so rte pen ee TE, RE EPS ee a halivhyte ee a tabetha rite tungen se = + SITE DRM : 3 à ee See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L’EXPLORATION DE LA MER RAPPORTS PROCES-VERBAUX DES REUNIONS VOLUME XXIV REPORT OF ADMINISTRATION (1914—15 + 1915—16) EN COMMISSION CHEZ ANDR. FRED. H@ST & FILS pe A~AGIC A> COPENHAGUE ZAOEILAT Se LE MARS 1917 fu / SY ee As: N 2 | ‘BRA RY! Aie \ 97 NE ASS x & NG ee < N AuUOd JA me IM hi do NY FAUCH % DIT \ URJEXS COPENHAGUE — IMPRIMERIE BIAN co, LUNO TRE Cas À REPORT OF ADMINISTRATION 1914—15 + 1915-16 BUREAU OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE STUDY OF THE SEA Report of Administration Ii) 3 alo According to a communication from the Danish Foreign Office to the Bureau, dated February 1915, the following change has occurred in the composition of the Bureau and the Council. The German Government has stated that Germany will during this war, abstain from further co-operation in the work of the International In- vestigations, because the carrying out of an essential part of the problems has been suspended by the present state of affairs. Consequently the German delegates will not take part im the voting and resolutions of the organisation as long as war continues. The German Government, however, hopes to be able to resume participation when quieter times have set in. In view of this resolution, Geheimer Legationsrat Rose informed the Bureau that he had to resign as President of the International Council. At the same time he wrote in February 1915 to the General Secretary (in translation): “Since I can no longer consider myself as President of the Council, I feel the need of expressing my heart-felt thanks to all the members of that body, and in parti- cular to those of the Bureau, for the goodwill with which they have at all times supported me in the execution of my official duties. 1 feel, moreover, that I owe especial thanks to the staff at Copenhagen for the zeal and interest with which they have carried out such duties as have devolved upon them during my period of office. I should esteem it a favour if you would intimate to the members of the Council and of the staff that J shall always remember with gratitude and pleasure the work we have done together”. And further: “My Government has, in a note on the subject, expressed the hope that it may, when matters have settled down, again be able to participate. This entirely corre- sponds to my own personal sentiments. I am firmly convinced that the inter- national work undertaken by the various countries in common on behalf of their fisheries is indispensable. If we wish to maintain our fisheries at a high level, and to develope the same to a flourishing industry, then international co-operation affords the only way by which this object may be attained. You Composition of the International Council Administrative Report win + may therefore confidently rely on my exerting my utmost efforts, as soon as the present disturbances have subsided, to procure the renewal of Germany’s parti- cipation in the International Investigation of the Sea”. The Council has, after Geheimer Legationsrat Rose’s withdrawal as Presi- dent, by correspondence elected the senior Vice-President, Professor PETTERSSON, of Holma, Sweden, as President of the International Council. Professor PETTERS- son has acted as President since March 1915. | Dr. RetcuarD, Biological Assistant, left the Bureau at the outbreak of the war. The statistical work of his department has since that time been carried on by Captain ScHONING. © The latest of the “Rapports & Procés-Verbaux” published (for 1913—14), Rapport Administratif ete., contains, besides the usual Report of Administration, Statement of Accounts, Budget etc., a statement of the position of all matters dealt with by the Council at the outbreak of the present war, viz. the British proposal regarding five years’ participation and answers as to this matter received from the various Governments, the state of the North Sea plaice question, the Baltic plaice question, the Atlantic hydrographical research question, the salmon question, and the Protocol of the Statistical Committee. The object of this has been to furnish members of the Council with suffi- cient data for resumption of the international work at the next Council meeting. Since the issuing of the said report for 1913—14, no Council meeting has taken place. However, all work which could possibly be carried out in relation to resolutions of the Council has been done, viz. salmon investigations in Den- mark, Germany and Sweden, herring investigations in the Kattegat and Skage- rack, and eel investigations. In some countries, measurements of plaice are carried on in order to ascertain the growth of plaice during the last years. In a letter of 2nd November 1914, Professor Hrrnck® stated that he was willing, privately, and also without any claim for incidental expenses, to continue the General Report, as soon as he should have received the English plaice material. As to the statistical work of the Bureau, Professor D’Arcy THompson, chairman of the Statistical Committee, has undertaken the editorship of the Statistical Bulletin after Dr. ReicHARD’s resignation from the Bureau. As will be seen from the report of the hydrographical department (see below page V), at the suggestion of the President, Professor PETTERSSON, some elaborate work has been carried out at the Bureau as to the compilation of Atlantic hydrographical surface observations for every month of the year from 1900 to 1914. All departments of the Central Bureau have been working with material to hand before the war, with administrative matters, etc. The usual Bulletins and several special reports have been published, viz. besides the Hydrographical, Biological and Plankton Bulletins: JOHANSEN’S report on the eggs and larval stages and the later stages of Pleuronectid fishes of the Baltic, REDEKE’S report — VII — on the present state of our knowledge regarding the races of the chief food fishes, HENKING’s report on the salmon investigations, and ScHMiDT’s report on eel investigations. The rent of the flats hitherto occupied by the Bureau in Jens Kofods- gade 2 has been increased. In order to avoid increased expense in consequence, the General Secretary, with the approval of the President, gave notice of removal from October 1916 for the flat on 2nd floor, occupied by the Hydropraphical Department, which has since then been partly and provisionally accommodated on the 1st floor, together with the General Secretary’s office, the Biological and Plankton Departments. In accordance with a letter from the German Government of February 1915 to the Danish Foreign Office, no German contribution has been paid for 1914—15. All other countries participating at the outbreak of the war have paid the usual contributions for 1914—15. For 1915—16 no contributions were called for from the participating states, and a reduced budget was adopted by corre- spondance, allowing for the continuation of the work of the various departments of the Central Bureau, together with the compilation of Atlantic surface observations. The accounts for 1913—14, 1914—15 and 1915—16 have been revised by the Financial Committee and found in order. They will be submitted to the International Council for its final approval at the next meeting. From the Statement of Accounts for the financial year 1914—15 (see below) it will be seen that the balance at the end of the year was Kr. 68214.51, while the estimated balance was Kr. 72079.19 with the Russian contribution for 1914 —15 (estimated Kr. 26900.00). The difference is due on the one hand to a reduction involved by the Russian contribution for 1914—15 not being paid until next financial year, on the other hand to an increase involved by the saving on the expenditure of about Kr. 23000. The balance at the end of the year 1915—16 (see below, “Statement of Accounts”) was Kr. 42804.14, while the estimated balance was about 12000 Kr. The difference is due to savings on the budget. As to the result of the work of the department for 1914—15 and 1915 —16, the following details have been reported by the Heads of Departments, Professor KnuDsen, Dr. OSTENFELD and Captain ScHONING: Report of work carried out by the Hydrographical Depariment of the Bureau during the financial years July 1914—July 1916. The material for the “Bulletin Hydrographique pour l’année juillet 1913 —juin 1914” was dealt with. The customary surface charts and vertical sections were drawn up, and a harmonic analysis of the continuous current measure- ments in the North Sea August 1913 carried out. A brief survey of the results of the continuous current measurements also carried out in the North Sea during the previous years was included in the Bulletin. The requisite steps were taken for proof-reading and publication of the Bulletin. Contributions Revision of the Accounts for 1913—14, 1914 — 15, 1915 —16 The Accounts for 191415 The Accounts for 1915 —16 — VIII — Statement of Accounts for the financial year 1914—15. Receipts: Estimates p ae 2 I. ia. Balance from 1913/14—1914/15 ............... Kr. 2828110 28284.10 1b. Russia’s contribution for 1913—14............. - 27668.67 27668.67 II. s—9. Annual contributions of the governments concerned - 93296.421) 65895.17 III. 10. Interests 2 So vc. acy CASE eR eee CR Re Poe ce Ea - 0.00 2056.98 Nome > Sele 0 MDUDIICAONS REP re - 0.00 761.09 Total... Kr. 14994019 124666:01 Expenditure: nemates en The Salariesit, 20h. Wha ieee OE My Sk REG EE REE Si AU Kr. 14660.00 14660.00 DIL eee MASS Ista Ce ML Tama NN Morac aL RS AA Rood oe RR N: = 8920.00 8244.50 TI elneidentalekxpenses amen MEN men nh nen CEN = 8000.00 8000.00 IV Pa ve line EX pDENSES EN 1. ee Sanpete oe - 3000.00 1645.09 V. 9-16. Expenses of the Office in Copenhagen .......... = 10420.00 7199.59 Vi.17. Minor Expenses of Meetings................... - 500.00 0.00 VII.1s—24. Expenses in acc. withspec. Resolutions of the Council - 1470.00?) 6378.67 Vlas ESSENTIEL Maree ARR, HDI TIR EAN tec RENE) - 17400.00°) 10330.65 Total... Kr. 7110.00 56451.50 Receipts for the financial year 1914—15......... Kr. 124666.01 Expenditure- - — - = ANNE atte - 56451.50 Cash balance to carry forward to 1915—16......... Kr. 68214.51 1) The difference between the estimated sum and the real receipt is due to Russia’s con- tribution not being paid until next year. 2) On this amount about 8000 Kr. has been saved, partly on the Plankton report and partly on North Sea temperature observations and preparation of Normal water. 8) On this amount about 7000 Kr. has been saved, partly because the Bulletin statistique was not printed this year, partly because several of the publications were not distributed. The material for the “Bulletin Hydrographique pour l’année juillet 1914 —juin 1915” was, as far as possible, collected, and prepared for the press. The work of the “Laboratoire Hydrographique” was continued, and the distribution of normal water conducted as hitherto. At the commencement of the war, the Laboratoire Hydrographique and the normal water, with struments appertaining thereto, and other assets and liabilities, were taken over by Pro- Statement of Accounts for the financial year 1915—16. Receipts: Estimates Real Receipts I. Balance brought forward from 1914/15—1915/16..... Kr. 45000.001) 68214.51 Peulmterestimmmwes ee ern ne each: 0.00 2049.01 INEESalewo@publieatonsurgee AU EEE IEEE - 0.00 1140.87 Total... Kr. «5000.00 71404.39 2) Expenditure: Estimates Real Expenditure In 4 Salariespar tale he's Sp olor nede sate. aon oldie Kr. 8460.00 7262.76 Messer PASSIstaneetthtt. acct. UAB REL. I BORD = 6420.00 6400.00 Ile mcidentalunxpensesen ne NAN - 5000.00 5000.00 VAN Trawelline? Expensesesn ren nn. = 1500.00 1307.10 V. 9-16. Expenses of the Office in Copenhagen .......... = 7920.00 5719.66 VI.ız. Minor Expenses of Meetings ................... - 0.00 0.00 VII. 1s—24. Expenses in acc. with spec. Resolutions of theCouncil - 3570.00 2850.73 Total... Kr 32870.00 00°) 28600.2 95 Receipts for the financial year 1915—16.......... Kr. 71404.39 Expenditure - - — - Se ag a Ar - 28600.25 Cash balance to carry forward to 1916—17.......... Kr. 42804.14*) 1) Without Russia’s contribution for 1914—15. 2) Without Russia’s contribution for 1914—15 (Rbl. 14430.54) which, however, was received, but deposited in a Petrograd bank, Kr. 15000.00 $) Increased by 1000 Kr. for printing of salmon report and for siembution of reports by agreement of the members of the Council. 4) + Russia's contribution, 15000 Kr., deposited in a Petrograd bank. fessor Martin KNUDSEN for his personal account, in order to relieve the Council of pecuniary responsibility. In accordance with a proposal put forward by Professor Orro PETTERSSON, a compilation of the surface temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean was commenced. For this purpose extracts were made from the Journals of the “Deutsche See- warte”. In order to organize the work, Dr. GEHRKE and Miss ScHULTZ visited u Hamburg in November-—December 1915. The surface observations published in the Danish “Nautisk-Meteorologisk Aarbog” were further treated, as also similar material received from the Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Since the outbreak of the war, in August 1914, the staff of the Depart- ment has been restricted to Professor Kntpsen, Dr. GEHRKE and Miss ScHhuntz. Report of work carried out by the Plankton Department of the Bureau during the financial years July 1914—July 1916. 1. The printing of the “Bulletin planktonique pour l’année 1912”, containing Professor H. H. Gran’s memoir: The Plankton Production of the North European Waters in the Spring of 1912 (142 pp. 11 tables and 2 plates) was finished in July 1915 and the Bulletin issued. 2. The Department has prepared a “Catalogue des espèces dle plantes et d’animaux observées dans le plankton ... depuis le mois de juin 1908 jusqu’au mois de décembre 1911”, a samen of the Nos. 33 and 48 of the “Publications de Circonstance”. This catalogue is now ready for printing. 3. The alphabetical index to the three published parts of the “Resume planktonique” has, in the main, been finished. 4. The Head of the Department has begun the working out of the con- cluding “General part” of the “Resume planktonique”. Report of work carried out by the Biolosical Department of the Bureau during the financial years July 1914—July 1916. On account of the war, the working out of the Bulletin Statistique has been a great deal delayed by shortage of material. Nevertheless, the de- partment has succeeded in finishing the statistics for the years 1911 and 1912, and it is expected that these two years will be edited during the beginning of 1917. Further, the work with the statistics for the year 1913 has been started, and if the material still wanted should arrive, it is expected to be finished during the spring of 1917. At the beginning of the war Dr. RErcHARD left the Department. Estimate of the International Council for the Study of the Sea for the financial year 1915—1916. Veranschlagter Etat des Zentralausschusses fiir die internationale Meeresforschung für das Rechnungsjahr 1915 -1916. Expenditure: Ausgaben: Head| Nr. Items 1914-15) 1915—16 Titel| Nr. Positionen 1914-15) 1915—16 I 1-4 Salaries Kroner || Kroner | Kroner I 1-4 | Gehälter Kronen || Kronen | Kronen 1 | Principal Assistant 1 | Assistent für Hydro- for hydrography.. | 6000 | 3000 erapmera re 6000 || 3000 2 | Principal Assistant 2 || Assistent für Biolo- for biology ...... 2400 0 In EIER. ce 2400 0 3 | Principal Assistant 3 | Assistent für Plank- for Plankton...... 2200 | 1400 Joe OMe er. 2200 || 1400 4 || a) IstAssist.Secretary | 2500 | 2500 4 || a) Sekretär......... 2500 | 2500 b) QndAssist.Secretary | 1560 | 1560 b) Sekretär... ...... 1560 | 1560 8460 8460 II | 5-6 | Assistance Ir | 5-6 | Hilfskräfte 5 | Hydrograpbical De- 5 | Hydrographische Ab- partment ........ 6160 | 4500 teilung TE 6160 | 4500 6 | Biological Depart- 6 | Biologische Abtei- TING. PETER 2760 | 1920 > UNE eae 2760 || 1920 6420 6420 III | 7 | Incidental Expenses lll | 7 | Dienstaufwandsgelder General Secretary .. | 8000 | 5000 Generalsekretär .... || 3000 | 5000 5000 5000 IV | 8 | Travelling Expenses | 3000 | 1500 IV | 8 | Reisekosten 3000 || 1500 1500 1500 V | 9-16 | Expenses of the office V | 9-16 | Kosten des Bureaus in Copenhagen in Kopenhagen 9 || Rent including heat- 9 || Miete, einschliesslich ing and service at Heizung und Bu- the Bureau...... 5200 || 5200 reaudienst ....... 5200 | 5200 10 | Furniture of the Bur- 10 || Unterhaltung und CE ests arse 400 0 Vervollständigung des Mobiliars .... 400 0 11 | Stationery ......... 800 500 11 | Schreibgeräte ...... 800 500 12 || Charts, books, instru- 12 | Karten, Bücher, In- ments, etc. ...... 700 100 strumente usw. .. 700 100 13 | Telephone, electric 13 | Telephon, elektri- MA, GAS ooccceee 450 450 sches Licht, Gas . 450 450 14 | Insurance. . .. ... 70 70 14 || Versicherung....... 70 70 15 | Postage,freights, tele- 15 | Porti, Frachten, De- grams and similar peschen und son- office expenses... || 1000 800 stige Bureauausga- benprette er is 1000 800 16 | Translation, extra ty- 16 | Uebersetzungen, extra pewriting, correc- Maschinenschreib- tion of proofs, etc. | 1800 800 arbeiten,Korrektur- i 7920 lesen usw........ || 1800 800 7920 Carried forward 29300 Transp... . 29300 — XII — Head| Nr. Items 91415) 1915—16 Titel| Nr. Positionen 191415] 1915—16 Kroner | Kroner | Kroner Kronen || Kronen [Kronen Brought forward 29300 Transp.... 29300 VI | 17 | Minor expenses of VI | 17 | Kleinere Unkosten meetings ........ 500 0 0 der Sitzungen.... 500 0 0 VII |18-24| Expenses in acc. with VII 18-24 | Ausgabenin Folge spe- special resolutions zieller Beschlüsse of the Council... des Ausschusses 18 | Atlantic Surface-Tem- 18 || Atlantische Oberflä- perature Observa- chentemperaturbe- tlONSER I 1070 || 1070 obachtungen..... 1070 || 1070 19 || Preparation of nor- 19 || Herstellung von Nor- mal water....... 1000 0 malwasser ....... 1000 0 20 | Hydrographical La- 20 | Hydrographisches Doralony eee eee 1000 0 Laboratorium .... | 1000 0 21 | Working up material | 21 | Bearbeitung des auf collected onspecial spez. Fahrten ge- CRUISE) Ne 600 0 samm. Materials... 600 0 | 22) NPR, 565000005 7000 || 1500 MINI ENT CE REC 7000 || 1500 23 | International Her- 23 | Internationale He- ring investigati- ringsuntersuchun- ons (see Resolu- gen (Siehe Reso- | tion II b, p. 24, lution Ib, S. 25. | { Proc.-Verb. XII).. || 3000 0 Proc. Verb. XII) .. | 3000 0 24 | Prof. Walfrid Ekman 24 | Prof. Walfrid Ekman for hydrographical für hydrographi- work (cf. Proc. | sche Arbeit (vergl. Verb. VII, p. 34).. | oo 0 Proc.-Verb. VII, | 600 0 ———| 2570 Shea) oer — eat) Total of the Expendi- Summa der | (URE UR ce occoses | 31870 | Ausgaben ... | 31870 Cash balance Kassenbestand on 21st July 1915 acc. to Budget am 21. Juli 1915 laut des Budgets for 1914—15 (without Russia’s fiir 1914—15 (ohne den noch nicht contribution for 1914—15, not eingegangenen Beitrag Russlands fur VE MAUSNEC) à do ghle do sus eo 6000 about Kr. 45000 191415). 2. ........0... Be etree dia ca, Kr. 45000 Expenditure Ausgaben acc. to above Statement ........ — - 31870 laut des obenstehenden Veranschlags — - 31870 Cash Balance 21st July 1916... about Kr. 13130 Kassenbestand 21. Juli 1916... ca. Kr. 13130 Estimate — XIII — of the International Council for the Study of the Sea for the financial year 1916—1917. Veranschlagter Etat des Zentralausschusses für die internationale Meeresforschung für das Rechnungsjahr 1916—1917. Receipts: Einnahmen: Head| Nr. Items Kroner | Kroner | Titel} Nr. Positionen Kronen | Kronen | I 1 | Cash balance on 21st July I 1 Kassenbestand am 21. Juli | AOTC ee En ieee 51496 *) AGA GR eset cheese dere, 51496 *)| II |2—6|} Annual contributions of | II |2—6| Jahresbeiträge der beteilig- governments for 1916-17 | ten Staaten für 1916-17 | | [E24 |’ Denmarkg. mer: 4675 | 2 DAnvenianks| See ee | 4675 | | & || Great Britain ........... 19688 | 3 | Grossbritannien ......... 19688 4 | The Netherlands ........ 4675 | 4 || Die Niederlande......... 4675 | BW IN@RWeNcs bon re ems 4675 DANONE .occscssnacnce> 4675 6 U Swedene ga 2. | 4675 | CM ASchweden Er PRET 4675 | | Total of the receipts.. | 89884 | 99584 Sa. der Einnahmen.. | 89884 | 89584 Expenditure: Ausgaben: Head| Nr. Items en 1916—17 Titel| Nr. Positionen | a, 1916—17 I 1-3 || Salaries Kroner || Kroner | Kroner I 1-3 | Gehälter Kronen || Kronen | Kronen 1 | Principal Assistant 1 | Assistent fiir Hydro- for hydrography*) | 6000 | 3000 eraplies) EP EEE 6000 | 3000 | 2 | Principal Assistant 2 | Assistent für Plank- | for Plankton*)... | 2100 | 1400 TON) AA SAME 2100 | 1400 3 | Qnd Assist. Secretary | 1560 | 1560 SM ISeRLEtARE gr 1560 | 1560 | Total Head I*).. 5960 Sa. Titel I*).. | 5960 II | 4-6 | Assistance IL | 4-6 | Hilfskräfte 4 | Hydrographical De- 4 || Hydrographische Ab- partment ........ 6160 || 4500 enter un 0000000 6160 || 4500 5 | Biological Depart- 5 || Biologische Abtei- nen 2760 | 1920 une ea 2760 || 1920 6 || Plankt. Department*) || 7000 800 6 | Plankton Abteilung *) | 7000 800 Total Head II. 7220 t Sa. Titel II.. 7220 III | 7-10} Incidental Expenses III | 7-10 | Dienstaufwandsgelder 7 || President*)........ 3600 0 (an ienasident:)) en 3600 0 8 || General Secretary*). || sooo || 5000 8 | Generalsekretär*)... || sooo | 5000 9 || Chairman of Edi- 9 || Vorsitzender der torial Committee. | 2000 0 Druckschriften- kommission...... 2000 0 | 10 || Chairman of Statisti- 10 Vorsitzender der sta- cal Committee ... || 2000 0 tistischen Kommis- SILOM Mec ee 2000 0 Total Head IM... — 5000 Sa. Titel III. 5000 Carried forward | 18180 ; Transp.. . f | 18180 *) See ,Remarks*. *) Siehe „Bemerkungen“. — XIV — Head| Nr. Items hee | 1916-17 Titel| Nr. Positionen aes 1916—17 Kroner || Kroner | Kroner Kronen || Kronen | Kronen Brought forward 18180 Transp. ... . |18180 IV | 11 | Travelling Expenses | sooo | 1500 IV | 11 | Reisekosten........ sooo | 1500 Total Head IV.. 1500 Sa. Titel IV.. 1500 V 112.18] Expenses of the office V |12-18| Kosten des Bureaus in Copenhagen in Kopenhagen 12 || Rent including heat- 12: || Miete, einschliesslich ing and service at Heizung und Bu- the Bureau*) .... | 5200 | 4600 reaudienst*)..... 5200 || 4600 13 | Stationery ......... 800 300 13 | Schreibgeräte ...... 800 300 14 | Charts, books, instru- 14 | Karten, Bücher, In- ments eier... 1900 100 strumente usw.... || 1900 100 15 || Telephone, electric 15 | Telephon, elektri- ichufeas PE 450 || 300 sches Licht, Gas . | 450 | 300 16 | Insurance ......... 70 70 16 | Versicherung ...... 70 70 17 || Postage, freights,tele- 17 || Porti, Frachten, De- grams and similar peschen und son- office expenses... || 1000 600 stige Bureauausga- bene. 1000 600 18 | Translation, extra ty- 18 || Uebersetzungen, extra | pewriting, correc- Maschinenschreib- | tion of proofs, etc. | 1800 600 arbeiten,Korrektur- lesen usw........ 1800 600 Total Head V.. — | 6570 Sa. Titel V.. wn GEO V1| 19 | Minor expenses of VI | 19 | Kleinere Unkosten meetings ........ 500 0 der Sitzungen.... 500 0 VII 20-24 | Printing VII 20-24 | Druckkosten 20 | Annual Report..... 1600 || 1000 20 | Jährlicher Bericht.. | 1600 | 1000 21 | Hydrographical 21 | Hydrographisches Bulletin ......... 4000 | 2500 Bulletin ......... 4000 | 2500 92 || Statistical Bulletin *) | 2000 3400 22 || StatistischesBulletin*)| 2000 3400 23 | Occasional Papers*) || 2500 2400 23 | Gelegentl.Schriften*) | 2500 2400 24 | Distribution of publi- 24 | Expedition der Publi- CAHONSE EEE CEE 2000 || 1200 kationen......... 2000 || 1200 Total Head VII.. 10500 Sa. Titel VII.. 10500 Total of the Expendi- Summa der [el | > —— ture REP EEE EEE 36750 Ausgaben ... 36750 *) See “Remarks”. *) Siehe ,Bemerkungen“. Receipts: I-1. EN Remarks. Balance on 21st July 1915 according to revised ac- counts for 1914—15... Kr. 6821451 Russian contribution (Rbl. 14430.54)............. - 1 15151.50 Kr. 83366.01 Expenditure for 1915—16 estimated .......... ... = 31870.00 Cash balance on 21st July Di Gash PER eases Kr. 51496.01 Expenditure: Total Head I. Reduced by 2500 Kr., the 1st II-6. V-12. Assistant Secretary having left the Bureau according to her own wish. Hitherto the salary for the assistance of the Plankton Department has been under “Plankton” (see Budget for 1915 —16, head VII-22). It has now been transferred to II-6, and the amount, 1500 Kr., has been reduced to 800 Kr., as under present circumstances less assistance is required. With reference to a document (of ?/s 16) . — signed by the President, the Ge- neral Secretary, the Hydrographical and Plankton Assistants — the sala- ries and incidental expenses for this year have been reduced as for the foregoing year. On account of a general raising of rent of houses in Copenhagen and of coal prices, the owners of the house Jens Kofodsgade 2 have increased the rent of the two flats hitherto occupied by the Bureau (to a rent, including heating, of 5200 Kr. yearly). In order to avoid this increased expense, the Bureau has given notice of removal by October next, for the flat on 2nd floor, now occupied by the hydrogra- phical department. This department should then after October 1916 pro- visionally be lodged on the 1st floor, together with the General Secretary’s office, the biological and Plankton departments. Thus the yearly saving on rent will be till October 1917 about 800 Kr. and after this time 660 Kr. Bemerkungen. Einnahmen: 1-1. Kassenbestand am 21. Juli 1915 nach dem revidier- (OWING). ee Kr. 68214.51 Der russische Beitrag (Rub. 14430.54)........ - 15151.50 Kr. 83366.01 Veranschlagte Ausgaben le) Br (ea - 31870.00 Kassenbestand am 21. Juli TONG RER safe Et Kr. 51496.01 Ausgaben: Titel I. Um 2500 Kr. vermindert, indem die 11-6. 1.1-2& Wie ein vom Präsidenten, II. 7-8. V-12. 1. Assistentin ihrem eigenen Wunsche gemäss aus dem Bureau austrat. Bisher wurde das Gehalt für die Hilfs- kraft der Plankton Abteilung unter „Plankton“ aufgeführt (siehe Budget 1915—16, Titel VII-22). Es ist nun auf Titel II-6 übertragen worden, und der Betrag, 1500 Kr., ist, da unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen weniger Hilfskraft erforderlich ist, auf 800 Kr. reduziert worden. General- sekretär, Hydrographischen Assistenten und Plankton Assistenten unterzeich- netes Schriftstiick (vom °ls 16) dartut, sind die Gehälter und gelegentlichen Ausgaben wie im vorigen Jahre redu- ziert. Wegen der allgemeinen Steigerung der Hausmiete in Kopenhagen sowie der Kohlenpreise haben die Besitzer des Hauses Jens Kofodsgade 2 die Miete der beiden bisher vom Bureau be- nutzten Etagen (auf eine jährliche Miete von 5200 Kr., einschl. Heizung) gesteigert. Um dieser vermehrten Aus- gabe abzuhelfen, hat das Bureau die jetzt von der hydrographischen Ab- teilung benutzte Wohnung im 2. Stock auf den kommenden Oktober gekün- digt. Diese Abteilung wird dann nach Oktober 1916 vorläufig im 1. Stock zu- sammen mit dem Bureau des General- sekretärs, der biologischen Abteilung und der Plankton Abteilung angebracht werden. In der Weise werden bis Oktober 1917 ca. 800 Kr. und dem- VII-22. VII-23. — OW eee yearly. Since, however, the present rent is running to October 1916, only 600 Kr. of the above named 800 Kr. will be saved on this Budget for 1916 —17, the reni including heating being then for this year 5200 Kr. = 600 Kr. = 4600 Kr. Furthermore, by reducing the number of flats, an amount on fuel and cleaning (contained in the 4600 Kr.) will be saved, but this amount can hardly be estimated be- forehand (on account of high and varying coal prices, etc.) The Chairman of the Statistical Com- mittee, Professor D’Arcy Thompson, has suggested, and Professor Petters- son as President and Chairman of the Editorial Committee has agreed, that the statistical tables for 1911 and 1912 should be combined in one single volume. The cost of such a Bulletin is estimated at 3400 Kr. In view of the necessity of commencing printing in the present financial year (1915—16), 2000 Kr. of the 3400 Kr. have been appro- priated by correspondence between the Bureau and the Delegates (circular from the Bureau of 26th April 1916). Since, however, the Bulletin will not be finished until 1916—17, the whole amount of 3400 Kr. has been put on the present draft budget for 1916—17. The Plankton department has worked out a “Catalogue des espéces de plan- tes et d’animaux observés dans le plankton etc. 1908—11”. The cost of the printing of this catalogue is esti- mated at 600 Kr. Furthermore 1800 Kr. is estimated for other occasional papers (Publications de Circonstance), announced to the Bureau. VII-22. VII-23. nächst 660 Kr. jährlich an Miete er- spart werden. Da aber die gegen- wärtige Miete bis Oktober 1916 gilt, werden von den genannten 800 Kr. im Budget von 1916—17 nur 600 Kr. erspart werden, und die Miete ein- schliesslich Heizung beträgt für dies Jahr somit 5200 Kr. + 600 Kr. = 4600 Kr. Ausserdem wird bei der Verminderung der Räumlichkeiten ein Betrag für Feuerung und Reinhalten (in den 4600 Kr. mit einbegriffen) erspart werden, dessen Grösse sich in- dessen (wegen der hohen und schwan- kenden Kohlenpreise usw.) nicht im voraus veranschlagen lässt. Der Vorsitzende der Statistischen Kom- mission, Professor D’Arcy Thompson, hat vorgeschlagen, und Professor Pet- tersson hat als Präsident und Vor- sitzender der Druckschriftenkommis- sion dem Vorschlag beigepflichtet, dass die statistischen Tabellen von 1911 und 1912 in einen Einzelband vereinigt werden. Die Kosten eines solchen Bulletins sind auf 3400 Kr. veranschlagt. Da es notwendig ist, den Druck im gegenwärtigen Etatsjahre (1915—16) zu beginnen, sind nach einer Korrespondenz zwischen dem Bureau und den Delegierten (Rundschreiben des Bureaus vom 26. April 1916) von diesen 3400 Kr. jetzt 2000 Kr. ange- wiesen worden. Da aber das Bulletin nicht bis 1916—17 fertig hergestellt sein wird, ist der ganze Betrag von 3400 Kr. in gegenwärtigem Auszugs- budget von 1916 —17 aufgeführt worden. Die Plankton Abteilung hat ein ,,Ca- talogue des especes de plantes et d’animaux observes dans le plankton etc. 1908—11“ ausgearbeitet. Die Druck- kosten dieses Katalogs sind zu 600 Kr. veranschlagt. Zu sonstigen dem Bureau angekündigten gelegentlichen Schriften (Publications de Circonstance) sind 1800 Kr. veranschlagt. STE IT HEC ee Beat Zee Kin me actre eh