| Le Adex Agassiz. Ribrary of the Museum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Founded by private subscription, (n 1S6L. LPAI Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. e No. le ve > _ ¢ —, _ Be PPO 459 4 - aa . oF rhe re a iz 1 pan a ae ae Mi : we Ore war rh’ of QUARTERLY JOURNAL MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., AND GEORGE BUSK, F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., F.L.S. VOLUME VII. With Allustrations on Wood and Stone. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1859. nissan? ‘7 7 Sishiss Behe ctl ADIT00. c \l PEL eOOIhels ho r rrr ey - Wart = a vi Pear Ar rpies wares re we oe vs 74 ae pa sid Oa Br Oh a AE Wok if . f 3,4 stl e et oie) oe ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. 8 On Apparatus for Drepcine at MODERATE DePTus in the Derr Sea, and for Carturine Fioatine Ossects from Surppoarp. By G. C. Watuicu, M.D. Dvxine a recent voyage from India, the success attending the use of certain appliances contrived by me for capturing such marine objects as came in our way, induces me to offer the subjoined account of them to the public. I may mention that, although familiar with the ordinary form of towing net and sounding apparatus, it struck me that much more might be done by resorting to some simple form of casting net, than is possible where the chapter of accidents is relied on for bringing within the jaws of the towing net the objects required, and by constructing some more portable sounding apparatus, which would at the same time prove effective at moderate depths, and bring up a much larger quantity of material than is attainable under the ordinary sounding lead, or the more complicated and cumbrous contrivance of Lieu- tenant Maury and others. I would further premise that whoever desires to make a collection of marine floating molluses, tunicaries, ascidians, and the like, and also. the minuter organisms which exist in all latitudes in the open ocean, to a greater or lesser extent, will be grievously disap- pointed if he imagines that the trailing net ‘used astern of. a ship will suffice for the purpose. For, to be at all successful, constant and unremitting watchfulness is, in the first place, essential; and what is equally important, a fitting place of ebservation at the stern of the vessel, with ten or Ss elve feet of the water bend. In my own case, the quarter gallery of a 1500-ton merchantman afforded the best of all look-out -ports ; and from it I was enabled to use the casting net about to be described with ease and certainty. In the clear blue water of the open sea it is astonishing how rapidly the eye accustoms itself to detect creatures of the minutest size; and how readily it learns to distinguish, even in the small patches of calm water between each wave when a considerable sea is running, any object that may chance to be swimming near the surface. Nor is this confined to the portion of sea immediately below the observer, but it can be done at a distance of several yards. In order to embrace this distance VOL. VII. B 2 WALLICH, ON APPARATUS FOR DREDGING, ETC. the following casting net was constructed, and in the course of a short practice it became easy to pitch this net, quoit fashion, over any object within such range. A hoop is made of half-inch rod iron, two feet eight inches i co) a. Copper cylinders, closed at lower end. 3. Valve with curved spring. c. Stud for forcing up the valve plate on touching bottom. v. Lron rod. gE. Weight. Fig. 1.—Showing position of apparatus whilst sinking, the valve being closed. Fig. 2.—Showing position on reaching ground, the valve being opened. Fig. 3.—Showing tilting rods, as seen from mouths of cylinders. in diameter. At any point in this hoop a ring or eyelet-hole is formed by a loop of the rod, for attachment of the line. Sewn round the hoop is an oblong bag, the bottom of which is not tapered off, but allowed to remain square, the material called crmoline being at once the strongest, cheapest, and, from its open web, the best adapted for the purpose. This WALLICH, ON APPARATUS FOR DREDGING, ETC. 3 bag is about a yard or somewhat less in depth. The lne must be stout, such as is used for deep-sea fishing, for in- stance. A coil of this is held loosely in the left hand. The right grasps the ring, close to the eyelet-hole, in a horizontal position, and throws it with a twist, just as a quoit is thrown, with the mouth of the bag downwards, over the object to be captured ; as much line as is necessary being allowed to slip without check out of the left hand. The hoop instantly sinks, the pervious nature of the ma- terial forming the bag offering little or no resistance. The moment it has passed deep enough to embrace the object, a sudden haul on the hne tilts the mouth of the hoop up verti- cally, the sides of the bag at once collapse on each other, and the enclosed object is secure. So readily does this simple casting net answer its purpose, that at one cast in moder- ately calm weather it brought up a couple of open-sea mackerel, each a foot and a half long; and molluscs, tuni- caries, ascidians, and other creatures of various kinds, were, with ease, brought within reach. This casting net is, of course, equally available on the shore, off a pier, rocks, &c. In the drag net used by me, I found it of great advantage to have the hoop made also of iron, but of a triangular shape, instead of the ordinary round form, each angle having an eyelet-hole or rmg, whereupon to attach the three connecting intermediate lines. By lengthening one of these three lines somewhat, the hoop was always kept with the same angle downwards, and thus prevented the constant turning, and twisting, and jerking, attendant on the use of the ordinary circular hoop, whenever the ship’s rate exceeded four or five knots. For soundings, in moderate depths, up to three or four hundred fathoms, the following apparatus is most efficient : A half-inch rod of iron, four and a half feet long, is bent at its centre to an angle of about 150°. At one end a loop is formed for attachment of the line; at the other, about six inches is reflected on itself in the same plane as the angle referred to, and within this reflected portion is jammed the connected band of two copper cylinders, soldered strongly together side by side; their closed ends being of course di- rected outwards, their open mouths towards the angular part of the rod. In order to prevent regurgitation and loss of con- tents, a valve is formed of a plate of metal sufficiently large to extend right across the mouths of both cylinders. In the centre of this is cut a slot or aperture, to admit of vertical motion to the extent required, the plate being attached by a curved, moderately strong, flat spring to the farthest end of 4 WALLICH, ON APPARATUS FOR DREDGING, ETC. the rod or cylinder, and at the centre of the margin of this plate, intended always to rest on the bottom, is attached a stud of several inches in length, whereby the moment contact with the surface of the ground is made the plate is made to rise and admit whatsoever presents itself. ‘To complete the apparatus, a twelve- or fourteen-pound lead weight is cast round the upper portion of the knee formed at the angle of the rod; a small rod of iron, about eighteen inches in length, is riveted at the outside of the mouth of each cylinder. This rod is bent somewhat backwards, its use being, in event of the cylinders touching the bottom in a lateral direction, to tilt them forward again. Lastly, the line being attached, the apparatus is ready for use. In sounding, it should be hove astern as far as possible. Now it will be observed that, owing to the angle in the iron rod, and the heavy weight appended to a particular part of it, whilst in the act of sinking such weight will remain per- pendicular, whilst the cylinders will be held out from the perpendicular to the extent of the angle. They will never- theless touch the bottom first at their outer closed ends, which will then act as a fulcrum, on which the rod will turn till it also reaches the bottom. The line bemg now hauled upon, each cylinder acts as a scoop, and on leaving the surface is effectually closed up by the return of the valve to its normal position. Of course soundings with this apparatus, or indeed with any apparatus, can only be effected in perfectly calm weather or at anchor, its advantage over other forms consisting in its simplicity, its certain action, and the great quantity of material it is capable of bringing up. No doubt it admits of mechanical improvements in many ways, and these could with ease be carried out; but as the organisms found at the sea bottom are daily engrossing more attention, whilst those procurable near the surface are not only interesting in them- selves, but can be made to yield up the minute ‘structures they feed upon, and from which the microscopist eliminates many a choice repast, I trust the foregoing detail may not prove without interest. Norers zx Reprty to Dr. WaLKEeR-ARNOTT. By Dr. Donxin. Proressor Walker-Arnott having considered it proper to attack me in the preceding number of this Journal (p. 164), on certain facts demonstrated by me in my paper on the ‘Marine Diatomacee of Northumberland, * I consider it my duty to offer a reply. I confess myself at a loss to comprehend Dr. Arnott’s reason for accusing me of having acted towards him with want of courtesy. But J presume it is because I have pointed out, in the postscript of my paper, that my P/. rectum, n. sp., is identical with that form to which he has given the cogno- men of Apr. Ralfsii. Dr. Arnott imagines I had no right to mention his name in the matter, because he had not then published his description of the form in question. But he evidently forgets that at the period when the postscript of my paper was written, slides had been distributed amongst observers (mounted from Mr. Ralfs’ Penzance gathering) containing this species in abundance, with his—Dr. Arnott’s —generic and specific name appended. + Thus, then, it is evident that the name given by Dr. Arnott to a particular diatomaceous form became, actually and virtually, published. I therefore, after examining well authenticated specimens of this same form, had a perfect right to criticise, in any becom- ing manner, Dr. Arnott’s conclusion and synonyme; and more especially so when I knew that I had previously de- scribed to the Microscopical Society{ the very same species under a different name. Now it appears to me that Dr. Arnott would have acted much more in that spirit which ought to guide every philo- sophical discussion, had he, instead of accusing me of being guilty of a grave social offence, attempted to refute the accu- racy of my assertions, and to establish his own hypothesis on a firmer and more indestructible basis. But since he has declined to do so, I must, of necessity, call his attention still more closely to the error he has committed in referring the subject of dispute to the genus Amphiprora. On reauin, Dr. Arnott’s description, which, he will permit me to observe, is very vague and without anything specially diagnostic, of Apr. Ralfsii, in the last volume of this Journal, p. 91, * ¢Trans. Micros. Soc.,’ vol vi. + One of these slides was sent to me by an esteemed correspondent, Mr. Roper, and another from Dr. Montgomery, of Penzance. t On the 21st of October, 1857. 6 DONKIN, IN REPLY TO WALKER-ARNOTY. and his subsequent foot-note, p. 164, it is clearly apparent, that he supposes this form to be an Amphiprora because the valve is carinated—the carina being constricted in the middle —and the striz transverse. Now, on the other hand, I have shown* that the structure of the valve (there being two sets of strie, one long., the other ¢rans.), together with its peculiar outline and sigmoid median line, and also the absence of ale, or lateral plates, as seen in the F.V., prove that it is a true Pleurosigma. I have likewise pointed out,t+ that a carinated and constricted F.V. is not, when taken in the abstract, a generic character, and ought not longer to be relied upon as such. This assertion is amply proved by Pl. cari- natum { (a genuine Pleurosigma, with oblique stri, easily resolvable in the F.V.), which has a very strongly keeled and constricted valve. After a careful and frequently repeated examination of all our genuine British species, I am con- vinced that the presence of ale,$ attached laterally to the valve, constitute the only true generic feature of the Amphi- prore, while the carinated and constricted F.V., though always, more or less, present, is merely of secondary import- ance, being possessed by several species of Pleurosigmata with straight valves ; thus proving a close natural affinity between the two genera. Therefore, as Dr. Arnott admits the absence of ale in Pl. rectum (alias Apr. Ralfsii), his attempt to refer it to the genus Amphiprora is contrary to analogy, and simply a violation of the law, which has been observed by all compe- tent observers, in placing new species in this latter genus. With regard to the markings of the Amphiprore, I may fur- ther add, that when striz are present there is only a single set, transversely arranged. This peculiarity is of consider- able importance in distinguishing them from their allies, the Pleurosigmata. Dr. Arnott, however, will probably object to these conclu- sions, having taken upon himself to ignore the existence of any such species as Pl. carinatum ; he denies the fact of its having oblique striz, and observes: “I do not believe the stri are oblique, but only appear so in consequence of the osition of the light.”? Now, I wish to know on what grounds r. Arnott considers himself justified in contradicting the statements of others on any scientific subject, without having in the first instance satisfied himself, by actual obser- * See my description of Pd. rectum, n. sp., ‘Trans. Micros. Soe.,’ vol. vi. + In Op. cit., Postscript. + See description of this species, Op. cit. § The universal presence of ale in the genus Amphiprora was first pointed out by my late lamented friend, Professor W. Gregory. DONKIN, IN REPLY TO WALKER-ARNOTT. a vation, that such statements are erroneous. Now, as he has never examined a single specimen of Pl. carinatum, his ob- jections to this form are simply imaginary, and being, there- fore, of no importance, according to the principles which regulate the determination of every scientific truth, they are unworthy of refutation. It may not be amiss here to repeat, even emphatically, that my published description of this remarkable species is perfectly correct, both as regards the shape of its S.V. and F.V. and as regards the nature of the strie, of which there are two sets obliquely arranged, and easily resolvable, with sufficient power and proper illumina- tion, into cellules, having a quincuncial arrangement; but owing to the valve being compressed laterally towards the median line into a keel, these markings are most easily seen on the F.V. Dr. Arnott pronounces my Pl. arcuatum to be Pl. fasciola. In reply, I must observe that whereas the former is a strictly marine form, being only found on the open shore or in deep “water, the latter only occurs in brackish water, in the living state. But independent of this very important fact, the two forms present structural differences of a specific nature, which cannot be ignored. In the first place, the extremities of Pl. arcuatum have each a strong double curve, that is, each is strongly sigmoid between its base and its apex. Whereas each extremity of Pl. fasciola has only a single curve, or in other words, is gently arcuate between its base and apex. In the second place, the extremities of Pl. arcuatum are much longer than those of Pl. fasciola. In my figure of the former species the extremities are represented much too short, a fact kindly pointed out to me by Dr. Greville. Thirdly, the striz are much finer than those of Pl. fasciola. As to my Apr. duplex being the same form as Apr. palu- dosa, as alleged by Dr. Arnott, I must observe that the very fact of the former being a strictly marine species, while the latter, according to the late Professor Smith, is the only fresh-water form in the whole genus, renders such an allega- tion simply untenable. Besides, a mere examination of figures of the two forms cannot fail to convince any one of a specific difference. Dr. Arnott says my figures and descriptions lead him to believe that my Pl. Wausbeckii and minutum, and probably also angustum, are the same form as Pl. rectum, or, in other words, his Apr. Ralfsii. I am, however, led to suspect that his examinations of my descriptions, at least, must have been exceedingly superficial, otherwise he could not have arrived at such a conclusion. Dr. Arnott also states his belief that 8 DONKIN, IN REPLY TO WALKER-ARNOTY. all these last mentioned species occurred in Mr. Ralfs’ Pen- zance gathering. Repeated examinations, however, have con- vinced me that this is an error, as Pl. rectum is the only form T can detect. It is necessary to state that my Pl. Wausbecku is the variety of PJ. balticum, figured by Professor Smith im his ‘Synopsis ;’ but I am at a loss to understand why he con- sidered it as such. There is certainly nothing more than a generic resemblance between the two forms as regards outline, colour, and the relation of the median line to the margin, while the strie of Pl. Wausbeckii are considerably finer than those of Pl. balticum. I confess myself at a loss to understand Dr. Arnott’s hypothesis, which enables him to look upon the two members of my new genus Towonidea as accidental or twisted conditions of Pl. strigosum, angulatum, and estuarii, produced by a peculiar process. This assertion I do not credit; and nothing short of actual observation, I feel assured, will satisfy any partial inquirer as to its validity. It would be well, therefore, were Dr. Arnott to state whether he has seen such a phenomenon take place, and if so, to describe it. For undoubtedly any physiological or pathological process which can effect so great a change, not only in the general outline, in the relative position of all the parts, and in the cellular structure of the siliceous valve of the Diatome, must of necessity be a most singular one, and its demonstration by Dr. Arnott cannot fail to attract that interest which falls to the lot of every important physiological discovery. These remarks, I trust, will be amply sufficient to show that Dr. Arnott has, on very insufficient grounds and in no liberal manner, accused me of creating “‘swpposititious’”’ species out of mere varieties, and thereby encumbering science with useless and unmeaning names. As to the regret which he expresses at what he calls “rushing into print,’ without making myself acquainted with what others are doing, I must observe, in reply, that while, in my paper, I have studiously avoided any attempts at plagiarism by adopting as my own the published discoveries of other observers in the same field, I was at the same time unable to command the supernatural assistance of an Asmodeus, to unveil to my observation their present doings and cogitations. It is certainly true, as stated by Dr. Arnott, that I had described certain species which had previously been found by M. De Brebisson at Dines. Of this fact, however, I was entirely ignorant until a few days prior to its publication; when M. De Brebisson himself sent me some slides, mounted from his gathering made in that locality, in order to ask me whether the new species DICKIE, ON DIATOMACEH AND MOLLUSCA. 9 contained on them have any resemblance to those discovered by me on the Northumbrian shore. M. De Brébisson at the same time informed me that he had not published any description of these new forms. In January last I sent him a copy of my paper, and after reading it he wrote to me to say that he had adopted all my names for those particular species, with which he was previously acquainted ; thus ex- onerating me from all blame in the matter. On this ground, therefore, Dr. Arnott ought not to express his disapprobation. On a Derosit of Diatomacr® and Mouuuvsca, in the County of Antrim. By G. Dicxiz, M.D., Professor of Natural History, Queen’s College, Belfast. In a field at Bellahill, a few miles from Belfast, and in the County of Antrim,a sepulchral tumulus has existed from time immemorial. In the end of January last, this mound was opened, under the superintendence of the Rev. A. J. Lee. It seems to have had for its foundation the surface of the ground where it was reared ; that is to say, there was but little previous exca- vation, the ashes of the deceased having been placed on or near the surface, and then the earth and other material heaped over them. Mr. Grattan, of Belfast, first directed attention to the nature of part of the material dug out from the foun- dation of the tumulus, having recognised it as one of those deposits, called fossil earths, now known to be of very general occurrence. Two varieties of the earth were found—the deepest in thin layers among peat, pure white, and entirely siliceous; the other more superficial, in large masses, of a buff colour, and effervescing freely with an acid. The presence of calcareous matter in the latter was easily accounted for, by the ex- istence of fragments and entire shells mixed with it. Two of these are common fresh-water mollusca, viz., Lymneus trun- catulus and Planorbis vortex ; the former was by far the most abundant of the two. Along with them were found four well-known land species, Helix arbustorum, H. rotundata, Zua lubrica, and Clausilia nigricans ; these were very rare, compared with the fresh-water species. After careful examination of the deposit, I found the fol- lowing Diatomacee : VOL. VII. c 10 DICKIE, ON DIATOMACEH AND MOLLUSCA. Lpithemia turgida, Sm. Pinnularia viridis, Sm. 45 gibba, Wirtz. 5s divergens, Sm. = zebra, Kitz. I radiosa, Sm. » Hyndmanni, Sm. (very Synedra delicatissima, Sm. rare). Cocconema cymbiforme, Khr. Amphora ovalis, Kitz. = cistula, Eby. Cocconeis placentula, Khy. Gomphonema vibrio, Khr. Campylodiscus costatus, Sm. (very es olivaceum, Ehr. rare). if capitatum, Khr. Surirella ovata, Sm. (very rare). a tenellum, Sm. Navicula ovalis, Sm. Odontidium mutabile, Sm. Bs Jirma, Witz. Denticula sinuata, Sm. es liber, Kitz. Orthosira orichalcea, Sm. . patula, Sm. Mastogloia Grevillii, Sm. $3 rhomboides, Khr. Three or four of these were not at first observed by me, but recognised by Professor G. Walker-Arnott, of Glasgow, to whom specimens were sent. Mr, Lee, in his notice of the tumulus,* states that its shape was somewhat different from that of others in Ireland, “being more flattened and less elevated ;” and further adds—“ This may be accounted for by the continued action of the waters of the lake, which probably surrounded it for centuries ; the former existence of which is proved, not only by the geological formation of the locality, but by the remains of fresh-water shells, and lake Infusoria found in the substratum on which the tumulus stands.” Respecting this inference, I would remark that it is totally at variance with the facts observed. It is obvious that a tumulus, consisting of comparatively loose material, could not have existed for any length of time exposed to the action of water, often more or less liable to agitation by winds and floods. But supposing the mound capable of resisting the action of the lake for “ centuries,” how could peat be produced under it, and how could the Diatomacez have lived and propagated beneath it, and much less the fresh-water Mollusca? It is obvious, moreover, that the shells of terrestrial species, accidentally mixed with the others, could not possibly have been drifted to such a place as the foundation of a heap of mould, seven feet in height and forty-five in diameter. I visited the locality in company with my friend, Mr. James MacAdam, and having examined the facts above mentioned, I never doubted that the tumulus had been raised long after the draining of the lake. Mr. Lee states, that ‘“ the character of the remains discovered in this tumulus incline us to fix the date of its formation anterior to the Christian era.” Tong previous to this epoch the lake had disappeared, and the physical conditions of the place * © Ulster Archeological Journal,’ May, 1858. WEBB, ON A LOOSE CARTILAGE. 1p) been completely altered, for there seems no reason to conclude that since the raising of the tumulus, at a time when the surface of the field was accessible, there had been such im- portant changes in the district as would be implied by the accumulation of a large body of water, upwards of seven feet in depth, and the subsequent drainage of the same. Notes of the Microscopican Examination of a Loose CartitacEe from the Kner Joint. By W. Woopuam Wess, M.D., Lecturer on Histology and Minute Anatomy at the Middlesex Hospital. Tue cartilage on which these observations were made, was removed from the knee-joint of an elderly man in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, by my friend Mr. Cadge, surgeon to that institution. It was of somewhat larger size than is usual in such formations, and was of a flattened and elon- gated shape. Its general appearance was that of a nodule of fibro-cartilage, but the section towards the interior gave rise to a rough gritty sensation, and showed a darker and uneven surface. When dried, the internal parts were quite opaque, and crumbled away if scraped. By all the older writers it seems to have been regarded as an established fact that the denser portions of these loose cartilages were of true bony character; and even in Wedl and Rokitansky, we only meet, in reference to them, with the vague terms of ossification, cretification and calcification, none of which convey any definite information as to the exact histological condition of the structures, or their mode of growth. Before being submitted to me for examination, the spe- cimen had been much handled and kept in dilute spirit. It was, therefore, not in the most favorable state for ascer- taining the nature of its superficial investment ; but I believe that epithelium had been present on those parts least exposed to pressure, though on the flatter portions there was no trace ef such cells. It is only by dealing with the most delicate preparations that any accurate knowledge of these growths can be arrived at, and even with them a micro-chemical analysis 1s necessary. A very thin vertical section, under a power of 220, brought into view the following appearances. On the surface was a condensed layer of fibrous tissue which had a_ horizontal disposition, and swelled up and became gelatinous with acetic acid. This gradually lost all indications of fibrillation, and 12 WEBB, ON A LOOSE CARTILAGE. merged into a hyaline matter, studded with imnumerable flattened and elongated nuclei, very closely applied to each other, and arranged in strata towards the exterior, but becoming more and more scattered and expanded as they were traced inwards. The several stages of vacuolation and formation of cell-spaces could now be distinguished around these isolated nuclei, while the periplastic matter was clearer and without any marks of definite organization. Among the fully formed cells the usual tendency to multiplication by division showed itself, and somewhat further in this tendency assuming, as in ossifying cartilage, a linear direction, parallel and perpendicular rows of cells, with but a small amount of intervening matter, constituted the bulk of the substance. Some of the mature cells manifested a change in the nature of their contents. These had hitherto been clear and fluid, with the exception of the nucleus, but now opaque granular material began to be seen. The end-to-end cells also coalesced with a regularity which converted them imto short tubules, closely packed together in groups. These tubules, or many-celled spaces, soon became filled with an amorphous saline deposit to such an extent, that all traces of cell-wall and periplastic matter were concealed, and the mass appeared but one uniform solid block. The disintegrating and analytic influence of reagents was here required to demonstrate the actual condition of this reputed bone. Dilute caustic soda, by expanding the intercellular matrix disclosed the whole series of tubules or spaces originating in the fused cells of which the part was made up, and so isolated the casts about which the cell-walls were accurately moulded. The addition of hydrochloric acid caused the entire solution of these concretions, with effervescence, and left exposed the empty and bare cell-walls, retaining their perfect contour, with the nuclei still adhermg in their natural position and integrity. Longitudinal irregularities or puckerings, produced no doubt by chemical action, gave to these walls a sort of fibrous look. The very centre of the mass consisted of numerous stellate groups of these elongated spaces with cretaceous contents, round the ag- gregate of which were arranged the perpendicular rows of cells undergoing the process of fusion, and fillimg up of their areas. There was no indication of nerve, vessel, bone-corpuscle, or other structure, which could warrant the classification of this abnormal articular growth as an osteophyte. Beyond a certain depth from the surface, all the changes taking place were those of retrograde metamorphosis. SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACL&. 13 The description follows the appearances, as seen in passing the eye over a thin section from the circumference to the centre. Prenomena of InrerNaL Movemunts in Diatomacra of the Nortn Spa, belonging to the GENERA CosciINopIscus, DentIcELiaA, and RutzosoLtenta. With a Plate. By Pro- fessor Max ScHuULtzeE. THe sea around Heligoland is rich in large Diatoms, which are frequently brought up in considerable numbers by the fine net. Several of the species very abundant there have been found by Ehrenberg at Cuxhaven, as Coscino- discus, Zygoceros, Eucampia, Triceratium (‘Abhandl. d. Akad. d. Wiss. z. Berlin,’ 1839). Others are still not known out of that region, as Chetoceros (Brightwell, ‘Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science,’ 1856, p. 105, tab. vii), Denticella, Rhizoso- lenia. By far the most numerous forms of the genus last named occurred towards the end of the autumn. The Rhizoso- lenia are readily to be distinguished with the naked eye, and were wanting on no day in the excursions undertaken im com- pany with my father and the Messrs. G. Wagener, Lieber- kthn, and Kupfer. In a glass containing them one perceives, by transmitted sunlight, a glittering, proceeding from small rods of a hair-like fineness, which refract and bend the light, like crystals of Cholesterme, but more strongly, so that they shine in all the colours of the rainbow. The rods not unfrequently attain the length of 2 to 3 lines. Perfect examples of the genus Khizosolenia Khrbg., so far as I am aware, have only been found by Brightwell up to the present, and were first mentioned in No. XX of the ‘ Quart. Journ: of Micr. Science,’ 1857, p. 191, and were afterwards figured in the later numbers of the same Journal. These ‘being all procured from the stomachs of Ascidians and Salpze, as also from Noctiluca, were seen filled in part with organic, but not living, contents. Still, Bright- well, in the last-mentioned place, states, from his own obser- vation, that Rhizosolenia setigera shows a movement like other Diatoms, in which the tubes push themselves slowly backwards and forwards. Here also it is mentioned that Rhizosolenize occur freely, swimming in the seas of warmer latitudes. Herr G. Wagener first drew my attention to the peculiar currents of granules occurring in the Rhizosoleniz, which 14 SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACES. induced me then to make further researches among other Diatoms, where they had been observed by G. Wagener, also in Coscinodiscus, and finally I saw them in a large Denticella. Great transparency of the siliceous coats is necessary for a clear observation of the streams of granules. Those forms of Coscinodiscus the sculpture of whose shells is very delicate, as C. centralis, Ehrbg. (‘ Micro-geologie,’ tab. xxu, fig. 1), with which a form common at Heligoland agrees, are consequently more fitted than others, such as C. radiatus and C. patina, Ehrbg., which are finely marked, and possess an opaque, sharply sculptured shell. For the same reason Triceratium, of which many species occur at Heligoland, is not adapted for observation. In several Diatoms placed together, whilst living, in a fluid adapted for the preservation of Meduse,* could be observed, im addition, a radiate, threaded arrangement of the organized contents, corre- sponding with that in which the granular streams would have been observed in life, as, for instance, in the large trans- parent Navicula angulata. The whole movements I have seen neither in Rhizosolenia, nor in Cosinodiscus and Denticella. The internal move- ments are of the following kind : Coscinodiscus and Denticella (figs. 11—13) show, in the living state, a nucleus placed almost in the centre, but still drawing near to one of the side walls ; it 1s a round, colourless vesicle, of the size of a human blood-corpuscle, with a large, strongly refracting nucleolus—it might be taken for a cell with a nucleus, but which last would then want the nucleolus. Around this body is found an accumulation of a finely granular colourless mass, from which radiate a multitude of finer and coarser cords, passing through the internal space of the Diatoms, which is of a water-like clearness, in all direc- tions. They all come to an end at one of the surfaces of the siliceous covering, lying closely round an exceedingly * This fluid, consisting of common salt Ziv, alum 3ij, sublimate gr. iv, dissolved in two quarts of distilled water, is well adapted for the preserva- tion of small organisms, procured by fishing with the fine net in the sea. One rinses out the corner of the net in a glass filled with this solution in- stead of sea-water. In this manner, after several repetitions, one obtains a sediment which may serve as a mine for the whole year. Noctiluca, Echinoderm, and Annelid larvee, Entomostraca, Diatoms, Polythalamiz, and Polycystiniz are admirably preserved, both in their soft parts as well as their hard structures. To make them transparent, glycerine should be afterwards added. In the circumnavigation of the world, glasses containing this fluid, each filled at different places and noted, would furnish richer and better material for the study of geographical distribution and variety of forms than searching the stomachs of animals or the filtering of several bottles brought back filled with sea-water. SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACES. 15 delicate layer of the same finely granular matter. In the latter, as in the fine granular substance enveloping the nucleus, and frequently in an incompletely fixed state of the wall, entirely concealing it, are imbedded vesicles of a coloured material. These are ochre-yellow, and round or somewhat pointed; they are of the latter form in Denticella. They lie close to the siliceous covering, either presenting an entirely uniform distribution at equal distances from one another (as m the examples delineated), or are arranged in reticulated cords, uniting among each other, as has been more than once seen in Coscinodiscus. In the threads and in the finely granular external layer are found appearances of currents. Specimens brought freshly from the sea, or kept at most some hours in a glass, are alone fitted for the ob- servation of these. From the finely granular mass sur- rounding the nucleus the stream goes in, and to the, as it appears, more homogeneous, if not structureless, mass, con- sisting of threads at the periphery; and in the same threads, or others, different granules return back to the centre. The threads are thickest near the nucleus, and attenuate them- selves on their way by division, anastomosing reticulately with one another, till, in their finer distribution, they repre- sent a delicate web lying close to the siliceous coat, in which, or in a more homogeneous layer, immediately on its exterior, the coloured vesicles are imbedded. The nucleus does not always lie close to the siliceous covering; it may also approach the middle of the imternal space. Coscinodiscus possesses a form like a shallow round box, whose bottom and top is arched like a watch-glass. If one views such a body from the side, and the nucleus with the granular mass enveloping it is situated in the middle, between both side walls, there goes more frequently a stronger cord of granular matter from it to the centre of the latter. In this way the middle appears possessed of a darker axial cord. In such a middle situation, the nucleus seems to increase before the commencing propagation by division. After the appearance of two new watch-glass-shaped walls, with their convex surfaces turned to one another, that sprout of division possesses a nucleus closely adhering to the newly formed wall. So also in Denficella (as fig. 12 shows), where certainly the situation of the nucleus is disclosed only by the accumulation of the darker granular mass, as the centre of the radiating threads. The coloured vesicles are omitted in this figure ; they presented the same uniform destribution as in fig. 11, so that a complete removal of the same seems not to interfere with the appearance of the division. 16 SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACEE. Somewhat differently does the granular stream flow on in Rhizosolenia. The long, completely transparent, very delicate siliceous tubes possess yellow contents, as Brightwell indeed saw; and certainly this yellow colour is dependent on coloured vesicles of a long oval, nearly rod-shaped figure, almost equaling in their long diameter those of Coscinodiscus and Denticella. They lie imbedded in a colourless substance, containing fine granules, which is again the seat of the appearances of currents, in which here, however, departing from the Diatoms first described, the coloured vesicles take a lively part. A denser opaque accumulation of the granular matter and coloured frustules, situated sometimes in the middle, at others nearer one end of the tube, in which a nucleus, as in Coscinodiscus and Denticella, could not be seen, presents itself as the centre of the currents. These do not radiate in all directions through the middle of the tube, but confine themselves closely from the beginning to the surface of the siliceous coat, and run off usually as fine, stretched, parallel threads, until, in the pomted end of the tube, they unite themselves again to a generally small expanding opaque mass. I once counted in the circumference of the tube sixteen such granular threads, flowing parallel and beside each other. The current is in each of the threads double. Small granules, flowing in a more homogeneous substance, some- times more quickly, at others more slowly, collect them- selves together here into a little mass; they are there seen only singly, projecting out on the margin beyond the surface of the thread, or apparently entirely imbedded in it. Fre- quently one or many of the coloured frustules are laid hold of by the current and carried far away to a distance; others lie quietly between the streams in a perfectly undisturbed layer. Bridge-like joiings, meltings away, and divisions also occurred. So much I remember. Alas! more accurate notes I did not make. It may be that the phenomenon, for that reason, will commend itself to others for further research. The granular currents described, namely, those in the interior of Coscinodiscus and Denticella, entirely resemble those known to exist in Noctiluca. In it they proceed from a dark mass, which eccentrically took the place on which the spherical body possesses a heart-shaped recess, and radiate in all directions in the interior of the hollow space of the body, which is filled with a clear fluid, passing away into an exceedingly fine network of streams immediately under and surrounding the skin, and ultimately melting away with skin itself, which (if we would transfer an idea from the SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACE.®. 17 plant-cell to the Noctiluca, only represents the most external layer of the proto-plasm) is of the nature of clear albumen ; this also appears not to be wanting m Coscinodiscus, though in it covered by the siliceous coat, as itis m most plant- cells by one of cellulose. The currents of granules are also perfectly similar to those found in the extended threads of Gromiz, Polythalamiz, and Polycystinie. Unger has briefly (‘ Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen,’ 1855, p. 282)—a view previously more specially propounded by Cohn (‘ Nach- trage zur Naturgeschichte des Protococcus pluvialis, Aus d. Leopoldinischen Akademie-Shriften)—classed together the currents in the fluid contents of plant-cells (2 8), the hairs on the filaments of Tradescaniia, with the phenomena presented by the threads of Ameba porrista, or the Polythalamiz, as I describe them, and the movements of the protoplasm he declares are exactly similar to those of the so-called sarcode of the Rhizopoda. I have compared the frequently described phenomena in the hairs on the filaments of Tradescantia with the currents in the Diatoms, as well as in the threads of the Rhizopoda, and must acknowledge their great simi- larity. I chose for the observation Tradescantia procumbens, the hairs of whose filaments present very transparent cell- walls and entirely colourless contents; the latter, in Tr. zebrina, for instance, being more or less real, detracts some- what from the distinctness of the movement phenomena. In the former, also, the granules are larger, and the material of the threads apparently more homogeneous. From the layer of protoplasm enveloping the nucleus proceed several thicker or thinner threads, traversing the cell im all directions, more frequently, however, lying close to the cell-wall (as in Rfi- zosolenia). They consist clearly of a basic material, with strongly refracting granules imbedded in it. The latter flow in the interior, or, as it were, on the surface of the threads, either in one direction only, or in opposite directions at the same time in one and the same thread, as may not unfre- quently be observed. In the broadest threads this double direction of the current is nearly universal, but it occurs also in the finest, which are almost imperceptible. The granules generally pass by each other undisturbed, or it may happen that one is taken back by the others—a proof that the double direction of the stream is not due to two separate threads. Individuals flowing quickly overtake others going more slowly in the same thread, and may then, as I once saw, suddenly turn back and proceed in company. The threads divide themselves frequently in a forked manner, and a granule reaching the point of division stops before committing itself 18 SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACES. to the one or the other way. The shape and direction of the thread are subject to continual change. The forked division, for instance, proceeds from the base of the threads at the cell-nucleus to the other ends, which meet together on the internal surface of the cell-wall. Or it forms out of the forked division a bridge to a thread lying close beside it, while the branch part melts away with this. The bridge then runs upwards or downwards between both threads; it shortens itself, while the latter draw near one another ; finally they melt away completely with each other into one, so that now a broader stream flows where there were formerly individual fine threads. On the internal surface of the cell-wall is found a thin, coherent, protoplasmic layer. So it appears after the application of reagents, which cause it (the primor- dial utricle) to become shrivelled. By means of syrup I could bring out here what A. Braun arrived at in the Cha- race (‘ Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie d. Wiss.,’ 1852, p. 225). The cell-contents, sharply circumscribed, drew themselves back from the membrane of the cell; besides, the appearance of currents in the interior still continued for along time. In this way one can convince himself that the granular currents and fluctuations (for such are here fre- quently alone present in places), occurrmg in the mid-layer of the protoplasm, are not related to the last layer (Haut- schicht, Pringsheim) but only to the inner stratum of the parietal layer (granular layer). In this way those in Nocéi- luca are comparable with the above. In distilled water I have seen the appearance of a stream maintain itself in indi- vidual cells for twelve hours, and in thin syrup for twenty- four. It would be well worth the trouble to try the influence of a series of solutions on the movements described, perhaps like those made by Kolliker with the spermatozoa. In this way interesting disclosures might be expected. The movements remarked in the protoplasm of plant-cells ought not, in my opinion, to remain neglected, as they may act as an explanation of the mysterious appearances of life in the sarcode threads of the Rhizopoda, and I recommend the comparative study of the former to those who consider the threads in Polythalamia as possibly or probably a compound of small cells. In Tradescantia the same phenomena occur in undoubted cell-contents, which must, therefore, be related to animal life. Of Rhizosoleniz I have observed two different species. The largest, and by far the most abundant, is undoubtedly identical with Brightwell’s R. styliformis, described in the ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ Jan., 1858, ——e— ee SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACE. 19 xxii, p. 94, and delineated in Plate V, fig. 5. The tubes are cylindrical, pretty abruptly pointed at both ends, and furnished at the extremity with a small siliceous point, ap- parently solid, or at least with very thick walls, sharply marked off from the cavity of the cylmder. The pointing of the species, according to various positions of the tube ob- tained by rolling it round, originates nearly like a cut-out quill-pen. The length and thickness of the tubes vary much. I have seen them from 0-4 to 0:7” Par. in length, and 0:025 to 0:04’" in thickness. The most examples are found in the act of division, which is in an oblique direction, while others consist of from three to six individuals cohering together. Of such I have measured several. A. Four co- herent individuals, 0°68", 0:42", 0:4", 0:46" in length. B. Three ditto, 0°7'”, 0°76, 0°68” in length. C. Three ditto, 0°72", 0°54'”, 0°52'” in length. D. Six individuals attached to each other, 0°52”, 0°74", 0:5", 0°52'", 0-5” in length ; the last was broken off; the entire length of the tube was 3’. Characteristic of R. styliformis are the ringed markings which the shell possesses. These appear not re- markable in water, but come out very sharply after subjec- tion to a red heat, or desiccation after previous treatment by acids. I have taken pains in fig. 4 to give a most correct drawing of the same, as they appear in that position of the Rhizosolenia which resembles a cut quill-pen, with the cut surface turned towards the observer. ‘The upper part of the two individuals shown in fig. 3, still hanging together after the division, turned round in its long axis towards the left about 90°, would then present the same view as fig. 4. The oblique falling-off side of the young ends is presented to the beholder. On it, im the middle, is found a design like the tip of a lance. It is, to look at, in a manner like an impres- sion of the once closely applied end of another individual. Here a confinement of the shell to the very last may take place during the division, perhaps even an aperture in the siliceous coat remains in the dark lines, a, a, which I could sometimes nowhere discover. The ringed markings of the shell are made by linear incisions, therefore the shell most commonly breaks in the rings. A wider and finer marking of the siliceous coat could not be discovered, either in the red-hot condition or by the use of oblique light. The second species, which is rarer in Heligoland, I have named R. calcaravis (figs. 5—8). It is smaller than the first, and occurs im solitary, not in numerous, individuals adhering together. Length 0°20'’—0°25'"; thickness, 0°025. Specimens of 0°25" already showed the oblique division in 20 SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACE. the middle. Once only I saw three individuals hanging together, and of these one was caught again in the act of dividing. Their lengths were 0°15, 0°15, and 0°225.” On the siliceous coat I could not perceive a rimged marking. The poimting at the ends is waved, and the extreme point, . sharply marked off, as in R. styliformis, is bent like a bird’s claw. The level of the curves of these points in the two ends of one individual are not parallel, but cut themselves at a sharp angle. The two specimens delineated at fig. 8 present a provisional, not clearly explicable peculiarity. They were found without organized contents. They adhered firmly to one another, as they are figured, being only slightly changed that the cause of their cohesion may be shown. ‘The length of the specimen on the left was 0°2’”, that on the right 0°25’. In both the upper point was broken off nearly at the middle ; but a kind of termination was again effected by a very delicate membrane. Both contained in the interior, moderately near one end, two spikes of new individuals made fast to each other im an inverted direction. I suppose these examples were caught in the act of dividing, for which purpose they had developed the new spikes in the middle. They may be released later from their original situation by the death and subsequent maceration of the contents. Lastly, the young points differed from one another. Asis evident in figs. 9 and 10 (magnified 330 diam.) the point of the former has a double, strongly refracting contour, while that of the latter is paler and more delicate. Fig. 9 lay in the specimen figured on the right above, and in that on the left below, a, a. Fig. 10 was the reverse, 0, 6. After the division in the Rhizosoleniz, as also in Coscinodiscus and Denticella, the siliceous covering of the parent individual still remains for a long time uninjured over the divided place (compare figs. Gand 12). After this is cast off, the offspring of the division always adhere for some time to one another. So hkewise in Rhizosolenia styliformis, as in fig. 2, where the dotted lines indicate the original union by the siliceous covering which is here at present wanting. Specimens are frequently seen to whose free ends still adhere portions of the already cast-off siliceous covering of the parent. Rhizosoleniz broken off, close the opening with a siliceous plate arched like a watch-glass. Still they appear, in addition, immediately after the closure to develope a new and regular terminal process. I have seen specimens of the species, at least, which certainly show, if it may be so some- what artificially explained, that the broken-off point, getting placed inside the tube, may become incarcerated by the ensuing closure. SCHULTZE, ON DIATOMACEZ. 21 The Diatoms shown in figs. 11 and 12 must be referred to the genus Denticella, if we consider Ehrenberg’s D. amita (‘ Microgeologie,’ tab. xxx, A, figs. 2, 3, 7) asthe typical form. They agree very closely with the form named by Bailey Zygoceros (Denticella?) mobiliensis (‘‘ Microsc. Observ. made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida,” ‘Smithson Contrib.,’ vol. ii, p. 40 of the separate copies, tab. 11, figs. 84 and 35), which cannot be, however, a Zygoceros, but is a true Denticella, as Herr J. Miiller informed me in reply to an inquiry respecting his opinion. One might impute the difference from our species to the inaccuracy of Bailey’s somewhat rough drawing. The size Bailey does not mention. The specimen given in fig. 1] measured 0°11” in length (without the prickles), and 0:065'” in breadth. That in fig. 12 was 0°125'” in length, and 0:098” in breadth. The lengths of the individual sprouts of division were 0:055 and 0:065'"; it was thus much less than their breadth, which, in connexion with the other measurements already given, presents a great variety in form. Young specimens, at first released by the division, sometimes appear broader than they are long, at others longer than they are broad. Besides, there occurred at Heligoland much smaller Denticelle, which (either the young of our species or of a new one) appeared to have originated in a different manner than by division. The cross- cutting of our Denticella is barley-corn shaped, and ends naturally above and below in two external projections. The spines are placed internal to the projections, not in the two lines uniting the projections to one another, but the one to the right and the other to the left of them. Hence the uneven appearance the one has compared with the other in the two individuals caught in the act of dividing (fig. 12). In water the siliceous coat appeared destitute of all finer structure. With great pains two cross lines can be perceived, running parallel to each other, which are shown in our drawings. These are always at the same distance from the upper and under ends, and approach more closely to one another the shorter the individual. After the application of a red heat, and by the use of oblique light, there is brought into view a fine hair-like marking of the surface, as seen in Navicula angulata. Such a fine clothing D. mobiliensis of Bailey, from the coast of Florida, shows. After all the information given, our Denticella will be easy again to recog- nise. I have named it Denticella regia. 22 On some Conditions of the Crtu-watL in the Prrats of Frowers, with Remarks on some so-called ExvERNAL Seconpary Derrosrts. By 'Turren West. In working over microscopic subjects generally, my atten- tion was arrested by that well-known object, the petal of the geranium, and the attempt to reconcile the appearances found with the descriptions in books led to investigations, some of the results of which are embodied in the following commu- nication. How far these agree with the opinions entertained by previous observers will best appear in the course of my remarks. It may be desirable to state at the commencement the mode of examination followed. Considering the soft and perishable nature of the structures to be determined, it seemed essential that they should be viewed as quickly as possible after being gathered, before any changes from the natural condition of the parts in life could have taken place. Some petals, as those of Clarkia, are so exceedingly delicate, that even the water added for their examination speedily renders them a confused mass, in which little is discernible save certain large Raphidian cells. So essential has it ap- peared to have the flowers freshly gathered, that I have felt obliged to reject some observations made on withered petals, lest wrinkling of the cell-wall might have been thus induced, and erroneous opinions formed—the serious nature of which will be seen as we advance. Descriptions of appearances brought into view in petals dried, mounted in Canada balsam, blistered by heat (I had almost said tortured to produce false appearances), cannot therefore but be viewed with distrust. Were anything to be gained by it, it would not be difficult to explain the nature of the errors induced by such modes of examination. Having then procured perfectly fresh flowers, a petal was detached, and bent backwards so as to expose the outline of the layer of cells forming the inner surface; another petal, bent inwards upon itself, gave the outline of the external surface ; the margin was next examined, and, finally, por- tions torn up with needles. Glycerine was found very useful in rendering the structures distinct, and I may mention also that it preserves most petals in a highly satisfactory manner. In the great majority of the plants examined, which amounted to some hundreds, when a profile view is thus obtained, it will be found that the cuticle is not uniformly level, but the cells composing it are mostly elevated towards the centre, more or less above the general surface. Such — WEST, ON PETALS OF FLOWERS. 23 elevation is almost invariably greatest on the imner surface of the petals, and the descriptions here given, with only one exception, apply to such. Between the cuticles the tissue is generally stellate, in one or several layers. These elevations may be formed, either by general con- vexity of the outer cell-wall (Ranunculus aquatilis, fig. 1—iris, fig. 2), or dome-shaped (ten-week stock, fig. 3), or a partial elevation of the centre (featherfew, Pyrethrum parthenium, fig. 4), mammilate (geranium, fig. 5—orchis, fig. 6), awl- shaped, acute (sweet william, fig. 7—mimulus, calceolaria, &e.) On the outer surface of the tubular corolla of Comfrey, Symphytum officinale (fig. 8), they are very long, and intermixed with undoubted hairs. In the Cruciate they appear to be the coloured petalline hairs of Balfour. The most rudimentary condition of these elevations is that of a minute papilla, rising abruptly from the centre of every cell, or nearly so; a good example of this is seen in Gladiolus (fig. 9). That they are truly hairs in a rudimentary con- dition, the examination of an extensive series of instances will leave no doubt. On the lip of a brilliant little blue lobelia every gradation may be met with, from the slightest convexity of the cells to true hairs ;4, m. in length, and equally so on the same part in Antirrhinum majus. 'To these mammillate protuberances has been attributed the velvety appearance of the surface of petals; they form truly the “‘pile,”’ so to say, “of the velvet.” It seems probable, also, that from their convex form, they may act as lenses in magnifying the brillianecy of the coloured chlorophyll. Another way in which the richness of the hues of flowers is enhanced would, perhaps, scarcely suggest itself readily to any but an artist. I allude to the separation of the colour into regularly arranged symmetrical spots by the colourless cell-walls, thus obtaining what is technically called “ air ;” an effect that is rudely imitated by artists, according to the substance on which they work and the facilities which their materials may afford for its production. That this idea is not fanciful, may be readily seen by comparing an imitation oe Arie F Ig & Sap Wes. ple, CP 8.905%: BASS So Bait KO Cyory 2 CI FEL ez. ; 2S 4, . he rr x g! BD 2, p, ©. Qe. on wood of the stippling of the miniature painter (fig. 1), who requires thus to produce the utmost degree of bright- ness which his colours will afford with fig. 2, a diagrammatic 24 WEST, ON PETALS OF FLOWERS. representation of part of the petal of the scarlet geranium, under a very low power. That the radiating lines seen not unfrequently on the cell-wall in this situation can have any appreciable effect in producing the brilliancy of flowers, as maintained by Schleiden, seems, however, more than doubtful. These papillz, or “ mammiliform protuberances,” may be either marked with lines or dots, or smooth and destitute of both. Good examples of these lines are presented by the petals of geranium (fig. 5), and pelargonium (fig. 14). When the outer cell-wall is papillate, they assume a radiate arrangement, which is seldom distinctly perceptible in the cells of petals, the surface of which is pla. These lines have been considered by Schleiden and Carpenter to be probably due to secondary deposit, and such was, up to a recent period, my own belief. In examining the petal of ladies’ bedstraw (Galiwm verum, fig. 10), [found an interesting condition of the parts. The cells here are not elevated above the general surface into papille, but are covered with large, raised, tubercle-like spots, arranged with considerable regu- larity, of a glassy transparency, and showing section dis- tinctly. Some idea of their appearance may be formed by imagining a plate of glass, whilst still soft, to be pressed out in spots by a small blunt tool, and cooling rapidly, to retain the impressions thus caused, which, by turning the glass over, would become elevations on the now uppermost surface. Similar tuberculoid dots are found on the lobelia before- mentioned on Antirrhinum majus, &c. Schleiden long ago described “ tubercles”’ studding hairs from the fornix of Anchusa Italica, and figures them as if formed by layers of successive deposit m some cases. In this he has been followed by other authors; and Quekett represents some of them detached, as if rubbed off, which, were they really tubercles, might occur. At the time when this Anchusa was in flower, I was unfortunately too much engaged to be able to hunt after it; but hairs presenting external “elevations are not uncommon. The example of Galium just mentioned showed con- clusively, however, that tubercle-like elevations might be ee oe aa aS ee Fig. 3 Fig. 4. present on the walls of cells, or their prolongations, without the presence of external secondary deposit. The cell-wall is pretty thick, firm, of exquisite transparency, and can be WEST, ON PETALS OF FLOWERS. 23 clearly traced as forming the tuberculoid elevation. A diagram (fig. 3) may serve to render my meaning clear. If the elevations were due to secondary deposit, we should see distinctly, as in the imaginary instance (fig. 4), the cell-wall continuous, and supporting an extraneous substance. Having satisfied myself, from this instance, that on the outer surface of vegetable cells, protuberances and hairs were not necessarily owing to external secondary deposit, I made very numerous examinations into analogous cases, the results of which have led me to believe that the views now held on this subject will require much modification to render them consonant with truth. I have met with no certain example of such, though one or two instances have occurred to me in which there might be a degree of doubt, from the top of the tuberculoid elevation being somewhat thicker than the sides ; in Galium mollugo it is so. But we need not hence assume that this is from secondary deposit, for it is certain that the cuticular cell-walls are not of equal thickness in all parts, and such an appearance may be easily explained without such an hypothesis. Hairs of much value for the purposes of our present inquiry occur in the throat of the pansy (Viola tricolor and varieties of V. lutea, fig. 11). They are large (35th im. long), knobbed all over ; these knobs, clearly produced by outward bulging of the cell-wall, are themselves irregular with lesser warty prominences, and towards the attached end of the hairs they subside into interrupted subspiral lines, equally due to folding. A sectional view of hairs from the throat of verbena (fig. 12) and petal of the musk-plant (fig. 13) shows that the dotted markings they possess arise in the same way. The radiating lines on the petals of geranium, &c., are likewise caused by corrugation. In petals removed from the scarlet geranium whilst the bud is still very immature, neither the papille, the radiating lines, nor certain so-called “hairs” arranged round the base of the papill, are present. But on examining petals from flowers advanced to about twenty-four hours from the period of opening, these are all found pretty well developed. Being still in a soft condition, the action of nitric acid diluted may be watched under -the microscope, causing evolution of the cell-walls and disappear- ance of the radiating limes or folds, with consequent appreciable increase in size of the papilla out of which they were formed. The petal of the larkspur shows the same facts equally well. When the eye is thoroughly familiarised with the objects, the optical appearances alone are almost sufficient to enable a confident opinion to be formed. VOL. VII. D 26 WEST, ON PETALS OF FLOWERS. Round the margin of the cuticular petalline cells of pelar- gonium (fig. 14), geranium, in all its species, so far as I have had the means of ascertaining (fig. 5), periwinkle, Vinca major (fig. 15), nemophila, aiid others, are little dentate pro- cesses, appearing, when viewed from above, as if pointing inwards towards the centre of the cell to which they belong. Seen in profile, it becomes evident that they do not project freely into the cavity of the cell, nor outwardly, but are indeed in close apposition with the cell-wall. These are really pats of internal secondary deposit, as is proved by watching the progress of their development and the action of nitric acid. Such little pats are common at the most pro- jecting part of the curves of sinuous petalline cells; the curves sometimes become angular, and this appearance is much increased by the deposit. In the clove-pink (fig. 16) this secondary deposit is laid down more irregularly; in the petals of the white poppy (Papaver somniferum, fig. 17) and St. John’s wort (Hypericum) they form an imperfect spiral. Another case of what will be probably found to be due to the same cause is met with in some petals just within the point of the papilla; this is the case in Orchis maculata, and in Vinca major (fig. 15). It would be interesting to ascertain if, when papille occur, we may expect to find them in other species of the same genus, and in allied genera; also to what degree they retain similar forms and markings. My observations are not suffi- ciently numerous to found safe generalizations upon, but they appear to favour the idea that such may be the case. In conclusion, it may be well briefly to recapitulate the propositions here sought to be established. They are— lst. The prolongation of the outer cell-wall of the cuticle of petals into mammillary protuberances as a usual con- dition; such elevations being, with rare exceptions, most marked on the inner surface, and being hairs in a more or less rudimentary condition. 2d. That the markings on the parts here named (which may be divided into two kinds, lines and dots, though examples of an intermediate nature occur) are both caused by corrugation of the cell-wall, and not by external secondary deposit upon it. Note.—The dots here spoken of on some petalline cells and many vege- table hairs have a special interest, from the light they throw on the trae nature of the markings of the Diatomacex. In each we have minute spots, but in the first named they are above, in the latter below the general level of the surface. It is as unphilosopiical then to apply the term “ cellules” to the markings of a diatom, as it would be to give it to the tuberculoid dots in question. a “tu On the OrticaL Powers of the Microscope. By P. G. Rytanps, Esq. Tue period has not yet arrived when even all those who employ the microscope methodically, as a means of scientific investigation, possess an intelligent comprehension of the principles on which it is constructed and the nature of its powers as an optical instrument. There is a large region beyond mere manipulation, into which few apparently care to enter. The writers of our introductory treatises have been curiously imitative in dealing with this portion of their duty. They indulge us with nearly the same very elementary diagrams, refer us to Ross’s capital article “ Microscope,” in the ‘ Penny Cyclopedia,’ and then, with here and there only a trifling exception, leave the matter pretty much as they found it. Surely the time has arrived which calls for more than this ; when an optical treatise on the microscope, worthy of the name, is not only desired by the few but required for the many. In the meantime, until this boon be granted, your pages will continue to do good service by dealing with these matters, and, as heretofore, in such a manner as to secure to your readers a large store of information. I had hoped that some more able hand than mine would have undertaken the subject on which I now propose to occupy a portion of your space; but it has not been so, and I there- fore offer the following remarks on the optical powers of these instruments to your readers, without further introduction. The first power which I shall mention requires little remark. It is the one which has attracted the greatest share of attention, from being that which constitutes the most prominent characteristic of the microscope. I mean magni- fying power. For our present purpose it is sufficient to remind the reader that magnifying power has to do with size, and size only. It expresses simply the dimensions of the enlarged image presented to the eye of observers, as compared with the size of the natural object when viewed at the adopted standard distance, ten inches, from the eye. Or, in other words, it may be said to express the magnitude of the angle subtended by the enlarged image, at the eye, as compared with that subtended by the object itself under the circum- stances named. The second, or penetrating power, is a subject which cannot be dismissed so easily. The origin of the term will be found in the ‘ Phil. Trans.’ for 1800, in an article by Sir William Herschel, entitled, “On the Power of Penetrating 28 RYLANDS, ON THE MICROSCOPE. into Space possessed by Telescopes.’ In that article we are told that when, owing to the darkness, a distant church- steeple was invisible, a certain telescope described showed the time by the clock upon it very clearly. This, adds Sir William, was not owing to magnifymg power alone, for the steeple could not be discerned by the naked eye. Following out the suggestions of this incident in a truly philosophic spirit, the author has given us, in the article referred to, all that is required to apply the term correctly to the microscope. Unless I am mistaken, the first use of the word in con- nexion with the microscope occurs in the ‘ Microscopic Cabinet.’ Judging from the manner in which it is there employed, we should perhaps define it as synonymous with angular aperture. Most persons, I fancy, were at a loss to see the connexion between the name and the thing signified, for, while some few writers were content to adopt the term with the explanation given, others, considering it an entire misnomer, began to speak of angle of aperture, and have since defined ‘“‘penetrating power” to mean superior definition, thickness of field, &c. This has naturally led to confusion, and that not amongst those only who make small pretensions. Dr. Carpenter, in his ‘ Manual,’ tells us that the penetrating power of an olject-glass “depends upon the degree of dis- tinctness with which parts of the object that are a little out of focus can be discerned,” or, in other words, longitudinal focal range or thickness of field. The editors of the ‘ Micro- graphic Dictionary’ mention “two distinct kinds of pene- trating power,” one the same as defining power, and the other angular aperture, combined with oblique illumination. They propose that the term should be laid aside as tending to con- fusion! I think it may be shown that the confusion is not altogether attributable to the term, and that the whole difficulty not only admits of an easy solution, but that the subject is sufficiently important to warrant a careful investi- gation. The authors of the ‘ Microscopic Cabinet’ had in their minds, there is no doubt, the true origin and meaning of the term. They erred in not giving a sufficient explanation. They borrowed it from the telescope, and, seeing that the telescope and the microscope are essentially the same instru- ment, but modified to adapt them to different purposes, the use they made of it was perfectly justifiable; at the same time it must plainly be used to mean the same thing in both cases. Sir William Herschel has shown, in the article already referred to, that the words penetrating power have a RYLANDS, ON THE MICROSCOPE. 29 definite meaning, and that the amount of this power possessed by a telescope can be obtained by calculation. This must be true of a microscope also. This power must not be confused with angular aperture, which has reference to the objective alone; neither has it any connexion with either definition or thickness of field. In one word, as magnifying power expresses the angle subtended by an object or image at the eye of the observer, so penetrating power is the measure of the angle subtended by the eye at the object, or the equivalent of that angle in the case of telescopic or microscopic vision. The one is the measure of size, the other of brightness. This latter, however, must not be confused with “illumination.” The one power is neither less important nor less essential to distinct vision than the other. There required little magni- fying power, and there was no illumination, in the case of the church-steeple, still the hour could be read on the dial. It is the power by which this was accomplished that we have to consider.* Referring those who wish to investigate this matter fully to the paper in the ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ I shall content myself with making use of such portions of Sir W. Herschel’s formula as is sufficient for our present purpose. This may be given as follows : Putting P for the penetrating power of a refracting tele- scope, « for the proportion of light which remains for purposes of vision after passing through a single lens, nm for the number of lenses in the instrument, A for the available diameter of the object-glass, and a for the diameter of the pupil of the eye; we have— pa Vor a — By applying this to the microscope, we shall obtain that which alone can be correctly called “ penetrating power.” We shall see clearly in what the value of increased angular aperture really consists, and I think we shall come to the conclusion that the term under consideration represents some- thing sufficiently important to prevent its being laid aside on account of any foregone carelessness or confusion. The great distinction between the telescope and the micro- * We are not told what magnifying power was employed in viewing the church-steeple, but I gathered from something in the paper that the pene- trating power of the telescope was about forty times that of natural vision. 30 RYLANDS, ON THE MICROSCOPE. scope exists im the fact that while the former, practically speaking, is suited to receive parallel rays from a distant object, the latter has to deal with rays which are sensibly divergent from a closely approximate pot. On this account the formula will require some modification. In natural vision the rays emergent from any point of an object, which are employed for the purposes of vision, form a cone having the area of the pupil of the eye for its base. When the microscope is applied, the available aperture of its anterior lens takes the place of the pupil, and a cone of very different proportions is substituted. It is on the relative magnitude of the angles at the vertices of these cones— allowance being made in the latter case for the light lost im its passage through the instrument —that penetrating power depends. Thus the connexion with angular aperture is seen to be sufficiently close to form some excuse, perhaps, for one definition which has been given. It is only necessary to premise further that the formula may be stated in a rather more convenient form, thus : Ale, If A be now made to stand for half the angle of aperture of an objective, and a half the angle subtended by the pupil of the eye at ten inches, instead of the diameters of these apertures as before, the formula applicable to microscopes will be— tan A tan a 1s Further, if we are content to adopt 0°2 inch as the mean or standard diameter of the pupil, which is sufficiently exact for general purposes, the equation becomes— P= 100 tan A 4/3" * * From two series of measurements of the diameter of the pupil I ob- tained the following results : In full daylight, near the window of a well-lighted room, 0:15 in. ; at the most convenient distance for distinct vision from a Highley’s argand gas lamp, 0°25 in.; the mean of the whole being 0°2 in. As simplicity is a great matter in such calculations as the one now under notice, it may be worth while to remark, that if the value of 2” for the in- struments of our best English makers should be found to be sufficiently con- stant, which is quite probable, the expression, so far as they are concerned, may be reduced to a single operation, and the value of P taken almost at sight from a table of tangents. The angle of aperture of an objective should be obtained by Mr. Lister’s method (‘ Phil. Trans.,’ vol. exxi; see also Quekett, p. 464), separately with each eye-piece and length of draw-tube. P= RYLANDS, ON THE MICROSCOPE. 31 1 shall not stay here to point out the advantages of obtain- ing the amount of penetrating power in the manner de- scribed ; this, and all that need be said further on the sub- ject, will, I trust, be sufficiently clear from what follows. The third power—the visual power of microscopes—is one which has been so rarely recognised as distinct, that probably even the name will be new to most of your readers. It is well known that the extent to which vision is aided by a telescope (for we must be mdebted once more to that instrument) is very rarely expressed by its magnifying power ; that two instruments, equal in both magnifying and defining power, may differ widely in their visual power; and as in the telescope, so in the microscope, for they are essentially the same in principle. Perhaps an example will most easily explain what is meant by visual power, and its connexion with the two already described. Some years ago, when my attention was first directed to this subject, I made the following experiment with a common marine “day and night glass.’ Having extemporised a ““pancratic tube,” by which the power of the instrument was increased to 43, I directed it to a sign-board at the distance of 489 yards. This object had the double advantage of being readily approachable in a direct lune, and of having upon it letters of various sizes, so that it exhibited several degrees of legibility. Its distance, too, was ascertainable with sufficient exactness. Having impressed upon my mind the appearance of the board as presented by the telescope, I approached it until it was as legible and looked the same to the naked eye. From the peculiarity of the object, this point was ascertained at once within the limit of three or four feet. According to the popular idea, I ought to have been at one forty-third the original distance, the power of the glass being 48. Instead of this, however, I had passed over only fifteen sixteenths of the space; that is, the visual power was only 16, although the magnifying power was 43. This was not quite what L expected, but the examination was not long delayed. In order that an object shall be seen through a telescope (or a microscope) as when viewed at one forty-third the distance, it is necessary, not only that the angle subtended by it at the eye—the magnifying power—but also the angle subtended by the eye at the object—the penetrating power— shall be increased forty-three-fold. When this is the case, the visual power will be forty-three also. If we approach an object bodily, these angles naturally increase in the same proportion, but it is not so where optical instruments are 82 RYLANDS, ON THE MICROSCOPE. used. Still, visual power must be a compound of the other two, and calling the three powers M, P, and V respectively, from their initials, we ought to have, im all cases— V=vVMP To test the experiment just related by this, the value of P having been carefully determined at the time, we find M = 43, P = 6, and V=V43 x 6= 16:06 The value of V, as obtained by measurement, was 16:3, which is as near as could be expected under the circum- stances, although every precaution was taken to ensure cor- rectness. Visual power is, therefore, essentially the power of a telescope. IT need not extend this already lengthy article to show how entirely all this is applicable to the microscope also. I do not say that the variation will be as great in that instrument as in the telescope, for the construction is not only more uniform,* but the peculiarities of microscopic vision confine the matter in one direction, at least within narrower limits; but I do say that the time is long gone by for the distinctions I have pointed out to be neglected, or for us to have important and valuable terms drifting to and fro im our literature without any fixed meaning, threatened with expulsion by those in high quarters, and defined by each succeeding writer according as it seems good in his own eyes. Neither should we suffer ourselves to be deceived by large numbers, expressing amplification, it may be, but failing to afford us their promised aid in our search after natural truth. Fortunately the discoveries of the past quarter of a century have led us in the right direction; what we seem now to require 1s simply a correct determination of the value of x in the foregoing formule; we shall then be able, with very little trouble, to estimate the visual powers of our instruments, and shall have our efforts systematically directed to the in- crease and perfection of that upon which their value mainly depends. * This is more especially true of the instruments by our best English makers. The relative value of others will probably appear in a strong light when they are submitted to the test of visual power. The following ap- proximate estimates, obtained from a French instrument, will not be with- out interest : 1st combination, M = 400, V (highest estimate) 145. 2d AS M = 540, V, cannot exceed 905. 3d is M = 870, V, does not reach 320. 33 OBsERVATIONS on the DrveLopmMentT of some parts of the SKELETON of Fisues. By Tuomas H. Huxtey, F.R.S., Professor of Natural History, Government School of Mines. Tue following observations were made principally upon the Stickleback (Gasterosteus leiurus) i the summer of the present year. Some of them were briefly alluded to in my Croonian lecture “On the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull,” delivered before the Royal Society on the 17th of June last, and will be more fully treated of hereafter; the rest have not yet been published. 1. On the development of the tail in Teleostean fishes. The fact that at a certain period in the embryonic life of Teleostean fishes, the extremity of the chorda dorsalis or noto- chord is bent upwards, was discovered and its importance indicated by K. E. Von Bar, in his ‘ Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelungs-geschichte der Fische’ (1835), where he remarks, respecting the embryos of Cyprinus blicca— “‘T was greatly surprised to observe, that from the fifth day onwards, the posterior extremity of the vertebral column bends upwards, so that the caudal fin which now begins to be developed is not disposed symmetrically, but lies more below the extremity of the vertebral column; a relation which is permanent in the cartilaginous fishes.” (p. 6.) The conception of a relation between the embryonic con- dition of the tail in Teleostean fish and the adult state of the same organ in Ganoidet and Elasmobranchii, thus put forth, received a further development from Professor Vogt, the able author of the ‘ Embryologie des Salmones’ (1842), which forms a part of M. Agassiz’s ‘ Poissons d’Eau douce.’ At p. 256 of this excellent monograph, Vogt says— “The curvature of the extremity of the chorda dorsalis, which begins to be apparent in the Coregonus a short time before it is hatched, and attains its greatest amount about six weeks later, is another peculiarity of the embryos which deserves to be taken into consideration, because it subse- quently disappears, and exists in adult fishes only in some genera of existing Ganoids and Placoids. These relations have not escaped the notice of observers, and M. Von Bar par- ticularly expresses himself as follows.” Vogt here gives the preceding citation from Von Bar, and then continues : 3k HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. “This peculiarity, together with many other features characteristic of embryos, has naturally led me to examine into the relations which exist between these modifications and the characters which distinguish the fossil fishes of dif- ferent geological epochs. . . It is a fact well known to all anatomists, that the vertebral column of carti- laginous fishes does not terminate in the same way as that afi osseous fishes; in the former the bodies of the vertebrze become successively smaller from before backwards, and incline upwards more or less towards the end of the tail, so that the part of the vertebral column which carries the rays of the caudal fin forms a very open angle with the longitudi- nal axis of the trunk. A very peculiar form of the caudal fin results from this disposition : instead of being symmetri- cally bifurcated, it is simply bilobed, in such a manner that the superior lobe, situated, like the ‘inferior, under the pro- longation of the vertebral column, extends further back than the latter, which is produced only by an elongation of the anterior rays of this same inferior side of the vertebra. It results from this, that the caudal fin of the Plagiostomes has, properly speaking, no rays* inserted in the upper face of its vertebre. “In osseous fishes, on the other hand, the vertebral column terminates behind in a great expansion, whose superior and inferior apophyses are strongly dilated, so as to form a large vertical plate, whose posterior edge is symmetrically truncated, so as to present. an equal surface of attachment for the caudal fin-rays above and below the prolongation of the vertebral column. This caudal piece may be regarded as resulting from many vertebre soldered together, or else as a simple dilated vertebra carrying many yertical apophyses. The chorda dorsalis is continued in its interior, and is also a little bent upwards, so that, neglecting the osseous vertebral rings which surround the chord, it terminates as in the Plagiostomes. But the apophyses of this caudal piece are always disposed in such a way that those of the superior face carry the upper half of the rays of the caudal fin, and the inferior apophyses the inferior rays; and the result is a very regular disposition of the caudal fin, which is divided imto two equal lobes, whose rays are inserted like a fan upon the spinous processes of the last vertebra, and arranged in such a manner that the rays of the upper lobe correspond to the upper apophyses, and those of the lower lobe to the lower apophyses. The slight differences of form and size which * This statement, however, is incorrect, as Miller had long before shown. (Te He HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. isi) are sometimes remarked between the two lobes never affect the disposition of the rays; for even when the caudal fin is cut square or rounded, it is not less invariably divided into two nearly equal parts, the superior of which is inserted on to the superior apophysis of the last vertebra. We may, then, regard this disposition as constant among osseous fishes, despite the slight inequality which is sometimes ob- served between the superior and inferior apophyses, and not- withstanding the curvature of the chorda at its posterior extremity.” M. Vogt then goes on to point out that since, according to M. Agassiz’s researches, all fossil fishes before the Jurassic epoch had inequilobed or heterocercal tails, while those with equilobed or homocercal tails only appeared subsequently, there is a parallelism in this respect between the several stages of the embryo of such a (Cycloid) fish as a Coregonus, and the groups of fishes which have at successive epochs peopled the waters of the globe. In his ‘ Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles,’ vol. 11, p. 102, the same doctrine is thus concisely expressed by M. Agassiz : “© On the other hand, there is neither in the actual creation nor in anterior epochs, any adult fish belonging to these two last orders (Ctenoids and Cycloids) which has the vertebral column bent up, and the caudal fin inserted below it; whilst this arrangement is characteristic of embryos in a certain period of their existence. There is then, as*we have said above, a certain analogy, or rather a parallelism, to be es- tablished between the embryological development of the Cycloids and Ctenoids, and the genetic or paleontological development of the whole class.” Professor Owen (‘ Lectures on Fishes,’ 1846) describes the caudal fin of the ordinary osseous fishes thus : “The framework of the caudal fin is composed of the same intercalary and dermal spines superadded to the proper neural and hemal spines of those caudal vertebree which have coalesced and been shortened by absorption, in the progress of embryonic development, to form the base of the terminal fin.” (p. 67.) It would be very desirable to know in what fish Professor Owen observed this singular process of coalescence and absorption. So definite a statement must rest on some- thing more than mere supposition, .and yet it is entirely unsupported by any hitherto published observations with which I am acquainted, and is, as will be seen below, directly opposed by my own. In the excellent ‘Lehrbuch der Vergeichenden Anatomie,’ 36 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. by Von Siebold and Stannius (1846), the latter (‘ Wirbel- thiere,’ p. 10) considers the vertical caudal plate to be - produced by the coalescence of the superior and inferior arches, interhzemal and interneural bones “ of the posterior caudal vertebra or of many of the caudal vertebre ;” and in a note it is added, that the commencement of the process may be clearly traced in the pike. Avaluable paper published bythe late eminent ichthyologist, Heckel, in the ‘ Sitzungs-berichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften’ for 1850 (p. 143 et seq.), contained the first accurate and comprehensive account of the structure of the piscine tail, and threw quite a new light on the general doctrine of the relation between ancient and modern fishes. “The few now-living successors of the bony Ganoids with complete vertebra, which first appeared in the Jurassic period—our Lepidosteus, Polypterus, and probably also Amria (the latter of which I have had no opportunity of examining) —still have quite imperfect terminal vertebre, behind which a part of the chorda persists in a perfectly unossified state. At the same time these terminal vertebree appear to be de- veloped in quite a different way from those of ordinary Teleosteans, for the arrested commencements of the posterior caudal vertebre, or their first centres of ossification, appear, not as in the latter, above and below at the base of already formed spinous processes, but at the sides of the chorda, before either spinous processes or vertebral arches are de- veloped. They become thickened anteriorly, and penetrate like wedges towards the axis of the chorda. Indeed, it would seem, from the fact that different imdividuals of these fishes, without distinction of size, present a considerable variation in the number of their terminal vertebrae (which may be even perfectly developed) as if they constantly added new vertebree, whereby the end of the-vertebral column—that 1s to say, the still naked chorda—must gradually, if not perfectly, be converted into ossified bodies of vertebree. .... . “Another group of fishes, or rather of the now-living Teleosiei (whose origin is wrongly placed in the Cretaceous period, since it certainly took place much earlier, in the Jurassic epoch), also possess an imperfect vertebral column. No inconsiderable portion of the end of the chorda remains without developing vertebree throughout the whole life of the fish, and becomes hidden under a roof-like arrangement of peculiar bones, which, supported upon the penultimate vertebral bones and projecting backwards beyond them, and seeming to be mere upper spinous processes, or ray bearers, unite with the broad inferior spmous processes which haye HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 37 coalesced so as to form a vertical fan-like plate. In these, as well as in the bony Ganoids mentioned above, the canal for the spinal cord, so soon as the vertebrz cease, passes back above the undivided chorda, and both are invested by a common case of solid cartilage, which takes the form of a long cone. It is a further peculiarity of the Teleostei in question, whose caudal rays, with the exception of the upper short ones (‘stiitzen strahlen’), are altogether beneath the vertebral column, that their terminal vertebra is biconcave. The vertebral arches unite in pairs, and form by their proper elongation a double spinous process. In one part of these fishes (whose ancestors made their appearance in the Jurassic epoch) the arches are wedged into pits in the bodies of the vertebre (as in Thryssops, Tharsis, Leptolepis, Chirocentrites, Elops, Butirinus, Salmo, Coregonus, Saurus, Sudis, Esoz, Umbra). In the others, which only appear subsequently in the Chalk, the vertebral arches, and even the roof-like bones, are inseparably united with the bodies of the vertebre (Clupeide, Cyprinide, Cobitis). “In the great multitude of the remaining Teleostei, the end of the vertebral column is far more developed. The chorda is ossified to its extreme end, or crystallized into ver- tebree, the last of which, therefore, possesses. only a single funnel-shaped cavity, containing the end of the chorda, and turned forwards. But in the greater number of these Teleostei, whose ancestors made their appearance contempo- raneously with the second division of the first-mentioned roof-tailed fish in the Chalk, the spimal canal alone is pro- longed behind the last vertebral arches, as a bivalve or tubular bony sheath, between the fin-rays. These are the Percide, Scorpenide, Scienide, Chromide, Sparide, Squami- pennes, Teuthide, Labyrinthiformes, Scombrede, Pecilia, Characine, Mormyride, Siluroidet, and others. The smaller number began to exist an epoch later, with the tertiary forma- tions, and in these only does the spinal marrow end at the same time with the chorda in the last vertebral body, or at least in an inseparable process of it (Labride, Gadide, Blen- nide, Gobiide, Pediculoti, Pleuronectide, Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, and others).” I have omitted Heckel’s account of the vertebral column of the Pycnodonts which precedes the long and important extract here given, as less immediately germane to the present subject. Suffice it to say, that he admits altogether three modes of termination of the chorda dorsalis: 1. The end is naked or unprotected by any ossification, as in Palzeozoic Fishes and existing Ganoidei. 2. Its unossified end is pro- 38 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. tected to a greater or less extent by lateral roof-like plates, | as in the Salmonide ; these Heckel calls Steguri. 3. The end of the chorda is enclosed within the anterior cavity of the body of the terminal vertebra, as in the Percide, &c. I shall bring forward grounds for believing that Heckel is mistaken as to this third mode of termination, and that in these fishes the end of the chorda really extends far beyond the anterior cavity of the last vertebra. In 1854, Stannius published (as a part of the new edition of the ‘ Handbuch’) his ‘Zootomie der Fische,’ beyond all comparison the best and most exhaustive work on the sub- ject which has yet appeared. The structure of the fish’s tail is discussed at p. 29, but very unaccountably all mention of Heckel’s researches is omitted. In the Blennide, Ophio- dini, Tenioide, Murenoide, Fistularie, the last caudal ver- tebra is said to end ina slight point. In Cyclopterus, Calli- onymus, the Pleuronectide, and Plectognathi, “the end of the last vertebra becomes flattened and slender, and is prolonged into a vertical broad plate, consisting of two quite symme- trical halves, an upper and an under.” A more detailed (but otherwise essentially similar) account to that of Heckel, of the tail of the Salmonide, is next given, and the like structure is said to obtain throughout life in the Ganoidei, in Esox, Hyodon, &ec., while it is transitory in Cyprinide, Characine, and others. In conclusion, Stannius points out that ‘ many fish which pass for homocercal, show unmistakeable traces of original heterocercality.” Having verified Stannius’s account of the structure of the caudal extremity in the salmon, but seeing no reason to doubt—what was generally admitted—that other Teleostean fish were truly homocercal, I pointed out, in 1855,* that the foundation of the doctrine of Vogt and Agassiz was thereby destroyed. For Vogt’s observations were made on a sal- monoid fish, and a right comprehension of the structure of the tail in such fishes showed, that so far from the heterocer- eal tail of the embryo becoming homocercal in the adult, the tail of the latter was extremely heterocercal, far more so than that of many cartilaginous fishes. In fact, all that Vogt had really shown was, that the primitively homocercal tail of the embryo becomes gradually more and more heterocercal ; and he and others had been misled by the apparent homocercality of the adult fish imto supposing that the heterocercality be- came lost again, whereas, in point of fact, it was only disguised. * Friday evening meetings of the Royal Institution. HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 39 Consequently, Vogt’s observations did not prove in the least that a truly homocercal fish ever passed through a heterocercal state; and as no observations respecting the development of the tail in what were supposed to be truly homocercal fish were extant, the doctrine that heterocercality precedes homocercality in embryonic life, was clearly not proven. On the other hand, until the development of some admitted homocercal fish had been examined, it was not disproved. Having procured a number of very young sticklebacks and eels, which would assuredly be admitted to be true homocercal Teleostei, if such things exist at all, I gladly availed myself of the opportunity of examining into this point. I was not a little surprised to discover, not only that these fishes are heterocercal in the embryonic state, but that they are perfectly heterocereal in the adult condition, their apparent homocercality being, as in the case of the salmon and its allies, a mere disguised heterocercality. In a Stickleback +;ths of an inch long (fig. 1), I found the gradually tapering extremity of the notochord (ce) bent upwards at a considerable angle with the axis of the body, and terminating close to the superior rounded corner of the caudal fin. In the greater part of its extent it was enclosed neither in cartilage nor in bone—though bony rings, the rudiments of the centra of the vertebre, were developed in the wall of the notochord throughout the rest of the body. The last of these rings (4) lay just where the notochord began to bend up. It was slightly longer than the bony ring which preceded it (a), and instead of having its posterior margin parallel with the anterior, it sloped from above, downwards and backwards. Two short osseous plates (e), attached to the anterior part of the inferior surface of the penultimate ring, or rudimentary vertebral centrum, passed downwards and a little backwards, and abutted against a slender elongated mass of cartilage (gy). Similar cartilagi- nous bodies occupy the same relation to corresponding plates of bone in the anterior vertebre in the region of the anal fin; and it is here seen, that while the bony plates coalesce and form the inferior arches of the caudal vertebree, the car- tilaginous elements at their extremities become the inter- hemal bones. The cartilage connected with the inferior arch of the penultimate centrum is therefore an “inter- hemal” cartilage. The anterior part of the inferior surface of the terminal ossification likewise has its osseous inferior arch (f), but the direction of this is nearly vertical, and though it is connected below with an element (4) which 40 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. corresponds in position with the interhemal cartilage, this cartilage is five or six times as large, and constitutes a broad vertical plate, longer than it is deep, and having its longest axis inclined downwards and backwards. Its superior and inferior margins are slightly excavated, the posterior is con- vex, the anterior deeply notched, so as to be divided into two processes, the anterior of which abuts against the inferior arch of the vertebra, while the posterior is applied against the posterior moiety of its under surface. On each side of the posterior convex edge of the cartilage (which they a little overlap), I found five slender osseous styles (4), the rudi- ments of the inferior caudal fin-rays. Immediately behind and above this anterior hypural apo- physis (as it may be termed) is another (’) very much smaller, vertical cartilaginous plate, which may be called the poste- rior hypural apophysis, having nearly the form of a right- angled triangle, and closely applied by its hypothenuse to the under surface of about the anterior two fifths of the free portion of the chorda. On each side of the posterior edge of this cartilage are three fin-rays (4), similar to those already described, so that in the caudal fin im this stage there are altogether eight double rays, and all these are imserted, not only below the notochord, but far in front of its termination. No neural arch is as yet developed from the terminal osseous ring. A great change had taken place in the tail of an embryo Gasterosteus, =;ths of an inch long (fig. 2). All the pre- ceding parts, however, were readily recognisable, notwith- standing their modifications. The penultimate centrum had become much longer in pro- proportion to its thickness, its superior and inferior arches were much more developed, and the latter sent down a spine independently of the interhzemal cartilage, around which a sheath of bone, which had coalesced above with the posterior part of the inferior arch, was now visible. The anterior hypural apophysis had become longer in proportion to its breadth, and was coated with a thin layer of bone. The pos- terior hypural apophysis had greatly enlarged both abso- lutely and in relation to the anterior, and traces of a bony deposit on its surface were discernible. The number of fin- rays had increased to fourteen ; of which two, very short, lay between the end of the interhemal cartilage of the penulti- mate vertebra and the lower angle of the anterior hypural apophysis ; six, gradually increasing in length, and becoming jomted superiorly, embraced the posterior edge of the in- ferior hypural apophysis; and six, of which the inferior were HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 41 long and jointed at their ends, while the superior were simple styles, were connected with the posterior edge of the posterior or superior hypural apophysis. The terminal osseous ring (6) had in the meanwhile extended backwards, and now, as a slender tube, tapering posteriorly and obliquely truncated behind, embraced more than half the length of the previously free part of the notochord. As a consequence, the hypothe- nuse of the still triangular posterior hypural apophysis is now fixed to bone throughout its whole length, for the end of the bony sheath in question extends slightly beyond it. The remainder of the notochord (c) has its wall still mem- branous and unossified, and ends close to the superior and posterior angle of the caudal fin as before. There are no fin- rays above the notochord, nor is any neural arch developed from the terminal centrum, but the rudimentary interneural cartilage of the penultimate centrum had greatly elongated, and had taken the same position relatively to its superior arch as that occupied by the interhzmal cartilage relatively to the inferior arch, and had become surrounded by a sheath of bone. Behind this two other cartilages (m, n) lie parallel with one another above the ossified sheath of the chorda, but at present they are connected with no fin-rays. I will term these the “‘ epiural”’ apophyses. In a half-grown Stickleback (fig. 3) the anterior end of the terminal centrum was dilated and cup-lke, just as if it were the anterior half of one of the ordinary hour-glass-like ver- tebrze, but instead of dilating again posteriorly, it is continued into a stout style, more than twice as long as the body of the penultimate centrum, and curved up so as to make an angle of 45° with the rest of the vertebral column. ‘This stout style, with its central cavity, looks not very like the previous deli- cate sheath of the chorda; but such thickened sheath it really is, and with care the remainder of the notochord may be traced beyond it between two of the fin-rays into the tail-fin itself. The rays between which it lies are the uppermost of the su- perior set in the last-described embryo, and a new set, six in number, which have been formed above the notochord. I shall henceforward term this ossified chordal style the “ urostyle.” The free part of the notochord no longer reaches, by a long way, to the posterior superior angle of the caudal fin, for the fin-rays attached to the hypural apophyses, the uppermost of which supports the posterior superior angle of the caudal fin, are now more than twice as long as the free part of the notochord, and consequently the end of the latter is by its whole length distant from the present superior and posterior angle of the fin. The whole length of the free notochord, VOL, VII. E 42 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. together with the elongated terminal centrum, is about 1-16th of aninch. The hypural apophyses are attached along the under surface of the ossified walls of the notochord. They are nearly equal in size, and each supports, as before, six rays, but the number in front of the anterior hypural apophysis has increased to six or seven. A short and rudimentary neural arch rises from the anterior end of the urostyle, and there is an indication of a second opposite the interval between the anterior and posterior hypural apophyses, where I have seen traces of what seemed to be a sutural division of the urostyle into two portions. The anterior epiural apophysis appears greatly enlarged and bifurcated at the extremity. Iam inclined to think that its anterior part represents the neural spine of the anterior neural arch of the urostyle, but it is separated from it by a wide interval. The posterior epiural apophysis is also enlarged and altered in form. In the adult fish (fig. 4) the urostyle is at once recognisable as a slender, tapering, bony process, in which an internal cavity can be observed, and which forms as great an angle with the axis of the vertebral column as before. The length of this process, together with that of the terminal centrum, of which it is a prolongation, is about 1-l4th of an inch, and no trace of the notochord is visible beyond it, so that I doubt not it is the result of the complete ossification of the walls of the chorda. The posterior hypural apophysis is as nearly as may be of the same size as the anterior, and, like the latter, carries six large fin-rays. These almost entirely sup- port the tail, the fin-rays above the notochord not attaining more than one fourth their length, and constituting only a very insignificant portion of the root of the tail. The epiural apophyses are greatly altered, but I need not enter into a particular description of them. Thus it appears that Gasterosteus is in reality an excessively heterocercal fish, the whole of its principal fin-rays being developed below the vertebral column. It is as heterocercal as an Accipenser, and far more so than a Scyllium ora Squatina. Furthermore it appears that the tail of this Acanthopteran fish has essentially the same structure as that of the Malacopteran salmon, except that the wall of the notochord is ossified through its whole extent, whereas in the salmon it persists in the condition which it has in the young Gasterosteus. I have not been able as yet to obtain so com- plete a series of forms of the caudal extremity in the Eel, but with some extremely interesting minor variations, which I propose to describe at length on a future occasion, the HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 43 structure is similar in principle. The tail is truly heterocercal. What answers to the urostyle is divided into two portions— the anterior of which supports the anterior hypural apophysis, the posterior the posterior; and the last is not only superior to the anterior hypural apophysis, as is the case in the Gasterosteus, but projects beyond it posteriorly. Seeing the close resemblance in the structure of the tail which exists among all Acanthopteri—inasmuch as the hypural apophyses resemble more or less closely those of the stickleback, and always bear the principal caudal fin-rays, I make no doubt that what is true for Gasterosteus is true for all, and by a parity of reasoning, that what is true for Anguilla and Salmo is good for all Malacopteri; and I therefore do not hesitate to draw the conclusion that the Ctenoidet and Cycloidei of M. Agassiz, so far from being homocercal, are in truth excessively hetero- cercal; that is to say, more completely heterocercal than the great majority of Hlasmobranchit. In the heterocercal tails of the Teleostei there are, how- ever, at least two well-marked varieties or grades of structure —the one, which might be called gymnochord tails, having the end of the notochord unprotected by ossification in its wall, asin the Steguri of Heckel; the other, which might be termed steganochord, having the end of the notochord enveloped in a styliform osseous coat, which there seems reason to believe represents the centra of two vertebre. As a common, if not universal, character of the Teleostean heterocercal tail, by which it is distinguished from that of Elasmobranchii, we have the peculiar development of the epiural and hypural apophyses. But if it be true that all Ctenoids and Cycloids are hetero- cercal, it is clear that the ground of the argument of MM. Agassiz and Vogt is completely cut away, so far as mere heterocercality goes. The ancient and the modern fishes are precisely on the same footing, and if the palzozoic Ganoidei and Elasmobranchii really represented embryonic conditions of existing Teleostei, they ought to be all strictly homocercal, for it is only m the embryonic state that a Teleostean is really homocercal. On the other hand, however, if homocercality and hetero- cercality are left out of the question, there can be no doubt that such facts as those brought forward by Heckel respecting the Pycnodonts show that in certain families of fish, at any rate, there has been a gradual change from a quasi-embryonic condition of the vertebral column to one more resembling that of an adult Teleostean. So perhaps it may be admitted that the structure of the tail in some modern Ganoids is more 44 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. like that of the adult Teleostei, while that which obtains m the ancient members of the same group is more like that of embryonic T¢Jeostei. But it has never yet been shown, either that the approximation of a Ganoid to a Teleostean, or the more complete ossification of the vertebral column in these or other fishes, is a mark of an advance in general organiza~ tion. I take this occasion of repeating an opinion I have often expressed, that no known fact justifies us in concluding that the members of any given order of animals present, at the present day, an organization im essential respects more perfect (in whatever sense that word may be used) than that which they had in the earliest period of which we have any record of their existence. It may be asked, in conclusion, whether the peculiar structure of the tail of the Teleostean tribes is a modification of the vertebral column altogether peculiar to them, or whether some trace of it is not to be found in other Verte- brata. I believe the latter question may be answered affir- matively, and that just where so many remnants of piscine characters are found, viz., in the Amphibia, there is a most interesting representation of this structure. I refer to the coccygeal style of the Frog and its allies, which, as Dugés origi- nally indicated (and I have had reason lately to satisfy myself of the fact), is formed by the coalescence of a styliform ossi- fication of the end of the sheath of the chorda with two neural arches. Naturally, as there are no fin-rays, there are no epiural or hypural apophyses, but otherwise the resemblance of the two structures is complete. 2. On the development of the palato-pterygoid arc and hyo- mandibular suspensorium in Fishes. On examining the region in which the complex mass of bones comprehended under the above name eventually lies - in an embryo Gasterosteus, about 4d of an inch long, I found in their place a delicate imverted cartilaginous arch attached anteriorly by a very slender pedicle to the angle of the “facial cartilage” formed by the union of the two trabeculz cranii, and posteriorly connected by a much thicker crus with the anterior portion of that part of the cranial wall which incloses the auditory organ. The crown of this in- verted arch exhibits an articular condyle for the cartilaginous rudiment of the mandible. Its posterior crus is not, as it ap- pears at first sight to be, asingle continuous mass, but is com- posed of two perfectly distinct pieces of cartilage applied together by their respective anterior and posterior edges. The anterior is continuous below with the condyle, but HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 45 ends above in a free point. The posterior is continuous with the cranial wall above, but ends below in a free point immediately behind the condyle. The posterior edge of this last portion (which I shall term the hyo-mandibular cartilage, as it is the means of suspension of both hyoid and mandibular arcs to the skull) has, above, a rounded condyle for the operculum, while below this, it gives attachment to that cartilage which eventually becomes the styloid element of the hyoidean are. That part of the cartilage which lies above the attachment of this element becomes, by its ossifi- cation, the “ temporal’? of Cuvier; that which lies below it gives rise to Cuvier’s “‘ symplectique.” The anterior division of the posterior crus, the condyle, and the anterior crus of the inverted arch I have mentioned, constitute a inverted V-shaped ‘ palato-quadrate” cartilage, The anterior part of the anterior crus ossifies, and becomes Cuvier’s “palatine; the posterior part gives rise to his ‘transverse’ and ‘ pterygoid ;” the condyloid portion, when ossified, becomes his “jugal;” and the extremity of the ascending process from this or the anterior division of the posterior crus becomes his “ tympanique.” The operculum, suboperculum, interoperculum, and pre- operculum, are developed in the branchiostegal membrane apart from the other bones. These embryological facts are of great importance, as they enable us to understand, on the one hand, the different modifications of the palato-suspensorial apparatus in fishes, and on the other hand, the relations of the components of this apparatus to the corresponding parts in other Vertebrata. They explain, in the first place, the fact to which Kostlin first drew attention, that in the Teleostean and Ganoid fishes there is every gradation, between the most intimate con- nexion of the “ temporal” and “symplectic” with the other bones, and their wide separation. They enable us to under- stand why, in Lepidosteus, for example, the “jugal”’ remains firmly united with the representatives of the “ pterygoid” and “tympanic,” while it is connected with the ‘ temporal”? and “symplectic”? only by the preoperculum; and they prove that the suspensorial apparatus of the sturgeon answers to the temporal and symplectic of other fishes, while the carti- laginous arch to which its mandible is articulated corresponds with the palato-quadrate arcade of the embryo. Again, to my mind, they prove that Cuvier was right in denying the homology of the so-called upper jaw of the Elasmobranchi with the maxilla and premaxilla of a Teleostean ; for it corre- sponds precisely with the palato-quadrate arcade of the 46 HUXLEY, ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. embryo, giving articulation to the lower jaw, which therefore is, as in the embryo, only indirectly connected with the so- called tympanic cartilage, which again is the homologue of the temporal and symplectic. In this respect, as in so many others where the skeleton is concerned, the Teleostean em- bryo is typified by the adult Elasmobranch and by some Ganoids. With respect to the homologies of the bones of the fish’s face in other vertebrata, the evidence of deyelopment appears to me to be no less decisive. No one who compares the development of the two will, I think, doubt that in the fish Cuvier’s palatine is the homologue of the palatine of the abran- chiate Vertebrata, that his pterygoid is the homologue of their pterygoid (wholly or in part), and that his jugal is their quadratum or incus. The comparison with the development of the frog, furthermore, leayes no doubt on my mind that the tympanic” of the fish is a dismemberment of the pterygoid, and has not the remotest relation with the true tympanic, I can, however, find no homologue of the temporal and symplectic of the fish in the abranchiate Vertebrata. They appear to me to he specially piscine elements, which are only traceable as far as the Amphibia, where they are represented by that part of the suspensorial cartilage (quadrate or tympanic cartilage of authors) to which the hyoid arch is attached, and by the “‘ temporal”? of Cuvier. In the abranchiate Verterata, if the hyoid 1s connected with the skull at all, its imsertion is quite distinct from that of the mandibular arch. I believe, therefore, that the branchiate Vertebrata, the oviparous abranchiate Vertebrata, and the Mammalia, present a series of well-marked gradations in the mode in which the ramus of the mandible is attached to the skull. In the fish it is separated by the os articulare, the quadratum, and the temporo symplectic. In the Amphibia the latter becomes less distinct, In the abranchiate Ovipara it disappears, but the ramus of the mandible is still separated from the skull by the articulare and quadratum. In the Mammata, finally, these are converted into the malleus and incus respectively, and the ramus comes into direct contact with the squamosal element of the skull. 47 TRANSLATIONS, On the DeveLopMENT of Sacirta. By Dr. C. Grcrnsavr. (‘ Abhandl. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. in Halle,’ 1857.) Havine in a former volume of this journal given an ac- count of what is known respecting the structure and relations of Sagitta bipunctata, we have thought that an abstract of Dr. Gegenbaur’s observations on the subject of reproduction in that genus would not be unacceptable; and the more so, as this part of the history of Sagitta has hitherto been in- volved in much obscurity. In the sea at Messina three distinct species of Sagitta came under the author’s observation. S. bipunctata, which he appears not unfrequently to have met with of the large size of 2” 2’ in length, and two other forms which he was unable to refer to any known species. One of these, 9!” long, was of slender shape, attenuated for some distance beyond the head, and again, beyond the middle of the body, tapering off suddenly to the caudal extremity, had two pairs of lateral and one caudal fin; the former rounded and projecting but little, whilst the caudal fin was very broad. The surface of the body, moreover, was studded with warty tubercles, occa- sionally disposed with perfect symmetry and supporting bundles of fine sete. The head triangular, somewhat acuminate in front. The other species was less common, the largest individuals not more than 6’ in length, the body almost cylindrical, very slightly constricted behind the rather broad head, and truncated at the caudal extremity; the whole surface of the body was covered with very numerous bundles of set (0:08 in length), which gave it an almost villous aspect. The anterior lateral fins, very long and nar- row, commenced at the end of the first quarter of the length, terminating in a projecting point about the middle of the body. The posterior pair, wider in proportion, had a strongly curved border. The caudal fin was abruptly rounded oft. Both species were transparent, and had, like all their con- geners, two brown pigment-spots behind the opening of the vasa deferentia. No important distinction could be drawn 48 GEGENBAUR, ON SAGITTA. from the oral hooklets. From two of these three distinct species Gegenbaur obtaied mature ova, derived from preg- nant individuals kept for the purpose in glass vessels, The spawn was deposited in good-sized masses of a sub- stance not unlike swollen sago-grains. The period at which they were most abundantly met with extended from the end of January to the beginning of March. The deposited spawn always lay unattached on the bottom of the glass vessel, and consequently when in the sea is pro- bably pelagic, that is to say, the sport of the waves. In confirmation of which similar masses of ova were occasionally taken with a fine towing-net. They bere no resemblance to the ova described by Darwin as belonging to Sagitta. The ova were enveloped in a gelatinous substance, which, however, did not appear to surround each ovum separately, but to appertain to the whole mass of eggs in common. In this respect some resemblance may be observed with the condition presented in Terebella, Protula, and > in older or worn condition. 4.—Cellaria Johnsoni, younger state. 5— 4, BS older. 6.—Lepralia Pouilletii. 7.— 4, discoidea, x 25 diam. 8— 4, xt x 50d. 9.—Tubulipora druidica. 10.—Eschara distoma, x 50 d. 11.—Transverse section (diagram). 12.—Nat. size. PLATE XXIII. 1.—Cupularia Johnsoni, nat. size. 2.—Cells near margin of disc. 3.—Cells from centre of disc. 4.—Back of disc. 5.—Single cell with cuticle and vibraculum. 6.—Cupularia Canariensis, nat. size. 7.— - FS x 50d. 8.—Back. 9.—Single cell with cuticle and vibraculum. LY TORO GY. Plate AXII OO ta ZA WWest imp CGBuskdelletlith \e e b & . 2, a A 2, y y t LOOP ENT TOMOCL W West ump CBusks dele < lith ah ad ane cea ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. The Rotation of CoLtourep Discs applied to facilitate the Study of the Laws of Harmonious Cotovurine, and to the MuutrexicatTion of Imaczs of Ossects into KaLEerpo- scopic ComBinations. By Joun Goruam, M.R.C.S., &e. In this paper I purpose to show how the rotation of coloured discs may be adapted—first, to assist in the inves- tigation of the laws of harmonious colouring, and secondly, to the construction of combinations of perfect symmetry of form and colour, which result from the multiplication of images of simple patterns used as objects. Such combina- tions are so beautiful that they may be said to vie with, even if not to surpass, those of the kaleidoscope; and although the principle of multiplication is different in the two instru- ments, yet the resemblance between the figures is sufficiently strong to induce me to designate the apparatus which pro- duces such forms by rotation as the Kaleidoscopic Colour- top. The possibility of forming an apparent mixture of two or more colours distributed on contiguous surfaces, by rotating them rapidly on a wheel, is founded on the well-known expe- riment of whirling a stick, ignited at one end, rapidly round in the hand, when a continuous circle of light is at once perceived, marking out the paths described by its burn- ing end. As the burning extremity can only be in one point of the path at the same instant, it is manifest that the im- pression of its light continues some time on the eye, and an uninterrupted circle of light is seen from the duration of successive impressions on the retina. Coloured surfaces, when revolved, form circular areas of colours in the same way, and if two or more differently coloured contiguous sur- faces are used, as many circular areas of different colours are formed, which being superposed produce the impression of mixture. It is obvious, therefore, that if a number of images of different colours occupy the field of vision simul- taneously, they will be perceived as one compound colour, just as when plates of differently coloured glass placed in apposition are viewed by transmitted light. The rotation ot colours may be considered, therefore, for practical purposes, as only another mode of mixing them. VOL. VII. G 70 GORHAM, ON THE The facilities of mixture afforded by this process, as con- trasted with that of ordinary mixture, by the amalgamation of the pigments with water or oil, are as follows: The colours used are chosen once for all from amongst the purest of the pigments; they are laid on circular discs of card- board in intense washes, and thus they may be used again and again as occasion requires. They are few in number, because few only are required ; they are mixed im all propor- tions evenly and smoothly with perfect ease by mere rota- tion; they are cancelled at pleasure, even during rotation, by scales constructed for the purpose, and they are liberated by the same process, just as the sounds from the pipes of an organ are stopped or unstopped by touching the keys. The relative quantities of colour entering into given compounds, moreover, can be expressed numerically by reference to a scale of degrees affixed to the wheel, thus enabling us to name a colour in reference to its constituents with some de- gree of philosophical accuracy. It is important to notice, however, that while the results of mixture by the ordinary process and by rotation bear on the whole a striking resem- blance, a remarkable exception obtains with respect to the for- mation of green. This hue is produced in the ordinary way, as is well known, by the union of yellow and blue in almost any proportions; not so by rotation, for by a curious anomaly, there is not a yellow and blue in existence, com- bined in any proportions, that will form even a tolerable green. With a graduated scale enabling us to express areas of coloured space numerically, with intense washes of pure colours, and with a given velocity, the important problem of a nomenclature of colours would appear to be solved; but the known impurity of every pigment, and our inability to produce a green hue by rotation, conspire to form an insu- perable obstacle, and the construction of a nomenclature by this process, although possible, must be relinquished as useless. The combinations by rotation serve to illustrate many of the most interesting phenomena of colour; they furnish a clue, for instance, to the theoretical composition of the pigments, elucidate the principles of contrast, evoke the complementaries, and enable us to blend colours in softer gradations than we can by the pencil. These results are obtained indeed with so much ease and certainty, that this mode of studying colour might, it is presumed, be adapted with success to educational purposes. I propose to divide this part of the subject under the fol- ROTATION OF COLOURED DISCS. 71 lowing heads: 1. Apparent mixture of two or more different colours, arranged contiguously, forming hues, tints, shades, neutrals, &c.; 2. Contrast of tone; 3. The complementary colours; 4. Contrast of colour ; and 5. Mixture by “ soften- ing off,” or insensible gradation. The requisites for these illustrations are simple and si in number. They are a rotating apparatus or colour-top ; circular discs of white, black, green, yellow, red, and hes ; six heart-shaped scales of the same colours ; five graduated scales of white, green, yellow, red, and blue; and a black double semizone.* Here I would notice, in limine, that the colour-top should be spun upon a table placed near the window, and when in the act of pulling the string it should be pressed firmly down, and not allowed to drop from a height, as is com- monly done. The darker the rest of the room the better. The table is provided with a cloth, light or dark in colour, according to the experiments. These should be performed by daylight ; the ight from a white cloud is best, then the light from the sun as seen through a white window-blind ; that from a blue sky is the worst kind of light that can be chosen, hence a bright cloudless day should not be taken. A white table-cloth is used in the following experiments. 1. On the Formation of the Hues, Tints, Shades, Neutrals, and Grays. The discs here employed are circles of cardboard, either white, black, or coloured (figs. 1 to 6), and which, having a shit cut completely through from the centre to the circum- ference, can be made mutually to overlap one another in sectors of any magnitude. When sectors of two or more discs of different colours are screwed on the colour-top and rotated, the optical composi- tion of each colour immediately vanishes, and is replaced by an apparent wash of one single colour only, evenly distributed on the entire surface of the disc, and which is in reality a combination, taking place in the eye itself, of the rays re- flected from all the coloured surfaces employed i in the experi- ments, thus— (Red + blue) = violet or a violet hue. (Red + white) = light red or a ¢int of red. (Red + black) = dark red or a shade of red. * The whole of the apparatus necessary to these experiments, together with the discs for producing the kaleidoscopic effects, may be procured of the publishers, Messrs. Smith, Beck, and Beck, Opticians, 6, Coleman Street, London, under the title of the Kaleidoscopic Colour-top. VOL. VII. H 72 GORHAM, ON THE (Yellow + red) = orange or an orange hue. (Red 30° + blue 165° + yellow 165°) = neutral. (Yellow 15° + blue 15° + red 15° + black 315°) = brown (see fig. 8). (White + black) = gray, &c., &c. 2. On Contrast of Tone. Black and white are the elements of tone; a colour be- comes shaded or of a dark tone by mixture with black, and tinted or of a light tone by mixture with white. The mix- ture of white and black is gray. Grays themselves are of different tones, varying with the relative proportions of their elements ; hence there are dark grays and light grays. A dark gray appears still darker when viewed in juxtaposition with a light gray, and a light gray appears still hghter when viewed in contiguity with a dark gray; the altered ap- pearance of both is obviously the effect of contrast. This may be elegantly illustrated on the colour-top by append- ing to a circular disc of black a graduated scale of white (fig. 7), and rotating, when a series of gray bands, ar- ranged in concentric circles, is immediately formed. The graduated scale is composed of segments of circles, which ROTATION OF COLOURED DISCS. 73 continually enlarge from the circumference to the centre by the addition of a given number of degrees (50°) in arithme- tical progression. On careful examination of the gray zones formed by rotating this scale on a black ground, it will be found that each gray zone appears gradually shaded from one of its edges, bemg somewhat lighter at its inner edge from apposition with a darker gray, and darker at its outer edge from contiguity with a lighter gray. These remark- able modifications have been clearly demonstrated by M. Chevreul.* 3. Of the Complementary Colours. The three primary colours are yellow, red, and blue. What is wanting in a given colour to complete this triad is called its complementary. The complementary of red, for example, is yellow and blue (or green) ; the complementary of blue is yellow and red (or orange) ; the complementary of yellow is red and blue (or violet), &c. If we gaze steadily on a colour for a minute or so, and then direct the eye to a contiguous gray surface, the complementary becomes visible. These conditions are fulfilled in the following well-known and elegant experiment. Place a black wafer on the centre of a sheet of emerald-green paper, and over both spread a piece of white tissue paper; the wafer no longer appears black, but red, tinged, that is, with the complementary of the green by which it is surrounded. “In this way colours are actually produced by contrast. Thus, a very small dull- gray strip of paper, lying upon an extensive surface of any bright colour, does not appear gray, but has a faint tint of the colour which is the contrast of that of the surrounding surface. A strip of gray paper upon a green field, for ex- ample, often appears to have a tint of red, and when lying upon a red surface a greenish tint; it has an orange-coloured tint upon a bright blue surface, and a bluish tint upon an orange-coloured surface; a yellowish colour upon a bright violet, and a violet tint upon a bright yellow surface. The colour excited thus, as a contrast to the exciting colour, being wholly independent of any rays of the corresponding colour acting from without upon the retina, must arise as an opposite or antagonistic condition of that membrane; and the opposite conditions, of which the retina thus becomes the * «The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours,’ by M. i. Chevreul; translated from the French by Charles Martel. Second edition, pp- 7—9. 74, GORHAM, ON THE subject, would seem to balance each other by their reciprocal action. A necessary condition for the production of the contrasted colours is, that the part of the retina in which the new colour is to be excited shall be in a state of comparative repose; hence the small object itself must be gray. A second condition is, that the colour of the surrounding sur- face shall be very bright, that is, it shall contain much white lieht:? * The required conditions are fulfilled very exactly by rota- tion in the following experiment. Take a disc composed of equal parts (half-discs) of white and red, and rotate; during rotation drop down upon the spindle the black double semi- zone (fig. 9), which will quickly revolve with the same velocity as that of the colour-top itself; now gently breathe upon this black zone, and when one of its rings appears of a deep red colour the other ring will present a greenish tint ; the greenish hue which is thus evoked, and which is the complementary of the red, is rendered visible by being thus thrown directly upon a contiguous gray surface. Analogous results take place with every colour by arranging them in the above order ; the illustrations are generally chosen, how- ever, from green and red, as the contrasts are more palpable to the eye, and assist in educating the uninitiated in the perception of such delicate phenomena. 4. Contrast of Colour. If the eye sees at the same time two contiguous colours, they will both appear modified from their contiguity. ““When it is asserted of the phenomena of simultaneous contrast,” says Chevreul, “that one colour placed beside another re- ceives a modification from it, it must not be forgotten that this manner of speaking does not mean that the two colours, or rather the two material objects that present them to us, have a mutual action, either physical or chemical; it is really only applied to the modification that takes place before us, when we perceive the simultaneous impression of these two colours, and which reciprocally excite each other in the retina of the eye.” The modifications of contiguous colours result from the addition to each of them of the complementaries of the other. If, for example, two narrow strips of red and orange paper are placed side by side, in contact at their edges, and gazed * ©Hand-book of Physiology,’ by Kirkes and Paget. Second edition, pp. 552, 553, ROTATION OF COLOURED DISCS. 75 on for a few seconds, the red will soon incline to violet and the orange to yellow, for— (Red + comp. of orange) = (red + blue) = violet ; (Orange + comp. of red) = (orange + green) = yellow- orange. These effects are most apparent at those parts of the coloured bands nearest their line of contact, and become gradually weaker at those parts most remote from it. The means employed to illustrate these phenomena in the colour-top are so simple that it is almost needless to indicate them. ‘They consist of a series of rings of colours, affixed on differently coloured grounds, and then rotated ; an orange- coloured ring is composed of red and yellow in equal por- tions (see fig. 10); a violet-coloured ring consists of red and blue in the same proportions. : : . 1426 Water-glass of Batka (fluid) . 145 Mucilage of gum (1 centigram. water ; ; 0-5 gramm, gum- arabic) : : : : . 147 Glycerine . 148 Thicker mucilage. of gum a centigram, water 5 1 gramm. gum-arabic) . «yl Water-glass of Batka (dry) . J an JDO Marrow (knochenfett) blenclied i in the sun : «1 bel Oil of turpentine . : : : >. au Oil of lemons ; : : : ~ 1515 Human fat : : : ; a Lb? Rape oil : : : » 152°5 Canada balsam (fresh) é , , « Lb4°5 Common crown glass ; : : 155, 156 Copal varnish (fresh) : : : 22156 Oil of aniseed : , : . 158 Dry albumen : ’ Q : - 165 Gelatine (dry). . : : » 70 Bone . ; é : : ee Ivory . ; : b pl lits Enamel of Horse’s tooth : : ae | downward rnovement of the screw, the under ones ; because if the contrary direction had been followed, the spiral elevating spring might possibly not be exerted uniformly, and a dead turn of the screw-head be made, 244 WELCKER, ON MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMENTS. From these figures the true thickness of numerous objects may be readily estimated from the apparent thickness as shown by the focussing of the tube. The conditions of bodies having even horizontal surfaces present the problem in its simplest form, and bodies of this kind may in the first place be considered. For instance, an albuminous investing layer of a microscopic object requires for the definition of its upper and under surfaces a movement equal to 12 notches. For albumen the above table gives the number 139. Consequently we have 100:139 = 12:2, and obtain the value of 16°6 notches, that is to say (according to the value of the division of the screw-head given above), 0:0297 mm. as the thickness of the investing layer, whose apparent thickness (12 notches) would be 0°0215 mm. In this way I have several times estimated the thickness of horizontal layers in cases where the preparation of verti- cal sections and the common mode of measurement were inapplicable. If it be asked what is the certainty of the above method, and to what extent it is applicable, it should be remarked that the certainty of the optical focussing is far greater than it would at first sight appear to be. The movement of the tube, in de- fining the upper and under surfaces of a very thin lamella may amount to less than a notch ; but it will be pretty nearly the same in repetitions of the experiment. In the hands of any one practised in the. precise definition of microscopic objects, the results do not readily vary more than a half per cent. The uncertainty of the method, however, diminishes in proportion to the minuteness of the objects. In the ease of a stratum of albumen of the same density as the saliva, the depression of the tube amounts to 1:5 to 2°5 notches, as may be ascertained with sufficient certainty, and for which apparent thicknesses, instead of 0°0027—0:0045 mm. may be properly substituted 0:00837—0:0062 mm. If the thick- ness to be measured be less than that of a human blood-cor- puscle (00020 mm.), the movement is so little, and the num- bers denoting the apparent and the true thickness so nearly the same, that the method (at any rate with the common magnifying powers and the simple apparatus here described) appears to be no longer applicable. If the refractive power of a body, whose thickness it is sought to determine, is not contained in our Table, an approximate estimate of it is always possible. This arises from the circumstance, that from the optical relation which the body in question exhibits with respect to the medium surrounding it, and whose’ refractive power is WELCKER, ON MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMENTS. 245 known, it may be deduced whether the apparent thickness of the body under examination should be corrected to the refractive power of aqueous media (100—142), fluid fat (100—150), or the most strongly refractive substances (100 —160—180). If a substance (e.g. glass) lying in Canada balsam exhibit the bright spot when the tube is elevated, and in oil of aniseed when it is depressed, it may at once be con- cluded that the refractive power of the body lies between 154 and 158.* In the case of a spherical or cylindrical body, it is obvious that the determination of the horizontal diameter by com- mon linear measurement will be preferred to the estimation of the vertical thickness. But the question is different when it is doubtful whether the figure be really spherical or cylin- drical, or not rather of some other rounded form.t In the determination of the vertical diameter, which (if the object does not admit of rotation) may in cases of this kind be desirable, it is assumed that the refractive power of the surrounding medium is known. In the experiments above detailed, in which the object was a horizontal plate, the objective, when focussed upon the two surfaces, travelled in one and the same direction, dependent upon the thickness and refractive power of the particular object, and communicated one and the same thickness, whe- ther the object were placed in air and exhibited a great degree of briliiancy, or in oil and wholly without any. If the object, however, be a sphere (and precisely analogous phenomena are exhibited im other bodies having rounded surfaces) the microscope will afford a view of the upper and of the lower surfaces only when the refractive power of the object and that of the surrounding medium are equal or nearly so. When the object possesses a considerably greater refractive power than the surrounding medium, the focussing of the objective will afford, not the “ optical transverse dia- * Conclusions of this kind are inadmissible when the surrounding fluid exerts any kind of chemical or physical influence upon the object of such a kind as may alter its refractive power. Thus, in glycerine the striped mus- cular fibre shows brightness on the elevation of the tube, because its refrac- tive power is increased (probably by imbibition of water), and it thus appears to possess a stronger refractive power than glycerine. But the refractive power of unaltered muscular fibre is by no means higher than that of gly- cerine, but far less, being little greater than that of blood-serum. + With respect to this, it is well known that our vision may be deceived in very many ways by refraction. Thus, in the case of perfectly cylindrical objects, the appearance of flattening is always produced when the refractive power of the surrounding medium is but little less than that of the inclosed object. Thus a cylindrical thread of glass in Canada balsam appears’ as a flattened band-like streak of little brilliancy. 246 WELCKER, ON MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMEN'S. meter,” as it is said, more particularly in such instances, by the majority of authors, to do, but only of that part of the spherical surface which lies above the equator; the under hemisphere exhibiting only very faint images. If the object possess less refractive power, or be a hollow sphere, the optical focussing reaches only the lower half of the hollow sphere. If the distance traversed in the focussing of the objective between the apex (or base) and the equator be now mea-~ sured, we obtain a reciprocal value according to the quality of the surrounding medium. We measure, in fact, the apparent depth of a layer of the surrounding medium, which, corrected for its true depth, is nearly equivalent to the semi- diameter of the sphere. In exactly the same way, in the case of rounded objects not of a spherical figure, the focus- sing of the objective embraces that part of the surface of the object which rises above the greatest horizontal section, when that portion of the object refracts the light lke a convex lens, and the under portion when it acts like a concave lens. In this case the movement of the tube bearing the objective corresponds to the apparent thickness of a stratum of the surrounding substance, whose true thickness is nearly equal to the height of the rotundity to be measured. 2. The determination of the chemical quality of micro- scopic objects from their refractive power. The optical relations of objects have hitherto been em- ployed only to a very limited extent as a means of diagnosis in microscopic researches. Leaving out of account the application of the polarizing apparatus, observers have hitherto confined themselves almost entirely to speaking of the greater or less refractive powers of objects according to the greater or less brilliancy of the light proceeding from them. But not only is this mode of description in itself vague, but in addi- tion, so long as the refractive power is estimated simply from the impression made upon our eyes by the object— that is to say, from its greater or less brilliancy—our judg- ment is exposed to great deceptions. For, as has been shown above, it depends wholly and solely upon the refractive power of the medium surrounding the body under investiga- tion, whether the refractive power of the body can be esti- mated from the phenomenon of its brilliancy or not. Thus in the case of microscopic fatty particles, the strong bril- lianey of the fat affords one of the most useful means of recognition; but it must be remembered, that fat injected into the canaliculi of a bone, owing to the greater refractive power of the bone, does not exhibit its usual brilliancy. WELCKER, ON MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMENTS. 247 It occasionally happens in microscopic investigations, that minute morphological elements of unknown chemical nature occur within a tissue, but which are too minute or too difficult of isolation to be subjected to chemical analysis. May it not, in such a case, when the “ true” and the “ apparent’ thickness of the corpuscles are known, perhaps be possible to arrive at some conclusion as to their chemical constitu- tion? Let us, by way of example, take a case in which it is doubtful whether an inclosed corpuscle be albuminous or fatty. Let the apparent thickness of the corpuscle = 0:0030 mm., and the true thickness (ascertained by common measure- ment of it in profile) = 0°:0042mm. The object in this case cannot be fat,—for in fat the true diameter stands to the apparent in the proportion of 0:0045 to 0°0030. But this ascertained refractive power would correspond with that of albumen (0:0030 : 0:0042 = 100: 140). But, although considerations of this kind maylead to the pro- spect of a new, and not altogether useless method of diagnosis, its application will be found to be much limited by the fol- lowing conditions. In the first place, the method would become more and more uncertain, and ultimately wholly useless, in proportion to the greater minuteness of the ob- jects. And, also, when the object has rounded sur- faces, it is not, for the reasons already adduced, at all adapted to determine the refractive power or the apparent thickness of the object. From the above exposition, I am by no means of opinion the mode of measuring by the vertical movement of the tube of the microscope, for either of the purposes proposed, is capable of any extensive application. My object has rather been to test the applicability of such a mode of measurement in the general method, and to establish it in some particular, may be rare instances. 248 REVIEWS. Evenings at the Microscope ; or, Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life. By Puiir Henry Gosss, F.R.S. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Ir is always a pleasant thing to meet Mr. Gosse in print, whether he ushers himself into the world from the Red Lion press in Paternoster Row, or obtains the sanction of “ the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.” Why Mr. Gosse publishes his books under the direction of a Society for promoting Christian knowledge at all we are at a loss to perceive, for we find nothing in this book that might not have been published by Mr. Van Voorst, or the most sceptical publisher in the Row. We are, in fact, a little jealous of religious societies publishing books of this sort, both on the grounds that such. books are not strictly Christian, and that funds are appropriated to their produc- tion to the injury of the regular publisher which were not intended for this object. It is true that this does not in any way interfere with the quality of the work, and this iswith what we have more particularly to do. As its name would imply, Mr. Gosse’s book is a popular introduction to working with the microscope. It differs, however, from other introduc- tions to the microscope, that it contains no account of the structure of the microscope at all. This is really a feature, albeit a negative one, in the book. As reviewers bound to read every word of every book we notice, we are glad for once to deal with one on the microscope without anything about the microscope at all. Turning to Mr. Gosse’s work, and conscientious re- viewers as we are, we miss a chapter of contents which would be particularly useful to us just now; we find that he treats of the usual objects examined under the microscope. He begins with human hairs, and _ this naturally enough brings him to hogs’ bristles and cats’ hairs. From hairs we proceed in morphological order to the feathers of birds and the scales of fishes. Here we are arrested, not in any scientific or consecutive order, by a chapter on the blood. Then come the shells of mollusca, with descriptions of the tongues, teeth, and eyes of the same GOSSE, ON THE MICROSCOPE. 249 animals. From these we are taken to a general survey of the structure of insects, with interesting dissertations on the functions of their microscopical organs. All this time we feel the author is doing himself violence. He longs to get to the sea-shore. There he has used his microscope with most success, and on the microscopic objects of the sea he dwells with more than usual wonder and eloquence. Crabs, the structure and transformation of Crabs, Sea-acorns and Barnacles, the hooks of Serpula, the movements of Pedicel- lariz, the spines of Echini, the anchors of Synapta, and the transparent wonders of Sarsia, Thaumantias, Cydippe, and Turris, all pass before us. Polypes and sponges finish the history of sea-animals, and the volume closes with accounts of infusory animalcules. Such isa brief outline of Mr. Gosse’s book. ‘To say there is nothmg new in it would be wrong, for Mr. Gosse always looks at things for himself, and the Gossean view is frequently a new one. But it is for no scientific novelty that this work will be valued. Mr. Gosse is a writer, and a very agreeable one too, and im all this work he succeeds in throwing a charm over his subject which can but lead his reader on, whether they ever looked into a microscope or not. We shall not, therefore, transfer to our pages any of his more technical descriptions of microscopic objects, but give one or two pas- sages to illustrate the style of the book. His chapters are more like lecturettes or demonstrations than anything else. We may fancy him sitting at a table with his microscope before him, and discoursing quite at his ease to a few friends invited expressly to hear what he has to say. The party being seated, he thus begins: “Not many years ago an eminent microscopist received a communication inquiring whether, if a minute portion of dried skin were submitted to him, he could determine it to be Awman skin or not. He replied that he thought he could. Accordingly a very minute fragment was forwarded to him, somewhat resembling what might be torn from the surface of an old trunk, with all the hair rubbed off. “The professor brought his microscope to bear upon it, and presently found some fine hairs scattered over the surface ; after carefully examining which, he pronounced with confidence that they were Auman hairs, and such as grew on the naked parts of the body; and still further, that the person who had owned them was of a fair complexion. “This was a very interesting decision, because the fragment of skin was taken from the door of an old church in Yorkshire ;* in the vicinity of which * “T am writing from memory, having no means of referring to the original record, which will be found in the first (or second) volume of the ‘ Transac- tions of the Microscopical Society of London.’ The general facts, however, may be depended on,” a 250 GOSSE, ON THE MICROSCOPE. a tradition is preserved, that about a thousand years ago a Danish robber had violated this church, and having been taken, was condemned to be flayed, and his skin nailed to the church door, as a terror to evil-doers. The action of the weather and other causes had long ago removed all traces of the stretched and dried skin, except that from under the edges of the broad- headed nails, with which the door was studded, fragments still peeped out. It was one of these atoms, obtained by drawing one of the old nails, that was subjected to microscopical scrutiny; and it was interesting to find that the wonder-showing tube could contirm the tradition with the utmost cer- tainty ; not only in the general fact, that it was really the skin of man, but in the special one of the race to which that man belonged, yiz., one with fair complexion and light hair, such as the Danes are well known to possess. ‘Tt is evident from this anecdote that the human hair presents characters so indelible that centuries of exposure have not availed to obliterate them, and which readily distinguish it from the hair of any other creature. Let us then begin our evening’s entertainment by an examination of a human hair, aud a comparison of it with that which belongs to various animals.” Thus pleasantly does the author lead us on to the structure of a hair from his own head—we are afraid it is getting grey,—and from this to all other hairs. At his next sitting he takes up the blood, and thus prepares us for an interest in this important fluid : ‘The microscope is daily becoming a more and more important aid to legal investigation. An illustration of this occurred not long ago, in which a murder was brought home to the criminal by means of this instrument. Much circumstantial evidence had been adduced against him, among which was the fact, that a knife in his possession was smeared with blood, which had dried both on the blade and on the handle. ‘The prisoner strove to turn aside the force of this circumstance by asserting that he had cut some raw beef with the knife and had omitted to wipe it. “The knife was submitted to an eminent professor of microscopy, who immediately discovered the following facts:—1l. The stain was certainly blood. 2. It was not the blood of a piece of dead flesh, but that of a living body; for it had coagulated where it was found. 3. It was not the blood of an ox, sheep, or hog. 4. It was human blood. Besides these facts, however, other important ones were revealed by the same mode of investigation. 5. Among the blood were found some vegetable fibres. 6. These were proved to be cotéon fibres,—agreeing with those of the mur- dered man’s shirt and neck-kerchief. 7. There were present also numerous tesselated epithelial cells. In order to understand the meaning and the bearing of this last fact, I must explain that the whole of the internal sur- face of the body is lined with a delicate membrane (a continuation of the external skin), which discharges mucus, and is hence termed mucous mem- brane. Now this is composed of loose ceils, which very easily separate, called epithelial cells ; they are in fact constantly in process of being de- tached (in which state they constitute the mucus), and of being replaced from the tissues beneath. Now microscopical anatomists have learned that these epithelial scales or cells, which are so minute as to be undiscernible by the unaided eye, differ in appearance and arrangement in different parts of the body. Thus, those which line the gullet and the lower part of the throat are ¢esselated, or resemble the stones of a pavement; those that cover the root of the tongue are arranged in cylinders or tall cones, and are known as co/ummar; while those that line some of the viscera of the’ PRESCOTT, ON TOBACCO. 251 abdomen carry little waving hairs (ci/éa) at their tips, and are known as ciliated epithelium. “The result of the investigation left no doubt remaining that with that knife the ¢hroat of a living human being, which throat had been protected by some coéfoz fabric, had been cut. The accumulation of evidence was fatal to the prisoner, who without the microscopic testimony might have escaped. * But what was there in the dried brown stain that determined it to be blood? And, particularly, how was it proved not to be the blood of an ox, as the prisoner averred? ‘To these points we will now give a moment’s attention.” _ We might add a large number of extracts such as these, but enough has been given to show the way in which Mr. Gosse treats his subject. The work is copiously illustrated with woodcuts, the majority of which are from Mr. Gosse’s own drawings. The woodcuts are perhaps a little coarse, but they appear to be faithful representations of the objects described. We can recommend Mr. Gosse’s book as a very pleasant companion to the microscope. Tobacco and its Adulterations. With illustrations, drawn and etched by Henry P. Prescott, of the Inland Revenue Department. London: Van Voorst. Many substances used for the adulteration of articles of commerce, which formerly defied all kinds of investigation, are now easily discovered by the aid of the microscope. The medical man was the first to apply this instrument in the detection of fraudulent adulterations of food and medicine. The Government has been slow to appreciate its use in the cases where it might have been employed to detect fraud on taxed articles of consumption. We are, however, glad to be able to congratulate the Inland Revenue department on the possession of an officer who is so capable of appreciating the value of microscopic aid in the detection of adulterations as Mr. Prescott appears to be. It has been long known that chemistry is of little service in detecting the adulteration of tobacco. In fact, for many years, it seems, that instead of chemistry detecting frauds in the adulteration of tobacco, it was the unintentional source of fraud by the Government, who fined tobacconists for having tobacco in their possession which contained sugar, when it afterwards turned out that all tobacco naturally contains a certain quantity of sugar. VOL. VIT. ¥ 252 PRESCOTT, ON TOBACCO. Dr. Hassall, in his report on the adulterations of tobacco, says that he could not discover, in forty specimens of tobacco he had examined, the admixture of any foreign leaf. Mr. Prescott, however, states, that from time to time there have been discovered with the leaf of the genuine “ weed,” the leaves of rhubarb, dock, burdock, coltsfoot, beech, plantain, oak, and elm. Also peat, earth, bran, saw-dust, malt-worts, barley-meal, oatmeal, bean-meal, pea-meal, potato-starch, and chicory leaves steeped in tar-oil. Now this is a list that would surely arrest the most inveterate smoker in his course, provided he was not assured that, by the aid of the microscope, all these substances may be detected. This is the object of Mr. Prescott’s book ; not to enable smokers to detect adulterated tobacco, but to enable Government officers to prevent the sale of adulterated tobaccos to smokers at all. In order to do this, Mr. Prescott thinks that two things are necessary; first, that Government officers should know what leaves are; and second, that they should know what a microscope is. So that his book is not so much an account of tobacco, as it is of the things with which it is adulterated, and the instrument by means of which they are detected. It is somewhat humiliating to find that people who have been to school within the last twenty-five years should have to be taught what leaves are, and what a microscope is; but such is the fact, and very thankful such people ought to be to those who write for their instruction and benefit. But Mr. Prescott has not only written on these elementary subjects, but he has given in this work a series of original researches upon the structure of the tobacco leaf, and the leaves of several other plants, very useful for the Inland department, and highly interest- ing to all engaged in botanical pursuits. He has very modestly put his observations into the form of illustrations of the objects investigated, with descriptions of the plates. He first describes, minutely, the structure of the tobacco leaf, giving its tissues, vascular and cellular, their distribu- tion in the petiole, the ribs, and the blade. The epidermis and its appendages are especially described, and it is on this point that Mr. Prescott dwells as affording the greatest amount of evidence in judging of the purity of specimens of tobacco. Of course, all our microscopic friends who smoke know that the hair of the tobacco leaf is a knobbed hair. Three or four long cells grow up straight from the epidermis, and at the end of these is a compound cell, composed of five or six cellules. Such a hair does not seem to occur in any other PRESCOTT, ON TOBACCO. 253 plant. Now, if in the examination of a particular specimen, any other kind of hair occurs than this identical mace-like hair, then it may be at once concluded that the tobacco has been adulterated. But adulterated with what? That is the next question to which Mr. Prescott addresses himself. A large series of the leaves of plants are examined for the pur- pose of showing the forms and nature of their hairs. Not only are those plants described which are used for the adultera- tion of tobacco, but many others. Mr. Prescott feels that he has struck upon a vein that will reward the working, and with perhaps more love for science than regard for the revenue, he gives us a series of descriptions of the hairs of other plants than are used by fraudulent tobacconists. In this work will be found beautiful and truthful delineations of the epidermis and hairs of the thorn-apple, the potato, the dandelion, the sun- flower, the elecampane, the comfrey, the foxglove, the mullein, the hellebore, and the plantain, besides those employed for adulterating tobacco. He has also given representations of the starches contained in these plants, so that should the hairs fail, the form of the starch itself may in some cases lead to the detection of adulteration. Whilst going over Mr. Prescott’s book, we have been struck with the fact that a closer attention than has yet been generally given, to what might be termed the special microscopic characters of plants, would be advisable, and likely to prove advantageous in diagnosis. Mr. Prescott’s observations, for instance, on the “ Hairs of Plants,” will suffice to show what may readily be done in this direction. The subject, at any rate, is one deserving of notice by younger microscopical observers who may be in want of a subject, and to them we cordially recommend the present volume. NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Bermuda Tripoli—tThis material is in great request among students of Diatomaceze, but its history requires to be cleared up. The general belief is that it was obtained from the Bermudas, and Ehrenberg states this in express terms; his sample, however, was received from the late Dr. Bailey, who himself speaks more cautiously. He mentions, in his account of this deposit, in ‘Silliman’s Journal,’ vol. xlviui, that he had received it from Mr. Tuomey; and that Mr. Tuomey had obtained it from a mimeral collector, as tripol, from Bermuda; but Dr. Bailey states that this tripol is not calcareous, whereas other fossil remains oc- curring in Bermuda Islands contain abundance of calcareous Polythalamia. He, therefore, when he distributed portions of the sample, added “locality doubtful.’ Although some of the diatoms in this deposit are peculiar to it, there are others which occur also in the Virginian and Maryland earths, a circumstance which indicates that 1t was more probably col- lected in the United States. The Richmond deposit, in- cluding that from Schuckoe Hill (on which part of the city of Richmond is built), is well known to be very extensive. Petersburgh, about twenty-six miles to the south, also yields diatomaceous earth scarcely differing from that of Richmond. Both these are elevated several feet above the level of the sea, although the earth be full of marine productions. On the north bank of the James River, where it begins to widen into an estuary or bay, is the plantation or “ hundred ” called Bermuda, about twenty miles below Richmond. It seems perfectly clear that, although unknown to Dr. Bailey, this is the place from whence the mineral collector had re- ceived the tripoli. The deposit may be more recent than those of Richmond and Petersburgh; and, if so, all the species of Heliopelta, for which it is celebrated, may yet be found recent along the shores of the estuary. The Bermuda in Virginia appears, then, to be the Bermuda of Diatomists, and is situated nearly in N. Lat. 37° 18’, and W. Long. 76° 26’. The confusion seems to have arisen from Long Island, one of the Bermudas or Somer’s Islands, being also sometimes called Bermuda.—G. A. Warxker-ARNOTT?T, Glasgow. ) MEMORANDA. 255 The Diagonal Scale.—Among the greatly increased and continually increasing number of microscopists, there may be some to whom remarks even of a somewhat elementary cha- racter may be acceptable. To such I would offer some sug- gestions on what, from my own experience, I conceive to be a very great desideratum. ‘This is a more extended know ledge of and practical agreement in microscopical mensuration. The various quantities used in defining the magnifying powers of lenses, as well as in speaking of the magnitude of images of objects, are to the uninitiated somewhat perplex- ing; but when the mind is trained to a just appreciation of standard measures, a moment’s consideration clears up what otherwise presents an apparently mystical and indeterminate aspect. On this account I would suggest to microscopists the general use of the diagonal scale, that is, of a scale of 12 inches, with the terminal inch divided both ways (ends and sides), the vertical lines being diagonal—a common Gunter’s scale at once provides the requirement. Why I suggest one of 12 inches is because it is portable and supplies a measure also for the determination of a 10-inch or other elevation in using the camera, Se. The inch being usually divided into 100th or 1000ths, I shall refer to these as the 100th or 1000th scales. If, therefore, the 100th scale is implied, the numbers on the line a B will indicate the parts of a hundred in tens for each line, and the numbers on the line Bc will indicate units. Thus, supposing I wished to know the exact measure of a mag- nifying power of 95, by placing one leg of the compass on the point a, and extending the other to the figure 9 on line aB, the space equals 90; then, by following down the lines dia- gonally towards c, until opposite the figure 5 on the unit line, I have a standard measure corresponding to a power of 95. Every deviation from this must be accounted erroneous. If, again, I wished to know the measure of space on the 1000th scale of a magnifying power of 450; then, what were before considered tens and units are now regarded 100ths and tens; thus, from the point a, to figure 4 on the line a B, equals 400, andi as in the former example, the distance on the diagonal to opposite the figure 5 on line Bc, equals 50, or 450, the measure required. It will also frequently occur, that ten times this quantity may be needed, or ten spaces of 1000 inch scale, magni- fied in the same ratio; then, taking as above 450, add a cipher making 4500,—the 4 will then indicate clear inches ; the 5 on line 4B will equal hundreds; and, if tens are wanted, 256 MEMORANDA. they will correspond to some figure on line pc, being now tens of the 1000 scale, as they were units of the 100 scale. Thus have we a ready means of fulfilling several important requirements ; first, of measuring the elevation for the camera ; secondly, of accommodating or adjusting one power with another; thirdly, of proving the reputed powers of different lenses ; fourthly, of proving the precision of micrometers ; fifthly, of drawing the images of objects in exact numerical terms; and lastly, of detecting errors of observation. The accompanying scale is only half the size of that re- quired. Gunter’s scale represents a fullinch.— Wn. Henpry, Surgeon, Hull. Angular Aperture.—I beg to submit an account of a simple method by which any one may easily measure the angular aperture of his object-glasses. I can hardly suppose it is original; but as I have met with no account of it, and as it dispenses with the use of the protractor, and of the appa- ratus described in the books for the purpose (without which some, I know, are not aware that the object in view can be effected), I venture to send it, in the hope that it may be of use. Place the microscope horizontally, with the eye-piece removed, and the object-glass attached whose aperture is to be measured. On a line (which may be conveniently in- dicated by a piece of string stretched across the table on which the microscope stands) at any moderate distance from the object-glass, and at right angles to the axis of the in- strument produced, place two candles, having their fiames, as nearly as may be (which may be easily managed by the aid of a few books), on a level with the axis of the instrument. Now, with the eye applied to the ocular end of the micro- scope, make an assistant slowly move first one candle and then the other along the line on which they are placed, till the images of the two flames are just seen at opposite edges of the object-glass. Measure carefully, with a bit of string, first the distance between the two flames, and secondly the distance from the object-glass of the line joining them. The MEMORANDA. 257. former of these distances divided by twice the latter will give the tangent of half the angle of aperture. The angle corresponding to this tangent, therefore, being found by the aid of the ordinary trigonometrical tables, the double of it will be the angle required. Thus, with an excellent quarter by Ross, I find the dis- tances between the flames 214 inches, and the distance of the line joining them from the object-glass 123 inches. Hence, dividing 21:5 by 24°5, I obtain 8775, which I find to be the natural tangent of 41° 16’; consequently the angular aperture is 824 degrees.—P. Gray, 7, St. Paul’s Villas, Camden Town. Glycerine Jelly.—In most of the works on the microscope, gelatine is mentioned as a medium for the mounting of certain objects, and several mixtures of gelatine with other sub- stances have been suggested, but none of these have suc- ceeded so well in my hands as the following, which I am induced to publish, because all my friends to whom I have communicated it have tried and approved it. It is the only medium which will preserve the natural colour of vegetable substances. The beautiful green of some mosses, I mounted two years ago, is still as fresh as on the day they were gathered. My formula is as follows: Take any quantity of Nelson’s gelatine, and let it soak for two or three hours in cold water—pour off the super- fluous water, and heat the soaked gelatine until melted. To each fluid ounce of the gelatine add one drachm of alcohol, and mix well; then add a fluid drachm of the white of an egg. Mix well (whilst the gelatine is fluid, but cool). Now boil, ‘until the albumen coagulates, and the gelatine is quite clear. Filter, through fine flannel, and, to each fluid ounce of the clarified gelatine, add six fluid drachms of Price’s pure glycerine, and mix well. The objects intended to be mounted in this medium are best prepared by being immersed, for some time, in a mixture of glycerine, one part, and dilute alcohol (six of water to one of alcohol), one part. The bottle of glycerine jelly is put intoa cup of hot water, until liquefied, where it is used in the same way as Canada balsam, excepting that it does not require, and must not be subjected to, the same amount of heat. A ring of asphaltum varnish round the cover completes the mounting. As I have found lately, that in mounting Conferve and 258 MEMORANDA. other delicate fresh-water Algz in my glycerine jelly, that the glycerine, although it preserves the beautiful green colour, contracts and alters the position of the endochrome,-—to remedy this evil I propose, énstead of six fluid drachms of pure glycerine, to add to each fluid ounce of the clarified gelatine six fluid drachms of a mixture composed of one part of gelatine to two parts of camphor water, as recommended by Dr. Carpenter, at p. 245 of ‘The Microscope’ (1856).—Joun Wiriiam Lawrancz, Peterborough. On a Method of Preparing and Mounting Hard Tissues for the Microscope.*— Having for several years occupied my leisure moments with what are usually denominated “ microscopical studies,’ I beg leave to offer, as the result of successful ex- perience, a simple and certain method of preparing and mounting hard tissues, such as bone, teeth, shells, fossilized wood, &ce. I am aware that treatises upon the microscope give a few indications for the making of sections and embalming them in Canada balsam ; but they are unsatisfactory either by reason of their brevity or their want of precision. Specimens may be procured ready-made from the hands of Topping, Bourgogne, and others, but while they are expensive, persons in remote situations are obliged to purchase by catalogue without the opportunity of selection. Besides, it is oftentimes difficult or else impossible to obtain series of particular objects, so that the student must either limit his researches or “ pre- pare” for himself; in the latter case he may increase his number of objects indefinitely, and supply himself with many such as are not attainable from abroad, and divided in any direction he may require. A microscopic section should be as thin as the structure of the object will allow, of uniform thickness, and polished on both sides, whether it be mounted in the dry way or in balsam. To meet these requirements, I proceed as follows: Being provided with— 1. A coarse and fine ’Kansas hone, kept dressed flat with fine emery ; 2. A long fine Stub’s dentist’s file ; 3. A thin dividing file and fine saw; 4. Some Russian isinglass boiled, stvained, and mixed with alcohol sufficient to form a ¢olerably thick jelly when cold; 5. A small quantity of Canada balsam ; 6. Slides ; 7. Cover glass ; * From ‘ Silliman’s Journal.’ MEMORANDA, 259 8. One ounce of chloroform ; 9. One of F.F. aqua ammonie ; 10. Some fragments of thick plate (mirror) glass 1 inch square, or 1 by 2 inches; and finally, 11. An ounce of “ dentist’s silex,’”” and— 12. Thin French letter paper, of which 500 or more leaves are required to fill up the space of an inch: I examine the object and decide upon the plane of the proposed section. Coarse approximative sections may be obtained with the saw or dividing file (excepting silicified substances), but these instruments are not applicable to longitudinal sections of small human or other teeth, small bones, &c. ‘Take now the object in the fingers if sufficiently large, and grind it upon the coarse hone with water, to which add “ silex’”’ if neces- sary, until the surface coincides with the intended plane. Wash carefully: finish upon the finer hone; and polish upon soft linen stretched upon a smooth block. If the object be too small to admit of immediate mani- pulation it should be fastened upon a piece of glass with isinglass—or what is better, upon thin paper well glued with the same substance upon glass; and a piece of thick paper or visiting card, perforated with a free aperture for the object, must be attached to the first paper. This is the guard, down to which the specimen must be ground with oil; and its thickness and the disposal of the object require the exercise of good judgment. Hot water will release everything; and chloroform remove the grease from the specimen; which, like that ground with water, is ready for the second part of the process. 2d. Carefully cover the surface of a piece of the plate glass with thin French letter paper; next apply a paper guard, as before stated, but not thicker, for teeth and bone, than stoth inch; then trace a few lines with a lead pencil upon the first paper in the little space left in the guard so that the increasing transparency of a specimen being prepared may be appreciated ; and finally moisten the “space” with isinglass to the extent of the object, which must be delicately brushed over on the ground surface and at the edges with tolerably thin isinglass before it is cemented in its place. Gentle pressure should now be employed, and maintained with a wire spring, or thread wound round about. In two or three hours the second side may be ground in oil; silex may be employed at first, or even a file; but these means must not be persevered in, and the operation must be completed upon the bare hone. When the second side shall have been wiped with chloroform it may be polished with a 260 MEMORANDA. bit of silk upon the finger; and after spontaneous separation from the paper in hot water the specimen ought to be well washed on both sides with a camel’s-hair pencil and soap water, dropped into cold water, and thence extracted to dry. After immersion in chloroform for a moment, and examination for the removal of possibly adherent particles, the section may be declared suitable for mounting. Before proceeding to this step, a few precautions are neces- sary about particular sections. Transverse sections of teeth or bone should be dried, after the preliminary washing, between glass, in order to avoid the disadvantage of warp- ing. Very porous parts, such as cancellated bone, or fragile bodies, such as the poison fang of serpents, require that the whole structure, or the canals, be saturated with glue and dried. Sections may now be cut with a saw, ground in oil, and cemented to the holding-glass subsequent to immersion in chloroform. Mounting —Spread a sufficient quantity of old Canada balsam, or of that thickened by heat (not boiling), upon a slide, and,when cold, place the section upon it. Have ready a spatula bearing a quantity of equally inspissated balsam warmed uatil it flows, with which cover the specimen, and then immediately warm the slide, being careful to employ the least possible heat. Now carefully depress the section, and with- draw every air bubble with a stout needle set in a handle towards the ends of the slide: put on the cover glass, slightly warmed, not flat, but allowing one edge to touch the balsam first, press out superfluous balsam, and the specimen is safe. The slide may now be cleaned with a warm knife, spirits of wine, and ammonia. This communication would be incomplete without some very important hints concerning “ cover glass.” It is easy to clean small covers, but very thin glasses or large ones, one or two inches in length, are not so safely handled. All danger of breaking is, however, avoided by placing a cover upon a large clean slide, and wiping one side only with a bit of men damp with aqua ammonie, and then with a dry piece. The other side may be cleaned after the mounting. In the next place, all preparers are aware of the difficulty attending the use and application of large covers. I beg leave to assure the inexpert that the following method will ensure success. Having prepared the cover glass, and super- imposed it, let it first be gently pressed downwards at many points, with the flat end of a lead pencil; it will be found, however, almost impossible to flatten it without breaking, consequently too much balsam will overlie and underlie the MEMORANDA. 261 section. Let now a piece of thin paper be laid over the cover, and upon this a thick slide; if a moderate heat be applied to both the slides, over and beneath the specimen, direct pressure, evenly exerted with the finger (or spring clothes-pins), will force out all unnecessary balsam, and leave the section and the protecting cover perfectly flat and unbroken. The reader will not deem me too prolix when he attempts his first preparation, or when, after having followed the plans so scantily given in the books, he feels the need of something precisely definite. It is certam that neither Canada balsam nor gum mastic will retain the first ground side of a specimen upon a slide long enough to enable the preparer to reduce it to the requisite thinness, and with both these substances heat must be employed, which is objectionable, because most objects are thereby warped or cracked ; and, furthermore, the paper guard, which I hold to be indispensable for limiting and equalizing the thinness of a section, is not mentioned in treatises, in which, if known to the author, such a measure should be noticed. But it is possible to fasten agate, fossil wood, &c., with hot gum shellac, so that they may be ground upon both sides with a water stone; but even in these instances invidious cracks may endanger or destroy the beauty of a choice preparation. I am confident that my specimens are second to none in any respect; and the highly creditable performances of friends, to whom I have given the method, forming the sub- ject of this communication, lead me to believe, that with the facilities it affords, the observers of our country will need no Topping for objects within their reach, and I beg leave to add that the profitable pleasure I have enjoyed induces me, through the ‘ American Journal of Science,’ to invite parti- cipation.—CuristorHeR Jounston, M.D. On Actinocyclus and Eupodiscus.— Mr. Edwards, in a paper “On American Diatomacee,”’ read on the 3d March, states that he considers the Actinocyclus triradiatus, described by me in the ‘ Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, p. 23, to belong to the genus Coscinodiscus. I have, however, good evidence that this is not the case; and that, in fact, it is merely an internal plate, or perhaps an imperfectly formed valve, of the common Actinocylus radiaius of Smith. In some gatherings kindly forwarded to me by Colonel Baddeley, this species is very abundant, and the peculiar valves, which I had found pre- viously always in a detached state, occur on many of the perfect frustules, and I imagine are the newly formed valves, 262 MEMORANDA. not fully silicified, of frustules undergoing self-division. Actinocyclus triradiatus must therefore be cancelled entirely. Mr. Edwards afterwards refers to some remarks on Eupo- discus, 11 the ‘ Micr. Transactions,’ vol. vu, p. 19, m a way J do not exactly understand; but my intention there was to show that the form called Eupodiscus radiatus by Professor Smith, was distinct from Professor Bailey’s species of the same name, and in fact a Biddulphia. At |that time I had not seen Professor Bailey’s species, but having since received authentic specimens, my opinion is fully confirmed; Bailey’s species is a true Eupodiscus, with projecting processes or “feet,” all similar in form, as in FE. argus, and quite distinct in structure from the form which occurs in the Thames, and elsewhere on our coasts. The processes are merely hyaline projections, without any markings, and there are no spines. I consider, therefore, that Eupodiscus radiatus, Smith, should be cancelled, and Biddulphia radiata be sub- stituted for our English species; whilst Hupodiscus radiatus of Bailey may be considered as a good species, known, however, at present, only in America.—F. C. 8. Rorrr. 263 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Microscoricat Socinty, March 30th, 1859. Dr. Lanxester, President, in the chair. F. E. Webb, Esq., J. O. Dix, Esq., and Joseph Beck, Esq., were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. Dr. Bowerbank read a paper on Grantia ciliata (‘ Trans., p- 79). A paper by Mr. Edwards, ‘On Diatomacez,’ was read by Mr. Roper (‘ Trans.,’ p. 84). It was resolved, “That the microscope-makers who adopt the standard screw be requested to ascertain that one of the gauge-taps, recommended by the Society, May 19th, 1858, will enter the bodies of their microscopes to the extent of three tenths of an inch.” * For this purpose it will be necessary to omit the cylindrical fitting beyond the inside screw recommended by the sub- committee (‘ Trans.,’ Jan., 1858, p. 39) ; retaining, however, the plain collar on the object-glass to facilitate its attachment.” “‘N.B.—A supply of taps and screw-tools is now in the hands of Mr. Williams, the Assistant-Secretary of the Society.” The President announced that in consequence of the soirée on May 5th, the ordinary meeting of April 27th would not be held. May 5th, 1859. The annual soirée was held this evening at the South Kensington Museum. Although somewhat removed from the centre of the metropolis, the rooms of the South Kensington Museum offer so many advantages for a large gathering, that from the time the Council had obtained the permission of the Committee of Council on Education to hold their annual soirée in this magnificent suite of apartments, they lost no time in making arrangements for a display of microscopes such as had not been seen in the metropolis 264 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. before. The Council divided itself into committees, each of which took up certain departments of preparation. One section of the members saw to the lighting by oil and gas lamps. Another collected together diagrams illustrative of microscopic objects. The invitations to country members, correspondence with exhibitors of microscopes and objects, were also thus carried on. It was soon found that the large preparations necessary for the exhibition of the number of microscopes which were promised would be so expensive that the funds of the Society would not bear it without bankruptcy. One of two plans offered, either to collect subscriptions from members, or to charge a sum on extra tickets required by members for their friends. The latter seemed the preferable plan, and, accordingly, each member was allowed, as on previous occasions, two tickets, and as many others as he wished for by paying for them. In this way the Council hoped to defray the expenses of the soirée without making a demand upon the funds of the Society, which ought to be devoted to strictly scientific purposes. It is gratifying to know that this arrangement so far succeeded, that the Society’s funds have suffered less by it than at any previous soirée. The fact of the members having become lable for the tickets they presented to their friends has been mis- understood, and has led to the report that the tickets were sold by the Council. This is only true in the sense that membership is paid for, as the distribution of tickets was entirely confined to the members of the Society. In the arrangement of the tables for the exhibition of the microscopes the committee received the greatest possible assistance and attention from the officers of the South Kensington Museum, who contributed all the help that lay in their power to the preparations necessary for the reception of the large party expected. Although nearly 5000 invitations were issued, it was not anticipated, till the evening of the soirée, that so large a number of persons would assemble. Long before the hour of eight o’clock, at which time the company was invited, they began to assemble, and from this time till eleven o’clock a continuous stream of visitors passed through the doors. The next morning it was found that 2847 tickets had been taken at the doors, so that there can be little doubt that con- siderably above 3000 persons were present. The display of microscopes—the great object of the evening’s assemblage—took place in the new galleries erected for the reception of the Turner and Vernon pictures. Along the whole length of these splendid galleries 1000 feet of PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 265 tables were erected for the reception of the microscopes. As these galleries are not supplied with gas the whole of the microscopes were lighted with oil lamps, spirit not being allowed to be burned in the building. The following is an imperfect list of those who exhibited microscopes, but as those mentioned were known to have exhibited, it was thought better to publish their names: Beale, Dr. 1 Lankester, Dr. 2 Lobb, Henry ll Blenkins . 2 Lege . 2 Roberts . 3 Carpenter, Dr. 2 Hogg 2 Du Pasquier 1 Knight 2 Furze 1 = Farmer 1 Tomkins . 2 Williams 1 Pavy, Dr. 1 = _ Hislop 1 Varley 4 Walford . i Peel : 2 Mestayer 1 Hopgood . 1 Garnham iL Millar, Dr. i. sShuter: a Deane ] Smith I Ladd, Dr. 3 eB ourr 1 Roper 1 Penkit J) Mummery 2 | dicks, Dr. 1 Hassall, Dr. dy i ope 1 MAKERS AND OTHERS. Ross ? ; .16 Topping . 2 Powell and Lealand . 12 Darker 4 Smith and Beck . . 20 #£Society . 4 Ladd A ; . l3 _ Pitehford 2 Pillischer : : Protlieroe 2 Baker . : . 20 Rainey , ee Salmon . 5 . 16 College of Surgeons and Mr. Horne and Thornthwaite 5 (¢ Quekett , . 14 Amadio . ‘ . 4 Brodie : rel Field : j .12 Prendergast 1 The number of microscopes really exhibited amounted to about 300. It would be impossible here to enumerate either the forms of microscopes exhibited, or of the objects by which their powers were tested. It must suffice to say, that every form of instrument was present, from the cheap and efficient instruments of Messrs. Field and Son, of Birmingham; Baker, Salmon, and Ladd, of London; to the magnificently equipped instruments which are turned out from the establishments of Messrs. Powell and Lealand, Ross and Son, and Smith and Beck. Not only were there lenses of great power and accurate definition exhibited, but almost every possible 266 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. variety of accessory apparatus. To those who looked upon the exhibition with an instructed eye, it was a perfect museum of microscopical apparatus. As for objects, it would be much easier to indicate things which were not exhibited than those that were. The Council had hoped to have arranged the objects in a classified form, but it was found quite impossible to do this for so short a space as the evening’s exhibition. It might, however, be a subject of thought for the Council of the Microscopical Society, as to whether, at some future period, they could not organize an exhibition of microscopes, which, instead of exteuding over a few hours, should extend to a few days, and thus present a more permanent means of studying the instruments and their improvements. May 26th, 1859. Dr. Lanxester, President, in the chair. Dr. Eve, James Murray, Esq., and E. J. Meeres, Esq., were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. Mr. Beck read a paper “On the Uniform Screw for Microscopes.”” (‘ Trans.,’ p. 92.) Mr. Smith exhibited and described a model of a new form of microscope, remarkable for the smallness of the space in which the whole of the necessary apparatus was contained. West Kent Microscoricau Society. Under this title a society has been formed in the neigh- bourhood of Blackheath, Lee, and Lewisham, having for its object the encouragement and promotion of micro- scopical science, and, although the officers were only elected on the 2d of June, it already numbers nearly forty members, many of whom are practical microscopists. Its officers for the ensuing year are— President.—John Penn, Esq. Vice-President.—John F. South, Esq. Treasurer.— Dr. Noyes. Secretary.—My. Clift. Members of Council.—W. Brown, Esq., W. Groves, Esq., R. Hicks, jun., Esq., Rev. G. F. Lacey, Rev. R. H. Marten. INDEX TO JOURNAL. VO DU MEP YEE: A. Achnanthes (Bory.), 163. . gregoriana, 84. Actiniz, On the multiplication of, in aquaria, 131. Agelena labyrinthica, 130. Alder, Josh., On Three New Species of Sertularian Zoophytes, 131. Allman, Prof., On the peculiar appen- dage of ye v4 RRA ¥ bal a fr) rane owt Na ae at 4 ; ; ix pre’ oa ‘ < hie 7 ma f Ar). uit v ae, Re tl ’ Os i sie A ‘ j a i a 4 “4 aoe?) pcan ina) ® ' Rete, ® “- . ¥ A 4 . x ’ “a { igs? : be = és " 5 ~ ; + > ” vf yi) AS ‘ ‘ *, Te sek ae a bese” 36 an od | "ye. “? Nucr Journ Vi Vi Pt VIL W.West imp. Vest sc. 1 6 Toffen V ile de Grevi RK =je: ax eae ae UGE 09000084 809500500 20000000 9020050005000 008 anions exe \opoeenpcd0000e 000009 20% W West ump. R.EGreville del. Tuffen West sc JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES VII, VIII, Illustrating Dr. Greville’s paper on Diatomacez in Californian Guano. PLATE VII. Fig. 1.—Cocconeis regalis.* 2.—Aulacodiscus Oreganus. 3.—Campylodiscus stellatus. 4.—Asteromphalus flabellatus ? with straight rays. 5.—The same? with the hyaline area nearly centrical and the rays straight. 6.—Asteromphalus elegans. 7.—Spatangidum Ralfsianum, very large ; the hyaline area nearly centrical, and the rays nearly straight. 3.—The same ; typical in its characters. PLATE VIII. 9.—Achnanthes angustata. 10.— Biddulphia longicruris. 1l.— Y Roperiana ; side view. 12.—The same; front view. 13.—The same ; front view, approaching self-division. 14.— Cresswellia turgida. 15.—Cresswellia (?) ferox ; frustules in union. 16.—The same ; a valve seen vertically. The figures are x 400 diameters. * Since this paper was written I have seen a species much resembling this, in guano from Algoa Bay, in which I find it had also been previously detected by several friends. It has been suggested that it may be only the sporangial state of Cocconeis Grevillit. It remains to be seen, however, whether it be really identical with the one I have figured. The view of the upper valve from within has not occurred to me in Californian guano ; nor the view represented in the plate, in Algoa Bay guano. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IX, Illustrating Mr. Brightwell’s paper on various Diatomacez. Fig. 1.—Zunotia eruca, Khr. 2.—Cocconeis coronata, Nn. sp. 3.— , jfimbriata,n. sp. 4.—Campylodiscus striatus, Bhr. 5.—Surirella limosa, Bail. 6.—Stauroneis Fulmen, n. sp. 7.—Pleurosigma longina, W. Sm. 8.—Odontidium speciosum, n. sp. 9.— o punctatum, n. sp. 10.— rf Baldjickii, n. sp. 11.—Rhabdonema mirificum, W. Sm. 12.—Triceratium (2) dubium, un. sp. 13.—Amphitetras cruz, 0. sp. 14.— + antediluviana (?), probably a valve from a sporangial frustule. 15. Biddulphia Balena, Uhr. Figures 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15 x 300 diamete rs; the remainder 400. MNior Journ. VU VL Pb, ees. Bose Gi O95 969059! > 0 8Bo5 85 Pogo to seo ca: ogatopepogo5 0a Cag Sou: 1095 2a S62 0n920080) 3 +208 i , Seo Reo Cogene Socezagss suave ceoMctagoe 223500 Coy osocuGo Oe, 99009026 909 cateascuao Sever Leocata gd soucan GG 905050505005 99, cage 8 °o2afCo, ROB ESOL Oop CS gcacoeeSo%s Seca Seo sje h0E 8: FONE, cS SUI|NSS ery 1 sit i ea W.West immo Tuffen West sc.adnat at “i > et Ny i us apt si nm) we wae At ef op F id ids he Me AMA Ors o ~ 4999098 a i = ayadaadaner ae a II BE vavccucc caguapaauie avavnuncyarersroncpe nnccgsrase pe essans wane ® . err etoc ones ce esagmasotenae BUTT T9 pd eae eo DOo DA Ose OtT Eros oinnsen pia ee gnobi seem anree ce REA eT . Sree es genie e foaas ant Hea i aK | ra NPAT O80 coseres pace eae 8.009 SP 920070080000 070 SS OROMINTAN? ® aes sana aaagadada GA EEAEGEEUAUEERRLEANE Sule agen nananasoge Bae eg ena nia ST NGREEL TD acLTUEEeo 0 oe 9000009999000 09550905050708299 80 ODonDeIA NS 24H) eee oD wba Sema aedasedadd sow eben so atid ss. eam opasaddagadagagadaunasodoosanasadaannano: 6009520059995. : 999590999 a9 98895909 99999999 9999999990 oo905099909 99909999900 992009 O,000 an SEER EE Jo 0g000999 THVT ATITY YTNTTTYTTT 16 Lt} =C He a4 Nest i + Tors ei. iuiien V RKG d JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE X, Illustrating Dr. Greville’s paper on Plagiogramma, a new genus of Diatomacez. Fie. Te Dis ageationd Gregorianum ; side view. 2.—The same; front view. 3.—P. Jumaicense ; front view. 4.—P. pulchellum ; side view. 5.—The same; front view; chain of five frustules. 6.—The same; a large example ; front view. 7.—BP. tessellatum ; side view. 8.—P. validum ; side view. 9.—P. ornatum ; front view. 10.—P. inequale ; front view. 11.—P. pygmeum ; side view. 12.—P. obesum ; side view. 13.—The same; front view. 14.—P. lyratum ; side view. 15.—P. Californicum ; side view. 16.—The same ; front view. 17.—The same; front view, with fewer vitta. All the figures are x 400 diameters. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCH. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI, Illustrating Mr. Currey’s Mycological Notes. Fig. i, 2, and 3.—Graphiola Phenicis, Poit. 1—A vertical section of the fungus highly magnified. a. The black outer crust (which is a ring, zo¢ @ cup), apparently formed of the disorganized tissue of the leaf. 6. A layer, formed either of very minute cells or of granular matter. c. Elongated cells of the tissue of the leaf. d, Inner roundish cells of the tissue of the leaf. eé. Delicate, closely packed threads, springing from the granular layer, and marked with very faint transverse lines on septa. J. A mass of yellowish, small spores, resting on the threads, and probably formed from the breaking off of the terminal cells of the threads. 2.—Vertical section of another specimen, less highly magnified. 3.—Vertical section of the fungus deprived of its outer carbonaceous coat, and showing the threads or fibres (? formed from the tissue of the leaf) traversing the mass of spores. x about 50 diameters. 4.—Fruit of Phragmidium bulbosum, deprived of its stalk, and germinating from one of its joints. 5.—Two joints of a broken fruit of Phragmidium bulbosum germinating from the upper joint. 6.—A germ-filament of Phragmidium bulbosum differing from the usual form, as pointed out in the text. 7.—Spores of Mucor fusiger, Lk. x 220. 8.—Fruit of Patellaria clavispora, B. and Br.; a—e, stylospores; f and I sporidia. x 325, except 6, whichis x 450. 9.—Patellaria atrata, Fr.; a, ascus, with unripe sporidia; 8, ¢, d, ripe sporidia. 10.—Stylospores of Patellaria atrata, ¥r. 11, 12.—Vertical sections of pycnidia of Cenangium Cerost. x highly. 13.—Sporidia of Spheria Zobelii, Tul. 14.—Stylospores of Spheria Tiliaginea, Currey. X highly. : 15.—Fruit of Spheria ciliaris, Sow.; a, ascus, with sporidia; 4, secondary fruit. 16.—Spheria obtecta, n. sp.; a, ascus, with sporidia; 4, c, secondary fruit 17.—Germinating sporidia of Spheria stercoraria, Sow. 18.—Spheria Spartii, Nees; a, ascus of the usual form; 4, ascus ruptured at the apex («), and with the inner membrane protruding, 19.—a, sporidia of Spheria macrospora, Desm.; 4, fruit of Coryneum macrosporium, Berk. All the figures are X 325 diameters, except where otherwise stated. MAG hk ly X Nae i a YT TOMA HY wind aie Ri SOSA, BBs keS: P3493 30 Ge JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII, Illustrating Mr. Rainey’s paper on the Formation of Dental Tissues. Fig. ' 1.—a. Portion of silicious cuticle from sugar-cane, as seen from above. é. The same, from below. ce. Vertical section. 2.—Undulated margin of entirely uncalcified dentine-matrix, fom the specimen given in outline at fig. 4. 3.—Dentine in different stages of development; from fetal calf. The lines in the engraving necessary to indicate the spaces between the dentine fibres and globules, do not exist in the specimen from which the drawing was taken. 4.—Tooth from foetal calf in very early stage, gently removed from the subjacent pulp; ¢, tooth; p, dental pulp. 5.—Globular dentine; from human tooth. 6.—Horizontal section of dentine; from human tooth decalcified. 7.—Enamel in different stages of development; from foetal calf. 8.—Matrix dividing into two layers; m, matrix before dividing; e, m, enamel matrix, with particles of enamel; d, m, dentine matrix. IPN 3 2044