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Fabia a) pan ee) tae ih a8 EI Ged ee ta peter ope Fy Votre bah oe! phy . 554 ORO OR IPI NODOSA IRIAN bY gis v3 tie ‘0 7 Dy! 4 % 4 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE S x S : : % Ks % 8 Lom maamMaMaMoMomomroMacKaMwZ GPO 16—53001-1 * ~ \ ‘oe ¥ "pl aa * = i THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY Sir W. FAIRBAIRN, Barr, F.R.S.; WILLIAM CROOKES, F.RS.; ROBERT HUNT, F.RS.; H. WOODWARD, E.GS., F.Z.S.; AND JAMES SAMUELSON, OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, EDITOR. VOLUME VII. dHith Allustrations ow Copper, Stone, and ddlood. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, ann CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. Paris: Leipzig: FRIEDRICH KLINCKSIECK. ALFONS DURR. MDCCCLXX. Bees. PRINTED BY W-CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD $TREET AND CHARING CROSS. ad Ve), ee ee Se ee ee ee a ee ae ge - : i E , / - Y , ~@ . a o> ‘ : = “ = “d - wan E . * ’ - 2 « £ Ls 5 ' . ao bce 4 é 7 2° “= : =|, t ? s a Pa « 7 = i ay ‘ MUSIC OF COLOUR AND CORRELATION — ~—= ——* ere “= _— Ce ee =a - “AOLD YO PIE 2 HLYNOA VW 30 TIVAYHSLNI 1 1 l <——_—___—__ ed a bi ! ! | 139 OL DYO @:1 *BAVLIO NY 4O TIWAYALNI “STIVAYALNI TWOISNW JO NOILWINASAYdIY WOIILdOo “OO! DNIZ8 9: SALON AO SHLONIAT JAVM JO OIlLWu "OS €s o9 £9 19 qa W re) 1 H 1 ’ ' i | G3 ool “O1.LVY BJONVHO aay “suno109 [fie rs LHI | LAIIOIA—VvVULIN | ITOUA. = oe ee = SST EN ite ae ae oe |e bny al a w ur eS ~ 9 uv) "BULINITNA WY JO BATOOOOO! Ni WNNLIAdS 4O SHLONAT JAWM Iv n.ov 40 31V9S THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. JANUARY, 1870. I. LIGHT AND SOUND: AN EXAMINATION OF THEIR REPUTED ANALOGY. By W. F. Barrerr, I.C.8., Natural Science Master at the London International College, &c. Lone before we knew anything of the origin either of sound or light, the existence of an analogy between these forces had been the subject of speculation by some philosophers. But the idea of such an analogy did not originate in philosophy; it was not con- fined to a few; it resulted in more than speculation. From the earliest times we find among all nations a crude perception of a simi- larity between sound and colour. This perception became rooted in their languages. The same words, in many cases, were employed to denote either light, or sound. A vivid impression received by the eye was equivalent to a forcible shock received by the ear : thus, the English “loud,” the French “ criard,” the German “ schreiend,” are identical expressions, relating to sound, also applied to glaring colours. FF aintness of vision and feebleness of voice were spoken of as one. Our own words dim and dumb were probably cognate terms in Anglo-Saxon. It is easy to trace this correspondence in language much farther, but that is not our present business. Let us inquire if this wide- spread mental analogy between sound and colour rests upon a physical basis. Is it true that light and sound are alike, and if so in what way are they alike? How can the swift flash from a gun be said to resemble the sluggish report that follows? Except esthetically, where is the likeness between a painting by Raphael and a theme by Beethoven ? At the outset let us remark that no attempt will be made to show the identity of light and sound: it is their resemblance, their parallelism, and not, of course, their oneness we wish to establish. A parallelism that probably is metaphysical as well as physical ; so that the estimation of beauty of colouring and harmony of sound may, hereafter, be found to resolve themselves into mental actions VoL. VIL. B 2 Light and Sound. [Jan., essentially the same. Here, however, we have solely to deal with the physical aspect of the question. In pursuit of our object it will be necessary to compare the principal phenomena of light and sound, and for this purpose it will be convenient to break up the subject into sections. If the analogy be just, it will assuredly gather strength as the comparison proceeds ; if it be false, then each section cannot fail to force this fact upon the mind. In either case the result ought to be profitable, if we simply seek the truth. § 1. Ortein oF Ligut anp Sounp. Light and sound are both the products of vibratory motion. But to evolve light the motion must be enormously swift, whilst to produce sound the motion must be comparatively slow. In the former case only impalpable molecules can be made to attain the requisite swiftness—light is therefore a molecular motion of vibra- tion. In the latter case visible masses of matter can be moved to and fro with the necessary speed: sound is therefore usually the product of a molar motion of vibration. Further, to continue the light, or to sustain the sound, the to-and-fro motion must be per- formed in equal times ; it must be zsochronous. If not isochronous the light will be either intermittent or varying in colour, and the sound will be either a noise or musical notes of varying pitch. Now comes a remarkable point. Sound and even music are usually produced by a disturbance very different from a vibratory motion. If we hit a tuning-fork on our knee, strike the strings of a piano, or pluck the strings of a harp, we produce music by rough mechanical means ; so the noise of hammering, the roar of cataracts, the whistling of the wind, or “the scream of a maddened beach,” are all sounds, that is motions of vibration, produced by a rude motion of translation. Light, also, can be evolved by similar agency. ‘The rubbing of two pieces of quartz or sugar, the sparks from a flint or steel, and the incandescence produced by the friction of meteors against the air are familiar examples of light generated by mechanical means. How can we account for the transition from molar to molecular motion, from an impulse, such as a blow, to a regular pendulum-like swing? th of a second apart. Similarly our ear cannot distinguish between a suc- cession of similar sounds that follow each other at shorter intervals than the ~;th of a second. Like the blending into one of the colours on a spinning-top, the separate sounds link themselves together and constitute a musical note. Radiant sound and light being both wave-motions, many laws are found common to both. When light falls upon a body it is either transmitted, absorbed, reflected, refracted, or inflected. The same phenomena can be observed when we substitute sound for light. Let us briefly examine this remarkable series of analogies. § 4. Transmission or Light anp Sounp. Through transparent bodies light is transmitted freely. But if a series of transparent substances, each alternately differing in density, be placed together, the progress of light is obstructed, and may even be altogether stopped. Thus a perfectly transparent block of glass, if reduced to powder, is perfectly opaque. Air, a medium of different density, now intervenes between the particles of glass, and the light echoed, as it were, from particle to particle is so weakened that it cannot struggle through. In the same way sound in its passage is enfeebled, or even obliterated, if it pass through several media of alternately varying * Savart: ‘ Annales de Chimie et de Physique.’ 10 Light and Sound. | Jan., density. Wood transmits sound perfectly well, so does air, but if the wood be reduced to sawdust, sound is no longer transmitted. Thus cotton-wool deadens sound. Solid glass, salt, and ice, and all transparent solids. transmit ight and sound; reduced to powder, they are opaque both to sound and light. A glass of water trans- mits both light and sound, so does carbonic acid gas; but if the two be mixed, as in soda-water, a mixture nearly opaque to both light and sound is the result. By tapping a glass of soda-water during and after the effervescence the sound effect can readily be heard. The bubbles of gas break up the continuity of the water and render the sound emitted by the glass dull; when the bubbles have escaped, the ringing note of the glass returns. The same effect occurs in gaseous media. Humboldt, when journeying upon the plains of the Orinoco, noticed that columns of alternately hot and cold air enfeebled the passage of sound just as they lessened the passage of light. In the same way through fog, sound, like light, is propagated with extreme difficulty. The cause of this arises from the particles of water that are then suspended in the atmosphere, and by their presence produce variations of density. It has too been generally noticed that a good hearing day pre- cedes wet weather, and before a wet day we generally notice the atmosphere becomes remarkably clear. This clearness has by an eminent physicist * been attributed to the fact that on ordinary days our atmosphere contains innumerable spores or germs floating in the air. At the approach of wet weather the little germs absorb the moisture, they become heavier and sink to the ground; thus the atmosphere is cleared from these solid particles which at the same time obstructed the free transmission of light, and interfered with the free transmission of sound. § 5. Apsorption oF Licut anp Sounp. A. black glass, or a black surface like velvet, absorbs the light that falls upon it. The light, as already observed, becomes trans- lated into heat in the absorbing body. Woollen textures, curtains, and the like, are to sound what a dark glass is to light. Such obstacles stop the progress of the sonorous pulses, and also convert what was sound into heat. In the case of light there is further a selective absorption of certain rays; this gives rise to the colour of a body. Such selective absorption is a molecular act, probably due to the synchronism between certain luminous waves and the oscilla- tions of the particles in their path. Hence selective absorption can only exist when there is a mixture of waves from which to select. Transferring these ideas from particles to a body as a whole, a corresponding selective absorption exists when there is a complex * De La Rive. 1870. | Light and Sound. ii source of sound. If a bundle of different tuning-forks be struck, sonorous pulses of varying length will be emitted. Allowing this composite pulsation to fall on a single quiescent fork, only that pulse, which corresponds to the rate of vibration of the fork, will be absorbed, and by this means the hitherto silent fork will be thrown into vibration. § 6. Reriection or Lignt anp Sounp. This is one of the best known, and at the same time one of the closest analogies between light and radiant sound. When a beam of light, 1, falls wpon a polished surface, m m, it rebounds in the same plane, and at an equal angle on the other side of an imaginary perpendicu- Re lar, p, drawn from the surface of Ee, the mirror. This is expressed by ; . i saying the angle of reflexion is equal to the angle of incidence. oe | The same law is rigorously true . for sound. It is easy to observe this reflexion from the sides of a cliff, a blank wall, or the roofs of ~ churches. Echo is due to this reflexion of sound. Standing be- tween two parallel mirrors, successive and gradually fainter reflexions of the body will be seen. The same is true with regard to sound, as can be observed when speaking between two perpendicular walls, sufficiently distant from each other. Under certain conditions light is “internally or totally reflected,” as it is termed ; that is, at a considerable obliquity of incidence light cannot emerge from a dense medium into a rarer one: this may be well observed when a glass rod is made red hot at one end, the distant extremity glows by internal reflexion. In the same manner sound can be internally reflected. When a sound made under water strikes the surface of the water very obliquely, the greater part of the sound is unable to escape into the air, owing to the total reflexion occurring at the upper surface of the water.* With curved reflectors sound is affected in the same way as light. A sound-focus or a sound-image may be obtained by a con- cave reflector. ‘The following lecture illustration of this fact was shown by the writer two years ago at the Royal Society of Dublin. Two parabolic mirrors ss were placed as in Fig. 3. At c, in the focus of, s,a watch is suspended; in the conjugate focus c’ of the other mirror, s, a sensitive flame was caused to burn. ‘The flame moves at the slightest sound. The light rays rr from y ae A N\ / “YZ TA * This fact has been established by the experiments of Colladon and Sturm on the Lake of Geneva. 12 Light and Sound. [Jan, the flame are rendered parallel by s and converged upon the watch by s, where a brilliant spot of ight is seen. Similarly the sound- waves from the ticking of the watch follow the opposite course, Fig. 3. —,--§-----------------------—-----— —-—~---——- --——- —-- — — --— —- - ~~ -- - -- ---- SS en ee Se and an acoustic focus is cast upon the flame. The flame throbs in exact time with the beats of the watch. Moving the watch or the flame nearer together places them out of the focus, and the flame by its stillness announces the fact. It is easy for any one to repeat this experiment with very homely apparatus. Circular dish-covers of earthenware or metal may be used as mirrors, and for the flame may be substituted a little funnel with a short tube leading to the ear. § 7. Rerraction oF Ligor AnD Sounp. Light on passing from a dense medium to a rare one, or vice versa, 18 bent out of its original course. So also is sound. Light may by refraction be converged and focussed by lenses. Sound- lenses may also be made.* Filling a thin india-rubber balloon with a dense gas, like carbonic acid, a double convex acoustic lens is produced. By means of such an arrangement divergent sound rays, from, for example, the ticking of a watch, can be converged and focussed. Placing a sensitive flame in the focus, this refrac- tion of sound may be rendered apparent to a large audience. § 8. Iyriection oF LigHt anp Sounp. This is an effect produced upon divergent waves merely by the presence of an obstacle in their path. When a sea-wave meets an isolated rock it breaks, spreads itself around the rock, and clasps itself again at a short distance behind. Thus only comparative rest is found behind such a breakwater. Similarly a sonorous wave meeting an obstacle, say a large pillar, girdles the pillar and thus * As first demonstrated by Sondhauss. 1870. | Light and Sound. 13 partially destroys the sound-shadow which such a pillar would other- wise throw. In former time it was urged that if light be a wave- motion, there ought also to be inflection and only partial shade behind an opaque object. The inflection of light has since been discovered ; light does slightly encroach, in the form of fringes, upon the shadow cast by an object. Nevertheless, owing to the rectilinear propaga- tion of hight, shadow is a characteristic feature of light. Is there an analogous sound-shadow? ‘There is, notwithstanding inflection. If we pass close beside a church, the bells of which are ringing, we shall notice that on coming beneath the tower we enter a region, nearer the source of sound, yet where the sound is very perceptibly less audible; and as we gradually emerge from this acoustic shadow the sound grows louder. So also when listening to an approaching train, as it is occasionally hidden from view, accompanying sound- shadows flit across the ear. And in a more elastic medium than air, such as water, sound-shadows would, necessarily, be more intense and sharply defined. § 9. Harmony or Coztour anp Music. It is in this division of our subject that we find a wide-spread and tacit acceptance of the analogy of light and sound. We instinc- tively criticize in like terms the works of a painter and a musician. We speak of the harmonious blending cf colours in a picture, as we do of the chords in a musical composition. We compare, apparently without reason, the order of colours in a rainbow to the notes of the gamut. Like Locke’s blind man who said scarlet was to him as the deep sound of a trumpet, we think of red as a low note, of blue as ahigh one. We find, as a rule, that good taste in art goes hand- in-hand with good taste in music; hence a large number of eminent . painters have been excellent musicians.* All this points to the fact that pleasure given to the eye or ear evokes similar mental impressions, Now the question arises, Has all this esthetic oneness of colour and music any physical foundation, over and above that general analogy we have so far traced between light and sound? We believe the following considerations will show not only that it has some foundation, but that the analogy is far more wonderful than has hitherto been suspected. Let us take as our standard of colours the series given by the disintegration of white light, the so-called spectrum. As our stand- ard of musical notes let us take the natural or diatonic scale. We may justly compare the two: for the former embraces all possible gradations of simple colours, and the latter a similar gradation of notes of varying pitch. * Omitting many living painters, of whom this is true, it is sufficient to name Tintorretto, Caracci, Salvator Rosa, Dominichino, Guido Reni, Leonardo da Vinci; and Rubens also is said to have been passionately fond of music. s 14 | Light and Sound. | Jan., Further, the succession of colours in the spectrum is perfectly harmonious to the eye. Their invariable order is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Any other arrangement of these colours is less enjoyable. Likewise the succession of notes in the scale is the most agreeable that can be found. The order is C, D, HK, F, G, A, B.* Any attempt to ascend or descend the entire scale by another order is disagreeable. The order of colours given in the spectrum is exactly the order of luminous wave-lengths, decreasing from red to violet. The order of notes in the scale is also exactly the order of sonorous wave-lengths, decreasing from C to B. The interval of wave-lengths embraced between the extreme colours of the visible spectrum is ordinarily as the ratio of 1:0-57, corresponding to the interval known as a seventh in music. But the writer is well informed that by proper means further limits can be seen, 222. from what is known as the solar line A to the solar line L.t (See upper figure in Plate: L is not shown.) The wave- length of A is 76, and of Lis 38 hundred-thousandths of a milli- métre, or as the ratio of 1:0°50, corresponding to the interval of an octave in music, or just the range of the scale. Arbitrarily placing C under the colour at the solar line A, wiz. a deep brownish red, then the octave higher of C would fall under whatever colour is found at the solar line L, viz. a lavender grey. Now comes this important question, Are the intermediate colowrs of the spectrum produced by vibrations that bear a definite ratio to the vibrations giving rise to the intermediate notes of the scale? According to our knowledge up to this time, apparently not. In an ingenious little work by Dr. Macdonald, before alluded to, an attempt has been made to establish this analogy indirectly ; { but if direct comparison fails, it is useless to push the matter farther. Newton himself sought for this analogy between note and colours, but he only found the relative spaces occupied by each colour in the spectrum to be similar to the relative intervals of musical notes. This is, obviously, a false analogy. We must compare wave-lengths of light with wave-lengths of sound; not, of course, their actual lengths, but the ratzo of one to the other. Until very recently it has been impossible to do this accurately. New maps of wave-lengths of the different parts of the spectrum have, however, of late appeared.§ Let us reduce the newest and best determinations of wave-lengths to a common ratio, and com- * The fact that Newton saw seven colours in the spectrum, and there are seven notes in the scale, is only an accident; the number of colours, or tints, entirely depends on the judgment of the observer. + This is on the authority of Mr. Crookes, who has on favourable occasions seen the spectrum extending this length, where a quartz train of lenses and prisms was aie ie a pity this brochure of Dr. Macdonald’s is so disfigured by its typo- graphy, it is also too speculative and dogmatic. The most recent by Thalen. ‘Transactions of Royal Society of Upsala, 3rd Series, vol. vi.; also ‘ Annales de Chimie et de Physique,’ Oct., 1869. 1870.] Light and Sound. 15 pare the result with the wave-lengths of the notes of the scale reduced to the same ratio. Here are the limits of wave-lengths of the different colours of the spectrum as most carefully determined by Prof. Listing.* In the third column the writer has added the mean wave-length of each colour, and in the fourth column the ratio of one colour to another, taking the mean wave-length of red as 100. TABLE OF WAVE-LENGTHS OF COLOURS IN THE SPECTRUM. WAVE-LENGTHS: IN MILLIONTHS OF A MILLIMETRE. ESE - Name. Limit. Mean. Ratio. FRG seh xe, hee 728. to G47. ae 685 fe 100 Orange .. .. 647 to 586 oe 616 aa 89 Vellow? "i209" so S66 to dad ae 560 zs 81 Green Yi 4s deo to 492 ie ala an 79 Bless oon 220 492) to 455 sis 473 sf 69 Indigo... .. 455 to 424 wn 439 “G 64 Violet 424 to 397 410 60 Here next is a table giving the middle notes of the scale, their wave-lengths, and their reduction to a common ratio, taking C as 100. TABLE OF WAVE-LENGTHS OF NOTES OF SCALE, Wave-length Name. in inches. Ratio. Ops e 52 100 iD ue 461 89 Hi, 42 80 Beeps 39 79 Ge. 35 67 2s tal 31 60 Bis: 272 53 Cl: 26 50 Putting together the two ratios, the following remarkable cor- respondence at once comes out :— RATIO OF WAVE-LENGTHS OF NoTES COMPARED TO RATIO OF WAVE-LENGTHS OF COLOURS. Notes. Ratio. Colours, Ratio. CH. . 100 bd sae UCI Skt eg ee LOO Dis. 89 Baek icais Orange Sap ears. io gargs 80 cae, ae Vellowis ae 9.2 SL ig: 75 BaD cy Greene. Td G.... 67 Beth pete Blue and mae 67 (mean) : fee ee 60 LAacane Wiolete ke) a. se) GO Lier 53 on Ae [Ultra violet .. 53] GAs 50 EN (POpscnre.. wee. <> BO] Assuming the note © to correspond to the colour red, then we find D exactly corresponds to orange, E to yellow, and F to green. Blue and indigo, being difficult to localize, or even distinguish in the spectrum, they are put together: their mean exactly corre- sponds to the note G. Violet would then exactly correspond to * Poggendorff’s * Annalen,’ vol], cxxxi., p. 564. 16 Light and Sound. [Jan., the ratio given by the note A. The colours having now ceased, the ideal position of B and the upper C in the spectrum are calculated from the musical ratios. This coincidence, as unexpected as it is perfect, is represented in the two upper figures on the Plate.* Had space permitted, we should have ventured to trace out to some extent this common harmony of colour and sound. All we can do is to point out a few suggestions that occur at once. Every one knows that the juxtaposition of two colours nearly alike is bad, and it is well known that two adjacent notes of the scale sounded together produce discord. Selecting and sounding together two different notes we may produce either discord or harmony; so with the juxtaposition of certain colours, either pleasurable or painful effects are produced. Thus—the notes D and E, together, are bad; so are orange and yellow when contrasted. C and G harmonize perfectly, so do red and blue. C and F is an excellent interval, so is the combination of red and green. Now, on referring to the Plate, it will be seen that the foregoing notes exactly underlie those very colours that we have named with them. But, further, it is possible to obtain a real optical expression of the musical intervals.t| By refiecting a beam of light from one vibrating tuning fork to another placed at right angles, curves of light are obtained, which vary according to the combination of forks we select.: The most perfect harmony, viz. two notes in unison, gives the simplest curve—a circle. The next most harmonious interval, an octave and its fundamental note, gives the figure of 8; the next, the interval of a fifth, gives a more complete figure, and soon. The complexity augmenting as the ie lessens. Some of these curves are shown on the lower figure in the Plate. By the side of each curve is put the musical notes from which it was derived, and for the sake of comparison the colours which would correspond to each interval are also brought down. It will be seen that harmony runs throughout. A musical chord thus becomes both a representative picture, and an acoustic painting, whilst the musical scale is literally a rainbow of sound. It is hardly too much to say that we might possibly translate into a musical melody a sunset, a flower, or a painting by a Rubens or a Raphael.t But here let us check our imagination. We have throughout the foregoing article endeavoured to avoid overstating the analogy. Let us now be careful lest we become victims of the “ zdola tribus,” lest we strive to impose on nature a greater degree of simplicity than her facts will justify. * There will be noticed over the spectrum on the Plate ascale of actual wave- lengths, by which the remarkable but natural crowding together of the colours at the red end is well seen. + First accomplished by M. Lissajous. + On this subject an able article by Mr. C. Seth Smith, recently appeared in the ‘ Builder.’ be wien 1870. | Ny ae II. ON THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF SEWAGE IRRIGATION, =A KWAGE utilization is perhaps one of the most hotly-debated subjects of the day, and frequent references to it have from time to time appeared in the pages of this Journal. These will be found repeatedly in the Chronicles of Science (Agriculture), and in two ar- ticles, entitled respectively “Sewage and Sewerage,”* and “On the appli- cation of Sewage to the Soil,”} wherein \| the progress made in the development | of works for sewage irrigation purposes has been recorded. Our present object is to give a brief account of the best means for carrying out irrigation works | for the disposal of town sewage, and of the laying out of lands preparatory to the application of sewage, so far as they can be deduced from the results of past experiments, and from works hitherto constructed and brought into operation in different parts of the United King- dom. We shall, however, preface our remarks on the above-named subjects by a reference to one or two points in connection with them, with the view to show that the present movement in favour of utilizing our town sewage is but the revival of a practice of great antiquity, which, owing to numerous causes, has, for many cen- turies, been abandoned and perhaps forgotten. The recognized power of earth to act as a disinfectant may first be traced to the Mosaic lawgiver, but it is not improbable that it was applied to that purpose before the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and that the injunction for it to be so used whilst they were on their wanderings was but a law for the observance of a then well-known sanitary precaution. The filth of Jerusalem was, it is recorded, at one time burnt in an oven in the valley of Hinnom, which also served for human sacrifices, and was called “tophet, : from “toph,” a drum, used on such occasions to drown the cries of the victims. Ata later period, however, when the Mosaic religion was restored, the Temple purified and rebuilt, and the country began to prosper under the protectorate of powerful neighbouring nations, large sewers and aqueducts were constructed, which still exist, owing to the fact of their being cut in the solid rock upon which the city was built. Eusebius, who was a native of that country, * * Quarterly Journal of Science,’ 1866, p. 180. + Ibid., 1867, p. 357. VOL. VII. C 18 ; On the Principles and Methods | Jan., and died about the year 340, mentions Timocrates, the surveyor of Syria, by whom the city was throughout provided with water. The water used for flooding the court of the Temple, to wash away the offal and blood of the sacrifices, drained into a pit, now called “ The Fountain of the Virgin;” from whence, after mingling with the town sewage, it was conducted to a second one, now called the Pool of Siloam—but which, it is thought, is not the one formerly known by that name— and thence to the king’s garden, for purposes of irriga- tion. These pits served, no doubt, as settling-tanks to collect the solid matter; and thus, in their general arrangement, we can per- haps trace the earliest recorded attempts at utilizing sewage, and one which, so far as our information goes, does not appear to have differed materially from the most approved practice of the present day. "The difficulty in getting rid of night-soil and refuse im large towns by any other method has necessitated the adoption of sewers and water-carriage for that purpose, and with our present knowledge on the subject it does not appear probable that sewers will ever be superseded. “It matters not,” remarked Mr. Bailey Denton in a recent letter to ‘The Times’* newspaper, “ whether the earth-closet system of excretal sewerage gains ground in places where advantageous circumstances suggest its adoption, sewers must exist in every place where habitations are congregated toge- ther, whether it be a city or a village, for the discharge of liquid refuse from the chamber, the bath, and the kitchen, independently of the excrements of the closet, which form in reality but a small proportion of the entire refuse of the dwelling.” The introduction of sewers in places has, as might naturally be expected, led to their being used also as drains, and the result appears to have been satis- factory, although the reports by the Medical Officer of the Privy Council tend to show “that where a system of separating the sew- age of dwellings from the water of the soil on which they stand has been adopted, and the sewerage and drainage can be discharged by different channels, the maximum of success may be achieved.” On the other hand, Mr. Denton states that “wherever sewerage and drainage—which have different sanitary effects, and ought to be distinct operations—have not been carried out together, intention- ally or accidentally, the operations have failed, more or less, in the purposes for which they were designed.” The mixture of water with sewage is looked upon by some agriculturists as a great drawback to its application. Apart, how- ever, from water-carriage being the cheapest, as well as the most convenient form of removing the sewage of towns, it is of value in distributing it, and enables the operation of spreading solid manure over the face of the earth, which must otherwise take place, to be * «Times, October 28, 1869. 1870. | of Sewage Irrigation. 19 dispensed with. By the process of irrigation, too, fertilizing matter is distributed over the land with uniformity, and it is presented to the plant in such a state that it is at once ready to be assimilated, that is, it is at once food for the plant; the plant grows more ra- pidly, the period of growth is greatly shortened, and, consequently, we get a greater number of crops in a given period, under the irrigation system, than could possibly be obtained under any pro- cess of dry manuring. The quantity of water mixed with the solid matters in the ordinary sewage of towns is very great, and it has been estimated that, including rainfall, 350 parts of water are em- ployed in removing one part of excrement; thus the sewage is delivered to the land in a very diluted state, but, as has been proved by results, by no means too weak for useful application. The strength of pure sewage would be far too much for vegetation, and, instead of improving it, would tend utterly to destroy it; but thus diluted it is reduced to a state in which it appears to be most readily absorbed by the earth, and thence taken up by plants as it is required for their nourishment. In order to meet the requirements of local circumstances, where land is not available for purposes of irrigation, attempts have from time to time been made to separate the solid particles from the fluid, the former bemg made into a species of artificial manure, whilst the latter is allowed to pass away into the most convenient channel for its escape. The value of the manurial ingredients held in solution, being to that contained in the solid portions as six to one, the great fertilizer ammonia also being afloat in the liquid portion, it is not to be wondered at that these experiments have invariably failed, and the works erected for carrying out the different processes have, almost without exception, been abandoned. After filtration, the general plan has been to mix the solid residuum with dry rubbish, town ashes, charcoal, or other bases for forming a solid substance; the unwillingness, however, of farmers to pur- chase this manure at a remunerative price to the manufacturers,. and often their refusal to pay for it at all, necessarily led to the early closing of all works constructed for the purpose of its manu- facture. . In order to counteract the loss of valuable manurial ingredients which, under the above processes, passed off with the liquid por- tions of the sewage, recourse was next had to the use of chemical reagents with the view of causing a precipitation of those fertilizing ingredients which are held in solution, and for this purpose use has been made of lime, sulphate of alumina, soluble phosphate of magnesia, perchloride of iron, &c.; but as none of these have been successful in causing a precipitation of ammonia, or any other manuring substance, it is needless to enter here into any further details regarding these experiments. Suffice it to ei no C 20 On the Principles and Methods | Jan., attempt hitherto made to extract a useful manure from sewage which could be applied in a solid form has proved anything but a failure. The Commission appointed by the British Association to report “On the Treatment and Utilization of Sewage,” states, with refer- ence to the treatment of liquid sewage, that at fifteen of the places which are sewered, wholly or partially, the liquid sewage is sub- jected to treatment either by allowing it to remain for a time in settling-tanks, from which the deposit is occasionally removed, as at Burton-on-Trent, Birmingham, Epsom, Farnham, and Andover, or by filtermg, as at Uxbridge and Ealing. In eight stances deodorizing materials are added, such as lime and carbolic acid, as at Carlisle and Harrow. Lime alone is used at Leicester; lime and chloride of lime at Luton ; perchloride of iron at Cheltenham ; perchloride of iron and lime at N orthampton ; ferruginous clay wetted with sulphuric acid at Stroud ; and at Leamington the lime treatment has lately been superseded by the A, B, Cc, method pro- posed by Messrs. Sillar and Wigner. By this treatment the sewage is clarified, and a deposit is separated which is sold as manure. In regard to the effects thus produced, it is stated that at Leicester the sewage runs off as pure as ordinary rain-water; at Ealing it is said to be free from smell, colourless, and harmless to vegetable or animal life; at Stroud and Luton the effect is stated to be satisfactory ; at Harrow the nuisance is said to be somewhat mitigated ; and at Abergavenny the stench is said to be abated by the treatment of the sewage; at Bury St. Edmunds upward filtra- tion through charcoal and gypsum has been abandoned in fayour of costly irrigation; at Banbury treatment of the sewage has failed ; at Hereford, where it was proposed to be adopted, it has not been tried on the score of expense; at Tunbridge it is about to be tried ; and at Hastings and Cambridge experiments are being made. ; With regard to the relative advantages of solid and liquid manure, supposing even that all the fertilizing properties of sewage could be retained in a solid form, we cannot perhaps do better than to quote the following extract from the ‘ Minutes of the General Board of Health relating to Drainage and Sewerage of Towns, &c., 1852, by whom the question seems to have been satisfactorily set at rest :—“ It is established by wide general experience that drained land does not deteriorate, but increases in fertility, and maintains its increased fertility from year to year, though washed through and through by all heavy falls of rain carried away by the drains. The rationale of this fact was displayed in the experiments prose- cuted by Professor Way, which show that upon the application of manures in the liquid form the fertilizmg elements do not escape through the soil, but are retained by it chemically. On the other 1870. ] of Sewage Irrigation. 21 hand, where manures are applied as top-dressings in the solid form, it is proved by experience that after heavy showers of rain the solid manure is washed away, bodily as it were, into the ditches and watercourses; so that whilst the outfalls from land top-dressed and undrained are turbid with the matter carried away, and com- plained of as a nuisance, the outfalls from drained land, richly manured with the liquid, discharge pellucid streams.” Liquid sewage has a special value distinct from the fertilizing matter it contains, and also from the water that transports it; and this is its temperature. The value of this peculiar property cannot be over-estimated in a country similar to this, in which extreme changes of atmospheric temperature often take place suddenly, and injuriously affect both plants and animals, and this is more particu- larly demonstrated in the depth of winter and during long and con- tinuous frosts. “It is a rather remarkable circumstance,” observes Mr. Baldwin Latham, “that when the greatest degree of tempera- ture is required the sewage possesses it, that is, the temperature of sewage has been found by the author to increase with the period of duration of frost. This is probably owing to the stagnation of surface-water, and also to the habits of the people, as much less cold water is used in the depth of winter than at other times. So great is the value of temperature, that a crop under sewage irriga- tion may be seen growing eyen at the time of a severe frost.” It does not appear that there exist any soils to which sewage irrigation may not be beneficially applied. That portion of the Craigentinny Meadows at Edinburgh known as Figgate Whinns, consists of absolutely pure sand, whilst the soil of other parts is a good loam passing into a strong clay; the former, which was originally worthless, now produces grass crops which sell at from 20/. to 287. per acre per annum, thus showing that no land can be too poor for profitable cultivation where liquid sewage is obtainable in sufficient quantity. A larger amount of sewage is required for light than for heavy soils, particularly during the first year of its application; and clay appears of all others to possess the peculiar property of separating the manurial ingredients more completely, and of retaining them better, than any other soil, and it is consequently found that the crops grown are much heavier, and that altogether clay soils produce a far better result than those of a light, sandy nature. Gravelly soils require a certain time to become thoroughly saturated with the sewage, and absorb it greedily while the operation is in progress. The value of a good system of drainage in all agricultural land is sufficiently understood at the present day; but if it be beneficial under ordinary circumstances, it is absolutely necessary where irri- gation is adopted, especially in heavy soils. “I have no doubt,” says Mr. Denton, in the letter above referred to, “that in cases of 22 On the Principles and Methods | Jan., sewage applied by way of irrigation to the surface of undrained clay land, or to water-logged free soil lacking natural drainage, the earth will become sodden, and liable to create a malaria; but with a perfect system of under-drainage (designed with relation to surface irrigation) at the first description of soil, and natural drainage in the second, sewage-irrigated land may be rendered perfectly harm- less.” From time to time complaints have been raised that land irrigated with sewage-water was offensive to the surrounding neighbourhood ; the observations of the British Association Com- mission, however, tend to prove that in most cases the application of the sewage for irrigation has not been attended with any apparent change in the sanitary condition of the district, whilst in several — instances there has been a marked improvement. Generally speak- ing, too, no objection appears to have been made to the application of sewage in this manner, and where such objections have been made, on the ground that the application was offensive and in- jurious, they do not appear to have been supported by medical authorities, and in several instances they have ceased. . The quantity of sewage that may be applied with advantage to an irrigated area in the course of the year has been closely investi- gated by Mr. Latham, and as the results of his calculations agree entirely with the experience obtained at Croydon, and with the experiments made by the Sewage Commission, we give them here as being probably the closest approximation to exactness yet ob- tained. Where it is considered desirable to apply as much sewage as will be sufficient for the growth of a grass crop, without drawing on the resources of the soil, 3645 tons of sewage per acre per annum will be required to grow 30 tons of grass, 4860 tons of sewage for a crop of 40 tons of grass, and 6075 tons for one of 50 _ tons of grass. If, however, the soil will provide half the potash required, then, to grow 30 tons of grass per acre, there will be required 1837 tons of sewage; to grow 40 tons of grass per acre, 2450 tons of sewage; and to grow 50 tons of grass per acre, 3062 tons of sewage. As 40 tons of grass per acre may be considered as easy of production on a properly-regulated irrigated area, and as it would not be desirable to exhaust the soil of any of its constituents, Mr. Latham considers that 4860 tons per acre may be said to be the right amount of sewage, and this closely assimilates with the conclusions arrived at by the Sewage Commission, who reported that 5000 tons of sewage per acre per annum was the right amount to apply im order to get the greatest results. The actual value of town sewage yet remains, to a certain extent, an open question, but it may be accepted as a universal rule, that only under the most exceptionally favourable circum- stances can the sale of it afford any adequate return upon the cost of constructing sewage works; so that, however profitable its use 1870. | of Sewage Irrigation. 23 may be to the farmer, it cannot be relied upon as a source of much income to the town whence it is obtained. The theoretical value of sewage has been calculated by some of our most eminent chemists and others, and the results arrived at vary from ld. to upwards of 2d. per ton. Practically, however, it has been found that this is too high, and that its real value—that is to say, the price which a farmer could afford to pay for it—does not exceed from $d. to 1d. per ton, and in estimating the probable returns from the sale of sewage it will always be safer to adopt the lower figure. | The cost of the application of sewage for irrigating land appears to be dependent on a number of local conditions, and, consequently, to vary considerably. It would seem, from the data collected by -the Commission appointed by the British Association, that in many instances the outlay requisite for this purpose would exceed what a farmer could be expected to incur, and that in such cases, at least, it would be proper to regard this outlay as coming under two distinct heads, wz. that which a town may reasonably be expected to bear for the mere object of getting rid of its refuse, and that which a landowner or farmer may be able to incur for the improve- ment of his land. It is probable that when viewed in this light the application of liquid sewage to land would become a source of revenue to towns only under special favourable circumstances, but that, in opposition to the opmions which have been somewhat hastily formed in certain cases, it will more frequently entail some amount of expenditure on the towns themselves. At the same time the benefit to land and the improvement in the condition of rivers to be realized by this mode of dealing with liquid sewage can scarcely be matter of doubt or uncertainty any longer. For carrying out a system of irrigation it is necessary, of course, that the sewage should, in the first place, be brought by channels or drains to the neighbourhood of the fields to be irrigated, where the more solid parts are separated from the liquid by allow- ing it to settle for a time, or, as is more generally the case, by a coarse system of filtration. For the distribution of the liquid, four different methods have been applied, wiz.: 1. That known as the hose and jet system. 2. Sub-irrigation, or the distribution of the fiuid below the surface of the ground. 3. By means of surface channels. And, 4. By total submersion. In deciding, however, which is the best system for distributing sewage, two things should be kept in view: the first is that all arrangements for its distribu- tion should be as simple and inexpensive as possible; and the second, that owing to the constant quantity of sewage to be dealt with, the arrangements must be capable of being worked at all times and seasons. With these preliminary remarks we proceed now to describe briefly the principles upon which the different methods of distribution, above referred to, are carried out. 24 On the Principles and Methods | Jan., 1. The Hose and Je& System.—The fatal objection to this system is that it is not capable of application at all seasons. In laying out works for the purpose, the sewage must, in the first instance, be brought into the field by means of underground pipes, which must also be laid in a sort of network over the whole grounds to be manured, to which pipes with couplings or hydrants for attaching a hose are fixed at certain points (see Vignette). In all cases where the hose and jet system is applied, the sewage must be deli- vered under pressure to enable it to be distributed over the field at a considerable altitude above its surface, as well as to overcome the friction in the pipes, and a head of from 10 to 12 feet is necessary where the sewage is delivered by the force of gravitation. Where a natural fall cannot be obtamed, pumping becomes necessary, and this adds considerably to the cost. One great objection to the hose and jet system is that sewage cannot be applied to crops by it except at the earliest stages of their growth, owing to the necessity for dragging long lengths of hose over the land; it is therefore quite inadmissible when the crop has grown to any considerable height. Besides, by this mode of application the sewage is sprinkled over the crops, falling upon them as a shower, instead of being applied to the roots, which, though it would be unimportant and © harmless were pure water only used, becomes actually injurious to vegetation in the case of sewage irrigation, by leaving certain de- posits upon the leaves and stems of plants, which clog their pores and check growth. The system has enjoyed a partial success on the farms of Mr. Alderman Mechi and Mr. Nelson, but at Rugby, and other places, it has totally failed, and been abandoned. Mr. Rawlinson has stated that it would cost more to distribute 500 tons of sewage per acre by the hose and jet than it would to apply 5000 tons by surface channels. 2. Sub-Irrigation—Under this system porous pipes, or tubes perforated with small holes, are laid under the ground at such a depth as to be beyond the reach of the plough, through which the sewage-water is forced. In some instances the pipes that are used for drainage may be made use of for this purpose by merely stop- ping up their outlets during the time that they may be required for irrigation, by which means the water will be dammed back until it reaches the upper stratum of the earth and the roots of the plants. This system has been practised in Switzerland to a limited extent; it is, however, expensive, and is open to the objec- tion that it tends to raise the water in the land to the level of the soil, and the earth thus becomes water-logged, in addition to which it is attended with a great waste of fertilizing matter owing to the depth at which the sewage is delivered below the surface, a part of it gravitating still lower into the earth, and only a portion reaching the roots of the plants. 1870. | of Sewage Irrigation. 25 3. Surface Channels.—For the purpose of distributing sewage by means of open carriers, or surface channels, it may, if desirable, be brought to the head of every field in a covered channel, or it may be permitted to flow through open ditches, as may be most convenient. This system, which is the simplest and most effectual, may be carried out in various ways, according to the configuration of the land. By it sewage can be at all times applied to the plant, as it merely runs in a thin film over the surface of the ground at its root ; but in all cases it is necessary that the land be specially prepared for the sewage by careful levelling, and otherwise accord- ing to its natural contour. This may be done in three ways, which are respectively known as the pane and gutter system, the catch- work system, and the bed system. The pane and gutter system is the best, and is admissible in all fields having a gentle rate of inclination. The land under this system is laid out, transversely between the open carriers that distribute the sewage, quite level ; the sewage is brought to the head of the field in an open or covered main carrier running transversely across it, or in the direction of its least fall; the carriers for distributing the sewage branch out from the main carriers and run down the field in the direction of its greatest fall; the sewage is distributed over the intervening space between the distributing carriers by means of stops or sluices (see Fig. 1) being placed in the carriers, which dam back the @o sewage and make it flow right and left over the ground in a | ve the ia passes from the main carriers into the secondary Fia. 2. Pane and Gutter. carriers at a (Fig. 2), which being dammed up at certain points are caused to overflow, the surplus water being carried away by the 26 : On the Principles and Methods : [ Jan., discharging drains B. A fair slope for this plan is from 1 in 100 to 1 in 120, or thereabouts. The catchwork system is suitable in all cases where the ground has a rapid rate of inclination, as, for instance, on the side of a hill. lt consists of a series of carriers one above another, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The sewage, flowing into the first and highest carrier, falls over the intervening land between it and the next lower carrier, which then takes up the water to distribute it in the same way on the land below it, and so in turn the process goes on till the bottom of the field is reached. Fic. 3. Catchwork. The sewage is first received at a, and flows over the ground to B, thence to c, and it is finally conveyed away by the trough or cafrier D. ‘The carriers in this case may be cut at a distance from each other of from 35 to 40 feet. As to the slope itself, 1 in 12 would be found a good limit, although 1 in 4 or 5 has not been considered too steep. The bed system is well adapted for level lands, or where there is but a slight fall. On this plan the land is laid out im a series of ridges and furrows ; the sewage is admitted into carriers which run along the summit of each ridge, and falls over the incline into the furrow below. This will be readily understood from the annexed plan and description, Fig. 4. A represents the ridge carriers which receive the sewage from the main carriers, running at right angles to them at the head of Fic. 4. A Ridge and Furrow. the field, and B shows the carriers in the furrows which are con- nected with the discharging drains. The sides of the slopes are carefully levelled to an inclination of about 1 in 120, and the ridges may be placed at an average distance of from 30 to 80 feet apart, according to the crop put into the ground. 1870. | of Sewage Irrigation. 27 4, Total Submersion.—The method of carrying out this system is by raising a bank round the field to be irrigated, and then turn- ing the water into it, where it is left until absorbed or evaporated, being from time to time replenished as may be necessary. It is extensively carried out in Piedmont and Lombardy in the cultiva- tion of rice, and, unlike any other, it 1s the only system of irrigation that is considered likely to affect the health of the imhabitants in the immediate neighbourhood of its operation, its special drawback being that it converts every field where it is practised into a swamp of the worst possible description. In conclusion, we may give the following short particulars re- garding the selection of crops to be cultivated by sewage; on this point, however, more experience is required, as, owing to the greater facility by which it can be applied to grass, but few experiments have been made for its use with other crops. Fast growing, succu- lent grasses appear to be the favourite crops, and especially Italian rye-grass, of which crops varying from 30 to 50 tons to the acre may be obtained annually ; and on one occasion as much as 61 tons were obtained in the year at the Lodge Farm, Barking. At Rugby some experiments have been made in the growth of oats, and the results reported to be of a most satisfactory nature. At Barking a couple of roods of land were ploughed up, irrigated with sewage, and sown with wheat; whilst a similar quantity of land, not irrigated, was also sown. ‘The yield of the sewaged land was exactly 14 time that of the land which was not so treated. Mangold wurzel has been grown with excellent results at Chelmsford, and at Barking the average return has been 50 tons per acre, just double that grown upon unsewaged soil. Winter greens, lucerne, beet, flax, celery, and cabbages have all been grown upon the farm at Barking, and have produced returns beyond all expectation, the onion being the only plant that evinced any repugnance at being treated with sewage. | Experience has now shown us that town sewage is not a refuse, and that allowimg it to fall into the nearest rivers, or into the sea, is nothing more nor less than wilful waste, to such an extent as to amount to a national loss, to say nothing of the con- sequent diminution of food which ensues by the destruction of fish. Few towns are so situated as not to be able to dispose of a portion, at least, if not the whole of their sewage upon adjoining lands, and where this is the case no more economical plan for getting rid of it has yet been devised. Where such accommodation is wanting it may be found necessary to have recourse to some one or other of the artificial means of deodorization to which we have already referred ; for although attempts to extract, by this means, a really valuable solid manure have hitherto proved unsuccessful, it would be unreasonable to draw the conclusion that means will not, sooner 28 The Solar Eclipse of August last. | Jan., or later, be discovered whereby all the fertilizing properties of town sewage may be separated from the water, and made available for disposal in the shape of solid manure. The following is a list of the works referred to in the foregoing article :— 1. Reports of the Commission appointed to inquire into the best mode of distributing the Sewage of Towns, and applying tt to beneficial and profitable uses, dated March, 1858, August, 1861, and March, 1865. Printed by Parliament. 2. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the best means of preventing the Pollution of Rivers, dated March, 1866, May and August, 1867. Printed by Parliament. 3. Lectures on Drainage, Sewage Irrigation, Water-supply, and Water-works, delivered at the Royal Engineer Establishment, Chatham, during the Autumn Session of 1867. By Baldwin Latham, C.E. 4. The Sewage Question. By Frederick-Charles Krepp. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1867. . The Purification and Utilization of Sewage. By Baldwin Latham, C.E. London: E. and F. N. Spon, 48, Charing Cross, 1867. 6. Sewage, and its general Application to Grass, Cereal, and Root Crops. By Thomas Cargill, C.E., &c. Robertson, Brooman, and Co., 166, Fleet Street, London, 1869. . A Short Account of the Modes of Sewage Disposal in some of the Chief Towns in England. By Capt. T. I’. Dowden, R.E., 1869. 8. Report on the Treatment and Utilization of Sewage by Com- mission appointed by the British Association, 1869. or ~] Ill. THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OF AUGUST LAST. By Wiiu1am Crooxss, F.B.S., &e. Tur important observations which were made last year with the spectroscope, polariscope, and photographic camera caused the total solar eclipse which took place on the 7th of August, and was visible over the greater part of North America, to be regarded with more than ordinary interest, as it was anticipated that the few minutes’ opportunity then afforded would enable several points left. doubtful last year to be satisfactorily cleared up. SPECTRUM OF THE PROTUBERANCES. will a We § Yi EMS 2 & SPECTRUM OF THE CORONA. PROF® . YOUNG. SPECTRUM OF THE AURORA BOREALIS MR WINLOCK. / ;> 17 ! THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 1869. 1870.] The Solar Eclipse of August last. 29 Commencing at noon in Alaska, the line of totality ran through British America, passing through the south-west corner of Minnesota diagonally through lowa, crossing the Mississippi near Burlington, thence through Illinois, West Virginia, and North Carolina, and entering the Atlantic Ocean on the North Carolina coast, near Beaufort. The path of the eclipse through the more inhabited parts of the continent literally bristled with telescopes ; the whole line being converted into one vast observatory. Although the duration of totality was less than in India last year, the circumstances were more favourable for observation, the heat being less and the position of the sun more convenient for observa- tion, instead of bemg almost vertical. The principal points which had to be observed were the nature of the protuberances, examined with the spectroscope and recorded photographically ; the nature of the corona; and the detection, if possible, of any intra-Mercurial planet. As might be expected from the easy accessibility of the entire line of totality, this eclipse has been most thoroughly observed by numerous parties, the report of whose work will in due time be presented to the scientific world. The most important observations were those recorded by the Iowa expedition, towards the expenses of which 5000 dollars had been voted by Congress. ‘The writer has to thank his friend, Dr. Henry Morton, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania, who had the superintendence of this expedition, for full details of the results obtained, together with some exquisite photo- graphs of the phenomena of totality, &c. These pictures show, in the first place, very fine definition in the telescope employed, as the roughness or mountainous character of the moon’s edge is clearly given in the pictures of partial phase, as well as the sun-spots and surrounding facule. The telescopes which were available for the purpose were two fine Munich Equatorials, of 6 inches aperture, with clockwork, and also an excellent Dolland, of 4 inches aperture, equatorially mounted, but without clockwork. It was concluded that on account of the risk of local clouds it would be desirable to take all these instru- ments, and distribute them over some distance on or near the central line, and it was also considered that at least five skilled operators would be necessary to each instrument. The next important point was the choice of the party, and it was soon found that an excellent selection might be had from among those whose position or engagements would allow them to volunteer without other compensation than the moral one contingent on success; and after a few changes, rendered necessary by sickness or other inevitable cause, the party as finally constituted consisted, besides Professor Morton, of Professor A. M. Mayer, Ph.D. ; Professor C. F. Himes, Ph.D.; Messrs. J. Zentmayer, O. H. Willard, 4 30 The Solar Eclipse of August last. | Jan., EK. L. Wilson, H. C. Phillips, E. Moelling, J. C. Browne, W. J. Baker, James Cremer, H. W. Clifford, O. H. Kendall, J. Mahoney, and W. VY. Ranger. It was a question of some moment to decide whether, for obtaining the photographic records, they should follow the plan adopted by the French and German expeditions of last year, and take the photograph in the principal focus of the object-glass, thus securing great intensity of light in a small image, or follow the method employed by Dr. De la Rue in 1860, when he used an ordinary Huygenian eye-piece so placed as to produce an enlarged image of the first image from the object-glass. It was found by experiment that with a clear sun it was necessary to reduce the aperture of the telescope (which was 4 inches, and 50 inches focus) to 14 inch, and to use a diaphragm slide of oth inch aperture, in order to get a proper exposure when the solar image was enlarged from °6 inch (its diameter at the principal focus of the objective) to 24 inches on the ground glass. The same size of aperture was adopted for the larger instruments during the partial phases, the entire aperture, in all cases, of course being used during totality. The work of designing and constructing these lenses, and also the different attachments to the cameras for securing exposures of various degrees of rapidity, from a very small fraction of a second to any desired length, was placed in the hands of Mr. Joseph Zentmayer, whose extended scientific attainments, combined with unrivalled skill in the construction of optical instruments, peculiarly fitted him for such a task. As the operation of the eye-piece, when employed to produce an image on the screen or ground glass of a camera, is essentially different from that which it performs in its usual office, it was judged best by Mr. Zentmayer to make some alterations in its form. Thus, in the first place, since in the present case the “ eye- lens” of the eye-piece undoubtedly makes a secondary image of the primary image formed within the eye-piece by the combined action of the objective and the field-lens of the eye-piece, it is clearly desirable to make this lens of a longer focus than usual, so that its errors may be of less account. It was also essential to give the new eye-plece a wide angle, so as to secure a sufficient field not only for the solar disc, but also for the corona. While therefore the ratio of focal lengths in the two lenses of the ordinary eye-piece is usually 1:3, it was in this case as 1:2. While the distance between the lenses is usually the sum of their focal lengths divided by 2, it was here made equal to the sum of the focal lengths divided by 2, plus *24 inch. This was to give space for the introduction of the reticule of spider lines, which would otherwise have been brought too near the field-lens, and also = 1870. ] The Solar Eclipse of August last. a to keep this lens beyond the conjugate focus of the eye-lens, as otherwise particles of dust on the former would have been too - faithfully portrayed by the latter. The elements actually adopted were as follows :-— Ft. In Focal length of objective .. i a, 36 Radius of field-lens 0 1°375 eye-lens 0 0°687 Focus of field-lens Ke 0 2°6 Diameter of field-Iens (= R) 0 1°375 Focus of eye-lens . : Oris Diameter of eye- -lens Ss R) 0 0:°687 Distance between lenses, 1° see 0° 5 Os) 22 Equivalent .. Or I" 7a Distance of reticule from eye e-lens for 5- in. distance 0 1°62 of ground glass.. When the instruments were boxed and packed, it was found that, with the various photographic appliances, they made no less than five farniture-car loads of material. In arranging the division of the party into three sections, with the three telescopes, so that they might be distributed along the line of totality, and thus diminish the chance of universal extinction by local clouds, Professor Morton was chiefly guided by the desire of securing in each section such a diversity of special ability as might make each self-dependent and complete; also, to leave nothing undone to secure content and harmony of feeling. He assigned to himself the University telescope, which being of smaller size and without clockwork movement, could not be expected to do as good work as the others: though should they by chance be overclouded, ats result would be invaluable. The High School telescope, 6-inch aperture, 9 feet focal length, was under the charge of Professor A. M. Mayer, Ph.D., and Mr. O. H. Kendall. It was stationed at Burlington, 40° 48! Li Di; Oh. 56m. 13s. West of Washington. By, ‘measurements of the photographs taken by this party, Professor Mayer has shown a change of shape in one of the larger spots during the eclipse, amounting to a motion of 2000 miles, in its edges. The Gettysburg telescope, 6- inch aperture, 84 feet focal length, was in charge of Professor C. I’. Himes, Mr. a Zentmayer, and Mr. E. Moelling. ‘This was stationed at Ottumwa, about 75 miles nearly west of Burlington. With the University telescopes were Mr. E. L. Wilson and Professor Morton. ‘This section was placed at Mount Pleasant, between the other stations. It is almost needless to say that all officials connected with the railways acted with the greatest liberality in transporting the appa- ratus and observers to the selected sites. The various parties having reached their destinations, arrange- ments were at once made to get the instruments into position. In 32 The Solar Eclipse of August last. [Jan., the case of the Burlington party, all went smoothly, and the dark weather alone prevented final adjustment until the night of the 6th, or morning of the 7th, when this was secured by Professor Mayer, who sat up all night for the purpose. With the Ottumwa instrument it was, however, found that the clockwork had become seriously deranged in carriage, so that Mr. Zentmayer was obliged to take it entirely apart and refit it. The final adjustment was only given to this instrument during the morning of the 7th by Mr. Zentmayer, who had watched all night, vainly, for a star. The telescope at Mount Pleasant having no clockwork, and being otherwise unfit for any fine adjustment, required no arrangement except what could be given during the morning of the 7th. The weather on the eventful day of the eclipse was at all sta- tions perfect, thus rendering needless the policy of distribution, and no less than 116 negatives were taken, including 13 during totality, showing a large number of prominences, some massive and others delicate as well as radiant brushes of a softer light, such as have been before seen, but never as yet photographed. By another of the sections of this large party, beside similar pictures to the above, one was obtained showing the curious phenomena known as Baily’s beads, being simply the last glimpse of the sun’s edge cut by the peaks of lunar mountains into irregular spots. The time of expo- sure determined by Professor Mayer for the partial-phase pictures was the ;1,th of a second. Those taken during totality were exposed from five to sixteen seconds. The general character of the prominences will be seen by the coloured illustration, which has been excellently copied from the original photographs and micrometric measurements forwarded to us by Professor Morton. The dotted circle inside the circumfe- rence of the moon, shows the relative diameter and position of the sun at the middle of the total eclipse. The accompanying woodcut may be regarded as a key to the coloured picture, and will serve to facilitate the following description of the phenomena :— The line 4 B represents the direction of a parallel of declination. cpa declination circle. FE is the moon’s path from first contact at ¥. The prominences are here all shown at once; although, of course, those on the sun’s eastern limb alone were seen at first, those on the west side only at the end of the totality. Proceeding from the north to the east, we first meet with a small prominence having the position angle of about 56° 30’; it 1s of the shape of a rice grain, with its base but slightly below the circumference of the moon. In breadth it is 2°50', and im height 22”; ag 1' on the cir- cumference of the sun equals 124 miles, and 1" of arc of the sun’s distance on August 7th subtends 449 miles, it follows that its actual dimensions are 21,000 miles long and 9900 miles high. 1870.] The Solar Eclipse of August last. 33 The next protuberance lies imbedded in the moon’s border, and has in form the appearance of a short, deeply-articulated worm; its mean position is 69° 17’; its length 46,700 miles, and its ereatest height 9900; between that protuberance and the point oc on the woodeut, are two flames in the midst of the glow previously de- scribed. Midway the diffused light rises to an elevation of 60,500 miles. We now come to a curiously-formed protuberance. Some have compared it to an ear of corn, but in the photographs it appears like an eagle with outspread wings resting on the trunk of a tree which leans towards the north. On one plate where the tree-stump is cut off by the advancing moon, the resemblance to an eagle on the wing is perfect. The form of this object indicates instability, Fig: 1. and impresses one with the idea that it is a great travelling whirl of flame, the direction of whose rotation—as indicated by the posi- tion of the wings and the projection of one on the other—is retro- grade, or in the same direction as the motion of the hands of a watch. Dr. Mayer, chief of the Burlington Section of the Phila- delphia Photographic Expedition, has examined, with care, the successive photographs of it, and he says that although at first he thought that the last impression differed from those preceding in that the wings had become longer and more in a line with each other, yet on subsequent examination he could not really decide that a perceptible motion had taken place during the time of totality. The height of this object is 36,700 miles, and the spread of the VOL. VII. D 34 The Solar Eclipse of August last. [Jan., wings 70,800 miles. The next protuberance extends to between E and 1 on the woodcut; it is of very irregular outline, and shows portions of its substance detached from the general mass and floating freely above it. The most elevated and bright of these detached flames floats at a height of at least 20,000 miles above the surface of the sun. Beyond1a white nebulous cloud rises to the elevation of 60,500 miles. Next follow two protuberances at x. We now pass to the western limb of the sun, and meet with the remarkably large and massive protuberance at @ on the woodcut. It is shaped like a bird’s head, with the beak and under-side of the head resting on the limb of the moon. Ona photograph taken at Ottumwa, lowa, just before the sun came out, this protuberance had the exact appearance of an albatross head with the beak open, holding a rounded mass between the extremity of the jaws. ‘The protuberance at F bears the most striking resemblance to a cater- pillar. It extends through an angle of 11°, or 81,800 miles; its maximum elevation, which is at the head of the caterpillar, is 23,000 miles. Out of the head issued two horns ; the one nearest the front being the higher of the two, and terminated with a knob or ball from which curves a broken line of light to the border of the moon. The next prominence at has the shape of a grain of rice slightly constricted in the middle. Between u and is another protuberance. Professor Young, who examined these prominences during the totality, has continued his spectroscopic notes of the prominences since the eclipse, and on September the 13th he obtained a view from which the accompanying woodcut is taken. He describes it as a long, straggling range of protuberances—the sketch giving a very fair idea of the number, form, and arrangement of the immense cloudy mass. The points a and b were very bright. On September 18th he noticed a remarkable phenomenon, which, although not bearing directly on the eclipse phenomena, is sufficiently rare to make it deserve recording in these pages. Whilst examining the spectrum of a large group of spots near the sun’s western limb, his attention was drawn to a peculiar knobbi- ness of the F line (on the sun’s disc, not at the edge), represented by the following cut a, at the point e. In a very few moments a brilliant spot replaced the knobs; not merely interrupting and 1870.] The Solar Eclipse of August last. 35 reversing the dark line, but blazing like a star near the horizon, only with blue instead of red light. It remained for about two minutes, disappearing, unfortunately, whilst * the observer was examining the sun’s image oti upon the graduated sereen of the slit, in order ” & ¢ ¢ 1 to fix its position. It is not known, there- fore, whether it disappeared instantaneously or gradually. 6 gives an idea of this appearance. On returning to the eye-piece, Professor Young saw what is represented at ce. On the upper e (more refrangible) edge of F there seemed to hang a little black moat, making a barb, whose point reached nearly to the faint iron line just above F. As given on Angstrém’s atlas, the wave-length of F is 486:07, while that of the iron line referred to is 485-92 (the units being millionths of a millimetre). This*shows an absolute change of 0:15 in the wave- length, or a fraction of its whole amount, represented by the decimal "00030, and would indicate an advancing velocity of about 55°5 miles per second in the mass of hydrogen whose absorption pro- duced this barbed displacement. The barb continued visible for about five minutes, gradually resolving itself into three small lumps, one on the upper and two on the lower line, Fig. 1,d. In about ten minutes more the F line resumed its usual appearance. Whilst on the subject of the solar prominences it may not be out of place to refer to some observations by Professor F. Zéllner, who has succeeded in observing them without an eclipse with great sharpness and clearness. From the nature ofthe method the same protuberance was simultaneously observed in three different colours corresponding to the three homogeneous lines of its spec- trum. ‘There is, however, a material difference between the red and blue image on the one hand, and the yellow on the other. The latter is very intense only in close proximity to the edge of the sun’s disc, and in this respect corresponds to the other images ; while the more delicate details disappear at a greater distance. This difference does not seem to be caused by the greater bright- ness of the spectrum in that region, but appears to depend on one of the two following hypotheses for an explanation :—either that the rays which give rise to the yellow image emanate from a gas having a greater specific gravity than hydrogen, and therefore existing at a lower level, or that the greater intensities of tempera- ture and pressure nearer the surface of the sun cause hydrogen to emit these rays. 3 Professor Zéllner’s paper, which will appear in the next number of the journal of the Franklin Institute (for early proofs of which the writer has to thank Professor Morton, the editor), is ae D WIZ /1\\N 36 The Solar Eclipse of August last. [ Jan., with beautifully coloured drawings showing the rapid changes which sometimes occur in the forms of these prominences even in the course of a few hours. Observing one of the most remarkable formations, the Professor says, “I hardly believed my eyes when I noticed in it the tongue-like motion of a flame. This motion was slower, however, compared with the size of the flame than that of high towering flames at great conflagrations. The time required by such a wave in passing from the base to the apex was about two or three seconds.” In comparing the general impression of the protuberances with terrestrial phenomena, the author states that the great majority remind him of the different forms of our clouds and fog. The cumulus type is completely developed in the cases here referred to. Other formations remind us of masses of clouds and fogs floating closely over lowlands and seas, whose upper parts are driven and torn by currents of air, and which present the well-known, ever- varying forms when viewed from the tops of high mountains. Professor Zodllner hopes, by using larger prisms and a circular sl't in the spectroscope, to be enabled to observe simultaneously all the protuberances on the edge of the sun, in the different parts of the spectrum, just as in a total solar eclipse of long duration. Returning to the August eclipse, one of the most beautiful observations was on the first contact by means of the spectroscope. Professor Young has been giving much attention to this subject, and had fitted up a very efficient instrument for the purpose. The instru- ment consisted of a spectroscope with five prisms of 45° each, having faces 24 by 3} inches ; the collimator and telescope had apertures of 24 inches, with a focal length of 17. These were connected with a ecmet-seeker of 4 inches aperture and 30 inches focus, used with an eye-piece, and giving an image of the sun 23 inches in diameter on the slit of the spectroscope. A graduated screen at the slit determined positions of points on the sun’s limb, and a wire micrometer measured the positions of spectrum lines. The whole was mounted equatorially with slow-motion screws. During the eclipse he was stationed at Burlington, Iowa, and shortly before the first contact was due, he found that there was a solar prominence located at the spot where first contact must occur (see F in cut on page 33). He therefore fixed his spectroscope with the slit radial to the solar edge at the point, so getting a prominent spectrum whose width was determined by the height of the prominence. Closely watching this, he pre- sently found that it began to narrow steadily, and at the instant that 1t became a mere line and disappeared he recorded first contact. The moon’s approach was perceived full 30” before its actual ap- pulse ; the observation was perfectly easy, and the time determined is certainly to be relied on within half a second, and probably much less. The presence of a prominence at the point of contact is not 1870. | The Solar Eclipse of August last. 37 essential to the success of the method, as there is everywhere on the sun's limb sufficient depth of chromosphere to answer the purpose. From the first photograph showing contact made by the Philadel- phia party at the same place, Professor A. M. Mayer, who had charge of that division, calculated the time of actual first contact, and found that it came within two-tenths of a second of the record made by Professor Young. Professor Young proposes to apply the spectroscope in this manner to observations both of the external and internal contacts at the next transit of Venus. The partial-phase pictures show the various sun-spots visible at the time (about six in number) with admirable definition, the larger ones being surrounded by a marked fringe of faculee. They all show a beautiful gradation of shade from the border of the sun inwards. This shading of the source of light is due to the absorption of the peripheral rays which necessarily pass through a greater thickness of the dense solar atmosphere than those which emanate from the central portion of the disc; on a more searching examination of the relative intensities of light of different portions of the solar disc, there may be observed on all of these photographs, close to the limb of the advancing or retreating moon, a bright glow like that of early dawn, which extends from the moon to a distance of about 15”. Unless this glow can be accounted for in node and in measure by diffraction, it would appear as if it were due to a lunar atmosphere, although Dr. Mayer, in suggesting this explanation, confesses that he cannot understand how an atmosphere capable of producing such marked effects when projected against the intensely lighted dise of the sun, should have no appreciable refractive effect on small stars when occulted by the moon. We should be more inclined to account for this glow as being the effect of specular reflexion from the surface of the moon grazed by the sun’s rays. A party under Professor Pierce devoted themselves exclusively to the recording of that strange phenomenon, the corona. ‘To secure any impression from this object, which, notwithstanding its apparent brightness, is remarkably deficient in photographic power, it was necessary to make a very small image and to give a very long exposure. The telescope was therefore arranged to produce an image in its principal focus simply, and during the totality an exposure of forty seconds was given. By this means a picture was obtained of which the cut on the next page is a very careful copy. From the long exposure, the motion of the moon, and probably also of the ight im the corona, there is little sharpness of definition, and the promi- nences only appear as bright spots. The general shape of the corona is, however, very well given, and the curious appearance of curvature, in some parts, is very manifest. Professor Himes, who 38 The Solar Eclipse of August last. | Jan., was at Ottumwa, describes the corona as approaching much more nearly in regularity the four-rayed form generally given, and which eda had always seemed idealized or con- fo ventional. The 8. W. ray was, however, unequally subdivided with the smaller part towards the north. The whole seemed of a fibrous, slightly curled or twisted character, somewhat like a cirrus cloud, and of silvery whiteness. The prominences, especially the large one a little to the left of south, seemed at the first instant of a dazzling white, but after his attention had been diverted for a few moments, it ap- peared of a brilliant decided rose colour bordering on crimson, and remained ~ of this colour to the close. To Mr. Zentmayer, who was engaged at the camera and had used neither telescope nor screen, it appeared white, with a slightly roseate hue. To Mr. Moelling, under similar conditions, it appeared white throughout. Messrs. Brown and Baker, who had a short glimpse of it from the door of the dark room, rather incline to the opinion that it was white. Professor Pickering, who was at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, describes the corona as an irregular four-pointed star with, of course, a black centre. ‘Two of the rays were nearly vertical and two horizontal, the left-hand one pointing somewhat downward, while between it and the iower ray was a fifth smaller point. The colour was pure white, very different from the full moon, but resembling a cumulus cloud. Its texture resembled the ragged edge of a thundercloud, or the crest of a wave torn by the wind. The striz were not radial but spiral, as if the sun had been turned in such a way that the upper edge moved towards the east. During the totality Professor Young gave special attention to observation of the corona with the spectroscope. He found that, in place of a subdued solar spectrum, which would have been anti- cipated from the reports of former observations, it yielded a spec- trum of bright lines. These are represented in the coloured illus- tration, and below the spectrum of the corona is given a copy of the spectrum of an aurora borealis as observed by Professor Win- lock on the evening of April 15th. From the close accordance between the coronal lines and three of the auroral lines, Professor Young considers it almost certain that the corona is simply ar electric discharge, no doubt varying with great rapidity, as we see in the case of the aurora; in fact, that the solar corona is a perma- nent aurora. It is, however, right to state that in an article by 1870. ] The Solar Eclipse of August last. 39 Mr. J. N. Lockyer in ‘ Nature,’ for November 4th, he throws some doubt on this conclusion, and hesitates tofregard the question as settled, were the new hypothesis less startling than it is. The most complete series of spectroscopic observations were those taken of the prominences. During totality nine bright lines were observed by Professor Young in the spectrum of one of the protuberances, wz. c dazzling in brilliancy; 1017°5 (near p, the numbers refer to Kirchhoff’s scale) very bright, but not equal to c; 1250 + 20, very faint, position only estimated; 1350 + 20, like preceding ; 1474 (a little below E), conspicuous, but not more than half as bright as 1017°5; F next to cin brightness; 2602 + 2, a little famter than 1474, position determined by micrometrical refer- ence to the next; 2796, a little below a; the well-known H y line in brightness between 1017°5 and 1474; and finally h, or H6é, somewhat brighter than 1474. 6 it is supposed was not seen; on account of a mistake in carrying that portion of the spectrum through the field, there was no prominence on the slit. The lines marked # in the coloured illustration are hydrogen lines. The opportunity which was afforded by the total obscuration of the sun’s light was taken advantage of to search for planetary bodies between Mercury and the sun, but without success, although Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Regulus, and Arcturus were plainly visible. The horizon all around was lighted up by a sort of dim twilight for four or five degrees in breadth, and above this rim of light hung a leaden canopy, increasing in depth towards the zenith. At the Ottumwa station a curious appearance was noticed by Mr. Zentmayer. During the time that the pictures of the partial phase were being taken at long intervals, the ground-glass plate was put in the camera to note any irregularities in the clock move- ment, should they occur. About twenty-five minutes before the totality, Mr. Zentmayer observed some bright objects on the ground- glass, crossing from one cusp to the other of the solar crescent. Each object occupied about two seconds in passing, and they all moved in right lines, nearly parallel, and in the same direction. These points were well defined, and conveyed to the mind of Mr. Zentmayer, who is accustomed to the use of the camera for photo- graphic purposes, the strong impression of being images of objects, and not points of light merely. It is, moreover, certain that the objects, whatever they might be, must (in order to have produced such sharply-defined images on the ground-glass) have been several miles distant from the telescope, as even a point of light at a less see would have produced an enlarged image, with a hazy order. The most complete account of the photographic operations is recorded in the report to Professor Morton by Dr. Mayer, who was the chief of the Burlington party. They arrived at their destination 40 The Solar Eclipse of August last. [Jan., on August 4th, and up to the morning of the 7th they were occupied in putting together the base and frame of the telescope, mounting the bed-plate, the polar and declination axis and circles, the cradle holding the telescope, fitting-in the tube and optical part, adjusting the verniers and bringing the instrument into altitude and azimuth adjustment. The whole of Friday, August 6th, there was a driving rain, an east wind, and a dull murky atmosphere, foreboding the worst results on the morrow—after haying spent previous weeks in preparation, and having travelled over a thousand miles, in the hope of carrying back with them permanent photographic records of the long-thought-of eclipse. As they retired to rest there appeared signs of the clouds breaking. They had barely fallen asleep when the clerk, according to previous arrangement, woke them with the agreeable news that there were plenty of stars. ‘They were soon dressed, and were charmed by the sight of a cloudless sky ; and Professor Coffin, Drs. Gould and Mayer were up all night putting their own special instruments in adjustment. When all was finished, the sun was rising, and the air as pure and serene as one could wish. On Saturday morning the chronograph was mounted, and electric wires were led to the camera, to Professor Young’s spectroscope, and to the station of Dr. Gould outside the building. The two threads of the reticule of the camera were placed one parallel and the other at right angles to the celestial equator, and experiments were now begun by Mr. Willard to ascertain the chemical focus. This was obtained after the tube had been following the sun for an hour or more, and after the focus was fixed the clockwork was kept going, so that no change in focus should supervene from a change in temperature in the lenses and tube. The clockwork adjustment had been regulated with such accuracy that it drove the telescope so that a star would remain closely bisected for twenty minutes. By 3 p.m. all was in readiness, and each one at his allotted post of duty, ready for work. The image of the sun was 2°04 inches in diameter, and was taken on a 44 x 54 inch plate. Mr. Zentmayer had so constructed the camera eye-piece, that the image of a reticule of two spider- threads at right angles to each other was formed on the plate with the image of the sun, and these threads were so mounted that they could be adjusted respectively parallel and at right angles to the celestial equator, and thus fix on the photographs the positions of the sun and moon, and give the position angles of points on the surface and periphery of the sun. The tube carrying the camera lenses screwed into a plate in which, immediately in front of the anterior lens, was a guide, in which a thin plate having a horizontal slot of ‘0224 inch in width was caused to descend by the action of a spring. This was used 1870. | The Solar Eclipse of August last. 41 for the partial phases. During totality the full aperture of the object-glass was employed, and a slide plate was used, having a circular opening which allowed the full beam to pass. This plate had two falls instead of one. On setting the plate free by the top trigger it fell, and the collodion plate was exposed to the entire beam ; after the desired exposure a lower trigger was relieved, and the plate made a second fall, and the lens being covered by the top of the plate, the exposure ceased. ‘These triggers were connected with a Morse register having a paper fillet running through it; at every second the clock for an instant opened the electric circuit, and there was a very short break made in the line marked by the pen on the fillet; thus the seconds of t¢me were stepped off in space on the paper ribbon. The triggers were so connected with this chronograph that an additional break was made during the time the photographic plate was being exposed. By measuring this break on the paper ribbon and comparing its length with the length of the second in which it occurs, the exact fraction of the second during which the plate was exposed will be given. Dr. Mayer arranged for his own duty to keep the telescope in adjustment, and to manipulate the apparatus of exposure and chronographic registration, while Mr. Willard placed the plate in the camera and gave the several times of exposure he desired during totality. Mr. Phillips coated the plates and handed them to Mr. Montford, who carried them to Mr. Willard, and thence, after exposure, to Mr. Mahoney, who developed them, assisted by Mr. Leisenring. The wall of the dark room adjoining where the telescope stood was fitted with two dark valves, or dumb waiters, by which the plate-holders could be passed in and out without the admission of light or the necessity of any of the operators moving from their places. Seven negative baths were used, standing in a trough of water to keep them cool, four plate-holders, and a large wooden trough with grooved sides, similar to a negative-rack; this was filled with a weak solution of hyposulphite of soda. In the dark room the first operator’s duty was to coat plates and- put them into the baths ; the second took them out, put them into the plate-holders, and passed them out of the room by means of one of the dumb waiters. After exposure, the holders were returned to the dark room by the second dumb waiter, when the third operator took the plate from the holder, developed, washed, and then dropped it into one of the grooves in the large fixing trough. There the plates remained slowly fixing till after the eclipse was over, when they were taken out in the same order in which they were put in, washed, and numbered with a diamond. At the telescope Mr. Rock was detailed to attend to the very important duty of calling out the seconds of the chronograph-fillet ; 42 The Solar Eclipse of August last. [Jan., Mr. Kendall called out the minutes at each 60-seconds call of Mr. Rock, and wrote it on the fillet. He also had charge of the chrono- graph, and started it when Dr. Mayer called “clock,” while, at the same signal, Mr. Rock began the registration of seconds. Dr. Mayer had laid out the following programme of work :—First to take in rapid succession, beginning 10 seconds before the computed time of first contact, a series of five photographs. Secondly, one just before second contact, one just after second contact, as many as pos-. sible during totality, one just before the end of totality, and another just after the sun reappeared. Thirdly, to take again a series in rapid succession about the end of the eclipse. Fourthly, during partial phase, to take a picture every four or five minutes. When the chronometer marked 12 h. 48 m., Mr. Rock began to count and register the times on the fillet. Every one was at his post, the lanterns lighted, and nothing could be heard but the count and tap of the chronograph. At 12h. 49m. 45s, the first photograph was taken, and following at intervals of from 10 to 12 seconds five perfect pictures were secured. The contact is first visible on the third. Photographs were now leisurely taken at intervals of about four minutes, until twelve plates in all were taken. About five minutes before totality, Mr. Willard removed the diaphragm of two inches aperture, which was used during partial phase, and exposed the full aperture of the object-glass, whilst Dr. Mayer changed the slide with -0224-inch slot for the one which admitted the whole beam at once on the plate in the camera. The order was given to prepare the plates. ‘The first plate was taken at 13 h. 51m. 39°15 s., or 7 seconds before the time of second contact as observed by Professor Coffin. ‘The slide was soon reset for another exposure, and as Mr. Willard desired the first plate of totality to be exposed five seconds, Dr. Mayer kept on counting zero, zero, zero, with the taps of the chronograph, until striking the upper trigger at zero, he counted one, two, three, four, five, when the lower trigger was struck and the plate removed. Counting the first plate, taken seven seconds before second con- tact, six photographs were taken in 2m. 3s. After the sixth was removed there still remained 50 s. of total phase. There was a delay in the plate. The observer grew impatient; he called plate! plate!! but, alas, it was found impossible to manipulate more than six plates in two minutes and three seconds. The store had been used up too rapidly, and so they did not succeed in getting an impression just before the sun came forth. The next plate was taken 29-2 seconds after third contact, and is a valuable photograph of a thin crescent, with the cusps sharply cut. Dr. Mayer describes the appearances during totality i in the fol- lowing words :—“ About 15 minutes before totality it became so cool that I was obliged to put on my coat. A minute or two before — 7! 1870.| Instruction in Science for Women. 43 totality, the sky grew ashen, or rather leaden in hue, and as, with face turned towards the sun, I kept the count from the chronometer for the first exposure, Venus and Mercury came out shining beau- tifully on a ground of bluish grey. I thought I saw a flashing, twirling motion in the corona, or in the last rays of the sun; but of this I will not be positive, for my attention was not, at the time, specially directed to minute observation. Moths and insects in profusion passed between me and the sun, while a flock of birds with troubled irregular flight seemed seeking cover from the un- natural gloom which surrounded them. “| SOSGE Wee oring “1-35 Two substances physically distinct, but occurring together near Brevig in Norway, have hitherto been confounded under the general name of Esmarkite. One of these is a true Praseolite, but the other ig an extremely rare mineral, which has received Des Cloiseaux’s attention during his visit to Norway.t This acute crystallographer has carefully examined authentic specimens of the true Esmarkite, and pronounces it to be merely a laminar variety of the felspar— anorthite. Several new species recently described demand a cursory notice. Glaucopyrite is Professor Sandberger’s name for a new mineral, ob- tained from Guadalcanal in Spain, and consisting of an arsenio- sulphide of iron, in which part of the iron is replaced by cobalt and * “Analisi chimiche di alcuni minerali delle ,isole del mare toscano.”— ‘ Bollettino del R. Comitato geologico d'Italia,’ 1870, p. 82. + ‘Ann. d. Chim. et de Phys.,’ 1870, p. 176. 1870. | Mineralogy. 419 copper, while part of the arsenic gives place to antimony.* Herr Boricky describes, under the name of Zepharovichite, a new,species allied to Wavellite occurring in the sandstone of 'Trenic in Bohemia.{ Tschermak proposes the name of Stmonyzte for a salt lately found at Hallstadt, closely related to Bloedite, from which it differs, how- ever, in being stable when exposed to the air.t Finally, Dr. Schrauf apples the name Simlacte to a mineral from Simla in India, simular to meerschaum, but containing alumina, and belong- ing to the group of halloysites.§ Two Cornish minerals have lately been analyzed by Professor Church—the one a variety of kaolin, akin to lithomarge, and termed Restormelite ; the other is the beautiful green mineral known as chalcophyllite, or copper-mica.|| The formula of restormelite may be written Al,O;.2 Si0,-++ 2 ag.; while the composition of the chalco- phyllite may be thus expressed: 8 CuO. Al,O,.As,0, + 24 ag. Attention is directed by Mr. 8. G. Perceval] to the occurrence of topazes in the granite of Lundy Island, somewhat similar to the well-known crystals from the granite of the Mourne mountains. The writer of this Chronicle has for several years past been familiar with specimens of both topaz and beryl from Lundy. Professor How follows up his ‘ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia’ by further notices of the two species—natroboro- calcite and silicoborocalcite, now better known under Dana’s names of Ulexite and Howlite.** Both minerals have been found good substitutes for borax in welding. We learn from the ‘ Levant Herald’ that a large meteorite fell at Mourzouk, in Fezzan, on or about the 25th December, 1869. The fall occasioned considerable consternation to a group of Arabs who were standing near, and they immediately discharged their muskets on the unwelcome stranger. }} It seems likely that the Australian mineral lately introduced under the name of Wollongongite will in future be known by some more appropriate designation. The Rev. W. B. Clarke has pointed out that some little error has arisen in assigning to this species a local habitation anda name. In fact, the so-called Wollongongite occurs not in Llawarra, but at a place called Petrolia, formerly known as Reedy Creek, where it was recognized by Count Strzelecki as far back as 1839. Under these circumstances the name ceases to be appropriate, so that “ there can be no question, I think,” says Mr. Clarke, “that Wollongongite is a misnomer, and that Professor Siliman will change it.” A good deal of common sense characterizes the little minera- * ‘Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie,’ 1870, p. 196. ¢ Ibid., p. 229. { ‘Sitzber. d. Kais. Acad. d. Wiss., 1869. No. XXV. § ‘Corr, Blatt. d. z. Mineralog.’ Regeusburg, 1870. p. 64, || ‘Chemical News,’ May 13, 1870, p. 223, q ‘Geolog. Mag.,’ 1870, p. 192. ** «Phil, Mag.,’ April, 1870, p. 275. tt ‘Nature,’ vol. i, p. 538. 420 Chronteles of Science. | July, logical guide which Dr. A. M. Thomson has published in Sydney,* for the assistance of explorers seeking to develop the mineral re- sources of the colony. Plain directions are given for easily recog- nizing the more important species—a task at all times extremely embarrassing to the unassisted beginner. 10. MINING AND METALLURGY. Munina. THE newly drafted Bill amalgamating the Mines Regulation Bill and the Metalliferous Mines Bill has been printed. We cannot but think that this amalgamation will be found to be unfortunate. Nearly all the conditions of a coal mine and a copper or tin mine are so different, that it is quite impossible to apply the same legis- lation to them with any hope of advantage. This is shown on the face of the Bill itself. It now comprehends three sets of General Rules: one applicable to all mines; the second, to coal mines only ; and the third, to mines other than coal mines. The redrafted Bill is supposed to embody the suggestions of the representatives of all the interests affected—it is therefore probably now in that form which will become law. In the last Quarterly Journal we suffi- ciently entered upon the principles of the Mines Regulation Bill, and therefore we need not occupy valuable space by enlarging upon its clauses. Tin mining has, once again, resumed its condition of high pros- perity in our western counties; the prices of tin ore (black tin), which have varied during the past quarter from 75/. to 85/. the ton, being such as to leave a large profit to the miner. The result of this is that numerous new tin mines are being opened, and the miners have full employment and are getting good wages. Copper mining is not in the same favourable condition. The Clifford Amalgamated Mines, which employed a short time since upwards of a thousand persons, are about to be abandoned, after a long and profitable career. These mines—which comprehend the United Mines, the Gwennap Consolidated Mines and Wheal Clifford —were the most extensive copper mines in this country. The levels were upwards of sixty miles in length, and from six to seven miles of shafts had been sunk upon the lodes. This mine was re- markable for the very high temperature of its lower levels. The miners in some of the ends of the levels worked in temperatures varying from 110° F. to 115° F., the water rising in those levels being at the temperature of 120 F. This hot spring was remark- * ‘Guide to Mineral Explorers in distinguishing Minerals, Ores, and Gems.’ By Alexander M. Thomson, D.Sc. Sydney, 1869. 1870. | Mining. 421 able for the great quantity of lithium which it held in solution. All the lower parts of the mine are now filled with water ; a little tin is being obtained from the shallow levels ; the machinery is being removed ; and soon this scene of activity will become a silent ruin. At Wheal Owles, in the mining district of St. Just, there have lately been discovered some valuable samples of the oxide of ura- nium, which have been sent into the market and realized high prices. The Gold-fields of Nova Scotia—The declared returns of gold for the whole province to the end of the year 1869 are as follows :— Number of : Annual Year. Yield of Gold. Miners daily | Quartz crushed. | 4V¥¢T@8e Yield | oaimings per employed. per fon. man. OZ. dwt. gr. No. cwts. oz. dwt. gr. $ c, 1862 .. 7.210 OO 500 134,800 SZ 291 00 1863 .. 14,001 14 17 877 340,035 0 18 10 319 30 1864 .. 20,022 18 13 810 428,700 1 0 20 494 36 1865 .. 25,454 4 8 683 ; 500,025 1 3 6 745 6 1866 .. 25,204 13 2 679 635,387 017 13 742 56 SBGfe eas oats EE TTL." | 702 666, 429 0 19 10 778 66 1868 .. 20,541 610 | 774 678,817 014 6 530 84 1869... 17,868 10 19 676 708,486 011 5 528 64 Total .. | 157,682 9 8 | 713 | 4,092,679 | 0 15 10 | 553 90 The gross yield of gold in Nova Scotia during the past ten years has been 180,000 oz., representing, in round numbers, a value of 720,0002. sterling. The produce of gold in Nova Scotia for the year ending 31st December, 1869, in all the gold-producing districts, is shown in the following Table :-— A Value oe : aily Average | #Verage yie District. eee of ayeeene Quartz crushed.| yield “ ee employed. One ployed at $18°5 per oz, | oz. dwt. gr. | No. tons. cwt.|oz.| £ s. d Stormont ..| 227 013 19 784 0/0 519| 4715 11 Wine Harbour | ALS VOR 0) 65 2 eo. be. | Ooo. 6 44 6 Sherbrooke .. | 5,546 11 16 134 PY O00 OO" Oo Ia 16a tae 6 Tangier .. 1,192 3 10 51 L332) 2 | O17 21 93 5 6 Montague .. 805 13 14 29 Oey 8 ay eS | Jad Be 7 Waverley sa 1,591 14 10 54 3,915 15; 0 8 3/117 18 1 Oldham .. | 1,394 16 0 56 1,730 2/;016 1 SNL Phoelll Renfrew .. .. 3,097 Td". 7 112 7,208 9;0 812/110 12 9 Uniacke .. 1,867 3 12 71 5,171 13.| 0 11 18 | 105 3:10 Lawrencetown . 30 0 20 20 293 0:0 216 G6 148 aie ae aL a | 2,000 O'23 36 Woon te Oe te | ie eg Unproclaime poe a 394 11 19 29 622 9/0 623] 54 8 7 17,868 019 | 676 | 35,424 6/010 2/105 14 7 422 Chronicles of Science. [ July, The produce of gold for the month of February, 1870, being according to the Mineral Inspector’s Report, as follows :— District. | Gold yield. Quartz crushed (Colonial weight). oz. dwt. gr. tons. Sherbrooke .. .. .. 309.10-4:0 694°03 PAIGE se we. win, te 135 7 20 88-00 Olam fo0 ss. 104 7 14 200-07 Waverley Bed ee tee WAT 141-00 Eo i nr ee ff Spe ae | 223:°10 Musquodoboit ts ae 52 5 21 73°10 ACRE! ess” eh on 47 2 4 105-00 Wine Harbour 28 712 100°10 Isaac’s Harbour 21115 3°10 Mr. R. Brough Smith reports that the total quantity of gold raised in Victoria in 1869 was 1,544,7574 ounces, and of this there were exported 1,340,8384 ounces. The total imports into England of Australasian gold in 1869 were of the value of 7,892,7571. Since 1858 the imports have been as follows :— £. Le BSIS x2), os « Sy O%, 160 1364 oe) oni As Gdosane $359" i. 8s. Sek, UU 1860°".. se. Ss 00l, bTU 1860 cv ibs 6,749, 000 1866.0\.5) 26 68365674 1861...) \2,...6,801,220 IBGT.. “wa ~wegi(\ BOIGZ07 TOU os we, VOg AE aoe 1868 .. .. 6,989,594 1863 .. .. 5,995,368 The increased returns of the last three years were due to the opening of new gold-fields in Queensland, South Australia, and New Zealand. METALLURGY. Mr. Spence, of Newton Heath, Manchester, has patented a new process of separating copper from ores. He takes the solution of chloride of copper as now obtained in extracting copper from ores (by the wet process) which contains iron in variable proportions, and generally contains free hydrochloric acid. This solution he places in large open vats, and in another vessel of cast iron, fitted with a revolving stirrer, he places a considerable quantity of the vat waste of the alkali manufacture, or the spent lime from the gas purifiers, and to this is added a solution of sulphate of ammonia, or chloride of ammonium. The vessel or still being closed, a jet of steam of from 20 to 30 lbs. pressure is blown into the mixture. Sulphide of ammonium distils over, and is conveyed by a pipe into the vat con- taining the metallic solution of copper and iron, by which sulphide of copper is precipitated, and the ammonia combines with the 1870.] Metallurgy. 423 liberated hydrochloric acid. The process is continued until all the copper is thrown down, which point is at once observed by sulphu- retted hydrogen being evolved, when the process is stopped ; for if continued, the ammonia would now neutralize the free acid, and the iron would then be precipitated. The sulphide of copper thus ob- tained is very nearly pure; it is washed and dried, and smelted into copper by any of the usual methods employed. A new process of calcining tin and other ores has been adopted by Messrs. Oxland, F.C.S., and John Hocking. The ores are introduced into a revolving iron cylinder, 4 feet in diameter and 30 feet long, lined with fire bricks, and supported at an inclination of about 2 inch per foot on three pairs of rollers, on which it is kept constantly revolving at a slow rate. ‘The fire passes from the fire- place over a chamber into and through the tube. The ore having been first dried on iron plates in suitable flues, at the back of the calciner, is admitted in a steady stream into the higher end of the cylinder, and the slow revolving motion imparted to it causes the advance of the ore by its own gravitation, and it is discharged in a continuous stream into a chamber between the fire-place and the front of the tube. Great economy of fuel is said to be effected by this furnace. The heat from the fuel has to traverse more than double the distance over which it passes in Brunton’s calciner before it escapes into the flues, and the tube presents nearly double the amount of heating surface. None of the working parts are exposed to the action of the fire. In working it is found to be economical both as regards fuel and labour. Several patents have been taken out of late relating to the manufacture of iron and steel. Mr. Cowper, of Westminster, patents improvements in treating cast iron for the production of wrought iron and steel therefrom. By this process the purification of the east iron is accomplished by a jet of superheated steam applied to a stream of the liquid iron as it flows from the blast furnace, so as to divide it up into small particles, and act upon them; the iron is received into a hot box, and transferred to a calcining furnace, in which it is kept hot whilst still exposed to an atmosphere of hot steam ; such purified iron is mixed either hot or cold with liquid cast iron, and afterwards used as cast iron, or made into steel or wrought iron. In the manufacture of steel Mr. Julius Baur, of New York, patents a process of alloymg or combining metallic chromium with metallic iron, so that chromium in a metallic state shall be present in the finished product, which is said to impart valuable properties to it. This process is distinguishable from that secured by Mr. Robert Mushett for mixing oxide of chromium in the manufacture of steel. Letters patent have also been granted to Mr. J. M. Stanley, of Sheffield, for improved modes of utilizing the heat given off during 424 Chronicles of Science. [July, the decarbonizing or converting process, the object of which is to eave the consumption of fuel, and reduce the cost of the metals. There is also an invention whereby very superior iron and steel are said to be obtained by smelting titanic iron ore, Imenite, in a blast furnace, without the addition of any other metalliferous body ; the alloy of iron thus obtained possesses a large percentage of car- bon. Various methods are adopted to carry out this process, The inventor is Mr. T. 8. Webb, of the Norton Iron Works. | 11, PHYSICS. Licut.—Spectrum analysis has been applied by Vogelsang and Geissler to the difficult question of determining the chemical nature of the fiuid found enclosed, in minute quantity, in the cavities of certain quartz-crystals. Fragments of quartz were placed in a small retort, which was connected with an air-pump and exhausted ; then, by the application of heat, the quartz decrepitated, and the evolved vapour was examined in a Geissler-tube. The presence of carbonic acid was thus abundantly proved, and this was confirmed by the turbidity which it produced in lime-water. A great improvement in the spectroscope has been made by Mr. Browning, who calls his instrument the automatic spectroscope. It is furnished with a battery of six equilateral prisms of dense flint glass; all the prisms are joined together like a chain by their respective corners, the bases being in this manner linked together. This chain of prisms is then bent round so as to form a circle with the apices outwards ; the centre of the base of each prism is attached to a radial rod. All these rods pass through a common centre. The prism nearest the collimator, 2. ¢. the first prism of the train, is a fixture... The movement of the other prisms is then in the pro- portion of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the last or 6th prism moving five times the amount of the second. All these motions are communicated by the revolution of the micrometer screw, which is used for measuring the position of the lines in the spectrum; and the amount of motion of each, and of the telescope, is so arranged that the prisms are automatically adjusted to the minimum angle of deviation for the ray under examination. It is easy to test the efficiency of the instrument in this respect. On taking the lens out of the eye-piece of the telescope, the whole field of view is found to be filled with the light of the colour of that portion of the spectrum which the observer wishes to examine; while in a spectroscope of the usual. construction, at the extreme ends of the spectrum, just where the light is most required, only a lens-shaped line of light would be 1870. | Physies. 425 found in the field of view. As a consequence of this peculiarity, the violet and deep-red ends of the spectrum are greatly elongated, or rather, much more of them can be seen than in an ordinary spectroscope, and the H lines, which are generally seen only with difficulty, come out in a marked manner. Drs. Roscoe and Thorpe have recently communicated to the Royal Society the results of a series of determinations of the chemical intensity of total daylight, made in the autumn of 1867, on the flat plateau of the river Tagus, about 84 miles south-east of Lisbon, under a cloudless sky, with the object of ascertaining the relation existing between the solar altitude and the chemical intensity of the light. The experiments were made as follows:—1. The chemical action of total daylight was observed in the ordinary manner ; 2. The chemical action of the diffused daylight was then observed, by throwing on to the exposed paper the shadow of a small, blackened, brass ball, placed at such a distance that its apparent diameter, seen from the position of the paper, was slightly larger than that of the sun’s disk; 3. Observation No. 1 repeated; 4. Observation No. 2 repeated. Next, the means of observations 1 to 4 were taken. The sun’s altitude was determined by a sextant and artificial horizon. One of the sets of 134 observations was made as nearly as possible every hour. It has been already pointed out, and proved by experiments made at Kew, that the mean chemical intensity of total daylight, for the hours equidistant from noon, is constant. The results of the present series of experiments prove that this conclusion holds good generally. One of the chief results arrived at is that, although the chemical intensity for the same altitude, at different places and at different times of the year, varies according to the varying transparency of the atmosphere, yet the relation, at the same place, between altitude and intensity, is always represented by a straight line. A new and very ingenious graduating diaphragm for the micro- scope has been contrived by Mr. J. Zentmayer. This exceedingly ingenious arrangement is shown in the accompanying cuts, which are taken from photographs; Fig. 1 showing the apparatus with Pre. 1. Fie. 2. | ———S re pet —— ee 2... SS \ > -s 6 SS S22: — 2 eg =! =: == EF = = Z = SS = ———=$4 = = = SSS SSNS == Oz 6 =]_=E ESS SS =: == SSS ———— == EEA =. ]S= = = SS ——— >- Se —S— ‘ ———— —— = ! its largest, and Fig. 2 with its smallest opening. To obtain a circular diaphragm which, like the eye, should expand and contract 426 Chronicles of Science. [ July, gradually by a continuous change, and yet be made of rigid and unchangeable material, might seem at first sight to be an impossi- bility ; but, after all, when the result is accomplished, as in this apparatus, we are surprised as much by the simplicity as by the ingenuity of the means employed. ‘The woodcuts almost explain the apparatus of themselves ; but we may say, in addition, that it consists of two cylinders or rollers with parallel axes and surfaces in contact, having similar conical grooves on their surfaces, and fine teeth cut at one end of each, which, gearing together, cause them to rotate in unison. There is, theoretically, an objection to a diaphragm of this construction, from the fact that its opening will not always be in the same plane—that is, the smallest cross-section of the space between the rollers will not always be equidistant from a plane at right angles to the line of sight and passing through the axes of the rollers. With the larger opening, this cross-section will be nearest to, and with the smaller, farther from, such a plane. In practice, however, this difference is so small as to be entirely unim- portant, and may even, in some cases, be turned to advantage. Experiments have been made at Toulon by M. F. Silvas to try to attach to life-buoys another floating body provided with phos- phide of calcium, which, on becoming wet, gives off spontaneously combustible phosphuretted hydrogen, thus emitting light to guide the man, who might have fallen overboard and be in search of the life-buoy. Heat.—Dr. Guy has arranged in series the different poisonous substances according to their melting and sublimation temperatures. The arrangement is as follows:—(1) Sublimates formed without any previous change of state of aggregation, and giving white vapours; under this head are brought bichloride of mercury, calo- mel, arsenious acid, and cantharidine. (2) Sublimates after pre- vious fusion, and without leaving any residue—vwiz. oxalic acid. (3) Sublimates after previous fusion, leaving a carbonaceous residue —morphine and strychnine. (4) Fusion, change of colour, subli- mation and deposition of carbonaceous residue, aconitine, atropine, delphine, veratrine, brucine, digitaline, picrotoxine, solanine. (5) De- crepitation ; slow and partial sublimation; tartar emetic. Professor Morren has instituted some experiments on the com- bustibility of diamonds, and the effect of a high temperature on these gems. ‘The author, in a letter, first relates the following facts as having given rise to his experiments. A jeweller at Marseilles was requested to enamel afresh the gold bearings of two large diamonds of great value, used as shirt buttons. Instead of taking off the diamonds, always a delicate operation, the jeweller, who had frequently executed such work previously, decided to enamel the gold while the diamonds were left on their bearings. Not having 1870. | Physics. 427 charcoal at hand, the jeweller took coal for heating the mufile for enamelling, an operation which succeeded most perfectly; but on taking the buttons from the muffle, the jewels had become perfectly black, and no amount of rubbing or friction restored them to their pristine state. The jeweller was therefore obliged to dismount the jewels, which looked like plumbago, and to send them to Paris, when by the first touch of the lapidary’s wheel they became restored to their former beauty ; while, curiously enough, their weight had notchanged. Professor Morren who, through the kindness of MM. Laurin, jewellers at Marseilles, was enabled to experiment with several diamonds, placed them on a small platinum boat in a pla- tinum tube, and tried the effect of a high temperature simultaneously with different gases. Heated in coal-gas the gems become blackish, increase in weight, and are found to be coated with a strongly- adhesive layer of carbon, such as is deposited in gas retorts; in pure hydrogen, the gems may be heated almost to the melting- point of platinum without undergoing any change; heated in car- bonic acid gas, the gems become dull and lose a little weight. ‘The carbonic acid gas was found to be dissociated into carbonic oxide and carbonic acid; this, the author found, was caused by the platinum and not by the diamond. When the diamond is placed in oxygen eas and ignited, it continues to burn, but remains white, appearing as a piece of unpolished glass; the stone does not blacken, nor swell up, and, if it is free from flaws or cracks, does not split asunder. Dr. Janssen, who, it will be remembered, went to India for the purpose of observing the total solar eclipse, has communicated some observations on the artificial production of ice in India. In many parts of the Indian continent, the natives dig shallow pits in localities which are freely open to the sky and distant from trees. ‘The pits are lined with straw, and upon the straw are placed dishes (made of a very porous earthenware) filled with water. During the calm and ¢lear nights prevailing in the period from November to the end of February the water placed in the dishes freezes, yielding a solid cake of ice, while the temperature of the air is + 10°. Dr. Janssen has investigated this curious subject experimentally, and has found that the freezing is principally due to the radiation during the night ; but the evaporation of the water, aided by the porosity of the earthenware employed, is at the same time not to be overlooked, In order to exhibit the effect of the expansion of water when freezing, F. Ridorff fills with distilled and previously well-boiled and cooled water a cast-iron cylinder, having the following dimen- sions:— Height, 160 millimétres ; diameter (external), 50 millimetres ; thickness of solid iron, 15 millimetres, After having been filled with water this apparatus is closed by means of a plug screwed into the neck, and the cylinder is next placed in a mixture of three parts VOL. VII. 26 428 Chronicles of Science. [July, of snow or pounded ice, and one part of common salt; after about forty minutes the cylinder bursts with a loud report. It is essential for the success of this experiment that the plug fits very perfectly, and that the cylinder, after having been filled with water, be placed for some time in ice. ‘The wooden pail which contains the freezing mixture should be roomy, and be covered with a stout towel to pre- vent the spirting about of the contents at the time of the bursting. Some experiments on the freezing of wine have been tried by A. Rousselle. The reason why freezing improves wines, under certain conditions, is, according to this author, because by partial freezing the proportion of all the fixed substances in the liquid Wine is increased ; and these are, moreover, thereby rendered more fit for causing the combination of the acids with the alcohol, so as to form those ethers to which wine owes its peculiarly distinct flavour, aroma, and strength. Dr. Hann has tried to solve by observation the problem of the decrease of the temperature of the air in relation to the elevation above sea-level, by comparing the average of temperature as observed at certain groups of stations situated under the same mean latitude and longitude, and by taking into account local influences. Seven of these groups are situated in the western portion of the Alps, at from 230 to 3330 metres above sea-level; four in the northern part of Switzerland, at from 500 to 1780 metres above sea-level ; three in the Rauhe Alps (Wurtemburg), at from 310 to 810 métres above sea-level; four in the Erzgebirge (Central Germany), at from 180 to 850 métres above sea-level ; and four in the Harz (province of Hanover and Brunswick), at from 70 to 1140 metres above sea- level. The results obtained have proved that, in the instances mentioned, the decrease of the temperature of the atmosphere near the ground is really proportionate to the height of the locality above sea-level. When the results of all the observations are duly con- sidered, there is discovered a strongly marked annual periodicity, and a very uniform decrease of temperature from below to above, the average relation of the temperature reigning in December being, to that of June, as 1 to 2. Dr. Yon Wartha has obtained solid disulphide of carbon by the rapid evaporation of this liquid itself, in the same way as solid car- bonic acid is formed. The solid sulphide melts at 9° F’., and has the appearance of small cauliflowers. Some time ago M. Lamy proposed a pyrometer based upon the dissociation of carbonate of lime. He now proposes to apply ammo- niacal chloride of calcium, which gives off ammonia at low tempera- tures. The instrument is to be connected with a manometer, which will record the temperature. The contrivance is to be especially adapted to record the temperature at different depths under the 1870. | Physies. 429 surface of the soil. In reference to this, M. Z. Becquerel and others have very properly observed that better and far more accurate means for accomplishing this purpose exist already, and are daily employed with success. A valuable substance for crucibles and fire-bricks has recently been discovered. ‘There occurs, in the Département des Ardennes, France, a variety of hydrated silica known by the name of gaize, and geologically situated below the cretaceous deposit; the thick- ness of this layer is 30 metres, and it extends over a distance of 24°85 English miles. The sp. gr. of this substance is 1°48 in crude state, and after ignition 1-44. This stone is used as a building stone; it is, at first, quite soft, so that it can be cut with a knife. The material resists a very high temperature without fusion or cracking, or, also, of perceptible contraction, either cubical or linear, and it has consequently been recommended for the manufacture of crucibles (on the lathe), for fire-bricks, and for furnaces. Execrriciry.—A cause of error in electroscopic experiments has been pointed out by Sir Charles Wheatstone, F.R.S. In the course of some experiments on electrical conduction and induction the author was frequently delayed by what at first appeared to be very puzzling results. Occasionally he found that he could not discharge the electrometer with the finger (or only to a certain degree), and that it was necessary, before commencing another experiment, to be in communication with a gas-pipe which entered the room. How he became charged could not at that time be explained ; observation and experiment, however, soon led Sir Charles to the true solution. He was sitting at a table not far from the fire-place, with the electro- meter (one of Peltier’s construction) before him, and was engaged in experimenting with dises of various substances. ‘To ensure that the one in hand (which was of tortoiseshell) should be perfectly dry, it was held for a minute before the fire. Returning, and placing it on the plate of the electrometer, it had apparently acquired a strong charge, deflecting the index of the electrometer beyond 90°, and it was then observed that the same thing took place with every disc thus presented to the fire, whether of metal or any other substance. The first impression was that the dise had been rendered electrical by heat; but, on placing it in contact with a vessel of boiling water, or heating it by a gas-lamp, no such effect was produced. The next conjecture was that the phenomenon might arise from a difference in the electrical state of the air in the room, and that at the top of the chimney. That this conjecture, however, was not tenable was soon evident, because the same deviation of the needle of the electro- meter was produced by bringing the disc near any part of the wall of the room. ‘This seemed to indicate that different parts of the room were in different electrical states; but this, again, was dis- 2G 2 430 Chronicles of Science. [July, proved by finding that, when the positions of the electrometer and the place where the disc was supposed to be charged were inter- changed, the charge of the electrometer was still always negative. The last resource was to assume that the author himself had become charged by walking across the carpeted room, though the effect was produced even by the most careful treading. This ultimately proved to be the case; for, resuming his seat at the table, and scraping the foot on the rug, Sir Charles was able, at will, to move the index to its greatest extent. As a substitute for copper for the Daniell Electric Battery, Dr. C. Stélzel proposes to take a piece of well-polished tin plate (sheet tin, not tinned iron), immerse it in a very dilute solution of a copper salt, and put it in connection with a weak galvanic current. After the lapse of from fifteen to eighteen hours a layer of strongly adhering metallic copper will have become firmly deposited upon the tin plate ; and the latter, after having been bent into the required shape, is an excellent, cheap, and durable substitute for the copper cylinder in Daniell’s battery. Considering the numerous experiments now being tried on wine, it is to be hoped that the quality of the cheaper kinds of this be- verage will shortly show some improvement. Whilst Dr. Rousselle proposes to freeze wine, Dr. Scontettin prefers to electrify it. As a very tangible proof of the gain obtained by the immediate con- version of young wines into drinkable beverages by means of elec- tricity, the author states that, considering that the annual production. of wine of France amounts to from 60 to 70 millions of hectolitres (each equal to rather more than 22 gallons), and that at least 10 francs per hectolitre is lost by vaporization during the time of the maturity of the wine while in casks, this represents an amount of from 600 to 700 millions of francs gained by rendering wine fit for immediate consumption by the author’s electric process. We may not inaptly apply here, “Si non e vero e bene trovato.” Some useful electrolytic experiments have been tried by P. Burckhard. After describing his arrangement, the author states that oxide of bismuth is not a conductor of electricity unless it be in a state of fusion, but in that case one of the copper electrodes becomes coated with bismuth ; while, if platinum electrodes are used, there is formed at one of the electrodes a very fusible alloy of the two metals. Fused borax is not a bad conductor, although the author confirmed the statement made by Dr. Tichanowitsch that pure boric acid does not conduct electricity at all. When borax in a fused state is experimented with, a series of compounds are formed or volatilized ; but the main result is its decomposition into soda, oxygen, and boron. Pyrophosphate of soda in a fused state yields, among the products of electrolysis, phosphide of platinum, 1870. ] Zoology. 431 if a platinum electrode be applied; but the decomposition, which is chiefly the result of the electrolysis of this salt, is its splitting up into oxygen, phosphorus, and soda. Carbonate of soda in a fused state is a good conductor of electricity ; it is decomposed into car- bonic acid and soda, but a small portion of carbon is also formed. A series of very accurate experiments, made with chemically pure substances, have been tried by M. E. Becquerel, on the electro- motive force of divers substances, as for instance, pure carbon, gold, platinum, &c., in the presence of water and other fluids. Among the curious facts elicited is this, that pure gold, obtained from the French Mint, is acted upon by pure water in a manner not hitherto explained, but which gives the author occasion to ask whether pos- sibly gold does not contain another substance which has not been discovered, or whether perhaps the slow action of the water is not the cause of the disaggregation of the gold, thus explaining the fact of its being found in rivers in the state of dust. In a very lengthy paper on the properties of galvanically-pre- cipitated iron, Kt. Lenz records a series of experiments, not only made with iron, but also with copper. The results are stated as follows:— Tron and copper, when reduced to the metallic state by electricity, contain gases occluded, among which hydrogen is in largest amount: the bulk of gas thus occluded varies considerably, but iron has been found by the author to occlude as much as 185 times its own bulk. The absorption of the gases is more considerable in the first layers of metal deposited. On being heated, the iron loses gas, even below 100°, the gas evolved at so low a temperature being chiefly hydrogen. Iron which has been galvanically precipitated, and then made red-hot and cooled, becomes oxidized when put into water, that liquid being decomposed and hydrogen given off. 12. ZOOLOGY—ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. MorpHonoey. A new Ganoid Fish from Australia.—We have this quarter to record what is certainly the most important zoological acquisition which science has received since the finding of the Archopteryx of Solenhofen. Mr. Gerard Kreft, the able curator of the Austra- lian Museum of Sydney, who has already by his single exertions shown us what a rich mine of new forms is still waiting to be brought to the hands of science in the Australian continent, has sent over photographs of a fish obtained in the rivers of Eastern Queens- 432 Chronicles of Science. [July, land, which has at first sight very much the aspect of the African Pro- topterus or South American Lepidosiren. The Queensland fish is, however, larger than Lepidosiren, measuring nearly 5 feet in length. A further examination of the photographs sent by Mr. Kreft shows that the fins, which are long worm-like appendages in Lepidosiren, with a very slight border of fin-rays, are here much more developed, being broader and flat, with a large axial lobe and diverging rays, something like those of Polypterus. The scales are large and solid- looking—to judge by the picture—and with a wave-like sculpture on the surface, recalling the paleozoic Holoptychius in this respect, as well as in the long-lobed fin. The photographs of the skull display a most formidable array of long, wedge-shaped teeth, with undulat- ing edges, exceedingly like those of the Carboniferous Ceratodus. The teeth are, in their limited number and position, very similar to those of Lepidosiren, but have even a more marked resemblance to Ceratodus than have the latter. Mr. Kreft was so struck with the resemblance to Ceratodus that he has proposed to call this mar- vellous fish, which he places with amphibians, Ceratodus Forster?, after the gentleman who discovered it. The name Potamothawma has, however, been also proposed, since we have no right to rele- gate it to an extinct genus solely on the ground of agreement in the teeth. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of this discovery with reference to the problems of the geographical distri- bution of organisms, and the ancient relations of land and water. On the other hand, this fish has an equal interest from the purely zoological point of view. We believe that specimens are not very difficult to obtain, so that some may soon be expected in this country. How isit that no one has yet studied the development of Lepidosiren ? Surely, now that in three-quarters of the globe such a fish has been found, the eggs and. fry may be expected to be made known. It is only quite recently that the development of Polypterus—the Ganoid of the Nile—has been studied on the banks of its habitation, and the fact that it commences life with large external gills like those of a young Newt, or of a very young Tadpole, clearly established. The Graphie Method in Odontology—tThe study of teeth, not from the dentist’s but from the naturalist’s point of view, is of very great importance, since by the power of drawing correct inferences from a few teeth we are able to arrive at most weighty conclusions as to the age of Tertiary and other strata. The study of teeth, par- ticularly of mammalian teeth, has become quite a speciality—a little field of knowledge requiring great care and perception of form for its successful cultivation, and standing apart from other anatomical work. So great is the amount of attention required in this study, and so great the importance attached to it, that the late Dr. Falconer occupied most of his life with the study of the teeth on Elephas, Mastodon, and Rhinoceros; whilst a fellow of the Royal 1870. ] Zoology. 433 Society has been raised to that dignity because he had confined his studies to the molar series of Rhinoceros and Hyena. Anything which will simplify this study and reduce it to the level accessible to ordinary minds must therefore be hailed with pleasure, and the method which Mr. George Busk has devised is exceedingly valuable in that way. Mr. Busk proposes to convert number into form in the case of teeth, for increase of twentieths of an inch in breadth using extension of a line, just as the mathematician proceeds in drawing a curve representing progressive phenomena, The paper ruled in fine squares of a tenth of an inch or so, which physiologists and others make use of in recording rises of temperature or increase of movement at successive intervals, is employed by Mr. Busk. To obtain the odontogram of any mammal, you mark off as many hori- zontal lines as there are teeth in the molar series; let each division on the horizontal lines made by the perpendicular represent, say a tenth of an inch; -then with compasses measure the breadth of your first: molar, mark it with a dot on the first horizontal line in tenths of an inch; then measure the second and mark it on the second line, and so on for all seven—if seven there be. Your dots will now be at various distances from the perpendicular zero line, according to the breadth of each tooth: join the adjacent dots and you have an irregular figure produced of definite form and characteristic of the species. On the same set of lines you can now measure out the lengths, or antero-posterior dimensions of the same teeth, and pro- duce a figure overlapping your first figure, equally characteristic, the two together giving an exceedingly accurate and trustworthy means of comparing the dental series in allied species. With re- gard to the teeth of some of the large pachyderms Mr. Busk hag proposed certain points of measurement besides those of length and breadth, which we may hope soon to see adopted. It would be an inestimable boon to paleontologists if Mr. Busk would found a system of measurements for all mammalian teeth, and publish at the same time an authoritative series of such measurements with odon- tograms of all the known recent and fossil mammalia. It at any rate might be done with Rhinoceros and the Carnivora to begin with. The Zoological Position of Sponges.—It is not three years since in chronicling the discussions to which the glass-rope sponge, Hya- lonema, gave rise, we had to mention that Ehrenberg the great microscopist—who still is in Berlin outliving his age—holds to his old belief that Sponges are Vegetals. We have now to record that Professor Ernst Haeckel, of Jena, proposes to associate the Sponges with the Corals and Hydromeduse, bringing them under the group Coelenterata. Haeckel has attacked in former years that hetero- geneous assemblage which we still know as the Protozoa; and he removed from it the Infusoria proper, leaving the Sponges, the Radiolarians, the Amceboids, the Foraminifera, the Gregarines, and 434 Chronicles of Science. [ July, the Monera (a group of simplest forms which he himself discovered) associated with the Flagellata and Diatomacez as Protista. Haeckel now proposes—with very great propriety, we think—to remove the Sponges from this company, with which they have no close relation at all, their complex aggregated structure finding no parallel in any of the other groups, and the fact that they are built up of amceboid and ciliate cells in large measure, being absolutely as true for all animals as for Sponges. ‘Two years since in the Canaries, Haeckel was with his pupil, Miklucho-Maclay, and there the latter paid particular attention to the calcareous Sponges, and both he and Haeckel were much struck with the high degree of organization which these forms presented. Haeckel has since studied the cal- careous Sponges (which are represented by the genus Grantia on our coasts) in the Adriatic; has found an immense number of new forms, and has watched the development of a great number. He now points out that the central orifice, or “osculum,” of such a sponge as Grantia is homologous with the mouth of Ccelenterata ; that the canals of the Sponge too are homologous with the canal- system of Corals, though they open externally by the temporary pores in the former. He describes a small form, Prosyewm, which has not canals opening thus, but only the central orifice, and this he considers very near to the common ancestor of the Sponges and Nematophora (Corals, Hydre, Ctenophora), which he distinguishes as Protascus. Haeckel can distinctly demonstrate an endoderm and ectoderm in many Sponges, whilst in some of the Calcispongiz we have the presence of those radiating septa or “antimera” so cha- racteristic of Corals. The Calcispongize make the nearest approach to Nematophora by the distinctness of the “persons” which they present, each osculum, or mouth, and canal-system stands alone, like a separate polyp. In other Sponges there is much fusion and merging of persons into a common individuality—in various ways which Haeckel explains—one of these consisting in the possession of a single osculum by several persons. Professor Haeckel’s pro- posal has already been attacked in England by Mr. Kent, of the British Museum, who thinks that the osculum of a sponge cannot be the homologue of the mouth of a sea-anemone, because the water runs in at the latter but out at the former—really no reason at all as far as homology is concerned. He also thinks Coelenterata differ from Sponges in having free-will, which Sponges have not, and declares the Sponges to be the head of the Protozoa. Spermatophores in Fresh-water Annelids.—In the last number of the ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ Mr. Ray Lan- kester announces the discovery of these structures in the genera Nais, Tubifex, Iimnodrilus, and Clitellis. Peculiar elongate bodies fringed with slowly-moving cilia, and occurring in the seminal receptacles of Clitellis and Limnodrilus, had been described under 1870. | Zoology. 435 the name Pachydermon by M. Claparéde as parasites, similar to the well-known Opaline. Mr. Lankester having detected these bodies in a new species of Limnodrilus living in ponds at Hamp- stead, carefully examined their structure, and found that they were simply closely-fitted masses of spermatozoa, held together by a viscid cement, and with their tails projecting beyond this viscid matter freely, and thus giving the appearance of ciliation. Further, Mr. Lankester had observed exceedingly long coiling bodies in the seminal receptacles of Nads, and he had no doubt from their struc- ture that these also were spermatophores. This curious phenome- non of the aggregation of the spermatozoa into definitely-shaped masses after their complete development and separation from their developmental aggregation, has been observed in Molluscs, Insects, and Marine Annelids, but not hitherto in the Oligocheeta. It is not easy to conjecture what purpose may be served in the worm’s economy by this strange aggregation of the spermatozoa. The appearance presented by the masses is very like that of a densely- ciliated Infusorian, and they move gracefully along the stage of the microscope as though endowed with an individual vitality, instead of being but a spirally-interwoven mass of sexual particles. The same number of the Journal contains an important paper by Pro- fessor Cleland “ On the Structure of the Grey Matter of the Brain,” and one by Dr. Van Beneden “On Nematobothriwm.” Surface Life of the Ocean.— Lieutenant Ingram Palmer, having a considerable talent for drawing, determined to investigate the various minute forms of life which abound on the ocean surface. He arranged a series of nets for towing behind the vessel to which he was attached ; purchased a small microscope, and set to work to examine everything and draw everything which came to hand. The result is, a very large collection of beautifully-executed drawings of minute crustacean larve, worms, Pteropodous Molluscs, Echi- noderm larvee, and various adult Amphipods and Isopods of great beauty, few being larger naturally than a pin’s head. The amount of work and skill represented by these drawings is something enor- mous, and yet they will probably prove of no scientific value. They have been exhibited at the Geographical and Linnzan Societies, and are now in a magnificent frame at the Admiralty. The talented and persevering artist who produced them had absolutely no knowledge of what he was drawing, and did not go to work with the critical power of a zoologist, and hence he has drawn much that was well - known before, and has often failed to give the details required for zoological purposes, though his drawings are exceedingly clear and accurate. A very little previous education in Natural History— the opportunity for which ought to be given to every officer in Her Majesty’s service—would have rendered Lieutenant Palmer’s great talents available for science. It is to be hoped that the Admiralty 436 Chromeles of Science. [ July will now grant him the time to study, so that when he again finds himself afloat he may be able to do that service in zoological science which his perseverance and artistic skill would ensure. PHystoLoGy. The Moving Force of a Single Cilium.—An interesting experi- ment has been recently made by Dr. Jeffreys Wyman, of Cambridge, Mass., and repeated by Dr. Bowditch, of Boston, now in Professor Ludwig’s laboratory at Leipzig, which suggests to us the above heading. If the ciliated membrane from the palate and fauces of the common frog be carefully removed and stretched on a perfectly smooth plate whilst quite fresh and moist, and on this surface a weight be placed, its surface being carefully covered with a piece of fresh peritoneum of the frog to prevent the contact of dead matter with the cilia, it will be found that the weight is slowly moved along by the force of the cilia, a weight of as muchas four grammes being actually transported in this way—slowly but perceptibly. Dr. Bowditch has varied the experiment by cutting off the head of a frog and inserting a glass tube into the mouth, so that the ciliated surface may work on the rod, and he has actually succeeded in causing the head to move along the rod when ina horizontal position or but very slightly inclined against the direction of movement, simply by the ciliary power. It would be interesting to know the mechanical | equivalent of asingle cilium ; that is to say, what fraction of a horse- power, for instance, a cilium power may be. The Movements of Wings in Fluight—lt is to Dr. J. Bell Petti- erew, I'.RS., of Edinburgh, that the credit is due of first advancing the view that during flight the movement of wings is such as to describe a figure of eight if progression of the whole body be hin- dered. In an elaborate investigation into the mechanism of flight in yarious animals, insects, birds and bats, he demonstrated that the structure was such as to provide for and necessitate this form of movement; in fact, the wing should act as a reciprocating screw. Whilst acknowledging that Dr. Pettigrew has the merit of first giving this account of the movements of flight, Dr. Marey, of Paris, the illustrious physiologist, who has so successfully applied the graphic method to the study of the circulation and of muscular contraction, has demonstrated the truth of Dr. Pettigrew’s inference from structure by actual experiment. An insect’s wing being gilded and a strong beam of light used, its movement could be followed by the eye; also by allowing it to brush against a cylinder covered with lamp-black, the figure of its movement was obtained. Dr. Marey is now investigating by most ingenious methods the flight of birds—with a view to determine exactly what is the effective part 1870.] Zoology. 437 of the stroke in the movement of the wing. The movement of the wing itself is recorded by an arrangement with an electric current, wires being connected with a small instrument carried on the bird’s back. The impulse upwards or forwards is also recorded by means of an elastic bag containing air, on the surface of which lies a piece of lead: when a sudden movement occurs at right angles to the plane of the lead plate, it compresses the air in the bag by its inertia, and this movement is recorded by means of a tube, another bag and a lever, as in the cardiograph. Peregrinations of Cells in the Living Body.— The study of living tissues to which Cohnheim’s views on inflammation (vz. that there is no multiplication of the cells of connective tissue, but that pus cells are extrayasated white blood corpuscles) have given rise, progresses very rapidly in Germany under the hands of Von Recklinghausen of Wurzburg, of Stricker of Vienna, of Rollet of Gratz, and their pupils. It appears certain now that both white and red blood cor- puscles do freely pass through the capillary walls in inflammation ; but it is equally certain, from the admirable researches of Stricker, that cells multiply in inflammation which are not white blood cells, such as the stellate cells of the cornea, the corneal epithelium, the connective-tissue cells of the tongue, and others which Stricker has seen under his eyes commence and finish the act of division. Among the most remarkable results recently obtained from this study of living cells is the observation of Saviotti, that cells pass znto the capillaries and small veins as well as out of them. He has seen this frequently occur with the pigment cells of the frog’s web, when inflammation was set up by dilute sulphuric acid, and the fact was recently witnessed also in the laboratory of Professor Stricker, of Vienna. . The pigment-cells deliberately advance to the capillary wall, and passing through it are carried along in the circulation. These facts as to living cells are so remarkable that some have been inclined to suppose there is optical illusion. ‘They are, however, now placed beyond doubt by repeated observation. Movements of cells in the tissues may now be demonstrated in many parts as well as the cornea, in the frog’s egg of the second day, in the brain, in the foetal liver, in the skin (migrated cells of Besiadecki) ; and hence K6lliker’s supposition that all cells at one time or other can exhibit active movement is likely to be established. Recklinghausen has kept an excised frog’s cornea alive for six weeks by supplying it with fresh serum and attendimg to cleanliness; a wonderful proof of independent vitality. Physiology in Trinity College, Cambridge.—Trinity has lately proved her claim to stand alone and at the head of the colleges in Cambridge by the establishment of a preelectorship in pure physiology, to which that able teacher, Dr. Michael Foster, of University Col- lege, London, and Fullerian Professor in the Royal Institution, has 438 Chronicles of Science. [July, been called. It is a peculiar source of gratification to Dr. Foster’s friends that he is able to accept this chair, since at the beginning of the year family bereayements and the threatening of serious ill- ness held out but a gloomy prospect for future work. Dr. Foster is now in good health and will enter on his duties at Cambridge in October. When we remember that on former occasions as well as quite recently, Trinity has expressed her willingness to make some of her collegiate property available for the endowment of Professor- ships in the University in natural sciences, and that her generous intentions have been baulked by the ignorant parsimony of certain of the smaller colleges, we cannot but congratulate her upon having taken this step. It goes far to confirm the enumeration of Univer- sities once given by a Trinity man, vzz. “ Dublin, Oxford, Cambridge, and Trinity College.” We hope the college will provide Dr. Foster with a large laboratory. Laboratories in Amsterdam and London.—Professor Kuhne has recently delivered an admirable discourse on the importance of physiological research on the occasion of the opening of the grand physiological laboratory which the city of Amsterdam has built for him. ‘This laboratory and that of Professor Ludwig at Leipzig are the most perfect in Europe, though there are many others coming near to them. Ludwig’s laboratory is as extensive as the whole of the Cambridge and Oxford laboratories taken together. There is not even one physiological laboratory in England, though we may hope to see one, at University College, as a memorial to Dr. Sharpey. Kine’s College recently refused to build one, though Dr. Beale offered to assist in the expense in a most generous way. A strong attempt is being made to get something in the form of a laboratory put up at the public expense through the Privy Council. Let us be thanktul for any such movement. 1870.] (f4be-) Quarterly List of Publications receited for Webiew.* 1. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-crystallic Action; in- cluding the question of Diamagnetic Polarity. By John Tyndall, LL.D., F.RS., &e. Longmans, Green, & Co. 2. Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, LL.D., F.RS. Longmans, Green, & Co. 8. Other Worlds than Ours: the Plurality of Worlds studied under the light of recent scientific researches. With Illustrations. By Richard A. Proctor, F.R.A.S. Longmans, Green, & Co. 4, Alpine Flowers for English Gardens. By Wm. Robinson, F.L.8. With Illustrations. John Murray. 5. Forms of Animal Life, being Outlines of Zoological Classification based upon Anatomical Investigation, and Illustrated by Descriptions of Specimens and of Figures. By George Rolles- ton, D.M., F.RS., &e. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 6. Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke: the Structure, Growth, and Uses of Malt, Hops, Yeast, and Tobacco. With 167 original Illustrations, drawn and engraved on Steel. By Henry P. Prescott, F.L.S. Macmillan & Oo. 7. A Handbook of Phrenology. By ©. Donovan, Ph.D., &e. With Illustrations. Longmans, Green, & Co. 8. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. A Series of Essays by Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.G.8., &e. Macmillan & Co. 9. The Ornithosauria: an Elementary Study of the Bones of Ptero- dactyles, made from Fossil Remains found in the Cambridge Upper Greensand. By Harry Govier Seeley. With 12 Plates. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, & Co. London: Bell & Daldy. 10. A Manual of Zoology for the Use of Students; with a General Introduction to the Principles of Zoology. By Henry Alleyne Nicholson, M.D., D.Sc. &c. Vol. I.: Invertebrate Animals. R. Hardwicke. 11. L'Uomo e la Natura. Ossia la Superficie terrestre Modificata per Opera dell Uomo. Di Giorgio P. Marsh. Firenze: G. Barbera. * We cannot undertake to acknowledge books and pamphlets on purely theological subjects, nor such as concern betting transactions. 440 List of Publications [ July, 12. Burton-on-Trent ; its History, its Water, and its Breweries. By William Molyneux, F.AS. Triibner & Co. 13. The Fuel of the Sun. By W. Matthieu Williams, F.C.S. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. 14, Burton and its Bitter Beer. By J. S. Bushnan, M.D. William S. Orr & Co. 15. A Star Atlas for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, &e. With Two Index Plates with Coloured Constellation Figures. Drawn by Richard A. Proctor, B.A., F.R.A.S., &., &e. Longmans & Co, 16. On the Manufacture of Beet-root Sugar in England and Ireland. By William Crookes, F.R.S., &e. Longmans & Co. PAMPHLETS AND PERIODICALS. On the Thermal Resistance of Liquids. By Fredk. Guthrie, On Ocean Currents. By James Croll. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Notes of Fifteen Lectures (to Women) on Physics. Delivered by Professor Guthrie at South Kensington Museum. Descriptive Catalogue of One Hundred Microscopie Objects. Exhi- bited at the Royal Microscopical Society by C. Stewart, F.L.S. Notes on Diatomacez. By Professor A. M. Edwards. (Boston, U.S.A., Natural History Society.) Report presented to the Minister for Agriculture, &c., respecting the Vaccinations performed in France in 1865 and 1867. Translated by George 8S. Gibbs. Report on the Present State and Condition of Pre-historic Remains in the Channel Islands. By Lieut. 8S. P. Oliver, R.A., &e. What Shall we Teach? or, Physiology in Schools. By Edwin Lan- kester, M.D., F.R.S. Groombridge & Sons. Biographical Sketch of the late Fredk. Penny, Ph.D., &c., Glasgow. By James Adam, M.D. The Currency Question. By Rigby Wason. Report on the Agriculture of Belgium. By Dr. Augustus Voelcker and H. M. Jenkins, F.G.S. (Reporter). An Irish Farmer on the Land Difficulty. By J. E. Scriven. On the Relative Safety of the Different Methods of Working Coal. By Mr. George Fowler. Stanford’s Geological Map of London. A Guide to the Study of Insects. By A. S. Packard, jun., M.D. Salem, Mass. London: Triibner & Co. Notes on a Trip to the Nicobar and Andaman Islands. By V. Ball. (Bengal Asiatic Society.) 1870. | received for Review. 441 Life and the Equivalence of Force. By J. Drysdale, M.D. London: Turner, 77, Fleet Street. Liverpool: Holden. Announcement of the Forthcoming Series of Annual International Exhibitions. Science and Art Dept. The Gardener’s Magazine. Journal of Applied Chemistry. New York, éc. The American Naturalist. Salem, Mass. The Canadian Naturalist, and Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Montreal: Dawson Bros. Revue Bibliographique Universelle. The Geological Magazine. Triibner. The Food Journal. Johns & Sons, Castle Court, Holborn. The Popular Science Review. R. Hardwicke. Scientific Opinion. 75, Great Queen Street, London. The Westminster Review. Tribner. Fraser’s Magazine. Longmans. Longmans’ Notes on Books. Williams and Norgate’s Foreign Book Circular. PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, &c. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Férhandlingar. Stockholm : Norstedét & Séner. The Thirty-seventh Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. 1869. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Halifax, Nova Scotia. London: Reeves & Turner, 196, Strand. First Annual Report of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. The Journal of the Historical and Archeological Association of Treland. Dublin: McGlashan. Transactions of the Geological Society, Glasgow. Proceedings of the Bath Natural History Society and Antiquarian Field Club. Bath: Chrenicle Office. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. s) » Royal Society. Royal Astronomical Society. 22 99 NOTICE TO AUTHORS. ————_—— ——— ** Authors of OrtamvaL Paprrs wishing Reprints for private circulation may have them on application to the Printers of the Journal, Messrs. W. Crowrs & Sons, 14, Cuarina Cross, 8.W., at a fixed charge of 30s. per sheet per 100 copies, including a ConovreD Wrapper and Tirtz Paaz, but such Reprinis will not be delivered to Contributors till OnE Monts after publication of the Number containing their Paper, and the Reprints must be ordered before the expiration of that period. ’ x ts bins ivy i a, J 4. oer ty ee 4 5 EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. eee OS Tuis number of the Quarterly Journal of Science brings to a close a series which has for seven years been conducted under one management, and as the periodical now passes out of the hands of its present Editor, he craves permission to say a few words concerning his stewardship. Of the status which the Journal has acquired, it will be the most becoming to say but little. The list of publications regu- larly acknowledged in each number as having been received from authors and learned societies in all quarters of the civilized world, sufficiently indicates that it has found readers in every clime and nationality, whilst the best criterion of its scientific value is its list of contributors. Amongst those who have from time to time communicated to its pages the fruits of their labours or the result of their reflections are the well-known names of ANSTED, CARPENTER, Crookes, DAUBENY, FAIRBAIRN, FRANKLAND, GEIKIE, GLAD- STONE, HerscHEL the Elder, Huaains, Hutt, Hunt, Lacaze Dututiers, The LANKESTERS (father and son), MALLET, CHAL- MERS Morton, NAsMyTH, ODLING, PENGELLY, PHILLIPS, Ramsay, Rowiieston, Scott Russet, ScLATER, ANGUS SmitTuH, SorBy, BALFouR STEWART, WILLIAM TURNER, ALFRED WALLACE, and others hardly second to those in reputation. Some of the foregoing, along with other earnest, sound, scientific writers, have from quarter to quarter chronicled the progress of scientific discovery, each in his particular branch, and only once or twice during seven years does the Editor recollect haying received a remonstrance for unfair criticism. But the experience acquired during the past history of the Journal clearly points to the necessity for a change in its management. The names of CaurcHinL and Loneman are sufficient guarantees that all has been done that was possible to make the Journal a permanent contribution to our scientific literature. One defect, however, has been the absence of its Editor from the centre of English intelligence, and that will be henceforward removed. In the interests of science only, the present Proprietors and Editor have transferred the property and management of the Journal to a gentleman whose name has been conspicuous on its title-page from its commencement. Mr. Witu1AmM Crooges, F.R.S., Editor of the ‘Chemical News,’ of 3, Horse-shoe Court, Ludgate Hill, will henceforward be the sole Proprietor and Editor of the ‘QuarTERLy JoURNAL OF Science. He is a valued friend of the present Editor, who will continue to give him his cordial and earnest support, and who now solicits for his successor the same kind consideration as he has himself received from his collaborateurs and from the readers of the Journal. ~ Tue Eprror. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. OCTOBER, 1870. I, THE ECLIPSE OF AUGUST 7, 1869.—“ ANVIL” PROTUBERANCE. By W. 8. Gimmay, jun., New York. THosE who observed the solar eclipse of last August with a sizeable telescope will not soon forget the startling effect produced by the appearance of the large oval protuberance on the western limb of the moon. We were unusually favoured as to atmosphere at our station near Sioux City, Iowa, and when in addition to this it is stated that our observations were made by the aid of a 4-inch re- fractor—one of Mr. Alvan Clark’s best—it will not seem strange that the details about to be recorded were so readily obtained. The “anvil” protuberance, for such the object is recorded in my notes, was seen by one of our party several moments prior to the totality. : Several months’ study of the sun’s surface had prepared me to expect the more remarkable protuberances in the southern hemi- sphere, and having selected the south-western quadrant as an especially favourable locality, from the presence of faculous ridges near the limb two days prior to the eclipse, the bright “ anvil ”- shaped mass instantly attracted my attention. Its extraordinary brilliancy enabled me afterwards to keep it in view when a con- siderable crescent of the reappearing sun had rendered the corona invisible. A hasty glance at other portions of the moon’s limb satisfied me that the “anvil” protuberance possessed greater interest than any other, and I therefore devoted my whole time to its considera- tion, except so much as was employed in obtaining several outline sketches of the corona. In a forecast of the probable positions of protuberances, which I made on August 5 (see Fig. 1), the double prominence at A occupies very nearly the position of the object under discussion. In Fig. 2 we have the appearance of the sun’s disc on the same day, and near that part of the limb subsequently occupied by the “anvil,” we notice a cluster of bright faculous spots. It was the VoL. VII. 248 444 The Eclipse of August 7, 1869. [Oct., Bre, at; OQ: ROSE PROTUBERANCES AS FORECASTED AUGUST 5, 1869. Fig. 2. Solar disc, August 5, 1869. 1870. | The Eclipse of August 7, 1869. 445 intense whiteness of these objects that led me to suppose there might be hovering above the solar surface in this region gaseous exhalations that would appear during the eclipse. The white meridian in this second diagram represents the limb of the sun for the 7th of August, and it will be noticed that the cluster of facule is just beyond this line. A similar white meridian in the diagram giving the appearance of the sun on the 9th of August (Fig. 3), indicates the eastern limb of the sun during the eclipse. Fie. 3. Solar disc, August 9, 1869. In this latter instance we have the faculous ridges marked I, G, F, E, which may be referred to prominences 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Prof. Mayer’s diagram. It is worthy of special notice that the faculous masses at 1 are very irregularly disposed, the tortuous windings of its parts suggesting whirling motions in the photo- sphere. Prof. Mayer’s “Eagle” prominence is a fit object to hover over such a curiously-agitated portion of the solar surface. That my sketch gives a correct representation of the windings of these ridges of facule I feel quite confident. While making the observation the outline was likened to a rude drawing of a camel (Fig. 4). The resemblance may appear to some if the page is inverted, the camel being supposed to face to the left. | Fig. 5 isa copy of my sketch of the spots on the sun’s disc, as they appeared an hour previous to the eclipse. There was little or no change in their form or position until after the close of the phenomenon. The large spot near the eastern limb, enveloped in a platform of facule, is the same as that visible on the 9th (Fig. 3) near the same locality. 2H 2 446 The Eclipse of August 7, 1869. {Oct., I was particularly impressed with the stability of the protuber- ance. It resembled a monstrous white-hot coal, and its outlme = Fig. 5. DIAGRAM SHOWING SPOTS ON THE SUN DURING THE ECLIPSE, AS SKETCHED ONE HOUR PREVIOUS TO THE FIRST CONTACT. was sharp and well defined. The appellation “sosy protuberance ” struck me at the time asa misnomer. I detected only bright fire- orange tints, like the glowing coals of an anthracite grate, with delicate crimson flakes of surprising brilliancy scattered over the southern part. These flakes stood out against the bright background as if totally disconnected from the rest of the phenomenon. In the plate I have endeavoured to give their positions and the direction of their axes, which latter coincided with the stratification of the protuber- ance. I should estimate the length of these brilliant dashes of crimson light at from 3” to 5”. Possibly in a future eclipse a momentary spectrum of them may be obtained, as their extra- ordinary brilliancy may make amends for their minute size. The plate accompanying this article was prepared from my observations of the great protuberance, with the exception of the outline of the mass, which was obtained from the last Ottumwa ; i Achy Dh ry bist » a 4 f ball ah Jr of Fr Inst: Vol. LIX. The Anvil Prominence f Eo Seer Se. “ae £ . Re Lg” 7° =457. 37 2722es. THE “ANVIL” PROTUBERANCE OF THE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF AUG. 7 1869. FROM SKETCHES AND NOTES MADE DURING TOTAiLIT Y AT ST PAUL JUNG" IOWA. OUTLINE TAKEN FROM THE PHOTOGRAPHS 1870. | The Eclipse of August 7, 1869. 447 photograph of the totality. In preparing this illustration the litho- grapher has been very successful in copying my sketch, the plate as given recalling the protuberance to my mind with great fresh- ness and power. The flaky structure of the protuberance I have endeavoured to indicate by a deeper tint of orange running diago- nally across the flame. The southern end is more compact than that turned towards the equator, which latter breaks up into several smaller independent clouds, between which, and suspended fully 10,000 miles above the solar surface, projects the tapering point of the “anvil.” A casual glance at the sketch impresses one with the idea of a down-rush of the glowing matter from the southern end to the “anvil” point. The details of the termination of this tapering end are wholly from my notes, which record that this part of the protuberance was composed of “fibrous lines of flame” apparently in motion and emitting a tremulous light. I have now a vivid recollection of the impressions produced upon my mind by this portion of the phenomenon which riveted my attention for some moments. In the photographs the tapering end of the protuberance terminates in a misty ball, which is what we should expect if the fine lines revealed by the telescope were really in motion. ~~ One word regarding the corona. By a slight movement of my instrument its limits were brought into view, and its extent quickly indicated on diagrams previously prepared. At the same time I indicated by two heavy pencil-marks the positions of certain bands, or inéervals, in the light of the corona on opposite sides of the moon’s disc. These dark intervals deserve a passing notice. In my coloured sketch of the corona, made immediately after the eclipse, and which accompanies my report published by the Washington Naval Observatory, I have indicated the positions and character of these bands. The absorption bands of the solar spectrum occurred to me at the time as an illustration of the delicate striations in these portions of the corona. In the case of — one gap a multitude of fine violet lines were compressed into a space of about 10° in width, forming, to my mind, one of the most beautiful features of the eclipse. The same striated appearance was noticed in other regions of the corona, though in a less striking degree. These apparent gaps in the corona’s light I judged to be opposite elevated portions of the chromosphere, from the fact that there was a similar diminution of light above the great protuber- ance, as my sketches show. ‘This point was not carefully examined, however, from want of time. On my return from the south, in February last, it occurred to me to compare my sketch of the corona with the diagram of protuberances accompanying Professor Mayer's report m the October number of the ‘Journal of the L 448 The Surveys of India. — ~ [Oct., -Franklin Institute,’ published in Philadelphia. This I did, for the first time, on the 9th of that month, finding a fair agreement between the eauteea portions of his prominences 5 and 10, and the dark bands given in my sketch. I have, therefore, little doubt but that in locating these dark intervals in my original sketches, I intended to place the western one near 285°, and the eastern one near 120°, great exactness not being obtainable in the few moments given to the observation. In speaking of these bands as dark, I would be understood only as meaning that they were sufficiently so to be readily seen. A comparison of the Des Moines and Ottumwa pictures of the “anvil” protuberance gives the following measurements. It will be noticed that the figures are somewhat in excess of those obtained from the last totality picture made at Burlington. ry Miles. Extreme length of the “anvil” .. . . 265 or 119-800 base of the “anvil”... .. 205 » 92°500 Greatest altitude above the sun’s surface ees hewn, RSE: Si, .) ee Thus if, as is probable, the entire protuberance was not visible, its base being beyond the sun’s limb, we have a bright cloud im the solar atmosphere nearly, if not quite, equal in volume to the planet Jupiter, and which in the direction of its length would sufiice to reach more than half way to the Moon in her perigee. THE SURVEYS OF INDIA. II, THE TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY. (With a Sketch-map.) By F. C. Danvers, A.I.C.E. Tue surveys of India may be divided into two classes—viz. the Great Trigonometrical, and the Geological. In connection with the former, other minor operations are undertaken under the title of topographical and revenue surveys, to which we shall refer more particularly in due course. The idea of a great trigonometrical survey of a country, to be undertaken by the Government of that country, was first conceived by General Watson, at the suppression of the rising in Scotland in 1745. The execution of it was committed to General Ray, and was originally intended to extend no farther than the disaffected districts of the Highlands. The design, however, was subsequently enlarged, and the grand trigonometrical survey of Great Britain Quarterly Journal of Science N° XXVIII. COREE MAP ©OF, .ENDIA shewing the Principal Triangulation Series of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY. AA. The Great Arc Series _ a a Mae “i, : Mayy te Wy,” WS... 4 4 Bhai y, NOS» Ay ill Ma, DS PC MS LRT xl Ki SUS = ie AS UsMy Nilip Ma, ite Mt yi “tg | Ss . 2 voy ¥6 ea que Hig iia hailey Wp it psy NM, NR P)) KI VY 8 \ a Ee piri HE ah the hie Oe i} Nip) ‘ ‘ts Poe e aK "Ma, oli aN ale BHOTAN,, «, 4 ee Ae yy a “tata ing An - p awavawaw SAV IES A (y = rgitudinay oan SRDS Sea <) SS ad y WEUBITGHA “04277 “SOYUL axonbs ggg) mogqn jo ve wo buLDAqua x “wm ze 44% AQurzp 3h¢ buaunsoom yowa SPOOUS OST YUasardact saconbs ayy : Hoy Vis NVIGVAV 1870.] The Geological Survey of India. 459 With his small band of Geologists, the Survey was carried on with vigour, and periodical reports were published, accompanied by maps, geologically coloured, and sections of the country described. The value of the establishment was soon appreciated by the public, and numerous applications for reports on geological matters were made, as well as for aid in analyses of coal, minerals and ores, of soils, water, and in assays. Such information and assistance was given to many private individuals, as well as to Government depart- ments and to companies. The earlier observations were, as might be expected, fraught with much difficulty. But few and isolated notices, compared with the size of the country, had been written upon it. The labours of Dr. Carter, of Bombay, of the Revs. Hislop and Hunter, Presby- terian missionaries in Tinnevelly, and some others, had certainly done a little towards paving the way for a classification of the rocks; and Mr. Greenough had, in 1854, after many years’ labour in compilation, prepared a map of India, upon which he had depicted all that was then known concerning the geology of the country. Dr. Oldham,* however, found it necessary to establish several new groups to receive (provisionally) the various rocks that were met with, inasmuch as for many—and these some of the most widely-extended and important groups of rocks—there was no definite horizon from which to work either up or down. Over thousands and tens of thousands of square miles not a fossil was found, save some vegetable remains, affording, at the best, but very imperfect evidence. The richly fossiliferous rocks of the Himalaya and Sub-Himalaya being widely separated from all the rocks of the Peninsula by the broad expanse of the Alluvium which unites the valleys of the Ganges and Indus, it was impossible to trace out, by their aid, any superposition. | To endeavour to remedy this, it was found advisable to examine many distinct tracts, and to make more or less rapid observations on distant parts, which, although interfering with the continuous pro- gress of the Survey, were generally of essential service in leading to definite results on important geological points, which, in the ordinary progress of the work, could not have been arrived at for many years to come. The climate of India necessarily restricts the work to certain portions of the year. The working season lasts about seven months, and differs very materially in the southern part of the Peninsula from that in Bengal. In the latter district, the close of the Indian financial year (the 31st March) nearly coincides with the close of the field season. In Madras the season is then not half over. * See Mr. Horner’s Anniversary Address to the Geological Society of London. 61. VOL. VII. a i 460 The Geological Survey of India. [ Oct., Considering the great exposure to which all field-geologists working in the open country are unavoidably subjected, and the necessity for their visiting, and often remaining in, the most mala- rious and unhealthy parts, it is not surprising to learn that the whole staff are seldom at work at one time. The illness of one or more, and the necessity for leave of absence, is generally recorded in the Annual Reports. But it is grievous to learn the loss by death of five or six officers since the Survey has been in operation, whilst several have been forced to resign from ill-health. These causes have occasioned much loss of time. It is seldom possible, Dr. Oldham remarks, to meet with persons qualified to supply the vacancies immediately. There is, moreover, absolute necessity for a considerable amount of training, occupying gene- rally a year, before any newly-appointed Assistant can become really useful, and able to carry on alone the mapping of a district. The pecuniary temptations furnished to individuals to join the Survey are not very great, the maximum ratio of pay being 500 and 600 rupees per month, but this is only obtainable after eight or ten years’ service. The salary, as on the British Survey, is very fair to commence with, but equally discouraging in prospect. The latest report of Dr. Oldham, dated the 3rd January, 1870, is accompanied as usual by an index-map, showing the area surveyed, and published to the end of 1869, and that in progress. A reduced copy of this map accompanies our notice. The Atlas of India, which includes Burmah and the Malay Peninsula, comprises about 180 sheets, portions of about 64 of which have been mapped, while others have been visited and re- ported upon. A very large area has not yet been surveyed topographically, so that the direction of the detailed mapping by the Geological Survey has some restrictions. ‘The size of the sheets is 3 feet 41 inches by 2 feet 34 inches, and each contains an area of about 17,824 square miles. The principal part of the work has been carried on in Central India. The faultiness of the existing maps of the country was found a serious drawback to successful progress, but so far as possible they were corrected, and every effort was made to render them of the utmost service. It was soon found, however, that the character of the geological work must be suited to the available maps of the district, and with very imperfect maps to attempt great detail would be useless. For all practical purposes, the boundaries of the geological formations could generally be fixed with sufficient accuracy. But few sheets have been entirely surveyed. This, however, would be accounted for by the necessity, previously stated, of ex- amining many different and distant parts for the purpose of arriving 1870] The Geological Survey of India. 461 at a classification or knowledge of the order of superposition of the rocks in India; and when the vast area embraced by each sheet is taken into consideration, it is not surprising that few have been completed. A glance at the map best shows the amount of field-work that has been done, and considering the many difficulties and dangers that have had to be encountered—not forgetting the disturbed state of the country during the Indian mutiny in 1857—we must con- eratulate the Survey on the great progress it has made. Besides the preparation and publication of the geological maps, the Survey now maintains three periodicals of letter-press. The first part of the ‘Memoirs’ appeared in 1856, and since then six volumes have been completed, containing thirty-two geolo- gical reports (over 2200 pp. of letter-press), and the first part of vol. vil. has recently been published. All are well illustrated with maps and sections. Particular attention has been given to the coal-bearing deposits. The ‘ Memoirs’ contain reports on the Coal-fields of Talchir, Rani- gun], Jherria, Bokaro, Ramgurh, &c. The coal-fields of Bokaro and Ramgurh belong to the ordinary, or Damuda series. In the Jherria coal-field, the two series, Talchir and Damuda, are developed. The lower, or Talchir, contains no coal. The Damuda series contains many seams, very irregular, and varying in thickness from a few inches to 20 feet and more. Nume- rous coal-seams are much injured by trap-dykes, which have ramified through them, and which have rendered the coal useless. There is also a general tendency to ignition in all the seams, owing, it is thought, to the presence of iron pyrites, which gives rise to spon- taneous combustion. Metamorphism is produced in the shales in proximity, giving to them the character of well-burnt bricks. Dr. Oldham calculates that there is an available quantity of coal in this Jherria field of about 465,000,000 cubic yards, or, roughly, tons of coal. In Sinde there is a lignitic coal of Lower Tertiary age, but not worth working. In one of his earlier reports Dr. Oldham noticed the existence of Tertiary coal by the river Irrawaddy, near Prome. Coal of excellent quality has been found in Assam, which lies near the river Brahmapootra, convenient for transport by water. Considerable doubt attached to the age of the coal-fields of Damuda, Talchir, and Nagpur. ‘The reported discovery in them of certain plants was thought to place them in the Triassic or Oolitic period. But it has since been ascertained that these re- mains occur in shales above and distinct from the Coal-measures. Comparisons have been made of late between the several series ya 462 The Geological Survey of India. [ Oct., of sandstones, &c., associated with the coal in Bengal and those of Central India. ‘The vast extension and great constancy in mineral character of the Talchir rocks (which form the base of the great coal-bearing series) have been fully established, and the thinning out of the beds in passing to the west has received further support. The entire Coal-formation, which in the east gives five well-marked subdivisions (in ascending order, Talchir, Barakar, Ironstone shales, Ranigunj, and Panchet), becomes, at a short distance to the west, only a threefold series, comprising the Talchir, Barakar, and Panchet subdivisions. Additional proofs have been brought forward to show that on the large scale, the present limits of these Coal-measures coincide approximately with the original limits of deposition, and are not the result of faulting, or even mainly of denudation. And Dr. Oldham expresses his opinion that the great drainage basins of India were on the large scale marked out, and existed (as drainage-basins) at the enormously distant period which marked the commencement of the deposition of the great plant-bearing series. In this point of view, local variations in the lithological type, local variations in the thickness of the groups, and even their occurrence or non-occurrence, are only necessary consequences of the mode and limit of formation. In 1861 Dr. Oldham gave a summary statement of the amount of coal raised throughout India for the past three years, which was about 850,000 tons. The total amount of coal raised in India gene- rally was, in 1858, about 226,140 tons; in 1859, about 347,227 tons; and in 1860, about 370,206 tons. Of this quantity the Ranigunj field yielded by far the greater part. The only mode of transport, however, from this field was by the river Damuda, a stream only navigable during the freshes of the rainy season, after which it be- comes so dry that no more coal can be sent to market until the next season. In 1867 Dr. Oldham made a report on the Coal-resources of India.* The extensive fields which occur are not distributed gene- rally over the country, but are almost entirely concentrated in one, a double, band of coal-yielding deposits, which with considerable interruptions extends more than half across India, from near Calcutta towards Bombay. Little more than surface workings are carried on—the deepest pits scarcely exceed 75 yards, while certainly one-half of the Indian coal which has been used up to the present date has been produced from open workings or quarries. Dr. Oldham concludes that out of the whole series of Indian coals, the very best of them only reach the average of English coals, and that on the whole they are very inferior to them. It should, however, be borne in mind that until all the fields are carefully * Being a return called for by the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for India. 1870.] The Geological Survey of India. 463 mapped, any estimates of the Coal-resources and production of British India must be defective. Besides the coal-reports, the ‘ Memoirs’ contain papers on the gold-bearmg and other economic deposits, also many describing the geology generally and physical geography of particular areas. Some few treat of paleeontology. One very important paper describes the Vindhyan series, as exhibited in the North-Western and Central Provinces of India. The district described included the greater part of Bundelkund. The Vindhyan series is divided into an upper and a lower division, the former gives rise to great table-lands, the latter furnishes more diversified scenery. The area affords many striking instances of the power and effects of subaérial denudation on a grand scale. As yet the Vindhyan rocks have yielded no fossils; they appear to be older than the Talchir, and may possibly turn out to belong to a period about the age of the Devonian. Lithologically they consist of alternations of limestones, shales, sandstones, and conglomerates, often distinguished by local names, as for instance the “ Bijigurh shales.” Some of the beds furnish good building stone. Tn order to gain a more rapid publication of many isolated facts noticed during the progress of the Geological Survey, and which were scarcely adapted to the ‘ Memoirs,’ a new publication called the ‘Records’ was started in 1868. The series contains notices of the current work of the Survey, lists of contributions to the Museum and Library, &c., and it is intended also to publish analyses of such books published elsewhere as bear upon Indian geology, and gene- rally to notice all facts which come to light illustrative cf the geology of Hindostan. The third volume is now in course of publication. Among the numerous published Reports the following appear most worthy of special notice. The Surat Collectorate,in the Bombay Presidency, although a comparatively flat country, possesses many features of geological interest. Traps, ranging from basalt to a soft shaly-looking amyg- daloid, are met with, and resting unconformably upon these is the great Nummulitic series. This consists of sandstones, conglome- rates, and limestones, with nummulites, molluscs, fossil-wood, and fragments of bone. Alluvium covers a large extent of the district, and the cotton (or black) soil covers it over many large tracts of the country. This soil seems to be the residuum left by the decom- position of an alluvium largely composed of volcanic (trappean) débris. It usually occurs in districts in which trap-rocks abound, as for example in the Poorna valley, West Berar. The Poorna alluvium is of considerable depth, in places about 150 feet. Much of it produces efflorescences of salts, chiefly of soda; and in many places the wells sunk in it are brackish or salt. 464 The Geological Survey of India. [ Oct., Comparisons have recently been drawn between the Alluvial deposits of the Irrawadi and the Ganges. Every river that dis- charges its waters into the sea has the character of its deposits influenced according to whether the area be im a state of subsidence, quiescence, or of elevation. Generally in every large river-basin two distinct alluvial deposits will be met with. The older of these may be either marine (estuarine) or fluviatile (lacustrine), or of a mixed and alternating character ; but the newer group is essentially fitivio-lacustrine, and directly produced by the existing river. While no very great thickness of the newer stratum can anywhere have been deposited without a corresponding subsidence of the area, a very large accumulation of the older or estuarine deposit may have taken place during an elevation of the area covered by it. The Ganges and Irrawadi present examples of rivers subjected, respectively, to the former and latter conditions. The alluvium of the Ganges, as ascertained from a well-boring at Fort William, con- sists of 70 feet of the newer or fluviatile deposit, resting on the denuded surface of the “‘kunker clay.” This clay is regarded asan estuarine deposit accumulated durmg an upward movement of the land. The Gangetic area is now considered to be undergoing de- pression at a rate adequately counterbalanced by the accession of sediment brought down by the river. The alluvium of the Irrawadi belongs almost entirely to the older group, this river-delta being at the present time in precisely the same condition as was the delta of the Ganges when the first layers of its alluvium, 70 feet below the present surface at Calcutta, were being deposited. The difference in the fertility of the two areas is attributed to the greater richness of the newer alluvium, and hence the inability of the delta of the Irrawadi to compare with that of the Ganges in agricultural produce. The geology of the neighbourhood of Madras is noticed in the third volume of the ‘ Records.’ The greater part of this district is occupied by rocks of Secondary, Tertiary, and Recent ages, the re- mainder is taken up by metamorphic rocks, forming part of the great gneissic series of Southern India. Some time previously, beds of magnetic iron-ore were pointed out in the metamorphic gneiss rocks of the Madras Presidency, the supply of which was considered to be practically inexhaustible. The Rajmahal plant-beds consist of conglomerates, sandstones, gritty clays, and shales. The Laterite deposits are also pointed out. They comprise clayey conglomerates, gravels, and sands, which graduate one into the other. The gravels contain pebbles of quartzite and gneiss, mixed with pisiform ferruginous pellets. Other deposits called the Conjeveram gravels are noticed; they differ from the laterite beds in the absence of ferruginous matter. Both appear to contain imple- 1870. | The Geological Survey of India. 465 ments of human manufacture in the shape of axes and spear-heads made of chipped quartzite pebbles, and of the same types as those which occur in the gravels of Western Europe. ‘They were spread rather widely over a large extent of area in the country to the west and north of the city of Madras, and have been made of the best substitute which this portion of the country could afford for flint, vamely, the very hard and semi-vitreous quartzites of the Cuddapah series. In gravel, situated near Pyton on the banks of the Godavery, an agate-flake has been found, which is undoubtedly an artificial form. It is figured in vol. i. of the ‘ Records.’ We have but briefly and imperfectly noticed a few of the more important results arrived at by the energetic labours, in the field, of Dr. Oldham and the officers of the Geological Survey. This work— superintended by Dr. Oldham—has been carried out by the many able assistants who have served under him, among whom we may mention H. B. and J. G. Medlicott, H. J. and W. F. Blanford, C. AX. Oldham,* W. Theobald, jun., F. R. Mallet, A. B. Wynne, KR. B. Foote, T. W. H. Hughes, W. King, jun., I’. Fedden, &c. We will now turn our attention to the paleontological work. A Museum of Economic Geology was established at Calcutta in 1840, and in 1856 it was placed in connection with and under the same superintendence as the Geological Survey of India. There are also Museums at Madras, Bombay, and Kurrachee. During the progress of the Survey numerous fossils have been collected, and specimens are being constantly added to the Museum. Indeed Dr. Oldham reports that they increase so rapidly that no room can be found for their proper exhibition, and in the examina- tion and description of them it is impossible to keep pace. During the year 1869 more than 20,000 specimens passed through the hands of the curator and his assistant. A suitable building is, we are informed, now in course of erection at Calcutta, where the fine collections already brought together will be properly arranged and exhibited. One of the more richly fossiliferous tracts is at Spiti and Rushpu in the Himalayas, where representatives of Silurian, Carboniferous, Triassic (Lilang series), Rheetic (Para limestone), Lower and Middle Lias, and three subdivisions of the Jurassic period, and also Creta- ceous rocks are believed to occur. In order to figure and describe the species of organic remains collected by the Survey, the ‘ Palzeontologia Indica’ was instituted. This quarto publication is issued in fasciculi, each containing about six plates, and published once every three months. Five series of these fasciculi have been published. _ * This able geologist died 30th March, 1869, aged 37 years. See Obituary, ‘Geol. Mag.,’ vol. vi., p. 240. 466 The Geological Survey of India. | Oct., The jirst series was printed in 1861, and treated of the Fossil Cephalopoda of the Cretaceous rocks of South India, containing the Belemnitidz and Nautilide, by H. F. Blanford ; the Ammonitidz, by Dr. F. Stoliczka, formed matter for the third series. The Cephalopoda were found to include 146 species, of which nearly one hundred were Ammonites, three only Belemnites, whilst of Nautilus there were 22 species, &c. Thirty-seven of these species were found identical with species Known in Europe and other countries. Ninety-six quarto plates are devoted to the illus- tration of these fossils. The Gasteropoda of the Cretaceous rocks form the subject of the jifth series; they are illustrated with sixteen plates, and are de- scribed by Dr. Ferdinand Stoliczka. Two hundred and thirty-seven species of Gasteropoda are de- scribed. Among them, four species of Helicide are deserving of special attention from the rarity of land-shells in these Cretaceous rocks, and particularly as they are said to belong to types still found living in the same or neighbouring districts. Dr. Stoliczka considers that the South Indian Cretaceous deposits only represent the Upper Crgtaceous strata, beginning with the Cenomanien. The larger number of representative species were found to agree with the Turonien. The original notion of repre- sentatives of Neocomian beds existing in South India loses support from the more complete examination and comparison of the species. The second series of the ‘ Paleontologia Indica’ is devoted to the Fossil Flora of the Rajmahal series (Jurassic), six iasciculi of which have been published. The descriptions are by Dr. Oldham and Professor Morris. The Rajmahal beds occur near Madras, in Bengal, and Kutch. Ai Madras the beds contain no carbonaceous matter, which in their equivalents in other parts of India occurs so largely as to form coal-seams. The plant-remaims occur chiefly in a white shale. They include Palzozamia, Dictyopteris, Tzni- opteris, Pterophyllum, Pecopteris, Stangerites, Poacues, &c. The fourth series on the Vertebrate Fossils of the Panchet rocks is by Professor Huxley, and is illustrated with six plates. These remains consist of numerous fragmentary and sometimes rolled bones, the majority being vertebre, with a few teeth, portions of crania, &c. They were discovered in a stratum of conglomerate sandstone exposed by the Damuda river near Deoli, fifteen miles west of Ranigunj, and they are of great interest as being the first remains of vertebrata discovered in the great group of rocks associ- ated with the coal-bearing formations of Bengal. They proved to belong to a peculiar group of fossil reptiles (Dicynodontia) hitherto only known from South Africa. The strong analogy which these South African rocks offer to some of the Indian rocks had been insisted on by Dr. Oldham, before this discovery, on the strength of 1870. | Rainfall in England. 4.67 the plant-remains alone, and this has been strangely confirmed by the discovery of reptiles of the same type (Dicynodontia). Very many years must necessarily pass away before the Geolo- gical Survey of India is completed, nor can Dr. Oldham and his present staff hope to see its accomplishment, but they have done sufficient already to indicate the great geological features of the country, and we may hope to see in one of their future publications, a table of succession of the Indian strata as far as at present deter- mined, with their probable European equivalents. IV. RAINFALL IN ENGLAND. By W. Pencetty, F.R.S. As regularly as the new year comes, and very speedily afterwards, come Mr. Symons’s ‘ British Rainfalls, containmg the well-tabu- lated results obtamed by many hundreds of rain observers whose gauges are spread over Great Britain and Ireland, as well as the adjacent isles. The data contained in these annual publications are of great interest, not only in themselves and as they stand, but because they are capable of being worked up and discussed in various ways, some of which I will now proceed to illustrate. The Rainfall of England and Wales——During 1869, there were in Great Britain south of the Tweed and Solway no fewer than 1093 gauges at work, giving an average of about 21 for each county, but, as may be supposed, without any approach to uni- formity of distribution. They were most thickly strewn in Middle- sex, and most sparingly in Montgomeryshire, there being one gauge for every 59783 acres in the former, and for every 284,060 acres in the latter ; that is relatively about forty-seven times as many gauges in the one as in the other. On the average, there was in the entire kingdom one gauge on every 34,149 acres; hence, were the distri- bution uniform, each gauge in England and Wales might be supposed to occupy the centre of a square measuring 7:3 miles in the side. It is eminently creditable to the zeal and perseverance of their meteorologists that the mountainous and thinly-populated counties of Carnarvon, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, were amongst those in which the relative number of gauges exceeded the average for the entire country; thus for every ten gauges in England and Wales as a whole, there were 10°5 in Carnarvonshire, 18°4 in Cumber- land, and 25:5 in Westmoreland. In the last, moreover, there were no fewer than twelve gauges on ground upwards of 1000 feet above the sea, three upwards of 2000 feet, and one at the height of 468 Rainfall in England. [ Oct., 3200 feet. Westmoreland had five gauges more than 1000 feet high ; and though Carnarvon had none exceeding 850 feet in height, the returns from every gauge in the county were in every respect complete, as they contained full information as to height above the sea and the ground, the total annual rainfall, the number of wet days, and therefore of the average wet-day rate of rain. The stations varied in height from the sea-level, at Hull, to 3200 feet above it, at Scafell Pike in Cumberland. ‘The least county average height was 53 feet, in Cambridgeshire; the greatest was 715 feet, in Radnorshire; whilst that for the entire kingdom was 297 feet. This general average was surpassed in twenty-five counties, but not reached in the remaining twenty-seven. The tops of the gauges were by no means at one uniform height above the ground on which they stood. In several cases they were level with the surface, whilst one at Cockermouth was 100 feet above it. ‘Taking the counties as separate wholes, the least average height was 13 inches in Leicestershire, and the greatest 8 feet 7 inches in Cambridgeshire; while the mean height for the entire country was 2 feet 9 inches. This general average was exceeded in twenty-four counties, but not reached in twenty-six. During the four years ending with December 31st, 1869, the least annual rainfall at any station was 7°84 inches—the receipts in 1869 of a gauge at Sheerness, the top of which was 70 feet above the ground and 79 feet above the sea; whilst the greatest was 207°49 inches, received in the same year, in a gauge 6 inches above the ground, and 1077 feet above the sea, at the Stye in Cumberland. During the four-year period just named the average annual rainfall in the different counties as separate wholes varied from 68°91 inches in Cumberland to 22°55 inches in Bedford- shire; the average for the entire kingdom being 35°37 inches. The three numbers were as 195: 63:100. The general average was exceeded in eighteen counties but not reached in thirty-four ; the former, or “ wet” counties, being to the latter, or “dry” ones, as 1:2 nearly. According to the Registrar-General, England and Wales con- tain 37,324,915 statute acres; hence, with an average rainfall of 35°87 inches, they every year receive 4,792,261,544,086 cubic feet of rain; that is, a quantity sufficient to fill a canal having an uniform breadth and depth equal to those of the Thames at low water at London Bridge (700 x 12°5 feet), and a length of 103,721 miles, or more than four times the circumference of the earth. ‘Taking the weight of a cubic foot of water at 1000 oz. av., England and Wales annually receive 133,712,677,011 tons of rain. Were the entire rainfall of the year converted into a hailstorm it would be a globe having a diameter of 4730 feet = -9 miles. The eighteen “wet” counties are, in descending order, Cumber- 1870. | Rainfall in England. 469 land, Merionethshire, Westmoreland, Montgomeryshire, Carnarvon- shire, Cardiganshire, Cornwall, Pembrokeshire, Monmouthshire, Glamorganshire, Caermarthenshire, Lancashire, Devonshire, Breck- nockshire, Radnorshire, Anglesea, Derbyshire, and Somersetshire— those, in short, which, with the exception of Cheshire, Denbighshire, and Flintshire, form our western coast from the Solway to the Land’s End, including the Bristol Channel to the eastern margins of Mon- mouth and Somerset shires, together with the inland mountain counties of Montgomery, Brecknock, Radnor, and Derby. Obviously our rains come from the west and south-west; high lands have a greater rainfall than those which are low; and, as a corollary, dis- tricts having loftier lands between them and the Atlantic must receive less rain than those not thus sheltered,—a truth well illustrated by the comparative dryness of Cheshire, Denbigh, and Flint shires, which lie on the dry side of Carnarvonshire, Anglesea, and Ireland. In the provisional language of meteorologists, those days are termed “wet” on which not less than ‘01 inch of rain falls in the twenty-four hours. During the four years already mentioned, the greatest number of wet days recorded in one year at any station was 315 in 1866, at Patterdale Hall, in Westmoreland; and the least number was 77 days at Beeston Lock, Nottinghamshire, in 1868. The greatest county annual average for the same period was 207 days in Merionethshire, the least 137 days in Bedfordshire, whilst for the entire kingdom it was 169 days: the three numbers being as 122 : 81:100. In twenty-two counties the general average number was ex- ceeded, whilst it was not reached in twenty-eight ; the former group included all the counties of excessive rainfall, with the exception of those of Brecknock and Pembroke. } From what has been stated above, it appears that the county of greatest average rainfall was not that of the greatest average number of wet days, and that the difference between the rainfall extremes was greater than that between those of the number of wet days, it being 132 per cent. in the former, but no more than 41 per cent. in the latter case. In other words, though a great annual rainfall, and a great number of wet days may be said to go together, the former, instead of depending entirely on the latter, depends also on the average wet-day rate of rain. Cumberland, as we have seen, received, on the average, 68°91 inches of rain on 192 days per year; hence its average wet-day rate of rainfall was 36 inch (= 68°91~+192), and this was the maximum. The minimum was that of Cambridgeshire, amounting to no more than *15 inch; whilst the average for England and Wales, as a whole, was *22 inch; the three numbers varying as 164:68:100. Fourteen counties, all of them having excessive rainfalls, ex- ceeded the general average wet-day rate. 470 Rainfall in England. [ Oct., It may be convenient here to recapitulate in a tabular form the principal facts just established in connection with the three pluvial elements of England and Wales, and which show that the rainfall of a district depends on the wet-day rate of rain rather than on the number of wet days. Max | Min Mean. Average annual relative rainfall .. peers 195 63 100 Average annual relative number of wet days. Bc gaeee 122 81 100 Average relative wet-day rate ofrain .. .. .. « 164 68 100 On taking the “ wet” and “dry” counties as two distinct wholes, their pluvial elements stand as below :— | ACTUAL. RELATIVE. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Annual average rainfall,. .. ss | eo 22 io 28°68 im. 7) 0 Annual average number of wet days .. | 185 days | 160 days | 116 | 100 Annual average wet-day rate of rain .. °27 in. -18 in. | 150 | 100 The Influence of Height above the Ground on the Rainfall It has long been known that at the same station a gauge on or near the ground receives more rain than one higher above it. Dr. Dalton stated, in 1802, that the ratio of the quantity of rain collected on the top of St. John’s steeple, Manchester, to that collected on the ground in the vicinity, about 50 yards below, was 1n summer as 2:3 nearly, and in winter as 1:2 nearly.* Mr. Symons’s ‘ British Rainfall’ extends over the ten years be- ginning with 1860; and at several of the stations whence he receives returns there are two or more gauges at different heights above the ground. Omitting all whose vertical distances are less than 10 feet, and taking the highest and lowest only at the same station, there werein Great Britain and Ireland 226 cases spread over the ten years which are available for the discussion of the question imme- diately under notice. The “ vertical gauge-distances” varied from 10 feet to 99:5 feet, and averaged 40°5 feet. The total amount of rain received by all the lower gauges was 6812-02 inches, and by the upper ones 5707°98 inches; showing an actual defect of 1104-04 inches, or a relative defect of 16°3 per cent. This, divided equally between the 226 cases, gives a total deficit of 4: 885 inches each per year. Di- viding, again, by the average gauge-distance, or difference of height * «Monthly Magazine,’ vol. xiv., p. 5. 1802. 1870. ] Rainfall in England. 471 (40°5 feet), the result is an annual average deficit of *12 inch, or ‘4 per cent., for every foot of elevation above the ground. In other words, if the rainfall, received during a year by a gauge on, or a few inches above, the ground, be divided into 1000 equal parts, for every foot a second gauge is placed vertically above this, it will, on the average, receive four such parts fewer. It is obvious that this wniform average “ foot-defect” of +4 per cent. of the receipts of the lower gauge presupposes that the lower gauges are all at the same small height above the ground, and that for a given depth or zone of atmosphere the actual deficit is the same, whether the zone be at a high or low level. The first is unfortu- nately anything but true, as some of the lower gauges are level with the surface, whilst others are as much as 8°5 feet above it. Waiving this however, interesting information on the second point is contained in the returns, tabulated below, from Southampton, Oxford, and Preston, and which have been selected from the entire list simply because they extend over a greater number of years than any of the others, and because the difference in the heights of the gauges, that is, the depth of the zone of atmosphere on which the experiments were made, was not the same at any two of the stations. Wertital Relative Foot-defects. Stations. gauge. | Sees | 1860. |1861.| 1862. |1863. | 1864. | 1865. | 1866. |1867. 1968. 1869. |Means. | ft. in | Southampton | 18 1 | 1:03] °92| 1°19 | -97 | 1°03 | 1°33 | 1°04 | 55 | -66 | 63 | :93 Oxford . .| 22 9 -64-|-59 | -65 | -78 | -<81| 669 | =86)1 230)| “28 | “60 Preston . .| 49 5 23 | +27 32 | ‘31 25 27 34 | 34 | 42 | -26 | -30 | An inspection of the Table shows that whilst at each station there were fluctuations from year to year, the foot-defect was invariably an inverse function of the vertical gauge-distance. In other words, if a series of gauges be placed vertically above one another, at uniform distances, the first or lowest will receive, on the average, more rain than the second, which in its turn will receive more than the third, and so on; but the difference between the receipts of the first and second will be greater than that between those of the second and third, and so on. The foregoing Table contains twenty-nine annual returns from the three stations collectively. Jf with them we include all the annual returns from stations having gauges differing in height from 10 to 70 feet, and form them into six groups, such that the first shall be made up of those only having a gauge-distance of from 10 to 20 feet, the former alone inclusive; the second, of those whose distance ranged from 20 to 30 feet; and so on to the sixth or last ; we get the following Table, in which the Southampton returns just 472 Rainfall in England. [ Oct., given, obviously belong to the first group, those from Oxford to the second, and those from Preston to the fourth :— Vertical gauge-distances. Number of Average Foot-defect, in feet. Annual Returns. per cent. | Brom 10 to 20... 22 °939 3 SAGO OU Ow. 53 oa be wd eSOete AOS ois. 50 “395 ee ee 35 -378 eer atto OO... 19 305 | » 60t070 .. .. 13 ‘374 From the foregoing figures, it appears that if the contents of the lower gauge be divided into 100,000 equal parts, the upper gauge will, on the average, receive 939 fewer such parts for every foot of elevation, provided such elevation be not less than 10 nor more than 20 feet; or 512 fewer such parts per foot provided the vertical gauge-distance be not less than 10 nor more than 30 feet, and so on. A glance at the last or right-hand column shows: Ist, that, with one exception, the foot-defect diminishes with increased vertical gauge-distance; 2nd, that the difference between two consecutive foot-defects becomes less and less with increase of difference of elevation, and almost disappears at the height of 70 feet. At certain stations, as Cardington and Cockermouth, there are three gauges, each at a different height above the ground, whose receipts are tabulated below :— Height | Actual Rainfall in inches. Mean | Mean Stations, of | Relative S a Gores | 1865. | 1866. |. 1867. | 1868, | 1869. | Means, (Rainfall. ior cent, : Bo we | a Cardington 0 0O | 27°25 | 26°88 | 23°57 | 21°94 | 21-25 | 24-18| 100 ie : 3 6 | 26-18 | 25-53 | 22-26 | 21-30 | 20°33 /23-12| 96 | 1:14 3 35° 0 ee aes 19°05! 79 | +58 | | Cockermouth} 0 6| .. |50°77| 88°35 | 50:12 | 46°31) 46°39| 100 i 95 6 6 48-19 | 36°29 | 48-02 | 44°48 / 44-24} 95 *83 55 100 0 | ped eit ZO Oo oo *49 | | Here, as before, the receipts of the gauges, at the same stations, were greater when nearest the ground. The difference of receipts increased with increased difference of elevation. The deficit, per cent. per foot, became less as the difference of height became greater. And on comparing the results from the two stations, it appears 1870. | Rainfall in England. 473 that whilst a difference of 3°5 feet in vertical gauge-distance gave a foot-defect of 1:14 per cent. at Cardington, a distance of 6 feet gave a foot-defect of only *83 per cent. at Cockermouth; and that whilst a vertical gauge-distance of 36 feet at the former gave a foot- defect of *58 per cent., a distance of 99°5 feet at the latter gave a foot-defect of no more than *45 per cent. Enough has probably now been said to show, what indeed has long been known to meteorologists, the importance of the height of the gauge above the surface on which it stands, with the consequent absolute necessity of this height being everywhere the same if we are to attach any meaning to the “ Rainfall of District,” or if rain- fall statistics are to be of any scientific value. Devonshire, for example, is one of the “wet” counties of South Britain, and, from its situation, Plymouth might have been expected to have been one of the “wet” stations of the county. This ex- pectation is quite in harmony with the popular belief, which finds expression in such remarks as “It always rains at Plymouth.” “Don’t forget to take your umbrella when you go to Plymouth,” and soon. Nevertheless, the published returns do not confirm it. The average annual rainfall of the county during the four years ending with December 31st, 1869, was 42°40 inches, whilst at Plymouth it was no more than 39°45 inches, that is a deficit of 7 per cent. If the figures are to be trusted then, Plymouth is for Devonshire a “dry” station, at least so far as the annual rainfall is concerned, whatever it may be with regard to the number of wet days, about which no returns are made. ‘The case is rendered by no means less remarkable when we turn to the other stations in the neighbour- hood, all of which confess that they are “wet.” Thus Ham, Saltram, and Ridgeway are all within 4 miles of it—the first in a north-westerly, and the second and third in a north-easterly direction —all farther from the sea, and all have their gauges on less elevated ground ; all, in short, have conditions likely to betoken a less rain- fall, yet their average annual falls, during the four years so — frequently spoken of, have exceeded the county mean by 4, 9, and 16 per cent. respectively. The solution of the problem, however, is not far to seek; it lies in the fact that whilst all the other stations have their gauges very near the ground, the Plymouth gauge is 30 feet above it. Two other Devonshire stations, Tavistock and Mount Tavy, tell the same story. They are barely a mile apart, and very nearly at the same height above the sea, but the average rainfall of the latter exceeds that of the former by upwars of 12 per cent.—a fact for which no other explanation can or need be given than the sufficient one that the Mount Tavy gauge is only one foot, whilst that at Tavistock is 20 feet, above the ground. In this age, so famous for the application of science to commercial 474 Rainfall in England, [ Oct., purposes, it surely ought to be possible to turn to account the defective receipts of rain gauges high above the surface; and in the absence of a better, perhaps the following suggestion may be of service :—Watering-places and other towns of fashionable and wealthy resort, are always naturally desirous of advertising their attractions. Knowing that their visitors dislike rain, their business is clearly to prove that they are remarkably exempt fromit. It is true that a wet day is comfortless and a bore simply because it 7s wet, not because the rain is or is not heavy; hence all that is necessary is to place the town gauge high above the ground, make no record of the number of wet days, publish the annual rainfall thus ascertained, and with it those of towns which have no tempt- ation to this form of utilization. The rainfall will undoubtedly stand in very favourable contrast with that of any of the other towns, and the general public will readily conclude that the wet days were correspondingly few. Seriously, however, our method of collecting rainfall data is anything but satisfactory, and the figures must fail in the nigid accuracy which science requires. In concluding this part of my paper, I venture to express the hope that at no distant day all observers will employ gauges of the same size and construction, which shall be tested before being located ; that they shall all be at one uniform small height above the surface : that the ground on which they are placed shall be at least approximately level, and quite unoccupied for some distance from them; that none of them shall be placed on buildings, since these, especially when large, cannot but be thermal agents and affect the rainfall; that, with the ex- ee ee ception of a few very elevated stations, —SSeeenr-_ the number of wet days shall be duly SS ==7 ~-s recorded; and that, tor ascertaining the exact relation of rainfall to height above the surface, a series of such gauges shall, at least, at one station in each county, be placed practically in the same vertical line at uniform successive distances, say of 10 feet. Without intending to express any doubt respecting the accuracy of other gauges, it may be stated that probably none are to be preferred to the “ five- inch gauge” made by Mr. Casella, under the auspices of the British Association, and which, through the kindness of the maker, is figured above. It consists of a Receiver, a Reservoir, and a Metre. ‘The last, of course, requires no descrip- 1870. | Rainfall in England. 475 tion ; and the reservoir may be dismissed with the remark that it is a bottle of stone or glass, 9°7 inches high. The Receiver is a copper circular funnel, 5 inches in diameter, 4°8 inches deep, and terminating in a tube 8°5 inches long and ‘3 inch in internal diameter. Outside this, and soldered to the bottom of the funnel, is a cylindrical phlange, 2°25 inches deep, and having between it and the tube a space for the reception of the head of the reservoir, which it exactly fits, so that when united a horizontal section through the phlange would disclose three tightly-fitting concentric tubes. The phlange keeps the receiver steady, prevents the rain which falls on the outside of the funnel from leaking into the bottle, and reduces to a minimum the evaporation of the contents of the reservoir. When fitted together the height of the instrument is 14-1 inches; but when in use it is placed firmly in the ground, and should have its top 9 inches above the surface. Supposed Influence of the Moon on the Rainfall—That the moon is very influential in, or at least closely connected with, all changes of the weather, is a belief at once widely spread and deeply rooted. Our satellite can neither be full, nor new, nor “ fill her horns,” without, as is popularly believed, causing or indicating some alteration in the state of the weather. If she is caught “lying on her back,” or, in other words, if, when she is less than a semicircle, her cusps are pointed upwards so that the straight line joming them is more or less approximately parallel to the horizontal plane, the fact is supposed to be an indication if not the cause of rain. If she submits to be “towed by one star and chased by another,” that is, if she is between and near two conspicuous stars, so that the three bodies are at least nearly in a straight line, the fishermen expect a storm. Though meteorologists show no favour to these and many similar beliefs, some of them admit that it is neither unphilosophical nor contrary to fact to regard the moon as a meteorological agent. Thus, Sir John Herschel, from his own observations, regards it as _ a meteorological fact that the clouds have a tendency to disappear under the full moon, and adds that a slight preponderance in respect of quantity of rain near the new moon over that which falls near the full, would be a natural and necessary consequence of a preponderance of a cloudless sky about the full.* M. Arago, who concurs in this opinion, states that the expression “the moon eats the clouds,” is common in France among country people, and espe- cially among sailors.| The latter philosopher adds that the results obtained from meteorological observations in Germany and in Paris, were that the maximum number of rainy days occurred between the first quarter and full moon, and the minimum between the last * ‘Outlines of Astronomy,’ par. 432, and note, p. 285. Sth edit. 1858. + ‘Popular Astronomy,’ Smyth’s Translation, vol. ii., ch. xxiii., pp. 311-313, 1858. VOL. VII. Die 476 Rainfall in England. [ Oct., uarter and new moon; the ratios being 100 : 121-4 in Germany, and 100 : 126 in Paris ; but that in the south of France the mini- mum number of rainy days occurred between the full moon and the last quarter. He concludes with the remark that “the question requires to be examined afresh.” * Having by me an unbroken series of carefully-made rainfall observations from the beginning of 1864 to the present time, I have tabulated the results below so as to show the amount of rain, the number of wet days, and the wet-day rate of rain in each of the four quarters of the seventy-four complete lunations, beginning with the new moon on January 9th, 1864, and ending with January Ist, 1870—a period of 2185 days. The word “ quarter,” as used here, may be defined thus :—The first quarter begins with the day of the new moon, and ends with the day immediately preceding that on which, according to the almanac, the moon reaches the first quarter, and so on for the others. | QUARTERS. | Sahie Lee ho ae me Totals First. | Second. Third. | Fourth. / ah is al ts A a ee _ . Actual rainfall in inches... .. .. | 56-66 | 58-87 | 57-30 | 55-90 | 228-73 Relative rainfall : ; | 2477 | 2547 | 2505 | 2444 | 10000 Number of times rainfall was ‘more) than 25 per cent. .. wa 30t | os - Number of times rainfall was les} than 25 per cent. = ei = ue a Number of dry days .. 274 301 241 266 1082 Number of wet days.. .. .. 274 248 307 274 1103 Relative number of dry days .. 253 278 223 246 1000 Relative number of wet days .. - 248 225 278 248 1000 Mean wet-day rate of rain in sities | -2141 | -2374 | -1866 | | +2043 | -2073 Relative mean wet-day rate of rain | | 98 100 103 115 | 90 | From the foregoing Table, it is obvious that with regard to the three pluvial elements, in South Devon, during the six years ending with January Ist, 187 0, the four quarters of the seventy-four moons may be arranged, in descending order, as below: Rainfall. | Number of Wet Days. Wet-day Rate of Rain. Second. (greatest) | Third. (greatest) Second. (greatest) Third. Second. Fi irst. First. Fourth. Fourth. | Third. (least) Fourth. (least) First. (least) * «Popular Astronomy,’ Smyth’s Translation, vol. ii., ch. xxxv., pp. 317, 318. + The rainfall of one “second quarter” was exactly 25 per cent. of that of the lunation. Quarterly Journal of Science N° XXVET. : How the Earth is presented towards the Sun, during - the Eclapse, and the path of the Moon's Shadow. & ITER RANEAN . Nes The course and shape of the Moon's Umbra. Litho Whiteman k Bass, London 1870. | The approaching Total Solar Kelipse.. 477 This tabular summary shows :— 1st. That the quarters arrange themselves in an entirely dif- ferent order under the different heads, with the single exception of the second being the quarter of greatest average rainfall and also of greatest average wet-day rate of rain. 2nd. That the least average rainfall was in the quarter imme- diately preceding the new moon, instead of being, as Sir J. Herschel supposes, about the full moon. 8rd. That the maximum number of wet days was in the third quarter, and the minimum in the first; thus differmg in every particular from the results stated by M. Arago to have been obtained in Germany and Paris, on the one hand, and in the south of France on the other, which, as we have seen, differed from one another. This discussion may be appropriately closed, perhaps, by echoing Arago’s remark, that “the question requires to be examined afresh.” V. THE APPROACHING TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. By R. A Procror, F.R.AS., &e. Tue eclipse of next December is less remarkable in many important respects than the two total solar eclipses now commonly known as the Indian and American eclipses of 1868 and 1869. The former of these was distinguished among all the eclipses of recent times by the exceptional extent to which the lunar dise overlapped, during central totality, the concealed disc of the sun. For more than six minutes at some stations no direct solar light was visible. The eclipse of last year was not distinguished in this particular way, though the duration of totality—at some stations exceeding four minutes—was far from inconsiderable. What rendered the Ameri- can eclipse so extremely important, even more important than the Indian one, was the fact that a large proportion of the track of the moon’s shadow lay across a region dotted over with well-armed observatories. It is probable that on no previous occasion has so large an array of practised observers been employed in scrutinizing the phenomena of a total eclipse; and it is absolutely certain that so many appliances had never before been employed to render the researches of the observers effective. In both respects the approaching eclipse is less important. The greatest duration of total obscuration will be but 2m. 11s.; and the track of the moon’s shadow only skirts the region within which the principal European observatories are situated. In fact, the only parts of Kurope traversed by the shadow are the southern provinces of Spain and Portugal, Sicily, the southern extremity of Italy, and 2K 2 478 The approaching Total Solar Eclipse. [ Oct., parts of Greece and Turkey. And of these regions only those in the Spanish peninsula and Sicily are practically available, because in the others the duration of totality will be less and the sun will have but a small elevation. In Greece, for instance, and Turkey, though the phenomena of totality may chance to be well seen, yet the chance is not such as would justify an expedition from the prin- cipal astronomical centres of Europe. The best places of all for observing the eclipse will undoubtedly be those along or near the track of totality in Algeria. These, however, will probably be left to the astronomers of France. Fig. 1 shows the actual presentation of the earth towards the sun, and the course and shape of the moon’s shadow on Decem- ber 22nd next. The hour is supposed to be solar noon at Green- wich. The earth must be conceived to be rotating in the direction shown by the arrow (on the equator), and at such a rate that any meridian line in the figure will reach the place occupied by the next meridian towards the right in two hours. The black spot to the west of Spain represents the shadow of the moon at the hour named. This shadow is surrounded by the penumbra, a portion of which, however, remains throughout the eclipse beyond the northern limits of the earth’s disc. The course of the shadow is indicated by the curved line taken through the black spot. If an observer on the sun could trace the apparant path of the moon’s centre across the earth’s dise, he would not find it curved in this way, but appre- ciably straight. As the earth is rotating, however, the disc turned towards the sun undergoes an appreciable change during the dura- tion of central eclipse, and the motion of the different points of the earth along parallels curved like those shown in the figure, causes the path of the moon’s centre with reference to the earth’s globe (distinguished here from her disc as seen from the sun) to have the shape indicated in the figure. | Central eclipse begins on the earth generally at twenty-six minutes before noon,—in other words the black shadow shown in the figure as already well advanced is supposed to have entered on the disc twenty-six minutes before the epoch corresponding to the figure. Central eclipse concludes for the earth generally at twenty- one minutes past one, or eighty-one minutes after the epoch corre- sponding to the figure. The total interval during which the moon's shadow (as distinguished from her penumbra) falls upon the earth is thus 1h. 47 m.; and the amount of motion due (during this in- terval) to the earth’s rotation can be conceived by remembering that the southern extremity of Spain moves during totality from a place below the dark spot in the figure (and on the proper parallel, of course) to about the place occupied in the figure by Sicily. it will be evident from a further consideration of the relations 1870. | The approaching Total Solar Eclipse. 479 presented in Fig. 1, that there are two respects in which this eclipse is unfavourable. First of all, the track of the shadow lies far from the centre of the disc. It is clear that, pro tanto, the shadow is rendered smaller by falling near the outer parts of the disc; because these parts lie farther than the centre from the sun. Secondly, the elevation of the sun at the time of eclipse is not considerable. Since the sun is vertical at the place which occupies the centre of the earth’s illuminated disc, and on the horizon for any place which lies on the circumference of that disc, it is obvious that when the track of the moon’s shadow lis as in Fig. 1, the sun’s elevation is relatively small during total obscura- tion. In the present eclipse, at the stations where the chief observing parties will be placed, the sun’s elevation will be about 30 degrees, amply sufficient for ordinary observing purposes, but not altogether so great as might be desired for spectroscopic and polariscopic researches, and still less satisfactory for photography. Fig. 2 presents on a larger scale the track of the moon’s shadow, and the actual oval shape of the black spot which seen foreshortened in Fig. 1 appears as a circle. It will be seen that Odemira in Portugal, Cadiz and Xeres in Spain, Oran and Ratna in Africa, and Syracuse in Sicily, are the principal towns which lie very close to the central line. But it is probable that the stations will be selected without special reference to the proximity of towns ; indeed for many purposes the less inhabited regions of a country are best suited for such observations as have to be made during eclipse. Although Mount Etna is not very close to the central line, there are reasons for believing that a party stationed on the summit of this mountain would be enabled to make important observations. They would be more than twice as far raised above the sea-level as those observers were, who during the American eclipse obtained such favourable views of the solar corona from the summit of White Top Mountain. It will be remembered by our readers that General Myer reports the extension of the corona as seen from this station to have exceeded more than twofold the extension observed by those at lower levels. As there will probably be an English observing party near Syracuse, it would be a matter of the utmost interest and importance to compare their observations of the corona with those made at the summit of Etna. At present, it may be mentioned in passing, there seems every reason to believe that two important expeditions will be sent from England to observe the eclipse. As we write, the arrangements are not complete, and there still remains a possibility that the whole undertaking may fall through. But it is hoped that this may not be the case, and that the large array of volunteers whose names appear in the list of the two proposed expeditions may be enabled to devote their energies to the work they have severally undertaken. 480 The approaching Total Solar Eclipse. [ Oct., The main object of the astronomers of this and other countries will be to determine the nature of the corona. For this purpose, each of the English expeditions is to be divided into four parties. First, there will be the spectroscopists ; secondly, the polariscopists ; thirdly, the photographers; lastly, there are the general observers, who in our opinion are very far from forming the least important portion of the expedition. The spectroscopic evidence obtained during the Indian and American eclipses is contradictory and unsatisfactory. Let it be remarked in passing, however, that it is not altogether so contra- dictory as has been asserted. The American observers appear to have been misled into the supposition that Major Tennant saw the ordinary solar spectrum—that is, that the Fratinhofer lines could be seen in the spectrum of the corona. And indeed in Prof. Roscoe’s treatise ‘On Spectrum Analysis,’ it is stated that Major Tennant saw the ordinary solar spectrum, whereas “ Professor Pickering, on the other hand, saw only a continuous spectrum.” But Major Tennant’s account expressly asserts that the spectrum he saw was continuous. He says, “ What I saw” (the italics are his) “was undoubtedly a continuous spectrum, and I saw no lines. There may have been dark lines, of course, but with so faint a spectrum and the jaws of the slit wide apart, they might escape notice.” Thus the continuous spectrum seen by some of the American observers is in perfect accordance with Major Tennant’s observation. Indeed the mistake is rather fortunate than otherwise, because it led the American observers to search specially for dark lines such as they supposed Tennant to have seen ; and, therefore, their failure to recognize any may be regarded as all but decisive of the matter. Where Major Tennant’s observations are not accordant with those made by the American observers, these latter observations are themselves wanting in accordance. For Professor Young saw three bright lines in the coronal spectrum, and Professor Harkness saw one bright line; whereas Professor Pickering, like Major Tennant in 1868, saw only a continuous spectrum. This discrepancy will, we may fairly trust, be cleared up during the approaching eclipse. It may perhaps be found that different parts of the corona give different spectra. It may be noticed, however, that the bright line seen by Harkness and the bright lines seen by Young were delicate objects, and would almost certainly have escaped notice had these observers used a much narrower or a much wider slit than they actually employed. Professor Harkness failed to see the line till he had slightly opened the slit; but he would probably have lost it equally had he widened the slit too much.* May not Major * The total quantity of light from the bright lines would be increased by widen- ing the slit; but the intrinsic brilliancy of the broadened bands would be no greater than before. On the other hand, the intrinsic brilliancy of the continuous back- ground would be increased by the change. 1870. | The approaching Total Solar Eclipse. 481 Tennant have failed through such a course? He says, “ thinking that want of light prevented my seeing the bright lines which [ had fully expected to see on the lower strata of the corona, I opened the jaws of the slit.” It is worth noticing that failure may arise from this very adjustment. ‘Too narrow a slit is clearly unfavour- able, because a certain quantity of light is required for distinct vision; but on the other hand too wide a sht is equally unfavour- able, because a certain relative superiority in the brightness of the lines (or in this case bands) over the background of the continuous spectrum is equally requisite. The obvious conclusion is, that a telescope of large aperture and therefore of high light-gathering power should be employed, and the light of the continuous back- ground reduced as much as possible by increasing the dispersion. As respects the polariscopic operations, there is a similar con- tradiction to be explained during the approaching observations. The observers of the Indian eclipse assert positively that the hight of the corona is polarized in a plane through the sun’s centre ; the American observers, on the other hand, as positively deny this. The Astronomer Royal (than whom no higher authority—on this particular subject—exists) solves the difficulty summarily by ex- pressing his belief that the observers in India were not sufficiently familiar with the principles of polariscopic research to interpret what they saw. In this case, and assuming a similar state of things in the case of the American observers, we must look forward to the approaching eclipse as likely to supply the first really reli- able information yet obtained respecting the polarization of the corona. We cannot doubt that the observers next December will not fail from want of knowledge, since not only has the Astronomer Royal called special attention to the necessity of their carefully pre- paring themselves beforehand, but the government of the party has been assigned to Professor Pritchard, who is nothing if not a master of the science of theoretical optics. Our great fear is, however, lest the methods of testing light at present in vogue may not be suffi- ciently effective for the resolution of the somewhat difficult pro- blems depending on the polarization of the corona. Whatever advantage there may ordinarily be in the use of well-tried methods, it may be questioned whether in this particular case more powerful instruments than the polariscopes at present in use might not be devised and employed with advantage. We pass over the photographic department of the expedition ; in the first place because there is every reason to feel confidence that under the able supervision of Messrs. Browning and Brothers (at Gibraltar and Syracuse respectively) the photographic arrange- ments will be exceptionally successful, and in the second because as regards the inquiry, which is the main purpose of the expedition, photography can teach us comparatively little. Unless the whole 482 The approaching Total Solar Eclipse. [Oct., duration of totality were given to a single negative—which would be clearly unwise—no satisfactory picture of the corona could be obtained. : The chief promise of the expedition, in our opinion, lies in the number of skilled observers who have joined the two parties which are to devote their energies to general observation. The names of Mr. Lassell, Lieut.-Colonel Strange, and others (it is almost in- vidious to particularize), afford a sufficient guarantee not only of skilful observation, but also of a thoughtful study beforehand of the modes of observation likely to be most successful. We cannot sup- pose for a moment that such observers will be content merely to renew the observations which have been made so often and to such little purpose,—to tell us merely the oft-told tale respecting the beauty and splendour of the corona, its colour, extent, shape, and so on. Something much more definite is required, and that some- thing, if it can be obtained (of which we have no doubt whatever), is surely to be expected from the skilful astronomers who have pro- mised to take part in the general observations to be made on the corona. Let us consider a few of those points on which it is most desir- able that information should be obtained. It has been observed by some astronomers that the structure of the corona seems in places to be marked by the presence of curves and striations, and sometimes even of complex portions, which have been compared to “hanks of thread in disorder.” It is most im- portant that adequate telescopic power should be applied to deter- mine how far this appearance is real, and what peculiarities may be recognized in the curves, hanks, and striations, under telescopic scrutiny. For this purpose the disc of the moon ought not to occupy (as has been usually the case) the centre of a large field; but the brighter part of the corona close by the moon’s limb should be kept altogether out of the field of view. Further, different powers should be employed, and the focussing for each should be very carefully noted. For even those who reject wholly (as we confess that we do) the theory that the corona is merely a pheno- menon of the earth’s atmosphere, must recognize the fact that the appearance of the corona may be, and probably is, very much affected by our atmosphere, through which it is necessarily seen. So that some of the peculiarities which apparently belong to the corona may in reality appertain to our own atmosphere. In this case the focussing suitable for clear recognition of the causes of such peculiarities would correspond to the relatively small distance of the upper parts of our atmosphere, and would thus differ appreciably from the focussing for celestial objects. It has been suggested that “the use of a telescope of low magnifying power but first-rate de- finition, a comet eye-piece being employed, would be desirable in 1870. ] The approaching Total Solar Kelipse. 483 studying the corona. ‘The telescope should be accurately driven by clockwork, and a dark iris-disc, 1f one may so describe an arrange- ment which would be the converse of an iris-diaphragm, might be employed with advantage to hide the light of the prominences and chromosphere. If the field of view were several degrees in diameter, and the dark disc at the beginning of totality concealed a circular space extending a degree or so beyond the eclipsed sun, the observer might first examine with great advantage the outer parts of the corona, and gradually extend his scrutiny to the very neighbour- hood of the prominences.” A question of extreme importance, which seems fairly within the range of the available modes of research, consists in the deter- mination whether the outer and extremely faint parts of the corona show any sign of prolongation towards those regions where, as we know, the zodiacal light extends. The whole of that portion of the heavens along which (speaking with reference to the place of the sun) the zodiacal light is ordinarily visible, is above the horizon during most total eclipses. Further, the dark region corresponding to the place occupied by the moon’s shadow in our atmosphere, extends at the beginning and end of totality over a very wide range of sky, first on the western and then on the eastern side of the lunar disc. Along this region the faint glow of the zodiacal light ought to be perceptible if sought for under favourable circumstances. Among such circumstances are, of course, a clear sky and an elevated station. But there is one condition which, so far as we know, has never yet been attended to. The maximum darkness of a solar eclipse comes on so rapidly that the eye is yet dazzled by the light when totality is in progress. Nor does totality last long enough for the eye to acquire the power of recognizing faint differences of illumination. This fact serves to explain the failure of observers, hitherto, in detecting the delicate phenomenon we are now consider- ing. There appears to be good reason for believing that the search would be conducted with a much better prospect of success if the observer who undertook it were in the first place to keep his eyes as much as possible in darkness until totality had fairly commenced ; and in the second, to hide the whole of the corona from view while searching for the zodiacal light. This could be very easily managed by arranging beforehand a black disc so as to conceal the sun at the time of totality from an eye placed at a certain aperture, through which the observer should conduct his search, during totality, for the faint light along the ecliptic. This method seems so promising, and the inquiry itself is so full of interest, that we cannot but hope some observer will be willing to devote himself specially to this par- ticular subject. ; But we may safely expect from those who have volunteered to take part in an expedition which will probably be by no means a 484 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation: — [Oct., pleasure trip (remembering the season and the nature of the voy- age) the thoughtful consideration beforehand of all those means by which the expedition may be made successful. They will be fully aware that the astronomical world will expect from them something more than the renewal and confirmation of former observations. We may hope from them therefore results of extreme interest, throwing new light on important problems of solar physics, and perchance even revealing unexpected truths respecting the economy of the solar system itself. VI. THE CONTROVERSY ON SPONTANEOUS GENERATION: WITH RECENT EXPERIMENTS. By James Samvuetson, Editor. THERE is perhaps no biological question, excepting the origin of species, which has been so warmly debated in England and abroad, as the mode in which the lowest known types of animal and plant life come into existence, and probably one reason why these in- quiries have been productive of so much excitement, is their indirect theological bearing. The developmental theory recently elucidated by the researches and arguments of Darwin gave a fatal blow to the ancient beliefs concerning the first appearance and presence of the animal and plant races on the earth’s surface, and rendered unnecessary the special intervention of the Creator to account for the production of new species ; whilst the hypothesis of spontaneous generation, or the creation de novo, in organic infusions of the lowest known types of plants and animals in our time, seems, to impetuous and super- ficial thinkers, to put the divine influence altogether out of sight, and almost to degrade what have hitherto been regarded as living beings and vital forces to a level with the unconscious physical forces and inert forms of matter. With these considerations, however, scientific men have no concern, and whether or not the creation of a living thing from organic or inorganic materials, by what may be termed artificial means, be regarded as a sacrilege, the investigation must be under- taken without apprehension or prejudice, and the verdict given, not by theology or theologians, but on the evidence of strict experi- mental research, and from unprejudiced inductive reasoning. Scientific men being, as a rule, regarded as ruthless iconoclasts, anxious only to lacerate the feelings and undermine the most sacred aspirations of true believers, it may be supposed that these remarks are prefatory to an argument intended to overturn all our precon- ceived views as to the higher nature of life, and to hand over the Quarterly Journal of Science N° XXVIII. 200 drs Litho. Whiteman & Bass, London Organisms found in infusion of Orangejuice , and in ) purée Rain Water. 1870.] with recent Hxperiments. 485 task of creating living beings to the chapter of accidents and to the blind physical forces of nature. My task is, however, not of such a painful character. In the first place, it must be remembered that if it should turn out that living beings are capable of springing into existence through the direct transformation of decaying organic matter, those beings are, so to speak, merely the instruments upon which the higher psychical faculties play ; from dust they come and to dust they return. And again, every advanced thinker is pre- pared to admit that even the higher races which animate, beautify, or transform the earth’s surface, are fed, grow, and decay through the direct operation of the physical forces, and that they are exqui- sitely constructed machines, lable to injury, accident, and destruc- tion, and need fuel and reparation just as any humanly-constructed mechanism. What difference, then, can it make to any but the most timid or bigoted thinkers whether the first appearance of the lowest types of animal and plant life is due to the direct action of the physical forces upon matter which has once been organized and is undergoing decomposition, or to the same forces or some unknown modification of them acting in the first instance m or upon almost inconceivably minute pre-existing germs ? I can, however, offer to such timid philosophers the crumb of comfort, that it is not unlikely the ultimate result of the discussion which now agitates the scientific world will be to show that the lowest known living types are not now created de novo, but that their germs are almost omnipresent and ineradicable; and this conclusion has been arrived at by me, not from the experiments with varying and contradictory results which have been tried by different investigators, but from a calm consideration of the whole question, renewed at intervals, over a space of nearly fifteen years. And this reflection causes me to draw attention to a peculiar cir- cumstance connected with the controversy on spontaneous genera- tion; namely, that we hardly ever hear of the work of any observer extending over a lengthened period. In most cases we have a set of experiments tried by an investigator of greater or less eminence now a zoologist, then a chemist, which are published along with his views, usually of a very decided and dogmatic character, and then he rushes out of the arena, and we hear nothing more of him on that subject. Of course he has settled the question to his own satisfac- tion and to the satisfaction of those who agree with him, and there is no need of further investigation until some new circumstance or some fresh set of experiments invalidates all previous evidence and raises up a new host of combatants and disciples on either side. We are at present in the very thick of such an intellectual con- test, and no doubt there are many true believers in heterogenesis who regard as conclusive the recently-published experiments and obser- vations of Dr. Bastian which have startled the boldest thinkers and 486 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation : [ Oct., some of the most profound biologists; but after bestowing upon them the careful consideration which they well deserve, and trying such experiments as seemed to me to throw light upon some of the mysterious appearances described by him, I have come to the con- clusion that, so far as he is concerned, the argument stands just where it was, and that the question is likely to remain an open one for a long time to come. : Many will, no doubt, remember that some years since Professor Huxley, influenced by the astounding revelations of organic che- mistry, and by the facility with which one form of organic matter after another was being synthetically produced by chemists in their laboratories, ventured on the bold speculation that possibly experi- mentalists might one day be able “ to take inorganic matters such as carbonic acid, ammonia, water, and salines in any sort of inorganic combination, and be able to build them up into protein matter, and then that that protein matter ought to begin to live in an organic form ;’* but Dr. Bastian believes that he has accomplished even more than this, that he has taken solutions of saline substances in proportions which he details most circumstantially, has exterminated in them all the germs which they might possibly be said to contain, and by excluding the atmosphere has prevented the entrance of new ones which might be said to be floating in that medium; and that, yet, after intervals varying from nine or ten to forty days there have been spontaneously produced in and from those substances, not par- ticles of protoplasm as it was hinted possible by Professor Huxley, but truly organized plants and small ciliated infusoria. But, in the first place, his own account of these experiments is often very vague. For example, he tells ust that he prepared a solution of crystallized white sugar, tartrate of ammonia, phosphate of ammonia, and phosphate of soda, which was boiled for twenty minutes and kept am vacuo nine days; and, to use his own words, “when examined microscopically a few monads and bacteria were found in the first drops of the liquid which had been poured out before the whole was shaken.” So far, after nine days’ exposure he found only what has been seen by a score of observers over and over again, and cautious in- vestigators, such as Dr. Child, Dr. Beale, and others (as I ventured years since to predict), have refused to admit many of these minute moving specks to be living organisms at all. But he goes on to say, “The remainder was then poured into a conical glass, and after having been allowed to stand for a time, the supernatant fluid was removed and the last few drops containing the sediment were * “On our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature ;’ being Six Lectures to Working Men. By Professor Huxley, F.R.S. London: R. Hardwicke. t ‘Nature,’ July 7, pp. 195-6. 1870. ] with Recent Experiments. 487 examined.” Itis to be regretted that we are not informed how long the fluid was allowed to stand exposed to the air, for although in the case under consideration the only result of the exposure was the appearance of many “ bacteroid particles” (whatever that may mean—for a bacterium itself is the minutest speck perceptible to the eye with high microscopic powers), “and monads of different sizes exhibiting the most active movements,” yet I will show presently, that when certain fresh infusions are exposed under favourable cir- cumstances only for a few hours, they become filled with perfectly- organized plant forms in different stages of growth. In addition to those “bacteroid” particles and monads, Dr. Bastian also found “irregular-shaped particles” which were active, and the conclusion: at which I am constrained to arrive, is that his enthusiasm in the cause of heterogenesis has led him, there at least, to confound the atomic motion of organic and inorganic particles with the move- ments of similar objects, of which it is always necessary to trace the growth and development before they can be safely pronounced to be the germs of infusoria or of lowly plants. Let me, in passing, recommend those investigators who are reviving the experiments of Pouchet, Pasteur, Schulze, Joly, Musset, Wyman, and others, all of whom have failed to convince the scien- tific world, that they should not only examine their infusions, as heretofore, some days after they have been sealed up, but some hours afterwards, and I have reason to believe that the comparison will change their views as to the result of closing and preserving those infusions. Pitta Again, some of Dr. Bastian’s experiments are strikingly adverse to the hypothesis that the types observed and described were created de novo. In experiment No. 13, a solution of tartrate of ammonia and phosphate of soda, which had been kept twenty days an vacuo, was found to contain a fungus, &c., whilst another solution, which had been prepared in the same manner and at the same time, was opened on the thirty-fifth day, and “yielded no organisms of any kind;” but mark! when a third solution of the identical sub- stances was so treated as to give free access to the air, and was examined on the thirty-eighth day, there was found what the observer calls “a spirally-twisted organism.” It seems to me that it would hardly be possible to adduce more convincing evidence against heterogenesis and in favour of the atmospheric germ theory than is afforded by these results, and a very striking confirmation of this view is to be found in a circumstance which has recently been discovered in another quarter, affording evidence, all the more valuable, because it was not intended to influence this con- troversy. Mr. Wood, of Middlesbrough, in his efforts to preserve tartaric acid solutions in a state fit for chemical experiments, has found that whilst such a solution will, under ordinary circum- 488 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation : [ Oct., stances, become mouldy, it will not undergo that change if pre- viously boiled and filtered—but it must in fairness be added that he says, even if exposed to the air. Whether he means constantly exposed to the air, or only occasionally, I am unable to say. How such substances become mouldy will be seen presently, and it will be found to have a direct bearing on the argument. Before proceeding to describe my own recent investigations, however, I desire to make one more reference to the published opinions of Dr. Bastian, to show how necessary it is to be cautious before we construe the microscopical appearances connected with this inquiry. In speaking of the pellicle which appears on the surface of infusions, Dr. Bastian says,* “What Burdach named the pro- ligerous pellicle of organic solutions, is made up of an aggregation of monads and bacteria in a transparent jelly-like stratum on the surface of the fluid. It constitutes at first a thin scum-like layer, and although the monads and bacteria entering into its composition are motionless, M. Pouchet and others were not warranted in assuming from this fact alone that they were dead. There is indeed good reason for believing to the contrary, since, as pointed out by Cohn, when any of these particles are set free from the broken edge of a pellicle, they always resume their movements. Motion, therefore, may simply be prevented by the presence of the transparent jelly-like material in which they are imbedded, although the particles may be undoubtedly living.” Under what circumstances the observers examined this so-called “proligerous pellicle,” I am unable to say, and Dr. Bastian him- self says, that owing to his observations being carried on in winter, he was not able to witness those changes observed by Pouchet; but he describes certain other changes in this pellicle on infusions which, according to his account, resulted in the development of unicellular organisms. Now, with all deference to the eminent observers quoted by Dr. Bastian, I venture to say that the appearances referred to have no bearing whatever upon the controversy, inasmuch as they are by no means confined to infusions. Long before I had heard the expression “ proligerous pellicle,” or was aware that this phenomenon was supposed by the advocates of heterogenesis to precede the creation, de novo, of living forms, I had myself observed a precisely similar appearance in pure distilled water exposed to the atmosphere. This was recorded at the time, as follows, in a paper read before Section D of the British Association in 1863 :-— . “Let me, however, briefly refer to the results of the exposure of distilled water only, in July, for that experiment has not been re- * ‘Nature,’ June 30, p. 172. 1870. | with Recent Haperiments. 489 peated with such satisfactory results. The glasses containing the water were so placed in a box divided by three partitions and covered with lids of blue, red, and yellow glass, that the panes intercepted all dust falling perpendicularly, and for several days very little dust reached the contained water. A deposit of dust had meanwhile accumulated on the panes of glass. Finding little or no life in the distilled water, I washed the dust from the glass lids into the re- spective vessels, and on the following day repeated the examination. As usual, I observed particles of silex and fragments of organic sub- stances, and, with a low power, these seemed to be imbedded in a gelatinous film. I had placed the little glass vessels themselves under the instrument, and after pouring off the water, examined the deposit with a power of about fifty diameters. On covering the sediment with a thin glass, and bringing a higher power to bear, I found the gelatinous film to consist of motionless transparent monads or cells, and carefully restoring the contents of the vessels, pouring back the water, I left them until the following day. Dur- ing the night and day, the cells or monads had become endowed with rapid motion, and an examination of the water showed it to be peopled with myriads of active moving germs.” Here, then, is another phenomenon supposed to be attendant upon the creation de novo of lowly organisms in infusions, which I had observed and recorded years since in pure distilled water ex- posed to atmospheric action. And this brings me to my recent investigations, conducted during the months of June, July, and August last. As considerable doubt has been thrown upon the existence of germs in the atmo- sphere by certain observers, in their anxiety to prove the sponta- neous production of the lowest plants and animals, I first repeated my former simple experiments with distilled water, and this time I used open saucers, small glass well-dishes (those used to hold ink), and even test tubes. On the 21st June I first exposed two saucers of distilled water to the air, and two days afterwards I found it to contain a little sediment of dust. On examination with the microscope, a drop of the water presented the appearance so frequently described by me. There were fragments of silex, soot, and minute moving germs. The latter I shall not attempt to dignify with scientific names; suffice it to say that the contrast between their movements and the molecular motions of particles of organic and inorganic matter af- forded: sufficient proof of their being endowed with life. I then filled two test-tubes with portions of this water, closed the opening of one with a sheet of cotton-wool, and left the other exposed to the air. From the 23rd June to the 5th July the weather was cold and rainy, conditions very unfavourable for the development of living germs; but between the 5th and 7th July the temperature 490 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation : [ Oct., had risen considerably, and I then examined the tubes. (It should be added that I had in the meantime added distilled water to that in the open tube to compensate for evaporation.) The exposed water contained numerous zoospores, and uni- cellular forms. Some of these were quiescent and attached toge- ther in clusters; others in active motion. ‘There were some small amoebze, small particles of protoplasm, with elastic cell-walls, well known to micro-zoologists. In these, not only the characteristic changing prolongations were visible, but I clearly followed the rhythmical movements of the contractile vesicle. From the other tube, the cotton-wool appeared to have excluded the dust and germs—the former having collected on the cotton, for I found no organisms of any kind. It is right, however, to mention that cotton-wool does not permanently exclude the germs; and in an- other case, where the conditions of development were favourable (if the view be correct that they are conveyed by the atmosphere), it will be found that the substance referred to failed to exclude them. As to my saucers of distilled water, on going to examine them I found the contents dried up, but a considerable quantity of dust remained. ‘This I scraped together; retained it until my return from a journey on the 19th July, and then submitted it to the following process in the laboratory of my friend Mr. Tate, of Liver- pool, aided by his assistant :— First we heated the dry dust in an open tube to 480°C., and then, allowing it to cool, we heated it again to 280°C. It had then caked, and after loosening it with a wire we added distilled water, and boiled it for a few minutes. Then I closed the tube containing the liquid temporarily with a little stopper of cotton- wool. The same evening, on examining the sediment with a power of 200 diameters, I observed many of the appearances described by investigators who have opened infusions after they have been kept in vacuo several days; some, for example, similar to those described by Dr. Bastian in his first experiment recorded in ‘ Nature’ of July 7th. But I did not feel justified in attributing the movements of the particles to their beg endowed with life. I then divided the chief part of the water containing the dust into two tubes, closing one with cotton-wool and leaving the other exposed, and a little of it was left in an open wine-glass. The open tube I examined on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th July. The tempe- rature was very high—82° in the shade—and the development of the little Cercomonas, so frequently described by me in former years * was very rapid, so that on the 25th its movements were clearly traceable amongst other lowly types. The water in the wine-glass was again dried up, but the effect * «Journal of Science,’ vol. i., p. 607, and elsewhere. 1870. ] with Recent Haperiments. 491 of the high temperature was surprising, and two hours after I had added a little distilled water to the dust I found it to contain clearly- defined and active monads and other living types. JI may here mention that the very warmth of the hand in which the slide is held will often render active and instinct with life little unicellular organisms which, on being first examined with the microscope, appear inanimate and motionless. On the 28th and 29th July I again examined the tubes, open- ing the closed one on the latter day, and found that although the number of forms in that was much less than in the one that had been exposed, they were alike in character, and I showed to two astonished visitors who had never seen such appearances, active amecbe in water taken from both tubes. Here my experiments with pure distilled water terminated, and, so far, they are not only confirmatory of what had been observed and described by me many years since, but they satisfied me that the solid floating contents of the atmosphere may be submitted to an exceedingly high temperature in the dry as well as moist condi- tion without exterminating the living germs; and that when dis- tilled water is added and the sediment is examined, either imme- diateiy or after a few days’ exposure, even if the air has been excluded, it exhibits most of the phenomena believed by the advo- cates of heterogenesis to be proper to infusions which have been boiled and kept 7m vacuo. And now I have to describe a second set of experiments, which may perhaps serve to throw hght upon the appearance of those fungi which are frequently found upon decaying substances in the form of mould or mildew, and which Dr. Bastian believes he has been instrumental in creating spontaneously in organic and inor- ganic infusions. Two announcements recently made by the advo- cates of heterogenesis influenced the direction taken by my investi- gations. One was the statement contained in Dr. Bastian’s account of his experiment No. 5,* that he had discovered in an — infusion of turnip 7m vacuo which had been hermetically sealed five days, a reticulated substance which he calls “ Leptothrix’ filaments. The other was the discovery by Mr. Wanklyn, the chemist, of suffi- cient albuminous matter in a pint of air to render it highly probable, from that circumstance alone, that the atmosphere is charged with living germs. Mr. Wanklyn strangely enough cites his discovery, triumphantly, as conclusive evidence of the absence of such germs, inasmuch as the quantity of albuminous matter was found to be very insignificant ; but Dr. Beale, one of our most experienced micro- scopical observers, has expressed the view | that Mr. Wanklyn has found a volume of such matter, which, insignificant as it may appear, renders it highly probable that of the air tested by him “not a * Reported in ‘ Nature,’ July 7. + ‘Nature, July 28, p. 255. VOL. VII. 2 L 492 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation : [ Oct., thimbleful could be taken without containing several” germs. Mr. Wanklyn’s evidence certainly reads very much like that of a scientific witness for the defence in a case of murder, who seeks to show that the deed could not possibly have been committed upon a certain clean deal floor where it is said to have been perpetrated, inasmuch as he had carefully examined a square inch of the floor, and had only discovered the minutest spot of blood ! As to the “ Leptothrix” which Dr. Bastian found in turnip- juice, 1 may mention in passing that it is considered by microscopic botanists to consist of the mycelial filaments of mildew fungi,* and I believe from my own investigations, to be described presently, that if he had followed the growth of his “ Leptothrix” he would have found it to be one of those plants. Now these mildew fungi are found not only in and upon decaying organic matters, but also upon bare stones and rocks, where they cannot be created de novo, but must necessarily result from atmospheric spores moistened by showers of rain. Coupled with the two circumstances just men- tioned, the account given by Dr. Angus Smith of his mode of testing atmospheric air opened out to me a new field of inquiry. Dr. Smith’s system of washing the air is admitted to be tedious and imperfect, though it may be the best in the cases with which he deals; but it seemed to me that no better method could be devised for ascertaining the nature of those substances which are held in suspension in the atmosphere than the one which nature provides in the form of rain collected as it falls from the clouds. Two circumstances are well established as regards falling rain. The first is that at the commencement of a shower after a long- continued drought the rain brings down much more organic and inorganic matter than later on; and secondly, that after a heavy shower the atmosphere is for some time comparatively free from such matters. Then as regards the discovery of filaments in infusions, I had tried some experiments with infusions of orange-juice, orange-peel, apple-juice, and cabbage-juice, in distilled water, freely exposed to atmospheric influences, in 1862 and 1863, and when Dr. Bastian’s observations were published I recollected having found such a mycelium in orange-juice, and having corresponded with Professor Hoffmann about it, but as he could throw no light upon the appear- ance of the mycelium and I was unable to account for it, I dropped the investigations. A record of these observations was however kept, and was discovered by me amongst some old papers whilst I was making the following experiments, and they will now be found of some service. On the 4th of August, after a long continuance of intensely hot weather, we had a violent thunderstorm. I had been expecting * *Micrographie Dictionary’ (Van Voorst), article ‘‘ Leptothrix.” 1870. | with Recent Haperiments. 493 and preparing for this, and at once proceeded to catch the rain as it fell, and at the same time to prepare an infusion of filtered orange-juice 7m pure distilled water. This infusion I divided between two glass-wells, one of which I closed with cotton-wool, whilst the other was freely exposed to the atmosphere ; and side by side with these I placed a tall champagne glass full of the rain- water which I had collected during the shower, and which contained numerous particles of dust. None of these liquids showed any undoubted signs of life when I examined them with the microscope, before exposure. ‘The infusion contained organic yellow particles ; the rain-water organic particles, fragments of minerals, empty sheaths, empty cell-walls, and minute moving specks. The very next day, however, August 5th, I was astonished to find in the open infusion of orange-juice the mycelium figured and described by Dr. Bastian as having been present in his infu- sion of turnips, or one closely resembling it; and in my infu- sion if was accompanied by innumerable minute unicellular oval organisms, the careful examination of which satisfied me beyond a doubt that they were an earlier stage of the thread-like filaments. Some of them were single, others were undergoing subdivision into two or more segments, whilst on the other hand some of the fila- ments were giving off cells exactly resembling the smaller detached ones. During a long course of microscopical observation of biological changes, I never was so much astonished as on that occasion to find with what rapidity Nature (or that I may not be misunderstood— Nature’s Ruler) brings back to active life the decomposing materials which have been its previous stronghold; and had I been led away by momentary impressions I could not have conceived it possible that the change had been produced in that case by any other process than heterogenesis, or the elevation of a portion of the organic infusion into organized types, without the auxiliary influence of pre-existing germs. But a little reflection reminded me that it is just these first surprises and impulses which lead men to disseminate erroneous views, as it was no doubt the extraordinary appearance of maggots and flies on some decaying carcase which gave rise to the idea of those insects being spontaneously generated there. I therefore contented myself with figuring the cells and the mycelium as they appeared under varying powers of the microscope on the day in question and the four following days (Figs. 1 and 2), and during that time the mycelium gradually developed into a true mould or mildew fungus, some of which floated on the surface. At the same time numerous ciliated infusoria made their appearance. On the 9th August I opened the other glass-well containing the infusion, and found it covered in like manner with mildew. I 2h 2 494 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation : | Oct., carefully removed a portion and delineated one of the dry full- grown filaments with a cluster of spores in its spore-case at the extremity (Fig. 3). Of course I was surprised to find the pro- gress which had been made in this closed infusion, but on con- sideration it soon occurred to me that if on the one hand the ingress of the first germs was impeded by the cotton-wool, on the other, the same agency prevented their egress when they were produced there, and compelled them to fructify in the vessel in which they were confined ; and moreover, whilst I had been daily disturbing the organizations in the open vessel, and adding distilled water to compensate for evaporation, the other had remained un- disturbed during the whole period. 4 Then on examining, for the first time after exposure, the rain- water in the champagne glass, I there discovered large numbers of the same unicellular organisms as in the two infusions, some single, others undergoing subdivision, precisely as in the cases described (Fig. 4), and the natural inference to be drawn from this arcum- stance would be, of course, that the mildew fungi were the result, not of spontaneous generation, but of the introduction of germs from without. But here again it was necessary to exercise caution before coming to a conclusion. In the first place, the very fact which I have been trying to demonstrate, wz. the existence of innumer- able atmospheric germs, at once suggested the probability that the germs in the rain-water which stood close to the infusions might have been wafted into it from the fungi growing in those infusions. And secondly, the slightest residuum in my dipping tubes, which I might not have cleansed properly, would suffice to account for the appearance of these cells. These doubts were partly cleared up at once. On tasting the infusion which had been covered with cotton, I found signs of acid fermentation, and I examined drops from the surface as well as from the bottom of the liquid, for recent investi- gations on another subject had taught me that during such fermen- tation the biological phenomena vary in different parts of the fluid. At the bottom of the fiuid I found clusters of large globular cells (Fig. 6), and on or near the surface groups of smaller elongated ones (Fig. 5). I was at once induced to compare these with the cells of the yeast fungus (Torula cerivisiz) which are delineated in the ‘Micrographic Dictionary, and were said to have been found by the observer at the bottom and on the surface of fresh brewer's wort in which fermentation had just commenced. I could hardly find any difference between the two sets of cells, and in both cases those from the bottom of the fluid were round, whilst the surface cells were elongated. This is of course no proof of identity ; and although I strongly suspected that in the one case as in the other the germs had been introduced from without, I 1870. | with Recent Haperiments. 495 guarded myself from considering this as more than prima facie evidence. Another circumstance tended to show the correctness of this observation. I had just found the notes of my experiments with infusions in 1863; and these entries had been made in connection with the infusion of orange-juice :— : “ Aug. 3. Mycelium with minute cells.” “ Like yeast-cells, ‘ Micr. Dict.,’ Plate 20, Fig. 25.” “Aug. 7. The flocculent deposit tastes like mould.” “ No acid taste.” This description and the sketches which accompany it leave me in no doubt that the appearances were precisely those which I had observed last month, and the Plate and Fig. referred to m the ‘Micrographie Dictionary’ are strangely enough the same as I had a second time consulted after an interval of seven years, and which will be found copied in an article recently published by me on the manufacture of Beer.* The same notes contained the following entries :— 1. In regard to an infusion of cabbage-juice exposed July 27th, and examined August 2nd— “ Homogeneous cellules.—Little or no motion, and nothing to indicate whether they were spontaneously produced from cabbage. Closely resembled sessile monads in dust exposed under coloured glasses. See paper before Academy ” (des Sciences). 2. Concerning pure distilled water exposed August 2nd, 1863, examined 7th (temperature 70°)— “A little mycelium, same as in organic matters.” The only difficulty I experienced was this. It seemed to me incredible that the same specific germs which (as I believed) had floated in the atmosphere in 18638, and had then found their way into and had become developed in infusions of orange and cabbage juice as well as in distilled water, should again be present in an infusion of orange-juice and in distilled water in 1870, but a further investigation soon decided the matter. On the 22nd of August last, again, after continued warm dry weather, the rain set in, and during the first hour I succeeded in catch- ing some direct from the clouds in two distinct localities: at my own house, which is in Everton, at the very outskirts of Liverpool, with gardens about, and trees and fields close at hand; and also in Vauxhall Road, one of the most unhealthy of the lower parts of the town, where, notwithstanding the efforts of the sanitary authorities, the atmosphere is charged with smoke and other emanations from factory chimneys. * “ Beer :” see ‘Journal of Science,’ July, 1870. 496 The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation. [ Oct., On examining the rain which had fallen in both these localities I found, naturally enough, no animal or plant germs in that from the lower part of the town, although it was highly charged with soot and various kinds of dirt; but in that which had been collected near my house, I found on the same day a few of the unicellular organisms as before, some single, others undergoing sub-division ; also a little soot and silex. On the following day I expected these germs would have sprouted, and I was not mistaken. I had cleansed my tubes weil with sulphuric acid, after having made them red-hot, and had taken every possible precaution to avoid fusion of the fluids or their contents; but the result was unmistakable. ‘The particles of soot and silex were present in the Vauxhall Road water, but no germs of any kind, nor any mycelium; whilst that caught in Everton was full of unicellular organisms in various stages of growth and sub- division, and the particles of soot had become beds, as it were, in which the germs were sprouting, for out of them grew fibrous fila- ments precisely resembling those which I had first observed in the infusions (Fig. 7). On the 24th (the following day) these filaments had assumed the form of a straggling mycelium, not so thick as in the former infusions, and not so much interlaced, but the identity of the organisms was quite undoubted. ‘There were also swarms of minute rapidly-moying infusorial germs along with somewhat larger ciliated infusoria. Coupling, then, my experiments of former years with those recently tried by me, the results, as far as they bear on this con- troversy, are as follows :— In 1863. I found in infusions of orange and cabbage juice the germs and mycelium, which constitute the earlier stages of mildew fungi, and at the same time I found those lowly plant forms in pure distilled water which had been exposed to the atmosphere. Recently I again found this plant type in an infusion of orange- juice, and traced its growth into a mildew fungus. I also found it in pure distilled water, and afterwards, well developed, in rain- water caught as it fell direct from the clouds. This plant, or one closely allied to it, Dr. Bastian believes to have been spontaneously generated in an infusion of turnip-juice contained in vacuo in a closed tube. Again in 1862-3. Dr. Balbiani in Paris, and I in Liverpool, found simultaneously in pure distilled water exposed to the atmo- sphere, and in dust taken from window-panes and elsewhere, various infusorial animalcule, especially one well-defined type, which I have again recently found in pure distilled water, and in dust which had been submitted to a high temperature. And that such animal germs are present in the atmosphere in all parts of the world, I showed some years since, by submitting to microscopical observa- 1870.] The Devonshire Association. 497 tion the dust shaken from rags which had been picked up in the streets of Tunis, Trieste, Melbourne, Bombay, and other places from which such rags are imported. These animal types, too, are believed by some to be spontaneously created in infusions. Here I leave to the judgment of men of science the results of my experiments, which any boy possessed of a. microscope may re- peat as effectually as I have performed them. And if the believers in spontaneous generation still insist that their hypothesis has not been refuted, and that, assuming my observations to be correct, their view of the case has not been fully disproved, I am not prepared to deny this; but on the other hand I must be permitted to retort that their experiments have only proved, so far, their inability, notwith- standing all their precautions, to exclude invisible germs from their infusions. As to the mysterious appearance of these microscopical types on their solutions ¢ vacuo, what is it compared with the pre- sence of some of the internal parasites of man and the lower animals? And who would have credited twenty years since, the story of the wanderings and metamorphoses which those forms undergo before they find their way mto the final habitat designed for them by Nature? ‘There is, however, very little chance of the controversy coming to an end at present. It is fascinating and exciting, and in so far quite in accordance with the spirit of the age. Nor is it desirable that it should cease, for it is causing microscopical observers to direct their attention more and more to the beginnings of life, and to the development of those living types which are visible only with the aid of the lens; and I knowof no subject more worthy of the consideration of biologists. ag Vil. THE DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART. Earty in 1862, it occurred to a few scientific men, residents in Devonshire, that they might with advantage establish in their own county an institution resembling the British Association, of which they had for several years been more or less active members. The idea having been favourably received in some of the principal towns of the county, a meeting was held at Plymouth, which, though not largely attended, was thought to be of sufficient weight to inaugu- rate the proposed Association, to draw up a provisional constitution, to elect officers for the first year, and to announce that the first annual meeting would be held at Exeter on the 14th and 15th of August, 1862. | From that time, meetings have been annually held in different 498 The Devonshire Association. [ Oct., towns of the county, the number of members and of papers have steadily increased, and several distinguished men have accepted the office of President. In short, the Association is not only well established in the county, but it is also fully and cordially recog- nized by the scientific world generally. We proceed to give a brief sketch of its history, constitution, and operations, believing that there would be little or no difficulty, and very great advantage, in establishing kindred institutions in the other counties of the kingdom. Being limited to a single county, it was decided not to restrict it to science. It was accordingly named “The Devonshire Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art,” and its objects were declared to be “To give a stronger impulse and a more systematic direction to scientific inquiry in Devonshire ; and to promote the intercourse of those who cultivate science, lite- rature, or art, in different parts of the county.” There can be no doubt that this decision was wise, as it was calculated to enlist a greater number of members, and to secure more numerous and a greater variety of papers, whilst it enabled men who might other- wise regard themselves as unqualified, to accept the office of Pre- sident. The number of members has steadily increased from 69 in 1862 to little short of 300 at present; and almost every part of the county is represented by them. Each member pays ten shillings annually, or a life composition of five pounds, and is entitled to tickets of admission for himself and a lady, as well as to a copy of the annual ‘Transactions.’ Not only has this small sum been found sufficient to cover all expenses, but at the meeting held on July 26th, 27th, and 28th, of the present year (1870), under the presidency of Mr. J. A. Froude, the eminent historian, the treasurer reported a balance in hand of upwards of ninety pounds, besides property, in the form of ‘ 'Trans- actions’ in stock, to the amount of upwards of one hundred and sixty pounds. As the Association was not established for the purpose of accu- mulating money, there is reason to hope that it may very shortly be in a position to vote small sums for the purpose of conducting or aiding researches within the county. Devonshire, it is well known, is rich in bone caverns and barrows which would well repay investigation, and its moorlands abound in megalithic structures, of which at least accurate models should be made and placed in the museums at Exeter, Plymouth, Torquay, and Barnstaple. ' The Presidents are ineligible for re-election. The following is the entire list, as well as of the dates and places of meeting, from the beginning :— | 2 1870.] The Devonshire Association. 499 Dates. | Places. Presidents, 1862, August 14th .. .. | Exeter .. .. | Sir J. Bowring, LL.D., F.R.S. 1863, July 29th .. .. | Plymouth .. | Mr.C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., F.LS. 1864, July 20th .. .. | Torquay .. | Mr. E. Vivian, M. A. 1865, June 28th .. .. | Tiverton spill ror. Daubeny, M.D., FBS. 1866, August 8th .. .. | Tavistock .. | Earl Russell, K.G., F.RS. 1867, July 23rd —=—siw«w~S iw. ~ | Barnstaple .. | Mr. W. Pengelly, ERS EGGS: 1868, July 28th .. .. | Honiton .. | Sir J. D. Coleridge, M.A., Q.C. 1869, July 20th .. «.. | Dartmouth ...| Mz..G, P. Bidder, C.E. 1870, July 26th .. .. | Devonport .. | Mr.J.A. Froude, M.A. The earlier part of the first day of each annual meeting is devoted to business, and in the evening the President delivers his address, and thus “reads himself in.” ‘The next day is occupied, from eleven to four o'clock, with papers and the discussions they originate; and in the evening the members dine together. The third day is also devoted to papers, and the meeting closes about five o'clock. During the first five years the papers were disposed of in one day, but since 1866 they have been so numerous as to furnish full employment for the second day, and it is now understood that the meeting will last three days. During the nine years a total of 152 papers have been read, which may be classified thus :— Geology and Paleontology .. 40 | Literature —.. 4 Archeology and History .. 35 , Architecture .. 2 Botany and Zoology .. .. 23 ATE Mee Ae 2 Moetesrolopyy sias ops 4 (dary ion HLS Engineering .. 2 Economic Science... .. ., 12 Mental Philosophy 2 EYRICS on. es cat ee ace ALO Biography .. 1 didneations: 9.20) a ele “ate The Association claims “ the right, at its discretion, of printing in extenso in its ‘Transactions’ all papers read at the annual meet- ing,” and this right has been exercised ever since the first year, when abstracts only of the papers were printed. ‘The copyright of the papers, however, remains the property of the authors. One of the laws provides that the Association shall, within three months after each annual meeting, publish its ‘ Transactions,’ imcluding the Rules, a Financial Statement, a List of the Members, Obituary Notices of all Members who have died during the year, the Report of the Council, the President’s Address, and such papers, in abstract or a eatenso, read at the annual meeting, as shall be decided by the Council. ‘The annual volumes are accordingly in the hands of the members within the stipulated time. The ‘Transactions’ for the first year was a pamphlet of fifty- four pages, whilst that for 1869—the last which has yet been 500 The Devonshire Association. | Oct., printed—was a portly octavo volume of 537 pages. Up to this time the annual issues form three goodly volumes; and the first part of the fourth volume, or the fourth volume complete, according to the quantity of matter, will be printed before the end of October. They contain a vast amount of information respecting the county of Devon, together with matter of a more general nature. Every author receives gratuitously twenty-five reprints of his paper, and may arrange with the printer for any greater number. The next annual meeting will be held at Bideford, commencing August 2nd, 1871, when the Rey. Canon Kingsley will be the President. The inhabitants of the towns in which the meetings have been held have always given the Association a cordial welcome. A large amount of both public and private hospitality has been displayed, a conversazione has commonly occupied one of the evenings, and the day after the close of the meeting has usually been spent in some picnic or féte. It may be stated, in conclusion, that the Devonshire Association originated with men who were and still are members of the British Association, and whose active work for the offspring has not caused them to work a whit the less for the parent. 1870.] (501 ) NOTICES OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-crystallic Action, includ- ing the Question of Diamagnetic Polarity. By Joun Tynpatt, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution. London: Longmans, 1870. Tris work is the first instalment of a complete collection of the original memoirs on experimental physics, which the learned author has published during the last eighteen years. It contains not only a record of his own work on the subject of diamagnetism, but also extracts from the writings of Faraday, Plucker, Becquerel, Matteucci, Weber, and other experimental philosophers, bearing upon the same phenomena, so that the reader has before him every- thing necessary for a complete understanding of this very intricate subject. The second part of the book contains letters, essays, and reviews, relating to magnetism and electricity, and includes among others a discussion on the existence of a magnetic medium in space, the relation between magnetism and the electric current, an account of the polymagnet, and one of the clearest descriptions of Ohm’s theory which we have ever read. We are so accustomed to see a magnetic substance like iron or a magnetic needle point north and south, rush to the poles ‘of a magnet when brought near to one, or arrange itself axially when suspended between the poles, that it is difficult to imagine that the vast majority of substances possess almost diametrically opposite qualities. When brought near to a magnet of sufficient power they are repelled from it, and when suspended freely between its poles they swing round, if of an elongated form, and arrange themselves equatorially or at right angles to the line joming the two poles, apparently with the object of getting as far away from them as possible. This action was named by Faraday “ Diamagnetism,” the common phenomena exhibited by iron being named “ Paramag- netism,” whilst Magnetism is used as a general term to include the whole range of both phenomena. Paramagnetic bodies are few in number, but they include some of extraordinary energy, iron, nickel, cobalt, and oxygen for instance; whilst diamagnetic bodies include the greater number of the metals, and such substances as rock crystal, heavy spar, sulphate of magnesia, marble, alum, common salt, saltpetre, carbonate of soda, Iceland spar, tartaric acid, citric acid, water, alcohol, ether, the mineral acids, glass, iodine, phos- phorus, sulphur, resin, spermaceti, sealing-wax, turpentine, india- rubber, sugar, starch, gum arabic, wood, fresh beef, blood, apple, bread, &c. In fact, could a marble statue, or its living prototype, 502 Notices of Scientific Works. | Oct., be suspended between the poles of a sufficiently powerful magnet it would set equatorially, or east and west instead of north and south. Of all diamagnetic bodies bismuth has attracted the most attention, owing to the comparative power which it exhibits. Its diamagnetic properties, although vastly inferior to the paramagnetism of iron, are yet sufficiently marked to enable its properties to be observed with small permanent magnets weighing a few ounces; whilst a bismuth needle freely suspended will set itself parallel to the wires of a galvanometer. ‘The property is not one possessed permanently by the bismuth, but is simply induced by the proximity of the magnet, nothing being communicated which the bismuth can carry away. aeog shown almost complete antithesis between the mag- netism of iron and bismuth, the question naturally arose, Is this extended to polarity? Faraday worked long and earnestly at this question, and we believe to the last he was not satisfied that the question of polarity in diamagnetic bodies was settled, although the experiments with Weber’s exquisitely beautiful apparatus were tried in his presence by Professor Tyndali. In a letter to Matteucci, dated November 2, 1855, Faraday wrote, ‘‘ All Tyndall's results are to me simple consequences of the tendency of paramagnetic bodies to go from weaker to stronger places of action, and of diamagnetic bodies to go from stronger to weaker places of action, combined with the true polarity or direction of the lines of force in the places of action.” On the other hand, it would appear as if these two philo- sophers were looking at the subject from entirely different points of view. Faraday had his mind fixed on lines of magnetic force, the use of which, as true representations of nature, he said never failed him ; whilst Tyndall limited his view to that doubleness of action in which the term polarity originated. But these were apparent differences only, not differences in reality, for in the letter just quoted, Faraday said, “I differ from Tyndall a good deal in phrases, but when I talk with him I do not find that we differ in facts. That phrase polarity in its present undefined state is a great mystifier.” Considerable space is given to the description of the beautiful instrument devised by M. Weber in order to submit this question to a crucial test, the design of which was ably carried out by M. Leyser, of Leipzig. Clear engravings of it are given, and the experiments are described in full detail. With it not only has dia- magnetic polarity been proved to exist in the case of bismuth, but the same result was obtained with cylinders of calcareous spar, statuary marble, phosphorus, sulphur, heavy glass, distilled water, bisulphide of carbon, and other non-conductors of electricity, remoy- ing the scruples of those who saw in the first experiments of this sort an action produced by induced currents. By these experiments, 1870. | Notices of Scientific Works. 503 Professor Tyndall concludes that a body of evidence has accumulated. in favour of diamagnetic polarity, which places it among the most firmly-established truths of science. This being the case, it would be of interest to ascertain on which side exists the fallacy of reasoning by which Professor Thompson has reduced the existence of diamagnetic polarity to an apparent absurdity ; the paradox is well stated in the following quo- tation from a paper by Faraday, “On some Points of Magnetic Philosophy,” published in the ‘ Philosophical Magazine’ for Feb- ruary, 1855 :—“ If a globe of bismuth be placed without friction in the middle of the magnetic field, it will not point or move because of its shape ; but if it have reverse polarity, it will be in a state of unstable equilibrium ; and if time be an element, then the ball, being once moved on its axis ever so little, would then have its polarity inclined to the magnetic axis, and would go on revolving for ever, producing a perpetual motion. I do not see how this con- sequence can be avoided, and therefore cannot admit the principles on which it rests. ‘he idea of a perpetual motion produced by static forces is philosophically illogical and impossible, and so I think is the polarity opposed or adverse static condition to which I have already referred.” Of course if time does not enter as an element in diamagnetic induction the above argument falls to the ground ; but it appears to be so firmly established a fact that an exertion of physical force occupies time, that it can scarcely be doubted that it is concerned here also; that was Faraday’s opinion, although he admitted that it seemed to be so brief in period as to be inappreciable by the means he had employed. We should have liked to give an extended notice of the second subject included in the title of this work; namely, Magne-crystallic action,—the phenomena of which were at first so paradoxical as to bafile the ingenuity of the most acute experimentalists, but, thanks to the labour of Professor Tyndall and other physicists, now dedu- cible with as much care and certainty from the action of polar forces as the precession of the equinoxes is from the force of gravitation. In the author’s language, “The whole domain of magne-crystallic action is thus transferred from a region of mechanical enigmas to one in which our knowledge is as clear and sure as it is regarding the most elementary phenomena of magnetic action.” The magne-crystallic force is one by which certain crystals are caused to set themselves with certain of their axes parallel or trans- verse to the lines of magnetic force acting on them. This force acts at a distance, and is by no means so weak as might be at first sup- posed, for just as a crystal is moved by the magnet at a distance, so can the crystal also move the magnet at a distance. Faraday ob- tained the latter result by converting a steel bodkin into a magnet 504 Notices of Scientific Works. [ Oct., and suspending it freely in the neighbourhood of the crystal. The tendency of the needle was always to place itself parallel to the maegne-crystallic axis. Neither will space permit us to refer, except in the briefest manner, to the results obtained by preparing bars of magnetic and _ diamagnetic substances, by reducing them to fine powder, and then compressing them in moulds in such a manner that the line of greatest compression is in different directions along or across the bar. A bismuth bar so prepared, squeezed flat within the jaws of a vice and suspended between the poles, will turn with the energy of a magnetic substance into the axial position; whilst a bar made up of powdered carbonate of iron (magnetic) compressed in this manner will recoil from the poles as if violently repelled. It thus appears that the line of magnetic action has a near relation to that of the closest contact among the material particles, and this rela- tionship is traced in many different ways, and appears related to the cleavage of crystals. It would be of interest to try some of these experiments on diamagnetism with the metal Thallium, a metal which, whilst i rivals, if it does not surpass, bismuth in diamagnetic energy, is as soft and amorphous as lead, and lends itself with the same facility to moulding and compression. Probably many of the apparent anomalies of diamagnetism which observers at first encounter, owing to the highly crystalline nature of bismuth, would disappear if thallium were the metal selected for experiment. We cannot close this book without expressing the profound admiration which it leaves in the mind for the author’s philosophical acumen and experimental skill. He moreover possesses one valu- able quality, which we regret to say is as rare amongst scientific men as the combination of the two former,—that of placing his views and describing his experiments in such clear language that the profoundest mysteries of nature seem under his treatment to become clear and simple to a child’s comprehension. Speaking as one who never loses an opportunity of listening to this philosopher on whom the mantle of Faraday has so worthily descended, the writer scarcely knows which gives him greater pleasure—to listen to one of Dr. Tyndall’s lucid expositions of some hitherto hidden mystery of _ nature, or to hear him in his clear logical manner quietly put down a scientific opponent who has ventured to differ from some of his conclusions. 1870. ] Notices of Scientific Works. 505 ON SAVAGES.* Wnrat Sir Charles Lyell has accomplished for the student of Geology, Sir John Lubbock is now achieving for the student of Ethnology. His ‘ Pre-historic Times ’} first excited and awakened public attention by the clearness of its descriptions and the able and masterly manner in which the author dealt with the questions relating to primitive man. Tn the present work Sir John Lubbock has adopted the same inductive method of reasoning which has been so ably applied to geological investigations by the illustrious Lyell in his ‘Prin- ciples,’ vez. that of explaining the monuments of the earth’s past history by the “living present.” Thus, from the habits and customs of modern savages we are enabled to understand the meaning and uses of the various relics of early man met with in civilized countries where no primitive races now exist, and we can thus more accurately picture and more vividly conceive the manners and customs of our ancestors in bygone ages. Founded upon a course of lectures, originally delivered at the Royal Institution in 1868, the author proposes in the present volume “ more particularly to describe the social and mental condi- tion of savages, their art, their systems of marriage and of rela- tionship, their religions, language, moral character, and laws.” Sir John promises in a future volume to publish those portions of his lectures which have reference to their houses, dress, boats, arms, implements, &e. “The study of the lower races of man,” writes the author, “apart from the direct importance which it possesses in an empire like ours, is of great interest from three points of view. In the first place, the condition and habits of existing savages resemble in many ways, though not in all, those of our own ancestors in a period now long gone by; in the second, they illustrate much of what is passing among ourselves, many customs which have evidently no relation to present circumstances, and even some ideas which are rooted in our minds, as fossils are imbedded in the soil; and thirdly, we can even, by means of them, penetrate some of that mist which separates the present from the future.” : On the subject of savage intellect, it seems difficult to realize the extreme mental inferiority of the lower aborigines; the mind of the savage, like that of the child, is of wonderfully small capacity and limited in its powers of taking in ideas; it is easily fatigued by exercise, and is generally in a dormant state. Curious instances * «The Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive Condition of Man’ (Mental and Social Condition of Savages). By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.B.S., &c, 8vo. Pp. 380. London, 1870. Longmans and Co. + Originally published (in part) in the ‘Natural History Review.’ 506 Notices of Scientific Works. [ Oct., of this are mentioned from the accounts of various travellers; in- deed, the number of authorities quoted under each chapter is truly surprising. No fewer than 178 authors and upwards of 200 works have been consulted and are referred to in these pages, the author in every case being cited, and credited with the statement made on his authority. The cosmopolitan character of some customs has induced a strong belief in the unity of origin of the races among which such practices prevail; for example, among many races a woman is absolutely forbidden to speak to her son-in-law. Another curious custom is that known in Bearn under the name of “ La Couvade.” It would seem to be a very wide-spread custom for the father, upon the birth of a child, to be put to bed instead of the mother. The ideas among savages respecting the influence of food are equally ludicrous. Thus the Malays give a large price for the flesh of the tiger, not because they like it, but because they believe that the man who eats tiger acquires the sagacity as well as the courage of that — animal. For the same reason the New Zealand baby at its baptism is made to swallow pebbles, so that its heart might be hard and incapable of pity. The reflexion of many of these ideas still linger with children and uneducated persons. A little girl was heard to say to her brother, “If you eat so much goose you will be quite silly.” To take the portrait of a native is looked upon as most injurious, and the better the portrait the worse for the sitter; so much life could not be put into the copy except at the expense of the original. Pictures are also considered as efficient charms. Writing is believed to be even more magical than drawing. Mungo Park on one occasion profited by this idea; a Bambarran offered him a supper of rice if he would write him a charm on his writing-board, to protect him from wicked men. The proposal was at once accepted. Park wrote the board full from top to bottom on both sides. The Bambarran, in order to secure the full force of the charm, washed the writing from the board into a calabash with a little water, and having said a few prayers over it, drank the powerful draught; after which, lest a smgle word should escape, he licked the board until it was quite dry. The science of medicine, indeed, like that of astronomy, and . like religion, takes among savages very much the character of witchcraft. Many savages do not believe in disease or natural death, but if a man die, however old, they conclude that he must have been the victim of magic. Twins are considered as a bad omen, and in most cases one, in some others both are killed. The belief in the attributes of life appertainmg to inanimate objects is also very wide-spread. A hook that has once caught a big fish is preferred to twenty 1870.] Notices of Scientifie Works. 507 that have never been tried. ‘Two fish-nets are never put together, for fear they should be jealous. The story of the natives of Tahiti who sowed some iron nails given them by Captain Cook, hoping thus to obtain young ones, reminds the writer of the story of a little boy of his own family, who planted his hair in his garden expecting it would bring forth a crop of little boys like himself. The ability or inability to draw seems to vary in one and the same tribe of aborigines; the absence of perspective is also very general, and extends to many people otherwise in a highly advanced state of civilization, such as the Egyptians, Assyrians, and the modern Chinese. The earliest traces of art yet discovered belong to the Stone age—to a time so early that the Reindeer was abundant in the south of France, and that probably, though on this point there is some doubt, even the Mammoth had not entirely disappeared. These works of art are sometimes sculptures, if one may say so, and sometimes drawings or etchings made on bone or horn with the point of a flint. The Esquimaux etchings of the present day appear to approach most nearly to these early relics from the caves of France, but they lack the spirited style of execution of the latter. Upon the marriage rites, if such they may be called, much information is collected, but, as the author truly observes, many of the facts which he has recorded are very repugnant to our feelings, although it was impossible not to mention them in such a work. Marriage by capture appears to be very general all over the world, and where not attended by real violence the pretence of using force and even blows is kept up in form. The practice of carrying off the bride to the woods may yet linger among civilized nations, as, for example, in our own custom of the wedding tour. The position of women among savage nations generally is very deplorable, nor can any amount of romance render savage life other- wise than revolting to an educated and civilized man. Notwithstanding our advanced state of civilization, it is impos- sible, however, to deny the fact that— “Tn many of our ideas and tastes we are still influenced by the condition of our ancestors in bygone ages.” “What that condition was,’ says the author, “I have in this work endeavoured to indicate, believing as I do that the earlier mental stages through which the human race has passed are illus- trated by the condition of existing or recent savages. The history of the human race has, I feel satisfied, on the whole been one of progress. I do not of course mean to say that every race is neces- sarily advancing: on the contrary, most of the lower ones are almost stationary ; and there are, no doubt, cases in which nations have fallen back; but it seems an almost invariable rule that such VOL. VII. 2M 508 Notices of Scientific Works. [ Oct., races are dying out, while those that are stationary in condition are stationary in numbers also; on the other hand, improving nations increase in numbers, so that they always encroach on less progres- sive races.” It would be impossible in this brief notice to convey a very adequate idea to the reader of the mass of well-arranged facts upon which Sir John Lubbock has established his conclusions, but we give them in his own words. “The facts and arguments mentioned in this work afford, I think, strong grounds for the following conclusions, vz. :— ‘“‘ That existing savages are not the descendants of civilized ancestors ; “That the primitive condition of man was one of utter barbarism ; “That from this condition several races have independently raised themselves.” Sir John Lubbock thinks we shall not be the less inclined to adopt these conclusions on account of the cheering prospects which they hold out for the future. We heartily thank the author for his interesting book, which has afforded us not only much instruction, but also much real amusement in its perusal. THE SCIENCE OF BUILDING.* THe science of building is so comprehensive, and has been treated by so many able writers, that we must be prepared for some dis- appointment when perusing a work whose title would lead us to believe that the whole subject is included in its pages. Since the application of iron to building purposes, a new study has presented itself to the architect, and Mr. Tarn’s book contains many formule with which those who belong to his profession would do well to make themselves acquainted; for it is not un- common to find such errors committed by them, as the loading of cast-iron girders to their full breaking weight, or a waste of metal in making them stronger than is necessary. Whilst we commend the work to persons entering the building trade, we consider it right to mention that the study of mechanics, such as may be followed with the aid of ‘Tate’s Exercises in Mechanics, would be even more useful to builders than Mr. Tarn’s book, as it would sooner make them acquainted with the elements * ‘The Science of Building: an Elementary Treatise on the Principles of Con- struction” By E. Wyndham Tarn, M.A., Land Architect. Lockwood and Co. 1870. | Notices of Scientific Works. 509 of mechanics which are indispensable to all who follow the pro- fession. In the chapter on retaining walls, the author should have directed the student’s attention to the various methods of con- structing them, and should have explained the difference between a vertical wall having its beds horizontal or perpendicular to its face, and one with an inclined face, and the transverse section of joint, perpendicular to that face. Also, in a brick retaining wall some advantage would be derived from the disposal of the length of brick or style of bond, and to the architectural student those are matters of great importance, for in many cases practice seems to defy theory. The author does not extend his chapters to the relative strength of brickwork, nor to an account of the various kinds of bricks made throughout England; details which are now essential in such a work, as bricks rank in these days amongst the most important materials of construction. His chapter on arches might also with advantage have been extended to the flat soffit and head or cambre arch, showing the limit of span for a given depth and breadth of face and soffit; also to observations on the grom arch, which would have imparted originality to his work. The remarks on mortar and cement are limited, and it would have been well to refer to their tenacity and resistance to com- pression, their suitability for various situations; and the advantage of the application of concrete to bad foundations. The information on centering of arches is also too much re- stricted and too indefinite. The pressure of the voussdirs in a pointed arch could not act on the centre at any of the angles in the manner named by the author, and it would have been better had he named the description of arch to which his remarks have reference, as the pressure of the vousséirs differs considerably in elliptic, pointed, and semi- or segmented arches. The chapter on iron does not refer to the segmental or curved girder which is applied with much advantage in engineering, in railway and other works. There is also room in the chapter for observations on the trussed girder and the advantage or disad- vantage of applying wrought-iron flitch-plates to wood beams. All these matters should have been referred to, so that the student of the ‘Science of Building’ (a title by the way which is likely to mislead those who purchase it into the belief that it is an advanced treatise) might be prevented from committing many errors into which architects and builders are too prone to fall. 2m 2 ( 510 ) [Oct., CHRONICLES OF SCIENCE, Including the Procerdings of Learned Societies at Home and Abroad; and Zotices of Recent Scientific Piterature. 1. AGRICULTURE. Tue drought of 1870, though not so utterly destructive of succu- lent growth during the summer season as that of 1868, has been more injurious on the whole. Beginning earlier and ending later, it has spoiled both the hay crop and the aftermath ; and the wheat crop too, generally so able to withstand a dry summer, has materially suffered. The returns from the correspondents of the ‘ Agricultural Gazette’ declare the wheat crop to be below an average; and all other grain crops, except barley throughout Scotland, and perhaps the pea crop throughout the country generally, are still more below an average. Neither in its return of food for man nor in its pro- mise of food for beast, does the harvest of 1870 compare favourably with its predecessors. Mr. Lawes, of Rothamsted, who has for twenty-seven years subjected the wheat crop to specific treatment of many different kinds, reports upon the other hand his produce to be this year above the average. There has been, he says, a splendid seed-forming and seed-maturing season, acting however in many cases upon an insufficient amount of plants, and it is probable therefore that some of the heaviest and some of the lightest crops ever known in England have been grown this year. Among the leading agricultural events of the past quarter are the great annual meetings of the Royal Agricultural Societies of the three kingdoms. The English Agricultural Society at Oxford and the Highland Society at Dumfries have had capital meetings. The Irish Agricultural Society was less successful. One of the most interesting circumstances of the Oxford meeting was the award of a valuable prize to the best-managed farm of the district. It has been somewhat of a surprise and perhaps a disappointment to the agricultural optimists of the day, that the very competent jury ap- pointed by the Society to examine the competing farms should have placed highest upon the list one which owes but little to the im- proved stock and implements whose use and introduction the Society has fostered. It is a somewhat old-fashioned style of management which has been thus decorated. ‘The four-course rota- tion of wheat, turnips, barley, and clover in succession is the crop- ping of the farm; the live stock is inferior, and comparatively few modern implements are in use. The visitor who in the morning 1870. | Agriculture. 511 left the showyard of the Society full of the best specimens of the finest breeds of all kinds of farm stock and every new agricultural machine, saw nothing of either on the “ best-managed farm” which he walked over in the afternoon. He saw, however, magnificent crops of grain, and roots, and grass, obtained without their aid, and he might conclude that what was wanted for the improvement of English agriculture was not a Society stimulating the production of the best machines and live stock, but an agency for making farmers more energetic and laborious in the use of the common means already everywhere at their command. This agency it is plain exists in an improved relationship between the landlord and the tenant. The nature of the best farm agreement has been the subject latterly of frequent discussion in the agricultural journals. ‘The lease for a term of years, with freedom to cultivate the land as the tenant chooses up till within a few years of the close of the term, is certainly the system which gives freest scope to the intelligence and energy of the tenant, and most likely therefore to result in industrious and successful cultivation. An interesting paper “On Wheat Flies” appears in the ‘ Agri- cultural Gazette, from which we learn that Cecedomyia tritici, to which Professor Henslow drew attention thirty years ago as the most destructive wheat midge of his time, is no longer prevalent ; and that the complaints now common of injury from the wheat midge are due to Lasitopteryx obfuscata. The former is a yellow fly, the latter black. ‘The insect is not easily bred, neither Mr. Kirby, Mr. Curtis, nor Professor Henslow having succeeded. The successes of Miss Eleanor Ormerod, of Sedbury Park, Chepstow, which are recorded in the ‘ Agricultural Gazette,’ seem to have been wholesale, notwithstanding her failures in detail. She placed on earth in different flower-pots, grubs and pup, with the ears and stalks to which they respectively adhered, as well from wheat as barley, protecting each with a covering of gauze or muslin. These were kept in the most natural conditions, and carefully watched and tended all through the winter and spring, without producing anything; but a small heap of wheat rubbish, which had been as- certained to be well supplied with grubs and pupe, was left in an out-of-the-way corner by itself, and early in June was found to be swarming with a cloud of these small Cecidomyia-looking midges, viz. Lasiopteryx. “ Numbers of these,” says the writer whom we are quoting, ‘“‘ were also obtained, and sent to us from the wheat fields at different dates, but not a single specimen of the Cecedomyia tritiet reached us. Now, is this abundance of Lasvopteryx and scarcity of Cecidomyia confined to the neighbourhood of Chepstow, or is it general over the whole country? If so, another question, which however, we can scarcely hope to fathom, is—when Cecidomyia ceased to be prevalent, and Lasiopteryx took its place. It may 512 Chronteles of Science. | Oct., even be a question whether Cecidomyia ever was generally pre- valent—it may have been so only in Kigsy’s time and the London district.” The Rivers Pollution Commissioners have issued a report upon the so-called “A BC” process for defecating sewage. They pro- nounce it a failure. The sewage treated on this plan is not defecated, and the manure produced is extremely poor. The only advantage derived from its adoption is a somewhat quickened subsidence of the suspended matters which town sewage carries with it, but as every 10 cwt. of these are rattled through the sewers of a town, borne along in the case of a town with ordinary water supply in a thousand tons of water, it is not likely that these suspended matters can retam much that is soluble or valuable on their exit from the sewer system of a town. And in point of fact the solid matters of town sewage are of very little agricultural value indeed. It is the liquid portion that contains the elements of the food of plants ; and it is this, therefore, in which these substances are present in too dilute a form to be precipitated that must be carried to the land, if either a nuisance is to be abated or a valuable property to be turned to good account. The Commissioners pronounce sewage wrigation to be the only method known to them by which both these results can be attained. There has been an unusual prevalenee of cattle disease during the past quarter. During the severely restrictive system under which alone cattle traffic was permitted during the prevalence of the cattle plague, the more common diseases, the foot-and-mouth affection and pleuro-pneumonia, almost disappeared. They have resumed their frequency and virulence with the relaxation of the rules affecting cattle-markets. 2. ARCH AOLOGY (Pre-Hisroric). Primeval Monuments of Peru.*— Mr. E. G. Squier, the well- known American archzologist, has lately explored the early mega- lithic monuments of Peru. The great plateau of the Andes, elevated 15,000 feet above the sea, and fenced in with high mountains and frigid deserts, possesses nevertheless a number of stone structures belonging to what is regarded through the world as the earliest monumental period, comcident in style and character with the so- called cromlechs, dolmens, and “Sun” or “ Druidical” circles of Scandinavia, the British Isles, France, and Northern and Central Asia Considerable importance attaches to these remains, as indicating * By E. G. Squier, MLA., F.S.A.. &. From ‘The American Naturalist,’ vol. iy., 1870, p. 1. - 1870.] Archeology. 513 the existence at one time in Peru of a population identical in the degree and stage of their constructive development with the people who raised corresponding lithic and megalithic structures in other parts of the world, and who, if not the progenitors of the semi- civilized nations found in Peru at the time of the conquest, certainly preceded them in the occupation of the country. Mr. Squier suggests that, “if it should be found that there has been a gradual development of any of the rude remains into elaborate and imposing monuments, corresponding with them in their purpose or design, or a gradual change from the rough burial-chamber of uncut stones into the symmetrical sepulchral tower, built of hewn blocks ac- curately fitted together, and in general workmanship coinciding with the other and most advanced and admirable structures of the country, then we may reasonably infer that the latter were con- structed by the same people that built the first, and that, monument- ally at least, the civilization of Peru was indigenous and gradually developed, and not introduced.” The first and simplest form of burial monument, and which the author assumes to be the oldest, consists of flat unhewn stones of various lengths set firmly in the ground, projecting above it from 1 to 2 feet, so as to form a circle, more or less regular, about 3 feet in diameter. In this circle, the body was buried in a crouching posture, with a vase of pottery or some other utensil or instrument at its feet. Sometimes a few flat stones were laid across the upright ones, so as to form a kind of roof. These rude tombs were some- times placed side by side in long rows, and stones afterwards heaped over them. A more advanced form of tomb consists of large slabs of stone projecting 4 to 6 feet above ground, and set in a circle from 6 to 16 feet in diameter. The top is roofed by blocks of stone which lap over each other inwardly until they touch, forming a rude arch or vault. At Quellenata, N.E. of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, and at many other places in the ancient Callao, these same tombs occur, but they are enclosed in a circular wall, varying from 10 to 30 feet in height, the stones broken so as to conform to the outer curve of the tower, and the whole cemented together with clay. These round chulpas are of varying excellence in workman- ship and design, and lead up to the square chulpas of Escoma, the sides of which are vertical with a projecting cornice near the summit, and divided internally into two stories or chambers. At Sillustani the largest and best-built chulpas occur, constructed of great blocks of trachyte and other hard stones fitted together with unsurpassable accuracy, the structure nevertheless preserving some of the charac- teristic features of the first and rudest form of chulpa. ‘The stones forming the dome are not only cut on accurate radii, but the curve of the dome is preserved in each, tending to give compactness and strength to the whole structure. 514 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., Mr. Squier also mentions that many stone structures exist in Peru, corresponding with the so-called Cyclopean monuments of Italy. He describes many sun-circles, some composed of simple upright stones, others having in addition a regular causeway of slabs, form- ing a platform of stone more or less hewn and fitted together. In the ancient town of Chicuito, a singularly fine and massive rectangular monument exists, measuring 65 feet on each side. The author considers this to be the most advanced megalithic structure in Peru, and proposes in a future work to illustrate it more fully. When the whole of Mr. Squier’s drawings are published, he believes all students of these archaic monuments will agree with him, that there exist in Peru and Bolivia, high up among the snowy Andes, the oldest forms of monuments, sepulchral and otherwise, known to mankind, exact counterparts in character of those of the “old world,” having a common design, and all of them the work of the same peoples found in occupation of the country at the time of the conquest, their later monuments being developed forms of those by their ancestors, and the earliest the productions of primitive man in all parts of the world, and not derivative. Mr. Squier has thus furnished another admirable illustration of the well-established law that “man under analogous circumstances will act in a similar manner irrespective of time or space.” Stone Implements from Burmah.—Myr. W. Theobald, jun., of the Indian Geological Survey, has communicated some notes on the stone implements of Burmah, to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The implements are curious as differing in form and type, not only from anything found in India, but from anything hitherto de- scribed from any part of Kurope, though any implement yet found in India has its precise analogue in Europe. These implements are not only singular in form, but also in the material out of which they are manufactured ; being fashioned either of basalt or some schistose rock, quite unlike anything met with in the district where the implements occur: a fact which seems to indicate that they were brought down from Upper Burmah, where such implements are common, by the original settlers of the country. ‘The same super- stition which connects these implements with the “thunderbolt” prevails in Burmah, where they are called “ mogio,” or thunder- bolts. Curious traditions prevail as to the virtues possessed by these heaven-born stones: such, for instance, as preserving from lightning, fire, shipwreck; conferrmg invulnerability upon the wearer; great medicinal virtues, a chip administered internally cuxing inflammation of the liver; it is also a specific for oph- thalmia, &c. The types of these Burmese instruments described by Mr. Theobald are:—1. A rough, stout, wedge-shaped instru- ment, closely resembling the better finished specimens of fiimt- hatchets, of the type which occurs in the Danish kjokkenméddings. 1870. | Archeology. 515 This form is very rare. 2. A hatchet with flat sides converging towards the base which is square, and with a segmental edge, much hike the common German form. ‘This type is common. 3. A long adze with square, slightly converging sides, and a bevelled seg- mental edge, in character much resembling some of the implements discovered in Java, Borneo, and Sumatra, and also a New Zealand ‘form. 4. Implements of the same character, so far as the edge and sides are concerned, but having tne butt end reduced in width so as to produce a square shoulder on each side of the blade. In some this reduction in width extends more than half the length of the blade, so as to produce a T-shaped form. These shorter speci- mens are the most common. This form appears to be peculiar to - Burmah. Mr. John Evans, F.R.S., F.S.A., offers some valuable critical notes upon Mr. Theobald’s discovery, in ‘ Nature.’* He says:— “In some cases the lashings used to fasten them to their hafts have left traces on the stone. The implements are usually picked up on the surface of the hills, and in the fields, or clearings made for cultivation, and not in the plains. “Mr. Theobald seems inclined to doubt whether, without the use of iron also, those who made these implements could have effected clearances in the gigantic forests of Pegu; but it may be urged against this view that by calling in the aid of fire the effi- ciency of such tools is almost as great as if they had been formed of metal, and it is difficult to conceive a people in possession either of bronze or iron bestowing the necessary time and trouble on the fashioning of stone tools when those of metal were at their com- mand, which, whether fire were employed in the clearance or no, were for general purposes so much more effective. If the makers of those stone tools had been in possession of other means for clearing the hill-sides, then Mr. Theobald would be inclined to regard the stone relics as agricultural implements used in hand agriculture, at the end of sticks, as a kind of spade, to form the shallow holes for the cultivation of ‘hill rice.” If not explained in this manner, he argues, we must regard them as weapons of the chase and war, though this use is, he thinks, negatived by their thoroughly ineffi- cient character for such purposes. “To this may be objected, first, that the material of which they are usually formed is basalt, a stone constantly used as a material for cutting-tools ; secondly, that the presence of the square shoulders, so like those on the horn sockets for hatchets of the Swiss Lake- dwellers, seems to testify to the tools having been used as adzes or axes, or possibly chisels ; and thirdly, that if they had been required merely for hoeing or digging, the trouble of grinding and polishing might and would have been saved.” * Vol. ii., No. 32, p. 104. 516 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., The Cheesewring threatened with Destruction.* —This very remarkable pile of rocks, six or seven miles north of Liskeard in Cornwall, is threatened with imminent destruction by quarrying operations at its foot. Will no one prevent its demolition? A committee was formed some time since for the express purpose of arresting by all possible means the Vandals who are everywhere plotting the overthrow of our ancient megalithic monuments, Surely the preservation of this fine dolmen is worth an effort. The Meenas of Central India.—Lieut.-Colonel Showers has communicated to the Asiatic Society of Bengal an account of the Meenas, a wild tribe of Central India occupying the hilly and jungly country of Jehazpoor, where they appear to have maintained their independence and carried on a marauding life for centuries. They are described as a fine race of men, endowed with great per- sonal courage, and addicted to the use of arms. They marry freely with other tribes, but never allow their daughters to marry out of their own tribe. Polygamy is allowed, each man having three or four wives. The aggregate male adults in the tribe is about 24,000. Roman London.—Numerous remains of oxen and horned sheep were found some few years since on the site of old London Wall, near Moorgate Street. They had been all killed with the blow of a blunt instrument on the forehead, probably a stone celt. From associated relics there can be little doubt that this was one of the slaughtering places of the ancient inhabitants of London in Roman times. The Wall-brook evidently ran here, as the foundations of the old wall was built on piles. Another and recent excavation repeats the same story, and shows an old river-bed of silt, with numerous bones of animals. ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. At the Ethnological Society papers have been read during the past quarter by Mr. C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., “On the Pre-historie Monuments of Dartmoor.” Mr. Bate gives a melancholy account of the wanton destruction of the cromlechs in this district, and suggests obtaining legal protection for them before they are all demolished. Dr. Caulfield records the discovery of copper celts near Butte- vant, Co. Cork, and describes a supposed Ogham inscription from Rusglass, Co. Cork. _ Lieutenant 8. P. Oliver reports the recent destruction of another cromlech in Jersey. Professor Huxley gave an interesting account of “the chief modifications of mankind, and their geographical distribution.” * ‘Nature,’ vol. ii., p. 101. 1870.] Astronomy. 517 The characters of greatest value are—colour, character of hair, and form of the skull. The author described five distinct types. 1. The Australioid. 2. The Negroid. 38. The Xanthochroic, with fair skin and blue eyes. 4. The Melanchroic, a type with dark complexion, occupying an area between the Xanthochroic and Australioid peoples; and 5. The Mongoloid. ‘The paper was illustrated by a large coloured map showing the distribution of these five groups and their subdivisions. Professor Busk described the opening of the Park Cwm Tumulus in the peninsula of Gower, South Wales. The Rey. Canon Greenwell read a paper “ On his Exploration of Grimes’s Grave, Norfolk” (see last Chronicle, p. 383). Mr. Boyd-Dawkins gave an account of some remains of Platy- cnemic or Flat-shinned people in Denbighshire. The remains were found in two bone-caverns, a refuse-heap, and in a tumulus. Simi- larly-formed bones have been obtained from Cro-Magnon Cave in France, and the caves of Gibraltar. Colonel Lane Fox described the Dorchester dykes and Sinodun Hill, and showed the works were British, and not Roman. Mr. David Forbes, F.R.S., described the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru. In stature they are small, massive, and thick- set, with large heads and short limbs. ‘The trunk is disproportion- ately large, and the capacity of the thorax enormous, being adapted to meet the requirements of respiration at an altitude of 8000 to 16,000 feet above the sea-level, where the atmosphere is propor- tionately rarified. Many interesting customs, &c., relative to this people were recorded by the author. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SocImHty. Dr. Hudson read a paper “On the Irish Celt;” Mr. G. H. Kinahan “On the Race Elements of the Irish People;” and Dr. Beddoe “On the Kelts in Ireland.” Dr. Beddoe describes the | Trish as a dark-haired but light-eyed race, and he argues that wherever there is light hair it may be accounted for by the Danish or English intercrossing. The dark hair of the Irish may be, partly at least, attributed to the Gaelic Kelts. 3. ASTRONOMY. (Including Proceedings of the Astronomical Society.) As we write, the prospects of the eclipse expeditions hardly appear so favourable as could be wished. It seems doubtful whether Go- vernment will be willing to aid the expeditions by supplying the 518 Chronicles of Science. 7 [Oct., means of transport,—the reason suggested for the expected refusal being the war which is at present devastating France. We can scarcely believe, however, that the Government will abide by this resolution. Remembering that some of the most important of those researches which adorn the annals of English science have been prosecuted under Government protection, and with Government aid, while England has been in the throes of deadly warfare—nay, when the very existence of England has been at stake—we refuse to believe that the mere risk of war should cause our Government to refuse a single ship in aid of scientific observations of extreme interest and importance. | Unfortunately, the mere report of such a probability has sufficed to check the process of preparation ; and despite our confidence that England is not destined to suffer shame in this matter, we are com- pelled to recognize the possibility that the only systematic observa- tions of this important eclipse will be made by French astronomers in Algeria. Further on will be found an account of the extent to which the eclipse will be partially visible in this country. Dr. Zoilner, known as one of the most successful students of solar physics, has been inquiring into the evidence which the form and dimensions of prominences afford respecting the temperature and physical condition of the sun. He points out that prominences may be divided into two classes, the cloud-formed and the eruptive prominences. Those belonging to the latter class are so obviously due to real eruptive action that we may fairly refer them to the same general cause as terrestrial eruptions, that is, to a difference between the pressure in the region whence the erupted matter flows and the pressure in the space into which that matter passes. But this view requires us to believe that there is a barrier-layer (Tven- nungschicht) by which one region is separated from the other—a stratum limiting the compressed hydrogen below the chromosphere from the free atmosphere of hydrogen which constitutes a propor- tion of that envelope. | Starting with this hypothesis, Dr. Zéllner proceeds to apply the mechanical theory of heat to determine the temperature of different portions of the sun’s globe. We see that the prominences are pro- jected to a certain height, and we have therefore a means of de- termining the force exerted in the propulsion of the compressed hydrogen. The equations for this purpose are those resulting from the law of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac, and those which are deduced from the theory of heat. Certain assumptions have to be made, the probability of whose truth depends on the imterpretation of tele- scopic and spectroscopic observations of the sun. Some of the results are of great interest, especially as, even though the fundamental suppositions should be importantly im error, 1870. | Astronomy. 519 the conclusions would still be but slightly affected. Zollner finds the minimum temperature of the base of the solar atmosphere to be about 27,700° Centigrade, and the corresponding temperature in the region whence the prominences are projected to be about 68,400° Cent. He calculates the pressure in this last-named region at 4,070,000 atmospheres, while the pressure outside the stratum en- closing this region he calculates at 184,000 atmospheres. He then shows that whereas these results have been obtained on the suppo- sition that the pressure at the base of the chromosphere is but that corresponding to about 7 inches (180 mm.) of the mercurial baro- meter, the actual pressure of the nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres _ at this level must be almost infinitely minute. But he remarks that this alone does not suffice to explain the absence of the lines of these elements from the spectrum of the sun, since the lines of volatilized metals are seen. He attributes the visibility of the latter lines to the fact that the vapours of the metallic and alkaline elements have a much greater emissive power, and consequently a much greater absorptive power than those of the permanent gases. To proceed further with the discussion of his researches would bring us upon ground altogether removed from astronomy. We may remark, however, that there is one point which seems to us to have been too little considered in these and similar researches. It is assumed that spectroscopic researches enable us to determine the actual pressure at the base of the chromosphere. As a matter of fact, we have no means of knowing whether the estimated pressure belongs to the base of the chromosphere or to a height of ten, a hundred, or even a thousand miles above the solar photosphere. It must be re- membered that 1000 miles at the sun’s distance subtends little more than two seconds of are, the minuteness of which distance will be appreciated by those who have examined double stars two or three seconds apart, even with very powerful telescopes. Assuming that — with the magnifying power employed (magnifying power being an essential element in such applications of the spectroscope as we are here considering) an arc of two seconds could be recognized, yet the tenth part of such an arc would be wholly inappreciable. Now the increase of pressure within a distance of 100 miles from the base of the chromosphere is probably more considerable than that occurring throughout all the thousands of miles of chromospheric height above that level. The most important astronomical event of the next quarter is un- doubtedly the great eclipse of December 22nd next. In England it will be considerable though not total. The following are the data for the principal places in the British Isles:— At Greenwich the eclipse will begin at 11h. 8m. a.m, reach its ereatest phase at 12h. 25m. (when 0°814 of the sun’s dise will be concealed by the moon), and end at 1h. 42 m. p.m. 520 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., At Cambridge the eclipse will begin at 11h. 9m. a.m. (mean time at Cambridge), reach its greatest phase at 12h. 26m. (when 0 808 of the sun’s disc will be concealed), and end at 1 h. 42 m. p.m. At Oxford the eclipse will begin at 11h. 1m. a.m. (mean time at Oxford), reach its greatest phase at 12h. 18 m. (when 0°813 of the sun’s dise will be concealed), and end at 1h. 35m. p.m. At Liverpool the eclipse will begin at 10h. 52m. a.m. (mean time at Liverpool), reach its greatest phase at 12h. 8m. (when 0-804 of the sun’s disc will be eclipsed), and end at 1h. 24 m. p.m. At Edinburgh the eclipse will begin at 10h. 53m. a.m. (mean time at Edinburgh), reach its greatest phase at 12h. 7m. (when 0-788 of the sun’s disc will be concealed by the moon), and end at Lh, 21m. p.m. Lastly, at Dublin the eclipse will begin at 10h. 34m. a.m. (Dublin mean time), reach its greatest phase at 11h. 50m. a.m. (when 0-812 of the sun’s disc will be eclipsed), and end at Lh. 6m. p.m. We may remind our readers that on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of November, shooting stars may be looked for. A year or two back it was possible to indicate somewhat more definitely the time when the display was to be expected ; but it needs only a careful study of the phenomena presented by the successive showers, since the great one of 1866, to prove that the meteor-system has been widening out, growing in the meantime less and less rich: so that while we may be tolerably certain of seeing many November meteors, there is small chance of a display resembling that of the year 1866. The planet Jupiter will be well situated for observation during the next quarter, coming to opposition on December 13th. Saturn on the contrary is passing away from our nocturnal skies, and will be in conjunction with the sun on December 22nd. Mars is return- ing, but only at the end of the year will he be near enough to be worth studying telescopically. He comes into opposition on March 19th, 1871. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Lieut. Brown supplies an important paper on December weather in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar. It appears from the meteoro- logical observations he records that there is every reason to antici- ate favourable weather during the eclipse of December 22nd next. From the 15th to the 31st December there were in 1860, 6 very good days; in 1861,3; in 1862,10; m1863, 13; in 1864,5; in 1865, 12; in 1866, 6; in 1867, 8; in 1868, 11; and in 1869, 7; —the bad days in those years numbered, respectively, 5, 9, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2,3, 1,1. So that in all there were 81 good days and but 254 bad ones, the remaining 644 being indifferent. 1870. | Astronomy. 521 Commander Ashe endeavours to show that the Council of the Astronomical Society were not justified in expressing the opinion that “in photographs 3 and 4” (of his set of 4, illustrating the American eclipse) “there is evidence of the disturbance of the tele- scope during the exposure of the sensitive plate. But there seems every reason to accept the opinion of the very able committee ap- pointed by the Council to consider the matter, and the members of this committee “unanimously report that in their opinion there was a decided moyement of the instrument at the time the photograph was taken; a conclusion arrived at from an examination of the chromosphere close to the moon’s limb, as well as from an examina- tion of the prominences.” | In a description of the occultation of Saturn by the moon on April 19, 1870, Captain Noble dwells on the exceeding sharpness of Saturn’s definition; the most delicate details being perceptible, even In contact with the moon’s limb. ‘The crape ring C was seen most perfectly where the dark limb of the moon crossed it. “I never was more impressed,” remarks this skilful observer, “ with the absolute absence of a lunar atmosphere of any appreciable density than I was on this occasion.” Mr. Penrose, from observation of the star Algol, concludes that the period of 2°86727 days assigned to this remarkable variable in Herschel’s ‘Outlines of Astronomy’ requires to be slightly corrected. The minima occurred nearly three hours earlier than the epochs calculated with the above period from a minimum which occurred on January 3, 1844. The shortening of the period of this variable is certainly a remarkable and interesting circumstance. Observers should watch from time to time the occurrence of the well-marked minimum, in order to see whether the reduction of the period is steadily progressing, or to detect signs of its being eventually trans- mitted into the reverse process, as in the case of planetary pertur- bations. Mr. Proctor, in a paper “On the Resolvability of Star-groups regarded as a Test of Distance,” points out that there is good reason for doubting whether we can form any opinion whatever respecting the distance.of a cluster of stars from the telescopic power necessary to completely resolve it. He shows that a star-group may be so constituted that let its distance be ever so great it cannot appear nebulous, or again that conceiving its distance to be increased so that it passed eventually beyond the range of our most powerful telescopes, it would pass from irresolvability to resolvability and again to irresolvability through the mere effect of a continually in- creasing distance. The question of the resolvability of a star-group depends not on distance alone, but on the relation between the magnitudes of the component stars and the distances separating them. If the magnitudes are such that the stars would vanish in- 522 Chronicles of Science. [Oct., dividually through increase of distance, before their distances from each other became evanescent, the group (or the special order of stars considered—as the case may be) could not possibly present a nebulous appearance, at any stage of its recession, with whatever telescopic power it was studied. On the other hand, if the distances between the stars became evanescent before the stars vanished in- dividually, the group or order of stars must necessarily become nebulous when it reached a certain distance. In the case of a group consisting of several orders of stars, one order might thus become nebulous at a certain distance, but with yet greater increase of distance this nebulosity would vanish, and the question whether any new nebulosity would replace it would depend wholly on the question whether the next higher orders of stars belonged to one or other of the classes considered above. Considerations thus ap- plied to a group of stars passing away from the eye, may obviously be extended to star-groups at various distances; and since we could not judge of the distance of the moving group from its resolvability or irresolvability, so neither can we place any reliance on those estimates of the distances of nebule which have been founded on their resolution. Mr. Williams describes some early telescopes made by Giuseppe Campani which he purchased at the sale of the late Dr. Lee’s in- struments. Jeaders of the ‘ Celestial Cycle’ and its ‘ Prolegomena’ will not need to be reminded that these instruments were tested by the late Admiral Smyth. . Mr. Powell communicates a paper “On the Double Star a Centauri.” The companion has recently reached its lesser maximum of distance, and has commenced its return towards the primary. Thus an exactitude of determination has become possible, which (as Captain Jacob used to remark) was impossible while it remained unknown how far the companion would pursue its northerly ex- cursion. The following are the elements which Mr. Powell now assigns to the orbit :— Longitude of periaster .. 38°°40 BEMGaxIS. .. “ee p73 207-13 Hecentrieity |<) 2G Fer esgee 7° Pertod 2-899 76°25 Risme node 2)-.npiee 9) 240718 | Periastral passage .. 1874°2 UmGMNALIOR, 6 oe a cechin as WEL tee These results differ somewhat importantly from those obtained by Sir John Herschel, Hind, and formerly by Mr. Powell himself. Mr. Seabroke endeavours to show that Mr. Lockyer’s theory that the corona is a phenomenon of the earth’s atmosphere “is quite possible.” For this purpose he considers how far such spectroscopic results as Major Tennant obtained during the Indian eclipse, might be accounted for on that theory. It is unfortunate that in place of dealing with the actual circumstances of that eclipse, Mr. Seacombe determines “what spectrum we ought to obtain from a corona at 1870.] Astronomy. 523 a point on the earth where the limbs of the sun and moon are in a line; that is, where the eclipse is total exactly.” In any given total eclipse the coincidence of the limbs of the sun and moon is necessarily a momentary phenomenon; and the state of things at the moment is altogether exceptional. What has to be explained before Mr. Lockyer’s strange theory can be admitted, is the observed state of things when lines from the sun’s limb to the moon’s disc fell eighty miles or so from the observer's station. Mr. Lockyer himself has begun to recognize the necessity of explainng away this difficulty, and he now supplements his theory by introducing “a possible action at the moon’s limb,” though what the nature of that action may be he forbears to indicate. Mr. Browning gives an account, accompanied with illustrations, of his ingeniously devised automatic spectroscope referred to in our last. When this paper was read before the Royal Astronomical Society, Professor Pritchard stated that he had given several hours to the examination of the optical relations of the new instrument, but could not definitely assert that minimum deviation is secured for rays of all orders of refrangibility. Although the instrument is probably as perfect practically as it can be made by whatever further refinements may be adopted, it requires but little considera- tion to show that it does not in its present form theoretically secure true minimum deviation for all rays. The fixity of the first prism (the collimator being also fixed) suffices to prevent this. We believe that Mr. Browning is now at work on a modification of his instru- ment which has been suggested to him, in which this objection is obviated. Fr. Perry, of the Stoneyhurst Observatory, gives an account of an observation made on Winneeke’s new comet (discovered on May 30, at Carlsruhe). He had searched in vain for D’Arrest’s comet. Mr. Hind sends the elements (calculated by Winneeke himself) of the former comet, which is described as a round pretty bright nebula, about 24 minutes in diameter. Lieut. Hill, on May 22, saw three large spots on the sun, with the naked eye. On the following day a fourth spot was visible. We believe that this is the first instance on record in which so many spots have been seen without telescopic aid. In a paper on the stereographic projection, Professor Cayley points out that the very same circles which in the direct stereo- graphic projection of a hemisphere (viz. that wherein the projection is on the plane of a meridian) represent the meridians and parallels respectively—represent also in the oblique projection of the hemi- sphere meridians and parallels respectively. Mr. Lynn discusses the proper motion of the star “ Groombridge, 1830.” He finds as the final result of his examination of the VOL, VI. 2N 524 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., Greenwich records of this star, the following mean annual proper motions in four several intervals :— Years. Proper Motion in R. A. Proper Motion N. P. D. 1845-1850 ee +05°*358 ee os +5'-82 1850-1860 a gee 0°343 EE rk 9°73 1860-1864 er 0-336 foe oo 5°93 1864-1869 ee re +0°338 AP wee! +5°71 We may fairly assume that the mean of these values (properly weighted) represents the true value of the star’s motion—which it will be seen is exceptionally large. 4, BOTANY. Evaporation of Water from Plants.—Some researches have recently been undertaken by Von Pettenkofer on the amount of evaporation which takes place from the foliage of plants. The experiments were made in the case of an oak tree, and extended over the whole period of its summer growth. He found the amount of evapora- tion to increase gradually from May to July, and then decrease till October. The number of leaves on the tree were estimated at 751,592, and the total amount of evaporation in the year at 539-16 cubic centimetres of water for the whole area of the leaves. The average amount of rainfall for the same period is only 65 cubic centimétres; the amount of evaporation is thus 84 times more than that of the rainfall. The excess must be drawn up by the roots from a great depth; and thus trees prevent the gradual drying of a climate, by restoring to the air the moisture which would otherwise be carried off by drainage. Germination of Palms.—Mr. J. W. Jackson, Curator of the Museum at Kew, has published a useful paper “On the Germina- tion of Palms.” This is incorrectly described in all the botanical text-books commonly in use. The peculiarity consists in the end of the cotyledon remaining in the seed, whilst its stalk is pushed out, carrymg with it the radicle, which germinates in the usual manner at a little distance from the seed. In the double cocoa-nut, Lodoicea, the protruded end of the cotyledon is as much as 12 or 18 inches long. The sheath or socket at the base of the stem of this palm is shown not to be peculiar to it, as has been supposed, though more developed than in other species, and to be formed by the vascular bundles of the rudimentary and early leaves. Existence of a Formative Layer in the Leaves of Plants.— M. Cave has recently pointed out that a formative layer exists in the leaves of plants, similar to the well-known cambium layer, which, in exogenous plants, intervenes between the bark and the 1870. | Botany. 525 wood, and from which the new wood is formed. He finds it not only in the leaves, but in all foliar or ‘‘appendicular”’ organs, normal or modified, as for instance the flowers, but occupying a different position to the cambium layer, namely, between the tissue of the organ itself and the epidermis. The knowledge of this fact M. Cave applies to determine a morphological question which is often a matter of controversy, whether a particular organ belongs to the axis, to the foliage, or to both sets of organs combined ; and he shows that if the formative layer is exterior to the fibro-vascular system, the organ belongs to the leaves; if interior to it, to the stem. The application of this test proves that the receptacle-like peri- gynous calyx of many plants is a dependency of the axis; while the pericarp of superior fruits is always formed of metamorphosed leaves and nothing else; this is also the case with the axile and parietal placentze; but the free central placenta, as in the case of Primulacez, is a prolongation of the axis. Fruits proceeding from an inferior ovary are composed of two parts, varying in their mutual proportion in different plants, a receptacle-like calyx and carpellary leaves. It is noteworthy that M. Cave found this formative layer to occupy the same position in the leaves and fruits of endogens as in those of exogens. Changes in the Colour of Flowers produced by Ammonia.— M. Vogel has recently published the results of some experiments on the changes produced by ammonia in some vegetable colours, especially those of flowers, which he thinks may be of practical importance in the manufacture of vegetable colouring matters of a character similar to the aniline dyes. The colouring matter he states to be of two kinds, united with a different degree of persist- ence to the tissue of the flower itself, and requiring a shorter or longer time to produce any alteration. The change produced in the colour of some flowers, as the rose and phlox, by the fumes of tobacco, is entirely due to its ammoniacal element. M. Vogel found that some colours are altogether unchanged by lengthened exposure to ammonia; as, for instance, yellows, all reds (except in the case of the Zinnia, which is converted into a brown-red), and dark violets. Blue is sometimes unaltered, sometimes changed into a dirty green and then bleached. In some cases, not only the colour but the tissue of the flower is destroyed. The changes are generally the same as those that take place during the withering of the flower. Electricity in Plant Life-—A writer in the ‘Gardener’s Chronicle’ points out the important part played by electricity in the phenomena of vegetable life. He states that every hair and sharp point in the vegetable kingdom is necessarily a conductor of electricity, which must always be present wherever water rises in the form of vapour. Hence all the young and growing parts of 2N 2 526 Chronicles of Science. { Oct., plants are clothed with delicate hairs; and the same is generally the case with those fruits or other parts which have a very fine and delicate scent or flavour, these qualities being, the writer believes, greatly developed by the agency of electricity. Poisoning by Ginanthe crocata.—Myr. Worthington G. Smith records an instance of poisoning by the water dropwort, Ginanthe crocata, a common Umbelliferous plant in the South of England. A carter, whilst at work, ate some of the roots, supposing them to be wild parsnips; in about an hour he became unconscious and convulsed, and death occurred in another half-hour, before medical assistance could be obtained. The man had fed his horse with roots of the same plant, and the animal also expired about two hours after eating them. The plant belongs to that group of narcotico- acrid poisons comprising the Solanacez (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, &c.), and characterized by producing convulsions with delirium. The juice of the plant was in this instance of a yellow colour; it has been stated that a variety of the plant with colourless juice is a less virulent poison. ‘The taste of the root is said to be inter- mediate between that of celery and turnip. Mistletoe on the Oak.—Dr. Bull records, in the ‘ Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club,’ a very interesting case of this extremely rare occurrence. ‘The tree grows in the hedge-row of a field called the Harps, at Haven Aymestry, in the ancient forest of Deerfold, in Herefordshire. It was discovered in the spring of 1869, but the mistletoe must have been growing on the oak for some years. The oak is of the variety sesseliflora, and may be some fifty or sixty years old. The mistletoe is a female plant, and grows high up on the main stem. It forms a large spreading bunch, with a diameter of 3 feet 6 inches, and springs out from the oak in a single stem, nearly 4 inches in circumference. ‘The mistletoe is also growing on a thorn close by, and has probably sprung from a seed dropped by a bird from above. The great rarity of the growth of mistletoe on the oak is proved by the fact that there are put eight examples which have been well authenti- cated as existing at the present time; the localities being Eastnor Park, Herefordshire ; Tedstone Delamere, Herefordshire; Forest of Deerfold, Herefordshire; Frampton-on-Severn, Gloucestershire ; Sudbury Park, Monmouthshire; Dunsfold, Surrey; Hackwood Park, Hants; and one near Plymouth, The Cinchona in the West Indies.—In a recently-issued Colo- nial Blue-Book, Sir James P. Grant, the Governor of Jamaica, states that the cinchona plantation in that island may now be pro- nounced a complete success. Cinchona plants were first received in 1866. By the close of 1867 the number of young plants had so much increased, that it became necessary to provide land for their final establishment on a planter’s scale. Six hundred acres of 1870. | Botany. 527 virgin forest in the Blue Mountain were acquired early in the year, and were set apart for the purpose of a cinchona plantation, for which the place is in every way admirably suited. The elevation varies from 4000 to 6000 feet. It is well watered, has the best aspects, and possesses a soil reported to be admirably adapted to the requirements of the cinchona. Fifty acres were cleared, of which forty were filled with cichonas in the course of the year; about 20,000 plants of five different species having been planted. By the latest accounts all of these were in full vigour, and the plan- tation must by this time be doubled in extent. The plants have stood one of the driest seasons that has ever been remembered on Blue Mountain, without suffering in the least. There is now no doubt that the cinchona can be successfully reared in Jamaica. Origin of Prairie Vegetation.—Professor Winchell, of the Uni- versity of Michigan, has recently promulgated a new theory re- specting the origin of the vegetation of the American prairies, namely, that it dates back beyond the historical epoch to the Glacial period. He believes the origin of the prairies to be lacustrine; but, contrary to the generally-received opinion, he maintains that lacus- trine sediments contain no living germs. JDiluvial deposits, he states, on the contrary, are found everywhere replete with living germs, which, when hidden away from the influence of light and moisture, retain their vitality or power of germination for an in- definite length of time. These living germs of the diluvial deposits he believes to have been buried during the glacial period, in the course of which the surface was ploughed up by glaciers, and afterwards exposed to the commotion of the sea, which overspread the land, burying everything in promiscuous ruin; but yet by this very means storing away the seeds which, when brought to the sur- face after the lapse of a geological age, are possessed of vitality, and able to reclothe the barren earth with verdure and beauty. ‘Thus, in proportion as the diluvial surface became exposed, the flora of the pre-glacial epoch was reproduced. In support of this theory, he brings forward the argument that the fossil plants which have been discovered in the tertiary deposits show a correspondence of genera, and in some cases even of species, with those existing at the present time. The Herbarium of the British Musewm.—The Curator of the British Museum Herbarium has just published his annual report of the national collection. A considerable number of families have been re-arranged, and collections incorporated in the general her- barium from Mexico, New Granada, Nicaragua, Ecuador, California, India, and other countries. The most important additions to the herbarium have been 2000 plants from Abyssinia, and upwards of 2000 from South Africa, as well as more than 1000 European plants, and a number of smaller collections. Various portions of 528 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., the British herbarium, and the collection of fruit and seeds, have been re-arranged, and the recent and fossil Coniferz and Cycadex have been examined and arranged. The Botame Garden at Brussels—The Belgian Government recently purchased the magnificent collection of dried plants of the late Von Martius as the nucleus of a national herbarium. It has more recently concluded the purchase of the Botanic Garden belonging to the Horticultural Society of Belgium; and has thus commenced the formation of a national establishment intended to rival those of Paris and London. 5. CHEMISTRY. Or all the non-metallic elements, fluorine appears the most dif- ficult to bring under the domain of organic chemistry ; very few compounds of this element with carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen being known. Dr. R. Schmitt and H. von Gehren have recently succeeded in preparing Fluorbenzoic acid and Fluorbenzol. Fluor- benzoic acid is prepared from diazo-amidobenzoic acid by treating that substance at a high temperature in a platinum basin with hydrofluoric acid. The fluorbenzoic acid thus obtained resembles, as far as its physical properties are concerned, benzoic acid; it is, however, far more volatile, fuses at 182° C., is difficultly soluble in cold, readily in hot water, and soluble also in ether and alcohol; its aqueous solution exhibits a strongly acid reaction to test-paper and decomposes inorganic carbonates very readily ; the acid does not act upon glass, and is a very fixed substance, which may be even dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid without decomposition. Fluorbenzol is a crystalline solid, boiling at about 183° C., fusing at 40°, insoluble in water, and specifically heavier than that liquid, readily soluble in ether and alcohol. Whilst organic chemistry is aptly called the chemistry of carbon, Drs. Friedel and Ladenburg are engaged in researches which tend to place silicium parallel to the former element. They have succeeded in preparing what they call silico-propionic acid, a compound wherein a large percentage of the carbon of propionic acid is replaced by silictum. The physical aspect and many of the properties of this body are akin to silica; but it is a com- bustible substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in a hot and concentrated solution of caustic potassa. M. Dumas observed, in reference to this paper, that it is not impossible that there exist in nature organic compounds of silica, a remark which gave rise to some observations on Dr. Friedel’s ‘Memoir, by P. Thenard. The author begins with stating that M. Dumas is quite right, and 1870.] Chemistry. 529 relates further that he (M. Thenard) is at present engaged on researches of organic acids which contain even 24 per cent. of silica entirely disguised. When ulmic acid is treated by ammonia, azhumie acid is formed ; this contains nitrogen so fixedly, that it is only eliminated at a temperature of about 1200°: This acid is pos- sessed of the remarkable property of readily dissolving silica, and combining therewith in the same manner as the compound alluded to above by Dr. Friedel. The author also states that although his researches on this subject are not yet quite concluded, he is justified in stating that all arable and garden soil, and far more so farmyard manure, contain similar organic silicious compounds which play an important part in the feeding of the plants. That indefatigable savan, the Abbé Moigno, has recorded that when picric acid is introduced into a vessel containing ozone, a violent detonation instantaneously takes place, a new proof of the danger attending experiments with nitrogenous compounds contain- ing nitrogen only loosely bound. The utility of mixig peroxide of manganese, for which, how- ever, may be substituted substances such as peroxide of iron, oxides of zinc and tin, burnt gypsum, and others, provided they are pre- viously well dried (best by ignition) with chlorate of potassa, is based according to Dr. G. Krebs upon the fact that the substances alluded to, which are infusible by themselves, are the carriers and transferers of heat to the chlorate of potassa, each particle of which is surrounded with a source of heat, which aids its rapid decom- position. The peroxide of manganese is prevented from being - itself decomposed, because the chlorate of potassa withdraws from it heat, for the purpose, first of its own fusion, whereby heat becomes latent ; secondly, by its decomposition. The author states that when oxide of iron, or peroxide of manganese, is strongly heated in a crucible, and chlorate of potassa very gently fused at the same time by itself in a porcelain dish, the addition of the moderately hot oxides to the fused chlorate causes the evolution of oxygen to set in instantaneously, and with so great violence, that unless this experiment be performed in open vessels and with small quantities at a time, serious explosions may occur. A compound of hydrogen and mercury, which the discoverer calls Hydrogenium-amalgam, has been prepared by O. Loew, by shaking together in a vessel, to be kept very cool, a mixture of mercury containing from 1 to 2 per cent. of metallic zinc, along with an equal bulk of a solution of chloride of platinum containing 10 per cent. of solid chloride. A slimy mass is obtained, devoid of metallic lustre and prone to decomposition, owing to the presence of zine and some compounds of that metal; but on treating the mass with dilute hydrochloric acid, a body having the consistence 530 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., of butter is obtained, which according to the author is a true amalgam of mercury and hydrogenium. The author describes at length several reactions of this body, which in many of its pro- perties is akin to hydrogenium-palladium. Professor C. A. Seeley, speaking of this amalgam and the allied ammonium amalgam, gives it as his firm opinion that they are only mechanical mixtures of mercury and gases. In illustration of this he describes an im- portant experiment to prove that if ammonium amalgam be subjected to varying pressure, its volume changes, apparently, in accordance with Mariotte’s law of gaseous volume. To illustrate this, a glass tube 4 inch in diameter, 20 inches long, and fitted with a plunger, was employed. Mercury containing a little sodium was poured into the tube to 4 inch in depth ; and upon this was poured a strong solution of chloride of ammonium occupying about 2 inches in length of the tube. The ammonium amalgam was completely formed in a few minutes, and occupied several inches of the tube. On adjusting and depressing the plunger, the volume of the amalgam progressively diminished till it closely approached the original volume of the mercury. Also, it was notable that the amalgam progressively gained fluidity and the mirror surface till, at the greatest pressure, the original volume and appearance of the metal were resumed, whilst on reducing the pressure below that of the air, the amalgam still expanded until it rose above the surface of the liquid in the tube. If the great pressure be main- tained, more ammonium amalgam will be formed, the mass expand- ing progressively, apparently in accordance with the fact that the absorption or adhesion of gases to liquids is favoured by pressure. By means of the simple apparatus used, a pressure of ten atmo- spheres or a good vacuum are easily and at once obtaimable, and the experiments with itare very striking. The considerations regarding ammonium amalgam are evidently equally applicable to Loew's hydrogenium amalgam; both may be only metallic froths. The ex- pansion of palladium observed by Graham, on its absorption of hydro- gen, is probably analogous to the case in question. In both cases, the gases concerned are condensed, by reason of their attraction to the metal; and if the molecules of palladium were made free to move, as those of mercury, it is probable that Graham’s hydro- genium alloy would become a palladic froth, more remarkable than the corresponding mercuric froth. | The presence of manganese as an essential constituent of milk and blood (human as well as animal) has been known for about twenty years past, but HE. Pollacci gives some particulars about the method of detection of this metal in the two animal fluids referred to. The milk which contains this metal in the largest proportion is first evaporated to the consistency of a paste; this is carbonized by heat in a platimum crucible; the charcoal thus obtained is 1870.] Chemistry. 531 pulverized and next completely incinerated ; the ash is triturated in an agate mortar and lixiviated with water ; the residue is treated with very pure nitric acid, and the solution thus obtained is evaporated to dryness and calcined in a test-tube; after cooling, a few drops of nitric acid are added, and the contents of the tube again boiled ; next a few grains of puce-coloured oxide of lead are added and the liquid again boiled ; a more or less deeply purplish-coloured liquid appears on leaving the tube at rest for a short time, which is due to the formation of permanganic acid. No quantitative re- searches have as yet been made by the author. All chemists must have suffered inconvenience by finding that their test-solution of tartaric acid had become mouldy. Many re- medies for this decomposition have been suggested, but none appear so simple as the one proposed by William H. Wood, of Middles- bro’-on-Tees. This chemist has made known that if a solution of tartaric acid in water, whether mouldy or not, be filtered and then boiled for a short time (say ten minutes), it will not afterwards be- come mouldy, whether corked or stoppered up im a bottle, or left exposed to the air. This statement will, if confirmed, be important as bearing on the so-called “spontaneous generation” controversy, and may throw some light on it. The production of a crystalline alloy of zinc and calcium hag been observed in the preparation of calcium by the process of M. Caron, in which an excess of zinc was employed. It contains about 95 per cent. of zinc and 5 per cent. calcium, corresponding to the formula Zn,,Ca. These crystals are small octahedrons with square bases. They are acted upon by water with the liberation of hydrogen. Dr. W. Stein has devised an easily-executed process for the detection of madder colours upon cloth or by themselves. He boils the cloth with a concentrated solution of sulphate of alu- mina, whereby a liquid is obtained of reddish colour, exhibiting a golden-greenish fluorescence, due to the presence of purpurine ; the behaviour of the colouring matters of madder towards sulphate of alumina is so characteristic that this salt may serve as an effec- tive test for these substances; the alizarine may be readily rendered soluble by treating the dye material or dyed cloths with alcohol acidified with hydrochloric acid. As a result of a lengthy series of experiments, M. Ei. Baudri- mont concludes that tin-foil, in consequence of its impermeability for water, may serve with great effect to protect various substances from the effects of the atmospheric moisture, as well as act as a protective against the alterations fruit undergoes by evaporation of the fluids therein contained ; tin-foil also protects against the oxi- dizing action of the oxygen of the atmosphere, and may hence serve 532 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., to keep fatty substances from becoming rancid, while it may use- fully serve in laboratories to wrap up caustic lime, bisulphite of soda, and similar substances, which may thus be preserved for a great length of time without deterioration. The cause of the precipitation of muddy matter from water by the aid of dilute saline solutions has been investigated by Dr. Ch. Schlasing. Water otherwise pure, but contaminated simply with clay (as may be the case with the water of rivers after heavy rain or fall of snow), becomes at once clarified by very minute quantities of some salts of lime: z/5oth part of chloride of calcium for 1 part of water effects this purpose in a moment; the nitrate, bicarbonate, and caustic lime act in the same manner. The precipitated sub- stance may be readily separated from the water by filtration, whereas the filtration of the water containing the suspended matter is very difficult, because the pores of the filters become choked. The practical importance of this matter is very great, since it is, for instance, a well-known fact that the water of some rivers (the Durance being notorious in this respect) does not, in winter time, and after heavy rainfall or snow-storms, become quite clear, even if left at rest in large ponds for a considerable time. The same is the case with the water of the Rhine, which in its lower course is often turbid for weeks together, simply from the effects of very finely- divided clay beg suspended even after the water has been at rest in tanks. The water of the river Durance supplies Marseilles with fresh water, the latter being brought to that city by a magnificent series of works, among which may be mentioned the celebrated Aqueduc de Roquefavour. Certain bitter vegetable substances have been applied both in Egypt and in India, for the purpose of ren- dering the waters of the Nile, Ganges, Indus, and other large rivers, potable, many centuries before the rationale of the action of these substances was understood. 6. ENGINEERING—CIVIL AND MECHANICAL. The Mitrailleur.—Unfortunately the peaceful progress of Kngineer- ing Science has, within the last few weeks, been suddenly inter- rupted by the outbreak of hostilities on the Continent; and prominence has consequently, for the time, been obtained by that branch of engineering which devotes its energies to the production of warlike engines and materials. For some years past attention - has been given to the improvement of our artillery, and the revival of breech-loading cannon, which for a while was received with much favour, is already beginning to find strong opponents from the fact that, as a rule, they possess less precision than the old muzzle- 1870. | Engineering—Civil and Mechanical. 533 loaders. Steel and chilled iron also appear likely again to give place to bronze as a material for field guns. The arm of the day is, however, the mitrailleur, or mitrailleuse as it 1s sometimes called, which has already performed such bloody work in the present war. The mitrailleur belongs to the same class of weapon as the revolver, having, however, this advantage, that its barrels may be fired almost simultaneously. One of the earliest of this class of weapon was the American Gatling gun, which was first seen in Europe at the Exhibition of 1867. This consists of six barrels mounted in two rings of iron, fixed on a central axis; at the rear of these are two half-cylinders of iron, bolted together, which serve to enclose and protect the mechanism; within these a cylinder revolves, with grooves into which cartridges fall as it is turned round, and by a selfacting mechanism they are pushed forward into the barrels, fired, and the empty cases subsequently extracted. A continuous and rapid fire can thus be maintained as long as there remains ammunition at hand to continue feeding the breech. The mitrailleur which has recently been subjected to comparative and experimental tests at Shoeburyness, is of Belgian origin; it was introduced into this country by Major George Fosbery, V.C., of the Bengal Staff Corps. It was invented in 1867 by M. Montigny, but has received several modifications and improvements since that date. ‘This weapon consists of thirty-seven steel barrels, of an hexagonal form exteriorly, fitted and soldered together, and finally surrounded by a wrought-iron tube. To the tube or barrel thus constituted a breech attachment is screwed, and the two together, with the movable breech-block and its lever, form the gun. In outward appearance the gun looks like a solid steel block about four feet long, pierced with thirty-seven holes. A cartridge holder, consisting of a steel plate with holes corresponding in position with the barrels of the gun, being filled with central-fire cartridges, is inserted in the breech- piece and held in its place by suitable arrangements, whilst by the movement of a handle on the right-hand side of the gun, corre- sponding plungers are released, and striking their respective cart- ridges fire the gun. According to the rapidity with which this handle is moved the barrels may be fired one by one, or in a volley. The weight of each projectile is 600 grains, and the charge 115 grains. It would be premature at present to give any results of the experi- ments now being carried on. It may be here stated that Major Fosbery estimated the speed at which the mitrailleur could be fired at ten rounds per minute, but this rate has not yet been nearly attained in practice. Steam and Air Engines.—Although the union of steam and air for the purpose of effecting economy in engine working is by no means a new invention, yet the means adopted for effecting this object which have recently been made public, appear to be so far 534 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., superior to what has previously been introduced, as to warrant some prominence being given to the subject. Some years ago a steam- engine used in an industrial establishment at Muhlhouse in France, was converted into an aéro-steam engine by the simple addition of a pump to force air into the boiler ; a considerable increase of power was stated to have been thereby secured, but its success does not seem to have continued long, and the experiment did not then secure much general favour. Recently, however, the subject has been revived, and two inventors claim the support of the public on behalf of their respective inventions. The first of these is Parker’s steam and air engine, and the second Warsop’s aéro-steam engine ; the general principles involved in each are the same up to a certain point, but the methods of applying them differ considerably. In Parker’s engine the air is drawn directly into the steam-pipe, lead- ing from the boiler to the engine, by means of the force of the steam passing through it; this steam-pipe is sometimes passed through a small coke fire, in order to raise the temperature of the united steam and air, but this is not considered in any way essential to the utility of the apparatus. Experiments made with it are reported to have resulted in considerable economy of fuel combined. with increased efficiency of engine power. Warsop’s aéro-steam engine consists in the use of an air-pump, worked either by the steam-engine itself, or by a donkey-engine ; this pump takes in cold air which, after beg compressed, is forced on through an air-pipe passing through the smoke-box, or some other part of the boiler where heat can be taken up from contact with the waste gases. The highly-heated air passes a self-acting clack-valve into the bottom of the boiling water, and is so distributed by simple mechanical means, that it rises constantly through the water. On rising above, the air is saturated by the steam, and the two together pass on to their duty in the cylinder. From a series of experiments carried out with this engine at Nottingham, it appears that in the amount of useful work done for fuel expended, the advantage rested with the combined steam and air system, as compared with when steam only was employed. Thames Embankment.—Upwards of eight years have now elapsed since the reclamation of the foreshore of the Thames between Westminster and Blackfriars Bridges was undertaken by the Metro- poltan Board of Works. This magnificent boulevard was opened on 15th of July last. It consists of a roadway 100 feet in width throughout, haying on the river-side a foot pavement 20 feet wide, and on the opposite side one of 16 feet; the former is edged by a row of trees, planted at intervals of 20 feet. The total amount of land reclaimed is 372 acres, of which the carriage-road and footways occupy 19; 8 acres will be converted into ornamental gardens for the public use, and the remaining 103 acres pass over to the original 1870. | Engineering —Civil and Mechanical. 535 proprietors of the foreshore. From the official description of the Victoria Embankment, it appears that the works and material em- ployed comprise 144,000 cubic yards of excavation, 1,000,000 cubic yards of earth fillmg, 140,000 cubic yards of concrete, 80,000 cubic yards of brickwork, and 650,000 cubic feet of granite. The total cost of the works has been 1,260,000/., and the amount paid for compensation 450,000. Beneath the roadway lies hidden a portion of the London main sewage system, above which is a sub- way, behind the embankment wall; on the opposite side, the works of the Metropolitan District Railway have been carried on con- temporaneously with the Embankment, and there are four stations, namely, at Westminster, Charing Cross, the Temple, and Blackfriars, accessible direct from the roadway. Communications will no doubt shortly be completed between the Embankment and the several roads leading southwards from the Strand, as without such connec- tions this handsome new boulevard would be deprived of half its value as a means of communication ; according to an existing Act of Par- lament, however, the right to make such connections is prohibited. Chatham Dockyard Hatension.—For some time past extensive works have been in progress for the extension of Chatham Dock- yard. They are being executed upon 380 acres of land, and com- prise, amongst other works, the reclamation of a marshy tongue of land known as St. Mary’s Island, which was formerly submerged at high water; in addition to which the scheme includes the construc- tion of a series of three extensive docks along the line formerly occupied by St. Mary’s Creek, and the erection of workshops. The reclamation of St. Mary’s Island has necessitated the erection of a considerable portion of embankment and river-wall, the latter con- sisting of a brickwork face with concrete backing; the island was then raised, by means of spoil tipped upon it, to a level well above high-water mark. ‘The first basin, next Chatham Reach, has an area of 22 acres; it will be used for repairs, and is furnished on its south side with four large graving docks, the first stone of which was laid on 21st April, 1868. The middle, or factory basin, 20 acres in extent, will be provided with factory buildings on the southern side, including fitting and erecting shops, boiler shops, smithy, foundry, stores, &c.; whilst on the northern side will be the camber for a floating dock, a docking platform, and ten slips for laying up frigates, with the necessary worksheds. The third, or fitting-out basin, into which vessels entering for repairs will pass to be dismantled prior to going into the other basin, or, if leaving, they will be rigged and receive their supplies and stores, is 33 acres in area. The repairing basin, with its graving docks, and the com- munication with the factory basin, are expected to be opened in April next. The factory basin will probably be opened by the end of 1871, and the works of the other basin are also in a forward state. 536 _ Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES. Institution of Mechanical Engineers.—The meeting of this Society was held at Nottingham on the 3rd August last. Amongst the papers read were the following :—“ On Self-acting Machinery for Knitting Hosiery by Power,” by Mr. Arthur Paget, of Long- borough ; “ On the mode of working Coal in the Midland Counties,” by Mr. George Fowler, Manager of the Hucknall Colliery ; “ Con- clusions derived from the Experience of Recent Boiler Explosions,” by Mr. E. B. Marten, Chief Engineer of the Midland Boiler Assu- rance Company; and “On a Self-acting Safety and Fire-extin- guishing Valve for Steam-Boilers,” by Mr. G. D. Hughes. Space will not admit of our giving a reasonable abstract of all the above papers; we shall therefore confine ourselves to a few remarks on the first and last two mentioned subjects. Mr. Fowler's lectures are reviewed elsewhere. Self-acting Machinery for Knitting Hosiery by Power.—The date at which appliances for knitting have been brought within the limits of machinery is very recent. It is one of the greatest pecu- liarities of the hosiery manufacture that it shapes wearing apparel without the intervention of the tailor or of the milliner ; thus there exists a necessity that the machines employed should be easily adapted to make articles of very great variety of shape, thickness, and degrees of elasticity. Mr. Paget gave a description of a self- acting power-frame of his own invention, which, on account of its necessarily great complication of parts, it would be impossible to describe without illustrations. A skilful framework knitter with his hand-frame would, it was stated, knit about 5400 stitches per minute ; whereas a girl could, on the same work, attend to three of Mr. Paget’s self-acting machines, making in the aggregate 40,500 stitches per minute. Boiler Explosions.—Mr. Marten remarked that from the result of the experience of the last four years, he was enabled to confirm the opinion he previously held, that all boilers, however good in original construction, are liable, in the course of time, to get into bad order and explode. The causes of explosions appear to be three, viz.—1l. Faults in construction or repair; 2. Faults in work- ing, which creep on insidiously and unnoticed ; and 3. Faults which might be seen and guarded against by careful attendants. Nearly all the faults would be detected by periodical examination, which is indeed the only true safeguard against explosions. Hach cubic foot of water has the explosive effect of one pound of gunpowder, and the explosion of a boiler assimilates more nearly to that of gun- powder than of any other explosive agent. Mr. Marten enters into some detail regarding the various explosions that have come under 1870.] Geology and Palxontology. 537 his notice, and sums up with some very excellent rules for the avoid- ance of such disasters. Safety-Valve for Steam-Boilers——This apparatus is intended to serve the double functions of fusible plugs and low-water alarums. An internally loaded valve of spherical form is placed in a steam- chamber, and a pair of steam-pipes connect this chamber with the furnace crown of the boiler. The safety-valve is dead weighted, and should the pressure of steam lift it up, it escapes into the chamber and down the pipes into the furnace. Any over-pressure is thus dealt with, and the motion of a float is made to act in a similar way on the same safety-valve. Another independent safety-valve is adjusted to blow off at a pressure somewhat lower than that at which the dead weight is adjusted. Inverpool Polytechnic Society.—A very interesting paper was recently read before this Society by Mr. T. B. Thorburn, C.E., Surveyor to the Birkenhead Commissioners, “On the method adopted in Birkenhead for Ventilating Sewers, and carrying away the Gaseous Emanations generated therein.” This paper, which it would be impossible to follow im detail, contains an account of the extent of the Birkenhead sewers, and not only states the different ventilators employed, but gives also the cost of constructing them according to the several arrangements adopted. 7. GEOLOGY AND PALAZONTOLOGY. (Including the Proceedings of the Geological Society and Notices of Recent Geological Works.) Professor John Phillips, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.RS. &c.—Few men have by their own labours contributed a larger share to the advancement of scientific knowledge than Professor Phillips, and we are glad to obtain a sketch of his career,* which is probably as full of noble achievements as that of any scientific man we have ever known. Brought very young (by the death of his father) under the care of his uncle, William Smith, originally known as “Strata Smith,” and afterwards called “the father of English Geology,” he was early led to take delight in the identification of strata by their fossil contents, and accompanied his uncle through the greater part of England during his geological investigations, which resulted in the first geological map of England and Wales. Few men of science have had a more distinguished career. Ap- pointed Keeper of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society’s Museum in 1825, that Society grew and flourished under his care, and led in * «Geol. Mag.,’ vol. vii., 1870, p. 301. 538 Chronicles of Science. ‘[Oct., 1831 to the establishment of the British Association, of which he became the Assistant General Secretary in 1832, and continued to act in that capacity until 1863. In 1834 he became Professor of King’s College and a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1840 he re- signed York Museum, and entered upon the duties of the Geological Survey of England and Wales, to which he contributed Memoirs on ithe Palaeozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset, and afterwards on the Malvern Hills, &e. In 1844 he became Professor of Geology in the University of Dublin. In 1849 he was appointed one of Her Majesty's Commissioners to inquire into and report upon the system of ventilation employed in mines. In 1853 he com- menced the duties of the Chair of Geology at Oxford, which he has continued to hold ever since the death of Dr. Buckland. In 1859 he was elected President of the Geological Society of London; in 1865, President of the British Association. His various geological works are above seventy in number, and his astronomical and other papers are also very numerous. Besides the York Museum which enjoyed the advantages of Professor Phillips’s attention, the present Oxford Museum may be said to have been created by him, and is a model for any city in the world to copy. Lecture on Voleanoes.—Mr. David Forbes, F.R.8., recently * delivered an interesting lecture at St. George’s Hall on Volcanoes. Speaking of the relative energy displayed by volcanic forces in the older geological periods, Mr. Forbes said, “We must bear in mind that we still have voleanoes whose craters, several miles in diameter, send forth at times streams of molten stone forty miles and more in length, or showers of ashes which bury the surface of the ground to a depth of 400 feet below them, and, furthermore, see volcanic mountains and islands literally rising up before our eyes to an elevation of even thousands of feet, in what, geologically speaking, is but a second of time, it does not to me seem at all necessary to assume that such internal or cataclysmic forces were so much more energetic in any other period than at present.” The author believes that sufficient importance has not been given to the effects produced by the cataclysmic action of volcanoes. He points out that all the chief features of the earth’s surface are due to the elevatory forces within, and that volcanoes not only form the most lofty mountains in the world, but that the backbone of most of the others is composed of eruptive rocks. Jt must therefore be admitted that the changes effected in the physical geography of the world have resulted from a combination of two great but most opposite agencies, the internal and external, igneous and aqueous, cataclysmic and uniformitarian; and that all the phenomena of nature result from a combination of one or more forces, the same phenomena, at times, being the result of totally different agencies. * June 19, 1870. 1870. | Geology and Palxontology. 539 Mr. Hopkins’ Method of Determining the Thickness of the Earth's Crust—Having been some time since challenged by M. Delaunay,* a distinguished French astronomer and mathematician, the late Mr. Hopkins’ friend, Archdeacon Pratt, F.R.S.,f writes in his defence and shows what he conceives to be a flaw in M. Delau- nay's objections ; namely, that the earth is not a simple shell with a fluid interior always revolving in one plane (in which case he admits there would be no possible objection to M. Delaunay’s argu- ments in favour of a comparatively thin rigid crust and a fluid interior), but that it is ever being disturbed by the forces of pre- cession and nutation; and before the rigid crust and the fluid interior could arrive at a state of equilibrium in one position, the axis would begin to assume a new position, and the fluid interior would again be unconformable in its motion to the external shell ; and the earth’s motion would again be retarded in a small degree, sufficient to interfere with the axial variations to which the earth is ever subject by the laws of precession and nutation. As science advances it is absolutely imperative that in all these questions our conclusions should be in accord with the laws of chemistry and the known terrestrial conditions, as well as the laws of dynamics. A New Fossil Snake in Grreece.—A new fossil Python has been lately described by Dr. Ferd. Roemer} from the Island of Eubea. This is the second fossil ophidian found in Greece, and adds greatly to the interest of the Miocene fauna of this old continent, already rendered so important by the discoveries at Pikermi of such a remarkable series of types of African Mammalia, together with the Hipparion by M. Gaudry. A New Labyrinthodont Amphibian from the Coal-shale near Neweastle-upon-Tyne.—Mr. Thomas Atthey, well known to geo- logists as one of the most indefatigable investigators of the fossil- remains of the Newcastle Coal-shales, has again been successful in bringing to light the skull of a new and remarkable Labyrinthodont reptile, which the authors of the paper,§ Messrs. Atthey and — Hancock, have named Batrachiderpeton lineatum. The lower jaw was discovered three or four years since, but the cranium has only now been obtained. It is impossible to contemplate the structure of the roof of the mouth of this curious Labyrinthodont, without being reminded of the arrangement of the parts in that of Siren, Proteus, and Azolotl. The well-armed vomer in particular is very striking. The extensive development of this vomerine armature and the deficiency of bony maxille, would seem to ally Batrachiderpeton i ‘Geol. Mag.,’ vol. v., p. 507. + Ibid., vol. vii., p. 421. t ‘ Abdruck a. d. Zeitschr. d. Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,’ Jahre, 1870. — ‘Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ Series 4, vol. vi., No. 31, p. 56, Pl. I, July, VoL. VI. 20 540 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., to Siren and Proteus; while the relationship of the vomers to the pterygoids, and the form of the latter, are very similar to what obtains in Azolotl ; and the alliance with this last-named interesting form would be rendered still stronger, if it should turn out that our new genus has really bony maxille, particularly as the premaxille are armed with teeth. In Siren and Proteus the premaxillaries are quite minute and are devoid of teeth. This is not the only instance in which a Labyrinthodont has been found to exhibit an approximation to the Siren-type of structure. Pteroplax is so related, although its approach is by a different line from that of Batrachider peton. Petrified Forest near Caivo.—The fossil-wood which covers the desert to the east of Cairo has long filled the passing traveller on this great eastern high road with surprise. The immense quantity of what seems to be decaying wood in a region described as a “dreary arid expanse, treeless and almost shrubless, rugged with dark-coloured knolls, and intersected by a few dry rain-channels,” excites, by the remarkable contrast of the present with what is apparently the not far-distant past, the wonder of the most careless observer. They have, of course, been referred to by travellers in many published books. Burkhardt thought they were petrified date-trees, Holroyd referred them to the Doom-palm, Murray's ‘Handbook’ also speaks of them as palms. Gardimer Wilkinson refers to branched and thorn-bearing trees as well as palms, also to some jointed stems resembling bamboos. A careful examination by the late Prof. Unger, however, failed to elicit more than a single species, after a most searching examination of a very large series of specimens, and after a personal visit to the spot. This form, which he named Nicolia Egyptiaca, has just been supplemented by a second species brought home by Prof. Owen during his recent visit to Egypt with the Prince and Princess of Wales. Mr. Carruthers has figured and described it as Nicola Owenti,* after its discoverer. Ttalian Tertiary Brachiopoda,—Mr. Thomas Davidson, F.B.S., our great authority upon “ Lamp-shells,” has taken up his pen and crayons to illustrate the Tertiary Brachiopoda of Italy, which he is carrying out most completely in the ‘Geological Magazine.” In his introduction he refers to the much-discussed question of deve- lopment of species. ‘“ We are,” he says, “far from having disco- vered the laws which regulate the gradual succession of life; and we are, I fear, much too apt to guess at the origin of species, and to interpret those unknown laws from a small number of incomplete observations. The assiduous researches which, for many years, I have made among the living and fossil species of Brachiopoda have, to a certain extent, imbued my mind with the idea that an indivi- * See ‘Geol. Mag., vol. vii., p. 306, 1870. 1870. ] Geology and Palxontology. 541 dual species may have been gradually very much modified in time, so as to suit the conditions under which it had to exist; but at the same time everyone who has studied with any degree of care any class composing the animal kingdom, must frankly admit that there are so many inexplicable sudden appearances of entirely distinct forms, with no apparent links connecting them with those that were antecedent or even contemporaneous, that it is impossible to arrive at any definite conclusions as to what extent species are de- rived from their predecessors.” New British Brachiopod.—Mr. E. Ray Lankester describes a new species of Terebratula from the (Portlandian ?) “ Drift” of East Anglia, which he has named T. rea; it is a remarkably large form. Cephalaspis Dawsoni, sp. nov.—The same gentleman describes a nearly perfect Cephalaspidean Fish from the Silurio-Devonian beds on the north side of Gaspé Bay, Canada, associated with plant-remains. It is named after Principal Dawson, of Montreal. The Structure of the Crinoidea, Cystidea, and Blastoidea.— We have lately received considerable additional information upon this subject from the pen of Mr. E. Billings, the able Palzontolo- gist to the Geological Survey of Canada.* In the first part of his * paper Mr. Billings considers the position of the mouth in relation to the ambulacral system. Earlier paleontologists described the large lateral aperture in the Cystidea as the mouth. Von Buch, Forbes, Hall, and Billings himself, in his first paper, adopted the view that this was not the mouth, but an ovarian aperture, and that the smaller orifice, usually situated in the apex, from which the ambulacral grooves radiate, was the true oral orifice. Subsequently (nm 1858) Mr. Billings re-investigated the subject, and came to the conclusion that the lateral aperture was really the mouth, or serving as both oral and anal aperture in those species not possessing distinct orifices. The small apical orifice was determined to be an ambulacral aperture. To this view Prof. Wyville Thomson demurs, on the ground of the want of analogy in the rest of the class. Mr. Billings re- plies that in this class the position of the various organs in relation to each other, and also to the general mass of the body, is subject to very great fluctuations. Thus the mouth and vent are separated in some of the groups, but united in others; while either or both may open out to the surface directly upward or downward, or at any lateral point. The ovaries may be either dorsal or ventral, internal or external, and associated with either the mouth or the anus, or with neither. ‘The ambulacral skeleton may be imbedded in and form a portion of the general covering of the body, or lie upon the surface, or be borne upon free-moving arms. Although these characters are constant, or nearly so, in the same family, in * See Silliman’s ‘ American Journal of Science.’ 202 542 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., different orders, or remotely allied families, they are extremely variable. The author proceeds to cite a number of instances in support of his conclusions in which the mouth was altogether disconnected from the radial system, and he figures Batocrinus acosidactylus, Amphoracrinus, sp. Caryocrinus ornatus, &e. Mr. Billings next discusses the functions of the pectinated rhombs and calycine pores of the Cystidea. Upon this subject a very able and exhaustive paper was written by Mr. J. Rofe,* to -which Mr. Billings refers, and accepts the decision of Dr. Dana, Mr. Rofe, &., and concludes them to be respiratory organs. The author proceeds to describe these organs in Codaster, Pentremites, &c., and then endeavours to show the homologies which exist between the respiratory organs of these paleozoic forms and recent Echinoderms, and lastly, the nature of the “convoluted plate” of the Crinoidea. This plate, like the pectinated rhombs, seems to have been connected with the respiratory system. There can be no doubt that the true explanation of why these respiratory organs occupy so large a proportion of the body of the animal is to be found in the fact that the food was obtained by the motion of the vibratile cilia of the arms, which thus fulfilled, as in so many other invertebrates, the double function of bringing fresh streams of the circumambient respiratory medium into intimate contact with the fluid within the general cavity of the body of the animal; and at the same time of conveying minute animalcule and other organic particles to the mouth in order to serve as food. GEOLOGICAL Society oF Lonpon. The present number of the ‘Proceedings of the Geological Society’ contains a rich store of paleontological information, both British and foreign. We have illustrations of Mammalia, Reptilia, Mollusca, Corals, and Plants; and those who delight in long lists of fossils can also fully satisfy their appetites. Nor need the field- geologist grumble, for he also may regale himself on the Neocomian, the Oolite, or the Lias to his heart’s content. A valuable contribu- tion to our knowledge of Fossil Corals is from Dr. P. Martin Duncan, “On the Madreporaria of the Australian Tertiary Deposits.” The series described is from the province of Victoria, the Geolo- gical Survey of which was (until lately abolished) so ably con- ducted by Mr. Selwyn (now. Director of the Geological Survey of Canada). The species described do not belong to the reef-building forms, but to such as*now occupy the sea-bottom from low spring- tide mark to the depth where Polyzoa abound. It is interesting to * ‘Geol, Mag.,’ 1865, vol. ii., p. 245. 1870. ] Geology and Paleontology. 543 note that twenty genera are now found in the Australian seas, only three of which, however,, have species in the Tertiaries, viz. the eosmopolite T'rochocyathus, Flabellum, and Amphihelia, but the fossil species are quite distinct from those now living. If we may judge by the wide geographical distribution of some of these species we may with safety infer that their range in time was also very much greater than has hitherto been assumed. Allied forms are found living in Japan and China, the Red Sea, the West Indies, and Europe in Miocene times. The descriptions of the new species are illustrated by thirty-two figures, occupying three double-octavo plates. , There is reason to believe that the Wealden vertebra, now described and figured by Mr. J. W. Hulke, belongs to the same large animal—distinct from any of the known Dinosawrs—of which there is a single vertebra preserved in the British Museum, and named by the late Dr. Mantell Streptospondylus. The texture of the bone is like the coarse diploé of the elephant’s skull, and has led to the belief, by Mr. H. G. Seeley, that it represents a gigantic Pterosaurian; but Mr. Hulke reminds us that an extremely light skeleton does not necessarily prove endowment with flight, and also that all the known flying-reptiles have proccelian vertebrae, whilst the vertebra of Streptospondylus is amphicelian in type. The supply of new and wonderful reptilian remains furnished by the Wealden of the Isle of Wight seems almost inexhaustible, but it is much to be regretted that by far the greater part of these have, of late years, fallen into the hands of a local collector in the island, unable to describe them himself and unwilling to allow them to be worked out and described by anyone else. Our knowledge of Fossil Botany has been increased by an inte- — resting description of a new fossil fern-stem, so like the recent Osmunda, as to justify its describer, Mr. Carruthers, in placing it in the Osmundaceze. The specimen was silicified so effectually that even the starch-grains in its cells, and the mycelium of a fungus | traversing some of them, were perfectly represented. The fossil (which was probably derived from the upper part of the Thanet Sands) has been named Osmundites Dowkeri, after Mr. George Dowker, its discoverer. Professor Owen has ventured upon the difficult task of deter- mining the remains of a number of fossil Mammalia upon the evidence furnished by a series of detached teeth brought home by Mr. Robert Swinhoe, H.B.M. Consul at Formosa, and obtained by him from the apothecaries’ shops at Shanghai and at Chung-king-foo (Eastern Szechuen) on the Yangtse-kiang River. They included two species of Stegodon, a new Hyzxna, a new Tapir, a new Lhino- ceros, and a species of Kaup’s genus Chalicotherium. From a general agreement in colour, chemical condition, &c., Professor Owen 544 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., concluded they all belonged to one and the same period, either to Upper Pliocene or Post Pliocene. Strong objections were raised as to the soundness of the species by Professor Busk, especially to Stegodon, Hyzna, and Rhinoceros; it was also objected by Pro- fessor Boyd Dawkins, that there was no proof of their contempo- raneity. These teeth, which are extremely various, are sold by the Chinese apothecaries as a very valuable medicine when pounded to a powder. They are described by Mr. Daniel Hanbury in his account of the Chinese Materia Medica. Mr. Hanbury mentions that Mr. Waterhouse, of the British Museum, has determined the following species:—Molars of the lower jaw of Rhinoceros tichorhinus, tooth of Mastodon ; of Elephas insigmis (?); molars of Hquus; teeth of Mippothertum (two species ?); teeth of sheep, stag, bear.* They are said to come from the provinces of Shen-si and Shan-si, but the demand for them is so great that they are believed to be largely imported from the East Indies, and notably from Borneo. Mr. Sharp’s paper, ‘‘ On the Oolites of Northampton,’ is prin- cipally of importance because of the recent discovery in this district of vast bands of ironstone, the economic quarrying of which has yielded a characteristic fauna with a decidedly Inferior Oolite facies, in beds which had been mapped as Great Oolite (“ North- ampton Sands”) by the Geological Survey, and in which—until quite recently—not a trace of a fossil remain was known to exist. Mr. Sharp has carefully described the district illustrating his observations by numerous sections and a good sketch-map of its geology, together with lists and localities of the fossils he has been so successful in obtaming. As a rider to the paper, Dr. Wright describes a new and very finely-preserved star-fish (Stellaster Sharpiz), from the ironstone of the Inferior Oolite, Northampton. Mr. J. W. Judd, of the Geological Survey of England and Wales, has devoted much time and attention to the Neocomian strata of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and their correlation with those of north-western Germany and elsewhere. He now gives us the result of his studies, carefully prepared and illustrated with maps, sections, and tables. ‘The Neocomian beds of Yorkshire, &c., appear to be the extreme westerly development of a great mass of strata of the same age stretching over a wide area in Northern Europe. It is also seen that in Yorkshire and in Brunswick the Neocomian series is complete, but in the intermediate districts its lowest member is absent, being replaced by the fresh-water deposits of the German Wealden. Mr. Ralph Tate supplies two papers, on the Middle Lias in Ireland, and the Lower and Middle Lias in Gloucestershire. No higher member of the Jurassic series is known in Ireland than the * «Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society,’ 1860. 1870.] ~ Meteorology. 545 Lower Lias. The Middle Lias occurs as drift on cultivated fields, &c. Mr. Tate suggests that this drift may have been transported from the Hebrides by glacial action. In the case of Gloucestershire, Mr. Tate endeavoured to apply the numerical test as to the distri- bution of organic remains in order to show that the zone of Ammo- nites Jamesoni belongs to the Middle Lias, and A. raricostatus to the Lower Lias. For the present it is exceedingly difficult to follow these minute divisions until more of their contained fossils have been identified and figured. In addition to these, we have abstract notices of the Crag of Norfolk and Associated Beds, by J. Prestwich, Esq., F.R.S. Cap- tain 8. Hyde on Deep-mining in §.W. Ireland. Dr. E. Bunzel on a Reptilian Skull from Griinbach. Mr. R. J. Lechmere Guppy on Trinidad Fossils. M. Coumbary on the Fall of an Aerolite in Fezzan. Dr. A. A. Caruana on a further discovery of Fossil Elephants in Malta. The Journal is a very stout one, numbering 468 pp. and having fourteen lithographic plates. 8. METEOROLOGY. THE Meteorological Office has issued Part I. of its new publica- tion, ‘The Quarterly Weather Report,’ for the first three months of 1869. The chief features of novelty presented by this Report are the fac-simile representations of the curves of the self-recording instruments. It should be stated that the preparation of plates such as those referred to has been rendered possible by an invention of Mr. Francis Galton’s. This isa pantagraph which is capable of effecting reductions simultaneously in different proportions along two rectangular co-ordinates. The proportions selected for the plates have been 4 for the horizontal or time scale, and } for the vertical scale. By this means all the information for five days from the seven observatories is condensed into the space of two 4to plates, one for the barograms and wet and dry bulb thermograms, — the other for the wind and rain. Scales on both the British and metrical systems are given at each side, so that the readings of the barometers and thermometers may be determined for any epoch. For the wind the scales are in statute and geographical miles. The letter-press consists of (1) an introduction containing some general remarks, especially on the difficulty of obtaining trustworthy records of wind at land stations ; (2) the Report itself, which is a chronicle of the weather for the three months, derived from all sources which were available to the office, with tabular statistics of storms ; (3) the tables for the year 1869, giving the monthly and the five-day means of various elements, derived from the hourly tabulated readings of the instruments. 546 Chronieles of Science. | Oct., In the appendix Mr. Scott has given a notice of some late easterly storms, which is an attempt to classify them and possibly discover traces of their origin. The number of storms investigated is only twenty-five, evidently far too few to allow of important deductions being drawn, but some very interesting facts come out in the discussion, and we hope that the paper may be followed by others of a similar statistical character. The price of the Report is very moderate, being only 5s. a — number. It is published by Stanford. The Third Annual Report of the Committee has also lately appeared. It shows steady progress in the three departments of the operations of the office—Ocean Meteorology, Storm Warnings, and Land Meteorology of these islands. With regard to the last of these we regret to see that Dr. Stewart has found himself obliged to resign his position as Secretary to the Committee. His services in organizing the system of self-recording observation has been of extreme value to the cause of meteorology in England. In Part II. of the Report we have the description of some new instruments— Mr. Galton’s Pantagraph, above noticed; Beckley’s Self-registering Rain-gauge, which is to be introduced at all the observatories ; and Dr. Miller’s Deep-sea Thermometer, to which we have alluded in a previous number. The last number of the ‘ Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society ’ is mainly occupied with a paper by Mr. D. Milne Home, “ Suggestions for Increasing the Supply of Spring Water at Malta, &c.” In our notice of the last paper by the same author, in No. XXYV. of this Journal, we said, “ The paper consists of a series of extracts from the reports of various observers,” and the same words will apply exactly to that now under consideration. Mr. Home in his remarks suggests the old and well-known remedy for local drought, vzz. extensive plantations. It seems rather a pity that when the Society, as we learn from another part of the journal, is endeavouring to obtain funds from the Government, any portion of its means should be expended in publishing papers on foreign, or at least colonial, meteorology. In our last number we noticed Dr. R. Angus Smith’s paper “On the Detection and Estimation of the Impurities of Air, by the Analysis of Rain Water, and by Washing Bottles of Air.” His Sixth Report, as Alkali Inspector under the Board of Trade, has just appeared, and contains much valuable information on the subject, which is, however, too foreign to meteorology to require further notice here. Mr. Blanford, Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal, has published a paper in the ‘Journal of the Asiatic Society,’ “ On the Relations of Irregularities of Barometrical Pres- sure to the Monsoon Rainfall of 1868-9.” He finds that in both 1870. | Meteorology. 547 years an area of relative depression existed in Lower Bengal which took its rise at the beginning of the south-west monsoon in April. “ Tts position was different in the two years, being in the former in the north-west corner of the Bay of Bengal, in the latter in the hilly country to the west of the Delta. It influenced the vapour- bearing winds from the south by deflecting them towards it; and necessarily, by determining an ascending current, it produced an excessive rainfall to the north of its position, the maximum fall being at from 50 to 150 miles distance from the place where the barometer was lowest. Finally, it impeded the passage of the vapour-bearing winds to the north-west provinces, and thus deprived that region of a great part of its usual annual supply.” Considering the extreme importance to India of the periodical rain- fall, papers like this of Mr. Blanford’s are of great value and interest. The Third Annual Report of Mr. Blanford’s office has also appeared ; it shows a steady progress in the way of systematic organization of the various observing stations in Bengal. We may now hope that the example shown by this Presidency will soon be followed in the other districts of Hindostan. M. Harold Tarry has published notices of the fall of red rain in Italy on various occasions. The papers first appeared in the ‘ Bulletin of the Association Scientifique,’ and then in the ‘ Comptes Rendus.’ His object is to prove that the occurrence is due to previous dust-storms in the desert of Sahara, and not to the advent of cosmical dust from the regions of space, as Arago and Quetelet formerly maintained. He has examined three recent instances of the phenomenon, viz. March 10, 1869, March 24, 1869, Feb- ruary 14, 1870. He says that the sequence of circumstances is the same in all cases. A barometrical depression and a storm advances from north to south across western Europe to Africa, where the sand of the Sahara is set in motion in clouds of dust. A few days subsequently a reverse action takes place: a storm advances from Africa to the south of Europe, carrying the dust with it, which comes to the earth with the rain. The paper is very interesting, but we must say that M. Tarry has not quite proved his case as yet. The later numbers of the ‘ Journal of the Austrian Meteoro- logical Society ’ do not contain much that is suitable for extraction for this Chronicle. The editors have adopted the practice of giving abstracts of meteorological data from isolated stations, and these cannot be rendered intelligible without the insertion of a large amount of tabular matter. The districts for which such informa- tion is afforded are very various. M. Rayet’s paper “On the Meteorology of the Isthmus of Suez” is reproduced, in abstract, from the ‘ Atlas Météorologique’ for 1868. Then follow several papers by M. Wojeikoff “On the Meteorology of Russia,” which he 548 Chromeles of Science. [Oct., has ‘compiled from various disconnected registers of local observa- tions for short periods lying at the observatory of St. Petersburgh. The stations are very widely distributed over Europe and Asia. The Report of the Central Physical Observatory, by Prof. H. Wild, the Director, consists mainly of an account of the condition of the observatory, anda catalogue and description of instruments. As no report had been published since 1864 it was necessary to take stock, and to publish the account for the information of the Russian public. The only matter of general interest is that Prof. Wild appears to have finally decided not to employ photographic self- recording instruments at the normal stations, owing to their serious initial cost and the expense and trouble of working them. Dr. Prestel, of Emden, has published a pamphlet entitled ‘ Der Sturmwarner, in which he commences by discussing the facts of storms, and the possibility of giving telegraphic intelligence of their approach. On reading this part of the paper we are disappoimted to find that Dr. Prestel has not made himself acquainted with the latest facts of the subject. The principle of his storm-warner is similar to that of Piddington’s horn circles. He makes four assumptions. I, That the barometrical reading at the centre of the storm is 28:78 ins. on the mean. II. That the wind blows in circles round it. III. That the diameter of the storm is nearly constant. IV. That the difference between barometrical readings for a given distance in all parts of the storm, or the “ gradient,” is constant. If these four postulates be oranted, the use ‘of the transparent diagram is perfectly simple and intelligible, but as there is no foun- dation for any one of them, the whole reasoning falls to the ground. Another book the utility of which we fail to discover, although it has been favourably noticed in some newspapers, 1s ‘ The Wind in his Circuits,’ by Lieut. R. H. Armit, R.N. The author proposes to subvert Maury’ s theory of the wind by facts drawn from his own experience. A few examples will suffice to show the character of his arguments. The italics are his :-— “The trade winds are very damp moist winds, heavily charged with vapour: every cubic inch of them containin g millions upon millions of minute globules of water. On entering the equatorial calm belt, the process these globules undergo is simply that of being turned into steam.”* “The easterly wind is formed of compressed vappowr or steam.’ a) “Lightning and thunder are caused by the ‘ Arctic current’ descending to fill any vacuum that may suddenly be formed in the warm currents belowit...... The ‘ Arctic current’ in rushing down would grate against the sides of the warm air of the under * P24, + P.57. 1870. | Meteorology. 549 currents, causing ‘ friction’ and ‘lightning, the sudden shock of the impenetrable masses the ‘thunder.’ ”’* “ Regarding our atmosphere as a homogeneous metallic body.” t Our readers will be ready to admit that Capt. Maury has not much to fear from opponents like Mr. Armit. We are glad, however, to be able to record a contribution to theoretical meteorology of a character very different to the foregoing. This is ‘ Physical Geography in its relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents,’ by Mr. J. Knox Laughton. We regret that we can only very briefly allude to its contents. Mr. Laughton gives a concise account of the existing winds, and then discusses the accepted theories of the origin of the great currents of air and water which exist on the globe. He shows that Hadley’s theory of the trade winds, as developed by Dove, is insufficient to explain the facts observed. ‘The air does not flow towards the region of highest temperature for the time being. In the old continent this district is the north of Africa and Arabia, towards which the trade wind does not blow. Secondly, he concludes that the rotation of the earth does not materially affect the direction of the currents of air, because “ the friction between the air and earth is so great, that the air almost instantaneously acquires the velocity of the points of the earth to which it is transplanted,” and because Dove's theory will not explain due easterly or westerly winds any more than north-westerly or south-easterly winds in the northern hemisphere (S.W. or N.E. in the southern). The laws of motion of flowing water are next described, and the action of obstacles in altering the direction of the current, and producing reverse currents or backwaters. After giving an account of the currents of the sea, similar to that previously given of the winds, the author concludes “that wind, acting not only on the surface of the sea, but, by means of intense friction, to a considerable depth, is the chief ”—he will not say the only —“ cause of the numerous oceanic currents.” The final theory which Mr. Laughton adopts is thus stated :— “'The whole atmosphere, relatively to the surface of the earth, continually moves, or tends to move from west to east; and the prevalent local variations from that direction are either eddies, or deflections, formed in accordance with the principles which regulate the motion of fluids.” . Our space will not allow of our criticizmg Mr. Laughton’s reasoning in detail, but we cannot omit to give him credit for having collected a most valuable series of facts from the most authentic and most recent sources, and discussed them with thorough conscientiousness. Although we may not agree with all his conclu- sions, we feel that he has produced a very useful and interesting work. + PGs: j P11, 550 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., 9. MINERALOGY. WuueE the colony of Victoria has year after year been eagerly ex- plored by many a miner in quest of its golden wealth, it is notable that the number of mineral species hitherto brought to light has been strangely incommensurate with the activity of these mining operations. In spite, however, of this poverty of materials—a poverty which is the more striking when contrasted with the pro- digality of species distributed through the ore-deposits of many other mining countries—some good mineralogical work has already been done in the colony. This is due especially to the exertions of Mr. Ulrich, one of the geologists who, under Mr. Selwyn’s guid- ance, were carefully working out the structure of the country, until the colonists were tempted, in an evil hour, to disband their staff of Geological Surveyors. Mr. Ulrich’s recent observations on the minerals of Victoria have been thrown into the form of a little brochure,* which may be regarded as forming a sequel to an essay on a kindred subject prepared by the author for the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1867. In the pamphlet now before us we find descriptions of three species which are entirely new to mineralogical science. One of these is a native alloy of gold and bismuth found in the Nuggetty Reef at Maldon, and hence termed Maldonite:+ the second is a green mnassive mineral allied to serpentine, consisting of a hydrous silicate of alumina and sesquioxide of chromium, found in Upper Silurian rocks on the flanks of the Mount Ida range, and named Selwynite, in compliment to the Director of the late Geological Survey; while the third new species is Talcosite, a mmeral which resembles tale and occurs in seams traversing the Selwynite. In addition to these newly-discovered species, many other Victorian minerals described by Mr. Ulrich merit attention, either from their crystalline forms—such as the splendid specimens of Herschelite examined several years ago by Dr. von Lang, of which some addi- tional forms have been lately discovered—or from their peculiar mode of occurrence, such as the crystals of Struvite recently found in the guano which covers the floor of the Skipton caves in Balla- rat, and appears to have been derived in great measure from the excrement of bats which resort to the caverns as a hiding-place during the day. Among gem-stones, Victoria can boast of possess- ing the diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, and garnet—some crystals of the last being notable for their singularly distorted and conse- quently deceptive appearance. The study of Australian gems is one which the Rey. Dr. Bleasdale has made peculiarly his own. * ‘Contributions to the Mineralogy of Victoria’ By George H. F. Ulrich, F.G.S. Meibourne, 1870. Pp. 32. + ‘Quart. Journ. Science,’ October, 1869, p. 556. 1870. | Mineralogy. 551 Passing to-another of our colonies, we find materials for mine- ralogical work afforded by the many meteorites which from time to time have fallen in India. One of these has lately been analyzed by Mr Waldie.* In February, 1867, a shower of about forty stones fell near Khettree in Rajpootana. Alarmed at the shower, and attributing it to the vengeance of an offended deity, the natives at once collected the stones, reduced them to a fine powder, and scattered it to the breeze. Diligent search, however, led to the discovery of a piece which luckily had escaped destruction, and it is this fragment which formed the subject of Mr. Waldie’s analysis. The stone is of a light bluish-erey colour, darker in parts, and contains disseminated metallic particles and granules of a greenish- ‘mde colour. Its general composition was found to be as fol- OWS :— Nickel iron Pees. a «fay wate ERPS Troilite, and. schreibersite .. . .. ss», = <<. Sieve Earthy matter soluble in acids Pree paar is alls) Die moolwhie: i. 62. eae A ey Sa eb LOL-31 For eighty years a specimen has lain in the Wirzburg collec- tion, under the name of an arsenical ore. Prof. Sandberger’s recent examination shows, however, that it is really a new species, which he terms Isoclase.t The mineral—which is said to have come from the mines of Joachimsthal, in Bohemia—crystallizes in the oblique system, and consists of a hydrous phosphate of lime having the following formula, and therefore analogous to the species Libe- thenite and Tagilite, among the copper phosphates: 4 CaO. PO, + 5 HO. Another new phosphate of lime is described by the same author under the name of Collophane. This is an amorphous substance found in cavities in the altered coralline rock of Sombrero, and has the following composition: 3 CaO. PO; + HO. The energetic French chemist, M. Pisani, has published an analysis of the new Algerian mineral described by M. Flajolot as Nadorite—a name which has reference to the Djebel Nador, in the province of Constantine, where the mineral in question was found. While Flajolot regarded it as a compound of the oxides of lead and antimony, Pisani finds that it contains chlorime—a point of great interest, since this is the first mimeral in which chlorine has been detected in a compound containing antimony. In fact, Nadorite is an antimonial Mendipite, or oxychloride of lead, and may be thus formulated:{ (Sb,O;.PbO) + PbCl. Rabdionite is Von Kobell’s name for a new mineral from the * ‘Chemical News,’ xxi., No. 551, p. 278. + Leonhard and Bronn’s ‘ Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie,’ 1870, Heft IIT., p. 306. t ‘Comptes Rendus,’ Aug. 1, 1870, p. 319. 552 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., mines of Nischne Tagilsk, in the Urals.* -It occurs in small dull black rods, and contains in a hydrated form the protoxides of copper, manganese, and cobalt, with the peroxides of iron and manganese. In writing the name of this species we have followed the author’s mode of orthography, but the etymology of the word clearly de- mands the form Lhabdionite (pa8diov, diminutive of fpaBédos, a rod). picts! publishes the results of his examination of the Russian mineral Lawrowite,} which tend to show that it is really a diop- side, coloured bright green by the presence of 4:2 per cent. of hypovanadate of lime. Accompanying this mineral, he finds a new species of analogous composition, but containing much more vana- dium. ‘This species, which he proposes to name Vanadiolite, may be regarded as formed of three molecules of augite associated with one of hypovanadate of lime. The same author describes, under the term Phosphorchromite, a Russian mineral containing chromate of lead and phosphate of copper. A new British locality is announced for the beautiful mineral avanturine-quartz.t Mr. Traill is said to have found it in Orkney, on the S. and §.W. shores of Inganess Bay. According to the ‘ Brighton Herald,’ a large deposit of the sub- sulphate of alumina, called Websterite, has been recently found in Brighton during certain excavations for deep drainage. Professor Streng’s recently-published ‘ Mineralogical Notices ’§ describe the prehnite of Harzburg, and certain pseudomorphs of calcite and asbestos, after apophyllite, also from Harzburg. The attention of the crystallographer may be directed to Dr. Werner’s paper “On the Theory of the Hexagonal System ;” || to Dr. Klein’s ‘ Note on some Forms of Galena ;’4] and to Herr Groth’s ‘Dissertation on the Topaz of certain Tim-ore Deposits, especially those of Altenberg and Schlaggenwald, in Bohemia.’ ** 10. MINING AND METALLURGY. Mrninc. In our Chronicles for July we noticed the proposed amalgamation of the Mines Regulation Bill and the Metalliferous Mines Bill, re- marking on the unfortunate character of this attempt to legislate by one Act for two dangerous industries, differing in all their essential * ¢ Journ. f. prakt. Chimie,’ 1870, p. 423. t Ibid., p. 442. t ‘Geolog. Mag.,’ Sept., 1870, p. 444. § Leonhard and Bronn’s ‘ Jahrbuch,’ 1870, Heft IIL., p. 314. || Ibid., p. 290. q Ibid., p. 311. ** « Zeitschr. d. d. geolog. Gesell.,’ XXIL, p. 381. Erratum in Chronicles last quarter, p. 417, line 8 from bottom: for “the several species,” read “ the several plagioclastic species,” 1870.] Mining. 558 points (except that they are both subterranean employments) as widely as possible from each other. We have much pleasure in recording the fact that this amalga- mated Bill has been withdrawn. The attention of the House of Commons will no doubt be called early in the next session to some system of legislation for collieries and mines. Let us hope that any Bills which may be framed, will be submitted to some persons familiar with the perils of mining, who may so organize the rules as to render them effective and Waeneek The Colliery Inspectors have recently issued their reports of the fatal accidents and deaths in and about the coal and ironstone mines of Great Britain during the year 1869. ‘The following is a con- densed summary of their tabular statement of accidents in collieries: In July we stated that tin mining in our western counties had resumed a condition of high prosperity. This has, unfortunately, : MISCELLANEOUS. | EXPLOSIONS. ee. INSHARS sa a | Underground. } On Surface. | ae ‘Deaths, er foe a Deaths. ar eves Acci- Deaths. od | es ) Le | Northumberland, | | Cumberland, and Pie) ee Gio ABN -2Btddel? B41 18 fo te ete North Durham | | . South Durham 1 2 30 | 31 6 6 24 Zany es 15 North and East 3.{ a i ee Oe ee West Lancashire = Pie 4. eae Wales gs |128| 43| 45| 20| 20] 21] 32| 9 | 9 5. Yorkshire... 1 if 38 | 41 6 v4 12 15 5 5 Derbyshire, | | Nottinghamshire Leicestershire, ’ | 5 6 ol 5! Mi 12 19 22. + i Warwickshire North Staffordshire, = | Chester, Shvopdine : a2 ae 7 | q 7 - - : South Staffor dshire, « Worcestershire | GA ee rt alaars |e : 2 = = Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, 6 23 oO. OF ue Es; = 5 5 3 Somersetshire | 10. South Wales.. 9 70 62 63 14 15 Pil 21 9 12 11. Scotland—East . a 19 il 29 30 8 8 10 10 7 9 12. Scotland—West .. 4 | 4 28 | 28 6 6 me ee 1 if Total in Collieries ee 48 | 257 | 451 | 466 | 123 | 1294) £59 | GO 7 85 9 Jronstone Mines; .. | .. 2h ae eee. SA EO TO 3 3 Gross Total... | 48 | 257 | 480 495 | 135 | 141 ma] 169 | 189 | 76 | 88 Total fatal accidents .. .. 908 in 1869 _ .. 928 in 1868 ‘Total deaths<..! (20) se ee, st = MOBO m5, 554 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., been exceedingly short lived. The influence of the Continental war has led to a reduction of from 12/. to 15/. a ton in the price of tin ore, and consequently the tin miner is dispirited, and tin mines are not at all in favour with speculators. : The following were the purchases of tin ore in each month of 1869 :-— Tons. Tons. JomMUety Asie. 4d, Se ed UULY i sat)» Sistvse my ec alee atacnes Kebruarye a. 1.» b 20% AUSUS i ee Oe Ok March he eae 976 September... .. 1, 144 ADE es a | sits alle, ORD Oetoberivin4. ¢ ss MVE iit th wd. , dep oe ee November... ... L279 Ue sh een ee Oe | December... .. 1,112 Total for 4869). yaad. Senn! ae 25 Some interesting mining operations are now being prosecuted at a colliery belonging to the Earl of Dudley. We copy the follow- ing particulars from the ‘ Birmingham Gazette :’"—This section of the Dudley estate has probably been the most prolific in the world so far as the actual yield of coal is concerned. It has been in work for more than a hundred years, and yet its resources hold out satis- factory promises of reward to the persevering efforts of those en- gaged in the present experiment. In some parts of the district on the east side of Dudley, coal is not to be found until the mine reaches a depth of 250 yards; in other parts, as in the celebrated twelve-yard-thick measure at Fox-yards, near Sedgeley, the coal crops out at the surface, and may be carted away for almost the cost of loading. In most cases the coal lies in a pretty nearly level con- dition, and may be worked in the ordinary way, wz. by a pit-shaft sunk perpendicularly into the earth, from the bottom of which “oate roads” are driven; but in some instances the coal lies in such an oblique position that to “ win” it in that manner involves great cost and danger. ‘To overcome the difficulties of getting the coal where it lies in this oblique position, the experiment under notice has been resorted to. It consists of two tunnels driven from the surface of the earth into the mine, at an angle of about thirty degrees ; these tunnels are lined with substantial brickwork, and the “skips” and their contents are drawn up the inclined railway, which is laid down for the purpose, by an ordinary stationary engine fixed on the surface. The coal already got in this way is only a few yards from the surface, and it is found to be of a good serviceable quality. Similar experiments were made near Bilston twelve months ago, and the works are now in successful operation there. The discovery of a coal of good quality in Japan is of moment. This Japanese coal has been discovered in the Takasima Colliery at Nagasaki. According to the analysis of Dr. Jas. Martin, the con- stituents of this coal are in the following proportions :—Carbon, 1870.] Mining. 555 82°07; hydrogen, 5°30; oxygen, 3°35; nitrogen, 2°72; sulphur, 1°64; ash, 4°90; loss, 0°02. The samples taken from the level drives, showing a specific gravity of 1°231, are scarcely less satis- factory. On first firing up, the coal is said to give out smoke rather freely, but this soon passes off, and its deposits of soot are not more than would accrue from good English coal. The following remarks of Mr. Madden, chief engineer of Her Majesty’s ship ‘ Ocean,’ are very conclusive as to its merits:—“ Keeping steam with ease at 50 Ibs. pressure. Full speed for five hours with a continuous steam exhaust blast from four cylinders, being a very severe test of evapo- rative qualities for bituminous coal, which involves large quantities of smoke each firing for a short time, but if used in ordinary boilers, without blast and slow combustion this would be considerably reduced. I consider the two samples as tested above to be equal in general steaming properties to English North Country; and com- pared with Welsh, repeatedly tested under same circumstances, as shown to be best Welsh 5 cwt. = 7 cwt. Takasima.” We have recently visited the Hayle Foundry Wharf at Nine Elms to see the operation of some pneumatic stamps. The import- ance of introducing the utmost economy into the ore-dressing arrangements of the tin mines of Cornwall renders this invention of the highest importance. The following is a brief description of the machine :— In the pneumatic stamp the motion is conveyed from the crank to cap and guide cross-head, on piston-rod, by an ordinary connect- ing-rod. Attached to its lower end is the piston-rod, and piston packed with double reverse cup-leather packings; the piston is 41 inches diameter, and operates freely in the upper part of a gun- metal cylinder 34 feet in length; attached to the bottom of this cylinder, by a socket in the usual manner, is the round stamp-head of chilled cast-iron, 9 inches diameter. The upper end of the cylinder is bored, to receive the piston, to a depth of 14 inches ; the piston-rod plays air-tight through the cylinder cover, which is screwed metal to metal on the cylinder. The working barrel of cylinder is pierced with two sets of small holes, for the ingress and egress of air, discharging the air behind the piston after it has been once used as an elastic cushion. Suppose the head to be set in motion with the crank in a horizontal position, the piston being in the middle, vertically, of the working barrel of cylinder, and mid- way between the two sets of air-holes referred to. As the crank and attached piston rise, the air is compressed between the piston and cylinder cover, and the cylinder, with stamp-head attached, is forced upwards. When in rapid motion, the elasticity of the com- pressed air between the piston and cover flings the cylinder, with head, some inches above the range due to the motion of the crank ; on the descent of the piston below the bottom set of holes in the VOL. VII. 2P 556 Chronicles of Scrence. [ Oct., cylinder, the air is compressed in a similar manner, and the cylinder is forced down by the compressed air between the piston and cylin- der bottom, until the stamp-head strikes the ore in a coffer-trough ; thus, whether the quantity of ore be large or small, the blow is always effective, the only difference in the working of the machine being a shorter or longer vertical play of the cylinder and head. The committee appointed by the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers to mvestigate the action of safety cages and hooks have made their report. After a most careful investigation of all the inventions which were brought before them, and they were very numerous, they have arrived at the following conclusion :— “That there are really but two different classes, namely, those which come into operation every time the chain is slackened, and those which do so only when the cage is actually falling or descending at a speed almost equal to that of a falling body. Inventions of the first class are very numerous; the second class has one sole expo- nent, Calow, and both depend on the action of springs (which are always subject to derangement) to initiate the grip, which intensi- fies itself by being drawn more and more into gear by friction on the guides. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages ; for even Calow’s, although it does not wear so much as the others by being constantly in motion at the top and bottom of the pit, yet is apt to stick in the shaft if by any cause the cage receives a sudden jerk.” In conclusion the committee say :—“ It must be admitted that, with every desire to see some efficient apparatus in use at every colliery to prevent the lamentable loss of life that occasionally occurs, your committee have felt an instinctive distrust of the various modes hitherto proposed for doing so, which distrust has not been alto- gether overcome by the investigation that has been gone into. Up to the present time there seems some element wanting to perfect these machines (some of which are excessively ingenious) and render them really reliable, and it 1s much to be desired that such an improvement may be arrived at speedily. With this feeling your committee can- not express an opinion as to the necessity for the adoption of any of these provisions for safety, and can only lay before you the facts they have acquired, with such deductions from statistics and obser-. vations as have presented themselves, and which it is hoped will materially assist in considering the merits of new inventions.” Papers on the Theory and Practice of Coal Mining. By George Fowler, M.E. W.M. Hutchings. London.—Mr. Fowler has read before the Institution of Civil Engineers, and other societies, papers “On the Relative Safety of different Modes of Working Coal,” and on kindred subjects. These papers are now gathered together, and, reconstructed, are presented to the public in a very useful form. Each mode of working coal is carefully 1870. | Metallurgy. 557 described, and the author’s views are given as to the relative values of the several systems. It is not practicable, did we even deem it advisable, to enter into any discussion on these questions. We must refer all of our readers who are interested in the subject of mine ventilation to the book itself, which they will find very full of useful information. : METALLURGY. It is our duty to record such of the numerous attempts as are made from time to time to improve the make of iron and steel as may appear to possess merit. It is not a new idea to use the alka- line metals for removing deleterious ingredients from iron; but we are not aware that it has hitherto been proposed, as is now done by Girard and Poulain, to force the vapour of potassium or sodium through the molten metal. ‘They propose to saturate the fuel with carbonate of soda, and dry it, or to mix common salt with the fluxing materials. These inventors, however, appear to place most confi- dence in a process for blowing those vapours mixed with moist air, or moist carbonic oxide, through the melted metal in a Bessemer converter. Pure iron or steel is said to be thus obtainable at pleasure. If experience proves this, we shall soon hear more of this process. The continually-increasing demand for high-class pig-iron and iron ores, caused by the extension of the Bessemer process, has brought into notice the red hematite and magnetic ores of Norway as a possible source of supply for the Continent. According to a statement published in the ‘ Berggeist,’ a paper representing the metallurgical interests of Westphalia and the Rhine provinces, it has recently been suggested to employ the magnetic ores raised in the neighbourhood of Arendal for the production of Bessemer iron on the spot, the total output of which the mines are capable being estimated at 50,000 tons of 40 per cent. annually, which it is pro- posed to smelt in two moderate-sized furnaces with coke made on the spot from washed English small coal. Whether such a proposal is likely to be commercially successful may be doubted; but the point is in so far of interest as showing how completely iron making is now governed by the item of cheap fuel; the making of char- coal pig-iron even in a thickly-wooded country like Norway being nearly at an end, for out of fifteen blast-furnaces in the southern part of the country only five are now in blast, the cost of produc- tion of pig-iron being nearly 67. per ton, owing to the high price of charcoal... On the system proposed, the cost of No. 1 grey Bessemer iron is computed at 68s. 6d. per ton, which, could it be realized, would leave a fair margin on the selling price of hematite pig-iron in our north-eastern ports. ee P 558 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., The question of the exact nature of the changes involved in the conversion of pig-iron into steel in the Bessemer process, or rather of the composition of the pig-metal employed, is still a matter of great uncertainty. That sulphur, phosphorus, and copper are in no degree removed during the process, and that consequently these impurities must be absent from the metal treated, is proved by all the analytical investigations made in this country as well as in Sweden and Austria. As regards the question of silicon, Professor Jordan, of Paris, has recently pointed out, in a memoir published in the ‘ Revue Universelle,’ the probability that the enormous heat developed in the process is mainly due to the combustion of this element, because the whole of the heat produced by the burning of silicon to silica, of silicate of protoxide of iron in the slag, and the subsequent formation is entirely retained in the metallic bath, while that produced in the combustion of the carbon to carbonic oxide is in great part carried out in the current of flame and heated gases issuing from the mouth of the converter. The exactitude of this view cannot of course be positively demonstrated, because neither the calorific power of silicon nor its specific heat has yet been determined. If, however, we assume with Professor Jordan, which is not improbable, that these factors are the same for silicon as for carbon, it can be shown that in the conversion of a pig-iron contain- ing 4°25 per cent. of carbon and 2 per cent. of silicon that the amount of heat developed by the combustion of the latter element is more than six times as much as that obtained from the former. In proof of this statement it is asserted that the Bessemer process could only be successfully carried out at Terrenoire in France when the metal was run direct from the blast-furnace to the converters, the small proportion of silicon, about 14 per cent., present being not sufficient to allow it to be cast into pigs and remelted, as is usually done. The dark grey No. 1 Bessemer pig-iron produced in Cum- berland and Lancashire contains generally from 2:6 to 2:7 per cent. of silicon.. It appears to be probable, however, that when too much silicon is present, or rather when its proportion as compared with that of the carbon is too high, it may not be entirely removed in the blowing. The separation of sulphur and phosphorus from iron has long been a problem of much interest, especially so since the introduction of the Bessemer process. At the Working Men’s International Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, London, is a display of speci- mens of iron obtamed, by a process invented by Sir Antonio Brady, from some of that dockyard refuse irreverently described as “ Seely’s pigs,” and which has been the subject of discussion both in Parlia- ment and by the press. ‘These pigs were of different qualities, but were all largely contaminated with phosphorus and sulphur, and were supposed to be of little or no value. The presence of phos- 1870. ] Metallurgy. 559 phorus renders iron brittle when it is hot ; the presence of sulphur renders it brittle when it is cold. The pigs containing both were worth in the market about 2/. 5s. a ton. By Sir Antonio’s process the sulphur and the phosphorus is said to be extracted at a cost of about 35s. a ton, and the residual iron is described as “superb.” One of the pieces exhibited is stated to have been beaten cold to the thinness of writing paper at one end, drawn to a point at the other, and then twisted by hand eight turns in an inch at a single heating. Massive bars are said to have been beaten cold until the surfaces on each side of the bend came into perfect contact, and a plate six inches wide and half an inch thick to have been beaten till its edges were in contact, the flat surface remaining horizontal. In neither case was there any trace of a flaw, either at the convexity of the curve, where the metal was stretched, or at the concavity, where it was compressed. Holes in a thick plate are labelled as having been enlarged by driving cones into them, and, in a word, the iron is described as having been knocked about in every possible way. At a very low estimate it is affirmed to be worth 14/. a ton, and as there is plenty of the raw material to be had, the profit of the invention seems likely to be great. A remarkable steel casting was made recently at the works of Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons, Sheffield, which deserves a record: This casting is to form the shaft of the screw of the Dublin Steam- Packet Company’s vessel ‘ Munster,’ and is about 15 feet in length by nearly 4 feet in diameter, and weighs over fifteen tons. This ig one of the largest blocks of steel ever cast in this country. The work of melting commenced about eight o'clock, in no fewer than five hundred and forty-four crucibles, each containing 64 lbs.—the total quantity of steel beg 34,816 Ibs. At half-past twelve the work of casting began, and was rapidly completed, by the joint and perfectly organized action of 300 men. This metal- lurgical operation was a perfect triumph of mechanical skill. The enormous difficulty and expense caused by the ever-accu- mulating mountains of slag produced by iron furnaces worked on the modern scale, often amounting to as much as 60 tons per furnace per day, has led to different proposals for utilizing these unpleasant ejecta, and we remember certain glowing descriptions of valuable results to be got by converting the despised slags into materials rivalling the finest porphyries and other ornamental rocks. The less ambitious but more practical plan of using them as paving stones has been for some time past under trial in Brussels, and, according to Kennis, with such success that they are to be employed generally in the repavement of that city. The process employed ig simply that of allowing the cinder to run from the furnaces into an excavation sufficiently large to contain the whole daily yield of several furnaces, and the cooling is retarded by covering the surface 560 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., with earth when the pit is filled. When cold the mass is found to leave a widely-radiated structure, recalling that of natural volcanic rocks, and the texture is that of a finely crystalline or granular porphyry, having a mean specific gravity of 2:77. The surface is said to wear in such a manner as not to become slippery under traffic, and the cost to be 20 per cent. less than that of ordinary stone paving. It is very much to be desired that experiments of this character should be carried out in the only district in this country where blast-furnace slags are used as a road material to any great extent, viz. in Northamptonshire, where, according to the present method, the general character of the roads may be represented by a series of parallel ruts filled with broken glass, owing to the slag used being cooled in small masses, producing a vitreous substance unfitted for road making, but which is used owing to the difficulty of obtaining natural stone for the purpose. A new process of casting metals has lately been attracting con- siderable attention. In July a number of gentlemen met at the Lancashire Engineering and Compression Casting Works, at St. Helens Junction, to witness the new process of casting in brass and iron chased and embossed work of the most elaborate descrip- tion. The process, which was here for the first time exhibited in England, is an American invention, and its utility was shown to consist in this—that any design, whether in high or low relief, chased on metal of any required pattern or shane, whether flat as a door-plate or round as a vase, can be produced by castings from it ad infinitum, and each casting will show upon it all the sharpness and beauty of the original chasing. Moulds are made with a pre- paration of fine clay from tlie articles to be reproduced. The making of one of these moulds takes a person from five to ten minutes. The moulds have then to stand twenty-four hours ex- posed to dry air, after which they are baked in a furnace for eight hours. These clay moulds, into which the metal is afterwards poured, are, to all intents and purposes, encaustic tiles. The moulds are placed in a box, and the air is extracted from them so as to form a vacuum, after which the molten metal is forced into them, and in this way, in ten minutes, a casting can be completed. When the casting is taken out, the design, however intricate, is found to be perfectly represented, with the exception of removing a slight surface of clay from it, which can be done in half an hour, and the article is then ready to be sent to the bronzer, instead of having to be kept in the chaser’s hands. In this way an enormous amount of cost and labour on ornamental articles in metal is saved. A new process for refining and desilvering lead has been intro- duced by Gustave Luce, Son, and Bozan, of Marseilles. The invention consists in the application of steam. For this purpose the crude argentiferous lead is melted down in a vessel heated by a 1870. | Metallurgy. 561 fire, and provided at its lower end with a spout, closed with a slide, through which, when the lead is melted, 1t is caused to flow down into a lower vessel or vat, heated only at times directly by a special fire, and at other times by the waste heat from the fire of the upper vessel. When the lower vessel is full, steam is introduced through a central pipe, leading down to near the bottom of the vessel, where it is provided with a cock turned by a rod from above, and with a disc, for the purpose of dividing the steam as it enters. The steam, in passing up through the molten lead, effectually oxidizes all impurities, which then rise in the form of scum to the top of the metal, whence they are removed. The introduction of the steam at the same time produces a violent ebullition of the lead, causing it to crystallize; and when this crystallization has taken place to a sufficient extent the introduction of steam is stopped by closing the cock on the steam-pipe, and the remaining liquid portion of the lead, in which the greater proportion of the silver will be found concentrated, is run off through one or more spouts into troughs turning on pivots for conducting the lead into a series of ingot moulds. During this time a fresh charge of lead, containig a percentage of silver approximating to that of the crystals in the lower vessel, has been melted down in the upper vessel, and is run into the lower vessel as soon as all the liquid portion has been removed therefrom. Steam is then again introduced, effecting a further purification and separation of silver, and this process is continued until, by the repeated crystallization, one part of the lead is rendered comparatively free from silver, to be used as merchant lead, while the lead run off is sufficiently rich in silver for the cupelling process. The duration of each operation for twelve or thirteen tons of argentiferous lead is about from two and a half to three hours. 3 The Iron and Steel Institute, whose first provincial meeting was held at Middlesbrough last year, has just held (September, 1870) another such meeting at Merthyr Tydfil, the chief seat of the coal, iron, and steel industries of South Wales. The formal business meetings of the Institute extended over two days, and other two days were devoted to the inspection of the iron and steel works at Swansea and Ebbw Vale. Although the Institute has not yet been in existence two years, there are already upwards of 350 members enrolled, a large proportion of whom were present at Merthyr, notwithstanding its great distance from the other prin- cipal seats of the iron-trade, and the difficulty attending the means of reaching it. At the meeting just held, the Duke of Devonshire presided, and Mr. Henry Bessemer was elected to the presidentship for the ensuing two years. The Council of the Institute have resolved to discontinue the publication of the ‘ Transactions of the Institute, and to issue instead a quarterly journal devoted to the 562 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., science and practice of the iron and steel manufacture, both at home and abroad. The foreign editorship of the journal is to be conducted by Mr. David Forbes. Several very interesting and im- portant papers were read and discussed at the Merthyr meeting. We can only find space to indicate the subjects upon which they treated. I. “The Geological Features of the South Wales Coal-field.” By Mr. William Adams, Cardiff. In this paper the extent of the coal supply of South Wales was put down at 36,000,000,000 tons, even after making a very liberal allowance for faults, waste, loss in working, &c. II. “On Pumping and Winding Machinery at the Castle Pit, Cyfarthfa.” By G. C. Pearce, Cyfarthfa Iron-works. This was a short paper describing some recently-erected machinery of a superior character, and which was carefully inspected in operation by the members. III. “On the Condition of Carbon and Silicon in Iron and Steel.” By Mr. Geo. J. Snelus, Associate of the Royal School of Mines. This was the longest and most elaborate paper read at the meeting. In it the author showed that he had struck out a new path, a method, or rather methods, of mechanically separating the carbon and silicon contained in iron and steel, which will doubtless prove to be a valuable supplement to the ordinary methods of chemical research. IV. “Ona New Form of Pyrometer.’ By Mr. C. W. Siemens, C.E., F.R.S. The author described several kinds of pyrometers, and then described and exhibited one constructed upon a plan involved in the principle that the pure metals have the property of offering an increasing resistance to the passage of an electrical current with increase of temperature. V. “On the Efficiency and Durability of Plain Cylindrical Steam-Boilers.” By Mr. Jeremiah Head, Middlesbrough. The author of this paper gave an account of a new method of suspend- ing or supporting plain cylindrical boilers so as to prevent explo- sions. Out of nearly 18,000 boilers on the books of the boiler insurance companies, 22:7 per cent. are of this sort, thus showing that they are much in request. A method of ensuring their safety is therefore a thing much to be desired. Other two papers were set down for reading, but there was no time left for them. One of them was by Mr. F. Kohn, C.E., and the subject was, “ On the Production of Alloys of Iron and Manga- nese, and on their Application to the Manufacture of Steel.” ¢ 1870. | Physics. 563 TLIO PEYSICS. Liaut.—A new substance possessing fluorescent properties in a very high degree has been prepared by Professor A. H. Church from the Cyclopia vogellii, one of the plants used by the African Boers for tea. It possesses acid properties, and the discoverer calls it cyclopic acid. Its action on light is best seen when a crystal or two of the new body is dropped into a solution of caustic soda and viewed in sunlight. An intense greenish-yellow fluorescence is perceived at first, but disappears in the course of some hours. A new artificial light which has recently been successfully ex- perimented with, called the Philipp carbo-oxygen lamp, and its recent trial at Cologne, was such as to win approval on every hand. The light is generated by the combustion of a liquid chemical com- pound in a current of oxygen, arrangements for the purpose being constructed in a suitable lamp. The gas is derived from the atmosphere either by chemical or mechanical means; the chemical methods being to absorb the oxygen of the air with chloride of copper (Mallett’s method), or with manganate of potash (Tessie du Mothay’s method), while the mechanical mode is that of utilizing the different degrees of solubility of nitrogen and oxygen in water or other liquids. By compressing atmospheric air into receivers filled with water, a portion of the nitrogen is taken up by the water, while the oxygen remains insoluble in the water; the air thus containing a goodly proportion of oxygen is forced into a second reservoir of water, where a further amount of nitrogen is absorbed, and after the operation has been repeated seven or eight times, an atmosphere is obtained containing 97 per cent. of oxygen. The nitrogen which has been separated is made use of in a well- constructed apparatus as an auxiliary to the motive force. Hxpe- riments have established the fact that a flame fed with air contain- ing 53 per cent. of oxygen yields a light equal in brillancy to that obtained with pure oxygen, and with diluted oxygen of this kind the Philipp flame has a brilliancy of 90 to 100 candles, or ten times that of an ordinary gas jet. The light is of a bluish-white, resembling very much that of electricity or burning magnesium. The liquid employed consists of liquid hydrocarbons very rich in carbon; it costs but little, burns economically, and can be em- ployed only in this particular direction. The flame is made to assume the form of a star, and any heating of the wick-holder thereby prevented ; if of the size and power above mentioned, the quantity of gas consumed is 54 cubic feet per hour. As to the lamp, no special attention is necessary beyond that of filling it with liquid, as the wick is of a very durable nature, and needs no trim- ming. 564 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., An optically-neutral sugar has been prepared by EH. J. Mau- mené. He mixes equal parts of pure sugar-candy and neutral nitrate of silver, both previously dissolved in water, and evaporates the mixture upon a water-bath. He states that neither at 100°, nor even at 140°, any decomposition ensues or any reduction of silver takes place, provided the sugar be free from inverted sugar. The sugar, rendered syrupy by the process described, is optically neutral. The silver-salt is separated from the sugar by means of pure chloride of calcium, and the nitrate of lime is separated from the sugar by the addition of alcohol and placing this mixture under a bell-jar along with quick-lime. In this manner, by slow concen- tration, two layers of different specific gravity are formed: the upper being an alcoholic solution of nitrate of lime, the lower a viscous saccharine liquid. The former is poured off, and, by a slight washing with cold distilled water, the thick sugar solution is freed from any adhering nitrate of lime. The sugar obtained does not crystallize. In a lengthy paper on the optical properties of benzyl, and of some substances belonging to the camphor groups, in the crystal- line state and in solution, M. des Cloizeaux describes a series of experiments, the chief results of which are that benzyl and perio- date of soda possess, when in the solid crystalline state, strongly- marked rotatory powers, and are devoid thereof in the state of solution. Quartz, chlorate, and bromate of soda act the same. Sulphate of strychnia possesses rotatory powers in crystals as well as in solution, while ordinary camphor, patchouli camphor, cam- phor of oil of mint, Borneo camphor, tere camphor, and monchlor- hydrate of turpentine possess rotatory power when in solution, but not in the crystalline state. O. Loew has found that when aqueous sulphurous acid is ex- posed in sealed tubes to the action of sunlight, it is gradually reduced to sulphur, but the oxygen is not liberated, another part of the acid having been oxidized by it to sulphuric acid. According to J. Girard, who has made several voyages on the Mediterranean Sea, its peculiar colour, ranging from pale blue through all shades of that colour to black (viz. when seen from a ship’s deck), is entirely due to the mode of reflexion of the sun’s rays according to the lower or higher position of that luminary above the horizon, so that at mornings and evenings, when the rays fall more obliquely and pass therefore through a larger bulk of water the colour is deepest, provided it be at such distances from the shore that the depth of the sea is sufficiently great. At one of the recent meetings of the Franklin Institute, Pro- fessor Morton exhibited in the lantern some pictures on gelatine prepared in a manner devised by Mr. Holman. For this purpose 1870. | Physics. 565 a sheet of gelatine, such as is used for tracing by engravers, was securely fixed over an engraving, and with a sharp steel point (made by grinding down the end of a small round file), the lines of the original traced pretty deeply on the transparent substance. Lead-pencil or crayon dust was then lightly rubbed in with the finger, and the picture was at once ready for use. A number of such drawings could be easily carried between the leaves of a book, each in succession being held in a frame or cell made of two plates of glass separated by a frame of thin card or three edges, and united by paper or muslin pasted around the same edges. ‘The effect of these drawings in the lantern was excellent, and their ease of pro- duction very great. A most valuable adjunct to the microscope has been made by Mr. J. Zentmayer. It is a mechanical finger, which in the study of diatoms forms a substitute for the clumsy fingers of the human hand, to do the delicate work of picking up rare and valuable dia- toms detected by the microscope, and to transfer them to a slide for preservation. The instrument may be readily understood on reference to the accompanying cut. : L A is the top plate of —- the mechanical stage; the —— circular plate is omitted. ie = — The cap B is fitted to the lower body below the stage, into which cap the new sub-stage cis fastened by a narrow tube, wide enough — =A Lim to admit illumination from fammiil camapegisnssecl the mirror. As the lower ~~ — = body is movable up and al Jar e down by a rack, another ie l I movement is gained which is necessary to accomplish the result. The difference of the size of the aperture of the stage and the diameter of the tube which connects the sub-stage with the cap A is equal to the movement of the mechanical stage, and this is found more than sufficient. D is the clamp by which the finger is attached to the stage by means of the screw E. A steel cylinder, a, is nicely fitted into the top and bottom of the tube F, leaving room inside for a light spring to press the steel cylinder upwards. To prevent turning, the spring J is provided at u with a steel pin, accurately fitted into the fork at the top of the tube Fr. By turning the nut x the spring J is elevated and depressed, giving nice adjustment to the needle N in case the finger is to be attached to a microscope not having rack movement to the cap B, to bring the end of the hair and the object in close approximation. ‘The end of the spring 3 forms a little rg, with 566 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., a screw cut inside into which a cork m is screwed to receive a needle n, to which a hair is fastened by wrapping gum paper around. Turning the cork facilitates the adjustment of the hair to the proper inclination. A slight pressure on the button 1 brings down the hair, and the spring inside of F instantly lifts it again when the pressure is removed. The tube F turns in the clamp D in order to adjust the hair and cork more conveniently, and when brought back again it is tightened by a set screw. Complicated as it may appear, only one movement is added to the microscope stand by this instrument, the one, namely, which gives the vertical motion. When the apparatus is to be used, the material to select from is placed on the sub-stage c and focussed, then the point of the hair is approximately brought over the selected object by means of the stage movements and turning of p; this brings the hair nearly in focus too, because it is almost in the same plane with the object. Next adjust the hair precisely over the selected shell, press down the button 1, and the shell will adhere to the hair. Now remove the slide with the material and substitute a glass slide moistened by breathing on it, and having brought it in proper position briskly dip down the button x again and the shell will be deposited on the glass slide. If the mechanical stage has a graduated indicator, the finger may be moved along regularly and shells may be placed at equal distances in lines. After the cover glass is carefully placed over it, Canada balsam may be run in by capillary attraction with- out disturbing the position of the shells. Hzat.—Dr. J. D. Boeke, Teacher of Chemistry at the Hoogere, Burgerschool at Alkmaar, opposes the statement of Mr. Loew that ozone is formed by rapid combustion. On repeating Mr. Loew’s experiment with this slight modification, that a stream of oxygen instead of azv was blown through the luminous flame of a Bunsen’s burner into the mouth of a glass balloon, he really found that the air in the balloon had assumed a peculiar odour, and the property of colouring blue a mixture of starch paste and of potassium. But it appears that both changes are the result of the formation of a compound of oxygen and nitrogen (probably dinitric trioxide or nitric dioxide), not from the formation of ozone, as Mr. Loew asserts. So when Mr. Loew declares that he was able to “identify the for- mation of ozone by its intense odour and the common tests,” he was somewhat rash in this conclusion. Still Mr. Loew’s experiment is a yery interesting and easy one, and will soon take its due place in the series of lecture-experiments intended to elucidate the complex phenomena of combustion. H. Sainte Claire-Deville relates at great length a series of ex- periments which may be summarized as follows:—Perfectly pure iron kept at temperatures varying from 150°-1600°, is treated with 1870. | Physics. 567 vapour of water of a known tension and temperature. Under these conditions results are obtained which prove that the decomposition of vapour of water by iron while red-hot is rigorously subject to all the laws which govern the tension of saturated vapours. M. E. Cappel has published a lengthy paper on the influence of the temperature on the sensitiveness and delicacy of spectrum reactions. ‘The main result is, that the temperature most suitable for the spectrum analysis of the alkalies is that of the oxyhydrogen flame, and for the rest of the metals the heat of the electric spark. The higher the temperature the more distinct the reactions. In some observations on the batswing-burner flame, Dr. A. Baudrimont states that the flame consists of two distinct portions, one of which (the interior) has a comparatively low temperature while it is surrounded by a luminous envelope, the temperature of which exceeds that of molten platinum. Indeed the author found that a platinum wire ,1,th mm. thick, when properly placed in this flame, fused immediately. General Morin has experimented at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers on some fire-clay stoves; the results are said to be highly satisfactory. The useful effect of heat given off by the fuel amounts to 93 per cent. The air in the rooms where these stoves were placed was not at all vitiated so as to incommode those pre- sent, notwithstanding the interior of the stoves became thoroughly red-hot. The author says that, takmg all in all, these stoves, when suitably connected with flues, will afford a cheap and in every respect wholesome mode of heating apartments. A new material for the manufacture of crucibles is described by M. J. Desnoyers. The substance known as gaize, or pierre morte, is a mineral largely met with in the departments of the Ardennes, where it forms a deposit of some 100 metres thickness. Its specific erayity is 1:48. It is on being dug up quite soft, so that it can be cut with a knife, but becomes hard on drying and very hard when exposed to red-heat, whereby its specific gravity is reduced to 1-44. This material is essentially a substance capable of withstanding high temperatures; and the author exhibits crucibles made from the gaize which have been used successfully for melting iron. Dr. La Salvelat, the celebrated chemist of the Imperial Porcelain Works at Sévres, states that layers of similar material exist in the central parts of France, and that these minerals are of great value for the construction of blast and other furnaces. By the term “rochage,” H. Caron understands a peculiar pro- duction of sparks, best seen when molten cast-iron is run off from the blast furnace into moulds. In a lengthy paper the author describes a series of experiments undertaken with the view to prove that since steel and cast-iron, when molten in an atmosphere of 568 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., hydrogen or oxide of carbon, never emit sparks, the production of the latter cannot be due to an evolution of reducing gas absorbed during the fusion, but is due, according to the author, to the forma- tion of oxide of iron at the moment the molten metal comes in contact with air. This curious phenomenon is well known to those engaged at blast furnaces. The sparks are known by the workmen as “jumpers,” and their presence is usually held to indicate an approximation to white iron. These sparks are absent during the running of grey iron from the furnace, and only begin to make their appearance when the iron is about No. 4, the usual degree of grey- ness preferred in South Staffordshire for puddling. ‘The sparks are best observed during the running of white iron from the furnace, especially if the molten metal is not very fluid, at which times a vast number are produced, particularly in the channel; and some- times after the pigs have “set,” little jets of sparks are continuously discharged for many minutes, which discharge is accompanied by a hissing sound. M. Caron’s view may probably be correct, but a correspondent of the ‘Chemical News, who signs his name T. B., says that he is inclined to attribute the production of these sparks to the combustion of carbon and not of iron, as there is an entire absence of the peculiar scintillations displayed by burning iron. A very striking mode of demonstration in the lecture-room that burning bodies increase in weight has been contrived by H. Kolbe. A glass rod is fastened in a horizontal position to one arm of a balance. Upon this is fastened a glass cylinder in which a candle is burnt, connected with which, by a glass tube, there is a V-tube for condensing the vapour, a flask filled with lime-water for carbonic anhydride, and two more V-tubes containing soda-lime. The last are connected by an india-rubber tube with a Bunsen’s pump, by which a steady current of air is drawn through the apparatus. The beam is first counterpoised; as the candle burns away the arm of the balance to which it is attached sinks down until its progress is arrested by the table. Mr. W. T. Suffolk, the well-known microscopist, has experi- mented during a pedestrian tour on the most advantageous methods of boiling water, and has come to the conclusion that the very best arrangement is an “Etna” of French construction made of very thin copper, electro-plated, and weighing, with a store of 6 oz. of spirit, 14 lb. The time occupied in boiling half a pint of water is from seven to ten minutes, and the consumption of spirit about two fluid drachms. The apparatus requires a perfectly calm atmo- sphere for its proper action; this may be secured by building a small cromlech of flat stones, which are always at hand in hilly countries, and with the help of a large handkerchief as a further protection against the wind, no difficulty will be found in securing 1870. | Physics. 569 efficient performance ; other contrivances will suggest themselves where stones are not procurable. Although it would seem that alcohol is consumed to a disadvantage without a wick, yet practi- eally the “Etna” boils water with a smaller consumption of spirit than any contrivance yet tried, a good argand lamp requiring at least half an ounce to do the same work as the Htna. The Russian blast lamp is still more wasteful, consuming nearly 2 ounces. The superior economy of the Ktna is attributed to the low temperature of the wickless flame and the manner in which the boiler is wrapped in the fire, no more heat being supplied than can be taken up by so bad a conductor as water. The defect of all lamps giving an intense flame being that heat is wasted by being supplied too quickly, so that the apparently feeble fire in the gutter of the tna is more efficient than the heat of powerful lamps, as well as more economical ; the latter quality is very important to the pedestrian, to whom every ounce of weight is a consideration. P. Lewald, referring to the phenomenon first observed by Dr. Fritsche, says it is not at all a correct statement that the blocks of tin exposed toa cold of — 35° should alter their state of aggregation from that cause; the real cause is that the blocks of tin usually of 250 cubic inches capacity are cast in iron moulds, and as a conse- quence thereof the tin contracts unequally, and so as to leave in the inside of the blocks cavities often so large as to occupy 40 cubic inches. These hollows are lined by a crystallized metal at a high degree of tension. The tin at St. Petersburgh was laying heaped block upon block, and the effect of the cold was simply a remote cause to what took place, the weight of the blocks of metal placed on each other being such as to produce necessarily a pressure too great to be borne by the undermost blocks. The author says, if tin is molten and allowed to cool, so as to shrink uniformly, no cold, even of — 40° or less, will have the effect observed in the locality alluded to. L. Cailletet has studied the variation of compression of air and hydrogen between 1 and 800 atmospheres. Up to 80 atmospheres’ pressure, air is more compressed than it should be if it followed the law of Mariotte ; and at 680 atmospheres’ pressure it only occupies two-thirds of the space which it ought to do theoretically. The method by which the author is enabled to measure the volumes occupied by a gas in an opaque apparatus is very simple. The glass tube is enclosed in an iron one; the former, containing the gas, is lightly gilt. The mercury which serves for the transmission of pressure, whitens the gold, leaving a well-defined mark on it after the pressure ceases. Exectriciry.—In a letter to M. Dumas, Professor de la Rive states that he has just finished a series of experiments on the mag- 570 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct.,. netic rotatory power of liquids, the results of which will be shortly published. The first portion of this work is devoted to the descrip- tion of the apparatus and processes of experimentation ; the second part contains the results of the determination of the magnetic rotatory power of some liquids. As a curious anomaly the author mentions that taking water as unit, the coefficient of the magnetic rotatory power of monohydrated sulphuric acid is 0°750, and that coefficient is, for liquid anhydrous sulphurous acid, equal to 1-240 at a temperature of 12°. The third part of this work is devoted to the study of the influence of the temperature on the magnetic rota- tory power. In the fourth part, the author gives the results of his investigations of the magnetic rotatory power of a mixture of two liquids as compared with that each of these liquids possesses sepa- rately. The fifth part contains the results obtained by experiment- ing with two isomeric liquids. In some experimental researches on the length of duration of the electric spark, MM. Lucas and Cazin employ two transparent discs placed upon the same axis. One of these discs is a fixture, while a more or less rapid rotatory motion can be imparted to the other. Upon both discs are painted the same number of opaque stripes in the direction of the radius. When, therefore, an electric spark is observed through these discs, a certain amount of speed having been imparted to the movable one (the apparatus being placed in a darkened room), it is clear that by the light emitted by the spark a certain number of coincidences of the movable and fixed stripes may be observed, and these coincidences may serve to calcu- late the period of duration of the spark. Dr. Demayes describes at length an apparatus constructed by him, which appears to be an improvement on Siemens’ electro- magnetic apparatus; while making from 250 to 280 revolutions a minute, the lifting power of the magnet is 70 kilos., and under similar conditions a platinum wire, 0°8 mm. thick and 20 centim. long was rendered red-hot, and iron wire of the same thickness fused ; the machine produces per second of time half a cubic centi- métre of gas by the decomposition of water. In a recent instalment of his researches on electro-capillary action, which have occupied M. Becquerel for a series of years, he announces the artificial formation of the oxychloride of copper in crystalline state, and exactly similar to that found in the copper mines of Peru and Chili, and known as atacamite. This formation has taken no less than fifteen years. Mr. E. W. Blake, jun., has described a method of producing by the electric spark figures similar to those of Lichtenberg. The method consists in throwing the discharge upon the surface of a fusible non-conducting body. If the body be near its fusing-point 1870. | Physies. 571 the figure appears at once; if cold, a latent image exists, which may be developed by heat. ‘The non-eonducting surface is prepared by coating a plate of metal with an even film of pitch. Pieces of sheet tin, 3 inches square, coated with films of pitch of a thickness varying between 0°01 and 0°02 inch were used; the pitch was the ordinary article of commerce freed from sand, &c., by being melted and strained through a muslin bag. ‘The author gives cuts of the figures as produced by frictional electricity and the induction coil, Metallic iron, as obtained by the electric current, has been ex- amined by C. Collas. He employs a weak solution of chloride of iron, which is decomposed by the aid of a Bunsen battery ; perfectly pure iron is thus obtained, which is very friable, highly oxidizable, especially when moisture is present. When this iron in the state of fine powder is poured in a bottle when the atmosphere is very moist, the iron is instantaneously oxidized, water decomposed, and the evolution of hydrogen causes the bursting of the bottle. A new method of copper extraction and its separation from other metals is published by Mr. J. Elkington. The principle consists in applying electricity for dissolving the copper contained in the crude metal obtained by the usual smelting methods, and for de- positing that metal galvanically upon plates of copper, causing the other foreign metals to fall to the bottom of the vessels in which the operations take place; copper containing very small quantities of silver may be advantageously treated thus for the recovery of the last-named metal. An improvement in galvanic batteries has been devised by Mr. W. Poole Levison, of Cambridge, Mass. While making use of a small bichromate of potash battery he discovered that the addition of nitric acid to the mixture of potassic bichromate and sulphuric acid contained in its porous cups, conferred upon it the virtue of steadiness without involving the evolution of annoying fumes. For over two months during last summer the author had in almost constant action a combination of twenty-three large Bunsen cells charged with dilute sulphuric acid and the triple mixture mentioned, and “set up” openly upon the floor of the room. Not only did he work about it with perfect comfort, but left choice brass instruments in its immediate neighbourhood with impunity. Its energy never fluctuated, but after remaining for some time steady declined, pre- cisely as if the electro-negative plates were bathed in nitric acid only. To a cooled mixture of potassic bichromate solution and sulphuric acid (perhaps preferably in atomic proportions) add nitric acid. The proportion of nitric acid may be greatly varied, as its office is merely to transfer oxygen. A research on the best methods of tinning of iron without the VOL. VII. 2 Q 572 Chronicles of Science. [ Oct., aid of heat has been carried out by J. B. A. Daubié. The chief point of interest is that the tinning of iron in the cold cannot succeed at all, unless the bath used for that purpose contains in solution or suspended an organic substance like starch or glucose, although no precise scientific explanation of this indispensable condition has been hitherto given. The author employs the following bath: To 100 litres of water are added 3 kilos. of rye meal ; this mixture is boiled for half an hour, and next filtered through cloth. To the clear but thickish liquid are added 106 kilos. of pyro-phosphate of soda, 17 kilos. of protochloride of tin, 100 to 120 grammes of sulphuric acid ; this liquid is placed in well-made wooden troughs, and serves more especially for the tinning of iron and steel wire for the use of carding-machines. When instead of the two salts of tm just named cyanide of silver and cyanide of potassium are taken, the iron is perfectly silvered. 12. ZOOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. The Zoological Position of the Brachiopoda—Leuckart, Haeckel, and Gegenbauer do not include the Polyzoa among the Mollusca, as is done by Huxley, but class them as also the Tunicata among the great heterogencous group of Vermes. Mr. Morse, an American naturalist, who has devoted much study to the Molluscoida, pro- poses to turn over the Brachiopoda into the same position. In doing so he unconsciously meets an argument advanced in favour of the retention of the Polyzoa among Mollusca by Professor Rolleston, viz. that they present close affinities to the Brachiopoda, especially to the larval Brachiopod described by Fritz Miler. Mr. Morse has by perseverance obtained the great advantage of studying living specimens of Lingula, a species of which he obtained in quantity on the North Carolina coast. He compares the sete which frmge the mouth of Lingula to those of Annelids (in this he is probably misled), the lophophor with its cirrhi to the cephalic appendages of tubicolous worms, the oviducts with their trumpet- shaped openings to the funnel-like oviducts of many worms; the embryo of Thecidium, with its four segments and eye-spots, 1s adduced, as also the embryo of Discina, which, according to Fritz Miiler, has projecting bristles like the temporary bristles of some Annelid-larve. Mr. Morse says it is a startling discovery that the vascular fluid of Lingula is red, and seems to think that this colour gives this Brachiopod some affinity to worms. It is, how- ever, not at all surprising, though Lingula is an interesting addition to the category of invertebrata with red blood, including as it does already the molluscs Planorbis and Arca. Probably 1870. ] Zoology. 573 the coloration is due to Hemoglobin as in the eases of Molluscs, Insects, Crustacea, and Vermes with red blood, investigated by Mr. Ray Lankester. Mr. Morse’s proposition to classify Brachio- poda with Vermes deserves full consideration, but we shall look for some solid reasons in the memoir which he promises on the subject. , New Sponges.—Sponges continue to occupy a great deal the attention of naturalists. Dr. Perceval Wright, Mr. Carter, Mr. Charles Stewart, and others, have lately described new genera and species. Mr. W.S. Kent, of the British Museum, who two months since made an expedition to the coasts of Portugal in the yacht of Mr. Marshall Hall, has described three new species (two belonging to new genera) of that very important and interesting group, the silicious sponges or Vitrea of Professor Wyville Thomson. The Vitrea are represented by the notorious Hyalonema, or glass-rope sponge ; by Huplectella, the beautiful lace-sponge ; and by Professor Thomson’s new genus, Holtenta. Mr. Kent would recognize Dr. J. E. Gray’s division of the Corallispongia im preference to that of Vitrea proposed by Professor Wyville Thomson. In describing a new species allied to that author’s Holtenia Carpenteri, he points out that the genus Holtenca must give place to Pheronema, previ- ously proposed by that most distinguished of American naturalists, Dr. Leidy, of Philadelphia. There appears to be no doubt that the sponge described under this name by Dr. Leidy is generically iden- tical with Wyville Thomson’s subsequently described Holtenca. Mr. Kent's new species is called Pheronema Gray, and was obtained by him in the deep sea off the coast of Portugal. Two other inter- esting vitreous sponges were also detected, and have been fully described by Mr. Kent. ‘The Royal Society assisted Mr. Kent in the outlay necessary for dredging apparatus, &c., and these new sponges are among the first of the fruits of his voyage which he has made known. The Society has done well to entrust some of its funds to this promising naturalist; and zoological science is much | indebted to Mr. Marshall Hall for using his yacht for its advance- ment. Bathybius and the Coccoliths.—The organism which Professor Huxley described two years ago as being so widely spread in the ooze of the ocean bottom, consisting of a simple ramified network of protoplasm, has been recognized and fully established by no less an authority than Professor Haeckel, of Jena. Professor Haeckel gives figures of the protoplasmic network, and then discusses the propriety of associating with this organism the Coccoliths and Coccospheres, as Huxley has done. He does not arrive at definite conclusions on this pomt; but re-figures all the various forms of Coccoliths, Cyatholiths, and Discoliths described by Huxley. Haeckel would at present definitely establish Bathybius on the Para apy 574 Chronicles of Science. | Oct., protoplasmic network, and leave the exact origin of the Coccoliths doubtful. A very remarkable observation which he has made neces- sitates this ; for he has discovered a new genus of oceanic Radiola- rians, in the centre of each specimen of which he finds a mass of concretions which really cannot be distinguished from a Coccosphere. In fact, we may say that Coccospheres are found inside these new Radiolarians. At present there is nothing to show how they got there: whether they are secretions of the Radiolarian, or whether they have been taken in by it. Meanwhile the Coccoliths have been observed in other oceanic accumulations besides the Atlantic mud and the Chalk. MiIscELLANEOUS. Mr. Darwin and the French Academy.—At the outbreak of the present war between Germany and France, the claims of our great naturalist, to be elected a corresponding member of the French Academy, were under discussion in that body. There is nothing which has so fully illustrated the difference between the scientific attitude of France—or rather let us say Imperial France—and ‘Germany, as the manner in which the views of Mr. Darwin have been treated in these two countries. In Germany their almost universal adoption has been the signal for the most active and valuable investigations “fur Darwin ;” and the brilliant researches of Fritz Miller, Haeckel, Kowalewsky, and others have proceeded directly from this as a cause. Imperial France on the other hand has, with a rare exception here and there, treated Mr. Darwin with scorn and even insult. M. Flourens, the late perpetual secretary of the French Academy, made a most unseemly attack upon Mr. Darwin some years since, which Professor Huxley showed up for the amusement of English readers in an article in the ‘ Natural History Review,’ which is reprinted in his volume of ‘ Lay Sermons.’ In the recent discussion on Mr. Darwin’s claims, MM. Milne- Edwards and De Quatrefages did justice to his merits as an observer, though they do not accept evolution; but Brongniart, Robin, and Emile Blanchard, appear to have expressed a very low opinion of him : he was called ‘amateur, an ‘ inaccurate dreamer ;’ and Eli de Beaumont, whose theory of mountain chains has been so completely crushed by Lyell, said that Darwinism “is all fizz ”—“cest la science moussée.” And yet it is a fact that Cuvier and Lamarck were Frenchmen. A New Manual of Zoology—Dr. H. Alleyne Nicholson, of Edinburgh, lecturer on zoology in one of the medical schools, has, with excellent intentions, produced a manual of zoology. He has not done rightly, for the book is almost entirely an abridgment of Huxley’s lectures published in 1856 in the ‘ Medical Times and 1870. | Zoology. 575 Gazette, of Greene’s ‘Manuals of the Coelenterata and Protozoa’ published eleven years since, and of Woodward's ‘ Mollusca’ pub- lished fourteen years since. The only additions appear to relate to the geological range of the various groups of animals. No attempt is made to give any of the later results of investigation, nor to seek information from original memoirs. ‘The writer gives his state- ments at third-hand, and with the exception of some rough diagrams, his figures have appeared in many a manual of zoology published during the last twenty years. Chioral, the New Opiate.—It is little more than a year since Liebreich suggested the use of the hydrate of chloral as an anodyne, and a few grains of it were obtained at the Exeter meeting of the British Association, through the Pharmaceutical Association, for experiment. Within six months of that time, such is the rapidity with which the medical profession avails itself of any new and valuable discovery, chloral was im daily use in nearly every London and provincial hospital. However much we may complain of back- wardness in England in some scientific matters, we cannot but ex- press admiration at the remarkable activity of our medical men. It has been urged upon the bodies who are sending relief to the wounded soldiers in France, to forward chloral and chloroform. Any individual who should go the round of the hospitals, or even on the battle-fields themselves, and administer chloral to those suffer- ing from the pain of wounds, would be able to spare an immense amount of agony, and save many lives. This is one of the adjuncts of war which science offers as a set off to her mitradleurs. Chloral has also lately been used with much success in some cases by Dr. Robert Caton, in making various physiological experiments in place of curare or chloroform. His methods of studying the tissues of living animals under the microscope, are published by him in the last number of the ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.’ We hear also that Dr. Sanderson, F.R.S., and Professor Stricker, of Vienna, who is now on avisit to this country, have succeeded by the use of chloral, and by proper precautions for maintaining temperature, in studying the living circulation of small mammalia, so as to extend to the mammalia the inquiries commenced by Waller, lately renewed by Cohnheim, as to the emigration of blood-corpuscles from the blood-vessels in inflammation. This is most important as bearing on human pathology and physiology, for hitherto such observations had been confined to the cold-blooded vertebrata— almost entirely, in fact, to fish and frogs, or toads. 576 Chronicles of Science. | Oct. MorPHOLOGY. Homogeny and Homoplasy.—In the July number of the ‘ Annals,’ Mr. Ray Lankester proposes to use these terms to signify certain relations of parts in organisms which have hitherto been confused under the one head of homology. Homogeny is applied to such structures as owe their identity in arrangement and relation to inheritance from a common ancestor ; parts which are thus rendered similar in two organisms are said to be homogenous one with the other. Many structures present, however, a very close similarity in their relations to surrounding parts in two organisms without being so inherited; the similarity beng due merely to a com- munity of external conditions in the two cases, necessitating similar corresponding internal arrangements. These agreements are said to be due to “homoplasy,” and are called homoplastic one with another. ‘The fore-limbs of all vertebrata are thus broadly homo- genous, that is, are inherited from a common ancestor. But the four cavities of the heart of the mammal and of the bird are not homogenous each with each. The hearts as a whole are so, but since the common ancestor of birds and mammals had in all proba- bility a heart with three cavities, the four cavities cannot be due to inheritance in the two cases. They are homoplasts; they are due to similar exigencies in the mammalian and ornithosaurian stock after their divergence from a common stock. Various in- stances of homogenetic and homoplastic agreement are distinguished in Mr. Lankester’s paper, and it is pointed out that what are called serial homologies belong to the category of homoplasts; thus, the fore and hind limb of vertebrata agree in many of their details of structure on account of the mechanical arrangements required in fore and hind limb being to a very great extent identical. In a subsequent number of the same periodical, Mr. St. George Mivart, F.RS., writing on the use of the term homology, accepts the terms homogeny and homoplasy, though he would retain Professor Owen’s word homology, in a wide sense, distinguishing homogenetic homologies and homoplastic homologies. He also proposes to dis- tinguish “ancestral homogeny” and “developmental homogeny.” But it appears that “ancestral homogeny” is all that the term homogeny was defined to include. What Mr. Mivart calls “de- velopmental homogeny,” when it is not accompanied by ancestral homogeny, falls simply under the category of homoplasy. The subject is a little abstruse, but is of importance, since the doctrine of homology as propounded by Professor Owen has sunk very deeply into the mind of British anatomists; and now that so many have accepted the doctrine of evolution, and the doctrine of creation by types is no longer in favour, it becomes necessary to remodel our terminology in accordance with new ideas. 1870. ‘ak cian Quarterly List of Publications receited for Mebietv. 1. The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir John Lub- bock, M.P., F.R.S. Longmans, Green, & Co. . On Microscopical Manipulation. Being the Subject-matter of a Course of Lectures delivered before the Quekett Microscopical Club. With 49 Engravings and 7% Lithographs. By W. T. i) Suffolk, F.R.MLS. Henry Gillman. 3. Heat as a Mode of Motion. By John Tyndall, F.R.S. Fourth Edition. Longmans, Green, & Co. 4. Class-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. By D. Morris, B.A. Phillip & Son. 5. Chemical History of the Six Days of Creation. New York: The American News Company. 6. Papers on the Theory and Practice of Coal-mining. By George Fowler, Mining Engineer. Wm. Hutchings. 7. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, LL.D., F.R.S. Longmans, Green, & Co. 8. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington: Government Printing Office. PAMPHLETS AND PERIODICALS. Mineral Statistics of Victoria. Melbourne. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge :— The Transatlantic Longitude as Determined by the Coast Survey Expedition of 1866. By B. A. Gould. The Indians of Cape Flattery. By James G. Swan. The Gleddon Mummy Case. By Charles Pickering, M.D. The Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric Fire-ball. By James H. Coffin, LIZDs : Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Index to his Observations on the Genus Unio. By Isaac Lea, LL.D. Philadelphia: T, K. Collins. On the Size of Red Corpuscles of the Blood of Moschus, &e. By G. Gulliver, F.R.S. First Report of the River Pollution Commissioners. (Blue Book.) 578 List of Publications | Oct., Narrative of a Journey to Musardu. By Benjamin Anderson. New York: S. W. Green. Remarks on Prof. Owen’s Monograph on Dimorphedon. By Harry G. Seeley, F.G.S. Taylor & Francis. On the Artificial Formation of Organic Compounds. By J. Campbell Brown, D.Sc. Lond. On Ailanthus Excelsa; a new Indian Remedy. By Mr. Narayan Daji. Bombay: Asiatic Press. A System of Botanical Analysis applied to the Diagnosis of Natural Orders. By W. H. Griffiths, Ph.D. Wyman & Sons. A Sketch of a Philosophy. Part IIJ.: The Chemistry of Natural Substances. By John G. Macvicar, LL.D., D.D. Williams & Norgate. A Lecture on Malt Liquor. By Joseph Livesey. Public School Reforms. By M. A. B. Biology versus Theology. By Julian. Statement of a recently-claimed Discovery in Natural Science. By Research. Melbourne. Railway across the Himalaya, projected by R. Stirling, Esq., F.R.S. Contributions to the Mineralogy of Victoria. By George H. F. Ulrich, E.GS. Melbourne: John Ferres. Report of the Examiner of Coal-fields in New South Wales. In the ‘Newcastle Pilot’ (Australia). Metropolitan Board of Works. Report on Steam Road-Rolling. By F, A. Paget, C.E. Notes on Books. Longmans. On the Cause of the Motion of Glaciers. By James Croll. On the Scientific Use of the Imagination. By John Tyndall, LL.D., F.R.S. Longmans. The Technologist. New York: The Industrial Publication Company. The Canadian Naturalist. Montreal : Dawson Brothers. The Food Journal. London: Johnson, 3, Castle Court, Holborn. The American Naturalist. Salem: Peabody Academy of Science. The Geological Magazine. Tribner & Co. Scientific Opinion. The American Chemist. New York: Baldwin & Co. The English Mechanic. The Westminster Review. Revue Bibliographique Universelle, Fraser’s Magazine. The Popular Science Review. 1870. | received for Review. 579 PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, &c. Vargasia. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ciencias fisicas y Naturales de Caracas. Caracas : Imprenta del Estado Bolivar. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlinger. Stockholm: Norstedt & Sons. Proceedings of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New York. The Journal of the Historical and Archeological Association of Treland. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club. Fifth Report of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Proceedings of the Royal Society. » Royal Institution of Great Britain. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. -( 580 ) INDEX TO A. A B C Sewage Process, 512. Asicu, Herr, on Crystallized Hail- stones, 122. Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiri Hills, 586. Aborigines of America and Extermina- tion of, 244. Abyssinia, Geology of, 119, 408. Acclimaiization of Half-hardy Plants, 100. Acid, Hydrochloric, in the Stomach, 140. Apams, W., Inaugural Address before the Society of Engineers, 267. Appis, W. J., on Single Rail Permanent Way, 403. Acassiz, Prof., on Reef-building Corals, 274. Agricultural Prospects, 376. —— Statistics, 243. Agriculture, Belgian, 242. —— Chronicles of, 87, 241, 376, 510. Air, Compression of, 569. —— Physical Analysis of, £00. Pollution by Chemical Works, 330. Atry, Prof., on Atmospheric Chromatic Dispersion, 97. Arey and Spos, Messrs, New Eye- piece, 293. Albolith, 399. Albumen, Manufacture of, 105. Algez, Japanese, 105. Algol, Variable Star, 521. Alps, Climate of the, 413. America, North, Extinct Reptilia and Batrachia of, 116. American Eclipse Observations, 249. Amylic Alcohol, Detection of, 398. Anesthetic, New, 261. Andaman Islands, Ancient Kitchen Middens in the, 383. Animal Life, Forms of, 363. Physiology and Morphology, Chro- nicles of, 139, 290, 431, 572. Animals and Plants, Distribution of, 255. Anthropological Society, Annual Meeit- ing, 248. “Anvil” Protuberance of Eclipse of Aug. 7, 1869, 443. [Oct., VOL. VII. Apatite, 281. Arborescent Forms in Stones, 130. Archzological Discoveries in Yorkshire, 247. Archeology, Chronicles of, 90, 244, 379, 512. International Congress of Pre-his- toric, 90. Arctic Flora, 101. AsHzE, Commander, on the Total Eclipse of 1869, 251. Aspidolite, a New Mica, 127. Astronomy, Chronicles of, 94, 249, 389, 517. Atrinson, J. C., Danish Element in the Population of Cleveland, 384. Atmospheric Electricity and Recent Phenomena of Refraction, 229. Aurora, on the, 250. Australasia, Production of Gold in, 130. Australia, Geology of, 272. New Ganoid Fish from, 431. Auvergne, Rocks of, 128. Axinite, Constitution of, 127. Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Pern, 516. B. Basrxetos, Prof. on the Flora of Ice- land, 255. 955. Bate, M, Heat from die Moon, 138. Banceort, R. M., on the Renewal of King’s Cross Station Roof, 268. Bazses, S., on Atmospheric Electricity avn Recent Phenomena of Refraction, Bagg ty, Sir H., Flora of Round Island, Mauritius, 256. Baneetr, W. F., Light and Sound, Baryta, Bathybius and the Coccoliths, 573. Batrachia and Repiilia, Extinct, of North America, 116. Bavuprmonxt, A., Examination of Flame, 567. — E., Uses of Tinfoil, 531. Bxgcul, "Prof, Analyses of Beryl and Tourmaline, 418, i 1870.] BrcqveEREL, E., Electro-capillary Action, 570. on Electro-motive Forces, 431. Beer Scientifically and Socially Con- sidered, by J. Samuelson, 299. Belgian Agriculture, 242. BeEnEDEN, Prof. Van, on Commensalism, 291. BENNETT, A. W., on Foreign Trees and Plants for English Gardens, 350. Benzyl], Optical Properties of, 564. Bert, M., Physiology of Sepia, 291. Beryl, Analysis of, 418. Bessemer Process, 557. Birt, Mr., on Lunar Crater Plato, 394. Blackfriars Bridge, 111. BuakE, E. W., Electric Spark Figures, 570. BuanrorD, W. J., Geology of Abys- sinia, 119, 408. Origin of a Cyclone, 121. Blast Furnaces, 192. Blast-iurnace Slag, Utilization of, 260. Blood, Origin of Fibrin of the, 139. Bioxam, T., Ignition of Sodium on Water, 106. Buivm, Dr., on Pseudomorphs, 127. Boeke, J. D., Formation of Ozone by Combustion, 566. Boiler Explosions, 536. Incrustations, Prevention of, 109. Boiling Liquids, Bumping of, 136. Water, Best Method of, 568. Bonney,'Rey. T. G., Pholas-burrows in the Ormes Head, 118. Bontemrps, M., Action of Light on Glass, 286. Bonwick, Mr., on the Origin of the Tasmanians Geologically considered, 246, Botanic Garden at Brussels, 528. Botanist, Leonardo da Vinci as a, 100. Botany, Chair of, at College of Science, Dublin, 258, —— Chronicles of, 99, 254, 394, 524. Boulder Drift, on the, 275. Bousstncautt, M., Colouring Matter of the Emerald, 417. Brachiopoda, Italian Tertiary, 540. Zoological Position of the, 572. Brapy, Sir A., Purification of Iron, 558. Breidden Hills, Notice of, 116. Bridges and Roofs, Wrought Iron, 72. Bristow and WHITAKER, Messrs., on the Formation of the Chesil Bank, 117. British Conchology, or an Account of the Mollusca which now Inhabit the British Isles and Surrounding Seas, 79. Brogpen, Mr., Comparative Merits of Large and Small Trams for Colliery Use, 267. Index. 581 Broveuton, Mr., on the Cinchona, 258. Brownine, J., Automatic Spectroscope, 390, 424, 523. Change of Colour, 253. sy Changes of Colour on Jupiter, Spectrum Micrometer, 254. ede Mr., Mines Regulation Bill, Brusu, Prof., on Durangite, a New Mineral, 126, — on Hortonolite, 2 New Mineral, 126. — Meteoric Stone, 126, Bubbles of Mercury, 108. Bucuwan, Mr., on the Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere and the Prevailing Winds over the Globe, 275. Fi ae, Rainfall of South of Scotland, 16. Bupp, J. P., on the Removal of Silicon from Pig-Iron, 133. Building, the Science of, 508. Buu, Dr., Mistletoe on the Oak, 526. BurcxuarD, P., Electrolytic Experi- ments, 430. Burmah, Stone Implements from, 514. Burt, Mr., Action of Coloured Light on the Mimosa Pudica, 285. Buss, G., Caves of Gibraltar, 90. ego ees Method of Odontology, 32. C. CamLLeret, L., Law of Compression of Air, 569. Cairns near Bangor, Opening, 384. Calcining Kilns, 192. Calcium and Zine, Alloy of, 531. Calvarize, Ancient, 245, 247, CaLveErt, Dr., Preparation of Nitrogen, 108. CampBELL, D. J., on Polygamy, its In- fluence in Determining Sex, and its Effects on the Growth of Population, 248. Campin, F., on the Principles and Con- struction of Machinery, 406. Canal, Suez, 110. Cane, Mr., Formative Layer in Leaves of Plants, 524. Cannibalism in Namur, 384, Carre, E., Influence of Heat on the Delicacy of Spectrum Reactions, 567. Carbonic Acid, Combustion of Magne- sium in, 107. Decomposition of, by Plants, 103. Carboniferous Limestone, Geology of, 115. 582 Caron, H., on “ Rochage,”’ 567. 2 Alloy of Zine and Calcium, 531. CarrincTon, Mr., Description of his Observatory, 253. Casting Metals under Pressure, 560. Cavern of Bruniquel, 93. Caves of Gibraltar, 90, CayLey, Prof., on the Geometry of Solar Eclipses, 393. Cells in Living Bodies, Peregrinations of, 437. Cellulose, Solvent for, 261. Cements, on, 113. Cemetery at Frilford, Ancient, 386. Cephaiopoda, Chief Groups of the, 116. Cervide, New Genus of, 292. Chalchihuitls, Mexican, 280. Channel Islands, Megalithic Structures of the, 149. Pre-historic Monuments of the, 245, Chatham Dockyard Extension, 535. Island, Aborigines of, 248. Cheesewring, threatened Destruction of the, 516. Chemical Climatology, 416. — Works, Air Pollution by, 330. ome Chronicles of, 105, 258, 398, 28. Chesil Bank, Formation of the, 117. Cuester, Rev. G., Shell Implements and other Antiquities of Barbadoes, 245. Cuevrier, M., Action of Vapour of Sulphur on various Gases, 106. Chloral, Hydrate of, 261. —— the New Opiate, 575. Preparation of, 108. Chlorine and Sodium, 259. Chlorophyll, Movements of, 256. Chromatic Dispersion, Atmospheric, 97. CHRONICLES OF SCIENCE :— Agriculture, 87, 241, 376, 510. Archeology (Pre-historic) and Ethnology, 90, 244, 379, 512. Astronomy, 94, 249, 389, 517. Botany and Vegetable Physiology, 99, 254, 394, 524. Chemistry, 105, 258, 398, 528. Engineering, Civiland Mechanical, 110, 265, 402, 532. Geology and Paleontology, 114, 269, 406, 537. Meteorology, 120, 275, 413, 545. Mineralogy, 124, 280, 417, 550. Mining and Metallurgy, 128, 282, 420, 552. Physics, Light, Heat, and Elec- tricity, 134, 285, 424, 563. Zoology and Animal Physiology, 139, 290, 431, 572. Index. | Oct., Cuurcu, Prof. A. H., a New Fluor- escent Substance, 563. Cilium, Moving Force of a, 436. Cinchona, Cultivation of, 258, 400. in the West Indies, 526. CLaARgEE, C. B., Cultivation of Cinchona, 258. CLELAND, J., Significance of the Cranial Characters in Man, 143. Cleveland, Metallurgical Industry of, 186. Climate and Soil, Influence of, on Plants, 254. — Influence of Winds on, 276. of Sitka, 122. Climatology, Dove’s, 277. Climbing Plants, 257. Coal, Breaking Down, 132. Mining, Theory and Practice of, 556. Supply, Future, 284. Coccoliths and Bathybius, 573. Cotas, C., Electro-deposited Iron, 571. Collodion Balloons, 401. Combustion, Increase of Weight during, 137. Comet of 1683, 393. —— Discovery of a, 96. — Winneceke’s, 523. Comets, Theory of, 250. Commensalism, 291. Conchology, British, Jefireys, F.R.S., 79. Concrete, on, 113. Conifers, Leaves of, 104. Continental and English Intercom- munication, 112. Copal, Recent and Fossil, 397. Corr, E. D., Extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of North America, 116. Copper, Depositing, on Paper, &ec., 139. —— Extraction, 571. —— Mining in England, 420. Separating, 422. Substitute for, in the Daniel Battery, 430. Corals, on Reef-building, 274. Cornish Minerals, 419. Corona, Mr. Seabroke on the, 522, Observations on the, 94. Spectrum Observations on the, during Eclipse, 38. and Zodiacal Light, 392. Covumpary, M., Meteorological Service in the Turkish Empire, 123. Counter-pressure Steam-breaks, 268. Courter, M., Manufacture of Fuclisine, 263. Couret, M., Manufacture of Disulphide of Carbon, 263. 2 Cranial Characters in Man, Significance of, 148. by J. Gwyn 1870. ] Crookes, W., F.R.S., &c., Spiritualism viewed by the Light of Modern Science, 316. -— a Recent Triumph of Synthetical Chemistry, 360. — on the Total Solar Eclipse of August, 1869, 28. Cuckoo’s Eggs, 142. Cyclone, Origin of a, 121. Cyclopzedic Science simplified, 85. D. Daxyns, J. R., Geology of North Derbyshire and Yorkshire, 115. Danish Element in the Population of Cleveland, 384. Danvers, F. C., on the Survey of India, 448. Dardistan, Visit to, 247. Dartmoor, Pre-historic Monuments of, 516. Darwt1y, Mr., and the French Academy, O74. Davsré on Tinning Iron, 571. Davipson, Mr., on Brachiopoda, 274. Davis, Dr. B., and E. A. Wetcn, on the Aborigines of Chatham Island, 248. Dawsins, B., Antiquity of the Tron Mines of the Weald, 92. —— Flint Flakes and Flakes of Chert, 246. Daylight, Chemical Intensity of, 425. DeueEratn, P. P., on the Evaporation of Water and Decomposition of Car- bonic Acid by Plants, 103. De wa Rive, Prof., Magnetic Rotatory Power of Liquids, 569. Dexavrier, M., Concentrating and Utilizing the Heat from the Sun, 138. De.timAN, Dr., Electricity of Clouds, 415. De rrno, Prof., on the Relation between the Distribution of Plants and of Animals, 255. Demayes, Dr., Electro-magnetic Appa- ratus, 570. De Mortuis, by H. Woodward, 341. De Rance, C.E., Geology of Lake Dis- trict, 118. Des Crotseaux, M., Crystals of Gado- linite, 127. —— Optical Properties of Benzyl, 564. DersHayes, M., Award of the Wollaston Gold Medal to, 275. Devittze, H. Sre. Criame-, Oxygen Dissolved on Fusion of Platinum, 287. — Reactions of Iron and Steam, 566. Index. 583 Devonshire Association for the Advance- ment of Science, 497. D’Hercourt, G., on Salt in the Atmo- sphere of Monaco, 262. Diamagnetism, Tyndall on, 501. Diamond, Researches on the, 426. Diamonds, Discovery of, 282. Origin of, 124. Diatom Markings, 144. Dinornis Contemporary with Man, 244. Dinosauria, Prof. Huxley on, 273. Dises of Stars, Measuring, 98. Disinfectant, a New, 260. Dispersion, Atmospheric Chromatic, 9 Dotrus-GaLiine, M., Manufacture of Albumen, 105. Double Star a Centauri, 522. Dove, Prof., Klimatologische Beitrage, 277. Draper, H, N., Ether as an Intoxicant, 260. Drought of 1870, 510. Ducuartre, M., Turning of Plants towards the Light, 395. Duckweed, Hibernation of, 102. Duncan, Dr., on Corals, 270. — on the Geography of Western Europe during the Mesozoic and Cainozoic Periods, 274. — P.M., F.R.S., on Idiocy, 49, on Insanity, 165. Durangite, a New Mineral, 126. E. Earth, Fuller’s, in the South-West of England, 68. Earth’s Crust, Determining Thickness of, 539; Ecxuarp, Prof., on the Secretory Nerve of the Parotid Gland, 141. Eclipse, Approaching Total Solar, 389, 477, 517, 519. — of August 7, 1869, the “ Anvil” Protuberance, 443. —— of Moon, 97. —— Observations, on the American, 249, —— Prominences, Spectroscopic Notes on the, 34, 39. — of Sun, of December 24th, 1870, 389, 477, 517, 519. —— of the Sun, Partial, 97. — Total, of the Sun, of August, 1869, 94, oe Solar, of August, 1869, on the. By W. Crookes, F.R.S., 28. Eclipses, Geometry of Solar, 393. — Records of Chinese, 253. Edible Fungi, 99. 084 Eeerton, Sir Partie, Two New Species of Gyrodus, 119. Eiecrrtz, M., on Sulphur in Iron and Steel, 259. Eges, Cuckoo’s, 142. Electric Currents in Muscle, 291. —— Spark, Duration of, 570. Figures, 570. Electrical Decomposition of Water with Silver Poles, 138. Electricity, Atmospheric, and Recent Phenomena of Refraction, 229. —— — at Haiti, 288. — Chronicles of, 138, 288, 429, 563. in Plant Life, 525. of Clouds, 415. Electrification of Wine, 430. Electro-Capillary Action, 570. Electrolytic Experiments, 430. Electro-magnetic Apparatus, 570. Electro-motive Forces, on, 431. Electroscopic Experiments, Cause of Error in, 429. Exincton, J., Copper Extraction, 571. Emerald, Colouring Matter of the, 417., Dr., Action of Water on Glass and Porcelain, 106. Encetmann, Dr. Th., on the Develop- ment of Gas in Protoplasm, 140. Engineering, Chronicles of, 110, 265, 402, 532. — New York, Society of Practical, 113. English and Continental Intercommu- nication, 112. Epiboulangerite, 282. Erosion, Intra-glacial, near Norwich, 120. Esmarkite, 418. Ether as an Intoxicant, 260. Ethnology of Great Britain, 385. Exhaustion of Soils, 378. Explosive Powder, New, 129. Hye-piece, New, 253. ¥, Farabay, his Life and Letters, 232. Favre, M., Occlusion of Hydrogen by Palladium, 105. Fem, Mr., on Heavy Flint Glass, 286. Felspars, Constitution of, 417. Fermentation, Pasteur’s Views on, 291. Ferns, Fertilization of, 395. Fertilization, Cross, 394. —— of Ferns, 395. of Winter Flowering Plants, 100. Festiniog Railway, 265. Fibrin of the Blood, Origin of the, 139. Fixed Stars, Distances of the, 252. Flame, Examination of, 135, 567. Index. [ Oct. ‘Flint Chips” By EH. T. Stevens, 379. Flakes in Somerset, 246. — Glass, Heavy, 286. —— Implements, 383. —— —— in the Drift of Norfolk and Suffolk, 120. Flora, Arctic, 101. Fossil, 406. of Iceland, 255. of Round Island, Mauritius, 256. Fiower, J. W., Flint Implements in the Drift of Norfolk and Suffolk, 120. Flowers, Change in Colour of, 525. Fluids in Crystals, Determination of, by Spectrum Analysis, 125. Fluor Spar, &c., Reflexion of Heat from, 138. Fluorescent Substance, New, 563. Fluorine, Organic Compounds of, 528. Forpss on Volcanoes, 538. Forest, Petrified, near Cairo, 540. Submerged, at Blackpool, 93. Forestry, French Imperial School of, 60. Formic Acid, Synthesis of, 400. Fostrr, C. Li Nerves, Geology of North Derbyshire and Yorkshire, 115. Fow.err, Mr., Manufacture of Oxygen, 107. Fox, Col. L., Opening Cairns near Bangor, 384. D. M., on the San Paulo Railway, 404. FREEDEN, Herr Von, ‘ Norddeutsche Seewarte ’ for 1869, 278. — Weather Calendar for North-West Germany, 122. French Imperial School of Forestry, 60. FRiepet and Laprnsure, Drs., Organic Compounds of Silicium, 528. Frilford, Ancient Cemetery at, 386. Fuchsine, Manufacture of, 263. Fuller’s-earth in the South-West of Eng- land, 68. Fungi, Alternation of Generation in, 257. Edible, 99. —— Parasitic, 397. G. Gadolinite, Crystals of, 127. GatFFE, M., Electro-plating with Nickel, 289. Gaize, Uses of the Mineral, 567. Galvanic Batteries, Improved, 571. Battery, Leclanché, 288. Zaliwski’s, 288. Ganoid Fish, from Australia, 431. Gardens (English), Foreign {Trees and Plants for, 350. Gasin Protoplasm, Development of, 140, Lighting Mines with, 131. 1870.] Gas Supply of Berlin, 287. Gases, Occlusion of, 431. GEISSLER and VoGELsanG, MM., Deter- mination of Fluids in Crystals by means of Spectrum Analysis, 125. Gelatin, Magic-lantern Pictures on, 564. Generation, Alternation of, in Fungi, 257. Geography of Western Europeduring the Mesozoic and Cainozoie Periods, 274. Geological Change, the Rate ef, 322. Memoirs, 409. Survey, Memoirs of the, 114. Geology and Revelation, 238. — Chronicles of, 114, 269, 405, 537. — of Country around Shelve (Shrop- shire), 116. Gerorces, M., Preservation of Meat, 261. Gibraltar, Caves of, 90. Gitman, W. S., on the “Anvil” Pro- tuberance of the Eclipse of August 7, 1869, 443. GrrarD, J., Colour of the Sea, 564. GuaisHER, Mr., on the Rainfall of Green- wich, 416. Glass, Action of Light on, 286. Action of Water on, 106. Coloration of, by Sunlight, 134. Glaucopyrite, on, 418. Gold, Depositing, on Paper, &c., 139. Gold-fields of Nova Scotia, 421. Gold from Victoria, 130. Production of, in Australasia, 130. GoprrerT, Dr., on the Origin of Dia- monds, 124. Gor, G., F.R.S., Practical Scientific Instruction, 215. Green, A. H., Geology of North Derby- shire and Yorkshire, 115. Greenland, Lichens of, 102. Gruner, L., on Phosphorus in Steel, 898. Guy, Dr., Melting and Subliming Tem- peratures of Poisons, 426. Gyrodus, two New Species of, 119. H. Haast, Dr., on the Contemporaneity of the Dinornis and Man, 244. on some Stone Implements in New Zealand, 245. Habit and Intelligence in connection with the Laws of Matter and Force, 73. Harcket, E., Zoological Position of Sponges, 432. Hail-stones, Crystallized, 122. Haiti, Atmospheric Electricity at, 288. Hangury, D., New Species of Jalap, 398. Index. 585 Hany, Dr. J., on the Climate of the Alps, 413. — on the Winds of the Northern Hemisphere and their Influence on Climate, 276. Relation of Temperature to Sea- level, 428. Harmer, F. W., and S. V. Woop, on Intra-glacial Erosion, 120. Harrison, J. T., on Railway Expen- diture and Income, 267. Heat, Apparent Paradox on, 136. —— Chronicles of, 135, 287, 426, 563. —— Emission of, from the Moon, 138. of Sun, Concentrating, 138. of Union of Carbon, Boron, and Silicon with Oxygen, 287. re nae of, from Fluor Spar, &c., —— Relation of, to Work in Human Body, 290. Herbarium of the British Museum, 527. Hermann, Prof., Absence of Currents in Uninjured Inactive Muscle, 291. cae a Sir J., on the Solar Spots, OL. Lieut., on Dark Objects crossing the Solar Dise, 392. Secs on the November Meteors, Herynstvs, Dr., Origin of the Fibrin of the Blood, 139. Hibernation of Duckweed, 102. Hippopotamus major, Molars of, in Kent's Cavern, 93. Hodgson’s Wire Tramway, 404. Hormann, Dr., Increase of Weight during Combustion, 137. Holborn Viaduct, 112. Homes, M., on Rotatory Storms, 121. Home Island, Vegetation of, 101. Homogeny and Homoplasy, 576. Hopkins, Mr., Determining Thickness of Earth’s Crust, 539. Horsrorp, Prof. Free Hydrochloric Acid in the Stomach, 140. Hortonolite, a New Mineral, 126. ree M. A., on Oxygenated Water, 98. Houxxe, J. W., F.B.S., Fossil Remains of Saurians, 119. Hutt, E., F.R.S., on the Triassic and Permian Rocks of the Midland Counties of England, 114. Recent Observations on Under- ground Temperature, on the Causes of Variation in Different Localities, 207. Houxtey, Prof., Modifications of Man- kind, 516. on the Ancient Relations of Land and Water, 411. 586 Hvx.ey, Prof., on Dinosauria, 273. — on the Ethnology of Great Britain, 385. Hydraulic Machines for breaking down Coal, 132. ve Hydrochloric Acid, free, in the Stomach, 140. Hydrogen, Occlusion of, by Palladium, 105. — Peroxide of, 399. Phenomena during the Combus- tion of, 137. Hydrogenium Amalgam, 529. -——— Dr. Loew on, 400. Hypophosphoric Acid, Use of, in Agri- culture, 261. cL Ice in India, Production of, 427. Iceland, Flora of, 255. Ichthyodorulites, on two New, 118. Idiocy, on, by P. M. Duncan, F.RS., 4 9. India, Rainfall of, 546. —— Surveys of, 448, 458. Insanity, on, 165. Intercommunication, English and Con- tinental, 112. Iodide of Potassium, Decomposition of, in the Light, 135. Tron and Steam, Reactions between, 566. —— and Steel Institute, 561. —— —— Patents for Manufacture of, 423, Sulphur in, 259. clad Ships, their Qualities, Per- formances, and Cost, 269. Electro-deposited, 571. — making, Stages of, 186. —— Mines of the Weald, Antiquity of the, 92. — Purification of, 557, 558. —— Pyrites of Piedmont and Elba, 281. Removal of Silicon from, 133. Irrigation, Sewage, Principles Methods of, 17. Isinglass, on, 399. Isoclase, New Mineral, 551. and J. JAcKsON, J. W., on the Germination of Palms, 524. Jacor, Dr., on the Natives of Naga, 247. Jalap, New Species of, 398. JANSSEN, Dr., Production of Ice in India, 427. Index. | Oct., Japan, Coal in, 554. Japanese Sea-weeds, 105. JEFFREYS, J. Gwyn, F.R.S., British Conchology, 79. JENKINS, H. M., the Rate of Geological Change, 322. JouNsTONE, K., Handbook of Physical Geography, 276. Jones, Dr. H. Bence, F.B.S., Life and Letters of Faraday, 232. JOUGLET, A., Waterproofing 261. —— on Explosions caused by Ozone, 9 Paper, Jourpary, M., Inritability of Stamens, 396. Jupiter, 97. —— Changes of Colour on, 253, 393. —— Visibility of, 251. K. Kent's Cavern, Literature of, 93. Kernier, M., on the Influence of Climate and Soil on Plants, 254. KessLeER, M., Combustion of Magnesium in Carbonic Acid, 107. Kilns, Calcining, 192. Kine, W. R., Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiri Hills, 386. Kirk, D., on Recent and Fossil Copal, 397. Kirxwoop, Prof., on Meteors, 391. Kitai, Account of the Race, 246. Kitchen Middens, Ancient, in the Andaman Islands, 383. Knitting Machine, 536. Kosei, Von, on a New Mica, 127. Kose, H., Increase of Weight by Burning Bodies, 568. Koords and Armenians, Account of the, 245. Kosmann, on Apatite, 281. KowaA.eEvsky on the Kinship of Verte- brates and the Ascidian Molluscs, 142. Kress, G., Preparation of Oxygen, 529. L. Labiatex, Peloria in, 104. Laboratories in Amsterdam and London, 438. Labyrinthodont, a New, 539. LaLLemMAnD, M., Action of Sunlight on Sulphur, 285. Land and Water, Ancient Relations of, 411. LaNKESFER, E. R., on Comparative Longevity, 373. 1870.] LANKESTER, Ray, Machairodusin Forest Beds of Norfolk, 118. —R., on the Cephalaspidee of the Old Red Sandstone, 270. Spermatophores in Annelids, 434. Larpiay, J. W., Pre-historic Dwelling on the Coast of Haddingtonshire, 382. Larret, E., Reliquizse Aquitanice, 381. Lawes, Mr., on Exhaustion of Soils, 378. Waste of Food during Respira- tion, 377. Lead, Desilvering, 560. Native, in Metaphyre, 124. in Victoria, 124. Leaves of Conifers, 104. ; of Plants, Formative Layer in, 524. Scorching, by Wind, 105. Variegation of, 257. —— Viridescence of, 104. Lr CuaTecier’s Plan of Using Counter- pressure Steam as a Break, 268. LeEcLANCHE Battery, 288. Leitner, Dr., Visit to Dardistan, and Account of the Shina Race, 247. Lenz, R., Occlusion of Gases by Metals, 431. LEONARDO DA VINCI as a Botanist, 100. Ler Svrcr, Mr., Phenomena of Star 7 Argus, 390. Lerverrrier’s‘ Atlas Météorologique, 123. Prof., Dismissal of, 249. Levison, W. P., Improved Galvanic Batteries, 571. Lévy, P., on Climbing Plants, 257. Lewatp, P., Action of Cold on Tin, 569. Lichens of Greenland, 102. Liesic, Prof., on Pasteur’s Views on Fermentation, 291. Life-buoys, illuminated, 426. Light and Sound, an Examination of their Reputed Analogy, by W. F. Barrett, 1. —— Chronicles of, 134, 285, 424, 563. Coloured, Action of, on Mimosa Pudica, 285. Decomposition of Iodide of Potas- sium by, 135. New Artificial, 286, 563. —— of Coal Gas, relation of, to Volume consumed, 286. — on Glass, Action of, 286. — Turning of Plants towards, 395. Lighting Mines, 131. Limes and Cements, on, 113. Liquids, Bumping of Boiling, 136. Lithology and Mineralogy, 82. Liver, Endings of Nerves in the, 141. Lockyer, Mr., on the American Eclipse Observations, 249. VOL. VII. —_—_—— Index. 587 Loew, O., Action of Light on Sulphur- ous Acid, 564, on Hydrogenium, 400. on Hydrogenium Amalgam, 529. Longevity, Comparative, 373. Looking-glasses, Platinizing, 262. Lussock, Sir J., on Savages, 505. Lucas and Cazrn, on the Duration of the Electric Spark, 570. Lunar Crater Plato, 394. M. Machairodus on Forest Beds of Norfolk, 118 Madacasses Race, Affinities of the, 247. Madder Colours, 531. Root, Sugar in, 260. Magne-crystallic Action, Tyndall on, 501 Magnesium, Combustion of, in Carbonic Acid, 107. Magnetic Rotatory Power of Liquids, 569. Maaenus, G., on Reflexion of Heat from Fluor Spar, &c., 138. Malta, Water Supply of, 546. Man, Cranial Characters in, 143. Pre-historic, Remains of, in Ar- gyleshire, 246. Manganese in Milk, 530. Manure Adulteration, 242. Manures, Falsification of, 376. MarcuanpD, M., on Scorching of Leaves by Wind, 105. Marry, Dr., Movements of Wings in Flight, 436. Marriages, Consanguineous, 385. Martin, M., Use of Hypophosphoric Acid in Agriculture, 261. Martius, Dr., Preparation of Chloral, 108. Masters, Maxwetu J., Vegetable Tera- tology; an Account of the Principal Deviations from the usual Construc- tion of Plants, 84. Mavment, E. J., Optically Neutral Sugar, 564. Meat, Preservation of, 261. Meena, T., on the Leaves of Conifers, 104. Meenas of Central India, 516. Megalithic Structures of the Channel Islands, 149. Melaplhiyre, Native Lead in, 124. MENDELSSOHN-BarrHoLpDy, M., Prepara- tion of Chloral, 108. Mercury, Bubbles of, Floating on Water, 108. “Mere,” the, a New Zealand Weapon, 245, a 588 Metallurgical Industry of Cleveland, 186. Metallurgy, Chronicles of, 128, 282, 420, d02. Meteoric Stone, on a, 126. Meteorite, Fall of a, 419. Meteorites, Analysis of, 280. in India, 551. Meteorological Instruments, Self-record- ing, Results of, 122. Memoirs in France, 123. —— Office, Weather Report of, 545. —— Servicein the Turkish Empire, 123. Meteorology, Chronicles of, 120, 275, 413, 545. of North-West Europe in 1868, 123. Progress of, in France, 278. Meteors, 391. November, 96. Mexican Chalchihuitls, 280. Mica, a New, 127. for Furnace Doors, 287. Micrometer, Spectrum, 254. Microscope, Graduating Diaphragm for, 425. —— Mechanical Finger for the, 565. Milky Way, New Theory of the, 253. Mitarvet, M., on the Sensitiveness of the Mimosa, 396. MiLiincen, Major, on Negro Slaves in Turkey, 248. Millstone Grit, Geology of, 115. Mimosa, Sensitiveness of the, 396. Mineral Statistics of the United King- dom, 128. Veins of Country around Shelve (Shropshire), 116. Mineralogy and Lithology, 82. Chronicles of, 124, 280, 417, 550. Mines Regulation Bill, 212, 420, 952. Mining, Chronicles of, 128, 282, 420, 592. ——,, Legislature on, 282. —— Operations at Dudley, 554. Mistletoe on the Oak, 526. Mitrailleur, the, 532. Monn, Prof.,on Sea Temperatures, 415. Mo toy, Rev. G., Geology and Revela- tion; or, the Ancient History of the Earth considered in the Light of Geological Facts and Revealed Re- ligion, 238. Molluscs, Ascidian, Kinship of Verte- brates and, 142. Monaco, Atmosphere of, Salt in, 262. Monxman, C., Archeological Disco- veries in Yorkshire, 247. Moon, Eclipse of, 97. Emission of Heat from the, 138. Heat from, 287. Morphology, Chronicles of, 142, 290, 431, 572, Index. [ Oct., Bate taek M. E., Variegation of Leaves, ie Variegation and Double Flower- ing, 396. Researches on the Diamond, 426. Mortars, on, 113. Morton, G. H., Geology and Mineral Veins of Country around Shelve (Shropshire), 116. : rik Manufacture of Oxygen Gas, 64, Miter, Dr, H., F.R.S., Preventing the Bumping of Liquids, 136. M., on Hydrate of Chloral, 261. Mvre, Cuamonp, and Guirre, MM., Thermo-electric Apparatus, 288. Murruy, J. J., Habit and Intelligence in their Connection with the Laws of Matter and Force, 75. Muscles, Starch in, 141. Ni Nadorite, Analysis of, 551. Naga (Philippine Islands), Natives of, 247 Naphthaline, Utilization of, 259. Nass, M., Starch in Muscles, 141. Naupry, M., Acclimatization of Palm Trees, 397. Nebule, Distribution of the, 98. Needles, Ancient, 381. Negro Slaves in Turkey, 248. Neptune, Spectrum of, 286. Nerves, Endings of, in Liver, 141. Trophic, 200. Ness, W., on the Coal-field of Fife, 284. Newman, M., Rendering Woven Tissues Impermeable to Water, 107. Prof., on Cuckoo’s Eggs, 142. New York Society of Practical En- gineering, 113. New Zealand Weapon, 245. Nickel, Electro-plating with, 288. NickiEs, M., Preparation of Caustic Baryta, 109. Nitrogen, Preparations of, 108. Noste, Capt., on Planet Venus, 393. - Nova Scotia, Gold-fields of, 421. Minerals of, 419. Norsey, P. F., on English and Conti- nental Intercommunication, 112. O. Ocean, Surface Life of the, 435. Odontology, Graphic Method in, 482. O«uE, Dr., on Cross-fertilization, 394. OnRESsER and SeputcHre, MM., Utili- zation of Blast-furnace Slag, 260. 1870.] Oldhamite, 281. O.rver, Lieut. S. P., on the Megalithic Structures of the Channel Islands, 149. Oprert, Dr., Description of the Kitai, 246, ORIGINAL ARTICLES :— Light and Sound; an Examination of their Reputed Analogy. By W. F. Barrett, F.CS., 1. On the Principles and Methods of Sewage Irrigation, 17. The Total Solar Eclipse of August, 1869. By William Crookes, F.RS., &e., 28. Instruction in Science for Women, On Idiocy. By P. Martin Duncan, E.RS., 49. The French Imperial School of Forestry. By A. Pengelly, B.A., 60 The Fuller’s Earth in the South- West of England. By R. Tate, F.GS., 68. Megalithic Structures of the Chan- nel Islands, their History and Analogues. By Lieut. S. P. Oliver, 149. On Insanity. By P. Martin Dun- can, F.R.S., &c., 155. The Metallurgical Industry of Cleveland, 186. On “ Trophic Nerves.” By G. Rol- leston, F.R.S., 200. Recent Observations on Under- ground Temperature, or the Cause of Variation in Different Localities. By E. Hull, F.R.S., 207. Mr. Bruce’s Mines Regulation Bill, 212 On Practical Scientific Instruction. By G. Gore, F.R.S., 215. Atmospheric Electricity and Re- cent Phenomena of Refraction. By S. Barber, 229. Beer Scientifically and Socially Considered. By J. Samuelson, 299. Spiritualism Viewed by the Light of Modern Science. By William Crookes, F.R.S., &., 316. The Rate of Geological Change. By H. M. Jenkins, 322. Air Pollution by Chemical Works, 330. De Mortuis. By H. Woodward, 341. Foreign Trees and Plants for Eng- lish Gardens. By A. W. Bennett, 390. Index. 589 ORIGINAL ARTICLES—continued, A Recent Triumph of Synthetical Chemistry. By William Crookes, E.BS., &e., 360. The Eclipse of August 7, 1869, “Anvil” Protuberance. By W. S. Gilman, jun., 443. The Surveys of India. II. The - Trigonometrical Survey (with a Sketch-map). By F.C. Danvers, A.I.C E., 448. The Geological Survey of India (with a Sketch-map). By H. Woodward, F.G.S., 458. Rainfall in England. By W. Pen- gelly, F.R.S., 467. The Approaching Total Solar Eclipse. By R. A. Proctor, F.R.AS., 477. The Controversy on Spontaneous Generation; with Recent Expe- riments. By J. Samuelson, 484. The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Litera- ture, and Art, 497. Osbornite, 281. Other Worlds than Ours, 367. Ort, Dr., on the Preservation of Timber, 263. —— Utilization of Naphthaline, 259. OweEN, Prof., on the Lias Pterosauria and on Cetacean Remains, 271. on Two New Ichthyodorulites, 118. OxuanpD, Mr., Calcining Tin Ores, 423. Oxygen Gas, Manufacture of, 107, 264, 529, 563. Oxygenated Water, 398. Ozone, Explosions caused by, 399, 529. Formation of, by Combustion, 566. —— Testing for, 155. P. Paring, Mr., on the Total Eclipse of 1869, 251. Paleocoryne, on, 407. Paleontographical Society, Monographs of, 269. Paleontology, Chronicles of, 114, 269, 406, 537. Palladium, Occlusion of Hydrogen by, 105. Palm Trees, Acclimatization of, 397. Palms, Germination of, 524. Paper, Electro-deposition of Copper, Silver, and Gold on, 139. Paquet, M., on Oil of Thymol, a New Disinfectant, 260. Parotid Gland, Secretory Nerve of the, 141. oR o, 590 Patterson, Mr., on Collodion Balloons, 401. ‘* Pattoo-Pattoo,” a New Zealand Wea- pon, 245. Pav, M., on Hydrate of Chloral, 261. Peloria in Labiate, 104. PencELLY, A., The French Imperial School of Forestry, 60. —— Mr,, Literature of Kent’s Cavern, —— W., Rainfall in England, 467. Peprer, J. H., Cyclopzdic Science simplified, 85. Permanent Way, Single Rail, 403. Permian and Triassic Rocks of the Midland Counties, 114. Perseus, the Cluster in, 97. Peru, Primeval Monuments of, 512. PrErerseN, Herr, Autimonial Sulphide of Silver, 125. PETTENKOFFER, Prof., on the Relation of Heat to Work in the Human Body, 290. on the Evaporation of Water from Plants, 524. Pettigrew, Dr., Movements of Wings in Flight, 436. PeyritscH, J., on Peloria in Labiate, 104. Priucer, Prof., on the Endings of Nerves in the Liver, 141. Putirp, Carbo-oxygen Light, 563. Puitires, Prof. J., Career of, 537. on the Oxford Clay Belemnites, 270. Pholas-burrows in the Ormes Head, 118. Phosphorus in Steel, 398. Phosphuretted Hydrogen, 106. Photographie Operations during Total Solar Eclipse of August, 1869, 40. Physical Observatory at St. Petersburg, 122. Physics, Chronicles of, 134, 285, 424, 563 Physiology, Animal, and Morphology, Chronicles of, 139, 290, 431, 572. — in Trinity College, Cambridge, 7. —— Vegetable, Chronicles of, 99, 254, 394, 524. Picort, Dr. R., on Podura Scale Mark- ings, 144. Prat, Dr. O., the Cluster in Perseus, 97. Prre, L. O., on the Psychica]l Elements of Religion, 247. Plants, Acclimatization of Half-hardy, " 200. —— and Animals, Distribution of, 255. —— Climbing, 257. Deviations from the usual Con- struction of, 84. Index. [ Oct. Plants, Evaporation of Water and De- composition of Carbonic Acid by, 103. —— Fertilization of Winter Flowering, 100. a: Influence of Soil and Climate on, 254. —— Mimetic, 397. Variegation and Double Flowering of, 396. Platinizing Looking-glasses, 262. Platinum, fused, Oxygen dissolved by, 287. Piummer, Mr., on the Comet of 1683, 393. Pneumatic Stamps, 131, 555. Podura-scale Markings, 144. Poisoning by CEnanthe Crocata, 526. Poisons, Melting and Subliming Tem- peratures of, 426. Potxacci, E., Manganese in Milk, 530. Polyargyrite, New Silver Ore, 126. Polygamy, its Influence in Determining _ Sex and its Effects on the Growth of Population, 248. Porcelain, Action of Water on, 106. PoseLcEeR, M., Damage to Trees, 107. Potash, Extraction of, from Suint, 260. Powe.t, Mr., on the Double Star a Centauri, 522. Prairie Vegetation, 527. Precious Stones, Handbook of, 81. Pre-historic Archeology, 244. International Congress of, 90. Dwelling on Coast of Haddington- shire, 382. Pressure, Mean, of Atmosphere and Prevailing Winds over the Globe, 275. Pritiievx, M., on the Movements of Chlorophyll, 256. on the Viridescence of Leaves, 104. Proceedings of the Metropolitan Learned Societies :— Anthropological, 247, 385, 517. Astronomical (Royal), 97, 251, 392, 520. Ethnological, 245, 384, 516. Geological, 119, 272, 542. Institution of Civil Engineers, 112, 266, 404. —— Mechanical Engineers, 268, 405, 536. Proctor, R. A., the Approaching Total Solar Eclipse, 477. on the Corona and Zodiacal Light, 392. —— on the Distribution of the Nebule, 98. — on Measuring the Discs of Stars, 8 —— New Theory of the Milky Way, 253. 1870.] Proctor, R. A., Other Worlds than Ours, 367. — on Star-drift, 251. — on the Sun’s Motion in Space, and on the Relative Distances of the Fixed Stars of various Magnitudes, 252. — Transit of Venus, 97, 253. Prominences, Eclipse, Spectroscopic Notes on the, 34, 39. Protoplasm, Development of Gas in, 140. Pseudomorphs, on, 127. Pyrometer, Novel, 428. Q. Quartz, Artificially Crystallized, 125. R. Rabdionite, New Mineral, 551. Railway Accidents and Means of Pre- venting, 113. —— Expenditure and Income, 267. —— Festiniog, 265. San Paulo, 404. Railways, Light, 265. Rainfall in England, 467. of Greenwich, 416. of South of Scotland, 416. RAMMELSBERG, Dr., on Axinite, 127. M., on Gadolinite, 282. Ranxine, W. J. M., Inaugural Address before the Institution of Engineers in Scotland, 268. Rave, J. B., on Diatom Markings and Podura-scale Markings, 144. Red Rain, Falls of, 547. Redruthite, 117. Reep, E. J., Our Iron-clad Ships: their Qualities, Performances, and Cost, 269. Refraction, Recent Phenomena of, and Atmospheric Electricity, 229. Ren, H., ‘A Practical Treatise on Con- crete, and how to make it; with Ob- servations on the Uses of Cements, Limes, and Mortars,’ 113. Reimann, Dr., on Albolith, 399. Religion, Psychical Elements of, 247. ‘ Relique Aquitanice,’ 381. Repertorium fiir Meteorologie, 278. Reptilia and Batrachia, Extinct, of North America, 116. Resolvability of Star Groups, 521. Respiration, Waste of Food during, 377. Reviews oF RECENT SCIENTIFIC WoRKS. ‘ Wrought-iron Bridges and Roofs,’ By W. C. Unwin, 72. ‘Habit and Intelligence, in their Connection with the Laws of Matter and Force.