 279 9. Function of the Cells .... 281 10. Summary ...... 283 11. References to Literature .... 284 12. Explanation of Figures .... 285 Historical. Succeeding the buccal cavity in all earthworms is a swollen portion of the alimentary tube, the pharynx. The usual description of this portion of the tube in Lumbricus may be given in the words of Parker and Haswell (7) : the “buccal cavity ... is followed by a much larger thick-walled, rounded chamber, the pharynx. From the wall vol. 62, part 3. — new series. 19 254 J. STEPHENSON. of the pharynx there run outwards to the body-wall a number of radially arranged bundles of muscular fibres which, when they contract, draw the pharynx backwards, and at the same time dilate it.” One of the constituents of this pharyngeal thickening, not mentioned in the ordinary descriptions of the earthworm, is nevertheless a prominent feature, easily visible under the lens in the ordinary dissection, and immediately obvious, owing to its staining properties, in sections through the region where it occurs. This constituent is a cellular mass which forms soft white projecting lobules on the dorsal and lateral aspects of the pharynx ; the lobules surround the muscular strands which issue from the pharynx, and in addition, the cells of the mass penetrate inwards between the interlacing muscular bundles of the thick dorsal pharyn- geal wall in the direction of the lumen of the canal. Though these cells have received some attention from previous writers, an adequate account of their nature and origin has not yet, I believe, been given. References to previous authors are given by Vejdovsky (9, 1884), from whose account of them I quote, since the older literature is inaccessible to me. The earlier investi- gators— Leo, Clarke, Lankester — who saw these masses of pharyngeal cells in Lumbricus, interpreted them as glandular. Perrier described pharyngeal glands in several genera; in Pontodrilus they are said to be variously coiled tubes whose walls are composed of large cells with granular contents; in Moniligaster they pour their secretion into the pharynx by a multitude of small canals visible with the lens; Perichseta houlleti has several layers of glands which open into the interior by three pairs of orifices. Claparede refers to those cells of the pharyngeal mass which penetrate inwards between the muscular bundles as “ . . . numerous polygonal cells with large round nuclei 6 fi% in diameter. The import of these cells is at present not clear to me. Their similarity to ganglion-cells is not to be denied, though a connection with nerves could not be recognised. PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 255 The matter is best left undecided at present.” The projecting lobules on the dorsum of the pharynx Claparede called “ ganglia of the previously described pharyngeal plexus.” Vejdovsky’s own account of the pharyngeal cells is not very clear, and is interpolated here and there amongst descriptions of the muscular and vascular apparatus of the pharynx, and of the occurrence and mechanism of its extrusion. Unlike Claparede, who recognised the identity of the cells of the lobules with those which penetrate inwards between the muscular strands (interpreting both as nervous), Vejdovsky considers them as distinct. Those which penetrate inwards he looks on simply as cellular elements of the coelomic fluid, which become attached to the pharyngeal muscles as to other organs ; and he makes the rather surprising statement that “ had Claparede compared these cells with those suspended in the coelomic fluid, he would certainly have recognised them as the latter.” The projecting lobules, on the other hand, are interpreted as mucous glands (Schleimdrusen) ; in vertical sections the glandular masses, contracting anteriorly to form long ducts, wind between the muscular bundles of the pharynx, and most probably empty their secretion into the pharyngeal cavity ; these glands extend backwards far into oesophageal segments, and correspond to the septal or mucous glands of other Oligochseta. Vejdovsky also describes the ducts of the “septal glands” of Criodrilus as winding through the layer of muscular and vascular tissue on the dorsum of the pharynx, and the exceptionally large and numerous mucous glands of Dendrobaena rubida are said to consist each of a pear-shaped mass of cells with large round nuclei and containing a substance which stains deeply in picrocarmine. Vogt and Yung (10, 1888) describe irregularly dispersed cells between the muscular fibres on the dorsum of the pharynx (in Lumbricus agricola). These cells have ill- defined outlines, a granular protoplasm, and a clear spherical nucleus containing a nucleolus. The authors refer to Claparede’s interpretation of them as nerve cells ; they 256 J. STEPHENSON. resemble, however, the unicellular glands found in a corre- sponding position in other animals; and though the authors had not succeeded in discovering their ducts, they thought it not impossible that they secrete the viscid substance which the worm mixes with its food. Hesse (6, 1894) considers the pharyngeal cells of Oligo- chseta in general as belonging fo the epithelial layer; in the Naididac and Tubificidas the ventral end of each cell is pro- longed into a duct, which debouches between the lining epithelial cells of the pharyngeal cavity ; the ducts of these cells are more drawn out in Lumbricus. Beddard (2, 1895) does not treat of the pharyngeal gland- cells of earthworms apart from the well-known “ septal glands ” of EnchytraBidae, etc. The septal glands in general, and so by implication the cells under consideration, appear to him to be simply epidermic glands which have been invaginated along with the stomodaeum, though their position causes him some doubt. The author who has examined these cellular aggregates in detail in the largest number of species, and who has given the most precise accounts of their supposed ductules and manner of discharge is Eisen (4, 5, 1895, 1896). In Phoenicodrilus taste the masses (called “salivary glands ”) discharge through ducts which follow the muscle strands into the pharyngeal cavity ; and it is probable that all the suprapharyngeal glands in Lumbricids open similarly and without any great variation as to detail ; narrow ducts penetrate the pharyngeal epithelium, forming near the free surface small ovoid pockets for temporarily storing a small amount of the salivary secretion. These (suprapharyngeal) glands are connected posteriorly with the septal glands, — four pairs, superposed on several main longitudinal muscular bands which connect the pharyngeal glands with the body- wall in segment IX ; their ducts, both wide and narrow, follow these muscles, so that the secretion of the septal glands also is emptied into the pharynx. InPontodrilus michaelseni the pharyngeal or salivary glands have a similar position,. PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 257 and are directly connected by means of ducts with the epithelium of the pharynx ; arrived at the pharyngeal epithelium the ducts branch out, sending numerous discharge tubes between the epithelial cells ; these ductules are fre- quently, though not generally, branched while in the epithelial layer, and each ductule is furnished at the distal end with a small storage chamber of oblong form and con- siderably smaller than the nucleus of the epithelial cells. There are also in this species five pairs of septal glands, ventral to the oesophagus, and principally attached to blood- vessels, in segments V-IX, of similar structure ; a very thin duct runs backwards and upwards from the upper end of each towards the alimentary canal at its junction with the septum, “ but I have some doubt about it emptying into the intestine, and it is much more probable that . . . these septal glands empty into the pharynx. None of my sections however show this to be the case.” The distribution of the septal glands in this species may be compared with what is found in Helodrilus (Bimastus) parvus (v. p. 23 post.). In Benhamia nan a Eisen states that the glands are evidently unicellular, and the fine ducts penetrate between the epithelial cells of the pharynx, the discharge pockets being almost globular ; here and there the duct of a single glandular cell may be followed clear to the discharge pocket. “ But to draw the conclusion . . . that all the pharyngeal and septal glands are unicellular is, I think, premature. In Fon tod rilus, at least, there may be seen plainly numerous nuclei on the gland ducts, which of course indicates that we have here a fusion of several cells. . . . In Pontod rilus the majority, and all the large glands, consisted of several cells, the respective ducts of which finally united into one. In Benhamia I could see no such union, and the single ducts could be followed with great facility to the outlets.” In Benhamia liana the septal glands, in segments IX, X, and XI, are very narrow and only one cell thick in the row. In B. palmicola the small septal glands are in IX and X, but 258 J. STEPHENSON. the author could not find that they were in any way connected with the pharyngeal system of glands. The pharyngeal and septal glands ofAleodrilus keyesi are also described. Here it will be sufficient to call attention to the author’s statements regarding the discharge of the gland-cells. The pharyngeal glands have discharge pockets which are much thicker than those seen in any other species; the septal glands are of the same nature as the pharyngeal, “ but I have good reasons to believe that the glands in this species discharge into the tubular intestine. I have been able to follow fclie discharge duct as far as the muscular layers of the intestine, which would hardly have been the case if the ducts had continued forwards into the pharynx, as do those of the forward septal glands in many genera.” In some other small aggregations of similar cells the author was unable to follow the ducts. In Sparganophilus (which, though aquatic, belongs to the Grlossoscolecidse, and so may be considered along with the earthworms), it is noted that in one species the ducts of the septal glands with precipitated secretions can be followed along the septum down towards the intestine, but the con- nection with the latter, if any, was not ascertained; in another species the discharge tubes and chambers are very large, the chambers occupying more than half the width of the pharyngeal wall (the meaning is more than half the height of the pharyngeal epithelium). De Ribaucourt (8, 1901), describes in a few words the deeply staining mass of cells in the Lumbricidas : “ On staining with methyl blue and iodine green one can easily establish the fact that these cells are continued as far as the epithelial layer by a fine prolongation ; thus the cells may quite possibly have a secretory function.” Miss Raff (7a, 1910), recognises the cells in the Australian Megascolecidae, but finds no trace of a duct in connection with the “ glandular mass.” I omit the literature which deals with the septal glands of the specially aquatic groups — the Microdrili — as 1 hope to PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 259 return to these at a later date. Nor need I refer to a number of observations on the occurrence, form, and position of the pharyngeal and septal glands of earthworms by systematic writers, since these do not deal with their intimate structure. The cells in question, therefore, are usually considered as gland-cells belonging to the epithelial layer of the alimentary tube, and they are supposed to pour their secre- tion into the lumen of the tube by means of long, fine ductules prolonged from the cell-body. Clapar&de saw no ductules, and believed the cells on the pharynx to be nervous in nature ; Yogt and Yung, who nevertheless believed the cells to be secretory, could not discover the ductules ; Raff also saw no duct; Vejdovsky saw “long ducts,” but not, apparently, their connection with the pharyngeal cavity ; de Ribaucourt saw the continuation of the cells as far as the pharyngeal epithelium ; Eisen has given detailed accounts of the ductules, of their branching in the pharyngeal epithelium, and of their discharge pockets ; Perrier (according to Vejdovsky) saw the ducts with a lens, and observed their paired orifices. According to my observations the cells in question are not of epithelial origin, and have no connection with the pharyn- geal epithelium. They originate at the peripheral limit of the pharyngeal mass, and are congeneric with the peritoneum ; in the adult they extend deeply into the pharyngeal mass, and there become largely transformed into connective tissue ; but what their primary function is I am unable to say. It will save repetition to state here that in none of my sections, which were taken in all three planes, have I seen structures that could be interpreted as ductules. Claparede’s view of the nervous nature of the cells prob- ably originated in their superficial resemblance to the spinal ganglion cells of higher Vertebrates; there is no resemblance to the ganglion cells of the Oligochaeta. Vejdovsky’s state- ment as to the similarity to the coelomic corpuscles of those 260 J. STEPHENSON. of the cells which lie deep among the muscular bundles of the pharynx is frankly unintelligible to me. The authors who have seen ductules and their endings in the pharyngeal epithelium have, I believe, been misled by preconceived ideas on the nature of the cells, and by the appearances due to the transformation of the deeper cells into connective tissue. Material and Methods. I have investigated in detail the five common species of earthworms found in Lahore; three of these, Pheretima posthuma (L. Vaill.), P. heterochseta (Mchlsn.), and P. hawayana (Rosa), belong to a genus of Megascolecidse ; two, Helodrilus (Allolobophora) caliginosus subsp. trapezoides (Ant. Dug.), and Helodrilus (Bimastus) parvus (Eisen), to the Lumbricidae. In addition to adult specimens, I have examined a number of younger worms of both families, and also several Lumbricid embryos in various stages, taken from the cocoons ; but only one of these latter gave me additional information. I am also familiar in a general way with the cell masses as they occur in a large number of other worms, which I have sectioned from time to time in the course of systematic work on Indian Oligo- chaeta ; though as I cannot answer for the histological con- dition of this material (which mostly formed part of the Indian Museum collections) I have not made use of it in the present account. The methods of fixation employed were Zenker’s fluid and sublimate-acetic for the embryos and smaller worms, including the adults of Helodrilus parvus; some specimens of Pheretima were also treated by one or other of these methods. Narcotisation with chloretone and fixation by 10 per cent, formalin were employed for most of the adult specimens of Pheretima and Helodrilus caliginosus. For staining, the most generally useful method is some degree of overstaining with Delafield’s hsematoxylin, differen- tiation with acid alcohol, and counterstaining with alcoholic PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 261 eosin. Dobell’s modification of Heidenhain’s iron-hsematoxylin method (3) has also given me excellent results, and I should like to confirm what its author says regarding its value and convenience. One or other of the above methods was em- ployed for all specimens used in descriptions of the cells. In addition, I have used Heidenhain’s original chromhaematoxylin method, which gives unsurpassed differentiation of epithelial cells (skin, pharynx, oesophagus), but in my hands has been useless for the cells of the pharyngeal mass. Van Gieson’s stain, and borax-carmine followed by picroindigo-carmine, were useful in differentiating the connective tissue and in distinguishing it from the muscular fibres. I have to thank my friend and former pupil, L. Baini Prashad, M.Sc., Alfred-Patiala Research Student of the Punjab University, for kindly giving me the embryos and some of the youngest specimens used in the investigation. Pheretima Posthuma. General description. — In this species, in front of septum 4/5, a soft mass extends forwards almost to the anterior end of the body, filling up the available space, and hence narrower in front where the cerebral ganglion lies across it. The posterior end, or base of the somewhat conical mass, can be separated only with difficulty from septum 4/5, against which it lies, on account of the numerous- strands of muscle which issue from the mass and pass backwards through the septum. When the separation has been accom- plished, the posterior part of the mass is, seen to be composed of numerous micronephridial tubules the pharynx with its associated aggregations of “ gland-cells 39 lies in front of this. Emerging from the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the pharyngeal mass are numerous strands and sheets of muscle which take in general an obliquely backward direction ; the obliquity is less in front, where the strands are more nearly transverse in direction, and greater behind, where they are 262 J. STEPHENSON. more longitudinal. Around the bases of these strands are a number of soft whitish lobular masses ; these are either one to each strand, or the lobules are fused at their bases to form a transversely extended mass enveloping the origin of several strands. The whitish lobular masses are arranged in about four transverse series, and the muscle strands emerge in a corresponding number of transverse rows. The most anterior portion of the mass is smooth, and represents the thick muscular and connective tissue wall of the pharynx itself. The condition is similar to that shown in PI. 19, fig. 1, for P. heterochae ta, omitting the masses in seg- ment Y. In segment Y, concealing the oesophagus, there is on each side posteriorly a considerable tuft of micronephridia, and anteriorly a mass of follicles of the so-called blood glands (cf. Beddard, 1) ; these latter rest against and are connected with the posterior face of septum 4-5 ; they interest us here because some are found more anteriorly, embedded in the cells of the posterior portion of the pharyngeal mass. On examining longitudinal sections through the anterior end of the worm the lobules previously mentioned are found to consist of the “ pharyngeal gland-cells ” of earlier authors ; these cells also penetrate in for some distance between the muscular fibres, which, crossing and interlacing, form the main portion of the pharyngeal mass. The pharyngeal lumen is lined by a columnar epithelium ; the ventral wall of the pharynx is thin, in contrast to the massive dorsal wall ; the muscular coat is here no thicker than the layer of epithelium, and the tc gland-cells ” are absent. Since these cells are certainly not glandular in the sense intended by previous writers, and since their function is not fully known, it is advisable to drop the earlier name. I propose to call them chromophil cells, because of their peculiar staining properties ; which, in sections stained by hsematoxylin, for example, render the masses immediately obvious even on a naked-eye inspection. The Chromophil cells (PI. 19, fig. 2). — The individual PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 263 cells are of various shapes — more or less polygonal, triangular, crescent-shaped, or altogether irregular — according to the disposition of the adjacent cells. They do not however as a rule fit closely together, and are mostly well separated by clefts from their neighbours. They are usually longer in one direction than the other; the longer diameter may measure, on an average, 17 ; the shorter, perhaps, 10 /.i. Their outlines are not definite, and they are frequently continuous at their periphery with an amorphous or fibrillar coagulum-like substance, which partly fills up the intercellular spaces, and by the intermediation of which the cells may be continuous with each other. The nucleus is often obscured by the deeply-staining portion of the cell-body to be described. It is subspherical or shortly oval, 4*5-6 g in its long diameter. The nucleolus is large and distinct, evenly staining, and often somewhat excentrically situated ; granules of chromatin occupy the more peripheral region of the nucleus (obscured in the figure). The cell-body may be distinguished into deeply and more lightly staining portions. The deeper staining portion is always considerable in amount, and may form almost the whole of the cell-body ; no further structure can be made out in this portion ; it is seldom well defined in its extent, and merges into the more lightly staining portion at its periphery. The outer portion of the cells stains more lightly, and has a granular, or sometimes apparently a reticular constitution ; it has often no definite peripheral boundary, the cell having a ragged edge as if its outer portion were disintegrating ; or it merges into the loose substance between and sometimes connecting the cells. Transformation of the Cells. — These cells are typi- cally seen, and in large numbers, dorsally and posteriorly on the pharyngeal mass ; where, as a compact aggregate, they form the lobules previously described, which are penetrated by the emerging muscular bundles ; near the posterior limit of the mass there is in addition an admixture of follicles of “ blood- 264 J. STEPHENSON. glands.” Further forwards in the pharyngeal mass, dorsal to the - cavity of the pharynx, in what may be called the transition zone, the cells become sparser, and interlacing muscular fibres form the bulk of the mass. In this zone the cells are seen to change their characters as they are traced gradually forwards and inwards. They become rather smaller in size ; the deeply staining matter becomes less in amount, and is aggregated in smaller masses ; and the cell-body becomes continued into the now abundant fibrillar strands between the muscle fibres. Numbers of such cells can be seen, which, with still a considerable amount of deeply- staining matter, dissolve at their periphery into the fibrillar or reticular packing tissue (“ Fullgewebe”) between the muscle fibres (compare PL 19, fig. 5, from P. hawayana). Still further inwards and nearer the pharyngeal epi- thelium the deeply staining matter disappears altogether, and the tissue passes into the abundant connective tissue of the deeper portion of the pharyngeal mass, which is absent from the more superficial region where the typical chromophil cells are aggregated. The nuclei, no longer obscured, become conspicuous ; the nucleolus diminishes in size, and ultimately disappears ; the chromatin grains are distributed more evenly through the otherwise clear nucleus. But even quite near the pharyngeal epithelium occasional cells are still met with which retain the characters of those in the more superficial parts of the mass. In this deeper region the nuclei appear to undergo a final change by becoming smaller; maintaining the above cha- racters, they can be traced down to a size measuring 4 g in greatest diameter. Along with these, in the connective tissue, another type of nucleus is abundantly represented ; these, about 3 /x by 2 fx, are often irregular in shape ; the smallest ones stain darkly, and are almost homogeneous ; some appear clearer, with a few grains of chromatin. These I believe to represent the nuclei of the original connective tissue element of the muscular dorsal wall of the pharynx. They are similar to connective tissue nuclei elsewhere, and, as will PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 265 be seen, are found numerously in young specimens, where the chromophil cells have undergone little change. I am doubtful if it is always possible to distinguish between these smaller nuclei and the last stage of transformation of the nuclei of the chromophil cells. But, in spite of the fact that discrimination of the separate elements may be impossible in the adult, it seems necessary to attribute a double origin to the connective tissue of this region. The Capsule. — In view of what will be said later, the relation of the cells to the peritoneum is of interest. The lobular masses are surrounded by a thin capsule, — a membrane- like expansion, with fairly numerous ovoid or flattened nuclei, which show scattered chromatin granules but no nucleolus. The membrane bridges over the clefts between adjacent cells at the surface of the mass ; it is in many places distinctly differentiated from the underlying cells, staining pink with eosin, and hence sharply marked off from the chromophil cells beneath. In places the membrane may contain numbers of brown chloragogen grains ; in this condition it may be still a moderately thin (3-4 n) membrane, or it may be swollen so as to be fairly described as being composed of somewhat flattened chloragogen cells ; but there are no chloragogen cells of the usual elongated type. In places the capsule is absent, and the — sometimes indefinite — limits of the chromo- phil cells themselves form the boundary of the mass. PHERETIMA HETER0CH2ETA. G-eneral description (PI. 19, fig. 1).— In this species the cells, as in P. posthuma, form lobular masses on the pharynx (c1) ; but in addition lobules composed of chromo- phil cells extend backwards, dorsal to the oesophagus, into segment Y (c2, c3), where they are altogether behind the pharyngeal region of the alimentary tube. Crossing seg- ment Y in a more or less longitudinal direction are a number of muscular bands which pass backwards from the pharyngeal mass in front; the more superficial of these (m2) 266 J. STEPHENSON. are partly, the deeper are wholly, surrounded by the soft white masses of the cells (c3, c3). The “ blood-glands ” appear as masses of grape-like follicles in segment YI, clustering round the backward prolongations of the muscle bands ; follicles also occur, as seen in sections, within the lobular aggregations of the chromopliil cells, both in seg- ment Y and on the pharynx. The Chromopliil Cells (PL 19, figs. 3, 4). The cells resemble, on the whole, those described for P. posthuma; but those of the posterior portion of the mass are in general more definite in outline than in the previous species, and do not here dissolve into the intercellular and connecting substance to the same extent. The nucleus is again cha- racteristic,— a spherical or shortly ovoid vesicle with large nucleolus and scattered chromatin. Transformation of the Cells. — In the backwardly projecting lobular masses of pharyngeal cells are strands of connective tissue, — a lightly-staining substance, scarcely definitely fibrillar in structure, though with an obvious longi- tudinal differentiation which is manifested by the deeper staining of small streaks in the direction of the length of the strand. In these strands are contained numerous cells, of the general nature of those already described ; many of these dissolve at their extremities into the substance of the strand without any demarcation ; some however are dis- tinctly outlined; the nuclei may still be perfectly distinct when most of the cytoplasm has dissolved away. Indefinite masses of deeper staining material, continuous with the substance of the strands, and without nuclei, are also seen (possibly nuclei are not present merely because of the plane in which the section happens to be taken). (Compare PI. 19, fig. 5, from P. liawayana). Similarly amongst the muscular fibres on the dorsum of the pharynx are strands of connective-tissue of the above type with small islets of cells. The cells are in part indi- vidually distinct, in part continuous with the connective- tissue. As the transformation of the cells proceeds, the PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 267 nuclei become smaller; the nucleoli also diminish in size ; and when the deeply staining substance has altogether dis- appeared the nuclei (or some of them) seem to disappear also, becoming fainter and less easily distinguishable ; so that ultimately tracts of connective-tissue of some little size — at least as large as several of the original cells — show no nuclei at all. The Capsule. — The lobes are surrounded by a capsule, which consists of a thin membranous sheet with not infre- quent oval nuclei. This constitutes a very definite peritoneal covering over the posteriorly projecting lobules ; over the more anterior masses it is less evident. But even there it can be made out in places by means of the somewhat flattened nuclei contained within a lightly staining material, which fills up little inequalities in the surface or forms small projections. In other parts however no capsule is discover- able; the limit of the mass is the limit of the chromophil cells themselves ; and, as owing to the disintegration of the periphery of the cells this is not always sharply defined, it would be easy in such places to distinguish a limiting membrane if one were present (PI. 19, fig. 4). A definite peritoneal investment covers the muscular strands which issue from the pharyngeal mass. Pheretima hawayana. General description. — The condition is not unlike that of the last species (PJ. 19, fig. 1). The pharynx is covered by a soft white mass, from which muscle bands emerge. Projecting behind the pharynx, and therefore in segment V, there are on each side two lobes, one above the other. The upper lobe has a smooth surface, and three muscular bands emerge from its posterior border; the lower is larger, triangular in shape with its apex backwards, smooth for the greater part, but the posterior tapering portion consists of follicles of the “ blood-glands ” clustering round a muscle strand. Other strands also emerge from this lobe ; and on 268 J. STEPHENSON. sectioning, follicles of the “ blood-glands ” are found numer- ously within the cellular masses, even deep amongst the chromophil cells of the dorsum of the pharynx. The Chromophil Cells and their Transformation. — The cells which compose the main portion of the white masses on and behind the pharynx are polygonal or irregular in shape, 20-25 /n in longest measurement, sometimes separated from each other by linear spaces ; such have therefore a definite outline. The nucleus, up to 6 fx in greatest diameter, is conspicuous, vesicular, with large nucleolus and numerous granules of chromatin. The cytoplasm as a whole stains deeply but not homogeneously, and the lighter staining or non-staining portions of the cells appear sometimes as rela- tively large areas which may resemble vacuoles. (A similar condition is shown in PL 19, fig. 5, which, however, is from P. heterochasta.) Besides the cells with definite outline, a number are also visible in which the central deeply staining cytoplasm shades off into a peripheral region, less deeply staining and with a fibrillar structure ; this peripheral region again in places is indistinguishable from an intercellular substance. Passing inwards towards the pharyngeal epithelium the continuity of the cells with the connective tissue, now con- siderable in amount, is very evident. The connective tissue accompanies the muscular fibres in close association, its fibrillas often running parallel with the fibres. The cells still retain some of the darkly staining substance (PI. 19, fig. 5). Still deeper in the pharyngeal mass there may be no stainable cytoplasm in association with the nuclei ; these then lie in the connective-tissue. Such nuclei are smaller, more irregular in shape, sometimes appearing shrivelled ; the nucleolus decreases in size, and may become indistinguish- able from the chromatin grains. Appearances suggest that some at least of these nuclei break up and disintegrate, sometimes by dividing into two small vesicles each with a staining granule in its interior, sometimes by becoming as a whole progressively more indistinct. PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 269 The Capsule. — A peritoneal covering limits the lobes in some places. The nuclei of this membrane are rounded or slig*htly flattened; the membrane itself is in places a distinct pink-staining (in hsematoxylin and eosin preparations) mod- erately thick expansion. In some regions, while it is still possible to speak of an investing membrane, the cells com- posing this latter are seen to be continuous with the chromophil cells and to have the same cytoplasmic constitution. In other places no investing membrane is present. In the adult Pheretima therefore, the chromophil cells form lobular aggregations covering the muscular mass of the dorsum of the pharynx ; and in some species they also extend backwards behind the pharynx as lobe-like masses. The cells also extend deeply inwards amongst the muscular fibres in the direction of the pharyngeal epithelium; but here they become modified, the cytoplasm being progressively converted into connective tissue. The connective tissue of this region has therefore probably a double origin. The descriptions of the peritoneal capsule suggest that it and the chromophil cells are modifications of the same tissue ; where the capsule is absent, the cells lining the coelomic cavity have become chromophil cells; where present, the cells in immediate relation to the cavity have become flattened, while those underneath have taken on the chromophil character. Lumbricid^;. As an example of what is seen in the dissection of one of the Lumbricidse, it will be sufficient to describe Helodrilus caliginosus, perhaps the commonest of all earthworms; the histological appearances in this species are similar in all main features to those of Pheretima (except that there are no “ blood-glands ” among the chromophil cells), and they therefore need not be detailed. Instead, an account of the microscopical structure of the chromophil tissue in Helo- drilus parvus will be given; this species is too small to VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERI US. 20 270 J. STEPHENSON. allow of much being seen in dissection, but examined micro- scopically it presents a number of interesting features which go some distance towards elucidating the origin of the cells. The Disposition of the Cell-masses in H. cali- ginosus (PL 19, fig. 6). — The combined mass of chromophil cells is situated dorsally on the pharynx, and extends back- wards as far as septum 5/6. The cellular aggregate appears as a number of white lobes amongst the muscular strands ; the general arrangement is one of four transverse bands. The posterior of these transverse elevations is divided into two by a cleft in the mid-dorsal line, and forms a single rounded pillow-like mass on each side (c4). The next is not divided, and forms a single transverse elevation across the dorsum of the pharynx (c3). The second is divided up into a number of separate lobules, (c2), and appears therefore as a transverse row of rounded projections. The first is similar to the second (c1). The cellular masses extend downwards on the sides of the pharynx about as far as the lateral line or a little further ; the first transverse row may be shorter. Each lobule of the two anterior rows is associated with a muscular strand (m), the base of which it surrounds. The third, undivided elevation, has a number of muscular bands emerging in a transverse series from its posterior face. The fourth is not associated with muscular strands. The General Relations of the Cell-masses in H. parvus (PI. 19, fig. 7). — As seen in sections, the much lobulated pharyngeal cell-mass (c1, c2, c3), situated dorsal to the pharynx, extends also behind this region, and partially surrounds the first part of the oesophagus. It thus occupies segments IY, Y, and YI ; the portion in segment YI is to some extent separate, being divided from the rest by septum 5/6, through which it communicates with the anterior portion by a constricted neck. In segments IV and Y the mass is penetrated by a number of muscular strands. But in this species the characteristic cells have a con- siderably greater extent of distribution than in the forms PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 271 previously described. Thus in segments V and VI the main mass extends downwards on each side to within a short distance of the mid- ventral line ( cv ). An aggregate ot cells is present in segment VII, ventrolateral to the oesophagus on each side, in close association with the lateral oesophageal (“ intestino- tegumentary ”) blood-vessel. Similar small aggregates occur in segments VIII and IX. Small masses of cells are present dorsally in VIII, between the wall of the oesophagus and the dorsal vessel ; and, at least in one specimen more minutely examined in this connection, also dorsally on the oesophageal wall in IX, in the angle between the alimentary tube and septum 8/9; on both anterior and posterior faces of septum 9/10 below the oesophagus ; ventrally in segment X in association with a blood-vessel ; and on the wall of the oesophagus below the dorsal vessel at the level of septum 10/11. The Chromophil Cells. — (PI. 19, fig. 8). — The cells are oval or irregular in shape, a small one measuring 9 jjl, a large one 18 fi in greatest length. They do not fit closely together ; the interspaces are empty or contain an inter- cellular matter. The nucleus is large and conspicuous, vesicular, spherical or ovoid, 4 /ul — 6 /u in longest diameter, often peripher- ally situated, and clearer than the stained cytoplasm around it. Besides small grains of chromatin there is a large nucleolus, of different material from the chromatin grains, the central portion of a bluish tinge in alcoholic iron-hsema- toxylin preparations, the periphery darker and more opaque. This large nucleolus may be absent; and then the deeply staining chromatic granules are alone visible, of which one may be larger than the rest. The cell-body contains masses of deeply-staining material, the remainder of the cytoplasm being more slightly coloured. The less deeply staining areas are more peripherally situated ; the more densely coloured portion usually encloses the nucleus, and on the whole is more central in position; it may be prolonged in one or other direction as fibril -like strands. The intercellular substance is not as a rule sharply 272 J. STEPHENSON. marked off from the cells ; the periphery of the cell fades away into the intercellular substance, and in the measurements of the cells as given above, the reference is to the deeply staining portion only, on account of the impossibility of determining the limits of cell and intercellular matter. In amount this latter may be very considerable, and the staining portions of the cells are then comparatively widely isolated from each other. It has the character of a granular amor- phous matrix, into which the bodies of the cells merge, and through which some of the fibrillar processes of the deeper staining matter are continued. Transformation of the Cells. — The chroinophil cells in this species are more completely aggregated together on and behind the pharnyx than, for example, in Pheretima posthum a; the number of the cells which penetrate inwards amongst the interlacing muscular fibres on the dorsum of the pharynx is much smaller. The chromopliil cells which occur between the muscular fibres are mostly isolated, or in twos and threes; in them the densely staining matter becomes less in amount, the periphery of the cell may show a reticular structure, and the cell processes are distinctly fibrillar. At a further stage the deeply staining matter disappears ; the cell elongates to form a strand, the nucleus is at one.side, the pale-staining fibrillse form a reticulum. Longer strands appear, composed apparently of several cells, since they may contain one, two, or more nuclei. The nuclear changes are similar to those previously described; the nucleolus becomes smaller, and disappears or becomes indistinguishable from the chromatin grains ; the nucleus itself decreases in size, and becomes faint and difficult to distinguish ; appearances here again suggest that at this stage it sometimes divides ; ulti- mately it seems to disappear. The Capsule. — In the adult, a peritoneal capsule is present in parts over the main mass of the cells, especially posteriorly ; in other species also the posterior surface appears to be the region where a recognisable capsule is best developed. But it is absent in other parts, — perhaps in PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 273 most parts ; and then the chromophil cells themselves form the limit of the mass. The smaller masses of chromophil cells, which occur in some abundance in this species in several segments behind the main mass, show interesting relations and give consider- able help in elucidating the origin of the tissue. Relation of Chromophil Cells to Septa. — The small masses of cells on septum 9/10 are directly in contact with the muscular fibres of the septum, taking the place of the peritoneum at the spots where they occur. At one point a still smaller aggregation appears to be essentially a slight swelling of the peritoneal covering of the septum. Again at another point a single cell of the chromophil type takes its place in the series of peritoneal cells with flattened nuclei on the septum. One of the larger aggregates is continuous through the septum with a smaller mass on the other side. The aggregates, of all sizes, are continuous with the peri- toneum. Relation to the Alimentary Canal . — The cells which lie on the alimentary wall in segment IX are situated imme- diately outside the muscular layer. Others are in close contact with the blood-vessels which occur external to the muscular- layer on the surface of the oesophagus, and not only on the outer side of the vessels, but also between the vessels and muscular fibres of the alimentary wall. In places where the muscular layer of the wall is not visible (probably because of gaps in the arrangement of the fibres), the cells are in actual contact with the epithelium of the oesophagus. Occasional cells are found singly here and there internal to the muscular layer, in the irregular space between the muscle fibres and the base of the epithelial layer. Relations to Blood-vessels. — The cells which are situated on the lateral oesophageal trunks are in direct apposition with the muscular or connective tissue coat of the vessels, which they surround on all sides. There is no separate peritoneal coat surrounding the vessel apart from 274 J. STEPHENSON. the chromophil cells; nor any peritoneal membrane outside the cell mass. The appearances in Helodrilus are therefore con- firmatory, in general, of the results obtained from a study of Pheretima; but in addition, the facts relating to the small masses of chromophil cells on the septa, on the blood-vessels, and on the alimentary canal allow us, more decidedly than in Pheretima, to derive them from the peritoneum, — to consider them as modifications of the peritoneal layer, with which they are continuous, or the place of which they take. The occurrence of a few cells or cell aggregates in close relation to the alimentary canal is interesting in connection with former views on the nature of the cells. But here also they are to be regarded as modified peritoneal cells, which in places come in contact with the base of the epithelial layer through a hiatus in the muscular coat, or perhaps here and there make their way inwards between the muscle fibres. The Appearances in Young Specimens. 1 turn now to the results obtained from the examination of young worms, of various ages, of both genera. In the case of the Pheretimas it is impossible to be certain of the species to which young examples belong, since the discrimina- tion of the three species which are found in Lahore is made by means of the genital system (including especially the external sexual marks). 'The young Lumbricids examined belonged to the smaller species, Helodrilus parvus. Non -sexual Pheretima. — In a Pheretima which is approaching its full size but is still without sexual marks, the condition is not markedly different from that previously described. The cells of the lobular mass are irregular in shape but definite in outline ; they do not dissolve at their margins into an intercellular substance. In size, 20 g would be the greatest length of a moderately large one. The nucleus has the same general characters as in fully-grown PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 275 specimens ; the large nucleolus, always present, may measure a third to two-fifths of the long, and even a half of the short diameter of the usually ovoid nucleus. Here too the cyto- plasm is not uniform, but shows darker and lighter patches, the latter sometimes almost clear and vacuole-like ; the darker patches are homogeneous, more or less central, and contiguous to the nucleus. Deeper in the pharyngeal mass (PL 19, fig. 9) the ad- mixture of cells is not great. The nucleus enlarges; the cell-body, smaller, dissolves at its periphery into a reticulum of fibrillar connective tissue ; or the cell-body may be absent as such, having wholly broken up into fibrils, so that one side of the nucleus is bare. Still nearer the pharyngeal epithelium the nucleolus decreases in size. The chief features of this stage are, therefore, the integrity of the cells in the lobular masses, where they have not begun to disintegrate ; and, apparently, the larger size of the nucleolus. The connective tissue change is proceeding in the cells which have penetrated inwards amongst the muscle fibres. Pheretima of diameter 1*5 mm. — The cells in the posterior and superficial portion of the mass measure 15-25 p, are of various shapes, and well defined in outline. The cell- body consists as before of two portions, a more lightly and a more deeply staining ; the latter occurring as amorphous masses, the former having a granular structure. The granules of the lighter portion appear to be the same in substance as the deeper staining masses, only not so closely aggregated; and the deeper staining portion merges into the other by becoming looser in texture. The passage forwards towards the pharyngeal epithelium is interesting. The cells, which posteriorly are in a compact mass with only an admixture of muscle strands, become much more scattered ; the muscle fibres, now arranged in a variously interwoven felt, contain within their meshwork isolated cells ; the whole texture is loose. In a few cells here and there the beginning of a connective tissue change is to 276 J. STEPH ENSON. be recognised ; but in general even the deepest cells retain their original characters. The cells cease altogether some distance from the pharyn- geal epithelium ; in other words, they have not yet distributed themselves throughout the whole pharyngeal mass. Near the pharyngeal epithelium and between the interlacing muscle fibres are scattered nuclei belonging to the sparse con- nective tissue of this region. These nuclei are of various and sometimes of irregular shape, and scarcely any structure is to be made out in them; the connective tissue, reticular or amorphous, is non-staining ; and there is no transition between this tissue and the chromophil cells. It represents the ordinary connective tissue of the muscle, and is comparable to the connective substance between the muscle fibres in the body-wall, or in other regions of the alimentary tube. The adult connective tissue of this region has, therefore, as pre- viously surmised, a double origin. For the greater part of the surface of the mass there is nothing of the nature of a capsule; the margin of the mass is the distinctive cytoplasm, coarsely granular in character, of the chromophil cells, and there is an entire absence of any superficial differentiation, or of any special covering. In places however a little pinkish-staining (in hsematoxylin and eosin preparations) matter, of a membranous or connective tissue-like appearance, is seen on the surface ; sometimes the membrane is of linear tenuity, sometimes more bulky. Where the muscle strands leave the mass a few chromophil cells appear sometimes to have travelled a little way along the strand, and hence are seen adhering to the strand just after it has emerged from the main aggregate of the cells. While some such cells appear to be underneath the peritoneal investment of the strand, others are absolutely continuous with it ; in other words, some of the peritoneal cells, instead of retaining the usual flattened form, are swollen, and contain the chromophil substance. Pheretima of diameter 1 mm. — In a still younger stage the cells, which already have a very marked chromophil PHARYNGEAL GLAND-OELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 277 character, are still more definitely confined to the posterior and dorsal portions of the mass. They are entirely absent from half of the thickness of the mass, — that half which is nearest to the pharyngeal epithelium. The shape of the cells is, as before, various ; the outlines are well-defined, and there is for the most part no shading off into an intercellular substance. An average measurement in the longest diameter would be 15 fi; 20 would be excep- tional. The nuclei are to a considerable degree obscured ; they measure 3 ’5 — 4^u in greatest diameter, are vesicular, shortly ovoid, with large equably staining nucleolus and scattered, sometimes mainly peripheral, chromatin grains. The nuclear characters are thus already remarkably like those of the adult. The cells are rather loosely arranged, with considerable intervals. Here and there, in the most deeply placed cells, — those which have wandered off a little from the main mass and form the outposts of the aggregate, — there is a sli ght indefiniteness of boundary owing to the peripheral portion of the cell-body becoming disintegrated into granular matter. But there is no formation of connective tissue ; the connective tissue of the pharyngeal mass at this stage has therefore an entirely different origin. This specimen agrees with the last described in the nature of this connective tissue of the deeper part of the mass, and of its nuclei; and also in the absence or very slight and partial development of a capsule. Summary of Appearances in Young Pheretimas. — In successively younger specimens of Pheretima therefore: (1) The cells are more and more confined to the superficial portion of the pharyngeal mass. This is strongly suggestive of a derivation from the peritoneum ; it is the opposite of what, presumably, would happen if the cells were derived from the pharyngeal epithelium. (2) The disintegration and the transformation of the cells into connective tissue is progressively less marked. (3) The capsule is less differentiated ; the chromophil cells, which in places even in the adult border the coelomic cavity 278 J. STEPHENSON. without the intervention of a peritoneal layer, do so in the younger stages almost over the whole surface of the mass. In other words, the chromophil cells are not derived from a previously differentiated flattened peritoneal layer ; the chromophil cells, and the flattened peritoneal cells which cover neighbouring structures, are equally specializations of the lining cells of the coelomic cavity. The inference, drawn from the appearances in the smaller masses of cells in Helodrilus parvus, that the chromophil cells are derived from the peritoneum, requires to be understood in the above sense ; the often flattened cells of the peritoneal membrane, which in the adult covers the greater portion of the mass, are derived from the superficial cells of the chromophil tissue, with which (cf. the description of P. ha way ana) they may still be connected, rather than vice-versa. Young Helodrilus Parvus. — Two small specimens, in diameter ‘7 mm. in the anterior part of the body, were examined; and several still smaller, *5 mm. in diameter; even in some of these small specimens sexual organs, both testes and ovaries, were beginning to form. Since the appearances are merely, for the most part, confirmatory of what has gone before, a short account will be sufficient. The chromophil cells scarcely penetrate at all into the muscular felt on the dorsum of the pharynx, and form only the lobed masses round the muscular strands which emerge. In the larger of these specimens these lobes extend back- wards through segments Y and YI ; smaller patches of the cells are present in VII, VIII, and IX on the walls of some of the blood-vessels, on the septa, and in the angle between the septum and the alimentary tube ; a few cells form a flattish layer on the ventral vessel in segment X. In the smaller specimens the lobes extend backwards, segmentally arranged, as far as segment VIII ; they are as usual suspended on muscular strands passing obliquely to the parietes, and are also connected in a longitudinal series through the septa by thick strands of connective tissue, which, piercing the septa as cords, spread out somewhat in the lobed masses. The PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 279 connective tissue thus forms to a certain extent a central axis for the whole, though it is not very distinct as such in the middle of the lobes. While the appearances point, as before, unmistakably to the derivation of this connective tissue from the chromophil cells, that which sparsely penetrates between the interlacing muscular fibres of the dorsum of the pharynx has equally unmistakably another origin. Nothing that can be called a capsule is visible ; the cells form the surface of the mass. Here and there in the larger specimens, in a prolonged search, are seen a few elongated, or even flattened, nuclei on or near the surface; once a little reddish (eosin) tinted material allowed a distinction to be made between a superficial layer of tissue and the chromophil cells beneath. But practically everywhere the surface of the masses is the surface — it may be the irregular or disintegrating surface — of the chromophil cells ; and where the interstices between neighbouring cells come up to the surface they are not bridged over. These young specimens confirm in all respects what was said previously regarding the relation of the smaller masses to the septa and blood-vessels in this species. The cells appear as developments of their peritoneal covering, the place of which they take, and with which they are con- tinuous. The Cells in the Lumbricid Embryo. An embryo Lumbricid, pretty certainly Helodrilus cali- ginosus, about 2 mm. long, taken from the cocoon, yielded interesting results. Younger embryos, of which several were investigated, showed no trace of the chromophil cells. The embryo was examined by transverse sections. Behind the region of the as yet entirely separate and laterally situated cerebral ganglia there is situated on each side, lateral to the alimentary tube, a mass of cells which appear to be dissolving into a reticular connective tissue, and amongst which a few muscular fibres are becoming differentiated. 280 J. STEPHENSON. This tissue is in two lateral masses, there being none covering the dorsal vessel (here still double), which lies directly on the gut. The tissue does not, as a whole, come in contact with the inner surface of the parietes — i. e. it does not fill up all available space between gut and body-wall, though connec- tions with the body-wall exist in the form of strands of reticular nucleated tissue. The masses I take to be the dorsal mass of the oesophagus in an early stage. At one place on the left side, at the periphery of this mass, is an aggregate of a few cells which are distinguishable from the rest (PI. 19, fig. 10). These cells, about a dozen in number in the section which shows them best, and extending only through a few sections, are mostly elongated in one direction and 12-20 fx in greatest length. The nuclei are in most of the cells somewhat obscured and difficult to see ; they are spherical or ovoid, 3*5-4 y. in greatest measurement, with a spherical homogeneous nucleolus of relatively con- siderable size, surrounded, in the cases where it is best seen, by a clear circular space ; nucleolus and clear space a, re rather excentrieally situated. The peripheral chromatin is distributed as distinct and fairly large granules. Some nuclei have two nucleoli; in other cells two relatively small nuclei are in close apposition ; but I could not discover any mitotic figures (compare the various appearances of the nuclei in PI. 19, fig. 10). The cytoplasm stains moderately deeply, but not so deeply as the chromophil substance of the adult cells; and not quite evenly, haviug a granular texture which is closer and more homogeneous in some parts than others. These cells do not help to form the slightly pinkish (eosin staining) reticulum into which the main portion of the dorso- lateral pharyngeal masses seem to be dissolving. The cells are in several cases connected together among themselves, perhaps because nuclear division goes on in advance of division of the cell -body (see the upper left-hand part of the figure). No peritoneal membrane surrounds the mass ; while on the body-wall the cells lining the ccelomic cavity are cubical with PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 281 spherical nuclei, or in places already flattened with elongated nuclei. The characters of the nucleus, and to some extent those of the cytoplasm of these cells, resemble those of the chromophil cells of the adult ; and it seems probable that we have here the first appearance of the characteristic cells of the pharyngeal mass. If so, they are evidently of mesoblastic origin, and make their appearance at the periphery of the pharyngeal mass. Function of the Cells. Though in the light of what has gone before we may reject the usual supposition, that the cells pour a secretion into the pharynx (or oesophagus, in the case of the smaller, more posteriorly situated aggregates), it is not easj> to propose another hypothesis to take its place. That some of the chromophil cells on the dorsum of the pharynx wander deeply into the pharyngeal mass in certain species and there give rise to a fibrillar connective tissue, seems plain. But this is obviously not the main function of the cells ; nor does this change occur in the smaller, more posterior aggregates. That the main function of the cells is metabolic is, though only a vague statement, perhaps as far as we are justified in going. In this connection the following considerations may be brought forward : (a) Independently of the connective tissue change, the cells are frequently, or usually in the adult, seen to have indefinite outlines, and their margins appear to be dis- integrating. This is visible even at the surface of the mass, in the cells which border the coelomic cavity. (b) The linear interspaces between the cells, always a marked feature, evidently allow of the easy percolation of the body fluids throughout the whole. Add to this the fact that the peritoneal capsule is never complete, and often (and especially in young specimens) largely absent, and we have the 282 J. STEPHENSON, possibility, at least, of an extensive exchange between the cells and the body-cavity fluid. (c) The blood supply to the pharyngeal mass is extremely rich ; this is a striking feature in the dissection of any earth- worm in which the vessels of the anterior end of the body happen to be engorged. Not only so, but in all the species of Pheretima examined in the present paper, as well as in certain others, there are present, within and immediately behind the pharyngeal mass, large numbers of the structures known as “ blood-glands These are spherical bodies with an afferent and efferent vessel at opposite poles, containing blood, but largely choked by a mass of blood -cells. IIow widely these glands are distributed is not at present known ; of the many score of species of Pheretima, for example, by far the larger number have as yet only been examined from a systematic point of view. Blood-glands have been found in other genera of Megascolecidse also — in Acantho- drilus (Beddard, 1), in Pontodrilus (first by Perrier, cf. Eisen, 5), in Argilopliilns (=Plutellus, cf. Eisen, loc. cit.) — as well as in Spar ganophil us among the Greosco- lecidae (Eisen, 5) ; and they not improbably occur in other genera also, where they will be revealed by a fuller examina- tion than has yet been made. The situation of many of the smaller aggregates of chromophil cells on the blood-vessels in Helodrilus parvus may also be recalled in this connection. (d) That active metabolism takes place in the pharyngeal region is also indicated by the great development of the nephridial tubules, in micronephridial genera, in some of the most anterior segments. Here again we are dealing with a character which is not of systematic importance, and which has, therefore, seldom been recorded. Very noticeable bunches of nephridial tubes opening to the exterior occur at the sides of the pharynx in several species examined by Miss Raff (7a). Bushy tufts, sometimes of relatively very great size, and always in marked contrast to the minute scattered tubules of more posterior segments, occur at the sides of and immediately behind the pharyngeal mass in, for PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 283 example, Megascolides, Notoscolex, Megascolex, Lampito, Pheretima, Ery thrseodrilus, Octochaetus, Eutyphoeus, Eudi chogaster — to mention only genera in which I have myself observed them. The nephridia of meganephric forms are not enlarged in the pharyngeal and immediately subsequent segments ; why no modification of any kind occurs in them, when in other and sometimes closely related genera a great multiplication and massing together of the micronephridial tubules takes place in this region, I am unable to say. The chromophil cells do not stain with Lugol’s iodine solution; glycogen seems therefore to be absent. Summary. (1) The “ pharyngeal gland-cells ” of earthworms are not gland-cells in the usual sense, and do not communicate with the pharynx ; the term “ chromophil cells ” is proposed for them because of their intense coloration by haematoxylin and similar stains. The so-called “ septal glands ” of earth- worms are aggregations of similar cells at a more posterior level. (2) In the chromophil cells the deeply staining matter is not equably distributed through the cell-body ; the peripheral regions of the cells in general stain more lightly, and appear to be disintegrating, or merge into an intercellular substance. (3) While most of the cells form a more or less compact aggregate on the surface of the pharyngeal mass, a number penetrate inwards towards the pharyngeal epithelium, and become progressively metamorphosed into fibrillar connective tissue. (4) A capsule of flattened cells covering the mass, though present in part, is incomplete. The smaller masses of cells in Helodrilus parvus are frequently continuous with the peritoneal membrane, of which they appear as modifications. (5) In Helodrilus parvus, and especially in all young earthworms, the inwandering and the connective tissue change 284 J. STEPHENSON. of the chromophil cells is less marked ; in very young specimens neither has taken place. The capsule is also more and more incomplete the younger the specimen. (6) The cells are to be looked on as of peritoneal origin ; that is to say, they are modifications of the original lining cells of the coelomic cavity. Hence the absence of capsule in the early stages; and hence the original limitation of the cells to the superficial portion of the pharyngeal mass. (7) The main function of the cells is probably metabolic ; but it is at present impossible to particularise further. References to Literature. 1. Beddard, F. E. — “ Contributions to tlie Anatomy of Earthworms, with Descriptions of Some New Species,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ (n.s.), vol. 30, 1890. 2. ‘ A Monograph of the Order Oligochaeta,’ Oxford, 1895. 3. Dobell, C. C. — “Cytological Studies on Three Species of Amoeba,” ‘Arch. Protistenkunde,’ vol. xxxiv, 1914. 4. Eisen, G. — “ Pacific Coast Oligochaeta,” ‘ Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci.,’ vol. ii, No. 4, 1895. 5. Ibid.. No. 5, 1896. 6. Hesse, R. — “ Zur vergleiclienden Anatomie der Oligochaeten,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ vol. lviii, 1894. 7. Parker and Haswell. — ‘A Text-book of Zoology,’ London, 1910. 7a. Raff, Janet W. — “Contributions to our Knowledge of Australian Earthworms. The Alimentary Canal ; Pt. 1,” ‘ Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet.,’ vol. xxii (n.s.), pt. 2, 1910. 8. de Ribaucourt, E. — “ Etude sur l’anatomie comparee des Lom- bricides,” ‘ Bull. Scient. France et Belg ,’ vol. xxxv, 1901. 9. Yejdovsky, F. — ‘ System und Morphologie der Oligochaeten,’ Prag., 1884. 10. Yogt and Yung. — ‘ Traite d’anatomie comparee pratique,’ Paris, 1888. PHARYNGEAL GLAND-CELLS OF EARTHWORMS. 285 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19... Illustrating Prof. J. Stephenson’s paper, “On the So-called Pharyngeal Gland-cells of Earthworms.” Fig. 1. — Pheretima lieterochseta ; dissection of anterior end. c', Masses of chromopliil cells on pharynx; c2, upper, and c3, lower cellular masses in segment V, behind pharynx ; d.v., dorsal vessel ; m1, m2, muscular strands emerging from masses of chromopliil cells ; n, masses of micronephridia ; 'pin., pharynx; 4/5, 5/6, the corresponding septa, the latter turned back. X 8. Fig. 2. — Chromopliil cells from the pharyngeal mass of Pheretima posthuma. X 1250. Fig. 3. — Individual chromophil cells from Pheretima hetero- chseta. x 1650. Fig. 4. — Portion of the surface of the pharyngeal mass in Phere- tima lieterochseta, showing the general characters of the cells, clefts between the cells, and, at this place, entire absence of capsule. The surface of the mass is below in the figure. X 1000. Fig. 5. — Chromophil cells at some depth in the pharyngeal mast of P h e r e t i m a h a w a y a n a, undergoing transformation into connective tissue, n, Nuclei whose stainable cytoplasm has undergone conversion, and which are themselves becoming fainter ; m, mass of staining material, apparently without nucleus. X ca. 1250. Fig. 6. — Helodrilus caliginosus; dissection of anterior end c'-c4, Lobular masses of chromophil cells on pharynx; m, muscular strands emerging from the masses ; 5/6, 6/7, the corresponding septa (the first few septa are absent or unrecognisable). X 6. Fig. 7.— Helodrilus parvus, an approximately median longitudinal section. c\ Lobular masses of chromophil cells in segment IV, on dorsum of pharynx ; c2, the same in segment V ; c3, the same in segment VI ; cv, a portion of the latter appearing ventrally ; c.g., cerebral ganglion ; d, dorsal mass of the pharynx, consisting of connective tissue and muscle strands; ces., oesophagus; pli. div., dorsal diverticulum of pharynx; v.n.c., ventral nerve cord; 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, the corresponding- septa. X 40. Fig. 8. — Chromophil cells of Helodrilus parvus, x 1250. Fig. 9. — Chromophil cells of non-sexual Pheretima at some depth VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 21 28(3 J. STEPHENSON. in the pharyngeal mass. The features are the large nucleus and the relatively small amount of cytoplasm which is undergoing fibrillar change. X 2000. Fig. 10. — Certain cells at the periphery of the loose mass dorso-lateral to the pharynx in a Lumbricid embryo, x 1650. THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OE CULEX PIPIENS. 287 The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens. Part II. — Fertilisation. By Monica Taylor, S.N.D., D.Sc. With Plate 20 and 1 Text-figure. * Contents. page Introduction . . . . . . 287 Material and Methods ..... 289 The Reproductive Organs .... 295 The Egg . . . . . -295 General . . . . • . 298 Summary ...... 299 Note . . . . . . 299 Introduction. In the summary of a paper, entitled “ The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens” (4), it was stated that: (1) The somatic number of chromosomes is three, both in the male and female. (2) The number of chromosomes in the spermatogonia, as well as in the primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatids, is three. Two alternative suggestions as to the cause of this apparent anomaly were offered : (1) The non-participation of one of the gametic nuclei in the formation of the “ zygote” in fc fertilisation.” 288 MONICA TAYLOR. (2) The fusion of three pairs of homologous chromosomes at some early stage in the life-history, this fusion remaining permanent throughout later divisions. In the discussion preceding the summary it was stated that the question could not be settled until the fertilisation process had been examined. This work on the cytology of Culex, as stated in the intro- duction of the above paper, had been undertaken because of the importance of the conclusions given by Miss Stevens in her paper, entitled “The Chromosomes in the Germ-cells of Culex ” (3). The second of the alternative suggestions offered above is a modification to meet the particular needs of the case of Culex pipiens of Miss Stevens’ statement that: “Para- synapsis (parasyndesis) occurs in Culex in each cell generation of the germ-cells, the homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes being paired in telophase, and remaining so until the metaphase of the next mitosis.” Difficulties in obtaining the necessary material, and in tlio technique connected with the food supply of the imagines, delayed, for the time being, the examination of the fertilisa- tion processes, and prevented the demonstration of the whole history of oogenesis. Dr. Woodcock’s paper “On ‘Crithidia’ fasciculata in hibernating mosquitoes (Culex pipiens) and on the question of the connection of this parasite with a Trypano- some ” (5) has, however, incidentally filled up some of the gaps left in the history of oogenesis, and, in this paper, the technique of artificial rearing of Culex pipiens in all stages of its life-history has been described. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking Dr. Woodcock not only for sending me a Reprint of this paper, but also for giving me full details in writing of his experiments, by which I have been enabled to repeat his work with similar success, and also, as will be shown later, to con- firm his statement that “Culex pipiens is essentially the* British mosquito which likes Avian blood.” THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 289 In the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society/ 1915, a full de- scription of the chromosome cycle of Coccidia and Gregarines appeared (Dobell and Jameson) (1), a work which elucidates a cytological condition of affairs superficially somewhat similar to that which obtains in Culex pipiens. The authors of that paper demonstrate the presence of the haploid number of Chromosomes at every nuclear division in the life-history of Aggregata and Diplocystis except in the zygote. In f Chromosome Studies of Diptera 5 (2), July, 1914, Charles W. Metz calls attention to the neglect of Diptera by students of cytology — a neglect all the more pronounced when contrasted with the great amount of energy expended upon other insect-groups — notably Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Coleop- tera. He offers, as a probable explanation of this neglect, the unsuitability of Dipterous material for cytological study and the great difficulties connected with such study. The results embodied in Metz’s paper, as will be shown later, have been helpful in interpreting the phenomena observed in Culex and in showing that there is no essential difference between it and other Diptera. Dr. Woodcock discovered that, after the summer female of Culex pipiens has fed once on the blood of a living bird, the eggs attain their normal size and are ready for fertilisa- tion. The raft is laid almost immediately after the second feed — fertilisation taking place in the interval between the two meals. This probably accounts for the fact that females reared in captivity and fed on a fruit diet appear never to be fertilised. Material and Methods. In the summer of 1915 cages similar to those described by Dr. Woodcock were set up in the College Laboratory of Notre Dame, Glasgow, young pigeons being employed as food. A pigeon was also caged in the near neighbourhood of a wooden tub stocked with larvse, and placed in a small garden at Notre Dame. Control experiments, which will be described 290 MONICA TAYLOR. later, were also started at Lady wood, Milngavie, the source of the material for all these experiments being mainly a rectangular iron trough near the farm-yard of Garscadden Mains, Bearsden. Two rafts were found during the course of the summer 1915 in the wooden tub, although all attempts in previous years to induce the imagines to lay there, or to lay in any of the aquaria on the premises, had failed. This experiment would seem to show that wild birds are not so easily bitten by the gnats as domestic birds, since many sparrows, thrushes, and blackbirds visit the small garden in which the tub is situated. The season's experience of artificial rearing showed that the number of egg-rafts produced under artificial conditions was not likely to be sufficient for a thorough investigation of the fertilisation processes. Moreover, unfertile egg-rafts were frequently obtained by Dr. Woodcook from the arti- ficially confined imagines, and I too obtained rafts which produced no larvae; while, on the other hand, egg-rafts laid in the open invariably produced larvae. For these reasons the confinement of the imagines in netted chambers was aban- doned, and the stocking of a pond at a convenient place in the country was resolved upon. In view of the above experiments, and of the fact that all the sources of material already used had been situated in the vicinity of farm-yards, it was decided to establish such a pond at Lady wood, near a stock of poultry — these latter birds being evidently easier of access than wild birds. Earlier in the summer of 1915 several small troughs, 12 in. in diameter, and about 6 in. in depth, had been stocked with larvae to serve as control experiments to those being carried on at Notre Dame. The results were disappointing. No egg-rafts appeared on these small ponds (during the summer of 1915). The number of female gnats seeking for hiber- nating quarters in the autumn of that year around Ladywood showed that the imagines, developed from the contents of the small troughs mentioned above, must have found a pond more suitable to the needs of their offspring than those pre- THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 291 pared for them in the garden of Ladywood. Mr. MacDougalTs permission having been obtained, a hunt over his nursery gardens revealed the secret of the non-appearance of rafts on the Ladywood ponds. A large disused iron bath, elliptical in form (36 in. X 26 in. X by 11£ in.), and containing stagnant water, was swarming with larvae and pupae of every age which were evidently supplying hibernating imagines. This discovery was made too late in the year to be utilised for the further production of rafts — but it showed that the situation was a good one — the former experiments having possibly failed because of the smallness of the troughs, and because they were more or less concealed by the surrounding grass. Early in 1916, thanks to the kindness of Mr. MacDougall, four ponds, A, B, C, and D respectively, were prepared : One (A), a large circular iron trough, diameter 30 in., greatest depth 24 in. ; another (B), a wooden tub, 25 in. in diameter, depth 16 in. ; the third (C) was the bath already selected by the gnats in 1915 ; the fourth (D), a rectangular porcelain sink, 20 in. X 14 in. X 10 in. The first two, A and B, were situated side by side, being protected on the north by shrubs, and on the east by a wall. The iron trough (A) was exposed to all the sunshine of morning, afternoon, and evening; the wooden one (B), being nearer the wall, was more shaded. Both, however, were quite unhidden by vegetation. The tinned iron bath (C) was surrounded on three sides by glass-houses, and exposed on the southern side; the fourth (D) was placed in the uncut grass of an open space. On May 21st, 1916, fifteen egg-rafts were discovered in A — there was thus no necessity to stock the ponds. No rafts appeared on the water in the wooden pond until June 15th. The preference shown by the gnats for the iron trough, and for the tin bath, may be due to the higher temperature of the water of these, or to the fact that they were in a more exposed situation, and consequently more easily found. The porcelain trough has never been popular, comparatively few rafts being forthcoming. O O 292 MONICA TAYLOR. The rafts found in May and June were evidently those laid by the hibernating imagines seen in the previous autumn, since, after that date, eggs were not abundantly produced until the middle of July, when a spell of exceptionally warm, moist, weather conduced to an abnormally abundant supply. This supply continued to be good until the middle of August, when the spell of hot weather ceased. Odd rafts were occasionally found until the end of August. In one of his letters Dr. Woodcock expressed his opinion that the rafts were deposited at about 5 o’clock in the morning, and text-books also state that the early hours of summer mornings are chosen by the gnats for the purpose of egg-laying. On July 12th, 1915, an egg-raft, cream-white in colour, was found at the Bearsden pond at 5 a.m. Portions of this raft were fixed at intervals of a quarter of an hour, and sections showed that it was quite young. After a care- ful study of ponds A, B, C, and D it became clear that, at Milngavie, most rafts are laid between the hours 9.30 p.m. and 12 p.m., very few between 12 p.m. and 4 a.m., and some between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. As the season advances fewer are laid in the morning hours. Damp heat conduces greatly to the deposition of rafts, many more being forthcoming after a day of calm, moist, close weather. Numerous imagines were always hovering over the ponds in the evenings at a height of about six feet. These disappeared during the day time. No difficulty in rearing the larval and pupal stages of the gnat occurred until the summer of 1915 — the critical period in the life-history of the Culex being apparently the imago period. Even in exceptionally favourable circumstances the number of egg-rafts deposited at any one period bears a very small proportion to the number of imagines that escape from the pupal cases, and this has been very marked in a long study of the naturally occurring ponds. However, in the ummer of 1916 Daphnia were introduced into the gnat cultures at Notre Dame, and since these, like the Culex larvas, also flourish well on a diet of Chlamy dom on as, the tub quickly became swarming with Daphnia, while the gnat THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 293' larvge disappeared almost entirely. Perhaps this accounts for the more frequent occurrence of Culex in the fairly clean water of rain-barrels and drinking- troughs, in spite of the fact that, as shown by long experience, the larvge grow more quickly in a good culture of C hlamy domonas, and that, on this account, one would expect the gnats to prefer a more stagnant habitat. The egg-rafts, for the cytological studies in question, after being laid, which process takes about ten to fifteen minutes, were isolated, along with sufficient water from the pond, in Petri dishes, in which they underwent their subsequent development. Thus it was possible to determine the age of the eggs. Rafts just laid, and of ages ranging from half hour after the deposition of the last egg to two and three- quarter hours, were preserved. Imagines just before, during, and after oviposition were also fixed. Many rafts of unknown age were necessarily found during the season, their colour indicating to a certain extent their age. My best thanks are offered to Sr. Carmela, S.N.D., who, during my absence in August, went on with the work of tending the ponds and fixing the rafts at timed intervals. She gives twenty minutes as the period required for the laying of one raft. Carnoy proved an excellent fixative for both rafts and imagines. Bouin and Gilson-Petrunkewitsch were used as controls. The rafts did not sink in the former fixative, hence the results were not so good, but the Bouin material was more easily sectioned. Portions of whole rafts were em- bedded in paraffin, and sagittal sections of from 5/* -to 8// made of the whole mass. Thus many eggs could be examined at once. The funnel (see Text-fig. 1 , f) was removed before •embedding. Mr. P. Jamieson’s long experience in microtoming was placed entirely at my disposal in the matter of sectioning* the proverbially difficult dipterous egg, and I should like to express my gratitude to him for this help, and also for actually cutting many of the sections used in this investigation. 294 MONICA TAYLOR. Text-fig. 1. a Sections through mature female gnat parallel to the sagittal plane (b under higher magnification), cli. Chorion, e./. Young egg follicle. /. Funnel, m. Micropyle. m. e. Mature egg. o. t. Ovarian tube. v. m. Yitelline membrane. THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 295 The Keproductive Organs in the younger stages have already been described. In the mature ovary (Text-fig. 1) the egg is elongated, and is provided with a chorion, very beautifully sculptured, and a second membrane — the vitelline membrane — both of which are perforated before fertilisation by the micropyle. Separating one egg from its neighbour of the same size, or from a young egg follicle, is a chitinous structure (see fig. 30, f Natural History of Aquatic Insects/ Miall.), like a funnel in shape, which remains attached to the laid egg at its broad anterior end. This funnel is per- forated above the micropyle, and apparently serves to guide the spermatozoa to the micropyle. A somewhat similar structure is shown in Sedgwick’s f Student’s Text-book of Zoology/ vol. 3 (fig. 400), for the egg of Drosophila cellaris. The future head end of the embryo lies in the anterior position in the ovarian tube, as is usual in insects— the hind end of the egg being the first to emerge from the imago. Dr. Woodcock (5) expressed his opinion that an imago was probably capable of depositing more than one raft in the season. Sections of gnats, which were fixed immediately after depositing their rafts, showed that the contents of the spermathecae were by no means exhausted. Moreover, the gonad showed some large eggs, as well as very many small egg follicles, which evidence seems to support his opinion. The gnats, flying away after laying eggs, were perfectly vigorous, and showed no tendency to die. The three spermathecae communicate with the hind end of the common oviduct by three minute tubes, so that the spermatozoa make their way into the funnel as the egg passes out. In view of the foregoing description and the fact that eggs laid in captivity often produce no larvae, the first hypo- thesis as to the origin of the haploid number of chromosomes in the somatic tissues of Culex can be rejected, and this is justified by actual observation of the two pronuclei in the egg. The Egg. — I have not been able to observe the formation 296 MONICA TAYLOR. of any polar bodies. The egg nucleus lies in the middle of the egg, and is a typical resting nucleus. It is surrounded by the large yolk globules which constitute the greater bulk of the egg. The cytoplasm, which is sparse, is densely staining and provided with numerous deeply-stained particles, as was the case in the tissues of the larva and pupa, and there are large numbers of small bodies surrounding the yolk globules which resemble chromatin in their staining reactions. These chromatin-like bodies, “ yolk nuclei ”, seem to be intimately concerned with the digestion of the globular yolk-masses, and with their conversion into protoplasm, and sometimes resemble very minute chromosomes (PI. 20, fig. 1). When surrounded by the digestion products, which have resulted from their activity, they do not stain so clearly, and eventually they appear in the fully-formed protoplasm as the particles already described. This quality of the protoplasm greatly detracts from the beauty of the histology. The sperm nucleus (male pro-nucleus) assumes the resting condition very quickly. In one egg of a raft, fixed a few minutes after deposition, the two pro-nuclei are already in close contact. In one egg of a raft half an hour old, the spermatozoan has reached the egg nucleus, but is still sperm- like. In one-hour rafts there are several segmentation nuclei. (It must be remembered that there is a difference in age between the first laid egg of the raft and the last laid egg, of from ten to twenty minutes, hence these times are only approximate.) The segmentation nuclei, which lie in little islands of protoplasm (PI. 20, fig. 2) pass into a decided resting-stage after dividing, and several blocks have to be sectioned to make sure of obtaining mitotic nuclei. The prophases (PI. 20, figs. 4-9) of the dividing segmenta- tion nuclei of Culex show six chromosomes. In early prophase a tendency to emerge in pairs from the resting nucleus is evident (PI. 20, fig. 9). These six chromosomes (PI. 20, fig. 10) arrange themselves on the equator of a perfectly typical spindle, split longitudinally, and in anaphase THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 297 and telophase six thin chromosomes can be seen going to each daughter nucleus (PL 20, figs. 11-13). In contrast to former experience of larval, pupal, and imaginal material the dividing nucleus is most frequently found in the metaphase and anaphase stage in the segmenting egg of Culex. What takes place in late telophase and in the passage of the chromosomes into the resting nucleus recticulum is difficult to follow. There is thus no difficulty in demonstrating six chromosomes in the segmenting nuclei of Culex pipiens — fertilisation and the early stages of development are perfectly typical. No reduction in the “ Zygote,” as found by Dobell and Jameson in Coccidia and Gfregarines, takes place. The second hypothesis set forth in the beginning, viz. “ the fusion of three pairs of homologous chromosomes at some early stage in the life-history, this fusion remaining perma- nent throughout later divisions,” most probably explains the case. Early prophases show decided tendency of the chromo- somes to come out of the reticulum in pairs, full prophases show six chromosomes, among which pairing can sometimes be detected (PI. 20, figs. 4, 7, 8, 9). As has been shown by Stevens and Metz a side-to-side pairing of homologous chromo- somes is a characteristic of Dipterous cytology. Metz (2) states that Miss Stevens records it in nine species of Muscidae, and four species of Mosquitoes, and that he has verified it in five of these species of Muscidae, and extended it to eight others, in addition to species, of Drosophila. An increas- ingly closer proximity of these homologous chromosomes one to the other, would produce, eventually, an actual fusion of the maternal and paternal constituents, with the result, in- the case of Culex pipiens, that in full prophase three, and not- six, would be the apparent chromosome number. The three chromosomes that appear so persistently in the somatic tissue of larvae, pupae, and imagines of Culex pipiens are, there fore bivalent in character ; they are really three groups of chromosomes, with two in each group. I have not been able to trace out more fully the development of this tendency 298 MONICA TAYLOR. of homologous chromosomes to fuse into an apparently single chromosome. This would entail a study of rafts ranging from a quarter hour to three and a half to four days old. (The development of the larva in Scotland occupies from three and a half to four days.) Moreover, the egg- capsule becomes so hard and brittle as it changes from cream white to dark brown, that a special technique would have to be devised for sectioning these eggs without destroying the nuclear detail. All that can be stated with certainty up to the present is. that the homologous chromosomes have not fused in segmenting nuclei — while this fused condition has become a characteristic of Culex pipiens in the early larval stage. It would seem, then, that parasyndesis has reached its limit in the somatic tissues of Culex pipiens, resulting in the actual fusion of homologous chromosomes, and that extreme parasyndesis is responsible for the apparent anomaly de- scribed in the f Chromosomes Complex of Culex pipiens', I. General. There is general agreement that we are justified in assuming (1) that hereditary qualities are represented by material substance, and (2) that this substance is either chromatin or is inextricably involved in chromatin. Granting these two assumptions, we seem logically bound, by the generally occurring accurate longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes in mitosis, to admit that the patches of material representing definite hereditary qualities are arranged in linear fashion along the course of the chromosome or thread of chromatin. But this involves necessarily a tendency of the hereditary substance representing one particular quality, or group of qualities, to segregate together. In other words, there must be, in the case of hereditary substance, an attraction of like for like. If this be so, there will be a tendency for chromosomes composed of corresponding patches of hereditary material arranged in like order, to come THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX PIPIENS. 299 together side by side with homologous poles together, the opposite of what happens in the case of magnetic attraction. Such a hypothesis will account for the frequent occurrence of parasyndesis, and for the further accentuation of this into complete fusion as is supposed to take place in Culex pipiens. Summary. (1) The egg-rafts of Culex pipiens are laid most copiously between hours 10.30 p.m. and 12 p.m. They are also laid between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. (2) Fertilisation in Culex pipiens is normal. Segmenta- tion begins in less than an hour after the deposition of the last egg. (3) The chromosome number in the segmenting nuclei is six. (4) A tendency to parasyndesis is exhibited by the seg- menting nuclei. (5) Parasyndesis probably effects the condition of the chromosomes in the nuclei of larva, pupa, and imago, i.e. is responsible for the presence of the apparently “ haploid ” character of the nuclei in the somatic cells. Note. — After the completion of the foregoing paper, Metz’s “ Chromosome Studies on the Diptera II. The Paired Association of Chromosomes in the D p- tera, and its Significance’, Mourn. Exper. Zool.’, xxi., came into my hands. With regard to certain criticisms passed on my work, I should like to state : — (1) The fixatives employed Jay me were precisely those employed by Metz (see p. 379, ‘Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci.’, vol. lx). (2) Although I have not specified this, all the precautions recommended by Metz to secure good fixation and penetra- tion were employed by me. I cannot, therefore, put my results down to bad fixation. 300 MONICA TAYLOR. (3) I have failed absolutely in my former work on Culex, although I devoted much time and study to this point, to find any figures resembling Metz’s figs. 166 and 167, or Stevens’s figs. 8, 9, and 10. This failure may be attributed to differences in the material studied. It could not be due to bad fixation. (4) Setting aside the Diptera, my figs. 68 and 69 (4), would be interpreted, by the vast majority of cytologists, as a split spireme, as chromosomes precociously split for metaphase. (5) My conclusions in the present paper, made after a study of fertilisation, do not differ in principle from those of Miss Stevens. I state, for my variety of Culex pipiens, that parasvndesis has resulted in actual fusion. Only the assumption that some such fusion has taken place can account for the striking recurrence of three chromosomes in the prophase of somatic tissues in larval, pupal, and imaginal material. (6) In a preliminary investigation of Chironomus sp., an account of which I hope to publish later, I have found a confirmation of the results obtained in Culex. Literature List. 1. Dobell and Pringle Jameson (1915). — “ The Chromosome Cycle in Coccidia and G-regarines,” ‘Proc. Roy. Soc.,’ vol. lxxxix. 2. Metz, C. W. (1914). — “ Chromosome Studies in the Diptera. I. A preliminary survey of five different types of chromosome groups in the genus Drosophila,” ‘ Journ. Exp. Zool.,’ xvii. 3. Stevens, N. M. (1910). — “The Chromosomes in the Germ Cells of Culex,” ‘Journ. Exp. Zool.,’ viii. 4. Taylor, Monica (1914). — “The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.’ (n.s.), vol. 60. 5. Woodcock, H. M. (1914).— “ On ‘Crithidia’ fasciculata in Hibernating Mosquitoes (Culex pipiens) and the Question of the Relation of this Parasite with a Trypanosome,” ‘ Zool. Anz.J Bd. xviii, 8. THE CHROMOSOME COMPLEX OF CULEX P1PIENS. 301 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 20, Illustrating Miss Monica Taylor's paper on “ The Chromosome Complex of Culex pipiens. — II: Fertilisation.” All figures were drawn with the Abbe camera to the given scales (Leitz y1, oil imm., Zeiss compensating oculars). Fig. 1. — Section through egg fixed Gil. Pet. Stained in thionin ; differentiated to show “ yolk nuclei.” “ Yolk nuclei ” remain deeply stained ; chromosomes lose stain when sections are left for some time in absolute alcohol. Fig. 2. — Section through egg of a raft laid at 4.15 a.m. ch. Chorion. c. m. Closed micropyle /. Funnel. s. p. n. Segmentation resting nucleus surrounded by mass of protoplasm, v. m. Vitelline membrane. Fig. 3. — Resting nuclei ; daughter nuclei of fertilisation nucleus ; “ yolk nuclei ” around yolk globules. Fig. 4. — Prophase of segmentation nucleus ; egg one hour old. Fig. 5. — Prophase. Fig. 6. — Early prophase. Fig. 7. — Prophase. Fig. 8. — Prophase. Fig. 9. — Early prophase. Fig. 10. — Metaphase. Figs. 11 and 12. — Anaphase. Fig. 13. — Telophase. YOL. 62, PART 3. — NEW SERIES. 22 VISCERAL ARCHES OE THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 303 The Homologies of the Muscles related to the Visceral Arches of the Gnathostome Fishes. By Edward Phelps Allis, jr., Menton, France. Witli Plates 21 and 22 and 1 Text-figure. In 1874 Vetter published his well-known work on the muscles related to the visceral arches of the Selachii, and, clothed somewhat with Gegenbaur’s authority, it immediately became the recognised standard of reference, and all later work relating to the subject has apparently been greatly influenced by it. Certain parts of Vetter’s descriptions have, however, always been to me obscure, but I have attributed it to my not being personally familiar with the anatomy of the Selachii. Considering that this familiarity had been in a measure acquired by my present work on the cranial anatomy of Chlamydoselachus, I recently carefully re-read Vetter’s descriptions, but I still found the particular parts referred to neither precise nor clear. Tiesing’s (1895), Ruge’s (1897), and Marion’s (1905) later works not helping to a proper comprehension, I then had recourse to dissections of such few specimens of the Selachii, other than Chlamydo- selachus, as I had at my disposal. The result has been to lead me to consider the particular parts referred to,, in the several works above mentioned, incorrect, and it has also unexpectedly led me to seriously question every one of the several instances cited by Edgeworth (1911) in which one of ■these visceral-arch muscles of fishes is said to be innervated, 304 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. in the adult, by the nerve of a segment of the body other than that from which the muscle itself is developed. The proof that Edgeworth offers that this change of innervation has taken place in these muscles is : that certain muscles that he finds in embryos are developed from certain segments of the body ; that these muscles of embryos are the homologues of certain muscles described by other authors in the adults of the same fishes ; and that these latter muscles of the adult are said to be innervated by nerves other than those of the segments from which he (Edgeworth) finds the muscles of embryos developed. If these several premises were all correct, the important conclusion that Edgeworth deduces from them would evidently also be, but it is equally certain that there is the possibility of error in some one of the premises. This seems not to have been given serious consideration, and yet Edgeworth’s descriptions of t lie- development of these muscles in the Selachii is markedly different from Dohrn’s, to whose important work Edgeworth makes no reference, and it is well known that the innervation of these muscles in the adult has been frequently wrongly or incompletely given. Furthermore, I now find that even the descriptions of the muscles themselves in the adult Selachii are, in certain respects, incorrect. Certain anatomists hold that a muscle fibre is, from the- earliest embryonic stages, connected with the central nervous system by a protoplasmic strand, not yet demonstrable by known microscopic methods, which represents a future fibio of the motor nerve of the segment, or that a “ something ” (Braus, 1905) else establishes that connection. Other anato- mists claim that there is no such connection, and that the- motor nerve grows outward, independently, from the central nervous system, and in some unknown way finds its end organ. According to the first of these two views a nerve should, in normal conditions, innervate a muscle derived from the myotome of its own segment and from that segment only. According to the second view the nerve might, in slightly changed, if not even in normal conditions, find its end organ VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 305 in a muscle derived from another segment ; and if this change in innervation were then to be transmitted by inheritance, it is claimed that it is fatal to the first-mentioned view (Johnston, 1906, p. 63). There would, however, seem to still be question as to whether this inheritable mutation related to the directive impulse assumed to reside in a nerve fibre, or to a proto- plasmic strand, or a something else, that pre-existed and determined the course of the nerve. The mutation might evidently have related to the one or the other. Furthermore, there is frequently question, in the cases cited of such a change of innervation, as to whether the definitive innervation was not in reality primary, being the only innervation that the parti- cular fibres under consideration had ever had in ontogeny, instead of being secondary in the sense of replacing an earlier and normal innervation by the nerve of the segment to which the muscle belongs. My work, it may here be stated, [in no wa.y attempts to solve this vexed and very complicated question. It does however raise serious question as to several of the examples that have heretofore been cited of the so-called secondary innervation of a muscle, and it also quite unexpectedly adds a series of instances in which there must be such an innerva- tion if existing descriptions of the innervation are correct. Before describing my own investigations, limited to a few Selachii, it will be well to point out some of the inconsistencies and contradictions in earlier descriptions of the development and anatomy of the visceral-arch muscles in these fishes. Branchial Arches. Dohrn (1884, pp. 109-115) says that the myotome of each of the branchial arches of selachians, meaning the Plagiostomi, becomes flattened “ in the middle,” and is finally there separated into two parts, and the descriptions and figures both show that this flattening and subsequent separation takes place antero-posteriorly along a dorso- ventral line passing through the middle of the externo-internal depth of the myotome. The myotome is thus here separated into 306 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. deeper and superficial portions, which Dolirn calls respectively the proximal and distal portions of the myotome, proximal meaning nearer the pharyngeal cavity and distal farther from that cavity. The separation of the myotome into these two parts did not apparently extend, in the embryos examined by Dohrn, the full dorso-ventral length of the myotome, for Dohrn definitely says that the dorsal ends of the two portions of the myotome remain attached by a thin intervening portion. The complete separation said to be found in the adult must accordingly take place in later embryonic, or possibly in postembryonic stages. The cartilaginous bar of the arch, when it first begins to develop, is said by Dohrn to lie against the posterior surface of the proximal portion of the myotome at about the middle of its length, and the bar, as it develops, is more curved than the myotome. The proximal portion of the myotome thus stretches across the morphologically anterior but actually lateral surface of the curved bar, projecting, in the middle of its length, mesial to the bar, and there acquiring a position internal instead of external to it. This middle section of the proximal portion of the myotome is later cut out of the myotome along the line where the myotome crosses the bar, and from the portion so cut out the musculus adductor arcus visceralis is said to be developed. The remainder of the myotome is said to remain external to the branchial bar, and from those parts of its proximal portion that lie dorsal and ventral to the piece cut out to form the adductor, and hence also dorsal and ventral to the curved branchial bar, the musculi interarcualis and coracobrancliialis are said (loc. cit., p. 115) to be respectively developed ; these two muscles and the adductor thus being primarily continuous and forming the entire length of the proximal portion of the myotome (loc. cit., p. 117). The dorsal and ventral ends of the myotome, including both its proximal and its distal portions, are each said to bend posteriorly across the dorsal or ventral edge, respectively, of the next posterior gill-pouch (Kieinenspalte), and from that VISCERAL AKCHES OF i HE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 307 part of the distal portion of the myotome that lies between these dorsal and ventral bends the musculus interbranch ial is is said to be developed. The musculus interbranchialis, as thus defined by Dohrn, is accordingdy that part of the distal portion of the continuous myotome that lies in, and extends the full length of, the related branchial diaphragm, that diaphragm being limited dorsally and ventrally by the dorsal and ventral edges of two adjoining gill-pouches. The inter- branchialis of the adult Selachii, as defined by Vetter, lies between the dorsal and ventral extrabranchials of the related arch, and the distal ends of these extrabranchials lie, respec- tively, ventral and dorsal to the dorsal and ventral edges of the next posterior gill-pouch, as will be later fully described, and as is imperfectly shown in Dohrn’s figures 1-4, PL 7. The interbranchialis of embryos, as defined by Dohrn, is accordingly not the same thing as the one defined by Vetter in the adult. The difference is, in fact, morphologically quite important, although it seems not to have been noticed by Dohrn. From the distal portion of that part of the myotome that lies dorsal to the dorsal bend in the myotome, Dohrn says (loc. cit. p. 113) that the musculus constrictor superficialis is developed. What is developed from the distal portion of that part of the myotome that lies ventral to the ventral bend is not clearly stated. Dohrn says (loc. cit. p. 114) : “Wie an der dorsalen Seite schlagt sich auch an der ventralen die proximale Portion des Muskelschlauches um die Fortsetzu ng des Knorpelbogens herum und bildet die tiefen Portionen des Musculus constrictor superficialis (Vetter) ; diesen Namen verdienen sie freilich nur cum grano salis, denn der Constrictor superficialis sollte nur aus denjenigen Muskeln bestehen^ welche von den distalen Portionen der urspriinglichen Muskelschlauche abstammen. In der That siud diese Muskeln auch vorlianden, aber in der VettePschen Monographic falsch gedeutet worden. Er beschreibt sie als einen Theil der M. Coraoo-arcuales, unter dem Namen M. coraco-branchiales ; sie haben aber urspriinglich nichts gemein mit M, coraco- 308 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. hyoideus, setzen sich vielmehr nur an sie an, durch eine Fascie von ihu getrennt. Der M. coraco-hyoideus ist ein echter Korpermuskel, aus den Urwirbeln her stamm end, und hat genetisch nichts mit der Visceralbogen-muskulatur zu schaffen.” The deeper portion of the constrictor superficial^ of Vetter's descriptions, above referred to by Dohrn, is simply a bundle of the proximal fibres of that muscle, and it is thus said by Dohrn to be developed from the proximal portion of the ventral end of the myotome of its arch. But Dohrn has elsewhere definitely said, as just above stated, that this part of the myotome of his embryos becomes the musculus coraco- branchialis. These two muscles must then either have been considered by Dohrn to be identical, or he overlooked the fact that they were both said to be derived from the same part of the myotome. The muscle developed from the remaining, distal portion of the ventral end of the myotome is not specifically named by Dohrn, and although he says that it was wrongly called the coracobranchialis by Vetter, he never- theless seems to refer to it in a later work (1885) by that name, as will be later shown. How he came to the conclusion that the coracobranchialis of Vetter’s descriptions of the adult was developed from this part of the myotome, and that the muscle was wrongly named by Vetter, is not apparent; but it would seem as if it must have been because of Vetter’s figure of Acanthias, which seems to show the ventral ends of the constrictores superficiales wholly wanting excepting as they are represented, in the first branchial arch, by a small bundle of muscle fibres. Probably misled by this figure, and Vetter’s descriptions of it, which give, as will be later shown, an incorrect idea of the conditions, Dohrn seems to have con- cluded that the ventral ends of the constrictores must also be wanting in the adult Scyllium, and as he found, in his embryos of that fish, a distal portion of the ventral end of the myotome that had to be accounted for, he concluded that it must be the coracobranchialis of Vetter’s descriptions of the adult. VISCERA!- ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 309 But, whatever Dohrn may have considered to have been developed from the distal portion of the ventral end of the myotome of each branchial arch, it is certain that the nmsculus interbranchialis was considered by him to be inter- calated, in the embryos described by him, between dorsal and ventral muscles, the dorsal one of which, alone, was the con- strictor superficialis. This is, however, said by him (loc. cit., p. 144) to be a secondary condition, the constrictor superficialis having certainly, in earlier phylogenetic stages, traversed the related branchial diaphragm along with the interbranchialis ; and it is here further said, in direct contradiction to the statement made on p. 113 of his work and above referred to, that the constrictor superficialis is in reality simply the distal portion of the interbranchialis. How it was, or when, the interbranchialis became separated from the portions of the myotome dorsal and ventral to it, or that it ever became so separated, is not said ; and as it is definitely said (loc. cit., p. 119) that none of the muscles of the arch are directly inserted on any of the branchial rays, the extrabrancliials expressly included, it is certain that these three parts of the myotome were, in the embryos examined by Dohrn, simply arbitrarily established regions of a single continuous muscle. In the identification, in embryos, of the several muscles above referred to, Dohrn makes frequent reference to Vetter’s descriptions of the muscles in the adult Selacliii, the evident inference being that, unless otherwise stated, the muscles described by himself, in embryos, were to be considered to be identified with the similarly named ones in Vetter’s descriptions of the adult. To this Dohrn makes one exception, the coraco- branchialis, which has been above referred to and explained. No limitation or qualification of any kind is made by him in his use of the term musculi interarcuales, and this term is used, where it applies to the muscles of a single arch, both in the plural (loc. cit., p. 113) and in the singular (loc. cit., p. 115). This muscle (or muscles) is said to extend from the pliaryngobranchial of an arch to the corresponding element of the next posterior arch, and also (“ resp.”) to the epibranchial 310 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. of its own arch. Reference to Vetter’s figures then certainly shows that Dohrn intended to include the musculus inter- arcualis dorsalis I of Vetter’s descriptions in the muscles termed interarcuales by himself, for that muscle is the only one that extends from the pharyngobrancliial of one arch to that of the next posterior arch. Fiirbringer (1897), however, maintains that the interarcuales dorsales I were not intended by Dohrn to be so included. Fiirbringer had previously found (1895) that these musculi interarcuales dorsales I were innervated by spinal or spino-occipital nerves, instead of, as Vetter maintained, by branches of the related branch of the nervus vagus, and he (Fiirbringer) proposed for them the name musculi interbasales. In his later work Fiirbringer says (1897, p. 406), in making reference to Dohrn’s work: aDer Mm. interbasales thut er keine Erwahnung.” This is strictly correct, but Dohrn also does not specifically mention either the interarcuales II or III, and it is certain that if so careful a worker as Dohrn had intended to exclude either of these three muscles from the term interarcuales as employed by him he would have definitely said so. This is all the more evident from the fact that, without making reference to these musculi interarcuales I, Dohrn himself says, in the work in question (loc. cit., p. 117), that the musculus subspinalis of Vetter’s descriptions, which is simply an anterior member of the interarcuales dorsales 1 series (Allis, 1915), is probably derived from trunk myotones. Edgworth says (1911, p. 234) that, in 17 mm. embryos of Scyllium, the lower end of each of the branchial myotonies grows backward and becomes cut off from the remainder of the myotome to form the coracobranchialis. The ventral end of the remainder of the myotome is said to then grow ventrally, external to the Anlagen of the several coracobranchiales, to form the ventral end of the constrictor superficialis. It is then said that : “ The upper ends of the myotonies, in embryos between the lengths of 17 and 20 mm., increase in antero- posterior extent, and, fusing together, extend backwards as the trapezius to the shoulder-girdle. Below the Anlagen of VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 311 the trapezius each myotome forms a transversely broad plate in the branchial septum. The part internal to the branchial bar forms the adductor; the part external to the bar forms dorsally the arcualis dorsalis, and below that the inter- branchial, whilst the external edge forms the constrictor superficialis.” The constrictor superficialis was accordingly developed from that part only of the myotome that lay primarily in the branchial diaphragm, and although a later, ventral downgrowth of this muscle is said to take place, as just above stated, no mention is made of any dorsal upgrowth from that part of the myotome that lies ventral to the trapezius. It is even definitely said (loc. cit., 251) that no levator muscles are developed in the branchial arches of this fish. Here the embryological conditions, thus described, do not agree with the conditions found in a 42 cm. specimen of this fish that I have examined, and which will be later fully described, for in each branchial arch of this fish there is, as in Heptanchus, a dorsal portion of the constrictor superficialis which extends beyond the dorsal extrabranchial and overlaps externally the musculus trapezius. In the hyal arch of embryos of this fish Edgeworth himself describes this dorsal prolongation of the constrictor, and he there not only calls it the levator hyoidei, but says (loc. cit., p. 228) that it is serially homologous with the levator muscles of the branchial arches of the Teleostei. The levator hyoidei is a part of the einuscl Csd2 of Tetter’s descriptions of the Selachii described by him, and as this muscle, in Heptanchus, and in my specimen of Scyllium, certainly has its serial homologues in the dorsal ends of the constrictores of the branchial arches, if the one is the homolpgue of the levators of the Teleostei the others must evidently also be. The term “ arcualis dorsalis” is said by Edgeworth (loc. cit., p. 226) to be employed by him, as proposed by Furbringer, to designate the iuterarcuales dorsalis II and III of Tetter’s descriptions, one of which muscles is, however, (Tetter, Furbringer) an interarcual and not an arcual muscle. The interarcualis dorsalis I of Tetter’s description is called 312 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. by Edgeworth, as by Fiirbringer, the interbasalis. This term I shall also employ in the following descriptions and dis- cussions, the other two muscles being called the arcualis and the interarcualis. The term interbran chialis ” is said by Edgeworth (loc. cit., p. 232) to be employed by him as Vetter employed it, and it is said to lie wholly proximal to the constrictor superficialis. Dohrn does not specify to what particular fishes his several observations apply, classing them all under the general term “ selachians ” ; but the figures that accompany his work are of Scyllium, Pristiurus, and Torpedo. Edgeworth limits his observations on the Plagiostomi definitely to Scyllium, but in his generalisations he considers them to apply to all the Selachii, and apparently also to the Batoidei. As both authors included Scyllium in their investigations it is instructive to note certain marked differences in their observations. According to Dohrn the dorsal end of each branchial myotome gives origin both to a dorsal portion of the constrictor superficialis and to the interarcuales dorsales of the related arch. According to Edgeworth a dorsal portion of the myotome of each arch is first cut off to form the musculus trapezius, and it is from that portion of the myotome that lies ventral to this dorsal portion that the musculi constrictor superficialis and arcualis (interarcuales, Dohrn) are developed. Dohrn accordingly entirely over- looked the separation of the trapezius from the dorsal ends of the several branchial myotonies, which would certainly be a serious oversight on the part of so careful a worker. According to Dohrn the interarcuales dorsales I are derived from the branchial myotonies, while, according to Edgeworth, they are of spinal origin. According to Dohrn the con- strictor superficialis of each arch lies dorsal to the inter- • bran chialis, or possibly both dorsal and ventral to that muscle, and it is definitely said that it does not traverse the branchial diaphragm. Accordiug to Edgeworth it is primarily limited to the branchial diaphragm, there lying distal to the inter- bran chialis ; it has no dorsal, levator prolongation and never VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATROSTOME FISHES. 313 acquires it, but it later acquires a ventral prolongation which extends beyond the branchial diaphragm. According to Dohrn the coracobranchialis is formed from the proximal portion only of the ventral end of the myotome of each arch, and the muscle so formed is not the coracobranchialis of Vetter’s descriptions of the adults of other Selachii. Accord- ing to Edgeworth the coracobranchialis is formed from the entire ventral end of the myotome, and it is identical with the muscle described by Vetter. Both authors maintain that the coracobranchialis of Vetter’s descriptions is a muscle of branchial, and not of spinal origin. This comparison of these two embryological works, which are the only ones I know of that pretend to give, in detail, the development of these several 'muscles, thus certainly shows that the published embryological investigations of these muscles must be accepted with some reserve. The descriptions of the adult may now be considered. In the adult Heptanchus the constrictor superficialis of each branchial arch is, as described by Vetter (1874), practically a continuous muscle-sheet with a large angular incisure in its proximal (actually anterior) edge. The dorsal attachment, or origin, of the sheet is said to be partly in a so-called dorsal superficial fascia, but mainly in thin tendinous bands (Platten), which lie external to the musculus trapezium, extend to the dorsal edge of that muscle, and represent the greatly and progressively reduced posterior portion of the superficial fascia above referred to (loc. cit., p. 431). The ventral attachment, or insertion, of the sheet is mainly in a mid-ventral fascia which lies external and ventral to the ventral longitudinal or so-called hypobranchial spinal muscles. The large angular incisure in the proximal edge of the sheet is made by the articulating ends of the epibranchial and ceratobranchial of the arch, and the ends of the muscle fibres, on either side of this incisure, are inserted on tho.^e two cartilages. The triangular piece so cut out of the con- strictor forms the musculus adductor of the arch, but this EDWAKD PHELPS ALLIS. 314 adductor muscle is much smaller than the incisure in the edge of the constrictor. The innermost (proximal) fibres of the dorsal portions of the constrictores are said by Vetter to have their origins on the inner ends of the “ ausseren Kiemenbogen,” that is, on the dorsal extrabranchials. It is not said to which arch the extrabranchial related to each muscle belongs, but the use of the expression “ ausseren Kiemenbogen,” without qualifica- tion, and the fact that there is no extrabranchial in the arch posterior to the posterior constrictor (Fiirbringer, 1903, p. 432), leads me to conclude that this origin of these fibres of each con- strictor is on the dorsal extrabranchial of the arch to which the constrictor belongs. In Heptanchus, the outer (distal) halves of the dorsal extrabranchials are said, in a footnote (loc. cit., p. 409), to be almost completely imbedded in the fibres of the constrictores, and on a later page (loc. cit., p. 429) it is said that : “ Die sehr schwach ausgebildeten dorsalen wie ventralen ausseren Kiemenbogen liegen, z. Th. in die Muskeln selbst eingebettet, nahe deren obern und untern Enden auf denselben.” This statement that the extrabranchials lie “ on ” the constrictores is markedly indefinite, but as they usually lie against the posterior surface of the constrictor of the arch to which they themselves belong, and as Vetter says that all of the branchial rays of this fish have that position, one at first concludes that that must also be the position of the extrabranchials. But in one of Vetter’s figures (loc. cit., fig 1, PI. 14), six of these extrabranchials are shown lying one on the anterior surface of each of the six con- strictores of the branchial arches, and apparently slightly imbedded in it. This unusual position of these extrabranchials is one of the points in Vetter’s description that I have never been able to comprehend, and as I have two considerably dissected heads of Heptanchus I have examined them with reference to this. In each of these heads the outer (distal) end of the dorsal extrabranchial of each branchial arch lies posterior (internal) to the constrictor of the related arch, as it VISCERAL ARCHKS OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 315 normally should. The outer ends of most of the branchial rays of each arch, however, pierce the constrictor of their arch, and from there onward lie against the anterior (external) surface of that constrictor, imbedded in that surface and covered by a thin sheet of connective tissue, which is strongly attached to the anterior (external) surface of the muscle on either side of the branchial ray. The muscle fibres pass unbroken beneath (posterior to) this end of the branchial ray, and none of them are inserted on it. There is no slightest indication that the fibres have been cut in two, and later grown together again. The conclusion is, there- fore, inevitable that these branchial rays, in growing outward, have pierced the constrictor, and so passed from its posterior (internal) to its anterior (external) surface ; and it seems probable that this is what happened with the extrabranchials in the specimen of this fish examined by Vetter. It is, however, singular that in my two specimens it should be the branchial rays that so pierce the muscle, and not the extrabranchials, while in Vetter’s specimen it was the extra- branchials, and not the branchial rays. Vetter’s figure is, in any event, misleading, if not actually incorrect, for no part of the constrictor of any of the branchial arches is shown lying anterior (external) to the related ex tr abranchial. A deeper (proximal) bundle of the ventral portion of each constrictor superficialis of Heptanchus is said by Vetter to have its ventral attachment, called by Vetter its origin, on a tendinous band related to the dorsal surface of the hypo- branchial muscles. Running dorsally from there, this bundle is said to either pass between two of the musculi coraco- branchiales of his description, or to perforate one of those muscles, and to be inserted on the ceratobranchial of its arch. This bundle of fibres might accordingly be considered to be a coracobranchialis, and Dohrn did actually so con- sider it. No musculus interbran chialis is differentiated in this fisli. In Acanthias, as in Heptanchus, the proximal (anterior) fibres of the constrictor superficialis of each branchial arch 316 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. are said by Vetter to arise from the inner (proximal) end of the dorsal extrabranchial, but it is here said that it is the extrabranchial of the arch to which the constrictor belongs. The next distal fibres are said to arise from a small and thin tendon which perforates the musculus trapezius and the dorsal trunk muscles to have its insertion on the vertebral column, and the distal and larger part of the fibres to arise from a narrow tendinous aponeurosis which extends dorso- anteriorly from the top of the gill opening next posterior to the muscle. Such a linear aponeurosis is found related to both the dorsal and ventral ends of each of the first four gill openings, and each pair of aponeuroses is said to unquestionably repre- sent the lines where the dorsal and ventral portions of the overlapping outer edge of a long and tall branchial dia- phragm, such as is found in Heptanchus, has fused with the anterior (external) surface of the next posterior branchial diaphragm in order to form the small gill openings of Acanthias. It is said that, as a natural consequence of this method of formation of these aponeuroses, the extrabranchials (ausseren Kiemenbogen) lie immediately beneath them, firmly adherent to them. It is not definitely said to which arch the extrabranchial related to a given aponeurosis belongs, but it is said (loc. cit., p. 430) that each aponeurosis marks the limit between the outer, visible, posterior portion of each constrictor (Constr. super, s. str.) and the musculus inter- brancliialis of the same arch, this latter muscle being covered by the next anterior branchial diaphragm. It is accordingly evident that Vetter considered the extrabranchial that under- lies a given aponeurosis to belong to the posterior one of the two branchial diaphragms that have fused to form the aponeurosis. Each of the linear aponeuroses of Acanthias is thus said to be a persisting cicatrice formed along the line where two adjoining branchial diaphragms have fused with each other, and, that being the case, the cicatrice in each individual fish must evidently have been formed during the life of that particular fish, for that a so-formed cicatrice could have been VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 317 acquired, by inheritance, from an earlier form would probably not have been maintained by Yetter. This cicatrice, important as it is, does not involve the dermal tissues, nor are those tissues even said to be adherent to it, as the extrabranchials are said to be. This, in itself, is singular, as is also the fact that whereas the distal fibres of each constrictor, in all the Selachii, Acanthias included, always have, throughout their entire course through the related branchial diaphragms, a course parallel to the free edge of that diaphragm, they are shown by Yetter running nearly at right angles into a line, whether cicatrice or aponeurosis, that is said to represent a part of the former free edge of that particular diaphragm. Yetter has himself called attention to this, and has attempted to explain it, but the explanation is not convincing. Further- more, the conditions in specimens of Suyllium and Mustelus that I have examined, and that will be later described, are so decidedly opposed to this interpretation of the meaning ot" the aponeuroses that I consider it wholly impossible that they represent lines where adjoining branchial diaphragms have fused with each other, and, in my opinion, the small external gill openings of Acanthias are due simply to the retarded development of the outer edge of a gill cleft as compared with that of the inner edge of the same cleft. From the several surfaces of origin above described by Vetter, the fibres of each constrictor superficialis of Acanthias run at first antero-ventrally, and the proximal (anterior) and larger part of them are said to be inserted either entirely (Yetter) on the next anterior aponeurosis, or partly also (Marion, 1905) on the extrabranchial that underlies that aponeurosis. This latter extrabranchial is, according to Vetter’s descriptions (loc. c 1 1 . , p. 430), the one related to the arch to which the muscle belongs. Hut there is then confusion in the descriptions, for as Yetter has previously said, as just above stated, that certain of the proximal fibres of each constrictor have their origins on the extrabranchial of the arch to which the muscle belongs, these fibres could not have their insertions on that same extrabranchial. The VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 23 318 EDWAllL) PHEU'S AELIS. distal (posterior) fibres of the dorsal part of each constrictor, misleadingly called by Vetter the “ untersten ” and by Marion the “ ventral” ones, are said by both those authors to traverse the branchial diaphragm and to be continuous with the cor- responding fibres of the so-called ventral portion of the muscle. The distal and larger part of the fibres of the ventral por- tion of the constrictor of each arch are said to have their origins on the linear aponeurosis that extends ventro-anteriorly from the ventral end of the next posterior gill opening. In the first branchial arch, the remaining, proximal fibres of the constrictor, here called by Vetter the “ untersten/’ and by Marion the {! median ” fibres, are said to have their origins in the mid-ventral line from the tendinous ventral surface of the hypobrancliial muscles, and the corresponding fibres in the second to the fourth arches to have their origins from a so- called aponeurosis related to a fascia that lies dorsal to the hypobranchial muscles and serves as surface of origin for them. Running antero-dorsally, the proximal (anterior) and larger portion of the fibres of each constrictor, including the little proximal bundles above referred to, are all inserted on the next anterior linear aponeurosis, while the remaining, distal (posterior) fibres turn dorsally and are continuous with the corresponding fibres of the dorsal portion of the muscle. Excepting only the little bundle of proximal fibres in the first branchial arch, the ventral ends of the constrictores superfieiales of this fish thus only reach the dorsal or dorso- lateral edge of the hypobranchial muscles, and comparison with Heptanchus led Vetter to conclude that the ventral ends of the constrictores of Acanthias had undergone marked reduction. He calls especial attention to this, and says (loc. cit., p. 441) that the disappearance of these ventral portions of the constrictores of Acanthias is related to the great develop- ment of the hypobranchial muscles, but he makes no mention of what would seem to be a strictly similar disappearance of the larger part of the corresponding dorsal fibres. This assumed disappearance in Acanthias, and also in Scymnus, of VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 319 the ventral portion of each constrictor superficialis, is probably, as already stated, what misled Dohrn in his interpretation of the muscles in embryos of Scy Ilium. Musculi interbranchiales, not found in Heptanchus, have been differentiated in Acanthias. They are said to be found in each of the first four branchial arches of the fish, but not in the hyal arch. The muscle is said to form a thin muscle- sheet which extends, in each arch, between the extrabranchials and the inner cartilaginous bar of the arch, completely filling the space between them. Marion says that “they are in no sense superficial, nor circular in the same sense that the other muscles are, and they lie in a different plane.” Huge (1897, p. 219) says that they extend from the branchial bar of the arch to the free edge of the related branchial diaphragm, and form the middle part of a “ Muskel-Scheidewand,” thus lying between dorsal and ventral portions of the muscles of the arch and wholly separating them from each other. Ruge’s conception of these muscles is thus totally different from Vetter’s and Marion’s, but it agrees with DohnTs description of the muscles in embryos. Vetter says that the interbran- chialis of each arch lies close against the anterior (external) surface of the branchial rays of the arch, and extends to the outer ends of those rays, there passing insensibly, without definite boundary, into that part of the constrictor superficialis of the arch that traverses the branchial diaphragm. The distal and larger part of the fibres of each interbranchialis are said to arise, both dorsally and ventrally, in part from the extrabranchial of the related arch and in part from the linear aponeurosis that overlies that extrabranchial, while the proximal (anterior) fibres arise, both dorsally and ventrally, in part from a feeble ligament that extends from the extra- branchial of the arch to the extrabranchial of the next anterior arch, and in part from the latter extrabranchial. In Mustelus, the proximal fibres of the constrictor super- ficialis of each branchial arch are said by Tiesing (1895) to arise from a dorsal fascia similar to that described by Vetter in Heptanchus, while the distal (posterior) fibres arise, as in 320 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. Acanthias, from a linear aponeurosis, called by Tiesing a septum, said to be formed between it and the corresponding muscle of the next posterior arch. Running antero-ventrally, the proximal (anterior) fibres are said to be inserted on the next anterior so-called septum, while the distal (posterior) fibres traverse the branchial diaphragm and are continuous with the fibres of the ventral constrictor superficialis. The ventral constrictor superficialis of each arch is said to arise from a median ventral superficial fascia, as in Heptanchus, and, running antero-dorsally, to be continuous with the distal fibres of the dorsal constrictor superficialis. No mention is made of any fibres not continuous with those distal fibres of the dorsal portion of the muscle, that large proximal portion of the ventral constrictor that is found in the Selachii described by Yetter thus not being accounted for in these descriptions of Mustelus. It is said that no ventral septum is found in this fish, Mustelus differing in this from Acanthias and resembling Heptanchus. Ruge says that the fibres of the ventral portions of the several constrictores all have a parallel course, and, their edges being contiguous and inti- mately bound to each other, form a single continuous muscle- sheet. The so-called septa of Mustelus are said by Tiesing (loc. cit., p. 100) to be formed by the “ Yerwachsung derKiemen- locher” between two adjoining arches, this agreeing with Vetter’s conclusion. Ruge (1897, p. 225) also says that these aponeuroses are found “an den Verwachsungsstellen tier freien Rander der Kiemen-Scheidewande.” Tiesing says of each septum that, “ nach innen und vorn zu befestigt es sieh an dem betreffenden Kiemenbogen and schliesst den oberen tiusseren Kiemenbogen ein.” But it is evidently impossible that a septum, formed where the outer edge of a branchial 1 diaphragm has fused with the next posterior one, could be attached to the inner branchial bar of either of those two arches. Tiesing does not say to which arch the extrabran- chiaT related to a particular septum belongs, but Ruge says (loc. cit., p. 227) that the constrictor superficialis of the- VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 321 hyal arch of this fish is in part inserted on the extrabranchial of the first branchial arch, which leads one to suppose that that extrabranchial lies beneath the linear aponeurosis related to the first gill opening. The musculi interbranchiales of Mustelus are said by Tiesing to be practically as described by Vetter in Acanthias. These several descriptions of these visceral-arch muscles thus, as already stated, do not give a clear and concise idea of the conditions in these fishes, and I have accordingly, as already stated, had dissections made of such specimens of the Selachii as I have at my disposal, which specimens consist of a single already partly dissected head of Triakis, a 42 cm. specimen of Scyllium canicula, and a 43 cm. specimen of Mustelus (species unknown) . The accompanying figures show the muscles as found in the two last-named specimens. The musculi constrictores superficiales, interbranchiales, and coracobranchiales were alone particularly considered in the dissections, but other muscles are also shown in the figures. The constrictor superficialis of each arch will be considered as a single continuous muscle, instead of as two separate muscles, one dorsal and the other ventral. I retain the term constrictor superficialis, but, as there is no constrictor pro- fundus, it seems a needless distinction. In my specimen of Scyllium (figs. 1-7), those portions of the constrictores superficiales of the hyal and first four branchial arches that lie dorsal to the gill openings appear to form, in lateral view, a single continuous muscle-sheet. Immediately dorsal to the gill openings the lines of separation between adjoining constrictores are apparent, and, starting from there, each constrictor can be easily lifted off the next posterior one excepting at its dorso-posterior corner. At that corner each constrictor is inserted on the external surface of the next posterior one, but elsewhere its distal edge simply overlaps and is closely applied to that muscle. Ventral to the gill openings the constrictores are less closely applied to each other, the lines of separation between 322 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. adjoining muscles are there distinctly evident, and there is no insertion, at any point, of one muscle on the next posterior one. Both dorsal and ventral to the gill openings there are, in each branchial arch, two or three long muscle strands which start from the internal surface of each constrictor, near the dorsal and ventral ends of the next posterior gill opening, and running respectively dorsally and ventrally, join the muscle strands of the next posterior contrictor. They can, however, easily be lifted off that muscle, and are accordingly not shown, as separate strands, in the figures. The fibres of the constrictores are everywhere grouped into bundles, which in most places form lamellar bands which occupy the entire thickness of the muscle. Where the muscles are thin these flat bands become simple rounded strands, and they can all be referred to, for convenience of description, as strands of the muscles. The dorsal edge of the hyal constrictor is nearly straight, and reaches, or lies slightly ventral to, the latero-sensory canal of the body. Its anterior half, approximately, lies anterior to the musculus trapezius and external to the anterior portion of the dorsal muscles of the trunk. Its posterior half lies external to the musculus trapezius, and, at its hind end, overlaps the constrictor of the first branchial arch. The anterior portion of the muscle has its origin in part on the tissues that surround the latero-sensory canal, and in part, ventro-lateral to that canal, on a fascia that is evidently the dorsal superficial fascia of Vetter^s descriptions of Heptanchus, Acanthias, and Scymnus. The posterior portion of the muscle has its origin mostly on the external surfaces of the trapezius and the constrictor of the first branchial arch, certain of the tendinous ends of the fibres penetrating those muscles, but it has its origin also in part on ventral prolongations of the tissues that surround the latero-sensory canal of the body. The tissues that surround the latter canal lie directly upon and are firmly attached to the dorsal superficial fascia, that fascia lying directly upon VISCERAL ARCHES OP THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 323 and being firmly attached to the external surface of the dorsal trunk muscles, and as the line separating the dorsal and ventral trunk muscles here lies considerably ventral to the latero-sensory canal, and hence ventral to the dor>al edge of the trapezius, the fascia lies internal to the latter muscle as well as to the latero-sensory canal. Vetter says that this fascia lies upon the external surface of the musculus trapezius, and he so shows it in his figure of Heptanchus. Tt lies internal to that muscle in my specimens of Scyllium. There are however, in Scyllium, delicate tendinous lines which lie on the external surface of the trapezius and extend from the dorsal edge of the several constrictores to the tissues that surround the latero-sensory canal, and they apparently represent the tendinous bands (Platten) described and shown by Vetter. The dorsal edges of the branchial ■ constrictores are all irregular, the most dorsal point of each constrictor lying proximal (anterior) to the distal (posterior) edge of the muscle. From this most dorsal point the dorsal edge of each muscle descends anteriorly, crossing the external surface of the trapezius, and, in the anterior arches, extending ventro-anteriorly beyond the antero-ventral edge of that muscle. Where they cross the trapezius the dorsal edges of these constrictores are inserted on, or firmly attached to, that muscle, certain of the tendinous ends of the muscles pene- trating the trapezius. The distal fibres of each constrictor are inserted, as already stated, on the external (anterior) surface of the next posterior constrictor. The distal (posterior) fibres of the fourth branchial constrictor cross the external surface of the shoulder-girdle, and are inserted on the anterior edge of that cartilage along with the fibres of the musculus trapezius. The dorsal portion of the apparently continuous muscle- sheet that is exposed when the dermis is removed is thus not at all a continuous sheet, and the dorsal edge of the sheet, excepting in its hyal portion, is formed by the dorsal ends of those muscle-strands, only, that lie in the distal portion of EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. 3?4 each constrictor. From this dorsal edge of the sheet delicate tendinous lines cross the external surface of the trapezius and extend to the dorsal edge of that .muscle, apparently representing, as already stated, the tendinous hands there described by Vetter in Heptanchus. There are no linear aponeuroses, either dorsal or ventral, related to the gill-openings, but the fibres of the proximal (anterior) half of the hyal constrictor are interrupted, as in many other Selachii, by an aponeurosis that lies approxi- mately in the line of the middle line of the gill-openings. This aponeurosis is attached anteriorly to the mandibular cartilages, and covers the articulating ends of the hyal cartilages. The muscle strands in the proximal (anterior) portion of the dorsal half of the hyal constrictor run antero-ventrally and are inserted on the ventral half or two-thirds of the hyomaudibula, the deeper fibres being shorter than the superficial ones and having their origins on the dorso- lateral edge of the chondrocranium. 'The proximal fibres of this constrictor thus form a musculus levator hyomandibularis with two heads of origin. The next distal (posterior) strands of the constrictor are inserted in the aponeurosis, just above described, that extends posteriorly from the articulating ends of the mandibular cartilages. The distal (posterior) strands traverse the branchial diaphragm of their arch and are continuous from the dorsal to the ventral end of the muscle. In the dorsal and middle parts of their lengths these distal strands have a nearly dorso- ventral course. Ventrally they spread posteriorly and extend nearly to the ventral end of the shoulder-girdle, there lying external (ventral) to the ventral end of the constrictor of the first branchial arch and external also to the liypobranchial muscles. The strands, excepting a few distal (posterior) ones, all reach the mid- ventral line, and form, with the musculus intermandibularis, a continuous superficial muscle-sheet extending to the sym- physis of the mandibulse. In the posterior three-fifths of this continuous sheet the strands of opposite sides are separated VISCERAL ARCHES OE THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 825 by a median aponeurotic line. In the anterior two-fifths of the sheet the strands of opposite sides are directly continuous with each other. A large bundle of the superficial fibres of the ventral portion of the hyal constrictor, composed of a number of muscle strands, separates from the deeper fibres and has its origin on the articular end of the mandibula. Beneath this bundle, and also for a certain distance anterior to it, the deeper fibres of the constrictor have their origins on the ceratohyal, and the so-formed musculus interhyoideus is connected with the adductor mandibulseby a tendinous fascia which passes internal to the large bundle of superficial fibres and is apparently the homologue of the tendinous fascia described by Vetter, in a similar but wholly superficial position, in Acanthias. Internal to the dorsal edge of this fascia the ligamentum mandibulo-hyoideum has its insertion near the dorsal end of the ceratohyal. Anterior to the large bundle of superficial fibres, the superficial fibres of the continuous muscle-sheet all have their origins on the ventral (morphologically posterior) edge of the mandibula, the line of attachment of the muscle beginning immediately anterior to the tendinous fascia just above described. The anterior portion of this musculus intermandibularis is innervated by a branch of the nervus mandibularis trigemini, and is hence of mandibular origin. The posterior portion is innervated by the nervus hyoideus facialis. The musculus interhyoideus extends to the mid-ventral line and is wholly separate from and independent of the superficial, intermandibularis layer of the sheet. It extends anteriorly slightly beyond the anterior end of the mid-ventral aponeurotic line that separates the constrictor fibres of opposite sides from each other, and is apparently not inserted in that aponeurosis. The muscle strands of the constrictor of each of the branchial arches all have an approximately dorso-ventral course, and they lie, throughout much the larger part of their length, in the related branchial diaphragm and upon the anterior (external) surface of the next posterior gill- 326 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. pouch, separated from it by the branchial and extrabran chial rays of their arch. The fibres that form the distal edge of the muscle, as they cross the dorsal and ventral edges of the next posterior gill-pouch, are , strongly attached by connective tissues to those edges, and ventral to the gill opening a certain number of them unite to form a larger strand, which then forms the distal edge of the muscle. By far the larger part of the muscle strands of the dorsal half of the con- trictor traverse the branchial septum, only a few of them, one to three strands, being inserted on the epibranehial of the related arch. In the ventral half of the muscle, on the contrary, a considerable number of strands have their origins from the related ceratobranchial, and the additional strands having this origin apparently correspond to those fibres of the dorsal half of the muscle that have been utilised to form the musculi interarcuales dorsales II and III of Dohrn’s descriptions, these muscles being represented in Scy Ilium by a single muscle, the musculus arcualis dorsalis. A few strands of the constrictor have their origins, dorsally, on the dorsal extrabran chial of their arch, near the dorsal bend in the extrabranchial, and a somewhat larger number of strands are inserted, ventrally, on the ventral extrabranchial of the arch, near its ventral bend. All of thejfibres of the muscle that lie distal to those thus inserted on the extrabranchials cross the external (anterior) surface of both the dorsal and the ventral extrabranchials and, as shown in the figures, are attached ventrally, by connective tissue, to the external surface of the longitudinal hypobranchial muscles, none of them reaching the mid-ventral line. Proximal (anterior) to the fibres that have their origins on the dorsal extrabranchial a few strands of the muscle in each arch have their origins in loose connective tissues of the region, and proximal to the fibres that are inserted on the ventral extrabranchial quite a number of strands unite to form a muscle bundle which, as just above stated, corresponds to the musculus arcualis at the dorsal end of the arch. These ventral strands have a different course and insertion in each VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 327 of the branchial arches. In the first branchial arch they pass internal (dorsal) to the musculus coracohyoideus, between it and the coracobranchialis I, and end, without reaching the median line, attached to the muscles between which they lie. They pass across the anterior edge of the ventral extra- branchial of their arch at the point where that extrabranchial bends posteriorly around the ventral edge of the next posterior gill-pouch, and they are twisted upon themselves so that their internal surface is presented externally. In the second branchial arch these fibres form a flat band which passes between the coracobranchiales I and II, and reaches the median line. There it is inserted, with its fellow of the opposite side, in a median aponeurosis which passes dorsally between the coracobranchiales II of opposite sides and is continuous with connective tissues that surround the truncus arteriosus and the pericardial chamber. In the third branchial arch the fibres separate into two bundles, one of which passes between the coracobranchiales I and II, and the other between the coracobranchiales II and III. The first bundle does not reach the median line, but the second and larg-er one reaches that line and is attached, with its fellow of the opposite side, to connective tissues that are attached to the tissues surround- ing the truncus arteriosus and pericardial chamber. Certain of those fibres of this muscle that are inserted on the ventral extrabranchial of their arch pass, with that extrabranchial, between the coracobranchiales III and IY ; the ventral end of this muscle thus being separated into three parts. In the fourth arch the fibres here under consideration form a flat band which passes dorsal to the coracobranchialis IY and is inserted on the lateral wall of the pericardial chamber, these fibres thus having the relation to the coracobranchiales that the extrabranchial of the arch would have if it were present. The proximal fibres of a constrictor thus tend to acquire a position anterior to the coracobranchialis that is assigned, by nomenclature, to its arch, the extrabranchial of the arch lying posterior to that coracobranchialis. This tendency is the more pronounced the more anterior the arch, and in the 328 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. hyal arch the entire ventral end of the constrictor lies anterior even to the coracornandibnlaris. Most of the muscle strands of each constrictor lie every- where anterior (external) to the extrabranchial and branchial rays of their arch, but a few of them are, as above described, inserted on the dorsal and ventral extrabranchials. An angular piece has been cut out of the proximal edge of the primitive constrictor by the articulating ends of the epi- branchial and ceratobranchial of the arch, and the cut ends of the muscle fibres are inserted on those cartilages ; the angular piece so cut out forming the adductor of the arch, and the dorsal portions of the cut fibres becoming the musculus arcualis dorsalis. The gill-pouches, with their enclosed branchial lamellae, are thick, cushion-shaped structures. The external opening of the pouch lies, in a state of repose, at the outer edge of the posterior wall of the pouch, and it is smaller than the interna], pharyngeal opening of the pouch. The dorsal and ventral edges of the pouch are convex, the greatest height of the pouch being in the line of the outer ends of the branchial lamellae and not at the pharyngeal opening of the pouch. The anterior wall of the pouch curves posteriorly over the distal ends of the branchial lamellae, and the branchial rays, lying against the anterior (external) surface of that wall, are similarly curved at their outer (distal) ends. The constrictor that lies anterior to a gill-pouch lies on the anterior surface of these branchial rays, and, following the curve in the rays, curves posteriorly over them, the distal portion of the muscle lying in the plane of the external surface of the body, and the proximal portion lying in a plane directed antero-mesially at an angle of about 45° to that surface. The hyal con- strictor is not so curved, there being no gill-pouch anterior to it and the cartilaginous bar of the arch lying nearer the external surface than do the bars of the branchial arches. The posterior wall of each gill-pouch presses against the anterior surface of the constrictor next posterior to it, and forms a slight depression on that surface. The outer edge VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 829 of this depression corresponds to the outer edge of the pouch, and not, as might have been expected, to the outer edges of the branchial lamellae; the lamellae lying within the pouch and not extending to its outer edges. The constrictor is thinner in the depression than it is immediately beyond it. This, and the insertion of certain of the fibres on the dorsal and ventral extrabranchials of the arch, are the only indica- tions of the differentiation of a musculus interbranchialis. Dorsal extrabranchials are found in the hyal and first four branchial arches, but ventral extrabranchials only in the first three branchial arches. The dorsal extrabran chial of the hyal arch is a small rod of cartilage lying near the outer, distal ends of the branchial rays, and was not found by either White (1896) or Fiirbringer (1903, p. 432) in the specimens examined by them. The dorsal and ventral extra- brachials of the branchial arches lie along the dorsal and ventral edges, respectively, of the depression, just above described, formed on the opposite side of the constrictor of their arch by the pressure of the next anterior gill-pouch. Each of the four dorsal extrabranchials, running dorso- anteriorly from its distal end, reaches the curved dorsal edge of the gill-pouch next posterior to it immediately proximal to the highest point of that edge, and there turns sharply v en trail v and but slightly anteriorly over that edge, and then expands into a short spatula-shaped end (Fig. 7) which lies against the posterior surface of the gill-pouch. The dorsal end of each of these dorsal extrabranchials is thus crook-shaped, the crook lying close to the dorsal edge of the constrictor of the arch and embracing the dorsal edge of the next posterior gill-pouch, that pouch there being firmly attached to the extrabranchial by connective tissues. The dorsal half of the flat spatula-shaped end of the first extrabranchial lies against the external surface of the musculus trapezius, closely attached to it by connective tissues, and its ventral half against the external wall of the vena jugularis. The corre- sponding ends of the other three dorsal extrabranchials lie upon and are strongly attached to the musculus trapezius 330 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. alone, the vena jugularis here lying along the antero-ventral edge of the trapezius and partly internal to it. Each ventral extrabranchial turns posteriorly, at its ventral end, around the ventral edge of the next posterior gill-pouch immediately proximal to the lowest point of that curved edge., aud then spreads both anteriorly and posteriorly into long pointed processes. The posterior process hooks around the ventral edge of the next posterior gill-poucli and is prolonged, along the posterior surface of that pouch, by a line of fibrous tissue which lies in the line prolonged of the shank of the next posterior extrabranchial, and is inserted on that extrabranchial at the point where it bends pos- teriorly around the ventral edge of the gill-pouch next posterior to it. The anterior process of the extrabranchial of the first arch runs antero-mesially between the coraco- branchiales I and II, and nearly meets its fellow of the opposite side in the median line, being separated from it by the connective tissues that surround the truncus arte- riosus. The anterior process of the extrabranchial of the second arch is similarly related to the coracobranchiales II and III and to its fellow of the opposite side, while the anterior process of the extrabranchial of the third arch is similarly related to the coracobranchiales III and IV, but is separated from its fellow of the opposite side by a con- siderable interval because of the intervening ventral edge of the pericardial chamber. The antero-ventral ends of these anterior processes of the extrabrancliialis approach somewhat the inner branchial bars of their respective arches, especially in the first arch, but they are not especially attached to them by connective or ligamentous tissues. They do not turn posteriorly toward the inner branchial bar of the next posterior arch, and they are not connected with that bar by special ligamentous or connective tissues. The branchial constrictor that lies anterior to a given gill- pouch, and the related branchial and extrabranchial rays, are all quite strongly attached, by connective tissues, to the anterior wall of that pouch, but the constrictor of the arch VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 331 is not so attached, in my specimens, to the posterior wall of the next anterior pouch. The liyal constrictor and its related branchial rays are but loosely attached to the anterior wall of the first gill-pouch, this apparently being due to this muscle being a thicker and stronger muscle than the branchial ones. On the external surface of each wall of each gill-pouch there are tall and narrow U-shaped lines which mark the lines of attachment of the branchial lamellae on the internal surfaces of those walls. The loops on the posterior wall of the pouch lie against the anterior surface of the constrictor next posterior to the pouch, and, on that surface of that constrictor, and extending from the outer (distal) ends of the loops to the outer edge of the depression that lodges the gill-pouch, there are, dorsal and ventral to the gill-openings, several strands of a tissue that is largely fibrous, but that shows, under the microscope, certain transverse striae. These strands are radially disposed, as are the branchial lamellae; they cross the fibres of the constrictor at right angles, and they are closely attached to the anterior surface of that muscle. Their position suggests both the supporting rods of the branchial filaments in the Teleostomi and the radially arranged muscles related to those rods (Allis, 1903), but it seems improbable that they represent the beginnings of the formation of either of them. On the posterior wall of each gill-pouch, opposite the dorsal one of these two series of fibro-muscular strands, there are one or two flat muscle bauds which lie approximately parallel to the fibr.ous strands, but closely attached to the wall of the pouch instead of !o the anterior surface of the constrictor. Distally, these bands pass over the outer edge of the pouch, close to the dorsal end of its external opening, and, turning ventrally, join, near its distal edge, the constrictor that lies along the anterior wall of the pouch. Ventral to the gill-openings similar strands are found, but they here lie upon the internal (posterior) surface of the constrictor next anterior to the puuch, close against the outer edge of the pouch, instead of 332 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. on the posterior surface of that pouch (Fig. 3). The action of these fibres, although feeble, must be to retract and constrict the related gill-opening. The dorsal and ventral edges of the gill-pouches are wholly free, excepting where they are each attached, as already described, to the dorsal extrabranchial of the next anterior arch and to the internal surface of the constrictor of that arch, and there are, as already stated, no linear aponeuroses in any of the constrictores. It is accordingly impossible that the dorsal edges of these pouches, in Scyllium, have been formed by the partial fusion of the edges of a taller gill-opening, as is maintained by Vetter, Tiesing, and Ruge for the Selachii examined by them. The coracomandibularis, coracohyoideus, and coraco- branchialis I all have their origins on the musculus coraco- arcualis communis, the other coracobranchiales having their origins on the ventral end of the shoulder-girdle. The coracomandibularis is inserted on the mandibula close to the symphysis, the coracohyoideus on the anterior edge of the ventral surface of the basihyal, the coracobranchialis I on the dorsal surface of the postero-lateral process of the basihyal, the coracobranchiales II-IV each on the hypobranchial of the related arch, and the coracobranchialis V on the cerato- brancliial of its arch. There are arcualis, but no interarcualis muscles in this fish, each arcualis being a stout muscle, evidently primarily continuous with the constrictor super- ficialis of its arch, but lying ventral to the vena jugularis instead of lateral to that vein. The primitive constrictor, in growing dorsally, seems to have been split into two parts when it encountered the vein, one passing ventral and the other dorsal to it. In the small specimen of Mustelus (PI. 22, figs. 8-10) the constrictores superficiales of the hyal and branchial arches together present, in lateral view, the appearance, ventral as well as dorsal to the gill-openings, of a single continuous muscle-sheet, the sheet being perforated by the first four gill- VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 333 openings and bounded posteriorly by the fifth opening. Both dorsal and ventral to these gill-openings, the muscle strands of the continuous sheet incline posteriorly at a marked angle to the vertical line, this inclination being greater dorsal to the openings than ventral to them, and greater for the posterior strands of the sheet than for the anterior ones. A narrow aponeurotic line extends dorso anteriorly from the dorsal end of each of the four gill-openings that perforate the sheet, but there are no corresponding ventral aponeuroses. Most of the muscle strands on either side of the dorsal aponeurotic lines are juxtaposed, and faint tendinous lines cross the aponeuroses and connect them, this strongly sug- gesting that the muscle strands were here primarily con- tinuous, and that the aponeuroses are simply tendinous formations, of secondary origin, that interrupt them. The muscle-sheet, in situ, accordingly presents the appearance of being formed by a series of contiguous constrictores, one hyal and four branchial, fused by their adjoining edges both dorsal and ventral to the gill-openings but separated from each other as they pass between those openings. The sheet is, however, not so formed, as will be immediately shown, but this superficial appearance, as it applies to the ventral part of the sheet, is doubtless what led Tiesing to say that, in this fish, the entire ventral constrictor of each arch traverses the related branchial diaphragm and is continuous with the dorsal constrictor. The anterior edge of the dorsal portion of the sheet is considerably thickened, and this thickened portion is almost completely differentiated, as in Scyllium, as a levator hyo- mandibularis with two heads of origin, one arising along the line of the latero-sensory canal of the body, continuous with the fibres of the posterior portion of the sheet, and the other from the dorso-lateral edge of the chondrocranium, as Tiesing has already stated. Both portions are inserted, together, on the ventral end of the hyomandibula. If that part of the muscle-sheet that lies posterior to this levator hyomandibularis be cut along its line of dorsal attach- VOL. 63, PART 3. NEW SERI KS. 24 334 EDWARD PD ELDS ALLIS. inent, or so-called origin, the entire sheet can be turned downward a certain distance, disclosing portions of the dorsal extrabranchials, the dorsal branchial rays of the hyal arch, and the dorsal portions of the five branchial pouches. It is then found that four thin sheets of muscle fibres still attach the large muscle-sheet to underlying structures, and if these thin sheets be cut the large muscle-sheet can be turned downward to the middle line of the gill-openiugs, as shown in PL 22, fig. 9. The entire distal portion of each doi>al extrabranchial is then exposed, and it is seen that they each lie against the anterior (external) surface of the gill-pouch next posterior to the arch to which the extrabranchial belongs, that this distal portion of each of the four branchial dorsal extrabrauchials lies slightly posterior to and parallel to the dorsal edge of the gill-poucli next anterior to its arch, and that it extends ventro-posteriorly slightly beyond the level of the dorsal edge of the external opening of the latter pouch. The dorsal extrabranchial of the hyal arch is short, and extends but a short distance along the anterior (external) surface of the first gill-pouch. The four linear aponeuroses of the large muscle-sheet are now seen to extend entirely through the sheet and to lie one external to each of the four branchial dorsal extrabranchials, attached to them only by loose connective tissues, and com- parison with Dohrn’s and Edgeworth’s descriptions of the differentiation of the musculi adductores in embryos of these fishes definitely shows what the aponeuroses are. According to both those authors those primarily continuous muscle fibres (strauds) of the constrictores that cross the inner branchial bars of their respective arches acquire insertion on those bars along the lines where they cross them, and, as a result of this, the musculi adductores are cut out of the primarily long and continuous fibres (strands) so concerned. But before that insertion of these fibres (strands) was acquired it is evident that the individual fibres concerned must first have become tendinous along the lines where they were later to be cut in two, this doubtless being due to the interruption of the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 335 muscle substance of the fibres, because of pressure against the branchial bars, and the consequent formation of a ten- dinous membrane by the united sarcolemmae of the fibres so interrupted. This same formation of a tendinous interval, with later insertion, might evidently take place along the lines where the muscle fibres of the primitive constrictores crossed any other skeletal element, and in my specimen of Mustelus it has quite certainly taken place where the fibres of the continuous muscle-sheet crossed the dorsal extra- branchials, the process, with these particular fibres, not being carried to the point of section of the fibres with accompanying insertion on the extrabranchials, while with other fibres this section and insertion has taken place. The distal end of each extrabranchial lies, as in Scyllium, on the anterior (external) surface of the gill-pouch next posterior to it, and when the dorsal edge of that gill-pouch passes its highest point and turns antero-ventrally toward the pharyngeal opening of the pouch, the extrabranchial also curves antero-ventrally and lies along the edge of the pouch. In each of the branchial ai’ches the proximal end of the extra- branchial then there expands into a flat and thin plate which projects ventrally along the posterior surface of the gill- pouch, there lying either between the pouch and the vena jugularis or between the pouch and the musculus trapezius, the exact relation of each extrabranchial to the vena jugularis and musculus trapezius not being traced. In the hyal arch there is no plate-like expansion of the proximal end of the extrabran- chial, this extrabriinchial being, as in Scyllium, simply a slender rod of cartilage. In the second, third, and fourth branchial arches each extrabranchial, at the point where it crosses the dorsal edge of the related gill-pouch and curves antero-ven- tfc-ally along that edge, is somewhat embedded in the musculus trapezius, and it there gives insertion to what appear to be superficial fibres of the trapezius, the number of these fibres increasing progressively from the second to the fourth arches. The fibres so inserted on each extrabranchial lie not only parallel to the fibres of the musculus trapezius, but also in the 336 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. lines prolonged of the fibres of the related portion of the musculus interbranchialis of the arch to which the extra- branchial belongs, the latter fibres being inserted on the opposite, ventral, edge of the extrabranchial. In the fourth branchial arch a considerable number of - the most proximal fibres of the interbranchialis cross the anterior (external) surface of the extrabranchial of their arch and join the fibres, above described, that appear to form part of the musculus trapezius, lying contiguous with them, along their anterior edge, on the lateral surface of the trapezius. This definitely shows that the fibres that are inserted on the dorsal edge of the extrabranchial are not parts of the trapezius, as they appear to be, but are the dorsal portions of certain muscle strands of the constrictor that have been cut in two by insertion on the extrabranchial, the part ventral to the extra- branchial forming the musculus interbranchialis and the part dorsal to the extrabranchial secondarily fusing with the trapezius. The musculus interbranchialis of each branchial arch has its origin from that portion of the dorsal extrabranchial of its arch that lies proximal to tbe point where it begins to curve antero-ventrally along the dorsal edge of the next posterior gill-pouch, and also from somewhat more than half of that part of the same extrabranchial that lies postero- ventral to the curve, and its dorsal edge is seen in fig. 9 lying between the extrabranchial and the dorsal edge of the next anterior gill-pouch. The fibres distal to those thus inserted on the extrabranchial of the arch form the thin sheet of muscle fibres that had to be cut in order to turn the large muscle-sheet of the constrictores superficiales downward as shown in the figure. These distal fibres of each interbranchialis, thus here apparently inserted on the internal surface of the large muscle-sheet, must, in younger specimens, have formed the interbranchial portion of long and continuous muscle strands that passed over the anterior (external) surface of the extrabranchial of their arch and were continued, beyond that extrabranchial, to the dorsal VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 337 edge of the muscle. They formed the middle portion, approximately, of each branchial constrictor, and as the constrictores of this fish overlapped each other to a con- siderable extent, they must have lain internal to certain strands of the next anterior constrictor, and they and the overlying fibres both became tendinous where they crossed the extrabranchial. If, then, those portions of these deeper fibres, or strands, that primarily lay dorsal to the extra- branchial and the related secondarily formed aponeurosis did not abort, they must still persist as a deeper component of the large muscle-sheet. Ventral to the gill-openings the conditions, aside from the absence of linear aponeuroses, differ in minor details only from those dorsal to the gill-openings. Here each musculus interbranchialis, excepting only a few proximal fibres, is inserted, its full length, on the ventral extrabranchial of its arch, and in each of the branchial arches of my preserved specimen there is a slight fold in the muscle just before it reaches the extrabranchial ; the muscle passing, from above, posterior (internal) to the extrabranchial, then turning dorsally upon itself, and then again ventrally to its insertion on the dorso-anterior edge of the extrabranchial (Fig. 10). From the opposite, postero-ventral edge of the extrabranchial a corresponding portion of the fibres of the constrictor of each arch have their origins, and running ventro-posteriorly immedi- ately join, on its internal surface, the continuous muscle-sheet formed by the constrictores superficiales of the several arches. These ventral fibres of the constrictor of each arch thus form a component part of the large muscle-sheet, and they here lie internal to certain fibres of the more anterior arches; but, after crossing the next posterior extrabranchial, they lie between those fibres and certain fibres of the next posterior arch, internal to the ones and external to the others. Here there can be no question as to the persistence of these ventral portions of the fibres of each arch, for they are not here interrupted by linear aponeuroses. A few of the most proximal strands of the interbranchialis 338 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. of each arch unite ventrallv to form a small bundle. This bundle contracts to a small and pointed head, which, passing anterior (external) to the ventral extrabranchial of its arch and anterior to the musculus coracobranchialis of its arch, between that muscle and the next anterior coracobranchialis, is inserted on the dorsal surface of the hypobranchial muscles. These bundles are always referred to, in all descriptions of these muscles, as parts of the musculi interbranchiales, but it is to be noted that they are in reality the ventral ends of continuous dorso-ventral fibres of the constrictores, no inter- branchiales having been cut out of these particular fibres by insertions on the extrabrancliials. Convenience of descrip- tion, however, requires that they be considered to form parts of the interbranchiales. The more distal strands of each musculus interbranchialis extend either from the dorsal to the ventral extrabranchial of their arch, or from the related dorsal linear aponeurosis to the ventral extrabranchial, lying along the anterior (external) surface of the branchial rays of the arch, between those rays and the posterior wall of the next anterior gill-pouch. Certain of the branchial rays, in certain of the arches, have cut through the muscle in places, and there give insertion to the cut ends of the fibres. Thecoracohyoideusand coracobranchialis I are both inserted on the basihyal, the coracobranchiales IT, III, and IV each mainly on the hypobranchial of the related arch, but also partly, in arches II and III, on a small cartilage interpolated between the hypobranchial and ceratobranchial, and corre- sponding, in position, to the most dorsal one of the three cartilages marked Hbr II in Furbringer’s figures of Torpedo ocellata (1903, Fig. 21, PI. 17). In the fourth arch this independent cartilage has either fused with the ventral end of the ceratobranchial or has not separated from it, and the coracobranchialis is accordingly there partly inserted on the ceratobranchial. In the first branchial arch the cartilage is found lying between the ventral end of the ceratobranchial of that arch and the basihyal. The most anterior hypobranchial is related to the second branchial arch, as shown in FurbringePs VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 339 several figures, and not to the first arch, as shown in Gegen- baur’s (1872) figure of Galeus. The coracobranchiales I and II arise from the dorsal surface of the hypobranchial muscles, but the coracobranchiales III, IV, and V from the lateral surface of the pericardial chamber. An angular piece has been cut out of the proximal edge of each constrictor, as in Scyllium, to form the musculus adductor of the arch, and the cut ends of the fibres are nserted on the related epibranchial and ceratobranchial. In the large head of Triakis, the muscles were only super- ficially examined. 'The constrictores superficiales here, as in Mustelus, form a continuous muscle -sheet perforated by the first four gill-openings, and there are dorsal aponeuroses, but no ventral ones. The dorsal aponeuroses are not so well developed as in my specimen of Mustelus, certain of the superficial muscle strands of the constrictores crossing the aponeuroses, and others there being simply pinched, without being completely interrupted. The aponeuroses here seem to have been in part formed by the invasion of subdermal connective tissues, rather than by the interruption of the muscle substance of the fibres. Where the fibres of the hyal constrictor cross the extrabranchial of that arch the fibres are also partially interrupted, and the beginning of the formation of a linear aponeurosis is plainly evident ; and here there is no invasion of connective tissues. That part of each constrictor that lies dorsal to the dorsal extra- branchial of its arch, excluding the first branchial arch, joins, as in Mustelus, and even more markedly so, the mus- culus trapezius. Comparing the conditions in Scyllium, Mustelus, and Triakis, as above described, with those described by Vetter in Heptanchus, it is certain that the continuous muscle- sheet formed by the constrictores superficiales in Mustelus and Triakis has arisen by the fusion of the separate but overlapping constrictores of Scyllium and Heptanchus. To 340 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. what extent these overlapping and fused muscles have each been preserved, or have aborted, is problematical; but it is certain that the several sections of the continuous muscle- sheet that are included between each two of the series of dorsal aponeuroses each contains elements derived from at least two adjoining arches. In my specimen of Mustelus certain of the fibres of the constrictor of the hyal arch even cross, in their dorso-posterior course, all of the dorsal extra- branchials of the fish, including the somewhat rudimentary extrabranch ial of the hyal arch. Those portions of the fibres of the constrictores of Mustelus and Triakis that lie ventral to the ventral extrabranchials are not interrupted by linear aponeuroses, and there is hence no reason to suppose that they there aborted, or even became tendinous. They must simply have joined the overlying fibres of the continuous muscle-sheet and persisted as part of it. There is, however, no noticeable evidence of any thickening of the sheet at these places. The muscle-sheet is, on the contrary, much thicker in its anterior portion, where there is no overlapping of these muscles, than in its posterior portion, where this overlapping takes place. This interpretation of the constrictores in these several fishes, based wholly on anatomical investigation, finds un- expected confirmation in Dohrn’s figures of sections of embryos said to be of Scyllium canicula (1884, Figs. 1-4, PI. 7). In those figures Dohrn shows the constrictores super- ficiales overlapping each other to such an extent that three, or even four, of them may be superimposed the one above the others, and certain of them are even shown fused with each other to form a single muscle-sheet. How sections of a selachian, with the constrictor muscles arranged as described by Dohrn, Vetter, and others, could be sectioned so as to show these muscles in this relation to each other has heretofore been to me incomprehensible, but sections of a fish in which these muscles were as I have above described and interpreted them in Mustelus could easily be sectioned to show them as given in Dohrn’s figures. It is, however, to be particularly VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 341 noted that in my specimen of a small but adult Scyllium it would be impossible to, cut a section that could show the conditions given by Dohrn in embryos of that fish. The constrictores superficiales of tliis fish are so nearly dorso- ventral in position in their dorsal portions that no one of them overlaps more than the next posterior muscle, the gill- pouches elsewhere intervening and separating the muscles ; and in their ventral portions the constrictores do not at any point fuse with each other, as Dohrn definitely shows them in his sections. In the adult specimens of Acanthias and Scymnus that were examined by Vetter and Marion, conditions strictly similar to those above described in Mustelus and Triakis must certainly have existed, but they were misinterpreted by those authors. Minor differences, however, apparently exist, as in Acanthias, where it would seem, from Vetter's descriptions, as if the dorsal fibres of the constrictor of a given arch, had largely aborted after they had crossed the extrabranchial of the next posterior arch, had still more largely aborted after crossing the extrabranchial next pos- terior to that one, and had wholly aborted on reaching the third posterior extrabranchial. The constrictores superficiales of Mustelus, Triakis, Acan- thias, and Scymnus, and of all other Selachii where the conditions are similar, thus forming a continuous muscle- sheet which is subdivided, by the transverse aponeuroses, into what appear like several separate segments, the ques- tion of the innervation of these several segments becomes important. Vetter says that he could not satisfactorily determine the innervation of these muscles in the branchial arches either of Acanthias or Scymnus, but in the hyal arch of those fishes he limits the distribution of the branches of the nervus facialis strictly to the constrictor of that arch, as that constrictor is defined by him. Tiesing says that, in Mustelus, the branches of the nervi glossopharyngeus and vagus are distributed only to those segments of the dorsal portions of the constrictores of that fish that are included EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. 842 between the corresponding linear aponeuroses, while in the ventral portions of the muscles, where there are no apo- neuroses to interrupt the muscle fibres, those fibres are innervated, their entire lengths, by the nerve of the related arch. Ruge shows all those fibres of the hyal constrictor that are not interrupted by the most anterior linear apo- neurosis continuing onward to the dorsal edge of the con- tinuous muscle-sheet, and his descriptions lead one to conclude that these fibres are innervated, their full lengths, by the nervus facialis, while the fibres interrupted by the aponeurosis are only so innervated up to the aponeurosis. If the innervations thus ascribed to these muscles by Vetter, Tiesing, and Ruge are correct, and if my conclusions regarding these muscles are also correct, the constrictores superficiales of all fishes in which they are interrupted hy linear aponeuroses thus unexpectedly present typical examples of a muscle derived from one segment of the body being innervated bv the nerve of another segment; and here, not only would the innervation be definitely a secondary one, replacing an earlier and normal innervation, but the change of inner- vation would have taken place in definitely postembroyonic, if not in practically adult, stages. Furthermore, the secon- darily acquired innervation of different parts of the dorsal strands, or fibres, of the constrictores of the hyal and first branchial arches of Mnstelus would be by several different nerves, while the ventral portions of those same strands, or fibres, would be innervated by a single nerve. This certainly seems improbable, if not impossible, and nntil Vetter’s,. Tiesing’s, and Ruge’s statements have been properly con- trolled, it seems proper to conclude that the innervations given by them are incorrect, and that the muscle of each arch retains its primitive and normal innervation. That certain individual fibres of each constrictor are cut in two where they are crossed by the linear aponeuroses is practically certain, and in all such cases it is probable that that part of each muscle fibre that thus lost its connection with its motor nerve underwent paralysis and subsequent reduction. VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISBES. 343 or abortion ; this then in part accounting for the absence of any undue or noticeable thickenings in the overlapping portions of the muscles. In the Batoidei, as in Acanthias and Scymnus, the con- tinuous muscle-sheet, formed by the constrictores superficiales is said to be separated by septa into separate muscle segments, which are assigned one to each branchial arch and one to the hyal arch ; but it is impossible to definitely determine, from the descriptions, whether or not these so called septa of the Batoidei are similar to the linear aponeuroses of the Selachii. Dohrn’s figures (1884, PI. 7, figs. 5 and 6) of sections of embryos of Torpedo would lead one to conclude that dorsal to the gill-openings the conditions were as in Mnstelus, while ventral to the opening the primitive constrictor of each arch turned posteriorly and fused with the external surface of the next posterior constrictor, not passing beyond the line of that contact and fusion. The ventral septa, at least, of this fish would then not be similar to those in the Selachii. There is, however, certainly some error in the descriptions of these fishes, for it is evident that the constrictor superficialis of a given branchial arch could not lie anterior to the gill-opening between that arch and the next anterior one, and yet that is the position that these muscles have in both Tiesing’s (1895) and Marion’s (1905) figures of these fishes. The musculi trapezius, coracobranchiales, and adductores arcuum branchialium may nowbe more particularly considered. Of the trapezius Edgeworth says (1911, p. 257): “Levatores arcuum branchialium are developed from the upper ends of the branchial myotomes in Teleostomi, Ceratodus, and Amphibia, but are not developed in Scyllium, Sauropsida, rabbit aud pig. The method of development of the trapezius — apparently a homologous muscle throughout the vertebrate groups — is intimately related to these differences. It is developed in Teleostomi and Amphibia from the fourth, in Ceratodus from the fifth, levator, i. e. from the penultimate or ultimate levator; whereas in Scyllium, Chrysemys, Gallus 344 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. and rabbit, it is formed from the upper ends of the branchial myotomes — five in Scyllium, four in Chrysemys, two in Gallus, and three in the rabbit. In view of the facts that in Scyllium the subspinalis and interbasales, developed from trunk- myotomes, are attached to the pharyngobranchials, and that the trapezius is innervated only by the Xlth — the most posterior of the vagus roots — even though a constituent from the glossopharyngeal (first branchial) segment takes part in its formation, it is probable that the absence of levatores and associated method of development of the trapezius in Scyllium, Sauropsida, and rabbit are secondary phenomena, and that the primitive condition is a series of levatores formed from the uppermost portions of the branchial myotomes.” The trapezius is thus said by Edgeworth to be a muscle that is wholly of branchial origin but that varies greatly in the branchial myotome or myotomes from which it is derived, and in the adult Scyllium, at least, it is definitely stated that the muscle is innervated by the eleventh nerve alone. It is also elsewhere definitely stated (loc. cit.,p. 281) that muscles derived from the trapezius are innervated in Lacerta by spinal nerves alone, and in Gallus and the rabbit both by the eleventh nerve and by spinal nerves ; and frequent references to the trapezius being innervated by the eleventh nerve, or by the eleventh spinal, leads one to conclude that Edgeworth considered the muscle to be innervated by that nerve, or by spinal nerves, in all vertebrates. The muscle is, accordingly, one of those to which I made reference in the opening para- graph of this paper as being said by Edgeworth to be inner- vated by the nerve of a segment of the body other than that from which the muscle is developed. The condition of this muscle, as found in the adults of fishes, does not, however, warrant this conclusion in so far as it applies to them. In the adult Heptanchus certain fibres of the trapezius are said by Vetter to be inserted on the branchial bar of the most posterior, or seventh, branchial arch, the remaining fibres of the muscle being inserted on the shoulder-girdle. Between the seventh branchial bar and the shoulder-girdle VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 345 there is no gill-opening, and no musculus constrictor super- ficialis is described in relation to this seventh arch. In the adult Chlamydoselachus I find conditions strictly similar to those in Heptanchus, excepting that in this fish there are but six branchial bars and six gill-openings, the sixth gill-opening lying anterior to the sixth branchial bar. The distal, ventro-lateral end of the so-called epipharyngo- branchial of the sixth arch lies close to the shoulder- girdle, and that bundle of the trapezius that has its insertion on that element of this arch extends nearly to its hind end. The insertion of the trapezius on the shoulder- girdle begins opposite the hind end of the sixth epipharyngobranchial, and from there extends upward along the anterior edge of the shoulder-girdle. The trapezius is overlapped externally by the dorsal ends of all of the constrictores superficiales, including the constrictor of the fifth branchial arch, and each of the five branchial constrictores is similarly overlapped by the next anterior constrictor, the muscles thus being, in this respect, serially homologous. In Acanthias and Scymnus the trapezius, as described by Abetter, resembles that in Heptanchus and Chlamydoselachus excepting in that its relations to the branchial bars are modified by there being but five branchial arches in these fishes, and in that the trapezius is here perforated by the slender tendons that are said to alone represent the dorsal portions of the four branchial constrictores superficiales. In the adult Mustelus the trapezius is said by Tiesing to closely resemble that in Acanthias, as described by Yetter, and Tiesing makes no mention of any fibres of the constrictores superficiales joining the trapezius, such as I find in my young- specimen of this fish. In Chimasra (Yetter, 1878), there are minor, and for my purpose, unimportant variations in the muscle. In Heptanchus and Chimsera, Aretter could not determine the "innervation of the trapezius, but Fiirbringer (1897) has since shown that in Heptanchus it is innervated by branches of the nervus vagus. In Acanthias and Scymnus the muscle 346 EDWARD PdELPS ALLIS. is said by Vetter to be innervated either by branches of the nervus intestinalis vagi, or, possibly, by that nerve together with delicate branches of other, more anterior portions of the vagus. In Prion odo n glaucus, that anterior bundle of the trapezius that has its insertion on the branchial bar of the ultimate arch of the fish is said by Vetter (1878, p. 460) to be innervated by a branch of the ri'ervus vagus quartus, the remainder of the muscle being innervated by the nervus intestinalis vagi. In Chlainydoselachus I find the muscle innervated by a branch of the vagus that lies next posterior to that branch of the nerve that is sent to the penultimate branchial arch. The anatomical evidence regarding this muscle in these several fishes, taken by itself, would thus evidently lead to the conclusion that the trapezius, in each of the fishes con- sidered, is simply a differentiation of the constrictor super- ficialis of the ultimate branchial arch of that particular fish — the seventh in Heptanclius, the sixth in Chlainydoselachus, and the fifth in Acanthias, Scynmus, and Mustelus — or, possibly, of that arch and other more posterior arches if such arches primarily existed and have successively disappeared by reduction or transformation. This conclusion would then differ from that arrived at by Vetter (1874, pp. 432-433) only in that the trapezius is considered to be derived mostly, or entirely, from the constrictor of the ultimate persisting branchial arch instead of from the constrictor of a modified and more posterior arch that is represented in the shoulder- girdle. This derivation of the muscle would also explain, and find confirmation in, DohriTs otherwise inexplicable failure to find it developed from the dorsal ends of all of the branchial myotonies, as Edgeworth maintains that it is developed; and the partial fusion of the proximal fibres of the dorsal portions of the constrictores superficiales of the second to the fourth branchial arches with the trapezius, in my specimens of Mustelus and Triakis, would probably explain how Edgeworth came to consider the latter muscle to be developed from the dorsal ends of all of the branchial myotonies. It is, however, VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 347 to be noted that this partial fusion of these fibres with the trapezius is not found in my specimens of Scyllium, and it is to embryos of this particular fish that Edgeworth’s descrip- tions relate. This view of the development of the trapezius from the constrictor of the ultimate branchial arch is also in fullest accord with GreiTs very complete descriptions of its development in Ceratodus. In this latter fish, Ceratodus, a muscle called by Greil the dorsoclavicularis is said by that author (1913, p. 1343) to represent the phylogenetic beginning of a musculus tra- pezius. This dorsoclavicularis is said by Greil (loc. cit.,p. 1139) to be derived from a ventral process of the posterior half of the second trunk myotome, which, forking over the fifth bran- chial cleft, sends one process down anterior to that cleft and the other posterior to it. The former process lies in the fourth branchial arch, and from it is developed the axial mesoderm of that arch. The posterior process is shown in GreiTs fig. 1, plate 52, apparently lying posterior and partly internal to a branchial pouch which is called, in the index lettering, the u siebenten Schlundtasche,” that is, the sixth branchial pouch. In figs. 3 and 4 of the same plate the process is shown lying directly external to this sixth branchial pouch, close against the posterior edge of the fifth branchial cleft. The sixth branchial pouch never breaks through to the exterior. The posterior fork of the ventral process of the second trunk myotome of Ceratodus accordingly lies in the fifth branchial arch alone, or both in that arch and the region of a sixth branchial arch that never develops. The process is said to separate into superficial and deeper portions. The deeper portion grows inward, dorsal to the pericardium, and forms a muscle which, although lying ventral to the pharyn- geal cavity, is called the musculus dorsopharyngeus. This large muscle is the exact serial homologue of a smaller muscle, called the interbranchialis IV, which is developed from the ventral end of the axial mesoderm of the fourth branchial arch ; and both these muscles, lying dorsal to the pericardial cavity and the tr uncus arteriosus, are serial 348 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. homologues of the so-called musculi interbranchialis pos- terior, interbranchialis anterior, and ceratohyoideus, which are developed, respectively, from the ventral ends of the axial mesoderm of the third, second, and first branchial arches, but lie anterior to, and hence morphologically ventral to, the truncus arteriosus. The superficial portion of the posteiior fork of the ventral process of the second trunk myotome grows ventrally external and ventral to the pericardial cavity, and appa- rently separates into three muscles, but there is some confusion in the name given to them. One of them is certainly the musculus clavicularis, or dorsoclavicularis, which, as above stated, is said by Greil to represent the phylogenetic beginning of a musculus trapezius (den ersten phyletischen Anfang eines Trapezius holier stehendenFormen). The second and third muscles are first called the dorso- branchinlis and dorsohypobranchialis, but later the names dorsobranchialis, dorsocleidobranchialis, coracocleidobran- chialis, cleidobranchialis, and coracobranchialis are appa- rently used either to designate those muscles themselves or muscles derived from them. The musculi dorsopharyngeus and dorsoclavicularis are definitely said by Greil (loc. cit., p. 1249) to be innervated by a branch of the nervus vagus given off close to the ramus intestinalis vagi. The other muscles derived from the ventral process of the second trunk myotome must then also, in embryos, be innervated by the vagus, but I do not find that this is so definitely stated. A muscle that Greil con- sidered to be the homologue of the trapezius is, in any event, said by him to be derived from the axial mesoderm of the fifth (or fifth and sixth) branchial arch, and it is innervated by a branch of the nervus vagus that has the position, serially considered, of a nerve of that arch (or arches) . Froriep (Greil, 1907, Discussion) thinks that this origin of the axial mesoderm of the fourth and fifth branchial arches of Ceratodus from a trunk myotome needs confirma- VISCERAL ARCHES OF THU GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 349 tion, and Edgeworth (loc.cit., p. 176) also questions it, but as it is a question that relates primarily to the origin of the mesoderm of these two arches, and involves that in the other visceral arches also, the question of a secondary change in the innervation of a muscle, as I am at present considering it, is not involved. Edgeworth (loc.cit., p. 243), in his own investigations, finds the trapezius of Ceratodus “proliferated from the outer side of the fifth levator ” arcus branchialis ; these two muscles together thus strikingly recalling the trapezius of the adult selachian. This origin of the muscle is thus in accord with my contention that it is developed from the primitive constrictor of the ultimate branchial arch of the fish, and from that constrictor only, and that it accordingly retains, in the adult, its normal and primitive innervation. In the Tejeostomi the conditions are probably strictly comparable to those in Ceratodus, but this cannot be definitely established from the descriptions given. Edge- worth says that the trapezius is developed, in all these fishes, from the fourth levator arcus branchialis. In Amia it is said (loc.cit., p. 239) to be represented by the fifth external levator of my descriptions of that fish, a muscle that I found innervated (Allis, 1897, p. 696) by a nerve that arose either from the base of the post-trematic branch of the third vagus nerve (nerve of the fourth branchial arch), or from the main trunk of the vagus near the base of that vagus nerve. In Acipenser the muscle is said by Edgeworth (loc. c i t . , p. 236) to be found in 8^- mm, embryos* given off from the fourth levator, but to be in process of disappearing in 11 mm. embryos. In the adult it is said, on Vetter’s authority, to be absent. The fifth levator of Vetter’s descriptions of this fish is said to be developed from the fifth branchial myotome, and although it persists in the adult, it is not considered by Edgeworth to represent the trapezius, as it does in Amia. This seems singular, for in Polyodon there is a well developed trapezius (Danforth, 1913, p. 141), innervated by a branch of the vagus, and but four levatores arcuum branchialium ; VOL. 63, PART 3. — NEW SERIES. 25 350 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. the trapezius thus apparently representing the fifth levator. In Menidia, Herrick (1899, p. 117) found a trapezius inner- vated by a branch of the vagus, and there are but four levatores in that fish. In Scomber I found (Allis, 1903, p. 207) five external levatores, the fifth one being inserted in a membrane attached to the clavicle, and there is no trapezius in this fish. In Trigla and Scorpaena I also found (Allis, 1909) five external levatores, and I now find that there is no trapezius in either of these fishes. In Ameiurus there is a trapezius innervated by a branch of the vagus (Herrick, 1901, p. 209), and the levatores of this fish are none of th m inserted on the fifth branchial arch (McMurrich, 1884). In Polypterus, Edgeworth (loc.cit., p. 241) finds a trapezius, and there are but four levatores in this fish. These several facts regarding these fishes, when compared with Greil’s descriptions of Ceratodus, seem certainly to warrant the conclusion that in the Teleostomi, as in Ceratodus, the trapezius is developed from the fifth branchial myotome, and that it always retains its normal and primitive innervation by the nerve of that segment of the body. The musculi coracobranchiales are said by Dohrn to be developed, as already fully explained, from the deeper, proximal fibres of the ventral portions of the constrictores superficiales of the branchial arches and to be represented, in the adult, by those fibres as described by Vetter. They are accordingly said by Dohrn to be totally different muscle-s from the coracobranchiales of Vetter’s descriptions of the adult, which are said by Dohrn to be simply the distal fibres of the ventral portions of the branchial constrictores super- ficiales, misnamed coracobranchiales by Vetter. Edgeworth says, as already explained, that the coracobranchiales are developed from the entire ventral ends of the branchial myotonies, and he considers the muscles so developed to be identical with the coracobranchiales of Vetter’s descriptions of the adult. 'Phe coracobranchialis of the first branchial arch of the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 351 adult Heptanchus is said by Vetter to arise mainly from the tendinous dorsal surface of the musculus coraeohyoideus ; the coracobranchiales of the second to the fifth arches to arise mainly from the dorsal surface of the musculus coracoarcualis communis, but in part from a tendinous cord formed in the mid-ventral line of a fascia that covers, ventrally, the peri- cardial chamber ; the sixth coracobranchialis to arise in part from the shoulder-girdle; and the seventh coracobranchialis to arise entirely from the shoulder-girdle. Running forward, these several muscles are all inserted mainly on the hypo- branchial of the arch to which they are assigned, but certain of the fibres of the muscle of the first arch are inserted on the basihyal, and certain of the fibres of the muscles of the second to the sixth arches, and all of the fibres of the muscle to the seventh arch, on the ceratobranchial of the corre- sponding arch. Although not so stated by Vetter, the coracobranchiales must, because of these origins and inser- tions, in a measure embrace the pericardial chamber, running at first dorso-laterally and then dorso-mesially around it. Deeper (proximal) and distal fibres of the ventral portions of the const rictores snperficiales both coexist with the several coracobranchiales. In Acanthias and Scymnus the coracobranchiales, as described by Vetter, seem to differ from those in Heptanchus mainly in that they arise ventrally, in Acanthias, from the outer edge of the fascia that covers the pericardial chamber -and in Scymnus from the shoulder-girdle and a process of the fifth ceratobranchial. Marion (1905) says that, in Acanthias, the coracobranchialis is composed of five parts and forms the lateral wall of the pericardial chamber. In both -Scy Ilium and Mustelus, as I have already fully described, musculi coracobranchiales coexist with both deeper (proximal) -and distal fibres of the constrictores superficiales, and there is every reason to believe that similar conditions are found in both Acanthias and Scymnus. In Chlamydoselachus I find the coracobranchiales of the third to the sixth branchial arches all arising, as a single 352 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. continuous muscle-sheet, from the lateral edges of a strong median fascia which is attached posteriorly, On either side, to the lateral edge of the ventral portion of the shoulder-girdle. This fascia extends anteriorly, beyond the united ventral ends of the shoulder-girdles, as a narrow median tendinous band, and, lying close against the ventral surface of the peri- cardial membrane, forms, with that membrane, the related ventral portion of the wall of the pericardial chamber. The fascia is apparently formed in large part by the tendons of origin of the fibres of the muscle-sheet, and from there the fibres run at first antero-dorso-laterally and then antero- dorso-mesially, thus encircling and enclosing the pericardial chamber and the truncus arteriosus. The musculi coracc- branchiales of the third to the sixth branchial arches thus have every appearance of having been developed in intimate relations to the wall of the pericardial chamber, and of having retained their relations to that wall. The first and second coracobranchiales have become more or less independent of the pericardial wall and its related fascia. In this fish, as in Heptanclius, the deeper and distal portions of the ventral ends of the constrictores superficiales both coexist with the coracobranchiales. The coracobranchiales of Chlamydoselachus are all inner- vated, as they are said by Vetter to be in the fishes examined by him, by a large nerve of spinal or spino-occipital origin, the exact origin and composition of which I have not as yet determined, this nerve also innervating the musculi coraco- arcualis communis, coracohyoideus, and coracomandibularis. This common innervation of these several muscles, their practical continuity in the adult Heptanchus, and the fact that, in Heptanchus, Chlamydoselachus, Scyllium, and Mustelus, coracobranchiales, innervated by spinal or spino- occipital nerves, coexist with both the deeper (proximal) and the distal fibres of the ventral portions of the constrictores superficiales, all of which latter muscles are innervated by branchial nerves, give every reason to believe that both Dohrn and Edgeworth have in some way misinterpreted the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 353 muscles in embryos, and that the coracobranchiales of Vetter’s descriptions are not each derived from the ventral end of the corresponding branchial myotome, as they are said to be by both those authors. The coracobranchiales of these fishes must then either be developed from trunk myotomes, as the eoracohyoideus and coracomandibularis are said to be ; be developed, as in Ceratodus (Greil), from the ventral end of the axial mesoderm of the ultimate branchial arch, as will be later explained ; or, possibly, be developed from some part of the coelomic wall. Their innervation, as at present given, is decidedly against the supposition that they are developed from the myotome of the ultimate branchial arch, and in favour of their being- developed from trunk myotonies, as the other hypobranchial muscles are said to be. The conditions in Chlamydoselachus, if this fish is as primitive a one as it is generally considered to be, would favour their being developed from the coelomic wall, and this derivation has been ascribed to them, in other Selachii, by van Wijhe. Van Wijhe says (1882 b, p. 16): “ Der Muse, coraco- branchialis + coraco-mandibularis hat eine ganz andere Entstehungsweise als der coraco-hyoideus. Er entwickelt sich namlich aus der unpaaren vorderen Verlangerung des Pericardiums, dessen Hohle, wie wir gesehen haben, im Stadium J mit den Holden der Visceralbogen communicirt. Nach dem Stadium K fangt diese vordere Verlangerung zu obliteriren an ; die Zellen ihrer Wande werden Muskelfasern, und im Anfang des 0 ist die ganze Hohle geschwunden ; ihre muskelosen Wande sind zusammengekommen, undbilden die Anlage des Muse, coraco-mandibularis -f coraco-bran- chialis. In spaten Stadien ist derselbe immer leicht von dem Muse, coraco-hyoideus zu unterscheiden. Die Nebenzweige, welche ersterer zu den Visceralbogen abgeibt, sind aus den Unterenden der Wande der Visceralbogenhohlen entstanden.” The iC Nebenzweige ” above referred to by van Wijhe are quite certainly simply the deeper, proximal fibres of the ventral portions of the constrictores superficiales, which 854 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. coexist, in Heptanchus, Scyllium, and Mustelus, with the coracobranchiales and are inserted on them, but form no part of them. The coracobranchiales would then not be derived in any part from branchial myotonies, and their primitive innervation would depend upon what nerve or nerves innervated the parts of the pericardial wall from which they were derived, and this might evidently be either by branchial or postbranchial nerves. But if these muscles and the coracomandibularis are both derived from cells of similar origin, as van Wijhe states, and if the coraco- mandibularis was primarily innervated by spinal or spino- occipital nerves, the coracobranchiales must certainly also have been so innervated, and even Edgeworth does not question that the coracomandibularis was primarily as well as actually innervated by those nerves. Edgeworth further- more says (loc. cit., p. 178) that no muscles are directly formed from the walls of the branchial portion of the cephalic coelom, which, if correct, would indicate that the muscles described by van Wijhe were developed in the postbranchial, or spinal, region. The anatomical evidence is also all strongly in favour of the similarity of origin of these muscles ascribed to them by van Wijhe, and until the conflicting embryo- logical evidence has been controlled it accordingly seems proper to conclude that all the so-called hypobranchial muscles are of similar origin, and that they were primarily, as they are actually, innervated by spinal or spino-occipital nerves. In Chimaera coracobranchiales are said by Vetter (1878) to be found, and to there closely resemble the muscles found in the Selacliii. These muscles are thus found in all the Elasmobranchii, and in all of these fishes they are said to be innervated by spinal or spino-occipital nerves. In the Teleostomi and Dipneusti, coracobranchiales have been described as such in certain fishes, while, in other fishes, muscles described under other names are said to be the homologues of the coracobranchiales of the Elasmobranchii. In Acipenser the coracobranchiales of the first three VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 355 branchial arches are said by Vetter (1878) to be repre- sented by special tendons of the musculus coracoarcualis anterior which are inserted, one each, on the hypobranchial of the corresponding arch, the main tendon of the muscle being inserted on the hypohyal. The coracobranchialis of the fourth arch is said to be probably wanting. The coraco- branchialis of the fifth arch is said to be represented by the single tendon of the coracoarcualis posterior, which tendon is inserted on a ligament which extends from the basibranchial of the fourth arch to the ventral end of the rudimentary branchial bar of the fifth arch. Furbringer (1897, p. 460) found the tendon of the latter muscle separated into two parts, one of which was inserted on the branchial bar of the fourth arch and the other on that bar of the fifth arch. Vetter says that all these muscles are innervated by spinal nerves. The coracobranchiales of the adult Acipenser are thus said to be so completely fused with the coracoarcuales anterior and posterior that they appear as simple tendons of those muscles, and Edgeworth says (loc. cit., p. 235) that these tendons are developed from downgrowths of the lower ends of the first, second, third, and fifth branchial myotomes, while the coracohyoideus, which is Vetter’s coracoarcualis anterior together with the tendon inserted on the hypohyal, is said (loc . cit., p. 268) to be of spinal origin. No downgrowth, giving rise to a coracobranchialis, takes place in the fourth arch, this arch thus forming, for some inexplicable reason, a marked exception to the other arches. This interpretation of these several muscles of Acipenser, based by Vetter on anatomical and by Edgeworth on embryo- logical investigations and considerations, may perhaps be the correct one, but I strongly doubt it. Comparing the condi- tions in this fish with those in Heptanchus, Scyllium, and, Mustelus, as I have described them, it seems much more probable that the so-called coracobranchiales of the first three branchial arches of Acipenser are simply the homo- logues of the proximal fibres of the ventral ends of the con- 356 KD WAR'D PHKLPS ALUS. strictores superficiales of Heptanchus, Scyllium, and Mustelus, and not the homologues of -the hypobranchial coracobran- chiales of those fishes. The' musculus coracoarcualis posterior of Acipenser, if its innervation by spinal nerves is correct, might - be. the homologue of the coracobrancliiales of the Selacliii, but this innervation needs confirmation. In Ceratodus, coracobrancliiales are said by Edgeworth to be developed from the ventral ends of the second, third, and fifth branchial myotonies, but not from those ends of the first and fourth myotonies. In later stages, still another coraco- branchialis is said to be differentiated from the already differentiated interarcualis ventralis of the first branchial arch. Greil gives quite a different account of the origin of these muscles. According to him (1913) there is but one coracobranchialis on either side of the head of this fish, and it is said, as already explained, to be developed from the external one of two processes of the ventral end of the axial mesoderm of the fifth branchial arch, that mesoderm being derived from a ventral process of the second trunk myotome. The muscle is said by Greil (loc. cit. , p. 1344) to grow forward and separate into three or four heads which acquire insertions on the ventral ends of the branchial bars. The ventral ends of the axial mesoderms of the first to the fourth branchial arches are said to develop, respectively, into the musculi ceratohyoideus, interbianchialis anterior, interbranchialis posterior, and interbranchialis IV, while from the deeper one of the two processes from the ventral end of the axial mesoderm of the fifth arch the dorsopharyngeus is said to be developed ; all of these muscles being said to be serial homo- logues one of the other and all wholly independent of the coracobranchialis. In Amia, Edgeworth says (loc. cit., p. 237) that only one coracobranchialis is developed, the coracobranchialis V, and this muscle, in 14 mm. embryos, is said to divide into the pharyngoclaviculares externus and interims of the adult. In the Teleostei the development of these muscles is not par- ticularly described, but references made by Edgeworth to VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 357 those fishes make it certain that the conditions were there considered by him to be similar to those in Amia. In Poly p- terus senegalus the musculi pharyngoclaviculares are said to be developed as in Amia, but from the ventral end of the fourth instead of the fifth myotome. Regarding the innervation of the coracobranchiales, Edge- worth says (loc. cit., p. 253) : “ A. coraco-branchialis, or pharyngoclavicularis externusandinternus, developed by back- ward growth from the last branchial myotome, i. e. fourth in Polypterus senegalus, fifth in Amia, Salmo, Menidia, may either retain its original branchial innervation from the tenth, e.g. Amia (Allis), Esox (Yetter), Menidia (Herrick), Lepidosteus, Polypterus senegalus, or be innervated by spino- occipital nerves, e.g. Amiurus (Wright), Salmo (Harrison). When coraco-branchiales are developed from all the branchial myotomes, they are innervated by the spino-occipital nerves, e.g. Selachii (Yetter, Furbringer), Acipenser (Yetter), Polypterus ? species (Furbringer), Cera- todus (Furbringer) Y Certain of the musculi coracobranchiales are thus, like the trapezius, muscles said by Edgeworth to be innervated by the nerve of a segment of the body other than that from which the muscle is derived. The muscles said by him to be inner- vated by the nervus vagus can be left out of account in this respect, and the muscles in the Selachii, and the tendons that are said to represent the muscles in Acipenser, have been already considered. In Ceratodus, the dorsocleidobrancliialis of GreiFs (1913) descriptions, from which the so-called coraco- branchialis is said to be developed, is said by that author to be innervated, in embryos, by the nervus vagus, and although Furbringer (189?), who is quoted by Edgeworth, includes this muscle of this fish in the hypocranial spinal muscles, innervated by spino-occipital nerves, I cannot find that he himself traced their innervation by branches of those nerves. In Ameiurus, Herrick (1901, p. 209) says that the pharyngo- claviculares are innervated by the vagus, and not by spinal nerves as they were said to be by Wright, and I have con- EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. 858 trolled and confirmed this innervation by the vagus in sections that I have of this fish. In sections of a 75 mm. specimen of Polypterus senegalus I also find these muscles innervated by a branch of the vagus and not by spino-occipital nerves. In Polyodon, which is not cited by Edgeworth, the pharyngoclaviculares are said by Danfortli (1913) to be practically continuous, at their origin from the shoulder-girdle, with the coracoarcualis,.and to be innervated, as the latter muscle is, by spinal nerves ; and Danfortli adds : “ I could trace no branches of the vagus into their upper ends.” I however find, in a series of transverse sections of a 141 mm. specimen of this fish, a branch of the vagus going into the upper ends of these muscles and apparently inner- vating them. The large spinal nerve that innervates the hypobranchial muscles passes close to the ventral ends of the pharyngoclaviculares, but no branch could be found entering them. An artery that accompanies the large spinal nerve leaves it and enters the pharyngoclaviculares. The anatomical evidence regarding these muscles in the Teleostomi and Dipneusti is thus, as in the case of the Elas- mobranchii, against the view that they have undergone a secondary change of innervation, but it is strongly in favour of the view that there are, in these several fishes, two totally different sets of muscles that have both been called coraco- branchiales, one being of spinal or spino-occipital and the other of branchial origin. The muscles of spinal or spino- occipital origin are found in the Elasmobranchii, while those of branchial origin are found in the Teleostomi and Dipneusti. In the Teleostomi, with the possible exception of Polypterus (Edgeworth), the muscles are derived from the ventral half of the primitive constrictor superficialis of the ultimate branchial arch, this portion of this constrictor thus being utilised, in these fishes, for the secondary purpose of forming this muscle just as the dorsal portion of this muscle has been utilised, in the Elasmobranchii, for the secondary purpose of forming the musculus trapezius. In the Elasmobranchii the muscles are quite probably derived either from trunk myotonies or from the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 359 walls of the coelomic cavity, and hence not from branchial myotomes. The development of these muscles in Ceratodus, as described by Greil, may perhaps offer an explanation of this difference of innervation and apparent derivation of these muscles in these two large groups of fishes. The coraco- branchiales of Ceratodus are said by that author to be developed from a ventral process of the posterior half of the second trunk myotome. From a similar ventral process of the entire third trunk myotome a large muscle is said to be de- veloped (1913, p. 1140) which acquires insertion on the hypo- hyal and ceratohyal and hence is evidently a musculus coracohyoideus, and from this muscle the coracomandibularis is differentiated. Similar ventral processes of the fourth and fifth trunk myotomes form the posterior portion of the hypobranchial muscles, these portions evidently representing the musculus coracoarcualis of the Selachii ; and these muscles are all innervated by branches of a nerve formed by the fusion of the nerves of the fourth and fifth trunk seg- ments (myotomes). Of these nerves Greil says (loc. c i t ., p. 1139) : “ Es besteht jedoch keine engere Zugeliorigkeit zn den betreffenden Segmenten, jeder Nerv versorgt auch den Myotomfortsatz des vorderen Segmentes, was sich schon daraus ergiebt, dass der dritte Segmentalnerv in der Hegel keinen ventralen Nerven an die hypobranchiale Musculatur abgiebt.” Here it is said that the coracobranchiales and the coracomandibularis + coracohyoideus are derived from ventral processes of adjoining segments of the trunk which differ only in that one of them becomes affiliated with the branchial arches and acquires innervation by the vagus, while the other retains its affiliation with the trunk myotomes and acquires innervation by the nerve of the next posterior trunk seg- ment. This change of innervation, based on embryological evidence alone, I am always inclined to doubt, but it is to be noted that if the process of the second trunk myotome had retained its primitive relations to the other trunk myotomes, instead of undergoing some sort of change because of its 360 EDWARD PHKLPS ALLIS. affiliation with the branchial myotomes, the coracobranchiales would have been innervated by a spino-occipital instead of by a branchial nerve ; and this is possibly what has occurred in the Selachii. An adductor arcus branchialis is said by Vetter to be found, in all the Selachii examined by him, in each of the fully developed branchial arches, which would seem to exclude the ultimate arch in each of these fishes, that arch certainly not being fully developed. In Chimaera, Vetter says that similar muscles are found in the first three branchial arches, but that the corresponding muscles in the fourth and fifth arches resemble the arcuales dorsales of the Selachii rather than the adductores of those fishes. Tiesing (1895) says that in Mustelus and the Batoidei there is an adductor muscle in each arch, and I find an adductor in each of the six arches of the one specimen of Chlamydoselachus that I have examined for this purpose. Fiirbringer (1903, p. 397) did not find an adductor in the first branchial arch of his specimen of Chlamydoselachus. Vetter says that the adductores in the Selachii, and also in Chimaera, are all innervated by branches of the nervus vagus of the related arch, but he does not give the course of those branches. Tiesing gives the same innervation in the Selachii and Batoidei examined by him, and he adds that the branch of the vagus that innervates the muscle perforates, in each case, the related epibranchial in order to reach the muscle. In Chlamydoselachus 1 also find the nerve perforating the related epibranchial, near its anterior edge. The muscle, in all the Plagiostomi, and in the first three branchial arches of Chimaera, arises from the internal surface of the epibranchial of its arch and is inserted on the opposing, internal surface of the ceratobranchial of the arch. In the Teleostei, Vetter (1878) found no adductores arcuum branchialium excepting in one large specimen of Esox, in which specimen they are said to be represented by a few scattered muscle fibres lying in connective tissue in the angle VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 361 between the epibranchial and ceratobranchial in each of the first three branchial arches. These fibres being found only in a particularly large specimen of this fish, does not favour the view that they are persisting fibres of a muscle that is in process of reduction ; for one would naturally expect to find such a muscle relatively the more developed the younger the fish. In Ameiurus, Wright (1885) did not find any of these muscles, and they are said by Pollard (1892) not to be found in Polypterus. In the Dipneusti, also, they are apparently not found, for Fiirbringer (1904) makes no mention of them in his descriptions of those fishes. In Amia, I described (Allis, 1897) two adductores arcuum branchialium, one related to the fourth aud the other to the fifth branchial arch. The fourth adductor arises from the internal surface of a posteriorly projecting process of the fourth epibranchial, and is inserted on a similar process of the fourth ceratobranchial, the muscle thus lying on the posterior surface of the branchial bar. The fifth adductor extends from the opposite side of the process of the fourth ceratobranchial just above mentioned to the fifth cerato- branchial, lies somewhat on the posterior surfaces of those two cartilages, and is in part continuous, ventrally, with the transversus ventralis posterior. The branch of the vagus that innervates these muscles passes, in each case, over the posterior edge of the related branchial bar. In Polyodon, Danforth (1913) finds an adductor arcus brauchialis in each of the first four branchial arches. Each muscle arises from the flat posterior surface of the related epibranchial, the surface of origin not approaching the margin of the cartilage at any point, and the muscle is covered by a tough aponeurotic sheet which binds it to the cartilage and also serves as a secondary basis of origin. Running ventro- laterally each muscle passes between the epibranchial and ceratobranchial of its arch and is inserted on the anterior surface of the latter cartilage. Branches of the nerrus vagus of the related arch are sent to the muscle, passing, in each case, over the posterior edge of the related epibranchial. 362 EDWAKD PHELPS ALLIS. Fibres of the ramus post-trematicus internus of the next posterior arch are said to also enter the muscle, but Danforth could not determine whether they were motor or sensory nerves. In Acipenser, Vetter (1878) found a small adductor in each of the first three branchial arches. Adductores arcuum branchialium are accordingly described only in the Elasmobranchii and Ganoidei, and in these two groups of fishes there is marked difference, not only in the position of these muscles, but also in their manner of inner- vation. The muscles in these two groups of fishes cannot, then, be homologous if the innervation of muscles, and the relations of nerves to skeletal structures, are as constant as I consider them to be. That the nerves that innervate the muscles in Amia and Polyodon have cut through the related epibranchials, from their anterior to their pos- terior surfaces, the perforation of the cartilage in the Plagiostomi representing an intermediate stage in this process, I, on principle, greatly doubt, and, furthermore, DohriPs observations offer a different and more probable explanation of the conditions in the latter fishes. According to that author (1884, p. Ill), a concentration of mesoderm cells takes place, at a certain stage in embryos of these fishes, posterior to the proximal edge of the related myotome, and soon afterwards a second concentration of similar cells takes place anterior to the myotome. These two groups of cells are said to represent the beginnings of the chondrifica- tion of the branchial bar of the arch, but it is not said how or when the two groups fuse. That part of the myotome of the arch that lies between the two groups of cells is said to later differentiate as the adductor of the arch, and it would seem as if the nerve that innervates the muscle so differen- tiated would of necessity lie between the two groups of ce Is, and hence later perforate the branchial bar, and this seems to find confirmation in conditions that I find in my 42 cm. specimen of Scyllium. In this fish each musculus adductor lias its insertion, at either end, in a pit in the related epibranchial or ceratobranchial, and in each of the ceratobranchials this pit VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 303 m part perforates the cartilage, the muscle strands of the adductor there being directly continuous with those of the musculus interbran chialis of the arch. The adductor is thus here not yet fully cut off from the primitive constrictor of its arch, and if the epibranchial were similarly perforated in younger stages it is certain that these particular strands would be innervated by a nerve that traversed the perforation of that cartilage. If this be the explanation of the conditions in the Plagio- stomi, it is quite certain that the conditions in the Ganoidei were not derived from them. The conditions in these latter fishes are associated with, and quite undoubtedly correlated to, the presence of the straight form of branchial bar instead of the sigma form, and to the absence of cartilaginous branchial rays. Where these latter rays are found, the con- strictor muscle of an arch could slip, or project, over the anterior edge of the related branchial bar, as described by Dohrn in plagiostoman embryos, and so give rise to an adductor muscle, but it could not so slip over the posterior edge of the bar. The ganoidean adductores could not, accordingly, have been developed in a fish already possessed of cartilaginous branchial rays, and it would even seem a< if they could not have been developed in a fish already pos- sessed of the cartilaginous or osseous rods that support the branchial filaments in all the Teleostomi. These osseous rods I have already described in Scomber (Allis, 1903), and I now find similar supporting rods, of cartilage instead of bone, in Amia, Polyodon, and Polypterus. In Amia they are not evident until the fish is over 12 mm. in length. These rods are found in two series, one along the anterior and the other along the posterior edge of the branchial bar, and it would seem as if a constrictor muscle, which must primarily have occupied a position between their lines of attachment to the branchial bar, could not, after their development, have slipped over either edge of the bar. The Ganoidean adduc- tores must accordingly have been differentiated before these supporting rods were developed. In a specimen of Ceratodus '364 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. that has been long and not well preserved in alcohol, I do not find any of these supporting rods, and descriptions of this fish do not speak of them. There are nlso no adductores arcuum branch ialium in this fish, but there are persisting remnants of the constrictores superticiales, as already explained. In such a fish as this, certain of the fibres of the constrictor of an arch might slip over onto the posterior surface of its arch and so give rise to the ganoidean adductor. One other branchial muscle may here be mentioned, the retractor arcuum branchialium, found in Amia, Lepidosteus, and certain of the Teleostei, for this muscle is said bv Edsre- worth to be developed from trunk myotonies and to later acquire an innervation by a branch of the vagus. I have, however, recently shown (Allis, 1915) that this muscle of the Teleostei is quite certainly the homologue of a muscle, found in Chlamydoselachus, which is simply a differentiation of the * anterior end of the constrictor oesophagi. If I am right in this conclusion, the innervation of the muscle of the Teleostei is normal and primary, and not secondary. From the embryological and anatomical facts above pre- sented regarding the several muscles related to the branchial arches, it seems quite certain that, in the gnathostome fishes, the primitive condition of these muscles was, as Vetter long ago concluded, a simple annular constrictor in each arch ; and, to act as such a constrictor of the enclosed cavity, the muscle must have been attached both dorsally and ventrally either to some fixed structure or to its fellow of the opposite side. If attached primarily, at either end, to the related branchial bar, the muscle could not have acted as a constrictor. The branchial bar, in this primitive condition, probably lay directly internal to the constrictor muscle, DohriFs assertion that it lies posterior to the proximal edge of the myotome from which the muscle is developed probably applying only to early stages in the Elasmobranchii. The muscle and its relafed branchial bar probably lay primarily VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 365 in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the body, but this plane later became inclined to that axis, the acute angle lying posterior to the plane ; and still later it acquired, in the Elasmobranchii, the well known sigma form. What impressed this sigma form on these arches is not known, but it would seem as if it must have been related to the relative lengths of the pharyngeal cavity and the occipital portion of the chondro- cranium. But, whatever the cause, this sigma form of arch has definitely associated with it, in recent fishes, the presence of cartilaginous branchial rays, of musculi constrictores super- ficiales, and of musculi adductores arcuum branchialium of the plagiostoman type; while associated with the other, or straight, form of arch is the absence of the above cited features, the presence of supporting rods in the branchial filaments and of musculi levatores arcuum branchialium, and the occasional presence of musculi adductores arcuum branchialium that are innervated by nerves that pass over the posterior edge of the branchial bar of the related arch. In Ceratodus, it is probable (Allis, 1915) that there are much reduced pharyngobranchials and that they are directed postero-mesially, as they are in the Elasmobranchii, while the hypobranchials are directed antero-mesially, as in the Teleos- tomi ; and in this fish there are no adductores and apparently no supporting rods to the branchial filaments, but there are so-called musculi interbranchiales which are probably persist- ing remnants of the plagiostoman constrictores superficiales. This limitation of cartilaginous branchial rays or sup- porting rods in the branchial filaments, together with certain other associated and distinctive features, to the Elasmo- branchii and Teleostomi respectively, and the probable absence of both branchial rays and supporting rods in Ceratodus, would seem to favour the view that the Teleostomi were descended from a fish in which the cartilaginous branchial rays had not yet been acquired. I have, however, quite recently (Allis, 1915) concluded that the basal portions, at least, of the cartilaginous extrabranchials are archaic struc- tures, and that they are found, in modified form, either in the VOL. 63, PART 3. — NEW SERIES. 26 366 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. branchial arches, in the hyal and mandibular arches, or fused with the neurocranium, not only in all living Teleostomi but also in most, if not all, higher vertebrates. If this con- clusion is correct, and if these extrabranchials are simply modified branchial rays, as is generally accepted, then the early ancestors of the Teleostomi must have possessed those rays. But I have, since the publication of the paper above referred to, found that Braus (1906) concludes, from con- ditions found in embryos of Heptanchus, that the extra- branchials belong to an independent category of skeletal pieces. If this be so, it then seems probable that the early ancestors of the Teleostomi possessed these particular carti- lages, but not the ordinary branchial rays with which they a, re usually associated. The branchial muscles of the Selachii seem to be more primi- tive than those of any other of the gnathostome fishes. When, in the ancestor of the Selachii, the branchial arches acquired positions oblique to the axis of the body, and later, or at the same time, acquired the sigma form, the proximal edge of the simple dorso-ventral Constrictor of each arch slipped, in the middle of its length, over the anterior (actually lateral) surface of the branchial bar of its arch, and the fibres of the muscle, where they crossed the branchial bar, there first became tendinous, by the interruption of their muscular substance, and were then later cut through by acquiring' insertion on the bar. A triangular piece was thus cut out of the proximal edge of the muscle, and became the adductor of the arch. The gill-pouch anterior to the arch, pressing against the anterior surface of that part of the constrictor that remained external to the branchial bar, first caused a simple thinning of the muscle. The dorsal and ventral rays of the branchial series were then modified, as extrabranchials, in supporting relations to this thinned part of the muscle, or these extrabranchials were otherwise and independently developed for the same purpose, and at certain places in the lines where the muscle passed over these cartilages, it again became tendinous, or acquired insertion on the cartilages. VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 367 Two narrow and more or less extensive incisures were thus made in the muscle, and that part of the muscle that lay between these two incisures became the musculus inter- branchialis. Where the muscle fibres were not thus cut through, or did not become tendinous, the musculus inter- branchialis was simply a thinner portion of the primitive and continuous constrictor. That portion of the muscle that lay distal to the extrabranchials remained intact, and formed the continuous dorso-ventral fibres of the constrictor superficialis. The dorsal and ventral ends of the constrictores had, in the meantime, and in certain fishes, turned posteriorly, possibly influenced by the sigma form of the branchial bars. The arcual and interarcual muscles were then differentiated, and this, together with the overlappings and fusions of the dorsal and ventral portions of the constrictores superficiales with each other and with the musculus trapezius, and the forma- tion of tendinous aponeuroses where the muscle fibres crossed the underlying extrabrancliials, produced the many variations found in the adult. The constrictor of the ultimate branchial arch was utilised to form the musculus trapezius. In the Teleostomi, the straight form of arch was retained, and correlated to this the constrictores superficiales did not slip over the anterior edges of the related arches, but, in •certain fishes, certain of them slipped over the posterior edge of the related arch aud gave rise to the ganoidean adductors. The constrictor of each branchial arch then apparently became rudimentary in the middle of its length, doubtless because of modifications in the branchial lamellae and the development -of supporting branchial rods, but it was in part utilised to form the delicate radial muscles related to the supporting branchial rods. The dorsal and ventral portions of the primi- tive constrictor then became the levatores, and the transversi and obliqui dorsales and ventrales, and the ventral portion of the constrictor of the ultimate arch became the coraco- branchiales, or their homologues the pharyngoclaviculares. The levator of the ultimate branchial arch became, in certain •of these fishes, a musculus trapezius. 368 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. Edgeworth comes to totally different conclusions regarding the primitive condition and the later differentiations of these muscles. He says (He. p. 259) : “The probable primitive condition of each of the branchial myotomes was, from above downwards, a levator, a marginalis, an interarcualis ventralis, and (the lateral half of) a tranversus ventralis,” which would seem to imply that there was, in this primitive condition as conceived by him, no simple continuous constrictor extending the full length of the arch. The interarcuales ventrales are said by him to be muscles that extend between the ventral ends of the branchial bars. The marginales are said (l.c_ p. 233) to be muscles found by Schultze in anuran larvae and having their exact liomologues in what Edgeworth calls the vertical muscles of Ceratodus. These vertical muscles of Ceratodus are called by both Fiirbringer (1904) and G-reil (1913) the interbranchiales, and they are said by Fiirbringer to extend from the neurocranium to a process on the ventral end of the ceratobranchial of the arch next anterior to the one to which the interbranchialis belongs. It would, accordingly seem as if these muscles must be remnants of the primitive constrictor of the arch and not interbranchiales;. and yet Edgeworth intercalates them, in each branchial arch of the primitive vertebrate, between the musculi levator and' interarcualis ventralis of that arch. Edgeworth (l.c. p. 178) considers the branchial muscles in the Amphibia to repre- sent the most primitive condition found in any vertebrate, and he (l.c. p. 176) furthermore thinks it probable that there were, in the primitive vertebrate, but two branchial arches, and that where other arches are now found they have been, subsequently added posterior to those two. Hyal Arch. Dohrn (1885) says that, in the hyal arch of selachians (Plagiostomi), that proximal portion of the myotome (Muscu- latur) out of which, in the branchial arches, the adductor is developed is wanting, its formation having been wholly pre- VISCERAL ARCHES OP THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 369 vented bv the one commissure formed, in this arch, in relation to the efferent arteries. The musculi interarcuales are also wanting in this arch, bnt it is said that in their place there is a complicated system of ligaments. It is not said that these ligaments are developed from any part of the myotome of the arch, but this would seem to be implied, the ligaments then representing the missing musculi interarcuales. In the ventral part of the arch the muscles are said to be found, undiminished in number, exactly as in the branchial arches. The distal portion of the myotome (Musculatur) is said to form the constrictor superficialis of the arch, which is richly developed, especially in its ventral portion. Dorsally this constrictor is said to turn posteriorly and fuse with the corresponding portion of the muscle of the first branchial arch. Ventrally, the distal portion of the constrictor is said to fuse with a similarly named portion of a myotome (Muskel- schlauches) which comes from the mandibular arch, tiie two muscles, together, then running ventrally and fusing with the fibres of the coracohyoideus and coracomandibularis exactly as the “ other coracobranchiales ” do (in der Weise der iirbigen M. coraco-branchiales). This expression evidently affirms that the distal portions of the ventral ends of the constrictores superficiales of the liyal and mandibular arches represent the coracobranchiales of those arches, and it would seem to imply that the coracobranchiales of the branchial arches were derived from the corresponding portions of the constrictores superficiales of their arches. But as, as has already been fully explained, the coraco- branchiales of DohriTs descriptions are said by him to be developed from the proximal portions of the myotomes of their respective arches, it must be that the coracobranchiales here referred to are the muscles so named by Vetter, but said by Dohrn to have been wrongly identified by him. What becomes of the remaining, proximal fibres of the ventral portion of the hyal myotome is not said, notwithstanding that they have been said to exist exactly as in the branchial arches. The descriptions are thus not clear, but it is important to note 370 EDWAKD PHELPS ALLIS. that the ventral end of the constrictor of the hyal arch fuses with a muscle developed from a corresponding portion of the mandibular myotome. Edgeworth says (1911, p. 206) that in 14 mm. embryos of Scyllium, the ventral end of the hyal myotome becomes con* tinuous with the lateral edge (morphologically the dorsal end) of the future interhyoideus, this latter muscle being said to be developed, as will be later explained, from the walls of the ccelomic cavity and not from the hyal myotome. In 16 mm. embryos the myotome is said to be partly continuous with the interhyoideus and partly inserted on the lateral surface of the hyal bar to form a levator hyomandibularis (levator hyoidei, Edgeworth). In later stages the myotome becomes separated from the interhyoideus, and the lateral edge (dorsal end) of the latter muscle is inserted on the ceratohyal. A backward extension of the myotome and the interhyoideus then takes place, and a continuous dorso-ventral muscle-sheet is thus formed, which lies posterior to the hyal bar, and is said to be the muscle C3vd of Huge’s (1897) descriptions of the adult. This dorso-ventral sheet is accordingly said to be formed, in its dorsal portion, by fibres derived from the hyal myotome, and in its ventral portion by fibres derived from the ccelomic wall. The constrictor superficialis of the hyal arch is accordingly not the strict serial homologue of the constric- tores of the branchial arches, although this is not so stated by Edgeworth. It is said that the primary form of the interhyoideus, developed from the coelomic wall, would appear to have been a transverse band connecting the two hyal bars. In the adult Selachii the muscles of this arch have been described by Vetter, Tiesing, Ruge, and Marion, Ruge’s descriptions being particularly complete. In this arch no musculi interbranchialis, arcualis, or interarcualis are differen- tiated ; but, according to Dolirn, the two latter muscles may be represented by ligaments. A musculus interbasalis (Interarcualis dorsalis I, Vetter) may be found extending from this arch to the first branchial arch (Allis, 1915), but VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISH US. 371 this muscle is derived from trunk myotomes and not from branchial ones. In Heptanchus (Vetter), Hexanchus (Huge), and Chlamy- doselachus the fibres of the constrictor superficial^ of the hyal arch have a nearly dorso-ventral course, but in most other Selachii that have been described the dorsal and ventral ends of this constrictor are directed more or less posteriorly, and it is probable that in all these latter fishes, as is certainly the case in my specimen of Mustelus, the distal (posterior) fibres cross, in their course, the extrabranchials of one or more of the branchial arches. In certain of these fishes the ventral fibres extend posteriorly nearly or quite to the ventral end of the shoulder-girdle. The fibres of the muscle may become tendinous where they cross the extrabranchials of the branchial arches, particularly the dorsal extrabranchials. They do not usually become tendinous where they cross the extrabranchials of their own arch, nor are they inserted on those extrabranchials, this doubtless being due to the absence of an overlapping branchial diaphragm and gill-pouch, and accounting for the absence of a musculus interbranchialis in this arch. In the middle of the length of the constrictor, opposite the hyomandibulo-ceratohyal articulation, the muscle fibres are, probably in all Selachii, interrupted by a more or less extensive aponeurosis. Dohrn describes this aponeurosis even in embryos, but it is evident that the fibres must here have been primarily continuous, and Ruge (1897, p. 224) says that the conditions in the adult Hexanchus warrant this conclusion. In the proximal edge of the constrictor there is, as in the branchial arches, a large angular incisure, and this incisure is filled by the articulating ends of the epihyal and ceratohyal, the cut ends of the fibres being inserted on those cartilages. Comparison with the conditions in the branchial arches would then seem to make it practically certain that a piece has here been cut out of this hyal muscle, as it has been cut out of the branchial muscles, and that the pieces so cut out of these several muscles were all serial homologues. If this be so. 372 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. some indication of the piece so cut out of the hyal muscle should be found in some stage of development of these fishes. According to Dohrn, it is not found in embryos, and he further says that the conditions there are such as to preclude the possibility of its development. There is, however, in the adults of these fishes a large and important ligament, the inferior postspiracular ligament, found in the hyal arch but not in the branchial arches, and not accounted for in Dohrn’ s descriptions of embryos. In a recent work I suggested (Allis, 1915) that this inferior postspiracular ligament of the Selachii was probably derived from the musculus arcualis dorsalis of the hyal arch. I at that time accepted the currently expressed opinion that an adductor muscle was not differentiated in this arch, or that if differentiated it had later completely aborted. My present work leads me to doubt both these assumptions, and it now seems to me much more probable that the ligament is derived from the adductor of the arch than from the arcualis dorsalis. The ligament is found in nearly all, if not in all, the Selachii, and it is not found either in the Batoidei or the Teleostomi. In the Teleostomi the plagiostoman adductores are not found even in the branchial arches, as has been already fully explained, this accounting for the absence of the ligament in the hyal arch of these fishes; and the reason for its absence in the Batoidei will be considered immediately below. In the Selachii, the adductor, probably developed exactly as in the branchial arches, ceased to be of functional value, doubtless because of the intimate attachment of the cartilages of the arch to those of the mandibular arch, and, travelling upward along the epihyal until it reached and acquired insertion on the chondrocraniuin, it became the inferior postspiracular ligament. The relations of the ligament to the nerves, arteries, and veins of the region, said by me to be in accord with the derivation of the ligament from the arcualis dorsalis of the arch, are equally in accord with its derivation from the adductor of the arch, and, while the ligament might appa- rently have been developed from either muscle, the derivation VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 373 from the adductor is much more in accord with the conditions in the Batoidei. In the Batoidei there is no inferior postspiracular ligament. In these fishes the proximal portion of the myotome of the hyal arch apparently passed over onto the anterior surface of the cartilaginous bar of the arch exactly as in the branchial arches, but, because of the marked change in the angle between the epihyal and ceratohyal (see Parker, 1876, PI. 61, fig. 4), and the separation of the epihyal from the pharyngo- hyal, which latter element was utilised to form the hyo- mandibula (Allis, 1915), the proximal portion of the myotome here separated from the distal portion throughout its entire length, and no small middle portion was cut out to form an adductor. The proximal portion then acquired attachment on the pharyngohyal (hyomandibula) ami gave rise to the musculi levator and depressor hyomandibularis of Tiesing’s (1895) descriptions, and possibly also to the depressor mandibularis, which is said by Tiesing to be innervated by the nervus facialis. The remaining, distal portion of the myotome formed the constrictor superficialis. No adductor muscle being differentiated in this arch in these fishes, an inferior postspiracular ligament was naturally never de- veloped. Ruge says that, in the Selachii, the dorsal and ventral portions of the hyal constrictor superficialis both Tend to separate into superficial and deeper layers, the former acquiring an insertion on the mandibular cartilages while the latter retains its primary insertion on the hyal cartilages. The insertion of certain of the fibres on the mandibular cartilages he considers to be an ancient acquisition of these fishes, and whenever it is wanting, in recent fishes, he con- siders it to be due to retrogression. The nervus hyoideo- mandibularis facialis is said to always lie external (anterior) to that part of the hyal constrictor that is inserted on the hyal cartilages, and to usually, but not always, lie internal (posterior) to the fibres inserted on the mandibular cartilages. In the region of the hyomandibulo-ceratohyal articulation, 374 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. where the constrictor never separates into superficial and deeper layers, the nerve apparently always lies on the external (anterior) surface of the muscle. In the several figures given by Ruge, the nervus facialis is seen to lie internal to the dorsal portion of the hyal con- strictor superficialis only in Heptanchus and possibly, in part, in Spinax ; the nerve in the latter fish first lying on the external surface of the muscle and then apparently piercing it before it, the nerve, reaches the level of the hyomandibulo- ceratohyal articulation. In all of the many excellent figures of these fishes given by Luther (1909), the nerve lies internal to this part of the constrictor only in Heptanchus, Hexanchus, and Lamna. In the remnant of a head of Lamna that I have, I find the anterior fibres of the proximal portion of this part of the constrictor inserted on the palatoquadrate, but the remaining proximal fibres inserted on the liyomandibula. The nervus facialis lies internal to those fibres that are inserted on the palatoquadrate, but, beyond those fibres, it lies between the palatoquadrate and the hyomandibula, and hence external to the fibres inserted on the latter cartilage. In all the other Selachii figured by both Ruge and Luther, the nervus facialis lies external to all the fibres of this portion of the hyal constrictor. In Heptanchus and Hexanchus the liyomandibula is relatively slender and lies internal to the palatoquadrate (Gfegenbaur, 1872). In Lamna I find the dorsal end of the hyo- mandibula lying internal to the palatoquadrate. In all the other Selachii figured by Ruge and Luther, the dorsal end of the hyomandibula, so far as I can determine from existing de- scriptions at my disposal, lies posterior to the palatoquadrate and separated from it by a considerable interval, as shown in Gregenbaur’s figures of Mustelus, Scymnus, Centrophorus, and Heterodontus. This, then, probably gives an explanation of the differing relations of the nervus facialis to the dorsal portion of the hyal constrictor. Where the dorsal end of the hyomandibula lies internal and close to the palatoquadrate, the nervus facialis also lies internal and close to the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE G N AT H 0 s TO M E FISHES. 375 latter cartilage. The fibres of the hyal constrictor, all primarily inserted on the hyomandibula, were then overlapped externally by the palatoquadrate, and the dorso-posterior edge of the latter cartilage lay posterior (distal) to the nervns facialis. The superficial fibres of the hyal constrictor then acquired insertion on the palatoquadrate along the line where the dorso-posterior edge of that cartilage crossed them, and so acquired a position external to the nervus facialis. Other, deeper fibres of the muscle then followed and joined the superficial ones. Where the dorsal end of the hyo- mandibula lay at a considerable distance from the palato- quadrate, the fibres of the constrictor simply pushed bodily forward, carrying the nervus facialis with them, and so retained their primitive position internal (posterior) to that nerve. In the Holostei and Teleostei the conditions are here quite different from those in the Selachii. In the former fishes, the epihyal does not acquire articulation with the neuro- cranium; the posterior articular head of the hyomandibula quite certainly being formed by the fusion of the supra- pharyngobranchial of the arch, derived from the basal portion of the extrabranchial of the arch, with the epihyal (Allis, 1915). That part of the constrictor superficialis that lay dorsal to the suprapharyngobranchial (extrabranchial) must then have been cut off from the ventral portion of the constrictor, and, lying between the suprapharyngobranchial and the cranial wall, it became modified to form the inusculi adductor hyomandibularis and levator and adductor operculi. These three muscles of the Holostei and Teleostei are, accordingly, together, the serial homologue of the levatores arcuum branchalium in their own branchial arches, and the homologue of the dorsal portion of the hyal constrictor superficialis of the Selachii. The branch of the nervus facialis that innervated these hyal muscles, lying primarily on the anterior (external) surface of the constrictor of the arch, would naturally have followed the muscles, and so come to lie internal to the dorsal end of the hyomandibula. The •376 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. muscles would naturally retain tliei r primitive relations to the vena jugularis, and when they acquired, by their dorsal ends, insertion on the neurocranium, that insertion would be dorsal to the vein; and such I find to be the relations of the muscles to the vein in Amia, Lepidosteus, Polypterus, Polyodon, and several Teleostei that I have examined for this special purpose, with the single exception of Ameiurus. In Ameiurus the vein passes over the posterior edge of the adductor hyomandibularis, and then lies dorsal (external) to that muscle, Ameiurus thus being exceptional in this as also in several other cranial features (Allis, 1915, p. 566). Vetter (1878, pp. 532-534), also, considered that these muscles of the Teleostei were derived from what corresponds to the dorsal portion of the constrictor superficialis of the hyal arch of the Selachii, but he said it was difficult to con- ceive the intermediate stages in such an extraordinary change of position. The development of the hyomandibula in the manner that I have suggested wholly removes this difficulty. The levatores arcuum branchialium were considered by Vetter to represent remnants of the musculi interbranchiales of the Selachii, this conclusion being evidently based on the assumption that the constrictores superficiales of the Selachii had entirely disappeared in the Teleostei, as he had pre- viously concluded that they had disappeared in Chimasra and Acipenser. • In an earlier work I said (Allis, 1897, p. 751) that : “ The adductor hyomandibularis is probably developed from a muscle comparable to one or more of the interarcual muscles of the branchial arches of selachians, and is thus homodyn- amous with the levators of the branchial arches of teleostomes, and not with the adductor inandibulae. The adductor operculi and levator operculi, at least the latter, are derived from the interbrancbial muscles of their arch, and are thus homodyn- amous with the levator arcus palatini, and not with the levator muscles of the branchial arches. ” These conclusions were based on my interpretation of Vetter’s descriptions of the Selachii, and on the acceptance of his conclusion that the VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 377 constrictores superficiales had entirely disappeared in the Teleostei, but as, as I have fully explained in preceding pa ges, Vetter’s descriptions of these muscles are not wholly correct,, my deductions from them were also not wholly correct. In a recent work (Allis, 1915), still influenced by Vetter’s descrip- tions, I suggested that the adductor hyomandibularis of the Teleostei might be the homologue of the inferior postspiracular ligament of the Selachii ; but as the adductor hyomandibularis of the Teleostomi would then be the serial homologue of tlio adductores arcuum branchialium of the Selachii, this cannot be if my present conclusions are correct. Edgeworth (l.c., p. 210) says that the retractor hyo- mandibularis of Acipenser, and the adductor hyomandibularis of Lepidosteus, Ami a, and Sal mo, are all derived from the anterior portion of the constrictor superficialis of the liyal arch of the Selachii, and that the musculus opercularis of Acipenser and Lepidosteus, and the adductor and levator operculi of Amia and Salmo, are derived from the posterior portion of that constrictor of the Selachii ; which is in accord with my present conclusions. The levatores arcuum branchi- alium of the Teleostei are said by Edgeworth to be developed from the upper ends of the branchial myotomes, which i& evidently correct, but he then further says that, because of this origin, these muscles of the 'Teleostei have no counter- parts in the Selachii, unless it be in the musculus trapezius as described by him, which I consider incorrect. The proximal (anterior) fibres of the ventral portion of the constrictor superficialis of the hyal arch must, primarily,, have nil been inserted on the ceratohyal, and, in the Selachii, they became connected with their fellows of the opposite side by a median ventral aponeurosis, and so formed a musculus interhyoideus which extended from one hyal arch to the other across the ventral surface of the head. But a more or less important portion of the fibres later here acquired, as in the dorsal portion of the constrictor, a secondary insertion on the mandibular cartilage of either side, and so became an 378 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. intermandibularis. Whether or not this intermandibularis, innervated by the nervns facialis, was overlapped externally by an intermandibularis derived from the corresponding- portion of the mandibular myotome, and innervated by the nervus trigeminus, cannot be told from dissections of the adult, but it is certain that, in the adults of living fishes, these two muscles are indistinguishably continuous one with the other. There is, accordingly, question as to where one muscle ends and the other begins, and it is frequently asserted that that part of the muscle that is of mandibular origin has lost its primary innervation by the nervus trigeminus and secondarily acquired innervation by the nervus facialis. It is accordingly important to know the relations of the nervus facialis to these muscles. The ramus hyoideus facialis, as shown in nearly all of Vetter’s (1874), Ruge’s (1897), and Luther’s (1909) figures of the Selachii, leaves the external surface of the hyal con- strictor to acquire a position between the musculi interhyoideus and interinandibularis and does not reappear on the external surface of the latter muscle. This is not, however, invariably the case, for in one of Luther’s figures of Heptanchus (1. c. p. 75) so-called motor branches of the^ nerve are shown reappearing on the external surface of the intermandibularis near its anterior end, and in the same author’s figures of Chlamydoselachus, Heterodontus, Squalus, and Etmopterus, small branches of the nerve are also shown reappearing on the external surface of the muscle, but it is not said that they are motor nerves, as in the case of Heptanchus. In Chlamy- doselachus one of these small branches is shown re-entering the muscle. Ruge found no branch of the nervus trigeminus going to any part of the musculus intermandibularis in any of the fishes examined by him. Luther, on the contrary, found branches of that nerve going to, and apparently innervating, the anterior part of the intermandibularis in all of the Plagiostomi examined by him excepting only Chlamydo- selachus and the Notidanidas. In his earlier work (1909) he concluded, in accord with Fiirbringer (1903) and VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 879 Huge (1897), that when the intermandibularis is innervated wholly by the nervus facialis, a muscle of facialis origin has simply crowded out and replaced one of trigeminus origin, but in a later work (1913, p. 46) he concluded that the trigeminus muscle here persisted, but had secondarily acquired innervation by the nervus facialis. Because of the wide distribution of the innervation of certain fibres of the intermandibularis by the nervus trigeminus, he considers this to be an archaic feature in fishes. In Chlainydoselachus, I find the musculi interliyoideus and intermandibularis forming a single continuous muscle-sheet which extends transversely from one side of the head to the other, without the intervention of a median aponeurosis. The posterior quarter, approximately, of this muscle-sheet is inserted, on either side, on the corresponding ceratohyal, while the anterior half is inserted wholly on the mandibula. Between these two parts of the muscle-sheet, and lying im- mediately anterior to a tendinous band which extends from the musculus adductor mandibulm to the musculus inter- hyoideus (see Luther, 1909, fig. 1), I find, in all my speci- mens, the fibres of the remaining quarter of the sheet separated, for a short distance along each lateral edge, into deeper and superficial layers, the deeper (dorsal) fibres being inserted on the ceratohyal and the superficial (ventral) ones on the mandibula. The deeper layer lies external to the proximal (anterior) portion of the ventral end of the constrictor of the first branchial arch, but in large part separated from it by the hyal branchial rays and the hyo- branchial gill pouch. The constrictor of the first branchial arch similarly overlaps and lies external to the constrictor of the second branchial arch. This overlapping of these muscles is well shown in Vetter’s figure of Heptanchus (1874, PI. 15, fig. 7), where the proximal fibres of the con- strictores superficiales of the first and second branchial arches, are shown lying directly internal to the musculus interhyoideus. There are accordingly here, in Chlamydoselachus and 380 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. Heptanohus, four muscle-sheets superimposed one above the other, the two internal muscles being wholly independent of each other and of the external ones, because of the inter- vening branchial pouches, but the two external muscles being fused to a greater or less extent with each other in the mid- ventral line. It might then be assumed that these two external muscles belonged the one to the hyal and the other to the mandibular arch, and that they had, because of the abortion of the intervening branchial cleft, partially fused with each other, as the overlapping constrictores of the liyal and branchial arches of Mustelus and certain other Selachii have, and as has already been described. The conditions in Chlamydoselachus and Heptanclius can, however, equally well represent two different stages in the change of insertion of a hyal muscle from the branchial bar (ceratohyal) of its own arch to that (mandibula) of the mandibular arch, similar to the change of insertion that takes place in the dorsal portion of the muscle and has just been described. The first assump- tion requires the further assumption that the overlapping muscle of mandibular origin has wholly, or in large part, lost its primary innervation by the nervus trigeminus and secondarily acquired innervation by the nervus facialis ; and Chlamydoselachus, generally considered to be the most primi- tive of living Selachii, would present a more advanced stage, not only in the fusion of these two muscles but also in the secondary change of innervation, than any other selachian that I know of. The second of the two assumptions entails no secondary assumptions for its justification, excepting the readily acceptable one that part of a hyal muscle has secon- darily acquired insertion on a mandibular cartilage, and Chlamydoselachus, if a primitive fish, would naturally show an early stage in the process. The innervation of the muscles in Chlamydoselachus favours the second assumption. In this fish, Chlamydoselachus, in each of five specimens that I have examined, the nervus hyoideus facialis at first runs forward along the external surface of the posterior portion of the interhyoideus, and there gives off two or more VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 381 branches. These branches also at first lie on the extern surface of the posterior portion of the interhyoideus, and send branches to that muscle and to the adjacent portions of the continuous, dorso-ventral fibres of the constrictor super- ficialis ; these branches anastomosing more or less with each other. When the nerve and its branches reach the region where the primarily single muscle- sheet separates, along its lateral edges, into a superficial intermandibularis and a deeper interhyoideus portion, they, in four of the five specimens examined, all perforate the muscle-sheet, either at that line of separation or immediately anterior to it, and acquire a position between the two sheets. In this position the several branches either remain independent or unite to form one or two nerves, and, in one specimen which was examined simply for the muscles and not the nerves, they are shown, in my drawings, always lying between the two muscles, internal to the one and external to the other. In the other three of these four specimens, which were more carefully examined, the nerve or nerves ran forward for a certain variable distance between the two muscles, sending branches to them, and then perforated the intermandibularis, this time from within out- ward, and, reaching its external surface, there ran forward nearly to its anterior end. At I his point, all the branches again penetrated the muscle-sheet, which was here repre- sented by the intermandibularis alone, and did not again reappear on its external surface. In several instances the mesial branches of the nerves of opposite sides fused in the median line, anterior to the interhyoideus portion of the muscle, to form a single median nerve which then entered the musculus intermandibularis and was not farther traced. On one side of the fifth one of the five specimens a large branch of the nerve remained on the external surface of the muscle-sheet, the main nerve perforating the sheet and running forward in the manner above described. The large branch crossed onto the external surface of the musculus adductor mandibulae, sent a large branch to anastomose with the nervus mandibularis trigemini, and then itself turned VOL. 63, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 27 382 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. antero-mesially to reach and penetrate the anterior portion of the musculus intermandibularis. On the other side of the head of this same specimen, what was apparently the corre- sponding branch was given off while the main nerve was on the internal surface of the intermandibularis, and, having perforated that muscle from within outward, it joined and anastomosed with the latero-sensory nerve that innervates the sense organs of the hyomandibular line. No branch was noticed later leaving the latero-sensory nerve to go to the musculus intermandibularis, but as the dissection was made without any thought of there being such a branch it is probable that it existed but was overlooked. No branch of the nervus trigeminus was found going to any part of the muscle-sheet in any of my specimens. Luther (1909) shows a branch of this latter nerve going to the anterior end of the muscle, but he considered it to probably be a sensory and not a motor nerve. The nervus hyoideus facialis must primarily have lain, in all the Selachii, along the anterior (external) surface of all the muscles it innervates that nre derived from the myotome of its own arch, that being the position in which all the branchial nerves are found, and it does actually lie external to the interhyoideus in all of the five specimens of Chlamydo- selachus above described. It, however, lies, in four of those five specimens, external to certain portions of the inter- mandibularis, but internal to certain other portions. If this intermandibularis muscle be developed from the myotome of the hyal arch, this difference in the relations of the nerve to the muscle can be naturally explained, as in the dorsal portion of the constrictor of this arch, by the assumption that certain of the fibres of the muscle, which were primarily inserted on the ceratohyal, had secondarily acquired insertion on the mandibula by passing external to the nerve as that nerve ran forward near the ventral (morphologically posterior) edge of the mandibula, while in other cases the muscle retained its primitive position internal (posterior) to the nerve. This explanation would, however, not apply if the intermandibu- V ISCERAE ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 383 laris were of mandibular origin, for the muscle would then have lain primarily anterior and hence external to the nervus facialis, and it is difficult to conceive how certain portions of it, still retaining* their primary insertion on the mandibula, could have shifted from this primarily anterior and external relation to the nerve to a posterior and hence internal isola- tion to it. And as the muscle in no way lies in the path of, or interferes with the nervus facialis, it is difficult to conceive a reason for the perforation of the muscle by the nerve. The interhyoideus and intermandibularis muscles of Chlamydoselachus could accordingly both be of facialis origin, so far as the relations of nerve and muscle are con- •cerned, but in all probability only that portion of the inter- mandibularis that lies anterior to the point where the nervus facialis definitely disappears from its external surface could be of mandibular origin. And if this portion of the muscle be of mandibular origin, as several authors have maintained, I consider it certain that it is innervated by a branch of the nervus mandibularis trigemini, and that that branch has simply been missed in dissections, my own included. That it is possible that this nerve has been so missed is shown by the fact that in Heptanchus, where Furbringer and Luther both found the intermandibularis innervated by the nervus facialis alone, my assistant, Mr. John Henry, finds, on both sides of the head of one of three specimens of this fish that were •examined, a branch of the nervus mandibularis trigemini going to the intermandibularis in a position strictly com- parable to that shown by Luther in several of the Selachii examined by him, while in the other two specimens it was not found. Edgeworth says that the musculi interhyoideus and inter- mandibularis, apparently wherever found in the vertebrate series, are not developed from the myotomes of their respec- tive arches, but from related portions of the wall of the coelomic cavity, and that they accordingly have no homologues in the branchial arches. According to him (loc. cit., p. 178) ; •“ The cephalic coelom disappears in the mandibular and hyoid 384 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. segments early in development, and its walls develop into the intermandibularis and interhyoideus, which are at first con- tinuous with the mandibular and hyoid myotonies. The lower ends of the branchial myotomes separate from the wall of the branchial portion of the cephalic coelom, and they develop into the branchial muscles. No muscles are directly formed from the wall of the branchial portion of the cephalic coelom, which subsequently retreats from the head.” This strikingly recalls van Wijhe’s description of the development of the coracobranchialis + coracomandibularis muscles in these same fishes, but it seems certain that the observations of these two authors do not relate to the same muscles. Of the intermandibularis of Scyllium Edgeworth says (loc. cit., p. 180) : “ The intermandibularis (Cs2 of Vetter, C2mv of Ruge) is formed from the ventral portion of the mandibular cavity, which, as mentioned above, does not meet its fellow in the mid-ventral line, but passes backwards ventro- median to the ventral end of the hyoid cavity to open into the fore end of the cephalic coelom.” Here, in Scyllium, the inter- mandibularis is thus definitely said to arise from the mandibular cavit}7 and hence not from a part of the cephalic coelom, which would seem to be in direct contradiction to the statement just previously made. Edgeworth then further says: “It results from this that there is no developmental stage in which the intermandibularis lies altogether in front of the interhyoideus. It gradually extends backwards, underlying the interhyoideus, so that in 23 mm. embryos its hinder end lies posterior to the ventral end of the cerato- hyal.” Luther (1909, p. 97) has already made brief reference to- this development of the intermandibularis and interhyoideus from parts of the cephalic coelom, as set forth in an earlier work of Edgeworth’s (1902) which I have not been able to- consult, and he, Luther, expresses much doubt as to its being correct, an opinion which I strongly share. My reasons for considering it incorrect can be best explained by reference to Scammon’s (1911) figures of the head somites in embryos of VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FfSHES. 385 Squalus acanthi as. In fig. 20 of that work Scammon gives a reconstruction of the head somites in a 9 mm. embryo of Squalus, and I have reproduced it in the accompanying Text-fig. 1. In this figure it is seen that while the coelomic cavity might properly be considered to be prolonged into the short united portion of the hyal and mandibular stalks, and even beyond the hyal stalk for a short distance into the ventral end of the mandibular stalk, it can no more be con- sidered to be prolonged into the basal portion of the hyal stalk than also into the basal portions of the stalks of the branchial myotomes. The case is strictly similar to that of the truncus arteriosus and the afferent arteries that arise from it. The truncus arteriosus cannot be considered as in any way con- tinued into any of these arteries excepting only into the afferent mandibular artery. With regard to this latter artery there is no line of demarcation to indicate where the truncus arteriosus ends and the mandibular artery begins, and in my discussion of these arteries in embryos (Allis, 1908) I assumed that the basal portion of the afferent mandibular artery represented an anterior prolongation of the truncus arteriosus. The cavity designated as the hyal cephalic coelom in Edge- worfhks Text-fig. 1, showing a transverse section of a 7 mm. embryo of Scy Ilium, is then certainly a part of the hyal stalk, and the fact that the interhyoideus muscle, developed from this part of the stalk, is said to be at first continuous with the hyal myotome would seem to be of greater significance than the further fact, to which Edgeworth gives the greater signifi- cance, that this part of the stalk does not separate from the wall of the coelomic cavity before developing into muscle fibres, as the stalks of the myotomes in the branchial region are said to do. The so-called mandibular cephalic coelom of this same Text-figure of Kdgewortlds might, however, be considered to be a part of the cephalic coelom, for, as in the case of the afferent mandibular artery, there is no line of demarcation to indicate where the cephalic coelom ends and the mandibular stalk begins. But if the musculus inter- hyoideus is developed from the ventral portion of the hyal 386 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. myotome and not from a part of the cephalic coelom, as above explained, then the musculus intermandibularis must be developed from a corresponding portion of the mandibular myotome, for Edgeworth says (loc. cit., p. 226) that these two muscles are serially homologous. This conclusion is inevitable if the premises are correct, and the intermandibularis, although lying actually, in sections, ventral to the interhyoideus, would lie morphologically entirely in front of that muscle. This Text-fig. 1. explanation of Edgeworth's observations would also establish that the intermandibularis and interhyoideus of his descrip- tions could not be the coracobranchialis + coracomandibularis of van Wijhe's (1882 b) earlier descriptions, notwithstanding the marked similarity in the descriptions of their derivation. Of fishes other than tlie Selachii Edge worth says (loc. cit., p. 209) that, in 8 mm. embryos of Acipenser, the hyal muscles “ consist of a hyoid myotome, the anterior part of which is inserted into the upper end of the hyoid bar, forming a levator hyoidei, and the posterior part of which forms a dorso-ventral sheet — homologous with C2vd of selachians — VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE UNATHOSTOME FISHES 387 continuous with the posterior part of the interhyoideus, whilst the anterior part of the interhyoideus is inserted laterally into the hyoid bar.” And also (loc. cit., p. 210) that : “ The fore part of the interhyoideus of Acipenser forms the hyohyoideus inferior (Cs5 of Vetter), the hinder part, i.e. the lower part of C2vd, forms a constrictor operculi (Cs3 and Cs4 of Vetter). In Polypterus the condition is similar. In Lepidosteus, Amia and Salmo, the fore part forms the hyohyoideus inferior ; the hinder part becomes attached laterally to the hyoid bar (only partially so in Lepidosteus) and forms the hyohyoideus superior.” In Amia, the superior or deeper, and the inferior or super- ficial portions of the geniohyoideus of my descriptions of that fish are respectively called by Edgeworth (loc. cit., p. 210) the musculus hyomaxillaris and the musculus intermandibu- laris posterior. The musculus hyomaxillaris, as above defined by Edgeworth, is said by him to be differentiated from the “ upper edge ” of the hyohyoideus inferior, but comparison with the adult shows that this so-called upper edge of that muscle must be the dorsal edge as seen in transverse sections of embryos, and hence morphologically the anterior edge of the muscle. In Lepidosteus and Acipenser these same fibres of the hyohyoideus inferior are said to form a hyomaxillaris ligament, and this ligament is said (loc. cit, p. 212) to be the ligamentum mandibulo-hyoideum of van Wijhe’s (1882a) descriptions of the adults of these fishes. But there is evi- dently some error or oversight here, for a ligamentum mandibulo-hyoideum is described by van Wijhe in Amia, as well as in Lepidosteus and Acipenser, and hence coexists in the former fish along with the musculus hyomaxillaris of Edgeworth’s descriptions. A further difficulty is that the musculus hyomaxillaris of Amia is said (loc. cit ., p.223) to be a serial homologue of the interarcuales ventrales of the branchial arches of that fish, notwithstanding that the former muscle is said to be derived from the cephalic coelom, as already explained, and the latter muscles to be developed from the ventral ends of the branchial myotomes. Edgeworth calls 388 EDWARD PHELPS ALMS. attention to this, and explains it by saying that the corre- sponding muscle in Alytes, Rana, Pelobates, and Lepus is formed from the ventral end of the hyal myotome, and that this method of formation is probably the primitive one. The intermandibularis of all teleostoman embryos is said by Edgeworth (loc. cit. , p. 187) to form at first, with its fellow of the opposite side, a transverse muscle attached laterally to Meckel’s cartilage, and it is later said (loc. cit.,p. 202) that a comparison of the various forms of the muscle shows that this condition of a transverse sheet is the primitive one for the muscle. It is, however, immediately afterwards said that this condition of a transverse sheet persists (“ exists ”) only in Salmo. Edgeworth further says (loc. cit., p. 280) : “ (3) The intermandibularis anterior and posterior (the latter called * inferior geniohyoid ’ by Allis) of Amia are innervated by both the fifth and seventh (Allis). (4) The hyo-maxillaris of Teleostomi, developed in the hyoid segment, is in some, e. g. Menidia (Herrick), wholly innervated by the seventh ; whereas in others, e.g. Esox (Vetter), Salmo, its hinder part is inner- vated by the seventh and its fore part by the fifth ; and in Amia (Allis) it is innervated by the fifth and seventh.” These latter two statements would seem to imply that certain of the individual fibres of the muscles referred to in Amia were innervated at the same time by two different nerves, and that they were in process of losing their normal innerva- tion by the nerve of their segment of origin and secondarily acquiring an innervation by a nerve of another segment. If this be the meaning of the statements, the reference to Amia is unfortunate, and is apparently based on the literal acceptance of the heading of one of the sections of my work on that fish without any consideration of the accompanying text. That heading is (Allis, 1897, p. 559) : “ Muscles innervated by both the Trigeminus and Facialis,” which, literally accepted, might have the meaning that Edgeworth apparently gives to it. But in the text (loc. cit., p. 613) it is carefully explained that the muscles in question are innervated by branches of a nerve formed by the anastomosis of trigeminus and facialis branches VISCERAL ARCHES OE THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 389 which run directly into each other and so form a complete circuit in which it is impossible to tell where the .one nerve ends and the other begins. In the General Summary it is further said (loc. cit., pp. 744-5) that the ramus maxillaris inferior trigemini probably innervates the musculus interman- dibularis and all, or a part, of the inferior division of the geniohyoideus, and that the ramus hyoideus facialis probably innervates the superior division of the geniohyoideus, and a part, at least, of the inferior division of that muscle. The innervation, in each case, is only given as probable, and there is no slightest suggestion of any part of either of the muscles being innervated, at the same time, by both the nerves. Mandibular Arch. Dohrn says (1885, p. 13) that, in selachian embryos, a muscle is developed from a myotome that comes from the mandibular arch (eines Muskelschlauches welcher vom Kiefer- bogen kommt), and that this muscle corresponds to the ventral portion of the constrictor superficialis of the hyal arch. There is, as already explained, some question as to whether Dorhn considered a part of this muscle to be the homologue of the coracobranchialis of the branchial arches, but it is certain that the myotome, said to come from the mandibular arch, must be the ventral end of the mandibular myotome, and that the muscle said to be developed from it must be that part of the musculus intermandibularis of the adult that is primarily, if not actually, innervated by the nervus trigeminus. Edgeworth (1911) says, as has already been fully explained and discussed, that the myotome of the maudibular arch only extends to the ventral edge of the musculus adductor mandibulas, and that the musculus inter- mandibularis is developed from the walls of the cephalic coelom. There is thus here marked difference of opinion. Accepting Dohrn* s observations as correct, and assuming that there was primarily a premandibular arch separated from the mandibular arch by a visceral cleft, there must 390 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. have been primarily, in the mandibular arch as in the hyal and branchial arches, a single continuous constrictor muscle that had a dorso-ventral extent equal to that of the con- strictor of the hyal arch. Branchial rays also probably primarily existed in this arch as in the more posterior arches, for remnants of them are said to be still found in certain recent fishes. Branchial lamellee were then quite probably also developed in this arch as in the more posterior ones, and were probably found on the anterior as well as the posterior surface of the arch. The conditions in this mandibular arch would then have been similar to those in the hyal and branchial arches, and, such being the case, there seems no good reason why, when the visceral arches all began to assume a position oblique to the axis of the body, a small adductor muscle should not have been cut out of the proximal edge of the constrictor of this arch, as it is said to have been cut out of the constrictores of the branchial arches, and as I assume that it was also cut out of the constrictor of the hyal arch. When the hyomandibular cleft later became reduced to the small existing spiracular canal, the mandibular branchial diaphragm, which must primarily have existed as in the hyal and branchial arches, would necessarily have gradually ceased to be formed excepting as it may still be represented in some part of the anterior wall of the spiracular canal. Because of this gradual reduction and final almost complete disappearance of the branchial diaphragm of this arch, the middle portion of the long constrictor superficialis of the arch was necessarily forced over onto the anterior (lateral) surface of the cartilaginous bar of the arch, and it carried with it the nerve of the arch, and probably also the anterior efferent artery of the arch (Allis, 1916), this nerve and artery primarily lying' anterior to the constrictor muscle, as they actually do in the branchial arches of living Selachii. The afferent mandibular artery and the branchial rays, both lying posterior to the constrictor muscle, were not so carried forward, and retained their primitive positions on VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHKS. 391 or near the morphologically external but actually posterior edge of the cartilaginous bar of the arch. The posterior efferent, artery, also, was not affected by this change in position of the constrictor muscle, but it later underwent reduction or abortion in its ventral portion, while dorsally it persisted and retained its normal position posterior to the spiracular cartilage, that cartilage representing either the dorsal extrabranchial of the arch or one or more of the branchial rays. That any of the branchial rays of this arch could, in such a shifting of the constrictor, have acquired the positions of the labial cartilages seems quite impossible. The long musculus constrictor superficialis, having acquired this position on the anterior (lateral) surface of the carti- laginous bar of its arch, was later more or less completely cut in two at the places where it crossed the palatoquadrate and the mandibula. The portion so cut out of the middle of the constrictor was then added to the small, pre-existing' musculus adductor to form the large and powerful adductor of the adults of living fishes, while the ventral portion formed the intermandibularis and the dorsal portion the levator of the arch. Certain of the fibres of the original constrictor were, however, quite certainly not thus cut through at tlie places where they crossed the palatoquadrate and mandibula, for certain of them still extend, in the adults of living fishes, the full length of the arch. This is markedly the case in certain of the fibres of the musculus spiracularis of Astrape. This muscle is said by Luther (1909, p. 14) to be developed from the posterior fibres of the dorsal portion of the primitive constrictor of the arch and to have a ventral prolongation which lies along the internal surface of the mandibula (kieferapparat) and extends as far as the symphysis of the mandibulse, there uniting with its fellow of the opposite side. This ventral prolongation is a feeble muscle, of no apparent functional importance, and certainly cannot be a secondary formation, as Luther considers it to be. It must, on the contrary, represent a persisting remnant of a distal part of the primitive constrictor which, when the 392 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. branchial rays aborted, slipped onto the posterior, instead of onto the anterior, surface of the cartilaginous bar of the arch, and so, not crossing that bar, was not cut in two as the other fibres of the constrictor were. In certain other Batoidei, the musculus spiracularis is said by Luther to have a less extensive ventral prolongation than in Astrape, being said to extend either to the ventral end of the hyomandibula, to the abdental edge of the mandibula, to the ceratohyal, or to the dorsal fascia of the musculus coraco- mandibularis. In Astrape and Torpedo, certain fibres of the muscle are said to be inserted on, and others to arise from, the spiracular cartilage, that cartilage thus lying between dorsal and ventral portions of the muscle; and as I have lately shown (Allis, 1915) that this cartilage of these fishes is quite certainly the dorsal extrabranchial of the mandibular arch, the muscle thus has the relations to this cartilage that the branchial constrictores superficiales of certain Selachii have to the dorsal extrabranchials of their respective arches. Other portions of the primitive constrictor apparently lost only their ventral, intermandibularis, portion, retaining their full lengths dorsal to that muscle. Such portions are apparently found in the second and third divisions of the levator maxillse superioris of my descriptions of Amia, and in the levator labii superioris of certain of the Batoidei, all of which muscles extend, with their tendinous ends, from the neurocranium to the abdental edge of the mandibula. The levator labii superioris of the Batoidei, called by Luther the musculus prmorbitalis, is said by that author to usually extend only to the angle of the gape of the mouth and to there be inserted in the aponeurotic septum of the adductor mandi- bulse, but it may have a ventral ligamentous prolongation, or even a large muscle belly, which extends beyond the angle of the gape and is inserted, with the mandibular portion of the adductor, on the mandibula. In certain of the Batoidei it is even said that the tendinous ventral end of the muscle is practically continuous with the lateral edge, and hence VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 393 morphologically dorsal end, of the musculus intermandibu- laris, the constrictor fibres in these fishes thus apparently having retained their full primitive lengths. Luther (1909, p. 49) considers the levator labii superioris (praeorbitalis) to have been primarily simply a bundle of the adductor mandibulae that had it£ origin at a high level on the neurocranium, anterior to the eyeball. The more ventral origin of this muscle, from the antorbital process, found in Chlamy doselachus and certain other Plagiostomi, he considers to be secondary and correlated either to an enlarged eyeball or to a large gape of the mouth with the angle of the gape far posterior, the muscle here secondarily becoming a “ Spreizer ” of the articulating ends of the upper and lower jaws. The eyeball is considered by him (loc. cit., p. 36) to have been the chief one of these two causes of the splitting off of this bundle from the remainder of the adductor mandibulae, and if this be so, the eyeball thus being assumed to have lain in the path of the muscle-fibres of the arch as they pushed dor- sally to acquire insertion on the neurocranium, it would seem as if this split in the muscle must have begun at the dorsal end of the primitive constrictor and not at the dorsal end of that middle portion of that muscle that is usually considered to, alone, have given origin to the adductor mandibulae. The dorsal portion of the praeorbitalis would then contain the anterior fibres of the dorsal muscle, Csd2, of Vetter’s descrip- tions, and where the praeorbitalis extends beyond the angle of the ^ape the split that separates it from the adductor would extend from the dorsal end of the constrictor as far at least as the ventral end of the adductor. Such an extensive split in this myotome can certainly not be explained simply by the eyeball having caused the dorsal fibres of the constrictor to diverge anteriorly and posteriorly in order to acquire a dorsal attachment on the neurocranium, and if Luther is correct in his conclusion that this muscle had primarily its origin at a high level on the neurocranium, a much more rational expla- nation would seem to be that this muscle belongs to a pre- mandibular arch. The recorded innervation of the muscle. 394 ED W Alii) PHELPS ALLIS. and the embryological evidence are, however, both against this supposition. Edgeworth (1911) derives both the levator labii superioris of the Plagiostomi and the four divisions of the levator maxillae superioris of my descriptions of Amia, directly from the adductor mandibulae, and from that portion only of the primitive mandibular constrictor. Luther also derives these four muscles of Amia directly from the adductor mandibulae ; and he proposes for the first and second divisions of the muscle the name musculus adductor mandibulae parabasalis, because of their partial origin from the lateral wing of the parasphenoid (parabasalis, Gaupp), and for the third and fourth divisions of the muscle the names musculus adductor mandibulae praeorbitalis and musculus nasalis. Edgeworth considers the muscles of Amia to all be upgrowths of the internal and deeper portion, only, of the adductor of the adult, and suggests that they be named in terms of that internal adductor. The myotome of this arch is, according to him, definitely and entirely cut into dorsal and ventral portions where it crosses the dorsal edge of the palatoquadrate; these two parts remaining always distinct and separate, while the intermandibularis is, as already stated, developed wholly from the walls of the cephalic coelom. Until the derivation of these muscles is definitely known it would seem best not to give them names based wholly or largely upon it. There remains now only the aponeurotic septum of the adductor mandibulae to be considered. Fiirbringer (1903, p. 383), considered this aponeurosis to be of secondary origin and of no great morphological significance, it being developed, in fishes where the mouth opening had a pronounced posterior extension, simply in order to give space for suitable develop- ment of the belly of the adductor. Luther . (1909, p. 61) thinks this an insufficient reason for the development of the aponeurosis, and considers it to have been secondarily developed, after the development of the levator labii superi- ors (praeorbitalis), in order to furnish an attachment for that muscle on the quadrato-mandibular joint, and so facilitate its VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 395 action as a protractor of the palatoquadrate and also as a spreader (Spreizer) of the articular ends of the jaws. I consider the aponeurosis to have been developed wholly independently of either of these two functions. In my opinion, a small adductor muscle had already been differenti- ated in this arch before the remainder of the constrictor began to slip over onto the anterior surface of the carti- laginous bar of the arch. There was, at this period, quite certainly not sufficient space between the relatively close fitting integument of the arch and the cartilaginous bar to permit this large and long constrictor muscle to immediately assume the position that the adductor actually has in the -adults of living fishes, and the small adductor already occupied the angle between the two elements of the carti- laginous bar. Certain of the fibres of the constrictor accordingly quite certainly acquired attachment on the internal surface of the dermis at the angle of the gape These fibres would immediately act as an adductor when the mouth was widely open, but when the mouth was closed, or even nearly closed, they would act primarily as a protractor anguli oris, and secondarily as an abductor of the arch ; for, being attached to the dermis at the angle of the gape, and the dermis being fixed, any contraction of the* muscle would necessarily tend to open the mouth. This would evidently be of advantage to the fish, for, in the early stages of the development of the mouth, there was probably no other abductor mechanism, the ventral longitudinal muscles not yet having been developed. The fibres so inserted, increasing in number and importance, would, as the adductor muscle developed and a cheek was formed, pinch off the subdermal tissues to which they were attached and an aponeurosis such as is actual^ found in Chlamydoselachus, and will be fully described in my later work, would almost inevitably arise. If these fibres did not become attached to the dermis they would, in certain cases, become tendinous as they passed across the angle of the gape, as they do when passing over the extrabranchials and the middle rays of the branchial 396 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. series in the branchial arches of certain fishes (Vetter, 1874), and the condition found in the adults of many fishes would arise. If such fibres should then separate from the remaining fibres of the adductor, a muse ulus praaorbitalis with dorsal and ventral muscle bellies, such as is described by Luther in certain of the Plagiostomi, would arise. And if the ventral, mandibular portion of the muscle became wholly tendinous, the condition found in the first and third divisions of the levator maxillas superioris of my descriptions of Amia might arise. The aponeurosis would naturally tend to be developed only where the mouth had a marked posterior extension and the opening of the gape was long. According to Luther (loc. cit., p. 62) the aponeurosis and the muscle Addy of Vetter’s descriptions vary inversely, a marked development of the one being associated with a feeble development of the other, and he attributes this to the fact that a strongly developed Addy would act as a spreader of the jaws, and the musculus prasorbitalis, being relieved of that func- tion, there would be no call for an aponeurosis. As I attribute the development of the aponeurosis to a totally different cause it does not seem to me that this applies. General Summary. The primitive condition of the muscles related to the visceral arches of the gnathostorne fishes was, as Vetter long ago concluded, a simple constrictor muscle in each arch, and associated with this muscle there was a branchial bar which lay internal to the muscle. From this simple primitive condition two distinctly different lines of descent are indicated by later differentiations of the muscles, and these differing differentiations are associated with, and caused by, two distinctly different forms of branchial bar in the branchial arches. One of these two lines of descent is represented by the Teleostomi and the other by the Plagiostomi, the Holocephali and Dipneusti apparently occupying somewhat intermediate positions. VISCKKAIi ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOM E FISHES. 397 In the Teleostomi, the four typical elements of each branchial bar of recent fishes lie, approximately, in a single plane, and this must have been their primitive relation to each other. Primarily this plane must have been transverse to the axis of the body, but it later became inclined to that axis. Associated with this form of arch the branchial fila- ments of the gill- bearing arches are supported by cartilaginous or osseous rods. In the hyal arch there are, in addition, osseous branchiostegal rays which lie anterior to the modified constrictor of the arch. In the Plagiostomi, the dorsal and ventral elements of each branchial bar are directed postero-mesially at a marked angle to the middle elements of the bar, these latter elements lying, as in the Teleostomi, in a plane inclined to the axis of the body. A sigma form of bar is thus produced, and asso- ciated with it there are cartilaginous branchial rays in all the gill-bearing arches. These cartilaginous rays all lie, primarily, posterior to the constrictor muscle, of the related arch, bub the muscle fibres may later become in part inserted on them. In the Holocephali and Dipneusti, the dorsal elements of the branchial bars are directed postero-mesially, as they are in the Plagiostomi, while the ventral elements are directed antero-mesially, as in the Teleostomi. In the Holocephali there are, according to Vetter, cartilaginous rays both in the hyal and the branchial arches, and the visceral muscles as described by him seem plagiostoman in character. In the Dipneusti there are cartilages in the hyal arch that are con- sidered by Fiirbringer to be branchial rays, but there are neither branchial- rays nor supporting rods to the branchial filaments in the branchial arches ; and the branchial muscles are teleostoman in character. The constrictor muscle is found in a more primitive con- dition in the Selachii than in any others of the gnathostome fishes. Because of the sigma form of branchial bar in these fishes, the proximal (anterior) edge of the constrictor of each branchial arch has slipped forward over the anterior edge of the middle, posteriorly-directed angle of the sigma, and VOL. 63, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 28 EDWAKD PHELPS ALLIS. backward over the posterior edges of the dorsal and ventral, anteriorly-directed angles of the sigma ; and from the parts of the constrictor that cross or span these three angles are differentiated, respectively, the adductores arcuum branchi- al ium, the arcuales and interarcuales dorsales, and the coracobrancliiales of Dohrn's descriptions of embryos. These latter muscles are simply the proximal (anterior) portions of the ventral ends of the primitive constrictores of the branchial arches, they are of branchial origin, are innervated by branches of the nervus vagus of the arch to which they belong, and they coexist, in the adult, with the coraco- branchiales of Vetter's descriptions. The latter muscles are said, by both Dohrn and Edgeworth, to be derived from the ventral ends of the branchial myotonies, but their innerva- tion, in the adult, by spinal or spino-occipital nerves, their relations to the other hypobranchial muscles, and the marked want of accord in the descriptions of their development, all warrant the conclusion that they must be of spinal origin. The distal (posterior) portion of the constrictor muscle of each branchial arch of the Selachii, the so-called constrictor superficial! s, lay primarily not only on the anterior surface of the branchial rays of its arch, but also on that surface of the extrabranchials of its arch ; ^and, in the adults of recent fishes, its dorsal and ventral ends turn posteriorly, to a greater or less extent, across the dorsal and ventral edges, respectively, of the next posterior gill-pouch. When the constrictor contracted, the muscle was accordingly stretched across the extrabranchials of its arch, and certain of the muscle fibres, in certain fishes, were there cut in two by acquiring insertion on the extrabranchials. Other fibres simply became tendinous where they passed over the extra- branchials, and so there gave rise to more or less pronounced linear aponeuroses, or so-called septa. That part of each constrictor that lay between the dorsal and ventral extra- branchials of its arch thus became more or less cut out of the primarily continuous constrictor, and formed themuscuh s interbranchialis. This muscle is never found definitely VISCERAL ARCHES OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 399 differentiated in the hyal arch, but indications of the begin- nings of its differentiation may there be found. In the hyal arch of the Selachii, an adductor muscle was probably developed exactly as in the branchial arches, but it was later transformed into the inferior postspiracular liga- ment. Arcualis and interarcualis muscles are not found in this arch of the adult, but Dolirn says that they are repre- sented, in embryos, by ligaments, which he does not, however, describe. The coracobranchialis of Dohrn’s descriptions of the branchial arches is not differentiated in this arch. The dorsal and ventral portions of the constrictor tend to separate into deeper and superficial layers, as Huge has stated, the deeper layer retaining its primitive insertion on the carti- laginous bar of its arch, while the superficial layer acquires a secondary insertion on the cartilaginous bar of the mandibular arch. In the Batoidei, an adductor muscle was not differentiated in the hyal arch, and there is accordingly, in these fishes, no inferior postspiracular ligament. The proximal (anterior) portion of the primitive constrictor of this arch is differenti- ated into the levator and depressor hyomandibularis, and probably also the depressor mandibulae, these muscles replacing the adductor, arcualis, interarcualis, and Dohrn’s coracobranchialis of the Selachii. The so-called septa in these fishes are probably similar to those in the Selachii, but this cannot be definitely determined from existing descriptions. In the mandibular arch of the Selachii, a small adductor muscle was probably developed exactly as in the more posterior arches. Later, because of the suppression of the branchial diaphragm related to this arch, excepting as it may be represented in the anterior wall of the spiracular canal, the entire constrictor muscle was forced, in its middle portion, -onto the anterior surface of the cartilaginous bar of its arch, and, acquiring insertion on the palatoquadrate and mandibula, where it crossed their lateral edges, Avas added to the small, pre-existing adductor, and so gave rise to the 400 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. large adductor mandibulae actually found in the adult. From those portions of the primarily continuous constrictor that lay dorsal and ventral, respectively, to the palatoquadrate and mandibula, the musculi levator maxillae superioris and intermandibularis were developed. The musculus levator anguli oris was probably derived from the anterior edge of the united levator and adductor muscles before they became separated from each other. The musculus intermandibularis underwent relative reduction, and, in the adults of recent fishes, is largely crowded out and replaced by those super- ficial fibres of the hyal constrictor that have secondarily acquired insertion on the mandibula. The relations of the nervus hyoideus facialis to the muscle fibres thus inserted on the mandibula is against the view that those fibres that are of mandibular origin have lost their primitive innervation by the nervus trigeminus and secondarily acquired innervation by the nervus facialis. The posteriorly directed dorsal and ventral ends of the hyal and branchial constrictores of the Selachii always over- lap, to a greater or less extent, the next posterior constrictor. Where the ends of the constrictores are strongly inclined posteriorly, they may overlap two or more posterior con- strictores, the fibres of the muscles then, crossing the extrabranchials of those arches and there tending to become tendinous exactly as they do where they cross the extra- branchials of their own arches; a series of tendinous aponeuroses thus being formed in each constrictor. The overlapping muscles then fuse more or less completely with each other, and, as the linear aponeuroses related to each extrabranchial are superimposed and transverse to the muscle fibres, the continuous muscle-sheet formed by the fusion of the several constrictores is cut up into what have heretofore been considered to be separate segments, one related to each branchial arch and developed entirely from the myotome of that arch. These segments are, however, each formed by muscle fibres derived from two or more consecutive constric- tors, and hence from a similar number of consecutive myotonies- VISCERAL ARCHKS OF THE GNATHOSTOME FISHES. 401 The dorsal portiou of the constrictor of the ultimate branchial arch undergoes excessive development and becomes the musculus trapezius. In the Teleostomi, each branchial bar, although inclined to the axis of the body as in the Selachii, continues to lie, approximately, in a single plane, and the dorsal and ventral ends of the constrictores do not turn posteriorly as in the Selachii. The pull of the constrictor, when contracting, did not, accordingly, tend to make the muscle slip, in the middle of its length, over the anterior edge of the branchial bar of its arch, but in certain of the branchial arches of the G-anoidei the proximal edge of the muscle slipped over the posterior edge of the branchial bar, and there gave rise to an adductor that is the functional equivalent but not the homologue of the adductor of the Selachii. The remaining fibres of the middle portion of the constrictor either later aborted or, possibly, became modified to form the radially arranged muscles related to the supporting rods of the branchial filaments. The dorsal and ventral ends of the constrictores became the levatores and the transversi and obliqui dorsales and ventrales. The levator of the ultimate arch is a slender muscle, and may secondarily acquire insertion on the shoulder- girdle. It is the homologue of the large musculus trapezius of the Selachii. In the hyal arch of the Teleostomi, the constrictor persists to a greater extent than in the branchial arches. Its dorsal portion becomes the adductor hyomandibularis and the adductor and levator operculi, these muscles, together, being the equivalent of the levatores of the branchial arches of the Teleostomi and of the dorsal ends of the constrictores of the Selachii. The ventral portion of the constrictor of the ultimate, or fifth, branchial arch of the Teleostomi is modified to form the musculi coracobranchiales or pharyngoclaviculares, these muscles of these fishes thus being branchial muscles, and hence probably not the homologues of the coracobranchiales of the Selachii. They always retain, in all fishes that I have 402 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. been able to examine, their primitive innervation by branches of the nervus vagus. The dorsal portion of the constrictor of this arch forms, as already stated, the fifth levator muscle, which is the homologue of the musculus trapezius of the Selachii. Literature. Allis, E. P., jr. (1897). — “ The Cranial Muscles and Cranial and First Spinal Nerves in Amia calva,” ‘ Journ. Morphol.,’ vol. xii. (1903). — “ The Skull and the Cranial and First Spinal Muscles and Nerves in Scomber scomber,”' Journ. Morphol.,’ vol. xviii. (1908). — “ The Pseudobranchial and Carotid Arteries in the Gnatliostome Fishes,” ‘ Zool. Jahrb. Abteil. f. Anatom, u. Ontog.,’ Bd. xxvii. (1909).— “The Cranial Anatomy of the Mail-cheeked Fishes,” ‘ Zoologica,’ Bd. xxii, Hft. 57. (1915).—“ The Homologies of the Hyomandibula of the Gnatho- stome Fishes,” ‘ Journ. Morphol.,’ vol. xxvi. (1916).— “The so-called Mandibular Artery and the Persisting Remnant of the Mandibular Aortic Arch in the Adult Selachian,” ‘ Journ. Morphol.,’ vol xxvii. Braus, H. 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VISCERAL ARCHES OE THE GNATi IOSTOME FISHES. 405 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 21 and 22. Illustrating Mr. Edward Phelps Allis's paper on “The Homologies of the Muscles related to the Visceral Arches of the Gnathostome Fishes." Reference Letters. Add. Musculus adductor mandibulse. Add. br. I-IV. Musculi ad- ductores arc. branch, of I-IV branchial arches, ahy. Afferent artery of hyal arch. ap. I-IV. Linear aponeuroses related to the first to fourth gill clefts. Arc. I-IV. Musculi arcuales of I-IV branchial arches. bcl. I-V. First to fifth branchial clefts. BH. Basihyal. bp. 1 V. First to fifth branchial pouches. BR. hy. Branchial rays of hyal arch. Care. Musculus coracoarcualis communis. CB. I II. Ceratobranchials of first two branchial arches. Cbr. I-V. Musculi coracobranchiales of I-V branchial arches. CH. Ceratohyal. Chy. Musculus coracohyoideus. Cmd. Musculus coracomandibularis. Cs2 0. Musculi constrictores superficiales of second to sixth visceral arches, ex. I-IV. Extra branchials of I-IV branchial arches, ex. h. Extrabranchial of hyal arch. HMD. Hyomandibula. hmf. Nervus hyoideo-mandibularis facialis. Ibr^-Q. Musculi interbranchiales of third to sixth visceral arches. Ihy. Musculus interhyoideus. Imd. Musculus intermandibularis. Ic. Lateral canal of body. Lhmd. Musculus levator hyomandibularis. m. Dorsal muscles of trunk. MD. Mandibula. mit. Nervus mandibularis trigemini, pc. Pericardial cavity. S. Sho ildir-girdle. sp. Spiracle. Tr. Musculus trapezius. vj. Vena jugularis. , PLATE 21. Fig. 1. — Lateral view of the head of a 42-cm. Scyllium canicula, with skin removed to show the branchial muscles, x 1L Fig. 2. — The same. The constrictores superficiales cut along their dorsal edges and turned forward and downward so as to expose the underlying structures, x 12- Fig. 3. — Ventral view of the same. The constrictor superficialis of the hyal arch cut through in the mid- ventral line and turned forward on the right-hand side of the figure. X \\. Fig. 4. — The same ; a deeper dissection. On the left-hand side of the figure the hyal constrictor has been cut through near its lateral edge and turned forward. On the right-hand side it has been wholly removed, and the ceratohyal turned slightly forward. On both sides 406 EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS. of the figure the ventral portions of the constrictores of the first three branohial arches have been cutaway up to the line of the extrabranch ial of the arch, and on the right-hand side of the figure the ventro-posterior portions of the gill pouches have been cut away so as to expose the underlying constrictor of the next posterior arch. In the fourth branchial arch a piece has been cut out of the constrictor of the arch ( Cs.6 ) so as to expose the fifth gill pouch. The musculi coracomandi- bularis, coracohyoideus, coracobranchialis I, and coracoarcualis have been cut through and removed. X 1§. PLATE 22. Fig. 5. — The same ; a still deeper dissection. The ceratohyal and the extrabranchial of the first branchial arch both removed on the right- hand side of the figure. X 1| Fig. 6. — The same ; a still deeper dissection. The extrabranchial of the second branchial arch also removed on the right-hand side of the figure. X 1L Fig. 7. — Lateral view of the branchial region of the same. The con- strictores superficiales of the hyal and first three branchial arches, and the four related gill-pouches removed, but the cut dorsal ends of the extrabranchials of the first three branchial arches left in place. X 2. Fig. 8. — Lateral view of the head of a 43-cm. Mustelus. The skin removed so as to expose the constrictores superficiales of the hyal and branchial arches. X 2. Fig. 9. — The same. The continuous sheet formed by the constrictores superficiales has been cut along its dorsal edge, and those fibres of each musculus interbranchialis that are inserted in the related linear aponeurosis ha*e also been cut close to their insertion on that aponeu- rosis, and the entire muscle sheet, excepting the distal portion of the constrictor of the fourth arch (Cs.6), then turned downward to the level of the middle line of the gill openings. X 2. Fig. 10.— Lateral view of the constrictor and interbranchialis muscles of the third branchial arch of Mustelus. Dorsally, the continuous muscle-sheet formed by the constrictores superficiales has been cut along the line of the linear aponeurosis related to the arch, and also slightly posterior to that aponeurosis. Yentrally, the muscle-sheet has been cut immediately anterior to the line where the ventral portion of the constrictor of the arch (Cs.5) joins it, and also slightly posterior to that line. X 2§ CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 407 The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-Cells. PART I. LEPIDOPTERA. By J. IS ro site Gtitenby, IS. A., Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. With Plates 23, 24, and 25 and 5 Text-figures. Table of Contents. PAGE 1. Introduction • 408 2. Previous Work . . . 409 3. Technique and Material . 412 4. Nomenclature .... 414 5. Mitochondria (Male) . . .418 6. Comparison of Mitochondria of Several Species 421 7. Changes undergone by Mitochondria in Spermatocyte 423 8. Mitochondria in Spermatocyte Division . 424 9. Formation of Macromitosome (Nebenkern) . 425 10. Subsequent Fate of Macromitosome . . 429 11. The Micromitosome 430 12. Cell Processes of the Spermatocyte . 434 13. The Spindle Bridge ..... 435 14. The Probable Function of the Spindle Bridge . 436 15. The Precociously Formed Flagella . 436 16. Acroblasts and Acrosome .... 438 17. The Mitochondria of the Female . 442 18. Other Cytoplasmic Bodies .... 446 19. Abnormalities ..... 446 20. The Fixing Reactions of the Cell Inclusions . 449 21. The Probable Nature of the Micromitosome . . 450 22. Discussion ..... 450 23. Summary ..... 457 408 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Introduction. Since the numerous important papers on the spermato- genesis of many animals have shown that the elaborate series of events leading to the metamorphosis of the spermato- gonium into the spermatozoon entail not only great changes in the nucleus, but also the presence of a number of definite eytoplasmic bodies whose movements and staining powers are as regular as those of the nucleus and centrosomes them- selves, it becomes increasingly evident that it is incorrect to look upon the sperm as simply the vehicle for the chromatin of the nucleus and for the centrosome. There are other bodies whose behaviour merits the belief that they are concerned in the transmission of some qualities to the egg, and therefore to the offspring. The Lepidoptera have several such bodies whose ultimate fate is obscure. Moreover, they are not properly understood, and their relationship to chromatin, if any, has not been determined. An examination of the ferti- lisation of the Lepidopteran has not hitherto been carried out with the intention of ascertaining what role these bodies play in this important stage of the germ cell cycle, and such a field would probably yield useful results. The spermatozoon becomes in later stages of formation such a difficult object to study that there is no doubt that the only manner in which one could feel sure as to whether any of the several bodies really reached the egg would be to examine fertilisation stages fixed in suitable media, which should be absolutely free from certain acids. This unfortunately introduces great difficulties of technique, for the chorion of insect eggs is extremely difficult of penetration by any fixatives except those containing the ingredients, which experience has shown are mostly hurtful to most cytoplasmic inclusions. Neverthe- less, there are ways in which such difficulties can be over- come, and subsequent research will be done on this work. The subject of this research was suggested by Dr. E. S. Goodrich, whom I have to thank not only for his suggestions* CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GEKM-CELLS. 40$ but also for liis many kindnesses to me in the years during' which, a student, I had the privilege of working under him. This work was done in the Department of Physiology during a part of the time 1 relieved Dr. Scott, and I owe my warmest thanks 1 to Prof. Sherrington for the way in which he facilitated my task and encouraged my work. A good deal of my material was derived from Prof. Poulton’s Department, and his assistants, Mr. Hamm and Mr. Britten, aided me considerably in finding suitable species. It had been intended in the first place to study the chromosomes as well as the cytoplasmic bodies, but as the work proceeded I found that the latter structures needed examination more than the former, and it was not possible to study both satisfactorily at the same time. This paper therefore deals exclusively with plasmatic inclusions. Previous Work. It is not intended to give here an extended account of the great body of work done on the spermatogenesis of the Lepi- doptera. The oogenesis has hardly been treated at all by those observers who have examined the spermatogenesis ; the former provides problems somewhat more difficult to follow out, and perhaps also less attractive, for in the early stages it is difficult to find individual oogonia and oocytes sufficiently clear for study, so crowded are they. In this paper I have endeavoured, as far as I found possible, to find homologous processes going on in the germ-cells of both sexes. Of all the work done on the spermatogenesis of the Lepi- doptera, that of Meves (1) stands out most prominently ; Meves was not occupied so much with chromosomes as with the cell inclusions and the metamorphosis of spermatid into sperma- tozoon. In all his work on the spermatogenesis, Meves has overlooked important facts concerning the cytoplasmic bodies, some of which he has not found, and, moreover, his modified Flemming iron heematoxylin technique is not calculated to 1 I have also to thank Prof. G. C. Bourne for some excellent suggestions with regard to the text. 410 J. EiiOiNTE GATJBNBY. give the best results if it is used exclusively. Examining Meves’ beautiful plates one would be led to believe that the subject of the spermatogenesis of Lepidoptera, in so far as it touches upon the mitochondria and allied structures, has been exhausted. This is not the case. Meves has described for a number of species a remarkable dimorphism in the manner of formation of the sperms. Apart from the ordinary method, he describes how the chromosomes in the second maturation division fail to come together to form the spermatid nucleus but instead become at first vacuolated, and then finally recon- stitute themselves each like a small spermatid nucleus. The behaviour of the large mitochondrial body is fairly normal. He calls the abnormal spermatozoa “ apyrene Spermien ” and the normal “ eupyrene Spermien,” and shows that the sperm- bundles of “ apyrenes ” are several times shorter than the normal “ eupyrenes.” He finds such dimorphism in Pygaera bucepliala, Gastropacha rubi, Bombyx mori, and in Harpyia vinula. According to Meves, who has some weighty con- clusions to draw from the “ apyrene Spermien,” the latter are able solely to cause segmentation of the egg, only providing the centrosome, but not being able to carry paternal hereditary factors to the egg s which they fertilise, since theyhave no nucleus. Among others, the work of Dr. M. H. Cook may be men- tioned. In this paper (2) the chromosomes of the Lepidoptera have been examined successfully for the first time, and though no serious attempt was made to follow out the cytoplasmic inclusions, Dr. Cook’s work adds many facts of interest to our knowledge of the spermatogenesis of the Lepidoptera. I am unable to agree with some of this observer’s statements, especially concerning the spermatogonium, but otherwise we are generally in agreement. The remarkable bodies in Acro- nycta, sp., which Cook describes from a single pupa, would repay further observation ; I have difficulty in bringing one large accessory body, described as “ chromatin granule,” into line with any structures that I have been able to find in the species that I have studied. (However, see p. 446.) CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 411 Henneguy, who, apart from his original work upon the germ-cells of Lepidoptera (3), has given a good review of the literature of the subject in that admirable text-book ‘ Les Insectes,’ says, concerning the metamorphosis of spermatid into spermatozoon, “ Le noyau de la spermatide subit, comme les elements cytoplasmiques, pendant la formation du sperma- tozoide, des modifications importantes qui n’ ont pas ete encore suffisamment etudiees.” That this remark is correct is con- firmed by the difficulty one has in reconciling the statements of the various authors. The whole question of the correct homology of the bodies present in the spermatogonium aud metamorphosing spermatid is in a confused state. Meves identifies in the spermatid, a mitochondrial mass, two centro- somes, an idiosome, and a “ spindelrestkorper.” In Text- tig. 1 are drawn Meves’ figures to illustrate his view. I incline to the opinion that the archoplasmic idiosome does not exist as such in the spermatogonium of moths, and that the “ spindelrestkorper ” is of transitory nature. I also consider that the “ spindelrestkorper ” is absent in the spermatid about to metamorphose, and that there is no con- nection between the bodies marked J. and S. in the sperma- togonium and spermatid respectively. Moreover, Meves has tailed to account for a characteristic body in the Lepidopterous spermatid, and he has also overlooked the second centrosome in all his diagrams of the spermatogenesis of the Lepidoptera. My statements, be it noted, are derived from the Lepidoptera alone, and I cannot reconcile Meves’ sketch in Text-figs. 1, II with anything I have seen in my sections. This question is dealt with more fully in the discussion. For reasons which will be clear later on, Meves’ figures and description of the behaviour of the mitochondria during the later stages of spermatogenesis are not altogether correct. He leaves a great gap in the description of the behaviour of the centrosomes and quite overlooks the micromitosome. (He, however, figures it in one place, but does not mention it in the text.) Some of Platner’s (4) figures, executed nearly thirty years ago, give a remarkably true picture of 412 J. BRONTE GATENBY. these cytoplasmic bodies, but this cytologist unfortunately gave a confused account of idiosome, small mitosome, and centrosome. Nevertheless the figs. 8 and 10 are very good, and I have adopted some of Platner;s nomenclature (Text-fig. 1, V). Quite recently Doncaster has studied the germ-cells of Abraxas and Pieris (5). With regard to Meves’ two types, Doncaster mentions that Prof. E. B. Wilson suggests that the “apyrene” type may be abnormal. Doncaster says quite rightly, “ The suggestion of Meves that “apyrene” spermatozoa are capable of fertilising an egg, but not of transmitting the paternal hereditary characters is not borne out by breeding experiments, nor do these confirm the suggestion that the two types of spermatozoa determine different sexes in the fertilised egg '* (vol. i, p. 183). Doncaster in this paper also figures abnormal mitosis of the “ apyrene " spermatocyte divisions. On the whole Doncaster is more concerned with the chromosomes and sex than with cytoplasmic bodies. Technique and Material. Almost every modern observer of the germ -cells of Lepidoptera has used the strong Flemming-iron haematoxylin method. Some of my material was so treated, but I soon found this method gave only a caricature of the cells. Many acids, and especially acetic acid, either altogether destroy, or at least distort most plasma structures ; though acetic acid helps to give a clearly differentiated preparation, it should be avoided altogether, as Champy has already pointed out. Most of my material was fixed either in strong Flemming without acetic acid, or in Champy's fluid. Flemming, with reduced acetic acid, according to Meves, was also used. All the other better known fixatives were tried, but were mostly found useless for my purpose. Sections were stained on the slide with either iron haematoxylin, Ehrlich's haematoxylin and Orange Gr, methyl blue eosin. Mayer's acid haemalum. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 413 pyronin and methyl green, BreinTs process or the carmine stains. Alizarin and crystal violet, and iron hasmatoxylin were used especially for mitochondria. Among fixatives I also used Regaud’s formol bichromate, but with little success in the bulk. With smears I found that this fixative gave an extremely useful result. Testes were smeared on a slide, fixed first in osmic vapour and then soaked for a short time in Regaucl. Afterwards they were transferred to 90 per cent, alcohol where they remained several hours. They were then stained in iron hgematoxylin by the long method. As a rule in such preparations the mitochondria alone were stained, astral rays of the spindle and chromosomes remaining colourless, but sometimes the nucleus in the growth stage took up the stain. As will be seen later this useful reaction helped me to clear up some doubtful points. Instead of further fixation in Regaud, smears were often transferred from the osmic vapour bath to water and alcohol and then stained. These also gave useful results. Bismark brown smears were not of much help. Under separate headings I have mentioned a few other special methods used by me. Of the species of Lepidoptera used, Smerinthus populi, Pier is brassicae, and Orgyia antiqua were most thoroughly studied in the order named. I carefully examined many preparations of Porthesia similis, Pieris rapae, Pygaera bucephala, Spilosoma lubricipeda (Arctia), Euchelia jacobseae, Cossus ligniperda, Bombyx 1 a nest r is and rubi, and Abraxas grossu- lariata. In Euchelia, Cossus, and Bombyx no maturation divisions were found, because my material was not sufficiently advanced in development. In Spilosoma only the degenerate u apyrene sperms ” were to be found because I took my larvas too late. Smears of Vanessa, Orgyia, and Porthesia were also examined. In later stages of this work Bensley’s permanganate of potash, acid fuschin stain was used, but no one stain was found to approach iron haematoxylin for certainty and usefulness. VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 29 414 J. bront£ gatenby. Nomenclature. In the spermatogonium of the secondary group four sets of bodies can be found in the cytoplasm : — (1) A centrosome. (2) A spindle body (“ spindelrestkorper,” “reste fusorial.”) (3) A body somewhat larger than the centrosome and staining darkly (micromitosome). (4) A cloud of granules (mitochondria). The first needs little notice, but I should mention that I have been unable to find an archoplasmic region surrounding the centrosome. Dr. Cook mentions an archoplasmic region after a spermatogonial division before the cells have com- pletely constricted, but figures nothing resembling Meves’ spermatogonial idiosome, nor can I find any similar body. The spermatogonial idiosome may be present in Paludina, but I feel sure that the centrosome in the “resting” spermatogonium is not imbedded in any such structure as Meves shows in his schematic plan. Even in the case of Paludina I do not think that Meves is justified in assuming that the acrosome body in the spermatid is identical with the idiosome body of the spermatogonium. His seemingly careful figures of this spermatogenesis provide not a tittle of evidence for this view, and I am at a loss to understand on what grounds he comes to his conclusions. The second body mentioned is that left by the spindle when the two cells are constricting. This body is certainly present in both secondary oogonia and spermatogonia, but later becomes absorbed, at least in the case of the male germ-cell. Its probable use and significance will be discussed in a later stage of this work. The third body is one quite overlooked by all previous observers. It later forms what Platner calls the small mitosome of the spermatid; Hemmgy calls it “la petite mitosome.” In this paper it will -be called the micromito- some. The fourth number refers to a cloud of granules which CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 415 are the mitochondria. They need no further mention at this juncture. It will now be clear that my account of the bodies in the cytoplasm of the spermatogonium differs from that of Meves in my denial of the presence and significance of an idiosome (archoplasmic zone) and in my account of the micromitosoine overlooked by the German cytologist. I would like to make it quite clear that if any small granules do possibly appear around the centrosome I am convinced that they have no connection with any other body in the spermatid, and that in this case Meves and I would differ in the significance we attach to such a zona. No other bodies can be seen with certainty in the cytoplasm of the spermatogonium. Almost all the work on the cytoplasmic bodies of the germ-cells of insects consists in the description of these bodies from the spermatid onwards, and it is the identification and interpretation of these bodies in the spermatid which have led to a great confusion. Meves has, as already stated, overlooked some cytoplasmic bodies, both Munson (6) and Platner are confused in their treatment of these structures, and some other authors also seem to have failed to distinguish centrosome from acrosome. The correct usage of the term “ nebenkern ” is doubtful. According to Paulmier (12) u nebenkern ” means a body formed from the spindle fibres and yolk granules. In the text-book on ‘ Cytology 3 Wilson (7) offers the following remarks : “ The foregoing account shows that our positive knowledge of the formation of the spermatozoon still rests on a somewhat slender basis. . . . All agree, further, that the middle piece is of archoplasmic origin, being derived, according to some authors, from a true attraction sphere (or centrosome) ; according to others, from a ‘ nebenkern 3 formed from the spindle fibres. The former account of its origin is certainly true in some cases. The latter cannot be accepted without reinvestigation, since it stands in contradiction to what is known of the middle piece in fertilisation, and is possibly due to a confusion between attraction sphere and f nebenkern. ’ Similar doubts exist 416 J. BRONTE GATENBY. in regard to the origin of the apex, which is variously described as arising from the nuclear membrane, from the general cytoplasm, from the ‘ nebenkern/ and from the centrosome.” No author, I believe, has given the correct version of what really happens in the formation of the Lepidopterous spermatozoon, and the bodies confused generally are micromitosome, acrosome, and centrosome. In the glossary of his book Wilson gives the following interesting definitions : “ Mitosome (/li'itoq, a thread; crCofia, body), a body derived from spindle fibres of the secondary spermatocytes, giving rise, according to Platner, to the middle-piece and the tail- envelope of the spermatozoon. Equivalent to the Nebenkern of La Yalette St. George. (Platner, 1889.) “ Nebenkern (Paranucleus), a name originally applied by Biitschli (1871) to an extranuclear body in the spermatid ; afterwards shown by La Yalette St. George and Platner to arise from the spindle fibres of the secondary spermatocyte. Since applied to many forms of cytoplasmic bodies (yolk- nucleus, etc.) of the most diverse nature.” I have been unable to find any body in the spermatid formed from “ spindle fibres ” or “ yolk granules,” and I do not intend to use the term “nebenkern,” which has been,, and still is, used without discrimination for almost any granule or body in a cell. For example, Hegner (8) lately draws attention to the “ granules of Blochmann ” in the wasp and two ants, which have also been called “ nebenkerne,” quite regardless of whether or no they are of the same nature as the original “ nebenkern ” of Biitschli. In Text-fig. 1, I have drawn two figures (III and IY) to illustrate the nomenclature used in this paper. The bodies in the secondary spermatogonium have already been considered. In the spermatid we have the following bodies : (1) Two centrosomes without definite archoplasmic zone. (2) The micromitosome (identical with that body in the spermatogonium (M.) . (3) The macromitosome or middle part, formed from tlie Text-fig. 1. I and II (after Meves). Shows Meves’ view of the relationship of the spermato- gonial and spermatid bodies. C. Centrosome. I. Idiosome. MD. Mito- chondrium. N. Nucleus. S. Spindle bridge (spindlerestkorper). Ill and IY. Shows the view adopted in the present paper. According to this the acrosome originates not from an archoplasmic zone, but from a definite number of bodies probably present in the spermatogonium ( X ). These form the acro- blasts (XX) in the spermatid. M'. The micromitosome. Y. The spermatid according to Platner and Munson ; the acrosome has been mistaken for the centrosome. The micromitosome has been figured. YI. The spermatid according to Meves. The micromitosome has been overlooked, the second centrosome not figured (though placed in Meves’ scheme in II), and the macro- mitosome (M") has been distorted by the acetic acid fixation. Tim acrosome is partially dissolved away (A.). YII. The spermatid according to the present phper. The macromitosome is a spireme (M"). The acroblasts are figured as well as tbe micromitosome and second centrosome. G. Excretory granules. 418 j. bront£ gatenby. mitochondrial granules which have run together to form a spireme ( M.D. ). (4) Several spherical acroblasts,1 which soon unite to form the acrosome (X.X.). (5) A number of excretory granules (6r.). The acroblasts can be found easily in late stages of spermatocytes and in all probability are present in the sper- matogonium. I therefore add them to my scheme of the spermatogonium, only it should be understood that I could not find them until the spermatocyte was fairly large. The point which I particularly wish to emphasise is that the acroblasts are separate bodies in the young spermatocyte, and have nothing to do with the centrosome or archoplasm (if demonstrable). If the idiosome (arclioplasmic zone) of the spermatogonium is identical with that (acrosome) of the spermatid, we could only make certain of this in one way, that is, by following this body right up through the growth period ; by explaining' how the spermatogonia! centrosome needs' an arclioplasmic zone and the spermatid centrosome not; by describing the time and manner of separation of the centrosome from the archoplasm (idiosome) ; and, finally, by showing why some spermatids have several idiosome-like bodies instead of the regulation one. This has not been done, and I venture to say never will be. The Mitochondria. in the primary spermatogonium and oogonium the nucleus is partially enveloped by a cloud-like body, which is formed by a closely-massed collection of minute granules. There is no doubt that at this stage these granules, which are the mitochondria, bear some definite relation to the nucleus. Almost always they lie in a crescentic cloud towards one side of the nucleus. Whether at this period they bear a relation - 1 Acroblast : This useful term was suggested by Dr. H. D. King, ‘ Amer. Journ. Anat.,’ vii, 1907-8, and denotes a body which eventually gives rise to the acrosome. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 419 ship to the centrosome it is impossible to say. It is certain tli at either the mitochondrial granules are not of the same size, or they have among them other larger granules of a different nature ; but it is always possible to detect larger masses here and there among the smaller granules. It is these larger masses which make it so difficult to be certain of the identity of any given body in a primary germ-cell of either sex, and though the granule marked M in PI. 23, fig. 1, is probably the micromitosome, it might quite possibly be of another nature. When the primary germ-cell is dividing, the mitochondria become disposed on one side of the spindle, as in PI. 23, figs. 2 and 3, and in PI. 24, fig. 21. At this stage, and for some time afterwards, especially in the female, the mitochondria resemble in shape rods rather than spheres or grains. Viewed at the metaphase, the mitochondrial cloud is found to form a halo surrounding from one-third to two-thirds of the surface of the equator of the spindle ; it never, or very rarely, forms a complete circle around the amphiaster, as the mitochondria often do, in the spermatocyte divisions (PI. 23, fig. 11). It is impossible to say with certainty whether the amphiastral rays are concerned with the division of the mito- chondria between the daughter cells, but I am inclined to think that they are not. In fact, mitochondria always seem to. clear a path for the astral rays instead of being directly caught up in them, and my observations seem to favour the view that mitochondria are partly distributed by cytoplasmic currents. PI. 23, fig. 3, shows a later stage in division; the distribu- tion of the mitochondrial matter seems to have been equally carried out, and I do not remember having seen any stage of division in which one cell appeared to be receiving more than its share. In all the spermatogonial divisions the cells act in the same way, and after these mitoses are finished the secondary spermatogonium about to become a spermatocyte possesses a cloud of mitochondrial granules at present dis- tributed towards one side of the cell. This side is generally 420 J. BRONTE GATENBY. the one in which lies the spindle bridge (PL 23, fig. 4), or “ reste fusorial,” which has been formed by a thickening of the spindle fibres at the telephase of division (see pp. 435 and 436). In the female the mitochondrial fibres always seem to lie quite near, even enveloping the spindle bridge (PI. 24, figs. 25, 26, and 28), but in the male the mitochondria, even if at first they always have this relation with the spindle bridge, soon become more granular, and tend to spread around the nucleus, as shown in PI. 23, fig. 5. At about this period some changes come over the mitochondria ; heretofore they resisted the action of acetic acid (PI. 23, fig. 3, is drawn from a Flemming fixed cell), and in material fixed with acetic acid preservatives these bodies are either hard to see or altogether destroyed in later stages (compare figs. 8 and 18). It should be understood that up to the beginning of the growth stage of the spermatocyte and oocyte the mitochondria of both sexes are apparently identical, but after the synizesis stage and thence forwards the bodies in either sex behave quite differently. The case of the male will be described first. After synizesis the chromatin soon becomes arranged, as shown in PI. 23, fig. 5, in the manner characteristic of the entry upon the growth stage. The mitochondrial cloud, which in some cases looks more fibrous than granular, gradually thins out, and moves around the nucleus till it eventually forms a complete outer sheath to the latter. In PI. 23, fig. 6, it is in process of forming this sheath, and in fig. 7 the layer is complete. As this has been taking place the individual mitochondrial granules have been changing. As far as one can ascertain from the powers of the microscope at one’s disposal, the mito- chondria in the stages drawn in PI. 23, figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are solid, and from the point of view of staining, homogeneous, but from stage PI. 23, fig. 5 and onwards in the male tlie character of these grains is altered. Each individual mito- chondrial granule has formed within it, or absorbs in some way, a chromophobe substance. The mitochondrial matter CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 421 properly so called forms a cover for this central core, which shows no affinity for the stains mentioned on p. 412— It will be seen at a later stage that this colourless inner matter forms the mechanism whereby the macro-mitosomal spireme is pro- duced. In PL 23, fig. 7 the granules at M.D.T. have the chromophobe core already clearly formed, while the grains at M.D.X. still are in the midst of forming this core. By stage PL 23, fig. 8, every mitochondrial granule consists of the inner and outer parts. The inner part is consequently of new origin, and has, I believe, no counterpart in the female. Up to the end of the growth period the mitochondria increase in size, but thenceforth I have not found that their size becomes greater. A Comparison of the Mitochondrial Bodies in the Spermatocytes of Smerinthus populi, Pieris brassicte, Spilosoma lubricipeda, Orgyia an- ti qua, and Pygmra bucephala. An examination of PL 24, figs. 19 (lubricipeda), 22 (brassicae), and 24 (antiqua)1 show that these granules have a fairly characteristic shape in different families. Smer- inthus populi, Pieris brassicae, and Spilosoma lubri- cipeda have a mitochondrial body about the same size in proportion to the cell contents, but both Smerinthus and Pieris have a larger number than Spilosoma; the latter, again, has a larger number than Orgyia antiqua. Pieris brassicae has mitochondrial bodies similar to those of the allied Pieris rapae, and as numerous. Cossus ligni- perda and Pygaera bucephala both have mitochondria very like those of S. populi. In some ways these structures in Orgyia are remarkable. Reference to PI. 24, fig. 24 shows that the mitochondria of this species are very large, perfectly spherical, and of many sizes. In the material which I had 1 The Orgyia antiqua material was fixed in Meves’ fluid. From preparations subsequently made with my own modification of Flemming, 1 believe that the mitochondria in my figs. 24 and 27 are abnormal- This matter is now being examined. 422 J. BRONTE GATENBY. preserved in Flemming with reduced acetic acid, and from wliicli PL 24, figs. 24 and 27 were drawn, the inner substance of the mitochondria appeared to stain a very faint greyish tint after prolonged treatment in iron-alum haematoxylin, but this is the only case I found in all my material. Judged from seven species of Lepidoptera belonging to different families, it seems that, generally speaking, the mitochondrial bodies of the spermatocyte at the end of the growth stage are of the same general shape (spherical to ovoid) throughout, but differences exist more particularly not only in the propor- tionate size, but also in the number of these cytoplasmic structures in the cell. In not every species do the mito- chondrial bodies resemble one another either in shape or staining affinities. PL 24, fig. 22 depicts the spermatocyte of Pieris brassicas. The mitochondria are relatively small and spherical, being crowded towards one side of the cell. Some of these are seen to be somewhat compressed and irregular, and none is found in any. cell process. The darker bodies, marked A.B., are the acroblasts, and they are more conspicuous than the mitochondria. Measurement showed that the size of the mitochondria of the several species dealt with was as follows, the average being taken in each case, for, as already pointed out, these bodies vary in size : Orgyia antiqua, diameter of average full-grown mito- chondrial body, 2 microns (M eves’ fluid). Sme rin thus populi, 1 micron (Champy). Pygaera bucephala, 1*5 microns (Champy). Pieris brassicae, 1 micron (Flemming without acetic). Spilosoma lubricipeda, *5 micron (Flemming with- out acetic). Vanessa urticge, -5 micron (Regaud solution). The above measurements give the average diameter, but it should be remembered that one could easily find a mito- chondrial body in Orgyia as small as the average of Spilo- soma. Some forms show a great tendency to variation in- size (Orgyia), whilst others are more uniform (Smerinthus), CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 423 but I do not believe mitochondrial bodies of the spermatocyte will be found specifically different enough to distinguish satisfactorily genera, families, or even, sometimes, orders of Lepidoptera. Exceptions to this may be found ; for instance, one could easily distinguish between Orgyia and Pieris, apart from other cell peculiarities in the two examples, by means of their mitochondria, but in all probability Orgyia antiqua and Orgyia casnosa would be just as much alike as the two Pierids mentioned in this paper. Then, too, it should be noticed that the Sphingidae (represented by Smerinthus) have the same type of mitochondrial body as the Pieridas — two families in no way related. Before comparison can be carried further, we must have at our disposal more work on the subject, and I leave the matter at this point. Changes undergone by Mitochondria in the Sper- matocyte. The mitochondrial bodies never remain unchanged. They are able to move about in the cytoplasm, probably being carried by cytoplasmic currents. But there are other facts to be noticed. Near the end of the growth stage, and thence- forth, one often finds that several mitochondria have coalesced or run together and form a single, very large body as shown in PI. 23, fig. 11, V.V., and PI. 25, figs. 32, 33, 34, and 43. In such cases I believe the running together may be caused by the close contact and subsequent fusion of the outer rim of the body, and the final flowing together of the chromophobe fluid core of adjacent mitochondria. It is often found that the mitochondria, where they are densest, run together to form cords or filaments, as shown in PL 25, fig. 31, and there is some probability that these large mitochondria and fila- ments are caused by the fixative. In my material of Vanessa fixed in the bulk in Regaud solution the mitochondria are bead-like, as is usually the case ; in smears fixed previously in osmic vapour and then soaked in Regaud solution the mitochondria are filamentous, or apparently a solid mass. It 424 J. BRONTE OATEN BY. appears to me that such peculiarities are due to the effect of the fixative on the matter around which the true mito- chondrial substance is applied ; thus the filamentous condition, of which PI. 25, fig. 31 is an example, is probably due to the rupture of the outer layer by the “brutality ” of the fixative and the consequent running together of the rims of the mito- chondria. This last process is one which the mitochondrial bodies always have a tendency to undergo. It may, then, be stated that the running together, though a natural process in later stages, is artificially hastened by the action of the fixative. In my sections of Smerinthus populi, the cells nearest to the periphery have a more vacuolated mitochon- drial mass than the cells which are in the mid-region of the gonad, and to which the fixing fluid (Champy) must have taken longer to penetrate. The Mitochondria in Division of Spermatocytes. In PI. 23, figs. 9, 10, and 11, PI. 24, fig. 27, and in PI. 25, figs. 32, 33, and 34 are drawn stages in division. These stages seem to show that the ainphiastral rays may be partly concerned in the division of the mitochondria between the two daughter cells. These bodies generally keep clear of and rarely become completely tangled in the spindle fibres. The mitochondria near the poles of the spindle in PL 23, fig. 9, are unusually near to the centro- sotnes, but there is a clear space left around the latter. This spermatocyte was drawn from material preserved in Champy, and the astral rays stain very slightly. The mitochondria generally become grouped to one side of the cell as in PI. 23, fig. 9, but this is not the only state in which they are found. Very often they form a complete circle, as shown in an equatorial view in PI. 23, fig. 11, and PI. 25, fig. 33. It is during division that it becomes very obvious that the indi- vidual mitochondrial bodies are affected by what is taking- place in the cell ; some mitochondrial bodies become elongated in the longitudinal axis of the spindle, others run together CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 425 with their neighbours, and also become elongated in the same direction. In PI. 23, fig. 10, this is clearly shown, and in extreme cases the mitochondria form threads, as in PI. 25, fig. 31, elongated in the same direction as the spindle ; this takes place especially in the anaphase and telophase. In PI. 25, figs. 32, 33, and 34, some stages are shown in which the mitochondria are blacked in for clearness. PI. 25, fig. 32, was drawn after focussing on the cell till only the outer layer of mitochondrial bodies were in the field ; by screwing the microscope tube further down one focussed upon the spindle and chromosomes, as in PI. 23, fig. 10; only in the latter the bodies are grouped to one side of the daughter cells. PI. 25, fig. 33, is drawn from such a section as that through X. — X. in PI. 25, fig. 32. The clumped chromosomes are seen in the middle, and it will be clear from these two drawings that the mitochondria often form two funnel-like masses with their narrow ends applied to each other, representing the region where the cells con- strict. In PI. 25, fig. 32, the elongation of the mitochondrial bodies is evident ; the figure suggests that such elongation might be due to mere mechanical reasons, pressing of the individual mitochondria one against the other. In PI. 25, fig. 34, a second maturation division is shown, and the tendency to a running together of the bodies is noticeable. In both maturation divisions the behaviour of the mito- chondria is similar, only in the second one the latter tend to run together more. In PI. 25, fig. 27, I have drawn a first maturation metaphase of Orgyia anti qua to show the hap- hazard arrangement of the mitochondria and their inde- pendence of the spindle. The newly-formed spermatid is^a cell like that drawn in PI. 23, figs. 13 and 14, the mitochondria* rarely surrounding the nucleus, but being heaped to one side of the cell. In neither of these cases had the mitochondria run together at all. The mitochondrial bodies now proceed to form the macro- mitosomal spireme as follows : 426 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Formation of Macro mitosome (“ Nebenkern ” of some authors). Immediately after the second maturation division and just as the nucleus becomes reorganised, the mitochondrial bodies show a tendency to form a horn-shaped figure (PI. 25, fig. 35). Text-fig. 2. 1. 2, 3. Supposed method in which spireme is formed from mito- chondria. 1. Mitochondrial bodies agglomerated together, the running together will begin at X. Y. 2. The mitochondria (X and Y) and their neighbours have coalesced to form two loops confluent on the other side of the membrane (31.), with other loops likewise formed. 3. Spireme nearly formed, the bodies A and B in 2 have run together. 0. Outer layer (mitochondrial matter). I. Inner vesicle of chromophobe substance represented by cross hatching. 4. Spermatocyte nest cut across the middle, showing the manner in which the flagellate organs (in black) project into the lumen \L.). W. Wall of the follicle cells of the cyst. M.D. Mitochondria. 5. Much enlarged view of an acroblast in longitudinal and in trans- verse section. C.P.Z. Chromophile zone. C.H.Z. Chromophobe zone. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 427 This process sometimes goes no further than in PI. 23, fig. 13. When this preliminary formation of a horn-like figure has taken place, one end, almost always the broader, undergoes a change. The mitochondrial bodies at this region flow together, as shown in PI. 25, fig. 35, forming at first elon- gated structures, then loops, and finally filaments, the latter joining up gradually to form a tangled anastomosing figure (PI. 25, figs .35, 36, 37, 38; and PI. 23, figs. 14, 15, and 16). At X.X. in PI. 23, figs. 14 and 15, the mitochondria are still beadlike, just as in PI. 25, fig. 36 X. In Text-fig. 2 I have drawn a schematic plan of the manner in which I believe these occurrences take place. The sum total of a number of involved changes is the formation of a perfectly coiled spireme (PI. 23, fig. 17 ; PL 24, fig. 23; and PI. 25, figs. 39, 40, 41, and 42). In Text-fig. 2 this process is seen to fall under three stages: the first is the preparatory clumping together of the mitochondrial bodies ; the second, the initiation of a flowing together to form loops ; and the third, the joining up of these loops to form a spireme. The most important point to observe is that the spireme is formed from the chromophile rim (outer layer) of the mitochondrial body, while the substance, in which the spireme lies, is the coalesced inner substance (chromophobe part) of the mito- chondrial layer. In Text-fig. 2, 1-3 this is shown taking place. The macromitosome so formed is drawn in PI. 23, fig. 17 ; PI. 24, fig. 23 ; and PI. 25, figs. 39, 40, 41, and 42 ; it consists of two parts, the inner chromophobe cores now com- pletely run together, and the contained spireme, or true mitochoudrial matter, derived from the outer chromophile part of the body. The coil so formed is of a slightly different appearance and size in different moths. If the diameter of the spermatid nucleus in a number of species be taken as 1, the ratios of the nucleus to the macromitosome in these species is as follows : 428 J. BRONTE G ATEN BY. Spermatid nucleus Macromitosome, taken as 1. greatest length. Vanessa urticae 1 1*5 Smerinthus populi 1 1-8 Pieris brassicm 1 2-3 Orgyia antiqua 1 1*7 A comparison of PL 24, fig. 22, and PL 24, fig. 24, of Pieris and Orgyia shows why the former should have a larger macromitosome in proportion to its nucleus than Orgyia • this is the difference in number and collective bulk of the mitochondrial bodies. Up to a point this ratio comparison holds good, and shows that the more numerous the mito- chondrial bodies, the larger will be the macromitosome, but it should be remembered that there are also variations in the comparative sizes of the nuclei of the spermatids of the several species, a fact that must be taken into account. There is little doubt that the reason why the Pieris ratio is so high is partly due to the smallness of the nucleus (vide PL 2$, fig. 22, and compare with Pl. 2$, fig. 24, etc.). .On the average, the nucleus is half the diameter of the macromitosome (taken in its longest measurement, for it is at this stage ovoid, PL 23, fig. 16). Moreover, the figures in Pl. 23, fig. 17, and PL 24, fig. 23, show that the ratio of the mitochondrial matter (chromophile) may differ from that of the inner substance (chromophobe), for the spireme in PL 24, fig. 23, is very loosely coiled. There is a very important point which should be noted at this stage, and which is responsible for the mistaken idea (Platner) that the macromitosome (nebenkern) is derived from the spindle fibres of the spermatocyte division. I pointed out, when describing the mitochondria, that as soon as the individual mitochondrial grains began to absorb and form within them the inner chromophobe substance, their power of resisting acetic acid fixatives become diminished. Near the end of growth period, when the mitochondrial mass is large, the acetic fixed cell looks like PL 24, fig. 18, the renin ins of the mitochondria being still evident (M.L.). But it is when CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GEItM -CELLS. 429 t^e . mitochondrial matter lias separated fro,m the chromo- phobe substance (PL 23, fig. 16, etc.), that the former t again becomes distinctly, visible to the eye, and I think that this renewed power of resisting acetic acid is caused by some definite but unknown change, similar to that already described just at the beginning of the growth period. The acetic acid acts so violently upon the mitochondrial matter that it pro- duces figures like those in Text-fig. l,v after Platner and Meves. Here, then, one realises more fully the faulty technique introduced into such research by dependence on acetic acid, however much reduced, and comparison of the figures drawn in this paper from fixatives free from acetic acid with those of other observers who have used acetic acid, will show that the latters’ drawings are really caricatures produced by distortion, and this remark can be readily con- firmed by examining material in the fresh and with intra- vitam stains. There are two periods when the mitochondria of moths resist acids : (1) the pre-growth period of the spermatogonium, and (2) the period after the formation of the spireme; by resist ” I mean to signify the power to resist becoming stained and visible, not the power to resist distortion, for Meves’ figures, -66, 67, 68, and 69 of Taf. XXV J I (in 1b), show resistance to destruction but not to distortion. Acetic acid fixatives seem to penetrate so violently that they cause the spireme to collapse into a shapeless mass within the chromophobe substance. Subsequent Fate of the Macro mitosome. The spermatozoon was traced up to the stage drawn in PI. 23, fig. 17, or PL 24, fig. 23. At this stage the macromi- tosome is a distinct spireme, though I do not feel able to say whether the coil has free ends or whether it is not so pro- vided.1 However, as spermatozoon formation goes on, the macromitosomal spireme appears to become gradually divided into two by the impressing of the axial filament upon the 1 See, however, my paper on the “ Apyrene ” spermatozoa, p. 470. VOL. 62, TART 3. NEW SERIES. 30 430 J. BRONT& GATENBY. envelope of this body. As this goes on the chromophobe substance dwindles, and the spireme appears to break up partially. In PI. 24, fig. 20, is a fairly late stage. The mito- chondrial matter is filamentous, but one wonld hesitate to say whether the filaments were intercontinuous. In later stages of spermatozoon formation the middle region becomes so attenuated that it is quite impossible to say whether or not the macromitosome is absorbed or sloughed off. I think that the macromitosome does probably persist, but its final fate is difficult to ascertain, and I do not regard late spermato- genesis stages as suitable material for finally settling this point. The obvious course is to examine fertilisation, and to follow out the sperm after entry into the egg. Concerning these points I shall have a few remarks to offer in the discussion (p. 450). What I have said under this heading naturally applies ta the micromitosome and second eentrosome as well, for all attempts at finding either of these structures in the ripe sperm have failed. It may be that the macromitosome and micromitosome resemble the nucleus and acrosome in that they may become so condensed as to be easily overlooked, but may, neverthe- less, be present, and be carried into the eggs. The Micromitosoina of Sinerinthus populi followed out in Material fixed in Cliampy. In the primary spermatogonium the nucleus always is wrapped around, especially on one side, by a half-moon of granular substance (PI. 23, fig.^. This semi-lunar shaped zone is made up of minute granules quite darkly staining,, and as far as one can make out not of the same size ; but by choosing favourable examples it is sometimes possible to find two other bodies in the cytoplasm, one often quite near the nucleus (but almost as often isolated towards one end of the cell), which is the eentrosome ; the other distinctly larger and staining very sharply, which is probably the inicromitosoma. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 431 The centrosome is never, as far as I have ascertained, sur- rounded by a definite zone (archoplasm), and the structures mentioned by Dr. Cook are almost certainly the mitochon- drial granules. Though it is a matter of great difficulty, and I confess of some doubt, to detect these bodies (mitosome and centrosome) in the cytoplasm of the resting primary spermatogonium, their presence is indubitably confirmed when one examines spermatogonia in process of division. In PI. 23, fig. 2, is drawn a inetaphase from the side. On the left are the mito- chondrial granules (MD), while on the mid-right of the cell are seen two bodies marked M which are the micromitoso- mata. This figure, and the drawings in PI. 23, figs. 3, 9, and 10 ; in PI. 24, fig. 18 ; in PI. 25, figs. 34 and 49, seem to show that this body does divide, and apparently in the early prophases of the cell division, but I found it very difficult to make sure. I never was quite satisfied that it really did divide, and the only confirmatory evidence is that found in my figures, above mentioned. Bearing in mind that it is very rarely that one finds more than one micromitosome in the spermatocyte, and that almost without exception every sper- matid has such a body, one is justified in concluding that this body really does divide. Apparently the micromitosome divides autonomously. Confirmation of this view is derived from the behaviour of the micromitosome in the spermatocyte divisions, mention of which will be made later. Reference may be made to PI. 23, fig. 3; PI. 24, fig. 21, which show these bodies in material fixed in strong Flemming in which the glacial acetic acid has been reduced. In this case the body does not stain so heavily ; spermatogonial mitoses show that the position occupied by the micromitosome is not definite. The most that can be said is that this body more often than not lies between the chromosomes and the equator of the spindle, rarely being found further towards the centrosome. During the growth period of the secondary spermatogonium and spermatocyte the micromitosome, which apparently has .432 J. BttONTlL GATENBY. taken part in every cell division, lies in no definite position; it grows a good deal, but its staining reactions do not appear to alter at all. I mention this especially because there was always the possibility that it might have become less or more densely staining in sympathy with the chromatin of the nucleus. In PL 23, figs. 4-8, and PI. 24, fig. 19, the body is shown in the various positions in which one may find it. In PI. 23, fig. 9, a metaphase of the first spermatocyte division is ehown, the micromitosomata being far apart (31.). In fig. 18 of PL 24 a Flemming-fixed spermatocyte in the early prophases is shown, in order to illustrate the micromitosome (M.) apparently in division; this body is constricting, and before the asters have moved one on each side of the nucleus it will have divided. In fig. 18 the micromitosome is swollen by the acetic acid of the strong Flemming solution This cell is particularly interesting, for it appears to prove that the micromitosome does divide without the intervention of the amphiastral rays. In the case of the spermatogonial division it is fairly certain that the micromitosomata are not directly affected by the astral rays, and the same may apply in the case of the spermatocyte division. One can find numerous cases where the micromitosomata have reached the opposite ends of the cell before the two daughter cells have begun to constrict. This seems to point to the fact that these curious bodies are separated one from the other by cytoplasmic currents. In PL 23, fig. 9, one focussed down upon the micromitosomata before one came to the chromo- somes. In the spermatocyte anaphase the micromitosome generally appears to keep well within the zone of influence of the centrosome, as PL 23, fig. 10, shows, and I do not remember having seen these bodies very far removed from the aster at this period. In the second spermatocyte division (PL 25, fig. 34) the micromitosome behaves as in the first maturation division, and in the newly-formed spermatid always lies near the nucleus (PL 23, figs. 12 and 13). When the spermatid begins to metamorphose the micro- mitosome may be orientated in any direction ; e. g. in Pl. 23, CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 433 fig. 13 ifc is below the nucleus, in PL 23, fig. 16 it is above, and in Pl. 23, fig. 14 it is at the side, assuming that the thick line represents the head end of a sperm (see Pl. 23, fig. 17). The mitochondria have by now run together to form the large mitosome (or “ nebenkern”) of Platner, or the macromitosome under my nomenclature, and the nucleus moves up near the wall of the sperm cyst wall (PL 23, figs. 14 and 16). The micromitosome leaves whatever position it hitherto occupied, and becomes placed between the nucleus and the macromi- tosomal spireme, as shown in Pl. 23, fig. 17, and in the figures in PL 25. Its further history is not at all easy to follow out, for the sperm begins to lengthen and thin out, and the frequent presence of several acrosome bodies contributes to the confusion. Though I was unable to make any smears of testes of Smerinthus, examination of such preparations from other species leads me to doubt whether the micromitosome always divides. I have examined a very large number of spermatids, and a few of them do not appear to possess this body ; more- over, it seems that the size of the micromitosome is seldom very regular. In some cases, especially in Vanessa, this becomes very apparent on examining the spermatids smeared from a single nest of cells. One counts four or five spermatids with micromitosomata, and then often finds two or three quite near in which no such body can be found. All of such cases are not due to the micromitosome being hidden by the macromitosome or by the nucleus. I would not feel justified in stating that the micromitosome of one spermatid whose immediate neighbour had no such body was twice as big as the micromitosomes from a group of cells all of which possessed the body. In Smerinthus I can say that on the whole the micromitosomes are remarkably uniform in size and in the constancy of their presence in the developing spermato- zoon. In such a form as Euchelia I could not find a micro- mitosome in any spermatogonial divisions or rest stages, and it was not until the growth-period had begun that this body 434 J. bront£ gatenby. became quite clear (PI. 25, fig. 45). Smerinthus is a very favourable example for the study of micromitosome, both because the individual cells are large and the cytoplasm is not crowded with coarse granules, as is especially the case with Orgyia and some others. The Cell Processes of the Spermatocyte. Not long after the beginning of the growth period, and at a stage which varies a good deal in different species, the spermatocyte shows a tendency to put out cell processes. This tendency seems correlated with the advent of the centro- some near the surface of the cell (PL 23, fig. 6) ; in PI. 23, fig. 7, the centrosome has divided and the cell processes are beginning to appear. In Text-fig. 2 I have drawn a group of spermatocytes to show the relationship of the processes to the lumen of the cell-nest. The latter forms a sphere whose centre is hollow (L.) and into which the cell processes stretch. The length and character of these processes differ widely ; in Pierids they are extraordinarily large and clavate, in some cases at least one half of the spermatocyte is taken up in the formation of these very large finger-like projections. In PI. 24, fig. 22, the Pierid spermatocyte is drawn and it shows how extensive these processes are. In some cases it appears as if the processes sprung from a centre which is formed by the two centrosomes; in such examples the cell projections are arranged fan-wise, the centrosomes forming the bottom of the handle of the expanded fan. In most other species it is difficult to imagine any relationship between processes and centrosomes, as in Smerinthus populi. In Euchelia, especi- ally in early stages, the spermatocyte projects into the lumen in the characteristic manner (not well shown in PI. 25, fig. 45), the cell often being extraordinarily attenuated. In these cases the centrosome (at present undivided) may or may not lie in the single large cell process. Acetic fixatives are rather unfavour- able, for they tend to break up these delicate organs, and I am inclined to believe that such fixatives cause the cell CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 435 processes to disappear partly or wholly, just as these solutions sometimes affect the pseudopodia of protozoa. Freshly teased preparations of testes failed to show any movement of either flagella or cell process, even though a warm stage was used. The Spindle Bridge (Le reste fusorial). The secondary spermatogonia and young spermatocytes and the secondary oogonia and young oocytes are connected one with another by spindle bridges. Such structures are well known and need not detain us longer than necessary to draw attention to some peculiar facts worthy of notice. In PI. 25, fig. 46, I have depicted a nest of secondary spermatogonia of Euchelia jacobaese, showing the spindle bridges (S.B.), the mitochondria (M.D.), and curious interconnecting bridges of mitochondria joining the main mass of granules ( M.D .) with the spindle remains. These peculiar interconnecting structures ( I.B.M.D .) are always present and remarkably clear in Flemming fixing material. At this stage the spindle bridges stain very darkly with iron hasmatoxylin, showing that they are very dense. When the spermatogonia enter^ the growth stage as young spermatocytes the protoplasmic bridges are not at first broken, but all the cells have common spindle bridges. As the lumen appears in the middle of the nest of cells the bridges become attenuated, and a central darker part in the cell is connected to the central darker part of its fellow’s spindle bridge by a paler structure. Soon the cells become as large as shown in PI. 25, fig. 45, and towards the end of the prophases the cells are interconnected by a very small, rapidly dwindling bridge ; in PI. 25, fig. 45, the bridges are at a stage when interconnecting parts between cells (I.P.) are very distinct, and these parts will probably soon break asunder. The cell is left with the central dark part ( C.D.P .) which in the male soon disintegrates. Iu the female moth the fate of the spindle bridge is different. I have not described the case of the female because this has been done by Miss Pauline H. Dederer in the f Journal of Morphology/ 436 J. BRONTE GATENBY. vol. xxvi. This observer sums up the situation in the case of the female as follows : “A transfer of material takes place from nurse-cells to the egg through connecting tubes derived from the spindle remains of the final oogonial divisions.” In this paper, of which Philosamia is the type, Miss Dederer shows that the spindle remains in this species persist for a long time. In some cases this happens in the male also, and in all probability what Platner draws in his PI. XIII, fig. 4, in his paper (4) is not the mieromitosome but the remains of the long persistent spindle fibres. I have found similar occurrences in several species in spermatocytes about to undergo the matura- tion divisions. In Taf. XXVII, fig. 66 of Meves’ paper there are figured two spermatids side by side, apparently joined by a bridge of staining matter. Meves says that the spermatid spindle bridge sooner or later disappears. I have been un- successful in my search for such spindle bridges in the spermatids of any of the species I have examined; there is often a well-marked equatorial granule (or granules). The Probable Use of the Spindle Bridge. In the crowded spermatogonial nests some cells are liable to get more nourishment than their fellows and would con- sequently grow faster than would be desirable. Where two nests touch the cells would be less well nourished than those cells bordering ou the part of the nest more exposed to the nutritive fiuid of the gonad. To facilitate intercommunica- tion between cells and complete uniformity of growth the spindle bridge is retained. In the case of the female, Miss Dederer shows that the spindle bridge is also concerned in passing on nutriment. The function of the bridges is some- what different in each sex. The Precociously Formed Flagella. Meves long ago described these structures, and very little remains for mention here, but I am able to add several facts CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE OERM-CELLS. 437 to the original description. As has been said, the advent of the centrosome, or centrosomes (if the division has taken place), at the edge of the cell (PI. 23, figs. 5 and 6) heralds the appearance of4 the first cell processes. If the centrosome has not already divided it now does so, and from these two bodies there begins , to grow out flagella, two from each. In Pieris, Smerinthus, arid Spilosoma at least, the outgrowing flagella bear at their tips a remarkably large clavate structure of a definite size. In PI. 25, fig. 44, these organs are seen just as they begin to protrude from the surface of the sperma- tocyte. The club-like end is, as far as I am able to ascertain, not one of the cell processes carried out in a simple manner by the growing flagellum, but really a definite organ formed on and around the end of the filament. The very tip of the outgrowing flagellum is occupied by a dark spot, at this stage quite as darkly staining as the centrosome itself, and the area of the filament between the clavate end and the centrosome stains fairly densely. The filament can be seen passing through the substance of the clubbed end, as shown in PI. 25, fig. 50, which is drawn at a later stage when the club-shaped organ is at its largest. The terminal body ( T.B. ), the coarse, curiously vacuolated protoplasm of the clavate end (P.R.), and the central vacuole often present ( V.P.R .) are shown in this figure ; the filament ( F .) is seen to pass through the clavate organ and to end in the terminal body ( T.B. ). Reference may be made to PI. 24, figs. 19, 22, and 24, for this clavate flagellum. In PL 24, fig. 24 (Orgyia), the terminal club-like organ is small. In Spilosoma it is relatively huge. By the time the second maturation division has occurred the clavate end of the flagellum is smaller, and rapidly dwindles during spermatozoon formation, When the spermatozoon is at the stage of PI. 24, fig. 20, the clavate end is difficult to find. I believe that the terminal organ is really a store of nutritive matter, the terminal bodj a centre of metabolism for this matter; therefore the dwindling of the clavate end, and the later disappearance of the terminal body may be correlated with the growth of the flagellum. The clavate 438 J. BRONlA GATENBY. organ, therefore, according to this suggestion, is an arrangement for enabling the filament to grow at both ends, the centrosome end undoubtedly assisting also ; it is possible that the terminal body ( T.B .) is in reality a part of the centro- some, detached and carried out on the tip of the filament in order to assist growth at the opposite end. The dark terminal dot is the growing tip, the clavate organ the storehouse of food matter. The Acroblasts and Acrosome ( Smerinthus) . * After the individual mitochondrial bodies have become clearly visible, one notices other more darkly staining, slightly curved, sickle-shaped bodies, much less numerous and more definitely located. These structures are much denser than the mitochondria, as is shown by their staining reactions with iron hsematoxylin. At the end of the growth period these darker bodies appear to have some relationship with the nucleus ; the mitochondrial bodies may be scattered irregu- larly, but the darker bodies, which, I believe, form the acrosome of the sperm, are placed generally with their concave surface towards the nucleus. Moreover, they nearly always occupy the spaces clear of mitochondrial bodies (see PL 23, fig. 8, A. B., 9, 10, 12, and 13). When the maturation divisions take place, the acroblasts, as they may be called, are even more definite in their behaviour. They are almost invariably placed in a semi- circular figure near the aster, as is shown in PL 23, figs. 9 and 10, PL 25, figs. 32, 33, 43, and 48. In some cases the acroblast, which looks solid for most of the growth period, is seen to be vesicular, only one side of the vesicle is always more solid than the other. This is shown in Text-fig. 2, 5. The acroblasts are never quite equal in size, but the largest ones are seemingly formed by the running together end to end of two acroblasts. The latter, when not vesiculiform, are more darkly staining than when they are hemispherical. In CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 439 the newly formed spermatid these bodies occupy the position shown in Pl. 23, figs. 12 and 13. At the time the mito- chondrial bodies begin to run together, the acroblasts, which are about three or four in number, gradually become vesi- cular. This process is quite easily followed out, and can often be seen occurring in the several acroblasts in one spermatid (see PI. 23, figs. 14 and 15, and the figures on PI. 25). In fact this process rarely seems to happen quite synchronously in one cell. When formed the acroblasts are quite spherical, and their wall is of equal thickness, not more bulging or thicker on one side than the other. Sometimes very small acroblasts are found (PI. 25, fig. 39). After the various other cell elements are arranged in final order, as shown in PI. 23, fig. 17, the acroblasts approach, and adhere to the nucleus very often at first as shown in PI. 23, fig. 17. In PI. 25, figs. 39, 40, 41, and 42, the formation of the acrosome is shown. PI. 25, fig. 41, is typical ; it shows two large acroblasts adherent to the nucleus ; where they touch the nucleus is a small, darkly-staining body, shown also in PI. 25, figs. 38, 39, 40, and 42. In PI. 25, tig. 42, the dark body is large, and the acrosome has been formed and is in its usual position. The dark dot is always touching the nucleus, and probably formed under its influence. One can sometimes find three or four acroblasts all adherent to the nucleus, each containing the dark granule. The question arises as to what occurs to the several acroblasts in such cases. I think the acrosome is finally formed by the running together of several acroblasts. This explains how such a large cap as that shown in PI. 24, fig. 20,- arises. At this stage it almost surrounds the nucleus. In PI. 25, figs. 47 and 51, other stages are shown; the four acroblasts are together forming one large acrosomic body, and in PI. 25, fig. 47, the running together of these structures has taken place. It will be seen from this account that the acrosome is formed from acroblasts, which can be found in the growth stage of the spermatocyte, and which act definitely, especially in division of the cells. In Text-fig. 3 this process is shown Text-fig. 3. CQ • Diagrammatic scheme of the history of the acroblasts and centro- somes in spermatocyte, permatid, and spermatozoon. For explanation see p. 463. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS IN THE GERM-CELLS. 44<1 in progress, and in Text-fig. ,4 there is drawn a. semi-diagram- matic scheme to illustrate the various stages in the formation of acrosome and the rotation of the nucleus. It is a very difficult matter to make certain in sections as to whether the acroblasts are equally divided among the daughter-cells during the maturation divisions. They are approximately divided, it is true, for the size of the acrosomes in any given cyst is the sanje. In Smerinthus there are from three to five acroblasts in the spermatid, and one can count about sixteen to twenty in the spermatocyte; in Pierids the number of acroblasts seems to be greater, but, except* for the fact that they are slightly more vesiculiform, the two insects have pretty similar acroblastic bodies. In Text-fig. 2, at 5 I have drawn schematically what I believe to be the longitudinal and transverse section of the acroblast at the end of growth of the spermatocyte. In Text-fig. 5 the remarkable behaviour of the acroblasts of Pieris is shown during metapliase of the second maturation division. The two elements, mitochondria and acroblasts, act quite differently. The former are passive, and evidently not so easily managed in cell-division as are the latter, which collect near the aster. In PI. 25, fig. 48, the prophase of the first maturation division is shown. This cell not only shows that the mitochondria are visibly affected by the spindle-fibres in division, for those near the fibres have run together (X.X.), but also establishes, as do most of my other figures, that the acroblasts have some definite relation- ship with the nucleus and aster. The orientation of the acroblast with the concave surface towards the nucleus is shown as well in PI. 24, fig. 22, PI. 25, figs. 30, 31, 32, 34, 43, and 48, and as a rule is rarely departed from. The reason for this curious relationship with the nucleus is unknown to me, but it is worthy of notice that this orientation is clearly marked from the time one can distinguish the acroblasts in the cell, and finally culminates in the attachment of these bodies upon the spermatid nucleus. The whole series of events seems to show that the acroblast is, especially in celb division, a more tractable cell element than the mitochondrial 442 J. BRONTti GATENBY. body, and the latter never bears the same relationship in later stages to the nucleus as the acroblastic body. In Orgyia antiqua the acroblasts seem to be vesiculiform, but as my material is fixed in Meves* fluid I cannot be quite sure. In PI. 24, figs. 24 and 27, these bodies are shown, but the trace of acetic acid used seems to have abnormally affected them. They are less visible than after Champy or Flemming without acetic fixation. In Spilosoma the cell was too small for me to make sure of the presence of the acroblasts in the growth period, though the mitochondria could be seen. * The Mitochondria and Other Bodies in the Female. In every way the cytoplasmic bodies in the oogonia and younger oocytes resemble the same structures in the male; this is a point which has hitherto escaped notice in the Lepi- doptera, and it is one of significance. It is not till the growth period has begun that the male cell becomes different from the female. In the former I have found micromitosome, spindle bridge, and mitochondrial cloud, and these bodies are all present in the female, though they may be slightly different in some ways. In the oogonium the mitochondria are grouped just as in the spermatogonium, and the same applies to the behaviour of these bodies during the oogonial divisions. After divisions have ended, the prophases of tho heterotypic division begin, and the cell looks like that drawn in PI. 24, figs. 26 and 28. The spindle bridge at this period may be relatively enormous, as in the latter figure, and it is often surrounded by, or closely related to, the mitochondria in some way or other (PI. 24, fig. 26) ; these cases vary greatly. In PI. 24, figs. 25, 26, and 28, there is a body (M.) which i& almost certainly the micromitosome ; in both Smerinthus and Pygaera I am quite certain of its presence. If ovaries and testes are preserved and stained at the same time these bodies can readily be compared (see PI. 23, fig. 4, and PI. 24, fig. 25- both oocyte and spermatocyte being at contraction figure), The micromitosome of the female seems to stain less heavily Text-fig. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CULLS. 443 444 j. bkonte , gatenby. than that of the male, though this may be accounted for when one remembers " that the fixing fluid has different amounts of tissue to penetrate in the testis than in the ovary, and length of fixation and accessibility to fixation will cause great differences in staining. I liave been unable through Jack of suitable material to follow the micromitosome through oogonial divisions, but it is quite possible that the nurse-cells differ from the oocytes in that the latter may possess a micromitosome, the former not. The search I was able to make showed that this view may be true, but good enough mitoses were not available to follow this body. It is very plain in Pygsera bucephala, and this moth will make a good species for study, because its cells are so large. In later oocytes (PI. 24, fig. 29) one often finds a large vacuolated body marked X. which I believe is the micromitosome; it seems to break up about this period ; but my material is not extensive enough to allow me to make a definite state- ment. In PI. 24, figs. 25, 26, and 28, the centrosome and mitochondria are shown. The latter are somewhat different from those of the male ; this difference may be due to the accessibility to the fixative in the female, for in later stages I know that the more peripheral spermatocytes and spermatids are differently fixed from the medullary ones. In the male the mitochondria are granular, in the female fibrous, but exactly this difference in later stages can be demonstrated in the male. (Compare PI. 25, figs. 30 and 31.) The mitochondria of the female never become far removed from the nucleus, are always minute, never have formed within them the cliromopliobe medulla, and in late stages form a cap on one side of the nucleus (PI. 24, fig. 29). Their subsequent fate in the maturation divisions and in fertilisa- tion is unknown. It is noticeable that the semilunar cloud of granules near the oocyte nucleus is not destroyed by acetic acid fixatives -at this period, and in this way resembles the mitochondrial CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 445 Text-fig. 5. MD Outline drawing by camera lucida to show varying behaviour in mitosis of mitochondria ( M.D .) and acroblasts ( A.B .) in the first spermatocyte division of Pier is brassicse. The mitochondria are passive, while the acroblasts are caught up in the asters, and are orientated with their concave surface towards the chromosomes. X 4250. VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 31 446 J. BRONTE GATENBY. bodies in the spermatogonium and young spermatocyte (see PL 25, fig. 45). It is only after the formation of the chromophobe medulla that the acid completely destroys the male mitochondria. Other Cytoplasmic Bodies. In Orgyia antiqua there are numerous large granules which are drawn in PI. 24, fig. 24, X.G., and X.M.; these are rarely of a size, bnt almost always there is a very large granule ( X.G .) which goes to one or the other daughter- cell in divisions. This large body always has a clear centre and is a constant factor ; in the spermatid it becomes carried out. to the end of the cell and finally sloughs off (PI. 24, fig. 23). There are other bodies of smaller size (X.M.) which are probably of the same nature as the last mentioned. Besides these one finds much smaller granules (G), which are very evident especially in division. For this reason Orgyia is unsuitable material for following out any cytoplasmic bodies except mitochondria, for there are so many granules that confusion arises. Even in the sperm atogonial divisions large granules are present. One concludes that these granules are excretory in nature, and are therefore of little importance from the point of view of this paper. Were further material at my disposal it might be possible by suitable methods to detect differences in these granules, but this has not been possible with Flemming with reduced acetic acid and iron hmmatoxylin. Probably Miss Cook's “chromatin granule" in Acronycta sp. is an excretory granule, or at least a body of the same nature as one of those mentioned above in Orgyia. In nearly all spermatids in Pieris, Smerinthus and others there is a mass of excreted matter sloughed off (see PI. 23, figs. 15 and 17; PL 24, figs. 23, etc.) during spermatozoon formation . Abnormalities. Though a very large number of gonads of y several species were examined nothing abnormal in relation to the sex was / CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 447 found. All larvae and pupae examined by me were either males or females. With regard to cytological abnormalities, one found nothing very remarkable. By means of smears1 fixed in osmic or in formalin bichromate or in both, it is possible to find some curious facts in connection with mitoses and mitchondria. With the exception of Munson, who figures several abnormalities, observers have overlooked these exceptional stages; the reason for this is that such abnormalities can only be detected successfully in smeared preparations, which most other observers of Lepidoptera have not used. However, PI. 25, figs. 30 and 43, were drawn from sections of Smerinthus. The former shows a binucleate cell, with three sets of centrosomes, and two micromitosomata ; the mitochondria and acroblasts are normal; such cells seem to arise by the cell-plate not forming during a spermatogonial mitosis. The latter figure (PI. 25, fig. 43) shows a triaster mitosis.the twenty-eight chromo- somes being distributed as indicated ; eight to one aster, four to another, and sixteen to the other; each aster has its acroblasts and the biggest aster has the most mitochondrial matter near it. This was a probably first maturation division and was found in a nest of second maturation divisions ; it is larger than the usual spermatocyte at the end of growth period and this accounts for the delay in - divisions ; I take it to be a first maturation division by the fact that two of its centrosomes each had two flagella. In PI. 25, figs. 52 and 53 are shown drawings from smears of Vanessa testis; the first figure shows an accessory macromitosome ( M.D 4), •evidently formed by some mitochondria being isolated during spireme formation ; the second figure shows a double cell in which one macromitosome has more matter than! its share. 1 Too much reliance cannot be placed on abnormalities found in smears, for during the process of spreading the gonad on the slide the fresh cells often either burst or run together. Nucleus and . ' centrosomes. Mitochondria. Micromitosome. Acrosome. Cytoplasm. 448 J. BRONTE G ATEN BY P °f ® O ft.S © ^ * 5 b § ® ^ ^ s fi 01 © T ^ G © -M „ w S-SG+i O h o O O G G „ G 01 wi'SW'S a oi ai ft r S\b. r £ G . 9 ^-2 £ co ft 5? 3 G oj o & G i — i P C/2 bTft S G ^ o •rH O HP G “> g a § J © ~ ft 1 1o ^ P=H G ft ai 5 pi*! O =*-g C ft co C3 © *ft 5 =* q-l ft G CO 2 o ft d G ft G G co to CO ■“ d ft d* ft C c W o w cb ■ ft Oft CO _ ^ 03 rS G^r| co .G ft ft ft ft HP to ^ ® m . ft O ft © £ co O br HP o -p n -p ® ce 2. ®p^ £ =*£'■9:3 ^ .G 9 HP b © to © Ph m !> P h> © .£ *03 hh 02 ■+3 03 O c3 0 Po _< s *© pG G H3 S co ^ oi >% © > 0 bo 01 !> § 6 •H^ C4" ©r^£ ft ~I g|J hca^ ;_, hp ft u ° <13 co O O ^0 G p J£»„ ft •£ *01 ■+3 ^ ft 3- =S *GG g c; 03 .pH oi 9 ft fe o ce r B O £ *£ "§ P o G © IS G 'S «■ . ©*V©Gea*2®2“ ^ ft ^ 03 ft ^ S o -4-^ — H r- -1 .rH • rH ? O O 0Q^ ccflj^ Q £ ® I'CG i G O figures of abnormal stages support this view. One concludes from this that the centrosome per se, goes on with its slight changes even though the nucleus has drifted aside. This is in accordance with what happens in other cell elements, which appear to go on developing with at least partial independence. It is well to notice that after the VOL. 62, PART 3. NEW SERIES 33 478 J. BRONTE GATENBY. failure of the nucleus in the metamorphosis of the cell elements of the spermatid the centrosome invariably retains all the energy necessary to undergo its normal changes. One is forced to believe that the central corpuscle of all the plasmatic elements is the most resistant to those influences which cause abnormality, and this should be borne in mind in the discussions relative to any possible part played by with three or four drops of acetic acid. Benda used a Flemming with only three to six drops of acetic acid to 15 c.c. chromic and 4 c.c. osmic. I feel sure that it is dangerous to try to temporise between two fixing solutions, as nuclear and cytoplasmic, by simply cutting down the acetic. These observers retain just enough acetic acid to distort the mito- chondria, and the small improvement in the appearance of the nuclei and in the penetrative power is quite outweighed by this glaring fault. As I have mentioned before, the discussion as to whether the mitochondria are rods or granules may be largely a question of acetic acid and such-like injurious re- agents. Any fixative in general use will give a passable fixation of the nucleus, but work on the cytoplasm is a very different story. In the cytoplasm w.e have no bodies bounded by close membranes, but structures which can be, and always are,. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 563 blasted into fragments by many so-called “ admirable fixa- tives.” In this work on the snail I used the following fixatives : (1) My modification of Flemming’s strong formula, in whicn no acetic was used. (2) The same fluid diluted one-sixth. (3) Champy’s fluid. (4) Flemming’s strong solution, in which the acetic acid was re-placed by nitric acid. All the better-known fixatives were also tried, such as Flemming, Perenyi, corrosive sublimate, Carnoy, etc. For staining I used the usual stains, such as Ehrlich’s heematoxylin and eosin, Mayer’s acid heemalum, and iron alum hsematoxylin with orange G., Bensely’s acid fuchsin- methyl green, and alizarin-toluidin blue, etc. Taking the reddish or orange alizarin or acid fuchsin as a basis, the slides were often counterstained in toluidin blue, crystal violet, methyl green, thionin, etc., and the same was done taking iron heematoxylin as the first stain. Some slides were mounted unstained in euparal for studying yolk. Smears were tried, but failed to give very helpful results except for studying later stages and ripe spermatozoa. Of the large number of fixing and staining methods used, I found that for the snail the following was the best : The animals are anaesthetised in chloroform vapour, and as soon as possible the last upper whorls of the shells are carefully broken with strong forceps or by a blow with some hard instrument. The shell is dipped in water, and the remaining* pieces around the broken area are removed with forceps. The ovotestis is cut out and laid on the table and superfluous digestive gland is cut away, exposing the milk-coloured ovotestis on every side. This piece is cut in half longi- tudinally, and immediately thrown into a capsule of Flemming without acetic acid, diluted one-sixth with distilled water. Here the fragments are left overnight. They are washed for at least two hours in running water next morning, and then brought up from 50 per cent, alcohol and the other grades to 564 J. BRONTE OATENBY. absolute and xylol. They are embedded as usual, cut into 6 fx sections, and stained in iron alum haematoxylin by the long method.1 These sections are carefully differentiated, and then tinged with orange G. or van Giesen. The mitochoudria and Nebenkern are intense black and beautifully clear. Neither Benda’s, Bensely’s, nor any of the other coloured stains approach such preparations for definition, and for the detail which is shown. As will be explained in another part of this series, iron haematoxylin is not always indicated for mitochondrial work, Bensely’s acid fuchsin having been found better for some objects. The Flemming solution, in which the acetic acid is sub- stituted by nitric acid of 3 per cent., gives a very intense stain when used on the mitochondria. The Germinal Epithelium. The germinal epithelium in its indifferent condition consists of a row of flattened cells containing compressed nuclei. The epithelium is not a syncytium, as has been stated by some authors. In PI. 30, fig. 2, is drawn at a very high power three cells of the epithelium in an indifferent state. The nucleus is an oval, flattened structure, and as it is here cut in its narrowest way it looks elongate. The chromatin is arranged in a large number of irregularly triangular lumps, which here and there are intercommunicating. The cyto- plasm is not very large in volume, and consists of a wide reticulum, which in some cases can be seen to be condensed into a dark mass near one edge of the nucleus (see PL 30, fig. 2, PI. 31, fig. 20, etc.). The cells of the germinal epithelium rest upon a fibrous layer, shown by Ancel to be of mesodermal origin (PI. 30, figs. 2, 3, and 4, A.L.N., etc.). This layer contains nuclei, which vary in size very greatly. In PI. 30, figs. 3 and 4, are drawn quite typical examples of the germinal epithelium. The germinal epithelial cells ( Gr.E .) are seen resting between 1 Ivon alum ten to twelve hours, hsematoxylin twelve to fourteen hours. GYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM -CELLS. 565 the yolk cells (N.G.) and the layer of Ancel (A.L.N.). According to the sort of sex cells in any given region the germinal epithelium is characteristic. Where rapid pro- liferation is taking place, where yolk cells are abundant, or where a large oocyte is present, the epithelium lias a special appearance. In PI. 30, figs. 3 and 7, and in PI. 31, figs. 9, 11,. and 12, where an oocyte is in growth, the germinal epithelial cells tend to either become atrophied or altogether pushed aside. In Text-figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are drawn typical portions of the ovotestis under different conditions. It will be seen that the appearance of an alveolus of the ovotestis may vary greatly. Not only does the wall differ at different stages, but the contents of the lumen are rarely the same in appearance. I believe that the varying different stages in the alveoli can be classified for different seasons of the year, though if the ovotestis is sectioned during hibernation it will be found that all the various sorts of alveoli are present.1 Then one is led to inquire what causes individual alveoli of the ovotestis to vary so remarkably in appearance as do those drawn in Text-figs. 2 and 3. Ancel has given a description of the metamorphosis of the alveolus in the young snail, which, in view of his Flemming technique, is not very satis- factory. Unfortunately his methods did not allow him to do anything but describe the nuclei, but from his otherwise admir- able description we know that the following events take place : Firstly the male progerminative cells appear and drop into the lumen. Then the germinal epithelium becomes arranged in two layers, the inner of which remains indifferent, the outer (next to the male cells) becoming converted into nurse- cells. Thirdly, the inner layer of an indifferent nature sporadically gives rise to oocytes. That this is reallv what happens I have no doubt, and if one keeps this description of the sequence of events in one’s memory, some difficult problems with which one meets in studying the adult ovo- testis become less hard to understand. 1 But the orders of cells differ in the seasons. This matter is dealt with in a forthcoming paper. 566 J. BRONTfs GATENBY. In the ovotestis of the hibernating snail where activity is temporarily suppressed, just as in a summer example where activity is very great, it is found that the diverticula or alveoli in the hermaphrodite gland almost always are better provided with yolk and younger cells at their upper extremity than at tlie lower part of the finger-like alveolus which joins the mouths of other diverticula. That is to say, the higher ones penetrate into the diverticulum, the younger and less differentiated are the elements. When one cuts a transverse section across the upper part of an alveolus one finds that the lumen is very small sind is choked either with full yolk cells projecting from the walls, or closely packed with spermatogonia and young spermatocytes. It is rare to find an oocyte at these places, but it would be a mistake to think that oocytes never occur in these regions. In Text-fig. 1 is drawn the upper region of an alveolus. Just as in the young snails described by Ancel, the first cell elements to appear are almost invariably spermatogonia, but I have found several instances where an oocyte had appeared immediately after the yolk cells had been formed. In Text- fig. 1, i, the germinal epithelium has already become organised into two layers, an inner mass of yolk cells filling the lumen and the lower indifferent germinal cells ( G.E. ). At X. a germinal epithelial cell has grown in size, has lost its flattened shape and is about to become a spermatogonium. In Text-fig. 1, ii, this process has become more advanced and the nurse-cells are becoming pressed apart at X. by a number Text-fig. 1. Fig. i. — Upper part of diverticulum of ovotestis showing yolk cells (N.C.) and germinal epithelium (G.E.). At X. are enlarged nuclei, which are in a progerminative stage. In the middle are some spermatocytes. The vacuolised tissue outside consists of meso- derm, which packs around the upper parts of the diverticula. X 800. Fig. ii. — Another diverticulum cut near its upper end. At X. are some primary male cells which as yet have no definite mitochondria or Nebenkern. They will probably become spermatocytes directly. At Y. is a pale cell beginning to enter a primary spermatogonial stage. Figs, iii and iv are spermatids showing different Xebenkern batonettes (N.K.). M1. — micromitochondria. M2. = macromito- chondria. N.C. = yolk cell. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 567 Text-fig. 1. Fig. ii. 568 J. BRONTE GATENBY. of spermatogonia. This process takes place from different parts of the alveolar wall and the lumen becomes quite choked with cells. In Text-fig. 2 is drawn a lower part of the alveolus showing that the proliferation of male cells from the walls has stopped temporarily and that the yolk cells are much reduced in size. The consecutive stages from spermatogonium to spermato- cyte are marked with figures. Quite often one finds oocytes developing beneath the yolk cells. In such a case as the group of spermatogonia marked i, in Text-fig. 2, many of the cells may go on to the growth period and ultimately form spermatozoa, but there is hardly any doubt that some remain quiescent, or keep on dividing and give rise to the very small spermatogonia with hardly any cytoplasm which are so characteristic of the lower part of the ovotestis lumen. In Text-fig. 3 another stage is reached. The yolk cells are- either relatively few or small, or often not present at all, but the lumen is generally strewn with a mass formed of the flot- sam and jetsam of many generations of germ-cells of ripe spermatozoa, of exhausted yolk cells or their nuclei, and of many sizes of spermatogonia; also here and there around the walls may be seen either an oocyte in process of growth, often but not always accompanied by yolk cells, or a bunch of spermatocytes, spermatids, or spermatozoa. If such a stage as the contraction figure be taken, one is struck by the fact that many sizes of cells are undergoing this nuclear change,, often with a cytoplasm and nucleus varying remarkably in size. In Text-fig. 2 there is no doubt that all the cells are of Text-fig. 2. Fig. i. — Slightly lower region than that drawn in Text-fig. 1, ii. All cells belong to the same generation. Earliest stage at 1 has just finished division. 2-7 are growth stages. 8 = spermatid. The yolk cells ( N.C .) are beginning to become exhausted. The Neben- kern rods of this generation were semi-lunar in shape. Fig. ii. — Further down the diverticulum, where the yolk cells are more exhausted or absent. The epithelium at the figures 1-5 is beginning to produce another generation of male cells. 5 is about to enter the prophases of mitosis. 7 = spermatocyte, 8 = spermatid. The cell 2 is drawn in PI. 31, fig. 17. 570 J. BRONTE GATENBY. the same generation. This is never the case further down the lumen. We then come to one of the most remarkable facts which I am able to point out in this paper. It is that the spermatocytes, etc., in different parts of the lumen are of different generations and derived in a varying manner, and that they show this by their appearance, which is character- istic in every case. If PL 31, figs. 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, and PI. 32, fig. 24, be inspected it will be seen that very remarkable differences exist between the cells here drawn ; all these figures are to the same scale and the cells were all found in the germinal epithelium. The same remark about differences applies to PI. 30, fig. 6, PI. 32. fig. 21, and PI. 33, fig. 30. These are in a characteristic stage of the prophases of the heterotypic division, and not only do figs. 6 and 21 differ markedly in their nuclei, but the cytoplasmic inclusions are quite distinctly unlike in each example. In the same way, if the cell divisions drawn in PI. 32, fig. 22, PL 32, fig. 28, and PL 33, figs. 34 and 39 be compared it will be noticed that the cytoplasmic inclusions behave differently and are different in size and shape. If the sper- matocyte in PL 32, fig. 25, be compared with that drawn in PL 33, fig. 32, and the spermatid in PL 32, fig. 24 a, with that in PL 33, fig. 36, it will be seen that remarkable differences exist. This brief recital of some of the curious facts which are to be found in the ovotestis of Helix at once serve to show that the problem of the derivation of the various sex cells from the indifferent cell is a very difficult matter to understand, and one which has been inadequately treated. I should hasten to make it quite clear that this paper does not by any means completely describe all the sorts of cells found in the ovotestis. For myself, I consider that the many months of close attention which I have devoted to this work have only served to show me that a complete explanation of all the various cell generations in the snail's gonad is not the work of months, but of years. It will need the collection of a complete series of sections of gonads for every month of CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 571 the year except the hibernatory ones.1 I have found that properly to describe the remarkable facts concerning the origin, function, and fate of the nurse or yolk cells alone would need a separate paper, and should circumstances allow I hope to apply myself to this task.2 Bolls Lee (9) was struck by the number and varying sizes of the spermatogonia in the snail. I can at present think of at least several sorts of spermato- gonia ; by this I mean that it is quite possible to find a large number of cells which are in the spermatogonial generation of the male cells, and which differ markedly either in their nucleus, their Nebenkern, or their mitochondria. Cell Generations in the Snail. The most important result of this study has been the realisation that in observing the mixed mass of cells in the lumen of the ovotestis, one deals not with one generation of male cells derived in the same way, but with several genera- tions whose origins are in certain ways considerably different. It is not intended at this juncture to attempt any explanation of this until the various cells have been described as well as possible. From the excellent work of Bolls Lee (9) and Ancel (2), not to mention some of the older writers, we are fairly well acquainted with the appearance of the typical lumen of the ovotestis. Inspection of the text-figures will serve to show what these authors have failed to emphasise suffi- ciently, viz. that the appearance of the various alveoli differs greatly, not only individually, but just as importantly in the contents of the alveoli which are different at different levels. In Pl. 32, figs. 28 and 29, and PI. 33, figs. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 I have drawn typical stages of the meta- morphosis of a sperm from the loose cells lying in the open lower region of the alveolus. The spermatogonial division is drawn in PI. 32, fig. 28. Typically one gets small mitochondria often so small as to 1 This has now been done. 2 This paper (Part iv) lias lately been finished. 572 J. bront£ gatenby. be difficult to detect, and sometimes two other bodies of a larger nature can be found. One, marked X.N.K., may be the Nebenkern, but it is too small to be easily made out ; the other is a large granule (S.G.), the history and fate of which has been so ably described by Bolls Lee (9). Suffice to say, this body is quite definitely seen in Flemming-fixed material stained in iron alum haematoxylin, and persists for a long time in the sperm cycle. The chromosomes in these divisions are seed-like, slightly elongate, and much crowded. There are considerably more than forty, and the correct number seems to be forty- eight. As far as I can tell, the mitochondria in this form of spermatogonial division do not alter in shape during kinesis. In PI. 32, fig. 29, I have drawn a spermato- gonium just after division has finished and when the nucleus is properly reformed. At S.B. is a spindle bridge, at S.G-. a siderophilous granule, towards one side of the nucleus the small mitochondria are grouped into a conical heap, and finally floating free in the cytoplasm is an apparently serrate elongated body so plain and large as to be easily drawn in with the camera lucida ( N.K. ). I feel quite sure that this is the Nebenkern. When the spireme appears and the loops become grouped to form the contraction figure the Nebenkern takes up its position where the centrosome is known to be in other cases. It should be stated that in the best preparations I have, one is unable to see a centrosome at any stage until near the maturation divisions. In PI. 33, fig. 30, the Neben- kern (N.K.) appears to be broken into pieces but still has the elongate rectangular shape. The mitochondria are now becoming more loosely disposed, aud by the stage drawn in PI. 33, fig. 31, are larger and dispersed throughout the cyto- plasm. The Nebenkern is now quite distinctly formed of a number of tiny intensely-staining rodlets. By the end of the growth period the Nebenkern (PI. 33, fig. 32) is seen to consist of elongate, slightly curved rodlets, somewhat irregularly disposed, but often placed end to end, as shown in the spermatid in PI. 33, fig. 35. These rods are most easily described as banana-shaped. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 573 They lie in, or are grouped so as to enclose, an archoplasmic region near the nucleus. Despite Bolls Lee's assertion, I must confess that I am quite unable to find a centrosome inside this archoplasm, but there is little doubt that such a body may be embedded in this mass.1 When growth stage has finished the cell may be the size drawn in PI. 33, fig. 33, at 4250 diameters. The first matu- ration prophases are in progress. The chromosomes are appearing, while the Nebenkern, as such, has disappeared. In favourable examples it is found that small rodlets are still visible here and there ( N.K . in PI. 33, fig. 33), and these are almost certainly parts of the scattered Nebenkern. The individual rods appear to break up into minor rodlets. Bolls Lee (9) described in the maturation division a re- markable centrosome structure. I found this quite easily in some of my preparations, and these triradiate bodies are seen at A.S. The striae figured by Lee in these bodies I did not find so marked, but as our technique was different this is not a matter of great importance. The mitochondria are very dense and numerous. The spindle now forms, with the disappearance of the astral body (A.S.), and one gets a figure in which the mitochondria are heaped around the spindle and elongated in shape as if affected by some lines of force (see PI. 33, fig. 34). Murray (8) figures the Nebenkern fragments as grouped around the poles of the astral figure, but I am unable to come to a definite opinion on this point. I am able to say that occasionally one finds little rectangular bodies which might be the Nebenkern, but unfortunately, as the mitochondria also become elongate, it is difficult to come to a decision as to the nature of these elements. Since mitochondrial stains also tinge the Nebenkern, staining tests have so far failed. The second maturation division closely resembles the first in so far as the behaviour of the plasmatic bodies are concerned. The spermatid then appears as drawn in PI. 33, fig. 35, when it is just beginning to metamorphose. At what is later seen 1 Subsequent work shows that Lee is correct. 574 J. BRONTE OxATENBY. to be the front end of the cell, the nucleus is found to be covered at one side by a densely staining cap — the acroblast. Despite especial work in this connection, I have been unable to follow this body back into the spermatocyte. No staining method of which I know will discriminate between acroblast and mitochondrium, and it is obviously impossible to identify this body until it has taken up its position next to the front edge of the nuclear membrane. The spermatid,1 besides con- taining the Nebenkern and the mitochondria, is seen to be provided with a cloud of granules of a smaller size lying behind the nucleus, near the locality from which the axial filament presently begins to grow. The granules (AT.2) are hardly demonstrable till the spermatid is in the stage drawn in PL 33, fig. 35, but from thence onwards they are quite easily found. As the spermatid lengthens, the nucleus becomes shaped as shown in PI. 34 , fig. 41, the acroblast lying as a thickened area laterally. In PL 33, fig. 36, I have carefully drawn a spermatid at this stage. The nucleus has become blackly stained with iron hsematoxylin, while the small granules, which will be’ called micromitochondria, are closely grouped behind the nucleus. The other mitochondria, which, to dis- tinguish them, will be called the macromitochondria, lie further back. At the letter C .2 is a structure, constantly present, formed of a large and a slightly smaller granule. The larger granule is probably the second centrosome ; the other might be a mitochondrial granule, but I cannot advance any definite evidence as to its nature. A stage just before this is drawn in PL 34, fig. 42, and the nucleus does not yet stain entirely basophil. In PL 34, fig. 43, a still later stage is drawn. The micromitochondria ( M .2) are now grouped around the axial filament a good part of its way, and the centrosomic structure is still visible. In Text-fig. 4 iii a later stage is drawn ; in this (preparation the two bead-like bodies in the tail of the sperm were par- ticularly obvious. 1 See Addendum A. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 575 In Pl. 34, fig. 44, at a still later stage, the Nebenkern, which hitherto kept its rectangular figure, has become col- lapsed by the pressure of the narrowing space in which it lies, and its individual parts are better revealed. In some cases, at least, it seems that the Nebenkern elements at this stage do really enclose an archoplasmic region, or at least a denser region of the cytoplasm. In PI. 34, fig. 44, the mitochondrial elements are becoming larger, and they now form a rough coat to the axial filament. First are seen the micromito- chondria, which now form an undoubted covering, while behind is generally seen the Nebenkern. Behind this lie the macromitochondria, which are less evenly disposed than the micromitochondria. By PI. 34, fig. 45, the micromitochondria have disappeared as such, but if the axial filament is carefully examined, it will be seen that it lias increased both in thick- ness or bore, and in its affinity for basic dyes. Followed further down to the macromitochondrial region the filament gradually resumes its original staining powers and propor- tionate size. These areas of the filament are marked X , upper, Y, where the intermediate region lies, and Z, lower, where there is a slight but hardly perceptible thickening. In PI. 33, fig. 37, at a higher power is drawn the front region of a metamorphosing sperm just before the stage described in PI. 34, fig. 44. The disposition of the elements is quite typical, while the Nebenkern is crumpled up and is seen to consist of nine batonettes or rods, which together formed the rectangular structure drawn in the previous figure (PI. 33, fig. 36). In PI. 33, fig. 37, these rods seemed to be sur- rounded by a clear zone. As metamorphosis goes on the mixed-up macromitochondria and batonettes become further and further removed from the head of the sperm, while the former of the two become somewhat larger and increasingly fewer in number. They seem to be absorbed finally into the sheath of the tail, and if anything is cast off it must be a very small portion indeed.1 1 A residuual bead is always cast off, and it always contains some mitochondrial grains. 576 J. BRONTE GATENBY. As the mitochondria slough down the sperm tail, the mito- chondrial sheath becomes thicker and more darkly staining in the region just cleared of the chondriosomes, the natural inference being that the latter form the sheath. This seems supported by such a stage as that drawn in PL 34, fig. 45, at X, Y, and Z. In the areas where the cells of the male generation are densely packed one often finds variations in Nebenkern, mitochondria, and nucleus. Without at present going into the question of the cause of these variations, whether technical or inherent in the snail, it is proposed to describe them. In PI. 32, fig. 25, is drawn a spermatocyte near the end of growth period. The mitochondria are seen to be small, hollow spheres, scattered throughout the cytoplasm in much the same way as in the spermatocyte in PI. 33, fig. 32k The Nebenkern elements are much more numerous than in the cases already described, where there are generally thirty rodlets in the spermatocyte, and from six to twelve in the spermatid. In the other spermatocytes, such as that in PL 32, fig. 25, the rodlets are always almost completely circular, that slight curve or banana shape being here much exaggerated. The circular rodlets generally are placed as shown in PL 32, fig. 25, but it will be noticed that they are almost invariably placed so that their outer, thicker edge lies outermost, and their centre is in contact with the archoplasm. This is very well seen in PL 32, fig. 24 a. Re-examination of the Neben- kern elements in PL 33, figs. 32, 35, and 36 shows that in this variety of cell the elements are banana-shaped, and the convex surface or back of the rodlet is turned inwards — exactly the opposite of what is found in PL 32, figs. 25 or 24 a, etc. Now when the spermatocyte breaks into the prophases, the cell looks like PL 32, fig. 27. The chromosomes are appearing ; the Nebenkern elements have become disposed into two groups, one on each side of the nucleus, evidently being influenced by the centrosome. Below the nucleus lie several other rods, curved so as to form a circle, but with one side especially thickened. It is quite characteristic of these CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GKRM-CELLS. 577 stages that at this period one has difficulty in distinguishing the mitochondria, which are sometimes quite big and ring- shaped, from the Nebenkern elements. As will be seen on inspection of PL 32, fig. 24 a, the mito- chondria may be quite large and appear as hollow spheres. When the cell division is in the metaphase the mitochondria and Nebenkern elements become mixed, and I am unable to say that the asters in any way affect the rodlets, as has been claimed by Murray.1 In some cases one seems to be satisfied that the spindle-fibres do exert some influence; in others the opposite seems to be the case. In almost, if not all, meta- phases I have examined, I feel with regard to this question that the Scotch verdict, “ not proven,” is the safest view to take. Should a specific stain either for mitochondria or for the rodlets of the Nebenkern be found, it may be possible to throw some clearer light upon this question. In PL 32, fig. 22, a second maturation division is shown. The mitochondria are hollow spheres, appearing as ringlets, and here and there lie the elements of the Nebenkern, which I can positively identify. The spermatid of this small-rodlet generation almost always has a nucleus which contains a greater number of karyosomes2 than the sort drawn in PL 33, fig. 35. The Nebenkern elements in the example drawn in PL 32, fig. 26, were very small, and at this stage evidently just collecting after cell division. It will be noted in all these stages except the one drawn in PL 32, fig. 27, that the cell is angular in shape, from the abutting neighbouring cells pressing on each side. When the spermatid begins to metamorphose tke micro- mitochondria appear, and the Nebenkern is formed as shown in PL 32, fig. 24 a. Curiously enough, the sperm head in the early stages of its transformation is generally irregular in 1 I have since found that in division the batonettes do lie in the zone of the asters. 2 See PI. 34, fig. 48 a, b, c, where spermatid nuclei from different regions are drawn to show variation in karyosomes. The bulk of the karyosome matter does not vary much, only number. 578 J. BRONTE GATENBY. shape — probably traceable to the cramped quarters in which the cell is forced to metamorphose. In Text-fig. 1, iii, iv, the two extremes in these various kinds of cells are drawn. Fig. iii shows the typical Neben- keru formed of many curved rods, while fig. iv shows the typical rectangular Nebenkern formed of fewer elements. The remarkable differences which are found in the later spermatids are illustrated in PI. 33, figs. 37 and 40. These are not quite at the same stage, the latter being slightly younger. In this form the Nebenkern is very large and peculiar, differing most markedly from that in PL 33, fig. 37. This also applies to the mitochondria, which, while being larger in PI. 33, fig. 40, and fewer. But, as will be noticed in PI. 32, fig. 26, largeness of mitochondria and smallness of Nebenkern batonettes do not necessarily go hand in hand. The Manner of Metamorphosis of an Indifferent Germinal Epithelial Cell into a Primary Sper- matogonium . Many of the older writers thought that the main factor of change in the epithelial nucleus was the appearance, or at least the exaggeration, of the chromatin lumps. PL 31, figs. 11 and 19 show this. In one case we deal with a sperma- togonium (the latter), and in the other with a oogonium. But it should at once be pointed out that, from a careful study of these stages, I have concluded that the amount of real Fig. i. — Part of the lumen less well supplied with nutriment. The epithelial cells have here and there grown into progerminative cells (X), passed to the prophases of the heterotypic division ( C.F .) and afterwards have begun to drop off (X.Y.). (Text-fig. 4.) At X. and E.N.C. are yolk cells in stages of disintegration. At N.C.N. is a bare yolk cell nucleus. At S.N. are many sperm atogonial nuclei lying in a syncytium (R.), a quite characteristic occurrence in these localities of a lumen. As at S. and in other cells there is a distinct cloud near the nucleus. (See PL 31, figs. 19, 20 ; Pl. 32, figs. 21 and 23.) Fig. ii. — Passage of a male progerminative cell (primary spermatogonium) from its place on the germinal epithelium CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 579 Text-fig. 3. (£.) into the lumen of the diverticulum. At S.P.S. are secondary spermatogonia derived from a division of such a cell as S.P.P. The arrow points to tlie inside of the lumen. 580 J. BBONTffc GATENBY. variation is quite remarkable, and no two epithelial cells metamorphose in quite the same way. In PI. 30, fig. 2, the upper nucleus has to its right a small, darker area in the cytoplasm, and the same applies to the upper part of the middle nucleus in this figure. Not all cells possess this cloud — or, more correctly, I should say that I have been unable to find the cloud in every epithelial cell. The cytoplasm of the germinal epithelial cell is of the open variety, and is best seen in preparations stained in iron alum- alizarin-toluidin blue, where it is a purplish-blue in shade. In some cases, when the cell is about to abandon its in- difference, the nucleus, at first a depressed oval, becomes spherical or semi-spherical, as shown in PI. 31, figs. 17 and 19. I believe that of the many variations which one finds, all fall roughly under three heads : In the first, one has a cell in the positions marked X. in Text-fig. 1, i, growing into fig. ii, X., in the same text-figure. Also in other cases one finds such an example as that of Text-fig. 2 at 1 and 2. While, again, one always finds cases such as that drawn in Text-fig. 3, i, X.Y., and Text-fig*. 4, i, and in PI. 29, fig. 1, at the roman figures (i, ii, iii). In the other cases one finds the progerminative cell as in Text-fig. 3, ii, S.P.P. Also it seems that these arbitrary classes are linked up by other classes, such as the cell 3 b in PI. 29, fig. 1 (explained in “ Discussion ”). In every case of an epithelial cell of the snail meta- morphosing into a germ-cell of either sex one finds two constant facts : one is the appearance of a fine cloud in the cytoplasm, which follows after the other — an enlargement of the nucleus. It is only by fine fixing reagents that this cloud is shown, but it has never before been described simply because the workers on the snail destroyed it with acetic acid or alcohol. I am unable to say why this cloud, which is shown in PL 31, figs. 11 and 19 in a very early stage, should with absolute constancy be found to one side of the nucleus. It may be that it is on the side near which lies the centrosome if tliaf be CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 581 present, but I am unable to advance any other opinion beyond this : I believe the cloud is formed by a growth and enlargement of the zone already indicated as being present in the cytoplasm of at least some germinal epithelial cells (PL 30, fig. 2, Y. and X.), which is quite possibly a conglomeration of some material around or in an attraction sphere. But so difficult is it to study these early stages that I cannot advance any evidence based on actual knowledge of this small aggre- gation in the cytoplasm. One significant fact I can, however, point out : it is that the growth or the appearance of this faint cloud is subsequent upon a change in the size and often of the staining power of the nucleus. The latter moves first ; the cloud then appears. In every case the germinal nucleus at first becomes round or oval, and the chromatin lumps, before connected here and there by bridges, become spherical and isolated. After this the cloud in the cytoplasm becomes marked. From this stage onwards there is a difference in the behaviour of the kinds of male cells derived from such progerminative cells. In the case of one generation of male cells, shown in Text- fig. 3, the chromatin lumps, after some slight changes, break into a spireme, and the prophases of the heterotypic division are undergone while the cell still adheres to the germinal epithelium ( C.F . in Text-fig. 3, i). The same sort of occur- rence invariably happens in the oocyte, where a spireme gradually appears and the prophases take place in situ. But in the case of certain cells shown in Text-fig. 2, ii, and 3, ii, the behaviour of the chromatin is different. It can at once be explained that this different behaviour is due to the fact that such cells are going to undergo mitosis. For this to happen the chromatin must come into a resting stage for the formation of a reticulum, which soon breaks up into chromo- somes. (See Text-fig. 2, ii, at 5.) In this last cell the chromosomes are beginning to appear. It has been customary for many writers on this subject to describe minutely changes in the nucleus which herald either the formation of a spermatogonium or an oogonium, whichever 582 J. BRONTE GATENBY. the case may be. I do not fail to recognise the splendid labours of such observers when I state that I cannot accept anything in their descriptions of such changes. There may be very slight differences, but I have failed to find any upon which one could reliably base a dogmatic statement. The differences between the individual behaviour of the chromatin in the nuclei of a number of progerminatives of the same probable future sex, are so wide as to cover the statements depending on size, staining power, and arrangement of chro- matin lumps, upon which these descriptions are based. To return to the cells which I have mentioned as about to undergo mitosis, Text-fig. 3, ii, S.P.P., shows a section through a region from which male cells were appearing when the snail was killed. The cell S.P.P. is leaving its place in the epithelium marked L and is pushing out. This cell has a nucleus, oval in shape and containing its chromatin in faintly staining lumps. There is a cloud in the cytoplasm containing dark bodies (PL 34, fig. 49). Inspection of Text-fig. 2 at the figure 2 shows another cell, but in a different locality, free Text-fig. 4. Fig. i. — Shows dropping off of the male cells, about to finish growth stage. At Y. the cell is becoming detached, at X. it is already in the lumen. The cell Z. may belong to this generation, or from the generation to which the boquet stages ( BS ) are derived. There is generally a mixture of various generations in this lower region of the diverticulum. X 900. Fig. ii. — Bichromate smear of adult sperm head. A. = acrosome, N. = nucleus, C. = centrosome, M. = mitochondrial sheath. Iron hsematoxylin. x 2000. Fig. iii. — Group of metamorphosing spermatids showing definite position of Nebenkern ( N.K. ). Also the curious arrangement of two granules (0.) where the hind centrosome lies. (Compare PI. 34, fig. 44.) X 1000. Fig. iv. — A spermatogonial group with Nebenkerne ( N.K. ), spindle bridge ( S.B. ), mitochondria (M.), and a yolk cell (. NC .). (Compare PI. 29, figs. 1, 2, and PL 32, fig. 29.) Fig. v. — Several batonettes greatly enlarged showing difference in shape and size, and in one the relations of the archoplasm ( A.R .) with the inside of the batonette. (See Pl. 32, figs. 24 a and 25.) Fig. vi. — The large variety of Nebenkern rod at same magnification. (See PI. 33, fig. 36.) Fig. vii. — Three spermatogonia attached to a cell with a germinal epithelial nucleus, but with the cell granules grouped together at X. What these are, whether Nebenkern batonettes or mitochondria, was not ascertained, x 2000, CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 583 Fig. i. Text-fig. 4. Fig. ii. Fig. vi. Fig. vii, Fig. v. 584 J. BRONTE OATEN BY. from much yolk. This cell is drawn in PL 31, fig. 17, at a very high power. The nucleus has the same general appearance as in Text- fig. 3 at S.P.P., though in the latter the chromatin lumps have not broken up so much as yet, as in PI. 31, fig. 17. Both these cells will ultimately divide and give rise to some secondary cells. The answer to the question why there should be differences in these two cells, however small, is that they originate from parts of the germinal epithelium which are in a different nutritive condition. Cells like these soon divide many times and give rise to bunches of spermato- gonia such as those shown in PI. 29, fig. 1, at the outer 2, or in Text-fig. 4 at iv. The connection between the yolk cell and the male progerminative cell is sometimes severed, some- times retained. Now, if attention be centred on the cytoplasmic cloud in these progerminative cells it will be noted that apart from the apparent denseness of the cytoplasm which causes the cloudy appearance one finds distinct granules. These are apparently the first signs of the mitochondria. The size and number of these granules are very variable. In PI. 31, fig. 17, they were very large and distinct. Towards the time when the lumps of chromatin in the nucleus have fragmented to form a fine clear granular struc- ture these cytoplasmic bodies become dispersed more and more from the zone from which they originally appeared. The chromosomes soon appear and a cell division takes place, the cytoplasmic bodies being visible and scattered here and there around the amphiaster. As far as I have been able to ascertain, these mitochondria do not lose their rounded shape during division. Such a series of divisions finally give rise to cells such as those drawn in Text-fig. 3 at S.P.iS. After a division is finished, and these secondary cells have regained their resting nucleus an examination of the cyto- plasm generally shows that two sets of bodies are present : one, the mitochondria, are scattered indiscriminately, the other is a dark structure lying close to the nuclear mem- CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 585 brane. In some generations of secondary spermatogonia this latter structure is not demonstrable till later. This body is the first visible sign of the Nebenkern of Pulmonates, and it may possibly have been present in the stage drawn in PL 31, fig. 17, but may not be plain enough to make its detection possible. In PI. 32, fig. 24, is drawn a spermatogonium of the genera- tion shown in Text-fig*. 2, fig. ii, at 2. The Nebenkern ( N.K .) is quite easily seen to consist of several straight rods. In PI. 32, fig. 29, the Nebenkern of another generation of spermatogonia is shown. The fate of the Nebenkern and mitochondria of these generations has already been followed out. Another sort of male generation of cells appears in the following way : In Text-fig. 3, i, is drawn a lumen in which nearly all the germinal epithelial cells have thrown off their indifference and have become large peculiar cells. The epithelium from which such cells arise consists of a single layer of cells, yolk cells being either exhausted or completely absent. This is shown in the plan on PI. 29, fig. 1, at the Roman figures i-iv. In PI. 31, fig. 19, the cell at ii in PI. 29, fig. 1, is drawn at high magnification. It lies on the epithelium projecting* into the lumen in a different way from PL 31, fig. 17. The nucleus still has the chromatin lumps which stain some- what lightly, and there are two nucleoli which are hollow spheres, as far as one can ascertain. At any rate, their centre does not stain so heavily as the periphery. The lumps gradually become elongated and join up to form a wide reticu- lum (PL 31, fig. 20). Now, the plasma in fig. 19 is seen to contain to one side of the nucleus, the usual zone which here and there has a granule. In the next stage the granules have become quite plain and are seen to consist of the ring-like mitochondria already described from the figures in Pl. 31. In fig. 20 the zone of thickened cytoplasm has spread right around to the opposite side of the nucleus but as yet no distinct mitochondria have appeared on this side (Z.) There is rarely any other structure to be made out in the VuL. 62, PART 4. KEW SERIES. 40 586 J. BRONTE GATENBV. cytoplasm, but in a few cases one finds what seems to be an archoplasmic mass ( A.R .) upon which may be stuck from two- to four Nebenkern rods. This is so seldom found at this stage that I do not think it is the rule. The wide open reticulum now breaks into a loose spireme and a contraction figure is shown in PI. 32, fig. 21. 1 In this cell the mitochon- dria were rather irregular in shape, here and there undoubtedly ring-like, but they were all collected to one side of the nucleus towards where the chromatin filaments converged. It will be noticed that the nucleoplasm in this kind of male cell generation is abnormally large for the amount of chro- matin spireme. The diplotene stage and the rest of the pro- phases soon take place and the growth period begins. The Text-fig. 3, i, shows that at X. Y. and at other parts these cells are losing their attachment to the walls. In Text-fig. 4, i, the cell Y. is just falling into the lumen, while X. has already arrived there. The contraction figures below belong to another cell generation. In PI. 32, fig. 23, a typical cell just after the beginning of the growth stage is shown. The attachment to the germinal epithelium consists only of a small area (Xj) which will soon part. The mitochondria are dispersed in the cytoplasm, and outside the nuclear membrane (at N.K.) is a cloud in which can be seen embedded a very large number of small Nebenkern rods. These are slightly curved. This is the usual way in which the Nebenkern appears in this generation. PI. 32, fig. 25, is a later stage. Subsequent stages are drawn in PL 32, figs. 22, 25, 26, and 27, and have been described. It seems that in this generation the nucleus after the pro- phases collapses somewhat in size, proportionate to the normal amount of chromatin contained therein. It will be noted that no spermatogonial divisions take place. Pachynema. CYTOPLASMIC JNCLUSIONS OF THE GEKM-CELLS. 587 The Manner of Metamorphosis of an Indifferent Germinal Epithelial Cell into an Oogonium. It has been agreed almost unanimously among workers on the ovotestis that the presence of a group of yolk cells is the determining factor in the appearance of the female cell. I consider this explanation inadequate, for it can be shown that spermatogonia appear in regions choked with yolk cells, and oogonia may appear in regions where little or no yolk is present. I feel that it would be quite a mistake to entertain the view that a yolk cell exclusively determines the awakening of an indifferent cell into the egg generation. But it might be true to say that the presence of abundant yolk was the sine qua non for the successful growth of an oocyte to maturity. It would also be quite true to say that in the majority of cases the transition from an indifferent cell to an egg took place behind or between some yolk cells. Despite careful observa- tion of a large number of cases I find it difficult to formulate a statement of any differences between male and female nuclei till after the growth stage begins. This is not the case with the cytoplasm. The drawing in PI. 30, fig. 6, was thought by me to be an oogonium in contraction stage, firstly because it was so closely embedded behind yolk cells that its exit into the lumen would have been difficult, and secondly because the epithelium in this region was seen to be producing many oocytes. What I take to be the Nebenkern (N.K.) is very like that in the male cell drawn at a little later stage in PL 33, fig. 31, while the mitochondria are not very characteristic. The nucleus is unlike the male generation nucleus drawn in PI. 32, fig. 21, but almost identical with that drawn in PI. 33, fig. 30. Apropos of the statement that the spermatogonia appear in yolk regions compare Text-fig. 1, x, and especially Text- fig. 3, ii, at S.P.P. On the other hand, in an epithelium like that in Text-fig. 2, ii, a solitary oocyte may grow. This all shows that the matter is somewhat more complicated than at first supposed. Having shown that to the end of the pro- 588 J. BRONTE GATENBY. phases the nucleus does not give us any very characteristic evidence we will turn to the cytoplasmic bodies. In PL 31, fig. 11, is drawn a cell thought to be an oogonium. I believe it to be such for the same reasons which I brought . forward for fig. 6 of PL 30. The cytoplasmic cloud does not differ markedly from many another example known to be a male — it contains the same lumps and is isolated to one side of the nucleus in the same way. Pl. 30, fig. 6, is thought to be a later stage. A Nebenkern has appeared. Fig. 10 of PL 31 is a still later stage — the nucleus is losing its chromatin loops, while the mitochondrial mass looks less granular and more flocculent. At one side is an undoubted Nebenkern, but of a slightly different type, the rods being straighter. Fig. 10 of PI. 31 really corresponds to the same stage in the male drawn PL 33, fig. 31. I have already mentioned what great variation was found in the appearance of the male cells. This, I think, applies even more strongly to the case of the female cells, but a difference which seems to exist between all the female cells and the male cell is that in the latter the mitochondria are from the first to the last granular and comparatively large, while in the former the mitochondria, even if at first granular, rapidly become flocculent and lie like a cloud, as shown in PL 31, figs. 10 and 12, and in later stages in PL 30, figs. 3, 5, 7, Pl. 31, figs. 9, 13, 14. Later, the mitochondria of the egg seem to become granular, spherical, and often some- what larger than the male, but there is then no possibility about making a mistake as to the sex at this period. Pl. 31, figs. 12 and 9, show stages in the mitochondria. In the former figure, which is drawn one-half the size of fig. 10, the mitochondria are dispersing, not, however, from a centre as they are in fig. 9. In this figure there is a centre from which flocculent masses of mitochondria radiate. It will now be clear that the most certainly diagnostic evidence for difference between the oogonium and spermato- gonium is to be found in the mitochondria, which early behave differently in either sex. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 589 The Fate of the Mitochondria and Nebenkern in the Egg.1 The flocculent mitochondria gradually become dispersed somewhat unevenly throughout the cytoplasm as shown in PI. 30, figs. 3 and 7, and in PI. 31, fig. 9. If these mito- chondria be examined it will be found that they consist of masses of exceedingly fine grains (PI. 31, fig. 13). In later stages these grains become here and there mixed up with la.rger granules as shown in PL 31, fig. 14. In a still later stage no flocculent masses remain, there being now only large mitochondria. The latter seem to be derived from the floccu- lent masses as shown in PI. 31, fig.* 14, and in different eggs are of different sizes as is the case with the mitochondria of the male. Soon after this, vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria lie in the trabeculas between these alveoli (PI. 31, fig. 16). Yolk disclets sooner orlater partially fill these spaces (PI. 31, fig. 16, Y.), but are not to be con- fused with the mitochondria at any stage. In later stages the cytoplasm becomes divided into a cortical layer without yolk vacuoles, and an inner layer like that drawn in PL 31, fig. 16. After the stage drawn in PI. 31, fig. 10, the Nebenkern seems generally to become obliterated by a curtain of mito- chondria, but as shown in Pl. 30, fig. 5, it may still be quite plain. Its subsequent fate is difficult to follow, for it cannot be found in every oocyte. In PL 31, fig. 22 (at X.N.K.) are round bodies which are almost certainly separate parts of the Nebenkern. I have found many oocytes showing these ring- like structures. In later stages there appears a clearer zone near one side of the nucleus, and in this zone appear several blocks of darkly-staining matter as shown in Pl. 31, fig. 18; the two left-hand pieces are drawn at a high power in PL 30, fig. 8, and consist of more or less solid matter, which generally con- tains cavities. The nature of these structures and their con- 1 See Addendum B. 590 J. BRONTE OATEN BY. nection, if any, with the mitochondria or Nebenkern, is unknown to me. The Differentiation of an Indifferent Germinal Epithelial Cell into a Nurse or Yolk Cell. It is quite usual to find small yolk granules in any indifferent epithelial cell, and when the cell becomes either an oogonium or a spermatogonium, these soon disappear at first (see PI. 30, fig. 6). The growth of an indifferent cell into a yolk cell is accompanied by the appearance of abundant yolk disclets, and a change in the size and in the disposition of the chromatin of the nucleus. In the latter the chromatin bridges between the angular lumps if present (PL 30, fig. 2) become lost and the chromatin becomes formed into little round structures. Syn- chronously with the appearance of more and more yolk, the nucleus grows larger and larger till it may be 35 jj. in length. These changes are easily noticed and have already been described well (2). A more difficult problem is what happens to the plasmatic bodies of the modified cell. Does a Nebenkern appear ? What happens to the mitochondria ? It is not at all easy to find answers to these questions. In PI. 33, fig. 38, is drawn a cell with a yolk cell nucleus gathered into numerous chromatin lumps. In the cytoplasm there were no yolk disclets, but the reticulum was of the very wide kind, peculiar to yolk cells. Here and there were small masses containing mitochondria (. M .), and to the left of the nucleus was what I took to be an attraction sphere, inside which were embedded a number of dark bodies, probably the Nebenkern. In many ways this cell is intermediate between the yolk cell and the indifferent epithelial cell. In the full yolk cell it is probably not possible to discover attraction sphere, Nebenkern, or mitochondria. But after many of the yolk discs have been absorbed by neighbouring cells, it is generally possible to discover bodies shaped like those drawn in the oocyte in PI. 31, fig. 12, at X.N.K. What these are, subse- quent work will be needed to show, but I liave done enough CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELL8. 591 to think that modified representatives of Nebenkern and mito- chondria may be found in the cytoplasm of the yolk cell.1 After some time the yolk cells become exhausted completely, and the wide reticulum breaks up and the nuclei float out into the lumen of the ovotestis diverticulum as shown in Text- fig. 3, i, N.C.N., E.N.C . These nuclei do not degenerate, as might be supposed. They lie there in the midst of a mass of live cells and degenerate yolk, and seem to undergo further changes which need not detain us at present, but I should say that it is my firm opinion that these nuclei regain a cyto- plasm and become spermatocytes. Description of the Scheme on PI. 29, fig. 1. In this figure I have united my final conclusions concern- ing the processes which go on in the various regions of diver- ticulum of the ovotestis of Helix. All cells have been drawn in to scale with a camera lucida, and in the majority of cases are the same as those on the other plates drawn at a higher power. Great care has been taken to show the germinal epithelium in its true state; thus, for instance, the region of the right lower edge marked by the Homan figures is the same kind as that drawn in Text-fig. 3, i. The left lower half appears also in Text-fig. 2, i, and so on. In the following description, after mentioning each series of cells, I will indicate where they are drawn at a higher power in the other plates. If not the identical cell, I will show this by adding the letter W. to the bracket. The Genesis of the Egg. A =■ Differentiating germinal cell embedded in yolk cells (Pi. 31, fig. li-ir.). B = Young oocyte (PI. 30, fig. 6- TP). C — Older oocyte (PI. 30, fig. 3, 7, etc.- IF.). D — Older oocyte (PI. 31, fig. 9-TF.). 1 More work on a dozen species of Pulmonates shows that the true yolk cells do not contain mitochondria or Nebenkern. 592 J. BRONTE GATENBY. The Genesis of the Sperm. In the Roman figures to the right I have indicated the sort of male cell generation in which no spermatogonia! divisions take place. (See also Text-fig. 5.) I. Earlier stage than drawn in any other figures. II. Progerminative cell (PI. 31, fig. 19). III. Mitochondria appearing in spermatogonium. Rare kind of Nebenkern (PI. 31, fig. 20). IV. Spermatocyte, with Nebenkern just appearing (PI. 32, fig. 23). Usual Nebenkern. V. End of growth stage. Cytoplasm differs greatly in size in different examples (PI. 32, fig. 25- TV.). VI. Maturation division. Spindle curiously orientated with relation to cell, first maturation. (Second maturation drawn in PI. 32. fig. 22- TV.). VII. Spermatid (PI. 32, fig. 26). VIII. Later spermatid (PI. 32, fig. 24 a- TV.). It will be noted that on the left bottom region at the Arabic numbers 1 and 2, there is another source of male cells. The two sources of cells, marked in Arabic and in Roman numerals respectively, are often mixed indiscriminately and later stages are hard to distinguish. Thus the bouquet stages marked 3 a are certainly derived from such a source as 1, 2, on the left, because in the generation derived directly as shown at the Roman numerals the contraction figure and other stages up to the beginning of growth take place directly on the wall (see PI. 32, fig. 21, which was stuck on the wall, and Text-fig. 3, i). In the case of the cells marked V 4 it was not possible to tell whether they were derived as in the Roman numerals or as in the Arabic. Thus the Roman numerals beyond VI are probably of uncertain derivation. VI itself, on account of its great size, is probably of the Roman numeral generation. Almost invariably the two generations, derived respectively from the bottom left corner at 1 and 2, and from the bottom right at the Roman numerals have a Nebenkern formed of CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-0 EELS. 593 numerous curved elements as in PI. 32, fig. 25. Moreover, the size of the entire spermatocyte, though not of its nucleus,, varies greatly (VI, V, V-4). The spermatocytes are either crowded as in V-4 to VIII or loose as at V. Crowded sper- matocytes have walls like that in PI. 32, fig. 25, etc., loose ones like that in PI. 32, fig. 27. Nebenkern in each may be the same. The spermatid may be a large vacuolated cell, though the sperm has the same end result. At the Arabic numerals are drawn all the various genera- tions which have male progerminatives which divide to give rise to secondary spermatogonia and even tertiary generations of spermatogonia. At the mid left-hand side at 1 is a primary spermatogonium dropping into the lumen. The male progerminative cell at II on the right at the Roman numerals is derived from a different kind of epithelium with a semi-empty lumen. At 2 (left- side) this primary spermatogonium gives rise to many secondary cells. Some, as at 2 a, go on dividing till they become very small. Others form the bunch drawn at the outer middle 2 (Text-fig. 4, iv) . By 3 the prophases of the heterotypic division have begun. One sometimes finds cells like that drawn at 3 6. Isolated cells like this are found in connection with a nurse-cell and may form a link between the generations at 1 in Arabic numerals and between the other in Roman. These cells, such as that at 3 6, seem to be primary spermatogonia which have failed to divide but have entered the prophases. At 4 are the spermatocytes ; in this generation they never vary so greatly as in the generation derived from the epithe- lium, as at (I, II, III) or as in the crowded cells. At 5 is a first maturation division, which can be compared with the first maturation at VI.1 The spindles are the same size. The following indicates where these cells are drawn at a higher power : 1 in PI. 34, fig. 49 (IF.). 2 in PL 32, fig. 29. 1 Such cells are not all so large as this example. 594 J. BRONTE GATENBY. 2 b in PI. 32, fig. 24 (IP). 2c in PI. 32, fig. 28 (IP.). 3 in PI. 33, fig. 31 (IP.). 4 in PL 33, fig. 32 (IP). 5 in PI. 33, fig. 34 (IP). 6 in PL 33, fig. 35 (IP). 7 in PL 33, fig. 36 (IP). 8 in PL 34, fig. 45 (IP). 9 in PL 34, fig. 46 (LP). Discussion. (a) Nebenkern. — Sex determiner, spindle former, de- generation product, cliromidium, are only a few of tlie different characters supposed to be fulfilled by this curious aggregation of stick-like structures, known as the Neben- kern. In the first place we will examine the evidence that the Nebenkern determines the sex of a differentiating cell. Demoll, tracing the Nebenkern from about the time of the “Bukett stadium ” in the prophases of the heterotype divisions, thought that the subsequent development of this body was the lever which turned the cell to oogonium. It is quite true that it is at or immediately after the bouquet stage that the first definite evidence for the female sex1 can be found, but had Demoll succeeded in following out the mitochondria he would have seen that the latter may show a differentiation towards one sex before the Nebenkern becomes in any way characteristic. DemolPs reservation that the “ sex chromo- some 33 probably influences the Nebenkern to act in a way productive of one sex or the other is interesting, but supported by no evidence. Briefly stated, I should think the following disposed of the u Nebenkern and sex 33 hypothesis1 : 1 Sex, female or male, I have used somewhat loosely instead of metamorphosis of indifferent cell into oogonium or spermatogonium ’> respectively. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 595 (1) The mitochondria in the egg are often diagnostic before the Nebenkern rods alter. (2) The Nebenkern varies more in individual spermatogonia than between Demolhs spermatocyte and oocyte examples. (3) The whole train of events leading to the appearance of undoubted Nebenkern and of mitochondria is so liable to variation that it would be impracticable to look to such struc- tures as sex determiners. (4) The Nebenkern may be late in appearance, even after the cell is undoubtedly male. (5) Bouquet stages are not rightly to be considered as definite milestones, parallel in the sex development of either sperm or egg cells, for the bouquet stage may appear in the male at a time when it is known that the sex1 has been deter- mined cell generations ago. I refer in this to the secondary spermatogonia which go on dividing and which sporadically enter growth stage. (6) The amount of Nebenkern material in the bouquet stages of the male alone varies from “ none demonstrable ” to a large amount. It will be seen, therefore, that lack of proper examination and of sufficient knowledge of the Nebenkern has led Demoll to suggest a theory unsupported by evidence of any descrip- tion. What would certainly be more logical would be to say that the alteration in the Nebenkern was the result of and not the reason for the appearance of a definite sex. As far as diagnosis goes the mitochondria are better objects for building up theories, but for many reasons the last paragraph about the Nebenkern also applies to the mitochondria. As for the suggestion that the sex-chromosome guides the Nebenkern in its “choice of sex 33 I have no evidence either for or against. Demoll's idea that up to the appearance of the Nebenkern the cell may be considered indifferent is disproven by every species of evidence. The only other likely suggestion as to the function of the Nebenkern is one which has been freely supported by certain 596 J. BRONTE G ATEN BY. observers. It is that these rods are the condensed spindle, and that their supposed disappearance before mitosis is due to the fact that they have gone to form the astral figure. As far as the snail is concerned 1 am somewhat doubtful as to the validity of this interesting suggestion. Without definitely condemning or upholding this view I think that the following facts should be borne in mind. In the Helicids : (1) It is, if not absolutely unproven, at least extremely doubtful whether the rods do disappear1 (PI. 32, figs. 23 and 27). (2) The substance of the rods differs in bulk, as also do the number of the rods. Variation in the size of the spindle is almost negligible (Figs. 24 a and 36, Figs. 25 and 32, etc.). (3) In the prophases the rods can undoubtedly be found lying here and there in disorder, not as if they served a defi- nite function in the formation of the amphiaster. (4) In many spermatogonial late telophases the Nebenkern appears in a position removed from the centrosome, archo- plasm, or spindle bridge. Not in any case as if it appeared to be reinstated by a condensation of any part of the amphi- aster (PL 32, fig. 29). (5) In numerous other animals the spindle appears and disappears without a Nebenkern (batonettes). (6) Bolls Lee and I describe a triradiate structure from which the astral rays arise, and which is undoubtedly un- related to the Nebenkern (PI. 33, fig. 33). (7) Spermatogonial generations are to be found in which the cells before entering mitosis had no definite Neben- kern. Before the spindle-forming function of the Nebenkern can be proven all these objections must be met. I do not think any of them can be explained satisfactorily from the point of view of the observers who espouse the theory. Term's state- ment already mentioned, that he did not believe that all the 1 In a forthcoming paper I have described how to fix and stain so as to show these rods during metaphase. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THE GERM-CELLS. 597 i'Hozomatic material was taken up in the formation of the spindle, I think rather vitiates the evidence for the view that it is necessarily the Nebenkern part of the idiozome (archo- plasm) which goes to form the middle spindle. Term's material seemed to admit of clearer study of the Nebenkern than mine, because in the snail the mitochondria do not appear to become localised to one side of the cell as often happens in Geotriton, according to Terni. This localisation often clears the area around the Nebenkern, and assists observation. (For further evidence against the “ ISTebenkern spindle” view see Faure-Fremiet, page 580 and fig. 33). To return to the Nebenkern of Helix aspersa, it may be worth while to attempt to analyse some of the variations so strikingly evident. The Nebenkern rods differ in number without a doubt; they likewise differ in size, and their shape is seldom the same. Neither the number nor the great difference in size can be the result of varying conditions of fixation. For the shape I cannot speak with such confidence. It is quite possible that some small variation either in the fixative or the •condition of the cell might produce distortion of the rods. To test this I examined a great deal of material by the intra- vitam methods. Janus green of the strength of 1 in 30,000 and neutral red about the same strength were used. These did not give very good results. After many experiments I found that infra- vitam methods would not properly settle the question, because the rods of the Nebenkern never seemed to take the stain heavily enough. I devised the following “ fresh method” : A small part of the ovotestis was smeared on a slide, and a little 1 per cent, permanganate of potash was added. A coverslip was then placed over this, and the preparation, after about sixty seconds, showed the cell inclusions a brown colour, and they were very easily studied. The mitochondria were remarkably •clear, and were of the spherical type, not stick or rod-like. The Nebenkern was found to vary as in my drawings — rod- shaped or curved. In this permanganate method the cells are 598 J. BRONTE GATENBY. killed instantly. I found the oocytes stained just as shown in my diagrams. The Probable Function of the Nebenkern. It will be seen that for some reasons I am at present unable tc accept the view that the Nebenkern has anything to do with the formation of the astral figure. Term's important paper, I feel, reinforces me in this (see especially his figures 15 to 18). I do not find myself in a position better than that of many of my predecessors in-so-far as an analysis of the function of the Nebenkern is concerned. But I feel sure that its real role has not been pointed out. It seems evident that it is, in molluscs, a piece of cell mechanism as definite as the mito- chondria. I have shown that, like the mitochondria, it is liable to variation in time of appearance, in size, and in its general behaviour. It generally stains like the mitochondria, it is destroyed by the fixatives which also destroy mito- chondria, and it is seen best in preparations which show the latter best. I therefore think that the Nebenkern rods in Helix are to be classed with the two sorts of mitochondria described by me as 'definite plasmatic elements whose exact function is still unknown, but which have nothing to do with the amphiaster. The aster and centrosomes can be followed out best in material unfavourable for a study of the mito- chondria or Nebenkern. With regard to staining reactions, Faure-Fremiet says : “ Si Foil isole des spermatocytes dans le serum au chlorure de manganese additionne de violet dahlia ou de violet de gentiane, les mitochondries se colorent assez rapidement en lilias, tandis que le Nebenkern reste quelquefois plus long- temps avant de se colorer." b. Mitochondria. It is not intended to discuss these bodies at length, but it may be pointed out that in the snail one finds a remarkable CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 599 phenomenon. It is the presence of two definite kinds of mitochondria, which apparently have a definite location in every sperm tail. This is a fact of cardinal importance, and seems to show that there is a division of labour or function; between the mitochondria of the spermatid. The position of the micromitochondria is more definite than that of any plasmatic structure other than centrosomes or perforatorium. Terni figures and describes his mitochondria throughout as rods, remarkably equal in size and length. He has observed fresh material, and therefore apparently this rod-like structure, which can be artificially produced in Helix by bad fixation, is the true state of affairs in Geotriton.1 c. The Determination of Oogonium, Spermato- gonium, or Nurse-Cell. In the following, the words “ determination of sex ” are used for the above for convenience. I have been unable to produce any definite evidence regarding the determination of sex. This paper deals almost exclusively with the plasma, but I have come to certain conclusions with regard to this important matter. In short, I am convinced that since it is the nucleus which is the first part of the indifferent cell to begin differentiation, we are justified in believing that the nucleus is the prime factor in the production of any one sex. The nucleus enlarges, its chromatin undergoes changes, a cloud appears at the edge of the nucleus, evidently under the influence of the latter, and every step in the metamorphosis of the cytoplasm is preceded by one in the nucleus. If we saw the nucleus remaining as it was for some time, waiting till the Nebenkern or mitochondria appeared, we would naturally think that the latter structures, after appearing, stimulated the nucleus. As it is the other way about, I feel justified in entertaining the view that it is not the plasma, 1 Since this paper was written I have come to the conclusion that the rod-like mitochondria (PI. 33, fig. 34) where they occur are artefracts produced by bad fixation, but as I have not observed Triton I cannot venture to question Term's results. 600 J. BRONTE GATENBY. but the nucleus, which induces differentiation along a special path. The natural outcome of this suggestion is the word “ sex-chromosome/’ Curiously enough, after examining many hundreds of sections I have never seen mitosis in the germinal epithelium. When I consider that I only found very few cases of divisions of the primary spermatogonia, I am re- luctant to make a statement which might be injudicious, but I cannot overlook the fact that there appears to be abundant evidence that the germinal cells divide amitotically, and no evidence for mitosis. It was my desire to examine the cyto- plasm of a germinal epithelial cell in mitosis, if it could be found, for at this stage many bodies become revealed. Any evidence that one might have for believing that all nuclei in the germinal epithelium of the ovotestis are endowed with the same potentialities — that is, for maleness, femaleness, or for becoming a nurse-cell — and that this power is directed in any one of the three channels by purely external or environmental conditions, is somewhat hypothetical. The favourite view, that abundant yolk cells (nutriment) affects the decision, seems negatived by the fact that male pro- germinative cells can, and do, appear in areas choked with yolk. A number of cells stuck upon the germinal epithelium seemed too big to be male cells, and their cytoplasm recalled that of the spermatocyte. I was much puzzled by these, and it has occurred to me that they might be intermediates between spermatocytes and oocytes. They contained distinct Nebenkern batonettes of the semi-lunar type, and mito- chondria of a fine nature, but not flocculent. The cells were much larger than a full-grown spermatocyte, and were located in a yolkless area of the epithelium. Could it be possible that the indifferent cell is affected by stimuli sent forth by the presence of yolk cells, by crowded spermatogonia, and by the general condition of that area in which it lies ? It seems certain that the matter is complicated, and cannot be reduced to the bald statement that oocytes appear because of abundant nutrition. I think that there are a variety of conditions which act on CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 601 the cell ; the latter is, so to speak, hanging in the balance when it begins to differentiate. If the stimulus is not definite enough an intermediate might be formed, and later degene- rate, as many cells do. For the moment I can think of several possible sources of stimulation. Abundant and dif- ferentiating male cells in the lumen might send the balance towards femaleness. Absence of any cells in the lumen might stimulate towards maleness. As a matter of fact, here often enters a direct contradiction of the real facts. I have several cases where a lumen, quite or almost empty, is producing either male or female cells alone. It should be said, however, that in the latter case the lumen wall still had some few yolk cells. Finally, I believe that the nucleus of the indifferent cell may be stimulated by a variety of external agencies to tend towards one sex, and that the nucleus is the cell organ responsible for the differentiation of the plasmatic elements. I conclude that the plasmatic elements do not influence the nucleus in this matter. d. The Different Sperm Generations in the 0 votestis. The ovotestis lumen is continually giving rise to new sperm cells. The conditions of nutriment alter so much that very few of these generations arise under the same stimuli. The number of times which the primary spermatogonium divides, and the number of times the secondary cells continue fission, depends on the nutrimental conditions of the lumen. I think that the reasons for variation of the generations are as follows : (1) Spermatogonial divisions of variable number, leading to a variation in Nebenkern and mitochondria. It is a fact that such variation does arise through differing numbers of divisions. (2) The conditions of nutriment profoundly affect the appearance of the plasmatic structures in spermatogonia or VOL. 62, PART 4. NEW SERIES. 41 602 J. BRONTE GATENBY. male progerminatives, and are probably instrumental in checking or stimulating spermatogonial divisions. (3) The nutrimental conditions of the wall producing a male generation is hardly ever the same. (4) Finally, it will be seen that the spermatogonium begin- ning growth period may have had a very variable history. This is demonstrated by the variation in not only its plasma, but often in its nucleus. It can safely be said that in hardly any other group are the conditions under which the male cells arise so open to variation. Difference in the mitochondria of the various generations is principally due to the fact that a much divided line of sper- matogonia contains but few mitochondrial granules. When growth begins, in every case it seems that the mitochondria increase in number by dividing ; but there is some difficulty in observing this, though one knows this process must happen by the fact that spermatogonia have fewer mitochondria than spermatocytes, and the question is not merely a matter of increase of size of the granules in the growth period. Thus the spermatogonium, which has, so to speak, originated at the tail end of a large number of divisions, starts out on growth with fewer mitochondria. These divide, but never give rise to the same number . of granules as one finds in other “less divided” generations; but paucity in numbers is almost always balanced by increased size of individual granules (compare PI. 33, figs. 37 and 40). In many of the drawings in this paper mitochondria are shown as hollow spheres, while in others they look quite solid (compare PI. 32, figs. 25 and 26). The most natural explana- tion of this is, that for some reason the stain is more easily extracted out of some granules than out of others, and that all the mitochondria are really hollow spheres, though over- stains tinge the medullary zone. To test this I took a slide with “ solid ” mitochondria and extracted more of the stain, examining it at intervals. The half of the slide which was ever-differentiated showed most of the mitochondria as hollow CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 603 spheres. But not everywhere. Those parts where the mito- ohondria still seemed solid were generally seen to have their •cell elements slightly distorted or run together. I conclude that there is good evidence for believing that the mito- chondria of Helix consist of an inner, somewhat chromophobe substance, and a cortical stainable area. In Text-fig. 5 is drawn a diagrammatic scheme of the derivation of the various cell elements in the ovotestis from the indifferent epithelium. At S.P. 1 is the generation in which no spermatogonial divisions occur, the cell dropping into the lumen just when the growth stage has been entered. At S.P. 2 is a progerminative cell, which only divides once. Its elements may go on to the growth stage, or may (asatX.) divide again several times. At S.P. 3 the much-divided generation of spermatogonia is shown. At Y. the spermato- gonia are still dividing, and have become very small. Accord- ing as to the stage when the spermatogonial cells enter the growth period their cytoplasmic bodies have various more or less evident differences. The connecting link between S.P. 1 and S.P. 3 is provided by such a cell as that in S.P. 2, whose divisions maybe curtailed. The diagram is based on evidence deduced from observation of the spermatogonia, but there is no manner of finding out how many times such a spermato- gonium as that at S.P. 3, Y, has divided. Below S.P. 3 are drawn the derivations of egg, yolk cell, and follicle cell from the epithelium. The latter is not proportionate in size to any of the cell elements in the figure. It has been shown that the number and size of the Neben- kern batonettes vary greatly. In some cases, such as the generation marked in PI. 29, fig. 1, by Roman numerals, the large number is never reduced by spermatogonial divisions, since these do not occur. The spermatocyte, therefore, has the original large number which appeared in the progermi- native cell. It seems certain that the individual batonettes do not increase in number before a spermatogonial division, so that after such a division their number is halved approxi- mately. 604 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Text-fig. 5. Scheme showing generations of spermatogonia ( S.P . 1, 2, and 3). At X. generation 2 and 3 are interconnecting, at Y. are the much divided, small spermatogonia. The four small cells to the right of the spermatogonial generations are spermatids. Below are the derivations of egg, yolk cell, and follicle cell from the germinal epithelium ( G.E. ). CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 605 In the spermatogonia derived after many divisions the batonettes ultimately form the rectangular figure drawn on PL 34. They are fewer in number, but, as often happens with the mitochondria, generally bigger, though not in- variably (compare PL 32, fig. 24 a, and Pl. 33, fig. 36). Curiously enough, in different examples the arclioplasm seems to be variably demonstrable, and these differences do not depend altogether on the depth of penetration of fixative, and the consequent possibility of different degrees of staining. Murray (8) considers that the archoplasmic and batonette material are interconnecting, the rod being, as it were, a thickened edge of the idiozome. This is apparently true in some cases (see Text-fig. 4, V.A.R.). In others the batonette is separate. 1 do not think that this exceptional apparent intercommunication between idiozome and Nebenkern rods is evidence in favour of the view that the batonettes are a part of the spindle apparatus. Summary. (1) The ovotestis of Helix aspersa is formed of finger- like diverticula. The latter are hollow at their lower ends, which connect to the hermaphrodite duct, while the upper ends contain more yolk, and are filled completely with meta- morphosing male cells. (2) According to the manner of derivation — that is, the nutrimental conditions of the locality from which new cells arise, and the number (if any) of times which these new cells divide — there are quite wide differences in the individual generations derived from and under such varying conditions. (3) These differences are found in nucleus, mitochondria, Nebenkern, and general cell volume. (4) The mitochondria vary in size and number, and such variation seems to be caused by the varying number of spermatogonial divisions in different regions of the ovotestis. (5) In the early spermatid smaller mitochondria, the micro- mitochondria appear in an unknown way near the region from which the axial filament takes its origin from the centro- 606 J. BRONTE GATENBY. some applied to the nucleus. These micromitochondria are- about one-fourth the size of the other, or macromitochondria. No perceptible variation in size of the micromitochondria of various generations has been found. (6) The micromitochondria form the front sheath of the sperm ; the hind region of the micromitochondrial sheath intercommunicates with the macromitochondrial sheath, which follows behind. (7) The Nebenkern does not apparently become absorbed into the substance of the mitochondrial sheath. A sloughing off appears to take place. (8) The minute cytology of the derivation of the sperms, eggs, and nurse-cells is described. (9) The determination of the sex of the indifferent cell seems to be brought about by a variety of causes. The explanation of femaleness by presence of yolk cells is held to- be inadequate, for male progerminative cells also appear in regions choked with yolk. (10) The probable function of the Nebenkern is discussed. Addendum A. With regard to the body in the spermatids (PI. 32, fig. 24 a,. and PI. 33, fig. 35) marked P.N.A. it has lately been found that this structure is derived from a number of grains, which in the case of Arion I have traced back to the young sperma- tocyte. In Helix aspersa these granules could not be found in the spermatocyte. P.N.A. stands for post-nuclear apparatus, from the position of this structure. The latter is fully con- sidered in a forthcoming paper. Addendum B. With regard to the cytoplasmic bodies in the egg, some late papers by Schaxel (f Zool. Jahrb./ Bd. xxxiv, etc.) are of interest. Schaxel claims that the nucleus emits chromatin nto the cytoplasm at a brief period after the prophases of the heterotypic division. He gives several stages (primary chromasie, chromasie post emission, etc.) during which the CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM-CELLS. 607 egg is being formed. He finds no cytoplasmic bodies till after the bouquet stage, an obvious error of observation, and an error committed by Miss Beckwith (‘ Journ. Morph./ xxv) as well. His figures of emission are (in Aricia) merely late stages in formation of the mitochondria (compare PL 30, fig. 3 of this paper and Schaxel's PI. 16, figs. 9, 10, etc., in his paper ‘ Zool. Jahrb / Bd. xxxiv). He overlooks the early stages of mitochondria formation, while his description of the “ extra-nuclear chromatin” is apparently in some of his papers merely a misinterpretation of later stages of the formation of the mitochondria. Miss Beckwith, in a paper quoted above, throws doubt on the “ Chromatin-emission” of Schaxel. Miss Beckwith says : “ There is no evidence of formed material passing through the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm either early (Schaxel) or late (Smallwood) in the growth period.” It will be seen that Schaxel's work needs confirmation. To me this observer's papers appear to be written in a partisan manner, simply to bolster up the “ chromidia hypothesis ” in its appli- cation to the Metazoa. For an excellent review of this matter see Dobell, f Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci./ vol. 53. Bibliography. 1. Gatenby, J. Bronte. — “ The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ- Cells,” Part I, Lepidoptera, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci.,’ No. 247, 1917. 2. Ancel, P. — “ Histogenese et structure de la glande hermaphrodite d’Helix pomatia,” ‘ Arch, de Biol.’ t. xix, 1902. 3. Demoll, B. — “ Uber Geschlechtsbestimmung im allgemeinen und uber die Bestimmung der primaren Sexualcharaktere im beson- deren,” ‘ Zool. Jahrb.,’ xxxiii, 1913. 4. Buresch, Iw. — “ Untersuchungen liber die Zwitterdru.se der Pulmo- naten,” ‘ Arch. f. Zellforch.,’ Bd. vii, 1912. 5. Schitz, Victor. — “ Sur La spermatogenese chez Columbella rustica L.,” ‘ Arch. Zool. Exper.,’ t. lvi, 1916. 6. Tullio, Temi. — “ Condriosomi, idiozomse formazioni periidiozomiche nella spermatogenesi degli Anfibii,” ‘ Arch. f. Zellforch,’ Bd. xii, 1914. 608 J. BRONTE GATENBY. 7. Faure-Fremiet.— liltude sur les mitochondries des Protozoaires et des cellules sexuelles,” ‘ Arch. d’Anat. micr.,’ t. xi. 8. Murray, J. A. — Contributions to a Knowledge of the Nebenkern in the Spermatogenesis of Pulmonata,” ‘ Zool. Jahrb./ Bd. xi. 9. Lee, Bolls. — “ La Cellule,” ts. xi, xiii, xx, xxi, various papers on the cytology of Helix. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 29-84, 1 Illustrating Mr. Bronte Gatenby’s paper on “The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-Cells” : Part II, Helix aspersa. Explanation of Lettering. A. Acrosome (perforatorium). A.R. Archoplasm (idiozome). A.L.N. Nucleus of Ancel’s layer (mesoderm). A. S. Astral sphere (from which each aster arises). C. Centrosome. C.W. Cell wall. F.N. Follicle nucleus. G.E. Germinal epithelium. M. Ordinary mitochondria (macromitochondria). M 2. Smaller mitochondria (micromitochondria). N.C. Nurse- (yolk) cells. N.K. Nebenkern (rods or batonettes). S.B. Spindle bridge. S.G. Siderophilous granule. S.P.G. Spermatogonium. V.A.C. Alveoli in substance of cytoplasm of egg. Later become filled with yolk discs. X.N.K. Body thought to be Nebenkern rod. Y. Yolk disclets. (Only in certain figures, for others see text.) All figures drawn with camera lucida, paper at table level. Koritska T’gth semi-apochromatic oil immersion and compensating eye-pieces were almost invariably used. In most cases the figures are reduced. The arrow points to the inside of the lumen. F.W.A. Fixation in Flemming without acetic acid. C. Fixation in Champy’s fluid. S. Bichromate osmic smear. PLATE 29. Fig. 1. — For an explanation see the text page 36. x 800. 1 In such a figure as that in PI. 32, fig. 24 a, the mitochondria seen at a lower focal level have been drawn in palely, as is a usual cytological convention. In PI. 33, fig. 33, the white line in each mitochondrial grain represents the “ light.” Hollow mitochondria are as drawn in PI. 33, fig. 40. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSION OF THE GERM-CELLS. 609 PLATE 30. Fig. 2. — Germinal epithelium showing a cell of the mesoderm (Ancel’s layer, A.L.N.) and three germinal nuclei. At X. and Y. are what are probably attraction spheres. X 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 3. — Oocyte lying in germinal epithelium, mitochondria beginning to disperse (M.). X 2000, F.W.A. Fig. 4. — Part of germinal epithelium showing yolk cells ( N.C. ), a germinal nucleus ( G.E. ), and a spermatogonium (S.P.G.). X 2000, F.W.A. Fig. 5. — Upper part of an oocyte showing the Nebenkern ( N.K .) and the dark mass of mitochondria just before dispersal in cytoplasm (M.). x 2000, F.W.A. Fig. 6. — Bouquet stage of a supposed oocyte. This cell was deeply embedded in yolk like that in PL 29, fig. 1 a or b. x 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 7. — Another oocyte showing mitochondria (M.) dispersing and yolk being deposited (Y). x 2000, F.W.A. Fig. 8. — Represents the two left-hand bodies marked X. in PI. 31, fig. 18. x 4250, C. PLATE 31. Fig. 9. — Oocyte showing dispersal of mitochondria from a centre (c) near the nucleus. X 650, C. Fig. 10. — Oocyte just after the stage drawn in PI. 30, fig. 6. X 4250, F.W.A. Figt 11. — Supposed oogonium embedded in yolk cells like that in PI. 29, fig. 1 a or b. x 4250, F.W.A. Fig. *12. — Oocyte at time of dispersal of flocculent mitochondria, showing several bodies ( X.N.K .) supposed to be Nebenkern elements X 2000, F.W.A. Fig. 13, 14, 15, and 16, several stages in the development of the •cytoplasm of the egg. The upper white area in each figure represents the nucleus. Fig. 13 was drawn from the same egg as that in fig. 9 ; this was about 100 n in length. Egg in fig. 14 was 140 /x. Fig. 15 about 150 /*. Fig. 16 about 120 /x. X 2000, F.W.A. and Champy. Fig. 17. — Male progerminative cell showing development of mito- chondria. X 4250, C. Fig. 18. — Oocyte near end of growth stage, to show the location of the bodies drawn in PI. 30, fig. 8, at a higher power. X 510, C. Fig. 19. — Male progerminative cell showing appearance of cloud and granules, x 4250, C. 610 J. BRONTE GATENBY. Fig. 20. — Later stage. Archoplasm ( A.B .) and Nebenkern rodlets of fairly rare type. Usual sort is shown in PI. 32, fig. 23, and appears, later. Z. Zone of cytoplasmic activity which has spread around the- nucleus. x 4250, C. PLATE 32. Fig. 21. — Bouquet stage of generation drawn in the two preceding- figures. M. Mitochondria. X 4250, C. Fig. 22. — Second maturation division showing probable Nebenkern rods ( X.N.K .) in cytoplasm mixed with mitochondria, x 4250, C. Fig. 23. — Later stage, showing appearance of Nebenkern ( N.K .) and dispersal of mitochondria ; at X. the cell is losing its place on the germinal epithelium. X 4250, C. (Compare Text-fig. 4, i.) Fig. 24. — Secondary spermatogonium showing Nebenkern (N.K.) and mitochondria, x 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 24 A. — Spermatid with ring-like Nebenkern (N.K.) and large mito- chondria. x 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 25. — Spermatocyte near end of growth showing Nebenkern with many curved rods. X 4250, C. Fig. 26. — Spermatid with largish mitochondria and small curved batonettes in Nebenkern. Nucleus has large number of nucleolL X 4250, C. (For P.N.A. see Addendum A.) Fig. 27. — Spermatocyte in prophases. Ring-like Nebenkern rods scattered somewhat haphazardly. At X., X., region of centrosomes. X 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 28. — Spermatogonial division with seed-like chromosomes^ X.N.K. Probable Nebenkern. x 4250, F.W.A. Fig. 29. — Spermatogonium (secondary) with Nebenkern (N.K.). x 4250, F.W.A. PLATE 33. (All F.W.A. x 4250.) Fig. 30.— Bouquet stage, showing loops radiating towards Nebenkern. Rather small example. Fig. 31. — Growth stage of spermatocyte. Mitochondria dispersing. Nebenkern at NK. Fig. 32. — Near end of growth period. Nebenkern rods banana- shaped. Between thirty and forty in number. CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OP THU GKRM-CELLS. 611 Fig. 33. — Prophase showing astral body (.4.$.), which will give rise to part of the spindle. Mitochondria at this stage often rod-like. Neben- kern has lost its original disposition. Fig. 34. — First maturation division metaphase, showing shape of mitochondria and general difficulty of detecting Nebenkern rods. Fig. 35. — Spermatid with small mitochondria and straight or slightly curved Nebenkern rods. Nucleoli few in number. (For P.N.A. see Addendum A.) Fig. 36. — Spermatid of same generation. Fig. 37. — Later spermatid showing collapse of Nebenken structure. Fig. 38. — Probable nurse-cell showing nucleus and cytoplasmic bodies. No yolk disclets remain (or have been formed). The exact history of this cell is difficult to make out (see p. 591). Fig. 39. — Spermatogonial division with few large mitochondria. Compare PI. 32, fig. 28. Fig. 40. — Spermatid with ring-like Nebenkern rods and large mito- chondria. PLATE 34. Figs. 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46. x 2000. Figs. 40 to 45 stages in the formation of the sperm. Fig. 46. — Sperm from smear drawn to scale of the foregoing figures (S-). Fig. 47. — Spermatid X 2000, showing manner in which axial filament grows in cramped quarters. The micromitochondria keep their definite position. Fig. 48. — Spermatid nuclei X 2000, showing variations found in chromatin nucleoli. These hold good without much variation for every nucleus in the bunch of spermatids. Fig. 49. — Male progerminative cell (primary spermatogonium) of the generation drawn in Text-fig. 3, ii, S.P.P. X 4250. NOTE ON DEVELOPMENT OF TRICHOGRAMMA EVANESCENS. 613 Note on the Development of Trichogramma evanescens. By J. Bronte Cratenfoy, Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. The purpose of this short note is to correct some errors which were overlooked in a recent paper by me. These mistakes, which are in my text references to the figures of the development of Trichogramma, are as follows, and occur in my paper on “The Embryonic Development of Tricho- gramma Evanescens, a Monembryonic Egg Parasite of Donacia Simplex,” (‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci./ vol. 62r part 2, February, 1917). Page 149, line 9, “ Compare p. 20 ” should be “com- pare p. 168.” Page 158, line 24, “fig. 20” to be “fig. 26.” Page 161, line 21, “fig. 8” to be “fig. 14.” Page 1 62, line 15, “ fig. 12 ” to be “ fig. 13.” Page 164, line 1, “ varies little ” to be “ varies a little.” Line 6, “ fig. 12 and fig. 13” to be “fig. 13 and fig. 14.” Page 165, line 5, “ N” to be “ N.N.” Line 30, “fig. 9 ” to be “ fig. 15.” Page 166, line 20, “fig. 18” to be “fig. 24.” Page 170, line 5, “ p. 30” to be “p. 178.” Line 17, “ fig. 18 ” to be “ fig. 24.” Line 19, “ N-.G.N” to be “ N.C.” Line 20, “fig. 21 ” to be “fig. 27.” Line 22, “fig. 22” to be “fig. 28.” <614 J. BRONTlS GATENBY. Line 23, insert the figures “12” after the letters “ Pl.” Page 1 7 1 , line 12, “ figs. 6 a and 6 b” to be “figs. 5 a and 5 b.” Line 16, “ figs. 15 a and b ” to be “ 5 a and 5 b.” Line 25, “ p. 26 ” to be “p. 175.” Page 179, line 28, “ p. 11 ” to be “ p. 159.” Page 184, line 27, “Extended mass of cytoplasm” to be “ Extruded mass of cytoplasm.” In the “Lettering” insert “ E.X.N. means extruded chromatin nucleolus.” In connection with SilvestrLs excellent work on Oophthora the Rev. J. Waterston, B.D., very kindly informs me that Oophthora is a synonym for Trichogramma, so that the para- sitic forms examined by Silvestri and by myself are different species of the same genus. INDEX TO VOL. 02, NEW SERIES. Actinian larval parasitic in a Rhizo- stome, by C. Badham, 221 ALcyonium digitatum, develop- ment of, by Annie Matthews, 43 Allis, E. Phelps, junr., on the homo- logies of the muscles related to the visceral arches of Fishes, 303 Allis, junr., E. Phelps, on the labial cartilages of Raia clavata, 95 Amphioxus, collar cavities of the larval, by K. M. Smith and H. G. Newth, 243 A pyrene sperm formation of Moths, by Gatenby, 465 Badham, Charles, on an ichthyob- dellid parasite of the Australian Sand Whiting, 1 Badham, Charles, on a larval actinian parasitic in a Rhizostome, 221 Bathynella, morphology of, by W. T. Caiman, 489 Caiman on the morphology of Bathy- nella and some allied Crustacea, 489 Cartilages, so-called labial, of Raia clavata, by E. Phelps Allis, junr., 95 Centroplast of Heliozoon, by Clifford Dobell, 515 Cephalodiscus (of the Cape), de- velopment of, by J. D. F. Gilchrist, 189 Chromosomes of Culex pipiens,by Monica Taylor, 287 Crustacea allied to Bathynella, by W. T. Caiman, 489 Culex pipiens, chromosome com- plex of, by Monica Taylor, 287 Cytoplasmic inclusions of the germ- cells. Part II. Helix aspersa, by J. Bronte Gatenby, 555 Development of Alcyonium digi- tatum, by Annie Matthews, 43 Development of the Cape Cephalo- discus, by J. D. F. Gilchrist, 189 Dobell, Clifford, on a new Heliozoon, 515 Earth-worms, pharyngeal gland-cells • of, by Stephenson, 253 Fishes, muscles of visceral arches, by E. Phelps Allis, junr., 303 Gatenby, J. Bronte, the cytoplasmic inclusions of the germ - cells. Part II. Helix aspersa, 555 Gatenby, J. Bronte, on the cyto- plasmic inclusions of the Germ- cells. Part I, Lepidoptera, 407 Gatenby, J. Bronte, degenerate sperm formation of Moths, 465 Gatenby, J. Bronte, note on the sex of a tadpole raised by artificial parthenogenesis, 213 616 INDEX. Germ-cells, cytoplasmic inclusions of. Part I. Lepidoptera, by J. Bronte Gatenby, 407 Germ-cells of Helix aspersa, by J. Bronte Gatenby, 555 Gilchrist, J. D. F., on the develop- ment of the Cape Cephalo- discus, 189 Goodrich, Edwin S., on proboscis pores in craniate vertebrates, 539 Harmer, Sidney F., on Phoronis ovalis, 115 Heliozoon, a new, by Clifford Dobell, 515 Helix aspersa, germ-cells of, by | J. Bronte Gatenby, 555 Homologies of muscles of visceral arches of Fishes, by E. Phelps Allis, junr., 303 Hypophysis and premandibular som- ites of Craniate vertebrates, by E. S. Goodrich, 539 Ichthyobdellid parasite of the Aus- tralian Sand Whiting, by Charles Badham, 1 Index to the f Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science/ July, 1888, to July, 1916, inclusive, separately paged in Part 1 of present volume. Lepidoptera, cytoplasmic inclusions of germ-cells of, 407 Lepidosiren and Protopterus, early development of the spleen in, by G. L. Purser, 231 Matthews, Annie, on the develop- ment of Alcyonium digitatum 43 Nerve fibres, nuclei of, by Henry E. Reburn, 217 Newth, H. G., and K. M. Smith, on the collar cavities of the larval Amphioxus, 243 Nuclei of nerve fibres, by Henry E. Reburn, 217 Oxnerella maritima, nov. gen. et spec., by Clifford Dobell, 515 Parasite of the Sand Whiting (Sil- lago), by Badham, 1 Parasite, larval actinian, in a Rhizo- stome, by C. Badham, 221 Parthenogenesis, tadpole raised by artificial, note on, by J. Bronte Gatenby, 213 Pharyngeal gland-cells of Earth- worms, Stephenson on, 253 Phoronis ovalis, by Sidney F. Harmer, 115 Proboscis pores in Craniate verte- brates, by E. S. Goodrich, 539 Purser, G. L., on the early develop- ment of the spleen in Lepido- siren and Protopterus, 231 Raia clavata, labial cartilages of, by E. Phelps Allis, junr., 95 Reburn, Henry E., on an easy way of demonstrating the nuclei of nerve fibres, 217 Smith, K. M., see Newth. Sperm formation of Moths, 465 Spleen, early development of, in Lepidosiren and Protopterus, by G. L. Purser, 231 Stephenson, J., on the so-called pharyngeal gland-cells of Earth- worms, 253 Tadpole raised by artificial partheno- genesis, note on, by J. Bronte Gatenby, 213 Taylor, Monica, on the chromosome complex of Culex pipiens, 287 ADLARD AND SON AND WEST NEWMAN, LTD., LONDON AND DORKING. With Ten -Plates, Royal 4 to, os. net. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. Chukchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is 42s. for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum ( prepaid ) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at a uniform price of 10/6 net. 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GATENBY-CVTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM CELLS. JBG.dd- J.B.G.del. IhrlDi..!. nation . GATEJMBY - CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSIONS OF THE GERM CELLS. t 3 2044 128 439 791