Title: Quarterly report of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture, no. 35 Place of Publication: Harrisburg, Pa. Copyright Date: 1887 Master Negative Storage Number: MNS# PSt SNPaAgOl 7.9 ■J'l . THIRTY-FIFTH QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA Board of Agriculture, 1887. HAERISBURG: EDWIN K. MEYERS, STATE PRINTER, 1887. E(o30.873 r^\ fv THIRTY-FIFTH QUAHTKRLY REPORT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF AGRICULTORE. PKNNSVLVANIA BOAUU OF AGRICULTURE, 18S7. Members Ex-OlUcio. Hon. James A. Beaver, Governor. Coll eye. Appointed by the Governor. €ol. James Young, Middletown, Pa. Dr. John P. Edii^N T)o\vningto\vn, 1 a., Will r». Powell, Springlx )!•()', I'a., Elected by County Agricultural Societies. Term expires. .... 1SS8 . . . ISHO 1890 Adams, Armstrong, Beaver, l^edford, . Berks, . . Bucks, . . lilair, . . . Bradford, Butler, . . <'entre, . . <'hester, . (iinton, . Columbia, I. riarretson, . . Jos. Painter, A. L. ^SrcKibben, J. E. >'ol)le, . . J. (r. Zerr, . . . E. Ileeder, . . . J. 1). llieks, . H. T.. Scott, . . H. M. Wise, . E. W. Hale, . . Thomas J. Edge, . J. A. llerr, , Cliandlee Eves, Bigler, Term expires. 1SS8 . Kittanning, l^^^O . (ireen (iarden, . . . .^ISUO . Waterside, l^^^O" . (^eiger's Mill, .... 1S89 . New Hope, 1«90 . Altoona, 1H80 . Towanda, 1889 . Harmon V, 18^8 . Bellelbnt<% 18S8 . Harrisburg, 181H) . Cedar Springs, .... ISVK) . Millville, 18.^8 . Conneautville, .... 1889 <'rawi<»rd,' '. cSV. Mulli^^,' . '. ' " ' ' ' . Mt. Holly Sidings, . . 18>8 Cund)erland, Hauphin, Delaware, . . Erie, . . . . Indiana, . . Jciicrson, (t. Hiester, .... E. Hjuvey, .... J. C. Thornton, . . W. P. Gordon, . . J. MeCraeken, Jr., „v ..V ..>,..., . - WiKoTi "Oil i\«»\cii, I^ackawanna ' M V i "' ' ' • • • .Marietta. . . 1--'".'>V'"' l'l> 1?™ ■ ■ ■ ; \ll.>.t.>wn. I-^'1"K'' t ! I'm. '...... Kiniiston, ^'"'■^r"'i', ; :i;.Vi;K...W.nun> WiHiaMis,,ort Ijycommg, m,.i'.... . . . Mereer. . . . ;>rercer, Montgomery, Montour, . . Northampton, Harrisburg, 18S8 Chester, 1^^9 A von la, 18«*^9 Black Liek, 18^9 l<'rostl)urg, l^^O Port Uoval, 1888 1888 1889 1SS8 IS'KJ 1888 1888 1890 Trai)pe, 1^^^<^ Einu'stoneville, . . . 1889 Northuml)erlan ., , • , .„ iw88 V T> ^himer . • • B>ethlehem, 1888 ''• l>-^''>"^<^ Milton, l^iH) Sonu'rset, ^889 Orwigsburg, l"^- 0 H ill's (;rove, l-'^88 Montrose, 1889 Wellsboro', 1889 ls«0 18-89 1889 18<)0 1888 1889 1888 1889 Lewisburg, 1 "'*>^b •;-.;Y ciMtes Oil City, . ^^'^ango v i5* m icr * ■ . Sugar Crove, Warren, i ^rid^ weU ' " ' ' • • Washington, }J>^'>^'^^^^>^^ N.^ C der;voo
  • W. S. Roland, Advisory Committee. J. P. Barnes, G. Hiester. Thos. J. Edge, (ex-officio.) Secretary. Thos. J. Edge, Harrisburg. Botanist. Thos. Meehan, Germantow n. Pomotoffist. E. Satterthwaite, Jenkintown. • Chemist. Prof. F. A. Genth, University of Pennsylvania. Consultinfj Veterinary Surpeon. Prof. R. S. Huidekoper, I^niversity of Pennsylvania. Veterinary Surf/ron. Dr. F. Bridge, V. S., West Philadelphia. Microscopists and Ilygienists. Dr. H. Leffmaun, Philadelphia, Prof. C. B. Coehran, West Chester, Entomologist. Prof. W. A. Buckhout, State College. Omit hoi o (fist. Dr. B. II. Warren, West Chester. Meteo rolof/ist.*. Prof. I. T. Osmond, State College, J. T^. Heat-ock, QuakOi-town.. Miner at o(/isf. Prof. J. Wilcox, Philadclph'a. Geologist. Prof. J. P. Lesley, Philadelphiii. tStenographer. Col. II. C. Demming, Harrisburg.. i Pennsylvania Board of Aoriciilture. STANDING COMMITTEES— 18S7. Hon. J. A. Beaver, C. C. Musselman, E. Reeder, W. S. Roland, Dr. J. P. Edge, J. McDowell, J. A. Gundy, (r. I roister, H. M. Engle, M. W. Oliver, H. \\ . Kratz, W. G'ates, J. E. Noble, H. M. Engle, J. Young, M. W. Oliver, I. Garretson, Arthur Todd, J. P. Barnes, W. Gates, G. Hiester, J. McDowell, Will B. Powell, J. A. Herr, D. Wilson, U. n. Colvin, Chandlee Eves, I. Garretson, J. A. Herr, N. F. I^nderwood, J. A. Herr, J. McDowell, J. C. Thornton, R. S. Searle, C. 1^ Lantz, N. F. Underwood, J. McDowell, J. C. Thornton, E. Reeder, H. li. Scott, M. W. Oliver, C. C. Musselman, B. H. Warren, G. Heister, H. M. Engle, J. E. Noble, I. Garretson, B. 11. Warren, Fj. Reeder, C. W. Roberts, E xK(n} TivE Com mittee. W. S. Roland, -T. P- Barnes, G. Hiester, J. A. Herr, J. McDowell, T. J. Edge, {ex-oXJicio.) Advisory Committee. J. P. Barnes, G. Hiester. T. J. Edge, {ex-officio.) Eechslation. W. S. Roland, N. F. Underwood, William Gat4aiiipedthereoiithenanieoftluMnanufa(-tur('r,theplaeeotinanutaeture, the net weight of its eontents, and an analysis, stating.- the percentap' thereni eon- tained of nitroL^Mi, or its e(piival(Mit in amniotiia in an avadal)le torni, ot potasli 'oluble in water, of soluble and reverted phosplKui.- acid, and ot insoluble phospliorie •H-id- ProvUIcK That any eonnnereial fertilizer sold, ottered or exposed lor sa e, Nvliieh shall contain none'of the al)ove named eonstituents, shall be exempt Irom the ^^SFrTioNli Kv'^M''vmanufa(4ur(M'oriuii)()rt(M-of(H)ninier(-ial fertilizers, as speeim^^^^^ sec-tion (,ne of this aet, siiali, on or belore tlu> tirst (lay of Auj.ust lu^xt ensuni^ olleriu-- the same for sale in this Commonwealth, tile annually m the othee ot the Seeretjrrv of the (N)nimonwealth an allidavit, statinjr the amount ot said tertilizer or fertilizers sold witliin the State durin.u" the last preeedinjr year ; and i >^^^'^J}^^}''^1\^^ b( one hundred tons or less, he or they shall pay to the Treasurer o the State the sum of ten dollars for each and every sueh article of sneh eomniereial tertilizer sold Mithin tlie State during- the last preceding- year, and if the said amount shall exeeed on hundred tons and be less than live liundred tons, he or they shal pay the sum of twenty dollars as aforesaid, and if saiyitiiin the ( ommonwealth during the preeeding year, he or tliey sliall pay the sum ot ten dollars as aforesaid ; iycn-y'sneh manntaeturer or importer, shall at the same time hie with the secretary of the board of auriculture a copy of the analysis recpnred by section one ot this a(% and shall be entitled to receive f'rom the Secretary of the (Vnnmonwealth a eertiheate which shall be eountersigned l)y tiie seeretary of the board of agrieulture, showing that the provisions of this act have been eomplied with. Sfction 3. Any person selling-, olVerin*,- or ex])osin- for sale any commercial tei- tilizer without tile analysis recpiired by section one of this act, or with an analysis statini that it contains a larmier percenta^n' of any one or more ot the above namecl <.. istituents than is eontained therein, or for the sale of wlucli all he provisions ot seetion two haye not been eomplicHl with, shall l)e deemed .yiiilty ot a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall forfeit a sum not less than twenty-tive and not exceednig one hundnMl dollars for the tirst ollense, and not less tiian two liundred dollars for eaeh subscM.ueiit ollense, one half of which shall be tor the use ot the intormer, and the remainder for the county la which the eonvietion is seeured: Proinded, Said in- former be the purchaser and the goods ])e for his own use. SKerioN 4. It shall bi^ the duty of the board of a-riculture to analyze such speci- nnmV of <-ommercial fertilizers as may be furnished by its agents, said samples to be aecompanied with proper proof, under oath or allirmation, that hey were airly arawn ; the fee for such analysis shall be determined by the executive committee of -the board, and be l»ased upoii a fixed rate for each determination, shall m no case exeeed seventy-five per centum of the usual i)rice paid tor such services, and shall be payable froni the treasury of the Commonwealth in the manner as now proyided %KrTioN 5. The money paid into the treasury under the pivjvisions of this aet shall .constitute a spe(Malfun(rfr(.niwdii(-h the (.()st()f such analysis shall b('pai(l: ^'roruh'd That the total ani(>unttlu.sexpen(l(M^ anyone year, shall in no case exeeed the anmunt paid into the treasury during the same year, an(l that any nioneysrenniinin^^^ ill this special fund at the end of the year shall be passed into the general fund for ^^ S "('^rVoV!!'' TheU^rm "commercial fertilizers," as used in this act sliall be taken to mVan any and every substance imported, manufactured, prepared or sold for fer- tilizing or manuring' purposes, exeept barn-yard manure, marl, lime, and wood •ishes and not exempt by the provisions of section one of this act. sLcTio^^ act shall go into effect on and aft«M- the tirst day ot August, one J;housand eight hnmlrcd and seventy-nine. Ar,.K.,vKi.-Tl,.. 'Ml. clay ulMuiu-, A. L. ls79. HKNUY M. IIOYT. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. THE FERTILIZER LAWS OF OTHER STATES. Since the passage of tlie present fertilizer law by the Pennsylvania Le^islatnre, the niunber oi' States whicii thus protected the consiuners. of fertilizers has, year by year increased, until, instead of seven as in 1879, it has ^rowii to twenty-tour at the present time. These laws vary very much in their provisions, but a number of them are founded upon the same <>;eneral principles as the laws of our own Sate. In order that the general reader may obtain an idea of their construction,. we append the followinii: condensed statment of their provisions. Alabama. nr^t Tt is the duty of the CVnnmissioner of AgricuUure to prepare and distribute throughout the Sfate proper circulars, etc., showing the analysis, name, cV:c., ot eaeh - eommercial fertilizer* offered in the State. j. . x- ^Scro))d Tt is the duty of every manufaeturer offering goods in the State to furnish the Commissioner of "Agriculture with a written or i)rinted statement showing plainly the number of pounds in the packages, the name <»f the manufjieturer and the place of manufacture, and the preeentage of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and pot- ash. This statcMuent is to be considered a guaranteed analysis, and any falling ott from it punishable as provided by another section. . , ,, ^ . ... Third It is made the duty of the Commissioner to furnish all manufacturers with proner tags (to be attaehed to the i)ackages of fertilizer), marked "guaranteed, and Avith the year or season for which tlu\y were issued ; for these tags the manufacturer nays at tlie rate of fifty eents i)er ton. . .111^ Fourth. Any oiler to sell packages without the proper labels or tags is punishablo with a fine of fifty dollars for eaeli offense. • w^ i 1 *i ^ Fifth IMiat eyery purefiaser of eomniereial fertilizers has the nght to demand that the manufacturer or agent shall, in his ])resenee, draw a sample in a -cordance with rules to be established by the Commissioner of Agriculture. . ^'ixth. Tliat the (^)nimissioner may at any time, and in any plm^e, draw or eause to be drawn sann)les of any fertilizers oflered in the State. . , ,, ... ^ m S^Tntfi. Tliat all funds arising from the sale of tags shall go into th(^ State Treasury for the benefit of the Department of Agricultur(% except one third which is l»J>va>le to the State experiment station, cm condition that said sUition shall make all tiie analyses reciuired by the the law free of eharge. , ,, * i^ FU/hth. rime, land plaster, eotton-seed meal, ashes, and salt are exempted from the nrovisions of the act. . , „ *»• • ..:fu yinfh. The penalty, in addition to the one previously mentioned, for ofiering with- out a license is one hundred dollars. . Truth. The penalty for offering fertilizers in unstamped packages, or m paekages- not stamped as per liiw, is five hundred dollars. Connecticut. First That all fertilizers selling for more than ten dollars ]H'r ton must have the- nmnlier of pounds, name of fertilizer, name and address of inanuta<-turer, and the ''^SWv>\?/'Vwh^^^^^^^^ in the State the manufacturer must furnish the dim-tor of the C^ouneetic^it experiment station with two eertihed copiers <> j-j-^^y- 8is, and with a sample of the fertilizer with tiie proper afhdavil that it laiily leprc- "'^hi^d^ ^mIc mlnu^cuner must pay to the director as above, the sum often dc>llar^ fo, each fertiliz('r ingredient claim'ed' in the fertilizer; this fee eovers the sales of any iiunilx'r otiiitouts and to any miioiint. • i • ,i „. „- I''>,u-fh N^) fertilizer e<.i. posed in whole or in i>urt ot pulvc'rizec IcMllie , a« oi stt^um^ or roa^ l.^ather, oV l..atl.er in any lorn,, unless the analysis Inande.l npon the ivi<-ka"<'s shall distinctiv show the presence ot sucli leather. ^ 4 j /.' • / Tlal hsh serap shall he uied in any fertilizer nntd it has be^n treated witi s In U acid in aecor.lance with tl... ('la\vare. IPir.^t. Kxevy inanul\u-turer must furnish the State elieniist with eertitied samples of each fertilizer offered in the State. 4^1 ^ «., ,f ot Tulv of eaeh year, witii a similar samite Ibr an olhcial analysis. 2^/ar / The manufacturer shall pay the State chemist the sum oi forty d()llars or each sa n, le sul)mitted l)y liim, and must post up in a conspicuous pla<-(^ m his o hce or f u torv^ cer t cate (i the State chemist that lu^ has thus complied with ti.e htw. iw /T \n\ pun-h of <-oinmercial fcrlili/ers has the n^ht to take a samp e, rnn/i erlv veri tie ) and on the i.avment of tive dollars to the State ciic^mist may de- manlnts analysis; this analysisl when verified by the allulavit ol the State chemist, shall be evidence in any court of the State. .h^Vauded Fifth. Any purchaser who may sliow ])y such analysis that he has bti n atliauuea, iviav recover twice the price ol' the fertilizer. A further act provides that- ;/ThrLav 'ourtslall a).i)oint a ccmimission whose duty it shall be to draw samp es of ^rtilizer ottered in the State, and submit theni to the S ate c lennjvt tor analysis; it prohibits these commissioners from furuishm- the chemist >vilh the ""^irnxe't^lu'vaiualioira twelve and one half cents per pound tVu- available i.hosDhoric acid, twcntv-two cents for ammonia and eij^ht cents lor potash. . ^ c The ponaltv for a breach of tlu^ law is fixed at fifty dollars, one halt ot which is for'the benefit ()f the informer and the balance for the use ol tlie State. J/. The penalty for false branding is two hundred dollars or six inonths imprison- 'T^The Lcn' V court is to have the analvses (both of the manufacturers and their own) samples published for gratuitous distribution, and the State chemist is to make an annual report. Georgia. First, The Commissioner of Agriculture has the power to prevent the sale of any brand deemed bv him to be valueless and any otTering or se ling without tirst siil- II!ittingas^niplet(, the commissioner is punishable by a fine one halt of which ffocis t(rthe informer and tlie remainder to the school tund of the district. SrconrL The manufacturer must place upon each package a guarantee! analysis, wdiich, in addition to the usual items, must show the per cent of moisture at ZIZ "^"^rlirT/. The minimum analysis is placed at ten per cent, of available phosphoric acid in acid phosphates, and of eight per cent, of available aci( , and two P^^r cent ot ammonia in ammoniated fertilizers. Any goods running ])elow this minimum subjects '^l^^r/f Tr^^nm of AgrK-ulture is to employ a competent chemist whose certified analyses are to be evidence. _ F>fth Tiie commissioner is also authorized to name six inspectors whose tl^it\ i^i • shall be to draw and forward to the chemist i)roper samples ot all commercial lertil- iyers • 1 v \sLrth. The fees of the inspectors is limited to one half the amount received by him and in no case can it exceed fifteen hundred dollars i)er yean ^Srvrnth. The inspectors shall furnish proper tags at the rate ot fifty cents per ton, and must pav over all fees at the end of each month. They ar(^ prohibited frojii makinir anv insiu'ction until the i>ro]M'r and h\gal fees have ))een paid. . , , . Fivl^h. All failures to comi)ly with the provisions of this law are punishable as misdemeanor under a general law of the State. Indiana. First. Before a fertilizer is offered for sale, the State chemist must be furnished bv the manufacturer with a lu-operly certified sample. .,^11 i ^ ,. ^o^i. "Second. Theresultof the analysis of this sample IS to furnish the brand foi each package and the chemist is to furnish the proper tags, l)ut is only to be called upon to furnish said tags in even multiples of five hundred, and at no tune less than live '^77/?:r J.* Packages without proper labels subject the manufacturers to a penalty of from fifty to one hundred dollars. . i ,1 r u Fourth. The chemist is to receive from the manufacturer two dollars lor tacli analysis and one dolhir per hundred for all tags furnished. Fifth. The chemist of Purdue University is constituted the State chemist. Kentucky. First. All fertilizers sold for more than ten dollars per ton must have a specified label on eacli packages , ,. • 1 i i i^i ,e See.ovd. The Kentucky Experiment Station must be furnished by the manufac- turer with a sami)l<» bef(")n' lh(> goods are ottered for sale. , , , ,, , ., Third The dir(>ctor of the stations is to furnish analysis labels (based upon the sample sent him) at the rate of one dollar per hundred, and shall be paid hfteim dollars for each analysis thus made. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 7 Fourth. Penalties for violation are fixed at one hundr.Hl dollars, and are payable into the State Treasury. Ijouisiana. First. The manufacturer shall lu'and his packages in the usual manner, and such >»i»oTirl is: '1 iriiMr'nitccMl oiic for tlic i)urchaser. ^^a^L '^h^ oiimiisl^ of AVn-u-ulture shall furnish the maniffacturer with a certificate of compliance with the law. The penalty for offering goods for sale with- out the proper certificate is one thousand dollars. • „ 1, .,!,..,.« Third. It is Uie duty of the commissioner to issue circulars naming such as have '^''"v!:!;-'r'Thc'!'>mmissi(>neri^ furnish proper tags marked 'Guaranteed," for which he -^hall charu^e at the rate of fifty cents per ton. . i^VV/!. The cUnmissicmer shall cause Wunples to 1^^ drawn, under proper restric- tions, and shall publish the result of the analysis. SirtJi The purchaser may, in the presence of the manufacturer <.r agent, draw a saniDleand send it to the Commissioner of Agriculture for ana ysis\ AVr-V^T^T^ ^^^« 1^^^^*/^* the fund arising from the iale of tags and from penalties, on condition that its chemist performs all "^^^'r t!] me? hu;;i ^' asu^ cotbm-seed meal, ashes, salt, and raw bone not treated, are exempt from the action of the law. Maryland. First The percentage of i)hosi)horic acid, ammonia and potash to be stamped on each im'kage, an(l auN^ariation o^^ more than two per cent, of ammonia hree per eent.\^ phnsi>horic ac-id and one of potash, is punishable by a penalty of two hun- '^'lv!;l;>\?Il'The licc^nse fee is at the rate of five dollars for the first one hundred tons or less and two dollars additional for eacli hundred tons or fractions thereof. TT^^v;/ Vll analvses are t() be niade by the Maryland Agricultural Uollege, and thSinstfftu^^^^^^ ""|.!:;wrAUsamp^^^^^ twenty-five pounds and must be drawn in the presence of two witnesses. Maine. First. All fertilizers selling for less than ten dollars per ton, are exempt under the ^""^ccovd \11 packages must ])e properly stamped as provided bv other State laws, and tiurpenaltv fi>r a false brand is fVom one hundred to five hundred dollars, but a ^..ri.i inn of one uer cent or less shall not be counted as a violation. TMrd iniriic mL fee is at the rate of fifty dollars for the first brand and fifteen dofit^yiv>r" additional braml. Tlie ax- 1 docjs not ^M>1> y t<> tlie^rUcle^kim^^ porgy chum, or fish scrap, or fish waste of any kind, when it is offeied toi sale un ''^^In-^' Ti^ Di;iJ;^r ^Ihe State Experiment Station is authorized to draw three sam es (in ffen^^^^^ of the State) of each firtilizer each y(.ir and he aver- age of three analvsrs shall be ,>ul>lish(.l and shall fix the standing of the fertilizer. Fifth. All sam'ples must l)e drawn in the presence of witnesses. Massachusetts. First All fertilizers retailing for less than twelve dollars per ton, are exempted '"'Z^^^^ulJ^ t^\- at the rate of fifty dollars for the first brand, and fifteen dollars for each subsequent one. ,i^iiav« Third. The penalties vary from fifty to one hundred dollars. Miehif?an. Fiy-^t. The usual labol or l.rau.l is to bo upon every package oflferecl for sale, under '' S^.S 1 '^:::^^:^^^^^^^:^^^l^'^^ tl,e ,.acUa.e, .nust be re- '"■"^7'!:;>J" '^^m^.^Z^::^i:'xo:SZ:::^^-^<^>^r. ,.. tou, are exou.,>.. i'o,!;-//^ The license fee is nxod at twenty dollars p.'r brand, witho.it r.'gard to the "'i^W/: Thelicense fees go to the Board of AgH.-.Hu,-.. foyhe...,H.n^^^^^^^^^^ on in the name of the board. ,,..., Mississippi, Fir.f. Kvorv u.anufa..tur.r nn.st keen, in a <-<>"-T'ri';",'.o^''"'"" "' "'' "'"''*' "'" ^''"" tory, an analysis of every brand offered lor sale ui the Slate. 8 Quarterly Report. SrcniHl Tlic i)rof('ssor of c-lieniistry at the Stark ville Agrii-iiltural College is made ex-oljlcio the Stale i-heniist. ". Third. It is his dutv to analyze samples furnished him by ''manulaeturers, ven- dors, and other persoiis using the same," and he nmst give all sueh a eertified copy of the analysis. . . ., , , . i ^i Fonrth. lOyerv i)a('kage must have attached to it the usual analysis, and the man- iifaeturer must iurnish tlu' chemist with a certified sample for analysis. Fifth. For each analysis of a sample sent by iiim, the manufacturer must pay the fee of twenty dollars to the cluMiiist. Purchasers may, in the ]>res(^nce of witm^sses, draw and send to the chemist, samplet^ of goods purchased by them; such analysis are to l)e made free of ciiarge. Sixth. Every manufacturer must furnish the i)urchaser with a certihed copy ot the analysis furnished by the State chemist. , , , Seventh. Any purc'haser finding himself defrauded may recovcn- double the price of the iroods p'urchascd. In the case of non-resident manufacturers, the agent is re- sponsible. New Hanii)shire. First. The usual analysis must be attached or branded upon all packages. Second. The license fees are at the rate of twenty dollars for tiie first brand, and fifteen dollars for each succeeding one. Third. Tlie penalties for a violation of any portion of tlie law, vary from hfty to one hundred dollars. F(nirth. The State Board of Agriculture shall annually have analyzed at least one sample of each fertilizer sold in the State, and sliall report the results of these analy- sis for the benefit of parties interested. . Fifth. All fees are for the benefit of th(^ Board of Agriculture, but the amount paid in as fees is the limit of the amount whi<'h may be expended for the purpose of analysis. Sixth. The Board are made the prosecutors in all suits under the law. New Jersey. First. The usual analysis to be on each i)ackage. Second. TMie chemist of the Board of Agriculture to analyze one or more samples of eacli fertilizer offered in the State. Third. The chemist of the Board to receive fifteen dollars for each certificate of analysis issued by iiim. Fourth. Tlie penalty for any violation varies from fifty to one hundred dollars. New York. First. The usual analysis upon each package offered for sale. Seco7id. For selling a' package without the analysis, \hv ])enalty is one hundred dollars; for a false analysis, the penalty is two hundred dollars; Ijoth payal)le to the purchaser. Third. The analysis may show a variation of not more tlian one fourth of one jj^r cent, in any one iiigredient without subjecting the manufacturer to the penalty. Fourth. Any couimen-inl or other fertilizer sold lor less than one half cent per pound, is exempted Irom tlie provisions of the act. North Carolina. First. Each and every brand offered for sale in the State must pay a privilege tax of five lumdred dollars annually. Second. 'Vhis tax exemi)ts the manufacturer from all other taxes, whether State, city or county. . , . , i, Third. Lots left over at the end of the year, not exceeding ten tons m one lot, sliall not be subject to another tax the succeeding year. Fourth. ''Vhv braiid must show th(» proportions of the usual ingredients, and any fertilizer found with an analysis higher than is found in the goods, becomes the prop- erty of the Department of Agriculture. Fifth. In cases of dispute as to the quality of any lot of fertilizer, the sheriff of the county shall seize and take possession until the (lispute is settled ])y the court, and tlie gc')ods ordered from his j)()ssession into that of the ])roi)er ])arty. Sixth. The chemist of the State Experiment Station is the ollicial State chemist. Seventh. The Department of Agriculture may call ui)()n any railroad for a state- ment of the amount of fertilizers carried })y it, and the proper otlicer of the T>ei)Mrt- ment has access to the Ijooks of all carrying comi)anies, for the purpose of obiainmg this information. Oliio. First. Any fertilizer retailing for less than ten dollars per ton is not affected by the act. Secoml. The ordinary analysis shall V)e attached to each i)ackage, and the Board of Agriculture sh.all be furnished with a sample (by the manufacturer) of every brand of fertilizer. Third. The license fee is fixed at twenty dollars for each brand, without regard to the number of brands or the amount of sales. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 9^ ^> Fourth. All funds from license fees are set apart for the expense of analyses, and any sur})lus at the end of the year is to be credited to the fund of tlu' Board of Agri- culture. . ,,1^1 Fifth. The penalty for any violation of tlie law is from two hundred to hve liuii- dred d<)llars, and the manufacturer is liable to the purchaser in a suit for damages. Sixth. A deficiency of one per cent, in any one ingredient is allowed to pass with- out being considered a violation of the law. Si'venth. The B()ard of Agriculture shall deputize persons to draw samples, and all suits shall be in the name of the board. Rhode Island. First. Any fertilizer selling at retail for twely(^ dollars, or less, is exempt. Second. Tlu' usual label must be upon all packages. Third. The license fee is twenty-liye dollars per brand, without regard to number or amount of each sold. , , ^ i i i i Fourth. The penalty for violation is fifty dollars for the hrst offence, and double that amount for siibse(iuent oiu^s. Fifth. All analyses to be i)ublished by the Board of Agriculture. Sixth. All liceiise fees are for the benefit of the Board ; but in no case can the amount expended for analyses exceed that paid in as license fees. SoiitJi Carolina. First. The license fee or tax is twenty-five cents per ton for each ton sold, regard- less of the numljcr of brands. ^ . V Second. Any violation of the law relating to the ])randiiig or marking of the bags, or falling off in the guaranteed analysis, is punishable by a fine often dollars lor G'lch b'l*'" detected. ' ThirtT. The Dei^artment of Agriculture is given full power to select samples, and to otherwise carry out the law. F'ourth. All taxes are available for the purpose of analysis. Second. The Commissioner is given the i)ower to fix a minimum analysis, and any goods falling V)elow it are liable to condemnation. Tennessee. First. All packages shall haye attached a tag or lal)el, furnished by the Commis- sioner of Agriculture. , ^, . • Third. A license fee of fifty cents per ton must be paid to the C ommissioner. Fourth. The Commissioner has power to appoint four inspectors, whose compen- sation cannot exceed two thirds of the fees of taxes collected by him. In any event, his salary shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum. F'ifth. The Director of the State Experiment Station appoints tlie State chemist. Sixth. The act does not api^lv to cotton seed meal and home-made lertdizers. Seventh. All fees, after the inspectors are paid, are to be paid to the University ot Tennessee, for the purpose of paying for the analyses made under the jict. Vermont. First. The license fee is fifty dollars for each brand per annum. Second. Manufacturers must tile a bond of five thousand dollars, as security for a faithful compliance with the provisions of the law. Third. The i)roper label must be attached to each package, under a penalty ot one thousand dollars for each otfense. • , .• Fourth. The Board of Auri(iuent one. , Third. The West Virginia University is made the ollicial organ for carrying out ^Four'th. In all suits one Iialf of the penalty goes to the informer, and the remainder- to the State. ) 10 Quarterly Report. ONE HUNDRED POINTS IN MAIXTAIXING AND KESTOKING FEKTILTTY. By the Secretary. In all i>rol)lems having for their object the maintenance ot lertility at a fixed point, or lor the restoration of exliansted fertility, there are certain axioms wliich sliould be kept in view and upon which the solu- tion of the probk^m -reatlv depends. Amonu' tliese are the ioUowing : F'u^^t That all farm crops mnv be divided into two distinct portions, -one of which is derived from tlie soil and is exclusively ^^ soil iood,' and the other, which although under certain conditions maybe par- tially derived from the soil, yet, if these conditions are not present, is derived from the atmosphere. Seco7id. To effect the separation or division of these two portions all that is necessary is to cause a complete combustion, when the remain- ing ash will represent that part which was derived from the soil and tlie escaping smoke or gas that which was obtained from the atmos- ph(*re Third That wdiile this mode of division is not chemically correct, yet for all ordinary purposes and for illustration it is sufficiently cor- rect. Fourth. That the uncertain integer in the case is to be found in cer- tain classes of plant food which if not furnished through the soil can be obtained I'roni the atmosphere. . Fifth, That one of the most important of the unsettled points in fertilizing: the soil,is to ascertain what elements can be most economically furnished by the medium of the atmosphere and which through the .soil. . - , . , Sixth. That the largest atmospheric element is carl)()n. wiuch may readilv, in the form of decomposed vegetable matter, be added to the soil and bv it supplied diredlv to the growing plant. Serenfli That we have the following means of restoring exhausted fertilitv or of maintaining that which already exists, viz : Plowing under green crops, increasing the amount of grain fed on the farm by the purchase of that grown upon other land, or l)y the application of commercial fertilizers. , , • i Eighth. That the increased fertility which follows the plowing down of any growing or grown crop must come from one of two sources : It must'either come from the atmosi)heric food stored up in and l)y the growing cro]), or it must come from the store of food which the crop has drawn from the deeper layers of the soil, and which it has (by be- ing ])lowed under), deposited near the surface in a position which ren- •ders it available to shallow rooted crops. Ninth. No actual soil food or plant food derived from the soil can be .added by green croi)s turned under, and that all which we can possibly expect to accomplished in this way is to draw a supi)ly I'rom the deeper soil. . • 1 i_ 1 "Feitth. That it is an open ({uestion whether it is economical to plow- down green crops for the sake of the atmospheric food which we thus add to the soil; and that it may be cheaper to obtain these same ele- ments directly from the atmosphere. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 11 Eleventh. That the feeding of the crops grown on the iarni to the average of farm stock cannot materially increase its fertility, because the soil Ibod lor the crop is not thereby increased. Twelfth. That in feeding any grain or other crop on the iarm the value of the resultinii; nuniure will in great measure depend upon the kind of stock to which it is fed and the use which is made ot the pro- duct of this stock. . i. 1 1^ 1 • Thirteenth. That if the grain produced upon the farm is led to dairy 6to(dv, the milk of which is sold off the farm, no increase in fertility is made, because the actual increase in soil food is sold oil m the milk m the form of ])hosphoric acid and potash. . . ^^- ,. ,, Fourteenth. That if the same amount of grain is fed to a dairy the product of which is made into butter and the skim milk ted on tlie farm, the resulting manure will be of greater value, because the l)utter being mainlv fat is the i)roduct of the atmospheric i)ortion of the crop. Fifteenth If the grain grown u])on alarm is fed to full grown animals not gaining in weight, or to animals fattening, a gain to the manure pile wiir ensue, because the soil ibod is not carried olf the iarm, the tat, like butter, being mainlv composed of atmospheric elements. Sixteenth. That if a given amount of grain or other food is ted to growing stock a loss to the farm and to the manure pde must ensue, because the elements which are taken to increase the growth of bones and tissues are the most valuable of the soil elements, and by the re- moval of the animal are lost to the farm entirely. Seventeenth. That if a given amount of grain is led to wethers or stock sheep, and thev are fattened on the farm, the exhaustion, thougli not so great as if the milk from a dairy was taken oil the farm, is yet still greater than that sustained by fattening cattle, because the bulk of the wool is the ])roduct of soil food, and in this form is taken irom the manure ])ile and farm. „ x . ^i i Eiiihteenth. That if bv the feeding of clover (hay) f^^^other deep- rooted crops a irain in lertility is made, it is due to the fact that the stored up fertilitv of the lower and deeper sml is taken up by the stalks, and tlirough the manure pile, is restored to the surface soil as soil food. . , 1 . 1 L 1 • .. Nineteenth. Pasturing full grown animals which are not working oi gainin- in weight cannot increase the fertility, lor at best they l)ut remove the fertility from one portion of the soil to another, and do not add to its amount. . , . . ^- i i • .i . Twentieth. That while the soil food oi i)lants is practicably inde- ;structable, vet there is always a portion in all of our practical teecling operations, which is not returned to the soil in the ^ixmeavadable form in which it was taken up. ,. Twenty-firHt. That in all feeding operations a certain percentage of loss of soil food inexperienced by changes of combination winch can- not be avoided, ])ut, which render less valuable the resulting manure TwentiMcrmKl. Tli;.1 tlie exttMit of any incroase ii. I''rtility, wlji.li mav be attained l.v le.-.linjr. will depend upon the care which is aken „r ill,, manure, for while the more valual.le parts may not actually be destroyed, yet thev may be. and very often are, lost to the tarm and jiclds bv leachinii in tlu' yard and similar causes. T,m-nty-fh;rosits wliich are from time to time made. Thirty-Ki,rth. That no matter by what process it is accomplished, he who takes more than he achls will sooner or later overdraw his account, no matter how heavy the original deposits may have been. Thirty-Heventh. Tliat in as much as phosphoric acid and potash can- not bv anv process be supplied from or by the atmosphere, they must be supplied from the soil or fertilizer, or exhaustion must follow sooner or later. Thirty-eiyhth. That we have occasional areas so rich in potash that continued applications of phosphoric acid (South Carolina rockj will Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 13 \ give the desired effect, but tlnit with the average soil this effect fails alter a few continuous applications, and that sooner or later i)otash must be added. Thirty-ninth. That it is a rule applicable to the average soil that no single element fertilizer can long be applied with good effect, and that the effect usually decreases after the second or third application, the time varying with the amount a])]died each time. Fortieth Thai by the application of commercial fertilizers, the drain on the soil, caused ))y the sale of milk of the farm, may be replaced and avoided. Forty-first. That from a chenncal ])oiut of view, this loss has pro- bably ])een somewhat exaggerated ; the fact being that the removal of one ton of nulk takes with it eleven ])ounds of nitrogen, three and one half pounds of phosphoric acid, and three pounds of i)()tash, and these nuiy be replaced by commercial fertilizers at a cost of about three and one quarter dollars. Forty-second. That all the losses may be replaced, eitlier by the use of commercial fertilizers or by the purchase and feeding of grain from other land, and that the comparative economy of the two methods will, in a great measure, depend on the use wdiich is made of the products. Forty-third. That in many cases in the eastern counties of the State, where there is a good market for butter, it will be found the most econonucal to i)ut on more cows and keep them on grain from abroad, and thus add value to the manure ])ile. Forty-fourth. That in cases where tins chance for additional i)rofit from tile product does not exist, commercial fertilizers will be found to be the most economical source of fertility. Forty-Hfth. That continued idowing, if all loss from leaching and Avashin'g could be avoided, would result in increased fertility, because the moving of the soil brings new surfaces to the action of the atmos- phere, an(i new^ compounds are thus formed and fertility added. Forty-sij'th. That the drawback to increased fertility by arearation is the same as that which exists in fallowing, viz : loss by the land laving idle, thus causing loss of interest, &c. Forty-serenth. That this increase from arearation is sui)i)lemented by elements a(hle(l from the atmosphere, and that there is good reason for believing that the stock of nitrogen is increased in this way, but there is no possi))ility of potash or phosphoric acid being thus added, althouirh it is possible and probable that these elements, as they ex- ist in the soil, are made more valuable by being made more soluble. Forty-eiyhth. That ^Mallowing'' land worth one hundred dollars per acre will cost at least six dollars per acre for interest and one dollar for taxes ; and that for this amount one ([uarterof a ton of commercial fertilizer mav be applied per acre. Forty-ninth. That it is possil)le that the manner of applying the fer- tilizer should be such that it will be available at a time when the grain of the crop is being ibrnied. Fiftieth. That many failures are due to a mistaken estimate of the eflect of the fertilizer,' too much attention being i)aid to the size and increase of the stalk and too little to that of the grain. Fifty-first. That in many cases the fertilizcM- lias really produced a profitable increase in the crop and is not credited with it from the fact that there is no corresponding increase in the stalk or straw. Fifty-second. That an increase of twenty-five per cent, is possible and often attained in the wheat crop without an actual increase in the 14 Ql ARTERLY EePORT. len'H/ht!i. That the (piestion, ^^Can a soil be maintaiucMl to a certain ])oint in fertility by the use of commercial fertiliz(M-s alone?" is not a fair one, for no farmer so uses his farm that the whole of the vegetalde matter is lost. If this was so lost, the question would nec- essarily be answered in the negative. In all cases some of the vege- table matter (often very much more than is generally supposed), re- mains in the soil in the form of stubble and roots or is returned to it in tiie form of farm-yard manure. But for this fact we should soon be supplied with a very practical and negative answer to the (piestion. Sixtf/-niHf/}. That the exhaustion of the soil varies very much with the character of the crop and the use which is made of it. Thus, a good crop of toV)acco removes from the soil about as much of actual soil food as seven crops of corn, and removes it entirely from the soil and farm. Thai clover, by bringing up through its deep roots the stored-up fertility of the deeper subsoil, is much less exhaustive than the same weight of timothy or other shallow-rooted grasses. Seventieth. That oats is exhaustive largely because it is shalloAV- rooted and obtains its nourishment near tii(^ surface, thus living, as it were, upon a much more linnted area; tiie total exhaustion of the soil is, of course, little, if any, more than that of other grain crops; but being taken from the upper stratta of the soil, the su]>ply of food is, of course, limited, and sooner exhausted. If it ol)tains its supidy •of food from the upper six inches of soil and takes Ironi this limited Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 17 area the same amount of soil food as does the corn crop from the same soil eight inches deep, the above argument necessarily follows. Seventy-first. That no matter how much or how little of any given element the crop may require, it is always necessary to apply more than this amount in 'the fertilizer; this is due to the fact that no crop can secure all of the elements applied, and more or less are lost to the crop bv percolation into the soil and removal l)y washing. This amount varies with the element ai)plied, the fertilizer, the soil and tlu^ amount of moisture. In careful chemical test it has been found that at least thirty per cent, more of the least soluble^ element must be applied to insure that the crop shall obtain a sufficient sup- ply for i)r()i)er growth. Inasnuich as no one can foresee what a sea- son will bring forth in the shape of moisture, it naturally follows that the application made should cover tlie possibilities of the largest crop which can possiblv be grown upon the soil. Seventt/second. Land will at times get into a condition which is known to ])ractical men as '^ clover sick." In England they add to this another term, viz., ^M)ean sick;" that is, the soil gets into a con- dition in which, although fertilizers may be applied, it will not pro- duce satisfactory crops of either clover or beans. In such cases the only remedy is to plant some other crop for a few years, or until na- ture accomplishes the necessary change. Whether this effect is due to an exhaustion of some element or elements necessary to the growth of these crops, seems not yet to be fairly proven. Under the De- Candolle theory, that crops excreted certain substances as well as ab- sorbed others, and that the land failed to properly produce any crop when these excreted substances exceeded a certain proportion in the soil, that the excreted matter of one plant was the food of another, and that the only remedy for clover-sick land was to plant it with any crop which practice demonstrated would grow well on it. Whether the theory of DeCandolle can or cannot be accepted is an open ques- tion ; but' that this condition does at times exist is too evident for con- tradiction. . ^. . ^.11 L SevenUi -third. Common salt contains none of the essential elojnents of plant 'growth, and any effect produced by it must be attributed to an effect produced upon elements already in the soil. If, as it is claimed it stiffens the straw of grain crops, it must be, not because it of itself adds any element which will stiffen the straw, but because bv some mode of' chemical action it releases or makes solulde silica (sand), alreadv in the soil. Except in a very small number of cases, common salt (chloride of sodium) produces no effect that is visible either to the eye or in the bushel. ^ . . «• . i,- i 4- i SevenUi -fourth. That one of the most important eff^ects which fol- lows fallowing (keeping the soil without any crop and continually stirred by the use of the harrow), is the formation of nitric acid from the nitrogen of the atmos])here. In fact, it is claimed by good au- thorities that this is the only way in which the nitrogen of the at- mosphere can become available to the crop. Dr. bturtevant states that there is no evidence to show that plants can directly absorb a parti(de of atmospheric nitrogen. ., ^ . i Seventii-iitth. Fallowing is only safe in smls Which are tenacious and whi('h have sufficient clav to insure the absorption of t^he nitro- gen ; otherwise the loss by lea/dung or washing may exceed that by absorption and an actual loss ensue. , i w i ^- • i i Seventu-slxth. That while the amount of actual plant food iunnshed 2 18 Quarterly Report. l)y an ai)i)lic:iti()n of four liimdivd pounds of snporphospliate per acre may he, and is very small, when compared with the irreat hulk of the soil from which the plant ohtains its food, it is well to remenduM' that the amount ol* this kind of Ibod actually p>resent in a fertile soil is also very small. A fertile soil has heen found hy careful analysis to con- tain hut live one hundredths to lifteen one hundredths i)er cent, of nitrocond. It has l)een i)roven by numerous European ex])eri- ments that although (dover contains a certain i)()rtion of nitrogen, yet a large crop of (dover hay taken from the soil actually leaves that soil richer in nitrogen than before it was grown. This increase on nitrogen (in addition t() that removed in the cro])), must have come from one or l)oth of two sources — the subsoil or the atmospliere. It is probable that by its large area of leaf ch)ver, without directly appropriating it to its own use, has the i)ower of lixing the nitrogen of the atmosphere. It is also probable that by its deep tap roots it draws nitrogen from the- deeper layers of the soil and deposits it in the surface soil. E'u/hfjj-fhhu/. Of the i)ower of leguminous crops to tims accumulate- nitrogen, Warrington writes as follows: ''It seems pretty certain that leguminous crops ((dover, peas and beans) ])ossess to some extent a< distinct source of nitrogen. They are probably capable of feeding on some compounds of nitrogen and carbon which are comparatively useless to other crops, and hence the facility with whicdi tlun^ accpiire nitrogen from tlie soil. A (h^eply rooted crop like red clover collects nitrogenous compounds from the sub-soil, and accumulates nitrogen in the surface in the form of a crop.*" Ei(/hfj/-foi(rth. That when nitrogen is to be applied to any crop, some attention should be given to the peculiar needs of tlie crop, and these should in great measure deline the form in wliich it should be api)lied. If it is wanted for immediate action, the form of a nitrate is to be preferred; but as this form is very soluble, it should not be ap- plied in large amounts, for all above the immediate wants of tiie crop will i)robably l)e lost by ]ea(diing and washing from the soil. In the form of the suli)hate of ammonia it is nuudi more lasting in its action, iind may be applied with less danger of injury to tlie seed and youn^ plants. * In a (Iry season, sulphate of ammonia may not give the de- sired ell'ect, from the fact that it re(iuires a large amount of water to render it s(>lubl(\ EUihiji- fifth. The nitrates may i)e used for such crops as depend largely for their value and yield upon their stems and leaves; thus an application of nitrogen may l)e found i)rolitable for clover hay, and ' be utilized economically by the crop, when it would not ]>rove satis- factorv on corn or oats. Ei(iJifj/-sixfh. Professor Aitken writes: '^Sulphate of ammonia can do little for the germinating seed in dry weather, as it is not in an imnuMliately availa])le I'orm ; and even after rain comes, it is some time before the sulphate of ammonia comes into ])lay, so that the result is a diminished crop, or perhaps a failure. Sulphate of ammonia is more suitable than nitrate of soda for mixing with superidiosphate and dis- solved manures generally, as it is not decomposed thereby. It does not attract moisture so as to render the manure unlit for sowing." Ei(/hfi/-sev€nth. That as a rule the cro]) will not be able to find suf- 20 Quarterly Report. licient of iiitroii-eii and i-hosplioric acid in the soil to promote its best srrowtli, l.iit tiiat jt will usually lind a superalnuidance c.l iH>tasli It therelbre follows that it is only beneficial to use potash in connection with commercial fertilizers, upon peculiar soils which can only be de- tected by careful experiment. ., , , - • i i.^ EUihUi-etqhth. That on a majority of soils phosphoiic acid seems to be the one element lacking, and which is needed to sui-ply the wants of the crop. This can be most economically supplied by the addi ion of dissolved South Carolina rock. Eiij^lish experimenters have laid it down as a general rule that nitrates will best secure a crop ot man- gels; i)lK.sphates a crop of turnips, and potash salts a crop of clover ^^M^^^iih. In referring to the applic^ition of raw (not treat^ed with acid) phosphates, a noted authority wri es as lolloxvs: 11^ i)hos- Xte could be ground down to a powder as line as precipitated i.hos- ae, there would be little need to dissoh^ (acidulate) them, unless that were found to be a cheaper method oi attaining Imeness It i^ impossible to grind phosphates so iinely as that by any mechanical means, but it has not been proved that phosphates require to be so exceedin-lv Iinely ground as that in order that they may satisfy tlie fmmeiUe wants ot- the plant. What is recp.ired is that phosphates sZ 11 be so Iinely ground that they may yield to the solvents con- tained n the soil and in the roots, <,uickly enough to supply the plant with as much phosphoric acid as it needs at a 1 periods ol i s^grow li." mnetU'th The same writer states : " Sol nble i .hosphates formed by the addition of acids), usually, though not always, yield a arger crop StuXs than undissolved phosphates as they have hitherto been and as thev are usually supplied. The advantage in favor of super- phospha e aJeated with acid) over ground phosphate (not treated with aS are the certainty and the rapidity of their action. Ground phos- phates have frequently failed to raise good crops, and m some instances have been an utter failure, while superphosphates have always raised ^ ^^Wyll A cubic foot of soil has a weight of from 70 to 110 pounds per cubic foot, varying with its condition mechanically and as to drvness. If the average is taken as 80 pounds and the soil as being sL i^ifches deep, we have 21,780 cubic feet weig nng about 1,742 400 pou Is or 871 tons; if but one per cent, of any elemen s exists in this sd^lifs total weightier acre will be 17,421 pounds and with but one tenth of one |)er cent, per acre the weight is about one ton N^Zui-Hecond. That the average marls will not bear the cost of tr,m Nation, and that their effect upon t he soils of 1 ennsylvama can- H.t be measured by what they accomplish m New Jersey. 1 he per- cent -e of potash which they contain is too small and in a condition no m.dilv available to pay ibr transportation It as in New Jersey, tl e wa.-on could be backed up to the pit an.l loaded at a cost ot say es to give any opinion regarding its value unless something dehnite i.l nown as to its .•omp.,sition. Taking e.pial weights ot ni rate of ^Oda nd ,' rate of pota h, the former contains ,n..r,. nitrogen, but the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 21 nitrate of potash contains two requisite elements of plant food— nitro- .ren and potasli— while nitrate of soda contains but one, the nitrogen. Saltpeter refuse is, however, not necessarially nitrate of ])otasii, for nitrate of soda is also used in making some kinds ol i)owder. Ninety-fourth. "Cereal crops derive their nitrogen alinost exclu- sively from nitrates; in the form in which the great bulk ol the nitro- een is present in the soil it is unsuitable for them. Notwithstanding, therefore, the small amount of nitrogen contained m liie cereal crops, thev rank among those most benefited by nitrogenous manures. A nitro'-enous -uano or an a])plication of nitrate of soda and super-phos- phate is generally the most ellective manuring for a cereal crop. Ninetv-fifth. The dilference between the Teruvian and phospliatic guanoes is caused by the difference in the location of the deposit If deposited in a rainless climate we have a guano rich m nitrogen like the I'eruvian; if on the other hand the deposit is in a climate witli much rainfall, the nitrogenous material is washed out, leaving the phosphoric acid. Thus we have the Ichaboe guano with 12 per cent, of nitrogen and the same amount of phosphoric acid, and we have the Meiill ones with scarcely a trace of nitrogen and nearly 33 per cent, of phosphoric acid. We also have all grades between these, their composition being dependent upon the amount of rainfall m the locality of the deposit. , , ,. Wmetv-sixth. The phosphoric acid in these phosphatic guanoes is not in an available form according to the formulas adopted by chem- ists, but yet it is a form which seems to readily become available in the soil, and in this respect is superior to raw (unacidulated) bouth '^'^NYlTt^selmth. A large deposit of nitrate of soda (Chili saltpetre) has been found in Peru and Chili; before slni-ment it is partia ly purified by chrystalization ; its principal impurity is common salt; its variation is so great that it should always be purchased upon a guaranteed analysis ; the usual percentage of nitrogen is fifteen but it mav and does run much lower. . Nnietn-cUilth. Pure dissolved bones (bone and sulphuric acid) has one advantage of raw bone in t hat it contains nitrogen m a form ?eadilv available to the plant. The dilference in action between the two is mainly one of time only, the bone extending its action over a term of years while the dissolved bone acts (puckly and for a corre- RTioiulin<^lv shorter period. , , , mneUi-nintlu Soot, woolen waste and dried blood are, in certain conditions, valuable manures; the nitrogen which ^they contain is however not in its most readily assimilated form. Dried blood con- tains from 10 to 14 per cent, of nitrogen ; woolen waste varies S ts amount of nitrogen with the amount of oils and fatty mat- ters wliich it contains; the usual proportion of nitrogen vary- bi' iVom 4 to 9 per cent ; shoddy may be classed in the same cate-ory as woolen waste and usually contains the same varying per- centages of nitrogen. By decomposition they all yield ammonia and ^^^oiriiundreiHh. Farm yard manure, containing as it does, all of the e^ments of crop growth, is, where it can he «>''< j;:^;" j^,'";--! amounts and at economical prices, the H>ne ,,mnon ot feitilit,\ and is re best restorer of lost fertility. True agriculture will merely use commercial fertilizers as adjuncts to the increase oi the yard manure pile and not as the mainstay of fertility. 00 Quarterly Eeport. COMPLETE FEKTILIZEKS. By Joiix I. Carter, Esq., Chatham^ CheHfer Couniu, PennHylvanra. Read at the ineetiii*; at Atj;len, Pennsylvania. The name complete fertilizer for a maiiurial compound has such a winnin<>: sound to it, and affords such golden oi)])ortunity to the glib- touiiiu'd phosphate agent, to dazzle the eyes and dei)lete the pockets of th(- unwary farmer, thai I feel called u])on to ])ut the said farmer on his guard a little, and call his attention to a few facts before he goes too deeply into fanc'v fertilizers. It is true thill plants re(iuire, for full fertilization, three i)rominent manurial elements, viz : Fhosi)horic acid, potash, and nitrogen. To se- cure a healthy and vigorous growth, a cro]) must be al)undantly sup- plied with these elements from some source. The (juestion is from whence? Must we we ])uy them, or are some of them already in the soil^ or will they come without their costly purchase? In soils remark- ably fertile, like our Chester and Lancaster county soils, experiments and ex])erience have pretty fully shown that one of tliese manurial ele- ments has been more seriously exhausted than the others. The heavy grazing and wheat raising for a h)ng series of years have dei)leted the phosphoric acid to a dangerous extent, and all testimonies shows that its return to the soil again from some source is a nnitter of i)rime necessity. The mannei in which most of our crops respond to an ap- plication of dissoluhle bone or rock show this; and I need not multi- ply words to prove the great l)enefit farmers have derived from the judicious use of phosphate of lime. But is this true of potash? Have we any exi)eriments showing good results from the application of pure potash? If so I fail to remember them. It will not do to cite the use of ashes'. It may, and generally does, contain several things good for ])lants, other than i)()tash. Tile burning of brusli heai)s is often cited as evidence that ashes is a splendid ferliliziM* for crops. But were the rich spots the result of the presence of ])otash from the ashes, or from the heating or burn- ing of the soil i The feldspar rock ol* this section, i)robably yields i)()t- ash enough for all practical purposes, without any unnecessary outlay to procure it from other sources. How is it with nitrogen? This you know is the big card with the comi)lete fertilizer men. With much i)lausibility tliey attempt to sliow it as the most valuable part in i)repared ])lant-fo()d. But does exi)eriment or experiiuice show this to be true? Of course, nitrogen in some form is an im])ortant comi)onent \k\\\ in i)lant organization, and an ample supi)ly must be furnished healthy plants. Bart of this must be ])resent in ihe soil, but ])r()ba])ly not that it may enter directly into the plant, but on account of its action on Ihe other soil eUMUcMits, rendering tiiem available to the plants. Some late ex- periments of Professor At water, show that more than one hall'the nitro- gen contained in the grown i)lant must have.<*()me from 1 he air. I lis ex- periments with i)lants grown in i)ure sand and treated with delinite amounts of nitrogen, show tliat a portion of nitrogen must l)e i)resent in the san7d„ ^.;\^^^^f ;>;^;; should 'make and apply. To get the most good out of eU ;^^^^^^^^ should go together. The yard manure will furnish all the potash and niti" gen you need without buying any more, and Us mechanical action will keep your soils in good condition for yielding heavy crops. 24 Quarterly Report. THE yiLLE TIIEOEY OF FERTILIZATION. By the Secretary. During tlie period exteiHlin;^; from mul including the years 1867 and 1875 ]\rons. Georges Ville,tlien in cliarge of a large experimental farm near Vincennes, France, delivered a course of lectures upon tiie use and effect of commercial fertilizers, or, as they were then styled, '' chemical manures." The substance of these lectures was the advance guard of the theories which, with some modifications enforced by prac- tical tests of later years, are still regarded as orthodox and sound. It is true that in these lectures undue stress appears to have been placed upon certain points and certain theories which our increased knowledge has demonstrated as untenable, yet in the main we still accept the general truths which underlie the lectures alluded to and which constitute what has since been termed the '' Yille theory,'' and which has recently been practically brought to the notice of the Board by the addresses upon Commercial Fertilizers by Hon. John W. Hickman. Starting with the foundation that all crops of whatever nature were composed of varial)le proportions of fourteen elements whose nature and character were well understood in that day, and of the character of which we know but little more at the present day, Yille, by a series of experiments apparently conducted with great care and fairness, proceeded to ascertain how many of these elements it was absolutely necessary to add to the soil of the Vincennes farm in order to obtain a fair crop. He reasoned that the lowest grade of agricultural soil contained sufficient of some of these elements to produce a crop and that the average soil would undoubtedly supply enough of a number of them to ensure a good crop, especially as chemical analysis had shown that but a very small proportion of some were needed in any crop. These fourteen elements then, as now, were divided into two dis- tinct classes, to which the respective names of organic and inorganic were applied. It was then understood, then as now, that this distinc- tion was not an exact one, but it appears to have been adopted for the purpose of distinction mainly. The organic elements are carbon, hy- drogen, oxygen, and nitrogen ; the inorganic class is composed of phos- phorus, sulphur, chlorine, silicon, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesia, sidium, and potassium, as given by Ville and as used in his lectures. Starting with an artificial soil composed entirely of calcined and washed sand, which could possibly contain nothing of plant food be- yond silica, and using nothing but distilled water, Ville deemed that he was in a position to give his theory a fair and complete test. A number of glazed pots filled with the calcined sand were then pre- pared for the experiment. In each a number (the same in each case), of seeds of wheat were planted; in each case care appears to have been taken that the seeds thus planted should have very nearly the same total weight, viz. fifteen grains. Of these seeds planted in the calcined sand and carefully watered with distilled water Ville writes as follows : '^ In calcined sand, with- out any addition, but soaked with distilled water, wheat acquired only Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 25 a rudimentary development, the straw being hardly as large as a knitting needle. Under these conditions, however, vegetation follows its ordinary course, the plant blossomed and bears seed, but in each ear there are only one or two small and imperfectly-developed grains. Thus, in a soil barren as can possibly be, wheat linds in the water with which it is irrigated and in the carbon dioxide of the air, means whereby it can perform the cycle of its evolution, though of course in a feeble manner/' The pot above alluded to produced by weight ninety grains ot an increase (by weight) of six to one. To the next pot, prepared in the same manner and with the same amount of seed, Ville added all of the ten inovf/anic elements, but ex- cluded nitrogen, at least so far as any addition of fertilizing material to the water was concerned. Of this he writes: '' Under these new conditions the corn (wheat) is rather more developed than in the former case, but the cro]) is still very feeble, amounting to about one hundred and twenty-three grains (by weight)." In the next pot he reversed this order, and careluUy excluding all of the ten inorganic elements, Ville added nothing to the water but nitrogen. Of this he writes : '' The vegetation still remains poor and stunted; the vield is, however, somewhat larger, amounting to about one hundred and thirty-eight grains (by weight). The grad- ually increasing yield should be carefully noted. In pure calcined sand the yield was ninety-one grains; the mineral matter, but with- out nitrogenous matter, one hundred and twenty-three grains (by w^eight) ; Vith nitrogenous matter, one hundred and thirty-eight grains (by^veight). As long as we use mineral matter alone the plants are etiolated and the leaves are of a yellowish green color; but as soon as nitrogenous matter is added to the same the leaves change their hue and become dark green, and it seems as if vegetation was about to as- sume its ordinary vigor ; it is, however, only a deceitful appearance, for the crop remains "as poor as ever." . , , n i x a-h To a fourth pot (with the same number and weight of seeds) Ville added both mineral and nitrogenous matter, and of this he writes as follows : '' The result is almost magical, so greatly does this phenomena contrast with those that have gone before. Previously the growths were languishing, precarious, and etiolated ; but now the plants spring up rather than i^^row, the leaves are a beautiful green, the stem straight and firm, terminating in an ear filled with good, sound grains, and the harvest weighs from three hundred and twenty-seven and three hun- dred and eighty-three grains." , ^,1 . , ,^^^ In order to make the comparative results of these experiments still more apparent to the reader, we may represent them as follows : First. With neither mineral or nitrogenous matter, thus: Second. With ndneral matter and without nitrogenous matter, thus: Third. W'ith nitrogenous matter and without mineral matter, thus:' Fourth. With both nitrogenous and mineral matter, thus: 26 Quarterly Report. Of the exi)erinients thus lVn\ YilU- writes as follows: '' We liuve tlius succeeded in produciui;- phiuts artiliciiilly without usin«i; larui-yard manure or any unknown substance. You will alot to which the ''normal manure," with all of its elements, Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 27 was applied the yield was of straw, six thousand one hundred and eight i)()unds, and of wheat, three tiiousand three hundred ])()unds, or a total of nine thousand four hundred and eight pounds, with yield of fifty and a half bushels of wheat per acre. To make the comparative yield still more evident to the reader, we resume our former mode of illustration, first taking the yield of straw : Flr^s'f. With no fertilizer at all, thus: Serond AVith mineral matter (cah'ic phosphate, potash, and lime) only, thus: TJiird. AVith nitrogenous matter only, thus: Fourth. With the ''normal manure," with all of its elements com- plete, thus : Wiiimii Applying the same made of comparison Avhich we have just made se of for tlie straw to the vield of grain in pounds, we have the fol- use lowing: First. Without any fertilizer, thus: mpTi-TPii j-mi §,« " ijMijwiK yi Second. With mineral matter and without nitrogen, thus: Third. With nitrogen and without mineral matter, thus: Fourth. With the 'hiormal manure" complete, thus In order to give his theory of chemical fertilization a still further test, Ville made the following comparison, and attained the following results in entirelv artilicial cultivation, that is cultivation by which all natural sources of supply were cut off, and by which tlie plant was c()mi)elled to complete its growth with known elements added to cal- cined sand through the medium of distilled water alone; thus \ ille was enabled to know exactly what fertilizing material the plant ob- tained, and could readilv note the elfect of the material upon the growth of the plant. The result, with the application to each of the series of pots, was as follows : • • i i- Calcined sand alone, straw and roots, seventy-six grains, and ot grain but two grains; with calcinc^d sand and 'Miumus," straw and roots, eightv-one trains, and of seeds, four grains; with calcined sand and the '^normal manure" without phosphate^ of lime, straw and roots, l)ul nine grains and no seeds ; with '^normal manure" and without magnesia, of straw and roots, eighty-six grains, and ot seeds, one halt o-rain • with " normal manure " without potash, straw and roots, ninety grains, and of seed, three grains; with the mineral matter (all tern elements) onlv, of straw and roots, ninety-eight grains, and ot seed, ei'^-ht grains; 'with nitrogenous matter only, of straw and roots, one hundred and fortv-six -rains, and of seed, one gram; with ^^ normal 28 Quarterly Eeport. manure'' and without calcic carbonate or '^hunuis,'- of straw, two Inmdred and lii't v-five grains, and of seed, sixty-six grains ; with '' nor- mal manure" and 'Mmmus,'' of straw and roots, two hundred and twenty-one grains, and of seed, fifty three grains; with ^'normal manure "and calcic carbonate of straw and roots, two hundred and thirty-nine grains, and of seed, sixty-two grains; witli '' normal manure" and calcic carbonate and '' humus," of straw, tliree hun(h-ed and forty- six grains, and of seed, one hundred and thirty-four grains. In the course of several of his many ex])eriments, Ville noticed that potash applied in different forms, under precisely the same conditions, produced different effects and that the same was the case when the two forms (nitrate and silicate) were mixed. He also noted a similar variation in the action of the different forms of soda. In order to in- vestigate the matter and attain results he instituted an experiment, which he thus describes : ^'All pots were dressed alike with normal manure, minus the two alkalies, potash, and soda. These were afterwards added alone or mixed, under two difierent conditions, as nitrates used alone or as nitrates mixed with potas^ic silicate." As the result of these experiments, Ville found that when applied by itself, nitrate of potash produced at the rate of one iiundred and eighty-eight of straw and forty-three of grain ; that idtrate of soda ap- plied by itself produced at the rate of one hundred and ten of straw and five of grain ; that nitrate of potash mixed with silicate of potash ])ro(luced at the rate of two hundred and sixty-nine of straw and seventy-seven of grain; that nitrate of soda, nitrate of potash and sili- cate of potash, when mixed produced at the rate of two hundred and forty-tiiree of straw and seventy-two of grain. In a similar experiment in wiiich eciual amounts of calcic phosphate^ were mixed, one with nitrate of soda and the other with nitrate ot^ potash, Ville attained the following results: Calrir Phof^pJidtr avd Pofassic Xitrdte. Straw and roots, 1^*^ Grain '^^ Calcic rhoH})ha(i' (;rain, 5 In this case the product of the phosphate and nitrate of potash was- just d()u})le that of the phosphate and nitrate of soda, while the pro- duct of grain was nearly ten times as great. When to each of these Ville added an eciual amount of silicate of potash, the results ])roduced were very nearly the same in both cases^ or exactlv, as follows : • 7 * Calcic Phos])hafr^ Nit rate of Potash., and Silicate of Potash. Straw and roots, 260 Grain, "7 Calcic Phosphate, Nitrate of Sod<(, and Silicate of Potash. Straw and roots, 24:^ Grain, "li. In referring to the result of this exi)eriment, Ville writes as follows: ''In the absence of the silicate the i)lants grown by the sodic nitrate were inferior to those grown with i)otassic nitrate. But the a Husk, 1 Grain, 3 Leaves, 2 13 Grain GO bushels per acre. Cwt. 1<) () 14 10 () Manure and. Sulphate of Potash. Pry acre. Tons. Stalks, 5 Husk, 1 Grain, •'> Feaves, *- 14 Grain 80 bushels per acre. Cwt, 4 17 0 13 14 The above experiment refers to extended field culture m which the fertilizer used was, in the one case, the before-mentioned Normal manure" with its potash from a chloride, and in the other from a sulphate, there being no other difference in the two plots. I he va ue of this and other experiments made by \ille, is increased from the fact that he never arrived at conclusions nor published results which were based upon one experiment only, l)ut he always duplicated his experiments before giving results or conclusions. Replacing the field culture with the glazed pots, to which we have before referred, and the ^' Normal manure " with one containing all ot the ten mineral elements, in both cases exact y alike except as to l^he kind of potash used, and both watered with the same amount of clis- tilled water, Ville found results to follow which he thus describes and which, in his report, are illustrated by pho ographs : In one tlie plant attained a height of 50 to GO inches before l)earing grain ; m the other the stalk has stopped at 35 inches and Jias borne seed The contrast is instructive and the cause not far to seek. In tlie first case the manure contained potash in the form of potassic chloride, and in the second in the state of potassic sulpha e J^^^gi^g.f^'^^ these results my first thou-ht was that potassic sulphate exercised a sS^^^ the formation of the grain, but I have since Sthat by slightly augmenting the quantity of ^- -j;-^^^ ^^^ grain is obtained with the potassic chloride ^^V^^^^h pot, ssic sul ha^^^ In his experiments as to the comparative effects o these two foims of potash, Ville found that the same difference in eflect did not exist when the crop experimented upon was clover, or in fact any other leguminous crop. In one experiment with clover, in open held cul- 30 Quarterly Report. ture the following mixtures were used, several times on several difler- ent plots, but always with the same result : Nonnal Manure No. 0. Su|)<'r])li<)S]>liat(' 'V}2 11)S. Miti-atc of ])()tash 17<) 11)S. G^Npsuiii, .T)^ lbs. 8S0 lbs. Jncomplete Manure No. G. SnixTpliosjihato, ^~i2 lbs. ('Iiloridc of potash ]7<) ll>s. (j|yi>siiiu, X)'l lbs. SSI) 11 )S. Several experiments upon clover jjroved that the result and crop from t hese two fertilizers was the same ; as the Incomplete manure No. () cost at least seven dollars less per acre (less than the other), the importance of the result is at once apparent. The difference between the two fertilizers being that the one containing the nitrate added twenty-two and one half pounds of nitrogen per acre while the other contained none, or at least that much less. From this experiment Ville draws the following conclusion : " Clover draws its nitrogen from the air and tlierefore the incom])lete manure, which does not contain nitrogen, is all it re(p'iires. Wheat, wdiich succeeds it, needs in realitv onlv nitrogenous matter, and bv reason of the detritus which the clover has left the dose may be restricted." The following extracts from the lectures of M. Ville, explain his theories more i'ully. '' M. Ponsard, president of the agricultural committee of d'Omey,in Cham]>agne, made])arallel experiments on a ])iece of waste land in one ol' the most barren districts of a i)roverbially bai"]*(Mi ])()rtion of that prov- ince, lie manured one half ol' the ground with about thirtv-two tons of farm-yard manure per acre, and the other with about hall' a ton of chemical maiuire ])er acre. With the farm-yard maiuire he obtained about fourteen bushels of wheat, whereas, with the chemical manure the land yielded about thirty bushels per acre, there being a loss of ninety-tive dollars in the former case and a gain of eighty-five dollars in the latter. " It may l)e objected that tlie farm yard manure has not exhausted its action in a single year, whereas, the cheinicjil manure had donc^ so. I can only reply that this id(\i is contrary to all known facts. Let us however, admit it : the result will not be so striking. The worst that can happen would be thnt the field would have to be manured afresh in order to grow a new crop, but the tirst result furnishes us with the means. ''In the course of the last few years I have studied certain bi-anches of industrial cliemistry with a view to discover their connection with farming operations. For this puri)()se 1 had to consider a large number of interests. These researches were ihe scource of more than one mis- take on my i)art, but 1 was fully rei)aid l)y the fresh in form nt ion, which I had gained and wliich was hitherto unknown to m(\ '' In si)ite of the efforts, most of them praisc^worthy of large and pow- erful (•omi)anies, manufacturiuii: cliemistrv has not vet succeeded in allying itself with f.irming in a way that I should like to see. Before this can be accomi)lished an entirely new order of things must pre- vail, and I haveiiot the slightest doubt that whenever this shall hap- pen the elforts which I have already made will not be without value. 'Mbit t he point u])on which I have, by i)reference, concent rated all of my endeavors I'or the pa.-t three years, is the economical and financial Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 31 part of the agricultural (piestion. TlitluM-to, agriculture has existed by saving. What is called profit, is too olten the i)ri('e of the farmers' own labor and that of his family; but this so called prolit disappears if we assimilate the numagement of a farm to that of a numufactory, and charge so much for the labor of the cliiel' and of his subordinates in proportion to the amount of capital sunk in the venture. ''Chemical analysis shows that fourtcHMi elements enter into the composition of pla'nts; they are divided into organic and inorganic elements, the former being carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the latter phosphorus, chlorine, sulphur, silicon, iron, manganese, cal-^ cium, magnesium, sodium, and i)()tassium. This limited number of elements possesses such an infmite i)()wer of combination, that they are capable of forming an enormous variety of plants to which I have before alluded. They resem])le the letters of an ali)habet, few in number, but suffudent'to form all the words of a languaire. "-W must not, however, be thought that the composition of ])lants is the same throughout the various organs, differing only in form ; that the stem, the l)ark, the leaves, and tiie fruit are only different phases or develoi)ments of one and the same substance, which can at all times be identilied. Each organ has to a certain extent a com])osi- tion peculiar to itself, but as will ])resently be seen, these dissimihiri- ties area c()nse(pience of the conditions needed for the reproduction of the species, and mav be reduced to very simple ])roportions. ''It may be laid down, as a general rule, that the foliaceous or fleshy parts of plants contain more mineral or inorganic matters than the woody and fibrous portions. These variations are caused by the aqueous ])ortion of the sap evaporating more ({uickly in the former than in the latter parts. In fact, the less compact the tissues are, and the more direct their communications with the atmosphere, the more rapidly does this evaporation proceed. Further, more mineral mat- ter is'found in herbaceous ])lants than in trees, more in the leaves than in the l)ark of trees, and more in the bark than in the sap wood and heart wood. "In leguminous plants there are two distinct parts, the pod and the seed. The pod, which is in inmiediate contact with the atmosphere, lends itself more rapidlv to the evaporation of the sap, consecpiently it contains more mineral matter. In the same way the leaves of evergreens, which are renewed in the winter— a season less favorable to evaporation than in the hot summer— contain on this account les& mineral matter than those of trees. -, .^ ^ i '*The distribution of mineral matter is not, therefore, left to chance^ but on the contrary, subject to a fixed law. All kinds of mineral matter participate indiscriminately in the formation of plants, but each is concentrated by preference in an organ, or in a determined systeni of organs. It remains for us to find out the reason for this unequal distribution. n a- - i • i "In the economy of nature all the functions of living beings, how- ever varied they mav be, tend towards the same end, viz., to assure the reproduction of' the species, that is to say, to insure its perma- nence for all time. Thev are regulated with a view to this important result, but that this condition may be fullilled, the embryo contamcMl in the seed must find, within reach of its vital power, those elementf^ which are indispensalde to the first acts of plant life. Ihisiswhy the seed is so abundantly provided with phosy>horic acid, potash and magnesia. It is a sort of reserved force provided for the first evolu- 32 Quarterly Rei»ort. tion of the eml)iyo. An examination of the preceding table* shows the dilference between potasli and phosplioric acid. Thosplioric acid is in almost nniform proportion in all of the organs except the seed ; it is not so with potash ; tlie concentration of the phosphoric acid in the seed takes place suddenly, the proportion of potash, on the con- trary, increases by degrees, and the closer the parts ai)i)roach the seed the more considerable this i)r()portion becomes. ^'In their distribution in the economy of i)lants, the organic ele- ments present yet another contrast to the inorganic elements. Three of tliom, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, are present iu almost invariable proportions. All plants, and all the various organs, without dis- tinction, contain them in the same quantities. Trees, bushes, simple plants, roots, stems, barks, branches, leaves, iruit and seeds show an invariable proportion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. '' This is not the case with nitrogen ; it varies in a similar way to the phosphoric acid and potash. Fruit and seeds contain more nitrogen than other organs, because during the whole process of germination the embryo lives at the expense of the seed, and therefore reiiuires to find in the circumscril)ed limit of its activity, not only mineral matter, but also nitrogen. Jioofs. StrcDv. Grain. Pliosphorie acid, 1.70 2.20 4(1.00 Magnesia, 1.97 3.02 13.77 Potasli, 2.87 15.18 32.59 Liiuo, 0.88 3.00 1.19 ''Th(^ l)rocess of vegetation is not e(]ually .simple; the phases through wiiich a plant passes before attaining its full development are nevertheless of so lixed and permanent a character that it is evi- dent that a plan exists, the econony and consistency of which excludes all ideas of a chance; a plan which, though very different from that governing the formation of minerals, depends upon no less inflexible laws, which are equally well known to us in principle and in detail. I have said that plants owe their formation to fourteen different ele- ments : I may now add that some of these elements originally existed in the air in the gaseous state, whilst others, whether liquid or solid, emanated from the soil. The former are absorbed by the leaves, and the latter l)y the roots; hence plants are formed and developed 1)y means of many and diverse ])rinciples derived from various sources, but these principles do not all at once assume the form of tissues and organs; they first pass through the more simple or preparatory stages in which, although they have not completely assumed the peculiar characteristics, they can no longer be regarded as belonging to inor- ganic nature. '' Wheat l)efore germination, contains from ten to lifteen per cent, of fibrin, and at most, only one or two per cent, of albumen ; as soon as g;ermination begins the i)roportion of fibrin diminishes, and that of albunuMi increases. Beans and lentile contain casein but no li])rin, and very little albumen, but during germination the casein disai)p(^ars and albumen takes its place. The same thing occurs with starch, which seeds contain an abundance; il is changed into gum and sugar, which, in their turn, undergo a fresh transformation, i)assing into cellulc^se in the leaves, stems, and roots. "A plant in its earliest stage is nothing but a seed transformed. After germination, when vegetation, properly si)eaking, begins, more * 100 jHtrfs in ash of wheat. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 33 albumen is formed continually, until the plant blossoms, when the al- bumen is changed into librin in wheat, and to casein in beans and lentils. '' Among the conditions which inlluence vegetation, we have placed in the second rank, the composition of the soil, and the choice of manures. Now^ two contiguous portions of land freciuently differ greatly in fertility. Such diiferences may be accounted for by the presence or absence of certain agents which abound in the one place, and are lacking in the other. By adding to the less favored soil the elements in which it is deficient it immediately becomes fertile ; there- fore, by means of proper manures, we can ac(iuire in a case of this kind an alniost limitless power; man in fact commands nature. It is to the study of the second condition, the choice and use of manures, that the course of instruction at Vincennes is especially devoted. ''All the different species (of plants) are susceptible of certain changes which are capable of becoming hereditary races, and varieties have no other origin. Unimportant in a botanical point of view, these deviations are often of great importance to agriculture, because under the same conditions of soil and manure, one variety often produces twice as much as another. '^For three years I grew two parallel patches of wheat, one being English red wheat, the soil and the manure were the same in both cases. The English wheat thrived wonderfully, whilst the other, not- withstanding the great care taken of it, turned out badly. During the autumn it always showed a marked advantage over the English sort; but in the spring, although late frosts occurred, it was attacked by red Tust, whilst the English corn (wheat) being less advanced took no harm whatever. " The assimilation of carbon is affected by a very simple process : Carbonic dioxide formed by the union of carbon and oxygen is ab- sorbed by the leaves in the substance of which it is decomposed, the carbon being absorbed by the plant while the oxygen is set free. This simple but wonderful phenomena, is one which can only be pro- duced in the chemists laboratory by the use of the most complicated methods of analysis, yet it is eifected by the delicate tissue of a leaf without its fragile organization being in any way impaired. '^It will be observed that this system of plant respiration is the re- verse of that of animal respiration. Plants breathe in ('arbonic diox- ide and give back oxygen, whilst animals, on the contrary, breathe in oxygen and return carbonic dioxide. This explains why the com- position of the atmosphere does not change, notwithstanding the in- cessant supplies drawn from it l)y both animals and plants. ''It has already been stated that all plants contain from forty to forty-five per cent, of their weight of carbon. Now if carbon is ab- sorbed from the air and forms part of the fertilizing agents used in agriculture as well, it is at once evident why it is that the soil yields nTore than it has received. The same remark ap])lies to oxygen and hydrogen, which represents more than forty per cent, of the weight of plants%nd which both have their origin in water. It follows from this that ninetv-five per cent, of the substance of i)lants is derived from sources foreign to the soil, and that the portion which human industry has to furnish to the earth is only a fraction of that which is yielded by the crops. This fraction is, however, indispensible, and the oxygen and hydrogen of the water would not have been able to enter into plant life. 3 34 QiARTp^RLY Report. '-^ TJie excess in llie earth's product tlieii is due to air and rain. The foHowin^; table, wliich ai)plies to other phuits as well as to wheat, is conclusive prool' of tiiis i'act : ''Compost of Wheat (Straw and Grain.) Carr)on, 47.69 Ilvdrogcii, 5.54 Oxygen, 40.32 Soda, 0.091 Maiiiu'sia 0.20 Sul])lniri<* acid, O.-'U ChloriiK', 0.0:5 Ferris oxide, 0.00 Silica, 2.75 Maiigenese, 0.00 Tliese 93.55 j^arts was derived from the air and rain. Tliese 3.290 the soil is sn])erabinidantly pr()\ ided Avith, and it is iiinieeessary to add them. I.60I 0.45 Nitrogen, ^..,u | These 3.00 parts the soil preserves only liiospnoiieacm, .4;> . to a limited extent, and the deticieney is Potash, 0.(h) \ 111 ^-^ • 1 "^ T . ' .> .)(, sn])])lied bv artificial manure. Lime, 0.29 ! ^ ^ ''Nitrogen is assimilated l)y ijlants in three diflerent forms, viz : "In the i'orm of ammonia. "As the nitrate of some base. "As nitrogen gas. " One or the other of these forms is fonnd specially snited to certain kinds of ])laiits, for instance, nitrogen enters as ammonia into wheat as nitrates into beet root, while leguminous ])lants absorl) it in the form of free gas. It has been ascertained that crops always contain more nitrogen than the manure su]>plied to them. This excess of nitro- gen is derived, not from the soil, ])ut from the air; ])ut the (juestion now arises. In what state has the nitrogen been absorbed? Is it in the state of ammonia, of nitrates, or of free nitrogen? Rain water con- tains on an average half a ])ound in a million pounds; now, these quan- tities represent a contribution only of five and one quarter pounds of nitrogen per acre annually, which is evidently insufficient to explain the excess of thirty-eight pounds in the case of the Jerusalem arti- choke, and still less to the excess of one liundred and fifty ])ounds in the case ol* the lucern. "We are thus led to attribute to the free nitrogen of the air the ex- cess which otherwise would remain une>:i)lain(Ml. Iliis opinion is not, however, universally acce])ted. The following are some of the dejec- tions raised against it. It is unanimously admitted that a part of the nitrogen contained in the crops has its origin in tiie atmosphere, but the assimilation of free nitrogen is denied; it is sui)])osed that before being absorbed by plants, the nitrogen passes into the form of a nitrate in the soil ; the soil would thus become the seat of universal and per- manent nitrification. '^Now if nitrogen is assimilate in lucern only in the state of a nitrate, w^e ought evidently to find in the crop a certain amount of the bases corresponding to tlie nitric acid, the supi)osed source of the nitrogen. None however exist. '' 1 have stated that ten inorganic or mineral elements enter into the composition of plants, and now I am obliged to add that with the hel]) of nitrogenous manures, three only are sufficient to increase and maintain the fertility of the soil, and that the agriculturist need not concern himself about the remaining seven. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 35 ^It must not, however, be thought that the latter has no effect on plants. They are no less necessary than the three first, and if they can be practically dispensed with in artificial manures, it is only because the worst soils are superabundantly supplied with them. If the observa- tions I have just made are correct, the conclusion is obvious. It ought to 1)0 ])ossible by their aid to obtain as luxuriant growth in cal- cined sand, which is inert in itself, as in the most fertile alluvial soil. All that is necessary for this is a due x>roportion ot the ten inorganic elements and the nitrogenous matter. It follows eciually from these fundamental data, that in a natural soil the same result may ])e ob- tained with nitrogenous material and three compounds only — calci- phosphate, X)otash and lime. These two theoretical x>i"iuciples are con- firmed by experience. "Clay posvsesses anollier property worthy of remark, that of fixing in the soil the nitrogenous and mineral matter by wiiich fertility is essentially determined. This fixation is not complete and definite. It is only in a manner exterior and transitory, for in the end the clay gives back to vegetation the active principles of which it seemed te liave obtained possession. To enable the character of this property to be clearly comprehended, I will give this example : If a piece of clay be steeped in li(iui pe of a fertilizing material, containing, as it does, the four constituents which are the foundation of plant growth, and consecpiently the only ones with which aiiricultural industry is in any way connected. 1 re- peat that we have here undeniable proof of the value of our previous inquiries. In order however that this proof should be complete and Avithout question, the identity of results must be placed side l)y side Avith the identitv of com])()sition. in this respect practice once more conlirms our theoretical information. With our normal manure* the vield is alwavs larger than where ordinary farm-yard manure has been used Tlie value of these data is all the greater, because they are founded on operations carried on upon a large scale. I have obtainea them from farmers, who, at my request, have l)een good enough o try certain experiments on the comparative value of artifu-ia * and iarm- yard manures. Throughout all these experiments, the advantage has alwavs been on the side of the former. ^ ' n '^With chemical manure, on the other hand, the farmer ac(piires almost perfect liberfv of action, and is ena])l ^^^ -='1;!;;^ ^ ^ , 1^ value- tims tlic apDlJcatioiis of tlic normal mainnv usiiall> cadied Hall '^ j; \ P^^ .i( r^mVl f-n>m t^ results oi' a L.r^c umuhw of experiments it always oxeecde I the vani num urJ, oVlen at the rate of :m tons per acre, and at the same moneyed cost. 38 Quarterly Eei'Ort. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 39 i m "•'By the use of cliemical iniuiure lie may, so to speak, in a single day, pass iroiii a ])recarioiis to a thoroughly trustworthy system of farming, and thereby obtain a large amount of prolit as comx)ared with his former mediocre gains. '' It will be seen that this is the most important point connected with the agriculture of the future. As 1 have already said, in farming, the I^rofits obtained de])end u])ou the (luantity of manure that is spread over the land; with a small amount of manure the crops will be small and the prolit is nothing, if even there is not an absolute loss. With generous manuring the yield is increased and the profit is certain, for the excess in expendit ure is not more than one half or one third of the excess of the yield. To make this truth plainer, I may mention that the cultivation of the soil necessitates two kinds of expenditure. First of all there are the lixed expenses which never change no mat- ter whether we adopt a good or a bad system of farming, such as taxes, rates, cost of seed, vfec. Then come expenses which change according to circumstances, such as carting, threshing, and manure. I hold then that the system of farming which is sparing in manure is always a losing speculation, while an abundant use of fertilizing agents profit is certain. How can it be otherwise, seeing that manure is the raw material from which our crops are produced. '^ Two conclusions are to be drawn from this experiment. The first is that for wheat we must not use our nitrogenous material in too large a proportion at once, i. e., at the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds per acre. Unless this rule be carried out, accidents are sure to occur. If the corn (w^heat) escapes being lodged it is rarely free from smut, and even if both of these evils are avoided the straw grows so fast that the yield of wdieat is interfered with. As a general rule, it is much better to divide our nitrogenous material into two portions, one half to be used in the autumn and the other in the spring, but always as a top dressing. The first should be used when the wdieat is about four or five inches high, the second in the s])ring, from tlie 10th to the 30tli of Mandi. It is hardly necessarv to sav that the second portion of the sulphate of ammonia need only be sowed should occasion require it. Six times out of ten a dressing of I'rom forty -eiglit to ninety-six pounds* per acre in the spring will be suffi- cient. ^' Great attention should ])e paid to the manner of using chemical manures. Farm-yard manure may l)e distributed unevenly without inconvenience, provided the irregularity is not pushed too far; but with chenucal manures, on the contrary, any irregularity of distribu- tion is sure to endanger the welfare of the crop. This part of the w^ork must, therefore, be attended to wdth i)articular care. Distribu- tion by machine satisfies all necessary conditions. When, however, we do not happen to have a machine at our disposal, the best thing to do is to mix the artificial manure with two or tliree times its bulk of mould and distribute it between the plowing and harrowing. The ad- dition of mould balances the effect of unequal distribution. This method of distribution is, it is true, more expensive than any other, but any extra outlay is amply comi)ensated by the increased yield. ''Chemical manures, they say, are only a i)recarious resource. As soon as their Tise becomes general, their exorbitantly high price will render it impossil)le to employ them. A few summary explanations will be sufficient to answer this objection. ''Taking calci-phosphate first, we shall find that twenty years ago the only known source of this compound w^as the bones of animals. It is certain that if we w^ere to be reduced to this source of supply its use could never become general. But at present (1874) there is no longer any dantrer of scarcity, for we know that calcic phosphate enters largely into the composition of all eruptive rocks, and that inex- haustible supplies of this mineral exist in various countries. In Es- tramadura, in Spain, for instance in the neighborhood of Logrosan, there are eight or ten veins extending over a space of several square kilometers, and containing seventy to eighty-five per cent, of calcic phosi)hate. In Canada and Sweden there are also large deposits of this valuable substance (now found in large deposits in South Caro- liiui). ''The principal sources of potash are three in number: 1. Eruptive rocks which constitute entire chains of mountains and wdiich often contain as much as fifteen per cent, of that alkali. 2. Sea-water from which w^e may extract potash with great ease by employing the ])ro- €es3 invented by the late M. Balard, and which alone would sulJice for all of our wants. 3. Deposits discovered at Strassfuth (German potash salts of commerce) some fifteen or sixteen years ago. These deposits seem to be inexhaustible, being two hundred to two hundred and fifty feet thick, and covering an area the extent of which has not yet been determined. They are connected with the formation of rock salt which leads us to think that similar discoveries will be made where similar geological conditions exist, more especially as geologists in other localities are on the lookout for such beds. It is not, there- fore, to be supposed that this deposit in Prussia is an exceptional and isolated case. ^' With regard to nitrogenous matter I must admit that ifw^e were to be obliged to employ no other sources of nitrogen than ammoniacal compounds and the nitrates, it might be held with certain show of reason that at a given period the present sources (known) would prove to be insufficient, to the already known sources however others will no doubt be added. 1 may instance the manufacture of coke which is now burnt in the open air. It is only necessary to carry on this operation in closed furnaces to obtain large quantities of am- monia. But even if these sources fail we should still have the nitro- gen of the air, a point to which my attention has long been directed. " In practice it is considered that the application of sixteen tons of farm-yard manure per acre every two years is sufficient for all ordinary purposes. Our aim on the present occasion being to com- pare farm-yarc. manure with chemical manures, we will first incpiire what are the proportions of our normal manure in sixteen tons of farm-vard manure. The following gives the reply as to the larm- yard manure at Bechelbron and Vincennes,— nitrogen one hundred and forty-four pounds, phosphoric acid sixty-six, potash one hundred and thirty-two, and lime two hundred and eighty-two ; total, six hun- dred and'^twentv-four pounds per acre. ^' If it 1)0 true as experience seems to indicate that farm-yard manure owes all of its efficacv to these four substances, its active portion is reduced to less than a fortieth of the whole mass. In ordinary manure there is eighty per cent, of moisture whi(di reduces the solid constitu- ents of sixteen tons to three tons, four hundred-weight, in which latter figures we must count the carbo-hydrates whose utility is more than prol)lematical, at from two tons, eight hundred-weight, to two tons, sixteen hundred-weight. AVith two thousand two hundred and forty- tM 40 Quarterly Et:poRT. eis]>liato 52S ixninds. Potussic chloriilc, 2H'2 ]K)uih1s. Aminonic suli)hate, (iiU pounds. Calcic* sulpliale, 747 pounds. Total, 2,248 pounds. '-'' It is evident that with regard to facilities of carriage and cheapness of disiri])ution, the advantage is on the side of the chemical manure. This however is only a secondary matter, for the true superiority i? due to other causes and is justified by other considerations. In ordinary manure the nitrogen is not always in a favorable condition for assimilation. The contrary is the case with the chemical manure. In the farm-yard manure the nitrogen exists in the excreta, and in the half decomposed straw, &c., which cannot act favorably on the plants grown until they have undergone a process of decomposition^ which com])letely changes its condition. Nitrogen can only ])e assimilated after it has been transformed into junmonia or a nitrate. This previous decomposition therefore had for its chief results the loss of thirty to forty i)er cent, of the nitrogen which the manure originally contained which escapes into the air in the elementary form. In the case of chemical manures, I repeat, the whole of the nitrogen may be assimilated direct, and that its action is thus rendered more certain. [Note by the Secretary — Mons Ville then gives a large number of ex- tracts from the account books of the Vincennes farm, and of many other farms, to prove that the actual cost of farm-yard manures vari- ously shown to be $5 25, $3 75, $2 95, and $2 25 per ton, he pro- ceeds as follows:] '*How is it that with the same conditions we arrive at such diiferent conclusions. The explanation is very simple, and I insist the more upon bringing it forward, l)ecause it will furnish me at the same time with the op])ort unity and means of rectifying an error into which farmers too frequently fall by their bad system of bookkeeinng. "" By a kind of tacit agreement, founded on the opinion that the pro- duction of manure is one of the necessities which cannot ])e done without, the food of the animals ])roducing it is charged at its cost price and not at its sale price. It is not radically a defective system to carry on. When a farmer attaches a sugar factory (])eet sugar is here alluded to), or a distillery to his farm, does he reckon the value of his beet root at prime cost ^ No, he reckons them at the same price as those which he buys in the market. When he delivers his cattle and sheep, does he give them at the cost i)rice? No, he is inlluenced by the condition of the market. To arrive at the true price of ma- nure it is absolutely necessary to adopt tlie system of dividing ac- counts which is so advantageous to the trader, by showing him with certainty the origin of his profits, and by indicating where he ought specially to practice economy or spend more on means and ap- pliances. ''In a properly conducted farm there should be a separate account ox)ened for the stables, whicli should ])e credited with everything that fetches value, sucli as milk, butter, animals sold, increase of weight in the reserve animals, the work done by the horses; ])ut on the otlier hand, the account should be debited with those expenses of whatever Pennsylvania Board of Agricilture. 41 nature, which have contributed to the realization of the sums which' have been carried to the credit side. In the expenses must be in- cluded the cost of keeping up the harness and wagons, the wages of the wagoners, shepherds, stable helps, &c., and finally, this account must be debited with those commodities which are consumed by the animals at sale price, a deduction being made of from ten to fiiteen per cent, as compensation for the cost of transport had they been sold off the premises. An account based ui)()n this data will always show a loss, but this loss is counterbalanced ])y the value of the manure produced. The loss divided by the number of tons of manure pro- duced gives the price per ton of the manure. ''The farmer who uses nothing but farm-yard manure exhausts his land. For whence come the manure ])ut from the soil. As a fact, farm-yard manure does not make up for the loss of calcic i)hosphate, lime, potash, and nitrogenous matter which it had to submit to through carrying away part oi the crops grown on it. When meat is sold away from the faVm less is lost than in the case of grain, but there is always some loss. I repeat then, that this axiom which has hither to been made into the foundation and palladium of agricultural science, is nothing more than an expedient. It can only claim con- sideration in the very exceptional case of meadow being watered by a river which returns to the soil the fertilizing agents which have been taken out of it. I repeat, however, that such cases are so rare that they cannot ibrm a law. " At this distant epoch of which we are speaking the earth contained neither humus nor farm-yard manure, which i)re-sui)i)oses an anterior generation. Consequently by taking agricultural tradition in its in- tegrity, whether farm-yard manure or irrigation is employed, we are led to the conclusion that the carbo-hydrates, supposing them to be useful, plav only a secondary part, as meadow land on the one hand and primitive v'egetation on'the other unite it, attesting that it is (luite possible to dispose witii them entirely. But if this is really so, how are we to understand the constitution and function of farm-yard ma- nured What is the connection l)etween it and tliat law of restitution which we cannot escape from, and the disregard of wliicli is fatal to the fertility of the soil. This (piestion will be better answered l)y the following table than by any long explanation: Manure contained. 100 parts farm-yard. ^Yater ^^ 80 parts not wanted by plants. Carbon, ^'^'^!]} i;i. 20 i)arts of woody fibre, the elements of Hydroj^en, ^^'^zi whirli come frouT the ;iir and water. Ox3'gen, J-<>' ) Silica, 4.31>1 Chlorine, 0.04 Suli)hnric acid O.l.'i ,^ Fci lie oxide, O.'U [ Soda, Magnesia, 0.li4 o.OT i>arts of mineral matter, wliich all soils will furnisii in abundance. Nitrogen, . . . Pliosi)horic acid, I'otash, Lime, 11 l.<>^ parts, which tlie soil can only supi>ly ^^' ^^ I to a limited extent, and upon which the <>-40 I oflicicncv of the manure depends. ''In one hundred parts of farm-yard manure, we lind m the hrst place, eighty ])arts of water. Now water is evidently not the cause of its efficacy. We then come to V^.20 parts of carlmn, hydrogen, and 42 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 43 \i oxygen represented by tlie remains oT the litter and llial part of the animal's I'ood not disorganized by digestion. We furtlier lind in the manure under consideration 5.07 parts of silica, chlorine, sulphuric acid, ferric oxide, soda, and magnesia which are of very little vahie in agriculture, for the simple reason that the worst lands are almost always superabundantly provided with them. There remains, finally, 1.04 parts, or in round numbers two per cent, of the four bodies nitro- gen, phosplioric acid, potash, and lime of which the chemical manure is com])osed. and which we lind only in the waters which irrigate meadow land, and which alone nourish the plants belonging to the early ages of the world's history. In what then do chemical and farm- yard manures differ? Simply in form and in volume, and in compo- .sition; but this dilference is of small importance, seeing that the ex- cess is useless for fertilizing purposes. ^ '^Normal manure composed of four ingredients (phosphoric acid, lime, potash, and nitrogen), is sufficient, it has been said, to render the most barren soil fertile; still these four bodies are not of the same degree of utility to all i)lants indiscriminately, but according to the nature of the plant, one of them exercises a preponderating iniluence •over the other three, and thus constitutes itself the regulator of the crop. For instance, with wheat, beet root, and hemp it is the nitro- genous matter which by preference inlluences the crop. Were we to use double or treble the quantity of phosphate, potash, or lime, the yield would not change, but if we vary the quantitv of nitrogenous matter, the crop is immediately increased or decreased in ])roportion ; an evident proof that with respect to the three crops above mentioned It IS the nitrogenous matter which really fills the most important otTice. ''But another and equally important result must not be lost sight of, viz, that if the three mineral ingredients are omitted from the nor- mal manure and nothing left but the nitrogenous matter, its efficacy IS almost entirely lost. We therefore see that the aid of phosphoric acid, hme, and potash is absolutely necessary, and if it liappens that the uses of the nitrogenous matter without anv admixture of them succeeds, it is because the soil is naturally supplied with these three mineral ingredients. "Chemistry is powerless to throw light upon the agricultural (niali- ties of tlie soil, its resources and its needs, because it confounds in its indications the active assimilable agents with the assimilable a^'-ents in reserve; the active with tlu^ inert or neutral principles But Twish to carry my demonstration still further, and to do so with greater free- dom I shall choose for criticism as a last example an analvsis of which I am the author, that of the soil in the experimental field at Vincennes That analysis tells us that the quantity of available phosphoric acid amounts to 1,581] pounds per acre, the quantity of potash to 2 0^^5 pounds per acre, and the quantity of lime to 34,674^ pounds per aci^. I hese results are perfectly correct, and it is impossible to challen-e their accuracy. Here then is a soil very liberallv provided with the three mineral constituents necessary to vegetation; nevertheless, if we grow wheat on it for four consecutive years, using no other fertil- izing ma erials except nitrogenous matter and ammoniac sulphate, vyithout the addi ion of either potash or phosi)hate, we shall find that ...,.,. „...^, c..,o .«..c:, .,wm i'it^ t'Mi in sixiy-two ana one-half pounds of phosphoric acid, one hundred and two of potash, and sixty of lime- rand thus tlie plant finds only a poor soil, when according to analysis, it should have found a rich one. We can only account for this anomaly by the fact that the plant shows the existence of only those elements by which it is able to profit, whilst analysis in addition takes cogni- zance of the whole of the constituents of the soil, which are so firmly bound together that the plant is unable to separate them. ^' It will be rememl)ered that in the last lecture we proved experi- mentally the necessity of classifying the constituents of the soil ac- cording to the special functions they perform, of separating those which serve simply as a mechanical support to plants from those which con- tribute to their nutrition, and whose substance at given times })ecomes ;a constituent part of the plant itself. The following table gives in a practical form an accurate summary of this i)art of our researches : Sand. Mec'haniciil constituents, Soil. ] Active assiniilal)le eon- ' stituents in reserve, . Organic, > Inorganic, f fsana. ] Limestone, l^ Gravel. ^ Ammonia. ( Nitrates. Phosplioric acid. Sulphuric acid. Chlorine. Silica. Potash. Soda. T^inie. Magnesia. Ferric oxide. ^ Oxide ol Manganese. rganie. ( rndecomposed minerals. "The modern system of agriculture has for its foundation the arti- ficial production of plants by the help of simple chemical compounds, in defiance of all the traditions which the old system has handed down to us. From the day on which the modern system was adopted, chemists, far from forbidding the use of farm-yard manure, have simply advised farmers to a])stain from using manures which are too strong for their particular purpose, but to rectify and complete the imperfect composition of farm-yard manure by the addition of chemical compounds, which is a vast different matter. Finally, I cannot i)ass over in silence, the new means that the association of chemical manures with farm-yard manure gives to the agriculturist. Let us suppose a sowing of colza and of wheat well manured; the winter has been vigorous, the spring late, and the plants have sulfered. With farm- yard manure only you could do nothing, and the yield would be bad. It is not possible to spread on the land more farm-^yard manure in the month of ]\Iarch ; l)esides, if it could be done, its action would be radi- callv nil. The farmer is thus condemned to remain an impassive spectator of an inevitable mistake. ''l>ut, if on the contrary, chemical manure be added to the farm- yard manure, all will l)e changed; 17() pounds of ammoniac sulphate per acre will suffice to give a sudden impulse to the colza and the wheat, and the result is certain. ''I have said that farming founded on the use of farm-yard inanure alone is, economically speaking, against common sense. Take, for instance, a piece of somewhat poor land, yielding no more than nine 44 QUAKTEllLY EePORT. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 45 to eleven bushels per acre; calculate how lou^i; it would take to make it produce two and one-half or three times that quantity (by the use of farm-yard manure alone), and you will shrink back beibre the sacrifice that you would have to jnake. With chemical manures the change is immediate, the progress sudden and the profit immediate also. But if, as we may remark, beside the profit, w^e iucrease from the very tirst year the crop of straw, is it not evident that instead of growing meat in order to have corn (grain), there is a manifest advantage in re- versing the recognized order of things, and commencing to grow corn (grain) in order to gain the earliest advantaged In fact we get corn first and manure afterwards. I repeat then, that the soil cannot do otherwise than exhaust itself, unless we brinii: in from the outside a large amount of fertilizing material. The solution of tliis (juestion, imposed upon us by the force of circumstances, seems to be that we must increase the fertility of the soil by means of chemical manure composed of substances existing in the mineral kingdom, which appear to have been specially reserved to repair the depredations of the past and of the present, and guard us against tiie elfects of such disasters for the future. Is it not correct to say that with farm-yard manure, and nothing but farm-yard manure, we have everything recpiired. It is, however, true to say that in order to obtain large crops, there is only one method at our command, and that is to have recourse to chemical manures in preference to all others, because their compo- sition has been rigorously defined and it is always indentical, because they are the only ones, in fact, in regard to which fraud cannot be practiced, and also because they are, according to my opinion, the most economical. ^' When we wish to introduce into a farm these new methods of ar- riving at the maximum of production, a change has to be made, of wdiich it is necessary I should say something, seeing that it is destined to give to agriculture an important portion of those lands, which were formerly devoted to forage, without, however, interfering with the resources which are devoted to this i)urpose. The change, which it is advisable to mako in this respect, consists in substituting, as far as possible, the growing of lucern (clover) in the place of grass (natural). I may quote on this subject the testimony of two autlior- ities, who are ecpially important, that of M. Boussi'ngault, who ac- knowledges that fields of lucern are more profitable than grass lands, and that of M. Schattenmann, who has made the substitution of which I speak, with great advantage. Every one can see that at Bechelbronn, if the necessary food for cattle was provided for them as well as the straw for their litter, thirty to forty per cent of the meadows on the farm, now devoted to one or the other of these purposes, would be at liberty. This would produce a large increase of income, more^ especially if the vacant fields were devoted to the cultivation of profit- a])le crops fertilized with strong doses of chemical manure. The im- portance of such a result is all the greater, seeing that it can be car- ried out immediately Avith a very small amount of capital. ''It should be remembered that more than one third of rhe nitro- e ma- ct ex- i gen is lost to the soil on account of the decomposition, which th nure must first undergo before it can exercise its action. This fa . plains the reason wliy we obtain such miserable results when only a small (piantity of manure is used. To change this state of thiuirswe must place the land under proper conditions for high cultivation, by at least doubling the amount of fertilizing substances contained in the farm-yard manure by means of chemical manures, and concentrating in the case of each particular ])lant that particular substance of the four contained in our normal manure, which is especially favorable to its growth. '' As long as agricultural science could give us no positive informa- tion about the true agents of fertility, the production of manure and the growth of cereals was a most important item. Farmers therefore could not make their meadow land less than half the size of their whole farm without running the risk of exhausting the soil and involving themselves in inevita))le ruin. '' Under this system it was the duty of the meadow to obtain nitro- gen from the air, while the cereals were expected to find it in the soil. Cattle were looked upon as the providers of manure, and the hay of the meadows and the straw of the wheat held was devoted to their use when it could not be sold. By the use of chemical manures the agricultural problem has been simplified and is susceptible of nuich more independent solution. There w^as no ([uestion about the matter being an absolute rule. Farm meadows and breed cattle in order to have cereals, is a dictum which nowadays loses the character of an axiom which it once possessed. I will add that at the present day this axiom would be an agricultural solecism and an economical heresy, seeing that with farm-yard manure only crops are always small, corn (wheat) yielding scarcely at the rate of one dollar and thirty- hve cents per bushel, a hgure which cannot be a paying one. I say then that this axiom need no longer be imposed upon farmers as a necessity. Beside, you are well aware that true agents of fertility being now known, farmers need only increase their stock of manure when thev find it profitable to do so; where this is not the case the solution of the ([uestion is perfectly simple, they have only to use chemical manures. It is no longer an agricultural question, but one of profit and loss. " Now-a-days there is but one thing that hampers us, and that is the necessity for keeping animals for preparing the soil and for traction . purposes. Beyond this we possess entire liberty of action, liberty without limit, and we only grow meat and manure because we find it to our advantage. When we choose to keep cattle we can do so on a much smaller scale than formerly, or can produce a greater (luantity of meat on a given spot, because we can increase our meadow crops just as we do all others. ^' We are obliged to return to the soil more than we have taken out, but this law does not impose on us the necessity of making more manure than we require for our own interest. We can satisfy our needs with foreign manures, the nature and * We find that the yield is just as large from land subjected to other modes of culture. It will be interesting to discover the means by which the restitution is effected. ''The analysis of water reveals nothing l)ut the existence of nitro- genous compounds like ammonia and the nitrates and different in- organic elements entering into the composition of plants, but no trace- of carbo-hydrates analogous to the blackish matter contained in farm- yard manure. Nevertheless the average vield of meadow is main- tained with as much regularity as that of manured lands. ''The conclusion to be drawn from all this is evidently that farm- yard manure gives plants a part only of the car])on, hvdrogen, oxy«-en and nitrogen they contain. There is always in the crops produced an excess of these four bodies which is at anv rate equal to the amount contained m the manure and which proceeds from another source, this source being evidently the air and water, the air supplving carbon and nitrogen and the water hydrogen and oxygen. To confirm this view 1 quote the example of meadow land kept in proper condition bv irri- gation only the crops from them being maintained at their normal amount solely by the supply of mineral and nitrogenous substances held in solution by the water and representing about two or three per cent, of their total weight. ^ "It is, therefore, practice and not science that is responsible for the notion that the restitution efiected by manure is onlv a partial one: he practice ot ages proves the fact and science shows'us that the res- titution IS complete in the inorganic and partiallv in the organic ele- ments. " ^ " One point remains unchanged, viz, the necessitv of dving back to the soil a part of what it has lost during the growth of the ci^s. As to deciaing whether farm-yard manure or chemical manure can be best emp oyed is quite a secondary matter, provided the law of restitution can be observed. However, as in this matter it is necessary to be clear and precise,! unhesitatingly affirm that in the majoritv of cases chem- ic^ manures ofler more advantages than farm-yard manure and that the la ter ought never to be used exceptin conjunction with the former. Ihe lessons we learn from the use of chemical manures are as fol- !)^ '' .nd'^h.1?';i '.^' l^^^^^V^;^>^-e calcic phosphate, more potash, more lime, and half the nitrogen taken away from it. If, however the lo- cality is unfavorable to pasture land, we are told to produce^onlv as much arm->^rd manure as is strictly necessary for the prepan^ on of the soil and ior utilizing the waste parts of the crops whCh Van not be mi ^^^'';f ";^V^^ '7. ^ eficiency by laying in a stock of chemica\ ma nure. ihe law which governs profitable production obliges us to '*We may again sum u]) the whole principle in four words. Use plenty of manure. Cultivation by means of l'arm->ard manure is not equal either to the necessities of the present day or to the exigencies of our social condition. It is not remunerative to the farmer; to so- ciety it gives no security. AVho will pretend to do better than La- voisier and to succeed where ]Matthieu de Dombasle, Bella, and Bou- singalt failed ? To pretend to do this would be the height of presump- tion and to attempt it an act of folly. If you wish your farming to be remunerative never say, '' I am going to produce manure ; " say '' I am going to manure in larger (juantities." If you lack farm-yard manure, buy other kinds; bring it in from the outside. Having within your reach a simple i)ractical method of discovering what the soil lacks, the choice of fertilizing agents has nothing arbitrary or adventitious- about it; it is on the testimony of the ])lants themselves that the se- lection is made. In many cases the i)roduction of farm-yard manure is not the starting point; it is only a subordinate element in the solu- tion of the agricultural problem. The judicious and reasonable start- ing point, the true condition of success, is to give the ground such manure as is necessary in order to obtain the maximum crops. There is the source of profit and the assurance against disappointment. " I have long since pointed out the impossibility of replacing j^otash by soda in the formula for artificial manures. I have proved by direct experiments on wheat, that in the absence of x)otash this point gives- very uncertain and precarious results. The same thing happened with regard to potatoes at Vincennes during the last twelve years. In the case of manures in which potash is wanted, the use of sodic nitrate (nitrate of soda) produces no effect ; but when associated with potash, sodic nitrate at once became valuable. Another conclusion which we may draw from these experiments is no less important, namely, that potash ought to ])e the dominant constituent of manure for growing potatoes. Besides this, the lack of potash in the soil i& coincident with the ap])earance oif the potato disease, whence we draw a second conclusion, that when plants are deprived of their dominant mineral constituent, and consequently of one of the most essential constituents of their existence they become the prey of in- ferior organisms such as microscopic fungi, aphides, &c. We have- here the startling and unexpected explanation of the cause of one of the most terrible plagues with which the farmer has to fight, namely, plant diseases. For many years past the same plienomenahave been reproduced at Vincennes with invariable regularity. Until the end of the month of May, besides a very marked difference in the size of the plants in the different plots, nothing striking seems to indicate the great change which is on the point of taking place. This change manifests itselt* al)out the middle of the month of June and invaribly begins with the plot which had received manure in which the i)otash had been suppressed, as well as in that which had received no manure at all. The x>l^iiil^ i^^ ^^^^^ plots which have been dressed with nor- mal manure are luxuriantly green, but those in the plot which has received no potash and in that which has received no manure at all a numl)er of copper-colored spots begin to make their ai)pearance and shortly afterwards V)egin to spread very rapidly, gradually extending^ themselves over the whole ])lant and drying it up as if a burning- wind had passed over it. As for the potatoes themselves they are hardly larger than walnuts and have a peculiar disagreeable smell and do not keep well."' ■48 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 49 THE USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. At the annual meetin<>; of the J3oard, after the address of Hon. J. W. Hickman on the use of commercial fertilizers, the follo\vin«Jc ques- tions and answers followed : J. P. Barnes, of Lehigh : What kind of IV'rtilizer did you use upon the huid alluded to? ^Ir. Hickman : I am not willing to advertise any i)articular fertilizer, and hence would prefer not to answer. W Jnle 1 liav(^ niy individual oi.inions as to wliieli is the best fertilizer in the market, 1 do not ihmklliat this would l)e the i)roi)er plaee to advertise it Sufiice It to Hay that It was a ''complete fertilizer "—tJiat is, one containing phosphoric acid potash and nitrogen. ^^ ^ ^^vivt, John JMcDowell, of Washington : AVas the amount of rainfall taken into consideration ? We all know that the amount ot ram Jias much to do with tlie action of a commercial fertilizer. ^Fr. TIiciorAN : I will reply to tlie gentleman by asking a question. When he ai)plies a heavy coat ot barn-yard manure tor potatoes or corn, does not the amount of rainfall have very much to do with Its action ? Is luH tlie croj, damaged and lessened bv drv weather*^ is not the yield mucii less during a dry season than during a wet one ? This obi eel tion lioldsgood everywhere, and may as readilv be raised against barn-vard manure as against commercial fertilizers. I'^iie ditlicultv onen lies'l ere_a wel s'^^^^^^^ vfeh7 'Thi^ is';; \'"f Tt ^".V^ ''' ^'^ '^'' .^1*^^^^^^' ^"'^^^^^ '''^ -^^P ^"^'^ deem ses the yield 1 his IS allri buted to the commercial fertilizer, when tlie same or worse would have happened with barn-yard manure. Too often the fertilizer ivceives he blame of every accide.it or setback, and we are told that their application will not mv and that you cannot get your money out of fertilizers. ^ •^' To a gentl('man witli whoin 1 am familiar, as also are others here I said " T wint ieniH^^r'Vnd'nut v^H^^^^^^^^ 'f '"'^•'" •^' ""'' ^^'^ '"''''' ^' .vour held', 1 t'nlrnish U e leitilizer and put your harn-yard manure m an ordinary coat alongside I want vou to plow the manure down in the usual way. I will not charge you • v\li ni^ for th^^^ fertilizer, l,ut will take my chances in the extra ('rop which u'produces^ was X cry dry, and the weatlier was very Imd for corn, wliich was very late in eaW^^^^^^ I saw him again m March, and asked him for the result. T e s^ih^ - 1 m asl^^^^^^^^^^^ o tell It, and I did not intend to botlier you." J said, -n-ll the truth Xtft it tbr the tacts should stand." He said, -I measured careful v, and there was t w o In is h s b;^r3ic;:r''^t^Ml^;!;^^ was 1 u ISO hJfiuZ ^;^^*^\ .^^' >'""'' ol>s^'rve that the acre upon which no fertilizer A\as put also beat that to winch you gave a good coat of barn-vard manure'^" He InHn."'''^ his tact, but Stated that it had not\)ccurred t<> lii^b Vm" It this f"ct intiueiK.ed the experiment or its result in the least. The argumcMi whic w ^L^ood ilSrin ''drr^i^' t HM^l;rt""t '^"^'^^'P^^^ ^^^^^-^ tl^l^'/^lrn-^^nl^nan:;;^^ worsl ' '"'^ ^'' '"'^""^^ ^'''''^ manure is applied will usually be the h..M"j!rf/' l^^^^'^^^l^^/Ji-^N ^^ gentleman well known to some who aiv here to ni-ht ^^hi.•j, th '';\wH'r ol.ta ■ .d'fm.' " ! "^ >'.- .use tdVl' ";"'',';', "'l''^'' "' tho f..rtilizo.-, l>nt if we have the fc'i- i i/.Vr in tJ , 'f J i' . . , ^<"«"" '« '''y. tliat is not tl.e case; it that fu • ,^ts .r \V e of a fertilizer, they have bought it as food, and have fed it to the istock and saveii the manure. A Member : Would they in this way obtain enough potash to balance the exhaustion of the pot- ash, or would the soil in'time become exhausted of potash? Mr. Hickman : That would, in great measure, depend upon the kind of food fed and the amount of potash in the soil. No tw^o kinds of manure, nor two soils, will agree in the amount of potash which they contain. J. A. J I err: What is the manurial value of a ton of wheat bran ? Mr. Hickman: Our table makes the manurial value of wheat bran about twe»lve dollars and live •cents per ton, but the valuation is based upon the prices of fertilizer supplies which prevailed several years ago, and is conse(iuently too high. Note by the Secretary : Taking the table presented at one of our former meetings as a basis, giving forty- four and eight tenths pounds of nitrogen, tifty-fourand six tenths of phosphoric acid, and twenty-eight and six tenths of potash per ton of wheat bran, and applying to them the tigures of valuation now used by the Board, the manurial value of a ton of wheat bran before feeding would be nine dollars and seventy-eight cents. John I. Carter, of Chester : Could you not answer Mr. Herr's (luestion somewhat in this way: Suppose the soil contains all of the nitrogen and potash that is needed, ])ut is deticient in phos- phoric acid, might you not go with continued applications of phosphoric acid with- out any danger of exliaustion? Mr. Hickman : There is no doul)t of the truth of the question, bef3ause, as I have stated, you con- follows that the elements not applied must sooner or later become exhausted. R. S. Searle, of Snsciuehanna: Do not some of our scientilic authorities assign wheat bran a higher value than you have given? Mr. Hb kman: It is possible that they do, but in nearly all of such cases you will note that the valuations were made at a time when the ingredients of a lertilizer were much higher in ])rice than now. In my oi)inion twelve dollars and five cents is quite as much as it will bear, and more than the crop will get from it. illi 50 Quarterly Rp:i'ort. R. S. Searle : What is the value of a ton after being fed? Mr. Hickman: 'IMiat will, in groat measure, depend ui)on the c-hiss of animals it is fed and upon what use is made of the product. Souie cows have a much stronger digestive appa- ratus than otliers, aud if th(\v, by digestion, take more out of the l)ran thev must leave less in the ujjinure. h:stimate a cow to give ten sphoricacidis largely concentrated in the grain and but little in the staiK or straw, David Wilson, of Juniata : Is not the grain, other things being equal, more likely to lodge cm heavy cHv or- hmestone soils than on lighter or sandy soils? ^ ^ nea\y cia\ oi Mr. Hickman: Yes, sir ; the silica in the sandy soil serves to stitfen the str-iw -mH in.a-o it «f..t..] up; in limestone soils this is delicient, and hen(.e the iVsuU as staiell M. W. Oliver, of Crawford : Can a farmer atlord to plow under a good crop of clover as manure ? Mr. HicK.MAN : Our tables sliow that if fed to stock it has an actual value of lifteen dollars and ninety cents. I it has this value, and ,>rodu(.es at the rate of two tonVn r acre^ i^ certamly wdl not pav to p ow it down, for its value (as f<)<)(l) in nm y w l^h^^^^^^^^ ormot acomn.ercial fertilizer, buy much more phint Unnl i JKin y ay to turn two tons ot clover hay (or its equivalent) under anywhere i I'en svl " .ni i • \t will be better to ieed it, save the manure, and buy fertilizers. ^ innsNUania, it Secretary ED(iE : In valuing the manure resulting from feediuL^ one trm of r.lr.^•...- j. i i not make a n.aterial elilVennce as to what kind o^^stoVit^^^^^^^^^^^ Thktrs^vo^^^^^^^ not be (the manure) worth more from some kinds of stock ttan f i' on i others ? Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 51 Mr. Hickman : Certainly; if the animals to which it is fed retain in their systems (as fat) or in their i)roduct (as butter or milk; a large amount of the value of the clover hay the manure will be less valuable. J. A. Herr : In comi)uting tlie value of a ton of clover hay, did you take the stalks and roots left on the ground into the calculation ? Mr. Hickman : No, sir, we only take what is hauled to the V)arn and not what is left on tlie held. It is estimated that the roots and stalks lelt on the field weigh as much as the por- tion hauled U) the barn ; the roots, however, are not so high in manui-ial value as the hay. If you have prolital)le stock it will certainly be more profitable to feed the hay, and you ciiniH)t altord to plow it down. Prof. David Wilson : The manurial value of some commercial fertilizers is placed at forty dollars per ton; in estimating the value ot a ton of clover hay, did you take into account the value of the vegetable matter or carbon which it contains? No sir ; this vegetable ni-atter is of no commercial value, and is only valuable as an absorbent ; tlie plant can more readily get all the carbon it needs from the atmosphere. Careful ex peri- nients demonstrate that this humus is of no value and mav be left out witnout detriment to the i)lant. R. S. Searle : Do you vary your comi)lete fertilizers with the cro]) to which they are applied? In otlier words, do you put more potash in your fertilizer for curii-fodder than for ■wheat, or do you use the same fertilizer for all? Mr. Hickman : We ai-e in a transitory state, passing from the old to the new, and changing our methods and theories; thus far the only safe thing which we can do is to find out "what our soil lacks and what the crop wants and then supply it ; we had better have too much of it than too little ; when a farmer knows exactly what he ought to know or what he is privileged to know, and which I hope in time he will know, he may be able to apply exactly what the crop needs, (not more or less,) but at present we must be content with getting enough, even at the risk of wasting some. It is a very .safe rule to apply at least titty per cent more than the crops neea. Hon. A. L. Taggart, of Montgomery : Is it ])rotitable to use four hundred pounds of fertilizer per acre? If four hundred pounds is better than two hundred, as you have said, is eight hundred better than four hundred, proportionately ? Mv. HlCK]\[AN : The term "four hundred pounds of pliosphate" is very indefinite ; there are four liundred and sixty-four kinds now sold in the State; the\' vary in actual value from three deiir of grass can ^n-ow The^littlo bulk of commercial fertilizer acts only chemicallv, while lime acts chendcallv P^^y;'^"^! >' directly and indirectly. It will do all, and more, than the l)est commer- cial fertdizer. I venture to assert tiiat lime will give all the difierent elements such as nitrogen, potash, ammonia, and other elements derived from tlu^ best com m'ercial fertilizers, then in addition lime acts physically as an ameliorator, and chcmier--box and i)icture farming is called old fogy and behind the age. What I say of commercial fertilizers 1 shallnot apply to goou, i)ure l)one, of which I am an advocate. But I repeat that in our part of the county nothing is so cheaiJ and eliectual as a judicious application of lime to fertilize the soil. J. A. GuNDY, of Union: 1 would make this reply to what Mr. Musselman has urged because I have had l)ractical ex]»erience in the matter: I divided a tract into twentietlis of an acre. I am a surveyor, and the work was carefully done with a compass and chain. Ou two of these plots I i)ut nothing in the way of a fertilizer; on one I put eighty- five per cent, of potash, ten pounds; on another fifteen pounds of bone black ; on another twenty pounds of dried blood ; on another two of these elements ; on an- other two others ; and to another all three were applied ; on one I i)ut half a load of barn-yard manure, and on one one and one half bushels of iilaster, and on another one and one half bushels of lime. We weighed both corn and fodder carelully ; I have not the exact results with me, but I remember that the lime appeared to have damaged the crop, or at least it lessened the yield ; it cost me six cents per bushel. The plaster did little or no good, and the coniplete fertilizer (containing all three elements) did by far the best. The barn-yard manure was fourth on the list of yields ; these were actual experiments in the field. Hon. C. C. Musselman: My doctrine is that lime is indirectly a fertilizer, insomuch as it utilizes plant food which otherwise might be lost. Mr. Hickman: One year ago last winter I had the i)leasure of addressing an assemblage of farmers at Uniontown, in Tayette county, and there we had up the elficiency and action of lime. Manv of theni took i)recisely the same ground as has my friend from Somer- set [Judge Musselman]. One of them asked me if I would put fertilizer upon i^art of his field in competition Avith lime, and whether I would stake the value of the fer- tilizer upon the result. I told him that 1 would do so, and we entered into an agree- ment. It was upon a farm where the iron company was taking out limestone and utilizing a part of it, but leaving a considerable amount of finely broken stone not wanted at the furnace, so he had nothing to do but haul the stone to the pile, pile it up, and burn it; the coal was on the land, and the only charge against the lime was for actual labor. He put this lime in competition witli our fertilizer on one half of the twentv acres of land; he understood the value of lime as too many understand it, and heVas going to manufacture all the elements of plant food from the soil by the use of lime. He applied seven thousand bushels to his half of the field, or at the rate of seven hundred bushels per acre. Hon. C. C. Musselman : That was entirely too much and injured the land. Mr. Hickman : Tliat is the true solution of it. The fertilizer was put on at the rate of six hundred pounds per acre. The fertilizer Ijeat the lime badly, of course. In Montgomerv county I met with a man named Cugler who was applying lime and had great faith in it. The gentleman with whom 1 was staying said, "1 wish that you would go over and talk with Cugler." I did so. He had just reached home with a four-horse load of lime, and, after putting his horses away, came into the house to talk to us. I said, '' We came over to tell you our tlieory of farming and to olfer a few suggesti(ms." W^^ sat there and talked of the action and value ot lime,, and finally 1 said, " I want vou to apply your lime to two or three plots and a good fertilizer to two or three others; give the matter a fair trial and see if you do not be- come more progressive." I liave never seen him since, but I have heard from him. He is now convinced that he then learned something, and from that day to this has never hauled another load of lime. R. S. Searle : W^e are now discussing the question of how to improve worn out or exhausted land by the use of commercial fertilizers. How would you use them? Mr. TIk kman: Suppose, in answer to that question, I give the experience of Thomas r.ale, of Hnmes- ville, Kent countv, Marvland. Mr. (iale had assigned to him about six hundred acres of verv i)oor land ;^i reasonable corn croj) had not been known to grow ui)onit. I Avas visiting an agricultural club near bv and he sent for me to come and look at his land and tell him what to do with it. Upon the tract there were some buildings, but he was i)oor. I said, ''There is onlv one thing in the world for you to do, and that is to fertilize it, and vou must be liberal with your fertilizers." People there 64 QlARTEKLV RkPOKT. I! "4411 i only used two luni.lrecl pounds per aere, and T saitl that he must use sK hiuidiod JHiuuds ,„.,• ucio. He said, ••That is worth more than tl,e hind. uulerst h .t i; some <-as ,« you haAC furnishe.l the fertilizer, takin- vour pay out o f the h 'r aso in the .-rop. Is your faith strong enough to o„t tlie wheat which follows I « corn?" I repl.e.l, ••We will divide the wheat , -rop with vou and w 1| • "o , ,■„ '^ hun.lre,] |,ouiids more per acre for It" I sent iiiiii' for the corn six I im ■ V n , 1 l.er acre, ot which four luindred pounds were plowed down and two hi l-u 111 the hill when planted. It was not a favorahle year Ccoriri ut .> o k i corn to lialtimore am paid si.v cents per bushel in freight and weighii,,.- f "cs \VI en tlie'i:!r, M.;:f"/r ","'/ ''■"! ','r ^-''^^ '"" "^y '""""y ""I f l'"^'""' that" Hi I c'pp , l*^ • lie Ci I ihzer (forty-two .lollars per ton), six per cent, for the money, and o iie m 1 ' .'i' '"';>'-'""' ''""'"■■' '"■''' ■' "f t"i« I returned him one ht.lf. ul irsuc cee 1; whea cro,, here was an excess over tlie cost of the fertiliz,.r of sixty- iv,. dollars "o hat Icoul.l have made limi a present of two hundn.d dollars and olV f'„T price lor my fertilizer. The field was sown witli timothv in I lot,., i,, ,i and next year he mowed it and had n.ore av t a y otile r m^^^^^^ a ;;„",' I'"'- V the .-ouiity, and liad live or six bushels of clox^.r seed i,^ acre "'""" "* p^^^il^d^ rniiiiLr aiuniad'-tfi^r^^^ii^ ^^^'o^'::^:::^^'^:'' ^cJ' n-i'r^ known as ••the Hickinan field," an^l will be so kiiowi fo so e tin e'to co le I ai? year I g,, from liim the n'titrns from one liundred aud thiily-fYve acres and .mm hi. hands promptly. Von nl^' w|.r'h'im"L. l/ic ll;^i\STlia';'^:'i4^:;;reVn J. A. \lvAu\ : of^irfeHili'^er'r"'''''""'''' """"""" "*' '"" ^"" '■''^" «°>'H'tI.ing to do with the action Mr. Hickman : Not .so much as the fertilizer has upon the meclianical condition of the soil. •T. A. Hkrr : Must not every one be, to a certain extent at least, his own ..xperimenter-' Mr. Ilrcfv.MAX : ^vh^hr.'• a^;r.v!,id Jn^r "'" ^•"'""""" "'■ "'"• '^"-v'-'fe- this is the only way iu Secretary EixiE: grldcs:'\vtti;':^.;:,rri,fri'p,^.rn\" oconoinical than the ordinarv fertilizers are the niost economical ? '"" •""' '" " "»' " '"^^' "'at the higher grades of Mr. Hickman : 1'KNNSVI V \\1 \ HoMUi OK .Xcitlcf I.TI UK. 56 to you. higlicr grades, most ocojioiiiic-al. I'y I?y transiiortation fV'rtilizers liave their value increased •ind th,. the decrease m bulk, cost less in freight, hence thev are usm.llvi^^ H. M. Engi.e, of Lfincaster : ot^z,;'i:;;';;,;r ;!.';:.k'',:,v;;;,:!f'-^" ^"'■•y ^"'^••'-f'" ■" "'"-.-.« good crops by the use Mr. HicKMAX : Tliat indicates that flie soil is not deficient in ..,.(...,1. ■ ». , ,. ticie.it nitrogen from soni,. other source than "hi! rn'm,',;::.;'* """ "''' '^^''"J' "'^'""'« «'"- Note by the Secretarv : .vegetable niatterTcaHioIovtCcessa^sMo^ m some availableVorin. Mr.-'lJJyd'Hllli^n'd Vhat Zvl'.;'-! d'""' '"' " " '" ""' cloAvii (.'lovor was oiio of tho host \\\\{\ \\\{\H\ \m\m\\\\W{\\ \\)v\\\H in whldi carbon coiildlxMulUiMl to tht^ kdU. '\\i \\\\h Mr. lUoklUMh oI\)«mMat it was i(»o (>\i>(>nsi\ c. Ww cIon («r hciim- Avorth vory nnioh »noro «« \u\y than as a ^vovu vro|) lor plowinmnuior. To illusiiaio X\\U, Mr, UloUnuH* oshlhltod tito ll^nroM, Mhowln^ tl»o vahn» of oni* ton ot'i'loviM- fod H!!i i»uy ; utwutln* ViO\MMirtln» n»an\iro whioh wouUl n^Hult IVoin th(> t'ooilin^- ofono ton (»t' ohivor huy. Tho >4(nn nril^oso two an\ounls was nmch hw^vv tlian tluit ot'tho ina- Huriul valuta ♦»(" llu* (on ol lw».v whon in a ^vvvw slalo. ill rt^ladon (o ilnMiduooi' voHOinhlo niaKor, wo tiiinU tliai ilic views ol* Mi. Ilick- niau won* not M\y osproM^iMl, i\tnl woro inlsundtMstood hv nianv in tiu^ audiiMiot^ Mr. llu^kinan lidondtMl (o I'onvoy (ho idoa (hat, in l\is opinion, tln"^ roots and s(uhl)li* of tl»o crops m'oNN n on Iho woll, lojiollnM' wilh tin' ns\ial niunnro n»ad(» on tlu' farm, AVtudd, Willi Iho alnionpltoro, supply all of (ho carhon (the suhsiancc of \ ("i-t'tal)!*^ niadorofnll Uludw), (nM»dod l»v any and all crops. (ioiuKoviMi further, Mr. Ilickiuan adxaucod (ho opinion (hi\( wllhoid (ho ntanuro of tho harn-vard the roots of tlu^ proh- Icnis of awrlcidluial «'hondHli'y no( yo{ (IwuMMi^hlv understood, and in tho discussion alhuhul (o (al Iho ltu(«UN ( 'ounly I nslK ute ), uo" allusion was nuido to tho vorv iin- jMMlant ileni of (ho </of \M'w-e(ahle nudler upon (he soil. While i( is no douht true, as claiuicd hy Mr, I lloUnian, (ha( (ho ainiosphore will furnish an ample supply for (ho Mr«»w(h of (he plaid, \o( i( \h a cpn»s(ion whelluu' an (Mdiro i«'uio\al of actual vt^Kotahlo nudlor iVoni (ho noII would no! sooner or later r(»sult in a nnn-hauical con- dition which \\i*\\\{\ ho very unfa\oral»le (o plaid, growth and dovolopuM'ul. It is a well know n facl Ihiil all now n«»IIh. and such as have lately heen cleared of their liiu- ])er, are unuHuall.v pl'oductlN e. and II Is an accepled Ihe'orv (hat as hv after cultiva- ti(m tho supply of vojfolahlo inader dlniinishes, (ho fertility liocnNiscis in ahout the* saino ratio. 'I'ldw niM.v not ho du(> (o (ho ahsoiwo of carbon as food for tin* i»lant, and we think (lia( l( U not i hul (I i« more prohahly duo (o an improper comlidon of (ho soil as to htoscuoNM ami poitmliy. A h'ldh' soil which is (oo compact will not produco a sadsfiwtory crop, and II !« hul fair (o claim that much of this i)orosity is due to tho voK«'hihle mador in (ho noM. tl In ipiosllonahle whether thi^ more plowing- down of tno roots and siulihlo of (ho crop would furnish onouy^h <'arhon for this purposo. At any rate, we has e no record of any lon^ coudnued experiments in this direction. Cousiderod in ad nf \\h hearings', (he cpiesdon of (he actual eirecl of carhonac(H>ns nui((cr in (he wdil In a M'ly lldeieHJlug problem, and (MM' ui»oii w Inch, as before stated, authorities do not iil wayN mkC'M'. 'riius, for instance, Dr. .1. H. Lawos, tho celcbratod Isnwlish e.Hporlmohloj', wrKoNiiM I'oIIown: " Wheiievor voMolablo mador is placed In an arable soil, such asolovor pb)wod in, dull^ applied or Iho pa^lnre broken up, (he soil \a I'ound to l)e lull of <'arbonic acid. A ^jiroat (piaiidlv of carbon is biirnl oM, and by decrees more siid»lo compoinnis aro formi'd, ill whh'h Iho rehtdotiN of carbon (o nltro^:on an^ very dillcront to what llu^y are in liviM«; vo«:oladon. Hlniw, for Instanoo, ooidains mMirly half i(s w^'i^Jd of car- bon and less ihiin one per cold, of nilro^en, (he propordo'n of <'arbon (o nitrogen ln'iUK (dl,\ (o one, while wuiface soil coubdns cMiboii in propoi-t ion of ten to oiu' of nitrogen, iuid hn wo ^o lower down (he proportion of <'arl»(m to nitrogen ^rous loss. It is Ihewo lutriicnlur ooiiiiMmnds (ha( are aeled upon by living- organisms ^ivin^riso to nitrilicallcMi and pari of our roceid Impiiries have Immmi directed to asciTlainintc \N IiciIm I' |h«« carbon of (he nuIinoII In cajtnble of nit rilicnt ion. Wo have no ovidoiK'O that )>lan(N lake carbon from IIiomoII. Some of our lields have received no carl>on for nearly lU'ly yoat'N, and we can obtain, by means of mineral manurcsand nitrates, aw larm* cropN mm wo did al Id'Nb \N hen llr'sl a pasture is broken no there? <'an be no doubt that vory hirvf<' 'jiianddoN of carbon are oonver(od into <'arlM)ido acid, and at (he sumo dino odier c*, 'I'IiIn may bo noom by our nnmanured w heal crop, which at the end of nearly half a oonfnry nOII yloblNovor (welvo bushels per aero." Monw (iooi'tfo \')||o, Iho oelobrated I-'rcfich oxporimcnlor, thus Avritos in reflation to the uHMlmilad(»n of carbon by plants ; " The lants derive their supply of IhJN oloMionl, dioy tM'Verdieless draw a certain «piantit,\ from tlu'dec|)or iayei'i* of dio «#//j|, die carboniN acid ctadained in which is al»sorbed l>\ the roots and afterw'unlM titu'(nntut4tui by dio leavoN inio oxygon afid carbon, the latter element bein ji^at***! lid hi<<s|)horM* acid? If si HTtili/crlias twclvo por cent, of i>hosnlif,ri<' acid, isllioro nun v\\]\\\\\)'j to Tiinc or even sc\ cii "!" potash ? Mr. ili< KM \N : No, sir; cxrcpl special inainircs for ])otat()cs. wiiicli oftoTi run as hitrh as five or six of i)otasn. \n\i note in tiic charts tiic amount of potash in corn-fodrtcr, oais :ind wheal siraw, and ha V ; liiese the fanner usually feeds on the farm, and thus k(iei)S the potash at home ri)Ut on the otlier hand tlie i)hosphoric acid and nitroj^en enter hir^ch into the ^rain and are very often sold off the farm. There i.s an accuniuhition of poiash. In ^nch eases, witl) a *^fertilizpiiorie acid", a lar;j,(' amount i)erhaps, and three of nitrogen, with two of ]>otash, that would make twenty per eent. ; there are still eighty percent, remairnng. On this I would base the following lac(^s a thousand miles away. My remarks nvv aimed at the great bulk of this worthless stutl", and not at the few honest brands that are manufactured and sold. A good tine concentrated fertilizer, whethei- made at home or abroad, and drilled in with the grain, will generally give .a start, ami show a good and immediate ellV^ct, as it geneially goes all rigiit into tlie plant, liut we must look for something else to lay the foumiation of a fertile soil. ;i^table manure will do it as far as it goes, but it is lipon liine that we must count as the fertilizer, all other fertilizers are mere helps. It is em])hatically so in our part of tlie State, contirnuMl by practice and theory. WIhmu^ nature has furnished a sutfi- ci«']it supply of lime, it need not be done artiticially. Lime is one of the liv(^ grand divisions of a fertile soil, and without it not a s])ear of grass can grow. The little bulk of commercial fertilizer acts only chenucalU', while lime acts chemically physically, directly and indirectly. It will do all, and mor(\ than the best commer- cial fertili/cM". I venture to assert that lime will uive all the different elements, su<'li as nitrogen, ])otasii, ammonia, and other elemenls deri\ed from the best commercial fertili/<'rs, then in addition lime acts physically as an ameliorator, and chemically as a neutralizer. I can buy twenty tons of lime for the price you pay for (me ton of •connnen-ial fertilizer. Lime converts sulphuric acid in the soil into sulphate of lime which is land j»laster, which has the power to attract and fix ammonia ; tin' \cry heart of mannri there you get ,>()ur nitrogen, and i)y the burning of shells and fos- .sels contained in limestone you get i)liospiioric acid. I know that sonu? will deny this last assertion, but so says Prof, .lohnson, in his work on agricultural chemistry. 1 know too that I am treading on the toes of humh'cds of manufacturers, and tliou's- ati(N of au'Mits of thi^ high sounding and sweet smelling store goods ; but as a men i- b(>r of the State iioard of Agriculture, it becomes my duty to expose a I fi^ni}^ a 1 impositions practiced upon the farmers, ot winch I am one. And I can ^ ^^ ^ > \^. that pi<-tures sent arouAd to look at, and the bottles that an. "'''^V /'' ' i /t liplication of lime to fertilize the soil. J. A. Gundy, of Union: , , 1 would make this rej.lv to what Mr. Musselman ^\^^/^y-^'^\''^;^;^^^^. ^,,^^V^^^^ practical experience in the matter: 1 divided a tract into ^"^''^''''^l^lf^^l f^^^^^^ am a surveyor, and the work was carefully done with a ^^^^^P^^^^^^^"^ ^ "/j^ .^v two of these plots I put nothing in the way ol a tertilizer; <)n one I pu '^^ ' y- five percentof potaih,ten pounds; on another tifteen V^^]]'''^^ '^^,1'^^^^^^^^ another twenty pounds of dried blood; on anollu r two ot ^1^'^^ elen e s o^^^^^^ other two others ; and to another all three were applied ; on one I put '^ \; '^^^^^ barn-vard manui'e, and on one one and one half bushels ol P^f j.^f.' .^^^/^ .^^ one and one half bushels of lime. We weighed »>oth corn and ^^^^\\\' ^^ •; . / \^^.;4 have not the exact results with me, but I remember that the lime appealed to lia\e amagedl' (^^^^^^^^^^ at least it lessened the yield; it cost me f^^^^^^^^'^^^ The plaster did little or no good, and the complete fertilizer (/«^^ i^^^ "^, \ il'^^. elements) did bv far the best. The barn-yard inanure was tourth on the list ot yields ; these were actual experiments in the tield. lion. 0. C. Musselman: . .n^.n^T^i.^nt food My doctrine is that lime is indirectly a fertilizer, insomuch as it utilizes plant food which otherwise might be lost. Ouo year ago fast winter I had the l-loasurc of '»l'l':*^««i"? »" »«;!f '''"".f.t.fi^^^^^^^ at Uniontown, in I'ayetto county, and ihcro vvc luul nj. T.e ^*^\'.X\r,i f Vmf Soin^^^ ii..,,. Mm V (iftlicni U)i>k iirceirselv t lo same ground as lias my Iriend Irom isomei I" riludgJ Muls A an (V ne of t?.em aske.l me if 1 would ,mt fertilizer upon l|art of 1. is Id con,pelitii,n will. lime, and whether I would stake ">« v»\"« '>>-«f^„'';^;'if.VHrndnl" m o house to talk to us. I said, " We came over to tell you " f ,t ?°7^ f,'^^. ,V ,\"^,"' ,1? r,fr..r a few siKruestious " We Rat there and talked of the action and ^uui oi iimi,, amU-mairyT s!:[.r ■ ' I want you to.apply your i"-;,tf>t-. or three ,, <>ts^uid a good He is ",ow elmvimXhat he then learned something, and from that day to this has never hauled another load of lime. we a^e Sow discussing .he question of how to improve won, out or exhausted land by tlie use of commercial fertilizerH. 1 low would you use them ! S?pp.ll!huu,twer to that cpu^stion, I gi ve the experience of 'H that is to fertilize it, and you must be liberal with your leitili/Ais. 1 eopic mere -'■'»■ 5i Quarterly Eeport, Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 55 ,1 of only used two hundred pounds por aore, and T said that he must use six hundred pounds i)or acre. He said, -That is worth more than thu laniL I understand tliat in some cas'^s you have furnislicd the fcM-tilizer, takin.iJ: your pay out ot the nicivaso in tlio crop. Is your fiuth stroiio^ cnou^li to do tliat m my case?" I answered, "I will -ive vou si\ hundred pounds for every acre but one (the tield contamed thirty- two Seres), and vou are to put tlie litdd in corn ; you may take from every acre as much as is produced upon the acre with no fertilizer." He answered, " ^ on are the man that I have been looking- for, but how about tlie wheat wliich lollows the corn *^ " I replied, '' We will divide the wheat cro}) with you and wdl ^ive you tour liund'red pounds more per acre for it." I sent him for the corn six liundred pounds per acre of which four hundred pounds were plowed down and two hundred put in the liill when planted. It \vas not a favorable year for corn, but i)eople came miles to see it. WJien he hauled in his corn he measnred it. In :\Iay he sent the corn to Baltimore and paid six cents per bushel in freight and weighing fees. When I came to settle with him he gave me my money and I found that I had the price ot the fertilizer (forty-two dollars per ton), six percent, for the money, and one hun- dred and forty-one dollars over ; of this I returned him one half. In the succeeding wheat crop there was an excess over the cost of the fertilizer of sixty-live dollars, so that I couhl have made him a present of two hundred dollars and obtained full price for mv fertilizer. The hold w^as sown with timothy and clover in the spring, and next year he mowed it and had more hay than any other man in that section of the county, and had tive or six bushels of clover seed per ar-re ,.,,,, , , After nTowino- it for awhile, he turned it under for wheat, and applied hve hundred pounds of fertnizer, and had thirtv-iive bushels of wheat per acre. That field is known as "the Hickman tield," and will be so known for some time to come. Last vear I got from him the returns from one hundred and thirty-live acres, and upon that result I wrote and read a report before the county agricultural society, and 1 am free to say that it has attracted great attention. He hatl some doubts about buying a machine for threshing, ))Ut I said to him, ''lUiythe macliine and pay for it off the one hundred and thirtv-tive acres." That one hundred and thirty-tive acres is now worth a great deal more than the original tract, and I saw him threshing sixteen lumdred bushels of wheat otf his poor land. \\v lias a good bank account, and i)ays his hands proini)tly. You may w rite him for the facts as 1 have given them to you. J. A. Herr : Does not the mechanical condition of the soil have sometliing to do with the action ' the fertilizer? Mr. IIi("K>l\n: Not so much as the fertilizer has upon tlie mechanical condition of the soil. J. A. Herr: Must not every one be, to a (pertain extent at least, liis own experimenter? ^Ir. IIlCKMAN : Certainly ; and in the present condition of our knowledge this is the only way in which we can avoid errors. Secretary EdiiE: Is not forty i)er cent. South Carolina rock more economical than the ordinary grades, whicli give but tifteen i)er cent., and is it not a rub' that the higher grades of fertilizers are the most economical ? Mr. Hickman : By transi)ortation fertilizers iiave their value increased, and the higher grades, by the decrease in bulk, cost less in freight ; hence they are usually most economical. H. M. Kn(JLE, of Lancaster : Some in our county have been very successful in obtaining good crops by tlie use of South Carolina rock alone. Mr. Hickman : That indicates that the soil is not deficient in imtash, and tliat the crop obtains suf- ficient nitrogen from some other source than the manure. Note by the Secretary : The discussion as here given, and much that was not i)reserved, from the fact that the lecture and discussion was illustrated by diagrams, indicates tiiat at the Rucks County Institut<' there wjisa dilVereiK'C of o]>inion between Mr. Hiekman and a num- bei' of tlx' praetical fanners there i)resent. It was also evident that this dinereiice of opinion was due to the dilference of tlieir estimates of the value of carbonaceous ma- terial, such as straw and corn fodder. Mr. Hickman took the ])osition that by tiio continued application of ])hosphoric acid, i)otash and nitrogen in amounts larger tlian Avas removed by the cro])s, the soil wonld becom<' more fertile, and the resulting crops would be' increased. On the other hand, Mr. Tondinson and others assumed that vegetable matter (carbon) was necessary to the crop, and must be added to the soil in some available form. Mr. I^oyd clailned that pl(>wing down clover was one i)f the best and most economical forms in which carhon could be added to the soil. ^n> V is Mr! Hickman objected, on the ph.. that it was too expensive the ^^J-ver W Avorth verv much more as hav than as a green croj) tor plowing under. I o illustiatL n is Mr Hi -k n r exhibiter with tin. usiml manure made on the tar n would with the atmosi)her(N supi>lv all of the carbon (the substance ot \ egetable m- t r of a ki ids) needecl byanVand all .-rops. (ioing even further, Mr. Hu-k.nan advmced tluV^(^>^^^^^^^ that without the manure of the barn-yard the roo s ot the croiis tm^^^^^^^ with the stubble usually left on the tield, would turn.sh an abundant .su^Iply o^^^^^ for all time, and that it was not absolutely necessary to add any '''tiIc assimilation and use of carbonaceous matter by the P^'^^tsisone of those prob- h>ms of agricultural chemistry not yet thoroughly understood, ^^"^V'V Hu v m^^^^^^^^^ alluded to (at the Bucks County InstitubO, no =^^'*'^'^;V '''^'/''wi i i is no^ portant itein of the mechanWal of vegetable^ matter upon the soi \V \' ^^ ^^^^ ^^ true as claimcMl by Mr. Hickman, that the atmosphere will luriish an ample supply foi ti e gr h of the plant, vet it is a question whether an entire removal of actual vegetairie matter from' the ioil would not sooner or later result m a mechanical con- dition whicli would be very untavorable to plant, growth and developmen It is a wen knovNm t^'^hat all nAv soils, and such as have lately ^>-;;\;*^-[:;^^.;;;i;^;^^ her are nnusnally productive, and it is an accepted theory that as by alter cultiva- t^^n 'the s ply (^' iegetable matter diminishes, the fertility decreases in about the same ratio This may not be due to the absence of carbon as food tor the plant ad ' e h k that it is not ; but it is more probably eri tnentcr. writes as follows : , , , . bon and less than one per cent, of nitrogen, the proportion ot carbon to iitjogc^i leim hftv r<>( e whik surface soil contains carbon in proportion of ten to one of n^U -u rweg lower down the proportion of carbon to nitrogen grows less TtVs thesVX^^^^^ that are acted npni the soil. Some of our fields have received no carbon f ; n n-lv 1 ftv ^^^^^^^^ we canol)tain, l)y means of mimM-al mannresand nitrates, as 1 r^e crom ^^^^ lirst- When tirst a pasture is broken up there can bc> no doubt thTverv Targe (uantiti(>s (.f ^-arbon are convca-ted into <-arbonic acid, and at l^e^m Vmne^her <^>n!pouncls are ibrmed, which areonly aeted upon v|^ « -w^ To exhaust a soil is, perhaps fortunately for mankind a ^^.^T .f/ ;\^^^^^^^^^^^ oess This may be seen by our unmanured wheat crop, which at the ena oi ncariy ,1k/ "s ndVa'tt:^ of :.,;,'l';.,n l.y plants : •' Tl,.. ..uantity "f V-'"'" J. -'-:;:';;::fr <" n t -'a .•„u,l.<..sitivUU.e found in a nu^^^^^^ the better plan tor ti.e Uueks 66 Quarterly Report. W m fuT'"''' T'" ^-^ to carefully save and apply all the barn-yard nianur(> vvhiel, 1 an n ak(> and aocuninlatc, and at the same time bny and usi all of the comnier- el^r/ili^c^^'h s'flr m'^T-' '"^' pay hin.; in this ^^^y he eannot tail to in^^i^ flw n -T i- ^ ^'^^ "' *"'*^ mcrease the average oi' his croi^s. He will accent ad(h^d r^'.;,in'ft i:z^^, rr;: zi ,!:r.-^i"-'"^'^'^' ^"^ ■^''""- "^^'-'""^ »- -'" -'-'-- '^ ntmol'."/* '^ r^''''-,V''l-,V'''^ ^'^'^ 1^^''^'^^ '*•'" ^^^'tain all their needed carbon from the ; e so^; f Thl 'V-^^ ?^^^' wethink, fnul himself amply r(M)aid for thetronbh> a, ex! s ni^r ii A^P.P^f''^'^ f ^"^ y'''''^ '^'-'^'^''^'^ in its actual manurial clfect, s( far as w h . f^ ' f '^''^^' and ph()si)horic acid are concerned, and in the niechan cal cllbit whicli It must necessardy have npon his soil. »aiiicdi ciiLct For the purpose of ohtaiiung the views of practical farmers upon the use ot commercial fertilizers, a number of letters were addressed to sucfi as were known to be practically acquainted with the subject ask- ing their views upon such ])hases of the cpiestion as had attracted their attention. We give the following al)stracts of their replies : John I. Carter, Chatham, Chester countv, Pa. : phosphoricucid to Vnake\ T? .' e • m n,f .^^^^ quantity ot nitrogen, potash, and IvinLr feldsnqr ror-V-V, 1.1,1. ,V n^^i^^^ ^"" practically It was found that our iindcr- rLh^!,Vn ^!^f;cls ' wh e levJrrt^^r^^^^^^^ ^'''f^ """''•'"f '"*''^'^ ' ='"" th« carbonaceous inatt " loavine mU-H.o n^ « ,. '^•*'' '" « ^''*r"t''' "*' ""rogenous or chased fertili/,c.r. Th is o loifie nt V if r,^ ^^'1, '''' '"'"^ *? j!? supplied in the pur- hausted by our system of fann'i^^^^^^^ ?""-^' ''kelv to have been ex- and cattle feeding so 1 ircofv carrfl.H on ,, ? ' 't .'«'ing carried oflf in the dairying tilizcrs arc not iiUhc naU?re ot^VHnnH ... f '''■'''^"'" "' ""' ^"^"^- '^'"'t "'osc fei- by """ ublc i,b„si,|ioric acid ani.liod to tho ^,:.^, ? "''V ^"'''"' '''■'"^'■<' applications of sol- Kind of Fertilizers Nitrate of soda, No manure, Hulj)liat(' of ammonia, Barn-yanI manure, < Ground bone, .... Bone sui)eri)hosphates, Mineral •superi)hosphates, Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 5T The report of these, and many similar experiments, drew the attention of our far- mers to the value of commercial fertilizers, and to the special ali< anions are not n'lade because of the transient elfects of the fertilizer, but becaus<' the lirst application simmus to stimu- late a vigorous early growth, which carries the plant beyond the risks and dangers- of this stage. Of course no good farmer should neglect to make and save all the manure his convenience and time will permit. R. G. F. KsHiNKA, Berwick, Pa.: My experiments have been too limited to add much to the general stock of knowl- edge upon this subject. The little on hand, however, is cheerfully contributed. The soil upon which my experiments have been chiefly made is somewhat (litlicult to name, and for want of anything better miglit be called a gravely clay, (of a friable nature.) My first experiment of any consequence with commercial fertilizers was upon a twenty-two acre field. This field had been entirely run down and left to shift for it- self for several years. It was to some extent covered with small scriil)by pines, dew- berries, and a "sprinkling" of wild grass, altogether not enough to cover the soil. There were many good-sized patches where the ground was quite bare. After the pines were pulled up and burnt, the ground was plowed the latter part of June. About the tenth of Julj-, the field was thoroughly harrowed, and three pecks of V)uekwheat, with two hundred pounds of fertilizer, drilled to the acre. Dis- solved South Carolina rock was ai)))lied to a part, and a high j)riced and grade com- plete phosphate to the rest of the field. The season was diy, and the yield twelve bushels per acre. This was fully up to the average of the neighborhood. No ditt'er- ence was noticeable between where dissolved South Carolina rock or the complete- fertilizer had been applied. After the buckwheat was removed, the field Avas twice cultivated, going over it diagonally', and one bushel and one peck of rye, with two hundred pounds of dissolved South Carolina rock, drilled to the acre the latter part of October. Being short of phosphate, and for fear the ground would freeze before- more could be obtained, wood ashes were substituted and drilled on about five acres. The field yielded oven* three hundred bushels of a fine grade of rye, tlie iK)orest part of the field with i)hosphate, yielding twelve, (12,) and the best twenty-five (25) bushels per acre, while the poorest part, with ashes, yielded scarcely the seed, and the best not exceeding eight (8) bushels. This was a wonderful difi'erence, the additional straw in the former alone fully jiaying for the phos])hate. This marked dillerence continued in the growtli of the grass ; in fact, the clover was scarcely perceptible wdiere no phosphate was sown. The statement made to me by the complete fertilizer agent that the "animal" bone would make the better- showing in the future was not realized in this case, for no difierence was and is no- ticeable. The application of four hundred pounds of pliosphate per acre two years ago re- sulted in an average yield of thirteen (I.'3) bushels of wheat per acre last year ui)on a piece of land whereon two years previous the yield of oats was eight (8) bushels per acre, and whereon the year still before that, white beans refused to yield the seed l>lanted on a part of the fiehl. In this case a part of the field was drilled with dis- solved Soutli C'arolina rock, and the balance with a complete fertilizer. As was the case in the twenty-two acre lot, so here no difierence in the yield was discernible. A comi)lete fertilizer, comj)(>sed of seventeen hundred })()unds of dissolved South Car- olina rock, two hundred pounds of nitrate of soda, and one hundred pounds of mu- riate of ])otash, a]>]>lied to the oat field, at the rate of two hundred and lifty ])Ounds- per acre, last year doubled the crop, and the investment netted over one hundred per cent. Other tiials have given similar results to those named. The results in some of the experiments referred to have been so marked that it leads us to conclude that our soil is ])eculiarly prei)ared for tlie rec<'ption of fertilizers containing a larg<' {ler cent, of i)hos»)horic acid. Our soil contains a fair per cent, of the fossil mollusca. It is j)robable that the actions of the atmosphere disintegrate minute particles of these; fossils, and i)repare it for the reception of the acid i>h()S- phate,and through tliis agent is converted into i)lant food. This much is certain, that the ]^hos])hate acts upon soinrfJUn;/ which has been lying dormant in the soil, for soil which will not, with the best tillage, ])roduce a sufficient amount of grain to pay for tlie seed and labor expended w ill, by the applicaticm of a. few hundred pounds \)f phospiiate per acre, not alone pay for the seed, labor and .58 Quarterly Report. l)lK)sphato applied, ],iit Ki vo in addition a not profit. This ruhlifional product at least must )).. (•nMh( '^*>"''t liave a similar ('fleet. However, since we have not eiioughot this to -g,) an.uud," wc mav be considered verv fortunate in hein^ •able to procure so cheap a substitute, and thus i)reveiil some of our lauds from be- connuo: barren wastes, aud restore others and make tlieni vahial)l(\ iJl V^Vl^'" ,)''*•''■<• *»^' Agriculture had not done another act since its organization to Dcneht thelarnicrs ot this Slate except the enlightening of its citizens upon the ler 1 lizer <,u(^Mion tlien every dollar expended by U from Its inc('ption lias^pn.ved whie I n.n-l^f; \^ ^^ ^^xa'uple, a few years ago 1 bougld sonle plios])hat(N for iv. J • ^'^ ^''^t.>^:^!^^li^ ^l;!ll'ir« (^^ IH^r ton. The next vear the ''Tabulated ; • s worn. Jv''V''/r''^'^ Fertilizers " fell into my hands, and it showed that the stuff ANas ^\oltll SIX dollars and seventy-two cents, (^(i 72.) Conseciuentlv I was (mt of pocket twenty-one dollars and twenty-eiglit cents (^21 28) on oZ)on' cTthe f f(M-tiliz(M s/w( distr"^^^^ 1 h?>s h?///^^^ M^^' ""''^ '^ '"^ "^^^"^^ t^ '^''^'^ ^''^^^ ^'^^' ^^'"^'^-^^1 introduction and use f b o tV'''' '' n'-^'y? ^'"^'''^ '""'*^^ ^^^^^^'^^^ ^^'■^''' '^ ^'^^ ^^'^'^b and hence the pro..Tess ni agiieulture m this Commonwealth much retarded. pio„icss F. DAKbiN(JTON, Lincoln University, Pa* liiih ifof/ "^/^^^^^ ^y Prt^sent farm, which at that time was considered to be in a at of been mofe than when I came to'iV "An,? t'o7"" I'^'ll "^''J'''''' '^''''^ my tarni is onethird those"}" ^"^iSJtZye'''^!::^^!:^^::;?''''''^ •■'^^""^- ""♦ >-"" -^^ '•-• !•■'<=*« «•"' •There s,...,n to ll ?„o r■loV;^v^^r.'?.^?.^'•''^^"."""'«'•y''''V•• »'«>'!?''''»■ •' Z:^^^-Z::^ ^.e ,.... ten .ears .as not .-hased a hn.estono .„•,„ near Oreou^i^'ir^J^Zuu^T:::;^^::^^^^:^ Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 59 proNcd to be so exhausted that it would not produce over from nine to fifceen bushels of wheiit to the acre. This, with a heavy encumbrance, set me to thinking, indeed. I then commenced the use of commercial fertilizers and was agreeably surprised at tlie good results, but at lirst not without some mistakes in selecting. The first sea- son I used but few tons. Most of it was aiumoniated and potash goods of high grade, or what is erroneous called a complete fertilizer, and a few sacks of Dissolved Soutli Carolina rock or acid phosphate. In spite of mv prejudice to the latter, 1 found it equal and in some trials even Ijetter than the so-called' high grades. The high grade used contained from one and three fourths to two and one half per cent, ammonia, from three to four percent, potash, and from seven to nine ]>(n- cent, of availalde j>hosphoric acid. The l>issol\ed South Carolina rock contained from tJiirteen to fifteen per cent, of available phosphoric acid. Now, from exi)erieiice and from facts roporti()n. At the two last tri-annual assess- ments the valuation of my farm was iiKtreased thirty-live per cent. This, of course, I did not like, but the blame was on the phosphate. Here in Antrim, on slate as well as on limestone land, the leading farmers chiefly use Dissolved South Carolina rock or acid phospliate, some even from twenty to thirty tons in a season. Its utility liere is now hardly an open rpiestion. In many cases of trial the results have been almost incredil)le. One farmer in the fall of 1885 who lacked contidence in fer- tilizers sowed one half ton of acid phosi)hate on part of a held he put in wheat after the corn was removed. The part fertilized made about tifteen bushels to the acre and the part unfertilized was, as he said, not worth cutting. All had the same ad- vantage as to soil and time of sowing. One other farmer, in a heavy soil, carefully measured otf in a held two plots of just one acre in each and sowed at the same time both plots in wheat for trial, putting two hundred i)ounds of acid phosphate on the one plot and none on the other. Wliile the wheat was growing there was apparently no difference. He cut and threshed each lot separately, and found that the lot fer- tilized made seven and a fraction more bushels than the lot unfertilized. A neigh- bor of mine while planting a lot in corn of about one acre dropped in with the corn two hundred pounds of acid phospliate. After the corn lie sowed the hn in oats, and the oats in clover. The corn hills and rows could ])e distinctly seen in the growing oats, even at a considerable distance ; so also in the first clover crop, and even in the second. The plant where the corn hill was grew so much taller and stronger. This not only proves the benetit of commercial fertilizers, Init also that the fertilizer does not do, as some say, for one crop only, but that it improves the soil. In our soil a complete fertilizer is'^not the most profitable. But I confess I have not yet seen a complete fertilizer, one that has all the elements of plant food and in the rifjhf proporlioi) : nor would such be suitable to our wants, for the poorest soil is even rich in some elements of i)lant food. With the organic matter we have in our soil, and with the ammonia derived from tiie atmosphere, I think that we have all the ammonia we need to jiroduce a crop. As for potash, my experience does not show that we are in need of it. I think that the potash which is made available by the disintegration of rocks and gravel sullicieutly supplies the waste. But phospliorous, we learn, is even at hrst but si)arse in our soils, and then much of it is locked up in insoluble coni])ounds juid not availal)le. Exi)eriene proves most emi)hatically that our soil is much in need of this element of plant food ; and V)y sell- ing olf the grain \\v raise, and the livestock, we return but little of this element through our barn-yard manure. Therefore, we prefer to scilect that fertilizer which contains the greatest amount of available phosphoric acid for the money. Howard Preston, Oxford, Pa.: I have used almost exclusively South Carolina rock. In ex]>erinients made with other fertilizers, Ix^ne and complete i)liosphatcs, the rock gave e(j[ually good results, at near half the cost. My soil does not seem to need potasli, and where a moderate ai)])lication of stable manure was a])i)lied (ten two-horse loads per acre for wheat) enough of nitrogen was furnished to meet the requirements of the cro[)s. liuying, as I do, through an organization on a giuiranteed analysis of fourteen ]>er cent, of available phosphoric acid at liftcen dollars per ton, 1 know that I ain not cheated. Of th(» large (piantities of commercial fertilizers used in this section, probably more than thi-e(> fourths is South Carolina rock. For many years I have used from ten to twenty tons annu:illy, auett( r sod I never before turnecl under. When I conii)are it with what it was six years ago I cannot but l)e more than satisfied that South Carolina rock is a most A'aluable fertilizer. Some farmers think it acts too (piickly for corn, making a vigorous growth of stalk 60 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 61 at the expense of tlie maturing ear. I have seen something of this, and propose this year to use bone and South (Carolina rock side by side and note the result. D. r. Forney, Hanover, Pa. : The introduction and use of commercial fertilizers in tliis section of tlie State opens, up many nitcresting agricultural (jucstions for investigation and discussion. No- )\iiere in the State, p(>rliaps nowhere in the United States, lias the practice of fatten- nig cattle lor the spring market been so generally and so long adhered to. Tlu^re will be shipped from tlie single station of Ihinover alone about one hundred and titty car-loads of fat cattle this spring, and other stations will contribute still more to- the number. All tiie corn, oats, straw, and most of the hay are thus consumed on the larins, together with a large amount of |)raii, middlings, and some oil-meal. One- would suppose that with all this manure annually returned to our soil there would be little else needed to keep up its fertility, but notwithstanding this, commercial lertilizers have been gradually introduced until the amount consumed is enormous JSow, then, rejecting the exceedingly common and cheap presumption that farmers- are not capable ot understanding tlieir own l)usiness and can be easilv instructed singly or collectively, l)y any editors, lawyers, doctors, professors, or ])()litieiaiis who* leel called upon to undertake it, and accepting the opposite presum})tion that farm- ers like any other business men, understand their own business better than any body else we must come to the conclusion that farm-vard manure alone, continu- ously applied, will not develope the highest productiven(^ss of the soil. This con- clusion IS lortified by the opinions Avhich I get from my most intelligent and reliable neigJi bors, nien who annually feed from twenty to forty steers on their farms and haul out hundreds oi loads of manure on their land who still sav that where they aDolva good commercial fertilizer their crops of grain and grass are improved bv it, and our grain buyers tell me that the wheat is plumper, brighter, and heavier. My own ex- perience goes in the same direction. Before, therefore, endeavoring to decide wliich or what form ol fertilizer is the best, a matter which I don't believe can ever be de- V\lu}i /;^^^f/f^-torily would it not be more profitable to try and learn a little more- fh^f U^ »i^ '^ '^ regarded as a panacea for tlie soil. w itli Its use, the farmers soon learned that it, too, alwavs did best when annlied with Sanation' "to El'o'lZ^''' V ''T' '''T -"-^^--^^ to^^act'Iipon^^Mhis'^^^^^ pianation. To me the explanation always was exceedingly unsatisfactory I.ime \vh( n api)lied to the soil in its caustic condition, as it usually is wiH in aT^on! v,,!' o th?fn^.nV \T' 'T ''t ^•^^^^^^.^^' ^♦"^^ ^^^l^'^'"t properties almo^stentixdy It iXrnt to the insoluble carbonate and hydrate. This is seen in makin- mortar every cav this theory, and a«su,ne that tho^-l'golabl^n, a r, t^trsoU act^ ulJI^^rt'h^^ir any other mnicral food, instead of the lime u,.o.i the ve^i.tal k^natt^'r "i fl "w^ Che nis rv t a, hL , t |, f bv^ ,? f '"'''^f "'" Tl','' ^"l"'''** *"'" «fll^-ieiit it beeonies. tell us, has been made vn, ),v the disinteiritifin r f H,,? ,1 k W ''' S^"'"'g'«t« pose there is any a.tual detiVlenev o " nte t he so tT^; J^'"''*" '';? '""■'""' *"'!'- ilenVe, after usin J li ne^^^V'^; it^S' me on\''i n^^^ ="'^> inetleetive. and fell u,,,,,, eouwu.nial fertilizers in " , 1 a "e an " f .1 nfn'f Vf ""^^fs^'fry, ally increasing indieates that in the main thev are ,, d pr ( \1 1 " T/.r T' '"',""'- to their use is their uncertaintv TSTr^ T>io+fr.>. ,. i ^ *i piontahle. T he objection fmls to give satisi .ctory re^^^^^^ ^^'"^ composition is, their us'e oftcMi W(H-st. What hap KM s^ir?fhe sAi1 I otw^^^^ ll t"^'^ ""^ ''^^'''' ^^^^^^ ''^' ^^^^ ^^^«t as of the seed, and reap th -^-r >p J^b^dy kno^^^^^^ ^'^V ''^'^'^y ^^''^ manure, sow th iiiori resnect^ nrobnbll>f n' ;*\.h'^' • ,^1 ,..^.V.- I-^^^'^^?'.^'»M^«^^ opinions are entitled t <-()me to that point in his accumulation of knowledge when he can admit his want of information. The man who "don't know" may some day find out ; the man who "knows it all" never will. In the application of commercial fertilizers we must admit that we know very little. We must contine oiirseU(^s to what little we have learned by obser\ation. In this locality vv^e ha\'e observed that they do bc*st when applied in connection w ith manure. This is likely wwing, to some extent at least, to the solvent i)ow^er of the acids which are formed l)y the decay of the manure. These prepare and digest the mineral food for the plant. It may be doubtful whether sul- phuric acid can truly digest the South Carolina rock for the plant. Without the in- tervention of the vegetable acids, there maybe no assimilation, just as in the animal stomach there is none, wdthout the use of the gastric juices, and we may yet discover that the main point in a fertilizer is its mechanical reduction, leaving its solution to nature and her forces, and dis})ensing entirely with sulphuric a<'id. I have failed as often with "])ure dissolved l)on(!" and "dissolved South Carolina rock" as with any- thing else, and have had gcxxl returns with ground bone without its dissolution with acid. This fertilizer I believe to be the best and cheapest in the end. from the fact that it contains more of what plants need than any other for the money, and yet I have seen it used without any j>erceptible l)enefit. In my own experience, I have found it very effectual when applied to meadow land, and the land then laid down to grass. I have taken four successive heavy crops of timothy otf of siu-h land. An- other thing in this connection worthy of notice is that where the manure is applied on top it seems to make the fertilizer most effective, and wliat at first surprised me, its etfects are more durable. Otf of a twenty acre field, which I mowed last year for the second time, and on which bolh superphosphate and dissoU ed South Carolina rock were used three years ago, and part of the manure plowed down and part ap- plied on top, after plowing, and tlien harrowed in, we took forty-three large four- horse loads of hay, averaging about one and one half tons to the load, weighed out of the field, and the best was decidedly where the manure was applied on top. This, after what has been said, seems reasonable. The manure near the surface will de- cay more eftectually than when plowed under, and will thereby render all mineral plant food with which it comes in contact more soluble and better fitted for plant nourishment. On a stifi* clay soil this is especially important. Chemists have dis- covered that if you mix clay in a vessel of licpiid manure it w ill retard putrefaction, whilst humus \viU accelearate it. For ulcerated sores, there is perliaj)sno remedy better than pulverized clay. I have found nothing better for scratclies in horses. When, therefore, we plow our manure down on a stifi' clay soil, we almost entirely arrest its decay and dissolution, and conseinion either. But after five or six years trial with lime and ni.inuie, I fouml my land but little 62 Quarterly Rkport. nf,IL7'.!!lTh,"Mf",!ri';'''.7r''i /• "."" «^'^''' "l"'""'- '••" ^opt «„ feeding .-ntd.. to , \> ,i' 1 I '"'",'.' ' V""'*'- ^ «"«d several brancls of coniii orcial ferlili/c' , ,wV ifecUon! I havy.;anu^e?y „rr lo it'''' "'^^' -l'-''->'« «" 'I""^' "-t degree of pe" wen'',;n';.!X',:;;',r 'nHrii;'"'.;':; ';?. "f"i;-fri'r"^'" ",""■ '"""■^' "-«^'" *° '»>« •^'^re ti,..ro creas '« f^tt e or tnore bt^;he s tier tn '%''V'*''^ or twelve nei- .nt /.f a, .fn i i 'V ' ? '"'""' """ •' ''itilizer tlmt <'oiitained ten tlmn ., n .\ i, , u",s' ev, , i t' ','''"ri: ''•.''''^ acid nm.le a «n.a,er m.-rease in hnsh.l" on tlie same fari.i •, ,ii i , ,„ ^; I'arate nigredients ; in this I found that even seve, d ex ertment^^ '■"'I"''-''" <'"•. <"»'<■>■'■"' li''l '" "t •'""'"*'■""• "■• "'>'"•" ••' —- beic!';l^St'^'::'i;/L^-'-i~ J''/> --i- b'ono h\. Vl^^'n^t'ile analysis of it I otiier kind. exct-lltnt manure tor worn-out sods, and as profitable as any R. S. Seari.e, Montrose, Susciuehanna coiintv P-r • to'i^^t;;:;; wa;V'V,'n:"?At^dnw^^^^ ""■"' ^f.-; .n',;,.;,, l,ut «.. hegi„„in^ given but littlei.tenihnf ; \ ;V ; ' V' . r'-'li.* n'ot'Vu" ^^' V,"" ""^ *'*"-""^'-« ""^^ Another drawhaek is th.. nndti.u ' f li w,! „ '^ ,,l "'l'"^'' •'* ""yV""*-' "•^^•• and eaeli agent running down most if not •, , H . ' ■ '''"'""J-' '<' ''<■ the best tested ,!;i;i hr;n!iT';ife[.^.fS^ t'lt^a^uTirr'" "T ■•^', ^-•^* -P-- -t- tnform„„on on the subje,.t^)rint. .r t e r r^"' U^^^ M' ".ous fert,h/ers, the valuable ber <,1 the farnurs, an.lilK-v'are not I e etited 'bv t Tbi'"" IT"-",!'"' f-^''"^'"'' ""-"- remedied m tiuu- by tin. iimm'nee of i ,^H ,t„ /^ , ,^ '"■* '^t'"^""- '"nH, and will be the great nuiioritv in tins seetion h l m /h , T',' '"'""-■'•? '"ganizations. While mercial fertilizers, a few hav^ i sed h m i^ "^ <■'""- eiousiy use.l ,be results have been sa is ' Ho ' T r *'' "TlY''' '"" "'"" '"'"- 1" tin. «eelion has been v.'rv satisfaefC I so wh , '"*';.'", '"'"' '"' "'■" sc<"" *«« «"^' P"st no f.rtdizer was sown, the n.niainder sh ,r v' V ' ''''^ '"K a portion on wl id, '"■•"\'\ I'on,. phos|,l,ale. The r", was .^^ l"',"""- 1«"'- aen. of aunnol "sed, but noi,.nough to pa v for iil.iu,. ",?,'''' '' K'","' KWin and straw where young farmer in ISriclg-water i,nw si , us".,T ,!'"' '""'','• ^"'^' <'-'l' a progressive 0 wheat ami rve, seeding at sa e'li /.e We",'w'. I',' h;"''' "",".""': V" '"'"• W '''<•'•«« held look.d spfendi.l when the snow eai u' I do u i " "■^""' ""'' i'"<'''st- The 1 a wng used dissohcl South Carolina r -k but I v, ',11^ V'' !""¥'•"'■ "> 'bis section sist our people. Man v who attended or I'.sr -J. . " i ''"'•''" " ^^"•'I<1 gn^atly as- bear Hon. .1. H. m.-kman o„ this si ., '.^ ,,'"'""■'■*' I>>«titute eame CN^pressIv to vve hope to hear hhn in th,. future. A 1 ^^u ,:;■,">':■';. '' ""'' ''i«M>p,.int<'.d. Stil eht to our p,.o|,l,. ,|,.riv,.d from Ih,. two Inst tufes I'^T, '•'"""■'•tion that th,. benl computation m ,lollars. Not onlv hVve th'J l' '" -^'"""-os,. has b,.,.u b,.von 1 portan,-e thai tlu.y will make h si- irTa, iTi ""'ire'.'l'r^'' '^^""-^ '"' i^'^-^^'-:^ ' '/o"^-(»(/, and when men Lret to tl i,,,, ' " '"^"^ 'allmg, but it basset tlu'io i,. [o the Stat., will be returned in tl . n fr na,' n'''l'''' 'T""- '"''' <""• dol lar.s n cost bett..r crops, b,.l„.r ,.itiz,.ns. Our prncn,.';^ j'''^ ''''.'•'■"' •'"'"kI'I ai>pli<.,l, w b ~.. our Winter has been unn'su'.^l'iy «t'ili:'.ilfo!v1tVCirrr.[g'\!f^^^^ . ,-^V^- ^^^'''''"' -^liUville, Collin bin ronntv P« • In discussmgiheconiDar.itivi. ,-..i.., .■ ,• ','"'"' ^ a . Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 6S may liavo bc'eiKlctenuincd sciontifif^ally and contino myself to an e's^fmate of the couiiiarative worth of eac-h, as cleinonsl rated by actual test in the field Considering cost to results produced, I have no hesitation in saying that dissolved South Carolina phosphate has been, on my soil, so far, the eheap'est source of fertil- :,.,, "'' "'' "i-Ji time, sooner or later, may come when this will not be the case, e luture to dissolve, confidently hoi)ing, as soon as the necessity for ity. Whether leave for tii I a. change is apparent, to be able to see it and tind wiiat niay tlien be needed. The time was when intelligent farmers were misled into the belief that chemical science was able to tell them just what fertilizer or fertilizing materijds were neces- sary to apply to a given soil in order to make it produce paying crof s. Their claim stock broker watches tiie course of invents likely to enliance or depreciate his invest- ments. Chemistry may do much lor the farmer by determining what elements are lacking or what are abundant; but the roots of 'plants running through tons of soil tind al)undance of needed alnnent, where the chemist from his small sample is scarcely able to tind a trace. To apply fertilizers successfully r<'(iuires studious observation. Tlu' mode of ajtpli- cation may cause failure, an unfavorable season mav also cause the crop to go annss when treated, Just as a previous oni' had been that was a grand success. An excel- lent lertdizer may thus be discredited, because the circumstances under which it acted were unfavorable. To apply a complete manure in large (piantitiesor in (pian- tities sulliciently large to m(>et the wants of a crop on a soil that needs only i)hos- phoric acid or only potash is equivalent to borrowing and placing in bank a'sum of money several times as large as we now see any necessity to draw upon. The same is^ true of a soil that responds to ammonical manure or any other needed element of fertility. If a man be famishing for a drink of water, shall we require him to take a lull meal of solid food that he may be benetitted by the little moisture contained therein ? While the complete manure man improved his fields by putting on w hat is not immediately necessaiy, their keeping a long bank account ahead, the specialist aims- to supply what is now needed, and seeks ultimate improvement by calling to his aid natures resources, carefully watching the effects of every application, not en- tirely with a view to immediate results, but to develop more and more, call down, and draw up, constantly storing at the right place additional fertility with each suc- cessive round of his rotation, never for a moment losing sight of the fact that the farm is not a store-house of unlimited capacity to honor drafts, but one that needs- constant replenishing with those goods tliat are most in demand. Commercial fertilizers of whatever kind'are chielly valuable in the impetus thejr may ])e made to give to the growth of grass, especially clover. With clover to reach up into the air and down into the subsoil for materials ; commercial fertilizers judi- ciously chosen and appli<'d will do much to aid in i)lacing the best of plant-food at the right i>lace for the use of all crops. As a fertilizer to insurea growth of clover, I have found nothing cipial to the highest grade of South Carolina phosphate at same- cost. Experience thus far leads to these conclusions— that a fertilizer rich in phosphoric acid is of the first importance to crop production on my soil — that when a fertilizer of this kind has been applied along side of another, with a h-ss quantity of this \-al- uable constituent, yet high in its percentages of potash and ammonia, the result has- invariably been that the increased production, when any increase has been apparent, has not been commensurate with the increased cost of the fertilizer. Repeated trials have been made with this invariable result. E. Reedp:r, New Hope, Bucks county, Pa.: I have been usingcommercial fertilizers in a moderate way for about twenty years,, chiefly on wheat and i)otatoes. I luive not used the South Caron which toconipound their fertilizers. It is rich in phosi)horic acid, but does not contain potasli or ammo- nia. I think tiiat my soil reciuires a fertilizer rich in potash, l^'or ivhcat I want a fertilizer thjit will analyze five to six per cent, of soluble^ j>hosphoric acid, six per cent, of potash, and three per cent, of [unmonia. I give a moderate' dress of stable inanure (ten two-horse loads per acre), and two hundred pounds of fertilizer drilh'd in witli the wlu'at. Wlien I do not ha\'e manure enough to cover the fiidd, I drill the field both ways and apply from two liundredto two hundred and fifty poundsof^ f<'rtilizer each way, making four hundred or five liundred j)ounds per acre, lint a nuxlerate coat of manure nnd two hundr<'d pounds of fertilizer gives me the best re- sults, l^xix'riments made seem to demonstrate that my soil does not need strong doses of ammonia, hence I class that lowest in the list. The stable manure I think supj)lies about all that is needed of ammonia. For potatoes I want a fertilizer run- ning from ten to twelve per cent, of potash, and I always have it mixed to order. K\'er since I have been fertilizing potatoes in this way (six hundred ])ounds ])eracre in addition, to a coat of stabhi manure) 1 have not missed a crop, and the (juality is uniformly excellent. I think the fertilizer rich in ijotash for potatoes increases the yield and improves the quality. ^4: Quarterly Eeport. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 65 G. IIiester, ITarris])uri!:, Pa.: My experience' in the use oi' coniniereial fertilizers has been rather limited, and I cannot speak aecurately almut results, as T iiave never weihates were first introduced in this section of Berks (.()untyD^,irmrhh^^^^^^ years of its introduction tlie farmer who made use of this (dass of imm re u'ls he exception ; l,ut Its rich results on all crops has so establishinl the confidemu^^^^ the public- that to-day it is safe to say that it is now used by nil leV-nine per c^ of our farmers in more or less (piantities. ""-'-J ""»^ P^r etui, oi oui (2.) My own practical experience with this class of fertilizers extends to unw^rd^ (5.) When it is considered that liino is oiVv a m r.l, .^, P >n>"«'' altogetluT. value or plant food in anv deKroe I am not s^.r,, U : 1 ; ^ ."a>,M,ial save ,ne at <-ro,,s in .•o,npariso„S,V,;i„« ,", "t" In roll,. '!"!"'' '"'-"^'^ '^ ^''"^'>^^ tlian l,en.^it to a crop of grain in a Ilry-sVaH. n. 'r, I'i ' liar I Vm :."'''•','• "''•'■'^' """y because it is put into n..)?tar lor that parUci Mr mrno r !. . '' " ^''''''^ ">''""• tili/...rs an. n.ore prolitahle to the tarn .r a an ' t KlasV Im^^^ f'^''- and tM.jr m, applying, and l.ring In-tterand nn,r;Mlircct resul s "'«^ "''ve labor 1 hud cases already where, by the use of fifty second with stable manur(\ the thin! with lime, and the fourth was not fertilized at all. The proportion of results in the wheat crop to the acre were about as follows : The section fertilized with lime and the uii- fertilized section did not show any difference in crop yield ; the manure fertilized section showed an increase of fifty per centum of buslltds to the acre over the two preceeding sections ; the section fertiliz(-d with i)hosphate yieldractice. ° (7.) Thii greater quantity of phosphate I buy I apply to wheat. T usually sow my wheat the last week in Sei)tember, with two and one half bushels of the grain and from two huntired to three hundred i)ounds of phosphate to the acre in drills I have experimented that phosphate-grown wheat, as well as all other crops, will ripen at least a week earlier, nnd with much more regularity over the whole field ; also the grain is of a finer color, and more fully developed, and l)rings a l)elter price in the market. The Hessian fiy is also less apt to affect it when fertilized with this class of manure. (8.) I am using it on oats, and the results are aUvays very good. At corn I find it does admirably well. It produces a speedy growth, a heavy stalk, and a well-devel- oped ear. (9.) This spring I tried it on potatoes. I dropped about a tablespoonful of the ma- nure upon ev(»ry potato before I covered it upAvith sod. The last nnv, my phosphate I had in the field did not reach out quite, and being too much trouble to bring out another bag, I left the remainder of tlie row unfertilized. The ertects are plainly visible now. I can show you the very phmt where I emptied niv bag. Tlu^re is a difference of at least four inches in the height of the plants, and they liave a rich brighter color. ' (10.) It is sometimes asserted that phosphate is only a temporary fertilizer, and l)ut of benefit to one crop. To this T would s;iy that I know it to have benefitinl my grass crop in a profitable measure for two successive seasons in the s:uue field after I had reaped the grain from it. (lb) I never had tried ''South Carolina rock'' as a fertilizer, but from w hat I hciir it does not bring very good results in this section. E. SiiORKLEY, Lewisburg, Union county, Pa : The steady and encouraging progress made in the various departments of com- mercial fertilizers to farming, seems quite apparent to the one who has l)een brought on for the last twenty yearsor more toward a i)racticjd use and knowledge, mo.sf/u from his own experiments and experience, and nholhf on a lin(M)f his own neces- sity, iiefore the discoveiy of South Carolina rock, and at the time when nearly every small town with a machine shop and foundry, had at least one mechanically inventive genius, i)utting up a bone-mill, more or less i)erfect ; and when "pure animal bone" at twenty-five dollars per ton in sacks, and in the rough at half that price was abundant in some parts, iust from tiie "out-of-the-way" i)laees of the country and farms, then it was, that the farmer who took the study of the i)iH).^phate problem without a teacher, found himself confronted with oyerwhelming evidence's of an expensive, laborious, and troublesome undertaking. The farm upon wliicJi tlie herein results were i)ainstakingly noted, contains soil and fields of note-worthy variations in character and conditions. The low underdrained, black and loose, the heavy (day, tlie uplands and tlie sandy; and on all these, by a careful system of weighing products, and a prudent plan of purchase, the dissolved animal bone iv- variahly gave better, and more grain, grass, and straw, than the same amount of money invested in barn wmX stable manure from th<' farm-yard or town. Tlie im- mediate demand for bone took it to a better market, ami mixed goods and guanos were then for a timelimitedly purchased, "and pure bone" at forty dollars was gen- erally adulterated. 'IMie "jihosphate " sack of those days, with its 'glowing set-off in print, covering all (me side, would require more of a scientist to explain tlian would ever be ;it hand, and th(wo?^^f?i7.s of the same would be satisfactorily estimated by the reputed character of the //ow.sc, from which the goods were obtained. Three successive seasons were considered the best period of time to well established tixed- ness and reliability in any and every special test, by which the conhoric acid, ammonia, and potash, and in such proportions as to make the goods (jG Quarterly Keport. Pennsylvania Board op Agriculture. G7 Clover, in nsn ot iiirett inindroaiiis to tne acre. Tiie origin or tiic rcnnsylvania iState Board, aiul its Clieiiiist, in courtesy of its Secretary, came kiiully and just in time to atlord the most valuable aid, andat a junction wherein tlie purchase and all local agents were being innocently defrauded, dissolved South Carolina rock was liber- ally cologned, colored, and sold as "phospliate," and though measurably ehe(;ked, an inexcusable defiance has often been detailed, and a few eAi)eriinents therel)y lost, liut unlike aforetime, the general adulterations and their consequent faults, are heing i)laced at the door of the fjictory, and the uses no longer, by common consent, classed with the fooLs on account of poor results from fraudulent and unworthy 'J j)!iosi)hate." The j^oard through its deputy's and the public press, turns atten- tion to the i)hosj^hate laws, and after eleven years with the trade in mix(Ml goods, aided in tlie use of all the Legislative enactments, all the experimental farms can do, and all the information atforded by the most liberal scientists; yet, it can well be said, we have not obtained enough i)ractic{d fact and knowledge to secure and hold a jiosition of general welfare, in the purchase and use of phosphate. It is the idea thai jthosphate in a certain sense, is being believed by so many to be a 7i.eces.sifi/, and the Agricultural press is brave enough against it, to echo this, so as that in some way or another, the accepted condition has worked serious ills in almost neutraliz- ing our pioneer elements of work ; and it is becoming questionable whether we are 7U)ir progr(>ssing ; and there is room for the belief, that there are more ditlicult prob- lems, and njure serious obstacles yet to overcome, than we have alreadv encountered. However, the last decade has variously decided, in its impressive logic of e\ ents, that tlie redeeming elements and forces of substantial progress in knowledge of and income from phosphate must come to us, if they come at all, by the way of a wise em|)loyment of tlie olfers of Legislation and ccoVeration. No o/ie man in fariniiig, is likely, a/owc, to battle against the enemies of a fair and untried division of the great gains realized, and the open day view demanded of the mvstery-making manulacturers, without, in less tliaii a quarter of a century, seeking aid and sympa- thy- in c< operative law and powers. The line of actual land and crop test, on any one crop ; the facts to be brought out of commercial and real values, and the sources of the plant-food ingredients are sufliciently problematic for the skill, patience, and tastes of the most plucky' and gamey ol larmers, and past practice in testimony declares, not one of one hundred cares for, or knows avy of these vitally important truths, as coming of industry and ddjgent personal research. The last six vears have, with some few, been faithfully and unmterruptedly given to a form of work calculated to, and did in resu/ts, sini- phly the phosphate complexity, and "standard phosphate" has been closely fol- lowed m Its pretentions of quality and its sul)tilitv of mixture. This indetinite "some lew " includc^s enougli of the two classes, scientists and farmers, to be able to put plant-lood aiul plant-feeding on a footing more readilv understood, and much more practically applied, than in the generally adopted connnercial methods, which armers have been compelled to accept. In the work referred to. South Carolina rock has been considered and purchased as the cheapest and best source of phosphoric acid; the nitrate of soda, our source of ammonia, and the muriate has been pre- lerred tor Potash Six years test on winter wheat and rye, gives contirmaticm of the tollowing tacts : riiese ingredients, with a certain uniform per cent, of purity, miyed with a shovel and a hoe, have in test with factory mixed phosphate invariably done best, and m s(,me instances, vastly better. Applied as for tlie immediate crop, dis- solved slaugh Cr house bone has be(>n less protitable, and in "complete phosphate'' the lower grades have l)een no better than dissolved South Carolina ro<.k alone. The orlif I?: T""' ^^^^' ^"'^ buckwheat, are crops on which tests have not been repeal edl.> made. Farmers raising ])otatoes, have an opportunity for protitable experi- ment not only to themselves, but for others, and on clav soil potatoes hav^fblen raised, m the use ol these chemicals at \ho cost of tifteen and eightecVcents ner bushel, that is t^^ie increase of crop by the applic-ation, was enmigh i^ bus^^^ ^.^y lor the goods at tlie stated prices. This friendly force Of c( 6 )er'ition h-.s H , .Vd .1 out of the hands of unjust tributes and broken up ol mXds ins much aTh^^^^^^ the copjous showers of gain are fast filling up all tlie "old rut^''Vf o^^^^^^ d t salislaction. In the amount purchased, at an expense of two and sL tenth cen^^^ ton lor the ass(,ciations work; a saving of oxer four thousand dolh^^^^^ an economic rain-nUl toour little phosi^hate union, iuuclM:alculate4 ^e^ ^om^^^^^^^ honest and fair ccSperative workers. The late waive of natioS Legis at o i^give lea.l.ng agricultural scientiests an almost enviable opportunity to LtX rave ^md fail .tul ill their service for the "bread and butter biV^aeie • '' .imHf- X^f^^^^^^^^ periment Station bill fails to illumine the darkiu^ss o^ e phos a I qm^^^^ will our advance forces at home be iustlv censnr-dilp ThLil ;?'/•./ ^i»<>H; then one tl.,. .,..s. ,l,in.. in ,.,.os,,„a„. ToriS^X 'bufrecil'rwT.a' or'^!t7;!u";'^^^^^^^ direct help must r,e given than comes of the most judicious cr,) rot'^Hc^^^^ queslion, " what is the best phosphate?'! Answer inav he ncX ^.V.ii * • . ammonia, and notash. Now «nr.r^r.«« ^^ ,.t"i,. ,.^.!"5L.^^^ '"^^^^» phosphoric acid, and under the Hatch law we use science, and learn as much abovit these as anybody knows, as they are id)solut(^ly "pliosphate," and every farmer has at his market a local agent for several mixed kinds, can we not in lime, by field, soil, and crop tests, *dig out" toward the light? Knowledge, c( operation and (^xperimen t are im- portant factors in the avoidance of fraud and loss ; and as this ceoperative w ork and way is quite a dei)arture, self and seltish modes are against it. We, in wisdom, w ill always, upon a knowledge of the evils we are following, turn from them, and when made aurchase of five large two-horse loads of wool waste from a woolen factory, on which the soap suds had been poured to increase its value. For this I paid three dollars per load, and hauled it two miles. It was without ex- ception the most olfensive article, as regards smell, that I ever handled. It was so otlensive that before it was j)lowed under I smelled it distinctly at a distance of one and one half miles wlu^n tlie wind was favorable. I spread it on my oats stubble, and plow ed it under, sowing to w heat. I supposed I had a bargain, and engaged it for the next year, but on examining the croj) of wheat the next j^ear could lind no favorable results. It was i)ut on limestone soil of fair fertility. A neighbor about three miles distant on sandy river bottom had abotit a similar experience the year before. My next experiment was the purchase of three tons of superphosphate from some Delaware tirm. This same phosphate was sold the previous year to a neighbor, who had drilled it in with his wheat in alternate acres, using phosphate on one acre and sow ing the next without. The lield of my neighbor was low, with a clay soil, but underdrained. The etfect on this lield was* wonderful. During the entire next year the tield looked like a striped carpet ; the acres having the phosphate could be picked out as far as the field could be seen. The elfecton this lield is what led me to order the three tons. 1 drilled it in with my wheat, putting about two hundred and. titty pounds per acre. At several i)oints I doubled the (quantity for one round, and 68 Quarterly Report. at sovoral points inado ono round witliont any pliospluito. Tlu^ soil was a gravelly red shah', \viti^ liniestone undejlyin^-. T\\o result was that I could not tell except by the marks on the fence where tlie phosphate was a])i)lied, or where it was not. It could not be told either on the wheat or grass. Cost of phospliate, tliirty-tive dollars Iter ton. Next I made a mixture of glue refuse, containing (piitean amount of small hones tiiat had been so softtuied l)y acid as to be cjuite easily <*rum]>led in the tingers. Taking about two tons of this to one ton of ])ur(i ground bones, which I dissoh'ed with suli)huric acid in the pile, after laying for some weeks, and shoveling over a number of times, it was run through an old threshing machine and lifted by a shaker. This contained nothing but fh'sh, b(^nes and acid, and I tiiought it worth at l(?ast lifty dollars i)er ton. This I ai)plie(l witii tfie (bill in sowing Avheat, with no favorable re- sults as far as I could see, although applied at the rate of from two liundred and fiftv to live hundred pounds per acre. Many others used the same mixture, and mainlV w ilh the same results as mine. After this I tried several brands of phosphate and (h'ssolved South Carolina rock, sown broadcast on limestone soil in good fertilitv. In these but little ditference was discernible to the aya either between each })iot or be- tween them and the adjoining pieces containing nothing. In the fall of ISSo, I made a mixture consisting of seventeen hundred pounds of dissolved South Carolina rock two hun()unus of muriate of potash, and one hundred i)oun(ls nitrate of soda! These were mixed together on tlie barn-tloor bv shoveling about for a number of times, and then drilled in with tlie wheat. The mixture was a])plitHl in tliree ditfer- ent fields. In the first, a good limestone soil in good fertilitv, and all of the tield well manured, drilled in at the rate of two humired to three hun'dred pounds per acre showed no improvement over the spaces containing no phosphate, so far as the eve could detect ; but most of the tield was badly injured bv the freezing of the plants where the snow was blown olf. On another lieid of varvin- fertilitv, on the good land but little ertect could be seen, but on the poorer parts", and where the limestone lay deep below tlie surface, the etfects were quite marked, tlie grain being nearlv or (luite (loubled ,n (juantity. On the third (ield, one and one half miles distant, grav- elly and without the limestone soil, the fertility of wliich had been to a great deirree exhausted, where no manure was applied, the elfect was marvelous, the vield l)ein£r at least twice as much as when no phosphate was sown ; but where manure was ap- plied the etlect o the phosphate was observable, but not nearly so much as where lio manure was applied. lUit in none of the foregoing cases was any certain measure- • /i.:LV.\''t''''^ '''' '^ conseciuence are not as reliable as could be desired. Last spring ( S8(}) I measured off twelve plots of one twentieth (^) of an acre each soil a sandy loam, lying immediately on the limestone, in fair feAilif v ; sod of clover and inothy plowed m the spring, and after harrowing I applied is follows, aU broad- cast and harrowed in : No. 1, nothing; No. 2, ten pounds muriate of potas i: No 3 hlteen pounds dissolved bone black ; No. 4, twentv pounds dried blood No 5 ten }^'!l^!]^?^!.^}!i}'^''^ ^''^' bone_ black ;^No. <;,\en pounds pot 1^/11^1 twl^nty pounds dried blood; No. 7,.tilf een pounds i;;;;c;ma;:kamrtetyp^s a^auS No. N ten pounds potash, fifteen pounds bone black and twenty pounds (riedbloSi. No. !>, one half two-horse load of yard manure; No. 10, two and ne alf bu^^^^^^^ burned lime; No. 11, one half Inishel (fiftv pounds) grev gvpsuni • No r notln-ni. each p of planted with corn of the same varietv, ami in ihtlluunvm^^^^^^ the corn. ' ,e p lot containing all three elen.nts i-owed to .'he ov'IVhe' .onlider- the corn. ably better than the ploValong'side, treated with manure." Th^^Vn was (MiVoirnnH hat )ts IS Pennsylvania Board of x\griculture. 69 -.J o Cm O * O 'A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Fertilizer applied. 10 pounds potash, 15 i)ounds dissolved bone black, 20 pounds dri(3d blood, 10 pounds potash and If) pounds bone black, 10 pounds })otash and 2t) }K>unds dried blood, If) pounds bone black ami 20 pounds dried blood, 10 pounds potash, 15 pounds bone black, and 20 jjounds dried blood, I two-horse load manure, 2h bushels l)urnt lime, 50 pounds gypsum, m o r— ( O o O Jjhs. 20 1 lo; 303 511 021 21 i ()2i 371 6p 2i •1-1 . (7* "+-• 701 20^ 15^ 92^ 87^ 11 Of 77f 7i 32* *Lo 8. It is intended to continue these experiments through the entire rotation of crops. From my experience and observation, the following deductions seem to be war- ranted : IHi^st. That all commercial manures show better results on naturally poor lands or lands of exhausted fertility than on fertile lands. ^Second. That phosphoric acid is valuable according to its availability, no matter wherefrom obtained. Third, That on limestone soils potash appears to be the most effective and most needed element. Fourth. That relative cost of purchase and api>lication considered, complete fer- tilizers are more economical and remunerative than yard manure. Fifth. That actual tests by weight are the only reliable tests of value. Sixth. That tankage and similar products are of very little value. Seventh. That lime and gypsum are no longer of value to our lands (although they once were), being stimulants furnishing no element needed by the plant and want- ing in the soil, only making the ehunents in the soil immediately available, whereby they have enriched the fatliers and are impoverishing their sons. Eiffhth. I believe^ although I have not tested it, that the needed supply of humus and of nitrogen ean be obtained by using potash and phosphoric acid alone, and with these growing l)uckwheat, peas, clover, or other rai)id-growing crops and plowing til em down. Future experiments may cha ge these deductions, but so far the evidence tends to establish theuL The Octoraro Farmers' Club : Your committee, appointed to report upon the relative merits of the commercial fertilizers in the market, would most respectfully submit the following as the result of a careful iiHpiiry from different sections where the results from practical tests could be ol)tained without bias : Whilst some farms would use only bone or other high grade fertilizer, the almost unanimous exj)ression, from an economic standpoint, is in favor of South Carolina rock. As an evidence of this fact, its increasing use and growing demand has in many sections of our county almost ignored the different brands of what are termed high grade fertilizers ; the same is indorsed by the wSales made at the various dei)ots or shipping points within our knowledge. For example, at the sales depot at Atglen, conducted by John K. >relone, lOsq., hundreds of tons of rock are sold annually and scarcely one car-load of all other brands of fertilizer com- bined, in the same time. The same facts or indorsement at the warehouse kept by Bunton Walter, Christian, liancaster county, whose sales of South Carolina rock amount annunlly to some live hundred tons and cmly some thirty tons all other grades of fertilizer. These goods are purchased and spread upon our land and are judged alone by their previous good working (ju .lities. The Grangers, a progressive, economic, and intelligent class of farmers, purchase in many instances their fertilizers by the hundred tons, and almost invariably South Carolina rock; hence we are constrained to believe from thes<' ;md other stubborn facts in connection with the increased productiveness of our broad acres in localities where these goods are almost alone consumed, that South Carolina Rock, in connec- tion with barn-yard manure, has j)laved an ac^tive part in restoring our worn-out or neglected farms to a high state of fertility. By this we do not altogether ignore the dilfen'iit brands of phosphates on the market, as the basis of all are South Carolina rock: neither do wc discard bone. The ditference in their commercial value is greater than will warrant the consumer to pay for agricultural purposes and at the same time keep up a healthy bank account. I'l 70 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriclt^titre. 71 S. E. Nevin, Landenhiirii', Pa. : After some experience and observation of the use of commercial fertilizers, my practice is to sow five hundred pounds per acre of fine ground bone on the sod for corn. South C.arolina rock I use for oats at the rate of two liundred and fifty jxMinds per acre. 1 always leave several strips across the fiekl in which no fertilizer is sown and have never failed at harvest to t(»ll exactlv wh(>ro they were. Barn-yard ma- nure I use as a top dressing for grass ; or if I have any in tile fall T use it for whesit spreadmg it over as much of the field as possible. I tllen sow from two hundred and tilty to three hundred pounds per acre of bone phosphate over all tiie field. After the wheit is harvested T spread about forty bushels per acre of wood-hurned lime. In 1871) I spread on ten acres a very heavy coat of harn-vard manure made by grain- fed steers and kept under cover. On two acres in th(i s;ime held there wjis* no ma- nure, and on this plot I sowed al)out four liundred poumis South Carolina rock and six hundred pounds ground bone mixed. The wheat on the part manured started stronger looked better all winter, and in the spring the two acres appeared so far behind that I sowed four liundred [bounds more ground bone as a t^>p dressing At harvest there was no perceptible dillerence in the wheat. The tield has not since been plowed, and the two plots can be distinctly seen. The one where the bone and rock was used has yielded the most hay, and the pasture is much better there tlian in the part manured. My business is dairying and raising stock and my obiect to increase the yield of pasture and hay, believing it was a wise farmer who said, ''Seek yo hrst a good grass crop, and all other crops can then be added to it." Henry C. Snavely, Lebanon, Pa : While I have no exact data I can only give my experience in a general way, as their use affected the dillerent crops to which I applied them As applied to wheat and rye during the last five years, an ordinary bone phosphate menT^n^. v-^'^^ H^'^"'"' '^' ^^^^""'l^^' Prepared, lias invariably been a profitable ifi vest: rnent , making the increase Ui straw alone almost sufficient to pay for the fertilizer fuUyt^'^^^r^'i^r "' ^"'''"' ^'''' ^'"''^^' ^''^'^'^' ^^"^^^^"^^ ^^''^ '^^'^^^ «"* ^^'^^^^^'•- liber-d W^ ? fv, vi .^^^ manure, rich in nitrogen, by feeding wheat bran liberally, I have ot late used pure raw, or pure dissolved animal bone and either kamit or muriate of potash mixed with gynipsum, thinking niy \^ird m- 1^^^^^^ re'aUnTprelllr a\3one i^^amire"*" ""^' ''"^ "^'"' '''''''''' ""' ^^"^-^"^^^' --^ ^^ ^^is s to put THE PEESERVATIOIS^ OF B^VRN^-YAED MANURE. By Prof. Wm. Frear, State College P. ()., Pennsylyania. [Read at Lew isburg meeting. ] Within a oomparativel}^ recent period there has been a vast increase in the application of i'ertilizers npon the soil of our farms, whose original supply of assimilable ])lant-food had been heavily drained. In the earlier stages of this movement, attention and interest were chielly centered upon the manure of home ])roduction; hut latterly, the rapidly increasing productiou of commercial I'ertilizers has diverted attention irom the manure produced upon the J'arm. Not only has the early skecticism concerning the practical utility of commercial fertilizers been completely overthrow^n, but many, following the bold leadership of Prof. Ville, have ventured to assert their complete independen(*e of any form of fertilizer, but the concentrated, artiticial supi)lies. They oppose the general practice of that mixed system of farming, wdiicli includes the raising of cattle, or the i)roduction of milk, and the de])en(lence upon the manure thus made for the main- tenance of fertility, claiming that it must necessarily be a losing sys- tem. They claim, apparently, with much force, that it is impossilde to increase the amount of food on a poor farm by the simple return to the soil of the ma^terials removed from it, much less by the return of only a X)art of what has been removed. Just here it must be re- called that the available jjlant-food in a cultivated soil, is made up not only of that wdiich has been added as fertilizer, but, also, that which has been formed by chemical decomposition and mechanical subdivision, from that great portion of the soil previously unlit for assimulation by the plants; it must further be remembered that the retention in tlie soil of a fair amount of humus, or organic matter formed by the decomposition of roots, straw, etc., is a very important element in the maintenance of its iertility. It would seem, then, that the value of farm-yard manure cannot be measured simply by its content in nitrogen, potash and phoq)h()ric acid. The problem of fertilization is, therelbre, more complex than might be supi)osed, and it will be safe, wdiile admitting the great util- ity of the commercial fertilizers as additions to the mnnure of home I)roduction, to regard the extreme conclusions of the Ville school, as deserving experiment, rather than as proven to be best for general adoption under our present agricultural conditions. Under any circumstances, however, and wdth every system of farm- ing, the return to the soil of the largest possible portion of those ma- terials removed therefrom, that cannot more i)r()(ital)ly be sold, must be regarded as essential; i. e., whether the amount be great or small, it should be returned in the most economical manner. It is a well- known fact to all observing farmers, that the practical agriculturist who accumulates wealth, whether in the shape of cash, stock, acres or fertility, does so, not by great discoveries, nor in great sums, but by constant vigilance, and the most careful, intelligent economy in matters of ai)parently small importance; while a poor tanner is marked l)y his heedlessness of the little things, even more than by his lack of the great and costly appliances of his art. ■ m 72 QUARTEKLY RePORT. Observation leads to the conclusion that in no matter is tliere more ignorance and more unconscious waste than in tlie management of with t of II • it is, however, to tlie iniluence of the methods of its preservation upon the composition of the manure, rather than to that of the ma- terials emi)l()yed in its production, that I desire to call atttention. Before entering upon any discussion of the relative merits of dif- ferent methods of preservation, it may be well to glance brielly at the character of the substances composing it. *J)r. Voelcker analyzed a mixture of horse, cow and i)ig dung with straw litter, and found in one thousand pounds the folloAving weights of various substances : Water, ; . . ^^.^.T':"- Oi-anie ma:tter; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !^'l ^^'^^' ;.:::.::;:; 55:9 1000.0 In a ton of the same manure he found the following quantities of valuable fertilizer constituents: Nitrogen, Pounds, Pliosphoric acid, . 7-'-'^ Potash, ,^»-i?2 13.50 fWarington gives the following summary of many reliable analyses ot diilerent stable manures: Wat^r, . . . , ,. Pci* ^ent. Nitrogen, . .' ' Oo.OtoSO.O Ash ^^--^ t<^ ^>-<^5 Potash, '. '.■.'.'.'. ^"^Jo 3.0 Phosphoric acid, . . *. '. '. HI"" ^vl ' 0.2 to 0.4 A single ton of yard manure will, therefore, supply: Nitrogen, . . Pounds. Potasli, . . 9 to 15 Phosphoric acid,. 9 to 15 ' 4 to 9 So that the total quantity of constituents having a direct fertilizing value will vary })etween 22 and 81) tt>s. per ton. "" Urine contains urea and allied nitrogenous compounds whlrh are :3Jf ""^^^^^^^' ^^^^^^^-^ -ith notal,le quant ities^ of inok"^^^^^^^^^ stances. The straw of the litter is, also, when moistened and lieated li d.le to itim^ or It is thus seen that every pnvi of the manure is readilv fermentible Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 73 As a first stage of this fermentation, the fiber and other carbona- ceous matter form water, carbonic acid and certain obscure organic acids, called, in general, humic acids. The nitrogenous matter })reaks up to form ammonia as its chief product. At this stage of fermentation the ammonia unites with the humic acids to form soluble, but non-volatile compounds. These may be removed I'rom the heap by leaching, and form a very important part of the dark-colored liquids that trickle away unheeded from so many of our barn yards. In the second stage of fermentation, which may be almost im- mediately induced by too little moisture, too high 'temperature, and too free access of air, the carl)()naceous nuitters form carbonic acid chiefiyor altogether; the ammonia unites with this product to form volatile carbonate of ammonia, wiiich will not onlv leach away in drainage waters, but will be rapidly dissipated into'the atmosphere. The humic acids themselves are broken up into carbonic acid and water. When too little litter has been used there is serious danger of large loss of ammonia in the form of carbonate Having thus obtained a cursory view of the general character of yard manure and its fermentation products, let us proceed to examine some of the more exact experiments that throw liuht upon the subject of its preservation. Your attention is invited to three series of ex- periments, the first having for its object a knowledge of the losses re- sulting from the storing of yard manure in the several ways usually ada])ted; the second, a knowledge of the relation of litter to its pre- servation; and the third, a knowledge of the rehitive values of several preservatives, the addition of which to manure heaps has been sug- gested. The first of the above mentioned series of experiments was made by Dr. Voelcker a number of years since. He studied the changes occurring from time to time in flesh, mixed dung exposed in the fol- lowing ways : A. In a heap, open to the rain. B. In a heap under cover. C. spread out and exposed to the rain. These experiments w^ere carried on simultaneously, the manure coming from the same source, and being tlioroughly mixed. The quantities used were weighed on the same dates, samples of (nich were drawn and analyzed, and from the result obtained, the changes in composition ascertained. In table I. are given the absolute weights at the various dates of weighing of the diilerent constituents of the ma- nure treated according to these several methods. Dr. Voelcker made an experiment, for comparison, starting with manure of six months' age, well rotted, and exposed under the same conditions as the fins; heap of fresh manure nnd during the same time. The results of this experiment are tabulated with those first mentioned: 74 Quarterly Report. It iii il I CO to 00 05 49.4 8U.9 JO 0 0 1- cvJ 0 oi in ■»j. Tt CO «n 83.1 40.4 21.4 30.9 T-c CO I- 0 • • • • CO 5< w »? a 14.9 29.7 -»t -^ oi t- —^ CO ?o c5 0< ^ '-I o «- ?c Oi ys CO W 05 '-' r- o 1^ o o -r -!■ »75 00 o to 00 00 -H c5 CO 1/5 Q Q C^ o 05 O ?o 55 C* r-l »-« J~- »r o »fi O ?0 CO o» nsSojJia iR^oj, 00 03 50 OS O Oi ■«* • . . • CO Oi i*^ ?o to W Tf to CO 00 O Irt to Q >0 to -«i« 55 M CO 99 C5 >n 10 o o 00 eo to to -• •f3 — CO IfS r- to to oi t~- f~ in m 10 10 m <- to o — 00 •J94?«UIOiU«i^.IO IBJOX j;? f2^ 03 or to c» •-I o» «- CO 3>n t~ »o o '- -^ O C* to Oi ••ia^«AV t^ ro ':'"»< - t- 00 SJi o ■•T c* to o CO S5 00 «- o» »o C3 »-i ■'f ■»J< •d«aq JO lii^TpAV 00 o o eo CO

    .j ^- * as CO ^ .• » •* L- -^ 00 t- t- -^ «o o o t-l I a> t4 a 0« J? • • a So <3 T3 CD c o a, fi ex £ - tl-i >> T! es -a C a H f- o> -- «- »o -r I- to t- O O l- »c Q CO -^ -.-I cK o oj to o c* -^ l~- tc <- oJ o -^J" O • c^ 00 .-1 :^ «- 5 ^ m -- •»r to "r (T^ CO I- c* (T* •9jna«ta ni 00 ^- Oi ^ c* • 00 «C -r 35 -f «^ W -rt CO 00 O :;:: irTi-^tooooT ^ •5inaiui OS O ^ fjauiioj n au HI §-• a» o oi -f" go «- <- lO o « to **- ^ O '"' '■^ ^~* pauinsnoo pooj uj r- to 00 <-i r— • ^- -t -r — O g 00 ^ O O l- -- ^ -T T CO to ^ C< r-c 1— ■ C^J »-l •aanuTJoi u£ 95 o pattinsuoo p )0j uj O •amaein ui 'patunsaoo pooj uj H H K w Em O QO o o s? C< C5 o -- •* r» m 1-- c^ to'oo'co" tn CO Q m CO 25 Ci QO r* ^ •• •* C« '9' CO C^ •«*■ p in tv ^ C4 .-< 00 cv in c^ ^ *- ^- be ■o ic t^ U u O) 0) S ■^^ j-a _^ ai ay «^ -k^ 03 » X 41 o. ' d a d; a» ^ a> ® ® © I* 4* flu D ^5 c ^ ^ ^ wo X a: CZ3 o CO a I O The enormous loss of nitr()o:en from uiililtered slieep manure is noteworthy. Owin^^ to the physical condition of cow manure it seems to have sullered less active fermentation, and conse(iuently less loss. The authors attribute the loss mainly to the formation of carbonate of ammonia, and an analysis of the air of the stable, found it to contain about four hundred times the normal amount of ammonia. ''It is well,-' they say, '' to remark that these figures prove only that a notable quantity of carbonate of ammonia was ditfused in 'the air of the stables, and that this diffusion is one of the causes of the loss of nitro- gen, but the foregoing ligures show only the nitrogen that has escaped in the form of ammonia; M. Keiset has long since shown that during the fermentation of animal escreta, a part of the nitrogen is given off in a free state, and M. Jonlie has recently reached the same conclusion." Examining the results, first with reference to the proportion of ])otasli and phosphoric acid recovered in the manure, it is found that practically the whole amount consumed is recovered in every experi- ment. But turning to the figures representing the amounts of nitrogen recovered, we find a marked difference. With straw litter tlicjimount lost is very little less than with no litter at all, viz., almost iilty per cent. It is also worthy of note, that with the dry ration, wliich con- tained a considerably higher proportion of nitrogen than was present in the green food, the loss was relatively greater. It must liere be remembered that the statements concerning the effect of straw litter, are warranted only in tiie case of the very concentrated sheep ma- nure, and must not be regarded as exact for otlier kinds of manure. Concerning the experiment with earth litter, the authors make the following statement : '' To gain a fair idea of the quantity of fertilizer preserved by pasturing, tlie authors placed in one of the stables, a layer of earth eight by ten inches deep. At the close of the experi- ment the manure was taken up ; two distinct layers were seen ; the first was composed of the excreta, a little debris from the lucerne fed, mixed with a considerable quantity of earth. This layer gave out a slightly ammonia odor, but less than the straw litter. "' The second layer was composed of soil unchanged from its orig- inal condition ; i. e.^ the excreta were retained upon the surface." Upon the results of t hese experiments the authors remark : "- Finally, when a litter of earth is substituted for that of straw, the loss of nitro- gen becomes much less; instead of a loss of fifty per cent., we have one of only twenty-four per cent.; a quarter of the nitrogen has, by this practice, been retained upon the farm, in place of being uselessly difused into the atmosphere as in the preceding cases. It seems that, in ])ra(*tice, the substitution of a litter of earth for that of straw would prevent a large i)art of the enormous loss of nitrogen pre- viously referred to. We call the most serious attention of practical men to this subject." '•Turning to the question of herding, and remembering that the fertilizers are dro])ped by the sheep directly upon the soil, if we admit that the soil of thcMields has the same properties as that used as litter, we establish the fact that a greater part of tlie fertilizing con- stituents of the excreta are retained by tlie soil ; by stabling upon a straw litter a large pro])()rti()n of these constituents is lost into the atmosphere. Tliere is, therefore, a difference between the practice of allowing sheep to drop their excreta directly upon the soil, and that 80 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 81 of collecting the excreta in the stables, and carrying them to the field." The third and last series of experiments, which deals with the rela- tive values of several preservations added to the manure, was con- ducted })y Hickethier and Holdelleist.* The x)lan of the experiment was as lollows : The quantity of cow manures gathered in a single week was thoroughly mixed and divided into four heaps, samples being taken for analysis at the same time. To the iirst heap no addition was made ; heap No. 2 received a weighed quantity of kainite, which w^as thoroughly mixed with the dung; heap No. 3 received a quantity of superphosphate — gympsum — essentially a very poor superphos])hate, containing 4 per cent, of soluble and 6.5 i)er cent of total phosi)horic acid, together with about GO percent, of sulphate of lime ; heap No. 4 was covered with a soil rich in humus. These lieaps stood from June 6 to January 6, exposed only to t}ie direct rain-fall, leveling being prevented. After this period, the heaps were again weighed and sampled for analysis. While the manure in heaps 1, 3 and 4 was almost eciuallv decom- posed and quite well rotten, that of heap No. 2 was as fresh as stable manure a few weeks old ; its straw affords considerable resistance to tearing, so that there is no doubt that the manure treated with kainite had decomposed very slightly, as compared with that of the other heaps. The loss of dry substance in heaps 1 and 3 was 11.2, 11.9 and 22,5 per cent, respectively. The amount of earth used on heap No. 4 was not weighed, hence it was impossible in this case to determine the loss of dry substance. The authors remarks : ''These figures show : "(a.) That stable manure lying without any added preservation, sutlers a loss in dry substance amounting to one third. Since the value of stable manure depends very largely upon its content of organic matter, which forms humus in the soil, it is evident that a great diminution in value is caused by this loss of organic substance alone. ''(/».) The loss of organic substance was considerably diminished by the presence of superpliosphate-gympsum ; but the loss was still verv consi(leral)le. ''{c) By using kainite as a preservative the loss of organic sub stance was reduced to a relatively small quantity. But dung treated With kainite by reason of its slight degree of fermentation, decom- poses quite slowly in the soil, and, from this point of view, is inferior to the more completely rotted, and therefore, more quickly acting manure treated with superphosphate-gympsum." Table III, gives the final results of the experii composition of the manure is concerned. experiments as far as the *Der Daudeioirt, Jalerg, 1885, Nr. 79. Bickermannis Central-Blatt, 14. p. 24. TABLE \\\.— Experiments of Hickethier and IIoldefleisL Changes in Manure on Standing, Treatmkmt of Manure. 1. Without admixture, 2. With kaiiiito, , 3. With 8uperj)hosphate-gypsum, 4. With earth covering, , I a A mt

    .^^ o be ♦.> 5 A fl t»C OJ u lU u i? * Centners per ifniorgen. 109.3 19.1 97.1 19. 1 135.1 19.5 ICO. 6 21.2 117.3 17.4 105.7 20.3 129.2 18 5 'i^6s. 2088 1855 26*4 21S3 2041 2146 2390 •For English eroduced by chemical causes; thus the good quality of the tobacco is dependent upon an ''intlated and highly l)on)us coal," while the reverse is due to a '' coal which is easily ex- tinguished." In corroboration oithis, a series of careful experiments in the tobacco-growing n^gions of Connecticut leads to the statement in the experimental station report of that state, for the year 1884, that " mineral salts whiclj fuse at the burning temperature — such as chlo- rides of potassium and sodium, and phosphates of potash and soda — hinder free burning. Fermentation, which reduces the quantity of sugar and all)uminous matters, act on tli(^ whole to im])rove the burn- ing quality. It w^ould thererore seem that the burning qunlity is good or bad according to the preponderance of favorable or unfavorable factors, and that it is always related in a simple manner to the com- position of the ash." Scientific investigation appears to prove that fertilizers which when first applied are injuries to the burning qualities of the leaf, by modi- tications which they undergo in the labratory of the soil, become so changed as to eventually give an excellent result. In corroberation of this Nessler and other experimentors corroborate the theory that in all cases of bad l)urning leaves, that portion near the midrib and the po\ver of earliest formed leaves always burn worse, and that the burning quality always increase as we proceed either towards the lat- ter or last formed leaves of the plant, it having l)een clearly shown that in some crops where the center of the leaves burned very badly the outer edges burned as well as could be wished. In order that the reader may judge of the actual requirements of the tobacco crop when compared with other crops, we give the fol- lowing table which shows the number of pounds of each named in- gredient contained in one thousand pounds of the crop when in an or- dinary marketable condition ; in order to carry out the comparison we have added an nnalysis showing the number of pounds of each in one thousand i)ounrn fodder, . Potatoes, Wheat, Rye, Barlev, Oats, ' Corn, Wlieat straw, . . . Barley straw, . . . Rye straw, Corn fodder,. . . . Oat straw, Tobacco, 13.5 19.7 1.9 3.4 20.8 17. (> U).0 19.2 1().0 4.8 ().4 4.0 4.8 5.6 34.8 O a 20.3 18.0 3.7 5.8 5.2 5.8 4.7 4.8 3.7 6.3 10.7 8.6 16.4 16.3 40.9 4.7 20.1 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.3 2.7 8.3 3.1 4.9 4.3 50.7 i 92 O be 1.9 9.3 1.1 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.2 2.6 2.3 10.4 U 6.9 5.(> 1.0 1.6 7.9 8.5 7.8 6.8 5.7 2.2 1.9 2.5 3.8 2.8 6.6 1.7 1.9 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 1.1 1.8 1.6 2.4 2.0 8.5 A reference to this table will show that a crop of fifteen hundred pounds of leaf tobacco removes from the soil acout fifty-two and two- tenths pounds of nitrogen, sixty-one and four-tenths of potash, seventy-six and one-tenth of lime, fifteen and six-tenths of magnesia, nine and nine-tenths of phosphoric acid, and twelve and seven-tenths of sulphuric acid. When compared with an ordinary crop of corn in which the fodder is returned to the field through the barnyard, we note that the tobacco is very largely in excess in the amout of potash (nearly ten to one) removed from the soil; hence the infer- ence that all special fertilizers for tobacco should be rich in pot- ash ; in like manner we find that the tobacco crop takes a large ex- cess (when compared with corn) of nitrogen, and hence we find to- bacco fertilizers rich in this element also; but when we compare the phosphoric acid of the corn crop with that of the tobacco we find the proportion reversed, and that the corn requires the most; hence to- bacco fertilizers run low in phosphoric acid. In connection with the fact that common sale injures the burning qualitv of tobacco, we find that, after long experience and careful ex- periments, slaughter house oflal, and fish scrap have the same ettect, while on the other hand peruvian guano and cotten seed meal have the opposite effect. To this fact we may look for niany of the fail- ures in the use of commercial fertilizers on the tobacco crop ; very many of them derive their whole stock of nitrogen irom slaughter house olTal, blood, meat and fish pomace. At the North Carolina Experiment station much care has been o-iven to experiments with various fertilizers for this crop, and after beino- tested in a number of cases not only on the Station farm, but also among practical growers in different parts of the State, and upon divers soils, tlie following mixture has been strongly recommended: ''To one thousand pounds of stable manure or ukhiM, add the lo Ow- ing, carefully mixing and composting them : sulphate of potash three hu^Klred pounds; sulphate of ammonia, one hundred pounds; sulphate of ma^^nesia, one hundred pounds; dissolved bone, our hundred pounds, and land ])laster (gypsum), one hundred pounds, making m all two thousand pounds." \\ 88 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 8^ III „-t!t In Connecticut the following mixture has for several years been sub- mitted to a practical test and found successful : fifteen pounds of bone dust, eight pounds of sulphuric acid, thirty-one pounds of carbonate of potash, live pounds of carbonate of soda, twenty-five i)()unds of carl)on- ate of magnesia, and sixty pounds of carbonate of lime ; the acid, when mixed with double its weight of water is to be slowly added to the bone dust, and the other ingredients added to dry the mixture.'' We would suggest that instead of the ground bone and acid, it will be less trouble to use twenty-live pounds of some reliable brand of dissolved bone and thus avoid tlie trouble of handling the acid. In referring to the plan of compounding special fertilizers for tobacco, one of our leading fertilizer manufacturers writes us as follows : '' Our analysis is eight and a half to nine and a half of phosphoric acid, five and a half to six and a lialf of j^otasli, and three and a half to four and a half of ammonia ; the phosjihoric acid \vco[)tain by dissolvingthirteen hundred |)oundsof hone (animal) and adding two liundred and seventy-five pounds of higli grade sul])hate of i>otash (innty-eight per cent.) with less than three per cent of clilorine, and we use nitrate ot soda of sulphate of ammonia to bring up the ammonia, and add one hundred and nlty pounds of plaster which is mixed with the ammonia salts; no chlorine or salt ot any kind enters into our goods to prevent the projier burning of the leaf and make It rough ; we use nothing but sulphate in the best form ; there is no doubt in mv mind that i)otash derived from a vegetable scource^ is better because it is more easilv dis- solved and contains no salt." *^ One of the largest manufacturers of fertilizers in the State thus re- fers to the character of the proper fertilizer for tobacco, and also to the effect of fertilizers upon the crop : Several years ago our attention was called by prominent tobacco buvers in Ilart- tord, Conn, and Lancaster, ]^i., to the almost universal decline in the quality of domestic cigar leaf tobacco, and particularly to its lack of free l)urning properties 'The introduction and use of Sumatra leaf for wrappers followed this complaint and one of the most potent arguments used by the cigar manufacturers before Con- These comi)laints coming from sources not to be disregarded, induced us ft) cire lully inquire into tlie cause wliich led this falling olt' inuucea us no care- The first observations establislied this fact : tliat though it was possible to .-row s, and which also promoted a vigorous growth of ci -ar^eaf toMc^^^^ improve it m respect to ts burning, color, nor texture. An mi7 ysi^ot' ^1^^^^^^^^^ cigar revealed minera elements dillerentfrom tlie ashes of wl c;^it rve oits e c -md from this It was clearly evident that what was suited to the onVx^s m^^^^^^^^ rip^ht manure to perfect the other. Therefore the dis-mnn nf,\,Lf ^.i • i TV, 2 the application of fertilizers tliat had pr()ved usef to Xat and v^ ^^l^'^^l th. q^ity of seed-leaf tobacco, gave ke to the I^yu^ilSg^ll^Cl^f ;l>??fi^^ ing but a few cents per pound in the nnrkc^d^^^ ^"^ (command- The fouiulMlioii of all efforts to arrest (lie (leD-cnpi-ir.,r ,>f ao„.i i„ <• .^ i laid upon .1 full apin-ociatioii of tlie f-„^, ,/,:,/ ,,*?'"*''''^^-Y <>'*'ee(I-Ieaf tobacco iiiust be ininerl.! constil.u. ti i. so" .XtTtsV -owfl „ 1 rh'^'T"' "^^''«ence of certain or perfect all itn parts witho" then , Prof ' W ohn'tT""^ '"!' '' 1'^^'^'^ "^« on which one crop cannot attain to naturi v rinv v,, ^Z? '■'■"""•''»t "a soil anotlier; therefore, it is as much the end of^.n"Pl<'t<:I.v ripen provide for th.e various re,, "" nu . ts of each cron n*;','*'"',''/'^''""'""'^'' '"•"'!'•'• I" to endeavor to enrich the I'and witll pure^yteget^We'sl^Mances"!'-'''''"'''' ''^ *** ''" An analysis of the soils of those famous to]>acco lands of Vuelta de Abajo, Cuba, and San Diego, Brazil, discloses the pix'scnce of certain inorganic substances foreign to tliose particular localities, whilst their exact counterparts are found in the ashes- of tol)acco grown there. Now, as these lands have been cropped with tobacco con- tinuously tor over one hundred years, it is plainly evident that as much pains is taken to ixitiew those i)eculiar mineral elements as there has been care used to sup- ply organic food to the i)lants it is well known to manufacturers and smok(^rs how the leaf assimilates with cer- tain manures, and the rank odors of hog-dung and Menhaden fish follow it into the cigar and the pipe. Again, how greedily it absorbs saline particles, that, if even ma- nured with the product of salt marsh luiv, the crop will be ruined for smoking pur- poses. (Mr. .lohn l^YMidrick, of C;:>luinb'a. Pa , told tha writer he would no', buy toba ;co> where he kncnv the sm dlest quantic^y of salt had been used with the manures, as its presence could be detected in all stages of curing and manufacture, and that cigars made from it Avere universally condemned). In view of these circumstances, as much care must be taken in excluding delete- rious matters from a tabacco fertilizer as in furnishing those which add to the de- sirable smoking (pialities of the weed. In the south of r' ranee, where the celebrated St. Omer tobacco is grown, its culti- vation is })ermitted only in certain departments, the soil and manures being care- fully analyzed, and cultivation prohibited where these do not possess the constitu- ents necessary for the growth of good tobacco. For all of these reasons our efforts have been directed towards perfecting a ferti- lizer that will not only grow tobacco but improve it; believing if the growing i>lant can incorpc^rate into its leaves tliose substances which impart tiisagreeable odors, or those which render them brittle w hen cured, and choke their pores after fermenta- tion, it is likewise capa])le of absorbing those which will produce the opi)osite effects. We have advanced with great caution and tried our new brand on the crop of 1880, on different soils in Lancaster and Chester counties, but always in tiie same fields where other fertilizers were employed to institute an intelligent comparison of ita value with the rest. Its effect on the plants was strictly watclied from the time of its application till the leaves were stripped from the stalks, and the results may be briefly summed up as follows, viz: Every plant on which it was used grew vigorously from the start an ith- out checking, and was fully ripe inside of sixty days from the date of i)lanting. The leaves were uniformly fine, of large growth, elastic, splendid color, and entirely free from spots or white veins. Simply as a rapid grower it was a perfect success, and in all cases matured theleaves^ from ten to fifteen days in advance of those dei)ending upon l)arn-yard manure or other fertilizers for support ; thus insuring their safety from the hail storms and droutlis of late summer. Although the dry weather which prevailed through the fall was unfavorable to- curing, the crojxs grown by it maintained their superiority over others in color and texture ; and when comi)arativesami)les were shown to the tobacc^o dealers they pro- nounced them worth tive cents per i)ound more than the average crop. T^hese samples are now undergoing the sweating processto determine Ihe enhanced value of the free burning pro])erties given to the leaf by this fertilizer. It is our intenti<»n to trace these samj^les through all the stagers of fermentation and re-sweating into the hands of cigar manufacturers and consumers. While wV^ fe(d assured that these investigations will further denK)nstrate the pecu- liar adai»tability of this fertilizer to all these needful points of tobacco culture, we are, as before stated, proceeding cautiously, and before definitely asserting superior claims of excellence ; we want toallow the fullest range of our experiments over varieties of soils and seasons. We have too much at stake to proceed faster than is warranted by such a range of experience. The disappointment which has too often followed bold assertions we da not want to reac^t upon us. We earnestly hope, for the good of our own State, that our fertilizer will speedly pro- duce wrapper'leaves equal to the best imported stock. If it should, however, prove a general failure, we shall be glad to welcome any fertilizerthat will produce the sadly needed improvement and a full success. The practical tobacco growers whose names are attached to their communications, have furnished us witli tlie ioHowing notes on tobacco culture and the effect of different fertilizers upon the crop; want of space has compelled us in several cases to condense the communica- tion. II. M. Mayer, Kohrerstown, Pa.: My experience in the use of commercial fertU- izers is limited. I used it one j^ear on tobacco; six hundred and fifty i)ou]ids to the acre; paid S-'^S per ton. I raised a good crop, but received no benefit above that where I applied nothing but barn-yard manure; therefore I had nothing for the commercial fertilizer, so I quit using it. I had applied lime and barn-yard manure in large quantities, a few years prior to the commercial fertilizer. Used manure M 90 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 91 with the coiiimercial fertilizer. I was always most siiceessful in raising the best tc)- 'i consecutively, then ceased to produce tobacco scarcely sullicient to pay lor the labor, and is then tollovved by a wheat crop, tiie straw would ))e too rank to i)roduce good wheat. What ne^w soil contains above what we call old soil I am not able to ex- plain, but it has something that is essential in tobacco. So far as the burnmg (luali- ties of tobacco are concerned, I have noticed that salt and fatty sul)stances cause it to burn dark. i). H. Landis, Lancaster, Pa.: Having lived in a tobacco-growing district (East Hemi)field township), I naturally saw and learned some of the results from a use of oommcrcial fertilizers. J^arn-yard manure, as a matter of course, is largely used in that locality as a fertil- iz(»r, although other commercial products iiave been and are extensively substituted where it is j)ossiblc to do so to advantage. Lime was one of the hrst fertilizers, other than ordinary manure, tried on this soil. Manv farnuTs still adhere to its use in the growing of tobacco. Some growers claim their soil dries out too much where lime is used, and, in consequence, use it moder- ately, or in conjunction with stabb^ manure. Others think lime is just the article for their tobacco tields Outside of manure, lime is more sought after as a fertilizer in my native township than any other product. Some years since fossil marl w^as experimented with by a few farmers. Tt worked nicely in some instances when dropped at every si)ot wliere a tobacco i)lant was put. l*lants grew rai)i(ily and matured well. Several growers, however, did not have any noticeal)le satisCaclory results. They thought the marl was not adapted to their soil. No large amount of this fertilizer is used at the present time. Various other fertilizers have been more or less successfully used in the growing of the weed. IJough's, of Philadelphia, perhaps as much as any other, is used to some extent here. In my varied experience of observation (and especially during the years of 1883 to 1886, when, as editor of the Landisville T%?7, I was brought into contact with the most successful tobacco raisers of the section), I have learned that it pays to use commercial fertilizers on all crops. Tobacco farming-land to-day averages from ^UoO to r::W){j per acre; as a result irom the constant use of soil strengtheners. iiarn- yard manure generally works the best here on all crops of a rank growth, i. e. to- bacco, corn and vegetables Other fertilizers work admirably on potatoes, wheat, t^c. Jamp]s Collins, (Quarry ville, Pa.: The first to])acco crop grown by me was that of 185(1. I then us(m1 hog manure and lime. I have always had the best crops with liog manure. Have; used fertilizers in connection with manure and lime. I prefer to plough the hog manure down under a stiff sod, roll the ground well and mark out as for corn, sowing the fertilizer in the furrows and the ridge up over it with a corn-scraper, then roll to make the ridges compact. I have used a number of differ- ent kinds of fertilizers, all of which s(m-v(h1 to give the young ])lants a good start and keep them growing until they reach the hog manure'under the sod. I have used dissolved South Carolina rock with good effect, and for its cost (?15 per ton) it gives me the best return for the outlay. I am of the opinion that the burning (jualities of the tobacco are but little affected by the fertilizer. The manner of curing has, in my oj)inion, much more effect than has the fertilizer. The crop should be ripe when cut, and not dried too fast ; should be hung in tlie shade, and not placed too close on the poles. The faster it grows, in my experience, the better it cures. Casper Hiller, Conestoga, Pennsylvania: In reply to your iiKpiiry about commercial fertilizers, their effects, Ac, on tobacco : Some years ago some one said that lime slacked with salt water made a valual)le fer- tilizer. I api)lied some of it to a to))acco crop, and therebv learned that salt was in- jurious to the crop, both in the curing of it and in its smoking quality, especiallv the latter. Cigars made from it burned into a black ash, and smokers decidedlv objected to them Manufacturers find fault with crops raised exclusively by commercial fertdizers. The potash from kMJniteand muriate of i)otash, and the nitrogen from ni- trate of soda are the luanurial elements in commercial fertilizers, as well as thev are in barn-yard manure, but kainite muriate of i)otash and nitrogen of soda, as used in the make-up of c(mimercial fertilizers, contain from fifty to eighty-five per cent of <'xtraneous matter. A good dressing of stable manure is twenty tons to the acre. In these twenty tons, there are about two hundred i)ounds of potash, and about one hundred and sixty pounds of nitrogen. Sixt(#en hundnMl i>ounds of kainite woubl be required to produccahe same amount of potash, and eight hundred Dounds of ni- trate of soda furnish th<' nitrogen. If I Min correct in this statement, then we are applying two thousand pounds of this extraneous matter to t le acre, and it appears very evident that therein lay tlie elements that are injuring the (luality of tobacco. How much of it is common salt? S. G. Hubbard, of the Northeast Homestead, writes as follows : I have investigated the questions involved with consid(^ra])le care, seeking to know, if possible, the bottom facts about fertilization. An experience of thirty-five years as a grower — a part of the time a buyer and jobber of leaf among the manufacturers — has given abundant apportunity for observation and practical knowdedge of the dif- ficulties in the way of successful production by the farmer, and the qualities required in leaf to satisfy the manufacturers of cigars. In common with other young farmers, I started with the idea that stable manure was the ''sine (jua non" of tobacroof of successful exi)eriment of growing good tobacco without manure. Tt is (iainuHl that the following important results have been reached bv tliis system of fertilization : i^/r.sV. U is known how to obtain a perfect burn, in which respect most of the tobacco as forincrlv raised was more or less deficient. Second We get a more perfect and healthful plant grown, as shown in its greater freedom from rust and other defects in the field. Third. The leaf is of finer texture, improved color and a more glossy surface. These essential qualities of tobacco are only found in good leaf. They have been produced for several years in succession by this system of artifi( ial fertilization. The inexperienced farmer is never sure of a perfect growth and developement of the leaf umlertlK^ old haphazard system with manure and fertilizers. Our friends, the New York dealers, who are so generous with their advise to farmers, know very well that the introduction of Sumatra tobacco introduced a new fashion, and created a new standard for wrappers in the trade, greatly (littering from that of seven years ago. Tested by that new standard, what were called the fine seed-leaf wrappers of twenty years ago, would now be condemned by most man- ufacturers as unsuitable for wrappers. Several of our correspondents have sujr^ested that a solution of the problem might readily be found by an analysis of two sami)les of leaf tobacco, one of which burned well and the other badly, and that this analysis would show the ])resence or absence of the special ingredients which caused the trouble; at the meeting of the Lancaster County x\gricultural Society the same theory was advanced. We t herefor eoffer th(^ result of a number of careful analyses of the two kinds of leaves allndcMl to (good and bad burning) taken from the reports of the Con- necticut Experiment Station ; tliey ure as follows : m W' 92 Quarterly Report. Compositio7i of Crude Ash of Tobacco Leaf.—^o 1. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 93 Sand and soil in- soluble in acids and silica, . . Oxi9 99.86 100.36 .92 100.13 .20 99.44 99.93 101.12 1.06 100.06 Un sweated. 4.52 .28 23.57 8.71 26.02 .29 2.14 5.99 22.54 4.12 .98 .90 100.06 .93 99.03 O 5.30 .22 22.25 8.57 26.50 .15 2.18 6.62 20.50 5.58 2.05 1.10 Sweat- ed. 7.90 .96 25.23 6.48 23.20 .42 2.24 3.98 21.40 6.30 1.94 1.30 101.02 1.25 101.35 1.42 M9 i I 8.20 .81 19.32 7.27 28.29 .11 1.79 4.31 19.49 7.62 ») Qr; 2.m 101.63 1.72 99.91 Composition of Pure Ash, — No. 2. Burn Well. • Burn Badly. Sweated. Unsw^eate d. Sweat- ed. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 Oxide iron and alumina, .... 3.04 .28 .54 2.01 .39 .31 1.42 1.17 Lime, 40.66 33.76 37.34 31.81 33.18 31.62 37.16 28.38 Magnesia, .... 9.47 9.66 8.36 19.80 12.26 12.18 9.54 10.67 Potash, 28.21 39.76 39.48 29.42 36.62 37.69 34.17 41.54 Soda, .54 .42 1.11 .94 .40 .21 .61 .17 Phosphoric acid, . 3.58 5.15 5.31 3.31 3.01 3.10 3.30 2.62 Sulphuric acid, . . 5.69 5.55 6.95 6.60 8.43 9.41 5.86 6.31 Chlorine, 10.13 5.76 1.36 7.65 5.80 7.93 9.28 11.19 101.32 100.34 100.45 101.54 100.09 102.45 101.34 102.05 Oxygen equivjil- ent to chlorine, . 2.28 1.30 0.31 1.72 1.31 1.79 2.09 2.52 99.0^1 99.0-1 100.14 99.82 98.78 100. ()6 99.25 1 99.53 Pure ash, per cent, . 13.80 14.38 17.99 17.74 16.25 16.80 14.58 18.08 Per Cent, of Ash Ingredients in Water Free Tobacco Leaf. — No. 3. Burn Well. Burn Badly. ' Sweated. LTnswx'ated. Sweat- ed. Cuba. Sumatra. Wis. Conn. Conn, Conn . Con n . Conn. Sand, soil and ", silica, Oxido of iron and alumina, .... Lime (CaO), . . . Magnesia(MgO), . Potash (K2<^), . . Soda (Na.O), . . Phosphoric acid (P2O5), • . ■ . Sulphuric acid (SO3), Carbonic acid (<~'02), Chlorine, Carbon, W^ater, 1 6.49 .42 5.65 1.32 3.92 .08 .49 .79 4.19 1.40 .92 .49 2 .74 .04 4.86 1.39 5.73 .06 .74 .80 4.73 .83 .25 .22 3 2.15 .10 6.76 1.51 7.16 .10 0.95 1.26 6.95 .25 .43 .22 4 5.62 .36 5.65 3.48 5.25 .17 .59 1.18 4.67 1.36 .48 .33 5 1.03 .06 5.39 1.99 5.95 .06 .49 1.36 5.16 .94 .23 .21 6 1.25 .05 5.25 2.02 6.26 .04 .52 1.56 4.84 1.32 .48 .25 7 1.71 .21 5.45 1.40 5.02 .09 .48 .86 4.63 1.36 .42 .28 21.91 .30 8 2.19 .22 5.15 1.94 7.54 .03 .48 1.15 5.17 2.03 .63 .58 Oxygen equival- ent to chlorine, . Summing ofanaly- sis, Total crude ash, per cent, .... Potash (;arb. in ash sol. in water, 26. 16 .31 20.39 .18 27.84 .05 29.14 .30 22.87 .21 23.84 .29 27.11 .45 25.85 25.89 1.37 20.20 20.32 5.23 27.79 27.74 7.60 28.84 28.84 2.91 22.66 22.88 4.54 23.55 23.62 4.29 21.61 21.02 3 46 26.66 26.65 4.74 [^.;These tables present an analysis of the same samples iu tliree dif- ferent forms, viz : 1, as crude ash or the leaves in their natural con- dition burned at a heat but little above redness and containiuii; sand, &c., which adhered to them; 2, in which sand, carbon and water have been removed leaving in the ash tlie soil food of the plant, and 3, the asli of the water free leaf; tlie third table also shows the place at which the leaf w^as produced. A number of our correspondents having suggested that chlorine is alone to blame for the bad burning qualities of tobacco, it may be in- teresting to note the effect the facts presented in these tables have upon this theorv. In table No. 2 we note that the specimen having the greatest amount of chlorine (10. b>) was one of the best burners; tliis was also the case with sample No. ;J, which contained the least. Some have claimed that bad burning was due to a deficiency of potash but our table shows that sample No. 8 contained the largest amount of potash andwasatthesametimeoneof the worst burners; on the other liand sample No. 1 containing the least potash was the best burner ; in fact, after carefully examining the table, item by item, we fail to find that the presence or absence of any one ingredient has in anyway effected the burning (pialities of the leaf. ii I il> il 94 Quarterly Keport. m chl In his excellent report on '' the chemistry of American tobaccos, (see volume 111 ol* the tenth census,) Dr. G. E. Moore, thus alludes to the causes which atlect the burnin^^ (lualities ot tobacco : ''First. The soluble part of the ash of a combustible tobacco al- ways contains potassium carbonate, (tobacco contains, accoi-dmg to Sciiloesing, no sodium); or, in general, a tobacco is more combustible the more alkaline the ash. ^. , ^ r. ^-x i '' Second. The soluble part of the ash of a difficultly combustible tobacco contains not potassium carbonate ; it ordinarily contains lime, whence it ibllows, that in the combustible tobaccos, the quantity of potash exceeds in equivalent proportion that of the sul])huric acid and chlorine, and that in dillicultly combustible tobaccos the reverse is the case. i . -i i •/. '' Third. A diihcultly combustible tol)acco becomes combustible it the potassium salts of an organic^ acid (malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic, &c.,) be added thereto in such quantity that the potash in the salt ex- ceeds in eriuivalent proportions the sulphuric acid and chlorine. '' Fourth. A combustible tobacco becomes dilTicultly combustible if a mineral salt (sulphate or chlorine of calcium, magnesium or am- onia, &c.,) be added in such ciuantity that the sulphuric acid and ilorine exceed in equivalent proportions the potash of the ash." Schloesing, in referring to the same subject writes, as follows : ''1 have observed that the alkaline salts of malic, citric, oxalic, pectic and tartaric acids, when heated in close vessels, swell up strongly, wdthout doubt, because they melt in decomposing and leave a very voluminous coal that possesses little solidity and is very porous, while lime salts under the same circumstances do not alter in volume and leave a very compact and coherent coal. Now every one knows that a porous coal remains longer incandescent than a compact one. On the other hand, if we examine the combustion of tobacco, (i. e. a cigar,) we will observe that the action of heat produces two classes of effects. Volatile substances (smoke) and coal, are formed, which later chiefly sustains the combustion, as it burns as it forms. If a cigar contains enough of those salts, which, when ignited, swell up while decomposing, it will leave a porous coal lliroughuut, aini will contains little or no organic potash salts but only sulphate or chlorine, consequently "' hold fire" a longtime. If, on the other hand, the cigar neither of which plays any role in the combustion, and if the malic, citric, &c., acids are comlnned with lime, the constituents of the tobacco do not swell up in burning, but leave a compact coal, which does not remain long incandescent. In the latter case the cigar car- bonizes and the resulting coal shows the structure of the leaf. Will not say that in a difficultly combustible to])acco there are no organic potash salts, that all the potash is in the form of sulphate and chlorine, but only that the combustibility of to])acco is independent of its thickness, ])or()sity, ripeness and composition. A tobacco therefor burns well il' it contains enough organic potash salts; it burns badly or not at all if it contains too little, and the j^resence of carbonate of potash in the ash is a sign of the good coml)ustibility of the tobacco, as its absence is a sign of incombustibility." Conclusion. After collecting all of the evidence wdiich we have been able to obtain by correspondiMice with the practical tobacco-growers of our State; after caretully going over the acknowledged authorities; after Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 95 carefully collating all the evidence thus found, w^e incline to the opinion that the bad burning (jualities of tobacco are due to causes, w^hich are not directlv related to the fertilizers which are used, nor to the soil upon whicii it is planted, ])ut rather to a combination of these two scources by which by the uniting of certain substances in the fertilizer with certain acids in the soil, compounds find their way into the leaf which exercises a direct and positive influence upon their burning qualities. That is if certain acids exist in the soil they may, and often will, neutralize the effects of the best commercial fertilizer which can be employed. That the burning qualities of the tobacco depend ui)on the presence not only of potash, but also of potash in combination with certain acids not found in our fertilizers, and that these acids (in coml)inntion with l)otash as a l)ase) exercise their effect and power by the nature of the ash which they form. That the fact that if poor burning tobacco be moistened with any of the vegetable acids named by Schloesing, in combination witli potash, its burning value is increased and brought up to a maximum, seems to prove that in order to produce a good burning article, the potash (no matter in what form it is applied) must, at some time during its passage from the soil or fertilizer to the plant, come in contact with these acids, and that their affinity for potash is so great that they will break up its combination with other acids (as carbonic and sulphuric), and thus form the necessary compounds. That muriatic acid and'chlorine in some unexplained way, effect the form of the potash as it exists in the plant, and if applied to the soil even in small amounts, more or less injure the combustibility of the product; but there are cases in which this rule does not hold good, but thev are so few as to scarcely affect the rule. That any fertilizer, the nitrogen of which is derived from meat, blood, fish, scrap or animal matter, will more or less affect the burn- ing quality of the leaf, and injuriously affect its odor and ffavor. That as a supplement to yard manure we have nothing more trust- w^orthy than dissolved bone (animal) or acidulated South Carolina rock mixed with a high grade of potash salt, and that in the present condition of our market there is nothing better than high grade sul- phate of potash for this purpose. That while ths addition of nitrogen (ammonia) may, in many cases, benefit the crop, yet inasmuch as this ingredient is the most ex])ensive of the three (being valued at seventeen cents per pound), its addition is often made at so great a cost as to destroy the margin for profit. That an ordinarv application of fifteen tons of yard manure per acre will furnish all of the nitrogen required by an ordinary crop, and that the addition of more, otherwise than in a more available form, is not profitable. ^^^ -, n ^^ That it is profit al)le to use from 300 to 600 pounds of a well com- pounded commercial fertilizer per acre, in addition to a fair coat of yard manure and that the value of this commercial fertilizer greatly depends upoi'i the availability of its potash, nitrogen an(l phosphoric acid its main duty and effect being to push the plants forward until they can utilize tiie yard manure, or until the latter becomes suffi- ciently deconi]>osed to be readily a>^ailable. , ^ .r That with less barn -yard manure and a greater amount ot the 'proper commercial fertilizer, the actual ciuality of our tobacco may be raised althou- th(^ grade to nine or ten per cent We know of one lar^e manufac" turer in 1 hiladelphia, who furnished a Baltimore party with seventy- five tons this present season, and yet was unable to supplv the amount required. We think it a mistake witlisome manufacturers of fertilizers, who in their desire to furnish first-class goods will use these manipulated guanos for their ammoniates, when nitrogen obtained from tlesh is much to be preferred for reasons already given. Nitrate of soda, or Chili saltpeter, comes from the Bacific coast of South America ; has been used to some extent as ammoniates in commercial fertilizers, but in the opinion of the writer, its volatility is too great to be relied upon. Its introduction into Germany and its use for beet culture was so severely condemned by the manufacturers of sugar that they refused to purchase beets of any farmer who used it. Although it greatly in- creased the growth of l)eets, the saccharine qualitiesso far deteriorated that its use was condemned. The result of these trials proved that as the growth of the beets increased in size their value declined. How to apply and what grades to select for the different crops, is the question given me, if I understand it. For growing corn success- fully a fertilizer containing from five to six per cent, of potash, ammonia from two to three per cent., and soluble phosphoric acid from ei2:ht to ten per cent., has been proven by experiments to be the best. When we consider that seventy-nine pounds of potash is con- sumed by every thirty bushels of corn, it is easy to see the need of a fertilizer containing largely of potash. Should an acre of cornstalks and cobs be burned, we would all be surprised at the quantity of ashes produced, and when we know that all of this has been drawn from the land we can rightly judge of the great depletion of the soil in potash. Ammonia is supplied, to a great extent, from the air and from decom- position constantly going on during the warm months of summer, by which many gases are liberated and pass upward, to be returned again to the earth by the warm showers of rain that fall during the growing season. But neither potash or phosphoric acid can be thus supplied, but must be furnished (by the farmer) from some other source. The analysis of stable manure will show the farmer its contents and he must judge for himself what additional supplies are necessary to perfect his crops. The analysis of good stable manure per two tliousand pounds shows the presence of three and three quarter pounds of phosphoric acid, ten pounds potash and eleven and one half pounds of ammonia. As ten loads of manure are considered an average dressing, we find the farmer has put on to one acre for corn, as follows : thirty-seven and one half pounds of phosphoric acid, one hundred pounds of potash and one hundred and fifteen pounds of ammonia. Now we see that it thirty bushels of corn consume seventy-nine pounds of potash, that eighty bushels would consume two hundred and sixteen pounds, which are one hundred and sixteen pounds more than is supplied by the manure Considering the great increase of corn raised per acre, when compared with the crops of forty years ago, we should cease to wonder why the farmers of to-day are compelled to use commercial fertilizers as an additional aid for the growth of crops. The continual cropi)ing8 of several generations have so depleted the sod of phosphoric acid and of potash, that the great necessity of supplying these lost elements have driven the farmer to seek for them elsewhere than m their own ^WlfenU'is estimated that every one thousand pounds of (dover hay exhausts from the soil five and one half pounds of phosphoric acid and nineteen and one half pounds of potash, it is easy to explain the manv failures to secure a full crop of it. Before chemistry was called on to assist the farmer, he had found out for himself that newly cleared 7 i*!' 98 QtlAKTEKLY REPORT. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 99 I 1* I ; land was much more certain to produce clover than his older fields, and the reason is plain, for the native soil contained this necessary element. Whatis most lacking in our soils to-day is a sufficiency of phos- phoric ncid and i)otash; and were it not for the discovery of tlie former in Soutli Carolina and the latter in Germany, the outlook for farmers would be much more discourai!;in^^ than it is, and were it not for these great natural deposits within easy access, this flourishing country of ours would ])e in poverty and neglect. We can not be unmindful of the i-a])id decline of our woodbinds. Much of it that remains are in exposed positions, where for the last forty years the leaves have in mostpart blown offon to adjacent fields, leaving the ground almost bare. In large forests where one tree protects another, and wind can- not penetrate', we find the trees healthy and the ground covered with leaves, which by their decomposition return to the same soil the potash they drew from it. The result is concdusive, that wherever woodlands have suffered such exposure, we find the trees declining and many of them dead. When the farmer at last decides to clear the land for farming pur- poses, he finds the soil very thin and un])roductive, and is soon com- pelled to treat it the same as his older fields, by supplying it with the elements it has lost. Many farmers gather leaves from their wood- lands for litter to add to their stock of manure. This is robbing ^vPeter to pay Paul," and the result will surely be the death of Peter. You can not keep your cake and penny, too. If you rob your woodlands they will soon decay. Observation can not fail to prove my position to be correct. There should be a law passed releasing all woodlands oiless than ten acres from taxation, and this would tend toward their preservation. The present extent of woodland in our county should not be lessened but increased, if possible, and then, if the theory be correct that the presence of forests trees tends to increasing the rain- fall, we all will be benefited. Let our State Board of Agriculture advocate this law. If our peach and apple orchards were resupplied with those elements they extract from the soil, the trees as they decline with age can be replaced with new ones with the same chance of success as when they were first planted. It is my opinion if farmers would intelligently l)roceed to supply their land with those elements extracted by any certain crops that they may continue the same indefinitely. A farmer may use with some success for a tew years a fertilizer con- taining a low per cent, of potash, but in the end he cannot fail to notice the gradual depletion going on. The generation that follows him, while sull'ering from his neglect, nuist learn to avoid his mistake. The difficulty to drill, owing to the dampness of some grades of phosphates is often attributed by farmers to an excess of potash, but in most cases, particularly with the cheaper fertilizers, in the lowest 2:rades of potash, you will find the most difficult to drill, even when the analysis on the bags mark l)ut two per cent, potash. Whenever the other materials are in i)roper condition, the best made phosphates will nicely drill, and yet contain from five to six per cent, of available potash. For corn we would advise from four to five hundred pounds of phosphate running strong in potash four or five per cent., of phos- j)horic acid, from eight to ten, and ammonia from two to three per cent. It can either be sown broadcast and plowed downorputin with a drill. For successful growing of wheat we would advise four hundred pounds of phosphate, per acre, if sown without manure, or two hun- dred pounds in. addition to a light coat of manure. As one thousand pounds of wheat and straw extract from the soil about ten and one half per cent, of phosphoric acid and about ten pounds of i^otash, any farmer can judge what grade of fertilizer to use. For one thousand pounds of oats and straw there is taken from the soil about seven and one half pounds of i)hosphoric acid and about fourteen pounds of potash. A fertilizer containing as near as possil)le these elements in their proper proportions should be selected. I have always maintained, a farmer can for a time apply phosphoric acid alone as we find it in acidulated rock with beneficial results, but its exclusive use will surely lessen in time the i)roductiveness of his land, owing to the constant exhaustion of potash. This element must be supplied in accordance with the demands of the several crops or certain failure must follow. With all the light that agriculture science can give, and the protec- tion that is now afforded farmers against fraud and deception, they have but to exert a little effort to become sufficiently informed to enable them to buy their phosphates prudently and apply them intel- ligently. • SAMPLING COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. The correspondence of the Board clearly proves that manufacturers of fertilizers misunderstand the provisions of the act of June 28, 1879, which controls the manufacture and sale of commercial fertilizers in the State. Many of them confound the analysis required by section one ^f the act with that provided by section four. There is no connection whatever between the two. Section one provides '' That every package sold, offered or exposed for sale for manurial purposes within this Commonwealth, shall have plainly stamped thereon the name of the manufacturer, the place of manufacture, the net weight of the con- tents, and an analysis stating the percentage therein contained of nitrogen or its equivalent in ammonia in an available form, of potash soluble in water, of soluble and reverted phosphoric acid and of insol- uble phosphoric acid." This analysis is to be furnished by the manu- facturer from any source which he may deem proper, and the Board of Agriculture exercises no control over it in any way or form. It is practically to be the gauge of the quality of the article, and being on record in the office of the Board furnishes the standard should it be disputed by any purchaser. The manufacturer is thus allowed to fix his own standard of quality, but having fixed and placed it upon record he is expected to keep .his goods up to it; for the pur- pose of ascertaining whether this is or is not done section four provides that '^It shall be the duty of the Board of Agriculture to analvze such specimens of commercial fertilizers as may be furnished bvits a<»-ents ; said samples to be accompanied with proper proof, under oath or affirmation, that they were fairly drawn." This analysis is for the purpose of ascertaining whether the standard is up to the guarantee upon record in the office of the Board; under it no samples from the manufacturer can be admitted, and only those sent in by properly authorized persons can be analyzed. Manufacturers have if'! rn =.l I IQO Quarterly Report. made the claim that they can obtain the ''l-^l^f «(fJ^2,{";-;^};,J.;"t'; one 1)V sendin- samples under oath as provided tor by section lour hut ZSZ cannot test such samples, nor does t^^, f.^^^^l^c > ^c led should do so If an analysis is necessary to establish the lotoia call a folly sect o.s one and tvvo of the law, the manufacturer and not the Board must furnish it; if an analysis is deemed necessary to ascertain Slethei the IJoods are up to the'standard, the Board makes it at the expense of the Fertilizer Analyses Fund as provided by the law. In a large number of cases consumers have sent^samp es of goods which Ihey have purchased and wish tested. The Board having been imposed upon in this way, has been compelled to make it a rule to accept samples only from known parties under oath or alhrn.ation ; this rule has in some cases been misunderstood, but when explained its fairness is at once admitted. . ,^^ In order to prevent such errorsandtoprotectitself from imposition, the Board has adopted the following rules for the sampling of fertil- izers for analysis under section four of the act ot June ^8, 18 /y: Section four of the act of June 28, 1879, provides that " It shall be the duty of the Board of AKi-iculture to analyze such specimens of commercial fertilizers as may be ftirn7shed by its agents, said samples ti be accompanied with proper proot, under nntli or allirnuition, that they were fairly drawn." • x ,.0 • i B^a vo ^of the Board, its Secretary has been authorized to appoint " Special Aeents of the Board," whose duty it shall be to collect and lorward samples ot fer- tilizers for analyses in accordance with the above provision ; and to secure fairness and iinifm^ tlio samples forwarded, your attention is requested to the follow- ing directions, with the request that all selections, as far as possible, be governed ^•^Ist'^That while the law is designed for the protection of the consumer, it was not intended to do injustice to the manufacturer, and 1h nee in all cases ot doubt as to the correctness of the sample, the manufacturer should be accorded the benefit, and the sami)le discarded. , , . -, x i-x • xi r ">(} In making selection of samples, care should be exercised to obtam them trom comis made for the season during wliich they are selected; with even good care there will always be a certain percentage of waste in fertilizers kept over season. In many cases, manufacturers change their formula after spring sales are ettected, and for autumn sales put another quality (under the same name) on the market. This being the case, it is possible that unintentional injustice maybe done to the manufacturer by forwarding samples tak(^n from tlie stock of the preceding season. In all cases when sami)l(»s of over year goods are sent, the fact should l)e so stated. :\d Care should be taken to send witli'the sample, or in a letter by same mail, the following particulars : The name and address of the manufacturer; the exact name of the fertilizer as copied from the package, bearing in mind the fact that a number of manufacturers have brands on the market which ditler in name but to the extent of a single word, the omission of which might not only deceive the consumer, but also be a cause of injustice to the manufacturer ; tlie place at which the sainj^lc was sele<'ted ; and the retail price per ton cash at the point at which the samjih' was lairni—i\\\i^ latter item is not necessarily for jmblication, but as a source of informa- tion to inquirers and to enable the Secretary to rectify possible errors in the names of the fertilizers. 4th. In selecting samples care should be taken to obtain one which will, as fairly as possil^le, represent the bulk of the goods ; for this purpose a portion should be taken from different parts of the same bag, or from different bags, and the final sample taken from a mixture of all these, thus securing a fair average of the goods from which the sample was drawn. r)th. Samples sent in papers or paper boxes will, in the course ofpassage through the mails, often lose a portion of their volatile elements ; to avoid tliis the Board will fur- nish all agents with metal sample boxes with air tight lids ; these may be sent by mail or exi)ress at the option of the agent: if sent by express glass bottles, tightly corked, may be substituted for the metal boxes, but the latter jire prefera])le. . ,, V ... ..i , :ii I... A 1 |j^, 11^^. Board, and where Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 101 each agent eacii agtin. 7th. From the fact that the Board has in several cases been deceived by interested j)arties who have forwarded samples, it has been decided to receive no samples unless vouched for by one of the special agents of the Board. To accommodate consumers and nianufaeturers, these agents will, so far as possible, be appointed in each dis- trict, and attention is requested to the fact that it is the duty of every member of the Board to select and forward sami)les where there is no special agent appointed for this purpose. 8th. Inasmuch as the fund available for the purpose is limited, the Board reserves the right to decline to make an analysis of a sample which is a duplicate of one re- cently tested, or to decline to make an analysis when the funds available are ex- hausted ; and to assist in this distribution of the work it it4 requested that agents will (unless specially requested to do so) be careful not to duplicate samples of the same spring or fall goods. 9th. In order that fertilizer agents maybe ])rotected from any loss from a violation of the law, our special agents are riwiut'sted to inform them that a non-compliance with the provisions of the law on the part of the manufacturer subjects tlui agent selling or offering the goods to the full i)enalty upon each sale or otter to sell. lOth. In filling the sample boxes, care should be taken to screw each lid tightly into its place, and to place inside and outside of the box some mark by which it can be distinguished in the list to be sent by mail ; it must be remembered that the Secretary receives samples at all times and that without some distinguishing mark the whole labor of the special agent will be lost through the inability of the Secretary to recognize the sample when receiv.ed. DECISIONS AFFECTIT^a LICENSES. First. All licenses must be taken out in advance, and before the goods can be legally even ofFered for sale in the State ; tlie words of the law are ''or before oilering the same for sale in tiiis Common- wealth." Manufacturers who during the year, and after an applica- tion ibr license, offer other brands, should be careful to take out a license lor these brands ; otherwise the agents of non-resident manu- facturers mav be put to much inconvenience and loss. Second. The amount of the license fee being dependent upon the annual sales, and at the same time being due in advance, it is neces- sarily based (in the words of the law) upon the '' amount of said fer- tilizer or fertilizers sold within the State during the last precedmg year." • As the fertilizer year commences August 1, the alhdavit should give the sales of the year ending July 31. Third. The amount of sales by which the license fee is determined must be established by affirmation. It is not the desire of the State officers to expose the business of any firm, and hence the exact num- ber of tons need, not be stated; it is sufficient for the purpose aimed at if the affidavit states '' less than one hundred tons," ^' more than one hundred tons and less than five hundred," or '' more tliaii hve hundred tons." Some manufacturers in making out their allidayit give their sales as '' not exceeding one hundred tons," which it literally interpreted by the Secretary of State would involve a double lee ; special attention is asked to this point so that no errors may occur. Fourtk. License fees once paid into the State Treasury and tound to be in excess, cannot be recovered except by an actof the Legislature as no money can be paid out of the Treasury except by authority of such an act. , ., .. • t 1 01 ^^ Fifth All licenses (no matter when taken out) expire July e^l ot eacli^ year, and none are granted for a shorter term than one year. A prompt renewal is necessary to secure both manutacturers and agents against the penalty of section three. , , , . 1 Sixth. The license is payable upon each ],rand and any change or variation in the analysis will make another brand. It two diiferent brands or names are used, even though ])oth bags be filled trom the same pile a license must be taken out for each. Any brand not men- tioned in tlu^ affidavit and license is not protected. Often changes are 102 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 103 m made in tlio l)ran(l durin- the year; such changes, unless recorded as per law, subject both manufacturers and agents to the penalties ot section three. Seventh. If the ])ags are marked or branded '^ Made for " they, althuugli tilled from the same pile as those bagged directly for \he manufacturer, constitute another l)rand, for wlucli a license must be taken out either by the actual manulacturer or the person for whom it is made. Eighth. If the manufacturer has made no sale '' during the preced- ing year " it is sullicient that the altidavit so state ; in such cases the law ^( see section two) makes a special fee of $10 00, regardless of the amount which may be subsequently sold. No brand can be licensed under a less fee than $10 00. Ninth. The aii;ent offering or selling unlicensed goods is equally liable wit lithe manufacturer Ibrthepenaltylixed by section three, and it may be collected from both for the same offense, both having violated the^^law. In the case of non-resident manufacturers the agent offering or selling in the State can be held liable. Tenth. In the matter of the analysis the law is distinct and in many cases is violated by the manufacturers ; the law distinctly states that " every package of commercial fertilizer " shall have plainly stamped upon it '' the percentage therein contained of nitrogen or its equiva- lent in ammonia in an available form, of potash soluble in water, of soluble and reverted phosphoric acid and of insoluble phosphoric acid." An analysis showing the percentage of potash as ^'sul])hate" does not comply with the law, and any agent ofiering or selling such brands is liable to the penalty ; an analysis showing the percentage of "bone phosphate of lime " also exposes agents to the danger of the penalty of section three. Eleventh. Any fertilizing material sold to the consumer '^ for manuring purposes" which contains either potash, nitrogen or phos- ])lH)ric acid, and not specially excepted by section six of the law, should be licensed, and any sales of such goods, without their having been licensed, exposes the manufacturer or agent to the penalty of section three. Wood ashes, though containing potash, is specially exempted by section six ; marl, if sold as it comes from the ])its, is also exempt by the same section, but if manit)ulated, bagged and sold under any special name it becomes liable to a license fee. Twelfth. The law does not make it obligatory upon the Board to make an analysis each j^ear of each brand licensed ; the license fund will not warrant this ex])ense even if warranted by law. It is the desire of the Board to do justice to all and to so arrange it that the number of analyses shall bear some relation to the amount of license fee paid, and it is evident that the manufacturer who sells a large amount of any given brands, is entitled to a greater number of analvses than the one who sells but a few tons; if any are uninten- tionally neglected aj)plication at the office of the Board will meet with promi)t attention. To enai)le us to obtain samples of any given brands the manufacturers should furnish us with a list of all agents in the State who sell or offer his goods; the Board will decline to draw a sample from the goods of a dealer or agent who may be named by the manufacturer. Thirteenth. There is no connection between the analysis alluded to in section one ai^. 1 that referred to in section four; the former is in all cases to be made by the manufacturer and tlie Board will record any analysis thus furnished, but such an analysis when placed upon record in tiie otUce of the Board is the guaranteed analysis for that l)rand and any falling off from it renders the manufacturer liable to prosecu- tion under section three of the State law. Fourteenth. A license taken out by the manufacturer covers the sales of any nunilxn* of agents and any number of tons during the year for wiiich it is taken out, but a license taken out by an agent only covers his own sales and will not protect sales of the same brand by others. Fifteenth. Any natural product, if ])agged and sold under another name, is subject' to a license fee; lime and marl, though separately exempt, if mixed and sold under another name must be regularly licensed. • > n Sixteenth. In all cases it will save time and correspondence it all of the papers referring to the license (affidavit, license fee and analysis) are sent direct to the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, who will see that they reach the proper State officers and that the license reaches the applicant. All checks should be made payable to the order of the State Treasurer of Pennsylvania. Seventeenth. Section three imposes a penalty : first, for selling or oifering unlicensed ii:oods; second, for selling goods not properly stamped with the analysis, and, third, for selling goods the ([uality or actual analysis of which is not up to the analysis on the bags or re- corded in tiie office of the Board of Agriculture. Eighteenth. In cases of dispute the final appeal is to the copy of analysis presented at this office for record ; the analysis on the l)ags is a written guarantee from the manufacture, but in cases of dispute the recorded analvsis would be accepted as evidence. This, however, does not warrant the conclusion that an illegal analysis on the bags become leo-al if the proper one has been placed on record ; it is the intent and purpose of the law that the analysis is on record here, and on the bags shall be the same and shall both constitute a guaranteed analysis. Nineteenth. The sale to the consumer of '' Kainit " sulphate ot pot- ash or any fertilizing material containing either phosphoric acid, potash or nitrogen without the proper license, subjects the seller to the pen- alties of-section three. The sale of fertilizing supplies of any kind to the manufacturer is not affected by the law, because they will eventually be included in the return of manufactured goods as made by the pur- chasing manufacturer. , , ., . i ^i u Twentieth. Common salt is not affected by the law because, though not specificly exempted, it contains neither phosphoric acid, potash nor nitrogen; for a similar reason ^' salt cake'] is exempt when sold separately, but when mixed with a fertilizer it is of course included in the return of the number of tons sold. ^ • i o n ^ v Twentu-first. Where two or three grades of bone of acid fe. U loc c are offered differing in the amount of available phosphoric acid, each one is subject to a license fee and should be named m the alhdavit as a c;eo'H-ate brand If all are sold under exactly the same brand there wil?i;^f violSn of the law, unless that brand be that of the owest -rade and the analvsis recorded in this office corresponds with it *" Twenty/second. Where a consumer buys and mixes his ovvn chemi- cals the law takes no cognizance of the transaction, unless he sells it to another in that case^a license must be taken out to cover its sale. S is presuined that in the case of the consumer the sale of the chemi- cals has been covered by a license. 104 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 105 r, Twenty-third, The whole intent of the hiw is to secure to the pur- chaser the rio;ht to get exactly what he l)uys and pays for; the law does not (•onteni])late anv publicity of the alfairs of any manufacturer or agent ; the records are open to all as public documents ; they merely show the amount of license fee paid on each brand, the name and analysis of the brand and the name and business address of the manu- facturer. Twenty -fourth. It is the duty of each agent to know whether the goods which he oilers for sale are protected by license, and at any time an inquiry at the oltice of the Board will secure a reply ; ignorance of the fact that the goods are uidicensed or that there is such a law in existence, will not excuse its violation or interpose against the penalty. Twenty-Hfth. The law does not require that the manufacturer shall state the source from which he obtained his phosphoric acid, potash or nitrogen ; it confines itself to requiring tliat the amounts given of each of these ingredients shall be given in a soluble form ; as nitrogen in 'leather scrap '' is not in a solul)le form, it cannot be embraced in the analysis; in each case the la\y is emphatic in the use of the terms "soluble" and ''available," and in this way affords protection to both consumer and nuuiufacturer. LIST OF MA:N^UFACTUKERS Al^D liRA:N^DS OF FERTILIZEKS. Licensed Undek the Provisions of the Act of June 28 1879. [For the year ending August 1, 1887*. Ash, T. D. & Co., Wagontown, Pa. — Bone Phosphate, 50; Siouski Phosi)hate, 51. Arner, a. (fe Son, New Mahoning, Pa. — Victor Phosphate, 100; Hero Phosphate, 101 ; Jumbo Phosphate, 102; Bone Meal, 103. Allentown Manufacturing Company, Allentown Pa.— Complete Bone Phosphate, 138; Lehigh Bone Phosphate, 139; Complete Bone- Manure, 140; Soluble Pock Phosphate, 141. Allen, J. J. Sons', Philadelphia, Pa.— Quaker Citv Phosphate, 197; Cornell Phosphate, 198; Nitro-Phosphate, 199; Alkaline Dissolved Bone, 200; Popular Pliosphate, 201. American Fish (Iuano Company, Iloil'man's wharf, Virginia — Ocean Guano, 241 ; Virginius Guano, 242. Allegheny City Fertilizer Company, Allegheny Citv, Pa. — Paw Bone L^liosphate, 243; Pure Ground Bone, 244; Pure 'Bone Meal, 245. Amway, J. L., Chickies, Pa. — Imperial Plu)Si)hate, 13. American Ojl Fertilizer Company, Grenwick, N. J.— Bayside Sturgeon P'cTtilizer, 392. Baugii (feSoNS, Philadelphia, Pa.— Pure Ground Bone, 382; Export *TIh' figures following the naiiio of each fortiUzer are those of the official record in the office of the n()ar(L Bone, 383 ; Twenty -live Dollar Phosphate, 384 ; Acid Phosphate, 385 ; Pure Dissolved Bone, 386. Baltimore Guano Company, Baltimore, Md. — Game Guano, 158; Baltimore Soluble Bone, 159; B. G. Ammoniated Phosphate, 160;. Defiance Bone. 161 ; High-Grade Dissolved South Carolina Pock, 162. Bradley Fertilizer Company, Boston, Mass. — Bradley's Patent Super-Phospliate, 65; Sea Fowl Guano, m\ Farmers' New Method Fertilizer, 67; Palmetto Acid Phosphate, 68; Bradley's Dissolved Bone and Potash, 69 ; Alkaline Bone, 338. BowEN & Ziegler, Stewartstown, Pa.— Bone Phosphate, 210. Brodbeck, a. p., Hanover, Pa.— Jay-Eye-See Phosphate, 291 ; York Ammoniated Phosphate, 292 ; Brodbeck's Soluble Bone, 293 ; Stand- ard Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 294. Buffalo Fertilizer Works, Buffalo, N. Y.— Buflalo Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 5; Buffalo Potato, Hop and Tobacco Phosphate, 6^ Buil'alo Vegetable Bone Phosphhate, 7; BufFalo Queen City Phos- phate, 8; Crocker's Buffalo, No. 2, Phosphate, 9; Pure Ground Bone, 10. „ ^ Brodheck, S.B.,Brodbecks, Pa.— Economical Fertilizer, 357; Farm- ers' Dissolved South Carolina Bone, 358. Bollinger, E. K. & Co., Seitzland, Pa.— Ammoniated Bone Phos- phate, 359. BoYFR & LicHLiDER, Ilagerstowu, Md.— Dissolved Bone Phosphate^ 378 ; Tip-Top Bone Phosphate, 379 ; Bone Phosphate, 380 ; Eagle Bone Phosphate, 381. BowKER Fertilizer Company, Boston, Mass.— Bowker's Hili and Drill Ph()S])hate,421 ; Bowker's Super-Phosphate, 422 ; Bowker's Am- moniated Dissolved Bone, 423. , . .^r^ t^- Blocker & Co., Baltimore, Md.— High-Grade Phosphate, 429; Dis- solved Bone and Potash, 430; Soluble Ammoniated Bone Phos- phate, 431 ; Blood and Bone Mixture, 432. ,,,,.-,, ,o^ Bowman & Co., Baltimore, Md.— Pure South Carolina Bone, 437. Chesapeake Guano Company, Baltimore Md.— (Chesapeake Guano, 15- Ammoniated Alkaline Phosphate, 16 ; Ammoniated Bone Phos- phate, 17; Corn and Oats Fertilizer, 18; Dissolved Bone Phosphate, 19 ' Coleman, Anthony, New Ringgold, Pa.— Bone Phosphate, 47. Caldwell, Durham & Co., Williamsport, Pa.— Economy Bone, 90; Good Crop Phosphate, 91. , . ,-, t i t^ - n q^. Christian & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.— Lobos Peruvian Guano, 85, Standard Peruvian Guano, 86. , -, ^ t. ^ z^-. -ni if Cleveland Dryer Company, Cleveland, O.— Forest City I'Jjosphate, 123; Buckeye Phosphate, 124 ; Square Bone Phosphate, 125; Ohia Seed Grower, 126. ^,. ^ ^ r^ i> .i o^f CusHWA, Victor, Williamsport, Md.— Royal Crown Bone and 1 ot- ash 145 Carib' Guano Company, Balf imore, Md.— C!arih Gnnno, 170 Chemicai. Company of Canton, Balf.nmre, Md.-Hnker's Standard Guano, 1«!3 ; Resurgam Phosphate, 1fi4 ; Soluld;' Alkahne 1 hosphate 165- Pure Dissolved South Carolina Bone, ItiO; B;.ker s Dissolved nicorn (A) 106 Quarterly Report. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 107 11:; rhosphate, 275; Great Planet (P) l^liospliate, 276; Peach and Fruit Tree Phosphate, 277 ; Atlas Phosphate, 278. CnRLSTY, A. P., Oakland Cross Roads, Pa.— Franklin Township Phosphate, 289. CiiAPPELL, P. S. & Sons, Baltimore, Md.— Champion Ammoniatcd Phosphate, 308; Ammoniated Phosphate, 309; Solui)le Flour of i^one, 310; Special Wheat Fertilizer, 311 ; Farmers' Reliance Ammoniated Phosphate, 312; Dissolved Animal Bone Phosphate, 313 ; Dissolved South (^irolina l^one, 314; Im])erial Potash Manure, 315. CoE, K. Frank, New York. — Ralston's Knickerbocker Phosphate, 316; E. Frank Coe's Hi. Gawturop, J. W. ^ Co.— K(^nnett Square, Pa.— Fine Ground Bone, 300; Complete Phosphate, 301. Granger Fertilizer Company, Philadelphia, Pa.— New Departure Fertilizer, 424; Universal Crop Grower, 425; Granger Fertilizer, 426. Hauze, J. H., Rock Glen, Pa.— Stamped Raw Bone, 29. Hathaway, James, Leman Place, Pa.— Pure Bone Phosphate, 48; Evergreen Phosphate, 49. Hoffman, J. Rich, Font, Pa. — Bone Meal, 121. Horner, Joshua, & Co., Baltimore, Md.— Ammoniated Raw Bone Phosphat(\ 110; Dissolved Slaughter House Bone, 111; Slaughter House Bone, n2. Hopkins, J. N.. & Co., Baltimore, Md.— Carib Guano, 170. Hager, H. F.,— Hager's Ammoniated Phosphate, 258; Farmers Favorite Phosphate, 259 ; Burkholder & Wilsons' Bone Phosphate, 260; Hess, D. D., & Son, Reading, Pa.— Ammoniated Phosphate, 154; Keystone Dissolved Bone Phosphate, 155; Acid Phosphate, 15b; Ground Bone, 157. aoo r^^' ■ Hliruard & Brother, Easton, Md.— Standard Phosphate, 48b; Cli- max Phosphate, 487; Soluble Bone, 488. Irwin, E. J.,— Honevbrook Bone Phosphate, 39. Jarecki Chemical Works, Erie, Pa.— Ground Bone, 70; Guano, 71 ; Phosphate, .72 ; Soluble Bone Phosphate, 73 ; Lake Erie lish Guano, 479 Keystone Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa.— Concentrated Phosphate, 438. i 4. iq^. Kenderdine, T. S., Newton, Pa.— Kenderdine's Bone Phosphate 137 , Kenderdine, Watson, Lumberville, Pa.— W. Kenderdine s Plios- ^^o!INtFELTER, J. A., Glenville, Pa.— Klinefelter's Reliable Phos- phate, 17^; Alkaline Phosphate, 177. Kline. J. L., Roaring Creek, Pa.— Raw Bone, 290 Keystone Fertilizer Company, Johnstown, Pa.— Lion Ammoniated Phosphate, 182; Cambria Phosphate, 183; Bone Dust, 184; Standard Phosphate, 185 ; Dissolved Bone, 186; Dissolved South Carolina Rock, 187 Krug. J. & Co., Krugsdale, Ta.— Krug's Ammoniated Bone Phos- ^ L^noaWer Cuemicat. Company, Lancaster, Pa.-Rising «'"> flios- phate 41- Flag Brand Phosphate, 42; Tobacco and Vegetable fertil- izer 48- Pure Bone Meal, 44; Dissolved South Carolina Rock 40 L^RENTZ & RiTTLEH, Baltimore, Md.-Dissolved South Carolina Bmie 87; Powhattan Wheat Fertilizer, 88; Bone Phosphate lor '''Loi'd^oScStPANY, Odessa, Delaware.-Diamond State T^.ob- nWe 77- Diamond State Soluble Bone, 78; Champion I'erti iizer, 7^ So] Jue Bone Potash, 80; Peach Tree Phosphate, 440; TruK- "^i™ * S^oS; BaMm^fe, Md.-Fiamingo Guano, 239 ; Liebig's Ammoniated Phosphate, 240. 108 Quarterly Report. ^i! '; r ml Livers, John A.— Farmers' Gold Dust Pliosphate, 341 ; Dissolved Bone, 342. Lister Agrict ltural Chemical Works, Newark, N. J.— Standard Phosphate, 412; Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, 413; United States Phosphate, 414; Ground ik)ne, 415; Harvest Queen Phosphate, 416 ; Success Phosphate, 417; Potato Fertilizer, 418. Meiiring, F.— Ammoniated Phosphate No. 2, 00; Twentv-six Dollar Phosphate, 61; Dissolved l^aw Bone, 62; Ammoniated' Phosphate No. 1, 63 ; Acid Phosphate, 64. MiDDLETON, J. J., & Co., Baltimore, Md.— Magnetic Phosphate, 52; Sea Cliff Phosphate, 53; Acid Phosphate, 54. Maryland Fertilizing Company, Baltimore, Md.— Dissolved Ani- mal Bone, 92; Fine Ground Animal Bone, 93 ; Alkaline Bone Phos- phate, 94; Tornado Fertilizer, 95; Ammoniated Phos])hate, 96; Sangs- ton's Plant Food, 97; Linden Phosphate, 98; Dissolved Phosphate, 99; lobacco Food Brand Phosphate, 478. Miller, C. H., SellersviUe, Pa.— Raw Bone Phosphate, 136. Miller, F. W., SellersviUe, Pa.— Animal Bone Phospliate, 473. Mapes Peruvian Guano and Formula Company, New York— Peruvian Guano, 204; Ground Bone, 205 ; Phosphate, 206; Complete Manure, •, .^'^^VvM LiPPiNcoTT & Co., Baltimore, Md.— Simnvside Phosphate, 148; W liitelock's Vegetator Phosphate, 149; Soliihle Phosphoric Acid and Potash Fertilizer, 150; Peninsula Ouano, 151. Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigan.— Homestead Dessi- cated Bone, 261 ; Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer, 262 ; Jarves Drill Phosphate, 263. MiLSOM Rendering Company, Buffalo, N. Y. — Milsom's Buffalo Phosphate, 219; Milsom's Potash Fertilizer, 220; Milsom's Pure Ground Bone, 221. MoRiTz, L., Philadelphia, Pa.— Button Bone, 427. Myers, S. S., Philadcli.hia, Pa.— Shell Phosphate, 450. McDowell, S. S., Oxford, Pa.— Bone Phosphate, 481 Phn^nh!!fl^''fo7 ''^f ^'?"'J''^^ Company, Chicago, Ills.-Garden City Phosphate, 127 ; Ralston's Bone Meal, 128; Fine Raw Bone, 129; Twenty- SIX Dollar Phosphate, 130; Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, i;il- m Ch . t'r' "";"*' '.'"' P»-Gf™un.i Bone, 133; Pnarie Phosphate: it)4, Cliallenue Corn Grower, 135. ^ T^h^J^i^'^Ti?'"'^^^^^^^ T^liiladelpliia-Acidulated Phos- hlp Hnnf^ ?i r Bone Phosphate, 338 ; Super-Phosphate, 334; Solu- ble Bone and Potash, 335 ; Acidulated Fish Guano, 336 CeS pLfph\tr372''^" York-Sickle Brand of Alkaline Bone, 371; 4of 'SrDL^4/)f ?•' ^^".T^ ^^"^^' Pa.-Rectified Phosphate, A in ^i^"^M^^' German (A) Guano. 403; Twenty-Five Dollar O.^lrP^^^'l'^^V?.^ I^lain Super-Phosphate, 4?r Ober,G., &SONS, Baltimore, Md.-Soluble Ammonintcnl Phosphate 23; Dissolved Bone Phosphate, 24; Farmers\Standard > lo'i a e 2^^^^^ Dissolvec Bone and Potash, 26; Dissolved Raw Bo e an K^^^^^^^^ Special Compound for Tobacco, 28 ' ' 8KTHTF^T^^^''~//^**'^^Hy"'^: Md., Orchilla Guano, 30. C Kiir, J F., Beading, Pa,-Reading Bone Phosphate 420 Orient Guano Manufacturing Company Npw \rl\ ' a • . ^ Bone Plmsnlvif^ AKQ. T^ i^^^ v>u3ii a.\ Y, rsew 1 ork — Ammoniated i5onclhospliate,458; Long Island Phosphate, 459; Orient Complete Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 109 Manure, 460; Suffolk County Phosphate, 461; Fish and Potash Phos- phate, 4()2. Patapsco Guano Compaisiy, Baltimore, Md. — Special Wheat Com- pound, 224; Grange Mixture, 225; Baltimore Soluble Phosphate, 226; Patapsco Corn Fertilizer, 227; Pure Dissolved S. C. Rock, 228. PopPELTEN SiLiCATED Phospiiate Company, Baltimore, Md. — Active Ammonia Bone Phosphate, 229 ; Model Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 230; Favorite Phosphate, 231; Soluble Bone Phosphate, 232; Ammo- niated Raw^ Bone Phosphate, 233 ; Popplien's Silicated Phosphate, 234. Peninsular Fertilizer Co:\[pany, Smyrna, Delaware — Planet Fer- tilizer, 246. Pacific Guano Company, Boston, Mass. — Dissolved Bone Phosphate, 114; Soluble Pacific Guano, 115; Nobesque Guano, 116. Phillips, Moro (estate of ), Philadelphia, Pa.— Improved Phosphate, 367; Soluble Bone Pliosphate, 368; Phuine, 369; Guarantee Guano, 370. Provident Fertilizer Company, Philadelphia, Pa. — Tried and Irue Phosphate, 398 ; Meat and Bone Phosphate, 399 ; Mystic Phosphate, 400. PuGH, J. S., Oxford, Pa.— Raw Bone Phosphate, 410; Ground Raw Bone, 411. n Philadelphia Fertilizer Company, Philadelphia, Pa.— Philadelphia Poudrette, 803 (last year's record). Quaker City Poudrette Company, Philadelphia, Pa.— Quaker City Poudrette, 452. t^ . /-i r»A Rasin Fertilizer Company, Baltimore, Md.— Empire Guano, JO; Rasin's Dissolved Bone, 21; Basin's Acid Phosphate, 22. Richardson, A. S., Philadelphia— Wando Phosphate, 113. Roberts, J. C, Philadelphia, Pa.— Quick and Lasting Phosphate, 109. Ramsburg Fertilizer Company, Frederick, Maryland— Ramsburg's Excelsior Plant Food, 208; Old Virginia Compound, 209. Rauh, E. R., & Sons, Indianapolis, Indiana— Raw Bone Meal, 222; Ammoniated Bone, 223. o.t o Richey Brothers, Uniontown, Pa.— Pure Ground Bone, 247; lione Phosphate, 248. ^ ^ ^ , ,^ ^^^ -, Ruth, The R. J. Co., New York— Good Luck Guano, 287; Essex Ouano, 288. _ ,.,.!-. .-i- c^^7n a Richmond, J., Philadelphia, Pa.— Excelsior Fertilizer, 279; Ammo- niated Bone Phosphate, 280; Azotized Bone Phosphate, 281; Potato and Fruit Tree Fertilizer, 282; Acid Phosphate, 283 ; Cereal Bone y, ~i 31 ; Swift Sure Ground Bone, 32 ; Good Enough Phospliate, 33 ; Echo Phosphate, 34 ; Dissolved S. 0. Rock, 35 ; Swi t Sure Disso ved Bone, 36; Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, 37; Twenty-Three Dollar Phos- Sha'mrkrger Brothers, Baltimore, Md.— Ammoniated Bone Phos- ^''slingluff & Co., Baltimore, Md.-Corn and Potato Grower, 104 ; Dissolved S. C. Rock, 105 ; Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 10b ; Pure niaanlvprl Ronp 107; Giant Pliosphato, 108. s'Skkt?sE. A., Baltimore, kd.-Sharetts' Wheat Grower, 12; Sharretts' Tobacco Grower, 453. 110 QlTARTEKLY RePORT. Pennsylvania Boakd of Agriculture, 111 ./**• 1% Stick, 11.8., Glenville, Pa.— York County Phosphate, 178; Mar Pen Phosphate, 170. SciiALL Brothers, Erie, Pa.— Erie City Phospliate, 180; Ground Bone, 181. moniated Bone Phosphate, 297; High Grade Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 298. Simmons, J. 1)., Ilagerstown, Md.— Wlieat and Corn Producer, 302; Honest Fertilizer, 303. Somerset Fertilizer Company, Somerset, Pa.— Bone Meal, 249 ; Dis- solved Bone, 250; Imperial Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 251; Excelsior Bone Phosphate, 252; Acid Pliosphate, 253. Fertil Am Scott, I)., S: Brother, Elkton,Md.— Tip-top Soluble Bone, 329 ; Sure Growth Phosphate, 330 ; Standard Phosphate, 4G3 ; Ground Raw Bone, 4t)-l ; Pure Dissolved Bone, 465. Smith, J. J., Trenton, N. J. — Fertilizer for Grain and Grass, 374; Fertilizers for Potatoes and Truck, 375. Sharpless & Carpenter, Philadelphia, Pa. — No. 1 Bone Phosphate, 387; Acid Phosphate, 388; Ground Bone, 389; Dissolved Bone Phos- phate, 390; Soluble Tampico Guano, 391. Susquehanna Fertilizer Company, Baltimore, Md.— Bone Phosphate, 300; Superior Rock Phosphate, 361; Ammoniated Bone Phosi)hate, 302; Pure Ground Bone, 363; Packing House Bone, 364. Tate, Muller & Wittichen, Baltimore, Md. — Esmeralda Guano, 404 ; Flquitable Soluble Phosphate, 405; O. K. Ammoniated Phosphate, 40i>; Rose Phosphate, 407; Equitable Fish Guano, 408; Potato Com- pound, 409. Tygert, J. E., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Star Bone Phosphate, 433; Star Guano, 434; Soluble Bone, 435; Acid Phosphate, 436. Thomas, I. P., & Sons, PhiLadelphia, Pa. — Tip top Bone Phosphate, 173; Farmers' Choice Phosphate, 174; Normal Phosphate, 175. Trinley, Jacob, Limerick Station, Pa. — Raw Bone, 117; Raw Bone Phosphate, 118; Favorite Bone Phosi)hate, 119 ; Ravine Bone Phos- pliate, 120. Turner, J. J., Baltimore, Md. — Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 191 ; Dissolved Bone, 192. Thompson & Edwards, Chicago, 111. — Fine Ground Bone, 215 ; Bone Phosphate, 216 ; Dissolved Bone Meal, 217 ; Sure Growth Phosphate, 218. Taylor, John, & Co., Trenton, N. J.— Ammoniated Dissolved Bone and Potash, 235 ; Complete Fertilizer for Wheat, Oats and Grass, 236 ; Com])lete Fertilizer tor Potatoes, Truck and Tobacco, 237; Complete Fertilizer for Corn, 238. United States Chemical Comiiany, Phila(lel])hia, Pa. — Philadcdphia Standard Phospliate, 264; National Potato Fertilizer, 265; National Tobacco P'ertilizer, 266; National Phosphate, 267 ; National Soluble Bone, 268; National Comi)lcte Phosphate, 269; Yearsley's Acid Phosphate, 270; Yearsley's Chester County Phosphate, 271. Ulmer, Jacob, Pottsville, Pa. — ITlmer's Ammoniated Bone Phos- phate, 451. Vaughn, Bonsall & Co., Salem, Ohio. — Pure Salem Bone Dust, 74; Twenty-live Dollar Guano, 75; Salem Bone and Meat Phosphate, 76. AValt, F. K., Pennsbury, Pa.— No. 1 Complete Animal Bone Phos- phate, 474. Walton & Whann Co., Wilmington, Del. — Diamond Soluble Bone, 1 ; Plow Brand Raw Bone Phosphate, 2; Acid Phosphate, 3 ; Reliance Ammoniated Phosphate, 4. Wolf, Joseph, Abbottstown, Pa.— Spring Run Bone Phosphate, 11. Wilkinson & Co., New York— Fconomical Bone Fertilizer, 14. Walker, Joshua, Baltimore, i\Id.— Old Pittsburgh Phosphate, 55; Dissolved Bone Phosphate, 56; Economical Ammoniated Phosphate, 57; Victoria Bone, 58; Dissolved S. C. Rock, 59. Waring Fertilizer Company, Colora, Md.— Ammoniated Phos- phate, 81; T. & P. Acid Phosphate, 82; Pure Dissolved Bone, 83; Pure Ground Bone, 84. W^ooLRiDGE, R. A., Baltimore, Md.— Orchilla Guano, 30. Wanuo Fertilizer Company, Philadelphia, Pa.— Wando Phosphate, 113 AValker, Stratman & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.— Big Bonanza Phosphate, 146 ; Pure Bone Meal, 147. "^^ VViNDLE & DoAN, Coatesville, Pa.— Raw Bone, 211 ; Bone Phosphate, 212; Ammoniated Bone Phosphate, 213. . -r. ^, Weist, Jacob— Weist's Phosphate, l52; Weist's T. & F. Phosidiate, 153 Weaver, E. M.— Pure Bone, 172; Special Bone Phosphate, 467. Whann, Thomas, Jr., Chester Springs, Pa.— Keystone Raw Bone Phosphate, 339 ; Pure Raw Bone, 340. Wahl, Emil, Philadelphia, Pa.— Button Bone, 419 Williams, Clark & Co., New York— Americus Phosphate, 343; Royal Bone Phosphate, 344; Americus Bone Meal, 345; Universal Dissolved Bone, 346; Americus Potato Fertilizer, 347; Acorn Plain Dissolved Bone, 348. Whann, W. E., Atglen, Pa.— Chester Valley Phosphate, 468, Ammoniated Phosphate, 469. Whann & Sellers— Chester Valley Phosphate, 373. . ^ , ^, Yarnall, L, Media, Pa., Bone Fertilizer, 376; Ammoniated Phos- ^' Young, J. & R., Pittsburgh, Pa.— Smoky City Phosphate, 1G9. Yearsley, I.— Yearsley's Acid Phosphate, 270; Yearsley's Chester County Phosphate, 271. j r>„„„ on±. Zkll Guano Company, Baltimore, Md.-ZePs Dissoved Bone, 304 ZelFs Economizer Phosphate, 305; Zell's Ammoniated Bone Phos- pliate, 306 ; Zell's Calvert Guano, 307. 112 I e % 0 . X u m N £'* N bit •■■ •• CC X g X s: Sx> ® if ^ 3 >♦* ^ 0 . s 5 9 CC h 5 0 QrARTERLY RePORT. OD •■4-1 rH 0:3 = ..tf ;=? *-» — ( CD MS o CC 00 00 o o QO J^ •-5 O • »- t> > * C O •* ""^ ^ 3 03 cC ^ -^ - O -^ t:* -, CD -;- J:: "^ Q (D c o X3 o -C 5 -rt C^ ^ O S C ri L- CC 5^ ^ • -ti CC '^ CD o K^ I •? o^o ^ s '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o S — < -^ ^ «i . 0) A. u o ^ -^ -S ^ JD ^0< CC 0_, CD 00 O — — « '" > c ^ 5 2 00 r^ I- ^ n iD rV! < S s* ?s ^ (-1 •«» Wii *», "W v: ~ i CO ^o2 •aaqiuuf^ 9idui«S •nono9l8s JO iQ CO t> OO OS O '-' t? c*.^ »o ^ -jaratuoo aAUBJUduioo QS^m naii.u p,>p looaa fiosdbcDOiOT-(OCDC^ic<5 •«iaorauiv •.»«eCQ^0s:c-- t^ot>-oot^cococ<>t--i^-* C CO Q *< Q < W . .S 'Mi ^ T3 ^ e ^ '^ S -So . o l' (JJ * *J «5 .„ S r r|£| 26511: eS T^ O -I •' ? o 5 S « ^ **■' »^ j*^. ^r ma ^^ ^^ 00 5S • •«-c ■ I"- > «s O 1^ a> a o = r3 a o a a < •i9qninNr 9idm«s I g|Smi|||| Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 113 . 00 bs OS _, ^ ^ 't* « O -H OS Q Q •pptjui 9J9M Sf eAiiniB 9S9ii:i ii9qM papjoog.i :ioti 90i.id Stitiios 10 84 30 86 26 79 27 21 0 0 yi t- QO GO -H — i C-1 23 32 33 71 27 01 28 62 26 84 17 47 20 22 25 41 28 17 29 83 24 96 10 40 11 27 14 0.88 , 2.42 i 2.86 2.44 0.06 55 S CO S cS ?1 • • • « • 5<1 — I W iM "H 1.56 2.33 3 41 2.91 r.Iecc i-H M 2.45 4.37 1.97 3.65 1.25 0.14 2.44 ' 1.87 0.85 1.12 0 42 0.91 0 55 'H ?J r-' Ci d C<> TI* C^ 00 tH t^ 0 -t OS • • • a — . c-» c-i —1 1.05 2 23 0.76 pql^COOOiriOOOr- M 0 CO CO T-i 'TjJ(N-^'eo'diO'ifeociN»flC2co iftcoosi-^eo'g'uo.-^.-Hoocicaoo^T-'jrject^.ciosip-cot^cocs--: «o05oeoososr-it^c-4^ooc^'<»"0»AiO":ocoi5./5i>:«Jt^u5.fl:,/i.«-t^d'-5QOQOcocoo6T»3'q5«oc^aoao . 00 OS CO GO I T-( ct' CO OS uo»(5coeoiOQOco'Ti"^"*'cooDcoaococoio osi— cocseocoocOTt' rHi-^.iQcoiioosqsco'^osGOb:;^-; — — -^ dooSc^MSS5-H'9>T=H« .i-^ccir2ioscoco_iOQOi6coc;OT-ict'COOst^ •or, - 1^ V 01 ,f»« trf C3 ^ 0 Stow pany s S5S- CQ bCO ^ 08U • 03 0 *:i:i *{■ O) -^ j2 «- 09 €^ M c ^£e 0 <« 3 ^fl fcF S 0 M p^ np^ QQ ft) o o >i: § o S^ S CD « ^ g 08 tS ■•-' "w (U ^ -'e 3 S ^ — tn O >-^ a; .^ B o5 £2 c fl 2 S-^^ E O.S 5 E 95 95 lJ*-''C, rti.- ^ ..-'n o_fu -TO).. — 5 tj «- f- ^ 4> jj SJ W 0) .-. 03 — w i; c r cr r s » s ...4 H rs TO ™ -^fc. 4) rt .g O "^ «-» CD «- * 95 _« O S "oJ s S X c - 3 5, .' 3 0( o "^ «« o •* 5^ — •— ? c* , 3^ *» 3 S ^r a S 9« 02 ?» •< "^oqI crDoso(Mcoj2222?i?3?^?;sa6S8^s^^ iS 1 0 O "b 10 lO lO "0 1/5 ira c^ '•1 ^f) 114 QUARTERT.Y KkI'ORT. 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I 08 OQ G S "So to- • 98 P. ^ c8tH_ ;_; N o 5^ 93 - 05d ^d^ o d d as 9! ^ ^d" z:^ o O 03 o o Ui e8 K S «^ o 2S5 o ^ a8 »-' - w 2 d «- S - - s rS-s- O © d O ^Oad :8 ifl — ■-) 33.^ ,w ^ J- I-, ^ tit 13 4/ _ 2 -; to ■ 4J • s8 a . © t^5 '^ to • a 03 -a^ 13 - 03 03 03 4^ © © 95 ^ a =* 3 ' St?. — © a4-< to 31 p-d *-» o O) r- 11, -< '3 to ^ o *"■ CO to • 13 O; ^a 95 0 — 3^95 03 O 3 d £, c ^ 03 4-> s5 03 © © 03 •3 3 "* -^ «- is fcl ^ 03 U> ft«j 33 4J to 4 N e8 o tf ::=;3 A ar a a, to i^ OB O S O aT d tj i- S o ^ c- 2 03 r" 03 CO d C d i, 3 2 > ^-3 ^ •^' "»- d- »- d 03 i-i 03 o 2 o — dH ^d-S 03 . 4J 5 * -I 2^ aroTt-g- 3 aJ 4J — d .d T' >r ?. §>2 u — — ' CQ © t) 03 a> d . 08 .0 .«« . d 08 03 d-d-U 9J =« a :8 03 • 03 4J d © 03 ^^ u 4-> a u 08 to n © C ajd M» 33 0- aJ 0 95 .— 0; ^* ix-l a ^ © (O a ;& © © CC 13 0 t^ -^ :2© QCCO 0 PQ . 03 4J •5 03' "-" t4 0) a -^ S8 0 d ^ « c3 a^ s © 03 03 J2 a a a- 0 © 58 03 03 4-> 4^ .^ 4J 03 0» TO »-- I— ' ^ aa 5: g a © © o ■ 2 a d CO © O a^-- 03'Ch 95 i tJ I" ^ > 2 d a-3 0.0 o ^2« 03 03 03 13 N 03 2 2*0- ** " o S S ■X 1^ ^ ^ ^ c8 - o 03 _^^ ♦J ^ -3 <« 2 5 2 d ©^ ^o 3 CQ a © ^4 ^ to — © 03 ■'H ,^ © 03 a 93 © a. 03 ■n "S "^3 i_i «^^ ol^ 4j^ d ^a-i©95rt^l3o Sd95-^, C330<- mt-4fj^o3z:o3a -^©©©ftoa';^ Q U ^ Pi QQ en CO -< • 03 4J - ■ 95 08 rx: ^ 03 a ati * © — ^ 03'^ 2-0 d'^f'5^ r 03 1« *e 0*3 c8 CQ 08 03 -- — 3d 03 d o o ©'p 2a3 6 ^ 3 C *" ^©£^^ •3 ni — 03 4^ ■ 95 x: . a 03 • O . s: 03 5 ad CO © U, © 3 O) i-i 03 © bl o; a 4jCQ 0> o a' 4J 03 ►* 38 d=s:s ^1 " OQ O 54— J rt a 03 CO _ II :z X. z - ^ _2 a ri j: aj "o S ^ a a a — 03 Sis * > 93 o d © «PP4 © © CO "««•-• dQ 3 S *> ® > t^ ::2 © © w 03 i^gggggggiSEr^^ R; K K 1^ b- t^ t^ »^ '^ t^ •> '^ — CI CO r r^ i^ I I ic t>" OS ijj I ! Oi or rj5 Q . r>. t>. r- 00 IS ,»-e0^iOCDt-QOO>0 — CJi iSroowooSaoaoooSoooao I -fl* CO [S3 CI CI CI 00 00 00 s rl IJ 118 Quarterly Report. ..aqmnN 9iaai.s | iiigllilliSliisii eo 1^ •no{'i08|3S JO o o o o o o o o OO GC ^ O ^ '"*" ^^ ^ - ;S§8S888SSSg8S8SS8 888888^^^^ O O o o iHCCi?5»i-5 lO 'T' 00 Ci T-i O r1 rH rH c4cO»0^l-C^Mt4fO0 CC w5 O CO OCOC-trHiOCCOOGOO OO l-H 05 O Jii^Sf^'^JS^iy^^foSS^SlSSJl^s^sD OO t-i OS OS o CO ' ■" "" i-H IQ CD Tjt IM C^ tH •piov ouiOTidsoiia aiqniostii cficsioocJOCvQco I-»l>.C5e«3CO'MOCOt^ CO o o ^ i^ =o '■'^ °^ ® ^ ^ 'MOOor)ir^t^'3;cscocot^c«50foi>. -H^^oe^c^•^c^r-'^^-^fO ouoqdsoiia p8|J9AaH on-w't'OfOC^io^O'JI C-l CO IC I> l.O ?0 O r-< CO oi c^ CO ci r^ i^ =o rt; ci eo c-i ..-? CO fc C5 .h' CO ^^ Tj- ^ o cc (M cc ^-^ o McicoTrt-cceNeo^cDc^ecfC-irrTfcc^iricicc^TrTP •ppv oi.iou(lsot[,i amnios ^T-iooaoi^i>aDJoix QOi-'ic^coeo'^ioco'^ t- ,ffl ci 06 o cc' o CO t^ t^ t>: ci u:i t" d ci io 'o CO t- (^^ CO CO c^ c^i uj O OD •p S3 o t^ r^ t^ i> no OO 00 00 « •- »- r- O TJ< t>. °R r^ 1-^ J W 41 •* 3/ a; - 0) c c c 2 ^ 3 3 3 •-5 ►^-7) •-8 • • • ^ •■ ■ 'M be i' t • • • ix> ..^ • • i2 ^ iX> 00 ^ eo r^ o I-" 00 00 OT oi 8888 irt lit) CO O C^l CO -f C4 ^g^S CO i^ 1^ cj 00 C-l ^ "•O CD CI i!? S CO M CO CO ^ era '5 §? C^ iM " • • • • '* ston set, « « T. OCco . «- - 2 o - .. u 2 ® o g "^^ , t^ •- M QJ j£ J2 — •^ ^j ^ '•^ .^- «%*' Pennsylvania Board of Aoriculture. 119 •aaqiuiiN aidinui.? ■r'^r-oiocoo5coM"^co>oooc^03co»>.oo^coQoeoj- ,« ,r. ;c »r ic -+* w i^ 'xC i*^ to ic 'C i': »c »o :0 't '0 cc •+ iO :C cio 't "^ 'f "^ ^^Z,rH-^H'^rH-iri'Hr---HrHT-irH'^HrHrH-HH'--rHrHHrHH I LI.M,iJ,nj.J,iJ:IJ:iic!,J,:U'.cy.iAelJ.J.J.A l^^^^;lHr^H'-tr-i'-Hi-iiH'-lr-lHi-ir-(Hr-HriririHrir-lTHr-(H 'puno/ 8V piov iC'^ooooicout'iMOS'-'eoco cicococi-^eofo^; 1— ( ^ rH tH tH a •piov ouoiidsoii.i oiqniosui • PT ^V ouoiid^^oiia paji9Aoa •pPV oijoiidsoua aiQntos O P5 c u fig -d 'd 'J •sasAiuii V JO Q^va •d 4 M M M D H U -< b t/) 00 M OS Q <: Q < < •joquinf^ aidni^s , «» u • a- (A - eS *j o 1^ A S Ph a) c c 0; n o o C o X TS ■v en U o ^ * •o O 4-> o n C« OOQC 0-5 i 1 1 8 of H O s •j9qinn»i aidrawc eo ^ c4 ic tJ c^ M -i n ^" r.: CJ r^ (N eocicJ^coTrcoeocooT-.,H^-»^ ^fe'^??§=??;^?;-^s^t55s^^8^§«^i25s§~s3^§ cdcodcocrJMi^^flcOLOu^rfuacoeocot^coio.oin^t-^^w*)©^'*' o6r^dt^do6oso6dt^osa:oid«5»6cooot-ooo>Tfososjjos;-joo iO S C^ Ci - ^ C-1 05 ft ftCi.-e CD CQCOO ooOO ft OI O CO OO Cj o f^ co' OO TiT rl > > > u O O O (1) o 0) x: — > tor; be •■ 3 be ~ 3 ^ bc cr X: en (A Ui ftC . c r: *^ 1 ft:: Cj ^ 3':« >hKOOi-300m5 5* ^ "S o ftbt3 ^ t- XI U — tn PnSn - - •C'^ Sri «i u c" 3X1 X) -M (n *J ft . CO ^ O OJ - •=3 I — . ^ x: 0* ."O Ih tn M O CO »fe fc- — ::2 ^ t- , • "^ 5 cs'.'*. I^Sx: S c4 0^ 9S PQ t: c ?=; « c s g ''' H 3^' rt^H ar"!}^ •^ o -^- o-c®- a» o u aj r- fc. c o ■« J ^ T" r CJ - .^j r"_ en C ~ "^ ?. S a; . 9i x: as "a* ^ ^' OS ^ O =: =>- -i a; ■ o r^ O O ► ft SO r; ^ ■ oT <« i a» ^^ C>* 9* ^^ 08 C u o ^ s ft . is N — f x: ,3 a> "X 3 ft ce "- ftB^ — • CO — " X5 ■~ o u — a^ -^ I a- o ^bcO^ S£^2 E=:Ji r^ 53„ a/ — "* ~ 3 "H Oj X ^ a; - , £ 5 « a> o 3 ^ aJ — a>> bCs' 3 O — ■<-> u ^^ ^ ft to C tn fi a; ^ sS tn x: o O o fc. E o , 4) ftO^ -O ,. 3 >> b. 3 3 a) a^ O) ^ « u. OI 01] ft en O a! ♦- ft ce O . ' u a> o co=CQ •em's cj a; > OI > tn s oD CO _• i' S^5 ft v ^ tn *J ;j O eJ Q ^ CO '5a- CO S ^ •" a* C o •- > O ft 1 tn QOcoCQi-i C • o .35 a; 3 fl 3 S5 O g tn « 3 O ^aa 0/ o ** ♦^ r' x:— . ft ftGD t3 "O tn OI OS x: ft tn O I'T. ;^ • A ^ -A ft ^ tn "^ en —■ 3 Q-^co *^ 2 e« x: x: ft aT CD O 3S o x:x: •^ -r o ■r "^x: •" ^ «(! I 0) o i^ • x: . ftt» i aj Eli: . O X! '•'S - ^ -2 . o ft^ o esO A . ftX) o - tr > aj _ S5 O ~ -- in iJ o aJOJ - OOII . .XI rncn Ot a> « rt ^^£ o in iSSSilgSsR er lO OS E5 •r CO ''^ Ji >-■ "? -» ^ — ~» CO ^ CO ^ CO CO CO CO .T5 CO — CO 3^ ' 120 Quarterly Report. •jgQumM oidiuws lO (M «c 00 «0 o: N ;D CO O CD l^ l^ . , C-l CC IC >?? "0 fO t^ OO 00 Oi C5 ' f-: t- i^ i^ t^ t- t^ K r^ t^ t> t- I -H ei cc I * oo « 1 S 00 §8 iffl o CO eo oo T»< ift ift " QO feSo 8S888SS8888 188888888 l2S;SS§5SS?5;5§SJ:;SS?2Si^2 8888S8SSS QO O 00 Q 00 r-< ?5 1-1 ?5 C4 t^ QO o r^ © lo 00 -^ o; 00 — ^-c-HiOi:: .o »* -^ kc »o* ' \'^ »^ i"^ »c »o >o ccic . »c »o :c »c »^ »^ -t^ -t w lO I I , 7^V7 7 .TTTT T I I I I I M i i i i i i i i i i ::;^HHH -rtr-lT-ir-lTHH -r^r^r-ir-i.T-irHr^H r-(T-— ' o -^ t^ CO •^ ■^ 1— t I— ( ■^' ig^88tSS^'^3gSS^S;5§g5S??S!S^^:SSfeSS^?5 CD (M >-. CO •ppv ai.ioqdsoiia aiqniosiii C^ 04 »0 05 '^ O IK >0 00 TT «J <^ <-i ^ ^- '-»^ ■-- "^ - - — -. . . . . . . . . ■ O O tH 1/3 C5 "T^ r-i i^ '-•' >-^ •'•' ^ ^ » ;..... r4dc^(M'*C^C-ir-(d-5r-'oCOr-lOC^rHOeO'«H / 8 S 06 CD »o £2 00 3; lO CO •pioV Oljoudsoii.i aiqnios 9.18 8.78 0.83 •SKSXi^uv JO ojna 1-H •« CO 00 •• •0 O B it-^i-IooDfOO'Haoaooooas^ f^,_l»t<'»t. t^ b. 00 00 00 So r-c "-I C-l ■ 0$ o o ■^ >» •* •» u u U U t-i h 1^ ^^ So C 0) 0) o > o o 2 -' ^ se O cy ,<^ - be 0) be 0) cj s 3.1 :^ CA s o ■»-> o to c •«-' ^ — lA U o KS:;5 0 J&- I- o ^^ > M > ■ O c ■^ .^ 3 o * i:^^ fc. W O'^H a J K i: c rt fr. G be tT w a> t- I' 5S O hi- <« r5s U3::i CQ-;:eecX Tc — C* M w O "^ • ce'®" ^^ - S o ce IS - ,.= C 0, s O ra r> ^ '•^ 4-^ ee - ® ^1 t- ee o ,;.jj,.= ^ >X! fta ^ ^,_ ** ** C^ fl .1-^ — a* en . .-^ ' a]>JWi-3G^c»W»?^N'-s!?(«Wi-J 5 3-^ C sH <" t: t P oT o S o O «- C - O O c ♦^ 35 r . o fip B 5(5 uj r as "^ r-:::cq -S^^po 'J t= .iii S . . ■^ •■ w •■ ii «- ft ? ^ I' ^ a I' s "3 o = o :i r p ee **= t: J x •- o ^ ee^ 00 - a eeO-i o — . fr. ee o pir 3J as: St: 5* 1^ ee ►— It- u — *" X ^ w '.^ ^ o 6% • 3 • — 3 5 > X .- tJ^ ^ >- ^ ;= t. ee .= ' ^ >^ o . (A ft fts-^ is o * ■ TT .a 2» * « o o ftrt 2 ft a> qqCO- > > • O m ^ o tA 93 ^ W M* ■=^ - ft « ." CO.C — ' O ft o « "5 .2 93 ii a» V 0)55 «« c -a ■OOD V o c Ch • C C • '? o .. ee ee ee — — x: o o .^ u u !a <« «J oOU ee ■ a .- <« •-.•»•••' .1^ 2 j^ j^ j^ j^o^ u — o o o y o Oft- o o o c o • • a • ' o . n oT ft O 2 O o > 3 en u3 cr^PP :rtO^QOOoo — 3 2« O-^Pw se -a *'0?/5'0'0'C'C'C ee .c ft . 93 ID O fl 42 O ftCC u i> -• ftO 3 • 5 'W _ D 0) (U a, X o > > >; u i; »- 03 i: > .2 O > r ii: 2 oHoocooo tc I nooiaBtncDtflX'w-O) 0,a3Cf3U3939)«)0'a»93 o t/3 5® oPQ -.Jj M OQ P -< cw iojj^goco33CiaQ-He2 CO QO S 00 O 05 o C4 -^ ??^ 00 O OS c- 1-H r-i )!S w 00 (M - ^ -• * ■* ■* " (3 0 »* e •=- 93 S: o o o u o 04 P. ee i »^ J- = P^3 C- ee gU S 1 1 o" ^ ► t! a. 03 a» ^z =^ ''S "T , 0) o; ^ a bo — <*J 03 B ee ^;— 4 r" O -- >~^ •jGquinM oidiUBS eo o —i ■<*< i- l^ lO »o iC i S 8 S 5 eo Co to S S 3 CD S c£ CD CO to S «o I- t- i^ t- I- I- t- t^ !is uo^ jad 9aii«i iJujuas 888888 ^ c^ CO lO oi eo eo eo eo ' TO) J9d ani^A lino -jam moo aAiiiMtidmoo §^si328iiS8Ssss8SSS;2fe^§fe^;:sss^s Jig^g5^l3fe5SSi^^?3i:;^'^S^^^??w«^«^'5 (/D lO C3S CO TT 00 •uvjLvnO 8t) tsiUDmmv i-^ CO n >'^ c tc »'r >': -^ k*^ w >'^ »o i'MC :c »c 'j: cc 'j: 'C . CO "^ o '>0 :c II -11 'puno/sv 'B^iommv 'pd9f.U'Dd1)nt3 8X) piJV .)Uuqdsoqj r- (M CI ?i H r-i T-1 H T-. C^l C< -M T-1 C^< C^« iH H r-i C< C« r^ r-t -i (M r^ H tH "sasiti^uv J^ ai'BQ 0; O -d c c 0 0) C o PQ 'I' ;::. to 03 ee PP 0) -•-> I ee . CO vH ' •< CO 4.^ . mO O CO 00 > CO 00 SSB cS S So So 00 So 2 22 TP -J"* O O 03 ^P V OJ PP 00 0 ee eo lO -> 03 ,- > •— ' ^ ^^ E 03 ** 93 :^ ee "^ 'C - « p. — >• ee - ee a -- — — . O eer eJ.3 oP!>PchOu a o -* 93 o »- . " oT a z^i^^% +^ r: ys ii fc- tt a > b 03 .a! 2 *'. ee 03 -^ -^ ^ W fe U ^ O"?^ ee «" ee ee ri •> ee t. -^ ft K a< ft ' o "3 "S CO • rtH^o ^"c - Ih -ee*^ eSosJ- *ieeCH^:=- « &-I .oj .a — 03 -ezcu^ ^^ 5=b} CU^ 03 ee cu 0) 5 ' - 3 . 03 O" ee — ; .a 5,- n o r« a v ee ee - 98 • Dj ee'^ ■ .0- . .a *.c:cLi , ftS ft . • a; ft ^ ee ee .a ft u=-2^ i:Ci-a^ P-i t> u a . o ' «« r t- ee C 03 03 > o tH bfl > iCU e — •- -^ L'^ ^ ^ ^' o 3 ,* a eeO gr^PS 9} a a 73 IS^s: ^ b. St ao o 03 r^"^ 0) ^a N o t • ^ i — "^ ^ tl O ^ «:. !r, ^ ee ? a*^T^>ijS«ftS^*iaft- ^^;?^ -=P32J a ei bt ^ ^ O 3 a ^. r; c- 2 ^ ee ^^ . r: 3 »* ■ "'^H^.^««'-c>fp^^ ft • . - a-^ i: 93 ee - • 3j^ . 3 ^^^ o . CC "C aJ" a a 3 O O a «2 u *-> 3 3 &-3: ee . 03 03 5 acfi 2 03 « 9) 03 3 S Q a> 0) a a o o CCCC o» 0) u fr' 3 3 Cm 03 a o CQ 9i 0 O PQ a .-B 3 03 3 o a o t- O u OCCo 43 O; 03 U U Q 3 3 JS QhCL|PC4 03 O a a o o CQCQ .a a S <^ ® Soc5 aj 03 03 B fc- fc- O 3 3 0) ^ 03 a ee 3 O 01 o CQSCQ ■ 0) 03 0> ee t- B «- 03 3 " O 03 CC a a 03 4»e o)t2 B «- a — I — ee 3 O 5J 3 is CQa^PQcAMCO " 03 'JO a o 00 *> pP 03 . a ► ' 5^1e O) o u 03 03 ee 3 ^ c •- "^ S ';i: S CQ 5 o; 3 a a 2 '2gmJ?P(g^^ 3SoJ««>^C< o ♦J t- a a ? ^- '/-J «-3300se33 O CQ ill CQ CQ p; 0-1 CO a o CQ o OJ r.l a ^.^, 3 03 a:'^ o 3 a a 0!U 3 3 03 91 o o .k^ u t- v-' tH OO 1 o . C 4) *J ^ fc- I- M-. 3 3 % 03 a-o : 2 S ?? S ?5 S 5 CD CD CO CO CD ?S'=^^'" ,' .J J CD CD CO CO r- i^ K CO CD CO Quarterly Report. PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. 123 ri~S8 888SS8S8SS8§8S "UO!:jO.^|8g JO iuioj }v 9.)ua Suiiiag | j^ ^U^^^^^'<^'^'<^^^^^^^ P99f ■ uvuond 8u Bjuomuiy ■T3 S3 d o I 0 S3 0 o 10 o »oio ! [cic»ot-»o>'0^'p^'p CO lO lO lO 'T I 1 I • I 'puno/ sv «iuoiuiuv 'p99)uvj.onS 8V pi.)v .>iioiidsoiij O CiO . >0 O O -^ -f I^ C " I*^ O Cl lO H I I I . I I • I I I • M • M H H to • C^ H H C^l H C» H C^l C^ H C^l 0K-< 'puno/ SD ppv oiJondsoiij; cS5 O N "- ^ — 31 a) .-^ (U 5j gj 1^ «H "j;; t, fc. »- C „ 3^3330 »- ^1 i? Oh 1. 0M PQ o 3 3 OQSh 3 (U 9J ^ C 1> i) 0) 3a ^ n 2. o « 5 5 "c * c 3333JZ30t-.S 'jaquini^ a(dui«g S»-< 00 O 00 1-1 M CD I- ^ r* ^ ' r^ t^ h- oo 00 .-1 M eo -T r>. ; ^ s S5 So ^~ ^ 40 00 MINUTES OF THE SFJUNG MEETING. Held at UelU'lb.ite and State Collejre. June 8th ami !>Ui, 1887. Boav.l .-ailed to ..nler at 9.30 A. M. by Dr. John 1'. Ldge, vice presi- "^Ti i>elmTf ol The Centre County Agricultural Society and the citizens of Bellelonte, Hon. A. O. Furst, president judge ol the twenty-htth iudicial district, addressed the Board as lollows: _ 7, „ ,/ '' J/r. President and Members of the State Board of Agriculture of ■Pennsylvania: The pleasant duty has been "f «"^'^\,f ^ ,!" J [r*^.^^ welcome to the county of Centre and to the !f;>:""f«,^;' ''*'•' f^ When vou r<>ach Centre county you come vvitlun the centu ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and when you locate in this town you are practically in the centre of the State. We reco"nize the fact that of all the industries ol thib land agicul- ture is thefeaditig one. In other words, it is the living industry o the a"e t stlie foumlation upon whi<-h every other pursuit m this land must rest Wiien agriculture is prosperous, all other industries partake ™ s prosper tv. WM.en adversity strikes the farmer or his 1 arm it affSs every other business in tlie lan.l. So that there is no industry f poteni -md so important to all the -tl^erindustries ot our coim ry s thatofaLn-iculture. It is the basis upon which the commen ul ana rn'uu ■. -n, ri " t.terests of this Commonwealth rests. It is perhaps of ^1 1 sS one most dependent upon the hand o Providence From the dav the farmer sows his seed in tjie ground nnnVhe harvests his crop and places it in the barn, every day m the Seasiii he Sde^i^yetit lipon a' beneficent Providence for lavor and PT.!;miif.^Ts'redu::edrlSen;.e. You will discover this when .>^u hear Erour wo thv friend of this town (Clement Dale, Esq.), m his es4V upon Ce.it?e county farming. He may tell you howfarnnng was Sfe in is co^^^^^^^^^^ I'' liedoes,you will be very much st3ri ed wl e^you contrast it with the present method ol l^nnnng n t ifeo . Iv and surroundi.ig districts. But for the essayist I des re o sav is termed wUh us a« ancestral farmer, he farms throi.gh his St Sis He lef the farm when he was fifteen years ol age and w I at he knows now of practical farming he gathers as executor ot Us father s ^''f mi-dKo's^' in this connection, referri.ig to the lo.'al history of per ahum, or, m it is Mia m "" ., f.„.,,„V H„le," we ilisl iisui»ll We are ■>"';.';:"\«"S\,'°H'f s phj^id mof W,' tewn. AnS yet he'L /™ccSl ?'nner i.f «. Lmtv, lHat he owns nearly .11 the Jr'Th"i:,;tr«,'i ol-Jur'eoSirale i'er'y .mijl, hhe the h,.e,«.sof every asricultnral <=»'"'' J,-; '''^.frT,:;,!?.'' 1,,. ri,-l„.,t f.this association at the cornniencernent exercises of the theological seminary at Prmceton the othei day, ma pos prandial ^MveB.' complained that the a litnde o P""««ton was so ^reat that the atmosphere was exceedingly stimulaing and very BKY Now alto beingdry, if any member of this association ^ndulg^s in the use of water, we refer him to our spring as «"« ^^^ ^^' {^{^ ^'i'tJ^pirurti^r/LtS^yon for your P-enee,^ere^^^^^^^^^^^ cordially extend you a welcome to our town and to the hospitalitj ot ''"olrb^h'alf of the Board, Dr. John P. Edge replied as follows : "^^.^s^nd Gi^i^ens of ^-^^--?.- iiyj.^KcTthVa'o: to eve?y member of this Board present, that H s Jl^cf llency the uov Avnnr the nresident of the Board, is unavoidably absent. 1 was maae TwaTe S the fact only a few minutes ago that I would be required to awaieo the tact onij a president being also absent; St?rvethSSS^'no extended remarks to make in response to fL verv coVdal address of welcome that you have just pronounced. ^LeieclXofUe proceedings of this Board during its present session ine lecoiu oi mc i welcome- and when that record shall have T™ co'nSS t rfW Srciii.e;„ of Centre county. »-l.o have ~[S^B^, i-ro'o!!;;;iises,? « H:^^«fN;.H=tS'a cSe°' ,} 1^1^ ,epo,t ,u»„ th, . credentials of members elect and J^l^ga es 12(5 QUAKTKIU-V PvKI'ORT. and Montrose were uMmed, wlieii, on motion, the selection was left for 'r)\'m\':,To;vf>fS;Sn.i,h. W.... Gates, of Venan.o then read an 68 a? ^ • 1 ow to Build and Maintain Public Roads, " he sub.iecr, mat- ter was tlHMi .liscussed by Messrs. Dr. Ed^e, Searle, Lngle, Herr Im- dervvood, McDowell, (iaies, Roland, Hamilton, Freav, Kratz Colvin, Secretary and otlu-rs. when, on motion of Mr. Mather, the discussion was closed. ^^^^^ ^^^ Chester, then read an essay entitled" An Inquiry into theResultsof the Artilicial Propagation of Food Fishes mUiester county " which ellicited discussion on the part of Me.svs. Kohmd, Shortiidge, Snuth, ( Jrotf, Dr. Edge, Engle and Musselraan. On behalf of the Committee on Credentials ot members and delegates. Dr. W. 8. Roland presented the following report, wlucii, on motion ot Mr. Enirle, was accepted. , ^ „ • , i "The Committee on Credentials report the following delegates pres- ent, viz : Muncy Valley Farmer's Club, A. J. Kahler and Abner r '1 ^ 1 1 1 ^Clinton County Agricultural Society, James David, William Hayes, J. H. Lou-, Jacob A. Bittner and Charles Kyle. tt t> . Clinton County Tomona Grange, John Mc A aul, James M. I orter and I. T. Lundy. ,, ^,. , ^ r^^ ^ -o Nittanv (xranse No. 334, John AV. McClintock and Charles K. Eomick. Bald Eagle Grange No. 303, L. T. Lundy and wife. Solebury Farmer's Club (Bucks county), AVatson Kenderdine, W. C. Blackfan, Hannah Beeder and Lizzie C. Blackfan. On motion of Mr. Searle, Prof. W. A. Buckhout, Entomologist of the Board, read an essay entitled ''Some suggestions on Forestry, which was followed by discussion from members and others. On motion of Mr.' Smith, Clement Dale, esq., read an essay on "Farming in Centre county." On motion discussion deferred and adjourned until 2 p. m. Wednesday Afternoon, June 8^ 1887. Board called to order at 2 p. m., by Dr. John P. Edge, vice president, in the chair. On the motion of Messrs. Herr and Barnes, the chair was directed to ap])()int suitable committees to prepare and present to the Board reso- lutions expressive of the feelings of the memVjers at the death of J. S. Keller, late member from Schuylkill, and D. H. Foresman, late mem- ber from Lycoming. The chair named, in the case of the death of Mr. Keller, Messrs. Barnes, of Lehigh; Zerr, of Berks, and SInmer of Northampton, and in the case of the death of Mr. Foresman, .Messrs. Herr, of Clinton, Gates, of Venango, and P]ves, of Columbia, with di- rections to present their reports at the afternoon session of Thursday. On behalf of the Committee on Credentials, Mr. Herr, of Clinton, reported that the committee had received a certificate showing that E()])ert A. Foresman had been selected by the Lycoming County Agricultural Society, to represent them for the unexi)ired term of I). H. Foresman, deceased. They further reported that inasmuch as the certificate was not ui)on tlu^ blank form prescril)ed by the rules of the I^onrd, that they wouhl recommend that he be received as a member for this meeting, and that previous to the next meeting he shouhl fur- nish the secretary with a certificate of membership made out upon Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 12T the proper form. Beport of committee adopted, and the secretary directed to furnish ]\Ir. Foresman with the proper blank. On motion, John Hamilton, of (Jentre county, then read an essay on "Tenant Farming," which was discussed by Messrs. Eoland, Gundy, Hamilton, Humes, Searle and Smith. On motion of Mr. Engle, Hon. C. C. Musselman, of Somerset, then read an essay entitled '' Lime and Home-made Fertilizers versus Com- mercial Fertilizers." On motion of Mr. Herr, of Clinton, all discussion of the fertilizer question was deferred until after the reading of all essays bearing on the topic. Hon. John W. Hickman, of Chester county, then addressed the Board upon the subject of commercial fertilizers, and illustrated his remarks by a series of illustrated charts. On motion of .Mr. Eves, of Colum])ia, seconded by Mr. Searle, of Suscpiehanna, it was decided to invite Hon. A. G. Curtin to address the Board during the early portion of the session, and on motion the chair named Messrs. Eves, Musselman and Roland a committee to in- vite Governor Curtin to address the Board in accordance with the resolution of Mr. Eves. Prof. Wm. Frear, of State College, then read an essay on '^ ihe Results of Recent Investigations on Nitrogen in Soils and Plants." On motion of Mr. Herr, the unfinished order of fixing a place of next meeting, and after several ballots it was decided to meet at Beaver at the call of the Advisory Committee*. On motion adjourned. Wednesday Evening, June 5, 1887, Board called to order at 8 p. m., by Hon. John P. Edge, vice presi- dent, in the chair. K r^ r^ ^' ,\ 1 In accordance with the programme, Hon. A. G. Curtin then ad- dressed the Board. ^ p ., t> i ^ v i -n Dr Henry Leflmann, Microscopist of the Board, delivered an illus- trated lecture upon '^ The Application of the Microscope to the De- tection of Alterations." The lecture was profusely illustrated by a camera, and was listened to by an appreciative audience. Thursday Morning, June 9, 1887. Board called to order at 10 a. m., in the chapel of the State College, • by Dr. J. P. Edge, in the chair. Dr. George Atherton, president ot the State College, then ex- plained the programme for the day. ^ ^^ ^ ^ . . ^. Dr George W. Cook, director ot the New Jersey Experiment Sta- tion,'then read an essay on '^ The Limitations of Agricultural Experi- ment Work." , . - . . .1 i-rr 4. On motion, adjourned for the purpose of examining the diflerent *Soon after the adiouniinent of the Bellefonte meeting, it was found tluit from the faot that the court house would be in use during the month ot Sep ember it would be imnos%^^ ^'P''' proposed; it was also lound fl?a Thc^re d been a misundei'standing as to the time ot the proposed meeting. tI ..w.w ohse facts and with the advice and consent ot the Executive Commit- tee obuVed in wrUi^ decided to call a meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Durnose of takin^^^ such action as might seem advisable. Af H.^ rnoPtino- ot- the Vdvisorv Committee, after a caretul examination of the At the /meeting ot tn^ /^^>^ \ was decided to liold the next meeting at Montrose, ^llsrri'nn t • n^^^^^^^ 13 was decided on as a date^hieh would best suit th'^rcsldenl^^^ and the members of the Board. 128 Quarterly Report. departments of the college, and the plots on the State Experimental farm connected with the college. Thursday Afternoon, June 9. 1887. Board came to order at 3:00 p. m. in tlie chapel of the State College, X)r Toliii 1' Edtre, vice president, in the cliair. . "" The conunittee 'appoi.\ted to prepare resolutions expressive of Uje feelings of the Board in relation to tlie death of D. H. l^oiesnian, late removed from this Board of Agriculture one of its foremost and most inlliKMitial members; therefore, be it Si That in 'the death of Hon. D. II, Foresman, late member from Lycmning county, this Board has sustained an irreparable oss. A strong and valuable member has been taken from us, whose long knd useful connection with tliis Board, whose great social character- istics and sterling qualities of head and heart had greatly endeared Viim to ns Resolved, That while we humbly submit to the Divine fiat we mourn the loss of one whose private and official connection with the Board has been distinguished by the zeal and ability which he brought into ^Resolved, That we tender our earnest sympathy to the bereaved family and friends; and . . x ..u ^ -i r Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the tamily of the deceased and be spread upon the minutes of this Board. [Signed] J. A. Herr, William Gates, Chandle Eves. The committee appointed to prepare similar resolutions relating to the death of Joshua S. Keller, late member from Schuylkill county, presented the following : , . i ^. r i. Whereas, This Board having ])een informed of the death ol Joshua S. Keller, who has represented the Schuylkill County Agricultural Society as a member of the State Board of Agriculture since its oro;anization, in the year 1877, continuously to the present time, haying in January last been re-elected for another term of three years from that date ; therefore. Resolved, That by his death Schuylkill county has lost a worthy and efficient citizen and faithful representative in the State Board of Agriculture, in the Agricultural Society and in the State Horticultural Association. Resolved, That as a Board we hereby express our sympathies and condolence with the family under their" bereavement by the loss of husband and father who was long spared to them, even beyond the allotted time, three-score and ten years, but now, by the unchangeable providence of God, removed in the way of all llesh. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions l^e transmitted to the family and that they be enrolled in lull on the records of the Board. [Signed] James P. Barnes, A. D. Shimer, Jacob G. Zerr. The ])resident having requested an expression of the feelings of individual members the following responses were given : Dr. W. S. Roland, of York. My acquaintance with the deceased raem- Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 129 bers, J. S. Keller and D. IT. Foresman, commenced with tlie organiza- tion of this Board of Agriculture, ten years ago last January, and that membershi]) and association has continued uninterrupteclly down to the close of their useful lives. It is honoral)le for the living to speak ot the virtues of the dead and to express sorrow, and to pay trihute to their memory, and to do justice to their merits, whereby gratitude truth and friendship are served, and the example rendered worthy ol the emulation of the living. . ^i The deceased were agreeable and pleasant companions; tliey weie attentive, active and energetic, and took great interest in the ])usiness of the Board, and bv their careful, intelligent and strict attention to their relative duties: and by their uniform courtesy and kindly dis- positions endeared themselves to their fellow meml)ers. In their in- tercourse with their fellow associates and friends they were uniformly urbane, respectful, and always easily approached. Warm in Iriendship and sincere in their convictions, they enjoyed the respect and conlidence of all who knew them. ^ • i ^ i Mr Keller was a plain practical man, rather unassuming, l>ut wiien he dill take part in the proceedings he was consistent, and what he did say showed intelligence and sound judgment. His absence Irom the meetinKS will be mourned. ..■,-,• ■ c ii.„ Mr Foresman always took an active part in the discussions of the various topics introduced into the meetings and was ever ready and prepared to say something intelligently to the purpose. He was am- [ti us in action, never wearying in seeking for successtul results, and is words and ntluence were respected by his fellow members as osses ing thougiit and ability. I most sincerely lament the unUmely loss of an associtite and friend, thus cut down in the midst ol an active, ^"Sr;?. C.tEMiI?Na. J. S. Keller had a very strongly marked in- dividualitv. Of all the men the members of this Board have met, no • one can be brought up in memory as resembling the gentleman re erred to H?s dress, his manners, his conversation, h s general ideas o men .nd th ngs, all appeared in decided contrast with the generally ol men. He b' ived mo?e in the homely home-spun than later cuts in iashion, ihou-h in tliis respect he was not so lar behind as to call ioith dis- ar^n' remarks or unfavorable criticism from strangers or acuaml- aices In manners he would not attract special att^ention mingling with 1 n m er of farmers, unless by his habit of sitting more or less Ld ted ro" "tl'ersinth; meetings he regularly attended, dropping ow down in his chair, and now andthen, without regard to parliament- irv In w uttering a word or suggestion, or even making a motion as the oSs^n seemed to warrant I have noticed the elfectol this upon rn?er 'resident^ of the board, particularly ex-Governors lartranit a I 'at Lo The first mentioned at first seemed to be taken com- Siehbvs rprise; but after mak^ Fnfan tiSsof th^ member from Schuylkill, he always treated luu viU^'; tesy and respect, though evidently a little worried at t. m- when ■ Srs of note were present. When ex-Governor Faltison had reViUdov^the delibera.il.ns of the Hoard one or two sessions, he h Id he- rd r. n our iricid two or three times in the unexpected manner 1 ave' nd cated. At lir.t he evidently thought he was not a member ;<• H,. R ard but havin- inwardlv decided that he was, he then pro- il I1 •' V Hi li; \i I* It 23Q Quarterly Report. minutely observin- every moveinent, and seemin^^ly reading" liis yery Z h ts \™ conclusion was never was communicated; but •o r t time or wlieneyer a remark or suggestion or motion came X u iSu^^^^^ way alluded to, if it could be received witl- out U)o am'ai^nt incor^istency with the subject under consideration, it was invariably entertaiued. , , . In conversation one soon was convinced with the Idct that the (le cea enacfdevoted much time to study and investigation and was m vdvancr ^vell educated agriculturists. He fl 1? r^T ok^at len-th during the sessions of the Board, perhaps not K t ne?^i^i^ U^^^^^ membership, but what he did say was ?^iX sound and to the point, and on one or two particular occasions nn te imSauT He was outspoken in his sentiments, and a man ot ^e y trong^c^^^^ When he made investigations they were charac er zed bv intelligence and much patience. The results were conunuidc^ his neighbors and others without restraint ; and I think this accounts tor his great popularity at home. ^ He was notonly regular in attendance upon the sessions of this Board, but ^a member of tlie State Agricultural Society and ol the Exective Committee thereof he seldom omitted a meeting. He took a deep in- terest in everything pertaining to agriculture, he seemed to care little for anvthin- else, the cultivation of strawberries and the stocking ot his lisii pond with carp being considered branches ot that science As a man he was honest, large-hearted, generous, kind to his tellows without exception, punctual in his engagements, seemingly reguhir in his habits, and in hearty accord with the progress of the age. He never carped about the -good old times,'' but ever seemed to look upon the present as in advance of the past, aiding in various directions to the best of his ability until he sank into his last sleep. ^ About fourteen years ago it was my good ibrtune to become acquainted with one who will live long in the memory with the older members ot this Board (Hon. D. H. Foresman). He was unlike other members of the Board in some respects. While regular in his attendance upon the meetings, he usually sat aside or further V)ack than the other members ; and wlien discussion lagged or appeared dry, or not to the point, a lew words would be thrown in. combattingsomething that had been said, tlius i)ringing several members to tiieir feet in reply. Thus new lile would spnng up, and more than once the matters drawn out proved of great additional value in the published proceedings. In going to and returning from the sessions of tlie Board, when our departed friend was on the train, time passed much more ])leasantly and agreeably, particularly before he suffered from the poor health that was apparent the past year. Mr. Foresman was a man of strong likes and dislikes. Some men lie seemed to care very little lor; others commanded pcu'haps only his re- spect. If true merit were discovered, no man was more willing to acknowledge it than he. With merit, ability ;nid tact combined, then not only respect and attention, but admiration would follow. He w^as a strong partisan. From early Hie he remained unswerv- ingly of the same politi<'al faith, but consenting to h(>ld positions by the franchises of his fellow citizens in local ollices only, and with small or no pecuniary remuneration. He was a man who led in sentiment at home, and had great inllu- ence with his neighbors. While watchful monetarily, and to a degree noticeal)le by strangers, he had a (piiet way of hel])ing the needy that Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 131 I'v very few kue^v until his decease. After the f' ".efl""™^^?"^^ ^^P.^^ Ions came to the alHieted wile, ..r sons, or adniiinstrator, aeknowledg- ,-n" w' ith deei) -ratilude help which had been extended. Widows and o|)l"ns atd'm'imlus ixH>^.eighlK,rshadlK.d th^^ out knowledge of any other member ot the laniily than the hubl)ana " He't^an enterprising citizen A number of tluMnost prosp^^^^^^^^^ industries of Williamsport are largely due to his businebs saj^atity d forSX. In agricultural pursuits he pushed with vigor lie work if tl e la -e hrivini farn.s that he owned. He seldom made a mis- take in connection with their operation; but when he diditwas amus- in': as wJil as entertaining to hear him relate how it happened, and iU\ JS in^liS apparently carefid in. ^i^^^^S^:^::l^^::i ances eve -keenly interested in the welfare of this Board and act ve foi Us pimanent good, this association has sufiered a great loss in the departure Toi^ver of on'e of its oldest members, sincerest fnends and warmest advocates. PrP^^rlent• Permit me to Hon. C. C. MrssELMAN, of Somerset. Ml. Fres^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^:^n:£i:^rS:^'t:ii-ie'^^^^^- I cio tiot believe [w anv L. ber^^^^^^ Board will be more missed than he; not on He l>el»ni-t" ' '„„ ' „f IVimsylvania's Dutch farmers, to wlu.li elass I f/av"", he h" ,™« Eelon's' ™He Lid.butlittle. h„t ser^rally it ™ to H,e J;"„t. He was a ,,h,in nnasH.tm.nC ??" l™""' "'"' '' ' "7?'^-';K':^'oVL":L':^h"''M"r.'i.lent'rn,aveh.,...eww„rd.,o meetingin the year 1877 J^«''J^^^^^^ ,,;,,, them to a greater or from the 'f ^'y" 'l'^; "J;\j*",'S,aTof 4^ peculiar bupressions. He less extent. *j'\^^l':\ '^!,;,!^,^" ^^^^^ ^ He was not a theoretical practical part he »l;">'%f''"f''' ,^*„ 'f , ",£ ,1 is l.al.ils, as I S'hS:J,':r?;tTcV,lr£"sle Sp^S/'S'lie re,„ar,ts he ...,e ''" ll*^!™ m 1 rce in his exfros-ioiis. an.l very coniii.tin.. alive. ^32 Quarterly Rki'Obt. 1 Tiw.,r AVPrp wen of different temperaments two excellent members. They ^^^re n en o ^^ position and dillerentin eharacter l>"t X ' ",/ ^^'^ V ' -ee inllv with what in this Board that cannot be ^^;*i'y [^^l-''^^^'.^ alv spoken' in memory has been said by my predecessors, ^^ ho have so a ly i of the deceased President • I remember that Mr. Fores- E. KKE..KH. ot K'''^'^«: . ^\^Voard oSh'er on the 22d of May, 1877 man and 1 came »" " ^h s M There were nine ot ''« ^^ ^ if thrPP now remain in the Board, Dr. T ''"'■ r uiddi I'nilSso^WnS of Sat "and myself. I iormed Barnes, of Lelngh,! loitsboi vv ii« , and it has been kept np Mr. Foresman's «.<^'l'';'"^ta,K-e ten yea s a o^^ a^^^^^ ^,.^^ .^^i^^^^^^ pleasantly ever smcu?. He I'''" f^^^ .resided over our deliberations f '';H ?*"?,; .dlil tv and di'nU V a d hi eclsions, soiar as 1 was able he did it with aUlity and (ii.-,nii.y, aii i p^savist or a reporter, to.iud,^e, were alwas ]"«t.and nnpartnd^ ,;^ bit a«ons of on' proceed^ he does not appear c^onspicnously ^'' 1 " f ^ of work, and the i„,s. He appeared ^ ^ave a I JUe to i^t^^^^^^^^^^ ot ^^ ^^^^,^^ .^^^^^ ^ la1„.r which IS f J^^^^'^y {,7Xt J4 va ned him tor was the words of rZS a 1 beermad^. I shall always hold in gratetul remembrance hi, o. tnes V th which he came to my succor on one occasion. _ I i TreSved the news of his death in the proirramme annonncmg thL meeHnrand it filled me with feelinp of surprise and sorrow. I bd that in his death we have lost a most valuable member HlSotV of Bradford. Mr. President : I cannot al ow this ocea- sicmtop'ss without expressing my hearty 'U-l-oval oMhe sentime.it^s Pxliihited in the language of those who have responded. Ih s Boaul has lo t two members, a^ld men who have been of value to it almost nm the time of its organization, and this is a fitting occasion for this do g ve expression to its feelings relative to their loss ^ Hehveen even and eight vears ago I first formed the acquaintance of Mr. I ores- m.n ad became better acquainted with him afterwards perhaps than S "a v other member. I had intended to make some remarks in re- Itiou to ins decease, but I find that what I contemplated s-'-Ving^ has been so much better said by others, and the ground so well covered that I can add nothing. The thoughts it is true have been clothed in somewhat different language, but they have so t loroug dy expressed mv views that I will not take the further time ot the Board luin to sav that I am heartily in accord with the sentiments of the resolutions, and l)elieve with vou all that the Board has lost two valuable members. Tennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 133 7 Thursday Evening, June 9, 18S Board called to order by Dr. .Tohn P. Edge, in the court house at Bellefonfe, at 8:0ft p. m., June !), lbS7. Hon. A. (i. Curt in then addressed the Board. Prof I.TIiornlon Osmond, Meteorologist of the Board, then delivered an illustrated lecture on the •' Physics of the Atmosphere." On behalf of a previously appointed comnnttee Dr. W. h. Kolaml, of York, offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adc)i)ted: , ^ , . r,, .■<-, ■< e W iiKREAS, The spring meeting of the Pennsylvania State Board ot A"'ricullure being now about to close, it is proper that we should put on^ record a formal expression of our satisfaction at our reception in Centre county ; therefore, « tim s of" naiH-rs bv the residents of tlie (ounty; and tionsot paptis > in i-.^ebted to the trustees and faculty of the PetnSfe^lnf^tL: cXge tr a .la^ pl...^ ami in^jjj^ ^^ Betfoif'unl iuSlo It; Railroad Company for the courtesy of transportation to and from the CoHtge.^^^ "^ W>[. S. RotMND, Henry Lei-emann, R. S. Searue. On motion adjourned to meet at Beaver at the call of the Advisory Committee. ESSAYS, AUDRESSES AND mSOT^IOSS OF TOE An address by Hon. J. B. UcC^Z:^ FreM Judge of the Thirty- fourth Difttnct. tDelivered at tl.o opening oi tl.e Institute at M"";---l This meeUng is in the i"'e.rest of agricu lure, ^^^^.^Z^- cupation essentia to l»»ni'»' ^";, "' l^iS'to improve their con.lition industry shall be "V^fll^S^^^^i'^ fZ/S^^ood hat the methods that shall be increased. ^^ is novv wel un le.st^^^^^ fair profits, obtained, an.l were «''"''?3Vci,o ex sting condi ions. Then a vig- lifty years ago are "J^' j^ ' f.l^^ewanle di.i abundant harvest the et- orousandunexhiu.stedsoil u 1> re yam fertilizers, average forts of the iHisbandman, and y. bout thea ^^^ ^^^ .^^ ,il,age secured ••^^l^f^f?!,^ •'7£',,me re it on.e gave without 1 1 ( 134 QUARTEIILY "RkPORT. learned That such restoration is ].ractioable is certain, /'"t /]'« best nellKHl whici. experience and stndy have ws c e^^^^^^^^ that the demand increases in proportion to the supidy /^speci

    is t is true since the process of evaporation has been introduced. Vast 0 an i ies of smal fruit, especially Black Cap raspberries are now ^vJiorafed and the facilitv with which this can be done, and tlie pro- duXshh ped to distant n.arkets, has prevented any great depreciation fn ?hei V due. As an iUustrat ion of tiie rapidly enlarging demand of 1 e se n i ts, let us consider the experience of a w<>stern city. In iS wasVeganled as a most wonderful thing that one hundred bui^^^Bls o 'strawberries c.uld be disposed on the ^'^^^^f'T^ in a sin-de dav, and was commented on as a great event. A close es- thn-d! sllows That during the season of 1884, not less than ninety-five thousand bushels of strawberries were sold m Cincinnati. i S the .•ultivalio of Black Cap raspberries was <-on>menced in tills country by James Gallager and F. A. McCormick, ol Salem, a 136 Quarterly R*^port. small i)la('o on tlie Hudson. The first season tliey fruited, Ga la^er s laro-est shipment in one day was six bushes, and MKormick s four AVhen they were placed on the market, McCormiek sold outsat six and one fourth cents per ((uart, and Galla-er hehl up nntil McCormick had sold out, when he put his on sale and obtained eight and one ei^dith cenfs per quart; and the demand was fully satisfied It is es- timated that not less than ei-hty thousand bushels were sokl in (Cin- cinnati in the sunmier ol'lSTt) ; sellin- at two dollars per bushel. 1 he value of the crop of snudl fruits sold in one year in the btate of Mich- o-an amounted to five million dollars. And I notice that the amount consumed annually in the city of New York for the last few years amounted to not less than twenty-five nulhon dollars. And these results are not confined to large cities alone, but in rural districts also ; the demand keeps pace with the supply. Four years ago, when 1 en- gaged in the business of growing these fruits, there was but little de- mand for them, and the demand has been on the increase, and I lound it easier to dispose of fifteen hundred ([uarts of berries the last season than the seventy- five quarts the first season. Strawberries and rasp- berries can be grown at a good profit for from six to eight cents per quartandat these prices the demand would be greatly increased; as the high i)rices they command therefore withholds the poorest class of people from purchasing large amounts. Why sliould we grow small fruits ? As an article of food, these fruits are exceedingly valuable. They are capable of sustaining severe and constant labor, and the acids they contain are especially adapted to the wants of our physical organiza- tion; filling our veins with pure, healthtul blood that is made from nature's choicest gifts. Again, they make home attractive. There are very few homes in our country that would not be improved by having'a strawberry bed well kept, situated near the house, and a bed of red raspberries planted in nice straight rows, neatly pruned, and nicely tied uj) to stakes, make a good appearance anywhere. And then'they sliould be grown, because a large part of the soil of our county is especially suitable to their culture. The rich alluvial soil of our river bottom is well adapted to the growing of the red raspberry, which require a loose porous soil that the roots may spread. It is also well adapted to most varieties of strawberries, and I find that the Cumberland, Miners' Prolific, Chas. Downing, Manchester, Crescent, Sharpless, and many others do remarkably well, not only on the soil of our river bottom, but also back from the river, where the soil is naturally light, many are beginning to plant these fruits, and if we may judge from the appearance ot the fruit, they find even that soil to make large leturns. I have learned from Mr. James Welch, of Mill Hall, who has been very successful in growing the Sharpless, of which he makes a specialty, he finds his soil capa})le of yielding large crops. Then it is a business that benefits all classes and injures none. It is almost the only business in which a poor man can engage and be his own employer. It is a business for w^omen ; ladies are our most suc- cessful liorists, and they can do as well raising small fruits. Growing these fruits does not require a great outlay of physical strength ; even children render efficient service in their culture. One of the most suc- cessl'ul and best paying strawberry beds in this county is that ol' Mrs. John Hlesh, of Woodward township, and I am informed she does all the work herself and children. We should grow these fruits, because they are a i)aying crop. Small fruits pay many people well, and un- Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 137 t m less location, soil, or climate is hopelessly against one, with a little skill, iudgment, and industry, it is sure to be a success. A f'ruit farm should be situated where there is quick and cheap ac- cess to good markets, and often the best maket can be found at a neighboring village. Enterprise and industry, however, seem to sur- mount all obstacles. The Rev. Mr. Knox grew his famous 700 straw- berry beyond Pittsburgh, and shipped to New York city, securing large returns. Gentlemen present may wish for some definite statements with re- gard to the profits of fruit growing. In the spring of 1883, I set out one fourth acre with Cuthbert raspberry plants, and in the following spring I sold from that plot, at the market of this city, six hundred and fifty-four quarts, averaging twelve and one half cents per cpiart, or eighty-one dollars and seventy-five cents. This same spring I set out again one fourth acre, making in all one half acre. This season, viz : 1881, was unfavorable for young plants, and at least one fourth failed to grow, but the next season being favorable for fruit, I sold from that one half acre one thousand one hundred and twenty (piarts, for which I received one hundred and forty-two dollars and forty-eight cents, averaging twelve and one half cents per quart, and at this time, judg- ing from the growth of cane made during last summer, if the coming season is favorable for fruit, I expect the crop to reach fifteen hundred quarts. In the spring of 1885, from a plot of strawberries that were fruiting their second crop, containing one ninth of an acre, from which I sold three hundred and ninety-seven quarts, and received for them fifty-three dollars and seventy-three cents, averaging thirteen and one half cents per quart. At this same rate, an acre would yield three thousand five hundred and seventy-three quarts, or one hundred and twelve bushels, worth four hundred and eighty dollars and hfteen cents. Mr. James Welch, to whom I have already referred, iniorms me that from a plot of one half acre of Sharpless strawberries, he sold during the season of 1885, six hundred and fifty quarts, realizing one hundred dollars. Mrs. John Hlesh, the lady already referred to in this paper, is making the culture of strawberries pay well, and it is not an uncommon thing to see her at market with two hundred (piarts of strawberries. She sold at the market in this city over nine hundred quarts last season. We see here that fixing the yield of these fruits at the same rate of those arown on my own grounds, and making the price at only ei-ht cents per cpiart, we have a product ot seventy bushels of raspberries worth one hundred and forty-nine dollars and t ventv cents, and you have a crop that needs no reniirsing for many years,^if properly treated, and a crop that will increase in quantity until the plants are from five to seven years old, and it well fertilized will continue to make large returns for years to come. Strawberries I do not find quite so prohtable, all things coiisidered, they require much more labor, richer soil, and the beds require to be renewed every two or three years. They are however a paying crop, and always command a better price than raspberries, i wo years since I set out 100 Taylor's Prolific l)lackberries, they fruited for the first lime last season and gave great satisfaction, being very pnxluc- tive and brindng fifteen cents per (piart. I also grow the Ki anning, Lawton,and Early Harvest blackberry, all seeming to do well on our soil and making good returns. I am also growing ^^^^ ^^ ,f ^,^;^P^^^^^^^ berry, which I am satisfied will do well here, and be a prohtable invest- ment I would also call attention to the fact that the red currant is one '■1 1 138 Quarterly Report. of tlie best pavino; eroi)s the farmer of small fruits can ^row; yielding hn-ge crops aiid sellin^^ for good profits. 1 have planted it largely the past season. The culture of the gooseberry also pays well enough to encouniii'e its culture. As the people are begininng to feel interested in the cultivation of these fruits, and will plant more or less, it may be well enough to sav sometliing as to what varieties we should plant. For the early crop of red raspebrries, 1 grow the Turner, it is very productive, one of the earliest in cultivation, of a beautiful bright red color, good size, and hrst ([uality, but lor shipi)ing to distant markets is too soft, for new markets or the home garden it is unsurpassed. For late, and for the general crop, I grow the Cut hbert, a berry that has lately l)een introduced, but for a late raspberry is unequalled. The fruit^ large to very hirge, color a little dark, very prolitic, good ihivor, and although not quite so hardy as the Turner, still stands the winter quite well. J am growing the Marlborough, a new berry which has not yet fruited on my ])lace. For the general crop of strawberries I grow the Cumberland Triumph. The fruit is large and of excellent quality and very productive. This variety does well on almost all kinds of soil, and with ordinary culture, although well repays good culture. The kSharpless does not do so well on my soil as some varieties, is very large and of tine color. I have found the Glendale to be a profitable berry ; being late and coming in after most varieties are i)ast, it always commands a good price. When fully ripe it is of excellent quality; it is of large size and has a flavor peculiar to itself. 1 am also growing the Miners' Prolific, which is a very good berry, of a dark crimson color, and genuine strawberry flavor; it is immensely productive, the hills being literally covered with fruit, and of large size. It is well suited to our river bottom soil. Another good berry I find in the Manchester, a berry that grows on any soil and gives fine crops. I am also growing the Crescent Seedling, which E. P. Roe calls the lazy man's strawberry, it is a most beautiful berry, and has made the largest crops per acre on record, four hundred and sixty bushels. I have a number of other varieties growing on my ])lace, all worthy of cultivation. I deem it necessary to say some- thing liere as to the culture of small fruits, and permit me to say first, that it is next to ini])()ssible to grow small fruits on land that is not well drained. Any land that will not allow the water on its sur- face to pass away in a few hours, is not suited for the culture of these fruits. Any soil that will produce good crops of corn and potatoes, can be safely planted to small fruits. In fact, the red raspberry does best on land not too rich, as it has a tendency to cause the growth of too much cane. The Black Caps do well in heavy soil. All the varieties of strawberries referred to in this paper, with the exception of the Sharpless, do best on sandy soil; one that is deep and well enriched with manure. I have found nothing better than wood ashes for this purpose. Upon the whole, it is safe to say that the richer the soil the larger will be the crop of strawberries, if* the culture is well done. As to the i)lanting of these fruits, I would say, 1 plant rasp- berries in rows as long as it is convenient to make them, making the rows six feet apart and the plants three feet apart in the row. The soil should 1)0 deeply and well plowed, and then holes dug where the plant is to be set. They should be eighteen by eighteen inches, and at least eighteen inches deep; the top soil put in first, then a large shovelfull of good compost put in the hill, and the plant tirmlv set. ^^■i Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 130 The (piality and amount of the first will depend largely on the cul- ture of the plant, pruning, mulching, giving the necessary support, &c. Blackberries require the same culture as the raspberries, will however, do well on a heavier soil. In pruning, 1 cut all canes back one third, as severe xu'uning causes the canes to throw out sprays lower down, and I find the finest fruit on the lower canes. I plant strawberries in rows three feet apart, and the plants twelve in the row, growing what is known as the narrow row system, keeping the space between the rows clean and allowing no runners. Noth- ing is more conducive to a crop of straw])erries than l)eing well mulched. Your attention might have been called to many other items of interest, as to the planting, tying up, mulching, A:c., but time will not permit me to Ibllow this subject any farther. In tracing these pages, I have tried to make them as practical as possible. The horti- culturist may thrive, if he will, for nature at each season furnishes just such supplies as are best suited to his needs. She will develop every good (juality he possesses, especially his patience. But it is his great good fortune to co-work with Nature, and usually among her lovliest scenes. And he wiV find his reward not only in enjoying the delicious fruits that have been planted and grown by his care and ])atience, but in the decline of life lie may say with Dr. Vendee Holmes, '^ I have written many verses, but the best poems 1 have produced are the trees I planted on the hillside which overlooked the broad meadows, scalloped and rounded at their edges by loops of the sinuous Housatonick. Nature finds rhyme for them in the recurring measures of the seasons. Winter strips them of ornaments, and gives them, as it were, in prose, translation, and summer reclothes them in all the splendid i)hases of their leafy language." The time to cut back and prune raspberry plants. I find to do best in the spring, ai'ter the buds have began to put forth, as it is the best to cut back to a vigorous bud, and as the tops are always more or less injured l)y the winter, it is safest to cut back in the spring. Black- berries require the same treatment as the raspberries. WINTEE DAIRYI^S^G. By W:\r. Sterling, Brooklyn^ Pennsylvania^ However profitable or otherwise, winter dairying may be, its pur- suit is not favorablv to literary work, as this paper will bear witness ; but perhaps some simple mathematical calculations simply given, will throw some light upon the subject. .. . , ., . Absolute profit is so seldom expected or realized by the larmer, that I use the term profit only in a relative sense; that is, is winter dab'viim- profitable as compared with dairying in the summer season. Upon'^the ratio of winter and summer prices or values of dairy pro- ducts the ratio of the amounts that can be produced in winter and sunnner, and the ratio of the cost of products of the two seasons, de- pends the solution of the question. ^ As the better price to be obtained for winter milk either wlioie or manufactured, is the prime reason why milk is produced at all during the winter season, let us first try to determine the ratio ol winter and \i 140 QUARTP^RLY KePORT. ft'' summer prices. Having been an almost constant patron ()f lie A. T). Co., since the openin- of their first factory at Brooklyn m the sprin- of 1880, I L^ave the prices paid by said company lor each nion h in the years 1884, 1885 and 188(>. These prices were based upon highest but- ter (luotations except for the three summer months o 188d, when they failed to pay tlie hi-hest (luoted prices, and I think the month ol De- cember, 1884, and the month of December, 188(;, whe^i, in order to stimulate the production of winter milk, they ollered prices whicn proved to be a little hi-her than butter quotations durinii: those months. These exceptions will have the effect to slightly reduce the percenta^^e in favor of winter milk, as 1 obtain such percentage from actual prices paid. in During*- the year 1884 prices were as follows: January, one dollar and iifty^ents, per hundred pounds of milk ; February, one dollar and fifty cents; March, one dollar and forty-live cents; April, one dollar and twelve cents; May, ninety-two cents; June, seventy-eight cents; July, seventy-five cents; August, seventy-eight cents; September, eighty-eight cents ; October, one dollar and three cents; November, one dollar and fourteen cents; December, one dollar and iilty cents. Averaging the prices paid during the six months from November 1st to May 1st, we have one dollar and thirty-seven cents per hundred pouudsof milk, or the equivalent of nearly thirty- four cents per pound for butter. The average from May 1st to November 1st, is eighty-six and a fraction cents per hundred for milk, or a little more than twenty-one and one half cents per pound for butter. This difference amounts to sixtv per cent, in favor of winter milk. One dollar and fifty cents per hundred lor the three winter months, against seventy- seven cents per hundred, the average for the three summer months, gives ninety-live per cent., or nearly twice as much, lor the three winter months as for the three summer months. For the year 1885 prices were, January and February, one dollar and thirty-live cents per hundred; March, one dollar and twenty-live cents; April ninety cents ; May, seventy cents ; Jun^^. have hiny years ago people came in here and settled over the hills and cleared oif the land ; one man had to make four or five miles of road for the privilege of carrying his corn on his back to mill. . , .. AVhen the land was cleared so the sunlight came in and there was a chance to dry vour roads, we commenced running along the water courses; when t'he raihvays did not take them the highways did. ihen we made new frontages i'or the newcomers and left the old citizens high and dry on the water sheds, away from everybody. The corpora- tions don't iielp keep up the roads. We mean to criticise what people bring forward here, but we will do it kindly. We are here to-day to learn to work in harmony. 1 wish to call your attention to one particular, andthatis the civilizin" and harmonizing influence which farmers have on the rest of ih world. ., Wh(Mi the great and only sinless man came upon tlie world, he uiu not conic from the great city of Jerusalem with her tabernacle and rabbis, but lie came from the farm. When you ladies comjdain of the isolation of the farm you want to remember, you have your hus- le jjt— Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 145 bands just where you want them if you don't drive them to the tav- erns. 'The hidies have an inlhience over them for all time ; they are not riglit bv the corner grocery. They may go to the taverns, and they may go to revival meetings and leave their horses out without any blankets on them. if the girls all go to town the boys will go there, and you can't keep them out. . - -, i . There are lots of men wdio have tried to prevent their daughters from marrying; and if you do not allow them to do so openly, they will get out of the window up stairs or do it underhandedly. There was a difference of opinion in regard to Mr. Cole's idea. It may not be all right nor all wrong. It is not necessary to throw away all his ideas. I am certain that if my fatlier had been able to run the water off his hill slowly instead of rapidly, tliat land would be worth more than it is to-day. I am not certain that U\\ Cole's theory is the correct one ; 1 have some thoughts on tluit subject, when we get to it. The object for all farming is for profit and for the benefit of our neighbors. It must not be so entirely selfish that w^e will disregard all duty to others. t ^i • i I believe there will be an advance on the law of contracts. 1 think it is the experience of most every lawyer at the bar, and I think every farmer know^s it very well, that a man can make a most unconsciona- ble contract. I tliink there will be a jury by and by who will sit here to determine whether you have made an unconscionable contract. Now, when you learn to vote for constable and for supervisors, or for temperance, or for wdiat else, to acconiplisli the result you are working for, work in harmony ; outside of organizations your oi)inion isn't worth a cent, if somebody else don't agree witli you ; it will only make a crank of you. Our strength is working in harmony. You can put in a great deal of time in getting ready to make your time very valuable when the opportunity offers, and that is a very great privilege. You can raise vour family so that they are orderly, temperate, business-like citizens; that is a great privilege. The average of men are not so. There is such a constant strain on men in the cities they soon break dow^n, and they are being recruited from the hills. There is a difference in over-work ; farmers do not realize how men break down with brain work. He has no notice when that brain gives way ; wdien the farmer's muscles are tired they give him notice. People come here from Philadelphia, New York, and Boston to vour charming fresh air, and home, why? Because the mental strain and strife of the city life has so worn them that they have to spend the heated days of the year recuperating. Everything you raise to sell away from home places you at the mercy of commission men. The best thing you can do is to pocket your grief, if you have any i)articular sorrow about it, too. Remem- ber that when you sell vour hay, straw, or fodder, to your neighbor, you get the retail price for it, and there is no commission taken out of it, no expense about it, and no loss of time. Do not live for your cattle, altogether. Some people keep stock till it is worn out. We can make butter, perhaps, for eighteen cents; there is no trouble about that. If we could make it, we are all going to the dogs when olemargarine is selling for tw^elve and fourteen cents. We never ought to have anvthing that we do not want ourselves ; and if we have soinetliiug that* we want, everybody else is pretty sure to want it. 10 -1^46 QUAKTERLY REPORT. ^tdlrVTarSr "tocklt^^^^^^ through. You better ^elTtSd cow than make l.utter and run her down to ten dollars; vou r^d better se her and have the advantage of the increase, lou !^^M i in this county more taxable cattle than untaxable. We lend a irr "at del^o nonev for machinery, and then don't house it of ake proper care of it; nuu^h of it isn't worth ten cents on a dollar Some wCm^ but litfU" land are going to have a machine because fCis tl e sU'le You lind. ii' vou have got to wrangle with everybody fikVVr. their cattle out of your pasture it will cost you more than to ■en^e yilT Wi'e stock [s not worth a great deal, it is not worth a treat dea to pasture. Sometimes the increase in weight is almost Sunteracled by decrease in price. You can't keep your cattle and filippn in vour Dastures without iences. . ^i /» ^ SevoJ let your machinery be sure that your farm is ready for it, and bJsurf tlfat the fertility of your soil is kept up where you '^ xlif nui\l V lile is the treasure around which prosperity must center. If the w"fe is working all day at the wash-tub she is not going to make a chippy home in the evening, and it won't help you any to go to the hotel and suck rum all the evening. I would rather have five cows than fifty if I had to milk them my self You must keep informed through the papers and avoid conipetition with men who are better situated for doing those things, where you qrp in the same occupation. . ^^ , The domestic life of the farm is the life of the nation. Your boys ""''l deTire to can'^ymi'r attention to what King Lemuel said of women two thousand five hundred years ago. It is generally said that the humanizing of the human race has been since the Christian era; that since the time of Christ woman has had more respect shown her; but vou will find that the chosen people oi' the Almighty had a regard lor women I wouldn't have all the land in Susciuehanna county, it 1 couldn't iiave woman's help in the house. Without them you would have to have a lot of men around ; they would let things run to waste ; they wouldn't keep anything in order. At this point Mr. Carmalt quoted and commented on the words ot King Lemuel, concerning the virtuous woman, (Proverbs 61 : 10-^S), closing with the following remarks: ^ , ^e Gentlemen if the American nation ever fizzles out, and selt-gov- ernment becomes a fraud, it is the fault of tlie farmers; and it is because he don't api)r.M;iate the blessings which he can carry to his family and his family life ; if that family life is beautiful and pleasant there' will alwavs be scenes in farm life that wdl be pleasant to the memories of childhood. Tlie liome will be a treasure tliat will never be for"-otten; and you will from that build a nation that will make self-go'vernment a pride and joy through all time and generations to come. Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 147 now WE MANACLE OUR DAIRY. By E. G. Ball, Esq., Montrose, Pa. When I was rec.uested to write an article for this occasion I declined, feeli S ha mv ti ne was n<.t my own at present, and that i would l)e nUnteres iiK to those in attendance. Later the movers m the matter SeT& should write a few lines, at l-«t enot^to ope.^d.- cussion Feeling that if our exi)erience would stim late biotlur farmers to improve their dairies, either in the line we have followed or sTie other,^ 1 would cheerfully give it. 1 consented to write a plain statement of facts. -, ^ y ^ ^^^ Firot We have no thoroughbred stock to sell. , &i We are not millers and have no feed to sell, consequently we have no axe to grind. We have had no experu-nce in the manu- facture of cheese, our efforts having been to improve our herd h,r butter only Li 1877 we decided to purchase a Jersey bu 1 o cross wi if >u .^tive cows (1 suppose the term native may prope^Jy >« -^,^ as there was not much, if any, foreign blood m them), fence that tTme we have used males of that breed, endeavormg to purchase only sud^ Is would give us stock that would make a larger amount ot butter never purchasing an animal unless his dam had a gcx.d l.utter record AlUiJugh we could purchase anin.als witliout such a record [hat were ncetcT look at, for less money, we cliose to purchase the one from the cow with a good butter record, but never paying what we h^ht an extravagant price, and never sought for stock Irom cows S 1 ad been torced to yield six or eight hundred pounds per year Inerl aii we should if we had been favored with more money). ^^ A owinTou. heifers to come in at two years of age, we never use thf same male but two vears, believing that in-breeding has a tendency to weaken the stock. We occasionally set each cow's milk separate, usiu^small mns, and churn as many times in a day as we have cows, SuUy weighing the product of each, at the same time taking into cJ S er^itTon^the age of the dilferentanimals as we 1 ^s the time they • have been in milk, in order to determine whuii should be ...Id, and 4V,>m which to raise heifers for our own use. , , i We a e of en sked if we consider grades as good as thoroughbreds for buter Having never milked thoroughbreds, we do not know. We are asked we think that Jerseys are the best butter cows. We ^swer that we know they are better than the natives that we com- " Wetwe no practical knowledge of any other breed as butter makers Our actum shows our belief. In caring for them we think that kind SeltmentpaysT believing that a kick or a blow, or even a sharp word may caTse quit; a shrinkage of milk at the time, some nervous animals cniVprino- more than others. ., ,, . ^ n fee'di^g ve intend to give them all they will eat, generally using fod ler CO a ter the grass becomes short, cutting it Iroiii the root and iuowhi- wilt beh.re fee.ling. The wilting seems to obviate tbe niessUv of u vi g grainh>ss salve instead of butter. In the winter Tl8S4 we CO n. eiutd cutting and steaming the coarse iodder, using f pmv^r cutteTn..' vvith a oiarhorse tread power, and we are satisfied that it pays well for the extra labor and expense. |! 14S QUAKTEKIA' IlKrOKT. In the matter of ^rain feed. During tlie time the cows are dry, say from t e Ist of .la.H,arv to the 15th of March, we teed about two and one h t pounds <.r grain per .Lay; from tlie time they come in milk to the 1st (f .lune,six pounds; from June 1 to August 1 about wo 1 minds -from Vugust 1 to January 1, about three pounds per day, nd if tlK t o po nuls fed from J une 1 to August I shou d look to any e ke a wast\. of feed, I can assure them that it is not, as we get it back n (lil Vrent ways. Not only in a better yield and better quality, tut in tl'e satisflction of seeing the cows ciuietly take their places in '^^Ve'Ih' nlt'thlnk it correct to charge all the grain fed to the butter alone. A portion should be charged to the superior qua ity ot the manure, and more to the coarse fodder saved. The cash value of grain fed to each cow in any one year has never been more than *U 50 The milk is set in large shallow pans, each pan holding one milking, and is cooled to the proper temperature for raising cream in them as soon as possible by running ice water around them, the cream is allowed to ripen on the milk, the time varying from twenty- four to forty-eight hours before skimming. ^\ e use a Stoddard (•hurn, nropelled by horse power, which is stopped as soon as the butter is shown upon the glass in the cover in granules the size oi a kernel ot wheat. The buttermilk being drawn from the churn, a pail ol cold water is thrown in and, after being agitated, is drawn, repeating the same until the milk is all removed from among the granules ot butter, when it is taken from the churn 1o tlie balance, where the proper amount of salt is ascertained. Tiie balance is so constructed that it can be adjusted for salting butter for the dilferent markets, ior our own use, for Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, we use one and one-quarter ounces, while New York needs but one ounce, and I iuladelphia but three-quarters of an ounce to a pound of butler. After being balancd the butter is placed in a butter- worker and salted with salt made by thv Warsaw Salt Company, at Warsaw, N. Y., working it as bllle as possible and have the salt evenly distributed througli it. Alter standing a few hours it is again worked, but not enough to destroy the ..,uin when it is printed or packed, as the case may be, tor market. Some of it is printed in one pound prints, wrapped in paraffine paper, laid on trays in a sliiiiping case holding iilty-six pounds. In warm weather we place a metal ice box with ice in the centre of llu- «-ase when it starts for market. We pack some in small pails lined with paraffine (the pails are known as the Bradley pail); they hohl from eight ounces to eight pounds each and are so light that the weight is not deducted from the gross weight, which makes them a clieap pack- age, extremely convenient for the retailer, and growing m tavor. Ul course there are little details in the manufacture of good butter that it is hanllv possible to put on paper, or even tell, as only practice and care at the proper time, and at all limes, can give one a full knowledge of how it is done. I have said nothing of the extreme cleanliness necessary, as all butter makers are supposed to be neat. Our clVorts to improve the dairy up to this time have raised the average yield of butter (not including that used by two families and the hired help) from one hundrci] and twenty-five jmunds per cow to two hundred and thirty-eight and seven-sixteenth pounds in 1885. And at present we are unable to sui)ply the demand for our butter at thirty-five cents per pound, delivered at the express office in Montrose. Pennsylvania Board of Agricttt.titre. 149 o U) p, o c « (U t. C >^ ■^ a a ^ 2 O ^ T3 ^ --H "T! O 5 0) I* 00 00 0) a is ■(-» 03 > U a W 0} p S 08 O g a o u o) 1-, X •»- •;5 X3 o — . o o-t _ .Ct O 'f' '-O CD QO I I o O' c! ^ -1^ -t^ CO 1= t- T ♦J r K — lOiOOOOiOOOO l-Z r>l lO '^ C^ I- O O O gl28§SSSSS;-2I^S;2SSl2SS!2SSl2S (^ M rH I^ rH ^ C^ C^4 04 ^1 ^ ^1 ^ ^1 ^ -^ ^' -- '^ ^ "^ ^ ^ '^ ^^ ^^ rH r-H 'M rH --I .-( M iC 'O o >o o .-H -M lO (M ^ ^f c4 CO I- ''f lO iO CO 'M 'O ^ lO o r-( r-l O lO o >o 1- 0(M o o O lO »o o o c-i c-i o i.O tO iC lO o o l^ l- t- I- O '-' o o CI o lO »o o o >o o o t^ CO I- CO O — • O '-^ '-^ >o o o C^ C30 C<1 i-O o o o o o -M lO rH O O ^ g§88SSS^^Sg lO lO O O lO lO o O Xi t^ l^ lO o ■■■':'gSl2g!2[2§i'2i2Sl2l2S|2|2i2§S8S ' l"^ I'* ^^ ' 1 -_J _J o O » O lO lO o o ic t- o5 t^ t- kO i^ i8S^S8i8 8888S8888[*3 -. ^ _*. 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