Hibrary of the Museum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS, Founded by private subscription, in 1S6L. ee ee e_ _ a Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. No. JF 27. 4 +s QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE, EDITED BY EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., AND GEORGE BUSK, F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., Ssc. L.S. VOLUME VIII. With Allustrations on Wood and Stone. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. > 1860. cee oe ; * 7. ae ees ts ang ra Be ir sicoy vanes Ae MiG. 008 08 we é | + on ro Ce Oe er Ae a 41% “ashe ; sete Re Re Po es i¢ . ” Po sl eR ey ree a ei <3.8 weal : ek nl A 5 , i a 7 ‘ ae | Se : i 4 < » SS ae 4 vuUTOe 3 _ ¥ ote 4 ~* _ - ne esl : P PS aly 7 ~ « ' ‘ i a i) ¢ 4, m er ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On the Srrucrure and Move of Formation of Starcu Granutes, according to the Principte of “ MorLecuLar CoaLEscEeNce.” By Georce Rainey, M.R.C.S., Lecturer on Microscopical Anatomy at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Starcu, from its physiological importance, remarkable structural peculiarities, and general diffusion through the vegetable kingdom, has been a favourite subject of investiga- tion with physiologists and microscopists. However, not- withstanding the attention which has been devoted to its structure and development, it is acknowledged by the greatest physiologists to be known but little of. (See Mr. Busk’s paper on “ Starch Granules,” in the number of the ‘ Quar- terly Journal of Microscopical Science’ for April, 1853.) There are, doubtless, intrinsic difficulties attending the inves- tigation of this substance, but these have been very much augmented by the principle on which the examination has been conducted, namely, the cellular hypothesis. If this hypothesis had been in itself correct, and admissible as a basis of explanation of the facts connected with the structure and mode of formation of the starch granule, it ought, con- sidering the amount of talent and ingenuity which have been employed in its application to these inquiries, to have thrown more light upon these much disputed, and as yet entirely unsettled questions. After this apology for thus differmg from the high and almost universally credited authorities of the present day, I shall proceed to explain on a new principle—one strictly me- chanical in its immediate operation—‘“ the principle of mole- cular coalescence,’’—those points connected with the structure and development of starch granules, by which physiologists and botanists have been so long puzzled. In this paper the same train of reasoning will be employed, and the same experimental data adduced, as in my last paper, that on the “Structure and Mode of Formation of the Dental Tissues,’ as also in that on “ Shell Structures ;” and hence, though treating of a very different class of organized structures, this is still but an extension of my former researches. VOL. VIII. B 2 RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. It may at first appear startling that substances so dissimilar as carbonate of lime, as found in shells, or a mixture of car- bonate and phosphate of lime, as it occurs in bone or dentine, should have anything in common either in their structure or in the manner in which they are formed; but I may remark that none of these structures is so simple, and so exclusively mineral or organic as is generally supposed. The carbonates and phosphates of a rounded form are all compounds of a viscid substance and ea:thy matter; and starch granules have diffused through their structure a small quantity of earthy matter. I have always found that starch burnt to ash on platinum leaves a residue of lime; but desirous to have more precise knowledge upon this point, I availed myself of the advantage of the assistance of Dr. Moldenhauer, the chemical assistant at St. Thomas’s Hospital, i making for me a quantitative analysis of some potato-starch prepared for the purpose. The result of which is, in 100 grains of dry potato-starch— Dry starch . 5 . 80°80 Water : c . 18°94 Ashes - ; d 26 100:00 These ashes we found to contain silica and phosphate of lime ; the proportions I did not think it necessary to have determined. However, the globular form of the carbonate of lime, occurring in the deep layer of the shells of Crusta- ceans, is as high in the physiological scale as the granules of starch. In treating this subject I shall first consider the different forms in which the particles of starch occur, and their re- semblance to corresponding forms of certain solid bodies, undoubtedly produced by the coalescence of their particles ; and then I shall show that the chemical and mechanical conditions necessary to produce such forms of starch exist in the vegetable organization. The various forms of starch must be examined both when the starch is in the starch- eells and after it has been removed from them. Sections of growing vegetables in which starch is formed in large quan- tities, as in the very young tubers of potatoes, will serve for this purpose. In such sections, in this and the majority of plants, the starch-cells in the vicinity of the ramifications of the vessels will be seen to contain very small spherules of starch, many of them too minute to be accurately measured ; yet, notwithstanding their minuteness, their figure is well defined, and they are made black or blue by iodine, proving RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. 3 that they are as much starch as the larger globules, and differing from them in nothing but size. These sphe- rules may either be free in their starch-cells, or conglo- merated and joined together in pairs or threes, producing dumb-bell or somewhat triangular forms. Sometimes they are found with shreds of membrane, and at others are invested more or less by an utricle. In the starch-cells more remote, the granules are larger and fewer, so that their increase in size is attended with a diminution in number, showing most clearly that the largest are the product of the union of those of an inferior size. Indeed, the number of granules of a small size is such in some of the starch cells that it would be impossible that they all could become developed into large granules without the spaces containing them undergoing a most inordinate increase in size, which is not the fact ; the spaces in which the middle-sized granules are lodged being about the same size as those containing the largest granules. But the chief evidence in support of this con- clusion must be obtained from the microscopic examination of all the various forms of starch, beginning with that which is merely granular, and going up to that which is most per- fect. Such an examination will show that there are exactly the same class of appearances to be found in starch, indicative of coalescence of its particles, as are presented by the several forms of carbonate of lime, whether prepared artificially or occurring in organized tissues. Plate I contains representations of different forms of starch ; fig. 1 is the ordinary form of the larger granules. This was taken from the immature fruit of the potato. Nothing that I have examined shows the laminated character of starch granules so well as these potato apples, as they are called. Figs. 2 and 3, drawn from specimens of common potato starch, are similar to those pointed out by Mr. E. J. Quekett as the result of cell multiplication by division, a view still, I believe, generally entertained by botanists. This hypothesis is considered by physiologists to apply only to even numbers, but fig. 4, and also fig. 5, which latter is copied from Criiger’s plate in the ‘ Journ. of Micros. Science,’ for April, 1854, show three granules similarly united, all as nearly as possible of the same size. Now the question is whether this hypothesis extends also to uneven numbers, or whether these specimens are merely three granules joined together, and in an early stage of coalescence. Examples of this form are not uncommon. In the specimen of starch from which these were taken there was no difficulty in finding them, being almost as common as the pairs. This starch 4 RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. was prepared from potatoes which had been kept nearly a year. I have dwelt upon this form, as appearing to me rather singular that it should not have been observed by more botanists ; perhaps if it had been sought for as diligently as the granules in pairs its existence would have been more generally noticed. This observation may serve as a hint in the examination of other structures in which the division of cells into two is said to take place as in cartilage. I am perfectly aware that triplets with granules of nearly equal size will, as a matter of course, be less frequent than similar pairs. Those represented in figs. 2 and 3 are a modification of the dumb-bell shape, which is seen much better in the smaller granules which unite before they lose their spherical form. These may be well seen in thin transverse sections of the very young houseleek, Sempervivum tectorum. Figs. 6 and 7 are representations of a description of starch granule, called by physiologists “compound granules.” These have been variously explained by different authors, but in all cases which have come under my notice the explanation of the central part of such granules has been made dependent upon some assumption which has been irreconcilable with the principle of explanation applied to the peripheral part.* Fig. 6 is taken from Criiger’s plate, as copied in the ‘ Micro- scopical Journal.’ This copy, I may observe, is not intro- duced here, from my being unable to obtain similar specimens myself. They are frequent enough in the kind of starch called “tous les mois,” but the facts very well shown by these drawings will have more weight as coming from diffe- rent and independent observers. These granules consist of two or more simple granules, each having its own lamelle, and the whole surrounded by common lamelle. Fig. 8 is an accurate representation of two globules of carbonate of lime from the calcifying shell of the oyster. There is so striking a resemblance between the structure of these and those marked fig. 6, that no one would question their laminated structure aud their union as being otherwise than the result of a similar cause, and very likely to be pro- duced in both cases, either by the layers of increment deposited on the inner surface of a cell-wall, or by the layers deposited around a centre or nucleus. Such was the con- clusion arrived at respecting these bodies by physiologists before it was shown by me, in 1857, that exactly such forms as that represented in fig. 8 could be produced artificially, and that there were sufficient grounds for be- * See these treated of in the April number of 1854 of the ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ by Dr. Allman and H. Criiger. RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. +) heving that the chemical and mechanical conditions which were employed in the experimental process for obtaining them existed in the animal organization, and therefore that both kinds of carbonate globules were of the same structure and produced under the influence of the same agencies. Fig. 9 is a representation of some of the largest kind of artificial globules joined together, and in progress of coales- cence to form a single one, just as those represented by fig. 8 are; and, doubtless, the globules of starch in figs. 6 and 7 are in a like condition of coalescence. I will now proceed to the second part of this paper, that is, to show that chemical and mechanical conditions similar to those in the experimental process for obtaining carbonate of lime globules, and which are necessary, on the same prin- ciple, to produce these several forms of starch, exist in the vegetable organization. This I look upon as the most novel and important part of this communication. Now, as it is a fact generally admitted, that vegetable membrane is impermeable by solids, however minute may be their particles, it can only be in the interior of the starch- cells that starch can reeeive its solid form. Hence, there must exist in solution in these cavities some fluid capable of furnishing starch, or from which starch can be precipitated on the access of a second fluid containing some one or other of the constituents of starch in solution. Now, with respect to the first solution there will not be much difficulty, as dextrine—“ a soluble substance found in almost all parts of plants’”—or some solution analogous to it, will fulfil this— the first—condition. And as respects the second, the difficulty is still less, as there is no known solution but that of gum, which is diffused generally through plants. Hence, if starch be produced upon the principle of precipitation, from a fluid within thestarch-cell, asthe globular carbonate, andthemixture of globular carbonate with phosphate of lime are in the hard tissues of animals, there is no other solution but that of gum, which, from its general diffusion in the tissue of these cells, can precipitate it. Now, to show that these substances, under the circumstances they exist in vegetables, will perfectly fulfil all the conditions necessary for the formation of starch in the cells of plants, I will give some out of the many experiments which I have made for that purpose. I will first show that gum possesses some remarkable pro- perties which, I believe, are entirely unknown both to che- mists and physiologists. One of these properties is its action as a general precipitant of substances contained in solution in the juices of plants, and the other is its action on dextrine, 6 RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. from which it precipitates a modified form of starch, and, on an alkaline solution of starch, from which it precipitates pure starch. To show the first property—that of a general precipitant—it is necessary to obtain the expressed juice of fresh vegetables, previously bruised or rasped, and filtered through blotting-paper once or twice, so that it may be per- fectly clear. Some of this juice is then to be filtered into a test-tube, into which a small quantity of filtered solution of gum arabic has been introduced, when, after these fluids have remained for a few minutes, the stratum of juice in con- tact with the solution of gum will lose its transparency, be- come turbid, and soon deposit, in greater or less quantity, the vegetable matter which it had held in solution. I haye performed this experiment upon the juice of several plants, and always with the same result. The juice of the bruised stems of the potato, as also that of the rasped bulbs, will serve very well for this experiment, and especially the latter, as it can at all times be procured. I may observe, that the filtered juice of some vegetables will, after standing a short time, without the addition of any gum, become turbid and de- posit of itself. But this deposit I have not mistaken for that produced by the gum, the latter beginning to be appa- rent within a minute or two after the contact of the gum with the expressed juice, whilst the former requires several hours, or an indefinite time, for its production. I may also notice, that this property of gum is not, so far as I can dis- cover, attributable to any earthy or metallic salt which it may contain, or to the acid which is generated by it, after being kept for some time in solution, but it appears to be essentially a property of vegetable gum, that is, of a sub- stance which forms with water an adhesive solution, from which it is precipitated by silicate of potash, and thrown down by alcohol in the form of opaque white flakes. As, in order to be assured upon this point, I employed in my expe- riments gum from which the salts of lime had been separated by oxalate of ammonia, also gum which had been precipi- tated from its solution in water by alcohol, and after that dried and redissolved in water, also a solution of gum made slightly alkaline, all with essentially the same result as that obtained by the unpurified gum. I will now give some expe- riments showing the effect of gum upon dextrine, and upon starch dissolved in a solution of potash. It is well known that dextrine is formed by heating starch, and also by the action of sulphuric acid upon starch; I therefore obtained a substance known in commerce by the title of soluble gum. It is made by applying heat to starch in a suitable apparatus. RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. i This, when put into cold water, affords a solution, which is turned brown by the action of iodine. This is a solution of dextrine. I also obtained a similar solution by mixing potato starch with sulphuric, muriatic, and nitric acids. But I generally employed that made with muriatic acid, in con- sequence of its not precipitating the lime from the gum, which sulphuric acid did, as a sulphate of lime, and henze did not require purified gum to be employed in the experi- ments with it. I employed, likewise, a dextrine made by dissolving soluble gum in water with citric acid. This I did, in consequence of the muriatic and sulphuric acids having a particular action upon gum—that of converting it into a transparent insoluble substance, which the citric acid does not. To show the effect of a solution of gum in precipitating starch from dextrine, the same mode of experimenting as that just described in reference to its action upon the juice of plants maybe employed. One way which I have found con- venient to demonstrate the action of gum upon a solution of dextrine, is to put on a microscope slide a few drops of very thick solution of gum, and on the top of that a drop or two of solution of soluble gum, or of starch, acted upon by an acid, and then to examine these with the microscope whilst the action is going on, and without placing upon them any cover of glass, when it will be seen that the solution of gum causes the solidification of the dextrine starch in minute particles, having a finely granular appearance. The two solutions seem also to exert a repellant action on one another, and the starch runs into globular forms, just as oil would do if placed on water. ‘To show this fact, and the form given to the starch, these solutions should afterwards be allowed to dry on the slide, and a drop of solution of iodide of potassium, containing also some tincture of iodine, added ; and then over them a cover of thin glass may be placed. The form which the starch had taken will be seen by the colour imparted to it by the iodine. On washing these with water the circular patches of starch will be broken up, but the starch itself will remain solidified in granules of various shapes and sizes. With a view to determine how far these effects might be attributable to the medium in which the starch had been dissolved, I dissolved some potato starch in a solution of caustic potash, and, after having filtered the solution until it was entirely without any solid matter, placed a drop of it upon a solution of gum, and proceeded precisely in the same manner as described in the last experiment. I found that exactly the same effect was produced, that is, the solidifica- 8 RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. tion of the starch. After these had been allowed to dry on the glass as before directed, the starch thus precipitated was transferred from the slide to a watch-glass filled with water, and allowed to remain until the gum was all dissolved, and then it was washed several times. In this case it does not alter its form, which is that of a granular areolated film of solid matter, which, from the action of iodine upon every particle of it; is shown with certainty to be starch. Potash does not convert starch into dextrine like the mineral acid, but seems to dissolve it nearly, or entirely, unchanged.* The most easy way of demonstrating the effect of gum upon dextrine is to mix some solution of dextrine, made from soluble gum, dissolved in a solution of citric acid (this acid is used only to get a stronger solution) with the solution of iodine above specified, when a purple brown fluid will result, then to put a few drops of it on a glass shde close to a like quantity of clear solution of gum of considerable density. These must be made to mix under the microscope, and the effect carefully observed. The first thing which will be observable will be the precipitation of the starch in very minute granules, at first colourless, but afterwards, and almost instantly, becoming blue or dark pink. And, if the quantity of starch be considerable, the blue colour will remain for several days without changing, but, if only small, it will turn gradually pink, and so will remain unless fresh iodine be added, when it will become of a dark color. A part of the blue tint, at first produced on adding the solution of gum, is the effect of the dilution of the solution of the iodized dextrine, and can be produced by water, but in this case there is no precipitation, and, as the solution gets inspissated by the evaporation of the water, the original purple-brown of the dextrine becomes restored. For this experiment starch treated with muriatic acid, or, sulphuric will not answer in consequence of a part of the starch only being converted into dextrine, and the other being held in solution, so that when the iodine is added the latter is precipitated. When the solution contains only dextrine nothing is thrown down by the iodine. The result of these experiments, taken altogether, shows that so completely is gum a precipitant of starch that it matters not whether it is in solution in an acid, or an alkaline menstruum, the effect is the same, although in these two cases the characters of the starch thus deposited are, as before * When potash is employed, the lime must be separated from the gum by oxalate of ammonia, otherwise the granular film of starch will be studded with particles of the globular carbonate of lime. RAINEY, ON STARCH GRANULES. 9 noticed, more decided in the latter than in the former. Now, gum is not the produce of any particular vegetable cells, nor is it confined to any class of plants, but it appears to be a secretion generally diffused through the tissues of all plants. Hence, combing these two circumstances, the general existence of gum in vegetables, and its property as a precipitant, I hold that one of the conditions necessary for explaining the presence of solid substances in the cells of plants by a process of precipitation is demonstrated. I need scarcely add, that the solution of gum would gain access to the fluid within the starch-cells—all by aprocessofendosmose. And, as to dextrine, it is generally admitted to be matter assimi- lated in the cells of plants for the purposes of nutrition, and therefore it is only necessary to suppose that in certain cells some such a solution of starch, as that made artificially by mixing starch and alkali together, is elaborated; (and alkali, in some form or other, is well known to be essential to the growth of plants,) and then we shall have the other condition requisite for the same process. And with such conditions there is no difficulty in seeing how a kind of mo- dified starch, as cellulose, or the imperfect forms of chloro- phylle, would be deposited in the former cells, those con- taining the dextrine, and pure starch in the latter. I am perfectly aware that this explanation will be considered by the vitalists as being too physical, but still it is no more so than the formation of bodies of a similar form in the shells of Molluses and Crustaceans. The molecules of starch being thus formed and deposited, will, after repeated coalescences, produce all the forms described and represented in the accompanying plate. The form of some of the larger starch granules may appear at first sight to have no representatives among the calcareous deposits, either natural or artificial, but this is perfectly ex- plicable upon physical principles, and, when duly considered, is in favour of the principle of molecular coalescence. A similar difference of shape, though not to so great an extent, obtains also with the natural and artificial globules. In all the three cases the most nearly spherical forms of single globules are among the smallest, the mutual attraction of their molecules upon which rotundity depends, being less in- terfered with in these by the simultaneous attraction of sur- rounding objects than in the larger globules, as would be the case with globules of quicksilver of different sizes, placed upon a piece of glass or a sheet of paper, the smallest would be the roundest. As the particles get larger their molecules become more effectively attracted by adjacent masses of 10 RAINKY, ON STARCH GRANULES. matter, and thus the centre of attraction common to the molecules of the globule in progress of formation, and the surrounding particles of matter, towards which centre all these molecules are effectively or ineffectively attracted, cannot be the geometrical centre of the globule im question ; and hence a globule formed under such circumstances cannot be accurately spherical. These conditions must always exist as well during the formation of the calcareous globules as during that of the granules of starch, but they will operate more as disturbing causes in the latter than in the former, just in proportion as the molecules of starch are less dense than those of carbonate of lime. Hence these peculiarities in the form of the large granules of starch are no more than might have been expected. The small granules of starch are, to all appearance, as spherical as those of the carbonate of lime of the same size. For an explanation of the manner in which the granules of starch acquire their laminated form, and the mode in which the hilum, the part corresponding to the central spot in the artificial caleuli, is formed, I must refer to my work on the ‘Mode of Formation of Shells of Animals, of Bone, and of several other Structures, by a pro- cess of Molecular Coalescence.’ I should have been glad to have introduced into this paper a condensed account of this process, as given in the volume referred to, had not the necessarily elementary character in which the process is there explained rendered the necessary abridgement of that explanation impracticable. With respect to the chemical action of gum, and the chemical nature of the deposits thrown from the vegetable juices, I have not yet been able to make any strict investiga- tion. I feel certain, from what I have noticed, that the sub- ject is one of importance, and it is not impossible that it may pave the way to the discovery of similar facts connected with the action of the fluids in animal tissues. In reference to the action of gum in precipitating starch, it is not im- probable that, as starch contains a minute portion of phos- phate of lime, which can only have been derived from the gum, in which this salt is well known to exist, gum may furnish other constituents of starch, and also some portion of all the other substances which it has the power of precipitating, and that thus it may act both as a medium by which the various substances existing in plants are carried to the cells in which they are elaborated, and as a means of solidifying them after they have undergone the necessary elaboration, 1] Descrirtions of Diatomaces, chiefly of those found in “Erie” (Lower California) Guano. By CuristopHEer Jounston, M.D., of Baltimore, U.S. I am fully aware of the fallacies which beset the dia- tomist who establishes new species from the inspection of rare, isolated, and prepared valves ; but I am of opinion that science is made the gainer by his efforts, provided he is care- ful not to substitute names for things, and fancy for the sense. If the observer states the circumstances under which he obtained his facts, it is certainly pardonable in him to group these together in such a manner as to guide others in extend- ing the limits of knowledge, whether by verifying his speci- fication, or by modifying it, when accumulated observations justify the emendation. Species have, doubtless, been disadvantageously multiplied ; but it must be allowed that this error has not unfrequently been innocently committed, either when descriptions in sys- tematic works failed to identify supposed novelties, or the published figures evidenced no correspondence with them. Accurate figures are, unquestionably, of great service in many respects, for they are duplicates, so to speak, of the original specimen ; and “if they fail in some cases to esta- blish species, they will, at least, assist to indicate the range of variation, a point in itself of no small importance.” In- deed, it may be said that exactness in description and delineation must largely contribute towards lessening the useless load of nomenclature with which science is charged. The source whence the specimens here noticed were de- rived was Californian guano, from the Island of Elide, on the coast of Lower California (lat. 29° N.); Patagonian guano; and the stomachal contents of oysters from Ponga- teague Creek, on the Chesapeake side of the eastern shore of Virginia. Spataneipum, De Brébisson. It would seem to be a superfluous task to recur to this “noble diatom” with a knowledge of Greville’s delightful paper on Diatomaceze which appeared in the April number of this Journal. But I have thought it not unprofitable to add to that author’s description of a single valve my own observation of the appearance presented when both are attached, for the character thus afforded is remarkable. In isolating specimens preparatory to mounting in the dry 12 JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACER. way and in balsam, it was very easy to perceive that the front view (or edge) of Spatangidum was not straight, but sinuous or zigzag; and it occurred to me that the rays of both could not coincide when the valves were together. I was fortunate in finding three individuals in pairs such as I had wished. The colour is darker, of course, than that of a single disc; instead of seven rays there appear fourteen, alternating in depth of hue; and the reticulation extends uninterruptedly over the whole extra-hyaline area, but is fainter in the course of a ray as it overlies the inferior inter- radial network. Diameter 51,". From ‘ Elide.”’ In the dry preparation all the rays are brighter than the interspaces, and the reticulation over and under the former more distinct. ASTEROMPHALUS, Ehr. Asteromphalus centraster, nu. sp.—Orbicular, of a pale buff beyond the hyaline area, which is very slightly ex- centrical. Rays straight, turgid in the area, diminishing gradually, and terminating in a flattened nodule situated just within the marginal line; nucleal ray longer and narrower than the others, which are inserted on its extremity, and very near it on the sides. The hyaline area has a scalloped border, convex inwardly, each inter-radial space being bisected by a delicate secondary ray terminating outwardly in a nodule, and about three sevenths of the radius in length. Margin very finely dotted, showing best in lines at right angle with the secondary ray. The crescentic edge of the hyaline area and the rays beyond it bordered with minute granules. The number of rays of this charming species is eleven, and they are equidistant. I regret to say that I have found but a single disc. Diameter 34y". (Pl. I, fig. 10.) In Elide guano. Campytopiscus, Ehr. C. productus, n. sp.—Valve inconsiderably bent; elon- gated and constricted at the middle. Canaliculi about one fourth the transverse diameter, each marked by a small node midway as it expands outwardly; margin broken by depressions not corresponding with the canaliculi, and bear- ing a double: row of small dots. Within the canaliculi, at either extremity, an elongated crescent of fine granules fading towards the centre. Diameters 74" x z4y". In Elide guano. JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACE. 13 Of this and the following elegant species I have met with but a single example, although I have searched diligently in numerous preparations. In the specimen above noticed the canaliculi numbered thirty-seven. C. marginatus, nu. sp.—Disc ovoid, bent; rays numerous, marginal, short, separated externally by a nodule, and in- ternally also by a larger one on either side of the trans- verse axis; the inclosed field divided by a _ longitudinal fusiform of smooth space; the remainder marked by rows faint dots, straight im the direction of the transverse axis, but becoming concentric with the extremities of the long axis. Diameter z3y’. (Fig. 11.) In Elie guano. Cocconets, Ehr. C. regina, n .sp., C. J.—Frustule ovoid, bluish green ; striz numerous, 20 in 0:001”, concentric around the extre- mities; on either side of the nucleal line the extremities of the striz distinctly granular; in their course outwards faintly moniliform, but more conspicuously beaded periphe- rally, forming a sort of margin of the width of three or four granules. Diameter zt)’. (Fig. 12.) In Elide guano. This exquisite species is not abundant in the residue fur- nished by the guano. There is but little variation in size, the diameter given above being that of the largest frustule I have encountered. Stauroneis, Hhr. S. angulata, n. sp.—General form of the valve elon- gated oval, extremities somewhat acuminate; the marginal line bending on either side as it advances at about one third the distance from the transverse axis, at which it makes a wide but distinct angle. A narrow band of finely granular striz, disposed transversely, surrounds a clear field, and, becoming suddenly narrower at the extremities, is continuous on either side of the carina with a delicate longitudinal band of very minute granules, terminating in a point outwardly at the stauros, which is short. Edge beaded. Diameters eo |e mr eg ey X 343 - In Elide guano. Heuiopetta, Ehr. H. Phaeton, n. sp.—Frustule quasi-orbicular, many sided, the number of sides being twice that of the rays. 14 JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACE®. Centre smooth; the surface of the disc presents alternating wedge-shaped elevations (rays) and depressions, which originate at the centre, the former pointedly; on each ray there proceeds from a marginal nodule a delicate acicular rib, which terminates apicially near the umbilicus, and in the middle of each depression a delicate line. Very faint indications of reticulation just within the margin. The whole surface, exclusive of the centre, covered with extremely minute quincuncially arranged puncta; and at the margin an encompassing row of fine granules. Colour very pale straw. Diameter +4;" to shy’. In Elide guano. In my specimens the rays are twelve in number. Aracunorpiscus, Hhr. A valve of Arachnoidiscus was found, which is interesting as a variety of that genus, if it have not distinctive specific characters. The centre is clear, immediately surrounded by irregularly disposed granules, larger than those on the general surface. In the same guano I found a number of frustules, not distinguishable from A. japonicus, having regular central rays, which is not the case with the one I have delineated. Diameter 3},”. In Elide guano. AcHNANTHES, Bory. A. angustata, Greville (?)—Front view.— Much bent. Transversely banded, bands resolvable into dots, 26 in 0:001". Half of the hoop transversely striated. A row of granules along the base of each frustule, those of the upper one being very fine. An apparent aperture (not an opening) at the inferior extremities of the under valve. Length ;4,”. Side view.—Both valves elongated, slightly swollen in the middle, and with rounded extremities. Transversely banded, the strie being rows of dots, interrupted by a line near to and parallel with the margin. Externally the strie are alternately swollen, giving the appearance shown in the figure. Upper valve traversed by a central longitudinal row of puncta, around which, at the extremities, the strize are radiate. Lower valve similarly divided, but the ex- tremities, instead of beg entire, appear to be largely per- forated; in the clear space a crescentic line. Width +35". (Fig. 13 a, 6, f.) In Elide guano. This species presents a striking contrast with the following, JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACEA. 15 which is also very beautiful; but while the form and the markings differ, the general characters of upper and lower valves are preserved. A. costatus, n. sp.—Front view.—Curved, the superior angles recurved upwards. Both valves transversely costate, each row bisected. Length 743". Side view.—Both valves with rounded extremities; the edges nearly linear. On either side two rows of coarse transverse strize, bounded by a line within the border. The strie on opposite sides alternate, and their points form a zigzag along the median line. The whole surface covered as with a veil of extremely minute puncta. The extremities of the upper valve exhibit a radiate dis- position of the bands; whereas an apparent oval deficiency exists in the lower frustule, but without the inner crescentic line, as in A. angustata. Width zj5,”. (Fig. 144, 3, f.) In Patagonian guano. PLevRosicmMA, Smith. P. makron, n. sp.—Has the general characters of P. Bal- ticum, but differs from that diatom in its extraordinary dimensions, its conspicuous convexity longitudinally on either side of the keel, the coarseness of its markings, and the attendant colour, dusky olive. Length ,4”; width 51,”; dots 30 in 0-001" longitudinally, and 33 in 0-001" transversely. Pongateague, Virginia. P, —~.—Probably a variety only of P. Balticum. Length 44/3 width $5"; dots 36 in 0-001". Frustules slightly swollen near the extremities ; and is of a deeper reddish-brown than its congener. Pongateague, Virginia. I have had no opportunity of examining the diatoms of the lower part of the Chesapeake Bay, except as derived from oysters cultivated there. They occur, however, in rich variety and profusion, embracing many beautiful species of Nitzschia, Nayicula, Pleurosigma, Coscinodiscus, &c. But, from an inspection of a considerable number of prepared valves (always separate and viewed laterally), I think that P. makron may be safely admitted as a new species; for although there is some little variation as to size, the appearance of the valves, their peculiar hue, and the distance separating the dots, remain constant. The characters are, consequently, tranchés. With regard to P. , there are, to distinguish it from P. Balticum—\st, the length ;,”, while the latter is but 7," by my own measurement; 2d, the turgidity of the 16 JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACE. frustule towards either end; and, 3d, the disproportion between the two diameters—19 to 1; features sufficient to establish a variety, but not, as was remarked by A. M. Edwards, Esq., of such importance as to justify the erection of a species. It may be stated that Pongateague Creek, the habitat of these large diatoms, is a shallow inlet of the Chesapeake visited by the tide. BaLTIMorE, MARryLAND; May 20th, 1859. We print the foregoing communication as containing de- scriptions of Diatomacez from a locality which has hitherto been little noticed, but as the author appears to have over- looked the works of some writers in this country, we append the following notes on some of the species by Professor Walker-Arnott and Mr. F. C. 8. Roper. Note sy Mr. Roper. The species described by Mr. Johnston in the foregoing paper appear, as far as I can make out from his descriptions and the very well-drawn figures that accompany them, to be mostly known to observers in this country. The fact that he notices with respect to Spatangidum Ralfsianum, Grev., of the rays in the two valves being disposed alternately, so that the ray on the superior valve is opposité to the areolated portion of the lower in the perfect frustule, has already been noticed by Mr. Shadbolt,* in Asterolampra, a kindred genus, and, I believe, is well known to be the constant rule in both Spa- tangidum and Asteromphalus, should these genera, on more careful consideration, prove distinct. They have been adopted, however, by such acute observers as Dr. Greville and M. De Brébisson, and though they appear to differ as to the limits of each, my own impression is that both are formed on one common plan, and should both be united under Ehrenberg’s original genus of Asteromphalus, the differences only being sufficient to afford specific characters. Asteromphalus centraster, Johnston (fig. 10).—It is impos- sible to form an opinion on this species without seeing the specimens. The structure, both from the description and figure, appears to differ materially both from the genus * “Mier. Jour.,’ vol. ii, p. 17. JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACE. 1? Asteromphalus, as defined by Dr. Greville,* and from the genera Asteromphalus and Asterolampra, as described by Ehrenberg.t The rays differ from any hitherto recorded species of Asteromphalus, whilst the areolated segments, being all equal and similar, and connected with the centre by what Mr. Johnston calls the secondary ray, would seem to show greater affinity to Asterolampra. It will require a careful examination of many more than the single specimen recorded by the author before its position can be safely decided on. Campylodiscus productus, Johnston. —A careful comparison of the description and figure of this species with those given of Surirella lata by Professor Smith,t and an examina- tion of the variations that occur in any good gathering of that species, will, I think, leave little doubt that they are identically the same. The number of canaliculi is stated by Professor Smith to be 3 or 4 in ‘001, and in his figure there are 33 in all; in Mr. Johnston’s species there are 37. The length given by Professor Smith is ‘0041 to -0062, whilst Mr. Johnston states his to be ‘0058. The only dif- ference appears to be in the length of the canaliculi and in the “crescent” of granules in the centre ; but as the markings and canaliculi are subject to considerable variation in most species of Surirella, this would be no good ground for specific distinction. Campylodiscus marginatus, Johnston (fig. 11).—The generic position of this species is doubtless correct, but whether it can be safely considered a new species from the examination of a single valve may be questioned, as the only characters that would distinguish it from the C. limbatus of M. De Brébisson§ are the greater separation of the canaliculi, and the more strongly marked central area. In outline and general charac- ter they are closely allied. Professor Gregory proposed the same name for a species he detected in the dredgings from the Clyde, but on consideration adopted the name already pub- lished by M. De Brébisson, and has given figures and descrip-. ‘tion.|| The markings of the central area are a point of little specific value, as has already been pointed out in regard to Camp. Hodgsoni.§ . Cocconeis regina, Johuston (fig. 12).—This appears to be cor- * «Mier. Jour.,’ vol. xxvii, p. 100. + ‘ Berlin Proceedings,’ 1844, pp. 73, 198. { ‘Synopsis,’ vol. i, t. ix, f. 61. § * Diatomées de Cherbourg,’ p» 12; de ty fod. || Gregory, ‘ Marine Diatoms of the Clyde,’ t. ili, f. 5. §| ‘ Micr. Jour.,’ vol. vi, Trans., p. 86. VOL. VITI. Cc 18 JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACER. rectly referred tothis genus, and is probably anew and certainly a fine species. The absence of any trace of central nodule would seem to exclude it from Professor Smith’s definition of the genus, but it is not unfrequently absent in the lower valves of many species. Stauroneis angulata, Johnston.—The correct position of this species appears to have been misunderstood by the author, as there is no true stauros, and there can be but little doubt that it is either the Navicula Hennedyii of the ‘Synop- sis’* and Professor Gregory’s Glenshira sand,t+ or a variety of that form. It agrees closely in size with the dimensions given by Professor Smith, and the whole structure of the valve is identically the same. Heliopelta Phaeton, Johnston.—The true generic posi- tion of this species has also been quite overlooked, as any reference to Ehrenberg’s description and figures of Heliopelta would have shown. It ought evidently to be referred to one of the numerous forms of Actinoptychus or Actinocyclus, and is probably Actinocyclus duodenarius of Smith’s ‘ Synop- sis, vol. 11, p. 86, or the Actinoptychus duodenarius of the ‘Mikrog.,’ t. xvii, f. 24. A description and figure of Helio- pelta will be found in ‘ Silliman’s Journal’ for 1845, vol. xlviii, p. 338, tab. vi, fig. R. The Arachnoidiscus ? is the A. Ehrenbergit. See Dr. Walker-Arnott, in ‘ Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, p. 162. Pleurosigma makron, though large, and probably from that cause with more strongly marked striz, agree so closely, both in form and structure with P. Balticum of Professor Smith, that there can be no grounds for theirs epara- tion from that species. Nore on Figs. 13 anp 14, py Dr. Watker-ARNotTT. Both these forms clearly belong to the genus Gephyria, established by me in ‘ Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, pp. 163-4, and not to Achnanthes. I have also stated in ‘ Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, p. 195, that the Entopyla australis of Ehrenberg (‘ Berlin Proceedings,’ 1848, p. 7) was perhaps the same as my Gephyria incurvata, from Ichaboe, or, at least, partly so. I arrived at this con- clusion principally from supposing that Ehrenberg’s sample of guano was not from Patagonia, as he had been informed, but from Ichaboe. Fig. 10, however, of Mr. Johnston’s, taken from specimens from Patagonian guano, so far as I * Smith’s ‘Syn.,’ vol. ii, p. 93. + ‘Micer.:Jour.,’ vol. iv, t. v, f. 3. JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACE. 19 can judge from the sketch unaccompanied by the description, or notice of the number of costz in ‘O01, agrees perfectly with Gephyria incurvata, so that presumptive evidence is strongly in favour of the propriety of reducing my Gephyria to Entopyla, and to this conclusion I some time since had arrived; but on again examining with great care what Ehrenberg says, I am now compelled to relinquish this idea, and shall here quote from Ehrenberg, as translated in the ‘Ann. Nat. Hist., 1848, p. 343: “It (Entopyla) forms quadrangular plates, which, seen from the side, are rounded off above and below. These quadrate tablets or boxes consist of several leaves like a book, which, however, are perfectly connected. The leaves are parallel with the narrow sides and curved; the two external leaves are like the cover of a book, thicker, and marked with thirty-two longitudinal ribs. The concave outer leaf is upon the ventral side, since it ex- hibits two large roundish apertures at the extremities; the opposite convex leaf has no aperture; all the intervening leaves have a large aperture in the centre, leaving only a thin margin; thus forming a large continuous space in the interior of these little boxes. The structure of Biblarium (Tetracyclus of Smith) is similar.” He adds, under the specific character : “ In adult specimens the middle leaves are almost (fere) sixteen in number, the cost of the lateral leaves more than forty, separated by a flexuous median line.’ From Ehrenberg in these descrip- tions speaking of middle and outer leaves, without any other distinction than those indicated, it appears to me that all these were similar in general appearance ; in short, that the middle leaves were what Smith calls annuli, as m Rhabdonema and Tetracyclus, and not merely the connecting zone, dividing into lamellz or thin slices, as are seen in some species of Amphiprora, &c. Now Gephyria differs from Eupleuria by the want of these cellulate annuli, and if Ehrenberg’s description can be relied on, and it is too detailed to admit of a doubt, his Entopyla australis can neither be a species of Gephyria nor any species of Eupleuria known to me, and a question may even arise if it belong to Eupleuria at all; it seems a con- necting link between Eupleuria and Rhabdonema, from which last it is distinguished by the dissimilarity of the valves or outer leaves of Ehrenberg. As to that from Elide guano, fig. 9, I have only examined one perfect frustule and a few valves. It was first brought under my notice in September, 1858, by Mr. A. M. Edwards, of New York, who then informed me that he had detected it in guano from Elide Island, California, about eighteen 20 JOHNSTON, ON DIATOMACEZ. months previously, and had distributed it under the MS. name of Scapha clathrata. Myr. Edwards at once recognised from my description the identity of his Scapha with my Gephyria, and it is in consequence of his strong remonstrance against the union also of Entopyla that I have now revised the whole subject, and have stated my opinion as above. In the Elide guano form, it is doubtful whether Mr. Johnston speaks of the dots or of the coste, when he says there are 26 in ‘001; probably of the former, for, according to my measurement, there are only 11 coste im ‘001 im all my specimens. So that in this respect it is imtermediate between G. incurvata and G. Telfairie. In general appear- ance it resembles the latter more than the former, but the valves are much more obtuse than in any specimen of the species from Mauritius. How far these are sufficient marks of distinction I have not materials to decide. If these two be admitted as different, the one I indicated (‘Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, p. 164) from the west coast of Australia may prove a fourth; and I have observed valves of the same genus from other places, but about which I can offer no opinion without seeing perfect frustules. On some future occasion I may have it in my power to elucidate all the species more than I can do at present. Gepuyris, Arnott (nov. gen.) Frustules arcuate, attached (not ? forming a continuous fila- ment), destitute of cellulate annuli and septa; connecting zone sub-lamellate, finely striate on the surface. Valves arcuate, with one median and several lateral cost, dissimilar: inferior with the costz disappearing below the extremities of the valve ; superior with them reaching the extremity. 1. G. incurvata.—Coste on the valve about 7 in ‘001. Eupleuria incurvata, Arnott ; Acnanthes costatus, Johnston. Hab. Tchaboe (in guano) ; St. Simon’s Bay, South Africa ; Patagonia (in guano). 2. G. media.—Valves obtuse; coste 11 in ‘001. Scapha clathrata, Edwards, MS.; Achnanthes angustata, Johnston (not of Greville). Hab. Flide Island, California (im guano). In Botany clathrate implies that there are openings between the. costa, so cannot with justice be applied to this species. 3. G. Telfairie.—Valves cuneate, and acute at the ex- tremities ; coste 15 in ‘O01. Hab. Mauritius. ON ABERRATION AT A CURVED SURFACE, Pat To prevent mistakes may I recommend to your readers to strike out from vol. vi, p. 8%, line ten from the bottom, the words “or striate,” which are intended to apply to Eupleuria incurvata, since remoyed to Gephyria. The FUNDAMENTAL Proposition in the THEory of ABERRA- tion (in Refraction) at a Curved SurFacre sIMPLY DEMONSTRATED ; and a Test ESTABLISHED whereby the InsurFicieNcy of the Approximate ForMULm (now in use) for CatcuLaTine the ABERRATION at a SPHERICAL Guass Surrace may be CORRECTLY ASCERTAINED. By EH. M. In the following paper I propose to treat on a subject of great importance to working opticians, and which appears to me to have been not very successfully handled by writers on Optics. Instead of giving a decided answer to the question I propose to solve, mathematicians have hitherto considered it sufficient to offer an approximate solution, supposed to be correct enough for practical purposes. This is a poimt on which I entertain a doubt, and my object in the present paper is to give a completely satisfactory answer to the ques- tion proposed, and to show, by an example, illustrating the formula deduced, how far the usual approximation falls short of the truth—in an extreme case. I have added a geometrical proof of the truthfulness of the formula, which may contribute to excite attention to a subject the difficulty of which has, I think, been unneces- sarily magnified. For convenience I have also appended the arithmetical working of the example. Although I have not Potter’s book at hand, the correct- ness of the substitution of the figures in his formula, which is identical with Sir J. Herschel’s in ‘Encyclop. Metrop.,’ and Wood’s, &c., may be relied on. PROBLEM. Trace accurately the course of a given ray of light, QA, after refraction at a given point, A, on the surface of a given 22 ON ABERRATION AT A CURVED SURFACE. solid, of which AC is a section in the plane of refraction, QCyq being its axis. The refractive index = m. Here QC is given. Also CD and DA co-ordinates of the point A. Hence, also, the normal AE and subnormal DE may be found. Let Ag be the refracted ray required, cutting QCg in g. Now sininc. :smnH :: QE: QA. sin E : sin refr.:: gA : gE. *, Sin inc.: sin refr.2: 4 2: 12: gA QA ae ct ote es 4 ie QE’ . GA m.QA | es OE = ¢ (a known quantity). “. gA?= ¢*. gh*. i.e. qi? + EA? + 2gk. ED = ¢*. gE*. “. (2? — 1) gi’ — 2ED. gE = EA? Aye VoD) EA? EH? — = 4 e—)]° fe c—l ED 2 ED? (ce? — 1) EA? Age — ef eee {9 =} (@—1* (c? — 1) qh = : { BD + ¥{ ED? + (¢ — 1)Ea? } QEJ,. ec —) wi Let AC represent a section of a spherical surface (rad = EC). The lines CD, AD, DE are given in the tables. Whence find QA and QE; Let m = 3. Ex. 1. Let AC = 40° AD = ‘64279 (by tables.) QC = 2inches ..AD? = 4131789841 CE = 1 inch ED = ‘76604 (by tables.) QESinches ».QA = 2324598 ce = 1:162299 e = 1350938965401 735099896401 = 4°94226 inches “. q@ = 594226 inches, 73442 + pB 173442 ON ABERRATION AT A CURVED SURFACE. 23 Ditto by Potter’s Formula (second approximation). SPS 04a) Fo) De rt 1:23954 ore al 8 . 8 SOT 6°4.52 inches, but Cg = 5942, as found above. .. Error by approximation = ‘51 inches in excess. ARITHMETICAL WORKING. | ll AD = :64279 64279 mQ A. 578511 = 449953 ay) QE 128558 EC = 1:00000 257116 ED = 76604 385674 “CD = -23396 AD?= :4131789841 QD = 2:23396 2-93396 QD = 2°23396 QA = 2324598 1340376 2010564 3 2324598 670188 ah Ge ee aah 670188 44.6792 = 1°162299 44.6792 QD? = 49905772816 AD? = -4131789841 43)140 129 462)1137 924 4644)21356 18576 46485)278026 232495 464909)4560157 4184181 4649188)37597600 37193504 404096 24 ON ABERRATION AT A CURVED SURFACE. — 1162299 1162229 10460693 10460691 2324598 2324598 6973794 1162299 1162299 = 150938965401 .ci—1= 350938965401 ED= _ -°76604 "76604 306416 4596240 459624 536228 ED?= ‘5868172816 (c? — 1) EA?= = 350938965401 ED? + c?— 1° EA’? = ram a § 186)1277 1116 1928)16156 15424 19363)73224 58089 193667)1513570 1355669 1936748)15790101 15493984 296117 ED = ‘76604 /ED? + c?— 1BA?= 968378 ED+VED?+¢c?— 1BA? = 1°734418 ww ON R¥LANDS, ON MARKINGS OF DIATOMACE. 1734418 ; qh = 350938965401 — 4°94.222 inches. 350938965401)1°734418000000(4-94222 1 403755861604. 3306621383960 3158450688609 1481706953510 1403755861604 779510919060 701877930802 776329882580. 701877930802 744519517780 701877930802 426415869780 We learn, by a subsequent communication from H. M., that he has tried other arcs, as 15° and 10°, by the above test, and finds that the error of the Formule of Approxima- tion in these cases exceeds that which is here proved to exist in the are of 40°. He has also found that Mr. Potter’s third approximation is incorrect as well as the second, which is given in the Example. On the Marxines of DiatomacE#. By Tuos. G. Ryztanps, Esq. Iv is not easy to over-estimate the importance of the department “‘ Notes and Correspondence” in your Journal. Not only does it afford a means of recording facts which might otherwise remain unpublished; but the various hints and memoranda contained in it possess a value to the country student which those only who are similarly situated can appreciate. The note by Dr. Greville, ‘On a Structure observed in Surirella,’ vol. vn, p. 116, recalled my attention to the subject of the present article, and reminded me that on two occasions I had observed something similar in naviculoid frustules. The first was in Pleurosigma balticum, where the internal marking was hexagonal; and the second in a frustule of Amphipleura pellucida, where there were transverse lines, but much more distant than the 130 to ‘001" observed in that species by the Hull microscopists. 26 RYLANDS, ON MARKINGS OF DIATOMACILE, In neither of these instances were the slides my own, and they were not seen under circumstances which enabled me to do more than record the fact of their occurrence. In neither case was the idea of a septum entertained; the internal markings had distinctly the curve of the side of the frustule, and the impression conveyed was simply that both surfaces of the silica were marked. I had the less hesitation in coming to this conclusion, from haying fre- quently seen something similar, but apparently constant, in certain disciform species. The fact that certain species of Actinocyclus, &c., have two very evident sets of markings is generally known. It is hardly less probable that the same thing has been seen in Coscinodiscus centralis, and that the fine secondary markings of Triceratium favus (indicated by Dr. Wallich in what he calls 7. fimbriatum) have been observed by those who have directed their attention to that_ species.* It was while I was looking for the same thing in Coscino- discus radiatus, that the importance of separating and dis- tinguishing the several types of markings was impressed upon my mind. Until they are so distinguished, their real value as characters for purposes of classification must remain un- known. How far I have succeeded in this investigation remains to be proved, and when our knowledge will be suf- ficient for practical purposes depends upon the attention which observers may hereafter give to the subject. I may mention that so long as observation is confined to perfect specimens little progress will be made; fragments now and then occur happily placed at the right angle for the purpose, and convey more information at a glance than can be obtained in hours from the ordinary side or front view of a frustule. With the hope that I may hereafter be in a position to enter more fully into this subject, I shall refer now only to those markings which bear upon the purpose for which this article is written. The siliceous portion of diatomaceous frustules seems to be normally composed of two layers, more or less intimately combined. The connexion may be simple and entire, as in the case of Plewrosigma angulatum. Indi- vidual specimens of this species are far from uncommon, in which the outer “areolated” layer is partially removed, leaving the inner layer entire. Isolated portions of the * «Micr. Journ.,’ vol. vi, p. 247, pl. xii, figs. 4—9. I need hardly add that the marginal fimbrie and the minute processes at the angles of the hexagonal are also occur in British specimens of 7. Zavus. RYLANDS, ON MARKINGS OF DIATOQMACEA. Pu outer layer may be found upon the frustule, but I have never seen them separated; the force which removes them being apparently sufficient to break them up into single “ areole :” the term in this case is very unfortunate, for they are in fact hemispherical elevations. In other cases the two layers are connected by septa arranged hexagonally, or otherwise, after the fashion of a closed honeycomb. This structure is figured by Dr. Wallich, in the article before referred to, as occurring in his so-cailed Triceratium jimbria- tum ; but he has overlooked the outer layer forming the lds of the cells. In this case, the surfaces, both external and internal, may be plane, or formed into slightly convex facets ; they may be marked or otherwise. This is the Coscinodiscus type, and will be found with certain modifications in Cosci- nodiscus, Eupodiscus, Aulacodiscus, &c. I find it difficult to avoid the conclusion that there are two distinct materials present in the composition of these layers, one of which acts much more powerfully upon light than the other. Again, the two layers may be so developed and combined that the septa become, as it were, a skeleton in the more transparent substance. Take the case of EKupodiscus Argus, of which I have one or two most fortunate sectional views. The outer convex surface is formed of a layer of transparent silica produced into radiating lines of hemispherical projec- tions; below this, and imbedded in the same material, are the “areole,’ which are composed of the denser substance, and are fragmentary or continuous, according to the size and perfection of the specimen. The internal surface of the valve is marked with minute dots. The following figures represent the forms described : Eup. argus. Lupodiscus P Pl. angulatum. Side of a single areola. The small secondary markings in Triceratium are probably simply elevations; but those of the connecting membrane, like the coarser markings of the sides of the frustules, follow the type of Coscinodiscus. I have no positive evidence as to the nature of the material 28 RYLANDS, ON MARKINGS OF DIATOMACER. with which the cell-like intervals between the septa are filed. Burnt specimens—which I have not—would deter- mine if it be fluid. It is occasionally wanting, and then the cavities are filled with air. In the specimen of Trice- ratium favus referred to, a large proportion of the areoli of the connecting membrane contain air-bubbles. My present impression is that the material is solid throughout. There is a peculiarity very common, if not constant, in markings of the Coscinodiscus type, which, in most cases, is sufficient to determine it even from a front view alone. The internal layer, at the base of each areola, is modified internally, so as to produce a dark or light spot, as the focal adjustment of the instrument is changed. If the foregoing particulars be applied to the cases ob- served by Dr. Greville and myself, I think the solution is easy. It is not without some hesitation that I venture to throw the slightest doubt upon an observation made by such a man as Dr. Greville. Under ordinary circumstances I should certainly not do so; but since the publication of his article on Diatomacez in Californian guano, I am inclined to shelter myself under the supposition that his working instrument is not equal to the exhibition of these minutiz. If this were not the case, we could hardly have been told that the rays of his Spatangidum Ralfsianum terminate “in a narrow lunate fold of the valve,” nor would he have pro- posed to distinguish Spatangidum and Asteromphalus by the areolated and the granulated structure of their valves. In the first case the lunate fold has certainly no existence in nature; the appearance results from the elevation of the ray (as in Aulacodiscus) and the sudden depression at its termination. While, in the second case, there is really no structural difference whatever in the markings of the species described, at least as far as regards S. Ralfsianum and A. flabellatus, both of which follow precisely the Coscinodiscus type; the latter, however, being considerably finer, requires a proportionate increase of power. Some Observations on the Structure of Nervn-Fisres. By Josern Lister, Esq., F.R.C.S. Eng. and Edinb., Assistant-Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh ; and Witiiam Turner, Esq., M.B. Lond., Senior De- monstrator of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. Havrine recently had the opportunity, through the kindness of Mr. Lockhart Clarke, of imspecting some of his beautiful preparations of the spinal cord, we were struck with an appearance which had not yet received a satisfactory inter- pretation ; and, having been induced to investigate the point, we have met with some facts which seem of sufficient interest for publication. For the sake of clearness it may be well to state briefly the method employed by Mr. Clarke in preparing his speci- mens. A portion of perfectly fresh spinal cord having been hardened by steeping in dilute chromic-acid solution, thin sections are made with a razor, and these, after immer- sion for a while in an ammoniacal solution of carmine, are soaked in spirits of wine to remove the water, and then treated with oil of turpentine. The last-named agent has the effect of rendering the sections transparent, so that the nerve-cells of the gray matter, finely coloured by the carmine, are seen with the utmost distinctness, giving off in various directions long branching processes ; while the nerve-fibres, which are similarly tinted, may be traced with equal facility in their course through the cord. In the preparations which we saw, the cord had been sliced crosswise, and in the columnar regions, where the nerve-fibres have for the most part a longitudinal direction, the transverse section of each fibre showed itself as a carmine-coloured point, surrounded by a perfectly pellucid and colourless ring. This was the appearance which seemed to demand explana- tion ; the question being whether the transparent ring was a mere space, resulting from shrinking of the object during the preparation, or the white substance of Schwann (medul- lary sheath) rendered transparent by the turpentine, the axial cylinder alone, in that case, having received the carmine colour. 3 It occurred to us that the point might probably be deter- mined by applying a similar mode of preparation to some nerve the dimensions of whose fibres could be readily ascer- 30 LISTER AND TURNER, ON THE tained. With this view we steeped im chromic acid portions of the sciatic nerve of a cat just killed, and also parts of the spinal cord of the same animal; and having allowed them to remain between three and four weeks im the solution, we commenced the investigation in July of the present year, 1859. A transverse section of the hardened sciatic nerve having been placed for a time in the carmine solution and then dried, we submitted it, without the application of turpentine, to microscopic examination with a power of 130 diameters. Viewed by transmitted light, it appeared as a confused opaque mass; but, by reflected hight, it exhibited the structure de- picted in Pl. II, fig. 1,* each nerve-fibre presenting in its section a carmine spot, surrounded by a yellowish-white, somewhat granular ring, which, though doubtless correspond- ing to the pellucid rings in the preparations of the cord before alluded to, was clearly composed of some solid material, in short of the white substance of Schwann altered by the action of the chromic acid. We next examined sections of the cord treated in the same way, but found that these dry specimens were so incrusted with carmine that they gave no definite results. It happened, however, that one of the sections treated with carmine still remained moist, and, after washing away all superfluous colouring matter, we examined it by transmitted light. A very beautiful appearance now presented itself; carmine points being seen in the columnar regions, as in Mr. Clarke’s preparations, surrounded by rings; but the latter, instead of being transparent like mere spaces, were dead white; the carmine points, on the other hand, appearing in the thinnest parts of the section as illuminated spots amid the general opacity. This is represented in fig. 5. It will be seen from this sketch, which is drawn on the same scale as fig. 1, that the nerve-fibres varied very much in their diameter, the largest being of about the same size as those of the sciatic nerve, while others were of extreme minuteness ; but in all cases in which they were sufliciently large to be distinguished, they had the same character of a white circle with a central carmine spot from one fourth to one third the diameter of the whole fibre. It was obvious that, in the cord, as in the sciatic nerve, the carmine central part of each fibre was the axial cylinder, and the opaque circumferential portion the medullary sheath; and, therefore, * This sketch, like the others illustrating this paper, was drawn by means of the camera lucida. STRUCTURE OF NERVE-FIBRES. 31 that the pellucid rings in preparations treated with turpen- tine consisted of the white substance rendered transparent by that reagent. The point at issue was thus satisfactorily decided ; but for the sake of confirmation we made some further observations, the results of which seem deserving of mention. On examining the hardened sciatic nerve, without tinting the preparations with carmine, we found that in extremely thin slices the transverse sections of the nerve-fibres, viewed by transmitted light, appeared as brownish rings with central transparent colourless spots (see fig. 3), whilst by reflected light the central parts appeared black, as shown in fig. 2. In fact, under a low power the axial cylinders had, in these spe- cimens of the sciatic nerve, as much the appearance of mere spaces as the medullary sheaths had in preparations of the cord treated with turpentine. But on applying a fine glass of high power, a granular appearance was disclosed in the pellucid central portion, showing that it was in reality a solid substance, though of a transparency which was very remark- able, considering that it had been so long subjected to the action of chromic acid; and on afterwards treating similar sections with carmine we found that this part alone became coloured. The higher magnifying power also brought out an appearance of irregular concentric lnes in the brown* medullary sheath; and this, together with the granular aspect of the axial cylinder, is represented in fig. 4. These facts afford a very striking illustration of the essen- tial difference in chemical composition between the axial cylinder and the medullary sheath; the former being totally unaffected by chromic acid, though the latter is rendered opaque and brown and concentrically striated under its influence, while, on the other hand, the axial cylinder, after being sub- jected to the action of chromic acid, imbibes the carmine colour with peculiar facility, although the medullary sheath is entirely untinged by it.t We next applied the high magnifying power to extremely thin slices of the spinal cord prepared in the same way. In transverse sections of the columnar regions the white * It must be mentioned that a similar brown colour is seen in the super- ficial parts of a cord which has been steeped in chromic acid, but the deeper portions of the organ are comparatively only slightly coloured, so that in individual nerve-fibres seen under a high magnifying power the brown tint is not observed. { Ina boiled fresh nerve also the medullary sheath remains unaffected by ammoniacal solution of carmine, while the axial eylinder assumes a distinct though very faint pink tint —J. L. 32 LISTER AND TURNER, ON THE substance of Schwann presented, in the larger fibres, the same concentrically arranged appearance as we had ob- served in the sciatic nerve, as is illustrated by figs. 6 and 7, of which fig. 6 is one of the largest met with, being sty of an inch in diameter, while fig. 7 is as small as 3,'55 of an inch in transverse measurement. In the very minute fibres no appearance of concentric lines could be detected, yet, wherever the existence of an axial cylinder was indicated by a carmine point, a ring of medullary sheath was always visi- ble, presenting the same proportion to the axial cylinder as in fibres of larger size. This may be gathered from figs. 8, 9, and 10; of which fig. 8 Seaeures xoo0 Of an inch across, fig. 9 goon, and fig. 10 only za$55.- “At the margins of longitudinal sections of the cord, the contrast, both im structure and in tint, between the axial cylinder and the medullary sheath showed itself very beauti- fully. It often happened that a projecting isolated fibre was, near its extremity, more or less divested of the white substance of Schwann, so that the delicate, carmine-tinted axial cylinder was exposed, though presenting here and there colourless flakes of the medullary sheath adhering to its sur- face; while in parts where the nerve was still entire, the- pink colour of the central fibre could be distinctly discerned through the intervening white substance. Fig. 11 repre- sents a large fibre under such circumstances, and fig. 12 one of considerably smaller size; and these sketches also display the remarkable fibroid arrangement which we find the white substance of Schwann invariably assumes under the influence of chromic acid. In conclusion, we may remark that the successive employ- ment of chromic acid and carmine seems likely to afford valuable aid in discriminating nerve-fibres among other structures; there being, so far as we are aware, no other form of tissue which, after the use of these means, exhibits fibres having a central carmine axis, and peripheral un- coloured sheath. Supplementary Observations by My. Lisrrr. The fibroid arrangement of the white substance of Schwann in nerves hardened by chromic acid has been minutely de- scribed by Stilling, in his elaborate treatise on the ‘ Nerve- fibre and Nerve-cell,’* a work which we had not seen when * «Ueber den Bau der Nerven-Primitivfaser und der Nervenzelle.’ Von Dr, B. Stilling. 1856, STRUCTURE OF NERVE-FIBRES. 33 the foregomg communication was written, but a copy of which was kindly lent me by Professor Goodsir, soon after Mr. Turner had left Edinburgh for the vacation. According to Stillmg, the medullary sheath is, even in perfectly fresh nerves, composed of a network of fibres, which are con- tinuous with others in the axial cylinder and in the proper investing membrane; so that, in his opinion, these three constituents of the nerve-fibre differ from each other only in the manner in which their elements are disposed.* This view is not only quite novel anatomically, but is opposed to the generally received physiological opinion, that the axial cylinder is the essential part of the nerve-fibre, and the medullary sheath an insulating investment. Considering the high estimation in which the writings of Stilling on the anatomy of the rervous centres are deservedly held, and the influence which therefore attaches to his opinions, it seems fortunate that we have been able to present so clear a de- monstration that the axial cylinder is chemically as well as morphologically totally distinct from the medullary sheath. With regard to the cause of the fibroid arrangement of the medullary sheath, an observation which I happened to make several years ago, regarding the aggregation of fatty matter, may perhaps tend to throw light upon the subject. I submitted to microscopic examination some of the pulta- ceous slough of a sore affected with hospital gangrene, think- ing it possible that I might discover in it some fungus which might account for the peculiar specific character of that dis- ease; and found in it numerous bodies, each composed of branching fibres radiating from a common centre, and look- ing, at first sight, hke some sort of vegetable growth, so that I made careful sketches of them, one of which is reproduced in fig. 13. But seeing afterwards, in the same object, some bundles of acicular crystals of margarine, having a distant resemblance to the bodies I had drawn, I added ether to the specimen, and found that it dissolved the latter equally with the former. This showed that what first attracted my atten- tion was merely an arborescent form of aggregation of some fat, probably margarine ; and it seems not unlikely that the fluid fat which exists in the medullary sheath of a perfectly fresh nerve, may tend to a similar arrangement of its parti- cles when passing into the solid form, and so give rise to the appearance in question. It is to be remarked that the fibroid character is not peculiar to specimens treated with chromic acid, but also shows itself, though in a less perfect manner, in nerves which have been subjected to other modes * Op. cit., p. 6. VOU. VIIr. = 34 ON THE STRUCTURE OF NERVE-IFIBRES. of preparation—for example, after exposure for a few seconds to a temperature of 212° F, There is another important statement made by Stilling, which the use of the method of examination above described enables me to correct. He speaks of the fibres which con- nect one nerve-fibre with another as similar in every respect to those seen in the medullary sheath.* I find, however, that both in the sciatic nerve and in the spinal cord of the cat, the connective tissue between the nerve-fibres, like the neurilemma and pia mater, with which it is continuous, becomes coloured by the carmine; whereas, the medullary sheath, as before stated, is quite unaffected by it, proving that the two structures are chemically distinct from one another. In both these situations, too, the fibres of the con- nective tissue are much more delicate than the constituents of the medullary sheath, which are often comparatively coarse, as may be seen from fig. 11. In the columnar re- gions of the cord, the former require a high magnifying power to be applied to very thin sections, in order to distin- guish them, and are often present in such extremely small quantity that, without very careful examination, the nerve- fibres appear actually in contact with one another. In the sciatic nerve I have observed occasional elongated nuclei in the connective tissue. I may add that glycerine has proved very useful, not only for permanently preserving the preparations in the moist state, but also as an aid to investigation; for it renders the sections much more transparent, without making the white substance of Schwann invisible, as turpentine does; and hence the course of the nerve-fibres through the cord can be traced much more easily, and, at the same time, the propor- tion between the medullary sheath and axial cylinder can be readily ascertained. Thus, by examining transverse sections of the cord in this way, I find that while Kolhker is quite correct in his statement that the fibres of the roots of the nerves diminish in size in passing inwards through the columnar regions,t yet the diminution affects only the white substance; the axial cylinder often retaining its full dimen- sions even in the middle of the gray matter, while the medul- lary sheath is reduced to a very thin crust, so that the nerve- fibre assumes a character differing but little from that of an offset of a nerve-cell. * Op. cit., p. t Kolliker’s Handbuch der Gewebelehre,’ 3d edit., p. 235. On some Histotoeicat Features tn the Sue.us of the Crustacea. By Professor W. C. Witi1amson, F.R.S. In the Report of the British Association for 1848, Dr. Carpenter called attention to the fact that the tegumentary shell of the common crab chiefly consists of a tubulated structure closely resembling dentine. Since the publication of that report, the subject has been further investigated by Professor Quekett (‘Lectures on Histology,’ vol. u, 1854), and by Professor Huxley (‘Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology,’ art. Tegumentary Organs, 1855-6). Each of these later writers have contributed much to our previous stock of information on this subject. But as discrepancies exist between the conclusions at which they have arrived, a new investigation of the matter became desirable ; hence the present communication. Dr. Carpenter has described the shell of the crab as con- sisting of three layers. ‘1st, a horny structureless layer covering the exterior; 2d, a cellular stratum; and 3d, a laminated tubular substance.” Mr. Huxley points out in addition the existence of a soft uncalcified laminated struc- ture, lining the inner surface of the shell ; consisting, in fact, of similar layers to those external to it, but not yet calcified. My examination of the shell of the common crab confirms Professor Huxley’s conclusion that it consists of four hori- zontal textures. Both Professors Carpenter and Huxley de- scribe the outermost one as horny, but it is obviously calca- reous, disappearing much more completely under the action of solvent acids than any of the others. The second or “cellular” layer of Dr. Carpenter is that respecting which the chief difference of opinion exists. Professor Huxley denies the “ cellular” character attributed to it by Carpenter and Quekett, affirming that the cell-like areolze result from a peculiar additional deposit of calcareous matter in the uppermost layers of the shell. With this conclusion I thoroughly agree, since oblique sections of the layer demon- strate that the areole, which in their superficial aspect so closely resemble epithelial cells, sink deeply into the sub- stance of the shell, gradually becoming less distinct and definite as they descend into its lower lamin. Dr. Carpenter and Lavalle have designated the outermost of these layers “the structureless epidermis ;” but I would 36 WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. prefer applying to it the name of pellicle, since it only con- stitutes a small portion of the true epidermal tissue of the crab. In like manner I would designate the second, the areolated layer, instead of employing Carpenter’s term cellular, which implies what appears to be erroneous. The third, tubulated layer, which all the above writers have shown closely to resemble dentine, may be designated the calcified corium, whilst the innermost layer described by Professor Huxley may be called the uncalcified corium. It is unnecessary again to describe the arrangement of these layers. Dr. Carpenter has pointed out the tubulated structure of the corium, and the inflections of its lamine, which at numerous points ascend like flat-topped cylindrical pillars, penetrating the areolar layer, and reaching the pellicle, where they occasion the white spots seen on the ex- terior of the crab’s shell. The areole of the second layer, when viewed superficially, present various aspects. Ordinarily they appear in the form of dotted hexagonal spaces separated by translucent lines, the former having defined outlines, which are darkest on the side remote from the light, indicating projection and the forma- tion of a shadow. In other cases the areole are of a lighter hue than the intervening lines, which are dark and defined. Oblique sections of these latter varieties show that at a very little depth below their outer surface the dark lines pass into others which are lighter than the areole; and still deeper down, the areolz themselves become so merged, that all distinct areolation ceases to be visible. These facts indi- cate that the areolation is due to some conditions affecting the surface of the areolated layer on the line of junction between it and the pellicle. That this is the case will be demonstrated by an examination of some other forms of Crustaceans. When viewed superficially, numerous vertical tubules are seen in the areola. When a thin vertical section has been quickly mounted in hot Canada balsam, so as to prevent the latter from displacing the air in the tubules, these are suffi- ciently conspicuous. ‘The entire layer is seen to be composed of very thin lamin which follow the inflections of the sur- face of the subjacent corium, and the direction of these tubules is affected by the curves of the laminz, which they penetrate nearly at right angles. On approaching the pro- jecting pillars of the corium, the areolated laminz bend up- wards, parallel with the sides of the pillars. Whether or not the former are continued across the circular extremities of the latter in a very thin and non-areolated state I am WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. 37 unable to determine, but I am disposed to believe that they do. We often find a third modification of the areole, in which the centre of each is occupied by a dark radiating spot re- sembling a stellate pigment -cell ; and I have occasionally seen in the common crab, a form identical with that seen by Professor Quekett in a species of Portumnus, and which he de- scribes as consisting of ‘‘ hexagonal cells having thick walls” (‘Lectures on Histology,’ vol. 1, p. 393). No doubt exists on my own mind that all these are mere varieties dependent on slight modifications of the calcific process. Pl. III, fig. 1, presents a diagram of the arrangement of the layers in the shell of the crab; a@ being the pellicle; 4, the areo- lated part with its smalltubules; d,the calcified corium with its cylindrical pillars and vertical tubuli; and f, the uncalcified corium. Recalling what I have said respecting the tendency of the tubuli in the areolated layers to assume directions per- pendicular to the plane of the lamine which they penetrate, a glance at the diagram will explain the “ radiated cells” of Professor Quekett, which he describes as surrounding the pillars of the corium (loc. cit., vol. ii, fig. 256). In any horizontal section of these structures, the tubuli at a distance from the pillars would be intersected at right angles to their direction, whilst near the pillars, owing to the change in the plane of the component lamine, the tubules would be inter- sected nearly in the direction of their length. Hence the appearance of radiating lines in which Professor Quekett could detect no cell-wall, and which he found so difficult to reconcile with his idea of cellular structure. The upper lamine of the corium are thicker than the lower ones; and the undulations of the penetrating tubuli, so characteristic of crustacean structures, appear to be de- finitely related to the lamine through which they pass. Towards the upper part of each pillar, the tubul bend outwards from the same reason that those of the contiguous areole are deflected from a perpendicular line, viz., the ten- dency to penetrate the lamin at right angles to their plane. I have not detected any branching forms amongst these tubuli, though Professor Queckett thinks that he has observed such. Beneath the calcified corium is the thin wn-calcified layer of the same tissue, which would ultimately have become calcified, as fresh lamine were applied to its mner surface. When detached from the calcified shell, which is readily done, it presents numerous granular specks, which obviously corre- spond with the tubuli of the calcified tissue. I have found 38 WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. it impossible to satisfy myself whether or not these present open apertures prior to calcification ; their minuteness and the refraction of light which they occasion rendering the determination of this point one of extreme difficulty. On the peripheral surface of this membrane are numerous reni- form specks having a reticulated aspect. The reticulations resemble cells, and are not unlike the areole of the areolar layer; but I believe them to be mere corrugations of the membrane. The specks correspond with equally numerous calcareous projections from the inner surface of the calcified corium. On making a horizontal section of this surface, the projections are seen to be perforated by larger and more sparse tubuli than the contiguous shell, and which display a disposition to areolation similar to what occurs in the corre- sponding parts of the uncalcified corium. In other portions of the same section, patches are often met with, unconnected with the specks just referred to, in which there is also a marked disposition towards areolation, as seen in Pl. III, fig. 2. These areolz are sometimes hexagonal, but at others so irre- gular as to preclude all idea of a cellular origin. The trans- lucent reticulate lines separating the areole being merely spaces from which the tubuli are absent. Throughout the entire shell we find dispersed some cylin- drical bodies which are either fibres or larger tubuli. These penetrate all the layers of the shell. Tubuli similar to these are very numerous in the structureless portions of the pellicle immediately above the flattened summits of the pillars of corium, from which they ascend to the surface of the pellicle. Before discussing the moot questions between the observers already quoted, I would direct attention to some other structures calculated to throw light on the debated points. On making a vertical section of the tegument of the common shrimp, we find the same number of layers as in the crab, but in a much more attenuated form; but we have also some new conditions of interest, some of which have already been pointed out by Professor Huxley. The areolar layer displays imnumerable delicate areole (fig. 3), like those in the crab, but fainter in outline; both these and the corium appear granulated in the horizontal sections, either as the result of vertical fibrillation or from tubuli. M. Lavalle has denied the existence of tubuli even in the corium of the crab. Professor Huxley rejects his conclusions in that instance, but thinks him right in the case of the shrimp, where he believes the granules merely indicate vertical fibrillation ; WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. 39 my vertical sections, mounted in Canada balsam, appear to oppose this idea. Some, at least, of these lines are filled with air, indicating a tubular structure. The very thin areolated layer is not so readily distinguished from the corium in the vertical section as in some other Crustacea, but I have obtained several evidences of its separate existence as in the crab. The most remarkable feature in the integument of the shrimp consists of numerous discs, the result of a secondary calcification, which becomes incorpo- rated with the pre-existing tubulated calcific deposit. Each disc commences as a faint brownish ring, within which the areole are at first visible, but the centre shortly displays signs of consolidation, as in fig. 4; in which example the deposit has commenced at the root of one of the short hairs so abundant on this tegument.* The small discs thus originated increase both in breadth and thickness, but especially the former. Some of them assume the aspect of figs. 5 and 6, where the dark radiating lines indicate a con- dition of the calcareous matter resembling what is seen at the first formation of the disc, and different from what occurs in the intervening translucent parts, which appear to be more consolidated. A translucent crucial figure is often seen in the centre of each disc. But in the majority of instances, as already pointed out by Professor Huxley, the discs assume the aspect of fig. 7. Here the centre consists of numerous small concretionary granules, each commencing as a separate point, but which grow and coalesce by external concentric additions until they unite to form a solid translucent calcareous disc—strongly reminding us of what is seen in the pulp-cavities of cetacean teeth. In fig. 8 some of these granules are detached from the disc. When a portion of the integument of the common shrimp is boiled in a solution of caustic potass, though the soft chitinous element is not destroyed by the process, it undergoes some change, revealing an organic structure which does not hitherto appear to have been noticed. The areolated Jayer seen in fig. 3 now presents the appearance represented in figs. 9 and 10. It consists of at least two layers of minute irregular concretions. Each of these corresponds in size with one of the unaltered areole, and I assume them to be identical, though unable to demon- strate the fact. Each concretion appears to be formed by the coalescence of a number of minor concretions. On examin- * These hairs, which are tubular, are planted in uncalcified depressions in the areolar layer ; a large branching tubule, ascending from below, pene- trates all the layers of the integument, and, reaching the base of the hair, communicates with the canal running along its interior. 40 WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. ing the free margin of any of the segments of the body after being treated with caustic potass, these granular con- cretions will be seen in various stages of development (fig. 10). Those nearest the free margin are small and isolated. As we recede from the margin the granules coalesce and become larger, receiving external additions, which cement them together, and finally producing the structure just described. The mode of calcification of the small areole and of the larger discs, though at first glance appearing so different, are thus demonstrated to be identical in all their essential features ; though the process resulting in the large discs is obviously a secondary one, being preceded by that which forms the small concretions. The essential difference between the two lies in the greater extent of the calcific deposition in the former instance than the latter, as is proved by the effects of heat in occasioning contraction of those parts from which the larger discs are absent. On decalcifying a portion of the integument thus treated by means of hydrochloric acid, it presents precisely the same appearance as the ordinary examples that have not been so treated. Two distinct granulations are now visible; one on the extreme outer surface of the membrane, apparently belonging to the pellicular layer, and the other in the areolated layer, if not also in the subjacent corium; the second being the tissue which I believe to be tubulated. The concretions represented in fig. 9 are absent from the points into which the tegumentary hairs of the shrimp are planted. Many of the smaller species of decapod Crustaceans reveal modifications of structure throwing additional light on these tissues so interesting to the physiologist. A few of the more unportant varieties require notice. In the British Hyas araneus* we again meet with the four layers of integument. In the specimens examined, the pellicular layer alone presented a deep-red colour, and ex- hibited indisputable evidence that i¢ was composed of numerous exceedingly thin parallel lamine. The areolated layer was of a pale-yellow hue, and afforded equally clear proof that each areola is the dome-shaped extremity of a six-sided prism, the sides being contiguous with those of its neighbours, whilst its substance is traversed by longitudinal tubuli. Owing to the dome-like shape of the outer extremities of these prisms, the outer non-tubulated pellicle appears to dip down between * Tam indebted to my valued friend, Mr. Bean, of Scarborough, as well as to a still dearer relative, whose name has been long associated with the same place as one of its indefatigable naturalists, for the numerous spe- cimens of British Crustacea upon which I have operated. WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. AL the areole, explaining the apparently intercellular reticula- tions seen both here and in the common crab, as well as in numerous other Crustaceans. The calcified and uncalcified portions of the corium are much more distinct here than in the common crab; since the former, instead of consisting of continuous layers of equal thickness, appears in the form of large hemispherical masses, the confluent bases of which are directed outwards, whilst their opposite convex surfaces project inwardly into a thick laminated uncalcified corium. The parallel laminz of the corium continue their straight course equally through the calcified and uncalcified portions, demonstrating that the former are not secretions in the latter pushing aside its layer, but irregular calcifications of their substance. Tubular hairs are implanted in superficial de- pressions in the integument, at which poimts both the pellicular and areolated layers are wanting. The tube within the hair is continued downwards through the entire thickness of the corium, opening at its inner surface. A calcareous cylinder surrounds this canal, even where it passes through portions of corium otherwise uncalcified. Similar, but still more strongly marked, conditions occur in Pilumnus hirtellus, a vertical section of part of the carapace of which is represented in fig. 11. @ is the pellicular layer, which here (as is also the case in Hyas araneus) is the seat of the deepest colour. 6 is the areolar layer, displaying the dome-shaped areolz with remarkable clearness. These domes are obviously portions in which the calcific matter has assumed different conditions to those under which it has been secreted in the superimposed pellicular layer. Each areola displays some very delicate vertical lines.* Whether or not these are tubes I have been equally unable to satisfy myself, here and in Hyas araneus ; but, as I think that in Portumnus depurator there can be no question that the areole are tubulated, it is the more probable that the structure in question is also tubular. Large hemispherical concretions occupy the upper part of the corium, the centre of each one of which is penetrated by a vertical canal, prolonged downwards through the uncalcified corium, but not surrounded in the latter part of its course by a calcareous cylinder, as is the case with Hyas araneus. Superiorly, each of these canals communicates with the base of a large tubulated hair implanted in a depression penetrating * Seen to the left of the drawing; from the opposite portion of which they have been omitted, along with similar ones in the corium, to avoid confusing the other characteristic features of the structure. 42 WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. the pellicular and areolar layers. These calcareous concre- tions display a coarse lamination, indicating the direction of the laminz of the uncalcified corium, with which they are parallel. They are also penetrated by myriads of the usual undulating tubules, which appear to be prolonged, though less distinctly, through the uncalcified corium. I see no reason for doubting that the latter are tubuli as well as the former. In a thin horizontal section of this integument, made through the upper part of the corium, which has been decalcified (fig. 12), we see delicate circular areas, with defined outlines and a central canal, indicate the position occupied by the calcareous concretions. This is important, since it shows that cell-like appearances may exist in the decalcified membrane, which, nevertheless, are entirely due to peculiarities of calcification ; cells having taken no part in their origin. Vertical sections of Portumnus depurator display even still more distinctly than the last Crustacean the dome-shaped cylinders of the areolated layer, and remove every possible doubt that could remain as to the non-cellular origin of this layer. The conclusion is inevitable, that the whole results from peculiarities attending the process of calcification. It is clear that in the Crustacea, two distinct co-existent calcifying processes are very commonly in operation, the one resulting in a more intense calcification than the other; their greater density and higher refracting power giving to the former the definite outlines seen both in the areolar layer generally. and in the lenticular discs of the shrimp. Professor Quekett describes the areolated texture as con- spicuous in the crayfish. I have only examined young specimens, but in them it was very indistinct, if not wholly absent. I found the four layers revealed in the vertical sec- tion (fig. 13), but the areolar layer (fig. 13 4) and the calcified corium (fig. 13 d) occupied the greater portion of the sub- stance, the pellicle (fig. 13 a) and the uncalcified corium (fig. 13) being very thin. That which is the obvious homologue of the areolar layer in other Crustaceans is thick and very distinctly tubulated, the tubuli being distributed with the greatest uniformity. This layer would scarcely be distinguished from the subjacent calcified corium but for its greater trans- lucency. An anomalous example of the common lobster furnished new and interesting modifications of crustacean integument. The pellicular layer was so thin as to be scarcely traceable. The areolated layer, the chief seat of colour, was very distinct WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. 45 both in the carapace and in the tail, though less so in the claws; but the chief interest lay in the calcified corium, especially at its peripheral portion. On looking at a vertical section, the tubulated structure of this layer was rendered confused and indefinite by some vague radiating elements. On making a horizontal section immediately below the areolar layer, the nature of these radiations became obvious. The entire section was covered with regular hexagonal areolz of exquisite beauty (fig. 14). Each areola consisted of numerous irregular rods, radiating from a solid centre, sub- dividing like the outspread arms of an encrinite, a resemblance which higher niagnifiers only rendered more obvious, since each radiating arm then appeared jointed; but this was an illusion. The whole was but a congeries of botryoidal rods (fig. 15), the result of a concretionary process of growth ; the small tubercles with which each rod was studded being the homologues of those seen in the large calcareous discs of the shrimp. This structure was wholly distinct from the areolated layer of the integument. Between these stellate objects, there occasionally occur solidly calcified portions, often pene- trated by a large vertical canal. When a vertical section was decalcified, all these distinc- tive features disappeared. I now only saw a series of parallel chitimous laminze, traversed by undulating vertical tubules ; the line of separation between the areolated layer and the corium being very indistinct. Of these laminze I counted about 60 in a section of the integument of the tail, whilst there were 120 in the claw of the same individual, showing that they are not consentaneously developed in all parts of the animal. On the external surface of the lobster’s shell are numerous small depressions ; at the hollow of each of these are the orifices of several vertical tubes which descend through all the subjacent tissues. The hard calcified claw of the hermit crab further illustrates some of these points. A vertical section made through one of the numerous superficial tubercles (fig. 16) demonstrates that these latter are the homologues of the white spots on the shell of the common crab. We here see distinctly that the uplifted layers of the corium (d) pass through the areolated structure (4) and are brought into contact with the pellicle (a), whilst the corresponding thickened portion of the latter, here considerably thickened, is penetrated by tubuli or fibres (e) similar to those seen in the homologous portion of the common crab. This close relation of the upraised portions of the corium to the pellicle, and the absence of the areolar layer at such points, is also shown in Hyas araneus, Portumnus 44. WILLIAMSON, ON SHELLS OF CRUSTACEA. P depurator and pusillus, and numerous other forms, which illustrate an organization that attains its highest development in the common crab; whilst in Portumnus depurator, the diversion of the upper laminz of the corium from their horizontality appears at its minimum. Thus far it would appear that in all the Podopthalmous Crustaceans, the integument consists of four layers. An outer or superficial, almost structureless pellicle (a). An areolated layer (4), but from which the areole may be occasionally absent. Cristatella Mucedo.—Where to look for and how to find this Polyzoon.— Having lately (July 6th) obtained a number of specimens of this beautiful Polyzoon, after very many in- effectual but most diligent searches, in a large canal reservoir, where I had frequently found the characteristic statoblasts in the greatest profusion, I beg to offer a few suggestions in the hopes of enabling all those who love a microscopic treat, to hunt successfully for this exquisite treasure. Where to look? then, is the first question. ‘In clear ponds and lakes,’”’ as Professor Allman tells us. The localities in which I have found either the mature animal or the statoblasts are the following :—1. A mill-pond on the Elmdon road, belonging to Mr. Allston, about two miles from Solihull. 2. A large canal-reservoir on the Warwick and Birmingham road. 3. A pool of water in the grounds of the Earl of Shrewsbury, at Alton Towers. I was rather surprised to find the statoblasts here, inasmuch as the water is decidedly somewhat muddy. Now, I am inclined to believe that Cristatella is as frequently to be met with as many other of the fresh-water Polyzoa— Alcyonella, Fredericella, and some of the Plumatellide, for instance; but while in these cases an upturned stone, or the under side of a submerged branch or leaf, at once reveals the pre- sence of the adherent Polyzoa—for the sponge-like masses of Alcyonella, and the interlacing or branching tubes of the Plumatellide, are evident to the eye, without the slghtest effort; it is not by any means so easy a matter to detect the presence of Cristatella, whose light-yellow ccencecium can only with much difficulty and continued straining of the eyes be seen, as the little colony rests upon some sub- merged weed or stone, which weeds at this time of the year - are sure to be overspread with scum, Diatomacee, and the faded filaments of some Alge, of the same colour as the animal. Every lake, then, or mill-pond, or reservoir of clear water, may be suspected to contain these most exquisite of all the Polyzoa; and as the statoblasts are more easily found than the developed colony, I would advise the searcher to look for them in the autumn and winter and spring, as he 60 MEMORANDA. will then have the satisfaction of knowing that there do exist, in the pond he is searching in the summer, the mature animals themselves. In order to obtain statoblasts, I would say, look out for the sheltered spots in the pool, where are collected all the floating rubbish, tangled masses of Alge, decayed roots of grasses, feathers of birds, &c., &c. (it is a curious fact that I have almost always found a quantity of Cristatella statoblasts attached to feathers; so that I had only to find these, and I was nearly sure to be rewarded with a number of these little round membranous cases agglomerated in one mass). Carefully examine the rubbish bit by bit; in your hands if you like; but the best way is to separate and thin out the rubbish in the water, when the statoblasts will readily show themselves as dull masses, sometimes nearly an inch long. The isolated individuals are not to be depended upon as a rule, if you wish to watch the germination; for they are generally only the separated faces of old specimens. I have taken home frozen-up lumps of rubbish, and have from these obtained statoblasts which have duly germinated, though I have never been able to keep the young polypes alive more than a few weeks. But if the fully developed colony is the object of your search, then in the months of July and August, and even in June if the weather has been warm, visit the pond wherein the pre- viously discovered statoblasts had shown evidence your ma- tured treasure would be, and be not content with merely stooping down, and pulling out the weeds of Ranunculus aqua- trilis andthe Potamogetons, and examining them in your hands out of the water, for such a search will most probably prove an ineffectual one—it being almost impossible, amid the con- fervoid growth which covers the plants, to detect the col- lapsed form of your much-prized Cristatella; but you had better lie flat down at once on the edge of the bank (the -Polyzoa are almost always within a few feet of the bank, covered by water varying from an inch in depth to about two feet), flat down in ventrem, with your eyes close to the surface of the water—then, with as little disturbance of the water as possible, gently with your hand clear away the floating weeds, and examine every submerged plant in sidu, just as it grows in the water, with much patience. Probably, for a minute or two, you will see nothing like a Cristatella ; but be patient, continue to gaze, and you will be rewarded most likely by observing, amid the scum and conferve, an oblong-shaped feathery object, about an inch long perhaps, of a pale-yellow colour, bearing a strong resemblance to the well-known gelatinous egg nidamenta of Limneus stagnalis MEMORANDA. 61 —only this is transparent, while Cristatella is, as I said, feathery-looking, like, as M. Gervais has observed, bits of Chenille—it is impossible, I think, to find a more apt simili- tude. And now that you have once seen one specimen, you will have little difficulty in being able to discover any amount of others. The extreme beauty of this Polyzoon, the fact of its con- tinuing in an exserted state, even under rough treatment, the transparency of the coencecium rendering an anatomical examination so easy and satisfactory, must always make Cristatella a great favorite, and one of the most prized and beautiful of all the beautiful forms of aquatic life—Hoveuton. Angle of Aperture. — Observing in the ‘ Microscopical Journal’ of July last, an article on the measurement of angular aperture of lenses from the pen of P. Gray, Esgq., and deeming its recommendations based upon determining these observations irrespective of any special apparatus, thus seemingly presenting facilities to individuals who may neither have such in possession, or ready access thereto, I have ex- amined the practical merits of the method in question, in contrast with the known angular aperture of lenses in my possession determined by other means, as No. 1 = 25°; Woo NO. 3 —— Ol = No. 4, = 129°; the following results being ‘obtained, exercising all ordinary care. Nos Decimal Number. Logarithm. Tangent. Lights apart 7 inches : i ; Distance of lens 16°75 X2 or sa pee Angle of aperture 23:38 Another experiment gave 26°14 No. 2. : : Decimal Number. Logarithm. Tangent. Tights apart = _-15"50 inches _ 6739 «= «828595 or 38°58 Distance of lens 23 x2 Angle of aperture 67°56 The results by this lens were very variable, though not so by the usual several feet radius. No. 3. Decimal Number. ithm. gent. Lights apart 30°5 inches clarence es ak rp or ee Distance of lens 144x2 9 Angle of aperture 87:06 Two other experiments gave similar results ; one gave 90°. 62 MEMORANDA. No. 4. The rule presented gave no provision for angles exceeding 90°; wherefore the supplement of the bi-tangent is used through previous knowledge of that required. Decimal No. Logarithm. Tangent. Lights apart 44 inches 4545 = 657534 or 24°26 Distance of lens 10 x 2 «x2 Rule ends = 48°52 180— Angle of aperture 131-08 supplement. Another experiment gave 131-06 Ditto ditto 12624 Howsoever in theory the proposed plan may be, I am satisfied that even with common care the results in practice must prove very variable, and amounting, in some instances, to differences of four or five degrees; thus not gaining much upon the quantities ordinarily published by the: makers of objectives —Witiiam Henpry, Surgeon, Hull. Diatom-Finder.—I have had a simple little instrument made for me by Messrs. Field and Co., that answers my fullest expectation as a diatom-finder. It consists of the tube of their Arts Society’s microscope, six inches in length, with the higher eye-piece fitting into one end, and an object- glass giving 180 and 130 diameters, into the other (the screw also takes Powell and Lealand’s object-glasses). This compound body slides into another tube about two inches short, and is checked by a flange from going too far. On the end of this second tube is cemented a thin disc of glass, and over it fits a cap withathicker disc, forming an ordinary animalcule-cage. When used you remove the cap, place a drop of the fluid to be examined on the end of the tube, re- place the cap so as to flatten out the drop, and hold the body up to the light, adjusting the focus. The contents of the drop by their own gravity may be made to’cross and recross the field, simply by moving the body in the hand. The whole fits into a little telescope-case an inch in diameter. —Roserr Taytor. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. June 29th, 1859. Dr. LankestTeER, President, in the chair. Henry Judd, Esq., Alfred Canton, Esq., Dr. Prendergast, Henry Yool, Esq. «> EL. A. -Salver, Hsq., 8: C. Anderson, Esq., and the Duke of Manchester were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. A paper “On a Section and a Mounting Instrument,” by Mr. James Smith, was read (p. 1). A paper by G. F. Pollock, Esq., ‘On Granulated Blood- discs,” was read (p. 4). The meetings of the Society were then adjourned until October next. The following publications, &c., have been presented to the Microscopical Society since the publication of the last Journal. March 31st, 1859. Presented Ly Observations on the Genus Unio. By Isaac Lea The Author. Description of Twenty-seven New Species of Uniones. By Isaac Tea Ditto. Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. XV, Part 1 Address of the President of the Geological pecieas Major-General Portlock : Ditto. Linnean Society. Supplement to Botany, No.1 . Ditto. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Several Parts . Ditto. April.—No Meeting. May 25th. Musci Alleghanienses sive Spicilegi Muscorum atque Hepaticarum quos in itinere a Marylandia usque ad Georgiam. By W.S. Sullivant. 2 vols. 1845 . The Author. The Mosses of the United States. By W.S. Sullivant. 1856 *. Ditto. Contributions to the ‘Bryology ‘and Hepaticolozy of North America. Two Parts. 1849. By Was: Sullivant . Ditto. Report on the Botany of the Expedition for a Rail- road Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. By W.S. Suilivant. 1856 Ditto. Notices of some New Species of Mosses from the Pacific Islands. By W. S. Sullivant. 1856 Ditto. Musci Boreali Americani quorum specimina exsiccata. By W. S. Sullivant-et L. Lesquereux. 1856 The Authors. The Society. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Presented by On the Measurement of the Strie of Diatoms. By : W.S. Sullivant and 'T.G. Wormley. Also ‘I'wenty- four Slides of Diatoms with the above. The Authors. The Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1857 : . The Society. The Ohio Agric. Report. 1856 ‘ . Ditto. June 29th. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. II, Part 2 |. . Ditto. The Journal of the Royal Dublin oats Nos. 12,13 Ditto. The Photographic Journal, No. 85 Ditto. The List of the Linnean Society. 1858 . . Ditto. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Supplement to Botany, No. 2 Ditto. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Vol. II, No. 12. Ditto. Transactions of the Linnean Society, Vol. XXII, Part 3 Ditto. Nine Photographs of various Microscopie Objects. By M.S. Legg, Esq. ; 5 . M.S. Legg, Esq. June to October. Thoughts on Animalcules ; or, a Glimpse of the In- visible World revealed by the a opel By G. A. Mautell. 1846 F.C. 8. Roper, Esq. Das Mikroskop. Von P. Harting. 1859. Ditto. Some Observations on the Diatomacez of the Thames. By F.C.S. Roper. 1854 . The Author. Notes on some New Species and Var ieties of British Marine Diatomacee. By F.C. S. Roper. 1857 . Ditto. On the Genus Bicdulp'iia and its Affinities. ae ss Os S. Roper. 1658 : . Ditto. The following have been taken in exchange for sets of the original Transactions and back numbers of the Journal. EXCHANGES. Construction of Timber from its earliest Growths, explained by the Mi- croscope. By J. M.D. Hiil. 1724. Dr. Hassall’s British Fresh-water Alge, 2 vols. 1845. Kolliker’s Manual of Human Histology, 2 vols. Sydenham Society, 1852-54. Wedl’s Pathological Histology. Sydenham Society. 1854-55. Recherches Chimiques et Microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tre- melles, &c. Par Girod-Chantrans. 1802. Cours de Microscopie complémentaire des études médicales Anatomie microscopique et Physiologie des Fluides de l’economie. Par Al. Donné. 1844. Traité anatomique de la Chenille. Par P. Lyonet. 1762. Species Algarum. Par F. I. Kiitzing. 1849. PURCHASES. A Handbook of the Microscope. By W.L Notcutt. 1859. Dr. Pereira’s Lectures on Polarised Light. 1854. The Microscope. By Dr. Lardner. 1856. Professor Quekett’s Lectures on Histology. 1854. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Osservations on the Structure of Nerve-Fipre. By J. Locxuarr Crark, Esq., F.R.S. WHENEVER we wish to ascertain the natural appearance and structure of the nerve-cells and nerve-fibres, these tissues should be examined in some transparent part during life, or on removal immediately after death, and with the addition only of a little serum of the blood. But when it is intended to investigate, in the nervous centres of the vertebrata, the mutual relation of these elementary parts, and their natural arrangement, such as the grouping of the cells and the course of the fibres, it becomes necessary to harden the nerve- substance in some kind of fluid, so that it may be cut into thin sections, which can then be rendered more transparent by a further process. The method which I extensively em- ploy for such investigations is as follows: The part intended for examination should be as fresh as possible, and cut into pieces as small as compatible with the particular end in view. ‘These pieces I formerly hardened by means of a mixture of one part of spirit of wine and three parts of water, which, at the end of twenty-four hours, was replaced by a fresh mixture of equal parts of spirit and water, and this again, after the same interval, by pure spirit, which ought to be renewed every five or six days. But for the last three years 1 have used chromic acid instead of spirit, in the process of hardening. ‘The spinal cord of man, of the Ox, Sheep, and other large vertebrata, is steeped in a so- lution of one part of crystallized chromic acid in two hundred parts of water, for two or three weeks, and then placed in a solution of one part of dichromate of potash in one or two hundred parts of water. For the hemispheres and the VOL. VIII. F 66 CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. cerebrum and cerebellum, and for the spinal cord of Rodentia, Reptiles, and Fishes, the solution must be three or four times weaker. Spirit is used to wet the knife in making the sec- tions, which are placed in spirit for a few minutes, and then, if thin, floated on the surface of spirit of turpentine. Here they remain until they are quite or nearly transparent, when they are removed to glass slides, on which a little Canada balsam has been previously dropped. If now examined under the microscope, they frequently show but little traces of cells or fibres ; but if they be set aside for a time, and treated occa- sionally with a little turpentine and Canada balsam, the cells and fibres will reappear, and present a very beautiful ap- pearance. Before they are finally covered with thin glass, they should be examined at intervals under moderately high powers. If the sections be thick, I find it best to place them in a shallow vessel simply wet with turpentine, which can therefore ascend from below, while the alcohol evaporates from the upper surface ; for the principle of the method is this,—to replace the spirit by turpentine, and this by Canada balsam, without drying the sections. The method at first presents some difficulties, and practice is necessary for complete suc- cess; but when properly conducted, it affords many great advantages, which no other method that I am acquainted with can supply.* Not that I wish to imply that this, unhke every other method, is in every respect perfect ; nor do I always confine myself exclusively to its use; for whenever I find that chromic acid, alone, offers greater advantages on any particular point, I avail myself of it; as I do of any other means that appear most suitable for the occasion. Sometimes I find it useful to colour the sections, according to Gerlach’s plan, before they undergo the process already described, but I think it rather interferes with sharpness of the fibres. The sections should be washed free from the spirit employed in cutting them, and then immersed for a few hours in an ammoniated solution of carmine of a deep rose-colour, and previously filtered through paper ; for, with- out these precautions, a deposit or crust is apt to form on the object, in consequence of the precipitation of the carmine ; and for the same reason the section, on being removed from the carmine, should be again washed in water before bemg placed in spirit, and then in turpentine. Such were the carmine-coloured preparations which Messrs. * This method of rendering sections transparent has been adopted in Austria by Lenhossék (with some slight modification) ; by Gerlach, in Ger- many; and quite recently, by Schroeder van der Kolk, in Holland. CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. 67 Lister and Turner inspected, and made the subject of com- ment in the last number of this journal. It is true, that in the transverse sections the spiral arrangement around the axis-cylinders is frequently, but not always, very faint, in consequence, I think, of the aqueous solution of carmine in which they are immersed, and which probably allows the turpentine to have a greater influence on the white substance ; for in the wn-coloured preparations, when properly made, the spirals, or concentric circles, are most distinctly marked, and their outlines, as well as the intervening connective tissue, are more sharply defined than in any sections of the medulla simply hardened in chromic acid. Preparations of this kind are in the possession of several eminent physiologists, amongst whom I may mention Professor Hughes Bennett, of Edin- burgh; so that Messrs. Lister and Turner will have the opportunity of mspecting them. While the white substance of Schwann, however, is thus distinctly observable in trans- verse sections, it is often but faintly seen, and sometimes invisible, in longitudinal sections, unless the medulla be hardened in a peculiar way, by first using a weak, and then a very strong solution of chromic acid. But even the total loss of this substance would be of little or no importance in tracing the course of the fibres and their relation to other tissues, for their axis-cylinders are rendered more than naturally conspicuous and strong; while their sharpness of outline, the fine definition of the other tissues under high powers, and the advantage of examining them in sections of amazing thickness, fully compensate for a loss which may easily be supplied, when necessary, by some other mode of preparation. But, as already stated, whenever we wish to ascertain the natural appearance and structure of the nerve- tissues, we must abstain from all kind of preparation. Before I proceed further, however, I will briefiy explain the doc- trines of Stilling on the structure of nerve-fibre. In 1855, Stilling announced to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, as the results of his inquiries, that the whole of the primitive nerve-fibre—the membranous sheath, the white substance of Schwann, and the axis-cylinder—are composed of a continuous network of similar “ elementary tubules.’”’* * *Comptes Rendus.’ He also states that the finest branches into which the processes of the nerve-cells divide, resemble the “ elementary tubules” of the primitive fibres, and that the cells are connected with each other by their processes (p. 899). In the same volume (p. 956), M. Gratiolet informs the Academy that he described this anastomosis of the cell-processes as early as 1852. M. Gratiolet was evidently not aware 68 CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. In 1856, the detailed inquiries were published in a quarto volume, and illustrated by figures. The doctrines, though not refuted, were received with hesitation on the Continent. Kolliker speaks with caution on the subject. He says that neither Stillmg’s nor his own preparations have convinced him that the parts described and represented are tubular elements. But while he refuses to accept the “ questionable structure’ as a normal part of the nerve-fibre, he does not thereby wish to stop any further inquiry, and adds, that when we consider the researches of Schultze on the olfactory nerve, and those of Remak, Leydig, and Hiackel on the nerves of the invertebrata—researches which tend to show that the contents of the nerve-tubes either wholly or partially consist of fine fibres—we must be cautious in judging of state- ments like those of Stillmg.* Mr. Lister attempts to account for this fibroid arrangement by supposing it to arise from the crystallization of the fatty constituents of the white sub- stance during the process of hardening; but to me it does not appear to resemble anything of this description; for in form it frequently presents the appearance of a skein of thread more or less loosely tangled ; whereas, in the crystalli- zation of fatty substance, the fibres, however branched they may be, are not twisted and curled in different directions, but radiate in comparatively straight lines from a common centre. For two years after the publication of the work already mentioned, Stilling had his attention constantly directed to these nerve-fibres, while engaged in his recent work, in which we find him reproducing with the greatest confidence the same doctrines of nerve-structure, and devoting to their illustration an entire folio plate, contaiming no less than fifty-one figures, beautifully executed, and representing the appearances in question with the greatest accuracy. But before I proceed to the true explanation of these appear- ances, it will be better to give a little more particular account of Stilling’s latest descriptions, so that they may be more clearly seen to admit of this explanation.- 1. The nerve-sheath consists of a thick network of the finest tubules or fibres, which cross each other, communi- cate, and take the most varied direction. From this thick network the fibres run—many of them separately—both that two years earlier (1850) this anastomosis was described by myself, who, so far as | can find, was the first to announce the fact. (‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ 1851, part, ii, p. 614.) * *Gewebelehre” Dritte Auflage, 1859, p. 277. CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. 69. inwards and outwards. Those which run outwards become connected with the sheaths of the neighbouring nerve-fibres ; while those running inwards come into connexion with the medullary sheath (white substance of Schwann) and the axis-cylinder. 2. The white substance of Schwann consists of a number- less multitude of the finest fibres, which take the most varied course, but run mostly in oblique or in transverse directions, and establish a communication between the external sheath and the axis-cylinder. 3. The axis-cylinder consists of three layers, one within the other, each of which sends out, in horizontal and oblique directions, numberless ramifications, which cross the space, and so constitute the fibres of the white substance, and come into connexion with the so-called (external) sheath. Whether the inner or central portion of the axis-cylinder is hollow, or composed of the finest fibrils, is uncertain, but the latter is more probable. Besides the parts just described, each primitive nerve-fibre contains an oleagimous fluid, which hitherto was considered to be included between the external sheath and the axis- cylinder, as in a hollow space or vessel. But this fluid is, in all probability, contained in the finest tubules of the white substance, as well as in those of the axis-cylimder and the sheath.* The “elementary tubules” of which each primitive nerve- fibre is said to be composed are exceedingly small, varying from the 745th to the 355th of a line in diameter. Now it would be very difficult to account for the produc- tion of such elementary fibres as these under the influence of chromic acid, however disinclined we might be to acknow- ledge them as parts of the normal structure, until further proofs were adduced; and therefore, if we really admit their existence—whether they be tubules or only simple fibres,—and consider, atthe same time, the prolonged attention of Stilling to the subject, as well as the facts brought to light by Remak and others, we ought, I think, with Kolhker, to be cautious in pronouncing a decided judgment. But the question may be completely set at rest, for, as will presently be seen, these supposed elementary tubules, or fibres, have no actual existence whatever,—the appearances from which they have been inferred resulting solely from corrugations, ridges, or folds produced in the white substance by the action of the chromic acid. * ‘Neue Untersuch.,’ 4te Lieferung, p. 708. VOL, VIII. G 70 CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. The medullary sheath, or white semi-fluid, is semi-fiuid and exceedingly pellucid, of great refrangibility, extremely extensible, but inelastic, and of a peculiarly viscid nature, so that when its continuity is interrupted, or whenever it is in any way disturbed, it has little or no tendency to return to its original position; and, like other semi-fluid and viscid substances, may be drawn into fibres or into delicate expan- sions of extreme tenuity. In its natural position around the axis-cylinder (PI. IV, fig. a), its outer and inner surfaces (4, ¢), where they are seen side by side at the lateral parts of the fibre, give rise respectively to the outer and mner contour or line; but if it constituted the entire fibre, instead of only a layer around the axis-cylinder (a), it is evident that it would be bounded only by a single, outer contour, or dark line, on each side. Now a fold or ridge (fig. 1) raised up from the white substance presents to an eye looking down on its convex surface the same appearance as such a fibre would present; that is, it appears as a fine tubule or fibre bounded on each side by a single dark outline. When I directed my attention to nerves hardened in chromic acid, with the special view of ascertaining the cause of the fibroid appear- ance, I soon became convinced, from many reasons, that these so-called fibres are produced in the way I have just stated. The first peculiarity likely to strike an observer is the unnatural thickness of the layer of white substance, and consequently of the entire fibre (fig. 2). This increase in diameter would of course be attributed by Stillmg to the separation from each other of the so-called “ elementary tubules,’ which on that account have a more striking resemblance, at first sight, to actual fibres. But if these were really fibres, there would be vacant spaces between them, whereas they are all connected together by inter- vening portions of the hardened and brittle, but extremely transparent white substance. Nothing at first sight can look more like fibres or tubules than the loops at a a, fig. 2; and yet, on closer examination, they were found to be only the rounded borders of portions of the white substance pro- jecting from the surface; for they imclose a transparent layer which connects their edges with the rest of the primi- tive-fibre. On the opposite side, at 6, is seen what might easily be mistaken for a broken fibre; but it is nothing more than the broken edge of a projection similar to those at a a, with a transparent and almost imperceptible layer of white substance connecting it with the general surface. In fig. 3, at a, the same appearance is still more satisfactorily ex- plained ; for here a piece of the rounded border of the pro- CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. 71 trusion, with part of the transparent interior, has been broken off. It will be understood, then, that all the folds, ridges, or apparent elementary fibres represented in fig. 2, are connected together by an intervening layer of the white substance, which has a convex, concave, or some other kind of plane, surface. Sometimes the surface of a primitive- fibre, hardened in chromic acid, resembles a piece of parch- ment crumpled into a multitude of folds of different shapes and lengths, and loosely arranged around a central axis; and sometimes it presents very much the same appearance, and is indeed in the same condition, as the fissured bark of an old tree, or the shrivelled bark of a young twig torn while green from the parent stem. At the upper and broken end of fig. 2 the superficial parts of the folds or ridges have been brushed away, but the sharp edges of their bases may be distinctly seen. Fig. 3 represents a primitive-fibre deprived, in the same way, of the superficial parts of the folds, except at a; but the sharp and fractured edges of the subjacent substance from which they have been swept are very conspicuous, and have, in one place, a kind of spiral or concentric arrangement around the axis-cylinder, which axis is probably the cause that determines such an arrangement, under the corrugating influence of chromic acid. Figs. 4 and 5 represent two detached pieces brushed from the surface of a primitive-fibre. In both, the apparent ele- mentary tubules or fibrils are connected by a thin layer of white substance ; and in fig. 5, where this substance is bent in different planes, it is evident that every angular deviation from the plane surface gives rise to the appearance of tubule or fine fibre. Although quite satisfied with the above explanation of the appearances in question, I thought that if similar or nearly similar results could be produced in the fresh nerve-fibre by simple mechanical disturbance or manipulation, and without the use of any chemical agency, the facts would be un- deniably established. For the purpose of this inquiry, I examined on several occasions under the microscope some spinal nerves of the ox and of other animals, immediately after death, and moistened only with fresh serum of the blood. The primitive-fibres, when uninjured, had the well- known semblance of translucent tubes with double contours (as shown in fig. 6); and no traces of finer elementary tubules or fibrils could be discovered in them, even under high magnifying powers. But when the bundles of nerves were torn asunder, and finely separated by means of needles, the white substance assumed a great variety of appearances, 72 CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. which were manifestly due to nothing but simple mechanical disturbance. The injury was often limited to the sides of the fibre, and consisted only of indentations or fissures, which were sometimes plain and smooth, as in fig. 7, and sometimes, as in fig. 8, more or less twisted into spiral ridges, which had a considerable resemblance to fine ele- mentary fibrils. The white substance between the two contours, represented in fig. 9, had a completely spiral arrangement, and might, if insufficiently examined, have been compared to the fibres of a partially untwisted rope ; but it evidently consisted of a continuous mass, in the same con- dition as a twisted cylinder of glass, so that the appearance of fibrils or tubules was caused by the prominent edges of the spiral. Sometimes (as in figs. 10 to 15) two portions of the white substance between the double contour was drawn asunder to a variable distance, and in such a manner that the intervening and viscid lamina, or expansion, was thrown into a series of folds which might readily have been mis- taken for tubules. But these ridges or folds (represented by the light lines) were obviously continuous at their sides with the pearly transparent substance in the spaces between them. In fig. 16, a similar state of the fibre is very satis- factorily seen ; for the lower portion (a) between the separa- tion consists of fibre-like ridges, while the upper expansion (4) is only slightly undulated. When the nerve-fibre was stretched and dragged, or other- wise rudely handled, the wrinkles and undulations were not confined to its sides, but extended over its entire surface, as represented in fig. 17. Sometimes they originated from between the double contour, where the white substance was frequently fissured or indented, and after a short but various course, they flattened and subsided into the surrounding surface, or intercommunicated as apparent fibres in a kind of anastomosis. This last-mentioned appearance is remarkably well seen in fig. 18. At the upper part of the fibre, on the left side, the white substance was thrown into a convolution, which gave it the appearance of having two double contours at that spot. Lower down was a thick convex elevation or fold, which stretched transversely across from one double contour to the other; and on either side of this were nume- rous smaller folds of precisely the same kind, and having a remarkable similitude to anastomosing fibres. In some parts (see fig. 19) the surface of the fibre consisted entirely of large convolutions like those of the cerebral hemispheres ; while in other parts, as in fig. 20, these convolutions sub- divided into apparent fibres or tubules. Even when the CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. 73 contents of the nerve-fibre were squeezed out, they assumed the same diversity of form. Fig. 21 @ is a large globule of white substance variously wrinkled ; in two other globules (6 6) the surfaces have been thrown into a kind of network of wrinkles or folds, like the surface of the fibre, fig. 18. In the globule (c) the ridges have a spiral arrangement ; and at d, a fold or ridge arising from the inner contour, has exactly the appearance of a tubule or fine fibre ; but near the centre of the globule, it subsides into the smooth convex surface which surrounds it.* After I had observed all these appearances as the effects of manipulation, I carefully dissected another fresh nerve, and having selected some uninjured primitive-fibres, like the one represented in fig. 6, I introduced under the thin covering- glass a little acetic acid, and watched the result. The imme- diate effects were a multitude of very small depressions or pits, which showed like the fine marks of a mezzotinto engraving (see fig. 22). These were succeeded by deeper and larger depressions prolonged in different directions, so that the intervening elevations might have easily been mistaken for tubules. Sometimes these ridges were more or less longitudinal, but short, and resembled the elevations in the fissured bark of a tree (see fig. 22). Sometimes they ran transversely and obliquely, and joined in a complete network ; or turned about in loops, or in spirals like the spirals seen at the cut ends of fibres hardened in chromic acid (see figs. 22 and 23). It was evident that all these appearances were due to the same state of the white substance as that which has been shown to be produced by mere mechanical disturbance. * Stilling maintains that in the /resh nerve-fibre, the inner, like the outer contour, does not form a continuous or uninterrupted line, but splits in various ways, and sends processes to the axis-cylinder ; and that under a low power (his figures are magnified 1100 diameters) it seems to have a con- tinuous boundary line only because the “ elementary tubules or fibres” pro- ceeding from it cannot be seen on account of their extreme transparency in the fresh state. ‘“ Wenn man aber bei starkeren Vergrésserungen sorefaltig untersucht, so wird man finden, dass die innere Contour, eben so wie die fiussere, nicht stets eine linienformige Begranzung bildet, sondern vielfach unterbrochen ist, sich theilt, Fortsatze gegen den Axencylinder hin aus- sendet, und nach kiirzerem Verlaufe in Continuitat abgebrochen anscheinend aufhdrt, und dass sie nur deshalb den Auschein emer Begranzungslinie giebt, weil die nach innen wie nach aussen auslaufenden Fasern oder Rohrehen, wegen ihrer Durchsichtigkeit im frischen Zustande, nicht erkannt werden kénnen.” (* Neue Untersuch.,’ 4te Lief., pp. 730-31.) These divisions of the inner contour, as well as the processes or fibres which he believes it sends to the axis-cylinder, are nothing more than the indentations, cor- rugations, and folds shown in figs. 17 aud 18 to result from mere mecha- nical injury. 74 CLARKE, ON NERVE-FIBRE. With regard to the structure of the external or mem- branous sheath of the primitive nerve-fibre, there is some difference of opinion amongst anatomists. According to Schwann, and Todd and Bowman, it is a structureless, homo- eencous, and finely granular tissue; while Fontana, Valentin, Remak, Henle, and others, have described it as composed of fibres which cross each other in different directions. Ac- cording to my own observations, it consists of fibres of different shapes and sizes, but sometimes of such extreme delicacy, that when in close apposition they appear to be fused, as it were, into a homogeneous, finely granular, but nucleated membrane. Some of these fibres are broad, flat or riband-shaped, of a faint or shadow-like aspect, and spotted at intervals with exceedingly pale and delicate granules ; they are joined together at their edges and proceed from the whole breadth of their nuclei, which are occasionally oval, but generally very elongated and spotted with the same kind of granules as the fibres; they are frequently found covering, as with a continuous nucleated membrane, the entire surface of many of the smaller primitive-tubules. Other fibres composing the external sheath are of smaller diameter, but sometimes less delicate and branched; they proceed from the ends of their nuclei, which are also occasionally coarser and of darker outline. About two years back, while examining some sections of the spinal cord of the Calf and of other young animals, pre- pared according to my own method, I was surprised at finding that the whole of the white columns were studded with nucleated cells which adhered to the sheaths of the primitive- fibres, and occupied the spaces between them. Now, there is reason to believe that in the adult these ce//s become developed into filamentous tissue; for in the ox and other full-grown animals I found that the ced/s had disappeared, but that their nuclei were still present between the primitive- fibres.* In a short exposition which I gave, last summer, at the University of Edinburgh, of some of the most important points in the anatomy of the spinal cord, I alluded to the presence of these nucleated cells in the white columns. It appears, however, that Messrs. Lister and Turner were not * For further information on this subject, see my late Researches, read before the Royal Society in 1858, and published in the first part of the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ for the present year. I may also take this opportunity of calling attention to an Ouéline of the Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, published in No. iii, 1858, of Beale’s ‘Archives of Medicine,’ and written for the use of those who have not time for reading the more detailed treatises. ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACER. 75 able to find them or their nuclei in sections simply hardened in chromie acid, but noticed occasional nuclei on the sheaths of the fibres in the sciatic nerve. In most parts of the cord, when simply hardened in chromic acid, it is certainly very difficult to detect them ; for, being about the size of the cut ends of the smaller fibres and blood-vessels, they are scarcely distinguishable in the confused and badly defined matrix in which they are imbedded. Stilling, even with a magnifying power of 1100 diameters, has failed to detect these bodies in the cord of the Calf. But in preparations made according to my method they may be seen with the greatest facility under a power of 400 diameters, in consequence of the superior definition. Even with the simple use of chromic acid, however, they may be very readily found towards the lower end of the cord,—in the coccygeal region; for here the white columns are very much subdivided by numerous ramifying fissures containing pia mater and connective tissue, in which the cells or their nuclei abound. Description of Two New Srvsctres of Stavrastrem, by W. Arcuer; @ New Genus and Sprrctiss of Drsmipiaces, by the Rev. N. V. Dixon ; and some cases of ABNORMAL Growtu of Desmipiacex, by W. ARcHER. (Read before the Dublin Natural History Society, on Friday, June 3d, 1859; extracted from the ‘Natural History Review and Quarterly Journal of Science,’ for Oct. 1859.) In these days of cancelling from our lists, and their con- solidation with others, of numerous species, or reputed species, in the various walks of natural history,—and this, no doubt, in many cases, with much reason,—it may appear unjustifiable rashness and temerity on my part to come forward for the purpose of describing the following two new forms to be added to our lists of Desmidiaceze. But im a more extended point of view, in regard to what is a species and what is not, it seems to me that naturalists are prone to err in one of two direc- tions: they either restrict the number of species in their lists within too narrow limits, or imordinately imerease their number by giving a name and specific rank to almost every variation which they encounter. On the one hand, because, between two hitherto recognised distinct, but allied species, 76 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACE. there are occasionally found forms, as it were intermediate, connecting them, it 1s assumed that these two original forms must necessarily make but one species. On the other hand, those naturalists might possibly be not wanting who would feel inclined to consider not only the two original, but also one or several of those intermediate forms, as themselves species. Both extremes, as it seems to me, may be wrong. Might it not be expected to be the case that the limits of variation of each of the two original species, so nearly allied, might, so to speak, so touch each other at the margin, as to seem to unite them together, and give rise to the assumption, always plausible, but perhaps not always correct, that one of the original species could (and does), by aseries of transitions, pass into the other? If any one species become modified, is it not to be expected that the characters of the most nearly allied form, and not those of one remote in affinity, will be those which, to a greater or less degree, it will be likely to simulate? Under this hypothesis, the two original forms would still justly be considered true and distinct species—in contradiction to the opinion of the former class of naturalists —while the forms intermediate would be but variations (perhaps but of a temporary or local nature), some derived from one species, some perhaps from the other, and could by no means be looked upon as true species—in opposition to the views of the latter class of naturalists. I do not mean to intimate, when a hitherto acknowledged species is rejected, that I imagine the step always to be an erroneous one, for he who successfully demolishes the spurious claims of a mere book-species does science a good service ; but it seems to me that what I have tried to express is a state of things, the pos- sibility of the existence of which, by those who are anxious to suppress species, may sometimes be lost sight of or ignored. There can be no doubt, however (and especially amongst microscopic forms), that our lists are more or less encumbered with the redundant names of false species, which further research will doubtless eventually prove. Many forms which now pass under distinct names may hereafter be found not worthy to take specific rank in our systems. And here it is that the difficulty hes. In order to prove the identity of two reputed species, over which there hangs a doubt, not only must the happy opportunity be afforded of tracing the or- ganism through its whole course of life, but, on the part of the observer, the requisite leisure and patient assiduity must not be w anting. No doubt it is much easier to describe a new species than to demonstrate that two, or perhaps more, familiar forms are but ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACER. 77 different states or phases of one and the same organism. Nevertheless, when a form undescribed and quite distinct from any of its nearest allies in the same genus, and distin- guished by marks as decided and striking as those by which species, which are universally acknowledged, are separated, presents itself occasionally, perhaps abundantly, and which may as hkely be met with by other observers, it seems to me ‘right, nay essential, that it should be distinguished by a name, and its diagnostic characteristics carefully recorded. I offer the foregomg remarks,-which it may be proper to state were written considerably before the Hymenophyllum discussion arose, as apologeticformy venturing to bring forward the following description of two species of Staurastrum ; and yet, perhaps, they are not strictly applicable, for these new forms appear to me abundantly distinct from every other species, and in no way to be mistaken for mere mtermediate or gradational variations. 'To some, however, it may seem premature to describe them without knowing the sporangial state. It will be recollected, however, that, of very many of the species, as described in Ralfs’ ‘ British Desmidiez,’ the sporangium is not known, nor, when known, can there usually be important distinctions drawn from it. I trust the follow- ing may serve as a description of the new forms: Family DesMipiacE&. Genus Staurastrum, Meyen, Bréb., Ralfs, &ce. Staurastrum oxyacantha (sp. nov.) Specific characters: Frond rough with minute granules ; segments broadly fusiform, with incurved processes ; end view tri-radiate, each side having, disposed at equal distances, a pair of depressed, slender, subulate, acute spines. Locality: Pools near “ Sugar-loaf’ Mountain, on the Roundwood road ; rare. General description: Frond nearly as long as broad ; seg- ments rough, with minute granules, broadly fusiform, inner margin somewhat more turgid than the outer, and forming at constriction a broadly triangular notch, tapering at each side into a colourless process incurved or converging with that of the opposite segment, having the granules theron arranged in transverse lines, and cleft at the extremity ito three or four minute subulate spmes; frond furnished at ends upon each side with a pair of slender subulate, acute, depressed spines, which are apparent in the front view. End 78 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACER. view tri-radiate, having projecting from each side at equal intervals the parallel pair of spmes unaccompanied by others ; processes terminating each angle in this view, straight, elon- gate ; endrochrome restricted to the centre, triradiate. Length of frond, 745 of an inch; breadth, =4, to ;1,;; breadth of constriction z5,. Plate VII. Fig. 1, front view; fig. 2, end view. This form appears to me very distinct from any described. The presence of the conspicuous pair of acute spines pro- jecting from each margin at end view distinguishes it from all but Staurastrum vestitum, but in that species the spines, which are apparent only in the end view, are emarginate at the ends, and often accompanied by others of considerable size; and indeed, even the smaller are themselves often emarginate ; moreover, in the front view it differs by its converging process. It is also considerably smaller than Staurastrum vestitum, bemg not more than half its width, which diameter in that species greatly exceeds its length. The conyerging processes in front view are somewhat like those of S. cyrtocerum ; but in that species there are no spines at the ends of the fronds, and the processes in end view are not so much prolonged, and are curved in place of straight. The presence of the marginal spines in end view, and the incurved, not divergent, or parallel processes in the front view, distinguish this from S. paradoxum, S. gracile, and S. poly- morphum. Staurastrum nitidum (sp. nov.) Specific characters: Frond rough at the ends, with a series of papilla-like granules ; segments broadly elliptic; end view triangular; sides convex, with a submarginal series of papillz ; angles not inflated, mucronate. Locality : Pools near “ Sugar-loaf;” rare. General description: Fronds about as broad as long; seg- ments broadly elliptic, inner margin somewhat more turgid than the outer, sub-mammillate at each side, terminated by a mucro, and on the outer margin rough with a series of minute papillae, otherwise smooth; constriction forming a broad notch, with an acute angle ; end view triangular, sides convex, with an inwardly curved sub-marginal series of papillxe, their summits directed somewhat towards the angles ; angles not inflated, the last papilla forming a terminal mucro ; endochrome in both views disposed in a radiate manner ; gelatinous investment evident. ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEA. 79 Length of frond, 34, to z4,; breadth of frond, ~1,; breadth at constriction, 74,5 of an inch. Plate VII. Fig. 3, front view; fig. 4, end view. This, although not a complex form, owing to its brilliant and beautifully radiately-disposed endochrome (in front view almost in fillets), is an extremely pretty species. In end view its non-inflated mucronate angles and series of papille dis- tinguish it, I think, from every other Staurastrum. In front view it somewhat resembles S. asperum, Bréb., a, but the minute spines on the outer margin, in that species, are usually emarginate or cleft at the ends, or dilated, and the segments are not mucronate at each angle, nor is the endo- chrome radiately disposed. In the form in question, the convex sides, mucronate angles in end view, and granules not scattered, distinguish it from S. punctulatum. I do not think I need contrast it with any other species, and I believe that both the foregoing forms have only to be seen, when their perfect distinctness would be at once apparent. New Genus and Sreciss in the DESMIDIACER. I beg leave to submit to the notice of your Society the following account of a form of Desmid, which I have lately met with in this neighbourhood, and which I believe has not hitherto been described. The frond, as represented in Plate VII, figs. 5—7, is simple, compressed, with a deep and acute gaping constriction between its segments, which are three- lobed, the line separating the extreme from the basal lobes being parallel to the line of separation of the segments. It has no inflation on its surface, but exhibits on its margin a few mucronate spines. This form appears to me to be gene- rically distinct from both Micrasterias and Euastrum: from the former in the direction of the separation of its lobes, from the latter in the absence of inflations. In these characteristics it agrees with Micrasterias oscitans and M. pinnatifida, Ralfs, as well as with the form Holocystis oscitans, Hassall, de- scribed by Dr. Hassall, and referred to by Mr. Ralfs (‘ Bri- tish Desmidiex,’ pp. 69—77), and it is worth considering whether these forms should not be all grouped together in a new genus. Before proceeding, however, to give the com- plete description of this proposed genus and the three species which it would contain, I beg leave to offer a few remarks on the different manner in which the segments are divided in those Desmids which have lobed or divided segments, and 80 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACER, which for this reason I take the liberty of calling Schizomerous Desmids. The typical mode of division (as exemplified in Huastrum pinnatum, E.. oblongum, &c.) appears to be into three portions or subdivisions : the first, next the line of separation of the segments, extending across the frond, and embracing the two basal lobes; the second, including the median lobes; and the third, the extreme or end lobe. This last, or third sub- division, is the most constant. The two former are frequently represented by a mere sinuosity or shallow indentation where the third is distinctly developed, but we never find the first subdivision distinct, and the second and third imperfectly separated. The whole three, indeed, may be merely marked by shght sinuosities, as in Huastrum cuneatum, but if any one is separated, it is the third; and this, I may observe, is the order of development of the subdivisions in the growing seg- ment of the typical Micrasterias. The new segment is first hemispherical ; the third subdivision is then developed ; and afterwards the first and second are separated. For the purposes of description these three subdivisions might be denoted by the letters a, 6, ¢; and their partial or complete development marked as follows :—When the subdi- visions are distinctly separated, their symbols might be separated by commas, thus, a, b,c; when any two or more are merely marked by a sinuosity, they might be represented thus, a ~6; and if there is no trace of separation, thus, ad ; and if, at the same time, the direction of the lines separating the subdivisions were noted, the full description as regards the divisions of the segments would be given. Thus: Euastrum cuneatum would be represented by a~~b~ce. us pinnatum “ “s a, b, ce, parallel. i oblongum M3 < a, 6, ce, subraidal Micrasterias denticulata ,, a a, 6, ¢, radial Luastrum pectinatum : 3 a~b, cc, parallel. And our new form a 2, ab, c, parallel. The direction of the lines of separation of the subdivisions in the Schizomerous Desmids varies from parallelism to true radiation, and at the same time the intervals between the subdivisions close, so that in Micrasterias denticulata, rotata, and fimbriata, the frond appears almost entire with radial lines on its surface. I think regard ought to be had to this characteristic in placing the genera and species of Euastrum and Micrasterias between the filamentous forms on the one hand and the Cosmaria on the other; that the forms with parallel subdivisions should come first ; the Euastra, so well ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACES. 81 marked by their peculiar inflations, a few of which are parallel, but the majority subradial, next; and the Micras- terias last, terminating with the radial closed species, from which the transition would be easy to the Cosmaria, among which traces of radiation still appear im the endochrome of C. Ralfsii, in the ridged surface of C. undulatum, and the crenated margin of other species. The whole group of Schizomerous Desmids then might be distributed among three genera—the first containing MW. oscitans, M. pinnatifida, Ralfs, Holocystis oscitans, Hassall—if this be distinct from M. oscitans, which appears doubtful—and our new form ; the next being Euastrum, and the last Micrasterias. In conclu- sion, I beg to mention that I owe the drawing which accom- panies this paper to the kindness of Mr. Archer, whom I consulted when I first met with the new form under discus- sion, and to whom I forwarded the gathering in which it occurred for further examination; and that the following detailed generic and specific descriptions have been drawn up by the same gentleman. Family Dusmiviacez. TETRACHASTRUM (gen. nov.)* Generic characters: Frond simple, compressed, deeply divided into two three-lobed segments; the basal lobes pro- jecting horizontally, broadest within and attenuated outwards ; end lobe expanded into two lateral attenuated projections parallel in their direction with the basal lobes ; ends straight, or convex, or having at the middle of the rounded ends a very slight concavity. General generic description: The fronds are simple, as long as or longer than broad, compressed, without inflations, deeply divided into two segments by a constriction, forming a broad acute-angled notch; each segment constricted by a broad notch or sinuosity upon each side into two subdivisions forming three lobes, the basal lobes broadest within and attenuated outwards, not radial, but extending horizontally * From rérpaya, in four parts, in reference to the fourfold division of the fronds, which is most conspicuous in 7. oscitans and 7. pinnatifidum, and dorpov, a star. This latter term, in its usual sense of a radiate form, is not a descriptive one, as applied to our new genus; but I adopt it because it occurs in the names of the other two genera of the same group, and 1 wish to mark their mutual affinity. Moreover, the term dorpoy is not more inapplicable, on this ground, to the fronds of the proposed genus than it is to those of several species of Euastra,—Z. cuneatum, &c., for instance.— R. V.D. 82 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEX. and parallel in their direction with those of the opposite seg- ment; the end lobe expanded laterally into two attenuated projections, which are horizontally disposed, and parallel in their direction with that of the basal lobes, so that the entire frond is of a pimnatifid character; the ends of the fronds convex, straight, or having at the middle a very slight con- cavity or depression, not emarginate. Tetrachastrum mucronatum (sp. nov.) Specific characters: Frond longer than broad; ends rounded, having a slight central concavity; end lobe having its lateral projections terminated by a mucro; basal lobes broadly and bluntly triangular, having at their magin at each side either one, two, or three minute mucro-like spines ; empty frond punctate, the puncta scattered. Symbol: ad, ¢, parallel (vide supra). Locality : Bog near Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone. Measurement: Length of frond, ;3,; greatest width, 4; ; width of neck, 54; ; diameter at constriction, s$>; greatest depth, 3345 of an inch. Plate VII.—Fig. 5, front view with endochrome ; fig. 6, empty frond; fig. 7, outline of side view; fig. 8, outline of transverse view. General description: The frond in this species is large, smooth, entire, about one fourth longer than broad; in the front view divided into two segments by a deep constriction, forming an acute-angled straight-sided notch, not linear, but broadest at the outside. The segments are constricted about two thirds of the way from the base by a rounded sinuosity, causing the basal lobes to be of a bluntly triangular outline, straight on the lower, turgid or convex on the upper margin, and furnished thereon with one, two, or three minute mucro- like spines, one always at each basal angle. The basal lobes slope upwards to form a broad neck, wniting the terminal lobe to the basal portion: supposing the end to be absent, the frond would be orbicular. The lateral projections of the end lobe have their extremities tipped by a mucro, and somewhat projected downwards. Ends of the fronds conyex with a gentle central concavity. In the side view the frond is smooth, about four times longer than its greatest depth; the central constriction is rather deep; the segments in this view ovate, turgid near the constriction, somewhat tapered towards the ends, which are rounded. ‘The transverse view is broadly fusiform ; the endochrome rich green, with scattered granules. The empty frond is punctate, the puncta scattered. ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEA. 83 By attention to the generic characters as given above, this species can of course be readily distinguished from every other Desmidian, Micrasterias oscitans, Ralfs, and M. pinnatifida, Ralfs, excepted. The presence of the marginal mucronate spines, and of those terminating the lateral projections of the end lobe, combined with the absence of the incised extre- mities, as well as the frond being longer than broad, at once distinguish this from both those species, which, as a matter of course, I here include in this genus. It may be advisable here to transcribe from ‘The British Desmidiez’ (pages 76, 77) the specific characters of both those two species, the first under the name of— Tetrachastrum oscitans = Mic. oscitans, Ralfs, Holocystis oscitans, Hassall. “Frond with convex ends [segments constricted], lobes [horizontal] conical, bidentate.” The characters here placed between brackets become generic by transferring this species to this new genus, but as it was included in Micrasterias by Ralfs, they were necessarily introduced as specific distinctions from the proper species of that genus. From the remarks in the preceding part of this paper on the new genus, it will, I hope, be admitted that they are really generic. In order to distinguish this species from Tetrachastrum mucronatum, they are not requisite, as the bidentate extremities to the lobes, with the absence of the mucros, and the frond being nearly about as broad as long, readily do so. The remaining species will be— Tetrachastrum pinnatifidum = Micrasterias pinnatifida, Ralfs. “Frond plane, its ends straight [segments deeply con- stricted], lobes [horizontal] triangular, bidentate.” The same characters which distinguish the preceding species from Tetrachastrum mucronatum also separate this, which is moreover much smaller. It appears to differ from the pre- ceding by its much smaller size, straight or slightly concave ends, more tapering lobes, and paler colour. There can be no doubt, it is imagined, that the view taken above is correct in defining this genus as three-lobed, that is, with two basal lobes and a laterally expanded terminal lobe, and not four-lobed, that is, counting the lateral projections of the end lobe as two, which would involve the necessity of 84 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACE. describing these forms as truncate, and without a terminal lobe. The end lobe in these forms is equivalent to the same portion in Micrasterias rotata, or M. Crux-Melitensis, and differs by having its more extended lateral projections not divergent, but, as above described, projecting horizontally and . parallel in direction with the attenuated basal lobes. The following synopsis of the Schizomerous Desmidian genera, and of the species of Tetrachastrum, will, it is hoped, assist I conveying, in a succinct manner, the views put forward above, as well as the end sought to be accomplished in the present paper by the institution of the genus. Frond lenticular, as long as or longer than broad ; segments usually semi- orbicular, five- or rarely three-lobed (with three, or rarely two subdivi- sions, a, b, c, or a~~b, c); lobes radiant, incised or dentate, rarely only sinuate, widening outwards ; central constriction usually linear. Micrasterias. (Vide ‘ Brit. Desmidiez,’ p. 68, et seq.) Frond longer than broad ; segments more or less conical, five- or three- lobed, or sinuated (with three or two subdivisions, either a, b, c, or a~~b, c, or ab, c, or rarely abe), possessing variously disposed, cir- cular, inflated prominences; ends emarginate, or rarely with merely a concavity; central constriction Frond simple, com- pressed, deeply con- stricted, segments lobed or sinuate (Schizomerous) ; lobes either incised, sinuate, or entire. iste! Eugesiiee (Vide ‘ Brit. Desmidiez,’ p. 78, et seq.) Frond about as long as or longer than broad ; segments three-lobed (with two subdivisions, ad, c), without inflated prominences; basal lobes horizontal, attenuated out- wards, end lobe expanded laterally, its lateral projections parallel in direction with the basal lobes ; ends straight or rounded, entire ; central constriction forming an acute-angled spreading notch : ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACE, 85 Tetrachastrum. Frond longer than broad; segments constricted about two- thirds of the way from the base; lobes mucronate, their extremities not bidentate. Mucronatum. Frond as broad as or slightly broader than long; segments constricted about half-way from the base; lobes not mucronate, their extremities bidentate. Frond with convex ends ; lobes conical; colour rich green. Oscitans, Frond with straight ends, plane; lobes triangular; colour pale. Pinnatifidum. Noricr of some Casrs of ABNoRMAL GrowtH in the DeEsMIDIACES. Ir has occurred to me that the accompanying sketches, representing an abnormal mode of growth in the Desmidiaceze, exhibiting, as they do, an appearance so curious and unusual, might possess some interest for the students of that family. I am aware that, in Mrs. Herbert Thomas’s interesting communication (‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ vol. ii, plate v, figs. 17 and 18), that lady has figured a very similar case in Cosmarium margaritiferum to that shown ’ in my drawing of Staurastrum dejectum; yet I have thought it might be worth while to figure some examples of the phenomenon still farther carried out in other genera, al- though it may he quite possible that even more curious aberrations may have been met with by other observers. The first case of this mode of malformation to which I shall direct attention is a monstrosity of a variety of Micrasterias Jenneri (Plate VII, fig. 9). Here the inter- vening growth, produced after the mode which prevails in the Desmidiacez, between the two older segments of the original frond, and which, in the normal condition, ought to have formed two new segments, forms a somewhat quadrate expansion, but has not assumed any definite outline. We find it within filled with endochrome, similar to the parent segments, to about the dimensions of one of which it has attamed. It is about the simplest form of the irregularity under consideration which I have to bring forward; the intervening new portion forming only an irregular, shapeless growth. I here wish to draw attention in passing to the form itself VOL. VIII. H 86 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEX. (fig. 9), a fair idea of which in the normal state can be obtained by imagining the irregular central growth as absent, and the two older segments in apposition. It will be seen that this variety agrees with Micrasterias Jenneri, Ralfs, variety 3, in the superficial granules being somewhat large, giving a somewhat dentate or roughish appearance to the margin, but it differs from both varieties, a and 8, by its lateral lobes not beg bipartite, and of course wanting their emarginate subdivisions. Thus, if Mr. Ralfs justly “called this species, both a and £, puzzling, the drawing before us exhibits a form even more so (vide ‘ British Desmidiex,’ p- 76). On account of the lobes not being incised, as just pointed out, this form (of course I need not repeat that I do not allude now to its abnormal irregularity) becomes, I think, likely to be mistaken for an Euastrum, to which genus it closely approaches through E. oblongum. Nor is the resemblance lessened by there occurring occasionally speci- mens with the incisions between the segments, not linear, and, therefore, the lobes not closely approximate, but spreading and sinuously lobed. However, the absence of any infla- tions, when viewed laterally, as well as the want of a terminal linear notch, though there is a slight concavity or depression at the ends, whilst the lobes are cuneate and more radiant, exclude this form from Euastrum. I would here then, take the opportunity to characterize this plant thus :— Micrasterias Jenneri, Ralfs, var. y. Granules giving a rather rough appearance to the margin, lateral lobes concave, not bipartite, without emarginate sub- divisions. Locality: Bog, near Carrickmore, county of Tyrone. This very interesting variety occurred in the gathering kindly forwarded to me by the Rev. R. V. Dixon, and which also contained his new form, Tefrachastrum mucronatum. In the monstrosity of Staurastrum dejectum, as shown in the drawing (fig. 10), we have both the new segments well developed, ‘and each possessing im the front view its own proper laterally projecting spines; but the interposed seg- ments remain confluent throughout a portion of their ter- minal margins, forming a bluntly triangular notch at the sides, the whole making but one entire cavity, with the endochr ome loosely scattered within. In the next case, that of Arthrodesmus incus (fig. 11), the resulting fusion of the new growth, which ought to have formed two new segments, is even greater than in the preceding instance, so that the ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACES. 87 monstrosity almost represents an individual of three seg- ments, so to speak. Here the interposed new growth has formed, projecting to each side, but one angle, looking as if but one new segment only had been formed, whereas, it must be due really to both segments and spines of the recently-grown portion being confluent. Of this malforma- tion of A. incus I have on several occasions scen specimens. In the next drawing, showing a remarkable monstrous erowth of Huastrum didelta (fig. 12), we have a case some- what similar to the preceding, but presenting additional odd aberrations. The upper and lower portions of the figure represent the side view of the older segments; between them the new growth has been formed; but here not only does the direction of the axis of growth assume a course at right angles to the older segments, but, what is curious, the plane of the new growth is at right angles to that of the older. In other words, the new growth, which has formed almost what might be called a new frond, not only has its ends projecting at right angles to the ends of the original one, but it also presents a front view, while the older segments show a side one. The interposed new growth, projecting laterally, has formed the usual linearly notched ends of the species, but one of them has assumed a twist obliquely out of the straight direction. The irregular space towards the centre of the specimen, as represented in the figure, denotes a portion of the side of the boundary wall, which, upon its inner surface, is there desti- tute of chlorophyll granules, affording an opportunity to look mto the central cavity, which thereabouts is more or less empty, but the entire specimen beig otherwise, and to all extremities filled with endochrome, in the ordinary manner, as In a normal individual. I exhibit a nearly similar case in Ewastrum insigne (fig. 13) ; but the new growth has not assumed a different plane from the old, and it is not so deformed in appearance. Of this monstrosity I have met with two examples. The remaining case 1s represented by the two drawings which show a state of Tetmemorus Brebissonii (figs. 14 & 15), somewhat similar to the preceding condition of Huastrum didelta and E. insigne. In one the intervening growth has caused the old segments to become somewhat twisted in regard to each other, and, as in the preceding instances in Euastrum, it has assumed a direction at right angles to the axis of the older segments. The last sketch, (fig. 15,) which represents a second instance met with by me of this phenomenon in the same species, shows that the lateral extremity to the right is really what ought to have been normally the new segment on 88 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEZ. a line with the lower older segment, and that projecting to the left the same for the upper, by reason of the fresh acces- sion to the mass of endochrome, with its central series of corpuscles, being continued in an uninterrupted, curved man- ner from each of the older segments into the new. But the new laterally projecting segments do not in either instance form an equally armed cross, for what is wanting in their length as well as breadth, as compared with the old, goes to make up a somewhat quadrate central inflation. Tetmemorus not being a compressed form like Euastrum, there is not the same opportunity for the change of plane of growth shown by the case in that genus (fig. 12), but that the new growth has assumed a slight twist, is shown by the different relative positions of the terminal emarginations. The first figure of an abnormal Tetmemorus (fig. 14), shows another state, though not bearing any connexion with the curious aberration of the external form, and that is the disposition of the cell-contents. The entire endochrome has become transformed ito four green and four brown bodies, the latter the smaller, and smooth in outline. This, how- ever, does not appear to have any dependence on the external abnormal condition, for I have frequently noticed the same transformation of the cell- contents, especially in this species, in the ordinary normally formed individual, as well as in many other species—for instance, in Te¢memorus levis, Micras- terias denticulata, Euastrum didelta, several Closteria, and many others ; and often to the entire absorption of the cell- contents to produce these spore-like bodies. In Tetmemorus Brebissonii! have seen from one to a dozen or soof these bodies, more often four only, sometimes green, sometimes red, and sometimes alternately red and green. JI have not been able to see any further development of those spore-like bodies. The abnormal specimen from which the figure was taken I kept on a slide moistened for many weeks, but no alteration took place in this or any other respect, save that the red bodies, from being undefined, grew more and more smooth in out- line. These are, doubtless, similar productions to those figured in the ‘ British Desmidiew,’ pl. iv, fig. f, as oecur- ring in Desmidium Swartzii. There, however, there is but one spore-like body formed in each joint. I have myself met with this species in the state so admirably figured in Ralfs ; and though I kept the specimens for some time living no further alteration took place beyond the decay of the old filament ; and the spore-like bodies themselves subsequently perished. Bodies, which I suppose are of a similar nature, as is well known, are occasionally met with im species of ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEZ. 89 Spirogyra, and which, as here, not being the result of con- jugation, are formed by either a portion or the whole of the green contents of a single joint being absorbed in their pro- duction, and are spherical and spinous. My friend, Mr. Edward Crowe, lately showed me specimens of Zygnema, in which the entire cell-contents of many joimts of the fila- ments had become consolidated into a globose or somewhat pear-shaped and smooth spore-like body, which, by expansion in one direction towards one side, eventually burst through the boundary-wall, emerging into the surrounding water by the rupture thus effected. Mr. Crowe informs me that he was not able to trace their ultimate destiny, as they indeed perished before undergoing any further development. It is probable that these bodies, both in the Desmidians to which I have above alluded, as well as the similar productions in the above-mentioned Zygnemacze, in each case formed with- out conjugation, are Gonidia, by which the organisms may be severally propagated.—It may not be out of place to men- tion here that I have several times noticed in Clostertum lunula the entire cell-contents transformed into a dense longi- tudinal series of flask-shaped bodies, with their narrow necks projecting to the outer wall, precisely similar to those figured by Carter (‘Annals of Natural History,’ 2d series, vol. xvii, p. 114, pl. ix, fig. 9), as occurring in Spirogyra, also by Henfrey (‘ Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci.,’ vol. vii, p. 27, pl. ili, fig. 12), as occurring in his Chlorosphera Oliveri, equivalent, I think, to Eremosphera viridis (de Bary) ; and T imagine also the same as the unicellular alga mentioned by Hofmeister in his paper ‘ On the Reproduction of the Des- midiz and Diatomez,’ translated im ‘ Annals of Natural History’ (vol. i, 3d series, p.1, January, 1858). In my specimens of Closterium lunula alluded to, the longitudinal mass of these flask-shaped bodies more than once has sug- gested to me the hanks of onions as seen hanging up in the market. I have never seen them, however, to produce what Professor Henfrey considered the spermatozoids in his Chlorosphzra, which plant, as I have before elsewhere stated (‘ Natural History Review,’ vol. v, p. 258), though then without knowing that De Bary and Henfrey had named it, is of common occurrence in our district—Another curious growth in the interior of Closteriuwm lunula I would just notice. I refer to the production, within the otherwise empty frond, of a slender jointed filament, contorted and twisted in every direction, and occasionally inosculating; the joints without any apparent contents, save a very few green granules, scattered at considerable intervals. This I should imagine a 90 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACEX. parasitic growth, possibly at the expense of the original cell- contents, though it is questionable how the germ could find an entrance into the apparently uninjured cell. Such I also thought the flask-shaped bodies above-mentioned, until I met with Professor Henfrey’s remarks on the phenomenon in Chlorosphzra, nor does it quite appear that his conjecture is altogether proven. Before attempting, in a measure, to account for the above described curious external aberrations from the normal form, it will, I think, be well briefly to draw attention to the mode of division in this family of Desmidiaceze. So far as I can make out, there can be little doubt that in these plants the first step in the process of division is the formation of a sep- tum at the central space or isthmus, whereupon the segments become gradually removed more distant from each other by the growth of a new cell-wall being interposed between them, eventually forming two new segments. At first the new growth is simple in outline, and pale in colour, but afterwards assumes the characteristic, more or less complex form and degree of tint of the species, and becomes filled with endo- chrome, exactly similar to the older segments; in the free species separation taking place, each older segment bearing with it a new one, to replace that from which it has been separated by the above-mentioned process of growth. Ac- cording to Hofmeister (loc. cit.), “the new halves are at first lined only by the protruded portions of the pellicle of the con- tents belonging to the older half cells,” and “it is the margin of the half shells which constitute the rings evident in many species, e.g. Closterrum, Docidium,” &c. I believe that the portion of each new segment first formed to be the end-lobe, beneath which, at each side, are then gradually evolved the lateral lobes. Nor can it be that certain specimens in Micrasterias and Euastrum, occasionally met with, are more than an apparent exception to this, in which the end-lobe is not only seemingly absent, but in which, in its place, a more or less deep sinus exists. For I should think the phenomenon referred to is due to the arrest of growth of the end-lobe, and which, not keeping pace with the expansion of the lateral lobes, is left behind, thus producing the sinus. I would here like to remark, parenthetically, that I do not find that Hofmeister, in his paper alluded to, makes any refe- rence to the circumstance of there being, occasionally at least, cast off, immediately after division, from each of the new segments a loose transparent coat, sometimes looking almost like two empty segments, with their ends towards each other, or back to back. What I refer to is well shown by Mrs, ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACE. 91 Herbert Thomas (loc. cit., plate v, figs. 13 and 21) in the object of her study, Cosmarium margaritiferum and C. Thwaitesii. I have seen similar in other species, especially smooth ones, such as Cosmarium Ralfsii, Cosmariumundulatum, &ec. It does not appear to me evident what this pellicle-hke production may be. It seems to me to be possibly only, as it were, the matrix of gelatine formed during the act of division and fresh growth, which may have become denser and firmer, and from which the fronds then emerging and leaving it behind, gives rise to a membranous appearance with the doubly cup-shaped outline; or it may possibly be a secretion deposited superficially during growth, even more comparable than the usual gelatinous investment to what in the higher plants is called “cuticle,” and which in them is occasionally separable by peculiar treatment. In the growing Desmidians referred to, however, this investing pellicle-like production does not extend beyond the new segments, ceasmg at the sutures. It is sometimes particularly remarkable m Docidium (in D. clavatum I have noticed it), because it forms two lengthened tubes (each, indeed, as long as one of the new segments, and closely applied thereto), in apposition at the closed ends and open at the opposite, from out of which the fronds are to emerge, and indistinguishable till the process has commenced. ‘This may be witnessed under the microscope during its accomplishment, when it is seen that near the open ends the cast-off tube is of a slightly undulated outline; being, in fact, a cast from the new segments. In this species the segments appear to me to possess one or two slight basal inflations, though described as with only one in ‘ British Desmidiee.’ I believe it, however, to be quite distinct from D. Ehrenbergii. Whether a hyaline pellicle-like investment, sometimes met with, entirely surrounding certain single indi- viduals, and apparently like a loose tunic, is anything analo- gous to the above-mentioned production, I cannot pretend to say; but I have occasionally seen such in some species,—for example, Euastrum didelta. 'This mvolving cyst does not follow the boundary of the form, but is of a rounded or oval outline, and generally, when I have noticed it, the contained frond seemed to have lost vitality, the endochrome being brownish. What I allude to is not to be mistaken for the gelatinous investment surrounding the frond in so many Des- midian species, being altogether different from anything of the sort seen in fresh specimens. Possibly, like the former, it may be due to its consolidation—here producing, by a pro- cess of superficial condensation, as it were, a kind of skin, from beneath which the intervening gelatinous substance has 92 ARCHER AND DIXON, ON DESMIDIACE®, been absorbed. I hazard such a conjecture the more, because something very like this seems actually to occur in some species of Gleeocapsa, or alhed forms, in which the concentric gelatinous layers seem to harden into so many frangible investments. In the foregomg very brief account of the mode of cell- division which occurs in this family, it will be noticed that I look upon the formation of a septum at the isthmus as the preliminary or initial step in the process. Now it appears to me that the accompanying figures represent individuals, which, having taken on them the vegetative growth, or effort to repeat themselves by transverse division, through some inexplicable cause have omitted the formation of a septum. This not having taken place simultaneously with the vegetative activity being aroused, which, being in full energy, the frond in each case proceeded to the development of new growth, which, according to the law which prevails in this family, took place, as usual, between the older segments. In consequence, therefore, the resulting formation consisted of but one cavity, and fresh endochrome being added,they each became entirely filled. Nor do I think some instances lately under obser- vation, and to which I will just allude, are a contradiction to this. Specimens of Pentium cylindrus, to all appearance per- fectly healthy, and manifestly undergoing growth, lately occurred to me; of these, a few individuals presented them- selves, in which various stages of the new growth, produced in the usual manner in this species on a line with the older segments, had been accomplished, m some cases the fronds having attained to double the ordinary length—but im none of the instances referred to was any appearance of a septum evident. That the fronds had added to their length by recent new growth was proved by its usual colourless cell-wall, as compared with the red-tinted older segments. That there was no septum was proved by the granular particles partaking of a circulatory motion at and past the central point; and indeed, when present, it is readily seen as a transverse line. No further alteration took place in these specimens kept for some time on a slide. Notwithstanding their not very unusual appearance, for the absence of the central septum was not very striking, and might not be noticed at first sight, unless closely looked into, as well as there bemg no external aberration in form, it appears to me that the specimens of Penium cylindrus alluded to were so many illustrations of the same abnormal mode of growth, extreme cases of which I have tried to depict in the drawings. For I cannot easily understand, without the original separation of the primordial BRIGHTWELL, ON DIATOMACE. 93 utricle with the contents, and the formation round it at the ends of new cell-wall, how an articulation could exist to allow of the ultimate separation into two fronds of the old segments with the portion that should appertaim to each of the newly grown structure. What causes the change in the direction of the axis of growth in the specimens represented by some of the figures, does not appear to me so readily to be accounted for. In each case I should suppose the plant would cease to grow, and the abnormal individual perish, unless, deed, each or any might be supposed to possess the power of afterwards forming a septum at the suture connecting the newly-grown portion with the older segments, a second new growth becoming then interposed, and the central misshapen structure thus becoming eliminated. On some of the Rarer or Unvescrisep Species of D1aro- mMacem. Part II. By T. Bricutweut, F.L.S: 16. Actinocyclus areolatus.—Valve with a single spine or projection on the upper margin of each area of the disc. Varies in size from -023 to ‘043. (Plate V, fig. la, 16.) The latter an assumed diagram of a front view. Omphalopelta areolata, Ehr.—In shell cleanings and guano not unfrequent. Closely allied to A. wndulatus—Myr. T. West says the spines or projections are often seen on alternate areas of the dise only. 17. Actinocyclus trilingulatus.— Valves very convex, divided into six segments, alternately elevated and depressed. The elevated segments gradually rise from the circumference to near the centre, where they are rounded off; each alternate segment has a sub-marginal row of dots, or truncated pro- cesses. Surface delicately punctato-striate, ‘035 to -073. (Pl V, fig. 2; 2a, front view; 26, front view, in self- division.) Of this large and beautiful species a few specimens have been found in shell cleanings, West Indies. “ 18. Actinocyclus spinosus, n. sp.—Convex, valves of. six segments, alternately slightly elevated and depressed; a few 94 BRIGHTWELL, ON DIATOMACEX. spines are occasionally detected in the margin ; each segment with one or two elevated processes ; umbilicate, with the sur- faces of the valve, except the umbilicus, punctate. Diameter ‘064 to ‘077. Shell cleanings. 19. Actinophenia splendens, Shadbolt.—Valve with two plates, one with very fine oblique markings, the other with much coarser markings, arranged in a somewhat pinnate manner. (Pl. VI, fig. 15.) A common species, varying greatly in size and number of segments. Brick fields, Caermarthen, Mr. Okeden. Very fine. Syn.—Actinocyclus octodenarius,and numerous other species of Ehrenberg :—Actinocyclus duodenarius, sedenarius, octode- narius. Actinocy yclus sedenarius, Roper (‘ Mier. J ourn.,’ vol. 1, pl. VI, fig. 2).—Mr. Roper’s fieure is unsatisfactory, giving only the fine markings. (Smith, ‘Syn. Brit. Diat., ” vol. il, Appendix, p. 86.) Professor Smith has published, with doubts as to their distinctness, the three species named above, which are certainly only varieties. It is unfortunate that he should have transferred these names from the genus Actinoptychus, in which they were placed by Ehr., to that of Actinocyclus, creating thus the greatest confusion. Ehren- berg’s Actinoptychus duodenarius, sedenarius, bioctodenarius, we believe to be totally different from the form in question. 20. Actinoptychus interpunctatus, n. sp.— Valves with an in- definite number of double rays, running from the centre to near the circumference, the rays composed of short broken lines, the imterstices between the pairs of rays filled up with minute puncta, or dots. (Pl. VI, fig. 17.) Hab. West Indies ; Monterey; New Zealand. Not an uncommon marine species, from various localities, and allied to Hupodiscus Ralfsii and Eup. sparsus. The true species of this and the preceding genus we believe to be few, while Ehrenberg, falling mto the extra- ordinary error of viewing every variety in the number of rays or septa as a species, has made a fresh nomenclature and a new description of nearly all the species necessary. 21. Asterolampra Marylandica.—A variety with six seg- ments, the normal number being eight. (Pl. V, fig. 3.) 22. Aulacodiscus sculptus (Eupodiscus sculptus), Smith.— (Pl. V, fig. 5, a front view.) Not often seen; and not before figured in this aspect, to our knowledge. BRIGHTWELL, ON DIATOMACE®. 95 23. Aulacodiscus radiatus, Bailey. — This is the true Eupodiscus radiatus of the late Professor Bailey, as ascer- tamed by authentic specimens. (See Mr. Roper’s remarks in ‘Micro. Journ.,’ vol. xix, pp. 19 and 262.) (Pl. V, fig. 10a, side view ; 4, diagram of front view.) 24. Aulacodiscus levis.—A variety with eight, instead of four processes. Alhed to Scader, but differs in the surface, being perfectly smooth. (Pl. VI, fig. 13.) 25. Hyalodiscus cervinus, n. sp.—Valve, with exceedingly minute puncta, or dots, scattered over the whole surface ; centre, convex; valves, fawn coloured. Diameter, *054 to 7085. (Pl. V, fig. 9.) Arctic regions, Dr. Sutherland. Shell cleanings, West Indies. Not uncommon. The peculiar lines mentioned by Bailey in his description of H. subtilis, as characteristic of that species, cannot be detected in this, which, in other respects, agrees with it. Mr. T. West says, with the greatest care and best sight, he cannot detect these lines. 26. Craspedodiscus pyxidicula, Ehr.—Diameter of the valve, ‘049; of the inner punctate portion, ‘021. (Pl. V, fig. 4.) Guano, South America. We take this to be the species referred to. The central third part of the valve is slightly punctate, the puncta diminishing till they almost disappear in the centre. The residue of the valve with regular hexagonal reticulations. 27. Craspedodiscus marginatus, n. sp.—Valve, with a broad impunctate margin, having about twenty rays, terminating outwardly in small semicircles; residue of the valve minutely punctate. Diameter, ‘037. (PI. V, fig. 7.) Bar- badoes earth. 28. Craspedodiscus semiplanus, n. sp.—Margin very broad, with faint radii and puncta. One-half of central part of the valve smooth, the remainder with four or five radu. Dia- meter, (024 to ‘035. (Pl. VI, fig. 12.) Barbadoes earth. The margin is sometimes found impunctate. 29. Craspedodiscus coronatus, n. sp.—Centre of the valve a small circle, enclosed by a rim of large square puncta, and having within smaller puncta, diminishing in size towards the central point. Outer portion of the valve minutely punctate. Diameter, ‘022 to ‘068. (PI. V, fig. 6.) Barbadoes earth. 96 BRIGHTWELL, ON DIATOMACEX. This very beautiful species has occurred occasionally, but only in a broken state. 30. Cyclotella stylorum, n. sp.—Valve with the central circle punctate, and with styliform rays diverging from it, each ending near the margin in a large circular head. Diameter, ‘019 to 0°3, the former the common size. (Pl. VI, fig. 16a, side view; 6, front view.) River Rohelle, Sierra ‘Leone. Common. 31. Cyclotella radiata, n. sp.— Valve, end view, with simple, strongly-marked radii, about 14 in -001. Front view, with the ends of the radii appearing as puncta. Diameter, ‘018 to ‘023. (Pl. VI, fig. lla, end view; 4, front view.) Shell cleanings, West Indies. As many as ten frustules have been found in union, leaving it doubtful whether this may not belong to the next genus. 32. Orthosira oceanica (Endictya oceanica), Ehr.—Dia- meter, ‘027 to ‘035. (Pl. VI, fig. 16a, end view; 4, front view.) Common in various gatherings, but not yet recog- nised as British, unless the valve figured by Dr. Gregory (Clyde Diat., pl. 1, fig. 47) be this form, which appears pro- bable. A large and coarse species: it is seldom that more than two or three valves are found united, and these are not of the same frustules, so that the union by the connecting membrane would seem to be the strongest. 33. Stephanogonia polygona, Ehr.—Valve, with central portion impunctate and much elevated, united to the margin by an indefinite number of rays, the spaces between which are sometimes found to be very faintly punctate. Diameter, 015 to ‘025. (PL. V, fig. 8a, side view ; 4, front view.) Richmond Earth, Virginia, N. A. Common. From the peculiar form of this imteresting species, it happens that it is seldom seen in any but an oblique position. TRANSLATIONS. Tur Mycerrozoa.—A contribution towards the knowledge of the lowest Animals. By Dr. Anton De Bary. Dr. De Bary’s object in the above paper, is to prove that the tribe of organisms, heretofore brought together under the general name of Myxogastric fungi, are not fungi; that they are, in fact, not vegetables, but animals. The author does not undertake, at present, to fix exactly their systematic position, but he assigns them a place provisionally, between the Rhizo- pods and the Gregarinze. Should his views be ultimately esta- blished, the Zoologists will (as M. Tulasne has remarked), thereby receive compensation in respect of the Corallines, which the botanists have appropriated ; but we cannot help thinking, that a great deal more evidence will be required, and much more discussion will have to be gone through, before botanists will be content to assent to the transfer of the Myxogastric fungi to the animal kingdom. Dr. De Bary’s paper is of great length, and we may add, of great interest, but want of space forbids us from attempting anything like a complete analysis of it. At the same time, so far as regards the arguments in favour of the animal nature of the creatures in question, it wil] be quite possible, in a short space, to give a summary of the author’s contention. To those readers of the ‘ Microscopical Journal’ who are altogether unacquainted with the Myxogasteres, we should strongly recommend a careful perusal of the entire paper, premising that such perusal would be much facilitated by a previous reference to Mr. Berkeley’s excellent remarks upon the subject in his introduction to Cryptogamic Botany. Dr. De Bary divides his paper into six chapters, or parts. The first of these contains some general remarks upon the structure of the tissue, and on the fructification in fungi; and the second, an account of the peculiar characteristics of a certain number of the more important genera into which the Myxogasteres have been divided, such genera having been founded principally upon the structure of the ripe spore-cases. In speaking of the elaters or spiral threads in the genus 98 DE BARY, ON THE MYCETOZOA. Trichia, the author observes, that the only correct account of their structure is that given in this Journal in October, 1854, and April, 1857. In the third part, an account is given of the formation and development of Aithalium septicum, and one of the principal arguments in favour of the animal nature of the Myxogasteres is grounded upon the supposed fact that the creeping threads of mucilaginous matter, by the confluence of which the fruc- tifyimg mass of Aithalium is formed, consist of sarcode. 'The author says—“ The main substance of the threads is formed “of that structureless, colourless, transparent, half-fluid “ matter, called by Dujardin, sarcode, and by Ecken, shapeless ** contractile matter. “The principal peculiarity of sarcode, viz., its high degree “of independent contractility, is very remarkable in the sub- “stance of these threads. It exhibits continual changes of “form and fluctuating motions, such as are known to occur “in the bodies of the Rhizopoda. “Tts chemical nature also agrees essentially with the sar- ‘code of the lower animals. The rose-red colour produced “by sugar and sulphuric acid, and by Millon’s test, and “the brown colour produced by iodine, testify to its nitro- “venous nature. It contracts and hardens in alcohol and in “nitric acid, and becomes pale and transparent in acetic acid, “without however becoming dissolved. On the other hand, “it dissolves in liquor ammonie, in solution of caustic potass, “even when very weak, and in solution of carbonate of ** potass.” The spore-cases of all Mycetozoa are stated to be formed of sarcode threads, essentially like those of dithaliwm. Dr. de Bary has noticed in dithalium septicum, as well as in Didymium serpula, and in a species of Physarum that when the moisture is allowed to evaporate very slowly, and espe- cially at a low temperature, the threads break up, by con- traction, into irregularly shaped bodies, which, as_ the desiccation continues, assume a waxy or horny consistence. The whole substance of each of these bodies again suddenly breaks up into numberless globular or oval cells, sur- rounded by a double-outlined membrane, which exhibits, under iodine and sulphuric acid, or under Schulze’s solution, active and intense cellulose reaction. All these cells in a mass are imbedded in a homogeneous hyaline substance not exhibiting cellulose reaction. This substance is more strongly developed at the outer surface of the mass of cells. It softens in water, so that the cells can be separated by pressure, and then surrounded by a thin layer of the inter- DE BARY, ON THE MYCETOZOA, 99 cellular substance. These waxy bodies change back again into the ordinary sarcode threads under heat and moisture, and Dr. De Bary considers that, by passing into this waxy cel- lular state, the sarcode threads are enabled to retain their vitality during dry hot weather, and through the winter. In speaking of the ordinary spore-formation, the author states that the formation of spores in the Mycetozoa always takes place by division of the plasma around previously- formed nuclei, and never directly from the threads of the capillitium. He alleges that Berkeley’s observations on Enerthenema are incorrect, and doubts also the accuracy of the latter’s account of the structure in Badhamia ; admitting, however, that he (Dr. De Bary) is not acquainted with the latter genus. The history which is given of the germination of the spores of the Myxomycetes is of considerable interest, and has been confirmed to some extent by the observations of Hoffmann in the ‘ Botanische Zeitung,’ for June 17, 1859. When placed in water, and protected from evapora- tion, the membrane of the spore opens, and its contents escape in the form of a cell, clothed only by a very thin pri- mordial utricle, thus resembling the reproductive cells of many alge. ‘These escaped cells undergo changes of form, eventually exhibiting one or two cilia, and two or three vacuoles, of which one at least always pulsates. They have also a motion of progression and rotation, as in the case of ordinary zoospores. After a few days, bodies appear, differing from the zoospores in their larger size, the greater number and irregular dispo- sition of the vacuoles, the want of cilia, and of oscillating and rotating movements, and by the protrusion of parts of the body, precisely as in the Amzebe ; like which they have also a creeping motion, and are perpetually changing their form. The author states that these singular bodies are not inde- pendent productions, but that they are produced from the zoospores, and that by the further development of them, the spore-cases are eventually formed. He says— “Tf, therefore, on the one hand, the development of Amebe from the products of the germination of the spores, and, on the other, the production of the sporangia from the sarcode- threads, which, as regards structure and movements, might be described as colossal filamentary dmeée, be established, it is an obvious conclusion that the latter arise from the farther development of these dmebe. And this has been confirmed by direct observation in A’thakum septicum, Lycogala, and Stemonitis obtusata ....... Direct develop- 100 DE BARY, ON THE MYCETOZOA. ment of the fructifying threads from the Amzbe, produced by the growth of the zoospores, appears to me beyond a doubt. And, in accordance with this assumption, is the fact of the frequent occurrence of common Ameebee (radiosa, verru- cosa, Ehr.) in tan, rotten wood, &e., the habitats of the Myce- tozoa. It remains doubtful, however, whether the sarcode- threads, which directly form the spore-cases, are the product of a single Ameeba, or arise from the confluence of several.” Dr. De Bary lays some stress upon the fact that the Myce- tozoa, when in the amzboid condition, exhibit in the sub- stance of their bodies (like the aquatic Amebe) solid matter taken in from without, such as cells of algze, spores of fungi, &e. He says that if these “ ingesta” can be considered to be food, the fact would establish the animal nature of the Mycetozoa, because, if an organism eats, it must be an animal. He admits, however, that there is no proof that the ingesta are food, and that there is nothing to show that they may not find their way accidentally into the bodies of Amebe, as Dujardin has suggested. Considering, however, that the movements of the Amebe resemble those of Acti- nophrys, and that the movements of Actinophrys are cer- tainly made in quest of food, the author considers it pro- bable that the aquatic dmebe and the amzboid Mycetozoa do really eat. After noticing the affinity of the Mycetozoa with the Si- phone and Saprolegniez, especially with Pythiwn amongst the latter, Dr. De Bary says— “ But, notwithstanding all these analogies, and eyen as- suming that the vegetable protoplasm in its composition and movements is closely allied to sarcode; assuming also, that many plants, whilst in the condition of zoospores, have the capacity of spontaneous locomotion, and are also contractile ; assuming also, that the difference in the moye- ments of the Mycetozoa and of divers plants is only quanti- tative ; nevertheless, free motion exists in the Mycetozoa with an intensity and duration unequalled in any plant .... .... We should be content to leave the Mycetozoa in the vegetable kingdom if nothing analogous to them could be found amongst animals. But, inasmuch as their structure, their mode of life, their motion from the time of the appear- ance of the zoospores accord most fully with those of certain animals; inasmuch also as the perfect sarcode-threads hardly differ, except in size, from the sareode-threads of the Rhizo- poda, the result is that the ‘Mywxomycetes’ must take their place as ‘ Mycetozoa’ in the animal kingdom.” In the above remarks, we have given what we believe to be DE BARY, ON THE MYCETOZOA. 101 a full and fair account of Dr. De Bary’s argument in support of his proposition. We have not time or space to dwell at any length upon the weak parts of his case. One or two points, however, may be mentioned. The fact of the formative threads containing sarcode would not go far to prove their animal nature. Sarcode and vegetable protoplasm are admitted to be nearly allied ; and the author himself brings forward the fact of our imperfect knowledge of the chemical natnre of sarcode, by way of explanation of an unexpected chemical reaction which he found in the sarcode-threads. (See p. 125.) We would further observe that his views of spore-formation in the Myxomycetes generally, are in direct opposition to those of Berkeley, Corda, and Tulasne. The careful conclusions of so eminent an observer as Mr. Berkeley cannot be set aside by a mere allegation of their inaccuracy, as has been done by Dr. De Bary in the instance of Enerthenema. In Badhamia, again, in which Dr. De Bary throws doubts upon Mr. Berkeley’s opinions, we can state from our own observation, that the spores are certainly not formed in the manner described by the author as occurring in the other Myxogastric genera; and Mr. Berkeley’s obser- vations, if correct (which we see no reason to doubt), would almost suffice to upset Dr. De Bary’s theory ; for ifit be once admitted that Badhamia is truly fungoid, no doubt could exist as to the nature of the rest of the Myxomycetes. With regard to the development of the amzboid bodies out of the zoospores, we may call attention to a paper written a few years since by Dr. Hartig (an abstract of which was given in a former volume of this journal), containing the result of some observations on the Phytozoa of the Antheridia of Marchantia, tending to show that those Phytozoa become ultimately transformed into Amb. The inference from the latter observations would be that Dr. Hartig’s amzbe were vege-- tables ; for if they were really formed from the substance of the Phytozoa, they must necessarily partake of the nature of the latter. On the other hand, Dr. De Bary, assuming the animal nature of Amebz generally, and finding Ameeb:ze pro- duced from the spores of the Myxogasteres, draws the con- clusion that the Myxogasteres are animals. Whatever may be the result of the discussion which Dr. De Bary has origi- nated, good service will be done to science if it should lead, as we hope it may do, to a careful and accurate investigation, both by botanists and zoologists, of what we think we may still call the Myxogastric fungi. YOL; VILE: I 7 i a el” . as o. o - 77 a 7 >. —) = = “Abs a y 2 a a ) ; 4 by, i “ » te a mt — OE arrow anata: wor rere tt Re g aN Sanaie 7 | 4 aS tO OM fy ‘et 1 we Sar tC Ath oF A, ww Te) { () at eat Hy. iy Pith A Ae ii» FF ) Uiots je See Be ati! ite do Vaal si MPL) ¢ ae ed ALL, Sl 10 —_ afta Bwvitnn res j mY a ak ‘, tS Ley ea phe, : The pita ba ay fic AAP Pe ‘Sta ter vi Ay we aed He ee Ure t Tiik ory ie eeu iy Pe v f ; a! = 7 iele, / rt wy) aan i j itr im wy f af ahi fe gr’ hit , i / i Pi j ote he fF Fh 4 é) F with yo j iar tk ais ‘ Oe SIE Ai wa oe “4 f £ iny , ue ire i i qe , = fm ae 4 i a); Af iy! 2. Ooh : A as et hte Se ee Wintec atl gti: x m4 ihe oe ae yh ‘ , ’ i gi “yarini? ot be, bene ab ie * a4 eau PVA Beil DAY: SACt fa ig thay ian “sf 1 beh Tam ae, wl Vik Ba Tiel ete dle aan, Pt ia pol bemle’ age? 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On the Universal Screw.—The remarks of Mr. Brooke, ap- pended to my paper on the universal screw, which was pub- lished in a previous number of the ‘ Journal,’ are so entirely at variance with my owu experience, that I venture to give somewhat of an answer to each of his paragraphs, excepting the first, which is merely introductory. In the first place, then, no workman, be he ever so “ practised,’ can cut up a screw-tool by hand, that, as an exact counterpart of the “hob,” shall be equal to one made by a screw-cutting lathe; and there are plenty of shops in London and other places where screw-tools can be properly cut up, by comparatively inexperienced workmen. “The practical difficulties” next mentioned by Mr. Brooke are entirely illusive. Ifthe method of gaugimg the tops of the threads were sufficient, nothing would be easier than to make both inside and outside screws fit easily and pleasantly in the gauges, and they would screw together in a similar manner; the variations which really occur in the screws made by different makers, to cylindrical gauges of the same size, are at the bottom and sides of the threads. Mr. Brooke, in the next paragraph, states, that ‘ the bottom of the outside screw can be most easily gauged ;” but I am convinced that he cannot have tried it; for he goes on to say, that if screws “ enter easily and pleasantly,” they must “necessarily” differ in size some “ two or three thou- sandths of an inch,” whereas Mr. Whitworth has shown that a variation of one ten-thousandth of an inch is most dis- tinctly perceptible. The reason why the adjustible screw-cutting gauge pos- sesses an “immunity from the same wear as that to which the screw-tool is liable,” is because it has so very little to do. The screw-tool cuts up the whole depth of the thread, the cutting-gauge only removes that which is left by the wear of the screw-tool. I thmk many persons will find it difficult to understand My. Brookes’s next paragraph, and the only explanation I 104. MEMORANDA, can give is this: The “ gauge-taps” issued by the Micro- scopical Society are slightly taper and differing in size, con- sequently, when they are sent out to the makers, there are directions with them, as to how far each one is to screw up the nose-piece of the microscope, and that if the screw is made only °125 in length, it may prevent some of the taps from screwing up as far as they should. On my own part, I see no objection (if proper means be employed) to the maker cutting the screw in whichever way he pleases. I perfectly well remember pointing out to Mr. Brooke the assistance it would be to the workman when cutting the mside screw by hand, to make it a greater length than *125, but, if the work be done in a machine, this difficulty ceases; and it is important to save the wear of the screw-tool as much as possible. And now, in conclusion, may I also tell what I know as to how “the plan recommended by the Microscopical Society has been found to work well amongst those who have adopted it.’ Of the three houses besides our own who are using the “universal screw,’ one has ordered a set of the cutting- gauges. Another firm are making their outside screw con- siderably smaller than Whitworth’s gauge, and their inside screw to the Society’s tap. The other firm are also using the Society’s tap, but they are making their outside screws considerably larger at the bottom than Whitworth’s gauge, and it is this firm, so far as I can ascertain, who have altered the nose-pieces of our microscopes, but, in one instance which has come to my knowledge, after having made the alteration, an object-glass which they sent subsequently, proved too large, and would not screw into the microscope at all.— Ricuarp Buck, Upper Holloway. Harrison on a new Pleurosigma. — Somewhat better than twelve months ago I was visiting a friend in Lincolnshire (W. Parker, Esq., of Thornton House), and he showed me a slide containing a few frustules of a Pleurosigma which I had not before seen; I enquired where he had obtained them, and he went with me to the drain (a run of fresh water), but we could not find any at that time, I was paying another visit, to the same friend, about three weeks ago, and we pro- cured a pretty good gathering of them, and as I could not find any account of it in any previous work, I have named it Pleurosigma Parkerii. It is about the same size as the P. fasciola, but broader in proportion to the length, and the ends not so much contracted, MEMORANDA. 105 Length -0040” to -0045” of an inch; striz 50 to 55 in 001." I enclose a drawing magnified 400 diameters. {iT 2 oes = ee pa Pleurosigma Parkeru. Valve broadly lanceolate, acute extremities produced, flexure considerable ; colour pale yellow. Length of valve 0038" to ‘0040"; transverse striz ‘0060’, and stronger than the longitudinal. Fresh water. Thornton-le-Moor, Lincoln- shire, Mr. W. Parker. 106 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Microscoricat Society, Nov. 9th, 1859. Dr. Lanxesrer, President, in the chair. John Stainton, Esq., Longbridge, near Warwick; M. Foster, jun., Esq., Huntingdon; J. Burge, Esq., Fulham ; J. L. Bennett, Esq., Pentonville-road; Thos. Hunt, Esq., 23, Alfred-place, Bedford-square; and Jas. Smith, Esq., Soley Terrace, Pentonville, were balloted for and duly elected members of the Society. Two papers were read—one by Dr. Greville, ‘On Campylo- discus’ (‘' Trans.’ p. 29) ; the other, ‘On Diatomacez from the Ohio,’ by Professor Hamilton Smith (‘ Trans.’ p. 33). Mr. Loss said—It is with much pleasure I bring before the notice of the meeting the latest production of Messrs Powell and Lealand ; and we are all of us aware how back- ward our friends are to make public their own doings. It is a new achromatic condenser of 170° aperture, having, as in the old one, three combinations, so arranged as to be used separately when required. The diaphragm has eleven apertures, and there are three stops and two semicircles. The stops and semicircles can be placed in any portion of the field, so as to produce the best definition. The movements of the diaphragm and stops are so contrived as to be adjusted with the greatest ease and freedom, and not, as in all former condensers, placed so as to give the manipulator the greatest trouble to effect the desired end. One thing is required when using this condenser with the full aperture—yiz., to have the objects mounted on, as well as covered over with, thin glass; and I think if our object-mounters were to mount all objects in this way on mahogany slides ; it would be far better, and they would be less lable to break than those mounted on glass slides. The delicate markings of the Diatomacez are beautifully defined; with this new condenser, using the 3, 7, and #s object-glasses; the mark- ings on the Amician test are made as fully apparent as are those of the Hippocampus; and the delicate lines of P. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 107 Acus are easily defined. The price of the condenser is eight guineas, being only one guinea more than the old one of 100° aperture. I have also to bring before the notice of the meeting, a method which I have some time adopted for showing the phenomena of the rings round the optic axes of crystals, and which is chiefly my own invention. Mr. Woodward, the author of a treatise on polarised light—Professor Potter, of the London University—and Mr. Darkin, of Lambeth, have all seen it; and all agree.that they have never seen the phe- nomena so beautifully displayed. It consists— 1. Of an eye-piece with lenses about the depth of those usually put in the third eye-piece. There is no diaphragm between the lenses, which are so adjusted that the field-lens may be brought nearer to, or farther from, the eye-lens, as occasion may require, thus giving different powers and different fields; and when adjusted for the largest field it will be full fifteen imches, and take in the widest separation of the axes of the arragonite ; 2. A crystal stage to receive the crystals, and of the usual construction, into which is screwed a blue tourmaline ; 3. A large Nichol’s prism as a polariser ; 4. A common single double convex three or four-inch lens, set in the middle of a brass tube, long enough, when screwed into the body of the microscope, to reach the pola- riser, so that all extraneous light may be excluded. At the bottom of this tube there is a blue glass, for the purpose of giving white light when a lamp is used. The concave mirror should be used with a bull’s-eye condenser by lamplight; the condenser may be dispensed with by daylight. Messrs. Powell and Lealand are well acquainted with the above apparatus. The crystals best adapted to show the phenomena of rings round the optic axes are— Quartz, a uni-axial crystal, one system of rings, no entire eross of black, only the ends of it, the centre being coloured; and as the tourmaline is revolved, the colour gradually changing into all the varied tints of the spectrum, one colour only displayed at once in the centre ; Quartz, cut so as to show right-handed polarisation ; Quartz, cut so as to show left-handed polarisation—that is, the one shows the same phenomena when the tourma- line is turned to the right, as the other does when turned to the left ; Quartz, cut so as to show straight lines ; Cale Spar, a wni-axial crystal, one system of rings, and a 108 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. black cross, which changes into a white cross, on revolving the tourmaline, and the colours of the rings mto their com- plementary colours. Topaz, a bi-axial crystal, although it has two axes, only exhibits one system of rings with one fringe, owing to the wide separation of the axes; the fringe and colours change on revolving the tourmaline; this is the case in all the erystals ; Borax, a bi-axial crystal, the colours more intense than im topaz, but the ri ngs not so complete, only one set of rings taken in, from the same cause as topaz; Rochelle Salt, a bi-axial crystal, the colours more widely spread, very beautiful, only one set of rings taken in; Carbonate of Lead, a bi-axial crystal, axes not much sepa- rated, both systems of rings exhibited, far more widely spread than those of nitre ; Nitre, a bi-axial crystal, axes very closely approximated, colours intense and “beautiful, the rings are also closely united ; Arragonite, a bi-axial crystal, axes rather widely separated, but both systems of rmgs exhibited, and decidedly the best erystal for displaying the phenomena of bi-axial crystals. ‘The field-lens of the eye-piece requires to be brought as close as possible to the eye-lens, to see properly the pheno- mena in quartz and arragonite; it must be placed at an-inter- mediate distance for viewing topaz, borax, Rochelle salt, and carbonate of lead ; it must be drawn out to its fullest extent to view nitre and cale spar. The powers of the micro-polariscope cannot be better displayed than in the exhibition of the foregoing pheno- mena; there is nothing more beautiful, and few studies more interesting and enlarging to the mind, than that of light, whether common or polarised, which must be entered upon, if the phenomena are to be understood. The crystal eye-piece, with an artificial tourmaline as an analyser, will be found very useful for polariscope objects generally. There is some spherical aberration, but the largeness of the field far more than compensates for the same. It does best for those objects that require the two-inch object-glass. I have brought with me this evening two objects—a flea and an insect named Chalifer. They were mounted by one of the members of this society, Mr. Farmer, of Hornsey ; and are remarkable for the clear manner in which the muscles are brought out, as also the striated fibre of the same; and which, at the instigation of our much-esteemed president, PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 109 Dr. Lankester, I present to the Society, to be placed in their cabinet of curiosities. December \4th, 1856. Gro. Busx, Esq., in the chair. Sir William Dennison, Governor of Sydney, Australia ; C. J. H. Allen, Esq., 28, Woburn-place; Matthew Marshall, _jun., Esq., 12, Lyndhurst-grov e, Peckham ; Benjamin Standring, Esq., 152, Minories; Thomas Ross, Esq., Feather- stone-bridge ; and George Andrews, jun., Esq.. 55, Friday- street, were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. Dr. Wallich read a paper ‘On Siliceous Organisms’ (‘ Trans.’ p. 36). Mr. Roper read a paper ‘ On Triceratium’ (‘ Trans.’ p. 55). November 9th, 1859. The following publications, &c., have been presented to the Microscopical Society since the publication of the last Journal : PRESENTATIONS. Books. Professor Huxley’s Oceanic Hydrozoa_ Recreative Science, a Monthly Journal of Intellectual Observations, 5 Nos. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. X. Smithsonian Report for 1857. Boston Journal of Natural History Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. VI. Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art Academie Royale de Belgique Bulletins, 1858 Ditto, Annuaire, 1858 Bericht tber die V erhandlungen der Botanischen, 1858. F. Cohn 3 The Fauna of Blackheath and its vicinity . Reply to the “Statement of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory.”” By B. Apthorp Gould, jun. Defence of Dr. Gould by the Scientific Council of the Dudley Observatory Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, No. 59 . On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. By W. K. Parker and T. R. Jones, Part 1 . Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Nos. 13 and14_ 4 British Journal of Dental Science, Nos. 37 ‘to 40 The Photographic Journal, several Nos. . On the Meterology of England, 1857 to 1859 ‘The Institutes of the British Meteorological Society . Reports of the Council of ditto . : Presented by Ray Society. The Editor. The Society. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. The Author. The Society. The Author. Ditto. The Society. The Author. The Society. The Editors. Ditto. Jas. Glaisher. Ditto. Ditto. 110 On the Determination of the Mean Temperature of every Day in the i from 1814 to 1856. By J. Glaisher The Meteorological and Physical Effects of the Solar Lclipse of March 15th, 1858. By J. Glaisher On the Meteorology of Scotland for 1857. By J. Glaisher.. Several Meteorological Tables. By J. Glaisher Quarterly Return of Marriages, Births and Deaths for 1856 and 1857 . Notices pour servir a Petude des Polypiers nageurs ou Pennatulides. J. A. Herklots , Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle a Ley de Two Slides of Insects to show the Miiscilae Strie. December \Ath. On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. K. Parker and T. R. Jones. Part 2 : Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art. No. 24 . The Journal of the Royal Dublin ‘Society. No.15 The Quarterly Journal of the Geological one: No. 60 . ; Journa] of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society Photographic Journal. 3 Nos. . Note sur une espéce de Dothidea M_ le Pasteur Duby By W. Microscopic Portralts. Professor Quekett. Charles Woodward. — Brand. KE, E. Meeres PURCHASES. Nouvelles suites 4 Buffon, formant, avec les muvres de cet auteur, un PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Presented by Jas. Glaisher. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. The Author. Ditto. KE. G. Lobb. The Authors. The Editor. The Secretary. The Society. Ditto. The Editor. The Author. Presented by Geo. Jackson, Esq. Andrew Ross. cours complet d’historei naturelle collection accompagnée de Planches. Evenings with the Microscope. By P. Gosse. The following copies of British Museum publications were also presented to the Society : Catalogue of Lepidopterous Insects. Part 1. List of Lepidoptera set Lito.8 18 Parts. », Hymenoptera Catalogue a List of Diptera », Homoptera » Hemiptera », Coleoptera Guide to the Mollusca Catalogue of Entozoa List of British Animals Catalogue of British Hymenoptera 4 Fossorial Hymenoptera >. Marine Polyzoa _— SR RNR Re Oe Or 59 0 ” Papilionide. W. G. Searson, Curator. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Tit HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. On the Diatomacee of the Neighbourhood of Liverpool. By Tuomas Comser, Esa. (Read 16th December, 1858.) In laying before the Society the following contribution to ' the Liverpool Flora, I have been influenced by a wish to increase, in some degree, the knowledge of the Natural History of the neighbourhood, towards which so much has been done by other Liverpool naturalists; and although I have confined myself to a single order I trust the subjoined list will be of some use in this respect. Iam also not without hope that it will assist those whose researches have been extended over a wider field than my own, in their investiga- tion into the geography of the order, at present in a very unsatisfactory state. i have adopted the limits established by Dr. Dickenson in his Flora of Liverpool, extending to the north as far as Southport. In this district there are found as many as.257 described species of Diatomacez, affording representatives of 51 genera. Of these 120 are fresh water, 64 brackish, and 73 marine species: these last numbers are, however, only approximate, in consequence of many species being some- times found in both fresh and brackish, and others in marine and brackish, localities. For instance, I have gathered Navicula Westit and Stauroners salina, both generally con- sidered altogether marine species, in a living state in a pool to which no sea water could possibly have got for at least eight months. Those species usually found in Alpine situations, such as Navicula crassinervia, N. serians, some of the Pinnularie and Odontidia, Tabellaria flocculosa, and several of the Melosire and Orthosire. are absent; but this is only what would be expected: another deficiency for which I cannot account occurs in the allied genera of Podosphenia, Rhipidophora and Lichnophora, containing in all ten species, of which the only representative found in this neighbourhood is 2. Dalmatica I have used Professor Smith’s nomenclature, as being the best known, even in many instances where it is opposed to my own views. Only twenty of the species, discovered since the publication of the second volume of that work, are not described in his synopsis. My best thanks are tendered to three members of the Microscopic Club of this town, Messrs. G. M. Browne, 112 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. T. Sansom and L. Hardman, who have very greatly assisted me ;. how much, their initials, attached to the Jocalities given on their authority, will show. For the other localities and for the naming of all, I am myself answerable. Epitnemtia, Kitzing. L. turgida, Sm.—Frequent. Well at Sefton, August, 1856, and July, 1857; Bidston marsh, October, 1856, and many other localities F.. Zebra, Kiitz.— Bidston marsh, October, 1856. E. Argus, Sm.—Railway bridge at Spital, September, 1858, L. H.—Well in Brombro’ wood, September, 1858. FE. alpestris, Sm.—Well at Sefton, August, 1856, and July, 1857; railway bridge at Spital, April, 1857. E. Sorex, Kiitz.—Sefton well, August, 1856, and July, 1857; Bidston marsh, August, 1858, &c. EL. Westermanii, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856, and October, 1857—Birkdale marsh, G. M. B. EL. rupestris, Sm.—Bridge at Spital, Sept., 1858, L. H., &e. E. gihba, Wiitz.—Frequent. Bidston marsh, Oct., 1856, &c. L. ventricosa, Kiitz.—Railway bridge, Highfield, L. H. Kunomia, Ehrenberg. E. Arcus, Sm.—Pit at Rock ferry, June, 1856. CymMBELLA, Agardh C. Ehrenbergii, Kiitz.— River Alt, near Sefton, July, 1837. C. cuspidata, Kiitz.—Always occurs sparingly. Thornback pool, Crosby, September, 1856—Southport, June, 1857, G. M. B. C. maculata, Kiitz.—Patrick’s well, Spital, March, 1857. C. Helvetica, Kiitz.— Well at Sefton, July, 1857. — Var B.—Thornback pool, Crosby, Sept. 1856. Ampuora, Ehrenberg. A. ovalis, Kiitz.—Frequent. Canal bridge over R. Alt, &c. A. affinis, Kiitz—Not uncommon. Bidston marsh, July, 1856, and October, 1857, &c. A. salina, Sm.—Bidston marsh, July, 1856; Great Float, April, 1858. Cocconets, Ehrenberg. C. Pediculus, Khr.—Lock at Sefton, July, 1857; stream near Shotwick, Cheshire, June, 1858. C. Placentula, Ehr—Very common; in fact in almost all fresh water gatherings. C. Thwaitesii, Sm.—Rock in Dingle, March, 1857. C. Seutellum, Ehr.—New Brighton, March, 1857, L. H. C. eccentrica, Donk.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 113 Coscinopiscus, Ehrenberg. C. radiatus, Ehr.—Common. New Brighton in several gatherings, &c. C. eccentricus, Khr—Common. New Brighton, &e. C. concinnus, Sm.—R. Fender, Bidston marsh, June, 1856; New Brighton, April, 1858—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. Kupopiscus, Ehrenberg. Li. fulvus, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. £. crassus, 8Sm.—New Brighton—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. Lf. radatus, Sm.—Southport marsh, June, 1857; New Brighton, April, 1858. £. Ralfsii, 8Sm.—Southport marsh, June, 1857; New Brigh- ton, April, 1858. Actinocycuus, Ehrenberg. A. undulatus, Kiitz—Common. New Brighton, &c. Ae dughenariity ) wes Brighton; April 1858: Bidston marsh A. sedenarius, Ovtober: 1857 2 A, octodenarius, : : ; TRICERATIUM, Ehrenberg. T. Favus, Ehr.—New Brighton, April, 1858—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. T. undulatum, Khr.—New Brighton, April, 1858—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. CycLore.ua, Kiitzing. C. Kutzingiana, Thw.—Aintree pit, June, 1857; Bidston marsh, August, 1858. ——_—__— Var 3.—Thornback pool, Crosby, Sept. 1856. C. operculata, Kiitz—R. Dee, near Queen’s ferry, June, 1858. Campytopiscus, Ehrenberg. C costatus, Sm.—R. Alt, Sefton, July, 1857; well in Brom- bro’ wood, May, 1857. C. spiralis, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856. C. cribrosus, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. C. parvulus, Sm.—Head of Wallasey pool, May, 1857; great float, April, 1858. SURIRELLA, Turp. 8. biseriata, Bréb.—Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. S. linearis, Sm.—Patrick’s well, Spital, March, 1857; pit at Aintree, June, 1857. S. constricta, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. S. data, Sm.—New Brighton, September, 1858. 114. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. S. splendida, Kiitz.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856. 8. striatula, Turp.—Frequent in brackish water. Bidston marsh, &c. S. Gemma, Ehr.—Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856; Bidston marsh, October, 1857. S. fastuosa, Ehr.—New Brighton, April, 1858. S. Craticula, Ehr.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856. S. ovalis, Bréb.—Frequent, Railway bridge, Spital, May, 1857, &c. 8. panduriformis, Sm.—Rock at Storeton, March, 1857. S. ovata, Kiitz—Common in fresh water. S. salina, Sm.—Sands at Great Meols, May, 1857. S pinnato, Sm.—Pit at Rock ferry, March, 1857—Railway bridge, Highfield, L. H. S. angusta, Kiitz—Rock at Storeton, March, 1857. S. minuta, Bréb.—Lock at Sefton, July, 1857. S. Crumena, Bréb.—River Fender, June, 1856; near Wallasey pool, Seacombe, April, 1857; River Alt, July, 1857, &c. TRYBLIONELLA, Smith. T. gracilis, Sm.—Not uncommon in brackish water Fre- quently from Bidston marsh. ——— Var (3.—Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856. T. marginata, Sm.—Not uncommon in brackish water. Bid- ston marsh, October, 1857; Seacombe, April, 1858, &c. T. punctata, Sm,—Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856. T. acuminata, Sm.—Frequent in brackish water. Bidston marsh, &c. CyMATOPLEURA, Smith. C. Solea, Sm.—Bidston marsh, Oct. 1856, and Oct. 1857. C. apiculata, Sm.—F requently met with, R. Alt, &c. C elliptica, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857; R. Alt, July, 1857, &c. Nirzscuia, Hassall. N. sigmoidea, Sm.—Not uncommon. R. Alt at Sefton, July, 1857, &e. N. Brébissonii,Sra.—Bidston marsh, July, 1856, and Mar. 1856. NV. Sigma, Sm.—Not uncommon in brackish water. Bidston marsh, frequently. N. linearis, Sm.—Rather common. R. Alt, &c. N. angularis, Sm.—New Brighton, March, 1857, L. H. N. Amphioxys, Sm.—F requent, though generally but few in a gathering. Moss from Rock ferry, October, 1857. N. minutissima, Sm.—Patrick’s well, Spital, March, 1857. N. vivax, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857—Birkdale marsh, June, 1857, G. M. B. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 115 _N. virgata, Roper.—Sands at Great Meols, May, 1857; New Brighton, September, 1858. Sp. (Zpithemia marina, Donk.) Sands at New Brighton, September, 1858. N. dubia, Sm.—Eastham marsh, September, 1858; Skew bridge, Bebington, May, 1856. N. bilobata, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. N. plana, Sm.—Not uncommon. Bidston marsh, &c. N. birostrata, Sm.—Kastham marsh, September, 1858. N. Closterium, Sm.—Not uncommon. Southport sands, Au- gust, 1858; Eastham marsh, September, 1858; Bidston marsh on several occasions. N. Tenia, Sm.—Southport sands, August, 1858. Ampuiprora, Ehrenberg. A. alata, Kiitz.—Not uncommon in brackish marshes. East- ham marsh, September, 1858, &c. A. Ralfsii, Arnott.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. A. paludosa, Sm.—Near Wallasey pool, Seacombe, April, 1857. A. duplex, Donk.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. A. vitrea, Sm.—Eastham marsh, September, 1858; New Brighton sands, September, 1857. A. pusilla, Greg.— New Brighton sands, September, 1858. ‘A, complexa, Greg.—Great Float, April, 1858. AMPHIPLEURA, Kiitzing. A. sigmoidea, Sm.—Great Float, April, 1858—Canning Grav- ing Dock, August, 1857, R. Daw. Navicu.a, Bory. N. rhomboides, Ehr.— Bridge at Spital, May, 1857. N. lanceolata, Kiitz.—Bidston marsh, May, 1856. N. cuspidata, Kiitz.—R. Fender, Bidston marsh, June, 1856. N. Liber, Sm.—Great Float, April, 1858—Canning Graving Dock, August, 1857, R. Daw. N. firma, Kiitz.— Not unfrequent, but always occurs sparingly. Rock in the Dingle, March, 1857, &c. N. estiva, Donk.—New Brighton, September, 1858. N. elliptica, Kiitz.-—Common. N. pygmea, Kiitz.—Seacombe, April, 1851; Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856. N. Jennerii, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857; Seacombe, April, 1858; Southport sands, August, 1858, &c. N. Westii, Sm.—Seacombe, April, 1858. N. convexra, Sm,—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. N. elegans, Sm.—Pretty frequent in brackish water. Wal- lasey pool, Seacombe, April, 1856; Bidston and East- ham marshes, &c. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES, N. palpebralis, Bréb.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858, N. Semen, Kiitz.—R. Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857. N. affinis, Khr.—Wall on Dingle shore, March, 1857; rail- way bridge, Spittal, May, 1857. N. inflata, Kiitz.—R. Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857. N. gibberula, Kiitz.—Frequent, but always much mixed with other diatoms. N. amphirynchus, Ehr.—R. Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857— Storeton, June, 1856, L. H. ——Var. [3.—F requent, generally in brackish water. N. spherophora, Kiitz.—Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. N. tumens, Sm.—Bidston marsh, July, 1856; October, 1856; and October, 1857. N. punctulata, Sm.—Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856; Eastham marsh, September, 1858. N. pusilla, Sm.—Sands at Great Meols, May, 1857; Bidston marsh, October, 1856, and October, 1857. N. tumida. Sm.—Moss at Rock ferry, October, 1857. N. dicephala, Kiitz.— Birkdale marsh, June, 1858, G. M. B. NV. cryptocephala, Kiitz.—Bidston marsh, May, 1857; rock at Storeton, March, 1857, &c. N. lineata, Donk.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. N. didyma, Kiitz.— Frequent, Bidston marsh, Oct. 1857, &c. N. binodis, Ehr—Thornback pool, Crosby, September, 1856; Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. N. levissima, Kiitz—'Lhornback pool, Crosby, September, 1856—Southport, June, 1857, G. M. B. N. pectinalis, Bréb.—Sands at Great Meols, May, 1857, R, Fender, Bidston marsh, August, 1858; Dee marsh, near Queen’s ferry, June, 1858. N. retusa, Bréb.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858; Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. N. Lyra, Yhr.—Seacombe, April, 1858; Southport sands, August, 1858. N. humerosa, Bréb.—Sands at Great Meols, May, 1857; New Brighton sands, Sept. 1858; Southport marsh, June, 1857. N. Trochus, Greg.—Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. N. lacustre, Greg. —River Alt, Sefton, July, 1857. —— var. [3, with var. a. N. quadrangularis, Greg.—New Brighton sands, April, 1858 ; Leasowe sands, October, 1858; Southport sands, Au- gust, 1858, G. M. B. Generally much elongated, with a curved median line. N. apiculata, Bréb.—Southport sands, August, 1858. PiInNULARIA, Ehrenberg. P. major, Sm.—Storeton, June, 1856, L. H. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. dvi viridis, Sm.—Common. Patrick’s well, Spital, &c. . oblonga, Sm.—Well in Brombro’ woods, May, 1857; well at Moreton, Cheshire, May, 1857. . distans, Sm.—New Brighton sands, April and Sept. 1858. . peregrina, Khr.—Very common in brackish water. acuta, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856; Rock ferry, March, 1857. . directa, Sm.—New Brighton, October, 1858. . radiosa, Sra.—F requent. Bidston marsh, &c. . gracilis, Ehr.—Common in Bidston marsh, and other brackish water localities. P. viridula, Sm.—Bidston marsh, July, 1856. P. Cyprinus, Ehr—Common in many localities subject to marine influence. P. Johnsonii, Sm. var. [3.—Bootle shore, Dec., 1858, G. M. B. P. stauroneiformis, Sm.—Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. Highfield, L. H. P. mesolepta, Ehr.—Patrick’s well, Spital, March, 1856; well at Moreton, Cheshire, May, 1857, &c. P. interrupta, Sm.—Storeton, June, 1856, L. H. —— var. [3.—Storeton, June, 1856, L. H. Bidston marsh, October, 1856. P. borealis, Ehr.—Thornback pool, September, 1856; Moss at Rock ferry, October, 1857. P. integra, Sm.—Not uncommon. Thornback pool, Sep- tember, 1856; River Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857, &c. STrauroners, Khrenberg. S. Phenicenteron, Khr.—Not uncommon. Well in Brombro’ May, 1857, &c. S. gracilis, Ehr.—Well at Moreton, May, 1857; Storeton, June, 1856, L. H. . acuta, Sm.—Well in Brombro’ woods, May, 1857. . salina, Sm.—Seacombe, April, 1858. . erucicula, Sm.—Wallasey pool, April, 1856; and April, 1857 ; Southport marsh, June, 1857. . anceps, Khr.—Not uncommon. Rock ferry, March, 1857; well at Moreton, May, 1857, &c. . linearis, Ehr.—Thornback pool, Crosby, September, 1856; Moreton well, May, 1847. . pulchella, Sm.—New Brighton, September, 1858 ; South- port sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. var. (Navicula angulata, Bréb.) New Brighton sands, May, 1859. PLEUROSIGMA, Smith. P. rigidum, Sm.—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. VOL. VIII. K Oey eho se RR RAM (Pa) 118 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. elongatum, Sm.—Bidston marsh, July, 1856, and October, 1857; Southport sands, August, 1858. . intermedium, Sm.—Bootle, December, 1858, G. M. B. . delicatulum, Sm.—Bidston marsh, May, 1856, L. H. . strigosum, Sm.—New Brighton, April, 1848. . angulatum, Sm.—F requent. Bidston marsh, several times; Primrose hill, &c. . Lstuarii, Sm.—Southport sands, August, 1858; New Brighton sands, September, 1858. . obscurum, Bidston marsh, May, 1856, L. H. . Balticum, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857; Eastham marsh, September, 1858. . Wansbeckii, Donk. (P. Balticum var. 3. Sm.)—Southport sands, August, 1858. . . strigilis, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. . acuminatum, Sm —Primrose hill, July, 1856; Bidston marsh, October, 1857. . Fasciola, Sm.—Primrose hill, July, 1856; Bidston marsh, October, 1857 ; Eastham marsh, September, 1858, &c. . macrum, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. . tenuissimum, Sm.—Wallasey pool, near Spital, April, 1858. . littorale, Sm.—Primrose hill, July, 1856. Hippocampus, Sm.—Not uncommon. Bidston marsh ; Ditton marsh, &c. . attenuatum, Sm.—Brook near Shotwick, Cheshire, June, 1858. P. lacustre, Sm.—Not unfrequent. River Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857, &c. P. Spencerii, Sm.—Storeton, June, 1856, L.H.; River Fender, June, 1856; Canal bridge over River Alt, June, 1857. P. lanceolatum, Donk.—New Brighton sands, Sept., 1858. P. marinum, Donk.—New Brighton sands, September, 1858. ToxonipEA, Donkin. T. Gregoriana, Donk.—Southport sands, Aug. 1858, G. M. B.—Stomach of Noctiluca, Southport, Aug. 1858, T. S. S. insignis, Donk.—Stomach of Noctiluca, Southport, August, 1858, T. 8. ' Synepra, Ehrenberg. S. pulchella, Kiitz.—Wallasey pool, April, 1857 ; Southport marsh, June, 1857. S. minutissima, Kiitz.—“ Birkenhead, Cheshire. G. Shadbolt,” Sm. Synops. S. radians, Sm.—Almost universally present in fresh-water gatherings. S Ulna, Ehr—Common, though not so much so as the last. mitt oy mow ty tut ty OD PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 119 S. Oxyrynchus, Kiitz.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. S. obtusa, Sm.—Thornback pool, Sept., 1856; Moreton well, May, 1857. 8. capitata, Ehr—Hoylake, October, 1856,.G. M. B.— Bidston marsh, October, 1857. S. tabulata, Kiitz.—R. Fender, June, 1856; Dee Marsh, near Queen’s ferry, June, 1858. S. affinis, Kiitz—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. S. Arcus, Kiitz—Dingte bay, February, 1857; Rock ferry slip, February, 1857, L. H. Cocconema, Ehrenberg. C. lanceolatum, ¥hr—Frequently. Well in Brombro’ woods, May, 1857, &c. C. cymbiforme, Hhy.—Frequent. Rock in Dingle, March, 1857. C. Cistula, Ehr.—Canal bridge, over R. Alt, June, 1857. C. parvum, Sm.—Rock in Dingle, March, 1857. Doryrnora, Kutzing. D. Amphiceros, Kiitz.—Sparingly in many localities subject to marine influence. New Brighton sands, Sept. 1858. GomPuonema, Agardh. G. geminatum, Ag.—Patrick’s well, March, 1856, L. H. G. constrictum, EKhr.—Frequent. Rock ferry, March, 1857, &e. G. acuminatum, Ehr.—Frequent. Well at Moreton, May, 1857, &c. G. cristatum, Ralfs.—Canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857. G. dichotomum, Kiitz.—Well at Moreton, May, 1857. G. tenellum, Sm.—Frequent. Rock ferry, March, 1857, &c. G. capitatum, Ehr.—Var. y. Well at Moreton, May, 1857. G. oliwaceum, Khr.—Rock ferry, March, 1657. G. intricatum, Kiitz.—Rock in Dingle, March, 1857. G. curvatum, Kiitz.—Frequent. Sefton lock, July, 1857, &c. RuiprpopHora, Kutzing. R. Dalmatica, Kitz.—Dingle bay, February, 1857.. Meripion, Agardh. M. circulare, Ag.—Not unfrequent, but alwaysmuch mixed with otherdiatoms. Near Wallasey pool, Seacombe, A pril, 1856. BaciLuARia, Gmel. B. paradoxa, Gmel. In most brackish localities. Bidston, Eastham, Ditton, and Dee marshes. B. cursoria, Donkin.*—Sands at New Brighton, Sept. 1858. _ * In my specimens the F.V. is always presented to the eye when in the living state. I consequently name it with a little doubt; it is certainly not . B. paradoza. 120 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Himantipium, Ehrenberg. H. pectinale, Kiitz. Frequent. Well at Storeton, March. 1857, &c. H. undulatum, Sm.—Well at Storeton, March, 1857. H. Soleiroli, Kiitz—Well at Storeton, March, 1857. H. gracile, Ehr.—Rather common. Bidston marsh, May, 1856; rock in Dingle, March, 1857, &c. OpontipiuM, Kiitzing. O. mutabile, Sm.—Patrick’s well, Spital, March, 1856; Skew bridge, Bebbington, May, 1857; railway bridge, Spital, May, 1857. ; O. parasiticum, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857; in Rivington Pike water supplied to the town. DenTICcULA, Kiitzing. D. obtusa, Kiitz.—Canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857. D. sinuata, Sm.—Railway bridge, Spital, May, 1857; rock in Dingle, March, 1857; canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857. ’ FRAGILLARIA, Lyngbye. F. capucina, Desm.—Rock ferry, March, 1857; a curious variety from Bidston marsh, October, 1857. F. virescens, Ralfs.—Patrick’s well, March, 1856. Eucampra, Ehrenberg. F. zodiacus, Ehr.—Rock ferry slip, July, 1856—Stomach of Noctiluca, Southport, August, 1858, T. S. ACHNANTHES, Bory. A. longipes, Ag.—New Brighton, March, 1857, L. H. Canning Graving Dock, July, 1857, R. Daw. A. brevipes, Ag—Common in the Mersey. Rock ferry slip, July, 1856; Dingle Bay, February, 1857, &c. A. subsesslis, Kiitz.— Bidston marsh, May, 1856; July, 1856; and Oct. 1857. A. ezxilis, Kiitz—Rock in Dingle, March, 1857; railway bridge, Spital, May, 1857; canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857. ACHNANTHIDIUM, Kiitzing. A. lanceolatum, Bréb.—Not uncommon. Rock near Storeton, March, 1857, &c. A. coarctatum, Bréb.—Skew bridge, Bebbington, May, 1857; moss from Rock ferry, October, 1857. A. microcephalum, Kiitz.—Canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 12h RHABDONEMA, Kiitzing. A. arcuatum, Kiitz.— Woodside slip, May, 1857; New Brighton, February, 1857, L. H. ft. minutum, Kitz.—Dingle bay, February, 1857—Rock ferry slip, February, 1857, L. H. STRIATELLA, Agardh. S. unipunctata, Ag.—Primrose hill, New ferry, July, 1856. Diatoma, Dec. D. vulgare, Bory—Common. Canal near Aintree, June, 1858, &c. D. elongatum, Ag—Common. Generally in brackish water. Var. [(3.—Hoylake, October, 1856, G. M. B. Var. y.—Aintree, June, 1857. GramMaAToPHORA, Ehrenberg. G. marina, Kutz.—New Brighton, February, 1857, L. H.— Woodside slip, May, 1857. G. serpentina, Kiitz—New Brighton, April, 1857. TaABELLARIA, Ehrenberg. x Sapa Kiitz.— Well opposite Bebbington Church, July, 1850. — Brippuupuia, Gray. B. aurita, Bréb.—R. Fender, June, 1856—Southport sands, August, 1858, G. M. B. BL. Rhombus, Sm.—Common. New Brighton, frequently ; Leasowe, Southport, and Hoylake. B. Bailey, Sm.—New Brighton, April and October, 1858— Stomach of Noctiluca, Southport, August, 1858, T. S. B. turgida, Sm.—Leasowe, September, 1858, G. M. B. B. granulata, Rop.—New Brighton, April, 1858—Leastowe September, 1858, G. M. B. Poposira, Ehrenberg. P. Montagnei, Kitz —Common.—Bidston marsh, Southport, &e. P. maculata, Sm.—Not uncommon. New Brighton, &c. Me vosira, Agardh. M. nummuloides, Kiitz.—Common. R. Mersey, frequently ; Dee marsh, near Queen’s ferry, June, 1858. M. Borreriit, Grev.—Bootle shore, December, 1858, G. M. B. M. varians, Ag —Extremely common. M. Westii, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. Ortuosira, Thwaites. O. marina, Sm.—New Brighton, several times. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. O. orichalcea, Sm.—Bidston marsh, October, 1856; well at Sefton, July, 1857; and June, 1858. Mastroc.toia, Thwaites. M. lanceolata, Thw.—Southport marsh, June, 1857; Birk- dale marsh, June, 1857, G. M. B. M. Smithii, Thw.—Birkdale marsh, June, 1857. G. M. B. Encyonema, Kiitzing. L. prostratum, Ralfs.—Sefton lock, July, 1857; canal bridge, over R. Alt, June, 1857. CoLLETONEMA, Brébisson. C. eximium, Thw.—Bidston marsh, October, 1857. C. vulgare, Thw.—Storeton well, March, 1857. C. neglectum, Thw.—R. Alt, near Sefton, July, 1857; R. Fender, Bidston marsh, August, 1858. Scu1zoNeMA, Agardh. S. cruciger, Sm.—Bidston marsh, May, 1856; New Brighton, February, 1857; Canning Graving Dock, August, 1858. S. helmintosum, Chauv.—Rock ferry slip, February, 1857, L. H.—Dingle Bay, February, 1857. S. Smithii, Agardh.—Rock ferry slip, February, 1857—New Brighton, March, 1857, L. H. S. Grevillii, Agardh.—New Brighton, March, 1857, L. H.; and October, 1856, G. M. B. Homaocrapia, Agardh. Hl. filiformis, Sm.—Canal bridge over R. Alt, June, 1857— Canal at Aintree, June, 1858, L. H. H. sigmoidea, Sm.—Pit at Aintree, June, 1857; Bidston marsh, October, 1857. ASTERIONELLA, Hassall. A. formosa, Hass.—In Rivington Pike water supplied to the town. 123 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Descriptions of New Sprxctes of Potyzoa. Collected by GeEorRGE Barer, Esq., in Shetland. THE assiduous dredging labours of Mr. Barlee, more espe- cially in the Northern seas of Scotland, have, as is well known, been the means of introducing numerous additions to the British Marine Fauna, among which, those belonging to the domain of Zoophytology are by no means the least considerable. Having been favoured by Mr. Barlee with the opportunity of examining the Polyzoa collected by him, within the last two years, we here commence the description of the new or imperfectly known species comprised among them. As these are numerous, and our limits, so far as illustrations are concerned, circumscribed, the description of these species will occupy several numbers of the journal, although, in the meanwhile, brief descriptions of most of the new forms were presented to the British Association at its late meeting. Sub-order. Cheilostomata. Fam. 1. Flustride. Gen. 1. Flustra. Linn. 1. F. Barlei, nu. sp. Pl. XXV, fig. 4. TF. polyzoario foliaceo, diviso, lobato ; cellulis oblongis, margine simpliet ; ovicellults cucullatis ; aviculariis intercellulas sparsis, oblique positis, man- dibulo semicirculart. Cells oblong, with a simple margin; ovicells shallow, cucullate ; avicularia few, scattered, placed obliquely, and having a semicircular mandible. Poly- zoarium foliaceous, divided, lobate. Hab. Shetland, Barlee. The polyzoarium of this species bears a close resemblance to some conditions of Flustra foliacea ; but, when examined, it will at once be seen to be wholly distinct from that and all other hitherto described species. The cells are of the same oblong, rectangular shape as those of FP. papyracea and F. truncata, and, as in those species, wholly membranous in front. F. Barlei differs, however, from both, in the far larger size of the cells, which is at least double that of the cells in either of the species named. The margin is wholly 124 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. unarmed, as in F, truncata, from which F. Barlez, is however distinguished, not only by the far smaller dimension of the cells, but also by the oblique position of the avicularia, and the widely different habit of its growth. fF. papyracea, besides its having a small marginal spine on each upper angle, has no avicularia, so far as [ am aware, and also differs from F. Barlei very widely in habit. This is an important addition to the British Zoophy- tological Fauna; and it is curious that so large and well- marked a species should have hitherto escaped recognition. Fam. 2. Membraniporide. Gen. 2. Membranipora. Blainv. 1. MW. cornigera, nu. sp. Pl. XXV, fig, 2. M. incrustans ; cellulis pyriformibus, superne angustatis, margine glabro spinis 6 armato quarum infimis bifurcatis ; lamind subgranulosd. Aviculariis crebris, inter cellulas sparsis, mandibulo semictreulart instruetis. Incrusting; cells pyriform, contracted above, expanded below, with a smooth margin armed with three pairs of spines, of which tie lowest are forked; lamina subgranular. Avicularia numerous, interspersed among the cells, with a rounded or semicircular mandible. Hab. Shetland, Barlee. When in a state of tolerable preservation, no confusion can be made between this species and any other. Its nearest ally, perhaps, is M. Flemingii, in which the form of the cell is pretty nearly the same, and the number of marginal spines equal; but the disposition of the aivcularia differs, so that even in much worn specimens, sufficiently distinct characters may in most cases be perceived. When the marginal spines are uninjured, the peculiar forked form of the lowest pair will at once suffice to distinguish the present from any other British species. In M. Flemingii also, the mandible of the avicularium is acutely pointed, whilst in M. cornigera it is rounded and obtuse. , M. vulnerata,n. sp. Pl. XXV, fig. 3. MM. incrustans ; cellulis subpyriformibus seu ovalibus, superné angustatis ; a” 46 a” et Pa * nn . “ apertura parvd, semicirculariad ; lamind granulosd, utrinque fissurd sigmoided plerumque ornatd ; margine granulosd, inermi ; vibraculis intercellulas sparsis. Incrusting; cells subpyriform or suboval; aperture small, semicircular lamina granular, usually with a narrow sigmoid slit on either side; margin granular, unarmed. Vibracula scattered among the cells. Hab. Shetland, Barlee ; on stone. This, so far as I am aware, is the only Membranipora furnished with vibracular instead of avicularian organs. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 125 3. M. minaz,n. sp. Pl. XXV, fig. 1. M. adnata ; cellulis pyriformibus inferné angustatis ; area ovali, apertura trifoliatd ; lamind glabra ; margine tenui spinis elongatis, gracilibus, 4 armato. Aviculario magno, sessili,in parte anteriori cellule, medio posito, mandibulo, rostroque peracutis ; ovicellulis rotundatis, magnis. Adnate; cells pyriform, contracted below; area occupying about half the front of the cell of an oval form, with asmooth thin margin armed with four slender, elongated spines ; lamina smooth; aperture obscurely trifoliate in form. A large, prominent, (but not pedunculate,) avicularium placed on the middle of the cell in front, below the area,and having a very acute mandible and rostrum, which are placed transversely ; ovicell rounded, pro- minent. Hab. Shetland, Barlee ; on stone. The strong, prominent avicularium is a striking charac- teristic of this species. Its mandible and rostrum are both pointed, and the organ is placed transversely with respect to the axis of the cell. Gen. 3. Lepralia. Johnst. 1. L. sinuosa,n.sp. Pl. XXIV, figs. 2 and 3. L. cellulis subrhomboideis, subplanis, lined elevatd, sinuosd sejunctis, porosis; orificio suborbiculari, infra sinuato, peristomate tenui, elevato. Cells subrhomboidal, flattened in front, perforate, separated by a wavy, sinuous line ; orifice suborbicular, sinuated below; peristome thin, raised. Hab. Shetland, Barlee ; on shell. Cornwall, Peterhead, Ipswich. Peach. My friend Mr. C. Peach is of opinion that this species is identical with one found by him in thie localities above cited, and described with a figure in the “ Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall for 1851,” But I must confess that his figure leads me to doubt the correctness of Mr. Peach’s surmise. 2. L. Malusii, Audouin. Var, Spinis marginalibus armata. In the ‘ Brit. Mus. Catalogue,’ L. Malusu is placed among the unarmed species, but subsequent observation has shown that the form furnished with marginal spines, there cited as a variety, may be more properly regarded as the typical aspect of L. Malusii, of which a figure is here introduced, taken from a specimen, in which the mode of origin of a patch from a single, central, abnormal cell is well shown. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES XXIV & XXV. PLATE XXIV. Fig. 1.—Lepralia malusii, p. 125. 9— ,, . simuosa, X 25 d., p. 125. 3— » as x 50d. PLATE XXV. 1.—Membranipora rhynchota, p.- 125. a. Avicularium, open. b. bs closed. 2.—WM. cornigera, p. 124. 3.—WM. vulnerata, p .124. 4.—Flustra Barlei, p. 123. a. Natural size of small fragment. 4. Avicularium, xX 50 d. c. Portion, X 25. d. 5.—F’, truncata 6.—F. papyracea } x 25 d., for comparison. ZOOPHYT OLOGY. ¢ Busk dal. Sikes eC hh eee es ZOOPHYTOLOGY. wid Nernen wee vary mae ae penis meee qc a Ht Ce OTR he > neti e ee Co eens AF ote aglt hig 5 W West imp GBusk del ~ Si >» s. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On American Diatomacex. By Artuur M. Epwarps, Esq., New York, U.S. A paPeR of mine, on American Diatomacex, was read before the London Microscopical Society, March 30th, 1859, and published in their Transactions, in which an omission occurred which I herein wish to rectify. A mistake occurred in re-writing, so that the description of the species found at Charleston harbour, 8S. C., was left out. A paper on this subject, by the present writer, was read before the New York Lyceum of Natural History, February 21st, 1859, a copy of which is annexed :-— On the Microscopic forms of the Harbour of Charleston, South Carolina. In the year 1850, Professor Bailey published in the ‘Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge,’ a list of the microscopic organisms which he had found in mud collected from the logs of wharves, and from other situations in the harbour of Charleston, 8. C., which contained two new species, besides many other curious forms; and in the year 18538, he de- scribed four species of Ehrenberg’s genus Auwliscus, three of which are also found at Charleston, though Bailey failed to detect them. Bailey’s list is as follows :— Actiniscus sirius, hr. Navicula sigma, Ehr. Actinoyclus bioctonarius, Lhr. Actinoptychus senarius, hr. Biddulphia pulchella, Gray. Cocconeis scutellum, hr. Coscinodiscus eccentricus, LAr. Dictyocha fibula, Zir. boas Rogersii, Hhr. radiatus, B. * Gaill?nella suleata, Hhr. Pinnularia interrupta, HAr. af didyma, hr. C lyra, Lhr. Raphoneis rhombus, Zhr, Stauroptera aspera, Lhr. *Surirella cireumstuta, B. Terpsina musica, LAr. Triceratium favus, hr. ee alternans, 2. Certain of these have been re-named by later observers, VOL. VIII. L 128 EDWARDS, ON AMERICAN DIATOMACEZ. or have been found to be synonymous with already described species, and should be designated thus :— Actinocyclus bioctonarius, Pr. Actinoptychus senarius, Zhr. Eupodiscus Rogersii, Lhr. Pinnularia didyma, Ehr. es lyra, Lhr. Raphoneis rhombus, Zur. Stauroptera aspera, [hr. Surirella circumstuta, B. Gaillionella suleata, Phr. Coscinodiscus actinoptychus, Zdw. Actinopheenia splendens, Shad. Kupodiscus argus, Lhr. Navicula didyma, X. ps Ayres Doryphora amphiceros, KX. Stauroneis pulchella, W. S. Tryblionella scutellum, VW. S. Orthosira marina, Hhr. Hui uo da dea Actiniscus sirius, Ehr., and Dictyocha fibula, Ehyr., are neither of them Diatoms, and are most probably portions of the skeleton of a Holothuria. Some two years back, I received from a friend residing at Charleston some of the so-called black “ pluff”’ mud, taken from between watermarks, and which I found to be extremely rich in Diatomaceous forms. The following species were observed :— Actinocyclus undulatus, Zhr. Epithemia Hyndmanii, W. S. Actinopheenia splendens, Shad. * musculus, K. Auliscus celatus, B. Navicula didyma, K. » pruinosus, B. eer maculata, 2. sp. » punctatus, 2B. permagna, 2. sp. Biddulphia rhombus, V7. S. “NitZachia scalaris, W. S. Pn aurita, Bréb. Pleurosigma angulata, W.S. Campylodiscus cribrosus, W. 8. Triceratium alternans, B. Cocconeis scutellum, hr. favus, Ehr. Coscinodiseus actinoptychus. Hdw. punctatum, 7. B. 55 eccentricus, Lhr. Tryblionella seutellum, VS. 3 lineatus, Lhr. 4 punctata, WS. ms oculus-iridis, Zhr. * radiatus, Hhr. 3 subtilis, Hhr. The Navicula sigma, Ehr., of Bailey’s list, is most probably synonymous with the Pleurosigma angulata, W.S., of mine. Those species marked with an asterisk (*) are new, and are characterised as follows :— Navicula maculata, n. sp.=Stauroneis maculata, B., 1850. “Tanceolate or elliptical; ends slightly produced and rounded ; surface punctato-striate, with a lar ge smooth cen- tral space.” Bailey. To this description I haveto add a following measurements : length -055 in. ; breadth ‘00216 in. strize coarsely moniliform, 12 in. ‘001 re Navicula permagna, n. sp.=Pinnularia permagna, B., 1850. “Large, lanceolate on the ventral faces, with punctato- striate marginal bands, and a broad, smooth central stripe ; EDWARDS, ON AMERICAN DIATOMACE. 129 ends slightly rounded.” Bailey. I have as yet only found this species in small quantities, and have been unable to make its measurements. There can be no doubt that these two species should be placed in the genus Navicula, as the seeming stauros in the first, the presence of which would seem to rank it in that of Stauroneis, is only a blank space, such as is seen in many species of Navicula, as N. elegans, &c. The presence of moniliform striz in the second species removes it from Pinnularia, which is characterised by its markings being coste, not resolvable into dots. Of N. macuiata, | have specimens from Duval’s Creek, near Enter- prise, Florida, for which I am indebted to Dr. Christopher Johnston, of Baltimore, Md. I here mention a fact that has come within my notice while examining this gathering. Smith’s Kupodiscus radiatus, as described and figured in the first volume of his ‘ Synopsis,’ is not the same as the form described under that name by Bailey in 1850. Roper has remarked this same fact (‘‘Trans. | Mic. Soc.,’ London, vol. vii, p. 19), but was in some doubt until I had the pleasure of forwarding him authentic specimens of it from Bailey’s cabinet, when he wrote to me that the examination of them confirmed his opinion that Smith was in error in referring the Thames diatom to that species. It is perfectly distinct, and a true Eupodiscus. Since the above article was written, I have been lead, by the advice of Dr. Arnott, to reconsider the subject of the species, which I, in my paper on American Diatoms, called Coscinodiscus actinoptychus. This belongs to Ehrenberg’s genus Actinocyclus, the species of which are characterised by the number of rays,—a loose character. It should therefore be placed in that genus for the present, the specific name being left blank until more is known of its natural history. 130 TRANSLATION. ArmosPHERIC MicrocrarpHy. OssEervatTions on the Cor- PUSCLES suspended in the AtMosPHERE. By M. Povucuer. (‘ Comptes rendus,’ March 21st, 1859.) THE atmosphere contains, in suspension, numerous cor- puscles, consisting of the detritus of the mineral crust of the earth, animal and vegetable particles, and the minutely divided débris of the various articles employed in our wants. These various kinds of corpuscles are more numerous and more voluminous in proportion to the degree in which the atmosphere is agitated by the wind; and they constitute what we term “ dust.” This ‘ dust”? being simply the deposit of the corpuscles carried in the atmosphere, it is evident that the attentive study of its composition is simply a microscopic analysis of the air. The granules of mineral origin, partly going to form the dust, present but little variety. They are derived essentially from the detritus of the rocks which are exposed in the country where the dust is observed. The débris derived from the animal kingdom consists chiefly of the following articles :—various animalcules in a dry state and of extreme minuteness, such as entozoa be- longing to the genus Oxyuris and Vibriones of several species. I have often also noticed the skeletons of siliceous Infusoria, especially of Navicule, Bacillarie, and other diatoms; fragments of the antennze of Coleoptera; scales of diurnal and nocturnal Lepidoptera; fibres of wool of various colours derived from our clothes, often of a beautiful blue, bright red, or green; hairs of the rabbit, bat, &c.; the barblets of feathers; fragments of the tarsi of imsects ; epithelial cells; fragments of the skin of various insects ; particles of cobweb. ‘Twice only, in more than a thousand observations, have I observed one of those large ova of Infusoria having a diameter of 0°0150mm., denominated by naturalists ‘ cysts.” The corpuscles contained in “ dust’? belonging to the vege- table kingdom, observed by me, are the following ;—frag- POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. 131 ments of the tissue of various plants; a few ligneous fibres ; more frequently fragments of cells and vessels ; often hairs of the nettle and other plants; numerous filaments of cotton, usually white, but sometimes of various colours, also derived from articles of dress; some fragments of anthers and pollen- grains of malvaceous plants, of Epilobium and Pinus ; spores of cryptogamous plants, but in very small number. Lastly, I have constantly noticed, and almost invariably where my observations have been extensive, a very notable quantity of wheat-starch mixed with the dust, whether recent or old; and, in rare instances, may be found the starch of oats, barley, and the potato. It is evident, therefore, that the atmosphere holds in sus- pension a certain quantity of wheat-starch among its dust- corpuscles. This substance is met with in all places where it enters into articles of food, and it may readily be distin- guished by its physical and chemical characters. The grains of which it consists are sometimes ovoid, sometimes spherical ; in diameter they usually vary from 0:0140 to 0:0280mm. Besides these numerous extremely minute incipient granules, may be seen others less than 0-0028mm. in diameter. The larger grains are very rare; those of a medium size far more common, and the very minute ones extremely abundant. In the large granules the concentric layers and hilum may sometimes be readily distinguished. It is rather curious to remark that this starch, notwithstanding, in some instances, its secular existence, still affords all the physical and chemical properties of the recent substance. The only difference being that the very ancient presents a light-yellow tint. When boiled in water it swells and dissolves. Very weak hydrochloric acid has no effect upon it; it is coloured blue by iodine with greater or less intensity; and sometimes its colour disappears under the influence of light. One circum- stance which has struck me, is, that among starch found in dust several centuries old, I have, from time to time, met with grains which had spontaneously assumed a beautiful clear violet colour. Was this due to the influence of time, or to the vicinity of the sea, or, lastly, according to M. Chatin, to the traces of the vapour of iodine contained in the atmo- sphere? Finally, that no doubt may be entertained with respect to the identity of this aérial fecula with ordinary starch, I would add, that its effect upon polarized light is the same, except that, when procured from a very ancient deposit, its polarizing property is less energetic. It is evident that it is this fecula thus perfectly charac- terised by its physical and chemical properties, that M. De 132 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. Quatrefages has taken for the ova of microzoa. It is the most minute grains of this substance to which he refers when he states, that he “ could easily recognise in the dust” several of those minute corpuscles of a spherical or ovoid form, well known to all micrographers, and which involuntarily suggest the idea of an extremely minute ovum.* This image is correct, but the illusion is at once dissipated by the slightest chemical test, which proves that the granules in question can be nothing else than either extremely fine amylaceous grains or siliceous particles, which I have frequently ob- served, and which are of such extreme tenuity, as under the microscope to present the appearance of transparent spherical granules. Astonished at the comparative abundance of the amyla- ceous particles which I found among the atmospheric cor- puscles, and in order to obtain a rigorous demonstration of the fact, I determined to examine dust of all ages and from all localities. I have investigated the monuments of our great cities, others on the sea-shore and in the desert; and, in the midst of the immense variety of corpuscles universally floating in the air, have almost everywhere met with starch in greater or less abundance. Gifted with an extraordinary self-conservative power, time seems scarcely to affect it. However remote may be the antiquity of the atmospheric corpuscles, starch still recognisable is found among them. I have discovered its presence in the most inaccessible recesses of our old Gothic churches mixed with the dust, blackened by an existence of from six to eight centuries. I have even found it in the palaces and subterranean chambers of the Thebaid, where it would date probably from the epoch of the Pharaohs. It may be affirmed, as a general proposition, that in all countries where wheat constitutes the basis of food, its starchy element penetrates everywhere with the dust, and is found mixed with it in more or less considerable quantity. It is more abundant in situations pear the centre of towns and at a low level, whilst, in proportion as we go to greater distances from the great centres of population, and explore the more isolated monuments, does the starch become less and less abundant, and its grains more and more minute. I have been unable to detect any either in the Temple of Jupiter Serapis, situated on the shores of the Gulf of Baiz, or in that of Venus Athor, placed on the confines of Nubia. Nevertheless, I have collected some in subterranean temples of Upper Egypt. * «Comptes rend.,’ Paris, 1859, t. xlviii, p. 31. POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. 133 It is remarked also, that in proportion to the elevation reached on mountains or on buildings, the amount of fecula mixed with the atmospheric detritus is diminished. In the Abbey of Fécamp, which is below the level of the ground, and situated in the middle of the town, starch abounds in the dust of its chapels. In the Cathedral of Rouen a con- siderable quantity is met with in the lower part of the tower of Georges d’Amboise, the proportion gradually dimi- nishing as we ascend. Whilst still abundant in the ancient dust found in the roof of the choir, it becomes more and more rare when we mount into the spire. Very little is found at the base of the cast-iron pyramid, and not a single grain at its summit. In an isolated chapel situated on the sea-shore, and built on a beach about 110 metres in elevation, the dust lodged on a statue was composed, in great part, of calcareous particles, derived from the sides of the mountain, and con- veyed by the wind to the floor of the building, which is open day and night to pilgrims. In the same situation were also found a great number of scales of lepidopterous insects, which had, doubtless, often sought shelter there ; but very rarely was a grain of starch perceived in the field of the microscope ; whilst in the detritus of towns, on every trial, several grains of a medium size, and a considerable number of more minute dimensions, would have been noticed. A battery also placed on the shore, and in an isolated situa- tion, and which had not been opened for sixty years, afforded a black dust, which was as poor in starch as that of the chapel above mentioned. But the dust itself was of a wholly different nature, being composed almost entirely of very angular, transparent, colourless particles of silex. The starch was so scarce in this dust, that often not more than a single grain could be discovered in a dozen observations. This dissemination is a phenomenon so general and so widely diffused in places where wheat is used for food, that there is no nook or corner into which starch does not in- sinuate itself with the air. It is found in everything, and in all situations into which the latter penetrates. The most obscure corners of our Gothic buildimgs have afforded this substance in the ancient dust which had never been dis- turbed in the memory of man. I have even found it in the interior of the eavity of the tympanum in the skull of a mummified dog which I procured from a subterranean temple in Upper Egypt. M. Ch. Robin, whose observations accord with mine, has discovered starch on the surface of the human skin, whence it may be procured by scraping 134 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. with a sharp instrument either in the dead body or of a living person. All these observations, if it were needed, might be sup- ported by biological proofs. Until the contrary can be shown experimentally, it may be said that the air is so rarely the vehicle of ova, and the dust so rarely their recep- tacle, that when the latter is subjected to an elevated tem- perature, it is no less fecund in animalcules than that which has not been heated; which would not be the case, were the hypothesis of aerian dissemination of ova founded in truth. I have often repeated the following experiment. I have taken 3 grammes of an ancient dust, and placed it in a thin tube, heated to 215° C., in an oil-bath, for an hour and a quarter. The dust has afterwards been put into 30 grammes of artificial water, and the whole covered with a bell-glass. At the end of five days, and at a mean tem- perature of 20° C., the water was crowded with animalcules of large size—Colpoda and Paramecium. The same result takes place with dust which has not been heated. What has been taken, therefore, for ova deposited from the atmosphere, was not really such; for, in that case, the dust which had been heated would have been infertile, the germs contained in it having been killed by a temperature of 215°C. Another very simple experiment also proves that it is impossible to discover any living germ in the atmosphere. By means of an inhaling flask I caused 100 litres of air to pass through a safety tube whose bulb contained two cubic centimetres of distilled water. At.the end of eight days I was unable to discover a single animalcule or ovum in this small quantity of water, in which the latter, themselves, could not escape observation, now that they have been completely described and measured, and are well known in several species. On the contrary, if I place in a cubic decimetre of distilled water 5 grammes of a fermentable substance, sheltered by a bell-glass having a capacity of one litre, at the end of eight days, and at a temperature of 18° C., the whole surface of the water is occupied by incalculable myriads of ani- malcules. The memoir concludes with the detail of particular observa- tions on dust collected in the following localities : Tower of Georges d’Amboise, at Rouen. Interior of the Abbey at Fécamp. Ruins of Thebes. Tomb of Ramses II. Sepulchral chamber of the Great Pyramid. ‘Temple of Venus Athor, at Philoe. Temple of Serapis, at Puzzuoli. Skull of a mummified dog, from the subterranean yaults of Beni- Hassan. The cabinet of a Jewish antiquarian at Cairo. 135 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Angular Aperture——My object in the paper on the subject of angular aperture, which you were good enough to insert (p. 256, last volume), was simply to facilitate the application of Mr. Lister’s method of measurement, by showing how that method might be made available independently of the special apparatus usually considered requisite for this purpose. Mr. Hendry, therefore (p. 61, present volume), is mistaken if he supposes, as he seems to do, that I claim for the method, as described by me, superiority in point of accuracy to the method as usually practised. I do not do that, but I claim for it equality im this respect. An angle is determined quite as accurately by measurement of the sides of the triangle to which it belongs, as by measurement of its subtending arc. The use of two candles saves the trouble of moving the one candle, if one only is used, from one side of the field of view to the other; and the indication of these being properly placed will easily be found to be in exact accordance with the corresponding indication m Mr. Lister’s method, as usually described. But I am surprised at Mr. Hendry’s statement, that “ my rule gave no provision for angles exceeding 90°.” I know of no ground for this statement. Take his fourth example : Lights apart, 44 inches; distance of lens, 10 inches. Hence 44 + (10 x 2) = 2:2. On reference to Hutton’s Tables, I find this to be the tangent of 65° 33’. The aperture therefore is 131° 6’. Mr. Hendry, perhaps, has only a table of logarithmic tangents. Very well. The logarithm of 2-2 is 0°3424, to which adding 10, to accommodate it to the tabular radius, it becomes 10°3424; and this is the logarithmic tangent of 65° 33’, as before —M. Gray, 7, St. Paul’s Villas, Camden Town, December 5th, 1859. A New Cement for mounting Objects for the Microscope, either in dry cells or in fluid—I have found that great rapidity is obtained in mounting objects in a cement made with as- 136 MEMORANDA. phaltum dissolved in Benzine or Benzole instead of turpentine, because it dries so quickly that a great many more objects can be mounted and finished in a day with it than with any other cement. I finish it off with a coat of asphalt in tur- pentine, to give it a smooth appearance. It should be kept, like all cements for the mounting of microscopic objects, in a capped bottle, so that the brush is always soft and ready for use. Benzole is also the most convenient solvent for removing superfluous balsam from the outside of the glass covers under which objects are mounted in that medium.—J. W. Law- RANCE, Peterborough.* Registration of Objects——I beg to subjoin notice of a simple mode of registermg objects on slides, which was devised by me in India, and has answered all ordinary purposes so effici- ently as to induce me to hope it may prove useful to micro- scopists. It possesses three great advantages,—in requiring no sepa- rate apparatus, no special adjustment of slides or stage, and costing nothing. It is adapted for use with all the higher powers of the microscope. Although more readily available where the body of the instrument admits of lateral displace- ment, it may nevertheless be used where no such arrange- ment exists, by simply elevating the body to a sufficient height to allow of the bearings of the spot of light given off from the illuminator being accurately taken by the eye and hand. Suppose an object to be in the centre of the field of vision. The body of the microscope is either turned aside or raised, as the case may be. The slide being securely clamped in position, two minute marks are made, with a writing diamond, perpendicularly above, and in a line horizontal with, the spot of light thrown upon the object by the condenser. The smaller the spot of light, of course, the more easy will it be to denote the situation of an object accurately. ‘The slide is now removed, and the scratches are converted into short vertical and horizontal lines, varying in length according to convenience. ‘These two lines are now joined together by a third line; and, lastly, a number is attached, at either angle thus formed, for entry in the note-book or catalogue of the observer. To find the object again, all that has to be done is to place the slide on the stage, and the body of the microscope being * The addition of a little gold size to the solution of asphaltum in benzine will be found useful in rendering it less brittle —[Eps.] MEMORANDA. 713) either turned aside or elevated as before, to move the slide to and fro, either by hand or stage movements, until the spot of light from the condenser indicates the spot at which the vertical and horizontal lines beyond the margin of the cover would intersect each other, if produced. Of course, upon the accuracy with which the bearings have been taken will depend the facility of finding an object. But with ordinary care and a tolerably true eye, there is no diffi- culty. The following diagram will show the mode of registry, and how it may be applied to any number of objects on the same slide— 6 The dots, it is almost unnecessary to remark, are appended merely with a view to indicate the points at which the objects to be registered occur.—G. L. Watuicn. Improvement of the Camera Lucida.—One of M. Nachet’s ingenious applications of the prism to the microscope fur- nishes a hint for the improvement of the camera lucida, which I desire to bring under the notice of yourself and your readers. I refer to the arrangement described and figured on p. 706 of the second edition of Dr. Carpenter’s work on the microscope. A prism of peculiar form is there seen, ap- plied as a camera lucida to a vertical microscope. To the arrangement in question, as a whole, I do not attach much importance; for, first, our English microscopes are generally of too tall a dwi/d to admit of being at all commo- diously used in a vertical position for any length of time; and, secondly, if they could be commodiously so used, the stage would be in the way of the hand; while, moreover, the paper not bemg in the place where 7¢ seems to be, but away in front of the instrument, I venture to think that this would seriously interfere with the free use of the pencil in tracing the image. It is to a small adjunct of M. Nachet’s prism that I refer, as holding out a prospect of advantage; I mean the piece, marked 8, in Dr. Carpenter’s figure. It is well known that many—perhaps most—microscopists find considerable SE7 138 MEMORANDA. difficulty in using the camera lucida as at present constructed, owing to the constrained position in which the eye must be held, half the pupil over and half beyond the edge of the prism. A partial remedy for this difficulty would be found in discarding the present form of prism, with its two reflecting surfaces, and using a prism having only one such surface, and drilling a small hole through it vertically. Through this hole the paper would be seen, while the image would be visible by the rays reflected from the inclined surface of the prism. The objection to this is that the hole would act, as regards the rays entering the prism, as an opaque rod, and so render useless the portion of the reflecting surface immediately behind it. A complete remedy for the difficulty is suggested by inspection of Dr. Carpenter’s figure. Instead of making a hole in the prism, let there be attached to the centre of its inclined surface, by Canada balsam, an oblique segment of a small glass cylinder,* so that its base should be pa- rallel to the upper surface of the prism. The effect now, on looking into the prism, will be precisely that of a a hole through it, without the drawback attendant upon an actual hole. The paper will be clearly seen through the prism and the cylinder, and the image by reflection from the inclined surface of the prism, the whole of which surface will now be available, with the exception of the spot where the cylindrical segment is attached, which, however, will be so small as not to be productive of any injurious effect. In fine, so far as I at present see, I feel warranted in expressing a belief that by the adoption of the arrangement now suggested, the difficulty hitherto attendant on the use of the camera lucida would be entirely prevented. It has often been matter of wonder with me why our opticians continue to supply, for microscopical purposes, the prism with ¢wo reflecting surfaces. These are requisite in other applications of the camera, for the erection of the image. But in its application to the microscope we do not want this.t| What we want, if we had a preference in the matter, is that the inversion caused by the first reflection be * Dr. Carpenter calls Nachet’s “ piece EB” a prism. I think he must be wrong. The gwasi hole will be of the form of a direct section of the piece employed. A square prism would give a square hole, and a cylinder a cir- cular one. + A polished steel dise (Amici’s disc) has sometimes been employed instead of the more usual Wollaston’s camera. But the latter will always be preferred by those who draw from the microscope, simply for the reason that the image thrown on the paper by it corresponds in position with that viewed through the microscope.—{ Eps. ] MEMORANDA. 1389 left alone. I should think that a prism with only one re- flecting surface would be much more easily worked than one with two. A prism of the latter form, however, is spoiled by the slightest clipping of the edge; while, in the arrange- ment I have proposed, the edge does not come into use—and it might perhaps be found more advantageous in the working to have the edges truncated.—P. Gray, 7, St. Paul’s Villas, Camden Town, N.W. On the Rarer and Unpescripep Species of DIAtoMACcEs. By T. Brieutwei., F.L.S. Part II. ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. I regret to find the followmg errors have crept mto my last paper which need correction. TEXT. Page 94, line 4, czser¢ reference to plate “ (Pl. VI, fig. 15).” G4 a5) 8, for “fie. 15,” read “ 18." » 94, 4, 4 from bottom, txstead of ‘‘Aulacodiscus,” read “Auliscus sculptus = A. celatus, Bailey.” » 95, line 1, for “ Aulacodiscus,” read ‘* Eupodiscus.” » 95, 4, 6, “ dulacodiscus levis.’ I find this form has been named and distributed by Dr. Arnott as “4 K7¢/oni;” the specific name of wale must, therefore, be cancelled, and ‘‘ Az¢tonz”’ substi- tuted. » 95, line 19, the specific name should be “ coscinodiscus,” instead of * nyaidicula.” » 96, line 6, for “ ‘019 to 0:3,” read “:0019 to :0030.” One general error runs through all the measurements ; they require an additional ‘0 in front. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate V. Fig. 2, insert specific name “ trilingulatus.” » 4, for “pyxidicula,” read “ coscinodiscus.” 5, for “ Aulacodiscus,’ read “ Auliscus.” » 2 », 6, disert specific name “ coronatus.” hy Came = » “marginatus.” 9 “ cervinus.”? . ” 5) 2 2» ” eTvLnUs. », 10, for “ Aulacodiscus,” read “ Eupodiscus.” Plate VI. Fig. 11, czsert specific name “ radiata.” 2 i) ae _ » * semiplanus.” 2? 13, ” ”» »” se Kittoni.” ce :, > By kDa | 35 33 3 ‘ spinosa.” » 16 “ s/ylorum. 3 ” 3? »” » 17, for “ Eupodiscus,” read “ Actinoptychus interpunctatus.” 140 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Microscopicat Society, January 11th, 1860. Dr. Lanxester, President, in the chair. Tur minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. J. A. Tulk, Esq., 5, East Preston-street, Edinburgh ; J.C. Forsyth, Esq., Stoke-upon-Trent ; and George Kelly, Esq., 9, Sutherland-gardens, Maida-vale, were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. The following papers were read : 1. ‘On the Localities of Diatomaceze,’ by Mr. Norman. (“Trans p. 59.) 2. ‘On the Reproduction of Confervoid Algz,’? by Mr. Oruce, ( lrans.., p. 71.) The following letter, addressed to the President, was read :— “My pear Srr,—lI send you three slides of the same object. ‘No. 1, mounted in balsam, without any preparation except washing away the salt water. “No. 2, the same burned on the cover, and mounted dry. ““No. 3, the same neither boiled nor burned, and mounted in fluid. It is probable that, im this last, all the objects may, during the transit, be deposited on one side of the cell, but a little shaking will perhaps cause them to become again scattered, as they were when mounted. “The first time that it came under my notice, it was sent me, 11th September, 1858, by the Rev. R. Taylor, of Bedlington, from the coast of Northumberland. I afterwards received it from Mr. Mansfield Browne, of Liverpool, collected on that coast. Thereafter it was sent me by Mr. Roper, from the Norfolk coast ; by Mr. G. Norman, of Hull, from near the mouth of the Humber; and the other day, I received an immense quantity of it from Mrs. Macdonald, of St. Andrews, Fifeshire. “Tn all these cases it is found on very shallow pools among the sands; it floats on the surface and forms extensive patches. If sand adheres, it is easily separated by a slight shaking in the bottle in which it is collected. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES, 14] “Some have supposed it a diatom allied to Biddulphia Bayleyi. From its filamentous nature, and having long spines or cilia, it might, if diatomaceous, be approached to Biddul- phia; but it takes in turpentine and balsam when dried without being boiled or burned. Now this can only take place on the supposition either that there are no partitions (or valves at the joint—in other words, that the tube is continuous), or that the wall is porous; either of which is contrary to its being a diatom at all. “Some of my correspondents suppose it to be the exuvie of an annelid; but no one can point out either genus or species. “An object of such abundance on our coasts (at St. Andrews I am informed that a pint of it could have been collected in a few minutes) must surely be well known to the London microscopists; and therefore I send you the slides in the hope that, through its members, you will be able to throw some light on the point. “T shallsend a supply of the object itself to Mr. J.T. Norman, the well-known preparer of microscopic objects ; so that any one requiring slides may have them from him. They are best seen on the cover, dry, and not burned; but, unless burned, they are apt to imbibe damp, and the slide becomes useless in a year or two. I therefore, myself, prefer them when mounted dry, after being burned. “Yours truly, “ e 174 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. fibres, besides the fungoid structures, presented no other elements, in the larger might be observed a certain number of ‘silicious spicule, some of which were simple elongated needles with a club-shaped, thickened end at one extremity ; some in the form of a trident, and disposed sometimés heaped together in the axis of the fibre, sometimes with their points projecting more or less above its surface. Now, with respect to the vegetable parasite, this growth is visible, in my specimen, on all the fibres, without exception, in the greatest profusion. (Pl. VIII, fig. 1.) It isa unicellular fungus, whose filaments measure, for the most part, between 0:001'"" and 0:002" ; and, in my dried preparations, all contain ‘air, which renders it very easy to trace them. But even when the air is expelled by water or hydrochloric acid, they are still very readily seen; whilst glycerine and balsam render them “so indistinct that, at any rate, all the ramifications are not well shown. As regards their disposition and course, in general two kinds of filaments may be distinguished; a deeper set, which are longer and straighter, and a super- ficial, which are much branched. The former, usually of rather larger size, run in a straight or slightly serpentine course, sometimes in the axis of the horny fibre, though, in the thicker fibres, on the outside of the spicule there assembled, but sometimes, at any rate, at a certain distance from the surface. They ramify but very sparigly, except ‘that they give off a good many branches, which proceed to ‘the surface of the fibre at a right angle. Occasionally, how- ever, in preparations well filled with air, I have noticed tubuli furnished with ramuscules running out to a fine point, frequently assembled into bundles, and so numerous, as to give the tubule from which they spring the appear- ance of the stem of a rose. Widely different was the habit of the superficial filaments which exist in such abundance in the outermost layers of the horny fibres, as to afford, when the surface is brought into focus, the appearance, as stated by Bowerbank, as if the filaments were ‘surrounded with a network of tubules. When these fila- ments are examined more closely, it will be seen that they are prolongations from the inner filaments, and are some- times richly branched, and sometimes also anastomosing. The branches are, for the most part, spread out hori- -zontally ; and it is these, as I thik I have certaimly con- vinced myself, which, in some cases, are connected together ; ‘a condition which, it is well known, is observed in the mycelium of various fungi. But, besides these, numerous very short offsets arise from the superficial filaments, most of which proceed directly outwards, and appear, in fact, KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 175 to open on the surface of the horny fibre. At any rate, there may often be perceived on the fibres, when viewed on the surface, and in side-views, pretty distinct openings ; and moreover, especially on the addition of acid, the air always escapes from the fungus filaments at certain determinate spots. My justification, in regarding all the above-described filaments as belonging to a fungus, lies in the circumstance that I have succeeded in demonstrating, together with them, the existence of numerous sporangia. (Figs.2, 3.) The fertile filaments are, as it seems to me, all, or the majority of them, short ramuscules of the superficial network, passing inwards, and supporting at the extremity rounded sporangia, from 0:91’” to 0:015'" in size, and when viewed on the side, of a hemispherical form. The minute structure of these bodies could not be ascertained, owing to the appearances being obscured by the air among the spores. Even when the air was expelled by means of balsam, little was gained, inasmuch as the transparency of the whole was then too great to allow anything to be seen beyond an indistinctly areolar substance. In a good many sporangia the spores were in a germinating condition, and not unfrequently presented delicate branch- ing figures. A second sponge also given to me by Dr. Bowerbank, and described by him as “a true sponge with tubuli in the fibres,” has a horny skeleton without spicules, and numerous anastomosing fibres pretty nearly all of the same diameter. The fungus-filaments in this sponge are found by no means in all the fibres of the skeleton, entire portions occurring wholly free from them; an important fact, inasmuch as in this case the adventitious nature of the enclosed tubuli is not shown by the same decided proof as in the former instance, viz., by the presence of sporangia, none of which were met with. The constitution, however, of the tubuli was in this case such, that even had they existed in all the horny fibres, I should not have hesitated in referring them to fungus- filaments. They present the appearance of rather wide canals, usually in the number of 1, 2, 3, rarely more, penetrating into the interior of the horny fibres, and giving off in their course, at an acute angle, rather numerous branches, which also continue to run ina longitudinal direction. Itis peculiar that all these principal trunks give off, at right angles, a greater or less, and sometimes a very considerable number of -ramuscules, which run straight to the surface of the fibre, where most of them open externally, as may be plainly seen by the escape, in dried specimens, of the air contained in the filaments. I could perceive no trace of sporangia within the 176 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. horny fibres, but on their exterior, in a few instances, opaque rounded bodies were seated, which were probably sporangia, but this I was unable definitively to determine. It was remarkable also that in many places the fungus-filaments presented large, simuous, elongated dilatations which occupied nearly the whole thickness of the fibre. 2. PoLYTHALAMIA. The close examination of a considerable number of sections of Polythalamia, for which I have been indebted to the kindness of my friend Dr. Carpenter, afforded the definite result that in these delicate organisms also a parasitic vegetation is not wanting. Owing, moreover, to the circumstance that in certain of these creatures the shells, also typically contain special systems of tubuli, it is often extremely difficult to decide as to the true nature of the tubuli. The genera in which vegetable parasites, which I also look upon as fungi, have been noticed, are the following : 1. OpeRcuLtina. (Fig. 7.) In the shells of this genus Dr. Carpenter has described two kinds of tubes, the one fine and closely placed, which run vertically and unbranched, in the upper and lower walls of the chambers, and the other usually constituted of somewhat larger anastomosing canals, which are found in the marginal layer of the shell, whence they penetrate into the vertical dissepiments of the chambers. That the former represent a normal structure does not admit of the least doubt, but with respect to the others any decision is rendered very difficult owing to the circumstance that, together with them, very numerous parasitic structures certainly occur. One circum- stance, however, may be noticed which throws light upon the matter; the fact, namely, that im certain individuals the parasites are entirely absent, and that there are genera possessing essentially similar structural conditions, which also exhibit nothing of the sort. Of six preparations of Operculina, parasites appear to be entirely absent in five, whilst in the sixth they occur in enormous quantity. Two preparations of the allied Cycloclypeus Australis present no structures whatever of the parasitic kind, and the same was the case in four sections of Nonionina Germanica. It was thus definitively proved that the second system of tubuli noticed by Carpenter in the species is, as it is described and figured by that naturalist, typical. Now with respect to the parasitic fungi which were met with in the one specimen of Operculina, they were found, in KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 77, the first place, in the dissepiments, accompanying and running among the larger tubuli of Carpenter, but secondly, also among the finer tubuli in the thick walls of the chambers. They everywhere presented the aspect of more or less sinuous, irregular, branching, and also frequently anastomosing tubes. But whilst in the former situation the canals were rather wide, so as to measure even 0:002” to 0:003’" and more in diameter; in the latter, fine tubuli of the same diameter as those of the shell were the more numerous. The adventitious tubuli, however, were readily distinguishable from the others by the circumstance that they were spread out in a horizontal network, and consequently ran at right angles with the proper tubuli of the shell. Of sporangia J noticed only in one spot some indications on a rather wide canal, upon which were visible two rounded, opaque swellings ; but I would not venture to assert that these bodies were really sporangia. 2. AMPHISTEGINA. (Fig. 5.) Five sections of this genus contained fungi. They oc- curred principally in the marginal parts of the shells, and appeared as branched canals, about 0:002"" or 0:003'" in dia- meter. Besides these wider canals, others of less dimensions also occurred, which I thimk must be regarded as of the same nature, especially on account of their horizontal and often much lengthened course. No sporangia were observed in this case, whilst in certain spots in those parts of the shell which bounded the chambers very young individual fungi might be observed, under the form of short pyriform vesicles, whose narrow extremity was directed towards the cavity of the chamber. 3.. HETEROSTEGINA Contains fine-branched and, as it would appear, occa- sionally anastomosing fungus-filaments, running chiefly in a horizontal direction between the fine tubuli of the shell which they thus crossed. No sporangia. 4. CaLCARINA. Three sections of this genus contained a few fungi, repre- sented by sometimes fine and branched filaments, some- times by wider, short, pyriform, and elongated tubules, aggregated in the most superficial layers of the shell, and which probably represented a younger condition of the other filaments. No indication of sporangia. 178 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 5. ORBITOLITES COMPLANATA. (Fig. 6.) Ten vertical and horizontal sections of this genus all con- tained numerous fungi, generally speaking of the same two kinds as in Amphistegina. In general the wider canals were the more numerous, and these also presented frequent dila- tions, and were more serpentine than in the last-named genus. The parasites were in this case also situated more in the superficial layers of the shell, though some penetrated through its entire thickness. Numerous young fungi were seated in the walls of the chambers, in the layers immediately bound- ing them, in the form of pedunculated, roundish, and pyriform vesicles, 6. PoLYsTOMELLA. Nine sections of shells of this form all contained numerous fungi of the same two kinds as those in Amphistegina. Young, undeveloped individuals might also be observed. 7. ALVEOLINA Boscit Contained numerous, far finer fungus-filaments, with some of greater size. Numerous young forms. 3. ANTHOZOA. In the great division of the Anthozoa, the calcareous skeleton of the stony corals is very frequently pervaded by fungi, whilst in other divisions of the class I have not yet certainly met with any parasites. My researches have hitherto been extended only to the following genera and species : (a) Porites clavaria Contains numerous, moderately-branched, fine and coarser fungus- filaments, from 0:002” to 0:0025'", or even 0°003'”, in diameter, and very often supporting sporangia. These occurred only in the thicker filaments, and appeared to be rarely or never only terminal, but some always lateral as well. So that one filament of this kind would often be seen supporting 4 to 6 or even 8 to 10 sporangia in tolerably close appo- sition. In a few instances the lateral sporangia were shortly pedunculate. (b) Astrea annularis (fig. 8) Presents the same form of fungus, also abundantly fur- KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 179 nished with sporangia. The calcareous skeleton, moreover, contained numerous elongated cavities, placed im rows, and forming elegant feather-like figures. These appeared to be typical of the species, since they were always present, and were too regularly disposed to allow of their being possibly referred to a fungus. (ec) Oculina diffusa. Fungus-filaments fine, scarcely exceeding 0:001’” in dia- meter, in places much branched, so as to constitute figures resembling a stag’s horn. Sporangia indistinct, sometimes round, sometimes appearing to occupy long tracts on the filaments. A great many small cavities, of irregular dispo- sition and form, existed, which are necessarily to be referred to the fungus-filaments, and must not be taken to represent sections of them. (d) Oculina. Sp. Fungus-filaments fine, some very minute, which latter were frequently undulating in their course. No sporangia. Numerous opaque, minute points were noticed, which, as in the preceding species, are also probably to be referred to the parasitic growths. (e) Millepora alcicornis. As in Porites, except that the filaments, and sporangia were less numerous. (f) Lobalia prolifera. Fungus-filaments very numerous, but extremely minute, so that in most of them the canal and double contour could not be distinguished. Course straighter. Branches rarely seen; and the only traces of sporangia consisted in irregular protrusions at the extremities of the thicker filaments. (g) Alloporina mirabilis. Filaments still more minute, but numerous. More intimate condition unascertainable. No sporangia. (h) Meandrina. Fungi sometimes rare, sometimes very abundant. Fila- ments thick, even of considerable dimensions up to 0:006, or even 0-008", branched. Sporangia apparently elongated, but in my sections nowhere quite perfect. 180 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. ° (7) Fungia. Delicate, rather numerously branched filaments, from 0-001" in diameter to some of extremely minute dimensions. No sporangia. (k) Corallium rubrum. In four sections, only in one were observed a few fine, evidently fungus-filaments without sporangia. (1) Isis hippuris Also contained only a few of rather thick fungus-fila- ments. (m) Madrepora muricata Exhibited rather numerous fine, beautifully branched fungus- filaments, with indications of sporangia. (n) Tubipora musica. The substance of this calcareous skeleton was everywhere pervaded with very numerous finer and coarser fungus-fila- ments, whose ramifications, however, presented no sporangia. In the hard structures of other polypes, I have not yet succeeded in detecting any parasites. Among these were various species of Antipathes, Gorgonia, Pavonaria, Pennatula, and Virgularia. In the two latter genera, it is true that tubular structures occurred in the calcified axis, which have been already noticed and figured, by Quekett, form Virgularia (‘ Histol. Catal.,’ 1, p. 221, Pl. XIII, fig. 11), but these are unbranched, and so regularly disposed that they can scarcely be looked upon in any other light than as typical struc- tures. 4, ACEPHALA. The well-known researches of Dr. Carpenter have esta- blished the fact that in the shells of many bivalves special tubular systems exist, which have been regarded by that author as typical. These tubuli have subsequently been mentioned by Quekett, in his ‘ Histological Catalogue,’ part i, in describing the preparations presented to the College of Surgeons by Dr. Carpenter, but without any further expres- sion of opinion as to their nature. In another place, however (‘ Lectures on Histology,’ vol. 11, pp. 153, 276, 277), Professor Quekett compares them with Conferve, though ultimately agreeing with Carpenter, and supposing that, like the canals KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 181 in dentine, they have some relation to the nutrition of the shells. In my work upon cuticular formations and pore- canals, I remarked with respect to this subject, that certain of the tubuli described by Carpenter very closely resembled the pore-canaliculi of cuticular structures, among which I placed the bivalve shells; but at the same time, I stated that the horizontally spread and anastomosing canals of other genera must be differently explained. Lastly, the latest author who has occupied himself expressly with this subject, Wedl, has described the tubuli in all bivalves as vegetable parasites, with which opinion I now entirely coin- cide. The genera and species examined by me are the following: (a) Anomia ephipprum. To Dr. Carpenter’s description I have chiefly only this to add, that m most of the coarser fungus-filaments rounded sporangia, and, as it appears to me, principally terminal, are placed. ‘To judge from two of Dr. Carpenter’s prepara- tions, the fungus-filaments in the most superficial layers of the shell constitute a close network, from which straighter and less branched filaments, of greater or less size, run in very oblique directions into the inner layers. The sporangia are situated principally in the neighbourhood of the mycelium- plexus above mentioned, and measure as much as 0:02” or more. (b) Cleidotherus chamoides Contains, throughout the entire thickness of the shell, numerous fungus-filaments, usually of no inconsiderable size (0:003” or even 0:005’"), which in certain layers are much branched, and in the outermost coloured lamina present elongated enlargements, which can scarcely be regarded as anything but sporangia. (c) Lima scabra. A horizontal section, procured from Dr. Carpenter, afforded no distinct evidence with respect to the distribution of the fungus. The filaments, having an average size of 0:001’” and 0:002"",ran forthe most part horizontally, some much branched and, as it appeared, also anastomosing, some straighter and supporting terminal sporangia, and in certain spots enlarge- ments probably of the same nature. (d) Arca Noe. A section of this shell, procured in England, presented only 182 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. straight and tolerably regularly disposed tubuli, which agreed in all essential points with those of the shells above noticed, but exhibited neither branches nor sporangia, and conse- quently could not be so definitely referred to a fungus- mycelium. But if Wedl’s observations are taken into account, it may be confidently stated that this is the only correct in- terpretation they admit of. (e) Thracia distorta Contained a good many fine fungus-filaments, with numer- ous ramifications. Close to many of the filaments were large, round, finely granular bodies, which are probably sporangia. (f) Astrea edulis. In a shell much excavated by Clone, the portions yet retaining their integrity were pervaded by a greater abund- ance of fungus-filaments than I have as yet observed else- where. The filaments were rather closely branched, and occasionally presented terminal enlargements, which could perhaps be regarded only as sporangia. (g) Meleagrina margaritifera. A beautiful vertical section of this shell was particularly interesting, from the circumstance of its showing that shells with a perfect prismatic layer might also contain parasites. These were most developed in the outermost layers of the prismatic stratum, but in many instances through its entire thickness, and beyond it to a greater or less depth into the nacreous layer. The filaments were some 0:002 and 0:003’, some finer, and no sporangia were visible upon them. Many other bivalve shells presented no trace of parasites. Among which may be enumerated—Pinna ingens, Pinna nigrina, Mya arenaria, Unio occidens, the prismatic layer of Perna ephippium, Avicula, Crenatula, Malleus albus. 5. Bracuiopopa. The shells of certain Terebratule, besides the well-known coarser tubes, are also penetrated by extremely minute canali- euli, which, in respect to appearance and diameter, closely resemble the tubuli of dentine, and can scarcely be regarded except as fungus-filaments. They were seen in Kraussia rubra, Terebratula Australis, and 7’, rubicunda, for sections of which I am indebted to Dr. KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 183 Carpenter. The tubuli, which appear to commence on the exterior, are rare, usually run in a ventical direction through the fibres, but, nevertheless, present such irregularities in their course as, together with the circumstance that in some spots they are wholly wanting, seem to indicate that they do not belong to any typical structure. In Rhynchonella nigricans, Terebratula Caput Serpentis, and T. resupinata, no vestige of these fine tubules was per- ceptible. On the other hand, in Leptena lepis, from the transition-formation, Wedl has found vegetable parasites. 6. GASTEROPODA. The canals in these shells, which were first noticed by Claparéde, have been referred by Wedl to a vegetable para- sitic growth—an explanation whose correctness admits in part of easy proof, inasmuch as, in certain cases, distinct sporangia may be observed on the canals. I have examined the following shells : (a) Murex trunculus. In the outermost layers of the shell may be observed a horizontally spreading mycelium, constituted of anasto- mosing fungus-filaments, of whose delicacy it is difficult to form any idea, since the meshes of the plexus are in many places hardly double the diameter of the filaments. Very numerous straighter filaments arising from this layer of mycelium passed inwards, penetrating all the lamine of the shell either vertically or obliquely, and throwing off frequent branches. On arriving at the innermost lamina, and not unfrequently even before doing so, these filaments would again spread out in a horizontal plexus. No sporangia could be perceived. The fungus-filaments measured, for the most part, about 0-001", though some reached a diameter of 0-002”. [Other species of gasteropod shells examined by the author, and which presented appearances more or less similar to the above, are :| Murex brandaris. Hahotes, sp. Vermetus, sp. Tritonium cretaceam. Turbo rugosus. Litorina litorea. Aphorrhais pes Pelecani. Terebra myurus. Whilst in species of Oliva, Cyprea, Nautilus pompilius, and Aptychus, he was unable to detect any growths of the fungus character. 184 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 7. ANNELIDA. The tubes of two undetermined Serpule, from the coast of Scotland, were pervaded most abundantly with fungus- filaments, in which, however, neither anastomoses nor sporangia could be perceived. 8. CIRRHIPEDIA. In this division I have found structures which could with certainty be described as fungus-filaments, only in a large Balanus. They occurred both in living and dead shells, were extremely abundant, usually branched, and occasionally con- nected at the extremity with elongated, curved, widish spaces, probably sporangia. In one instance the filaments formed beautiful anastomoses. Besides these fungus-filaments, it would appear, at any rate from Quekett’s description (‘ Histol. Catal.,’ i, pp. 263—265, Pl. XVII, fig. 12), that other tubuli occur in the shells of Balani, which are probably of a typical nature, although from the representations of that author it is not clear whether, among the structures described by him, there might not be some corresponding with those I have noticed above. Moreover in Pollicipes, as is also remarked by Quekett, tubuli exist which, from their regular course in distant rows, in all respects resemble a typical structure. In the opercular pieces of Tubicinella, also, I have found tubuli which, from their being unbranched and running parallel to each other, resembled a normal structure. They were placed, however, far closer together than the tubules in Pollicipes, and I am compelled, for the present, to suspend my judgment respecting them. The statement made by me in another place (‘Wurtzb. Verh.,’ Bd. x), that fungi occur also in Diadema, I must retract as erroneous. The mistake arose from the wrong ticketing of the preparation of a gasteropod shell. 9. Fisu. As stated above, the observation of parasites in the scales of Beryx ornatus, from the Chalk, was the starting point of the investigation here recorded. The parasites of these scales are by far the most elegant of any hitherto met with (fig. 9), and correspond essentially with those figured by Mr. Rose. They are unicellular organisms, constituting stars with 8, 16, or 32 rays, at the extremities of which the sporangia appear to be developed, inasmuch as in large individuals the rays are not unfrequently slightly clavate. Although usually there are KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 185 not more than thirty-two rays, cases nevertheless occur in which the growth appears to advance still further, although I have not yet succeeded in obtaining good views of such indi- viduals. This form of fungus might, as I am informed by my colleague, Professor Schenk, constitute a new genus; but I willingly leave this to the botanists. In the scales of living Ganoid fishes, in many of those from fossil genera belonging to this division, which have been placed at my disposal by Professor Williamson, as well as in the scales of Teleostei, I have up to the present time in vain sought for fungus-filaments, although it would seem, at any- rate from Mr. Rose’s researches, that they do prevail to a certain extent in these organs also. This is the extent of my present researches. Taken together with those of Wedl, which have also been extended over a certain number of fossil molluscous shells, they serve to show that in any case the occurrence of vegetable parasites in the hard structures of animals is very frequent, and that this phenomenon must henceforth take its place among the certain acquisitions of science. Nevertheless, with respect to particulars, much remains to be ascertained, and I would direct attention principally to the following points. 1. The parasitic growths are very frequent in marine animals, whilst they are almost wholly wanting in those belonging to fresh water. In the latter, they have been noticed only in Cyclas (Carpenter), Neritina fluviatilis (Claparede), in the scales of an undetermined fish (Rose), and in Neritina croatica and Melania Hollandrii (Wed)l) ; whilst in five fresh-water bivalves and eight gasteropods examined by Wedl, these growths were absent. The reason of this is not clear. It is either to be sought in the circum- stance that the appropriate lower plants occur only sparingly in fresh water, or that such a difference exists in the con- ditions of vegetation of the two kinds of plants, that those belonging to fresh water are incapable of disintegrating the hard parts in question. But this is an inquiry whose answer may properly be left to the botanist. 2. Among marine animals also, the parasites are not found indiscriminately in all. In the mollusca they are indeed so abundant that it would almost appear that it is only by chance that they are absent. Nevertheless it seems, as has already been noticed by Wedl, that a thick periostracum and the prismatic layer present difficulties to the penetration of the mycelium which, in many cases, it cannot get over. Moreover, the parasites are absent in chitinous structures almost without exception, especially in those that are less calcified (Decapods). In the strongly calcified forms also, 186 KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. they appear to occur only in cases where an external uncal- cified layer is not present, as in Balanus and Serpula ; whilst in the opposite case they are absent. In corals and forami- nifera again parasitic growths are very general, whilst in the Spongiadee they are often wanting. 3. The penetration of the parasites appears to take place in two ways—a mechanical and a chemical. The latter is doubtless the case in all calcareous skeletons, in which scarcely any other supposition can be entertained except that the parasitic growth, as it advances, dissolves the car- bonate of lime contained in the tissue, by the secretion of an acid. Whether this be carbonic acid, or one of an organic nature, must be determined by future inquiry. All that can now be remarked is, that the supposition of the agent bemg carbonic acid is hardly supported by the fact stated by Bischoff (‘Lehrb. der Chemischen Geologie,’ 11, p. 1136), that oyster shells are far more difficultly soluble in water contain- ing carbonic acid than are chalk or powdered calespar ; and- which is in accordance with the preservation of shells and the other hard tissues in question in sea-water which con- tains carbonic acid. Were it the case that the hard struc- tures concerned contained more organic material than at any rate the bivalve shells and stony-corals actually pos- sess, it might also be supposed that the fungi first attacked the organic substance (which, it is true, is very doubtful), and then removed the carbonate of lime by the secretion of carbonic acid. However this may be, it appears that in any case the solution of the calcareous matter takes place only at the ter- minal, growing end, since the fungus-filaments are never lodged in wide vacuities, but, on the contrary, throughout their course are closely surrounded by the hard tissue. It is also to be remembered, that it is difficult to perceive what becomes of the dissolved carbonate of lime. It cannot well remain in the fungus-filaments ; whilst, on the other hand, when their often very considerable length is considered, it is difficult to suppose that it is conveyed through them and deposited on the exterior; and yet any other supposition seems scarcely possible, and the more especially as the probable existence of a continuous reciprocal action between the water and the filaments at the surface of the shell should not be lost sight of. In the case of the sponges, a mechanical penetration of the fungi may be supposed to take place, since it is impossible to conceive in what way they can be enabled to dissolve such a resistant substance as the horny skeleton of these creatures. An analogous mechanical penetration is wit- nessed in the passage of parasites through cellulose-mem- KOLLIKER, ON VEGETABLE PARASITES. 187 branes, and would require merely a certain displacement of the molecules of the tissue, which certainly takes place in moist sponge-fibres, as is obvious from their powerfully ab- sorbent property. 4. With respect to the nature of the parasites, Wedl and I are so far not in accord, that he describes them as multi- cellular plants, and, indeed, as alge, whilst I regard them as unicellular fungi. With respect to the uni- or multi- cellular nature of the growths, I think my view is supported by the circumstance, that on the close survey of numerous, and more particularly of the wider canals, no trace of a partition-wall has anywhere been perceptible. Whilst, as to the question of their being Algze or Fungi, it is not for me to give a reply, inasmuch as it is well known that botanists do not find it easy to draw good lines of distinction between the two divisions, and that the first botanical authorities entertain opposite views with respect to certain divisions. (Vide Nageli, ‘ Gattung. einzell. Algen,’ Ziirich, 1849, pp. 1, 2; and Verhandl. d. Deutsch. Naturf. in Bonn; Cohn, ‘Entwicklung der niedern Algen und Pilze,’ Berlin, 1850, p. 1389 e¢ seg.; and Pringsheim in Jahr., f. wiss. Botan. 1, 2, p. 284 et seq.) It cannot be denied that the beautiful networks observed in many situations, and analogous to those of the mycelium of fungi, and the mode of fructifica- tion, appear to indicate the fungoid nature of the parasitic growths; and I shall, therefore, for the present, describe them as such. The naming of them I willingly leave to those who are alone entitled to undertake it. Norte to the above. By Dr. J. S. Bowrrsank, F.R.S., &e. I cannot concur with Professor Kolliker in the belief he entertains that the tubular fibrous tissue surrounding the skeleton fibres of the pieces of sponge I gave him are ori- ginated by vegetable parasites. The Sporangia, figure 3 in his paper, and other similar forms, are of common occurrence on sponge fibres, where no such network of tubular fibre occurs, the saline matters remaining in sponges always attracting so much moisture, as to cause them to be abundantly infested with parasitic forms of vegetation; but, notwithstanding these favorable circumstances, I have never met with this curious network but in three species of recent ceratose sponges, although . -] have examined many hundred specimens of them. Another fact in favour of their being really organic tissues of the sponges is, that very similar canals occur in siliceous sponge 188 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. spicula in my possession, and in these cases we cannot reasonably attribute them to the action of parasitic forms of vegetation. When these minute tubuli are completely separated from their matrix, they still preserve all the characteristic appear- ance of ceratode, and their thickened glue-like aspect is very dissimilar to the delicate translucent forms of minute vegetable tissues. The young and immature fibre of the true sponge, much less in diameter than the adult fibre, are usually destitute of the network of tubular structure that surrounds the others; but this we can scarcely imagine would be the case, if it were due to a parasitic vegetation. The adult fibres are also often partially destitute of the tubular fibre, in consequence of its having been stripped of the sheath that surrounds it, on the inner surface of which these minute tubular fibres are embedded. The stripped fibres of the skeleton may easily be recognised by the faint diagonal lines upon them, which are not visible through the external coat of the vegetable fibre. Similar tissues to those in sponges which I gave to the author occur also in siliceous fossil sponges. These I have figured and described in the ‘ Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ vol. x, pp. 18 and 84, Plate III, figs. 2 and 6, from green jaspars from India, and 3 and 4 from chalk flints. An identity of organization may naturally be expected to occur between the recent and fossil sponges ; but it is difficult to conceive these tubes to be effected by parasites under such widely different circumstances of time and place as those of the fossil and recent specimens. ArmospHertc Microcrapny. On the Means by which all the CoRPUSCLES NORMALLY INVISIBLE, contained in a DeterR- “mInAaTE VoLuME of Arr, may be collected into an infinitely SMALL Space. By M. Povucuet. (‘Comptes rendus,’ April, 1860, p. 748.) I wave succeeded, by means of a very simple instrument, in concentrating, upon an infinitely minute surface, all the solid and normally invisible corpuscles floating in the atmos- phere, so as to allow of their being strictly appreciated and counted. By this means we can, if we please, concentrate on POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. 189 a glass, and within a space of two square millimetres, all the particles disseminated in a cubic métre of the atmosphere, or even more. By this new method we have proved once more a fact which we had previously advanced. We have been enabled to see that the spores of plants and the ova of Infusoria, as has been equally recognised by MM. Joly and Ch. Musset, were infinitely rare, even in situations where they might have been expected to occur. ‘Thus, in our laboratory, where almost throughout the year microzoa and mucedinous fungi are continually pullulating, I have been unable, in 1000 cubic décimétres of the air of which I have concentrated the invi- sible corpuscles by the aid of my instrument, to find a single infusorial ovum, nor a single spore. The volume of air, however, just stated is erroneous, when compared with the small quantity necessary to produce an abundance of proto-organisms. In fact, whenever a suitable infusion is employed, and placed in contact with not more than a cubic décimétre of air, that is to say, with the thousandth part of the volume explored, millions of Infusoria or of Cryptogamia are almost always sure to make their appearance in it. The instrument which we employ to concentrate the atmospheric corpuscles is constructed as follows. It is formed of a glass tube, closed hermetically at each end by copper stop-cocks. The upper stop-cock, which is fixed, receives a copper tube, terminated exteriorly by a very small funnel, whilst internally it is drawn out into a very fine point, the opening of which does not exceed 0°50 mm. in diameter. By the lower stop-cock a flat, circular dise of glass is intro- duced into the apparatus, which is placed at the distance of one millimétre from the elongated point of the tube. The apparatus is then closed, and the interior is placed in com- munication with an aspirator, by means of a tube which traverses the lower stop-cock. When the aspirator is put into action, the surrounding air being sucked in, passes through the tube, and issuing from its poited extremity, strikes upon the glass disc, and deposes on its surface all the atmospheric corpuscles contained in it, precisely in the same way that in Marsh’s apparatus the metallic particles, issuing from it, are deposited on the plate of porcelain. The more bulky particles all collect into a small, central heap, which, however, does not exceed a milli- métre in diameter ; whilst the others only radiate at a little greater distance around it. When the glass which has thus received the jet of air is VOL. VIII. F Q 190 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. extracted with care and examined under the microscope, there will be found concentrated upon it, and on a surface of extreme minuteness, all the corpuscles which float invisibly in a volume of the atmosphere relatively immense, and which can be accurately determined by calculation from the known capacity of the aspirator. In order to give the apparatus still greater precision, and to preclude the possible escape of any corpuscles, even among the most minute and lightest, the glass disc may be covered with some adhesive substance. By this means every particle, without exception, will be attached to the surface at the very spot to which the current of air conveys it. If it be preferred, the corpuscles may be disseminated upon the glass disc, if the tube be terminated not by a single minute orifice, but by a small flat diaphragm, perforated like the rose of a watering- pot. On the other hand, whilst my aeroscope, as it may be termed, clearly demonstrates that that abundance of germs of which so much talk is made, but which has never been shown, nowhere exists in the air: by a series of comparative expe- riments in sowing the atmospheric corpuscles, under circum- stances favorable to the development of the proto-organisms, I have never seen that the soil thus sowed was more fecund than that which had not. Nevertheless, if we were able, as is pretended, to sow cryptogams or microzoa collected from the air by means of balls of cotton, it is evident that every time these atmospheric corpuscles were placed in suitable circumstances, a quantity of proto-organisms would also be developed proportionate to the amount of atmospheric detritus employed. But, I repeat, experience has refuted all such pretensions. In similar vessels, under glass-bells of the same capacity, at identically the same temperatures and degrees of pressure, and in equal quantity, flour-paste, sowed with atmospheric corpuscles, has never shown itself more fecund in orga- nisms than that which had not undergone this preparation. This sowing was very readily effected, either by the aid of a fine muslin tamis, to disseminate the spores, if there had been any; or simply by the exposing of the vessels in situ- ations where the air had been agitated, in order to secure an abundant deposit of its corpuscles. Vessels thus sowed, and those carefully covered over, were equally fertile. Further than this, some Nile mud, heated for an hour to 160° C., and reduced to powder, was not less prolific than that which had not been submitted to that temperature. Nevertheless, ac- cording to the opinion opposed to us, the contrary of what we observed should have taken place. We have, moreover, POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC MICROGRAPHY. 191 sowed many other bodies, and have found, in all these cases, that the atmospheric dust was never more productive than they, and often even not so much so. It seems to me, I would say im conclusion, that whenever an experimenter asserts that he collects in the atmosphere ova or spores of proto-organisms, he should be required to show them. Several of these germs, in fact, are perfectly well known. Such, especially, as divers spores of Muce- dineze, in which certain modes of illumination discover microscopic characters altogether peculiar; and the same with the ova of several Polygastrice. [The author proposes to employ his instrument for the microscopic analysis of the air of hospitals and marshes, &c., and promises to communicate the results on a future occa- sion. | 192 REVIEWS. A Manual of the Sub-kingdom Protozoa. By JosrpH ReEay Greene, B.A. London: Longmans. WE learn from the preface to this little volume, that it “is the first of a series of similar treatises on the several depart- ments of the animal kingdom;” and from the cover of the book we find that it is intended to herald a series of scien- tific manuals. A manual of systematic botany is in pre- paration by the distinguished professor of botany in the University of Dublin. Professor Greene’s work is a capital commencement of the series. In beginning with the Pro- tozoa, the author had a subject of some difficulty with which to commence, but just such a one as an ardent and in- dustrious student would be glad to deal. Mr. Greene does not stop to theorise, but, after a short introduction on the general principles of zoology, he at once proceeds to define the group Protozoa, which he makes to include the following families :— 1. Rhizopoda, 4. Thalassicollide, 2. Polycystina, 5. Gregarinide, 3. Spongiade, 6. Infusoria. All these groups are of especial interest to the micro- scopist, and constitute, in fact, the great zoological field in which he is called to labour. We cannot follow Professor Greene through these groups to give his views of their con- stitution, but we can cordially recommend the volume, as giving by far the most advanced account that we know of amongst manuals devoted to zoology. Although the author shows that he is quite conversant with the recent literature of Protozoa, the work bears indications of original inves- tigation in many of the forms of animals to which it is devoted. 1938 The Nature-printed British Sea-weeds, a History, accompanied by figures and dissections, of the Alge of the British Isles. By W. G. Jounstone and ALEXANDER Croat. Nature- printed by Henry Brapsury. Vol. II, Rhodospermee, Fam. x—xili. Vol. III, Melanospermee. Vol. IV, Chlorospermeee. London: Bradbury and Evans. Iw the first number of our present volume we noticed the first volume of this beautiful work, and it is a matter of surprise that we should be called upon to notice not only a second, but a third volume, before the close of the year. Such good speed is both creditable to publisher and authors, for the work that has been done must not be measured by the size of the volumes, but the care that has been bestowed both on the letter-press and illustrations. The second volume brings us to the end of the Rhodosperms, and is equally successful with the first in giving the correct forms of these charming sea-weeds. The third volume is devoted to the Mela- nosperms, and here the nature-printer has had more than ordi- nary difficulties to contend with, the thick and leathery forms of bladder wracks, with the gigantic fronds of Laminaria, seemed as if they would defy any attempt to induce them to produce a presentable picture of themselves. But by selecting young and delicate specimens, even Fucus nodosus and Lami- naria digitata are made fit companions for those who trust to artistic skill for a place on the drawing-room table. As in the former volume, each nature-print is accompanied by drawings of microscopic structure, which will be found of great value to those who pursue their sea-side studies by the aid of the microscope. The second volume is dedicated to Dr. R. K. Greville, of Edinburgh, whose classical work on the ‘Cryptogamic Flora of Scotland’ is known wherever the science of botany is pur- sued; and the third is appropriately inscribed to Dr. W. H. Harvey, of Dublin, to whom all writers on the family of Algz are so greatly indebted. Whilst going to press we have received the fourth volume of this beautiful work, which now forms the most complete monograph we possess of the Algze of Great Britain. The last volume contains a synopsis, an index, an introduction, and a bibliography. 194 Memoir on the Spermocones and Pycnipes of FiLtaAMENT- ous, FrRuticutosz, and Fouiacrous Licuens. By W. Lauper Linpsay, M.D., F.L.S. Tuts very able and laborious memoir was published in the ‘Transactions’ of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and we call the attention of our readers to it, as affording by far the most exhaustive account yet published of the minute struc- ture of the lichens. Dr. Lindsay, in his papers in this Journal, on the genus Abrothallus, and on the structure of Lecidea lugubris (vol. v), commenced that line of investiga- tion, which he has carried out in this memoir to a large section of the whole family of lichens. In his introduction, the author draws attention to some of the difficulties which impede the progress of the inquirer in the path he has chosen for investigation. “ Spermogonological investigations are surrounded by many and serious difficulties; and it is, perhaps, but justice to those botanists who have hitherto avoided the study of the reproductive organs of lichens here to state what some of these difficulties or obstacles are. Prior to the introduction of the microscope, bodies so minute as spermogones and spermatia could not possibly have been properly studied. But even at the present day, when microscopes abound, it is to be feared that few of our best lichenologists are well versed in histology and the use of the microscope. It can scarcely be denied, further, that many botanists have been too much mere classificators or name-givers; they have devoted attention too exclusively to the discrimination of species and varieties, to the neglect of minute anatomy and physiology, as studied by the aid of microscopy and che- mistry. Continental botanists are infinitely before us in the latter respect; we can show little or nothing in botanical microscopy comparable with the productions of the French school of observers, as published in the ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles,’ or to those of the German school, as given in the ‘Botanische Zeitung.’ But the possession of a good micro- scope, facility in microscopical manipulation, and a fami- larity with the general principles or facts of physiological botany, are not the only requisites or qualifications for in- vestigations in spermogonology. The observer must be pos- sessed of unwearied patience and perseverance ; he must expect to meet, and he must bring to his task a deter- mination to surmount and conquer, endless difficulties and disappointments. I have now examined carefully, LINDSAY, ON LICHENS. 195 under the microscope, as I have already stated, many thousand specimens of lichens from every part of the known world, and, in a large proportion of cases, with negative or unsatisfactory results. I have frequently examined most anxiously several hundred specimens of a particular genus or species—for instance, Peltigera and Siphula—without once having the good fortune to meet with its spermogones or pycnides. But, on the other hand, in the midst of dis- appointments of this nature, I have been rewarded occasionally by the discovery of spermogones or pycnides hitherto unob- served and undescribed. It were desirable, further, that the observer should possess an almost unlimited leisure. The time consumed in manipulations so delicate—researches so intricate—is incredibly great. Koerber candidly speaks of leaving such investigations to those “die bei grésserer Musse solche subtile Studien verfolgen konnen.* It fre- quently happens that even a small portion of tree-bark or rock contains several lichens belonging to the families of the Graphidee, Verrucariea, and Lecidee. Intermixed with the apothecia of these lichens, and with each other, may be a variety of spermogones and pycnides. The spermogones and pycnides may closely resemble each other in external cha- racter, or they may differ considerably. In either case it is often most difficult, if not impossible, at the present stage of our knowledge on the subject, to determine to what species of lichen each kind of spermogone or pycnide is to be referred. This is more especially the case when the organs in question are very minute, black, and cone-like, as in the old genus— erroneously so constituted—Pyrenothea, which is now found to consist almost entirely of the spermogones of other lichens. Such spermogones and pyenides are frequently indistinguish- able from certain Verrucaria, parasitic fungi, and even para- sitic lichens ; and the only means of deciding as to their real nature is by microscopical examination. Again, the sper- mogones of some lichens, as Ricasolia herbacea and R. glo- mulifera, and the pycnides of others, as Peltigera, so closely resemble in external appearance the nascent apothecia of the same species as to be indistinguishable therefrom without the aid of a microscope.” Dr. Lindsay defines the Spermogones as follows : “\. External Form.—They are generally more or less oval or spherical bodies ; sometimes wholly immersed in the sub- stance of the thallus; more frequently partly immersed and partly projecting on the surface of the cortical layer ; in some * «Systema Lichenum Germanis, von Dr. G. W. Korrser.’ Breslau, 1855, p. 152. 196 LINDSAY, ON LICHENS. cases, naked and sessile, seated on the surface of the hori- zontal thallus, or forming the terminations of the ramuscles in the erect fruticulose one. The immersed and semi- immersed spermogones are plunged in the substance of the medullary tissue of the thallus, and they are usually partly covered by the cortical layer, and partly encircled by the gonidic layer.” The other organs to which he more especially calls atten- tion in bas memoir are the Pycnides. These are described as follows ite Be enides of lichens may be described generally as externally resembling in form, colour, site, &c., the spermo- gones, from which they can be distineuished only by micro- scopical examination. The essential difference lies in the character of the contained corpuscles—the stylospores, though the sterigmata also differ from those of the spermogones to this extent, that they are almost always simple, shortish, and stoutish, generating the stylospores only at their apices. The pycnides consist, like the spermogones, of a —1. Capsule ; 2. Nucleus, made up of sterigmata, with stylospores instead of spermatia however; 3. Cavity; and 4. Ostiole. They re- semble outwardly, and are frequently mistaken for—a. Sper- mogones ; 6. Minute Verrucarias ; c. Parasitic Fungi; and d. Parasitic Lecidee, such as those mentioned under the head of spermogones. From all of these bodies they can only be distinguished by careful microscopical examination. ef They resemble the organs known as Phoma, Septoria, Diplodia, &c., which, according to Tulasne, belong, as secon- dary reproductive organs, to various thecasporous fungi. Their occurrence, alike in fungi and lichens, is a strong link binding together in close alliance these two great cryptogamic families. ‘They are more plentiful in the lower than in the higher,—in crustaceous than foliaceous, lichens,—or, in other words, in those species most nearly approaching, in other particulars of their organization, the fungi. __In_ crustaceous species they usually occur as very minute, black perithecia, resembling the apothecia of Verrucaria. But in the higher lichens, they are frequently much larger, more closely resemble the spermogones, and are variously coloured, as in Peltigera and Alectoria. In the first- named genus they are marginal, like the apothecia; in the other, they are seated sometimes as warts on the thalline filaments, or in the axils of their ramifications. “ Pyenides are sometimes associated both with spermogones and apothecia ; sometimes with apothecia alone, no spermo- gones being present. Occasionally, pyenides and spermogones occur without apothecia, as in some species of Strigula ; and LINDSAY, ON LICHENS. 197 sometimes pycnidiferous states of lichens are found just as spermogoniferous states are— without either of the other forms of reproductive organs. “The distinction between pycnides and spermogones is, to a certain extent, one of convenience—one depending on the difference in character of the contained corpuscles—not one as yet founded on essential differences in function, inasmuch as the function of neither can yet be said to be thoroughly established or understood. Hence it may hereafter appear that some organs now denominated pyenides should be really regarded as spermogones, as those of Peltigera and Alectoria, and perhaps, though less likely, the converse,—that some organs now regarded as spermogones should be looked upon as pyenides, as those of Lichina !” The spermogones and pycnides of the crustaceous lichens will be treated of in a future memoir. In the mean time we are glad to find that Dr. Lindsay has undertaken to publish a € Synopsis of British Lichens,’ in which we understand the lichens will be nature-printed, and accompanied with drawings of their microscopic structure, by the author. 198 NOTES AND CORRESPON DENCE. Another Object Finder.—As a subscriber to your Journal from its commencement, and having never before troubled you with a communication, I hope you will not refuse admission to one upon a subject that has repeatedly been brought before your readers already, but which, in my opinion, will still bear a little further consideration. I allude to the article of “Object Finder.” Almost every microscopist must be too well aware of the difficulty of quickly finding some particular scale, hair, desmid, diatom, &c., &c., with a very high power, say a twelfth or sixteenth, when the atom which we especially desire to examine is sur- rounded by hundreds of others, which, as we slowly roll them over the field by means of the traversing-plates, &c., confuse and weary the eye, until the operator’s patience is completely exhausted. The difficulty, of course, is greatly enhanced when, as is frequently the case, the embarrassed seeker is eager to exhibit the minute particle to friends who are anxiously awaiting his success. It is, therefore, no wonder that so much ingenuity has been exerted to devise various means to enable us to pounce at once upon the desired object, without that almost interminable bungling that I have de- scribed. But I believe they have all, more or less, been found unsatisfactory; some depending on unsightly circles, &c., scratched, or otherwise marked, on the object-slider itself; others consisting of various kinds of plates, finely graduated, the said graduations requiring to be found, focussed, adjusted, &c., and the said plate, moreover, being itself a separate piece of apparatus, to be looked for, and adapted to the instrument, whenever its use may be required. Now, all this time, there has been in existence an appa- ratus that forms (or should form) part of every complete microscope; and which I verily believe to be the best “finder” that can be used. I allude to the instrument called, in opticians’ catalogues, a “ double ifose-piece.” In order to shorten the labour of finding an object with a MEMORANDA. 199 very high power, I have, for years, been in the habit of using a low power as a finder, and then bringing the object into the exact centre of the field (which is greatly facilitated by the use of that neat contrivance, the moveable pointer, without which no eye-piece is complete), change the powers by screwing off the low power, and screw- ing on a high one; then, on bringing down the high power to focus, if the achromatics are truly centred (which, of course, they will be, if the maker has done his duty), the desired object will still be found in the centre of the field. This mode of finding, as I can amply testify, is perfectly effective; but the heavy objection to it is the figgle-niggling (I like expressive words) process of screw- ing and unscrewing. Still 1 found it far better to do it than to waste time in the tedious hunting I have described. Matters stood thus with me when I first heard of the aforesaid ‘ nose-piece.” Its construction was described to me, and it was recommended merely for what it is in the catalogues, viz., “a ready mode of changing one power for another, without the trouble of screwing and unscrewing.” But I immediately saw further than that; “for,” said I, “ it is evident to me that, if properly made, it must also be the best ‘finder’ that can be used.” Accordingly, having procured one, I was greatly pleased to find my expectations amply borne out by fact; and ex- claimed, ‘This is the very thing I have so long been wanting: EUREKA !” And I am in hope that I am the first who has “ found it out ;’” I mean, this particular application of it; for, as to the said nose-piece itself, it 1s really nothing new, being, in fact, merely a slight modification of the venerable old “ six- lens wheel,’ with which what we now call the “ante- diluvian microscopes” were usually supplied. I have one still by me, purchased more than thirty years ago; and I have no doubt that, as the “march of improvement” advances, we shall, in due time, have the full complement of two-inch, one-inch, half, quarter, one-eighth, and one- sixteenth, mounted and acting exactly on the principle of a six-barrelled revolver. But to come to the practical application of the matter in hand,—the power I recommend as a finder is one of those luxurious one and a half inch powers made by Mr. Ross, which exhibits a beautifully flat field, of great extent; and which I consider as low a power as we ever, practically, require. On focusing with this, we shall, in many cases, see at one view all the objects on the slider; but, if not, a slight move- 200 MEMORANDA. ment of the traversing-plates, &c., will exhibit them. We have then merely to place the one we wish to subject to an enormous power at the end of the “ pointer.” Change the powers (which, by means of the nose-piece, is done literally in the twinkling of an eye), brmg down the high power to focus, and instantly we see the tiny speck (which before seemed sticking on the point of the needle in the centre of the field), now swelled out so as to fill the entire field, and in many cases far beyond its limits; so that we must “ traverse” it, and examine part at a time. Oh, it is admirable! and the velocity with which it may be done must be seen to be duly appreciated. Let any doubtful amateur call on me, and bring his circle-finder, his angle- finder, or his graduated plate-finder, &c., &c., and I will undertake to convert him to the nose-piece finder in a very short time, and so perfectly, that he will not have the least desire to fall back upon any other. Indeed, it would be a very amusing contest to see a meet- ing of several sharp-eyed and nimble-fingered microscopists trying their finders against time; each using, of course, the same olject, and timed by the same observer from the second- hand pointer of a watch; the watchman saying, ‘‘ Now,” when the operator was to commence his search, and the searcher exclaiming, “‘ Found!”’ the imstant he had centred the object, and brought it to focus with the high power. In order, however, to give a plate-man some idea of the superior speed of the nose-piece finder, I will give a single example. I took a slider of fossil animalcules, the part contaiming the objects exposing a circle of full seven tenths of an meh in diameter; the whole of that extent being crammed with débris of various kinds, among which is a very fine specimen of that beautiful object, the Craspedodiscus elegans of Ehrenberg. Placing this slider on the stage, and focusing it with a one-eighth, I began to “traverse” the circle; and I may truly say, with as much care as if anxious to exhibit the object to a waiting friend, whose time was “almost ex- pired,” &c. After spending full five minutes in vain, I reversed the nose-piece, thus applying the inch and half; and I found that I could focus the objects, find out the desired one, move it to centre, reverse the nose-piece, and bring the one- eighth to focus, within ten seconds. In a subsequent trial I did the same in six seconds, or the time in which one can moderately count ten. I do not believe that any one of the methods usually employed can be made to equal this. But here an objector may say, “ Well, but after all, this MEMORANDA. 201 nose-piece finder is not without objection; for it is “a separate piece of apparatus, to be looked for, and adapted to the instrument whenever its use may be required ;” and, moreover, the screwing of it on and off will surely cause much more of what you are pleased to term “ figgle-niggling,” than the use of a graduated finder, &c. To this I answer, ““No,. such is not the case. There is no occasion, at any time, to remove the nose-piece, any more than to remove the stage or the reflector. I keep mine on at all times, with its finding-lens, the 13inch, firmly screwed to it as a permanent fixture; any higher power being adapted to the other end of the revolving arm.” This is all I have to say upon a subject which, I fear, is very much lke that of Columbus’s egg; for I fully expect to be told, that “any one might have seen the applicability of the nose-piece as a finder,’ &c. No doubt of it; but the question is, has “any one” seen it? Meanwhile, I rest in hope that it is a new idea. Before laying down the pen, I should like to take this opportunity of entreating microscopists in general to urge our opticians to direct their attention more to the Binocular Microscope than they have hitherto done. I am persuaded that it is capable of being brought far nearer perfection than it has yet been. For Nachet’s instrument, though praised by a great authority, is sadly wanting in definition ; and the flaming account of the American improvements (given in your Journal, No. V, p. 28), is I am informed, fearfully overdrawn! Our English makers say the difficulty is caused by the binocular principle reducing the angle, and thus causing indistinctuess. But may there not be some way discovered of getting over this? ‘To those whose eyes are equally perfect, it is very annoying to have to peep with one only at a time, instead of using both at once, with as much ease and comfort as we use an ordinary pair of spectacles. It is also the cause of that injury to the sight of which so many microscopists complain.—Hernry U. Janson, Pennsylvania Park, near Exeter. The Object Cabinet.—I have endeavoured, in the accompany- ing drawings, to give some idea of a cabinet for microscopical preparations that I have now had in use for some time, and have found exceedingly convenient, from the great ease with which any particular slide may be found, and from other advantages which [I shall briefly point out. It may be described as follows. Drawing No. 1 exhibits the cabinet opened out 202 MEMORANDA. for use; and shows, in scme measure, one of its principal | Net PU at TT fy I [A one | mm A ni —= | 9) ii > fn Co a features, namely, facility of reference, which is further in- creased by the quickness with which the several leaves can be turned over. Drawing No. 2 is an end view of the seme, showing some of the details of its construction, and the manner in which the slides lie on both sides of each leaf. It consists, as represented in these drawings, of four pieces or leaves of thin wood, or other suitable material, having thicker slips fastened at either side, for the purpose of keep- ing the slides from touching one another when the cabinet is closed. Each leaf has also, as shown in the first drawing, three pieces of narrow elastic banding, fixed across it from side to side; and these are divided off into the requisite number of spaces by thread or silk passing through the boards, thus making a separate compartment for every object, which is kept firmly in its place by having the band somewhat stretched in putting on. The cabinet, which from its form may be properly called a “book cabinet,” has two MEMORANDA. 203 light covers, and may either be fastened by an ordinary brass clasp, or by a lock, as in the drawing; at either end is a small leather or cloth flap to keep out the dust. The one figured as above will contain twelve dozen objects; but by putting eight slides in a row, anddoubling the number of leaves, a single cabinet would hold 384 specimens: but both the size of it, andthe number of objectsit may be made to con- tain, is more a matter of individual convenience than other- wise ; and where the quantity of any particular class of objects is sufficient, separate cabinets might be had for each, as for instance, Diatomaceze and Desmidiaceze insect prepara- tions, &c., &c. Besides the ease of reference, which may be further facilitated by an index (each space being numbered), and by having particular classes of objects in separate books, as above proposed, the cabinet can be carried about from place to place, without in any way disturbing or moving the specimens ; and this is sometimes an advantage, although but a trifling one. I have lately been given to understand that this form of cabinet is not altogether new, and that I cannot lay claim to having been the first to propose it; yet I have ventured to put forward the above drawings and description, from the circumstance of my own having met with so much approval from every one who has seen it, and as I am not aware that the plan has as yet been adopted or brought specially forward in any way.—JameEs Suitu, 21, Soley Terrace, Pentonville. A new Polarising Stage —The accompanying drawings show two different constructions of a selenite or polarising stage, which I have designed to obviate a slight difficulty in the examination of objects by polarised light, viz., that of having to alter the focal adjustment of the microscope every time the selenite is placed under the object to be examined, or removed from it; but by the use of either of the above forms of stage, the particular object to be examined having been once found and properly focused, it can be viewed, in the first place, by the polarising prisms alone, and after- wards with the selenite interposed, which can be exchanged for one or more of different tints, without in any way moving or disturbing the slide; and thus I conceive that, in instru- ments that are not otherwise specially adapted for the pur- pose, the various phenomena of polarised light (as applied to the microscope) may be more easily and satisfactorily observed. Drawing No. 1 shows the simpler form of the stage (which, 204. MEMORANDA. from its construction, will be of very trifling cost). It con- sists of an upper plate with raised edges, for the purpose of Nos I: holding the object-slide, and an under plate on which to place the selenite, while to it are fixed two small pins, cor- responding to two holes in the stage of the microscope, to attach it, when in use, to the instrument; the same object can, however, be effected by the ordinary clamping bar or spring, where the microscope has them, in which case the pims would not be required. In the second form, as shown in drawing No. 2, the selenite holder is fixed on to a small piece of tube, which turns round in another piece fastened to the bottom plate, and in this way the rotation of the film is effected. A very slight modification of this form will allow of two or three selenites being superposed where required. The selenite stage being fixed to that of the microscope, as before described, the necessary motions can be given by the proper screws, when the instrument has a rackwork stage ; but where this is not the case, the horizontal motion must be given to the object itself, by sliding it along the top plate on which it rests.—James SMITH. The Collecting Bottle—The accompanying drawings show the design of a collecting bottle for aquatic larvee, infusoria, &c., which may possibly be found convenient by microscopists pursuing that line of study. It may be briefly described as follows : Drawing No. | shows a wide-mouthed glass bottle, round the neck of which a strip of gutta percha is fixed, so as to MEMORANDA. 205 form a ring, a, while attached to it is a small socket of the same material, 8, in which the rod or walking-stick is in- serted, as shown in drawing No. 2. A stopper or cork, also of gutta percha, c, formed so as to admit of its easy with- drawal when the bottle is in use, is fixed to the socket by a piece of string of adequate length. The bottle, when used for collecting, is fitted to the rod or stick, as shown in drawing No. 2, and the stopper inserted in its mouth, while the string is held on a finger of the hand carrying the stick. The bottle may then be plunged in the water, in any position most convenient, and guided to the place from which the sample is required, when a slight pull at the string removes the stopper, allows the water to enter, carrying with it any small insects, &c., that may be near the VOL. VIII. R 206 MEMORANDA. bottle at the time. It will be observed that the string is passed through a small ring at the top of the socket: this answers the double purpose of preventing the loss of the cork by its becoming detached from the bottle, and also of saving the bottle itself, should it by any chance become loosened from the stick while in the water ; for in this case, as will be seen, it will still be held by the string and the cork to which it is fastened. I find, however, that practically there is no probability of this happening, as the gutta percha socket holds the end of the stick with a considerable degree of firmness, requiring some little force to detach it. The bottle can, of course, be used at any time without the cork, by simply drawing the string sufficiently tight to keep it out of the way. I have used gutta percha in the construction of the various parts, on account of the extreme facility with which it can be moulded into the required shape, and as any one can with it fit up a bottle in a short time, and at the cost of a few pence. But, doubtless, several other materials will suggest themselves, as convenience might place within reach ; the socket, B, for instance, might be made of metal, with a screw corresponding to one at the end of the stick or rod, so as to allow of the substitution of a small net or a knife, for cutting off pieces of aquatic plants, &c. It might be found convenient by some to have the cork permanently fixed to the mouth of the bottle by means of a shght spring (which may be applied in various ways) ; it would thus be always ready for use, and the pulling of the string would only lift up or draw aside the cork, which, returning immediately to its place on slackening the string, might keep in some of the larger insects that would perhaps otherwise escape.—JameEs Situ. On an Erecting Prism.—The instrument represented in the annexed cut is intended to supply the place of the first erecting prism constructed by us, the use of which is attended with some incon- veniences. Being placed above the upper lens, it obliges the eye to be held at some distance from the focus of the ocular; sp that, in order to obtain a view of the entire ficld, it is neces- sary to alter one’s position. In the new instrument, the prism is placed between the MEMORANDA. 207 two lenses of the eye-piece. It is formed with two penta- gonal faces, a, B, C, D, E, and A, B, H, G, F, jomed at a common edge, A, B, and connected at the opposite end by two facets, c, D, G, H, and pb, £, F, G& The solid formed by these surfaces represents pretty nearly a double wedge, of which the edges, a, B, and pb, e, are perpendicular to each other. The way in which the erection of the image is ef- fected may be readily conceived. The rays emerging from the field-glass enter by the lower surface, and are reflected at 1 upon the face A, B, H, G, F, from which they are again re- flected upon the lower surface at the point kK, and thence to the point 1 upon the vertical face c, p, 6, H, and lastly at the point mw upon the other vertical face, D, E, F, G, from which the image, normally and completely erected, is again sent back to issue by the superior surface upon which the eye- glass is placed. Consequently the two surfaces, looking towards the lenses of the eye-piece, are at the same time surfaces of reflexion and of transmission. All the reflexions are total, except the first at 1. The upper surface is coated over the space between 4, B, H, F, and left free between F, G, H, to allow the image to pass. The loss of light is inconsiderable, owing to the energy of the con- vergent pencil put in action in this prism, which may be applied to magnifying powers far greater than those usu- ally employed in the minutest dissections. The combination represents a weak ocular; so that when the eye-piece is ap- proached to the objective, as small a magnifying power as may be wished is obtained.—NacuHet. On a Dark-Ground Iluminator.—I have found, that with the little imstrument here represented, effects may be obtained as remarkable as those produced by the ingenious paraboloid of Mr. Wenham, which in its construction demands so much care, and is too large to be applied to certain instruments. Our apparatus consists of a simple cone of glass, whose summit is di- rected towards the mirror, and base towards the object. This base forms a segment of a sphere, and the centre 208 MEMORANDA. is blackened so as to prevent the passage of all direct light to the object. The arrangement is the same as that employed by M. Amici for the illumination of objects with one of the colours of the spectrum, by making use of the solar light, and making the cone more pointed, and of flint- glass, in order to disperse the light sufficiently. Im the cone here represented, which is made of crown-glass, the dispersion is not sufficiently great to give coloured rays, and the images consequently are perfectly colourless —NacuHer. On an Oblique-Light Iluminator—In cases where a very oblique light is required in order to see very delicate lines, the mirror and prism of Amici are often insufficient ; or at any rate, they demand long and tedious adjustment, even with objectives which bring out with tolerable facility the most difficult tests. I have found that a very simple means of effecting this object consists in a slight modification of the old illuminator of Mr. Kingsley. The upper lens should be covered with a thin plate, having a perforation at the margin of the lens, so as to allow only a very sharp pencil to strike the object. I would remark that a notable difference exists between the diaphragm placed below the éclairage, as is gene- rally done, and the arrangement now proposed, which has the advantage of cutting the luminous pencil after it has undergone all its evolutions in crossing the lenses. This combination has the focus sufficiently long to allow of its employment on preparations mounted on glass of the ordi- nary thickness. - With the objectives Nos. 7 and 8 (7;th and th inch), the lines on Grammatophora subtilissima, the undulating lines of Surirella gemma, and those of Navicula affinis (Amici’s test), are immediately resolved with the aid of this arrangement of the illuminator. It moreover possesses the advantage of being readily applicable to instruments in which the,stage is so thick that it is impossible to obtain an illumination sufli- ciently oblique for delicate researches.—N AcHET. Amphipleura pellucida.—In examining a series of fourteen slides of this diatom with an eighth objective, without any accessary apparatus, I have been enabled to come to a satis- factory conclusion that it is a sad misrepresentation to set down the lines so high in the scale as 180 in ‘001”. That the lines of some are exceedingly fine, and beyond my present means of giving a numerical limit, yet a few shells may be counted at 42, and many at 60, 70, and 80, in MEMORANDA. 209 ‘001; and I have but little doubt that Amphipleura pellucida may be found to take rank, in point of striation, as the alpha and omega of the lineated diatoms. Mr. T. G. Rylands, I relieve in the ‘ Microscopical Journal,’ for October, 1859, ery correctly observes, “‘ Having seen Amp. pellucida with gansverse lines much more distant than the 130 to :001” bserved in that species by the Hull microscopists.” In the same Journal an article appears from Mr. Sollitt, sho estimates the number at 130, along with several other aicroscopists; but no allusion is in any place made to the sxistence of any coarser striation. It is hence evident, from the frequent occurrence of lower numbers, that even Amphipleura pellucida cannot be taken as any test of the quality of a high-power objective, since the striation may be seen, mm some instances, with the }th, the ith, the ith; and, I think, a 34th objective might even resolve some of the same; with a ith I can readily resolve some into squares of 60 or 70 in ‘OO1”. My attention to the subject was first arrested through a beautiful slide presented to me by George Norman, Esq., of Hull, in which I accidentally found one Acus measuring 42 strie in 001”, the length of which was 0041". Having also a gathering of the same, I subsequently put up a few slides and found several others, one or two upon a slide of similar measure, with others somewhat finer, and quite suffi- cient to satisfy myself that a comparative coarse striation, compared to 130, was by no means an exception ; and that, could all the gathering be fairly resolved, I know not how far might rather even constitute the rule, and the very fine, perhaps, the exception. I am apprehensive that the 130 to ‘001” is not legitimately arrived at; that to half and quarter is not a fair means; that vision and judgment are not matured upon this point, through want of proper objects of comparison ; and that microscop- ists, generally, are not yet masters of the relative develop- ments between Nobart’s test-plate and the lined diatoms; as, for example, whether 60 lines on the diatom are seen in exact degree with 60 upon the test-plate, so as to decide the question of the term of visibility—-W™m. Hernpry, Surgeon, Hull; June, 1860. 210 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. MicroscoricaL Society, April 11th, 1860. Tue ordinary meeting of the Society was not held, in con sequence of the annual soirée having been fixed for this evening. The company assembled in the library and hall of King’s College. About 700 persons were present on the occasion. There were about 150 microscopes exhibited, and many interesting objects displayed. The walls of the suite of rooms were covered with diagrams of microscopic objects lent by Mr. Busk, Dr. Carpenter, Mr. Mummery, Dr. Lankester, Dr. Wallich, and other members. May 9th, 1860. Dr. LANKESTER in the chair. Col. Hennell, Rev. Edw. Crofton, and Henry Black, jun., Esq., were balloted for and duly elected members. Several short communications were made, and discussions took place. June 13th, 1860. Grorce Jackson, Esq., in the chair. J. H. Dallmeyer, Esq.; J. B. Fletcher, Esq.; W. A. Har- rison, Esq.; Geo. A. Ibbetson, Esq.; Geo. Boulton, Esq. ; W. Vanner, Esq.; Jno. Hollingsworth, Esq. ; Capt. W. D. Lowe; Rd. Stileman, Esq.; Albert Savory, Esq.; and Jas. Taylor, Esq., were balloted for and duly elected members. The following papers were read :—‘ On an improved Bino- cular Microscope,” by F. H. Wenham, Esq. (‘Trans.,’ p. 154), “On some New or imperfectly described Forms of Diatoma- cee,” by Tuffen West, Esq. (‘Trans.,’ p. 147). PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 211 Presentations to the Microscopical Society since the Ist of January, 1860: January 11th. PRESENTATIONS. Presented by Report of the Gonicit of the Art Union of London for 1859 : . The Society. Comber, On the Diatomaces “of the Neichbour- hood of Liverpool. Paper. : . The Author. S. Andrews, Four Slides of Diatoms : : 9 Wo ansort February 8th. Woodward’s Manual of the Mollusca, and a re plement : F. C. 8. Roper. March Ath. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club, Vol. IV, Part 2 =. The Society. Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, Nos. 60, 6 Ditto. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Wok dV. Nou . Ditto. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Vol. V. No. 27 . . The Editors. Recreative Science, Nos. Osis and 8 ; . Ditto. The Photographic Journal, No. 94 5 . The Editor. Journal of Dental Science . Ditto. Observations on the Distbation and Habits of the Pelagic and Fresh-water Floating Diatoms. Two Papers by Dr. G. C. Wallich . The Author. A ator aph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the ‘Crag. By G. Busk fe Ditto: Quekett’s Practical Treatise on the Use of ‘the Micro- scope. Second Edition ‘ . Purchased, Histoire des conferves d’eau douce. Par Jean- Pierre Vaucher : A : Se Ditto: May 19th. Acta Academie Novorum Actorum Academis Cxsaree Leopoldino Caroline Germanic nature curiosorum, ¢ The Academiz. Vol. XXVIT The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Nos. 28 and 29 . The Editors. Catalogue “ British Museum” List of British Diatoms F.C.S. Roper, Esq. Journal of Recreative Science, Nos. 9 and 10 . The Editors. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Presented by Transactions of the Linnean Society, Vol. XXII, Part4 . : . The Society. Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Supplement to Vol. IV, Botany . ; . Ditto. Photographic Journal, Nos. 95 and 96 ; - The Editor. M. P. Coulier, Manuel pratique de Microscopie . Purchased. Gerber’s Minute Anatomy, Text and Plates . Ditto. June 13th. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Seeiety, Vol: Ver Neliy t : ; The Society. Photographic Journal, No. 97 . : . The Editor. Systema mien par C, A. Agardh : . E.C.S. Roper, Esq. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. SHETLAND Potyzoa. Collected by Mr. Bar.et. (Continued and concluded.) Fam. Bicellariide, Bk. Gen. |. Bicellaria, Blainv. 1. B. Alderi,n.sp. Pl. XXVIII, figs. 1, 2, 3. B. cellulis turbinatis, inferne valde attenuatis ; aperturd ovali, spind. unica angulo externo positd instructa. Cells turbinate, much attenuated downwards; aperture oval, a single marginal spine at the outer angle. Hab. Shetland, Barlee. B. Alderi, Bk. Rept. British Association, 1859. Trans. of Sect. p. 145. Gen. Onchopora, Bk. 1. Onchopora borealis, n. sp. Pl. XXVIII, figs. 6, 7. O. cellulis immersis, circa marginem perforatis ; poro centrali elevato sig- natis ; superficie subsulcato. Cells immersed, punctured at the sides; a central raised pore on the front of the cell; surface faintly and irregularly sulcate. Hab. Shetland, Barlee. As only a very minute fragment of this species occurs in Mr. Barlee’s collection, its fuller description must be re- served to a future occasion, and for more perfect specimens. 6. Lepralia monodon, n. sp. Pl. XXIX, figs. 3, 4. L. cellulis, subpyriformibus, ovatis, seu ventricosis, superne libera, suberecta ; superficie punctata seu scrobiculata ; orificio rotundo, peristomate incrassato, sepius superne dentato. Cells pear-shaped, ovate or subventricose below, free upwards, and raised ; surface knitted; orifice round, peristome entire, thickened, often raised into a central blunt tooth at the summit. Hab. Shetland, Barlee; on shell. On further inspection of some of Mr. Barlee’s specimens, I have met with the above form of Lepralia, which I am unable to reconcile with any hitherto described. From the single specimen in my possession, the nature of the tooth- like projection on the upper border of the mouth is not very 214 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. clear. In some instances it would appear to be perforated in front, as if for an avicularium, but in others it is smooth and entire. Sus-orp. CycLosToMATA. Fam. Idmoneide, Bk. Gen. Pustulopora, Blainv. 1. Pustulopora Orcadensis, n. sp. Pl. XXIX, figs. 1, 2. P. polyzoario irregulariter ramoso; cellulis numerosis, undequague sur- gentibus. Polyzoarium irregularly branched; cells numerous, arising irregularly on all sides. Hab. Shetland, Barlee. As this form is clearly neither P. proboscidea of Forbes, which, in fact, from the specimen so named in the British Museum, would seem to be not a Pustulopora at all, but a variety of Cellepora ramulosa, nor the P. deflexa of Mr. Couch, which appears to have a simple embranched polyzoary, I am induced to erect it into a distinct species. But since the species of this genus are as yet but little known, and very difficult to distinguish, except from numerous speci- mens, I am not sure it may not be identical with a Pus- tulopora which occurs in the Atlantic and in the Australian seas. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Plate XXVIII. G-Busk, del ‘W.West, imp. r ‘ p . r in 4 < Fl ae ae ns ee < cue aA Pe rie) | 4? yy tee ns 7 . ~ ee leak el ae Os ed Vu a} ad bad Geb bf fy wat eS ¥i a 7 . i : i ‘ / bi 1) O i © bo S a Ay © O N ZOOPHYTOLOGY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES XXVIII & XXIX. PLATE XXVIII. Fig. 1.—Bicellaria Alderi, nat. size. (p. 213.) 2.—Anterior view of B. Alderi. 3.—Posterior view. (These figures are taken from drawings by Mr. J. Alder.) 4.—Salicornaria Johnsoni, Bk., nat. size. 5.—Avicularium of Sal. Johnsoni. (From drawing by Mr. Alder.) 6.—Onchopora borealis, nat. size. (p. 213.) 7.— > 3 < 25 diam. PLATE XXIX. Fig. 1.—Pustulopora Orcadensis, nat. size. (p. 214.) 2— 53 aa x 25 diam. 3.—Lepralia monodon, X 25 diam. (p. 213.) 4— 4, 3 x 50 diam. e%* A de Sd Dad ie a - 3 — aia? oy Ad a es oi oak a 7 w ‘ { i hy A <1 4 : ' : ; 7 7 LS : F bie es 7 ” ‘ - 7 Bases sy Bt AL ELBA. 1930 1 HOrtaag a,” ceed e dees rte at ait th he Pa? of tk tate Penh, ji Pe *: ‘ED mec ‘1 by wai ee : Se Oe ; oe wore nas Bs ihe “: CasSlA ho oil Laila Gh (aut oe Greg eas a) ¥ r ee pate atl’, Vota ls ee ; ae Mua, Late bp ettsohtaa (talth & aM ii dob inwy'd) 1h ee pela fy Je, fae neh a Lak Ba pel a - i ie 7 > -. * Bite Hoge Py i Ma a P uvsibie® ic gee | i a cd »_ ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On the OccuRRENCE Of Zoospores in the Famity DresMIDIACEA. By Wiriiam ArcHeEr. (Read before the Natural History Society of Dublin, Friday Evening, February 3, 1860; extracted from the ‘Natural History Review and Quarterly Journal of Science,’ for July, 1860.) In bringing forward the accompanying drawings, illustra- tive of the production in the family Desmidiacez of what I believe to be Zoospores,—while I have to express my regret that so many links are wanting in the history of their formation and production,—I nevertheless feel confident the observations will be found, even so far as they go, of abundantly sufficient novelty to warrant my drawing attention tothem. The singular condition which the figures represent seems to be one of such rarity, so far as I can learn, as to lead me to believe that this will be the first time of any similar phenomenon being either figured or recorded in this family—A. Braun’s account of what takes place in Pediastrum (I believe not truly a Desmidian at all) excepted. And although I cannot, perhaps, add much to their value by any accompanying remarks of mine, I shall, however, have indicated, as it appears to me, the direction in which we are to look for, and the mode in which we are to expect here- after, the production of zoospores, at least in Docidium, which genus furnishes us with the example in question, as well as perhaps in any other Desmidian genus. This consideration leads me to believe that, before offering anything in the way of explanation of the figures, it would be of importance to draw attention to what is stated in books on the subject of the occurrence of zoospores in this family. I believe every writer in our text-books on microscopic organisms, when touching on Desmidiaceze, states it as a fact, that, like various other alge, they are propagated by zoo- spores; while some go more or less into details, I am in- duced to say, very deferentially, that I think the descriptions VOL. VIII. S 216 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEZX. or statements often given are based rather on assumption than on actual experience, because (Pediastrum excepted) I do not find authorities given or references made to published figures or recorded observations. Indeed, I am disposed to think it not improbable that, in several instances, what is meant by the authors alluded to is another and, I appre- hend, a distinct phenomenon, but which is described as, and, as I imagine, erroneously called, the formation of the motile bodies or active gonidia, known amongst the alge as “ zoo- spores.” It is indeed likely that, by some, arguing from analogy, the assertion is based on the history of the propagation by zoospores, as it occurs in Pediastrum, as described by A. Braun (vide “ Rejuvenescence in Nature,’ ‘ Ray Soc. Pub.,’ 1853). In that genus this process occurs in the followmg manner, of which it may not be out of place very briefly to remind my hearers :—In this plant the frond consists, as is well known, of a cluster of cells, disposed in a single plane, generally concentrically—the marginal ones laterally and ex- ternally, and in some species the innermost also laterally notched. From the cells of this frond the zoospores are not emitted singly, as in numerous other alge, but the entire number, formed by the subdivision of the endochrome of each into four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, or sixty-four, or even one hundred and twenty-eight portions, escape from the parent cell, still involved in its immer membrane; and it is within this that they eventually settle down and arrange themselves into a flat cluster, resembling that from a cell of which they themselves originated, each zoospore becoming one of the component, mostly more or less notched or bidentate, cells of the new frond. These spores are called by the German writers ‘ macrogonidia.”’ Other fronds, how- ever, give birth to smaller, more numerous, and more active spores, called ‘ microgonidia,’ of which the further history after their escape is unknown. Notwithstanding that in all our text-books, in which this genus is spoken of, it is referred to the Desmidiacez, I have myself some time since come to the conclusion that Pediastrum is not a Desmidian at all, and I shall endeavour briefly to bring before you the considera- tions which seem to lead to such a conclusion. I am, of course, aware of the difficulty sometimes met with in satisfactorily embracing certain organisms within the terms of what may occasionally appear as perhaps somewhat arbitrary diagnostic characteristics; and, while the ac- knowledged fact cannot be overlooked, that no linear arrange- ment can ever properly express the whole of the natural and ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACES. 217 mutual affinities of organic objects; and while at the same time I will not deny, in regard to certain organisms which seem to be imcongruously united with certain groups or families, that it sometimes happens, while our present state of knowledge as to their nature and history is deficient, that it is more advisable to allow the puzzling forms to remain combined with such groups as may appear temporarily the most convenient; nevertheless, if any organism be found really not to agree with the characters which are common to and appear to pervade an apparently perfectly natural assem- blage, it would seem to me to be repugnant to a proper classification, if it could be avoided, that it should be there- with associated. I shall, then, venture to delay, before entering on the sub- ject proper of this communication, by drawing attention to the diagnosis of this family, as given in Ralfs’ monograph, “The British Desmidie :’’—“ Fresh-water figured mucous and microscopic alge of a green colour. Transverse division mostly complete, but in some genera incomplete. Cells or joints of two symmetrical valves, the junction always marked by the division of the endochrome, often also by a constric- tion. Sporangia formed by the coupling of the cells and union of their contents.” Although I have no new obser- vation in regard to the history of Pediastrum to add, I shall just briefly compare that genus with the foregoing definition. That Pediastrum agrees with the first clause of Ralfs’ diagnosis is indeed apparent. In regard to the second clause, so far as I can make out, I believe the complete fission into two distinct cells of any of the component cells has not been observed ; that is to say, I believe the number of component cells in any particular frond is not increased after their first formation; in other words, there does not appear to be any extension of the cell- wall of any cell accompanied by a transverse fission. Mr. Ralfs mentions that he did not see cell-division. I have certainly myself, so far as my own limited experience in this genus goes, never noticed anything to indicate the mode of division characteristic of the Desmidiacee. By this, of course, is not meant to be denied the subdivision of the endochrome within the parent cell,—the necessary prelude to its conversion into zoospores. The number of constituent cells in a frond, of often indeed even the same species, seems, therefore, to depend on the number of times the original endochrome of the parent cell had become segmented, and the consequent number of zoospores. Occasionally a frond 218 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. may be met with in which one of the component cells is about double the dimensions of the others, while the normal number is deficient by one; indicating, not the special in- crease in size of one of the cells, as compared with the others, but rather that the ultimate segmentation of the endochrome within the original parent cell, preparatory to being con- verted into zoospores, was in this one instance not fully carried out. Sometimes a few marginal cells are wanting, which may, perhaps, be explained in the same manner ; some- times, however, they become accidentally removed by ex- ternal forces. Indeed, it is hard to suppose an increase in number of the constituent cells of a frond without its becom- ing altered from a plane to an irregular structure, such as takes place in Monostroma, Ulva, &c., the dimensions of the frond itself, however, expanding by a simultaneous imcrease all over. If I be right, then, Pediastrum does not coincide with the second clause of Ralfs’ diagnosis. As to the next clause, an inspection of any species of Pediastrum will manifest that the cells are not composed of two symmetrical halves, and that in the empty cells there is no evidence of a suture; unless, indeed, the slit or gash occurring in those cells which have produced zoospores, and by which they have escaped, be an indication of its existence, while they are characterised by merely being bidentate at the external margin of often the outside row of cells only, the internal being frequently of undefined outline. Lastly, so far as I am aware, conjugation has never been seen in this genus. I have myself noticed in Pediastrum Boryanum the cell-contents of certain marginal cells retracted from the external wall, and massed together into a green, smooth, orbicular, spore-like body [resting spore?] in the centre. But as this took place, not in the neighbouring cells, and no cells being empty or disturbed in form, it could not be imagined to be any process of conjugation effected by the transmission of the contents from one neighbouring cell to another. The diagnosis given by Berkeley, in his ‘ Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany,’ is as follows :—“ Cells void of silex, free, or forming brittle threads or minute fronds, increased by the formation of two new half cells in the centre, so that the two new cells consist each of a new and old half cell. Spores generated by the conjugation of two distinct indi- viduals.” The only point of difference in the above definition from Ralfs’ is the introduction of the characteristic of the two new half cells during division being interposed between the old ones; but as ina few species this can only be a matter of ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACES. 219 just inference, not of direct proof, but of which indeed there cannot be any reasonable doubt, it cannot always be insisted on. But as to Pediastrum, I have before intimated that, so far as I can see, the component cells do not increase m number at all, and therefore in that respect cannot agree with the terms of either diagnosis. The figured outline of the cells, often, however, confined to the marginal series, yet wanting as they do bilateral symmetry, seems then the reason why Pediastrum has been placed amongst the Desmidiacee. But, whilst arguing against the claims of this genus, as such, I own I am myself unaware of where else to place it. Its affinity with Hydrodictyon utricu- latum seems sufficiently striking. That plant, with what, however, must appear questionable propriety, has been associated with the Siphonacez (‘ Micrographic Dictionary’), a family of which Vaucheria may, perhaps, be assumed as typical. Possibly Pediastrum and its allies, with Hydro- dictyon, may prove a distinct family near Volvocinacez, with which they seem perhaps connected through Pandorina and Gonium, by certain points of similarity in their development, or in which at least certain parallel phases seem noticeable. Thad written so far of the present paper some months back, and have read it as I then wrote it. Since then I have met with Nageli’s ‘Gattungen einzelliger Algen,’ also Al. Braun’s ‘Algarum Unicellularium Genera nova et minus cognita,’ where I learn that the views of Nageli and Braun were identical with the conclusions that had forced themselves on myself, and that those distinguished algologists had actually long since seen fit to remove Pediastrum and its allies from Desmidiacez, and have transferred then: meantime to the more humble family, Palmellacece. While, then, the object of this paper is to prove that what I think must be looked upon as zoospores do occur in at least one species im this family, and, consequently, may occur through- out, and that our books are therefore not wrong in assuming it (leaving Pediastrum out of the question), still I am inclined to think, as I before indicated, that the statements alluded to are founded rather on the occurrence of what I am disposed to imagine a distinct but, perhaps, more unaccountable phe- nomenon, than on any published record of what can be looked upon as true zoospores, Pediastrum excepted. I allude to what has been called the “swarming movement ” of the ulti- mate granules of the cell-contents, a phenomenon of common occurrence in this family. Indeed, I believe I have myself noticed it more or less frequently in nearly every species I have seen, and even in those undergoing division. It seems 220 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. of more general occurrence in specimens for some time ke}, * in the house; yet, frequent as it is, it is difficult to describe, and almost requires to be seen to be understood. It consists of an active, tremulous, vibratory, dancing kind of motion of the disintegrated endochrome, broken up into an immense number of ‘exceedingly minute non-ciliated granular particles, at once innumerable and, I apprehend, immeasurable. Not- withstanding all the commotion, there is no very great change of place in the active granules themselves. They not unfre- quently form a dense cluster together, so crowded as to ap- pear a black mass. Sometimes I have seen these masses of active granules abruptly bounded on one side by a straight line, as if there were some invisible barrier preventing their assuming a more scattered appearance (I have tried to repre- sent this in Fig. 1); but shortly thts abrupt line becomes broken, and the cluster loses this appearance, and becomes gradually thinner. I have noticed a very similar movement, though less active, in various other algze, and in @erminating spores, which had already commenced to elongate. Amongst the Diatomaceze (in Hpithemia turgida, and im a species of Cymbella), I have seen the endochrome throughout the frus- tule to each extremity entirely disintegrated into nearly equal and extremely minute and free particles, and these exerting a very vigorous, tremulous, dancing movement, perfectly iden- tical with what is alluded to in the Desmidiacez, and, so far as I can see, in no way to be mistaken for the movement of the bodies described by the Rev. E. O’Meara in Pleurosigma Spencerii—(vide Proceedings of last session, ‘Nat. Hist. Rev.,’ vol. v, p. 192), alluded to, “howev er, as anthozoids, but more probably zoospores), and in Epithemia Argus, E. gibba, and Cocconeis pediculus, at our last meeting. A similar movement of the ultimate granules, which appear brown and quite dead in various organisms, is sometimes noticeable. This, then, in all such examples I should be inclined to imagine is a mani- festation of the phenomenon called “ molecular movement,” similar to that noticeable in the granules of the fovilla of pollen in the flowering plants, or to that seen when a small portion of the substance of the common fresh-water sponge is crushed down and viewed under the microscope (and of this other examples might be cited), and rather in the cases so common in the Desmidiacez, and in the very rare examples referred to in the Diatomacez, indicative of decay, than as the precursor of a further developmental change. I do not, of course, include the singular movement of the free, active particles at the extremities of Closterium, Docidium, &c., which, as every specimen of the species in which it occurs ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEZ. 221 exhibits it, must be normal; this may, however, possibly be due to some modification of the same molecular law, com- bined with internal currents. In alluding to mternal currents I may mention that I believe this phenomenon occurs in a greater number of Desmidian species than is generally supposed, bat ordinarily in very many it seems to be very rare. Clostertwm Lunula and Penium digitus, as is well known, scarcely ever fail to show it. But, besides, I believe with care it can be some- times seen in other species of Closterium, as well as other genera besides. I have never seen the rotation, as it is called, more vigorous or more active in any vegetable cell than I have sometimes, though by no means always or often, seen it in Closterium didymotocum, where the granules, car- ried onwards by the current, chased each other, with great vigour, round and round the margin of the cell, up one side and down the other, in a manner scarcely comparable to the fitful and irregular currents in Closterium Lunula. Again, in Micrasterias denticulata I have noticed a few loose granules carried by the current, to travel up and down from one sub- division of a lobe to another, following thus the very zigzag course produced by the deeply incised margin of this species for two or even three of the subdivisions; when, not being then carried any further round the margin, they were diverted again towards the middle of the frond and joined in the guadrille (I can think of no better word) there performed by other free granules, until, perhaps, again carried off to the margin, or a few different granules being drawn off in their place. I have noticed similar circulating currents in Cosma- rium Ralfsii; in this species, however, the segments, unlike Micrasterias, being not incised, the granules were carried round and round in an uninterrupted stream. This vigorous current, however, is very rare; yet I half think I have been able to see currents of the fluid contents im certain Closteria and others, where, at least, it was not evidenced by its car- rying any granules with it. But, be this as it may, although I have very frequently witnessed the phenomenon of the active vibratory particles alluded to in very many species, I have never once seen them escape by any normal process. It is true, that when the frond is artificially ruptured, they still, for a time, maintain their movement, though generally less actively; but I have also noticed many of the granules of the general mass of cell-contents, broken up by pressure, themselves to set up a very similar movement, perhaps not so active, though before, of course, they were still. But if further evidence were wanting to prove the point in 222 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACES. question, I will mention what to me appears to be conclusive ; and that is, that in a number of specimens of Cosmarium (Euastrum ?) sublobatum, also of Cosmarium Botrytis, which had been ‘ mounted” a fortnight, and which we must sup- pose to have been dead, I have witnessed the granular cell- contents exhibiting the “ molecular” movement as actively as it occurs in the living frond; and this might have been kept up while I write, possibly, had not the preparation be- come spoiled at the end of the period mentioned. Such, then, is, I apprehend, the phenomenon which may have given rise to the following passages: ‘ British Desmidie,’ p- 9, Introduction: ‘ When the cells approach maturity, molecular movements may be at times noticed in their con- tents, precisely similar to what has been described by Agardh and others as occurring in the Conferve. This movement has been aptly termed a swarming. . . . When released by the opening of the suture, the granules still move, but more rapidly and to a greater distance. With the subsequent history of these granules I am altogether unacquainted, but I conclude that it is similar to what has been traced in other alge.’ This brief passage is all Mr. Ralfs, in his work, has to say on the subject; but, although cautiously expressed, it would appear he looked on these minute granules as pro- bably zoospores, and it is, undoubtedly, the same pheno- menon to which he alludes. Hassall, ‘ British Fresh-water Algze,’ p. 340 :— The second method is, assuredly, the usual and legitimate mode of reproduction, viz., that by bodies analogous to zoospores.” This statement surely appears to be founded on the molecular movement of the minute swarm- ing granules, as Braun’s account of the phenomenon in Pediastrum was not then published. It may, however, be based on Morren’s account of the development in Closterium, to which I shall presently allude.—Berkeley, ‘ Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany,’ page 121:—‘‘ Another mode of increase is from the swarming of the grains of the endochrome, which becomes individualized as in other alge, and so give rise to a new generation. These bodies are figured, with filiform appendages, in Pediastrum granulatum.” ‘The first sentence of the foregoing seems to infer that the author looked upon the swarming granules as zoospores, but it is, perhaps, explained by the second, and the statement may be based on what occurs in Pediastrum.—Carpenter, ‘ The Microscope and its Revelations,’ Ist ed., page 291 :—‘‘ Many of the Desmidiaceze multiply after another method ; namely, by the subdivision of their endochrome into a multitude of granular particles, termed gonidia, which are set free by ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACER. 223 the rupture of the cell-wall, and of which every one may develop into a new cell. These ‘ gonidia? may be endowed with cilia, and many possess an active power of locomotion, in which case they are known as ‘ zoospores;’ or they may be destitute of any such power, and may become en- closed in a firm cyst or envelope, that seems destined for their long-continued preservation, in which case they are designated as ‘resting spores. —The movement of the zoo- spores, first within the cavity of the cell that gives origin to them, and afterwards externally to it, has frequently been observed in the various species of Cosmarium, and has been described under the title of the ‘swarming of the granules,’ from the extraordinary resemblance which the mass of moving particles bears to a swarm of bees. The subsequent history of their development, however, has not been fully traced out ; and this is a point to which the attention of microscopists should be specially directed.’ With great diffidence, I venture to suggest that the statements in the foregoing passage must be based on the swarming movement of the minute granules which I have endeavoured to describe above. I am disposed to believe that the granules which the author terms gonidia are not ciliated; and, although the species of Cosmarium often show the movement, it is by no means confined to that genus, but may be frequently seen also in multitudes of other species. The author then goes on to describe the formation of undoubted zoospores in Pediastrum. As to ‘resting spores,’ I imagine he must allude to such bodies as are figured by Ralfs in Desmidium Swartz (‘ Br. Des.,’ tab. iv, f.), where they are not produced by conjuga- tion, but seem to be due to the consolidation of the contents of each individual joimt, which becomes enclosed in its own special envelope, as sometimes takes place in Spirogyra, &c. Braun suggests that the filament met with by Ralfs may have been one which had entered into conjugation with another filament, and that the string of empty cells had been torn away; but this is certainly not the case, for I have myself met with the species in question in some abundance in precisely the same condition as that figured by Ralfs, and which consist in the cell-contents of a greater or less number in immediate succession of the cells of certain fila- ments becoming retracted to the centre of the cavity of each cell, and becoming there massed together into a definitely bounded spore-like body, without any process of conjugation or union of the contents of distinct cells. But I was not able to see any further development, and the specimens soon died. (Vide also, for resting-spores (?) ‘ Micrographic Dic- 224 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. tionary,’ Pl. vi, Fig. 3 B; also‘ Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Dub.,’ 1858-9, Pl. i, Fig. 14—irrespective, of course, of the external © abnormal condition).—The ‘ Micrographie Dictionary’ de- scribes only the zoospores in Pediastrum as an @ priori argu- ment for their occurrence in the Desmidiaceze generally, assuming, erroneously, that genus as belonging to the family. A recapitulation of this sort would, however, be imcom- plete without reference toa communication by M. Ch. Morren m ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles,’ tom. v, p. 266, 1836— ‘Mémoire sur les Closténiées.’? In looking over the present subject, I met with Professor Smith’s paper on the “ Conju- gation of Closterium Ehrenbergw’ (‘ Annals of Natural His- tory,’ second series, vol. v, p. 1), and therefore necessarily with that by M. Morren alluded to; and it seems to me impos- sible not to coincide in the conclusions of the former on the points in consideration, and consequently to look upon those of the latter as founded in error. I shall endeavour briefly to state the views of Morren, as founded on his observations on Closte- rium Ehrenbergit. He believes that in the mature and merely vegetating plant the endochrome is evenly distributed through- out its entire cavity, and formed of extremely small granules (“ utricles’). By-and-by, however, there appears, towards the middle of the frond, one or many darker longitudinal regions, which soon become bands, subsequently changmg to be diaphanous, when the “utricles’” become larger and spherical, sometimes disposed in a single series, sometimes in several, and these, he says, are nourished and increased in size at the expense of the surrounding smaller granules. These larger “vesicles” he now denominates “ propagules,”’ and states they ultimately make their escape from the parent frond by its dehiscence at the central suture, or are protruded, along with the remaider of the endochrome, en masse through a pair of apertures on the under side of the frond. But further—he believes that the active granules found at the extremities of this plant (as well, indeed, as in all the species of Closterium, and in some species of a few other genera), preparatory to the emission of his “ pro- pagules,” leave their position at the extremity of the frond, and, becoming mixed with them, exert a fertilizing function on the latter. The subsequent ‘development of these “ pro- pagules” he states to consist in their gradual elongation from their original spherical form; the endochrome, with the gradual increase in size of the now young growing frond, be- coming separated into two portions, the terminal spaces with the active granules soon making their appearance as in the ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. 220 adult Closterium, and further increase in dimensions follow- ing, until the full size of the species is attained. He, more- over, describes the act of conjugation (since accurately de- scribed by Smith, /. c.) ; but, strange to say, he (M. Morren) does not seem to look upon this as a true generative act, so far as I can judge, but seems to think the sporangium (‘ semi- nule’”’) resulting from the act of conjugation is itself ferti- lized during the process by the agency of the at first terminal motile particles. He states the further development of the spherical sporangium (itself as great in diameter as the old frond), previously undergoing a revolving motion for a few moments, to consist merely in its gradual elongation in two opposite directions, but unequally, thus forming two unequal cones. It is to be supposed, however, that he must imagine the smaller cone would eventually keep up with the longer, so as to restore the symmetry. Such is, briefly, Morren’s account of the reproduction in this plant. Professor Smith (/. c.) gives a nearly similar account of the process of conjugation. The conjugative act in this species is not undertaken till after the two original fronds about to cén- jugate have undergone self-division in the manner usual in this genus—that is to say, by self-fission, effected by a divi- sion of the contents into two just under the suture, accom- panied by a development of new cell-wall to each old segment, and separation taking place. The separated portions have now one long (and old) cone, and one more blunt and rounded (the nascent younger one). Now, in those individuals about to conjugate, from each of the shorter or younger cones is protruded a blunt, pouch-like projection from the lower and opposed sides of each, which approaching by gradual growth, the contents from each emerge thereby, and, meeting half way, amalgamate with each other; at the same time the other opposite portions of the original parent fronds doing in precisely the same manner. Thus two sporangia ultimately result from the two original fronds, conjugation taking place between each of the opposite individualized pairs of partially old, partially new, fronds—themselves resulting from the self-division of the original parent fronds. A parallel pheno- menon is furnished in the process of conjugation by Closteriam lineatum, as well as by several diatoms. Professor Smith was not able to see any further development of the sporangium, and the propagules of Morren, he believed, had no existence in fact. I believe the explanation of Morren’s statement to be possibly something like the following:—From researches of ecent date in regard to the after development of the sporan- 226 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACER. gium in the Desmidiacee, it would seem that it is by a repeated segmentation of the contents into a definite number of portions, these becoming set free by the bursting of the cell-wall of the sporangium, and ey entually growing larger, and, ordinary vegetable growth supervening, assuming “the characteristic form of the species, that the species is “itself perpetuated (Vide Hofmeister “On Reproduction in the Desmidize and Diatomez,” translated in ‘Annals of Natural History,’ January, 1858; also, De Bary, ‘ Untersuchungen tiber die Familie der Conjugaten, Zygnemeen und Desmi- dieen,’ taf. vi, figs. 12—24, and35—46). “Now it seems probable that Morren’s “ large vesicles” were but the starch granules common in these species, and that they were set free but by the accidental fracture of the frond; that his germinating “‘ propagules,” stated to produce the plant by gradual exten- sion and growth, were most likely ger minating sporangia, after the contents had undergone segmentation into a number of separate portions; that the fronds with unequal cones, supposed by him to result from the unequal growth of the sporangium, may have been merely detached and accidentally unconjugated fronds, after having undergone self-division. It is true that this explaining away of his statements leaves the function of the active terminal granules in Closterium still unexplained ; but I apprehend the true generative act in these plants is to be sought, and is found, in the act of conjugation itself. But, even admitting the correctness of Morren’s ac- count, and that there might be two modes of true generation in these plants, still his “‘ propagules”’ could hardly be looked upon as zoospores, as these latter bodies, in what I believe the strict and proper sense of the term, do not undergo fertili- zation at all,and are ciliated and motile. I may remark, it is possible the statements I have quoted from various works may be based on Morren’s account just alluded to, yet I do not find references made to his memoir (written in 1836). i may add that Smith (/. c.) comes to the conclusion to which I had myself arrived, and which I ventured ere now to express (Nat. Hist. Review,’ vol. v, p. 240), that the swarming particles are not zoospores, and not connected with the development of the species, and I am much pleased to find my Own previous ideas coinciding with those of so experienced an observer. There is only one other record which seems to bear at all on this point, at least which I have been able to gather, and it is questionable whether it refers here. I allude to Ehren- berg’s figure, given in his work ‘Die Infusionsthierchen,’ Plate ii, Fig. 15, where a number of green zoospore-like bodies ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. 227 are figured within and external to an empty Closterium ; these bodies, named by him Bodo viridis, and classed amongst the Infusorial (“ polygastric”’) animalcules. Near the centre of the figure, within the nearly empty frond of the Closterium, there is a green, irregular, rugged mass. Could this be a portion of the granular endochrome untransformed into “ zoospores ’’—his animals of the species “‘ Bodo viridis” ? Having thus endeavoured to convey what I believe is the state of the question as to the occurrence of zoospores in the family Desmidiacee, I will next draw attention to the accompanying figures (Plate XI, Figs. 1, 4). Docidium Ehren- bergit here affords us an example of the production of a few comparatively large ciliated bodies formed at the expense of the cell-contents of the parent cell, and which make their exit therefrom through one or more specially formed lateral tubes. These bodies, although I am quite ignorant of their after development, I cannot but believe to be zoospores ; and I imagine [I am justified in the conclusion, their appearance and mode of formation seems to be so comparable to the zoospores in Cladophora, where they undoubtedly, as is well known in this as in various other alge, propagate the plant and form young colonies in abundance. The first indication of the commencement of the phenomenon is the production of a single minute hyaline lateral tubercle, or sometimes of two, or more rarely still of three such tubercles, just under the inflation at the base of, I imagine, the younger segment (Fig. 1). This tubercle arises—and the same holds when there are two or three—not from any part of the original segments, but from a special extension of the boundary wall interposed between the inflated base of the segment and the sutural line. In other words, the tubercle is not produced between the segments by their separation at the suture, but from an extension or addition at the base to one only of the segments. On looking at the drawings superficially, it might appear that the new growth, with the projecting lateral extension, was a modification of the phenomenon some cases of which were figured and described by me in our Pro- ceedings of last session (Figs. 10 to 15),* here merely differently carried out with a definite end to meet a special exigency. But the case is different here, for in the abnormal growths alluded to (/. c.), the new irregular portions were added between the old segments by their separation at the suture, making a third development specially belonging to neither old segment ; whereas here, as I have just indicated, * «Nat. Hist. Review,’ vol. vi, p. 469, Plate xxxiii, figs. 1O—15. 228 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACER. the new addition is an extension to the base of one only of the original segments. The growth of the additional lateral tube in the present mstance is comparable rather to the somewhat similar extension from the shorter or younger cone, prepara- tory to conjugation, in Closterium Ehrenbergii, described a little back, except that here it is usually longer (or more than one), and gives egress to separated portions of the endochorme, individualized as zoospores, and not permitting it to extrude en masse for the purpose of conjugating with the contents of a neighbouring frond; thus we not unfrequently observe in nature modifications of similar means conducive to different ends. When the segment gives rise to one tubercle only, this additional growth is gradually developed more and more narrowly, diminishing to nothing at the opposite point of the cylindrical segment, so that the frond is thus thrown out of its straight or nearly straight direction, and becomes bent into a knee-shape (Figs. 2 and 3). Such is also the case when two projections arise side by side. But when two originate opposite to each other, or when there are three, the frond is not thrown out of its straight form, because the new addition to the segment, from which these lateral growths take their origin, now forms an annular extension equal all round, and the segment therefore becomes added to in length by just so much as the annular addition is broad—and this is less than the 1-3000th part of an inch (Fig. 4). As the case is pretty similar whether there be one, two, or three of these lateral growths, I shall continue my remarks upon those cases where one only is formed. The basal tubercle now gradually elongates, and becomes a tube in direct connection and con- tinuation with the frond (like the finger to a glove), and is about 1-3600th of an inch in diameter, but of very varied degrees of length (Fig. 2). I have noticed some to cease to grow after having barely attained about 1-10th or 1-8th part of the length of the frond, and I have seen a few very long, almost, if not quite as long as the frond itself. The endo- chrome near the base of each segment, and in the neighbourhood of the lateral tube, next becomes very finely granular, of an almost homogeneous appearance, and the lateral tube is filled by it. The remainder of the endochrome (even in the state indicated by Fig. 2) is still but little altered from the ordinary condition, and the terminal cavities with the active granules, characteristic of this genus, as well as of Closterium, remain unchanged. The annular addition and the lateral tubes are quite’ smooth, and destitute of the scattered puncta which characterise the empty frond in this species (Figs. 3, 4). ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACER. 229 Now it is, I apprehend, not a little worthy of remark that the swarming, active, disintegrated granules disassociated from the rest of the endochrome, described above as of fre- quent occurrence, are met with at this stage, as well as frequently at the stage indicated by Fig. 1, when the lateral tube first appears as a mere tubercle ; and, moreover, presents precisely the same appearance and conditions that other specimens of this species (D. Ehrenbdergit) on the same slide exhibit, but which are not destined to undergo the other changes here described. Further, numerous other species, which occurred in the same gathering, presented similar examples of the molecular swarming movement; for example, Docidium clavatum, Gonatozyon Ralfsii, various Cosmaria, &e. But I think it is not less equally worthy of remark, that other specimens undergoing the peculiar development, of which the production of the lateral tube is a stage, did not indicate any molecular or swarming movement of the minute granules of the endochrome—that in the terminal spaces, of course, excepted. On the whole, then, it does not appear to me that these swarming granules had anything specially to do with the production of the very different motile bodies now to be described. I have before stated that the endochrome near the base of each segment, and filling the lateral tubes, becomes very finely granular ; it next becomes segmented into a definite number of rounded portions, or “ gonidia.”’” I was never able to count them exactly, but I suppose they were not less than twenty, nor over fifty ; nor did the fact of there being either two or three lateral tubes developed seem to indicate any very great addition to the number of these bodies. That portion of the endochrome not thus transformed into gonidia lying beyond them, and extending to the ends of the segments, by this time loses its normal character, and seems to become drawn into detached bands or strings, with a few free granules, and the terminal cavity, with the active particles, becomes lost. The gonidia lately formed at the middle of the frond have now emerged through the opened apex of the lateral tube, and remain clustered together ina mass very much like a bunch of grapes, the clusters becoming, by degrees, larger and larger, until all the gonidia make their exit through the tube, and each adds its quota to the group (Fig. 3). The same is the case when there are two or three tubes, the only difference being that a fewer number, but generally about equal, make their way through each (Fig. 4). Meantime, the unused endochrome, which had become drawn into detached strings, now loses its bright-green colour, 230 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. changing somewhat to an olive, finally turning brown, and quite dying, and even, to a great extent, disappears (Figs. 3, 4). Each of the gonidia forming the external cluster appears by this time to have formed for itself a special cell-wall of slightly compressed or elliptic form, within which the green contents may often be seen somewhat retracted. Now, a movement within its circumscribed prison may be seen on the part of the contents of a few of the gonidia, which takes the appearance of a twisting motion, backwards and forwards as it were, on its axis, similar to what may be sometimes seen in the organisms called Trachelomonas by Ehrenberg. I have not noticed them to turn completely round. These gonidia are, however, greatly smaller, nor could I perceive any red spot. If such a comparison might not appear wholly out of place, I would be induced to say that the movement of the green contents within the confinmg membrane reminded me somewhat of the movement of the eye in certain Ento- mostraca. This movement is not apparent in all the whole group of gonidia simultaneously, but only in a few at a time. Eventually, one by one, the green contents leave the confining membrane in which they have hitherto been detained; but my observation being here incomplete, and my avocations calling me away, I am unable to say in what manner they made their exit. There certainly appeared no neck-like opening or perceptible aperture, but they probably emerged by rupturing the boundary wall. Having, however, made their escape, they swim away as ovate or pyriform ciliated bodies, pale at the narrower or pointed end, and green other- wise throughout—in point of fact, veritable motile gonidia, or zoospores, in every way comparable to the similar bodies found in other alg (Fig. 4); their principal distinction from those, for instance, in Cladophora, being their temporarily abiding in a cluster, each encysted in its special coating. I vainly tried to satisfy myself whether these zoospores were one or two-ciliated, but I was not able to decide this difficult point. They were about 1-3600th of an inch in their narrower diameter, and somewhat greater longitudinally. Having, one by one, escaped, the vacated cells remain not long attached at the apex of the lateral tube, and I think they fall away there- from sometimes in a more or less connected condition, and finally decay. The old frond now generally separates at the suture, one segment bearing away the empty special struc- ture described, the other, of course, unchanged; any remaining endochrome by this time being quite brown, broken up, and dead, if indeed it be not altogether vanished (Fig. 4). Limagine it may be possible that in the native ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. 231 pool the whole of the endochrome might become used up in the production of the zoospores, as the course of nature may have been more or less arrested under the conditions to which the gathering had been necessarily subjected. The empty cell-membranes, or old segments, were to be found for some time afterwards in the gathermg, when all traces of the zoospores had completely disappeared ; and I may add, that the formation of zoospores occupied only two days when there was a complete cessation of their development. I may also add that the gathering, nm which the phenomenon I have been endeavouring to describe occurred, was made in Septem- ber last. A glance at the figures will be quite enough, as it seems to me, however imperfect my own description may be, to prove that the phenomenon in question cannot be mistaken for any development of the parasitic growths Pythiwm entophytum (Pringsheim),* or of any species of Chytridium (Braun), although a hurried reading might possibly lead to such a conclusion. These organisms consist of colourless pyriform or flask-shaped bodies, with a more or less elongate neck,—in the former instance originating, in greater or less numbers, within the cavity of the cell attacked, and protruding their necks through its external wall,—in the latter, seated externally wpon it—and both producing and emitting very minute zoospores through their opened apices. Be these curious growths antheridial structures or true parasites, which latter, | apprehend, is most likely, there does not seem much danger of confounding that form placed under Braun’s genus Chytridium with the phenomenon in Docidium above described, but a mistake, so far as regards Pythium ento- phytum (Pringsheim), seems, perhaps, more worthy guarding against. For a figure of this plant attacking Hremosphera viridis (De Bary) (= Chlorosphera Oliveri, Henfrey), see “Micrographic Dictionary,’ Pl. xlv, Fig. 8. It has, also, been noticed by Carter attacking the cells of Spirogyra, by Brébisson infesting various Desmidiacez, and is sometimes met with in Closterium lunula. In Pythium the several distinct parasites seem to be nourished at the expense of the contents of the infested cell, presently protruding their tubular necks through its boundary wall, outside which they burst at their apices and discharge exceedingly minute “ zoospores,” formed from what has now become their own proper cell-contents, which are not green; whereas, as above indicated in the phenomenon in Docidium, now here for the * © Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Bot.,’ 4 Ser., tome xi, Pl. fs fic, VOL. VIII. 282 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. first time described, the tubular extensions are produced directly from an addition to the original cell-wall itself, and with which they are in absolute continuation, and through the apices of which the cell-contents of the frond are emitted by its own direct conversion into zoospores, and which are green and comparatively large, after the manner of Cladophora. Pringsheim seems to see little difficulty in supposing it as easy for the zoospores in Pythium, having arrived at the surface of a suitable confervoid, to penetrate or absorb their way into the cell, as it is for their tubular necks in a similar manner eventually to protrude from within through the outer wall. I have, however, lately met with a parasitic growth attacking Closterium lunula, and which I refer doubtfully to Pythium (Pringsheim), and of which Fig. 5 is a drawing. Pringsheim’s plant, met with by him in the conjugated joints of a Spirogyra, he refers to the family Saprolegnieze. That observer suggests that a ramification of this parasite may exist in the interior, so that the numerous projecting utricles may possibly be connected amongst themselves within the remains of the cell-contents of the infested Spirogyra. Therefore, he says that the bodies with elongated necks may actually be the sporangia, each separated from the vegetative part of the plant by a septum placed deeply beneath the con- tents of the infested Spirogyra-spore. This, however possible it may be in Pringsheim’s plant, does not seem to hold in the curious growth figured (Fig. 5). Here, at least, each indivi- dual plant seems to be a flask-shaped body, without any con- nexion with its neighbours: in one case, indeed, I noticed two of the necks, before penetrating the boundary walls, to inosculate within the frond of the Closterium. In a word, each flask-shaped body, so far as I can see, may be said here to combine in itself both the vegetative, as well as the fructi- fying portion ; the whole plant at maturity being, as it were, converted into a sporangium. In the earliest condition in which I saw this plant, the bodies within the Closterium appeared rounded vesicles, each with a short neck. The neck of each, by gradual extension, reaches the old cell-wall of the Closterium, penetrating which, it grows to a very considerable extent into the surrounding water. Just within the boundary wall of the Closterium, each shows a very decided globular enlargement of the neck. So far it appears to agree with Pringsheim’s Pythium. But - it differs therefrom, inasmuch as the cell-contents are green, not colourless, as well as in the great length of the necks and intheextremities, whileeach plant is filled with itsendochrome, being distinetly clavate. ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. 235 Now I regret I am unable to affirm that the numer- ous orbicular, spore-like bodies in the neighbourhood (Fig. 5) are the produce of the contents of the organism in question, as I did not see their formation— but I cannot doubt it. When I made this particular gather- ing, I did not meet the Closterium so affected in numbers sufficient to make any definite observations ; but I suppose the plants must have given birth to ‘and emitted their con- tents in the form of the gonidia lying about. For, certainly, the bodies scattered around did not occur anywhere else, but always in the neighbourhood of a Closterium containing these organisms ; and where they nearly all, or a few only, still contained their endochrome, these abounded close by in the relative numbers to be expected. Admitting them to be such, it may appear questionable whether this growth be connected with the development of the Closterium itself, or whether it be a true parasite. I am disposed myself to think the latter. But, be this as it may, I need hardly insist on the essential distinctness between the phenomenon depicted in Fig. 5, and the condition of Docidium shown in Figs. 1 to 4. It may be well to say that the three ovate ciliated bodies on the Plate near Fig. 4 represent the zoospores appertaining to it, whereas all the other scattered orbicular bodies be- long to Fig. 5. Notwithstanding any description I can offer is so very incomplete, I venture to think the draw- ing itself (a faithful copy from nature) may prove interesting. It seems highly probable that Ehrenberg’s genus Polysolenia, included by him and by Kiitzing in Desmidiace (vide Kiitzing, “Species Algarum”) must have been truly a Closterium (probably C. didymotocum) so attacked. I draw attention here to this very interesting growth, in order to guard against any possibility of its bemg thought the remarkable condition of Docidium is identical with it, or that | may have myself in any way mistaken the one for the other. Here, however, my observations conclude, for I am totally unaware of the after development of the motile gonidia, the original formation and emission of which I have described. It may be urged that I cannot prove these bodies to be truly zoospores, because I cannot prove they grow into young Docidia, as can more or less readily be done according to the species im various other Algz, in which the growth of the zoospores into young plants similar to the parent is witnessed with not great difficulty. Possibly the bodies I have described may be but equivalent to those described in somealge as micro- gonidia by theGerman writers ; but I cannot for the present see the probability of this assumption, and imagine they are more likely to be true motile buds, 7. e. zoospores. It will be borne 234 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. in mind that the true generative process in Docidium Ehren- bergii, like all other undoubted Desmidians, is by conjugation. Assuming that Iam mnght, the bearing of the fact would not be in the least to affect the acknowledged affinities of this family with their more immediate allies, the Zygnemacez, or with the Diatomacez ; for in the former, in Spirogyra and Mougeotia, ciliated motile bodies, probably zoospores have been noticed; while in the Diatomacez, although such a phenomenon had been previously suspected, I need only advert to the researches of the Rev. E. O’Meara (loc. cit.), which render it equally probable, if not decided, that such a mode of propagation prevails also in that family. Such, then, is an account, deficient, as I regret it is, in many points, of what I cannot but look upon, so far as I can make out, as a new and unrecorded phase in the lfe-history of this beautiful and interesting family, the Desmidiacez,—a life-history still obscure in many of its details, but yet one which I aver will not yield in interest to any other portion in the wide domain of our comprehensive science of Natural History, and one also on which I shall deem myself very fortunate and very happy should these humble observations of mine, here recorded, ever be found eventually to shed even a dim and solitary ray of light in its elucidation. Further Notes on Abnormal Growth in the Desmidiacee. In a former paper read to this Society (vide ‘Nat. Hist. Reyv.,’ vol. vi, page 469), I drew attention to an abnormal mode of growth affecting several species of Desmidiacez, and I may add that I have since noticed similar cases in two or three other species. This consisted in there being produced between the old segments, not a pair of new ones eventually to become symmetrical with the old, but an irregular, more or less unsymmetrical inflated expansion, forming with the old segments but one uninterrupted cavity ; and this kind of monstrosity I endeavoured to show might probably be primarily due to the omission of the formation of a septum as a preliminary to ordinary vegetative growth. In Pl. XI, Fig. 7, I bring forward what seems to be a further extension of the same identical condition of Arthrodesmus Incus, as that figured in Pl. xxxiii, Fig. 11, 2. c. In the case last in- dicated, as in the others, there must exist a suture between the older segments and the intermediate abnormal growth— that is, the latter has become interposed between the older segments by their separation at the original suture. ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACES. 235 Now Fig. 7 of the present Plate seems to indicate that the vegetative energy is not necessarily arrested ; for between the central growth (of the first case in A. Incus figured), and each of the original segments, a new expansion has been formed— the whole, that is, the older segments and the now ¢hree in- tervening portions (the middle one being the older) forming still one uninterrupted cavity, and filled with endochrome throughout. The entire structure, under a low power, might be mistaken for a Scenodesmus; but, when sufficiently magnified, its real nature is quite apparent. The specimen (Fig. 7) occurred amongst several others in the condition figured with my former paper (Fig. 11), both mixed with multitudes in the normal state, some in the dividing con- dition. There does not seem any readily assignable limit to the extent to which this monstrosity might be carried ; yet, even supposing it had attamed some considerable length, and that the extraordinary structure should survive its own fragility, a time must come, I conceive, as in normal indivi- duals, when the vegetative impetus would be spent, and when, therefore, further increase by mere self-division (in this case, however, abnormally and abortively undertaken) would subside. Fig. 6 represents a remarkable mycelioid growth occurring within a Closterium lunula, noticed in the paper alluded to, read to the Society (page 472, /. c), remarkable on account of the impossibility, except on Pringsheim’s theory in regard to Pythium (vide preceding Paper), of accounting for the origin of such a curious internal parasite. Description of a New Species of Cosmarium, and of a New Species of Xanthidium. Family —DESMIDIACE. Genus.—Cosmarium (Corda). Cosmarium Portianum (sp. nov.). Specific characters: Frond deeply constricted ; segments, in front view, broadly elliptic, rough with minute, scattered, pearly granules, constriction deep, wide, isthmus forming a short neck ; end-view elliptic. Locality: Pools, Dublin and Wicklow Mountains ; not uncommon. General description: Frond minute, compressed, in front 236 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACE. view about one third longer than broad, rough all over with minute, scattered, somewhat depressed pearly granules, which give a minutely denticulate appearance to the margin, deeply constricted at the middle, the constriction forming a gradually widening notch at each side, rounded below; segments, in front view, broadly elliptic, in side view, suborbicular, con- nected by a rather narrow isthmus, forming a short neck; end view, broadly elliptic. (Sporangium, after a figure by Professor De Bary of an undescribed species supposed to be the present : orbicular, beset with somewhat elongate, conical, blunt spines.) Measurements: Length of frond, 4,th; breadth of frond, gioth of an inch. Piatt XI.—Fig. 8, front view; Fig. 9, end view. Affinities: The granulated surface and compressed frond in this species forbid its being mistaken for any of those in which the surface is smooth, or the end view circular. Of those species with which it agrees in the characters first m- dicated, it is about the most minute, and I believe it is other- wise amply distinguished from them by its elliptic segments in front view. It perhaps most approaches C. margaritiferum (Menegh.), but, besides its smaller size, it differs from that species and C. datum (Bréb.) in not having reniform or semi- orbicular segments, as well as in the constriction being not a linear, but a wide notch. The same characters distinguish it from C. Brébissonii (Menegh.), as well as the pearly granules being minute and closely scattered, not rather widely distributed and conic. From C. tetraophthalmum (Bréb.) it also differs in the same characters, as well as in that of the superficial granules, which in that species are broad, giving the margin a somewhat undulate or crenate, rather than a minutely denticulate, appearance. From C. Broomei (Thwaites) and C. biretum (Bréb.) it differs, besides other characters, in its elliptic, not quadrilateral or angular, segments. From C. premorsum (Bréb.), C. notabile (Bréb.), and C. Botrytis (Menegh.), as well as C. protractum (Nag.), C. gemmiferum (Bréb.), and C. Turpinii (Bréb.), it differs in having rounded, not truncate, ends, and from all the species just named in the central constriction, not forming a linear but a wide notch. It is at once distinguished from C. orbiculatum (Ralfs), with which it agrees in the constriction not forming a linear notch, by the segments being elliptic, not spherical, and the end view not circular; besides the pearly granules being minute ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACES. 237 and depressed, not elevated and conic. It is true that Pro- fessor de Bary (‘ Untersuchungen iiber die familie der Con- jugaten,’ Taf. VI, 49 @ 8) alludes to a Cosmarium called by him Cosmarium orbiculatum (Ralfs), which, I apprehend, is actually the species now described, but, with great deference, I think he is wrong; this form differs quite from C. orbicu- latum (Ralfs), as much, indeed, as C. bioculatum (Bréb.) does from C. moniliforme (Ralfs). Assuming that I am right in the conjecture that the present species is identical with that alluded to by De Bary under the name of C. orbiculatum (Ralfs), the sporangium has been provisionally described in the foregoing specific characters, taken from the figure given by that observer, although I have not myself met it con- jugated. As to other granulate species, so far as I am aware, it needs only to contrast this form with C. pluviale (Bréb.), with which it agrees in being compressed, and in the constriction not forming a linear notch, but it differs in the form of the segments, which, in the species just named, are nearly as broad as long, sub-ovate or sub-orbicular, ends rotundato- truncate; whereas, in the species in question, the segments are broader than long, elliptic, and ends rounded, the con- striction forming a short neck. Of the smooth species, it most nearly approaches C. dioculatum (Bréb.) in form, but the granulate surface of the present species at once dis- tinguishes it. The same circumstance, as well as the want of the solitary superficial projection on each front surface of the segments, separate it from C. phaseolus (Bréb.). I am not aware of any other species with which it seems at all requisite to compare the present form, nor does there in- deed appear to me any danger, with proper attention, of con- founding it with any of those I have mentioned. This has occurred to me for three or four successive years, and I have no doubt of its distinctness. I have several times been asked the name of this species: to afford a more satisfactory answer than hitherto, the next time the question may be put to me, I have no hesitation in assigning one to this pretty little species. On a former occasion (‘ Nat. Hist. Rev.,’ vol. v, p. 251) I had the pleasure to name a species, for the ample reasons there given, after my friend, George Porte, Esq. I was not then aware that Professor De Bary, in Germany, had antici- pated me; consequently, my name for the species alluded to fell to the ground, and with it much of the compliment I had intended. ‘To restore the latter, I trust the present attempt may be more successful. 238 ARCHER, ON DESMIDIACEX. Genus—Xantuipium (Hhr.). Xanthidium Smithii (sp. nov.). Specific characters: Segments trapezoid; spines minute, straight, acute, marginal, in four pairs; central projections ‘minute, rounded, tubercle-like. Locality : Numerous specimens were met with by me on a slide marked “‘ Wareham, 1849, W.S.,” kindly lent to me by Professor Harvey. General Description: Frond minute, in front view about as long as, or very slightly longer than broad; constriction, a deep, gradually widening notch; segments about twice as broad as long, trapezoid, lower margin somewhat convex, sides narrowing upwards and straight, ends broad and straight; spines short, minute, straight, acute, marginal, geminate, a pair placed on each of the four angles; in side view, segments about as broad as long, with rounded sides, ends truncate, each upper angle furnished with a minute spine, beneath each of which, about halfway down the segment, there occurs another spine, all the spines divergent; end view sub-elliptic or broadly fusiform, ends truncato-convex, furnished with three spines, the spines projecting, div ergent, none at the sides; the central projection from each front surface a minute, rounded, smooth tubercle, apparent always in end view ; in the side view the tubercles are sometimes concealed by the projecting divergent central spines, while in the front view they are hidden by the contained endochrome. Spo- rangium unknown. Measurements: Length of frond, +3;5; breadth, 334, of an inch. Pirate XI.—Fig. 10, front view; Fig. 11, side view; Fig. 12, end view. Affinities: This interesting little species seems to be allied on the one hand to Xanthidium fasciculatum (Ehr.), and on the other to Arthrodesmus octocornis (Khr., Hass., Bréb.)= Xanthidium octocorne (Ralfs), var. (3, but is perfectly and, I believe, unmistakably distinct from either. With the former it agrees in the spines being subulate, marginal, and in pairs, and in the central projection being not granulate; but it differs in its far more minute size, and in its segments being four-sided, not reniform or sub-hexagonal, and in its spines being short, and minute and straight, not elongate and usually curved, and in its constriction not forming a linear notch. With the other species named (var. (3) this form HICKS, ON GONIDIA OF LICHENS. 239 agrees in its trapezoid segments, and in the number and dis- position of its spies, but differs in possessing the central frontal projections, which are absent in the species alluded to, and which circumstance, I think, should place it out of the genus Xanthidium. The form now under consideration also differs from that alluded to im having its margins straight, not concave; in its spines being minute, not elongate; in the segments, in side view, which is less compressed, being sub-orbicular, not elliptic; im the ends bemg truncate, not rounded ; and in the extremities in the end view being blunt, not rounded. Notwithstanding, therefore, considerable simi- larity in the general outline between the present species and Arthrodesmus octocornis, var. [3, 1 cannot suppose they can be identical. The latter I have not myself met with in this country, but var. a is not uncommon. However, | prefer to follow Brébisson, and to place both those forms in the genus Arthrodesmus, though, perhaps, Jenner’s suggestion to form a new genus for them, including, of course, Arthrodesmus bifidus (Bréb.), would, after all, be the better course. Certain it is that the plant now described is an unquestionable Xanthidium. I imagine the initials on the slide above alluded to must be those of the late Professor William Smith; it is, however, in any case by no means an inappropriate, though but a small and very inadequate, mark of respect to dedicate this species, which I believe to be very distinct, to his memory. Contrisutions to the knowledge of the DEvELOPMENT of the Gonrp1A of LicuEns, in relation to the UNICELLULAR ALG&, &c. By J. Braxton Hicks, M.D. Lond., F.L.S., &c. Fascicutvus 1. Ir needs no remarks of mine to pomt out the extreme ambiguity which exists in regard to the arrangement of both the species and genera of the unicellular algze and their kin- dred organisms. Perplexing to the last degree to the older student, to the novice they are bewildering, and highly un- satisfactory to all who, allured by their simplicity of struc- ture, have been desirous of studying Nature on her protophytic threshold. However, within the last few years an opinion, based on 240 HICKS, ON GONIDIA OF LICHENS. some valuable observations,* has sprung up—that many organisms of the class alluded to are but a condition of the growth of the gonidia of lichens. To add new facts to those already published, tending in the same direction, will be the endeavour of the following contributions, and which, it is confidently hoped, will throw additional light on this confessedly difficult subject. And it may be well at the commencement to remark that the gonidia of lichens have extraordinary powers of dissemi- nation, far beyond what is generally recognised. From a series of observations, extending now over many years, in which they were never absent, I found that they may be collected in comparatively great numbers from snow and rain, par- ticularly the former, and especially in windy weather. The quantity of gonidia, frequently with attached fragments of lichens, entangled and brought down by the snow, generally considerably exceeds that of any other organic molecules. Experiments upon this point may be easily made by placing a clean sheet of glass in the open air during a fall of snow. When a sufficient quantity has fallen, it should be melted, and the snow-water allowed to run into a tube; the super- natant fluid bemg poured off after the foreign matter has subsided, I have noticed sometimes that the discoloration of the water is in a great measure dependent on the gonidia of lichens. These I have kept in the water for some months, and have scen them passing through the same varieties of segmentation to be described below as occurring in the gonidia of lichens and in ‘ Chlorococcus.”” Hence it will be seen that every surface upon which snow or rain can fall must have a number of these gonidia deposited upon it during the year. In the course of the following communication it will be seen that these organisms have the property of in- creasing to an unlimited extent by subdivision, and thus will be explained how enormous surfaces are covered by the so- called ‘‘ Chlorococcus.” Now, although the gonidia of the various lichens are wafted by air-currents hither and thither, doubtless to very distant points of the globe, yet we may for the same reason expect the unicellular algze and their allies, if really derived from them, would, in any given district, vary < according to the species of lichens prevalent in that district ; and “this I have found, so far as my observations have extended, to be the case ; for although the gonidia of many lichens are scarcely to be distinguished from each other, yet there are, * See ‘Botanische Zeitung,’ 5th January, 1855, I. H. Ibid., 1855, Herm. Itzigsohn. ‘Microscop. Dict.,’ art. ‘ Palmellaces.” HICKS, ON GONIDIA OF LICHENS. 241 in many, constant minute differences, visible to a practised eye, while in some there are essential variations during their growth, which will be noticed hereafter. After these remarks I wiil pass to the consideration of that unicellular plant, commonly called “ Chlorococcus,” which covers with a green coating, walls, trees, palings and mdeed any exposed body rough enough to give attachment to it. It is, in its mature, quiescent state, a round, globular cell (fig. 1, a, a), consisting of a cell-wall, with green cell-contents, having a nucleus in its centre. It is shown highly magnified at fig. 3. These cells may remain in a dormant condition for a considerable time during cold weather, but upon the return of warmth and moisture they begin to increase in numbers, by a process of subdivision which varies in the different cells. Sometimes the mass of contents divides into from two to eight or more portions, which soon assume a round form, and burst the parent cell-wall open; or the septa radiate from the centre; these secondary cells soon begin to divide by binary and quaternary division, and this process may go on for a very long period, even for years, without much variation. The size of these divisions varies according to the rapidity with which the process of segmentation exceeds that of individual cell-growth (Pl. X, figs. 1, 2). Ultimately, how- ever, they all assume the form and size of the parent round, nucleated cell. Now, the gonidia of many of the lichens are precisely similar, both in the mature, quiet state, as also in the active process of multiplication, and are of the same size. This is well seen in making a section of the thallus of any ordinary lichen about to undergo what is called ‘“soridiferous de- generation—for instance, of Parmelia parietina. The gonidia, increasing beneath the cortical layer by subdivision, at first elevate in parts the layer above it, till at length they burst through, and then at first appear of a green colour, continuing the process of subdivision in a manner indistinguishable in every respect from the “ Chlorococcus”’ before described. For this reason it has been suspected by some recent inves- tigators that the latter is possibly derived from the gonidium of the lichens. The additional facts I shall brmg forward will, I conceive, set the question affirmatively at rest. It will, therefore, be necessary to watch the true gonidium a stage further, while still resting on the thallus through which it has burst. After the process of segmentation has been repeated an uncertaim number of times, and the divisions 242 HICKS, ON GONIDIA OF LICHENS. have again become full-sized and globular, it begins to make the first step towards the formation of the felted fibres of its parent, and it will be observed that a small, colourless, tubular projection appears at one spot on the surface of the cell-wall (fig. 2 a), which, increasing in length becomes a tubular fibre, which, whilst adhering closely to the exterior of the cell, and articulated and branching (fig. 2, 5, 4, 6), at last completely encloses it by its ramifications, which vary in colour. In the case of Parmelia parietina they are yellow, and the round mass, opaque by transmitted light, and rough on its outside in consequence of the branches of the fibres not closely adhering by their ends, is denominated a “soridium.” This gives the powdery appearance to the surface of the lichen upon which it rests, and has a consider- able influence on the general colour of the plant, which thus depends on the amount and colour of these enclosing fibres. The soridium may remain in this stage for an indefinite period —for months, and, I suspect, even for years—in which event the case produced by the branching, adherig fibres becomes thickened and denser, as shown at fig. 9. This is generally more apparent during the colder months, and is probably a means of protection. When segmentation commenceswithin this soridium, it often results in a very large number of subdivisions, as at fig. 10, a, and the fibres, passing inwards between the segments, separate them, while the whole ball enlarges, so as to produce the first commencement of a thallus. This point is of importance, as will be remarked upon when we come to speak of the corres- ponding stage in the “soridium” of Cladonia. But segmen- tation of the enclosed gonidium may proceed simultaneously with the fibre-growth, in which case the soridia assume the appearance shown at figs. 4and5. Frequently the subdivisions become oval and small, undergoing binary segmentation. Fig. 6 represents an instance of this, in which the parent cell-wall is still seen partly dissolved. Fig. 8, a, also shows this form. In others they are globular from the commence- ment, and simply increase in size, as at figs. 4, 5, 10, 4, d, till they are as large as the parent cell. The contents of one of these broken soridia is shown at fig. 8, with fibres branching among the segments. Precisely the same changes take place in the so-called * Chlorococcus.”’ As 1 said before, the multiplication by division may proceed during an indefinite period; however, circumstances favouring the tendency to form the fibre com- mences, anda “ soridium” is the result. To describe these changes would be but to repeat the above remarks on the HICKS, ON GONIDIA OF LICHENS. 243 process in the undoubted gonidium of the lichen. If a portion of the bark of a tree on which the Chlorococcus is growing be placed under glass, so as to keep it in a moderately moist atmosphere, the phenomenon may be observed in all its changes. It may also be traced perfectly in nature, and may be recognised by lighter-coloured patches, appearing where “ Chlorococcus” has been growing. That the change of colour is caused by the growth of the fibres may readily be seen on microscopical examination; and this point is instructive, because it will be found that the colour varies notably according to the lichen prevalent in its neigh- bourhood. Where the yellow Parmelia is found, the *Chlorococcus ” will assume a yellow tinge in its soridial stage. Viewed by transmitted light, they are also opaque balls, with irregular outline (fig. 7). But it must be clearly understood that every Chlorococcus does not follow exactly this course, for I shall show marked exceptions; but it obtains with the generality; and it is a remarkable fact, that when ‘“ Chlorococcus” does vary, it is . In the neighbourhood of those lichens whose gonidia also vary, and in precisely the same manner. That this “ Chlorococcus” stage does continue for a long period without showing any disposition to form soridia, con- stantly multiplying till large surfaces are covered, and to some depth, may be plaimly observed; and this, taken with what I have remarked before, will explain its almost universal presence. This condition seems to be favoured by cool, moist weather. The soridia also remain dormant for a very long time, and do not develop into ¢thalli unless in a favorable situation; in some cases, I think, for years. It will be easily perceived that the soridium contains all the elements of a thallus in miniature ; in fact, a thallus does frequently arise from one alone, yet, generally, the fibres of neigh- bourimg soridia interlace, and thus a thallus is matured more rapidly. This is one of the causes of the variation of appearance so common in many species of lichens, and is more readily seen towards the centre of the parent thallus. When the gonidia remain attached to the parent thallus the circumstances are, of course, generally very favorable, and then they develop into secondary thalli, attached more or less to the older one, which, in many instances, decays be- neath them. This process being continued year after year, gives an apparent thickness and spongy appearance to the lichen, and is the principal cause of the various modifi- cations in the external aspect of the lichens which caused them formerly to be misclassified. 244 ARNOTT, ON CYCLOTELLA. Summary.—\ think, then, from the above remarks, that there can be no doubt but that what has been called “ Chlorococcus”? is nothing more than the gonidia of some lichens, which, having been conveyed by the movements of the atmosphere, had been deposited on a favorable surface, where they soon begin to increase by various modes of segmen- tation, which continue for an unlimited period. But under suitable conditions, chiefly drought and warmth, the gonidium throws out from its external envelope a small fibre, which, adhering and branching, ultimately encases it and forms a “ soridium.” At this stage gonidium may continue also for an indefinite period in a dormant condition, but, circum- stances favoring, segmentation of the gonidium goes on within the soridium, while the branches of the fibre penetrate within the divisions, till at last a young thallus is formed. But a check may occur during any of these stages, and yet vitality be prolonged for a period of months and even years. Of this, I believe, any one may satisfy himself if he will be careful to watch an old wall or tree, and check his observation by the microscope from time to time. In every - particular, the whole of these stages are passed through by those gonidia whose pedigree is known, which, having burst through the cortical layers of the lichen-thallus, still re- main attached to its surface. There are two other points which, although they require more observations to give any certain value to them, it will be as well to mention here : The first is the occurrence among the fibres of dilatations which contain a number of small, actively moving bodies, of a reddish-brown colour (as at fig. 11, a, a). They apparently have a motion different from the ordinary molecular move- ment. The other is, that there are to be found among the crushed soridia some small, moving, green cells, like minute z00- DID spores, but I cannot satisfy myself as to their origin. On CYCLOTELLA. By G. A. Watxrr-Arnort, LL.D. My object is not to give here a monograph of the genus Cyclotella, but to endeavour to clear up the synonyms of our British species, which to me appear to be im a little con- fusion. ARNOTT, ON CYCLOTELLA. 245 C. Dallasiana was described by the late Professor Smith from a single specimen; he characterises it by the disc cellular; his slide, now in the British Museum, has been carefully examined by Mr. Roper, and the valve identified by him with specimens he has obtained from the Thames. The dise or portion of the valve within the striated margin is not areolate, as may be inferred from the term “cellular,” but merely minutely bullate or puckered, or asif blistered, on account of numerous little elevations and depressions ; per- haps bullate-rugose is the most expressive mode of descrip- tion. What Smith had seen is the large form, and probably the sporangial state of the diatom; but there is another form of it, much smaller (with occasionally the large one sparingly mixed), which I have long ago had sent me by Mr. J. T. Norman, No. 178, City Road, London. ‘This small one appears to be not unfrequent about Woolwich, although it has not.as yet been obtained in a sufficiently pure state to afford good slides. If attention be not paid to the bullate, but otherwise flat, and not projecting or undulate, smooth centre, this may be readily mistaken for a state of C. Kutz- ingiana, Sm.; and I have no doubt whatever that it forms C. Kutzingiana 3 of Smith, as far as the British localities are concerned, although quite distinct from the synonyms adduced. Like C. Kutzingiana, it only occurs in brackish water. Smith states that C. Kutzingiana is met with in fresh and brackish water ; I have never seen the true species from fresh water, and believe that he added this kind of locality from erroneously supposing that C. rectangula of De Brébisson, or C. operculata [3 of Kiitzing, which is a fresh-water species, was the same as his C. Kutzingiana [2. Specimens, however, of C. rectangula, De Bréb., from De Brébisson himself, and a portion of the only gathering he ever made of it (near Paris), prove that diatom to be no way distinct from C. Meneghiniana of Kiitzing, a species allied to C. Kutzingiana, and having the same coarse, marginal striz; but differing by the flat, not undu- late, ends, and by its fresh-water locality. What is called C. operculata presents two forms, both figured by Ktitzing. One has the centre of the valve smooth and projecting obliquely (as in C. Kutzingiana), forming, as it were, a sort of operculum or convex lid to the valve, the projecting portion of the one frustule corresponding to that of the contiguous one which does not project, thus presenting an undulate appearance on the front view ; to this the name operculata properly belongs. The other has a flat (not pro- 246 ARNOTT, ON CYCLOTELLA. jecting) disc, but the disc is marked by radiating dots or lines. Smith, in his ‘ Synopsis,’ had both in view : the first, or true C. operculata, he has described with sufficient precision, although, in place of being concave or depressed in the centre, as he says, I consider it to be convex or elevated; the second form is the one which he has figured in Tab. v, fig. 48, and is also that which he distributed in his Lough Neagh slides; it occurs near Ulverstone and Hull, and is probably not un- common. Besides the above, Kiitzing has a species from the Lunne- burg deposit, which he calls C. minutula; this occurs in many deposits in this country. It is this which Smith obtained from the Lough Mourne deposit, but which he has unfortunately referred to C. antigua, a species which does not occur in any of the Irish deposits which I have examined. The largest and finest specimens of it which I have seen are from the exten- sive deposit near Toomebridge, between Lough Neagh and Lough Beg, and that from Loch Leven, Kinross-shire, in both of which it is mixed with C. Rotula, Sm. On carefully comparing the C. minutula from deposits with the second form of C. operculata, I have little doubt of their identity ; both have got the same kind of centre to the disc. It seems to have a double coat of silex near the margin, or at least two surfaces differently marked ; the upper one presents a series of short, close, marginal striz, resembling a narrow, striate, convex ring, surrounding the flat disc ; the under one is flat, broad, and conspicuously striate from the margin to the central portion or disc. Such are the appearances presented when both states are perfect; but when the recent form (usually confounded with C. operculata) becomes abraded or much macerated, it seems to pass into the other ; my impres- sion, therefore, is that the one got in deposits (or C. minutula true) assumes its distinctive appearance solely by long expo- sure and maceration, and that it and the recent one (Smith’s tab. v, fig. 48) ought to be united. The name of minutula is certainly objectionable, as the specimens, even when in deposits, are often so large that they might be mistaken for a small form of C. Rotula; but changes of specific names lead to confusion when not transferred to another genus, and it is therefore preferable to retain that given by Kiitzing. These five may be comparatively distinguished from each other thus : 1. C. Dallasiana; ends of frustule flat; centre of valve bullate-rugose, marginal striz coarse. 2. C. Meneghiniana; ends of frustule flat; centre of valve neither striate nor bullate ; marginal striz coarse. ARNOTT, ON CYCLOTELLA. 247 3. C. Kutzingiana; ends of frustule undulate ; centre of valve convex, but neither striate nor bullate; marginal strice long, coarse. 4. C. operculata; ends of frustule undulate, centre of valve convex, but neither striate nor bullate; striz short, close. 5. C. minutula ; ends of frustule flat; centre of valve with radiating dots or striz. To C. Dallasiana 1 refer C. radiata of Brightwell. I possess what I consider to be C. Meneghiniana from a stream that empties itself into Bidston Marsh, Cheshire, where it was collected in August, 1858, by Mr. T. Comber; but it is not noticed in his “ Catalogue of Liverpool Diatoms,” ‘Mic. Journ.,’ viii, p. 113), unless it be what he calls C. Kutzingiana, 33.* Mr. G. Norman, of Hull, has also found it in the pond of the botanic garden there, and in some other places about Hull; but in all these localities it is very sparse, and much mixed with other diatoms. I have not seen a good frustule with the front view from England, but I do not think that any doubt can be entertained about the species. C. Rotula, Sm., from deposits, sometimes approaches closely to C. minutula, but has distinctly moniliform strie, and when recent has a series of small, broad-topped, nail- like, spinous processes close to the margin, and perpendi- cular to the surface of the valve; these are easily broken off, and this affords one of the many arguments against drawing up specific characters from specimens obtained from deposits ; the latter may, by ocular comparison, and even by written characters, be frequently correctly referred to the recent form, but recent ones can rarely be satisfactorily determined from descriptions made only from the abraded state. C. Rotula, Sm., is C. Rotula, Kitz. (‘ Bac.,’ tab. ii, fig. 14) ; but as Ehrenberg had already described a Discoplea Rotula, and also a Disc. Rota, both from the South Seas, which Kiitzing afterwards supposed to be also species of Cyclotella, he, in his Species Algarum, changed his former appellation from C. Rotula to C. Astrea. This change was uncalled for, as the first diatom described under the com- bined names of Cyclotella Rotula is that of Kiitzig, and that name has been adopted by Smith; to it the name Rotula ought still to be attached, unless we take into con- * Catalogues of names are of very little use when not accompanied with diagnostical remarks taken from the specimens collected ; for if the writer makes a mistake, as all may readily do in microscopical objects, there is no way of ascertaining what was intended. VOL. VIIL. U 248 HENDRY, ON THE SACCHARO-POLARISCOPDE. sideration that Kiitzing himself made the alteration before Smith published his ‘ Synopsis,’ although Smith was unaware of it. To this species must be referred Stephanodiscus Niagare of Ehrenberg, and perhaps also his 8. Egyptiacus. The SAcCHARO-POLARISCOPE. By Witu1am Henpry, Esq., Surgeon, Hull. THE instruments usually figured as employed in the po- larization of saccharine solutions are, for the most part, of costly and complex character. Having experienced a little curiosity in the subject, mduced through a desire to investigate diabetic urime microscopically, I had occa- sion to refer to an article contaimed in ‘ Morfit’s Chemical Manipulations ;? and, in pursuance of the methods therein described of Professor M‘Culloch, Soleil, Clerget, and others, I have been enabled to fit up an apparatus which will be found ea¢ efficient, convenient, and inex- pensive, whereby the beauteous 2\ikxo phenomena of right- and left- handed polarization indicative of cane or grape sugar may be readily exhibited, or the ares of prismatic coloration measured, as occasion may require. I am indebted to Mr. Row- ney, of Hull, for the accom- panying drawing, representing the arrangement of the appa- ratus. First, procure a gutta-percha tube a, of a calibre to receive the ordinary B eye-piece (which might be in demand for other uses), and about 10 inches in length; fix upon its lower or distal extremity a disc of clear glass between two layers of gutta percha cemented by heat, and perforated to transmit the polarized beam of light, the polarizer 8, as usual, bemg i ru Tits \, StU SS im \i'; = Wie HENDRY, ON THE SACCHARO-POLARISCOPE. 249 fixed below the stage. The tube thus prepared is to be substituted for the body of the microscope, and retained by one or more elastic bands c to the stand-frame, and placed in a vertical position for use, resting close upon the stage. Secondly, fit the top of the gutta-percha tube with a turned wood stopple (not seen in the drawing), 1 inch in depth, three fourths of which should enter the tube mode- rately tight, just so as not to rotate, and one quarter should constitute a collar or rest, say of 3 inches diameter, over- hanging the tube, for convenience of handling on removal, &e., and let this stopple be perforated in the direction of its axis, with a -°,th- or j/,th-inch aperture; then fix also permanently upon its upper surface a compass card p, marked in degrees of a circle, and with a corresponding per- foration. Now prepare another stopple, £, of 1 inch in depth, and 1+ inch broad at the bottom, tapering to 14th inch above, and perforated as before ; let this be mounted upon the first stopple, interposing the compass-card and a circular slip of card or two to facilitate rotation, having a needle, r, inserted laterally as an indicator to denote the arc of polarization. (The two stopples may be turned out in one, and afterwards cut across). A piece of brass tubing, such asis used for jointing fishing- rods, of about 2 inches in length, should be fitted firmly m the perforation of the upper stopple, but made to rotate freely within that of the larger or under stopple, thus allowmg the indi- SINCH cator to be turned freely, and without * = disturbance to the compass-card. The i analyser eG, as usually employed above the objective in ordinary polarization, is now placed within the upper part of the brass tubing, projecting half an inch above, and lightly packed with gutta percha, so as to have an independent rotation, to adjust, fix, or remove at pleasure. A slip of glass, n, of about 1 inch in length, may be inserted in the body, having a gauge-mark drawn across it at 4 distance of 7,8,ths inches from the bottom of the tube (inner surface), to ensure a given depth of the solution or syrup em- ployed. The several parts being now duly centred, the appa- ratus is complete for ordinary observation ; but for com- mercial or extended scientific research, a thermometer and hydrometer will be required, with tables of reference. A syrup, prepared by boiling three or four ounces of loaf sugar In acorresponding quantity of water and filtered, while 250 HUXLEY, ON THE MOUTH OF THE SCORPION. hot, through blotting-paper, may be poured when cold into the tube on removal of the stopples, which are to be replaced ; and when the upper piece © is rotated from left to right, a resplendent coloration is exhibited, following the right-handed prismatic series, in the order of violet, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, indicative of cane sugar. Then, for the development of the order of coloration indicative of grape or uncrystallizable sugar, proceed as follows :—empty the syrup from the tube into a phial, add two or three drachms of hydrochloric acid (one drachm of acid to nine drachms of syrup), and place aside for twelve hours, or thoughout the night. In the morning replace the acidified solution into the tube a, as before, and note the order of coloration, which, the cane, now being converted into grape-sugar, will, upon the rotation of the analyser or upper stopple © in the same direction as before (from left to right), present the reverse series of colours, or violet, indigo, blue, green, &c., &e. Of course, for practical quantitative or per-centage estimation, regard must be had to exact measures, to which we do not now refer. The B eye-piece, selected as a measure for the calibre of the tube or body a, having been removed for the adaptation of the stopples, may at any time be replaced, and, instead of the Nicol’s prism, be surmounted with a prism of uncut Iceland spar, or rather by a special double-image prism, for the magnified exhibition of the phenomena of simul- taneous complementary coloration, the syrup being used as before. Sufficient may have already been advanced to awaken interest and to induce investigation of the brilliant phenomena of saccharine polarization; and at the same time a clearer con- ception will have been obtained of the manipulation required for the purpose of subjecting diabetic urine to the polariscope, involving a process probably a little more complex than is usually considered of concentration, clarification, &c. On the Sructure of the Mourn and Puarynx of the Scorpion. By Tuomas Henry Huxtey, F.R.S., Pro- fessor of Natural History, Government School of Mines. Axtnoucn the scorpion has been made the subject of repeated investigations by some of the best minute anatomists HUXLEY, ON THE MOUTH OF THE SCORPION. 251 of past and present times, it is a remarkable circumstance that no exact account of the structure of the commence- ment of its alimentary canal is to be met with, at least so far as my knowledge extends. Meckel (‘Beitrage zur Vergleichenden Anatomie,’ Bandi, Heft 2, 1809), as might be expected from the fact that his dissections were per- formed without the aid of even a magnifier (page 106), takes no particular notice of the small and delicate parts in question. Treviranus (‘ Bau der Arachniden,’ 1812) is equally silent as to this important portion of the economy of the scorpion; and even the accurate Johannes Miiller, in the essay entitled ‘“ Beitrage zur Anatomie des Scorpions” (Meckel’s ‘ Archiv.,’ 1828), which threw so much new light upon the organization of this animal, although he saw more than either his predecessors or his successors have done, did not probe the matter to the bottom. In describing the alimentary eanal, he merely says :—‘ The pharynx which arises in front of the brain, upon a particular, strongly excavated, portion of the skeleton, is much wider than the rest of the intestine, and resembles a vesicle. The cesophagus is very delicate where it proceeds from this vesicle, rises between the very stout nerves for the chele, above the brain (which lies behind the pharynx), and passes over the saddle-shaped upper excavation of the internal thoracic skeleton, whilst the spinal cord and the posterior cerebral nerves pass through the opening of the same skeleton.” Even the elaborate and beautifully illustrated memoir on the organization of Scorpio occitanus, published by M. Blanchard, a couple of years ago,* does not furnish the in- quirer with either definite or accurate information on this point. At page 19, I find under the head of “ mouth :” “Tn the scorpion there exists only a single buccal piece properly so called ; it is inserted in the median line above (au-dessus) the mouth, just below the cheliceree (antennes pinces), and wedged in, so to speak, between the foot-jaws. Jt is a little flexible appendage, thinner towards its extremity, sensibly dilated laterally, convex above, and beset, chiefly at the end, with fine and silky hairs. This piece presents two apodemata (apodemes d’insertion), which diverge greatly from one another. “One finds a certain difficulty in positively determining the nature of the single buccal appendage of the scorpion. It is impossible to regard it as the analogue of the labrum (/évre supérieure) of insects. The labrum is one of those pieces which abort most completely in the arachnida. Besides, in all articulata, this labrum receives nerves which arise from the cerebral ganglia. It is different with the buccal appendage of the scorpion ; its nerves arise from the anterior part of the subcesophageal ganglia, exactly * The livraisons of M. Blanchard’s work are unfortunately published without dates. 252 HUXLEY, ON THE MOUTH OF THE SCORPION. like those of the mandibles and maxille of Crustacea and Insects. It can thus only be compared to these pieces; but ought we to regard it as repre- senting both the mandibles and the jaws, or only the mandibles, or the jaws, either one or the other being supposed to be aborted ?” With respect to both the main points contained in these paragraphs, however, M. Blanchard subsequently makes statements which seem difficult to harmonise with the con- clusions enunciated. Thus, at page 41, I find: “The pharyngeal nerves are two pair. Those of the first take their origin from the anterior and median edge of the cerebrum, and almost imme- diately unite so as to form a single nerve, whose branches are distributed in the upper portion of the buccal appendage. It is evidently the analogue of the nerves of the labrum of insects.” And, again, at page 60: “ Mouth and esophagus——The buccal orifice appears under the form of a little transverse cleft, hidden under the cheliceree above (au-dessus) the median appendage, which has already been described (p. 19); its edges are flexible, and are deprived of asperities. The cesophagus, which commences in a slightly funnel-shaped pharynx, is delicate, short, and widened pos- terity, so as to resemble what M. Leon Dufour calls the ‘jabot’ in insects. The cesophagus is held upon each side, towards its middle, by a fine mus- cular band directed backwards, and towards its point of union with the stomach by a similar band directed forwards. These muscles are attached to the sternal floor, formed, as is known, by the basilar pieces of the ap- pendages. ‘They serve to stretch the cesophagus either forwards er ey, wards, so as to facilitate deglutition. “The walls of the cesophagus are thin and smooth internally, and present a few fine folds.” In the figures (op. cit., pl. iv, figs. 1 and 6), which repre- sent the anterior part of the alimentary canal, the oesophagus is represented as a straight, taper tube, ending in the mouth, without change of direction. At page 32, M. Blanchard states, under the head of— “ Muscles of the buccal appendage.—We have indicated the two, long, diver- ging, apodemes of this piece (p. 19). Upon the base of each of them is inserted an elevator muscle, provided with two fixed attachments to the ce- phalo-thoracie shield in front of and external to the median eyes (pl. ii, fig. 4eeand fig.6 a). By its contraction, this muscle causes the buccal appendage to be elevated a little—a movement which takes place when the animal intro- duces foodintoits mouth. A transverse muscle is attached to the twoapodemie plates (pl. ii, fig. 4,7); it is this muscle which, acting either on the one side or on the other, determines the slight lateral movements of the buccal appendage. It is to be observed, that this piece, solidly fixed between the foot-jaws, sensibly involves the latter during the execution of its slight movements.” HUXLEY, ON THE MOUTH OF THE SCORPION. 258 The structure of the parts which I have observed in a large species of Buthus may be described as follows : The “buccal appendage” of M. Blanchard is a vertically elongated, laterally compressed, cushion-like prominence, broad and rounded above, where it is marked by a slight median ridge, slightly concave from above downwards in front, and narrowed below (Pl. XII, figs. 1, 2,36). Its anterior and lateral surfaces are covered with fine, short hairs, which form a projecting pencil at its anterior inferior angle. There is no aperture whatsoever above this body, between the cheliceree ; but, below and behind it, the aperture of the mouth, large enough to admit the head of a fine needle, can be very easily found. I entertain no doubt, therefore, that this “ buccal appendage” is a true labrum, and, indeed, in all essential respects, it is exactly like that part in the crustacea. The convex lower surface of the labrum bounds the mouth in front, while behind, it is hmited by a transverse thicken- ing of the chitinous integument, which appears to represent the sternum of the mandibular somite (fig. 40). The mouth Opens into a very curious pharynx, formed by a delicate outer investment, and a strong inner chitinous lining. Viewed laterally, this organ (c) has the shape of a pear, its broad end being uppermost, and its long axis directed obliquely upwards and backwards, in such a manner, that the broad upper end lies in the middle, between the prongs of the fork-like apodeme, which M. Blanchard has de- scribed. Viewed from above or below, however, the pharynx appears to be very narrow, indeed, almost linear, in consequence of its very peculiar form, which is displayed in the section, taken transversely to the longitudinal axis and perpendicularly to the vertical plane represented in fig. 5. The cavity of the sac is here seen to be triradiate, while its walls are very closely approximated, so as to leave but a slight interspace. The narrow band which joins the two lateral walls below and behind is slightly excavated, so as to present a convexity towards the cavity of the pha- rynx. The two shorter rays of the sac are turned upwards and outwards; the third longer ray is directed vertically down- wards. The esophagus, an exceedingly delicate and narrow tube, comes off from the posterior wall of the vertical ray or crus of the pharynx, just above the mouth ; and, widening, passes backwards and upwards, into the dilatation which receives the ducts of the so-called salivary glands (e). Just above the aper- ture is a rounded projection (fig. 6 p), which I suspect may act as a sort of valve, when the sides of the pharynx are diva- ricated, by more or less completely occluding the cesophageal 254 HUXLEY, ON THE MOUTH OF THE SCORPION. aperture. The inner surface of the chitinous lining of the pharynx is more or less rugose; and, towards the cesopha- geal aperture, presents a number of very minute spines (fig. 6). The transverse muscular fibres (fig. 2), rightly said by M. Blanchard to arise from the forks of the apodeme (m), are inserted into the side walls of the pharyngeal sac, which is so narrow from side to side, as readily to escape notice, without dissection. The termination of the aorta appeared to me to pass between the two superior crura of the sae. The large vertical muscles (fig. 1 g) are, as M. Blanchard states, inserted into the base of the apodeme; and, besides these, the labrum is traversed by strong transverse and longi- tudinal muscles. The mode of action of this curious apparatus appears to be readily intelligible. Scorpions, as is well known, suck the Juices of their prey, and the pharyngeal sac seems to be well calculated to perform the part of a kind of syringe. For, suppose the prey to be held between the labrum above, the bases of the great mandibles at the sides, and the processes furnished by the maxillary limbs below, and that the minute oral aperture is applied to a wound. Then, if the transverse muscles (v) contract, the sides of the pha- rynx will be drawn apart, and a partial vacuum, or at least a tendency to the formation of one, will be created. If, by the same action, the projection (p) is brought down over the csophageal aperture, regurgitation from the ceso- phagus will be prevented; but, in any case, as the oral aperture is larger than the cesophageal, it will be easier for the sac to be filled through the mouth. The sac being full, if the labrum is depressed so as to close the oral aperture, and the transverse muscles are relaxed, the elasticity of the walls of the pharynx will tend to reduce its cavity to its primitive dimensions, and hence to drive the ingested liquid into the csophagus. Successive repetitions of the action would gradually pump the juices of the preyinto the alimentary canal of its captor. : coe) Or Or TRANSLATIONS. On the Ortain of Ferments. New experiments relative to so-termed Spontaneous Generation. By M. L. Pasteur. (‘ Comptes Rendus,’ May 7, 1860, p. 849.) Amone the questions arising during the researches which I have undertaken on the subject of fermentations properly so termed, there is none more worthy of attention than that which relates to the origin of “ ferments.” Whence proceed these mysterious agents, so feeble in appearance, and yet in reality so powerful; which in the minutest quantity, mea- sured by weight, and with insignificant external chemical characters, possess such extraordinary energy? It is in an attempt to solve this problem that I have been led to the study of the so-termed spontaneous generation. In the communication which I had the honour of sub- mitting to the Academy on the 6th of February last, I men- tioned only a single fluid appropriate for the development of Infusoria and Mucedinea, although I gave a general method applicable to all liquids. On that occasion I showed, in a manner that has been contested only in appearance—First, that the solid parti- cles conveyed in the atmospheric air were the origin of all the vegetable and animal productions peculiar to the fluid in question. Secondly, that these particles, examined under the microscope, are amorphous, dusty atoms, constantly associated with certain corpuscles, whose form, volume, and structure show that they are organized after the manner of the ova of Infusoria or of the spores of the Mucedinea. I am, at present, in a condition to extend the assertions contained in the communication of the 6th February to two substances, still more alterable than the sugared water mixed with albuminous matters which had been more particularly the subject of my former experiments. I now speak of 256 PASTEUR, ON FERMENTS. “ milk” and “ urine.” The details of the results derived from these two fluids will show, as I hope, the kind of future in store for this department of study. I introduce about 100 cubic centimeters of recent urine into a flask capable of containing 250 cubic centimeters. The drawn-out neck of the flask communicates with a platinum tube, heated to redness. The liquid is made to boil for two or three minutes, and then allowed to cool. When refilled with air, which has been subjected to a red heat, the flask is hermetically closed. The flask, under these conditions, may remain for an inde- finite time in a stove, at a temperature of 30° C., without its undergoing any alteration. After the lapse of a month or six weeks, I cause a small quantity of amianthus charged with the atmospheric dust to fall into the flask, the mode in which this is effected being precisely that described in the ‘Comptes Rendus’ of the 6th of February. The neck of the flask being then again hermetically closed, the apparatus is replaced in the stove. In order to be sure that the manipulation to which the flask is submitted, for the introduction of the atmospheric dust, does not itself in any way affect the result of the experiment, I prepare a second flask similar to the other ; only that, instead of allowing amianthus charged with atmospheric dust to fall into it, I substitute the same amian- thus previously calcined for some moments before its imtro- duction into the flask. The following are the constant results of the experiments so made. The fluid in the flask which has received the amianthus deprived of the atmospheric dust remains unaltered at the temperature of 30° C., whatever may be the duration of its exposure to this heat, which is so favorable to the putrefac- tion of urine. On the contrary, at the end of six hours, the urine which has received the atmospheric dust, presents organized products—Mucedinea or Infusoria. Among the latter I have noticed chiefly Bacteria, very minute Vidbriones, and Monads, in fact, the same Infusoria that 1 have found in the same urine exposed to the contact of the atmospheric air at a temperature of 80°C. During the followmg days will be witnessed an abundant deposition of crystals of ammo- niaco-magnesian phosphates and of the alkaline lithates. The urine becomes more and more ammoniacal. Its urea disappears under the influence of the true ferment of the urine, a ferment which I have proved to be organized, and whose germ could only have been introduced in the atmo- PASTEUR, ON FERMENTS. 257 spheric dust, as well as that of the Infusoria or of the Muce- dinea. Milk exhibits still more interesting properties. I have said that, before filling the flask with air which has been sub- jected to a red heat, and hermetically closing it, I caused the urine to boil for two or three minutes. This duration of the ebullition is sufficient, and everything leads me to believe that even less careful precautions will suffice to deprive of all viability the germs which may have fallen into the urine subsequent to its emission. This being granted, let us repeat, without any change, the operation above described—now, however, not upon urine, but upon fresh milk; that is to say, after this fiuid has been boiled for two or three minutes, and the flask has been refilled with air heated to redness, let us keep it closed at a temperature of 30°. After a variable lapse of time—generally of three to ten days—the milk in all the flasks thus prepared will be found coagulated. Under the prevalent views respecting the phe- nomenon of the coagulation of milk, there is nothing in this circumstance to excite surprise. When milk, it is said, is exposed to contact with the oxygen of the air, the albu- minous element is altered and acts as a ferment. This fer- ment reacts upon the sugar of the milk, and transforms it into lactic acid, which then precipitates the casein. This is the cause of the coagulation. In reality, however, things are quite otherwise. For if one of these flasks in which the milk is coagulated be opened, it is obvious, on the one hand, that the milk is as alkaline as fresh milk; and on the other -—a circumstance tending to encourage the belief in sponta- neous generation—that the milk is filled with Infusoria, most frequently with Vibrios, as much as jth millimeter in length. As yet I have not met with any vegetable produc- tion under these circumstances. From these facts we must admit—First, that the pheno- menon of the coagulation of milk, as I hope shortly to demon- strate more clearly, is a phenomenon upon which we have had but very imperfect notions. Second, that Vibrios may arise in a liquid of the nature of milk which has undergone ebullition for several minutes at a temperature of 100° C., although this is not the case with respect to urine, nor to a mixture of sugar, water, and albumen. Is it the case, then, that under particular conditions we may have spontaneous generation? We shall soon see how far this conclusion would be erroneous. Let the milk be boiled, not for two, but for three, four, or five minutes, and it will be found that the 258 PASTEUR, ON FERMENTS. number of flasks in which it coagulates from the presence of Infusoria diminishes progressiv vely in proportion to the longer duration of the ebullition. ‘And lastly, if the ebulli- tion be carried on at a temperature of 110 to 112 degrees, under the pressure of 14 atmosphere, the milk will never afford any Infusoria. Consequently, as they do arise under the conditions existing in the former experiments, this is evidently due to the circumstance that the fecundity of the germs of the Vibrios is not entirely destroyed, even in water at a temperature of 100°, kept up for some minutes, and that it is more affected by a longer ebullition at that tem- perature, and wholly abolished at the temperature of 110° to 112° C. But what is to be said concerning the phenomenon of the coagulation under those special conditions of ebullition, in which the milk in contact with calcined air never affords any Infusoria? One remarkable fact is, that the milk does not coagulate. It remains alkaline, and preserves, I would venture to say, entirely all the properties of fresh milk. Then if, mto this milk, thus retaining its integrity, the atmospheric dusty particles are introduced, it changes and coagulates, and the microscope shows the existence in it of divers animal and vegetable productions. It would be very interesting to ascertain whether the fluids belonging to the animal economy, such as milk and urine, contain normally or accidentally, previously to all contact with the common air, the germs of organized pro- ductions. This is a question which I hope to resolve in a subsequent communication. The generally admitted theory of ferments, and that which of late years had received fresh support from the writings or the labours of various chemists, consequently appears to me more and more incongruous ‘with experiment. The “ferment” is not a dead substance, without determinate specific properties. It is a being, whose germ is derived from the air. It is not an albuminous substance, altered by oxygen. The presence of albuminous matters is an indis- pensable condition of all fermentation, because the “ ferment” depends upon them for its life. They are indispensable in the light of an aliment to the ferment. The contact of the atmospheric air is, pr imarily, equally an indispensable condition of fermentation, but it is so in virtue of its being a vehicle of the germs of the “ ferments.” What is the true nature of these eerms? Do they not require oxygen, in order to pass from the state of germs to that of adult ferments, such as are met with in the products POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC CORPUSCLES. 259 undergoing fermentation? JI have not yet arrived at any fixed conclusion with respect to these grave questions. I am endeavouring to pursue the inquiry with all the attention it merits ; but the really capital difficulty of these studies con- sists in the isolated, individual production of the various ferments. I may assert that there are a great many distinct, organized ferments, which excite chemical transformations, varying according to the nature and organization of the ferment. But in most cases the nutriment suitable to some allows of the development of others of them, whence arise the most complicated and the most variable phenomena. If we could only isolate one of these ferments, in order to develop it by itself, the chemical transformation cor- responding to it would take place with remarkable precision and simplicity. I shall, in a short time, give a new instance of this, in describing the organized ferment proper to the fermentation termed “ viscous.” Researches on the Corvuscies imtroduced by the Armo- SPHERE into the Respiratory Orcans of Animats. By M. F. Povucuer. (‘Comptes Rendus,’ 1860, p. 1121.) I wave thought for a long time that the study of the bodies conyeyed by the air mto the respiratory passages of animals would offer imteresting physiological results, and throw considerable light upon the subject of atmospheric Micrography. Nor have I been deceived in this. In fact, in almost every class of animals, the examination of the respiratory apparatus clearly reveals the various modifi- cations of the medium inhabited by them. But it seemed to me that the most important notions on this subject would be presented in those animals in which the air penetrates the most deeply into the organism. Birds, consequently, have become the objects of particular attention, seeing that in them the air, after traversing the lungs, pervades not only the different cavities of the trunk, but reaches also the inte- rior of the osseous system. In these animals I have devoted particular attention to the examination of the bones which contain most air, and chiefly to the humerus. And as in 260 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC CORPUSCLES. these situations the corpuscles, once introduced, escape only with great difficulty, owing to the immobility of the walls and the irregularities of their anfractuosities, we there find ample vestiges of all the matters conveyed by the air into the respiratory organs. The examination of animals living in the midst of towns, and in the interior of our dwellings, will excite surprise by the enormous quantity of starch-grains contained in their respiratory organs. In birds, corpuscles of this nature will be discovered in great abundance, even in the interior of the bones, and together with them will be observed, in profusion, particles of sooty matter and filaments derived from the various fabrics of which our clothes are made. But the fur- ther the creature lives from towns, the more remote and wild its habitation, the more rare also become all these cor- puscles in the inspired air. Under these circumstances, searcely any traces of the sort can be observed. Fre- quently, even not asingle particle of the kind in question will be observed in animals or birds living altogether in the midst of forests; in these animals, on the other hand, the whole respiratory apparatus is filled with abundant débris of plants,—epidermis, chlorophyll, &c. The amylaceous particles disseminated either in the atmo- sphere or in the interior of animals present two conditions— they are either in the normal state or cooked. In the majority of cases the starch is found in the former condi- tion; but, nevertheless, we frequently meet, in the atmo- sphere, and in all the cavities of animals into which the air enters, with starch-grains, either simply swelled or entirely burst by the action of heat. The latter certainly proceed only from minute particles of bread carried about by the move- ments of the atmosphere. This panified starch is readily recognised by its enormous size and ruptured condition, and by the action of iodine, which does not produce in it the same bright colour as it does in ordinary starch-grains. The birds which inhabit the mterior or live in the close vicinity of towns do not obtain this abundance of amyla- ceous particles simply from the air they inspire; they derive, besides this source, an abundant supply from the foliage of the trees amidst which they pass part of their lives. In fact, on examining the surface of the leaves of trees in the neighbourhood of cities, when they have not been washed for some days by rain, abundance of specimens of every sort of corpuscles carried in the atmosphere will be found on them, and, universally, a considerable quantity of starch-grains, together with sooty and siliceous particles. On a single leaf POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC CORPUSCLES. 261 of a Horse-chestnut, growing in the garden of the Ecole de Médecine at Rouen, I have counted about thirty grains of wheat-starch, either in the natural or panified condition. The search for atmospheric corpuscles in the respiratory passages is easily made. It consists simply in the passing of a stream of water through these passages, and the collection oe examination of the fluid. For this purpose I inject the trachea, by means of a syringe, and when the lungs are distended with water, make incisions into them, and care- fully collect all the fluid that escapes, repeating the injec- tion several times. In birds I inject the trachea, and when the water has traversed the lungs and filled all the air-cavities of the body, I open the thoracie cavity, and collect the liquid which escapes in a jet. In all the experiments the fluid is received in conical vessels, with a narrow bottom, and when sufficient time has elapsed to allow all the corpuscles to sub- side these are removed by means of a very slender pipette, and submitted to microscopic examination. The atmo- spheric corpuscles may be collected from the hollow bones by the same mode of procedure. To effect this, I imsert the tube of a syringe into the orifice, by which the air pene- trates into the cavity, and then make a section of the bone at the opposite end. The water injected, at first gently, and afterwards with great force, in order to carry along with it the smallest corpuscles, is received in champagne-glasses and examined. Studied in this way, the respiratory organs afford a faithful idea of the life of the animals. Not only does the examination reveal to us what sites of habitation the animals prefer, and their kind of food, but even, when they are domesticated, the profession followed by their owners. I have found in the air-passages of man the same atmo- spheric corpuscles as are with met in animals. In the bodies of two persons who died in one of our hospitals, a man and a woman, whose lungs I injected, I found a large quantity of wheat-starch, either normal or panified; particles of silex and of glass; fragments of dye-wood, of a beautiful, red colour; fragments of dress and, lastly, a larva of a micro- scopic arachnidan, still living. It was rational to conclude that, at certain times, the expectoration should contain corpuscles similar to those J have described in the lungs. And this is actually the case; I have here met with normal and panified starch-grains, particles of soot, the débris of plants, filaments of wool or cotton of various colours, particles of silex, &e. 262 POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC CORPUSCLES. A fowl, brought up in a paved court at Rouen, afforded in its respiratory sacculi an enormous quantity of wheat-starch, normal and panified. Besides which they contained numer- ous filaments of cotton and of lnen, and an abundance of sooty particles; there were but a very few siliceous grains, a circumstance probably owing to the habitation in which the bird had existed. The humerus of this bird also con- tained much starch, particles of soot, a considerable number of cotton and linen filaments, and even some grains of potato-starch and of glass. Thinking that in animals living in localities where starchy matters formed an object of trade, the abundance of amy- laceous particles would be still greater, I procured two young chickens which had been kept for two months by a baker. My surmise was not unfounded. The whole of the respi- ratory organs in these chickens, notwithstanding their youth, contained an amount of starch surpassing that which I had found in the fowl. A pigeon taken from a dove-cot in the middle of the town presented, in its respiratory passages, besides particles of silex and soot, the débris of stuff of various colours and a few grains of potato-starch, together with a considerable amount of wheat-starch of all sizes, and, above all, an enormous quantity of lentil-starch. Even the humert contained so much of the latter, that from eight to ten grains were found in every case. Iwas unable to explam the presence of such an abundance of lentil-starch ina bird which always swallows seed without bruising it. But I very soon discovered the source on examining the floor of the dove-cot. This was com- pletely covered with the dung of the pigeons, containing an enormous quantity of this sort of starch, which had passed through the intestines unaltered. In flymg about in their dwelling the birds diffused this in the air, and it thus gained an entrance into their respiratory organs. The examination of a bird which is ordinarily kept only in wealthy establishments affords another proof of what has been said. In fact, the numerous vestiges of magnificent stuffs exhibited in its respiratory organs manifestly recalled the luxurious dresses or works of those amongst whom it had it had lived. This bird wasa peacock. Unfortunately I had at my disposal only its Aumeri; but having injected them, I was really struck with the abundance of, and the splendid colours presented by, all the fragments of stuffs contained in these bones. I found, besides a considerable quantity of wheat-starch, numerous filaments of wool and of silk of the ost magnificent blue, of a beautiful rose, and bright green. POUCHET, ON ATMOSPHERIC CORPUSCLES. 263 The lungs of a Mouse also afforded starch, silex, and soot, but in far less quantity and in far smaller fragments than in the birds. But if our attention be directed to wild birds, residing at a distance from cities, we observe a totally different thing. A Gray Falcon (Falco cineraceus, Mont.), killed in a large forest two leagues from any habitation, did not afford the least trace of starch, either in its air-passages or within the bones. There were met with only a few particles of soot and silex; and not a single filament of any kind of tissue was recognised. But, on the contrary, all the air- passages were filled with an abundance of the detritus of plants and débris of insects. In another wild bird (Picus viridis, Linn.) I found in the air-passages only an insignificant quantity of starch, and very little soot and silex. In some frogs taken in the basins of the Jardin des Plantes at Rouen, which is situated close to numerous factories and in a populous quarter, the lungs have always afforded a notable quantity of starch, an abundance of particles of charcoal and coal-soot, together with numerous fragments of silex and vegetable débris. Besides these, filaments of cotton, raw or manufactured, were extremely abundant. ‘The respi- ratory organs of these animals also contained Navicule, diatoms, papilionaceous scales, the stems of mucedinous fungi, and fragments of Confervee. If, again, we explore the respiratory passages of some animals which, although living in a state of liberty, are in the habit of frequenting our dwellings, we find m them evident vestiges of their double existence, wild and domestic. A Jackdaw afforded a striking instance of this. Its respi- ratory organs contained a very considerable quantity of wheat-starch ; and what was very remarkable, an enormous number of sooty particles—a circumstance which is accounted for by the almost habitual abode of this bird on the lofty buildings of towns. There were found also, in its air-sacs, numerous filaments of cotton and abundant débris of plants. In all my observations, which, without exaggeration, might be counted by hundreds, I have never met with either a single spore or a single ovum of a microzoon, nor with any encysted animalcule. Moreover, if in all these minute researches I have always been able to detect starch-grains wherever they existed, is it possible that the atmospheric spores and ova alone should have escaped detection? ‘The ova of certain Paramecia, bemg ‘0420 mm. in diameter, and conse- quently surpassing considerably in bulk the largest grains VOL. VIII. X 264 BAUR, ON CHITINE. of wheat-starch, whose diameter does not exceed ‘0336 mm., if they really existed in the atmosphere in sufficient quantity to explain the generation of Infusoria, whose apparition astonishes and stupifies us, should have been immediately discovered in the same situations, and far more easily even, than the starch-grains, seeing that they ought to exist in much greater numbers. To a negation of this kind, in the actual state of science, but one answer is possible—show these ova. On Cuitine. By M. A. Baur. In ‘ Reichert’s Archiv’ for 1860," part 1, M.°A. Baur has published an interesting memoir on the chitinous tendons of Articulata, and their relation to the change of skin. The simplest and oldest view of these structures regarded them as being nothing more than inward prolongations of the outer skeleton, resembling true tendons, but not as corresponding to those of the Vertebrata, which consist of connective tissue. Leydig, on the other hand, considers that these tissues do correspond to one another, and that, while the tendons of Vertebrata often become bony, those of Articulata tend to change themselves into chitine. If, indeed, as has been supposed to be the case, the chitine and connective tissue of the tendons are in continuous connexion, and pass gradually into one another, then we should be forced to consider them as nearly allied, and that chitine is, in fact, a modification of connective tissue. This view of the question is maintained by Leydig, but on the other hand is opposed by Hickel and Kolliker, accord- ing to whom the chitine of the Articulata is a laminated secretion of the epithelial cellular layer. The external chitine is known to be continuous with the intima of the intestinal canal, and this latter is admitted by Leydig to be a secretion of the epithelium. The theory supported by Hiackel and Kolliker has, therefore, this advantage, that it does not disunite structures which are histologically identical, but considers the whole chitine skeleton of the Articulata from one point of view. If, however, it is correct, then it becomes a general characteristic of chitine that it always forms the boundary of free surfaces, or the lining of those that are turned inwards. BAUR, ON CHITINE. 265 To this law, however, chitinous tendons must, according to the ordinary opinion, form an exception, since in them the chitine forms a solid substance, and is continuous with connective tissue. An epithelial secretion and con- nective tissue cannot, however, possibly be continuous with one another, since they must, at least, be separated by the epithelial layer to which the former owes its existence. If, therefore, chitine is the secretion of an epithelial layer, the tendons may pass into it, or may pass into the connective tissue, but assuredly not into both. In the first case the apparent chitine of the tendon is really a process of the outer skeleton ; in the latter it is true connective tissue. Hackel endeavours to prove the latter of these two alterna- tives, considering that the chitine of chitinous tendons pos- sesses neither the fine canals nor the cell-impressions which are found in true chitine. According to Leydig, on the contrary, chitinous tendons prove that ordinary chitine is, in fact, a modification of connective tissue. The controversy may be reduced to the following questions : —Are the chitinous tendons continuous with the outer skeleton only, with the connective tissue only, or do they pass insensibly into both? In the first case the tendon is a continuation of the outer integument, in the second it is composed of modified connective, and in the third case the chitinous outer skin must itself be regarded as an abnormal form of connective tissue. In the ordinary state of the tissues these problems are difficult of solution, but they become comparatively easy if we examine an animal at the time of moulting. It is well known that the tendons are cast with the skin. If one takes a crayfish which is just about to moult, we shall find the soft new skin lying under the hard old one: if we now isolate the mandibular muscle, so that on the one side it is attached to the back of the cephalothorax, while on the other its tendon is united to the mandible; and if we remove from the latter its old chitinous covering, which can generally be effected without much difficulty, the chitinous tendon will come away also. The muscle does not, however, thereby lose its attachment to the tendon, but as under the old, hard skin of the mandible, a new and soft one is formed, so also, instead of the old tendon, we find a new tendon, which is attached to the new mandible. The new tendon resembles the old one in form and sculpture, but it differs from it in consistence; and also in this, that, while the old tendon is apparently solid, the new one is distinctly tubular—and, in fact, the old tendon lies in the 266 BAUR, ON CHITINE. hollow of the new one. The new tendon, however, remains hollow only for a short time; and when the old one has been pulled out, its walls gradually close in upon one another, and it soon puts on the appearance of a solid body. The integuments of the crayfish consist, as Hackel has correctly shown, of an outer layer of chitine and an inner skin composed of connective tissue. ‘These two, however, are never continuous with one another, but are always separated by a number of cells, or rather, perhaps, of nuclei, which form a single layer, and are specially evident at the time of moult- ing. The new layer of chitine is formed between the old one and this layer of cells, and it is therefore evidently produced by them. The connective tissue, which is of variable thick- ness, has therefore no chitinogenous function, and serves only as a substratum for the true chitinogenous layer. At the time of moulting another layer, that is to say the new chitine, is added to the three layers always present ; this is equally true for the tendon as for the mandible, but with this differ- ence, that the latter being a projection, and the former an inversion of the skin, the order of sequence of the layers is reversed. This structure is not confined to the main stem of the tendon, but is repeated in its branches; each one of these presents the same arrangement, but the outer con- nective tissue increases in size at the expense of the chitine, which finally disappears where the muscle commences, so that the sheath of the muscle is formed by the expansion of the layer of connective tissue only. Hiickel denies that the pore-canals, which are so character- istic of true chitine, exist in chitinous tendons. Certainly in a longitudinal section no trace of them can be perceived ; but if the tendon is cut transversely, besides the laminar structure a radial shading may be perceived, like that which is seen in sections made at other parts of the chitine skeleton, and which is referred to the presence of pores. Here, however, evidently no pores are present ; and without wishing to deny that they do occur in other parts, it may at least be asked whether the appearance presented has not been, in this respect, misunderstood. The cell-impressions are also absent in the chitine of tendons, as indeed in some other parts of the skeleton, but certainly these two differences are not sufficient to prove that the tissue in question is not true chitine. The principal conclusions to which M. Baur arrives are that the so-called chitine tendons are inwardly projecting, ori- ginally tubular, subsequently solid, and more or less branched BAUR, ON CHITINE. 267 portions of the general integument. 2dly. That the tendon is composed of the same layers as the skin, but with an inverted, concentric arrangement. Thus the external chitine of the outer skin is continuous with the inner chitine skeleton of the tendon, the lower connective-tissue layer of the skin with the connective-tissue sheath of the tendon, and this only is immediately connected with the connective tissue of the muscle. 8dly. The chitinous skeleton of the tendon is cast with the skin at every moult ; and this is true, not only of the main stem, but also of its finest branchlets. 4thly. Con- tinuity between chitine and connective tissue never occurs but in the finest branches of the tendons, as everywhere else they are separated by a layer which secretes the chitine. 5thly. The chitine of the tendons does not in reality differ from that of the general integument ; the apparently fibrous condition, and the longitudinal striation, and the capability of being split, all arise from the folding of the homogeneous lamelle, which takes place after the removal of the old tendon, and when the young chitine has already attaimed a certain degree of hardness. The chitine of the tendons forms therefore no exception to the general rule, that this structure occurs only as a cover- ing of free surfaces; and the chitinous tendons can no longer be relied on as a proof of the connexion which has been sup- posed to exist between chitine and connective tissue. Since, however, the chitine of tendons possesses no pores, nor any cell-like impressions, these conditions can no longer be re- garded as necessary to true chitine, and the characteristics of chitine are therefore reduced to these, that it bounds sur- faces, consists of a variable number of homogeneous lamelli, possesses a certain power of resisting chemical agents, and is constantly accompanied by a soft and thin layer, consisting of a simple series of nuclei connected together by a molecular substance. ‘Taking it therefore for proved that chitine is not to be regarded as a form of connective tissue, M. Baur con- cludes his memoir by considering in what manner it is pro- duced by the chitinogenous layer. This might be effected in two ways; either this layer might be changed imto chitine, in which case it must be regarded as an immature form of chi- tine; or the chitine might be directly produced by the chitinogenous layer. In the first of these cases, however, we ought to find layers in every intermediate state between chitinogenous tissue and true chitine, which is by no means the case. On the contrary, even the youngest lamelle are true chitine, and show no resemblance to the chitinogenous layer. 268 BAUR, ON CHITINE. It would seem therefore that Kolliker and Hickel are right in considering that chitine is secreted by a subjacent chitinogenous tissue ; though, as this latter cannot be broken up into separate cells, it may be doubted whether it can be correctly termed a layer of epithelial cells, 269 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. The Nose-piece"Finder.—My observations on the nose-piece finder (inserted in your last number) have drawn me into a little controversy with a scientific gentleman of great micro- scopic experience.* He says, “I have just read your remarks on the applica- tion of the double nose-piece as a ‘finder.’ It is, of course, as good a one as we can have, provided the object is large enough, or sufficiently opaque, to be seen by the 14 objective : but when it is with great difficulty seen with the 1-inch, the “nose-piece, as a finder, is useless,’”? &e. He then instances several of the smallest examples of Diatomacee (e. g. Eunotia Bactriana), which are so exceed- ingly minute and (when prepared in balsam) so exquisitely hyaline, that it is to be doubted if they can be discriminated with so low a power as 11-inch, &e. These objections have set me upon a very careful course of examination and trial; for nothing could be more unpleasant to me than to find that I had misled any one by an erroneous statement. But I am happy to say that the result has been rather a corroboration of my former assertions, with only this modification, that more ought to have been said on the subject of eye-pieces; for a 14-inch objective acting along with eye-piece a is very different from the same with eye- piece p, &c. Then, again, eyesights differ in quality ; some individuals being able to see a smaller speck with a 2-inch objective than others can with 1-inch, and so on. With 13-inch objective and eye-piece a I can very dis- tinctly see the spot in the centre of P. angulatum. With eye-plece p an object not a fourth part that size might be seen so as to be perfectly recognised. The same combination will also distinctly show the reticu- lations ona scale of Morpho Menelaus. * Mr. F. Kitton, of Norwich. 270 MEMORANDA. Moreover, some persons do not use a lower power thau 1-inch ; and, if so, and that lens be employed as the “ finder” with eye-piece p, I do not believe there is any organic object that cannot be distinctly discerned thereby; as that com- bination will clearly show a particle suttciently small to pass through the mesh in the above-mentioned scale (taken from the under side of the wing), which meshes I find, by micrometrical measurement, to average about =,5th of an inch in length and +5,;455th in breadth.* This, as formerly said, I will undertake to prove to any one who may think it worth while to come here for the purpose. So that, to shorten the matter as much as possible, the entire question may be resolved into the following heads: Ist. The double nose-piece is amply sufficient for the im- mediate finding, with the highest powers, of all the generality of objects, even those which are totally invisible to the un- assisted eye. 2d. Those objects that are difficult of detection with so low a power as 11-inch are (comparatively) very limited in number; and that any of them are impracticable (with eye- piece p) I have great doubt. dd. Eyesight differs greatly in quality in different people ; so that microscopists must be cautious in pronouncing ‘ that will never do,” &c., when the whole truth is, that will never do for me. For my own part I am more and more pleased with the *nose-piece finder,” and am using it continually, to my very great comfort ; but for the benefit of those who are not satisfied with it, and are especially bent on screwing their unfortunate optic nerves to hunt out those excruciatingly small objects which they cannot jind with inch objective and eye-piece p, it may be well to state that of all the finders hitherto devised on the graduated-plate system, Mr. Kitton gives the preference to that of Mr. Maltwood, described in your journal for April, 1858. In conclusion, my remarks have been given upon the principle of “valeat quantum valere potest,’ and my readers will now, of course, do as they please in the matter; but I cannot refrain from giving them a well-meant caution, that the less they strain their “ visual optics” over these almost * These measurements were made by means of the good old stage-micro- meter, with which Mr. Powell used to supply his instruments many years ago. I think highly of it, and do not know why it is now so rarely made. One turn of the wheel is the y4;th of an inch; and the wheel being divided into 100 degrees, one degree equals yabooth. r MEMORANDA. 271 infinitesimally minute “marvels of the microscope” the better it will be for them if they are spared to enter those years of senility to which, I regret to say, I am rapidly approaching; or, in vulgar speech, youll smart for it if you live to be old fellows——Henry U. Janson, Pennsylvania Park, Exeter. Composition of a Blue Transparent Injecting Fluid for Anato- mical and Pathological Preparations—Not having been very fortunate in preserving microscopic injections of tissues made with the very beautiful blue fiuid recommended for the pur- pose by Dr. Lionel Beale,* I was mduced, in conjunction with Professor Barker, of Dublin, to endeavour to discover a blue fluid of a less fugitive disposition than the one alluded to. Having performed many experiments with different inject- ing fluids, we found that tissues injected with a colour of the same chemical composition as Turnbull’s blue, are not so hable to fade as those injected with the Prussian blue. When ferridcyanide of potassium is added to a salt of the protoxide of iron, a beautiful blue precipitate is the result. It is somewhat brighter in tint than Prussian blue, and its colour is unexceptionable. Having been very successful in preserving preparations made with this blue, we thought we should not lose any time in mentioning the proportions we found to answer best for making a free-running injection. Composition of the blue fluid : Purified sulphate ofiron : iy PO ets Ferridcyanide of potassium . s wShityOhe, mated Glycerine (Prices); ..- : 1 oz. Wood naphtha or pyro- -acetic esprit . 14 drachm. Spirits of wine . . : : 1... 0%, Water : - ; A : : 4, PP Dissolve the sulphate of iron in one ounce of the water, and the ferridcyanide of potassium in another ounce, then gra- dually mix the two solutions in a large bottle, shaking well during the mixture. Next add the naphtha to the spirit, the glycerine, and the remainder of the water. Finally, add this mixture to the Turnbull’s blue, and again shake well while they are mixing. Those familiar with Dr. Beale’s fluid will perceive that the difference between it and the one we recommend only con- * “How to Work with the Microscope,’ p. 78. 272 MEMORANDA. sists in the materials for making the blue, the other in- gredients are similar to his, and we have found them to form an admirable combination for suspending the insoluble and minutely divided precipitate. In order to mount injections made with the Turnbull’s blue, the following plan is recommended : If the injected sections will bear it, they should be well and repeatedly washed with cold water. Portions of the kidney, for instance, we have left in water for three or four days, changing the latter frequently during the period. When thoroughly washed, they should be placed, for a week or more, in glycerine, acidified with dilute muriatic acid, and, lastly, mounted in cells with some of the following solution. Composition of the preservative fluid for the blue in- jections : Glycerine (Price’s) ; ? E : 5 drachms. Creasote and naphtha fluid (Beale’s*) . + drachm. Dilute muriatic acid. : : 3 a trace. Mix. —Bern. Wiis Ricuarpson, F.R.C.8.1., Dublin. On Extravasations of Blood, and the production of Aneurisms caused by Parasites—An interesting paper on this subject, chiefly with reference to appearances often observed in the frog, is published (Reichert and Du Bois Reymond’s ‘ Archiy’ for 1860, p. 195) by Louis Waldenburg. The con- clusions at which the author arrives are the following : 1. The hematode cysts of the frog contain altered blood, due to extravasations produced by nematode worms which have migrated into the blood-vessels. 2. The horny filaments met with in the mesentery and coats of the intestine in frogs are bodies of foreign origin, which have gained admission from without into the circula- ting system of the animal. They are lodged in true aneurismal swellings of the blood-vessels caused by their presence, are surrounded by a thrombus, and are at the same time the cause of the numerous minute cysts observed in their vicinity, and which are also to be regarded as encysted aneurisms. 3. The pigment-follicles attached to the vessels in the spleen, liver, and kidney of fish, and which contain Psoro- spermia, are also aneurisms caused by animals from which the Psorospermia are derived, and which animals are found in the vessels. * “How to Work with the Microscope,’ p. 36. MEMORANDA, 273 On a new Reagent for the Exhibition of the Axis-Cylinders in Nerves.—I believe the fact I am about to state worth publi- cation, as I am not acquainted with any other reagent which, in perfectly fresh nerves, immediately renders the axis- cylinder so distinctly visible. My experiment consists in first splitting open the neurilemma with the needle, and then, without the addition of any finid, in gently spreading out the fibres upon the glass slide. I then immediately place a drop of collodion on the preparation, and cover it with the thin glass. Immediately, and in all the fibres, the most beautifully defined axis-cylinders are rendered apparent ; the medullary matter asswming a fine, granular aspect.*—Dr. Epwarp PrivceEr. High Powers—In a foot-note to p. 145 of the “ Proceed- ings of the Microscopical Society,” published in No. XXXI of the Journal, it is stated that Mr. Wenham has constructed an object-glass of =,th of an inch focal length. This announcement was, doubtless, hailed with much satisfaction by all who, lke myself, believed that the microscope had not yet reached the useful limit of ampli- fying power, and microscopists are much indebted to Mr. Wenham for his continued exertions in the improvement of the instrument. It is not, however, with a view to flatter Mr. Wenham that I now write, but to remind that gentleman that it will depend mainly, if not entirely, upon the discoveries he may be able to announce, whether the use of these high powers shall be limited to himself or become available to all who may be able and willing to incur the expense. I have been informed that our best makers declare there is nothing to be gained by the use of higher powers than those they now make, and yet Beck and Co. supply two, Ross three, and Powell and Lealand four additional eye-pieces to increase the power of the object-glass! although they know that, even with their excellent workmanship, power is only gained in this way at the expense of light and (too often) of defini- tion. This seems in contradiction to their declaration. If nothing be really gained by increase of power in the object- glass, why give us anything beyond the first or, at most, second eye-piece? The truth, however, I believe, is this. Eye- pieces are easily made, and their small price places them within the reach of all; but to increase the power of the object-glass * Reichert and Du Bois Reymond’s ‘ Archiv u. d. Anat. Physiol.,’ 1859, p. 132. 274 MEMORANDA. would be attended with difficulties, perhaps, at least for a time ; and if they were sold at prices proportionate to those now charged for the ~;th and ;/;th, it is probable there would be but few purchasers. It is these considerations, I believe, and not the uselessness of higher powers, that make our opticians say nothing is to be gained by increasing the power of the object-glass. Mr. Wenham will, I hope, consider it his high privilege to show, not only that higher powers are useful, but that they may be sold at moderate, yet remunerative, prices. No one is more ready than I[ to admit that the labourer is worthy of his hire, but if we are to have (as I hope we shall have) glasses of much higher power than those now made, and are to take the denominator of the fraction* expressing their focal length as the number of pounds sterling of their price, it is certain few will be willing, even if able, to incur so large an outlay upon a single object-glass.—J. Mircue.., Lieutenant, Madras Army. * Powell’s 1-16th costs £16. At this rate, a 1-50th, of course, would be £50, a price that would place it beyond the reach of any but the most wealthy. There is something that I, at this distance, cannot understand in the difference of prices by different makers. Powell and Lealand charge 10 guineas for a 1-12th, and Ross £18. But no one will say that one glass performs better than the other—a bit of information, by the way, that would be useful to people in the colonies, ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Descriptions of New Potyzoa from Irevanp. By Rev. Tuomas Hincxs, B.A. THE new species of Polyzoa which are described in this paper have been obtained from material dredged in deep water, off the coast of Antrim, by Mr. Hyndman of Bel- fast, whose researches, as a member of the North of Ireland Dredging Committee, appointed by the British Association, have yielded so many valuable results. Sub-order CHEILOSTOMATA. Fam 1. MeEMBRANIPORIDE. Gen. 1. Membranipora. 1. M. imébellis, n. sp., Hincks. Plate XXX, fig. 1. Cells ovate, broad below, with a membranous covering (no calcareous expansion); margin raised, much thickened, and beaded. Ovicell very prominent, frosted, with a raised edging round the front. No spines nor avicularia. The examination of a large number of specimens from various localities, exhibiting a striking uniformity of charac- ter, has convinced me that this form should be accounted a species, and that it is not a mere variety of M. Flemingii. I have never detected, even in the youngest and freshest specimens, any trace of spines or avicularia. The polyzoary is generally dull and opaque, and coarse in texture. The size and distinctness of the cells, the absence of the calcareous expansion, the shape of the ovicell, and the want of spines and avicularian appendages are constant characters, which separate this species from M. Flemingit. Common on shell, &. Coast of Antrim, Mr. Hyndman ; Scotland (west coast) ; Devon. Gen. 2. Lepralia. 1. ZL. alba, n.sp., Hincks. Plate XXX, figs. 2, 2 a. Cells sub-ovate, broad, somewhat depressed, granular; mouth rounded above, lower margin straight, with a notch in the centre; an avicularium on each side, about half-way down the cell; mandible acute, pointing upward. 276 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Ovicell small, depressed, closely united to the cell above, surface finely granular. On shell, coast of Antrim. 2. L. eximia, n. sp., Hincks. Plate XXX, figs. 3, 3 a. Cells large, ovate, distinct, granular, punctured round the margin; mouth sub-quadrate, with a raised peristome, rising into a point at each side, a broad, rounded denticle within the lower margin. Ovicell globose, promi- nent, punctured. This fine species grows in irregular, lobulate patches. My specimeus exhibit neither spines nor avicularia. On shell, coast of Antrim. 3. L. discoidea, Bk. Plate XXX, figs. 4, 4a. Cells in straight radiating series ; immersed at the base, sub-erect above ; surface punctured frosted ; orifice small, suborbicular, with a sinus below, peristome raised; 4 to 6 marginal spines above; an avicularium on one or both sides of the cell; mandible elongated linear, obtuse, directed down- wards and outwards. Ovicell recumbent, punctured, its sides prolonged, so as to surround the mouth. Hab.—Antrim, on shell, 7. Hincks ; Madeira, J. Y. Johnson; Shetland, Barlee. This species has been figured twice already in former parts of Zoophytology, but on both occasions from specimens in which the true characters were not displayed. An amended character, therefore, and a more correct representation of the perfect form, is now given. Having been furnished by Mr. Busk with specimens of the same species, recently received by him from Madeira, through the kindness of Mr. J. Y. Johnson, I am fully satisfied of the identity of the Madeiran and Irish forms. The characters above assigned are usually to be found only on the marginal cells of the patch, which are also in many cases double the size of the older or more central cells; in the latter also the peculiar avicularia are almost invariably wanting, being replaced in most instances by a single, smaller, imperfect avicularium, placed rather to one side on the front of the cell immediately below the mouth. But it is very often the case that this organ is wholly want- ing, when the species presents the aspect under which it was formerly depicted. 4. L. Woodiana, Busk. This species has been lately described and figured by Mr. Busk in his ‘ Monograph on the Polyzoa of the Crag’ (p. 42, pl. vii, figs. 1 and 3), and was only known as a fossil, previous to its occurrence amongst Mr. Hyndman’s Antrim dredgings. From this rich material I have obtained one or Y ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 277 two specimens on shell, which correspond in all respects with Mr. Busk’s figure. LZ. Woodiana must, therefore, take its place as a member of our recent Fauna. Fossil—Coralline Crag (Searles Wood). Recent —Coast of Antrim; ? Madeira, J. Y. J. There is every probability that many more of the Crag forms may be obtained by careful investigation, and those who may have opportunities of dredging, especially in deep water, should be on the look-out for them. Mr. Busk’s admirable Monograph, published by the Palszontographical Society, affords a ready means of identifying the species.* 5. Lepralia Landsborovii, Johnston. The description of this species in the ‘ British Zoophytes’ was founded on a single specimen, supplied by Dr. Lands- borough, which is preserved in the British Museum. This specimen is old and worn and by no means characteristic, and it is not surprising that Dr. Johnston’s diagnosis should have been so imperfect and unsatisfactory. Much difficulty has been experienced in determining what form he had in view, and there has been more than one claimant for the honour of bearing the name. In his ‘ Catalogue,’ Mr. Busk has given a very admirable figure (pl. cii, fig. 1) of the veritable LZ. Landsborovii, but has referred it to L. reticulata. A comparison of the form represented in this figure (which I have procured abun- dantly) with Dr. Johnston’s specimen, has satisfied me of their identity. The following is an amended description of the species : Lepralia Landsborovit, Johnston, Brit. Zooph., 2d edit., p. 510. $3 5 Busk, Catalogue of Brit. Mus. Polyzoa, part ii, page 66, plate Ixxxvi, fig. 1 (taken from the Brit. Mus. imperfect speci- men) ; plate cii, fig. 1 (referred to J. reticulata). Cells ovate-elongate, separated by raised lines; surface lustrous, thickly covered with punctures; mouth circular, a denticle within the lower margin, peristome raised, with a spout-like sinus below, enclosing a small avicularium, with a rounded mandible. Ovicell globular, prominent, punctured. * Since the above was written, Mr. Busk has furnished me with speci- mens of a new Madeiran Lepralia, so closely resembling Z. Woodiana in all essential characters, that I am strongly inclined to agree with him that the two are identical. Thus is added another link to the already nume- rous ones connecting the southern and western and north-western British Polyzoa, with those belonging to the Mediterranean Fauaa, and to that of the Crag. 278 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Dr. Johnston has accurately described the walls of the cells as “ thin, glassy, and hyaline, thickly dotted with small perforated granules.” In fresh specimens there is a silvery sheen over the surface of the polyzoary. The avicu- larium is placed within the projecting, spout-like sinus, into which the peristome is prolonged below, and behind it is a single denticle. The mandible of the avicularium is rounded. The ovicell is globose and punctured, and the sides of the opening uniting with the peristome give a hooded appear- ance to the cells on which it is developed. My finest specimens of this Lepralia were dredged off the Great Orme’s Head on the coast of North Wales, and were some compensation for the general barrenness of the ground. It occurred here in great abundance, commonly encrusting masses of the sand-tubes belonging to a species of Sabella. Over these it spread luxuriantly in large, sub-circular, and glistening patches, occasionally rising into foliaceous expan- sions. I have also met with it in Devonshire, and amongst Mr. Hyndman’s dredgings from the coast of Antrim.* Fam. 2. CELLEPORID2. Gen. 1. Cellepora. 1. C. armata, n. sp., Hincks. Pl. XXX, fig. 5. Polyzoary adnate, spreading; cells smooth, sub-erect (except towards the margin of the polyzoary), ventricose, distinct ; orifice orbicular, slightly produced below, peristome thin and raised; a stout rostrum in front, with an avicularium at one side, immediately below the apex, mandible acute and pointing upward; large spoon-shaped avicularia distributed over the polyzoary, in the intercellular spaces. Ovicell smooth; walls entire. In this species, the avicularium is placed at the top of the rostrum, looking to one side. The broad triangular mandible points upward. The rostrum is much stouter and more obtuse than in C. pumicosa. Localities —Coast. of Antrim, on shell, Mr. Hyndman; Dogger Bank and South Devon, 7. H.; Madeira, J. Y. J., 1860. 2. C. avicularis, n. sp., Hincks. A Cellepora occurs in considerable plenty on Zoophytes from Ireland, which seems to be undescribed. The following are its characters : Polyzoary encrusting or spreading, variable in its mode of growth; cells ovate, ventricose, smooth; orifice orbicular, with a deep sinus in * Vide Report of Belfast Dredging Committee, in the British Association volume for 1858, p. 293. = ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 279 front, a short, conical rostrum below the mouth, with an avicularium, set obliquely, near the top of it, mandible acute; in fertile cells, a process on each side, just below the ovicell, aud attached to it, bearing an oval (?) avicularium. Ovicell prominent, with large punctures, somewhat semi- oer disposed. Spatulate avicularia thickly scattered amongst the cells. Occasionally there occurs on the polyzoary a very stout, co- nical rostrum, bearing a large avicularium, with broad, trian- gular mandible. Localities.—Treland, encrusting stems of Zoophytes, &c. Sub-Order CycLosToMATa. Fam. 1. TuBuLipokip&. Gen. Alecto. 1. A. incurvata, n. sp., Hincks. Plate XXX, fig. 6. Polyzoarium adnate, linear, curved, tapering; cells biserial, alternate, bent towards the side, orifices opening out laterally; surface obscurely punctate. Polyzoarium closely adnate, narrow, unbranched, more or less attenu- ated towards the point of origin; the cells are biserial and alternate (except towards the base of the polyzoary, where they form a single row), and separated by a median line; they bend towards the side, and project a little beyond the polyzoary, the orifices opening out laterally. On stones, coast of Antrim (deep water), not uncommon. The Antrim dredgings have yielded a large number of the Cyclostomata, belonging to the genera Tubulipora and Alecto, which I am obliged to reserve for future examination. Sub-Order CrenostoMaAtTa. Fam. VESICULARIIDZ. Gen. Farrella. 1. F. dilatata, u. sp., Hincks. Plate XXX, fig. 7. Cells tubulous, sessile, stout, of equal size throughout, opaque, springing from one extremity of a fusiform expansion of the fibre, which is closely adherent, and set round with a number of flattened, spinous projections. In this species the delicate, creeping fibre swells out here and there into cell-like expansions, fusiform, adherent, and furnished with a variable number of flattened, spinous pro- cesses. The cells spring from the larger end of these swel- lings. They are stout, sessile, and not contracted at the base, and of a dark, horn colour when dried. The clavate and spinous expansions are analogous to the cell-bearing enlarge- ments of the fibre in Aiea. Isle of Man, on shell, 7. H.; Antrim, deep water, Wr. Hyndman. VOR: VIII: pyxidicula, Ehr., 95. - semiplanus, Brightw.,95 Cristatella mucedo, Where to look for and how to find, 59. on some Histological Features in the Shells of, 35. Crystals, J. Lobb On the rings round the optic axes of, 107. Cyclotella, Khr., 1138. 943 G. A. Walker-Arnott, on, 44. 5 Dallasiana, 245, 246. » Kutzingiana, 245, 247. a Meneghiana, 246. i minutula, 245, 247. i operculata, W.-Arn., 247. 3 radiata, Brightw., 96. as rotula, W.-Arn., 247. i stylorum, Brightw., 96. Cymatopleura, Sm., 114. Cymbella, Agardh, 112. D. De Bary, Anton. The Mycetozoa, a contribution towards the knowledge of the lowest animals, 97. Denticula, Kitz., 120. Desmidiacer, 77, 81. .s W. Archer on some cases of abnormal growth of, 85, 234. 3 ;, ontheoccurrence of Zoospores in the Family, 215. . A new genus and species of, N. V. Dixon On, 75, 79. Desmidie (Schizomerous), Synopsis of, 84. Diatoma, Decand., 121. Diatomaceee, American, Edwards on, 127. - T. Brightwell On some of the rarer or undescribed species of, Part I, 93, 139. a chiefly of those found in « Elide” (Lower California) Guano, Descriptions of, by Christopher Johnston, 11. +; of the neighbourhood of Liverpool, Thos. Comber on the, 111. Arthur M. INDEX TO Diatomacez, on the markings of, Thos. G. Rylands, 25. Diatom-finder, Robt. Taylor ona, 62. Diatoms, J. D. Sollitt on the measure- ment of the stric of, 48. Dictyocha fibula, Ehr., 128. Dixon, N. V. Ona new genus and species of Desmidiacee, 75. Docidium Ehrenhergii, 227. Bs clavatum, 91. Doryphora, Kiitz., 119, E Edwards, A, M. On American Diato- maceer, 127. Elevations and Depressions under the Microscope, Welcker, H., on the Distinguishing of, 52. Encyonema, Kiitzing, 122. Epithemia, Kiitz., 112. Kuastrum didelta, 87. is insigne, 87. Lucampia, Elr., 120. Funotia, Ehr., 112. Lupleuria incurvata, Arnott, 21. Eupodiscus, Ehr., 113. argus, 27. radiatus, Sm,, 129. i. Farrella dilatata, Hincks, 279. Ferments, L. Pasteur on the origin of, 255. Finder, The Nose-piece, H. U. Jan- son on the, 271. Fish, Vegetable scales of, 184. Flustra Barleei, Bk., 123. Fragillaria, Lyngb., 120. G. Gasteropoda, Vegetable Parasites in the Shells of, 183. Gephyria, Arnott, 20. incurvata, W.-Arnott, 18. media, Arnott, 20. a Telfairia, Arnott, 20. Gleocapsa, 92. Gomphonema, Agardh, 119. Grammatophora, Whr., 121 Gray,P., On Angular Aperture, 135. Greene, J. R. Manual of the Sub- kingdom Protozoa, notice of, 192. Guano,“ Elide,” Descriptions of Diato- maces in, 11. 39 2” Parasites in the 2 39 JOURNAL. 289 Pee Harrison. On Preurosigma Parkerii, 105. Feliopelta Phaeton, C. Johnst., 13, 18. Hendry, W. On Angle of Aperture, 61. a On the Lines in Amphi- pleura pellucida, 209. * On a Saccharo-Polari- scope, 248. Hicks, J. B. On the development of the gonidia of Lichens, 239. Himantidium, Ehr., 120. Hincks, T. Description of new Polyzoa from Ireland, 275. Holocystis oscitans, Hassall, 79. Homeocladia, Agardh, 122. Houghton, W. Where to look for and how to find Cristatella mucedo, 59. Huxley, T. H. On the structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion, 250. Hyalodiscus cervinus, Brightw., 95. Hyas araneus, 40, 41, 43. ir Illuminator, Dark-ground, M. Nachet on a, 207. 3 Oblique-light, M. Nachet on an, 208. Injections, W ‘Turner on the employ- ment of Transparent, in the exami- nation of the Human Pancreas, 147. Injecting Fluid, Blue, B. W. Richard- son on an, 271. J. Janson, H. U. On an Object-Finder, 198, 271. Johnston, Christopher. Descriptions of Diatomacee in “ EHlide” Guano. K. Kolliker, A. On the frequent occur- rence of Vegetable Parasites in the Hard Tissues of the Lower Animals, Ivor - Lawrance, J. W., On a new Cement for Mounting Objects for the Micro- scope, 135. Lepralia alba, Hineks, 275. » Barleei, Bk., 143. » bella, Bk., 144. » eanthariformis, Bk., 143. » discoidea, Bk., 144, 276. 290 INDEX TO JOURNAL. Lepralia eximia, Hincks, 276. Morren. On Closterium, 224. » Landsborovii, Johnst., 144,; Mounting Board, 152. 277. ; Mycetozoa, The, a contribution to- » Malusii, Aud., 125. wards the knowledge of the lowest » Manguevilla, Aud., 284. animals, by Anton De Bary, 97. » marsupiata, Bk., 284, N ‘ don, Bk., 2138. x ‘ » Niall dr Bk., 283. Nachet, M. Onthe Camera lucida, 156. > stauosa, Bk., 125. 2? On a Dark-ground Iilu- 3, wmbonata, Bk., 143. minator, 207. , ; » vulgaris, Moll, 284. % On an Erecting Prism, » Woodiana, Bk., 276. 206. 7. Leuckart, Rud. On the mature con- ” On an Oblique-light Hla- dition of Zrichi alike. minator, 208. ; mactere I ; eh ote Develop- Nature - printed British Seaweeds. ment of the gonidia of, 239. By W. G. Johnstone and A. Croall. » W. Lauder Lindsay on the _Review of, 56. Spermogones and Pycnides of, Notice Navicula, Bory, 115. of, 194. is maculata, Kdw. (sp.), 128. Lister, Joseph. Observations on the » permagna, Edw. (sp.), 128. structure of Nerve-fibres, 29, 32. >” rhomboidea, 49. Lobb, J. Ona method of showing the} » sigma, Bhr., 128. rings round the optic axes of Crys-| Nerve-fibre, J. Lockhart Clarke on tals, 107. _ the structure of, 65. ax | Nerve-fibres, Joseph Lister, Observa- M. tions on the structure of, 29, 32. Manipulation, H. Hort Brown upon 3 W. Turner, Further ob- Microscopic, 152. servations on the structure of, 150. iMag Eivaltes tee. ee E. ee “ : new = Melosira, Agardh, 121. or the exhibition of the axis cylin- Membranipora Calpensis, Bk., 283.. ders in, 273. - mS cornigera, Bk., 124. Nitzchia, Hassall, 114. s imbellis, Hincks, 275. 4 signoidea, 48. 3 Lacroixii, Aud., 282. O. » — Uineata, Linn, 283. | Object Cabinet, James Smith, Deserip- a minax, Bk., 125. i f 901 Rosselii, Aud., 282. pei pee Se » y ? Object-finder, H. U. Janson On an, 198. % vulnerata, Bk., 124. Obi ede = ae ject-glasses of high powers, J. Meridion, Agardh, 119. Mitchell On, 273. 5 Micrasterias Jenneri, W. Archer on a Odenivioun, Nate to Se ee Orthosira, Thwaites, 121. ¥ pinnalifida, Ralfs, 79, ” oceanica, Ehr. (sp.), 96. Micrography, Atmospheric, M. Pou- , chet on, 130, 188. Pancreas, W. Turner on the Em- Microscopical Society, Proceedings of:| ployment of Transparent Injections June 29th, 1859, 63. in the examination of the minute Nov. 9th, 1859, 106. structure of, 147. Jan. 11th, 1860, 140. Parasites, On Aneurisms and Extra- Feb. 8th, 1860, 141. vasations of Blood caused by, 272. March 14th, 1860, 142. » Vegetable, in the Hard Tis- April 11th, 1860, 210. : sues of the Lower Animals, A. Kol- May 9th, 1860, 210. liker on the frequent occurrence June 13th, 1860, 210. OF, 7a Mitchell, J. On Object-glasses of| Pasteur, L. On the origin of Fer- high power, 273. ments, 255, INDEX TO Pediastrum, 217. Penium Cylindrus, 92. Pfluger, On a New Reagent for the exhibition of the Axis Cylinders in Nerves, 273. Pilumnus hirtellus, 41. Pinnularia, Ehy., 116. Pleurosigna, Sm., 117. angulatum, 26. balticum, 25. Jusciola, 48. Muakron, C. Johnst., bE] 15, 18. ” Parker it, 105. strigosum, 48. Podosira, Ehr., 121. Portumnus depurator, 41, 42, 44. Polarizing Stage, Smith, J., on a, 203. Polythalamia, Vegetable Parasites in, 176. Polyzoa, T. Hincks, Description of New, from Ireland, 275. » collected by J. Yate Johnson, Esq., at Madeira, Catalogue of, 280. Shetland, 213. New species of, collected in Shetland, by G. Barlee, 123, 143. Pouchet, M. ‘On Atmospheric Micro- graphy, 130. Ps On Atmospheric Corpus- cles in the Respiratory Organs of Animals, 259. a On the means by which all the Corpuscles normally invisible, contained in a determinate volume of air, may be collected into au in- finitely small space, 188. Prism, erecting, M. Nachet on an, 206. Protozoa, Notice of Prof. Greene’s Manual of the Su! Kingdom, 192. Pustulopora orcadensis, Bk, 214. Pythium extophytum, 231. R ” Rainey, Geo. On the structure and mode of formation of Starch-gra- nules, 1. Registration of Objects, G. L. Wal- lich on the, 136. Rhabdonema, Kiitz., 121. Rhipidophora, Kiitz., Jey Richardson, B. Wills. On a Blue In- jecting Fluid, 271. S. Saccharo-Polariscope, W. Hendry on a, 248. JOURNAL. 291 Salicornaria Johnsont, Bk., 280. Sarcina, and especially on its occur- rence in the Urine, H. Welcker on, 163. Schizonema, Agardh, 122. Scorpion, T. H. Huxley on the struc- ture of the Mouth and Pharynx of the, 250. Screw, universal, R. Beck on the, 103. Seruparia diaphana, Bk., 281. Serupocellaria Macandrei, Bk., 281. me Maderensis, Bk., 280. Seaweeds, Nature-printed, by W. G. Johnstone and A. Croall, notice of, 193. Smith, James. On a Collecting Bottle, 204. Description of an Ob- ject Cabinet, 201. e On a Polarizing Stage, 203. Sollitt, J. D. On the measurement of the striz of Diatoms, 48. Spatangidum Ralfsianum, Grev., 16, 28. Sponges, Vegetable Parasites in, 173, 187. Stand, microscopic, and mountingappa- ratus, 155. Starch-granules, Rainey, G., on the eee and mode of formation of ak Staurastrum dejectum, 86. Description of two new species, by W. Archer, 75. nitidum, W. A., 78. oxyacantha, W. AL, Wi Staur ones, Doty UWE angulata, C Johns., 13, 18. BB 33 | Stephanogonia polygona, Vhr., 96, Striatella, Agardh, 121. Surirvella, Turp., 113. Synedra, Ehr., 118. a Tabellaria, Ehr., 121. Taylor, Robt. On a Diatom-finder, 62. Tetmemorus Brébissonii, 87. Tetrachastrum, Dixon, 81. mucronatum, Dixon, 82, oscitans, Dixon (sp.), 2? 32 83. “5 pinnatifidum, Dixon (sp.), 83. 292 INDEX TO Toxonidea, Donkin, 118. Triceratium, Ehr., 113. Fuvus, 26. . Jimbriatum, 27. Trichina spiralis, Rudolph Leuckari on the mature condition of, 168. Trichocephalus dispar, 168. Tryblronella, Sm., 114. Turner, Wm. On the Employment of ‘Transparent Injections in the exa- mination of the minute structure of the Human Pancreas, 147. 4 Further observations on the structure of Nerve-fibres, 150. W. Waldenberg, LL. On Aneurisms, and ” JOURNAL. Wallich,G.L. On registration of ob- jecis, 136. Welcker, H. On the Distinguishing of Elevations and Depressions un- der the Microscope, 52. y; On Sarcina, and espe- cially on its occurrence in the urine of man, 163. Williamson, W.C. On some Histo- logical Features in the shells of the Crustacea, 35. X. Xanthidium, 238. Smithii, W. Arch., 238. Z. Zoophytology, 123, 1438, 213, 275. oP extravasations of Blood, caused by | Parasites, 272. | PRINTED BY J, E. Zoospores, W. Archer on the occur- rence of, in the Desmidiaces, 215. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, IWIN. Mier is B A | aa a Fr >. Jehnaton. del JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I, Illustrating Mr. Rainey’s paper on the Formation of the Starch-granule. Fig. 1.—Ordinary forms of starch. 2, 3.—Starch-granules; two joined together, producing an appearance considered to be the result of cell-multiplication by division. 4.—Three starch-granules similarly united. 5.—Three granules thus united, as seen by polarized light, from Criiger. 6, 7.—Starch-granules, called by author “compound granules.” 8.—Two globules of carbonate of lime, joined together and coalescing into one ; from calcifying shell of oyster. 9.—Large artificial calculi of carbonate of lime in progress of coalescence. PLATE I (continued), Tllustrating Dr. C. Johnston’s paper on Diatomacez, chiefly from Elide. 10.— Nie a : rl a i : - . ’ ri) e 3 5 # iy ae ao. 2 Ps > ; tet a2 ; iu a OP . 4 c ; a q a, a ml Sar ces ae 1 ‘ [G. es U ME YT Ts 4) a Lal E " Tee : / a " De - a > * ; er ae ge: ry 7 . hae E 22 due Res . ‘ , nates oo ag P { +, oF b at Mita ' (E co *% chai] » i ‘ vad wi aheianil t Olid meas) wires =) e a ry ») Ay pvlennbaey ealgda - ; . ? “iy re Fe ‘yg PolLR Re Burgi! etde 6 3) 2) ulalte ; iV wo ov ee, Gee “as\ yay ; 2A - ) Ank x! iwe Vide i ee, Ait A narrepla wat spay LS, Ei. : 4 1 : ts ey rf a Py a teast VW witv footl A, -aeabeebia rier wes nk. .a4le7 Hg : ‘ 2 . a an = JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE II, Illustrating Messrs. Lister and Turner’s paper on the Structure of Nerve-fibres. Fig. 1.—Represents part of a transverse section of the sciatic nerve of a cat hardened by chromic acid, and tinted with carmine; the axial cylinder alone having received the colouring matter. The specimen was dried and viewed as an opaque object. 2.—Shows the appearance of thin transverse sections of some nerve-fibres from the same nerve, simply hardened in chromic acid, and ex- amined moist by reflected light. The axial cylinder has, under this low magnifying power, the aspect of a mere space. 3.—Similar objects to those of fig. 2, but seen by transmitted light. 4.—A highiy magnified transverse section of a nerve-fibre from the same source, prepared like those of figs. 2 and 3, and then tinted with carmine. ‘The carmine colour is seen to affect only the axial cylinder and the investing membrane, which, at one part, is torn up from the fibre. This abetch also shows the faintly granular structure of the axial cylinder, and the irregularly concentric striation of the medullary sheath. 5.—A transverse section of a columnar portion of the spinal cord of a cat, also prepared with chromic acid and carmine, and examined moist by transmitted light. The fibres vary much in size, but all of them resemble those of the sciatic nerve in having the red axial he surrounded by a ring of untinted medullary sheath. 6—10 are highly magnified views of some fibres in a section of the cord like that of fig. 5. They present the same characters as thie fibres of the sciatic nerve. 11.—A fibre from a longitudinal section of a columnar portion of the cord, prepared in the same way. The axial cylinder alone is carmine coloured, and is, in some parts, stripped of its investing sheath, the fibroid arrangement of which is also displayed. 12.—A small fibre under similar circumstances. 13.—Fatty matter in a state of arborescent fibroid aggregation. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE, DESCRIPTION OF PLATE III, Illustrating Professor Williamson’s paper on the Structure of Crustacean Integuments. Fig. 1.—Diagrams of the layers in the shell of a crab. 2.—Grouped tubuli from above, areolar layer of common crab. 3.—Areolar layer, showing the very delicate areolz in the shrimp. 4.—One of the calcified discs from the carapace of a shrimp, formed at the base of a short tubular hair. 5, 6.—Dises from the same after further calcification; in fig. 5 is seen a translucent crucial figure. 7.—Disc from the same in a less consolidated state. 8.—Detached granules from a similar disc. 9, 10.—Appearance of areolar layer in a shrimp after boiling with caustic potass. 11.—Vertical section, carapace of Pilumnus hirtellus. 12.—-Horizontal section of the same, decalcified, as seen from above. 13.—Vertical section, crayfish. 14.—Horizontal section, lobster, immediately beneath the areolar layer. 15.—Vertical section of the same. 16.—Vertical section, claw of hermit-crab. 17.—Derm or “‘enderon,” soft portion of integument of hermit-crab. 18.—The same, from above. 19.—Section of botryoidal concretionary masses from a small Australian crab. The same letters are used to similar parts throughout. a. Pellicular layer. g. “Derm” of soft carapace. 6. Areolar layer. h. Its cells and nuclei. d. Corium calcified. t. Its pigment-cells. e. Tubuli. &. Basement membrane. J. Uncalcified corium. In fig. 17, 4 indicates the corium and areolar layers blended. Nir Surn VAVill AM, Ma iy it AM) Nit i ise SoU | a 3S ° Ss =| eS SS 3G ao 8$Se- © @ac lg .-) oS S@reo so eQ @.°sxS eo es “eo! = ° ee b Se yee ? ~ = is Z est W.CW del. Tuffen West sculp cS \ S ee: Hh _ i Dr) vn 7 7 , - 4 j . ' + ~ x 2 » A . Li . * ’ s ~~, \ oe 3 é } as F * 7 er ‘ Af a L ‘ ’ 5 . ve o4 - * . ' | : 7 « Z ° « if a iy rete SA if in A Uj}. Y Ee | , Mor Ion Vee Vi Gt f | J) oN ( Ay) CTs a fy’ At { O GA®) ~ = Se 8 a \ = = , Sy Z W \ Ds = & QS lS ee) a |e a, 2 |S ~ N \M > > —- yy f, Citi ‘ii : a3 x (B. \ ae) fo) Sasad) ao T f yy Week (yy ~ COG Wash G \ Wwe (ay, i —— See ? — A — — {c= JL Clarke del ‘Tuffan West se W West up JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IV, Illustrating Mr, Clarke’s paper on Nerve-structure. Fig. 1.—Represents an elevation or ridge of the white substance on the surface of a primitive nerve-fibre. 2.—A double-contoured primitive-fibre, hardened in chromic acid, and mag- nified 670 diameters. 3.—A similar fibre treated in the same way, but with its outer corrugated surface more or less broken. 4 & 5.—Two detached portions of a fibre, hardened in chromic acid, showing how the angular bendings give rise to the appearance of fibres or tubules. 6.—An uninjured double-contoured primitive-fibre, examined immediately after death; a, axis-cylinder; 4, outer contour; c, inner contour; d, membranous sheath bearing an elongated nucleus. 7 to 10.—Represent fresh primitive-fibres, more or less injured by mani- pulation. 11 to 16.—Represent the white substance of Schwann, between the double contour, after injury by manipulation. At fig. 14 it appears twisted in some places into a kind of knot; while in other places it is simply affected by indentations of various lengths and breadths, which are represented by the dark spaces, the light spaces having the appearance of fibres. 17 to 20.—Represent perfectly fresh primitive-fibres, stretched and other- wise injured in manipulation, by which the white substance has been thrown into variously-shaped convolutions, ridges, or apparent fibres 21.—Represents free globular contents escaped from the nerve-fibres. 22 and 23.—Two fresh nerve-fibres thrown into ridges of various shapes and sizes, under the influence of strong acetic acid. In fig. 23, on the surface of the fibre, are two or three spiral ridges similar to the spirals seen at the cut end of fibres hardened in chromic acid. 24.—a, free nuclei from the connective tissue and sheaths of the nerve- fibres in the white columns of the spinal cord ; 4, nucleated cells from the same parts in the calf; c, cut ends of two primitive nerve-fibres, hardened in chromic acid, and presenting the appearance of spiral fibres. The angular interspace between them is occupied by a nucleated cell. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES V, VI, Illustrating Mr. Brightwell’s paper on New or Imperfectly- known Diatomacez. PLATE V. Fig. 1.—Actinocyclus areolatus ; a, side view; 4, front view in outline. . 2.—Actinocyclus, side view; a, front view; 4, the same of two pustules undergoing self-division, both in outline; these two figures from drawings by Mr. F. Kitton. 3.—Asterolampra Marylandica, Khr., specimen with six segments. 4.—Craspedodiscus pyxidicula, Khr. : 5.—Aulacodiscus sculptus, front view. 6.—Craspedodiscus, nv. sp., fragment of a valve. 7.— = » side view. 8.—Stephanogonia polygona, Khr.; a, side view; J, front view. 9.—Hyalodiscus. 10.—Awlacodiscus radiatus, Bailey ; a, side view; 4, front view. PLATE V1. 11.—Cyelotella, n. sp.; a, side view; 4, front view of short filament. 12.—Craspedodiscus, n. sp. 13.—Aulacodiscus, abnormal specimen. _ 14.—Orthosira oceanic; a, side view; 6, front view of pustule and single valve adherent. 15.—Actinocyclus, n. sp. 16.—Cyclotella, n. sp.; a, side view; 4, front view. 17.—Lupodiscus. 18.—Actinophenia splendens, Shadb., showing both coarse and fine markings. All magnified 400 diameters. For Description of Plate VII, illustrating Mr. Archer’s paper on Desmidiacez, see Paper. Tuffen West sc. ad nat. Z f) ; if y TH. Pt VL WWest imp, WWest imp. Tuffen West sc.admnat. . Eien AE TTT ODL LTT T Hor Burn VAIL Gt V1 tm ie Mi , eee & 1 fo Aa og Bre Gan = Lee he 7 4 Tacos W West imp : + es T.We = oy 7 Ae ith MNicr Sovrn. DAVEE PLA JB.H. del. Tuffen West se WWest amp JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE X, Illustrating Dr. J. Braxton Hicks’s paper on Contributions to Development of the Gonidia of Lichens, in relation to the Unicellular Algze, &e. Fig. 1.—Chlorococcus. a, ad. Mature, quiescent cell. b, 6. Segmentation, radiating from centre. c, c. Advanced condition of same. d, d. Binary and quaternary subdivision. e. Quaternary subdivision, reverting to mature stage. 2.—Chlorococcus in various stages. a. First appearance of growth of fibre. b, 6, 6. More advanced condition. 3.—Mature, quiescent gonidium. 4.—Formation of soridium. 5.— a Fe segmentation proceeding at same time with fibre-growth. 6.—Oval cells, the result of segmentation going cn to binary sub- division. 7.—Soridium of Chlorococcus, and also of Lichen. $.—Contents of a soridium pressed apart. 9.—Single, dormant soridium (section of). 10.—Soridium in which segmentation has proceeded a certain distauce and become dormant (section of). a. Segments, numerous. 6, 6. Globular form of subdivisions. 11.—Active bodies in cavities in the fibres. Figs. 1 to 4 illustrate Mr. Turner’s paper on the Minute Structure of the Pancreas, and on the Axis-cylinder of Nerves. Fig. 1.—Portion of injected pancreas under a low power. 2.—Part of the same, with a much higher power. 3.—Lobules detached in course of preparation from a portion of pancreas into which the injection has not entered, showing the globular epi- thelium with which they are filled. 4. Portions of nerves in which the axis-cylinder has become coloured by carmine, the sheath remaining quite free from colour. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES XI & XII. PLATE XI, Illustrating Mr. Archer’s paper on the Occurrence of Zoospores in the Family Desmidiacez. Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4.—Docidium Ehrenbergii, with lateral projections in different stages of development. 5.—Parasitic growth (Pythium) upon Closterium lunula. 6.—Mycelioid growth within Closterium luaula, R. 7.—Arthrodesmus Incus. 8.—Cosmarium Portianum ; front view. 9.— Ls $5 end view. 10.—Xanthidium Smithii ; front view. 11.— = an side view. 12.— 3 be end view. PLATE XII, Illustrating Professor Huxley’s paper on the Structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion. Fig. 1.—Longitudinal vertical section of the ceplalo-thorax of a Scorpion, show- ing the pharynx, cesophagus, nervous centres, and the large eyes, in their natural relations. 2.—Dorsal view of the cephalo-thorax of a Scorpion, opened and dissected, so as to show the apodemata, and the anterior portion of the ali- mentary canal, with the pharyngeal muscles. 3.—The chitinous lining of the anterior part of the alimentary canal, the integument of the labrum, and the basal processes of the first maxilla. 4.—Thie chitinous lining of the pharyngeal sac, viewed from above. 5.—A transverse section of tle same, taken along the line z y (fig. 3). 6.—The region of the pharyngeal sac near the commencement of the cesophagus. The letters have the same significations throughout :—a, mouth; 4, labrum; c, pharynx; d, esophagus; e, salivary duct; /, diaphragm; gy, eye @ and ocular nerve ; 4, subcesophageal ganglion; 7, antenna; &, maxilla; — Z, mandible; m, apodeme; xz, pharyngeal muscles ; 0, sub-oral trans- verse thickening of the chitinous integument; p, valve (?) of the pharynx ; x y, line along which the section in fig. 5 is taken. | ‘ I Hh (A \ SV) & Gr i) | \ \ ‘ wake . ’ _— - ¥ a er, : ‘ 0 3 ? s be *¢ q \ Th) Af Wiiaa Op V/ CNA LES wees THH del. Toffen West sc ERNST M | 3 2044 110 319 944 MAN AYR LIBRARY IN