]uintu$ Curtius

H I s



Wars of Alexander,

Vol. I.

With a large INDEX. Tranflated by John Digby, E%


Printed by W. B. for Bernard Lint ott ? at the Crofs-Keys between the two- Temple Gates in FIeet-Jlreetr 1714.

To the Reverend


Matter of

Weflminfter School,

This New Tranflation of


Is moft humbly Dedicated

By his Moft Obedient Servant, to Command,

J. DIG Br.





John FreinJIjemius,

To Qutntus Curtim's History of the Life and Actions of Alexander the Great.

H E Life and Anions of Alex- ander, who wrefted the Empire from the Perfians^ and transferr'd it to Greece, have been written by many Greek Hiftorians; where- of moft were Spectators, and fome Companions and Minifters of his Atchieve- ments : And others, He himfelf, out of a ftrong Paflion that his Fame fhould furvive after his de- ceafe, appointed to tranfmit an account of his Exploits to Pofterity. But befides, that the real Fads were truly great in themfelves, the love Vol. L £ of

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of Fables, which was natural to that Nation, made them deliver Accounts that bore more the air of Romance, than the face of Truth : How- ever, they who deferve moll Credit, were Art- ftobMlttf, and Ptolomy, who reign' d after Alexander. For after the Death of that Prince, there was no farther occafion either for Fear, or Flattery, which are commonly the Caufes of corrupting the Truth of Hiftory. And indeed , who can fufpedt. that Ptolomy mould be guilty of fullying the Luftre of Royalty by Lyes and Fables ? Moreover, finceboth of them were not only pre- fent at a great many Affairs that concern'd Alex* under , but even were principal Adtors in them ; 'tis evident they were the belt able to give the raoft exadt and tfueft -Relations of them. For which reafon, as often as they agree in their Ac- counts, we have given them the Preference to all others ; and when they difagree, we make •choice of fuch particulars out of the different Ma- terials that are left us, as, after a ftrid:. Examina- tion, feem to approach the neareft to the Truth of Fadt. And, after the Age of Alexander, I have obferv'd , That the Greeks who had any re- gard for Truth and particularly Diodorus siculm of late, have follow'd the fame Method. For fuch of the Romans as applied themlelves to the compofing of Hiltory, were contented with wri- ting of the Affairs of their own Country, and negiedted thofe of other Nations ; becaufe in gi- ving an account of the Actions of a victorious People, then Subject abounded with materials in thcmleives noble, and fit for the Maje%' of Hi- ftory, and which they thought to be of more ufe to the Members of their own Commonwealth than any other they could relate. And as I efteegi

to Q^UINTUS Gurtius. 3

the Endeavours of thofe Authors to be praife- worthy, lb, I hope, I mall not be blam'd, if I at- tempt to give my Countrymen an Idea of that King, who, in the Courfe of his (hort Life, con- quer'd more Countries than any other Prince ever effe&ed. From whence we may conclude, That rrumane Affairs are not guided by Chance or Ha- zard, but that commonly Fortune conforms her felf to the Conduct of Men, and that no Felicity: can be lailing, which' is dcftitute of Virtue. I find then that Alexander was plentifully endow'd and furnifh'd with all the Advantages of Fortune and a great Genius, that could be defir'd in a Prince, who was deftin'd one day to arr ive at fuch an extraordinary Heighth of Power and Greatnefs. The Kings of Macedon deriv'd their Pedigree from Hercules ; and Olympian , Alexander's Mo- ther reckon'd the Origin of her Family from Achilles. From his very Infancy he wanted nei- ther Allurements nor Examples to excite him in the purfuit of Glory, nor Mailers to teach him Virtue, nor Exercile to accuftom him to it. For bis Father, Philip, did by his continual Wars raife the Reputation of the Macedonians, who 'till then were accounted defpicable, and by his Conqueft of Greece, made them formidable every where. In fine, he not only laid the Foundations of the great Things which were done after his Death, but even a little before his deceafe, having re- folv'd to carry the War into Perfia, he had le- vied Men, gathered Provilions, raifed Money, and , in ihort , had an Army ready for that Ex- pedition ; and had already opened a PafTage into Afia , by the means of Parmenio. But in this very Juncture he was taken away* as if it had been on purpofe to leave to his Son fo great B z Forces

4 FreinlheftiiusV Supplement

Forces to carry on the War, and reap the full dory of it, when it was finifli'd ; which feems to have been the Contrivance of Fortune, who always yielded entire obedience to Alexander alone. This Prince was fo much in the Admira- tion of all Men, not only after he had done fo great things, but even at his firit fetting out, that it was a Queftion whether it were not more reafonable to afcribe the divine original of fo great a Man immediately to Jupiter himfelf, rather than mediately to the fame God by Ala- cides and Hercules. When he went himfelf to vifit the Temple of Ammon in Lylia, no lefs would content him than to be call'd his Son, as we mall ihew in the Sequel. Moreover it was the Opinion of many, That Alexander was the Off firing of that Serpent which had been feen to enter into his Mother's Bed-Chamber, and into which Ju- piter had transform d himfelf: That the Dreams of the Priefis, and Refponfes of the Oracles advanc dthe Credit of his divine Pedigree ; and that when Philip fent to Delphi to con ftdt about it, he was admonijh'd by the Oracle, to pay the greateft Reverence to Am- mon. On the other hand, there are thofe who affirm, That all this is mere Ficlion ; and that there was reafon to fufpefi Alexander'/ Mother was guilty of Adultery : For that Neclanebus, King of Egypt, who was driven from his Kingdom, did not go to Ethiopia, as zvas commonly believd, but went to Macedonia, in hopes of receiving Succours from Philip aga'mfi the Pozver of the Perfians, That he deceivd Olympias by the force of Magical Enchantments , and defil'd his Landlords Bed, That from that time Philip had a jealoufte of her, and that it afterwards appear d this was the chief caufe of their Divorce, That the very Day that


to Quint us C urtius. y

Philip brought Cleopatra into his Houfe, Attains, his Wife's Uncle, took the liberty to reproach Alex- ander with the Bafenefi of his Birth, while the Kinghimfelf difozvnd him for his Son. In fine, That the conftant Rumor of Olympiad Adultery was en- tertain d not only in that part of the World, but even among the Nations which he conquer d. That the Jiclion of the Serpent was derivd from ancient Fa- bles, on purpofe to conceal the Ignominy of that Princeft. That the Meifenians had formerly given out the fame Story concerning Ariftomenes, and the Syconians concerning Ariftodamas. In reality the fame Report was fpread abroad among our Anceftors concerning Scipio, who was the firfb that ruin'd Carthage ; and the Birth of Augufius was in like manner thought to have had fome- thing divine in it. For as to Romulus, the Foun- der of Rome, there is no occalion to fay any thing of him ; fince there is no Nation fo con- temptible, but derives its Origin either from fome God, or the Oft-fpring of a God. After all, the Flight of Neclanebus does not agree with thofc times ; for Alexander was fix years of Age, when that Prince was vanquim'd by Qchus, and loft his Kingdom and Inheritance ; nor is the Tale the lefs likely to be falfe, becaufe it is reported of Jupiter. It is likewife affirm'd , That Olympias , having nothing to fear after her Hufband's Death, laugh'd at the Vanity of her Son , who woukj needs have it. believ'd that he was fprung from Jupiter ; and begg'd him in a Letter, not to ex~ pofe her to Juno'* Indignation, feeing fhe had been guilty of nothing that deferv'd that Punijhment. However before that time, (lie is thought to have been the Perfon that took the moft pains to gain Credit to this Fable, and is faid to have admo- B 3 ni&'d

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nifh'd Alexander upon Ills Expedition into Afia> to be mindful of his Original, and do nothing that was unworthy of fo great a Father.

But it is generally agreed, that between the Conception and Birth of that Prince, it was fig- nilicd both by Prodigies and divers Prefages, how coniiderable a Perfon mould be born. Philip faw in his Sleep the Womb of Olympian fealcd with a Ring , on which the Picture of a Lyon was engrav'd ; the Memory whereof was preferv'd by the City of Alexandria in Egypt, which was for a long time called Leontopolis. Arijiander, ac- inic ablelt Diviner of that time, who afterwards companied Alexander, and was his chief Prieft, interpreted that Dream, and faid it fignify'd the Magnanimity and Courage of the Infant. The lame Night that Olympian was brought to Bed, the Temple of Diana in Ephefm, the molt famous of all Afia, was burnt to Ames. This was done by a profligate Villain, who being apprehended and put to the Torture , confefs'd he had no other view in doing it, but to preferve his Memory by fome great and memorable Act: of Impiety. Where- fore the Magi, who were then at Ephefm , not reckoning fo great a Misfortune from the lofs of the Temple alone, but looking upon it as a pre- fage of a greater Deftrudtion, fill'd the whole City with mournful Exclamations ; That there was a Torch kindled; fomewhere, which, on the like account, and from the fame motive, fhould one day confume all the Eafl. It happened at the fame time that Philip fubdued Potid&a, a Colony of the Athe- nians, had news of his being Conqueror at the Olympick Games , whither he had fent Chariots, and receiv'd Difpatches of greater moment by a Courier from Parmeniv, whom


he had fent into lllyr'mm, That the Macedo- nains had obtain d a Signal Viclory over the Barbarians. While he was rejoycing at fo good, and fo univerfala Succefs, he receiv'd the News of Olympic's being brought to Bed; and the Diviners confidently afSrm'd, That he who was horn in the midfh of fo many Viftcrtes and Triumphs, jhould be an invincible Prince. It is reported, that Philip being amazed at fuch a Crowd of Succefles, and dreading the Envy of the Gods, begg'd of the Goddefs Nejnefis, to be contented with revenging thofe obfequious fervices of Fortune by fome moderate Calamity. It is likewife recorded, lhat in the City 0/Pella, two Eagles fat in the Threjhold of the Houje where- the Queen was brought to Bed, a vjhole Bay ; and that this was a Prefage that he Jhould be Mafler of the two Empires of Alia and Europe ; which was eafie to interpret, after the things were come to pafs. I find it mention'd alfo in fome Authors, That when that Prince was born, there •was an Earthquake, and that great Thundring was heard, and Lightning feen in the Heavens, The raoft accurate Hiftorians tell us he was born in the beginning of the 106th Olympiad, when Elpines was Pretor in Athens, on the fixth day of June, which Month the Macedonians at that time called Lou*. At this time, the Roman People who had fubfiftedalmoft 400 years, were engag'd in Wars with their Neighbours, and by their con- tinual Victories, and daily encreafe of Dominion were now mewing the Prelude of that Power which was by degrees to fubdue the whole World.

Philip being blefTed with a Son, of whom fo many happy Omens made him conceive the high- eft Hopes , turn'd all his Thoughts towards his B 4 Education,

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Education, For being a wife Man, and a Lover of hrs Country, he eafily perceiv'd, that all his Endeavours would be to no purpofe, if he fliould leave an ignorant and flothful Prince behind him, to govern Macedonia, while things were in an unfettled State every where ; and that his Glory could not be long-liv'd, if the great things he had begun, (hould be loft and ruin'd by the Weaknefs or Negligence of a SucceiTor. Among his Let- ters that difereet, and elegant one which he wrote to Ariftotle, who was then at Athens with Plato, is yet extant, and is conceiv'd in words much ta this purpofe.

PHILIP to Ariftotle wijheth Health.

I Am to acquaint you, that a Son is born to me * nor do I thank the Gods fo much for his 'Birth, as for his being born in your time. I hope that when he fhall have been educated and in- firucled by you, he fhall be worthy of us, and fit to fucceed to fo great a Kingdom. For I think it much better to be zvithout Children, than to beget them for a Punifhment, and educate them to the Shame and Dijhonour of theb Ancejlors.

Nor was Philip miftaken ; for having been long tinder the Direction of Ariftotle, the effect was, that the Inftrudtions he receiv'd from that great Mafter laid a Foundation for , and enabled him to perform all the great Exploits which he exe- cuted from that time. But thefe were the occur- rences of future years. In the mean time Leucidas, Olympic's Kinfman, and Lyfimachus of Acarnon, were appointed to be his Governors and Tutors. Betides thefe , he had one Philip a Phyfician, of the fame Country, to take care of his Health ;

to Quxntus Curtius. 9

and a Nurfe equally happy in the temperature of her Body, and the difpofition of her Mind, whofe Name was Hellanica, the Daughter of Drops, of one of the belt Families in all Macedon. This Gare that was taken to bring him up, had fo good an effect, that when he was but a Child, he gave promifing Hopes of his becoming that great King which he afterwards fhew'd himfelf to be. For there appear'd a very extraordinary vigor and activity in his tender Limbs, and in all the marks of an heroick Genius he veuy far out-ftrip'd his Age. He was by Nature of a beautiful and comely- Make, and defpifed Drefs ; faying, That an anxi- ou6 Care about adorning of the Body, was proper for Women, who had no other Gifts that could fit them off to fo much advantage. That If he could but he Majier of Virtue , he fljould be handfome and fine enough. When he grew up, there appear'd a perfect Symmetry in his Members, his joints were ftrong and firm ; and being but of a middle Sta- ture, he was really ftronger than he appear'd to be. His Skin was white, only his Cheeks and his Breaft were dy'd with an agreeable Red ; his Hair was yellow, and went into a gentle Curl; his Nofe was Aquiline, and his Eyes of different Colours ; for his left Eye is faid to have been blew, and his right very hlack. There was a certain fecret virtue in them ; infomuch that no body could look on his Countenance without Ve- neration and Fear. He could run with wonder- ful. Swiftnefs, which he often practis'd, even when he was King, as efteeming it of great ufe in Ex- peditions ; and he was often feen to run for a Prize with the fwifteft Perfons about him. He bore Fatigue with a Patience and Firmnefs that even paiTes Belief ; and by this one virtue he 'B.j- often-

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oftentimes fav'd both himfelf and his Armies in the greateft Extremities: By frequent Exercifes, and a very warm Conftitution, he did fo purge off any bad Humours which commonly lodge under the Skin , that not only his Breath , but alfo what he perfpir'd through the Pores of his Body were fweet , and his very Cloaths had a fragrant fmell ; and this was the Caufe, as fome think, why he was fo much inclin'd to Wine and Pafiion. Pictures and Statues of him are yet to be feen, which were the Performances of the beft Artifts. For left the Comelinefs of his Face fhould fuffer any thing from the unfkilfulnefs of vulgar Sculptors or Painters, he ftrictly forbid any to draw his Picture without his order, and threatned to punifti any one that fliould difobey it. In confeqnence whereof, tho* there was abundance of good Workmen , yet Apelles was the only Perfon who had his confent to draw his Picture ; Py rgotele s gmvd him on precious Stones, and Lyfippas and Polycletu* reprefented him in Medals. His Governor Leonids is faid to have walk'd too fait, which Alexander learnt of him ; and never was able to help it afterwards by all his Endeavours. I am not ignorant that very much is owing to Education ; but I am inclin'd to im- pute this rather to the Temper of that young Prince, than to his accuftoming himfelf to it; for it was impoffible for one of his Ardour and f mpetuofity of Spirit , not to have the motions of his Body anfwerable to it. And this hafti- nefs of his, was fo far from being accounted an imperfection by his Succeflbrs, that they ftudi- oufly affected it,' and imitated him tlierein, as they did in his wry Neck, which lean'd to his left Shoulder, in his piercing Look , and high



Voice, being incapable to .copy the virtues of his Mind. In reality, there were many of them whofe long Lives had fcarce any thing in them that de- ferv'd to be compar'd to his Childhood. Nor did he ever fay or act any thing that was mean or bafe, but all his Words and Actions were equal to, or even furpafs'd his Fortune. For tho' he was moft ambitious of Praife1, yet he did not affect to draw it indifferently from every thing, but would have it arife from things that were moft ^praife-worthy ; being fenlible that the Praife which arifes from mean Actions is inglorious and dis- honourable, and that that Victory which is gain'd over the braveft Enemy, is fo much the more noble and Illuftrious. Therefore when fome Perfons told him, That feeing he was an excellent Runner, he ought to lift himfelf among thofe who were to contend for the Prize at the Olympick Games, af- ter the Example of a King of his Name; and that thereby he fhould acquire a great lame all over Greece : He anfwer'd, I would certainly do foy if I wm to run againft Kings. As often as Philip obtain'd any fignal Victory, or reduc'd any rich and ftrong Place, he could not conceal his Grief, amidft the Rejoycing of others : And he was hear'd to complain amongft Boys of his own Age, That his Father would leave nothing for him and them to do, when they came to be Men. For he lookt upon every Acceflion of Power and Riches to be a Diminution to his Glory, and had a ftronger paffion for Honour than for Wealth. He was naturally difpos'd to lleep Little, and encreas'd his Watchfulnefs by Art. If any thing happen'd to him that requir'd ferious Thought, he put his Arm out of the Bed, holding a Silver Ball in his Hand, which by its fall into a Bafon, might B 6 ' make

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make a noife, and fo difperfe that heavinefs whidi was inclining him to flumber. From his very Infancy he lov'd to worfhip the Gods fplendidly ; and one Day as they were facriflcing, he flung fo much Incenfe into the Fire, that Leonidat, who was a fever e and parcimonious Man, not being able to bear that Profufion, cried out, You may burn Incenfe in this manner, 'when you conquer the Countries -where it grows. Remembring this Saying afterwards, when he fettled the Affairs of Arabia, which produces Incenfe, he fent Leon'v* das a vaft Quantity of this Perfume, ordering him withal, not to be more liberal for the future, in faying Honour to the Gods, fince he was now con- fined that they did plentifully repay the Gifts that had been cheerfully made them.

He gave early Marks of a fublime and enterprizing Genius. Artaxerxes, iimam'd Ochus, was at that time King of Perfta. Artabarus and Menajm, both Governours of Provinces, and Memnon of Rhodes, a famous General, revolted and made War upon him ; but being vanquifti'd by the King's Forces, they left Afia and fled to Philip. Alexander, who was not then feven Years of Age,., was wonder- fully delighted with them, and often afk'd them Queftions which had nothing either childift, or mean in them, concerning the Affairs of Perfta ; fuch as, How the royal Dignity and Power were fup- portcd? What fort of Arms were ufed among the Perfians, and whether they were valiant ? Whe- ther their Horfes run vjelL ? How many Days Jour- ney Macedonia was diftant from Sufa ? What kind of Life the King led, what were his Exercifes and Diverfons, and what was his Opinion concerning Virtue ? Afterwards, when at the Intreaty of Men- tor, Memnoris Brother, whofe Sifter was married



to Artabarvs, Ocbus had pardon'd the Exiles, and demanded them of Philip, Alexander fo ftruck the Ambafladors of that King with the Admiration of his extraordinary Genius, at fo tender an Age, that one of them broke out into thefe Words : This Bay is indeed a great King, but ours a rich cne. But tho' he feemd to owe all this to the Bounty of Nature, yet he ow'd it no lefs to his Education. For his Father being appriz'd, how much Advan- tage he himfelf had reap'd in the Company of Ej>a- -minondas, and that he had done much greater things -by his Eloquence, than by his Power ; was "very careful that his Son fhould be well tindtur'd with the liberal Arts from his very Infancy. Where- fore by extraordinary Rewards, he retzin'dAriJlotle, a Philofopher of great Reputation, to deliver to him even the firft Elements of Letters. Nor was that molt learned Man averfe from that Tate, as know- ing of how much Importance it was, that a Prince who was to wear a Crown, fhould be rightly in- ftru£ed in the Beginning ; and how ridiculous a thing it was to contemn fmall things, without which there was no attaining to greater.

He had afterwards feveral Mailers, each of which excelVd in his way ; by which means he not only furnifh'd his Mind with noble Ideas, but likewife by all kind of Exercifes, brought his Body to fuch a Temper, that it could perform all military Exer- cifes , and bear all manner of Fatigue : Nor was he then idle, when he feem'd to be doing nothing : For he did not fo much relax his Mind by Tennis and Dancmg, as prepare his Limbs for more im- portant Eserci&s.

After he had attain'd to riper Years and Parts, and was become more fit for ferious Studies, he was continually in Ariflotle's Company , whom i his

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his Father had recall'd from Mytelene , till fuch time as he fucceeded to the Kingdom after his Father's Death, and undertook an Expedition in- to Afia. During that time, lie made himfelf Ma- iler of every thing that was to be learn'd from fe> great an Inftru&or. He apply'd himfelf to the Study of Nature, with fo much the more Appli- cation, as he conceiv'd more extraordinary Hopes of being one Day the Emperor of the whole Earth ; and he carry'd on and encouraged this Study, with a truly Royal Mind and Coft. He commanded all thofe who liv'd by Hunting, Fowling or Fifliing, over Afia, and Greece, and every one that had attain'd to any Skill that way, to obey Arijlotle ; that fo he might be the better able to treat clearly and certainly of the Nature of Animals. 'Tis certain , he allow'd that Philofophar eight hundred Talents, in order to defray the Charges of that Undertaking. And fo much was he enamour'd with that Study, that he laid out Money, and beftowed Pains upon it, of which he was never like to fee the Effects. An hundred Years after his Death, Deers were taken with Golden Chains about their Necks, which he had put on, to the end Pofterity might judge what Credit was to be given to the Stories about the great Age of thofe Creatures. That he under- ftood the more fublime Sciences, which are com- monly call'd Acroamaticks, is evident fromhis Let- ter to Arlftotle, wherein he complains , That he had prophand their Dignity , by divulging their Principles. Upon which Ariftotk excus'd himfelf, by anfwering, That thofe Books were published in fuch a manner, as that they might be reckoned not publifted; jor that no Body would be able to under' Jland the Meaning of themt but fuch a-s had already



been inftrucled in the Principles which they contain d. When Alexander demanded his Books of Rheto- rick, he ftri&ly forbid him to let them come to the Hands of any other : For he was no lefs de- lirous to excel others in Arts and Sciences, than in Power and Greatnefs; nor could he endure that Men of the loweft Rank, mould mare that Glory with him. Belides, it appears from his Letters, that he ftudied Phyfick under one Ariftotle, who was the Son of a Phyfician, of the Race of JEfculapius. But he ftudied that part of Philofo- phy fo well, which teaches a Man to command both himfelf and others, that he is thought to have undertaken the Subverfion of that vaft Weight and Power of the Perftan Empire, rather by his Magnanimity, Prudence, Temperance, and Forti- tude, than by his Arms and Riches. He frankly own'd, That he owed more to Ariftotle than to Philip ; for that he was indebted to the one for his Life , to the other , for that Life s being formed up- on the Principles of Honour and Virtue. Neverthe- lefs, it has been believ'd by fome, not without ground, That his Mind, which was fo fired with Ambition, was yet more enflamed by the too great Value which Ariftotle fet upon Honour and Glo- ry , which he plac'd in the Rank of things that may be called Goods ; fo that he not only multi- plied Wars upon Wars, in order to extend his D o- minions , but would needs be look'd upon as a God.

But to continue the Thread of our Story : Ari- ftotle not only received great Honours and Re- wards in the Reign of Alexander, but even in Phi- lip's Life-time he had already received a vaft Re- compence for Alexander's Education , having ob- tain'd the Freedom of his ownCountry. The olyn* 1 3 thians

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thianshad been Philip's bittereft Enemies ; for bor- dering upon Macedonia, and being hitherto equal to him in Power, they could not bear, that under a warlike and cunning King, the Kingdom lhould receive Acceffions of Strength and Riches, which were one Day like to bring Deftrudtion and Ser- vitude upon his Neighbours. For which Caufe, as the Minds of both Parties were enffamed more than ordinarily, lb the Contention was more ftub- born , and the Victory profecuted with greater Severity. Philip took and plunder'd the City, and laid it level with the Ground ; he fold the In- habitants , and exercifed the fame Severity upon all die other Towns in thofe Parts. Stagira, where Ariftotle was born, furrer'd the fame Mis- fortune ; but that Philofopher rebuilt it with the Permiffion, and at the Expence of Philip', and when it was reftor'd to its former State, he gave Laws to it, which were obferv'd in it from that time. Thus the Wifdom of one Citizen raifed that City which had been burn'd and raz'd, which the powerful Efforts of fo many brave Men could not hinder from being deftroy'd, when it was ftanding and in a flourifhing State. But in what mighty Efteem Arifiotle was with Philip, may be guefs'd from hence i That he often admaniftid his Son to apply himfelf clofely to the Study of Wifdom under fo excellent a Matter, left he mould afterwards be guilty of many things, which might be the Occafion both of his Shame and Repen- tance. Nor did Alexander ever after fail to mew the higheft RefpecT: for his Mailer, even amidft his molt important Affairs. He had frequent Corre- fpondence with him by Letters, and not onl aflted his Opinion about the Arcana of the Sci- wcts, but alfo fought Remedies from him for cor- recting


reding his Manners. Ariftotle wrote to him, That the heft- way, in his Opinion, to make both him- felf and his Subjects happy, was to remember y that fo great Power was not given him to in- jury Mankind , but to do them good: That he. woutitlto wed -44 fet Bounds to his Paffton, which he knew he was very fubjeA to : That it was below him to fiy oat in a Paffton at his Inferiors, and that he had not his Equal any xvhere to be. angry with. But at lalt, when Pride had got the Afcendant over him, he began to defpife him ; ef? pecially when he thought he was become his Ene- my , upon the account of the Death of Califthe- nes; and after, he fancy 'd that Ariftotle vex'dhim with Difputes, contrary to the Precepts of Wif- dom, and out of Revenge, on pretence of defpi- fing human Grandeur and Ambition.

It is certain , that a little before his Death , when Caffander was endeavouring to vindicate his Father from the Crimes with which he had been charged, he is faid to have broke out in-> to thefe Words : That he was come inftrutled with the Artifices of Ariftotle'* Subtilty , to e- vade the juft Complaints of others by fallacious Qgibbles ; and then threatn'd to do both of them a Mifchief if he found what had been complain d of to be true ; and this he: pronoune'd with fuch an angry and ftern Countenance, that long after his Death, Caffander, who then govern'd Greece, hap- pening to fee a Picture of Alexander at Delphi, was feiz'd with Horror and Trembling all over his Body, when he remembred the Danger he had been in. This gave Occalion to fpeak very dif- advantageouily of Ariftotle; becaufe it was the common Rumour, that it was by his Contrivance that the Poifon which was the Caufe ot Alexan- der's

1 8 Freinftiemius\f Supplement

ders Death , was carry 'd to Babylon in a Horfe's Hoof. He was a great Lover of Mufick, and pradtifed it with Attention in his younger Years ; till fuch time as his Father afk'd him in a fcorn- ful manner, Whether he was not ajhamd to play fo elegantly ; whereupon he began to neglect it as an Art that did not become his Majefty. At that time being defir'd by his Mufick-Mafter to touch a certain String according to Art, What matters it, faid he, // 1 ftjould touch this one, pointing to another. To which the Matter anfwered, 'tis no matter for one who is to be a King, but it concerns one who would be a good Player upon Inftruments. He was afterwards delighted with ftrong and man- ly Mufick, and had an Averfion to foft and effe- minate Airs, as things by which Mens Manners were corrupted. Upon which account he was very much taken with Timotheus, who was very famous in that Profemon ; for this Man accom- modating his Art to Alexanders Humour, did fo ravifhhim upon fome Occasions, by Phrygian Airs, that he feem'd all in a Tranfport, and actuated as it were by fome divine Infpiration, and haften'd to his Arms as if the Enemy had been juft at hand. He likewife ftudy'd Eloquence under Anaximenes Lampfacenus, which was afterwards the Caufe of fa- ving the City of Lampfacum, when Alexander had a mind to deftroy it for efpoufing the Interefts of the Perfians. For beholding Anaximenes coming without the Walls, and apprehending that he was coming to beg him to fave his Country, he iwore by the Grecian Gods , That he woud not grant what he was coming to ajk. Upon the over-hearing cf which, the Petitioner who had his Wits about him, afk'd him to deftroy Lampfacum. Alexander being tied by his Oath, but more charm'd by his


old Matter's Cunning, granted a Pardon to the Peo- ple of Lampfacum. He defpis'd Comedians> as People that dealt in Matters that had no Congruity with his Defigns, and who were born for no other End but to debauch Mens Morals. Nor did he value Gla- diators or Fencers, tho* they were in great Efteem all overGreece, perhaps becaufe he look'd upon them as idle Fellows , who pamper'd their Bodies, and gave themfelves up to fhew Tricks upon a Stage, in- ftead of employing their Strength and Activity in the Service of their Country. But he was a great Encourager of all other Arts, and even of fuch as had never come the leaft in the way of his own Studies. For which reafon, all that e- fteem'd themfelves excellent in any Art, came flocking to him from all Parts of the World, and either prefented him with fome Piece of their In- genuity, or fome Specimen of their Art ; for which they commonly receiv'd immenfe Sums from a moft liberal and munificent King, whofe Fortune was equal to the Largenefs of his Soul. He like- wife fent rich Prefents to fuch as were remarkable either for great Learning or Virtue, in the remoteft Parts ; which was the Reafon why there appear'd at that time fo many learned Men, and excellent Arti- ficers, infomuch that fcarce any Age ever abound- ed more with ufeful and fine Arts. For nothing is more certain, than that the Manners and Stu- dies of Subjects are formed according to the Ex- ample of the Prince ; and that all the Decays that happen to States, are to the Honour or Difgrace of thofe who govern.

Of all the Monuments of Antiquity, he had the greater! Efteem for Homer who he thought was the only Perfon that had perfectly defcrib'd that Wifdom by which Empires fubfift ; and had fuch


20 FrcinfhemiusV Supplement

a Paffion for him, that he was called Homer % Lo- ver. He was wont to cany his Books always along with him ; and even when he went to Bed, he put them and his Sword under his Pillow, cal- ling them his military Viaticum, and the Elements of -warlike Virtue. He efteem'd Achilles to have been happy in finding fo great a Man to celebrate his Virtues.

Having found a moft curious Cabinet both for Matter and WorkmanuHip, amongft the Plunder of Damafcus, and his Friends having alk'dhim, What Ufe it was moft proper for ? he anfwer'd, We will dedicate it to Homer, fince 'tis but reafonable that the moft precious Monument of human Wit, fhould be prefervd in the fineft Piece of Workman/hip. From hence the moft correct Edition of that Poet, which Alexander was at much Pains to get, was call'd the Edition of the Box of Per- fumes, becaufe in that Cabinet the Perftans had us'd to keep Odours and Perfumes. One Day as a certain Meffenger of good News run towards him, in all hafte ftretching out his Right-hand, with the higheft Marks of Joy in his Countenance, What News can you tell me, fays he, that's worthy of fomuch Joy, unlefs that Homer is alive again ? He was then arriv'd to fucli a Degree of Happi- nefs, that he thought there wanted nothing to compleat his Glory , but one capable to trumpet his Praife. By frequent reading of him, he had got him almoft all by Heart; fo that no Per- fon that could quote him more readily or fa- miliarly, or judge of him more juftly. But of ail his Verfes, he was beft pleas'd with that where- in Agamemnon is prais'd both as a good General . and a valiant Soldier; and look'd upon it as his. chief Incentive to Virtue, and the Guide of his Manners. Thus


Thus being Matter of thofe Arts and Accorn- pliiliments , he notably maintain'd the Grandeur and Dignity of his Fortune, and kept him- felf free from Haughtinefs and Libertinifm, by which molt Princes are acted. His Ornament andDrefs did hardly diftinguimhim from a private Perfon ; for he was of Opinion, that a Prince ought to furpafs his Subjects rather in the Culture of Vir- tue , than in the Finery of his Cloaths. He was chearful, civil, and affable, but fo as not to appear little. He was a Lover of Wine, but went not the length of Drunkennefs ; for in his leifure Hours, he preferred Converfation to Drinking. He had fuch a Contempt for Pleafures, that his Mother was afraid he was unfit for begetting Children. He held it as an inviolable Law, That he ought never to de- file another's Bed. He followed rhefe Maxims of Life and Manners a long while ^ and acted the Part of a great and worthy King, till fuch time as he was fhaken by a certain Impetus, and changed by a ftrong Current of Fortune, fo as to depart from his former Moderation by degrees. He fhew'd an extraordinary Courage and Dexterity, to the great Aftonimment of his Father and others, in managing the Horfe Bucephalus, which Name was given him from his being mark'd with the Figure of an Ox's Head. TheJ/aly was very much fam'd at that time for fine Horfes, and great Numbers of them were bred in that Country, but none of them was to be compar'd to Bucephalus either for Mettle or Beautifuinefc ; for which rea- fon Phitonicus a Pharfalian, thinking him worthy of the greateft Prince in thofe Parts, brought him to Philip, and propos'd to fell him for fixteen Ta- lents. But when they came to try his Speed and Management, by riding him out into the Fields,


2x FreinfliemiusV Supplement

there was none of the King's Friends or Atten- dants that durft venture to manage him ; for he rofe upon them, and frighten'd all that efTay'd to mount him, by his Fiercenefs: So that he was now look'd upon as unmanageable and ufelefs, upon the account of his Wildnefs ; at which, A- lexander lighing faid, What a fine Horfe thofe Peo- ple lofe through their Ignorance and Cowardice! After having repeated thefe Words over and over, his Father chid him, for finding fault with Horfe- men that were both older and more fkilful than himfelf, as if he could manage that Horfe better than they. To which he anfwer'd; J will ma- nage him better than they, Father, if you wilt give me leave. Upon this, his Father aflc'd him, What he woud forfeit if he could not execute what he had undertaken : I tvill forfeit the Price of the Horfe, reply'd he. At this every body fmil'd, and agreed, That if he won, the Father fhould pay for the Horfe, but if he lofi,-he fhould lay down the Money him- felf Then Alexander taking the Horfe by the Bridle, turn'd him directly to the Sun, that lb he might not fee his Shadow ; for he had obferv'd, that this frighten'd him, and made him more un- traceable. Finding his Fury was not much abated notwithftanding this, he ftroak'd his Mane, laid his Armour alide gently , and jump'd upon him at once, though he was foaming with Rage. Then Bucephalus , that was not us'd to obey, begun to fling with his Heels, and throw about his Head, and very obftinately refufe to be guided by the Bridle ; then he effay'd to get loofe, and run -away full fpeed. He was then in a fpacious Plain that was fit for riding in: Wherefore Alexander gi- ving him the Rein, and fetting his Spurs to his Sides, he run with incredible Speed, and with all



the Vigor and Fury imaginable. And after he had travers'd a vaft Space of Ground , till he was weary, and willing to flop, he fpur'd him 'on till fuch time as his Mettle was exhaufted, and he be- came tame ; after which, he brought him back ve- ry gentle and traceable. When Alexander alight- ed, his Father embrac'd him with Tears of Joy, and kiffing him, faid, He muft feek out a larger Em- pire for himfelf, for that the Kingdom of Macedon, was too fmall for fo vaft a Spirit. Afterwards Bu- cephalus continu'd the fame Fiercenefs towards o- thers, while he obey'd Alexander alone with a wonderful Submiffion , and after he had been his Companion in many Labours # and Dangers, he was at laft kiird in a Battle againft Porus. The molt excellent Artificers thought this was a wor- thy Subject to celebrate their Skill upon : And there are two marble Statues of Alexander taming his Horfe, which were a Trial of Skill between Praxiteles and Phidias. And tho* it is not certain that they are the Statues of Alexander, yet fome Authors of very good Note, have believ'd them to be fo.

By thefe and fuch like Trials of his Genius and Courage, he came to fo high an Efleem with Phi- lip, that when he laid Siege to the City of By- zantium, he thought his Son fit to be trulted with the entire Management of the Affairs of all Ma- cedonia, tho' he was then but fixteen Years of Age. Some of the Medarori ( who were a People of Thrace, and fubjecft to Macedonia) perceiving this, thought they had now found a fit Opportunity for a Revolt, which they had long meditated, and fo made no fcrupte of difcovering their Defigns. But the young Prince, glad of this Occafion of {hewing his Courage and Conduct, march' d againft


^4 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

them in all hafte, with the Captains that his Fa- ther had left behind him ; and having overcome the Rebels, and banifh'd them from the City, he gave it to be inhabited by Strangers of feveral Nations, which they call'd Alexandropolts, after the Name of their Founder. Tho' this Sucoefs was the Caufe of great Joy to PhUip, yet fearing left the young Prince might undertake, to his own Deftruction, things beyond his Power, if he was left to his own Condiiift, he fent for him, to the end, that under his Tutorage , he might learn to moderate his Heat with Prudence, and made ufe of his ftre- nuous and ready Service, which was ever full of

. Spirit and Alacrity, in fubduing the Cities of the Cherfonefiis. But finding that the Siege Of the City of Byzantium drew into length, both becaufe the Place was ftrong, and the Inhabitants fought bravely in Defence of their Liberty; and befides, being inform' d that both the Gr-eeks and Barbari- ans, who were jealous of the Growth of Philips

* Power, were coming from all Patts to their Af- fiftance ; he defpair'd of being Matter .of that City, and was only folicitous how to break; up from the Siege with the greateft Safety for his Men, and -his Honour. Atheas was at that time King of the Qshft a People of Scythia ; who being prefs'd by the Iftrians, demanded Succours of Philip - promifing at the fame time to make him his Heir, if by his Af- firmance he could retrieve his defperate Affairs. But when he found that the Enemy's'General was dead, and himielf deliver'd from the Apprehenfion of War, "he fent back the Macedonians without ful- filling his Promife; telling them, That he neither

wanted their AJftftance, nor the Adoption of Phi- lip ; That he had Troops enough of his own to de- fend him Againji his Enemies, and that he had a



Son to fucceed him in his Kingdom. Philip being nettled at this foul Dealing , and bent upon Re- venge, rais'd the Siege of Byzantium, and march'd his Troops into Scythia , where he engag'd the Barbarians, whom he overcame by his wife Con- duel, notwithstanding their Superiority in Number. All the Booty of that Victory confifted of vaft Flocks of Cattle and Horfes, and female Captives and Children ; nor was there any other Prey ta- ken ; for the Get& were not defirous of Riches, but contenting themfelves with daily Suftenance, reckon'd Poverty amongft the Conveniencies of Life. When Philip return'd from Scythia, and march'd through the Country of the Triballi with a vaft Equipage and much Baggage ; that People taking P'ofleflion of all the Roads, denied him PalTage, unlefs he would give them a Share of his Booty. There were Greek auxiliary Troops in Philip's Army, who took it ill too, that they had not a Share in the Fruits of that Victory, fmcethey had been Sharers in the Danger.

This occalion'd a Mutiny in the Army, which ilTued in a very hot Difpute , in which many of both fides lay dead on the fpot, and the King him- felf was wounded in the Thigh, and his Horfe was kill'd with the fame Wound, fuch was the force of the Dart, and fo great the ftrength of him that threw it. Here Alexander was theftrftPerfon that ran in to the Relief of his Father, who was lying upon the Ground, and covering him with his Shield, kill'd fome that were milling upon him, andturn'd others into flight. Thus was the Father fav'd by the Piety and Duty of his Son, while thofe who were juft ready to diipatch him ran away, as be- lieving he was already dead ; fo that he feem'd to owe his Life to the defperate condition of his wound, and efcaped Death, by the fuppofition of his having already fuffer'd it.

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% 6 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

Mean while, in this Hurry and Confufion, the Booty was loll. Philip was lame by this wound, and when at firft he feem'd to regret that imper- fection of his Limbs, his Son comforted him by this Saying, that deferves to be remembred by all fucceeding Ages, That he ought not to be angry at a wound -which put him in mind of his Valour at every fiep he took.

Philip had by this time acquired Fame and Power enough ; he had receiv'd abundance of Wounds, and gone through Dangers enough, if his Mind that was blinded with Ambition could have fuf- fer'd him to live in quiet. He made the Macedo- nians , who had formerly been Tributaries to the lllyrians, Mailers not only of all their Neighbours, but alfo of very diftant Nations. He had fubdu'd the Triballi, redue'd Thrace under his obedience, and commanded many of the Greek States ; and influenc'd others, either by Fear, or by Bribes. JDaochaSy Cineas, Thraciddtis, Eudicws, and Scino of Larrffka, had conquer'd the Theffalians for him ; Ceridas , Hieronymus and Eucalpidao, the Arcadians ; Myrt'is, Telecamm and Muafeai, the Argives ; Euixtheut, Cleotimus and Arijl&chmm, the E leans ; Neon and Thrafylochus, the Sons of Philiadesy had fubdued the MeJJenians ; Ariftratu-s andDamarallus, the Syconians ; Noedorusy Helixus and Perilatis, the Megarenfians ; and Hipparchus, Clitarc.husy and Sofijiratus, the Euobeans. Now all theie great Men, were Chiefs of their City : Befides, Euthycrates and Lofihenes deliver'd up Olynth-im to him.

In Abort, Sparta was the only Commonwealth that nobly preferv'd her Liberty, and was free from Treachery. But as Philip afpired at the Conqueft of all Greece, he eafily perceiv'd that the Power of the Athen'm?zs was' the greater!: Bar to his En- terprizes : Nor was that Commonwealth without

Traitors ;


Traitors ; but the People, who could do what they had a mind to, oppos'd the growing Power of the Macedonians , by the perfuafion of De?nofihenes ; having understood by frequent Contentions (as it often falls out among powerful Neighbours) how daring and cunning Philip was, and how little he regarded either Reputation or Faith, when Domi- nion was in the difpute. The King was mightily enrag'd againft the Athenians, becaufe it was to them that his late Mifcarriage at Byzantium was owing ; for they not only fent to their AlMance a Fleet of a Hundred and twenty Sail, but like- wife prevail'd upon the People of Chio and Rhodes to do the fame thing. Wherefore, while the Wound which he had receiv'd in the Country of the Triballi, was a curing, he made all manner of Preparations fecretly, in order to fall upon the Athenians, when they leaft fufpe&ed his delign. He kept an Army on foot, on pretence that the Illyrians , who were naturally fierce , and unac- quainted with Servitude, had already attempted to make off the Yoke that had -been lately put upon them.

Alexander was fent againft thofe Barbarians, whom having defeated and put to flight, he gave the World fuch hopes of his Fortune and Virtue, and conceiv'd the fame of himfelf, that he now thought he was able to govern Affairs by himfelf, without his Father's direction. Thefe things were done in the fpace of two years. Now Philip ha- ving all things ready for his Enterprise, and think- ing it was high time to put in execution what he had for fome time defign'd, took hold of as good an occalion as he could have wifh'd, to lead his Army irito Greece, which he did before the Spring of the year, and fent for the Troops of his Allies out of the Peloponnefus. He had been created Ge- neral of the Greeks by a Decree of the Amphy- C z ttiones.

a 8 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

flumes, to chadife the Infolence of the Locrians, who inhabited the City of Amphyjfa : For in Contempt of the Authority of the Amphydlwnes , they continued to poffeisthe Territory of Cyrrha, which was dedicated to Apollo, and had wounded their General, and cut to pieces feveral of their Men. Philip was at that time in Alliance with the Athenians ; but they lookt upon that but as a fmall Security, if the King could make any Ad- vantage of breaking his Faith. Wheiefore they fent Ambaffadors to him, to defire him to obferve the Treaty, or at lea ft to commit no Hoftility 'till the Spring was zvell advancd. That in the mean while the Athenians would confult about meafures to accommodate the Differences that were between them. They likewiie lent an Embafly to Thebes, to reprefent to the Thebans the common Danger, and to exhort them to concur zvith them in the De- fence of all Greece.

But Philip prefer v'd the Friendship between the Thebans and Macedonians, through the mediation of his Partisans and Friends, the chief of which were Trinolacco, Theogitou, and Ancemetas, who had great influence over their Countrymen. In fine, periuading himfelf, that he Ihould eafiiy gain his point, if he had to do only with the Atheni- ans ; and having overcome the Locrians and their Confederates at Amphyffa, he march' d his Army with all fpeed into Che Phocides, made himfelf Ma- tter of Elatea, which equally commanded the Bor- ders of the Thebans and the Athenians, put a Ga- rifon into it, and fortified it, as if he had defign'd to make it the feat of the War. When this News was brought to Athens in the Night, the whole City was fill'd with fuch a Confternation , that early next Morning , when the People were Af~ iembled, as ufual, by the publick Cries, no body flood up to ask, Whether a?.y one there prefent had 2. any


ar/v thing to fay, that tended to the Safety of their Country ? At laft Demofihenes, after having dif- courfed of fuch things as were fuitable to the oc- cafion (perfuaded the People, That they ought without delay, to draw out their Army, and their fleet, and fend AmbaJJ'adors to all the Grecian States, but efpecially to the Thebans. A Decree being made agreeable to this Propolition, Chares and Lyficles were appointed Generals of the For- ces, and Demofihenes was order'd to go AmbafTa- to the Thebans. Thefe Proceedings could not e- fcape the Vigilance of Philip, who knew very well he fhould have a heavy War upon his hands, if thofe People fhould join in Confederacy. For the Athenians were at that time both rich and pow- erful ; nor was either the Power or the Reputation of the Thebans to be contemned. Nor was the Memory of the famous Battle of Leuttra yet out of Men's Minds, by which Victory they wrefted the Dominion of Greece out of the Hands of the Lacedemonians.

Wherefore that he »might both confirm his Confederates, and baffle the Contrivances of the oppofite Faction, he fent thither two Macedo- nians, Amyntas and Clearchus, and with them one Pit ho a Bizantine, to whofe Eloquence he de- pended. This Byzantine is faid to have fpoke in the AfTembly of the Boeotians in the following manner.

" If you had no Alliance with Philip, and the " Athenian Army were in Pofleliion of Elatea , " while he lay idle in Macedonia, yet I have no " room to doubt but you would even then be de- *f firous of his Friendfhip and Alliance. For in- " deed , who would not prefer fo potent a King, " who has done fo many brave Things, to a Re- " publick whofe Reputation and Fame are fupe- '< rior to its Strength ? But now, fince that Prince, C 3 " who

30 Freinfhemius\r Supplement

u who as it were polTelTes the very Gates of your *•* City, with his victorious Troops, is your Friend ** and Ally ; and fince you have received many u Affronts and Injuries from the Athenians both c* formerly and of late, it would be an Inlblence *' to perfuade you to an Alliance with them, and M to contemn the Friendmip of fo great a King., *' But thofe People, who are the proudcft and V haughtieft of Mortals, fancy that they alone are *' wife and prudent, and that all the reft of Man- ** kind, but efpecially the Boeotians (for 'tis chief- " Iy you that they infult) are foolifh and unpo- *f Iim'd, and underftand neither what is profitable " nor r- >neft. Thus they fancy they (hall be able « to perfuade you to what you can never do *t without the extremeft Folly, and that is, to H chufe Friends and Enemies rather according to " their Humours than for your own Benefit ; con- «* tiding in a Flourifh of Words, in which confiits H all their Strength. But no Man in his Senfes " ever prefer'd Words before Facls , efpecially in *' _War, wherein the Hands are of Service, but h the Exercife of the Tongue is impertinent. " Whatever Strefs they may lay upon their Elo- *' quence, the Fortune and Virtue of Philip, which " are fupported by both his own and his auxiliary " Forces, will always be fuperior. In earneft, 'tis " hard to fay, whether the Folly or the Impudence t of their Demands be greateft. Thebans, fay " they, expofe your [elves to the Thunder that ho~ '* vers over Athens, make War upon a King who is " your Friend and Ally, at the Hazard of your <i own Ruin , that we may continue in Safety. 1 * Stake down your Lives before him , to prevent *l Philip from revenging the Injuries of the Atheni- ** ans. Are thefe the Demands of Men who are " in their Senfes, or think others have the ufe of " theirs ? They who but very lately omitted no

" Occafion


* Occafion of Oppreffing you, they who purfucd " you with Reproaches , Outrages and Arms, as " much as in them lay, and look'd upon your " Dangers and Misfortunes as their Happinefs ; " thefe fame People have the Confidence to pro- pofe to you, to chufe to perith with them, ra- ff ther than be victorious with Philip. But this ** Prince, who was once your Gueft and Pupil, " who was brought up with that famous General " Epam'wondas, whole Life and Morals bear the fairelt Character, has from his Youth imbib'd " an Affection for your City, and the OEcono- " my and Manners of its Inhabitants. He re- " venged the Injuries done to you and to Apcllo " in the Phocian War, when the Athenians, out " of Hatred to you, fent Succours to one of your " Countrymen who was guilty of Sacrilege; and " when he was again invited by the unanimous " Decree of the Amphyttiones, he revenged the " Contempt of the lame Deity upon the Locri- " am i And fo careful was he of your Inte- u refts, that he would not depart, 'till fuch time ** as he had delivered you from the Jealoufy of " that Rival City, which has always been your " Enemy. If you are inclined to execute this " Defign by your common Councils and Forces, H he will not be againft your coming in for a " Share of the Booty, rather than a Share of the " War: But if you had rather be Neuter, only " grant him a Pali age ; for he alone is able to re- " venge all your common Injuries : Even in that " cafe you mall reap equal Fruits of Victory. " The Flocks, Herds, and Slaves that (hall be " won from the Enemy, mall molt of them fall 44 to your Share, as being the neareft Neighbours* " and thus mall you make up the Lofs you fu- " ftaind in the Phocean War. I leave you youi- C 4 H lelves

3x FreinfliemiusV Supplement

44 felves to judge whether this will not be more 44 advantageous for you, than to have yourDwel- " lings burnt, your Towns ftorm'd, fet on Fire, f and plunder'd, and all your Affairs put in Dif- " order and Confufion, juft as the Athenians wifh 44 them. In truth , Sincerity that is unjuftly fu- " fpe&ed, turns to Rage, and the greateft good " Will, when it is flighted, concludes in the bit- ff tereft Revenge. I do not fay this, as if I was 44 upbraiding you for Ingratitude, which I have 44 not the leaft apprehenfion of; nor tofhike ter- 44 ror into you, which I truft there will be no oc~ *' cafion for; but that the memory of Philip's 44 good offices towards you, and of yours towards 44 him, may convince you, that thofe Alliances 44 only are firm and perpetual, which it is the In- " tereft of both Parties to obferve. If he has me- 44 rited more of you than you have done of him, 44 it will be your Duty, to (hew the fame good " Difpofitions, and ufe the fame Endeavours not " to tall fhort of him in this refped. He thinks " that the greateft Recompence for all his La- " hours is his having fupported Greece by his Suc- 44 cours ; for the Safety and Honour of which he " has waged continual War with the Barbarians. Would to the Gods, the Madnefs of the Athe- " nians had permitted him to follow his own " Courfes ! you would have heard by this time, " that his Arms , which he is now conftrain'd to " move about Greece, to reprefs the Difturbances " raifed by feditious and ill-defigning Perfons, *' were triumphing in Afia. He might certainly ft have been in Friendftup with the- Athenians, un- '* lefs he had thought it below him , and of bad " Example, to become a VafTal to this Demojlhe- " nes, and fome others, who drive the ignorant 44 Multitude whither they pleafe , by the Breath

44 of


"* of their Orations, as the Winds \hive the Waves

" of the Sea. Doubtlefs , had they any regard

«' for Honour or Honefty, they would do their

" Duty without being brib'd to it, But they

*' who are accuftomed to fell their Honour, make

u no Diftincftion between things that are ufeful,.

** and things that are dangerous, between Juftice

" and Injuftice, if they find their Advantage in

* Wickednefs as well as in Goodnefs ; they are

" wrought upon by Intereft, and not by the Love

•< of Virtue or their Country, nor refpedl for

«« Gods or Men. In vain will you expect any

" thing from thofe Men that is either virtuous or

«« reputable : They who have the Intereft of

«« their Country fo little at Heart , will never be

•« concern'd for your Interefts : They will in-

« volve you in the fame Calamities from which

" you have been lately delivered by the Courage

" and Faith of the Macedonians. Calamities fd

« much the greater , by how much Philip muft

" be a more formidable Enemy than Philomelas

" or Onomarchusweie. For in a precarious Com-

" mand, the Endeavours of a good and able Ge~

" neral will be no lefs travers'd by his own Goun-

" trymen, than by the Enemy. Whereas none

" dares to oppofe or difobey the King's Com m and :

14 His Will alone is the Rule by which they are

M governed ; and of what Importance this is in

«« Affairs of War, you all know. Nor is that

" Security of the Macedonians coniin'd to one

** Perfon : Tho' Fate mould difpofe of Philip y

*< we have an Alexander to rife up in his Stead 5

" who has even at fo green an Age , given fuch f* Proofs of his Courage and Genius, that it isal-

<' moft evident he will be equal to the mofl: re~

" nowned Generals. On the contrary, the.Pow-

£ er of Peace and War reliding in all the People C 5 £f promi-

34 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

*' promifcuoufly among the Athenians , the bold- " eft Pretender aflumes it to himfelf as a thing €i that belongs to the firft Seizer : There all things V are managed rather by Starts of Paffion, than €i by Counfel and Deliberation : Men of ill De- " figns perfuade, and the Ignorant decree : War c< is undertaken with more Heat than it is car- " ried on ; and Treaties are broke with the fame Eafe that they were made. For they have a " Treaty with Philip , which how facredly they «' keep, appears from their Adlions and Behavi- " our. Nor do they think it enough that they «' break Faith themfelves, unlefs they fpread that M Contagion wider. But your Steadinefs, O The- " bans , by which you are no lefs famous and c< great, than by your brave and fuccefsful Ex- " ploits, leaves no room to doubt, but you will " prefer the FrienduSip of a King which you have «* had repeated Proofs of, to that of a City " which has always been your Enemy, and en- " vious of your Glory. Nor will Hercules , the " Averter of Evil , whom your City adores as " their own inmate Tutelary Deity with a pe- " culiar Veneration , ever fuffer you to engage " in an unjuft , and impious War , againft one " who is delcended from his Blood. As to his " other Allies , you may learn from themfelves, M what Value they have for the King's Friend- M fhip."

Thefe were the Words of Pitho : Then the De- puties of the Allies -were heard , who praifed the Kings Ajfeclion to them ; and then remon- firated :

" That he who was the Protector of Greece, " ought rather to be followed, than the Athenians, 'J who were the Diilurbers of it.




But when Bemojlhenes had liberty to fpeak, " I ** was not ignorant, [aid he, that thofe Mercena- " ries of Philip's would neither fpare their Praifes w upon him, nor their Reproaches upon us. For " they who have laid afide all Shame , are little " folicitous either what they fay or do , fo they " gain their Point. But, O Thebans, if I under- " Hand your Temper, they will find themfelves " mightily difappointed in their Expectations, and " carry back an Anfwer to Philip that is worthy m of your Virtue, and of the Difcipline of the H Greeks : In the mean while, pray take good heed " to what lies upon us to do at this time. For " that your whole Fortune depends upon this " Day's Deliberation, I mall fhew, by irrefragable " Arguments , and not by the Charms or Magick " of Words, by which they are afraid you may " be impofed upon : They may lay afide their " Fear, fince they have no Occafion to be fo fo- " licitous about you ; for we fhall not in the leaft " endeavour to appear more eloquent than they. " A bad Caufe, indeed, has fometimes been migh- ** tily indebted to the Power ot Eloquence ; but " when it is the Bufinefs of him that fpeaks, to " mew the naked Truth, if he is wife , he will " never take up his Time in a Flourim of Words, " As to Philip, we are very little concerned about " his Character; let him for us, referable the Pi- " clure they have drawn of him ; let him be hand- " fom, eloquent, or a good Companion at an En- V tertainment ; for fome People have praifed him '* even for thefe Qualifications ; and thus confefs'd ** him deficient in real, and folid Glory. But 1 " cannot help wondering, that his Ambaffador " mould reproach us in your Prefence, with thofe " things , which if they are Crimes , do without ** difpute equally afFecl: the Thebans and the Athe* ** mans, They have been endeavouring to ex- C 6 « pofe

36 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

" pofe the Inconveniences of a popular Form of " Government, which tho' both you and we are " fenlible of, yet do we prefer it to Regal Ty- " ranny. They have talk'd to you at fuch a rate, " as if they had had a Mind to obtain Favour by M tickling the Ears of a popular Circle, or a pub- *t lick Affembly of Macedonians ; and not as if they " came to a free City, to execute the Office of " Ambafiadors. We very well know the irre- " concileable Hatred that Kings and their Slaves *? have to free Cities and People; and they have ** done very foolifhly to difcover this : But we " are to take fo much the greater Care, Thebans, " to defend our Laws and Privileges. It were " to be wifh'd, above all things, that thole who " are call'd to the Adminiftration of Affairs in " Common-wealths, were engaged only in this " glorious Contention, who mould confult the In- *' terefts of their Common-wealth belt, or who ff mould beft execute the Resolutions that are ta- *f ken : Then none would prefer his own Advan- ** tage to the Common Good ; none would re- " ceive Bribes; and none would betray his Coun- *' try to Philip, after the Example of thofe Depu- ** ties. But, Thebans entire and perfect Felicity, *' was never the Lot of any Man or any State : " He is the happieft Perfon whofe Circumltances '* are freed from Misfortunes. It is paft difpute,

that we have bad Citizens, nor have you been *' without them in former Times, Thebans, nor *' are you even at this time. If this were not lb,

Philip would not threaten our Liberty at this " Day from Elatea, but mould be obliged to con- " tend with us for the Kingdom of Macedonia. " However, we have good Citizens too, and thefe " more numerous and more powerful than the " bad ones. Do you want a Proof of this ? We " are free : We are not Philip's Slaves, as you


to Q^uintus Curtius. 37

" thought to have made your Byzantines, Python ; t( but as for you Daochu*, and you ThraJid&tM, " you ibid your TheJJ'alians to the King. In effect, " Thebans, you behold TheJJaly languiming under «< the Servitude of Philip at this Day ; and if I mi- ** ftake not, you deplore their hard Condition as well " as we. No Thanks to Python that Byzantium did " not fuffer the fame Fate with Olynthw, but its " Deliverance is owing to us. For that religious " and venerable Protestor of Greece, had refolved " to opprefs that Greek City, which was in our " Alliance and Confederacy, and in no apprehen- *f fion of being attack'd. Behold, wherein con- " lifts the Prudence of this great Prince ! With " him Artifice and Cunning is good Policy; Per- " jury is an Art or Science, and Perfidy a Virtue.

f* If this be not the Cafe, pray let him tell what " other way he arriv'd at that formidable Power " he is now pofiefs'd of? If it was not by furpri- ft fing the Greeks with Frauds , Stratagems, and " Treachery ; if it was not by conquering the M Barbarians rather with Gold than with the " Sword; or in fine, whether he ever ftuck at " his Faith to any Mortal, or breaking it when it " was engaged. And yet thefe Deputies give him *' the glorious Title of Protedor of Greece, and " call us the Difturbers of it ! But what will they «' be afham'd of, who had rather charge us with " their own Faults, than not difcover to you thele " they are evidently guilty of ? If any one was " guilty of Treachery, you would make it your " Bufinefs to defend, protect, and melter him " from the Punilhment of the Laws; now that " you accufe others, you condemn your felves. " If you did this without any Aim or Defign , " then pray where was your Senfe or Prudence r> " But if you did it wittingly and willingly, then

where was your Honefty ? It is a fufficient Vin-

M dicatiori

38 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

" dication of my Innocence, and of theirs who are " embark' d in the fame Caufe with me, that you " your felves own we have receiv'd nothing from " Philip ; for had we afk'd any thing of him, we 14 fhould not have gone away empty handed from '* fo liberal a King as you give out yours is. Would

* not he who thought it worth his while to cor-

* rupt you, have alio given us Bribes, if we had 4 aik'd them ? But you have juft now admoninVd

* the Thebans not to follow the Council of thofe 4 who have not the Interefts of their Country at

* heart. From this Minute I ceafe to oppofe

* them, Thebans, if they are really of that Mind: 4 I come over to their Sentiments, and I exhort,

* pray, and befeech you with all the Earneftnefs

* poffible, and conjure you by your own Safety,

* and that of all Greece, to embrace their Propo- 4 fition. If you come into this, you will not fuf- 4 fer your felves to be fold for Droves of Cattle, 4 nor fuffer your PolTeffions to be made your 4 Prifons, nor (hall be Slaves under the P&onmns 4 and Triballi, like the reft of Philip's Slaves. For 4 they would have you to look upon Flocks and 4 Slaves, which are the glorious Reward of Ser-

* vitude, and contemn your Wives, your Chil- 4 dren, your Parents, your Liberty , your Repu- 4 tation, your Faith, and in fine, every thing that

4 is facred and venerable among the Greeks, as 4 not worthy of your Care. Thus certainly, 4 Thebans, you have loft and forfeited ail thefe, 4 unlefs you unite with us in refilling the Fraud and Violence of Philip. But if you fhould ima- gine your felves fafe in the Care and Endea- vours of others, I am afraid you will rind your felves egregioufly miftaken. For if Philip fhould accomplilh his Defigns (which I cannot think of without Horror and Deteftation) who can doubt but that ail Greece , as well as you, will



1 lofe their Liberty ? And who, but they who 1 have a mind to perim, would lay any ftrefs 4 upon the Faith of fucli a Prince ? But if Vidtory 4 fhould declare for us, pray confider what you 4 ought to expecl: from Men whom you deferted 4 and abandon'd, when both their Safety and 4 their Glory were at flake ? For whatever way 4 your Opinion may fway you, you may depend

* upon it, that the Athenians are refolved to

* venture all, and that they will never lofe their 4 Liberty but with their Lives. Nor do we

* diftruft our Strength, to which if you will join 4 yours, we (hall, when united, be fuperior to 4 the Enemy, to which either of us lingly might 4 perhaps be equal. The Athenians are not ig- 4 norant of his Power, which they forefaw while 4 it was riling and encrealing ; and had all the 4 Greek States been of one and the fame mind, 4 we might eafily have fet Bounds to it. For 4 we waged War with him a long time, not for 4 AmphipolU or Halonefets , as many believed, 4 but for the Safety and Liberty of Greece ; 'till 4 being abandoned by all, and attacked by fome, 4 we were forced to make a neceflary rather 4 than an honourable Peace. But now, I truft, 4 Minerva , tjie Guardian Goddefs of our City, 4 and the Pythian Apollo , who is the Native 4 God of our Country , and all the reft of the 4 Grecian Gods , have at laft opened their Eyes, 4 andraifed the Courage of all their Worfhippers, 4 in defence of our ancient Liberty , which has 4 been tranfmitted to us by our Fore-fathers. 4 Sure Hercules could not hear the Words of the 4 Ambaffadors without Indignation , when they 14 derived Philip's Pedigree from that God. For ;4 can that God own him who is a Contemner of !4 all Religions ? Can a Greek acknowledge a Ma- 14 cedonian for his Defcendant ? Can one that

" hates

40 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

" hates, puniflies, and extirpates Tyranny, own " a Tyrant ? For in this appeared the illuftrious " and memorable Deeds of Hercules, more than " in any thing elfe. Philip, on the contrary, " exercifes unjuft Dominion over Greece , and " has fet Domeftick Tyrants over feveral Ci- " ties thereof; fuch as Philifiides over Oreum, " Hipparchus over Erotica, and Taurofthenes over

Chalcides. For this Reafon the Euboeans,Ach&ans, " Corinthians, Megarenfians, Leucadians, and Cor-

cyr&ans have declared for us : Others wait the " Event , which has hitherto been the only Sup- " port of the Power of Macedonia , and which " will fall of itfelf , when ever it begins in the " leaft to decline. As to the TheJJalians , by " whom Philip is now fo well furnifhed with " Horfe, they never Itood firm to one fide long: " The lilyrians and other Barbarians bordering " upon Macedonia , who are naturally fierce and H favage, and mightily enraged at their new Ser- " vitude , will immediately declare for us , and " eafe us of the Burthen of the War, if Philip " (hould meet with bad Succefs at firft. Only

concur heartily with us in fo glorious a Detign* " and in the mean while lay afide thole Conten- " tions , which a very flight Caufe often produ- " ces among neighbouring States. Publick Joy «« will turn private Grudges into mutual Benevo- <* lence, when Succefs crowns our Endeavours ; " or when we have Leifure to give Vent to our " unreafonablePaffions, they may be refum'd per- " haps to the Dishonour and Damage of us both, " but without deftroying us entirely. I would M not have you to be afraid of the Artifices of « Philip , only ftiut your Ears againft his Promi- " fes, and keep your Hands clean of Bribes. If " you -have your Liberty moll at Heart, Cun- w ning and Gifts will have no Effecl: upon you :

" As


" As the Difcords of the Greeks have rais'd his " Power, fo their Union will overthrow it. Be- " fides as he is ram and headftrong, he may be " ealily catch'd; and if this happens, there is no " Danger to be fear'd from others : For he " feeks Glory and Dominion, while thofe who " are fubject to him defire nothing more than " Quiet. But perhaps you dread Alexander, be- " caufe his Partizans contemn you at fuch a rate, " that they think you may be frighten'd at the " Name of a Boy.

You would have thought that this Speech of Demo/lhenes had perfectly chang'd the Thebans into other Men all of a hidden. They who had heard the Ambafladors of Philip but a little before with Attention, and even Pleafure, were now fo far of another mind, that they declard, they would look upon Philip as an Enemy, unlefs he quickly departed from their Borders , and thofe of their Allies; that they would drive from their City all that were in the Macedonian Intereft, and receive into it the Troops of the Athenians. But Philip, who was more vex'd than frighten'd at the The bans abandoning him fo unexpectedly, continu'd to carry on his Enterprize. After two flight Engagements, in both of which the Athenians had the better, the two Armies encamped with all their Forces near Cheron&a a City of Boeotia. The Greeks were animated by the Deeds of their Anceftors , and their Concern for Liberty ; and Philip trufted to his excellent Troops, that had been victorious in fo many Battles : Nor did he put fmall confi- dence in his own Conduct, becaule he excelled in the Art of War ; befides that, the molt renowned Generals of the Greeks were dead. The Thebans were ruled at that time by Theagenes, a Man who had but little Experience in War, and was not Proof againft Money ; and Philip infinitely fur-


42* FreinlhemiusV Supplement

parTed the Athenian Generals both in Experience and Courage. But the united Forces of two powerful States, whole Authority was followed by the Corinthians and others, made him appre- hend, that the Fortune of a fmall part of one Day might coft him both his Life and his Dominions. The Leading Men among the Thebans feem'd in- clin'd to liften to Propofals of Peace ; but the Ar- dour of the Athenians prevail'd fo far, as to make them confent to hazard all the Hopes and Power of Greece in one Battle. On the other fide, Alex- ander, whofe Fire and Spirit could not be re- ftrained, conjured his Father, not to let fo favour- able an Opportunity of getting Glory flip out of his Hands ; and having obtain'd leave to venture a Battle , he was the firft that began the Attack upon the Enemy. The Fight was carried on with Obftinacy, and Succefs was doubtful for a long time ; 'till at laft the young Prince, to whom his Father had given the Command of one of the Wings of the felecl: Troops , having with great Vigour and Refolution attack'd the facred Cohort of the Thebans, which confifted of their beft Troops, oblig'd them ro give Ground, and fo open'd a Way to Viclory. For the Athenians being difheartned by the Misfortune of their Allies, and weaken'd with the Heat and their Wounds, were not able to make Head againft the Macedonians any longer : Belides, Philip being rais'd by Emulation and Shame, left mould come ftiort of his Son who was but a Youth, fell upon them with fuch Fury, that they were no longer able to ftand their Ground. Thus one Battle de- termin'd concerning the Liberty of Greece : Of the Athenians above a Thoufand were kill'd, and above Two Thouiand taken Prifoners ; a great many of the Allies alfo were either kill'd in the Action, or forc'd to furrender themfelves to the



Power of the Conqueror. After which, Alexander was fent to Athens, to aflure the Athenians, that Philip both forgave 'em , and fent 'em Peace; and likewife reftor'd to chem their Prifoners with- out Ranfom, neither did he hinder them from burying their Dead. For, as the King being wholly intent on the Perjian War, endeavour d to fecure himfelf of the Fidelity and Affection of the Greeks, by his Clemency and Moderation ; yet he took from the Athenians the Sovereignty of the Sea, and the Illands : He dealt more feverely with the Thebans, by whofe Defection, he re- member'd his Affairs were brought into the great- eft Danger ; and becaufe he thought, that as they were his ancient Allies, and had receiv'd Favours from him, they had no reafon to join with the Athenians againft him : Therefore, upon the fur- render of their Town, he put into it a Garrifon of Macedonians, and having put to Death thofe he molt hated and fufpected, and banifh'd others, he conferr'd the Magiitracy and Judicature on thofe of his own Faction, whom he had recall'd from their Exile. He redue'd the other People who had taken up Arms againft him , with the fame Torrent of Victory, infomuch that there was not in all Greece any, except the Spartans and the Arcades, that remam'd exempt from his Power; forcing fome by his Arms, and others by difad- vantageous Alliances, to comply with his Autho- rity. Having therefore appointed a General Af- fembly of all Greece, at Corinth, he made a Speech to 'em about carrying the War into Perfia, telling 'em, It was neceffary to go and meet the Barba- rians, whofe Pride had already laid a Scheme for XJniverfal Empire , that they mujl refolve to be Slaves for ever , or in time oppofe their Power, For the Cafe was not, whether the Greeks would have War or Peace; but, whether they had rather


44 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

carry the War into the Enemy $ Country, or re- ceive it in their ozvn. That they ought not only to revenge former Injuries, but alfo remove the pre- fent Shame-, by delivering the Greek Cities, fituate in Afia, from the Perftan Slavery. That this might be eafily effected , if fettling the Affairs of Greece , they were at liberty to turn all their Forces to the War beyond the Sea. That Peace at Home would thereby be fecurd, having remov'd and employed in a remote and foreign War, thofe rejllefs and au- dacious Spirits , zvhofe Idlenefs was ufually the Grounds of Sedition, and Civil Commotions. That they ought therefore to make choice of a General, and fettle the Number of Troops with which they defignd to carry on this War.

Moft People were fenfible of the vaftnefs of the Demand ; but they judg'd it unfeafonable to affert by Words, that Liberty they had loft in Arms : Wherefore, without any farther Deliberation, Philip is with loud Acclamations declar'd General of Greece, and order'd to march into Afia, for the Safety and Delivery of the whole World. An Account is therefore taken of the Wealth of every one, and it is enter'd into Books, what Soldiers, Corn and Money each (hould fupply. I find they engag'd for Two hundred thoufand Foot, and Fifteen thoufand Horfe * in which Number, neither the Macedonians , nor the Barbarians that were Subjects to 'em, were compris'd.

But as there is no Felicity in Human Affairs, without a mixture of Adverfity, the Profperity Abroad was fucceeded by Domeftick Troubles. Olympics , as we hinted before , by her Morofe- nefs and haughty Temper, every Day more and more alienated the Mind of her Royal Husband. Some alledge that, for the Caufe of her Divorce ; but I find, that even whilft he cohabited with her, he admitted Cleopatra into a Matrimonial Fami- liarity.


Jiarity. Indeed, it is not reafonable to think that Alexander would have been prefent at the Wedding of his Mother-in-Law, which was lb difhonour- able to his own Mother whom he lov'd fo dearly, and whofe Difgrace refle&ed on himfelf ; for there was a Sufpicipn of her being removed for Infide- lity : However , he was there ; and a Quarrel anting at the Entertainment, he carry 'd off his Mother. For Attains the Bride's Uncle , being elevated with Wine, and not being able to con- ceal his Hopes, telling the Macedonians ■, That they ought to offer up their Prayers to the Gods, to im- plore a Lawful Succeffor to Philip by this new Wife ; Alexander, who was otherwife prone to Anger, being provok'd by fo grots an Affront, reply'd, What dofl thou then make of us, Wretch as thou art f Am I a Baflard ? and at the fame time flung the Glafs which he had in his Hand , in his Face : Attains flinging another at him. A Quarrel ari- fing, Philip, who was not at the fame Table, be- ing offended at the Interruption of the Mirth of the Day, drew his Sword, and had kill'd his Son, if his Anger, and the Wine, and a Lamenefs con- tracted from a former Wound, had not hinder'd him , by cauting Mm to fall down ; which gave his Friends ( who were furpriz'd at the fuddennefs of the thing ) time to interpoie , and convey Alexander away.

Nor was it a matter of lefs difficulty to prevail with him to fave himfelf. He thought he was injur' d many ways ; and though they put him in mind of the terms of Father, and King, and of the Law of Nature, and Nations, yet he could not forbear infulting Philip, reprefenting to the Ma- cedonians , what a fine Leader they were like to have for the Afian Expedition, fince he could not go from one Table to another without falling. Af- ter which, being in fear for his Mother, he took


46 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

her along with him, and left her in Epirus, where her Brother reign'd, and wenthimfelf to the King of lllyrium. Being afterwards return'd to Mace- donia, through the Mediatorftiip of Demeratus the Corinthian, this perverfe Woman could not for- bear prompting her Son (who was of himfelf fo- licitous enough for power) to make himfelf ivhat Friends he could by a winning Carriage, and by Money, and to fortifie himfelf againft his lather s Anger, by contracting an Alliance -with the Men in Authority. It is true, Philip himfelf had formerly counfeird him to gain the affection of Men, by his affability and courteous behaviour ; but he no wife appro v'd of his doing it by Prefents ; nay he even reprimanded him by Letter, for daring to hope for the Benevolence of thofe Me?i tvhom he had corrupted by Gifts ; telling him he was mijiaken, who thought that became a King ; it being rather the bufinefs of a Servant, or mean Officer.

But as he would frequently brag, that all things were penetrable by Money, and that he made ufe of it himfelf as often as of his Arms, he did not feem to write that, fo much with an intention to inftruct him in what was proper, as out of Fear, » left the Youth, his Son, mould make ufe of his own Artifices againft him. He alfo chid him for courting the Daughter of Pexodorm, that his Fa- ther intended for Arid&w, calling him degene- rate, and unworthy the Fortune his Birth and Education gave him hopes of; who could covet for a Father-in-Law, a barbarous Carian, the Sub- ject of a Barbarian King. Yet he himfelf had ne- ver flighted any Condition to confirm his Power, but could marry lllyrian and Getic Women, the rougheft and unpoliteft of all Barbarians, tho' he had, at the fame time a great many Children by other Wives and Concubines ; which feeming to make Alexander fomewhat uneafie , he took up



his Sou with a gentle reproof; and exhorted him, That fince he was to have a great ma?iy Rivals for the Kingdom, he would take care to make himfelf more worthy and deferving than the^refi, that he might not feem to be obligd to Philip his lather for the Crown, but to his own Merit.

But as for this and the like Caufes, they fre- quently disagreed, and that Friendlhip and Bene- volence being once broken, it was not eafie to cement new Affections again into a real Fidelity ; fo they fell to the lalt Extremities. The violent Temper of Olyjnpias was the chief fpring of this Mifchief, whole haughty and imperious Mind, prompted the contumacious frubbornnefs of the Sex, with a mafculine and unwarrantable Thirft of Revenge. She had us'd her endeavours to- make her Brother Alexander declare War againfl: Philip. But the wile King, that he might not be necefli- tated to that at fo unfeafonable a time ; tho' his Power was fuperior, contriv'd to ftrengthen their Friendfhip by a new Alliance , giving Cleopatra, Alexander's Siller, to the Epirote for Wife. All the petty Princes of the neighbouring Nations, and the Embafladors of the Greek States, met at Ag& to celebrate this Marriage. Philip made choice of this Place, not without fome kind of Omen, of what afterwards happen'd ; for the Ma- cedonian Kings us'd to be bury'd there.

It is likewjfe reported that the Belphick Oracle, when he confulted it, on the account of the Per- fan War, foret6ld his Death ; which being am- biguous, as Oracles generally are, he flatter'd himfelf that it iignify'd the Dellrudion of thei^r- banans. There were feveral other Prefages, that no body then took notice of, 'till the Event made 'em plain. Among the King's Guards, there was one nam'd Paufanias ; whom the King, to comfort him for the Affront he had receiv'd from Attains,


48 FreitifhemiusV Supplement

had promoted to that Honour. For Attalm had expos'd him, being loaded with Wine, tothefcan- dalous infults of the Guefts. Paufamns having apply'd himfejf to the King for Revenge, in lieu thereof receiv'd this Honour. Philip was fo far from being able to reiblve on the Punimment of a Man of that known fortitude in War, and whom he had united to himfelf lately by a near Alliance, that he gave him the Command of part of his Troops with Parmenio and Amyntas, and fenthim into Afiat defigning to make ufe of him in the Perfian Expedition ; and therefore defird Paufa- n'ms that he would for his fake, and the publick good , put up the Affront ; endeavouring by fair words, and a better Sallary, to appeafe and pacific him. But the young Man, having a greater re- gard to the Injury, than the Favours he receiv'd, turn'd the averfion he had for the Author of the Affront, on him that refus'd to vindicate it.

It was thought he had confulted with thofe who were Enemies to Attalms Family, and were at variance with Philip ; but no body doubted of it, when it came to be .known , that Oly?npias had plac'd a Crown of Gold on the Head of the Parri- cide, as he hung upon the Crofs. There were fe- veral other bafe Adtions committed, by which the whole Contrivance and Caufe of the Villainy came to light. By break of day the Theatre was crowded with the multitude that came thither to behold the publick Shews, which it was faid, would very much exceed in Expence and Magnificence thofe of the preceding days. Among other things, in which wealthy Kings, and fuch as are not capable of the greatnefs of their Fortune, are us'dtofport and fquander away their Riches, there were the Effigies of twelve Deities fo exquifitely wrought, that the Art of the Workmen ieem'd to vie with the Excellency of the Materials. There was a

thirteen ill


thirteenth that reprefented Philip, in nothing infe- rior to the reft.

This Contempt of his mortal Condition was quickly reveng'd ; and he, whom Succefs had ren- dcx'd lb infolent as to equal himfelf to the im- mortal Gods, was prevented by Fate, from enjoy- ing an Honour that no way belong'dto him. For Paufanias having watch'd him as he was going into the Theatre alone (he having fent before thofe that attended him , and order'd his Guards to ftay behind, defigning to mew, that he was fo generally belov'd, as to have no occafion for 'em) the Murtherer afTaulted him on the fudden , and plung'd a Sword of the Barbarian make, which he conceal'd under his Cloaths, into his Body, while he fufpedled no fuch Attempt.

Such was the End of the greateft King of his time. He had mightily improv'd the State of Macedon, making it, of a poor andinconliderable, both a great and flouriming Kingdom. He had conquer'd the neighbouring Barbarians, enflav'd all Greece, and was preparing to reduce the Per- (2 an Empire. The Greek Auxiliaries were gather- ing together, he had already fent feveral Generals before him into Aft a, was on the very point of executing his Deiigns (promifing to himfelf great and durable Advantages from the Victory) when he unexpectedly loft his Life.

Thus we fee how the greateft things are frail and uncertain, a fmall Accident being able to dis- appoint the boldeft Hopes of Mortals.

Olympias being inform'd of the King's Death, fore :'d Cleopatra, Att Aj'siNiece, to hang her fclf; and a few days before Philip's Death, me had bar- baroufly murther'd the Child me had by him, roafting it in a brazen Veflel. Not content with rids, me made all her Relations and Dependents feel the Rage with which (he was tranfported ; Vol. I D and

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and very cruelly laid hold of this Opportunity to gratifie her implacable female Revenge.

While thefe things were doing, Alexander, like a benevolent Planet, feafonably appear'd to com- pofe and calm fo furious a Tempeft. The Greeks, whom Philip had opprefs'd, began already to con- ceive fome hopes of their Liberty; the Neigh- bouring Barbarians began to be troublefome, and the Affairs of Macedon it felf were in fome Con- fuiion. Attains, who was at the Head of no con- temptible Army, by a dextrous and infinuating ufe of his Power, had procur'd to himfelf a great E- fteem among the Soldiery ; and befides his being related to the principal Men of Macedon, had en- gag'd to many the Sifter of Philotas : And there was no relying on him, who had been both hated and offended by Alexander and his Mother. Amyn- tas, who was Son to Perdiccas, Philip's Brother, and whom Philip had chofen for his Son-in-Law, gi- ving him Cyna in Marriage, afpir'd to theSuccef- iion of his Father's Kingdom, by the Murthcr of Alexander. A great part of the People, out of an Averuon to the Tyranny of olympms, and others out of a defirc of Novelty, were varioufly inclin'd to the one or the other; and fome again did not feruple to fry, the Crown (that Amyntas firlt, and Philip afterwards , had by Force and Fraud ufurp'd from the lawful Heir) ought to be re- ftor'd to Alexander the Son of Ceroptis.

The Army likewife being compos'd of different Nations, diiagreed both in their Councils and Dii- courfes, according to the Inclination and Hopes of each Party. On the other fide, Alexander was new in his Government, and Philip's fudden Death had not given him time to make any Provihon againlt thefe unexpected Motions; and although he appear'd very promiling and hopeful, yet they <iefpis'd his Youth. They could not imagine that

a young


a young Prince of twenty years of Age, could take upon him fo great a Weight ; or if he did, they could not believe he would be able to fupport it. Moreover the Nerve of great Actions, Money, was wanting ; and the Perfians abounding with that, had difpatch'd Emifiaries all over Greece to corrupt the People. And that nothing might be wanting to thefe Evils, the Tufcan Pirates infefted and plunder'd the maritime Places of Macedonia. Alex- ander having therefore affembrd his Friends, and the prefent State of Affairs being lay'd before them, fome were of opinion, That omitting all icncem for Greece, he fbould endeavour by foft and gentle ufage to keep the Barbarians in their Du- ty ; the iniejlme Motions being once compos 'd and quieted, he might zvith more eafe apply himfelf to the fettling thofe at a greater dijfance.

Bur the young Prince's Magnanimity was fuch, as made him look upon thefe cautious Counfels as cowardly, and therefore difdain'd 'em. He told 'em, he jhould be for ever expos 'd to the Contempt of all the World, if in the beginning of his Reign he fufferd himfelf to be defpisd ; that the opinion ha raisd of himfelf at his enpring upon the Govern- ment, would influence the luhole eour fa of, his Life. That the Death of Philip was no lefs unexpected to the Rebels, than to himfelf ; that therefore while they were yet in a Hurry and Confujion, and unre- folv'd zvhat Meafures to take, they might eafily be fupprefsd; whereas the Delay of the Macedonians would be an Encouragement to the Authors of the Sedition, and thofe that zvere fill wavering would have time to joyn the Male-contents ; by which means the Danger ivould become greater, and the Suc- cefs more doubtful, againfi a prepard and con- firm d Enemy. But now it zvas not fo much the bufinefs of Strength, as who flwuld be mofi expedi- tious, and prevent the other. That if he fliew'd D a himfelf

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himfelf to be afraid of 'em zvhile Jingle, and as yet disunited, what ivould become of him, when after fuch figns of Timidity, they Jhould with their uni- ted Forces, fall all at once upon him ? Having therefore made a Speech to the People, to the fame purpofe; he added, That he would take care, that both his Subjecls and Enemies fhould acknow- ledge, that by his Father s Death, the Name and Perfon only of the King was changd ; as for Con- 'duti and Courage, they Jl)ould find the zvant of neither. That notwithjlanding fome ill-minded Peo- ple had taken this opportunity to make a Diftur- bance, they Jlwuld in a little time be puniflid accord- ing to their Deferts, if the Macedonians would but lend him the fame Bravery and Arms, they had with fo much Glory to themfelves, and advantageous Fruits of Vittory, affijied his Father with, for fo many Tears : And that they might do this with jhe greater Cheerfulncfs and Alacrity, he d'ifcharg'd 'em of all Duties,, except that of the War.

Fortune approv'd of the King's Counfel, and he executing each particular, with no lefs Vigour than he had fpoke, every thing fucceeded accord- ing to his Willi; for he prevented Amyntas, ha- ving dilcover'd his treafonable Practices; and he took off Attalus by the means of Hecattus and Parmenio. Of all thole that were laid to have confpir'd againfl: Philip, he only pardon 'd Lyn- cifies, and that becaufe he had attended him at his flrft entrance on the Sovereignty, and was the |trft that faluted him as King : He put all the reft to Death; being of opinion that he provided for his own Safety, by revenging Philip after fo fevere a manner; and that thereby he mould ltifle the Report, that reprefented him as pi.- y to his Fa- ther's Death.

Their frequent falling out, had giv'n fome cre- dit to that Rumour ; and Paufinia> havnfg made 3 his


his Complaint to him , he is laid to have encou- raged his wicked Defign, by a Verfe out of a Tra- gedy, in which Medea not only threatens her Ri- val withDeftruftion, but likewife him that gave her in Marriage, and him that took her. However, he afterwards in his Anfwer to Darius s Letter , en- deavour'd to call the Odium of that Action, on the Perfians, faying, that Philip's Murtherers had been corrupted with their Gold. But that he might more effe&ually take away all Sufpicion of his having been concern'd in fo foul an A<ftion, he was think - ing a little before his Death, to build- a magnificent Temple in Honour of Philip. But that as well <vj many other Things that were found in his Memo- rials, was neglected by his Succeflbrs.

Judging therefore that his retaining the Sove- reignty of Greece, that Philip had acquir'd, would be of great Moment to facilitate the Execution of his Defigns, he march'd his Army with the mmoft Expedition, and broke into TheJJ'aly when no Bo- dy had the Ieaft Sufpicion of his Motions. Some of the Theffalians began to raife their Spirits, and having poitefs'd themielves of" the Streights at Tern- fe, they had block'd up the way that leads thither from Macedonia. Thefe Countries are feparated by the celebrated Mountains Olympus and OJJa , through whofe Valleys the River Pcneus runs, and renders them delightful even to Admiration, for which it is honour'd with public]* Sacrifices. It has on each fide its Current ftvady Groves , where, the little Birds fcem to join in a Confort from the neighbouring Trees, with the noify Fall of the Waters.. There is a narrow Way that extends' it felf five Miles in Length, being hardly broad enough for a Beait that is loaded, fo that ten Men are able to defend it againft any Number what- ever. But he made his way through thofe Rocks that were thought altogether impracticable, cuttir g D 3 the

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the fides of Mount Off a into Steps after the man- ner of winding Stairs ; and fo terrify 'd the People by his wonderful Hafte and Expedition, that with- out the leaft Oppofition , they decreed him the fame Tributes and Revenues, together with the Sovereignty of the Nation, and on the fame Con- ditions Philip had enjoy'd them. He granted an Immunity of all Duties to Pthia, in confident ion of its being the Birth-place of Achilles, from whom his Family deriv'd it felf; andfaid, he made choice of that Hero for his Companion and Fellow-Sol- dier, in the War he was undertaking again!! the jP 'erf* ans.

From ThejTrJy he march' d to ThermopyU, where the Publick Diet of Greece was held. They call it the Pylicium. There, in the Publick Aflembly of States, he was created Captain-General of rhe Greeks in the room of his Father, by the Appoint- ment of the Amphiclyones ; he confirm'd the Li- berty of the Ambrachu, which they had recover'd a few Days before, by driving out the Macedonian Garrifon ; alTuring them that he mould of his own Motion have reftor'd it to 'em, if they had not prevented his Intention. From thence he advane'd to Thebes with his Army, and having overcome the Obftinacy and Stubbornnefs of the Boeotians and Athenians, who very" much oppos'd his Defigns, he order'd all the Greek Deputies to meet him at Corinth. There the Decree of the Amphiclyones was confirm'd, and he was by the common Confent of all, commiffion'd to be Captain-General of Greece, in the Place of Philip his Father; and the Aids and Supplies were appointed for the Perfian W,ar. It happen'd, that Diogenes liv'd in the fame City, who having embrae'd a voluntary Poverty, according to the Inftitution of the Cynicks, preferr'd the Liber- ty and Freedom of hi?. Mind to Riches and Cares. He was Sunning himfdf in the Cranexm, which


is in the Suburbs of Corinth , where there is a Grove of Cyprefs Trees. Alexander beingr do iirous to fee him, went thither, and having grant- ed him the Liberty to afk him what Favour he would, he bid the King go a little ajide , and not intercept the Sun from htm. The Macedonian much mrprized at this unexpected Reply, could not but admire the Man, whom in that height of Profpe- nty, he had it not in his Power to oblige, and faid, He fljould cbufe to be Diogenes, if he were not A- lexander. For that Greatnefs of Soul which made him look down <vas it were from an Eminence) on all thofe Things, for whofe fake the reft of Man- kind gladly calt themfelves away , did not altoge- ther deceive the Mind of the penetrating Youth ; yet being blinded with infatiable D elites, he could not plainly difcover, that it was much better to want thofe Riches which were fuperfluous, than to have thofe that were neceflary.

From Peloponefus he went to Delphi to confult Apollo , concerning the Event of the War he had in hand. But the Virgin Prieftefs who pronoune'd theDeftinies, or fatal Decrees, having declar'd it to be unlawful to- confult the Deity for fome Days, he went to her himfelf, and taking hold of her , dragg'd her to the Temple.} As (he was going along, reflecting within her felf, that the Cuftom of the Country was overcome by the King's Obftinacy : She cry'd out, Thou art invincible, my Son : At which Words he ilop'd her, faying, He accepted the Omen, and that there was no Occasion for any far- ther Oracle. Thefe Things being quickly difpatch'd, he return'd to his Kingdom , and with, the utmoft Amduity, apply'd himfelf to the puniihing thofe who had done any thing in Contempt of the Ma- cedonian Majefty. Having by this time, got all Things in readinefs, he left Amyhipolis m the Be- ginning of the Spring, and march'd .againft the free t>4 People

5 6 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

People of Thrace, and after ten Encampments, ar- riv'd at Mount Hsmna. A great Body of Ihraci- ans had poilefs'd themfelves of the Top of the Mountain, with a Deii^n to hinder the King's Paf- Jage : They had plac'd their Chariots round their Camp in rhe nature of an Entrenchment, intend- ing to drive 'em againft the Enemy, if they were attack'd. Dut Alexander having difcover'd the Cunning of the Barbarians, gave Orders to his Soldiers, That upon the Chariots coming furioufiy againft 'em, they ftiould open to the Right and Left, and fo let 'em pals by without doing any Mifchief; or if they had not time for that, they ihould fling themfelves upon the Ground, covering tjieaafelves with their Bucklers, in the Form of a lortolfe. Thus :he Enemy's Stratagem became in- effe&ial, for a great part of the Chariots pafs'd through the Lanes contnv'd for 'em ; and thofe that feii among the Men, driving over the Buck- lers, by the Violence of their Courfe, bounded over them , without having Weight enough to crufn thofe that were under 'em ; fo that this Storm pad over without doing any Mifchief. The Ma- cedonians being deliver d from this Terror, with joyful Acclamations gave the Onfet. The Archers advancing from the Right Wing, gall'd the mod forward of the Barbarians , with their frequent Flights of Arrows. . So th?.t^tm -Phalanx ox Mace- donian Foot, having gain'd the Top of the Moun- tain without Danger, had no fooner got firm Foot- ing but the Victory ceas'd to be doubtful, they driving and difperiing the Enemy, who was either naked or but ilightly arm'd. But on the other iide, that very thing that had expos'd the Barba- rians during the Engagement, help'd them very much in their Flight ; for not being loaded with Arms, they eafily made their Efcape, being well acquainted with the Country. Thus about fifteen



hundred of 'era being kill'd, the reft fav'd them" felves. A great Number of Women and Chil- dren were taken ; and conlidering the Condition of the Country, the Conqueror had a confiderable Booty.

Having after this manner open'd himfelf a Paf- fage through Mount H&mus, he penetrated into the very heart of the Country o( Thrace. Among thofe People there is a Wood, confecrated to- Bacchus ,, which they have a long time held in great Veneration : Here, as Alexander was facri^ firing after the Cuftom of the Barbarians, there arofe fuch a Flame from the Wine he pour'd on the Altaiyas fpread above the Roof of the Temple, and feem'd afpiring to the very Heavens. From- hence, all that were prefent inferr'd , that the King's Glory was to have no other Bounds. Upon the neck of this, another accident happen'd, that confirm'd the Truth of this Conjecture. In the Country of the Odryfa, who are a People of Thrace, there is a Mountain call'd Libethrus, and a City of the fame Name, famous for being the Place where Orpheus was born : The King was in- form'd, by thofe that pretended to have been Eye- witneffes to the thing, that his facred Statue that was made of Cyprefs-wood, had fweat moil plentifully, Every body being felicitous for the Event, Ariftan- der remov'd their Fear, aiTuring them, That it re- ferr'd to Alexander s Exploits, which mould make the Poets and the Mufes Sons toil and fweat, in their Compofitions which fung of thofe Exploits.

The Triballi are a brave People that inhabit the Country that lies beyond Mount H&mus. Alex- ander marching againft them , Syrmus their King (being inform'd before-hand of the Macedonian Expedition ) had fled to Pence , an liland form'd by the lfter ; there he defended himfelf, with the reit of what was weak, either by reafon of Sex.

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or Age, the River ferving him as a Fortification : Alexander having but few Ships, and the Bank of the River being high and deep, and thereby of difficult Afcent, it was ealily defended by a vigi- lant and brave Enemy. The Macedonians were therefore fore'd to retire without doing any thing, and be contented with the Advantages they had gain'd fome days before ; for, in their Way hither, they had attackt another Army of the Triballi, and with the lofs of hardly Fifty Men, had kill'd Three thoufand of the Enemy.

Having in vain attempted to force King Syrmm, he turn'd the Fury of his Arms againft the Get a, who had, on the other fide of the River, drawn up in Order of Battle Four thoufand Horfe, and Ten thoufand Foot. He enter d upon this dangerous Undertaking , not fo much on the account of its Ufefulnefs, with reference to the War, as out of a defire of Fame ; that he might be able to boah\ that ( notwithstanding the Oppolition of the fierceft Nations) he had fore'd his Paflage over the largefl River in Europe : Having therefore (nipt off as many of the Cavalry as he could conveniently, he convey'd part of his Infantry over in little Boats, (of which there was a great Number) and the reft upon Skins, contriv'd for that pur- pofe. The Get a , being ftruck with Terror , at the fudden and unexpected Attack of the Macedo- nians , ( for the Night , and the Corn that grew very thick on the Bank of the River, had favour'd their PafTage) hardly bore the firlt Charge of the Cavalry. But Nicanor was no fooner come up with the Phalanx, or Macedonian Foot, than they, with the greateft Precipitancy and Con- fuiion, took to their Heels, making the belt of their Way to a Town four Miles diftant from the River ; and upon Alexanders purfuing them clofely, they carry'd off their Wives and their


to Qjjintus Curtius. 59,

Children, and whatever elfe they could load their Horfes with, and abandon'd the reft to the Con- queror.

Alexander committed this Booty to the Care of Mekager and Philip ; and having demoliuYd the Town, and erected Altars to Jupiter and Her-- cules, and to the Ifter, on the Bank thereof, for his profperous PafTage over that River, he retir'd the fame Day with his Army,, having obtained a Victory without Bloodfhed. Hereupon, Ambaf- fadors came to him from the neighbouring People, as alfo from King Syrmus , with Prefents of fuch Things as were in efteem among them. The Germans too, that inhabit all that Tract of Ground , that lies between the Head of the Ijler and the Adriatick-GxsXU fent their Ambafladors to him ; for the Ifter has its rife in Germany , and in the Language of the Country, is call'd the Danube, He admiring at the Largenefs of their Bodies ,. and Sprightlinefs of their Mind, ask'd them, What of all things they mofl dreaded and fear d ? flunking with himfelf that they were apprehenfive of his Power, and that he fnould extort fuch a Confef- fion from 'em : But they , inftead thereof, re- ply'd, That they vjcre not much afraid of any thing, unlefs it -were, left the Heavens fhould-.fall upon 'em; tho at the fame time, they had a value, for the Friend/hip of brave Men. Being furpriz'd- at fo unexpected an Anfwer , he remain'd iilent forfome time, and then broke out in this Expre-f- lion, That ^ Germans zuere a haughty and arro- gant People. However, as they delir'd, he con- tracted an Alliance with them,, and granted Peace to Syrmm and the reft ; and thinking he had gain'd Honour enough by that Expedition,, he. turn'd his Mind to the Perfian War , from which he propos'd to himfelf greater Advantages ,, with lefs Hazard and Danger. It is faid, his Uncle, after- IX & wards

60 FreinlhemiusV Supplement

wards upbraided him with that Notion, when he found the Difficulties he had to ftruggle with in the ltalianW^x ; for, complaining of the Inequality oi? their Lot, he faid, He had to do nit.b Men, where ai the Macedonian made War againjl Women.

Alexander therefore taking along with him the little Princes of Thrace, and ?.W. thole who by realbn of their Wealth or Courage were likely to caufe any Innovation in his abfence , under the pretence of doing them Honour, by chuling them for his Companions in the FcrJianWzv; he by this means took away the Heads* of the Faction, who would not dare to attempt any thing without their Leaders.

As he was returning to Macedonia by the Agri- ana and P&onians , News was brought him of the Commotions in Illyrium. A certain Collier,- whole Name was Lardylis, had advane'd himfelf to the Dignity of King over feveral Peopfe in thofe Parrs, and was become a troableibme Enemy to Mace* donia it' felf , till Philip overcame him in a great Battle ; however, he having mace a (hift ta re- new the War, Philip gave him a total Overthrow,, and made him become his VaiTal. This Bardylis was now dead, having liv'd to be fourfcore and ten Years of Age : His Son Clitus thinking it a proper time to recover his Liberty, while Alexan- ders Arms were employ'd againft the powerful Nations beyond the ifier ,. he prevail'd with the People to revolt,, making an Alliance with Claucias. King of thofe People of Iliyrium, they call Tau- Lmtij : The Autariata were like wife to fall upon the Macedonians as they were- on their March. But Langartts King of the Agriani, adher'd firmly to Alexanders Intercft, and beg'd he ivculd commit rhe Care of that People to him; afj'uring him he ivould find them fa much Employment at heme , that they fliculd no longer think of diflnrbing the Ma- cedonians,


cedonians , but hatv to defend their own. The King having- mightily commended the young Prince, and honour'd him with magnificent and noble Presents, diimifs'd him , promifing him his |ifter Gyna in Marriage, whom his Father had had by an* llhrian Woman, and had marry'd to Atnyn- tas. The Agrianian was as good as his Word , but falling lick, he was prevented by Death from receiving the Reward that was promis'd him for his Services. The Autarmta being thus reduc"d, Alexander arriv'd at Pelium (a Town in DejJ'atetiai fituate on the River Eordaicum) without any En- gagement. 'Tis true, they made a ihew as if they dem'd to come to Adlion , marching out of their Fortrelfes with great Fury, but yet they retir'd be- fore the Fight could begin, notwithstanding they had polTefs'd themfelves of all the advantageous Pofts which were full of Difficulty, by reafon of the Woods and narrow Ways. Here the Macedo- nians beheld a difmal Spectacle, three Boys, three Girls , and three black Rams lying together in a eonfus'd Slaughter ; the Barbarians having out of a cruel Superftition facriric'd 'em to their Gods, to infpire them with Courage in the Engagement: But the incens'd Deity reveng'd the Impiety on their guilty Souls-, by giving them Cowardice, iiv Head of Courage.

The King having driven them within their own -Fortifications, had refolv'd to block them up in them , by an outward Wall he intended to raife , when the next Day Glaucias arriv'd with a great Body of the Taxlantii ; fo that laying alide all Hopes of taking the Town, he began to think of making a fafe Retreat. In the mean time, PhiUta* being fent out to forage witii the Cattle that bore the Bag- gage, under Convoy of Horfe, Alexander was in- formed his Men were in Danger ; for Glaucias had polTefs'd himfelf of all the Hiils and Eminences


6z FreinfhemiusV Supplement

round the Piam, watching all Opportunities to come to an Engagement. Alexander therefore leaving part of the Army in the Camp, to prevent any Sallies from the Town, march' d in all Diligence with the reft of the Troops to their Aififtance, by winch Means having terrify'd the Jllyrians , he brought the Foragers fafe back to the. Camp.. However, his March was like to be attended with many Dangers and Difficulties ; for on one hand,, the River, and on the other, the fleep and craggy Hills fo ftraiten'd the Way , that in feveral Places four Men arm'd could hardly march a Breaft ; and-. Clitus and Glaucias had polled on the Tops of the Hills, feveral Companies of Archers and Slingers,. and a considerable Detachment of heavy arm'd Sol- diers. This made Alexander place two hundred Horfe before the Right, and as many before the Left of the Phalanx, commanding them to hold up their Spears, and on the Signal given, to prefent 'em to the Enemy, as if they were going to charge 'em, turning themfelves fometimes to the Right, and fometimes to the Left. By this Stratagem he kept the Enemy in fufpence; and having divided his Phalanx, that had haftily advane'd, and afterward reunited it a- gain into one Corps,, he at laft drew it up in the Form of a Wedge, and fell furiouily on the illy- rian Forces , who being amaz'd at the Readinefs and Skill of the Macedonians, fled haftily towards the Town. There remain'd but few on the Top of the Mountain that the Macedonian Troops had already pafs'd; fo that having diftodg'd 'em, he with two thoufand Men took Pofleflion of the Poll of the Agrianian Archers , intending to cover and facilitate the Paflage of the lhalanx over the River: The Enemy having obferv'd this, march'd: with their whole Army towards the Mountains ,,. that thofe that were compleatly arm'd, having gain'd the other fide, of the River, they might at- tack


tack the Rear, where the King himfelf was in Per- fon. But the King receiv'd them with an undaunt- ed Courage, and the Phalanx huzzaing at the fame time, as if they defign'd to repafs the River to fuc- cour their Fellow-Soldiers, ftrucka Terror into the Enemy. The King judging how things would happen, had order'd his Troops to draw up in or- der of Battle, as foon as they were landed on the other fide, and to extend their Left (which was neareft the River and the Enemy) as far as they could, that they might make the greater Appear- ance. By which Stratagem the Taulantjj, imagi- ning the whole Army was ready to fall upon them, retir'd a little. Alexander therefore taking this Opportunity, march'd in all hafte to the River, where being arriv'd, he pafs'd it over with the firft Body; and as the Enemy harrafs'd very much thofe that brought up the Rear, he fo difpos'd his Machines on the Bank, and play'd fo furioufly on the Enemy from them, that he forc'd 'em to give back. They that were already enter'd the River, plying them at the fame time with their Darts and Arrows. By this means he march'd off quietly, without the Lofs of one Man. Three Days after, he was inform'd, that the Enemy imagining he was fled through Fear, and looking on themfelves to be out of all Danger, ftraggled up and down without Order , having neither Breaft-work nor Trench before their Camp, nor fo much as Guards or Centinels : Taking therefore with him the Ar- chers and Agrianians, and that Body of Macedoni- ans that Perdiccas and Cmos commanded , he re- pafs'd the River in the Night, and march'd towards them with the utmolt Diligence, commanding the reft of the Army to follow him. But being ap- prehenfive he mould let flip the Opportunity, if he waited till that came up, he fent before him the light arm'd Soldiers, then falling himfelf with the


^4 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

rell upon the Enemy, that was half afleep, and without Arms, he made a great Slaughter of 'em,, took a good number Prifoners, and put the reft to flight, purluing them as far as the Mountains of the Taulantij. Clittis, in fo great a Con- firmation, firft went to Pelium ; but afterwards, either diftrufting the Fortifications of the Place, or the Courage of his Men, letting fire to the Town, he went and liv'd in Exile among the Taulanty.

About this time a Rumour was fpread ail over Greece that Alexander was kill'd by the Triballir which fiU'd the Enemies of the Macedonian Inte- reft, with great hopes of fome Revolution. And indeed it may be reckon'd none of the leaft Mif- fortunes in human Affairs ; that how inconfider- able foever the Authority is, we art apt to believe thofe things we wiflv for, with as much Confidence and AfTurance, as if an impertinent and ill-ground- ed Opinion was able to bear down even Truth it felf.

Nay, there was one went fo far, as to affirm,, that he faw the King furrounded ; and that they might the lefs doubt of the Truth hereof, he af- fur'd them, he had himfelf receiv'd a Wound in that Action. This being eafily credited , and fpread up and down, was the occaiion of the greater! Calamities to the Tbebans. For fome of them that Philip had baniftvd, being animated and encourag'dby it, did, under the Conduct of Ph&nix and Prothytes, bafely murther the Officers of the Macedonians, that kept Garrifon in the Cadmea, as they were walk'd out of that Citadel, not ha- ving the lealt fufpicion of any Treachery ; and the Citizens flocking together on the fpecious and plaulible account of delivering their Country from Opprellion, belieg'd the Garrifon,. furrounding it with a double Rampart and Ditch,, to prevent their receiving either Provifions or Succour.


This done, they Tent EmbafTadors in. a Suppliant manner to all the Greek Towns, to entreat them that they would not rcfufe their Aflifiance to thofe who were fo gencroully endeavouring to recover the Liberty they had been lb unworthily depriv'd of. DemoJlhe;;es too, out of an ancient Pique to the Macedonians, mov'd the Athenians to .fend fpeedy Succours to 'em : They were not how- ever fent, becaufethey were fo furpriz'd at the un- expected Arrival of Alexander, that they thought it advifable to fee firft which way Fortune was inclin'd Ttemojlhencs neverthelefs fent the The- bans what private AlLltance he could, fupplying them with a great quantity of Arms at his own Expenee ; by the help whereof, they who had by Philip been depriv'd of their own, ftraiten'd the Garrifon of Cadmea very much.

There was alfo a llrong Body of Peloponef.ans got together at the Iflhmus, to whom Antipater (who was Governor of Macedonia in the King's Abfence) having difpatch'd Meffengers, requiring them not to joyn with Alexanders profefs'd Ene- mies in violation of the General Decree of all Greece ; they, notwithstanding, gave Audience to the Theban EmbafTadors. The generality of the Soldiers feem'd to be mov'd with Companion ; but Aftylus their Leader, who was an Arcqdian by Extraction, fpun out the time in Delays; not fo much out of any apprehenfion he had, from the Difficulty of the Undertaking, as out of an ava- iiciousTemper ; hoping, that their prefling Necef- fities requiring a fpeedy Succour, he mould obtain from them a larger Sallary. He demanded ten Talents,., but the Thebans not being able to make them up, thofe of the Macedonian Party, offer'd him that Sum to be quiet. Thus the Thebans. were fruftrated of their hopes of any Afliftance from the Arcadians. However, Demojlhenes with

a fum

66 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

a fum of Money prevented fome other Troops of Peloponefus from taking up Arms againft the Thebans ; for he is faid to have receiv'd three hundred Talents from the Perfians, in order to embarafs Alexanders Affairs as much as he could. Alexander receiving Advice hereof, he march'd his Army with all poflible Expedition along Bord&a and Elymiotis, and the Rocks Stymph&a and Parg&a, and the feventh day after he fet out from Pelium, he arriv'd at Pellene a Town in Theffaly. In fix days more he reach'd Boeotia, marching to Orche- fius, which is about fix Miles diftant from Thebes. In the mean time the Thebans a died with greater Courage than Prudence, as being entirely ignorant of the Enemies Tranfa&ions. They did not be- lieve the Macedonian Army had yet pafs'd the PyU ; and as for the King's coming in -Perfon,. they were fo far from giving Credit to it,, that they did not fcruple to aflert it was another Alex- ander, the Son of JEropus, that now headed the Army.

The King having pitch'd his Camp near the Temple of Iolaus, before the Gate Pratida, was. refolv'd to give 'em leifure to repent : But they inftead thereof made a Sally,, and fell upon the Out-Guards of the Macedonians, killing fome, and driving the reft from their Poft, and were got pretty near the Camp, when the King order'd the light arm'd Troops to drive them back. The next day the King advane'd his Army to the Gates that lead towards Attica, that he might be ready at hand to fuc- courthofe that were fhut up in the Citadel, ftill ex.- pe&ing their laft Refolution ; and giving them to un- deritand he was yet difpos'd to pardon- them, if they did but repent of their Error. But they that were inclin'd to Peace, were over-rul'd by the Power of the Exiles, and thelntereft of thofe who had recall'd 'cm ; for they being fenfible there was



no hopes of Safety for them, if the Macedonians became Matters of the Town, chofe rather to be bury'd in the Ruins of their Country, than to purchafe its Safety with their own Deftruftion.

They had alio prevail'd with fome of the Princes of Bosotia to come into their Meafures*: But to what degree of Folly and Madnefs they were arriv'd, will from hence appear ; that when Alexander requir'd they would deliver up to him, the Authors of the Rebellion, alluring them, that two Heads mould expiate the Crime of the whole City ; they were fo bold as to demand on their part, that Alexander would furrender to them Phi- lotas and Antipater, two of the greater! Favourites the King had; and at the fame time caus'd a He- rald to make Proclamation, That if any were wil- ling to joyn with the great King (meaning the King of Perfia) and the Thebans againfi the Tyrant, for the Recovery of their Liberty, they might repair to Thebes, as to a place of Safety.

All this notwithstanding, Alexander did not give orders for the ftorming of the Town ; but as Ptolomem relates (though there are fome that give another Account ) Perdkw ( who commanded that pajt of the Army that fae'd the Works the Enemy had caft up, in order to block up the Cad- mean Fort) fell furioufly upon them without ex- pecting the Signal ; fo that having fore'd the Works, he came to a clofe Engagement with them. Amyn- tas (who lay. next to him) charg'd them at the fame time with the Troops under his Command, being encourag'd by his Example ; all which Alex- ander obferving, and fearing the ill Succefs of his. Men, approach'd with the main Body of the Ar- my ; and Laving commanded the light arm'd- Troops to mccour their Companions, he re- main'd with the reft before the Trenches.


68 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

The Fight was obftinate, and Perdlccas (being defperately wounded, as he was labouring to force the inward Retrenchment) was carry'd off from the place of Action ; a great many of the Cretan Archers, with their Leader Eurybotas, were deftroy'd. The Thebans prefs'd hard upon the Macedonians (who in their Fright gave way) and pudu'd 'em as they retir'd to Alexander. Whereupon the King having drawn up the Pha- lanx in order of Battle, fell upon the Enemy, whofe Troops were in Confufion and Diforder, and routed 'em.

It was here that Fortune fnifting the Scene, the Jhebans were put into fuch a Confternation, that they had not prefence of Mind enough to (hut the Gates after them, through which they enter' d the Town. TheGarrifon of the Cadmea Tallying out at the fame time, into the Streets that lay next the Citadel, produc'd fuch a happy ErTecl, that the nobleft City in all Greece was taken the very fame day it was attack'd. There was no in- stance of Cruelty omitted in the Dellrudion of this unhappy'Place; Men and Women were pro- mifcuoufly llaughter'd, nor did Weaknefs and Childhood find Companion.

This inhuman Barbarity was chiefly owing to the Phocenfes, Plat&enfes, the Orchomeni and the Theftienfes, to whom the Profperity and Weakh or' Thebes ; had been by reafon of its Vicinity, very pernicious and prejudicial. As for the Macedo- nians, they kept themfelves within the bounds of the Laws of War.

Orders were now giv'n, to abftain from any farther Slaughter, there having perifh'd already Six thoufand Men, the reft were made Prifoners,. of whom Thirty thoufand Free Perfons were fold. Clitarchm fays, that the whole Booty amounted to Four hundred and forty Talents : Others will



have it, that the very Captives were fold for that Sum. The Theffali were indebted to the Thebans in a Hundred Talents ; which Sum Alexander forgave 'em1, as being his Allies. Some few, who were known to have been againft the War, efcap'd Captivity, as alfo the Priefts, and thofe with whom the King and his Father had us'd to refide when ■in that Town ; among the reft, Timoclea receiv'd as a Reward of her Noble and Manly Behaviour, not only her Liberty, butlikewife the Honour of having her Fame celebrated to Pofterity.

A certain Thracian, who was a Captain of Horfe in Alexanders, Service, having offer d Vio- lence to this Woman, in a threatning manner ask'd her, where fhe had hid her molt valuable Effects ? She being more afrli&ed at the lofs of her Honour, than coricern'd for her Riches, turn'd the Covetoufneis of the Barbarian into an Oppor- tunity of Revenge; and pointing to a Well, (he pretended -(he had fecured therein her Jewels, and ■other Things of Value; he prefently went thither, and as he was with a greedy Curiofity looking down the Well , (he tripp'd up his Heels , and pufh'd him into it, and flinging Stones upon him, kill'd him ; he labouring in vain to get out of it, it being very deep and narrow. His Men feiz'd her, and brought her before Alexander, that (lie might be duly puniuYd , for having kill'd their Officer. The King having ask'd her who (lie was, and what fhe was brought before him for ? (he, with an undaunted Countenance, reply'd, That fie was the Sifter of that Theagnis who commanded the Thebans , and loft his Life for the Liberty of Greece. / have revengd the Affront that Wo* offer d me , by killing the RavifJier of my Honour. If you command me to ftiffer Death , by way of Atone?nent, know, that to a -vertuous Woman, there is nothing fo defytcable as Life3 after her Chaftity


jo Freinihemias\r Supplement

has been violated ; let me then perifl as foon as you pleafe, I flail fl 'ill die late enough, fwce I am fo unhappy as to have outlivd my Reputation and Country. Alexander having with Attention hearcj her, declar'd the Thracian defervedly kill'd ; and that he neither approv'd nor allow'd of Rapes to be committed on Gentlewomen, and thofe that were Free-born : Having therefore fpoke much in her Commendation , he gave her her Liberty, and on her Account, to all her Kindred, with the Privilege of departing to what Place me pleas'd : He alfo pardon'd Pindar s Pofterity, out of Refpecl: to that Poet , who had made mention in his Poems , of Alexander the prefent King's Great-Grand-father, and gave Orders that his Home mould not be burnt. For he not only lov'd the Virtue of his own Days, but alfo had a Venera- tion for the Memory of Great Men, heaping Fa- vours on their Pofterity. For afterwards having, in the laft Action againft Darius, overcome that Prince, he fent part of the Booty to the Crcto- niates , in consideration , that in Xerxes § War, when all the reft of the Greek Colonies defpair'd of Greece, they had fent one Galley to Salamis, under the Command of P hay litis. Fie likewife beftow'd feveral Honours and Gifts on the Pla- t&ans, becaufe their Anceftors had given their Ter- ritory to thofe Greeks that fought againft Mar- donius.

The Deftru&ion of Thebes was preceded by feveral ftrange and wonderful Appearances. About three Months before Alexanders coming before Thebes, wasobferv'd in the Temple of Ceres, call'd Thefmophoros, a Black Cobweb, which had appear'd White about the time of the LeuRrian Fight, by which Thebes attain'd to its higheft point of Glory and Frofperity : And a little before the arrival of the Macedonian^ the Statues in the Forum were z fecn


feen to fweat, and difmal Cryes were heard from the Lake, near Oncheflm, which, together with the Fountain Dirces nTuing great Streams of Blood, inftead of Water, might have terrify'd thefe obfti- nate People, if their Pride had not predeftin'd them to their Ruine. For looking back on the Glory of their Anceftors , whofe Manners they had altogether forfaken, they promis'd themfelves the fame good Fortune and Succefs , without ha- ving the fame Vertue and Merit, and fo haften'd on their Deftiny ; for they were fo fooliftily rafh, as with little more than an Army of Ten thou- fand, to make Head againft Thirty thoufand Foot , and Three thoufand Horfe , all Veteran Troops.

Alexander having made himfelf Matter of the Place, call'd a Council of his Allies and Friends, and referfd it to them, to coniider what Ufe ihould be made of it. There were amongft 'em Phoceans, and a great many Boeotians, whofe an- cient Difcords with the Tbebans had been very detrimental to 'em. Thefe could not think them- felves either fufficiently reveng'd, or their Safety duly provided for, if Thebes mould be left Hand- ing ; wherefore their Authority prevail'd, that the Walls and Edifices mould be demoliih'd , and the Territory belonging to it mould be divided among the Conquerors, at the Pleafure of the King. Thus one Day took from the very middle of Greece this noble City , that could boaft of not only having produc'd Great Men, but even Gods, after it had for almoft Eight hundred Years from the Oracle of the Crows , been inhabited by the fame People.

The Boeotians having been formerly driven out of their Country by the Thracians and Pelagians, they were told by the Oracle, That after four Ages, they Should recover their paternal Habitations, that


72, FreinfliemiusV Supplement

in the mean time they fltould fettle themfelves where they Jhould behold white Crows. Being therefore come to Arne , a Town in Thejj'aly, and feeing ibme Crows that the Children had whiten'd over with Parget, they fettl'd there. The Town was demolihYd at the Sound of the Flute, in the fame manner as Lyfander had threefcore Years before demolihYd Athens. However, Alexander gave Or- ders to abftain from the Temples and other facred Buildings , being folicitous, leaft through want of Care, they might alio be damnify'd ; being i-nclin'd to it (befides his own natural Veneration for the Gods) by the fad Example that had been made of fome Soldiers, who attempted to pillage the Temple of t\\tCabiri that flood before the Town ; who, while they were employ'd in this propria ne and impious Work, were confum'd by a fudden Storm of Thun- der and Lightning. The Images and the Statues of the Gods, as well as thole of Men renown'd for their Virtue , were alfo left untouch'd in the publick Places where they flood ; and it is record- ed, that in the Confternation and Fright People were in, upon the taking and plundering the City, fome had hid their Gold in the Folds and Plaits of the Garments of thofe Statues, and found it fate, when Caffander, Antipaters, Son, twenty Years af- ter, rebuilt the Town ; which he is thought to have done, not fo much out of Companion to the Ex- iles, as out of Hatred to Alexander , thinking to leflen his Glory by that Action. But notwith- standing he rertor'd the former Com pals of its Walls, yet he could not reftore its ancient Man- ners and Prolperity ; fo that it never could "recover its primitive Strength, but being frequently afflict- ed with Calamities, it has with Difficulty preser- ved to our Days, the Appearance of a final! in- considerable Town. It is laid, that Alexander af- terwards reDented what he had done, when he re- flected,

to Quintus "CurtiuS. 73

Hefted, that by the Definition of Thebes, he had put out one of the Eyes of Greece : It is alfo fa id, ie look'd upon the Death of Cluus , and the Ob1- ftinacy of the Macedonians, who cowardly refus'd to penetrate any farther into the Indies, as a vin- dictive Judgment of Bacchus upon him, for having ruin'd and deftroy'd the Place of his Birth ; nay, fome did not fcruple to fay, that the King's Death that proceeded from an Excefs of Wine, was alfo a PimiiTiment inflided on him by the Refentments of that Deity.

Thefe things being finifli'd, he fent to Athens, To let the People know, that he requir'd they would ■deliver up to him thofe Orators , that zvere perpe- tually Jiirring them up againjl the Macedonians; ■and that if they were unwilling to part with 'em* they mufl expecl the fame Reward of their Contu- macy • as they might vkiv in a late infiance of the Miferies of the Thebans. Upon this, Phocion, (who was in great Efteem with the People, on the ac- count of the integfity of his Life) representing that it was not advifable to irritate and provoke the Mind of the young victorious Kmg; and that he exhorted thofe whom the Danger particularly threaten'd, that in imitation of the Daughters of Leus and Hy- acinthus, they would not fcruple to lay down their Lives for the Good of their Country. Demaflhenes who was by name demanded, now rofe up, and i'nform'd them, That the Athenians tvere miflaken, if they imagind, that by the furrender of a fevjy they fljould procure fafety to themfelves ; that on ths contrary, ^Macedonians cunningly requird thofe Perfons from 'em, whofe Vigilance and Vertue they ■7110 f fufpected and hated, and that having remov d the Patrons and Protestors of the publick Liberty , they would afterward fall upon the defencelefs and deftitute City, as Wolves' do upon the Sheep, when their Guardian Dogs are remov d.

Vol, I. E Demoflhems

74 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

Demojlhenes had fliewn himfelf a bitter Enemy of the Macedonians, and therefore very reafonably concluded, there was not the leaft room left him to hope for Mercy. For Philip being kill'd , he mov'd the Athenians to build a Chappel in Ho- nour of Paufanias; that publick Thankfgivings might be made in the Temples of the Gods, and that all the other ufual marks of great Joy might be cxprefs'd calling Alexander fometimes a Child, and fometimes the Margite ; a word of contempt, that meant his prodigious Folly and Madnefs. And being corrupted by the PerfianGold, he bad been the Incendiary and Promoter of almoft all the Wars the Greeks had made with Alexander, and Philip his Father.

He had beiide excited Attalm (who was Alex- anders bittereft Enemy) to declare open War a- gainft the King, promifing him the Afliftance of the Athenians. And the Athenians had not of- fended a little, having caft down Philip's Statues, and converting the Materials to the moil Scanda- lous Ufes; committing befides all the other Indig- nities the ignorant Rabble (who have no concern for the future) are apt to be guilty of, when in- ftigated by the Direction and Management of a few. But of all their Tranfgreflions, none offend- ed the King fo much, as the Humanity and Com- pafiion they exprefs'd for the Thebans ; whom they had contrary to his Edicl: receiv'd, when they made their efcape from the Ruins of their Coun- try ; (hewing fo great a Concern for their Misfor- tunes, as to put off the Solemnity of the Myfte- ries they were wont to celebrate with the greater! Devotion every Year in honour of Bacchus, mere- ly on the account of this publick Calamity. But out of his ftrong inclination to the Perfian War, he chofc rather to forgive the Greeks their Injuries, than to puni/h them.



Wherefore Demades (who had been in great favour with Philip) having prefented to him the humble Interceflions of the City, he granted to the Athenians, that they mould keep Demofthenes, Lycurgu*, and the others he had requir'd of 'em, provided they did but banim Charidemtu. Here- upon Charidemus went over to the Perfians, and did them great Service ; 'till giving his Tongue too great a liberty, he waskill'd by Darius's Or- def. Many other considerable Perfons, out of ha- tred to the King , left the City , and repair'd to his Enemies , and gave the Macedonians a great deal of trouble. After fo great a tide of Succefs, there was no Power left in Greece; that reflecting on the Theban Victory (whofe heavy arm'd Sol- diers were formerly in great efteem,) or on the taking of Leucadia, could repofe any confidence, either in their own Strength, or that of any Forti- fications ; for he redue'd the Leucadians ( who were elated and arrogant, on the account of the ftrong fcituation of their Town, and the great quantity of Stores and Provifions they had laid in for a long Siege) by Famine ; firft making himfelf Mafter of all the Forts and Caftles round it, and giving to thofe he found therein, liberty to go in- to Leucadia ; by which means the People daily encreafing in multitude, foon empty'd their Ma- gazines. Ambafladors were therefore fent him from Peloponnefa, to congratulate him on his ha ving, according to his defire, finiuYd the War a- gainft the Barbarians, and chaftis'd the Infolence and Temerity of fome of the Greeks.

The Arcadians, who had been in motion, pre- paring to aflift the Thebans, gave him to under- hand they had pafs'd Sentence of Death on thofe Leaders who had been the caufe of their extrava- gant Proceedings. The Elei acquainted him like- wife that they recall'd thofe they had banifiYd, out E 2 of

y6 FreinfhemiusV Supplement, &c

of this Confideration only, that Alexander had a kindneis for them : And the JEtoli excus'd them- selves, that in fo general a Dilturbance of Greece, they had not been free from fome evil Practices. The Megareans caus'd the King and thofe about him to laugh, by the new kind of Honour they pretended to confer upon him ; telling him, That in confideration of his good dipofition and favours to the Greeks, the Megareans had by a Decree .of the People ', made him free of their City. But being af- terwards inform'd, that to that very day they had not beirow'd that Honour on any except Hercules, he gracioully accepted of it. To the others he made Anfvver, That he had nothing more at heart, than the (^uiet a?id Safety at Greece ; and that provided they refrain d making any difiurbance for the time to cot?iey he readily forgave "em -what was pa ft. However he very much dirlrufted the Spar- id ;7 j, and therefore reftor'd the Sons of Philias to Meffene, from whence they had been driv'n ; he gave alio to Ch&ron the Government of Pelene, a Town belonging to the Ach&ans, and put Sicyon and other Towns of Peloponnefus into the hands of his Friends and Dependents, that they might have an Eye upon the Couniels and Deportment of the Lacedemonians.

A few Months fume'd him for the performance of fo many great and weighty things ; in which he put an end to fo difficult and doubtful a War, with more eafe than another could in that time have been prepar'd for it. He acknowiedg'd he ow'd his Conqueft to Expedition and Celerity ; telling one that afk'd him by what means he chiefly fubdu'd Greece ? that it zvas by delaying nothing.


The Second BOOK


John Freln/hemius's Supplement



CHAP. r.

ARIUS was King of Perfia at that Time ; having been rais'd to that Dignity by the Intereft of Bagoas the Eunuch, a little before the Death of Philip. King Ochus and his Son Arfes being dead, and all that Line utterly extinct, Bagoas thought it adviiable to make a friendly Prefent of that Empire which he could not keep himfelf ; judging he fhould for ever be fure of the Favour of him he (hould fo highly oblige. At the fame time Darius was not look'd upon by the People to be unworthy of that high - Station, he not being altogether a Stranger to the Royal Family. For Ojlanes, Ochus's Unkle, had E 3 for

78 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

for his Son Arfanes, who was Father to Cadman- nus\ this being Darius s Name, while a private Verlbn. But after he was feated in Cyrus's Throne, according to the Cuftom of the Perfians, he laid afide his former Name, and took that of Barms. He had a Mb diftinguifti'd himfelf in the Army, ha- ving kili'd his Adverfary upon a Challenge, du- ring the War Ochus was engag'd in againft the Ca- dafii, and thereby eftablmYd a great opinion of his Bravery and Courage. He was the tenth from Cyrus (who founded that Empire) who recover'd Perfia. For Ochus fucceeded Artaxerxes his Fa- ther, who had fucceeded Darius. To this, Ar- taxerxes the Son of Xerxes left the Kingdom. Xerxes fucceeded his Father Darius, who was the Son of Hyftafpes, and who (when Cyrus's Line was extinct by the Death of Cambyfes) in the fa- mous Confpiracy of feven Perfians, wrefted the Mmpire from the Magi. Under thefe Kings the Perfian Affairs flourifh'd in an un-exampled ftate of Profperity, for the fpace of two hundred and almoft thirty Years; having had a noble and brave beginning ; while the Nation no way addicted to Pleafure and Voluptuoufnefs , fought gallantly for Liberty, Glory, and Riches. In procefs or time, when they had reap'd the advantageous Fruits of their Vertue, they at length neglected the thing it felf, and ow'd their Safety not fo much to their own Strength and Bravery, as to the Reputation of the Power their Anceftors had acquir'd, and their Riches ; with which however they were not much lefs fuccefsful againft the Greeks than with their Arms.

At laft then, when they found their Gold ineffe- ctually oppofed to the Power of Alexander, and that upon the Removal of all other Foreign Means of Afliftance , they were now to depend upon themielves ; fo debauched were their Minds, their



Spirits fo broken and foften'd to fo low a degree of Effeminacy, that they could not fupport them- felves under the firft fhock of their declining For- tune. For Poverty Jharpens Induftry ; zuhere.ts Luxury and Jdlenefs are the Effecls of Affluence and Plenty. Being, however, inform'd of the Death of Philip, ( whofe Succefs and Preparations alarm'd and terrify'd 'em) they were freed from their Fears; and defpis'd Alexanders Youth, who they imagin'd would be well enough fatisfy'd, if he might walk up and down unmolefted at Pella. But receiving every Day freih Intelligences of his Wars and Victories, they began very much to dread the Youth they before contemn'd; and ac- cordingly, with great Care and Diligence, prepar'd themfelves for a vigorous and long War. And having in their former Wars found by Experience, that the Afiatkk Troops were not a Match for the Europeans , they fent proper Perfons into Greece, to hire into their Service Fifty thoufand Men, the Flower of the Youth of that Country. Memnon the Rhodian was appointed to command thefe Forces, he having on feveral Occafions given the Perfians Proof of his Fidelity and Bravery. He was order'd to make himfelf Matter of Cyzicum ; marching therefore in great diligence through that part of Phrygia that joins to the Trojan Territory, he came to Mount Ida , which declares the Na- ture of its Situation by its Name ; for the Antients us'd to call all Places which were planted thick with Trees , Idas. This Mountain rifes higher than any of the reft that are near the Hellefpont. In the middle of it there is a Cave much celebra- ted in Fables, out of a religious Horror;- for it is faid, the Trojan here pafs'd his judgment on the Beauty of the Goddefles, when having been expos'd by his Father's Command, he was educated to Manhood upon this Mountain. It is faid alfo to E 4 have

8o FreinfhemiusV Supplement

have been the Birth-place of the Idean Dadyfes, who by the Initruftion of Cyhle , or the Great Mother, found out the various Ufes of Iron ; it being no iefs uieful and beneficial to us, when our Occasions require it, or our Labours , than per- nicious, when it is the cruel Inurnment of our Anger and Rage. There is another thing worthy Admiration, reported of it, viz.. That when the Winds, at the rile of the Bcg-ftar , ruffle and difturb the lower Parts , the Air in the top of Mount Ida is calm and quiet: As alfo, that while there is yet a great part of the Night hovering over the Earth, the Sun is there to be feen, not in the Figure of a Globe or Round, but extended m a large Breadth , and embracing both iides of the Mountain, as it were, with diftinci Bodies of Fire, 'till by degrees it unites again, and becomes one ; and that at the approach of the Light, it does not take up a greater fpace than that of an Acre of Ground ; and contracting itfelf a little after into its ufual Compafs , it performs its ap- pointed Courfe. As for my part, I am of Opi- nion, that this falfe Miracle appears to our Eyes, when the imperfect: Image of the Rifing Sun fpreads itfelf through the Air that is condens'd by the' Nocturnal Cold, and no way ihaken or di- vided by the Wind, 'till the Sun thawing and diflipating it by degrees, gives the Eye a free Parage to the Orb of this Planet : For then the. Air is pure and ferene, and the Rays of the Sun are eafily tranfmitted through it ; whereas when it is condens'd, it obftru&s and flops them , and as if they fell upon a Looking-glafs, it difperfes 'em with an Encrcafe of Splendor and Bright- nefs.

The Territory of Cyzicxm extends itfelf from the foot of Mount Ida to Propontis. The Town is iituate in an Ifland of a moderate compafs, be- ing


ingjoin'd to the Continent by two Bridges. But Alexander undertook the Work fome time after, and was upon the Sea when Memnon undertook his Expedition. Memnon having, by his unex- pected Attempt, in vain terrify'd the Cyzikians, (the Inhabitants making a vigorous ReMance, and defending themfelves gallantly ) was forc'd to retire, having firft plunder'd the Country round about it, and carry'd off a considerable Booty. All this while the Macedonian Generals were not idle ; for Parmenio took Grynium a Town in JEolia, and made Slaves of the Inhabitants : After which, paffing the River Caicm, he lay down be- fore Pitane, a rich and wealthy Place, having two convenient Ports, whereby it could receive Relief from Europe; but, upon the feafonable arrival of Memnon,h.e was forc'd to raife the Siege. Cala-y with a imall number of Macedonians, and fome hir'd Troops, carry'd the War into the Country of Troy , and came to an Engagement with the Perfians; but finding he was not a Match for their Multitude, he retir'd to Khoztium.


I-N the mean time, Alexander having fettled the Affairs of Greece , and being return'd to Ma-. cedon,wzs deliberating with his Friends about thofe Things he ought to provide againft, and about thofe he ought to execute, before he enter'd upon fo great a War. Aniipater and Parmenio, who were the chief amongft 'em, both for their Age and Quality, earneftly begg'd of him, that he would not in one Per/on expofe the Welfare and Profperity of the xvhole Empire to the treacherom Vncertaintks of Fortune , but would -firfl marry E 5 and

82, FreinfhemiusV Supplement

and get Children ; and having by that means pro- vided for the Safety of his Country , afterwards apply him f elf to the enlarging his Dominions. The reafon of which Advice was , that there was at this time only Alexander left of Philip's Blood, that was worthy of the Empire, Olympias having deftroy'd all Cleopatra's IlTue : And Arid&ws, on the account of the mean Extraction of his Mo- ther, and the Disturbance of his Mind, was look'd upon as one that would not become the Mace- donian Sceptre. However, Alexander being of a reftlefs Temper, could think of nothing but War, and the Glory that refults from Victory ; where- fore he reply'd in this manner : Like Men of Pro- bity, and good Patriots, you are not without Caufe felicitous about the thing that may either benefit or damnife your Country. No body can deny but it is a hard ar.d difficult Task we are undertaking ; which if we rafirty attempt, and the Event fhould not anfwer Expectation, a late Repentance could make no Amends : For it is our Bufinefs, before we hoifi our Sails, to confult, whether it be advifeable to undertake the Voyage , or keep quiet at Home. But when we have once committed ourfelves to the Winds and the Waves , we are altogether at their Mercy. J therefore do not take it ill, that you differ from my Opinion ; on the contrary, I com- mend your Sincerity, and defire you will Jhew the fame Integrity with reference to thcfe Matters thai fhall hereafter become the Subjects of our Debates. They, who are really their Kings Friends, if there be any worthy that Title, in their Advice, do not fo much confider how to procure this Favour, as how to promote their Intereft and their Glory. He that advifes any otherwife than he would aci him- felf, is fo far from injlruclmg him that confult: him, that he impofes upon him, and deceives him. Now that I may lay my own Opinion open to you ,

I am


1 am fatisfyd, that nothing is lefs conducive, to the Jnterefl of my Affairs, than Belay. After having curb'd all the Barbarians in the Neighbourhood of Macedon, and quieted the Commotions of Greece, fhall we fuffer a brave and victorious Army ta wafte away in Eafe and idlenefs, or lead it into the wealthy Provinces of Afia, which they have already taken Pojfejfion of in Hopes ; de firing the Spoils of . the Perfians, as a Reward of thofe Labours they have gone through in their long Service under my Father, and for thefe three Tears pafl under our Command ? Darius is but lately come to the Crown, and by his putting Bagoas to Death, by whofe means he obtain d it, has giv'n his People a Sufpicion of his being both cruel and ungrateful, which Vices are apt to caufe an Averfion in the befi Subjects againfi their Rulers, and to render 'em lefs ready to Obey, if not altogether Refractory. Shall we fit ftM, then till he has confirm d his Authority, and having fittl'd his Affairs at home, of his own accord, tran- fiates the War into Macedon ? There are great Ad- vantages to be reap'd from Celerity and Difpatch, which, if we lye ftill, will accrue to the Enemy.

The firfl Inclination of the Mind, is of great Mo- ment in things of this Nature ; now that is always ready for them that lay hold of it : For no Body by delay, courts the Reputation of being ftrongefi and bravefi : But he is efieemd the firongefl and bravejl, that declares and carries abroad the War, and not he that receives it at home. Befides, hew much fijall. we hazard our Reputation, if we deceive the Hopes of them, who,notwithfianding our Touth,have thought us worthy of that Honour that our Father, who was a Great Captain, and had given fo many Proofs of his Bravery and Conduct, did- not yet receive till a little before his Death? Nor did the Council of Greece decree us the Sovereign Command, that we fhouid live idly in Macedon, minding nothing but Ti 6 our-

84 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

our Pleafures, -without the leaf Concern for former Injuries, and thofe that have of late been offer & to the Grecian Name : But that we jhould revenge and puniflj thefe Infolencies ; which the Extra- vagance of their Pride has induced them to offer with fuch a?i Air oj Boldnefs and Arrogance. What /hall I fay of thofe Greek Nations, that being fcat- tered up and down Alia , are opprefsd by the in- fupportable Slavery of the licentious Barbarians? It zvere needlefs to reprefent to you with what Prayers and Arguments Delius the Ephefian pleaded their Caufe, fince it is f ill frefh in your Memories. This is however certain , that the very Moment they behold our Standards , they will immediately repair to us, and readily embrace the greatejh of Dangers, for the fake of their Deliverers and Protestors, a- gainfi their unjuft, cruel, and inhuman Mafters. But- zvhy, as if zve had forgot our felves and our Ene- mies, Jhould we look about for Afflftance and Suc- cour againfl a People, which to be flow in conque- ring, would redound more to our Shame than Glory * la our Father s Time, a fmall Body of Lacedaemo- nians having march 'd into Alia , were in vain op- pas d by vafl A.rmies of the Enemy , who fuffer'd Phrygia, Lydia, and Paphlagonia, to be harrafsd a/id plunder d; or if they offer d to hinder or oppofe it, they were beaten and fain , even to the tiring their Enemies zvith their Slaughter; till Agefilaus being call'd away zvith the Troops under his Com- mand, on the account offome Commotions in Greece, gave 'em (when they zvere in the greatefl Confufion, and altogether uncertain what meafures to take ) fnfficient Time to recover themfelves from their Triglot. A few Years before ' him, fear ce ten thoufand Grecians i without Leaders, and without- Provifions , open d themfelves a Paffage with their Sword , through fo many Nations of Enemies, even to the Heart of V/;-?- Periian Empire, though they were purfu d at the


fame Time by the Kings tuhole Army, with which he had lately difputed the Crown with his Brother Cyrus, and conquer d him ; and yet whenever they came to an Engagement, this victorious Army was always beaten by the Greeks, and put to fliglrt^ Shall we then, after we have overcome Greece in fo many Vtclories , and brought it under our Obe- dience, having either kiWd the braveft amongft 'em, or got 'em in our Camp; Shall tve, 1 fay, be afraid of Alia, when a few of thofe zvhom zve have beaten? have given it fo many fhameful Defeats ?

After this, he hid a great deal more to the fame Purpofe , by which he fo mov'd the Minds of his Hearers, that they all came into his Opinion ; nay, Parmenio himfelf , who iiickl'd moil to have the War delay'd, was now for having it enter'd upon with all fpeed, and even made preffing Speeches to Alexander on that account. Wherefore making it his whole Buflnefs to get every thing in readi- nefs for his March, he offer'd a folemn Sacrifice to Jupiter the Olympian, at Dium a Town in Ma- cedon. This Sacrifice was originally inftituted by Archelam, who reign'd after Perdiccas, the Son of Alexander. He alfo had Stage-Plays in Honour of the Mufes, which lafted nine Days, according to the Number of thofe GoddefTes. After this, he gave a magnificent Entertainment, in a Tent that held a hundred Beds; there he feafted with his Friends , his Generals, and the Deputies of the Towns ; he order'd likewife, that Part of the Vi- dtims fhould be diftributed among the Soldiers with other Provifions, that this Day, which was dedica- ted to Mirth, might be celebrated with all Enter- tainments, and lucky Omens of the future War.


%6 FreinfhemiusV Supplement


IN the beginning of the Spring, having gather'd his Forces together, he pais'd into Afia ; the Strength of his Army confined more in its Cou- rage and Bravery , than in its Number of Men. Parmenio led thirty thoufand Foot, of which there were thirteen thoufand Macedonians, the reft were Troops fent by the Confederates. Thefe were follow'd by five thoufand others made of Illyrians, Thracians, and the Triballi, to which were added a thoufand Agrianian Archers. Phiiotas had the Command of the Macedonian Horfe that confifted of one thoufand eight hundred. Galas headed the like Number of TheJJ'alians. The reft of Greece fent only fix hundred Horfe, which he gave the Command of to Erigym : CajJ'ander commanded the Van, which confifted of nine hundred Thra- cians and P&onians. With this Army, having only thirty Days Provifion, he ventur'd to make Head againft an infinite Number of Barbarians , relying on the Strength and Bravery of his Men ; who be- ing grown old in a continud Series of Victories, were by their Courage and ikilful Ufe of their Arms, more than a Match for any Number of Enemies whatever. He entrufted the Government of Mace- donia and Greece, Vf ixhAntipater, leaving him twelve thoufand Foot and fifteen hundred Horfe, giving him withal this Charge , to make conftant Levies to recruit his Army, and fupply the Confumption of War, and the necefiary Decays of Mortality. This was the only tiling he had referv'd to him- felf, when he divided the reft amongft his Friends. For before he took (hipping , he had diftributed among 'em all that he could, without impairing the Majefty of Regal Dignity. Perdkcas refus'd



the Lands that were offer'd him , and defir'd the King to tell him, what he would have left for himfelf? To which the King anfwer'd, Hopes. Why then, reply'd he, we Jhall partake of them, fince we fight under your Conduct and fortune. There were a few that imitated him, the reft ac- cepted his Gifts. Alexander being again afked, Where his Treafures were now ? anfwer'd, in the Bands of his Friends. And indeed, as he had flung himfelf upon Fortune, and flaked his All upon the Hazard of her Dice, he did not feem to have mif- plac'd his Riches : For as by conquering he flood fair for greater, fo if he were overcome, he could expect no lefs than to lofe thofe he had ; in the mean time, he was fure of being ferv'd with great- er Qieerfulnefs and Alacrity. And as for the pre- fent Neceflities, they did not furTer much by the Grants he had made of his Lands , Mannors, and Revenues, whofe Time of Payment was ftill re- mote. As for the Money, it was fet apart for the Ufe of the War, and was with fo much the great- er Care hufbanded in the Difpenfation, by how much it was lefs in Quantity. For when Philip was kill'd, there was hardly threefcore Talents of coin'd Money in the Exchequer, and a few Silver and Golden Veffels : Whereas the Debts at that Time, amounted to five hundred Talents. And notwithftanding he had very much augmented the Macedonian Power and Intereft, and fo far im- prov'd the Golden Mines near Crenides (which he call'd Philippos) that he drew from thence the yearly Income of a thoufand Talents ; yet by rea- fon of his continual Wars , and the large Prefents he made, the Treafury was quite exhaufted : He had befides , laid out vaft Sums in repairing and adorning Macedonia, which he found in a very poor and low Condition. A great many could remem- ber,


88 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

ber, that at his coming to the Crown, he was but in indifferent Circumftances , infomuch that he us'd to lay under his Pillow, every Night when he went to Bed, a Gold Cup which he had, that weigh'd about fifty Drachma's. And yet this Man's Son ventur'd to attack the King of Ptrfia, who had five thoufand Talents of Gold for his Pillow, and three thoufand Talents of Silver for his Footftool, plac'd under the Head and Feet of his Bed, in proper Repo- fitories; altho' he had added to his Father's Debts eight hundred Talents which he had taken up up- on Loan, of which there hardly remain'd the tenth Part. He is faid to have fet out, Tlmothem play- ing on the Flute, and the Army expreffing the greateft Cheerfulnefs imaginable, as having alrea- dy engrofs'd in their Thoughts, all the Wealth and Riches of the Barbarians they were going to fight againft. After this manner he was carry'd to the Strymen, through a Lake call'd Circinites, (from a neighbouring Mountain) where he had a Fleet. He came firft to Amphipolis, from whence he proceed- ed to the Mouth of the Strymon which having- pafs'd, he march' d by the fide of the Mountain PangAtu , and ft ruck into the Way that leads to Abdera. and Maronea.- He on purpofe march'd a- long the Shore , that he might be ready to aflift his Fleet that fait'd by him, in cafe the Perfians fiiould attack it, for they were at that Time alfo Mailers at Sea, and he had but a moderate Fleet: Whereas the Enemy had Ships from Cyprw and Ph&nkia, and Mariners harden'd to Sea-affairs, and very experienc'd Rowers. For the Macedonians having but lately attempted the Sovereignty of the Sea, did not abound with Ships, and the Allies fur- nifli'd em but fparingly, and as it were againft their Will Even the Athenians, when they were requir'd to fend in their G allies, fent but twenty.


to Q_uiN.ru s Curtius. 89?

Their Orators perfuading 'em that it was dange- rous, left upon its Arrival, it fhould be employ'd againlt thofe who had fent it.

From hence he march'd to the River Hebrus 1 which having pafs'd without much Difficulty, he came into P&tica, a Country in Thrace ; from thence paffing over the River Mela*, on the twen- tieth Day from his fetting out , he arriv'd at Se- flus , a Town fituate in the Extremity of the Con- tinent, and looking into the Hellefpont, where the. Sea contracting it felf into ieveral Windings , di- vides Aft a from Europe; for Macedcn is join'd to Thrace, which extending itfelf to the Eaftward in two Points, would reach Afia if it were not fepa- rated from it by the Sea ;. on the right hand the Hellefpont hinders it, and farther on the BofphortMf_ flrnam'd the Thracian, divides Byzantium from Chalcedon. Propontis that is contracted between thefe Streights , enlarges its Channel near the Countries of Bithynia and Pcntus. Below Bi- thynia, lies Myfia , and then Phrygia , and Lydia that joins to- that, are more remote from the.. Sea ; the more inward Provinces- that are very fpacious and large, and celebrated for their Fer- tility and Riches , are inhabited by Ieveral Nati- ons. The Coafts that face Thrace and Greece are poffefs'd by the Hellefpont ins , and farther on by the Trojans, famous for their Misfortunes and Ca- lamities. Beneath thefe Aiolis and Ionia, in a long Extent of Shore, ftretch themfelves out on the Borders of Lydia. In the next Place is Caria that joins to the Country -of Boris, and is in a great meafure encompafs'd with the Sea, and the Inland- Parts of which are of a large Extent. Near thefe Territories are the noble Iflands, the Alolic Lesbus, the Ionian Chius and Samus, and the Doric Rho- dus, and feveral others whofe Names are celebra-. ted in the Writings of the Greeks : For formerly


jo FreinfliemiusV Supplement

the Greeks had Colonies in thefe Places , which were ftill remaining, but when they became fub- jed: to the King of Perfid, and his Governors, they loll their antient Liberty and became Slaves. Alexander being arriv'd at Seftus, order'd the grea- teftPart of his Array to repair to Abydus> feated on the oppofite Shore , under the Conduct of Par- menio, with whom he left for this purpofe, a hun- dred and threefcore Gallies, befides feveral Ships of Burthen : while he with the reft went to Eleunte, which is dedicated to Protefilaus, whofe Grave is there, with a Tomb erected to his Memory. The Tomb is encompafs'd with a great many Elms, which are of a wonderful Nature; for the Leaves that put out in the Morning , on thofe Branches that look towards Huim, fall immediately, while the others retain a lafting Verdure : It is thought that they hereby exprefs the untimely Fate of the Hero, who being in the Flower of his Age, when he accompany'd the Greeks in their Ajran Expedition , fell the firft Victim of the Trojan War. Alexander therefore paying him the Rites of the Dead, implor'd that he might be attended with better Fortune when he landed on the Ene- mies Shore. From hence he went to sigeum ta- king with him fifty Gallies, and beheld that Ha- ven that was become remarkable by the Greeks putting in there with their Fleet in the Trojan War. When he was in the middle of the Helle- fpont (for he himfelf was Pilot of his own Ship) he facrific'd a Bull to Neptune and the Nereids, flinging the golden VelTel (out of which he had made the Libation) into the Sea , as a Prefent to the Dei- ties of the Sea. The Fleet being come into the Harbour, the King calling a Dart upon the Shore, leap'd out of the Ship , and was the firft who lauded', protefting at the fame time , that with $h$ Afiftance of the Gods , he propos'd by a jufi



War to make himfelf Majler of Afia. He after- wards erected Altars in the Place where he made his Defcent, to Jupiter, Minerva, and Hercules : he alfo order'd Altars to be built in that Place of Europe from whence he fet out.


FROM hence he proceeded on to the Plains, where he was ftiew'd the Seat of the ancient 'iroy. Here, while *he was examining curioully the Monuments of the Works of the Heroes, one of the Inhabitants , promis'd him Paris s Harp : To whom he made Anfwer, That he did not fit any Value on the mean Inftrument of Effeminate Pleafures : But give me, if you can, that of Achil- les, on which he usd to celebrate the Praifes of the Heroes, with the fame Hand, with which he fur- pafs'd their Atchievements. For he was a great Admirer of Achilles, valuing himfelf for being de- fended from him ; he therefore with his Friends run naked round his Tomb, and anointed it with Oyl, and adorned it with a Crown. Heph&fiion like- wife put a Crown upon that of Patroclus : hint- ing thereby that he held the fame Rank in Ale- xander's Favour, that the other did in Achilles' s. Among the various Difcourfes they had concern- ing Achilles , the King faid, he look'd upon him ta have been doubly happy ; for having had, while li- ving, a true and faithful Friend ; and when dead, a good Poet to celebrate his Actions. He alfo facri- fic'd to the other Heroes , whofe Tombs are to be feen in thofe Countries. He offer'd Sacrifices likewife to Priamus , on Hereius's Altar, either to appeafe his Ghoft, as having being kill'd by Achil- les 's Son ; or elfe on the Account of the Relatioa


9^ Freiniliemius\r Supplement

he thought there was between him and the Tro- jam, fince Neoptolemus marry 'd Andromache, He- it&r's* Widow. He with great Devotion facri- fic'd to Minerva , for whom he had a particular Veneration : and hanging up his Anns in the Temple , he took down others that were faid to have been there , ever fince the time of the Tro- jan War. Thefe he caus'd to be bore before him, as if they were lent him by the favour of the Dei- ty, to conquer and fubdue Afia; and it is faid he actually had them on , when he fought the Per* fian Generals near the Granicum : Otherwife he took great Delight in fine Arms, being in nothing fo nice as in them. I find him to have made ufe of a Buckler that was very bright, and that his Head- piece was finely fet off with a Tuft of Feathers, that fell down on. each Side, and were remarka- ble for their extreme Whitenefs- and Largenefs. It is true his Headpiece was of Iron, but then it- was fo neatly polim'd that it look'd like Silver, and was the Work of Theophilns. His Collar was, alfo of Iron, but it was curioufiy adorn' d with precious Stones , that caft a glorious Luftre. His Sword was remarkable both for its Edge and Tem- per ; and it was the more valuable for this, that notwithstanding its Strength, it was light and ea- fily handl'd. Over this Armour he would fome- times wear a military Sur-tout of that kind that was then call'd the Sicilian Fafliion. Some of thefe Arms he had not till afterwards; as for In- ftance , the Breaft-plate which we mention'd , wras found amongft the Spoils after the Battel near IJfits; the Sword was prefented him by the King of the Citici a People of Cyprus. The V^hodians made him aPrefent of his Belt, which was wrought with imcomparable Art, by Helicon that famous Artificer. We are not afiSam'd to relate thefe Particulars which have defervedly found Place in


the Works of ancient Authors ; be fides the Say- ings and Actions of great Kings, how minute and light foever they may be , are reflected on , with both Profit and Pleafure. It is moft certain that the Arms of Alexander were held in great Eiteeni by following Ages, nay Time it felf, that general Deflroyer, feem'd* to fhew a refpect to 'em ; for one of the Roman Generals, after the Conqueft of the Pontkk Kingdoms, wore his Cloak at the So- lemnity . of his Triumph ; another having put ©n his Bread Plate , run up and down the Bridge he had made over the Sea, m Imitation of Da- rius and Xerxes. Alexander march'd from the Temple of Minerva to Arisbe, where the Mace- donians , that Parmeris commanded, were en- camp'd.

The next day he pafs'd by the Towns Percote and Lampfacus , and came to the River Pratfius ; which riling out of the Jd&an Mountains, runs through the Territories of Lampfacus and Abydus9 and then winding a little to the Northward, em- pties it felf into Propontis. From thence paffing by Hermotusy he march'd to Colon*, a Town fftu- ate in the middle of the Lampfacenian Territory. Having taken all thefe into his Protection , upon their Submiffion to him (for he had pardon' d the Lampfacenians) he fent Penegorus to take Poflef- iion (3f the Town of the Priapeni, which the In- habitants furrender'd to him. Then he order'd Amyntnt, who was the Son of Arrab&us, to take four Troops , (whereof one confifted of Apollo- mates, and was commanded by Socrates) and go upon the Scout in order to get Intelligence of the imemy, who was not now far off, and was making all the Preparations pofhble for the War. Among them Memnon for Skill in military Matters , tar exceeded the relt. He endeavour'd to perfuade 'em i To dejlroy every thing all round about them . j that

94 FreinlhemmsV Supplement

that could be of any ufe to the Enemy, and then retire farther into the Country ; to caufe the Ca- valry to trample down and zvajie all the Grafs ; to burn all the Villages and Towns ; leaving nothing behind 'em but the bare, naked Land ? That the Macedenians had hardly a Month's Frovifion, and they would afterwards be necejfitated to live upon Plunder-, now if that Means of fubfijling were re- mov'd , they zvoud in a little time be fore d to re- tire, fo that all Afia wou'd be fafe at a cheap rate. It w as true, that there was Jomething very difmal in his Advice ; but on all occafions, where Dan- gers were impending, wife Men made it their Bufi- nefs to get off with as little Damage as they could. Thus the Phyficians, if one part of the Body be feiz'd with a Difiemper, which is likely to fpread into other Parts , they lop it off, and fo with the Lofs of a Limb, fecure the Health of the refl of the Body : That the Perfians would not do this with- out a Precedent. Tor Darius had formerly dejlroy'd all thefe Countries , lejl the Scythians in their Paf- fage through them, fhould find Accommodation. If they came to a Battle , all zvould be at Stake , and if the Perfians were beat, all that Country would fall into Alexander'* Hands ; whereas, if they got the better, they would be Jlill but where they were. That indeed there was no fmall Danger from the Macedonian Phalanx , that the Perlian Toot, tho much more numerous, would not be able to refift it : Befides, the King's being prefent would not contri- bute a little to the gaining of the Vicloryt fince the Soldiers fighting in the Prefence of their General, would be fpurrd on zuith Hope, Shame, and Glory at the fame Time; all zvhich Advantages the Mace- donians had, zvhile Darius zvas abfent from them. Befides, no Body doubted but that it was much bet- ter to make War in a foreign Country than in ones *wn ; that they would be fure of that Advan- tage


tagt if they followed his Advice And invade^ Ma- cedon.

But this Speech did not pleafe any of the other Generals : They faid, Perhaps this might feem proper to Memnon the Rhodian, who would find a. benefit by protracting the War, fince he would there- by enjoy his Honours and Salaries fo much the lon- ger ; but it would be a foul Difgrace to the Per- sians to betray the People that were committed to their Truji and Care, and that they could not an- fwer it to the King, whofe Infiruclions to them laid down a very different Scheme for the Profecu- tion of the War : For Darius being inform'd of Alexander's Motion , had lent Letters to his Go- vernors and Lieutenants, commanding them, Firfi to put that rafl) Youth of Philip'* in mind of his Years and Condition, by whipping him , and then to fend him to him cloatWd in Purple and bound ; to fink his Ships with their Crew, and carry all his Soldiers to the remotefi Parts of the Red-Sea.

So fecure was he of Futurity, through his ex- ceffive Pride and the Ignorance of his Deftiny, he divefted himfelf of all Senfe of human Weaknefs , pretending to be related to the Gods ; rather be- caufe he did not feem much inferiour to 'em in Power, than on the fcore of the ancient Fable that deriv'd the Pedigree and Name of the Kings of Perfia from Per feus the Son of Jupiter. He had a little before writ to the Athenians in the fame haughty Stile ; adding, That fince they had pre- fer/d the Friendjbip of the Macedonian to his , they muft not for the future ask him for any more Gold t for though they fijould beg it of him , he would fend them none.


96 Freinfliemius'j Supplement


BUT Alexander being advanc'd as far as that Portion of Land that the King of Perfia had beuow'd on Memnon , gave fpecial Orders not to offer any Injury either to the Perfons of his Te- nants, or the Product of the Lands; by which Proceeding he prudently contnv'd to caufe at lead a Sufpicion of the only Man he did not de- fpife among all the Enemy's Generals , if he fhould not be able to bring him over to his Inte- reft. Hereupon lbme wondering at the King's Moderation and Goodnefs, did not fcruple to fay, that he being the mofl cunning and bitter Enemy the Macedonians had, he ought to be put to Death as foon as they could get him in their Hands, and tri the mean time they ought to do him all the Damage they could: To which the King reply'd, That on the contrary, they ought to win him by good Offices, and to make him a Friend of an line* '■my, and that then, he zvould extrt the fam-e Cou- rage and Conduct on their Side.

They were now come into the Adraflean Plains, through which the River Granicus runs with a fwift Current. There lbme of thofe that were fent before with Hegelochus to get Intelli- gence , bring him an Account , that the Perfians waited for him , in order of Battel , on the other iide of the River. He therefore halted for fome time, tp confult about the paffing the River , and call all his Generals together. The major part were of Opinion, that it was altogether rafti and im practicable to ftem the Current of that deep River, in the Prefence of lb many thoufand Horle and Foot, that were drawn up on the other tide, and the Bank itfelf being very lleep and of



difficult Accefs. There were not wanting fome , that fuggefted, that it was then the Month call'd Defim , (which anfwers to that of June) which was always very unfortunate to the Macedonians. Hereupon Alexander, tho* he was not uneafy on the account of the Danger, yet he did not de~ fpife the Superftition ; being lenfible of tlie pow- erful Effects even of vain and ill-grounded Reli- gion, in weak Minds. He therefore ordain'd that they ihould repeat the Name of the preceding Month, and inltead of Defius, have another Arr temifius. And the more effectually to fettle the Minds of them that were alarm'd, he caus'd Ari- fi under (who was to facrifke for a profperous Paf- fage) to be fecretly admonifli'd, to write with an artificial Ink, on that hand that was to receive the Intrails, (inverting the Characters, that the Liver being impos'd thereon might by its Heat attract the fame, and exprefs 'em properly) That the Gods granted the Viclory to Alexander. This Mi- racle, being divulg'd , fiU'd every Body with fuch mighty Hopes of the future, that they unani- mouily declar'd, in loud Acclamations , That af- ter fuch Tokens of the Favour of Heaven, there was no room left to doubt of any thing. Thus being by a Wile brought into a Confidence of Succefs , they as it were run away with the Viclory, be- caufe their Thoughts were convine'd it was their own.

The King thinking it advifable to make ufe of this bold Difpofition of their Minds, immediately led them over ; notwithstanding Parmenio very much entreated him to itay till the next day, (for the belt part of that Day was already fpent) paf- fmg a Jell at the fame time upon Parmenio for his Concern ; telling him, That the Hellespont would have Caufe to blujh , if after he had furmounted the Difficulties of faffing that, they flould boggle at Vol, I. F thz

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the puffing of a Brook. The King with thirteen Troops of Horfe had hardly pafs'd through the Violence of the Streams , but before he could either get firm Footing on the Shore, or make good the Ranks that had been diforder'd in the PafTage, he was on all Sides prefs'd by the Perfian Cavalry : For upon their difapproving Memnons Advice, and their refolving to light, (Arfites, who was Governor of Phrygia, having openly declar'd, he would not fuffer the leaft Hut to be burnt with- in his Jurifdiction, and the reft having enter'd in- to his Sentiments) they had polled themfclves along the River Grankus, to the number of one hundred thoufand Foot, and twenty thoufand Horfe ; making ufe of the River as of a Fortifi- cation, and deligning as it were, to bar that Door of Afia againft Alexander. Being therefore in- form'd of his Arrival, they fo drew up their Ca- valry (in which confifted the main Strength of their Army) that the Right Wing of the Macedo- nians , which was commanded by the King him- felf , ( for the Left he had committed to Parme- nuts Care) was oppofed by Memnon and his Sons, together with Ar fanes the Perfian ; Arfites was alfo here with the Auxiliary Paphlagonian Horfe. spithridates , who was the King's Son-in-Law , commanded the Body of Referve : he was ac- companied by his Brother Rhdfaces, who was Go- vernor of Lybta and Ionia, and by the Hyrcanian Horfe. In the Right of the Foot were two thou- fand Medes and as mmy Bactrians under the Com- mand of Bhecmithres. The main Body was com- manded by Pbamaces the Queen's Brother , Ar- bxpalesy and Mithrobarzanes Governor of Cappado- c'm ; thefe were join'd by Niphares and Petanes , as alfo by Arfaccs and Atizyes, who had brought along with 'em Troops of feveral Nations ; thefe being fuperior in number, and having the Advan- tage


tage of the Ground prefc'd vehemently upon the Enemy, and the Fight was very flra.rp : the King was here particularly in Danger, who being re- markable by his Arms, by his Bravery and by the Orders he gave up and down, was chiefly at- tacked by a great many.

In the Heat of the Adion a Dart that was le- vell'd at the King , lhick fait in the Folds of the lower part of his Armour , but did not wound him ; however he was in real Danger from Rh*- faces and Spithridates, two of the boldeft of all the Perfian Generals , who attack'd him at the lame Time. For having broke his Lance upon Spithri- dates his Breaft-plate ; as he was going to make u."c of his Sword, Spithridates's Brother riding up to him, flruck fo great. a Blow with his Cy meter on his Helmet, that he cut it through, and light- ly touch'd the King's Hair ; part of the Helmet falling down by the force of the Stroke , he was juft going to give him another , on that part of his Head that lay bare, when Clitus obferving the King's manifeft Danger, flew to his Affiftance and prevented him, by cutting off the Sword Arm of the Barbarian-, Alexander (lew Spithridates at the fame time.

Notwithftanding this the Perfians made a gal- lant Refiftance ; rill at laft, being difhearten'd by the Lofs of their Generals (of whom the major Part were already kill'd) and the Approach of the Macedonian Phalanx that by this time had pafs'd the River , they betook themfelves to a precipi- tous Flight : After which the Foot made but a imall Refiftance ; for imagining that , their Horfe was more than fufficient to overcome the Enemy, their Mind was more intent on the Plunder than on Danger : till by the fudden and unexpected Event, they became a Sacrifice to the Macedoni- ans * for it was now no longer a Fight, but a per-

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fe<ft Butchery. The Mercenaries however, who were commanded by Omares , having pofleft'd themfelves of an Eminence, made a vigorous De- fence : For he had admitted of none that would furrender upon Terms. In this Conflict therefore there fell more Macedonians than in the Engage- ment of the Horfe : Nay, the King himfelf (who fought amongft the forwarder!:) was here fo near Danger, that the Horfe he rid upon, was run thro' tire Body with a Sword. This Accident fo en- fiam'd his Anger, that having furrounded them, both with his Cavalry and Phalanx, he made an entire Slaughter of 'em, except two thoufand that furrender'd at Difcretion. There were in all kill'd of the Enemy , twenty thoufand Foot , and two thoufand Horfe, and very near the like Number taken Prifoners. The Generals Memnon, Arfaces, Rheotnithres , and Antizyes , fav'd themfelves by flight ; the others dy'd honourably of their Wounds. jlrfites being got into Phrygia, laid violent Hands on himfelf, under a Conflict of Shame and Re- pentance, that he fhould not undefervedly be look- ed upon as the Caufe of this Defeat. Alexander loft in this Battle but few in Number , but they were the boldeft and belt of his Men.. Of the Foot only thirty were kill'd, and fev^nty of the Horfe. That all might therefore be fenfible, that they were fure of a Reward from him in their Fortune, he enrich'd the Survivors with the Spoils of the Per- sians, and magnificently interr'd the Bodies of the Dead, with their Arms, and other Ornaments; granting at the fame time to their Parents and Children, an Exemption of all Offices. The wound- ed were alfo particularly taken care of; for the King going about their Tents, vilited them one by one, and exprefs'd thereby his Concern even for the meaneft Soldier, comforting them in their Misfortune, either by his Bounty, -Commendations,



or Promifes. This condefcending Carriage fo en- dear'd him to them, that they were ready on all Occafions, to encounter the gveateft Dangers for his fake, with the utmoft Conftancy and Fidelity ; none being unwilling to lay down their Lives fox him, who neither fuffer'd them to live in Want, nor to die without Marks of Honour. But he in a fpecial manner diftinguim'd the five and twenty of the Band of his Friends, who fighting in a dis- advantageous Ground, were at the firft Onfet op- prefs'd by a Multitude of the Perftans. For he commanded Lyfipptu (who alone on the account of his wonderful Art, had theTrivilege to caft his Statue in Brafs) to reprefent every one of them in a Statue on Horfeback , which were fet up in Dion a Town of Macedonia, and were afterwards- upon the Fall of that Empire, tranflatcd to Rome by Metellus. The chief eft Glory of this Victory, was due to the King himfelf, who drew up the Army with ail the Skill imaginable, and having ob- ferv'd the Nature of the Ground, he led them thro* the River in an oblique Order, that they might not be attack'd by the Perfians , immediately on their getting out of the Water; then, when they were put in Diforder , and fomewhat terrify'd, he animated them by his Exhortations, and prevail'd with them at leaft to make one vigorous Attack more ; this was not all , for he fought gallantly in his own Perfon, killing feveral with his Lance, o- thers with his Sword, infomuch that thofe that he encounter'd with himfelf, were the firft that fled. His Conduct likewife , though it had an Appear- ance of Temerity and Rafimefs, yet it was ground- ed upon Reafon ; for as his Army was to engage with a new Enemy, much fuperiorto it in Num- ber, he had a Mind to arm it alfo with Defpair, that obferving their Retreat to be cut off by the Ri- ver, they might place all their Hopes of Safety in F 3 the

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the Victory. The Thejfalians, in whom the main Strength of his Cavalry confifted , fignaliz'd them- felves on this Occalion; nor were the reft want- ing in their Duty, efpecially the Horfe, for it was the Horfe that chiefly did the Work, the Ene- mies Foot making but little Refinance, and foon giving way. Moreover, he gave Orders that the moft conflderable of the Perfians , mould be de- cently buried, as alfo the mercenary Greeks that ferv'd the Enemy : But thofe of 'em that were taken alive, he caus'd to be diftributed among the Prifons in Macedonia, becaufe that contrary to the general Decree of all Greece, they had ferv'd the Barbarians againit their own Country. However, hedifmifs'd the Thebans, in Confideration that their Town being raz'd, and their Lands taken from *em, they feem'd to be necemtated to what they did ; befides, the many Calamities they had fuftain- ed , had in a manner glutted even Revenge , and made room for Pity. After this, he chofe three hundred Bucklers out of the Spoils of the Enemy^ and fent 'em xo^ithens to be hung up in the Tem- ple of Minerva , with this pompous Inscription , Alexander the Son of Philip, and the refi of the Greeks, excepting ^Lacedemonians, dedicate thefe Spoils taken from the Barbarians who inhabit Alia. He did this with this View, that by making the Greeks partake of the Glory and Praife of the Vi- ctory, they might the more readily comply for the future with the other Neceffities of the War ; at the fame time he upbraided the Lacedemonians con- tumacious Temper, who acting by a feparate In- tereft, had cut themfelves off from the main Body of the Greeks , and by that Deportment had de- priv'd themfelves of their Share in fo great an Honour. Neither was he unmindful of his Mo- ther, for whom he had always a true filial Duty and Veneration; for he fent her the Plate, the



Purple,, and the other valuable Spoils of that na- ture, referving only a few for his own Ufe.

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AFTER this Battle, Alexander repair'd again to Troy, and return' d Thanks to the Goddefs, who had upon his undertaking fo dangerous a War, furnifh'd him with Arms, and encourag'd him with profperous Prefages of the Event. For when he went thither firft, immediately after his pairing the Hellefpont (as we before took notice) he faw an Equeftrian Statue lying on the ground, Jtift oppofite to the Temple of Minerva, which represented Ariobarfanes, who had formerly been Governour of Phrygia. Upon the light hereof, Arifiander promis'd Alexander a glorious Victory in fome Horfe Engagement ; more efpecially if the AdHon happen'd not far from Phrygia ; and alfo that he ftiould with his own Hand flay the General of the Enemy. Accordingly the Event made good the Prediction ; for Spitkridates being kill'd by the King's Sword, fulfill' d the Prophecy. He therefore not only made rich Prefents to the Temple, but gave the Title of City to Troy, that before hardly exceeded in Compafs a moderate Village ; and that it might with Credit bear that Honour, he appointed proper Perfons to reftore and enlarge it, beftowing on it at the fame time, all manner of Immunities. And becaufe he ob- ferv'd that the Temple of the Goddefs was too fmall , for the great Concourfe of People, that re- forted thither out of a religious Motive , and that it was decay'd; he had refolv'd hereafter to build a magnificent one in the room thereof. But thefe, as well as a great many other noble Defigns, were F 4 prevented1

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prevented by his Fate, his Succeffors neglecting to put them in Execution. By this Victory, the King laid open to himfelf all that part of Afia that is on this fide Mount Taurm and the Euphrates, the In- habitants being aftoniuYd at the unexpected Over- throw : For having not only loft their Troops, but their Generals too in the Battle, they had now no Hopes left, but in the King's Clemency ; in the obtaining of which, they endeavoured to prevent one another, by a fpeedy Surrender of themfelves to his Mercy. Arfitcs had by laying violent Hands on himfelf, render'd Phrygia defencelefs ; Alexan- der therefore conftituted Callas (who was General of the Thefjalians) Governor of that Country. There came feveral Embames likewife from the mountainous Parts, to furrender themfelves and all they had to Alexander, who having taken them into his Protection, fent them home. He alfo for- gave the Zeliti, becaufe he knew they had been compell'd by the Perfians , to ferve againft him. He impos'd the fame Tribute on them all , that they had us'd to pay to Darius ; obferving the fame Method with reference to all the other Provinces of Afia he afterwards redue'd. Alexander was fen- lible, that all foreign Government is odious and fubject to Envy, notwithstanding it be administer- ed with more Lenity and Mildnefs than the Do- meftick ; but if the former Burdens of the Subject, are increas'd by the Addition of new ones, it is then look'd upon as altogether intolerable ; where- fore when a certain Perfon told him, that he might draw much greater Tributes and Revenues from fo large an Empire ; he anfwer'd, That he hated even a Gardener, that pulld thofe Plants up by the Roots, which he ought only to crop.

Being inform'd, that JDafcylium was poflefs'd by a Garrifon of Perfians , he fent Parmenio thither, whom the Inhabitants readily receiv'd; the Per-



fans having quitted it, as foon as they heard of the Approach of the Macedonians. In the mean time, he went himfelf to Sardis, which is the Me~ tropolU of all the Places which the Kings of Perfia had put under the Jurifdiclion of the Governours of the maritime Country- He was within three-, fcore and ten Furlongs of the Town, when Mith- renes (to whom Darius had committed the Care of the Catadel of Sardis) with the Chief of the Sardian Nobility, came and furrender'd to him the Citadel, with the Money that was depofited there. Having gracioufly receiv'd 'em, he advanc'd to the River Hermus, that is about twenty Furlong diftant from the Town ; having there pitch'd his Camp, he fent Amyntas, Andromenes Son, to take Pof- feffion of the Citadel. It is lituated on the Top of a very high Hill, and every way of difficult Accefs ; fo that it might have been maintain'd a- gainft any Force whatever, even without the Kelp, of its Wall, that had alfo a tripple Rampart. Ha- ving therefore applauded his Succefs upon the Sur- render of fo important a Place , which by reafon of its Strength, might have held out a long Siege, and fo retarded the Execution of his other great Deiigns, he refolved to build a Temple there, in Honour of Jupiter Olympics; and as he was dili-. gently looking about, to find out what Place would be. molt proper for fuch a Structure, there arofe on. a fudden a furious Storm, .which pour'd down a great Quantity of Rain on Part of the Citadel, where formerly the Palace of the Lydian Kings had flood. Believing therefore that the Gods thereby pointed out what Place they had deftin'd for that purpofe, he order'd the Temple to be built there. Then he made Paufanias, who was one of the- Band of his Friends, Governour of the Citadel, af- figning to him the Auxiliaries of the Arrives. The other Troops of his Allies he allotted to Cak* F 5 and

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and Alexander the Son of JErop&m , giving them Memnoris Government. He appointed, at the fame time, Nicias to colled the Tributes and Impofts. AJJ'ander Philotsu his Son, had the Government of Lydia, with the fame Bounds and Limitations Spi- thndates had held it before. He granted to the Lydians the Privilege of living according to their own Laws : And becaufe he underftood the Sar- dians were very much devoted to Diana, whom they call Coloene, he gave her Temple the Privi- lege of an Afylum. He did great Honours to Mkhrenes, that by his Example others might be en- courag'd to revolt; and in procefs of Time , he bellowed on him the Government of Armenia. In this Citadel, he found an Account of what Money had been diftributed by Barms % Generals, to bring about a War upon Macedon, from the Greeks : It appear d alfo, that Bemnfihenes had receiv'd vaft Sums for this purpofe , fome of whofe Letters were there to be feen. But by reafon he had made a Peace, and concluded all Matters with the Athenians, he did not think it proper to complain publickly of thefe Proceedings ; however he thought it neceffary , to be the more careful to keep the Athenians in their Duty, and to prevent their be- ing prevail' d upon by this Man's wonderful Elo- quence, fince their Defection would go near to draw along with it that of all Greece. He had no Body in greater Efteem than Pbocion, whofe Inte- grity and Innocency, together with his conltant Adherence to Virtue, render'd Poverty it felf ho- nourable. He valu'd him at fiill for the ufe he made of him, but being afterwards on feveral Oc- casions, convinc'd of his Magnanimity, he honour- ed him out of Admiration of his Virtue; infomuch ^tiiat, when (after Darims Overthrow) he was grown fo haughty, as to think it beneath him to honour any one he writ to with the common Form



of Salutation , he referv'd that mighty Favour for Antipater and Phocion only. It is certain the King fenf him a hundred Talents at a time', and gave him the Choice of four no inconfiderable Towns in Afia; viz. Cius , El&a , MylaJJa, and Gergetho; fome put Par at a inftead of the laft ; but he refu- fed all thole Offers ; yet left he mould feem to flight the Friendship of fo great a King, he denYd that Echeratides the Sophift, Athenodorm the Im- brian, with Demaratus, and Spartan Rhodians, who were Prifoners in the Caftle of Sardis, might be fet at Liberty. But thefe Tranfa&ions run into a la- ter Date.

After this, he march'd to Ephefrs , which the Garifon had quitted (being inform'd of the Defeat, of the Perfians) going off in two Ep hefi an Gallies among the reft, was Amyntas Antiochuss Son, who had fled from Macedonia, without any other Pro- vocation, than that he was afraid of the King, whom he mortally hated, making a Judgment of his Difpofition from his own. Alexander enter'd into Ephefus the fourth Day after he left Sardis \ Here he recalTd thofe that were banifti'd in the time of the oligarchy, and reftor'd the Govern- ment to the People. The People having now ob- tain'd their long-wiuYd-for Liberty , denYd thar thofe who had call'd in Memnon, and thofe who had plunder'd the Temple of Diana, and had caft down Philip's Statue that ftood there , or had dug up Her ophy thus $ Monument that was plac'd in the Forum, as to the Deliverer of the City, might all fuf* ferthePunifhment they deferved. Of thefe there- fore Pelagon with his Brother Syrphaces, and his Coufin were dragg'd out of the Temple, into which they had fled for Protection, and fton'd to Death, All things tended to Blood and Confufion, when Alexander putting a Stop to the outrageous Li- cenfe of the Rabble, forbad making any farther F 6 Enquiry.

io8 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

Enquiry into thofe Matters, or molefting any one on that account. Thus the chiefeft and belt Citi- zens were fav'd, who would otherwife on the fcore of their Dignity or Riches, under the Pretext of real or fictitious Crimes, have been expos'd to the Hatred and Avarice of the enrag'd Multitude. While thefe Things were doing, the Magnepans and Trallians fent AmbaiTadors to him to notify their Sub million to his Will and Pleafure ; he there- fore fent Parmenio thithfer with five thoufand Foot and two hundred Horfe ; he fent Alcinalm with the fame Number , to the JEolick and Ionian Cities , within the Persian Jurifdiction ; giving Orders to- both to abolifli the Oligarchy's^ and to efiablifti eve- ry where a popular State ; for he had found by Experience, that the People were well inclin'd to. him, which had been the Caufe of the Barbarians reftraining 'em by the Government of Tyrants.

While Alexander ftay'd at Ephefus> he frequent- ly went to Appelles's Shop to divert himfelf after the Fatigues of Bufmefs, who was the only Perfon he would allow to draw his Picture, and was fo high in his Favour, that he beftow'd on him the beft belov'd of his Concubines , bec&ufe he found Ap- pelles was deeply in love with her. Her Name was Pancajla, fhe was born at LarijJ'a, a conlider- able Town in TheJJ'aly : And the King lov'd her tenderly as well for her exquifite Beauty, as be- caufe (he was the ftrft he took a Fancy for in his youthful Days. Tins Action was very fuitable to. Alexander's Greatnefs of Soul. But I do not give Credit to the Report, that Apelles by a flirewd Re- partee, iilenc'd Alexander \ who let his Tongue run very fall, but unfkilfully, concerning many Things in his Art; for this is not agreeable to the Vene- ration that is due to the Majefty of fo might/pa King, nor to the Modefty of the Painter, who nei- ther wanted Parts, or the Addrefs of a Man of



Letters. Befides, as Alexander from his tender Years, had been converfant with the liberal Sciences, it is to be fuppos'd he could make a proper Judgment, even in thofe Arts he was not thoroughly vers'd in. What others fay , feems more probable, that it was one of the Ephefian Dianas Priefts, general- ly call'd Megabizi, that was To reprov'd by Appelles y who told him, That while he held his Tongue, his Ornaments of Gold and Purple render d him 'vene- rable to the Ignorant ; but when he pretended to {peak concerning things he knew nothing of, he became ri- diculous even to the Boys that grind the Colours. It was in this City that Herofiratus burnt the fo much celebrated Temple, as we before obferv'd.

The Ephefians were now very intent on the rebuilding that curious Structure, fparing no Ex- pence in the Work. Alexander therefore, to. af- fift their Zeal, ordain'd, that the Subfidies which they us'd to pay before to the Perfians , mould; for the future, be paid to Diana ; and confirmed to it the Privilege of an Afylum, which he under- flood had formerly been preferv'd to it, both by Bacchus and Hercules, and enlarg'd its Bounds, al- lowing them to reach every way to the extent of a Furlong. Sometime after, when he had fettled all Things in Afia, he writ to the Ephefians, That he would reimburfe all the Charges they had been at in the refioring that Edifice -,, and moreover r would fupply whatever fijould hereafter be wanting, provi- ded his Name were infcriUd on the new building : But the Ephefians excus'd themfelves from grant- ting that ; and becaufe it was of dangerous Confe- quence to refufe Alexander any thing he requir'd, their AmbaiTador had recourfe to Flattery, which he knew had a mighty Influence over him , and told him, That it was an Affront to his high Dig- nity, to Confecraie any thing to the Gods, fince he was himfelf a Gcd, that being an Honour paid by

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Men to the Deity', as to a fuperior Nature : So great was the Contention for Glory betwixt this mighty Monarch and one fingle City. However, the E~ phefians gain'd their Point, chiding rather to go without fo vaft a Sum, than to yield to the King the Infcription of the new Temple. Now how great their Expences were in this Work, may be guef- fed from the price of one iingle Piclure they hung tip in it, which coft 'em twenty Talents of Gold: It reprefented Alexander with a Thunder-bolt in his Hand. ; Apelles had drawn this Piece after fo inimitable a Manner , that he made ufe of but four Colours, which heighten'd the Admiration of all who had any Tafte or Judgment in that Art.


ABOUT this Time the Smyrn&ans had the Seat where they had formerly flourim'd re- ftord to 'em, after they had for the fpace of four hundred Years liv'd fcattefd up and down in Vil- lages, upon the Lydians having deftroy'd the an- cient Smyrna. The King rebuilt it about twen- ty Furlongs diftant from the Place where the Town had flood, being admoniuYd in a Dream to do fo. Alexander us'd, (when his Affairs of Moment, would permit) to divert himfelf in Hunting; one time particularly having fatigu'd himfelf with that Exercife, he fell afleep on a Mountain ctiVdPagtu; while he was taking his Reft, he fancied he heard the Nemefis (who had a Temple hard by) com- mand him to build a City in that very Place, and People it with the SmymAans. This Dream was afterwards confirm'd by the Oracle of Apollo Clarim^ which promis'd the Smyrnaans, that their Remo-


val would redound to their Advantage ; hereupon the Foundations of the new Town are laid by the Kings Orders, but Antigonu* had the Glory of fi- niming it, Alexander having fome time after com- mitted to him the Government of Lydia, Phrygia, and the neighbouring Countries.

The Clazomenij inhabit that part of the Gulph of Smyrna that is narrower!, and joins to the Con- tinent the Lands that run into the Sea, forthefpace of fixty Furlongs, making a kind of Peninfula. Taos ftands on that fide of the ifthmtts which is oppo- fite to the Clazomenij , and Erythra is lituate in the utmoft Point of the Peninfula, which was even then famous for its ProphetefTes : Hard by this Tczvn is the high Mountain Mimas, over againlt the Ifleof Chio, and looks into the Sea; then fal- ling with a gentle Declivity, not far from the Straits of the Clazomenij , it terminates in Plains. Alexander having view'd the Nature of thePIace, refolv'd to cut through that narrow Neck of Land, and divide it from the Continent, that fo he might encompafs Erythr& and Mimas with the Sea, and unite the upper and lower Gulph. It is obferv'd, that this was the only Thing in which he was dis- appointed, Fortune labouring, as it were, to ac- complish all his other Undertakings. This Difap- pointment caus'd a fort of religious Reflection, as if it zvere not lawful for Mortals to change the Face of Nature, iince others who had made the fame Attempt had likewife been frultrated before; how- ever, he joyn'd Clazomen& to the Continent by a Bank of two Furlongs, the Clazomenij having heretofore made an Ifland of it, out of fear of the Per fans ; but thefe Works were committed to the Care of the Governors. As for himfelf, having been very Magnificent in his Sacrifices at Efhefm, he made a general Exercife of all the Troops that were with him, in honour of the God-


iiz FreinlhemiusV Supplement

defs, and march'd the next Day to Mile turn, taking, with him all the Foot, the Thrac'tan Horfe, and four Troops of thofe he call'd his Friends, the Royal being one of 'em. For Hegiftratus, who commanded the Garifon, had given him Hopes in a Letter, that he was ready to furrender to him ; but underftanding afterwards that the Perfian Fleet was at hand,, healter'd his Mind, and was for pre- ferving the Place to Darius, for he wanted nei- ther Arms nor Provifions, nor any other Necef- faries requifite to endure a long Siege ; befides, his Garifon was numerous, Memnon having re- inforc'd it (when he fled thither after the Battle) with a confiderableBody of Troops he had with him. - Alexander therefore coming fuddenly upon 'em with his incens'd Army, he* at his very firft Arrival, poffefs'd himfelf of the outward Town, as they call it ; for the Townfmen and Soldiers (that the ftrength of the Place might not be too much fcat- ter'd) had retir d into the inward Town, refolving there to wait for the Succour of their Friends; wha, as.Nthey were inform'd, were not far off. But thefe Hopes were fruftrated by the feafonable Arrival of the Macedonian Fleet, under the Com- mand of Nicanor, who had taken PoiTellion of the. Illand Ladd, that lies above Miletum; and, upon Information that the Enemy's Fleet lay at Anchor- under the Mountain Mycale, failing into the Mi-, lefian Harbour, he cut off all hopes of Succour from the Perfians to the befieged. Neither did the Barbarians offer to oppofe him, notwithftand- ing they were fo much fuperior to him in Num- ber of Ships, for they had near four hundred Sail, whereas Nicanor had not above one hundred and fixty.

While thefe Things wer£ doing, Glaucippus, the moft confiderable Man of the Town, was fent to, Alexander, to defire that the Town and Harbour



might be in Common to the Perfians and Mace- donians ; but he return'd with this melancholy Anfwer, That he did not come into Alia to receive what others would bejlow on him, but that every Body Jhould be contented with zvhat he fpard them ; that they ought to knozu it was their Duty to re- fign all their Fortunes to their Superior, or be ready the next Morning to decide the Matter by the Sword. But the Townfmen repell'd the firft Shock of the Enemy with a great deal of Gallantry, killing, a- mongft the reft, the two Sons of Hellcnica, who was Alexanders Nurfe, and Sifter to Clitus, who had with fo much Bravery fav'd the King's Life. Hereupon the Macedonians being enrag'd with Grief and Anger, and having planted, their Ma- chines, they foon made a considerable Breach in the Wall, and were juft ready to ftorm the Town, when the Befieged perceiving the Enemies Gal- leys in the Port, were feiz/d with a frefti Terror, and fome of them betook themfelves to theoppo- lite little Ifland for Safety upon their Bucklers, others got into little Boats , and endeavour'd to imitate 'em , but were taken by the Enemies Ships at the very Mouth of the Harbour. Alexander having thus made himfelf Mafter of the Town, difpatch'd Ships after thofe who had gain'd the Ifland, providing them with Ladders , whereby the Soldiers might overcome the difficult afcent of the Coaft, as if they were fcaling the Walls of a City. But obferving the Greeks that were in the Enemy's pay, (who did not in all exceed three hundred Men ) ready to undergo the laft Extremi- ties, he took Companion of 'em on account of their Bravery ; and feeing 'em fo conftant to thofe that hir'd 'em, as to venture periming for their Fidelity, he pardon'd 'em, and took 'em into his Service.


H4 FreinlliemiusV Supplement

As for tliofe 'Barbarians he found in the Town, lie made 'em all Slaves ; granting at the lame time to the furviving Milefians, their Lilerty, in Con- fideration of the ancient Glory of their City : For Miletus was once fo Rich and Powerful as to have no lefs than feventy Colonies in the neighbouring Seas ; moreover, it was celebrated on the Score of feveral of its Gallant Citizens, who had in the facred Combats often won the Prize, and thereby advane'd the Glory of their Country. For thefe kind of Victories were (according to the Practice even of the Greeks) efteem'd the greater! Orna- ments of Vertue. This made Alexander, when he beheld the great Number of Statues that were e- rected on this Account, ridicule the Cuftom with a biting Reproach; for he afk'd 'em, where were the ftrong Arms of thofe Men, when they receivd the Periian Yoke ? For, as he was a Gallant Man, and judg'd of all Things that were fubfervient to War, he thought it a mameful thing to waftc that Strength that ought to be employ'd only in Battles of Moment, in the fruitlefs Diverfion of the Rab- ble , out of a vain and unprofitable Oftentation. In the mean time the Soldiers who had enter'd the Town by mere force, pillag'd every Thing before 'em, and were come to the Temple of Ceres ; and as fome of 'em broke into it, with a defign to plunder it, a fudden Fire that came from the inner Parts, ftruck the iacrilegious Wretches blind. Here Alexander found fome Monuments of his Progenitors, and particularly a Fountain, whole Waters, tailed at the Spring-head, were fait, and yet were freth when they ran into Streams. The Milefians call it Achilles^ Fountain, and it is rumour'd, that that Hero bath'd himfelf near it, af- ter he had vanquiftYd Strambelus, Telamcns Son, who was bringing Succour to the Lejbians. The Milefians had with 'em alio the Oracle of Apollo



Didymeus , much celebrated for its Riches and Fame. Seleuctts (who was very powerful after Alexander ) then confulted it, about his Return to Macedon, and received for Anfwer, That bidding adieu, to Europe, he jhouid embrace Afia.

There was another Thing that awaken'd the Kings Attention, whofe curious Genius was greedy of Knowledge, and was wonderfully delighted with Novelty ; he was told, that a Youth of %af- fus, that is not far diitant from Miletum, was be- lov'd by a Dolphin, and that the Filh knew his Voice fo well, that whenever he call'd upon it, and would be carry 'd on its Back, it readily receiv'd him ; whereupon the King inferring, that he was in Kep- tune's favour, made him his High Prieji.


Alexander after this manner madehimfelf Ma- fter of Miletum, and as the numerous Fleet of Barbarians kept ftill hovering thereabouts, and out of Confidence in their Multitude, and Superi- ority of Skill in maritime Affairs, provok'd the E- ■nemy to a Battle, frequently prefenting it felf be- fore the Port where the King's Ships rid ; he fent Phi- lotas with the Horfe, and three Regiments of Foot to Mount Mycale, near which the Perfian Fleet lay at Anchor ; giving him Orders to repel the Ene- my, if they offer'd to land, either to take in frefti Water or Wood, or any other Neceffaries. This redue'd the Barbarians to the greater! Straits, and kept them, as it were, confln'din their Port, with- out being fufFer'd to land, or accommodate them- felves with thofe Neceffaries they wanted. Here- upon they call'd a Council, and fteer'd towards Samos , where having taken in Provifion, they


ii6 FreinfhemiusV Sufplemetrt

came came back again to Miletum, and preferr- ed themfelves before the Harbour in order of Battle. In the mean time five of the Perfian Ships perceiving feveral of the Enemy's Fleet in a cer- tain Port between the little I/land we before men- tion'd, and the Road where the Macedonian Fleet lay -y. made all the fail they could thither , imagi- ning they ftiould find 'em in a manner unmann'd, and consequently an eafie Prize ; for they con- jeclur'd,, that the major part of their Men were taken up in many other different Employments. But the King immediately putting thofe that were prefent on board ten Galleys... commanded 'era to go and meet the Enemy. Who being terrify* d both by the Number of Ships, and the unexpected- nefs of the Thing (finding themfelves attack'd by thofe they thought to have furpriz'd) made off as faft as they cou'd ; however, one of their Ships that was mann'd with Japans was taken, the reft being fwift Sailors regain'd their Fleet : Thus the Barbarians were forc'd to leave Miletum without effecting any of the Things they intended. Alexander confidering now that his Fleet was in- ferior to that of the Enemy, and wou'd be of no great Ufe to him for the future, and befides that, it was a great Charge to him ; refolv'd to dif- mifs it, retaining only a few Ships with him to tranfport the Machines and Engines necefifary in Sieges; but Par memo was of a different Opinion, and advis'd the King to hazard a Sea Engagement, fince if the Macedonians xvere victorious, many Adr vantages would arife therefrom ; and if they were beaten, they would lofe nothing, fince the Perfians were even now Mafiers at Sea, and it would be no very difficult Tafk for thofe that were Jlrongejl at Land to defend their Coajls. That his Advice might the fooner prevail, he offer'd to execute it himfelf and to pare the Danger with the reft of that Ile£t


to Qui nt us Curtius. 117

the King fiould affign him for this Purpofe. More- over, his Opinion was back'd by lucky Prefages, for fame Days before an Eagle was feen to reft on the Shore, behind the King's Fleet. However Alexander reply'd, That his Opinion was ill ground- ed, when he flatter d himfelf that fo [mall a Fleet zv as able to encounter ivith fo great a Multitude of E- nemies, and that it was not advifable to oppofe fkil- ful Rowers and expert Sailors, to raw and unexpe- rienced Men in both Capacities ; that tho he did not diflrufl the Bravery of his Subjecls, yet in Sea- Tights he was fenfible, that was but of little Mo- ment towards the obtaining the Victory. That thofe Aclions zuere liable to many Dangers from the Waves and the Winds, both which were, by the •Experience of the Pilots and Rowers, either declind or turnd to an Advantage ; That a great deal de- pended even on the very building of the Ships ; That the Macedonians would in vain ufe their braveft Endeavours, fmce it would be in the Power of the Barbarians, either to baffle 'em, or, if an Accident happen d, totally to deftroy 'em ; which was a thing of the laft Conference as Affairs flood , fmce all Alia would be animated and encouragd, if in the beginning of the War he fliould receive fo great an Overthrow ; That the generality of Men were na- turally of fuch Tempers as to expett the Event of Things to be anfiverable to the preconceiv d Hopes or Tears from the firfi Succeffes ; and that we may not doubt of the Truth hereof, with refpefl to Alia, who will en fur e ?ne that the Greeks themfclves ivill remain in their Duty, if they find our Felkity and Succefs once forfake us, which, to fpeak the Truth , is all they admire and venerate in us ? 1 ,muji confefi I look upon it to relate to my Fortune, that an Eagle was feen behind my Fleet, and I take it as an Omen of Profperity. But then the Augury feems plainly to indicate^ that we Jhall o-


1 1 8 Frebfhemius V Supplement

vercome the Enemy s Fleet by Land ; for the Eagle that prefaces the Viilory, did noj; reft upon our Ships, but on the Shore, and fo does not more ex- prejfly point at the Event than at the Place of Action. This is certain, that if, as we have begun, Wt continue to pojjefi our felves of the Maritime Tozvns, the Perlian Fleet will wafte of it felf, for it will neither have Recruits, Provifions, nor Har- bours ; and if thefe are remov d, the greater their Stre7igth is at Sea, the fooner they'll be undone. By this Means we fhall -make good the Prophecy that was engravd on the Copper-plate that w/is ( as v:e are inform d) caft up by a Fountain in Licia, and fignifyd that ^Perfian Empire was haftening to its Period. Having therefore difcharg'd his Fleet, he left Pontus and its adjacent Countries to his Go- vernors to fubdue, and purfuing his intended De- figns he advanc'd towards Carta, for he was told, a great Number of the Enemy had reforted thither. Indeed Halicarnajj'm, which was ftrong by its Si- tuation, and was befides provided with two Cita- ' dels, gave fome Hopes that the Macedonian, who like a Torrent bore down all before him, might be ftopt there, as by a ftrong Bank. There was great Hopes alfo in Memnon, who was, with the utmoft Diligence, making all the neceffary Prepa- rations for maintaining a long Siege, for he had lately been made Admiral by Darius, and Gover- nor of all the Maritim Coafts ; and as he was a Man of great Subtilty, and an obferver of the Turns, and favourable Occafions of Times, fo he was very fenfible that he exceeded all the Per/Ian Generals in the War ; notwithstanding which, he was not rewarded according to his Merit, for this Reafon only, that as he was a Greek by Extraction, and had formerly been well receiv'd in the Ma- cedonian Court, there was fome room to fufpect him of Treachery ; he therefore fent his Wife


to Quint us Curtius. 119

and Children to Darius, as if he were folicitpus for their Safety, but in Truth by thofe Pledges to convince the King of his Fidelity. However, Alexander having enter' d Caria, had, in a little time, made himielf Mailer of all the Places be- tween Mile turn and HalicamaJJ'us , molt of 'em being inhabited by Greek Colonies, to whom it was his Cuftom to reftore their Liberty, and the Privilege of living after their own Laws, alluring them he came into Aha to deliver them from Op- preffton. Not long after he infinuated himfelf in- to the Favour of the Barbarians, by his courteous Behaviour to Ada, a Woman of Royal Blood; who being inform'd of his March into thofe Parts, repair'd to him and implor'd his Protection, deli- nng him to re-eftabhPn her in her Kingdom ; for Hccatomnus, King of Caria, had three Sons and two Daughters , of whom Maufolus marry'd Artemifia ; and Ada, the youngeft Daughter, had marry'd his Brother Hidricus. Maufolus being dead, was fucceeded by his Sifter and Wife, ac- cording to the Cuftom of the Country, which allows thofe that are born of the fame Parents to be join'd both in Marriage and Dominion ; but Artemifia dying with Grief for her deceas'd Hus- band , Hidricus enjoy'd the Crown , and dying without Iffue, teft the fame to Ada ; but Pexoda- nis, who was the only one left of Hecatomnus% Sons, drove her out of the Kingdom j and altho* he alfo was dead, fhe rcmain'd mil depriv'd of her' Right, becaufe Pexodarus had marry'd his Daughter to Orontobates, a Nobleman of Perfia, that he might by his W7ealth and Intereft be pro- tected in his new Ufurpation; fo that his Father- in-Law being dead, he held the Kingdom inRight of - his Wife. Ada having therefore made her Condition known to Alexander , and furrendring to him at the fame time the ftrong Cattle of a- 2 lindt,

rxo FreinfhemiusV Supplement

lindz, obtain'd from him the Approbation of her calling him Son, and a promife of his fpeedyAf- fiftance to reftore her to her Dignity. In the mean time the Rumour of this Queen's courte- ous Reception being fpread all over that Country, procur'd Alexander the Affection of a great many Towns; for moft of 'em were in the Hands of Adas Relations or Friends, infomuch that they fent Ambaffadors to him with Prefents of Crowns of Gold, and folemn Aflurances, That they put tioemfelves under his Protection and Power, and that they would readily obey his Command.

While thefe Things were doing, Ada was whol- ly taken up with providing the moft exquifite Meats for Tafte, and drefs'd after the moft curi- ous Manner, and Sweetmeats of all Kinds, and fent 'em with the Cooks and Confectioners to the King, asaPrefent, thinking to fhew her Gratitude for the Favours me had receiv'd from him, if fhe entertain'd him after his Fatigues and Toiis, with the Delicacies of the Afian Luxury : But being too wife not to know, that Intemperance is of pernicious Confequence to the Man that is em- ploy'd in ferious and weighty Matters, he very civilly return'd her Thanks, but told her at the Fame time , She had been needleffly folkitous for him, who had himfelf better Cooks , with which his Tutor Leonidas had formerly provided him, viz. a walk early in the Morning to get him a Sto- mach to his Dinner, and a frugal Dinner to pre- pare him for Supper.



C H A P. IX.

BY this time almoft all Caria had fubmitted to Alexander , except Halicarnaffus, the Capital City thereof, in which there was a ftrong Gari- ibn ; wherefore concluding the Siege would be tedious, he order'd Provisions, and all the necef- fary Machines for battering the Place to be brought from on board his Fleet, and went and encamp'd with the Foot at the diftance of five Furlongs from the Town. But while his Men were bar- tering the Walls of the Place, near the Gate that leads to MylaJJd , the Befieged made an unex- pected Sally ; however, the Macedonians behav'd themfelves with a great deal of Bravery, drove 'em back to the Town with little Lofs. Some few Days after, Alexander having had Hopes given him that the Town Myndus would, upon his appearing before it, be deliver'd up to him, he took along with him part of the Army, and march'd thither in the dead time of the Night. But no Body offering to ftir, he commanded the heavy arm'd Soldiers to undermine the Wall, for he had brought neither Ladders nor Machines a- long with him, by reaion he did not go thither with an intention to make a formal Siege. Thefe Men flung down one of the Towers, and yet for all that made no Breach they could enter at, for the Tower fell after fuch a manner that the Ruins defended the fame Ground that the Tower did while lUnding, and the Inhabitants made a vigo- rous Refinance, and were reinforc'd by Succours from HalicamaJJiis , which Memnon ( hearing of the Danger they were in) had fent them. Thus the Macedonians Attempt was fruftrated. Alexan- der being now return'd to the Siege of Halicar- Vol. I. G natfus,

izz Freinfnemius'j- Supplement

maffm, refolv'd firlt of all to fill up a Ditch about thirty Cubits broad, and fifteen in depth, that the Enemy had made for the better fecurity of the Place ; he therefore prepar'd three Tortoifesy un- der the Protection of which the Soldiers might with fafety bring the Earth, and what other Ma- terials were necefiary for that Purpofe, and ha- ving fili'd the Ditch , he order'd the Towers and other Machines us d in the battering of Walls, to be properly apply'd. By thefe means having made a fufficient Breach in the Wall, he endeavour'd to force his Way into the Town through it ; but the Enemy being firong in Number, was conftantly Succeeded by frdtk Men in the room of thofe that were tir'd, and being befides encourag'd by the Prefence of their Generals, omitted nothing that was necefiary for a vigorous Defence. The Day being-walled in a drawn Fight, and Memnon ima- gining the Enemy might be tir'd with the fatigue of the Adlion, and fo would be more negligent in keeping their Guards, made a ftrong Sally out of the Town, and fet Fire to their Works ; hereupon the Macedonians advancing to oppofe them , while thefe labour' d to extinguifii the Flames, and the others to encreaie 'em. The Macedonians, tho' much fuperior to their Enemy in Strength and Courage, and their familiarity with Danger, yet were mightily prefs'd by the Num- ber and Contrivance of the Perfians; and as the Fight was not far from the Walls, they were very much gall'd from thence by their Engines and 'Machines, fo that the Macedonians receiv'd many "Wounds, which they had no opportunity of Re- venging. The Shouts were great on both Sides, each encouraging their own Men, and threatning their Enemy ; beiides, the Groans of the wound- ed and dying, together with the darknefs of the TsTicht, fili'd every thing with Horror and Confu-

2 fion,


fion, which was dill encreas'd by the Clamour of the reft of the Multitude, who while their Com- panions were fighting, were intent on the repair- ing the Damage the Walls had fuftain'd from the Shock of the Engines and Machines : At Ialt the Macedonians puthing bravely on, drove the Ene- my within the Walls , having kill'd about one hundred and feventy of 'em, and among the led Neoptolemtu, who with his Brother Amyntas had fled to the Per fans. Of the Macedonians there did not fall in that Aclion above fixteen, but there were near three hundred wounded, which may be afcrib'd to the Night, in the dark- nefs of which they could not decline the Blows, nor avoid the random Darts. A few Days after, an Accident, inconfiderable in it felf, prov'd the occafion of a notable Contention which begun between two of PerdicM his Veterans ; they were Comrades, and had been drinking together, and among the reft of their Difcourfe, they happen'd to enlarge on the Gallant A&ions they had each perform'd, till at laft they quarreli'd about the Preference ; upon which one of 'em broke out in this Expreffion , Why do we fully fo glorious a Contention with empty and ufelefi Words ? The Matter is not who has the beji Tongue , but the Jfrongeft Arm, and here is a fine Opportunity to decide the fame : If you are the Man you pre(£nd to be, follow me. They were both heated with Wrine and Emulation, and therefore of their own accord took their Arms, and advanc'd to that part of the Wall that ftands near that fide of the Ci- tadel that faces Mylajfe.

Their ram Enterprise being obferv'd by thofe of the Town, caus'd fome of the Enemy to go out againft 'em ; they undauntedly flood their Ground, and came to an Engagement, and re- ceiv'd thofe who came neareft 'em Sword in Hand, G 2. flinging

ii4 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

flinging their Darts after thole who retreated. But their bold Attempt had not reinain'd long unpuniuYd from fo many, who had beiides their Number the Advantage of a riling Ground ; if a few of their fellow Soldiers at firft obierving the Danger they were in, had not come to their Af- fiftance , and afterwards , as occafion requir'd, more and more, the Befieged doing the fame to fuccour their Men. This made theSuccefs va- rious, according as each Party was fuperior either in Strength or Number, till Alexander himfelf co- ming up with thole that were about him, firuck a Terror into the Enemy*, and drove 'em within their Fortifications, and was very near entring the Town at the fame time with 'em : For the Be- iieged being wholly intent on what pafs'd before the Town, the defence of the Walls was carelelly minded ; and two Towers were already beat down with the adjoining part of the Wall , by the repated Violence of the battering Rams, and the third was fo fhaken that it could not iland long againft the Mines. But by reafon of the fud- dennefs of the Action, and that the whole Army was not drawn out, this Opportunity, however fa- vourable, was loft. Alexander hereupon delir'd a Sufpenlion of Arms, and leave to bury his dead, not withftan ding that according to the Greek No- tion, it was yielding the Victory to the Enemy, yet he chofe rather to do it than leave the Bo- dies of his Men unburied. But Fphialtes and Thrafibulut, Athenians (who were then in the Per- fian Service, and who had a greater regard to their Averiion to the Macedonians than to Humanity ) openly declar'd , That fuch an Indulgence ought not to be granted to fuch inveterate Enemies ; how- ever, this did not hinder Memnon from repre- fenrfhg, That it was altogether unbecoming the Pra- ctice of the Greeks, to refufe an Enemy the privi-


lege cf burying their Slain ; that Arms and Force were to be aid aga'mft Enemies that made Head a- ga'mft ut, and that it ivas an unworthy thing to infult thofe^tvhofe Fate had put it out of their Power- to dom either Good or Harm. It is moil certain, that Memnon, beiides his other Virtues, was remark- able for his Moderation ; for he did not think it at all honourable, out of a virulent Prejudice, to (lander an Enemy, and load him with Inve&jves; on the contrary, he ftrove to overcome him by Bravery and Conduct. This made him, when he heard one of the Mercenaries fpeak with Difre- lpedt and Petulancy of Alexander, ftrikehim with his Pike, and tell him , He did not hire him to rail at Alexander, but to fight aga'mft hi?n.

chap. x.

IN the mean time the Befiegedtook all the Care they could for their Security, andrais'da Brick Wall within that which was be it down ; and in- ftead of carrying it on in a fttait Line, they made it bend inwardly after the Refemblance of the new Moon. This Talk was foon finiuYd by the help of a great many Hands. The next Day Alexander began to batter this Wall, that he might with lefs difficulty beat it down while the Work was yet frefti. The Befieged took the Opportu- nity of the Macedonians being thus employ'd, to make a vigorous Sally from the Town, and fet Fire to fome of the Hurdles with which the Works were cover'd , and to part one of the Timber Towers : But Phihtas and Hellanicnt, who had that Day the Guard of the Machines , hinder'd the Fire from fpreading, and Alexander appear- ing fealbnably, ftruck luch a Terror into the Minds G 3 of

iz6 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

of the Enemy, that flinging away their Torches, and fome their Arms, they fled back to the Town with great Precipitation. The Advantage they had here from the Situation of the Place , en- abled them to repel the Force of the Enemy with eafe, and the Wall ( as we before took Notice ) was built fo that what part foever the Macedoni- ans attack'd,- they were not only oppos'd in Frontj but were alfo fure to be flank'd horn each fide thereof.

While thefe Things were doing, the Perfian Generals finding themfelves ftraiten'd every Day more and more, and being well aflur'd that the Macedonian would not go off till he had made himfelf Mailer of the Town, held a Council on what was neceftary to be done in the prefent Juncture of Affairs; and Ephialtes, a Perfon e- qually remarkable for the Strength of his Body, and the Courage of his Mind, made a Speech on the many Inconveniencies of a tirefome Siege ; 'and argu'd againft expecting till they were altoge- ther weaken 'd, and unable to refifl, and of courfe fall a Prey, with the Tozvn, to the Enemy ; and advife 'em, that while they had yet fome Strength, to engage the Enemy chearfully, with the choicefi of the hird Troops : That this hus Counfel, by how much it was more bold in Appearance, zvets by fo much the more eafe to Execute ; for the Enemy expecting nothing lefi than this, might be eaftly far- priz'd, being altogether unprepard againjl fuch an Accident. Nor did Memnon ( who otherwife us'd to prefer the cautious and wary Counfel, to the fpecious and plaufible in Appearance) oppofe him ; for he confider'd, that altho' no great Alte- rations mould happen, yet as there was no hopes of any Succour at Hand, the lime of the Siege would be fatal, he therefore did not think it im- proper, in fo great an Extremity, to try what fo




brave a Man could do, fmce he feem'd, as it were, infpir'd to execute the boldeft Undertakings.

Ephialtes therefore having made choice of two thoufand, out of the whole Body of hir'd Troops , commanded them to get a thoufand Torches, and by break of Day to be ready with their Arms to receive hi* Orders. Alexander, as foort as Day appear'd, had advanc'd the Machines a- gain to the Brick Wall, and the Macedonians were intent on their Bufmefs ; but Ephialtes Tallying out of the Town on a iudden, order'd one half of his •Men with their Torches to fet Fire to their Works, and he follow'd in Perfon with the other half to oppofe thofe who mould offers hiinder them ii> the Execution of their Del(gn : fiut Alexander being inform'd of what was doing, quickly drew up his Army, and having ftrengthen'd the Suc- cours with chofen Men , he difpatch'd fome to put out the Fire, while he himfelf attack'd thofe that were with Ephialtes ; and Ephialtes, on his part, as he was of a prodigious Strength, kill'd all thofe that engag'd him Hand to Hand, ani- mating his Men by his Voice and Looks, but molt by his Example. The Befiegers were not a little annoy'd alfo from the Walls, for the Be- fieged had erected a Tower thereon of a hundred Cubits in height, from which (having conveni- ently planted their Engines) they gall'd rhe Ene- my with Javelins and Stones. While thefe things were doing, Memnon likewife with another Body of Troops, made another Sally, from a different part of the Town, whence it was leaft expected ; this caus'd fo great a Confuiion in the Camp , that the King himfelf was at a ftand what Meafures to take. However, by his Magnanimity and fea- fonable Orders, he obviated all the Danger, and Fortune came to his Affiftance in a very proper time, for they who had fet Fire to the Machines, G 4 were

iio Freinfhemius'j" Supplement

were repuls'd with great Lofs, by the Macedonians that kept Guard there, and the Reinforcement he had fent 'em ; and Ptolemy, the Son of Philip, who was Captain of the King's Guards, having with him the Regiments of Addam and Timander, befides his own , receiv'd Memnon fo warmly, that the Macedonians on that fide, had much the better of it, notwithstanding they loft in the Acti- on Ptolomy , Add&us and Clearchus , Captain of the Archers, and about forty private Men. The Enemy retir'd with fo much Precipitation and Diforder, that in the hurry they broke down the narrow Bridge they had laid over the Ditch, and puQi'd thofe headlong down that were upon it, of whom fome were trod to Death by their own Men , and others perim'd by the Macedonians Darts from the higher Ground : A great many that had elcap'd this Calamity were dertroy'd at the very Gate of the Town , for the Inhabitants (being in the utmoft Confufion, and apprehend- ing that the Macedonians would enter at the fame time with their own Men) over-haftily (hut the Gate, delivering up their Friends to the fury of the Enemy. In the mean time Ephialtes , who was no lefs formidable by his Hopes than his Defpair, gallantly- maintain'd the Fight againft the King's Troops, and had made the Victory doubt- ful, if the Veteran Macedonians had not feafon- ably come to the Affiftance of their diftrefs'd Com- panions. Thefe Veterans , tho* in the Camp , were exempt from all Duty, except in cafe of Neceffity , notwithstanding they enjoy'd at the fame time their Salaries, and other Premiums ; and indeed they had deferv'd this Honour by their brave Behaviour under former Kings, and even under Alexander, as having pafs'd their whole Life in military Exercifes. Thefe Men therefore obferving their Companions terrify 'd, and decli- ning


ning the Engagement, and looking about, as it were for a Place to retire to, flew to their Relief under the Command of Atharicu, and having, renew'd the Fight that began to grow languid they forc'd the young Soldiers, by reproaching them with their fhameful Behaviour, to refume their Courage; then making a furious Attack all at once, and out of Emulation ftriving who mould do the Enemy molt Mifchief, in a moment For- tune turn'd to their lide ; Ethialtes, with the bra- veft of his Party was flain, and the reft were drove into the Town, a great many Macedonians enter'd it at the fame time with 'em , and the Tewn was near being taken by Storm when the King gave Orders to found a Retreat, either out of a defire to fave the Place, or elfe becaufe the Day being in a manner fpent, he apprehended Danger from the Night, and the Ambufcades that -might be laid for him , in the unknown parts of the City. This Fight confum'd the chief Strength of the Befieged, wherefore Memnon having deli- berated with Orontobates (who was Governor of the Town ) and the other Generals, on what was proper to be done, caus'd the wooden Tower, and the Arfenals where their Arms were kept, to be fet on Fire in the dead time of the Night, as alfo thofe Houfes that were near the Wall, which foon taking Fire, and the Flames from the Tower andArfenal (being blown by the Wind) increa- fing, it made a dreadful Conflagration : The bra- veft part of the Inhabitants and Soldiers retir'd into a Caftle built within an Illand, others got in- to Sabnaciiy another Caftle, fo call'd from a Foun- tain that is there, of great Fame ; and the Gene- rals fent the reft of the Multitude , and ail their raoft valuable Things in the Ifland of Cos. A~ lexander being inform'd by Deferters, and his own Obfervation of what pafs'd in the Town ; altho*" G 5 it

130 TreinftiemiusV Supplement

it was Midnight he commanded the Macedonians to enter the Place, anil pit all to the Szvord they fbould find promoting the Fire, but to* forbear inju- ring thofe who kept themfelves within their Houfes. The next Morning he took a View of the For- trefTes the Perfians and hir'd Troops had poflefs'd themfelves of, finding they would require a long Siege to reduce 'em, and that having made him- felf Mailer of the Capital City of the Country, it was not worth his while to trifle away his time about 'em ; he raz'd the Town, and commanded Ptolemy, to whofe Care he had committed the Country of Caria ( leaving with him three thou- fand Foreigners, and two hundred Horfe, for that Purpofe) to obferve thofe Caftles, which were encompafs'd both with a Wall and Ditch. Not long after Ptolemy, having joyn'd his Forces with thofe of Afander, Governor of Lydia , defeated Orontobates ; and the Macedonians being enrag'd, and not able to endure fo tedious a delay, apply'd themfelves ftrenuoully to the Siege of the Caftles, and reduc'd them.

But the King whofe Thoughts had already laid the Scheme of taking into his Conquefts Phrygia, and the adjoining Provinces , fent Parmenio with the Bands he honour'd with the Title of his Friends, the auxiliary Horfe, and the TheJJ'alians command- ed by Alexander Lyncefies, to Sardis, with Orders from thence, to make an Irruption into Phrygia , and get from the Enemy Provifions and Forrage for the Army that was coming after, allotting him Wag- gons for that ufe. Afterwards underftanding that feveral of the Macedonians (who had marry'd a lit- tle before the Expedition) impatiently deiir'd the Company of their Wives : He gave Ptolomy Se- leucuss Son the Command of 'em , and order'd him to conduct 'em home, that they might pafs the Winter with their Wives. Cmos and Meleager, two


pf his Captains, went along with them on the fame account. This endear'd the King mightily to the Soldiers, and made 'em more chearfully undergo the remote Service ; for they perceived he had a Conlideration for 'em , and reasonably hop'd they fhould now and then obtain leave to fee their Friends. At the fame time, he commanded the Officers to be very diligent in raifing Recruits du- ring their Refidence in Macedonia , and at the Be- ginning of the Spring, to bring him as many Horfe- and Foot as they could , be fides thofe they now con- ducted home. Here he obferv'd, that his Army was infected with the Manners and Cuftoms of the Afi- aticks, and that there was in the Camp a great Number of Catamites, he order'd therefore a ftrict Search to be made for 'em, and fent 'em into a little Ifland in the Ceramick Gulph, The place partook of their Infamy , and to perpetuate the Memory thereof, the Town was call'd Cin&dopolis-


THESE Affairs being thus tranfacted, Alexan- der continu'd in his firft Refolution of redu- cing ah the maritime Coaft, and by that means ren- der the Enemy's Fleet ufelefs to 'em : And there- fore having made himfelf Mafter of the Hypamians by the Treachery of the hir'd Troops (who fur- render'd the Caftle to him) he march'd towards Lycia. Here taking into his Protection the Tel- mijjenfes, and having pais'd the River Xanthus ; the Tovyn that bears that Name, with Pinara and Pa~ rara confiderable Places in that Country, and about thirty more fubmitted to him ; fo that having fet- tled things well enough for the prefent , he pro- G 6 ceeded

132, Freinfhemius\r Supplement

ceeded on to My lias, which is a part of the great- er Phrygia , but the Kings of Perfia had thought fit tcrjoin it to Lycia. While he was here receiving the Fealty of the Inhabitants , Ambafladors came to him from the Phafeliu, defiring his Friendmip, and prefented him with a Crown of Gold, as a Token of their kind Reception of him; a great many Towns of the lower Lycia , did the fame. The King therefore having fent proper Perfons to take Poffemon of the Towns of the Phafelits., and the Lyctj , in a few Days march* d himfelf to Pha~ felts. This City was then endeavouring to reduce a ftrong Fort, that the Pifid& had rais'd within their Territories, from whence they did the Inhabitants a great deal of Mifchief: But upon Alexanders Arrival, this Fort was foon taken. He remain d with the PhafelitA fome Days to refrem himfelf and his Army, the Seafon of the Year inviting him to do fo ; for it being then the middle of Winter, the Badnefs of the Roads woujd have made his Marches uneafie. Here having indulg'd a Glafs , and being in a merry Humour, and beholding the Statue that the People had erected to Theodecles , he went to it, and dancing about it, flung feveral Garlands of Flowers upon it; for he had contra- cted a Familiarity with him , and receiv'd him into his Favour when they were both at the fame time Pupils to Ariflotle. However, this jovial Humour was foon interrupted by the mocking MeiTage he re- ceiv'd from Parmenio. This General had taken up a Perfian call'd Afifnas, whom Darius had indeed fent publickly to Aty/ies Governor of Phrygia, but with thefe private Inftruclions : That he Jhould watch an Opportunity to [peak in private to Alex- ander Lynceftes, and promife him the Kingdom of Macedon, and a thoufand Talents of Gold, if he per- formed what was agreed between 'em ; for Lyncejles



had formerly gone over to the Rerfeans with Amyn- tas, and had took upon him the treasonable Office of killing the King.

He hated Alexander on feveral Accounts , but particularly for having put to Death Heromenes and Arrab&us his Brothers, for being privy to the Mur^ ther of his Father. And notwithstanding he himfelf was pardon'd, and loaded with Honours, fo as to be doubly indebted to the King; yet his natural Cruelty was fuch, and his Ambition of Power fo great , that he thought nothing a Crime that was inltrumental to his obtaining a Crown. The thing being examin'd in Council, the Kings Friends re- prefented to him, his exceffive good Nature, which had made him not only pardon a Man detecled in the foulejl of Crimes, but heap Honours upon him , even to the giving him the Command of the choiceji Part of the Horfe. Who could he hope would be faithful to him hereafter, if Parricides not only went unpunijh'd , but were received into the greateft Fa- vour, and had the chiefeft Dignities, and mofi confi- dsrable Employ?nents confer/ d upon 'em ? That it was necejfary to redrefs in time, the Error he had been led into by his too great Clemency ; left if Lyn- ceftes fhould be fenfeble that he was dif cover d, he fhould ftir up the inconftant Temper of the Theffa'- lians to a Revolt. That the Danger was not of a nature to be contemned , fence there could not be a, greater imagind. Befides, that it would be no lej3 than flighting the Deity s Care it felf9 zvho was pleas d after fo remarkable a manner, to admonifh him of the treacherous Defigns againft him. For the King , during the late Siege of Halicarnajfus, being laid down in the Afternoon, to refrefli him- felf after his Fatigues and Labours , a Sivallow, which is a Bird remarkable for Omens, flutter'd round about his Head as he was alleep, making a coTifiderable Noife, and fometimes fettling on this

134 FreinfhemiusV Supplement

fide, fometimes on that fide of the Bed, chattering louder than is ufual. But as the King was much tir'd, it did not altogether waken him ; however, as it was rroublefome to him , he brufh'd it away with his Hand. Notwithstanding which, the Bird was fo far from being frighten'd , that it even fet- tled upon his Head , and did not leave off chirp- ing, till having thoroughly waken'd him he fcar'd it quite away.

This Accident was by Arifiander , interpreted after this manner : He faid the King ivas in Banger from one of his Friends , but the Treafon would not remain undifcover d; the Nature of the Bird feem- ing to foretel cm much, for it is more familiar with Man than any other, and at the fame time is a great Chatterer. Having duly confidered thefe things , and rinding Afifines's Difcovery to agree with the Diviner's Anfwer, and moreover having been carefully warn'd by his Mother, to have a par- ticular Eye upon this Man, he thought all farther Delay might be of ill confequence, and therefore fent Inltructions to Parmenio, what he mould do upon this Occafion. for as we took notice be- fore, Alexander Lyncefies was gone along with him into Phrygia. Now left by fome Accident or other , the King's Defign mould be unfeafonably betray'd, he would not truft it in writing, but fent it by Word of Mouth, by a trufty and honourable Perfon. Amphoterus Brother to Crater, was pitch'd upon, who putting on a Phrygian Habit, inftead of the Macedonian , and taking along writh him fomc of the Pergenfes for his Guides , he came in Dil- guife to Parmenio. Hereupon Alexander Lyncefies is feiz'd , and notwithstanding his Punilhment was for a long time put orT, in consideration of his own and his Family's Quality and Intereft, yet three Years after, when Philotas's Accomplices were executed, he was put to Death likewife, flu- ring


ring in their Punifhinent, for having participated in their Crime. Befides the Detection of this Plot againft his Life, the King moving from Phafelis, had foon another Token of the Deity's Favour and Pro- tection. He had fent Part of his Army to the Town of the Pargenfes , and follow himfelf with the reft thereof, along the Coaft, where the Moun- tain Climax looks into the Pamphylian Sea , and leaves but a narrow Way to Travellers, even when the Sea is calm ; but when this is tempeftuous, the other is drown'd by the overflowing Waters ; which frequently happens in Winter, if not always. But Alexander, who dreaded nothing more than De- lay , led his Army through the rough, as well as fmooth, with equal Ardour and Expedition. The South Wind having blown for fome Days, had co- ver'd the Ways with Water : There fell at the fame time, great and frequent Rains, as is ufual when thofe Winds blow. However, upon Alexa?i- der's Approach, the North Wind rofe on the fud- den, and difpers'd the Clouds, and driving the Wa- ters back into the Sea, open'd a Paffage to the Macedonians. Notwithstanding which, he was forc'd to wade thro' feveral unknown Fords, which took his Men fometimes up to the Middle. At the fame time that I allow Alexanders great Allurance in Dangers, to proceed from the undoubted Great- nefs of his Soul, yet I cannot but think it receiv'd fome Increafe from the many Prefages and Omens in his Favour; lince he thereby conjeclur'd he was deftin'd to perform great and noble Exploits.

While he was yet m Macedonia, there appear'd to him a Perfon of a Figure, more venerable than one of human Extraction, advinng him to follow him into Afia , to overthrow the Perfian Empire. When the King came into Ph&nicia, he was put in mind of his Dream, by the High-Pridi of the


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Jews, whofe Drefs reviv'd in his Memory, that of the Object he had beheld in his Vifion. For while Alexander was employ'd in the Seige of Tyre, he had commanded the neighbouring Kings and People to fubmit to him, and raife him Sol- diers. But the Jews who were Matters of the fa- mous City of Jerufalem , excufing themfelves, as being in Alliance with Barim, rejected the Kings Friendmip. He therefore being incens'd thereat, march'd into Jxdea with a Defign to punifli the Contumacy of that People. But the Inhabitants of Jemfalem, to appeafe the King's Anger, went out of the Town to meet him, with their Wives and Children, in a fuppliant manner. The Priefis led the Proceffion, being cloth'd with fine Linnen, the People follow'd cloth'd alfo in White, and Jaddtts the High-Prlefl in his Pontifical Habit, was at the Head of the Multitude. The King admiring the Beauty of this pompous Proceffion, alighting from his Horfe, advancd alone, and having firft ador'd the Name of God that was engrav'd on a Gold Plate in the High- Priefis Mitre, he afterwards faluted the High-Priefi himfelf. The Unexpectednefs of the thing, ftruck all the Spectators with Amazement. And the Jews, who not only faw themfelves freed from their imminent Danger , but alfo taken into Favour, contrary to their Expectation , furround- ed the King , praifing and congratulating him ,. and offering up their Prayers for his Profperity. On the contrary , the little Kings of Syria, who were bitter Enemies of the Jews, and had follow- ed Alexander in hopes to gratifle their Eyes with the Punishment of their inveterate Foes, were fo aftonifti'd, that they in a manner doubted, whether what they beheld, was a Reality, or whether their Senfes were ampos'd upon by a Dream ; nay, the Macedonians themfelves,. were not lefs fufpriz/d at the unufual Spectacle ; infomuch that Parmenio ap- proaching


proaching the King, took the Liberty to afk him, Why he jhew d fo much Refpeci to foreign Ceremo- nies, fince to receive it from fo vile a Nation, were unworthy fo great a King ? Hereupon Alexander told him his Dream.

After which, he enter'd into the Town, and in their moft beautiful Temple offer'd Sacrifices to God according to the receiv'd Cuftom of the Place, beftowing on it many noble Prefents. Here he faw alfo their facred Books which contain'd fe- veral ancient Prophefies; among which, there was this, that lyre fliould yield to the Macedonians , and that the Perfians mould be overcome by a Greek. He looking upon himfelf to be the Perfon meant therein, granted the Jews the liberty of li- ving both at home and abroad, according to their own Cufloms and Laws : And becaufe their Land lies until d every feventh Tear, he ordain d that they fhould be freed from that Proportion of their Taxes. He was mightily taken alfo with the Nature of the Country, which (befides the other Fruits which it produces in as plentiful a manner as any other) alone affords the Balm-Tree. Alexander made Andromachus Governor of thefe Provinces, whom the Samaritans (the Jews mortal Enemies) barba- roufly murder'd a little Time after. But thefe things were tranfa<fted after the Reduction of Tyre and Gaza, tho' we lay hold of this Occafion to re- late 'em before-hand.


ALEXANDER having pafs'd the narrow Way that lies along the Pamphylian Sea ; up- on his March from Perg& , was met on the Road by Ambafladors from the Afpendij, defiring they


138 FreinfliemiusV Supplement:

might not be compell'd to receive a Garifon, pro- miring in confideration of that Exemption, fifty Talents towards the Soldiers Pay , and as many Horfes as they us'd, to maintain by the way of Tribute for the King of Perfia. From thence the King advanc'd to the Sideta, who are feated near the River Melm ; they are of the Race of the Cnm&- ans of JEolia , but are barbarous in their Speech, having loft their Greek; not by length of Time, as it often happens , but they fay , that their Ance- ftors at their firft coming into thofe Parts, on the fudden forgot their native Language, and fpoke one till then unknown.

Having taken PofTefllon of Sida, which is the Metropolis of Pamphylia, he was marching towards Sy Ilium, a Town ftrong by its Situation, and pro- vided with a numerous Garifon of Foreigners and neighbouring Barbarians. In confideration where- of, and becaufe he was inform'd that the Afpendy had revolted, he alter'd his Courfe , and march'd to Afpendm. The Inhabitants were fo mightily furpnz'd at the fudden Arrival of the Macedonians, that forfaking their Houfes, they retir'd into the Cittadel. So that Alexander taking Poifaflion of the empty Town, encamp' d under the Caftle; and as he had with him very able Engineers, he by the Sight of his Preparations to attack 'em, oblig'd 'em to fue for Peace on their firit Terms. Nothing could happen more to Alexander $ Wifti (who had greater Deligns in view) than that he was not llopt in his Career by a long Siege, for the Place was no way contemptible. However, that the Revol- ters might not go altogether unpunihYd, he requi- red the mofl considerable of the Citrzens to be deli- ver d to him as Hofiages, and as the Tax of Money that had been fir fiimposd, vjas not yet paid, he now imposd upon \m double that Sum. He alfo added, That they fhould obey the Cover nour he fet over 'em.


and pay a yearly Tribute to the Macedonians ; and as for the Territory, from whence they had driven fome of their Neighbours by Force, they were to he determined in that Point by the Law.

Having perform'd thefe things, he took the Road that leads to the Town of the Pergenfefis, and from thence march'd into Phrygia. But in his March that way, he was obhg'd to pafs thro' a ve- ry (trait and narrow Lane, form'd by two Moun- tains that almoft jojn to one another, near Tel- mijftit a Town belonging to the Pi[id&. The En- trances into this Lane are fo llrait, that they may be compar'd to Gates: Here the Barbarians had polled themfelves, refolving to difpute Alexanders Palfage. But he presently caus'd his Army to en- camp at the very Entrance, concluding (what af- terwards happen'd) that the Telmiffenfes, feeing the Tents pitch'd, would imagine the- Danger to be delay'd, and fo would not long remain in thofe Straits, but leaving a competent Number of Men to guard 'em, would retire into the Town. Alexan- der therefore laying hold of this Opportunity, or- der d the Archers and Slingers to advance, as alio thofe of the heavy arm'd Troops that were lead encumber'd ; and having beat thofe that guarded the Pafs, he went and encamp'd before the Town. Here AmbafTadors came to him from the Selgenfes, who (out of their inveterate Hatred to the Tel- mijfenfes, altho' of the fame Nation) offer'd their Friendfliip and AlMance to the King. He having receiv'd 'em very graciouily, that he might not walle his Time in the Siege of one Place, he went and encamp'd before Sagalajjhs, which is a flrong Place, and was well provided with the Flower of their Forces for its Defence; for tho' all the Pi- fids, are warlike and brave , yet the Sagalaffenfis are efteem'd the flouteft of 'era all. Thefe being reinforc'd with Troops from the Ttlmefenfes, their


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Allies, and having more Confidence in their own Courage, than in their Walls, had drawn up their Army on a neighbouring' Hill , and by reafon of the Advantage they had of the Ground, they re* puls'd the light-arm'd Forces Alexander had fent againft 'em : However, the Agriani made an ob- ftinate Refiftance, and feem'd to be encourag'd by the Approach of the Macedonian Phalanx, and the Kings Prefence, whom they beheld before the Co- lours. The Soldiers labour'd under great Difficul - ties while they forc'd their Way up the Hill ; but as foon as they had got a little firmer Footing, they eafily difpers'd the Multitude of Mountaineers that were but half arm'd. There fell in this Action of the Macedonians , Cleandcr, wrho was a Captain, and about twenty private Men : Of the Barbari- ans, five hundred were flain ; the reft fav'd them- felves by flight, and the Knowledge of the Coun- try. The King purfu'd them as faft as Troops fo encumber'd with Arms, poflibly could, and at the fame time made himfelf Matter of their Town. He carry'd his Arms againft the other ftrong Places of Pifidia, of which he reduc'd fome by Force, others he receiv'd by Compofition. He raz'd Tel- mijj'm, for the Obftinacy of its Inhabitants, whom he depriv'd of their Liberty, and a little after, he united 'em with fome other Cities of Pifidia , to the Government oiCeUn&. Alexander having thus quieted thefe bold People, continu'd his March in- to Phrygia , by the Lake Afcanius, whofe Waters naturally come to a Concretion, and fo fave thofe who live within its Neighbourhood the trouble of going farther for Salt.

While thefe Things were doing , Memnon ha- ving got together the fcatter'd Remains of his Ar- my, refolv'd to carry the War into Greece and Ma- cedonia, and by that Diverfion, force Alexander to leave Afia. For Darius now put all his Hopes in


Book III. Quintus Curtius. 141

him alone, feeing he had by his Bravery and Con- dud kept the Conqueror lb long in play at Halt- carnajfus'y He therefore made him Generali(fimo of all his Forces, and lent him a vaft Sum of Money. Memnon by this Help, having hir'd as many Troops as he could , fail'd up and down the Seas without Qppoiition, his Fleet confuting of three hundred Ships. He now took into ferious Conii deration, what could either favour or crofs his Deiigns : And having made himfelf Matter of thofe Places that were lefs carefully guarded, (among which was Lampfacus) he attack'd the 1 Hands which the Macedonians could not fuccour for want of a Fleet, notwithstanding they were Mailers on both iides the Continent.

The great Divilions that reign'd among the People was of mighty Advantage to Memnon in his Undertaking : For as fome were in Alexanders Intercft on account of their Liberty which he had reftor'd to 'em ; there were others , who, having got together great Riches under the Perfians, pre- ferr'd their own private Power , under their old Mafters, to a general Equality in a free Republick. This made Athenagoras and Apolionides, (who were two of the molt coniiderable Men of the Me of Chios) having communicated their Defign to Pht- finus and Megarens, and others of their Faction, invite Memnon thither. Thus Chios was taken by Treachery , where having left a fufficient Garrifon, the Adminiftration of Affairs was by him put in- to the Hands of Apollonites and his AJJ'ociates.

From thence failing to Lesbos he with fmall Op- poiition made himfelf Matter of Antijja, Pyrrha, and Erejfks. He eftablifh'd Ariftonicus in the Re- gency of Methymna, and reduc'd the whole Mand, except the famous City of Mitylene , which held out a coniiderable time , and was not taken by Memnon himfelf : For when he had rais'd a great


i^z FreinfhemiusV Supplement, &c.

many Works about the Town, had fl^ut up the Port, and difpos'd his Ships in proper Places, to cut off all Succour from the Place ; he was feiz'd with the Plague, and lb fmftrated all the Hopes of the Perfians, to their irreparable Damage. But when he found he was near his End, he refign'd his Command to Phamabafus his Siller's Son , whom (he had by Artabafus, till Darius being in- form'd of his Death, fhould provide otherwife. Phamabafus therefore dividing the Duties of the Siege with Autophradates , the Admiral fo ftreigh- ten'd the befieg'd, that they furrender'd upon the following Conditions : That the Garrifon fljould be permitted to march off unmolefted : That the Pil- lars on which were engravd the Terms of their Alliance with Alexander fliould be flung down ; and fwearing Allegiance to Darius , they fhould call home half of thofe who were banifh d. But the Perfians did not oblerve all the Articles of Capi- tulation ; for having introduc'd Soldiers to the Town, they made Lycomedes the Rhodiany Go- vernor ; affigning the Regency of the Country to Diogenes on the Account of his Zeal for the Per- fian Intereft. After this they extorted Money from the richeft Inhabitants, notwithstanding which the common Tax of the Mytilemans was not at all leffeaed.





N the mean time Alexander Tent Oleander with a confiderable Sum of Money to raife Recruits in Pe- loponnefus ; and having fettl'd the Affairs of Lycia zn&Pamph'riia, ad- vanced his Army, before the Town Celent, which the River Marjias at that time di- vided in two. This River was much celebrated by the fabulous Relations of the Greek Poets. Its Spring rifes out of the Top of a hill, and falls af- terwards upon a Rock beneath it, with a mighty Noife, from whence it diffuies it felf, and waters the neighbouring Plains, being very clear, as car- rying along with it nothing but its own pure Streams. Its Colour therefore refembles that of tine calm Sea , and thereby gave Birth to the Fi- ction

144 FreinfliemiusV Supplement

(ftion of the Poets, who pretend, that the Nymphs being in hve with this River, took up their Refi- dince in that Rock. So long as it runs within the Walls, it retains its own Name; but when it leaves the Town it grows larger and becomes more rapid in its Cou.fe, and is then call'd the Lycus. Alexander rinding the Town deferted by its "Inhabitants , enter'd it ; and was preparing to attack the Cittadel into which they had fled : He therefore fent a Herald to 'em, to let them know, that if they did not furrender the Place, they mufi expecl the utmoft Severities. But they taking the Herald into a high Tower, ftrong both by Nature and Art , bid him take a Vieiv of its Heigh th and acquaint Alexander , that the Inhabitants and he had different Notions of its Fortifications : They knezv they could not be reduc d ; but however: let the worfl come that could, they were ready to lay down ttoeir Lives for their Loyalty. Yet when they faw they were formally beiieg'd , and that every thing grew fcarcer with 'em from one day to another ; they agreed upon a Truce for two Months , in zvhich time if they received no Relief from Darius , they promised to furrender ; and ac- cordingly (no Succour appearing) they fubmitted to the King, on the day preflx'd for that Purpofe. About this time AmbafTadors came to him from the Athenians, to defire that thofe of their City, who had been made Prifoners at the Battle near the River Granicus might be reltor'd to 'em. A- lexander made Anfwer , that not only their Citi- zens, bnt likewife all the other Greeks fhould be re- fhord to their refpeclive Cities, as foon as the Per- lian War ruas ended. However as he long'd to come to an Engagement with Darius, who, as he was inform'd, had not yet pafs'd the Euphrates ; he from all Parts fummon'd his Troops, that he might be able with his whole Strength, to come



to a deciftve Aftion with him. He was then lead- ing his Army through Phrygia ; which abounded with Villages , but had not many Towns. Yet there was one ftill in Requeft call'd Gordiun , the ancient Seat of Midas. The River Sangarius runs through it, and it is feated between the Pon- tick and the C'dicUn Seas. Thefe Seas almoft 11- nite, having but a fin all Neck of Land to part 'em, each Sea ftriving to encroach upon the Land, and reducing it into a narrow Straight. But yet tho' it reaches the Continent, and as it is almoft fur- rounded with Water, it feems to reprefent an Ifland; infomuch, that were it not for this flen- der Partition, thefe Seas would join. Alexander, having made himfelf Mailer of the Town , went into Jupiter s Temple : where they (hew'd him Gordiuss Chariot, who was father to Midas, This Chariot in outward Appearance differ'd very lit- tle from the common Sort. But there was one thing in it very remarkable, which was a Cord fo myfterioufly ty'd into Knots , fo artfully interwo- ven one within the other , that no Body could find out where they began , nor where they end- ed : The Inhabitants giving him to underftand , That the Oracle had declard, that he that could un- tie that Knot fhould conquer Afia , he was mighty defirous to fulfil the Prcphecy. The King was then furrounded with a great many Phrygians and Ma- cedonians : Thofe impatiently waited for the E- vent, and thefe were full of Concern for the rafh Undertaking of their Prince j For the Series of Knots was fo perplex'd , that neither Reafon nor Senfe could direft him in the Difcovery either of its Beginning or End. Hereupon the King being apprehenfive that his failing in this Point might be look'd upon as ominous, after a long and fruit* lefs Struggle with the Intricacy of the Knots, broke out into this Expreffion, That it was not very ma- H terial

I4<5 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

terial how they were unty'd; fo taking his Sword he cut them all afunder, and by that means either eluded or fulfill'd the Prophecy.

Alexander being now refolv'd to find out Da- rius wherever he was, that he might leave all things in Safety behind him, he gave to Amphote- ric the Command of his Fleet , on the Coaft of the Hellefpont; and declar'd Hegelochm General of the Land Forces, giving them Orders to drive out the Perfian Garrifons from Lejbos , Chios , and Coos , and ordered them fifty Talents for the faid Ufes : he fent at the fame time to Antipater, and the other Governors of the Greek Cities, fix hun- dred Talents. He required alfo of his Confede- rates that they mould with their own Ships de- fend the Hellefpont. The King was not yet in- form'd of Memnons Death, who was then the chiefell of his Care, being well aflur'd that he mould meet with nothing to flop him , unlefs it was through his means.

Alexander was by this time come to the Town Ancyra, where having mufter'd his Army, he en- ter'd Pdphlagonia : which border'd upon the Eneti, from whence fome are of Opinion the Venetians are defcended. All this Country readily fubmit- ted to the King; and having giv'n him Pledges for their future Loyalty, they obtain'd an Exemption from Tribute, it appearing they had not paid any even to the Perjians. He gave Cains the Govern- ment of this Country, and march'd himfelf into Cappadocia, taking with him the new Levies that were lately come from Macedonia.


Book III. Quintus Curtius. 147


BUT Daruu receiving the News of Memnons Death , was no lefs giiev'd thereat than the Importance of the thing requir'd ; and hereupon laying alide all other Hopes , refolv'd to decide the Matter in Perfon : for he blam'd all his Ge- rals, concluding that moft of them had been ne- gligent, but that they were all unfortunate. Ha- ving therefore form'd a Camp near Babylon , that they might enter upon the War with the greater Courage, he drew all his Forces together in Sight of the City : where having intrench'd fuch a Space of Ground as would conveniently hold ten thou- fand Men after Xerxes's Method , he took a Lift of the Number of his Army. From the rifing of the Sun till Night, they kept moving into this in- trench'd Ground, according to their refpective Rolls, and from thence they were diftributed in the Plains of Mefopotamia.

The Multitude of his Horfe and Foot was al- moft innumerable , and yet in appearance thev feem'd to be Hill more than they really were. Of Perjians there were one hundred thoufand, wlr of thirty thoufand were Horfe. The Medians "-made up ten thoufand Horfe and fifty thoufand Foot. The Barcanians confifted of two thoufand Horfe, arm'd with two-edg'd Bills and light roun- difh Bucklers , and ten thoufand Foot arm'd after the fame manner. The Armenians had fent for- ty thoufand Foot, and feven thoufand Horfe. The Hircanians, who were in great Repute among thofe Nations , furniuYd fix thoufand Horfe. The Der- bkas had fitted out forty thoufand Foot, moft of 'em arm'd with Pikes , and the reft with Staves harden'd in the Fire ; thefe were alfo accompa- H 2. ny'd

148 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

ny'd with two thoufand Horfe of the fame Na- tion. From the Cafpian Sea there came eight thoufand Foot , and two hundred Horfe : Thefe had with 'em of the iefs confiderable Afiaticks two thoufand Foot , and double that Number of Horfe. Belides thefe Troops , there were thirty thoufand Greeks in their Pay, all chofen young Men. As for the Baclrians, Sogdians, and Indi- ans, and the other Inhabitants bordering on the Red Sea, whofe Names were hardly known to him, the Hafte he was in would not permit him to wait for their coming. It is plain from hence that he wanted nothing lefs than Number of Men.

The Sight of this vaft Multitude was fo grate- ful to him , and his Nobles , according to their ufual Flattery, fo fwell'd his Hopes, that turning to Charidemus an Athenian, an experienc'd Sol- dier, and an Enemy to Alexander on the Account of his Banifliment (for he had been expell'd A- thens by his Order ) he ailc'd him , Whether he thought him well enough provided to overthrow his Enemy l But Charidemm , unmindful of his Con- dition , or the Kings Pride , made this Anfwer : Perhaps , Sir , you may not he fleas 'd with the Truth, and yet if 1 do not tell it now, it will he in vain for me to tell it hereafter. This Army of yours that makes fo great an Appearance, this vafi .Multitude compos 'd of fo many different Nations , and of all the E aft em Countries , perhaps may be terrible to the neighbouring People : The Purple and Gold with ivhich it is adorn d, the Splendor and Riches of its Arms is fuch , that they who have not beheld it with their Eyes , can hardly bring their Thoughts to conceive an Appearance of this nature. But the Macedonian Army is dreadful to behold, and are inurd to protect their immoveable Wedges, and the united Strength of their Men with


Book III, Quintus Curtius. 149

their Pikes and Bucklers. Their Phalanx is a, firm Body of Foot ; the Men ftand in clofe Order, and their Arms are in a manner united ; they are fo perfectly well exercised, that they knoiv how {upon the leafi Signal givn) to follow their Colours and obferve their Ranks. The Word of Command is by all obeyd at once : Whether it be to repel the Ene- my, to zuheel about, or change the Order of Battle, the Officers themfelves are not more expert, than the common Soldiers. And that you may not think they value Gold or Silver, they have learn d this Difci- pline in the School of Poverty : When they are tird the Ground is their Bed ; they fatisfie their Hunger with any thing they can get. Now as for the Thef- falian Horfe, the Acarnanians , and the ^Etolians , they are an invincible Body of Men , and fiall 1 believe they are to be repus d with Slings, and Pikes harden d in the Fire ? No, Sir, there muji be an equal Strength, and you ought to feek for Succour in that Country that produc'd thefe Men : fend there- fore that Gold and that Silver to hire Troops from whence they came. Dariu* was naturally of a mild and tradable Difpofition, but his high Station now and then tainted it. Being therefore unable to bear the Truth, he broke through the Laws of Hofpiiality and commanded both his Gadls-ad Sup- pliant and heft Adviler, to be hurried azvay to Ex%> " cution. However even that did not hinder him from fpeaiung his Mind freely ; for he told the King , 1 have one at hand that will revenge my Death, and he that J advisd againfl will chafiife you for flighting my Counfel : And you, that by the Regcd Prerogative are fo fuddenly changd, fliall be an Example to Poflerity, that when Men aban- don themfelves to their Fortune , they even forget Nature. While he was making this publick De- claration, the Executioners cut his Throat. The H'3 King

15*0 Quintus Curtius. BookllL

King was afterwards touch'd with too late a Re- pentance ; and acknowledging he had [poke the Truth, order'd him to be buried.


^HHymodes , Mentors Sbn , was a briflc young 1 Man : Darius commanded him to receive from Phamabazus all the foreign Forces ; for he had great Confidence in 'cm, and defign'd there- fore to make ufe of 'em in the War : At the lame time he gave to Pharnabazus the fame Com- jniiiion ^tMemnon had. Now as Darius' sThoughts were wholly taken up with the Views of the pre- fent important Affairs , he had alfo in his Sleep feveral Dreams, that feem'd to foretel the Event of things ; which whether they proceeded from Solicitude and Care, or that his Mind had a real Foreknowledge of what was to happen is uncer- tain. He dream'd that the Macedonians Camp was all on Fire ; and a little after that Alexander was brought to him in the fame Garb he was in him- felf when he was cjiofen King, and that having rid through the City, he on the fudden vanim'd, Horfe and all. The Judgments of the Soothfayers were various, and kept People in fufpence : for fome of 'em faid , His Dream portended good Luck , by reafon that the Enemies Camp tvas on fire, and A- lexander having laid afide his Regal Robes, had been brought to him in the private Drefs of the Per- fians. Others were of a clear different Opinion, and faid, That the Brightnefs of the Macedonian Camp was a Token of Alexander'* future Splendour ; ivho they conjeclur'd would make himfelf Mafier of Afia, becaufe he had appe.tr d m the fame Drefs Darius

Book III. Quintus Curtius. i<ri

had on when he vjcu fainted King. The prefent Anxiety had alfo received paft Prefages, as it ufu- ally happens. Darius in the Beginning of his Reign had order d the Perfian Scabbard to be changd into that Form that the Greeks usd ; hereupon the Chaldeans prognofticated that the Perfian Empire fbould pafs into the Hands of thofe, zuhofe Arms they had imitated. However he was wonderfully pleas'd with the Interpreters, Expofition , which was fpread among the Vulgar , and with the Re- prefentation of his Bream ; and therefore gave Orders for his Army to move towards the Eu- phrates.

It was an ancient Cufifom among the Perfians not to break up their Camp till the Sun was rofe, and then the Trumpet gave Notice from the King's Tent ; upon which the Image of the Sun was plac'd, enclos'd in a Cryftal Cafe.

The Army march'd in the following Order, The Fire, which they hold to be facred and eter- nal, was carry'd before on Silver Altars. The Magi follow'd next, linging Verfes after their Coun- try Manner. Thefe were fucceeded by three hundred fixty five Youths, cloath'd in fcarlet, an- fwering the Number of the Days of the Year ; for the PerfianYexv is divided into fo many Days. After thefe came the Chariot confecrated to Ju- piter y which was drawn by white Hofes ; thefe were follow'd by a Horfe of an uncommon Heighth and Bulk, and was call'd the Horfe of the Sun. The Drivers were adorn'd with golden Wands, and white Habits. At a fmall diftance follow'd ten Chariots embellifhed with a great deal of Gold and Silver finely engrav'd. Next came the Ca- valry of twelve Nations , different in their Man- ners , and varioufly arm'd. After thefe march'd thofe whom the Perfians call the Immortal, being ten thoufand in Number ; among all the Barb a- H 4 rians

151 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

rians none were more richly clad : They had gold Chains about their Necks , and their Clothes were embroider'd with Gold ; befides which they had fleev'd Jackets, finely adorn'd with Pearl. At a fmall diftance follow'd thofe who went by the Denomination of the King's Relations , confirming of fifteen thoufand Men. This Band being drefs'd aim oil after the manner of Women, was more confpicuous for its Luxury than for its Arms. The Doryphori came next, who carry'd the Kings Apparel ; thefe preceded the Kings Chariot , where his Seat was fo high that he was ealily feen. Each Side of the Chariot was curioufly fet off with the Images of the Gods , wrought in Gold and Silver ; the Beam of it glitter'd with precious Stones , and bore two Images of Gold about a Cubit high , one whereof reprefent- ed N'mm , and the other Bclas : Between thei'e was plac'd a facred Eagle of Gold with its Wings expanded. But the Magnificence of the King's Apparel. exceeded every thing ; his Puiple Veil was neatly intet wrought with Silver Stripes , and. his upper Garment was moil artfully embroider'd with Gold, and was befides beautified with the Representation of two Hawks wrought in Gold, who feem'd to peck at one another. His Girdle was after the Womens Mode alfo of Gold , at which hung his Sword , which had a Scabbard of Pearl. The Royal Ornament for the Head, is by the Perfians call'd a Cidaris> this was encompafs'd with a Roll of a Iky Colour , with a Mixture of white. The Chariot was follow'd by ten thou- fand Pikemen , whofe Pikes were plated with Sil- ver, having their Spikes tipp'd with Gold. The King had on his right and left about two hundred of the nobleit of his Relations. This Body was attended by thirty thoufand Foot who were fol- io w'd by four hundred of the King's Horfes. Af- ter

Book III. Quintos Curtius, 153

ter thefe, within the diftance of one Furlong, was Syfigambis, Darim's Mother, in one Chariot, and his Queen in another : The Troop of Servants that waited on the Queen's, was on Horfe back, next came fifteen cover' d Waggons, in which were the King's Children with their Tutors nn&Eunuchs, which. are not accounted contemptible in thefe Nations. Then follow'd three hundred and fixty of- the Kings Concubines, all in regal Apparel. The King's Money which was carry'd by fix hundred Mules, and three hundred Camels, attended by a Guard of Archers, went next. After thefe came the Wives of the King's Relations and Friendsr- who were follow'd by Crowds of Servants and Slaves. The whole was concluded by the light arm'd Sol- diers with their refpedtive Officers who brought up the Rear. Such was Darius s Army.

But he that beheld Alexander's would find it altogether different ; for neither the Men nor the Ho'rfes glitter'd with Gold nor rich Apparel, but with their Iron and Brafs ; yet his Troops were always ready either to halt or to march, be- ing neither burthen'd with Followers, nor over- loaded with Baggage ; ever attentive, not only to the General's Signal, but even the leaft nod of his Head : He had room enough to encamp in, and Provifion enough for his Army : fo that when it was drawn up in order of Battle, he could fee a fingle Soldier was not wanting. Whereas Darius, Who was King of fo vaft a Multitude, by the ftraight- nefs of the Place in which he fought, was reduc'd to the fmall Number he had defpis'd in his Enemy,


154 Quintus Curtius. Book III.


IN the mean time Alexander having appointed Abiflamenes, Governor of Cappadocia, march'd with his Army towards Cilicia, and was already come to the Place they call Cyrus's Camp ; this part of the Country was fo call'd from Cyrus's having encamp' d there, as he was marching into Lydia againft Crosfus. It was about fifty Furlongs diftant from the narrow PafTage that leads into Cilicia, which by the Inhabitants is call'd PyU% be- ing narrow Straits, which Nature feems by Situa- tion to have made as ftrong as if they had been for- tify'd by the Hand of Man. Upon Advice of this, Arfanes, who was Governor of Cilicia, cal- ling to mind Memmns Counfel at the beginning of the War ( when it would have been of Ufe ) executed the fame when it was too late ; ravaging Cilicia with Fire and Sword, that the Enemy might find it a mere Defart, fpoiling every thing that could any way be ufeful, that he might leave that Country naked and barren, which he could not defend ; but it had been much more advifable to have feiz'd the Pafs , and to have guarded it with a ftrong Body of Men, and to have made himfelf Matter of the Mountain that commands" the Road, from whence it had been eafie, with- out the leaft danger, either to have kept off, or to have opprefs'd the Enemy. However, he ha- ving left a few to defend the fame , went back himfeif to lay wafte that Country, that he ought to have preferv'd from Depredations. This made thofe he left there (imagining they were betray'd) •not fo much as wait for the light of the Enemy, when at the fame time a fmaller Number might have defended that Place; for Cilicia is hemm'd


Book HI. Quintus Curtius. t$?

in by a Ridge of craggy fteep Hills, which begin- ning at the Sea on one iide, and fetching a com- pafs about, joins again to the Sea on other fide,. The back of the Mountain that lies fartheft from the Sea, has three very narrow Paffes, by the one of which you enter Cilicia ; that part of it that lies towards the Sea is Champain, and has its Plains water' d by feveral Rivers, of thefe Py ramus and Cydnws are the moft confiderable. The Cydnm is not lb remarkable for the largenefs of its Stream,, as for the clearnefs of its Water; for falling gent- ly from its Fountain-head, it is received in a pure Soil, and has no Torrents falling into it to difturb its gentle Current. This is the caufe that its Wa- ters are very clear, and at the fame time mighty- cold ; for being fhaded by the Trees that grow on its Banks on each fide, it preferves its Purity all the way till it falls into the Sea. Time has im- pair'd a great many ancient Monuments in this. Country, which have been celebrated by the Poets Here are to be feenthe Ruins of the Towns Lyr~ neffus and Thebes, as alfo Tryphons Cave, and the Corycian Grove, which affords Saffron ;.with the^ Fame of many other Curiofities, which fublift now only in Report.

Alexander having enter' d thefe Straits,, and confider'd the Nature of the Place, was feiz'd with an Admiration of his own Felicity, for he did not fcruple to confefs, That he and his Army might have been knock' d on the Head with Stones only, if there had been but Hands to have rowV d 'em down upon 'em as they pafi'd under the Mountain, The V/ay was fo narrow that four Men could hardly march a breaft ; hefides, the back of the Hill hung over it, and it was not only difficult on the.fcore. of its ftreightnefs, but alfo for its being in many Places broken, by the feveral Rivulets that flow from the bottom of the Hills.

H'6 Alexander

156 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

Alexander therefore order'd the light arm'd Thracians to march before, and examine the nar- row tvays, for fear the Enemy jljould lye there in- Ambufc/tde to furpr'ife him. He alfo fent a Body of Archers to polleis themfelves of the top of the Hill, ordering them to march with their Bows ready bent, admonifhing 'em that they were not entring upon a March, but upon an Engagement. In this Order he advanc'd to the City of Tarfusy which the Perfians were then fetting on Fire> that lb rich a Place might not fall into the Hands of the Enemy. But the King having fent Par- menio before with a Detachment of light Horfe, to put a Hop to the Fire, fav'd the Place ; and un- demanding that upon approach of his Men the Barbarians were fled, enter'd the Town he had preferv'd.


TH E River Cydnus ( of which we before made mention) runs thro' this City , and it was then the fummer Seafon , at which time the Heat is no where more violent than in this Country of Cilicia, and it was the hotter! time of the Day. The clearn efs of the Stream invited the King to wafli the Sweat and Duft off his Body, which at that time was over heated ; therefore he pull'doff his Clothes in fight of the Army , ( thinking it would Hill encreafe their Efteern for him, if they peiceiv'd he was not over nice in the Care of his Perfon, but was contented with that Refrefhment that was cheap and always at Hand ) and went in- to the River : He was no fooner in it but a fud- den horror feiz'd all his Limbs,, and he turn'd pale, the vital Heat having almoft forfaken his Body.


Book HI. Quintus CuRTius. 157

Hereupon his Servants took him up, and carry'd him into his Tent, he being like one expiring, and equally infenfible.

The Camp was now in the greater!; Affliction and Concern, nay almoft in Tears; they bewailed the hard Fate of their King ( the greatefl and mo ft memorable Prince of any Age , that he Jhould) be in fuch a manner fnatch'd away , in fo prc- mifing a courfe of Succefi ; and that too , not in Battle, nor by the Hand of the Enemy, but bathing himfelf in a River. That Darius was now almoft in the Neighbourhood , *nd would be a Conqueror without fo much as feeing hit Enemy. That they fiould be forcd to march back as Men vanqui/h'd, through thofe Countries they had fp lately fubdud ; and as either they themfelves or the Enemy had laid every thing wafte in their March, they fiould pe- rifh even by Famine and Want, in fuch vaft Witt* dernejfes, altho no Enemy purfud 'em. Who would prefume to be their Leader in their Flight ? Who would dare to fucceed Alexander ? And admitting they made a good Retreat to the Hellefpont, tvho would prepare a. lleet to tranfport 'em ? Then turning, their pity again to the King, they lamented, that fuch a Flower of Touth, fuch a Genius and ftrength of Mind, their King and their fellow Soldier at the fame time, fijculd be as it zvere torn from 'em, af- ter fo furprizing a manner. In the mean time Aiexander began to breathe a little more freely, and to open his Eyes, and by degi v;cs recovering his Semes, to know thofe about him ; and the height of hisDiftemper feem'd to abate, if it were but in this, that he was now fenfible of the great- nefsof his Sicknefs. The Indifpofition of his Bo- dy now affec'ted his Mind, for he was inform 'd, that Darius was but five Bays March off of Cilicia. It greiv'd him to think, that he fhould be deliver & as it were bound into th§ Hands of his Enemy ;


ifS Quintus Curtius. Book lit

that fo glorious a Victory fiould be wrefted from him, and that he Jhould die after an obfcure and ignoble manner in his Tent. Having therefore cal- led together his Friends and Phyficians, he fpoke to 'em to this Effect, You fee in -what Juncture of my Affairs Fortune has furprizd me \ methinks I hear the noife of the Enemy s Arms, and I that was the Aggrejfor am now provolzd to Battle ; one would think that when Darius writ thofe haugh- ty Letters to me, that my Fortune had been of his Council, but yet in vain , if I may be permitted to he curd my own way. My Occafions do not require flow Medicines, nor timorous Phyficians ; nay, I had. better dye refolutely than to recover my Health /low- ly ; therefore if there be any Help or Art in my Phyficians, let them know, that I do not feek fo much a Remedy againfi Death, as againfl the im- pending War. This violent Temerity fill'd all the ftanders by with Concern , every one therefore began to entreat him, that he would. not encreafe his Danger by too precipitous a hafle, but that he would commit himfelf to the Care of his Phyfici- ans ; that they did not without Caufe difirufi un-- try'd Remedies , fince the Enemy had with Mo- ney tempted thofe about him to his Deftruclion {for Darius had publickly notify d, that he would give a thoufand Talents to ivhoever Jhould kill Alexander;) that on this Account they did not be- lieve any Body would dare to make tryal of a Re- medy , that by its novelty might give jufi caufe for Sufpicion.


Book III. Quintus Curtius. 15-9


THERE was among the eminent Phyiicians that had follow'd the King from Macedonia, one nam'd Philip, an Acarnan by Nation, a faith- ful Friend of the Kings, to vvhofe Care Alexander had been committed from his Childhood ; he there- fore lov'd the King with a particular Tendernefs, looking upon him not only as his King, but alfo as his Pupil. This Man promis'd Alexander that he would give him a Dofe of Phyfick that fliould work its Effects foon , and yet fhould not fail of curing his Diftemper. This Promife pleas'd no Body but him at whofe Peril it was. made, for he lik'd any thing better than delay : The Armies were conftantly before his Eyes, and he thought himfelf fure of the Victory if he could but head his Men. The only thing he diilik'd was, that he was not to take this Medicine ( for fo the Phyfi- cian had pre-acquainted him) till three Days were elaps'd.

While thefe things were doing he receives Ad- vice from Parmenio, in whom he chiefly confided, not to truft Philip with his Health, for that Da- rius had corrupted him -with the promife of a thou- fand Talents, and the hopes of hi* Sifier in Marri- age. Thefe Letters fill'd him with Anxiety and Care, he weigh' d within himfelf whatever either Fear or Hope could fuggeft to him. Shall I take this Potion ? That in cafe it be Poyfon I ma,y be thought to deferve zvhatever happens ? Shall I di- flrufi the Fidelity of my Phypcian, or /hall I refolve to be opprefi in my own Tent? However, it is better I 'fliould dye by another's Crime than my own Fear, Thefe things work'd his Mind different ways, yet he did not reveal to any Body the Contents of


i6o Quintus Curtius, Book III

the Letter, but fealing it with his Ring, he laid it under his Pillow. Having pafs'd two Days in this Agitation of Mind, the third was now at hand, which was the Day prefix'd by his Phylician for the taking his Medicine, the which he according- ly brought him. Alexander feeing him, rais'd him- felf upon his Elbow, and holding Parme.:ios Let- ter in his left Hand, took the Potion from him and drank it off boldly ; and then gave Philip the Letter to read , keeping his Eye nYd upon his Countenance all the time, judging that if he were Guilty, there would appear fome Symptoms of Guilt in his Looks, Philp having read the Letter, fhew'd more Indignation than Fear, and flinging down his Cloak and the Letters at the Bed fide, he faid, Sir, my Life has alzuays depended on your Majeftyy but I look upon it now to di fo in a par- ticular manner, Jince the [acred breath you dravj muft determine mine. As for the Treafon and Par- ricide I am chargd zuith, your Recovery zvill fuff- ciently declare my Innocence ; and I beg that when I have favd your Life, you 11 gracioujly grant me mine. In the mean time fujfer the Medicine to work it felf into your t Veins , and compofe your Mind, that your Friends , tho out of Duty , have unfea- fcnably diflurb'd. This Speech not only made the King eafie, but chearful, and full' of Hopes. Be therefore told Philip, That if the Gods had giveii him the choice of an Expedient to know how he zuns ajfecled tozuards him , to be fure he zvould have pitch' d upon fome other : But however, he could not have wiflid for any more certain than that zvhich Fortune ndvj'ojfefd him ; for you fe$ that notzvith- ftnn/Ung \ tie Letter I receivd, I took the Potion yox gave me, and I believe you are now no left folicitom for your own Fidelity, than for my Recovery.

Having fpoke thefe Words , he gave him his Hand, but when the Medicine began to exert it


Book III. Quintus Curtius, 161

felf, the Symptoms that enfu'd feem'd to back Parmenio's Advice ; for he was fo far fpent that he with much difficulty drew his breath. However,.. Philip omitted nothing that was proper, he apply'd Fomentations to his Body, and when he fainted he reftor'd him by the Odour of Meats andWinek; and as foon as- he perceiv'd him to grow fenlible, he put him in mind fometimes of his Sifter and Mot her j and then again of the approaching Viclory.

But when the Phyfick had wrought it felf into his Veins, there began to appear manifeft Tokens of his Recovery; for his Mind was firft reftor'd to its former Vigour, and then his Body regain'd its Strength fooner than could have been expected. For in three Day's time he fhew'd himfelf to the Army, which was overjoy'd to fee him, and aim oft with equal Eagernefs beheld Philip , whom they carrefs'd, returning him Thanks as to a prefent Di- vinity. Befides the natural Veneration this Nation has for its Kings , it is not eafy to exprefs , how particularly they admir'd and lov'd Alexander, For in the firft place, he feem'd to undertake no- thing but with the immediate Aiiiftance of the Deity; and as Fortune fided with him in every thing, his very Rafhnefs always turn'd to his Glory. Belides, as his Years did not feem ripe for fuch great Performances, yet as he acquitted himfelf worthily thereof, they were fo far from leifening 'em, that they even added to their Luftre. More- over, there are many things which, tho' inconft- derable in themfelves , yet are very acceptable to the Soldiery ; as his exerciling his Body amongft 'em , his extraordinary Apparel that dirfer'd little from that of a private Man, and his military Vi- gor, by which Endowments of Nature, or Arts of his Mind, he made himfelf both belov'd and re- fpe&ed.

C H A P.

i6z Quintus Curtius. Booklll.


AS foon as Darius was inform'd of Alexanders Indifpofition, he march'd with all the Expe- dition fo great a Multitude would admit of, to the Euphrates, and having laid a Bridge over the fame, his Army pafs'd it in five Days; for he defir'd to prevent his Enemy in the PorTeffion of Cilicia. But Alexander having recover'd his Strength, was now come to the Town call'd Soli, which he made himfelf Matter of, and rais'd by Contribution from it, two hundred Talents, putting a Garrifon into the Caftle. Here he perform'd the Vows he had ^made for the Recovery of his Health, and cele- brated Sports in Honour of JEfadapim and Mi- nerva , (hewing thereby with what Afiurance he defpis'd the Barbarians. While he affifted at thefe Games, he receiv'd anExprefs from HalicamaJJ'm, which brought him the favourable News of the Perfians being beat by his Forces, and that the Mindians and Caimans, with feveral other People in thofe Parts, were brought under his Obedience.

The Sports being ended, he decamp'd, and ha- ving laid a Bridge over the River Pyramid, he came to the City of Mallos ; from whence he broke up, and came to Cafiabala. Here he was join'd by Parmenioi whom he had fent to view the Paf- fage of the Foreil through which he was to march to the Town IJJ'm. Parmenio having feiz'd thefe Paries , and left a fufficient Number of Men to guard them , had alfo taken Poffeflion of IJfus , which the Inhabitants had abandon'd; from hence he advanc'd farther on, and drove the Enemy from their Holds in the Mountains, and having fe- cur'd the Roads, as we faid before, he retum'd to the King, both the Performer and the MefTenger ■' ' ' of

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 163

of thefe SuccefTes. Upon this, Alexander march'd his Army to iJJ'us, where he held a Council to con- fider , Whether he Jhould advance any farther , or wait there for the coming up of the new Levies that he fuddenly expected from Macedonia. Parmenio was of Opinion, that he could not pitch upon a pro- perer Place to give a Battle in, fince there the Troops cf both Kings, would be reducd to an equal Number, ly reafon the Straits zuould not admit of a Multi- tude. That they ought to avoid the Plains and open Fields where they might be fur rounded, and opprefid by the Inequality of Number. For he did not fear fo much their being overcome by the Bravery of the Enemy, as by their own Wearlnefs. Whereat the Perfians in a more fpaclou's Place, would be conjlant- ly relievd by frefh Troops. So wholfome a Coun- fel was ealily approv'd of, and therefore he re- folv'd to wait there for the Enemy.

There was at this time in the Macedonian Army, a Perfian nam'd Sifines, who had formerly been fent by the Governor of JEgypt to King Philip , This Man being courteoufly entertain'd, and ho- nourably promoted in Macedon, chofe rather to re- main there, than return to his own Country ; but upon Alexanders Expedition into Afia, he accom- pany'd him, and was of the Number of thofe the King confided in. A Cretan Soldier having one Day deliver'd him a Letter feal'd with an unknown Seal from Nabarzanes one of JDaritts's Lieute- nants, he exhorted' him therein, to do fomethlng worthy his Quality and Merit, afj'urlng him, that the King would not fail to requite him for it. Sifines being altogether innocent, had often endeavour- ed to (hew Alexander this Letter, but finding him always bufie, and taken up with his Preparations for the enfuing Action, he waited for a more fa- vourable Opportunity ; but this Delay gave a Suf- picion of his being ill inclin'd. For the Letter was


r6f Quintus Curtius. Book III.

brought firft to Alexander, who having read it, feal'd it with an unknown Seal, and ordej'd it to be deliver'd to Sifines, intending thereby to try his Fidelity. But he not attending on the King for feveral Days, was look'd upon to iupprefs the Let- ter out of an evil Defign ; fo that he was^ill'd by the Cretans, no doubt by Alexanders Order.


BY this time the Greek Mercenaries that Thy- modes had receiv'd from Phamabazus, and in whom Darius plac'd his chief Hopes, were arriv'd in his Camp. Thefe would fain have perfuaded him to retire, and gain the Plains of Mesopotamia. If he did not approve of this , at leaji to divide his vaft Anny, and not fujfer the whole Strength of his Kingdoms to depend upon- one Jingle Stroke of uncer- tain Fortune. This Advice was not fo cUfagree- able to the King, as to his Nobles. They urg'd, That there zuas no relying upon the Fidelity of thefe Men-, that they zvere brib'd to betray the Army, which they would have divided for no other Reafon but that they might deliver up to Alexander vj hat- ewer jhould be committed to their Trujl. Therefore the fafefi zvay were to furround'em zvith the whole Army, and cut 'em to pieces at once, for an Ex- ample to all Traytors. But as Darius was a reli- gious Prince, and of a mild Difpofition, he ab- horr'd fo barbarous a Counfel, as that of butcher- ing thofe who had put themfelves under his Prote- ction, and zvere actually in his Service. Which of all the foreign Nations, /aid he, zvould truft their Lives with him hereafter, if he ftjould ftain ht<s Hands with the Blood of fo many Svldiers ? Befides, no Bfdy ought to fujfer Death for giving zveak Advice,

Book HI. Quintus Curtius. 16$

fmce there would be no fuch thing as Counfellors, if their Lives muft be in Danger for fpeaking their O- * pinion. That they themfelves were every Day con- futed by him , and he heard their different Senti- ments) yet he did not ejieem them that ga ve him the wo ft prident Counfel, to be more faithful than the reft. Wherefore he made this Anfwer to the Greeks, That he thank' d 'em for the good Difpofitmi they exprefs'd, but as for his going back, he did not think it convenient, fmce he floould thereby deliver up his Kingdom as a Prey to his Enemy : That the Reputation of War depended on Tame, and he that retires, is look'd upon to fly. As to the prolonging the War, it was impojfible, by reafon the Winter was coming on, and there would be no Means to fubfift fo vaft an Army, in a Country already wafted both by himfelf and the Enemy. That he could not di- vide his Forces zvithout acling contrary to the Pra- tlice of his Predecejfors, who always brought their whole Strength when they hazarded a Battle. And in Truth, that terrible King, who while he was at a diftance, was puff d up with fuch a vain AfJ'u- ranee, when he underftood that he was near at hand, of raft) was become cautious, and lay lurking in the Straits of the Toreft , like the cowardly Beafts, zvho at- the leaft Noife of the Pajfengers, hid* themfelves in the Woods. That even noiv he counterfeited be- ing fick, to dif appoint his Soldiers. But however, it fhould novj be no longer in his Power to refufe fighting, for if he did, he would feize him in the very Den his faint Heart had made him repair to for Safety.

This Speech had more of Orientation in it, than of Truth. However Darius having fent all his Money, and his moft precious Moveables, under a moderate Guard to Damafcus in Syria, march'd with the reft of his Army into Cilicia ; his Royal Confort and Mother following in the Rear of the Army, 3 according

1 66 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

according to the Cuftom of the Country. His Daughters alio and little Son, accompany 'd their Father. Alexander, as it happen'd, came the fame Night to the Straits that lead to Syria, and Darius to a Place call'd the AmanicA PyU. The Perftans made no doubt but the Macedonians had aban- don'd IJfus which they had taken, and were fled : Fcr they had intercepted fome of the wounded and fick, that could not keep up with the Army ; and Darius at the Inftigation of his Nobles, who

' were urg'd on by a barbarous Inhumanity, having caus'd their Hands to be cut off and fear'd, or- der'd them to be led about his Camp, that they might take a View of his Army, and having fa- tisfy'd their Curiolity, report to their King what they had feen. After this, Darius decamp'd, and pafs'd the River Pinarus, with a Defign to purfue the routed, as he thought 'em. In the mean time, thofe whofe Hands had been cut off, arrive in A-

.lexanders Camp, and inform him, that Darius was following 'em with the utmofi Diligence. The King hardly beliey'd 'em ; and therefore fent Scouts to the Maritime Regions, to know for certain, whe- ther Darius was there in Per [on, or whether fome of his Grandees did not counterfeit coming with the whole Strength of the Kingdom. But by that time the Scouts return'd, the vaft Multitude appear'd at a diftance, and in a little time, Fires were kindled all over the Camp, which had the Appearance of a general Conflagration, the disorderly Multitude difperfing themfelves more loofely for the Conve- niency of their Cattle. Hereupon Alexander or- dered his Army to pitch their Tents, being over- joy'd that he was to come to a decifive Acl:ion in thofe Straits, a thing he had long wift'd for. Ne- verthelefs (as it uiually happens, when the Time of Danger draws nigh) his great Aflurance began to tUro into Solicitude and Care. And he now


Book III. Quintus Curtius. \6y

feem'd to diltruft that Fortune, by whofe Affiitance he had been fo iuccefsful, and did not without fome Reafon conclude her to be very fickle, from the many Advantages me had beftow'd on himfelf. He reflected, That there zvas now but the [pace a fingle Night letzueen him and the Event of fo great a Hazard: Then again he confider'd, That the Reivard would be f ill much greater than the Dan- ger ; and alt ho' it was as yet doubtful, whether he Jhould gain, the Viclory or not, hozvever, this was undeniably certain, that if he perifl)ed, he floould die honourably and with univerfal Applaufe. He there- fore order'd the Soldiers to go and refrefi) them- felves, and to be in readinefs zviih their Arms at the third Watch : In the mean time, he went him- felf to the Top of a high Hill , having with him feveral Torches and Lights, and there after the manner of his Country, orTer'd Sacrifices to the Gods of the Place. The Trumpet had now given the third Warning, according to Order, and the Soldiers were ready either to march or to fight ; and being commanded to march zvith the utmofl Diligence, they came by break of D ay to the Straits they deiign'd to poifefs themfelves of. By this time, they that were fent to get Intelligence, came and acquainted him, that Darius was but thirty Furlongs off: He therefore commanded the Army to halt, and having put on his Armour, he drew up his Army in Order of Battle. The affright- ed Peafants came now to Darius, giving him to underftand , that the Enemy was at hand , who could hardly be perfuaded that thofe he thought to purfue as Fugitives , mould dare to give him the meeting: Hereupon his People were all feiz'd with a fudden Fear ; for they were better prepar'd for a March than for Battle ; they therefore take to their Arms in hafte , and the very Hurry they were in on that Occafion,


i68 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

increas'd their Terror. Some got up to the Top of the Hill, that from thence they might take a View of the Enemy ; others were bridling their Horfes : So that the Difcord that reigned in this Army, which was not guided by the Direction of any fingle Perfon , fill'd all things with a tumul- tuary Confufion. At firft Darius had refolv'd with part of his Troops to take Poffeffion of the Top of the Hill , in order to attack the Enemy both in Front and Rear, appointing others to do the fame on the fide of the Sea which cover'd his Right, that fo ho might prefs upon 'em from all Parts. Moreover he had fent before twenty thou- fand Foot with a Band of Archers, with Orders to pafs the River Pyramus ( that runs between the two Armies) and charge the Macedonians : and if they found that impracticable, to retire to the Mountains, and fecretly furround their Rear. But Fortune, that is fuperior to all Reafon, disappoint- ed his prudent Meafures ; for fome out of" fear did not dare to execute their Orders , and others executed them to no Purpofe : for where the Parts fail, the whole is confounded.

S for the main Body of his Army it was

was in the Right Wing with his Horfe, and about twenty thoufand Slingers and Archers ; here were alfo the thirty thoufand mercenary Greeks com- manded by Thymodes. Thefe were beyond alT doubt the main Strength of the Army, a Body equal to the Macedonian Phalanx. In the Left was Anfiomedes the Thejfalian, with twenty thou- fand of the Barbarian Foot, behind 'em were



Book III. Quintus Curtius. 169

plac'd the moft warlike Nations as a Body of Re- serve. The King being here in Perfon , was attended by three thoufand chofen Horfe, the ufual Guard of his Body, and forty thoufand Foot, which were follow'd by the Hyrcanian and Me- dian Cavalry : That of the other Nations was difpos'd on the Right and Left as Occafion re- quir'd.

The Army thus drawn up, was preceded by fix thoufand Slingers and Darters. There was not the leaft Space in the Straights but was flll'd with Troops ; in fo much that one of the Wings ex- tended it felf to the Mountains , and the other to the Sea. The Queen Confort , with Darius's Mother, and the reft of the Women, were re- ceiv'd in the Center of the Army.

Now Alexander drew up his Army fo that the Phalanx , which is the chief Strength of the Macedo- nians,v?as in the Front : The Right was commanded by Nicanor, the Son of Parmenio ; next to him were C&nos, Perdiccas, Mdeager, Ptolemy, and A- myntas with their refpe&ive Corps : On the Left (that extended it felf to the Sea) were Craterus and Parmenio ; but Craterus had Orders to obey Par- menio. The Horfe were plac'd as Wings on each Side ; the Macedonians with the TheJJalians on the Right, and the Pclopr -<:ans on the Left. In the Front of all was a Body of Slingers. intermixt with Archers. The Thracians likewife and the Cretans , who were alio lightly arm'd , advanc'd before the main Army. The Agrianians who were lately arriv'd from Greece were commanded I to make Head againft thofe whom Darius had fent before to take Poffeffion of the Top of the Mountain. The King had order'd Parmenio, to extend his Forces as far as he could tovjards the Sea, that they might lie at a greater ~Dijiance from the Hills , that the Barbarians had taken Pojjeflim I ' of

ijo Quintus Curtius. Booklll.

of But Darin's Men neither oppos'd the Troops that march'd againft 'em , nor dar'd to furround thofe who had pafs'd 'em , but fled at the very firft Sight of the Slingers ; which fecur'd Alexan- ders Army from being flank'd from the higher Ground, which was what he was afraid of. They march'd thirty two in a Rank ; for the Straight- nefs of the Place would not admit of a greater Number : But as the PalTage between the Moun- tains , by Degrees grew wider and wider , and ftretch'd it fell out into a larger Space , the Foot had not only Room to extend their Ranks , but the Horfe had a!fo Liberty to form their Wings on each Side of 'em.

chap. x.

TH E two Armies were now in Sight of each other, but out of the reach of their Darts ; when the Perfans firit gave a confus'd but terri- ble Shout , which the Macedonians return'd with Advantage, altho' fewer in Number, by reafon of the RepercufTion from the neighbouring Hills and Woods, which multipiy'd every Sound that reach'd 'em. Alexander rid at the head of his Army, ma- king Signs with his Hand to his Men , not to march -too faft, that .they might not be out of Breath , and fo might be able to charge the Ene- my with the greater Fury. Then riding along the Line, he made a different Speech to the feveral Troops , luitable to their different Difpofitions, He reminded the Macedonians of their experienced and harden d Courage, and of their numberlefi Vi- ctories in Europe, and that they vjere come thither •voluntarily under his Conducl, to fubdue all Afla, and to extend their Con^uejls even to the utmoji


Book III. Quintus Curtius. 171

Bounds of the EalT. That they were the Deliverers of the opprefl, throughout the whole World, and that having carry 'd their Victories as far as Hercules and Bacchus had formerly done, they were to give the Law, not only to the Perfians , but alfo to all the Nations of the Univerfe. That Bactra and the Indies were to be theirs. That what they had in Vtew at frefent- was but inconfider able in compari- fon of zvhat the Victory promisd 'em. That the broken Rocks of \ IEyria , or the barren Country of Thrace, fhould no longer be , the Reward of their Labour; for now the Spoils of all the Eail were . laid before 'em. That there would hardly be Occa- fion for their Swords ; their very Reputation ha- ving already made fuch an Impreffton upon the fear- ful Diffidence of the Enemies Army , that they might drive 'em with only their Bucklers. He re- frefiYd their Memory, with the Victory his Father Philip had gaind over the Athenians, with the late Conojuefl of Beotia, and the racing its principal Ci- ty. He put them alio in mind of the Granick Ri- ver : of the many Towns they had either reducd by Force, or receivd by Submiffion. In fine, He re- minded 'em of all their pafl Co?iquefts. When he came to the Greeks, He told 'em , that thefe were the People , that had made War upon Greece , through the Infolence of Darius firfl, and then of Xerxes ; who requir'd no lefs than all the Water as well as Land ; even to the drinking their very Fountains dry, and confuming all their Provifions. That thefe were they who had defiroyd and burnt the Temples of their Gods, taken and plunder d their ' Towns : in a word had broke through all the Lavjs divine and human. As for the lilyrians zndThra- cians who were accuftom'd to live by Rapine, He bid 'em behold the Army of their Enemy, how h glitter d with Gold and Purple, infomuch that they might not be faid to carry Arms , fo properly as a 1 1 Booty

172, QiJiNTXis Curtius. Booklll.

Booty. That as Men , tbey had nothing to do but to rifle thofe zueak Women of their Gold ; and to make an Exchange of their Craggy Mountains, and naked Tracls , which were perpetually cover d with Ice and Snow, for the fruitful Plains and Fields of Perfia.


BOTH Armies were now within the Caft of their Darts , when the Perfian Horfe gave a furious Charge on the left Wing of the Enemy : For Darius was defirous to decide the Matter by the Horfe , being fenftble that the Phalanx was the chief Strength of the Macedonians , and Ale- xanders right Wing was near being furrounded ; which he perceiving, order'd two Squadrons to keep PofTeffion of the Top of the Hill, and com- manded the reft to affift their Fellows who were engag'd. Then having drawn off the ihejj'alian Horfe , he commanded their Officer fecretly to fall behind the Army and join Parmenio, and vi- goioufly to execute his Orders.

By this time the Phalanx was in a manner en- clos'd by the Enemy, but yet bravely maintain'd its Ground. However as they flood too dofe to one another, they could not caft their Darts with freedom ; for thofe that were flung at the fame time, meeting in the Air, fo intermingl'd that they fell with little or no Force, very few of 'em reach* ing the Enemy, and the greateft part falling on the Ground without doing any Execution. Where* I fore they gallantly drew their Swords, and engag'd the Per fans in a clofe Fight. Here it was that a great I deal of Blood was fpilt; for the two Armies were I fo near each other that they parry xl their mutual I

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 173

Thrufts with their Swords , directing their Points in one anothers Faces. Here the cowardly or the timorous were not fuffer'd to be idle : for join- ing Foot to Foot, they fought after the manner of fingle Duellifts , and kept the fame Spot of Ground, till having llain their Adverfary they made themfelves Way : And even then a frefa Enemy engag'd him that was already fatigu'd, Befides, the Wounded could not, as is cuftomary, withdraw from the Fight, the Enemy preffing upon 'em in Front, and their own Men in the Rear, Alexander not only difcharg'd the Duty of a Ge- neral, but alfo of a private Soldier, and was am- bitious of killing Danus with his own Hand. For as he was fo loftily feated in his Chariot, that he was eafily feen by all, it was a mighty Encourage- ment to his own Men to defend him, and at the fame time no lefs a Provocation to the Enemy to attack him. This made Oxathres the King's Bro- ther, as foon as he perceiv'd Alexanders Defign, . bring the Horfe that he commanded before Da- nuts Chariot. He was remarkable for the Splen- dor of his Arms, as well as for his perfonal Strength, and had a tender Affection for the King, and di- ftinguifli'd himfelf very much in his Defence, kil- ling thofe who prefs'd on too rafhly, and putting others to flight. But the Macedonians, who were alio near the King, fo encourag'd each other, that with him, they broke into the Enemies Horfe. Here the Slaughter was like a meer Butchery. The nobleft Commanders lay wallowing in their Blood round Darin's Chariot, having had the Satis- faction of his being a Witnefs to their dying gallant- ly for his Defence : They all fell upon their Faces,, in the Places where they fought, having all their Wounds in the fore Part of their Body. Among, the reft, were to be feen Arizyes, Rheomithres and Sahaces the Governor of Egypt, who had all com- 3 I 3 " mandeci

174 Quintus Curtius. Booklll.

manded great Armies, and round them lay Heaps of Foot and Horfe of an inferior Rank. Of the Macedonians there did not fall many, but the bra- veft and forwarder! among 'em; Alexander himself being flightly wounded in the Thigh. The Hories that drew Darius 's Chariot being ftuck in many Places, and enrag'd with the Pain, began to kick and fling, and were like to caft him out of his Seat, When fearing left he fhould fall alive into the Hands of his Enemies, he leap'd down and mounted a Horfe that was ready for that purpofe, inglorioully flinging away the Tokens of his Dignity, left they fhould betray him in his Flight. Darius being fled, the remaining Part of the Army was foon difpers'd through Fear, every one flinging down thofe Arms he had taken for his Defence, and making the heft of his Way : Such being the Nature of Fear, as to dread even that which (hould protect it.

Varmenio order'd a Body of Horfe to pur- fue them that fled , and it happen'd that all that Wing had taken to their Heels. But in the right Wing the Perfians prefs'd hard upon the Tbeffah- nian Horfe, and had already broke down one of their Squadrons ; but the TheJJ'alians wheeling about and rallying, charg'd the Perfians afrefli with fo much Bravery, that they ealily routed their dif- order'd Troops, who had broken their Ranks, thinking themfelves fecure of the Viclory. The Perfian Horfes as well the Riders, being loaded with Armour, could not wheel about but with great Difficulty, and as that is an Ad that depends on Celerity, the nimbler TheJJalians kill'd a great many of 'em before they could perform their Wheel. When Alexander was inform'd of his Ad- vantage alfo on this fide, tho' he did not dare to purfue the Barbarians before, yet as foon as he found he had gain'd a compleat Victory, he refol- Ved to purfue the Enemy. The King had not


Book III. Quintus Curtius. %ff

above a thoufand Horfe with him, and yet he made a prodigious Slaughter of the Enemy. But who examins into the Number of Troops either in a Victory or Flight ? They were drove therefore by this handful of Men, like fo many Sheep ; and the fame Fear that made 'em fly, retarded their Flight. But the Greeks that were hir'd by Darim, and commanded by Amyntas (formerly one of Alexanders Lieutenants, tho' now a Malecontent and a Deferter) feparating themfelves from the reft, retreated in good Order.

The Barbartans in their Confufion, took feve- ral Roads ; fome took the direct Road to Perfia, fome fetching a Compafs, repair' d to the Rocks and the clofe Woods of the Mountains, a fmall Body of 'em betook themfelves to Dariws Camp ; but the Enemy had already enter'd the fame, where they found all manner of Riches. There was an immenfe Treafure of Gold and Silver (which feem'd rather to be intended for Pomp and Luxury, than for the Ufe of the War) which fell a Prey to the Soldiers. And as they increas'd their Plunder, they lighten'd themfelves by flinging away what their Avarice made 'em think of lefs Value in compa- rifon of a richer Booty. They were now come among the Women, who the richer they were clad, were by the Soldiery more outrageoufly ftrip'd of their Ornaments : Nay, their very Bodies were not exempt from what Power and Luft could in- fpire. The whole Camp was fiU'd with Cries and Lamentations, according to every one's Fortune, there being no fort of Evil that they did not ex- > perience, fince the Cruelty and Licentioufnefs of the vidlor rag'd through all Ranks and Ages,

Here was at the fame time, a particular Speci- men of the Impotency of Fortune, for thole very Perfons who had drefs'd up Darix/s Tent with all the Opulency and Luxury imaginable, took Care I 4

ij6 Quintus Curtius. Booklll.

of the fame for Alexander, as if lie had been their firft Matter. For this was the only thing the Sol- diers had left untouched, in compliance with an ancient Cuftom that preferv'd always the Tent of the conquer'd Prince, for the Reception of the Vi- ctorious. But of all. the Captives, the Mother and Wife of Darius drew the Eyes and Reflections of all Beholders upon 'em. The firft was venerable, not only by her Majefty, but alfo by her Age ; the latter, by her confummate Beauty, which even her prelent Calamities did not impair. She held in her Lap her young Son, who did not yet ex- ceed fix Years of Age, and who was intitul'd by his Birth, to that vait Fortune his Father had juit loft. Darius 's two Daughters that were then mar- riagable , lean'd on their Grandmother s Bofom, not more afflicted at their own Misfortune, than at hers. Round about her flood a Crowd of noble Ladies, with their Hair and Garments torn, un- mindful of their former Splendor, calling upon the Queens with the diftinguifliing Titles of Maje- fty and Sovereign, which once beiong'd to them, tho' they now depended upon another's Fleafure. But the Queens themfelves forgetting their own Difafter, were inquifitive in ivhich Wing Darius fought, and what -was h'ts Succefs ? For they ftill deny'd they were Prifoners, if the King were fafe. At the fame time, as he often chang'd Horfes, he was got a great way off. There fell of the Per- fians in this Action, one hundred thoufand Foot, and ten thoufand Horfe. On Alexander s fide, there were of the Foot, live hundred and four wounded, and thirty two kill'd ; and of the Horfe, one hundred and fifty were llain. So inconfide- rable was the Lofs that procur'd him fo glorious a Victory.


Book III. Quintus Curtius. 177


THE King being very much fatigu'd in his Pur- fuit after Darius, finding that Night approach- ed, and that there were no hopes of overtaking him, retnrn'd to the Camp which his Men had a little before taken FolTefiion of. Here he invited thofe of his Friends he was mod familiar with, to an Entertainment; for the Hurt he had receiv'd in his Thigh, being but Skin deep, it did not hin- der him from being prefent at the Banquet. But a fudden mournful Clamour, intermixt with a bar- barous Outcry from a neighbouring Tent, diftur- bed their Merriment. Hereupon the Band that kept Guard at the King's Tent, thinking it was the Beginning of a greater Mifchief, immediately took to their Arms. The Caufe of this unexpected Alarm, was owing to the Cries and Lamentations of Darius' s Mother, his Wife, and the reft of the- noble Ladies, who believing the King was flain, bewail'd him after their Country manner. For one of the captive Eunuchs, who chanc'd to ftand before their Tent, faw one of the Soldiers carry- ing Darius 's Cloak, which he had caft away left it fhould betray ^him in his Flight ; and judging there- by that the King was kill'd, had acquainted the Queens with the falfe Supposition. It is faid, A- lexander being inform'd of the Ladies Miftake, wept in Compaflion of Darius Fortune, and the pious Difpofition of the Women. He therefore flrft fent Mithrenes (who had furrender'd Sardis) to 'em (he being well vers'd in the Perfian Language) to comfort 'em in their Affliction ; then reflecting that the Sight of this Traitor might aggravate their Grief, he order'd Leonatus, one of his NoUes, to aiTure 'em, That they were in the wrong to lament

I 5 Darius

1 78 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

DarillS as dead, fence he was actually living. Lee- natus taking a few arm'd Soldiers with him, went accordingly to the Tent where the Royal Captives were, and notify'd that he was come thither with a MefTage from the King. But they that waited at the Entry of the Tent, as loon as they perceiv d the Men in Arms, concluding the Fate of their MiftrerTes was now at hand, run into the Tent, crying out, That their lafi Hour was come, and that the King had fent Soldiers to kill em. However, the Queens not being able to make any Opposition, and not daring to give Orders for their coming in, made no Anfwer at all, but filently expecled the Pleafure of the Conqueror. Leonatus therefore ha- ving waited a considerable time for fome Perfon to introduce him, when he found no Body dar'd to come to him, leaving his Men without, he enter'd into the Tent alone ; that of it felf was mmcient to frighten the Ladies, hecaufe he rulh'd in with- out having obtain'd Admittance. Hereupon Da- rius'?, Mother and Wife, flinging themfelves at his Feet, implor'd him to grant them leave to bury Darius^ Corps after the manner of their Country , before he put them to Death, telling him, that after they had perform d the lafi Rites to their King, they were ready to fubmit to their Fate. But Leonatus, to their great Surprize, aflur' d 'em, that Darius was living, and that for their own Parts, they Ihould not only be in Safety, but be us'd as Queens, with all the Splendor of their former Grandeur. Up- on this Dariuss Mother iuffer'd her felf to be help'd up. The next Day Alexander took Care to bury his Dead, and order'd the fame Honour to be jhewn to the moft confiderable among the Perlians that were flain. And gave leave to Sizygambis to bury as many as fie pleased, after the manner of the Country. But (he was contented to (hew that Ho- nour only to fome few of her nearer! Relations, a and

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 179,

and even in reference to tliem, had a Regard to her prefent Circumflances ; imagining that the Pomp that the Perfians ufe on that Occafion, might be ta- ken ill by the Conquerors, who are contented to burn their oivn dead with little or no Ceremony. Alex- ander having difcharg'd this Office to the Dead,., notify'd to the Captive Queens, that he was coming to pay them a Vifit ; and leaving his Attendants without , enter'd the Tent with Heph&ftion only > who of all his Friends was moft in his Favour, as having been educated with him : He was privy to all his Secrets, and alone had the Privilege of fpeak- ing freely to him, even to admonim him upon Oc- casion ; which Liberty he was fo far from abufing, that whenever he us'd it, he feem'd to do it ra- ther by the King's Pernnflion than of his own Au- thority ; and as he was of like Age with the King,, fo he had the Advantage of him in the Beauty: of his Perfon. The Queen therefore miftaking him for the King , paid him Homage after their- manner ; but fome of the Eunuchs reminding her of her Error, and (hewing her which was the King9, {he flung her felf at his Feet, excujmg her Igno- rance, as never having fern him before. But the King lifting her up, raid to her, Mother, you were not miftaken, for he too is Alexander. Now if he- had preferv'd the fame Moderation to the End of" his Life, I mould have efteem'd him happier than, he feem'd to be when he imitated the Triumph, of Bacchus, after his Conqueft of the feveral Nations from the Hellefpont to the Ocean, He would then? have fupprefs'd his Pride and his -Anger, which he afterwards found invincible Evils. He had not. then embru'd his Hands in the Blood of his Friends , at Table : He would then have been aiham'd to put to Death thofe renowned Warriors (who had: help'd him to conquer fo many Nations) without fo much, as giving them a Hearing. But at that

180 Quintus Curtius. Booklll.

time, the Greatnefs of his Fortune had not got Pofleffion of his Mind, fo that he bore its firft Be- ginning with Moderation and Prudence, tho* at laft fhe grew too vaft for his Capacity. At firft he behav'd himfelf fo as to excel all the Kings before him , in Clemency and Continence ; for his De- portment towards the Royal Virgins, was fo reli- gioufly virtuous, tho' they were perfect Beauties, that he could not have a&ed with more Referve, had they been his own Sifters : And as for Darius s Wife, notwithftanding her Beauty was fuch as to be exceeded by none of her time, he was fo far from offering Violence to her, that he took due Care that no Body elfe mould offer at that Ufage of his Captive. He commanded all manner of Refpecl to be paid to the Royal Ladies, infomuch that there was nothing wanting to their primitive Magnifi- cence tho' in Captivity, except Confidence in the Conqueror. Sizygambis therefore addrefs'd herfelf to him in this manner :

Topi deferve, Siry that we Jhould offer up the fame Vozvs for you that we formerly made for Darius ; for as far as I can fee, you are zvorthy to furpafs him, not only in Felicity, but alfo in Juftice. Tou are pleas' d to call me Mother and Queen, but I acknow- ledge my felf to be your Servant ; for notwithftand- ing I am able to bear my former Dignity, yet I find J can conform my felf to my prefent Servitude. But it is for .your Glory and Honour, that you exprefs the Power you have over us,, -rather by your Cle- mency and Goodnefs, than by your Anger and Se- verity. The King hereupon bid 'em not be dejetfed, and then took Darims Son in his Arms, who was fo far from being frighten'd, tho' it was the firft time he had feenhim, that he put his Hands about his Neck : The King was fo mov'd at the Child's Conftancy, that turning to Heph&ftion he faid, how glad Jhould I be, if Darius had had fometh 'mg of

Book III. Quintus Curtius; 1 81

this Child's Difpofition. Then taking his leave of the Queens, he went away, and having caus'd three Altars to be erected on the Bank of the River Pi- narus, in Honour of Jupiter, Hercules, and Minerva,, he march'd into Syria, fending Parmenio before to Damafcus, where the King's Trcafure was kept.


PArmenio underllanding that one of "Darius $ Lieutenants was gone before him, and appre- hending that the fmall Number he had with him might appear contemptible to the Enemy, had re- folv'd to fend for a Reinforcement, but it happen- ed that a certain Mardian fell into the Hands of his Scouts, who bringing him to Parmenio, deli- ver'd to him Letters from the Governor of Da- mafcus to Alexander, telling him withal, that he did not doubt but the [aid Governor intended to de- liver up to him all the Kings Furniture and Money. Parmenio having fet a Guard upon him, opens the Letter, in which was writ, That Alexander fiould fend with Expedition one of his Generals with a fmall Body of Men. Upon this Information , Parmenio fent back the Mardian, with a fmall Guard to the Traitor. But he making his Efcape, arriv'd at Damafcus before Day. This made Parmenio fome- what uneafle, for he began to fufpecl fome Am- bufcade might be laid for him, and therefore was afraid to march without a Guide ; however, con- fiding in the good Fortune of his Prince, he or- der'd fome Peafants to be intercepted to ferve him as Guides, and his Men having quickly found fome, he reach'd the Town on the fourth Day, when the Governor began to think his Letter had not been credited. Wherefore pretending to diitruft the


i8i Quintus Curtius. Book III.

Strength of the Place, before the Sun was up, he. order'd the King's Money and the moil valuable Moveables, to be brought forth, pretending to fly, but in reality to deliver the Booty to the Enemy. He was accompany'd out of Town by a great many thoufand Men and Women , a deplorable Spectacle to all the Spectators, except him to whofe Care they were committed. For that he might be the better rewarded for his Treachery, he intended to deliver to the Enemy a more ac- ceptable Booty than that of Money ; viz. feveral Noblemen, with the Wives and Children of Dar- riuss Governors. Befides theie, there were the AmbalTadors of the Greek Towns, all which Da- nm had put into his treacherous Tuition , as into a Place of Safety. The Perfians call thofe who carry Burthens on their Shoulders, Gangaha. Thefe Men not being able to endure the Cold (for there had fallen a great deal of Snow , and befides it was a hard Froft) put on the rich Garments of Gold and Purple, with which they were loaded as well as with Money ; no body daring to oppofe their fo doing, the King's hard Fate having ren- der'dhim contemptible even to the vileft Wretches, This Multitude feem'd at firit to Parmenio to be no defpicable Army y he therefore having made a fiiort Speech to his Men to animate and encou- rage 'em, commanded 'em to clap Spurs to their Horfes, and to charge the Enemy vigoroufly : But thofe that carry'd the Burthens, perceiving what was doing, flung down their Loads,, and took to their Heels out of Fear. The Soldiers that fol- low'd 'em, being alfo intimidated, call: away their Arms and fled through the Bye-ways they were well acquainted with ; the Governor himlelf coun- terfeiting Fear likevvife, had caus'd a general Con- funon. The King's Riches lay fcatter'd up and down the Fields ; viz.. That Money that was to pay fo

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 183

vail an Army, with the rich Apparel of lb many Noblemen and Women; Golden Veflels, Gold Bridles, Tents adorn'd with Regal Magnificence , Chariots foriaken by their Drivers, loaded with in- finite Riches ; infomuch that it was a difmal Sight even to the Plunderers themfelves, if it was pof- fible for any thing to- Hop the greedy Defire of Wealth. Here was to be feen all that immenfe Treafure and rich Furniture (that had been heap- ing up in lb long a Courfe of Profperity, that al- moil exceeded all Belief) expos'd to be pillag'd, fome things being torn from the Buihes where they hung, others dug out of the Mire where they lay. There were not Hands enough for this in- glorious Work. By this time thofe that firfc fled, were overtaken, there were a great many Women among 'em, whereof fome led their little Children by the Hand. Here were alfo three Maiden La- dies, the Daughters of Ochus, who had reign'd laft before Darius, they had fallen from their Paternal Rank and Dignity by the former Change of Af- fairs; but now Fortune feem'd cruelly to aggra- vate their Calamity. In this Crowd there was, befide the Wife of Ochus , and the Daughter of Oxatres, Dariuss Brother, with the Wife of Ar- t abacus (who was the firft Nobleman of Perjia) and his Son nam'd llioneus. With thefe were alfo taken the Wife and Son of Pharnabazus, to whom Darius had given the chief Command of the Ma ritime Coaft ; Mentor's three Daughters, and the Wife and Son of that noble Captain, Memnon. In fine, there was hardly any noble Family that did not fhare in the Misfortune. Here were taken, alfo, feveral Lacedemonians and Athenians, who contrary to the League with Alexander, had fided with the Perfians : Arijiogiton, Dropides, and Iphi- erates were conliderable People among the Athe- nians both for their Birth and Renown : Paufippusr


i&4 Quintus Curtius. Bookm;

Onomaflcrides, with Monimus and Callicratides, who were likewife considerable Men. among the Lace- demonians. The Sum of coin'd Money that was taken, amounted to two thoufand and fixty Ta- lents; the wrought Silver was equal to five hun- dred Talents in Weight ; befides all which, there were thirty thoufand Men, and feven thoufand Bean- of Burthen taken. But the Gods quickly pu- niuYd the Betrayer of fo much Wealth; for one he had imparted the Matter to, retaining {till a Veneration for Darius* even in his Calamity, cut off the Traitor s Head, and carry'd it to the King, as a feafonable Comfort to a Prince fo foully be- tray'd; for he not only was reveng'd of his Ene- my, but had moreover the Satisfaction to find that all his Subjeds had not loft the Refpecl: and Fide- lity that was due to the Dignity of Majefty.





Arms, who but a little while fmce was at the Head of fo powerful an Army, riding in his Chariot more after the manner of a Triumph, than of one that was going to give Battle to his Enemy, was now for- ced to a (hameful Flight through thofe Places he had lately fill'd with his numerous Troops, but were now, by his Misfortune, become defolate and waftc, Some few follow'd their King, for the broken Army did not all take one Road ; and as the King chang'd Horfes frequently, his Followers not ha- ving the fame Advantages, could not keep pace with him. He firffc came to Concha, where he was receiv'd by four thoufand Greeks, who guar- ded: him to the Euphrates ; for he look'd upon that only to be his now, that he could by his Ex-, pedition prevent the Enemy's feizing. In the mean time Alexander gave Orders to ?armenio% who had taken the Booty at T>ama[cus, to place good Guard over it, as alfo upon the Prifoners, and made him Governor of Syria, which they call Ccek. But the Syrians could not at M brook


1 86 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

the new Government, becaufe they had nor yet Sufficiently felt the Scourge of the War ; however, being fupprefs'd as fail as they revolted, they were glad at lad to conform to its Orders.

Aradus, which is an Ifland, was about this time furrender'd to Alexander. Strato , who was King of that Ifland, had alfo the Sovereignty of theMa- ratim Coaft, and a confiderable Inland Territory.

Alexander having receiv'd his Submiffion, and taken him into his Protection, march* d his Army to Marathon. Here Letters were brought him from Darius, at which he was very much incens'd, they being writ in a very haughty Style : But what vext him molt was, -that Darius therein writ him- felf King, without giving Alexander that Title, and requir'd rather than defir'd, That he -would rejlore to him his Mother, Wife and Children, pro- mifmg for their Ranfom as much Money as all Macedonia was zvorth ; and as for the Empire , he would try for it again, if he pleased, in a frefh Action. At the fame time he advised him, if he was ftill capable of wholefom Advice- to be contented with his »wn Dominions, and to retire from that Empire he had no right to ; and from being an Enemy, to become a Friend and Ally, he being ready both to give and receive any Engage- ments on that Account. To this Letter Alexander made anfwer much after this manner : Alexander King, to Darius ; That Pince whofe Name you, have taken, having committed great Hoftilities on thofe Greeks, who inhabit the Coaft of the Hellefpont, and alfo on the Ionian Colonies , who are alfo Greeks, put to Sea with a powerful Fleet and Army, and invaded Macedonia and Greece. Afer him Xerxes, who was a Prince of the fame Family, at- tacked us with an infinite Number of Barbarians ; and notwithftanding he was beaten at Sea, yet he left Mardomus m Greece, to pillage, the dues in hi*

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 187

abfence, and burn the Country : Befides all which, who does not know that my lather Philip was in- humanely murder d by thofe you had bafely corrup- ted with your Money ? You make no fcruple to enter upon unjuji Wars, and alt ho you do not want Arms, you unworthily fet a price upon the Heads of your Enemies, your felf having given a late Inflame of that, in offering a thoufand Talents to him that would murder me, tho you had fo mighty an Army at command. It is plain therefore, that I am not the Aggreffor, but repel Forte by Force ; and the Gods, who always fide ivith the jufi Caufe, have already made me Mafter of great part of Alia, ytnd given me a fignal Viflory over you your felf. Hoivever, ■tho you have no reafon to expect any Favour at my Hands (fince you have not fo much as obfervd the Laws of War towards me,) yet if you come to me in a fuppliant manner, I promife you, you jhall receive your Mother, Wife and Children without any Ranfom at all. I know how to conquer, and how to ufe tbe conquer d. If you are afraid to venture your Per fun with me, I am ready to give ye* Stiri- ties, for your doing it with Safety : Bat I would have you remember for the future, when yeu write to me, that you do not only write to a King, but alfo to your own King. Therfippus was charg'd with this Letter. After this he defcended into Phoenicia , where the City of Biblos was furren- dred to him, from whence he march'd to Sydon, a City famous for its Antiquity, and the Splen- dour of its Founders. Strato was King there, and had receiv'd Succours from Darius ; but becaufe the Town had been furrendred to him, more by the Agreement of the Inhabitants than by Strau s own Confent, Alexander judging him unworthy of the Crown, gave leave to Heph&Jtion to beftow the Crown on him, that the Sydonians 'fhould .think mofl worthy of that Honour. Hefh&Jlion was lodg'd


1 88 Quintus Curtius. Book III.

with two young Noblemen of confiderable Note, among the Sydonians, he therefore offer d them the Kingdom, but they refus'd it, telling him that it was contrary to the Laws of the Country, to admit of any one to that Dignity, that wot not of the Royal Family. Hereupon Heph&ftion, admi- ring their Greatnefs of Soul, which made 'em flight what others covet at any price of Danger , en- couraged 'em to perfift in that vertuous Difpofttion, fince they were the fir ft that under ft ood how much greater it ivas to defpife a Kingdom than to accept of it. However , he defir'd 'em to Name one of the Royal Race, zvho might remember he receivd that Dignity at their Hands.

They feeing a great many made Intereft for the obtaining that diitinguifhing Rank , courting the Favour of Alexanders Friends, in hopes to ob- tain it, declar'd, That none defervd it better than Abdolominus , who , tho remotely of kin to the "Royal Family , was redncd thro' Poverty , to cul- tivate a Garden for a [mall Stipend in the Suburbs of the City. His Virtue and Probity were the caufe of his Poverty, as it happens to many; and as he kept clofe to his daily Labour, he was out of the noife of Arms, which at that time fhook all Aft a : But on the fudden the two Gentlemen before- mentioned enter'd the Garden, with the royal Ap- parel, where they found Abdolominus pulling up the Weeds and ufelefs Plants. When they had faluted him King, one of 'em told him, he muft make an exchange of his mean Apparel, for thofe royal Robes he beheld in his Hands ; and therefore bid him wafh his Body that was cover d zvith Dirt and Filth, and take up a Kingly Spirit, and advance, his Continency and Moderation, to that high Fortune he was wor- thy of ; and when he ftjould be feated in the Royal Throne, and had in his Poiver the Life and Death of his Citizens,, not to forget the Condition he wa*

Book III. Quintus Curtius. 189

in when the Crown was confer/ d upon him ; nay, in Truth, for which he was chofen King. This Difcourfe appear'd to Abdolominus like a Dream, and he would now and then afk 'em, If they were in. their Senfes to ridicule him after fo odd a manner? But as he was flow in complying, they caus'd him to be wauYd, and having cloth'd him with a purple Garment, interwoven with Gold, and by their Oaths fatisfy'd him they wereferious, and that he was really pitch'd upon to be King, he accompa- nied them to the Palace. The Rumour of what was done ( as it ufually happens ) foon fpread it felf over the Town, and fome werepleas'd with it, while others were incens'd. The Rich reprefented to Alexander s Friends his mean Condition and Po- verty. Wherefore theKing order'd him to be brought before him : And having view'd him well, he faid his Perfondid not difagree with the account of his Ex- traction, but he defir'd him to inform him how he had born his Poverty ? To which he reply'd, Would to God I may be able to bear the weight of the Crown with the fame Tranquillity of Mind ; for thefe Hands of mine have fuffciently fupplyd my Wants, and as I had nothing, fo I zvanted nothing. The King taking this Anfwer as a Token of a noble Difpofltion, not only commanded Strato's royal Furniture to be deliver d to him, but alio prefented him with a confiderable part of the Perflan J3ooty, adding the adjacent Territory to his Jurifdiction. In the mean time Amyntas (who we faid before had left Alexander, and was fled to the Per fans, ) was come to Tripolis with four thoufand Greeks who had follow'd him, after the laft Battle, there •having fhipp'd off his Soldiers, hefail'd to Cyprus-, and as every one thought at that Juncture of time that whatever he could get Pofleflion of, would be his own of Right, he refolv'd to go to Egypt : At this time an Enemy to both Kings, refolving



to conform himfeif to the mutability of the Times, making therefore a Speech to his Soldiers , he . gave 'em mighty hopes of fucceeding in fo great an Attempt, and reminded 'em that Sabaces, who was Governor of Egypt, was kill 'd in the Battle, that the Perftan forces were zuithout a Leader, and zvere but few in Number ; and that the Egyptians, who were always dijjatisfy'd ivith their Governors, would look upon- 'em rather to- be their Friends than.' their Enemies.

Neceffity put him upon trying all things, for as he had been diiappointed of his firil Hopes, he look'd upon the future to be preferable to the prefent : Hereupon the Soldiers 'unamioufly agree to follow him wherever he (hould lead 'em ; and he thinking it prudence not to give 'em time to alter their Minds, brought 'em into the Haven of Pe~ lufium, pretending he was fent thither before by Da- rius. Having got Poflellion of Pelufium, he ad- vanc'd to Memphis : The Rumour of his Arrival be- ing fpread up and down, the Egyptians, out of their natural Levity, which makes them titter for Innovations, than for any considerable Perform mances, came out of their Towns and Villages with a defign to affift him to deftroy the Perfian Garnfons ; who notwithftanding they were alarm'd at the fuddennefs of the Enterprife, did not caft away all hopes of maintaining their Ground : But Amyntas having got the better of 'em in a fet Battle, drove them into the Town , and ha- ving pitch'd his Camp, he led his victorious Ar- my out to pillage and deftroy the Country ; and as if every thing now lay at his Mercy, he ravag'd whatever belong'd to the Enemy. Wherefore ' Maaaces, notwithftanding he knew his Men were difhearten'd by their late Overthrow, reprefented to 'em, that the Enemy was difpers d up and down, being altogether careleji on the Account of their late


Book III. Qvintus Curtius. 191

Victory, and that they might with eafe recover what they had lofl.

This Counfel was no lefs prudent in its Reafon, than happy in the Event, for they kill'd 'em every Man, their Leader perifliing among the reft: Thus Amyntas was punifh'd for his Treachery to both Kings, for he prov'd as falfe to him he went over to, as to him he had deferted. Darims Lieute- nants that had furviv'd the Action at JfJ'm, having got together the fcatter'd Forces that had fled with 'em, and rais'd what Men they could in Cappado- cia and Paphlagonia, refolv'd to try to recover the Country of Lydia. Antigonus was Governor there for Alexander, who notwithstanding he had fent the greateft part of his Garrifons to ftrengthen the King's Army, yet defpifmg the Barbarians, he drew out his Men, and gave 'em Battle.

Here fortune fhew'd herfelf conftant to Alexan- ders Side, for the Perfians were routed in three .Engagements fought in three feveral Provinces. About this time the Macedonian Fleet failing from Greece overcame Ariftomenes, whom Darius had fent to recover the Coaft of the Hellefpont, and either took or funk all his Ships on the other fide. Pbarnabazus, Admiral of the Perfian Fleet, having fore'd the Milefians to pay a confiderable Sum of Money, and put a Garrifon into Chita, fail'd with a hundred Ships to Andros, and from thence to Syphmu, leaving a Garrifon alfo in thofe Hands, and exacting a Sum of Money from 'em by way of Punimment. The great War between the two moft powerful Princes of Europe and Afia, in hopes of an univerfal Empire, had likewife put Greece and Crete in Arms ; for Agis, King of the Lacedemonians, having got together eight thou- fand Greeks, who were return'd Home, having made their efcape from Cilicia, march' d againft Antipater , Governor of Macedonia. The Cre- tans,

Quintus Curtius. Booklll.

tarn, according as they chang'd their Sides, were fometimes garrifon'd by Spartans, and fometimes by Macedonians : Butthefe were but trifling Quar- rels, and hardly worth Fortune's Concern, who feem'd wholly taken up with that War on which all the reft depended.


TH E Macedonians had already made themfelves Matters of all Syria, and of all Phoenicia, ex- cepting Tyre, and the King was encamp'd upon the Continent, from which the Town is feparated by a narrow Sea. Tyre is the mod considerable City of either Syria or Phoenicia , both for its largenefs as well as Fame, and therefore expected rather to be admitted into Alexanders Friendfhip as an Ally, than to become fubject to his Empire. On this Account they fent him a Prefent of a" Gold Crown, and a large quantity of Provifions for his Army ; all which the King gracioufly ac- cepted of as from Friends : Then turning to the AmbaJJ'adors, he told 'em he intended to Sacrifice to Hercules, who is in great Veneration with the Ty- rians ; that the Kings of Macedon look'd upon them- felves to be defended from that God ; and that he was moreover advis'd by the Oracle to acquit him- felf of that Devotion. To this the Ambaffadors anfwer'd, That there was a Temple dedicated to Her- cules without the Town, in a Place calTd the Pa- letyron, where the King, if he picas ' d, might dif- charge that Duty. This anfwer fo inflam'd Alexan- der, who could not command his Paffion, that he fpoke to 'em in this manner, I perceive that becaufe you live in an If and, you trufi fo much to the Situation of ycur City, that you defpife my


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 193

Land Army, but In a little time Til make you know you are on the Continent ; and therefore know, that I'll either be admitted into the Town, or tU take it by force.

As they were returning with this Anfwer, fome of the Kings Friends endeavour'd to perfuade 'em not to deny the King entrance into their City, fence the whole Province of Syria and Phoenicia had fub- mitted to him. ' But they relying on the ftrength of the Place, refolv'd to endure the Siege ; for the Town was divided from the Continent by a narrow Sea of about four Furlongs in breadth, which is much expos'd to the South-weft Wind, which when it rag'd, beat the Waves fo violently againft. the Shore , that the Macedonians could not carry on their Work of Communication be- tween the Continent and the IJland. Nay, they had much ado to work when the Sea was calm ; but when it is difturb'd by this Wind, whatever is call into it is carry'd away by the violent Motion of the Waves : Nor could thero.be any Founda- tion laid fo ftrong but the Waters would eat their Way through the Joints of the Work, and when the Wind was high it would carry the Waters a- bove the higheft part. Befides this Difficulty, there was another of no lefs Confequence, viz.. the Walls and Towers of the Town were fur- rounded with a very deep Sea, fc that they could not plant any battering Engines againft 'em, but upon Ships at a great diftance, and it was impof- fible to apply Ladders to the Walls. Now Alexan- der had no Shipping, and if he had had any, they might ealily have been kept off by Darts from the Town ; befides, the Waters keeping them in a continual Motion, would have made their Ma- chines ineffectual. Befides all which, there was an Accident, which, tho' but inconfiderable in its felf, yet ferv'd to encourage the Tyrians.

K Ambaf-

194 Quintus Curtius. BooklV-

AmbafTadors were come from the Carthagi- nians to offer their annual Sacrifice to Hercules, according to the Cuftom of the Country; for the Tyrians having founded Carthage were in great Kiteem with the Carthaginians , who refpedfed 'em as their Parents. Thefe Ambafjadors exhor- ted 'em to undergo the Siege with Courage, and ■they Jbould in a little time receive Succour from Carthage ; for at that time the Carthaginians were very powerful at Sea. Having therefore refolv'd upon a War, they difpofe their Engines on their Walls and Towers, diftribute Arms to their Youth, and fill their Work-houfes with Artificers, with which the City abounded. In fine, the whole Town was taken up with the Preparations for the War: They provided themfelves with grappling Irons, Crows, and other Inventions for the de- fence of Towns; but when the Iron was put in- to the Forge, as they were blowing the Fire they perceiv'd little Streams of Blood under the Flames, which the Tynans interpreted as an ill Omen to the Macedonians ; and it happen'd that one of Alexanders Soldiers, in the breaking of his Bread, obferv'd drops of Blood to rife out of it. The King being fomewhat alarm'd at this Accident, confulted Arifiander (who was the moft fkilful of all the Soothiayers) about the meaning of it, who told Aim, That if the Blood had flown from with- out, it w'otild have portended Evil to the Macedo- nians, but as it proceeded from the inward Parts, it prognofticated Mifchief to the City he was going to befege. As Alexander's Fleet was at a great diitance, and that the long Siege would be detri- mental to las-other Defigns, he fent Heralds to them to invite 'em to peaceful Terms ; but the Tyrians, contrary to the Law of Nations, caft 'em headlong into the Sea. This foul Ufage fo exa- sperated the King thai he refolv'd upon the Siege,


BooklV. Quintus Curtius. 19^

but he was firft of all oblig'd to make a Peer, to join the Continent and the Town. Hereupon the Soldiers were feizd with the utmoft Defpair, fee- ing the Sea tvas fo 'very deep that they look'd upon it to be impojjible for 'cm, even with the Divine Af- fi fiance to fill it up ; where fhould they find Stones large enough, or Trees tall enough for fo prodigious a Work? Since whole Countries would hardly af- ford enough for the Purpole ; the narrownefs of the Strait making the Sea always rough , and the clofer it was confm d the more it rag'd. How- ever, the King, who was not now to learn how to manage the Soldiers Minds, ailur'd them, That Hercules had appear d to him in a Bream, and taking him by the Hand feemd to condutl him in- to the City. At the fame time he reminded 'em of the barbarous Ufage to his Heralds, of the Vio- lation of the Law of Nations, and that it was a fi.'ame the courfe of their Victories fiiould be flopped by a fingle Town. There was great Plenty of Stones at hand, in the Ruins of the old Town , and Mount Libantts fupply'd 'em with Materials for their Boats and Towers. The Work was al- ready fwell'd to the bulk of a Mountain from the bottom of the Sea, but yet it did not reach the Surface of the Water, and the farther it advane'd from the Shore into the Sea, the eaiier whatever was call: therein, was fwallow'd up by the deep Abyfs. While the Macedonians were thus em- ploy'd, the Tyrians came out in their Boats, and in a fcofnng manner upbraided 'em zvith carrying Burdens on their Backs like Beafis, they who were fuch mighty Warriors : They alfo aik'd 'em, Whe- ther Alexander zvas greater than Neptune ? Thefe Infults ferv'd very much to animate the Soldiers. By this time the Work began to (hew it felf a- bove the Water, and to increafe in breadth, draw- ing nearer to the Town.

K i When

Quintus Curtius. BooklV.

When the Tyrians beheld the Bulk of the Peer, (which the Sea (had hinder'd 'em before from ob- ferving how it encreas'd) they came out in little Boats, and row'd round the Work (which was not join'd to the Ifland) attacking with their Darts thofe that guarded it. And as they wounded fe- veral without a Return, (they being able to ad- vance or retire as they pleas'd) the Macedonians were fore'd to interrupt the Work for fome time to defend themfelves. The King therefore caus'd Skins and Sails to be ftretch'd out before the Workmen to protect 'em from the Darts, and rais'd two Towers at the Head of the Peer , from whence the Macedonians might with eafe annoy with their Darts, thofe of the Enemy that pafs'd under in Boats. On the other fide the Ty- rians having landed fome of their Soldiers at a confiderable diftance, fo as not to be perceiv'd by the Macedonians, fell upon thofe that were fetch- ing Stones, and cut 'em to Pieces. And on Mount Lib anus the Arabian Peafants attack'd the difpers'd Macedonians and kill'd about thirty of 'em, taking alfo fome of 'em Prifoners.


THIS made Alexander divide his Army, and that he might not be thought to lie idle be- fore a fingle City, he committed the Siege to Perdiccas and Craterus , and march'd himfelf with a flying Camp into Arabia. In the mean time the Tyrians fitted out a very large Ship , and loaded it to the Sternward with Stones and Gravel, and thereby rais'd the Stem of it very high, and ha- ving befmear'd it with a great Quantity of Pitch and Brimftone , they row'd it along, and its large

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 197

Sails gathering a great deal of Wind, they foon work'd it up to the Peer. They that were ore Board , having fet Fire to the Forecaftle , leap'd into little Boats that follow'd for that Purpofe. The Ship thus on Fire, quickly communicated its Flames, which before any Help could be brought* had took hold of the Towers and other Works at the Head of the Bank ; and they who were in the little Boats , ply'd the Works with burning Tor- ches, and other combuftible Materials, proper to feed the Conflagration : the Fire had already gain'd the very Top of the Towers , where fome of the Macedonians permYd in the Flames, while others flinging away their Arms , caft themfelves into the Sea : But the Tyrians, who chofe rather to take 'em alive than to kill them, having lam'd their Hands with Sticks and Stones fo as altogether to difable'em, took them into their Boats with Safe- ty. The Works were not only confum'd by the Fire, but the Wind happening to be high that day, put the Sea into fo great a Ferment, that the Waves beating furioufly upon the Peer> and ha- ving loofTened the Joynts of the Work, the Wa- ter forc'd its way through the middle of the Peer, When the Stones on which the Earth was call ,. were wauYd away, the whole Structure funk into the Deep , fo that Alexander at his Return from Arabia hardly found any Footfteps left of fo vaft a Pile. Here, as it is ufual in Difappointments, one caft the Fault upon the other ; when they might all with more reafon have fiVd it on the Tempe- ftuoufnefs of the Sea. The King therefore giving Directions for a new Peer, order'd that the Front of it mould be carry'd on againft the Wind, where- as the fide of the old one lay expos'd to it : this was done, that the other Works, lying as it were under the Shelter of the Forepart , might be fe- cufd thereby. He alfo augmented the Breadth" K 3 of

i^S Quintus Curtius. Book IV-

of it that the Towers being built in the middle might be lefs fubjc<ft to the Enemies Darts. Whole Trees , with their Arms and Branches were call into the Sea, upon which they flung great Heaps of Stones, thefe were cover'd with a hew Courie of Trees, which they cover'd again with Earth* till by fucceflive Lays of Trees, Stones and Earth,* the whole Work became one folid Body. The Tyrians at the fame time omitted nothing that In- genuity could invent to render the Macedonians Labour ineffectual. The greater! Help they re- ceiv'd was from their Divers, who entring the Waters out of the Enemies Sight, fwam down un- perceiv'd to the very Peer, and with hooks dragg'd after them the Branches that ftuck out of the •Stones which drew along with 'em the other Ma* terials into the Deep, The Trunk of their Trees being thus difcharg'd of their Load, were eafily remov'd ; fo that the Foundation falling, the whole Superftrucl:ure follow'd. While Alexander was thus perplex'd in Mind, and deliberating with himfelf whether he mould continue the Siege , or be gone, his Fleet opportunely arriv'd from £y+ prws ; and at the fame time Cleander with freflv Recruits from Greece. The King divided his Fleet, which confided of one hundred and eighty Ships, into two Squadrons ; the one was commanded by Pyntagorns King of Cyprus, and Craterus ; the other he commanded himfelf in the Royal Galley. But altho' the Tyrians had a Fleet, yet they did not dare to venture a Sea Fight with Alexander ; and therefore they plac'd all their Galleys under their Walls. However the King attack' d 'em there , and funk 'em. The next Day Alexander brought his whole Fleet up to the Walls, which he battcr'd on all Sides with his Engines , but chiefly with thofe they call Rams. The Tyrians on their part were very diligent in repairing the


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 199

Damage, and began to build a new Wall within the old one , that in cafe this fell they might frill have that for their Defence. But they were now prefs'd on all Sides ; for the Peer was advanc'd within the Call of a Dart, and the Fleet furround- ed the Walls ; fo that they were annoy'd both from the Sea and Land at the fame time. More- over the Macedonians had fatten' d their Galleys two and two, Stern to Stern; fo that their Sterns were as far diftant from each other as the Interval would permit. This Interval between Stern and Stenv was made good with Sail-yards and Planks laid acrofs and faften'd together, and over thefe, Brid- ges were laid for the Soldiers to fband upon. In this Order they were tow'd to the City ; and the Soldiers, from thefe Bridges , ply'd the Befieged with their Darts , they themfelves being out of Danger, by reafon the Stems cover'd them. It was Midnight when the King commanded the Fleet to furround the Town in the order we before de- fcrib'd ; and when the Tyrians faw the Ship " draw near the City on all Sides, their Hearts be- gan to fail 'em : But on the fudden the Sky was overcaft with thick Clouds which prefently inter- cepted the little Light that appear'd about that time : Then the Sea by degrees became more horrible and began to work high, and the Wind ftill encreaiing , the Waves fwell'd prodigioufly, darning the Ships one againfl: another. The Vio- lence of the Tempeft was fitch , that the Bands that faften'd the Galleys were broke, the Scaffolds and Bridges fejl with a dreadful Noife and drew the Soldiers along with 'em into the Deep : and the Ships that were ty'd together were not to be govern d in fo high a Sea. The Soldiers were a Hindrance to the Seamen, and the Seamen di- fturb'd the Soldiers in their Duty : and as it fre- quently happens in fuch Cafes, the fldlful were K 4 fore'd

2oo Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

forc'd to obey the ignorant. For the Pilots, who at other Times were us'd to command, being threaten'd with Death, obey'd the Orders of others. At length the Sea, as if overcome by the Obftinacy of the Rowers, reflgn'd the Ships, as to fome parting Signal ; and they reach'd the Shore altho' molt of 'em much uSatter'd. About this time there came thirty Ambafiadors from Car- thage, being rather a Comfort than a Help to the befieged ; for they gave 'em to underftand, that the Carthaginians were themfelves fo engagd in War, that they did not now fight for Empire, but for Safety. The Syracufans were at this time deftroy- ing Africa with Fire and Sword ; and were en- camp'd not far from the Walls of Carthage. The Tyrians however were not difcouraged , tho' dif- appointed, of fo conliderable an Expectation ; but delivering their Wives and Children to thefe Am- baffadors to be tranfported to Carthage , refolv'd to bear whatever happen'd with the greater Forti- tude, fince they had the Satisfaction to have fe- cur'd what was moft dear to 'em, from (baring in the common Danger. At this very Juncture one of the Citizens declar'd to the AlTembly , That Apollo , whom the Tyrians had a great Venera- tion for, had appear d to him in his Sleep, as if he was going to leave the Town, and that the Peer the Macedonians had made, feemd to him to be changd into a Wood. Hereupon tho' the Author was not in great Credit amongft 'em, yet as they were in- clin'd to beljeve the worft, out of fear, they bound the Image with a Golden Chain and faften'd it to the Altar of Hercules, to whom their Town was dedicated; as if they thought by his fuperi- our Power, to retain Apollo againft his Will. The Carthaginians had brought this Image from Syracufe , and had plac'd it here as being their Original Country ; for they were us'd to adorn



Tyre as well as Carthage with the Spoils they took from othes Towns.; And at this time would fain have permaded them to renew a Sacrifice, that I can not believe to be at all acceptable to- the Gods ; and that the Tyrians had laid afide for feveral Ages, viz. to offer up to Saturn a free- bom Child : which Sacrilege rather than Sacrifice the Carthaginians had receiv'd from their Foun- ders, and are faid to have obferv'd it till their Ci- ty was deftroy'd. Now had not the Elders (by whofe Directions all things were manag'd) oppofed this barbarous Superftition , it would in all Likely- hood have got the better of Humanity. Howe- ver their preffing Neceflity, which is more efrlca- cioufty ingenious than Art, made them not only put in practice the ufual Methods of Defence, but infpir'd 'em alfo with new ones : For , to annoy the Ships that approach'd the Walls , they con- triv'd long Rafters, to which they falten'd Crows, Grappling Irons, Hooks and Scythes, which they difcharg'd from their Engines, letting gotheRope3 to which they were falten'd, that they might re- cover 'em again. Thefe Hooks and Scythes tore to Pieces the Men , and very much damag'd the Ships. They had, befides, another Contrivance ;• they heated Brafs Bucklers as hot as Fire could make 'em, and then fill'd 'em with burning Sandj and boiling Mud , which they pour'd down from the Walls upon the Macedonians. None of their Machines were more terrible than this ; for if the burning Sand got between the Armour and the Body, as it was impoffible to (hake it off, it fail'd not to burn whatever it rouch'd ; fo that flinging down their Arms, and tearing every thing off that was to protect their Bodies , they lay expos'd to- all manner of Mifchief without being able to da any.


%o% Quintus CuRTius. Book IV.


BY this time the King was To tir'd with the te- dioufhefs of the Siege, that he refolv'd to vaiie it, and carry his Arms into JEgypt. For tho' he had, with incredible Celerity, run over Afia, the Walls of one {ingle Town now flop'd his Progrefs , and hinder'd him from making ulja of the Opportunity he had , of executing his great Defigns on the other fide : He was no lefs afham'd of going away without carrying his Point than of being fo long about it. Moreover he conilder'd his Reputation would fuffer (by which he had done more , than by his Arms) if he left Tyre as a Witnefs that he was to be overcome : Therefore, that he might leave no means untry'd, he refolv'd to make h'ts laft Effort vAth a greater Number of Ships, and the choicsfi of his Troops on Board. At this time it happen'd that a Whale of of an unulual Size, (for its Back appear'd above the Water) came and laid it felf by the Peer fide; where having beat the WTaves for fome time, it rais'd it felf fo as to be confpicuous to both Par- ties. After tins it plung'd again into the Sea near the Head of the Peer, and fometimes mewing it felf above the Waves , fometimes hiding itieif in the Deep, it fiiew'd itfelf for the laft time not far from the Walls of the City. Both Sides interpre- ted the Sight of this Monfter in favour of their refpective lntereit. The Macedonians conjeclur'd, that the Whale pointed to 'em , which way they ought to carry on their Work : And the Tynans concluded, that Neptune had pitched upon it, at an Injlance of his Right over the uftirfd Sea, and that the neiv erecled Fabrick would in a little time fall to Ruin. PofTefled with this Opinion they fell 1 to

Book IV. Quintus Curtis 203

to feafting, and loaded, themfelves with Wine. And at Sun-rife they mann'd out their Ships which they had adorned with Garlands and Flowers , not only prefuming the Victory to be certain, but alfo rejoicing beforehand for it. It happen'd that the King had order d his Fleet to a contrary Part of the Town , and left but thirty of the fmalleft Rate upon the Shore, two whereof were prefent- ly taken by the Tynans, and the reft were in great Danger ; till Alexander being alarm'd at the Out- cry of his Men, came with the Fleet to their Af- firmance : The ftrft of the Macedonian Galleys that came up , was a Cinquereme , which was the fwifteft Sailer in the Fleet. As foon as the Tyrians perceiv'd it, they came againft it with two others one on each fide. The Cinquereme , plying all its Oars to encounter one of 'em,, receiv'd a rude Shock from the Beak of its Adverfary, yet grap- pled with her fo as to hold her fall. The other being at liberty,, was juft ready to attack her on the contrary fide , when one of Alexa?ider's Gal- leys came very feafonably to her Relief,, and was drove fo violently againft her Enemy that flic ftruck the Pilot of the Tyrian Galley from his Poll at Stern into the Sea. By this time feveral others of the Macedonian Ships were come up, as alfo the King in Perfon , which made the Tyrians ufe their utmoft Effort to fet their entangled Gal- ley at liberty ; which having, tho' with Difficulty, compafs'd , they made to their Haven with ali their Fleet. Alexander immediately pnnu'd them, but could not get into the Haven , by reafon of the Darts with which they ply'd him from the Walls of the City. However he either funk or took moll of their Ships. Then he granted two- Days reft to his Soldiers, after which he advanc'd with all his Ships and Machines, that he Blight from both attack the Enemy that was aheady K-6 in.

i04 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

in a great Contkrnation. The King on this O cr- eation, plac'd himfelf on the Top of a high Tower, with a great deal of Bravery, but yet greater Dan- ger : For as he was remarkable by his Royal Ap- parel, and the Brightnefs of his Arms, they chief- ly aim'd at him. Here he behav'd himfelf with all the Gallantry imaginable ; for he kill'd feveral upon the Wall, with his Pike, others in a clofer Engagement, with his Sword and Buckler, he caft headlong into the Sea: For the Tower from which he fought, almoft join'd to the Enemies Walls. The battering Rams had now by their re- peated Strokes, beat down great Part of the For- tifications of the Place, the Fleet had enter'd the Port, and fome of the Macedonians had taken Pof- feflion of fome of the Towers that the Enemy had deferted ; when the Tyrians, finking under the: WTeight of fo many ill Accidents at once, betake themfelves fome to the Sanctuary of the Temples,, others making fall their Doors, chufe their own way of dying: Some again fell furioufly upon the Macedonians, revolving not to die unreveng'd. But the greateft Part got up to the Tops of the Houfes, and from thence flung Stones, or whatever came next to their Hands, upon the Enemy in the Streets. Alexander gave Orders to (pare none but thofe who had taken Refuge in the T.emplesy and to fet Fire to the Town. And notwithftanding Pro-- clamation was made accordingly; yet none that could bear Arms, thought fit to feek for Succour from the Gods. The Children of both Sexes,, with the young Maidens, fill'd the Churches, and the Men flood at the Entry of their own Houfes, ready to fall a Sacrifice to the Soldiers Fury. How- ever, a great many were fav'd by the Sidonians that ferv'd in Alexanders Army. Thefe having enter'd the Town with the reft of the Macedonian Forces, and remeuibring their Relation with the


Book IV. Quintus Curtius; 2,05*

Tyrians (for Agenor, as they believ'd, founded both Cities) protected a great many of the Town's People, carrying them on board their Ships, and tranfported 'em to Sydon. There were fav'd by this means, about fifteen Thoufand. How much Blood was fpilt may be guefs'd at from this , that fix thoufand were found Sain within the City Walls, Notwithstanding all this, the Kings Anger was not fatisfy'd, fo that he commanded two thoufand of the Enemy that had furviv'd the Soldier's Rage (they being weary with killing) to be crucify 'd along the. Sea Coait: A fad Spectacle even to the Conquerors themfelves ! He fpar'd the Ambajj'a- dors of the Carthaginians r but declar'd War gainft 'cm, tho' he could not profecute it immedir* ately, by reafon of his other more prefling Af- fairs. Tyre was taken the feventh Month, after it was beiieg'd, a Town famous to Pofterity both for the Antiquity of its Origine, and for its fte? quent Variety of Fortune. It was built by Age* nor, and held a considerable Time the Sovereignty* not only of the neighbouring Sea, but alfo of all the Seas wherever its Fleets came. And if we may believe Report, this People was the firft that either taught or learn'd Letters. It had planted Colonies almoft all over the World ; Carthage in Africky Thebes in Boeotia, and Gades upon the Ocean* For my part, I am apt to believe, that as the Tjy- rians were Mailers at Sea, and often vifited Coun- tries unknown to other People, they made choice of fuch and fuch Seats for their'Youth with which they abounded; or elfe (for this is alfo faid) that .the Ifland being mightily fubjecT: to Earthquakes, the Inhabitants (tir'd therewith) were fore'd to fet- tle themfelves in other Habitations by dint of Arms. Be it as it will, having undergone many Cafualties, and as it were, reviving after being raz'd, by the Help of a long Peace , which makes every thing


%o6 Quintus Curtius. Book IV,

fiourim, it now enjoys a profound Eafe under the Protection of the Roman Clemency.

chap. v.

ABOUT this time, Alexander receiv'd Let- ters from Darius, wherein he gives him at hit, the Title of King, and defir'd he would ac- cept of his Daughter Statyra for Wife, offering him with her, all that Tra6i of Ground that lies between, the Hellefpont and the River Halys ; and that he himfelf would be contented with thofe Countries that lie Eajlward from thence. That if he found any Difficulty to accept of this his Offer, he wifl/d him to reflect, That Fortune feldom made any long Stay any where ; and that the greater Felicity Mm tnjoyd, the more were they alfo envy 'd. That it "was to be fear d, lefl by his juvenile Difpofition of Mind, he fliould be elated with Vanity, on the Ac- count of his Succefs ; after the manner of Birds t whofe natural Lightnefs carry d \m up to the Skies, . That nothing was more difficult, than at his Age to be capable of fo great a Fortune. That as for his ozvn part, he fiill had a great deal left, and fhould not always be furprizld in Streights : That Alexan- der would find himfelf oblig'd to pafs ^Euphrates, the Tygre, the Araxes, and the Hydafpes, which were like fo many Bulwarks to his Dominions : That in the large Plains he mufl come into, he would be Sjhamd of his fmall Number. When would he be able to reach Media, Hycarnia, Bactra, and the In-, dians that border upon the Ocean ? Or the Sogdians and Arafchofians, who are hardly fomuch as knoivn but by their Name, with the other Nations that dwell along Mount Caucafus, or the River Tanais ? That were he but barely to travel, over thefe va(l.


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 207

Countries without flny Oppofition at all, he would find blmfelf become old before he could perform the Journey. That it was his befi way not to ftand upon his coming to him, fince whenever he came, it fhould be to his Ruine. To which Letter Alexan- der made the following Anfwer by thofe that brought it : That Darius promts d him what was now none of his own : That he offer d to divide that which he had already entirely loft. That Lydia, Ionia, iEolia, and the Coaft of the Hellefpont, were actually in his Pojfeffion by the Law of Arms ; That it belong d to the Victorious to prefcribe' Condi- tions, and to the Vanqui/h'd to receive 'em. If he was alone ignorant which of thefe States he was in at prefent, he might at foon as he pleas" d, be made fenfible thereof by another Battle. That when he pafs'd the Sea, he did not propofe to himfelfCilicin, or Lydia (which he look'd upon as an inconfiderable Reward for.fo great a War) but that Perfepolis, the Capital of his Empire, with Bactra, and Ecbatana, and the utmofb Bounds of the Eaft, were what he defignd to fubmit to his Power. That whitherfo- ever he could fly, he could alfo follow ; and that ha- ving pafs'd the Sea, he was not to be frighten d with Rivers. Thus the Kings writ to one another. In. the mean time the Rhodians furrender'd their City and Port to Alexander. The King con ferr'd the Government of Cilicia on Socrates, and that of die Country about Tyre to Philotas. As for Syria , that tney call Csle, Parmenio hadrefign'd it to An- dromachus, that he might' attend the King in the remaining part of the War. Alexander having or- der'd Heph&flion to coaft along Phoenicia with the Fleet, came with his whole Army to the City of Gaza. Now was the Time of celebrating the J/lhmian Games, which are us'd to be perfor.m'd by the Concourfe of all Greece. As the Greeks are naturally Time.-ferve.rs,. it was agreed in this AiTem-


2o8 Quintus Curtius. BookrW

bly, to depute twelve Perfons to the King, to pre- fent him with a Gold Crown-, as an Acknowledge- ment of his glorious Victories, and of the great Things he had done for the Liberty and Safety of Greece. Yet a little before, they were very inqui- fitive about the Succefs of the War, their waver- ing Minds being ready to ftrike in with which fo- ever fide Fortune (hould favour. However, not only the King was employ'd in reducing thofe Towns that refus'd to fubmit to his Authority, but his Deputies alfo (who were great Captains) made feveral Conquefts. Calas fubdu'd Paphlago- nia ; Antigonus, Lycaonia ; and Balacrus having de- feated Idarnesy Darius' $ Lieutenant, took Miletum Amphoterics and Hegelochus, with a Fleet of a hun- dred and fixty Ships, brought all the Iflands be* tween Achaia and Afia, under Alexanders Obe- dience. They took PofTeffion alfo of Tenedos, by the voluntary Submiflion of the Inhabitants. They had a Delign to poifefs themfelves of Chios, in the fame manner : But Pharnahazus Darius's Admiral, having feiz'd thofe who favour'd the Ma- cedonian Faction, put the Government of the Town into the Hands of Apollonides and Athanagoras (who were in the Perfian Intereft) leaving them a fmall Garrifon for the Defence of it. Notwith- ftanding this Difappointment, Alexanders Lieute- nants continu'd the Siege of the Place, not rely- ing fo much on their own Strength, as on the Dif- pofition of the befieged. Neither were they de- ceiv'd in their Opinion; for a Difpute arifing be- tween Apollcnides, and the chief Officers that com- manded the Garrifon, gave the Enemy an Oppor- tunity of breaking into the Town. A Company of Macedonians having therefore forc'd one of the Gates, the Inhabitants purfuant to the Meafures be- fore concerted for the Surrender of the Place, join'd themfelves to Amphoterus and Hegelochus-,


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 2,09

and having put the Perfian Garrifon to the Sword, deliver'd up Pharnabazus with Apoilonides, and A- thanagoras bound, to the Macedonians. There were twelve Gallies taken with all their Crew and Marines, befides thirty Ships and Barks belonging to Pyrates , with three thoufand Greeks that were in the Perfian Pay. The Greeks ferv'd to recruit the Macedonian Forces, the Pyrates were put to Death, and the captive Powers were difiributed among the Fleet. It happen'd that Ariftonicus (who had a tyrannical Power in Methymna) being igno- rant of what had pafs'd at Chios, came with fome Pyrates to the Mouth of the Haven, which was fecur'd with a Boom, it being then about the firft Watch, and being afc'd by the Guard, Who he was .? He faid, he -was Ariftonicus , and came to- the Affiftance of Pharnabazus. The Guard made Anfwer; That Pharnabazus -was taking his Reft, and could not then be /poke with ; however, as he- was a Friend and Ally, he (hould have Admittance into the Port, and the next Day be introduced Pharnabazus. Ariftonicus hereupon without He- fitation, enter'd the Haven, follow'd by about ten Pyrates, but as they were making to the Key, the Guard fliut up the Haven as before, and having call'd to their ArMance the whole Corps , they took Ariftonicus and all that were with him Pri- foners, without their making the leaft Refiftance. And having put Chains upon them, deliver'd 'em up to Amphoterus and Hegehchus. From hence the Macedonians pafs'd to Mitylene, which Chares the Athenian had lately pofTefs'd himfelf of, ha- ving with him a Garrifon of about two thoufand Perfians; but finding himfelf too weak to hold out a Siege, he furrender'd the Place, upon Con- dition to retire whither he pleas'd : So he went to Imbrus; and the Macedonians gave Quarter to the Garrifon.


xro Quintus Curtius. Book IV.


DARIUS defpairing of Peace/which he thought he fhould have obtain'd by his Letters and Ambaffadors , was now wholly intent on re- cruiting his Forces, in order to renew the War with Vigor. He therefore fummon'd all his Ge- nerals to meet at Babylon \ but he in particular commanded Bejfus, Governor of the Baclrians, to get together as powerful an Army as he could, and to come and join him. Thefe Battrians are the moll warlike People of all thofe Nations, be- ing of a barbarous Difpofition, and not at all in- ciin'd to the Perfian Luxury. And as they border upon the Scythians, who are alio a martial People, and accuftomed to live by Plunder, they were conftantly in Arms. But Beffus was fufpe&ed to be perfidioufly inclin'd, and by his Haughtineis (which made him diflatisfy'd with the fecond Rank) gave Partus great Uneaftnefs; for as he affected Sovereignty, it was very much fear'd he would play the Traitor, as being the readier! way to at- tain his End. In the mean time, Alexander us'd all his Endeavours to get Intelligence what Coun- try Darius was in, but to no purpofe ; the Perfiant being very religious Concealers of their Kings Se- crets : Neither Fear nor Hope can force a Difco- 7ery from 'em : The ancient Difcipline of their Princes enjoining 'em to Secrecy on Pain of Death. The Intemperance of the Tongue, is with them more feverely punim'd than any other Crime: Nor can they imagine him to be capable of great Mat- ters, that finds a Difficulty in being filent, a thing that Nature has made fo eafie in it felf. This was the Caufe why Alexander (being altogether igno- rant of what the Enemy was doing) laid Siege to i

Book IV .. QUINTUS CuRTIUS. 2 1 1;

Gaza. Bet is was its Governor, and was a Man of noted Fidelity to his King, and tho' his Carriibn was hut fmall, yet he defended the Walls which were of a large Cornpafs. Alexander having view- ed the Situation of the Place, ordcr'dfeveral Mines to be made , which Work was favour'd by the Lightnefs of the Ground , for the neighbouring Sea difcharg'd great Quantities of Sand upon it, and there were neither Rocks nor Stones to obftriufl the Work. The Mines were begun on that fide where they could not be perceiv'd by the Befieged,, and that they might have no Sufpicion of what was doing, the King gave Orders to approach the Towers to the Walls.. But the Nature of the Ground was no way proper for this Work, for the Sand linking under the Weight of the Wheels, re- tarded their Motion, and difconcerted the whole Frame of the Towers, fo that the Scaffolds broke* and many of the Soldiers were wounded thereby; befides, there was as much Difficulty to bring the Towers back, as there had been to carry 'em for- ward. Hereupon Alexander gave the Signal for a Retreat, and the next Day he order'd the Town to be furrbunded ; and as foon as the Sun was- up, be- fore his Army advane'd to the Charge , he offer'd Sacrifice to the Gods, after his Country manner, to implore their Affiftance. While the King was thus employ'd, a Crow happen'd to fly over him, and fuddenly let go a Lump of Earth that it held in its Claws, which falling on the Kings Head, broke in pieces; and the Crow went and fettled on a Tower hard by: The Tower was befmear'd with Bitumen and Sulphur, which catching hold of the Crow's Wings , fo entangl'd its Feathers, that it ftruggl'd in vain to fly away , and was taken by the Standcrs-by. The Accident was look'd upon to* be important enough to have the Soothfayers con- flicted about it, for Alexander was fomething in-


aix Qutntus Curtius. BooklV-

chn'd himfelf to that kind of Superftition. Ari- fiander who was chiefly credited in this Art, told the King thut this Omen portended the Ruin of the City, but that he would be in danger of being wounded, and therefore advis'd him, not to at- tempt any thing againjl it that Day.

Altho* the King was very much concerned that a fingle City fhould, by its Obftinacy, hinder him from pafling into Egypt with fecurity, yet he thought it advifable to comply with the Sooth- sayer's Requeft, and accordingly gave the Signal for the Retreat. This fo encourag'd the Befieged, that rallying out they attack'd the Macedonians in the Rear, thinking that the Enemy's delay ought to be their Opportunity ; but their Conftancy did not fecond their Fury in the Engagement; for, when they faw the Macedonians rally, they pre- fently ftopp'd again. By this time the Shouts of thofe that were righting reach'd the King , who prefently flew to the Affiitance of his Men, un- mindful of the Danger he had been warn'd of ; however, at the intreaty of his Friends, he put on his Armour, which he otherwife rarely wore.

Here a certain Arabian, one of Darius $ Sol- diers, ventur'd upon an Action above his For- tune, and covering his. Sword with his Buckler, fell upon his Knees before the King, as if he had deferted to him ; whereupon the King bid him rife, and order d him to be receivd into his Service, but the Barbarian taking his Sword couragioufly into his right Hand, made at the King's Head; who having declin'd the BJow at the lame time cut off the difappointed Hand of the Barbarian, and flatter'd himfelf that he was now clear'd of the Danger of the Day. However Fate, as I take it, is unavoidable, for as he was fighting gallantly among the foremoit he was wounded with an Ar- row, which pafs'd through his Armour, and (luck

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 213

in his Shoulder, from whence Philip, his Phyfl- cian, drew it. Now the Blood began to run in a great quantity, and all that flood by were frigh- ten'd, never having known an Arrow penetrate fo deep through Armour before. As for Alexan- der, he did not fo much as change his Counte- nance, but bid 'em flop the bleeding, and tie up the Wound. Thus he remain'd fome time at the Head of the Army, either dirTembling or overcoming the Pain ; but when the Blood that had been ftopp'd by an Application, began to run a frefti in a larger Quantity, and the Wound (which by reafon of its newnefs did not at firft pain him^ upon the cooling of the Blood, began to fwelf, then he fainted and fell on his Knees. They that were next to him took him up, and carry'd him into his Tent, and Beti* concluding him dead, re- turned into the Town in a triumphing manner; but the King> impatient of delay, (before his Wounds were curd) gave Orders for a Terrafs to be rais'd as high as the City Walls, whidi he commanded to be undermin'd. The Befieged on their part were not idle, for they had erected a new Fortification of equal height with the old Wall, but that however did not come upon the level with the Towers which were planted on the Terrafi , fo that the inward parts of the Town were expos'd to the Enemies Darts ; and to com- pleat their hard Fate, the Walls were now over- thrown by the Mines, and gave the Macedonians an opportunity of entering the City at the Breaches. The King was at the Head of the foremoft , and while he carelefly enter'd the Place, his Leg was hurt with a Stone, notwithstanding which, lean- ing on his Dart, he fought among the firft, tho* his old Wound was not yet heal'd ; his Refent- ment was the greater on the account of his having receiv'd two Wounds in this Siege. Letts having


H4 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

behav'd himfelf gallantly, and receiv'd feveiil Wounds, was at lait forfaken by his Men, yet this 4id not hinder him from fighting on, tho' his Arms were grown flippery with his own and the Ene- mies Blood ; but being attack'd on all Sides , he was taken alive, and being brought before the King, who was overjoy'd that he had him in his ."Power, infomuch that he that us'd to admire Ver- tue, even in an Enemy, giving way this time to Revenge, told him, Thou Jhalt not9 Betas, dye m thou would' ft, but expect to undergo whatever Tor- mcn-ts Ingenuity can Invent. At which Threats, jBetis, without making any Reply, gave the K'mg not only an undaunted, but an infolent Look ; whereupon Alexander faid, Do you take notice of his obftinate Silence ? Bus he either offer d to kneel down, or made the leaft Submijfion ? However, I'll overcome his Taciturnity, if by no other Means, at Uaft by Groans. This laid, his Anger turn'd to Rage, his Fortune having already corrupted his Manners, fo that-^e order'd Cords to be run thro* Beta's Heels, and ty'd to the hinder part of a Cart, and in that manner to be dragg'd alive round the City , valuing himfelf for having imitated Achilles {from whom he defended) in punifhing his Enemy.

In this Action there periuYd about ten thou- fand Perfans and Arabians, neither was it a blood- lefs Victory to the Macedonians. However, the Siege was not fo considerable on the fcore of the Character of the Town, as for the two Wounds the King receiv'd therein. After this the King (making the beft of his way to Egypt) difpatch'd Amyntas with ten. Galleys to Macedonia to raife Recruits; for even his fuccefsful Battles diminihYd his Army, and he had not the fame Confidence in foreign Soldiers as in thofe of his own Country.


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. %1$


THE Egyptians had for a great while envy'd the Psrfian Grandure, and look'd upon their Government to be both Avaritious and Iniblent, fo that at the Rumour of Alexander s coming thi- ther they began to take Courage ; for they were fo difpos'd to Revolt that they had before joyfully receiv'd Amyntas the Deferter, tho' his Power was altogether precarious. They therefore flock'd in great Numbers to Pelufwm, thinking the King would enter that Way, and he arriv'd in Egypt at a Place call'd ftill Alexander's Camp, on the feventh Day after "he left Gaza. Here he gave Orders to the Foot to repair to Pclufium by Land , while he with fome chofen Troops was carry'd along the River Kilus. The Per pans being terrify'd at the Revolution, did not dare to wait his coming? lle was by this time come within a little way of Memphis, where Mazaces commanded for Darius but not daring to oppofe Alexander, he made haitc to pafs the River, and brought the King eight hun- dred Talents, and all the royal Furniture. From Memphis he continu'd his Courfe along the fame River, and penetrated into the more inward Parts of Egypt* and having fettled the Affairs of the Na- tion fo as to change none of their ancient Cu- ftoms, he refolv'd to vifit the famous Oracle of Jupiter Hammon. The Way thither was hardly practicable, even to a fmall Number, without any Incumbrance. There is a fcarcity of Water from Heaven as well as Earth, and nothing to be feen but barren Sands, Which when thoroughly heated by the Sun, burn the Soles of the Feet : In fine, the Heat is intolerable ; but here is not only the ex- ceffive heat of the Sun, and the drought of the


xi6 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

Country to be ftruggled with, but alfo with a te- nacious kind of Gravel, which lies very deep, and linking under the Feet makes it very difficult to move. All thefe Inconveniencies were magni- fy'd by the Egyptians : However, Alexander was re- folv'd to gratiiie the ardent defire he* had to vi- fit Jupiter , whom he either really believ'd to be his Father (not being fatisfy'd with his mortal Grandure ) or had a mind the World mould think fo : He embark'd therefore with thofe he defign'd fliould accompany him, and fail'd down the River to the Meer call'd Mareofis. While he was here, Ambaflfadors came to him from the Cyrenenfes with Prefents, defiring Peace, and that he would vifit their Towns ; but the King having accepted their Prefents, and alTur'd 'em of his Friendship, purfu'd his intended Journey. The firft and fe« cond Days Fatigue feem'd tolerable, for they were not yet come to the vaft, naked Solitudes, tho* the Ground here was barren, and as it were dead ; but when thofe unbounded Plains appear'd that are cover'd over with deep Sands, they were at as great a Lofs to difcover Land as if they had been failing on the deep. There was not fo much as a Tree to be feen, nor the leaft token of a culti- vated Soil ; and they now wanted Water, that which they carry'd with 'em upon Camels being fpent, and there was none to be had in thofe dry Grounds and burning Sands. Betides, the Sun had parch'd up every thing, all was fcorch'd and burnt. They were in this diftrefs'd Condition, when, on the fudden, the Sky was overcaft with thick Clouds which intercepted the Sun, whether it were by Accident, or ordain'd as a Prefent from the Gods to relieve their preffing Calamity ; this is cer- tain, it was a feafonable Comfort to them ( who were periftiing with Heat) even tho' they ftill wanted Water : But when the Storm broke out 3 into

BooklV. Quintus Curtius. 117

into a large and copious Rain, every one laid in his Proviiion thereof; fome of 'em unable any longer to bear their Thirft , receiv'd it with open Mouth as it fell. They had already fpent four Days in this vaft Solitude, and were not now far off of the Seat «of the Oracle, when a great flock of Crows came towards 'em, and flew gently before their Van, and fometimes fettled to give 'em time to come up; and then taking Wing again preceded 'em, (hewing them the Way, and as it were dif- charging the Office of a Guide ; at laft they reach'd the Place which was confe crated to the God. It feems to furpafs belief, that being fituate in fo wild a Solitude, it fhould be encompafs'd with Trees that grew fo thick as to (kreen it on all Sides from the piercing Rays of the Sun ; being at the fame time water'd with fo many gentle Streams as were abundantly fufflcient for the Nourimment of thefe Groves; and, to encreafe the Miracle, the Air is here fo temperate that it refembles the Spring, and is equally falubrious throughout all the Seafons of the Year. The People that inhabit the Neigh- bourhood of this Place are, on the Eaft, thofe that border on .the Ethiopians ; and on the South thofe that Face the Arabians, call'd Troglodytes, whofe Territory extends it feif as far as the Red Sea ; to the Weftward it has other Ethiopians, cal- led ScenitA ; to the Northward are the Nafamones, who are a People fituate near the Flats, and en- rich themfelves by Piracy, lying in wait upon the Coaft, ever ready to make a Prey of thofe Ships that are Stranded, being well acquainted with all the Fords. The Inhabitant of the Wood, who are call'd Hammonuins, live in Cottages fcatter'd up and down ; the middle Of the Wood ferves 'em for a Citadel, being furrourided with a triple Wall : Within the firft ihnds the ancient Palace of their Kings ; in the fecynd they keep their Wives and Vol.I. L Children,

ai8 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

Children, as alfo their Concubines ; here likewife is the Deity's Oracle, which in the laft were the Prince's Guards and the Men at Arms. There is another Wood alio belonging to Hammon, in the middle of which is a Fountain that they call the Water of the Sun : About break oj; Day this Wa- ter is lukewarm, in the middle of the Day, when the heat of the Sun is greateft, the fame Water is very cold ; towards the Evening it grows warm again, and in the middle of the Night it is fcal- ding hot ; and the nearer the Night draws on to Day, its nocturnal Heat decreafes, till about break of Day it is lukewarm , as before. That which is ador'd for a God has not the fame Form, under, which Artificers ufe to reprefent the Gods ; it very much refembles a Navel, being compos'd of an Emerald and other precious Stones. When it is confulted, the Priefts carry it in a golden Ship, which is fet off with a great many lilver Cups hanging on each fide, and is follow'd by the Ma- trons and Virgins tinging an uncouth fort of a Hymn, after their Country manner, by which they imagine Jupiter is prevail d upon to render a, certain Oracle.

As the King advanc'd towards the Oracle the fenior Prieft faluted him with the Title of Son, alluring him, That Jupiter his lather beflowd it on him. To which he reply'd, That he both ac- cepted it and acknowledg d it, for he had now for- got his human Condition. Then &*aik'd whether his Father did defign him the Empire of the whole World ? And the Prieft, who was equally difpos'd to flatter him , told him, he Jhould be univerfal Monarch of the whole Earth. Then he put ano- ther Square, viz. Whether all thofe who were con- cernd in his leather s Murther were puniftid ? To rhis the Prieft made anfwer, That it was not in the Pow4r of any mortal to injure his Father, bjtt \ that

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. XI^

that all that had a hand in Philip'* Death had fuf- fer'd condign Punifiment. He moreover added, That he fliould continue Invincible till he took his Place among the Gods. After this, he offer'd Sa- crifice, and made Prefents to the Priefls and to the God ; after which his Friends were likewife per- mitted to confult the Oracle, but they only defir'd to know, Whether Jupiter approvd of their paying divine Honours to their King ? The Prieft reply'd, That Jupiter was very -well pleas d they Jhould pay divine Worfhip to their victorious King. Now whoever would judge fagely of the Sincerity and Credit of the Oracle, might eafily have perceiv'd it was all Impofture by its Anfwers; but when once Fortune has prevail'd with Men to commit themfelves intirely to her, Jhe generally makes 'em more greedy of Power than capable of it.

Alexander therefore not only fufter'd himfelf to be call'd Jupiter's Son, but alio commanded it ; and while he thought by this Means to call: a greater Splendour on his great Actions, he lef- fen'd 'em. And notwithstanding the Macedonians were accuftom'd to Kingly Government, yet as they retain'd ftill the madow of a greater Liberty than other Nations , they more obftinately op- pos'd his affected Immortality than was expedi- ent either to themfelves or the King. But of thefe Things we mall fpeak in their proper Places ; and at prefent purfue the reft of his Actions.


Alexander, in his return from Hammon, when' he came to Palus Mareotis, which is not far diltant from the Ifland Pharos, having confider'd the Nature of the Place ; he defign'd at firft to L z build

2-io Quintus Curtius. BooklW

build a City in the Ifland.it fdf, but upon Reflexion, that the Ifiand was too fmall for fuch a Purpofe ; he pitch' d upon that Place where Alexandria now ftands, contracting its Name from its Founder : He took in all that fpace of Ground that lies be- tween the Meer and the Sea, allotting fourfcore Furlongs for the Compafs of the Walls ; and ha- ving appointed proper Perfons to fupervife the building of the City, he went to Memphis.

He was feiz'd with a Defire (no wile to he blam'd indeed had it been but well tim'd) to viflt not ■only the inward parts of Egypt, but alfo JEthiopia. The celebrated Palace of Memnon and Tithonm was like to draw him ( who was naturally greedy of the Knowledge of Antiquity ) even beyond the Bounds of the Sun ; but the War he had upon his . Hands, of which the moft difficult part Hill remain'd, would not allow him time for thofe. idle Journeys; he therefore appointed Afchylus the Rhodian, and Peucefies the Macedonian, Governors erf t m9 leaving with them four thoufand Men for the guard of the Country , and allotted thirty •Galleys to Polemon to defend the Mouths of the Nile ; then he conftituted Apollon'ws Governor of that part of Afrkk that joins to Egypt, and made Cleomenes Receiver of all the Tributes arifing from Africa and Egypt ; and having commanded the Inhabitants of the Neighbouring Towns to trans- plant themlelves to Alexandria, he.prcicnxly fuTdit with a great multitude #f People. It is faid, That Vjhrn the King u*j?j marking out the JValh-vf the Town with a fort of Pajie made of Barley Flower, according to tM .Maceduni'aji iOtifLom , the Birds came in Flocks to devour it ; and as that was by fevcral. interpixted as portending Evd to-tfe City m hand ; the Soothfayers on the contrary faifHt was a lucky Omen, and that it indicated, that the XUiy wo;Hd be very much reforted to by Strangers,

Book IV. Quintvs Curtius. tea

' and that {he would afford Subfiftence to feveral Countries.

The King, after this, was going down the River Nile, and Hettor, Parmenio's Son (who was in the flower of his Age, and in great favour with Alexan- der) being eager to follow him, enter'd into a little Boat which had more People in it than it

"could carry, infomuch that it funk with all thofe that were on board it. However, Heclor ftruggled a long time with the Water, tho' his Clothes be- ing thoroughly wet , and his Shoes being clofely ty'd to his Feet, hinder'd him from fwimming, and made a fhift at laft to gain the Shore half

-dead ; but as foon as he endeavour'd to recover

-his Breath, which Fear and the Danger had for fome time fupprefs'd, there being no Body at.

"hand to afiift him (for the reft had fav'd them- felves on the other fide^ he expir'd. The King was mightily afrli&ed at this Accident,, and there- fore bury'd ^his Corps after a very magnificent Manner.

This Misfortune was aggravated by the Ac- count the King receiv'd of the Death of Andro-- 'machtii, his Governor of Syria', whom "the Sama- ritans had burntaJive.^ . The i:jng therefore march- ed with the 'urmoft Expedition "to revenge his Death, but at his Arrival they deliver'd him up the Authors of fo barbarous a Crime, all whom he put to Death, and then fubftituted Memnon in his Place. He alfo put the Tyrants into the Hands of the People they had opprefs'd r and among thofe of the Methymnians, Ariftonicus and Chry- folatts , whom they ftm tortur'd in revenge of their Infolence, and then executed, flinging them in contempt over the Walls of the City. Then he gave Audience to the AmbalTadors of the A- thenians, the Khodians and the Chiotes ; the Athe- nians congratulated him on his Victories, and de-

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ziz Quintus Curtius. Book IV'

iired that the Greek Captives might be reftor'd to their refpedtive Cities : The Rhodians and the -Chiotes complain'd of the Garrifons, and as all their Requefts feem'd too juft, he gratify'd them. To thofe of Mitylene he reftor'd their Securities, m Confideration of their Fidelity, and the Mo- ney they had advanc'd for the Service of the War, adding a large Trad: of Ground to their Territo- ries. He alfo honourd the King of Cyprus, ac- cording to the Merit of his Services, who had re- volted from Darius to him, and had fupply'd him with a Fleet when he befieg'd Tyre. He after- wards fent Amphoterus, his Admiral, to deliver Greet from the Gppreffion of ihe Perfians and Py rates, but he enjoin'd him above all things to clear the Sea from the Pyrates ; for the two Kings being intent upon the War, the Seas were over- run with thefe Plunderers. Having fettled thefe Matters, he dedicated to Hercules of Tyre, a large Bowl and thirty Cups of Gold ; then bending his Thoughts altogether on Darin*, he gave Orders for the Army to march towards the Euphrates.


BU T when Darius knew for certain that his Enemy was march'd into Africa, he was un- reiolv'd whether he fliould ftay in the Neighbour- hood of Mefopotamia, or mould retire farther in- to his Dominions ; for he concluded he mould be better able upon the Place to influence ihofe remote Nations to engage heartily in the War, which his Deputies found great Difficulties to do; but then again being inform'd from good Hands, that Alexander zvas determined to folloiu him with his whole Army into whatfoever Country he went,



as he was not ignorant of the indefatigable Bra- very of his Adverfary, he fent Orders to thofe re-> mote Nations, to fend him all the Succour they could to Babylon. The Baclrians, Scythians and Indians accordingly repair'd thither with the Troops of the other Nations ; his Army being now as numerous again as it was in Cilicia, a great many of thofe that compos'd it wanted Arms , which were get- ting ready for 'em with the utmoft diligence. The Horfes as well as the Riders were provided with Armour of Iron. They who before h%d only Darts had now Swords and Bucklers given them. And that his prefent Army might be much Wron- ger in Horfe than his former was, he diftributed a great many Horfes to the Foot to be broke.

There were belides two hundred Chariots arm'd with Sithes, which thefe Nations look upon to be their chief Strength, and very terrible to the Ene- my ; at the end of the Pole were fix'd two Pikes arm'd with Iron Spikes, the Spokes of the Wheels were compafs'd round with feveral Darts which pointed forward; and the Fellies were arm'd with Scythes fo difpos'd that they cut to pieces what- ever flood in their way.

Having thus provided and fitted out his Army he fet forwards from Babylon; on his Right he had XhzTigre, a noble River, and his Left was covefd with the Euphrates. His Army was fo numerous that it fill'd all the Plains of Mefopotamia ; having therefore pafs'd the River Tigris, and underftand- ing the Enemy was not far off, he lent before Satropates with athoufand chofen Horfe, and then detach'd Maz.&us with fix thoufand more to hin- der Alexander from palling the Euphrates ; he was alfo commanded to deftroy and burn all the Coun- try that would be fir ft expos 'd to the Enemy ; for he imagin'd that not having any other Provisions for his Army than what he got by Pillage, he might L 4 be

zi4 Quintus Curtius. BooklV.

be overcome by mere want., whilft his own was plentifully fupply'd with all NecelTaries both by Land and by the Tigre. Darius was by this time come to Arbela, which he was deftin'd to make glorious by his own memorable Defeat ; leaving here the greateft part of his Baggage and Provi- sions, he laid a Bridge over the lycm, and pafs'd his Army over it in five Days, as he had done before over the Euphrates; then advancing about fourfcore Furlongs farther, he came to another River calTd Bumado, where he encamp'd. This Country was very convenient for his numerous Army, being a plain open Ground, and very com- modious for the Horle, as being cover'd neither with Bufhes nor Shrubs, fo that the Eye had an uninterrupted Profpect to difcover Things at the remoteft diftance ; and where it feem'd to fwell into any thing of an Eminence, he order' d it to he laid level with the refi. They that were fent by Alexander to take a View of the Enemy's Ar- my, and who made anEftimateof it by the great Tract of Ground it cover'd , could hardly con- vince him of the Truth of their Report; for he thought it impoffible that after fo great a Lois he fhculd now be ftronger than he was atfirft. How- ever, as he defpis'd all Danger in general, and par- ticularly that from a fuperiority of Number, he came in eleven Days to the Euphrates, and ha- ving laid a Bridge over it, he -firft pafs'd his Horfe and after them the Phalanx ; Mamem who had been fent to oppofehis Paffage, not daring to make trial of his Fortune againft him. Here having granted' the Soldiers a few Days, not fo much to reft their Bodies as to confirm their Minds, he eagerly purfu'd Darius, for he was afraid he might retire to the remoteft Parts of his Dominions, and that then he fhould be oblig'd to follow him thro' vaft Wilds and Defarts that were deftitute of all


WookW. Quintus Curtius. bAJf?

NecefTaries. On the fourth Day there-fore he pafs'd by Arbela and came to the Tigre. All the Country beyond the River was yet fmoaking ; for Maz&us fet every thing on Fire , as if he had •been himfelf the Enemy : And as the Smoak had ca-us'd a great Darknefs, the King fufpecling fome Ambufcade , halted for fome time , till being iri- form'd by his Scouts that there was no Danger, he order'd fome Horfemen to try the Depth of the Ford of the River : at firft it took the Horfes up to the Belly, and in the middle it reach'd their Necks.

In all the Eaftern Parts there is not any River that runs with fo great a Rapidity, many Torrents falling into it, fo that it carries even great Stones along with its Stream : From the Swiftnefs of its Current it bore the Name of Tigre ; becaufe an Arrow in the Perjian Language is call'd Tigris, The Foot being divided into two Bodies, and en- compafs'd with the Horfe , carry'd their Arms over their Head, and in that order pafs'd without much Difficulty till they came where the River was deepeft. The King pafs'd over among the Foot, and was the firft that gain'd the other Side ; from whence he made Signs to the Soldiers with his Hand, becaufe his Voice' could not be heard, where the Ford was fhalloweft. But they had much to. do to keep their Legs ; fometimes the Slippery Stones deceiving their Steps, and fome- times the Violence of the Water tripping up their Heels. But they that were loaded were hardeft put to it, for as they were hinder'd from govern- ing themfelves , they were . carry'd away by the Rapidity of the Whirlpools: And as every one endeavour'd to recover what he had loft, they firuggl'd more among themfelves than with the Stream : Befides the Bundles that floated on trre Water bore down a great many of them. Here— L 5 UDon,i

n6 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

upon the King cry'd out to 'em, only to take Care of their Arms, and that he would make good their other Lofles. But they neither harken'd to his Counfel , nor obey'd his. Commands, for Fear ; befides, their own mutual Clamour made 'em n> capable of doing either. At laft they got where the Current flows after a gentler manner, and fo gain'd the Shoar, without any other Damage than the Lois of a little Lumber.

Here the Army might have been totally de- ftroy'd had any Body but dar'd to conquer ; but the King's conftant good Fortune kept the Enemy at a diftance. Thus he pafs'd the Granicus in the Sight of fo many thoufand Horfe and Foot that were drawn up on the other lide of the River : Thus the Straits of Cilicia ferv'd him to vanquifli fo vaft a Multitude of his Enemies. And not- withstanding he might feem bold to excefs , yet he cannot well be cenfur'd for it, becaufe his con- tinual Succefs never afforded an Opportunity to conclude him rafh.

MazjtM (who, if he had come upon 'em while they were palling, the River, might without doubt have deftroy'd 'em in that Diforder) never appear'd till they had gain'd the Shoar, and flood to their Arms. Be had fent only a thoufand Horfe before him, which Alexander perceiving, he defpis'd the infignificant Number, and prefefttly commanded Arijlon, who was Captain of the P&oriian Horfe, to charge 'em trijUy. In this Aclion the P&onians behav'd themfelves gallantly, but particularly Ariftony who with his Spear run Satropates , the Perfian Com- mander , into the Throat , and purfuing him through the midft of the Enemies, threw him off his Horfe, and notwithstanding his ReMance, cut off his Head, which he brought, and laid down at the King's Feet, who applauded his Refolution and Bravery.

Book IV. Quintus Curtius-

C H A P. X.

TH E King encamp'd here two Days, and or- der'd the Army to be ready to march the next ; but about the firrt Watch the Moon fuffer'd an Eclipfe, and firit loft its Planetary Brightnefs, after which it was overcaft with a fanguine Colour, that fully'd all its Light. And as the Soldiers were al- ready folicitous on the Account of the approach- ing Battle , this Accident ftruck 'em firit with a fuperftitious Awe , which was fucceeded by Fear ; infomuch that they complain'd , That they were draggd into the remoteji Countries againft the Will of the Gods; that the 'Rivers deny'd them PaJJ'age, and the Planets refused 'em their ufual Light. That nothing but vafl Wilds and De 'farts were to be feen; that the Blood of fo many thoufand Men mufi be fpilt to gratify the Vanity of one Man , who not only difoivrid his Father Philip, but let his vain- Thoughts climb to Heaven for his Original. The Matter was almoft come to a Sedition, . when A- lexander, who was always undaunted , gave-Or- dexsfor all the Officers to repair to his Tent ; where he commanded the ./Egyptian Aflronomers (whom he look'd upon to be belt acquainted with the Courfe of the Heavens and the Planets) to declare- their Opinion concerning the prefent Phenomenon, But as they were not ignorant that Time has its conftant Revolutions , and that the Moon fuffers an Eclipfe whenever it gets beneath the Earth, they did not trouble themfelves to divulge their Knowledge to the Publick, but only affinnd, That, the S%n was the Greeks Planet-, and the. Moon the Perfians : and. that whenever this was eclips'd, it portended Deftruttion and Ruin to thefe Nations. And for Proof hereof, they relate feYeral Inftan-

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ax8 Quintus Curtius. Book IV-

ces of the Perfian Kings, who were warn'd by the Eclipfe of the Moon that they fought againfi the Will of the Gods.

There is nothing has fo great an Influence over the Minds of the Vulgar, as Superftition ; thoJ it be otherwife violent, furious, and unconftant, Jet it but be feiz'd with a vain Religion , and it (hali more readily obey the Priefts than the Gover- nours.

The Anfvver of the JEgyptians therefore being communicated to the Multitude , reviv'd their drooping Hopes, and animated 'em with frefli Aliurance. The King -thinking it beft to make rife of their prefent Difpofition, decamp'd at the fecond Watch ; he had the Tigre on his Right, and on his Left, "the Gord&an Hills. As he was march- ing this 'way, his Scouts came to him about Break of Day, to let him know that Darius was advan- cing towards him. Hereupon he drew up his Ar- my in order of Battel, being himfelf at tie Head,, and fo contmu'd his March : But it prov'd to be only the Perfian Scouts confuting of about a thou- fand Men, who made a great Appearance. Thm when the Truth cannot be difcoverd, Fear fwells the Account into Falfities. The King underftand- mg the Truth of the Matter, took with him a imall number of Men and purfu'd the Enemy,, wlio prefently fled back to their main Body ; how- ever he kill'd fome, and took others Prisoners ; and then difpatch'd a Detachment of Horfe to get Intelligence of the Enemy, and to put out the Fires the Barbarians had kindl'd up and down ih order to deftroy the Villages : For before they took to their Heels they fet fire to the Roofs of the Houfes and to the Stacks of Corn, lb that the Flames being diverted in the upper Parts had not- yet forc'd its way to the lower. The Fires being' thus put out, they found great Quantities of Corn,-


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 22-9

and began alio to have Plenty of other Necefla- ries. This encourag'd the Soldiers to purfue the Enemy wfco burnt and laid the Country waftc.; it being neceflary for the Macedonians to make whrat Hafte they could after them to prevent every thing being conmm'd. Thus Neceffity fupply'd the Place of Reafon ; for Max.&m , who before de- ftroy'd every thing at leifure, was at prefent con- tented to fly, and left a great deal behind him en- tire and untouch' d.

Alexander was now inform'd that Darius was come within a hundred and fifty Furlongs of him : Hereupon, having with him Plenty of Provisions,, he ftaid in this Camp four Days. While he re- main'd here fome Letters were intercepted that came from Darius , whereby the Greeks were So- licited to kill or betray the King i Alexander was for fome time doubtful whether he fiotdd-read 'em to -the whole Army or not, becaufe he was pretty well a (Turd of the Good-will and. Fidelity of the Greeks : But Parmenio put him off of it, by telling him, thai- it was not convenient to communicate fuch things to Soldiers , fince the King lay expos' d thereby to any one of 'em that vjould be a Traitor i Befides Avarice thought nothing a Crime. The King fol- lowing this Advice, decamp'd. Upon the March one of the captive ^ffunmUsi that attended Darius' s Queen, broiight him word, that the GUtcen hail fainted and drew her Breath with Difficulty. The great Fatigue of the Journey, and Grief of Mind, had fo wrought upon her, that me fwounded a* way between her Mother-in-Law and her two Daughters, and fo died ; which wras immediately notify'd to him by another Meffenger. This fur prizing Accident fo touch'd the King, that he could not have (hewn more Concern had he receiv'd Advice of the Death of his ozvn Mother. He figh'd, and even wept as Darin* himfelf would


zyo QuintUs Curtius. Book IV.

have done, and immediately repair'd to the Tent, where Darims Mother was fitting by the Corps of the deceafed. Here the King's Grjef renew'd when he beheld her extended on the Ground. Darims Mother alfo, being by this frefh Evil put in Mind of pari: Misfortunes, had took the two young Virgins in her Lap, by the way of mutual Comfort ; tho' at the fame time (he ought to have been a real Comfort to them. The young Prince Hood likewife before her, and was by fo much the more to be pity'd, that he was not yet fenfible of the Calamity, though his was the greater!: Share. Any Body would have thought Alexander had been la- menting fome of his own Relations ; and inftead of giving Comfort, flood in need of it himfelf. He abftain'd from eating, and order'd the Funeral to be perform'd after the Perfian Manner ; and feem'd then to deferve the Reward he has fmce had for his good Nature and Continency. He had never feen her but once, which was the Day fhe was taken Prifoner, and even then it was Da^ riuss Mother he went to vifit. He was fo far from receiving any Impremon of Luft from her excellent Beauty, that it only ferv'd to excite him to Glory and Honour. While Grief fill'd all the Tlace, one of the Eunuchs, nam'd Tyriotes, got out at a Back-door, which was lefs minded than the reft, and fled to the Perfian Camp ; and be- ing taken up by the Guard, was brought before Darius, lamenting and tearing his Clothes. As foon as Darius faw him in this Condition he was difturb'd with Variety of Thoughts , and hardly knew what chiefly to fear : Thy Looks, faid he, befpeak fome great Misfortune but whatever it bet be fure to conceal nothing from me, for by my re-r feated Calamities , I have learn d to be unhappy ; and fometimes even to .know ones Mifery is a Com- fort ; Say then, dofl thou bring me (which is what

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Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 23*

1 moft fufpetl and dread to utter) an Account of the Violation of my Family's Honour, which to me, and I [uppofe to them, would be more ajfiicling than the great eft Torments ? To which Tyriotes reply'd, Sir, there is nothing , I ajfure you , of what you fear : for whatever Honours are paid by Subjects to Queens, are duly paid to yours by the Conqueror ; but your Royal Confort is dead. At thefe Words the whole Camp was fill'd with Cries and Lamen- tations : and Darius no longer doubted, but (he had been kill'd for refufing to yield up her Ho- nour ; and diftraded with Grief, he broke out ia thefe Exclamations, What Crime have I commit- ted , Alexander ? which of your Relations have I put to Death, that you Jhould punift) my Cruelty af- ter this manner ! Tou hate me zvithout Provocation ; but admitting your War to be juft, ought you for that to wreak your Revenge on Women l Hereupon Tyriotes fwore by the Tutelar Gods of the Coun- try, That no ill Ufage had been ojferd her, but on the contrary that Alexander exprefsd no lefs Grief for her Death, than he himfelf could do, zv£o was her Hujband. Thefe Words encreas'd his Anxiety , and gave him greater Sufpicion that this Tender- nefs proceeded from the. familiar Converfation he had with her ; difmiffing therefore all that were prefent , except Tyriotes only-, he now no longer wept, but figliing faid, Look thee, Tyriotes, thou mu ft not think to put me off ivith Lies ; for Tor- ments prefently jball exprefs the Truth from thee : But I conjure thee by the Gods not to keep me fo long in fufpence ; if thou haft any Veneration for thy King, tell me what I deftre to know, and am afhamd to utter, did not the youthful Conqueror offer Violence to her ? Then Tyriotes offer'd to fuf- fer the Rack, and calld the Gods to zvitnefs, that the Queen had been usd with all the Refpecl the (Iricleft Virtue could require. At laft Darius being


232; Quietus Curtius. BooklV,

convinc'd of the Truth of what the Eunuch ,faid, he caver'd his Head, and wept a long time j and the Tears Hill flowing From his Eyes, he une$* ver'-d his Face, and holding up his Hands to 2kk- ven, he faid, Ye Tutelar Gods of my Dominions, my firfi Requeft is, that you zvouid vouch fafe to con- firm my Kingdom to my felf; but if my Rum be determind, I beg no other may be admitted King of Afta, than this jujl Enemy , this merciful Cvn- tpierxnr. * ' ;' '• :,}f '■ lifttlSA

i " i . ...


NOtwithftanding Darius had twice afk'd for Peace without obtaining it, and thereupon had bent his whole Mind to War ; yet, overcome by the Virtue of his Enemy, he made choice of ten of the chiefeft of his Relations to make frefh Overtures ; ' whom Alexander admitted, "having fummon'd his Council to attend on that Occafi- on. Then the eldeft of the Ambaffadors XoX&him, That Darius did now a third time deftre Peace of him, not that he was compell'd to it by any Force or Neceffity , but movd thereto by his Jujlice and Continency. ' That fuch xvas his generous Behavi- our to his Mother, his Wife, and his Children, that he fhould. hardly think 'em' to be Capites, but bc~ caufe they were not ivith h'mfelf You flew a fa- therly Care of thofe that are yet living, and honour 'cm with the Title of Queens ; leaving to 'em all the- Splendour of their former Fortunes. I can read a? much Concern in. your Looks as there zvas. in Darf- uss when we left him, and yet he bewails the Loft of a Wife, and you only that of an Enemy : And 'were it not for your pious Care of her Funeral, yoH would now^have been at the Hind of your Army,


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. ^33

drazvn up in Order of Battel. Nozv -where is the great Wonder, if being overcome by fo much Bounty and friendly Ufage, he defires Peace of you ? What occafion is there for Arms where there is no Ha- tred ? Heretofore he offer d you the River Halys, that terminates Lydia, for the Bounds of your Em- pre. Now he proffers you all the Countries that lie between the Hellefpont and the Euphrates, as a Portion with his Daughter, which he freely gives you in Marriage. He moreover offers to leave with you his Son Ochus as a Pledge of the Peace, and his Integrity. He only Squires you will reftore to him his Mother and Virgin Daughters , for which you fliall receive thirty thoufand Talents of Gold. Were I not already convincd of your Moderation, I would remind you, that at this Juncture, it were your Interefi not only to grant Peace, but readily to accept of it. Do but look back on the vaft Countries you leave behind you, and takeaviezv in thought, of what ft ill remains to conquer. An overgrozvn unwe-il- dy Empire is alzvays in Danger, and it is a difficult thing to hold faff what you cannot grafp. We fee thofe Ships that are of an unweildy Bulk, are not eajily governed. And I cannot tell but Darius thereto- fore lofi fo much, bccaufe too much Wealth furnifles Opportunities for great Loffes. There are fome things much eafier to acquire than to keep : With how much more Eafe do our Hands fnatch things azvay, than hold' em afterwards? even the Death of Darius Y Queen, may make you fenfible that you ha ve not nozv fo much room left you to fiew your merciful Temper as before.

The Ambajfador having finiflid his Speech, A-. texander order'd 'em to withdraw, and requix'd thofe of his Council to fpeak their Opinions. They all remain'd filent for fome time, not daring to declare their Sentiments, by Reafon they were un- certain how the King himfelf was difpofed : At Ialt

Parmenio .-,

^34 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

Parmeniofpoke to this effeft. I was of Opinion here- tofore, Sir, that the Prifcners fly ould have been reflord to thofe that would have redeem d 'em ^Damafcus, by which means a confiderable Sum of Money might have been rais'd; whereas, vjhile you detain 'em, they only deprive you of the Service of a great many brave Hands; and I cannot but think it now ad- vifeable to make an Exchange of an old Woman and two young Girls [which like a troublefome Luggage, only retard your Marches) for thirty thoufand Ta- lents of Gold] Be/ides, here is a noble Kingdom to be had by Agreement, without fo much as runn'mg the Kifk of an uncertain War; none before you ever having pcfefsd all that vafl TraSl of Land that lies between the Ifter and the Euphrates. Turn therefore your Thoughts, Sir, upon Macedonia, ra- ther than on Bactra or the Indies. The King was very much difpleas'd with this Speech; and there- fore as foon as he had concluded it, he faid, and I alfo would prefer Money to Glory, if I were Par- menio: But as I am Alexander, I am fecure from' Poverty, and I confider that I am no Merchant, but a King. I don't pretend to fell any thing, nei- ther will I fell my Reputation : If it be advifeable to reftore the Captives, it is more honourable to deliver 'em up gratis, than for a Sum of Money. Then calling in the AmbafTadors, he made 'em this Anfwer: Tell Darius (for the Ceremony of Thanks is fuperfluous between Enemies) That the Acts of Clemency and Generofity that I have done, were not intended to procure his Friendjhip, but were the real EffeSls of. my own good Nature : For I don't pretend to floew Hoftilities to thofe in Affiiclion ; my Arms are defigned for an armed Enemy. If he fin* cerely fud for Peace, perhaps I might deliberate whe- ther I fiould give it or not. But fince he has not only follicited my Soldiers to revolt, but alfo endea- voured to corrupt my Friends with Money to de-

Book IV. Quintus Curttus. 235-

ftroy me, I think my felf obligd to purfue him to Deftruclion, not as a jufi Enemy, but as a Ruffian and a Murtherer. As for the Conditions he offers me,. they are fuch, that to receive 'em, were fore- knowledge him Conqueror. He proffers me all behind the Euphrates ; Does he /hew his Liberality in that ? Where am I at this Injlant you addrefs to me ? Am I not got beyond the Euphrates ? It is plain then, that I am already encamp' d beyond the Bounds he offers me with his Daughter.

Drive me then from hence, that I may be fen- fible that ivhat you yield to me is your own. He fhews his Liberality much after the fame rate, when he offers me his Daughter : Would he not otherwise marry her to fome of his Servants ? lis a mighty Favour he does me, to prefer me to Mazaeus. Go therefore and tell your King, that what he has al- ready loft, and iv hat he has ftill to lofe, is all to he the Reward of War and Viclory. That this muft determine the Rounds if both Empires, and each /hall be content with what Fortune fliall allot him to Morrow. If he would be contented with the fecond Rank, and not infift on being upon an Equality ivith me, may be I might grant what he afks ; for I did not come into Aria to receive, but to give. Tell him then, that as the Celeftial World cannot be govern d by two Suns, fo it is inconfiftent with the Welfare of the Terreftrial one, to be rul'd by two powerful Kingdoms. Let him therefore refolve to furrender him felf to Day, or prepare for Battel to Morrow : Let him not flatter him felf with the Hopes of better Fortune than what he has already experience. To this the AmbalTadors anfwer'd ; That fince he was bent upon War9 it zuas candidly done of him not ta amufe 'em with the Hopes of a Peace. They there- fore defir'd, they might forthwith repair to their Prince, fince it was neceffary he fljould likewife pre- pare himfelf for Battel. And being accordingly


%l 6 QpiNTus Curtius. Book IV-

difmifs'd, they acquainted Darius, That he was on the Point of an Engagement.


HEreupon he immediately difpatch'd Maz&us with three thoufand Horfe, to take PoiTelTion of the Partes; and Alexander having perform'd the Funeral of £><zr/Ws.Queen, left the heavy Baggage, and whatever could retard his March-, within the Camp, appointing a fmall -Guard for its Security, and then advanc'd towards the Enemy. He di- vided his Foot into two Bodies, and ported the Cavalry on the Right and Left of it. The Car- riages follow'd in the Rear. Then he fent Mini- das with a Party of Horfe to difcover where Da- rius was. But he not daring to advance very far, hecaufe Maz^um lay in his way, return'd and told Alexander that there was nothing to be heard but the Noife of Men, and the Neighing -of Horfes. •On the other fide, Maz.vis perceiving- the Mace- donians Scouts at a diftance, return'd to the Camp, and acquainted Darius with the Approach of the Enemy; and as he was delirous of deciding the Matter in the open Plains, he commanded his Sol- diers to take to their Arms, and drew them up in order of Battel. In the left Wing were the fi i- tfnan Horfer to the Number of a thoufand; there were as many Dahz, with four thoufand Aracha- fians and Sufians. Thefe were follow'd by fifty Chariots arm'd with Scythes : Next unto thiun was BeJJks, with eight thoufand taclrian Horfe, and two thoufand Maffageta ; Then came the Foot of feveral Nations, not mjx'd, but in a diftincft Or- der, each in their refpecfHve Corps Then fol- low'd Ariobar : fanes and Or oh ate: , who led up the

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 2,37

perfians, and had alfo with 'em "the Mar dims and Sogdians. Thefe two Generals had their par-' ticular Commands, but Orfines commanded this Part of the Army in chief. He was defcended from fome of the feven Perfians, and even deriv'd himfelf from Cyrus. Thefe were lucceeded by other Nations hardly known to their Aflbciates. Af- ter thefe czmtPhradates, with the Cafpian Forces, and fifty Chariots of War : Behind thefe were thef Indians, and the other Nations that inhabit along* the Coaft of the Red-Sea, rather mere Names than Auxiliaries. This Body was follow'd by fifty other arm'd Chariots, which were join'd by the Foreigners; After thefe came the Armenians, di- ftinguifh'd by the Title of Lejfer. The Babyloni- ans follow'd thefe, and both were clos'd by the. Beliu, and thofe who inhabit the Cojf&an Hills. After thefe march' d the Gortuans, JEub&ans origi- nally, and had formerly follow'd thQ. Medians-, but were now degenerated, and wholly ignorant of the Cuftoms of their Country. The Phrygians and Cathonians, and then the Parthians who formerly came out of Scythia, brought up the Rear. This, was the Order . of the Left Wing. The Right was form'd by the Troops of the greater, Arme- nia, the Cadufians,Cappadocians, Syrians, and Me- dians ; thefe had likewife with 'em fifty arm'd Chariots. The Total of the Army axnounted to forty five thoufand Horfe, and two hundred thou- fand Foot. Being drawn up after this manner, they advanc'd ten Furlongs, and then were com- manded to halt, and expeftthe Enemy under their £rms.

At this very Juncture a fudden Fear, of. which no Caufe could be giv'n, feiz'd Alexander's Army, every one was amaz'd, anda fecret Dread .fpread it felf over all their- Hearts. The Brightnefs from the Clouds (it being Summer-time) at a diftance appear'd

238 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

appear' d to them like fo many flaming Fires round about 'em, which they took for thofe of Darius' s Camp ; fo that they were afraid they had inconfi- derately advanced amongft the Enemies Guards. Had but Maz&m fallen upon 'em, while they were ftill pofTefs'd with this Fear, he might have given rem a great Blow. But he remain'd idle on the Eminence he had taken PolTeffibn of, very well pleas'd that he was not attack'dhimfelf.

Alexander being inform'd of the Fright his Ar- my was in, order d the Signal to be given for a Halt, and then commanded 'em to lay down their Arms, and reft their Bodies', giving them to un- derhand, That there was no Caufe at all for their Tear, the Enemy being yet at a good diftance. At hit they recover'd their Spirits and refum'd their Arms : However Alexander thought it the belt way to remain m that very Place where he then was, and fortify his Camp.

The next Day Maz&us, who had polled himfelf (as we faid) on an Eminence from whence he could aifcover the Macedonians Camp ; whether it were becaufe he had no other Orders than barely to take a View of the Enemy, repair'd to Darius. Here- upon the Macedonians presently took Poflfeflion of his Poll, for it was fafer than the Plain, and they could from thence take a'Prcrfpeft of the Perfian Army. For notwithstanding the moiit Hills fent up fuch a Mill as hinder'd 'em from taking a di- ftincft View of their feveral Divifions and their Or- der of Battel , yet it did not hinder them from a general Survey. The Multitude overfpread the Plains like an Inundation, and the Noife of fo many thoufands, even at that diftance, fill'd their Ears.

The King began now to waver in his Mind, and tho* it was too late, would fometimes weigh Jbis own Refolution, and fometimes Parmenios

Advice ;


Advice ; for he was advanced fo far, that he could not retire with any manner of Safety, without he were victorious. He was alarm'd at the vaft Mul- titude of his Enemies, in comparifon of his own fmall Number : But then again he recall'd to mind the many great Actions he had atchiev'd with that little Army, and the many Nations he had con- quer'd with it. So that Hope having got the bet- ter of Fear, and concluding that Delays were dan- gerous, fmce thereby Defpair might gain Ground on the Minds' of his Men, he diflfembl'd his Thoughts, and commanded the mercenary P 'seonian Horfe to advance. And having divided his Phalanx, as we faid before, into two Bodies, he plac'd his Cavalry on each Wing. By this time the Milt was clear'd up, fo that Ttariuss Army was plain- ly to be feen : And the Macedonians, whether out of Alacrity 3 or being tir'd with the Tedioufnefs ' of any longer Delay, gave a great Shout, after the manner of Armies before they engage ; and the Perfians return'd the fame, filling the neigh- bouring Woods and Vallies with a dreadful Sound. And notwithftanding the Macedonians could hard- ly be hinder'd from rufhing furioufly on the Ene- my, yet Alexander thought it Hill more advifeable to fortify his Camp on the Hill, and accordingly order'd a Trench to be cart up round it; and the Work being fpeedily perform'd, he repair'd to his Tent, from whence he could behold the Enemies whole Army.


HERE a perfect Image of the enfuing Danger, preiented it felf before his Eyes , the Horfes as well as Men, gliiter'd in Armor, and the Care


i^o Quintus^ Curtius. Book IV.

the Generals took to ride through the Ranks of their refpective Divifions, made- him fenfible that the Enemy was preparing with all poflible Dili- gence for the approaching Battel ; betides feveral things, which tho' of little Moment themfelves , fuch as the Noife of the Multitude, the Neighing of the Horfes, the Brightnefs of their Arms, di- fturb'd his Mind that was full of Solicitude for the future Event.

Therefore whether he was yet unrefolv'd, or by the way of Trial, to know how they flood affedted, he call'd a Council, and afk'd 'em what they thought moil advifeable in the prefent Juncture. Parmenio (who was the moll experienc'd of all the Generals iri the Art of War) was rather for furprifing the. Enemy than for an open Battel. He faid, they wight eafily be va'nquifh'd, in the dead time of the Night. For as they confijled of Nations fo diffe- rent in their Cujloms and Speech, how would they be able in the Confufion of the Night , ever to rally if fet upon in their Sleep, and terrify d with the un- forefeen Danger ? Whereas in the Day-time, the frightful Afpecls of the Scythians and the Bactrians, with their rough Vifages and long Hair, and the mon- firous Sine of their vajl Bodies, might fir ike a Dread in the Soldiers , who are more liable to receive Im- preffions from Trifles, than from Realities ; moreover, their fmall Number would be in Danger of being furrounded by fo great a Multitude : for they had not now the Straits of Cilicia and narrow Pajfes to fight in, but the Plains and open Fields. 'I hey. were almoft all of Parmemo % Opinion ; and Poly- percon did not fcruple to, declare, That the Viclory depended on the Execution' of it. The King there- fore looking at Polypercon (for as he had lately be^en. feverer with Parmenio than he with'd, he could not find in his Heart to reprove him again) fa*id,- This fubtile Wifdom you advife me to, belongs to 2 Thieve i

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 241

Thieves and Robbers ; for their chief Aim is to de- ceive. But I fliall not always J uffer either Darius'* Ab fence, or the Straitnefs of the Place, or a Surprize in the Night to rob me of my Glory. I am deter- rain d to attack him openly, and had rather have occafon to blame my Fortune, than be afliamd of my Viclory. Befides, I am very -well afj'ur d, that the Periians keep Jlricl Guards and /land to their Arms, fo that it were impoffible to fall upon 'em at unawares. Wherefore prepare your fives for Battel.

Having thus encourag'd.'em, he difmifs'd 'em to refrelh themfelves. * Now Barms imagining the Enemy would have done as Parmenio propos'd, had order'd, That the Horfes fhould Jland ready bridl'd all the Night, and a great Part of the Army to be under their Arms, and the Watches to be ftrict \ her kept than ufually. His whole Camp was illu- minated with Fires ; and he himfelf with his Ge- nerals and Relations rid about the Divilions that were upon Duty. Then invoking the Sun that they call Mithies, and the facred and eternal Fire9 to infpire his Army with a Courage ivorthy their ancient Glory, and the Acls of their Predecejjbrs ; and declar'd, that if it was poffible for the Mind of Man to guefi at Tokens of the Divine AJfifiance, it was plain, that the Gods were on their pde. It zvas they who flruck the Macedonians lately with a fid- den Fear; they being f ill in great Confufion, as ap- peared by their running about and f.ingmg dow-n their Arms : That the tune zvas now at hand that the Tutelar Gods of Pei'ha, had pitch' d upon to pu- nif) thofe mad Men , and that their General was no wifer than the reft. For after the manner of wild Beafls, he look 'd fo greedily upon his Prey, as tike them, to fall into the Snares v;hich were fet be- fore it.

The Macedonians were in the fame Solicitude, and pafs'd that Night in as much fear as if the Battel Vol. I. M had

Quintus Curtius. BookIV\

had been to be then fought. Alexander himfelf was more terrify 'd than ever he had been before, and call'd for Arifiander to offer up Vows and Prayers. He therefore being cloth'd in white, and -carrying facred Herbs in his Hand, with his Head cover'd, pray'd with the King, who implor'd the Protection of Jupiter, Minerva, and Victory. After- ward having olfer'd Sacrifice,according to their Rites, he return'd to his Tent to take his Reft the remain- der of the Night. But he could neither fleep nor compofe the Diilurbance of his Mind. One while he refolv'd to charge the Perfans Right Wing firft, ibmetimes he thought it belt to attack their main Body, and then again he doubted whether it might not be more advifeable to fall upon their Left Wing. At lail his Body being tir'd with the Anxiety of his Mind, he fell into a profound Sleep. As ibon as it was light, the Officers repair'd to his Tent to receive Orders, and were much furpriz'd at the unufual Silence they found there. For he us'd to fend for 'em, and fometimes reprimand their La- fcinefs; they therefore wonder'd, that being on the very brink of Danger, he was not yet ltirring ; fome were of Opinion he did not reil, but flvrunk out of Fear : At the lame time none of the Guards dar'dto enter the Tent, and yet the Time of Action drew nigh, and the Soldiers did not dare to take to their Arms, or form their Ranks without their •General's Orders. Parmenio therefore having wait- ed a conlideiable time, commanded 'em to refreih themlelves ; and there being a Neceliity now for the drawing up of the Army, he went into the Tent, and not being able to wake the King by calling up- on him, he touch'd him with his Hand , and told him, ;/ was bread Bay, and the Enemy was ad- vancing towards them in order of Battel, while your .Soldiers for v;ant of Orders, are f ill v:ithont their Arms. What is become, Sir, of your wonted Vigor


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 243

of Mind ? You us'd. to prevent the moft early. To this Alexander reply'd, Bo you think it was pcjfible for me to compofe my [elf to Reft, till I had calm A the Anxiety of my Thoughts ? Thisfaid, he command- ed him to give the Signal for Battel. But as Par- menio perfifted in his Admiration how he could fleep fo fecurely ; he told him, there was no reafon to wonder at it ; for while Darius was burning the Country , deftroying the < Towns and Villages, and fpoiling the Provifions, it was impcjfible for him to be eafie ; but ?iow that he prepares to give me Battel, What fliould I fear ? He has n-azv gra?ited me all I defire. However I fliall fatisfy you farther hereaf- ter as to this Ala t^er, in the mean time every one of you repair to your refpeclive Commands, and Til be with you prefently, and then I'll tell you what you are to do.

He very rarely harken'd t,o the Admonitions of his Friends when Danger was at hand; however, now having put on his Armor, he came to the Ar- my. The Soldiers had never feen him fo chear- ful before, and they conjectur'd from his undaunt- ed Countenance, that the Day was their own.

The King firft of all, order'd 'em to level the Works, and then drew up the Army after this man- ner. In the Right Wing were thofe Horfe which they call Agema, commanded by Clitus, to whom he }omd Philotais Troops , and the Cavalry of ie- veral other Commanders; the hit Regiment was that of Meleager, which was next to the Phalanx. After the Phalanx, were the Argyrafyides ; thefe were commanded by Nicancr , Parmenio's Son. Cxnos with his Troops, were a Body of Referve; an:er him were Orefas and Lynceftes, and next to thefe Polypercon, who commanded the Foreigners. Amyntas had the chief Command of this Divilion. Philogus led the Balacri, who were lately took into the Alliance. This was the Difpolltion of the Right M z Wing,

144 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

Wing. In the Left was Craterm with the Pe- loponnefian Horfe, and with him were alfo the Achians, Lccrenftans, and Mal&am : Thefe were clos'd by the Theflalian Horfe, commanded by Philip. The Foot were cover' d by the Horfe. This was the Order of the Left Wing. Now that {ie might not be furrounded by the Multitude, he had polled a ftrong Body of Referve in the Rear, and had on the Wings, Troops in readinefs to re- lieve in fiich a Cafe; not fronting as the relt of the Army did, but on the Flanks, that in cafe the Enemy endeavour'd to furround 'em, they might be ready to engage them. Here were ported the Agrianians, commanded by Attains , as alfo the Cretan Archers. The Ranks in the Rear, were to front outwardly, that the Army might be fecure every way. Here were the Illyrians, with the Mercenaries t and the Light-arm'd Thracians. In fine, he had fo difpos'd his Army, that it fronted every way, and was ready to engage on all Sides, if attempted to be encompafs'd : Thus the Front was not better fecur'd than the Flunks, nor the Flanks better provided for than the Rear.

He order'd 'era, That in cafe the Barbarians let ioofe their arm'd Chariots with Shouts among \mt to open to the Right and Left, and let them flentiy faji by, being well allur'd they would do no Mif- chief if they were not oppos'd in their PtuTage, But if they fent them upon 'cm without fl) outing, that then they (liould terrify them with their Con- ilamations, and flick the affrighted Horfe s with their Darts. They that commanded the Wings, were order'd to extend 'em as much as they could, zvith- out leaving the Center too thin, that they might not by too clofe an Order be in Danger of being furround- ed. The Baggage and the Prifoners (among!! whom were Darius's Mother and Children"1 were plac'd on a nfing Ground not far from the Army, with

a mo-

Book IV. Quintus Curtius, 245

a moderate Guard. The Left was commanded by Parmenio , as it us'd to be, and the King him- felf commanded the Right. The Armies were not come within the Caft of their Darts, when Bion a Deferter came riding on full fpeed to the King, and acquainted him, that Dar'im had planted Iron Caltrops all over that Ground where he expecled the Macedonian Horfe, and by a certain Sign, fijew'd him the Place, that his Men might avoid it. Alex- der having order'd the Deferter to be fecur'd,. call'd together his Generals, and imparted the In- formation to 'em, requiring them to decline that Place, and to acquaint their Men with the Danger. However, it was impoffible for the whole Army to hear this, the Noife of both Armies taking away the Ufe of the Ears, fo that Alexander riding about (poke to the Captains and thofe that were next him,, in the following manner,


YO 17 that have marctid through fo many Coun- tries in hopes of the Viclory, for zvhich you are going to fight, have now but this fingle Danger left to encounter with. Then he reminded 'em of the' River Granicus, and the Cilician Mountains ; that Syria and Egypt had been conquered by 'em, with only paffing through the fame, which were fo many Encouragements and Pledges of their future Glory, That the Perlians were Fugitives, rally' d together in their Flight ; and would only fight noiv , becaufe they could not fly any farther. That this was the third Day they had lain under their Arms, trem- bling and almofi dead with Fear, without daring to make the lea ft motion. That there could not be a greater Demonftration of their Defpair, than their M 3. burning

24* Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

burning their Towns and Countrey ; by that very Procedure acknozvledging all to be the Enemies that they could not deftroy. That the empty Names of unknown Nations, ought not in the leaft to terrify 'em, for it zvas of -no moment tv the* War, who they cali d Scythians or Caducians : being plain frcm their being unknown, that they are infignificant Peo- ple • fince it is impnffible brave Men Jl:ould lie buried in Obfcurity and Oblivion ; whereas Cozvards, when fore'd from their lurking Retreats, bring into the Field nothing but a barbarous Title. As for the Ma- cedonians, they have fo fignalizd their Virtue, that there is not the lea fl Comer of the Earth that is ig- norant of their Glory. Do but behold the uncouth Appearance of the Barbarians, how forrily they a>e arm 'd ! Seme of 'em have only a Dart, others a, Sting to cajl Stones, whde very few of 'em have pre- fer Arms. Therefore, not wit hftanding the Enemy be f.tperior in Number of Men, yet you have the Advantage of Soldiers. Moreover, he did net re*- quire 'em to exert their Bravery, unlefs he encou- raged 'em by his Example. He aflur'd 'em, he would fight in P erf on before the Colours, and that he jhculd efteem the Wounds he there receivd, as fo many Or- naments to his Body. That they knew very well the?nfelves, that all partook of the Booty, except him- felf. That he made no other Ufe of the Rezvards of his Victories, than to adorn and honour them with them. Thii zvfts what he thought fit to fay to the gallant and brave. But if there were any amongft 'em of a different Difpofition , He muft acquaint them , that •they zvere novj advane'd fo far, that it was impojfi- ble to fly : That having behind them fuch vaft Coun- trey s, fo many Rivers and Mountains to oppofe them, there was no PafJ'age open to their own Homes, but what they fhould make themfelves Szvord in Hand.

Thus he animated the Captains, thus he encou? rag'd the Soldiers who were near him.


Book IV. Qljintus Curtius. 247

Darius was on the Left Wing of his Army, having with him a ftrong Guard of choien Horfe and Foot, and defpis'd the fmall Number of the Enemy ; judg- . ing, that by their extending their Wings to the ut- molt, their main Body mull needs (land very thin. Being therefore Teated^Ioft in his Chariot, he ad- drefs'd hirafelf both by Looks and Gellure, to the Troops that were about him on the Right and Left ; telling them, That we who were a little while fince, Lords of all the Countreys betzveen the Ocean and the Hellefpont, are now red'icd to fight, not for Glory y but for Safety ; nay, for what we even -prefer to our Safety, our Liberty. This Day will either refiore, or put an End to the largefi Empire the World has feen. At the River Granicus we engag'd the Ene- my with an inconfiderable Part of our Forces : when* we ivere overcome in Cilicia, we had Syria to re- pair to, and ^1? Tigris and Euphrates were as Bul- warks to our Dominions. Novj we are got where, there is no room left for Flight, every thing behind our Backs being exhaufied by the Continuance of the War. The Tozvns are difpeopl'd, and there are not Hands to cultivate- the Earth : Our Wives and Chil- dren alfo follow the Army, and will certainly fall a. Prey to the Emmy, if we are backward in expoimg cur Lives for thofe dear Pledges. As for what de- pended on me, I have taken Care to have fuch ari Army as the largefi Plains are hardly able to con- tain. I have furnifh'd it zvith Horfes and Armsf and have taken Care to f apply it zvith Provisions, and have chofen fuch a Place to fight in, where ail our Forces- may be difplay d. The reft depends on your felves, do but dare to conquer and the Work is done. Renown and Fame are but weak Arm*, againfi. brave Men, therefore do rot regard 'em in the Ene- my. For it is h'vs Ra'hnefs you have hitherto fear d, and mifiaken for Courage ; which when its fir ft Fury is fpent, becomes languid and dully like thofe Ani~ M 4 mals

248 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

ptals that have loft their Stings. Jhefe fpacious Fields difcover the [mall Number of the Enemy , zvhich the Cilician Mountains hide. You fee hozv thin their Ranks are, how their Wings are ft retch- ed out , their Center is in a manner vacant ; fts for the Rear, they feem by their facing out- wards to he ready to run away ; they may be trod to death by the Hcrfes, tho I were barely to fend ray arm d Chariots among 'em. If we gain this Battel it puts an end to the War, for they have no Place to efcape to ; they are enclosed betzveen the Tigris and the Euphrates : What before was Ad- 1 a?: t age jus M them, is now become a Nuifance. Our Army is light and ready on all Occafons, theirs is loaded with Booty. They are, as it were, entan- gled in our Spoils, fo that zve may kill 'em with eafe. The fame Things j';a:l be both the caufe of our Vi- ctory and its reward, if any of you are ft ar tied at the Renown cf the Nation, think v/nh your feliMes, that cr.ly their Arms are there, and not their Perfons ; for a great deal of Blood has been Jptlt on both Sides, and in a fmall Number the Lo(2 is foon eft felt. As for Alexander, how great fever he may appear to the Cowardly and Tearful, he is fill but one Individual ; and, in my Opinion, loth rafto and foolift). Nozv nothing can be Lifting that is net fupported by Reafon, and though he feems to be fuccefiful, yet at long run hell pay for his Temerity. Beftdes , the Turns and Revo- lutions of Things are of fhort Duration , there is no fuch thing as an unmix d Felicity. Perhaps it is the Will of the Gods , that the Perllan Em- pire {which by a Series of Succeft for thefe two hundred and thirty Tears , has rats 'd it felf to the higheft pitch of Grandure) fhould receive this violent Shock without being Overthrown, to put m in mind of human Frailty , of zvhich zve are too forgetful m Profperity. A little zvhile ago zve our


Book IV. Quiktus Curtius. 249

felves carried the War into Greece, and now we are forcd to drive it from our ovjn Country : Thus we are tofid by the mutability of Fortune, for one Nation is ?iot capable of the Empire we both affetT ; but admitting zve were dejlitute of Hopes, yet Ne- ccjfity ought to animate us, our Cafe is fo deplorable. My Mother, Daughters, and Son Ochus (vjho was born with a Right to fucceed in the Empire} toge- ther with feveral Princes defended from Royal Blood, and your Generals, who were like fo many Kings, all wear his Chains y nay, I my felf am more than half a Captive, unleJS you exert your felves : Free my Bowels from their Bondage, rejlorz to me thofe dear Pledges, { for which I am willing my felf to die) my Mother and Children , for I have lojf my Wife in that Prifon. Think with your felves how they all reach out their Hands to you, implore the Ajftjiance of the Gods, beg your Help, Pity and Fidelity,' to deliver 'em from Servitude, Fetters, and a precarious way of living. Can yon believe they are eafie under thofe they ivould hard- ly vouchfafe to command ? But I perceive the E- nemy approaches, and the nearer the Danger draws the lefi am I fatisfy d with what J have faid: I conjure you then by the Tutelar Gods of our Coun- trey, by the eternal Fire that is carry 'd before us on Altars, by the Splendour of the Sun that ri]3> within- the limits of my Empire, by the everlafiing Memory of Cyrus, who transfer d the Empire fro-;, the Medes and Lydiar.s to the Perfians, to free our Name and Nation from the utmojl Difgrace. Fa!: on chearfully, and full of Hopes, that you may tranf- mit to Poflerity the Glory you have receiv'd from your Predecejfors. Tcu carry in your Right Har.d: your Liberty, Relief, and all our future Hopes ; Whoever deftifes Death is leaft liable to it, the fear- fat only fall a prey to it. I ride in a Chariot) not only to comply with the Cu (loin of *ny-C sultry,

M ; ha

2,5*0 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

hut alfo that I may be the better feen by all ;. and J am not againft your imitating of me, according as I give you a-n Example either of Fortitude or Cozvardice.

CHAP. xv.

IN the mean time Alexander, that he might a> void the Place of Ambufcade, diicover'd by the Deferter, fetch'd a Compafs ; and that he might encounter with Darius, who led the Lett Wing, caus'd his Army to march in an oblique Line. Darius alfo on his fide advane'd towards him, and commanded BeJJus to charge Alexandei 's Left Wing with the Maffagetan Horfe m the Flank. He had before him the arm'd- Chariots, which up- on the Signal given, broke in furioufly amongft the Enemy, and were driven with a loofe Rem, rhat by the iuddennefs of the Surprize they might do the greater Execution ; fome were deftroy'd by the Pikes that ftuck out at the end of the Poles, and others were cut to pieces by the Scythes piae'd on each hue.

The Macedonians did not give way gradually, but taking to their Heels confounded their Ranks-; and Maz,*us perceiving their Diforder, that he might ftrike the greater fear into 'em, fent a thcu- fand Horfe to plunder their Baggage, thinking that the Captives that were guarded with it would, at the approach of their Friends, break loofe and make their efcape. Parmenio, who was in the Left Wing, was not infenhble of what was doing, he therefore immediately difpatch'd Polydamus to the King, to acquaint him with the Danger , and knozv his Plcafure upon this Occafion. The King having, heard Polydamus, made this anfwer, Tell


Book IV. Quintus Curtius . 1 j i

Parmenio, that if we get the Day, we flail not only recover our oivn, but alfo be Maficrs of all the Enemy has ; and therefore let him not weaken the Army on that Account, but continue fighting Man- fully ; and after mine, and my Father Philip'* Ex- amble, defpije the lofs of the Baggage.

th the mean time the Barbarians were pillaging the Camp, and having kili'd a great many of thole that guarded it,, the Prifoners broke their Chains, and arming themfelves with what came next to their Hands, they join'd the Horfe, and fell alfo upon the Macedonians, who were now in a doubtful Condition : Some of the Prifoners ran for joy to Sifigambis, and told her Darius had got the Vi- ctory ; that a mighty Slaughter had been made of the Enemies, who were at laft. ltripp'd of all their Baggage and Booty ; for they concluded the Perfians had every where the fame Fortune , and were now as Conquerors running about for Plunder : And notwithstanding they would fain have pre- vail'd with Sifigambis to moderate her Grief, yet (he remain'd in. the fame State as before, with- out fpeaking one Word, or changing ner Coun- tenance, but fate as if me were immoveable (and feem'd to be afraid by too early a Joy to provoke Fortune) infomuch that the ilanders by could not make any Judgment of her Inclinations.

While thefe Things were doing, Amyntas, one of Alexanders Collonels of Horfe, came to the Afliftance of thofe that guarded the Baggage, whe- ther of his own Motion, or by the Kings Order.; is. uncertain; but he was foon oblig'd to retire to Alexander, not being able to fultain the Shock of the Cadufians and Sc thians, having been rather a Witnefs of the lofs 01 the Baggage than aRefcucr. Alexander upon this was fo tranfported with Grief, that he knew not what to refolve upon, he began to. fear, and not without caufe, left the concern.

i$% Quintus Curttus. Book IV*.

for the lofs of their Booty might draw the Sol- diers from the Fight ; he therefore fent Aretes with the Pikemen cafl'd Sarijlophori, againft the Scythians. By this time the Chariots having put the mft Ranks into Confution, were drove againft the Phalanx , the Macedonians were fo far from being dimearten'd at this,, that they open'd to the Right and Left, according to their former laftru- dio.is, and made a Lane for 'em to pafs through;, and Handing in clofe Order like a Bulwark, ftuck the Horfes with their Pikes as they went at ran- dom, and then furrounding the Chariots, brought headlong down thofe that defended 'em. Here was fo great a daughter made of Horfes and their Drivers , that it quite ffll'd and choak'd up that ipace ; the Drivers could now no longer guide the affrighted Cattle, and the Horfes, by their kicking and flinging , had not only broke their Traces, hut a!fo overturn d the Chariots, and being woun- ded, drngg'd after them the Men that were flain,. neither being able to Hand llill for their fright, nor to advance, being faint with the lofs of Blood, However, a few of thefe Chariots pierc'd clear through to the Rear, and mangled the Bodies of rhofe they fell among!!,, after a molt deplorable manner, the Ground was urew'd with their dif- fered Limbs ; and as they were heated, and their Wounds frefla , they were not fenfible of much Pain, fo that notwithstanding their maim'd and weak Condition, they did not let their Arms drop till by exceffive bleeding they fell down dead. In the mean time Aretes having kill'd the Captain of the Scythians that were pillaging the Baggage, piefs'd hard upon 'em, but the Baflrians coming feafonably to their Affiftance, turn'd the fortune of the Fight again : A great many Macedonians were trampled under foot in the very firft Charge, the reft fled back to Alexander ; hereupon the 3 Perfians

Book IV. Quintus Ccjrtius. 2,53

Perfians gave fuch a Shout as Vi&ors are us'd to give , and rufti'd furioufly on the Enemy, as if their Defeat had been univerfal.

Alexander therefore check'd thofe that were: frighten'd, and encourag'd 'em, and renew'd him- felf the Fight, that began to grow languid. Thus having infpir'd 'em with frefli Vigour , he com- manded 'em to charge the Enemy.. The Perfians Right Wing was very much weaken'd by the De- tachment of Baclrians which were fent to feize the Baggage; Alexander therefore attack'd their Joofe Ranks,, and made a great Slaughter of the Enemy, which being perceiv'd by the Perfians Left Wing, and thinking they had it in their Pow- er tofurround Alexander^, they fell upon his Rear, Here the King had been in great Danger, as be- ing in the middle of his Enemies, if the Agruir, Cavalry had not clapt Spurs to their Horfes, and charg'd the Barbarians that furrounded him, and, by that means fore'd 'em to face about to defend thcinfelves.

The Troops were hard put to it on- both Sides,- for Alexander had the Enemy both before and be- hind ; and thofe who attack'd his Rear were them-< felves very much prefs'd by the Agrian Forces : The Baclrians alfo, who were now return'd from pillaging the Baggage, could not recover their Port, and feveral Battalions feparated from the reft, fought with the next of the Enemies that came in their way. The two Kings, who were now near one another, encourag'd their refpective Troops; a greater Number of Perfians were ilain, the Number of the wounded was almoft equal. Darius was in a Chariot, and Alexander on Horfe- back ; they were both guarded by felect Soldiers that had not the leaft thought of themfelves, for if their King fell they neither would, nor could be fafe, and they look'd upon it as a noble Thing


15*4 Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

to die in the prefence of their Sovereign ; and thofe were expos'd to the greateft Danger, who exerted themfelves moft for the Prefervation of the King) whom they guarded ; for every one coveted the Honour of killing the Prince of the adverfe Party. Now whether it. was an Illufion of the Eyes, or a Reality,, they who were about Alexander thought they faw an Eagle hovering over the King's Head , no wife terrify'd either by the Noife of the Anns,, or the Groans of the dying Men , and appear' d a long time about Alexanders Horfe , rather fufp ended in the Air than flying. It is certain , Ariftander having put on his white Garment, and carrying a Lawrel in his Hand, ftiew'd this Sight to the Soldiers, who were attentive to the Fight, as an infallible token cf the Vittory. They were then animated with frelh Courage and Affurance, who before were droop- ing, and their Alacrity encreas'd when Darius's Charioteer was flain ; neither did the Perfians or Macedonians doubt but the King himfelf was kil- led. Hereupon Darims Relations and Attendants difturb'd the whole Army ( which till then fought with almoft equal Advantage) with mournful Howlings, and baibarous Cries and Lamentations. This caus'd thofe on the Left to take to their Heels, and defert the Chariot, which thofe on the Right receiv'd immediately into the middle of their Divifion. It is laid, Darius having drawn his Sword, was unrefolv'd, whether he ought not to avoid a mameful Flight by an honourable Death. But perceiving,, as he fate, aloft in his Chariot* that fome part of his Army mil maintain'd the Fight, he was afham'd to leave 'em deftitute of a Head. While he remain' d thus between Hope and Defpair, the Perfians gave way by little and little, and broke their Order. Alexander mount- ing, a freih Horfe (for he had already tir'd feveral)



continue! flicking thefe that refilled him in the Face, and thofe that tied from him in the Back : By this time it was no longer a Fight, but a per- fect Maflacre, and Darius himfe'lf turn'd his Cha- riot to make the belt of his Way. The Victors purfu'd the routed , but the Clouds of Dure that rofe up to the very Skies, intercepted their Sight, fo that they wander'd like Men in the Dark,, ral- lying now and then at the found of a. known Voice as at a Signal. It is true, the noiie of the Reins with which they (truck the Horfes that drew Dajiuss Chariot, were ibmetimes heard by 'em , which was all the Footlteps they had to purfue fym by,


BUT in the Macedonians Left Wing which was commanded by Parmenio, as we faid be- fore, the Succefs of both Parties was very dif- ferent : for MazAus with all his Cavalry charg'd furioufly the Macedonian Horfe, and prefs'd hard upon 'em, and as he was much fuperior in Num- ber, began to furround the Foot : When Par???c, nio difpatend Meilengers to the King to let him know the Danger they ivere in on that Side , and that unlefi they xvere fpeeddy fiucourd, t/iey jhouid of necejfity be fore d to fly. Alexander had purfu'd the Enemy a confiderable way when this melan- choly News was brought him ; hereupon he ft' p'd both Horfe and P'oot , and in a Rage cry'd out, That the Victory wot jnatch\l out of his Hands, and that Darius ivas more fortunate in his Flight than he in his Purfuit. In the mean time the Account of the King's Defeat had reach'd Mazxus, who thereupon ( notwithstanding he was much the flronger) did not prefs now fo violently on the

Macedonian^ ;

Quintus Curtius. Book IV.

Macedenians ; Parmenio was altogether igno- rant why the Fight flacken'd , however , he laid hold of the Opportunity like an experienc'd Ge- neral, and having call'd to him the TheJJalum Horfe, he faid to 'em, Do you not fee how thofe who a little while ago bore fo f.trioufly dovm upon us, being fuddenly terrify d, grow flow in their At- tacks ? For certain it is our King s Fortune that alfo gives us the Victory. The Field is cover 'd with flaughterd Perfians; vjhy are you idle ? Are you not a Match for 'em even now that you fee them ready to fy ?

What he faid feem'd fo probable that they re- fum'd frefh Courage, and clapping Spurs to their Horfes, charg'd the Enemy vigorously, who now no longer gave way by little and little,, but re- treated fo fait that nothing was wanting to make it a perfect Flight, but that they did not as yet turn their Backs. However, as Parmenio was {till ignorant how it far'd with the King, he kept his Men Back ; by this means Maz&us had time given him to fly, he therefore repafs'd the Tigre , not the nearelt Way, but fetching a great Compafs, and for that Realbn with the greater Safety, and came to Babyhn with the broken Remains of the routed Army. Darius made towards the River - Liens, with a few that accompany'd him in his Flight, and having pafs'd the fame, was wavering whether he ought not to caufe the Bridge to be broke, for he was inform'd the Enemy would foon be there. But then again, he confider'd the many thoufands of his Men that were not yet come to the River, and would, if the Bridge were broke, certainly fall a prey to the Enemy : He therefore left it Handing , and declared as he went away, That he had much rather leave a Paf- fage to them that purfud himy than deprive thofe of it that fed after him. And having travell'd over


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 257

a vaft Tricl of Ground, he reach'd Arbela about Midnight. Who can imagine or comprehend even in Thought the various fporting Turns of Fortune here, the havock that was made of both Officers and Soldiers ; the Flight of the Vanquim'd, the pri- vate Slaughters and univerfal Maffacres I Fortune feems in this fingle Day to have heap'd together the Occurrence of a whole Age. Some took the fliorteft Way, while others fled thro' the Woods, and fav'd themfelves by private Ways unknown to the Purfuers : There was a confus'd mixture of Horfe and Foot without Leaders, of the arm'd with the unarm'd, and of the found with, the in- firm and wounded.

But at laft Fear getting the better of Compaf- fion, thofe that could not keep pace with the reft in the Flight, were left behind bewailing their mu- tual Calamities ; the fatigu'd and wounded were parch'd up with Thirffc , to relieve which they flung themfelves prollrate on the Banks of every Stream, and fwallow'd the Water with infatiai .e Greedinefs, which being muddy, prefently fweH d their Intrals ; and their Limbs being relax'd and numm'd therewith, the Enemy overtook 'em, and rous'd 'em up with frefh Wounds. Some finding the neighbouring Brooks taken up by others , draggled farther that they might drain every Place ©f what Water they could find ; there was not fo out of the way, or dry a Puddle, that could efcape the Drought of the thirfty Searchers. The Villages near the Road refounded with the Cries and Lamentations of the old People of both Sexes,, who after their barbarous manner ftill call'd upon Darius as their King.

Alexander having check'd his Purfuit, (as we faid before) was come to the River Lieut, where he found the Bridge loaded with a multitude of the flying Enemy; a great many whereof, finding


*<5% Quintus Curtius. Book IV*

they were clofely purfu'd, caft themfelves into the River, and being encumber'd with their Arms, and tir'd with the Action and their Flight , were fwallow'd up by its rapid Stream. In a little time , not only the Bridge could not contain the Fugitives, but even the River itfelf was crowded with 'em , by their indifcreet cafting themfelves upon one another; for when once Tear had friz d their Minds, they vain' d nothing, but zuhat cans' d that Tear.

Alexander being entreated by his Followers, not to fuffer the Enemy to efcape with Impunity, alledg'd for Excufe of this Permiffion, That their Weapons were blunted, their Arms tir'd, and their bodies [pent with fo long a Chafe, befdes all which, Night vjcvs coming on. But in reality, he was in Pain for his Left Wing, (which he thought wa3 ftill engag'd) and fo was refolv'd to return to its Afiiftance. He- had hardly fac'd about , when MefTengers came to him from Parmenio with the agreeable News, that his part of the Army was alio Victorious. He was never in greater Danger during the whole Day, than upon his return to the Camp : There was but a fmall Number with him, and they were not in Order, but carelefs» tranfported with the Victory ; for they concluded all the Enemy's Army was either fled, or flain : However, contrary to their Expectation, all on the fudden there appear'd a Body of Per fan Horfe, which at nrft halted ; but having difcover'd the inconfiderable Number of the Macedonians, they charg'd 'em vigoroufly. The King rid at the Head of his Men, rather diflembling, than defpiling the Danger: But here again he was attended by his nfual Profperity ; for the Per fan Commander coming againft him with more Fury than Discre- tion, theA';?*£ run him through with his Spear, ami afterwards dealt the like Ufage to feverai others who


Book IV. Quintus Curtius.

came in his way. His Friends Jikewife fell upon the Enemy, who was now in Diforder. On the other fide, the Perjians did not die unreveng'd; for the whole Armies did not engage more eager- ly than thefe tumultuary Troops : At lafr, it being dudktfh , they thought it more advilabk to fly , than to continue the Fight t and therefore made their Efcape in different Troops.

The King having clcar'd himtelf of this immi- nent Danger, brought his Men fafe to the Camp, There fell of the Per fans this Day, according to what Account the Victors could take, Forty thou- land, and of the Macedonians lefs than Three hun- dred. This Victory was owing more to the King's Bravery, than Fortune : Here it was his Courage, and not the Advantage of- Ground, that conquer *di He had drawn up his Army mod fkilfully,. and fought himfelf mod gallantly. He fliew'dthe highcfl Wiillom in deipihng the Lofs of the Baggage and Booty, fince all depended on the IiTue of the Battel; and notwithstanding the Event was yet undetermined, he even then behav'd hiinfelf like a Conqueror. Then having ftruck a Terror into the Enemy, he afterwards routed 'em ; and which is to be wonder'd at in fo violent a Temper, be purfu'd 'em with more Prudence than Eager- nefs : For had he continu' d his Purfuit, while one part of his Army was ftill engag'd, he had either run the rifque of being overcome through his own Fault, or had been indebted to another for the Vittory ; or had he been dimearten'd at the fudden Appearance of the Body of Horfe that fell upon him as he return'd to his Camp, he muft either, tfoo' a Conqueror, have ftiamefully fled, or perifh'd miferably.

Neither ought his Officers to be defrauded of their due Praife, for the Wounds they receiv'd


z6o Quintus Curtius. Book

were fo many Tokens of their Bravery. mph& fiion was run thro' the Arm with a Spear, Perdic tas, C&nus and Menidas were almoft kill'd wit Arrows : And if we will make a true Judg ment of Macedonians, at that time we muft own, That the King was worthy of fach Subjects, and they of fo great a King.





ERE I now to relate what was tranfa&ed in the fame Space of time either in Greece, Illy Hum, or Thrace, by Alexanders Conduct or ■Appointment, according to their ordinal Occurrence, I mould be forc'd to interrupt the Series of the Affairs of A- Jia, which I think more proper to reprefent en- tirely, with the fame Connexion and Order in my Work, as they hold in refpect to the Time of their Performance, down to the Flight and Death of Darius, I flaall therefore begin with thofe things that happen'd after the Fight of Arbela , where Darius arriv'd about Midnight, as did alio great part of his Friends and Soldiers, whom For- tune had guided thither in their Flight. Darius having therefore call'd them together, told 'cm, That he did not doubt but Alexander would repair


2<5z Quintus Curtius. BookV.

to thofe Cities and Counties that were mofi celebra- ted for Riches and Plenty of all things. That he a>nd his Soldiers had nozv no other Thoughts but trf enrUhing themfelves with the noble Spoils that lay expos d to "em. That this zvould be of great life to himfelf in his prefent Circumflances, fince he flould thereby have time with an unincumber d Body of Men, to retire to the Defarts : And as the remote Parts of his Dominions were Jlill untouch' J , he might eafly there raife frefl Forces to profecute the War withal. Let 'em there rifle my Treafures zvhich they have fo long thirfled after ; thefe will but make them the e after Prey to ?ne for the future ; for I have found by Experience that rich Furniture , and a great Train of Concubines and Eunuchs, are only fo many Impediments and Clogsy which, when Alexander flail draw after him, hell be inferionr to thofe he has overcome.

This Speech appear'd to all that heard it full of pefpair, for they plainly faw thereby, that he yielded up the wealthy City of Babylon, and that the Conqueror would alfo take Potieftion of Sufa, and the other Ornaments of the Kingdom, which were the Caufe of the War. But he continu'd ro reprefent to 'em, That in Adverfity fine Speeches were of no ufe, but only thofe that zvere fuitable'to the J>refent Exigency of Affairs. That the War wen to be made with Iron, and not with Gold : With Men, not ivith City Houfes : And that all things followed thofe that were arm d. That his Predeceffors had after this manner recover d their primitive Grandeur, though they had been unfortunate at firfl. Therefore whe- ther he by this Speech gave 'em frefli Courage, or that they refpected his Sovereignty more than they approv'd his Counfel , he enter'd the Borders of Media : A little while after Arhela , which was full of the Royal Furniture and Treafure , was furrender'd to Alexander. Here were found four


BookV. QjJINTUS Curtius. 263

lhoufand Talents ; befides which, the Wealth of the whole Army was lodg'd here.

The King ibon decamp'd from hence , being forc'd thereto by the Sicknefs that began to infect his Army, occaiion'd by the Stench of the dead Bodies that almoft cover'd all the Field.

In his March he had on his Left the plain Coun- try of Arabia, fo much celebrated for its odorife- rous Products. The Lands that lie between the Tigris and the Euphrates are laid to be fo fruitful and rich that the Inhabitants are forc'd to check the Cattle in their Pafturage for fear they mould kill themfelves by Surfeits. The Caufe of this Fertility proceeds from thefe two Rivers , which communicate their Waters throughout the whole Territory by the hidden Veins in the Earth. Both thefe Rivers have their Source in the Mountains of Armenia , and afterwards dividing themfelves, continue their different Courfes. Their greateft Diftance about the Mountains of Armenia is by thofe who have meafur'd it, reported to be two thouiand five hundred Furlongs. Thefe Rivers , when they begin to cut their way through the Lands of Media and Gordia , by degrees draw nearer to one another; and the farther they run, the narrower is the Interval between them. They are neareit each other in thofe Plains which are by the Inhabitants caH'd Mefopotamia , which lies between 'em ; from whence they continue their Courfe through the Babylonian Borders, and at laft empty themfelves into the Red Sea.

Alexander in four days came to the City call'd Memnis : Here there is a Cave which has in it a Fountain that emits a varl Quantity of bitumi- nous Matter, fo that it is probable enough, the Walls of BaLylon , which are a prodigious Work, are cemented with that Matter.


264 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

As Alexander was continuing his March towards Babylon, Maztus (who had fled thither from the Battel) came with his Children that were at the Age of Maturity, and furrender'd himfelf and the Town to the King. His Submiffion was* very ac- ceptable to the King , by reafon the Siege of fo ftrong a Place muft of neceffity have been tedious. Befide this, his Quality and Bravery were very coniiderable , and he had but lately diftinguilh'd himfelf in the laft great Action, and whole Exam- ple would be a great Inducement to others to imi- tate him. The King therefore receiv'd him and his Children very gracioufly : however he form'd his Army which he led in Perfon into a Square, commanded 'em to enter the Town in that Or- der, as if they had been going to an Engagement, The Walls were fill' & with Babylonians who flock'd thither, eager to behold their new Sovereign ; but the greater! part went out to meet him. Among thefe were Bagophanes Governor of the Gaftle, and Keeper of the King's Treafure, who was unwil- ling to be outdone in Zeal by Mazws. The Road was ftrew'd all over with Flowers and Garlands, and adorn'd on each Side with Silver Altars, which were fLTd, not only with Frankincenfe , but all manner of Perfumes. He was folio w'd by the Prefents he defign'd the King, -viz,. Droves of Cat- tle and Horfes, with Lyons and Leopards in llrong Cages for that Purpofe. Thefe were foliow'd by the Magi tinging Hymns after the manner of the Countrey. After thefe came the Chaldeans, and not only the Babylonian Prophets , but alio the Muiicians with their refpedtive Internments: Thefe are us'd to fing the Prince's Praife ; and the Chal- deans are addicted to the Confideration of the Motions of the Planets, and declare the Vicifli- tudes of the Seafons. Thefe were clos'd by the Babylonian Cavalry , whofe rich Cloathing and


BookV. Quintus Curtius. %6$

Furniture, for themfelves and their Horfes, deno- ted Luxury rather than Magnificence. The King commanded the Multitude of Town's People to follow in the Rear of his Foot, and being encom- pafs'd by his Guards, enter'd the City in a Cha- riot, and then repair'd to the Palace. The next Day he took a View of Darims Furniture , and all his Treafure. The Beauty and Antiquity of the Place attracted not only Alexanders Eyes but likewife thofe of all that beheld it. Semiramis founded it, or, as a great many affirm , Belus , whofe Palace is Hill to be feen. The Walls are made of Brick, and cemented with Bitumen, and are thirty two Foot in breadth ; fo that two Cha- riots that met, might fafely pafs by each other : They were one hundred Cubits in highth , and the Towers that were at certain Diftances , were ten Foot higher that the Walls. The Compafs of the whole Work took up three hundred fixty eight Furlongs : It is faid that each Furlong was finifh'd in a fingle Day. The Buildings are not contiguous to the Walls, but at the Diftance of an Acre from them : Nay the City is not wholly ta- ken up with Houfes , but only ninety Furlongs thereof, nor do all the Houfes join to one ano- ther ; as I fuppofe, becaufe it was judg'd fafer to have 'em fcatter'd up and down in ieveral Places. The reft is fow'd and plough'd , that in cafe of a Siege the Inhabitants may be fupply'd with Corn within themfelves. The Euphrates runs through the City , and is kept in on both fides by very ftrong Banks , which arc themfelves a prodigious Work : But thefe have behind 'em large and deep Caves, to receive the rapid Streams, which other- wife, when they rife above the Banks, would be apt to bear ddwn the Houfes, if it were not for thefe fubterraneous Receptacles. Thefe Caves are alio lin'd with Brick , and cemented with Bitu- Vol. L N men.

2,66 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

men. The two Parts of the Town have a Com- munication with each other by a Stone-Bridge , built over the River, which too is rank'd amongft the Wonders of the Eaft. For as the Euphrates carries with it a very deep Mud, which makes it very difficult to clear its Channel fo perfectly as to find a firm Foundation. Moreover the great Heaps of Sand that gather about the Pillars that fupport the Bridge Hop the Courfe of the Water, which being by that Confinement check'd, beats more furioully againft it than it would do if it had a free Palfage. The Cattle is twenty Furlongs in circumference ; the Towers are thirty Foot deep within the Ground , and eighty Foot in highth above it. On the Top of the Cattle are the Pen- file Gardens , lb much celebrated by the Greek Poets ; they are of equal highth with the Walls of the Town, and are mighty pleafant both on the account of their ihady Groves and the Tall- nefs of the Trees that grow there. This bulky Work is fupported by Pillars , over which there runs a Pavement of fquare Stone, able to bear the Earth which is laid upon it to a great depth , and the Water with which it is irrigated. This Pile carries Trees of fo large a dimenfion , that their Boles are eight Cubits about ,• and fifty Foot in highth , and altogether as fruitful as if they grew in their natural Soil. Now notwithftanding time preys by little and little, not only on artificial Works, but even upo*i Nature herielf ; yet this huge Pile which is pelter'd with the Roots of lb many Trees, and loaded with the weight of lb large a Grove, remains ftill .entire. It is fupported by twenty large Walls, diftant eleven Foot from one another, fo that they who behold thefe Groves at a di- ftance would take 'em to be fo many Woods growing upon their Mountains. It is reported that a King of Syria reigning in Babylon, contriv'd

BookV. Quintus Curtius. l6j

this mighty work to gratify his Queen, who being wonderfully delighted with Woods an& Forefts in the open Fields, perfuaded herHufband to imitate the Beauties of Nature in this Work.

The King r elided longer here than he had done any where : nor could there be any Place more deftrudtive of military Difcipline. Nothing can be more corrupt than the Manners of this City, nor better provided with all the Requifites to ftir up and promote all forts of Debauchery and Lewd- nefs : for Parents and Hufbands fuffer their Chil- dren and Wives to* proftitute themfelves to their Guefts, if they are but paid for the Crime. The Kings and Noblemen of Perfta take great Delight in licentious Entertainments : And the Babyloni- ans are very much addicted to Wine , and the Confequences of Drunkennefs. The Women in the Beginning of their Feafts are modeftly clad ; then after fome time , they lay afide their upper Garment , and violate their Modefty by degrees ; at laft (without Offence be it fpoken) they fling away even their lower Apparel : Nor is this the infamous Practice of the Courtizans only, but likevvife of the Matrons and* their Daughters, who look upon this vile Proftitution of their Bodies as an Ad: of Complaifance. It is reafonable to think that that victorious Army, which had con- quer'd A ft a, having wallow'd thirty four Days in all kind of Lewdnefs and Debauchery, would have found itfelf much weaken'd, for any fol- lowing Engagements, if an Enemy had prefented ■it felf : But that the Damage might .be lefs fenfi- ble, it was from time to time as it were renew'd with frefh Recruits : For Amyntas the Son of Andrommes, brought from Antipater fix thoufand Macedonian Foot, and five hundred Horfe. of the fame Nation ; and with thefe fix hundred Thra- tian Horfe , and three thoufand five hundred of N 2 that

2,68 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

that Countrey's Foot, There came alfo from Pe- loponnefiis four thoufand mercenary Foot, and three hundred and eighty Horfe. The faid Amyn- tas likewife brought him fifty young Gentlemen of the Nobility of Macedonia to ferve as Guards of his Perfon. Their Office is to ferve the King at Table , and attend him with Horfes when he goes upon Action ; to accompany him a hunting, and do Duty by turns at his Chamber-Door : It is here they learn the firft Rudiments of War, and lay as it were the Foundation of their future Pre- ferment to be Generals in the Army, or Gover- nors of Provinces.

The King having appointed Agathon Governor of the Cattle of B'abylon, affigning him feven hun- dred, Macedonians and three hundred Mercenaries for that Purpofe ; left the Government of the Territory and City to Menetes and Apollcdorus, al- lotting them a Garrifon of two thoufand Foot and one thoufand Talents, commanding both to make new Levies to recruit the Army. He gave to Ma- z&as, who came over to him, the Superintenden- cy of Babylon ; and order'd Bagopha?ies, who had furrender'd the Cattle to him, to follow him. He gave thfc Government of Armenia to Mithrenes, who had yielded up Sardis. Out of the Money found in Babylon he order'd every Macedonian Trooper fix hundred Denarii, and five hundred to every foreign Trooper, and to every Foot Soldier two hundred.


ALexander having fettl'd things after this man- ner, march'd into the Country, call'd Satra- jpene The Soil whereof being fruitful, and af- fording

BookV. Quintus Curtius. 269

Wording plenty of all kinds of Provifions, he ftay'd here the longer : And that Idlenefs might not im- pair the Courage of his Soldiers, he appointed Judges, and propos'd Prizes to thofe that (houkl diftinguifh themielves in military Exercifes. Thoie Eight that mould be judg'd the braver!, were each to be made Collonels of a thouland Men, and were call'd Chiliarch&. This was the firft Inftitn- tion of Regiments of this Number, for they be- fore coniifted but of five hundred, and did no? ufe to be the Reward of Bravery. A great Num- ber of Soldiers flock'd hither to behold the noble Spectacle, and at the fame time were fo many Judges of the Behaviour of each Contender, and alfo of the Juftice of the Sentence of the Judges themfelves ; lince it was impoffible to conceal whether the Honour was beftow'd on the account of Merit, or out of Favour. The firft Prize was adjudg'd to AdarchiM the Elder, who had been chiefly inftrnmental in renewing the Fight at Ha- Ucamajjksy where the young Soldiers gave ground : The next was given to Amigenes : Phiiotas An- iens had the third ; and Amyntas obtain'd the fourth : After thefe Antigonm was thought wor- thy, and next to him Lynceftes Amyntas : The feventh Place was awarded to Theodotus , and the laft to Hellanicus.

He alfo made feveral ufeful Alterations in mi- litary Difcipline , from what had been pracftis'd by his FredecefTbrs : For whereas before, the Horfe were divided into Corps according to their refpe&ive Nations, he took away this Diftindtion, and appointed 'em Collonels of his own chufing, without having any regard to their Nations.

It was ufual upon a Decampment to give the Signal by Sound of Trumpet , but as very often that was not fufficiently heard , being drown'd by the Noife of the Soldiers in their Hurry : He there-

N 3 fore

^yo Quintus Curtius. BookV.

fore order'd that a long Pole for the future fhould be fet over his Tent, from whence the Signal might be obferv'd by all , which was Fire in the Night and Smoak in the Day.

As the King was on his March to Sufa, Abuli- tes, who was Governor of that Province, fent his Son to meet him on the Road, and affure him he was ready to furrender the Town. It is uncertain whether he did this of his own Accord, or by Da- rim's Order, thereby to amufe Alexander with the Booty : However the King receiv'd the Youth ve- ry gracioufly , and was conducted by him to the River Choafpes , whofe Waters are reported to be very fweet and foft. Here Abulites met the King with Prefents of Regal Magnificence : Amongft other things there were Dromadaries of an extra- ordinary Swiftnefs ; twelve Elephants brought from India by Darin* 's Order ; but were not now a Terror to the Macedonians, as they were in- tended , but a -Help : Fortune having transferr'd the Riches of the Vancmifli'd to the Victor. Ha- ving enter' d the Town, he took out of the Trea- fury a prodigious Sum , viz,, fifty thoufand Ta- lents of Silver, not coin'd, but in the Wedge and Bar. Several Kings had been a long time heap- ing up thefe vail: Treafures as they thought for their Children, and Pofterity, but one fingle Hour put them all into the Hands of a foreign Prince.

He then feated himfelf in the Regal Throne , which , being much too high for his Stature, his Feet could not reach the Ground, one of his Pa- ges therefore brought a Table and fet it under his Feet. Hereupon one of Darius 's Eunuchs wept, which the King obferving , enquird into the Caufe of his Grief. Then the Eunuch told him, that Darius was usd to eat upon that Table ; and that he could not behold , without JJjedding Tears , the Table, which was confecrated to his Mafiers life,

apply d

BookV. Quintus Curtius. 271

aptly 'd in a manner fo infult'ing and contemptuous. At thefe Words the King was feiz'd with a mo- deft Shame, for having violated the Houfliold Gods, and commanded it to be taken aivay : But Phihtas intreated him by no means to do fo, but on the contrary to take it as a good Omen, that that Table off of which his Enemy us d to eat , was now become his Footftool.

Alexander deligning now to pafs into Perfia , gave the Government of Suza to Archelaus, lea- ving him a Garrifon of three thoufand Men ; Xe- nophilus had the Charge of the Caftie, having with him for Garrifon the fuperannuated Macedonians. The Care of the Treafury was committed to Cal~ licrates, and the Lieutenancy of the County of Suza was reftor'd to Abulites. Darius's Mother and Children were likewife left here.

The King received about this time feveral Gar- ments, and a great Quantity of Purple from Ma- cedonia , which was fent him as a Prefent , with the Workers of them ; he order'd 'em immedi- ately, to be carry d to Sizygambis : for he mew'd her all manner of refpecl, and even paid her the Duty of a Son. He charg'd the Meflengers at the fame time to tell her, that if the Clothes pleas & her , fhe Jhould let her Grand-Children learn t& VJork \m , and make Prefent s of yem. At thefe Words (he fell a weeping , and thereby fufficient- ly declar'd how unacceptable the Prefent was to her ; for there is nothing the Perfian Ladies have more in contempt than even to let their Hands touch Wool. They who carry'd the Prefents ac- quainted him, that Sizygambis feemd afflitled : The King hereupon thought himfelf oblig'd to go and comfort her, and excufe himfelf for his Overfight; which accordingly he did and told her , Mother, the Clothes I now have on, were not only a Pre- fent from my Sifters , but alfo their Work. Our N 4 different

zji Quintus Curtius. BookV.

different Cuftoms led me into my Error : I defire therefore you would not mifmterpret my Ignorance. I hope I have hitherto carefully enough o'oferv d thofe of your Cuftoms that come to my Knowledge . When I underftood it was not the Praclice of Per- lia, for Sons to fit in their Mothers Pre fence with- out their Leave firft obtain d , every time I ca?ne to vifit you, I kept /landing, till you fignifyd to me 1 might fit : And vjhenever you offer d to fall down in honour of me, I never would fuffer it. In fine, as a Token of the perfect Veneration I have for you, I give you ahvays that Title which is only due to my dear Mother Olympias.


TH E King having reliev'd her Uneafinefs af- ter this manner, came in four Encampments to a River, call'd by the Inhabitants Pafitigris. It has its rife in the Mountains of the Uxians , and continues its Courfe in a furious manner among the Rocks for the fpace of fifty Furlongs between its grovy Banks ; after which it runs through the Plains in a fmoother Channel, and is naviga- ble ; and having pafs'd through a fruitful Soil , for the Space of fix hundred Furlongs with a gentle Stream, it empties itfclf into the Perfian Sea.

Alexander having pafs'd this River with nine thoufand Foot, the Agrians , mercenary Greeks, and three thoufand Thracians, came into the Coun- try of the Uxians ; it borders upon the Territory of Sufa, and extends it felf as far as the Frontiers of Perfia, leaving but a narrow PaiTage between it and the Sufians. Madates had the Government of this Country , who was no Time-ferver, but


BookV. Quintus Curtius. %J$

was refolv'd to run all Hazards for the lake of his Allegiance. However, thofe that were acquainted with the Roads inform'd Alexander, That there was a bye-way through the Mountains, that led to the back fide of the City, and therefore if he fent a feiv light arm'd Men that Way, they might make themfelves Mafiers of a higher Ground than that of the Enemies.

The King liking the Advice, pitch'd upon thofe that gave it to ferve as Guides to his Men , and order'd Tauron with fifteen hundred Mercenaries, and about a thoufand Agrians to execute it, and fet out after the Sun was down. As for himfelf, he decamp'd at the third Watch, and about break of Day had pafs'd the Streights, and having cut down Timber to make Hurdles, and other necef- fary Engines, to cover thofe that mould advance the Towers, began the Siege of the Place ; here was nothing to be feen but craggy Rocks and Pre- cipices, the Soldiers were therefore repuls'd as not having the Enemy only to encounter with, but alfo the Difficulties of the Place, notwithihn- ding which they advane'd ; for the King was a- mong the firft, and would fometimes ai"k 'em, if having redue'd fo many ftrong Towns they were not afhamd to be baffled in the Siege of a frnall in- fignificant Cajlle? The King was now attack'd at a diftance, and not being to be prevail'd upon to withdraw, the Soldiers form'd a Tortoile with their Bucklers to protect him from the Arrows, Darts and Stones that were levell'd at him from the Walls. At length Tauron appear'd with his De- tachment above the Caftle, at whofe fight the E- nemies Courage began to flag, and the Macedo- nians fought with more vigour. The Townfmen were now attack'd both before and behind, and nothing could flop the Fury of the Enemy ; fome few were for dying refolutely, but more were in- N 5 clinU

274 Quintus Curtius. Book V,

clin'd to fly, and a great Number retir'd into the Caftle. From hence they deputed thirty Ambaf- fadors to implore his Mercy, but they receiv'd for anfwer, That there was no room for Pardon. Being therefore feiz'd with the dread of future Torments, they difpatch'd Deputies to Sifygambis Barius's Mother, by a private way unknown to the Ene- my, to intreat her to ufe her Interefl with the King in their behalf for they were not ignorant that he lov'd and honour'd her as a Parent. They were the more encourag'd to this, becaufe Ma- dates had marry'd her Siller's Daughter, and was nearly related to Barms. Sifygambis refus'd to comply with their Requeft for a long time , tel- ling them , That it did not fuit with her prefent Circumftances to turn InterceJJ'or for others, and that fhe had reafon to fear tiring the Clemency of the Conqueror ; befides that, fl)e oftner reflected on her being at prefent a Captive, than of her having been a Queen. However, at laft being overcome by their Importunity, fhe writ a Letter to Alexan- der, wherein fie beggd his Pardon for the Liberty flie took to intercede for the Befieged, for whom floe implord his Mercy; and hop' d he would at leafl for- give her, for folic it ing his Indulgence in the behalf of a Friend and Relation, who was now no longer an Enemy, but an humble Suppliant for his Life.

Here now is a remarkable Inftance of the King's Moderation and Goodnefc at this time, for he not only at her Requelt pardon'd Madates, but gran- ted to all their Liberty, as well to thofe that were Captives as thofe who mrrendred themfelves, con- firming their Immunities : He likewife left the Place untouch'd, and permitted 'em to cultivate their Lands Tax free : She could not have ob- tain'd more of Darius, tho' her Son, had he been Conqueror. Jftafterwards/united the Uxian Nation to the Government of Sufa ; then having divi-

BookV. Quintus Curtius. 2*75

ded his Army with Parmen'io , he commanded him to march thro' the flat Countrey, while he wi h the light arm'd Forces, took his Way along the Mountains, which run in a perpetual Ridge in- to Perfm.

Having ravag'd all this Countrey, he arriv'd the third Day on the Borders of Perfia, and on the fifth he enter'd the Straits which they call PyU Sufiddi. Arioba.rza.nes> with twenty five thoufand Foot, had taken Pofleffion of thefe Rocks, which were on all fides fieep and craggy, on the tops whereof the Barbarians kept themfelves, being there out of the caft of the Darts. Here they re- main'd quiet on purpofe, and feem'd to be afraid till the Army was advanc'd within the narrower!: part of the Straits ; but when they perceiv'd 'em to continue their March as it were in contempt of 'em, they rowl'd down Stones of a prodigious bignefs upon 'em , which rebounding often from the lower Rocks fell with the greater force, and not only cruhYd iingle Perfons but even whole Companies. They likewife ply'd their Slings and Bows from all Parts ; even this did not feem a hardfhip to thefe brave Men, but only that they were forc'd to perifh unreveng'd, like Beafts taken in a Pit-fall : Upon this their Anger turning into Rage, they caught hold of the Rocks, and help- ing one another up, did all they could to get to the Enemy ; but the parts they laid hold on gi- ving way to the ftrength of fo many Hands, fell upon thofe that loofen'd them. In thefe fad Cir- cumftances they could neither ftand ftill nor go forward, nor protect themfelves with their Buck- lers, by reafon of the great fize of the Stones the Barbarians puQYd upon 'em. The King was not only griev'd, but afham'd he had fo rauSly brought his Army into thefe Straits. Till this Day he had been invincible, having never attempted any thing N 6 m

z?6 Quintus Curtius. Book V.

in vain. He had enter'd the Straits of Cilicia with- out damage, and had open'd himfelf a new Way by Sea into Pamphylia, but here that Happinels which had always attended him, feem'd to be at a Hand, and there was no other Remedy but to return the lame Way he came. Having there- fore given the Signal for a Retreat, he commanded the Soldiers to march in clofe order, and to join their Bucklers over their Heads, and fo retire out of the Straits, after they had advanc'd thirty Fur- longs within them.


T.HE King, at his Return from the Straits, ha- ving pitch'd his Camp in a plain open Ground, not only held a Council on the prefent Juncture of Affairs, but alfo was fo mperftitious as to con- fult the Priefts concerning what was moft advifable to be done : But what, in fuch a Cafe, could Arijiander (who was then in greateft Efteem ) pretend to foretel ? Laying afide therefore the nnfeafonable Sacrifices , he gave Orders to bring to him fuch Men as were well acquainted with the Countrey \ thefe Men told him of a Way thro' Media, which was fafe and open, but the King was afham'd to leave his Soldiers unbury'd, for there was no Cuftom more religioufly obfer- ved amongft the Macedonians than that of bury- ing their dead: He therefore commanded thePri- f oners he had lately taken to be brought before him, a- mong thefe there was one who was flriH'd in both the Greek and Perjlan Languages ; this Man told him, It u-as in vain for him to think of leading his Ar- my into Perfia , over the tops of the Mountains ; that the narrow Ways lay all among Woods, and


BookV. Quintus Curtius. 277

were hardly pajj'able to fingle Perfons, all the Coun- trey being cover'd with Woods, which were in a manner united by the intermixture of their Branches. For Perfia on one fide is hemm'd in by a continual ridge of Mountains that extend them'felves lixteen hundred Furlongs in length, and one hundred and feventy in breadth, begin- ning at Mount Caucafa , and reaching as far as the Red Sea , which ferves .for another Fence where the Mountains fail. At the foot of the Hills is a fpacious Plain, very fertile, and thick fet with Towns and Villages. The River Araxes runs thro' thefe Plains into the Mediis, carrying along with it the Rivers of feveral Torrents : The Medus, which is a lefs River than that it receives, empties it felf into the Sea to the fouthward. No River can contribute more to the Produ&ion of Grafs than this, for whatever Land it waters it clothes it with Flowers and Herbage. Its Banks are alfo cover'd on both fides with Plane Trees and Poplars, fo that to thofe who behold it at a dillance, the Woods upon the Banks feem to be contiguous to thofe upon the Mountains , be- caufe the fhaded River glides along in a low Chan- nel ; aud the little Hills that border upon it are well cloth'd with Wood , this fruitful Water pe- netrating through the Earth to the Roots of the Trees.

There is not any Countrey in all Afia more healthful than this, the Air is temperate, and on one tide the long ridge of Mountains, with their fhady Groves alleviate the exceffive Heat of the Sun, and on the other the adjoining Sea cheriflies the Ground with its moderate Warmth,

The Prifoner having given this Account,, the King afk'd him, whether he had what he /aid by the Relation of others , or by his own Infpeclion ? He made Anfwer , that he had been a Shepherd,


178 Quintus Curtius. Book V.

and knew all thofe by-ways perfectly well 1 and that he had been twice taken Prifoner-, once by the Periians in Lycia, and nozv by himfelf. This An- fvver put the King in mind of the Oracle that had told him, # Lycian fljould be his Guide into Perlia; having therefore made him large Promifes, fui- table to the prefent Neceffity, and the Prifoner's Condition, he order'd him to be arm'd after the Macedonian manners and in the Name of Fortune to lead the way, vohich (notwithjianding its feem- ing Impraclicablenefi ) he did not doubt to pafi thro zvith a fmall Number, unlefi he imagind that Alexander could not do that for the fake of Glory and Honour that he had done on the account of his Flock. Hereupon the Prifoner perfiiled to urge the difficulty of the Undertaking, efpecially for Men in Arms. To which the King reply'd, Take my Word for it, none of them that are to follow zvill refufe to go wherever you lead 'em. Then ha- ving committed the Guard of the Camp to Cra- term , with the Foot he commanded , and the Forces under Maleager, and a thoufand Horfe Archers, he order'd him to obferve the fame Form of Encampment, and to keep a great many Fires, that the Barbarians might by that think the King was there in Per/on; but tf he found Ariobar- zanes got Intelligence of his March thro" the zvinding narrow Ways, and thereupon made Datachments to oppofe his PajJ'age ; that then Craterus Jhould ufe his utmofi Efforts to terrific him, and oblige him to keep his Troops together to oppofe the prefent Danger ; but if he ( the King ) deceiv d the Enemy , and gaind the Wood, that then, upon the Alarm among the Enemies endeavouring to purfue the King, he fljould boldly enter the Straits they had been repulsed in the Day before, fince he might be fure they were un- defended, and the Emmy turrid upon himfelf.


Book V. Quintus Curtius. 279

At the third Watch, he broke up in great Si- lence, without fo much as the Signal from the Trumpet, and follow'd his Guide towards the Narrow Way. Every light-arm'd Soldier had Or- ders to carry zvith him three Days Provifion. But befides the Steepnefs of the Rocks, and the Slip- perinefs of the Stone that often deceiv'd their Feet, the driven Snow very much incommoded 'em ; for it fomerimes fwallow'd them up as if they had fallen into Pits; and when they were help'd up by their Companions, they rather drew them after them, than got them out. Moreover the Night, and unknown Countrey, befides the Uncertainty whether the Guide was faithful or not, very much increas'd their Fear : For if he deceived the Guards, and made his Efcape, they -were liable to be taken like wild Beajls : So that the King s and their Safety , depended on the Fidelity and Life of one Man. At length they gain'd the Top of the Mountain. The Way to Ariobarzanes lay on the Right-hand : Here he detach'd Philotas and C&nws, as alio Amyntsu and Polypercon, with a Body of the lighteft-arm'd, with Inftruclions, that by reafon there was Horfe intermixt with the Foot, they Jliould march leifure- ly through that Part of the Countrey where the Soil was fruitful and afforded Plenty of Forage. He alfo appointed fome of the Prifoners for their Guides. As for himfelf taking with him hi* Guards, and thofe Troops call'd the Agema, he march'd with a great deal of Difficulty through a By-Path , re- .inote from the Enemies Out-Guard. It was now the middle of the Day, and his Men being tir'd, it was neceffary to give them fome Reft ; for they had ftill as far to go, as they were already come, though it was not fo fteep and craggy.

Having therefore refrehYd his Men both witli Food and Sleep , at the fecond Watch he conti- nued his March, without any great Difficulty. How- ever,

280 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

ever, by reafon of the Declivity of the Moun- tains towards the Plain , there was a great Gulph (occafion'd by the Meeting of feveral Torrents that had wore away the Earth) which ftopp'd their fur- ther Progrefs. Befides, the Branches of the Trees were fo entangl'd one within the other, and join'd fo clofe, that it oppos'd their PalTage like a thick Hedge. This call 'em into the utmoft Defpair, and they had much ado to retain their Tears : The Darknefs of the Night alfo increas'd their Terror, for if any Stars appear'd, they were intercepted by the clofe Contexture of the Boughs. The very Ufe of their Ears was alfo taken away; for the Wind was high and blew fo violently among the Trees, that the Noife of the interfering Branches was ftill greater. At laft the long expected Light leffen'd the Terrors which the Night had en- haunc'd ; for by fetching a fmall Compafs, they declin'd the Gulph; and now every one began to be a Guide to himfelf. Having therefore gain'd the Top of a Hill, from whence they could difco- ver the Enemy's Out-Guards, they refolutely (hew'd themfelves at the Back of the Enemy, who miftrufted no fuch thing. Thofe few who dar'd engage, were kill'd; and the Groans of thofe that were dying, together with the difmal Appearance of thofe that fled to their main Body, {truck fuch a Terror amongft 'em , that they took to their Heels without fo much as trying their Fortune.

The Noife having reach'd Craterus's Gamp, he prefently advanc'd to take PofTeflion of thofe Streights where they had been baffl'd the Day be- fore. At the fame time, Philotas with Polypercon, Amy nt as, and Cmu*, who had been order'd to march another way, was a frefti Surprize to the 'Barbarians, who were now furrounded on all Sides by the Macedonians ; notwithstanding which, they ■behav'd. themfelves gallantly; which makes- me be- lieve,.

Book V. Quintus Curtius. 281

lieve, that Neceffity emboldens the moft Coward- ly, and that oftentimes Defpair is the Caufe of Hope : For naked as they were , they clos'd in with thofe that were arm'd , and by the Bulk of their Bodies, brought 'em down to the Ground, and then ftuck feveral of 'em with their own Weapons. However, Ariobarzanes with forty Horfe, and about five thoufand Foot, broke thro' the Macedonian Army (a great many falling on both Sides) and endeavour'd to poflefs himfelf of Perfepoli* the chief City of the Coimtrey. But be- ing deny'd Entrance by the Garrifon, and the Ene- my purfuing him clofely, he renew'd the Fight, and was flain with all his Men. By this Time Craterus marching with the utmoft Expedition, al- fo join'd the King.


THE King fortify'd his Camp in the fame Place where he had defeated the Enemy : For notwithstanding he had gain'd a compleat Vi- ctory, yet the large and deep Ditches in many Places, retarded his March, and fo he thought it more advifable to proceed leifurely; not fufpecft- ing fo much any Attempt from the Barbarians, as the Treachery of the Ground.

In his March he receiv'd Letters from Tiwidates (Keeper of the Royal Treafure) wherein he no- tify'd to him , That upon Advice of his Approach, the Inhabitants would have rifl'd the Treafury; wherefore he defired him to hajien his March, a?zd come and take PoJJ'eJfton of it: That the Way was fafe, although the River Araxcs run a-crofs. I can- not applaud any Military Virtue of Alexanders fo much as his Expedition in all Actions. Leaving


181 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

therefore his Foot behind, he march'd all Night with his Cavalry, notwithstanding their late Fa- tigues, and arriv'd by Break of Day, at the Arar.es. There were feveral Villages in the neighbourhood, which having pillag'd and demofcuYd, he made a Bridge of the materials. The King was not far from the Town when fo fad a Spectacle prefented it felf to his Eyes, as can hardly be parallell'd in Hiftory. It confifted of four thoufand Greek Ca- ptives, whom the Perfians had mangl'd after a mi- serable manner. For fome had their Feet cut off, others their Hands and Ears, and all their Bodies were burnt with barbarous Characters, and thus re- ferv'd for the cruel Diverfion of their inhuman Enemies; who now finding themfelves under fo- reign Subjection, did not oppofe their Defire to go out and meet Alexander. They refembl'd fome ftrange Figures more than Men, being only di- ftinguiuSable as fuch by their Voice. They drew more Tears from their Spectators than they (hed themfelves ; for in fo great a Variety of Calami- ties, notwithstanding they were all Sufferers , yet their PUnimment was fo diverfify'd, that it was a difficult matter to determine which of 'em was moft miferable. But when they cry'd out, that at laji Jupiter the Revenger of Greece, had operid his Eyes, all the Beholders were fo mov'd with Com- panion, that they thought their Sufferings their own. Alexander having dry'd his Eyes (for he eouldphot forbear weeping at fo fad an Object) bid 'em have a good Heart, and affur'd 'em, They fliould fee their native Countrey and their Wives again, and then encamped at two Furlongs diftance from the Town.

Thefe Greeks in the mean time, withdrew them- felves to deliberate concerning what they fhould defire the King to do for 'em. Some were for afldng a Settlement in Ana, others were for return- ing

Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 283

ing home, when Euthymon the Cym&on fpoke to 'em after the following manner : They who a lit- tle while ago were afliamd to come out of their dark Dungeons to implore Relief , are now for expofmg their hideous Sufferings to all Greece, as if it were an agreeable Speclacle ; when at the fame time, it is hard to determine, whether we our felves are more afliatnd or grievd at our Misfortunes. Thofe bear their Afjiiclions left, zvho hide them. There is no Countrey fo fuitable to the Wretched, as Solitude, and an abfolnte Oblivion of their former State. Tor they who rely much on the Compajfion of their Triends, are ignorant that Tears are foon dryd up. No Body can love fincerely thofe they loath ; for as Calamity is full of Complaints, Profperity is dif- dainful. Every one confiders his own Circumflances when he deliberates concerning thofe of others ; and were we not equally miferable, we had long ago loath* d each other. Is it a wonder, that the Happy delight in one another ? Let us therefore, I befeech you (fince we may be faid to be long fince dead) feek for a Place where zve may bury the Remains of our mangld Carcaffes, and conceal our Deformities in a foreign Countrey. We Jhould Le\very agreeable Ob- ject's to thofe Wives we marry d in our Youth / Can you imagine our Children {who are now in the Tlower of their Age and Profperity) will own us ? Or will our Brothers be better naturd to the Refufe of Jayls ? Befides, hozv many is there amongjl us who can travel fo far ? It is a likely matter, that at this difiance from Europe , banijh'd to the re- motefi Parts of the Eajl, loaded ivith Tears and In- firmities, having lojl the greatefi of our felves, zve jhould be able to undergo thofe Tatigues that have tird even the victorious Army. Then what zvill become of our prefent Wives (that Chance and Ne- cejfity fore d us to take as the only Comfort in our Mtfery) and fmall Children i Shall we drag them

284 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

along with us, or leave 'em behind us ? If zve take *em with us, no Body zuill own us. Shall we then leave thefe prefent Comforts , tvhen it is altogether uncertain whether we flail live to fee thofe we go to ? Let us therefore refolve to hide our felves among thofe who began to know us in our State of Mi- fery. This was Eutymon's Sentiment. But Th&- tetus the Athenian oppos'd thus. There is no Per- fon of any religious Principles, who values his Friends by the outward Figure of his Cir cum fiances, efpe- cially tvhen it is the Inhumanity of an Enemy, and not Nature, that is the Caufe of their Calamity. He deferves all kind of Evil , who is aflamd of acci- dental Misfortunes. He can have no other Motive to think fo hardly of the reft of Mankind, and to de- fpair of Pity, but becaufe he would refufe it to ano- ther. The Gods now offer d 'em what they could never have hop'd for, viz. the Bleffing of returning to their native Count rey, their Wives and Children, and whatever Men value Life for, or defpife Death to preferve. Why do we not then break out of this Prifon ? Our native Air is quite different from this, the Light it felf feems another thing; The Greeks Manners, Religion, and Language are in requeft with the Barbarians, and flail we, whofe Birthright they are, voluntarily for fake 'cm ? when at the fame time our greateft Mifery is to be deprivd of thefe Blef- fings. As for my Part, I am refolv'd to return home to my native Countrey, and to lay hold of the King's extraordinary Bounty. If any amongft us are fo fond of thofe Wives and Children that Ser- vitude has forc'd upon 'em , they may continue here ; however , they ought to be no hindrance to thofe to whom nothing is dearer than their native Countrey.

Some few were of this Opinion ; the reft were overcome by a long Habit, which is ftronger than Nature ; they agreed therefore to defire the King


BookV. Quintus Curtius. z%$

to affign 'em fome Place for their Habitation ; and chole a Hundred out of their Body, to prefer their Petition. Alexander thinking they would afk, what he hi mfc If intended for 'em , told 'em, He had order d every one of them a Horfe, and a Thou- fand Denarij ; and that when they fhould come to Greece , he would fo provide for them , that ( ex- cept the Calamities they had experienc d in their Captivity ) none fhould be happier than they. At thefe Words, they fell a weeping , and being de- jected, could neither look up, nor fpeak ; which made the King enquire into the caufe of their Sadnefs. Then Euthymon made an Anfvver fuitable to what he had faid to his Companions. Hereupon the King, mov'd with their Misfortune and Refolution , order'd Three thoufand Denary to be diftributed to every one of 'em, befidesTen Suits of Cloaths, with Cattle, Sheep, and fuch a quantity of Corn, as was fufficient to cultivate the Land that was affign'd them.


THE next Day, having call'd together all his Generals, he reprefented to 'em, That no City had been more mifchievom to the Greeks, than this Seat of the ancient Kings 0/Perfia ; From hence came all thofe vajl Armies : From hence Darius fir ft , and then Xerxes , made their impious Wars upon Europe ; It was therefore necejfary to raze it, to appeafe the Manes of their Ancejlors. The In- habitants had abandon'd it, and were fled fome one way, and fome another; fo that the King led the Phalanx into it, without farther delay. He had before this made himfelf Mafter of many Towns of Regal Wealth and Magnificence, fome z by

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by Force , and fame by Composition, but the Riches of this exceeded all the reft : Hither the Perfians had brought all their Subfhuce ; Gold and Silver here lay in Heaps : Of Cloaths there was a prodigious quantity : The Furniture of the Houfes feem'd not only defign'd for Ufe, but for Luxury and Orientation. This gave occafion to the Conquerors to fight among themfelves , each taking for an Enemy, his Companion that had got the richelt Spoils ; and as they could not carry off all they found, they were now no longer em- ploy'd in taking, but in picking and chuiing. They tore the Royal Garments, every one being wil- ling to have his Share of 'em : With Axes they cut in pieces VeiTels of exquilite Art : In fine, nothing was left untouch'd, nor carry'd away en- tire ; the Images of Gold and Silver were broke in pieces, according as every one could lay hold of them. Avarice did not only rage here, but Cruelty like wife ; for being loaded with Gold and Silver, they would not be troubl'd to guard their Prifoners, but inhumanly kill'd 'em, and now bar- baroully murder'd thofe they had at firft Ihewn Mercy to in hopes of Gain. This occafion' d a great many to prevent the Enemy, by a volun- tary Death, fo that putting on their richelt Ap- parel , they call themfelves headlong from the Walls, with their Wives and Children : Some fet Fire to their Houfes, (which the Enemy defign'd to do) and periftYd, with their Families in the Flames. At laft the King gave Orders, not to injure the Perfons of the Women, nor meddle with their Apparel.

The immenfe Treafures taken here exceeded , all belief : But we mult either doubt of all the reft, or believe, that in the Exchequer of this Place was found a Hundred and twenty thoufand Talents; which the King defigning for the Ufe of


BookV. Quintus Curtius. 287

the War, caus'd Horfes and Camels to be brought from Suia to Babylon, to carry it off for that pur- pofe. This Sum was afterwards increas'd, by the taking of Perfagad&, wherein were found Six thou- fand Talents. Cyrus had built this City ; and Gobaresy who was Governor thereof, furrender'd it to Alexander.

The King made Nicarthides Governor of the Cattle of Perfopolis , leaving with him a Garrifon of Three thouiand Macedonians : He alfo con- tinu'd Tyridates ( who had deliver'd up the Trea- fure) in the fame Honours he had enjoy 'd under Darius.

Alexander left here the greateft part of his Army, with the Baggage, under the Command of Par memo and Craterus ; and taking with him a Thouiand Horfe , and part of the light-arm'd Foot, penetrated farther into the Countrey of Perjia, under the Pleiades, about the beginning of Winter. On his Way, he was very much incom- moded with Storms of Rain, and Tempefts that feem'd intolerable , notwithstanding which, he. purfu'd his intended Progrefs. He was now got into a Countrey cover'd over with Snow and Ice : The fad view of the Place, and the impafiable Waftes and Solitudes, itruck the tir'd Soldier with Horror, who now began to think he was got to the End of the World. They beheld with Afto- nimment the frightful Solitudes, which had not the leaft figns of Human Culture; they therefore requir'd him to return, before the very Light and Heavens faild \m. The King forbore chaftiiing 'cm in the Amazement they were in, but leaping from his Horfe , march'd on foot before 'em through the Snow and Ice. They were amam'd not to follow him ; therefore fiiil his Friends, then the Captains, and at laft the Soldiers march'd after him.

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The King was the firft that with a Pickaxe broke the Ice and made himfelf a Paflage ; then the reft imitated his Example. At length having made their way through Woods almoft impaflable, they began to difcover here and there fome Tokens that the Place was inhabited , as alfo Flocks of Sheep wandering up and down. The Inhabi- tants live in Cottages, and thought themfelves fufficiently fecur'd by the Impracticablenefs of the Countrey. At the light of the Enemy, they pre- fently kill'd thofe who could not follow them, and fled to the remoteft Mountains, which were co- ver'd with Snow ; but after fome Conferences with the Prifoners , their Fright abated , and they furrender'd themfelves to the King , who was no way fevere to them.

Alexander having ravag'd the 'Countrey of Per- fia, and reduc'd feveral Towns under his Obedi- ence, came at laft into the Countrey of the Mar- dians, who are a warlike Nation, and very diffe- rent from the reft of the Perfians in their manner of living. They dig themfelves Caves in the Moun- tains, where they dwell with their Wives and Children , feeding on their Flocks, or wild Beafts. The Women are not of a fofter Nature tfcan the Men ; they have bufhy Hair, and their Bannents hardly reach their Knees. They bind their Fore- head with a Sling, which ferves them both for Or- nament and Weapon. However the fame Tor- rent of Fortune bore down this Nation, as it had done the reft ; fo that on the thirtieth day after he departed from Perfepolis , he return'd thither again.

Then he made Prefents to his Friends, and to the reft according to their refpe&ive Merit, diftri- buting amongft 'em almoft all that had been taken in the Town.

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BU T the excellent Endowments of his Mind, that noble Difpofition whereby he fiarpafs'd all the Kings his PredecelTors , that manly Con- ftancy in iurmounting Dangers , that unparaliel'd Celerity in undertaking and executing the greatelt Deiigns , his inviolable Faith to thofe who fub- mitted to him , and his wonderful Clemency to- wards his Prilbners , were all fully 'd by his excef- five Love of Wine : For notwithstanding his E- nemy and Rival for the Empire, was at this time making the greateft Preparations to renew the War , and the late conquer'd Nations were yet uneafy under his new Government, yet he would fpend the Day-time in revelling and fcafling ; to which Entertainments the Women were alfo ad- mitted ; not fuch wrhom it was a Crime to vio- late , but fuch as,were common, and whofe Con- versation was a Difgrace to a Man in Arms. One of thefe , whofe Name was Thais, being heated with Wine, told him, he could not do any thing that *iore oblige all the Greeks , than if he

burnt . -/i yalace of the Kings of Perfia : That they expecled this by way of Reprifal for thofe Towns of theirs the Barbarians had deflroyd. This drunken Harlot had no fooner fpoke her Opinion in a Matter of fo great a Confequence, but pre- fently fome of the Company (who were alfo load- ed with Wine) applauded the Propofal ; and the King not only heard it with Patience, but eager to put it in Execution, faid, Why do ice not revenge Greece ? Why do we delay fetting Tire to the Tovm ? They were all heated with Wine, and in that drunken Condition immediately rife to burn that City they had fpared in their Anger. The Vol. I. O King

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King fhew'd 'em the Example, and was the firft that fet Fire to the Palace, after which his Guefts, Servants , and Concubines did the fame. There being a great deal of Cedar in this noble Stru- cture, it prefently took Fire, a-nd communicated the Flames. The Army which was encamp'd not far from the Town, no fooner perceiv'd the Con- flagration but, imagining it to be cafual, they ran to help to quench it : But being come to the En- trance of the Palace , and feeing the King himfelf carrying frefh Flambeaux to increafe the Fire , they flung down the Water they had brought, and fed the Flames with dry Materials.

This was the End of the nobleft City of the Eait, from whence fo many Nations receiv'd their Laws; which had been the Birth-place of fo ma- ny Kings ; formerly the chief Terror of Greece ; had tilted out a Fleet of a thoufand Sail of Ships , and fent out Armies that, like -an Inundation, al- moft cover'd all Europe, had laid Bridges over the Sea, and hollow'd Mountains to make the Sea a PalTage ; and in fo long a time as has elaps'd iince its Deitrueuon , never was rebuilt : For the Ma- cedonian Kings made choice of other Towns for their Refidence, which are now in the Poiieffion of the Parthians. The Ruin of this City was fo complete that were it not for the River Araxes we mould hardly know where it ftood. This Ri- ver run at no great Diftance from the Walls of this. Town, which (as the neighbouring Inhabi- tants rather conjecture than certainly know) was fituate about twenty Furlongs from it.

The Macedonians were amam'd fo famous a City fhould be deftroy'd by their King in a drun- ken Humour. They therefore made a ierious Matter of it, and perfuaded themfelves, it was expedient it JJjould be confurrid thvs way. But as for Alexander , as foon as Reft had reilor'd him

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to himfelf, it is certain £<? repented of what he had done ; and he laid, the Perfians would have made more ample Satisfaction to Greece , had they been necejfitated to behold him fitting in Xerxes'* Zhront in his Royal City.

The next Day he order'd thirty Talents to be given to the Lycian> who had been his Guide into Perfia. From hence he pafs'd into the Countrey of Media, where he was met by new Recruits from Cilicia. They confuted of five thoufand Foot, and one thoufand Horfe, both the one and the other were under the Command of Plato the Athenian. Having receiv'd this Reinforcement, he refolv'd to purfue Darius.


THIS Prince was by this time got to Ecbata- na, which is the Capital of Media. The Parthians are now in Pofieflion of this Town ; it is the Royal Seat during the Summer. Darius in- tended from hence to go into Baclra ; but fear- ing to be prevented by Alexander's Celerity, he alter* d his Mind and maped his Courfe another way. Alexander was fifteen hundred Furlongs Diftance from him , but now he thought no Di- ftance remote enough, againft his Expedition. He therefore rather prepar'd himfelf to fight , than to fly. He was follow'd by thirty thoufand Foot, amongft whom were four thoufand Greeks of an invincible Fidelity to the hit towards the King. He had alfo four thoufand Slingers and Archers, befides three thoufand three hundred Horfe which confilted chiefly of Baclrians. They were com- manded by Bejfus , who was Governor of the Ci ;

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ty as well as Countrey of Baclriana. Darius with thefe Forces march'd at fame Diftance from the High-way , commanding thofe who guarded the Baggage to go before. Then having cali'd a Council, he fpoke to this ErTecl : If Fortune had linked me -with Cowards, -who preferrd any kind of 'Life to an honourable Death ; I would rather chufe to hold my Tongue, than zvafte my Breath in Speeches to no Purpofe ; but I have had greater Ex- perience than I could wijh , both of your Courage and Fidelity ; fo that I ought rather to endeavour to fhew my felf worthy of fuch Friends , than in the leaft doubt of your being like your felves. Out of fo many thoufand that zvere under my Command, you only have faithfully adherd to me , tho twice conquer d, and twice forcd to fly. Tour Fidelity And Conftancy make me believe I am flill a King : It is true the Traitors and Deferters at prefent reign in my Towns) but it is not becaufe they are thought zvorthy of that high Station, but only to try by their Rewards , to fliake your Loyalty. Notwith- standing wJiich you have chofe rather to Jhare my Fortune than that of the Conqueror, and thereby fheivd your felves zvorthy to be recompenc d by the Gods, if it fliould not be in my Power. There c&n be no Pofterity fo deaf, no Fame fo ungrateful, as not with due Praifes to extol you to the Skies. Therefore notwithftanding I had fome thoughts of fiying, contrary, heav'n knows , to my ozun Difpo- jition ; yet relying on your Bravery, I an willing to meet the Enemy. For hoiu long muft I re at Exile in my own Kingdom ? Hozu l ug muft I in my own Dominions fly before a Foreigner and ftrange King, when I have it in my own Power to try the Fortune of War once more , and either recover zvhat I have loft, or at leaf: die an honourable Death ? Unlefs it foould be thought better to lie at the -Conqueror s Mercy, and after the Example of 2 Mazaeuc

BookV. Quintus Curtius. 293

Mazaeus and Mithrenes receive perhaps the preca~ rious Sovereignty of a jingle Nation. But I hope the Gods will never fuffer any Body to take the Diadem from my Head, or be flow it on me ; neither will I zvhile alive , refign my Empire , my Kingdom and Life fhall end together. If you are thus difposd, if this be a fixd Refolution among you, none of you need to doubt of his Liberty ; none of you fit all be fubjecl to the difdainful Haughtinefi of the Mace- donians. Tour Right-hands jh all either revenge your Sufferings, orput an End to 'em-, I am my felf an J'ftjlance of the Mutability of Fortune , and I have Reafon to hope for her gentler Revolutions. But if the Gods have no Regard to juft and religious Wars, , it will fill be in the Power of the Brave to die honou- rably. I therefore conjure you by the glorious Actions of our Ancejlors, who have held the Government of all the Eafiern Kingdoms with fo much Praife ; by thofe great Me-n , to whom the Macedonians for- merly paid Tribute ; by the vafi Fleets that have been fent into Greece ; by the Trophies of fo many- Kings, 1 once more beg and befeech you to arm your Jelves with a Courage worthy your noble Extraction* and Nation, and that you will bear with the fame- Conjlancy you have hitherto fiewn, whatever For- tn'M fnall for the future alot you. As for my owru part, I am refolvd to fignalize nvy felf for ever, ei- ther by a glorious Victory, or a brave Engagement.


H I L E Darin* was faying thefe things, the Appearance of the prefent Danger was fo- frightful to them, that the Minds and~ Hearts oS them all were feiz'd with Horror ; . none of 'em knew either what -to think or fay. At laft Art*** O 3 bazus,

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bazus, the oldeft of his Friends, and who, as we faid before, had formerly rclided with Philip, de- clar'd himfelf to this purpofe : We are ready, Sir, to follow you into the Field in our richeft Apparel and brighteft Armour, with this Difpofitton , That we neither defpair of Victory, nor fear our Fate. The reft feem'd to be of the fame Mind.

But Nabarzanes, who had enter'd into an abo- minable, and before that time , unheard-of Con- fpiracy, to feize the King , by the Help of thofe Troops they each commanded, with this Dellgn, that it Alexander purfu'd them, to deliver him alive into his Hands, and thereby ingratiate themfelves with him, fince he could not but be mightily pleas'd to have his Enemy in his Power; but if they found they could make their Efcapes, then to kill Damn, and feizing the Kingdom, renew the War again. As they had for fome time been hatching this Treafon, Nabarzanes laid hold of this Oceahon to pave the Way to his wicked Purpofe, and faid, / am fenfible, Sir, that what I am going to fay, will not at firfi be grateful to you i But rue fee Phyfici- ans cure defperate Difeafes with rough Medicines ; and the Maflers of Ships, when they fear a Ship- wreck, fling a great Part of their Goods over-board to fave the reft. However, I do not offer to perfuade you to fuftain any Lofi. But on the contrary, by falutary Meafures to preferve both your felf and Kingdom. The Gods feem to be againft us in the War we make, and Fortune is obftinate in her Per- fection of the Perlians. We muft therefore begin a-new, with better Omens. Refign your Empire and the Management of Affairs for a while to another, who /hall be no longer King than till the Enemy withdrazvs from Afia ; and then the Conquer or frail re (lore the f acred Depofitum into your hands again. Reafon feems to promife this would not be long a- doing. Badlra is yet entire, the Indians and the

BookV. Quintus Curtius. 29 ?

Sagce are ftill at your Devotion : There are fo ma- ny Nations, fo many Armies, fo many thousands of Horfe and Foot to renew the War with, that there is ftill more left to carry it on, than has been loft, Why jhould we then9 after the manner of Brutes, run headlong to Deftruclion ? It is the Bufine/S of brave Men to defpife Death rather than hate Life. Cowards are fometimes by continual Hardjhips, brought to have a mean Opinion of themfelves and Def pair ; whtreas true Courage leaves nothing un- try'd. Death therefore is the laft Remedy, which then to embrace chearfully, is fufficient. Let us then repair to Ba&ra, which will be a fafe Retreat, and let BelTus who is Governor of that Countrey, be con- flicted King for a Time , and when the prefent Troubles fhall be happily fettl'd, he fiall reftore to you, as to his lawful Sovereign, the Empire which he only receivd in Truft.

It is no wonder Darius was tranfported at this Difcourfe, altho' he was yet ignorant of the im- pious Defigns it was intended to promote. Thou vile Slave, faid he, haft thou found a proper Time to difclofe thy Parricide? And having drawn his Sword, he feem'd difpos'd to kill him ; but Bejjus and the Baclrians, with dejected Looks interpos'd, tho' they intended at the fame time, to have bound him if he had perfifted.

In the mean time Nabarzanes made his Efcape, znd BeJJus follow'dhim, and they both immediately drew off their Troops from the reft of the Army, in order to take private Meafures. After their Departure Artabazus made a Speech fuitable to the prefent Juncture of Affairs , and endeavoured to appeafe Darius 's Anger. He entreated him to bear patiently the Folly or Error of thofe who were devoted to his Service, and to confider, that Alexan- der was approaching, who ivould be found a heavy Burthen, tho they were all ready and united : What O 4 would

296 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

would he then be, if any of thofe who had follow d hnn in his Flight, foould be alienated from his In- tereft? Barms was in this perfuaded by him, and notwithftanding he deiign'd to have decamp'd, yet in the prefent Confufion of Affairs, he refolv'd to continue in the fame Place. But being opprefs'd with Grief and Defpair, he fhut himfclf up in his Tent. The Army being now under no one's particular Command, were variouily difpos'd, and they did not now as heretofore, deliberate in com- mon; which Patron, who was Captain of the Greeks perceiving, he order'd his Men to take to their Arms, and to be ready on all Occafions. The Perfians had withdrawn themfelves, and BejJ'us was with the Batlrians, and labour'd to bring the^r- (inns over to him. He reprefented to them the Wealth of Batlnana , which was ftill untouch'd , and at the feme time reminded 'em of the Rifles they would unavoidably run, if they ilay'd where they were: But the Perfians were all of one Mind, and laid, it were a Crime to defert the King.

While thefe things were doing, Artabazus dif- charg'd the Duty of a General : He went about the Perfians Tents, exhorting them fometimes apart,and fometimes all together, and did not leave them till he was pretty well afiur'd of their Obedience. Then returning to Darius, he with much Difficul- ty at laft prevail'd with him to eat , and demean him f elf like a King.

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BU T Bejfus and Nabarzanes were bent upon the Execution of their execrable Defign, be- ing inflam'd with an impotent Defire of reigning. At the fame time it was impollible for 'em to


BookVi Quintus Curttus. 297

compafs that Authority while Darius was living ; for amongft thefe People the Majefty of King is held in the greateft Veneration. At the very Name, they alienable together from all Parts, and conftantly pay him the fame Adoration in Adver- fity, which he us'd to receive from them in his Profperity. The Countreys thefe impious Wretches were Governors of, ferv'd to fwell their ambitious Minds ; for it was as large in extent, and as power- ful in Men and Arms, as any of thofe Nations whatever, m aking aim oft the third Part of A/ia. The Number of young Men was fufficient to make good the vaft Armies Darius had loft. This made them not only defpife Darius, but even Alexander himfelf, and imagine, that if they could but make themfelves Matters of thofe Countreys, they might be able to reftore the Per/ian Empire,

After a long Confultation, they refolv'd to feize the King by the Baclrian Soldiers, who were in* tirely at their Devotion, and then fend a Mefien- ger to Alexander to let him know they were ready to deliver hhninto his Hands alive. If (which was what they fear'd) he fhould deteft their. Treafon, then they defign'd to kill Dariur, and repair with their Forces to Batlra. But it was impoffible for them to feize Darius openly, there being fo many thoufand Perfians ready to affift him ; befides which, they were alio afraid of the Fidelity of the Greeks,. They therefore refolv'd to compafs by Stratagem what they could not effed by Force , and coun*- terfeit a Repentance of their Fault in withdrawing themfelves from the Army, and like wife to ex- cufe their Confternatioato.the King.

In the mean time, they difpatch'd Emiffaries to folicite the Perfians to a Revolt, and try to {hake their Conftancy, by Hopes on the one fide, and Fear on-- the other: They iniinuated to 'em, That they expos d themfelves to manifefi Ruin , and ine-.

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citable DeflruHion : That Baclriana wm ready to receive them, and heflow on them Prefents and Riches as much as even their Defires could conceive.

While thefe Things were in Agitation, Arta- bazus came to them, either by the Kings Order, or of his own Motion, and afiur'd them, Darius § Anger was appeasd, and that he was ready to flew \m the fame Favour as before. Hereupon they wept, and excus'd their Fault, and begg'd of Ar~ tabazus to intercede iu their behalf and implore the Kings Mercy. The Night being pafs'd after this manner, Nabarzanes repair'd to the Entry of the King's Tent with the Baclrian Soldiers, covering his fecret Treachery, with a fpecious Pretext of a folemn Duty.

Darius having given the Signal to march, feated himfelf in his Chariot, according to Cuftom, and Nabarzanes with the other Parricides, flung them- felves upon the Ground, and hypocritically wor- ihipp'd him they defign'd fuddenly to have in their Cuftody as a Prifoner, fhedding at the fame time Tears, the ufual Marks of Repentance ; fo falfe is the Heart of Man, and fo praflis'd in Diffimulation.

Darius, who was himfelf naturally fincere, and of a mild Difpolition, was mov'd by their Prayers and fubmiffive Behaviour, and not only believ'd what they faid, but even wept himfelf. But this it felf had no Influence over the Hearts of thefe Wretches, to make 'em repent of their villainous Defigns, tho* their Eyes were WitnefTes how wor- ' thy a Perfon they deceiv'd, both as a Man, and as a King. As for his part, not dreaming o^the Dan- ger that was at hand, he made all the hafte he could to efcape falling into the Hands of Alexan- der•, whom he only dreaded.


BookV. Qointus Curtius. *99


PATRON who commanded the Greeks, com- manded his Men to put on their Armour, which us'd to be carry d with the Baggage, and to be rea- dy on all Occafions, to execute his Orders. He fol- lowed the Kings Chariot, watching for an Oppor- tunity to fpeak to him ; for he had penetrated in- to Bejfus his Defign ; which Bejjus miftrufting, would not depart from the Chariot, but follow'd it clofe, rather like one who guarded Darius as a Prifoner, than as an Attendant of the King. Patron there- fore having waited a conliderable Time, often iup- preffing what his Tongue was juft going to utter, (as hefitating betwixt Fidelity and Fear ) kept his Eyes fixt on the King, who at laft (perceiviug it) fent Bubaces one of his Eunuchs to him, to inquire , if he had any thing to fay to him. Patron made anfwer yes, but without a Witnefs. Being hereup- on commanded to draw near, without any Inter- preter; for Darius underftood Greek very well. He told the King; Sir, of fifty thoufand Greeks that we were in your Service, there is now but a fmall Number of us left, who have accompany d you in all your Variety of Fortune; and are the fame to- wards you in your prefent Condition, as we zvere in your mojl profperous State. Whatever Place you (hall repair to, we fliall confider as our ozvn Homes and native Countrey : Tour Profperity and Adverfity, have linked us to you. 1 therefore beg and befeech you by this our invincible Fidelity , to pitch your Tent amongft us , and fujfer us to be the Guards of your facred Perfon. We have loft Greece, and have, no Ba&riana to repair to. All our Hope is in your felf, and Iwifl) we had no Reafon to diftruft others. It is medlefs to fay more. As I am a Foreigner and O 6 Stranger

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Stranger, J fiould not afk to have the Guard of your Royal Perfou, if I thought it could be fafe with any other.

Notwithftanding Beffus was ignorant of the Greek Tongue, yet his guilty Confcience made him be- lieve Patron had ditcover'd him , but he was put out of his Pain by one that underftood the Greek Language, and had heard what was faid. Darius no way frighted, as could be perceiv'd by his Coun- tenance, afk'dhim the Caufe of his Advice. Where- upon, thinking it dangerous to delay it any longer, he reply'd, -Sir, Beflus and Nabarzanes have con- fpird againfl you ; your Fortune and Life are in the utmoft Peril. This Day will be either yours, or the Parricides laft. Had the King heeded this Infor- mation, Patron had had the Glory of preferving his Life. Now let them turn this to a Jell that will, who hold that human Affairs are guided by a blind Chance; for my part I believe they depend upon an eternal Decree, and on a Chain of hid- den Caufes, and that every one performs his Race under the Direction of an immutable Law which has long iince determin'd its Period. Darius^ An- fv/er was , That although the Fidelity of the Greek Soldiers was fuffiaently known to him, yet he was rejvlv'd never to withdraw himfelf from his native Subjecls. That it was more vexatious to him to di- firuji than to be deceivd. That he would rather fiif- fer whatever Fortune had decreed, than feek for Safe- ty among Strangers ; and that he had already liv'd too long, if his ozvn Soldiers plotted his Dejlruflion. Patron therefore defpairing of the King's Welfare, return'd to his Poll ready to run any Hazard for his Preiervation,


BookV. Qoiotu's Curtius. ' 301


BEJfus had in a manner refolv'd upon killing the * King forthwith, but apprehending he mould not ingratiate himfelf with Alexander, unlefs he deliver'd him up alive, he defer'd his intended Villany to the next Night. In the mean time he came to Darius, and gave him Thanks that he had fo prudently declin d the Treachery of a perfi- dious Man , zvho began already to have an Eye on Alexander'* Riches, for moft certainly he defignd to have made him a Prefent of the King's Head ; but it was no -wonder that a mercenary Man made a Traffck of every thing, fince he had neither Pledge nor Home, and was in a manner banijh'd out of the World ; a falfe Friend and a doubtful Enemy, and always ready to ferve thofe who bid moji. After this he began to juflifie himfelf, and caird the Tutelar Gods of the Countrey to witnefi his Inno- cence and Fidelity. Darius, by his Countenance feem'd to believe him, tho' he no way doubted of the Greelu Information ; but in the prefent Juncture it was equally dangerous to diftruft his Subjects, or to be betray'd by them. There were thirty thoufand of 'em whole Inclination to Vil- lany was -to be fufpedted, and there were but four thoufand Greeks under Patron, to whom if he fhould commit the care of his Perfon/ 'diftrufting his own Subje&s, he Taw they werttTci make that the excufe of their Parricide , and therefore he chofe rather to perifti undefervedly than to give 'em a Pretext for their Crime. However, he made anfwer to Beffus, That Alexander'* Juftice was not lefi known to him than his Valour : That they ivere deceiv d who expecled from him a reward for their Treafon, fince there could not be a more rigid Cha-


3ci .Quintus Curtius. Book V.

Jlizer of Infidelity. The Night drawing on, the Perfians, according to Cuftom, laid by their Arms, went to the next Villages to fupply themfelves with Neceffaries; but the Baclrians, by Beffus's Order ftood to their Arms. In the mean time Darius fent to Artabazus to come to him, and having related what Patron had told him , Arta- hazus was for his palling immediately in the Greeks Camp, alluring him, that the Perfians would not fail to join him as foon as they underftood his Danger; but being doom'd to his Lot, he was no longer capable of wholfome Advice, fo that em- bracing Artabazus for the laft time (who was the only Comfort he had in his prefent Circumftances. ) They both wept bitterly, and the King was fore'd at laft to orfler him to be taken from him, he being unwilling to leave him. Darius cover'd his Head that he might not fee him depart in fo much Af- fliction, and then flung himfclf upon the Ground. At the fame time his Guards, whole Duty it was to defend the King's Perfon at their own Perils, fled from their Poft, not thinking themfelves a Match for the Confpirators whom they expected every Minute. The King was now in' a man- ner left alone, there remaining, with him only a few Eunuchs, who did not know where to go, In this folitary Condition he ruminated on feve- ral Things, till tir'd with that Lonefomnefs which he had had recourfe to, to eafe his Mind, he or- der'd Bubaces to be call'd to him , who being come he faid, Get you gone UkevAfe, and take care of your [elves ; you have, according to your Dutyy adherd firmly to your Prince s Intereft to the very laft. For my part, I'll here expect my Doom. Perhaps you may wonder I do not with my own Hand end my Days ? But I had rather perijh through another's Crime than by my own.


BookV. Quintus Curtius. 303

"At thefe Words the Eunuch not only flU'd the , Tent, but the whole Camp with mournful Cries and Lamentations ; then feveral others enter'd alfo, and tearing their Clothes bewail'd the de- plorable Condition of their King. At laft thefe Howlings reach'd the Perfians Quarters,, who feiz'd with Terror, did neither dare to take to their Arms for fear of the Batlnans, nor keep themfelves quiet , 4eft they mould be thought fhamefully to defert their Sovereign.

A various dillonant Clamour run through the Camp, which was now without a Head or Di- rector ; they who belong'd to Nabarzanes , and BeJJ'us grounding upon thefe doleful Lamentations told 'em, The King had laid violent Hands up- on lAmfelf. They therefore- flew to the Tent with thole who were to be the. Executioners of their abominable Villany ; and undeman- ding at their arrival there that the King was li- ving, thefe Wretches order'd him to be feiz'd and bound.

Thus he who a little while ago was carry'd is. a magnificent Chariot, and honour'd by his Sub- jects as if he had been a God, was now (with- out the Concurrence of foreign Power) made a Prifoner by his own Slaves, and put into a for- ry Cart, cover'd over with Skins. The Kings Money and Furniture, is rifled and plunder'd, as if it had been done by the Laws of War ; and having after this manner loaded themfelves with Booty , the Wages of the vileft Impiety , they fled.

Artabazus, with thofe under his Command, and the Greek Troops , march'd towards Parthiay thinking themfelves to be fafer any where than in the Society of Parricides ; as for the Perfians (Bejfus having made 'em vaftPromifes, but chiefly becaufe they had no Body elfe to follow ; ) they


304 Qijintus CurVius. Book V.

join'd the Batlrians. However, that it might not be laid they did not Honour their King, they be- ftow'd golden Fetters upon Darhts, Fortune feem- ing indufirious to find out new zvays to infult this Prince. Now that he might not be known by his Apparel, they cover'd the Cart, .as we faid before with fordid Skins, and caus'd it to be drawn by Strangers, that he might not be difcover'd to any that mould enquire after him, the Guards follow- ing at a diftance.


Alexander being inform-'d Darius was broke up from Ecbatana , leaving the Road that led to Media, refolv'd to follow him with the ut- mod diligence. While he was at Tabas, which is a Town fituatein the extreme Parts of the Par&- tacene, Deferters acquaint him, that Darius was making all the hafte he could to get into the Ba- tlriana. Afterwards he was more certainly in* form'd by Bagyfihenes the Babylonian , That the King was not as yet in Chains , but war in the greatefi Danger, either of lofing his Life or being made a Prifoner.

The King having therefore calFd a Council, told 'em, We have fill to execute a matter of the great- efi Confequence, but the Labour ivill be very fiwrt ; for Darius is not far from hence, either deferted or fain by his own Men. Our Victory depends on our making our felves Mafier of his P erf on , and this mighty thing is to be compafi'd by Expedition. To which they all reply'd , That they were ready to fllow him wherever he pleafed, and defird hinz neither to fpare their Labour or their Lives. Here^ upon he led the Army with fuch Expedition^ that

Bbok V. Qjljintus Curtius. 305.

it refembled more a Race than a March, he did not ib much as let 'em reft in the Night. After this manner he march'd five hundred Furlongs , and was now come to the Place where Beffus had feiz'd Darius. Here Melon , Darius 's Interpreter, is taken Prifoner ; for being Sick, he had not been able to follow the Army, fo that finding himfelf furprii'd by Alexanders Expedition he feign'd him- felf a Deferter. By this Man he was inform'd of every thing , but it was now requifite to give his Army reft, he therefore made choice of fix thou- fand Horfe, to whom he added three hundred of thofe they call Dimr,ch&, thefe were heavy arm'd Horfe, but if Occafion and the Place requir'd it they ferv'd alfo on foot*

While Alexander was thus employ'd , Orfillos and Mythracenes, who detefted BejJUs's Parricide, furrendred themfelves to him, and acquainted him, that the Perfians were five hundred Furlongs off, but they would fiew him a nearer Way. The King receiv'd them gracioufly, and in the beginning of the Night taking them for his Guides, he fet for- wards with the light Horfe, commanding the Pha- lanx to follow as faft as they could. Be. march'd in a fquare Body, and fo moderated his fpeed as- not to leave any of his Men behind him ; they had already march'd three hundred Furlongs when. Brocubelui, Mazaus's Son, ( who had been here- tofore Governor of Syria, but was now alfo come over to Alexander,) inform'd him, That Beflus was hut tzvo hundred Furlongs off ; and that his Army (vjhich mifirufied nothing) obferv'd no man-- ner of Order in their March ; that they feem'd to make towards Hircania, andij he haftend his March,, he might come fuddenly upon 'em as they were dif- fered up and down. He told him alfo, /^/Darius was Jlill alive,


306 Quintus Curtius. BookV.

This Account made him ftili more eager to o- vertake him, fo that clapping Spurs to their Hor- fes they made all the hafte they could : After fome time they came within the noife of the E- nemy , but the Clouds of Duft intercepted the fight of 'em ; he therefore now abated his fpeed to give the Duft time to fettle again upon the Ground. In a little time they were difcover'd by the Barbarians, whofe flying Army they like wife perceiv'd ; and, in all probability, would have had the worft of it, if Befits had been as refolute to Fight, as he had (hewn himfelf to commit the Parricide ; for the Barbarians were much fuperior in Number and Strength, befide?, they were frefb, whereas Alexanders Army was fatigu'd. But the very Name of Alexander, and his Fame, which are of great Moment in War , made 'em take to their Heels. BeJJUs, and the reft of his Aftbciates, came now to Darius, and defir'd him to get on Horfeback , and make his efcape from the Ene- my ; but he refus'd it, and told 'em, That the a~ venging Gods were at hand : And invoking A- lexander's Juftice, faid, He would not follow any longer Parricides. This fo inflam'd their Anger, that they caft their Darts at him, and having given him feveral Wounds they left him ; they alfo wounded the Horfes that drew him, that they might not be able to go any farther, kil- ling likewife the two Servants that attended on. the King.

After the Commiffion of this Villany they took different Courfes in their Flight, Nabarzanes made towards Hircania, and BejJ'us towards Baclriana, being accompany'd with only a fmall Number of Horfemen. The Barbarians being forfaken by their Leaders, difpers'd themfelves here and there, according as they were directed by Fear or Hope ; about five hundred Horie had got together, and


Book IV. Quintus Curtius. 307

feem'd unrefolv'd, whether they mould defend themfelves or fly.

Alexander underftanding the Enemies Confter- nation, detach'd Nicanor with part of his Cavalry to Hop the Enemies Flight, and follow'd himfelf with the remainder. About three thoufand of thofe who made Refinance were kill'd, and the reft were driven like Sheep or Cattle, without any farther Mifchief, the King having given Orders u abfta'tn from jhedding any more Blood. None of the Prifoners could give any Account of Darius; e- very one examin'd ftrictly whatever he could lay his Hands on, and yet they could not make any difcovery of him.

Alexander made fuch violent hafte that he had hardly three thoufand Horfc with him, but fe- veral Bodies of the Fugitives fell into the Hands of thofe that follow'd him. It is almoft incre- dible, that there mould be more Prifoners than there was Men to take 'em ; Fear had fo robb'd 'em of all manner of Senfe, that they could not fo much as reflect either on the inconfi- derable Number of the Enemy, or their own.Mul- titude.

In the mean time, the Cattle that drew Da- rim having no Body to govern them, were got out of the Highway, and having wander'd about four Furlongs itopp'd in a certain Valley, being faint both by their Wounds and the Heat. There was a Spring not far off, which fome of the Coun- trey had fhew'd to Polyflratus, a Macedonian^, who was almoft periming with Thirft. While he was here drinking Water out of his Helmet, he ob- ferv'd the Darts that ftuck in the Bodies of the wounded Cattle ; and wondring they were not rather taken away than kill'd, he perceiving at the fame time the Voice of a Man half dead, out of a natural Curiolity could not help reaching into


jc8 Quintus Curtius. Book V-

the Waggon to difcover what might be hid there , and fo removing the Skins which cover'd it, he found Darius there,, wounded in feveral parts of his Body. Darius underftood fomething of the Greek Language, and' upon this Occafion faid, That at leafi it was a Comfort to him in his : re- fent Calamity, that he had the Opportunity of fpsak- tng to one that underftood him,, and fo fliould not utter his dying Words in vain ; he order d him therefore to tell Alexander, That tho he had "never d'eferv 'd any thing at fas Hands, yet it was his Lot to dye very much indebted to him for his good Of- fices. That he gave him a great many Thanks for the Civilities he had fiewn his Mother, Wife and Children, to whom he had not only granted Life,, hut maintain d alfo according to their former Rank and Dignity ; zuhercas he was deprivd of all thefe Blejfings by his own Kinfmen and Friends, to whom he had given both Life and Kingdoms. That he therefore, out of Gratitude begg'd of the Gods, that, they would blejS his Arms and make him Conqueror - of the whole World. That he hop'd he would not neglecl revenging the bafe Ufdge he had recejv'd from Trajytors, not only on his private Account^. but for Example fake, and the good of all Kings, fince it would be no UjJ Glorious to him than Beneficial.* He was now faint, and call'd for fome Water, which being brought to him by Pclyftratus , he. drank, and then faid to him, Whoever thou art, it adds to all my other Misfortunes, that I have not tvherewith to acknowledge this great Kindne/S ; b.tt Alexander will do it for me, and the Gods will re- ward him for his extraordinary Humanity and Cle- mency towards my Tam'ily ; thou ffjalt give him therefore my Hand as the only Pledge I ha ve of the fncerity of my Wifoes.

Having utter'd thefe Words, and taken Poly- fir at us by the Hand he expir'd ; wh'en Alexander


BookV. Quintus Curtius. 309

was inform'd of it he came to the Place, and re- flecting how unworthy that Death was of his high Rank, he we?t , and taking off his Cloak fpreadit over the dead Body; afterwards he caustt it to be drefs'd in royal Apparel, and fent it to Syfigamhis to be bury'd after the manner of the Kings of Perfia, among the Royal Tombs of his Anceftors.





HI LE thefe-Things were tranfaft- ing in Ajia, there happen'd fome difturbance in Greece and Macedo- nia. Agist the Son of ArcUidamtu> who was flain as he aflilted the Ta- rentins) on the fame Day that Phi- lip overcame the Athenians near Ch&ronea. This Prince, out of an Emulation to Alexanders Cou- rage and Vertue, folicited his Citizens not to fuf- fer Greece to be any longer oppreJJ'd by the Mace- donians ; for if a Remedy were not apply d in time, they would not fail to be enjlavd after the fame manner", it was necejfary therefore , he faid, to exert themfelves while the Perfians were jlill able to make fome refiftance ; that if they flaid till they were "quite reducd, it zuould be to no purpofe then to af- fert their ancient Freedom againft fo mighty a Power, The Lacedemonians being ftir'd up by this Speech, only waited for a favourable Opportunity to be- gin the War ; and being encourag'd by Memnorfe


Book VI. Qjuintus CuRTius. 311

Succefs, they began to join their Counfels to his, and notwithstanding he was taken off in the be- ginning of his profperous Career, they ftill pur- fu'd their Meafures with the fame' vigour. Agis went to Pharnabazus and Autophradates, andob- tain'd from them thirty Talents and ten Galleys, which he fent to his Brother Agefdam, to enable hun to pais into Creet , whole Inhabitants were divided in their Afte&ions to the Lacedemonians and Macedonians. Ambaifadors were alfo fent to Darius to folicit for a larger Sum of Money, and a greater Number of Ships; and altho' the Per- fians had been lately defeated near lfjus> it was fo far from being a hindrance to their obtaining their Demands, that it made them more readily com- ply therewith ; for as Alexander was intent' on his purfuit after Darius , who led him ftill farther into the Countrey, a great Number of the hir'd Troops, after this Battel, fled into Greece ; fo that Agis, by the means of the Perfian Money, took eight thoufand of 'em into his Service, and by their AiTiftance retook the greateft part of the Cretan Towns. But when Memnon, whom Alexan- der had fent into Thrace, had ftir'd up the Barba- rians to revolt, and Antipater was march'd with an Army from Macedonia to compofe thofe Trou- bles : The Lacedemonians laying hold of that Op- portunity, brought almoft all Peloponnefus ( except a few Towns) over to their Intereft, and having raifed an Army of twenty thoufand Foot, and two thoufand Horfe , gave the command of it to Agis. Antipater being inform'd hereof, fettled the Affairs of Thrace as well as he could, return'd to Greece with all poffible Diligence, and there ga- ther'd what Forces he could from the Friends and Cities that were in Alliance with Alexander ; fo that in a little time he found himfelf at the Head of forty thoufand effective Men. There came to


3 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

him alfo a ftrong Body ftomPeloponnefus, but as he had fome diftruft of 'em, he diflembled his Sufpicion, and thank'd 'em for fjewing themfelves fo ready to defend Alexander'* Dignity again fl the Lacedemo- nians ; and afiur'd them, he would not fail to ac- quaint the King therewith, zvho in time would alfo thank them himfelf ; but at the prefent he did not want any farther Reinforcement ; that therefore they might return home, having fujficicntly difchar- ged-the Obligations of their Alliance.

Then he difpatch'd ExprelTes to Alexander to acquaint him with the Commotions in Greece , who overtook him at Baffra. In the mean time Antipater obtain'd a compleat Vi&ory in Arcadia, Agis being kill'd in the Battel.

However, Alexander ( being inform'd before of fhefe Difturbances in Greece) had taken all the proper Meafures againft 'em, which the diftance of Place could allow ; for he had order'd Am- photeric to fail to Peloponnefus with the Cyprian and Phoenician Ships, and had alfo directed Me- netes to convoy three thoufand Talents to the Sea fide, that he might be near at hand to fup- ply Antipater with what Money he ihould know he wanted. He knew very well of what moment the ifTue of thefe Troubles might prove to all his other Affairs, and yet when fcewas inform'd of the Viclory obtain d by Antipater, comparing that Action with his own Atchievements, he in derifion call'd it the Battel of the Mice ; yet in the beginning of this War the Lacedemonians were not unfuccefs- ful ; for encountring with Antipater 's Forces near Corrhagus , a Caftle in Macedonia, they had the Advantage, the report of which Succefs drew over to their Party, thofe whofe Minds were in fufpence till they faw which way Fortune would incline ; There was but one Town among the El&ans and Ach&ons, viz.. Pellene, that did not enter into their

Alliance :

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 3*3

their Alliance : In Arcadia , Megalopolis alio re- main'd faithful to the Macedonians, out of refpect to Philif i Memory, from whom they had received Favours ; but at the fame time it was clofely he- fieg'd, and could not have held out long had not Ar- tipater come feafonably to its relief; who having pitch'd his Camp not far from that of the Ene- my's , and finding himfelf, upon a Comparifon of his and their Strength, not , only fuperior to them in Number of Men, but alio in all military Pro- vifions, he refolv'd to come to an Engagement as ibon as ever he could. On the other lide, the Lacedemonians did not decline coming to an En- gagement, fo that a Battel was fought that veiy much afflicted the Spartan Affairs ; for, confiding in the ftraitnefs of the Place where they fought (which render'd the Enemy's advantage in Num- ber almoit of no ufe to them) they behav'd them- felves gallantly for a while ; nor did the Macedo- nians fhew lefs vigour in their Refinance , which occaiion'd a great deal of Blood to be fpilt on both Sides ; but Antipater fending feafonably frefti Succours to that part of his Army that labour'd moll, the Lacedemonians were oblig'd at lalt to give Ground. Agis no fooner perceiv'd this, but with the Royal Regiment (which was compos'd of the ftouteft Men) he flung himfelf where the Fight was fiiarpell, and killing thofe who were moll: forward to reiift , he drove a great part of the Enemies before him. They who were be- fore victorious , now began to fly, till they drew their too eager Purfuers into the open Plain ; a great many were kill'd in the Flight, but the Ma- cedonians had no fooner gain'd a Ground where they could rally and recover their Order, but they renew'd the Fight, which was for a while conti- nued with equal Bravery on borh Sides. Of all the Lacedemonians the Km<i diflinguiuYd himfelf Vol. I. P mod,

3T4 Quintus Curtius. BookVT.

molt, he was not only remarkable by his Arms and Perfon, but alfo by his Greatnefs of Soul, in which alone he was invincible : He was attack'd on all Sides, both at a diftance and near at hand, yet he maintain'd the Fight a conilderable time, receiving fome of the Darts in his Buckler, and declining others by his extraordinary Agility, till being at lalt run thro* both his Thighs with a Spear, and having loft a great quantity of Blood, his Strength faii'd him. Then his Attendants took him upon his Buckler, and carry'd him in hafte to the Camp, tho* the violent Motion was very painful to him by reafon of his Wounds. The Lacede- monians did not for this leave off Fighting, but as foon as ever the Ground was more favourable to them than the Enemy, they clos'd their Ranks , and gallantly receiv'd their furious Charges. It is believ'd there never was a more defperate Fight than this, wherein were engag'd the Armies of the two moft warlike Nations in the World , and for a conilderable time with equal Advan- tage. The Lacedemonians reflected on their for- mer Glory , and the Macedonians were animated by their prefent Grandure ; thole fought for Li- berty, and thefe for Sovereignty : The Lacedemo- nians wanted a Head, and the Macedonians were ftraiten'd for room. The various Changes and Accidents of this Day were fuch as fometimes en- creas'd the Hope, and fometimes the Fear of both Parties, as if Fortune had on purpofe equally dil- pens'd her Favours to thefe brave Men. But the ltraitnefs of the Place where the Fight was Hill ob- ftinate, and the Victory wavering, would not per- mit the whole Forces to engage, fo that there were more Spectators than Combatants, and thofe on each fide who were out of the call: of the Darts, encourag'd their Companions by their Acclama- tions. However, the Lacedemonians began now


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 315-

to faint, and could hardly hold their Arms, that were flippery with Blood and Sweat, fo that the Enemy ftill preffing upon them, they at firft gave way, and were at laft put to an open Flight. The Conqueror purfued the fcatter'd Forces, and ha- ving pafs'd over all the Ground the Lacedemonian Army at firft took up, wasinpurfuit of Agis him- felf. But he no fooner beheld his Men flying, and the Enemy drawing near him, than he command- ed thofe who carry'd him to fet him down, and then try'd whether his Limbs were able to fecond his Refolution ; but finding they were not, he plac'd himfelf on his Knees, and having put on his Helmet, and cover'd his Body with his Buck- ler, he with his Right Hand fhak'd his Spear, and challeng'd any of the Enemies to come and take away his Spoils. Not one of 'em dar'd to come near him, but a great many caft their Darts at him afar off, which he return'd again upon the Ene- my, till at laft one of 'em lodg'd it felf in his na- ked Breaft. The fame was no fooner pull'd out of his Wound but he grew faint, and gently lean'd his Head on his Buckler, and foon after re- filling his Spirit with his Blood, he fell dead upon his Arms.

There were flain of the Lacedemonians five thou- fand three hundred and fixty, and of the Macedo- nians three hundred ; but there hardly return'd to the Camp a fingle Perfon that was not wounded. This Victory did not only quell the Spartans and their Confederates, but difappointed all thofe who depended on their Succefs. Antipater was not un- fenfible that the Hearts of thofe that congratulated his Viciory did not agree with their outward Ap- pearance, but as he defir'd to put an End to the War, it was neceffary for him to be deceiv'dj and notwithftanding he was pleas'd with his Succefs, yet he was afraid of Envy, becaufe what he had

P 2 done

3 1 6 Qvrsrvs Curtius. Book VI*

done exceeded his Station ; for tho* Alexander was very deiirous to have his Enemies overcome, yet he could not eafily brook that Antipater fhould be the Conqueror, for he look'd upon that Ho- nour that was granted to another, to be a dero- gation to his own. This was the reafon why An- tipater (who knew his Difpofition perfectly) did not dare to conclude any thing upon the Victory, but had recourfe to the Council of Greece to de- termin what was fit to be done. The Lacedemo- nians defir'd nothing more of it than that they might be allow'd to fend AmbafTadors to the King, which being granted he readily pardon'd 'em all, ex- cept the Authors of the Rebellion. The Megalopo- litans, whofe City was belieg'd after the defection, were order'd to pay to the Ach&ans and JEtohans one hundred and twenty Talents. Thus ended this War, which being kindled on the fudden, was ne- vertheless ftnifk'd before Alexander defeated Da- rius at Arbcla.


Alexander, whofe Genius was better qualify'd for the Toils of War , than for Eafe and Quiet, no Iboner found himfelf deliver'd from Military Cares, but he prefently gave himfelf up to all manner of Votuptuoufheis ; and he that had fhewn himfelf invincible to the Arms of the Perfians, was eafily fubdu'd by Vice. He delight- ed in unfeafonable Entertainments, and would pals whole Nights in Drinking and Revelling, having with him Crowds of Proflitutcs; in a word, he (truck into all the foreign Manners, as if he thought them preferable to thofe of his own Conntrey, and •bv that procedure offended both the Eyes and


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 317

Minds of his own People to fuch a degree as to be look'd upon by the major part of 'em as an E- nemy; for he in a manner forc'd the Macedonians (who were tenacious of their own frugal Disci- pline, and were accuftom'd to relieve the Wants of Nature with a cheap Diet, and fuch as was ea^- fily procu'd) to indulge the foreign Vices of the conquer'd Nations. This occafion'd feveral Con- fpiracies againft him, the Soldiers mutin'd, and in the highth of their Grief would fpeak their Minds freely ; hence proceeded his groundlefs Suf- picions, his indifcreet Fears, and other Evils of the like Nature, which we (hall hereafter give an Account of.

As Alexander therefore pafs'd the Nights aswell as Days in unfeafonable Feafting, he reliev'd the fatiety of thefe Entertainments with Plays and Mufick, and was not contented with fuch Perfor- mers as he had from Greece , but order'd alfo the Women that were Prifoners to fmg after their manner, whofe uncouth and barbarous Songs were altogether difagreeable to the Macedonians, who were Grangers to it. Among thefe Women he obferv'd one to be more dejected than the reft, and feem'd modeftly to refill: thofe who would introduce her for that purpofe ; fhe was a perfect Beauty, and her becoming Modefty made her Charms ftill more confpicuous. Her caft down Eyes, and the Care (he took to hide her Face as much as ihe could, gave the King fome reafon to fufpect fhe was of too high Rank to be expos'd at thofe ludicrous Entertainments ; he therefore afk'd her, Who fhe was? Sheanfwer'd, She was grand Daugh- ter to Ochus, who not long ago had been King of Perfia, and whofe Sen was her Father; and that fhe was married to Hiftafpes, who zvas himfelf a Relation of Darius, and had had the Command of a confiderable Army. The King retain'd yet fome P 3 fmall

318 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

fmall remains of his former Vertues , refpecting therefore in her Adverfity, her Royal Extraction, and fo celebrated a Name as was that of Qchus \ he not only commanded her to be fet at liberty, but alfo to be reftor'd to all her PoiTeffions, and gave Orders to have her Hufband found out that he .might reftore her to him.

The next Day after he gave Orders to Heph&- fiion to caufe all the Captives to be brought before him> and having examin'd into every one's Ex- traction, he feparated thofe that were nobly de- fended from the reft. Thefe were ten in Num- ber, amonglt whom was Oxathres, Darius s Bro- ther, who was not lefs deferving for his natural Endowments than for his eminent Rank. The lait Booty amounted to twenty fix thoufand Ta- lents, of which Sum twelve thoufand were diftri- buted among the Soldiers by the way of Dona- tive ; and the like Sum was embezell'd by thofe who had the Care thereof.

At this time there was a Nobleman of Perjia, whofe Name was Oxydatcs, ftill detain'd in Prifon, and was deftin'd by Darius to fufFer capital Pu- nimment; Alexander not only fet him at Liberty but alfo conferr'd upon him the Satrapmip of Me- dia. As for Darius's Brother , he receiv'd him into the Band of his Friends, and preferv'd to him all the Honour due to his illuftrious Birth.

From hence he march'd into Parthiene, which was then a contemptible Nation, but at this time is the moil confiderable of all thofe that lie behind the Euphrates and the Tigris , and extends it felf as far as the Red Sea. The Scythians made themfelves Mailers of this champian,, fruitful Countrey, and are troublefome enough to their Neighbours, they have Territories likewife in Europe and Afia ; thofe who inhabit above the Bofphorus belong to Ajia, and thofe that are in Europe, enjoy the Countreys that

BookVl. Quintus Curtius. 319

lie on the Left of Thrace, as far as the Boryflhenes, and from thence to the Tanais, another River. The Tanais runs between Europe and Apa; and it is no way doubted, but the Scythians, from whence the Parthians defcend, came not from the Bofphorus, but out of Europe.

There was at this time a famous City call'd Hecatompbylos, which had been built by the Greeks, Here the King remain'd fome Time, being fup- ply'd with Proviiions from all Parts. While he encamp'd in this Place, a fudden Rumor arofe, without any other Ground or Author than the wanton Idlenefs of the Army ; That the King be- ing contented with what he had done, defignd to return forthwith to Macedonia. The Soldiers hereupon run to their Tents, like mad Men, and pack up their Baggage ; one would have thought the Signal had already been given to decamp.

The Camp was now all in Confuiion, fome run- ning up and down to feek their Comrades, and others loading the Waggons ; fo that it came at laft to the Kings Ears. This Rumor was ftrength- ned by thofe Greeks whom Alexander had dif- mifs'd, with Orders to return to their own Homes, having given fix thoufand Denary to each Trooper, and from hence the reft of the Army concluded that the War was at an End.

Alexander, who had refolv'd within himfelf to pafs into India , and the remoteft Parts of the Eaft, was no lefs alarm'd hereat, than the Confe- quence of the thing requir'd ; he therefore order'd all the General Officers to repair to his Tent, and there with Tears in his Eyes, complain'd to them, That he was ftop'd in the middle of his gloriotu Ca" reer, and compeWd to return home more like one that wsts conquer d than- a Conqueror ; and this not thra the Cowardice of his Army, but the Envy of. the Gods,, who had. on the fudden, infusd into the Minds of P 4 the

3io Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

t.b§ brave Men that compos d it, a longing Deftre to fee their own Countrey, whither in a little time he intended to lead \m himfelf, loaded with Honor and Gtory. Hereupon every one of them ofTer'd a- freih their Service to him, and begg'd to be em- ployed in the mod difficult Undertakings; alluring him, He need 'not doubt of the Soldiers ready Obedi- ence, if he would but make them a proper Speech, fu\talle to the prefent Occafion; fince they were ne- ver known to depart from him in the leafi, difpiri- :ed or deje&ed, whenever he thought fit to diffufe <imon<r(l 'em his own Alacrity, and fome Portion of the Vigor of his great and noble Mind. He there- fore promis'd to do as they defird, and order'd them to go and prepare their Ears for his purpofe ; and having maturely confider'd with himfelf all that was requifite on this Occafion, he order'd the Army tope drawn out, and then made theibilow- mg Speech to 'em.



IT is not to he wonder d at , Soldiers, that when you look back on the many great Things we have done, a Defire of Reft, and a Satiety of Glory, fhould fteal upon you. Tor, paffing over the Illyri- ans, the Triballi, Bceotia, Thrace, Sparta, the A- chaeans, and Peloponnefians, all whom I have fub- dud either in P erf on , or by my Appointment and Directions ; xve enter d upon a War at the Helle- fpont, and deliver d the Ionians WiEolia from the cruel Servitude of the Barbarians, and have made our felves Maflers of Caria, Lydia, Cappadocia, Phrygia, Paphlagonia, Pamphylia, Pifidia, Cilicia, Syria, Phoenicia, Armenia, Perfia, Media, and Par- thiene. / have conquer d more Provinces, than o- thers have taken Toivns ; and 1 cannot tell, but in

BooRVT. Quintus Curtius.

this Recital, the great Number may have made me ft ill forget fome. If therefore I were certain, thefe Countreys we have over-run in fo JJjort a Time, would remain firm to us, I would then, even againji your Wills, Soldiers, be for returning to my houfliold Gods, to jny Mother, and Sifters, and the reft of my Citizens, that I might there chiefly enjoy with youT the Praife and Glory we have acquir'd; where w&- can have- a full Fruition of the Rexvards of our Vi- ctories, in the joyful Converfation of our Children* Wives, and Parents, in a^ profound Peace and fo- cure Reft, and an undifturb d^Poffeffion of the Fruits of our Bravery. But as our Empire is yet new, and (if we will fpeak the Truth) even precarious ; fince the Barbarians bear our Yoke at prefent but with a ftijf Neck, it is Time, Soldiers, that muft tame their Minds, and f oft en their favage Temper. Do we- not fee, that the very Fruits of the Earth, require their proper Seafons to ripen in ? So great an Influence h®s Time even over thofe Tilings that are void of Senfe. Can you imagine then, that fo many Nations, enurd to the Empire and Name of another , disagreeing with us in Religion and Manners , as well as Lan- guage, can be perfectly fubdud the Bay they arc overcome ? No, Soldiers, it is your Arms that rfr- ftrain 'em, and not their Wills : And' t ho your Pre<- fence keeps them in awe, when once you are abfent, they 11 declare themfelves your Enemies. We have, to do zvith zvild Beafts, which when taken arid foufr up, are tamd by length of Time ; a thing not to be hopd for otherwife, from their own fierce Natures I am talking ail this while as if we had wholly fubdud all Darius s Dominions; but that's a Mi>- ftake , for Nabarzanes po/jejjes Hyrcania, and Beffas has not only feiz'd Ba<5hiana, but alfo threatens :<< Bejides the Sogdians, the Dahae, the MalTagetse, the Sacae, and the Indians, arc yet unconquer'd. All thefe as foon as our Backs are turn d wild- pur- ^

32Z Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

us, for they may be faid to be of the fame Nation, not Strangers and Foreigners. And it ts obfervable, that all Nations more zuillingly obey their oven So- vereigns, tho their Government be never fo harfh. We mufl therefore , Soldiers , either refign what we have with fo much Pains acquir d, orfubdue the reft. For as Phy/icians leave nothing in the Bodies of their Patients that can endanger a Relapfe, fo mufl we lop off whatever can annoy or refifi our Empire. A fmall Spark neglected, has often been the Caufe of great Conflagrations. Nothing can fafely be de- fpis d in an Enemy : Whomfoever you contemn, be- comes more couragious by your Negligence. Darius himfelf did not come to the Periian Empire, by Right of Hereditary Succeffion, but got into Cyrus'* Throne, through the Intereft of Bagoas the Eunuch, that you may not think it fo difficult a Tajk for BelTus to take PojfeJJion of a vacant Kingdom. But, Sol- diers, we have certainly committed a great Crime, if we conquer d Darius to no other purpofe but to de- liver up his Dominions to one of his Servants, who with the utmoft Audacioufnefi kept his Sovereign in Chains at the time he flood mofl in need of Affiftance, and to zvhom we that had conquer d him, had cer- tainly fhewn Mercy ; and at la(l barbaroufly mur- thered him, to rob us of the Glory of preferving him. Will you after all this, fuffier fuch a Wretch to reign ? whom I long to fee nail'd to a Crofi, and by that ignominious Death, make ample Satisfaction to all Kings and Nations, for his execrable Treachery. But if upon our Return home, you fhould immediately hear that this Villain was burning the Greek Toivns, and laying wafle f^Hellefpont; how fenfibly youd be griev'd, that Beffus fhould run aivay with the Reward of your Victories ! How quickly would you arm ! What Hafte would you then make to recover <\0ur own! But is it not much better to fupprefi him At once, while he is flill full of Apprehenfion, and


Book VI. Quintus Curtiu B. 3*3

hardly knows what to do f, We have but four Days March to come at him ; we who have made our Way through fo many deep Snows, pafi d fo many Rivers, ar.d climbed over fo many Mountains : We ftall meet with no Sea to flop our March, neither flmll have the Straits of Cilicia, to obflrucl our Paf- fage, all the Way is plain and open : We may be faid to fiand at the very Boor of Viclory : We have only a few Fugitives and Ruffians to reduce. It will be a glorious Work, and deferve to be tranfmitted to Pofierity amongfi your mofi memorable Atchieve- ments, that you zvere fo far from fuffering your. Hatred to Darius, who zvas your Enemy, to conti- nue after his Death, that you even took Satisfa- btion of his Parricides, not fuffering any wicked Per- fon to efcape unpunifhed. This once done, hovj much more willingly will the Perfians obey us, when they come to underftand that you undertake pious Wars? and that it is Beffus'^ Crime, and not his Name you are offended at ?


THIS Speech was receiv'd by the Soldiers with all poffible Chearfulnefs, and they defir'd him to lead them wherever he thought fit. The King therefore laid hold of their prefent Difpofition, and pafling through Parthiene, he came the third Day to the Borders of Hircania, where he left Craterus with the Forces he commanded, and thofe that were under Amyntas, adding thereto fix hundred Horfe, and as many Archers, with Orders to fe- cure Parthiene, from the Incurfions of the Barbae rians. He gave to Erygyim the Care of the Bag- gage, appointing him a fmall Body for that pur- pofe, and commanded him to march along the P 6 plain

3 H Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

plain Countrey, while he himfelf with the Phalanx and Cavalry, having march'd a hundred and fifty Furlongs, incamp'd in a Valley at the Entrance in- to Hyrcania. Here there is a Wood, the Trees whereof are very tall, and Hand thick, lb that it is very ihady, and the Soil of the Valley is very fat, being plentifully waterd by the Streams that de- fcend from the Rocks. At the Foot of thefe Hills the River Zioberis riles, which for the Space of three Furlongs runs entire in one Channel, and afterwards is divided by a Rock, and lb purfucs two different Courfes between which it difpenfes all its Waters. At fome diftance it unites again, and runs in a rapid Stream like a Torrent, and by rea- fon of the Rocks through which it paries, becomes more violent, and then precipitates it felf under Ground, puriuing its fubterranean Courfe for the fpace of three hundred Furlongs, and then rifes again as from a new Spring, and cuts it felf a new Channel much larger than its firft, k being thirteen Furlongs in Breadth: After which, contracting it felf again, it runs between ftraiter Ranks, and at la ft falls into another River call'd Rhidagus.. The Inhabitants afrirm, that whatever is cafe, into the Cave nearer! its Source, and where it firfl: hides it felf under Ground, comes out at the other Mouth, where the River opens its felf, when it appears again. Alexander therefore caus'd two Bulls to- be caft into it where the Waters enter the Earth, whofe Bodies were afterwards feen, where the Ri- ver breaks out again , by thofe who- were fent to examine into that Matter. In this Place Alexan- der had refted his Army four Days , when he re- ceived Letters from Kabarzanes (who had con- fpir'd with Befits againft Darius) to this effect That he had never bee-n Darius' j Enemy i That on the con- trary, he had alvjays advisd him to what he thought mofl conducing to his Advantage ancL Inttrejl ;. for-


Book VI. Quiotus Curtius. 32-5*

vjhich faithful Counfel he had like to have been kiil'd by him. That Darius entertain d fome Thoughts ef committing the Guard of his Perfon to Foreigners, which was not only againft all Law and Reafon, but a great Reflexion on his own Subjects Fidelity, which they had preferv'd inviolate to their Kings, for the fpace of tzvo hundred and thirty Tears : That finding himfelf in fo doubtful and dangerous a Condition, he had took that Counfel which the prefent Necejfity of his Circum fiances had fuggefied to him. That Da- rius having kiil'd Bagoas, had fatisfy'd his People with no ether Excufe, than that he had killd him zuho was plotting and contriving his Death. There is nothing fo dear to wretched Mortals as Life, out of Love to vjhich, he had been driven to the lafi Extremities ; but however, he had been fore d there- to by irrefifiible Necejfity, it being far from his own Inclination and Choice : That in general Caiami- ties, every one is apt to eonfult his otvn Interefi and Welfare : However, if he thought fit to command him to come to him, he would readily obey him with- out the leafi Apprehenfion or Fear ; for he could not fuppofe that fo great a King would violate his Promife, it not being ufual for the Gods to deceive one ano- ther. That if he did not think him worthy the Ho- nour of his Royal Word^ there were Places enow "where he could be fafe, and that all Count reys were alike to a brave Man.

Hereupon Alexander made no Difficulty to give him his^ Royal Security (after the manner the/^r- fians are us d to receive the fame) that if he earner he fkould not be injur d. Notwithstanding which, he march'd his Army in Order of Battel, fending Scouts before him , to difcover the Places he was to pafs through. The light-arm'd Troops com* pos'd the Van, then foJJow'd Phalanx, and the Baggage came in the Rear of that. As they were a warlike Nation, and the Situation of the Coun-


3x6 Quintus Curtius. BookVL

trey was fuch as render'd it of difficult Accds, the King thought it proper to be the more circum- fpedt and wary in his March : For the Valley ex- tends it felf as far as the Cafpian Sea, and feems to lire tch it felf out in two Arms, the middle where- of ftrikes into a Hollow, fo that it refembles the Horns of the Moon, before that Planet fills up its Orb. On the Left are the Cercett, the Mofyni, and Chalybes, and on the other fide are the Leu- cofyri, and the Plains of the Amazons ; it has thofe to the Northward, and thefe to the Weftward. The Cafpian Sea-Water not being fo brackifh as that of others, feeds Serpents of a prodigious Bignefs, and Fifh of a quite different Colour from thofe of other Seas. Some call it the Cafpian, and others the Hyrcanian Sea. Some fay, that the Palus M&otis falls into it, and bring that for an Argument why this Sea's Wate-s are fweeter than thofe of others. When the North Wind blows, it 1 wells the Sea, and forces it violently on the Shore, carrying its Waves a great way into the Countrey, where it ffagnates for fome time, till the Heavens changing their Afpect, thefe Waters return to the Sea again with the fame Impetuouihefs they firft broke their Bounds , and fo reltore the Land to its own Na- ture. Some have been of Opinion, that thefe Waters do not come from the Cafpian Sea, but do fall from India into Hyrcania, whofe lofty Si- tuation (as we faid before) by degrees finks in- to this perpetual Vale. From whence the King march'd twenty Furlongs by a Way almoft im- paflable, having a Wood hanging in a manner o- ver it ; befides which Difficulties , the Torrents and Standing Waters obitruded his Paffage , but as no Enemy appear'd , he made a fhift to get through it : And at laft marching farther on , he came into a better Countrey, which befides other Proviiions with which it abounded, there was great


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 327

Plenty of Apples, and the Soil was very proper for Vines. There is alfo a kind of Tree that is very common here, and very much refembles an Oak, whofe Leaves are in the Night laden with Honey, but unleis the Inhabitants gather it before the Sun rifes, the leaft Heat thereof conlumes it.

The King having march' d thirty Furlongs farther, was met by Phrataphernes, who furrender'd himfelf to him, and all thofe who had fled with him, after Darius % Death. Alexander receiv'd him gracioufly,. and afterwards arriv'd at a Town call'd Arvsu. Here Crater us and Erigyus join'd him, bringing along with them Phradates,who had the Government of the Tapurians. The King's taking him alfo into his Protection, was an Example to a great many others, to truft themfelves to his Clemency. He afterwards appointed Menapis Governor of Hyrca- nia, who had in Ochuss Reign, taken Refuge with King Philip. He likewife reftor'd to Phradates the Government of the Tapurian Nation.


Alexander was now come to the utmoft Bounds of Hyrcania, when Artabazus (who as we before took notice, had always firmly adher'd to Darius) came to him with Darius' s Relations, his own Children, and a Body of Greek Soldiers. The King immediately offer'.d him his Right-hand, for he had been formerly entertain'd by Philip, when in Ochusk Reign , he had been forc'd to fly from his Countrey. But the chief Caufe of his receiving him fo kindly , was his firm Adherence to his Prince's Intereft to the raft. Finding himfelf there- fore fo gracioufly receiv'd, he addrefs'd himfelf to the King in thefe Words : Long may you, reign in


3iS Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

perpetual Felicity. As for my ovjn party I am fuf- ficiently happy on ad other Accounts: I have but ene Grievance, aud that is, that my advancd Age: will not permit me to enjoy your Goodhefi long. He; was in the ninety fifth Year of his Age, and was* accompany'd by his nine Sons which he had all of one Woman : Thefe he alfo presented to the King, and wiuVd they might live fo long, as they might be ferviceable to his Majefty.

Alexander for the molt part walk'd on foot, but then he order'd Horfes to be brought for himfelf and ^rtabazsus, left if he walk'd himfelf on Foot, the olc^ Man mould be amam'd to ride. Afterwards having pitch'd his Camp, he order'd the Greeks who came along with Art abacus, to be brought before him. But they made anfwer, that unlefi he took the Lacedemonians alfo into his Protection, they ivould deliberate amongfl themfelves what Meafures they fliouid' take. They were AmbafTadors from the Lacedemonians to Darius, who being overcome, they join'd thofe Greeks that were in the Per fan Service. But Alexander without giving them any Promife or Security, commanded them to come im^ mediately and fubmit to ivhat he fhould alot them. They demurr'd upon the Matter fome time, be- ing of different Opinions ; however, at laft they prom-is'dto come. But Democrates the Athenian, being confcious to himfelf, that he had always op- pOs'd as much as he could the Macedonians Pro- sperity, defpairing of Pardon, run himfelf through with his Sword, the reft according to their Agree- ment, furrender'd themfelves to Alexander. They were fifteen hundred Soldiers of them*, befides fourfcore and ten, who had been fent AmbajJ'a- dcrs to Darius. The greateft part of the Soldiers were diftributed among the Troops by way of Recruit, and the reft were fent home. As for the La,-cedcmonians,kQ commanded them to be kept


Book VI. QuinTus Curtius. 319

in Cufiody. The Mardians are a Nation border- ing upon Hyrcania, a hardy People, and accuftom- ed to live by thieving: They alone neither fent Ambafl'adors to Alexander, nor gave the leaft To- ken to imagine, they would obey his Orders. This rais'd his Indignation, that a fmgle Nation (hould hinder him from being thought invincible. Leaving, therefore his Baggage under a fufficient Guard, he advanc'd towards them with his bell: Troops. Ke had march'd all the Night, and by Break of Day, the Enemy appear d in fight : But it was rather a tumultuous Alarm than a Fight ; for the Barbari- ans were foon driven from the Eminences they pofTefs'd, and put to Flight, and the neighbouring Villages being deferted by the Inhabitants, were plunder'd by the Macedonians. But the Army could not penetrate into the more inward Parts of the Countrey, without being much harrafs'd and fa- tigu'd. The Tops of the Hills are encompafs'd with high Woods, and impaffable Rocks, ana the Barbarians had fecur'd by a new kind of Fortifi- cation, what was plain and open. The Trees are let thick on purpofe, then they with their Hands bend the tender Branches downwards, and having twitted them together, they fet them in the Ground again, where taking Root, they put out frefh Branches, which they do not fuffer to grow ac- cording to the Appointment of Nature ; but they fo intermix them, that when they are cloath'd with Leaves, they in a manner hide the Ground. Thus the Way was perplex'd with one continu'd Hedge, by the means of thefe interwoven Boughs, which like fo many Snares caught hold of thofe that pafs'd thro' 'em. In this Cafe there was no Remedy but cutting down the Wood: But this again was a very laborious Tafk; for the Boles of the Trees were full of Knots, which made them very hard to. cut, and the implicated Boughs, like fo many


330 Quintus Curtius. Book VI-

lufpended Circles , by their tender Pliantnefs gave way, and baulk'd the Force of the Stroke : On the other fide the Inhabitants are fo habituated to run like wild Beaffc among thefe Coverts, that on this Occalion ney enter'd the Wood, and gall'd the Enemy with their Darts. Alexan- der was therefore oblig'd (after the manner of Hunters) fM to find out their Haunts, by which means he denroy'd a great many of them, and at laft order'd his Army to furround the Wood, and if they found any Entrance, to break through the fame. But as they were altogether ignorant of the Countrey, they wander'd up and down like Men loft, and fome of 'em were taken by the Enemy, and with them the Kings Horfe Bucephalus, which he did not value after the rate of other Cattle, for he would fuffer no Body but Alexander to mount him, and whenever he had a Mind to get upon him, he would kneel down and receive him on his Back, as if he was fenfible who it was he car- ry'd. The King therefore being tranfported with Anger and Grief, even beyond what was decent , order'd his Horfe to be fought after, and gave the Barbarians to underftand by an Interpreter, that if they did not reftore htm, not one of them jhould efcape alive. This Declaration fo terrify'd them , that they not only reftor'd the Horfe, but made him alfo other Prefents. However, this did not appeafe the Kings Anger, fo that he commanded the Woods te-ke^ cut down, and cans' d Earth to be brnwht to fill up^the hollow Part of the intricate Covert. The W ork was pretty well advanc'd , when the Barbarians flefpairing of their being able to defend the Countrey, furrender'd themfelves to the King, who receiving Hoftages from them, ap- pointed Phradates to be their Governor, and on the fifth Day return'd from thence to his Camp, where having confer'd on Artabazji* double the


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 331

Honour Darius had beftow'd on him, he fent him home.

Then he continu'd his March to the City of Hyrcania, where he was no fooner arriv'd than Narbarzanes yielded himfelf to the King upon his Parole, making him at the fame time very noble Prefents ; lamong the reft was Bagoas, an Eunuch, who was in the flower of his Youth , and had been familiarly us'd by Bariiu formerly, and was now by Alexander; it was chiefly at this Eunuch's intreaty that he pavdon'd Narbarzanes.

The Nation of the Amazons (as we faid be- fore) borders upon Hyrcania, and inhabits the Plains of Themifeyra, along the River Thermodoon. Thaleftris was the Name of their Queen , who had in her Subjection all the Countrey that lies between Mount Caucasus, and the River Phafis. This Queen was come out of her Dominions in- flam'd with a defire to fee Alexander ; and being advanc'd pretty near the Place where he was, fhe fent Meffengers before to acquaint him , that the 6}ueen was coming to have the fati&f ac~lion of feeing and converfmg with him : Having obtain'd admit- tance, fhe commanded the reft of her Followers to ftay behind, and taking with her three hundred of her Female Militants, fhe advanc'd. As foon as fhe came within fight of the King, fhe leap'd from her Horfe, holding two Javelins in her right Hand. The Amazons Apparel does not cover all their Bodies, for their left Side is naked down to the Stomach, nor do the Skirts of their Garments ( which they tie up in a knot ) reach below their Knees. They preierve their left Breaft intire that they may be able to fuckle their Female OfF-fpring, and they cut oft and fear their Right, that they may draw their Bows, and likewife caft their Darts with the greater eafe. Thaleftris Iook'd at the King with an undaunted Countenance, and nar- rowly

33^ Quintus Curtius. BookVI.

rowly view'd his Perfon, which did not come up to the Fame of his great Exploits ; for the Bar- barians have a great Veneration for a majeftical Prefence, eiteeming them only capable of per- forming great Aftions, whom Nature has favour'd with an extraordinary Perfonage. Being afk'd by the King, Whether Jhe had any thing to defire of him ? She did not boggle to tell him, That her Errand was to have Children by him, jhe being wor- thy to bring him Heirs to his Dominions ; as for the lemale Sex, Jhe would retain that herfelf, and refiore the Male to the lather. Hereupon A- lexander alVd her," J/* fie would accompany him in his JVars ? To which fhe excus'd herfelf, with her having left no Body to take care of her Kingdom. Her Paflion being greater than the Kings, oblig'd him to flay here a little while, fo that he enter- tain'd her thirteen Days to gratifie her Defire ; af- ter which fie return' d to her Kingdom, and the King march' d into Parthiene.


HERE £*gave aLoofe to all hisPafftons, and laying afide his Continency and Moderation (winch are eminent Vermes in an exalted For- tune) deliver'd himfelf up to Voluptuoufnefs and Pride. He now iook'd upon the Manners! Drefs, and wholefome Discipline of the Kings of Mace- don, as things beneath his Grandure, and there- fore emulated the Perfian Pomp, which feera'd to vie with the Majeftyof the Gods themfelves. He began to fufFer the Conquered of fo many Nations to proftrate themfelves on the Ground, and worftiip him, and hop'd by degrees to enure 'em to fer- vile Offices, and make them like Slaves. He


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 333

wore about his Head a purple Diadem, intermix'd with white, and took the Perfian Habit, without fearing the Omen of parting out of the Drefs and diftinguiftiing Tokens of the Conqueror, into thofe of the Conquer'd ; nay, he would fay himfelf, that he wore the Perfian Spoils, but the misfortune was, that he at the fame time imbib'd their Man- ners, for the outward Magnificence of Apparel was follow'd by an inward Infolence of Mind. And notwithstanding he Rill feal'd thofe Letters he fent into Europe with his ufual Seal, yet he afnYd that of Darius to all thofe he fent into Afia ; it ap- pearing plain from thence, that one Mind was not capable of the Fortune of both : He oblig'd alfo his Friends, hi* Captains and chief Officers of hi* Army to Drefs after the Perfian manner; andtho* within themfelves they deipis'd the lame, yet they did not dare to refufe complying, for fear of in- curring his difpleafure. The fame Number of Concubines that Darius had, viz.. three hundred and flxty, fUl'd the Royal Palace, and thefe were attended by Crowds of Eunuchs, who were them- felves accuftom'd to fupply the place of Women. The old Soldiers who had ferv'd under Philip, pub- licity detefted this Luxury, and foreign Exceffes, as being altogether ftrangers to fuch Voluptuouf- nefs, mfomuch that it was the General talk throughout the Camp, That more zvas loft by the Victory than gain 'd by the War , fince they might properly be faid to be conquer d themfelves, zvhen they were thus enjlavd to foreign Cuftoms and Man- ners ; and, in fine, all the B.ezvard they were like to receive for their long abfence from their native Countrey, zvas to return Home in captive Habits : That it zvas high time for 'em to be afljamd of themfelves, zuhen they faw their King affecl to re- femble rather the Conquer'd than the Conquerors , and of King of Macedonia become one of Darius'* Satraps, As

334 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

As Alexander was not ignorant that his Beha- viour difpleas'd his chiefeft and belt Friends, as well as his Army in general, he endeavour'd to recover their Affection by his Liberality and Boun- ty, but the Rewards of Servitude are always dif- agreeable to free and noble Souls ; that therefore the Diicontent might not break out into Sedition, he thought it advifeable to put an end to thefe Effects of Idlenefs by the Toils of Wars.

Befits had now affum'd the Royal Robes, and order'd himfelf to be call'd Artaxerxes, and was .gathering together the Scythians, and the other Inhabitants along the Tana'u. Satibarzanes was the PerTon that gave him this Account, whom he had taken into his Protection, confirming to him the Government he held before. But finding his Army heavy laden with rich Spoils, and other Materials of Luxury, which was a great hindrance to their Expedition in their Movements, He firft order'd his own Baggage to be brought into the middle of the Plain , and then that of all the reft of the Army, excepting only what xvas abfoltttely necef- fary. The Plain into which the laden Carriages were brought, was very fpacious and large : Every one now impatiently expecting what would be his next command, he order'd the Cattle to be ta- ken away, and then fetting fire to his own Bag- gage, he commanded the reft to do the like to theirs. It was a great Mortification to fet fire themfelves to thofe things they had fo often refcu'd from the Flames the Enemy had kindled todeftroy 'em; yet no Body dar'd to lament the lofs of the re- ward of his Blood, feeing the Kings Furniture underwent the fame Fate. This done, Alexander made a (hort Speech to 'em which alleviated their Grief, and they were now pleas'd to find them- felves more fit for the Service of the War, and more ready upon all Occailons, rejoicing, That

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 335*

by the lofi of their Baggage , they had prefervd their Difcipline. They therefore began their March to- wards Battriana ; but Nicanor, Parmenio's Son be- ing fnatch'd away by fudden Death, was a great Affliction to the whole Army. The King was more griev'd thereat than any Body , and would fain have ftopt there fome time, that he might be prefent at the Funeral himlelf, but the fcarcity of Provifions oblig'd him to haften his March ; leaving therefore Philotas with two thoufand ftx hundred Men to perform the funeral Rites to his Brother, he with the reft of the Army advanc'd towards Befits. As he was upon his March, he receiv'd Advice from the Neighbouring Satraps, that BeJJus was advancing towards him with an Army in a hollile manner ; and that Satibarzanes, whom he had lately confirm'd in his Govern- ment over the Arians , was alfo revolted from him.

Hereupon, notwithstanding he was intent upon BeJJus , y^t judging it more advifable to fupprefs Satibarzanes firlt, he took with him the light arm'd Foot, and the Cavalry, and marching with the ut- moft diligence all the Night , he came unexpect- edly upon him. Satibarzanes being inform'd of his Arrival , took along with him two thoufand Horfe ( for a greater Number could not be got to- gether in the Hurry and Confufion he was in) fled to Battriana; the reft of his Party fav'd them- felves in the neighbouring Mountains. There was a Rock which towards the Weft was very fteep, but to the Eaftward was of a more eafie and gentle Defcent, being cover'd with Wood, and having a Fountain from whence the Water ran in great abundance ; it was two and thirty Furlongs in Circumference, the top of it was a green Plain. Here they plac'd the ufelefs Multitude, while they employ'd themfelves in calling Stocks of Trees and 2 great

33^ Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

great Stones upon the Enemy. They were about thirteen thouiand Men in Arms.

Alexander having left Craterus to continue the Siege of the Rock, made all the hafte he could to overtake Satibarzanes, but underftanding he had gain'd too much Ground of him, he return'd to the Siege of thofe who had polled themfelves on the Mountains. At hk Arrival he commanded the Army to clear that part of the Way to the Rock, which was any wife -practicable ; but when this was done, impaflabie Rocks and Precipices pre- fented themfelves afrefli, fo that their Labour feem'd to be loft, where Nature it felf oppos'd the Undertaking: However, as his Mind was fram'd to ftruggle with the greateft Difficulties, finding it was impoffible to advance, and dangerous to re- tire back ; he apply'd his Thoughts to all manner of Contrivances, and he no looncr rejected one, but his Mind fuggefted him another. As he w.v- ftill labouring to find out an Expedient for his Pur- pofe , Nature fuppiy'd the deficiency of Reafon. The Wind was Weftward, and blew very frefli, and the Soldiers had cut down a great deal of Wood, thereby to open themfelves aPafiage thro' the Rocks, and the vehement heat of the Sun had dry'd the Wood. Alexander therefore caus'd a great Pile to be made that the Fire might not want Fuel to nourifh it ; at laft fo many Trees were heap'd upon one another that they equall'd in highth the top of the Mountain ; then he or- der'dthis huge Pile to be fet on Fire on all fides : The Wind carry'd the Flame into the Enemies Faces, and the Smoke, like a black Cloud , dar- ken'd the very Skies ; the Woods rung with the crackling caus'd by the Flames, which were now no longer confin'd to the Soldiers Pile, but communi- cated themfelves to the next growing Trees. The Barharians, to avoid the greateft of Torments, en- 2 deavour'd

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 337

deavour'd to make their efcape thro1 any part of the Wood that was not yet on fire ; but where the Flame yet granted them a Tallage the Ene- my was ready to receive them, lb that there was a horrible kind of variety in their manner of pe- riQiing; fome caft themfelves into the middle of the Flames, and fome flung themfelves headlong from the Rocks , while others expos'd themfelves to the fury of the Soldiers; a few that were half con- fum'd with Fire, were taken Prifoners.

From hence Alexander return'd to Craterus, who was at prefent befieging Artacacna , he had prepar'd every thing for the Kings Arrival, and waited only for his coming, to refign to him ( as decency requir'd) the Honour of taking the Town. Alexander therefore order'd the Towers to be advanc'd to the Walls of the Place, at the fight whereof the Barbarians were feiz'd with fuch a Confirmation, that extending their Hands upon the Walls in a fuppliant manner , they in- treated him to turn his Anger upon Satibarzanes, the Author of the Defeffion, and grant them his Pardon, who laid themfelves at his Mercy, Here- upon the King not only pardon'd them, but rais'd the Siege, and reftor'd to the Inhabitants all that belong'd to 'em. Upon his leaving this Place, he was met by a frefh fupply of Recruits : Zoilus brought with him out of Greece five hundred Horfe, and Antipater had fent three thoufand more from Illy rium ; Philip had like wife with him one hundred and thirty TheJJ'alian Troop- ers ; there came alfo from Lydia two thoufand fix hundred Foot and three hundred Horfe of the fame Nation. Being reinfore'd with thefe Troops he advanc'd into the Countrey of the Drang*, who are a warlike Nation, and were at this time un- der the Government of Barzae?itei,\\ho was con- cern'd with Befits in the Treafon agaimt Darius Vol. I. Q This

3 3 8 Quintus Curtius. Book VI

This Traitor, to avoid the Punimment due to his Crime, was fled to India.


HERE the King had encamp' d during nine Days, andakho' /^wasa Prince of undaunted Re- iolution, and had {hewn himfelf invincible, yet he had like to have been taken off by domeftick Treafon.

Dymnm was a Man who had none of the great- eft Intereft at Court, and entertain'd at this time an unwarrantable Paffion for a difcarded Eunuch call'd NichomachiM, being intirely fubdu'd there- by, thinking he ingrofs'd him to himfelf; coming therefore to the Youth at a certain time like one aftoniftYd (as might be perceiv'd by his Coun- tenance) he took him privately into a Temple, and told him, He bad Secrets of the greateji impor- tance to impart to him ; and as the Eunuch was very attentive to what he faid, Dymnus conjur'd him by their mutual Loz>e, and rhe Pledges they had given each other thereof to give him the San- ftion of a folemn Oath , that he would never re- veal zvhat he JJjould impart to him. Nichomachus thinking he would communicate nothing to him after fo religious a manner that could be Perjury in him to difclofe, fwore by the Gods there prefent, that he would not. Upon this afTurance Dymnus told him, There was a Confpiracy againfi the King which would be put in Execution in three Days , and that he himfelf was concern d therein , with feveral other brave Men of the fir ft Rank, The young Man had no fooner heard this than he let him underfland, He had not given his Faith to conceal fo black a Treafon, and that no Religion


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 339

could bind him to Secrefie in a Crime^df that Na- ture. Hereupon Dymnus was in a manner di- ffracted between Love and Fear, and taking the Eunuch by the Hand , with Tears in his Eyes, firft intreated him to be concern d in the Enterprise, or if he could not do that, at leajl that he would not betray him, of whofe Affeclion , among other Inftances, he had this firong Proof, that he entrujl- ed him with his Life.

The Youth perfifting in an obftinate abhorrence of the Defign , Dymnm threaten'd to kill him , telling him, The Confpirators would begin their glo- rious Undertaking with his Death ; fometimes he call'd him effeminate Coward, and fometimes be- trayer of his Friend. Then he try'd to move him by large Promifes, even that of a Kingdom, but finding him no way to be prevail'd upon, he drew his Sword and put it fometimes to the Eunuch's Throat, and fometimes to his own, fo that at laft, what with Threats , and what with Intreaty, he brought him to promife not only to keep the Secret, hut alfo to be concern d in the Execution -thereof : Notwithftanding which, his Mind adher'd firmly to its firft Refolution, (hewing himfelf thereby worthy to have been Vertuous and Chafte. How- ever, he feign'd. himfelf fo enflavd by his Love for Dymnus, that he could refufe him nothing, and then defir'd to know, Who were his Partners m this Undertaking, for he faid, it was of the greatefi Importance with whom he embark 'd in a Defign of this Nature.

Dymnus, who was infatuated with his Paffion and Crime, return'd him Thanks, and at the fame time congratulated him, That being himfelf a brave. Touth, he did not fcruple to aff'ociate himfelf with Demetrius, one of the Kings Guards, Peucolaus and Nicanor ; he added to thefe Aphaebetus, Lo- ceus, Dioxenus and Amyntas. Nichomachw, af- Q * ter

34*0 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

ter this (being difmiVd by him) immediately re- pair'd to his Brother Cebalmm, and imparted to him what he had heard. It was agreed between 'em, that the Informer fiiould remain in the Tent for fear if he flwuld be feen in the King's Jippart- ?i:cnt, not being us'd to have admittance there, the Confpirators ji)ctdd conclude they were betray d. Ceballinus himfelf waited without the Porch (not being allow'd a nearer accefs, ) expecting the co- ming in or out of ibme of thofe who were fa- miliar with the King, to introduce him to his Ma- jefty. It happen'd that Philotas , Parmenio's Son, upon fome unknown Account, remain'd laft with the King ; Cebalinus therefore (at his coming ouO with all the outward marks of Grief and Difturbance, communicated to him what his Bro- ther had told him, and begg'd of him to acquaint the King therewith as foon as pojfible. Philotas commending his Fidelity, immediately went back to the King, and having difcours'd with him on feve- ral other things, did not fo much as mention what Cebalinus had infonn'd him of. At Night as Philo- was coming out of the Palace, the young Man who waited for him in the Porch, afk'd him, Whe- ther he had acquitted htmfelf of h 'vs Promife , in reference to zuhat he had intruded him -with. Phi- lotas excus'd himfelf to him, and told him, that i the King was fo taken up with other Affairs that he had not had an opportunity to do it. Cebalinus therefore attended again the next Day, and as PhilotM was going to the King, he put him in mind of what he had told him the Day before, and Phihtas promis'd him afrefli to take care of it ; however, he did not then neither acquaint the King therewith. Cebalinus hereupon began to diftruft him , and thinking it to no purpofe to trouble him any farther, he addrefs'd himfelf to Metron Mafier of the Kings Armory, and


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 341

imparted to him what he had told Philottu. Me- tron immediately hid Cebalinus in the Armory, and repair'd to the King (who was then bathing himl elf ) and inform d him of what he had heard. The King preiently lent Guards to feize Dymnus, and then came into the Armory, whom as foon as Cebalinu* faw , tranfported with joy he told him, He -was glad he had found a means to fave him from the zuicked Defigns of his Enemies. A- lexander having duly inquir'd into the whole mat- ter, alk'd Cebalinus, How long it was fince Ni- chomachus had given him this Information ? To which he anfvver'd, That it zvas now the third Bay. Alexander concluding, that he could not conceal it fo long without being guilty himfejf , commanded him to be fecur'd; but Cebalinus de- claring loudly, That the Moment he heard of tt , he had acquainted Philotas therewith, of which hit Majefty might be fatisfy d if he afled Philotas him- felf : The King farther inquir'd, Whether hi had prel'd Philotas to impart it to him ? which Ceba- linus affirming to have done , Alexander lining his Hand to Heaven, with Tears in his Eyes com- plain'd highly of the Ingratitude of the Per/on whom he had honour d with the firft place in his Friendjbip.

In the mean time Dymnus, w7ho was not ig- norant on what Account he was fent for by the King, wounded himlelf grievoufly with his Sword, but being hinder'd by the Guards from killing hinv felf outright, they brought him to the Palace, where the King fixing his Eyes upon him, faid to him , What great Mi f chief have I done to thee, Dymnus, that Philotas fhould feemto thee worthier of the Kingdom of Macedon than my felf ? Dym~ nuis Speech now fail'd him, fo that giving a great Groan, and turning his Face from the King, he fell down- dead.

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342* Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

The King afterwards fent for Philotas, who be- ing come, he faid to him, That Cebalinus, who would deferve the worfi of Punifhments if he jhould have conceal'd two L}ays together the Knowledge of a Confpiracy againfl \&y Life, cafis the blame upon Philotas, to whom, he fays' , he immediately gave an Account thereof : The eafie accefi you have to my Perfon makes your Guilt the greater, if you zvink id at it; and, I mufl own, it would have better become Cebalinus than you to have been fo negligent in a matter of that Confequence. Tou have a favourable Judge if you can with Juflice deny what you ought not to have committed. To this Philotas, without the leaft fign of Fear, as far as could be perceiv'd by his Countenance, reply'd, That it zuas true Ce- balinus had acquainted him with the regardlefi In- formation of a forry Catamite, zvhich the inconfi- derablenefi of the Author made him think not wor- thy of Credit, fince he thought he jhould by fuch a difcovery only expofe himfelf to the laughter of the more judicious. However, fince Dymnus had kil- ied himfelf, hozv groundlefi foever the Account might be, he ozvnd it ought not to have been conceal'd; then embracing the King, he beggd of him to have a greater regard to his pafi Life, than to a Fault which conftfled only in filence, and not in any matter of Tafl. 1 cannot determine whether the King really credited what he faid, or only fupprefs'd his Anger , but it is certain he gave him his Right Hand as a Pledge of his being reconcil'd to him, and told him, He looked upon him rather to have defpisd the Information than conceal'd it.


BookVI. Quintus Curtius. 343


THIS did not however hinder the King from, calling a Council of his Friends, to which Philotas was not fummon'd, and N.chomachus was brought before 'em. Here he related all that he had told the King. Crateras was of the Number of thoie the King had the greater!: Elteem for, and on that account, fomewhat jealous of Philotas s Intereft. Moreover, he was not infenfible, that Philotas had often tir'd the Kings Ears with ex- travagant Exaggerations of his Behaviour and Ser- vice, who tho' he did not on that fcore fufpecl: him to be evilly difpos'd, yet he thought him a little too arrogant. Craterus therefore thinking he could not have a more favourable Opportunity to fup- prefs his Rival, covering his Hatred with the fpe- cious Appearance of Zeal and Piety, faid, Would to God, Sir, you had deliberated with us at firfi> concerning this Affair ; we had then endeavoured to perfuade you ( if you were refolvd to pardon Philo- tas) to have let him remain d in Ignorance, how much he zvas indebted to you, rather than (having brought him in Year of his Life) force him to make deeper Reflections on his own Danger, than on. your Goodnefl. For he may alzvays have it in hi? Power to confpire againft you, though you may not always be able to pardon him. Do not therefore imagine, that he who dard to undertake fo foul a Crime, can be alter d in his Difpofition by a Par- don : He knows very well, that they who by un- pardonable Vaults have exhaufled your Mercy, have no room left to hope for it any more. And admit- ting he may be alter d by Repentance, or overcome by your Clemency ; yet I am fure his Father Par- menio, who has the Command of fo great an Ar~ Q 4 »9fc

344 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

my, and is in fo confirm d a Credit zuith the Sol- diers ; in fine,jwho in point of Authority with them, is little infer tor to your fie If , will not be very zvcll pleas' d to ftand indebted to you for the Life of his Son. There are fame Kindnefies which we hatre\ a Man is ahvays ajhamd to confefi he .has deferv'd Death. He would therefore rather have the World think you have done him an Injury, than given him his Life. From whence I infer, that you will le f 'jrc'd to contend with them for your Safety. There fire fi'll Enemies enow to encounter zvith ; fiecurg therefore your Perfion againfi dome/lick Treafons : Thefe once rcmovd, I fear no foreign Evil. This was Crater y-;;'s Sentiment. The reft were alfo of Opinion , He would never have fiijled a Dificovery of that Moment, unlefs he were either principal m the Co?ifipiracy, or an Accomplice : For, faid they, who that had the leaft Spark of Piety, or good Difi- pojition, {though he zvere not of the Band of your- Friends, as he teas, but of the Dregs of the People) having heard what he had beed told, would not have prefently run to the King, and acquainted him therewith ? But he who zvas Parmenio'* Son, Ge- neral of the Horfie, and privy to the King's mofi fie- cret Affairs, could not fo much as imitate -Cebalinus'j Example, who the Moment he zvas inform d by his Brother of the Danger, came and declard the fame to him, nay, he was fo far from detecling the Mif- chief himfielf, that he pretended the King was not at leifure, for fear the Informer fijould addrefi him- felf to fome Body elfe, and fo the Villany might come to light. Nichomachus, notwithstanding his Oath to the Gods, made all the hafle he could to dificharge his Confidence ; but Philotas having pafisd the befi part of the Day in Merriment zvith the King, could not find in his Heart to add to his other long, and perhaps fiuperfiuous Dificourfies, a fezv Words of the gt eat eft Moment and Importance to the Kings Safe- ty.

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 345-

ly. But admit, fay they, that he did not give Credit to the Report, on the account of the Youth of the In- formers, What then made him keep 'em in Sufpence for two Days, as if he had believ'd it? Certainly he ought to have difmifs'd Cebaiinus, if he flighted his Information. Every Man in his own private- Peril, may rely upon his Bravery and Courage, but where the Kings Safety is in Danger, we ought there to be credulous, and not defpife even falfe Dis- coveries. They all therefore agreed, he ought to be compell'd to declare his Confederates. The King having commanded them not to divulge the Matter, difmifs'd them. And that he might not give the leaft Sufpicion of his new Meafures, he gave publick Notice , that the Army mould de- camp the next Day. He alfo invited Philotas to his laft Supper, and vouchfaf d not only to eat, but alfo to converfe familiarly with him he had already condemned.

At the fecond Watch, Hephcflion, Craterus; C&- mts and Erigyius, of the Band of his Friends, and Perdiccas and Leonatus his Efquires, attended by a few others enter'd the Palace without Lights, and prefently gave Orders to the Guards, to be arm'd all the Time they were upon Duty. Soldiers were now planted at all the Avenues, and fome Horie were order'd to guard the Roads, that- no Body might efcape to Parmenio, who was then Gover- nor of Media, and had the Command of a great Army. Attarras at this time enter'd the Palace with three hundred arm'd Men, unto whom were appointed ten of thofe that had the Guard of the King's Perfon, who were every one follow'd by ten of thofe call'd Men at Arms. Thefe were fent to feize the otherConfpirators, zndAttarras going with' three hundred Men to take Philotas, made choice of rifty of the moft refolute amongft 'em, and broke open his Door, having plac'd the reft rouiui

Q 5 tkr

3 46 Quintus Curtius . Book VI.

the Houfe, to prevent his making his Efcape. But Philotas was in a profound Sleep, either from the Confcioufnefs of his Tnnocency, or from fome Fa- tigue , fo that Attarras feiz'd him in that Condi- tion. Being now awak'd, as they were putting him in Chains, he cry'd out, The Bittemefs of my Ene- mies Malice, O King , has overcome thy Goodnefs. Having utter'd thefe Words, they cover'd his Head, and brought him to the Palace. The next Day the King commanded the Macedonians to appear at the Palace with their Arms ; they amounted to about fix thoufand Men, befides a Crowd of Rab- ble and Camp Followers. The Men at Arms con- ceal'd Philotas amongft their Body, that he might not be feen publickly, till the King had fpoke to the Soldiers ; it being an ancient Cuftom with the Macedonians ; for the Army to judge of capital Crimes in Time of War, and the People in time of Peace, fo that the Kings Power fignifyd nothing unlefs he firft perfuaded them of his Opinion. Bym- nus his Body was firft brought before 'em, the major part being ignorant what was his Crime, or how he came to be kill'd.


THIS being done, the King came out to the Army, carrying in his Countenance all the Tokens of an afflicted Mind, the general Sadnefs of all his Friends at the fame time, gave them no Imall Expectation of the Event. The King re- main'd fome time with his Eyes fix'd on the Ground, as if he was aftonmYd and difmay'd. At laft re- covering his Spirits, he expreft himfelf thus. / had like, Soldiers, to have been fnatch'd from you by the -wicked Contrivance of a few Perfons. It is by the


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 347

Providence and Mercy of the Gods, that J am noxv alive. Tour venerable Afpecl inflames my Anger /till the more,, againft the execrable Parricides ; for the greateft, nay, the only Advantage I propofe to my felf from Life, is , that I am ahle to return Thanks to fo many gallant Men, who have deferv'd well of me. Here he was interrupted by the Sol- diers Lamentations, and every Body's Eyes were now fill'd with Tears. Then continuing his Speech, he faid, If zvhat I have already told you, raifes fuch Emotions in you, how much greater /hall I excite,, when I jhew you the Authors of this horrible De- fign ? I tremble at the mentioning of 'em, and as if it were ftill pojfible to fave 'em, I am unwilling to declare their Names. However, I muft overcome my former Friend/hip for 'em, and let you know who^ thefe impious Wretches are : For which way can I conceal fo abominable a Crime? Know then, Sol- diers, that Parmenio in his advancd Age , loaded with my Father s and my Favours, and the mofi ancient of all my Friends , is the chief Leader in this detejiable Enterprise, and Philotas has been his Injlrument to corrupt Peucolaus, Demetrius, and Dymnus (yjhofe Body lies there before you) a?id fe- veral others equally mad, to be Partners with him in taking away my Life. At thefe Words the whole Camp was in an Uproar, complaining with the utmoft Indignation , againft the deteftable Plot, after the manner of Soldiers when they are either mov'd by Affection or Anger. Then Ni- chomachus, Metron, and Cebalinus were produe'd, and each declar'd to the Army their refpe&ive In- formations. But not one of them in his Evidence, eharg'd Philotas to have any Hand in the Con- fpiracy ; fo that the Anger of the AfTembly being appeas'd, they remain'd lilent after the Informers Declaration. But the King immediately ailed 'em,. What his Defign could be, who could fupprefs an Q 6 ^formation.

348 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

Information of this Nature ? That it was not ill grounded, appear d fufficiently from Dy minis'* kil- ling him [elf : And Cebalinus as uncertain as he 11' as of the Truth of the matter, did not refufe, be- ing torturd to verify he had receivd fuch an Account from his Brother ; and Metron did not delay one Mo- ment to difcharge himjelf of the Truft repos d in him, infomuch that he broke into the Place where I was bathing. Philotas was the only Perfon amongfi 'em all that feard nothing, nor believ'd any thing. What a Hero is this ! Had he been touched tvith the Dan- ger of his Sovereign, would he have heard it un- movd, without the leaf: Token of Concern ? Would b-e not have lent an attentive Ear to an Accufation of that Importance ? The Matter is this, his Crime lay lurking under his Silence, and the greedy Hopes cf a Kingdom, drove him headlong, on the worfl of Villanies.. His Father commands in Media, and he himfelf is in that powerful Station v/ith me, that relying o?i his Interefl with my Officers, he afpired to greater Things than he was capable of. I fup- pofe my having no JfJ'ue, made him defpife me. But Philotas is mifaken, for you your felves are my Children, Parents, and Relations: While you are fafe, I cannot be dejiitute of either. After this, he read to 'em an intercepted Letter of Parmenio's to his Sons Nicanor and Philotas, which certainly did not contain in exprefs Terms, any cnminal Matter: For the Subftance of it was this: Tirft take Care of your felves, and then of thofe under you : By thefe Means we flail ccmpafs our Dejires. Here the King took notice, That he writ after this obfeure manner,, that if it came fafe to his Sons, it might be under food by their Accomplices , and m cafe it was intercepted, it might deceive the igno- rant. But it may be objected, that Dymnus in his Vifcovery of the Confpirators, made no mention of Philotas ; Tet this it felf is not Jo much an Argu- ment

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 349

ment of his Innocency, as of his Power; for it ftjezvs he was fo much fear d even by thofe he might have betray' d, that at the fame time they confefs them- felves guilty, they don't fo much as dare to name him. However Fliilotas's Life fufficiently detects him. For when Amyntas my Kinfman, confpird againft me in Macedonia, he was not only privy to it, but alfo a Confederate. Moreover, he marry d his Sifter to Attalus, than whom I have not had a greater Enemy : And when I writ to him, out of Familiarity and Friendjhip, to acquaint him with the Report of the Oracle of Jupiter Hammon, he made no Scruple to return me this Anfiver, That he rejoicd I w'a* received into the Number of the Gods, yet he could not but pity thofe who were to live under a Prince that exceeded the Condition of Man. Thefe are plain Indications , that his Mind has been long ftnee. alienated from me, and that he envied my Glory. Notwithftanding all thefe Pro- vocations, Soldiers, I have endeavour d to put a good Ccnftruclion upon 'em as long as I could. For I thought itzvas rending fome part of my Bovoels from me, to difcard thofe I had heafd fo many Favours upon. . But the Cafe is alter d, it is no longer Wordr me ha ve to refent : The Temerity of the Tcngue has proceeded to the. Execution of the Siuordr which if you dare believe mc , Philotas has been fharpening againft me. If he. has, been guilty of the fe Things, Whither /hall j fly* Soldiers .? Whom fhall I intruft with my Life? I made him General of my Cavalry , which is the chiefeft part of my Army, and plac'd him at the Head of the noble ft Youth in Europe : I committed to his Cuftody my Safety, Hopes, and Vi- ctories. Befides ail which, I have advancd. his Far- ther to the fa?ne pitch of Grandure almoft to zvhich you have rais'd my felf ': I have made him Gover- nor of Media, than ivhich there is not a richer Countrey, and have mtrufted him with the Com- mand

3 jo Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

mand of fo many considerable Cities, fo many thou- fands of our AJJ'ociates : From whence I expetted up- on Occafion, my chiefeft Support, Soldiers, I have found the greateft Danger. HOw much happier had I been, had I fallen in Battel a Prey to my Enemies, rather than the Vittim of a Citizen ! But I have efcap'd thofe Bangers which I only fear d, and have fallen into thofe I did not in the leaft fufpecl. Tou have frequently exhorted me, Soldiers, to take Care of my Safety : It lies in your Power now to fecure it, zvhatever you advife me to Til do. It is to your felves, and your Arms, I have recourfe for my Pro- tettion ; I would not be fafe againft your Wills, and if you defire I fhould, 1 cannot be fo unlefs you vin- dicate my Caufe.

Hereupon he order'd Philotas to be brought forth, he had his Hands ty'd behind him, and his Head cover'd with an old Veil. It was eafily per- ceivable they were mov'd at fo lamentable a Dif- guife, tho' heretofore they us'd to behold him with. Envy. They had feen him the Day before, Ge- neral of the Horfe, they knew he had fupp'd with the King, and now on the fudden, they faw him not only accus'd, but condemn'd and bound. They alfo reflected on the hard Fortune of Parmenio, who was not only a great Captain, but an illuftri- ous Citizen, and had not only the Misfortune to lofe two of his Sons lately, viz.. Heclor and Nica- nart but now flood accus'd in his Abfence, with the only Son he had left.

Amyntas therefore perceiving the Multitude in- clin'd to Pity, endeavour'd to exafperate 'em again,, telling them, They were all betray d to the Barbari- ans ; that none of 'em would return to their Wives, their Countrey, or their Friends : That they fhould be like the Body without a Head, zvithout Life or Name, a mere Sport in a ft range Countrey, to their Enemies, This Speech was not fo acceptable to the

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 3^1

King, as Amyntas expected ; becaufe, by putting them in Mind of their Wives and Countrey, it cool'd their Courage to after Expeditions. Then C&nus, notwithstanding he had marry'd Philotas s Sifter, inveigh'd againit him more than any Body, and declar'd him to be the Parricide of his King, Countrey, and of the zvhole Army, and taking up a Stone that lay at his Feet, was going to fling it at his Head, deiiring thereby as fome thought, to fe- cure him from future Torments; but the King laying hold of his Hand, hinder'd him, telling him, he ought to have the Liberty to plead, xvithout zvhich he would not fujfer him to be judgd. Philotas be- ing accordingly order'd to fpeak for himfelf, was fo ftupify'd, either from the Guilt of his Confer- ence, or the Greatnefs of the Danger he was in, that he could neither lift up his Eyes, nor fo much as utter the leaft Syllable, butburft out into Tears, and fainting away, fell into the Arms of him that held him. Afterwards having recover'd his Spi- rits and Speech, he wip'd away his Tears, and feem'd to prepare himfelf to fpeak. Then the King turning to him, faid, The Macedonians are to be your Judges : I defire to know, whether you de- fign to fpeak to 'em in your Countrey Language or not. To which Philotas reply'd, There are a great many others here befides the Macedonians, who l believe will underjiand me better, if I ufe the fame Tongue you your felf fpoke in> for no other Reafon> as I fuppofe, than that you might be underfiood by the greater Number. The King then bid 'em take notice, how he even hated his Countrey s Tongue, which no Body dtfdamd but himfelf. But let him ufe what Language he pleafes, fo you do but remem- ber that he equally abhors our Manners and our Speech. Which faid, he withdrew.



35* Quintus Curtius. BookVI.


THEN Philotas began. It is an eafie matter for the Innocent to find Words, but it is very hard for a Alan in Diftrefi to be moderate therein. So that betzueen the Innocence of my Confcience, and the Severity of my Fortune, I am at a jiand how to fuit my Difcourfe both to my Mind and Circum- fiances. He that is my properefl and beft Judge, has withdrazvn himfelf; why he zvould not hear what I had to fay, I cannot imagine, fince after he had heard both Parties , he had it JIM in his Power as zvell to condemn as abfolve me; whereas if he does not hear what I fay in my Defence, 1 cannot hope to be difchargd by him in his Abfence, who con- demn d me zvhile prefent. But notzuithjlanding the Defence of a Man in Chains, is not only fuper- fiuous, but alfo odious, fince it does not fo much in- form as feem to reprove his Judge. Yet in zvhat manner foever I am obligd to fpeak, I ft all. not de- fcrt my own Caufe, neither ftall I give any Body leave to fay, that I condemn d my felf What my Crime is I cannot tell, not one of the Confpirators fo much as names me : Nichomachus has given no Information againfi me, and Cebalinus could not know more than he had- been told. All which, notwithflan, - ing the King believes me to be the Contriver and chief Manager of the Confpiracy. Is it likely Dy na- nus zvould pafs over him, zvhofe Directions he fol- lozvd '■? More efpecially when being afk'd, who the Confederates were, I ought {tho falfly) to have been nam d, for the greater Encouragement of him who feemd to be afraid. . lor having difcover d the Plot, it cannot be thought he emitted my Name, that he might fpare an Accomplice ; For when he confefsd

Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 35:3

the matter to Nichomachus, zvho he thought would not divulge Secrets relating to himfeLf, he namd all the reft without making the leaft Mention of me. Pray, Brother Soldiers, if Cebalinus had not ad- drcfsd him f elf to me, and had had -no Mind I ftjould know' any thing of the Matter , Jhould I to Bay be making my Defence, without having been fo much as namd by any of the Informers? It is a very likely matter, that he that does not conceal himfelf, Jhould fpare me ! Calamity is fpightful, and moft com?nonly he that fujfers for his own Guilt, is well enough pleas' d that others fhcuid /hare the fame Tate. Shall fo many guilty Perfons , when put upon the Rack, refufe to tell the Truth ? It is obfervd, that no Body fpares him thai is to die, and for my party I believe he that is to die, fpares no Body. I mufi therefore come to my true Crime, and the only thing I. can be chargd with. Why did you then conceal the Treafon? Why did you hear it without any Con- cern ? Of vjhat Force foever this may be, you par- don d it, Alexander, upon my Confajjion , zvherever you are, and having given me your Right-hand as a Pledge of your Reconciliation, I was one of them that fupp'd with you that Night. If you believd zuhat if aid, I am clear d; if you pardon d me, I am dif- chargd. Stand at leaft to your ovjn judgment* What Crime have I committed fince lafl Night that I left your Table ? What new Crime have you been in- form d of to make you alter your Mind ? I was in a profound Sleep, not dreaming of my Misfortunesy zvhen my Enemies by their binding of me, wak'd me. Hozv came it to pafs, pray, that a Parricide and a Traitor, flept fo quietly ? For a guilty Confcience will not fuffer its zvicked Ozvners to be at reft. The Fu- ries diftracl their Minds, not only while they are contriving the Parricide, but even after they have, put it in Execution. My Security was groundedx firft upon my Innocency, and next on your Right- hand*

3?4 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

hand. I was not afraid other Peoples Cruelty fliould have mire Power with you than your ozvn Clemen- cy. Hozuever, that you may have no Keafon to re- pent you believed me, do but reflect that the Inform mation was brought to me by a Youth, zuho could bring no Witnefs, nor Security of the Truth of what he faidy and yet zvould have fill d the Palace with Apprehenfions had he been heard. Unhappy Man that I am ! I thought my Ears had been imposd up- on by a trifling Quarrel between the Lover and Lis Catamite ; and I diflrufled the Truth of the Infor- mation, becanfe he did not give it in himfelf, but fent it by his Brother. Befides, I could not tell but he might difozvn having fent Cebalinus on any f.ich Account, and then I fiould have been fufpetled to have contriv d it on purpofe to bring feveral of the King s Friends into Trouble. Thus although I have offended no Body, I have found Enemies that wifh my Ruine, rather than my Safety. How much ill Will fhould I have procurd my felf, had I provok'd fo many innocent Perfons ? But Dymnus killd him- felf ; it is true, hozvever I could not divine that he would do fo. From hence Vz; plain, that the only thing that gives Credit to the Information , was what I could not any way be tnovd with, when Cebalinus com?nunicated it to me. Again, had I been concern d with Dymnus in the abominable Trea- fon, I ought not to have dijfembld the Matter for two Days, when I knew zve zvere betray'd. It had been the eafiefl thing in the World to have difpatch'd Cebalinus out of the way. Bejides, after the Dif- covery of the Plot, I enter d into the Kings Cham- ber alone, and zvith my Szvord by my fide, Whtit then 'could be my Motive, not to put it in Execu- tion ? Did not I dare to go about it without Dym- nus ? At this rate, he muft be the chief Confpirator, find Philotas, who afpir d to the Kingdom of Ma- cedonia, depended on him. Noiv pray tell me your


Book VI. Quintus Curtius. 35-5-

/elves, which of you have 1 endeavour d to bring over to my Interefi ? What Leader or Command- er have I chiefly courted ? It has been objected to me, that I defpisd my native Language, and the Manners of the Macedonians. This I cannot but own would have been a ready way to have ob- tain d the Crown I am [aid to have thirfled after : You are all fenfible , that our own Language is al- moft out of ufe, by the long Converfation we have had with Foreigners, and the Conquerors, as well as the Vauquijh'd, have been obligd to learn a new Exprcjfion. Thefe Charges do not affect me any more than Amyntas'.? treafonable Practices againft the King , with whom I do not difown to have had a Friendfoip, but I cannot think my felf guil- ty on that Account, unlefi it be a Crime for us to love the Kings Brother : But if, on the contrary, we were obligd to refpett a Man in that high Sta- tion, pray tell me how I am guilty, fmce I could not divine it was flagitious ? Mufl the innocent Friends of the guilty be involvd in their Ruin ? If that be reafonable, why have I liv'd fo long ? If it be unreasonable, why mufl I now at lafl fuffer for it ? Oh! but I vjrit in my Letter, that I pi- ty d thofe who were to live under him, who be- liev'd himfelf Jupiter'* Son. It is true, and you 'your felves forcd me not to conceal my Thoughts, 1 do not deny that I writ thus to the King, but I did not write fo to any Body elfe of the King ; I therefore did not feek to create him ill Will, but on the contrary, I had a tender Care for him. I thought it was more worthy Alexander to be fatisfyd with- in himfelf of his divine Extraction, than to boafl of it publickly : And becaufe the Oracle is infal- lible, ill willingly rely on the Teflimony of the God. Let me be a Prifoner till Hammon is confulted a-r bout the fecret and myflerious Crime. Certainly he that has acknowledg'd our King for his Son, will


$}6 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

not fujfer any that have cmfp'ird againft his Off- spring to remain undetected ; but if you look upon Torments to be more certain in this Cafe than the Oracle, I do not even refufe that Teftimony of my Innocency. It is ufual for thofe who are accus'd of capital Crimes to exhibit their Parents or next Re- lations as Pledges for them, but I have loft my two Brothers lately, and I cannot at this di fiance pro- duce my Father, neither dare I name him, ft nee he is equally accused with me ; for it feems it is not enough for him to be deprivd of fo many Children as he had, and to have but one left to comfort him in his eld Age, unlefs that be alfo taken from him, and he him f elf perijh with him in the fame Pile. Mufl you then , my dear Father, not only dye for me, but alfo with me ? I am the unhappy Wretch that take away your Life, and put a period to your eld Age ! Why did you beget me in the difpleafure cf the Gods ? I cannot determine whether my Youth be more miferable , or your gray Hairs : I am fnatch'd azvay in the bloom of my Tears, and the Executioner mufl put an end to your Days, whom the Courfe cf Nature would have taken out of the way, had Fortune had but a little patience. The mention I make of my Father puts me in mind hozv cautious I ought to have been in communicating Cebalinus'^ Injormation ; for Parmenio being ad- vis'd that Philip zvas brib'd to pcifon the King, writ a Letter on purpofe to diJJ'uade him from taking the Medicine he prepard for him ; was there any Cre- dit given to my Father in this Cafe ? Had his Let- ters any Authority zvith the King ? Nay , how many times have I my felf been ridiculd for my Credulity, when I have imparted what I heard t Now if we muft be odious vjhen tve inform, and fufpecled when we conceal, becaufe we dont give credit to the difcovery, what muft we do ? Here one of- the fhnders by cry'd out by the way of


Book VI. Quiktus Curtius. 357

anfwer, Not Plot againfl thofe who have deferv'd well of us. To which Philotas reply'd, Thou fay'fl welly whoever thou art. If it therefore appears that J have confpird, Idorit refufe to fuffer, and fo fljall conclude my defence, fince 1 find my lafl Words dif- agreeablc to you. This laid, they who had him in Cuftody took him away.


THere was amongft the Captains one named Belon, a very brave but unpoliftYd Man ; he had been a long time in Arms, and from a private Centinel, had rais'd hijrifelf to the Foil he was then in. This brutilhly audacious Officer percei- ving the AiTembly flood mute, repreiented to it, That they had frequently been thruft out of their Quarters to make room for the very fcutn of Philo- tas'* Servants ; that the Streets were full of his Wag- gins laden with Gold and Silver , and that he would not fo much as fujfer any of his fellow Sol- diers to be lodgd near his Quarters, hut kept them at a diftance for fear of being diflarb" d in his Refl, not allowing them even to whifper, much lefs make any noife ; that they had been always the fubjeci of his ridicule, and were fometimes called by him Phry- gians, fometimes Paphlagonians ; and that he wm fo haughty as to hear his own Countrey-men by an Interpreter. What can be his Keafon to haveW'xm- mon confulted, he that did not fcruple to tax the Oracle with Lying, when it acknowledged Alexan- der for Jupiter'* Son ; for he had great Keafon to fear the King ffiould contract ill Will by zvhat the Gods themfelves beflozv 'd upon him. He did not con- fult the Oracle zvhcn be confpird againfl the Life of his Sovereign and Uriend, but he would now


35B Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

have it confulted, that in the mean time his Father, who commands in Media , might be folicited, and with the Money he has in his Cuftody procure other Defperadoes to ajfociate themfelves with him in his Villany. That it was their Bufinefs to [end to the Oracle, not to be inform d of what the King had told them himfelf but to give Thanks to the Gods, and offer up their Vows for their Sovereign s Pre- fervation.

This incens'd the whole Aflemby, and the Guards cry'd out, that it belong'd to them to take Satis- faction of the Parricide , and that they ought to .tear him in pieces. Philotas, who was afraid of greater Torments, was well enough pleas'd with this faying. The King returning now to the Af- fembly, adjourn'd the Council to the next Day, either that Philotas might be tormented inPrifon, or that he might in the mean time get better In- formation of the Confpiracy ; and notwithstand- ing the Night drew on, he fummon'd his Friends to come to him , the reft of 'em were for ha- ving Philotas llon'd to Death, according to the Macedonian Cuftom, but Heph&ftion, Craterus and Coenus were of opinion, That the Truth ought to be forcd from him by Tortures ; and then thofe who had been of another Sentiment came over to their Advice. The Council being therefore dif- mifs'd, Heph&flion, Craterus and Coenus got up in order to have Philotas tortur'd, and the King cal- ling Craterus, had fome private Difcourfe with him, the Subftance whereof was never known, and thenretir'd into his Clofet, and there remain'd alone a conHderable part of the Night , expecting the Event of the Tortures. The Executioner- brought now before Philotas all the Inftruments of Cruelty, and he of his own accord afle'd 'em , Why they delay d killing the King's Enemy and Mur- therer, who confefi'd the Fad? IV hat occafion is


Book VI. Qjjintus Curtius. 359

there for Torments ? I own I contrivd the Mifchief and would have executed it. Then Craterus re- quired he mould make the fame Confeffion upon the Rack. While they laid hold of him , and were ftripping him and binding his Eyes, he to no purpofe call'd upon the Gods of the Countrey, and the Laws of Nations. They made him pafs thro' the fevereft Torments, as if he had been actu- ally condemn'd, and out of their Zeal for the Kings fafety, moft miferably tore his Body. And notwithstanding they made ufe both of Fire and Scourges, rather by the way of Punifhment than Examination, he was fo far from crying out, that he did not fo much as yield a Groan ; but when his Body fwell'd with Ulcers, and the Scourges cut to the Bones , not being any longer able to contain himfelf, he promis'd them // they would leave off tormenting him, he would difcover to them what they defird to know ; But he requir'd they mould fwear by the Kings fafety, that they would torture him no more, and that the Executioners mould be fent away, both which being granted hin>, he aik'd Craterus, What he zvould have him tell him ? Craterus was very much incens'd hereat, thinking he mock'dhim, and call'd back the Exe- cutioners. Then Philotas defird a little time to re- cover his Spirits, and promts' d to tell 'em all that he knezu. In the mean time the chief Officers of the Cavalry, and they who were nearly related to Parmenio (hearing tint Philotas was put upon the Rack, and dreading the Macedonian Laws, which ordain , that the near Relations of thofe that con- fpire againft the King, (hall dye with them) fome kill'd themfelves, and others fled to the Mountains and Defarts ; the whole Camp was in a Confter- nation , which the King being inform'd of, he caus'd Proclamation to be made, That he remitted the Law relating to the kindred of Tray tors. Phi-

360 Quintus Curtius. Book VI.

lotas in the mean time made the following Con- feffion, that he might not be any more torment- ed, but whether what he faid was true or falfe is hard to determine.

You are not ignorant, faid he, how familiar my Father was zvith Hegelochus, / mean that Hege- lochus that was kiVSd in Battel ; he was the caufe of all our Misfortunes, for when the King order d himjflf to be fainted Jupiter' s Son, this Man took it fo heinoujly, that he faid. Shall we acknowledge him for King, zvho is afoamd to own Philip for his Fa- ther ? We are undone if we fujfer this , for he not only defpifes Men but the Gods themfelves, who de- fires to be thought a God. We have /^Alexander, we have loft our King ; he is fallen into that infuf- ferable Pride that makes him odious, both to the Gods, to whom he equals himfelf, and to Mankind that he defpifes. Have we fpilt our Blood to ?nake him a God, who now difdains us ? Believe me, if we will but ftjew our felves Men, we may be alfo adopted ' by the Gods. Who revengd the Death of Alexander, great Grandfather of our Alexander, or that of Archclaus, or Perdiccas ? Nay, has not he himfelf pardon d thofe that kill'd Philip ? This is what Hegelochus faid at Supper, and the next Day, early in the Morning, my Father fent for me ; he was melancholy, and faw that I was alfo [ad, for vjhat we had heard made us very uneafie ; that therefore we might know whether ivhat he faid was the ejfecl of Wine or Premeditation, we fent for him, and being come, he of his own Motion repeated what he had faid before, and added, that if we dard to he Leaders in the Enterprise, he claim d the next Place to us ; if we did not approve of it, he would faithfully keep our Court f el. Parmenio did not think it proper, zvhile Darius was alive, fince the Ene- my would reap the Adva?itage of Alexander * Death, and not we ; but Darius being dead, Alia and all 2 the

BookX. QyiNxus Curtiu5. 360

the Eaft would fall as a Reward to thofe that jJiould kill the King. The Advice zvas approv'd, and Faith mutually promisd between the Parties. As for what relates to Dymnus, I know nothing of it ; and after this Confejfwn, what will it avail me that I am altogether innocent of this lafi Plot g Then they tormented him afrefh, and ftruck him themfelves in the Face and Eyes with their Darts, and at laft extorted from him a Confeffion of that Crime likewife. As they requir'd him to give an orderly Account of the whole Contrivance : He anfwer'd, That as it fcemd probable that the King would remain a confiderable time in Baclxi- ana , he was afraid his Father , who zuas feventy Tears of Age, and at the head of a great Ar- my , and had the Cujlody of a vaft Treafure , might dye in the mean time, and then being depri- ved of fuch Supports it would be to no purpofe for him to kill the King ; he therefore defignd to hajlen the Execution while the reward of it was ftill in his own Hands. This he faid was the whole Hi- ftory of the Matter, and if they did not believe his Father to be the Author of it, he was ready to un- dergo the Tortures again, tho' he was too weak to bear 'e?n. Hereupon they conferr'd together, and having concluded they had made fufficient enquiry, they return'd to the King.

The next Day the King order'd his Confeffion to be read to the AfTembly, and becaufe Philotas was not able to go, he caus'd him to be brought before it : Here he again own'd it all to be true. They proceeded next to the Examination of De- metrius, who was accus'd to be one of the Con- federates in the laft Confpiracy ; but he made great Proteftations, and with an undaunted Mind and Countenance deny'd that he had ever intended any thing againfi the King, and for his greater Juftifi- cation he defird to be torturd. Then Philotas caft- Vol I. R ing

360 Quintus Curtius. Book X

ing his Eyes about, fpy'd a certain Perfon nam'd Calls, not far from him, and bid him come nearer. But Calh in the utmoft Confufion refus'd to do it ; fa that Philotas faid to him, Will you fuffer Demetrius to lie, and caufe me to be torturd again ? At thefe Words Calls became fpeechlefs , and turn'd as pale as if he had no Blood left in his Body. The Ma- cedonians now began to fufpect Philotas malicioufly accus'd thofe that were innocent; becaufe neither Michomachus , nor Philotas in his Tortures , had nam'd the Youth. However, when he found him- felf furrounded by the Kings Officers, he confefs'd that both be and Demetrius were guilty. Hereup- on all thofe who were nam'd by Nichomackm , were according to the Macedonian Laws (upon a Signal given) fton'd to Death.

It is certain the King here run a great Rift, both as to his Safety and his Life; for Parmemo and Philotas were fo powerful and fo well belov'd, that unlefs it appear'd plain they were guilty, they could never have been condemn'd, without the Indignation of the whole Army. For while Phi- lotas deny'd the Fa6t, he was look'd upon to be very cruelly handled; but after his Confeffion, there was not any of his Friends that pity'd him.

The End of the firfi Volume.

Quintus Curtius

H I s



Wars of Alexander.

Vol. II. Tranflated by John Digby, Efq;


Printed by W. B. for Bernard Lintott, at the Crofs Keys between the two Temple Gates, 1714.




S the Soldiers thought I'hilotas duly punihYd while his Crime was firefli in their Memory, fo after the Ob- ject of their Hatred was remov'd, their Malice tum'-d to Pity. They were now touch'd with the Rank and Dignity of the Youth, as well as with his Father's Old Age and Defolation , in being de- finite of lime. He had open'd the King a Paf- iage into Apa9 and had fhar'd in all his Dan- gers ; moreover he always ns'd to command one of the Wings of the Army in a general Engagement. He had been Philips chiefeft Fa- vourite, and had ihewn himfelf lb faithful to A- hxamicr, that he made ufe of no other Perfon in the taking off of Attains. Thefe Thoughts came into the Minds of the Army, and their feditioas Expreffions were brought to the King, who vyzs not in the leaft mov'd thereat, as knowing very well that the Vices of Idlenefs were eafiiy cur ci by A&ion. He therefore gave Orders for a ge- Vol. II. B nerai

% Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

neral Appearance before his Palace. Here Apha- rias (no doubt as it had been before concerted) dehYd that Lynceftcs Alexander (who flood accus'd of having had a Defign to kill the King, a conii- derable time before Philotas) might be brought to Judgment. Two Perfons had inform'd againft him, and it was now the third Year of his Imprifon- ment on that Account. It was alfo certain he had confpir'd with Paufanias , againft Philip j but he having been the firft that faluted Alexander King , his Punishment had rather been fufpended than he clear'd. Belides, the King had had lb me Defe- rence to the Intercefiion of Antipater, his Father- in-law. But now the Refentment that had lain dormant , was reviv'd , and the Solicitude for the prclent Danger, had renew'd the Memory of the paft. Alexander was therefore brought forth, and commanded to make his Defence, which he had been three Years preparing ; but being in the utmoil Confuhon , he with Difficulty pronounc'd fome part of what he had fo long meditated, till at laft both his Memory and Mind fail'd him. All were of Opinion, that this Diforder proceeded from his guilty Conference, and not from any De- fect of Memory ; whereupon fome of thofe that ftood next him, run him through as he was ftill labouring with his Forgetfulnefs. His Body being carry'd off, the King commanded Amyntas and Sim- mias to be likewife brought forth ; for Polemon the youngelt of the Brothers, was fled, upon Philotas's being put to the Torture. Thefe had been Phi- lot as' s moft intimate Friends, having by his lnte- refr. been advane'd to honourable Employments ; and the King now call'd to mind how zealous Philotas had been in promoting them, and there- fore did not doubt, but they uere alfo privy to this lafl Plot. So that he told the Affembly, that his Mother had long fince ivarnd him by Letters, to


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 3

have a fpecial Care of 'em. But as he was not in his Nature prone to put the* w or ft Conftruclion upon things, he had fufpended his Jealoufie till now that he was convinced by Overt- Acls ; upon ivhich he had order d them to be bound. For it was certain they had had private Conferences with Philotas the Day before his Treafon was difcoverd. That his Brother s making his Efcape when Philotas vjas tor- turd, was a fufficient Detection of the Caufe of his Flight. Moreover, they had lately (contrary to Cu- ftom, under the Pretext of Officioufnefs) remov'd the reft at a greater Diftance , and placd themfelves near his Perfon, without any probable Ground for fuch Proceeding : So that being furprizd at this their Behaviour (cfpecially out of their Time of Waiting) and alarm d at their unufual Diligence, he had thought fit to retire to his Guards. To all which may be added, that when Antiphanes, Agent of the Horfe, requir d Amyntas (the Day before Philotas V Plot came to light) to fupply with fome of his Horfes (as is ufual) fuch as had loft theirs, he made him this haughty Anfwer : That if he did not deiiil from his Demands, he mould in a little time know who he had to deal with. Beftdes the Intemperance of their Tongues , and the rafh undecent Expreffions they usd concerning him, vjere fo many plain Indi- cations of their inveterate Malice againft him-t all ivhich Charges, if true, they deferve the fame Pu- niftjment that Philotas had. If they are not true^ he required they ftjould clear themfelves.

The King having finifli'd his Speech, Antiphanes gave an Account of Amyntas % refuftng of the Horfes, and of his haughty menacing Anfwer. After which, Amyntas being allow'd to fpeak for himfelf, faid, If the King be not prcjudic'd thereby, I deft re, that while I plead, I may be unbound : Which the King immediately granted to them both ; and Amyntas begging alfo that he might al'fo be allow'd the B i ufual

4 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

ufual Marks of his Office, the King order'd his Pike to be rcjlord him. Ttten having taken the fame in his Left-hand, and removing to fome Diftance from the Place where Alexanders Body had lain a little before, he fpoke to this effect : Be our Lot what it will, Sir, we muft now confefs, that if it be pro- fperous , we ftand indebted to your Bounty for it ; if it be fatal, we fhall impute it zuholly to Fortune. You allow us to make our Defence without the leaji Prejudice; our Bodies are at Liberty, as zvell eus our Minds s You have moreover reftord to m, the Tokens we us'd to bear when we attended you in our refpettive Pofis. We cannot fear our Caufe, nor fhall we any longer difirufi Fortune. But I beg your leave to anfwer firjl, what you objefled laft. We are not, Sir, confciotis to our felves, of having faid any thing againfi your Majefiy. I would fay, that you have long ago overcome all Envy and' ill-will, if J did not apprehend you would fu fpetl I endeavoured by Flattery , to excufe other malicious Expreffions. However, if it has happen d that we have let flip any unbecoming Words, when we have been either faint or fatigud ; while we zvere hazarding our Lives, or fick in our Tents, and dr effing our Wounds, I hope we may be allow d to have defervd by our Bravery and gallant Behaviour, that thefe Sayings Jhould be imputed to that particular Circumjlance of Time, rather than to any Difaffeclion. in our Minds. In great Misfortunes all are guilty. For we fome- times lay violent Hands upon our felves, tho zve cannot be faid to hate our Bodies. In thefe difmal Conjunctures^ the very Sight of our own Parents are not only ungrateful, but odiom to us. Again, when we are profperom, and are nobly rewarded for our Service ; or zvhen we return laden with Spoils, Who can bear tts ? Who can in that Circumjlance mode- rate h'ts Joy ? A Soldier s Anger or Alacrity, never keeps within due Bounds, they are always exceffive.

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. f

We are tranfported in all our Affeciions. We blame, praife, pity, or are angry, according as the prefent Objecl moves us. Sometimes uue are for going to Inciia and the Ocean ; and fometimes again, the Thought of our Wives, our Children, and Countrey fills our Mind. But thefe Reflections, thefe Dif- ceurfes are all at an End , -whenever the Signal is given to march : Then every one runs to h't6 Poftr and whatever Anger was conceiv'd in our Tents, is all difchargd upon the Enemy. Would to G^Philo- tas had only offended in Words. Now I mufi come to that for which we are looked upon as guilty, viz.. Our Friendfhip with Phi Iotas ; and I am fo far from difowning it, that I freely confefs, we fought and cultivated it. Can you zuonder, Sir, that we fl)ould endeavour to infinuate our felves into the Fa- vour of the Son of Parmenio, to whom you have given the next Rank to your felf, preferring him to all the reft of your Friends ? if your Majefty zvilL hear the Truth, it is your felf, Sir, that have brought us into this Prsemunire ; For zuho elfe was the Caufe that all thofe who endeavoured' to pleafe y"ou, courted Philotas'* friendfhip ? It was he that prefented us to you, and procur d us our prefent In- ter eft ivith you. In a Word, he was fo much in your Favour, that zve had both Reafon to feek his Friend- fhip and fear his Difpleafure. Have we not all obligd our felves by Oach to efieem the Perfons our Friends and Enemies, that you declard to be yours in either Capacity ? Being bound by this Oath, could zve in Confcience hate him you fhew'd the greateft kind- nefs to ? If loving him while we faw you lov d him were a Crime, in reality your Majefty has but few Subjects that are not guilty, nay, I dare be bold to fay, none at all ; for there is ?io Body but zvould have been glad of Philotas'^ Friendftjip, rho every Body could not obtain it. if therefore all that were his Friends are guilty, your Majefty mufi think them B }. fi.

6 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

Jo too who would have- been his Friends; but what Indication is there that we were conscious of his Treafon ? This I fuppofe, that we were privately with him the Day before ; this would undeniably hold goody and be beyond Purgation, if I did that Day any thing I had not usd to do. Now if we did no more that Day which is fufpecled, than what we were us 'd to do every Day, the very Cu- jhm will clear us of any Guilt. Oh! hut we re- fund Horfes to Antiphanes ! and this Contefi with him happen d the Day before Pliilotas was dif cover- ed ; // that be a fuffcient Ground to be fufpettcd that ive did not that Day deliver em , he cannot clear himfelf neither for having requir'd them. The Crime is doubtful between the Exaclor and the Re- tainer, only with this difference, that the caufe of him that keeps his ow-n, is better than his thai re- quires another Body's. However, Sir, out of ten Horfes which I had, Antiphanes had already di- fiributed eight to fuch as had lojl theirs, fo that I had but two left me for my own Ufe, which when he very haughtily and unjujily vjould have taken away zlfo, I was obligd *to refufe them , urdcfs- 1 would ferve on Foot my felf. I cannot deny but I fpoke to him as became a Man of Spirit to fpeak to a for- ry Fellow, who is no otherv/ife employ d in the Ar- my than to difiribute other People s Horfes to thofe who are to fight. I cannot but think my felf very unhappy that at the fame time I excufe my felf to Alexander , / feem alfo to do it to Antiphanes. But here is another thing, your Mother in her Let- ters caution d you to have an Eye upon us, as being your Enemies. I could wifi flje had been more wife- ly felicitous for her Sons Safety, than to fill his Head with vain and groundlefs Sujpicions. Why dees floe not at the fame time ajfign the caufe of her Fear ? She neither tells her Author, nor alledges any Act or Saying, by which fie was movd to write fuch


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 7

frightful Letters. What an unhappy Circumftanc* am I tn, ta.iv/yom perhaps it is equally dangerous to j)eak or to hold my Tongue ; but be it as it ivdU I had rather my Defence fhouUl difpieafe you than my Caufe. You may, if you pleafe remember, that when you fent me to Macedonia to raife Recruits, you told me there were a great many young Men hid in your Mother s Houfe ; and you gave me particular Inftruclions to have no regard for any Body befides your felj, but to bring by force thofe that would not ferve voluntarily. I executed your Orders ac- cordingly, and indeed more punctually than was ex- pedient to my own Intereft ; for I brought you from thence Gorgias, Hecateus/miGorgatas, who do you very good Service. Nozu tvhat can be more unjufi than for me ( who Jhould have defervingly fujferd if I had not obeyd your Commands ) to perifli now for having duly put the fame in Execution ? For your Mother had no other caufe to perfecute us than that we preferrd your Good to her Favour. I brought you fix thoufand Macedonian Toot, and fix hundred Horfe, a great many of which would not have come if I had not compell'd them. Now as your Mother is incens d againft us on this Ac- count, it feems unreafonable you jhould reconcile us to her, who have been the caufe of our having in- curred her Difpleafure.


WHile Amyntcvs was thus pleading his Caufe, they who had been fent in purfuit of Po- lemon (whom we before mention'd) having o- vertaken him, brought him bound before the Af- femkly. The AfTembly were fo incens'd againft him, that they could fcarce be reftrain'd from their & 4 ufuali

8 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

ufual Cuftom of Honing him to Death without hearing his Defence, when he, not at all dejected, told 'em, He did not dejire the leaft Favour to him- felf, provided hi* Flight were not interpreted to his Brother s prejudice. If I cannot clear my felf, at haft let my Crime be Perfonal, for their Caufe is by fo much the better ', that I am fufpetled only for ha- ving fed.

The whole Aflembly was pleas'd. with what he laid , and fell a weeping, fo fuddenly were they chang'd ; and what before had chiefly provok'd their Anger , was the only thing that now recon- cil'd them to him. He was a Youth in the flow- er of his Age, and had been terrify 'd by the Di- tturbance lie obferv'd in others, when Philotas was tormented, and fo fled along with them , but find- ing hunfelf forfaken by his Companions, he was deliberating whether he fliould purfue his Flight, or return to the Camp, when they who had been lent after him overtook him ; he now wept bit- terly, and beat himfelf about the Face, not much concern'd on His own Account, but overwhelmed wi-:h Grief at the Danger he few his Brothers in. The King himfelf was mov'd with his Behaviour, as well as the Aflembly; his Brother was the only Perfon that feem'd implacable, who looking at him with a furious Countenance faid, Fool as thou art, thou fjouldft then have ivept when thou clapp'djl Spurs to thy Horfe, thou deferter of thy Brothers, and Com- panion of Deferters, thou miferable Wretch , vjhither, and from whence didft thou fly. Thou art the caufe that I am thought deferving of Death, and that I am now fore d to ufe thefe Terms of Accufation. To this he reply'd, That he own A he was very much to blame, and defervd worfe for the trouble he had brought his Brothers int:, than for any thing he had done b'wfelf. At thefe Words the whole Affem- b|y could no longer command their Tears, and

BookVII'. Quintus Curtius. 9^

Acclamations, the ufual tokens by which the Mul- titude declares its Favour. It feem'd to be but one Voice ilTu'd forth by an universal Confent, intreating the King to pardon thefe innocent and brave Men. The chief of his Friends alfo laid hold of this Opportunity, and implor'd his Mercy. Then Alexander having commanded filence faid, And I my [elf difcharge Amy ntas and hit Brothers ; and as for yon, young Gentlemen (addrefling him- felf to the Prifoners ) I had rather you fliould for- get the Favour you now receive from me, than re?- member the Danger you were in. Be as fmcere in* your Reconciliation to me as lam in mine to you. if I had not examined into the Information, my Dif- fimulation might have been dijirufied, and it is bet- ter for youf felves that you have provd your In- nocency, than to remain fufpetled. Reflect that no Body can be clear d of any- Crime till he be try d As for you, Amyntas , forgive your Brother, and' ■1 (hall accept of that as a Pledge of your fincere Reconciliation to my felf. Then having difmifs'd' the Affembly, he fent for Polydamas, who was a., particular Friend of Parmenws, and us'd. to be .nextto him in time of Battel ; andnotwithftanding ■he immediately came, relying on his Innocence, yet being commanded to fetch his Brothers, who .were very young, and on that account unknown to the King , his AlTurance turn'd into a deep- Concern, and he began rather to reflect on what could be laid to his Charge, than how to confute the fame. The Guards who had them in Cufto- dy, now . brought 'em forth, and the King com- manded Polydamas (who was. almoft dead wirh Fear ) to come nearer him, and having order'd the reft of the Company to withdraw , he fpoke to him in thefe Terms, We. are all at tad: d by Par- menio'5 Crime , but efpecialiy my felf and you^ whom. he. has dueiv'd under the colour . of Friend* B 5 jtffc

io Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

fnip. Now I defegn to make ufe of you to puniflj his Perfidioufnefi , fee zvhat a Confidence I have in your Fidelity. Tour Brothers fljall remain with me as Hojiages till you have acquitted your felf of this Trufl ; you fljall go therefore into Media, and car- ry thefe Letters, writ zvith my own Hand, to my Governors there. You mufl be fo expeditious as to prevent even Fame. I zvould have you arrive there in the Night, and the next Day you foall deliver the Letters I charge you with. You jhall alfo carry Letters to Parmenio, one from my felf, and another from Philotas , w hofe Seal I have by me ; by this ?neans the Father feeing a Letter from his Son, zvill have no manner of Apprehenfion.

Polydamas being thus deliver'd from his Fears, promils'd more than was requir'd of him. A- lexander having hereupon very much commended him, and made him large Promifes, Polydamas pull'd off the Drefs he had on, and cloth'd him- felf after the Arabian manner, and had two Ara- bians (whofe Wives and Children remain'd with the King as Pledges for their Fidelity ) appointed him for Companions in his Journey. As they rid upon Camels they pafs'd through the dry barren Countreys commodioufly enough, and came on the eleventh Day to their Journeys end. Here Polydamas re-aflum'd the Macedonian Habit , and before any Body knew of his Arrival, he repair'd to Cleanders Tent ( who was the King's Prastor in this Province ) about the fourth Watch ; and having deliver'd his Letters, it was agreed between 'em to go as foon as it was light to Parmenio s Quarters, where the reft of thofe to whom the King had writ were to meet them. By this time Parmenio was acquainted with the Arrival of Po- lydamas, and being overjoy'd at the coming of his Friend, and eager to know what the King was doing ( for by reafon of the great diftajice he had


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. ,

receiv'd no Letters from him of a conliderable time) he fent to inquire after Polydamas. The. Inns in this Countrey have large ReceiTes back- wards, which are well planted with Trees that render 'em very pleafant. This kind of Groves, is what the Kings and Nobility take great delight in. Parmenio walk'd therefore into the Wood in the middle of thofe Officers who had receiv'd Or- ders from the King to kill him. The time fix'd upon to execute their Defign,was when he mould be reading the Letters Polydamas was to deliver to him. Polydamas, at a great diftance, no fooner perceiv'd by Parmenio % cheerful Countenance that he faw him, than he ran to embrace him ; and af- ter their mutual CarerTes, Polydamas deliver'd him the Kings Letters. While he was opening it, he afk'd Polydamas, ivhat the King was doing? who told him, his Letter would inform him. Parmenio therefore having read the Letter, faid, the King is preparing to march againfi the Aracholians : He is a Prince indefatigably laborious, and ne'ver idle / But I fbould think it tvere high, time for him noiv to fpare his Perfon^having acquird fo much Glory^ Then he took the other Letter writ in Philotass Name, and feem'd by his Countenance to be plea- fed with the Contents of it; while he was thus employ'd, Cleander ftabb'd him in the Side, and af- wards ftuck him in the Throat, the reft running him through as he lay dead on the Ground. The, Guards, who ftood at the entrance into the Wood, understanding he was murder'd, without knowing for what Reafon, repair'd to the Camp, and with, the furprizing Ty dings put it all in a Confulion. Hereupon the Soldiers arm'd themfelves, and ran to the Wood where their General's Body lay> and threaten to break down the Wails of the Place , and facrifice all they found in it, to the Manes of their Commander, if Polydamas and the B 6 refb

iz Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

refl concern ' d in his Murder, -were not immediately deliver d up to them. Cleander therefore order'd the chief Officers to be admitted, and read to them the King s Letters, that contain d Parmenio'* Trea- son, and Alexander j Requcjl to them to vindicate bis Caufe. Thus being fatisfy'd that it was done by the King's Directions, the Sedition was quiet- ed, tho' their Indignation was not appeas'd. The greateft part of the Soldiers being gone, the few that remain' d begg'd, That they might at leafi be alloiud to bury his Corps, which was a long time refus'd, Cleander fearing he fhould by that Allow- ance incur the King's Difpleafure. But as they periifted obftinately in their Demand, to avoid the ill Confequences that might enfue, he caus'd the Head to be cut off, and allow'd 'em to bury his Body : The Head he fent to the King. Such was Parmenios end, a Man of an eftabhth'd Reputa- tion, both at home and in the Army; he had done feveral great Exploits without the King, but the King had done nothing of Moment without fyim: He had been able to fatisfie the Expectation -Of a profperous Prince, who requir'd Performances anfwerable to his own extraonfinary fortune ; he was fevcnty Years of Age when he was kiil'd, and would often ( notwithstanding the Burthen of his Years) do the part ofayoung General, andfome- limes that of a private Soldier. He was wife in Council, brave in Action , belov'd by the chief Officers, but frill more dear to the common Sol- diers. Whether thefe Qualifications mipir'd" him with the Thoughts of Reigning, or only made him- fufpedted, may be doubted; becaufe it is un- certain whether Philotass Declaration was true, or only forc'd from him by the violence of his* Tortures, iince when the thing was frefh, and lb molt likely, to be clear 'd, it remain'd ftill doubt- ful. Alexander thought it advifable to feparate


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 13

from the reft of the Army, thofe who had com- plain'd of Parmenios hard Fate, he therefore in- corporated them into a Body by themfelves, and gave Leonids (who had himfelf formerly been very intimate with Parme?iio) the command of 'em. They happen'd to be the very Men he had a private Pique againft on another Account. For one Day revolving to found the Minds of his Sol- diers, he gave the whole Army to underiland, That if they had any Letters to fend into Macedo- nia to their Friends, they might give' em to his Mef- fengers, xuho zvould be fure to deliver 'em faithfully. Hereupon every one writ his Thoughts frankly, fome were quite weary of the War, however, the major part lik'd it well enough. The Letters being all brought to the King, he thereby difco- ver'd who had writ favourably of him, and who had complain'd of his Proceedings ; he therefore now order'd them to encamp feparately, by way of Infamy, intending to make ufe of their Ser- vice in the War, and yet prevent their infecting the reft of the Army with their licentious Dif- courfe. The Kings Conduct might here be caJl'd in queftion , (lince he thereby exafperated the Minds of a great many brave young Men ) yet his ufual Happinefs turn d this, as well as all other things, to his Advantage j for in the fubfequent Wars, none were readier on all Occafions than they, their Courage fpurring them on to fignalize the_mfelves, as well to wipe off their Difgrace, as becaufe in fo fmall a Number their gallant Belur viour could not he undilcover'd...



14 Quintus Curtius. BookVn.


THings being fettled after this manner, Alexan- der appointed a Satrap or Governor over the Arians, and then gave notice of his Expedition againft the Agriafpians, who at this time (having chang'd their Appellation) were call'd Euerget*, for their having formerly reliev'd Cyrus's Army, when it was afflicted with Hunger and Cold. The fifth Day after he arriv'd in this Countrey, he re- ceiv'd Intelligence , that Satibarzanes ( who had revolted to Befius) was march" d with a Body of Horfe to make an Irruption into the Countrey of the Arians. Hereupon he detach'd againft him fix thoufand of the Grecian Infantry, and fix hundred Horfe under the command of Cananus, Erigyimy Artabazus and Andronicu6\ and remain'd himfelf fixty Days with Euergeta, during which time he regulated that State, and beftow'd a great Sum of Money on them for their eminent Service and Fidelity to Cyrus ; after which he conftituted Amenides Governor over them, and then march'd and fubdu'd the Arachofians, whofe Countrey ex- tends it felf as far as the Pontick Sea. Here he was join'd by the Army Parmcnio had commanded, which confifted of fix thoufand Macedonians, two hundred of the Nobility, and five thoufand Greeks, with two hundred Horfe ; it was, beyond difpute, the main ftrength of the Kings Forces : He ap- pointed Menon Governor over the Arachofians in the Quality of Prcetor ; then he enter'd into a Countrey hardly known to thofe that border up- on it, for the Inhabitants admit of no manner of Communication with their Neighbours. They are call'd Parapamifada, and are a very rude unpo- lled.People, even to that degree that they may- be

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 1$"

be reckon'd the moft unciviliz'd of all the Barba- rians ; the roughnefs of the Countrey, feems to have contributed to that of their Minds. They lie very far northward, and border upon Battrl- ana on the Weil, looking towards the Indian Sea on the South. Their Cottages are built of Brick from the bottom to the top, the Countrey afford- ing no Wood, not fo much as on the Mountains. Their Structure is broad, and by degrees grows narrower as itrifes, tiil at laft it clofes in the form of the Keel of a Ship, there being a hole left in the middle to tranfmit the Light. If they find any Vines or Trees any where, not deftroy'd by the rigor of the Climate, they cover them with Earth during the Winter, and when the Snow is quite diilblv'd they reftore 'em to the Air and the Sun ; but the Snows are here fo deep, and fo congeal'd with the Froft , that no Footfteps or Traces of Beaft or Bird appear in all the Countrey. The Light is fo obfeure, that it may be compar'd to the dimnefs of the Night, fo that thofe things that are neareft at Hand are hardly difcernible. In this wretched Countrey, deftitute of all manner of Cul- ture, the Army fuffer'd all kinds of Evils, Hun- ger, Cold, Wearinefs and Defpair. The exceffive coldnefs of the Snow kill' d a great many, it de- ftroy'd the Feet of others, but it was generally very pernicious to their Eyes. If, being tir'd, they laid themfelves down upon the frozen Snow, their Bodies, for want of Motion, were fo penetrated by the piercing rigor of the Air, that they could not rife again, till help'd up by their Companions, who found no better Expedient to unbenumb their ftiff Limbs, than that of compelling 'em to walk; by which means the vital Heat being put into Motion, they recover'd fome part of their former Vigor : Such of 'em as could get into any of the Cottages were foon reftor'd, but then the Dark-


i6 Qcintus Curtius. Book VIE

nefs was fo great, that thefe Cottages were only difcoverable by the Smoke : As the Inhabitants had never feen any Strangers before in their Ter- ritories, when they perceiv'd the arm'd Soldiers they were ready to die with Fear, and very wilr lingly brought to 'em what their Huts afforded* deiiring only they would fpare their Lives.

The King walk'd on foot round his Forces, rai- fingfudi as were bid down, and fupporting others that could not walk ; fometimes in the Front, fometimes in the Middle, and fometimes in the Rear, (paring no Pains to exprefs his Care for his Men. At length they came to a better Coun- trey, where he refrefh'd his Army with plenty of Viduals, and waited till thofe that could not keep up with him had rejoin'd him.

From hence he mov'd towards Mount Caucaftu, which with its long ridge of Hills ftretches it felt thro' Afia,; having on one fide of it the Cilician Sea, and on the other the Cafpian Sea, the River Araxes, and the Deferts of Scythia: Mount law- rm , which holds the fecond Rank for bignefs , joins to Mount Caucafus ; it takes its Rife from Cappadacia, and running acrofs Cilicia joins it felf io the Mountains of Armenia, fo that all, thefe .Mountains being united from one continu'd ridge* out of which almoft all the Rivers of Afia. flow, fome emptying tnemfelves into the Red Sea, o- thers difcharging themfelves into the Cafpian Sea, while others again fall into the Hyrcanian and Pontuk Sea. The Army pafs'd over Mount Caur cafus in feventeen Days ; there is a Rock in it ten Furlongs in compafs, and above four in highth, to which (as Antiquity relates) Prometheus was bound. At the foot of this Montain, Alexander made choice of a Place to build a City, which he peo- pled with feven thoufand of the oldeft Macedoni- ans\ and fuch other Soldiers as . were of no fax-

Book VII. Quintvs Curtius. 17

ther ufe to him. The Inhabitants gave it the Name of Alexandria.


BU T Beffits being alarm'd at Alexanders Ex- pedition, offer d a Sacrifice to the Gods of tae Countrey ; and then according to the Cullom of thole People , at an Entertainment which, he gave his Friends , he deliberated with them con- cerning the War. As they were well loaded with Wine, they extoll'd their own Strength, and de- ipis'd the Enemy, one while for their Raftmefs, . and then again for their fmall Number : BeJJ'us par- ticularly was very furious in his Expreffions, and being elated on the account of the Kingdom, he had lately procur'd by his Treafon, he told 'em, it was Darius'* Folly, that bad given the Enemies Arms fo great a Reputation, for he muft needs go and meet them in the Straits of Cilicia, when at the fame time by retiring, he might have drawn 'em in- fenfibly into Places impracticable even by their na- tural Situation, cajling fo many Rivers and Moun- tains in their Way, that they might have been fur- friz d in thofe lonefome Retreats, and hinder d from all Poffibility of flying, ivithout having it in their Power to make any Refiflance. It -was his Refla- tion therefore to repair to the Sogdians, and fo leave the River Oxus as a Wall betzveen him and the //- nemy, till he had gGt together a powerful Army from, the neighbouring Nations. The Chorafmians, the Dahx, the Sacx, and the Indians as well as the Scythians that inhabit beyond the River Tanais , would not fail to join him, who are none of them fo low in Stature, but that their Shoulders are up- on the level zv'nh the Macedonians Heads. They


18 Quintus Curtius. BookVII.

unanimoufly (in their drunken Humour) agreed, that that was the wifeft Courfe he could take. Hereupon Be/Jus caus'd the Wine to he flll'd about plentifully, and routed Alexander Hone and Foot at Table. There happen'd to be at the Feaft, a- mongft the reft, a Median namd Cobares, more renowned for his Profeffion of the Magical Art, (if it may be call'd an Art, and not rather an Illu- sion upon fuperftitious Tempers) than for any great Knowledge he had therein ; but otherwife he was a moderate good Man enough. This Man (by the way of Preface) told BeJJks, he was fcnfible it was fafer for a Servant to obey blindly, than to give Advice ; fmce they who obey are fure of the fame Lot with the refl : Whereas they that venture to perfuade or give Counfel , run a particular Rifk. Upon thefe Words, BeJJ'us gave him the Cup he had in his Hand ; which Cobares having receiv'd, he exprefs'd himfelf in the following manner: Mankind is in this refpecl very unhappy, that every one is of a clearer Sight in other Peop les Affairs , than in his ozvn. There is a Confufion of Thoughts in him that advifes with himfelf ; Fear, Tie fire, and an overweening to our ozvn Conceptions, are fo ma- ny Objlacles : As for Pride, it cannot be thought to fall into your Nature. You have found by Experi- ence, however, that every one flatters himfelf fo far> as to think his ozvn Counfel the only falutary and proper Expedient. Now you ought to refleel, that you bear a great Burden on your Head in the Crown ; you mufl carry it with Wifdom and Moderation, or it will (J fpeak it with Horror) crujh you. It is Con- duel and Prudence that are re^uifite in the prefent Juncture ; RaJJmeJS and Violence are altogether ufc- ietf. Then he took notice of a Proverb among the Baclrians; That the fearful Dog barks furioufly, tho he dares not bite ; and the deepejl Rivers glide along with the leajl Noife. Which Sayings I take


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. * 19

i notice of, to (hew, that even among the Barbari- I ans, there were fome Sparks of Wifdom worthy ' Observation. This awaken'd the Attention of the whole AfTembly, who were in mighty Expectation of the main Drift of his Difcourfe. After which, lie fpoke his Opinion, which would have prov'd more ufeful to Befits, than it was agreeable. You- have, fays he, almofi at the Gates of your Palace, an expeditions indefatigable Prince, zvho zuill fooner move his whole Army, than you remove this Table. Is this a time to call for Troops from the River Ta- nais, or to think of oppofing Rivers to the Enemy f Can you imagine, that you can fly where he cannot ■follozv you ? The Way is in common to you both, but indeed, is fafeji to the Victor. And if you look upon Year to be nimble and fwift, you ought to con- fider , that Hope is ftill fwifier. Why dont you therefore court the favour of the flronger, and lay your felf at his Mercy ? Be the Event what it zvill, it cannot but be more advantageous to you to furren- der your felf, than to remain his Enemy. The Crown you wear, is not your own, and therefore you may the more zvilUngly part with it ; be fides, you may then perhaps zuith Reafon think your felf a lawful King, when he has made you fuch, who can either give or take away your Kingdom. Tou have here a faithful Counfel, which to be long in excuting, is fo much Time lofl. The Horfe of Spirit is governed by the very Shadow of the Switch, zvhereas the dull Jade is not quicken d even by the Spur.

Befits who was cholerick in his Nature, and at this time heated with Wine, could hardly be kept by his Friends from killing him, for he drew his Sword in order to it, and in a Rage left the Com- pany, and Cobares during the Tumult, fled to A- lexander. Befius% Army confifted of eight thou- fand Baclrians, who (while they believ'd the Ri- gor of their Climate would came the Macedonians


20 Quintus Curtius. Book VII

to march into India) remain 'd faithful to him; bu when they had certain Advice of Alexanders co- ining againft them, they all deferted Beffus, every- one repairing to his own Habitation. As for Bef- fus\ he with a fmall Number of fuch as had an immediate Dependence on him, and therefore ad- her'd firmly to him, pafs'd the River Oxus, burn- ing afterwards their Boats, that the Enemy might not make ufe of 'em, and then endeavour' d to raife a frefti Army among the Sodgians.

Alexander, as we faid before, had pafs'd over Mount Caucafus ; but there was fuch a Scarcity of Corn in his Camp, that it was not far from a'Fa- mine. They exprefs'd the Juice of Sefama, and" therewith anointed their Limbs, as if it had been Oil; but this it felf was fo dear, that each Mea- fure call'd Amphora, fold for two hundred and for- ty Denary; the fame Meafure of Honey, colt three hundred and ninety ; and that of Wine, three hun- dred ; as for Wheat, there was none at all, or a very fmall Quantity. Thefe Barbarians ufe fub- terranean Granaries, which they call Sift, and co- ver them fo artfully, that none but thofe that are privy to 'em, can find 'em out. In thefe they had fcury'd all their Corn, fo that the Soldiers for want thereof, were forc'd to live upon Herbs, and fuch Fifh as the Rivers afforded : When this Food faiFd 'em like wife, they were commanded to kill their Carriage Cattle, by which means they made a,fhift to fubfift till they came into Battrlana. This Coun- trey has great Variety of Soils ; fome Places a- bound with Trees and Vines, and afford Plenty of very good Fruits, the Soil being fat and well water'd. That Ground that is fit for Corn, they fow with Wheat, and the reft ferves as Palturage for their Cattle. At the fame time a great Part of this Countrey, is nothing but barren Sands, whofe exceffive Sterility and Drynefs , affords no


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 21

Nounfhment neither for Man, nor Fruit; and ! when the Winds blow from the pontick Sea, they fweep thefe fandy Plains into great Heaps , which at a ditlance have the Appearance of Hills, and thereby quite deftroy all the Marks of former Roads. They therefore that travel this way, are oblig'd to obferve the Stars in the Night, like Mariners, and by their means direct their Courfe ; and indeed the nocturnal Shade, is rather more luminous than the Day-light; fo that there is no travelling here in the Day-time, there being no Track or Foot- ftep to follow, and the Stars being intercepted by thick Mills. Now if any Perfons are travelling, while the aforefaid Winds blow, they are fure to be overwhelm'd with this flying Sand. On the other fide, where the Countrey affords a better Soil, it is crowded With Inhabitants, and well ftock'd with Horfes. Battra which is the capi- tal City of this Countrey, is fituate under a Hill call'd Parapamijfus ; the River Baffrus runs by its Wa.lls, and gives its Name both to the Town and Countrey.

While the King lay here encamp'd, he receiv'd an Account out of Greece, That the Peloponnefi- ans and Lacedemonians had revolted; for they were not yet reduc'd, when the MefTengers firft fet out to acquaint4 Alexander with their Defection. This ill News was attended by another more im- mediate Danger from the Scythians, who inhabit beyond the River Tanais, and were [aid to be co- ming to ajpft Belfus. He like wife receiv'd at this time, an Account of what had pafsd in the Coun- trey of the Arians , under the Condxtl of Caranus and Erigyins. The Macedonians and Ariam be- ing engag'd, Satib arcane s who commanded the lat- ter, feeing the Men did not fight with that Vigor he defir'd they mould (both Armies feeming to have equal Advantage) rid up to the firft Rank,


Quintus Curtius. BookVII.

and caus'd a Ceffation of Arms; then taking off his Helmet, he challengd any one of the Macedo- nians to a fingle Combat, and at the fame time de- clard he would fight bare-headed. Erigyius could not brook the Infolence of the Barbarian , and notwithstanding he was advanc'd in Years, yet he was not inferior to any of the young Men in point of Courage or Strength of Body : He therefore took off his- Helmet, and (hewing his grey Hairs, faid, The Day is come in which I will either by a Vitlory, or an honourable Death, demonfrate to the World vjhat Friends and Soldiers Alexander has. And without any farther Speech, he rid up to the . Enemy. One would have thought both Armies ;had receiv'd Orders to hold their Hands, and for- bear fighting; for they immediately drew back and gave the Combatants room, both fides being intent upon the I flue of this Duel, which was not only to decide the matter between the two Generals, but alfo between both Armies. The Barbarian call his Javelin firft, which Erigyius avoided by a fmall Declination of his Head, and clapping Spurs to his Horfe, run his Spear into his Adverfary's Throat, fo that it came out behind his Neck. The Barbarian hereupon fell from his Horfe, but yet ftruggl'd, which made Erigyius draw his Spear out of his Throat, and run it into his Mouth. And Satibarzanes to rid himfeif the fooner of his Pain, dap'd his Hand to the Spear, and further'd his Enemy's Stroke.

The Barbarians having loft their General, whom they had follow'd, more out of Neceffity than Good-will , and calling to Mind Alexanders Fa- vours to 'em, deliver'd up their Arms to Erigyius. The King was pleas' d with this Succefs, but was a little unealieat the Lacedemonians Defection ; how- ever, he bore it with great Magnanimity, and faid, They did not dare to difcover their Intentions, till

gookVI. Quintus Curtius. 23

they underjlood he was advancd to the remotefi part of India. Then decamping, he continu'd his Pur- fuit of Be fus, and was met by Erigy'ms, who (hew'd him the Spoils of his Enemy, as an Ornament of •his glorious Victory.


AUsander having committed the Coimtrey of Battriana to the Care of Artabazus , left there his Baggage, under a fufficient Guard; while he with a flying Camp enter'd into the Defarts of the Sodgians , marching his Army by Night. The great Want of Water here (as we before took notice) inflam'd the Soldiers Drought (by the Defpair of getting any) . before they had any real Occalion to drink. For the Space of four hundred Furlongs, there is not a Drop of Water to be found, and the Heat of the Sun in Summer, being very vehement, it kindles fuch a Fire in the Sands, that they burn whatever they touch. Be- fides, there arifes fuch a Mill: (occafion'd by this ex- ceffive Heat of the Sand) that the Light is much obfeur'd thereby , and the Plains carry the Appea- rance of a vaft and deep Sea. Notwithstanding all which, it was tolerable gooc; travelling there in the Night, by reafon of the Dews and the Frelhnefs of the Mornings. However, as the Heat begins with the very Light , it foon parches up all the Mohture of the Air, fo that not only the outward Parts, but even the Bowels, are quite burn'd up with it. In thefe Extremities therefore, their Hearts fail'd them firft, and then their Bodies became faint, and they were as unwilling to ftand ftill, as to go forward. Some few amongft 'em, by the Advice of fuch as knew the Countrey, had provided them- 2. felves

24 Quintus Curtius. BookVII.

ielves with Water; this ferv'd them a little while, but as the Heat increas'd, fo did the Defire of Li- quor to quench their Thnih This made it a Ne- ceility to diftributc among them, what Wine and Oil there was. The Pleafure they found in drink- ing, was fo great, that they did not reflect they fhould be dry any more, and therefore drank fo largely, that they were no longer able to carry their Arms, nor to march; fo that they feem'd happier when they wanted Water, than after they were fupply'd with Wine and Oil , lince by their immoderate Ufe of it, they were forc'd to vomit it up again. As the King was thoroughly griev'd "at all thefe Calamities, his Friends came about him, and deiir'd him to reflect, that his great Soul was the only Remedy in the prefent Misfortune. It hap- pen'd at this Juncture of Time, that two of thofe that were fent before to mark out a Camp, came and met him, bringing along with them fome Bot- tles of Water, which they intended for their Sons, who were in the Army, and were ready toperiih with Thirft. When they faw the King, one of em opening a Bottle, pour'd out a Cup full, and pre- fented it to his Majefty. He took it from him, and afVdhim, who they intended the Water for ? To which they anfwer'd, for their Sons. Whereupon the King returning the Cup full as it was, faid , t cannot find in my Heart to drink alone, and this [mail Quantity will not afford every one fome, tuherefore carry it to your Sons for whom you firfi defig?ied it.

At length he came to the River Oxus, about the Beginning of the Night ; but a great part of. the Army not having been able to keep up with him; He causd Fires to be made on the Tops of Hills, that they that were behind, might thereby knozv they were not far from the Camp. Then he order'd them that were with him, to refrefi themfelves with Vi- cinal*

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. %f

finals and Drink as faft as they could, and then take Water in Skins and other VejJ'els, and carry them to their Fellow Soldiers. They who drank immo- derately, immediately dy'd ; and he loft more Men this way, than he had ever loft in any Battel As for himfeif, he kept on his Armour, and without either eating or drinking, plac'd himfelf on the Way the Army was to come , without any Re- freshment at all, till all thofe that .lagg'd behind, had pafs'd by him ; and afterwards he pafs'd all that Night without Sleep, in great Anxiety of Mind.

The next Day he was not lefs uneafie, becaufe he had no Boats, and there was no Poffibility of building a Bridge, there being no Timber there- about. He therefore had recourfe to the only Ex- pedient Neceffity fuggefted to him ; which wras to caufe a great Number of Skins to be fill'd with Straw, and diftributed to the Soldiers, upon which they- laid themfelves, and fo pafs'd the River: They that got over flrft, put themfelves in Order of Battel, till the reft fwam over to them. Thus in fix Days he pafs'd his whole Army to the other fide, and was refolv'd now to continue his Purfuit of Bejfus, when he'receiv'd Information of what had happen'd among the Sodgians.

There was one Spitatnenes, who was particular- ly in Bejfus his Favour, and had receiv'd great Honours from him. But a perfidious Nature is not to be prevail'd upon by Merit, or Kindnefs ; however, it was lefs odious in him, by reafon no- thing could be reckon'd criminal that was done againft Bejfus, who had fo bafely murder'd his So- vereign. Belides, this Sj>itamenes put a fair Glofs upon his Treachery , pretending he did it to re- venge Darius ; whereas in truth , it was BeJJ'us's Fortune they envy'd, more than they hated his Crime,



x6 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

When this Man-underftood that Alexander had pafs'd the River Oxus, he communicated his De- fign to Dataphernes and Catenes (in whom ^j^w had the greateft Confidence) who very readily en- ter'd into his Meamres, and taking with them eight lufty young Fellows, they refolv'd upon this Wile. Spitamenes goes to BeJJ'us, and privately tells him, he underjlood Dataphernes and Catenes had con- Cpfr.d to fcize him, and deliver him up alive- to A- lexander; that therefore he had fecurd 'em, and fut them in Bonds. Hereupon BeJJ'us thinking him- lelf very much oblig'd to him, return'd him many Thanks, and being eager to take Satisfaction of them, order'd 'em to be brought before him. They having their Hands ty'd by Concert, fuffer'd them- felves to be led by their Accomplices; and BeJJ'us no fooner law them , but looking at them with a Hern Countenance , he role up with a Defign to wreak his Revenge upon 'em. But they laying alide the Difguile, furrounded him immediate- ly, and bound him, pulling the Diadem from his Head, and tearing his Garment, which was part of the Spoils he had taken from the murder'd King. He then confefs'd, That the avenging Gods were at hand-, and added, that they were not un- jujl to Darius, -whom they revengd after this man- ner-, but -were over propitious to Alexander, whofe Victories were always promoted by his Enemies. It is a doubtful thing, whether the Majority of the Bactrians would have tamely fufter'dthis Ulage of him, had not the Confpirators given out, that they did it by Alexanders Orders, and lb terrify'd thofe whofe Thoughts were, at Uncertainty. Having therefore fet him on Horfeback, they brought him away, in order to deliver him up to the King, who in the mean time had made a Draft of nine hun- dred Men, whofe Service deferv'd they fhould be jdifmifs'd. He therefore gave to every Trooper


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 27

two Talents, and to every Foot -Soldier, three thouland Denary, and having enjoin'd 'em to mar- ry and get Children, he fent them home. At the fame time, he thank'dthe reft for their Willingnefs to fetve him in the remaining fart of the War. While Be/Jus was bringing to him, he came to a little Town, whofe Inhabitants were call'd Branchids.. They were by Xerxes % Order (when he return'd from Greece) tranfplanted from Miletum, and af- fign*d this Settlement in coniideration of their ha- ving pillag'd the Temple of Apollo Didymtus, in his Favour. They had not quite forfaken the Cu- ftoms of their ancient Countrey, but their Lan- guage was a fort of Medley, made up of their own and that of the Countrey they now inhabited. They e^prefs'd a great deal of Joy at the Kings Arrival, and readily furrender'd both themfelves and their -Town to him. Hereupon Alexander call'd together the Milefians that ferv'd in his Ar- my. Now we mult obferve , that the Milefians bore an old Grudge to the Branchid*. The King therefore referr'd it to them, whether they would coniider their Extraction, or revenge their former Injury'; and as they vary'd in their Opinions, he told 'em, he would advife vj'ith himfelf zvhat was left to be done in the matter. The next Day, when the Deputies from the BranchidA came to meet him , he commanded them to attend him , and being come to the Town, he enter'd the Gates thereof with part of his Army , and order'd the Phalanx to furround the Place, and upon the Sig- nal given, to pillage that Receptacle of Traitors, and. put them all to the Sword. Theie poor Wretches being in a defencelefs Condition, were everywhere butcher'd, and neither Conformity of Language, the humble Pofture of Suppliants, nor the moft fervent Intreaty, could put a Stop to this authoriz'd Cruelty. The very Foundations of the Walls were ' C 1 dug

28- Quintus Curtius. Book VII-

dug up, that there might not be the leaft Foot- iteps left of the Town. Their Fury did not ftop here, for they not only cut down the confecrated Woods, but alfo grubb'd up the very Roots there- of, that there might be nothing left but a barren wafte Solitude. Now. had this Cruelty been pra- clis'd on the firft TranfgrefTors, it might have been thought a juft Punifhment of their Crime; but here Pofterity is punith'd for the Sins of its Forefathers, without ever having lb much as feen Miletum, far from being able to betray it to Xerxes.

From hence he advanc'd to the River Tanais; Here Bejfus was brought to him, not only bound, but ftrip'd of all his Cloaths. Spitamenes led him by a Chain that went about his Neck ; a Sight no lefs agreeable to the Barbarians, than to t]ie Ma- cedonians. Then Spitamenes addreffing himfelf to Alexander, faid, / have revengd the Caufe of Da- rius, and you, Sir, both my Sovereigns, and have brought to you the bafe Murderer of his King, ha- ving taken him after the fame manner as he gave the Example. O that Darius could open his Eyes to view this Speflacle ! That he could arife from the Dead, ivho defervd not that Puniftjment, but well deferves this Comfort!

Alexander having commended Spitamenes, turn- ed to BefJ'us, and alk'd him, What beaftly Rage had prompted him, firft to bind, and then to murder a Prince who had loaded him with fo many Favours ? But, laid he, the ufurpd Title of King was the Re- ward of thy Parricide. To which Bejfus not da- ring to excufe his Crime, anfwer'd; That it was true he had taken upon him the Regal Dignity, but it was only that he might thereby be able to pre- ferve it for him, fince if he had not done fo, fome Body elfe would not have fail ' d to feiz.e it. But Alexander without having any Regard to this Speech, call'd for Oxathres Darius' $ Brother, (who * was

BbokVIL Quintus Curtius. 29

was one of his Body Guards) and order'd Beffus to be deliver d up to him, that being faflend to a Crofs, having hvs Ears and Nofe cut off, he might ferve for a mark for the Barbarians to (lioot at with their Boivs, without fuffering the very Birds to im- pair his Body. Oxathres readily took upon him to fee all the reft perform'd , but as for the keep- ing off the Birds, none could do that beiides Ca- tenes, which he faid out of a defire to (hew his unparallell'd Dexterity 5 for he (hot with fo exact an aim, that the very Birds flying could not efcape him : And notwithftanding the common practice of Shooting with Bows and Arrows, render' d this Art lefs admirable, yet thofe that beheld the Per- formance were furpriz'd, and Catenes was highly efteem'd for it ; afterwards the King made Pre- fents to all thofe who had brought Beffus to him, but delay'd his Execution till they came to the fame Place where he had kill'd Darius.


IN the mean time the Macedonians going out to Forage, without obferving their ufual Dif- cipline, were attack'd and worfted by the Barba- rians, who came upon them from the neighbour- ing Mountains, and took a great many more of them Prifoners than they kill'd ; fo that driving the Captives before them, they return'd again to the Hills. They were about twenty thoufand that lurk'd here, and were accuftom'd to live by Plunder. Their Arms were Slings and Bows. The King therefore came and befieg'd them, and as he was fighting amongft the foremoit , , was wounded with an Arrow in the middle of the Leg* where the head of the Arrow ftuck ; here- C 3 upon

30 Quintus Curtius. BookVII.

upon the Macedonians were in the greateft Af- fliction, and carry'd him back to the Camp. The Barbarians were not unfenfible of the Kings be- ing'carry'd off from the Place of Action, for they could difcover every thing from the top of the HilL They therefore lent the next Day Depu- ties to the King, whom he immediately order'd to be introduced ; and taking off the Bandage from his Leg, he ftiew'd it to them, diffembling the Danger of his Wound; then having commanded 'em to lit down, they told him, The Macedoni- ans themfelves were not more afflitted at his being wounded than they were , and that if they knew the Author of it, they would prefently deliver him in- to his Hands ; for it belong d only to the Sacnlc?i- ous to fight with the Gods, and therefore they Jab- mitt ed to him, being overcome by his Virtue and Bravery. 1 he King hereupon having receiv'd his Captives, took them into his Protection.

After this he decamp'd, being carry'd in a mili- tary Litter, both Horfe and Foot ftriving for the Honour of being his Bearers ; the Horfe alledg'd in<fuftification-of their Pretentions, That the King ufually fought amongfl 'em. On the other fide, the Foot thought it their right, becaiife they were usd to carry their fellow Soldiers when wounded, and therefore look' d upon it as an Injuflice done 'em to be deprivd of their Office in the Perfon of their King. Wherefore the King taking into Confideration their mutual Strife, and reflecting how hard it was to make a Choice in the prefent Cafe, lince they who were rejected would think themfelves injur'd, commanded 'em to take him by Turns.

From hence they came the fourth Day to a Town call'd Maracanda, the Walls whereof were rhreefcore and ten Furlongs in compai?, but the Caftle had no Walls ; leaving therefore a Garri- fon in the Town, he burnt and pillag'd the Neigh- bouring

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 31

bouring Villages. Here he receiv'd Ambafladors from the Abian Scythians, who had maintain'd their Liberty ever iince the deceafe of Cyrus, but now readily offer d to labmit to his Commands. It is certain they were the juftelt of all the Bar- barians, never having recourfe to Arms but when provok'd ; and were belides fo righteous in their moderate and fair Ufe of their Liberty, that the Meaneft among 'em were upon the level with the Greateft. The King having receiv'd 'em graci- oufly, fent Penidas, who was of the Band of his Priends, to thofe Scythians who inhabit Europe, to forbid them to pafi the River Tanais -without his Leave. He likewife order'd him, to make the beft "difcovery he could of the Situation of the Countrey ; and alfo to vifit thofe Scythians that border on the Bofphorus. He had made choice of a Place to build a City on, upon the Bank of the Tanais, which might ferve as a Curb to thofe Nations he had already fubdud, as well as t$ thofe he fliould hereafter conquer : But this Deiign wasdelay'd by the Revolt of the Sogdians, which was follow'd by that of the Baflrians. They were about feven thoufand Horfe, whofe Authority influenc'd the reft ; Alexander therefore fent for Spitamenes and Catenes who had deliver'd Befits to him, no wife doubting but by their Intereft the Infurretfion might be fupprcfs'd, and the Ringleaders fecur'd. But as they were themfelves the Authors of the Commotions they were fent to quiet, they fpread a Rumor, That the King had fent for the Bactrian Cavalry for no other End but to be cut to pieces, and that this was their Commifion, but they zuere far from being capable of executing fo abominable a Be- fign againfl their oivn Cou?2trey-men; for which they detefted Alexander'* Cruelty as much as they hated Belfus's Parricide. As they were of them- felves -irrcHh'ti to 1 rife, it was no difficult matter C 4 by

3x Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

by fuch Infmuations as thefe , to make 'em take to their Arms. The King being inform'd of the Defe&ion of thefe Traytors, commanded Crate- rm to befiege Cyropclis, while he himfelf took an- other Town in the fame Countrey by a general Afiault; upon the Signal given they kill'd all that were at Man's Eftate, the reft were a prey to the Viclors : The Town was demolim'd for an Ex- ample to others.

This did not hinder the Memacenians (who were a valiant People ) from refolving to iuftain a Siege, as being not only the molt honourable but fafeft courfe. The King therefore fent before him fifty Troopers with Inftructions to make the Inhabitants fenfble of his great Clemency and Good- nefi to thofe that fubmitted to him ; and at the fame time hozv inexorable he was to thofe that held out againfthim. To which they made anfwer, That they did not doubt either cf the King's Honour or Power : However, they defir'd them to pitch their Tents •without the Walls of the Town, where they enter- tain'd 'em very courteoufly; and at Midnight, when they were in a profound Sleep, being loaded with Wine, they fet upon them and cut all their Throats. Alexander was no lefs mov'd at this Ufage than the barbarity of the Act requir'd, and immediately march'd and inverted the City, which was too ftrongly fortified to be taken at the firft A (fault : So that he left Meleager and Per dice as to carry on this Siege, and with the reft of the Forces hejoin'd Craterut, who, as we faid before, was befieging Cyropolts.

The King had a great defire to fpare this Town, in favour of Cyrm , its Founder, for whofe Me- mory, and that of Semiramis, he had a great Ve- neration , on the account of their extraordina- ry Vertue , Magnanimity , and memorable Ex- ploits ; but finding the Befieg'd remain'd obftinate,


Book VII. QyiNTus Curtius. 33

it fo incens'd him againft them, that having taken the Town, he abandon'd it to the Macedonians to be pillag'd, who were not without Caufe very fe- vere to them. After this he return'd to Mdeazer and Perdiccas, who were left to carry on the Siege of the Memacenians. No Town ever de- fended it felf better ; here he loft his braveft Men, and was in the greateft Danger himfelf, for he re- ceiv'd fo furious a blow on the Neck with a Stone, that it took away his Sight, and the prefent ufe of hisReafon: The Army was in the greateft Con- fternation now, as thinking he could hardly reco- ver ; but he was invincible to thofe things that terrifie others, and therefore without waiting till his Wound was cur'd, he carry'd on the Siege with greater Vigour, his Anger quickening his na- tural Difpatch. and Expedition. Having therefore undermin'd the Wall, and made thereby a conii- rable Breach, he carry'd the Place by Storm, and caus!d it to be demolifh'd. This done, he de- tach'd Menedemm with three thoufand Foot, and eight hundred Horfe to the City of Maracanda,- from whence Spitamenes had driven the Macedo- nian Garrilbn, (hutting himfelf up therein , as in a Place of fafety. The Inhabitants did not much- approve of his Proceeding, yet they feem'd to confent to it, not being able to oppofe him. In the mean time Alexander return'd to the River Tana'i6y where he inclos'd with a Wall as much Ground as his Camp had taken up , which was threescore . Furlongs in compafs , and caus'd the Town he built therein to be alfo call'd Alexandria, The Work was carry'd on with fo much Celerity, that in feventeen Days both the Walls and Hou- fes were finiflfd. There was a mighty Strife a- mong the Soldiers, who mould fooneft perform their Tails, (for the Work was divided amongft 'em) fo that the whole being foon perfected, he C 5 peopled

34 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

peopled it with the Captives, whofe Ranfoins he paid to their refpective Owners ; and their Pofte- rity ( notwithltanding the many Ages that are fince elaps'd) are ftill in Confideration, out of re- fpedt to Alexanders Memory.


THE King of thofe Scythians whofe Empire lies beyond the Tanais, looking on the new built Town as a Yoke the Macedonians had put about their Necks ; fent his Brother with a great Body of Horfe to demolijh it, and remove the Ma- cedonian Forces from it. The Tanais divides the Baclrians from the European Scythians, and like- wife ferves for the Bounds of Afia and Europe r The Scythian Nation not being far diftant from Thrace, extends it felf from the Eaft to the North- ward, and are not, as fome have thought, borderers on the Sarmatians, but are a part of that People. They alfo inhabit that Countrey that lies beyond the Jficr, and touches upon Badrtana, which is in the extreme parts of Afia, Northward, where there are vaft Forefts, and unbounded Waftes ; but that part of the Countrey that lies near the Tanais , and looks towards Ba5lriana, does not differ much in Culture from other improv'd Territories.

Alexander finding him felf oblig'd to enter upon an unforefeen War with thefe People, and obfer- ving with what Infolence they rid up and down within his Sight ; altho' he was not yet recover'd of his Wound, and his Voice particularly fail'd him by reafon of his (lender Diet, and the violent Pain in his Neck, fummond his Friends to Council. He was not afraid of the Enemy, but uneafie at the unhappy Juncture of Affairs. The Eaclrians were i in

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 35

in open Rebellion, the Scythians infulted him when lie was neither able to ftandnor ride, and To could neither give neceftary Orders , nor encourage his Men. In this double perplexity he could not for- bear complaining of the Gods, -who fcrc'd him to lie idle , whofe Diligence heretofore none could e- fcape but now hi* own Soldiers had much ado to Relieve he did not counterfeit being III. ' This made Alexander, who lince Dariws Overthrow , had never consulted the Soothfayers^, return again to that Superftition, or jather Delullon of Mankind ; he therefore commanded Arijiander, in whom he had the greateft Confidence, to offer Sacrifice, in. order thereby to penetrate into the Event of Things. Now it was the Cuftom of thefe Soothfayers to infpecl: the Intrails of Beafts without the King, and make a Report to him of their Obfervations; While thefe means were tiling to find out the hid- den IiTue of Affairs, he order'd his Friends He- phaeftion, Craterus and Erigyius, with his Body Guards to draw near him , that he might not, by firaining his Voice, break the Cicatrix of his Wound, vjhich ivas yet but tender. After which he fpoke to them in the-following manner. The Danger I haz e to encounter tvith comes upon me at a Juncture more favourable to my Enemy than my felf ; but tfecef- Jity takes pLice of Reafon, and more efpecially in War., where it very rarely happens that we can chufe our own Times. The Bactrians have revolted when vje werejuft ready to put our Yoke upon 'em, and they fliall find by others Experience what we are able to do. It is plain, that if we leave the Scy- thians, vuho attack ta of their ovm Choice, wefnall' appear defpicable to tho fe who ha ve rebeWd ; but if on the contrary we pafi the Tanais, and fhew our fives invincible at the Scythians Cofl, there is no doubt to be made, but Europe will alfo lie open to- our vitlorious Arms, He is deceivd who pretends C 6 to

3 6 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

to fet bounds to our Glory. We have only one River to pafi to carry our Arms into Europe , and what an Honour will it be to m at the fame time that tue are fubduing Afia , to erecl Trophies of our Conquejls, as it were in a new World, by uniting with one Viclory what Nature feparated at fo great a diftance ? But on the. other fide , if we make the leajl Delay, we (hall infallibly have the Scythians upon our Backs. Are we the only Men that can pafi Rivers f A great many things by the means whereof we have hitherto been fuccefifulivill turn againfi us. Rortune will teach the vanquijh'd the Art of War. We have lately /hewn the way to pa/3 Rivers upon Skins, which admit the Scythi- ans to be yet ignorant of, the Bactrians zvill foon teach 'em the way. Befides, there is yet but the Army of one of thefe Nations arrivd, there are o- thers daily expected ; fo that by declining the War we foment it : And whereas we can now carry the War where we pleafe, by our neglecl we Jha.ll be forcd to be upon the defenfive. What I fay is felf- evident, but whether the Macedonians will fuffer me to atl after my own way I cannot tell, becaufe fince my lafi wound I have not been able to ride on Horfeback, or to go on Root : However, if you are willing to follow me, my Rriends, I am well. 1 think my [elf firong enough to bear the Ratigue, and tf the period of my Life be at hand, "which way can J die more glorioufly ?

He utter'd thefe things with fo weak a Voice, that they who were next to him could hardly hear him, fo that they unanimoufiy endeavour' d to di- vert r>im from fo raQi an Enterprize, efpecially ErigyittSy who (finding he could not prevail up- on his Obftinacy by his Intereft with him ) had recourfe to Superftition, which the King was very much addicted to, and therefore told him, That . the Gods themfelves oppoid his Defign, and threa-

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 37

tend him with fome extraordinary Misfortune if he pafs'd the River. Erigyim, as he was entring the Kings Tent, had met Ariftander , who had inform'd him , That the Entrails of the Beajis appear d unlucky. Hereupon Alexander filenc'd him , reddening with Anger as well as Shame , that his Superftition, which he thought to conceal, was thus made publick, and fent for Ariftander ; who being come, he told him (a little tranfport- ed ) That he fuppos'd he was no longer his King , but a private Perfon ; did not I command you to cjfer a Sacrifice f Why then did you difclofe to any but my felf what the fame portended? Erigyius, by your Treachery has penetrated into my Secrets', but I am confident he covers his own Fear by that In- terpretation. I therefore command you to tell me your felf what you learn d by your Obfervation of the Viclims , that you may not have it in your Power to deny what you ft) all have faid. Ariftan- der at thefe Words flood like one aftonifh'd, turning pale almoit fpeechlefs thro' Fear ; but then again, the fame Fear prompted him to fpeak, left he (hould provoke the King ftill more by his long fi- lence: He therefore faid, Iforetlod that yourprefent Undertaking would be both perillous and full of Dif- ficulties, but not unfuccefsful ; neither is it any dif- covery from my Art, but the ftncerity of my duti- ful Ajfeffion for you, that makes me uneafie. I fee how weak you are, and am fenfible. how much de- fends on your Perfon alone. In fine , I fear you have not ftrength enough to help out your Fortune as heretofore. The King bidding him not diftruft his Happi- nefs (fince the Gods intended him ftill a larger por- tion of Glory) difmifs'd him. Afterwards, while the King was deliberating with the fame Perfons, how he fhould pafs the River, Ariftander return'd and aflur'd him, he had facrificd again , and had


38 Quintus Curtius. BookVII.

never obfervd more promifing Omens , they bemg very different from the firft, in which there was fome ground for Solicitude : whereas now the Gods feemd to be altogether propitious.

However, the News that was brought Alexan- der foon after feem'd to break the Chain of his uninterrupted Profperity. We took notice before that he had detach'd Menedemus to beftege Spita- menes, the Author of the Batlrian Infurrecftion ; who upon Advice of the Enemy's approach, to avoid being pent up within the Walls of a Town, and conceiving withal fome hopes of trepanning him, had plac'd himfelf in Ambufcade on the Way he knew he was to come. There was a Wood thro' which Menedemus was to pafs, and by reafon of Us covert, very fit for Spitameness purpofe ; here he plac'd the Bah a, whofe Horfes carry each two arm'd Soldiers, who by turns, as occafion ferves, fuddenly difmount, and put the beft order'd Ca- valry in Confufion, for the Men are as fwift as the Horfes.

Spitamenes order'd therefore thefe Troops to furround the Wood, and upon the Signal given to attack the Enemy in Front, Flank and Rear ; at the fame time Menedemus finding himfeT thus hemm'd in on all fides, and much inferior in Number, refolv'd to make the beft Reiiftanco he could , and lb told his Men , That the only Comfort they could now propofe to themfelves was to dye well revengd. He was himfelf mounted on a ftrongHorfe, with which he had often broke down the Enemies Ranks, and put them to Flight with great lofs ; but being at prefent attack'd on all fides, andalmoft bloodlefs by the many wounds he had receiv'd, he defir'd a certain Friend of his, nam'd Hypfides, to get upon his Horfe, and try to fave him ; but while this was doing he dy'd, and fell to the Ground. However, Hypfides might


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 39

have got off, if he had had a mind , but having loft his Friend he fcorn'd to live. His only Care was to fell his Life as dear as he could; clapping therefore Spurs to his Horfe , he rode in among the thickeft of the Enemy, and having made a gTeat Slaughter at laft was kill'd. They that ftill remain'd perceiving this, retir'd to an Eminence hard by, and were at laft reduc'd by Famine. In this Action there periftVd two thoufand Foot, and three hundred Horfe, which lofs Alexander wifely conceal'd by threatening with Death thofe that return' d from the Defeat, if they divulg'd it.


BUT as he could no longer carry on his Dif- fimulation, he repair'd to his Tent, which he had caus'd on purpofe to be pitch'd upon the Bank of the River ; there he pafs'd the Night alone without Sleep, calling in his Mind what was beft to be done in the prefent Juncture, and frequent- ly lifting up the Skins of his Tent to behold the Enemies Fires, and be able to guefs at their Num- ber. As foon as it was Day, he put on his Ar- mour and ihew'd himfelf to the Army now the firft time fince he receiv'd his laft wound. They had fo great a Veneration for their King, that his preience foon difiipated their Fears ; they there- fore , with Tears of Joy in their Eyes , faluted him, and now prefs'd him hard to enter upon the War, which they had before refus'd. Upon this he told them, He would pafs the Horfe , and the Phalanx in flote Boats, and the light arm d part of the Army on ftujf'd Shins, as he had done hereto- fore. There was no occafion for his faying more, neither could he, by reafon of his Infirmity.


40 Quintus Curtius, BookVII;

The Soldiers immediately fell to work with fo much cheerfulnefs, that in three Days time they made twelve thoufand of thefe Boats. Every thing was now in readinefs-for their Pafiage, when there came twenty AuiDaiTadors from the Scythi-, tms , according to the Cuftom of that Nation , and riding about the Camp , defir'd the King might be inform'd they had a Meffage to him : They being introduc'd accordingly, and order'd by his Majefty to fit down, look'd very earneftly at him : I iuppofe for this reafon, that they make an Eftimate of the Mind from the fize of the Bo- dy, and as he was but of a moderate Stature they did not think him proportionabie to his migh- ty Character. The Scythians are not a dull, heavy People, .like the reft of the Barbarians ; nay, fome of them are faid to attain to as much Knowledge as is confident with any Nation that is conftantly in Arms. It is faid, they addrefs'd themfelves to the King in the following Terms ; which, tho' perhaps different from our Manners, who live in a politer Age, and have our Parts bet- ter improv'd, yet fuch as it is, we (hall faithfully relate, hoping that if their Speech be defpis'd, our Integrity will not be fufpecled. The eldeft.af 'em therefore faid, If the Gods had given you a Body fuitable to the infatiable. Greedinefs of your Mind, the World ivould not be able to contain you > you would fir etch one Arm out to the far theft Extremities of the Eaft, and the other to the remoteft Bounds of the Weft ; and not content thereivith, would be for examining where the glorious Body of the Sun hid it felf ; but even as you are, your Ambition at- tempts what you are not capable of You pafs out of Europe into Ana, and from. AHa you return again to Europe ; and when you have overcome all Mankind, rather than be quiet, you'll quarrel with the Woods and the Mountains, the Rivers and wild


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 41

Beafis. Can you be ignorant, that large Trees are a long Time a growing, tho an Hoar be fufficient to cut them down ? He is a Fool that coveteth their Fruit, without duly confidering their height. Take heed that while you Jlrive to climb up to the Top, you do not fall headlong with thofe Branches you have grafp'd. A Lion has fome time been the Prey of the fmallefl Birds ; and Iron it [elf is confumd by Ruft. In fine, there is nothing fo firm and firong, but is in Danger of perijhing by what is weaker. What have you to do with us ? We never fo mueif as fet foot in your Countrey. Shall not we vjho pafs our Lives in the Woods, be allow 'd to be igno- rant who you are, and whence you come? Know that as we are not greedy of Empire, fo neither can we fubmit to be Slaves. N-ow that you may be fen- fible what fort of People the Scythians are? Hea- ven has prefented us with a Yoke of Oxen, a Plough, an Arrozv, and a Bowl; thefe things we either ■communicate with our Friends, or make ufe of 'em to defend our felves againfi our Enemies : We im- part to our Friends the Corn which is producd by the Labour of the Oxen, and zuith them alfo we facrifice to the Gods out of the Botvl : Our Arroivs ferve us againfi our Enemies at a difiance, and we ufe our Spears in a clofer Engagement. By thefe means we overcame the King of Syria, and fince, the Kings of Perfia, and of the Medes, and open d our felves a Way even into Egypt. And whereas you are pleas d to give out, that you come to punifh Thieves and Robbers ; it is plain you have play d the Part of a Robber in all the Nations you have yet invaded. You feizJd Lydia, made your felf Mafier of Syria, and are in prefent Pofieffion alfo of Perfia ; the Ba<5trians are in your Power, and you have pe- netrated into India ; and after all this, you cannot be fatisfyd, unlefs you extend your ravenous Hands to our harmlefs Flocks. What Occafion have you for



Riches, fince they only ferve to tncreafe your Appe- tite ? You are the firji who by Satiety fljarpen your Hunger, as if all your Acquifitions only fervd to make you thirfl after what you have not. Don't you refie5l hozv long the Batftrians have employ d you ? And that while they kept you in Play, the Sodgians rebelld : So that your very Vitlories feem to afford you frefh matter of War. Now admitting that you are greater and ftronger than any, yet you ought to confider, that no Body can ^ndurriong-a foreign Government. Do but pafs the Tanais, and yon may indeed learn the Extent of our Countreyy but can never hope to overtake the Scythians; our Poverty w-ll /till be too nimble for your Army that is laden with the Spoils effo many Nations. Again, when you think us the farthefi from you, you fhall find us within your Camp. We are equally fivift either to fly or purfue. I am inform d, that our Defarts and Wafles, are become Proverbs of Scorn among the- Greeks. But for our parts , we make choice of Wilds, and thofe Places that are void of human Culture rather than of Cities and fruitful Soils. Hold therefore your "Fortune as clofe as you can, for fhe is flippery and will not be held againfi her Will. Wholfome Advice is better difcover'd by the Confequences than the prefent. Put a Curb therefore to your Profperity, and you 11 govern it the better. We have a Saying amongft us, That For- tune is without Feet, and has only Hands and Wings, and that when fhe reaches out her Hands, fhe xvill not fuffer her V/'mgs to be touched. To be fhort, if you are a God, you ought to be beneficent to Mor- tals, and not deprive 'em of what they have ; and if you are a Man, always remember your felf to be Ifhat you are. It is Folly to be mindful of thofe things ivhich make you forget your felf. You may make good ufe of the Friendship of thofe you do not exafperate by War : for the firmefi Union is vmongfh

Equals ;

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 4j

Equals ; and thofe feem to be Equals, who have not yet tryd their Strength. Do not imagine thofe you conquer, can be your Friends; there's no Friendfliip % betiveen the Sovereign and the Slave, for even in time of Peace, the Decrees of War do fill obtain. The Scythians in their Alliances , do not make ufe of Oaths to ratify the fame, but their Integrity an- fwers all the Ends of Oaths. It is a Precaution of the Greeks indeed, to confirm their Tranfattions with the Invocation of the Gods ; but as for our felves, we make it part of our Religion faithfully to obferve our Prom'ifes. They who have no Reve- rence for Men, will not' fcruple to deceive the Gods the m felves. Befides, you have no Occafion for Friends, of whofe Benevclence you doubt now. In us you will have incorruptible Guardians both of Alia and Eu- rope : There is only the Tanais between us and Ba- driana ; and beyond the Tanais, zve extend our felves as far as Thrace, and Thrace is [aid to border up- on Macedonia. Thus you fee we are your Neigh- bours in both your Empires, Conftder therefore, whether you will have us far your Friends or your Enemies.


THE Barbarian having finifli'd his Speeeh, the King made him this Anfwer ; That he would depend upon his own Fortune, and the Coufel of his Friends : On his Fortune, becaufe he had Confidence in if ; and he would confult the Opinion of his Friends, that he might undertake nothing rafirty, and with too great a Confidence of Succefs. After which, he difmifs'd the Ambaiiadors, and imbark'd his Army on the Boats he had prepar'd for that purpofe. In the fore-part of the Boats , he plac'd thofe who


44 Qjjintus Curtius. Book VII.

had Bucklers, commanding them to kneel down that they might be leJ3 expos d to the Enemies Arrows. Next to thefe were the Directors of the Machines, having on each fide of them , as well as before, Soldiers compleatly arm'd. The reft ftanding be- hind the Engines, form'd a Tortoife with their Bucklers, and fo protected the Rowers, who had alfo Armour on. The fame Difpofition was ob- ferv'd in thofe Boats that tranfported the Horfe, of whom the major part held their Horfes by the Reins of their Bridles, and fo drew them along fwimming at the Stern ; as for them that were carry 'd over on Skins ftuff'd with Straw, they were fhelter'd by the flote Boats.

The King , with fuch as he had chofen to ac- company him, put off firft, and directed his Courfe to the other fide of the River, where the Scythi- ans had drawn up fome Horfe along the Bank to oppofe his landing ; but befides the appearance of an Army on the Shore, the Macedonians met with another Danger in their PafTage , for they that fteer'd the Boats were not able to maintain their Courfe crofs the River, by reafon of the rapidity of its Current; and the Soldiers tottering up and down, and apprehenfive of being call over board, difturb'd the Watermen in their Bufinefs. In this Condition it was impoffible for them to deliver their Darts with any force, being more folicitous how to ftand fecurely, than to attack the Enemy. It is true, their Engines did them great Service, feldom failing to do Execution, the Enemy ftand- ing thick upon the Shore, and raflily expofing themfelves. The Barbarians alfo on their fide,, poured in Clouds of Arrows amongfl: the Boats, fo that there was hardly a Buckler that had not feveral Heads (licking in it. At length the Boats hegan to gain the Land, and thofe that were arm'd with Shields,, rifing all at one Motion, caft


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 4f

their Darts with a more certain Aim, as having greater Liberty and furer Footing. Thus the Scythian Horfe being terrify'd and forc'd to give back, the Macedonians encouraging each other, leap'd out of their Boats, and with great Alacrity and Fury, bore down upon the Enemy already in Confuiion. By this time Alexanders Horfe had fcrm'd themfelves into Troops, and broke in alfo .upon the Barbarians diforderxl Pranks. While thefe things were doing, the reft of the Macedonian Army being cover'd by thofe that were engag'd, had time to prepare likewife for Battel. The King fupply'd the Weaknefs of his Body with the Vi- gor of his Mind ; and although his Voice was not yet ftrong enough to make his Encouragement heard, {his Wound not being quite heal'd) yet the the whole Army could fee how gallantly he fought. This made 'em all discharge the Generals part, and animate each other with fo good an Effect , that they fell furioully on the Enemy, regardlefs of their own Safety. Whereupon the Scythians no lender able to fuftain the Arms, Shouts, and Coun- tenance of the Macedonian Army, clapp'd Spurs to their Horfes and made the belt of their Way. The King (notwithstanding his infirm Body could not y&X endure any great Fatigue) purfu'd the Enemy for the Space of fourfcore Furlongs; then finding himfelf faint, he order' d his Men to continue their Purfuiras long as they had Day Light ; after which, he repair'd to his Camp, expecting the Return of his Troops.

They had already pafs'd the Bounds of Bacchus, in Commemoration of whom there were a great many Stones erected at a dilhnce from each other, and ieveral tall Trees, whole Boles were cover'd over with Ivy. But the Macedonians Rage carry '.d them Hill farther, fo that they did not return to the Camp till-Midnight. They kiU'd a great many,


46 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

took feveral Prifoners, and brought away eighteen hundred Horfes. In this Aclion the Macedonians loft iixty Troopers, and aim oft one hundred Foot, and had one thoufand wounded. This feafonable Victory fettled the Minds of the Afiaticks (who were at this time wavering) for they look'd upon the Scythians, to be invincible, and finding them defeated too, they concluded, no Nation was able to zvithftand the Macedonian Power.

The SacA hereupon fent AmbafTadors to Alex- ander, to afiure him, that their Nation [ubmitted to him. They were mov'd to this, not only by the Kings Bravery, but alfo by his Clemency to-

wards the Scythians, to whom he fent back all their Prifoners without Ranfom, that that fierce Nation might be fenftble he did not fight with 'em out of Haired or Anger, but for Reputation and Glory. Having therefore receiv'd the Sacans AmbafTadors graciouily, he gave them Excipinus for a Compa- nion home; who being in the Flower of his Youth, was very much in Alexanders Favour; but altho' he was as handfome in Perfon as He-

phAfiion, yet he was far from having his agreeable Wit.

Then the King leaving the major Part of the Army under the Command of Craterus, with Or- ders to follow him at eafie Marches, went himfelf with the reft to Maracanda. Spitamenes being in- form'd of his Approach, left that City and fled to Battra. Alexander therefore having travel'd a great deal of Ground in four Days, came at laft to the Place were Menedemus had loft the two thoufand Foot, and three hundred Horfe, whofe Bones he order'd to be bury'd with the ufual Rites of their Countrey. Here Craierus, who had been com- manded to follow, join'd the King. That there- fore he might chaftife at once all thofe who had revolted from him* he divided his Army into fe- veral

Book VII. Quintus Cxjrtius. 47

v.eral Bodies, and order'd them to burn the Corify- trey, and kill all that xv$re able to bear Arms.


THE Countrey of Sogdiana, is for the moll part a Defatt; the Wilds and Waftes taking up almoft eight hundred Furlongs in Breadth. It is of a vail Extent in Length, and is water'd by a River cail'd by the Inhabitant? Polytimetm, which runs with a rapid Stream. This River is jconfin'd within a narrow Channel, and is at laft receiv'd in- to a fubterranean Cavity. The Noiie it makes , as it palies under Ground, is a fufficient Indication of its hidden Courfe ; yet the Territory under which this confiderable River runs, mews no fign Ofvit from the leaft Evaporation of Water , thro' any Part of its Paflage.

Among the captive Sogdians, there were thirty .of the chiefeft Nobility of the Countrey, who were remarkable for their prodigious Strength of Body. Thefe being brought before the King, and under- standing by the Interpreter, that his Majeily had order'd 'em to be executed, they began to fing and dance, and by other wanton Motions of their Body endeavoured to exprefs the Chearfulnefs of their Mind. Alexander being amaz'd at their unuiual Alacrity on fuch an Occafion, commanded 'em to be brought back, and aJk'd 'em the Caafe of their xxceffive Joy, when they beheld death before their Eyes. To which they anfwer'd ; That if any other than himfelf had fentenced them to die, they ftould . have been concern 'd; but fince they were to be re- jlord to their Anceftors by fo great a King who had .conquer' d all the World ; they look'd upon their Death to be fo honourable, as even to defervs the Envy of


48 Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

aft brave Men, which made them fo tranfported when they underftood his Pleafure. The King then afk'd them, if they would be his friends hereafter, if he Jhould give them their Lives? They reply'd, That they had never been his Enemies, but had only de- fended themfelves when they were attack' d in a hc- fide manner by him. And that if any Body would make Trial of them, by good Offices, infiead of In- juries, they would vjillingly contend in the generous Strife, and ufe their utmoft Endeavours not to be overcome. He afking them afterwards, What Pledge they would give him for their Fidelity ? They an- fwer'd, Their Lives, which they receiv d through his Bounty, and which they would at all Times be ready to refiore to him, whenever he requird 'em. Nor were they worfe than their Words. For thofe of em, who were fent home, kept their Countrey People in due Subjection to Alexander; and four of them being receiv'd into his Body Guards, were infe- rior to none of the Macedonians in their finccre Affection to the King. Alexander having left P.eucolaus among the Sogdians with a Garrifon of three thoufand Men , he march'd to Baclra , from whence £e commanded Befjus to be conducted taEc- batana, thereto fuffer Death for murderingDzrius.

About the lame time Ptolemy and Menidas brought him three thoufand Foot, and one thou- fand Horfe, to ferve in the War as Mercenaries. Alexander likewife came to him with the fame Number of Foot, and five hundred Horfe, out of Lycia. The like Number had follow'd Afclepia- dorus from Syria. Antipater had alfo fent eight thoufand Greeks, amongft whom were five hun- dred Horfe.

Being therefore reinforcd by thefe Recruits, he proceeded to compofe the Dilturbances in the re- volted Provinces; and having put to Death the Promoters, >e came the fourth Day -to the River


Book VII. .Quintus Curtius. 49

Oxus. This River, by reafon of the Mud it carries along with its Stream, is always turbid and un- wholefome to drink. The Soldiers therefore fell to finking of Wells, and notwithstanding they had dug a great way into the Ground, could find no Water. At laft there was a Spring found in the King's Tent, which becaufe it was difcover'd but late, they imagin'd it fprung up on the fudden, and the King himfelf was not againft its being thought a prefent from Heaven.

Having afterwards pafs'd the Rivers Ochus and Oxus, he came to a Town call'd Marginia, near to which he made choice of Places to build fix Cities in. Two of them were to be towards the South, and four towards the Eaft. They were to ftand at a moderate Diftance from each other, that neither might have far to feek for Succour upon Occafion. They were all built upon pretty high Eminences, and intended as fo many Curbs to the conquer' d Na- tions ; but having now forgot their Origin, they are fubjecl: to thofe whom they formerly commanded.


AL L Troubles were, now quieted ; there was only one Rock which Arinaz.es a Scgdi-an, had poffefs'd himfelf of, w^ith thirty thoufand Men all arm'd, having provided it with all manner of Necefiaries for lb great a Multitude for two Years. The Rock is thirty Furlongs in Highrh, and one hundred and fifty in Circumference, being on aii fides Iteep and craggy, and is accelTible only by a very narrow Path. In the Midway to the Top, it has a Cave whofe Entrance is itrait and dark, but by degrees grows wider, and farther on, has large Receffes. This Cave was full of Springs, Vol. II. D whofe

/ jo Qlintus Curtius. Book VII.

-whofe Waters being united as they run down the Rock, form a River. The King having confider'd the Difficulty of the Enterprize, had refolv'd to leave it ; but afterwards was feiz'd with a violent Defire to get the better even of Nature. However, before he undertook the Siege thereof, he fent Ce- phas, Artabazus's Son, to endeavour to perfuade the Barbarians to furrender the Rock. But Arima- sj:s confiding in the Strength of the Place, gave ve- ry haughty Anfwers, and at laft, auVd, Whether Alexander could fly ? Which being related to the King, fo inflam'd his Anger, that having call'd a Council, he communicated to it, how infolent the Barbarians were to them, becaufe they had no Wings, Jet he did not doubt, he faid, but by the next Night, to convince 'em, that the Macedonians could upon Occafion fly. And therefore order'd 'em to bring him three hundred of the nimble jl and mo ft aclive young Men they each had in their icfpeclive Troops, and fuch as had been accuftomd at home to drive Sheep amongfl the Rocks, and almoft impajjable Ways in the Mountains. Accordingly they brought him fuch as excelld the reft, both in Agility and Lightnefs of Body, as well as in Boldnefs and Courage. Whom the King beholding, faid, It is with you, generous Youths, who are of my own Age, that I have taken Toivns which w-£re before thought impregnable, and pafi'd over the Tops of thofe Hills which are conti- nually cover d with Snow ; with you I enter d the Straits of Cilicia , and endurd without Wearinefs the violent Colds of India. / have given you Proof of my felf, and have h*id it of you. The Rock you fee has but one way to it^ which is guarded by the Bar- barians, the r.eft of it is negletted by 'em. They keep no Watch but tovjards our Camp. If you feek dili- gently, you tvillnot fail of finding fome zvay or other that will bring you to the Top. There is nothing fo inaccejfible by Nature, but your Vertue will make

Book VII. Quintus Curtius. st

(ome fliift or other to get to it. It is by underta- king what others defpaird of that zve have Afia in our Power , work therefore your way up to the top of the Hill, and when you have made your felvcs Ma- ftersof it, hang out white Clothes for a fignal tome', and I fhall then take care to advance towards the E- nemy, and by a powerful Diverfion hinder their fal- ling upon you : The firft that gets up fliall have ten Talents for his Reward, the next fJ?all have one lejS, and fo downward in the fame Proportion for ten. I am very certain, that it is not fo much my Liberality as the Satisfaction to pleafe me, that you will look at in this bold Attempt. They heard the King's Speech with fo much alacrity, that one would have thought they had already gain'd the top of the Mountain, and being difmifs'd they provided themfelves with Wedges to fix in the Clefts of the Rock , and alfo with ftrong Ropes. The King rid round the Rock with them, and order'd 'em to fet about their Work at the fecond Watch, be- ginning where the Rock was moft practicable, and wifh'd the Gods to favour their Undertaking : They having furniflfd themfelves with Provifions for two Days, and arm'd only with their Swords and Spears, let forwards without any great diffi- A culty at firft, but when they came to the fteep part , fome laid hold of the broken Crags to lift themfelves up ; others made ufe of Ropes with Hiding Knots , having fix'd their Wedges in the Clefts to fliift their Footing. Thus they fpent the whole Day in Fear and Labour, and having furmounted great Difficulties, there remain'd ftill greater to overcome, and the Rock feem'd to grow in highth. It was a di final Spectacle to be- hold thofe whofe footing fail'd them, tumbling headlong down the Precipice, and by their Ex- ample mewing others what they were to expect. All thefe Difficulties notwithstanding, they made D 2. a fliift

Quintus Curtius. Book VII.

a (Lift to get up to the top, being all very much fatigu'd with the continual Labour ; fome were hurt and maim'd in their Limbs , yet were with the reft furpriz'd with the Night and Sleep. How- ever , diiperling themfelves up and down , they laid their wearied Bodies upon the rough craggy Stones, altogether unmindful of the prefent Dan- ger, and flept till it was light. At laft they awak'd eutof their profound Sleep, and looking cu.rioully a- bout'to difcover where fo great a Number of People could hide themfelves, they perceiv'd fome iirioke beneath 'em, which detected the Place of their Re- treat. They therefore, according to their Orders, ereded the Signal, agreed upon, and found that of their whole Number there were miffing thirty two. The King being no lefs defirous to make himfclf Mailer of the Place, than folicitous .for thole be had expos'd to manifeft Danger, flood, all Day ■gazing at the top of the Hill, and: did not depart to take his natural reft, till the darknefs of the Night hinder'd all Profpcct of the Eyes. The next Day early in the Morning he feft perceiv'd the white Clothes, which were the Signal that his Men had gain'd the top. However, he was un- y certain whether his Eyes did not deceive him, by reafon of the variety of the Light of the riling Sun, which fometimes lhin'd out, and fometimes was hid in a Cloud ; but the clearer Light put it beyond all doubt. He therefore call'd for Cophxt (whom he had fent before to. the 'Barbarians) and difpatch'd him to them again, to try to bring them to a fafer Refoiutjon; and if he found they perfifted in their Obltinacy ( relying on the ftrength of the Place) he commanded him, fiew thefh his Soldiers who had taken PoJJ'ejfion of the top of the Mountain. Cophas being admitted, did all he could to perfuade Arimaz.es to furrender the Rock, alluring him, he would very much ingratiate him-


Book VII. Quintus Curtius. 53

hi/ with the King, if he did not (hy the Siege of a fingle Rock) Hop him in the Career of his no- bier Defigns. The Barbarians were now more info- lent: than before, and commanded Cophas to be gone. 'Then Coph as taking Arimax.es by the Hand, defied him to go out of the Cave with him, which having obtain'd, he (hew'dhim thofe who were iu PoiTeffion of the top of the Rock ; and by way of ridicule told him, That Alexander'* Soldiers had Wings. At the fame time the Trumpets were founding m the Macedonians Camp , and the Soldiers ' fill'd the Air with their Shouts and joyfu} [Conclainations. •This ( as it often happens in War , where trivial Accidents have many times great Influence ) made the Barbarians refolve to furrender ; for , being feiz'd with Fear, they could not make an Eftimate of the fmall Number of thofe who were behind them. They therefore call'd back Cophas in all hafte, and fent along with him thirty of the raoft conliderable amongft them, to deliver up the Rock if they, might retire with their Lives ; but the King was fo incens'd at Arimaz.es his haughty An- fwers, that notwithstanding he very much dreaded left the Barbarians, discovering the fmall Num- ber of thofe above, mould caft them headlong down the Precipice, and fo fruftrate his Attempt ; yet confiding at the fame time in his Fortune, he deny'd them any manner of Conditions. Here- upon Arimaz.es ( being more afraid than hurt ) de- fcended into the Camp with his Relations, and .the chiefeftMen of the Nation; all whom Alexan- der caus'd to be whifd fir ft, and then crucify' d at the foot of the Rock. The reft of the Multitude were given to the Inhabitants of the new Towns, as alfo what Money was found amongft them ; and Artakaz.m was appointed Governour of the Rock, and the adjacent Countrey round it.




Lexander having made himfelf Ma- iler of the Rock with greater Fame than real Glory, obferving his E- nemies were difpers'd here and there, divided his Army into three Bodies ; Hephaftion had the com- mand of the one, Ccenonoi the other, and he him- felf led the third. However, his Enemies were not all of the fame Mind, for fome were fubdu'd by force of Arms, tho' the greater Number fub- mitted without rifquing an Engagement : To thefe he therefore difiributed the Towns and Lands of thofe who perfijied objiinately in their Rebellion ; but the banim'd Baclrians , with eight hundred Majfagetan Horfe, plunder'd the neighbouring Vil- lages, and AttineK (who was Governor of that Province) march'd out with three hundred Horfe ro fupprefs thefe Diforders, not dreaming in the leaft of the Mifchief that was prepar'd him ; for the Enemy had plac'd a Body of Soldiers in the Woods that are contiguous to the Plains, leaving


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 55-

fome few only to drive before them Flocks of Sheep, that the defire of the Booty might entice- him into the Ambufcade they had laid for him * accordingly Attinas no fooner difcover'd the fame, but he made all the hafte he could to fecure his Prey, without obferving the leaft Order ; fo that he was no fooner pafs'd thro' the Wood, than they who lay in Ambufcade fell upon him at unawares,, and kill'd him and all his Men. This difafter quickly came to Craterms Ears, who immediate- ly repair'd thither with all his Horfe, but the Maf- fagau were already fled ; however, he flew a thoufand of the Dah& , by whofe defeat the Re- bellion was quell'd throughout all the Countrey.

Alexander likewife having again fubdu'd the Sogdians , return'd to Maracanda. Here Berdes ( whom he had fent to the Scythians who inhabit the Countrey near the Bofphorus) came to him with the AmbaiTadors of that Nation. Phrata- phernes alfo (who had the Government of the Chorafmians , who border'd on the MaJJ'aget* and the Dah&) fent MefTengers to acquaint him, he fubmitted himfelf to his royal Will and Pteafure. The Scythians defir'd, That he would marry the Daughter of their King, but if he did not approve cf the Alliance , at leafi that he would permit the Macedonian Nobility to intermarry with the mofi confiderable Perfons of their Nation ; they ajfrtrd him alfo, that their King would come in Perfon and pay him a Vifit.

Alexander receiv'd both thefe Embaflys very gracioufly, and remain d encamp'd in the fame Place till he was join'd by Heph^ftton and Artabaaus , after which he march'd into the Countrey call'd JBazaria.

The chiefeft marks of the barbarous Opulency of this Nation confift in having large Herds of wild Beafts, fliut up in great Forefts and Woods,

D 4 well

S6 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

well fupply'd with perennial Springs , which ren- der them very delightful. Thefe Forefts are m- cios'd with Walls, and have Towers alfo for the Reception of the Hunters ; among the reft of thefe immur'd Woods, there was one which had not been hunted in for the fpace of four Ages, which Alexander enter'd with his whole Army, giving Orders to hunt and deflroy all the Game they could. Among the reft there was a Lyon of an unufual lize, which made towards the King, and Lyfimachus (who reign'd afterwards) being next to Alexander, and obferving the Danger he was in, began to put himfelf into a pollute to re- ceive the Beaft with his hunting Spear ; but Alexan- der retus'd his A Alliance, and commanded him to be gone, adding, That he was as able to kill a Ly- on Jingle as Lylimachus. We muft here take no- tice, that Lylimachus had formerly (as he was hunt- ing in Syria) kill'd a very large Lyon iingle, but endanger'd his Life in the Adtion, it having torn his left Shoulder to the Bone : This made the King upbraid him as he did, and at the fame time behave himfelf with more bravery than he had fpoke ; for he not only receiv'd the Beaft with an un- daunted Courage, but alfo kill'd it with one ftroke. I am apt to believe the fabulous Account of Lylima- chus being exposed to a Lyon by Alexander'* com- mand, had its rife from this Accident which we have mentioned.

However, notwithftanding the King fucceeded fo well in this bold Attempt, yet the Macedonians, according to theCuftom of their Countrey, made an Ordinance, That for the future the King fljould not hunt any more on Toot, nor without being at- tended by the chiefejl of his Nobility and Friends. Alexander having kill'd four thoufand wild Beaits in this Wrood, feafted his whole Army there; af- ter which he return'd ro Maracanda, where, up- on

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 57

on Artabazus his excufing himfelf on the Account of his old Age , he beftow'd his Government on. Clitus. This was he who at the River Granicus , when Alexander was fighting bare-headed, cover'd him with his Buckler, and cut off Rhofaces's Hand,, as he was ready to difcharge a great blow on the Kings Head. He had ferv'd a long time under Philip, and was remarkable for a great many noble: Exploits during the War. His Sifter Hellanice had. nurs'd Alexander, and was no lefs belov'd by him on that fcore than his own Mother ; this made him commit to his Care and Truft, the braveft and; moll warlike Province of his Empire. He there- fore order'd him to be ready to fet out the Day foU lowing, to take upon him his new Commijfton, and invited him to afiift at the folemn Feaft he gave his Friends that Night. During the Entertainment, the King being heated with Wine, and an immo- derate extoller of his own Performances, began to enlarge upon the great Things he had done, to fuch a degree as to betroublefometo the Ears even of them who were fenfible of the Truth of what he faid. The eldeft amongft 'em neverthelefs heard him with an attentive filence, till he began to difparage Philip'*. Achievements, and boaft that the celebrated Viclory near Chseronea, tvas owing to himfelf; and that he was deprivd of the Glory of it thro his Fathers Malice and Envy, whom, {in the Sedition that arofe between the Macedonians and the mercenary Greeks, when he counterfeited* being dead of the wound he receivd therein) he pro* tecled zuith his Buckler, killing with his ovmHand thofe who offer d to infult. him : Yet his lather wo* never willing^ to acknowledge this piece of Service, at being loath to confefs he ow"d his Life to his Son>r That therefore after his Expedition againfi the. Illy- rians, he writ to his Father that the Enemy wat •vanquijh'd without Philip'* Alftflancc Thofe h& D 5 ' faid

y3 Quintxjs Curtius. BookVIII.

faid defcrvd Commendation who did not flop at the Borders of Samothracia , when Afia ought to be burnt and laid wafle, but who by their great A6li* ens furpafi'd all belief.

Thefe and the like Sayings were grateful e- nough to the young Men, but the Seniors did not at all like 'cm, efpecially on Philip's Account, un- der whom they had ferv'd a longer time than un- der him. Hereupon Clitus, who was not very fober himfelf, turning to thofe who fate below him, recited fomeVerfes out of Euripides, yet af- ter fuch a manner that the found was rather heard than the Words diftinguUh'd by the King. They were to this effect., That rt was an ill Cuflom a- mmg the Greeks to inferibe only the Names of their Rtng-s cn the Trophies ; by which means they run away with the Glory that was acquir'd by other Penles Blood. The King therefore iufpecting what he laid had fomething malicious in it, afk'd thofe who were next him, What Clitus had faid ? But as they remain d filent, Clitus began to fpeak in a lowder Tone of Philip'/ Aclions , and concerning the Wars in Greece, preferring them to what war now done. This caus'd a Difpute between the young Men and the Veterans, yet the King feem'd patiently to hear Clitus's Allegations (whereby he endeavour'd to lefien his Praife) tho' at the fame time he was inwardly inrag'd ; notwithstanding which he appeared inclin'd to bridle his Paflion, if Clitus would have let drop his indifcreet Dif- courfe ; but finding he Hill ran on, after the fame manner, it exafperated him very much. Clitus at laft proceeded to that degree of Iijfolence as to dare to defend Parmenio, and preferr'd Philip's Vi- ctory over the Athenians, to the Deftru&ion of Thebes, and feem'd to be now prompted by a fpite- ful difpofition of Mind to Contention, as well as by the Wine ; fo that he did not fcruple to fay,

Book VIII. Quintus Cvrtws. 59

If it be requifite to die for you, Clitus is fare to be the firft in your Thoughts ; but thofe fl)all reap the greateft Rewards of your Victories, who after the moft fhameful manner infult your Father s Memory. Tou have beftowd on me the Countrey of Sogdiana, which has fo often rebel? d, and is ftill not only un- fubdu'd, but impofftble to be brought under Subjefti- ony that is to fay, I am fent amongfi wild Beafts, headftrong and raft) by Nature. However, I fiall wave what relates to my felf, and take notice of your Contempt for Philip'* Soldiers, while you for- get, that if it had not been for old Atharias here pre- fent (who rallied the young Men, and brought 'em back to the Fight they had declind) we might have been ftill before Halicarnaflus. Hozv then can you be faid to have conquer d Afia with this Youth ? As for my part , 1 believe what your Unkle faid in Italy to be true, that he had to do with Men , and you with Women. Of all the rafh and indifcreet things utter'd by Clitus, nothing more provok'd the King than the honourable mention he made of Parmenio; yet for all that, he fupprefs'd his Grief, and was contented to bid him be gone from the Feaft, without adding any thing more than that he. had continud to talk on, he fupposd he would have upbraided him with the having favd his Life, which was a thing he would often brag of with too much Vanity. But as Clitus made no hafte to obey the Kings Orders, they who were next to him laid hold of him, and endeavour'd to carry him off, blaming him, and at the fame time reminding him of his Duty. When Clitus found they were ta- king him away by force, Anger mingling it feJf with his excefs of Wine, he cry'd out , that it was his Breaft that had defended the King s Back^ but the time of fo fignal a Service being elaps'd, the memory of it was become odious. He alfo reproach- ed him with the Death of Attalut? and at laft tt# D 6 die tiling

6o Quintus Curtius. BookVIII.

diculing the Oracle of Jupiter, whom Alexander claim'd as his Father , he faid he told him greater Truths than his Parent. By this time the King's Anger was fo increas'd, that had he been perfect- ly fober he could hardiy have govern'd it ; he therefore leap'd on the fudden from the Table, to the great Amazement of his Friends, who there- upon did not take time to fet down their Cups , but caft them away, expecting what would be the iiTue of fo furious a Tranfport : And Alexander laying hold of the Spear of one of the Guards, was for killing Clitus (who frill continu'd talking with the fame Intemperance of Tongue as before) had he not been held by Ptolemy and Perdiccas, and as he perfifted to ftruggle with them , Ly- fimachus and Leonnatus took the Lance from him. This made Alexander implore the AlTiftance of his Soldiers, and cry out, That he was feizd (as Darius had been) by his mofi intimate Friends, and commanded the Signal to be given for them to re- fair to his Palace with their Arms. At thele Words Ptolemy and Perdiccas caft themfelves at his Feet, and begg'd he would moderate his Anger, and give himfelf time to refiecl, fince he might the next Day execute with a greater regard to Juftice, what the Nature of the Thing mould require ; but his Anger had (hut his Ears to all Counfel, fo that in his rage he run to the Porch of the Palace , and taking a Spear from the Centinel that was there upon Duty, he plac'd himfelf in the en- try thro' which thofe who had fupp'd with him were oblig'd to pafs. Now all the reft being gone, clitus came laft of all without any Light, and the King afk'd, who he was ? But after fuch a man- ner as fufficiently declar'd the Cruelty of his In- tention. Clitus, who was no longer mindful of his own Pafrion, but only of the Kings, made an- fwer, That it was Clitus* who was retiring from

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 61

the Banquet ; as he fpoke thefe Words Alexander run him through, and all befmear'd with his Blood faid to him, Get thee gone to Philip, Parmenio and Attalus.


TH E Mind of Man is in this but indifferently provided for by Nature, that he for the moft part does not fo much reflect on the Confequences of Things till they are tranfadted. Thus the King when his Anger was over , and the heat of his Wine abated, too late perceiv'd the Enormity of his Crime. Then he faw he had kill'd a Man who indeed had taken too great a Liberty with his Tongue, but at the fame time was very deferving on the Account of his Bravery, and who if he was not afham'd to own the Truth, had fav'd his Life ; he now reflected how unworthily he had fuliy'd the Splendor of the Royal Dignity, by dis- charging in Perfon the odious Office of an Execu- tioner, and that he had by an abominable Murther cruelly punifti'd the liberty of a few licentious Words, which might reafonably have been impur ted to the Wine. He with horror beheld the En- try of his Palace ftain'd with the Blood of a Per- fon, who but a little before had been thought worthy to fup with him. The Guards in the fright they were in flood like Men ftupify'd at a diftance, fo that his folitude afforded him a greater freedom to repent of what he had done. He therefore drew the Spear out of the dead Body that lay extended on the Floor, and would have plung'd it into his own, had not the Guards flown in to Affiftance, and wrelted it out of his Hands, and carry'd him into his Tent ; here he flung himfelf on the Ground*


6z Quintus Curtius. Book VIII;

and fuTd the Place with his Lamentations and Cries. Then finding he could do nothing elfe, he tore his Face with his Nails ,. and intreated the ftanders by, not to let him furvive- fo foameful an Aclion. After this manner he fpent the whole Night, and as he was examining himtelf, Whether he had done any thing to deferve the Deity's Anger to that degree as to be abandon d to tht Commijjion of fo foul a Crime ? He recollected, That the anni- verfary Sacrifice to Bacchus, had not been perform d at the time appointed for that purpofe : He therefore concluded, That the Murther he had committed in his Wine and good Cheer, was a manifeft difcovery of the Anger of that God. But what molt griev'd him was to fee all his Friends Hand like Men ftu- pify'd, and that none of 'em would for the future dare to converfe with him ; fo that he (hould for the future be fore d to live like the wild Beafts , which are fometimes a Terror to others, andfome- times afraid themfelves.

As foon as it was Day he order'd the Corps, all bloody as it was, to be brought into his Tent, and when it was plac'd before rum, he with Tears in his Eyes faid, Is this the grateful return I make my Nurfe, whofe two Sons loft their Lives for my Glory at Miletum ? This Brother was the only Comfort fl)e had left, and I have barbaroujly murther d him at my own Table : What will this unfortunate Wo- man do ? Of all that belong d to her, I am the only left, whom alone JJje for the future will never be able to fee with any Satisfaclton. How wretched is my Tate, that I muft thus Jhew my felf the Butcher of thofe who have preferv'd my Life ! How can I think of returning to my own Countrey, where I fhall not be able to hold out my right Hand to my Nurfe without refreflnng her Memory with the caufe of her Calamity ? His Friends finding there was no end of his Tears and Complaints, order'd the Bo-

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 63

dy to be taken away; notwithstanding , which he remain'd three Days (hut up, bewailing himfelf af- ter this manner, till at laft the Guards of his Per- fon (perceiving he was determin'd to dye) broke ipto his Chamber all together, and^ith much ado prevail'd with him to eat ; antf that the King might have the lefs Confufion for what he had done, the Macedonians refolv'd, That Clitus zvas juJllykiWd, and were for depriving him of the Ho- nour of Sepulture had not the King order'd him to be bury'd.

Having therefore (laid ten Days at Maracanda, to re-affume his Modefty, he fent Hephtflion with part of the Army into Baclriana , to lay up Pro- vifions for the Winter, and gave to Amyntas that Province which he had before beftow'd on Clitus ; after which he came to Xcnippay which is a Coun- trey bordering on Scythia , and is full of Towns and Villages, the Soil thereof being fo fruitful, that it not only detains thofe who are born there, but alfo invites Strangers to come and fettle there. The banilh'd Batlrians, who had revolted from Alexander, were retifd hither ; but upon certain Advice of the King's coming, they were expell'd by the Inhabitants, fo that about two thoufand two hundred of them were got together in a Bo- dy : They were all Horfe, and accuftom'd, even in time of Peace, to live by Rapine and Theft; but their fierce Natures were by the War, and defpair of being forgiven, render'd ftill more bru- tifli. They therefore unexpectedly attack'd A- tnyntas, Alexander's Praetor, and the Victory was doubtful for a confiderable time, till at laft ha- ving loft feven hundred of their Men (of which three hundred were taken Prifoners by the Ene- my) they fled ; they were not altogether unre- veng'd , for they kill'd fourfcore of the Macedo- nians > and wounded about three hundred and


64 Quintus Curtius. BookVIIL

fifty. However, tho' this was the fecond time they had rebell'd, they obtain'd their Pardon.

The King having taken them into his Prote- ction, came with his whole Army into a Coim- trey call'd Nawa; Sifimithres , who was Gover- nor thereof, ra|d two Sons by his own Mother r, (for amongft them it is lawful for Parents to have carnal Knowledge of their Children) he had with two thoufand of the Militia, built a ftrong Wail at the narrow entrance into the Countrey, before which there run a rapid River ; the back part was fecur'd by a Rock, thro' which the Inhabitants had made a Way by dint of Labour. The entry in- to this hollow Way is lightfome, but farther on. it is dark, unlefs fome artificial light be made ufe of ; this hidden Paffage runs quite thro' the Rock into the Plains, and is only known to the In- habitants.

But Alexander (notwithftanding the Barbarians guarded this Place, which was fo ftrong both by its natural Situation and Art) with his battering. Rams, quickly beat down thefe manual Fortifica- tions , and with Slings and Arrows, drove away thofe that defended them; then palling over the ruin'd Works, he brought his Army to the Rock,, which was ftrengthen'd by a River that run before, it, and was form'd by the united Streams that fell from the Top of it into the Valley. It feem'd to be a vaft Undertaking to fill up fo deep and large a Channel. However, he order'd Trees to be cut down, and great Heaps of Stones to be brought thither. The Barbarians, who were altogether un- acquainted with fuch fort of Works, were feiz'd with the utmoft Horror, when they faw fo vaft a Pile erected in fo little Time. Hereupon the King imagining they might be brought to a Surrender thro' Fear, fent Oxartes (who was of the fame Nation, but in his Intereft) to them, to perfuade the Go- vernor

Book VIII. QuiNTtJS Curtius. 65

vernor to deliver up the Rock. In the mean time, to augment their Terror, be order'd the Towers to be advancd, and caus'd feveral Engines to play upon 'em at that dirtance ; which had fo good an Effeel, that the Barbarians not thinking themfelves fecure any other way, betook themfelves to the Top of the Rock. Oxartes therefore prefs'd Syfi- mithres (who now began to diftruft his Affairs) to fling himfelf on the Honour of the Macedonians, rather than withfland their Power ; advifing him not to flop the Career of a victorious Army that was marching into India; and zvhich, whoever fiould dare to oppofe, would only bring others Cala- mities on their czvn Heads. As for Syfmithres, he was not againft furrendring ; but his Mother (who was alfo his Wife) declar'd me would fuffer Death, rather than fubmit to the Power of any Enemy , -and fo put the Barbarian upon more honourable than fafe Meafures; he being amam'd that Wo- men mould fet a greater Value upon Liberty than Men. He therefore difmifs'd the Meffenger of Peace, and refolv'd to undergo the Siege. But then upon due weighing of his own and the Ene- mies Strength, he began to repent again, for ha- ving hearken'd to a Woman's Counfel, which was rather ram than fuitable to the prefent Juncture of Affairs. Wherefore he immediately call'd back Oxartes, and told him, he would lay himfelf at the King's Mercy, and begg'd of him, not to fay any thing of his Mother s Obflinacy , that her Pardon might alfo be more eafily obtain d. As foon as he had difpatch'd Oxartes with this his Refolution, he follow'd himfelf, with his Mother and Children, and a great Crowd of his Relations, without fo much as waiting for any farther Security from the King , though Oxartes had alfo promis'd him that Alexander being inform'd of this , fent a Trooper to order them to go back, and expecl his

ioming ;

66 Quintus Curtius. BookVIIT.

coming ; where he no fooner urriv'd, than he of- fer'd Sacrifice to Minerva and Victory , and then confirm'd Syfimithres in his Authority, promiiing to enlarge his Province, if he remain d faithful to him. He had two Sons which he deliver'd up to the King, who order'd them to follow him in his- Wars.

Alexander leaving here his Phalanx, advanc'd with his Cavalry to fubdue the Rebels. The Way- was rough and craggy; however, they endur'd it pretty well at firft, but after fome time, the Horfes Hoofs were not only worn away , but their Bo- dies alfo tir'd; befides which, the Riders them- felves were lb harrafs'd with the immoderate La- bour, that a great many were not able to keep up with him, fo that the Troops began to grow thin, the extraordinary Fatigue overcoming the Shame they had to be left behind. Neverthelefs, as the King chang'd Horfes frequently, he continu'd pur- fuing the flying Enemy ; but the young Noblemen who us'd to accompany him, were all forc'd to give out , except Philip , who was Lyftmathuss Brother, and was then in the Flower of his Age, and as it plainly appear'd, a Perfon of a Genius capable of the greateft Things. This Youth (which will hardly be believ'd) tho' on Foot, kept up with the King (who was on Horfeback) for the Space of five hundred Furlongs. Lyfimachus offer'd him his Horfe feveral Times, but nothing could pre- vail with him to leave the King; tho' at the fame time he was loaded with his Breaft-plate , and his other Arms. He afterwards behav'd himfelf glo- rioufly in a Wood where the Enemy had hid themfelves, and protected the King's Perfon, who was clofely engag'd. But after the Barbarians were put to Flight that great Soul which had fo brave- ly fupported his Body during the Heat of the En- gagement, at laft flagg'd, and a cold Sweat ifTuing


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 67

out of all the Parts of his Body, he was forc'd to plant himfelf againft a Tree, but that proving too weak a Relief in his prefent Circumftances, the Kmg took him up, and he expir'd in his Arms.* This Misfortune was fucceeded by another, which alfo did not a little arUid Alexander ; for as he was returning to his Camp, he was inform'd of the Death of Erigyita, one of the braveft of his Ca- ptains. The King order'd both their Funerals to be perform'd with all the Pomp and Magnificence imaginable.


THE T>ah& were the next he intended to march againft, for he underitood Spitamenes was a- mongft 'em. But Fortune who never tir'd in heap- ing her Favours on him, affifted him here, as {he had done on many other Occafions, and fav'd him the Trouble of this Expedition, spitamenes had a Wife on whom he doated, and as the Fatigues and Dangers (he was expos'd to in accompanying him wherever his Misfortunes drove him, were -become troublefome to her, ihe employ'd all her Charms to prevail with him to defift from flying any farther ; and as he had already experience! Alexanders Clemency, to try to appeafe the An- ger of an Enemy he could not otherwife hope to efcape. She had three Sons by him, which were pretty well grown up, thefe (he brought to his Embraces, and begg'd heroould at leaft take Pity of them; and to enforce her-Prayers, (he told him, Alexander was not far off. But he thinking he was betray'd, and not advis'd, and that it jtvas ;he Confidence /he had in her Beauty , which m^de her not care how foon fhe came in Alexanders


68 Quintus Curtius. BookVIIt.

Power, drew his Sword, and would have kill'd her if her Brothers had not happily interposd. However, he commanded her to be gone out of his Sight, threatning tier with Death, // jhe offer d to come into his Prefence ; and that he might not be fenfible of her Abfence, he pafs'd the Nights with his Concubines. Yet as his Paffion for her was great, it was the more infhm'd by the Diftafte he took to their Company. He therefore gave him- felf intirely again to her, conjuring her never to fpeak to him more on that account, but willingly undergo with him vjhatever Fortune did alot them ; fince for his ozvn Part, he had rather die than fur- render himfelf. Hereupon fhe excus'd her felf, tel- ling him, That fie had advit'd him only to what (he thought xvas mofi for his Interefl, and admitting fhe had taWd like a Woman, yet it zuas with a faithful Intention ; however, for the future foe would con- form to his Pleafure.

Spitamenes won by this counterfeit Complaifance, gave a great Entertainment on the account of their Reconciliation, where having loaded himfelf with Wine and good Chear, he was brought half afleep into his Apartment. As foon as his Wife pefceiv'd he was in a found Sleep, (lie drew a Sword (he had under her Garment for that pur- pofe, and cut off his Head, and all befmear'd with the Blood, gave it to a Servant who was privy to her Crime, and being attended by him, came in this bloody Condition to the Macedonian Camp, where fhe fent Word to Alexander, Jhe had fome- thing of Importance to communicate to him, and which he mujl hear from her own Mouth. The King immediately order'd her to be introduc'd, and obferving her to be ftain'd with Blood, ima- gin'd fhe came to complain of fome Affront of- fered her, he therefore afk'd her what fhe had to fay ? Hereupon (he- cali'd for the Servant that


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 69

waited in the Entry, who having Spitamenes his Head under his Garment, gave the Guards a Sus- picion, and upon their fearcnirig him, he pull'd otlt the Head and (hew'd it. But the iloodlefs Pale- nefs had fo disflgur'd its Features, that it was a hard Matter to diitinguifh whoSe it was. Alexan- der being inform'd, it was a Man's Head that he brought, went out of his Tent, and enquir'd into, the matter, which he accordingly told him. The kings Mind was now perplex'd with Variety of Ttfpugnts ; for on the one hand, he look'd upon it as a confiderable Piece of Service, that he who was firft a Refugee, and afterwards had prov'd a Traitor, and was like to have delay'd the Execu- tion of his great Defigns was kill'd; but then again he deteited the barbarous Action, of her having thus treacherously murther'd her HuSband, who had deferv'd well of her, and by whom (he had had Several Children. At {aft the FoulneSs of the Fact got the better of the Service it did him, So that he Sent her Word to be gone from the Camp, left the Greeks more human Minds, and gentler Manner s9 fliould be corrupted by the Example of fo barbarous a Licenfe. The Dahd understanding Spitamenes was flain, Seiz'd Dataphemes (who had been his Partner in the Conspiracy) and brought frim bound to Alexander , and at the Same Time yielded themSelves to him. Being now deliver'd from the chiefeil Part of his prefent Cares, turn'd his Mind to the revenging Such as had by his Pr&tors been opprefs'a and ill us'd. He therefore conferr'd the Government of Hyrcania, the Mardi and Tapuri- ans, to Phr'ataph ernes, with Orders to Secure Phra- dates, whom he Succeeded, and Send him to him under a Sufficient Guard. Stafanor was fubftituted in the place of Arfanes, Governor of the Branca. Arfac£s was Sent into Media to Succeed Oxydates, 2. " and

70 Quintus Curtius. BookVIII.

and Babylon (Maz&us being dead) was committed to the Care of Deditamenet.


HAVING made thefe Regulations, he drew his Army out of their Winter Quarters, where they had been almoft three Months, and march'd towards a Countrey call'd Gabaza. The firft Day's March was eafie and calm , the next . was not ftormy and difmal, yet more gloomy than the preceding, and did not end without fome ' threatning of a growing Evil ; but on the third, it lighten'd from all Parts of the Heavens, and not only dazl'd the Eyes of the Army, but alfo terri- fy a their Minds. The Thunder was almoft con- tinual, and the frequent Lightnings feem'd to fall from the Heavens before 'em, fo that the Army was ftruck with fuch a Dread, that it neither dar'd to advance nor ftand ftill. Soon after, there fell fuch a Storm of Rain , accompany'd with Hail, that it feem'd to partake of the Violence of a Torrent. At firft they protected their Bodies, by covering themfelves with their Bucklers, but after fome Time, their Hands (which were wet with the Rain, and benumb'd with the exceiTive Cold) were no longer able to hold them, and they knew not which way to direct their Courfe, fince the Violence Of the Tempeft feem'd to encreafe on which fide foever they tum'd. Breaking therefore their Ranks, they wander'd up and down the Woods, and many of them, rather overcome with Fear than tir'd with the Fatigue, caft their Bodies on the Ground, notwithftanding the Intenfenefs of the Cold had frozen the new fallen Rain. Others 3 liad

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 71

had plac'd themfelvcs againft the Stocks of Trees, which ferv'd them both for Shelter and Support. At the fame time, they were not ignorant they only chofe a Place to die in, iince for want of Motion their vital Heat would forfake them. However, the very Thoughts of Reft was fo agreeable to their weary'd Bodies, that they did not grudge to die in an eafie Pofhire. The Storm was not on- ly furious, but obftinate in its Duration , and the Shade occafion'd by the Trees, concurr'd with the Darknefs from the Tempeft, to deprive 'em of the Light, which is a natural Comfort in Affliction. Trre King was the only Perfon could bear thefe Calamities ; he therefore went about, and rallied kit fcatter'd Soldiers, railing them up who were laid down, fhewing them at a Diftance the Smoak that came out of the Cottages, and encouraging them to lay hold of the firft Refuge they could come at. Nothing contributed more to their Safe- ty in this Cafe, than the Shame they had to for- fake the King, who they faw was indefatigable, and able to hold out agajnft thofe Evils their weak- er Natures funk under. At laft Neceility, which in Adverfity is more efficacious than Reafon, fupply'd 'em with a Remedy againft the Cold : And they fell to cutting down the Wood, then laying it in Heaps and Piles, they fet it on Fire. One would have thought the whole Forreft had made but one con- tinu'd Blaze, there being hardly room left for the .Soldiers to ftand between the Flames. The Heat now began to work upon their benumb'd Limbs, and by Degrees, the Spirits (whofe Operation had been intercepted by the Rigor of the Cold) gain'd a freer PafTage. Some of them got into the Cot- tages of the Barbarians, which NecelTity had made them feek out, tho' hid in the utmoft Part of the Wood; others repaired to the Camp, which was pitch'd indeed in a wet Ground, but then the Storm


yi Quintus Curtius. BookVIII.

was over. This Plague conium'd about a thoufand Soldiers, Followers of the Camp, and Servants. It is faid, that lbme of thetn who had plac'd them- felves againft the Trees, after they were frozen to Death, look'd as if they were alive, and talking to one another, preferving ftill the fame outward Appearance that Death hadfurpriz'd them in.

It happ&n'd at this time , that a private Soldier of the Macedonians, being hardly able to fupport himfelf and his Arms, with much ado at laft came into the Camp, where being perceiv'd by the King (who was warming himfelf by the Fire) he im- mediately leap'd from his Seat, and having heF£>'d the Soldier (who was almoft frozen, and hardly compos mentis) to put off his Armour, he bid him fit dozun in his feat. This Man for a while did not know either where he was, or by whom re- ceiv'd ; at laft his vital heat being reftor'd, he law the King, and finding himfelf feated in the Royal ("hair, he got up in a fright, which Alexander ta- king notice of, he afk'd him, If he was not fenfible hozv much happier the Macedonians vjere under their King than the Perfians ? Since to thefe it is a capital Crime to fit in the Kings feat, whereas he had favd his Life by it.

The next Day he call'd his Friends and chief Of- ficers , and order'd them to make Proclamation throughout the Army , that he woidd make good whatever Loffes had been fufiaind^ and accordingly he was as good as his Word ; for Syfimithres having brought to him a great Number of Horfes, and two thoufand Camels, with feveral Herds' of Cat- tle, and Flocks of Sheep, he diftributed them a- mong the Soldiers, by which means he at the fame time both fupply'd them with Provifions, and made good their Damage.

The King having declar'd that Syfimithres had fbewn himfelf grateful, for the f avours he h-ad be-

flow (I

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 73

flowed on him, order'd the Soldiers to provide themfelve? , each with Vi&uals ready-drefs'd for fix Days, and then march'd towards the Sac&. He pillag'd and deftroy'd all this Countrey, and made a Prefent of thirty thoufand Sheep to Syfimithrest out of the Booty.

From hence be pafs'd into the Province which was under the Government of a noble Satrap , whofe Name was Cohortanus, who prefently put himfelf under the Kings, Protection; whereupon Alexander reftofd his Government to him, with- out requiring any more from him, than two out of three Sons which he had, to ferve him in the War. The Satrap gave him alfo the third that was left him , and made a fumptuous Entertain- ment for him, with all the Magnificence the Bar- barians are capable of. During the Solemnity of the Feaft, he order'd thirty noble Virgins to be brought in, among whom was Roxane his own Daughter, who was' an exquiiite Beauty, and neat- ly fet off in Apparel, which is a Rarity amongft thofe People. This Lady, notwithftanding me was in the Company of chofen Beauties, fo far excell'd 'em all, as to turn the Eyes of all the Be- holders on her felf, efpecially the Kings, who in fo great an Indulgence of Fortune (againft which Mankind is feldom fufficiently guarded) had not now the fame Government of £/V Paffions as here- tofore. He therefore who had look'd upon Da- rius s Wife and Daughters (to whom none could be compar'd, except Roxane) no other way than with the Eyes of a Parent, was fo tranfported with Love for this young Lady (who in compa- rifon to the Royal Blood, might be efteercfd of mean Extraction) that he did not fcruple to fay , It was neceJJ'ary for the firmer Eftablifhment of the new Kingdom, that the Perfians and Macedonians jhoidd inter-marry, that being the only way to wipe

74 Quintus Curtius. BookVIIL

off the Shame of the Conquer d, and abate the Pride of the Conquerors. He added, That Achilles {from whom he ivas defcended) had not fcrupl'd to marry a Captive. And that he might not be thought to do an ill Thing, he was refolvd to marry her law- fully. Her Father raviuYd with an unexpected Joy, heard the Kings Speech with inexpreffible Plea- jure; and the King in the highth of his Pailion, order'd Bread to be brought, according to the Cuftom of his Count rey. This was the moft folemn way of celebrating Marriages among the Macedonians, who on this Occaiion cut the Bread afunder, each of the contracted Parties eating a Piece thereof. I fuppofe the Founders of this Cuftom had in view (in the Inftitution thereof) to fhew by this fparing ;and eafily procurable Food, with how fin all a Mat- ter they ought to be contented. Thus the great King of Afia and Europe, in the Feftival Sports of an Entertainment, marry'd a Captive, on whom he was to beget an Emperor for the Victors thera- felves. His Friends were aiham'd he mould after this manner,- in his Wine and good Chear, make choice of a Father-in-law, out of thofe he had fubdu'd ; but upon Clitus's Death, all Liberty of Speech was taken away, and by their Counte- nance, which is eafily commanded on fuch Occa- fions, they feem'd to approve of the King's Action.


HOwever, as he refolv'd to march into India, and from thence to the Ocean, that he might leave nothing behind him able to interrupt the Execution of his Defigns, he gave Orders to his Lieutenants to pick out of all the Provinces, thirty thoufand chofen young Men, and to fend them to


Book VIII. Quintus Curtios. 75-

him ready arm 'd, to ferve him loth as Hoflages and Soldiers. He alio dctach'd Craterus to purlue Hau- ftanes and Catenes, who had revolted; of whom Haujianes was taken , and Catenes was kill'd in Battel. Polypercon likewife fubdu'd the Countrey call'd Bubacene. Having thus fettl'd his Affairs, he bent his Thoughts intirely on the Indian War.

This Countrey was efteem'd to be vaftly rich, not only in Gold, but alfo in Pearls and precious Stones, which were by the Inhabitants apply 'd ra- ther to Luxury than Magnificence. The Soldiers Shields were faid to glitter with Gold and Ivory : That therefore he who excell'd all others , might be no where out-done, he order'd his Soldiers Bucklers to be cover'd with a Plate of Silver, and the Horfe to have Gold Bridles, and adorn'd their Breaft-plates, fome with Gold, and fome with Sil- ver. The King was follow'd by one hundred and twenty thoufand Men to this War. Having thus prepar'd every thing, he thought it now a proper Opportunity to execute what he had a long time wickedly entertain'd in his Mind; he therefore? began to confult about the Meafures which were necefTary for his ufurp'mg the celeftial Honours. He wras no longer contented to be call'd Jupiter's Son, but would likewife be believ'd to be really fo, as if he had the fame Power over Mens Minds, as over their Tongues. He requir'd therefore, that the Macedonians mould proftrate themfelves on the Ground, and worfrSip him, after the manner of the Perfians. In thefe irregular Defires, he did not want the Applaufe of Flatterers, the perpetual Banes of Kings , who have been oftner ruin'd by them, than by their profefs'd Enemies. However, the Macedonians were not to blame herein, for none of them were for fubverting the Laws of their Countrey. But it was the Greeks Fault, Rrfcp by their corrupt Manners, dimonour'd the Pro- E 2 feffion

y6 Quintvs Curtius. Book VIII.

feffion they made of the liberal Arts. There was one Agis of Argos the worft Poet had been fince Chcenlas; and another nam'd^Cko a Sicilian, who w as no lefs a Flatterer by his own Nature, than by the common Vice of his Nation : Thefe with fame others, who were the Dregs and Refufe of their refpe&ive Towns, had greater Jntereft with Alexander, than either his Relations or Generals. Thefe Wretches did not fcruple to blaze up and down, That Hercules, Bacchus, with Caftor and Pollux, would all readily give way to this new Di- v'mhy. The King therefore on a Feftival Day, Order d an Entertainment to be prepard with all the Pomp and Magnificence imaginable : To which were invited not only the chiefeft of his Friends, as well Macedonians as Greeks, but alfo the molt confiderable among the Nobility. After he had fate down with them, and eat a while, he with- drew. 1 hen Cleo, as it had been concerted, made a Speech in Praife and Admiration of the King's Virtues, reciting particularly the great Favours he had beftow'd upon them; for all which, he told them, they had but one way to make him a Return, which was publickly to acknowledge him to be a God, whom they underftood to be one; it being the leaft they could do, to repay fuch mighty Benefits, with fo [mall an Expence as that of a little Incenfe. The Perlians, he faid, did not only acl pioujly, but pru- dently in worjhipping their Kings as Gods, fince the Majefty of Empire and Sovereignty , zvas its chief Protection and Safety. Neither Hercules nor Bac- chus were rank'd amongfi the Gods, till they had over- come the Envy of their Contemporaries , after Ages tafily believing what the prefent Age had warrant- ed. If the reft had any Difficulty in this Matter, he was refolved for his part to proftrate his Body on the Ground , at the Kings returning to the Tea ft. Ihat tht reft ought to follow his Example, efpecially

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 77

thofe who were wife, it being their Duty to lead the way, in the Veneration that was due to the King. It was eafie to perceive, that this Speech was chiefly directed to Calitfthenes, whofe Gravity and Free- dom of Speech was odious to the King ; as if he was the only Perfon who hinder'd the reft of the Macedonians from paying him that Honour. Here- upon Calliflhenes, on whom the Eyes of the Af~ fembly were flx'd, (Silence being made) faid, If the King had been prefent at thy Difcourfe, none of us would have had Occafion to anfwtr thee; for he himfelf would have requird thee, not to prefl him to degenerate into foreign Manners, nor fully the Splendor of his glorious Performances with fo foul an Envy as an Aclion of this Nature muft neceffarily raife in the Minds of all his Friends. But fince he is abfent, Til anfwer thee for him, That no Fruit too foon ripe, is of long Duration, and that in- ftead of conferring divine Honours on him, thou robbefi him of 'em. Tor an Interval of Time is ne- cejj'ary to have him believd a God, it being from Pofterity that extraordinary Men ufually receive this Favour. For my Part, I wifh the King a late Im- mortality, and that his Life may be long, and his Majefiy eternal. Divinity fometimes follows the Dead, but never accompanies the Living. Thou jufi now broughteft Hercules and Bacchus for Inflances of confecrated Immortality. Dojl thou then think they zvere made Gods by the Decree of an Affembly at an Entertainment ? No : Their mortal Nature was firfl removd from the Sight, before their Fame tarry d yem into Heaven. Dofi thou think, Cleo, that thou and I can make a God ? The King then is to receive his Divine Authority from us ! Now let us try thy Power. Let us fee thee make a King, if thou canfl fo eafily make a God. It is not fo difficult a Matter to give an Empire, as to beftozv Heaven, May the propitious Gods hear, tvithout E 3 being

78 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

being provoked, thy blafphemous Difcourfe, and fuf- fer things to be carry d on with the fame Succefs that has hitherto attended m, and grant us to bt con- tented with our ancient Cufioms. I am not ajhamd of my Countrey, nor do I now defire to learn from the Perfians, after what manner I am to reverence the King. For I pronounce them to be Conquerors, if we receive from them Laws to prefcribe our way of Living.

Callifthenes was liften'd to with great Attention, us the Affertor of the Publick Liberty. He not only gain'd the lilent Approbation of the Elders, but alio their open Declaration in his Favour, as thinking it a great Grievance to forfake their an- cient Cuftoms, and ftrike into foreign Manners.

The King was not ignorant of what pafs"d to and fro in the AlTembly, for he ftood all the while behind the Tapeftry, which he had for that pur- pofe order'd to be hung up before the Table. He therefore fent to Agis and Cleo, to fuperfede the Difcourfe, and be contented that the Barbarians on- ly, according to their Cuftom, fell dozvn before him. And after fome time, he retum'd to the AlTembly as if he had been about fome Matter of Moment ; and as the Per fans were worihipping him, Poly- percon (who fate above the King) advis'd one of them who touch'd the very Ground with his Chin, to hit it harder againjl the Ground, by which Jeft he provok'd Alexanders Anger, which for a long time he had not been able to fupprefs. He there- fore faid to him, Thou wilt not then adott-mef Are we. fo contemptible to thee alone, as to be thy Sport and Biverfion ? To which he made Anfwer, That he neither thought the King ought to be jejled with, nor himfelf contemned. At thefe Words, the King dragg'd him from the Bed, and flung him on the Ground; where, as he lay in aproftrate Pofture, he laid to him, Dofi thou fee thou haft done the fame

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 79

thing that thou ridiculedfi jufi now in another ? And having commanded him to be taken Into Cu~ Jlody, he difmifs'd the Aflembly. However, after a long Puniflmient, he pardon d Polypercon.


AS for his Anger to Callifihenes (whofe ftubborn- nefs he had a long time fufpecled) it had ta- ken a deeper root, and he quickly had an oppor- tunity to gratifie it.

It was (as we above took notice) the Cuftom of the Macedonian Noblemen to deliver their Sons --to the King, as foon as they had attain'd to an adult Age , to be apply'd in Functions not dif- fering much from fervile Offices. They watch'd by turns in the Night at the King's Chamber-door ; they introduc'd the Concubines by another way than where the Soldiers kept Guard. It was their Dutylikewife to take the Horfes from the Grooms of the Stables, and bring them to the King, when- ever he mounted on Horfeback ; they attended him alfoa Hunting, or in Battel, and were inftruft- ed in all the liberal Acts and Sciences. Their chiefeft Honour was, that they were allow'd to fit at Table with the King, and that no Body had Power to chaftife 'em but himfelf. This Band was,amongft the Macedonians a kind of Nurfery, or Seminary of Generals and Commanders : From hence Pofterity receiv'd their Kings, whofe Off- fpnng were after many Ages depriv'd of their States by the Romans. Now it happen'd that Her- molaiu, who was a young Nobleman of this Roy- al Company, kill'd with his Dart a wild Boar that the King himfelf defign'd to ftrike ; for which Action he commanded him to be whipp'd. Her-

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80 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

molaus being very much griev'd at this Affront, began to make his Complaint to Soflratm, who was of the fame Band, and lov'd him dearly : This Sojlratus feeing how miferably his Friend's Body was torn, and perhaps being already incens'd againft the King on fome other fcore, put the Youth, (who was fufficiently provok'd by this U- fage) on entring into a ftrict Confederacy with him to kill the King. Having therefore giv'n and receiv'd, to and from each other, their mutual Fidelity in a matter of fuch Importance, they did not go about the Execution of it with a Juvenile Rafimefs, but wifely made ufe of proper Perfons to join with them in their criminal Undertaking, which were Nko- firatpcf , dntipater , Afckpiadortis and Philotat ; thefe brought into the Confpiracy Amides, Elap- ton'rns and Epimenes. Notwithstanding thefe Pre- parations, it was no eafie thing to execute their Delign ; for it was requifite they mould be upon the Guard all at the fame time, whereas fome of them mounted one Night, and fome another : They therefore were two and thirty Days in changing their turns of Duty, and making the other neceffary Preparatives ; but the Night was now come that they were all to be upon Du- ty at the fame time, and they were not a little pleas'd at their mutual Fidelity, of which fo ma- ny Days elaps'd was a fufficient Proof. Neither Fear nor Hope had (hook the Conftancy of any one of them in all that time, fo great was their Refentment againft the King, or their Fidelity to one another. They were all waiting at the Door of the Apartment in which the King was eating, that at his riling from Table they might conduct him into his Bed-chamber ; but either his Fortune, or the merry difpofition of the Company, promo- ted their drinking largely ; befides, the Spoits and Diverfions ufual on thofe Occafions fpun out the


BookVIir. Quintos Curtius. 8 1

time. The Confpirators one while were pleas'd at it, thinking they jhould attack him in a ftupify'd Con- dition ; on the other hand , they were in pain left the Merriment Jhould be protracled till Bay light, becaufe by break of Day they were to be reliev'd by others , and were not to mount again till that Day fe'night ; and they could not tell how to hope, that none of their Fidelities mould be (ha- ken in fo long a time. However, as it began to draw near Day light, the Company broke up, and the Confpirators receiv'd the King , over-joy'd they had now an Opportunity to execute their criminal Defign, when a Woman (who, as it was thought, was difturb'd in Mind, and was us'd to be about the Palace, becaufe fhe pretend- ed to foretel what was to come) not on* Jy came and met him , but oppos'd his coming out, and by her Countenance and Eyes fignifying the Emotion of her Soul, advis'd him to go back again, and drink on. The King, as it were in jell, made anfwer, That the Gods gave good Counfel ; and calling back his Friends, continu'd drinking till two hours after Day light : By this time others had fucceeded in the Confpirators Pott, notwith- ftanding which they did not go off, tho* they had fulfill d their Duty ; fo obftinate is the hope of Man. when he pajjionately defires any thing. When the King came out he fpoke to 'em in more courteous Terms than ufual, and bid them go and take their Keft,fince they had zvatch'd all the Night ; and to recompence their extraordinary Diligence, he or- der'd them, every one fifty Seftercies, commending their Zeal, which had prompted them to remain af- ter they were reliev'd. Having loft their Oppor- tunity they retir'd all to their own Homes. All the reft impatiently expected the return of their Duty ; but Epimenes, whether fuddenly chang'd by the Kings obliging Behaviour to him and the o- E 5 ther

8x Quxntus Curtius. Book VIII.

ther Confpirators, or out of Opinion, that the Gods oppos'd their wicked Intentions, went imme- diately to his Brother Eurylochus (from whom till then he had conceal'd the matter) and reveal'd to him the whole Defign.

The Punimment of Philotas was fo frefli in all their Memories , that he prefently feizd his Bro- ther, and brought him to the Palace, where ha- ving rais'd the Guards, he told them , That zuhat he came about related 'to the Kings Safety. The unfeafonable time they came at, and their difturb'd Countenance, together with the dejected Looks of one of them , gave a Sufpicion to Ptolemuu and Leonnatus, who commanded the Guard at the JCzwg'sChamber.They therefore immediately open'd the Door, and carrying in a Light waken'd the King, who by reafon of his hard drinking was in a pro- found Sleep ; but having by little and little recol- lected his Spirits, he aflt'd them , What -was their Bufinefi ? Then Eurylochus made anfwer, That the Gods had not intirely forfaken their Family , jince his Brother {who had dard to be concern d in the ivor ft of Crimes) did not only repent thereof, but had pitctid upon him to difcover the fame. The Mifchief was to have been executed the preceding Night, and they rvere concern d in it that the King leafi fufpetted. Then Epimenes laid open the whole Matter , as it had been contriv'd and projected , giving in the Names of all the Confpirators. It is molt certain Callifihenes was not nam'd amongft them, but he was obferv'd to lend an eafie Ear to the young Men, when they talk'd licentioujly, and raild againfi the King. Some did not fcruple to fay, that when Hermolaus complain'd to him of his being whipp'd by the Kings Orders, he made this Anfwer, That the King ought to reftecl, that they were now at Mens Eftate ; but it is ftill doubt- ful, whether he fa'id this to comfwt him in his Af-


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 8 J

fiiclion, or to exafperate hU provoked Mind. When the King was thoroughly awak'd, and duly con- iider'd the greatnefs of the Danger he efcap'd, he had immediately order'd Eurylochus fifty Talents, gi- ving him *t the fame time the forfeited Eftate of a certain rich Man call'd Tyridates, and reftor'd his. Brother to him , even before he made it his re- queft. But he order'd the reft of the Confpirators, and with them Callifthenes to be ftrictly guarded, who being brought to the Palace, he flept all that Day and the following Night, being heavy with the excefs of Wine and fitting up.

The next Day he call'd a general Council, at which affifted the Fathers and neareft Relations of thofe whofe Caufe was in Agitation, and who for that reafon were not fafe themfelves, it being the Practice of the Macedonians to punifti with Death all thofe who were related by Blood to Traytors. Then the King commanded all the Prifoners to be brought in except Callifthenes, who prefently con- fefs'd the Crime they had intended; and as every one cry'd out againft them, the King alk'd 'em, What he had done to them to provoke Jem to fo hor- rible an Enter prife ?


WHEN Hermolam faw all the reft remain'd filent like Men aftoniuYd, he utter'd him- felf in thefe Terms, Since you feem to be ignorant of the matter , I muft tell you, that we confpird your Death, becaufe you began to treat us not like free-born Men, but like Slaves. At thefe Words his Father Sopolis got up, and calling him the bafe Murtherer of his Parent ws well as King ; and clap- ping his Hand to his Mouth, faid, He was dijiraft-

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84 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

ed with his Crime, and the Evils that attended it, and ought not to be fufferd to fay any more. But the king reprimanding his Father, bid Hermolaus [peak what he had learn d from his Mafter Callifthenes. I fhall then, [aid Hermolaus, make ufe*of the Fa- vour you grant me, and tell you zuhat our own Mis- fortunes have taught me. Hozv fmall is the Num- ber of Macedonians that have efcap'd your Fury ? Hozv many is there left, I fay, of noble Blood ? At- taltis, Philotas and Parmenio, Lynceftes, Alexander and Clitus, with reference to the Enemies, are fiill alive ; they are fill in their Pofls protecting you with their Bucklers, cheerfully receiving Wounds to promote your Glory, and gain you Victories, and in- deed you have nobly recruited them ; for one of them fiaind your Table with his Blood , and you thought it too great a Favour to punifh the other zvith a fimple Death ; you therefore put the braveft Generals of your Army to the Rack, that the horrible Sight might be a grateful Spectacle to the Perfians they had con- quer d. As for Parmenio , you barbaroujly mur- iherd him, zvithout fujfering him to plead, tho he had taken off Attalus your Enemy. Thus you by turns make ufe of the Hands of the wretched to fa- t'afie your Cruelty ; and thofe who have been the Injlruments of your Murthers, are quickly after fa- crificd by others. The whole Affembly now was in an uproar, and his Father drew his Sword to kill him, had he not been hinder' d by the King, who bid Hermolaus continue his Speech, and dtfir'd the Company to hear patiently the unhappy Wretch, who freely aggravated his ozvn Crime. They be- ing with difficulty reftrain'd, Hermolaus faid again ; How bountifully you permit Children nnjkilld in the Art of Oratory to plead their Caufe ! But the Voice of Callifthenes muft be fout up in a Prifon, becaufe he alone knows how to fpeak I Why is he not brought ferrb, fmct they who cmfeft themfehes guilty are I heard ?

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 85-

heard ? But the Reafon is plain, you are afraid to hear the free Speech of the innocent, nay, you cannot fo much as bear his Looks. However, Til do him that Juftice, as publickly to declare he was not any way concern d with us. They are here prefent who joirid with me in the glorious Undertaking. There is not any one that charges Callifthenes with being privy to the Defign ; yet he has been a long time dejiin'd a Sacrifice , by the juflefi and patienteji of Kings. Thefe are the noble Rewards of the Macedonians, whofe Blood you make an abufe of, as a thing in it felf fuperfiuous and fordid. As for your own part, you have thirty thoufand Mules laden ivith captive Gold, when at the fame time your Soldiers have no- thing to carry home to their Families , but their Scars and Wounds. Yet we made a Jhift to bear all thefe Grievances till you deliver d us up to the Bar- barians, and by a new and unheard-of Method you enjlavd even the Conquerors themfelves. You de- light in the Drefl as well as Difcipline of the Per- fians, and perfectly hate your own Countreys Man- ners. It vjas therefore the King of the Perfians, and not of the Macedonians, we would have kiWd* and we profecute you as a Defer ter by the Law of Arms. Tou were for having the Macedonians a- dore you as a God: You flighted your own Father Philip, and if there were any of the Gods fuperior to Jupiter, you would even difdain him too. Can you then wonder, if Men who are free-born cannot brook your excefpve Pride? What can ive hope front you, fince we muft either be contented to faffer Death, tho innocent, or which is worfe than Death f live in Slavery i Now if you are capable of Amend- ment, you are very much oblig'd to me, fence I am the firfl that dare tell you what it is that free-born Spirits cannot bear. However be fo good at leafl as to fpare our Parents^ and do not load their old Age yuith Torments, who are fufliciently puniftid in be-

86 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

ing deprivd of the Comfort they had in us ; but as for our felves, order us to be taken to the Place of Execution, that ive may obtain by our own Death zvhat we hop'd for from yours.

Hermolaus fpoke after this manner, to which the King reply'd.


HO W falfe all thefe things are which he has re- ceiv'd from his Mafier, fufficientiy appears by my Patience ; for notwithjlanding he pleaded Guilty to the worfl of Crimes, yet I was willing you floould hear what he faid as well as my felf. I was not ignorant that this Villain would be tranfported with the fame Rage zvhich prompted him to kill me, whom he ought to have reverencd as a Parent. It is true I lately order d him to be corrected for his infolent Behaviour when I vjas a Hunting \ but I did no more in that than zvhat was cufiomary , and a- greeable to the Practice of the former Kings of Ma- cedon. And indeed it is as abfolutely necejfary, asy for Pupils to be chaftiz'd by their Tutors, and Wives 'by their Husbands ; nay, we grant our Slaves the privilege of correcting their Children of that Age. This is the Cruelty I exercised towards him , and which he zvould have revengd by my Death. As for thofe who do not compel me to acl contrary to my own Nature, how gentle I am towards them, is well known to you all, and fo needle fs to be dwelt ■upon. 1 cannot wonder Hermolaus does not approve of the Punifhment of Parricides, ftnee he has in- curred the fafne ; fo that when he praifes Parme- nio and Philotas he defends his own Caufe. Tot* know I pardon d Lynceftes Alexander, who had twice confpird agaJnfl my Life, tho he was con-


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 87

vitled by two Witnejj'es ; nay, upon a third Con- viclion I delay' d his Punifloment two Tears, till yon your felves requir'd he fiould undergo Juftice. You all remember Attains had refolv'd upon my Death, even before I was King. As for Clitus, would to God he had not fore d me to be angry with him ; / bore his virulent Expreffions to you and my felf, longer than he would have bore with me, had I faid the fame things to him. The Clemency of Kings and Princes, does not altogether depend on their own Bif- pofttion, but in a great meafure on the Temper and Behaviour of their Subjects. Empire is foftend by Submi/Jion ; but when all refpeel is laid afide, and high and low are confounded, then ive are necejfita- ted to have recourfe to Force, to repel Force. But why fhould 1 wonder he accufes me of Cruelty, who dares reproach me with Avarice ? I foall not appeal to your felves on that Head, for fear I fl)outd render my Liberality odious to you, by making it a burthen to your Modefiy. Caft but your Eyes on the whole Army, and you 11 fee that they who a little while ago had nothing but their bare Arms, lie now in Beds of Silver , their Tables are fervd in gold Plate, they have Troops of Slaves in their Service : In fine, they are fo loaded with Booty that they know not what to do with it. Oh ! but the Per- lians whom we have overcome are in great Honour with me ! it is true, and it is an undeniable Argument of my Moderation, that 1 do not reign haughtily o- ver them I have fubdud. 1 did not come into Alia utterly to exterminate whole Nations, nor to make a Defart of one half of the World ; but to behave my felf fo towards thofe I fhould overcome, that they might not be grievd at my Victories. This gentle ufage is the caufe they cheerfully ferve in the War with you, and do not fcruple to fied their Blood to enlarge your Empire ; zvhereas, had they been haugh- tily dealt ivith, they would have rebell'd. The Pof-

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88 Quintus Curtius. BookVin.

feffton of what we get by the Sword is not very du- rable, but the Benefit of good Offices is eternal. If we have a mind to keep Afia, and not fimply pafs through it, our Clemency mufi extend to them alfo ; and their Fidelity will make our Empire everlafting. As for our felves, we have more than zve know what to do with, and it mufi be an infatiable ava- ritious Temper indeed to continue filling what al- ready runs over. It is faid again, that I introduce the Manners of the Barbarians among the Macedo- nians ! Why truly, I obferve in many Nations thofe Cufioms which we need not be afhamd to imitate ; nor is it pojftble to govern well fo large an Empire, without communicating fome things to them, and learning others from them. It was ridiculous enough in Hermolaus, that he would have had me oppofe Jupiter, who thought fit by his Oracle to own me for his Son ; do the An fivers of the Gods depend on me ? He was pleas d to offer me the Title of Son ; and I thought to receive it would very much contri- bute to the fuccefs of what I had in view. Iwijh the Indians could be perfuaded I was a God ; for War depends much upon Fame, and fometimes a falfe Report believd has had the effecl of a Truth. X>o you think it is out of Luxury that I caufe your Arms to be adorn d with Gold and Silver ? No, I defignd thereby to convince thofe People among fi whom there is nothing more common than thofe Me- tals, that the Macedonians, who are invincible in all other rcfpefts , are not to be outvyd' even in that. 1 fimll by this means firfi conquer the Eyes ef thefe Barbarians , who expecl to fee nothing 4* mongfi us but what is fordid and vile ; and make 'em fenfible, that it is not out of greedinefs of Gold and Silver, but out of a thirft after Honour, and to fubdue the whole World, that we come to 'em : Of which Glory, thou Parricide, would'fi fain have robb'd us ; and having deprivd the Macedonians

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 89

of their King, have delivered them up a prey to the con- quer d Nations. J am dejir'd by thee to [pare your Pa- rents ; now that you might perijh with the greater concern {if you have any love for your Parents) you ought to be kept ignorant $f my Intentions therein ; but it is a long time fmce I abolifh'd that Cuftom of put- ting to Death the innocent Relations with the guilty ; and I do now proteft, that they /hall all hold their refpeclive Stations, and be as much in my Favour as before. The Reafon why thou wouldft have had Calliflhenes {who alone has an Opinion of thy Me- rit, becaufe thou art a Ruffian) brought forth, is this, that he might before this AJfembly have fpoke the fame outrageous things thou haft lately learn d of him, and now villanoufly utter d thy felf againft me. However, had he been a Macedonian by Birth, be had appear d here with thee, a worthy Mafter of fuch a Difciple ; but as he is an Olynthian he ha: not the fame Privilege. After this Speech he dif- miis'd the Council, and order'd thofe who were condemn d, to be deliver d into the Hands of their own Companions ; who, to ftiew their Zeal for the Kings fafety, tormented 'em cruelly, and then kill'd 'em. Calliflhenes alfo dy'd upon the Rack ; he was altogether innocent of the Confpiracy a- gainft the King's Perform but was not at all of a complaifant Humour, nor qualify'd by Nature for the Flatteries of a Court. The Death of this Man procur'd Alexander more ill Will than that of any other, by reafon he was a Man of Probity and Learning, and had permaded him to live, when (having kill'd Clitus) he had refolv'd to dye. It was the more diflik'd becaufe he not only put him to Death, but tortur'd him, and all this without fo much as granting him a Hearing. The King repented (but too late) of this Cruelty.


90 QuiNTtis Curtius. BookVIIL


BUT that he might not remain in Idlenefs, which is apt to give birth to, and foment raiie Rumours, he advanc'd towards India, getting always more Glory during the War, than h(f could maintain after the Victory. The whole Countrey of India lies chiefly towards the Eaft, extending it felf more in length than in breadth. To the Southward it is hilly, the reft of it is flat and open, and is water'd by feveral confiderable Rivers, which have their rife from Mount Caucasus , and pafs pleafantly thro' the Plains. The Indus is the cold- eft of them all , and its Water differs in Colour but little from that of the Sea. The Ganges is remarkable from its firft appearance, and runs to the Southward in a direffc Channel, warning the tops of feveral Mountains, after which the Rocks that lie in its way turn its Courfe to the Eaftward. It empties it felf into the Red Sea, and by its rapid Courfe eats away its Banks, and carries along with it a great many Trees with part of the Ground they grew upon. Its Current is obftrucled in ma- ny Places by Rocks which beat it back, but where it finds a gentler Bed, it ftagnates and forms I- flands. The Aceftnes fwells it : The Ganges inter- cepts this River a little before it difcharges it felf into the Sea ; at their firft meeting they dam fu- rioufly againft each other, for the Ganges is very rough where it receives it, and the Acejines is too violent to give way to the other's refilling Streams. The Dyardenes is lefs celebrated, becaufe it runs along the Extremities of India; however, it is re- markable for this, that it not only affords Croco- idilesas the Nilus does, but alfo Dolphins and feve- ral other Animals unknown to other Nations.


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 91

ThtErymanthus has frequent turnings and windings, and is by the Inhabitants let into feveral Cuts for the more convenient watering of the Countrey, which makes it have but a fmall Channel, and even loie its Name where it runs into the Sea. This Kingdom is water' d by feveral other Rivers, which are of lefs note, becaufe they do not run fo far into it.

That part of the Countrey that lies neareft the Sea, is for the molt part blafted by the North Winds, but thefe Winds being reftrain'd by the tops of the Mountains, cannot penetrate into the inward Parts, for which Reafon they are very fruitful yet this Countrey's Climate is fo different from the reft of the World, that when other Places are parch'd up with the fcorching heat of the Sun, India is cover'd with Snow ; and when other Re- gions are frozen, the heat is here almoft intole- rable, no Body being able to account for the caufe.

The Indian Sea does not differ in Colour from other Seas , yet having received its Name from King Erythras, the ignorant have believ'd its Wa- ters were Red. The Land produces a great deal of Flax, wherewith the major part of the Inhabi- tants cloath themfelves. The inward Bark of the Trees receives the Characters of Letters as well as Paper, and the Birds may be taught to imitate the founds of a human Voice. The Beafts here are different from thofe of other Nations, the Rhi- noceros will live here but not breed. The Indian Elephants are ftronger than thofe that are tam'd in Africa, and they are large proportionably to their Strength. Gold is to be found in feveral Ri- vers of this Countrey, which glide along with a gentle ftream. The Sea doth caft both Pearls and precious Stones on the Shore, which is the chief caufe of their Wealth, efpecially fince they have


pi Quintus Curtius. Book VIII-

communicated their Vices to foreign Nations ; for thefe Excrements of the working Sea, are look'd upon to be worth whatever Luxury rates them at. There, as well as elfewhere, the Minds of Men feem to be form'd according to the different Situ- ation of the Countrey. They cover their Bodies with Linen Garments down to the Feet : They pro- tect their Feet with Sandals, and bind their Heads with Rolls of Linen. Thofe amongft 'em, wha are diftinguifli'd from the reft, either by their No- bility of Birth or Riches , have precious Stones hanging at their Ears, and adorn their Arms, as well as Wrifts, with Bracelets and other Ornaments of Gold. They comb their Hair often, but fel- dom cut it. They (have the reft of their Face very fmooth, but the Beard on their Chins remains untouch'd. The Luxury of their Kings (which they call Magnificence) goes beyond the ExcefTes of all other Nations. When the King is pleas'd to appear publickly, there are proper Officers, who with Silver Cenfers, perfume all the Way through which he is to pafs. He is cairy'd in a Litter of Gold, curioufty fet off with Pearls that hang down all round it. The Linen with which he is cloth'd, is finely embroider'd with Gold and Purple. Hps Body-Guards follow the Litter, fome of them car- rying Boughs full of Birds, which by their agree- able Notes, are taught to divert 'em, in their more ferious Affairs.

The Palace is fupported with Pillars of Gold, upon which Vines are curioufly engrav'd, where- on the Effigies of thofe Birds they raoft delight in, are reprefented in Silver. The Palace is open to all Comers , while the King is combing himfelf and drefiing ; during which Time, he gives Audi- ence to Ambafladors, and adminifters Juftice to his People. When his Sandals are taken off, they anoint his Feet with odoriferous Unguents. His


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 93

greateft Labour is Hunting, which is perform'd in a Park, where he (hoots the wild Bealts, whilft hU Concubines are linging, and offering up their Vows for him. The Arrows are two Cubits in length, which they let fly with a greater Effort than Ef- fect, by Reafon they are clogg'd with an unweil- dy Weight, which retards their Swiftnefs, wherein their Force chiefly confifts. In fmall Journeys he rides on Horfeback ; but in longer Progreffes, he is drawn in a Chariot by Elephants, whofe vail Bodies are corer'd all over with Gold Trappings. And that nothing may be wanting to their cor- rupt Manners, he is follow'd by a long Train of Concubines in golden Litters : This Troop marches feparately from the Queen's, but is equal to it in point of Luxury. It is the Bufinefs of Women to prepare his Victuals ; they alfo ferve him with Wine, of which all the Indians drink largely.

When the King is overcome with Wine and Sleep, thefe Concubines carry him into his Cham- ber, invoking the Gods of the Night, in their Country Hymns. Who would imagine, that where Vice feems to reign fo abfolutely, there mould be any Regard had to Wifdom ? Yet there is a rural and rigid Sect amongft 'em, which they diftinguiih by the Tide of wife Men. Thefe Men efteem it a glo- rious thing to prevent their natural Death ; they therefore , when Age begins to be burthenfome to them , or are otherwife indifpos'd in Health , order themfelves to be burnt alive ; looking upon it as a Difgrace to their Lives, patiently to expedl the Hour of Death. For this Reafon, no Honours are (hewn to the Bodies of thofe who die of old Age ; the Fire is dehTd, they think, unlefs it re- ceives them breathing. There is another fort of wife Men amongft them, who live in Towns af- ter a civil Manner. They are faid to be well ftill'd in the Motion of the Planets, and to fore-


94 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

tcl future Events. They hold, that no Body ac- celerates his Diilblution, who has Courage enough to wait the Decrees of Nature. They worfhip for Gods, whatever they have a Fancy for, but Trees efpecially ; to violate which , is a capital Crime with them. Their Months contain'd but fifteen Days, notwithstanding which, their Years are compleat. They compute their Time by the Courfe of the Moon, but not as molt People do, when that Planet fills its Orb ; but when it begins to hollow it feif into Horns. This is the Caufe that they who reckon their Months after this man- ner, have them much fhorter than other People. There are feveral other Things related of 'em, which I dicl not think worth the while to interrupt the Order of my Hillory with.


Alexander being enter'd into India, the little Kings of the Countrey went to meet him , and fubmit themfelves and Dominions to him, tel- ling himy he was the Third of Jupiter'* Offspring, that had reached their Countrey. Bacchus and Her- cules they knew by Tame only ; but they had the Honour to behold him , and be blefi'd with his Prefence. The King having receiv'd them graci- oufly, order'd them to accompany him, defigning to make ufe of them as Guides in his March. But when he faw that none of the reft came, he fent Heph&ftion and Perdiccas with part of the Army before, to fubdue fuch as were unwilling to fub- mit to his Power, ordering them to advance as far as the River Indus, and there to prepare Boats to tranfport his Army over the fame.


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius.

Now becaufe there were feveral Rivers to pafs, they fo contnv'd the Boats that they might, be taken to Pieces, and carry'd in Waggons, and put together again when Occafion requir'd. Then having commanded Craterus to follow him with the Phalanx ,' he advanc'd with the Cavalry and light-arm'd Forces, and after a fmall Engagement, drove a Body of the Enemies (which came to op- pofe him) into the next Town. By this Time, Craters was come up to him. That therefore he might ftrike a Terror amongrt thefe People, who had not yet experienc'd the Macedonians Arms; he gave Orders to put all to the Sword , burning the Fortifications of the Place. But whilft he was riding about the Walls, he was wounded with an Arrow. However, he took the Town, and ha- ving kill'd all the Inhabitants, he did not fo much as fpare the Houfes.

Having conquer'd this inconfiderable People, he came to a City call'd Nyfa, and pitch'd his Camp before the Walls thereof in a woody Ground. Here the Night-cold was fo (harp, that it very much incommoded the Army , but it was ealily remedied by Fires. For having cut down the Wood, they kindled fuch a Flame, that it reach'd the burying Places of the Townfmen, which being built with old Cedar , quickly took Fire , which fpreading it felf on all fides, burnt them down to the Ground. By this time the barking of the Dogs from the Town, and the Noife of the Army from the Camp were reciprocally heard, fo that the In- habitants were fenfible the Enemy was at hand, and the Macedonians underftood they were near the Town.

The King therefore drew out his Troops, and as he prepard to befiege the Place , fome of the Townfmen made a Sally, but were all kill'd. Af- ter tfus, fome of the befieged were for furrender-

96 Quintus Curtius. BookVIIL

ing, while others again were for trying a Battel. A- lexander being inform'd of their Divifions , ..was cnotented to block up the Place without doing them any farther Damage. At laft being tir'd with the Inconveniences of the Siege , they yielded them- felves at Difcretion.

They faid Bacchus was the Founder of their City, which Afiertion indeed was true. It is feat- ed at the Foot of a Hill, which by the Inhabitants is call'd Meros, from whence the Greeks took the Li- berty to feign, that Bacchus had been conceal d in Ju- piter'5 Thigh. Alexander being inftrudted in the Na- ture of the Mountain by the Inhabitants, fent Provt- fions before him, and march'd to the Top of it with his whole Army. It is full of Vines and Ivy, and has a great Number of Springs. There is alio great Variety of wholefom Fruits, the Earth nou- riming the accidental Seeds that grow up and flou- rifti without Cultivation. The Laurel likewiie grows here, and it is pretty well cloth'd with Wood. I cannot believe it was by any divine In- ftincl, but rather out of Wantonnefs, that the Sol- diers made themfelves Garlands of the Ivy and Vine-Leaves, running in that Condition up and down the Woods like fo many Bacchanals. This Frolick was begun by a few at firft (as it generally happens) but at laft fpread it felf throughout the whole Army. The Mountains and Valleys rung with the Voices of lb many thoufand Men, who in that manner ador'd the Tutelar God of the Grove. Here , as if they had enjoy'd a profound Peace , they laid themfelves down upon the Grafs and Heaps of Leafes. The King was fo far from dis- approving this accidental Licenfe , that on the contrary, he order'd them all wherewith to make Good Chear, and fuffer'd his Army to be thus em- ploy'd for ten Days together in the Service of Bacchus. Who can (after this) deny that the great-

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 97

eft Glory is oftner the Favour of Fortune, than the Effect of Virtue and Merit ? Since the Enemy did not dare to attack them in that drunken and drowfte Condition, being no lefs terrify'd by the Noife and Roaring of thefe mad Men, than they would have been by their Shoots and Huzza's in an Engagement; it was the fame good Fortune that fav'd them at their Return from the Ocean, when they had abandon'd themfelves to Drunken- nefs and Feafting. From hence he came into a Countrey ealTd D&daU, the People whereof had forfaken their Habitations, and were fled to the Woods and Mountains. He therefore pafs'd by Acadera, which he alfo found wafte and defo- late by the Flight of its Inhabitants. This ab- lig'd him to change the Order of the War, and di- vide his Army to carry on the War in fevera! Places at the fame Time ; fo that they were over- come on the fudden, before they expe&ed to fee the Enemy. Ptohmy reduc'd feveral Tow?ns, but Alexander took the largeft. This being done, he again re-united his difperfed Forces, and having pafs'd the River Ckoafpes, he left Canus to carry on the Siege of a rich Town call'd Bezira by the Inhabitants, and march'd himfelf to Maz,ag&. Af- facanus the King thereof, was lately dead, and his , Mother Cleophes had the Government both of the Town and Countrey. The Town was defended by thirty thoufand Foot, and was not only ftrong by Nature, but alfo by Art : For toward the Eaft, it was cover'd by a rapid River, whole fteep Banks hinder'd the Approach to it. On the Weft and South Parts, there are prodigious high Rocks ( which Nature feems to have contriv'd on Purpofe) at the Bottom whereof, are Pits and Gulphs which length of Time has funk to a very great Depth ; where thefe fail, there is a Ditch of wonderful Labour. The Wall that encom paries the To way -is thirtv Vol. II. F five

98 Quintus Cur/tius. Book VIII.

five Furlongs in Circumference, the lower Part, thereof is built of Stone, and the upper of un- burnt Bricks ; yet the Bricks were ftrengthned with Stone, which they intermix'd, that the loofer Sub- ftance might be fecur'd by the harder. And left the whole fliould link or fettle, there were ftrong Beams of Timber laid on the Top, on which they erected Scaffolds which ferv'd both to cover the Walls, and to make 'em practicable.

As Alexander was viewing thefe Fortifications, uncertain what to refolve upon (for it was a labo- rious Undertaking to fill up thofe Pits and hollow Caves, without which, notwithstanding, it was im- poflible to advance the Engines to the Walls,) He was wounded in the Calf of the Leg with an Ar~ row from the Wall , which being pull'd out , he call'd for his Horfe, and without biffth'ng up his Wound, purfu'd what he was about. However, as h/sLeg hung down, the Blood fettling, and the Wound growing cold, his Pain encreas'd very much, which made him fay, that notwith flan ding he was /aid to be Jupiter' j Son, he was fenfible of the Infirmities of a fickly Body. Yet he did not re- tire to the Camp, till he had view'd every thing, and given his Orders thereupon. The Soldiers therefore, as they were commanded, demolished the Out-buildings , which afforded a great deal of Matter to fill up the Cavities with ; others calf in great Trees and vaft Heaps of Stone, fo that thro' the indefatigable Labour of the Soldiers, the Work was compleated in nine Days, and the Towers erected thereon. The King, tho' his Wound was not quite curd, came to view the Works, and ha- ving commended the Soldiers for their Diligence, order'd the Engines to be advane'd, from whence they difcharg'd a great many Darts againft the Gar- rilbn. But what mod amaz'd and terrify'd the Barbarians, was, to fee the Towers move ; for be- 2 holding

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 99

holding fuch vail Piles to advance, without per- ceiving by what Means they mov'd, they con- cluded they were actuated by the Power of the Gods. Befides, they could not conceive how fuch heavy Darts and Spears (which were (hot at them from the Engines) could be call by Mortals.

Defpairing therefore of being able to defend the Place, they retir'd into the Citadel. From hence (being refolv'd to furrender themfelves) they fent AmbafTadors to implore the Kings Pardon, which being granted, the Queen came to him, attended by a Train of Noble Women, who ofFer'd him Wine in golden Cups by the way of Sacrifice, and having prefented to him her little Son , {he not only obtain'd Pardon, but was alfo reftor'd to the Splendor of her former Dignity , retaining the Title of Queen. Some were of Opinion , that he granted more to her Beauty than to Pity, It is certain, that the Child (he had afterwards (whofo- ever was the Father of it) was call'd Alexander.


FROM hence he detach'd Polypercon with an Army to a Town call'd Ora, the Inhabitants whereof making a disorderly Sally, were beat by him, and drove back into their Fortifications; io that Polypercon following them dole enter'd the Town with them , and made himfelf Matter of it. A great many other inconfiderable Places came into the Kings Power, being forfaken by the In- habitants, who repair'd with their At ms to a Rock call'd Aomos. It is faid, that Hercules in vain at- tempted to take this Rock, being forc'd by an Earthquake to leave it. As Alexander was at a' lofs which way to attack this Place , which was F a very

ioo Quintus Curtius. BookVlH.

very fteep and craggy on all fides, an ancient Man with his two Sons came to him , offering, for a Reward , to (hew his Men a Way to the Top of it. Alexander hereupon promis'd him fourfcore Talents, and keeping with him one of the young Men as a Pledge, fent him to execute what he had undertaken.

Mulimu* the Kings Secretary, with fome light- arm'd Soldiers, was appointed to follow this Guide, who defign'd, by fetching a Compafs, to deceive the Enemy, and get up to the Top unperceiv'd by them. This Rock does not by a moderate and gentle Afcent (as a great many do) raife it felf to its Highth, but ftands erect after the manner of a Butt, being broad beneath, contracting it felf as it rifes, till at laft it terminates in a Point. The Ri- ver Indus runs at the Bottom of it, having very high and fteep Banks ; on the other fide thereof, there are deep Gulphs and craggy Hollows that muft of neceffity be fill'd up by whoever would take the Place. There was a Wood near at hand, which the King commanded to be cut down for that purpofe, caufing the Branches to be lop'd off, that the Men might carry the Stocks with the more eafe. He flung in the firlt Tree himfelf, the whole Army {homing at the fame time for Toy, and no Body refuting now to do what they had feen the King himfelf perform. Thefe Cavities were by this means fill'd up in feven Day's time. Then the King order'd the Archers and Agriani- &ns to climb up the Rock. He like wife made choice of thirty of the braveft young Men of his own Band, appointing Charm and Alexander to be their Leaders. The laft of thefe, he put in Mind of his Name, which he bore in common with himfelf.

At flrft, all oppos'd the King's hazarding his Per- fon in fo manifeft a Danger ; but the Signal was



no fooner given, than this Prince who was of an undaunted Courage turn'd to his Guards, and bid them follow him, and was the firft to climb the Rock. After this, none of the Macedonians would flay behind, but of their own Motion, left their Polls and follow'd the King. A great many of them perifh'd miferably , falling from the Rock into the River, which prefently fwallow'd them up. It was a melancholy Spedacle even. to thole who were out of Danger ; but when they . obferv'd by the Difafter of others what they had reafon to apprehend might be their own Lot, their Compaffion was turn'd into Fear, and they no -longer bewail'd the Dead, but their own hard Con- dition. By this time they were advane'd fo far , that they could not retire with Safety, unlefs they conquer'd; and the Barbarians on their part, rol- led down huge Stones upon them, who being ter~ rify'd with the Danger, and not able to take firm Footing on the flippery Rock, were eafily bore down the Precipice. However, Alexander and Charns, whom the King had. fent before with the thirty chofen young Men , had made a (Lift to- gain the Top, and was already engag'd in a clofe Fight with the Enemy ; but by reafon the Barba- rians were ftill'd poiTefs'd of the Summit, they re- ceived a great many more Wounds than they gave. Wherefore Alexander remembring both his Name and Promife , behav'd himfelf with more Bravery than Caution , but being attack'd on all fides, he was cover'd with Wounds, under which at lad he funk and died. Chants feeing him lie on the Ground, fell furioufly on the Enemy, think- ing of nothing but Revenge, and kill'd feveral with his Pike, and fome with his Sword, but fighting fingly againft fo many, he fell down dead upon, the Body of his Friend.


ioi Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

The King no lefs afflicted than he ought to be, at the Lofs of two fuch gallant young Men, and the reft of the Soldiers, caus'd the Retreat to be founded. What fav'd 'em here, was, that they re- -tir'd leifurely , and with Intrepidity : Moreover, the Barbarians being contented to have repuls'd the Enemy, did not purfue 'em. However, tho* Alex- ander had refolv'd within himfelf to deiiit from the Attempt (fince there was not the leaft Probability of Succefs therein) yet he made a Shew, as if he intended to continue the Siege. For he poflefs'd himfelf of the Avenues, and order' d the Towers to be approach'd, and caufed frefli Men to relieve the fatigu'd. The Indians perceiving his Obftina- cy, gave themfelves up to Mirth, out of an Often- tation, not only of the Confidence they had in their Safety, but alfo of the Victory. But on the third Night, the Noife of the Drums ceas'd, and the Rock was every where illuminated with Torches, that they might make the fafer Retreat in the Obfcurity of the Night, through the Pre- cipices of the Rock. The King having therefore fent Balacer to inform himfelf of the Matter, he brought an Account, that the Enemy was fled. Hereupon the King gave the Signal for a general Shout, which ftruck fuch a Terror into the difor- derly Fugitives, that a great many of 'em think- ing the Enemy at Hand , flung themfelves head- long down the flippery Rock, and perim'd mife- rably; others of 'em being maim'd in fome or other of their Limbs, were forfaken by thofe who -were unhurt. The King having thus rather over- come the Place, than the Enemy, yet he ofFer'd Sacrifices to the Gods, as if he had obtain'd a great Victory, erecting Altars on the Rock to Minerva and Victory. As to the Guides who were to have conducted the light-arm'd Soldiers, as we faid be- fore, he faithfully gave them what he had promis'd


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 103

them, notwithftanding they did not perfectly per- form what they had undertook ; after which he committed the guard of this Rock and the Coun- trey round it to Sofccojlus.


FROM hence the King conrinu'd his March towards Ecbolina, but being inform'd that lome Defiles thro' which- he was to pafs, werepof- fefs'd by one Eryces, with twenty thouiand Men ; he left the heavy laden part of his Army under the com- mand of C&nus to be brought up by eaiie Marches, and taking with him the Slingers and Archers, he went before, and having driven the Enemies from their Poft , he open'd a Paflage to the reft of his Troops that follow'd him.

The Indians, either out of Hatred to their Cap- tain, or to obtain the Favour of the Conqueror, fet upon Eryces in his Flight, and having kill' d him, brought both his Head and Arms to Alexander who, notwithftanding he forgave the Facl, yet ht did not encourage the Example.

From hence in fixteen Encampments he came to the River Indus , where he found every thing prepar'd by Heph&jlion for palling the fame, ac- cording to his Orders. Omph'u reign'd now in this Countrey, he had, during his Father's Life, advis'd him to furrender himfelf and Kingdom to Alexander. His Father being dead, he fent Mef- fengers to the K'mg to know his Pleafure, Whether he fhonld take the Regal Dignity upon him, or in a private Capacity wait his coming ; nay, his Mo- defty was fuch, that altho' he had Alexander's Con- fent to take the Government upon him, he would not make ufe of it till his Arrival. He had been

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104 Quintus Curtius. BookVIII.

very kind to Heph&ftion, and had caus'd Corn to be diftributed to his Troops gratis, but he did not vifit him in Perfon, being unwilling to furrender himfelf to any but the King ; whom (upon Infor- mation of his drawing nigh) he went out to meet at the Head of an Army, wherein he had feveral Elephants at fome diftance from each other, which a great way off appear'd like fo many Caftles. At firlt Alexander thinking him an Enemy, and not an Ally, order'd his Soldiers to take to their Arms , and the Horfe to place themfelves on the Wings , and all to be ready to engage. But the Indian perceiving the Miftake, caus'd his Army to halt, and clap'ping Spurs to his Horfe, advanc'd a- fene. Alexander on his fide did the like, ready to meet him either as a Friend or an Enemy ; when they came together their Countenances de- clar'd they were friendly difpos'd, yet they could not exprefs themfelves to each other for want of an Interpreter, wiiich being come, the Barbarian told the King, That he met him in this manner ivith his Army, to yield up to him at once the whole 'Strength of his Kingdom, without waiting till he had receivd his Parole of Honour ; that he refignd loth his Perfon and Dominions into his Hands, who he knezv fought for Glory and Renoivn, and fear d nothing but fullying his Honour. The King being well pleas'd with the Sincerity of the Barbarian, gave him his right Hand as a Pledge of his Pro- tection and reftor'd his Kingdom to him. He pre- fented Alexander with fifty fix Elephants, and feve- ral other Cattle of an extraordinary Size ; there were amongft the reft three thoufand Bulls, which are a rarity in this Countrey, and much valu'd by the Kings. Upon Alexanders aflcing him. Whether he had more Hujbandmen or Soldiers be- longing to him? He made anlwer, that having two Kings to fight againfi, he flood in need of more Sol- diers

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. tof

diers than Plough-men. The two Kings were Abi- f [ares and Porus, but Poms was the moft power- ful ; both their Countreys lay beyond the River Hydafpes ; however, he was refolv'd to try the- Fortune of the War againft the firft that fhould attack him.

Omphis , with Alexanders leave, put on the Diadem, and took the Name of Taxiles, which his Father had bore before him, and which de^- fcended of courfe to whoever was King of that Countrey. Having - entertain'd Alexander very fplendidly during three Days, on the fourth, he gave him to underftand what quantity of Corn he had fupply'd Heph&ftion with for his Troops*, and prefented the King and all his Friends with. Crowns of Gold, belides which he made him a Gift of fourfcore Talents of coin'd Silver. Alexan- der was wonderfully pleas'd with the generous-Dir fpofition of this Prince, and thereupon not only return'd to him all his Prefents, but alfo gave him a thoufand Talents out of the Booty he carry'd with him , befides a great deal of Gold and Sil- ver Plate, feveral Per [tan Garments, and thirty of his own Horfes accoutred with the fame Furni- ture he us'd to mount 'em with himfelf. As this Liberality very much oblig'd the Barbarian, fo it. very much offended his own Friends, infomuch. that Maleager having drunk pretty largely at Supper.,, faid, He congratulated Alexander upon his having at la ft found in India, a Perfon deferring of a thou* fand Talents. The King calling to mind how- much he had been afflicted for killing Clitus ? on the account of his indifcreet Difcourfe , fup- prefs'd his Anger, but told him however, That envious Perfons were their own greateft Torments,


io6 Quiotus Curtius. Book VIII.


TH E Day following he receiv'd Ambafladors from Abifares, who, according to their Com- mifiion, yielded up all that belong'd to their Ma- iler, to his Royal Will and Pleafure ; and after •mutual alfurance given of Fidelity and Protection, he fent them back to their King. Alexander ima- gining that his Reputation and Fame had by this time ftartled Poms, and fo he might be brought to furrender himfelf as others had done, tent Cleo- chares to him, to fummon him to pay a Tribute, and to meet the King on the Frontiers of his Domi- nions. Poms made anfvver, That he would not fail to do one of thofe two things ; which was to meet him on the Borders of his Kingdom, but it fliottld be with a good Army.

Alexander was now upon the point of paffing the Hydafpes when Barzain-tes, the Author of the Arachofians Rebellion, was brought to him bound, and thirty Elephants which were taken with him ; thefe were a very feafonable Succour at this time againft the Indians, for they put more confidence in thefe Reafts than in their Army. Gnmaxu**, who was King of a fmall Portion of India , and .had made an Alliance with Barza'entes, was al- fo brought a Prifoner to him. Having therefore •committed the Tray tor and the little King to a fafe Guard, and the Elephants to the Care of Ta- xiles, he came to the River Hydafpes. Poms was -encamp'd on the other fide thereof to oppofe his Ullage, having with him fourfcore and live Ele- phants of a prodigious ftrengrh of Body ; betides thefe, he had three hundred Chariots, and thirty thoufand Foot, amongft which there were fome of thofe Archers which we have already menti-

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 107

on'd, whofe Shafts were too heavy to be eafily {hot off. Porus himfelf was carried upon an E- lephant of a much larger Size than the reft , his Arms, which were finely adorn'd with Gold and Silver, were a great Ornament to his illuftrious Perfonage, which was of an unufual bignefs ; his Courage was equal to the Strength of his Body, and he was as wife as could be expected in a Nation fo unciviliz'd. The Macedonians were- not only terrify'd by the dreadful appearance of the Enemy, but alfo by the largenefs of the River they were to pafs, which was four Furlongs in breadth, and being very deep was no where for- dable, fo that it carried the appearance of a little Sea. Its largenefs did not remain its impetuous Current, for it ran with the fame rapidity it could have done in a narrow Channel, and the reper- cuffion of the Waters ftiew'd fufficiently ,. that there were hidden Rocks in it ; but the appear- ance of Men and Horfes that cover'd the Bank was ftill more terrible. There flood thofe huge- bulks of over-grown Bodies, the Elephants, which, being on purpofe provok'd, fill'd the Air with a horrible Noife. Thus the Enemy on one fide* and the River on the other , firuck with an un- forefeen Terror, the Hearts of thofe who had reafon to hope well, and had fo often experienc'd their own Bravery. They could not imagine how their tottering Boats could be fteer'd to the othet fide, nor how, when they came there, they could with fafety be put to Shoar. In the middle, of the River there were feveral I Hands, to which the Indians and Macedonians fwam, holding their Arms over their Heads ; here they had frequent Skir- milhes, and both Kings were pleas'd with thefe fmall Trials, thinking thereby to make a Judgment of the iflue of the future general Engagement.

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108 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

Among the Macedonians there were two young Noblemen, whofe Names were Symmachus and Nicanor , remarkable for their daring Courage , which feem'a1 to partake of Raflinefs and Teme- rity. The conftant Succefs of their Party had brought 'em to an utter contempt of all Danger. Under the Conduct of thefe two, feveral briflc young Fellows (having no other Arms than their Javelins) fwam over to an Illand which was pof- fefs'd by a good number of the Enemy ; where, without hardly any other Weapon than their Cou- rage, they kill'd a great many of them. This done, they might have come off with Glory, if it had been poflible for a fuccefsful Temerity to know where to ftop ; but while with Contempt and Pride they waited till the Enemy was rein- forcd, they were fuddenly furrounded by fome who had fwam thither unperceiv'd, and opprefs'd with their Darts at a diftance. Thofe who efcap'd the Enemy were either bore down the rapid Stream, or fwallow'd by the Whirpools. This SkirmiQi increas'd Porus's ArTurance very much, who from the River fide beheld- all that pafs'd.

In the mean time Alexander , who was at a lofs what to do, at laft refolv'd upon this Stratagem to .deceive the Enemy. There was in the River one Iiland .larger than the reft, which was very woody, and fo very proper to cover his Defign. Moreover, there was a deep Ditch not far from the Bank the Xing poflefs'd, which was not only capable of concealing Foot, but Horfe alfo ; that therefore he might draw off the Eyes of the Enemy from watching that conveniency, he detach'd Ptolemy with all his Cavalry, ordering him to ride up and down at a confiderable diftance from the Ifland, and now and then by Cries and Shouts to alarm the Indians, as if he intended to fwim over .the River, This was «xecuted by Ptolemy for feveral


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 109

Days, by which means he fore' d.Porus to draw off his Army to that Place where he feem'd to have a defign to pafs over. The Ifland was now out of the Enemy's fight, and Alexander order'd his Tent to be pitch'd over againft the Indians Camp, and his ufual Guards to do Duty before it, expofing on purpofe to the View of the Enemy all the Pomp and Splendor of Regal Magnificence. He alfo caus' d Attains (who was about his Age, and not unlike him in Feature and Perfon, efpecially at a diftance) to put on his Royal Garments, and make a mew as if the King was there with them, and no wife contriving to pafs the River.

A violent Tempeft retarded at firft the effedl of this Enterprize, but afterwards promoted it, For- tune turning to his Advantage whatever feem- ed to be againft him. He was now preparing to pafs into the Ifland we before mention'd ?'(the Enemy being wholly intent on thofe who with Ptolemy were encamp'd lower down) when on the fudden there fell fuch a ftorm of Rain as was hardly fupportable to thofe who were under cover, fo that the Soldiers were fore'd to quit their Boats, and take refuge again on the Land. The noife of all this Hurry was drown'd by that of the Waves againft the Banks of the River, fo that the Enemy was infenfible thereof. After a while the Rain ceas'd at once, but then fuch thick Clouds fucceeded, that they intercepted the Light, and made it almoft impoffible for thofe who were talk- ing to one another to diftinguifti their Compa,- nions, Faces. This darknefs would have terrify'd any Body but Alexander, efpecially being to pafs over an unknown. River, when they were not cer- tain but the Enemy might have poflefs'd themr felves of that part of the Bank they were unwa- rily making to without the benefit of their Eyes, as if they fought for Glory from the extremity of


no Quintus Curtius . Book VIII,

their Danger. But that Obfcurity which would have daunted others, he thought was his Oppor- tunity; he therefore gave the Signal to embark (enjoining a profound lilence) and caus'd his own Boat to put off the firft. That part of the Bank where they landed was free from the Enemy, Porus be- ing ftill intent upon Ptalemy, and all the Boats ex- cept one which was dauYd againft a Rock, arriv'd fafe, fo that he order'd his Men to take to their Arms, and form their Ranks, and march in order of Battel.


Alexander was marching now at the Head of his Army, divided into tw-o Wings, when Porus receiv'd Advice, that the Enemy had pafs'd the River, and were marching diredly to him ; at firft, thro* the common frailty of the Mind of Man, he flatter'd himfelf with the hopes that it was Abifares his Ally, who was coming to his Af- fiftance, according to Agreement ; but by and by the clearer Light made him feniible it was the Ene- my, fo that he fent his Brother Hages with a hun- dred Chariots, and three thoufand Horfe to make Headagainlt em. Thefe Chariots were the chief- eft part of his Strength, each of them carry'd fix Men, viz.. two who had Bucklers, two Archers difpos'd on each fide> and the other two were Dri- vers, who were not without Arms, for in clofe Engagements they laid afide their Reins, and caft Darts amongft the Enemy. However, they were of little or no ufe at this time, for the Rain (as we before obferv'd) having fallen in greater abun- dance than ufual, had made the Ground flippery and impractible to the Horfes, fo that thefe heavy

Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. HI

and aim oft immoveable Chariots ftuck fall in the •Mire and hollow Places ; whereas Alexanders Ar- my being lightly arm'd, and free from all Incum- brance, charg'd the Enemy brifkly. The Scythi- ans and the Dah& gave the Onfet, then he order'd Per dice cvs with his Horfe to attack the Enemies Right Wing ; by this time the Engagement was general, and the Charioteers thinking themfelves the fcjft refuge of their Party, with a loofe Rein drove furioufty in the midft of the Throng, and equally annoy'd both Parties; for at firft the Ma- cedonian Infantry fuffer'd very much by 'em r "but being driven thro' flippery and impracti- cable Places, the Charioteers were flung out of their Seats, while the affrighted Horfes over-turn'd fome of them in the Sloughs and Ditches, and precipitated others into the River ; a few of tbera pafhng thro' the Enemy, came into Poruss Camp, who was preparing all things for a vigorous Fight. Porus perceiving his Chariots thus fcatter'd all over the Field of Battel, diftributed the Charge of the Elephants amongft his Friends, and behind them drew up his Foot and Archers, who likewife had Drums to beat, which ferv'd the Indians inftead of Trumpets. The Beafts are not at all mov'd at thisNoife, their Ears having been a long time ac- cuftom'd to it.

The Image of Hercules was carry'd at the Head of the Infantry. This was a great Encourage- ment to them, and it was efteem'd a great Crime to defert the Bearers of it , who were by the Laws punifh'd with Death if they did not bring it fafe out of the Field ; the fear they .former- ly conceiv'd of him, while their Enemy, being now turn'd into 'Veneration and religious Worfliip.

The noble Prefenceof Porus, as well as the Sight of thefe monftrous Animals, put the Mace- donians to a ftand for a while; for thefe Beafts


iii Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

being difpos'd among the Men in the Front, at a diftance carry'd the appearance of Towers ; and Porus's extraordinary Stature was very much fet off by the largenefs of the Elephant that carry'd him, which as much exceeded all the reft in highth as he himfelf exceeded other Men in tallnefs. A- lexander therefore taking a view of the King's Per- fon and his Army, faid, At lafi I have met with a Danger fuitalle to the Greatnefs of my Soul ; I have nozv not only to do with Bcafts, but alfo with Men of Diftinclion. Then looking at C&nus, he gave him the following Orders, When you fee me with Ptolomy, Perdiccas and Haepheftion, charge the Enemies Left Wing, and fiall obferve us to be in the heat of Aclion, do you vigoroufly attack the Right Wing ; and for you, Antigenes* Leonnarus, and Tauron, do you prefs hard upon the Center. Our long and firong Pikes can never be of greater ufe than againft thefe Beafts, and their Managers ; beat thefe off of 'em, and run thofe through. They are at beft but a dangerous Succour , and may as eafily annoy as do Service ; nay, their Rage exerts its fury chiefly when turn'd upon their own People, for it is Discipline teaches 'em to acl againft the Enemy ; whereas fear drives \m amongji their Friends.

As foon as he had fpok'e thefe Words,: he clap- ped Spurs to, his Horfe, and as he had project- ed, diforder'd the Enemies Ranks ; then C&nus attack'd the Right Wing with great Bravery, and the Phalanx at the fame time broke in upon the Center.

Poms took care to oppofe the Horfe with his Elephants; however, that flow and unwieldy Animal could not equal the Horfes fpeed; beiides which the Barbarians Arrows were of no ufe to them , for as they were long and very heavy they could not fix them without refting their


Book VIII. Quintus Curtius. 113

Bows upon the Ground, which being flippery, de- ceiv'd their Effort, fo that while they were pre- paring to fhoot , they were prevented by ? the Enemy.

Poruss Orders were now no longer minded (as it generally happens where Fear has a greater Influence than the Authority of the Captain.) There were at this time as many Generals as there were fcatter'd Regiments. Some were for uniting all their Troops into one Body, others were for fighting diftindly in feparate Corps; fome were for making a (land, others were for wheeling about and attacking the Enemy in the Rear. In fine, there was no general Confutation; notwithstand- ing which, Porus, accompany'd by a few (with whom Honour prevail' d more than Fear) rally'd his fcatter'd Forces, and advanc'd againfl the Ene- my, placing the Elephants in the front of his Ar- my. Thefe Animals were very terrible, and their unufual noife did not only frighten the Horfes (who are naturally fearful) but the Men alfo, and diforder'd the Ranks ; fo that they who a little before were victorious, began now to confider which way they fhould take their Flight. Hereupon Alexander fent againft the Elephants the Agrians and the light-arm'd Th'racians, who are better at fkirmifliing than maintaining a clofe Fight. Thefe Men pour'd in a great number of Darts and Ar- rows amongfl the Elephants and their Governors, and the Phalanx perceiving their Confulion prefs'd hard upon 'em ; but fome of thefe advancing too eagerly againfl: thofe Beafts, fo provok'd 'em by the Wounds they gave 'em, that they trampled them under their Feet, and were an Example to others to attack them with more caution ; but the moft difmal thing of all was, when thefe A- nimals took up the arm'd Soldiers with their


X14 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

Trunks, and deliver'd 'em up to their Governors upon their Backs.

This made the Fight doubtful, the Macedonians fometimes purfuing, and fometimes flying from the Elephants, which occafion'd the Battel to continue "till the Day was far fpent, till at laft they chopp'd their Legs with Axes prepar'd for that purpofe. They had beiides another kind of Weapon, fome- what crooked, and refembltng a Scythe , with which they cut off their Trunks. Thus the fear not only of Death, but of a new Torment in the fame, made them leave nothing unexperienc'd a- gainft them.

At laft the Elephants, enrag'd with their Wounds, bore down their own Party, and calling their Go- vernors on the Ground , trampled them to Death. By this time Fear had fo feiz'd them , that in- ftead of being mifchievous they were drove like Sheep out of the Field of Battel ; but Porus (not- withstanding he was forfaken by the greateft part of his People) began to ply thofe who furrounded him with Darts, with which he was provided, and wounded a great many at a diftance, being him- felf expos'd like a mark, at which every Body le- vell'd. He had already nine Wounds before and .behind, fo that having loft a great quantity of Blood, the Javelins might be faid rather to drop from his faint Arm, than be deliver'd. However, the Elephant that carry'd him (not being yet hurt) made great havock amongft the Enemy, till the Governor of it (perceiving the King's Limbs to fail him, and that dropping his Arms he was hard- ly compos mentis) put the Beaft to flight, making the beft of his way. Alexander follow'd him as fait as he could, but his Horfe being very much wounded fainted under him, and might be faid rather to fet him down gently, than call: him. Being thus oblig'd


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to change his Horfe, retarded his purfuit. In the mean time he fent the Brother of Taxiles the Indian King, to perfuade Yorus to furrender himfelf> and not hold out to the laft extremity ; but he, altho' his Strength fail'd him, and his Blood was exhaulted, yet raifing himfelf up at the known Voice, laid, 1 am fenfible thou art the Brother of Taxiles, that Trai- tor of his Sovereignty and Kingdom. And at the fame time , call: the only Dart he had left with fuch a Force at him, that it pierc'd his Body thro' to the Back. Having given this laft Token of his Strength, he began 10 fly falter than before ; but by this time, the Elephant who had receiv'd a great many Wounds, was not able to go any far- ther; fo that Poms was oblig'd to ftop, and with fome Foot made Head againft the purfuing Ene- my. Alexander being come up with him , and underftanding his Obftinacy, forbid any Mercy to be {hewn to thofe who made any Refinance. At thefe Words they ply'd Poms and his Men with Darts from all Parts, till at laft not being able to bear up any longer, he began to Hide down from his Beaft. The Indian who guided the Elephant, thinking he had a Mind to alight, caus'd the Beaft to kneel down according toCuftom; which being obferv'd by the reft, they all did the like , being train'd up to do fo, by which means , Poms and all his Followers, became a Prey to the Conque- rors. The King thinking Porm was dead, order'd his Body to be ftripp'd ; but as they were running to put the fame in Execution, and take off his Armour and Garments, the Beaft began to defend his Mafter, and attack the AggrelTors, and taking hold of him with his Trunk, put him again up- on his Back. Whereupon they prefently cover'd the Elephant with Darts , and kill'd it, and put Porm in a Waggon. But the King perceiving him to lift up his Eyes, was mov'd with Compaflion,

H6 Quintus Curtius. Book VIII.

and faid, to him, What Madnefs pojfefs'd thee to try the Fortune of the War with me, of whom thou hadft heard fuch mighty Things , efpecially when Taxilcs thy Neighbour might have been a fuffici- ent Example of my Clemency to thofe that are wife enough to fubmit to me ? To which he made Anfwer, Since thou afkejl me the Que/Hon, I /hall tell thee with the fame Freedom thou grante/l me by the Interrogation. I thought no Body flronger than my felf ; for I knew my own Poiuer, and had not yet experienced thine. The Event of the War convinces me, thou art the greateji Prince, and I think it no fmall Happinefs to hold the next Rank to thee. Being afk'd again, How he thought the Vi- clor ought to ufe him ? He reply'd, As this Day's AHion /hall infpire thee ; by which thou art fen- jible of the Frailty of mortal Happinefs. This Ad- monition avail'd him more than any Inrreaty could have done; for conlidering the Greatnefs of his Mind, which was altogether fearlefs, and not in the leaft impair'd by Adverfity, he not only took Pity of him , but us'd him honourably. He order'd the fame Care to be taken of his Wounds, as if he had fought for his Service, and when they were cur'd, he receiv'd him into the Number of his Friends, contrary to every Body's Expectation, and in a little time, gave him a larger Kingdom than he had before. Indeed, there was nothing more ftrongly riveted into his Nature, than a due Regard to true Merit and Glory. It is true, at the fame time, he confider'd Renown more im- partially in an Enemy, than in a Subject; for he thought that the Fame of thefe, was a Diminution to his own. which he imagin'd receiv'd fome ad- ditional Luftre from the Greatnefs of thofe he o- vercame.

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exander rejoicing at fo memorable a Victory (by which he conceiv'd he had open d himfelf a Tallage in- to the Eaft) offer'd Sacrifices to the Sun ; and that his Soldiers might undergo with the greater Chearful- nefs the Fatigues of the remaining Wars, he made a Speech to them, wherein he firft highly com- mended them for their paft Services , and after- wards acquainted them, That the main Strength of the Indians had been overcome in the late fuc- cefsful Acl'ion. That what remain 'd,. would be on- ly a noble Booty for them ; fence the Countrey they were going to , was particularly celebrated for its prodigious Wealth and Riches , in refpetl to which , the Spoils of the Perfians were but mere trifles : That they might now prcpofe, not only to fill their own Houfes, but likewife all Macedonia and Greece, with Pearls and precious Stones, Gold and Ivory. Hereupon the Soldiers, who were no lefs greedy

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ii 8 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

of Wealth, than ambitious of Glory and Honour,- and efpecially becaufe they had never found his Promises fail 'em, readily offer'd him afrefti their: Service. Having therefore difmifs'd the AfTembly full of Hopes, he order'd Ships to be built, that when they had over-run all Alia, he might be able to vifit the Sea which bounded the whole World, There was a great deal of Timber fit for Shipping in the neighbouring Mountains , which as they were felling , they found Serpents of an unufual Size ; here were alfo Rhinoceroces, which is an ani- mal very rare in other Parts. This Name was given them by the Greeks, they being call'd other- wife by the Indians.

The King having built two Cities upon the Banks of the River he had lately pafs'd, prefented every one of his Generals with a Crown, and a thou- fand Pieces of Gold befides. He alfo rewarded the reft in proportion to their Ranks, or the Service they had done. Abiz.ares who had before the Bat- tel with Porm, fent Ambafladors to Alexander, now fent others to him to allure him, he was ready to obey his Commands , provided he might not be obliged to furrender his Perfon, he being" rvfolvd not to live without the Regal Dignity, nor to reign in Captivity. To whom Alexander made Anfwer, That if it was too great a Trouble for their Mafler to come to him, he would go to him.

Having thus vanquifh'd Porm , and pafs'd the River , he advanc'd farther into the Countrey , where he found Woods of a vaft Extent, wherein were Trees of a prodigious highth, the greater!: Part of the Arms equalling in Bignefs the Stocks ot Trees; for bending down into the Earth, they grew up again in the fame place , and feem'd ra- ther like a Tree growing from its proper Root, than -a Bough riling from another Stem. The Air is temperate, by xeafon that the Clofenefs of the


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 119

1 Boughs mitigate the exceflive Heat of the Sun, and the great Number of the Springs , afford a large Quantity of Water, which refreflies the Ground. However, here were alfo Multitudes of Serpents, whofe Scales glitter'd like Gold,, and there is not any Poifon more virulent than theirs ; for their Bite was prefent Death, till fuch time as the Inhabitants communicated to 'em a proper An- tidote. From hence they pafs'd through Defarts, to the River Hydraotes , which has a, Foreft bor- dering upon it, fet thick with uncommon Trees, and very much frequented with wild Peacocks. Decamping from hence, he took a Town not far diltant, by Afiault, and having taken Hoftages for their Fidelity , he enjoyn'd 'em a certain Tri- bute , and advanc'd to another great Town , as they commonly are in that Countrey. This Town was not only encompafs'd with a Wall, but alfo fortify'd with a Morafs. The Inhabitants of this Place came out to fight him, making ufe of feve- ral Chariots join'd together; fome of them were arm'd with Darts, others with Pikes , and fome with Axes, and they would nimbly leap from one Chariot to another, when they had a Mind to fuc- cour their Friends. At firft, this new way of fight- ing fomewhat fiartl'd the Macedonians, who found themfelves wounded at a Dillance , without the Power of revenging themfelves upon their Ene- mies. But afterwards growing into a Contempt of this diforderly Rout, they furrounded thefe Cha- riots, and ftuck thofe who fought in 'em ; and to facilitate the Work, the King commanded 'em to cut the Traces that join 'd 'em together, that fo they might attack 'em Jingly. Having in this Engage- ment loft eight thouiand of their Men, the reft re- tir'd into the Town. The next Day the Macedo- nians fcal'd the Walls , and took it by Afiault ; fome tew had lav'd themfelves by Flight, and be- ing

lib Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

ing fenfible of the Deftruction of the Place, they fwam over the Moor, and carry'd a difmal Ac- count to the neighbouring Cities, and put them in the utmoft Confternation, telling them, there was an invincible Army at hand, commanded by the Gods themfelves. Alexander having detach'd Per- d/cca* with a Body of Light-horfe to deftroy the (fountrey, fent Eumenes with another Body to re- duce the obftinate , and march'd himfelf with the reft to a ftrong Town, into which the Inhabitants of feveral others had taken Refuge. The Towns- Men difpatch'd Deputies to Alexander, to implore his Mercy, and yet at the fame time, prepared themfelves for War: For a Sedition happening amongft 'em, they were divided in their Counfels, fome preferring any Condition to a Surrender, while others thought it was to no Purpofe to re- fill:. But there being nothing confulted in com- mon, they who were for furrendring, open'd the Gates and let in the Enemy.

Notwithftanding the King might with Juftice , have puniuYd thofe who were for encouraging the reft to oppofe him, yet he pardon'd all in general, and having, receiv'd Hoftages from them, he march- ed his Army to the next City. As thefe Hoftages were led at the Head of the Army, the Inhabi- tants from the Walls knew them, as being of the fame Nation, and therefore came to a Parley with them, and being inform'd by 'em of the Kings Clemency as well as Power, they were prevail- ed upon to furrender themfelves, and the other Towns following their Example , put themfelves alfo under his Protection.

From hence he came into the Kingdom of So- rbites. This Nation (for Barbarians) is very wife, and is govern'd by good Laws and virtuous Mo- rals. Here they do not rear and bring up their Children according to the Will of the Parents, but


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 121

by the Approbation of fuch who are appointed to infpedt and examine the Frame and Make of their Bodies. Where they find any notorioufly deform- ed, or defective in any of their Limbs, they caufe 'em to be kill'd. In their Marriages, they have Regard neither to Nobility nor Extraction, but on- ly to the Beauty of the Body ; becaufe it is chiefly that they value in their Children. Alexander had brought his Army before the Capital of this Na- tion, where Sophites was himfelf prefent. The Gates were (but, but no Body appear'd either on the Walls, or in the Towers: This made the Macedonians fufpect the Inhabitants had either a- bandon'd the Place, or elfe kept out of Sight on the account of fome Stratagem. But all on the fudden, the Gate was open'd, and the Indian King (who far exceeded all the reft in Goodlinefs of Perfon) with two Sons already well grown, came forth to meet Alexander. His Garment was inter- mix'd with Gold and Purple, and cover'd his Legs ; his Sandals, which were of Gold, were alfo fet with ' Pearls and precious Stones , with which his Arms were likewife curioufly adorn'd. At his Ears he had Pendants, whofe extraordinary Whitenefs and Largeneis made them almoft ineftimable. His Scepter, which was of Gold alfo , was neatly fet off with Beryls. This he deliver'd to Alexander , wiftung him all Health and Happinefs, and there- by gave him to underftand , that he laid himfelf, his Children, and Nation at his Mercy.

This Countrey affords a very fine Dog for Hunt- ing ; they are faid to refrain their Cry, after they have once feen their Game , which is the Lion particularly. That he might therefore mew Ale- xander the Strength and Nature of thefe Dogs, he caus'd a very large Lion to be brought forth, and only four of them to be let loofe upon it. Thefe Dogs prefently faften'd upon their Prey ; then one Vol. II. G of

izz Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

of thofe whofe proper Bufinefs it was, took hold of the Leg of one of them, and pull'd it with all his Strength, but the Dog not yielding thereunto, he began to cut it off; notwithstanding which, the Dog kept his Hold, fo that the Keeper cut him in another Place, and rinding him to adhere ftill te- nacioufly to his Prey , he by degrees cut him in Pieces, the Dog keeping his Teeth ftill nVd in the Beaft till he dy'd ; fo great is the Eagernefs Nature has implanted in thefe Creatures for their Game, as it is tranfmitted to us from our Predeceflbrs. I muft confefs , I tranfcribe more than I believe my felf ; for I cannot affirm for Truth, what I doubt of; and at the fame time, I cannot omit relating what I have receiv'd. Alexander there- fore leaving Sophites in PofTeffion of his Domini- ons , advanc'd to the River Hypafis , and there join'd Heph&fiion who had fubdu'd another Coun- trey. PhegeUs was King of the Neighbouring Na- tion, who, upon Advice of Alexanders Approach, order'd his Subjects to mind cultivating their Land, and then fet out with Prefents to meet him , re- folv'd to refufe no Injunctions he mould lay upon him.


■TpH E King having ftaid with this Prince two i Days , defign'd on the third, to pafs the Ri- ver; which Undertaking was not only difficult, by reafon of its great breadth, but alfo on the ac- count of the many Rocks that lay fcatter'd up and down in it. He therefore inquir'd of Phegclas , what was proper for him to know; who gave him to underftand, That beyond the Riuer, he had eleven Days Journey through Be farts and Solitudes, after


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 1x3

zvhich, he zvould come to the Ganges, zvhich is the largefl River in all India ; the furthermofl Bank whereof -was inhabited by the GangaridiS, and~?\\2cc- rafij, whofc King s Name zvas Aggrammes , zvho guarded the Entrance into his Dominions, zvith twenty thoufand Horfe, and two hundred thoufand Foot ; befides zvhich, he had two thoufand Chariots, and {which zvas flill more terrible) three thoufand Elephants. The King at firft look'd upon thefe Reports as fo many Incredibilities, and therefore aik'd Porus (for he was with him ) Whether this Account wen true ? Who told him, That as to the Strength of the Nation, there zvas nothing Roman- tick in it; but as for the prefent King, he was fo far from being noble, that he was of very mean Bxr traffion; his Father having been a Barber, and had much a-do to fubfifl by his daily Labour', till hi* Perfon recommended him to the Green's Favour, who procurd him the firfi Place in the then King s Friendjhip. After which , this barbarous Wretch treacheroufly hill'd his Sovereign, and under the Pretence of a Guardian, feizd his Kingdom ; then takmg off the Children, begot the prefent King, zvho zvas both defpis d and hated by hi* Subjects , who were more mindful of his paternal Difgrace, than of his prefent Fortune. This Confirmation of Porus, made the King very anxious ; for tho' he defpis'd the Enemy, and the Elephants, yet he was u:i- I eafy on the account of the difficult Situation of the Places he was to pafs through, and the Rapidi- ty of the Rivers. It feem'd to him & hard Tafk to feek out an Enemy in the Extremity of the World, and force 'em out of their ftrong Holds againft him. On the other fide, his infatiable Thirft after Fame , and his unbounded Ambition, (horten'd the Diftance of the remoter! Places, and *made him think no Difficulty infurmountable. But - then again, he doubted whether the Macedonians, G 2 zvho

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who had already march 'd through fo many large Countreys, who were grown old in the Camp and Service, would be willing to follow him over fo ma- ny Rivers that lay in his way, and ftruggle thro fo many Difficulties of refifting Nature ? It was rea- fonable to think, that they who were already over- Loaded with Booty, would rather covet to enjoy what they had acquird, than harrafi themfelves any lon- ger to procure more. Moreover, his Soldiers Bifpofition and his, zvere quite different ; for as he had ingrofi 'd in his Thoughts , the Empire of the whole World , he was in a manner but beginning his great Work, zvhereas the Soldiers, overcome by their Fatigues and Toils , defird nothing more than an End of their Dangers, that they might enjoy the lafi Fruits cf their Labours. However, Ambitipn carry'd it a- gainft R'eafon ; having therefore drawn up his Army, he fpoke to 'em in the following manner. I am not infenfible, Soldiers, that the Indians have within thefe few Days fpread feveral Rumours on purpofe to terrific you ; but you do not need being told, how groundlefi thefe Reports are. Thiu the Perfians heretofore endeavoured to terrify you with the Straits of Cilicia, and the Plains cf Mefopo- tamia, the Tigris and the Euphrates; and yet we forded the one, and by the means of Bridges, pajl the other. Fame never reprefents Matters truly as they are , but on the contrary , magnifies every thing. This is plain from our oivn Reputation and Glory , which tho" founded on folid Truths, is yet more ob- ligd to Pernor than Reality. Who would have thought v:e could have overcome (as we did lately) thofe monflrous Elephants that appear d like fo many firong Fortifications ? Or that we could have pafid the River Hydafpis ? Or grappid with a great many other Difficulties which zvere much more formidable to hear of than they were in Faff ? Believe me, we had long ago fled from Alia , if Fables could have 2 frighten 'd

BooklX. Quintus Curtius. IX f

frighten d m. Can you imagine there jhould be greater Herds of Elephants than of other Cattle ? When at the fame Time it is knozvn to be a rare Animal, hard to be taken, and harder to be tam\i: It it the fame Spirit of Faljhood, that has reprefent- ed your Enemies to be fo numerous in Horfe and Foot. As for the River, it it certain that the broad- er it is, the gentler muft be its Stream ; for it is the being confi?id within narrow Banks , and the running in a ftrait Channel, that caufes the impe- tuous Current of the Water. Befides, all Men knozv, that the greateft Banger is at the landing, the Ene- my being ready on the Bank to receive us ; fo that the Rifk is equal in that Cafe, be the River broad or narrow. But admitting that all thefe Reports were true, Is it the huge Bulk of thefe Animals, or the Number of the Enemy, that affrights you ? As to [the Elephants , we have lately experienced that they did more Damage to their own Party, than to us, and that with our Axes, and other Weapons, we can difable their vaft Bodies. What matters it then, whether they are the fame Number Poms lately had , or three thoufand ? Since we fee that one or tvOv of them being wounded, the reft imme- diately fly. Again, it being fo difficult a Tafk to govern a few of them, fo many thoufands of them together, mufl needs interlock one another, where there is not room for their umviddy over-grown Bodies either to ftand or fly. As for my own Part, I ha-ve always had fo mean an Opinion of them, that tvhen J had 'em, I never thought 'em ivorth making ufe of, being fully convinced , they were more pernicious to thofe they were intended to ferve, than to the Enemy. But perhaps it is the Multi- tude of Horfe and Boot that terrifies you ! as if you had been hitherto us d to encounter but with fmall Numbers, and this was the fir ft time you had flood, the Brunt of a diforderly Rout ! The River Grani- G 3 cus

1x6 Quintus Curtius. Book IX

cus is a fufficient Witnefs of the invincible Courage of the Macedonians againjl a fuperior Number, as well as Cilicia, -which was drenched with the Blood of the Perfians, and Arbela whofe Plains were co- ver d xvith the Bones of the conquer d Enemy. It is too late to look at the Number of your Enemies^ after you have laid wafte all Alia by your Victories. Tou ought to have reflected on your fmall Number, when we pafid the Hellespont ; for at prefent the Scythians fc'llovj as, the Bacirians ajfift us, and the Bahae and Sogdiani are ingagd in our Service. At the fame time, I do not rely on this Rabble , it is you, Macedonians, I truft to, it is your unparallel'd Bravery and Courage I confide in , and is an infal- lible Pledge and Security for all the great Things I have yet to do. While 1 am at the Bead of fuch gallant Men , J fhall neither count the Number of my oivn, nor the Enemies Army : All that I re- quire, is , that you 11 fioew me a cheerful Counte- nance, accompany d ivith your ufual Confidence and Alacrity. We are not new in the Beginning of our Work, but at the Clofe of it. We have already reach' d the Ocean, aud the Bounds zvhere the Sun rifes, and unlefs your own Want of Spirit aud Sloth, ft and in the way, we fij all return home ivith a corn- pleat Conqueft of the ivhole World. Do not imitate thofe bad Hujbandmen, who through their Lazinefi, lofe the Fruits of their Labour. The Reward is much greater than the Danger ; the Countrey you are go- ing to, abounds in Riches, and is at the fame time weakly defended, fo that I may be faid to lead you not fo much to Glory and Honour , us to a noble Booty. It is your due to carry back to your own Nation , the Wealth that Sea difcharges on its Shore ; it vjere a Shame you fhould leave any thing untry d , or unattempted through Rear. 1 there- fore not only beg of you, but conjure you by your own Glory , in which you exceed all the reft of


Bo0k IX. Quintus Curtius. izy

Mankind, by the Favours I have beftow" d upo;/. «;eu, and your ozvn Merit towards me , m which noble Strife ive are fiill contending, that you zvdl not defert your Companion and Fellow Soldier , not to mention your King. What is pa ft, has been done by my Authority , bat for this I flmll own- my felf indebted to you. At the fame time that I ajk this of you, you, know that in all the Commands I have laid upon you, . I always zvas the firft to face the Danger, and have often protected you with my own Buckler. Do not therefore break the Palm you have put into my Hands, which if not blafted by Envy, will make me equal to Hercules and Bac- chus. Grant me this Jingle Re que ft, and break your cbftinate ftlence. What is become of that generous Shout, the ufual token of your Alacrity ? Where is that cheerful Countenance of my Macedonians ? Methinks I hardly knozv you, Soldiers, neither do you feem to knozv me; but I fpeak to deaf Ears, and ftrive in vain to excite and animate the broken Cou- rage of thofe vjhofe Minds are alienated from me. As notwithstanding all this, they perMed ftill in their dejected Pofture, hanging down their Heads; Wherein, faid he, have I unwittingly offended you, that you do not at leaft vouchfafe to look at me f J fancy my felf in a Wildernefs, no Body anfwers me, no Body fa much as gives me the Satisfaction t>f a flat Denial. Who do I fpeak to ? What is it I requeft ? It is your owyl Glory and Greatnefs we af- fert. Where are nozv. thofe Men who not long ago zvere contending about the Prerogative of carrying their vjounded King ? I am forfaken, defiitute and deliver' d up a prey to my Enemies. Be it as it will, I'll perfevere in the Profecution of my Deftgn, tho 1 -march alone. Expofe me to the Difficulties of Ri- vers, the Cruelty of Elephants, and to thofe Nations that ftriks you zvith fo much Horror ; i" ft) all find thofe that will follow me, tho you defert me. The Q 4, Scythians

1x8 f Quintus Curtius. BooklX.

Scythians and Badrians will accompany me, and they who viere a while ago our Enemies, /hall be now our Soldiers. I had rather die than reign pre- carioujly. Get you gone heme, go and triumph for having abandon d your King ; for my own part, I'll either get the Viclory you defpair of, or perifh ho- nourably.


ALL that/?*? could fay, could not force a firjgle Word from any one of 'em. They expected tint the Generals and chief Officers mould repre- fent to him, That alt ho1 their Bodies zvere cover d with Wounds, and quite worn out with the conti- nual Fatigues of their long Service, they did not re- fufe the Duties of the War, but were no longer able to difcharge it. However, being ftupify'd with Fear, they kept their Eyes ftill nYd upon the Ground. After fome time there rofe amongft 'em a voluntary Murmur, and their Grief by degrees began to (hew it felf more freely, till at laft they burft all out in Tears ; fo that the King himfelf (his Anger being now turn'd into Pity) could no longer forbear weeping. While the whole Affem- bly was thus dilfolv'd in Tears, C&nus took Cou- rage and approach'd the Tribunal, intimating he had fomething to fay. When the Soldiers faw him take off his Helmet (it being the Cuftom to do fo, when they fpoke to the King) they all begg'd of him, That he would plead the Caufe of the Ar- my ; he therefore exprefs'd himfelf in the follow- ing manner : May the Gods forbid all impious Thoughts in us, and fure they do at prefent. Tour Seldiers have the fame Inclination towards you which they always had, and are ready to go where-


Book IX. Quintus Curtius.. 1x9

ever you command them, to encounter with any Dangers for your fake, and to fpdl the lafi drop of their Blood to recommend your Name to Poflerity. if therefore you infifi upon it, tho we are without Arms, naked and bloodlefi, if fuch be your Royal Will and Pleafure , zve are not only ready to fol- low, but alfo to lead the way. But if your Majefiy will vouchsafe to hear the unfeigned Reprefentations of your Soldiers, forc'd from 'em by the lajl necef- fity ; lend, we befeech you, a favourable Ear to. thofe who have always chearfully obey d your Com- mands, and Jhar'd your Fortune, and do not want Will to attend you wherever you Jhall think fit to go. Conftder, Sir, that your great Performances have not only overcome your Enemies, but likewife your own Soldiers. We have done all that Mortals were capable of, and by frequent ufe are better ac- quainted ivith the Seas and Countreys than even the Inhabitants themfelves. We may be faid to- ftand now on the utmoft Bounds of the World; but as if this w*re too little for your great Soul, you are preparing to march to another, and to feek out new. Indies unknovjn to the Indians themfelves. You are for forcing out of their lurking Retreats, thofe. who have taken flielter with the Serpents and wild Beafis ; in fine, you are for lorrying your Viclories farther than the Sun's piercing Eye can fee. It muft be own'd to be a thought worthy your un- bounded Mind, but at the fame time it*is* above ours ; for your Courage and Bravery will ever be mcreafing, whereas our Strength is almofi at an end. Behold our bloodlefs Bodies, cover d over with- Wounds, and disfgurd with Scars. Our Weapons- are blunted, and our Arms worn cut. We are fore d to wear the Perlian Habit, becaufe we are too re- mete to have that of cur own Count rey brought tj, us, fo that we are degenerated into a foreign Appa- rel. Who amongfi us has a Breajl-plate ? Who has.

G 5 a Horfz

130 Quiktus Curtius. Book IX.

a Hcrfe left ? Let a fcrutiny be made how, many o us have been able to be folloivd by our Servants, and what any of us has left of his Booty. Having cmquef d the World we are defiitute of all things, it is not our Luxury is the caufe of this, but zve I:. iv 3 worn out in the War the very Inflruments cf War. Can you find in your Heart to expofe fo gal- lant an Army naked, and without defence to the mercilefi fury of wild Be aft s $ Whcfe Multitude, tho it be depgncdly magnify d by the Barbarians, yet it is eafie to gather from the very falfe Report it felf, that the Number is great. If after all your Ma- jefty is bent on penetrating fltll farther into India, that part of it that lies to the Southzvard 'is not fa vajl which being fubdu'd, you will extend your Conquefts to that Sea that Nature has appointed for the Bounds of the World. Why JJjould you go the round-aboyt way to that Glory zvhich is near at hand ? For here the Ocean is to be found ; and unlefs you take delight in zvandering, zve are already arrivd where your Fortune intended to lead you. I chofe rather to fay thefe things in your prefence, Sir, than in your abfence confer about 'em with my fellozv Soldiers', not deftgning thereby to ingratiate my felf with the liftening Army, but that you may rather hear their common Sentiments from my Mouth, tha?t be troubled with their Groans and Murmurs. C&- nus having finifh'd his Speech, there was heard from all Parts a clamorous Noife mix'd with Lamentations, which in confus'd Sounds call'd Alexander King, Father, and Sovereign Lord. Then the other Captains, efpecially the molt ancient, who on the account of their Age were moll to be excus'd, and had alfo thereby the greater Au- thority, made the fame Requeir, fo that the King was not able to chaftife their OMlinacy, or miti- gate their Anger. Being therefore unrefolv'd what cotirfe to take, he leap'd from the Tribunal, and


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 131

fhut himfelf up in hi* Tent, forbidding any to be admitted, except thole who were us'd to be with him. Thus he facrirk'd two Days to his PaiTion, and the third he appear'd publickly again, and or- der'd twelve Altars to be erecled of fquare Stone, to remain as a Monument of ha Expedition. He alfo caus'd the Fortifications of his Camp to be extended, and Beds to be left of a larger Size than the ordinary Stature of Man requir'd, defigning to •impofe upon Poiterity by this exceffive outward appearance of things.

This being done, he march'd back the fame way he came, and encamp'd along the River Acefines. Here C&nus dy'd. The King was affli&ed at his Death, yet could not forbear faying, He had made a long Speech for the few Days he had to live, as if he alone had been to return to Macedonia. By this time the Fleet he had order'd to be built, lay rea- dy at Anchor; hither Memnon brought him fix: thoufand Thracian Horfe to recruit his Army, be- sides feven thoufand Foot, which Harpalus had fent by him : He alfo brought twenty five thou- fand Arms finely adorn'd with Gold and Silver, which Alexander caus'd to be diflributed amongft the Soldiers, commanding them to burn their old ones. Defigning now to make towards the Ocean with a thoufand Ships, he firft reconcil'd Porus and Taxiles, the Indian Kings (who were about re- newing their former Refentments) and having fettled a good Underftanding between them, he left them in their refpective Dominions, they had both been ferviceable to him in the building of his Fleet. He alfo built two Towns, one whereof ha eall'd Nic*a, and the other Eucephela, dedicating the latter to the Memory of his Horfe, which was dead. Then having given Orders for the Ele- phants and Baggage to follow him by Land, he fail'd down the River, proceeding every Day near G 6 four

i3x Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

four hundred Furlongs for the conveniency of landing his Forces in commodious Places.


AT length he came into the Countrey where the Hydafpes falls into the Acefmes; from whence he fell down the Confluence of thefe Ri- vers into the Territory of the Sobij. Thefe People report, That their Ancefiors belong d to Hercules'* Army, but being fick ivere left here, where their Pojierity has remain d ever fmce. They cloth'd themfelves with the Skins of wild Beafts, and their Weapons were Clubs ; and notwithstanding the Greeks manners were aboliuYd amongft 'em, yet there were a great many Monuments ftiil left, that fufficiently declar'd from whence they de- fcended.

Here the King landed with his Army, and march'd two hundred and fifty Furlongs into the Countrey, which having pillag'd and laid wafte, he took the Capital Sword in Hand. There were forty thoufand Foot of another Nation drawn up along the River's fide to oppofe his landing, which however he effected, and put them to flight, and afterwards befieg'd the Town to which they had retir'd and took it by Storm ; all that were able to bear Arms were put to the Sword, and the reft were fold. After this he lay down before another Place, where he was gallantly repuls'd by the Be- fieg'd, and loft a great many Macedonians ; but when the Inhabitants found that he obftinately con- tinu'd the Siege, defpairing of their fafety, they fet fire to the Town, and caft their Wives, Chil- dren, and themfelves into the Flames, which as they ftrove to feed and increafe, the Enemy en-


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 133

deavour'd to extinguifti ; fo that here was a new- Species of Contention and Strife, for the Inhabi- tants deftroy'd the Town, and the Enemies de- fended it, fo great a Change does War make even in the Laws of Nature. The Cattle had receiv'd no Damage, and the King left a Garrifon in it, after which he went round the fame by Water, for it was encompafs'd by three of the largeft Ri- vers of all India (except the Ganges) which feem- ed to lend their Streams for its Fortification. The Indus wafties it on the North fide , and on the South the Acefines mixes it felf with the Hydafpes. The violent meeting of thefe Rivers makes their Waters as turbulent and rough as thofe of the Sea ; and as they carry a great deal of Mud along with them , which by their rapid Concourfe is very much difturb'd , they leave but a narrow Channel for the Boats to pals in. Alexanders Fleet being therefore vehemently ply'd by the Waves' both at Stem and on the fides, the Mariners began to furl their Sails, and endeavour to get off ; but they were fo diforder d by Fear, that the impetuous fwiftnefs of the Rivers was too many for 'em, fo that two of their largeft Ships were loft in their fight: As for the fmall ones, tho' it was impoffible alfo to govern them, they were driven upon the Shore, without receiving any Damage.

The Ship the King was in was carry'd by the furious force of the Current amongft the ftrongeft Whirpools, which hurrying the Ship along with their circular Motion, made the Rudder altogether ufelefs. The King had ftripp'd himfelf, and was juft ready to leap into the River, and his Friends were fwimming dole by ready to receive him ; but it feem'd almoft doubtful where was the greateft Danger, either in fwimming or ftaying on board. The Mariners therefore ply'd their Oars with all the ftrength human Force could lend, to break the


134 Quiktus Curtius. Book IX,

violence of the Waves, which at laft yielded to their importunate Labour , and the Ship was work'd out of thefe raging Gulphs ; notwith'tand- ing which they could not gain the Shore, butweie llranded on the next Flats. One would have thought it had been a kind of Engagement with the River; Alexander therefore having erected three Altars, according to the Number of the Ri- vers, offer'd Sacrifices upon them, and then advanc'd thirty Furlongs.

From thence he march' d into the Countrey of the OxydracA and the Mailt, who tho' ufually at War with one another, yet at this Juncture were united by the common Danger. They had got together an Army of ninety thoufand Foot, ten thoufand Horfe, and nine hundred Chariots. The Macedonians , who thought they had pafs'd thro' all their Dangers, finding a frem War upon their Hands with the fierceft People of India, being ftruck with an unexpected Terror, began again to mutiny, and rail againit the King, alledging, that he would lately have compell 'd them to pafs the Ganges, and engage in a War with thofe flrong po- pulous Nations that lie beyond the fame ; which En- terprise tho* atlafihe de fifed from, yet the War was not at an end, but only changd. That they were now expos d to a favage People, that at the expence of their Blood they might open him a vjay to the Ocean. That they were dragg'd beyond the afpeel of the Sun and Stars, and forcd to thofe Places which Nature feemd to have a mind to hide from Mortal Eyes. That as he fupply'd 'em from time to time with new Arms , fo they had continually frejh Enemies to encounter ; which admitting that they overcame, what Reward had they to expect but thick Fogs and Darknefs and an eternal Night that lay hovering on the deep ; a Sea repleat with infinite Multitudes of hideom Monfters, and Stag- nating

Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 135-

nating Waters, in which dying Nature feem'd to faint azvay ?

The King (tho' void of Fear himfelf) yet was in great Perplexity on the account of the uneafi- nefs of his Army, and therefore having call'd 'em together, he gave 'em to underftand , That thofe People they fo much dreaded were altogether raw and undifciplind ; that having overcome thefe Na- tions they would meet with no farther GbJIacle to flop their Pajjdge to the end of the IVorld, and put a pe- riod to their Fatigues and Labours ; that he had, in Confidcration of their Fear, defified from his defign of paffing the Ganges, and conquering the Nations that lie beyond it, and had turn'd his Arms ano- ther tvay , where there was equal Glory ai,d lej3 Hazard ; that the Ocean was already within their fight, and refrefl'd 'em with its cool breezes ; he beg- ged therefore of 'em, that they would not envy him the Glory he fo much coveted , fince by pajfing the Bounds of Hercules and Bacchus they might at an eafie rate make his Fahie immortal ; at leafi he de- fir d they would fuffer him to lead 'em fafely back out of India, and not retire like Fugitives. It is the property of all Multitudes, and efpecially of the Military, to be carry'd away with fmall Motions, fo that as a little matter raifes a Sedition, it is alfo as eaiily appeas'd. There never was a more cheer- ful Shout given by the Army than at this time, defiring him to lead 'em zuherever he pleas'd, wi fl- ing the Gods to blefs his Arms, that he might equal the Glory of thofe he rival d. Alexander was over- joy'd at thefe Acclamations , and therefore broke up immediately to advance towards the Enemy. They were the mod warlike People of all the In- dians, and were preparing to make a vigorous War, having made choice of a very brave Gene- ral out Of the Oxydracan Nation. He was alfo an experiene'd Soldier, and had pitch'd his Camp at


136 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

the foot of a Mountain, caufing Fires to be made to a great diftance, that his Army might thereby appear more numerous ; and would now and then alarm the Macedonians when at reft, by the fud- den Cries and uncouth Howlings of his Men. As foon as it was light the King, full of Aflurance and Hopes, order'd his Soldiers (who had now a cheerful Countenance) to. take to their Arms, and put themfelves in order of Rattel ; but the Barb a- nans, either thro' Fear, or by reafon of fome Di- vifions among themfelves, fled into the Moun- tains , the King purfuing them to no purpofe 1 however, he took their Baggage.

After this he advanc'd to the City of the Oxy~ dracans, where a great Number had taken refuge , putting no lefs Confidence in the ftrength. of the Place, than in their Arms. The King was juft going to lie down before it, when a Soothfayet advis'd him to forbear, or at leaft delay the Siege, becaufe he forefaw that his Life would be in dan- ger. Hereupon the King looking upon Demo- phoon (for that was the Soothfayers Name) faid to him, If while thou art intent upon thy Art of Infpeclion any Body floould interrupt thee , J do not , doubt but thou zuouldft think him imperti- nent and troublefome; which Demophoon agreeing to, Canfi thou then imagine, reply'd the King, that -when my Thoughts are taken up with Matters of the great eft Importance, a?id not with the Int rails of Beafts, there can be any thing more unfeafonable than the Interruption of a fuperftitious Sooth f ay er ? This faid, he without any farther delay command- ed the Ladders to be apply'd to the Wall, and while the reft were hefitating on the account of the Danger, he was tlie firft that fcal'd the Wall, whofe Coping was very narrow and without Bat- tlements, a? there is commonly at the top, but was carry'd on with one continue! Head, which de- fended

Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 137

fended its PaiTage. Thus the King might be faid rather to cleave to than ftand upon the narrow Margin thereof, receiving in his Buckler the Darts with which he was on all fides warmly ply'd at a diftance from the Towers, and the Soldiers were hinder'd from climbing up by the Clouds of Ar» rows that were mot at them from above. How- ever, at laft Shame overcame the greatnefs of the Danger, for they faw that by their delay the King would fall into the Hands of the Enemies; but their over engernefs prov'd a great hinderance to 'em , for as they all llrove who mould get up fooneil, they ib loaded the Ladders that they broke under 'em , and difappointed the King of the only hope he had ; by this means tlanding in the light of fo numerous an Army, he might be faid to be as deftitute as if he had been, in a Defart.


BY this time his left Arm (with which he held his Buckler) wastifd with parrying the Strokes that were made at him, and his Friends cry'd out to him to leap down to them, who ftood rea- dy to receive him ; but he inftead thereof did what furpafles all belief, and ferves rather to re- prefent his Rafhnefs than to increafe his Glory, for with an unheard-of Temerity he leap'd into the Town amongft all his Enemies, tho' at the fame time he could hardly propofe to himfelf the Satis- faction of dying fighting ; fince before he could rife off the Ground , he might be over-power'd and taken alive. However, as good Fortune would have it, he fo poiz'd his Body that he light upon his Feet, which gave him the advantage


138 Quintus Curtius. BooklX.

of engaging the Enemy (landing, and Providence had put it in his Power not to be furrounded. There was an old Tree not far from the Wall, whofe Branches being thick cloth'd with Leaves, feem'd to extend themfelves on purpofe to pro- -te<£t the King ; he therefore planted himfelf againft that Tree, and with his Buckler receiv'd the Darts that were call: at him ; for notwithstanding fo ma- ny of them attack'd him alone at a diftance, yet none dar'd to come to a clofe Engagement with him, and there fell more Darts amongft the Branches than on his Buckler.

In this Extremity his mighty Fame did him no fmall Service ; then Defpair prompted him to exert all his Bravery that he might die honoura- bly, but as frefh Enemies continually fiock'd about him, his Buckler was already loaded with Darts, and the Stones had broke his Helmet ; at lafttir'd with the continual Labour, he fell upon his Knees. Hereupon they who were neareft, fufpe&ing no Danger , ran heedleiTly upon him, two of which he prefently kill'd with his Sword, after which no Body had the Courage to approach him, but they ply'd him afar oft' with their Darts and Arrows. Now as he was expos'd like a mark to all their Aims, it was a hard taik in that disadvantageous Poftuve to protect his Body, fo that an Indian let fly an Arrow at him two Cubits long (for the In- dians Arrows as we faid before were of this length) winch pierc'd his Armour a little above his Right Side. Having receiv'd this Wound, there iffti'd out of it fo great a quantity of Blood, that he let fall his Arms like one expiring, not ha- ving ihength enough left to pull out the Arrow. He therefore who had wounded him being tranf- porled wiili Joy, ran in toftrip his Body; but-^- lexander no fooncr felt his Hand touch him than (as I fuppofe difdaining to bear this lalt Indignity;


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 139

he fummon'd together his departing Spirits, and plung'd his Sword into his Enemies naked Side.

Thus three of the Enemies lay dead about the King, the reft keeping at a Diirance like Men flu- pify'd. In the mean time, Alexander (who cove- ted to yield up his laft Breath righting) endeavou- red to raife himfelf up with his Buckler, but find- ing he had not Strength enough left for that pur- pofe, he took hold of fome of the impending Boughs, and try'd to get up by their Afliftance , but not having Strength fufheient to fupport his Body, he fell down again upon his Knees threat- ning his Enemies with his Hand, and provoking any of 'em .to a clofe Fight. At laft Pekcefies ha- ving beat off the Enemy in another part of the Town , kept along the Wall till he came where the King was, who look'd upon him rather as a Comfort in his dying Hour, than any way able to fave his Life; however, he rais'd himfelf with his Help, upon his Buckler ; then came Tim&ut, and foon after Leonnatus , and after him Jriflonus. When the Indians were inforna'd, that the King was within their Walls, they abandon'd the other Places , and flcck'd a]l thither where he was , and prefs'd hard upon thofe who defended him. Of thefe Tim&us (after a gallant Behaviour, having re- ceiv'd a great many Wounds before) was kill'd : As for Peucefles , notwithftanding he was piere'd thro' with three Darts, yet he continu'd to defend the Kings Perfon, unmindful of himfelf; andZeotf- natus whilft he repeil'd the barbarians, who came upon them in great Numbers, receiv'd a grievous Blow on the Neck, and fell down at the Kings Feet half dead. By this time Peucefles had loft fo much Blood, that he was no longer able to fup- port his Buckler: Thus all the Hope was now in Ariflonus, but as he was alfo defperately wound- ed, what could be expected from him againft fo


140 Quintus Curtius. Book IX,

great a Multitude ? In the mean time, the Ru- mour that the King was kill'd, reach'd the Mace- donians. .What would have terrify'd others, only ferv'd to excite their Courage the more ; for>now, without having the leaft Regard to the Danger, they broke down the Wall with their Pick-Axes , and having enter'd the Town, made a migh- ty Slaughter of the Indians , who rather thought of faving themfelves by Flight, than of making any great Refiftance. They fpar'd neither the Aged, the Women, nor the Children ; for they look'd upon whomfoever they met, to be the Per- fon that, had wounded their King , till at laft by an univerfal Slaughter of the Enemy, they fatis- fied their Anger. Clitarchus and Timagenes relate, That Ptolemaeus {who was afterwards King) xvas prefent at this Aclion : But he him 1 elf (who mod certainly would not deny what would have re- dounded fo much to his Glory) has left it in wri- ting, That he wcvs abfent , being employ' d in ano- ther Expedition. So great was the Aflurancc of thofe that tranfmitted to Pofterity thofe ancient Hiftories, or their Credulity, which is no lefs a Fault ! The King being brought into his Tent , the Chirurgeons very dextroufly cut off the woody Part of the Javelin that ftuck in his Body, with- out ftirring the Iron-head of it ; which, upon lay- ing his Body naked, they found to be bearded, lb that there was no other way to take it out fafely, but by opening the Wound. But here again they were afraid of too great a Profufion of Blood, for the Javelin was large, and feem'd to penetrate in- to the noble Parts. Gritohulus, who of all the Chirurgeons was the moft experienced, was never- thelefs timorous in fo dangerous a Cafe, and un- willing to be concern'd , left his own Life mould be in Danger if the Cure did not anfwer Expe- ctation. The King perceiving him to weep, and


Book IX. Qjuintus Curtius. 141

difcovering the anxious Solicitude he was in, by the Palenefs of his Countenance, afk'd him, What he waited for , and why he delay d freeing him at leaft from the Pain he was in , fince it was impof- fible to fave his Life ? Doft thou fear being thought guilty, if thou doji not cure an incurable Wound? Hereupon Critobulus being freed from his Fear, or elfe diiTembling it, begg'd of him, that he would fujfer himfelf to be held, till he drew out the Iron-head', becaufe the leaft Motion of his Body du- ring the Operation , would be of dangerous Confe- quence. But the King told him, He did not zvant to be held, neither need he fear his ftirring, and ac- cordingly kept his Body as he was order'd, with- out the leaft Motion. The Wound therefore be- ing laid open, and the Head taken out, there fuc- ceeded fo vaft an Effulion of Blood, that the King fainted away, and lay extended like a dead Man. All Means were us'd to ftanch the Blood , but to no purpofe, fo that the King's Friends broke out into Lamentations, believing him to be really dead. However , at laft the Bleeding was ftop'd , and by degrees he came to himfelf, and began to know thole that were about him. All that Day, and the Night following , the Army was under Arms about his Tent, they all confefs'd, that their Lives depended on his fingle Breath, neither could they be prevail'd upon to withdraw, till they were inform'd he was fallen into a Sleep ; after which, they returned to their Camp with more certain Hopes of his Recovery.


14^ Quintus Curtius. Book IX.


TH E King having employ'd feven Days in the Care of his Wound , tho' it was not quite heal'd up, yet being inform'd, That it zvas gene- rally reported among the Barbarians , that he was dead, he caused two Ships to he faftend together, and his Tent to be pitch* d in the mi Aft thereof, that he might from thence fhew himfelf to all thofe who believd him dead. Thus being expos'd to the View of all the Inhabitants, he ftifTd the Hopes the Enemy had entertain'd from the falfe Rumour.

From hence he fail'd down the River, having firft given Orders to the reft of the Fleet to fol- low him at a certain Diftance, left the Noife of the Oars ftiould hinder him from that Reft that was yet neceflary to his infirm Body. On the fourth Day after he embark'd, ^arriv'd in aCoun- trey abandon'd by its Inhabitants, but very fruitful in Corn, and abounding with Cattle. This Place feem'd proper both to confirm his own Health, and reft his Army. Now it was a Cuftom among th? Macedonians, for the molt confiderable of the Kings Friends, and thofe who had the Guard of his Perfon , to do Duty before the Royal Tent when he was indifpos'd , which Practice being at this time obferv'd, they all enter'd his Appartment together. The King was not a little furpriz'd at their general Appearance, and began to be in Pain left fome unforeseen Accident had happen'd , and therefore enquir'd of them , Whether there was any frejh Account of the Enemies Approach ? Then Craterus on whom they had pitch'd to l]>eak in the Behalf of them all, exprefs'd himfelf in the fol- lowing manner. Can you imagine, Sir, zve could be fo alarm d at %s Approach of an Enemy , tho

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Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 143

they were already within our Line, as we are real- ly concern 'd for your own Safety , efpecially when we fee you your felf fo little regard it .? Were all the Nations in the World to confpire againfi us ; were they to cover the whole Earth with Men and Arms, and the Seas with Fleets, we are fatisfy'd we are invincible while you are at the Head of us. But which of all the Gods can enfure us of this main Support and propitious Star of the Macedo- nians, when you fo eagerly expofe your precious Per- fon to fuch manifefl Dangers, unmindful of the great Number of Citizens who intirely depend upon your Tate ? Who amongfl us, either defires to furvive you, or can ? We are advanc d fo far already under your Conduct and Command, that it is impojfible for any but your felf, to lead us home. Were you flill con- tending with Darius for the Empire of Perfia, no Body could wonder you expos' d your felf fo refolute- ly on all Occafions {tho at the fame time it would be againfi our Wills) for ivhere there is any Equa- lity between the Banger and the Reward, the Fruit thereof is greater upon Succefi, as is alfo the Confo- lation upon a Mifcarriage. Bat that a forry Town JJjould be purchas d at fo dear a rate as your Life, who can bear the Thoughts of it, either of your otvn Soldiers, or of the Barbarians that has any Knozu- ledge of your Greatnefs ? My Soul is flruck with Horror, when I reflect on what ive all lately be- held. I cannot v/ithout trembling, relate how near your invincible Per fon was being Jlripp'd by the Hands of the vileji Wretches, if Fortune had not- been fo favourable to us, as by Miracle almofi to fave you. We can be counted no better than Tray- tors and Deferters all of us , who could not fol- low you, neither will any of ttt refufe to make any Satisfaction for the Crime zve could not help being guilty of. If we are not worthy your high Efteem* at leaft do us the Favour to ftevu your Contempt


144 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

another way. We are ready to march wherever you pleafe to command us. Leave us thofe mean and ingloriom Actions , and preferve your felf for thofe noble Occafions that are zvorthy your Great- nefs. That Glory that refults from fordid Enemies, foon lofes its Luflre, and there cannot be any thing more univorthy your i/luflrious felf than to be pro- digal of your Bravery, where it cannot appear in its full Splendor. Ptolemy and the reft fpoke much to the fame purpofe , and all of them together in- treated him to fet fome Bounds at laft, to that Ex- cefs of Glory with which he zvas in a manner load- ed, and for the future to have a greater Regard to his Safety , on which that of the Publick depended. The King was very well pleas'd with theie Tefti- monials of their Zeal, and having embrae'd them every one fingly, after a more familiar manner than ufual, he bid them fit down. Then taking into Confideration their foregoing Speech, he faid to them, My mofl faithful and moft zealous Ci- tizens and Friends, I return you my hearty Thanks, not only that you at this time prefer my Safety to your own, but alfo, that from the Beginning of the War you have let flip no Opportunity of teftifying your dutiful and benevolent Difpofition towards me ; fo that I muji confefs, Life was never dearer to me than it is at prefent, and that chiefly, that I may long enjoy you. At the fame time 1 mufl let you know, that how willing foever you may be to lay down your Lives for me {which Inclination I have defervd , only by that Bravery you now blame ) your Thoughts and mine are very different. Tor you covet to reap the Fruits of my Favour a long time, nay, perhaps for ever : Whereas I meafure my felf not by the Time I have liv'd, but by the Glory I have acquir'd. Had I been contented with my paternal lnheritayice, I might within the Bounds of Macedonia, have fpun eut my Life in Obfcu-


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. I45T

rity and Idlenefs, to an inglorious old Age : Tho" it miifl be o lurid too, that even the Slothful and Lazy, are not Maflers of their oivn Defliny ; for while they place their fupreme Happinefs in a long Life, they are frequently cut off by fome unexpected, un- relenting Death. But as for my felf, who do not reckon my Tears, but my Victories ; if I rightly com- pute the Gifts of Fortune, I have already livd a long time. For having begun my Empire in Mace- donia, / made my felf Mafier of Greece ; I fub- dud the Thracians and Illyrians ; / give Laws to the Triballi, 'and the Medes; J am in Poffeflion of Alia, from the Hellefpont to the Red-Sea; and at trefent, am not far from the End of the World , which as foon as I have pafl'd, I defign to open my felf a new one, and if pojjible, dif cover another Na- ture. I pafl d from Europe to Afia, in fo fhort a time as that of an Hour. Having conquer d both Countrcys in the ninth Tear of my Reign, and m the rime and twentieth Tear of my Age. Do you think I can make any Stop in my full Career after Glory, to tuhich alone I have entirely devoted my felf? No, believe me, I fliall never be wanting to her on my Part, and vjherefoever I fnall fight, I fljAll imagine my felf to be on the Theatre of the zuhole World. Thofe Places that have been hitherto obfeure, fhall become famous through my Means ; Til open a Pajjage to all Nations, to thofe Countreys Nature has placd at the remotefl Diftance. If while I am employ' d in the Execution of thefe great Things, it be my Lot to be killd, What can be more for my Reputation ? 1 am defcended from fuch a Stock, that I ought to covet rather to live much , than long. Let me recommend to your Refection, that we are come into thofe Countreys where the very Women are celebrated for their Virtue. What Cities Semi- ramis has built! What Nations did floe fubdue ! What mighty Works did floe accomplifh ! We have Vol. IT. H not

146 Quintus Curtius. Book IX

not yet equal? d the glorious Performances of a Wo- man, and fJjall we already be feiz'd with a Satiety of Praife ? No, no, let the Gods but favour m, and we have much greater things yet to do, than tve have done. But the ready way to conquer all thofe Countreys we have not yet touched, is to efieem no- thing little, where there is a great deal of Glory to he got. Bo you but defend me from iniefline Mif- chief, and domeftick Confpiracies, and I fl)all un- dauntedly face all the Dangers of the War. Philip was fafer in the Field than in the Theatre ; he had often efcaped the Hands of his profejfd Enemies , but could not at lafi fecure him f elf from the Trea- chery of his Subjecls. And if you examine into the Death of other Kings, you jhall find more kill'd by their oivn People, than by the Enemy. Before I con- dude this Speech, I fliall lay held of the prefent Op- portunity to difclofe to you a thing which I for a tonfiderable time have had in my Thoughts : Know then that I fl'all look upon it as the greateft Reward of all my Labours, and chiefefl Bruit of my ViEto- ries, if ivhen my Mother Olympias dies , flie be placd among the Gods. If I am living, I fljall dif- charge that Duty my felf, but if I die before her , remember zuhat I now commit to your Care. Ha- ving made this Speech, he difmifs'd the Company, but remam'd feveral Days in this Camp.


WHILE thefe Things were doing in India, the Greek Soldiers (whom the King had fettl'd in and about Baclra) thro' a Sedition that happen'd among 'em, rerpell'd, not fo much out of ill Will to Alexander, as for Fear of PuninV ment ; for having kill'd fome of their Compani- ons,

Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 147

ons, they who were the fliongeit had Recourfe to Arms, and having made themlelves Mailers of the Citadel ofEartra, which was but negligently guard- ed, they drew the Barbarians alfo into their Par- ty. Athenodorm was their Leader, who had alfo aiTum'd the Title of King ; not fo much out of an Ambition to reign, as out of a Defire to re- turn into his native Countrey with thofe who own'd his Authority. But one Bicon of the fame Nation, envying his Power, confpir'd againft him, and having invited him to an Entertainment, caus'd him to be kill'd by Boxus a Macerianian. The Day following, Bicon in a general Aifembly, perfuaded the major Part of it , that Athenodorm had entertain'd a Defign againft his Life, which oblig'd him to be before-hand with him. How- ever, others fufpeded his treacherous Deflgns, and by Degrees this Sufpicion fpread it felf among the reft. The Greek Soldiers therefore take to then- Arms, intending to kill Bicon if they had an Op- portunity: But the Chief amonglt 'em, appeas'd the Anger of the Multitude. Thus Bicon being contrary to his Expectation freed from the pre- fent Danger, in a little time confpir'd againfl the Authors of his Safety : But the Treachery taking Vent, they feiz'd both him and Boxus. Boxus was put to Death immediately, and Bicon was re- ferv'd to die upon the Rack. Now it happen'd, that juft as they were going to torment him , the Greek Soldiers (without any known Caufe) ran to their Arms like mad Men ; fo that they who had Orders to torment him, hearing the fudden Up- roar, defifted from their Office, imagining they were forbid to execute the fame by this tumul- tuous Outcry. Hereupon he ran naked as he was to the Greeks , who beholding him in this wretch- ed Condition, were touch'd with Companion for him, and order'd him to be let at Liberty. Ha- H 2. ving

148 Quintus Curtius. Book IX-

ving thus twice efcap'd dying, he return'd into his native Countrey with the reft of thoie who kit the Colonies allotted them by the King. This is •what happen'd about Baclra , and the Borders of Scythia.

In the mean time, a hundred Ambafiadois came to the King from the two Nations we before men- tioned. They all rid in Chariots, were very tall, and handfome Perfonages, clad in linen Garments embroider'd with Gold, and a Mixture of Purple. They told him y They deliver d up to him them- felves, their Towns and Territories : That he luas the firji they ever intrufied their Liberty with , -which they had for fo many Ages prefervd invio- late. That the Gods were the Authors of their Sub- mijjion , and not Fear ; which might appear from hence, that they took his Yoke upon them, without making any Trial of their Strength. Hereupon the King having deliberated with his Council, took them into his Protection, enjoining them the fame Tribute they pay'd to the Arachofians ; befides which, he commanded them to fupply him with two thoufand five hundred Horfe, all which was punc'tually perform'd by the Barbarians.

After this, he gave Orders for a great Enter- tainment, to which he invited thefe AmbaiTadors, and the little Kings. Here were a hundred Beds of Gold fet at a moderate dillance from each o- ther. Thefe Beds were encompafs'd with rich Ta- peftries glittering with Gold and Purple : In fine, at this Banquet he difplay'd all the ancient Luxury of the Perfians, together with the new Inventions of the corrupted Macedonians, intermixing the Vices of both Nations.

Among the reft that were at this Feaft , was Dioxippus the Athenian, a famous Wreftler , who on the account of his prodigious Strength, was well known to the King, and much in his Fa- i vour.

BooklX. Quintus Curtius. 149

vour. Some envious and malicious Perfons re- proach'd Dioxippus betwixt Jeft and Earneit, That he was a fat , over-grown , ufelefs Monfler ; and that while they were engagd in Battels, he was only employ d in anointing his Body with Oil, and preparing himfelf for a frejh Meal. Horratas a Macedonian, was one of them that us'd thefe re- viling Exprenions to him, and being drunk, chal- lenged him to fight him with his Sword the next Day, and that the King fjould he judge either of his Te- merity, or Dioxippus'j Cowardice. This latter ac- cepted the Condition, and in a fcornful manner phy'd upon the other's military Fiercenefs. The King rinding them the next Day more eager for the Trial of Skill than the Day before, fufFer'd 'em to fight. On this Occafion there was a great Con- courfe of the Soldiers, and among the reft of the Greeks, who were Well-withers to Dioxippus. The Macedonian appear'd compleatly arm'd , holding in his Left-hand his brazen Buckler and long Spear, and in his Right a Javelin, with his Sword by his Side, as if he had been to engage with feveral at the fame time. As for Dioxippus, he (Kin'd with Oil with which he was anointed, having a Gar- land on his Head, and a fcarlet Cloak wrapt about his Left-arm , and in his Right a flrong knotty Club. The different Appearance rais'd a mighty Expectation in the Spectators, for it feem'd Mad- nefs, and not Temerity, for a naked Man to en- gage with one compleatly arm'd. The Macedo- nian therefore no wife doubting but he could kill him af- a diltance , catt his javelin at him, which Dioxippus avoided by a fmall Inclination of his Bo- dy, and before the other could ffuft his long Spear into his Right-hand, lejp'd into him, and broke it with his Club: The Macedonian having loft both his other Weapons, began now to draw his Sword, but Dioxippus cloiing in with him, ftruck up his Heels.

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150 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

and pitch'd his Head againft the Ground, and ha- ving taken his Sword from him, clapp'd his Foot upon his Neck, and was juft going to dam his Brains out with his Club, if he had not been hin- der'd by the King.

The Event of this Spectacle was neither grate- ful to the Macedonians nor Alexander himfelf; for he was afraid left the fo much boailed Bravery of the Macedonians flibuld thereby fall into Contempt. This made him liffen a little too much to the Ac- cufations of the Invidious. A few Days after at a Feaft, they by Agreement took away a Golden Cup : The Officers pretending to mifs it, came to the King and complain'd they had loft what they had only hid. Oftentimes there is lefs Con- stancy in the Countenance than in the Offence it felf. DioxippHs was not able to bear the Call of their Eyes , by which he was hinted to be the Thief ; and therefore going away from the Enter- tainment, he writ a Letter to the King, and then kill'd himfelf. The King was concern'd at his Death, looking upon it to proceed from Indigna- tion and not Repentance ; for it appear'd plain e- nough that he was falfly accus'd, by the exceffive Joy of his Enemies.


TH E Indian Ambafladors being difmifs'd, went home, and in a few Days return'd again with Prefents for Alexander , which conMed of three hundred Horfes, one thoufand and thirty Chari- ots, each drawn by four Horfes, fome linen Gar- ments, a thoufand Indian Bucklers, and one hun- dred Talents of Tin, with tame Lions and Tigers


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 15-1

of an extraordinary Size, as alfo the Skins of very- large Lizards, and Tortoile- (hells.

The King then commanded Craterus to march the Army at no great diftance from the River on which he zvas to fail; after which embarking with thole who were us'd to accompany him, he came down the Stream into the Territory of the Mailt: From whence he march' d towards the Sabracz who are a powerful Nation , not govern'd by- Kingly Authority, but that of the People. They had got together iixty thoufandFoot, and fix thou- fand Horfe, which were follow'd by five hundred Chariots. They had made choice of three Ge- nerals of great Experience in military Matters, but when fuch of 'em as inhabited near the River (the Bank whereof was full of Villages) perceiv'd the whole River cover'd with Ships as far as they could fee, and beheld the mining Arms and Ar- mour of fo many thoufand Men, they were a- maz'd at the novelty of the fight, and believ'd that fome Army of the Gods was come amongn: 'em, or elfe another Bacchus, for that Name was fa- mous in thefe Parts. The Soldiers Shouts, and the noife of the Oars, together with the confus'd Voices of the Mariners encouraging one another, fo fill'd their fearful Ears, that they all ran to the Army, crying out, that they were mad to offer to contend with the Gods ; that it was impoffible to number the Ships that carry'd thefe invincible Men. By which Words they fpread fuch a general Fear throughout their whole Army, that they immedi- ately difpatch'd Ambafladors to Alexander, to yield up their Nation to him.

Having taken them into^i* Protection,^ came the fourth Day into another Countrey, the People whereof had no more Courage than the former ;: here/^ built a City, wfcicia he order' d to be cali'd H 4 Alexandria,,

*5i Quint us Curtius. Book IX.

Alexandria, and then enter'd into the Territory of the Muficani.

While he was here he heard the Complaints of the Varopamifad& againft Terialtes, whom he had made their Governor, and finding him convicted of feveral Irregulariries thro' his Avarice and Pride, he fentene'd him to fufFer Death. At the fame time Oxatres, who was Praetor of the JBactr'taitt\ was not only difcharg'd of what was alledg'd a- gainft him, but had alfo the extent of his Govern- ment enlarg'd. Having fubdu'd the Countrey of the Muficaniy he put a Garrifon into their Capital, and from thence advane'd againft the Pr&fti, who are alfo a People of India. Oxycanus was their King, and had, with a great Body of Men, retir'd into a ftrong City. However, Alexander took it the third Day after he lay down before it. The Town being taken, Oxycanus fled into the Caftle, and fent Ambafiadors to the King to treat about tne Terms of his fin render ; but before they could reach the King two of the Towers were beat down, thro' the breach of which the Macedonians got into the Caftle, which being taken, Oxyca- nm, with a few more that made Refiftance, was kiU'd.

Having demolim'd the Caftle, and fold all the Captives, he march'd into the Territories of King Sabm> where feveral Towns fubmitted to him ; but he took the ftrongeft City by a fubterrane- ous PafTage which he had carry'd on within the Place. The Barbarians who were unflrill'd in mi- litary Affairs, were amaz'd to fee Men rife out of the Ground in the middle of their Town, without being able to trace the Way they came. Clitar- chus fays there were fourfcore thoufand Indian: ilain in this Countrey, and a great Number of .Captives fold as Slaves. The Muficani in the


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 15:3

mean time rebell'd, and Pithon was fent to fup- preis them, who accordingly did fo, and brought me Prince of the Nation (who was alfo the Au- thor of the Revolt) Frifoner to the King, who or- der'd him to be Crucify "d, and then return'd to- the River where his Fleet waited for him. The fourth Day after he came to a Town which leads into the Dominions of King Sabus. He had late- ly iubmitted to Alexander, but the Inhabitants re- fus'd to obey him, and (but the Gates againft him ; however, the King defpifing their fmall Number commanded five hundred Agrians to approach the Walls of the Place, and retiring by little and little to draw the Enemy out of the Town, who he con- cluded would not fail to purfue 'em, if they once vjere perfuaded that they fled. The Agrians, ac- cording to the Orders they had receiv'd , having provok'd the Enemy took to their Heels, and wrere purfu'd fo clofely by the Indians, that thefe laft fell into a frefh Body where the King was in Perfon. Then the fight was renew'd, and out of three xhouhnd Barbarians five hundred were kill'd,. a thoufand taken Prifoners, and the reft got back again to the Town ; but the iffue of this Victory was not fo favourable as at firft was expected, for the Barbarians had poifon'd their Swords, fo that thofe who were wounded died fuddenly, the Phyficians not being able to find out the Caufe of fo prefent a Death, the flighteft Wounds be- ing incurable. The Indians were in hopes that the King, who was ram, and regardlefs of his own Safety, might have been involv'd in that Dan- ger , but notwithstanding he fought amongft the foremoft, yet he efcap'd unwounded.

Ptolemy indeed gave him great unealmefs on the account of a Wound he had receiv'd in the left Shoulder, which tho' light in it felf, was by reafon. of the Poyfon of dangerous Confequence.

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15*4 Quintus Cuktius. Book IX.

He was related to the King, and fome belie v'd Philip was his Father ; it is certain he was born of one of his MiftrefTes. He was one of the King's Body Guards, and a very brave Soldier ; however, he was Hill more excellent in the Arts of Peace, was moderate in his Apparel, very Liberal, and eafie of Accefs, having nothing of that haughti- nefs that feems natural to thofe who are defend- ed from Royal Blood : Thel'e Qualities made it doubtful whether he was more lov'd by the King, or thofe of his Nation. It was on this Occafion that the Macedonians firft exprefs'd their general Affection for him* which feem'd to prefage the future Grandeur to which afterwards he rais'd himielf ; for they had no lefs care of his Health - than the King /' who being fatigu'd with the Bat- tel, and full of folicitude for Ptolemy, by whom he fate, order'd his Bed to be brought where he was, into which he was no fooner got than he fell into a profound Sleep. As foon as he wak'd, he told thofe who were prefent, That while he was at refi he dream d a Dragon brought an Herb to him in its Mouth, as a proper Remedy againfl the Poifon ; he defcrib'd the Colour of the Herb, and alTur'd them,£e JJjouldknow it again if any of them Jhould chance to find it. As a great many were employ'd to feek it, fome of them found it, and having brought it to htm, he apply'd it himfelf to the Wound, the pain whereof ceas'd immediate- ly, and in a mort time the Wound was perfect- ly heal'd. The Barbarians finding themfelves difappointed of their firft hopes, furrendred both themfelves and City. From hence Alexander march'd into the next Province call'd Parthalia, M&ris was King of it, who having abandon'd the Town was fled into the Mountains ; Alexander therefore took Poffemon of the Place, and plun- der'd the Countrey, carrying off a great Booty of


Book IX. Quintus Curttus. 15$

Sheep and Cattle, befides a great quantity of Corn. After this he made choice of Guides who knew the River, and fail'd down it to an Ifland that flood almoft in the middle of the Channel.


HE R E he was oblig'd to make a longer Hay than he at firft propos'd, becaufe the Guides being careleffly look'd after were fled ; he there- fore lent to feek after others, but none being to be found, the ftrong delire he had to fee the Q- cean, and to reach the utmoft Bounds of the World , made him commit his own Life , and the fafety of fo many gallant Men to an un- known River, without Guides. Thus they fail'd altogether ignorant of the Places they pafs'd by how far the Sea was diftant from them ; what People inhabited the Coafts ; the Nature of the Mouth of the River ; or, whether it were proper for their long Ships ; for all which they had only their own blind and uncertain Conjecture. The only comfort in this his Temerity, was his con- usant Felicity. Having proceeded after this man- ner for the fpace of four hundred Furlongs, the Pilots acquainted him. That they began to be fen- fible of the Air of the Sea, and that they did not. believe the Ocean could be far off. He was over* joy'd at this News, and encourag'd the Mariners to ply their Oars, alluring the Soldiers, They were near attaining what they all had fo long wijh'd for, viz. an end of their Labours ; that now their Glory would be perfecl, nothing being left to with* fiand their Bravery ; that without any farther Banger or Bloodfhed the whole World would be their own ; th& their Exploits would equal the H6 utmoft

156 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

utmojl extent of Nature ; and that they vjould be- hold in a little time what tvas only known to the immortal Gods. However, he fet a fmall Detach- ment afliore, in order to take fome of the llrag- gling Natives, hoping to- get from them a thorough Information of all things. After a long fearch they found fome who lay lurking in their Huts. Thei'e being afk'd , How far the Sea wm off .? made an- fwer, That they never had heard of any fuch thing as the Seay but in three Days time they would come to a brackijh Water which corrupted the frefl). It was plain, that by thisDefcription they meant the Sea, whofe Nature they did not underftand; here- upon the Mariners with frefli Alacrity ply their Oars , and every Day the nearer they grew to their Hopes, the greater was their vigor.

On the third Day they perceiv'd that the Sea began to mingle its Water with that of the River, and by a gentle Tide confound their different Streams; here they difcover'd another Ifland, fi- tuate in the very middle of the River , to which they could approach butflowly, becaufe the courfe of the Tide ran againft them : Being landed they ran about to lay in Provifions , not dreaming of the Misfortune that was ready to fall upon 'em. About three of the Clock the Tide, according to its ordinary Courfe, began to pour in ftrongly, and force back the Current of the River. At firft it feem'd in a manner but to ftruggle with it, but running ftill higher and higher, it drove it back with fuch impetuofity that its retrograde Courfe exceeded the rapidity of the fwifteft Torrents, The generality of them were intirely ignorant of the Nature of the Sea, fo that they look'd upon it to be ominous, and a certain indication of the Anger of the Gods ; but, to their greater Terror, the Sea, by its repeated workings fwell'd fo high as to overflow the neighbouring Plains, which be- fore

Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 157

fore were dry, and as the Flux increas'd, the Ships were rais'd higher, till at laft the Fleet was difpers'd. They who had been fent afhore, furpriYd at the Suddennefs of the Accident, repair d to their Ships with the greateft Precipitation ; but in all tumul- tuary AfTemblies, Hafte is of pernicious Confe- quence. Some endeavour'd to get on board, by the means of long hook'd Poles; others, while they place themfelves, interrupt the Rowers; fome again try to make the bell: of their way, but not wailing the Arrival of thofe who were abfolutely neceflary for their purpofe , found it a difficult matter to navigate thofe heavy and unwieldy Ships ; at the fame time other Boats were not. able to contain the Multitude of thofe that incon- fiderately flock'd into 'em ; fo that the Crowd in this cafe, was as detrimental as the Want of Hands in' the other. Some cry'd out to flay, others to make off; which Confufion of Orders, not tend- ing to the fame purpofe, not only took away the Ufe of their Eyes, but alfo of their Ears. The Pilots at this Juncture were likewife ufelefs, their Directions not being heard in fo great a Tumult, nor obey'd, by reafon of the Fright. The Ships now begin to fall foul upon one another, and the Oars are broke : In fine, the Diforder was fo great, that no Body could have imagin'd it to be the Fleet of the fame Army, but a Sea Engagement between two Fleets that wrere Enemies. The Stems of fome Ships were forc'd againll tbe Sterns of others, and the Damage that was done to thofe that were foremoft, was again receiv'd from thofe that came after; at laft from high Words they came to Blows. By this time the Inundation had fpread it felf over all the Fields in the Neighbour- hood of the River, the Hills only appearing above the Water, and carrying the Refemblance of fo many fmall Iflands, whither feveral betook them- felves

ifS Quintus Curtius. BooklX.

felves by fwimming, out of Fear abandoning their Ships.

While the Fleet was fcatter'd here and there , fome Ships riding in deep Water where the Val- lies funk low, others being ftranded on the Shoals, according to the Inequality of the Surface of the Ground the Water pofleis'd , they were fuddenly furpriz'd with another Terror greater than the firlt ; For when the Sea began to ebb, it carry'd back the Waters from whence they came, and reftor'd the Land they had cover'd but a little before. The Ships being thus left upon the dry Land , pitch'd fome upon their Stems, while others fell upon their Sides. The Fields were cover'd with Baggage, Arms, broken Planks and Oars. The Soldiers were fo terrify'd, that they neither dar'd trult themfelves on the Land , nor remain on board , expecting in a little time greater Evils than thole they had already experienc'd. They could hard- ly believe what they faw and fuffer'd ; viaL a Ship- wrack upon the Land, and the Sea in a River. But their Trouble did not end here , for as they were ignorant that the Tide would in a little time re- turn, and fet their Ships a-float again, they expe- cted nothing but Famine and the utmoft Calami- ties. Befides, they were feiz'd with Horror at the Sight of fo many monftrous Creatures the Sea had left behind it. The Night now began to draw on, and the defperate Circumftances fill'd the King him- felf with Concern ; but no Care could get the bet- ter of his invincible Courage : He remain'd all the Night upon the Watch, giving his Orders , and fent fome Horfemen to the Mouth of the River , to bring him Word when the Tide began to re- turn. In the mean time , he caus'd the fhatter'd Ships to be refitted, and thofe that were over- turn'd, to be fet right again. This whole Night being fpent in watching and encouraging his Men,


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 15-9

theHorfemen came back upon full fpeed, and the Tide at their Heels; at firft it came in gently upon 'em, till encreafmg by degrees it rais'd the Ships; then overflowing all the Fields as before, itfet the whole Fleet in Motion.

Hereupon the Banks of the River and Coafts rung with the Shouts of the Sailors and Soldiers, who were tranfported with Joy at their unexpe- cted Safety. They now with Wonder enquir'd of one another , from whence this vafi Sea could return fo fuddenly ? Whither it could retire the Bay before ? What could be the Nature of thus Element, that vj(ts fometimes fo rebellious, and at others* fg fuljecl to the Empire of Time? The King conjectu- red by what had happen* d , that the Tide would return after the Sun's rifing; he therefore to pre- vent it, fet out at -Midnight , and fail'd down the River, attended by a few Ships , and having pafs'd thro' the Mouth of it, advanc'd four hun- dred Furlongs into the Sea, obtaining at laft what he had fo long wifti'd for ; then having facrific'd to the tutelar Gods of the Sea, and adjacent Places, he return'd back to his Fleet.

THEN he fail'd up the River, and came to an Anchor the Day following, not far from a Salt Lake , the Nature whereof being unknown to his Men, deceiv'd a great many , who rafliiy venturd to bath themfelves therein: For their Bo- dies broke out into Scabs, which being contagious, communicated the Diftemper to their Compani- ons, but Oil prov'd a prefent Remedy for this E- vil. He afterwards fent Leonatus before to dig Wells in the Countrey thro' which he was to pafs with his Army (for it was naturally dry and de-



160 Quintus Curtius. Book IX,

ftitute of Water;) and he remain'd with his Forces where he was, expecting the Return of the Spring. In the mean time, he built ieveral Cities, and commanded Nearchus and one Sicritus, very Jk'dl- ful Seamen, to fail with the flrongefl Ships into the Ocean, and to advance as far as they could with Safety, in Order to inform themfelves of the Nature of the Sea ; xvhich having done, they might return to him either by the fame River, or by the Eu- phrates.

The Winter being now pretty well over, he burn'd thole Ships which were ufeiefs to him, and march'd his Army by Land. In nine Encamp- ments he came into the Countrey of the Arabit&, and from thence in nine Days more, into that of the Gedroftj. Thefe were a free People; how- ever, having held a Council upon the Matter, they fubmitted to him, and he laid no other Injun- ctions upon them, but to fupply hi* Army with Provifions.

From hence in five Days he came to a River call'd by the Inhabitants Arabus, beyond which , there lies a barren Countrey very deftitute of Wa- ter ; which having march'd through, he arriv'd at the Territories of the Horitn. Here he gave He- ph&ftion the grea.teft Part of the Army, and divi- ded the remaining Part, which confifted of the light-arm'd Troops, between Ptolemy, Leonnatus and himfelf. In this manner, they ravag'd India •in three diftinct. Bodies, and carry'd off a great Boor/. Ptolemy wafted the maritime Countrey; the King deftroy'd the, midland part, and Leonna- tus the reft. He alfo built a City here, and peo- pled it with Arachofians.

From hence he came to thofe Indians who in- habit the Maritime Parts : They are pofTefs'd of a large Extent of Countrey, but it is very barren and defolate, fo that they hold no manner of


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 161

Commerce with their Neighbours. Their Soli- tude adds very much to their otherwife ravage Nature : They never pair their Nails, nor cut their Hair. They adorn their Cottages with the Shells and other Refufe of the Sea. Their Clothes are made of the Skins of wild Beafts, and they feed upon Fifhes dry'd in the Sun, and other Monfters that the Sea calls upon the Shore.

.The Macedonians having confum'd all their Pro- visions, firft endur'd a Scarcity , and afterwards Extremity of Hunger, fo that they were forc'd to have Recourfe to the Roots of the P aim-Tree, Which they every where fought for, it being the only Tree the Countrey produces. But this Food failing 'em too, they began to kill their Beafts of Burthen , not fparing even their Horfes. Thus wanting wherewith to carry their Baggage , they burnt thofe rich Spoils for which they had march- ed to the utmoft Extremity of the Eaft. The Plague fucceeded the Famine, for the new Juices of their unwholefom Food, together with the Fatigue of their Marches, and their Grief and Anxiety of Mind, had caus'd feveral Diftempers amongft 'em ; fo that they could neither flop nor go forwards without certain Mifchief. If they ftop'd any where , they were fure to perifli with Hun- ger, and if they advanc'd they fell in with thofe who were grievoufly afflicted with the Plague. The Fields therefore were cover'd over with more Bodies that were ftill languiftiing and half alive, than that were really dead. They who were the leaft tainted, were not able to keep up with the main Army, it march'd with fo much Expe- dition , every one imagining that the farther he advanc'd, the better he fecur'd his Health. In this wretched Condition , thofe whofe Strength faii'd 'em, begg'd the AlTrftance of Strangers as well as that of their Acquaintance, to help them


i6z Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

up. But befides , that there was no Conveniency to bring 'em along , the Soldiers had enough to do to carry their Arms, and the frightful Appear- ance of the Evil was continually before their Eyes. This made 'em not fo much as look at thofe who call'd to 'em, their Pity being itifled by their Fear. On the other lide, they who found themfelves thus forfaken, attefted the Gods , and reprefented their Communion in the fame facred Rites, and implor'd the Kings Help ; but finding they apply'd themfelves in vain to deaf Ears, their Defpair turn'd into Rage, fo that they fell to Im- precations, wifliing them the fame End and fuch Friends and Companions in their need.

The King hereupon was no lefs amam'd than gricv'd, becaufe he knew himfelf to be the Author of fo great a Calamity; he therefore fent Orders to Phrataphernes Governor of the Parthians , to fend him Provifions ready drcfi 'd, upon Camels : He alfo notify 'd his Diftrefs to the Governors of the neigh- bouring Provinces, who were not backward in their Supplies.

By thefe means the Army was at leaft freed from Famine,, and came at laft upon the Fron- tiers of the Gedrofians , whofe Territory was very fruitful, and afforded Plenty of all Things. Here he ftay'd fome time to refreQi his harraf- fed Troops, in the interim he receiv'd Letters from Leonnatus, importing, That he had fought and overcome eight thoufand Footy and five hun- dred Horfe of the Horitae. Craterus likewife fent him Advice, That he had feizd and put into Cuflody Ozines and Zariafpes, two Noblemen of Perfia , who were contriving a Rebellion. The King afterwards appointed Siburtius Governor of that Province , of which Memnon had the Pre- fecture (he being lately dead of Sicknefs) and then march'd into Carmania. Afpnfles had the


Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 163

Government of this Nation, and was fufp.edted to aim at Innovations during the King's abode in India; but as he came to meet the King, his Majeity thought fit to diflemble hi* Refent- ment, and fliew'd him the ufual Honours , till he got a clearer Information of the Crimes he was accus'd of.

The Governors of India having fent him by this time (according to hk Orders) a great num- ber of Horfes, and draught Cattle out of the refpeclive Countries fubject. to his Empire, he remounted, and gave frcfh Equipages to thofe who wanted. He alio reftor'd their Arms to their former Splendor, for they were not now far from Perfia , which was not only in a pro- found Peace, but vaftly Rich.

As therefore he not only rival' d the Glory Bacchus had gain'd by the Conqueft of thefe Countreys, but alfo his Fame, he refolv'd {his Mind being elevated above mortal Grandeur) to imitate him in his manner of Triumph, tho' it be uncertain whether it was at firft intended by Bacchus as a Triumph, or only the Sport and Pa- ftime of the drunken Crew. Hereupon he caus'd all the Streets thro vjhich he -was to pafs to be ftreivd with Blowers and Garlands, and large Vef> fels and Cups fiWd xvith Wine to be placd before the Doors of the Houfes. Then he order'd Waggons to be made of a fufficient largenefs to contain a great ma- ny, ivhich were adorn d like Tents, fome with white Coverings, and fome xvith other preciotts Burniture.

The Kings Fri@nds and the Royal Band went firft, wearing on their Heads Chaplets made of variety ,of Flowers ; in fome Places the Flutes and Hautboys were heard, in others the har- monious found of the Harp and Lute : All the Army follow'd eating and drinking after a di fib- lute manner, every one letting off his Waggon


1^4 Quintus Curtius. BooklX,

according to his Ability, their Arms (which were extraordinary fine) hanging round about the fame. The King, with the Companions of his Debauche- ry, was carry'd in a magnificent Chariot laden with Gold Cups, and other large Veffels of the fame Metal. After this manner did this Army of Bacchanals march for feven Days together, a noble as well as certain Prey to thofe they had con- quer'd, if they had had but Courage enough to fall upon them in this drunken Condition ; nay it had been an eafie matter for a thoufand Men, (pro- vided they were but fober) to have made them- felves Mailers of this riotous Army, in the midft of its Triumph as it lay plung'din the Surfeits and Exceties of a feven Days debauch ; but Fortune that fets the Price and Credit of Things, turn'd this military Scandal into Glory. The then pre- fent Age and Pofterity fince have with reafon ad- mir'd , How they could in that drunken Condition, with fafety pafs thro' Nations hardly yet fufficiently fubdud; but the Barbarians interpreted the rankeft Temerity imaginable for a well-grounded AJfurance. However, all this Pomp and Splendor had the Executioner at its Heels, for the Satrap Afpafles, of whom we before made mention, was order'd to be put to Death. Thus we fee that Luxu- ry is no obftacle to Cruelty , nor Cruelty to Luxury.





BOUT this time Oleander and Si- takes , with Agathon and Heracon (who had kill'd Parmenio by the King's Orders) came to him, ha- ving with them five thoufand Foot and one thoufand Horfe; but they were follow'd by their Accufers out of the re- fpective Provinces of which they had had the Pre- fecture ; and indeed it was impoffible for them to atone for fo many enormous Crimes which they had committed, tho' they had been Inftru- ments in a Murther altogether grateful to the King ; for they were not contented to pillage the Publick, but even plunder'd the Temples, and left the Virgins and chief Matrons to bewail the Viola- tion of their Honour. In fine, by their Avarice and Lull, they had render'd the very Name of the Ma- cedonians odious to the Barbarians \ but Oleanders


1 66 Quintus Curtius. Book IX.

fury exceeded all the reft, for he was not con- tented to defile a noble Virgin, but gave her af- terwards to his Slave for a Concubine.

The major part of Alexander's Friends did not fo much regard the grievoufnefs of the Crimes that were now publickly laid to their Charge, as the memory of Parmenio's barbarous Murther, which perhaps might fecretly plead for 'em in the Kings Breaft; and they were over-joy'd to fee thofe Minifters of his Anger, experience the dire Ef- fects of it themfelves. Thus we fee that no Power that is injurioufly acquir'd can be of long Duration.

The King having heard their Accufation faid, That their Adversaries had forgot one thing, and the greatefl of all their Crimes, -which was their defpairing of his Safety ; for they would never have dar'd to be guilty of fuch Villanies, if they had ei- ther hop ' d or believ'd he fiould have return d fafe from India. He therefore committed them to Cu- ftody, and order'd the fix hundred Soldiers who had been the Inflruments of their Cruelty to be put to Death. The fame Day alfo the Authors of the Per fan Revolt (whom Crater us had brought along with him) were executed.

Not long after Nearchus and Oneficratus (whom he had fent to make Difcoveries on the Ocean) re- turn'd and reported to him feveral things they had found out themfelves, as well as others, which they had only by hear-fay ; That the Ifland that was in the Mouth of the River abounded with Gold, but was deflitute of Horfes ; that therefore every Horfe that the Inhabitants of the Continent dar d to tranfport thither, was fold there for a Talent ; that that Sea was full of Whales which follow' d the Courfe of the Tide, and in bignefs equall'd the bulk of large Ships ; that they were frighten d at


[ Book IX. Quintus Curtius. 167

f the horrihU Noife made on purpofe from on board the Fleet, notwithftanding which they follozvd the fame, and camd a mighty roaring of the Sea, when they flung d their huge Bodies under Water, refem- bling fo many finking VeJJ'els.

The reft they receiv'd from the Relation of the Inhabitants, and particularly, That the Red Sea had its Denomination from King * Erythras, and not from the colour of its Waters. That not far from the Continent there was an Ijland thick fet with Palm Trees, and in the midfl of the Grove there was a Pillar eretied to the Memory of King Erythras, with an Infcription in the Characters us d by that People. They added moreover, That of all the Merchant Ships which had failed thither for the fake of the Gold, not any were ever feen after. The King, de- firous to be farther inform'd, lent them out again with Orders to fleer along the Coaft till they came to the Euphrates , and then to fail up that River to Babylon.

Now he having conceiv'd vaft Defigns, had re- folv'd after he had conquer'd all the Eaftern Ma- ritime Coaft, to pafs out of Syria into Africa, be- ing very much incens'd again the Carthaginian^ and from thence marching thro' the Defarts of Numidia , to direct his Courfe towards Cadiz ; for it was generally reported, that Hercules had there planted his Pillars. From hence he propo- fed to march thro' Spain, which the Greeks call Iberia, from the River lberus ; and having pafs'd the Alps to come to the Coaft of Italy , from whence it was but a (hort cut to E fir us : He there- fore gave Orders to hps Governors in Mefopota- mia, to cut down Timber in Mount Libanus, and convey it to Thapfacus, a Town in Syria, where it


* Erythrus in Greek fignifies Red.

i<58 Quintus Curtius. Book X.

was to be employ d to build large Vejjels, which were afterivards to be conducted to Babylon. The Kings of Cyprus were alfo commanded to fupply 'em with Copper^ Hemp and Sails.

While he was doing thefe things he receiv'd Letters from the Kings Porus and Taxiles, to ac- quaint him with the Death of Abifares by Sicknefi, and that Philip his Lieutenant was dead of his Wounds ; as alfo that the Perfons concern din that Attion had been puniftid. Hereupon he fubfliiuted Eudxmon (who was Commander of the Thra- cians) in the room of Philip , and gave Abifares $ Kingdom to his Son. From thence he came to Perfagadz, which is a City of Perfia , and whole Satrap's Name was Orfines , who in Nobility and Riches far exceeded all the Barbarians ; he de- riv'd his Pedigree from Cyrus , formerly King of Perfia ; his Predecelfors had left him a great deal of Wealth , which he had very much increas'd by the long Enjoyment of his Authority. This Nobleman came to meet the King, with all forts of Prefents, as well for himfelf as for his Friends ; he had .with him whole Herds of Horfes ready brdke, Chariots adorn'd with Gold and Silver, rich Furni- ture, Jewels, Gold Plate to a great value, Purple Gar- ments, and four thoufand Talents of coin'd Silver. However, this exceffive Liberality prov'd the caufe of his Death; for having prefented all the King's Friends with Gifts far beyond their Expectation, he took no notice of Bagoas the Eunuch, who had endear'd Alexander to him by his abominable Compliance ; and being inform'd by fome who wiuYd him well , That he zvas very much in A- lexander'; Favour ; he made anfwer, That he ho- nour d the King's Friends, but not fuch Inftruments as Bagoas, it not being the practice of the Perllans to ufe the Male Sex after that manner. The Eu- nuch was no fooner acquainted with this Anfwer,


Book X. Quintus Curtius. 165?

than he employ'd all the Power and Intereft he had fo fhamefuliy procur'd himfclf, to ruin this innocent Nobleman. He firft fuborn'd fame mean Wretches of the fame Nation to accufe him of falfe Crimes, with thefe Inlhudions , not to ap- pear againft him till they had receiv'd his farther Orders. In the mean time, whenever he was alone with the King, he fill'd his credulous Ears with odious Relations, difiembling the caufe of his Difpleafure, that the greater Credit might be giv'n to his Accusations. However, the King did not immediately fufpe& Or fines , yet he began to be in lefs Efceem with him than before.

The Plot wTas carry'd on fo privately againft him, that he was wholly ignorant of the latent Danger, and this importunate Favourite was not unmindful of his malicious Defign, even in his molt familiar Converfation with the King; fo that whenever he had enflam'd his unnatural Love, he would be fure to charge Orfines fometimes with Avarice, and fometimes with rebellious Practices, in fine, everything was ripe for the deftrudtion of the Innocent, and Delliny, whofe Appointments are irreverfible, was now approaching.

It happen'd that Alexander caus'd Cyrus's Tomb to he open'd, in order to pay his Allies the fune- ral Rites ; and whereas he believ'd it to be full of Gold and Silver, according to the general Opini- on of the Per/iansy there was nothing found in it but a rotten Buckler , two Scythian Bows and a Scimeter. However, the King plac'd a Crown of Gold upon his Coffin, and cover'd it with the Cloke he us'd to wear himlelf, and feem'd to won- der, That fo great a Prince , ivho abounded in Riches, wtu not -more fumpt uoufly interrd than if he had been a private Psrfon. Hereupon Bagoar, who flood next to the King, turning to him faid, What wonder is it to find the Royal Tombs empty, Vol. It. I whe»

170 Quint us Curtius. BookX,

when the Satraps Houfes are not able to contain the Treafures they have taken from thence ? As for my own part , I mufl confefs, I never faw this Tomb before, but I remember to have heard Darius fay, that there zvsre three thoufand Talents bury d zvith Cyrus. Trom hence proceeds Orfines'* Liberality to you, that zvhat he knezv he could not keep zvith Im- munity might procure him your Favoitr, when he prefented you zvith it.

Having thus ftirr'd up the Kings Anger, thofe -whom he had intruded with the fame Affair came -iii, fo that Bagaos on one fide, and the fuborn'd Witneffes on the other fo poffefs'd the Kings Ears, 'that Orfnes found himfelf in Chains before he had the leait fufpicion of his being accus'd. This vile Eunuch was not fatisfy'd with the Death of this innocent Prince, but had the impudence to ftrifce him as he was going to be executed ; whereupon Orfinis looking at him faid, / had heard indeed, 'that formerly Women reigu d in Alia, but it is alto- gether new, that an Eunuch fliould govern! This was the End of the chiefeft Nobleman of Per f -a, who was not only Innocent , but had likewife been profufely Liberal to the King. At the fame time Phradatcs was put to Death , being fufpected to aim at the Regal Dignity ; it is certain he began now to be too fudden in his Executions, and too apt to give Credit to falfe Informations ; from whence it is plain, That Profperity is able to change the befl Nature, it being a rarity to find any one fufftctently cautious againfl good Fortune. Thus he who a little before could not find in his Heart to condemn Lyncefies Alexander, tho' accus'd by two Witneffes ; and had fuffer'd feveral others to be difcharg'd, even contrary to his own Inclination, only becaufe they feem'd Innocent to the reft, and had been fo extravagantly Munificent as to beftow Kingdoms on his coriquer'd Enemies, at laft fo de- I 2 generated

BookX. Quntus Curtius. 171

generated from himfelf , as even againft his own. Sentiment to beftow Kingdoms on fome at the pleafure of an infamous Catamite, and deprive o- the-rs of their Lives.

Much about the fame time he receiv'd Letters from C&nus concerning the Transitions in Europe and Afia. whilil'7?e was fubduing India, "Sin. that Zopirio his Governor of Thrace, in his Expedition againft the Geu, had been furpris'd with a mdden Storm, and perifh'd therein witli the whole Army ; and that Sceuthes being inform'd tliereof , had fo- licited the Odryjians, his Countreymen to revolt , whereby Thrace was almofi loft, and Greece it felt' in danger ; * for Alexander having puniuYd the Infolence of fome of the Satraps (who during his Wars in India, had exercis'd all manner of Crimes in their respective Provinces) had thereby terrify'd others, who being guilty of the fame foul Pra- ctices, expected to be rewarded after the fame manner, and therefore took refuge with the mer- cenary Troops, defigning to make ufe of their Hands in their defence, if they were call'd to Exe- cution ; others getting together what Money they could, fled. The King being advis'd hereof, dif- patch'd Letters to all the Governors throughout Afia, whereby they were commanded upon fight to di/band all the foreign Troops within their re- fpective Jurifdictions. Harpalns was one of thefe Offenders ; Alexander had a great Confidence in him, becaufe he had upon his Account formerly been banihYd by Philip, and therefore when Ma~ Z.&HS dy'd, he conferr'd upon him the Satrapfhip of Babylon, and the Guard of the Treafures. This Man having, by the extravagance of his Crimes, loft all the Confidence he had in the Kings Fa- I z vour,

* Supplement of Freinihemius.

172- Quintus Curthjs. BookX-

vour, took five thoufand Talents out of the Trea- fury, and having hir'd fix thoufand Mercenaries, letum'd into Europe. He had for a confiderable time follow'd the bentof his Lutt and Luxury, fo that defpairi.ng of the King's Mercy, he began to look about for foreign Means to fecure himfelf a- gainft his Anger; and as he had all along cultiva- ted the Friendfhip of the Athenians, whofe Power was no way contemptible , and whofe Authority he knew was very great with the other Greeks, as well as their private Hatred to the Macedonians ; he flatter'd thole of his Party, that as foon as the Athenians fhould be inform'd of his Arrival, and behold the Troops and Treafure he brought with him, they would immediately join their Arms and Counfels to his : For he thought that by the means of wicked Innruments whofe Avarice fet every thing to fale, he might by Prefents and Bribes compafs his Ends with an ignorant and wa- vering People.


* TpHEY therefore put to Sea with thirty Ships, JL and came to Suinum, which is a Cape in Attica, from whence they intended to go to the Haven of the City.

The King being inform'd of thefe things, was equally incens'd againft Harpalus and the Atheni- ans, and immediately order'd a Fleet to be got ready refolving to repair immediately to Athens; but while he was taken up with thefe Thoughts he receiv'd Letters of Advice, That Harpalus had in- deed

* Curtiws.

Book X. QpiNTUS Curtics. 173

deed enter d Athens, and by Urge Sums gain d the chief Citizens, notwithjlanding which , in an Af~ fembiy of the People, he had been commanded to have the Town, ivhereupon he retird to the Greek Soldiers, ivho feizd him, and that he was after- wards treacheroujly kill'd by a' certain Traveller. Being pleas'd with this Account, he laid aikk iois" thoughts of patting into Europe ; however, he or- der'd all the Cities of Greece to receive their re- fpeftive Exiles, excepting fuch who had defil'd their Hands with the Blood of their fello'd{ Citizens.

The Greeks not daring to difobey his Com-~ mands, (altho' they look'd upon- 'em , as a be- ginning of the Subverfion of their Laws) not on-" ly recall'd 'em , but alfo reftor'd to 'em all their Effects that were in being. The Athenians were the only People who on this Occafion afTerted both their own and the publick Liberty, for look- ing upon it as an infupportable Grievance,- (as not being us'd to Monarchical Government, but to their own Laws and Cuftoms of their Countrey) they forbid 'em entring into their Territories, being refolv'd to fuffer any thing rather than grant admittance to thofe former Dregs of their owir Town, and now the refufe of the Places of their Exile.

Alexander having difcharg'd and fent home the oldeft of his Soldiers , order'd thirteen thoufand IBoot, and two thoufand Horfe, to be piclid out to remain xvith him in Alia, judging that he could now keep Afia in Subjection with a fmall Army, by reafon he had good Garrifons in feveral Places, befides the new Towns he had built and peopled with Colonies, all which he conceiv'd would be a futhcient Bridle upon thofe who might be dif- pos'd to Innovations. But before he made choice of thofe he defign'd to keep with him , he iflu'd out a Proclamation, requiring all the Soldiers to-

I 3 give

i/4 Quintus Curtius. Book X.

give in an account of what they ow'd, for he was fenfible that feveral of 'em were very much in debt ; and notwithstanding he knew their Luxu- ry had been the caufe of it, yet he was refolv'd to free 'em.

They thinking it was only an Artifice to di-. ftinguifli the profufe from the good Hufbands, were flow in bringing in their Accounts , where- upon the King , knowing very well that it was their Modefly, and not their Contumacy, that was the ObfEacle, order'd Counting-tables to be dif- pos'd throughout the Campy and ten thoufa'nd Ta- lents to be deliver d out. Being by this convine'd he was in earner! ,' they declar'd their Debts , which were fo great, that of fo vaft a Sum there was but one hundred and thirty Talents left ; from whence it is plain , that this victorious Ar- my that had conquer'd fo many rich Nations , had brought more Honour than Booty out of Afia.

However, it was no fooner known that fome of 'em were to be fent home, and others retain'd,. than they prefently concluded, he intended to fix the Seat of his Empire in Afia. Whereupon they broke out in fuch a Fury, that laying afide all military Difcipline, they fill'd the Camp with Se- ditious Clamours, and addreffing themfelves to the King, after a more infolent manner than ever, they unanimoufly requir'd a general Difcharge, fhewing at the fame time their disfigur'd Faces, and their grey Hairs. Neither the Officers Cor- rection, nor their wonted Refpec"t for their King, had at prefent any Influence upon them, but with their tumultuous Cries and military Licenfe, they interrupted him when he offer'd to fpeak to 'em, declaring publicity , that they would not move a Step from the Place where they were, but towards their own Homes. At lalt, Silence being made


Book X. Quintus Curtius. 175-

(more became they thought they had work'd up- on the King, than that they were in the leaft mo- ved thcmfelves) they were defirous to know what he intended to do , when he deliver'd himfelf in the following Terms, What is the meaning of this fadden Tumult ? Whence proceeds this infolent and licentious Behaviour ? I am afraid to fpeak , you have barefacedly infringd my Authority, and I am now but a precarious King, to ivhpm you have not left the Privilege of f peaking to you, of taking Cognizance of your Grievances, or admoni flung you when you are in the Wrong ; nay, I mufi 'not fo much as look at yon. And what is -wonderful! now that I have determind to fend fame of you home, and in a little time to follow .my felf zuith the refi, I perceive thofe who are to go forthwith in the fame Uproar , as they who are to flay till I re- turn in Perfon. What can be the Meaning of this $ I jhould be glad to knotv which of the two are dif- faftsfied, they whom I difmifs, or thofe J retain. One would have thought the whole AfTembly had now had but one Voice, they fo unanimously reply'd, That their Complaint was general. It is hnpojfible for me (laid the King) to believe, that this univer- fal Complaint fjould proceed from the Caufe you pre- tend, in which the major Part of you are not con- cern d, fince I difmifs more than I jhall retain : The Evil mufi lie deeper, that, thus at once alienates you all from me. When zvas it ever knozun , that a hole Army unanimoufly agreed to abandon their King? The very Slaves themfelves are 'never fo ge- nerally corrupted, as to run from their Mafiers all at once : Some of 'em v/dl fill be afbamd to for fake thofe they fee abandon d by the refi. But why do I (as if I had forgot the Fury that noiv rages amongfi you, firive to adminificr Remedies to the Incurable ? I fee 'tis in vain to harbour any Hopes of you, and 1 am refolved to life you not as my Soldiers (for you I 4 are

ind Quintus Curtius. BookX.

are no longer fitch) but as the mofi ungrateful of all Ma kaid. The abundance of your Succe/3 intoxicates yo-i, and makes yon forget that Condition of Life zvhich my Indulgence has procured to you, and in zvhich yon deferve to have grown grey ; for I find you can govern your felves better in Adverfity than in Profperity. They zvho not Img fince zvere Tri- butaries to the lilyiians and Perfians , are noiv grown fo haughty as to difdain Afia, and the Spoils of fo fha&y Nations-, and they who under Philip zvere half naked, at prefent think it hard to wear purple Garments-, their Eyes cant bear the Sight of Gold aad Silver, they want their zvoodtn VeJJ'els again, their Bucklers of Ozier and their rufly Wea- pons ; for to feak the Truth, this is the fins Con- dition I receiv'd you in, befides a Belt of five hu/t~ dred Talents, zvhen all the Royal Furniture did not amount to above threefcore. This was the Founda* tion I had for all my great Atchievcments, on which neverthelefs, I have (without Vanity) raisd an Empire of the greatefi Part of the World. Is it pof- fible you JJjould be grown -weary of Alia, where the Glory you have acquird, renders you almofi equal to the Gods ? Tou are in mighty Hafle to repair to Europe, and for fake your King, zvhen at the fame; time, a great many of you zvould ha ve zvanted Ne- ceJJ'aries on the Way, had I not difchargd your BebtSy and that too zvith the Booty of Afia. Are you not afl)am d to have prodigally fpent upon your Bellies, the Spoils of fo many conquer d Nations, and now return deftitute to your Wives and Children, to vjhom very few of you can jheiv any Fruits of your Victories, the major part having even pawn'd their Arms in hopes of returning home. I fiall fu- Jlain a great Lofi indeed in fuch Soldiers, who have nothing left out of fuch vafi Riches, but zvhat they employ daily in their Excejj'es and Debaucheries. Let the Fugitives therefore have a free PajJ'age ; be gone

Book X. Quintus Curtius. iff

from hence with all fpeed, xvhile I and the Perfians- guard your Rear. What flay you for ? I detain* none of you, ; deliver my Eyes from the odious Ob- ject of fuch ungrateful Citizens. No doubt but your Parents and Children will be mighty joyful to fee you return without your King ! They will not fail to come out and meet Deferters and Traitors / De- fend upon it, Til triumph over ybur Flight, and" wherever 1 am Til punijh you fujfi<:iently for the fame, if it be but in be/lowing my Favours on thofe with whom you leave me, and preferring them to your felves. Tou floall foon be fenfible vjhat an Ar- my is urithout a Head, and of what Moment my fngle Perfon is. Then leaping from the Tribunal in the utmoft Rage, he- ran in amongft the arm'd Soldiers, and having taken notice of the moft mu- tinous, he laid hold of thirteen of 'em one after another, and deliver'd 'em into the Cuftody of his Guards, none of 'em daring to make the leaft Refiftance. ,


WH O would imagine, that fo tumultuous an AlTerably could have been fo foon appeas'd f But they were feiz'd with fo great a Dread, that even thofe he was dragging to be made Examples of, did not dare to do any more than the reft. Thus this exceflive Licenfe and military Violence, was ar once fupprefs'd, not one of 'em daring to make the leaft Refiftance, but ftanding all like Men aftonim- ed, and half dead with Fear, they quietly expected what the King would determine concerning their Lives. Whether this proceeded from the Reve- rence thofe Nations, who are under a Monarchi- cal Government , pay to their Ki??gs, whom tkty- I 5 ^rot&ip

17& Quintus Curtius. Book X,

worfliip like Gods, or from the particular Venerati- on they had for his Perfon, or that the Confidence with which he exercis'd his Power, llruck an Awe into 'em , it is certain , they gave on this Occa- fion a fingular Example of their Patience ; for they were fo far from being exafperated by the Punimment of their Companions, who they un- derftood had been executed in the Evening , that they omitted nothing that fingle Perfons could have done to exprefs their Obedience , and expi- ate their Crime. The next Day when they pre- fented themfeives, and found they were prohibi- ted Entrance (the Afatick Troops being only ad- mitted) the whole Camp was fill'd with mournful Cries, declaring, they -would live no longer, if the King per fifed in his Anger. But he being of an ©bftinate Temper in any thing he had refolv'd on, confirid the Macedonians to their Camp, and or- der'd the foreign Soldiers to be drawn out, who being met together, he, by an Interpreter made the following Speech to 'em. When I pafi'd out of Europe into Afia, I fed my felf with the Hopes of adding a great many confderable Nations and Multitudes of Men to my Empire, and indeed I have not been impos d upon by Fame, in the Credit I gave her concerning 'em, but find that, befides what was commonly reported of 'em , they afford brave Men, and of an unalterable Affection tozvards their Kings. I thought at firfl that Luxury prevail 'd amongft you, and that by a redundant Felicity, you zvere drozvrid in Pleafures. V/hereas I perceive you have fo much Vigor of Mind and Strength of Body, that you are indefatigable in the Difcharge of military Duties, and at the fame time that you are brave, you do not cultivate Fortitude, more than Loyalty. Tho this be my firfi Vrofeffion to you hereof, yet I have been a great while convincd of it. It is on ihh account that I made choice of you from the reft


BookX, Quintus Curtius. 179

of the Youth to ferve me, and incorporated you with my own Troops. Tour Clothes and Arms differ ra nothing from theirs, but your Dutifulnefi and Sub- mijfton to Orders, is tvhat you very much exceed "em in. Thcfe Confiderations made me marry the Daugh- ter of Qxathres the Perfian, not difdaining to have Children, from a Captive; then coveting a numerous Offspring I took Darius'.? Daughter in Marriage, and encouragd my beji Friends by my Example to mar-* ry Captives, that by the means of that facred Bond, I might put an End to all Difference between the Vanaxuifldd and Victorious. Perfuade your felves therefore for the future , that you are my natural. Subjects, and not Strangers, Alia and Europe be- ing novj but one Kingdom. I have arm d you after the manner of the Macedonians, and by that means given Age to foreign Novelty. You are both my Citizens and Soldiers. All things have now the fame Appearance. It is no longer unbecoming the Perfians to copy- the Manners of the Macedonians, nor the Macedonians to imitate thofe of the Per- fians. They who live under the fame Sovereign, ought to have all the fame Lazus and Privileges. Having made this Speech, * He committed the Guard of hvs Perfon to the Perfians, putting all the. Offices thereunto belonging, into their Hands , and as they were leading to Execution thofe Ma- cedonians who had been the Caufe of this Sediti- on, it is faid one of 'em, whofe Age and Chara- fter diftinguiQVd him from the reft, fpoke after the following manner to the King.

1M1 btel bns oniric* ibdt j;i $~jsibfl 3uJ o* biu.-i 16 CHAP.

* Supplement.

180 Quintus- Curtius. Book X


HOW long, Sir, v/ill you give way to the-Tran-> [ports of yettr Mh.'d , even to faff er us to be e <ecuted after this foreign Cufiom r your ovjn Scl- diers, your ov:n Citizens are dragg'd to Execution by their Captives, zuhhout fo much as a legal Hear- ing. If you re-ally think iOc deferve Death, at leafis do us the Favour to change, our Executioners.

Moil certainly this was a friendly Advice , had he been capable of hearing the Truth, but his An- ger was nirn'd into a- Rager fo that perceiving thole who were clnrg'd with the Prifoners, to be- dilatory in their Office, he commanded 'cm to drown 'em in the River bound as they were. Nor did this unufual Punimment raife any Commotion among the Soldiers; on the contrary, they repair- ed in Companies to the chief Officers, and the Kings Favourites, defiring, That if he knew of any 1 more that were guihy of the fame Crime, he would command 'em to be affo put to Death , fince they freely deliver d up their Bodies to appeafe his Wrath:

* After they came to understand that he had gi- ven their Polls to the Perfans, and that the Bar- harians- were form'd into different Regiments, un- to whom he had given Macedonian Denominati- ons, while they were ignominioufly rejected; they were no longer able to contain the Grief that now pierc'd their very Hearts, they therefore re^ pair'd to the Palace in their Shirts, and laid their A-rms down before the Gate, as a Token of their Repentance, and with Tears and humble Suppli- cations begg'd to be admitted and forgiven, and


* Supplement.

BookX. Quintus Gurtics. l8t

that he would rather fatisfie his Anger with their Executions than Difgraces , protecting that for their parts they were refolv'd not to depart till they had obtained their Pardons. Alexander being inform'd of this, caus'd the Gates to be open'd, and came out to 'em, and taking into Confideration all thefe Teftimonials of their Repentance, and be- holding their Tears and wretched Appearance-, he was fo mov'd thereat, that he could not refrain- weeping with them for fome time. In fine, their Model! y prevail'd with him to forgive 'em, and having gently reprimanded 'em,- and by courteous Speeches comforted them again, he broke a great many of 'em who were no longer fit for the Ser- vice, and fent them home magnificently rewarded/ Then he writ to Antipater his Lieutenant in Ma- cedonia , to affign them the fitfl Places in the Theatre at the publick Spectacles, and withal, that they mould fit there with Crowns on their Heads* and likewife order'd, that after their Deceafe, their Children fhould receive their Pay. He appointed Craterus to lead them home ,- giving him alio the Charge of Macedon, Thejjaly, and Thrace, in the room of Antipater, whom he commanded to re- pair to him with the Recruits, to ferve in the place of Craterus.

Alexander had perceiv'd for feme time by his Mother's Letters, and thofe of Antipater, that -there was not a right Underftanding between 'em. Olym- pics accus'd Antipater of affecting the Crown : On the other fide Antipater reprefented, that (lie did feveral things unbecoming her Character; but find- ing himfelf recall'd from his Government, he took it fo to Heart, that he refolv'd to poifon the King.

Alexander having fettl'd thefe Matters, came to' y Ed at ana m Media , where he made the necelTary Difpofitions for the Affairs of hus Empire, and re- peated the pubikk Shews and Solemnities. While


i8i Quintus Curtius. BookX.

the.fe Things were doing, H&phefiion whom the King lov'd entirely and like a Brother, dy'd of a Fever. Alexander was lb fenfibly afflicted hereat, that out of Indulgence to his Grief, he did fcveral things no way becoming the Regal Dignity ; for he caus'd the unhappy Phyiician to be hang'd, as if he -had been negligent in the Cure, and with Cries and La- mentations, flung himfelf upon the Corps of his deceafed Friend, bewailing his Lofs Night and Day, and would hardly fufFer hism Friends to take him away. There are many other Reports which I do not; credit. However, this is certain, that he order'd Sacrifices to be offer'd to him as to a Hero, and employ'd in his Funeral and Tomb, twelve thoufand Talents.

As he was returning to Babylon, feveral Chal- dean Prophets came to meet him, and advis'd him not to enter that City, becaufe he fet out thither in an unlucky Hour, which feem'd to threaten his Life. But he flighted their Admonitions, and continu'd his intended Journey ; for he was inform'd that Am- bafTadors were come thither from all Parts of the World, and waited there for his Arrival. The Terror of his Name, had fpread it felf fo univer- fally throughout the World , that all the Nations feem'd to make their Court to him, as to him who was ordain'd to be their Sovereign. He therefore haften'd his Journey thither, as if he were there to hold a General Diet of all the Kingdoms of the Earth.

Being arriv'd at Babylon , he receiv'd all the Ambaffies very courteoufly, and fent.them home. About this Time, one Medius a Thejfalian gave a fplendid Entertainment, to which the King was invi- ted with his Friends. Here he had not quite drunk off Hercules s Cup, when he gave § a deep Groan as if he had been run thro' the Body, and being carry 'd from the Feaft half dead, he found himfeJf in fuch cruel Torments, that he alk'.d for a Sword


Book X. Quintus Curtius . 183

to put an End to his Pain. His Friends gave out,: that too much Wine was the Caufe of his Illnefs, but in reality it was a Confpiracy , the Infamy whereof was ftifl'd by the great Power of his Suc- cefTors. For Antipaier had deliver'd a ready pre- pared Poifon to his Son CaJJ'ander , who with his Brothers Philip and Jo/las, us'd to ferve the King at Table; he at the fame time warn'd him not tor communicate it to any but the TheJJ'alian and his' Brothers. Philip therefore and Jollas, who were the Kings T afters , had put the Poifon into cold Water, which they pour'd upon the Wine the King v/zs to drink, after they had according to their Office, made an EfTay thereof. On the fourth Day, the Soldiers (partly becaufe they fufpecled he was dead, and it was kept a Secret from 'cm, and partly becaufe they could no longer bear the Deprivation of his Prefence) came full of Grief to the Palace, defiring they might be admitted to fee' the King, which accordingly was granted 'em.


AS foon as they faw hhn, they burft into Tears,, and one would have thought they no lon- ger beheld their King but rather affifted at his Fu- neral ; and yet the Grief of thofe who flood about his Bed appear'd ftill greater ;.• which the King percei- ving, aflk'd 'em, where they would find (when he was dead) a Sovereign worthy of [nth Men ? It is a thing that furpalTes all Belief, that notwithftand- ing his weak Condition, he mould be able to keep himfelf as he did, in the fame Pofture he had ad- mitted the Soldiers in, till all that Army to the laft' Man, had faluted him.

Having difmifs'd this Multitude, he laid down ///'; wearied Limbs, as if he had acquitted himfelf


x34 Quintus CurtiuS. BookX,

of the laft Debt of Life. Then calling to his Friends to draw nearer ( for his Voice began al- ready to fail him) he took his Ring off his Finger,- and gave it to Perdiccas,- enjoining him to convey his Body to Hammon; and as they aflc'd him, To whom he bequeath' d his Kingdom ? He anfvver'd, to the mo ft zvorthy ; but hywever, he forefaw what Tuner al Plays were preparing him on that account. Perdiccas then defiling to know, when he vjould have divine Honours payd him? He- reply'd, when they themfelves were happy. Thefe were the- Kings laft Words, a little after which he- expir'd.

Hereupon- the Palace was fill'd witrr Cries and Lamentations; and by and by, all was hum'd a-- gain, as if it had been fome lonelbme Wafte, their Grief being now turn'd into a ferious Reflection on- what would enfue. The young Noblemen who us'd to guard his Perfon ,• were no longer able to contain their Grief, nor keep themfelves within the Entrance of the Palace, but ran about like fo ma-- ny mad Men, filling the whole City with Sadnefs, and omitting no kind of Complaint that Sorrow" can fuggeft on fuch an Occafion. The Troops therefore that us'd to keep Guard without the Pa- lace, as well Barbarians as Macedonians , flock'd thither, nor was it poffible in their common Af- fliction, to difcern the Vanquifo'd- from the Vi- ctors. The Per fans call'd him, Their ju/i and mer- ciful Lord; and the Macedonians, The beft and bra- weft of Kings. They were not contented to utter their mournful Expreffions, but alfo gave way to Tranfports of Indignation, That fo young a Prince in the very tlovjer of his Age and Fortune , fhould through the F.nvy of the Gods, be fo fuddenly fnatch- ed from Life and Government. They now ima- gin'd, they beheld that cheerful and refolute Coun- tenance with which he us'd to lead them to Battel, befiege the Towns, .fcale the Walls, and reward

Book X. Qutntus CuRTius. 185*

the Brave. Then the Macedonians repented they had ever deny d him divine Honours, and own'd they were both impio-us and ungrateful to have de- nied his Ears the Satisfaction of a Title that zvas fo juflly his due.

Having employ'd a confiderable Time in ex- preffing their Veneration, and bemoaning their Lofs, at laft tlieir Companion turn'd upon them-- felves. They reflected, that they came out of Macedonia, and were got beyond the. Euphrates, and were left deftitute in the midft of their Ene- mies, who defpis'd their new Empire ; that the Ki??g being dead without Children, and without naming a Succeflbr, every one would be for draw- ing to himfelf the publick Strength of the King- cfom. - Then they forefavv in their Minds the Ci- vil Wars that did enfue, and that they fhould be obiigd to fved their Blood again , not for the Con- quefi of Afia, but to decide who fljould be King ; that after having defir d a Difcharge of their law- ful Sovereign , their old Wounds mufi bleed afreflj^ aged and weak as they zvere, and their Lives flung away to eflablifl) the Power of fome mean Officer.

While their Thoughts were thus employ'd, Night came upon 'em, and increas'd their Terror. The Soldiers pafs'd it under their Arms, and the Ba- bylonians flood gazing, fome from the Walls, and others from the Tops of their Houfes, in order to get a truer Information of what was doing. No Body dar'd fet up Lights, fo that the Ufe of the Eyes being taken away, they liften d* with Atten- tion to every Noife and Voice, and as they were feiz'd with groundlefs Fears, theywander'd up and down the narrow Streets and dark Lanes, in great Anxiety, running one againft the other in a conti- nual Diitruft of each other.

The Perfians having according to their Cuftom, cut off their Hair, and put on mourning Clothes,


1 86 Quintus Curtius. BookX.

with their Wives and Children lamented his Death, not as one who had conquer'd 'em, and was not long fmce an Enemy, but as the lawful Sovereign of their Nation, with an unfeigned Affection. Be- ing us'd to live under Kingly Government , they confefs'd , They had never had a Monarch mere worthy to reign over them than he. Nor was their Grief connVd. within the Walls of the City , but foon communicated it felf to the neighbouring Re- gions , and fpread the Rumour of fo great an F- vil, over all that large Portion of Afia that lies on this fide the Euphrates. It quickly alfo reach'd Darius's, Mother, who prefently rent her Garments, and put on a mourning Drefs, tearing off her. Hair, ' and flinging her felf upon the Ground. She had by her one of her Grand-Daughters, who was be- wailing the Death of HAphefiion, to whom fhe was marry'd, and now in this general Calamity re- new'd her Own peculiar Grief. But Syfigambis a- lone felt all the Misfortunes of her unhappy Fa- mily. She bemoan'd her own Condition, and that of her Grand-Daughters, and this new Affliction recalled all the pafh One would have thought Darius was but juft dead, and that this diitrefs'd Mother was at the fame time performing the Fu- nerals of both her Sons. She wept as well for the living. as the dead. For who was there now to take Care of her Grand-Children ? Who would prove a- nother Alexander ? They were at prefent fallen in- to a frejh Captivity, and had anew loft their Royal Dignity. Upon the Death of Darius they had found a Protectory but Alexander being dead, who would have any Regard to 'em ? Here it alio came into her Mind, hoxv her Father and fourfcore Brothers had been, in one Day barbaroujly murder d by that crueleft of Kings, Ochus. That of feven Children (he had her felf had, there was but one living: Jnd

BookX. Quintus Curtius. 187

tho Darius fipiirijJS-d for a while, it was only that his Fate might be the more remarkably cruel.

At laft (he funk under the load of fo much Grief,* and covering her Head, turn'd her back to her Grand Children, who late at her Feet, and de- priv'd herfelfat once both of Food and the Light, and expir'd the fifth Day after (he had thus re- x folv'd to die. Her Death is indubitably a great inftance of Alexanders Indulgence to her, and of his Clemency and Juilice to all the Captives; for Hie who could reconcile her felf to Life after Da- rius's Death, was afham'd to out-live Alexander .-. And molt certainly it is plain to all that will do the King Juilice, that his Vermes were owing to his Nature; whereas his Vices were the Effects of Fortune, or his Age. He had an incredible, ftrength of Mind, his Patience under Fatigues was almoft exceffive ; and his Bravery did not on- ly excel that of other Kings , but even that of thofe who have no other Vertue. His Liberality was fuch , that he would often beftow more than could with Modefty have been requefted of the Gods, His Clemency to the vanquinYd fhews it felf in the many Kingdoms he reftor'd to thofe he had conquer'd, or gratuitoufly conferr'd on others. He had fo habitual a contempt of Death (which appears fo terrible to all the reft of Mankind) that he feem'd to bid it defiance every where. In- deed he had too great a third after Glory and '. Praife, but that was pardonable in a young Prince who had done fuch glorious Things. He could, not give greater Demonftrations of his dutiful Af- fection to his Parents than in the Refolution he . had taken to place his Mother amongft the God- defTes, and in the revenge he took of Philip'sMur- therers. As for his Bounty towards his Friends, it was beyond Exprefiion, as well as his Benevo- lence to the Soldiers. His " Conduit was equal to


t%% Quintus Curtius. BookX.

the greatnefs of his Mind, and his Wifdom was far above his Age. He w:s moderate in thofe Pleafures that feem incapable of Moderation , in venereal Delights be kept within the Bounds of Nature, and indulg'd no unlawful Voluptuoufnefs. Thefe muft be own'd to be mighty Gifts ; now the" Failings which are to be attributed to Fortune were, his equalling himfelf to the Gods, and ex- acting divine Honours, and his giving Credit to the Oracles on thefe Occafions, to which we may add his being tranfported beyond meafure , a- gainft thofe who refus'd to adore him ; his imita- ting the Manners of the conqucr'd Nations, which before the Victory he; defpis'd. As for his prone- nefs to Anger, and his love of Wine, as they were' enhaunced by the heat of Youth, fo Age would have abated 'em of courfe. However, we muft allow, that if he ow'd a great deal to his Vertue, yet he was ftill more indebted to Fortune, which he alone of all Mankind feem'd to have within' £7* Power. How many times has me fnatch'd him Out of the Jaws of Death ? How many times, when he has rafhly expos'd himfdf to manifeft Dangers, has fhe (hewn her conftant care of him; by bringing him off ? And to crown his Felicity,, his Life and Glory had one and the fame period. The Bejlinies waited for him till he had fubdu'd the Eaft, and vifited" the Ocean ; in fine, till he had done all that Mortality is capable of.

To this great King and mighty Captain a Suc- ceflbr was wanting, but the Burthen was too great for any Angle Perfon to bear now he was gone ; and to fpeak the Truth, bis very Name, and the Fame of his great Atchievements, has eftabliuYd Kings and Kingdoms aim oft throughout the World, and they were look'd upon to be very powerful who had but the fmalleft Portion of fo vaft a Fortune.


BookX. Quintus Curtius. 189


BUT let us return to JBahylon, from whence we made our Digreffion ; here the Guards of his Perfon, calJ'd together in the Palace the chief of his Friends , and the principal Officers of the Army; they were follow'd by a great Number of Soldiers, who were defirous to know who was like to lucceed Alexander. The Concourfe of Soldiers was fo great, that feveral considerable Of- ficers could not get Admittance ; hereupon a He- rald made Proclamation, that none fhould offer •to enter but fuch as (hould be call'd by their Names. But no heed was had to the prefent precarious Power ; %t firft there was nothing but mournful Crys, and the Lamentations feem'd to be renew'd ; afterwards the Expectation of what would enfue put a ilop to their Tears, and caus'd a filence. Then Perdiuat order'd the Royal Chair to be brought forth, and haying put therein Alexander's Diadem and Robes with his Arms , he expos'd 'em all to the publick View ; he alfo laid in the faid Chair the Ring the King had given him the Day before, at the fight hereof the whole Aflcm- bly burft out again in Tears, and mourn'd afrefli. Perdicca-s then fpoke to 'em in the following man- ner, / here reft ore to you the Ring which the King was pleas d to give me, and with ivhich he us'd to fign his Orders, and corroborate all his Acls of Pow- er ; and notwithftanding the Gods in their Anger could not contrive any Misfortune that could e^ual that we at prefent lie under, yet if we caft our Eyes on the mighty Things he has perform d, zve flmll find it reafonahle to believe, that the Gods had adapted fo great a Man to the necejfity of human Affairs^ and that having difchargd the noblp Tajk,

190 Quintus Curtius. BookX.

they refum d him to themfelves as their natural Off- fpring. Since therefore there is nothing left of him nozv but what cannot fljare in his Immortality, let us, as foon as may be, acquit our felves cf what we owe to his illuflrious Name and Body, without for- getting in zvhat City, and amongft whom we are, and at the fame time what a King and Proteclor ive are depriv d of V/e mujl alfo, fellozu Soldiers, confult about the neceffary Meafures to maintain the ViHories we have gain d. A Head is abfolutely re- quijhe ; whether you zuill have one, or many, is at your own difpofal; but this you ought to know, that an Army without a General is a Body zvithout a Soul. Roxane is gone fix Months of her Time, it is to be vjijh 'd flie may bring forth a Son, who with the Approbation of the Gods, may inherit the Em- pire when he is grown up. In the mea,n time it is 'your bufinefs to determine ivho you zuill entrufi the Government with till then. Perdiccas having made this Speech, Nearchus reply'd, That indeed no Bo- dy could deny, but Alexander'* Blood and Off-fpring zuould left become the Regal Dignity ; but then to wait for a Prince zvho zuas not yet born, and pafs by one that ivas, could neither fuit the Macedoni- ans Temper , nor the prefent Exigency of Affairs : As therefore Barfine had a Son by the King, it vjas his Opinion they ought to give him the Diadem. No Body approv'd of this Speech, fo that according to their Cuftom, they exprefs'd their difpleafure by the claming of their Spears and Bucklers, and were pretty near coining to a Sedition upon Near- chtMS obftinate maintaining his Opinion. Here- upon Ptolemy fpoke to this effecl:, It mufl be own'd you have pitch' d upon a very noble Ifjue to com- mand the Macedonian Nation, in the Son either of Roxane or Barfine, vjhom Europe zvould hardly think zvorthy to be nam d, as partaking too much of the Captives. Did zve conquer the PeiTians only to

BookX. Quintus Curtius. 191

ferve their Ojf-fpring ? A thing that even Darius and Xerxes, who were lawful Kings, hadzviih num- berless Armies and ftrcng Fleets in vain attempted. My Opinion is, that Alexander'* Seat being placd in the Palace , they who zuere of his Council here- tofore jhould there meet, tvhenever the publick Af- fairs requird their Consultations, and that the Of- ficers of all Ranks /hall be obligd to obey ivhatever the major part jlall there agree to. Some were of ■Ptolemy's Opinion, but the molt confiderable lided with Per dice as. Then Arifionus put the AlTerably in mind, That Alexander being a/k\i, to zvhom he left his Kindom ? Reply'd, To the befi and mofl de- ferving ; and that he feemd to have declar d whom he thought mofl xvorthy, by giving his Ring to Per- diccas ; for he was not the only P erf on that was prefent at his Death, but having cafl his Eye round the Company, he made choice of him above all the reft of his Friends to beftozv his Ring upon. It was therefore^ his Opinion, that the Sovereignty ought to be conferrd upon Perdiccas. No Body in the lead doubted but what he faid was right, wherefore they unanimoully order'd Perdiccas to come forth, and take up the Kings Ring. He was at a Hand between Delire and Bafnfulnefs, and believ'd that the more backward and model!: he "fhew'd him- felf in what he mod coveted , the more obfti- nate would they be , in preflmg him to ac- cept the fame. After fome delay, being un- certain what Refolution to take, at laft he got up, and retird behind thofe who fate next to him ; but Meleager, who was one of the Captains, ta- king Courage from Perdiccas's backwardnefs faid, The Gods forbid that Alexander'* Fortune, and the Sovereignty of fo vaft an Empire flwuld fall upon fuch Shoulders , at leaft I am fure that they who are Men will never fuffer it. I do not here fpeak only of thofe zvho are of nobler Extraction than he,


I92- Quintus Curtius. Book X.

but in general Terms, of all the Men of Courage, a~ gainjl whofe Confent it is requi/ite nothing jhould J>e done. Neither does it matter much, whether yon have the Son of Roxane [let him be born ivhen he will) or Perdiccas for your King ; fince the latter, under the pretext of Guardianflnp, will not fail to poffsfs himfelf of the fupreme Pow£r. This is the Re a f on that he likes no King but him who is not yet come into the World ; and in the great defire we ait exprefs to have a King [which at this juncture is not only jufl, but even neceffary) he is the only Per- fon that is for waiting the Complement of Alonths, nay, he already prognosticates 'twill be a Son ; and rather than fail, there is no doubt to be made , but he will 'vmpofe one upon you. Aloft certainly if A- lexander had left us him for our King, it would in my Opinion be the only thing we fljould be obligd to difobey him in.- Why don't you rather fall a pilla- ging the Treafury ? Tor there is no difpute but the People is Heir to all the King s Riches. Having de« liver d himfelf to this purpofe,- he broke thro' the armed Crowd ; and thofe who gave way to his Retreat, follow'd him to partake of the aforefaid Booty.


BY this time a great Band of Soldiers were got about Meleager , and the whole AfTembly lccm'd mclin'd to Sedition and Difcord, when one of the meaner fort, who was altogether unknown to the major part of the Macedonians deliver'd himfelf in this manner to 'em , What occafion is there to have recourfe to Arms, or engage in a ci- vil War when you have already the King you feck ? Arid«£iis, the Son of Philip, and Brother to Alexan-

Book X. Quintus Curtius. 193

tier the late King , and who, during his Life, was a partner with him in the [acred Rites and Ce- remonies, and is nozu his only Heir, is laid afide. What is his Crime? What has he done that he fiould thus be deprivd of the common Law of Na- t-ins ? If you, feek for one like Alexander, it is what you can never hope to find ; if the next in right, Aridseus is the only Perfon. Hereupon the Mul- titude at firft grew filent, as if avv'd by Autho- rity, and afterwards cry'd out with one general Voice* That Aridseus ought to be call'd, and that they defervd Death, who had held theAf 'zmbly with- out him. Then Pithon, diftolv'd in Tears, repre- fented to 'em, That now, if ever, Alexander zv ot- to be pityd, for being depriv'd of the benefit as well as prefence of fuch good Citizens and Soldiers, who were fo entirely wrapt up in the Name and Me- mory of their King, that they feemd to have no 0- tber regard.

It was too plain , that by thefe Words he re- flected on the young Prince, to whom they de- iign'd the Kingdom, but he thereby procur'd more Ill-will to himfelf, than Contempt to Arid&us; for while they pity'd his Misfortune, they grew favourably difpos'd towards him. They there- fore obftinately declare, That they will fujfer no ether to reign over them, than he who zvas born to that hope, and immediately order'd Arid&us to be fent for. Hereupon Meieager, who was Per- diccass mortal Enemy, brought him forthwith in- to the Palace, where the Soldiers faiute him as King under the Name of Philip.

However, this wras but the Voice of the Vul- gar fort, the Nobles were of another Opinion, amongfr. whom Pithon began to execute Pcrdic- cas's Advice, and appointed Perdicas and Leon- natus (zvho were of the Royal Family) to be Guaf* Vol. II. K dians

194 Quintus Curtius. BookX.

dians to the Son Roxane was to bring forth ; with this farther Projpfition, That Craterus and Autjpater jhould have the Adm'mifi ration of the Affairs of Europe. Then every one took an Oath to be true to Alexander'* IJJue. This made Meleager (~who was , not without caufe , apprehenfive of future Puniflnnent) withdraw with his Party, but he foon return'd again, and bringing Philip along with: him, he forc'd his way into the Palace, crying aloud, That Ari- daeus'* vigorous Age fecmd to favour the hopes the Publick had conceivd of the new King', that there- fore they ought to make trial of Philip'* Pojlerity^ as betng the Son and Brother of two Kings, and frame their Judgment of him upon their own Know- ledge and Experience. The deeped Sea, or moil tempeftuous Strait, does not Air up more Billows tiian the Multitude has different Motions, espe- cially if it is wanton with a Liberty they think they are not long to enjoy. Some few were fur conferring the Empire on Perdiccas lately chofen, but a great many more were for giving it to Phi- Hp than he really expected. They could neither approve nor disapprove of any thing long ; one while they repented of the Meafures they had taken, and prelently after repented that they had repented; however, at laft their Affect ions inclin'd 'em to the Royal I Hue.

Arid&us dreading the Power of the Nobility, liad left the Allembly ; upon his departure the mi- litary Ardour feem'd rather to languifli than be fupprefs'd, fo that being call'd back again they dreis'd him in his Brother's Robes, the very lame that lay in the Chair ; and Meleager having put on his Breaft-plate and taken his Arms, follow'd as if he had the Guard of the new King's Per- fon. The Phalanx claming their Spears and


Book X. Quintus Curtius. 195:

Bucklers, threaten'd to fatiate themfelves with the Blood of thofe who had ajfedled a Crown that no way belong d to 'em; and were mightily pleas'd that the Power of the Empire was to remain in the fame Houfe aud Family; for as the Empire was Hereditary ) it of Right belonged to the Royal Line, and they were accujtom^d to pay a Veneration and Rcfpecl to the very Name , zvhich no other was worthy of but he who was born to reign.

Perdiccas being alarm'd at this Proceeding, 01- der'd the Room xvhere Alexander'; Body lay, to be fljut and guarded. He had with him fix hun- dred Men of known Courage: And Ptolemy had alio join'd him , and the Royal Band of young Noblemen. However, it was no difficult matter for fo many thoufand Men, to break in upon 'em. The King like wife (attended by his Guards, commanded by Meleager) fore'd his way in. Hereupon Perdiccas in great Anger , called to his Afftflance all thofe who were ivilling to preferve Alexander'* Corps from being infulted. But they who had made the Irruption , call their Darts at him from afar, and wounded feveral ; at laft the oideft amongft 'em took off their Helmets (that they might be the eafier known) and intreated Perdiccas?, Party, That they would forbear coming to an Engagement, and [ubmit themfelves to the King, and the greater Number. Perdiccas was the nrft that laid down his Arms , and the reft fol- low'd his Example. Then Meleager endeavour'd to perfuade 'cm , not to depart from Alexander'* Corps. But they miftrufting fome Treachery, got out at another Part of the Palace, and fled to- wards the Euphrates. The Hone which was compos'd of the noblefl: Youth , fojJow'd Perdic* cos and Leonnatus, and were for leaving the City, and taking to the open Field. But as Perdiccas K 2. did

196 Quintus Curtius. Book X-

did not altogether defpair of bringing the Foot alfo to his Party, he ftay'd in the City, leaft by carrying off the Horfe, he (hould Teem to have feparated from the reft of the Army.


IN the mean time, Meleager never ceas'd put- ting the King in Mind , That he ought to con- firm his Sovereign Authority by the Death of Per- diccas , and that if his ambitious Spirit was not prevented, he -would not fail to caufe Innovati- ons. That he could not forget -what he had de- ferv d at the King's Hands , and that no Man ■could be faithful to him, he feard. The King rather iuffer'd than approv'd of this Couniel; however, Meleager took his Silence for a Com- mand, and immediately fent Meflengers to Per- diccas to order him to come to the King, which if he made the leaft Difficulty to comply with, they were to kill him. Perdiccas being advi- fed of their coming , plac'd himfelf at the En- trance of hisHoufe, accompany'd only by iixteen Youths of the Royal Band ; and having reprimand- ed 'em, and reproach'd 'em with being Melea- ger 's Slaves, he lb terrify 'd 'em with his Refo- lution and item Countenance , that they fled in the greateft Confternation. Then Per die cos or- der'd the young Gentlemen to -mount their Horfes, and thus with a few Friends repair'd to Leonna- tus, where he was in a better Condition to re- Pel any Violence that might be offer'd him.


Book X. Quintus Curtius. 197

The next Day the Macedonians took it heinouf- ly, that Perdiccas mould be brought in Danger of Death, and were refolv'd by Force of Arms to punifti Meleagers Temerity. But he forefee- ing the Evil, went to. the King, and afk'd him in their Prefence, Whether he had not order d Perdiccas to be taken into Cujiody ? Who made Anfwer, Yes , but it was by Meleager'* Advice, Hovjever, there tvas no Occafion for their being di- fturb'd thereat, fince Perdiccas was alive and un- hurt.

The King having thus difmifs'd the AlTembly, Meleager (who was frighten'd at the Separation of the Horfe) was now at a lofs what Counfel to take, for he found himfelf in the Danger he had been contriving for his Enemy; fo that he fpent three Days in confidering with himfelf, what Courfe he had beft to take. All this while the Court had its ufual Appearance ; for the Am- bafladors of foreign Nations took their Audience of the King; the Generals of the Army were there prefent, and the Soldiers kept Guard at the Entrance. But there appear'd an unaccountable Sadnefs in all their Faces, which was an Indica- tion of the utmofl Defpair, and being mutually diftruftful of each other, they did not dare to accoft, or talk to one another , but gave a Scope to their private Thoughts, and by comparing the new King with their former, they were the more fenlible of theij Lofs. They in vain enqui- red, Where was now that Prince whofe Authority and Conduit they had fo fuccefsfully follov/d ? They complain'd, That they were left destitute in the midfi of their Enemies, and unconquerd Na- tions, who would not fail to revenge the Wrongs and LoJJes they had fufiaind, whenever an Oppor- tunity fiould offer it felf.

K 3 Their

198 Quintus Curtius. Book X

Their Minds were rack'd with thefe Reflecti- ons, when News was brought, That the Cavalry under Perdiccas, having pojfefsd themfclves of the Avenues about Babylon, hinder d any Corn from being brought to the City. From hence a Scarci- ty tirft eniu'd, and then a Famine ; whereupon they who remain'd in the Town, were of Opi- nion, That they ought either to reconcile them- f&ves with Perdiccas, or give him Battel.

In the mean time it happen'd, that they who fiv'd in the Countrey, being apprehenlive that the Villageis and Villa's would be plunder'd, fled to the City ; and the Town's-People wanting Pro- vilions , retir'd into the Countrey, each Party thinking they ihould be fafer any where elfe than where they were. The Macedonians, fearing fome Commotions herefrom, met together in the Palace, and there acquaint the King with what they thought advifable to be done in the pre- fent Juncture , which was , That Deputies fliould. be fent to the Cavalry 3 to require 'cm to put an- End to the Difcord, and lay down their Arms. The King therefore difpatch'd Pa fas the Thefj'a- lian , Amijfas the Megapolitan , and Perilaus to them, who having acquainted 'em with the Kings Orders, receiv'd for Anfwer, That the Horfe were refolvd not to lay down their Arms, till the Au- thors of the Sedition were deliver d into their Hands. This Anfwer was no fooner reported, than the Soldiers ran to their Arms of their own Accord, and the King being alarm 'd at the fud- den Tumult, came out of the Palace, and told them : There is no Good to be expecled from Se- dition , for they that lie ftill , will certainly reap the Advantage the Contenders Jlrive for. Be- fides, you ought to remember, that the matter lies with your own Countrey Men , and that it is


Book X. Quintus Curtius. 199

hajlening to a Civil War , rajhly to take from 'em all Hopes of Reconciliation. Let us therefore try what Ejfett another Deputation may have ; for as the Kings Body is not yet bury'dy I am of O- pinion, they will all unite to difcharge that lafi Duty to him. As for my <fwn part, 1 had much rather refign the Empire , than maintain it at fo dear a rate as the Effufion of my Countrey-mens Blood. And if there is no other Means to come- to an Agreement , J beg and befeech you to make- choice of one that may be more deferring. Then with Tears in his Eyes, he took the Diadem from his Head, and holding it out in his Right-hand, offer'd it to any that thought he was more wor- thy of it than himfelf.

This modeft Speech gave 'em mighty Hopes of his Ability , which till then had been eclips'd by his Brother's brighter Parts. They all there- fore prefs'd him to execute what he himfelf thought proper. Hereupon he difpatch'd the fame Per- fons again to^defire they would receive Meleager amongft 'em a* third General. This was eafily cbtain'd, for Perdiccas was delirous to remove Meleager from the King, and reafonably judg'd, that being but one, he could not be a Match for them two.

Meleager therefore march'd out with the Pha- lanx, and Perdiccas went to meet him at the Head of the Horfe. Both Bodies (after their mutual Salutations) unite as they thought, to live in a perpetual Peace and. right Underftanding with, ene another.


zoo Quintus Curtius. BookX.


BU T Fate was now bringing a Civil War upon the Macedonian Nation ; for a Crown admits or no Partners, and it was at this time coveted by many. Firft then they join'd their Forces together, and afterwards again divided 'em. And as they had loaded the Body with more than it could bear, the other Members began to fail, and that Empire that might have maintain d it felf un- der one Sovereign, falls to- Ruine, while it is fupported by many. It is therefore with the greateft Reafon, that the Roman People acknow- ledge they owe their Safety to their Prince, who^ appear'd to 'era like a new Star, on that very Night that had like to have been their laft. And molt certainly it was his Riling, and not that of the Sun , that reftor'd Light to#the darkened World , when having loll its Head, the difcord- mg Members were in the greateft Apprehenfi- ons. How many Firebrands did he then put out ? How many Swords did he then (heath ? How black was the Storm that clear' d up at his fudden Appearance ? The Empire may therefore be faid not only to recover its Strength, but even to flounlh through his means , lb that no Bo- dy can blame me if I wiih, that his Pofterity may long enjoy the Sovereign Power, if not for ever.

But that I may now return to the Series of my Narration , which the Contemplation of the publick Happinefs, made me interrupt : Perdic- cas plac'd all the Hopes of his own Safety, in Meleagers Death, and conceded, that {as he was

a vain

BookX. Quintus Curtius. 201

a vain Man, no way to be rely d on, and migh* he capable of caufing fudden Changes , and with" all wcis his mortal Enemy) he ought to preven* him. However, he cloth'd his Defigh with a deep Diffimulation , that he might deftroy him when he leaft fufpe&ed it. He therefore fub- orn'd fome of thofe that were under his own Command, to complain publickly (as from them- felves ) that Meleager was made equal to Perdit- cas. Meleager being inform'd hereof, came to Perdiccas in great Anger, and related to him what he was told; he feem'd furpriz'd at the Novelty of the Thing, and began to wonder at it, and complain, and put on an Appearance of Concern thereat; at laft they agreed, That the- Authors of fuch Seditious Reports fhould be appre- hended.

Hereupon Meleager thank'd and embrac'd Per- diccas, praifing the Confidence he had in him, and his bountiful Bifpofition towards him. Then they concerted what Meafures they fhould take to pu- nifh the Guilty; and they agreed that the Ar- my mould be purify'd after the Cuftom of their Countrey, and that the late Diviflons would be a plaufible Pretence for that purpofe. The Kings of Macedon us'd to puriie their Army after this manner: They ripp'd open a Bitch, and took out her Bowels, and caft them at the two- Ex- tremities of the laft Field the Army was to be led into , and in the intermediate Space all the Forces were drawn up, the Horfe on one fide, and the Phalanx on the other.

On the Day therefore this- Ceremony was to be executed, the King at the Head of the Horfe and Elephants, plac'd himfelf diredHy oppofite to the Foot, which was commanded by Meleager. The Cavalry had no.fooner begun to move, than, K 5 the;

%oz Quintus Curtius. BookX.

the Foot were feizd with a fudden Fear, on the account of the late Difcord, and began to fufpeft that they were not peaceably inclin'd, fo that they were in fome doubt, whether they mould not march back again into the City ; for the Plain feem'd molt favourable to the Horle. However left they mould without a Caufe blame the In- tegrity of their Feilow Soldiers, they kept their •Poll, refolv'd to defend themfelves if they were attack'd. Both Bodies were pretty near one a- nother, being divided bm by a fmall Interval, when the King at the Head of one of the Wings, rid along the Line of the Foot, and by Perdic- cttf's Advice, demanded the Anthers t>f the Divi- sion to be deliver d up, to fajftr condign Punifi;- msnt -r threatning at the fame time, (if they re- tiis'd to comply) to fall upon 'em with all the Troops and Elephants. The Foot were amaz'd •at the unforefeen Evil , and Meleager himfelf had no more Courage or Counfel than the reft; but they thought it the fafeft way to wait, and lee what the Event would be, rather than provoke Fortune. Then Perdiccas feeing the dejected Con- dition they were in , drew out about three hun- dred of 'em, who had follow'd Meleager when he left the firft ArTembly that was held after A- lexander's Death, and call 'em to the Elephants tn the Sight of all the Army, fo that they were all trampl'd to Death by thofe Animals, without Philip's either oppoiing or authorizing the fame ; it being plain, that he did not delign to own any thing to be done by his Order , but what mould be plaufible in the Event. This was the Omen and Beginning of the Civil Wars amongft the Macedonians. Meleager was too late feniible of Perdiccas's Fraud , but as no Violence was then ofer'd to his own Perfon, he remain'd quiet with



BookX. QyiNxus Curtius. 203

the Phalanx; however, at laft defpairing of his Safety, when he faw his Enemies, in order to mine him, make an Abufe of that Prince's Name, whom he himfelf had made King , he took San- ctuary in a Temple, where he was llain without any Regard to the Religion of the Place.


PErdiccas having led the Army back again in- to the Town, held a Council of all the chief Perfons, where they came to this Refo- lution, that the Empire mould be divided , but the King mould hold the Sovereign Authority; That Ptolemy Jhould be Satrap of Egypt , and cf all the Nations in Africa within the Jurif- dicl'wn of the Macedonian Power. Syria , with Phtnicia, was given to Laomedon ; Cilicia to Phi- lotas; Lycia, with Pamphylia, and the greater Phrygia, were ailign'd to Antigonus. Cajfander was fent into Carta,, and Menander into LyaHa. The lefler Phrygia that joins to the Hellespont, was allotted to Leonnatus. Cappadocia and Pa- phlagonia fell to the Share of Eumenes; he was alfo commanded to defend all that Countrey to the Trapezian Territories, and to make War with Arbatesy who alone refus'd to fubmit to the Ma- cedonian Yoke. Python had Media, and Lyfimu- chus Thracia , with all the Pontick Nations that border upon the Thracian Territories. They who commanded in India, Battriana, and over the Sogdians, and other Nations bordering on the O . cean or Red Sea, were to hold the Power of K 6 Jurifdi&ion,

i04 Quintus Curtius. Book X.

Jurifdiclion, with the fame Limitations they had formerly held the fame. It was likewife ordain- ed, that Perdicccu mould remain with the King, and have the Command of thofe Troops that follow'd his Majefty. Some have been of Opi- nion , that the Provinces were thus diitributed by Alexander's Telhment; but we are fatisfy'd that that was was only a vain Report, notwithstand- ing feme Authors write fa.

Having thus divided the Empire , every one defended his own Portion , and might have fe- cur'd the Foundations they had laid, if it was poffible to fet Bounds to immoderate Defnes. For they who but a little before were the Kings Ser- vants, now under the Pretence of difcharging a Power intruded with them , did each poifefs themfelves of large Dominions ; ail Caufe of Strife being taken away, lince they were all of the fame Nation , and had their refpeclive Ter- ritories mark'd out and diftinguim'd from the o- thers. But it was a difficult matter for them to be contented with what Opportunity had'orTer'd ;tiii, for the hrft Beginnings are defpis'd, when we hope to make greater Improvements. Eve- ry one of them therefore thinks it eafier- to en- large his Kingdom, than it was to receive it. It was now the feventh Day that Alexanders Body lay in his Coffin. y. without having receiv'd the Funeral Rites, all their Cares being diverted from that Solemnity , to fettle and form the publick State. It is obfervable, that there is no Countrey where the Heat of the Sun has a greater Influ- ence than in Mefopotamia, infomuch that it kills the greateit Part of thofe Animals tlrat lie ex- pos'd in. the open Field without Shelter, and parches up every thing, as if they had been burnt by a Fire. Moreover, Springs are here very



rare, and by the Malice of the Inhabitants, coiw ceal'd. They preferve 'em for their own Ufe, without letting Strangers know where they are. Notwithstanding this , when Alexander's Friends were .^ leifure to take Care of the dead Body, they found it without the leaft Taint, or Spot of Corruption ; nay, that Livelinefs that accom- panies animated Bodies , had not forfaken his Face. The Egyptians therefore , and the Chal- deans being order'd to embalm the Corps after their manner, were at firft afraid to lay Hands upon it , as though it were (till living ; but af- terwards having mtreated him , that it might be lawful for mortal Hands to touch him , they drefs'd his Body, and rUl'd his Golden Coffin with odoriferous Materials, putting the Token of his Dignity upon his Head.

It was generally believ'd, that he dy'd of Poy- fon, and that Jollas, Antipater's Son , being one of thofe who ferv'd him at Table, had by his Father's Orders given it him. It is certain, that Alexander was often heard to fay, That Antipa- ter ajfetfed the Regal Dignity , and that he was more powerful than a Lieutenant ought to be, and being puff d tip on the Account of the Spartan Vi- clory, he feemd to lay a Claim of Right to all he had entrufied him with. It -was alfo" thought, That Craterus zvas fent with the difmifsd old Soldiers to kill him. Now the Nature of the Macedonian Poifon , is fuch, that it preys upon Iron it felt, and can be kept in nothing but the Hoof a Beaif. The Fountain from whence this poifonous Liquor flows, is call'd the Styx. This was brought by Cafiander , and deliver d by him to his Brother Jollas, who mixd it with the- Kings lafl Draught,


ao6 Qiuntvs Curtivs. BookX.

However thefe Things were reported , they were foon ftifl'd by the Power of thofe that were afpers'd thereby. For Antipater .invaded not only the Kingdom of Macedonia, but alfo Greece, and his Offspring furceeded himr therein, he having put to Death all who weiwiny way ("[though never fo remotely) related to Alexan- der. As for the King's Body, it was convey'd by Ptolemy (who had Egypt for his Portion) firft to Memphis , and a few Years after, to Alexan- dria, where all Honour is pay'd to his Name and Memory.




ABDOLONYMUS a Gardiner, made King of Sydon, Vol, i. Pag. 188

His Modefiy, p. 1 89

Abian Scythians fubmit to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 3,1 Abifares-*» Indian King, vol. 2. p. 10$

S«7*/> Ambajfadors to fubmit himfelf to Alex- ander, p. 118 His Death y p. 1 68 Abiftamenes Governor o/Cappadocia, vol. 1. p. 1 54 Abydos, vol. 1. p. 90 Accident occafions a fljarp Engagement, vol. 1. p. 12.4 Account taken of the Wealth of all Men in Greece,

vol. 1. p. 44

AceGnes River, vol. 2. p. 90

Ada reflord to her Kingdom, vol. V. p. 119

Adraftean Plains, vol. 1. p. 96

Advice to Alexander at his Acceffion to the Throne,

vol. 1. p. 51

o/Parmenio to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 163 o/Perfians to Darius, vol. 1. p. 164

Of Artabazus to Daiius, vol. 1. p. 302



iEtolians excufe them/elves to Alexander, vol. r.

" P. 7<$

Agathon executed fot^many Crimes, voL 2. p.i6^ Aggrammes mighty Indian King, vol. 1. p. 12.3 Agis King of the Lacedemonians marches againfi Macedon, vol. r! p. 191.

Defeated and killd by Antipater, p. 312, 313 Agis a bad Poet, vol. 2. p. 76

Agriafpians, or Evergetae, vol. 2. p. 14

Alexander the Great, -who writ beji of him, vol. u

' ' ~ . . ' " .r "> z

Bis great Genius, Origin, and Education. Ib. p. 3 Prefages of his Greatnefs p. 6

When born, p. 7

Defcription of him, p. 9, 10, & feq.

His inordinate Ambition, p. 15

His Morals, p. 21

Saves his Father, p. 2 $

.Rflf/f* Athenians, p. 42

Quarrels with Attalus , and departs in Anger from his Father, p. 45

Jits Magnanimity at his Acceffion to the Throne,

P. 5 1

Made General of Greece,, p. 54

Subdues Thrace, p. 56

And the Illyrians,, p. 62

His Celerity, p. 66

Jf« Generofity to- Timoclea, p. 70

PajJ'es over into Alia, p. 86

Routs the Perlians at the River Granicus, p. 98 Kills Spithridates, p. 9-9

Temperate in Diet, p. 1 20

Offers Sacrifice in the Temple of Jerufalem, p. 137 Admires his otvn Felicity, p. 15 J

Wafting in the Cydnus, taken defperately ill,

p. 156

His Refclution,, p. 1 58, 159

His Recovery y p. 161



His Anxiety before the Battel W Cilicia, p. £56 Bis Speech to his Army there, p. 170

Routs Darius, p. r'7 2

His Companion, p. 177

His Moderation, p. 1 70

His Letter in Anfwer to Darius, p. 186

His Generoftty, p. 189

His Art to win his Soldiers, p. 195

Takes Tyre, p. 204

Declares War agamfi the Carthaginians, p. 205 His Anfwer to Darius'* Offers, p. 207

Wounded at the Siege of Gaza, p. 2 12

His Cruelty to the Governor of Gaza, p. 214 Goes to the Oracle of Jupiter Hammon, p. 216 His Follies there, p. 21 8

Pages the River Tigris, p. 225

flit good Fortune, p. 226

Bewails the Death of Darius'* Queen, p. 230 His Anfiver to Darius'* fecond Offers, p. 234 Dubious before the Battel of Arbella, P- -39 His profound Sleep, p. 242

His Speech before Battel, p. 24 £

Defeats Darius at Arbella, p. 257

In great Danger after Viclory, p. 258

His great Conducl, p. 259

Enters Babylon p. 264

His filial Refpecl to Sifygambis, p. 271, 274 Penetrates through imprafiicable Mountains into

Perlia, p. 280

His Compaffton, - p. 282.

Burns Perlepolis -when drunk, and repents -when

fober, p. 290

Purfues Darius, lb. His wonderful Expedition to furprize BelTus,

P- *P4

His Humanity to Darius, when dead. p. 308 He falls to Voluptuoufnefs, p. 316, 332

His Gcnerofty to the Wife ^/Hiftafpes, p. 3.17



His Concern for his Army's Eagernefs to return home j p. 319

Puts on the Perfian Habit, p. 333

Keeps 360 Concubines, lb. Conspiracy of Dymnus againfi him, p. 338 His Speech to the Army thereupon, p. 346

Hts Charge againfi Amyntas and Symmius,

vol. 2. p. 2

Wounded in the Leg, lb. p. 30

His Super fiition, p. 75;

His An fiver to the Scythians, p. 43

Defeats them, p. 44

fits Contrivance to gain a Rock, p. 50

Kills a Lion, p. 56

His immoderate Boafiing -when drunk, P- 57 Kills CJitus, provok'd by his Infolence, p. 61 Marry s Roxane, p. 7 3

Requires new Honours to be paid him, p. 7 5 Efcapes a Confpiracy, p. 81

Wounded at Mazagae, p. 98

Overcomes Poms, p. 112

His Generofity towards him, p. 116

His boundlefs Ambition and Speech to his Army to proceed in the Conauefi of India, p. 124 Marches back, p. 131

His Remark upon Cenus, lb. Sails down the Indian Rivers towards *he Sea,

p. 131, 155

His extraordinary Rajhnefsy p. 137

His wonderful Deliverance, p. 1 39

Ke-ar Death by his Wounds and Bleeding, p. 1 40 His Speech to his Generals, adviftng not to ex- pofe himfelf rafily, p. 144

Goes into the India Ocean, p. 159

Returns up the Indian Rivers, lb. Ravages India, p. 160

His vafi Defigns, p. 167

His Nature depmv'd, P- 170



His Speech to his mutinous Army. p. 1 7 >

To his Afiatick Soldiers, p. 178

Pardons the Macedonians, and fends home the

eldeji Rich, and zvith many Honours, p. 1 80 Comes to Ecbatana, p. 181

His Grief for the Death of Hephaeftion, p. 1 8a Is poifond at Babylon, lb. Gives Perdiccas his Ring, his lajt Words and

Death, p. 184

His Characler, p. 187

His Body uncorrupted feven Days after Death,

p. 205

Carried to Alexandria in Egypt, p, 106

Alexandria in Egypt, built by Alexander, vol. 1 .

p. 220

Alexandria, at the foot of Mount Caucams, vol. 2.

p. 16

Alexandria on the Tanais, vol. 2. p. 33

Alexandria in India, vol 2. p. 1 5 1

Alexandropolis, City in Thrace, vol. 1. p. 24 Amazons, vol. 1. p. 331

Amphoteric fent foParmenio, to punijh Lynceftes,

vol. 1. p. 134

Commands Alexander's Fleet, p. 146

Amyntas, Nefhezv to King Philip, afpires to the

Crown, vol. 1. p. 50

Amyntas, # Tray tor, ravagesEgypt, vol. 1. p. 189

Is f ain zvith all his Men, p. 191

Amyntas inveighs againfi Philotas, vol. 1. p. 350

Is accus'd of the Conspiracy with Philotas, vol . 1 .


His Requejt, p. 3

His Speech, p. 4

Is difchargd, p. 9

Anaximenes Lampfacenus, Mafier of Eloquence to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 18

Ancyra Toivn, vol. 1. p. 146

Andromachus, Governor of Syria, burnt alive by



^Samaritans,- vol. i. p. 121

Anticles in a Confpiracy againft Alexander, vol. 2.


Antigonus made Governor of Lycia, Pamphylia, and the greater Phrygia, vol. 2. p. 203

Antipater made Governor of Macedon and Greece,

vol. 1. p. 86

In a Confpiracy againft Alexander, p. 80

Raifes forty thoufand Men againft the Lacede- monian?, p. 311 Defeats and kills Agis, p. 1 1 2 Catt'd by Alexander into Alia, rcfolves to poifon him, vol. 2. p. 18 r Makes hhnfelf King, and deftroys the Royal Fa- mily, p. 206 Antiphanes'* Evidence againft Amyntas, vol. 2.

P- 3

Aornos Rock, not taken by Hercules, vol. 2. p. 99 Taken by Alexander, p. 102

Apelles only alloxvd to paint Alexander, vol. 1 .

p. 10

Vifitedby him, p. 108

Apollo' j Image bound at Tyre, vol. 1 . p. 200

Arabia, Alexander there, vol. 1. p. 196

Arabian attempts to murther Alexander, vol. 1.

p. 212

ArabitJe Indians, vol. 2. p. 160

Arachofians, vol. 2. p. 14

Aradus lfland, vol. 1. p. 186

Araxes River, vol. 1. p. 277 282

Arbcla Village, famous for the Defeat of Darius,

vol. 1. p. 224

Taken full of Wealth by Alexander, p. 262 Arcadians fubmit to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 75 Arians fubmit to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 22

Aridieus reckon d unfa to be King of Macedon, vol. 1

p. 82



Saluted King, after the Death of Alexander, vol.2.

P- 193

Receivd as fuch by the Army , p. 194

His Speech to the Army, p. 198

Arimazes defends a Rock ivith thirty thoufand Men,

vol. 2. p. 49

Surrenders it, and is crucify 'd, p. 5 3

Ariobarzanes obliges Alexander to retire, vol. 1.


Is worfied and hi/I'd, p. 281

Ariftander, the Soothfayer, impofes on the Macedo- nians, vol. r. p. 97 His Interpretation of an Eagle's fluttering about Alexander, , p. 134 More of his Frauds, vol. 2. p. 37 Ariilobulus , his Account of Alexander deferves Credit, vol. 1. p. 2 Ariiton, Captain of the Paeonian Horfe, his Bra- very, vol. 1. p. 226 Ariilonicus, Tyrant of Methymna taken, vol. 1.

p. 209

Ariftonus defends Alexander, tho' much wounded himfelf, vol. 1. p. 139

Propofes Perdiccas fbould fucceed Alexander ,

vol. 2. p. 19 r

Ariftotle, a Letter to him from King Philip, vol. 1.

p. 8

Inflru&s Alexander, p. 13

His Rewards, p. 15

His Ingratitude, p. 17

Arms of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 92

Army of two hundred tho'ufand Foot, and fifteen thoufand Hcrfe, to be ra'isd in Greece, vol. 1 .

P- 44

Of Alexander, its Numbers, vol. 1 . p. 86

Of Darius, vol. 1. p. 147

Of Alexander again, vol. 1. p. 153

At Arbeila, vol. 1. p. 237



Artabazus, hit Loyalty *o Darius, vol. i. p. 2,94.

Advifes Darius well, p. 302.

Submits to Alexander, p. 32.7

Honour d by him, p. 330

Artacacna furrenders, vol 1. p. 337

Artaxerxes Ochus, King of Perfia, vol. 1. p. 12. Afdepiodorus in a Con/piracy againfi Alexander,

vol. 2. p. 80

Animas, a Perfian, difcovers a Conf piracy, vol. r.

p. 132.

Afpaftes, Governor of Caramania, put to Death,

vol. 2.. p. 164

^Afpendii fubmit Alexander, vol. 1. p. 137 Revolt, and fubm it again, p. 138

AlTaracus, King of Maffagae, vol.2., p. 97

AJfembly of all Greece, at Corinth, vol. 1. p. 43 At Thermopylae, p. 54

Athenians ajfijl Byzantium againfi King Philip,

vol. 1. p. 27

Their Precautions againfi him, p. 28

Defeated, p. 42

Spard by King Philip, p. 43

Their brutal Provocations againfi Alexander ,

P. 74

Congratulate him upon his Victories, p. 221 Refufe to obey his Orders, vol. 2. p. 1 73

Athenodorus calls himfelf King in Badtria, and ps kilfd, vol. 2. p. 147

Attalus tnfolent to Alexander in his Cups, vol. 1.


Gains the Affections of the Army, p. 50

Is taken off by Parmenio, p. 52

A; talus reprcfents Alexander, vol. 2. p. 109

Attinas and 'all his Men kiWd by the Maffagetx,

vol. 2. p. 54


The I N D E X


Babylon, vol. i. p. 147

Darius'* Army re.ndez.vouz.es there, p. 223 Surrender d to Alexander, p. 264

Alexander'/ Army debauch' d there, p. 265

Bacchanals, vol. 2. p. 96, w 163

Bacchus, a Wood confecrated to him, vol. 1. p. 57 lmagirid to have revengd the Dejlruclion of Thebes, P- 73

Baclra City, . vol. 2. p. 21

Baclria, vol. 2. p. 20

Bactrians, Account of them, vol. 1. p. 210

Revolt, vol. 2. p. 31

Seven hundred of them klWd and taken, p. 63 Ba&rus River, vol. 2. p. 21

"Baggage of the Macedonian Army burnt, vol. 1.

P- 334

Bagoas, an Eunuch and Sodomite, vol. 1, p. 331 Contrives to ruin Oifines, vol.2, p. 168

His viliainons Infinuaiions, p. 169

Balm-trees in Judara, vol. 1. p. 137

Barbarity of Darius, vol. 1. p. 166

Barbarous ufage of four thoufand Greeks, vol. 1.

p. 282

Bardylis, a Collier, King of Illyricurh, vol. 1. p. 60 Barzaentes, the Tray tor, flies to India, vol. 1.

P- 337

Taken, vol. 2. p. 106

Battel of Mount Haemus, Thracians routed, vol. 1.

p. 56

With the TxihzWi, p. 58

With the Getae, lb. With the Iilyrians, p. 62,

At the River Granicu?, p. 98

in Cilicia, p. 172

Three in fever al Provinces, p. 190



Of Arbella, p. 2^0

With the Scythians, vol. 2. p. 44

With Poms, p. 1 1 1

Bazaria Country, vol.2, p. 55

Belbn'j Charge againft Philotas, vol. 1. p. 35-7 Belt of Alexander, vol. r. p. 92,

Belus, vol. r. p. 151

BefTus, Governor of Bactria, vol. 1. p. iro

A Confpirator againfl Darius, P-^9" His zvicked Projects, p. 296'

Villainom Difimulation, ' p. 2.98

Seizes Darius, P-3°3 M-irthers him and flies, p. 306

Ajfumes the Royal Dignity, P- 334

His haughty Difcourfe to his Followers, vol. 2.


Is forfaken, p. 19

Flies to the Sogdians, p. 20

Betray d by Spitamcnes, p. 26

Deliver d to Alexander, p. 28

His Punijl?ment, p. 29

Betis, Governor of Gaza, makes a brave Defence,

vol. 1. p. 213

Cruelly draggd to Death, p. 214

Biblos City, taken by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 187 Bicon kills the Rebel Athenodorus, and is tzvice fav'd, vol. 2. p. 147

Bithynia, vol. 1. p. 89

Bitumen flovjing from a Fountain, vol. 1. p. 263 Boafling a great Fault in Alexander, vol. 1. p. 57 Boats to be taken m fieces, and put together again,

vol. 2. p. 9$

Bvldncfs of Thebans, vol. 1. p. 67

Booty taken in Cilicia, vol. 1. p. 175

Boxus kills Athenodorus, and is hilid hhnfelf,

vol. 2. p. 147

Branchidoe cruelly fl aught er d, vol. 2. p. 27

Bravery of the Croionuts rewarded, vol. 1. p/70



Of Alexander'; Army, p. 2$>o

Bridge at Babylon, vol. r. p. 266

Brutal Behaviour of the Athenians, vol. 1. p. 74 Bubacene fubdud, vol. 2. p. 7 5

Bucephala Town built £7 Alexander, vol.2, p. 131 Bucephalus, Alexander'* Horfe, vol. i; p. 11

Loft and recover d, p. 330

Buckler of Alexander, vol. I. p. 92.

Bucklers fent to Athens, as a Trophy, vol. 1. p. 102. Burial of Dead, vol. 1. p. 179

Byzantium befiegd by King Philip, vol. 1. p. 23

Calis accus'd of a Confpiracy, vol. I. p. 362

Callifthenes, afurly Macedonian, vol.2, p. 77 Put to Death for Treafon, p. 89

Cappadocia, vol. 1. p. 146

Care of the Macedonians for their King, vol. 2,

p. 56

Caria, vol. 1. p. 89, er 148

Carmania. vol. 1. p. 162

Carthaginians promife to fuccour Tyre, vol. 1. p. 194 Their EmbaJJy to Tyre, p. 200

Cafpian&tf, vol. 1. p. 326

Caffander made Governor of Caria, vol.2, p. 203 Caftle of Babylon, vol. 1. p. 166

Cate-nes fhot Birds flying, with Arrows, vol. 2. p. 29 Caucaius Mount, vol. 1 . p. 3 3 1 , <& vol. 2 . p. 1 6 Caudinus fubdud by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 162 Caves to receive the overflowing of Rivers, vol. 1.

p. 265

Cebalinus difcovers the Confpiracy of Dymnus to Philotas, vol. r. p. 340

Charges Philotas with concealing it, p. 341

Celene Town, vol. 1. p. 143

Surrender d to Alexander, p. 144

Celerity advances Conqueft, Vol. 1. p. 76

L Chaldeans*


Chaldeans, vol. i. p. 264

Warn Alexander not to go to Babylon, vol. 2.

p. 182,

Charidemus, the Athenian, flies to the Perfians,

vol. 1 . p. 7 j

His Anfwer to Darius, p. 148

Chariot of the Sun, vol. I. p. 151

Of Darius, p. 152

Chariots of War, vol. 2. p. no

Chiliarchae, Colonels of athoufand Men, vol.i.p. 269 Chios Ifland, vol. 1. p. 11 1

Taken by the Macedonians, p: 208

Choafpes River, . vol.2, p. 97,^270

Chorafmians fulmit to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 55 Cidaris, Periian Ornament for the Head, vol. 1 . p. 1 52 Cilicia ravag d and defer ib'd, vol. 1. p. 154

Cinoedopolis, Town 0/ Sodomites, vol. 1. p. 131 Cities, two built by Alexander on the H^daipes,

vol. 2. p. 1 18

Clazomenians, vol. r. p. in

Cleander fent to raife Recruits, vol. r. p. 143 Kills Parmenio, vol 2. p. 1 1

Executed for many Crimes, p. 16$

Geo, a Poet, vol.2, p. 76

Cleopatra, fecond Wife to King Philip, vol. 1. p. 44 Hangs herfelf, p. 49

Cleopatra, Alexander's Sifler, marry d to the King of Epirus, vol. 1. p. 47

Cleopbes, Queen of Mazagae, vol. 2. p. 97

Climax Mountain, vol. 1. p. 13 5;

Clitus faves Alexander, yol. 1. p. 90

Made Governor, Vol. 2. p. 57

His Infolence, p. 58

KilTd by Alexander, p. 61

Cobares, his Speech to Beflus, vol.2, p. 18

Flies to Alexander, p. 19

Coelefyria, vol. 1. p. 18 j

Ccenus inveighs Agmnfi Philotas, vol. 1. p. 351



His Speech to Alexander for the Army, vol. I.

p. 12.3

His Death, p. 131

Cohortanus, a Governor, Father to Roxane, vol. 2.

P- 73

Colonies of Greeks in Afia, vol. 1. p. 90

Compaffion of Macedonians for Parmenio, vol. 2.

p. i

Concubines, three hundred and fixty kept by Alexan- der, vol. 1. p. 333

Conducl of Alexander, vol. 1. p. ior

Confufton in Alexander'* Camp, upon a falfe Ru- mor, vol. 1. p. 319 After the Death of Alexander, vol. 2.. p. 197

Conspiracy of Lynceftes againfi Alexander, vol. 1.


Of Dymnus, p. 338

O/Hermolaus, &c. vol. 2, p. 80

: Prevented by a mad Woman, p. 8 1

Conspirators againfi King Philip puniJh'd,vo\. 1. p. 52

Others Executed, vol. 2. p. 89

Confiernation at Athens, vol. 1. p. 28

In Darius'* Army, p. 167

Cophas fent to fummon the Barbarians on an in-

accejfible Rock, vol. 2. p. 52

Corruption no good way of making Friends, vol. 1 .

p. 46

Craterus'* Speech againfi Philotas, vol. r. p. 343 Takes Hauftenes, and kills Catenes, vol.2, p. 7 5 Commands the Phalanx, p. 95

His Speech to Alexander, p. 142

Sent to govern Macedon, p. 181

Cries [aid to be heard in a Lake, vol. I . p. 7 1 Crotoniats honour d for their Bravery, vol. 1. p. 70 Crows conducl Alexander to Jupiter Hammon ,

vol. 1. p. 217

Cruelty of the Macedonians, vol. 1. p. 286

Cuftom of Perfians in marching, vol. 1. p. 151 L 2 Cydnus


Cydnus River, vol. i. p. 155, 156

Cyrenians to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 2. 16" Cyropolis, vol. 2. p. 32

Plunder d, p. 33

Cy 2, icum City, vol. 1. p. 80

Defended againfi the Perfians, p. 81

Daedalse People, vol. 2, p. 97

Daliae notable Soldiers, vol. 1: p. 38

One thoufand of them fain, P- 55

Submit to Alexander, p. 69

Damafcus and Darius'* Treafure deliver d to Par- rnenio, vol. 1. p. 182

Darms, King o/Periia, vol. 1. p. 77

His Orders full of Vanity. p. Of

His vafi Army, p. 147

His Pride, p. 149

His Breams, p. i$o

Hi* Chariot and Apparel, p. 1 5 2

Advances towards Alexander, . p. 162 Hts Words in defence of the Greeks, p. 164 His Defeat in Cilicia, p. 172

. His precipitate flight, p. 185

His haughty Letters to Alexander, p. 186

His Letters offering him his Daughter, p. 106 Appoints a Rendevouz. at Babylon, p. 210 c/223 His (Queen dies, p. 22.9

Prays for Alexander hearing of the honourable Ufage of his Family, p. 230

His Speech after the Defeat at Arbella, p. 261 At Ecbatana, P-^-Qi His Speech to his Council there, p. 292

His compajjionate Temper p. 298

Torfaken by his Guards, p. 302

Seizd.by Traytors, and bound, p. 303

Carry' d in a filthy Cart, p. 304



Uurtherd by Beflus, p. 30^

His laft Me f age to Alexander, p. 30**

Dafcylium fubmits to Alexander, vol. 1. p. iq4 Debn 0/ Macedonians paid by Alexander, vol. a*

p. 174

Defilees fired by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 139

Deform d Children murtherd by the S ophites, vol. 2 .

p. 12 r

Demetrius denies having confpird againfl Alexan- der, vol. 1. p. 161

Demo chares, the Athenian, in defpair kills him- [elf, vol. I. p. 328

Demofthenes excites * A*"- 'Athenians againfi Philip,

vol. i. p. 29

His Speech to the Baeotians, p. 3 5

Incenfes the Athenians agatnfi Alexander, p. 65 Corrupted by the Perfians, p. 66

; His artful Perfwafions, P- 73

Difcovery of his Corruption, 106 Defer ts in Egypt, vol. I. p. 216

Defigns cf Alexander, vol. 2. p. 167

Diana'* Temple at Sardis made a Sanclnary, vol. 1.

p. 106

Her Temple at Ephefus rebuilt, p. 109

Difficult Way into Periia, vol. I. p. 279

Dimachoe, Dragoons, vol. 1. p. 30 j

Diodorus Siculus writ well of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 2 Diogenes, his philofophical Brutality, vol. 1. p. 55 Dioxippus, an Athenian Wreftler, vol. 2. p. 148 Worfts a Macedonian Soldier, p. 149

Kills him felf, p. 150

Difcipline improvd, vol. I. p. 269

Difcord in Macedon, upon the Death of King Phi- lip, vol. ti p. 50 Dogs in India for Hunting, vol. 2. p. 121 Dolphin fond of a Youth, Vol. 1 . p 1 r f Doryphori, vol. 1. p. 152 Dragoons caWd Dimachae, p. 30 $ L 3 Drange


Drange Nation, vol. r. p. 337

Dreams of Alexander, vol. 1. p. no, ^135 Of Darius, p. 150

Of Alexander, Jheiving an Herb to cure the Wounds of poyfond Weapons, vol. 2. p. 154

Drunken frolick of Alexander, vol. r. p. 131

Dyardenes River, vol. 2. p. 90

Dying Words of Darius, vol. 1. p. 308

Dymnus'^ Confpiracy againfl Alexander, vol. 1.

P. 338

Be is feizJd, and kills himfelf, p. 341


Eagle of Gold facred, vol. I. p. 217

Earthquake at the Death of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 7 Ecbatana City, vol. u p. 191, ervoL 2. p. 181 Ecbolina, vol. 2. p. 103

Eclipfe of the Moon frights the Macedonians,

vol. 1. p. 227

Egyptians incensd againfl the Perfians, vol. 1 . p. 2 1 5 Elaptonius confpires againfl Alexander, vol. 2. p. 80

Eleans court Alexander, vol. 1. p. 76

Eleata taken by King Philip, vol. 2. p. 91

Elephants, vol. 2. p. 91

How usd in Battel, p. 1 1 1

Embajfadors from Peloponnefus Compliment Alexan- der, vol. 1. p. 75

Of the Carthaginians to Tyre, vol. 1. p. 200 Of the Scythians to Alexander, their Speech,

vol. 2. p. 40

An hundred to Alexander from Indian Nations,

vol. 2. p. 148

Of many Nations at Babylon to meet Alexander,

p. 182

Embaffies from Mountain People to fubmit to Ale- xander, vol. 1. p. 104 Erom the Athenians to him, p. 144



Emeriti, Soldiers privileged for long Service, vol. fe

p. 128

Empire divided vol. 2. p. 203

Eneti fupposd Anceflors of the Venetians, vol. 1.

p. 146

Entertainment made by Alexander after his Viclory in Cilicia, vol. 1. p. 177

Another in India, vol. 2. p. 148

Ephefus, Alexander there, vol. 1. p. 107

Ephialtes Difcourfes for attacking the Macedonians,

vol. 1. p. 126

Sallies and engages them, p. 127

Is kill'd, p. 129

Erimenes confpires to murder Alexander, vol. 2. p. 80 Difc overs the Defign, p. 82

Erigyus kills Satibarzanes in fmgle Combat, vol. 2.

p. 12

His Death, p. 67

Eryces defeated and kill d, vol. 2. p. 103

Erymantjius River, vol. 2. p. 91

Erythrae, vol. 1 . p. 1 11

Ethiopians, vol. 1. p. 217

Eudaernon, Governor of India, vol. 2. p. 168 Evergetae,. or Agriafpians, vo4. 2. p; 14

Eumenes made Governor of Cappadocia and Pa-

phlagonia, vol. 2. p. 203

Eunuchs difmifsd by Darius, vol. 1. p. 302

Euphrates River, voL 1. p. 151

Runs through Babylon, p. 265

Eurylochus difcovers the Treafon of Hermolaus-,

vol. 2. p. 82

Exiles of Thebes prevail with the People to oppofe Alexander, vol. 1. p. 65

Expedition of Alexander wonderful, vol. 1. p. 304

F. Fables



fables to conceal the Adultery of Great Women,

vol. f. p. 4, 5

Of the Suns Appearance on Mount Ida, p. 80 Famine in Alexander'* Army, vol. 2. p. 161

Tear magnifies Appearances, vol. I. p. 228

Tire perpetual among the Perfians, vol. 1 . p. 151 Flame [aid to come out of the Temple of Ceres,

vol. 1. p. 114

Flattery of an Ephefan to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 1 10 Of the Priejis of Jupiter Hammon, p. 218 Of Barbarians, vol. 2. p. 30

Fleet of Alexander arrives at Tyre, vol. 1. p. 198 Of a thoufand Ships to carry him to the Indian Ocean, vol. 2. p. 131

Dtforderd by a rapid Current, - p. 133

Forces with Darius at Edbatana, vol. 1. p. 291 Foreign Troops order d to be dijbanded. vol. I. p. 17 1 Fortune, too many of its Favours fufpecled, vol. r.

P- 7.

Fountain runs Blood, voL I. p. 71

Of Achilles, vol. 1. p. 1x4


Gabm Countrey, vol. 2. p. 70

Gamaxus an Indian King, taken, vol. 2. p. 106 Gangaridae, Indian Nation, vol. 2. p. 123

Ganges River, vol. 2. p. 90

Gardens at Babylon on Arches, vol. 1. p. 266 Gaza, Alexander there zvith his Army, vol. r.

p. 210

Gedrolians, Indians, vol. 2. p. 160

Generofity o/Plataeans honour d vol. 1. p. 70

Germans fend Ambajjadors to Alexander* vol. 1 .

P- 59 Getse


Getae, People of Scythia, vol. x. p. 24

GJaucias King <?/Illyricum, vol. r. p. 60

Gordian Knot cut Alexander, vol. I, p. 145 Gordium Town, lb. Governor o/Damafcus delivers that Place and Da- rius'* Treafure to Parmenio, vol. 1. p. 182. Governors chang'd for ill Adminiftration, vol. 2.

p; 69

Governors of Provinces make themfelves Sovereigns,

Vol. 2. p. 204

Granicus River, vol, 1. p. 96

Greece fubdu'd by King Philip, vol. 1 . p. 43 Greeks arrive in Darius'* Cam*, vol. 1. p. 164 Their Advice to him, lb. Guard Darius after his Defeat in Cilicia, p. iS$ Prefent Alexander with a Crown of Gold, p. 208 Jour thoufand of them barbaroujly mangled by the Perfians,. p. 282

The Speech of two of them, lb. Their Fidelity to Darius, p. 299

Submit to Alexander, p. 328

Flatter him, vol. 2. p. 75; -

Commanded by him to receive- their Exiles, obey^

P- 173

Guards of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 268

Of 'Darius, forfake him. vol. 1. p. 302

Of Alexander demand to punifh Philotas, vol. r

p. 358


Haemus a Mountain in Thrace, vol. 1. p. 56 Hages, Brother to King Porus, vol. 2. p. no HaHcarnaiTus, a Jlrong Place, vol. 1. p, 118

Befiegd by Alexander, p. 12 r

Ftrd by the Garrifon, p. 129-

Harpalus Governor of Babylon, fiys thence with five thoufand Talents *o Athens, vol, 2. p, J.71-



Is kiltd, P- 173

Heat violent in Mefopotamia, vol. 2. p. 104 Hecatomnus King of Caria, vol. 1. p. 119

Hecatomphylos City, vol. 1. p. 319

Hector, Son to Parmenio, dies, vol. 1. p. 22 1 Hegelochus, Alexander'* General on the Coafi,

vol. 1. p. 146

Hegiftratus Governor of Miletum, vol. 1. p. 112 Heilanice, Nurfe to Alexander, vol. 1. p: 9.

vol. 2. p. 57

Hellefpontv vol. 1. p. 89

Helmet of Alexander, vol. 1 . p. 92

Hephasftion, great Favourite to Alexander, vol. 1.

P. 179

Has the Difpofal of the Kingdom of Sydon, V6l. 1 .

p. 188

Sent to prepare Boats to pafs the Indus, vol. 2.

^ P-94 Dies and has a mighty Tomb, p. 182

Hera con executed for Crimes, vol. 2. p. 165

Hercules could not take the Rock Aornos , vol. 2.

P- 99

Honour d by Indians, p. 1 1 1

ffermolaus punijVA fop killing a Boar, vol. 2. p. 79 Confpires to kill the King, p. 80

His Infolence when taken, , p. 83

Hermus River, vol.. 1. p. i;©5

Heroftratus burnt the Temple 0/Diana, vol. 1. p. 109 Hedricus Knig of Caria, vol. 1. p. 119

High Prieft of the Jews feenky Alexander in aDream,

vol. 1. p. 135

Honour d by him, p. 136.

Homer highly efieemd by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 19. Honours Alexander beflovid on his old Soldiers,

vol. 2. p. 181

Hopes the Bait of Conquerors, vol. 1. p. 87

Horitae Indians, vol. 2. p. 160

Horfe of the Sun, vol. J. p. 151


The I N D E X.

Horfes fent Alexander out of India, vol. 2. p. 163 Hoftages taken by Alexander, under Colour of doing

them Honour, vol. 1. p. 60.

Humanity of Alexander, vol; 1. 272, v 274 Hunting, vol. 2. p: 56

Hydafpes River,. xo]+i. p. 106

Terrifies the Macedonians, p. 107

Hydroafes River, vol. 2. p. no-

Hypernians betray d. to Alexander,, vol. 1. p. 13 f Hypafis River, vol. 2. p. 122

Hyrcania, vol. 1. p. 324,


Ida Mountain, vol. r. p. 79

Jews meet Alexander in a fuppli ant manner, vol.

p. 136^

Favour d by him,, p. 1-3 7

Ignorant Seamen, vol. 2. p. 133

IUyricum, now Dalmatia andSchxonia,fubdu'd by

Alexander, vol. i.p..6o

Immortal, Men fo call'd in the Perfian Army, vol. 1.

P. 1 ft

Inacceffible Rock taken by a Stratagem, vol. 2. p. 53 lncejluous Marriages of the Countrey c/Naura, vol. 2.

p. 64

India defcrWd, vol. 2. p. 7 5, 90

Ravagd by Alexander, p. 160

Indian Kings reconcild,. vol. 2. p. 1 3 r

Indians dejlroy them/elves rather than fubmit,

vol. 2. p. 132

Indus River, vol. 2. p. 90, 103

Infolence of thk Macedonians,, vol. 2. p. 174. Inventions to keep off Ships at Tyre, vol, 1. p. 201 Iron, the Ufe of it, by whom, found, vol. 1. p. 80. Iflands fubdud, vol. I. p. 208

In the River Hydafpes, vol. 2. p. icp

Iffus taken by Parmenio, vol, 1, p. 162 :

L 6 Iltey


Ifter, or Danube River, vol. I. p. 58

Ifthpian Games, vol. 1. p. 207

Jupiter Hammon, his Oracle, vol. 1. p. 115 Delightfully feated in the midfi of a. Defert, p. 2 1 7 Jioiv represented, p. 21


'Kindred of Traitors fmniflj'd by the Macedonians*

vol. 2. p/82

Kings of India, their Magnificence, vol. 2. p.92 Some fubmit to Alexander, p. 94*

:«J* L. ' * ^iv-L^-

Lacedemonians incensd againfi Alexander, voL t*


JBLaife twenty two thoufand Men again him ,

p. 311

Are routed, p. 313,

Number of them hill'd, p. 315

Pardon* d By Alexander, p. 316

lake that made fuch as wafl/d in it fcabby, vol. 2.

p. 1 59,

Lamentation of the Macedonians for Alexander'* Sieknefsr vol. 1. p. 157

0/ Darius'* Wife, Mother, &c. after his Defeat,

p. 178

OfDarius'i Army for the Death of his Queen,

P- 231

Of Macedonians and others for the Death of A- lexander, vol. 2. p. 1-84

Lampfacum City preferv d.by the cunning o/Ana- ximenes, vol. 1. p. 19

Langanis King of the Agriani, vol. 1. p. 60 Laomedon made Governor 0/ Syria and Phoenicia,

vol. i. p.- 203 Leonatus


Leonatus defends Alexander till he drops himfelf*

vol. i. p. 139

Appointed one of the Guardians to the Infant in Roxane'j Womb, vol. 2. p. 193

Made Governor of the lejfer Phrygia, p. 203 Leonidas, Governor to Alexander, vol. 1. p. io, Commands a feparateCamp of Malecontents, vol. 2.

P- *3-

Letters in a haughty Style from Darius to Alexan- der, vol. 1. p. j8o" Of Alexander to Darius, lb. Of Darius to Alexander, offering him his Daugh- ter in Marriage, p. 206 Of Alexander in Anfwer to him, p. 207 Of Darius to excite the Greeks to murder Alex- ander, p. 229 Of Nabananes the Traitor to Alexander, p. 324 Leucidas Tutor to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 8 Lewdnefs of Babylonian Women, vol. 1. p. 267 Libanus Mount, vol. i.p. 195" Libethus Mountain and City where Orpheus was born, . vol. 1. p.' 57 Locrians adjudg'd to be chaflifed, vol. 1. p. 28 Overcome by King Philip, lb'. Lofs of Perlians and Macedonians at the River Granicus, vol. 1. p. roo Loy-alty of Perfians, vol. 1 p. 296 Luxury of Babylon debauches Alexander'* Armyv

vol. 1. p. 267

Lycaonia fubdud, vol. r. p. 208

Lycizfubmits to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 132

Lydia, the Government of it given to AfTander,

vol. r. p. 106

Lynceftes the only Cenfpirator againft King Philip^ pardon d, . vol. 1. p. $j£

His Conf piracy againft Alexander, detected, p. r 3 3 Is f&izld, p, 134

His Execution^ vol. 2. p: 2

- w>1 Lyfinochus


L.yfiraachus Tutor Alexander, vol. i. p. 8^ Interpofes to fave Alexander from a Lion, vol. i*

p. 56

Made Governor 0/Thracia,. p. 203

Lyfippus and Polycletus only allowed to make Me- dals of Alexaader, vol. 1. p. 10


Macedon Kings, their Origin, vol. I. pi 3

Macedonians fent home to their Wives, vol. 1 . p. 1 30 Their Veneration for their Kings y p. 165

Unwilling to attack Tyre, p. 195^

Qbflinate againfi projirating themfelves to Alex- ander, * vol. 2. p. 7 j Their obfiinate Behaviour, p. 128.. Mutiny for. Tear in India, p. 134 Break into the City of /^eOxydracae to refcue or revenge, their King, , p. 140 frighted at a high Tide, p. 158 Their Debts paid by Alexander* p.Ji74 They Mutiny to go home, lb. Daunted by Alexander, p. 1 7 7 Repent, p. 178 Their Submiffion, p. i8q All falute Alexander dying, p. 183 Madates, a loyal Perfian, vol. 1. p. 272 Madnefs of Alexander'* Army, vol. 2.. p. 96, 163 Magi among the Perfians, vol. 1. p. 151 Magnefians fubmit ^Alexander, vol. 1. p. 10& Malli Indians* vol. .2. p. 134, 151 Maracanda, great Town, vol. 2. p. 30. Marathon, vol. 1. p. 186 March of five hundred Furlongs, voL I. p. 30$: Marches of Alexander furprijing, vol. 1. p. 66 Mardians, their Countrey, vol. 1. p. 2B8 Will not fubmit to Alexander, p. 329 Subdjid, P- 330


The I N D E X.

Ma-reotis Lake,, vol. i. p. 219

Marginia City, vol. 2. p. 49

Marfyas River , vol. I. p. 143

Matrimony contracted by breaking Bread, vol. 2. p.74 Maufolus, Htijband to Artemifia, vol. 1. p. 119 Mazaces, Governor of Egypt, fubmitsto Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 215

Mazaeus, Governor of Babylon, receives Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 264

Mazagae Town, defended againjl Alexander,, vol. 2.


Taken by him, . p. 99,

Medicine given to Alexander, ksEjfecl, vol. 1. p. 161 Medius, a Theflalian privy to the poifoning of A- lexander, vol. 2. p. 182

Medus River, vol. 1. p. 277

Megabizi, Priefis of Diana, vol. 1. p. 109

Megalopolis faithful to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 3 13 Megareans, their ridiculous Compliment to Alex- ander, vol. 1. p. 76 Meleager fets. up Aridaeus after the Death oj Alex- ander, vol. 2. p. 193 His Speech againjl Perdiccas, p. 191 Advifes to kill Perdiccas, p. 196 Is kill'd in a Temple, p. 203 Menxocenians, their Cruelty* vol.2, p. 32.

Deftroyd, p. 33

Memnis City, vol. 1 . p. 263

Memnon, General of the Greeks in Darius'* Army,

vol. 1. p. 79

His Advice to the Periians, p. 93

Made Governor of the Coafis and Admiral) p. 11S His honourable Bravery, p. 125

Makes a brave Sally, and is repulsd, p. 128 Is made Generaliflimo of Periia, takes Chios and other Places, and dies of the Plague, p. 142 Memphis in Egypt, vol. 1. p. 215

Menedemus cut off by the Ba&rians, vol. 2. p., 38



Mefopotamia, vol i. p. 147, 223

Richnefs of its Soil, p. 263

Metron difcovers the Confftracy of Dymnus, vol. 1.

p. 340

Midas Kmgt vol. 1. p. 145

Miletum, vol. 1. p. 111

Taken by Alexander, p. 1 1 3

Minas Mountain, vol 1 . p. 1 1 1

Mindians fubdud by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 161 Minerva'* Temple at Troy, vol. r. p. 103

Mithrenes made Governor o/Armenia, vol. 1. p. 106 Mitylene taken by Pharnabazus, vol. 1. p. 141

By the Macedonians, p. 209

Mole to join Tyre to the Continent, vol. r. 196 Money the Sinews of War, vol. 1. p. 51

Given by the Perfians to corrupt the Greeks,

vol. 1. p. 106

Mullinus, Alexander'* Secretary vol. 2. p. 100 Multitude , their -wild Motions, vol. 2. p. 194 Murmurs of Macedonians, vol. 1 . p. 3 3 3

Muficani Indians, vol. 2. p. 152

Mutineers executed, vol. 2. p. 177

Mutiny in King Philip'* Army, vol. 1. p. 25 Mycale Mount, vol. 1. p. 115

Mylcas, Port 0/Phrygia, vol. 1. p. 132

Myndus City repulfes Alexander, vol. r. p. rzjr Mythracenes detejling the Treafon of BefTus, goes over to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 305


Nabarzanes a Confpirator to betray Darius, vol. r.

p. 294

His wicked Projects, p. 296

Villainous Dijfimulation, p. 198.

After the Murder of Darius, flies to Hyrcania,

p. 306

His Letter to Alexander, p. 3*4



Submits to him, and is pardon dt p. 3 31

Nafamones, vol. 1. p. 217

Nations derive their Original from Gods, vol. I . p. 5 Nations in Darius'* Army, vol. 1. p. 147

Natural Phihfophy, the Study of it encouragd by

Alexander, vol. 1. p. 14

Naura Countrey, vol. 2. p. 64

Surrendered to Alexander, p. 65

Near ch us fent out to Sea, vol.2, p. 160

Returns and gives his Report, p. 1 66*

Sent back with Orders to go up the Euphrates,

p. 167

Propofes Alexander'* Son by Barflne to fucceed him, p. 190

Nicsea Town built by Alexander, in India, vol. 2.

Nicanor, Admiral of ^Macedonian fleet, vol. r.

p. 112

Nichomachus difcovtrs the Difcovery of Dy nanus,

vol. 1. p. 340

Nicoftratus in aCcnfpiracy ag&inft Alexander, vol. 2.

p. 80

Nile River, vol. I. p. 215

Ninus, vol. 1. p. 152

Nobles declare for the Infant in Roxane** Womb,

vol. 2. p. 197

Number of the Slain at the 'Battel in Cilicia, vol. 1.

p. 176

O/Darius'* Army at Arbella, p. 237

Of the Slain there on both Sides, p. 259

Of Alexander'* Army to invade India, vol. 2. p. 7 £ Nyfa City yielded to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 96


Obftjnacy of the Macedonians, vol. 2. p. 128 Ochus River, vol. 2. p. 49

Offers of Darius to Alexander, vol. i.p. 206, 232 Old Soldiers fent home , vol.2, p. 173



Olympias Mother to Alexander, fufpecled of Adul- tery, vol. i. p. 4 Her ill Temper, p. 44 Goes away to her Brother in Epirus, p. 46 Her implacable Defire of Revenge, p. 47 Forces Cleopatra to hang herfelf, and murders her Child, p. 49 Olynthus City defiroy'd, vol. I . p. 15 Omen of Viclory, p. 254 Omphis, an Indian King, fubmits to Alexander,

vol. 2. p. 103

Takes the Name 0/Taxiles, his Generofity, p. 105 Ora Town taken by Polypercon, vol. 2. p. 99 Oracle of Delphos foretels the Death of King Philip in an ambiguous manner, vol. I. p. 47

Concerning the Baeotians, p. 71

Of Apollo Clarius, p. no

Of Apollo Didymeus* p. 114

Of Jupiter Hammon, ' p. 217

How mov'd to give Anpivers, p. 2 1 8

Orators of Athens demanded by Alexander, vol. 1.

P- 73

Orcheftus, a Toivn fix Miles from Thebes, vol. p.

p, 66

Orders given by Darius full of Vanity, vol. 1. p. 95 Order of the Perlians March, vol. 1. p. 151

Of .Battel in Darius 7 Army, p. 168

In Alexander7 Army, p. 169

Of Darius at Arbella> p. 236

Of Alexander there, p. 243

Orontobates rules Caria, vol. t\ p. 119

Orfillos detefting the Treafon 0/Beflus, goes over to Alexander, vol. i.p. 305

Orrlnes defcendsd from Cyrus, his Generofity, vol. 2.

p. 168

Put to Death through the Villany of a Catamite,

p, 170

Outrageoufnefs of a Republican Rabble, vol. r<. p. 107



Oxathres Brother to Darius, vol. r.p. 318

Clear d and prefer r'd, vol. 2. p. 152

Oxus River, vol. 2. p. 24, 49

Oxycamus, Indian King, vol. 2. p. 152

Oxydates, Perfian Nobleman, vol. 1. p. 318

Oxydracae, Indians, vol. 2. p. 134

Their City taken, p. 137


Pagus Mountain, vol. 1. p. no

Palace of Kings of India, vol. 2. p. 92

Palus Mseotis, vol. 1. p. 326

Pamphylia, vol. 1. p. 138

Pancafta, Alexander'* Concubine vol. 1. p. 108 Pannick Fear in Alexander'* Army vol. 1. p. 237 Paphlagonia fubdud, vol. 1. p. 208

Parapamifadae, vol. 2. p. 14

Parapamifius Hill, vol. 2. p. 21

Pargenfes, vol. 1. p. 135

Parmenio takes off Attalus, vol. 1. p. 52

Takes Grynium in JEcAii, p. 81

Warns Alexander againfi Philip his Phyfician,

p. 159

Joins Alexander, and takes Iflus, p. 162

His Advice to him, p. 163

Takes Damafcus, and Darius'* Treafure, p. 182 Made Governor of Caelefyria, p. 185

Advifes Alexander to Peace, p. 2 3 4

His Advice before the Battel of Arbella, p. 240 Awakes Alexander out x>f a profound Sleep, p. 242 Accus'd of confpiring againfi Alexander, p. 346 Compajfiou of the Macedonians for him, vol. 2.

p. 1

Is put to Death, p. 1 1

His Character, p. 12

Parthalia, Indian Province, vol. 2. p. 1 $4

Parthiene, vol. 1. p. 318, 32^



Paiitigris River , vol. I. p. 272

Patron, Greek Commander , his Fidelity to Darius,

vol. i. p. 299

Paufanias infulted by Attalus, vol. 1. p. 48

Murders King Philip in revenge ', p. 49

Peer to join Tyre to the Continent ; vol. I. p. 195 Deftroyd by the Tyrians, p. 197

Pelagon and his Brother Syrphax ftond to Death,

vol.i. p. 107

Pellene a Town in ThefTaly, vol. 1. p. 66

Peloponnelians made Friends to Alexander by Mony,

vol. 1. p. 65

Pelufium in Egypt, vol. 1. p. 215

People of Adzfubmit to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 106 Perdiccas fent to provide Boats to pafs the Indus.

vol. 2. p. 94

His Speech to the Officers after the Death of A- lexander, p. 189

Offer d the Crown, bafhfully holds back, p. 191 Appointed one of the Guardians to the Infant in- Roxane'* Womb, p. 193

Secures himfelf aga'mft Meleager, p. 196

15 follow' d by the Cavalry, and heps all Provi- fions from Babylon, p. 198

His Contrivance to take off Meleager, p. 200 Exc fifes it, p. 202

Appointed to command the Army with King A- ridaeus, p. 204

Perfagadae City in Perfia, vol. 2. p. 168

Perfepolis, its immenfe Wealth, vol. 1. p. 286

Plunder d by the Macedonians, lb. Burnt in a drunken Fit, p. 289

Perfian Fleet ftreightned and baffled, vol. r.p. 116 Perfia how border d tvith Mountains, vol. 1. p. 277 Ravag'd by Alexander, p. 288

Perlians corrupt the Greeks, vol. 1. p. 51

Accus'd of the Murther of King Philip, p. $3 Splendor of their Monarchy, p. 7 8



Prepare to oppofe Alexander, p. 79

Routed at the River Granicus, p. 98

The Order of their March, p. 1 5 r

Routed in Cilicia, p. 1 7 2

In three other Engagements, p. 1 1 9

Keep their King s Secrets, p. 210

Faithful to Darius, p. 296

Join the Baftrian Traitor s^ p. 303

Appointed Guards to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 179 Mourn for his Death, p. 185

Peuceftes comes fir ft to fave Alexander, vol. 2.

p. 139

Falls by him, lb. Pexodarus, King of Caria, vol. 1. p. 119

Phalanx, the Strength of the Macedonian Army,

vol. 1. p. 172

Phalefitae fend Alexander a Crown of Gold, vol. 1 .

p. 132

Pharnabafus fucceeds Memnon in Command, vol. 1.

p. 142

Confirm d by Darius, p. 150

His Actions at Sea, p. 191

Deliver d to the Macedonians, p. 209

Pharos Ifland, vol. 1. p. 220

Phafelis City, vol. 1. p. 13a

Phafis River, vol. I. p. 33 1

Phegelas, Indian King, fubmits to Alexander,

vol. 2. p. 122

Philip, King o/Macedon, raisd the Honour of that Nation, vol I. p. 3

Apprehenfive of too much good Fortune, p. 7 Overthrozvs the Scythians, V'ZS His Ambition and Conquefts, p. 26

Chofen General of the Greeks, p. 27

Routs and fpares the Athenians, p. 43

Artifices of his, p. 46

His Statue placd among thofe of the Gods, and he murtherd, P-49



Philip, Phyftcian to Alexander, vol. I. p. 8

Undertakes to cure him, p. i$p

His Words of AJJ'urance to him, p. 160

Admir d for his Cure, p. i6r

Philip, Brother to Lylimachus, a wonderful walker a foot, vol. 2. p. 66

Dies, p. 67

Philotas, Son to Parmenio, conceals the Confpiracy of Dymnus, vol. 1 . p. 340

Chargd with the Concealment, his frivolous Ex - cufes, p. 341

Seiz'd, p. 346

Producd to the Army, p. 350

His Speech to the Army, p. 351

Confers his Guilt, p. 358

Is rack'd, p. 3 59

His ConfeJJion, p. 360 361

His Anger with his Brother Polemon for flying,

vol. 2. p. 8

Phocion, his Integrity and Innocency, vol. 1. p. 106 An hundred Talents given him £;y Alexander, p. 107 Phoenicia, vol. 1. p. 187

Phradates, made Governor of the Tapurians, vol. 1 .

p. 327

Phrataphernes furrenders himfelf to Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 327

Phrygia, vol. 1. p. 104, wi^o

Phthia City, Birth-place of Achilles, vol. 1. p. 54 Picture that coft twenty Talents of Gold, vol. 1.

p. no

Pilae, Befilets, vol. I. p. 154^155

Pike Amanicae, p. 166

Pilas Sulidae, p. 27?

Pinarus River, vol. 1. p. 166

Pindar'* Pofierity favd at Thebes, vol. 1. p. 70 Pifidia reducd by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 140

Pitho the Bizantine'* speech to the Baeorians, vol. r.

p. 29 Pithon


Pithon and others appoint Perdiccas dnd Lcona- tus Guardians to the Infant in Roxane'* Womb,

vol. 2. p. 193

Made Governor of Media, vol. 2. p. 203

Plague in Alexander'* Army, vol. 2. p. i6r

Plataeans honour d for their Generofity,\o\. 1. p. 70 Plays in honour of the Mufes, vol. I. p. 85-

Poifon ^/Macedonia, its Nature, vol. 2. p. 2dj Poifond Swords of Indians, vol. 2. p. 153

Polemon, Brother to Perdiccas taken, vol. 2. p. 8

Is difchargd, P-9 Policy of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 96

Polycletus and Lyfippus only allow d to make Me-

dels of Alexander, vol. 1. p. 10

Polydamas fent to put Parmenio to Death, vol. 2.

p. 9

Executes his Commi/fton, p. 1 1

Polypercon fubdues Bubacene, vol. 1. p. 75

Hts Infoknce punijh'd, vol. 2. p. 18

Takes Ora, p. 99

Polyftraius, a Macedonian, finds Darius mortally wounded, vol. 1. p. 308

Polytimetus River, vol.2, p. 47

Pontus; vol. r. p. 118

Popular States erefted by Alexander, vol. 1 . p. 1 08 Porus, an Indian King, vol.2, p. 105:

His Anfwer to Alexander, p. 106

His Perfon and Equipage, p. 107

Ingages Alexander, p. in

Worfted, p. 112

Taken, p. 1 1 5

His Magnanimity, p. 116

Potidaea City taken by King Philip, vol. 1. p. 7 Poverty fiiarptm Induftry, vol. I. p. 79

Of Macedonian Kings, p. 88

Pra&ius River, vol. 2. p. 93

Praefti Indians fubdud, vol.2, p. 152

a Pralitelles,


Praxteles and Phidias famous Statuaries, vol. i.

p. 23

Prediction of the Gordian Knot, vol. 1. p. 145 Preparations for War in India, vol. 2. p. 74

Prefages of Alexander' s Greatnefs, vol. I. p. 6, 135 Prefents to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 270, 271

Of Indians to him, vol. 2. p. 150

Prifoners barbaroufly usd, vol. 1. p. 166

Prifoner fiews Alexander a Way into Perlia, vol. r.

p. 278

Prodigies as Alexander was facrificing, vol. I. p. 57 Before the Deftruclicn of Thebes, p. 70

Before the Siege of Tyre, p. 194

Propontis, vol. 1. p. 89

Protenlaus* Groove, fabulous Story of it, vol. t.

p. 90

Provifion made by Alexander for maimd Greeks,

vol. f; p. 285

Ptolomy'* Account of Alexander the Great, to be credited, vol. I. p. 2

Takes the Cajlles of Hallicarnaffus, p. 130

Takes fever al Towns, vol. 2. p. 97

Amufes Poms, p. 108

His Speech about the Succcffion after Alexander';

Death, p. 190

Made Governor of Egypt, p. 202

Purifying of the Macedonian Army, vol. 2. p. 201

pyntagoras King of Cyprus commands part of A- lexander'* Fleet, vol. r. p. 198

Pyrates punijh'd, vol. I. p. 209


Quarrel betiveen Alexander andAttilus, vol. 1. p. 45 Queftions afk'd by Alexander of Perfians, vol. 1.

p. 12




-Rain violent , vol. 2. p. 109

Rafrnefs of Alexander, vol. 2. p. 137

Rebellion of Greek Soldiers in Batftria, vol. 2.. p. 146 Recruits come to Alexander at Babylon, vol. 1.

In Bactria, p. 337

Again, vol. 2. p. 48

India, p. 131

Repentance of Alexander, for having kill'd Clitus,

vol. li p. 61

Republican Follies of Athenians, vol. 1. p. 74

Rhidagus River , vol. 1. p. 314

Rhinocerots in India, vol. 2. p. 118

Pvhodians fubtnit to Alexander, vol. r. p. 207 Ridiculous Compliment of Masgareans, vol. 1. p. 7 6 Rocky People on it reducdby Fire, vol. 1. p. 336 Rome, its Condition at the Birth of Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 7

Roxane taken to Wife by Alexander, vol. 2. p. 73 Rumours that pleafe eaftly believed, vol. 1. p. 64 Running naked about the Tomb of Achilles, vol. 1.



Sabracae Indians, vol. 2. p. iji

Sabus, Indian King fubdu'd, vol. 2. p. 152

Sacse fubmit to Alexander, vol. 2. p. 46

Sacrifice of Roys and Girls, vol.. I. p. 61

To Jupiter in Macedon, p. 85

To Neptune, p. 90

To Achilles and Priam, p. 92

Of a Child, p. 201

To the Sun, vol. 2. p. 117

M Sacrilegious


Sacrilegious Soldiers dejlroy'd by Thunder and Light- ning, vol. i. p. 72 Sagalaffenfes defeated by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 140 Samaritans ?w WerAndromachus, vol. 1 . p. 137,121 Samos, vol. 1. p. 115 Sangarius River, vol. n p. 145 Sardis furrenderd to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 105 Satibarzanes Governor of the Arians, revolts, vol. 1.

, P- 335

Satrapene Countrey, vol. 1. p. 268

Scarcity in Alexander'* Army, vol. 2. p. 20

Scoffs of the Tyrians, ( vol. 1. p. 195

Scythians, vol. 1. p. 318. Vide Abian Scythians. Infult Alexander, vol. 2. p. 34.

Their Embaffy to him, p. 40

Their King offers him his Daughter, P- 55

Sea-fight, the Perfians vanquifi/d, vo*. 1. p. 191 Secrefie of the Perfians, vol. 1. p. 210

Selgenfes offer Affifitnce to Alexander, vol. i.p.139 Semiramis £«//rBabylon, vol. 1. p. 265

Separate Camp of Malccontents formd by Alexan- der, vol. 2. p. 13 Serpents in India, vol. 2. p. 118, 119 Sellus City, vol. u p. 89 Ships order d to be built by Alexander, vol. 2. p. 118 Shouts before Battel, usd by Perfians and Macedo- nians, vol. 1. p. 170 Sicknefs in Alexander'* Army, vol. 1. p. 163 Sida, Metropolis o/Pamphylia, vol. i.p. 138 Sidctssfubmit to Alexander, vol. 1. P..138 Sigeum Port, vol. 1. p. 90 Simmius accusd of the Conf piracy ivith Philotas,

vol. 2. p. 2

Sifimethres had Children by his ozvn Mother, vol.2.

p. 64

Surrenders his Countrey to Alexander, p. 65; Commended and prefented by Alexander, p. 7 2 Sifines k'dl'd upon Sufpicion, vol. 1. p. 164

3 Six


Six Towns built, vol. 2. p. 40

Skins fluff' d with Straw, to pafs a River, vol. 2. p. 25 Sobij Indians, vol. 2. p. .132.*

Sodomites banifi'd by Alexander, vol. i. p. 131 Sogdiana, vol. 2. p. 23, 47

Subdu'd, p. 55

Sogdiaris, their Contempt of Death and Generofity,

vol. 2. p. 47

Soldier fav'd by Alexander, vol. 2. p. 72

Soldiers difmifs 'd and fent home, vol. 2. p. 26 S/rrw u^<? yW/ frfrry Alexander, p. 30

Soli City taken by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 162

Sons of Macedonian Nobility , how they fervd the King, vol. 2. p. 79

Soothfayers their various Interpretation of Dreams,

, vol. 1. p. 150 Sophites Indian King, vol. 2. p. 120

Sopolis, Father to the Traitor Hermolaus, vol. 2.

. . P. 83.

Softratus confpires to murder Alexander, vol. 1 . p. 80 Sparta only prefervd its Liberty againfi King Philip,

vol. 1. p. 26

Spartans fufpetted by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 7^ Speech of Pytho , the Byzantine , to the Boeotianr,

vol. 1. p. 29

Of the Deputies of the Allies to them, p. 34 Of Demoimenes to the?n, p. 3 5

Of King Philip in the Ajj'embly of all Greece, p. 43 Of Alexander to his Council, at his Accejpon to the Throne, p. ,5 1

Of Alexander to the Council advifng him to marrv»

p. 82

Of Memnon to the Perfians, . vol. i.p. 93 Of the Perfians in An fiver to him, p. 95;

Of Alexander, againfi his Fleet ingaging the Per- fian, P- 1.1 7

Of Ephialtes for attacking of the Macedonians,

p. 126'

M 2 oj


Of Charrdemus to Darius, p. 148, 149

Of Philip the phyfcian to Alexander, and his Anfwer, p. 160

Of Darius, in Defence of the Greeks, p. 164 To them, p. 165

Of Alexander before the Battel in Ciltcia, p. 170 Of Sifygambis to Alexander, p. 180

Of Alexander to the Tyrian Ambaffadors, p. 192 OfanAmbafador of Darius to Alexander, p. 232 Of Par memo advtfing Alexander to make Peace

P. 234

Of Alexander in Anfwer to the Ambajfadors of

Darius, p. 234

O/Parmenio, in Council, before the Battel of

Arbella, p. 240

Of Alexander 'in Anfwer to it, lb. Of Alexander, before the Battel of Arbefla, p. 2.45- O/Darius after his Defeat at Arbella, p. 261,262 Of mangled Greeks confulting zvhat to afk of A-

lexander, p. 283

Of Darius to his Council near Ecbatana, p. 292 Of Nabarzanes defigning to betray Darius, p. 294 Of Patron the Greek, to Darius, p. 299-

Of Darius in Anfwer to htm, p. 3C0

O/Beflus the Traitor, to Darius, p. 301

O/Danus zuhen dying, p. 308

Of Alexander to hts Generals, upon the Army's

de firing to return home. p. 319

Of thofe Officers, in Anfwer, p. 320

Of Alexander to his Army, encouraging them to

proceed, lb. O/Craterus, againft Philotas, p. 343

Of Alexander to the Army, on the Confpiracy of

Dymnus, p. 346

Of Philotas to the Army in his own Defence, p. 352 O/Belon againfl Philotas, P- 357

Of Alexander againfl Amyntas and Simmius,

vol. 2. p. 2. of


Of Alexander difcharging Amyntas and Pole- mon, p. 9

Of Alexander to Polydamas, lb. 0/BeiTus to his Followers, p. 17

Of Cobares to BerTus, p. 18

Of Spitamenes delivering BerTus to Alexander,

p. 28

Of Alexander to Beflus, and his Anfwer, lb. Of Alexander to his Council at the Tanais, p. 35 Of the Scythian Ambaffadors to Alexander, p. 40 Of Alexander for gaining an inacceffible Rock,

p. so

Of Alexander grieving for having kilVd Clitus,

p. 6z

Of Cleo for honouring of Alexander, p. 76- Of Callifthenes againfi thofe Honours, p. 7 7 Of the Traitor Hermolaus, ivhen taken, p. 84 Of Alexander in Anfiver to him, p. 86

Of Alexander upon ingaging Poru9, p. 1 1 2.

To his Army after that Viclory, p. 1 1 7

To encourage his Army to proceed in the Conquefi of India, p. 124

Of Caenus, for the Army refufmg to proceed,

p. 128

Of the mutinous Macedonians, p. 134

Gf Alexander to the mutinous Army, p. 135- Of Craterus to Alexander, about his rafij expo- fing himfelf, p. 143

Of Alexander in Anfwer to the affeclionate Ad- vice of his Generals, p. 144 To his mutinous Macedonians, p. 175 To his Aliaticks, p. 178 Of Alexander dying, p. 184 Of Perdiccas to the- Officers , after Alexander'* Death, p. 190 Of Meleager againfi Perdiccas fucceeding Alexan- der, and for plundering the Treafure, p. 191



Defires to lie zvith him, p. 332

Theagenes, General of the Thebans, voL 1. p. 41 Thebans, Friends to the Macedonians, vol. 1.

p. 28

Turn on a fudden againfl them, p. 41.

Subdu'd by King Philip, p. 43

Murder Alexander'* Officers, p. 64

Excite others to do the fame, p. 65

Thebes taken by Alexander and dejlroyd, vol. 1 .

p. 68

Rebuilt, p. 72

Themifeyra Plains, vol. 1. p. 331

Therm odon River, lb. TherTaly fubdu'd by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 53 Thefiaiians, brave Horfe, vol. 1. p. 102

Thrace invaded by Alexander, vol. i.p. 56

Almoftloft, P-I7I Thracian Captain Jlain by a Woman, vol. 1. p. 69 Thracians revolt, and are fubdud by Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 13

Throne of Perfia, vol. 1 . p. 170

Thymodes, Commander of the Greeks under Da- rius, vol. 1. p. 150 Tide in a River amaz.es the Macedonians, vol. 2..

p. 156

Tigris River, vol. 1. p. 223 erii^

Timseus kili'd defending Alexander, vol. 2.

P- 139

Timoclea fpard at Thebes for her Vertue, vol. 1.

p. 69

Timotheus, a Mufician, vol. 1. p. 18

Tindafes delivers Darius'; Treafure to Alexander,

vol. 1. p. 281

Tomb of Cyrus, nothing found in it, vol. 2. p. 169 Of Hephseftion, cofi tzvelve thoufand Talents,

vol. 2. p. 182

Tozvns in India taken, vol. 2. p. 119.

Tray tors


Tray tors, their Kindred punifh'd among the Mace- donians, vol. 2. p. 83 Tray tor jtijlly punijh'd, vol. I. p^l84 Trallians fubmit to Alexander, vol. 1. p. icS Trvafure of Darius deliver d to Parmenio, vol. 1.

p. 1 Si

Found at Soft, p. 270

At Perfepolis, p. 286

At Perfagada?, p. 287

Trees in India, vol. 2. p. 11S

Triballi take a Booty from King Philip, vol. r.

p. 25

Defeated by Alexander, p. 27

Tribute in Afia impos'd by Alexander, the fame as

had been paid to Darius, vol. r. p. 104

Troglodytes, vol. 1. p. 2,17

Troy, vol.i. p.91, v 103

Tyre fends Prefents to Alexander, vol. 1. p. 192

Difficult accefs to it, p. 193

Befieg'd, p. I06&feq.

Inhabitants fend their Wives and Children to Carthage, p. 200

Taken and burnty p. 204

Account of it, P-^^S Tyrians, two thoufand of them crucify d, vol. r.

p. 205

Tyriotes, an Eunuch, efcapes to Darius zvith the News of his Queen's Death > vol. I. p. 230


Veneration of Macedonians for their Kings,

vol. 1. p. 161

Veteran Soldiers honour d by Alexander, vol. 2.

p. 181

Victory of Macedonians over Barbarians, vol. .1.

P- 7

Over the Thracians, " P- 56


. The INDEX.

Over the Triballi, p. 58

Over the Getae, lb. Over the Illyrians, p. 63

Over the Perfians, at the River Granicus. p. 98 Over Perfians, at Halicarnaffus, p. 162.

Over Darius in Cilicia, p. 172.

Three obtain d by Alexander'* Lieutenants, p. 191 At Sea, lb. At Arbella, p. 257

Over the Scythians, vol. 2. p. 45

Uxians, vol 1. p. 172


Walls of Babylon, vol. 1. p. 16$

War declard by Alexander againfl the Carthagini- ans, vol. i. p. 2,0$ Water of the Sun, vol. 1 . p. 2 1 8 Water drank immoderately kills many Men, vol. 2.

p. 25

Way made through Rocks by Alexander, vol. 1.

P- 53

Wealth of Perfian Monarchs, vol. 1. p. 88

Wedding of Cleopatra, Alexander'* Sifier, and the King of Epirus, vol. 1 . p. 48

Whales feen, fuperftitious Conceits about it, vol. 1.

p. 202

Wild Beafts, four thoufand of them at once kill din a Wood, vol. 2. p. 56

Wife faying of Alexander, vol. i. p. 114

Wife Men of India, vol. 2. p. 93

Woman look'd upon as mad, faves the Lije of Alex- der, vol. 2. p. 81

Women at Babylon lezvd, vol. 1. p. 267

Words of the Priejiefs of Apollo accidentally fpoken, taken for no Oracle by Alexander, vol. 1. p. 55

X. Xan-



Xanthus River, vol.

Xenippa River, vo]f

Zeliti pardon d by Alexander vol.

Zioberis River, vol



Vol. I. T) AGE 6. Line 12. for Arifiander ae, read X Arifiander accounted, p. 12.1. 13. not to be move, r. to be more. p. 16. 1.. antepenult, for onl, r. only. 29. 1. 26. to whofe, r. on whofe. p. 55. 1. penult, for Amyhipolis, r. Amphy polls.. Ulyrium p. 60. tftfd in others, r. Illyricum. p. 78. 1. 1. for Cadmanus, r. Codomanus. p. 93 1. 15- for Parmeris, r. Parmenio. p. 203. 1. 1 3. for Cinqueretne, Y. a Galley of five Men to an Oar p. 204. 1. 32? for Churches, r. Temples.

Vol. II. p. 4. 1. 4. for Alexander, r. Lynctfies. p. 20. 1. 4. 1. 10. for Sodgians, r. Sogdians. The fame again p. 23. 1. 11. p. 3$. 1. 22. forCicatrix, r. 5^r. p. 149. to the Guardians, dele. Ib. 1. 7. for fir ait, x.fireight.