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Volume 18, Number 1, Spring 1984 (ISSN 0099-9059) SMITH CONTENTS '■4/ % V History and Present Status of Swainson’s Hawks In Southeast Oregon. Carroll D. Littlefield, Steven P. Thompson and Bradley D. Ehlers f. . . Nesting Biology of Broad-Winged Hawks in Wisconsin. Robert N. Rosenfield Raptor Migration In Northwestern Canada and Eastern Alaska, Spring 1982. David P. Mindell and Margaret H. Mindell The Effect of Mining and Blasting On Breeding Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) Occupancy In the Caballo Mountains, New Mexico. James C. Bednarz Results Of A Helicopter Survey Of Cliff Nesting Raptors In A Deep Canyon In Southern Idaho, t.h. Craig and E.H. Craig Use of Introduced Perches By Raptors: Experimental Results and Management Implications. Steven E. Reinert Short Communications 1 6 10 .16 .20 .25 Kleptoparasitism By White-Tailed Hawk ( Buteo albicaudatus) On Black Shouldered Kite ( Elanus caeruleus leucurus ) In Southern Texas. Borja Heredia and William S. Clark 30 Observations of Nesting Prairie Falcons In the Los Padres National Forest. Wade L. Eakle 31 Barred Owls and Nest Boxes. David H. Johnson and Don G. Follen, Sr 34 Ground-Nesting By Barn Owls. Michael E. Tewfs 36 Unusually Low Nesting Site For American Kestrels ( Falso sparverius). Clark S. Monson 36 Monitoring Bald Eagle Nesting In Baja California, Mexico. Bruce Conant, Albert N. Novara and Charles J. Henny 36 Thesis Abstracts 37 Instructions For Contributors To Raptor Research 39 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Dr. Jeffrey L. Lincer, Office of the Scientific Advisor, 2086 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577 VICE-PRESIDENT: Dr. Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsyl- vania 17405 SECRETARY: Mr. Ed Henckel, RD 1, Box 1380, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343 TREASURER: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55208 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: Dr. James A. Mosher, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory, University of Maryland, Frostburg State College Campus, Gunter Hall, Frostburg, Marylnd 21532 CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Patrick T. Redig, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295 Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 MOUNTAIN & PACIFIC DIRECTOR: Dr. A1 Harmata, Department of Biology, Montana State University, Boze- man, Montana 59717 EAST CANADA DIRECTOR: Dr. David M. Bird, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO WEST CANADA DIRECTOR: Dr. R. Wayne Nelson, 4218 -63rd Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 2W2 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Martin Bottcher, Postfach 2164, Steinfelder Strass 1 1, 5372 SCHLEIDEN, Federal Republic of Germany, GERMANY DIRECTOR AT LARGE # 1 : Dr. Michael Collopy, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conserva- tion, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32601 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: Dr. Tom Dunstan, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illionis 61455 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Dr. Mark R. Fuller, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland 20708 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $15 per year in the U.S., $17 per year outside the U.S., $13 per year for U.S. students, and $15 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regulr membership. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communications may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Dr. Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research , Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A. ******************* Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S.A. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATON OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 18 Spring 1984 No. 1 HISTORY AND PRESENT STATUS OF SWAINSON S HAWKS IN SOUTHEAST OREGON arroll D. Littlefield, Steven P. Thompson and Bradley D. Ehlers Abstract - Similar to other isolated localities, Swainson’s Hawks have declined in southeast Oregon. Formerly, the most commonly nesting5wteo in the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin, the species became uncommon after the 1950’s. Population declines have also been noted during migration. Reasons for the decline are unknown, but several theories are presented. Declines in Swainson’s Hawk (. Buteo swainsoni ) numbers have been reported from California (Bloom 1980), Nevada (Herron and Lucas 1968) and southern Saskatchewan (Houston and Bechard 1983). Here, we report a similar decline in south- east Oregon. A summary of the species’ nesting and migratory status is given from 1875 through 1983, based on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) files, and reports by early ornithologists who worked in the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin. Data were li- mited in certain periods, but enough accounts have accumulated to provide a general trend for the region. Study Area Most information has been collected on or near Malheur Na- tional Wildlife Refuge Harney Co., Oregon (Figure 1). The refuge consists of 73,219 ha of freshwater marshes, two large lakes and uplands with big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus spp.) and/or greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus) . Many km of riparian habitat are available along water systems, particularly in the southern portion of the refuge. The main units are Malheur, Harney and Mud lakes, Double O and Blitzen Val- ley. The Blitzen Valley contains the most important habitat for Swainson’s Hawks because of the amount of riparian vegetation present. The valley extends south from Malheur Lake about 67 km. Surrounding the refuge are great expanses of shrub-steppe. Big sagebrush is the dominant plant, but in many regions western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ) is characteristic (Franklin and Dyr- ness 1973). Within this shrub-steppe region the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, conducted a nesting raptor inventory from 1976 through 1980. Malheur NWR was located within the 26,379 km2 raptor inventory area; however, most of the study area was on lands administered by the BLM (Figure 1). Information from the BLM study are included in this report. Southeast Oregon is within the Basin and Range province, and is a continuation of this physiological province in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and California. The province is mostly about 1200 m elevation, with north-south trending fault-block mountains and basins of internal drainage (Baldwin 1964). The highest point in southeast Oregon is Steens Mountain, Harney Co., which attains an elevation of 2958 m. Nesting habitat for Swainson’s Hawks has been riparian zones on Malheur NWR, and widely scattered junipers throughout the surrounding uplands. In the spring, the species is usually seen near agricultural areas, while in the fall principle feeding habitat is newly mowed meadows where an abundance of rodents, particu- larly montane voles ( Microtus montanus), are left exposed. Materials and Methods Most records were obtained from Malheur NWR files and early documents from ornithologists who worked in the region from 1875 through 1932. From 1940 through 1983 information was primarily from Malheur NWR Annual Narrative Reports (NR). Beginning in 1975, 360 km of raptor road counts were initiated on and surrounding the refuge (Figure 2). During the periods when Swainson’s Hawks were in the basin, surveys were conducted in April, June and August 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982 and 1983. Transects were driven at 32 kph with stops for 3 min every 1.6 km. Counts were completed between 10:00 and 15:30. Results 1875-1939. — Swainson’s Hawks were first recorded in southeast Oregon in 1875 when Charles Bendire found the species quite common in the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin (Brewer 1875). Bendire (1877) later considered it a common sum- mer resident, generally distributed throughout the basin. They were found nesting in willows ( Salix spp.) along streams and in isolated junipers and pine trees on the edge of the forest. He collected 25 egg sets which usually numbered 2, and rarely 3/ clutch. We know of no additional records until brief mention was made of several being seen in 1915 (refuge files). Willett (1919) saw 2 individuals near Malheur Lake on 26 June 1918 and 2 additional birds on 27 June. The species was considered fairly common in August 1918, but these could have been migrants. Willett further reported that between 1 Raptor Research 1 8( 1 ): 1-5 9 Littlefield, Thompson, Ehlers Vol. 18, No. 1 Figure 1. Location of Bureau of Land Management’s Figure 2. Locations of raptor road transects in the nesting raptor inventory study area, in respect Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin, Oregon, to Malheur National Wildlife, Oregon. Malheur NWR and Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., Oregon the species was common along most of the route, and particularly abudant in canyons and slopes on Warner Mountains, in Lake Co. On 24 May 1920, 27 were counted as they perched on fence posts along one side of an alfalfa ( Medicago sativa) field near Burns, Harney Co. The field con- tained numerous ground squirrels, and the hawks were catching rodents for food (Gabrielson 1922). Based on the lateness of the season, these birds probably represented locally nesting individuals. Prill (1922) found the species very common near Burns and as far south as Wright’s Point ( 1 6 km S of Burns) from 25 May to 15 June 1921. They were commonly nesting in trees on the surrounding hills. In 1922, the Swainson’s Hawk was considered the most common of the large hawks in the basin dur- ing the summer months. The species nested in junipers bordering Harney Valley where it con- sumed large numbers of 2 species of ground squir- rels (FWS files). Jewett (1936) considered the Swainson’s Hawk as equal in numbers with the Red-tailed Hawk ( B . jamicaensis ), indicating the species had declined somewhat between 1922 and 1932. Gabrielson and Jewett (1940) reported it was once one of the most common raptorial birds in eastern Oregon, and could still be considerd a common summer resident despite a noticeable decrease in numbers during recent years. Preferred nesting habitat was re- ported as gnarled, twisted junipers. Forty-two egg sets collected in Oregon between 1924 through 1960, on deposit at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, showed 64.3% in junipers, 16.6% in willows, and 19.1% in other tree species (L. Kiff, pers. comm.). 1940-1959. — Swainson’s Hawks were still com- mon in southeast Oregon in the 1940’s. An esti- mated 150 individuals were present on Malheur NWR in the summer of 1941, from which 12 nestl- ings were banded. At this time some pairs were nesting in sagebrush in the northern portion of the Blitzen Valley. This nesting habitat continued to be used through the mid-1940’s. From 1944 through 1947 the nesting population remained unchanged. Spring 1984 Swainson’s Hawks In Oregon 3 Table 1. Number of Swainson’s(SW) and Red-tailed(RT) Hawks observed on raptor transects in the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin, Oregon. Month 1975 TOTALS (#(KM) 1977 1979 1980 1982 1983 April SW 4 (.011) 2 (.006) 1 (.003) 0 (.000) 13 (.036) 2 (.006) RT 26 (.072) 21 (.058) 16 (.044) 31 (.086) 38 (.106) 56 (.156) June SW 2 (.006) 20 (.060) 8 (.020) 18 (.050) 4 (.011) 7 (.019) RT 14 (.039) 46 (.128) 29 (.081) 67 (.186) 63 (.175) 36 (TOO) August SW 7 (.020) 16 (.040) 20 (.060) 30 (.080) 26 (.072) 23 (.064) RT 46 (.128) 55 (.153) 67 (.186) 96 (.267) 60 (.167) 31 (.086) In 1947, it was still the most commonly seen raptor with an estimated 150 individuals. No information was available from 1948 through 1957, but there was no indication of change in the species’ status. In the late 1950’s the population began to de- cline. In 1958, several pairs nested in willows on Malheur NWR. A rodent infestation occurred from May through August, but no Swainson’s Hawk in- crease was noted on the refuge. However, neighboring valleys had larger populations of both Swainson’s and Red-tailed Hawks. In 1959, a re- duction in the local nesting population was re- ported (Refuge N.R.) 1960-1983. — In the 1960’s, low populations of Swainson’s Hawks persisted. The species increased by 2 pairs on the refuge in 1960, but their numbers were low compared with those of previous decades. By 1962 there were only 2 nesting pairs. Pair num- bers fluctuated through the 1960’s, with the highest number recorded in 1966 with 5 pairs. Four pairs were present in 1967, and for the first time in re- corded history there were no nesting Swaison’s Hawks on Malheur NWR in 1968. However, in 1969 and 1970, 2 pairs were present, increasing to 3 pairs in 1971. This was the last nesting record in willows, and the last until 1979 in any habitat on Malheur NWR. The 1979 nesting effort was in a juniper and unsuccessful. Eggs were incubated but did not hatch. In the BLM study area (Fig. 1), 18 Swainson’s Hawk breeding territories were located in 1980. Densities were one pair/1,465 km2 on the BLM study area. The nearest nesting pair to Malheur NWR was 9.6 km east. Johnstone, et al. (1980) re- ported all 18 nests were in western juniper. Mean tree height was 5.5 m and mean nest height was 5.0 m. Nesting trees were mostly isolated, near or in stands of low structured vegetation such as crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ), alfalfa, or cheat- grass ( Bromus tectorum). The majority of nests lo- cated in the past 7 years has been near sagebrush removal projects. Prey remains collected at the nests indicated their major prey was Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris ), Western Meadowlarks ( Stur - nella neglecta), ground squirrels, various small mammals and insects (Johnstone, et al. 1980). Swainson’s Hawk numbers have varied on June raptor transects (Table 1), and consisted of single individuals or pairs. Single individuals were as- sumed to have a mate incubating or brooding at the time the transect was conducted. In 1975, only 2 birds were recorded, but 20 were noted in 1977. Seven were seen on the 1983 transects. Most of these birds were associated with agricultural or crested wheatgrass areas located east and west of Burns, Oregon. None was recorded in riparian habitat. Most Swainson’s Hawks seen on the 1977, 1979 and 1980 transects were members of pairs whose nests had been previously located by BLM personnel during nesting raptor inventory studies. Migrational Accounts. — Little historical in- formation was available on Swainson’s Hawk mig- ration in southeast Oregon. Leopold (1942) ob- served 37 (0.58/km) in August 1941 on a single trip through the Blitzen Valley, and reported the species as the most commonly seen raptor on Malheur NWR. A total of 56 individuals was seen on 1 August and 50 on 1 September 1947 (Refuge N.R.). 4 Littlefield, Thompson, Ehlers Vol. 18, No. 1 Road transects conducted in April and August 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982 and 1983 (Table 1) indicated Swainson’s Hawks were no longer a common species during spring and fall migration in the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin. Before the 1960’s the species was considered more common than the Red-tailed Hawk. When comparing the two from transect data, Red-tailed Hawks were more common than the Swainson’s Hawk (Table 1). Discussion Reductions in the Swainson’s Hawk nesting population in southeast Oregon, Nevada and nor- theast California are presently unexplained. In southeast Oregon, juniper and riparian habitats are available and appear adequate for nesting sites, therefore, other factors are apparently involved. A recent increase in the Great Horned Owl {Bubo virginianus ) in riparian habitat on Malheur NWR could be responsible for the disapperance of nest- ing Swainson’s Hawks in willows. An active nest in 1962 was taken over by a Great Horned Owl pair in 1963. Swainson’s Hawks have not nested in this area since. Ini 966, there was an active hawk nest 1 .6 km east of the site and it could have been the displaced pair. Newton (1979) reported Swainson’s Hawks nesting close to Great Horned Owls had signific- antly less success than those nesting in tree clumps lacking these predators. In Washington, Fitzner (1980) reported distances between Swainson’s Hawk and Great Horned Owl nests ranged from 2.2 to 3.1 km indicating less tolerance to Great Horned Owls than to other raptorial birds. Smith and Murphy (1973) also found the species nested far from Great Horned Owls (mean distance 3.54 km). Both of these studies reported a low tolerance between the two species. Another possible factor for the species’ decrease is a reduction in foraging sites within a pair’s territ- ory. Yensen (1980) reported vegetation in south- west Idaho was once a mosaic dominated by open stands of sagebrush with an understory of peren- nial grasses. The vegetation was severely damaged by sheep and cattle in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Added to a 14-year dry period, culminating in the severe drought of 1934, the native grass understory was virtually eliminated. A similar con- dition occurred in southeast Oregon. As native grasses disappeared because of overgrazing, sageb- rush became the dominant plant. Accompanied with fire suppression by federal agencies, large monotypic stands of sagebrush have been per- petuated. Bechard (1980, 1982) reported hunting sites by Swainson’s Hawks in Washington was not based on prey density, but more likely on vulnera- bility of prey to predation. With dense stands of sagebrush the vulnerability of prey for the species probably was reduced, resulting in Swainson’s Hawks abandoning many regions of southeast Oregon. The 18 territories reported by Johnstone, et al. (1980) were mostly near low structured vege- tation and away from dense monotypic shrubs. Another possibility is the local nesting population is being limited either in migration or on their win- tering areas. The species has been reported as hav- ing difficulty in their Argentine wintering regions where large scale use of pesticides has been used for locust control (N. Smith, pers. comm., Olrog 1967). Locust are apparently an important prey base for Swainson’s Hawks in Argentina. If this agricultural activity is occurring in localized regions, the Great Basin population could be wintering in such an area. This might account for the decrease in nesting pairs in southeast Oregon, northeast California and Nevada when compared with other populations in western North America. Henny and Kaiser (1979) found low levels of DDT and its metabolites in Swainson’s Hawk eggs in northeast Oregon. Low levels of DDT were also found in eggs collected in northeast California in 1982 and 1983 (R. Schlorff, pers. comm.). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume DDT is not responsible for the decline of Swain- son’s Hawks in the northern Great Basin, but other pesticides might be involved. Only 6 years data are available from raptor transects, but there appears to have been a decline in spring migrants (except in 1982). However, migrant counts in August have remained relatively stable since 1979 (Table 1). If the same migration corridors were used by indi- viduals in spring (April) and fall (August), a major loss of Swainson’s Hawks is occurring south of the Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin. Acknowledgments We thank Larry Ditto, Charles Henny, Gary Ivey, Joseph Maz- zoni and David Paullin for reviewing, correcting and making suggestions concerning the manuscript, and Dee Dee Ehlers for typing assistance. Numerous employees of the U.S. Biological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collected and recorded data on the species, and to them we are deeply grateful. Lloyd Kiff provided egg set data from the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, Los Angeles, California. Literature Cited Baldwin, E.M. 1964. Geology of Oregon. Edward Bros., Inc. Ann Arbor, Mich. 165 p. Spring 1984 Swainson’s Hawk in Oregon 5 Bechard, M .J. 1980. Factors affecting nest productivity of Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) in southeastern Washington. Ph.D. Thesis, Wash. State Univ., Pullman. 75 p. 1982. Effect of vegetative cover on foraging site selection by Swainson’s Hawk. Condor 84:153-159. Bendire, C. 1877. Notes on some of the birds found in southeastern Oregon, particularly in the vicinity of Camp Harney, from November 1874, to January 1877. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. 19:109-149. Bloom, P.H. 1980. The status of the Swainson’s Hawk in California, 1979. Calif. Dept, of Fish and Game Fed. Aid Wildl. Restoration, Proj. W-54-R-12. 42 p. Brewer, T.M. 1875. Notes on seventy-nine species of birds observed in the neighborhood of Camp Harney, Oregon, compiled from the correspondence of Capt. Charles Bendire, 1st Cavalry U.S. A. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. 18:153-168. Fitzner, R.E. 1978. Behavioral ecology of the Swain- son’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni ) in Washington. Ph.D. Thesis. Washington State Univ., Pullman. 194 p. Franklin, J.F. and C.T. Dryness. 1973. Natural vege- tation of Oregon and Washington. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report PNW-8. 417 p. Gabrielson, I.N. 1922. Some hawks in Harney Val- ley, Oregon. Condor 24:33-34. Gabrielson, I.N. and S.G. Jewett. 1940. Birds of Ore- gon. Oregon St. Univ. Press, Corvallis. 650 p. Henny, C.J. and T.E. Kaiser. 1979. Organochlorine and mercury residues in Swainson’s Hawk eggs from the Pacific Northwest. Murrelet 60:2-5. Herron, G.B. and P.B. Lucas. 1978. Population sur- veys, species distribution, and key habitats of selected nongame species. Nev. Dept. Fish and Game, Job Per- form. Report. Proj. W-43-R, Study 1, Jobs 1 and 2. Houston, C.S. and M.J. Bechard. 1983. Trees and the Red-tailed Hawk in southern Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 41:99-109. Jewett, S.G. 1936. Bird notes from Harney County, Oregon, during May 1934. Murrelet 17:41-47. Johnstone, R.F., S.P. Thompson and G. Wing. 1980. Nesting ecology and management of the raptors in Harney Basin, Oregon. Bur. Land Man- agement, Unpubl. ms. 95 p. Leopold, A. 1942. A raptor tally in the northwest. Con- dor 44:37-38. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books, Vermillion, S.D. 399 p. Olrog, C.D. 1967. Observaciones sobre aves mig- ratorias del hemisterio norte. Hornero 10:292-298. Prill, A.G. 1922. Birds of Harney Valley, and Malheur Lake region, Oregon. Oologist 39:126-131. Smith, D.G. andJ.R. Murphy. 1973. Breeding ecology of raptors in the eastern Great Basin in Central Utah. Biol. Series, Brigham Young Univ. 18:1-76. Willett, G. 1919. Bird notes from southeastern Ore- gon and northeastern California. Condor 21:194-207. Yensen, D. 1980. A grazing history of southwestern Idaho with emphasis on the Birds of Prey Study Area. USDI-BLM Snake River Birds of Prey Res. Proj. 82 p. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Box 113, Burns, OR 97720. Address of second author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 100 Brown Farm Road, Olympia, WA 98506. Received 26 December 1982; Accepted 1 March 1984. Raptor Research Foundation Meeting. The 1984 annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., will be held October 25-28 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. The tentative schedule is: 26-27 October Paper and Poster Sessions 27 October Banquet 28 October Open For further information, program suggestions, or space requests, contact: Dr. Jim Fraser, Department of Fish 8c Wildl. Sci., VPI 8c SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061 NESTING BIOLOGY OF BROAD-WINGED HAWKS IN WISCONSIN Robert N. Rosenfield Abstract — Seventy-two nestings in 56 Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus ) nesting areas were investigated in Wisconsin from 1976 through 1981. Trembling aspen ( Populus tremuloides) and white birch (Betula papyrifera) supported 51% and 29% of all nests, respectively. A reoccupancy rate of 0.60 was found for 16 nesting areas. Mean distances between nests on an intensive study area were 1.5 km (1976; n = 9), 1.7 km (1980; n = 9), and 1.1 km (1981; n = 10). Density in 1981 on 23.7 km2 was 1/2.4 km2. Means of 2.4 eggs laid, 1.8 hatched, and 1.5 young fledged were found for 70 active nests. Fifty-five of 70 (79%) nests fledged young. The major factors reducing productivity occurred before hatching. Relatively little has been published on the nesting ecology of the Broad-winged Hawk (. Buteo platyp- terus). There are few productivity and density data for this common breeding raptor of North America’s eastern deciduous forests. The first re- view of Broad-winged Hawk biology by Burns (1911) was general, though extensive. Recent studies of various aspects of Broadwing nesting ecology have reported data from relatively few nests: Rusch and Doerr (1972) 5 nests in Alberta; Fitch (1974) 3 nests in Kansas; and Matray (1974) 14 nests in New York. Keran (1978) presented habitat data from 29 nests in Minnesota and Wis- consin. Intensive studies of nest habitat by Titus and Mosher (1981), and nesting biology by Janik and Mosher (1982) are based on 24 and 36 nests, respectively, in Maryland. This paper presents data from 72 Broad-winged Hawk nests in Wisconsin from 1976 through 1981. The objectives of my study were to determine the spacing of nests, de- nsity of nesting pairs, and productivity. Study Area and Methods In 1976, 1980, and 1981, I intensively searched for Broadwing nests in an area approximately 1 .6 km north of Merrill, Wisconsin, 45°10' lat 89°40'W long. Here, I did not establish study area boundaries and completely search the interior in 1976 and 1980; instead, I conducted an intensive nest search and then established a boundary around the area I was able to inventory, resulting in 18.1 km2 and 17.5 km2, respectively (Fig. 1). In 1981 I established a 23.7 km2 study area prior to nest searching (Fig. 1). I am confi- dent that I found all Broadwing nests on the Merrill study area in 1976, 1980, and 1981 (Fig. 1). In 1977 through 1979 I searched for nests in areas similar to known nest habitat within 1 0 km east, west and north of the Merrill study area; in 1977 through 1981 I revisited known nesting areas to determine reoccupancy. Nests were also found incidental to other research on the Nicolet National Forest, 1 20 km northeast of Merrill, and on 2 other areas, one 266 km south and another 190 km northwest of Merrill, respectively. Calling Broad-winged Hawks led me to nesting areas; fresh greenery on nests indicated recent use. The 1981 Merrill study area was nearly level, ranging from 399 to 4 1 2 m in elevation. Its habitat included 39% upland hardwoods, 36% farmland, 10% alder ( Alnus rugosa) thicket, 8% bog, 2.5% permanent water, 2.5% residential, 1.2% swampland, and 0.7% red pine ( Pinus resinosa) plantation. Ground moraine soils were poorly drained, and small (2-10 m2) woodland pools of water were common throughout spring and summer. The typical upland hardwood was trembling aspen ( Populus tremuloides) which existed in pure stands or mixed with white birch ( Betula papyrifera) and balsalm fir ( Abies balsamea). Black ash ( Fraxinus nigra), black spruce ( Picea mariana), and tamarack ( Larix laricina) were common in permanently wet areas. An active nest or nesting attempt was one in which eggs were laid; an occupied nest was one in which 2 adults were present near a recently constructed nest with fresh greenery on top (Post- upalsky 1974). A nesting area was that area within a radius of 250 m of a nest. A nesting area was considered reoccupied if, in subsequent years, an active or occupied nest was found within 250 m of a previously used Broad-winged Hawk nest, or if a nest was reused by Broadwings. Mean distances between nests on the Merrill study area were determined in 1976, 1980, and 1981 in the manner reported by Reynolds and Wight (1978). Productivity was determined by climbing to each active nest once during mid-to-late incubation and again about 2 w later to record the clutch size and the number of nestlings, respectively. I returned to nests to determine fledging rates when I estimated young to be > 30 d old. Results and Discussion I found 70 active and 2 occupied Broad-winged Hawk nests; 28 by intensive searching, 12 by searching habitat similar to known nest habitat, 17 by revisiting nesting areas in subsequent years, and 15 as incidental finds. Broad-winged Hawks nest in a variety of hardwood tree species across their breeding range. The majority of nests in my study were supportged by trembling aspen (51%) and white birch (29%). Matray (1974) reported 86% of 14 nests in yellow birch {Betula alleghaniensis) in New York. In Maryland, Titus and Mosher (1981) found 79% of 24 nests in various oaks, predominantly white oak ( Quercus alba ) (50%). Burns (1911: 246) reported American chestnut {Castanea dentata) as the most “popular” nest tree in the northeastern United States. Keran (1978) reported 21% of 29 nests in Minnesota and Wisconsin in aspen and 4 1 % in oak. Diameter at breast height and height of nests in trees in my study were less than those reported in other studies (Table 1). 6 Raptor Research 18(1 ) :6-9 Spring 1984 Broad-Winged Hawk in Wisconsin 7 Table 1. Comparison of diameter at breast height (DBH) of nest trees and height of Broad-winged Hawk nests (X ± S.D., (range) ). Source N DBH Nest Height (M) This study 72 31.5 ± 6.3 (21.1 - 48.8) 8.2 ± 2.7 (3.9- 15.4) Burns (1911) 167 - 10.1 Matray (1974) 14 54.1 ± 8.3 (42.1 - 74.2) 13.3 ± 1.4 (11.0- 15.5) Titus and Mosher(1981) 24 38.0 ± 9.5 13.7 ± 3.0 (25.0 - 62.0) (9.5 - 20.6) Twenty-nine of 56 (52%) Broad-winged Hawk nesting areas in this study contained 1 or more other stick nests. This suggests that a nest area, not just a nest tree, has some important characteristics, such as the interspersion of habitat types, that may be related to the high nesting density (see below). The importance of certain areas for nesting is further indicated by the reoccupancy rate. I revi- sited 16 nesting areas (including nest areas on the Merrill study area) 47 times in subsequent years and Figure 1. Distribution of Broad-winged Hawk nests on the Merrill, Wisconsin study area. Thickened line indicates where 2 or more years formed the study area boundary. 8 Robert N. Rosenfield Vol. 18, No. 1 found them reoccupied on 28 occasions, resulting in a reoccupancy rate (number reoccupied/number revisited) of 0.60. Broadwings usually built a new nest in a different tree in a reoccupied nesting area. Broad-winged Hawk nests were reused on only 5 occasions; 3 the next year, 2 the second year. Mean distances between nests on the Merrill study area were: 1976-1 .5 km (range = 1.1-2. 2 km, SD = 0.37 km), 1980-1.7 km (range = 0.6-3. 1 km, SD = 0.72 km), and 1981-1.1 km (range = 0.5-2. 4 km, SD = 0.62 km). The smaller mean distance in 1981 was due to the close spacing of the 6 most northerly nests (Fig. 1) that were in locally wet areas. Density on the Merrill study area in 1981 was 1 pair/2.4 km2. Variously derived densities in other studies were a maximum of 1 pair/23.3 km2 esti- mated by Rusch and Doerr (1972) in Alberta, 1 pair/5.2 km2 estimated by Burns (1911: 176) in Massachusetts, and 1 pair/2 mi2 (this converts to 5.2 km2 rather than 3.2 km2 as stated) reported by Reran (1978) in Minnesota. Wisconsin density is high when compared to other studies. I suggest that the relatively high density of nest- ing Broad-winged Hawks in 1981 is related to the interspersion of habitat types on the Merrill study area, which lies between extensive northern forests and an intensively farmed central region of Wis- consin. The partial conversion of forests to farm- land in this area has created more upland openings and edge habitat than were originally present. Reran (1978) suggested that such openings may be important to nesting Broad-winged Hawks because they are utilized as primary hunting sites. Fuller (1979) found Broadwings in field-forest edge more than would be expected by chance when this habitat type occurred in their home ranges. Further, 5 of 6 Nicolet Forest nests were within 50 m of roadways, which perhaps served as primary hunting sites in an extensively forested area. Titus and Mosher (1981) indicated that Broad-winged Hawks nested closer to both water and forest openings than would be expected by chance. Matray (1974) stated that Broadwings seemed to prefer nesting on poorly drained sites. The importance of wet areas is suggested by the close spacing of the aforemen- tioned 6 nests which corresponded with the occurr- ence of wet habitat in the Merrill study area. Means of 2.4 eggs laid, 1.8 hatched, and 1.5 young fledged per nest attempt were found in this study (Table 2). A one-way analysis of variance re- vealed no significant (P > 0.05) differences among Table 2. Mean number of eggs laid, hatched and young fledged per nest attempt1. Year N Eggs laid2 Eggs hatched Young fledged 1976 9 2.2 1.9 1.8 1977 10 2.0 1.3 1.1 1978 14 2.3 1.9 1.7 1979 12 2.3 1.7 1.3 1980 10 2.5 2.1 1.5 1981 15 2.6 2.0 1.7 Total 70 2.4 1.8 1.5 ‘A nest attempt was one in which eggs were laid. 2The distribution of clutch sizes was 2 clutches of 1 egg, 43 of 2, 23 of 3, and 2 of 4. the yearly means, even though there was consider- able variability. Janik and Mosher (1982) reported Broad-winged Hawk productivity data for a 3 y study in Maryland, but they did not report yearly means. I do not know if the annual fluctuations found in my study are common for the species or if they are a function of the relatively small number of nests analyzed each year. Fifty-five of the 70 (79%) active nests fledged young. The major factors that decreased Broad- winged Hawk productivity occurred before hatch- ing (38 eggs were lost compared to 20 young). I could not determine the cause of all egg and nestl- ing losses, but I suspected mammalian predation of 4 eggs (2 nests) and of 6 nestlings (5 nests), and avian predation of 3 eggs (1 nest). Destruction of 2 nests by windstorms caused the loss of 2 eggs and 3 nestlings. My extended visit may have caused a female to desert another nest with 3 eggs. The incubating adult at 1 nest may have kicked 1 of 2 eggs out of the nest cup, as an ejected egg was found embedded within the nest structure. Fifteen (14 nests) of the 165 eggs laid, including 2 complete clutches, did not hatch for unknown reasons. The cause of loss of 1 0 eggs (6 nests) and 1 1 nestlings ( 1 0 nests) was unknown. Suspected predators of Broadwing nests were the Raccoon (Procyon lotor ) and Common Crow ( Corvus brachyrhynchos). My study further supported the importance of both woodland openings and wet areas to Broadw- ing nesting habitat. Wisconsin productivity data provide some basis for understanding the popula- Spring 1984 Broad-Winged Hawk in Wisconsin 9 tion dynamics of Broad-winged Hawks. However, the number of young produced in any one year that is necessary to maintain a stable population is a factor of the age structure and mortality rates of nesting adults (Henny and White 1972). Such data do not exist for the Broad-winged Hawk. Future studies should include long-term trapping and marking of breeding adults to determine age structure and turnover rate of nesting populations. Acknowledgments This paper is based in part on a thesis submitted to the College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree. My graduate committee, R. Anderson, M. Fuller, and F. and F. Hamerstrom, greatly improved the manuscript by their suggestions. S. Postupalsky reviewed an earlier draft. R. Burton assisted with figure preparation. I am grateful to many field assis- tants, particularly L. Carson, M. Gratson, C. Harris, A. Kanvik, G. Kristensen, R. Murphy, and A. Rosenfield. D. Ledger provided field headquarters. I especially thank my wife, C. Rosenfield, for both her support and encouragement throughout this study. Literature Cited Burns, F.L. 1911. A monograph of the Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus). Wilson Bull. 23:139-320. Fitch, H.S. 1974. Observations on the food and nesting of the Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) in nor- theastern Kansas. Condor 76:331-333. Fuller, M.R. 1979. Spatiotemporal relationships of four sympatric raptor species. Ph.D. diss. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Henny, C.J., and H.M. Wight. 1972. Population ecol- ogy and environmental pollution: Red-tailed and Cooper’s Hawks. Pages 229-250 In Population Ecology of Migratory Birds. U.S. Department of Interior. Wildlife Report 2. 278 pp. Janik, C., and J.A. Mosher. 1982. Breeding biology of raptors in the central Appalachians. Raptor Res. 16:18-24. Reran, D. 1978. Nest site selection by the Broad-winged Hawk in north central Minnesota and Wisconsin. Raptor Res. 12:15-20. Matray, P.F. 1974. Broad-winged Hawk nesting and ecology. Auk 91:307-324. Postupalsky, S. 1974. Raptor reproductive suc- cess: some problems with methods, criteria, and ter- minology. In Hamerstrom, F.N., Jr., B.E. Harrell, and R.R. Olendorff, eds. Management of Raptors. Raptor Res. Rep. No. 2 pp. 21-31. Reynolds, R.T., and H.M. Wight. 1978. Distribution, density, and productivity of accipiter hawks breeding in Oregon. Wilson Bull. 90:182-196. Rusch, D.H., and P.D. Doerr. 1972. Broad-winged Hawk nesting and food habits. Auk 89:139-145. Titus, K., and J.A. Mosher. 1981. Nest-site habitat selected by woodland hawks in the central Appalac- hians. Auk 98:270-281. College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Received 15 July 1983; Accepted 31 May 1984 Anderson Award. The 2nd annual William C. Anderson Award for the best student paper was presented at the 1983 Raptor Research Foundation meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. The winner was Mr. Jim Duncan of the MacDonald Raptor Research Center, McGill University. Jim’s paper was entitled “Mate Selection in Captive Kestrels: I. Siblings vs. Strangers.” Students wishing to be considered for the 1984 ANDERSON AWARD must indicate their eligibility when submitting abstracts. Eligibility criteria were published in Raptor Research 16(1): 30-32. Questions regarding the 1984 award should be directed to: Dr. Robert Kennedy, Director, Raptor Information Center, National Wildlife Federation, 9412 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. Attention RRF Members Past and Present!! The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., is approaching its 20th Anniversary. In honor of this memorable occasion, I am compiling a twenty-year history of the Foundation to be presented in Sacramento at the 1985 annual meeting. In addition, plans are to compose a monograph detailing the Foundation’s history from beginning to present. I request the assistance of you, the membership, both past and present, in accomplishing this task. Please contact me if you have any pertinent information in your files, such as photographs, correspondence, etc., that you would be willing to loan to me. All such material will be acknowledged in publications, of course, and I will make copies of the materials for my use and return the originals immediately. If you have anything you wish to contribute, please contact me as follows: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, USA. °K S RAN® 10 Mindell and Mindell Vol. 18, No. 1 Figure 1. Map of Canadian and Alaskan observation sites visited during Spring 1982 raptor migration. RAPTOR MIGRATION IN NORTHWESTERN CANADA AND EASTERN ALASKA, SPRING 1982 DAVID P. MINDELL AND MARGARET H. MINDELL Abstract - Searches for migrant raptors in northern British Columbia, southern Yukon Territory and eastern Alaska were made between 29 March and 29 April 1982 at locations accessible by road along 3 potential, broadfront, migratory routes. Migration activity occurred within an intermountain route, passing between the Rocky and Pelly Mountains on the east and Coast and St. Elias Mountains on the west. We saw no migrant raptors coming from a coastal route north over Chilkat or White passes, or coming from a Canadian prairie route, east of the Rocky Mountains, over the pass along the Alaska Highway in the Summit Lake vicinity. We found concentrations of migrant raptors along the Lina Range by Atlin Lake, British Columbia, and at Johnson’s Crossing and in the Takhini River valley of southern Yukon Territory. Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus) were most frequently seen, followed in decreasing order by Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ), Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus ), Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) , and Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus). Comparison with other studies suggest that migrant buteos and Golden Eagles make greater use of an intermountain route through northwestern Canada than of a coastal route along the Gulf of Alaska, while migrant Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) more frequently use the coastal route. Migrating raptors seeking the most direct over- land route to breeding areas in extreme northwest- ern North America are funneled into areas of northwestern British Columbia, southwestern Yukon Territory, southeast and southcentral Alaska. Movements of migrant raptors to and from Alaska and northwestern Canada have been little studied although tens of thousands of raptors pass through this region biannually. The north-south oriented ranges of the Rocky, Cassiar and Coast Mountains along with the Pacific shoreline delineate 3 broadscale, potential migra- tion routes (Fig. 1) described as follows: 1) Coastal - along the west coast of British Columbia, and southeast Alaska, then either inland over mountain passes or continuing northwest along the Alaska coast south of the Chugach Mountains into central Alaska via the Copper River drainage, Portage Pass or other overland routes; 2) Intermountain - through the intermountain trenches in northern British Columbia and southwestern Yukon Territ- ory into the Yukon and Tanana River drainages; and 3) Canadian prairies - through Alberta and northeastern British Columbia east of the Rocky Mountains, then crossing the Rocky Mountains, and heading northwest through British Columbia and/or Yukon Territory similar to the intermoun- tain route. These 3 principal routes, all or in part, have been described previously by West et al. ( 1 968) as apparent routes for migrating Lapland Longspurs ( Calcarius lapponicus). Raptor migration is generally a broadfront pas- sage, occurring to some degree over nearly all land regions of the temperate zone. The distribution of visible migrants, however, is not random, partly due to topographic features either discouraging or inducing travel in a particular direction. Gauth- reaux (1979) has pointed out that despite the prominence of migration in avian lifestyles, routes, rates and calendars of migration are known for few species aside from waterfowl. The purpose of this study was to learn about distribution of migrant raptors moving through northwestern Canada and eastern Alaska, to locate specific areas of migrant concentration for future study, and to learn about timing of regional migration. Study Area and Methods Between 29 March and 29 April 1982, 3970 km were driven between Dease Lake on Rt. 37 in British Columbia, Summit Lake on Rt. 97 in British Columbia and Anchorage, Alaska. Observa- tions were made in 3 potential, broadscale, raptor migration routes to compare their relative use. We attempted to observe in areas physiographically conducive to concentrating migrants, such as along major rivers, lakes, southeast to northwest trending ridges, and mountain passes. Observations were made from roads or within 3 km hiking distance of roads, using binoculars or a 20X spotting scope to search for and identify migrants. Some of the most promising areas were rechecked on 2-3 non-consecutive days to reduce bias associated with varying weather conditions. Once an area was perceived to be used, we moved to another location. No attempt was made to count large numbers of birds or to determine magnitude of the migration. Raptor migration in interior western North America occurs along a broader front (Hoffman 1981, and in press) with smaller local concentrations of birds compared to eastern North America (Heintzelman 1975) and elsewhere (Smith 1980, Christensen et al. 1982). We use the term “route” to denote a broadscale, dispersed movement, and do not suggest that lack of sightings in any area indicates complete lack of use by migrants. We attempted to spend sufficient time at different locations in each of the 3 possible routes mentioned, to enable comparison of their relative use. The possibility of migrants departing from the general coastal route by moving northward through Lynn Canal and then into 11 Raptor Research 18(1): 10- 1 5 12 Mindell and Mindell Vol. 18, No. 1 mainland areas was checked by observing at Haines (Lentnikof Cove, Flat Bay) and Chilkat and White Passes. The intermountain route was sampled by observing at numerous locations along the Alaska Highway between Watson and Kluane Lakes (Fig. 1) and along Rt. 3 to Haines, Rt. 2 to Carcross, and Rt. 7 to Atlin. The possibility of migrants crossing the Rocky Mountains along the route of the Alaska Highway was checked from lookouts in the vicinity of Muncho and Summit Lakes, British Columbia. We distinguished migrants from possible residents by behavior. Sedentary birds or birds moving south or east were not counted unless they were south of their breeding range (e.g., Rough- legged Hawks ( Buteo lagopus) ). 232, Results and Discussion Route Use. — All migrant activity seen occurred within the intermountain route, passing between the Rocky Mountains on the east and the St. Elias and Coast Mountains on the west. No migrant rap- tors were seen coming from a coastal route north over Chilkat or White Passes or from east of the Rocky Mountains over the pass travelled by the Alaska Highway in the Summit Lake vicinity. Mig- rant Northern Harriers ( Circus cyaneus), Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ), Rough-legged Hawks and Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) were seen in the intermountain route (Takhini River valley west of Whitehorse) before, during, and after observa- tions at Summit Lake and Chilkat and White Passes (Table 1), suggesting that the lower abundance of migrants coming over the passes and at Summit Lake was not due only to timing of observations. Migrants passing through southern Yukon Ter- ritory in mid-April were apparently approaching from northwestern and northcentral British Col- umbia and the intermountain route rather than from a coastal or a Canadian prairies route through northeastern British Columbia. Late April weather conditions were still severe in Chilkat and White Passes and along the route of the Alaska Highway (Rt. 97) through the Rocky Mountains with 1 to 3 m of snow cover, whereas the T akhini River valley and much of the intermountain route were more temp- erate with some bare ground showing by late April. This is not to imply that no migration occurs through these passes or areas with snow cover. Sev- eral groups of 3-6 Sharp-shinned Hawks ( Accipiter striatus ) were seen heading south through Chilkat Pass on 7 October 1980. Weather in these mountain passes may be generally milder during the fall mig- ration than during the spring, and use by migrants may be correlated with the difference. On 27 and 28 March 1982 an apparent vanguard of the Canada Goose ( Branta canadensis ) migration (over 440 individuals) was seen resting along the last unfrozen sections of the Fraser River in central British Columbia, between Lac La Hache and Quesnel. Six Red-tailed Hawks were also seen 40 to 30 km south of Quesnel on 28 March 1982. No migrant raptors or geese were observed during the subsequent 7 days spent driving north to Watson Lake and observing in the area between Watson and Teslin Lakes. On this basis, it seems unlikely that large numbers of raptors passed through nor- thwestern British Columbia or southwestern Yukon Territory before observations began. Table 1. Observation sites, date, and total raptor sightings for Spring 1982 migration in northwestern Canada and Eastern Alaska. (B.C. = British Columbia; Y.T. = Yukon Territory.) Location Dates No. migrant raptors seen Summit Lake, B.C. 16-18 Apr 0 Johnson’s Crossing, Y.T. 1,14,15,19-21 Apr 73 Atlin Lake, B.C. 21-23 Apr 142 White Pass, B.C. 3, 24, 25 Apr. 0 Chilkat Pass, B.C. 8, 12, 13 Apr. 0 Haines area, Alaska1 9-12 Apr 0 Takhini River valley, Y.T. 5, 6, 13, 14, 26 Apr 53 Other2 5-28 Apr 46 1 Lentnikof Cove, Flat Bay. 2 <3 migrant raptors were seen at any one location, and all locations were within the intermountain route. Spring 1984 Spring Migration 1982 13 Based on physiographic features, 3 sub-routes can be distinguished within the broader inter- mountain route: 1) between the Rocky and Cassiar Mountains, entering Yukon Territory near Watson Lake, 2) between the Pelly and Cassiar Mountains and the St. Elias and Coast Mountains, entering Yukon Territory near Teslin, and 3) along the east slope of the Coast Mountains and Atlin or Tagish Lakes entering the Yukon River drainage near Whitehorse. Observed migrant activity was greater in sub-routes 2) and 3). Recoveries of Alaskan banded birds show that at least some Peregrine Falcons ( Falco peregrinus) (Ambrose et al. 1983) and Rough-legged Hawks (Kessel and Cade 1958) cross the Rocky Mountains, and many Alaskan breeding Red-tailed Hawks do so as well. Migrants cross the Rocky Mountains in many regions, however, Williston Lake west of Dawson Creek, British Columbia and the Jasper and Banff areas may be worthy of future study. A coastal route through southeastern and south- central Alaska, along the Gulf of Alaska is used by many raptors based on observations by Islieb and Kessel (1973) and Swem (1982a, 1982b). Dates of migrant passage recorded by Swem (1982a) were such that if large numbers flew from the coastal migratory route north up Lynn Canal and over Chilkat or White Passes we would likely have seen some of them. Specific Locations of Migrant Activity. — Within the intermountain route relatively high concentra- tions of migrants were found at 3 locations. On 22 April we counted 117 raptors in 6 hrs, flying north along the Lina Range on the east side of Atlin Lake, British Columbia. This included 65 Northern Har- riers, 21 Golden Eagles, 18 Red-tailed Hawks, 8 Buteo sp., 4 Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and 1 Peregrine Falcon. The Lina Range rises 900 m above Atlin Lake, and most of the migrants were observed from 300 m above the range to half-way down the slope. At Johnson’s Crossing, Yukon Territory we counted 73 raptors during 15.2 total hrs of obser- vation during portions of 5 days between 14 and 2 1 April. Johnson’s Crossing is at the outlet of Teslin Lake, a northwest trending lake approximately 80 km northeast of Atlin Lake. In descending order of abundance the migrants were: Red-tailed Hawks, Northern Harriers, Buteo sp., Rough-legged Hawks and Golden and Bald Eagles. On 13 and 14 April 23 migrants were seen during 5.5 hrs of slow driving and observation in the Takhini River valley, 10 to 50 km west of Whitehorse. The Takhini River valley receives mig- rants that have come northwest along Teslin Lake, Atlin Lake, and Tagish Lake (intermountain route). The Takhini River valley is broad, however, we saw raptors from observation spots on Rt. 1, 3 km east of Champagne, 2 km east of the Kusawa Lake turnoff and at the Takhini River Crossing. We saw a total of 1 0 migrants during fast travel through the Takhini River valley on 5 and 26 April. Mig- rants proceeding through the intermountain route could pass along Kluane Lake, however, our obser- vations there were after the bulk of the Northern Harrier and Buteo migrations had passed. We saw only a few migrants along the Tagish River at Tagish, Yukon Territory, and the Tanana River near Tetlin Junction, Alaska. Species Abundances. — The Northern Harrier was the most frequently seen migrant (Table 2). At each of the 3 main areas of migrant activity, either the Northern Harrier or the 2 buteos as a group were most abundant. The largest flight of Northern Harriers and Golden Eagles was seen along Atlin Lake (Lina Range), while the largest flights of Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks were seen at Johnson’s Crossing. Table 2. Species percentages of migrant raptors (n = 3 14) seen in northwestern Canada and eastern Alaska 5-18 April 1982. Red-tailed Rough-legged Northern Golden Bald Peregrine Hawk Hawk ' Harrier Eagle Eagle Falcon % of total sightings 29.1 9.4 40.2 15.7 5.2 0.4 14 Mindell and Mindell Vol. 18, No. 1 Comparing our study with another conducted during the spring of 1982 along the Gulf of Alaska coast at Sitkagi Beach, west of Yakutat Bay (Swem 1982a), the Northern Harrier was the most abun- dant species along both the intermountain route and the coastal route passing Sitkagi Beach. Sharp- shinned Hawks, however, were the second most abundant species along the coastal route (26.5% of total) while none were seen in the intermountain route. Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks com- bined accounted for only 1.8% of the total sightings along the Gulf of Alaska at Sitkagi Beach,3com- pared to 38.5% in the intermountain route. Golden Eagles were also comparatively rare along the coastal route, comprising 0.4% of total sightings, compared to 15.7% in the intermountain route. Greater use of the coastal route by migrant Sharp-shinned Hawks and greater use of the in- termountain route by migrant buteos and Golden Eagles is supported by Swarth (1924, and 1926) who found that Sharp-shinned Hawks were “never common in the Atlin, British Columbia region, not even in the fall after southward migration had begun”, and by Islieb and Kessel (1973) who de- scribed Rough-legged Hawks and Golden Eagles as rare migrants, Red-tailed Hawks as casual migrants and Sharp-shinned Hawks as fairly common mig- rants along the Gulf of Alaska and in the Prince William Sound region. Swarth did observe migrat- ing Sharp-shinned Hawks at Hazelton in the Skeena River valley of westcentral British Colum- bia, although hawks in this area may have been headed for the coast. A tendency for Sharp- shinned Hawks to migrate in greater numbers along the Pacific coast or along the southern edge of the boreal forest might help to explain the relative scarcity of migrant Sharp-shinned Hawks in inland western North America compared to inland sites in eastern North America such as Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, as suggested by Hoffman (in press). Islieb and Kessel (1973) also described Red-tailed Hawks as regular fall migrants in southcentral Alaska along the Glenn Highway between King and Sheep Mountains in late September and early Oc- tober. This corresponds with fall migration obser- vations we made along the Glenn Highway in 1980 and 1981, and with observations by Bob Dittrick (pers. comm.). Peregrines represented 0.8% of the sightings along the Gulf of Alaska, and 0.4% in the inter- mountain route. Swarth (1926) also saw migrant Peregrines within the intermountain route at Tagish and Teslin Lakes. On the east side of the Rocky Mountains migrant Peregrines are consis- tently observed in spring passing through the Ed- monton, Alberta region (Dekker 1979). The ob- served fall passage there is considerably less, suggesting seasonal difference in distribution of migrant Peregrines. Although no migrant Merlins (Falco columbarius) were seen during our study they have been seen both along the coastal route (Swem 1982a) and within the intermountain route (Swarth 1924, and 1926). Chronology. — The first migrant Rough-legged Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles were all seen on 5 April in 1982. The first Northern Harriers were not seen until 14 April. Similarity in timing of migration for Rough-legged and Red- tailed Hawks is reflected in similar breeding chronologies in portions of Alaska (Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959, Mindell 1983). Although the present study was not designed to determine timing of peak migration, the main mig- ration of buteos in the intermountain route through southwestern Yukon Territory and northwestern British Columbia appeared to be over by 25 April, while some Northern Harriers were still passing through. This corresponds with aver- age laying dates over a 4-yr period of 17 May for Rough-legged Hawks and 16 May for Red-tailed Hawks along the Kuskokwim River in western Alaska (Mindell 1983). On 23 April 1982 we ob- served a Red-tailed Hawk nest building at Tarfu Lake near the northern end of Atlin Lake. Swem (1982a) found the peak abundance of migrating raptors passing Sitkagi Beach near Yakutat Bay to be on 28 April, with stragglers of 7 species going by as late as 8 May. Acknowledgements We thank Mark Fuller for providing helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Literature Cited Ambrose, R., P. Schempf, and R. Hunter. 1983. Ameri- can Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus anatum ) studies on the upper Yukon River, Alaska, 1983. Unpubl. report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, Anchorage. 19 pp. Christensen, S., O. Lou, M. Mueller, and H. Wohlmuth. 1982. The spring migration of raptors in southern Israel and Sinai. Sandgrouse 3:1-42. Dekker, D. 1979. Characteristics of Peregrine Falcons migrating through central Alberta, 1969-1978. Can. Field Nat. 93:296-302. Spring 1984 Spring Migration 1982 15 Gabrielson, I.N. and F.C. Lincoln. 1959. The birds of Alaska. The Stackpole Co. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 922 pp. Gauthreaux, S.A., Jr. 1979. Priorities in bird migration studies. Auk 96:813-815. Heintzelman, D.S. 1975. Autumn hawk flights: the migration in eastern North America. Rutgers Univ. Press, New Brunswick, N.J. 398 pp. Hoffman, S. 1981. Western hawk watching. The News- letter of the Hawk Migration Assoc, of North America 6(1): 1-5. Hoffman, S. In press. Raptor movements in inland west- ern North America: a synthesis. Proceedings of Hawk Migration Conference IV, Rochester, N.Y., March 24-26, 1983. Islieb, M.E. and B. Kessel. 1973. Birds of the north gulf coast - Prince William Sound region, Alaska. Biol. Papers of the Univ. of Alaska, No. 14. Kessel, B. and T.J. Cade. 1958. Birds of the Colville River northern Alaska. Biol. Papers of the Univ. of Alaska, No. 2. Mindell, D.P. 1983. Nesting raptors in southwestern Alaska; status, distribution, and aspects of biology. BLM-Alaska Technical Report 8. Bureau of Land Manage., Alaska State Office, Anchorage. 59 pp. BLM/AK/TR-83/08. Smith, N.G. 1980. Hawk and vulture migrations in the Neotropics, pp. 51-65 in Migrant birds in the Neo- tropics. Keast. A. and F. Morton, eds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 576 pp. Swarth, H.S. 1924. Birds and mammals of the Skeena River region of northern British Columbia. Univ. of Cal. Publ. in Zool. 24(3):3 15-394. Swarth, H.S. 1926. Report on a collection of birds and mammals from the Atlin Region, northern British Columbia. Univ. of Cal. Publ. in Zool. 30(4):51-162. Swem, T. 1982a. Results of the Sitkagi Beach raptor migration study, spring 1982. Unpubl. report pre- pared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, Anchorage, Alaska. 21 pp. Swem, T. 1982b. Results of the Sitkagi Beach raptor migration study, autumn 1982. Unpubl. report pre- pared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, Anchorage, Alaska. 14 pp. West, G.C., L.J. Peyton, and L. Irving. 1968. Analysis of spring migration of Lapland Longspurs to Alaska. Auk 85:639-653. Department of Zoology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. Address of second author: 1 1 South 200 East, Lin- don, UT 84062. Received 2 December 1982; Accepted 1 May 1983 Position Available - NATURALIST/STAFF BIOLOGIST. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association seeks a naturalist/staff biologist for a two-year position beginning in August 1984. Responsible for all field studies, including fall raptor migraton count. Will also participate as resource person in education program. Excellent opportunity to initiate new studies and analyze migration statistics. Computer system available. Minimum qualifications are M.S. in biology or related field, experience in conducting field studies and data analysis/write-up, experience with raptor identification, and ability and interest in working with volunteers and general public. Computer experience strongly preferred. Salary plus housing on grounds. Apply to Stanley E. Senner, Executive Director, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association, Rt. 2, Kempton, PA 19529. Hawk Mountain Research Awards. The Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association is accepting applications for its eighth annual award for raptor research. To apply for the $500 award, students should submit a description of their research program, a curriculum vita, and 2 letters of recommendation by 30 September 1984, to James J. Brett, Curator, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Rt. 2, Kempton, Pennsylvania 19529. The Association’s Board of Directors will make a final decision late in 1984. Only students enrolled in a degree-granting institution are eligible. Both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply. The award will be granted on the basis of a project’s potential to improve understanding of raptor biology and its ultimate relevance to conservation of North American raptor populations. THE EFFECT OF MINING AND BLASTING ON BREEDING PRAIRIE FALCON (Falco mexicanus) OCCUPANCY IN THE CABALLO MOUNTAINS, NEW MEXICO James C. Bednarz Abstract - I surveyed 3 small isolated mountain ranges in southcentral New Mexico for the presence of breeding Prairie Falcons ( Falco mexicanus). Of these, the Caballo Mountains were intensively impacted by mining and blasting activity, while the other 2 were essentially undisturbed. No falcons were found in the disturbed mountain range, but a total of 8 nests were documented in the 2 control ranges. The 3 areas were extremely similar in all respects except for the number of mining claims. Almost no published information is available concerning the impacts of mining and blasting on birds of prey. The limited data available are re- stricted to observation of short-term impacts on actively nesting raptors (Stahlecker and Alldredge 1976). Several works (Allen 1979, Call 1979, Becker and Ball 1981) contain speculation about the im- pending impacts of mining operations on raptors and offer suggestions to minimize potentially ad- verse effects. Follow-up or controlled experimental studies of such impacts are virtually nonexistent. Herein I report the numbers of breeding Prairie Falcons observed during a survey of 3 small and very similar mountain ranges in southcentral New Mexico. One of these ranges, the Caballo Moun- tains, has been intensively impacted by mining op- erations and associated human intrusions for sev- eral years. The other 2, the Fra Cristobal and Florida mountains, have minimal or no disturbance from mining. If mining and the associated blasting has no influence on Prairie Falcon nest occupancy, I would expect the numbers of breeding falcons at all 3 study areas to be similar. The habitat and number of cliffs at all 3 mountain ranges seems comparable. Study Areas and Methods I surveyed the Fra Cristobal Mountains on 15-18 April and 19-23 May 1980, the Florida Mountains on 21-25 April 1980, and the Caballo Mountains on 5-9 May 1980. These ranges were searched for raptors as part of a larger statewide survey with emphasis on endangered raptors on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). These 3 ranges are isolated, but located in relatively close proximity (Fig. 1). The climate of all 3 ranges is similar; all are extremely dry with summer daytime temp often exceeding 38° C and winter temp commonly dropping below 0° C at night. The vegetation in all 3 study areas can be characterized as creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata) dominated shrubland on the lower slopes grading into a sparse juniper-oak (Juniperus spp.; Quercus spp.) woodland on the summits and upper, north-facing slopes (Table 1). Elements of Chihuahuan desert vegetation (e.g . Prosopis glandulosa, Yucca spp ,,Opuntia spp.) are more common in the Florida Mountains. Suitable cliff habitat, elevation and topographic relief above basins are comparable for all 3 study areas (Table 1). Area of suitable cliff habitat (Table 1) includes only that contiguous mountain habitat that contains cliffs potentially usable as nest sites. Foothill habitats without cliffs sur- rounding mountain ranges were not included in this area mea- surement. Geologically, the Fra Cristobal and the Caballo mountains are nearly identical, consisting primarily of marine sedimentary rock resulting from an uplift along the Rio Grande Rift (Kelly and Silver 1952). The Florida Mountains differ in this respect as they are of a rhyolitic formation. Field surveys in all 3 areas emphasized the most prominent cliffs, which in my experience are preferred by Prairie Falcons for nest sites. I have found that cliffs < 50 m in height are generally used only in New Mexico when larger cliffs are not available. During this study I examined numerous smaller cliffs (< 50 m in height) but none contained active Prairie Falcon nests. Surveys were accomplished by climbing to an observation point that al- lowed observation of 1 or more large cliffs ( > 50 m of vertical or near vertical rock). I studied cliffs for falcon-like excrement (“whitewash”) with binoculars and spotting scope and watched for falcon activity for periods of several hours as outlined by Bond et al. (1977) and Call (1978). Cliff observations were made in the early morning or late afternoon. After cliffs were watched for at least 2 h without success, I approached from below and attempted to disturb (by shouting and clapping hands) any previously unob- served raptor. Observations were discontinued at cliff sites when nests of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) or Prairie Falcon were located. Field examinations in all areas were conducted when falcons were expected to be incubating or possibly tending small young. Accessibility of mountain ranges differed considerably. The Caballo range had numerous roads on talus slopes providing easy access to excellent observation perches close to prominent cliffs. On the other hand, the Fra Cristobal range was extremely remote and almost no roads approach the foothills. Although I spent nearly twice as many field days in this area, most of the additional time was used in travel. Access roads circled around the Florida Mountains, but generally stopped at the base of the talus. Search and observation effort at all 3 ranges was comparable (Table 2). Results and Discussion I located 5 active Prairie Falcon nests in the Florida range and 3 active sites in the Fra Cristobal range (Table 2). No nests or large falcons were observed in the Caballo Mountains. I also found 2 Golden Eagle nests in the Fra Cristobal range. In all observable physical and ecological characteristics, except for the intensity of mining, the 3 mountain 16 Raptor Research 18( 1): 16-19 Spring 1984 James C. Bednarz 17 Table 1. Characteristics of 3 mountain study areas in southcentral New Mexico. Fra Cristobal Mountains Caballo Mountains Florida Mountains Approx, area of suitable cliff habitat (km2) 36 26 34 Maximum elevation (m) 2083 2301 2270 Elevation relief above basin (m) 730 1000 915 Primary rock type marine sedimentary marine sedimentary rhyolite Dominant vegetation community on slopes creosote shrubland creosote shrubland creosote-mesquite shrubland Dominant vegetation community at summit juniper-oak woodland juniper-oak woodland juniper-oak woodland ranges appeared to be extremely similar (Tables 1 and 2). The area I surveyed (26 km2) in the Caballo Mountains contained 125 active mining claims (mining claim records dt 21 June 1980, BLM State Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico). I witnessed blasting during 1 of my 5 field survey days in this area. Numerous shallow shafts were blasted into rock walls and talus slopes throughout the range. These blast shafts were concentrated at or just above the base of both large and small cliffs examined. In addition, several ladders were bolted to the vertical Table 2. Results of field survey for Prairie Falcon nests and active mining claims in 3 southcentral New Mexico. mountain study areas in Fra Cristobal Mountains Caballo Mountains Florida Mountains Field days 9 5 5 Cliff observation (time h) 25.9 25.0 25.0 # of major cliffs examined ( > 50 m in height) 10 8 9 # of major cliffs not examined ( > 50 m in height) 3 3 4 # nests located 3 0 5 Mining claims recorded at BLM office 0 125 29 Mining activity observed none intense none 18 Prairie Falcon in New Mexico Vol. 18, No. 1 0 100 I 1 k m Fig. 1 . Location of 3 mountain tudy areas in southcentral New Mexico. rock walls and 2 compressors were parked high on the talus slopes adjacent to cliffs. In the Florida Mountains, with 29 mining claims in the area surveyed (34 km2), I observed no evi- dence of active mining. I did note 1 probable min- ing road leading up the talus slope on the north side of the mountain range. No evidence of mining ac- tivity was observed in the Fra Cristobal range. The absence of nesting Prairie Falcons from the Caballo range was an unexpected Finding. Promi- nent cliffs in the 2 control study areas provided habitat for 8 pairs of breeding falcons. Evidence of mining activity and related human disturbance was obvious in the Caballo Mountains, but minimal in the 2 control ranges. Breeding falcons may have occurred in the Caballo Mountains in 1980, but if so, they must have occupied the smaller, less preferred cliffs. Given that I did not observe any Prairie Falcons, during the field survey, I suspect that few, if any, breeding falcons were present. No historical data on raptor breeding populations are available for any of the 3 ranges surveyed. A possible alternative explanation is that low numbers of available prey made the Caballo range unsuitable as falcon breeding habitat in 1980. I feel, however, this is unlikely because the Fra Cristobal Range 30 km to the north and the Florida range 90 km to the south provided enough prey to support at least 8 pairs. The vegetative cover in the vicinity of all ranges was extremely similar in all appearances. An absence of Prairie Falcons from the Caballo Mountains could only be caused by an extreme depression in prey populations in a very localized area around these mountains, which seems highly improbable. The Florida Mountains were used by almost twice as many falcon pairs (5 vs 3) as the Fra Cristobal Mountains. This difference may be due to the dis- persion of cliffs in the respective ranges. Prominent cliffs in the Florida range were uniformly distri- buted along the west face, whereas in the Fra Cris- tobal range, cliffs were aggregated in 2 relatively small parts of the range (1 aggregation in the north portion and the other in the south). The uniform cliff dispersion probably enables more falcons to use a small mountain range without intruding into defended areas around neighboring eyries. The cliffs in the Caballo range are distributed in a man- ner similar to that found in the Florida Mountains. Therefore, I would expect to find between 3-5 Prairie Falcon nests if the Caballo Mountains were undisturbed. All raptors have individual differences in the amount of disturbance that will be endured. I am aware of 1 case in Wyoming where a pair of Prairie Falcons tolerated intensive coal mining activity in- cluding blasting, heavy equipment operation, and settling pond construction within 75 m of the nest (S. Platt, pers. comm.). Falcons returned to the same general area for 3 consecutive years (1981- 1983) following the disturbance. These birds were not successful in producing young in any of the years monitored, but adverse weather conditions may have been a factor (S. Platt, pers. comm.). In this case the primary disturbance was limited to 1 breeding season and was apparently of similar in- tensity throughout the disturbance period. Toler- ant falcons may more readily habituate to a steady, predictable intensity of disturbance. In contrast, mining and blasting activity in the impacted range surveyed during this study was probably of a highly variable and unpredictable nature. Blasting and mining operations in the Caballo Mountains are primarily the endeavaors of indi- vidual prospectors or small part-time mining partnerships. One larger corporation was mining barite at the time of my survey, but this mining was Spring 1984 James C. Bednarz 19 in the foothills >3 km from the area of suitable nesting cliffs. Since the climate in this area is rela- tively mild and there are no restrictons on blasting, I assume that all active claims are worked periodi- cally throughout the year. All mining in the survey area seemed to be on a part-time basis. Placer gold was probably the principle mineral that was being extracted. Also, much of the mining activity is sus- pected to be treasure hunting in search of legen- dary “Spanish gold” thought to be hidden in the Caballo Mountains (T. Custer, BLM Geologist, White Sands Resource Area; pers. comm.). Trea- sure hunters may pursue their hobby under the facade of a mining claim which allows them to leg- ally blast natural cliff faces. The combination of mining and treasure hunting has resulted in an extremely high intensity of blasting in the Caballo Mountains. In conclusion, I believe the data presented here suggest that there is a difference in Prairie Falcon nest occupancy between the Caballo Mountains and the 2 control ranges most likely due to blasting and mining or associated human activities. To my knowledge, no study has examined the long-term effects of mining or blasting on occupancy of raptor nest sites, but short-term impacts have been documented (Stahlecker and Alldredge 1976). Ellis (1981), based on a 2 y study of simulated sonic boom noise, implied that both adverse short-term and long-term impacts of such activities were probably negligible on nesting raptors. My results indicate that this conclusion cannot be extended to more intensive blasting and mining activities, and I urge further observation, and particularly, controlled experimental studies to address the long-term im- pacts of such disturbances on breeding raptors. Acknowledgements I thank Gregory Schmitt, Marshall C. Conway, and John P. Hubbard for providing encouragement during the course of field surveys. Pat L. Kennedy, George Anne Thibodeau, Buck Cully, Dale W. Stahlecker, and John P. Hubbard thoroughly reviewed earlier drafts. Steve Platt shared with me some of his data and thoughts on the impacts of mining on raptors. Mr. Joe Williams, Mr. Crawford, and other ranchers gave me permission to enter and camp on their land. This work was supported by the Bureau of Land Management and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Endangered Species Program. Literature Cited Allen, G. T. 1979. Assessment of potential conflicts between nesting raptors and human activities in the Long Pines area of southeastern Montana — with spe- cial emphasis on uranium development. M.S. Thesis, Washington State University, Pullman. 109 pp. Becker, D. M., and I. J. Ball. 1981. Impacts of surface mining on Prairie Falcons: recommendations for monitoring and mitigation. Unpubl. m.s., Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Montana State University, Missoula. 38 pp. Bond, F. M., C. R. Craig, J. H. Enderson, A. W. Heggen, C. E. Knoder, J. V. Kussman, M. W. Nelson, R. D. Porter, D. L. Wills. 1977. American Peregrine Fal- con recovery plan (Rocky Mountain and Southwest populations). U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. 183 pp. Call, M. W. 1978. Nesting habitats and surveying techniques for common western raptors. U.S.D.I., Bureau of Land Management Technical Note TN- 316. 115 pp. Call, M. W. 1979. Habitat management guidelines for birds of prey. U.S.D.I., Bureau of Land Management Technical Note TN-338. 67 pp. Ellis, D. H. 1981. Responses of raptorial birds to low level military jets and sonic booms. Unpubl. m.s., In- stitute for Raptor Studies, Oracle, Arizona. 59 pp. Kelly, V. C., and C. Silver. 1952. The geology of the Caballo Mountains: with special reference to regional stratigraphy and structure and to mineral resources, including oil and gas. University of New Mexico Publ. in Geology No. 4. 286 pp. Stahlecker, D. W., and A. W. Alldredge. 1976. The impact of an underground nuclear fracturing experi- ment on cliff-nesting raptors. Wilson Bull. 88:151- 154. Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquer- que, NM 87131. Received 17 December 1983; Accepted 27 April 1984 RESULTS OF A HELICOPTER SURVEY OF CLIFF NESTING RAPTORS IN A DEEP CANYON IN SOUTHERN IDAHO T. H. Craig and E. H. Craig Abstract - In 1 980 a helicopter survey of cliff nesting raptors was conducted along Salmon Falls Creek, a deep canyon in southern Idaho. The most numerous species recorded was the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) followed by the Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos), Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus ), and Common Raven ( Corvus corax). Great Horned Owls ( Bubo virginianus) , Barn Owls ( Tytoalba ), and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) were recorded when they flushed from cliff faces. Numbers of Prairie Falcon nests and Barn Owls flushed may have been related to land use practices near the canyon. Inter-nest distances, productivity, nest exposure and the behavioral response of nesting adults are presented for the 4 principle nesting raptors. A comparison of the results of a simultaneous boat survey revealed that the helicopter survey was faster and more accurate in determiningitotal active and inactive nests. Nesting densities of raptors in the intermountain west have been determined for several locations (Platt 1971, Smith and Murphy 1973, Howard et al. 1976, Seibert etal. 1976, Thurow et al. 1980). How- ever, except in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area (BPSA), few nesting surveys have been conducted in deep canyons in this region (USDI 1979a). The data reported herein were gathered in 1980 during a helicopter survey of Salmon Falls Creek, a deep canyon in southern Idaho. Study Area and Methods The northern part of Salmon Falls Creek flows for approxi- mately 103 km from the Nevada border north to its confluence with the Snake River in Idaho. The creek is small with a mean daily flow in water-year 1980 of 4.59 m3/sec (provisional information from the U.S. Geological Survey, Boise, Idaho). The area around the creek is cool desert (Odum 1971) dominated by shrubs where native vegetation remains. Native habitat has largely been re- placed by introduced grass seedings (primarily Agropyron cristatum) or agriculture over large portions of the study area. The study area was divided into 4 segments based on vegetation and physiographic features, and distances (creek-km) were mea- sured beginning at the Nevada border. The southernmost seg- ment ( 1 ) is characterized by a meandering stream and a 20 km long reservoir contained within a relatively shallow (50 ± 1 1 m) cliff- lined boundary. It is surrounded by Artemesia arbusculal grass seedings. The Salmon Falls Creek Dam marks the northern end of segment 1. Beginning at the dam, the creek flows through a deep (145 ± 26 m) gorge to creek-km 62 (segment 2) and is surrounded predominantly by Artemesia tridentatal grass seedings to at least 3.5 km away from its rim. In the succeeding segment (3) the vegeta- tion bordering the east side of the creek is agriculture, while the west side is covered with A. tridentatal grass seedings. The final segment (4) begins at creek-km 81 and is bordered on the east predominantly by agriculture and on the west by a mixture of A. tridentatal grass seedings and agriculture. In 1980 from 28-30 May and on 5 June we flew in a Hiller 12E helicopter for about 16 h inventorying cliff nesting raptors in the gorge. Nesting data were collected on all raptor species except American Kestrels (Falco sparverius). Nest location, status (an active nest was one where adults or young were present or which obvi- ously had recently fledged young), estimated exposure, and the behavior of adults toward the helicopter were recorded. To minimize flight time and disturbance to raptors, nest parameters were not recorded for every inactive nest, and we did not tarry at active nest sites if we were unable to count nestlings immediately. Because cavity nests are difficult to find, we did not attempt to determine nest sites of Barn Owls, Great Horned Owls, or Turkey Vultures, but did record them when we flushed these birds from cliffs. Nests of Prairie Falcons were recorded when adults were flushed near a pothole or ledge (usually with white-wash beneath it), when young were observed, or when adult(s) defended against the helicopter. Nest site characteristics and distances between nests were mea- sured on topographic maps, and nest elevations were determined on maps at a point on the canyon rim above the nest. It should be noted that when 2 nests were close together and neither was close to another, the effect on our data was to double the inter-nest distance in calculation of the mean. Because we recorded nest exposure in 16 directions our sample size was too small for statisti- cal analysis. Therefore, we lumped this information into 4 general directions to increase sample size. Gross vegetational patterns were determined by placing a grid of 144 randomly selected spots (after Marcum and Loftsgaarden 1980) on aerial photographs of the study area in each major vegetation type. The percents of spots falling on: 1) agriculture, 2) A tridentatal grass seeding, 3) A. arbusculal grass seeding, and 4) other (roads, canyon, water) were then calculated. The grid used to select the 144 random spots covered a square area (approxi- mately 92.16 km2), the corners of which (farthest random point possible) were about 6.8 km from the center of the canyon. Results and Discussion Nesting Density. — The most numerous nesting raptors in the canyon were Red-tailed Hawks, Gol- den Eagles, Prairie Falcons, and Common Ravens (Table 1). A comparison with the BPSA reveals that Salmon Falls Creek is an area of lower raptor de- nsity. The diversity of nesting raptors is also lower since no Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis ) were found nesting on cliffs in Salmon Falls Creek (Table 2). The density of nesting raptors in Salmon Falls Creek is, however, larger than reported for the Rio Grande River Gorge (Ponton 1980). 20 Raptor Research 18(l):20-25 Spring 1984 Craig and Craig 21 Table 1. Distribution of Raptor Nests/km (N), Raptors Flushed/km (F) and Vegetational Coverage in Salmon Falls Creek, Idaho. Estimated Vegetational Cover Artemesia Artemesia Segment Golden Eagle (N) Prairie Falcon(N) Red-Tailed Hawk(N) Common Raven(N) Great-Horned Barn Owl(F) Owl(F) Turkey Vulture(F) Agri- culture tridentata / seedings arbusculal seedings Other 1 0.13 0.7* 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.00* 0.03 0% 0% 88% 12% 2 0.28 0.27* 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.00* 0.00 0% 92% 0% 8% 3 0.21 0.31* 0.31 0.16 0.21 0.16* 0.00 29% 61% 0% 10% 4 0.10 0.05* 0.33 0.05 0.14 0.19* 0.00 70% 21% 0% 9% Total 0.18 0.17 0.21 0.12 0.13 0.07 0.01 Total Observations: 19 18 22 12 13 7 1 *Statistical significance (P< 0.05), X2 test. There were more active eagle nests in the parts of the canyon bordered by A. tridentata! g rass seedings, but more Red-tailed Hawk nests in the part of the canyon bordered by agricultural lands, although neither were significantly higher (P > 0.05). An important prey of Golden Eagles near our study area is the Black-tailed Jack Rabbit (Lepus calif or- nicus) (Seibert et al. 1976, USDI 1979a), a lagomorph that is dependent upon native sageb- rush communities (USDI 1979a) like those in seg- ments 2 and 3. Red-tailed Hawks, on the other hand, are a more diverse feeder and may be better able to utilize areas of the canyon bordered by ag- riculture. There was a significant difference in the number of Prairie Falcon nests and Barn Owls flushed in different segments of the creek. Prairie Falcons were noted more frequently in areas bordered by A tridentata/ grass seedings than in parts bordered by A. arbusculalg rass seedings or agriculture. Barn Owls on the other hand, were flushed from the canyon walls only in segments bordered by ag- ricultural lands. These results may reflect a re- sponse to some environmental factor, such as cli- mate, since segment 1 is higher and cooler than segment 4. However, Prairie Falcons feed on small mammals which can be adversely affected by ag- riculture (USDI 1979a), while Barn Owls may pre- fer nest sites near agricultural lands (USDI 1979b). There was no significant difference in the numbers of Great Horned Owls and Turkey Vultures flushed or Common Raven nests and vacant stick nests seen in different segments of the canyon. Inter-nest distances. — Distances between con- Table 2. A Comparison of Nesting Density (Nests/km) of Selected Raptors and Total Raptor Diversity Among 3 River Gorges in the western United States. Salmon Falls Creek Idaho Snake River Birds of Prey Study Area Idaho Rio Grande Gorge Colorado and New Mexico Golden Eagle 0.18 0.19 0.04 Prairie Falcon 0.17 1.32 0.10 Red-tailed Hawk 0.21 0.37 0.18 Common Raven 0.12 0.76 0.12 Total 0.68 2.64 0.44 # of species found 9 10 5 22 Helicopter Survey of Nesting Raptors Vol. 18, No. 1 Table 3. Straight-Line Inter-nest Distances in Km of Adjacent Conspecific Raptor Nests in Salmon Falls Creek, Idaho, and Average Inter-nest Distances in Km for Adjacent Conspecifics in the Snake River Birds of Prey Study Area Over 8 years (After USDI 1979a). Salmon Falls Creek X ± S.D. (min.) BPSA Inter-nest distance (smallest min.) Golden Eagle 4.39 ± 2.3(1.56) 3.46(0.97) Prairie Falcon 4.13 ± 3.7(0.58) 0.65(0.09) Red-tailed Hawk 3.91 ± 3.0(0.32) 2.08(0.35) Common Raven 7.48 ± 7.3(0.10) Not recorded specific nests were variable (Table 3). Mean and min. inter-nest distances, especially for Prairie Fal- cons, are larger than observed in the BPSA and reflect the difference in raptor densities of the 2 areas (USDI 1979a). It should be noted that because the Snake River Canyon is comparatively wide, ter- ritorial spacing of raptors along the canyon is prob- ably minimized. The greatest mean conspecific inter-nest distance in our study area was among Common Raven nests. Ravens also showed the smallest min. nesting dis- tance (0.1/km) of any conspecific nesting pair, perhaps reflecting weak intraspecific territoriality in ravens as noted by Knight and Call (1980). Common Ravens also nested close to Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie Falcons (Table 4). Close nesting of ravens to raptors has been noted elsewhere, hypothesizing a commensal relationship (Knight and Call 1980). Golden Eagles displayed the greatest X distances to their nearest neighbors in Salmon Falls Creek. Productivity. — - We recorded the number of young (most were late nestlings) in nests of 2 species. The mean number of young in 16 Golden Eagle nests was 1.94 T 0.68 (range 1-3) which is comparable to the mean number of young fledged per successful nesting attempt (1.62) of Golden Eagles in the BPSA and comparison area (USDI 1979a). We ob- served a mean of 2.79 T 0.79 (range 2-4) young for 19 Red-tailed Hawk nests. A similar figure (# of young fledged/successful nesting attempt = 2.70) has been noted in the BPSA (USDI 1979a). Nest Exposure. — Nest exposures for all active and many vacant stick nests are contained in Table 5. The 2 rows of data resulted when we arbitrarily lumped the observed 16 exposures into quadrants which correspond nearly to NW, NE, SE, SW and then rotated the boundaries of our quadrants 45° so that the easterly and northeasterly exposures were not divided. In the first treatment of the data, nests were oriented significantly more to the quadrant bet- Table 4. Inter-nest Distances (X km + S.D.) of nearest neighboring raptor nests in Salmon Falls Creek, Idaho. Species: Golden Eagle Red-tailed Hawk Prairie Falcon Common Raven Nearest Neighbors: Golden Eagle 0 Prairie Falcon Red Tailed Hawk 0.75 ± 0.17 N = 7 1.53 ± 0.77 N = 8 0.18 ± 0.63 N = 4 1.46 ± 0.80 N = 4 0.73 ± 0.51 N = 6 0.84 ± 0.45 N = 6 0.48 ± 0.32 N = 6 1.06 ± 0.54 N = 5 0.73 ± 0.25 N = 2 0.75 ± 0.55 N = 8 0.75 ± 0.38 N = 3 1.68 ± 0.73 N = 4 0.35 N = 1 0.58 ± 0.32 N = 5 0.10 N = 2 Common Raven Spring 1984 Craig and Craig 23 Table 5. Exposures of Active and Inactive Stick Nests in 4 Segments of Salmon Falls Creek as Determined by 2 arbitrary analyses. 060 Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 N NNE 8 5 17* 8 I N NNE 6 10 12 10 N 4 NNE 9 8 4 N NNE 7 13 6 13 *Statistically significant (P— 0.05), Chi-square test. ween south and west-northwest in segment 1. Therefore, it appears that the Red-tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles, which built most of these nests, oriented them in a southwesterly direction. When the quadrant boundaries were rotated, a significant number of nests in segment 4, the lowest part of the canyon (elevations in segment 4 are about 500 m lower than in segment 1) are oriented nearly to the east. This may indicate that nest exposure and ele- vation (and thus temp) are related in Salmon Falls Creek. Seibert et al. (1976) found that Golden Eagles in northern Nevada avoided building nests with a northern exposure in a significant number of cases. Similarly, Mosher and White (1976) have shown that exposure of Golden Eagle nests at higher elevations, or in more northerly latitudes, are exposed to the south, while the reverse is true for nests at lower elevations, or in southerly latitudes. Behavioral Response to the Helicopter. — Be- havioral responses were observed at 29 Golden Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, and Prairie Falcon nests. No adults were seen at the remaining 30 active nests. We observed Golden Eagles near active nest sites on 6 occasions, always perching almost motionless while watching the helicopter pass-by. Page and Seibert (1973) have reported similar behavior in nesting Golden Eagles. Prairie Falcons, by contrast, flew about the helicopter calling 9 times (we could see their mouths open and close) or on 6 occasions flushed from the cliff and flew away. Once we ob- served Prairie Falcons near a nest diving on a Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica) perched well away from the cliff. This activity may have been redi- rected behavior (Wallace 1 979) induced by our pre- sence. Red-tailed Hawks exhibited the greatest variability in their responses to the helicopter. 24 Helicopter Survey of Nesting Raptors Vol. 18, No. 1 Adults either defended by circling and calling (once), perched near the nest and watched the helicopter (on 4 occasions) or sat tightly on the nest (on 3 occasions). The latter response may have oc- curred due to adults still brooding young, since Carrier and Melquist (1976) observed a similar re- sponse to helicopters by incubating Osprey ( Pand - ion haliaetus). Lee (1980) found that most raptors which were perched or nesting on transmission to- wers were tolerant of a helicopter used in nest sur- veys, although some Red-tailed Hawks tried to at- tack the helicopter as it approached their nest site. He also noted that birds which were on nests con- taining eggs or young remained on the nest when the helicopter flew past. The Helicopter Survey and a Boat Survey Com- pared. — Two other biologists surveyed Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir by boat (Alan Sands and Sam Mattise, pers. comm.) while we surveyed the reser- voir by helicopter. In addition to being a faster technique, other advantages of the helicopter in raptor surveys are reflected in comparison of sur- vey results. We observed 40 active and inactive raptor nests from the helicopter, while from the boat only 31 were noted. Five different locations were thought to be possible Prairie Falcon nests by the boat survey team because of the presence of white-wash. From the helicopter these were found to be either perches or stick nests not visible from the boat due to the low angle of observation. The same 3 Red-tailed Hawk nests and 3 Golden Eagle nests were found by both survey techniques, but the boat surveyors mistook an alternate nest site for the actual Golden Eagle nest. Four raven nests were found by the boat survey while 3 were located from the helicopter. Both survey techniques produced 1 active Prairie Falcon nest, although they were at 2 different locations, illustrating the difficulty in de- tecting active cavity nests from the air. The greatest disparity in the results of the 2 techniques is that only 15 of 30 vacant stick nests observed from the helicopter were found by the boat survey team. Three of the stick nests recorded on the boat survey were not found from the air, but 1 1 recorded from the helicopter were not found by boat. The angle of observation is the most important factor in differences between the 2 techniques. However, since the boat survey took longer, more time was allowed to see and hear nesting raptors, so that the same number of active stick nests and an additional cavity nest was found by the boat survey team. Acknowledgments The field work for this report was funded by the Bureau of Land Management, Burley District Office, Burley, Idaho, through a contract to Western Environmental Research As- sociates, Pocatello, Idaho. We acknowledge K. Lynn Bennett, Wil- lis Bird, Mike Kochert, Sam Mattise, Linda Parsons, Fred Rose and Alan Sands for help with aspects of this field work and/or manus- cript preparation. We also thank Tim Zarkos for piloting the helicopter with extraordinary skill, Alan Sands and Sam Mattise for allowing us to use their boat survey data, and Fred Dauter- mann for his help with computer analysis of nest distances. Literature Cited Carrier, W.D. and W.E. Melquist. 1976. The use of a roto-winged aircraft in conducting nesting surveys of Ospreys in northern Idaho. Raptor Res. 10:71-83. Howard, R.P. L.O. Wilson, and F.B. Renn. 1976. Re- lative abundance of nesting raptors in southern Idaho. Raptor Res. 10:120-128. Knight, R.L. and M.W. Call. 1980. The Common Raven. Tech. Note No. 344, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Denver Service Center, Denver, Col- orado. Lee, J.M. Jr. 1980. Raptors and the BPA transmission system. In: Proceedings of a workshop on raptors and energy developments. R.P. Howard and J.F. Gore (eds). Idaho Chapter; The Wildl. Sc., Boise, Idaho, pp 41-55. Marcum, C.L. and D.O. Loftsgaarden. 1980. A non- mapping technique for studying habitat preferences. J. Wildl. Manage. 44:963-968. Mosher, J. A. and C.M. White. 1976. Directional expo- sure of Golden Eagle nests. Can. Field-Nat. 90:356- 359. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 574 pp. Page, J.L. and D.J. Seibert. 1973. Inventory of Golden Eagle nests in Elk County Nevada. Cal-Nev Wildl. Trans. 1973:1-8. Platt, J.B. 1971. A survey of nesting Hawks, Eagles, Falcons and Owls in Curlew Valley, Utah. Great Basin Natur. 31:51-65. Ponton, D. A. 1 980. Raptor use of the Rio Grand Gorge. Rep. prepared by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, WX-1-80-390. 34 pp. Seibert, D.J., R.J. Oakleaf, J.M. Laughlin, and J.L. Page. 1976. Nesting Ecology of Golden Eagles in Elko County, Nevada. Tech. Note No. 281 Bureau of Land Management, Denver Service Center, Denver, Colrado. 17 pp. Smith, D.G. and J.R. Murphy. 1973. Breeding ecology of raptors in the eastern Great Basin of Utah. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull. 18:1-76. Thurow, T.L., C.M. White, R.P. Howard, and J.F. Sul- livan. 1980. Raptor ecology of Raft River Valley, Idaho. EG&G-2054. Natl. Tech. Inf. Ser., Springfield, Virginia. 45 pp. Wallace, R.A. 1979. The ecology and evolution of ani- mal behavior. Good Year Publ. Co., Santa Monica, California. 284 pp. U.S.D.I. 1979a. Snake River Birds of Prey Special Re- search Report to the Secretary of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management, Boise District, Boise, Idaho. 142 pp. U.S.D.I. 1979b. Snake River Birds of Prey Annual Re- search Report. Bureau of Land management, Boise District, Boise, Idaho. 60 pp. Department of Biology, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, ID 83651. Present address: Box 1, Lee Creek Road, Leadore, ID 83464. Received 10 May 1983; Accepted 16 April 1984 USE OF INTRODUCED PERCHES BY RAPTORS: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Steven E. Reinert Abstract - Fourteen dead trees and 9 man-made perches were placed in the Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge, Rhode Island between 1977 and 1979 for use by the open country raptor community that inhabits the area during fall and winter. On 120 days during fall and winter 1978-79 and 1979-1980 raptors were observed on the introduced perches 525 times. American Kestrels {F alco sparverius) , Short-eared Owls {Asia flammeus) and Northern Harriers ( Circus cyaneus ) in that order were the most frequent users. In all, 10 raptor species used the dead trees and 4 species used man-made perches. Kestrels displayed a preference for trees over constructed perches in 1979-80, but not in 1978-79. Kestrels used the perches for hunting, resting and prey consumption, but other raptors used them mostly for resting. These results suggest that introduced perches could play an important role in raptor conservation efforts. Elevated perches are a habitat requirement of most birds of prey for hunting, resting and feeding (Brown and Amadon 1968, Brown 1976). The im- portance of perches has been documented by sev- eral investigators who noted the activity of raptors when first seen (Schnell 1968, Craighead and Craighead 1969, Marion and Ryder 1975, Bildstein 1978). The Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus), Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Rough-legged Hawk ( Buteo lagopus), Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos ) and American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) were perched during 50% or more of the observa- tions of 1 or more of these authors. The importance of perches as a hunting substrate has been shown most clearly for American Kestrels. Several authors (Sparrowe 1972, Collopy 1973, Cruz 1976, Bilds- tein 1978) have found that kestrel attacks on prey were initiated from a perch in 71% or more of the attempts, and that the attacks initiated from a perch were more successful than attacks initiated from flight. The erection of man-made perches, especially utility-line towers, has served as a passive raptor management tool by opening up millions of acres of habitat to hunting from stationary perches (Olen- dorff et al. 1980). For example, in Colorado, Stahlecker (1978) documented a concentration of raptors in the area immediately surrounding a newly constructed transmission line. Such findings have led to the introduction of elevated perches in suitable hunting range where tall perches are lack- ing (Christensen 1972, Snow 1974, White 1974, Steenhof 1977, Stumpf 1977, Hall et al. 1981). He- rein I report the use of 2 types of raptor perches introduced into the Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge on the Rhode Island coastline. Study Area and Methods Sachuest Point is an 86 ha peninsula extending into the Atlantic Ocean from the southeast corner of Aquidneck Island, Rhode Island. The vegetated interior of the point is bordred by a 5 km perimeter of rocky shoreline and cobble beaches. Shrub and her- baceous communities, which dominate the peninsula, are inter- rupted by a network of roads and scattered buildings abandoned by the U.S. Navy. Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) is the dominant shrub species. It reaches 3 m in height in the northern section of the point where it occurs in clumps (ca 100-300 m2) which are interspersed with shorter, mixed stands of goldenrod ( Solidago tenuifolia) and blackberry ( Rubus sp.). In the southern part of the peninsula, bayberry from 0.5 to 1.5 m tall forms dense, isolated stands 0.5 to 3.0 ha in area which are surrounded by an herbace- ous community. Grasses, especially Autumn Bent (Agrostis peren- nans) and Red Fescue (Festuca rubra), are common and occur either alone or beneath a forb layer dominated by goldenrod ( Solidago spp.) and Black Knapweed ( Centauria nigra). Shrubs provide the cover throughout 52% of the vegetated region of the study area 25 Raptor Research 18ce1):25-29 26 Steven E. Reinert Vol. 18, No. 1 and herbs cover the remaining area. Elevated perches were absent or scarce within all habitats on the refuge prior to the initiation of this study. Five dead trees (+ height = 4.8 m, range = 3. 7-8.5 m) with numerous horizontal branches were erected on the refuge in the summer of 1977, and 9 more (+ height = 4.8 m, range = 3.6-6. 1 m) in the summer of 1979. Two trees were erected within the tall shrub community and 5 within the shorter, bayberry stands. The remaining 7 were erected within herbaceous habitats. In the summer of 1978, 9 man-made perches were erected. Each man- made perch consisted of a 6-m board, 5 cm x 1 0 cm size, fitted with two 2.5 cm dia. dowels. The dowels were cut into 65 cm lengths and centered through holes in the boards so that 30 cm of perch space was available on either side. The dowels were placed on each structure at heights of 2.25 m and 4.5 m above ground. Length of board in excess of 4.5 m was buried. Two perches were placed within tall shrubs, 3 within short shrubs, and 4 within herbaceous communities. Raptors were observed for 1 h periods on 88 d between 1 September 1978 and 12 March 1979, and on 32 d between 12 November 1979 and 29 January 1980, from the roof of a 6 m high abandoned building near the center of the refuge. Thirty-five visits were made at various times in the morning; 85 were made from 1500 to 1700 h. For each observation of a perched raptor a record was made of species, perched height, individual perch number, and purpose for which the perch was used whenever this was apparent. Results Five species of raptors were seen during the 2 years (Table 1). During both periods, the Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus), American Kestrel, and Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus ) were dominant. Harriers and kestrels were present in varying num- bers throughout both study periods. Four Short- eared Owls arrived in November of 1978 and 1 in December of 1979; each remained until the end of the study period each year. The Sharp-shinned Hawk (. Accipiter striatus) and Merlin (Falco colum- barius ) occured only as migrants; they were seen on perches in September and October 1978. Raptors were more abundant during the 1978-79 period, averaging 3.7 individuals/hr observation (range = 0-3 1 ). An average of 2.6 individuals/hr (range = 0-6 were seen during the shorter, 1979-80 period. During the 120 h of observation, I made 525 sightings (4.4 sightings/hr) of raptors using the in- troduced perches (Table 1). All species except Sharp-shinned Hawks used both perch types at least once; sharp-shins used only dead trees. In addition, the Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), and Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca) were also sighted on the dead trees. Chi-square (X2) tests were conducted using each of the 3 dominant raptor species to determine whether the more natural, dead-tree perches were used more than might have been expected by chance. During 1978-79, there were no significant differences (P = 0.05) in the use of natural vs. constructed perches for any of the 3 species. In 1979-80, kestrels used dead trees significantly more than expected (P < 0.001) (X2 = 15.3, df = 1). Raptors nearly always perched as high as possible on a perch. On man-made perches, the higher of 2 Table 1. Raptor Perch-Use Statistics. Species Individuals/Day Percent of Days Present # Perches Used # Perch Observations* -t- range Dead Trees Constructed Sharp-shinned Hawk 0.2 0-10 7 1- 3 - Northern Harrier 1.4 0- 5 68 6- 35 6- 32 American Kestrel 1.2 0-21 67 14-190 8-149 Merlin - 0- 1 2 3- 7 1- 1 Short-eared Owl 1.5 0- 4 43 11- 47 8- 61 Total 282 243 *Based on 88 h of observation of 5 dead trees and 9 man-made perches in 1978-79 and 32 h of observation of 14 dead trees and 9 man-made perches in 1979-80. Spring, 1984 Raptor Perch Introduction 27 Table 2. Reported Perch Introduction Experiments. Source and State # Perches Target Species Raptors Using Perches Christenson 1972 Utah 3 All Raptors Swainson’s Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ) Red-tailed Hawk American Kestrel Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus) Long-eared Owl ( Asio otus) White 1974 8 Golden Eagle Golden Eagle Utah Snow 1974 Colorado 2 All Raptors Red-tailed Hawk Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis ) Golden Eagle Northern Harrier Harrison 1977 Michigan 50 Grassland Birds American Kestrel Short-eared Owl Steenhof 1977 4 Bald Eagle Bald Eagle South Dakota Steenhof 1977 1 Bald Eagle Bald Eagle Oregon Stumpf 1977 Arizona 12 Bald Eagle Red-tailed Hawk Harris’ Hawk ( Parabuteo inicinctus) Hall etal. 1981 California 36 All Raptors White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus ) Red-tailed Hawk Northern Harrier American Kestrel Common Barn-Owl (Tyto alba) Short-eared Owl Great Horned Owl Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) This study Rhode Island 23 All Raptors Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk* Cooper’s Hawk* Red-tailed Hawk* Rough-legged Hawk* American Kestrel Merlin Peregrine Falcon* Snowy Owl* Short-eared Owl *Used dead trees only. available perches was selected in 97% of 32 harrier observations, 99% of 149 kestrel observations, and 85% of 61 Short-eared Owl observations. Except when eating prey, raptors perched within the up- permost branches. I did not see harriers or owls attack prey from, or consume prey on, an introduced perch. These 2 species apparently used the introduced perches as resting sites between hunting forays. I witnessed 16 prey attacks by kestrels, 14 from man-made perches and 2 from dead trees. Six of the attacks from man-made perches and both from trees were suc- cessful. Kestrels were observed eating prey on trees and on man-made perches 10 times each. Kestrels 28 Steven E. Reinert Vol. 18, No. 1 perched more frequently per individual/hr than Short-eared Owls, and owls perched more fre- quently than harriers. Discussion A total of 20 raptor species, representing 2 orders and 4 families, have used perches introduced speci- fically for their use (Table 2). Although these num- bers are impressive, not all attempts at raptor man- agement by perch introduction have been success- ful. Perches introduced as part of Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) management programs by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (Steenhof 1977) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclama- tion (Stumpf 1977) were little used by the target species. The BLM had better success with perches introduced for Golden Eagle management; numerous eagles were seen on the perches during the first year after their placement (White 1974). Snow (1974) reports that 4 raptor species used perches placed in a Colorado grassland community, and perches erected in agricultural fields by Hall et al. (1981) received extensive use by 8 species (Table 2). To determine if introduced perches would serve as a means for enhancing biological control of un- desirable rodents, Christensen (1972) placed 3 perches in areas of high pocket gopher ( Thomomys talpoide^s) density. Five species of raptors used them (Table 2), and results strongly suggest that gopher numbers were reduced in the area immediately surrounding the perches. Over a broad area, how- ever, the results were inconclusive. At Sachuest Point I made an average of 1 sighting of a raptor on an introduced perch during each 14 min of observation. The use of the perches by hunting kestrels demonstrates a shift in their hunting strategy as a result of perch introduction, since prior to perch placement aerial hunting was the only method available. Furthermore, the hunting efficiency of kestrels may have improved following perch introduction since several authors have shown that kestrels prefer hunting from a perch rather than hover hunting, and were more successful when hunting from a perch than when hunting aerially in general (Sparrowe 1972, Col- lopy 1973, Cruz 1976, Bildstein 1978). The perches were also used extensively by kestrels for eating prey. Despite the substantial documentation of intro- duced perch, no study has demonstrated an in- crease in raptor density within managed areas. Stahlecker (1978), however, censused wintering raptors before and after construction of a transmis- sion line. His results demonstrate that raptor de- nsity in the area within 0.4 km of the transmission line (57 km2) became greater than the density in the area beyond 0.4 km (98 km2) as a result of the extensive use of transmission line towers as perches. The increased density within his study area follow- ing transmission line construction suggests a lack of perches was limiting raptor use of his study area. In areas where the scarcity or absence of perches limits raptor numbers, perch introduction could play an important role in raptor management, at least where an increase in density is the goal. Un- fortunately, perch requirements of raptors are not well understood, and it is not always evident if a particular raptor population or community would benefit from increased available perches. In areas where habitat destruction threatens raptor popula- tions, it becomes increasingly important to create potential for increased densities in unaffected range. Managers of protected areas (national parks, public and private wildlife preserves, etc.) should assess perch availability and consider supplemen- tation where a scarcity of perches may limit raptor numbers. Such efforts could help maintain stable raptor populations, especially wintering popula- tions, in threatened areas. Dead trees erected at Sachuest Point were readily accepted by all raptor species and were preferred by some over man-made perches. Dead trees are preferred perches of Bald Eagles (Steenhof 1977, Stumpf 1977) and were listed as one of the prefer- red perch types of buteos by Errington and Brec- kenridge (1938). Thus, trees should be considered for use in perch introduction projects where a source is available. Acknowledgements This project could not have been completed without the coop- eration of the staff of the Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge, and the field help of several volunteers, especially Jeffrey Hall, Jay Manning and William DeRagon. I also thank Drs. Keith L. Bilds- tein and Frank C. Golet for carefully reviewing this manuscript. Literature Cited Bildstein, K.L. 1978. Behavioral ecology of Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis), Rough-legged Hawks ( B . lagopus ), American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) and other raptorial birds wintering in south-central Ohio. The Ohio State University. 364 p. Dissertation. Brown, L. 1976. Birds of prey: their biologyand ecol- ogy. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited. 256 p. Spring 1984 Raptor Perch Introduction 29 Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 945 p. Christensen, R.C. 1972. Raptor predation on pocket gopher populations by the use of hunting perches. M.S. Thesis. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. 87 pp. Collopy, M.W. 1973. Predatory efficiency of American Kestrels wintering in northwestern California, Raptor Res. 7:25-31. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1969. wks, owls and wildlife. New York Dover Publications. 443 P- Cruz, A. 1976. Food and foraging ecology of the Ameri- can Kestrel in Jamaica. Condor 78:409-423. Errington, P.L. and W.J. Breckenridge. 1938. Food habits of Buteo hawks in northcentral United States. Wilson Bull. 50:113-121. Hall, T.R., W.E. Howard, and R.E. Marsh. 1981. Raptor use of artificial perches. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 9:296-298. Harrison, K.G. 1977. Perch height selection of grass- land birds. Wilson Bull. 89:486-487. Marion, W.R. and R.A. Ryder. 1975. Perch-site prefer- ences of four diurnal raptors in northeastern Col- orado. Condor 77:350-352. Olendorff, R.R., R.S. Motroni, and M.W. Call. 1980. Raptor management — the state of the art in 1980. Pages 468-523 in R.M. DeGraff and N.G. Tilgham, eds., Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-86, 535 p. Intermt. For and Range Expt. Stn. Ogden, Utah 84401. Schnell, G.D. 1968. Differential habitat utilization by wintering Rough-legged and Red-tailed hawks. Condor 70:373-377. Snow, C. 1974. Ferruginous Hawk ( Buteo regalis). U.S. Bur. Land Mgmt. Tech. Rep. No. T/N 255. Denver, Colorado. 23 p. Sparrowe, R.D. 1972. Prey-catching behavior in the sparrow hawk./. Wildl. Mgmt. 36:297-308. Stahlecker, D.W. 1978. Effect of a new transmission line on wintering prairie raptors. Condor 80:444-446. Steenhof, K. 1978. Management of wintering bald eagles. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. FWS/OBS-78/79. 59 P- Stumpf, A. 1977. An experiment with artificial raptor hunting perches. Bird Watch 5:1-2. White, C.M. 1974. Current problems and techniques in raptor management and conservation. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. Conf. 39:301-311. Department of Natural Resources Science, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Present Address: 18 Roberta Drive, Barrington, R.I. 02806. Received 4 March 1983; Accepted 10 April 1984 Biology and Management of Bald Eagles and Ospreys. A proceedings of 32 refereed papers (325 pp.) by over 50 international experts on topics including taxonomy, distribution, winter and breeding population dynamics, nesting habitat and nest site selection, nutritional ecology, prey selection, and management of the North American Bald Eagle and the cosmopolitan Osprey. Typeset and bound with soft cover. To place orders, write to either David M. Bird, Raptor Research Centre, 21,111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO or Dr. Gary Duke, Dept, of Vet. Biol., 295K AnSci/Vet. Med. Bldg., Univ. Minnesota, t. Paul, MN 55108. Price per copy: U.S. $15 plus $2.50 handling; Overseas 15$ (U.S.) plus $5 handling; Canada $18 (CDN) plus $3 handling. Send payment with Canadian orders to D.M. Bird and U.S. and overseas orders to the Treasurer, Rapture Research Foundation, Inc. All profits to Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Raptor Collisions with Utility Lines — A Call for Information — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Sacramento, in cooperation with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, is assembling all available published and unpublished information concerning collisions of raptors with power lines and other utility lines. Actual case histories — no matter how circumstantial or fragmentary — are needed. Please acknowledge that you have such information by writing to Dr. Richard R. (Butch) Olendorff, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825 U.S. A. (Phone (916) 484-4541). A form on which to record your information will then be sent by return mail. Short Communications Kleptoparasitism by White-Tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus) on Black-Shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus leucurus ) In Southern Texas Borja Heredia and William S. Clark The White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus ) is a typical open and semi-open country raptor, inhabiting prairies and sparsely forested habitats from southern Texas to central Argentina. It feeds mainly on mammals [e.g. cot- tontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus ) and rodents], birds [largely Bobwhite Quail ( Colinus virginianus\ and meadowlarks (Sturnella sp.)], reptiles (mostly snakes but some lizards) and insects (e.g. grasshoppers and crickets) (Bent 1937, Cottam 8c Knappen 1939, Stevenson 8c Meit- zen 1946). Its main hunting technique is to search the ground from a height of 15-50 m (Oberholser 1974) al- ternating between straight flapping flight, low angle glides and hovering. It’s habit of congregating at prairie fires has been recorded on the Texas coast (Stevenson 8c Meitzen 1946). However, as far as we know, klep- toparasitism has not been recorded for this species. We observed kleptoparasitism on 30 December 1982 on the King Ranch between Kingsville and Falfurias, Texas. At about 1100 h we spotted a Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus) flying level at a height of 20 m carrying prey, probably a small mammal. It was pursued by an immature White-tailed Hawk which was gaining on it. As the hawk neared the kite, the kite dropped it’s prey and began to harass the hawk. The kite stooped numerous times at the hawk, which turned over and presented it’s talons. Two additional immature White-tailed Hawks ap- peared and were also harassed by the kite. The kite finally left and the 3 hawks searched unsuccessfully for the dropped prey. After they left, we were also unable to find it. White-tailed Hawks and Black-shouldered Kites are sympatric over much of their range in North America. Recent studies on a Mexican raptor community (Thiollay 1980) showed that there is an 85% overlap in their hunt- ing habitats. Both select areas of tree cover ranging from < 10 to 40% and grass length between < 20 cm to 80 cm. Their hunting techniques also overlap by 90%, both species being typical searchers and aerial hunters. Both also hunt from perches (Warner & Rudd 1975). Although most of their hunting activity occurs late in the day, both may hunt at any time of day (Thiollay 1980). Except for the habitual kleptoparasites such as the Crested Caracara (Polyborus plancus), typical kites (Milvus sp.), sea and fish eagles (Haliaetus sp.), and the Bateleur Eagle (Terathopius ecaudatus). Brown 8c Amadon (1968, p.73) state that piracy is rare among birds of prey. But piracy has been recorded for 23 other raptor species (Parmenter 1941, Jeserich 1957, Berger 1958, Meinertzhagen 1959, Temple 1969, Reese 1973, Bildstein and Ashby 1975, Hogg 1977, Brockmann 8c Barnard 1979, Dunne 1981), and especially for other species in the genus Buteo : Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) on Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (Beebe 1960); Rough-legged Hawk (B. lagopus) on Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) (Kirby 1958); Red-shouldered Hawk (B. lineatus) on Common Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) (Kilham 1982); and Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) on Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) (Cramp 8c Simmons 1979, p. 182). In addition, Clark has observed piracy of a Red-tailed Hawk on Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus). The Black-shouldered Kite has previously been recorded as the victim of piracy, being robbed by the Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus) (Reynolds 1974) and by the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (Lon- grigg 1981). Brockmann 8c Barnard (1979) pointed out that regular association with other raptor species on or near feeding areas is an ecological factor that appears to promote pi- racy. Thus the overlap of hunting habitat between the White-tailed Hawk and the Black-shouldered Kite makes this interspecific interaction likely. It would be interesting to know not only how often these encounters occur, but if they are the regular situation. Literature Cited Beebe, F.L. 1960. An instancy of piracy by the Red- tailed Hawk on the Peregrine Falcon. Condor 62:480- 481. Bent, A.C. 1937. Life stories of North American birds of prey. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 167, Part 1. 409 pp. Berger, D.D. 1958. Marsh Hawk takes prey from Short-eared Owl. Wilson Bull. 70:90. Bildstein, K.L. and M. Ashby. 1975. Short-eared Owl robs Marsh Hawk of prey. Auk 92:807-808. Brockmann, R.J. and C.J. Barnard. 1979. Klep- toparasitism in birds. Anim. Behav. 27:487-514. Brown, L.H. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. Vol. 1 Country Life Books. Lon- don. 414 pp. Cottam, C. and P. Knappen. 1939. Food of some un- common North American Birds. Auc. 56:138-169. Cramp, S. and K.E.L. Simmons (eds). 1979. The Birds of the Western Paleartic. Vol 2. Oxford Univ. Press. Ox- ford. 695 pp. Dunne, P.J. 1981. Kestrel robbing Barn Owl. Raptor Res. 15:22. Hogg, R.H. 1977. Food piracy by Red-footed Falcons. Brit. Birds 70:220. 30 Short Communications 31 Jeserich, E. 1957. Baumfalke (Falco subbuteo ) nimmt Turmfalken (Falco tinnunculus ) beute ab. Die Vogelwelt 88:180. Kilham, L. 1982. Florida Red-shouldered Hawk robs American Crows. Wilson Bull. 94:566-567. Kirby, R.P. 1958. Rough-legged Hawk takes prey from Marsh Hawk. Wilson Bull. 70:382. Longrigg, T.D. 1981. Piracy and possible predation by the Peregrine on the Black-shouldered Kite. Ostrich 52:189. Meinertzhagen, R. 1959. Pirates and Predators: The Piratical and Predatory Habits of Birds. Oliver & Boyd. Edimburgh & London. 230 pp. Oberholser, H.C. 1974. The Bird Life of Texas. Vol 1. Univ. of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. 530 pp. Parmenter, H.E. 1941. Prairie Falcon parasitizing Marsh Hawk. Condor 43: 157. Reese, R.A. 1973. Food piracy between Kestrels and Short-eared Owls. Brit. Birds 66:227-228. Reynolds, J.F. 1974. Piracy by Lanner. .Bnf. Birds 67:25. Stevenson, J.O. and L.H. Meitzen. 1946. Behavior and food habits of Sennett’s White-tailed Hawk in Texas. Wilson Bull. 58:198-205. Temple, S.A. 1969. A case of Turkey Vulture piracy on Great Blue Herons. Wilson Bull. 81:94. Thiollay, J.M. 1980. Strategies d’exploitation par les rapaces d’un ecosysteme herbace neotropical. Alauda 48:221-253. Warner, J.S. and R.L. Rudd. 1975. Hunting by the White-tailed Hawk Elanus leucurus. Condor 77:226-230. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,Castellana 80, Madrid 6, SPAIN. Address of second author: P.O. Box 1161 Annan- dale, VA 22003. Received 26 December 1983; Accepted 30 May 1984 OBSERVATIONS OF NESTING PRAIRIE FALCONS IN THE LOS PADRES NATIONAL FOREST Wade L. Eakle Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) nesting surveys were conducted by the U.S. Forest Service and California De- partment of Fish and Game on the Mt. Pinos (MPRD) and Santa Lucia (SLRD) Ranger Districts, Los Padres National Forest during April, May and June, 1981. Nine historical nesting territories were surveyed on the MPRD, of which 4 were active, and 14 historical territories were surveyed on the SLRD, of which 9 were active. An average of 3.3 young hatched per eyrie (N = 3). Nine nestlings success- fully fledged from these eyries (X=3.0 young per eyrie). The goal of this study was to survey 2 Ranger Districts on the Los Padres National Forest in southwestern California and determine activity at each eyrie nd pro- ductivity at 3 eyries. Productivity parameters provide a measure of reproductive success and allow comparisons with earlier determinations for the same populations (Johnson, 1978). The survey area encompasses prairie falcon nesting territories in Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Kern counties, California. Prairie falcon eyries were located and plotted on topog- raphical maps during 1979 (Alten and Keasler, 1979). Observation points for viewing the eyries were chosen that provided viewing directly into nest cavities at distances ranging from 30 m up to 1 km. Disturbances were minimized by not climbing to eyries. Observation periods were restricted to 2 h in length. Observations were made with Bushnell 10x50 Explorer binoculars and a Bushnell 20-45x Zoom Spacemaster spotting scope. Prey remains and reguriated pellets were collected from 2 eyries. Adult Prairie Falcons at BC-1 were ob- served bringing 1 horned lizard (Phrynosoma sp.), 4 ground squirrels (Spermophilus sp.) and 1 unknown prey item to the eyrie. At VV-8, adult falcons delivered 3 ground squirrels and 1 western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta ) to the eyrie. Observation points for viewing the eyries were chosen that provided viewing directly into nest cavities at distances ranging from 30 m up to 1 km. Disturbances were minimized by not climbing to eyries. Observation periods were restricted to 2 h in length. Observations were made with Bushnell 10x50 Explorer binoculars and a Bushnell 20-45x Zoom Spacemaster spotting scope. Prey remains and reguriated pellets were collected from 2 eyries. Adult Prairie Falcons at BC-1 were ob- served bringing 1 horned lizard (Phi-ynosoma sp.), 4 ground squirrels (Spermophilus sp.) and 1 unknown prey item to the eyrie. At VV-8, adult falcons delivered 3 ground squirrels and 1 western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) to the eyrie. Reuse of Nesting Territories and Eyries. — Three of the 22 known nesting territories have remained active since 1977. Two have remained occupied for 4 of the 5 years that surveys have been completed. The remaining 32 Short Communications Table 1 : Summary of Prairie Falcon Nesting Activity. Mt. Pinos and Santa Lucia Ranger Districts, Los Padres National Forest. 1977-81. Eyrie 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 BC-1 NC NC A A A HV-2 NC NC A NC NA JW-3 NC NC A NC A CR-4 NC NC A NA NA SB-5 NC NC A NA NA DC-6 NC NC A 1 A NA NA CC-7 NC NC NC NC NC VV-8 NC NC A A A LC-9 NC NC NC NC A BR-2 A A A A A HM-11 A NA NA NA A BC-38 A NC A A A GM-39 A A A A A BT-40 NC NC A A NC MM-41 NC NC A A NC BR-43 A NC NC NC NC BS-45 A NC NC NC NC HM-46 A A NA A A TC-55 A A A A A CC-56 NC NC NA A A AC-57 NC NC A A A TR-58 NC NC NC NC A A - Active; NA - Not Active; NC - Not Counted. 17 were active for 3 years or less (Table 1). 1981 Breeding Season, MPRD. — When surveyed bet- ween March 1 1-18, 5 eyries were active with adult Prairie Falcons in the nest territory. Eight historical eyries were resurveyed in late April and early May. Only 3 eyries, however, remained active. Young hatched at these 3 eyries during the week of May 3-9. Nestlings fledged between June 8 and 19. Productivity. — Clutch size was not determined. As- suming a minimum clutch size, however, from the brood size of active eyries (N = 3), a minimum mean clutch size of 3.7 eggs/nest can be inferred. Brood sizes and fledging success in 1979 and 1981 are summerized in Table 2. For both years the average fledging success is above the 2.56 needed to maintain a stationary population (Garrett and Mitchell, 1973). Mortality. — Two cases of egg loss or prefledging mor- tality were observed. When VV-8 was observed on May 17, 1 unhatched egg was present in the nest with 3 nestlings. When observed again on May 31, the egg was no longer present. A 1-2 day old nestling was found directly below the JW-3 eyrie in an emaciated condition. Nesting Activity. — During 1977, both activity and pro- ductivity at prairie falcon eyries on the SLRD was high. Activity and productivity dropped in 1978 for some re- ason. In 1979 the level of activity at the eyries was lower, but the productivity was higher than the previous year. Activity during 1980 and 1981 appeared to be fairly high and when young were seen at the eyries, they were seen in numbers above the 2.56 fledglings per nest needed to maintain a stable population (Schlorff, 1979). Productivity and activity at the prairie falcon eyries on the MPRD during 1979 was high. A complete survey was not conducted in 1980, so many eyries that may have been active were determined to be inactive or not counted. Activity at the eyries located in 1979 was down in 1981. Productivity at these active eyries was also lower than the 1979 level. It is difficult to say why the number of active eyries observed in 1979 was not seen in 1981 on the MPRD. Perhaps the falcons are nesting in alernate areas unknown to the surveyers. Prey did not appear to be limiting. Gar- rett and Mitchell (1973) stated that the observed rates of prairie falcon production in California during 1971 and Short Communications 33 Table 2: Summary of Prairie Falcon Nestling Production. Mt. Pinos Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest. 1979 and 1981. Eyrie 1979 Brood Size Fledging Success 1981 Brood Size Fledging Success BC-1 4 4 4 4 HV-2 4 4 JW-3 2* 2* 3 2 CR-4 5 0 SB-5 5 5 DC-6 3* U CC-7 U U VV-8 5 5 3 3 TOTAL 28 20 10 9 Mean 4** 3.3*** 3.3 3 * - Number may have been greater, but a complete count was not possible. ** - Mean excluding CC-7. *** - Mean excluding DC-6 and CC-7. U - Undetermined. 1972 was below expectation and indicated a declining population. However, in the Central region of their study, which includes the area of this study, a production rate in excess of 2.56 fledglings/total pairs was observed. Statewide, they determined an average production rate of 1.59 fledglings/pairs studied. They also observed an ex- tensive shifting of production between eyrie locations in 1970 and 1971, with few of the nesting territories sup- porting productive pairs in both years. This may be the case on the MPRD. Sincere appreciation is extended to Cliff Fox and Gary Smith, U.S. Forest Service, and Jim Davis, California De- partment of Fish and Game, for advice and assistance and to Dr. Stanley W. Harris, Humboldt State LJniversity, for directing the field problem. Literature cited Alten, G.R. and G.L. Keasler. 1979. Priarie Falcon Study, 1979, Mt. Pinos Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest, U.S. Forest Service, Frazier Park, CA. 7pp. Garrett, R.L. and D.J. Mitchell. 1973. A Study of Prairie Falcon Populations in California. California Department of Fish and Game. Wildlife Management Branch Administrative Report No. 73-2, Sacramento, CA. 15pp. Johnson, D.R. 1978. The Study of Raptor Populations. The University Press of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 57pp. Schlorff, R. 1979. 1979 Prairie Falcon Survey Summary Data Sheet. California Department of Fish and Game Interagency Memo. Department of Wildlife Management, College of Natural Re- sources, Humboldt State University, Areata, CA 95521. Current Address: USD A Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Arizona State University Campus, Tempe, AZ 85287. Received 2 November 1981; Accepted 1 March 1984. 34 Short Communications Barred Owls and Nest Boxes David H. Johnson and Don G. Follen, Sr. The use of artificial nesting structures by the Barred Owl ( Strix varia) has long been assumed. This is due in part to the use of man-made structures by a closely related species, the Tawny Owl ( Strix aluco) in Europe (Davey 1969). Hamerstrom (1972) gave recommended but un- tested Barred Owl box dimensions. A literature search reveals 3 published accounts (Johnson 1980, Follen 1982, Synder and Drazkowski 1981) of Barred Owls using artifi- cial structures for nesting. We briefly discuss Barred Owl use of various types of semi-natural and artificial nesting structures in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Minnesota: Table 1 shows use of artificial and natural cavity nest sites by Barred Owls in north-central Min- nesota (Hubbard, Wadena, and Crow Wing counties) during the breeding seasons of 1980, 1981, and 1982. All nesting attempts were successful in fledging from 1 to 4 young. A “# nesting attempts” column is shown as some nests were used in 2 and 3 consecutive years. Average production from 12 nesting attempts in artificial struc- tures was 2.75 young fledged/nesting attempt. Average production in 4 natural cavity nests was 2.00 young fledged/nesting attempt. This difference in production is likely related to the prey abundance/availability within the owls’ territory than to a function of nest site quality. How- ever, larger sample sizes are needed to better assess this evaluation. Figure 1 shows the design of the Barred Owl nest box currently being used by the First author. This box is a slightly enlarged Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) box with a 17.8 cm diameter entrance hole. Thirty-five of these are currently being field tested in various forest habitats in north-central Minnesota. Heights of nest boxes and top- less Wood Duck boxes used by owls have ranged from 3.73-6.70 m (measured from bottom of entrance hole to ground level). Both back-mounted and side-mounted nest boxes (see Fig. 1) have been used by owls (N = 2 and N =5 respectively, based on number of nesting attempts). Table 1. Minnesota Records. Type of nest # nests used # nesting attempts young fledged Barred Owl nest box 5 7 18 Topless Wood Duck box 2 4 12 Wood Duck box (with top) 1 1 3 Natural cavity 4 6 12 Wisconsin: In 1966, 3 young Barred Owls were fledged from a topless Wood Duck box, located on Goose Island, La Crosse County. In 1967, this same box con- tained 2 young. Additional boxes of this type were suc- cessful in subsequent years, but unfortunately the par- ticular nesting data were not recorded (J. Rosso pers. comm., F. Lesher pers. Comm.). A large Barred Owl nest box was established in 1979 by I Bill Drazkowski along the Mississippi River backwaters in FRONT VIEW Back-mounted Box Figure 1. Barred Owl nest box made of wood (1.3 cm thick). All dimensions are in cm. Short Communications 35 Figure 2. Semi-natural (hollow log) Barred Owl nest cavity. All dimensions are in cm. Trempealeau County. In 1980 this box contained 2 young, and 3 in 1981. The dimensions of this box were: entrance hole 22.2 x 21.0 cm, bottom of entrance hole to floor of box 33.0 cm, inside floor 33.6 x 36.2 cm. Mr. Drazkowski found the birds to be nesting in the corner of the box, indicating that perhaps such a large box was not required. In 1981, owls fledged 3 young from a semi-natural nest structure established by Follen in Wood County (Follen 1982). This structure (Fig. 2) consists of a section of a hollow log, with top, bottom and backing plate added. In this structure a 15.2 cm diameter entrance hole was used. Michigan: In 1977 and 1978 Barred Owls nested in a Red-shouldered Hawk ( Buteo lineatus) nest in Alpena County. It was unsuccessful, as eggshells and dead young were found beneath the nest. Lewis Scheller (pers. comm.) then established a reconditioned topless Wood Duck box in the area on 2 March 1979. It was used in 1979 and young owls successfully fledged. In 1980 owls again used it, as evidenced by a single infertile egg. In 1981 owls fledged 2 young from 2 eggs, and 3 young from 3 eggs in 1 982. This box is approximately 57 cm deep with a bottom of about 31x31 cm. Scheller has also established 5 other slightly larger nest boxes, all with open tops. At the time of this writing, none of these have been used by owls. The availability of suitable nest sites is reported to be a limiting factor for cavity nesting species (Thomas et al. 1979). With current forest management directives of short rotations, intensive culture, etc., this situation is becoming more severe. Although Barred Owls have nested in old hawk or squirrel nests in northeastern US (Bent 1938:183) and in Michigan (L. Scheller per. comm.), in Minnesota they have been recorded only as a cavity nester (Johnson 1982). Beginning in 1980, a five year project was initiated in north-central Minnesota to address the question of artificial nest structures (design, placement, and suitability) for Barred Owls. A project of a similar nature has also been started in Wisconsin. Our findings thus far indicate that Barred Owls do succes fully nest in various types of man-made and semi-natural nest cavities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. A nest box project has also been started in New Jersey by Leonard J. Soucy, Jr. We thank Catherine M. Fouchi, Douglas Reran, Con- rad Schmidt, Jon Carter, Fred Lesher, Dennis Seevers, Bill Drazkowski, Lewis Scheller, Jerry R. Rosso, and Leonard J. Soucy Jr. for their field assistance or other input into this project. Literature Cited Bent, A. C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey, Part II. Dover publ., Inc. New York. 482 pp. Davey,J.H. 1969. Nest boxes for birds of prey. R.S.P.B. (2): 174-174. Follen, D.G., Sr. 1982. The barreds of the big house. Passenger Pigeon 44(1):20;22. Hamerstrom, F. 1972. Birds of prey of Wisconsin. Dep. Nat. Res., Madison, 64 pp. Johnson, D.H. 1980. Barred Owls use nest box. Loon 52(4): 193-194. 1981. Raptors of Minnesta - Nesting distribution and population status. Loon 54(2):73-104. Synder, B., and B. Drazkowski. 1981. (newsletter). Hiawatha Valley Bird Notes 18(7): 2. Thomas, J.W., R.J. Anderson, C. Maser, and E.L. Bull. 1979. Snags/A J.W. Thomas, ed. Wildlife habitats in managed forests - the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. USDA Handbook 553.51 1 pp. Red Lake Wildlife Management Area, Box 100, Roosevelt, MN 56673. Address of second author: 9201 Rock Inn Road, Arpin, WI 55410. Received 1 January 1983; Accepted 1 March 1984. 36 Short Communications Ground-Nesting by Barn Owls Michael E. Tewes While trapping small mammals on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in south Texas, I flushed some Common Barn-Owls ( Tyto alba) from the ground in a dense stand of gulf cordgrass ( Spartina spartinae). There were 3 separate tunnel-like pathways through the cordgrass which were apparently being used for roosting. Each cordgrass tunnel was about 1 m long, terminating in a small chamber be- neath the grass. The floor of each chamber was littered with owl pellets and skulls of rodents and shrews. Between November 1980 and January 1981, owls were regularly observed using these cordgrass tunnels for roosting, and in January an abandoned clutch of 4 eggs was found in 1 concealed compartment. I suspected the nest was abandoned after having been flooded during a rainstorm (gulf cordgrass communities normally occur on areas that are periodically flooded). I could not find addi- tional nests or roosts. The grass community had a domin- ant Baccharis shruf influence except for a small 3 ha shrub-free area in which the owl tunnels were located. These observations are of interest because they provide additional evidence that Common Barn-Owls will nest and roost on the ground. Quigley (Condor 56:315, 1954) found young barn owls in a box with an open top, sunk flush with the surface of the ground in a marsh. It is possible, however, that owls resort to such areas for nest- ing and roosting only if there is no alternative. The nearest tree or man-made construction that could serve as a nest or roost site was located ovr 4 km away. Raptor management has received increased attention in recent years. If particular management objectives for an area include enhancing the raptor populations, then at- tempts should be made to preserve roost and nest sites by not altering selected mature cordgrass stands. Erection of nest boxes (Marti et al., Wildl. Soc. Bull. 7:145-148, 1979) over cordgrass meadows may attract barn owls and sup- port more successful nesting attempts than ground nests. Otteni et al. (Wilson Bull. 84:434-448, 1972) and Delnicki and Bolen (Southwest. Natural. 22:275-277, 1977) pro- vide additional instances of Common Barn-Owl use of nest boxes in marsh areas. I acknowledge Ray Anderson and his students, Univer- sity of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, for assistance. J ames G. Teer and Bruce C. Thompson critically reviewed the manuscript. Support for this research was provided by the Edwards H. and Winnie H. Smith Fellowship and the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation. Welder Wildlife Foundation Contribution No. 155. Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Drawer 1400, Sinton, TX 78387. Present address: Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Box 218, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, TX 78363. Received 20 January 1983; Accepted 2 May 1984. Unusually Low Nesting Site For American Kestrels ( Falco sparverius ) Clark S. Monson Two American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) nests found in extreme northern Utah were located in small pine stumps on a steep canyon hillside. The nests were less than 45 m apart and both nest holes were only 64 cm above the ground. Higher and seemingly more suitable holes were common in nearby trees but were not occupied by nesting kestrels. The low nest holes that were occupied did not appear to make the birds more sensitive to human disturbance. On one occasion, I was able to walk directly up to one of the nests and temporarily remove the incubating female be- fore she made an attempt to fly. 543 East 2600 North, Provo, UT 84602. Received 15 May 1983; Accepted 15 May 1984. Monitoring Bald Eagle Nesting in Baja California, Mexico Bruce Conant, Albert N. Novara and Charles J. Henny Henney et al. (Auk 95:424, 1978) discussed Bald Eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus) sightings and nesting activity in the vicinity of Bahia Magdalena in Baja California. They confirmed 2 nesting pairs in 1977, apparently the first published record of Bald Eagle nesting in Baja California during the last 50 years. During an aerial survey of wintering waterfowl on 18 January 1983, the first and second authors found 3 nests (2 occupied) on Isla Creciente. Two were close together (one occupied) at the location (24°22'N, 111°39'W; hereafter abbreviated as 2422-1 1 139) reported by Henny et al. (op.cit.) and an additional one occupied at 2422- 11133 also on Isla Creciente. At the latter nest there was an adult eagle incubating 2 eggs with another adult perched nearby. One of the other 2 nests had an incubat- ing adult, but we were unable to flush it off the nest. Assuming an incubation period of 35 days, the eggs seen would not have been laid before mid-December. All nests were made of sticks and located in the crowns of man- grove, but were readily visible from the air. The location of the other nesting pair found by Henney et al. (op.cit.) in 1977 (near San Jorge 2534-11206) was not checked in detail in 1983. The west coast winter waterfowl survey was conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the Direccion General de la Fauna Silvestre of Mexico as part of the U.S.-Mexico Joint Agreement. Bald Eagle ob- servations were made incidental to the waterfowl survey. We expect to fly annual winter surveys in this area in the future and plan to monitor the status of Bald Eagle nests at both general locations. Thesis Abstracts Addendum The nests on Isla Creciente were checked again the following year on 16 January, 1984 during the 1984 Mexico winter waterfowl survey. An incubating adult was found in each of 2 nests (2422- 11139 and 2422- 11133) but we were unable to obtain an egg count. One flying adult was sighted near San Jorge (2534-1 1206) but the nest was not located. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1287, Juneau, AK 99802. Address of second author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, P.O. Box 1747, Jamestown, ND 58401. Address of third author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 480 West Airport Road, Corvalis, OR 97333. Received 30 June 1983; Accepted 8 March 1984. The Seasonal Abundance, Habitat Use and Foraging BehaviorOf Wintering Bald Eagles Haliaeetus leucocephalus, IN WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS The season abundance, habitat use and foraging behavior of bald eagles wintering near Lock and Dam 19, Mississippi River, were investigated by regular census taking and intensive be- havioral sampling during the winters 1978-79 and 1979-1980. The ultimate objectives of the study were to provide information necessary for an Environmental Impact Analysis of a proposed Mississippi River bridge and highway corridor on wintering bald eagles and to obtain information useful to management of winter bald eagle habitat. The two study seasons contrasted greatly in weather severity. During the severe winter of 1978-79, 8263 eagles were recorded on 59 censuses. The peak count for this season was 454 eagles on January 18. During the mild winter of 1979-80, 4230 eagle? were recorded on 97 censuses. The peak count this season was 127 eagles on February 1 8. Eagle abundance varied considerably each season; the greatest numbers were recorded during the coldest periods of each winter. The effects of weather severity on the eagle population of the study area are discussed. Overall, adult eagle outnumbered immatures by 2.28 to 1 ; however, age class compos- ition varied over the course of each season. Immatures comprised a greater proportion of the eagle population during the early and late parts of the season. The daily activities of eagles included foraging and eating, fly- ing, loafing and night-roosting. Eagles typically used different portions of the study area for each of these activities, especially when the eagle population was large. Habitat use data were ob- tained from 10,710 locations of perched eagles plotted on census forms. Ice cover, wind exposure, human activity and local food concentrations were the most important factors determining the daily use of suitable perching habitat. Eagle dispersion was most clumped when ice cover on the river was at a maximum, and most uniform when the river was ice-free. Eagles use of foraging areas was greatest in the morning and diminished as the day progressed; however, when large numbers of eagles were present, eagles were observed foraging during all daylight hours. Use of loafing areas peaked in the middle of the day. The prey base of eagles in the study area was dead or injured fish, primarily gizzard shad ( Dorosoma cepedianum). Six behavior- ally distinct foraging strategies were identified and are described. By far the most commonly used, and the most intensively studied of these was Strategy 1, an aerial search, swoop and capture of prey. Eagles fishing via this method were successful approxi- mately 70% of the time and averaged less than 5 minutes of flight time per fish captured. Adults were significantly more successful in capturing fish and averaged shorter flight duration per fish captured than immatures. Approximately 70% of the fish cap- tured were small (15 cm. or less) and the size of fish taken was similar for both age classes. Over 97% of small fish captured by eagles were successfully consumed. Most small fish (71.0%, N = 1181) were consumed in flight. Nearly 37% of large fish (greater than 15 cm) captured by eagles were lost (pirated or accidentally dropped) prior to being consumed. Most large fish (51.5%, N = 504) were eaten at tree perches. Eagles readily attempted to steal prey from other fish predators, even though food was generally abundant. Eagles attempting interspecific piracy were relatively more successful (55.4%, N = 65) than eagles attempting intraspecific piracy (14.3%, N - 154). Eagles carrying large fish were more vulnerable to piracy, and were more likely to be attacked than were eagles carrying small fish. Intraspecific piracy increased in frequency as foraging eagles became more concentrated. Foraging eagles exhibited many be- haviors designed to prevent the loss of procured prey to other eagles. These pirate avoidance and pirate defense strategies are discussed. — Fischer, David Lawrence. 1982. M.S. Thesis. Western Illinois University, Macomb. Ecology of Bald Eagles Wintering in Southern Illinois The population size, food habitats, distribution, and habitat of wintering Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were investigated in Illinois at Union County and Horseshoe Lake conservation areas during 1979-1981. Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge was examined also during 1980-1981. Eagles arrived in southern Illinois during late October with estimated peak populations of 180-200 occurring, dependent upon weather conditions, in January and February; eagles de- parted by early March. Immature eagles predominated in win- tering populations, but adult and immature subpopulations dis- played similar patterns of fluctuations in numbers. Morning and evening roost counts provided an accurate estimate of total popu- lation size and automobile transact counts provided data on eagle distribution and habitat utilization patterns. Diurnal perch sites near shallow water areas were utilized most during early winter. Occurrence of ice cover caused eagles to shift to areas of open water where waterfowl also concentrated. Canada Goose ( Branta canadensis) carcasses appeared to be the principal food at this time, though unsuccessful eagle attacks were witnessed on injured or dying waterfowl. During late winter, eagles ap- peared less reliant on refuges for feeding. This may have been associated with spring migration. Food availability was considered the major influence on the selection of diurnal perch sites. Protection from winds and insula- tion from human disturbance appeared to be of secondary im- portance. Communal roosts offered shelter from prevailing winds by surrounding vegetation and were associated with standing water. Most eagles left the roost by sunrise and returned by 20 min after sunset. Times of vocalization and movement were similar to those of entrance and departure. — Sabine, Neil. 1981. M.S. Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 37 “The Peregrine Falcon At Reelfoot Lake” By Murrell Butler Limited Edition Print of 2,500 A tree-nesting “Duck Hawk” populated the Mississippi and Ohio River areas in times past. A remnant nesting population was first documented during the 1930’s at Tennessee’s Reelfoot Lake by the late Albert F. Ganier. During the 1940’s a new nest site was discovered on the west side of the lake by Dr. Walter R. Spofford, then Professor of Anatomy at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Spofford and a few carefully selected observers made yearly nesting observa- tions until the early 1950’s. Mr. Thomas S. Butler was privileged to have been among those who spent many days recording the events of each year’s breeding season beneath the enormous cypress tree that served as the falcons’ nest site. During the late 1970’s a happy circumstance led Tom to meet Murrell Butler, a distant cousin from Louisiana. Murrell was an accomplished wildlife artist and became enthralled by the tales of a Peregrine Falcon that once nested in the snag of the mammoth cypress tree. A subsequent trip to the nest site (the cypress still stands!), the relocation of old photographs and consultation with friends and fellow falconers culminated in this magnificent painting by Murrell Butler. “The Peregrine Falcon at Reelfoot Lake” portrays the last known North American tree nest of the Peregrine. Available in a 16" by 20" limited edition print of 2500, the introductory price is $65.00 for prints #1 - #500. The introductory price includes postage within the fifty states and a $10.00 donation to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. The price will advance to $125.00 per print for #2001 - 2500, according to the following schedule: #1 - 500, $65.00; #501 - 1000, $75.00; #1001 - 1500, $85.00; #1501 - 2000, $95.00; #2001 - 2500, $125.00; Arkansas residents will need to add state, city and /or county sales tax). Prints may be ordered directly from Mr. Thomas S. Butler, Butler Galleries, 28 Fairmont Street, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632, USA. Payment may be made by check, money order, VISA or MASTERCARD. 38 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RAPTOR RESEARCH Effective with Volume 18, 1984 The editorial office of the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., welcomes original reports, short communications and reviews pertaining to the ecology and management of both diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds for publication in Raptor Research . Pub- lication in the journal is open to anyone, regardless of current membership in the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Contribu- tions are welcomed from throughout the world but must be writ- ten in English. Submit all contributions to the Editor, Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young Uni- versity, Provo, Utah, 84062, USA. Referees and associate editors review each manuscript submitted for originality of data, ideas or interpretation, for accuracy, conciseness, and clarity. With the exception of abstracts, manuscripts submitted for consideration must not have been published or concurrently be under consid- eration for publication elsewhere. Manuscript Preparation Submit a typewritten original and two copies of the text, tables, figure headings, and all other materials for use by the referees. Submit three copies of all illustrations. All typewritten material must be double-spaced on one side of 8 54 x 1 1-inch (21 54 x 28cm), good quality, bond paper, with at least 1 inch (254 cm) margins. Do not use erasable, mimeo, or light-weight bond paper. Copies may be Xerox or carbon reproductions of good, clear quality. Number pages through the Literature Cited section of the manuscript. Type the author’s name in the upper right-hand corner of every page. Submit each table on a separate unnumbered page; combine legends for illustrations on one unnumbered page whenever pos- sible. Material submitted in tables or illustrations should not be repeated in the text of the manuscript. Write mathematical for- mulas on one line whenever possible. Each manuscript should include a cover page containing a concise, informative, full utle, a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 35 characters in length) to be used as a running head, and the name(s) of the author(s) as it should appear in print. Avoid footnotes and hyphe- nation. Address for each author at the time the research was conducted should be listed at the end of the manuscript following the Litera- ture Cited section. Present address of author(s), if different, should be listed, as well as name and full address to whom proof is to be sent. If you are no longer associated with the institution where the research was conducted, but you wish to credit that institution, it may be mentioned first. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than four double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submit- ted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. The abstract should recapitulate the overall findings of the research and should be suitable for use by abstracting services. Authors should cite the scientific and (if any) common names of all species at first mention in both the abstract and the main text of the manuscript. Names for birds should follow those in the A. O. U. Check-list of North American Birds (sixth ed., 1983), or an appropriate equivalent. Subspecific identification should only be cited when pertinent to material presented in the manuscript. In all cases where the scientific and common names are cited to- gether, the common name should be placed first. Metric units should be cited for all measurements in accordance with Systeme International D’Unite (SI) notation and conventions. Abbreviations of statistical terminology and mensural units should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual (fourth ed., 1978, American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virginia, 22209, USA). Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Consult the CBE Style Manual and current issues of Raptor Research on particular matters of style. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format. There- fore, authors should consider whether a table or illustration can best be presented in a single-column, with the vertical axis of the table or illustration longer than the horizontal, or covering an entire page width. Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustra- tions. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, in- cluding title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 854 x 1 1-inch (2154 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be ac- complished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to 54. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters or calligraphy. Type- written or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable. Let- tering should be large enough when submitted that it will be as large as text type (7-10 point) when reduced by 50%. Avoid bold, heavy or ornate letters that would tend to distract from the illust- ration. Use a pattern of lines and dots for shading that will not appear as a solid tone when reduced. Include a key to symbols used within an illustration, unless the symbols are best explained in the legend. Measurement scales (e.g., distance) should be given in the illustration itself. Some special symbols cannot be typeset by the printer. There- fore, if a magnification scale is needed in connection with a photomicrograph, for instance, the scale should be placed on the photo itself and not in the legend. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. Photographs should be glossy prints of good contrast and sharp- ness, preferably mounted on an artist’s mounting board and sub- mitted in approximately the same size as they should appear in print. Photographs should be made from monochrome (“black and white”) film whenever possible. On the back of each photo- graph, write the author’s name and the figure number using a special marking (“felt tip”) pen. Composite photographs should be mounted touching one another and squared on all sides. Separate portions of such illustrations should be identified as necessary using adhesive transfer letters. Color photographs cannot be pub- lished unless completely subsidized by the author(s). Faulty illustrations may be returned to the author. If they are fixed by a scientific illustrator under the Editor’s direction, the author will be charged. Literature Cited in the manuscript should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text and Acknowledgements. Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, followng these examples: (Brown and Ama- don, Eagles, hawks and falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968), or Nelson (Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982). If more than 39 40 Instruction for Contributors three citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., (Galushin 1981)), or, in a citation with two or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982)). Cita- tions of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson (1980)). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. Authors should follow the BIOSIS List of Serials (1974, Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts) as a guide for abbreviations and forms of titles of serial publications. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to ab- breviate. Editorial review and revision processes will be conducted on man- uscripts submitted for publicaton as regular articles or Short Communications. Manuscripts will be critically reviewed by re- ferees selected for competency in the subject matter of the manus- cript. Acceptance of a manuscript for publication will depend upon scientific merit, originality, timeliness, and suitability for the journal. The referee’s comments and Editor’s suggestions will be conveyed to the author. Manuscripts will generally be published in order of receipt, although publication may be advanced or de- layed in order to maintain balance or to group manuscripts deal- ing with closely related subjects. Each published paper will show the date of receipt in the Editorial Offices and the date of accep- tance of the final revision. Excessive time taken by authors in revising manuscripts will generally result in a delay in publication. Proofs, typescript and reprint order forms will be sent to the senior author unless indicated otherwise. Please inform the Editor well in advance of any change in address or system for handling proofs. The corrected proofs and the original typescript should be re- turned to the Editor within 3 days of receipt. Corrections will be made without charge but revisions done by authors will be charged at the rate of $20.00 per hour of additional typesetting. Commentary on articles published in Raptor Research is invited by the Editor. Comments should be in letter form submitted in dupli- cate to allow one copy to be forwarded to the author whose work is being addressed. The recipient will be invited to reply. All submis- sions should be typed, double-spaced, signed, and be as brief as possible. Contributions to the Commentary section will be re- viewed by the Editorial Board, which will select contributions for publication that are most pertinent to the interests of our reader- ship. Announcements of noncommercial raptor news, requests for as- sistance, etc., are invited by the Editor. Items submitted should be typed double-spaced in Raptor Research format. Announcements that carry a dead-line should be submitted at least six months in advance to allow enough time for publication and response. Ad- vertisement notices will be published free of charge providing 15% of the proceeds requested are donated to The Raptor Re- search Foundation, Inc. All other advertisements will be charged at a rate consistent with current publication costs in effect at the time the ad request is received. The journal also publishes notices about selected new books, booklets, reports, etc., that are received in the editorial office. Authors and publishers are encouraged to submit a copy of their material for consideration and not just an announcement. Insure that price and source for all such material is given. A review of material when appropriate will be requested by the Editor and published in the journal. Publicaton Policy The cost of producing an issue of Raptor Research is expensive, and membership dues alone do not meet the publication costs. In order to defray some of the costs of publishing the journal, it is the policy of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., to expect authors of manuscripts accepted for publication to contribute to these costs through the use of institutional, grant or contract, or other funds available to them for this purpose. Those authors who are able to completely subsidize publication of their papers will be scheduled for publication in the earliest available issue of Raptor Research following approval of galley proofs. Authors who are members of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., but do not have access to institutional, grant or contract, or other funds may request a waiver of contributions toward publication costs. Au- thors of lengthy manuscripts are especially encouraged to help defray the costs of publication. It is unlikely that articles of more than 10 printed pages (i.e., 18 typewritten, double-spaced pages of tnanuscript including tables and illustrations) can be published wilhout a significant contribution. The ability to contribute toward publication costs does not enter into the editorial decision re- garding the acceptability of a manuscript. There are some costs of publishing papers that are fixed and cannot be waived. These include costs of alterations or redrafting of figures, changes in proofs other than those correcting printing errors, and changes made necessary after type has been set as a result of excessively complicated text, or numerous tables or fi- gures, or inclusion of color or black and white plates. Such charges will be billed to the author by the Treasurer. Reprint charges will be forwarded to authors at the same time as the article galley for proofing. The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., will not waive the cost of reprints of articles requested by authors. Payment in full for requested reprints must be forwarded to the T reasurer before reprints can be mailed. However, authors employed by government agencies, universities, or other firms that will meet their reprint costs, may forward an intent to pay to the Treasurer in the form of an agency voucher/purchase order. Upon receipt of a voucher/purchase order, reprints can be mailed to the author. The Treasurer will then bill the appropriate agency for the reprints with the understanding that payment will be made within 30 days. All funds should be made payable to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., and forwarded directly to the Treasurer: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. All personal contributions to- wards publication costs, as well as other personal costs of prepar- ing papers for publication, are tax-deductible. Copies of these instructions are available upon request from the Editor, to whom correspondence regarding contributions to Raptor Research should be forwarded. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE RAPTOR ReSEARCHFoUNDATION, INC. EDITOR: Dr. Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Mr. Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr. Fredrick N. Hamerstrom, Jr. (Principal Referee); Dr. Byron E. Harrell (Editor of Special Publications) INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Dr. Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Submit a typewritten original and two copies of text, tables, figures and other pertinent material to the Editor. Two original copies of photographic illustrations are required. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format and authors should design tables and figures accordingly. AH submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of 8J4 x 1 1-inch (2114 x 28cm) good quality, bond paper. Number pages through the Literature Cited section. The cover page should contain the full title and a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 30 characters in length) to be used as a running head. Author addresses are listed at the end of the Literature Cited section. Authors should indicate if present addresses are different from addresses at the time the research was conducted. When more than one author is listed, please indicate who should be contacted for necessary corrections and proof review. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than 4 double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submitted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgements, when appropriate, should immediately follow the text and precede the Literature Cited. Both scientific and common names of all organisms are always given where first appearing in the text and should conform to the current checklists, or equivalent references, such as the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983). Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, following these examples: (Brown and Amadon, Eagles, Hawks and falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1968), or Nelson {Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982). If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 8 14 x 1 1 -inch (2 1 !4 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to V2. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. T ype written or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Raptor Research, Vo\. 18, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH RAPTOR RESEARCH A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Volume 18, Number 2, Summer 1984 (ISSN 0099-9059) CONTENTS Heptachlor Seed Treatment Contaminates Hawks, Owls and Eagles of Columbia BASIN Oregon. Charles J. Henny, Lawrence J. Blus and T. Earl Kaiser 41 Breeding Ecology of Barred Owls in the Central Appalachians. James G. Devereaux and James A. Mosher 49 Telemetry of Heart Rates in Large Raptors: A Method of Transmitter and ELECTRODE Placement. Kevin T. Patton, Walter C. Crawford, Jr. and William Sawyer 59 Electroretinograms and Retinal Structure of the Screech Owl ( Otus asio) and Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus). Steven J. Ault 16 Footprinting of Raptors For Identification. Erik H. Stauber 67 Pseudomenbraneous Gastritis Compatible with (Clostridium sp.) in a Captive Peregrine Falcon. James H. Enderson and Morgan Berthong, M.D 72 Biotelemetered Daily Heart Rate Cycles in the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). David E. Busch, William A. deGraw and N.C. Clampitt 74 Short Communications Status of a Population of Bald Eagles Wintering in Western Connecticut. Steven D. Faccio and Howard I. Russock 77 Nest Defense by Northern Harriers Against the Coyote in Southwestern Idaho. Leon R. Powers, Timothy H. Craig and John Martin 78 News and Reviews 79 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Dr. Jeffrey L. Lincer, Office of the Scientific Advisor, 2086 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577 VICE-PRESIDENT: Dr. Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsyl- vania 17405 SECRETARY: Mr. Ed Henckel, RD 1, Box 1380, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343 TREASURER: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55208 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: Dr. James A. Mosher, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory, University of Maryland, Frostburg State College Campus, Gunter Hall, Frostburg, Marylnd 21532 CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Patrick T. Redig, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295 Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 MOUNTAIN & PACIFIC DIRECTOR: Dr. A1 Harmata, Department of Biology, Montana State University, Boze- man, Montana 59717 EAST CANADA DIRECTOR: Dr. David M. Bird, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO WEST CANADA DIRECTOR: Dr. R. Wayne Nelson, 4218 -63rd Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 2W2 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Martin Bottcher, Postfach 2164, Steinfelder Strass 1 1, 5372 SCHLEIDEN, Federal Republic of Germany, GERMANY DIRECTOR AT LARGE # 1 : Dr. Michael Collopy, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conserva- tion, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32601 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: Dr. Tom Dunstan, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illionis 61455 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Dr. Mark R. Fuller, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland 20708 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $15 per year in the U.S., $17 per year outside the U.S., $13 per year for U.S. students, and $15 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regulr membership. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communications may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Dr. Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research , Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A. ; Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S.A. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATON OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. Vol. 18 Summer 1984 No. 2 HEPTACHLOR SEED TREATMENT CONTAMINATES HAWKS, OWLS, AND EAGLES OF COLUMBIA BASIN, OREGON Charles J. Henny, Lawrence J. Blus and T. Earl Kaiser Abstract - We evaluated organochlorine residues in 12 species of hawks, owls, and eagles from the Columbia Basin of Oregon between 1978 and 1981. Companion studies showed that heptachlor epoxide (HE) induced adult mortality and reduced productivity of the Canada Goose ( Branta canadensis) and American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius) . In this study, brain tissue from raptors found dead and sample eggs from 90 nests were analyzed for organochlorines. The primary concern was HE that entered raptor food chains through the ingestion of heptachlor-treated seed by their prey. HE residues were detected in eggs from 9 of 10 species and ranged as high as 4.75 ppm (wet wt), but no definite effects of HE on productivity were readily apparent from the limited series of nests. However, the hazard of heptachlor seed treatments to birds of prey was demonstrated by the occurrence of lethal residues of HE in brain tissue of 3 Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ) and 1 Rough-legged Hawk ( Buteo lagopus). Other organochlorine pesticides were present in the eggs and significant relationships were found between DDE and eggshell thickness for the Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) and Western Screech-Owl (Otus kennicotti), although shell thinning (9.6% and 7.4%) was below the generally accepted range where reproductive problems have been known to occur. The history of heptachlor as a wheat seed treat- ment to control wireworms in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon, is poorly understood. Through 1970, it was listed in th e Pacific Northwest Insect Con- trol Handbook (Anon., various dates) after aldrin and dieldrin, with an application rate on seed of 1 oz/bu (about 1,000 ppm). It was not listed in 1971, 1972, and 1973. Then from 1974, heptachlor was listed at 2 oz/bu (about 2,000 ppm). In 1979, heptachlor seed treatments were banned in a 1700 km2 area near the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), and by 1981, there appeared to be a nearly com- plete changeover from heptachlor to lindane as a seed treatment in our study area. As of September 1982, production of heptachlor for use as a seed treatment in the United States was prohibited; however, there was a provision for using up existing stocks. In 1976 and 1977, die-offs of several species of birds occurred in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon. Residues of HE that are considered lethal (Stickel et al. 1979) were found in brain tissue of the Ring-necked Pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus ), California Quail ( Callipepla calif ornica), Canada Goose, Black-billed Magpie {Pica pica), and Golden Eagle (Blus et al. 1979). This history of wildlife mortality associated with heptachlor seed treatment of wheat prompted a detailed study of Canada Geese nesting at Umatilla NWR (Blus et al. 1979), and a study of American Kestrels nesting through- out the region (Henny et al. 1983). Both studies showed heptachlor-induced adult mortality. Fur- thermore, although HE did not thin eggshells, re- duced nesting success was correlated with increased HE residues in eggs of both species. The kestrel was more sensitive to HE residues in eggs than was the Canada Goose (i.e., reduced productivity occurred at >1.5 ppm [wet wt] in kestrel eggs vs. >10 ppm in Canada Goose eggs). We reasoned that Canada Geese were obtaining heptachlor directly from the ingestion of treated seeds; however, the diet of American Kestrels is mainly insects (especially grasshoppers) but in- cludes mice, small birds and some lizards and am- phibians (Fisher 1893). Therefore, the presence of HE in kestrel eggs indicated contamination of the food chain of at least one species of hawk. This study was designed (1) to determine if HE entered food chains of other species of hawks and owls nesting in the region, and (2) to evaluate the success or failure of each nesting attempt in re- lationship to organochlorine residues in the sample egg collected. The egg data provides insight into residue concentrations that affect reproductive success of the various species although more infor- mation of this type is needed. Also, brain tissue of 41 Raptor Research 1 8(2) :4 1-48 42 Henny, Blus, Kaiser Vol. 18, Number 2 birds of prey found dead were analyzed to deter- mine if mortality was related to organochlorine contaminants. Methods We collected a sample egg from 90 raptor nests located in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon in 1978-81. The remain- der of the eggs were monitored for hatchability and fledging rates. Since a sample egg was collected from each nest for or- ganochlorine analysis, some productivity values were not directly comparable to other published studies. Nest boxes were placed in the region to attract American Kestrels, but Western Screech-Owls and the Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) also used them. The Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) used artificial burrows (Henny and Blus 1981). The sample eggs were refrigerated until opened. Contents were placed in a chemically cleaned jar and frozen for later analysis. Shell thickness (shell and shell membranes) was measured at 3 sites on each egg equator with a micrometer graduated in units of 0.01 mm. Historical eggshells (pre-1947) were measured at 3 museums in Oregon and Washington. One randomly selected egg from each clutch was measured. Samples were homogenized and subsamples extracted by a Soxhlet apparatus and cleaned by Florisil-column chromatog- raphy. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) were separated from pesticides by silicic acid column chromatography (Cromartie et al. 1975 and Kaiser et al. 1980). All samples were analyzed for DDE, DDD, DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, mirex, oxychlordane, m-chlordane, cw-nonachlor, tram-nonachlor, endrin, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, and PCB’s. Additionally, samples in 1978, 1980 and 1981 were analyzed for lindane, samples in 1978 and 1981 for^-BHC, and samples in 1978 for pentachloronitroben- zene (it was not detected). Residues were quantitated by electron-capture gas-liquid chromatography using either a 1.5/1.95% OV-17/QF-1 or a 1.5/ 1.95% SP-2250/2401 column. Recoveries from fortified chicken eggs ranged from 83-104%. Residue levels were not corrected for recovery. A few samples from 1978 were analyzed at the Denver Wildlife Research Center (Peterson et al. 1976). Residues in 8% of the samples were confirmed on a Finnigan 4000 series gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (Kaiser et al. 1980). The lower limit of residue quantification was 0.1 ppm for pesticides and 0.5 ppm for PCB’s. For statistical purposes, the lower limit of quantifi- cation was divided in half and that value assigned to samples in which the contaminant was not detected. Statistical calculations were not performed unless 75% of the samples contained detecta- ble residues. Contents of eggs were converted to an approximate fresh wet wt by use of egg volume (Stickel et al. 1973); residue concentrations were then expressed on an estimated fresh wet wt basis. A t-test was used to determine significant (P < 0.05) changes in eggshell thickness. The mean clutch size and mean number of young fledged was not calculated unless > 6 nest records were available. O' Results and Discussion The largest series of eggs was obtained from the Swainson’s Hawk (25 nests) and Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) (21 nests), but because the preponder- ance of data pertain to either 1978 or 1979, a statis- tical analysis of the residue changes over time was not advisable. A ban on heptachlor seed treatments near the Umatilla NWR in 1979 resulted in an im- mediate lowering of HE concentrations in kestrel eggs the following year (Henny et al. 1983). Hawk Eggs. — Heptachlor epoxide was detected in the majority of eggs sampled among the buteos, i.e., Swainson’s Hawk (21 of 25, 84%), Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis ) (9 of 10, 90%), and Red-tailed Hawk (B. jamaicensis) (5 of 6, 83%) (Table 1). DDE was detected at about the same frequency as HE in all 3 species: Swainson’s Hawk (23 of 25, 92%), Ferruginous Hawk (8 of 10, 80%), and Red-tailed Hawk (5 of 6, 83%). Dieldrin was frequently de- tected in Swainson’s Hawk eggs (13 of 25, 52%), but was virtually absent from the Ferruginous Hawk (0 of 10) and Red-tailed Hawk (1 of 6) eggs. Residues in sample eggs were tabulated from the highest to the lowest to ascertain if residues influ- enced nesting success. Although sensitivity to con- taminants varies from species to species, we know American Kestrel nesting success declined when HE egg residues increased above 1.5 ppm (Henny et al. 1983). With the Swainson’s Hawk, 15 of 21 nests (71%) with <1.5 ppm HE were successful with 26 young fledged (1.24 per nesting attempt) which was judged good to excellent. (Note: 1 egg was collected which reduced the number fledged). Only 4 nests contained >1.5 ppm HE (2 were successful and fledged 4 young or 1.00 per nesting attempt). Four of 5 Swainson’s Hawk nests with the highest DDE residues (5 to 10 ppm) in eggs were successful and produced 10 young (2.00 young/ nest). Two successful Swainson’s Hawk nests in 1976 contained DDE residues of 4.35 and 7.13 ppm and produced 3 young and 1 young, respectively (Henny and Kaiser 1979). When the 10 nest records from 1976 were combined with 25 nests in this study, regression analysis indicated a significant logarithmic relationship between DDE and eggshell thickness (Y = 0.393 - 0.022 logioX, r = - 0.40, P < 0.02). The same method showed no significant re- lationship between HE and eggshell thickness (Y = 0.393 + 0.002 logioX, r = 0.04, P > 0.05). Eggshell thickness (X ± SE) during this study was 0.387±0.007 mm which was 9.6% thinner (P < 0.01) than the pre-DDT era (before 1947) mean of 0.428±0.005 mm in the Pacific Northwest (Henny and Kaiser 1979). This amount of thinning was less than the generally accepted 18-22% range where reproductive problems occur (Lincer 1975). Summer 1984 Heptachlor Contamination in Oregon 43 Bechard (1981) collected a sample egg from 6 Swainson’s Hawk nests in nearby southeastern Washington in 1977 and 1978. At least 1 young was fledged from each nest. Low DDE residues (ppm wet wt) were reported in 5 eggs (0.20, 0.68, 1.2,1 .4, 2.9) and low HE residues in 2 eggs (0.11, 0.35). Neither the Ferruginous nor the Red-tailed Hawk eggs contained HE above 1 .5 ppm (the effect zone observed for the American Kestrel), and DDE residues were generally low. Shell thickness for the Red-tailed Hawk was identical (0.420±0.017 mm) to pre-1947 thickness from the northern prairies (Anderson and Hickey 1972); whereas, the small series of Ferruginous Hawk eggs showed a signific- ant (P < 0.01) shell thickness increase (0.485±0.006 mm, n = 10 vs. 0.451 ± 0.008 mm, n = 14) in comparison to eggs collected in Oregon and Washington before 1947. Ferruginous Hawk eggs collected from 6 nests in southcentral Idaho in 1979 contained low residues (ppm wet wt) of DDT and its metabolites (highest value 0.65) and low residues of HE (highest value 0.10) (Thurow et al. 1980). HE residues in Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawk eggs from this study were higher than re- ported from eggs collected in adjacent states during the same time period. Four Northern Harrier ( Circus cyaneus ) eggs and 2 Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus ) eggs all contained HE and DDE (Table 1). Owl Eggs. — Heptachlor epoxide was detected Table 1 . Clutch size, fledging success, eggshell thickness, and organochlorine residues (ppm wet wt) in eggs of hawks nesting in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon, 1978-80. Year Clutch sizea Fledged Shell Thickness (mm) HE OXY DDE Dieldrin HCB TRNO Swainson’s Hawk 1979 4 1 0.480 2.95 0.31 0.76 0.49 0.19 0.10 1978b 4 3 0.383 2.93 2.16 1979 2 0 0.372 2.82 0.23 10.34 1.03 1979 3 0 0.360 2.52 0.28 1.15 0.52 2.62 0.58 1979 2 0 0.418 1.42 0.21 1979 2 1 0.391 1.31 0.14 1.87 0.14 1979c 4 3 0.365 1.20 0.11 10.41 0.11 1979 4 3 0.430 0.93 0.66 0.14 1979 3 0 0.417 0.67 0.21 0.45 1980 p 1 0.429 0.64 0.13 0.10 1979 3 0 0.353 0.50 0.45 1979c 4 3 0.335 0.36 8.74 1.34 1979d 3 0 0.378 0.35 0.13 1.28 0.33 1979 3 0 0.398 0.26 0.10 1980 2 0 0.351 0.25 0.28 0.17 1979e 4 3 0.370 0.23 7.50 0.10 1979 3 1 0.359 0.23 1.41 1979 3 1 0.388 0.19 2.66 0.15 1979 4 2 0.377 0.14 2.96 1979 3 1 0.430 0.13 0.56 1978b p 1 0.371 0.10 0.15 1978b 3 1 0.346 5.00 1979 4 2 0.381 1.56 1979 3 1 0.404 1.32 0.13 1979f 4 2 0.397 0.23 3.22§ 1.20§ 0.3878 0.38h 0.98h (Table 1 Continued) 44 Henny, Blus, Kaiser Vol. 18, No. 2 (Table 1 Concluded) Year Clutch sizea Fledged Shell Thickness (mm) HE OXY DDE Dieldrin HCB TRNO Ferruginous Hawk 1978b 4 3 0.475 1.32 3.88 1979 2 0 0.493 1.08 0.12 2.25 1979 2 0 0.509 0.56 0.11 0.28 1978b 2 1 0.457 0.49 1.05 1979 4 2 0.455 0.40 0.65 1979 4 2 0.512 0.38 1978b 4 3 0.497 0.17 0.29 1978b 4 0 0.477 0.14 0.10 1978b 5 0 0.496 0.10 0.32 1980 4 2 0.475 1.31 0.30 3.50? 1.30? .485? 0.3 1 h 0.42h Red-tailed Hawk 1979 4 0 0.353 1.44 0.17 0.20 1980 ? 2 0.477 1.34 0.14 0.15 1978b 3 ? 0.417 1.22 3.58 1979 3 2 0.441 0.87 0.22 0.24 0.43 1978b ? 2 0.407 0.14 0.32 1979 3 2 0.424 0.420? 0.49h 0.27h Northern Harrier 1979 6 o[ 0.315 1.90 0.18 3.61 0.22 1978b p O1 0.317 1.06 5.24 1978 ? 01 0.55 0.14 4.15 0.13 1979 ? o1 0.289 0.25 0.61 0.307? 0.73h 2.63h Prairie Falcon 1979 5 3 0.372 4.75 0.33 0.86 0.21 0.22 1978b 4 ? 0.319 1.84 1.11 0.346? 2.96h 0.98h Vote: HE = heptachlor epoxide, OXY = oxychlordane, HCB = hexachlorobenzene, and TRNO = frans-nonachlor. lBefore sample egg removed. ^ Analyzed at Denver Wildlife Research Center. cAlso, 0.36 or 0.66 ppm toxaphene. ^Also, 0.13 ppm DDD. eAlso, 1.0 ppm PCB’s. ^Recycled after first nest abandoned. ^ Arithmetic mean. ^Geometric mean. Nests destroyed by farm mowing operations. less frequently in eggs of the 5 species of owls (T able 2) than in hawk eggs: Western Screech-Owl (5 of 7, 71%), Short-eared Owl {Asio flammeus) (3 of 5, 60%), Long-eared Owl (7 of 21, 33%), Burrowing Owl (2 of 6, 33%), and Northern Saw-whet Owl (0 of 4). Our criteria for calculating geometric means (75% of samples with detectable amounts) was not met for HE in any of the owl species. DDE occurred in Summer 1984 Heptachlor Contamination in Oregon 45 eggs at greater frequencies than HE: Western Screech-Owl (6 of 7, 86%), Burrowing Owl (5 of 6, 83%), Long-eared Owl ( 1 7 of 2 1 , 8 1 %), Short-eared Owl (4 of 5, 80%), and Northern Saw-whet Owl (1 of 4, 25%). However, the DDE concentrations in owls were low. Long-eared Owls experienced excellent repro- ductive success; 16 of 19 nests (84%) were success- ful. The 3 nests that failed did not contain higher residue concentrations than the successful nests. A test for the logarithmic relationship between DDE and eggshell thickness was not statistically signific- ant (P > 0.05). The mean eggshell thickness (0.237±0.003 mm, n =21) was similar to the pre- 1947 mean (0.238±0.002 mm, n = 11) from Ore- gon and Washington. Western Screech-Owl eggs contained some of the higher DDE residues among the owls (Table 2). Although only 7 Western Screech-Owl eggs were collected, a highly significant logarithmic relation- ship existed between DDE and eggshell thickness ( Y = 0.2 1 1 - 0.025 logioX, r = - 0.92, P < 0.01). There was no significant relationship (P > 0.05) between HE and eggshell thickness. Mean Western Screech-Owl eggshell thickness of 0.2 12 ±0.007 mm was 7.4% thinner (P < 0.01) than the pre-1947 mean (0.229±0.004 mm, n = 1 1) from Oregon and Washington. Laboratory studies showed that 2.8 ppm (wet wt) of DDE in the diet reduced Eastern Screech-Owl (Otus asio) eggshell thickness by an av- erage of 12% (McLane and Hall 1972). Residues of DDE in Eastern Screech-Owl eggs from Ohio in Table 2. Clutch size, fledging success, eggshell thickness, and organochlorine residues (ppm wet wt) in eggs of owls nesting in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon, 1978-81. Shell Clutch Thickness Year sizea Fledged (mm) HE OXY DDE Dieldrin HCB PCB’s Long-eared Owl 1979 5 4 0.237 1.92 0.25 0.14 0.10 1979 5 3 0.250 0.65 0.11 0.16 1079 6 5 0.236 0.61 0.45 1.49 1979 6 5 0.242 0.49 0.15 1980 5 p 0.243 0.45 0.19 1.04 0.22 1980 5 4 0.240 0.15 0.16 0.39 1978 5 0 0.265 0.14 1980 5 4 0.218 3.32 1979 7 5 0.221 1.58 1979 8 0 0.228 0.90 1980 5 3 0.250 0.56 0.18 1980 6 4 0.218 0.44 1978b 7 2+ 0.247 0.42 1980 5 p 0.236 0.26 0.48 1980 6 0 0.234 0.25 1979 6 5 0.208 0.16 1980 4 3 0.264 0.12 1980 7 6 0.254 0.10 1980 5 4 0.231 1980 5 4 0.231 1980 5 4 0.218 0.24d 5.62c (Table 2 Continued) 3.42c 0.237c 46 Henny, Blus, Kaiser Vol. 18, Number 2 (Table 2 Concluded) Shell Clutch Thickness Year sizea Fledged (mm) HE OXY DDE Dieldrin HCB PCB’s Western Screech-Owl 1979 5 4 0.225 3.15 1979 le X 0.189 2.57 1980 4 0 0.204 1.03 1978b p 2 0.206 0.46 1979f 3 0 0.201 0.30 1980 5 4 0.215 1981 4 3 0.243 0.39 0.55 0.39 2.76 0.73 3.94 0.15 oil 1.01 0.13 0.60 1.98 0.28 3.43 0.50 0.10 1.06 4.20c 2. 1 7C 0.212c 0.90d Burrowing Owl 1981 6 0 0.178 0.19 0.66 1981 5 os 0.182 0.16 0.24 1979 10 7 0.172 0.18 1980 8 7 0.174 0.14 1980 10 ? 0.180 0.11 1980 12 10 0.192 8.50c 0.180c Short-eared Owl 1979 6+ 3 0.246 1980 4 ? 0.277 1978b ? 0h 0.216 1979 8 5 + 0.235 1979 9 3 + 0.258 0.1 7d 1.70 0.33 0.20 0.51 0.99 0.35 0.29 0.24 0.61 1.08 0.74 0.26 0.85 0.246c 0.30d Northern Saw-whet Owl 1978 5 + 3 0.185 0.11 1979 6 5 0.197 1981 7 3 0.192 1981 6 2 0.191 0. 1 9 lc Note: HE= heptachlor epoxide, OXY = oxychlordane, HCB = hexachlorobenzene, PCB’s = polychlorinated biphenyls. ^ aBefore sample egg removed. “Analyzed at Denver Wildlife Research Center. cArithmetic mean. “Geometric mean. eLone egg found in nest box. Also, 0.96 ppm eis-chlordane. ^Four hatched but depredated by a Badger (Taxidea taxus ). ^Nest destroyed by farm mowing operation. Summer 1984 Heptachlor Contamination in Oregon 47 1973 were generally low (arithmetic X 1.29 ppm wet wt, range 0.33-2.8) and no relationship was found between hatching failure and presence of organochlorine residues (Klaas and Swineford 1976). For comparison, the arithmetic mean for DDF in this study was 1.65 ppm. The shell thickness of 6 Burrowing Owl eggs averaged 0.1 80 ±0.003 mm which was not signific- antly different from 6 eggs collected in Oregon and Washington before 1947 (0.191 ±0.009 mm). Short-eared Owl eggs showed a mean shell thick- ness of 0.246 ±0.0 10 mm which was nearly identical to the 0.245 ±0.006 mm from 3 eggs collected in Oregon and Washington prior to 1947. Northern Saw-whet Owl eggs had a mean shell thickness of 0. 191 ±0.003 mm; however, no historical eggs were available from the region for comparison. DDE re- sidues were generally < 1 ppm in eggs of these 3 species of owls. Eagles and Hawks Found Dead. — Although eggs from Golden Eagle nests in the region were not collected, 8 eagles found dead were analyzed (Table 3). Residues of HE in brain tissue of 3 Gol- den Eagles (7.9, 10, and 13 ppm) were diagnostic of HE poisoning (i.e., > 8 ppm established for ex- perimental birds [Stickel et al. 1979]). The eagle with 4.7 ppm HE died under suspicious cir- cumstances; it was observed gliding and then fatally diving straight into the ground! Rough-legged Hawks nest in the Arctic and winter in the region, but 1 bird accumulated lethal residues of HE. A nesting American Kestrel died in its nest box with 28 ppm HE in her brain; an egg she laid contained the highest HE concentration among the 261 kes- trel eggs collected during a 4-year study (Henny et al. 1983). The birds with lethal HE residues died in March, April, May, and June which is considerably after the fall planting time for heptachlor-treated wheat seeds. Acknowledgments Biological technicians collecting field data for this study in- cluded E.G. Huff, R.R. Sheehy, G.A. Green, B.E. Forman, K.D. Hansen, and R. A. Grove. J.E. Kurtz and G.M. Constantino, refuge managers at Umatilla NWR, kindly allowed use of refuge facilities as our field operations center. S.A. Rohwer, Thomas Burke Memorial Museum, Seattle; G.D. Alcorn, University of Puget Sound Museum, Tacoma; and the staff of the University of Ore- gon Museum, Eugene, assisted in obtaining measurements from pre-DDT era eggs housed at their facilities. E.F. Hill and D.H. White of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and G.A. Fox of the Canadian Wildlife Service improved the manuscript with their thoughtful reviews. We thank all who assisted in this effort. Addenda A Barn Owl ( Tyto alba) found dead in the study area on 1 January 1984 had the following residues (ppm wet wt) in its T able 3 . Organochlorine residues (ppm wet wt) in brain tissue of eagles and hawks found dead in Umatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon, 1977-80. Species Wt (g) Age Sex Date HE OXY DDE Dieldrin TRNO HCB PCB’s Golden Eaglea 2640 Adult Golden Eagle*3 3600 Adult Golden Eagle 4825 Adult Golden Eagle 4500 SAd Golden Eagle 3350 SAd Golden Eagle 3225 Adult Golden Eagle 4025 Adult Golden Eagle 2900 SAd Red-tailed Hawk 1050 Juv Rough-legged Hawk American Kestrel0 728 Juv Adult M 30 April 1977 10 0.62 M May-June 1978 13 0.69 F Winter 78-79 F Winter 78-79 M Winter 78-79 0.10 M Early 1979 1.5 0.12 F 3 May 1980 4.7 0.30 M 17 June 1980 7.9 0.67 M 10 Feb 1980 F 20 March 1980 20 2.4 F 11 June 1979 28 2.5 1.1 0.75 0.40 0.29 0.61 0.49 0.43 0.21 0.11 1.8 0.12 0.89 1.5 0.26 0.31 1.6 0.42 0.34 7.4 0.35 0.95 0.21 Note: SAd = subadult (has white on tailor wings; seeSteenhof etal. 1983), Juv (in second calendar year of life; juvenal plumage); HE = heptachlor epoxide, OXY = oxychlordane, TRNO = tozm-nonachlor, HCB = hexachlorobenzene, PCB’s = polychlorinated biphenyls. aFell from sky, hit ground and began convulsing. ^Found alive; no coordination and some muscle twitching. cSee Henny et al. (1983) for details. 48 Henny, Blus, Kaiser Vol. 18, No. 2 brain: heptachlor epoxide 1.1, oxychlordane 0.31, trans- nonachlor 0.10, and DDE 0.18. Thus, another raptor species in the area accumulated residues of heptachlor epoxide. Literature Cited Anderson, D.W. and J.J. Hickey. 1972. Eggshell changes in certain North American birds. Proc. Inter- natl. Ornithol. Cong. 15:514-540. Anon, (various dates). Pacific Northwest Insect Control Handbook. Compiled and edited annually by Exten- sion Entomologists of Oregon State Univ., Washington State Univ., and Univ. of Idaho. Oregon State Univ. Book Stores, Inc., Corvallis. Bechard, M. 1981. DDT and hexachlorobenzene re- sidues in southeastern Washington Swainson’s Hawks ( Buteo swainsoni). Bull. Environ. Contain. Toxicol. 26:248-253. Blus, L.J., C.J. Henny, D.J. Lenhart and E. Cromartie. 1979. Effects of heptachlor-treated cereal grains on Canada Geese in the Columbia Basin. In: Manage- ment and Biology of Pacific Fly way Geese: A Sym- posium. R.L. Jarvis and J.C. Bartonek (eds.). Oregon State Univ. Book Stores, Inc., Corvallis, pp. 105-1 16. Cromartie, E., W.L. Reichel, L.N. Locke, A.A. Belisle, T.E. Kaiser, T.G. Lamont, B.M. Mulhern, R.M. Prouty and D.M. Swineford. 1975. Residues of or- ganochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls and autopsy data for Bald Eagles, 1971-72. Pestic. Monit. J. 9:11-14. Fisher, A.K. 1893. The Hawks and Owls of the United States in Their Relation to Agriculture. U.S. Dept. Agric., Div. Ornithol. Mammal. Bull. 3. Henny, C.J. and L.J. Blus. 1981. Artificial burrows provide new insight into Burrowing Owl nesting biol- ogy. Raptor Res. 15:82-85. Henny, C.J. and T.E. Kaiser. 1979. Organochlorine and mercury residues in Swainson’s Hawk eggs from the Pacific Northwest. Murrelet 60:2-5. Henny, C.J., L.J. Blus and C.J. Stafford. 1983. Effects of heptachlor on American Kestrels in the Columbia Basin, Oregon./. Wildl. Manage. 47:1080-1087. Kaiser, T.E., W.L. Reichel, L.N. Locke, E. Cromartie, A.J. Krynitsky, T.G. Lamont, B.M. Mulhern, R.M. Prouty, C.J. Stafford and D.M. Swineford. 1980. Organochlorine pesticide, PCB and PBB re- sidues and necropsy data for Bald Eagles from 29 states — 1975-77 .Pestic. Monit. J. 13:145-149. Klaas, E.E. and D.M. Swineford. 1976. Chemical con- tent and hatchability of Screech Owl eggs. Wilson Bull. 88:421-426. Lincer, J.L. 1975. DDE-induced eggshell thinning in the American Kestrel: A comparison of the field situ- ation with laboratory results./. Appl. Ecol. 12:781-793. McLane, M.A. R. and L.C. Hall. 1972. DDE thins Screech Owl eggshells. Bull. Environ. Contain. Toxicol. 8:65-68. Peterson, J.E., K.M. Stahl and D.L. Meeker. 1976. Simplified extraction and cleanup for deter- mining organochlorine pesticides in small biological samples. Bull. Environ. Contain. Toxicol. 15:135-139. Steenhof, K., M.N. Kochert, and J.H. Doremus. 1983. Nesting of subadult Golden Eagles in southwestern Idaho. Auk 100:743-747. Stickel, L.F., S.N. Wiemeyer and L.J. Blus. 1973. Pes- ticide residues in eggs of wild birds: Adjustment for loss of moisture and lipid. Bull. Environ. Contain. To- xicol. 9:193-196. Stickel, L.F., W.H. Stickel, R.D. McArthur and D.L. Hughes. 1979. Chlordane in birds: A study of lethal residues and loss rates. In Toxicology and Occupa- tional Medicine. W.B. Deichmann (organizer). Elsevier/North Holland, New York. pp. 387-396. Thurow, T.L., C.M. White, R.P. Howard, and J.F. Sul- livan. 1980. Raptor ecology of Raft River Valley, Idaho. U.S. Dept. Energy, Idaho National Engineer- ing Laboratory, EGG-2054, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 45 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 480 SW Airport Road, Corvallis, OR 97333. Address of third author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD 20708 Received 10 March 1984; Accepted 9 May 1984. BREEDING ECOLOGY OF BARRED OWLS IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS James G. Devereux and James A. Mosher Abstract - Eight pairs of breeding Barred Owls (Strix varia) in western Maryland were studied. Nest site habitat was sampled and quantified using a modification of the James and Shugart (1970) technique (see Titus and Mosher 1981). Statistical comparison to 76 random habitat plots showed nest sites were in more mature forest stands and closer to forest openings. There was no apparent association of nest sites with water. Cavity dimensions were compared statistically with 41 randomly selected cavities. Except for cavity height, there were no statistically significant differences between them. Small mammals comprised 65.9% of the total number of prey items recorded, of which 81.5% were members of the families Cricetidae and Soricidae. Birds accounted for 14.6% of the prey items and crayfish and insects 19.5%. We also recorded an apparent instance of juvenile cannibalism. Thirteen nestlings were produced in 7 nests, averaging 1.9 young per nest. Only 2 of 5 nests, where the outcome was known, fledged young. The Barred Owl ( Strix varia ) is a common noc- turnal raptor in forests of the eastern United States, though few detailed studies of it have been pub- lished. Most reports are of single nesting occurr- ences and general observations (Bolles 1 890; Carter 1925; Henderson 1933; Robertson 1959; Brown 1962; Caldwell 1972; Hamerstrom 1973; Appel- gate 1975; Soucy 1976; Bird and Wright 1977; Leder and Walters 1980). Habitat was described qualitatively by Nicholls and Warner (1972) and Fuller (1979). Barred Owl food habits were re- ported by Cahn and Kemp (1930), Errington (1932), Errington and McDonald (1937), Wilson (1938), Mendall (1944), Hamerstrom and Hamerstrom (1951), Blakemore (1960) LeDuc ( 1 970), and Korschgen and Stuart (1972). The food habits studied, however, were all from midwestern states, except Mendall’s (1944) study from Maine. Dunstan and Sample (1972) reported the number of fledglings from 1 cavity each year for 5 years, but provided no other productivity information. Clutch sizes in various geographic regions can be found in Bent (1961) and Murray (1976). This study was conducted in an area where 4 diurnal raptor species, the Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus), Broad-winged Hawk (B . platypterus) , Red-tailed Hawk (B. jamaicensis) and Cooper’s Hawk ( Accipiter cooperi), were also under study (see Titus and Mosher 1981, Janik and Mosher 1982). Our objectives were to quantitatively describe veg- etation structure at Barred Owl nest sites and com- pare it with surrounding habitat, measure and compare dimensions of cavities used by them with those from randomly selected cavities, describe their food habits for this geographic region, and determine their breeding chronology and produc- tivity. Study Area and Methods The study was conducted in Green Ridge State Forest (GRSF), Allegany County, Maryland. It is within the Ridge and Valley physiographic region (Stone and Matthews 1977), characterized by narrow mountain ridges oriented northeast to southwest sepa- rated by steep narrow valleys (see Titus 1980). About 74% of the county and nearly all of GRSF is forested Major forest types were described by Brush et al. (1980). Predom- inant tree species include white oak ( Quercus alba), red oak (£). rubra), chestnut oak (Q. prinus), scarlet oak (Q. coccinea), red maple {Acer rubrum), and pignut and mockernut hickories ( Carya glabra and C. tomentosa). Predominant understory species include flow- ering dogwood ( Corntis florida), sassafras {Sassafras albidum), ser- viceberry {Amelanchier spp.), and saplings of the dominant trees. The study area was systematically searched for active nests from late February through May in 1981 and 1982. During 1982, tape recorded Barred Owl calls were broadcast in order to elicit re- sponses and help localize nesting pairs. Nest sites were plotted on 7.5 min USGS topographic maps and County Soil Conservation Service maps. A nest site was defined as a 0.4 ha plot (1 1.3 m radius) centered on the nest tree. This size plot was considered more time and field efficient than either smaller or larger size plots when making quantitative estimates of the vegetation (Lindsey et al. 1958, James and Shugart 1970). Nests were checked periodically each season to obtain nesting chronology and productivity information. At the same time, re- gurgitated pellets found in the cavities were collected and any prey remains were noted. At the end of the nesting season, vegetation at each active nest site was sampled using a modificaton of the James and Shugart technique (1970), as described by Titus and Mosher (1981). Thirty-four variables were measured or derived at each site (Table 1). The type of cavity in which a pair nested (hollow tree stub, hole from disease, excavated hole, or hole from broken limb) and successional stage of the cavity tree (Fig. 1) were recorded. Height to cavity entrance was measured with a meter tape for trees climbed, otherwise height measurements and percent slope were measured with a Haga altimeter. Percent canopy, understory and ground covers were based on 40 ocular tube readings, 10 along each of 4 transects starting at the nest tree and extending in each of the cardinal compass directions. We compared nest site data with random habitat samples col- lected by Titus and Mosher (1981) to determine if vegetation structure around nest trees differed from surrounding habitat. Variables measured at random plots are listed in Table 1 except 49 Raptor Research 18(2):49-58 50 Devereaux and Mosher Vol. 18, No. 2 Table 1. Qualitative habitat variables and cavity characteristics used in analysis of Barred Owl nest site habitat 1. ALTITUDE 2. SOIL 3. SITINDX 4. WATER 5. DISFOROP 6. PERSLOP 7. CANHT 8. CANEVER 9. CANTOT 10. UNDEVER 11. UNDTOT 12. GRNDEVER 13. GRNDTOT 14. SHRUBDEN 15. SHRUBIND 16. NOSPTREE 17. NOSPSHRB 18. NOTREES 19. UND14 20. UND58 21. UNDGT8 22. DBHLT26 23. DBH2650 24. DBHGT50 25. BASAL 26. DBH* 27. TREEHT* 28. CAVHT* 29. %CAVHT* 30. TREEDIAM* 31. HORIZONT* 32. VERTICAL* Altitude of plot in meters; taken from U.S.G.S. 7.5-min. quadrangles Soil-woods suitability; measures suitability for tree productivity; class 1 indicates high produc- tivity and class 6 indicates low productivity (Stone and Matthews 1977) Site index; based on SOIL and the tree species present in the plot (Stone and Matthews 1977) Distance to water in meters Distance to the nearest forest opening in meters; measured to the nearest break in forest continuity, such as created by trail, road, field, etc. Percent slope of plot Canopy height of the plot in meters; the mean of 5 measurements taken to the top of the canopy Percentage evergreen canopy cover Percentage total canopy cover Percentage evergreen understory cover Percentage total understory cover Percentage evergreen ground cover Percentage total ground cover Shrub density (James and Shugart 1970, James 1978) Shrub index (Titus 1980) Number of species of overstory trees in the plot Number of species of shrubs and saplings in the plot Number of overstory trees in the plot Number of understory stems 1-4 cm diameter in the plot Number of understory stems 5-8 cm diameter in the plot Number of understory stems greater than 8 cm diameter in the plot Number of overstory trees less than 26 cm dbh in the plot Number of overstory trees 26-50 cm dbh in the plot Number of overstory trees greater than 50 cm dbh in the plot Basal area in m2/ha for overstory trees Diameter at breast height of nest tree Height of cavity tree in meters Height to lowest point of cavity entrance in meters Percentage cavity height; calculated as: (CAVHT/CANHT) (100) = %CAVHT Diameter of cavity tree at cavity height Horizontal length of cavity opening in cm Vertical length of cavity opening in cm (Table 1 continued) Summer 1984 Appalachian Barred Owls 51 (Table 1 concluded) 33. CAVDIAM* Inside diameter of cavity in cm; measured from inside of entrance to back wall; for hollow tree stubs, the largest diameter is recorded 34. CAVDEPTH* Cavity depth in cm; measured from lowest point of cavity entrance to base of cavity. (* = variables unique to cavities and cavity trees). for the cavity and cavity tree specific variables. Dimensions of 41 randomly selected, unoccupied cavities were measured and compared with nest cavities to provide a measure of cavity sizes availble to Barred Owls and assess cavity selection. The random sampling of cavities was stratified. Transects, approxi- mately 100 m apart, 1.6 km long extending on both sides of a road running the length of the study area, were randomly chosen. A coin flip determined which side of the road the transect was walked. Every third cavity encountered was measured but no more than 3/transect to avoid measuring too many within a single habitat type. The criteria for accepting a random cavity was that it be at least 2 m from the ground and have at least a 1 5 cm diameter opening, or, for a hollow tree stub, a 25 cm dbh. Minimum sample sizes were calculated for each variable to determine if random sampling was adequate. Sample sizes were considered adequate if they met the criteria of remaining within 20% of the mean for 95% of the samples. Twenty of 25 variables pertaining to habitat structure met this criteria with < 76 samples. Seven of 9 cavity and cavity tree variables met this criteria with sample sizes of < 41. Habitat data were subjected to nonparametric statistical analyses conducted on the Statistical Package for the Social Sci- ences (SPSS) computer program (Nie et al. 1975, Hull and Nie 1981). Two sets of Kruskall-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (Siegal 1956) tested for similarity between nest site habitat and random habitat plots, and nest site cavity and random cavity di- mensions. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (Siegal 1956) were calculated to determine the extent of correlation among structural features of habitat and among cavity characteristics. X2 goodness-of-fit tests were used on pooled samples of nest site and random cavities to determine if differences existed among the number of each cavity type found and number of cavity trees in each successional stage. Test results were considered significant if P < 0.05. Results and Discussion Habitat. — Eight-Barred Owl nests were located. The 4 found in 1981 were not reused in 1982. Nest site habitat and random habitat plots were signific- antly different between groups for 7 of 25 variables (Table 2). Nest sites were found significantly closer to forest openings than random sites, in habitats with well developed understories. Percent under- story cover and the number of stems greater than 8 cm diameter, both positively correlated with each Table 2. Means ± standard deviations and ranges of habitat variables at Barred Owl nest sites and random habitat plots, and results from Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA (chi-square statistic) testing for significant differences between groups. Habitat variable3 Barred owl nest sites (N = 8) Random sites (N = 76) Kruskal- Wallis X2 value ALTITUDE 1239 ± 517 1356 ± 613 0.084 (820 - 2420) (560 - 2860) SOIL 3.6 ± 1.4 3.9 ± 1.3 (1 - 6) (1 - 6) 0.093 SITINDX 65 ± 11.7 61.4 ± 12.5 0.410 (45 - 85) (40 - 90) WATER 218 ± 222 320 ± 243 1.860 (15 - 675 (35 - 1050) (Table 2 continued) 52 Devereaux and Mosher Vol. 18, No. 2 (Continuation of Table 2) Habitat variable3 Barred owl nest sites (N = 8) Random sites (N = 76) Kruskal- Wallis X2 value DISFOROP 85 ± 116 221 ± 209 7.481** (4 - 350) (8 - 1 1 10) PERSLOP 9.4 ± 12.9 21.6 ± 13.3 0.107 (0 - 40) (3 - 80) CANHT 23.5 ± 3.3 20.6 ± 4.5 2.991 (19 - 28) (10 - 31) CANEVER 7 ± 13 6 ± 14 0.019 (0 - 32) (0 - 53) CANTOT 68 ± 21 75 ± 9 0.230 (30 - 98) (43 - 90) UNDEVER 0 2 ± 7 0.535 (0 - 37) UNDTOT 67 ± 14 53 ± 14 5.120* (50 - 90 (17 - 80) GRNDEVER 0 .5 ± 3 0.059 (0 - 30) GRNDTOT 43 ± 13 38 ± 16 0.893 (23 - 68) (10 - 75) SHRUBDEN 23 ± 19 24 ± 11 1.074 (5 - 68) (3 - 64) SHRUBIND 42 ± 23 50 ± 21 1.220 (10 - 83) (14 - 115) NOSPTREE 4.5 ± 1.7 4.6 ± 1.8 0.046 (3 - 7) (1 - 10) NOSPSHRB 11.4 ± 2.8 10.1 ± 2.9 1.395 (8 - 16) (5 - 17) NOTREES 10.9 ± 3.6 19.5 ± 10) 7.315** (4 - 17) (7 - 48) UND14 69.8 ± 34.9 74.3 ± 33.3 0.245 (28 - 131) (9 - 154) UND58 17.5 ± 8.8 12.7 ± 8.7 2.874 (3 - 33) (1 - 45) (Table 2 continued) Summer 1984 Appalachian Barred Owls 53 (Table 2 concluded) Habitat variable3 Barred owl nest sites (N = 8) Random sites (N = 76) Kruskal- Wallis X2 value UNDGT8 9.5 ± 3.7 5.9 ± 3.6 5.870* (4 - 16) (0 - 14) DBHLT26 5.1 ± 3.2 14.7 ± 11.6 6.554** (0 - 10) (0 - 48) DBH2650 3.9 ± 2.2 4.6 ± 2.8 0.665 (2 - 8) (0 - 12) DBHGT50 1.8 ± 1.2 0.2 ± 0.6 12.714*** (0 - 4) (0-3) BASAL 28.4 ± 5.8 20 ± 5.5 11.755*** (21.7 * 40.1) (3.9 - 34.2) aMnemonic names defined in Table 1. (* = P < 0.05; ** = P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001). other (r = 0.24, P = 0.03, N = 84), were signific- antly higher at nest sites. There were fewer over- story trees, because of fewer trees in the < 26 cm dbh size class. There were significantly more trees > 50 cm dbh at nest sites (45/ha vs 5/ha at random sites), nnd greater basal area. These results' are in general agreement with the qualitative habitat descriptions provided by previ- ous authors (i.e., Barred Owls utilize forest stands mature enough to provide suitable nesting cavities). Craighead and Craighead (1969) suggested one of the reasons Barred Owls were absent from part of their study area was a lack of mature basswoods (Tilia sp.) and a lack of heart rot fungus in woodlots that had mature trees. However, owls are known to nest in old hawk or squirrel nests, as did 1 pair in this study, and 23 of 38 pairs reported by Bent (1938). Bent suggested that they choose alternative nests because of lack of cavities. Hilden (1965) and Temple (1977) indicated that birds may shift from their traditional nesting sites by imprinting on the type of nests from which they fledge. If this occurs in Barred Owls, those raised in old hawk or squirrel nests may subsequently use these nest types re- gardless of cavity availability. Much literature on Barred Owls indicates an ap- parent association with wet areas (Carter 1925, Er- rington and McDonald 1937, Bent 1938, Appelgate 1975, Soucy 1976), perhaps because such areas are often inacessible or too wet to be logged, thereby providing old growth timber and abundant nesting cavities. We found no difference in the proximity to water between nest sites and random habitat plots. The average distance to water was 218m with only 1 nest located on a stream “floodplain”. Further- more, Nicholls and Warner (1972) and Fuller (1979), both radiotelemetry studies, reported that Barred Owls utilized oak-upland habitat more fre- quently and consistently than any other habitat type including white cedar ( Thuja occidentalis) swamps, alder ( Alnus spp.) swamps, and marshes. Nicholls and Warner (1972) suggested that owls used up- land sites because of more suitable nest sites, abun- dance of hunting perches, open understory for hunting, and the opportunity to hear prey better in dry areas. Bent (1938) reported that distribution of Barred Owls in southern New England coincides with Red-shouldered Hawks and noted they are often found in the same woodlot. In this study, forest structure around Barred Owl nest sites was similar to that of sympatric Red-shouldered Hawks, both species utilizing old growth timber for nesting. Six of the 7 significant variables listed in Table 2 were also significant for the Red-shouldered Hawk (Titus and Mosher 1981). Apparent differences 54 Devereaux and Mosher Vol. 18, No. 2 between them were that Red-shouldered Hawk nests were no closer to forest openings than ran- dom habitat plots, but were significantly closer to water, and there was a higher shrub density at Red- shoulder occupied sites. Cavities. — Six Barred Owl nests were in the top of hollow tree stubs, 1 in a cavity created by disease and 1 in an old stick nest. The high incidence of hollow tree stubs as nest sites is probably a reflection of cavity type availability in this area. Sixty-nine percent of the total number of cavities measured were hollow tree stubs, significantly more than the other 3 types (X2 = 54.17, 3 df, P < 0.05). Twenty-three percent were holes, resulting from broken limbs and 8% were holes created by disease. No excavated holes were found that met the criteria to be included in the random cavity sample. Four of the 7 nesting cavities were in trees in the second successional stage (see Fig. 1) and 1 each in the third, fourth and fifth stages. There was no statisti- cal difference in the total number of cavity trees in each of the 5 successional tree stages (X2 = 9.29, 4 df, P < 0.05). There was a significant difference between ran- Table 3. Means ± standard deviation and ranges of cavity and cavity tree dimensions for Barred Owl nest site cavities and random cavities, and results from Kruskal- Wallis one-way Anova (chi-square statistics) testing for similarity between groups. Cavity variable2 Nest site cavities N Random cavities N Kruskal- Wallis X2square value DBH 61 ± 15 7 53 ± 13 41 1.652 (42 - 88) (26 - 90) TREEHT 15.4 ± 5.8 7 12.9 ± 7.1 41 1.137 (10 - 25) (3 - 24) CAVHT 9.1 ± 2.9 7 6.3 ± 3.1 41 5.5999* (4 - 14) (2 - 17) %CAVHT 39 ± 11 7 30 ± 14 41 2.724 (17 - 50) (10 - 71) TREEDIAM 46 ± 8 4 48 ± 11 33 0.048 (36 - 54) (25 - 69) HORIZONT 15 ± 0 1 21 ±8 12 2.571 (12 - 40) VERTICAL 45 ± 0 1 49 ± 35 12 2.571 (20 - 140) CAVDIAM 33 ± 8 6 30 ± 10 33 0.985 (22 - 41) (11 - 60) CAVDEPTH 54 ± 44 6 167 ± 203 33 0.767 (3 - 130) (0 - 800) aMnemonic names defined in Table 1. (* = P < 0.05). Summer Appalachian Barred Owls 55 Figure 1 . Successional stages for describing Barred Owl cavity trees: 1 . LIVE - tree is apparently healthy except for cavity; 2. DECLINING - tree is obviously declining; losing leaves; some dead branches; 3. DEAD; NO APPARENT DECOMPOSITION - no leaves; tree still has all or most of bark; some branches may be broken; no apparent rotting of wood; 4. DECOMPOSING; EARLY STAGE - many broken branches; bark falling off; wood becoming soft in spots; 5. DECOMPOSING; LATE STAGE - little or no bark on tree; very soft wood; broken tree stub is often all that remains dom and nest site cavity dimensions for only 1 of 9 variables (Table 3). Cavities used by owls averaged 3 m higher than random cavities. Cavity depth of nest site cavities was highly variable, ranging from 3 - 130 cm. Bent (1938) recorded a depth for 1 Barred Owl cavity of 244 cm. The cavity data suggest that most cavities, given certain minimum dimensions, may be suitable for nesting. Nest trees generally have at least a 25 cm dbh and those with cavities 9 m or more above ground may be preferred. Most reported dimen- sions (Bent 1938; Allin 1944; LeDuc 1970; Dunstan and Sample 1972; Soucy 1976 Leder and Walters 1980) are less than the maximum cavity dimensions we found. Few data exist on the length and/or width of cavity openings. Hamerstrom (1972) recom- mended a 20 cm dia opening when constructing a nest box for this species but did not indicate the basis for this measurement. Forsman (1975) re- ported a range of cavity entrance widths of 15.2 - 55.9 cm for 10 cavities used by the closely related Spotted Owl ( Strix occidentalis). Food Habits. — Barred Owl food habits in the GRSF region are summarized in Table 4. The per- cent occurrence of mammals and birds is fairly typi- cal of what has been reported in the literature. Fish, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods have also been recorded as prey items but are probably more important to individual owl pairs than to a regional population. The majority of crayfish recorded as prey in this study, for example, were from 2 nests. Jaksic (1982) hypothesized that temporal segre- gations of falconiform and strigiform raptors may not reduce competition for food between groups. However, his data for Barred Owls revealed little dietary overlap with falconiform species, except with the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). We also observed little overlap. Sciuridae mammals were clearly the major prey for the 4 hawk species on the study area (Janik and Mosher 1982), while Cricetidae and Soricidae species, which accounted for 81.5% of the mammals and 53.7% of the total number of prey items, were the predominant prey for owls. Furthermore, Flying Squirrels and Crayfish, both nocturnal and not recorded as prey items for the hawks, comprised 8.5% and 12.2% of the total number of prey items recorded, respec- tively. 56 Devereaux and Mosher Vol. 18, No. 2 Table 4. Food habits of Barred Owls in the Central Appalachians3. Prey Species Occurrence % Mammals Southern Flying Squirrel ( Glaucomys volansi ) 7 Shorttail Shrew (Blarina brevicauda) 7 Peromyscus spp. 5 Meadow Vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) 4 Eastern Chipmunk ( Tamias striatus) 2 Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ) 1 Unidentified Cricetidae sp. 16 Unidentified Soricidae sp. 12 Total 54 65.9 Birds Scarlet Tanager ( Piranga olivacea ) 3 Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) 2 Blue Jay ( Cyanocitta cristata) 1 Unidentified 6 Total 12 14.6 Arthropods Crayfish (Cambarus sp.) 10 Unidentified insects 6 Total 16 19.5 Total Items 82 100.0 aBased on prey remains and analysis of pellets from seven nests. One nestling, about 28 d old, was cannabilized by its sibling. Most of its body was eaten; legs, and skin and feathers of the back were all that remained. Based on growth measurements being taken every 3 to 4 d, both nestlings appeared healthy and were of relatively equal size at 27 d old. The cause of death was unknown but fratricide in raptors usually occurs shortly after the second young hatches (Stin- son 1979) and among nestlings of considerable size difference (Ingram 1959), neither of which were the case in this incident. Juvenile cannibalism is not an uncommon occurrence among raptors, but to our knowledge has not previously been documented for Barred Owls. Nesting Chronology and Productivity. — Nesting chronology and productivity parameters are sum- marized in Table 5. Hatch dates were fairly consis- tent among nests, 5 out of 6 hatching within 7 d of each other. Mean egg dates indicate Barred Owls begin nesting about 1 wk before Red-tails (Janik 1980), the earliest nester of the hawk species for this area. Average clutch size/nest was 2.3, slightly higher than the 2.0 reported by Murray (1976) for Barred Owls in this region and latitude. A total of 13 nestl- ings were produced in 7 nests, averaging 1.9 young/active nest. The outcome of 5 nests was known. Of these, only 2 fledged young. The eggs rolled out of 1 nest and the nestlings in the other 2 were preyed upon, perhaps as a result of human activity at the nest sites. The 2 young in successful nests emerged from their cavities when 3 1 ± Id and 30 ± 1 d old, respectively. At this age, Barred Owls are essentially flightless. Primary remiges and rectrices of these 2 owls were only 50 and 1 2% of adult size, respectively, within 2 d of fledging. Bent (1938) also reported nestling Barred Owls climbing out of their cavities Summer 1984 Appalachian Barred Owls 57 Table 5. Nesting chronology and productivity of Barred Owls in the central Appalachians, 1981-1982 (# of nests in parentheses). Mean egg datea (6) Mean hatch date (6) Mean nest departure date (2) 20 March 10 April 24 May Mean clutch size (7) 2.3 Total eggs producted^ (8) 19.0 % hatching success (8) 68.4 # of nestlings per active nest (7) 1.9 Total number fledged (5) 2.0 # fledged/successful nest attempt (2) 1.0 % nesting attempts successful (2/5) 40.0 aEgg dates based on back dating from hatch dates using a 28-day incubation period (Bent 1938) ^Minimal number of eggs produced based on # of hatchlings and/or eggs found in nests at 28-35 d old. Forsman (1975) reported Spotted Owls leaving their cavities at 34-36 d old. Dunstan and Sample (1972) and Soucy (1976), however, re- ported Barred Owls not leaving nests until about 49 d old. The age at which owls emerge may be a factor of cavity size. Those in small, cramped cavities, un- able to spread and exercise their wings, may emerge at an earlier age. Leaving the nest early is a disadvantage from a development standpoint because additional energy is required to compensate for that lost to environ- mental stress and increased activity. This was suggested by measurements of 1 of the owls that weighed the same 2 d after leaving the nest as 2 d before leaving. However, mobility vs sitting in the nest may be advantageous in terms of predator avoidance. Birds in cavities are especially vulnera- ble to predation because there is usually only 1 escape route. Young Barred Owls that do leave nests at a preflight stage are not totally helpless. Adult Barred Owls will continue to feed and defend their young throughout the summer, even after they can fly (Henderson 1933, Bent 1938, Dunstan and Sample 1975, Bird and Wright 1977). Also, young Barred Owls have the ability to climb trees using their beaks and talons (Dunstan and Sample 1972). Thus, they are able to move about, first by gliding or fluttering to the ground, then climbing a nearby tree. Tree climbing has also been reported for Great-horned Owl (Bubo virginianus), Screech Owl (Otus asio) (Dunstan and Sample 1972) and Spotted Owl (Forsman 1975). Conclusions Secondary cavity nesting birds, including the Barred Owl, cannot choose a location within a habitat to “place” their nests. They are limited to what is already available. The data indicate that differences exist between Barred Owl nest site habitat and surrounding habitat, but do not indi- cate whether cavities are selected based on those differences. Further study is needed to answer this question. Acknowledgements We thank J. Coleman, L. Garrett, M. Kopeny, D. Lyons, F. Presley, R. Whetstone and K. Titus for their time and assistance. We also thank S. Postupalsky for comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. This study was supported, in part, by grants from Sigma Xi, the Maryland Ornithological Society, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS 14-16-0009-80-007). This is Scien- tific Series No. 1549-AEL of the Appalachian Environmental Laboratory and Technical Report- 10 of the Central Appalachian Raptor Ecology Program. Literature Cited Allin, A.E. 1944. Nesting of the barred owl ( Strix varia) in Ontario. Can. Field Nat. 58:8-9. Appelgate, R.D. 1975. Co-roosting of barred owls and common grackles. Bird Banding 42: 169-170. Bent, A.C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey. Part II. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 170. Washington, D.C. 482 pp. Bird, D.M, and J. Wright. 1977. Apparent distraction display by a barred owl. Can. Field Nat. 91:176-177. Blakemore, L.A. 1960. Barred owl food habits in Glen- wood Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Flicker 12:21-23. 58 Devereaux and Mosher Vol. 18, No. 2 Bolles, F. 1890. Barred owls in captivity. Auk 7:101- 114. Brown, W.H. 1962. 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Auk 93:602-613. Nicholls, T.H. and D.W. Warner. 1972. Barred owl habitat use as determined by radiotelemetry./. Wildl. Manage. 36:213-224. Nie, N.H., C.H. Hull, J.G. Jenkins, K. Steinbrenner, and H. Bent (eds.). 1975. Statistical package for the social sciences. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Robertson, W.B. 1959. Barred owl nesting on the ground. Auk 76:227-230. Siegel, S. 1956. Nonparametric statistics for the be- havioral sciences. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Soucy, L., Jr. 1976. Barred owl nest. North Am. Bird Bander 1:68-69. Stinson, C.H. 1979. On the selective advantage of frat- ricide in raptors. Evolution 33:1219-1225. Stone, K.M. and E.D. Matthews. 1977. Soil survy of Allegany County, Maryland. USDA, Soil Cons. Ser- vice. 234 pp. Temple, S. A. 1977. Manipulating behavioral patterns of endangered birds. A potential management technique. Pp. 435-443 In S. A. Temple (ed.), En- dangered birds. Management techniques for pre- serving threatened species. Univ. Wise. Press, Madi- son. Titus, K. 1980. Nest site habitat selection by woodland hawks in the central Appalachians. M.S. thesis, Frostburg State College, Maryland. 67 pp. and J.A. Mosher. 1981. Nest site habitat selection by woodland hawks in the central Appalac- hians. Auk 98:270-281. Wilson, K.A. 1983. Owl studies in Ann Arbor, Michi- gan Auk 55:187-197. Cooperative Wildlife Rsh. Lab, Southern Illinois Univ. Carbon- dale, IL 62901. Address of second author: Appalachian En- vironmental Lab, Univ. of Maryland, Frostburg State College Campus, Frostburg, MD 21532. Present address of second au- thor: Savage River Consulting, Box 71, Frostburg, MD 21532. Received 8 March 1983; Accepted 10 May 1984. TELEMENTRY OF HEART RATES IN LARGE RAPTORS: A METHOD OF TRANSMITTER AND ELECTRODE PLACEMENT Kevin T. Patton, Walter C. Crawford, Jr., and William Sawyer Abstract - Heart rates of the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and Barred Owl ( Strix varia) were monitored telemetrically. The most acceptable data were received from devices whose electrodes were anchored within the thoracoabdominal space near the apex of the heart (primary lead) and dorsum (reference lead). Easily assembled plastic backpacks and leather harnesses were designed to be comfortable to birds and also to be resistant to damage from beaks and talons. Previously developed methods for monitoring heart rate telemetrically (Sawby et al. 1974; Busch et al. 1978; Kanwisher et al. 1978) proved unsuc- cessful for large raptors for several reasons. First, unsuitable arrangement of electrode leads gave un- reliable results (Sawby et al. 1974) and were too difficult and time-consuming to place to be of prac- tical value (Busch et al. 1978). Secondly, an easy, reliable method of attaching the transmitting de- vices to the dorsum of each bird has been lacking. In addition, Kanwisher, et al. (1978) described a method which was vague on electrode placement and included an unprotected backpack. Our objec- tives were, therefore, to develop a more satisfactory placement of electrodes and a safe, economical backpack and harness for transmitter attachment. Materials and Methods Electronics. — Two electrodes, 1 acting as primary lead and the other as reference lead, were surgically implanted. The primary lead consisted of a 34 cm strand of Teflon-E insulated 7 x 40 cm silver coated copper wire (Beldon Electronics, Geneva, IL 60134) terminating at 1 end with a 1 mm round pin (Vector Electronic Co., Inc., Sylmar, CA 91342) and a No-Knot Eyelet fish hook (Wilson- Allen Corp., Windsor, MO) at the other end (Sawby et al. 1974), constituting a barbed-needle electrode (Fig. 1). The refer- ence lead was constructed with the same material except that the No-Knot Eyelet was replaced with a 0.5 cm loop of uninsulated wire, constituting a circle electrode (Fig. 1). These electrodes de- tected action potential of high amplitude S-waves of the elec- trocardiogram of the raptor and the attached transmitter module converted information into short RF pulses which were transmit- ted in the range of 148-149 MHz (J. Stuart Enterprises, Grass Valley, CA 95945). The transmitter had a mass of 20 g and mea- sured 2.0 x 1.5 x 8.5 cm (Fig. 1). Surgical Procedure. — Subjects wre anesthetized with an in- tramuscular injection of Ketamine Hydrochloride (Fowler 1978) and Acepromazine Maleate into the muscles of the leg. The Acep- romazine Maleate reduces the muscle spasms resulting from the use of Ketamine Hydrochloride as the principal anesthetic (Fowler 1978). Satisfactory dosages were 15-25 mg/kg of a 10:1 Ketamine/ Acepromazine solution. A 1 cm incision was made along the abdominal midline 0.5 cm posterior to the sternum, roughly following the method proposed by Sawby et al. (1974). Using a curved hemostat, the barbed- needle electrode of the primary lead was inserted cranially through the incision into the abdominal cavity (Fig. 2) and ad- vanced along the peritoneal surface of the keel, to a position as close as possible to the apex of the heart, then imbedded into the sternum. The remainder of the lead was passed laterally from the incision subcutaneously to a point just posterior to the left wing. It was usually necessary to open this track with a blunt probe before pushing the lead through. A 0.5 cm incision was made to allow the lead to exit. This lead was similarly tunneled from the point of lateral incision to a point on the median of the dorsum. Another incision was made to allow exit of the lead and removal of the slack. All incisions were closed with 3-0 gut suture. The circle electrode on the reference lead was anchored sub- cutaneously with 3-0 gut suture to muscle tissue at the point of the dorsal incision (Fig. 2). This incision was then closed with 3-0 gut suture, leaving both leads protruding out of the skin. The proce- dure usually lasted about 20 min. Salvaged raptor carcasses were dissected prior to this study to practice locating heart and surrounding structures before begin- ning on a live bird. Also, domestic fowl ( Gallus sp.) were implanted with electrodes to perfect surgical technique and electrode place- ments. Backpack and Harness. — A backpack was constructed of 10 cm of2.6cm (i.d.)clear plastic tubing (Kirkill, Inc., Downy, CA 90241) and end-caps consisting of plastic 35 mm film canisters. A leather harness was made by riveting 2 strips of leather (each 1.5 cm wide) to the dorsal wall of the backpack (Fig. 3). The contact pins of both leads were passed through a hole in the ventral wall of the plastic tubing and connected to the transmitter inside of the tubing. Leather straps were passed around the wings of the bird to the ventrum and riveted together (Fig. 2). Data Collection. — Signals were received by a portable unit consisting of 3 components: a hand-held antenna, a radio re- ceiver, and a strip-chart recorder (J. Stuart Enterprises, Grass Valley, CA 95945). The receiver was a Telonics Model TR-2 direct-frequency reading, synthesized triple heterodyne, AC/DC receiver which measured 11. 5x5. lxl 8.0 cm. The recorder was a Gulton Model 288 DC recorder which utilized pressure sensitive strip-chart paper to record an instantaneous average of heart rate in beats/min at 2-sec intervals. This unit measured 15.3 x 22.9 x 19. 1. The normal DC mode of the recorder was converted to AC by the use of a current transformer. A programmable household timer (Radio Shack/Tandy, Ft. Worth, TX 76113) was used to turn on the recorder at previously determined intervals. The graphs produced resembled that in Fig. 4. Two Red-tailed Hawks, 1 Great Horned Owl {Bubo virginmnus) and 1 Barred Owl were affixed with transmitters. All were victims of crippling injuries to 1 wing and thus incapable of flight and had been received from the rehabilitation unit of the Raptor Rehabili- tation and Propagation Project, Inc. Each bird was housed in an outdoor enclosure (2.5 x 5.0 x 2.5 m) after implantation and recovery. 59 Raptor Research 18(2):59-61 60 Patton, Crawford, Sawyer Vol. 18, No. 2 B Figure 1. A and C: Bottom and side views of transmitting device; B: Primary lead and reference lead. Results and Discussion Signals from the heart rate transmitter were re- ceived up to a distance of 1 km. Lithium batteries in each of the 3 units used were in continuous opera- tion for over 1 yr, with no apparent reduction in performance. The backpacks and leads, when properly placed, remained functional for at least 1 mo. The backpacks and leads were checked daily for damage. We believe that the method of record- ing was less complex to operate and more easily monitored than day-to-day methods previously re- ported (Sawby et al. 1974, Busch et al. 1978, Kan- wisher et al. 1978). Difficulty in implanting the barbed-needle elec- trode of the primary lead was encountered with older birds whose skeletons had undergone more ossification. Implanting the electrode in the lateral edge of the sternum may prove adequate if normal implantation is not possible. Placement of the leads proved critical. The prim- ary lead did not respond satisfactorily if placed outside the abdominal cavity or if placed loosely inside the abdominal cavity. The barbed-needle electrode on the primary lead provided a secure long-lasting anchor inside the body cavity in pro- ximity to the apex of the heart. Care was taken during the implantation to prevent accidental in- jury to internal structures, especially pericardium. Figure 2. A: Ventral insertion of internal (primary) lead near end of keel; B: Side view of barbed-needle electrode of internal lead being pushed into dorsal side of keel through ventral incision; C: Subdermal insertion of internal lead toward dorsal exit point; D: Dorsal view showing exit of internal lead and surgical implantation of external (reference) lead; E: Enlarged view of subdermal attachment of reference lead and exit of primary lead; F: Attachment of harness containing transmitter. Spring 1984 Raptor Heart Rates 61 Figure 3. Construction of Backpack and Harness; A: Plastic film canisters; B: Leather straps; C: Metal rivet; D: Clear plastic tubing; E: Hole for exit of leads. 1 HOUR 300- 1 0 0- Figure 4. Heartrate data (heartbeats/min) obtained from a cap- tive Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) at a distance of 15 m. The reference lead, if anchored in any area but the surface of dorsal muscles, did not provide adequate grounding for a proper response of the system. Interference by the electromyogram of the pectoral muscle tissue was assumed to have prevented satis- factory ventral placement of this lead, since diffi- culty was encountered only when that muscle was contracting. Obviously, this would be unacceptable in applications involving birds in flight. The method described might possibly be used to monitor the heart rate of birds in flight, however, given the lack of electromyogram interference and range of signal transmission. Construction of the backpack/harness assembly was very simple and economical. Total cost was under $1 US. The plastic materials utilized en- dured the efforts of the birds to remove or disman- tle them with beak or talon without contributing excessive mass. A very snug fit is required to pre- vent the bird from gaining access to the leads where they exit the dorsal incision and enter the backpack. Acknowledgements Artwork was done by David Huth. Equipment was funded through a cooperative aid agreement with the North Central Forest Experiment Station, USD A Forest Service. Dr. Gary Duke kindly provided constructive criticism of our preliminary drafts. Literature Cited Busch, D.E., W.A. deGraw and N.C. Clam- pitt. 1978. Effects of handling disturbance stress on heartrate in the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis). Raptor Research 12:122-125. Fowler, M.E. 1978. Restraint and handling of wild and domestic animals. Iowa State University Press. Ames, IA 332 pp. Kanwisher, J.W., T.C. Williams, J.M. Teal and K.O. Lawson, Jr. 1978. Radiotelemetry of heart rates from free-ranging gulls. Auk 95:288-293. Sawby, S.W. and J.A. Gessaman. 1974. Telemetry of electrocardiograms from free-living birds: a method of electrode placement. Raptor Rehabilitation and Propagation Project, Inc., Tyson Re- search Center, Eureka, MO 63025. Received 25 August 1983; Accepted 27 April 1984. ELECTRORETINOGRAMS AND RETINAL STRUCTURE OF THE EASTERN SCREECH OWL ( Otusasio ) AND GREAT HORNED OWL (Bubo virginianus) Steven J. Ault Abstract — Electro retinograms (ERGs) were recorded from 2 species of owls: Eastern Screech Owl (Otus asio) and Great Homed Owl (Bubo virginianus). Dark adaptation and flicker stimuli were used to determine retinal activity and to infer retinal structure. The dark adaptation results showed typical patterns associated with retinas composed primarily of rods. This was indicated by the late regeneration of the scotopic b-wave. Flicker ERGs, however, also indicated a residual cone component. This was indicated by the one-to-one response at high luminance levels and high flicker frequencies. The ERG data confirm existing histological observations of high rod numbers and few cones in the retinas of nocturnal owls. Owl retinas have been examined histologically by a number of investigators (Bornshein and Tansley 1961; Hocking and Mitchell 1961; Oehme 1961; Fite 1973; Yew et al. 1977; Bowmaker and Martin 1978). All reported retinas with high concentra- tions of rods, as would be expected for basically nocturnal animals. However, Fite (1973) and Oehme (1961) point out that owl retinas do possess very small concentrations of cones, even in the most nocturnal species. Few electroretinographic studies have been per- formed on owls. Bornshein and Tansley (1961) obtained ERGs from Short-eared Owl (Asio flam- meus ) and compared response of the retina to that of the pigeon. These authors also correlated the ERG results with histological preparations of the owl and pigeon retinas. The ERGs and the his- tological examination revealed a retina composed predominantly of rods in the Short-eared Owl. Martin and Gordon (1975) recorded ERGs from the nocturnal Tawny Owl (Strix aluco ) to determine its retinal spectral sensitivity. The ERG data sup- ported earlier findings (Martin 1974; Martin and Gordon 1974) that the Tawny Owl possesses a re- tina with cone receptors that are present in large enough numbers to contribute to the visual re- sponse. The purpose of this investigation was to record electroretinographic activity of the Eastern Screech Owl and Great Horned Owl, two species not previ- ously investigated. Correlation of the ERG data with retinal structure of these species was made in an attempt to better define the relative role of the rods and cones in the visual process of these owls. Materials and Methods Subjects and Anesthesia. — One Eastern Screech Owl and one Great Horned Owl were used for electroretinography. Both were anesthetized with an anesthetic mixture containing Ketamine (10 mg/ml), Acepromazine (0.1 mg/ml), and Xylazine (1.0 mg/ml). Dosage was 1 ml/kg body weight, administered IM. Average dura- tion of anesthesia was approximately 1 h. Each subject was placed into a light-tight, electrically grounded box, and a corneal electrode was placed on the eye. Space between the cornea and electrode was flooded with a saline (0.9% NaCl) conducting solution. A reference electrode was placed in the skin of the ear flap or in the skin of the ear canal. A ground electrode was inserted in the wing skin. A fiber optic light guide was hlaced a few mm from the cornea. Electrorednograph. — The light source was a 300 watt tungsten-halogen lamp that could deliver steady, single-flash, or flickering stimuli. Flicker stimuli were produced by a motor- driven disc that interrupted the light to give equal time on and off. The light beam was focused upon a fiber optic light guide which delivered light to the subject’s eye in Maxwellian view (Armington 1974). The light beam wavelength and intensity were adjusted by the use of various color and neutral density filters. Unfiltered light intensity from this apparatus was approximately 1.076 x 104 mil- lilamberts (mL) (1 mL = 0.001 lumens/cm2). The recording electrodes used were silver pedestal corneal contact lens systems. Reference and ground electrodes were silver skin needle probes. Signals from the electrodes were channeled through a Tektronix TM 504 pre-amplifier. The signal was amplified and displayed on a Tektronix 51 03N dual-trace storage oscilloscope. Traces were permanently recorded by Polaroid photography. Procedure. — Two tests commonly used in electroretinography, dark adaptation and flicker stimuli, were used. Dark adaptation tests were used to observe changes in the ERG as the retina ad- justed to darkness. The eye was first pre-adapted to light for 5 min to insure bleaching of the photopigments. Pre-adaptation retinal illuminance was approximately 1.076 x 103 mL for the Eastern Screech Owl and 1.076 x 101 mL for the Great Horned Owl. Different intensities were used for both owls to assess the effec- tiveness of such intensities for pre-adaptation, single-flash (20 msec duration) stimuli attenuated with a Kodak #2 neutral density filter and a Kodak #26 gel film red filter, were delivered at widely spaced intervals (see Figs. 1-3) to the eye to observe the retina’s increasing sensitivity to darkness. After 20-30 min, full-intensity single- flash stimuli of red (Kodak #26 gel film), blue (Kodak #47, 47A, 47B gel film) and white (no filters) were given successively to assess the degree of photopic (cone) and scotopic (rod) recovery. The second test utilized flickering stimuli of various intensities and flicker frequencies. Various neutral density filters, but no color filters, were used. Histology. — The retinas of a Great Horned and Eastern 62 Raptor Research 18(2):62-66 Summer 1984 Owl Electroretinograms 63 time (min) 0 030 I 00 300 500 1000 n 100 /J v \ | 50 msec 1500 20.00 25 00 30100 red blue white Figure 1. ERGs during dark adaptadon in the Eastern Screech Owl. Time indicates minutes into dark adaptation. Stimulus: 1.076 x 104 mL attenuated with #2 neutral density filter and #26 red filter; 20msec duration, a) Slight regeneration of photopic b-wave after 1 minute into dark adaptation, b) Slight regeneration of scotopic b-wave after 30 minutes into dark adaptation. Screech Owl were examined histologically. The Great Horned was the same animal used in the ERG study. The subjects were euthanized with lethal injection of Ketamine and enucleated. The posterior portion of the eye was cut away and fixed in Bouin’s solution. The tissue was dehydrated in a graded ethanol series and cleared in cedarwood oil. Portions of peripheral retina were em- bedded in paraffin, sectioned meridionally at 5 m on a rotary microtome and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Results Dark Adaptation. — The ERGs from dark adap- tation tests for both subjects showed very early low-amplitude responses which peaked at around 1-2 min into dark adaptation (Figs, la, 2a). Also, late appearing (between 20 and 30 min into dark lime (min) 0 ^ — 0.30 V I 00 1 a 1 2,00 ~ ~ 3 00 5 00 — adaptation) low-amplitude waveforms were ob- served (Figs, lb, 2b). The final red, blue, and white stimuli produced waveforms of low amplitude. Flicker Stimuli. — A change in waveforms were observed as the flickering stimuli were increased from low to high intensities and flicker frequencies; this was best demonstrated by the Eastern Screech Owl. At low intensities and low flicker frequencies, waves were evident as they followed the stimuli on a 1:1 basis (Fig. 3a). There was a fusion of this re- sponse as intensities and flicker frequencies in- creased, with a subsequent waveform taking over at high intensities and high flicker frequencies (Fig. 3b). The Great Horned Owl also displayed the above pattern, but with less clarity (Fig. 4). 1000 : j 1 5: oo a Figure 2. ERGs during dark adaptation in the Great Horned Owl. Time indicates minutes into dark adaptation. Stimulus: 1 .076 x 104 mL attenuated with #2 neutral density filter and #26 red filter; 20 msec duration, a) Slight regeneration of photopic b-wave after 1-2 minutes into dark adaptation, b) Slight regeneration of scotopic b-wave after 20-30 minutes into dark adaptation. 64 Steven J. Ault Vol. 18, No. 2 neutral denelty filter Ar- A/~- 500 msec '/•vLh 12 Hi T 30 Hi 100/jV J 100 mtec Figure 3. Flicker ERGs of the Eastern Screech Owl. a) Arrows indicate one-to-one response of waveforms to individual flickers at low intensity and low flicker frequency, b) Arrows indicate one-to-one response of waveforms to individual flickers at high intensity and high flicker frequency. 1.076 x 104 mL light source attenuated with indicated neutral density filters. Histology. — The retinal layers of the Eastern Screech Owl could be clearly discerned histologi- cally (Fig. 5). Retinas were composed primarily of rods; indicated by the elongated and cylindrical morphology of their outer segments in the receptor layer. The nuclei in the outer nuclear layer were also identified as rod nuclei because they were typi- cally more elongated and were fairly evenly distri- buted throughout the outer nuclear layer (Walls 1942; Duke-Elder 1958). The rod nuclei of the Great Horned Owl were extremely elongated and closely packed. A few cones were also seen in owl retinas. These were identified by their nuclei, which are typically rounder than rod nuclei and lie adjacent to the external limiting membrane. In all sections, cones were always few in number and were greatly out- numbered by the high density of rods. Discussion The typical ERG waveform is composed of the a, b and c waves. The initial negative deflection (a- wave) is followed by a positive deflection (b-wave) normally of greater amplitude. The late-occuring neutral density filter 2 7\ - 5 — - yv — — 30 Hz Figure 4. Flicker ERGs of the Great Horned Owl. a) Arrows indicate one-to-one response of waveforms to individual flickers at low intensity and low flicker frequency, b) Arrows indicate one-to-one response of waveforms to individual flickers at high intensity and high flicker frequency. 1.076 x 104 mL light source attenuated with indicated neutral density filters. Summer 1984 Owl Electroretinograms 65 Figure 5. a). Layers of the Eastern Screech Owl retina. A) cartilaginous cup; B) pigment epithelium; C) receptor layer; D) external limiting membrane; E) outer nuclear layer; F) outer plexiform layer; G) inner nuclear layer; H) inner plexiform layer; I) ganglion cell layer; J) nerve fiber layer; and K) internal limiting membrane (200x); b) Eastern Screech Owl and c) Great Horned Owl retinas, cn = cone nuclei; onl = outer nuclear layer (primarily rod nuclei). (787. 5x and 500x respectively). positive deflection (c-wave) is not commonly evaluated in comparative studies. Brown (1968) explained that the a-wave is produced in the re- ceptor cell layer, the b-wave through bipolar cell activity, and the c-wave by metabolic activity of the pigment epithelium. The a- and b-waves can be further subdivided into photopic (cone generated) and scotopic (rod generated) components. In gen- eral, the photopic components have shorter laten- cies and steeper slopes than scotopic components (Armington 1974). These patterns were evident in the owls studied (Figs. 1, 2) The dark adaptation results revealed typical patterns associated with retinas composed predo- minantly of rods. The late regenerating wave forms were most likely scotopic b-waves suggesting that rods were regenerating after having been bleached during light adaptation. Latency of these b-waves suggested the response was from the scotopic sys- tem. Longer latency or implicit time (approxi- mately 100 msec) is indicative of a scotopic rather than photopic b-wave (approximately 50-70 msec). Earlier low-amplitude responses were probably cone responses because of their early appearance during dark adaptation. Latency of these responses was also shorter than the scotopic responses, again suggesting generation by a cone component. As dark adaptation progressed, these early responses diminished and were replaced by the scotopic re- sponses. After 25-30 min, there was still no com- plete regeneration of the scotopic responses in either owl, denoting that many of the rods were not yet adapted to the dark. The reduced effect of the blue light on the scotopic system also verified this since blue light is primarily a rod stimulator. These observations suggested a retina predominated by rods, but with a small cone component. However, it could mean that the initial light adapting intensity was too high. This seems unlikely since an absence of complete regeneration of the scotopic response was also observed in the Great Horned Owl which was exposed to a lower light-adapting intensity. The shift from scotopic to photopic systems during the flicker procedures was indicated by a decrease in latency and an increase in amplitude of the initial b-wave as flicker frequencies and inten- sities were increased. The initial a-wave also became more prominent at higher flicker frequencies and intensities, providing further indication of the shift to the photopic system (Armington 1974). The rods and cones were also able to follow the individual flickering stimuli. At low intensities and low flicker 66 Steven J. Ault Vol 18, No. 2 frequencies, rods were able to follow individual flickers, having not yet exceeded their critical flicker fusion frequency. As intensity and/or fre- quency was increased, rods “fused” the stimuli. Fu- sion occurred when the receptors could no longer respond to individual flickers on a 1:1 ratio but instead responded to them as if there was one con- stant stimulus. At high intensities and high flicker frequencies, cone response became dominant and was able to follow individual flickers since they pos- sess a higher critical flicker fusion frequency than rods (Armington 1974). Histological results in combination with the ERG data indicated that the retinas were predominantly composed of rods. This supports the findings of previous workers (Bornshein and Tansley 1961; Hocking and Mitchell 1961; Oehme 1961; Fite 1973; Yew et al. 1977; Bowmaker and Martin 1978) who histologi- cally demonstrated a retina composed predomin- antly of rods in the Great Horned Owl and other owl species. However, histological results and ERG data also demonstrated the presence of a cone component that was small but active. My results and those of Bowmaker and Martin (1978) and Martin and Gordon (1975) verify that the retina of owls, even the most nocturnal species, possess cones in numbers large enough to contri- bute to the visual process. Existence of such a cone component could be the remnants of an ancestral cone-dominated retina. Nocturnal owls such as screech and Great Horned Owls are occasionally active during the day. It is reasonable to assume that the few cones that are present contribute to the owl’s visual process in the brighter illumination of daylight hours. Acknowledgments I extend special thanks to Charles J. Parshall, Animal Specialty Clinic, Richfield, Ohio, for help and expertise with electroretinog- raphy and to Richard F. Nokes, The University of Akron, who assisted with anesthesiology. F. Scott Orcutt, John H. Olive, Steven P. Schmidt, Edwin W. House, and Carolyn Wilson made positive critical comments on the manuscript. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in- Aid of Research from Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Literature Cited Armington, J.C. 1974. The Electroretinogram. New York: Academic Press. Bornshein, H. and K. Tansley. 1961. Elektroretinog- ramm und Netzhautstruktur der Sumpfohreule (Asio flammeus). Experientia. 17: 185-187. Bowmaker, J.K. and G.R. Martin. 1978. Visual pig- ments and colour vision in a nocturnal bird, Strix aluco (Tawny owl). Vision Research 18: 1 125-1 130. Brown, K.T. 1968. The Electroretinogram: Its Com- ponents and Their Origins. Vision Research 8:633-677. Duke-Elder, S. 1958. System of Ophthalmology. Vol. 1 : The Eye in Evolutijon. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby. Fite, K. 1973. Anatomical and Behavioral Correlates of Visual Acuity in the Great Horned Owl. Vision Research 13:219-230. Hocking, B. and B.L. Mitchell 1961. Owl Vision. Ibis. 103a, 284-288 . Martin, G.R. 1974. Color Vision in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 86, 133-142. Martin, G.R. and I. Gordon 1974. Increment- threshold Spectral Sensitivity in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Vision Research 14:615-620. 1975. Electroretinographically Deter- mined Spectral Sensitivity in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 89:72-78. Oehme, H. 1961. Vergleichend-histologiche Unter- suchungen an der Retina von Eulen. Die Zoologischen Jahrbucher, Abt. 2, der Anatomie und Onto genie 79:439-478. Walls, G.L. 1942. The Vertebrate Eye. Cranbrook In- stitute of Science. Bulletin #19. Yew, D.T., H.H. Woo and D.B. Meyer 1977. Further Studies on the Morphology of the Owl’s Retina. Acta Anatomica 99:166-168. Department of Biology, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325. Present address: Department of Biology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho 83209. Received 8 March 1984; Accepted 1 July 1984. FOOTPRINTING OF RAPTORS FOR IDENTIFICATION Erik H. Stauber Abstract - The feet of 15 Peregrine Falcons ( Falco peregrinus) and 25 Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) were photographed for evaluation of the dorsal scale patterns of their toes. Visual analysis of the middle toes (digit #3) showed recognizeable scale pattern differences between toes from individual birds as well as for all related and unrelated birds. Scale patterns remained unchanged for birds that were available in successive years. It is suggested that the toe scale pattern is unique for any Peregrine Falcon or Red-tailed Hawk and could be used for permanent individual identifica- tion. Methods of differentiating individuals within certain species, including man, have been explored and used for many decades. Artificial markers con- sisting of either bands, tags, tatoos or hot or cold brands are used to identify individuals when readily identifiable and unalterable natural markers do not exist. However, there are a few species in which each individual has unique, unchanging markings which can be recorded and used effectively for purposes of identification. The most notable example is the use of fingerprinting in humans. Other examples where unique markers have been used for individual identification are the stripe patterns of zebras, the reticulation on the pelage of giraffes, the noseprints on bovine animals, or the dorsal fin shapes and spots on killer whales. Most birds have scale patterns on their feet and legs, but there is no evidence that the scale pattern of any species has ever been analyzed for the pur- pose of developing an identification system. The foot scale patterns of Peregrine Falcons {Falco peregrinus) and Red-tailed Hawks {Buteo jamaicensis) were characterized to determine their usefulness in individual identification. Materials and Methods Individual birds represendng 2 raptor species were chosen for photographic evaluation of the scale pattern of the dorsal aspects of their toes. Birds included in the study were 15 Peregrine Fal- cons and 25 Red-tailed Hawks. Several were siblings and three were compared in successive years. Feet were placed so that the entire dorsal aspect of the 3 forward pointing toes (digits # 2,3,4) could be photographed with a close-up lens. Black and white prints (5"x7") were developed and the scale patterns of the toes of all birds were visually analyzed. Only the middle toes (#3) were considered in this study. For evaluation and comparison among individuals, scales of corres- ponding areas on each toe were characterized according to size, arrangement of scales in relation to adjacent scales, and network of interscale spaces. For convenience of comparison, the area occupied by the dorsal scale(s) closest to the talon was designated as row 1L3 (scale row 1 , left foot, digit #3) for the first scale of the middle toe of the left foot and 1 R3 for the right foot. Subsequent scales were designated 2L3, 2R3, etc. depending on how many rows of scales were discernible. Results Evaluation of photographs taken of the dorsum of the middle toes of 15 Peregrine Falcons and 25 Red-tailed Hawks clearly showed that the scale patterns of each bird differed from the corres- ponding scale arrangement of all other birds (Fig. 1-4). The number of scale rows varied between the 2 species studied. The evaluation included compari- son of 2 sibling (male) Red-tailed Hawks (Fig. 3) and 4 sibling (3 females, 1 male) Peregrine Falcons (Fig. 1 and 2 showing related females E.S., C.F., L.B.). Comparison between right and left foot of each individual bird further revealed that scale patterns were never identical. Birds which were available the year following the first evaluation and had completed a full molt of their plumage were re-evaluated and shown to have unchanged scale patterns in 2 successive years (Fig. 1 and 4). Obvious differences for scale patterns for Pereg- rine Falcons were frequently noted between rows 6 to 8 and commonly between rows 11 to 18 and beyond. The differences in the scales of rows 1-5 and 9 and 10 were more subtle relating primarily to scale size and the ratio of width to length (Fig. 1 and 2). Readily visible differences of scale patterns for Red-tailed Hawks started at rows 5 or 6 and re- mained distinct for all following rows (Fig. 3 and 4). Discussion The principal objective of this study was to de- velop an identification system for Peregrine Fal- cons. It was important that the system be simple and could be used for identification of individual birds. Red-tailed Hawks were included primarily because they are a common raptor with a prominent foot scale pattern and were readily accessible for study through the raptor rehabilitation facility at Washington State University. All birds were identified by the use of photo- graphy and by visually comparing the scale patterns 67 Raptor Research 18(2):67-71 68 Erik H. Stauber Vol. 18, No. 2 Peregrine Falcon C.F. Right Foot Peregrine Falcon E.S. Right Foot Summer 1984 Raptor Identification 69 Peregrine Falcons Figure 2. 70 Erik H. Stauber Vol. 18, No. 2 Red Tailed Hawks 22555-033 Left Foot 22555-034 Left Foot Figure 3. Summer 1984 Raptor Identification 71 Red Tailed Hawk 8411-131 Left Foot Figure 4. and shapes of only the middle toe of both feet. In most instances, a mere glance at the scale patterns revealed distinct differences between left and right middle toe of individual birds as well as any 2 birds (including siblings) and these differences remained constant over an extended period. While it was not difficult to identify birds by photography of the toe scale pattern, it became apparent that magnification of feet and scales was not always uniform since the camera was held at varying distances and angles in the first year of the study. For purposes of this study, measurement of scales was considered unimportant, but scale size and dimensions should certainly be considered in perfecting a reliable identification system. This could be accomplished by making a clay print or by placing the foot on a grid with known dimensions. A study exploring the use of some techniques which will yield a good estimate of the scale size and di- mensions is currently underway. The availability of a reliable identification system for Peregrine Falcons would be of considerable value in light of the status which this bird has oc- cupied in the history of civilization, in general, and in its contemporary management in particular. Pro- per identification of individual Peregrines held in captivity has been a concern of state and federal wildlife officials for many years. Illegal substitution of lost or deceased birds by replacement of federal bands or the switching of federal bands on stolen birds has been known to occur but nearly impossi- ble to prove. The system of identification described herein would preclude the substitution of one fal- con for another and thereby greatly facilitate the management of Peregrine Falcons held in captivity or other bird species to which the system would be applicable. Regardless of whether analysis of foot scale patterns by photography or another system will prove to be the simplest and most feasible ap- proach to the identification of Peregrine Falcons (and other birds), a “footprinting” system offers great promise to document the uniqueness of a raptor so identified. Acknowledgments The author acknowledges the assistance of Dennis Cancellare and Jerry McCollum (photography), Amy Werner (medical illus- trator), arid William Geoffroy and Lester Boyd for their sugges- tions. This study was supported in part by funds from the Ag- ricultural Experiment Station, University of Idaho, Moscow. Pub- lished with the approval of the Director of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, Moscow, as Research Paper No. 83819. Department of Veterinary Sciences and WOI Regional Program in Vet. Med. Ed., Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843. Received 30 March 1984; Accepted 25 June 1984. PSEUDOMEMBRANEOUS GASTRITIS COMPATIBLE WITH ( Clostridium sp.) IN A CAPTIVE PEREGRINE FALCON James H. Enderson and Morgan Berthrong, M.D. Abstract - There have been several instances where the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) used for captive- breeding for many years have died rapidly after being removed from the breeding lofts (W. Burnham, J. Weaver, C. White pers. comm.). This is an account of such an instance where the benefit of a complete necropsy is available and reveals one possible explanation for these losses. A female Peregrine in captivity over 19 y had produced nearly 100 eggs during the last 10 y while in the loft with a male. Because no eggs were pro- duced in the last year the bird was hooded and transported to a new location. She appeared calm after subsequently consuming a portion of a thawed quail. She seemed relaxed and normal the next morning, but at 1000 h was lethargic. By 1200 h she was breathing heavily and rapidly, and was very weak. She died within the hour. Pathologic Observations Complete autopsy revealed a good state of nutri- tion. Body weight was 860g. The lateral air sacs were smooth and glistening without parasitic worms or fungi. The oral cavity, crop, esophagus, trachea, lungs and heart were entirely normal. The stomach was empty and contracted with resulting thickening of its mucosal folds. A gray-green exu- date was adherent to the mucosl surface. No ulcer- ations were noted. The remainder of the intestinal tract was grossly normal. The adrenal glands were smaller in comparison to a wild peregrine. The spleen was slightly enlarged. The ovary was small and nodular without developing ova. The kidneys, pancreas, and brain appeared grossly normal. Histologic examination revealed a fibrinopuru- lent layer which covered the gastric mucosa where only the most superficial mucosal cells were necro- tic and only a superficial mucosl infiltrate of in- flammatory cells was observed. The mucosal capil- laries were dilated. Gram stains revealed swarms of gram positive rods, large, straight with slightly rounded ends and numerous oval subterminal and central spores, characteristic of a clostridial species within the fibrinopurulent membrane (Fig. 1 and 2). These organisms were not found in the mucosa itself or in the muscularis of the stomach. Large numbers of bacilli, mostly gram positive and similar to those in the stomach, were found in the lumina of both small and large intestine but no mucosal alter- ations or pseudomembranes were seen. The spleen showed plasmacytoid cells in the red pulp consis- tent with an immunologic reaction, a so-called “acute splenic tumor”. Kidney sections showed small cysts of a possible congenital cystic disease but large areas of normal glomeruli and tubules suggested normal renal suf- ficiency. Minimal osteoarthritis was found in the upper humeral joint surface. A small para-adrenal microscopic nodule was found, thought to be a be- nign neoplasm resembling a human neoplasm known as a carcinoid. Several cysts were found in one of a number of sections of skeletal muscle rec- ognized as those of quiescent avian malaria, possi- bly Plasmodium relictum. These cysts were not sur- rounded by any tissue reaction and the liver, spleen, bone marrow and heart showed no evidence of active malaria. Discussion The development of a pseudomembranous en- terocolitis of the intestinal tract with toxic shock, often fatal, has been well recognized in man (Goulston et al. 1965). It was known to occur during the post-opertive period, usually after abdominal surgery, before the advent of antibiotics. Presuma- bly because of an alteration of the bacterial envi- ronment, pseudomembranous enteritis or colitis became much more common after widespread use of antibacterial agents in man. At first, cases may have been the result of highly virulent staphylococci but in recent years evidence indicates that most human cases are now the result of overgrowth of clostridial species in the gastrointestinal tract (Bartlett et al. 1978). Epidemics of this condition occurred in Germany immediately after World War II (MacLenan 1962), and in New Guinea (Murrell et al. 1966) from Clostridium perfringens , presumably due to ingestion of food massively contaminated with this organism. Recently, most human cases have been shown to be the result of overgrowth of the antibiotic-resistant Clostridium difficile, the exotoxin of which has a potent cytotoxic effect and 72 Raptor Research 18(2):72-74 Summer 1984 Gastritis in Peregrine Falcon 73 Figure 1 . Low power photomicrograph of gastric mucosa covered by a fibrinopurulent pseudomem- brane containing swarms of bacteria but with only superficial erosion of the glands. after absorption has frequently lethal action (George et al. 1978). Most human cases are seen in patients on antibiotics, after serious surgical procedures, in newborn infants, and in patients in whom, for many different reasons, immunosuppression exists. Es- sentially identical pseudomembranous enterocolitis can be produced experimentally in rabbits (Kataet al. 1978) and hamsters (Rifkin et al. 1978). This falcon developed acute pseudomembranous gas- tritis histopathologically identical to human cases. That the bird died of resulting clostridial toxemia is suggested although not confirmed by culturing the suspected etiologic agent. It is possible the falcon ingested food with large numbers of clostridial or- ganisms, a bacterium known to multiply with great rapidity under proper circumstances and that the stress of moving led to the rapid growth of those organisms in the gastrointestinal tract resulting in pseudomembranous gastritis. It is of interest that some birds and mammals are known to carry C. difficile in the intestinal track (McBee 1960). Of some clinical importance, while most clostri- dial species are susceptible to penicillin, C. difficile is Figure 2. High power photomicrograph of the pseudomembrane with large grampositive rods characteristic of a clostridial species. sensitive only to Vancomycin. Furthermore, the oral administration of cholestyramine resin, which apparently binds the toxin in the lumen of the gut, has proven efficacious in human cases of pseudomembranous gastronintestinal disease due to Clostridium difficile (Kreutzer and Mulligan 1978). Literature Cited Bartlett, J.G., Chang, T.W., Gurwith, M., Gorbach, S.L. and Onderdonk, A.B. 1978. Antiobiotic- associated pseudomembranous colitis due to toxic producing Clostridia. N. Eng. J. Med. 298:53 1-4. George, R.H., Symonds, J.M., Domock, F., et al. 1978. Identification of Clostridium difficile as a cause of pseudomembranous colitis. Brit. Med. J. 1:695. > Goulston, S.J.M. and V.J. McGovern. 1965. Pseudomembranous colitis. Gut 6:207-212. Katz, L., J.T. Lamont, J.S. Trier, E.B. Sounenblick, S.W. Rothman, S.A. Broitman and S. Rieth. 1978. Experimental Clindamycin-associated colitis in rabbits. Gastroent. 74:246-252. Kreutzer, E.W. and F.D. Mulligan. 1978. The treat- ment of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous col- itis with cholestyramine resin. The Johns Hopkins Medi- cal Journal 143:67-72. MacLennan, J.D. 1962. The histotoxic Clostridial in- fections of man. Bac. Rev. 26:177-276. McBee, R.H. 1960. Intestinal flora of some Antarctic birds and mammals./. Bacteriology 79:311-312. Murrell, T.G.C., L. Roth, J. Egerton and P.D. Walker. 1966. Pigbel: enteritis necroticans. Lancet 1:217-222. Rifkin, G.D., J. Silva and R. Fekety. 1978. Gastroint- stinal and systemic toxicity of fecal extracts from hamsters with clindamycin-induced colitis. Gastroent 74:52-57. Department of Biology, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Address of second author: Penrose Hos- pital, 2215 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 88907. Received 12 November 1983; Accepted 15 August 1984 BIOTELEMETERED DAILY HEART RATE CYCLES IN THE RED-TAILED HAWK (Buteo jamaicensis) David E. Busch , William A. deGraw and N.C. Clampitt Abstract - Daily fluctuations in resting heart rate (HR) were studied in a captive ? Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) using radiotelemetry. HR’s were recorded hourly during 10 consecutive days while the hawk was housed in an outdoor pen. Daytime HR’s averaged 202 beats/min and were significantly higher than the average nocturnal HR of 134 beats/min (P<0.001). Maximum HR’s ( >200 beats/min) occurred crepuscularly, just after sunrise and before sunset. Daily cycles of several physiological factors have long been known for a number of birds and mam- mals. In birds for example, marked nocturnal de- pression of body temperature has been de- monstrated in Snowy Owls (Nyctea scandiaca ) and Short-eared Owls (Asio Jlammeus) by Irving (1955). Odum (1941) commented on the marked changes in heart rate (HR) occuring between day and night in avian species. Smith et al. (1976) reported that telemetered HR is lower and less variable during darkness in the domestic Mallard Duck ( Anas platyrhynchos ). One method, that of telemetered HR, allows physiological study of unrestrained birds under near-natural conditions. This method has also been promoted as a suitable indicator of relative metabolic rate in homeotherms (Johnson and Gessaman 1973; Gessaman 1980). Indications that HR can be a good relative metabolic indicator come from studies in which HR and O2 consumption were measured simultane- ously (Morhardt and Morhardt 1971; Lund and Folk 1976). Similarities between HR-ambient temperature curves and metabolism-ambient temperature curves have been demonstrated for birds such as the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) (Coulombe 1970) and Blue-winged Teal (Anas dis- cors) (Owen 1969). Because of circulatory adjust- ments occurring during more intense locomotor activity, HR is only considered a valid metabolic indicator when an animal is unstressed and at rest, or exercising moderately (Jones and Wang 1976). We have used telemetered HR’s to demonstrate stress in the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) (Busch et al. 1978), but in order to use HR as a metabolic indicator, activity levels must be low and stress minimal. Little of the aforementioned types of research have focused on birds of prey in spite of the em- phasis on raptor conservation, rehabilitation and captive breeding. Our goal was to assess diurnal fluctuations in resting HR’s of the Red-tailed Hawk via telemetry. Changes in HR were also compared with time of day and with extrinsic factors such as ambient temperature and elevation of the sun. Methods The subject of this study, a $ Red-tailed Hawk, was considered non-releasble by rehabilitation personnel because of an unmend- able broken wing. This disability did not conflict with the study’s goals since the bird’s feeding and perching were not affected, and since our focus was on daily variations in resting HR. The hawk was maintained in an outdoor pen measuring 56 m2 74 Raptor Research 18(2):74-77 Summer 1984 Red-Tailed Hawk Heart Rate 75 Figure 1. (A) Mean heart rates (HR) and (B) mean ambient temperatures during 10 consecutive days of recording. Vertical bars depict standard deviations for each hourly sample period (n = 10 d). located on the Allwine Prairie Preserve of the University of Neb- raska at Omaha. Sources of disturbance were few at this rural site. A small building adjacent to the pen provided portholes for ob- serving the bird, as well as electrical power and housing for the recording instruments. The desirability of such conditions was highlighted by Owen (1969) who measured significantly higher HR’s in Blue-winged Teal under semi-natural conditions than under controlled laboratory conditions. Food for the hawk con- sisted of freshly killed laboratory rats placed in the cage at ran- domly selected times which did not coincide with hourly data collection. Electrocardiogram electrodes were surgically implanted on the pleural surface of the bird’s sternum through a mid-line abdomi- nal incision, using a modification of the method of Sawby and Gessaman (1974). Leads from these electrodes provided the input to a Narco FM 1 10-E4 HR telemetry transmitter. The transmitter, packaged in dental acrylic and worn by the bird as a “backpack”, weighed 109g with its harness. The transmitter assembly weighed 7.5% of bird’s body wt (1.45 kg). This was within the 10% limit considered valid for electrocardiogram telemetry devices (Gessa- man 1973). The telemetered signal was detected with a Narco FM 1100-7 receiver. A switching device was designed to record a 2-min seg- ment from each h of the day. This device also operated a tape recorder on which data were recorded in digital format as audible “clicks.” Each click represented 1 QRS complex from the elec- trocardiogram (1 heart beat). High heart rates made counting audible clicks impractical so these data were coverted to an analog format using a Physiograph Cardiotach. The resulting chart records were analyzed to determine X HR for each 2-min sampling period, and to evaluate changes between hourly X HR’s for more than 240 sample times. Data were collected continuously for 10 d between 9 and 18 April 1977. During this period daily X max. temp, was 24.1 ± 3.7°C (n = 10), while the X min. temp, was 12.4 ± 3.1°C (n— 10). Results and Discussion The pattern of changes in X HR is displayed in Fig. 1 A. The bimodality of the cycle, exemplified by 2 daytime peaks, prevented the use of sophisticated biorhythm analysis. However, simpler methods such as t-Tests are considered sufficient to de- monstrate existence of daily biological cycles (Koukkari et al 1974). In this instance, one way ANOVA confirmed the existence of highly sig- nificant variation in HR (F=6.589; df = 23, 216; P<0.001). Furthermore, the diurnal X HR (202 beats/min) for the 14 h between sunrise and sunset was significantly greater than the nocturnal X (134 beats/min) (t-Test, P<0.001). Resting HR’s were 76 Busch, DeGraw, Clampitt Vol. 18, No. 2 highest in periods just after sunrise and just before sunset. Variability (i.e., standard deviation) in instan- taneous HR was greatest near sunrise and sunset (Fig. 1A). For example, the average coefficient of variation was 80% between 0600-0900 but was only 28% during mid-day (1000-1400). Bartlett’s test re- vealed highly significant heterogeneity in variances (P<0.001). Hourly changes in X HR were also greatest in the early morning and late afternoon. When hourly changes in HR’s during the 5 h around sunrise (0500-1000) were grouped with those during the 5 h near sunset (1500-2000), mean changes in HR for these 10 h were significantly greater (P<0.01) than changes during the other 14 h of the day. Although daily metabolic or HR cycles are not unusual for raptors (Coulombe 1970), bimodal patterns such as reported herein have been de- scribed infrequently (Nastosescu et al. 1975). The adaptive value of this crepuscular HR pattern is somewhat puzzling. Parallel changes in X HR’s and X ambient temp should not be regarded as a casual relationship, despite the well-established inverse relationship between avian metabolism and air temp outside of the thermoneutral zone. There is strong evidence that metabolic rhythms are more closely linked to photoperiod (Folk 1974) and that daily changes in HR coincide somewhat with those of ambient temp only because of their common relationship to solar periodicity. The distinctly bimodal peaks we ob- served contrast with the curve for ambient temp (Fig. IB). The possibility that higher heart rates near sun- rise might represent elevation of metabolic rate re- quired to raise the bird’s body temp from a slightly torpid nocturnal condition was examined using the Van’t Hoff relationship. Assuming a Qio equal to 2.3, we calculated that a difference of 4.95°C would be required to account for the difference between nocturnal and daytime X HR. A change in body temp of this magnitude is unlikely in view of reports of body temp cycles in large raptors (Coulombe 1970; Gessaman 1978) and would not explain the evening peak at all. We might expect to find an explanation for the bimodal pattern in HR in Buteo behavior, however Red-tailed Hawks do not seem especially crepus- cular in their activities in the wild. Their soaring activity is greatest near midday when thermal con- vective currents are most favorable (Henty 1977). For most buteos many potential prey species are crepuscular. Since the foraging success of Red- tailed Hawks has been linked to behavior of prim- ary prey species (Stinson 1980), the possibility can- not be discounted that the HR cycle demonstrated here parallels activity patterns of prey. Acknowledgements This research was completed by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.A. degree in Biology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. It was made possible by the cooperation of the Raptor Rehabilitation Society, Lincoln, Neb- raska, and assistance from R.A. Lock of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. We are particularly indebted to L. Phillips who assisted with surgery and to L. Simmons, Director of the Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, NE, who generously provided facilities and support equipment for the surgery. Literature Cited Busch, D.E., W.A. deGraw, and N.C. Clam- pitt. 1978. Effects of handling-disturbance stress on heart rate in the Ferruginous Hawk ( Buteo regalis ). Raptor Res. 1 2:(3 14) 122-1 25. Coulombe, H.N. 1970. Physiological and physical as- pects of temperature regulation in the Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 35:307- 337. Folk, G.E. 1974. Environmental Physiology. Lea and Feibiger. Philadelphia. 452 p. Gessaman, J.A. 1973. Ecological Energetics of Homeotherms. Utah State University Press. Logan. 155 p. 1 97 8. Body temperature and heart rate of the Snowy Owl. Condor 80:243-245. 1980. An evaluation of heart rate as an indirect measure of daily energy metabolism of the American Kestrel. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 65A:273- 289. Henty, C.J. 1977. Thermal soaring of raptors. Brit. Birds 70:471-475. Irving, L. 1955. Nocturnal decline in the temperature of birds in cold weather. Condor 57:362-365. Johnson, S.F., and J. A. Gessaman. 1973. An evaluation of heart rate as a monitor of free-living energy metabolism. In: Ecological Energetics of Homeotherms, J. A. Gessaman, Utah State University Press. Logan. 155 pp. Jones, D.L., and L.C.H. Wang. 1976. Metabolic and cardiovascular adaptations in the western chipmunks, genus Eutamius. J. Comp. Physiol. 105:219-231. Koukkari, W.L., S.H. Duke, F. Halberg, and J.K. Lee. 1974. Circadian rhythmic leaf movements; a student exercise in chronobiology. Chronobiologia 1:281-302. Short Communications 77 Lund, F.L. and G.E. Folk. 1976. Simultaneous mea- surement of heart rate and oxygen consumption in Black-tailed Priarie Dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianus) . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 55:201-206. Morhardt, J.E., and S.S. Morhardt. 1971. Correla- tions between heart rate and oxygen consumption in rodents. Am. J. Physiol. 221:1580-1586. Nastosescu, Gh., I. Ceausescu, Gh. Ignat, and A. Vadineanu. 1975. Ritmul circadian al metabolis- mului energetic la Anas platyrhynchos . St. Si Cere. Biol., Seria Biol. Anim. 27(2): 131 -135. Odum, E.P. 1941. Variations in the heart rates of birds; a study in physiological ecology. Ecological Monographs 11:299-326. Owen, R.B. 1969. Heart rate, a measure of metabolism in the Blue-winged Teal. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 31:431-436. Sawby, S.B., and J.A. Gessaman. 1974. Telemetry of electrocardiograms from free-living birds: a method of electrode placement. Condor 76:479-481. Smith, F.N., C. Peterson and K. Thigpen. 1976. Body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate of an unrestrained domestic Mallard Duck (Anas platyrhincos domesticus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 53:19-20. Stinson, C.H. 1980. Weather-dependent foraging suc- cess and sibling aggression in Red-tailed Hawks in central Washington. Condor 82:76-80. Wooley,J.B.,Jr., and R.B. Owen. 1977. Metabolic rates and heart rate-metabolism relationships in the Black Duck (Anas rubripes). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 57A:363- 367. Departments of Biology and Chemistry, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska 68182-0040. Current address of first author: Bureau of Reclamation, Box 427, Boulder City, NV 89005. Received 17 May 1983; Accepted 10 April 1984 Short Communications Status of a Population of Bald Eagles Wintering in Western Connecticut Steven D. Faccio and Howard I. Russock In a previous study (H.I. Russock, Raptor Research 13(4): 112-115, 1979) a population of 4 Bald Egles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was observed on wintering grounds in western Connecticut during the winter of 1976-1977. The eagles congregated below a hydroelectric dam on the Housatonic River. The dam’s generators kept the otherwise frozen river open and killed or injured large numbers of fish which the eagles preyed upon. This paper presents the results of subsequent observations made during the winter of 1 982- 1 983 on the same population of eagles which grew to 17 individuals. Eagles were observed in the vicinity of the Shepaug Hydroelectric Dam, Housatonic River, approximately 4.6 km north of Newtown, Connecticut. Above the dam, and created by it, is Lake Lillinoah with a surface area of 769 ha. Directly west, across Lake Lillinoah, is the Upper Pauggessett State Forest extending for 3 km north along the western shore of the lake. On the south side of the river, below the dam, is a large privately owned wooded hillside where eagles congregated. North, across from the hillside, is a hydroelectric plant owned by Connecticut Light and Power Company. Most observations were made from the top of the dam and from a canvas blind constructed on the south side of the river, approximately 25 m from a frequent perching area. Other observations were made from a road running parallel to the north side of the river and from several locations northwest of the dam (when attempting to de- termine roosting sites). Observations were made with field binoculars (7x35) and a 600 mm photographic lens and were results dictated into a taperecorder or handwritten. A total of 178 h of observation were made between 8 December 1982 and 8 April 1983. Trips were made to the dam on 52 separate days, 34 of which resulted in sighting of eagles. The first eagle observed was on 3 January 1983; 9 observation days in December did not result in any sight- ings. Eagles were last observed on 24 March 1983; during 6 observation days in late March and early April none were seen. Due to unusually mild weather, the Housatonic River remained virtually free of ice during the entire winter. Therefore, the departure of eagles could not be corre- lated with the opening of the river in spring as it was during the winter of 1976-1977. It was not determined if the greater availability of open water elsewhere affected the number of eagles wintering in the vicinity of the Shepaug Dam. However, due to the abundance of fish at the dam, it is likely that all eagles wintering in the area frequented the dam. Seventeen individuals were positively identified using plumage characteristics and other outstanding features; 78 Short Communications Vol. 18, No 2 10 were adults and 7 immature. Eight (4 adults, 4 imma- tures) were observed frequently from early January to early or mid-March. Two other immatures were observed between 6 and 24 February 1983. Seven others (5 adult, 2 immatures) were seen on 1 or 2 observation days each, between 13 January and 12 March 1983. Night Roosts — Three night roosts were tentatively 2. 5-7. 5 km north and northwest of the Shepaug Dam. All 3 were located in undeveloped mixed hardwood forest. The first 2 sites were located by direct observation of eagles leaving or returning in early morning and early evening, respectively. The third was located with a police scanner by tracking a radio-tagged eagle. Breeding grounds — The 17 eagles wintering in the vicinity of the Shepaug Dam can be divided into 2 groups, 8 observed throughout the winter and 9 observed over a period of 1 to 18 d. It is reasonable to assume that the latter group is made up of transient birds. Three of these have been traced to breeding areas in Maine. Two imma- tures observed only during February were identified by leg bands as hatch year birds from Maine. A third imma- ture, observed on 1 d in February, had both leg bands and a backpack transmitter which identified it as coming from a nest in the Cobscook Bay area of the Main coast. Two others (1 adult, 1 immature), seen on 1 or 2 d each, also had leg bands, but could not be further traced. There is no direct evidence of an active nest in the area. However, 7 of the 8 eagles observed throughout the winter could be divided into 2 groups which virtually always moved as separate units. One group consisted of 2 adults and 1 immature and the other group consisted of 2 adults and 2 immatures. This suggests that there were 2 family groups. The senior author observed a single adult on 3 separate occasins during the first week of June 1983, approximately 7 km north of the Shepaugh Dam. Feeding — Eagles arrived at the dam area 5-15 min before sunrise; they remained perched until the hy- droelectric plant smarted operation at 0700 when they began feeding on fish killed or injured by the plant’s turbines. Feeding continued for 1-3 h after which the birds perched or soared over the hills on the south side of the river. Feeding often resumed in early afternoon be- fore the birds returned to their roosts. Eagles were observed making dives to the river to catch fish on 232 occasions, 170 (73%) of which were successful. Adults were successful on 103 (75.7%) of 136 attempts while immatures were successful on 67 (69.8%) of 96 attempts (NS, X2 Test). Fish caught included trout ( Sal - velinus spp.), bass ( Micropterus spp.), catfish ( Ictalurus spp.), and shiner ( Notropis spp.). We thank Connecticut Light and Power Company for allowing access to their property. We also thank Lawrence Fisher, Janet Mitchell and Stewart Mitchell for their help and personal observations of Bald Eagles in western Con- necticut and Francis Gramlich, NSBERT, for his help in tracing several eagles to Maine. Dr. Frank Dye and Dr. Susan Maskel, Western Connecticut State University, commented on an earlier version of this manuscript. Department of Biological and Environment Sciences, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, Connecticut 06810. Received 8 March 1983; Accepted 10 May 1984. * Please send reprint requests to H.I. Russock Nest Defense by Northern Harriers Against the Coyote in Southwestern Idaho Leon R. Powers, Timothy H. Craig and John Martin Predation on Northern Harrier ( Circus cyaneus ) by Striped Skunk {Mephitis mephitis). Badger (Taxidea taxus ), foxes ( Fulpes sp.) and Mink {Mustella vision) has previously been reported. (Craighead and Craighead 1956; Hamerstrom 1969; Watson 1977). Although Murie (1940) reported that Coyotes {Canis latrans) prey on the Short-eared Owl {Asio flammeus), an ecological equivalent of the Northern Harrier, we are not aware of reports of Coyote predation on Northern Harriers. Herein we re- port several Northern Harrier — Coyote interactions ob- served during 1 98 1 in the Snake River Birds of Prey Study Area in southwestern Idaho. On 29 March at 1020, T.C. observed a pair of nesting harriers perched in a small tree {Crataegus sp.) near a spring bordering the Snake River. Riparian habitat sur- rounded the spring for a distance of 15 m with senescent reed {Phragmites communis) and stinging nettle {Urtica sp.) the predominant vegetation. Beyond the spring, big sagebrush {Artemesia tridentala) and June grass {Bromus tectorus) covered the nearby canyonside. Shortly, the female harrier flew from the tree followed by the male, and both began emitting a call usually associated with agnostic displays. The male then started diving repeatedly at the edge of the riparian growth. By the male’s changing position it was obvious that the object of his dive was moving toward the center of the riparian vegetation. As the hawk completed a dive, a Coyote rose on its hind legs above the vegetation and snapped its jaws at it. The Coyote again attempted to grab the harrier, and then stopped with his back visible. It appeared that it was mov- ing its head near the ground as if eating. The female harrier circled and called overhead while the male con- Summer 1984 News and Reviews 79 tinued to call and dive, although not as closely. After about 5 min, T.C. approached the spring and the coyote fled with the male harrier in close pursuit, diving with both feet swung forward attempting to grab the coyote. A single, pale-blue, harrier egg was found in the nest at the spot where the coyote had appeared to be eating. Both harriers circled and called over the human intruder but neither dived. A single adult male harrier was observed near the nest area on 24 April but on 2 subsequent visits no birds were seen. On 7 July the nest was visited again and only a few bits of egg shell were found; however, no harriers were present. On 30 May at 1146 L.P. observed a male harrier escort a Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos) from the harrier’s territ- ory. The harrier circled back toward its nest in a shallow undulating flight and began to vocalize and dive at some- thing on the sagebrush slope above the nest site. As the male continued its vigorous dives, the object of the attack, a Coyote, appeared. A female harrier soon began circling over the area, occasionally making shallow dives at the Coyote. Shortly, a second male harrier flew into the area from a neighboring nesting territory to the east andjoined the pair. The second male appeared to “sky dance” (Hamerstrom 1969) around the female at first but soon began to vocalize and dive at the Coyote also. The Coyote, followed by the defending hawks, gradually moved out of view toward the neighboring harrier territory. At 1 155 a male harrier reappeared from the east and soared above the original harrier’s territory. Later that day at the same harrier territory, a male flew across the river from its nest area and dove several times at a Coyote that trotted eastward. After 1 to 2 min the harrier veered off, perched on a sagebrush briefly and then flew at an angle away from the Coyote and intercepted a sec- ond male harrier which was approaching the Coyote from the northeast. The first male briefly chased the invading hawk which attempted to dive at the Coyote. Soon, the first harrier flew back toward its territory and began to hunt. Within 5 min he captured a small prey item and delivered it to his mate at the nest across the river. When we visited the nest on 7 June, 1 egg and 2 nearly-hatched nestlings were found. Twenty-seven days later on a sec- ond visit the nest had been destroyed and only pin feath- ers of juveniles remained. The adjacent harrier nest to the east successfully fledged at least 3 young. J.M. frequently saw Coyotes in the vicinity of harrier nests on the study area, and observed both male and female harriers, individually and jointly, diving at Coyotes. More often the male was the lone defender. As in the previously described observations, J.M. also observed a Coyote leap into the air after a defending adult male and at times observed several harriers cross well defined ter- ritorial boundaries to pursue a Coyote. Newton (1979) reports such communal nest defense among Marsh Har- riers {Circus aeruginosus) . In one location J.M. found a Coyote den at one end of a large marsh which contained 7 harrier nests. Five of those 7 nests failed, and 3 showed evidence of Coyote predation. Although eye-witness accounts of predation at raptor nests are not common, our observations indicate that Coyotes do prey on Northern Harrier nests, especially in desert areas, perhaps where sparse riparian habitat at- tracts both animals. Furthermore, our report suggests a danger of leading this predator to harrier grounds nests by investigator scent trails (Fyfe and Olendorff 1976) as reported by Craighead and Craighead (1956) for a farm dog (Canis familiaris) . We thank Drs. F. and F.N. Hamerstrom for helpful comments on the manuscript. Literature Cited Craighead, F.C. and J.J. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Harrisburg, Stackpole Co. Fyfe, R.W. and R.R. Olendorff. 1976. Minimizing the dangers of nesting studies to raptors and other sensi- tive species. Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper Number 23. Hamerstrom F. 1969. A harrier population study. Pages 367-383. In J.J. Hickey, (Ed.). Peregrine Falcon Populations: their biology and decline. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Milwaukie, and London. Murie, A. 1940. Ecology of the coyote in Yellowstone. U.S. Dept. Int., Natl. Park Serv., Fauna Ser. 4. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books. Vermillion, S.D. Watson, D. 1977. The hen harrier. T. and A. D. Poyser, Ltd., Berkhamstead, Herts., England. Department of Biology, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho 83651. Address of second author: Box 1, Lee Creek Road, Leadore, Idaho 83464. Address of third author: 6702 East 950 South, Huntsville, Utah 84317. Received 26 December 1983; Accepted 10 May 1984 NEWS AND REVIEWS Behavior of Fledgling Peregrines by Steve K. Sherrod; drawings by Karen Lynn Allaben-Confer. 1983. Fort Collins, Pioneer Impressions, xi + 202 pp., 59 figures, 23 tables. Price $10.00. Available from the Peregrine Fund, Inc., Ithaca, New York. Peregrine Falcons are renowned for their spectacular aerial broods of fledglings, 2 broods from Australia and 2 from Green- feats. How they develop this unique behavior is unfolded as 4 land, are followed from first flight to dispersal. The book’s sequ- 80 News and Reviews Vol. 18, No. 2 ence of chapters follows the development of fledgling behavior. Initial sections cover simple perch-to-perch flight behavior, fol- lowed by behavioral descriptions of soaring, stooping, pursuits of parents and siblings, pursuits of inanimate and animate objects, play, and development of the ability to kill. Later, types of food transfers from adults to offspring and various types of aggression are described. The final section covers the length of post-nestling dependency, including a discussion of stimulus for dispersal and parental care during migration. The 1 overriding observation that leaps out to the reader is the aggressiveness of the young. Sherrod states “Aggression is a com- ponent common to the behavioral repertoire of the peregrine, and it is incorporated into many of the displays of this bird”. A com- mon phrase “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is scoffed at by fledglings. Parents are bitten, footed, bumped off their perches and chased relentlessly by juveniles seeking food — even when there is none to be had. Such aggressiveness provides the basis for the author’s reinterpretation of the “luring” behavior reported by early observers of peregrine behavior. It has been thought that when adults flew by their nests with prey they were “luring” their young to fly from the nest. The author, however, provides many observations to indicate that adults are simply reluctant to land because they “fear” being rushed by thier young, bitten, footed or pushed off the ledge itself. In addition to fledgling behavior of wild peregrines, extremely valuable behavioral comparisons were made with broods of fledglings without parents that are “hacked” from artificial nests. Most behaviors observed in wild young also recurred in hacked young but distinctions were present. For example, “Although hacked fledglings instinctively recognize other raptors, wild offspring probably learn which predators are an immediate threat in their natal territory by observing the defensive behavior of their parents”. I found this book valuable because it 1) provides a wealth of background information for future comparative behavioral studies of congeners, 2) provides a clear picture of the develop- ment of fledgling peregrine behavior (and associated adult be- havior) for people who have never had the opportunity to observe nests, 3) provides descriptions of behavior that fill in gaps of knowledge for even experienced observers who are not fortunate enough to observe, uninterruptedly, fledgling behavior from first flights to dispersal and 4) focused attention on aspects of my own behavioral observations of peregrines that I did not put into con- text until after reading the book. For example, while I watched shorebirds at high tide on 3 November 1975 at the northern end of Humboldt Bay, California, 2 peregrines flew by and the adult male captured a small shorebird, Western Sandpiper ( Calidris mauri) size, killed it, and then dropped it 10 m and recaught it. Meanwhile the female-struck a shorebird that fell into the water. She made several passes at it but was unable to pick it up. When the 2 falcons rejoined in flight the male dropped his kill to the female below him but she failed to catch it. Moments later she captured a Willet ( Catoptrophorus semipalmatus) sized shorebird but then drop- ped it into the bay. The male then caught another small shorebird, carried it out over the bay, accompanied by the female and head- ing south where they eventually disappeared. After reading Chapter 9, it occurred to me that what I may have observed was parental care during migration or, continuation of the adult pair bond after leaving the nesting cliff, although I could not be sure if the female was an adult. Numerous format irregularities were distracting. When I first opened the book I was immediately struck by the contrast in type sizes, and then by the narrow margins. The feeling of being squeezed was further compounded by the narrow bar widths in Figures 3, 26a & b, 33a-e, and 56. Table and figure captions in the text are inconsistent with those given at the beginning of the book. The drawings ranged from excellent to extremely poor. (Fig. 48 looks more like a Potoo (Nyctibius) than a Peregrine. Some figures seem irrelevant (Figs. 1, 20, 21) and 1 figure (38) appears to have been printed upside down. The eyes are virtually obscured in all Peregrine drawings. In defense of the book, however, all drawings do illustrate what is being demonstrated behaviorally. The author seemed (understandably) reluctant to summarize much of his data because juvenile Peregrines show wide variation in the initiation of a behavior and its expression. Instead, numer- ous bar graphs are presented to visually depict the variation and midpoint of the data. A valuable addition would be a single timeline, summarizing when the mean onset of each behavior occurs in terms of fledgling age or time on the wing since first flight. Despite a few shortcomings in the format, I highly recommend the work. It has immediate appeal to raptor biologists for be- havioral descriptions. There is also a broader appeal because Sherrod makes numerous behavioral correlations between the offspring of Peregrines and the offspring of mammalian carni- vores. — Douglas A. Boyce Jr. Temporary Position - Research Associate - Department of Veterinary Biology, University of Min- nesota. Ph.D. degree with experience in teaching and research at the college level is required. Must have experience working with raptors and must be interested in gastrointestinal (GI) physiology and energetics. Individual who holds or has held a university faculty position is preferred. Duties include conducting research on regulation of GI function in raptors and assisting in teaching physiology to veterinary medical students as time permits. Application deadline: 15 November 1984. Position is available for four months from 1 December 1984 through 31 March 1985. Salary $1,608 per month. Send curriculum vitae and three references to: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, University of Minnesota, 295 AnSci/Vet. Med. Bldg., 1988 Fitch Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages the applications of women and minorities. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCHFOUNDATION, INC. EDITOR: Dr. Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Mr. Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr. Fredrick N. Hamerstrom, Jr. (Principal Referee); Dr. Byron E. Harrell (Editor of Special Publications) INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Dr. Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Submit a typewritten original and two copies of text, tables, figures and other pertinent material to the Editor. Two original copies of photographic illustrations are required. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format and authors should design tables and figures accordingly. All submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of 814 x 1 1-inch (2114 x 28cm) good quality, bond paper. Number pages through the Literature Cited section. The cover page should contain the full title and a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 30 characters in length) to be used as a running head. Author addresses are listed at the end of the Literature Cited section. Authors should indicate if present addresses are different from addresses at the time the research was conducted. When more than one author is listed, please indicate who should be contacted for necessary corrections and proof review. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than 4 double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submitted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgements, when appropriate, should immediately follow the text and precede the Literature Cited. Both scientific and common names of all organisms are always given where first appearing in the text and should conform to the current checklists, or equivalent references, such as the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983). Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, following these examples: (Brown and Amadon, Eagles, Hawks and falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1968), or Nelson {Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982). If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1 982). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 8V2 x 1 1-inch (2 1 54 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to V2. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. Typewritten or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Raptor Research, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH -im~L Raptor Research A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Volume 18, Number 3, Fall 1984 (ISSN 0099-9059) Contents The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus) Swainson in Southeastern Queensland. G.v. Czechura 81 Spring and Fall Migrations of Peregrine Falcons in Central Alberta, 1979-1983, with Comparison to 1969-1978. Dick Dekker 92 Winter Habitat Selection of Diurnal Raptors in Central Utah. David L. Fischer, Kevin L. Ellis and Robert J. Meese 98 Do Northern Harriers Lay Replacement Clutches? Robert Edward Simmons 103 Unusual Predatory and Caching Behavior of American Kestrels in Central Missouri. Brian Toland 107 Short Communications 1981 - An Extraordinary Year for Golden Eagle “Triplets” in the Central Rocky Mountains. M. Alan Jenkins and Ronald A. Joseph Ill Food Piracy Between European Kestrel and Short-eared Owl. Erkki Korpimaki 113 An Unusual Observation of ‘Homing’ to Prey By a Migrating Immature Peregrine Falcon. Carl Safina 115 News and Reviews 91, 97, 102, 115, 1 16 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Jeffrey L. Lincer, Office of the Scientific Advisor, 2086 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577 VICE-PRESIDENT : Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 1 7405 SECRETARY: Ed Henckel, RD 1, Box 1380, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343 TREASURER: Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Build- ing, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55208 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: James A. Mosher, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory, University of Maryland, Frostburg State College Campus, Gunter Hall, Frostburg, Maryland 21532 CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Patrick T. Redig, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295 Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 MOUNTAIN 8c PACIFIC DIRECTOR: A1 Harmata, Department of Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717 EAST CANADA DIRECTOR: David M. Bird, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO WEST CANADA DIRECTOR: R. Wayne Nelson, 4218 -63rd Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 2W2 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR: Martin Bottcher, Postfach 2164, Steinfelder Strass 11, 5372 SCHLEIDEN, Federal Republic of Germany, GERMANY DIRECTOR AT LARGE # 1 : Michael Collopy, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32601 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: Tom Dunstan, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illionis 61455 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Mark R. Fuller, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland 20708 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $1 5 per year in the U.S., $17 per year outside the U.S., $13 per year for U.S. students, and $ 1 5 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regular member- ship. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communications may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research, Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A. Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Depart- ment of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S.A. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATON OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 18 Fall 1984 No. 3 THE PEREGRINE FALCON (Falco peregrinus macropus ) Swainson IN SOUTHEASTERN QUEENSLAND G. V. CZECHURA Abstract - Most studies of Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus) biology have been conducted in Europe and North America (Hickey and Anderson 1969; Ratcliffe 1980; Cade 1982). Information concerning southern hemisphere Peregrines is restricted to the studies of Clunie (1972, 1976) on Fiji, reviews by Cade (1969), Brown (1970) and Steyn (1982) of African populations, while Chaffer (1944), Jones and Bren (1978), Norris et al. (1977), Olsen and Olsen (1979), Olsen et al. (1979), Olsen (1982), Pruett-Jones et al. (1981 a, b), Walsh (1978) and White et al. (1981) provide important contributions for Australia. Declines in some nothern hemisphere popula- tions due to the effects of pesticides (Hickey 1969; Bijleveld 1974; Newton 1979; Ratcliffe 1980; Cade 1982) have served to focus considerable attention on the distribution and dynamics of regional Pereg- rine Falcon {Falco peregrinus) populations. Concern has been expressed about the potential affects of pesticides on populations of this falcon within Au- stralia (Olsen and Olsen 1979, 1981; Pruett-Jones et al. 1981b). Existing studies on the status of the peregrine within Australia have been conducted in the southeastern corner of the continent (Olsen and Olsen in press) and little is known of the status of northern and western populations. The following reviews the present state of knowledge of the peregrine in southeast Queensland. A more detailed, long-term study is underway. Materials and Methods Information for this review was obtained from Queensland Museum records, literature, and previously unpublished obser- vatios of both myself (1968 to present) and others. Geographic units referred to as southeastern Queensland and Moreton and Wide Bay — Burnett region follow Roberts (1979) and Mather (1976), respectively. Note that a bias toward the Moreton region exists - reflecting distribution of observers. Sufficient information is available for the presentation of a broad outline of distribution, breeding, hunting and conservation problems of peregrines over southeastern Queensland as a whole. Vegetation terminology follows Groves (1981). Distribution Peregrine Falcons have been recorded over much of southeastern Queensland (Fig. 1 ; Table 1). In addition, they have been recorded in the im- mediate vicinity of the regional boundary (Broad- bent 1889; Barnard and Barnard 1925; Longmore 1978; Passmore 1982). Vegetation type appears to exert little or no influence on the overall distribu- tion here, as closed-forests, open-forests, wood- lands, wetlands and agricultural areas are all fre- quented by falcons. For example, Dwyer et al. (1979) recorded peregrines from 8 of 12 habitat types found across Cooloola. The vegetation types represented here included vine forest, various forms of open forest and woodland as well as heath, herb and sedgeland. Wide occupation of vegetation types has been noted also in the Rockhampton area to the north (Longmore 1978). Vernon (1976) and Roberts (1979) both note that peregrines favour mountainous areas with exten- sive cliffs and rocky outcrops. Examination of re- cords used to construct Fig. 1 indicates that this is essentially correct with some modification. Cer- tainly peregrines are well represented in moun- tainous areas as they have been seen on 1 1 of the 14 major mountain systems. However, they are also frequently observed in coastal districts where they may be locally abundant (Cooloola; Roberts and Ingram 1976). Examination of inland localities where peregrines are regularly encountered indi- cates an association with cliffs, gorges, and out- crops. Similarly, coastal records involve areas where eroded high dunes/coastal cliffs (Fraser, Moreton and North Stradbroke Islands), subcoastal high- lands (MacPherson Range-Gold Coast) or isolated peaks (Mt. Cooroy-Peregian, Pumicestone Passage - Glasshouse Mountains) are found nearby. 81 Raptor Research 18(3):81-91 82 G.V. CZECHURA Vol. 18, No. 3 Figure 1. Distribution of Falco peregrinus macropus in southeastern Queensland based on both published and unpub- lished sightings. Breeding, Density and Movements Twenty-four active eyries (eggs and/or adults plus young present) are known from southeastern Queensland. In addition, several areas containing suspected eyries have yet to be examined and 1 eyrie previously known to be active was inactive. Most eyries were located within major range sys- tems although 6 outlying sites are known. With the exception of 1 eyrie located on a high coastal foredune, vertical or subvertical rock faces along exposed cliffs or along gorges were utilized. Rock faces were variously composed of granite, trachyte, basalt or sandstone. The dune nest was situated on exposed sandrock-fossil hardpan. Individual eyries were placed on ledges, crevices or shallow caves (Fig. 2 A,B) between 30-270 m above ground level. The surrounding vegetation was either subtropical rainforest, open-forest or woodland. Most eyries appeared to have been active for some time. One located within the northern More- ton region was active since the early 1940’s, al- though peregrine records within this area indicate at least 50 yr occupation of the site. Activity as- sociated with another Moreton region eyries indi- cates that it has been active for about 60 yr. The earliest records available for the southern Moreton region are from the early 1940’s, and mid-1950’s for the western Moreton region. Only very recent records are available for the Wide Bay-Burnett re- gion. Observations made wihin the northern Moreton region suggest that breeding starts mid- August or early September. Beruldsen (1980) records a nest- ing season of “July to October, sometimes November in the south, and April to June in the north”. The earliest known egg-laying occurred in late July (1980) and the latest early November (1968). The latter cases appears somewhat anoma- lous and may represent either a late breeding or a replacement clutch. Display was noted during Oc- tober and 2 fledglings were present during De- cember. Little activity had been detected during September of that year. Pre-egg-laying display flights were typical of those used by peregrines elswhere and consists of mixtures of components such as High-circling, Figure-of-eight, Flight- rolling and Z-flight (Cramp and Simmons 1980; Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon in Queensland 83 Table 1. Summary of available published sightings of Peregrine Falcons in Southeastern Queensland. Locality Source Callide Dam Zillman 1974 Sandy Cape Makin 1968 Fraser Island Vernon and Barry 1972 Mt. Walsh Frauca 1970 Maryborough Anon. 1972, Jones 1981 Auburn River Darling Downs Naturalist Dec. 1978:43* Cooloola Roderick 1975, Roberts and Ingram 1976; Dwyer et al. 1977 Teewah Creek Ingram 1972 Noosa Heads Wheeler 1959 (probable) Jimna Q.O.S. July 1978:2* Kilcoy Shire McEvoy et al. 1979 Blackall Range Czechura in press Maleny Czechura 1970, Q.O.S. Jan. 1975:2 Conondale Range Roberts 1977; Czechura in press Glasshouse Mountains Jack 1941; Fien 1966; MacArthur 1978 Pumicestone Passage Mayo 1934; MacArthur 1978 Redcliffe Q.O.S. May 1974:3 Crows Nest Q.O.S. Oct. 1977:3 D’ Aguilar Range Illidge 1923; Vernon 1976 Pinkenba Q.O.S. Nov. 1982:4 Lytton Q.O.S. Nov. 1982:2 Bardon a.S. May 1974:3 Stones Corner Q.O.S. Nov. 1982:2 Murphy’s Creek Lord 1956 Pt. Lookout Q.O.S. May 1977:4 North Stradbroke Is. Vernon and Martin 1975 Cecil Plains Q.O.S. June 1979:2 Cooper’s Plains Q.O.S. March 1976:3 Redwood Park Q.O.S. July 1978:3 Cunningham’s Gap Vernon 1976 Dalrymple Ck. Q.O.S. June 1977:2 Tweed R. District Keast 1944 Warwick district Kirkpatrick 1967 Emu vale Q.O.S. Sept. 1977:2 Stanthorpe Passmore 1982 Lamington N.P. Robertson 1948 Binna Burra Wheeler 1973; Q.O.S. July 1979:4 * Newsletters are cited in table only. ‘Q.O.S.’ refers to Queensland Ornithological Society Newsletter. Monneret 1974; Ratcliffe 1980). In addition, a flight termed herein the V-flight, has been ob- served in which a circling or flying peregrine sud- denly stoops with wings closed, terminates the stoop by spreading its wings and regains altitude using a combination of momentum and flapping flight (Fig. 3). The speed at which the stoop is terminated and altitude regained often leaves the impression of a stoop followed by a ‘bounce’. The V-flight usually followed a period of High-circling, linear flight or undirected activity. Several flights may be con- ducted in quick succession. All display flights were 84 G.V. CZECHURA Vol. 18, No. 3 C D Figure 2: A. Ledge eyrie (e), eastern Moreton region; adjacent roosts (r) are also indicated. B. Cave eyrie (2), eastern Moreton region; perched peregrine (1) and adjacent roosts are indicated. The location of this eyrie is shown by its entrance. C-D. Peregrine hunting area (approx. 4 km SW Maleny). This area has been regularly used since 1970. Note different vegetation types present (r- rainforest, t-tall open-forest, p-pasture, w-regrowth). Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon in Queensland 85 Figure 3. The ‘V-flight’ display. The display commences (A) from earlier circling or similar activity. The falcon abruptly stoops with wings closed (B), terminates the flight (C) by spreading the wings and regains altitude (D) using momentum and later flapping flight. accompanied by much vocalization. Copulation usually occurred late during the display period and on areas surrounding the nest (ledges, projections of the cliff-face or adjacent trees). Little information is available concerning clutch size. P. Olsen (pers. comm.) has examined 3 clutches ( 1 questionably from sotheastern Queens- land). All consisted of 3 eggs. Indirect evidence, such as the number of fledglings at active eyries, suggests that a clutch size of 3 is usual (G. Geruldsen pers. comm.; pers. obs.). Typically 2 young fledge (Table 2). The maximum number of fledglings ob- served at a number of sites is 3 (pers. obs.; P. Slater pers. comm.; D. Evans pers. comm.,) suggsting either high productivity or occasional larger clutches. Olsen and Olsen (1979) record a mean clutch size for Queensland peregrines of 2.5 pre- 1947 and 3. 1 post- 1947. Savidge (in Mathews 1916) records cliff-face nesting in the Clarence River dis- trict of northeastern New South Wales and col- lected the following successive clutches from 1 pair of falcons; 16 August, 3 eggs; 13 September, 3 eggs; 14 October, 2 eggs. Data from southeastern Queensland appear con- sistent with similar data from southeastern Au- stralia. The presumed clutch size of 3 in southeast- ern Queensland compares favourably with both the State means (above) and the combined means for New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania (pre-1947, 3.0; post- 1947, 2.7; data from Olsen and Olsen 1979). Olsen (1982) did not find any significant correlation between clutch size and latitude, longitude or temperature. Similarly, com- parison of the mean numbers of fledglings of the 2 Moreton region eyries (2.13, 2.25; Table 2) indi- cates that these values are within the range for numbers of young at successful eyries in New South Wales (2.2), Victoria (2.1), South Australia (2.2) and Tasmania (2.5) (data from Pruett-Jones et al. 1981 ; Olsen and Olsen in press). Pending the completion ot survey work currently in progress, only approximate values of peregrine density over the entire region are available. Esti- mates, based on known pairs in the Moreton region, indicate a density of about 1 pair/2600 km2, while taking suspected pairs into consideration a value of 1 pair/ 1500 km2 is suggested. These values com- Table 2: Fledgling number at 2 adjacent northern Moreton Region Eyries 1968 - 1982. Numbers of Fledglings Observed Year Eyrie A Eyrie B 1968 2 * 1969 2 * 1970 3 * 1972 3 * 1976 2 * 1977 1 * 1979 2 2 1980 * 3 1981 * 2 1982 2 2 Mean 2.13 2.25 * - No data available 86 G.V. CZECHURA Vol. 18, No. 3 pare with a density of 1 pair/ 100 km2 for one area under study. Distances between neighboring eyries range from 4.8 - 65 km (mean 40.9, N = 221 km). The above density values are tentative. This un- certainty reflects the difficulty in locating alternate nesting sites (e.g., stick nests) in dense forest (rain- forest, tall open-forest) and poor accessibility to some highland areas supporting suitable cliff faces. The current estimates indicate a nesting density well below that of Victoria (1 pair/600 - 800 km2, White et al. 1981) and slightly higher than Tas- mania (Olsen and Olsen in press). Storr (1983) considers F. p. macropus to be nomadic and evidently migratory over much of Queensland. He noted that most records involved the period April-October. Monthly observations at several more accessible Moreton region eyries strongly suggested that breeding birds are rela- tively sedentary with roosts being maintained around the eyrie outside the breeding season. Ob- servations made by Jones and Bren (1978) and Olsen and Olsen (in press) indicate the same in southeastern Australia. Hunting is less frequent but conducted over much the same area as used dur- ing the breeding season. In general, it seems that the apparent nomadism of peregrines may be at- tributable to the inconsicuousness of adults around eyries outside the breeding season and movements of immature birds. Locally high de- nsities have been reported (Elks in Roberts and Table 3. Prey recorded for the Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus macropus) in Southeastern Queensland. Prey Items Source Insects Orthoptera Odonata Birds Prion ( Pachyptila sp. Cormorants ( Phalacrocorax spp.) Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) Black Duck ( Anas superciliosa) Grey Teal ( Anas gibberifrons) Australian Kestrel (Falco cenchroides) Stubble Quail ( Coturnix novaezelandiae) Brown Quail ( Coturnix australis) Red-kneed Dotterel (Erythrogonys cinctus) Red-necked Stint ( Calidris ruficollis) Feral Pigeon (Columba liva) Crested Pigeon ( Ocyphaps lophotes) Bar-shouldered Dove ( Geopelia humeralis) Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) Scaly-breasted Lorrikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus) Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus) White-throated Needle-tail ( Hirundapus caudacutus) Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novae ho llandiae) Lewin Honeyeater (Meliphaga lewinii) Noisy Friar-bird (Philemon corniculatus) Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) Yellow-faced Honeyeater (Lichenostomus chrysops) Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) P. Slater pers. comm. Pers. obs. C. Corben pers. comm. Mayo 1934 Czechura 1971, pers. obs. R. Lutkins pers. comm. R. Lutkins pers. comm. B. Cowell and G. Czechura obs.1 Czechura 1979 Czechura 1979 G. Roberts pers. comm. C. Corben and G. Czechura obs. C. Corben pers. comm., D. Evans pers. comm. P. Veerman pers. comm, pers. obs. pers. obs., D. Evans pers comm., C. Corben pers. comm. pers. obs.1, D. Evans pers. comm. Prey remains at eyrie G. 8c R. Czechura obs.1 pers. obs. pers. obs.1 pers. obs.1 pers. obs.1 pers. obs. pers. obs.1 1 Includes observations made at eyrie during breeding season. Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon in Queensland 87 Ingram 1976) but as with most reports, it is not known if these involve adults or immatures. Im- matures once independent, rarely remain in the vicinity of the eyrie for longer than 4-8 weeks approximately, although lone birds may take up residence in areas rarely frequented by the adults (pers. obs.). Otherwise little is known of movements or fate of the majority of immature birds. Hunting and Prey - Peregrines were observed hunting in a variety of habitat and landscape types. Some regularly hunted over both very open (mudflats, waterways, pastureland) and densely vegetated (rainforest, tall open-forest, heathland) areas (Fig. 2 C, D). Presumably, hunting areas were determined by the location of nesting sites. Prior to the advent of European settlement in southeastern Queensland, peregrines were largely assocated with forested habitats. Rainforest vegeta- tion was more extensive in coastal and subcoastal districts than at present (Illidge 1925; Francis 1970). Indeed, Cade (1982) noted that Australian populations of F. peregrinus show modifications of the feet and beak typical of “forest” races of the peregrine, F. p. peregrinator (India), F. p. ernesti (New Guinea) and F. p. nesiotes (Figi) and the two large, forest-dwelling species, Orange-breasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) and New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) . Similarly, Pruett-Jones et al. (1981a) have commented on modifications of hunting techniques for dense woodland and forests in Victoria. Birds were the chief prey (Table 3). Brief de- scriptions of some hunting flights are given by Mayo (1934) and Czechura (1970, 1971). Compari- son of published and unpublished observations with the descriptions of Treleaven (1977), Ratcliffe (1980) and Cade (1982) indicate most hunting con- sists of a period of “still hunting” or “waiting on” followed by the traditional stoop or direct pursuit. “Still hunting” (Fig. 4-1 A) involves the falcon launching an attack from a perch, such as an emer- gent tree in rainforest, on passing birds. On leaving the perch, the peregrine either gained altitude and then stooped onto the prey, made a level dash to- wards it (Mayo 1934; Czechura 1971) or stooped directly onto it. “Waiting On” (Fig. 4- IB) involves the raptor initially spending some time circling and/or engaged in active flight before stooping. The actual stoop (Fig. 4-2 B) is usually conducted with wings closed or partly closed in a rather shal- low angle of attack. The Final stages of the stoop may result in complex aerial manoeuvres as prey attempts to evade the falcon (Fig. 4- IB). Once the prey is struck by the peregrine, a loop may be per- formed to retrieve the body (Fig. 4-2 B) or the bird may be simply seized and carried. Direct pursuit usually culminates in the peregrine seizing the prey. Under special circumstances other hunting techniques were employed. “Solitary flushing” may be employed against ground-dwelling quail (Czechura 1979). The peregrine will make rapid, low-level passes above the vegetation sheltering the quail. If quail flush, direct pursuit will result. Peregrines, at other times, will “hawk” flying insects by leisurely circling amongst the insects and snatching them out of the air or snatch birds shel- tering on the ground as they pass overhead, e.g., waders on mudflats. It is difficult to determine hunting efficiency of peregrines. On many occasions a falcon will indulge in numerous attacks for up to an hour before a successful kill is made. Many attacks, however, do not appear to be pressed with determination (low intensity attacks, Treleaven 1977) e.g., the falcon breaks off early, stoops are short and relatively slow. During such times, and sometimes after feeding, “playful” attacks are made on large birds such as ibis (' Threskiornis spp.) and Torrsian Crow (Corvus orru ). Under the circumstances, lone crows or ibises are stooped on, with the peregrine often looping around the intended victim and then flying away. Similarly, flocks may be attacked with the apparent objective of breaking them up into smal- ler units. Bouts of such playful behaviour are in- terspersed with periods of soaring, slow flying and perching. Attacks on flocks of birds are .usually unsuccessful if the flocks maintain their structure (Fig. 4- 1C). Lone birds that attempt to leave the flock often are very quickly captured (Fig. 4-2C). Fruit pigeons and lorrikeets will often attempt to out-manoeuvre the falcon and seek shelter in the canopy of nearby trees by perching or flying through them. Frith (1942) reported such be- haviour among fruit pigeons in northern New South Wales but notes one case where the pursuing peregrine pressed its attack below the forest canopy. While successful attacks have been ob- served on lorikeets (Trichoglossus spp.) and hon- eyeaters, no successful attacks have been reported on either Topnot Pigeon ( Lopholaimus antarcticus) or White-headed Pigeon (Columba leucomela ) flocks. 88 G.V. CZECHURA Vol. 18, No. 3 Figure 4. Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus ) hunting behavior. 4. 1 Hunting over rainforest and pasture-regrowth area near Maleny (profile taken from transect across part of the hunting area shown in Plate 1 C-D). A. Unsuccessful (Plow intensity) attack on a flock of Topknot Pigeons (flight path C) leaving rainforest canopy. The adult female peregrine was perched in an emergent Ficus sp. and returned after this attack. B. Successful attack on an unidentified honey-eater (D) after a period of soaring. The honeyeater attempted to climb, then dive away from the falcon prior to its capture (x). Plucking and feeding was conducted on the perch atop the emergent Ficus sp. This attack was conducted approximately 15 mins after attack A. 4.2 Successful hunt over woodland - pasture - low riverine rainforest near Woodford. A. Feeding flock of lorikeets were attacked by an adult female peregrine (B) after leaving the central tree. The flock, except one bird (C) fled through the canopy of adjacent trees. Bird C was struck by the falcon, caught after a rapid loop, then carried. Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon in Queensland 89 Although very little is known of hunting and prey species of peregrines in the region during early settlement, observations made by Savidge (in Mat- thews 1916) in the Clarence River district of north- eastern New South Wales suggest little change has taken place. Savidge records the followng prey, Black Duck ( Anas superciliosa) , Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus abscitus), Australian Magpie-lark (Gral- lina cyanoleuca ) Feral Pigeon (Columba livid) and Feral Chicken ( Gallus gallus). All but G. cyanoleuca and G. gallus have been recorded among prey from southeastern Queensland (Table 3). Interactions with Other Raptors - Interaction between the Australian Hobbie (Falco longipennis ) and peregrines occur in many areas with the excep- tion of heavily timbered and some upland areas (Czechura in press). Both falcons may be found hunting in the same areas on occasion (e.g., Wood- ford, Caboolture), especially when lorikeets are abundant. At these times peregrines largely hunt the Rainbow Lorikeet ( Trichoglossus haematodus) and Scaly-breasted Lorikeet ( Trichoglossus chlorolepi- dotus ), while Australian hobbies hunt T. chlorolepidotus and the smaller Little Lorikeet ( Glos - sopsitta pusilla). The Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) occurs with peregrines in many areas with the ex- ception of densely timbered country. Interactions between Brown and Peregrine Falcons appear to be mildly aggressive. Brown Falcons will often leave hunting areas after the appearance of peregrines. At other times peregrines may make 1 or 2 casual stoops at flying Brown Falcons or Brown Falcons may stoop at perched peregrines. The Australian Kestrel (Falco cenchroides ) comes into contact with peregrines in the same habitats as Brown Falcons. Kestrels readily mob perched peregrines, while Czechura (1970) has reported a possible ‘play’ en- counter. On one occasion a kestrel was among prey brought to an eyrie (Table 3). Peregrines have been observed mobbing the Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus) on 2 occasions along Pumicestone Passage. Both of these involved the same immature female peregrine. Otherwise observations are restricted to encounters near eyries. On several occasions the Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax ) and once a Grey Goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae) were mobbed by one or both fal- cons as they approached eyries. Mortality and Conservation - Little is known of natural mortality among peregrines in southeast- ern Queensland, although one was found dead after a hailstorm in the Brisbane area (Q.M. or- nithological records). The most significant cause of mortality appears to be human persecution. Pigeon fanciers have destroyed adults and interfered with eyries in the eastern Moreton region. Some falcons certainly fall victim to general persecution of rap- tors. Disturbance at eyries also results from sight- seers, bushwackers and illegal egg-collectors. The nature and extent of pesticide effects within the region are poorly known. Olsen and Olsen (1979) found greater than 20% eggshell thinning attributable to D.D.T. in clutches from southeast- ern Queensland; this compares with a State mean of 3.6%. Shell thinning of 15-20% is critical - affected eggs would not be expected to withstand incubation (Newton 1979; Ratcliffe 1980). No peregrines have come to the Small Animal Clinic, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, suf- fering from pesticide poisoning (W. Rooke pers. comm.), but the Clinic has received other diurnal raptors suffering from pesticide poisoning. Some recent developments in the patterns of pesticide use in southeastern Queensland are of concern. Heliothis moths are serious crop pests (Broadley 1977) and recent failure of a number of synthetic pyrethrins used in their control has led to renewed use of organochlorines in a number of areas, while serious outbreaks of armyworms (Pseudaletia spp., Spodoptera sp.; Broadley 1978, 1979) in southern subcoastal pasturelands have necessitated use of pesticides (particularly via aerial application), where their usage has traditionally been of a low level. Although a number of eyries are within the existing national park-reserve system, there are no specific conservation/management programmes in operation. The species is protected under the pro- visions of the Fauna Conservation Act of 1974. Acknowledgments I thank Victor Bushing, David Evans, Peter Hughes, Ted Johansen, Kathleen MacArthur, Gary Norwood, Tony Palliser, Chris Pollitt, Gary Silk, Peter Slater, Phillip Veerman, Ian Vena- bles and Eric Zillmann for information used herein. For field assistance, I thank Robin Czechura and Gunter Maywald. Assis- tance in manuscript preparation was kindly provided by Gordon Beruldsen, Chris Corben (Department of Forestry, Queensland), Glen Ingram (Queensland Museum), Scott Mooney (National Parks and Wildlife Service, Tasmania). Jerry Olsen, Penny Olsen (Division of Wildlife Research, C.S.I.R.O.), Greg Roberts and Clayton White (Brigham Young University). 90 G.V. CZECHURA Vol. 18, No. 3 Literature Cited Anon. 1972. Birds within five miles of Maryborough. Wambaliman 6(4): 3-4. Barnard, C.A. and Barnard, H.G. 1925. A review of the birdlife on Coomooboolaroo Station, Duaringa district, Queensland, during the past fifty years. Emu 24:252-65. Beruldsen, G. 1980. ‘A Field Guide to the Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds’. (Rigby, Adelaide, 448 pp.). Bijleveld, M. 1974. ‘Birds of Prey in Europe’ (Macmil- lan, London. 263 pp.). Broadbent, K. 1889. Birds of the central part of Queensland. Proc. R. Soc. Qd. 5:14-31. Broadley, R.H. 1977. Heliothis . . . serious agricultural pests in Queensland. Qd Agric. J. 103(6): 536-45. Broadley, R.H. 1978. The lawn armyworm ... a seri- ous rural and urban pest. Ibid 104(3): 232-6. 1979. Year of a massive armyworm problem. /fod. 105(6):573. Brown, L.H. 1970. ‘African Birds of Prey’. (Houghton-Mifflin, Boston. 320 pp.). Cade, T.J. 1969. The status of the peregrine and other falconiformes in Africa, pp. 289-321. In Hickey, J.J. (ed.) ‘Peregrine Falcon Populations. Their Biology and Decline’. (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 596 pp.) Cade, T.J. 1982. ‘Falcons of the World’ (Cornell Univer- sity Press, Ithaca. 192 pp.). Chaffer, N. 1974. Black-cheeked Falcon. Emu 43(4):251-253. Clunie, F. 1972. A contribution to the natural history of the Fiji Peregrine. Notomis 19:302-22. 1976. A Fiji Peregrine (Falco peregrinus) in an urban-marine environment. Ibid 23(1): 8-28. Cramp, S. and Simmons, K.E.L. 1980. ‘Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Vol. 2. Birds of Prey to Bustards’. (Oxford University Press, Oxford. 570 pp.). Czechrua, G.. 1970. The Peregrine Falcon {Falco pereg- rinus) at Maleny (S.E.Q.). Sunbird 1(4): 102-3. 1971. Field notes on hunting methods of falcons. Ibid. 2(4):68-72. 1979. Observations on quail-hunting strategies in some Australian raptors. Ibid. 10(3°4):59-66. in press. The raptors of the Blackall- Conondale Ranges and adjoining lowlands. Dwyer, P.D., Kikkawa, J. and Ingram, G.J. 1979. Habitat relations of vertebrates in sub- tropical heathlands of coastal southeastern Queens- land. pp. 281-99. In R.L. Specht (ed.). ‘Ecosystems of the World 9A. Heathlands and Related Shrublands. Descriptive Studies. (Elsevier, Amsterdam. 497 pp.). Fien, I. 1966. Falcon at Glasshouse Mountains. Queens- land Bird Notes 2(5): 4. Francis, W.D. 1970. ‘Australian Rainforest Trees’. (Au- stralian Government Printer, Canberra. 468 pp.). Frauca, H. 1970. Some notes on the mammals and birds of Mount Walsh National Park, Biggenden, Wide Bay area, Queensland. Wambaliman 4(5): 4- 13. Frith, H.J. 1942. Noteson the pigeons of the Richmond River, N.S. W. Emu 89-99. Groves, R.H. (ed.) 1982. ‘Australian Vegetation’. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 449 pp.). Hickey, J.J. (ed.) 1969. ‘Peregrine Falcon Populations. Their Biology and Decline’ (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 596 pp.). Illidge, R. 1923. Insects and birds observed during Cedar Creek and D’ Aguilar Range excursion. Qd Nat. 4(2): 34-5. 1925. The Blue-faced Lorilet also cal- led Coxen’s Fig Parrot. Ibid 4(6): 133-4. Ingram, G.J. 1972. Notes on the feeding of White- browed Woodswallows ( Artamus superciliosus). Sunbird 3:64-5. Jack, N. 1941. Some birds and mammals of the Glassh- use Mountains district. Qd Nat. 1 1(6): 127-32. Jones, M.V. 1981. Birds of the Maryborough district, Queensland, 1972-1980. Aust. Bird Watcher 9(1): 1-13. Jones, S.G. and Bren, W.M. 1978. Observations on the winterig behaviour of Victorian Peregrine Falcons. Ibid 7(6): 198-203. Keast, A. 1944. A inter list from the Tweed River dis- trict, N.S.W., with remarks on some nomadic species. Emu 43:177-87. Kirkpatrick, T.H. 1967. Mammals, birds and reptiles of the Warwick district, Queensland. 2 Birds. Qd. J. Agric. Animal Sci. 24:81-91. Longmore, N.W. 1978. Avifauna of the Rockhampton area, Queensland. Sunbird 9(3/4) :25-53. Lord, E.A.R. 1956. The birds of Murphy’s Creek dis- trict, southern Queensland. Emu 56:100-28. McEvoy, J.S., McDonald, K.R. and Searle, A.K. 1979. Mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians of the Kilcoy Shire, Queensland. Qd J. Animal Sci. 36(2): 167-80. Mac Arthur, K. 1978. ‘Pumicestone Passage. A Living Waterway’ (Author, Caloundra. 141 pp.). Makin, D. 1968. Birds of Sandy Cape, Fraser Island. Qd. Nat. 19:31-42. Mather, P. (ed.) 1976. ‘The National Estate. Moreton and Wide Bay-Burnett Regions’. (Queensland Museum, Brisbane 272 pp.). Matthews, G.M. 1916. ‘The Birds of Australia. Vol. 5’ (Witherby, London. 440 pp.). Mayo, W.M. 1934. Bird notes of Bribie Island and Pumice Stone Passage. QdNat. 9(1): 12-6. Monneret, R.J . 1974. Repertoire comportmental du Faucon pelerin. Falco peregrinus. Hypothese explicative des Man- ifestations Adversives. Alanda 42:407-28. Newton, I. 1979. ‘Population Ecology of Raptors’ (Poyser, Calton. 430 pp.) Norris, K.C., Emison, W.B. and Bren, W.M. 1977. A preliminary survey pf the population of Peregrine Fal- cons in Victoria. Emu. 77:86-7. Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon in Queensland 91 Olsen, J., Olsen, P. and Jolly, J. 1979. Observation on interspecific conflict in the Peregrine Falco peregrinus and other Australian falcons. Aust. Bird Watcher 8(2):51-7. Olsen, P.D. 1982. Ecogeographic and temporal varia- tion in the eggs and nests of the Peregrine, Falco pereg- rinus, (Aves Falconidae) in Australia. Aust. Wildl. Res. 9:277-91. Olsen, P. and Olsen, J. 1979. Eggshell thinning in the Peregrine, Falco peregrinus, in Australia. Ibid. 6:217-26. 1981. D.D.T. Peregrines in peril. RAOU Newsletter 49:1-3. in press. Population studies of the Peregrine in Australia. (Proceedings of the I.C.B.P. Conference on Birds of Prey, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1982). Passmore, M.D. 1982. Birds of Stanthorpe, Queens- land, and its northern environs, 1972-1981. Amt Bird Watcher 9(7):277-237. Pruett -Jones, S.G., White, C.M. and Devine, W.R. 1981a. Breeding of the Peregrine Falcon in Victoria, Australia. Emu 80 suppl: 253-269. Pruett-Jones, S.G., White, C.M. and Emison, W.B. 1981b. Eggshell thinning and organochlorine residues in eggs and prey of Peregrine Falcons from Victoria, Australia. /fod. 281-287. Ratcliffe, D. 1980. ‘The Peregrine Falcon’ (Payser, Calton, 416 pp.). Roberts, G.J. (ed.) 1977. ‘The Conondale Range - the case for a National Parks’ (Queensland Conservation Council, Brisbane, 86 pp). 1979. ‘The Birds of South-east Queensland’ (Queensland Conservation Council, Brisbane. 50 pp.). and Ingram, G.J. 1976. An annotated list of the land birds of Cooloola. Sunbird 7:1-20. Robertson, J.S. 1948. Birds of the 1947 Queensland camp-out at Binna Burra, Queensland. Emu 47:373-88. Roderick, G. 1975. Bird observations in the Cooloola area, 12-20 August 1972. Qd Nat. 21:58-9. Steyn, P. 1982. ‘Birds of Prey of Southern Africa’ (David Philip, Cape Town. 309 pp.). Storr, G.M. 1973. List of Queensland birds. Spec. Publ. W. Aust. Mus. 5:1-177. Vernon, D.P. 1968. ‘Birds of Brisbane and Environs’ (Queensland Museum, Brisbane 131 pp). 1976. Birds pp. 74-97. In Mather, P. (ed.) ‘The National Estate. Moreton and Wide Bay- Burnett Region’ (Queensland Museum, Brisbane. 272 pp.). and Barry, D.H. 1972. Birds of Fraser Island and adjacent waters. Mem. Qd Mus. 16(2):223-32. and Martin, J.H.D. 1975. Birds of Stradbroke Island. Proc. R. Soc. Qd 86(1 1):61-72. Wash, B.P. 1978. Observations on Peregrine Falcons nesting in Werribee Gorge, Victoria. Aust. Bird Watcher 7(5): 138-142. Wheeler, R. 1959. The R.A.O.U. camp-out at Noosa Heads, Queensland, 1958. Emu 59:229-249. 1973. The birds of ‘Green Mountains’. Aust. Bird Watcher 4(8):257-269. White, C.M., Pruiett-Jones, S.G. and Emison, W.B. 1981 . The status and distribution of the Pereg- rine Falcon in Victoria, Australia. Emu 80 suppl. : 270- 280. Zillmann, E.E. 1974. Birds at Callide Dam. Wambaliman 8(5):6-8. Queensland Museum, Gregory Terrace, Fortitude Valley. Q. 4006. Received 15 June 1983; Accepted 1 June 1984. Attention RRF Members Past and Present!! The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., is approaching its 20th Anniversary. In honor of this memorable occasion, I am compiling a twenty-year history of the Foundation to be presented in Sacramento at the 1985 annual meeting. In addition, plans are to compose a monograph detailing the Foundation’s history from beginning to present. I request the assistance of you, the membership, both past and present, in accomplishing this task. Please contact me if you have any pertinent information in your files, such as photographs, correspondence, etc., that you would be willing to loan to me. All such material will be acknowledged in publications, of course, and I will make copies of the materials for my use and return the originals immediately. If you have anything you wish to contribute, please contact me as follows: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, USA. SPRING AND FALL MIGRATIONS OF PEREGRINE FALCONS IN CENTRAL ALBERTA, 1979-1983, WITH COMPARISONS TO 1969-1978 Dick Dekker Abstract - In central Alberta, 1979-1983, 339 sightings of migrating Peregrine Falcons ( Falco peregrinus) were recorded between 15 April and 31 May. Mean sightings per hour afield were 0.23 for the entire period and 0.29 for the main migration period 4-23 May, respectively 1 1 and 19% lower than for 1947-1978. Mean early dates, mid-dates and mean late dates for adults were respectively 6, 7 and 2 days in advance of immatures, and nearly identical to 1969-1978. Fall sightings were similarly scarce as in 1969-1978, totalled 24, and occurred from 1 7 September to 3 October. In fall, the ratio of adults to immatures was roughly 1:3 and in spring 1:1. The success rate of 191 hunting attempts was 9.4%. Since the 1950’s, the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus ) has suffered serious population declines in North America (Hickey 1969). As a breeding bird it was extirpated in southern and central Al- berta by the early 1970’s (Fyfe et al. 1976), although captivity-raised and released falcons nested in Ed- monton and Calgary in 1982 and 1983 (G. Erickson, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, pers. comm.). In spring and fall, northern peregrines migrate through central Alberta (Dekker 1979). Field surveys along the Atlantic and Texas coasts have recently shown substantial increases in the number of peregrines sighted during fall migra- tions (F.P. Ward, pers. comm.). This paper presents data on the characteristics of migrating peregrines in central Alberta from 1979 to 1983. Pooled data for these 5 yrs can be juxtaposed to data from 1969 to 1978 when I did similar field studies (Dekker 1979), although data for 1969-1973 are incomplete and based on less expertise. The most recent 10 yrs allow valid comparisons of number of sightings/h, age ratios and timing of migrations. Study Area and Methods The study area was a crescent-shaped strip of grainfields and open pastures, roughly 10x2 km in size, bordered by Beaverhill Lake, that attracted numerous waterfowl and shorebirds in mig- ration. In searching for peregrines no set procedures were fol- lowed, although methods were similar to those of 1969-1978. Each day afield I hiked 5-25 km, frequently pausing to scan through 10x50 binoculars. I often sat in a parked car and used a20-40X telescope as well as binoculars. Many resting peregrines sitting on fence posts or on the ground were watched until they left of their own accord. Flying peregrines were observed for as long as they remained visible. Alarm behaviour of prey species often alerted me to the arrival of peregrines. The study area was visited from early March to early December. Pooled for 5 yrs, field days totalled 167 and 79 respectively during 15 April -31 May and 1 September- 15 Ocotber. Field days lasted 3-17 and averaged 9 h within varying time frames. About 85% of peregrines sighted in spring were positively identified; distant large falcons that I could not identify were assumed to be peregrines unless I suspected them of being Prairie Falcons {Falco mexicanus), that are occasion- ally seen in the study area in spring (Dekker 1982). During fall, when peregrines are uncommon in the study area and both the Prairie Falcon and the Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus) occur (Dekker 1983), all sightings of unidentified large falcons were deleted. (For criteria used in field identification see Dekker 1977). I paid little attention to the problem of duplicate sightings other than to delete obvious ones. For 1969-1978 I tabulated maximum and minimum sightings that show a duplication rate of 2.4. This indicates the magnitude of the problem but is only an estimate. The so-called maximum numbers of 1969-1978 “include duplicate counts ex- cept the most obvious ones”, (Dekker 1979:297) and correspond to sightings in this study. Data on hunting are for 1980-1983 only; 1979 observations were presented elsewhere (Dekker 1980). Methods in recording foraging behavior were the same as in 1969-1978. Observations were written down during or at the end of the day. Results and Discussion Numbers Sighted and Timing of Migrations - In spring, peregrines were seen from 20 April to 31 May (Fig. 1). Sightings pooled for 5 yrs ranged from 0 to 21/d and totalled 339 (Table 1). Mean numbers of sightings/h were 40-60% higher in morning and evening than between 1200Hand 1500H (Table 2). Earliest dates ranged from 20 to 30 April. Mean early dates for adults and immatures respectively, ranged from 20 April to 7 May and from 1 to 9 May. Early arriving falcons appeared to pass quickly. They often hunted over the still-frozen lake and rested on the ice far from shore. I suspect that all April sightings of unidentified falcons involved adults. That assumption would advance their mean early date to 25 April, 9 d ahead of immatures (Table 3). Mean late sightings of adults and imma- tures respectively, ranged from 17 to 27 and 19 to 31 May. Mean late dates and mean mid-dates (half of total sightings) were nearly equivalent to those of 1969-1978 (Table 3). To check for the presence of summering falcons, the study area was visited about 4 times/month 92 Raptor Research 18(3):92-97 Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon Migration 93 10- I 5" i — i ? — I rfT fh " 1—1 10- > 1 5~ p-tT Tlrf '4b f — | HT bh 20- *) - , 15- M 5-: -TU r -Tlrf =£— — — — — IffT 20 April 25 1 May 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 1. Peregrines sighted during spring migration unidentified age class. (range 3-7) in June, July and August. One pereg- rine each was seen on 19 July 1980 and 2 June 1982. Both were immatures. The June sighting probably involved a late migrant, but the July bird may have originated from a captive-breeding program with releases in central and southern Alberta (G. Erickson, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, pers. comm.). I saw no evidence that captive-bred pereg- rines occurred in the study area during spring mig- ration. Data for the autumn were similarly limited as in 1974-1978 and ranged from 1 7 September to 3 October. Age and Sex Ratios - The proportion of adults and immatures in spring differed from 1974-1978 (Table 4). I attribute that difference to the follow- ing change in my criteria for identification. In 1969-1978 I differentiated the age groups mainly by dorsal coloration; adults are ashy-blue, imma- tures brownish. However, I have found that dorsal color is not always a reliable fieldmark as some adult peregrines look blackish-brown dorsally, resembl- ing the spring immatures that are often light- chested (Dekker 1979). Since 1979, 1 have included all dorsally blackish falcons in the unidentified in central Alberta. Total sightings include peregrines of category unless I saw their ventral markings, barred in the adult, streaked in the immature. The more typically-colored adults are easily identified in flight under good conditions. The proportion of adults (29%) was remarkably close to that of 1974- 1978 (28%) but differed from 1969-1973 (38%). The adult and immature percentages for fall dif- fered from 1969-1973 and 1974-1978, but sample size was small (Table 4). The smallest males are about two-thirds the size of the largest females (Godfrey 1966). However, I was unable to determine the sex of 54% of sight- ings. Under some conditions, especially when flying falcons interacted with other birds, their relative size could be assessed with confidence. Large peregrines outnumbered small ones by a factor of 3:1 in the adults and 9:1 in immatures. Although females outnumbered males also in 1969-1978, values differed substantially, probably reflecting the unreliability of basing sex ratios on sightings. Females outnumbered males by a factor of 3:1 or more in coastal migration surveys (Hunt et al. 1975; Ward and Berry 1972). Behavior - I saw falcons attack prey species 254 94 Dick Dekker Vol. 18, No. 3 Table 1. Days and hours afield, and peregrines sighted, 15 April -31 May 1969-1983. (figures in brackets represent the main migration period 4-23 May, when respectively 79, 85 and 79% of pooled sightings occurred in 3 groups of 5 years). Year Days Afield Hours Afield Sightings Mean Sightings/Hr 1969 22(12) _ 20(9) . 1970 25(16) - 15(11) - 1971 27(17) - 33(27) - 1972 25(16) - 26(21) - 1973 23(16) - 41(39) - Sub-Totals 122(77) - 135(107) - 1974 26(16) 251(166) 46(43) 0.18(0.26) 1975 29(16) 284(171) 41(35) 0.14(0.20) 1976 30(17) 307(196) 66(53) 0.21(0.27) 1977 38(19) 378(216) 163(153) 0.43(0.71) 1978 34(19) 358(229) 90(64) 0.25(0.28) Sub-Totals 157(87) 1570(978) 406(348) 0.26(0.36) 1979 31(16) 289(179) 57(46) 0.20(0.26) 1980 34(18) 323(194) 94(55) 0.29(0.28) 1981 34(19) 308(193) 67(59) 0.22(0.31) 1982 33(18) 276(172) 58(53) 0.21(0.31) 1983 35(19) 302(197' 63(56) 0.21(0.28) Sub- Totals 167(90) 1498(035) 339(269) 0.23(0.29) times. The success rate of 191 hunting attempts of which the outcome was known was 9.4%, not sig- nificantly different from the 7.7% reported for 1965-1979 (Dekker 1980). Prey captured included 9 ducks of 7 species and 9 shorebirds of 4 species. In the first 2 h after daybreak, when I was rarely in the field (Table 2), I only once saw a falcon attack ducks, but I found falcons feeding on ducks 7 times. In one case the prey was a Gadwall {Anas strepera ) I had seen killed by a falcon the previous evening at dusk. In the others, sunken eyes of ducks and amount of meat taken from the carcasses led me to suspect that they had been killed the previous evening, during the night or near dawn. On several occasions I saw peregrines attack ducks 0.5-1 h after sundown, and they hunted sandpipers or pas- serines very late in the evening. Crepuscular foraging activity of peregrines has been reported by several observers (Beebe 1960; Clunie 1976; De- kker 1980). Some falcons that I watched at nightfall stayed on posts until it was too dark to see them and they probably roosted there. Their locations were not only over water but also on open pasture. All roosting falcons (n=9) were gone next morning at dawn. Most resting falcons that I watched in the morn- ing from 1 h after sunrise remained inactive until 0900-1100 H when some began to hunt; others soared to great heights and sailed away in a nor- therly direction, apparently resuming migration. In 1969-1978, falcons under observation left the study area in late morning by soar and sail flight at great altitudes (Dekker 1979). Each spring, 1 or 2 recognizable peregrines stayed in the study area for Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon Migration 95 Table 2. Percent of total field time for 5 daily periods, 15 April-31 May (figures in brackets represent main migration period 4-23 May). Data pooled for periods of 5 years. Mean sightings per hour afield not available for 1974-1978 when the exact time of most sightings was not recorded. % of Total Hours Afield Mean Sightings/Hr Time Period 1974- 1978 1979- 1983 1979- 1983 0500 - 0900 6.7 (7.7) 8.3 (10.5) 0.28 (0.33) 0900- 1200 19.3 (21.6) 17.8(19.1) 0.28 (0.36) 1200- 1500 24.8 (24.3) 20.5 (20.5) 0.17(0.21) 1500- 1800 26.9 (24.1) 27.0(23.7) 0.20 (0.26) 1800- 2200 22.4 (22.3) 26.4 (26.2) 0.24 (0.31) TOTALS 100 (100) 100 (100) 0.23 (0.29) 3-8 d, no doubt causing duplication of sightings. Conclusions - Although mean numbers of sightings/h in spring were 11-19% lower in 1979- 1983 than in the preceding 5 yrs, most yearly figures have remained similar, suggesting that no change has occurred in the size of the spring popu- lation migrating through central Alberta. An ex- ceptional year was 1977 when sightings/h were 65-95% higher than the 5 yr mean (Table 1). The spring of 1977 was characterized by dry climatic conditions when peregrines and their prey con- centrated on the lakeshore where they were readily located. Why peregrines were much scarcer in fall than in spring in the study area is not clear. Perhaps some peregrine populations breeding in the northwest migrate in fall via a flight path east of Alberta to the Atlantic coast, but return in spring by a more direct Table 3. Mean early dates, mid-dates (half of total sightings) and mean late dates for adult and immature peregrines sighted during spring migration in central Alberta. Data pooled for 3 groups of 5 years, 1969-1983. (“All sightings” include falcons of unidentified age). Mean Early Dates Mid-Dates Mean Late Dates Years Adult Immatures All Sightings Adult Immatures All Sightings Adult Immatures All Sightings 28 3 29 8 15 13 19 25 25 1969-1973 April May April May May May May May May 25 7 24 7 14 12 19 25 25 1974-1978 April May April May May May May May May 28 4 25 9 16 11 22 24 25 1979-1983 April May April May May May May May May 96 Dick Dekker Vol. 18, No. 3 Table 4. Age composition of peregrines in percent of total sightings during spring and fall. Data pooled for 3 groups of 5 years, 1969-1983. Years Sightings % Adult % Immature % Unidentified Spring 1969-1973 135 38 36 26 1974-1978 406 28 47 25 1979-1983 339 29 32 39 Sub-Totals 880 32 38 30 Fall 1969-1973 10 50 30 20 1974-1978 17 6 65 29 1979-1983 24 21 58 21 Sub-Totals 51 26 51 23 route through the continent. Differentiation of spring and fall migration routes has been documented for some shorebird species (Godfrey 1966). Early and late dates of fall and spring sightings in the study area were respectively 16 and 41 d apart in 1979-1983 and 24 and 45 d in 1969-1978. Why the spring passage lasts so much longer than the fall migration is not known. Perhaps spring migrant peregrines, especially subadults, linger in the study area attracted by the concentrations of migrating shorebirds, which are more numerous in May than at any time during fall. Although the number of fall migrating pereg- rines was too small for comparisons, the number of sightings/d increased from 0.24 in 1969-1978 to 0.30 in 1979-1983, consistent with increases in sightings per unit effort during fall migrations along the Atlantic and Texas coasts (F.P. Ward, pers. comm.). Acknowledgment This study was financed by the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Divi- sion, the World Wildlife Fund (Canada), and the Alberta Recrea- tion, Parks and Wildlife Foundation. I thank W. Wishart for support. A.J. Erskine, R.W. Nelson and F.P. Ward read the man- uscript. Denise Fitz did the typing. Literature Cited Beebe, F.L. 1960. The marine peregrines of the Northwest Pacific Coast. Condor 62:145-189. Clunie, F. 1976. A Fiji peregrine in an urban environ- ment. Notornis 23:8-28. Dekker, Dick. 1977. Field identification of Peregrines, Prairie Falcons and Gyrs in southern and central Al- berta. Alberta Naturalist 7(1): 1-5. Dekker, Dick. 1979. Characteristics of Peregrine Fal- cons migrating through central Alberta, 1969-1978. Can. Field-Nat. 93:296-302. Dekker, Dick. 1980. Hunting success rates, foraging habits, and prey selection of Peregrine Falcons mig- rating through central Alberta. Can. Field-Nat. 94:371-382. Dekker, Dick. 1982. Occurrence and foraging habits of Prairie Falcons, Falco mexicanus, at Beaverhill Lake, Alberta. Can. Field-Nat. 96:477-478. Dekker, Dick. 1983. Gyrfalcon sightings at Beaverhill Lake and Edmonton, Alberta, 1964-1983. Alberta Naturalist 13(3): 103. Fyfe, R.W., S.A. Temple, and T.J. Cade. 1976. The 1975 North American Peregrine Falcon survey. Can. Field-Nat. 90:228-273. Fall 1984 Peregrine Falcon Migration 97 Godfrey, W.E. 1966. The Birds of Canada. National Museum of Canada Bulletin 203. 428 pp. Hickey, J.J. (Editor). 1969. Peregrine Falcon popula- tions: their biology and decline. University of Wiscon- sin Press, Madison. 596 pp. Hunt, W.G., R.R. Rogers, and D.J. Slowe. 1975. Mig- rations and foraging behaviour of Peregrine Falcons on the Texas coast. Can. Field-Nat. 89: 111-123. Ward, F.P. and R.B. Berry. 1972. Autumn migrations of Peregrine Falcons on Assateague Island, 1970- 1971./. of Wild. Mgt. 36:484-492. 3819-112 A Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6J 1K4. Received 20 November 1983; Accepted 15 April 1984 Biology and Management of Bald Eagles and Ospreys. A proceedings of 32 refereed papers (325 pp.) by over 50 international experts on topics including taxonomy, distribution, winter and breeding population dynamics, nesting habitat and nest site selection, nutritional ecology, prey selection, and management of the North American Bald Eagle and the cosmopolitan Osprey. Typeset and bound with soft cover. To place orders, write to either David M. Bird, Raptor Research Centre, 21,111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO or Dr. Gary Duke, Dept, of Vet. Biol., 295K AnSci/Vet. Med. Bldg., Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108. Price per copy: U.S. $15 plus $2.50 handling; Overseas 15$ (U.S.) plus $5 handling; Canada $18 CDN) plus $3 handling. Send payment with Canadian orders to D.M. Bird and U.S. and overseas orders to the Treasurer, Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. All profits to Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. WINTER HABITAT SELECTION OF DIURNAL RAPTORS IN CENTRAL UTAH David L. Fischer, Kevin L. Ellis and Robert J. Meese Abstract - A total of 525 observations of 10 species was recorded during a winter roadside survey of raptors around Utah Lake, Utah Co., Utah. Six species; Red-tailed Hawk (Buteojamaicensis), Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus ) , American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), Northern Harrier {Circus cyaneus ), Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos), and Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus)\ accounted for 493 (94%) of the observations. Red-tailed Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks and American Kestrels were found in greater than expected numbers in grassland habitat, Northern Harriers and Golden Eagles in sage/greasewood desert, and Bald Eagles in riparian/lakeshore habitat. Rough-legged Hawks predominantly used utility pole rather than tree perches; American Kestrels predominantly used wire perches; Red-tailed Hawks used tree and pole perches according to availability. All species, except American Kestrels, used areas away from centers of human activity more often than expected. Ornithological literature contains relatively little information on the winter ecology of diurnal rap- tors (Newton 1979). Road surveys taken over sev- eral months can provide information on distribu- tion, relative abundance and habitat use (Craighead and Craighead 1956; Bildstein 1978). This infor- mation may provide a basis for making land use decisions. Although many raptor road surveys have been conducted (Enderson 1965; Johnson and En- derson 1972; Craig 1978; Bauer 1982; Gessaman 1982), few have studied habitat or perch use in relation to availability, a prerequisite for making inferences concerning species preference or selec- tion. Here, we conducted a road survey of winter- ing raptors and sampled the availability of general habitat types, specific perch types and proximity of centers of human activity along a 125 km census route. We then tested the (null) hypothesis that raptor use is in proportion to habitat availability. Where use of a particular habitat type was found to be significantly greater than expected, we infer selection or preference on the part of the species involved. Some argue that selection can only be demonstrated by detailed behavioral observations in which an active choice on the part of the animal is shown (see Morse 1980). We assume, however, that raptors are highly mobile organisms capable of moving from one habitat or perch type to another in a matter of minutes. Therefore, we infer an active choice on the part of the species if it occupies a particular habitat type significantly more often than could be expected by chance. Study Area and Methods A 125 km loop around Utah Lake, beginning near Provo and terminating near Lindon, defined the census route (Fig. 1). Aver- age elevation of Utah Valley is 1371 m. Mean annual precipitation ranges between 30.4 and 40.6 cm. Daily mean temperature during the period December-March ranged from approx. - 15°C to 10°C. Vegetation was a mosaic of agricultural lands (irrigated and dry), Figure 1. Map of census route, Utah County, Utah. sagebrush {Artemesia tridentata ) mixed with greasewood ( Sarcobatus vermiculatus) desert, grassland/pasture, orchard, and riparian/ lakeside woodland. Topography of the census strip was generally flat. Twelve censuses totalling 42 h were conducted weekly from 8 January to 27 March 1983. Direction of travel along the census route was alternated each week. Roads on the east side of the lake were driven at speeds of 40 kph or less. Those on the west side, where there is little vegetation to impair vision and there are fewer potential raptor perch sites, were driven at speeds of 72 kph or less. Brief stops to identify birds and record data were sometimes made. Mean speed of travel per census was 36 kph. Mean time to complete a census was 3.45 h. The number of observers was usually 2, with 3 observers present on 2 occasions and a single observer present on 1 occasion. Only those birds seen initially with the unaided eye were tallied. Binoculars and a 20x spotting scope were used to aid identifica- tion. For each sighting we recorded location, habitat type, be- havior (flying, perched, hovering, soaring, coursing), perch site and distance from centers of human activity (farmyards, resi- dences, commercial establishments, etc.). Habitat categories used were (1) cultivated farmland, (2) sage (cold desert including some greasewood), (3) grassland (including pasture and grass domi- nated rangeland), (4) riparian (including lakeside woods), (5) or- chard, and (6) residential (including urban and commercial areas and the immediate area around farm and ranch houses). Perch 98 Raptor Research 18(3):98-102 Fall 1984 Winter Habitat Selection in Utah 99 ■ sage H CULTIVATED S RESIDENTIAL S other n GRASSLAND EE RIPARIAN □ ORCHARD N=49 N=26 N=78 Figure 2. Percent deviation from expected number of raptor sightings by habitat type. categories were (1) utility pole, (2) fence post, (3) wire, (4) tree, (5) shrub and (6) ground. Distance to human activity was recorded as (1) < 0.16 km, (2) 0.16 to 0.8 km, or (3) > 0.8 km. Habitat and perch availability were quantified by assuming a census strip width of 1 km (0.5 km each side of road) for that portion of the route on the east side of the lake, and a width of 2 km (1 km each side of road) on the west side of the lake (Fig. 1). These strip widths reflected the maximum lateral distances at which we assumed nearly all raptors present could be spotted with the unaided eye. A random sample of 30, 200-m radius circular plots was taken to estimate the availability of each habitat and perch type within the census strip. Data were analyzed using non-parametric Chi-square methods in which expected values were calculated from the estimates of relative availability of habitat factors. For example, if 25% of the census strip is cultivated farmland, we expect 25% of the sightings of Red-tailed Hawks to be in this habitat. Categories were lumped when expected values were less than 5 (Cochran 1954). Results and Discussion A total of 525 raptor sightings was recorded on 12 censuses. Most frequently observed species with sample size sufficient to analyze were Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius). Rough-legged Hawk {Buteo lagopus), Bald Eagle {Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Northern Harrier {Circus cyaneus), and Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos). Species observed in smaller numbers were Prairie Falcon {Falco mexicanus ), Merlin {Falco columbarius ), Ferruginous Hawk {Buteo regalis) and Cooper’s Hawk {Accipiter cooperii). Habitat Use - Red-tailed Hawks were not ran- domly distributed among the 6 habitat types (P<0.01). (Fig. 2). The observed number of birds in sage/greasewood desert was approximately a third of that expected, while the number found in grass- land habitat was over twice that expected. Rough-legged Hawks were also not randomly distributed among habitat types (P<0.1). They were found at approximately the expected fre- quency in sage, more often than expected in grass- lands and far less often than expected in developed areas (residential, etc.) (Fig. 2). This species breeds in remote, nearly treeless areas of the far north (Brown and Amadon 1968). Consequently it is not surprising that it prefers open habitat and shuns areas of intensive human activity. Kestrels were also distributed non-randomly among habitat types (P<0.01). They were found 100 Fischer, Ellis, Meese Vol. 18, No. 3 Figure 3. Percent deviation from expected number of raptor sightings by perch type. twice as often in grassland as expected, but only one-third as often as expected in sagebrush (Fig. 2). Of 4 habitat categories that could be considered (riparian, residential and orchard habitats lumped due to low expected numbers), Northern Harriers and Golden Eagles occurred more frequently than expected in sagebrush and less frequently than ex- pected in all other habitats (Fig. 2). Bald Eagles showed the most restricted habitat use pattern (Fig. 2). They were observed almost exclusively along the west shoreline of Utah Lake, and only where open water was nearby. Though the affinity of wintering Bald Eagles for open water is well documented (Fawks 1960; Southern 1963; Steenhof et al. 1980), most wintering Bald Eagles in Utah occur in sagebrush dominated desert valleys and subsist largely on carrion (Edwards 1969; Platt 1976). The narrow habitat choice found in this study is atypical of the normal habitat use pattern of the species in Utah. Rough-legged Hawks, harriers, kestrels and, to a lesser extent, Red-tailed Hawks are known to prey heavily on cricetine and microtine rodents (Craighead and Craighead 1956). Only Northern Harriers occurred in expected or greater than ex- pected numbers in the sagebrush habitat. The other species used grasslands more often than ex- pected. Though we attempted no investigation of abundance and distribution of prey species, a pre- vious study in central Utah reported similar num- bers of rodents in sage-greasewood as in grassland habitat (Woodbury 1955). Thus, it appears the prey base of the grassland habitat supports more species and greater numbers of wintering raptors than does the prey base of the sagebrush desert. This may be due to greater vulnerability of prey to pre- dation by diurnal raptors in grasslands than in the sagebrush. Furthermore, in the desert, where ele- vated perches are scarce, the aerial foraging of har- riers may be more efficient than the perch and hover hunting strategies employed by Rough- legged Hawks and kestrels. Perch Use - Raptor perches were primarily (83%) in trees or on utility poles. Rough-legged Hawks used poles more than expected (P<.01) whereas Red-tailed Hawks used tree and pole perches roughly according to their availability (Fig. 3). Schnell (1968) and Weller (1964) reported that Rough-legged Hawks tend to perch on poles and lone trees, while Red-tailed Hawks tend to select Rpole Entree □ wire -MOO- +75- +50- +25- 0- -25- -50- -75- -100- 1 RED-TAILED HAWK N = 137 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK AMERICAN KESTREL N=65 N=74 Figure 4. Percent deviation from expected number of raptor sightings by distance from centers of human activity. Fall 1984 Winter Habitat Selection in Utah 101 perches in groves of trees and along wood edges. Wires, a frequent (77% of total) perch of kestrels, were crudely quantified as being equal in availabil- ity to poles. Although the number of potential perch sites along an interpole length of wire is far greater than on a single pole top (or cross arm), we assume that the choice facing an individual kestrel is essentially a dichotomous one — pole or wire? Kestrels used wire perches more and poles and trees less frequently than expected (P<.01, Fig. 3). Bildstein (1978) also reported a preference of kes- trels for wire perches. Sixty-five of 66 perched Bald Eagles were in trees. Too few sightings of perched Golden Eagles and Northern Harriers were recorded to permit a statistical analysis of perch site preference. Human Disturbance - Red-tailed and Rough- legged Hawks used undeveloped areas more than developed areas (P<0.01, Fig. 4). Over twice as many Red-tailed Hawks were seen more than 0.8 km from human disturbance as would have been expected by chance alone. Only 12 of 79 (15%) observations of Rough-legged Hawks were within 0.8 km of human habitation. Interestingly, slightly more Red-tailed Hawks than expected were re- corded within 0. 16 km of centers of human activity. Large trees were often present around farmyards and ranch houses, whereas trees were often lacking nearby. The greater than expected number of Red-tailed Hawk sightings close to potential human disturbance may be due to a greater availability of perches. Rough-legged Hawks appeared not to use trees as readily as pole perches, and thus, did not perch as often as expected near centers of human activity. Alternatively, Rough-legged Hawks may be less tolerant of human disturbance than are Red-tailed Hawks, and the Rough-legged Hawk’s use of poles may be due, at least in part, to the proximity of a large proportion of the study area’s trees to human activity. American Kestrels were distributed non-ran- domly also(P <0.01). Almost twice as many kestrels were seen <0.16 km from human activity as were expected (Fig. 4). Bildstein (1978) found that kes- trels used areas nearer centers of human activity than did other raptors wintering in Ohio. Northern Harriers, Golden and Bald Eagles were seen almost exclusively in undeveloped areas. Therefore, no statistical analysis of this trend was performed. These species seem to avoid developed habitat. Acknowledgments We thank our wives, Darlene Fischer and Barbara Ellis, who either spent weekends looking for hawks or spent them alone. Chris Ellis and Pam Thompson assisted on the censuses. Michael Kochert and Clayton White provided editorial comments which greatly improved this manuscript. Literature Cited Bauer, E.N. Winter roadside raptor survey in El Paso County, Colorado, 1962-1979. Raptor Res. 16:10-13. Bildstein, K.L. 1978. Behavioral ecology of Red-Tailed Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Harriers, American Kestrels and other raptorial birds wintering in south central Ohio. Ph.D. Dissertation. Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill, New York. Cochran, W.G. 1954. Some methods for strengthening the common chi-square test. Biometrics 10:417-451. Craig, T.H. 1978. A car survey of raptors in southeast- ern Idaho 1974-1976. Raptor Res. 12:40-45. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole Company. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Edwards, C.C. 1969. Winter behavior and population dynamics of American Eagles in western Utah. Ph.D. Dissertation, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Enderson, J.H. 1965. Roadside raptor count in Col- orado. Wilson Bull. 77:82-83. Fawks, E. 1960. A survey of wintering Bald Eagles. Iowa Bird Life 30:56-58. Gessaman, J.A. 1982. A survey of raptors in northern Utah, 1976-79. Raptor Res. 16:4-10. Johnson, D. and J.H. Enderson. 1972. Roadside raptor census in Colorado - winter 1971-72. Wilson Bull. 84:489-490. Morse, D.H. 1980. Behavioral mechanisms in ecology. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books, Vermillion, South Dakota. Platt, J.B. 1976. Bald Eagles wintering in a Utah de- sert. Amer. Birds 30:783-788. Schnell, G.D. 1968. Differential habitat utilization by wintering Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks. Con- dor 70:373-377. Southern, W.E. 1963. Winter populations, behavior and season dispersal of Bald Eagles in northwestern Illinois. Wilson Bull. 75:42-55. Steenhof, K., S.S. Berlinger and L.H. Fred- rickson. 1980. Habitat use by wintering Bald Eagles in South Dakota./. Wild l. Man. 44:798-805. Weller, M. W. 1964. Habitat utilization of two species of buteos wintering in central Iowa. Iowa Bird Life 34:58-62. Woodbury, L. 1955. An ecological and distributional study of small mammals in Cedar Valley, Utah County, 102 Fischer, Ellis, Meese Vol. 18, No. 3 Utah. M.S. Thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Department of Zoology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. Current address second author: Colorado Di- vision of Wildlife, 6060 Broadway, Denver, Col- orado 80216. Current address third author: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, University of California, Davis, California 95616. Received 3 February 1984; Accepted 1 July 1984 Request for Information Information is being gathered on the post-release behavior and survival of captive-reared and rehabilitated birds and mammals. The objectives of this study are to assess the amount and type of work that has already been done, to summarize the available data and evaluate techniques, and define the reasons for the survival or mortality of released animals. Published and unpublished reports and raw data would be appreciated. For additional information, individuals willing to cooperate please contact Daniel R. Ludwig, Ph.D., Willowbrook Wildlife Haven, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, P.O. Box 2339, Glen Ellyn, IL 60138. Raptor Collisions with Utility Lines — A Call for Information — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Sacramento, in cooperation with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, is assembling all available published and unpublished information concerning collisions of raptors with power lines and other utility lines. Actual case histories — no matter how circumstantial or fragmentary — are needed. Please acknowledge that you have such information by writing to Dr. Richard R. (Butch) Olendorff, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825 U.S. A. (Phone (916) 484-4541). A form on which to record your information will then be sent by return mail. DO NORTHERN HARRIERS LAY REPLACEMENT CLUTCHES? Robert Edward Simmons Abstract - An ecological difference between North American and European populations of Circus cyaneus is the apparent lack of replacement clutches laid by the North American form (the Northern Harrier) on the failure of the first clutch. I present several lines of evidence that Northern Harriers do lay replacements, but only if their clutches are disturbed during laying or shortly thereafter. Two of the five females that renested were successful in their attempts and the quality of the new nest sites was higher, despite most renests being within 200 m of the old sites. In 2 detailed and long term ( > 20 y) studies of Circus cyaneus , one in Orkney, Scotland (where it is called the Hen Harrier), and one in Wisconsin, U.S.A., a major ecological difference is evident. Harriers in Scotland may lay 1 and occasionally 2 replacement clutches following the failure of their original clutch (Balfour 1957), while harriers in Wisconsin have never been recorded as laying a replacement (Hamerstrom 1969, pers. comm. 1981 ; Schmutz and Schmutz 1975). Since Simmons and P.E. Barnard (MS) found few behavioural dif- ferences in a comparison of the 2 continents’ populations, other than migratory habits, then this apparent difference warrants attention and expla- nation. Here, I present evidence that harriers in a large Canadian population laid replacement clutches in all 3 y in which they were studied, and that renest- ing females picked higher quality sites for their second attempts. Study Site and Methods One of North America’s largest assemblages of breeding har- riers was studied on the 60 km2 Tantramar Marsh (45°53'N, 64°20'W), New Brunswick. The objectives were to document breeding and feeding ecology of the population in relation to polygyny. In so doing, the location of each nest was mapped and its history detailed; the date of settling, habitat type, courtship dis- plays, clutch size, and male and female activity (see Simmons 1983 for details). About 2500 h of observation were made, of which 562 h were specific nest watches to record feeding rates. As no birds were marked, the evidence presented here consists of the followng categories: (a) recognition of plumage charac- teristics and voice; (b) identical reaction to human disturbance at both nests, which varied significantly among females; (c) short relaying period; (d) lack of “sky dancing” (Hamerstrom 1969) from any male involved following nest predation; (e) close proximity of nest and renest; and (f) alarm-calling at the nest up to 2 d after nest failure. To determine nest site quality, I recorded dominant vegetation, moisture level, and visibility at each of 64 nests found. Moisture was ranked as Dry if no water existed within 1 m of the nest, Wet if water appeared due to my weight, and Very Wet if water was already present at the site. Vegetation was ranked as cattail ( Typha spp.), marsh grasses (Spartina pectinata or Calamagrostis canadensis), Spirea ( Spirea latifolia and other low shrubs), and alder {Alnus spp. and willow Salix spp.). Visibility, which was later found to have no effect on the success or failure of each nest (Simmons and Smith 1985), is disregarded here since it does not affect quality. Quality reflects the probability of success, and the quality score for each nest site is a combination of the percentage success of moisture and vegetation categories arcsine transformed, and summed (see Simmons and Smith 1985). Results and Discussion Suspected renesting occurred twice among 30 nests in 1980, and in 3 of 22 nests in 1981. The original nest of a suspected renest in 1982 was not found, and details of 2 renests in 1983 (R.B. MacWhirter and G.L. Hansen in litt .) were not taken, and are not discussed further here. In the first case in 1980, a yellow-eyed female distinguished by a very dark terminal tail band had just completed a clutch of 5 eggs (determined by egg colour: Sealy 1967; Hamerstrom 1969, pers. obs.) in Cattails. She reacted to me by flying 300-400 m east and circled at low altitude while alarm calling. On my next visit, a bird already 300-400 m east of me started cackling. Later, the same bird flew to the new nest and was recognized by her eye and rectrix colour. The fact that she alarm-called near her new nest on my first visit would have been unusual for any other harrier with no prior experience of my activities. In my experience at 59 other first nests, a female never called until I was closer than approximately 80 m on my first visit. The second nest-renest evidence in 1980 (“Alders”: Table 1) consisted of (a) close circling and calling but Ao stooping by the female, (b) a 7-d relaying interval, (c) a lack of sky dancing by her polygynous mate who otherwise performed a greater number of displays than any other male (Simmons 1983), and (d) a renest only 160 m from the original site. She was 1 of 2 polygynous females (Table 1) who relaid with the same male (polygynous males were identified by watching them feed one, then another female in succession). In 1981, in an effort to gain accurate data on egg laying and incubation periods, I disturbed several females with 0- or 1-egg clutches. Five of 6 females 103 Raptor Research 18(3):103-106 104 Robert Edward Simmons Vol. 18, No. 3 Table 1. Factors associated with 5 renests located on the Tantramar Marsh of New Brunswick, 1980-1981. Renesting Factors* Nest I II III IV Va VIb VII Midgic 1 8 320 9 May 1980 Just completed 5 144 clutch Renest 27 May 1980 5 140 S Alders y 7 160 18 May 1980 Egg-laying 4 117 Renest 31 May 1980 4 114 pc Midgic 2 11 100 14 May 1981 First egg 1 92 Renest 25 May 1981 2 133 S Alders ft 4 120 14 May 1981 First Egg 1 92 Fd Renest 18 May 1981 5 118 Phoebe 7 200 1 June 1981 First egg 1 140 Renest 8June 1981 4 140 pe * — I = days between failure and relaying; II = proximity of nests (m); III = clutch initiation dates; IV = stage at failure; V = clutch size; VI = quality score of nest site; VII = outcome of renest attempt: S = successful, F = failed. aAll renest clutches were full clutches and hatched. bBased on moisture and vegetation at the nest site (see text); range of scores 92-144. cDiseased chicks ^Observer induced e Predation deserted, and 2 of 5 relaid. A third female, whose 1-egg clutch was taken by a lone Common Raven (Corvus corax), also relaid. In each case, a renest was established using 2 or more of the categories out- lined in Methods. One ft female continued to de- fend her destroyed renest for 2 d following its de- struction. This is in contrast to evidence presented by Hamerstrom (1969) for Wisconsin harriers which left the area within 24 h of nest loss, and indicates the potential for a female to remain and renest on the Tantramar Marsh. Three characteristics common to all 5 renesters emerge from their histories: (1) all failed while in the process of egg-laying or shortly thereafter; (2) the distance between the nests was, in 4 of 5 cases, closer than the minimum distance recorded bet- ween concurrently occupied nests (260 m); and (3) the period between failure and relaying was short, averaging 7.4 (± 3) d. Morrison and Walton (1980), in their review of replacement clutches in raptors, reported that the frequency of relaying was greater among birds whose clutches were disturbed early in the breeding attempt, and that renesting generally took place within “several hundred metres”. These facts concur with (1) and (2) in this study. The significance of the short relaying period (3) can be seen in light of the fact that on the Tantramar Marsh, females settling into new territories (i.e. courting and preparing to lay eggs) required at least 1 wk and usually longer (Simmons 1983) to put on sufficient fat/protein reserves (cf. Newton et al. 1983, Hirons et al. 1984) before laying their first egg. Since the average relaying interval was only 1 wk for renesters, this implies that a female part way through laying finds it easier to begin a new clutch, having not fully depleted her protein reserves, than a female starting afresh. This may explain the short relaying interval (Table 1). It is also significant in this regard that the female with the longest relaying interval (Midgic 2) also produced the smallest re- peat clutch (Table 1), and was fed very little by her monogamous mate (Simmons 1983). A related but paradoxical fact arises from a comparison of relaying intervals reported for other Fall 1984 Northern Harrier Replacement Clutches 105 small falconiforms (12-18 d : Morrison and Walton 1980) and those found in this study (7.4 d). This difference may be related to the fact that many of the falcons and accipiters cited {ibid. ) were deliberately double-clutched and therefore “failed” after producing a full clutch, while the harriers failed earlier in their attempts. The relaying intervals (Table 1) concur with those found by Balfour (1957) who stated that replacements were often completed within a fortnight by Hen Harriers in Orkney. The frequency of renesting (8 nests in 96: 8% [Simmons 1983, 1983a; G.L. Hansen and R.B. MacWhirter in lift.]) over 4 y on the Tantramar Marsh is also similar to that found in Orkney (N. Picozzi, pers. comm.). Newton (1979:136) argued that the proportion of relaying raptors in 4 population is determined by food supply; evidence from this study does not support this hypothesis. Microtines and shrews (Sorex spp.), principal prey of the harriers on the Tantramar Marsh (Barnard 1983), were sampled each year {ibid, and G.L. Hansen in litt .) and related to the proportion of renesters. Spring vole abundance could be ranked from highs in 1980 and 1983 to lows in 1981 and 1982, yet renests accounted for 6.3%, 6.6%, 13.6% and 8.3% of all nests in these years respectively. Several factors (other than my research activities) therefore must have been operating over and above food abundance to produce these results. Further evidence which does not support the food-related hypothesis comes from a survey of other records of renesting among Northern Harriers. Riendahl (1941) reported 1 nest among 5; Craighead and Craighead (1956) reported 1 renest among 9 in a year of low vole abundance, but none in a “high” year; Smith (1971) recorded 1 among 5 nests, and Duebbert and Lokemoen (1977) reported 1 among 3 nests. If low numbers of nests were indicative of a low vole population (cf. Hamerstrom 1979; Simmons et al. in prep.) in these studies, then none of them support the food-related renesting hypothesis (Newton 1979). If nests are destroyed by predators, it is surprising that the harriers studied generally renested within 200 m of their original sites; their mates often held territories up to 1 km in diameter (Simmons 1983), and suitable nesting substrate appeared to be relatively unlimited. This unusual situation was investigated through an estimation of the quality of the nest and renest in terms of anti-predator adaptations. This was based on the knowledge that Very Wet cattail sites were significantly more successful than most other combinations (Simmons and Smith 1985). The results indicate that harriers could afford to locate their renests close to their original nests, since on average they chose better quality sites. Four of the 5 renests stayed in high quality sites or increased in quality, while overall the quality scores increased by an average of 12 points; this was not significant, however (Wilcoxson test, U = 10, P = 0.3). Even so, all 5 renesters hatched eggs; 2 raised flying young and only 1 renest failed again due to predation. I conclude that North American harriers do lay replacement clutches if their original clutch fails early in the attempt, at about the same frequency as their European conspecifics. As the Northern Harrier is behaviourally very similar to the Hen Harrier, the fact that they both lay replacement clutches adds to the contention that they are also ecologically very similar. Acknowledgments This study was made possible through 2 graduate fellowships from Acadia University and financial support through my supervisor Dr. P.C. Smith. I thank P.E. Barnard and the Canadian Wildlife Service, Sackville, New Brunswick, for their assistance, and Frances Hamerstrom and Nick Picozzi for their interesting discussions. Mark Fuller helped clarify the paper through constructive criticism, and Bruce MacWhirter and Gay Hansen kindly supplied unpublished material. Literature Cited Balfour, E. 1957. Observations on the breeding biology of the Hen Harrier in Orkney. Bird Notes 27:1 77-183. Barnard, P.E. 1983. Foraging behaviour and energetics of breeding Northern Harriers Circus cyaneus (L.) B.Sc. (Hons) thesis, Acadia Univ., Nova Scotia. Craighed, J.J. and F.C. Craighead. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Dover Publ. Inc., New York. Duebbert, H.F. and J.T. Lokemoen. 1977. Upland nesting of American Bittern, Marsh Hawk and Short-eared Owl. Prairie Nat. 9:33-40. Hamerstrom, F. 1969. A harrier population study. Pp. 367-385 in: J.J. Hickey (ed.) Peregrine Falcon populations: their biology and decline. Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Milwaukee. Hamerstrom, F. 1979. Effect of prey on predator: voles and harriers. Auk 96:370-374. Hirons, G.J.M., A.R. Hardy, and P.I. Stanley. 1984. Body weight, gonadal development and moult in the Tawny Owl {Strixaluco).J. Zool., Lond. 202:145-164. Morrison, M.L. and B.J. Walton. 1980. The laying of 106 Robert Edward Simmons Vol. 11, No. 3 replacement clutches by Falconiformes and Strigiformes in North America. Raptor Res. 14:79-85. Newton, I. 1979. Population Ecology of Raptors. T. and A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England. Newton, I., M. Marquiss, and A. Village. 1983. Weights, breeding and survival in European Sparrowhawks. Auk 100:344-354. Riendahl, E. 1941. A story of Marsh Hawks. Nature Mag. April: 191-194. Schmutz, J.K. and S.M. Schmutz. 1975. Primary molt in Circus cyaneus in relation to nest brood events. Auk 92:105-110. Sealy, S.G. 1967. Notes on the breeding biology of the Marsh Hawk in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 25:63-69. Simmons, R.E. 1983. Polygyny, ecology and mate choice in the Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus (L.). M.Sc. thesis, Acadia University, Nova Scotia. Simmons, R.E. 1983a. The harriers of the Tantramar. New Brunswick Nat. 12:9-12. Simmons, R.E. and P.C. Smith. 1985. Do Northern Harriers Circus cyaneus choose nest sites adaptively? Can. J. Zool. (in press). Smith, D.G. 1971. Population dynamics, habitat selection and partitioning of the breeding raptors in the Eastern Great Basin of Utah. Ph.D. thesis, Brigham Young Univ. Utah. Department of Biology, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, Nova Scotia BOP IXO. Present address: Department of Zoology, Univ. of Witwatersand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Received 27 December 1983; Accepted 1 August 1984 UNUSUAL PREDATORY AND CACHING BEHAVIOR OF AMERICAN KESTRELS IN CENTRAL MISSOURI Brian Toland Abstract - Caching behavior of the American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius) was studied 1981-1983 in Boone County, Missouri. Both wild prey and quarry thrown from car windows were cached. Kestrels cached food 116 times and retrieved it 77.5% of the time. Males cached food in elevated sites (at least 4 m high) 64% of the time while females did so only 20%. During spring and summer, 93% of the prey items were cached uneaten. During fall and winter, only 42% of the food cached was uneaten. When a surplus of prey was created by releasing several mice at a time, kestrels killed them while flying to their cache sites. These prey items were stored in the same cache site. Apparently, caching behavior of American Kestrels is not directly correlated with the length of time between feedings, and caching behavior operates independently of food deprivation, especially in spring and summer. Many reptors have been observed caching prey. Mueller (1974) provided a review of food storing in several captive species. Among the falconiforms, prey caching seems to be most developed and wide- spread in falcons. Published records of caching in- clude those for the Merlin ( Falco colwmbarius ) (Greaves 1968; Oliphant and Thompson 1976; Pitcher et al. 1982), American Kestrel ( F . sparverius) (Pierce 1937; Tordoff 1955; Roest 1957; Stendell and Waian 1968; Balgooyen 1976; Collopy 1977), Prairie Falcon (F. mexicanus) (Peterson and Sitter 1975; Oliphant and Thompson 1976), Peregrine Falcon (F. peregrinus ) (Beebe 1960; Brown and Amadon 1968; Nelson 1970; Cade 1982), Gryfal- con (F. rusticolus ) (Jenkins 1978; Cade 1982) and many others. Study Area and Methods Data reported here are from a 48 km2 area in Boone County, Missouri, where farmlands are interspersed with woodlots, old fields, meadows and residential areas. I observed kestrels from September 1981 through August 1983 using a 30x spotting scope and 9x binoculars at distances of 5-200 m. For each observation I recorded species cached, location of cache, weather conditions, time of day, and duration of caching sequence. Additional live prey was thrown from my car window to kestrels perched within 25 m of roads. The prey thrown were brown, gray, white and black House Mouse {Mus musculus ) and House Sparrows ( Passer domesticus) with several primaries pulled to ensure their capture by kestrels. Results and Discussion During the 2 yr study 1210 h of observation of kestrels were made and 30 kestrels were seen cach- ing prey a total of 116 times. They subsequently retrieved food successfully 77.5% of the time. Prey cached were 95% rodents and 5% birds. Both wild and provided prey were cached. Kestrels captured 95% of the prey thrown from car windows and cached 46 (48%). The remaining 70 (60%) prey cached consisted of 55 Prairie Vole ( Microtus oc- hrogaster ), 6 house mice, 3 White-footed Mouse ( Peromyscus leucopus ) 2 Western Harvest Mouse ( Reithrodontomys megalotis), 2 House Sparrows, 1 Grasshopper Sparrow ( Ammodramus savannarum) and 1 Eastern Meadowlark ( Sturnella magna ). Cache sites were of 8 kinds (Table 1). Males cached prey in elevated sites significantly more Table 1. Cache sites used by American Kestrels in Boone County, Missouri 1981-83. Location and Height of Caches Sex Grass clumps (0-0.1 m) Hollow railroad ties (0-0.1 m) Tree roots (0-0.1 m) Bushes (0. 5-1.0 m) Fence Building posts gutters (1.0 m) (4.0 m) Tree limbs and holes ( 4.5 m) Tops of power poles (10.0-20.0 m) Total M 16 3 1 1 6 2 44 3 76 F 27 0 0 2 3 0 8 0 40 107 Raptor Research 18(3): 107-1 10 108 Brian Toland Vol. 18, No. 3 often than did females (Table 1). Males cached prey 4 m or more above the ground 64% of the time, while females did so only 20% (X2 = 22.16, P<0.01, df=l). During the breeding season kestrels have special courtship feeding ceremonies (Fox 1979; Cade 1982). Food transfer often begins as remote food passing (Nelson 1977) when the male deliberately caches prey within view of the female. When he leaves, she flies to the cache, retrieves apd eats the food. I observed that all copulation and courtship activities including hitched wing-displays, food begging, courtship feeding and remote food pas- sing occurred at elevated sites, on or near favorite -plucking or hunting perches. Because males alone cache prey at these elevated sites during courtship they may be predisposed to cache in elevated sites during the rest of the year. Partially eaten carcasses were always decapitated before being cached and only the posterior 2/3 to 1/2 of the body of the prey was placed in the cache. However, kestrels cached 78% (36 of 46) of the presented prey and 69% (48 of 70) of wild prey completely uneaten. Of all prey items cached, only28% (32 of 116) were decapitated. In contrast Stendell and Waian (1968) reported that 14 of 15 small mammals cached by a single female kestrel were decapitated and Collopy (1977) reported that 10 female kestrels decapitated 13 of 17 (76.5%) small animals cached. In Missouri kestrels cached more (58%, 27 of 48) partly-eaten prey during the fall and winter than the 7% (5 of 68) during spring and summer, which may be explained by the lack of hunger during the breeding season due to greater availability of food and warmer temperatures. Kestrels hiding food approached the cache site furtively, then thrust, pushed, or nudged the prey into position with the beak (see Balgooyen 1976; Collopy 1977). Sometimes sites apparently were selected before the flight started, and kestrels flew directly to the cache spot. Prey was not placed in any preferential position such as belly-down (as if to take advantage of the prey’s protective coloration) as reported by Balgooyen (1976) and Collopy (1977). I found items lying on back or sides as often as on the belly. Kestrels sometimes did make several attempts at repositioning prey until it was better concealed. In all cases when prey was stored on the ground in grass clumps, kestrels chose sites next to fence posts, utility poles, sign posts, or other mar- kers. Tordoff (1955) observed that a captive kestrel which cached prey used objects nearby to memorize the location of the cache site. When retrieving prey, kestrels flew to the cache site and if unable to find stored prey, hovered above the area or walked to adjacent grass clumps to search. In several instances kestrels appeared to give up their search when they flew to a nearby perch, only to return and resume the search. One female kestrel spent 15 min investigating grass clumps both on foot and in brief hovers before giving up. Because my field observations were evenly distri- buted throughout the day, I assumed that there was no difference in the probability of observing either prey storing or retrieval (see Collopy 1977). On this assumption, I considered my caching data as a rep- resentative sample of the relative frequency of prey caching and retrieving and calculated a recovery efficiency of about 78%, similar to the 70% re- ported by Collopy (1977). 1 observed that presenting kestrels with live prey stimulated a response that simulates the reactions of kestrels to natural prey. The typical response was to fly from the perch toward the prey within 20 sec of its detection. Kestrels then would either (1) bind to the quarry on the ground and kill it with a bite to the neck immediately (or after having flown to a nearby perch) or, (2) snatch the prey from the ground without landing and fly to a nearby perch to dispatch it with a bite to the neck. On 6 March 1982 at 1430H I observed a female through binoculars from a distance of 100 m. The weather was 38°C, calm and clear. I approached in my car to within 25 m, threw a white mouse out the window and waited. Within 2 min the kestrel ap- proached within 4 m of my car, hovered, and then retreated to a wire 20 m away. I then threw out 2 more mice and backed the car 25 m away. At 1440 H the kestrel again flew toward the mice but after hovering above them and looking at my car, again retreated to the wire only 15 m distance. I then presented 4 more white mice for a total of 7, all of which were conspicuous against a recently mowed lawn. At 1445 H the kestrel flew to a wire only 5 m from the mice and after hesitating for 15 or 20 sec flew down and captured a mouse. However, she immediately flew west 75 m during which flight I saw her bend over several times in midair to bite the neck of the mouse. She immediately landed on the ground and cached the prey in a grass clump at the base of a fence post. She quickly returned to cap- Fall 1984 American Kestrel Caching Behavior 109 ture and dispatch in flight the remaining mice in rapid succession. All 7 mice were cached in 1 or 2 grass clumps 1 m apart. None of the 7 mice were eaten at this time. A month later at the same time of day a male took 7 mice in the same fashion, killing them midair as it flew to the cache site in a white oak tree (Quercus alba). I was able to elicit the capture and caching of as many as 10 mice in sequence by both captive and wild kestrels when presenting them with prey one at a time, over 2 to 8 h periods. Nunn et al. (1976) reported that 1 wild female took 20 white mice thrown from a car window one at a time, over an hour. I found no literature reports of American Kestrels responding to a sudden increase in prey availability by mid-flight killing and caching of suc- cessive prey items uneaten. Caching has been described as a behavorial mechanism to exploit a seasonal or daily abundance of prey, thereby maximizing food intake and dam- pening the effects of fluctuations in prey availability (Balgooyen 1976; Collopy 1977). My studies agree with other researchers that kestrels, like other fal- cons, store extra food for periods of a few hours to several days, especially when the capture of suffi- cient prey may be difficult (i.e., inclement weather, snow cover, or brood rearing). Although winter food storing in kestrels may be stimulated by a “hunger drive” (see Mueller 1973, 1974) in part, my observations agree with Collopy (1977), Fox (1979) and Cade (1982) that Lorenz’ (1937) model of instinctive behavior operating in- dependently of food deprivation occurs in kestrels during the nesting season. Mueller’s (1973) laboratory findings, in which the predatory be- havior of kestrels was directly correlated with length of time between feedings, was not substan- tiated. Fifty-eight percent of the prey cached in fall and winter was partially eaten, but only 7% during the nesting season. This indicates that hunger drive does not explain caching behavior of courting males or parental food storing behavior during nesting. When presented with a surplus of easily captured prey (both in late winter and spring) kestrels killed prey as they flew to a cache site, thus expediting capture of an ephemeral abundance of prey. The accompanying caching of multiple prey items in the same cache or nearby appears to be yet another example of the flexible behavior of kestrels attempting to hurriedly exploit sudden surpluses in prey availability. Because I saw kestrels caching 7 prey items together in a 5-min period, I cannot support Mueller’s (1973) statement that “excessive killing resulted from the falcon “forgetting” that it had cached food when it was exposed to the prey stimulus.” Kestrels cache several consecutive prey items in the same spot in a period of minutes or days, and later retrieve them (Stendell and Waian 1968). Acknowledgments I appreciate the guidance of William H. Elder. Tim Haithcoat and Dave Scarbrough provided valuable field assistance. Thomas S. Baskett and Curtice Griffin provided constructive criticism of the manuscript. The Natural History Section of the Missouri De- partment of Conservation funded this study, and the Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, Missouri Department of Conservation, Wildlife Management Institute, and School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, Univer- sity of Missouri-Columbia, cooperating paid publication costs. Literature Cited Balgooyen, T.G. 1976. Behavior and ecology of the American Kestrel in the Sierra Nevada of California Univ. California Publ. Zool. 103:1-83. Beebe, F.L. 1960. The marine Peregrines of the nor- thwest Pacific coast. Condor 62:145-189. Brown, L.H. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill, New York. Cade, T.J. 1982. The falcons of the world. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York. Collopy, M.W. 1977. Food caching by female American Kestrels in winter. Condor 79:63-68. Fox, N. 1979. Nest robbing and food storing by New Zealand Falcons. Raptor Res. 13:51-56. Greaves, J.W. 1968. Food concealment by Merlins. British B irds 61:310-311. Lorenz, K. 1937. Uber die Bildung des Instinkt begrif- fes. Die naturwissenschaften, 25, Heft 19. (as found in studies in animal and human behavior, Vol. I, pp. 259-312. Translated by Robert Martin, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press). Mueller, H.C. 1973. The relationship of hunger to predatory behavior in hawks (Falco sparverius and Buteo platypterus). An. Behav. 21:513-520. 1974. Food caching behavior in the American Kestrel. Z. Tierphycol. 34:105-114. Nelson, R.W. 1970. Some aspects of the breeding be- havior of Peregrine Falcons on Langara Island, B.C. MS Thesis, Univ. Calgary, Alberta. 1977. Behavioral ecology of Coastal Peregrines (Falco peregrinus pealei). Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Calgary, Alberta. Nunn, G.L., P. Klem, Jr., T. Kimmel and T. Merri- man. 1976. Surplus killing and caching by American 110 Brian Toland Vol. 18, No. 3 Kestrels. An. Behav. 24:759-763. Oliphant, L.W. and J.P. Thompson. 1976. Food cach- ing behavior in Richardson’s Merlin. Can. Field-Nat. :364-365. Peterson, S.R. and G.M. Sitter. 1975. Raptor nesting and feeding behavior in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area, Idaho: An Interim Report. Snake River Birds of Prey Research Proj. Ann. Rep. 1975:179-185. Pierce, W.M. 1937. A pet Sparrow Hawk. Condor 39:137-143. Pitcher, E., P. Widener and S.J. Martin. 1982. Winter food caching by the Merlin. Raptor Res. 13:39-40. Roest, A.L. 1957. Notes on the American Sparrow Hawk. Auk 74:1-19. Stendell, R.C. and L. Waian. 1968. Observations of food-caching by an adult female Sparrow Hawk. Con- dor 70:187. Tordoff, H.B. 1955. Food storing in the Sparrow Hawk. Wilson Bull. 67: 139- 140. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201. Received 8 March 1984; Accepted 18 September, 1984. Fall 1984 Short Communications 111 Short Communications 1981 - An Extraordinary Year for Golden Eagle “Triplets” in the Central Rocky Mountains M. Alan Jenkins and Ronald A. Joseph The clutch size of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) ranges from 1 to 4 eggs with a mean near 2 (Brown 1977). Clutches of 3 are unusual, occurring less than 1 0% of the time (Table 1). Normally, 1 to 3 young fledge/successful nest with a mean of 1.2 to 1.4 (Brown 1977). and Collopy 1983). We are unable to assess the influence of these factors on the high number of triplets in 1981 with the possible exception of the influence of high prey densities. Clutch size, and therefore, ultimate productivity (number of fledged young/successful nest), are partly in- Table 1. Frequency of 3-egg clutches in the Golden Eagle. Study Area Year(s) No. OF Clutches No. of 3-egg Clutches % OF 3-egg Clutches Reference California 21 3 14.3 Slevin, in Arnell 1971 Scotland 82 8 9.8 Gordon 1955 Colorado 5 0 0.0 Jollie, in Arnell 1971 Montana 1963-1964 60 4 6.7 McGahan 1966 Montana 1963-1968 30 1 3.3 Reynolds 1969 Utah 1957-1958 5 0 0.0 Hinman [no date] Utah 1967-1968 23 1 0.4 Murphy et al. 1969 Utah 1969-1970 26 8 30.8 Arnell 1971 Idaho, Oregon 1966 15 1 6.7 Hickman [no date] TOTALS 267 26 MEAN 9.7 Various factors, from failure to lay eggs to mortality of nestlings, reduce the probability of a pair of eagles fledg- ing 3 (“triplets”) from a nest. Table 2 compares data on the frequency of 3 fledgling nests from various studies of Golden Eagles in the western United States. In 1981, we independently surveyed eagle nests for productivity and recorded nests with 3 nestlings. We sub- sequently discovered that other investigators, in Utah especially, found 5 nestling nests. The mean percentage (3.8%) of nests fledging triplets in 1981 in Utah, Col- orado, and Wyoming is significantly higher P < 0.10) than the mean percentage of triplets for other years in the western United States (Table 2). We assumed that mortal- ity of the nearly-grown nestling eagles observed in 1981 was low and that most nearly-grown nestlings fledged. Most studies with which we compared our data also made that assumption by counting nearly-grown nestlings as fledglings. Many factors can influence productivity in Golden Eagles as reviewed by Newton (1979); also see Edwards fluenced by the quantity of food adult females eat before egg-laying affecting her nutritional state of health (New- ton 1979). Newton (1979) pointed out that rodent-eating raptors lay clutches that can vary directly in size with rodent densities in the nest area. This allows raptors to exploit rodent and other cyclic prey species in high density years by increasing productivity. Evidence suggest that this is true of Golden Eagle-prey relationships, because the eagle’s diet in North America is mainly (74%) lagomorphs and rodents (Olendorff 1976) that exhibit cyclic populations (Murphy 1975). This relationship may be moderated by other factors. In the western United States lagomorph populations appear to have increased in the years leading up to 1981 . In southwestern Idaho populations of Black-tailed Jack- rabbits ( Leus califomicus) reached plague proportions in the winter of 1981-82, as reported in the popular press (e.g., Trueblood 1982). Jackrabbit densities were the highest in 9 y in 1981 in the Snake River Canyon of Idaho (Steenhof et al. 1983). In Utah, jackrabbit censuses con- 12 Short Communications Vol. 18, No. 3 Table 2. Frequency of three-fledgling (triplet) Golden Eagle nests in the western U.S. Study Area Year Total No. Successful No. with Throughout Study Triplets % Successful w/T riplets Reference Years Other Than 1981 Idaho, Oregon 1966 17 0 - Hinman, no date Utah 1957-1958 5 0 - Hinman, no date Utah 1967-1968 18 0 - Camenzind 1968 Utah 1969-1970 19 3 15.8 Arnell 1971 Wyoming, Colo. 1964-1980 882 1 0.1 Den. Wildl. Res. Ctr. data Wyoming 1979 11 0* - Lockhart et al. 1980 Wyoming, Mont. 1975-1978 34 0* - Lockhart et al. 1978 Montana 1963-1964 55 3 5.5 McGahan 1966 Montana 1962-1968 22 0 - Reynolds 1969 Oklahoma 1974-1975 6 0 - Lish 1965 Texas 1974-1975 5 0 - Lockhart 1976 TOTALS 1,074 7 MEAN 0.7 1981 Data Utah 1981 95 6 6.3 Present study Colorado 1981 94 3 3.2 Pearson, Grode pers. comm. Wyoming 1981 46 0 0 Phillips and Beske 1981 TOTALS 235 9 MEAN 3.8 ♦Data gathered by personal communication with the author. ducted by the Department of the Army (R. LeClerc pers. comm.) showed that densities were high(though decreas- ing thereafter) in autumn 1980 at 3 northwestern Utah study sites, moderate populations at 3 others, and low at 1 Nevada site. Data from both Steenhof et al. (1983) and the Army show similar high densities in 1971 supporting the hypothesis of a 10 yr jackrabbit population cycle in these areas. Increased prey availability for nesting eagles is probably an important cause for higher than normal frequency of triplets in the western United States in 1981. The only other instance of a high frequency of triplets is the study of Arnell 11971) in Utah. He noted hierh lagomorph populations in 1971, 10 yr before the high number of triplets in 1981. Acknowledgment is due to Dugway Proving Grounds (Dept, of the Army), J.M. Lockhart, E.W. Pearson, B. Waddell, P.W. Wagner and the Grand Junction office of the Colorado Division of Wildlife for contributing data. An earlier draft of the manuscript was reviewed and im- proved by M.A. Bogan, W.R. Dryer, and R.L. Phillips. Literature Cited Arnell, W.B. 1971. Prey utilization by nesting Golden Eagles ( Acquila chrysaetos ) in central Utah. MS Thesis. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Brown, L. 1977. Eagles of the world. Universe Books, New York. 244 pp. Camenzind, F.J. 1968. Nesting ecology and behavior of the Golden Eagle in west central Utah. Unpbl. Master’s Thesis. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. 40 pp. Edwards, T.C., Jr., and M.W. Collopy. 1983. Obligate and facultative brood reduction in eagles: an exami- nation of factors that influence fratricide. Auk 100:630-635. Fall 1984 Short Communications 113 Gordon, S. 1955. The Golden Eagle. Collins, London. 246 pp. Hickman, G.L. [no date.] Life history and ecology of the Golden Eagle in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rep. 104 pp. Hinman, R.A. [no date.] Antelope populations in southwestern Utah with special reference to Golden Eagle predation. Completion Rep., Fed. Aid. Proj. W-65-R-6. 61 pp. Lish, J.W. 1975. Status and ecology of Bald Eagles and nesting of Golden Eagles in Oklahoma. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Norman, OK. 98 pp. Lockhart, J.M. 1976. The food habits, status and ecol- ogy of nesting Golden Eagles in the Trans-Pecos re- gion of Texas. MS Thesis. Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas. 65 pp. , T.P. McEneaney, and R.L. Phil- lips. 1978. The effects of coal development on the ecology of birds of prey in southeastern Montana and northern Wyoming. Annual Progress Rep. 1978., Sec- tion of Wildlife Ecology on Public Lands, Denver Wildlife Research Center, Denver, Colorado pp. 9-14. , D.W. Heath, and C.L. Be- litsky. 1980. The status of nesting Peregrine Fal- cons and other selected raptor species on the Black Butte Mine Lease and adjacent lands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Final Rept. to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Peter Kiewit Sons’ Co. 59 pp. McGahan, J. 1966. Ecology of the Golden Eagle. MS Thesis. University of Montana, Missoula, MT. 78 pp. Murphy, J.R. 1975. Status of a Golden Eagle population in central Utah, 1967-1973. In: J.R. Murphy, C.M. White and B.E. Harrell (eds.) Population status of raptors . Raptor Res. Rep. No. 2. pp. 91-96 Murphy, J.R., F.J. Camenzind, D.G. Smith, and J.B. Weston. 1969. Nesting ecology of raptorial birds in central Utah. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull., Biol. Ser. 10:1-36. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books, Vermillion, South Dakota. 399 pp. OlendOrff, R.R. 1976. The food habits of North American Golden Eagles. Amer. Midi, Nat. 95:231-236. Phillips, R.L., and A.E. Beske. 1981. Golden Eagles and coal development in the eastern Powder River Basin of Wyoming. Unpubl. Rep. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Wildlife Research Center, Denver, Colorado. 55 pp. Reynolds, H.V., III. 1969. Population status of the Golden Eagle in south-central Montana. MS Thesis. University of Montana, Missoula. MT. 61 pp. Steenhof, K., M.N. Kochert, and J.H. Doremus. 1983. Nesting of subadult Golden Eagles in southwstern Idaho. Auk 100:743-747. Trueblood, T. 1982. The great rabbit roundup. Field and Stream 86(12): 1 1,14, 16. White, C.M., and T.L. Thurow. 1984. Reproduction of Ferruginous Hawks exposed to controlled distur- bance. Condor (in press). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Wildlife Research Center, Building 16, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225. Ad- dress of second author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Building, Room 1311, 125 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84138. Received 27 December, 1983; Accepted 11 June 1984. Food Piracy Between European Kestrel and Short-eared Owl Erkki KoRPiMaki I studied a raptor community of the large field plain of Alajoki in Southern Ostrobothnia, western Finland (63° 05 'N, 22°55'E), from 1977 through 1982 (see Korpimaki, etal. 1977, 1979). The most numerous raptor on the study area was the Short-eared Owl ( Asio flammeus) (315 total pairs, 39.4%), followed by European Kestrel ( Falco tin- nunculus) (36.2%), Long-eared Owl (A. otus) (20.0%), Northern Harrier {Circus cyaneus) (2.5%), Boreal Owl {Aegolius funereus) (1.6%) and Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter nisus) (0.3%); for addition details see Korpimaki 1984a). Although the 4 most common species comprise the guild of open-terrain hunting birds of prey in the study area (Korpimaki 1978, 1981), inter- and intra- specific food piracy or kleptoparasitism (see Brockmann and Barnard [21979] for additional details on the terms) was observed only once. Consequently this case may be of some interest. On 16 May 1982 at 2130 H, I saw a Short-eared Owl in the northern part of Alajoki flying over the field at the height of about 120 m and carrying a vole in its talons. The 114 Short Communications Vol. 18, No. 3 owl passed a male European Kestrel sitting on the roof of a barn. The kestrel chased the owl and struck it in the back. It attacked 3 times and the owl took shelter in high vegeta- tion near a ditch. The kestrel stopped attacking and re- turned to the roof of the same barn. The owl waited for a few minutes on the ground and then started to fly and hunt again. When I examined the location where the owl took shelter, I found a whole Common Vole ( Microtus arvalis), which was still warm, but no owl nest. The nest in this territory was found on 5 June, when the young were just hatching. Consequently the female was incubating in the middle of May, and the owl observed was probably the hunting male. The kestrel does not breed in the vicinity and was apparently not defending a nest. The proportion of Microtus voles (M. agrestis and M. arvalis) in the diets of raptors was studied in 1977, when it was 95.5% for Long-eared Owl, 97.6% for Short-eared Owl and 87.7% for European Kestrel (Korpimaki et al. 1977). As rodents are central also in the diet of Northern Harrier (in Norway 57%, Hagen 1952), voles are the most important prey item for raptors of Alajoki, although there are also some alernative prey groups available (e.g., shrews, mice, birds, lizards, frogs and insects; Korpimaki 1984b). Consequently, one might expect a keen inter- and intraspecific competition for food among these birds, especially when voles are scarce. Vole populations crashed in 1980-81 and were in the increase phase in 1982 (Kor- pimaki 1984a), wherefore a lack of food may have been the reason for piratical behaviour of the kestrel. Also, Brockmann and Barnard (1979) pointed out that klep- toparasitism occurs more frequently during years of a food shortage. The hunting Short-eared Owl flies near the ground and locates its prey by hearing and sight. The hunting technique of the owl is adapted to catching of prey animals in the high grass (for example in unculti- vated fields) better than that of the kestrel, which flies or hovers high in the air over the field (Korpimaki 1978). The Short-eared Owl is a vole specialist, while the kestrel preys opportunistically on shrews, birds, lizards, frogs and insects when voles are scarce (Korpimaki 1984b). Thus the Short-eared Owl can probably catch voles of lower densities compared with the kestrel, and it may be advan- tageous for the kestrel to rob food from Short-eared Owl, which is quite a slow flyer. Food piracy between the European Kestrel and Short- eared Owl is quite rare. I have found only 6 earlier cases described in literature (from Sweden, Mascher 1963, Nilsson 1975 and from Great Britain, Balfour 1973, Reese and Balfour 1973, Boyle 1974, Clegg and Henderson 1974). Dickson (1971) has described also an interaction of Short-eared Owl, European Kestrel and Northern Har- rier on same pipit prey. All above mentioned cases were observed from the end of winter to the beginning of summer when vole populations were at their lowest and the competition for food may have been keenest. Food shortage enhances kleptoparasitism among birds, espe- cially in falconiforms and charadriiforms (Brockmann and Barnard 1979). Food piracy is more general between open-country predators in central and western Europe than in my northern study area, because harriers can also take prey from Short-eared Owls (11 cases in Great Britain, Watson 1977 and in the United States, Berger 1958, Clark 1975). On the other hand, Short-eared Owl may sometimes adopt piratical behaviour. Wood (1976) has observed that the owl tried to take a small rodent from a Stoat ( Mustela erminea)-, Bildstein and Ashby (1975) saw the owl robbing prey from Northern Harrier and Gordon Riddell (ac- cording to Mikkola 1983) described a Short-eared Owl attempting to take prey from a kestrel. This apparent difference in frequency of piratical behaviour between regions may be due to the cyclic fluctuations of the vole populations in northern Europe causing a higher degree of nomadism among raptors compared with a more stable food production in more southern areas where raptors tend to be resident. Most raptors migrate from my study area when voles are scarce (Korpimaki 1984a), and this behaviour decreases the competition for food. Acknowledgment I thank Mikko Hast for help in the field work, Clayton M. White and an anonymous reviewer for useful comments on my manus- cript as well as the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Oulu Student Foundation, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, the Emil Aaltonen Foundation and the Academy of Finland for financial support of my raptorial studies. Literature Cited Balfour, E. 1973. Food piracy between kestrel, short- eared owl and hooded crows. British Birds 66:227-228. Berger, D. 1958. Marsh hawk takes prey from short- eared owl. Wilson Bull. 70:90. Bildstein, K.L., and M. Ashby. 1975. Short-eared Owl robs Marsh Hawk of prey. Auk 92:807-808. Boyle, G.L. 1974. Kestrel taking prey from short-eared owl. British Birds 67:474-475. Brockmann, H.J., and C.J. Barnard. 1979. Klep- toparasitism in birds. Animal Behaviour 27:487-514. Clark, R.J. 1975. A field study of the short-eared owl, Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan), in North America. Wildl. Monogr. 47:1-67. Clegg, T.M., and D.S. Henderson. 1974. Kestrel taking prey from short-eared owl. British Birds 64:317. Dickson, R.S. 1971. Interaction of Short-eared Owl, Kestrel and Hen Harrier over pipit prey. British Birds 64:543. Hagen, Y. 1952. Rovfuglene og viltpleien. Oslo. KoRPiMaki, E. 1978. Observations from hunting habits of seven raptorial species. Suomenselan Linnut 313:40-44, 86-89. Fall 1984 Short Communications 115 1981. On the ecology and biology of Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Southern Os- trobothnia and Suomenselka, western Finland. Acta Univ. Ouluensis ser. A. Sci. rerum not. 118 Biol. 13:1-84. . 1984a. Population dynamics of birds of prey in relation to fluctuations in small mammal populations in western Finland. Annales Zoologici Fen- nici 21 (in print). . 1984b. Optimal diet of the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus in breeding season. Ornis Fennica 61 (in print). . 1984c. Prey choice strategies of the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus in relation to small mammal abundance and Finnish birds of prey. Annales Zoologici Fennici 21 (in print). , S. Ikola, R. Haapoja, and J. KiRKKOMaki. 1977. On the ecology of Long-eared, Short-eared and Tengmalm’s Owls as well as Kestrel and Hen Harrier in Alajoki in 1977. SuomenselUn Lin- nut 12:100-117. , E., S. Ikola, R. Haapoja, and O. Hem- minki. 1979. On the occurrence and breeding of raptors in Alajoki in 1978. SuomenselUn Linnut 14:44-51. Mascher, J.W. 1963. Torn falk (Falco tinnunculus) over- tar byte fr&n jorduggla {Asio flammeus) i flykten. Vdr FAgelvarld 22:293-294. Mikkola, H. 1983. Owls of Europe. T & A D Poyser, Calton. 397 pp. Nilsson, I. 1975. Tornfalk poarasiterar pa jorduggla. Anser 14:133. Reese, R.A., and E. Balfour. 1973. Food piracy bet- ween kestrels and short-eared owls. British Birds 66:227-228. Watson, D. 1977. The Hen Harrier, T & A D Poyser, Calton. 307 pp. Wood, C.R. 1976. Piratical short-eared owl. British Birds 69:272. Kp.4, SF-62200 Kauhava, FINLAND Received 17 December 1983; Accepted 4 June 1984 An Unusual Observation of ‘Homing’ To Prey By A Migrating Immature Peregrine Falcon Carl Safina On 6 October 1981 at 10:05 EST, while operating a raptor banding station on the Long Island, New York barrier beach, I saw a hatching year female Peregrine Falcon (. Falco peregrinus) land approximately 50 m from my blind and begin eating a small passerine (probably a White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis, based on feathers). The falcon was on a low, beach heather (. Hud - sonia) covered rise in a broad, open rolling area. Soon after the falcon began eating, an Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus), carrying a fish, came over the falcon, vocalizing. The Peregrine flew up and chased the Osprey over the bay to the north, stooping repeatedly at it before flying out of sight. Within 5 min the falcon reappeared on its kill. As the prey was small, cryptically colored, and in a broad, non-descript area of the beach, and since the Peregrine was not seen searching for it, apparently the falcon re- membered exactly where it had left its kill and was able to return there from a point out of sight. Falcons frequently return to cached prey. What is in- teresting about this incident is that the falcon was a first year migrant and the topography was almost certainly not familiar (the banding station had been manned daily for 3 w prior, and no Peregrines appeared to have been staying in the area). Enderson (Auk. 81 :332-352, 1964) described wintering Prairie Falcons ( Falco mexicanus ) leaving their prey on the ground and driving off other rapors in a similar manner. His falcons seldom had difficulty re- locating the prey, but this is not surprising because they were familiar with the area. National Audubon Society, Scully Sanctuary, 306 South Bay Avenue, Islip, NY 11751. Received 30 March 1983; Accepted 30 April 1984 Errata - Raptor Research 18(2) Page 44 (Table 1 concluded), 0.420& should appear in the column for shell thickness, 0.49*1 should appear in the column for HE and 0.27*1 should appear in the column for DDE; page 47, paragraph 3, line 6, > 8 ppm should appear as >8 ppm; page 6 1 , Literature Cited, the Sawby et al. reference appeared in Condor 76:479-481 ; page 70, photographs are reversed. 116 News and Reviews Vol. 18, No. 3 “The Peregrine Falcon At Reelfoot Lake” By Murrell Butler Limited Edition Print of 2,500 A tree-nesting “Duck Hawk” populated the Mississippi and Ohio River areas in times past. A remnant nesting population was first documented during the 1930’s at Tennessee’s Reelfoot Lake by the late Albert F. Ganier. During the 1940’s a new nest site was discovered on the west side of the lake by Dr. Walter R. Spofford, then Professor of Anatomy at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Spofford and a few carefully selected observers made yearly nesting observa- tions until the early 1950’s. Mr. Thomas S. Butler was privileged to have been among those who spent many days recording the events of each year’s breeding season beneath the enormous cypress tree that served as the falcons’ nest site. During the late 1970’s a happy circumstance led Tom to meet Murrell Butler, a distant cousin from Louisiana. Murrell was an accomplished wildlife artist and became enthralled by the tales of a Peregrine Falcon that once nested in the snag of the mammoth cypress tree. A subsequent trip to the nest site (the cypress still stands!), the relocation of old photographs and consultation with friends and fellow falconers culminated in this magnificent painting by Murrell Butler. “The Peregrine Falcon at Reelfoot Lake” portrays the last known North American tree nest of the Peregrine. Available in a 16" by 20" limited edition print of 2500, the introductory price is $65.00 for prints #1 - #500. The introductory price includes postage within the fifty staites and a $10.00 donation to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. The price will advance to $125.00 per print for #2001 - 2500, according to the following schedule: #1 - 500, $65.00; #501 - 1000, $75.00; #1001 - 1500, $85.00; #1501 - 2000, $95.00; #2001 - 2500, $125.00; Arkansas residents will need to add state, city and /or county sales tax). Prints may be ordered directly from Mr. Thomas S. Butler, Butler Galleries, 28 Fairmont Street, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632, USA. Payment may be made by check, money order, VISA or MASTERCARD. RAPTOR RESEARCH A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. EDITOR: Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young Univer- sity, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jeffrey L. Lincer - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Richard Clark - Order Strigiformes Ed Henckel - Family Cathartidae Gary E. Duke - Anatomy and Physiology Patrick T. Redig - Pathology, Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Jim Mosher - General Ecology and Habitat Analysis INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Submit a typewritten original and two copies of text, tables, figures and other pertinent material to the Editor. Two original copies of photographic illustrations are required. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format and authors should design tables and figures accordingly. All submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of 8V2 x 1 1-inch (2U/2 x 28cm) good quality, bond paper. Number pages through the Literature Cited section. The cover page should«contain the full title and a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 30 characters in length) to be used as a running head. Author addresses are listed at the end of the Literature Cited section. Authors should indicate if present addresses are different from addresses at the time the research was conducted. When more than one author is listed, please indicate who should be contacted for necessary corrections and proof review. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than 4 double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submitted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgements, when appropriate, should immediately follow the text and precede the Literature Cited. Both scientific and common names of all organisms are always given where first appearing in the text and should conform to the current checklists, or equivalent references, such as the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983). Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, following these examples: (Brown and Amadon, Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1968), or Nelson (Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982)). If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982)). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980)). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 8V2 x 1 1-inch (2 1 V2 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double- spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to V2. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. Typewritten or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Raptor Research, Vol. 1 8, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH Raptor Research A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Volume 18, Number 4, Winter 1984 (ISSN 0099-9059) Contents Raptor Community Structure of a Primary Rain Forest in French Guiana and Effect of Human Hunting Pressure. Jean-Marc Thiollay 117 Biological and Etho logical Notes On Falco peregrinus cassini in CENTRAL ARGENTINA. Wenceslao Guillermo Vasina and Roberto J. Straneck 123 Behavior of the African Peregrine During Incubation. Warwick Tarboten 131 Roost Selection and Behavior of The Long-Eared Owl (Asio otus) Wintering in New Jersey. Thomas Bosakowski 137 Factors Influencing Differential Predation on House Mouse (Mus musculus) by American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). James R. Bryan 143 Habitat Selection by the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) and Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Wintering in Madison County, Kentucky. N ancy J . Sferra 148 Short Communications A Clutch of Unusually Small Peregrine Falcon Eggs. M. Alan Jenkins 151 Eyrie Aspect as a Compensator for Ambient Temperature Fluctuations: A Preliminary Investigation. Richard N. Williams 153 Successful Breeding of a Pair of Sharp-shinned Hawks in Immature Plumage. David L. Fischer 155 Thesis Abstracts 157 News and Reviews 158, 159, 160 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Jeffrey L. Linger, Office of the Scientific Advisor, 2086 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577 VICE-PRESIDENT : Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 1 7405 SECRETARY: Ed Henckel, RD 1, Box 1380, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343 TREASURER: Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Build- ing, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55208 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: James A. Mosher, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory, University of Maryland, Frostburg State College Campus, Gunter Hall, Frostburg, Maryland 21532 CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Patrick T. Redig, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295 Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 MOUNTAIN & PACIFIC DIRECTOR: A1 Harmata, Department of Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717 EAST CANADA DIRECTOR: David M. Bird, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,1 11 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO WEST CANADA DIRECTOR: R. Wayne Nelson, 4218 -63rd Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 2W2 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR: Martin Bottcher, Postfach 2164, Steinfelder Strass 11, 5372 SCHLEIDEN, Federal Republic of Germany, GERMANY DIRECTOR AT LARGE # 1 : Michael Collopy, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32601 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: Tom Dunstan, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illionis 61455 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Mark R. Fuller, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland 20708 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $1 5 per year in the U.S., $ 1 7 per year outside the U.S., $ 1 3 per year for U.S. students, and $ 1 5 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regular member- ship. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communicadons may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research , Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A. ♦ $ * s|e $ $ $ sfc ijc s)c s|c :je :js ♦ $ $ s|e ♦ sfc Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Depart- ment of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/ Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S.A. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATON OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 18 Winter 1984 No. 4 j ' ) RAPTOR COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF A PRIMARY RAIN FOREST IN FRENCH GUIANA AND EFFECT OF HUMAN HUNTING PRESSURE Jean-Marc Thiollay Abstract - The diurnal raptor community of a primary rain forest in French Guiana was studied, both around a small isolated village and far from any human settlement. Twenty species were found in large areas of unbroken forest and 6 additional species only near edges and clearings around the village. The comparison between hunted and non-hunted patches of otherwise similar virgin forest showed that even a moderate hunting pressure (i.e., for food by few people) significantly reduces both mean species richness of sample counts and density of most primary forest raptors. The largest species may eventually disappear. Other than regional avifaunas and local anno- tated lists, including birds of prey, I found no studies on any entire raptor community of a par- ticular primary Neotropical rain forest. Most pap- ers are restricted to short observations on feeding (Haverschmidt 1962; Greenlaw 1967; Smith 1969; Lamm 1974; Lemke 1979; Boyce 1980; Fontaine 1980) or breeding behavior (Laughlin 1952; Smith 1970; Strauch 1975). Very few are longer, be- havioral (Peeters 1963; Fowler and Cope 1964; Skutch 1965; Rettig 1968; Gochfeld et al. 1978), or ecological studies (Voous 1969; Smith and Temple 1982). The number of falconiform species is much higher in tropical American forests than in similar forests of other continents (Thiollay 1984). How- ever, their overall density does not seem to be higher (pers. obs. in Africa, Asia and Central America). Tropical forest raptors are exceedingly difficult to see in their natural habitat, so much so that only one nest of Micrastur (5 species), probably the most widespread genus of Neotropical rain forest raptors, has ever been found (Mader 1979). The avifauna of French Guiana is poorly known (see Tostain 1980), though type specimens of many species (including raptors) coming from this coun- try were described nearly 200 y ago. This paper presents the preliminary results of a larger study designed for a rain forest national park in French Guiana, and the effect of human hunting pressure on the non-game bird community of primary forest. The objectives were to determine: ( 1 ) the composi- tion of the diurnal raptor community of a truly virgin Neotropical rain forest, (2) the closest esti- mate of the structure (relative abundance of species) of such a community, (3) the forest species occur- ring only near the edge of large clearings or as- sociated secondary forest and not around smaller natural opening in otherwise unbroken forest, and (4) the result of a moderate human hunting pres- sure (mostly on non-raptor species) on the raptor community richness and species’ abundance. Study Area and Methods The study site was in southcentral French Guiana (3° 35 'N - 53° 10'W) near the small village of Saul (50 inhabitants, mainly goldminers). There are no other settlements or clearings within a 100 km radius. The country was hilly (200 to 500 m) and com- pletely covered with high, dense, primary rain forest. The rich flora (ca. 500 tree species) was described by Granville (1978) and the forest structure by Oldemann (1974). The mean canopy height was 30-40 m with the highest trees up to 60 m. Numerous tree fall gaps and small streams (but no large rivers) increase habitat diversity. Mean annual rainfall was 2400 mm, occurring mainly from December to February and April to July. Precipita- tion was 96 mm in November (17 d) and 206 mm (24 d) in December 1983. The village was surrounded by about 150 ha of plantations, old re-growth, secondary forest and an airfield. A network of 120 km of small trails helped when searching the forest within about 5 km around the village. Local people hunted there for food. Nearly all 117 Raptor Research 18(4): 117-122 118 Jean-Marc Thiollay Vol. 18, No. 4 medium-size or large mammals and birds were hunted. The fol- lowing raptors were killed during my 6 wk study: 1 Harpy Eagle {Harpia harpyja), 1 Ornate Hawk Eagle ( Spizaetus ornatus ), 1 White Hawk (Leucoptemis albicollis), 2 Red-throated Caracara (Daptrius americana) and 1 Bat Falcon (Falco rufigularis). According to the villagers, about 50 rapors/yr are killed. Hunting has begun there since the first gold miners settled less than 50 y ago. The second area was located in the Massif des Emerillons, 50 km south of Saul. It is uniformly covered by a strictly virgin rain forest, similar to that of Saul but completely devoid of any human settle- ment (the nearest is Saul), even of nomadic indians, and never hunted. The study site was around a bare rocky outcrop which provided the only opening in the forest. Only faint markings were made along line transects which radiated in every direction. In both areas, only primary, structurally intact forest was consi- dered, but tracks, small openings and edges, from which soaring birds were searched, were included. In Saul this had an influence on the species composition since wider ranging soaring raptors coming from neighboring secondary habitats were recorded above the primary forest canopy. After a preliminary survey in December 1981 — January 1982, counts were made from 22 November 1983 to 2 January 1984. The Saul area, studied in 31 d, extended over about 100 km2, against less than 10 km2 in the Massif des Emerillons, which was surveyed during 1 1 d. This period covered the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season and little time was lost because of afternoon rains. In spite of numerous attempts in other tropical forests, I have found no single method which can give an accurate figure of a whole tropical forest raptor community. Therefore, the following two complementary methods were used; 1 - The number of birds seen or heard within < 1 00 m on each side of the line transect, per 2 h spent slowly walking with frequent stops inside the forest, was recorded. Very noisy flocks of caracaras were more often heard than seen, and their flock size could not always be accurately assessed. Therefore, only the number of flocks was computed, irrespective of the actual number of individuals. No significant differences were found among times of day, so all hours have been lumped (rainy periods excluded). This careful search is the only way to detect all the non-soaring species, although more specialized methods (tape records, traps) may help to detect a higher proportion of some species. 2 - From edges, natural gaps on ridges or rocky outcrops dominating the forest, the minimum number of different individual birds seen flying over the canopy, or even sitting on exposed branches, was recorded during 2-hr periods, spent on the same spot in non-rainy weather. To account for the hourly variation of the species’ soaring activity, the day was divided into 4 periods. Only birds within < 1 km (the range of visibility of a small raptor to the naked eye) were recorded. Pooling the data from the 2 methods does not give an accurate figure of the entire community because of very different degrees of conspicuousness, and hence detectability, among species, hours, weather, etc. In spite of this, a rough and tentative estimate of the numerical proportion of each species in the raptor com- munity will be made. The percentages were calculated on the maximum frequency recorded in any of the 2 methods (i.e., mean number of individuals seen per 2-hr period, either under or above the canopy, during the most favourable time of day). Such a treatment obviously underestimates the relative importance of inconspicuous species which rarely, if ever, soar (forest falcons ( Micrastur sp.), Black-faced Hawk ( Leucoptemis metanops), etc. Results and Discussion The first striking result was the higher mean species richness per sample count and abundance of raptors in non-hunted vs hunted areas, even when the natural primary forest in hunted area suffered no other disturbance than the occasional presence of a few hunters and goldminers. From the hunted to the non-hunted forest, the mean number of species per 2-hr sample increased both under (+ 53.6%, Table 1) and above the canopy ( + 40.9%, Table 2). The frequency of encounters with caracara flocks was 69.4% higher in non-hunted vs hunted area (Table 1). Similarly, the abundance of other raptors increased from the hunted to the protected forest by 46.6% (Table 1) to 93.9% (Table 2). This change in mean number of individuals seen/ Table 1. Mean number of individuals (or whole flocks of Daptrius) and species seen/2-hr periods of careful search within a 200 m wide strip under the primary rain forest canopy in hunted (Saul) and not hunted (Emerillons) areas. Vultures and kites seen soaring above the canopy are not included. 2-Hr counts Flocks (X) of Daptrius americanus Individual (X) raptors other than Daptrius Species (X) including Daptrius Hunted 128 0.36 0.15 0.56 Not hunted 28 0.61 0.22 0.86 Winter 1984 Raptor Community Structure - Tropics 119 Table 2. Mean number of individuals and species of raptors seen/2 hr period sitting in the upper canopy (excluding Daptrius), or most often soaring. Observations are within 1 km of the still observer, during the 4 periods of the day in hunted (Saul) and not hunted (Emerillons) areas. 0600 H - 0900 H 0901 H - 1200 H 1201 H- 1500 H 1501 H- 1800 H Counts Individuals Species Individuals Species Individuals Species Individuals Species (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ■ (X) (X) (X) Hunted 33 2.20 1.24 11.90 7.18 4.33 3.25 2.02 1.55 Not hunted 12 1.50 1.50 20.33 9.33 6.83 3.80 11.00 4.00 2-hr period is the closest estimate available of actual density fluctuations. All the differences were statistically significant (Mann Whitney U-test, P < 0.01) for both the pooled four hourly periods (as above) and when computing them separately (ex- cept for the 6-9 hr period of Table 2). Such a con- stant trend, whatever the method used or the set of species considered, strongly suggests that a “nor- mal” human hunting pressure from a small isolated village on both raptors (which are killed for food or fun) and more traditional game animals may deeply impoverish the raptor fauna. Table 3 gives a tentative figure of the whole rap- tor community in the 2 forest areas. Table 3 takes into account only the highest value of the mean number of individuals recorded for each species either under or above the canopy in any set of the same 2 h samples. Indeed, highly conspicuous soaring species recorded over a 1000 m radius are mixed with smaller, very inconspicuous species of the understory, detectable over a much shorter range. Therefore, percentages cannot be rep- resentative of the actual relative densities and they are given only as long as better estimates are not available. The main goal was to compare two areas with the same methods in similar habitats at the same season. In this respect Table 3 shows that all species, except the Accipiter-Micrastur group (rarely soaring and thus badly sampled), reach a higher abundance in non-hunted than in hunted areas. However, excluding 4 species linked to secondary habitats (see below) and 4 species not recorded in the virgin forest (probably because of too short a survey or too small an area studied). The 2 com- munities have a rather similar diversity (H' = 2.37 in non-hunted vs 2.28 in hunted zone) and equita- bility index (J ' = H 7H ' max = 0.59). Among the 26 species identified, 6 were as- sociated with clearings and secondary growths around Saul and 4 occured in the samples when soaring (Black Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus). Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus) or hunting Plumbeous Kite (Ictinia plumbea ), Bat Falcon) over the unbroken primary forest, but never far from its edge. The last 2 species of this group, the Crane Hawk ( Geranospiza caerulescens) and the Gray Hawk ( Buteo nitidus ) have only been recorded at the edge of the primary forest and hence are not included in any count. The lack of species around Saul such as the Roadside Hawk (Buteo magnirostris ) or the Laughing Falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans ), com- mon in secondary habitats at the northern edge of the Guianan forest, reflects the small size of the local clearing and the absence of other gaps over a huge surrounding area. Hereafter, all species will be typical of the undisturbed primary forest, even if most of them also occurred elsewhere in secondary habitats. Three species continuously soaring high above the forest have a relative density obviously overes- timated. The Greater Yellow-headed Vulture (Cathartes melambrotus) is the only Cathartes iden- tified within the vast expanses of unbroken virgin forest. The two other congeneric species are com- mon in northern Guiana around clearings, savan- nas and marshes. The King Vulture ( Sarcoramphus papa) is as widespread as the previous species but it is proportionally more abundant in non-hunted areas (ratio Cathartes /Sarcoramphus = 1.1 vs 1.9 in hunted forest). The last very conspicuous species is 120 Jean-Marc Thiollay Vol. 18, No. 4 Table 3. Relative abundance of raptors in hunted (Saul) and not hunted (Emerillons) primary forests. N max = highest frequency (mean number of individuals seen/2 h) obtained in any method and time period. % = proportion of the species in the community (percentage of the total number) computed from the above frequency. Names are from the A.O.U. checklist, 1983. Hunted N Max % Not hunted N Max % Greater Yellow-headed Vulture, Cathartes melambrotus 1.66 13.6 3.00 14.0 King Vulture, Sarcoramphus papa 0.88 7.2 2.66 12.5 Gray-headed Kite, Leptodon cayanensis 0.11 0.9 ? a Hook-billed Kite, Chondrohierax uncinatus 0.44 3.6 ? a Swallow-tailed Kite, Elanoides forficatus 1.60 13.2 4.00 18.7 Double-toothed Kite, Harpagus bidentatus 1.66 13.7 2.00 9.4 Rufous-thighed Kite, Harpagus diodon 0.22 1.8 0.33 1.5 Plumbeous Kite, Ictinia plumbea 0.90 7.4 b Tiny Hawk, Accipiter superciliosus 0.11 0.9 b Bicolored Hawk, Accipiter bicolor 0.22 1.8 0.08 0.4 White Hawk, Leucopternis albicollis 0.99 8.1 1.33 6.2 Black-faced Hawk, Leucopternis melanops 0.04 0.4 p V Great Black Hawk, Buteogallus urubitina 0.33 2.7 2.00 9.4 Crested Eagle, Morphnus guianensis 0.11 0.9 0.50 2.3 Harpy Eagle, Harpia harpyja c 1.00 4.6 Black and White Eagle, Spizastur melanoleucus 0.88 7.2 1.33 6.2 Black Hawk Eagle, Spizaetus tyrannus 0.44 3.6 b Ornate Hawk Eagle, Spizaetus ornatus 0.33 2.7 1.33 6.2 Red-throated Caracara, Daptrius americanus ^ 0.44 3.6 1.66 7.8 Barred Forest Falcon, Micrastur ruficollis p a 0.03 0.2 Lined Forest Falcon, Micrastur gilvicollis 0.22 1.8 0.07 0.4 Slaty-backed Forest Falcon, Micrastur mirandollei 0.01 0.1 ? a Collared Forest Falcon, Micrastur semitorquatus 0.02 0.2 0.03 0.2 Bat Falcon, Falco rufigularis 0.55 4.5 b a = may exist but not identified b = not seen and probably lacking c = formerly known, but now a rare vagrant d = number of flocks heard within a 1 km radius from vantage points used for the census of soaring species the Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus ) grace- fully flying over the forest in flocks of 3 to 8 and roosting in high, emergent dead trees. Two medium size kites, the Gray-headed (Lepto- don cayanensis ) and the Hook-billed are very local and might be associated with forest openings. The Double-toothed Kite ( Harpagus bidentatus ) is the most likely of all small forest raptors to soar over the canopy or spend long periods in upper exposed branches and it appears much more abundant than other similar sized species. It has certainly a higher density than the congeneric Rufous-thighed Kite (Harpagus diodon) (6-7 times higher in the counts) which has only a slightly less conspicuous behavior. These 2 Kites may co-exist since I have seen them in the same patch of forest at two different localities. On the other hand, the Bicolored Hawk (Accipiter bicolor ) is probably commoner than suggested by the results (see Table 3) since it rarely soars and is restricted to low levels of the understory. The White Hawk is mostly found on the edge of clearings or natural gaps and often soars, whereas Winter 1984 Raptor Community Structure - Tropics 121 the congeneric Black-faced Hawk has only been seen in dense undergrowth at medium height. Their conspicuousness is very different and their actual relative frequencies might be closer to each other than suggested by Table 3. The Great Black Hawk (. Buteogallus urubitinga) is a conspicuous rap- tor (pairs often perform noisy displays) but patchily distributed along some forest streams or rocky openings. The Harpy Eagle is the only species not recorded from the hunted forest (although one was shot just outside the study area). Thus, it appears to be the species most sensitive to human hunting pressure, directly and through lack of prey. During this study, I have never seen it soaring, unlike Morphnus, but adults are easily seen in the morning from gra- nite outcrops dominating the forest, when they perch on exposed branches of the upper canopy. The Crested Eagle {Morphnus guianensis ) has prob- ably a higher overall density or a wider distribution than the Harpy. One pair of each of these species was followed from a vantage point above the Emerillons virgin area. From the distribution of their perch sites and display flight circuits, their respective territories seemed to be contiguous but not overlapping. No interspecific aggressive be- havior was observed. The Black and White Hawk-eagle ( Spizastur melanoleucus ) is the commonest eagle (but also the one which most often soars). The Ornate Hawk Eagle is the only Spizaetus in pure primary forest where it may be more abundant than Harpia and Morphnus together, but slightly less than Spizastur. The Red-throated Caracara {Daptrius americanus ) is by far the most noisy and conspicuous raptor, but it never soars. Nevertheless, it actually reaches the highest density of all raptors both in hunted and virgin primary forest, if the number of individuals, and not only flocks, is taken into account. They are always in territorial flocks of 3-9 birds often loosely associated with Toucans (mainly Ramphastos vitel- linus) and Oropendolas (mainly Psarocolius viridis). Around Saul, on 6000 ha intensively surveyed, there were 12 flocks (at least 71 individuals). Elsewhere, the Yellow-throated Caracara {Daptrius ater ) has been recorded only along rivers, and the lack of any sizeable river in the study area may explain why this species has never been seen there. The 4 species of Micrastur (forest falcons) are exceedingly secretive and inconspicuous (unless their voices are known). They are probably more abundant than suggested by the results and may be, together, as abundant or more than Accipiter and Harpagus because, among small raptors, they are the most frequently seen in the understory. The commonest species is the Lined Forest Falcon (M. gilvicollis). The Barred Forest Falcon (M. ruficollis), if accepted as a separate species (according to the criteria given in Meyer de Schauensee and Phelps [1978] and Schwartz [1972]) was definitely iden- tified only once. The Collared Forest Falcon (M. semitorquatus ) is widespread and the Slaty-backed Falcon (M. mirandollei) seems to be the rarest species of the genus. Conclusion The virgin state over several million ha of the forest in French Guiana affords a fair opportunity to answer the main question of this study which was to ascertain the influence, on the raptor commun- ity, of a small human settlement, with associated clearings and hunting pressure, within a large tract of primary rain forest. Although it is difficult to assess the accurate structure of a rain forest com- munity, because o' very different degrees of con- spicuousness between species, the results strongly suggest that (1) small clearings of shifting cultiva- tion and secondary growths attracted 6 additional species, apparently very rare and local (large gaps) in natural conditions and thus increased the overall species diversity, and (2) hunting pressure, though mainly on a few game animals, lowers the density of most primary forest raptors, especially the large species, some of which may eventually disappear (Harpy Eagle). Hunting may depress raptor density both through occasional direct killing of sensitive hawk species (the largest ones which are likely to have the lowest natural density and reproductive rate), through reduction of their food resources (game species as well as other components of the disrupted food chains), or disturbance of shy species. Hunting pressure is the most widespread form of human activity in tropical countries, which usually adds its effects to those of forest destruction (logging, culti- vation). Raptors are among the first non-game species to disappear in the process of human population growth and exploitation of the rain- forest and are thus suitable indicators of habitat disturbance. 122 Jean-Marc Thiollay Vol. 18, No. 4 Acknowledgments This program was supported by a grant from the French Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Defense Nationale (helicopter transportation). I am grateful toJ.L. Dujardin, experi- enced ornithologist, for his invaluable help both in the field and in preparing the expedition. Literature Cited A.O.U. 1983. Checklist of North American birds. 6th edition. American Ornithologists’ Union. Boyce, D.A., Jr. 1980. Hunting and pre-nesting be- havior of the Orange-breasted Falcon. Raptor Res. 14:22-39. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the World. Country Life Books. Fontaine, R. 1980. Observations on the foraging associ- ation of Double-toothed Kites and White-faced Capuchin monkeys. Auk. 97:94-98. Fowler, J.M. and J.B. Cope. 164. Notes on the Harpy Eagle in British Guiana. Auk 81:257-273. Gochfeld, M., M. Kleinbaum and G. Tudor. 1978. Ob- servations on behavior and vocalizations of a pair of wild Harpy Eagles. Auk. 05:192-194. Granville, J.J. (de). 1978. Recherches sur la flore et la v6g6tation guyanaises. Ph.D. Dissertation, University du Languedoc, Montpellier. Greenlaw, J.S. 1967. Foraging behavior of the Double-toothed Kite to association with White-faced monkeys. Auk. 84:596-597. Haverschmidt, F. 1962. Notes on the feeding habits and food of some hawks of Surinam. Condor 64:154- 158. Lamm, D.W. 1974. White Hawk preying on the Great Tinnamou. Auk 91:845-846. Laughlin, R.M. 1952. A nesting of the Double-toothed Kite in Panama. Condor 54:137-139. Lemke, T.O. 1979. Fruit eating behavior of Swallow- tailed Kites ( Elanoides forficatus ) in Colombia. Condor 81:207-208. Mader, W.J. 1979. First nest description for the genus Micrastur (forest falcons). Condor 81:320. Meyer De Schauensee, R. and W.H. Phelps, Jr. 1978. A guide to the birds of Venezuela. Prince- ton Univ. Press. Oldeman, R.A. 1974. L’architecture de la fordt guyanaise. M^moire Orstom, Paris. Peeters, H.J. 1963. Einiges uber den Waldfalken, Mic- rastur semitorquatus. J . Om. 104:357-364. Rettig, N.L. 1978. Breeding behavior of the Harpy Eagle ( Harpia harpyja). Auk. 95:629-643. Schwarz, P. 1972. Micrastur gilvicollis, a valid species sympatric with M. ruficollis in Amazonia. Condor 74:399-415. Skutch. A.F. 1965. Life history notes on two tropical american kites. Condor 67:235-246. Smith, N.G. 1969. Provoked release of mobbing. A hunting technique of Micrastur falcons. Ibis 111:241- 243. Smith, N.G. 1970. Nesting of King Vulture and Black Hawk Eagle in Panama. Condor 72:247-248. Smith, T.B. and S.A. Temple. 1982. Feeding habits and bill polymorphism in Hook-billed Kites. Auk 99:197- 207. Strauch, J.G. 1975. Observations at a nest of the Black and White Hawk-eagle. Condor 77:512. T hiollay, J.M. 1 984. Species diversity and comparative ecology of rain forest falconiforms between three con- tinents. Proc. ICBP World Conference on Birds of Prey, Thessaloniki. Tostain, O. 1980. Contribution k l’ornithologie de la Guyane francaise. Oiseau et R.F.O. 50:47-62. Voous, K.H. 1969. Predation potential in birds of prey from Surinam. Ardea 57:117-146. Laboratoire de Zoologie, E.N.S., 46, rue d’Ulm 75230 PARIS Cedex 05 FRANCE. Received 11 March 1984; Accepted 1 November 1984 BIOLOGICAL AND ETHOLOGICAL NOTES ON Falco peregrinus cassini IN CENTRAL ARGENTINA Wenceslao Guillermo Vasina and Roberto J. Straneck Abstract - We describe the hunting range of a pair of Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus cassini) near Cordova Argentina. Main food was the Eared Dove ( Zenaida auriculata) and of 9 food pursuits seen the success was 66%. The hunting strategies used are outlined. The cliff used by the peregrines was also used by several other species and of these only the raptorial species were attacked aggressively while such species as the Ringed Kingfisher ( Ceryle torquata) was attacked as displacement activity. The subspecies of Peregrine Falcon (Falco pereg- rinus cassini) (Plate 1) has been found nesting with greater frequency in southern Argentina than in northern Argentina. Thus, finding a pair nesting in the centre of the country (Province of Cordoba) was important for us, inasmuch as it is the most north- ern nest we are aware of, located in Los Reartes Valley (31°60' S-64°50')1, and it provided at the same time an excellent opportunity to study the species. The synthesis of our observations that fol- lows occurred on 1 2 regular visits that spanned the breeding period (our first visit was on 20 July 1977, our last on 15 January 1978). Materials Photos were taken from a hide situated 12 m from the nest. (Plate 2). The falcons became per- fectly accustomed to it immediately. Super 8 film and voice recordings were also made. Results Daily Non-Breeding Cycle - While most hunting took place at distant hunting grounds, the rest their activities take place around the breeding cliff. Our observations indicate that the pair was resident from at least July until the end of January, and perhaps they were there year round. As the sun first struck the cliff (ca. - 0900 H in August), each bird left its separate overnight roost and flew to stumps or sticks about 400 m in front of the cliff where they preened or sunned themselves. These preening roosts were about 150 m apart. As they flew towards roosts, the Southern Lap- wing ( Vanellus chilensis ), common in the area, gave alarm calls (in spite of the fact that the peregrines never preyed on them). After 30 min of sunning *Ed. Note -F.p. cassini is now (1984) known to nest several hundred km northward in Salta province, the nor- thernmost province in Argentina. The authors have since located several pairs of peregrines in the Cordova region. and preening, they set out to hunt. The basic food for this pair consisted of the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata ), which was ubiquitous. The falcons hunted independently or as a cooperative pair. After feeding they roosted at a shaded spot on the cliff for the remainder of the day, or would bathe, until departing shortly before sunset to hunt again. At twilight their activity ceases completely, each one going to separate night roosts. Uneaten prey was frequently cached on a ledge to be eaten the following day. They were a particularly noisy pair in their relationship, and the occasions when they were not connected in some way, either by vocalizations or visually, were rare. When 1 of the 2 returned to the gully, the 1 perched on the cliff always gave a characteristic call. Of the 2, the male disappeared from the cliff for longer periods, both in midwinter and during breeding time, when it provided the female with prey. In every case, its absences were never more than 2 h. Territory and Home Range - The home range could be divided into 3 areas of defense in which they showed different reactions. The greatest area “defended” was the hunting ground, which co- vered several square kilometers and included the other 2 areas. The second was the territory they defended near the nest, of some 300 m (radius) starting from the nest. The third area was the breeding cliff, formed by the nest and its sur- rounding shelves. In the province of Cordoba, the limiting factor for the number of established pairs seems to be the distribution of cliffs with a suffi- ciently difficult approach so as to enable them to nest with relative security and not be disturbed; the other possible limiting factor, food (doves), is more than plentiful in all localities. In their “hunting ground” they displaced other competitive species [the male pursued and severely attacked an Ap- lomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) until it was expelled from the territory] or other unpaired peregrines; but they didn’t attack other species that were appar- 123 Raptor Research 18(4): 123-130 124 Vasina and Straneck Vol. 18, No. 4 Plate 1 : Falco peregrinus cassini at nest ledge in Cordova Province, Argentina. Winter 1984 Argentine Peregrine Falcon 125 Plate 2: Female Falco peregrinus cassini with young at nest in Cordova Province, Argentina. 126 Vasina and Straneck Vol. 18, No. 4 Figure 1 . Cliff nest site characteristics for a pair of Falco peregrinus cassini nesting in Cordova, Argentina. Site 1 - Prey transfer area; Site 2 - Male’s roost; Site 3 - Female’s roost; Site 4 - Male plucking perch site; Site 5 - additional perch site also used for sunning. ently non-competitive or did not serve as food (lapwings, gulls (Larus sp.), herons, Chimango Caracara ( Milvago chimango), or American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). In attacks of other species in the “defended area”, in all cases the female carried out the most aggressive defense and passed closest to the intruder. The male fulfilled the task of “sup- port” by joining in calling, but his stoops were less decided and he nearly always watched the action flying above the female. The cliff had several characteristic points (Fig. 1) which were: the nest (1); a main eating and plucking ledge for the trans- ference of prey(2); the male’s sleeping roost (3); the female’s sleeping roost (4); and a plucking and resting ledge of the male (5) also used for sunning Food and Hunting - The principal prey remains found below the plucking perch was the Eared Dove. Below the male’s roost we found the remains of Monk Parakeet ( Myopsittia monachus) and Screaming Cowbird (Molothrus rufoaxilaris ) as well as those of the dove. Undoubtedly the male caught smaller birds ( Sicalis , Passer, Zonotrichia, etc.), but we didn’t find their remains. Hunting - The principal hunting ground was in front of the nest on low-lying flat ground, partly bordered by the river that was a flying route of pigeons and doves. This hunting ground was where we observed most captures. At the height of the breeding season when large young were in the nest, we witnessed the pair hunting in a highly effective method (in 9 pursuits they achieved 6 captures = 66% success). The hunting method, used with very fast flying, medium sized prey, consisted of the following: in a succession of stoops at the pigeon (one after the other), the female falcon generally hit the pigeon as it tried to watch the male, who cut off its retreat while the pigeon looked for a refuge on the cliff or in the scrub (Fig. 2). We were particularly impressed by the syn- chronization of movement they showed when hunting as a pair, from the first moment until they finally caught the prey. A sequence which we fre- quently observed was the following: they both flew over the cliff at a height of ca. 50 m, soaring against the wind (50-60 m apart); and while making notable head movements they searched the horizon for pi- Winter 1984 Argentine Peregrine Falcon 127 9 FRONTAL PAIR ATTACK Figure 2. Hunting methods of Falco peregrinus cassini. 128 Vasina and Straneck Vol. 18, No. 4 geons. The male always soared some 10 to 15 m above the female. When the male began to flap his wings, the female followed him at a distance of 30 m, beating her wings in the same rhythm. In an oblique flight, the female began to gain height, ready to stoop onto the prey which dodged the male’s first dive. Most times, in the second dive, the female caught the prey. Out of 6 captures observed in 1 day, only 1 was made by the male, and the rest by the female. Similar strategies have been de- scribed and diagramed by Hustler (1983). Young Eared Doves were more easily captured (most feathers found were from young). Some doves, nevertheless, were not able to be caught after a combined chase of more than 500 m, in which the male and female made a succession of stoops; until, to save themselves, the doves flung themselves like stones against the scrub of the cliff, while the pereg- rine gained height again, and, with repeated stoops to the ground tried to make the dove fly again. Adaptation to the Surroundings and Relations with Other Species - The cliff face housed several species in addition to the peregrines. Each species seemed to coordinate their activities relative to the peregrines’. For example, a pair of the Ringed Kingfisher (Ceryle torquata) nesting near the falcons had to leave the cliff to save their lives when the female peregrine, molested by our presence, di- rected her attacks at whatever was below her. when very near, turned in the air and took the prey. We also observed another very effective com- bined attack: a dove approached flying towards the falcons, in an oblique direction. The male flew out to meet it and the female, flying behind him but lower (about 5 m above the ground) made her much lower than the dove’s line of flight. The dove was apparently unable to see the female falcon, but could see the male. As it neared the male, the dove turned sharply, descending and practically hitting the female, who had by now gained sufficient speed flying low, that she only had to attack from below, rising upwards to catch her prey (Fig. 2). On this occasion the female killed and partly plucked the dove while still on the wing. Of several prey captured in 1 day, only 1 was killed on the ground, the rest in flight by biting the neck. During the time we observed the cooperative hunting described, the nestlings were about 20 d old and the female left the nest for long periods to join the hunting male. When the male brought food to the female, he usually perched 30 m from the nest and called to the female. They were very vocal at the food exchange with a characteristic call (Fig. 3). Considerations of Food Habits - Of several checks for food on the plucking perches, we only found remains of Zenaida auriculata. One, recently killed (still warm) and intact, weighted 130 g. Com- paratively, the Spotted Pigeon (Columba maculosa ), also frequent in the area, must be difficult to hunt; and it is our opinion (which we could not confirm in the field) that the male peregrine (cassini) could not transport in flight one of these pigeons that weighs, on average, 260 g. All the doves were hunted and caught by direct pursuit because their size and agile flight enabled them to successfully evade a stoop. Larger prey that were difficult to carry in flight (ducks, etc.) were hunted by stooping perpendicularly from a consid- erable height and striking the prey. We found that the “waste factor” of this pair was high. Usually only the breast was gone from the dove. They caught about 3 doves a day and ate about 1/3 of each (40 g of muscles). Based on the followng scenario some calculations can be made. They daily consumed the equivalent of 12% or 15% of their body weight (according to temperature and activity level). The female weighed about 900 g, the male 650 g, and a dove weighed 125 g. During the rearing period each nestling consumed the equivalent of a little more than 1 dove/d (only about 5% of this pair’s diet was not doves). Thus, we calculate that the pair and the 4 nestlings raised ate approximately 1750 doves annually. On a kg basis this value is in line with that derived independently by Ratcliffe (1980). Adaptation to the Surroundings and Relations with Other Species - The cliff face housed several species in addition to the peregrines. Each species seemed to coordinate their activities relative to the peregrines’. For example, a pair of the Ringed Kingfisher (i Ceryle torquata) nesting near the falcons had to leave the cliff to save their lives when the female peregrine, molested by our presence, di- rected her attacks at whatever was below her. Several times we observed these attacks. These were not attacks to kill and eat the kingfishers. On one occasion the kingfisher came in from down river, flying low over the water directly to its nest located about 50 m from the peregrine nest. The female peregrine started a sudden vertical dive- Winter 1984 Argentine Peregrine Falcon 129 t : ! i . , * i i 1 2 . — ^ — 2.' ^ -- • t, ... 4 '* ■'u hi jtt . . j . .. . . ». /. . .. ..... 3 4 >• - - - - 4 -« 4 : 4 ,$ s. •■■.-.{ , ;; , I *M< 5 6 __ — 2000 -?000 //z Log Scale || Figure 3. Miscellaneous sonogram patterns of Falco peregrinus cassini in central Argentina. Pattern 1 : Alarm call of nesting female. The female was stooping at us near the nest. She made the calls (chitters) only when near us. The first vocal stanza is more dense than the other two because she was close by. The call ranges from 900-4100 Hz. Pattern 2. Contact call of the male. This call was given ( Eechip , sometimes accompanied by ledge display) from the main eating ledge. Call frequency is from 600 - 5,000 Hz. Of note is that when the female approached him, the number of voices doubled in the same time lapse (ledge display). The latter is easily found in 1.5 sec of the sonogram from left to right. Then, when the female left, the call became more spatial after the 4th sec. Pattern 3: Anti-aggression call of perched male. This is also a submission call, since the female, while flying, will disturb or attack the male to make him fly. From the 5.25 sec, the female was close to the male, flying over him. His voice resembles total submission to the point of being like that of the young in front of their mother (compare 1st sec of Pattern 6). Pattern 4: Alarm call of the female with young. This sonogram reveals a more definite and persistent voice, more than when the nest contains only eggs (compare to Pattern #1). The call went from 1,000 - 5,000 Hz. In the same sonogram we found that young joined the female in the alarm call. This is noted in the difference in time between their voices, at 3.5 sec and from 4.75 sec, remaining even as the single voice at the end. Pattern 5: Alarm call of the male. Note the difference between the alarm calls of male and female. The male call was a mixture of a wail and a typical alarm call. The wail is a single frequency call lasting 14 sec and the alarm call, a great variation of frequencies in !4 sec. Both male and female alarm calls range in the same frequency (compare Patter #3). Pattern 6: Call of nestlings. Their alarm call varied from 900 - 4,200 Hz. and resembled the alarm call of the adults in structure but not in the frequency range. The calls befoare 2.5 sec were the typical submission voice, that the male performs while the female is excited, aggressive or closeby (compare Pattern #3). Notes: a) On the horizontal scale of the sonogram, each 4 divisions is one second (sec); b) Every character found in the sonogram below the 400 Hz range identifies parasitic and background noises from the wind. 130 Vasina and Straneck Vol. 18, No. 4 attack the instant the kingfisher passed just below her, which caused the kingfisher to dive violently and loudly into the water. What impressed us most was the stoop of the peregrine, with a sudden movement of the wings, the body down in an almost vertical position, gyrated around the body axis. The wings accelerated the speed and the body returned to its normal position only at the end of the plunge. After passing just a few centimeters over the water, with a movement of the tail and due to the high speed the peregrine gained elevation to get into position for a second attack. The kingfisher sur- faced and changed its flight direction, but the sec- ond attack forced it back into the water again. After repeating the maneuver several times, the falcon finished the game, allowing the kingfisher to leave the area. Something very similar happened with a Speck- led Teal (Anas flavirostris) that nested on the cliff about 30 m from the peregrines. Several times, flying to its nest, it had to enter the water because of the peregrines’ attacks. However, unlike the kingfisher, once in the water it did not take wing to avoid the second attack, but swam away. Despite these attacks, the teal fledged a brood of young. A group of swallows (the Southern Martin, Pro- gne modesta, and Grey-Breasted Martin, Progne chalybea) also shared the cliff. They nested near the night roost of the male, and their presence was noticeable whenever the peregrines were resting or far away from the cliff. We used the swallows as indicators of the presence of the falcons because when the falcons were present, the swallows flew near the bush — protected cliff. Their alarm-call told us when the male came back to the cliff with prey. Due to changes in the environment (swelling river after heavy rainfalls that floods lower lands), some species disappear temporarily. Among them, the Southern Lapwings ( Vanellus chilensis ) and Brown-Hooded Gulls (Larus maculipennis) made considerable noise whenever the peregrines were flying near despite the fact that they were never attacked. The peregrine vehemently attacked Common Caracaras (Polyborus plancus) to a radius of 300 - 400 m from the nest. On the other hand, the Chimango Caracara ( Milvago chimango) was not attacked, even when coming as near as 10 m to the nest. Once we observed the male soaring about 800 m from the cliff. Suddenly he stooped at a Common Caracara that was flying in front of the nest. On another occasion he pursued and drove away an Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) that passed at a very high altitude over the cliff. We can confirm, however, that they do not attack either the Ameri- can Kestrel (Falco sparverius ) or the White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus). A pair of the former nested in a hole of the cliff about 500 m from the peregrines. The kite occupied two little woods of Eucaliptus and conifers about 400 m from the cliff. Acknowledgment We owe special gratitude to Walter Cerban, Cristian Henschke, and Christopher Clark for their collaboration in this note and to Clayton M. White for comments on the manuscript. Literature Cited Hustler, K. 1983. Breeding biology of the peregrine falcon in Zimbabwe. Ostrich 54:161-171. Ratcliffe, D. 1980. The peregrine falcon. T 8c AD Poyser, Calton, England. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Av. Angel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina. Received 15 August 1982; Accepted 10 May 1984 BEHAVIOR OF THE AFRICAN PEREGRINE DURING INCUBATION Warwick Tarboton Abstract - Dawn-to-dusk watches were made during 5 d at a Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus ) nest with eggs in the Transvaal and all activity was recorded. The male incubated 35% of the day and the female 65%. Their incubation shifts averaged, respectively, 1 h 30 min and 2 h 25 min. Eggs were covered for 98% of the day. The female slept on the nest at night. The non-incubating bird was absent from the nest-cliff for periods averaging 2 h at a time and totalling about 3 h each day. It may have hunted during this time. Hunting by chasing and ‘flushing’ is described. Twenty-one prey items from 3 eyries were all birds, especially pigeons and doves (46%). The high share of the incubation done by the male, the abnormal hunting by the female during incubation, and the apparent rarity of Peregrines in the T ransvaal are discussed. The status of the African race of the Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus minor )is poorly documented, though it appears to be scarce and very localized throughout its range (Cade 1969; MacWorth-Praed and Grant 1957, 1962; Snow 1978). It is described as being a rare breeding resi- dent and possibly threatened in South Africa (Sieg- fried et al. 1976). During a 3-yr survey of fal- coniforms in the Transvaal only 10 breeding pairs were located in 286,300 km2 (Tarboton and Allan 1984). Data herein may give insight into the factors contributing to its rarity in South Africa, and may provide useful comparative data for similar studies being done on the Lanner Falcon (. Falco biarmicus ) (Kemp, in prep). Detailed observations were made during 5 d at an eyrie in the eastern Transvaal Escarpment Region (Site 1). This paper describes observed breeding and hunting behavior of this pair and includes ob- servations made at 2 other eyries (Sites 2 and 3). Obviously the behavior of a single pair may not represent the species as a whole; in the absence of other published data on the biology of the African Peregrine, these observations are given. Study Area and Methods The peregrine pair at Site I laid eggs in 1979 on an old nest probably built by the Black Stork ( Ciconia nigra) on a ledge 40 m from the base of a 140 m east-facing cliff overlooking a long, sloping valley extensively planted under pines and eucalyptus. When first located in May 1979 a single male peregrine was seen at the nest-cliff. Observations were made between 5-11 September when the site was occupied by a pair incubating 3 eggs. On 2 November the pair was accompanied by 2 just-fledged young. Both male and female were adult and they could be distinguished by their size difference and the male’s noticeably brighter-yellow eye ring, cere and feet. The nest-cliff was observed continuously from dawn to dusk for 5 d (5-8 and 1 1 September) totaling 61 h with an additional 2 h 5 min on 10 September. Three observers watched in rotation from a vantage point on the slope directly below the nest. Two tripod- mounted telescopes were used, one trained on the nest and the other following the movements of the non-incubating bird. All activity, including nest change-overs, agonistic behavior, activities while perched (e.g. preening), vocalizations, and flights were re- corded. During periods of rapid action a cassette recorder was used to record activity. Local sunrise and sunset at the site were, respectively, 0600 H and about 1745 H during the observation period, but it became too dark for observations after 1800 H and before 1530 H. The nest was shaded after 1330 H and the nest-cliff after 1550 H. During 3 d weather was cloudless and warm with little or no wind, and on 2 d it was cold, overcast and windy. No behavioral differ- ence by the birds on clear and overcast days were noticed. Results Eggs were incubated for 97.9% of the daytime (n = 61 h); on 4 d this averaged 99.3%, whereas on 1 d the eggs were covered for only 92.2% of the time. Both sexes incubated during daytime, but only the female spent the night on the nest (n = 5). Overall the female did the greater share of incubation, al- though on 1 d the male’s exceeded the fe- male’s. The respective proportion of incubation (X/s.d.;range) during 5 d was, for the male: 34.7/ 17.5; 11.6-59.5, and for the female: 65.3/17.5; 40.5-83.4. If the female’s overnight incubating is included, the respective male: female proportion of the incubation is 17.7:82.3. Daytime incubating shifts by the female averaged 2 h 25 min (s.d. = 1 h 6 min, range = 29 min - 4 h 3 min, n = 1 1) and those of the male averaged 1 h 30 min. (s.d. = 1 h 17 min, range = 8 min - 4 h 14 min, n = 14) (the difference is not significant). The male had both the longest and shortest daytime incubat- ing shifts (respectively, 4 h 14 min and 8 min), although if the female’s overnight shifts are in- cluded, these would exceed the longest shifts by the male. Her longest continuous incubation shift in this case was 15 h 52 min. Most observed nest change-overs (n = 27) were similar in that the relieving bird flew unannounced to the nest and alighted beside the incubating bird. One or both birds then uttered a series of 'tjak-ak ’ 131 Raptor Research 18(4): 131-136 132 Warwick Tarboton Vol. 18, No. 4 Table 1 . Total time during 5 d, given in min and as a percentage, in which the non-incubating bird was present at, and absent from, the nest-cliff. Whereabouts of NON-INCUBATING BIRD time (min) ( % MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE Present at nest-cliff 562 735 42.0 30.7 Absent from nest-cliff 777 1637 58.0 68.3 Unknown 0 26 1.0 Totals 1339 2398 100.0 100.0 notes before the incubating bird flew off and the relieving bird incubated. Occasionally other vocali- zations (e.g. whining ‘weee-e-k’) were used at change-overs. The male often (10/15 times) ap- peared to be reluctant to give up incubating when relieved by the female. On such occasions one or both birds called much longer than usual, uttering 25-30 ‘ tjak-ak ’ notes. Invariably the female supplanted the male in these instances, whereas the male frequently (n = 10) came to the nest to relieve the incubating female but was unable to dislodge her. Occasionally (n = 3) the female had already left the nest when the male arrived to incubate and he took over silently. There was no regular pattern of shifts by sex during the 5 d, apart from the first and last shift each day by the female. The male relieved her be- fore sunrise (averaging 28 min before sunrise) on 4 of the 5 d. The female’s last shift continued over- night and commenced at various times between 47 min - 3 h 59 min before sunset (X = 1 h 54 min). Activity of the Non-incubating Bird — Often the non-incubating bird left the vicinity of the nest-cliff, presumably to hunt since both birds returned after absences with bulging crops. When not incubating, the male was absent a significantly greater propor- tion of the time than the female (P < 0.0001, see Table 1). On average, the non-incubating bird was absent from the nest-cliff for about two-thirds of each day (X/s.d. = 8 h 3 min/1 h 35 min; range = 5 h 17 min - 9 h 7 min, n = 5). The incubating bird was alone at the nest-cliff for 71 % of the day (female) or 62% of the day (male). The Crowned Eagle ( Spizaetus coronatus ), Jackal Buzzard ( Buteo rufofuscus), Gymnogene ( Polyboroides radiatus ) and the White-necked Raven (Corvus albicollis) were invariably chased and harras- sed by the non-incubating bird if they passed the nest-cliff when he or she was present. The incuba- ting bird was never seen to leave the nest and assist its mate during these pursuits, nor did it attempt to chase off passing birds of prey when the mate was absent. On 1 occasion the nest-cliff and eggs were left entirely unattended for 55 min when the female left the nest to pursue, catch and eat a passing pigeon (see Hunting Behavior). Black Storks, which came and went continuously from an active nest about 500 m away on the cliff were not molested. Typically both birds, at the end of an incubating shift, flew to a favored perch, defecated, and com- menced preening, and later started other mainte- nance activities such as stretching, scratching or (occasionally) casting a pellet. On average, male and female spent, respectively 86 and 90 min/day (s.d. = 29 and 39 min respectively) actively preening on a perch (about 12% of each day). After a period of preening they usually became alert, looking about, making perch-changes or ‘flush-hunting’ (see Hunting Behavior) before taking flight, soaring high, and going out of view behind the nest-cliff. Hunting Behavior — Most hunting and eating of prey apparently occurred away from the nest-cliff since only 2 successful prey strikes were observed in 5 d. In one of these the female left the nest to catch a passing pigeon which it ate away from the nest-cliff. In the other instance the male caught a small bird which it took back to the nest-cliff to eat. There was little prey pluckings below favored perches, and none at the nest, suggesting that during incubation prey was not frequently brought back to the nest- cliff to eat. During 5 d the male never brought food to offer the female and she appeared to provision Winter 1984 African Peregrine Falcon 133 herself entirely. In the instance where the male returned to the nest-cliff to eat prey, the female left the nest and attempted to take the remains from him after he had eaten for 10 min. They grappled for the prey on the male’s perch before it fell and was lost in the forest below. In addition to 2 successful strikes, 5 unsuccessful chases (2 by female, 3 by male) and 1 probably successful strike (female) were initiated from the nest-cliff. Three of these 8 attempts (all by the female) involved chasing birds, twice pigeons, which were flying past at least 2-3 km distant. In one case she soared briefly to gain height before at- tacking passing birds, flying with rapid wingbeats to a point ahead of the birds so as to intercept them. In one unsuccessful chase the 2 pursued pigeons changed direction as she approached, then dived downwards. She stooped unsuccessfully at them 3 times before they reached shelter in trees. In a second apparently successful chase the female’s flight from take-off to strike lasted 120 ± 5 sec. It followed the same pattern in which the prey at- tempted to evade the peregrine by diving and the female spiralled down after it. At site 2 a male stooped at and caught a swift (probably Apus melba) which was one of a large flock Table 2. Peregrine prey recorded at 3 Transvaal eyries. Sites 1 and 2 are in the Escarpment Region, Sites 3 is in the Low veld. Source of data Prey species No. 1 . Prey remains found below perches on nest-cliffs; Site 1 Domestic Pigeon, Columba livia 4 Red-eyed Dove, Streptopelia semitorquata 1 Laughing Dove, Streptopelia senegalensis 1 Cuckoo, Chrysococcyx sp. 1 Site 3 Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata 1 Green Pigeon, Treron australis 1 Burchell’s Coucal, Centropus superciliousus 1 Swift, Apus sp. 1 Red-faced Mousebird, Colius indicus 1 Lilabreasted Roller, Coracias caudata 1 African Hoopoe, Upupa epops 1 Rock Martin, Hirundo fuligula 1 Blackheaded Oriole, Oriolus larvatus 1 Starling, Lamprotornis sp. 1 Small passerine 1 2. Prey observed being caught Site 1 Domestic pigeon, Columba livia 1 Small bird 1 Site 2 Swift, probably Apus melba 1 3. Unsuccessful prey strikes Site 1 Rock Pigeon, Columba guinea 1 Pigeon, Columba sp. 2 Redwinged Starling, Onychognathus morio 1 Small bird 2 Site 2 Rock Pigeon, Columba guinea 1 134 WARWICK Tarboton Vol. 18, No. 4 spiralling around in the valley below the nest-cliff. The stoop lasted about 10 sec. The bird covered about 1 km and dropped about 300 m during the strike. It took the swift in its feet as it passed through the flock. In a second hunting method peregrines attemp- ted to flush prey (‘flush-hunting’) from the nest- cliff and then pursue it. Both male and female frequently did this, though never successfully. In ‘flush-hunting’ the peregrine changed its perch on the cliff frequently, doing small aerial circuits be- fore re-alighting, sometimes flying up into small crevasses, clinging there briefly, and flying out again. Flushed birds which were unsuccessfully chased included a Rock Pigeon ( Columba guinea), Redwinged Starling ( Onychognathus morio) and two smaller birds. ‘Flush-hunting’ was also observed being used by the female peregrine at Site 2. In this case she flushed, but failed to catch, a Rock Pigeon. This method was frequently used by immature peregrines in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and by adults in Argentina (C.M. White, pers. comm.). The non-incubating bird’s frequent absences from the nest-cliff may have been for the purpose of hunting. These absences lasted, on average, about 2 h (respectively, X/s.d.; range, for male: 2 h 8 min/55 min; 1 h - 3 h 40 min; n = 9, and female: 1 h 50 min/1 h 30 min; 33 min - 4 h 1 min; n = 7). On at least 2 occasions returning birds had bulging crops. Prey — Prey data frotn 3 Transvaal peregrine eyries are given in Table 2. These include items identified from plucking found below perches on the nest-cliffs (18), prey observed being caught (3) and potential prey unsuccessfully chased (7). In all cases prey was avian, and in the wt. -range 25-300 g. Thirteen (46%) were pigeons and doves. The sam- ple from Site 3, a low veld eyrie, includes several bird-species which are absent from the escarpment region. Discussion Of special interest was the high proportion of incubation done by the male (35%) and indepen- dence of the female in obtaining food during incu- bation. This compares with the findings of Hustler (1983) in Zimbabwe. In some peregrine popula- tions (e.g. in Alaska, Enderson et al. 1972) males may share up to a third of the incubation, but it is usual for females to take the major share (Cramp 1980). The independent hunting by the female at Site 1 is exceptional, since other studies indicate that she is provided with most or all of her food by the male during incubation (Brown and Amadon 1968; Cramp 1980). It would be instructive to de- termine whether these observations reflect an iso- lated occurence or occur generally in populations of F.p. minor. These two features are at variance with a general pattern in falconiforms where reversed size di- morphism is closely correlated with rapaciousness, a difference in prey size taken by the sexes and often with the nature of parental roles (Selander 1966; Reynolds 1972; Amadon 1975). Thus bird- catching hawks which are the most rapacious tend to have the greatest size dimorphism, take prey in 2 size-classes according to sex and, during breeding, partition parental duties such that the female does most of the incubation while the male does most or all of the provisioning (Newton 1979). Peregrines have a large size dimorphism and are highly rapa- cious, yet the observations recorded here do not conform to the predicted model of partitioned pa- rental roles. The behavior of the pair at Site 1 may have been atypical. The rarity of the peregrine in the Transvaal (and elsewhere in southern Africa) has not yet been adequately accounted for. The Lanner Falcon, by contrast, is a relatively common bird (McLachlan and Liversidge 1978). A measure of the relative abundance of the two species in the Transvaal is shown by the number of breeding sites of each recorded during the survey of birds of prey during 1975-1981 when 14 peregrine and 151 lanner eyries were located (Tarboton and Allan 1984). I believe that indirect competition between the two species is partly responsible for the peregrine’s rar- ity, and that the following contribute to this situa- tion: ( 1 ) Prey — Whereas peregrines take almost ex- clusively avian prey, lanners, that prey largely on birds, also take a variety of non-avian prey, includ- ing rodents, bats, lizards and locusts (Brown and Amadon 1968; Cramp 1980, pers. obs.). (2) Hunting Methods — The peregrine is a specialized hunter, securing avian prey in the air by stooping on it at great speed, and it requires suffi- cient air-space in order to chase and catch its prey. The lanner often hunts by stooping, but also hunts from perches and frequently chases avian prey in level flight, pursues prey flushed by vehicles, ani- mals or persons on foot, and snatches prey such as Winter 1984 African Peregrine Falcon 135 young gamebirds and poultry from the ground (Brown and Amadon 1968; Cramp 1980, pers. obs.). (3) Nest-sites — All 14 Transvaal peregrine eyries were on high cliffs (mean height 187 m), only one being on a cliff lower than 140 m. Most recorded lanner nest-sites in the Transvaal (n = 175) were similarly on cliffs (57%), but mainly on small cliffs (45%) less than 60 m in height. Many were also in crow nests on pylons (25%), on crow or eagle nests in trees ( 1 4%), and on buildings or in quarries (4%). Lanners, with a broad feeding niche, may out- perform peregrines (on an energy/time-cost basis) in some situations, while in other situations the op- posite will occur. During breeding, when food de- mands are greatest, this difference between the two species will reflect their choice of breeding sites and their reproductive output. It is predicted that opti- mal breeding sites for peregrines will be on high cliffs overlooking airspace through which there is a steady passage of high-flying birds within striking range. In such situations a breeding pair can search for prey while perched on the nest-cliff and simul- taneously be able to defend the nest from pre- dators. Lanners, less specialized in making high- speed, long-range stoops, may not match the per- formance of peregrines breeding in such cir- cumstances. However, on progressively lower cliffs (which offer peregrines a less effective striking height) or in situations where there is less prey passing within range of the cliffs, breeding sites become marginal for peregrines, and a threshhold would be reached where lanners, with their wider prey range and more diverse means of taking prey, outperform peregrines. Peregrines breeding at marginal sites may incur higher energy costs than those breeding at optimal sites; both hunting away from the nest-cliff (neces- sitating frequent climbing in order to make stoops) and transporting food back to the nest, may be more time and energy consuming. Such disadvan- tages could leave nests exposed to potential pre- dators and may result in a reduced provisioning rate, affecting reproductive performance nega- tively. The site observed may have been marginal since most hunting was done away from the cliff, and once during the 5-day watch the cliff was left entirely unattended for 55 min. This may also be why the female hunted for herself during incuba- tion. Elsewhere in the world the peregrine’s prefer- ence for high cliffs has been noted (Hickey 1942; Ratcliffe 1962); and during the extirpation of F. p. anatum from northeastern America through pes- ticide contamination in the 1950’s it was noted that the first eyries to be deserted were those on low cliffs, and the last to go were those on the highest cliffs (Hickey 1969). This supports the hypothesis that occupation of high cliffs has energy/time-cost benefits for peregrines breeding there. In areas where lanners (or other Falco species filling the ‘lanner-niche’) are absent, peregrines may occupy a wider range of breeding sites than otherwise, al- though the reproductive performance of pairs at marginal sites may not match that of pairs at opti- mal sites. Where lanners occur in sympatry, pere- grines are excluded from many marginal sites by lanners because of the latter’s more generalized hunting capabilities and efficiency at low sites. Thus it is hypothesized that the rarity of pereg- rines in the Transvaal is the result of (1) the general scarcity of optimal breeding sites (i.e. high cliffs overlooking airspace offering sufficient prey- capture opportunities), and (2) the presence of lan- ners which outcompete them (on an energy/time- cost basis) and exclude them from marginal sites. Lanners are generally much more common, since by far the greater part of the Transvaal is a plateau with little or no relief. However, in parts of the Transvaal Escarpment Region where conditions favor peregrines, lanners are outnumbered by them. In one such area 4 peregrine eyries are known, compared with only 2 of lanners. Acknowledgments I thank David Allan and Guggi Tarboton for help in all aspects of the fieldwork, the Department of Forestry for cooperation and provision of many facilities, and the Transvaal Division of Nature Conservation who supported this work. Literature Cited Amadon, D. 1975. Why are female birds of prey larger than males? Raptor Research 9:1-11. Brown, L.H. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world, Vol. 2. Feltham: Country Life. Cade, T.J. 1969. The status of the Peregrine and other Falconiformes in Africa, pp 289-321, in Hickey, J.J. (ed) Peregrine Falcon populations, their biology and decline. Madison: Univ. Wise. Press. Cramp, S. 1980. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 2. Oxford: Ox- ford Univ. Press. 136 Warwick Tarboton Vol. 18, No. 4 Enderson, J.H., S.A. Temple and L.G. Swartz. 1972. Time-lapse photographic records of nesting Peregrine Falcons. Living Bird 11:113-128. Herbert, R.A. and K.G.S. Herbert. 1965. Behaviour of Peregrine Falcons in the New York City Region. Auk 82:62-94. Hickey, J.J. 1942. Eastern populations of the Duck Hawk. Auk 59:176-204. Hickey, J.J. (ed). 1969. Peregrine Falcon populations, their biology and decline. Madison: Univ. Wise. Press. Hustler, K. 1983. Breeding biology of peregrine falcon in Zimbabwe. Ostrich 54: 161-171. McLachlan, G.R. and R. Liversidge. 1978. Roberts’ birds of South Africa, 4th ed. John Voelcker Bird Book Fund: Cape Town. Macworth-Praed, D.W. and C.H.B. Grant. 1957. Birds of eastern and northeastern Africa, Ser. 1 , Vol. 1. London: Longmans. Macworth-Praed, C.W. and C.H.B. Grant. 1962. Birds of the southern third of Africa, Ser. 2, Vol. 1. London: Longmans. Newton, I. 1979. Population Ecology of Raptors. Buteo Books, Vermillion, South Dakota. Ratcliffe, D.A. 1962. Breeding density of the Pereg- rine Falco peregrinus and Raven Corvus corax. Ibis 104:13-39. Reynolds, R.T. 1972. Sexual dimorphism in the accip- iter hawks: a new hypothesis. Condor 74: 191-197. Selander, R.K. 1966. Sexual dimorphism and the diffe- rential niche utilization in birds. Condor 68:1 13-151. Siegfried, W.R., P.G.H. Forst, J. Cooper, and A.C. Kemp. 1976. South African Red Data Book: Aves. S. Afr. National Sci. Prog. Rep. 7. Pretoria: CSIR. Snow, D.W. (ed). 1978. An atlas of speciation in African non-passerine birds. London: Trustees Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Tarboton, W.R. and D.G. Allan. 1984. A survey of birds of prey in the Transvaal. Tvl. Mus. Monogr. No. 3. Transvaal Division of Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 327, Nylstroom 0510, South Africa. Received 15 August 1982; Accepted 15 august 1983 ROOST SELECTION AND BEHAVIOR OF THE LONG-EARED OWL (Asio otus) WINTERING IN NEW JERSEY Thomas Bosakowski Abstract - Roosting Long-eared Owls ( Asio otus) selected conifers with dense foliage that concealed all or most of the main trunk with no apparent regard to tree species. Roosts were established only in clumps of 2 or more closely-spaced conifers (3-15 m in height), always near a variety of open habitats. Communal roosts of 2-4 owls were significantly preferred to solitary roosts. Strong fidelity for a single roosting tree was observed within each winter, although the owls shifted to a new main roost site each yr. Owls concealed themselves in dense foliage; when approached, they would hide or freeze and flush only at close distances. Evidence indicated that these owls had habituated to remarkably close human activity, although they were readily able to detect an intruder. The 2 most frequented roosts were within 8 m of large buildings which may have provided wind protection and increased shade for hiding. The owls remained at roosts well into darkness and when flushed during the day, showed strong aversion to daylight activity. While the food habits of wintering Long-eared Owls (Asio otus ) have been extensively studied (see reviews by Marti 1976; Voight and Glenn-Lewin 1978), the literature on roosting sites and attendant behavior is limited and few of the observations have been systematic (Glass and Nielsen 1967; Smith 1981). Here, I document systematic counts of roosting Long-eared Owls in man-made habitat where all vegetation was landscaped and planted in orderly patterns (i.e., an industrial park and a cemetery). This eliminated many of the habitat variables normally encountered in natural ecosys- tems and facilitated the identification of essential roost-site requirements. Study Area and Methods Observations on roosting Long-eared Owls were made from 18 January 1981 to 10 March 1984 in the Hackensack Meadowlands District, New Jersey. This area contains estuarine marshes that border the lower Hackensack River. These extensive open marshes are dominated by common reed ( Phragmites communis), interspersed with small tidal channels and creeks. Ornamental conifers were distributed in a nearby industrial park (office and warehouse buildings). In 1981, all conifers within 1 km of the originally-discovered roost were checked for owls and/or their sign (pellets, prey re- mains, feathers, urates). I found that all roosting activity was limited to one 22 ha block of the industrial park. In 1982, I systematically searched this block for roosting owls with 9 flush counts (Craighead and Craighead 1956), by closely inspecting 77 conifers on each census date. These conifers were 2-6 m high and were the following: 73 Austrian pine ( Pinus nigra), 2 eastern hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis), and 2 Atlas cedar ( Cedrus atlantica). The number of flush counts was kept to a minimum and their timing was designed to obtain the most information with the least amount of disturbance to the owls (Table 1). At approximately monthly intervals, other conifers within 1 km were checked but signs of roosting were not revealed. After the snow cover had melted in early February of 1982, pellets were found and collected on each of the last 6 flush counts. A record of the number and location of pellets provided an additional measure of roost-site use, for each owl ejects approximately 1 pellet per day at the roost (Craighead and Craighead 1956; Birkenholz 1958; Graber 1962). Analysis of these pellets was reported previously (Bosakowski 1982). During the winter of 1982-83, neither owls nor pellets were found during 17 systematic searches. In the winter of 1983-84 the roosts became active again and 9 systematic searches (including pellet collections) were conducted. Results and Discussion Roost Trees. — In the study block, I observed Long-eared Owls roosting in 4-6 m ornamental Austrian pines (36 times) and once in a 2 m hemlock. A few additional observations were made at a cemetery about 2 km from the study block during the second winter. Here, 1-3 Long-eared Owls roosted in a planted row of 4-5 m ornamental ar- borvitae (Thuja spp.) and in a row of 10-15 m hem- locks. Although Long-eared Owls typically exhibit a strong preference for roosting in conifers, a pre- ference for certain species has not yet been indi- cated (Randle and Austing 1952; Smith 1981; this study). Density of foliage is probably of most im- portance since it provides protection from wind- chill, precipitation, predators, and mobbing birds. In this study the trees selected for roosting were those that offered the greatest foliage density and concealment of the main trunk. Smith (1981) noted that roost trees had extensive branching to within 2 m of the ground. Roost-site Use and Characteristics. — In the study block, virtually all roosting was confined to 2 roost sites (Fig. 1). In 1981, the owls showed a strong fidelity for roost 1 as demonstrated by the lack of sightings and pellets elsewhere in the study area. In 1982, 1 or 2 owls stayed in roost 1 for a short period (10 pellets) and joined other owls (maximum = 3) at roost 2 for the remaining winter 137 Raptor Research 18(4):137-142 138 Thomas Bosakowski Vol. 18, No. 4 Table 1. Systematic flush counts of Long-eared Owl roosts. Roost 1 Roost 2 Date Owls Pellets Owls Pellets First Winter 20 January 1981 1 +a 0 0 31 January 1981 2 + 0 0 Second Winter 01 January 1982 0 0 0 0 24 January 1982 1 NCb 3 NC 26 January 1982 2 NC 1 NC 04 February 1982 0 10 3 85 10 February 1982 0 0 3 15 23 February 1982 0 0 3 9 02 March 1982 0 0 1 8 1 8 March 1982 0 0 1 14 24 March 1982 0 0 1 1 Third Winterc 31 October 1982- 4 April 1983 0 0 0 0 Fourth Winter 1 8 December 1983 0 0 0 0 31 December 1983 4 27 0 0 07 January 1984 0 26 0 0 20 January 1984 4 NC 0 NC 28 January 1984 3 52 0 0 04 February 1984 2 25 0 0 20 February 1984 2 32 0 0 04 March 1984 0 1 0 0 10 March 1984 1 3 0 0 Totals: 22 176 + 15 132 apellets present but not collected during first winter. b pellets not collected because of snow cover. ca total of 17 counts were made during this period. (132 pellets) (Table 1). In 1983 there was no evi- dence of roosting during the entire winter season. This may have been the result of mild temperatures during December and January as compared to other years (Fig. 2). In 1984 only roost 1 was used by 1-4 owls. Roost 1 consisted of a cluster of two 4 m Austrian pines that were 2 m apart, three 1 m evergreen shrubs, a 2 m hemlock, and a 6 m white birch (. Betula pendula ). The trees were planted on a 0.5 m mound, bordered with small boulders. Roost 2 was a row of ten 3-5 m Austrian pines that were planted so that the foliage met between almost every tree. The preference of Long-eared Owls to select roost trees Winter 1984 Long-Eared Owl in New Jersey 139 Figure 1. Map of study area with inset maps showing close-up views of two Long-eared Owl roosts. Small arrows indicate most frequently-used roost trees. Systematic searches were conducted in the center block (study block). from among clumps of two or more conifers was also noted by Bent (1938: 153), Randle and Austing (1952), and Birkenholz (1958). The two roosts that were selected represented 2 of 4 apparently-suitable pine plantings in the study block, yet the other pine groups showed virtually no signs of use during the study (2 and 6 pellets found). The two favored sites were closer to build- ings (6-8 m as compared to 19-25 m) and as a result, received less direct sunlight. Protection from the prevailing northwesterly winds was apparent at roosts 1 and 2 but not at the little used pine groups. While the eastern site (roost 1) was shielded directly by the adjacent building, the western site (Roost 2) was also protected by being on the southeastern side of the pine row (Fig. 1). Roost-site Fidelity. — The fidelity of Long-eared Owls to certain trees within the favored roost sites was evident, e.g., in 1982 there were 119 pellets under one tree in roost 2 and only 27 pellets under 7 additional trees. In 1984 the results were similar at roost 1 with 147 pellets under 1 tree and 67 pellets under 9 other trees. Some pellets found at alternate roost trees were the result of owls tem- porarily moving after I flushed them. The Craigheads (1956:88) mentioned the habit of Long-eared Owls to return to the same roost tree and noted one owl on the same perch on 9 consecu- tive roost counts. I observed 1-3 owls roosting in the same tree on 7 consecutive roost counts (54-day period). Smith (1981) reported the fidelity of Long-eared Owls to certain groups of trees over a period of many years, but no reference was made to Fidelity to individual trees. While I observed a strong fidelity to one roost site during each winter, it was surprising that the owls established their main roost at a different site each year, alternating between roost 1 and roost 2 (Table 1). These data seem to indicate that the initial selec- tion between two suitable roosts is a rather fortuit- ous event and that a strong site-tenacity develops thereafter. Similarly, Klopfer and Hailman 140 Thomas Bosakowski Vol. 18, No. 4 q December mean temperature 0 January mean temperature — ^ maximum number of owis/winter mean number of owls/day Figure 2. Inverse relationship between mean winter temperatures (°C) and owl numbers occurring in the study area. Weather data was obtained from National Weather Service at Newark International Airport located only 1 3 km from the study site. (1965:291) have postulated that in their study only one of several available sites was occupied by gulls because of social stimulation. Proximity to Hunting Areas. — According to the literature, Long-eared Owl roosts are almost always located near open habitats. The significance of this association was revealed by Randle and Austing (1952) who found a “preponderance” of open-field prey species in the pellets. A review of numerous food habits studies (Marti 1976) confirms this finding and suggests that the majority of hunting occurs in open country. In the present study, both roosts were within 200 m of large Phragmites tidal marshes. In addition, five man-made habitats were also present: a few small weed-covered fields (total 15 ha), 2 bulldozed construction sites (8 ha), park- ing lot and road edge, lawns surrounding the roosts, and large sanitary landfill mounds (70 ha). Hunting in these “disturbed” habitats may have accounted for the unusual dominance of Mus mus- culus in the pellets (Bosakowski 1982). Roosting Behavior. — In most cases owls con- cealed themselves completely in a dense portion of the conifer and were not visible until flushed or an intention movement was made. Consequently, it was not always possible to accurately note informa- tion such as roosting height, distance from trunk, or individual distances. On one occasion, a Long-eared Owl was perched on a completely exposed branch, but when I ap- proached, it hopped along several branches and hid behind the tree trunk while keeping a continuous watch in my direction. Similar hiding behaviors were observed on 3 other roost counts. On 2 other occasions, owls were seen trying to avoid detection by elongating their posture, erecting their ear tufts and closing their eyelids nearly completely. The resultant motionless form was maintained unless I approached closer than 3-4 m; then the owls flushed. This concealing posture was identical to the “broken branch” appearance described in Bent (1938:163). Another time, I observed a person, un- aware of the owl roost, walk within 4 m of an owl that was roosting on an exposed branch, but the owl remained undisturbed. However, when I ap- proached within 9 m and looked directly at the same owl, it began staring intently, quickly rotated its head back and forth, and then flushed. These contrasting observations suggest that Long-eared Owls will habituate to nearby human traffic, but are readily able to discriminate when they are being watched. Such selective attention to a predator’s eyes (in this case, the author’s) can have considera- ble survival value (Suarez and Gallup 1983) in that prey species can monitor the direction of a pre- dator’s visual focus and may be able to take advan- tage of better escape opportunities (Gagliardi et al. 1976). Randle and Austing (1952) reported a simi- lar ability of Long-eared Owls to discern scattered members of a searching party and change the di- rection of their escape flight accordingly. Communal Roosting. — In general, these owls roosted or flushed between 2 to 3 m above ground. When 2-4 owls roosted communally, they were Winter 1984 Long-Eared Owl in New Jersey 141 typically distributed on different branches at vary- ing heights. Only once were 2 owls seen roosting together on the same branch. When more than one owl was present in the study block, communal roosting was significantly preferred (x2 = 18.0, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001) with only 4 solitary roostings ob- served. Fleming (1981) lists the five most accepted explanations for communal roosting: (1) a shor- tage of roost sites, (2) huddling for body heat con- servation, (3) predation risks, (4) a tendency to ex- change information on patchy food locations, and (5) to assess population size in relation to resources. Although suitable roost sites were not plentiful in the study area (hypothesis 1 , Fleming 1981) my data show that a major roost can be totally ignored in successive years with the owls clustering at another nearby site. Clustering is not related to huddling (hypothesis 2, Fleming 1981), for the closest indi- vidual distance observed was 0.4 m. Reduction of predation risks (hypothesis 3, Fleming 1981) has probably been a major ‘ultimate’ factor in favor of these owls forming communal assemblages. During many flush counts, one owl would usually detect me first, and then the others apparently were alerted by either intention movements or by the sound of the first bird flushing. Furthermore, when several owls flush simultaneously, momentary confusion may be experienced by an advancing predator. Post (1983) speculated that in a solitary hunting species, communal winter roosts have probably evolved as an anti-predator mechanism. However, hunting by Long-eared Owls may not be a completely solitary event since some owls may follow others to profita- ble hunting grounds. Therefore, the effect of hypothesis 4 (Fleming 1981) remains unknown for the Long-eared Owl. Finally, I agree with Schnell (1969) that the plausibility of hypothesis 5 (Fleming 1981) is questionable and not likely to be tested in the field. Flushing Behavior. — The view of the owls was frequently obstructed by dense cover or they were dozing with closed or partially closed eyes. Hence the flushing distance was usually between 2 to 4 m with a quiet approach (no crusty snow or leaves). During the study period, the owls were flushed a total of 22 times, either singly or in groups. On 8 occasions, some owls immediately returned to the same roost site within a period of several min. Two owls attempted to return repeatedly (4 and 6 times) to the same roost tree within 10 min of being flushed. Apparently disturbed by my presence, these owls were unable to resettle at each return. This reluctance to leave the roost has not been previously described, but was probably related to the scarcity of roosting cover in the study area. Owls that did not attempt an immediate return to the roost were generally seen perched in the nearest available conifers. This further attested to the strong aversion of Long-eared Owls for daylight activity. Like the observations of Randle and Aust- ing (1952), the owls I studied were often clumsy and disoriented when flushed, and twice were observed to fly into black non-reflective windows of an adja- cent building. Apparently, the dark windows were mistaken for large cavities. No injuries were evident and the owls continued to seek cover immediately. The tendency of Long-eared Owls to hide, freeze and flush only at close distances explains why this raptor is able to roost very close to human habita- tions. Roost Departure. — The nocturnal inclination of the Long-eared Owl was further characterized by their late emergence at dusk. On 2 evenings, owls were still roosting 26 and 40 min after sunset at roost 2, but on 2 other evenings, could not be found at this roost 49 or 81 min after sunset. From these 4 evenings, it appears that roost departure is most likely to occur between 40 and 49 min after sunset. Similarly in England, Armitage (1968) observed a group of Long-eared Owls on one night departing from the winter roost 35 min after sunset. In De- nmark, Glass and Nielsen (1967) observed depar- tures of Long-eared Owls from a winter roost on 40 nights and found a departure time of 39 ± 8 (X ± S.D.) min after sunset. Acknowledgments I thank Robert Speiser and Richard Kane for valuable discus- sions throughout the course of the study and for their critical reading of the manuscript. Appreciation is also extended to Drs. John H. Edgcomb, Frances N. Hamerstrom, Kevin L. Keim, Carl D. Marti, and Clayton M. White for reviewing various drafts of the paper. Robert Pitler provided encouragement and suggestions about the project. Dr. Arthur A. Levin assisted with graphics. Literature Cited Armitage, J.J. 1968. A study of a Long-eared Owl roost. Naturalist No. 905:37-46. Bent, A.C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 170:482 pp. Birkenholz, D. 1958. Notes on a wintering flock of Long-eared Owls .III. Acad. Sci. Trans. 51:83-86. 142 Thomas Bosakowski Vol. 18, No. 4 Bosakowski, T. 1982. Food habits of wintering Asio owls in the Hackensack Meadowlands. Records of N.J. Birds 8:40-42. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Fleming, T.H. 1981. Winter roosting and feeding be- havior of Pied Wagtails Motacilla alba near Oxford, England. Ibis 123:463-476. Gagliardi, G.J., G.G. Gallup, Jr., and J.G. Bo- ren. 1976. Effect of different pupil to eye size ratios on tonic immobility in chickens. Psychonomic Science 8:58-60. Glass, M.L. and T.H. Nielsen. 1967. The evening de- parture of the Long-eared Owl ( Asio otus) from the winter roost. Dansk. Ornithol. Foren. Tids. 61:100-106. Graber, R.R. 1962. Food and oxygen consumption in three species of owls (Strigidae). Condor 64:473-487. Klopfer, P.H. and J.P. Hailman. 1965. Habitat selec- tion in birds. In : Advances in the study of behavior. (Eds. D.S. Lehrman, R.A. Hinde, and E. Shaw). Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York. Marti, C.D. 1976. A review of prey selection by the Long-eared Owl. Condor 78:331-336. Post, W. 1982. Why do Grey Kingbirds roost commun- ally? Bird Behavior 4:46-49. Randle, W. and R. Austing. 1952. Ecological notes on Long-eared and Saw-whet Owls in southwestern Ohio. Ecology 33:422-426. Saurez, S.D. and G.G. Gallup, Jr. 1983. Emotionality and fear in birds: A selected review and reinterpreta- tion. Bird Behavior 5:22-30. Schnell, G.D. 1969. Communal roosts of wintering Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus). Auk 86:682-690. Smith, D.G. 1981. Winter roost site fidelity by Long- eared Owls in central Pennsylvania. Amer. Birds 35:339. Voight, J. and D.C. Glenn-Lewin. 1978. Prey availa- bility and prey taken by Long-eared Owls in Iowa. Am. Midi. Nat. 99:162-171. Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102. Present address: Dept, of Toxicology and Pathol- ogy, Roche Research Center, Nutley, NJ 07110. Received 6 September 1984; Accepted 21 January 1985 FACTORS INFLUENCING DIFFERENTIAL PREDATION ON HOUSE MOUSE ( Mus musculus) BY AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverius ) James R. Bryan Abstract - Due to the sexual size dimorphism of raptors, it was thought that a preference for different sized prey might be evidenced between male and female American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius). A modified bal-chatri trap was used which gave kestrels a choice of 2 types of mice. In the first experiment, wild birds in the field were given a choice between a large mouse (35 - 40g) and a small mouse (22 - 27g). The results of the summer season were compared to those of the fall-winter season. The preferred prey size between the males and the females was not significantly different in fall-winter (X2 = 0.036, P >0.05). During breeding season, the preferred prey size shifted dramatically; males chose predominately small mice, females predominately large ones (X2 = 20.55, P < 0.001). The second experiment showed the influence of hunger on preference for a particular sized mouse. The birds that were determined to have a higher hunger level chose predominately the large mice (X2 = 5. 1 8, P < 0.025). The third experiment showed the effect of a conspicuous, but odd, color of prey (white mouse) compared to that of the normal, agouti color. The agouti color was chosen by 82% of the birds. The difference between the actual preference and a random choice was highly significant (X2 = 1 8. 85, P < 0.005). There are many aspects to the selection of prey by predators. Lack of protective coloration (Dice 1947 ; Kaufman 1974a), prey activity (Kaufman 1974b) and oddity (Mueller 1971) play important roles. The roles of predator experience (Mueller and Be- rger 1970), specific search image (Tinbergen 1960; Mueller 1971) and hunger (Mueller 1973) have also been demonstrated. Several authors have investi- gated the role of size in the selection of prey by storks (Ogden et al. 1976), shrikes (Slack 1975) and several species of raptors (Storer 1966; Mueller and Berger 1970; Synder and Wiley 1976; Marti and Hogue 1979). The American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius) shows only a slight size dimorphism with the male being, on the average, 8% smaller by weight than the female (Brown and Amadon 1968). The kestrel must select prey with an efficiency such that the energy expended to find, catch and kill the prey is less than the energy obtained. Predation efficiency is even more important during the breeding season when the male feeds the female and young, as well as himself. Certain prey must exist that are more efficiently found and subdued (Emlen 1968). One aspect of this efficiency is size of prey. This study attempts to show a preferred size of prey by kestrels which corresponds to the sex of the bird, hunger of the bird and color of the prey, as well as seasonal variation. Methods and Materials A modified bal-chatri trap (Mueller and Berger 1959), consist- ing of 2 compartments (each 13 cm x 25 cm) separated by 15 cm and made of lA- in hardware cloth was used. Capture loops were made using 12# + cst monofilament line with approximately 20 loops attached to each compartment. Two size categories of the agouti colored House Mouse ( Mus musculus) were used: large (35-40g) and small (22-27g). All agouti mice were inbred genetic strain C2H. Small mice were randomly placed in 1 cell and large in the other. Whenever possible, the 2 mice used had a 15g weight difference. When a perched kestrel was sighted the trap was tossed to the ground from a slowly moving vehicle at a distance of 10-40 m from the bird. The trap was removed after 5 min unless some type of response from the kestrel was observed. When the bird was trapped, its sex was noted as well as which mouse (large or small) it attacked. Any time a bird switched from one side of the trap to the other, the trial was discounted. This happened on only 10 of 149 trials and only in the fall-winter season. The fall-winter season included the months September, October, November and De- cember 1980 & 1981. No switches were made during the summer season of May, June and July, 1981, 1982, 1983 (see Tables 1 and 2). Males and females were compared for prey size preference as well as difference between the 2 seasons. Independent and semi- independent young birds were separated from adults on the basis of whether flight feather molt was occurring during the breeding season (see Table 2). During fall-winter season the immature birds were combined with the data for adults. A second part of the study concerned the determination of hunger in birds which might have influenced preference for a particular sized mouse. Hunger was determined by computing ratio of average wing chord to the cube root of average body wt. Any bird with a ratio above the average was considered under- weight and any bird with a below average ratio was considered overweight. Overweight and underweight kestrels were then sub- Table 1 . Comparison of the number of female and male kestrels that chose either the large or the small mouse during the fall-winter “season”. The category “switched mice” denotes that the kes- trel attacked one size mouse and then switched and attacked the other. Switched Large Mouse Small Mouse Mice Males 23 26 4 Females 41 49 6 143 Raptor Research 18(4): 143- 147 144 James R. Bryan Vol. 18, No. 4 Table 2. Comparison of the number of female and male kestrels that chose either the large or the small mouse during the “summer” season. The categ- ory “switched mice” denotes that the kestrel at- tacked one size mouse and then switched and attacked the other. Large Mouse Small Mouse Switched Mice Males 5 23 0 Females Immature 21 4 0 Females Immature 3 10 Males 1 1 0 jected to Chi-square (X2) analysis to determine if both preferred the same or different sized mice. Finally, I determined if a conspicuous, but odd-colored, mouse (white) was preferred over the more natural color (agouti). The white mouse could be seen, when it moved, up to approximately 300 m away, whereas the agouti mouse could be seen up to ap- proximately 200 m. These distances were determined by objective analysis by the author. The background did not appear to make much difference in discerning the white mouse unless the sub- strate was very light in color. The experiment was similar to the large and small mouse experiment, except the trap contained only 1 white and 1 agouti mouse with no more than 3 g difference in wt. Comparison of wing chord was done between summer and fall-winter kestrels to determine if 2 populations of kestrels (mig- ratory and non-migratory) were being sampled in fall-winter ver- sus 1 population in summer (non-migratory). A t-Test was used to compare means and a F-test for variance. Results and Discussion Fifty-three adult birds were trapped during the summer season when young were in the nest or still on the territory being fed. In the fall- winter season 1980 and 1981, 149 birds were trapped. Eighty- nine birds were trapped for the white mouse/agouti mouse experiment in the fall-winter season, 1982 and in January 1983. Kestrels were trapped in open habitat in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and Kern counties, southern California. During fall-winter, more females were trapped than males. This may have been due to sexual habitat preference (Koplin 1973). Females tend to prefer open habitat while males prefer woodland margins. The data are shown in Tables 1-5. The preferred prey size between males and females was not sig- nificantly different in fall-winter ( X 2 = 0.036, P > 0.05; see Table 1). During the breeding season, preferred prey size shifted dramatically; males predominately chose small mice, females predomi- nately large mice (see Table 2). This difference was highly significant (X2 = 20.55, P < 0.001) and was reflected in seasonal comparisons within each sex. Males shifted from a random choice in fall-winter to a strong preference for small mice in the breeding season (X2 = 5.32, P < 0.025). Females shifted from a random choice in fall-winter to a strong prefer- ence for large mice in the summer season (X2 = 10.14, P < 0.001). Table 3. The number of overweight and underweight females that chose either the large or small mouse during the fall-winter “season”. Large Mouse Small Mouse Overweight 12 13 Underweight 11 13 Relationship of hunger to preferred prey size was apparent with females. During the fall-winter, un- derweight females predominately chose the large mouse while overweight females chose the small mouse (see Table 3). This difference in the prefer- red prey size was significant (X2 = 5.18, P < 0.025). However, there seemed to be no relationship of hunger to preferred prey size in males (X2 = 0.018, P > 0.05) (see Table 4). Average wing chord for 49 males and 90 females was 188 mm and 196 mm, respectively. Wing chord means and variance val- ues did not differ significantly from summer to fall-winter seasons (t-Test, P > 0.05; F-test, P > 0.05). Average weight was 1 08 g for males and 1 22 g for females. Table 4. The number of overweight and underweight males that chose either the large or small mouse during the fall-winter “season.” Large Mouse Small Mouse Overweight 12 13 Underweight 11 13 Winter 1984 Predation Factors 145 Effect of a conspicuous, but odd, color of prey (white mouse) is seen in Table 5. There was no significant difference between male and female selection for color (X2 = 0.272, P >0.05), therefore they were combined. Eighty-two percent of kestrels chose agouti mice. The difference between the ac- tual preference and a random choice was highly significant (X2 = 18.85, P < 0.005). Table 5. The number of males and females that chose either the white or agouti colored mouse dur- ing the fall-winter “season”. The category “switched mice” denotes that the kedtrel at- tacked one size mouse and then switched and attacked the other. White Agouti Switched Mouse Males 4 26 1 Females 12 47 2 Behavior of kestrels toward the trap led me to believe that each bird was preferentially selecting one of the mice. The kestrels exhibited several types of behavior. In one type the bird flew toward the trap and hovered over it for several seconds before attacking one side. In another pattern the kestrel flew to a position over the trap (telephone lines or poles, trees, etc.) and sat examining the trap for some time before attacking. In the third, and most convincing, type of behavior, the bird was not caught on initial attack, flew away, and consistently returned to attack the same mouse. This pattern continued until the kestrel either was caught or gave up. In the last, the bird attacked one side of the trap, then attacked the other or it attacked one side, flew away, and returned to attack the other. This was rare, occurring 6.7% of the time, during fall- winter and was excluded from data analysis. The results clearly show a preference for size of prey in spring for kestrels. The reasons for this preference are not as clear The first possible reason was advanced by Storer (1966). He hypothesized that due to sexual size dimorphism, sexes take dif- ferent size prey serving to reduce competition bet- ween them so that the pair can feed in a smaller territory. This may work well when the prey is birds. Young birds (after fledging) are essentially the same size as adults, so preying on different size birds means preying on different species. This would seem to reduce competition between sexes and increases the number of potential prey. How- ever, in rodent species young are smaller than adults. Preying on different sizes (hence difference ages) of the same species would not seem to increase available prey, although it would allow some reduc- tion in competition between sexes. If male and female kestrels prey on different sizes of the same species, the prey population would be reduced as quickly as if both sexes preyed on both sizes equally. This hypothesis should not be quickly discarded, however, as even a subtle avoidance of competition is an advantage. An alternative is that males chose the smaller mouse because there are simply more small mice at that time of the year. The males may have formed a specific search image (SSI) for smaller mice on the basis of availability. The females, on the other hand, do little hunting for much of the season and may not have a strong SSI formed and thus choose the larger mouse for a larger reward. Another alternative deals with the energetics of carrying a mouse to the nest cavity. The female does little hunting for most of the breeding season while the male procures food for himself, the female and young. He must carry prey to the nest for distances up to 1 km (Balgooyen 1976). It may be less energetically demanding to carry more small mice to the nest than fewer large mice. The female, on the other hand, hunts infrequently near the nest, and does not have far to carry prey; therefore, it seems most advantageous for her to attack the largest prey possible. Studies of the energetics of flying with varying weights are needed to confirm this hypothesis. During winter, the males and femals are feeding only themselves and would not need to be as selec- tive with the size of prey. The prey does not have to be carried far and both sexes should be able to kill the large category mouse with almost equal skill. Males do not have the same bulk as females, how- ever males do have a lighter wingloading and feet and beaks which are not significantly different in size (Balgooyen 1976). The male should be able to transport prey as easily as the female due to lighter wingloading. The only advantage seems to be that females have more bulk to subdue larger prey. A flaw in this hypothesis is that it would seem most advantageous to prey on the largest mouse because 146 James R. Bryan Vol. 18, No. 4 of the larger gain. This was not, however, indicated by the data. The birds selected a large proportion of small mice in winter. This may be explained by the hunger of the bird. A kestrel that is underweight might be more inclined to attack a larger mouse than a kestrel that is overweight. The influence of hunger in predation was shown by Mueller and Berger (1970). They trapped Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus ) in 2 man- ners. One in which the hawks actually struck lure birds [pigeons, starlings or House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)], and the other in which the hawks flew near, but did not attack, and were trapped in a net. Although the data were not statistically significant in all cases, a tendency existed in which lighter hawks actually struck prey more frequently. This suggested to them that hunger influences a hawks tendency to kill. Mueller (1973) demonstrated the relationship of predatory behavior to hunger in American Kestrels. Kestrels were deprived of food for intervals of 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 or 35 h. In his experiment on deprivation interval to food con- sumption the curve was almost linear. On the aver- age, kestrels consumed 2% of their body wt after 1 h of deprivation and about 13% after 35 h. In the experiment on deprivation interval to killing ten- dency the curve was only a little less linear. After 1 h of deprivation kestrels killed mice 14% of the op- portunities and 92% after 35 h. Mueller (1973:519) felt that all his data “indicate a complete correlation between food consumption and predatory be- havior, suggesting that predation is a direct re- sponse to hunger.” In this paper it was assumed that an underweight bird is more hungry than an overweight bird. The effect of hunger is seen in Tables 3 and 4. Table 3 shows the effect of female hunger in which 32 of 48 (67%) of the overweight females chose the large mouse. Table 4 shows this not to be the case with males. There is no difference in preferred prey size from underweight to overweight males. There may be other factors that override the effect of hunger in males. The data for females suggest that hunger influences the selection for prey, which is contrary to Lorenz’s (1966) generalization that killing in- stinct of predators is unitary and driven indepen- dently of hunger. However, my study supports the contention of Mueller (1973) and Mueller and Be- rger (1970) that hunger plays an important role in the tendency to kill. The results of the white mouse/agouti mouse ex- periment clearly show a preference for the natural agouti color although there is a definite selection for the odd color (white) at times. This was espe- cially evident when kestrels attacked the white mouse, was not caught, and returned to the same mouse before getting caught. The selection of ag- outi mice seems to show an SSI for agouti color whereas the selection of white mice may show a tendency of a kestrel to vary its diet (Tinbergen 1960; Mueller 1974). I believe the existence of an SSI is supported by this study, although there ap- pear to be many variables that can alter the SSI. Several authors believe that predators carefully evaluate their chances of success with each pros- pective prey (Cushing 1939; Errington 1967; Cade 1967). When this evaluation encompasses the SSI, the predator will decide whether to attack or not (e.g., if the mouse is the correct size, color and species but the distance to the prey is too far and the cover is too dense, the bird will not attack). The selection of odd mice in my experiment is consistent with the results of Mueller (1974:716) in which “some birds showed a tendency to select a reasonably constant proportion of mice of a given color throughout a series regardless of the relative abundance of the mouse, suggesting that the bird seeks a fixed amount of novelty or variety.” Mueller contended that in most prey populations odd prey is probably unfit and, therefore, would be actively selected from the environment (see Mueller 1974 for a listing of references to support the conten- tion). There are inherent problems in any study that attempts to relate an artificial situation to the real world, and this study is no exception. A choice between 2 mouse sizes probably rarely occurs in nature and it seems unlikely that the kestrel would not kill a mouse of the non-preferred size. How- ever, the birds probably have an SSI for a preferred size and when all factors are considered (i.e., dis- tance from prey, visibility of prey, etc.) they are more likely to attack the preferred size than another. This does not mean that either sex will not attack the non-preferred size mouse. The kestrel is an opportunistic predator and will attack anything within certain broad limits. It does mean that they have an SSI for a size prey that they will aggressively pursue over long distances and more adverse con- ditions than other size prey. Another problem to consider is the activity of the 2 mouse sizes, as Kaufman (1974b) showed that active rats were Winter 1984 Predation Factors 147 preyed upon more than inactive rats. Marti and Hogue (1979) found that small mice may move faster than large mice, but they do not move longer distances in the same time period. If the kestrels preferred a faster (smaller) mouse or a slower (larger) mouse, it would not be expected that they would switch this preference seasonally as is the case in this study. A third potential problem is with fall-winter data which dealt with hunger in females where 2 popu- lations of females were sampled (migratory and non-migratory). Although wing chord analysis showed no difference in the size of these 2 popula- tions, it may be that migratory females are, on the average, lighter in wt than non-migratory females. Migratory females may have a previous SSI formed for large mice. This would bias the data toward the results achieved based on hunger. In the fall-winter data, part of the population were immature birds which were not distinguished from adults. Mueller and Berger (1970) showed that inexperienced raptors tend to take inappropriate prey. However, I have a strong feeling that by winter young birds have formed an SSI. Literature Cited Balgooyen, T.B. 1976. Behavior and ecology of the American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius). Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 102:1-85. Bond, R.M. 1943. Variation in western Sparrow Hawks. Condor 45(5): 168-1 85. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill. Cade, T.J. 1967. Ecological and behavioral aspects of predation by the Northern Shrike. Living Bird 6:43-86. Cushing, J.E. Jr. 1939. The relation of some observa- tions upon predation to theories of protective colora- tion. Condor 41:1 00- 111. Dice, L.R. 1947. Effectiveness of selection by owls of deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus) which contrast in color with their background. Contrib. Lab. Vert. Biol. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor. 34:1-20. Emlin, J.M. 1968. Optimal choice in animals. Amer. Natur. 102:385-389. Errington, P.L. 1967. Of predation and life. Ames, Iowa State Univ. Press. Kaufman, D.W. 1974a. Adaptive coloration in Peromys- cus polionotus: experimental selection by owls. J. Mammal 55:271-283. 1974b. Differential predation on active and inactive prey by owls. Auk 91:172-173. Koplin, J.R. 1973. Differential habitat use by sexes of American Kestrels wintering in northern California. Raptor Res. 7(2):39-42. Lorenz, K.Z. 1966. On aggression. Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press. Marti, C.D. and J.G. Hogue. 1979. Selection of prey by size in Screech Owls. Auk 96:319-327. Mueller, H.C. 1971. Oddity and specific search image more important than conspicuousness in prey selec- tion. Nature 233:345-346. 1973. The relationship of hunger to predatory behavior in hawks ( Falco sparverious and Buteo platypterus). Anim. Behav. 2 1 :5 13-520. 1974. Factors influencing prey selec- tion in the American Kestrel. Auk 91:705-721. , and D.D. Berger. 1959. The bal- chatri; a trap for the birds of prey. Bird Banding 30:18-26. 1970. Prey preferences in the Sharp- shinned Hawk: the roles of sex, exprience and moti- vation. Auk 87:542-547. Ogden, J.C., et. al. 1976. Prey selectivity by the Wood Stork. Condor 78:324-330. Slack, R.S. 1975. Effects of prey size on Loggerhead Shrike predation. Auk 92:812-814. Snyder, N.F.R. and J.W. Wiley. 1976. Sexual size di- morphism in hawks and owls of North America. Or- nith. Monog. 20:1-95. Storer, R.W. 1966. Sexual size dimorphism and food habits in three North American accipiters. Auk 83:423-436. Tinbergen, L. 1960. The natural control of insects in pinewoods. 1. Factors influencing the intensity of predation by songbirds. Arch. Neerl. Zool. 13:265-343. 2120 National Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. First Received 24 December 1983; Accepted 1 December 1984 HABITAT SELECTION BY THE AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverious) AND RED-TAILED HAWK (Buteo jamaicensis) WINTERING IN MADISON COUNTY, KENTUCKY Nancy J. Sferra Abstract - Habitat selection by the American Kestrel {Falco sparverius) and Red-tailed Hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) in Madison County, Kentucky, was determined for the winter of 1980-81. Results showed that there was significant non-random use of 6 habitat types (Kestrels: x2 = 629.5, P < 0.05, d.f. = 5; Red-tailed Hawks: x2 = 124.8, P < 0.05, d.f. = 5) with old field sites being used most frequently by both species. The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius ) and Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) are the most numerous diurnal raptors wintering in Madison County (Sferra 1 984). Mengel ( 1 965) reported that, in Kentucky, kestrels preferred open areas. Along highways in West Virginia, kestrels most often hunted in pasturelands, or open areas planted with Lespedeza spp. (Ferris 1974). However, near high- ways in the Texas panhandle, kestrels frequented wooded areas (Allan and Sime 1943). Red-tailed Hawks were most commonly as- sociated with woodlots in Iowa and the Texas panhandle (Allan and Sime 1943; Weller 1964). Petersen (1979) reported that Red-tailed Hawks seldom used internal portions of woodlots, sup- porting Schnell’s (1968) observation that the species preferred perching at woodlot edges. In Michigan, open areas were heavily utilized (Craighead and Craighead 1956), lone trees being favored as perch sites (Chamberlain 1974). High winter densities of these raptors in Madison County (Sferra 1984) may result from the amount of open habitat available for hunting, as well as the presence of adjacent, heterogeneous edge habitat. Many open areas are bordered by fencerows of trees or are bisected by power lines, providing perching sites from which hawks can search for prey. The purpose of the present study was to de- termine the relative extent to which wintering kes- trels and Red-tailed Hawks frequented various habitats found in Madison County. Study Area and Methods Madison County encompasses parts of 4 physiographic regions in central Kentucky: the Hills of the Bluegrass, the Outer Blueg- rass, the Knobs Section of the Cumberland Plateau, and the Mountains (Soil Conservation Service 1973). Terrain ranges from rolling, upland plains to long, narrow ridge tops separated by steep valleys with the maximum relief being 335 m (Jillson 1928). Madison County is composed predominantly of pastureland and hayfields with forest stands being confined mainly to stream mar- gins, field edges, and rugged regions of the Cumberland Plateau and Mountains. Birds were located by means of an automobile road count (Craighead and Craighead 1956) covering secondary roads of the county. The count routes were chosen so that each of the physiog- raphic regions in the county were represented. One road count was run weekly from late December 1980 to March 1981 for a total of 10 counts. Each covered the same 235 km and were not run when visibility was hampered by snow, fog, or rain. A driver/ observer and passenger/observer were present during each cen- sus. Routes were driven at speeds between 32-48 kph, and all raptor sightings on both sides of the road were recorded. The maximum distance of sightings on each side of the road was approximately 440 m. Habitats directly beneath raptors in flight, and areas overlooked by perched birds formed the basis for determining species-specific habitat utilization. Six habitat categories were distin- guished: pastureland (both grazed pasture and mowed hayfields), cropland, urban areas, old fields, woodlots and plowed fields. Actual habitat use was tested against their relative occurr- ence. Proportion of occurrence was quantified from randomly selected aerial photographs representing 10% of the entire county. Results and Discussion The six habitat types occurred in the following proportions: 57% pastureland and hayfields, 33% woodlots, 3% cropland, 3% urban areas, 2% old fields and 2% plowed fields. Kestrels and Red- tailed Hawks utilized certain habitats to a greater extent than that predicted by their relative availa- bility. Chi-square (x2) tests showed significant non- random habitat use by kestrels and Red-tailed Hawks wintering in Madison County (Table 1). Table 1. Results of Chi-square (x2) analysis of habitat selection and utilization based on habitat av- ailability in Madison county. Species x2 American Kestrel 629. 5a Red-tailed Hawk 124. 8a aP < 0.05; d.f. = 5 148 Raptor Research 18(4): 148-150 Winter 1984 Winter Habitat Selection in Kentucky 149 Table 2. Total number of American Kestrel and Red-tailed Hawk sightings and % deviation from expected Chi- square values for their occurrence in each of 6 habitat types. A positive sign indicates habitat use greater than expected and a negative sign indicates use less than expected. American Kestrels Red-tailed Hawk Habitat N % DEVIATION N % DEVIATION Pastureland 276 + 38 117 + 28 Old Field 66 + 790 21 +525 Cropland 15 + 76 1 - 59 Plowed Fields 5 - 31 1 - 70 Woodlots 3 - 98 28 - 65 Urban Areas 0 -100 0 -100 Kestrels habitat use was as follows: pasture land 76.9%, old field 1 8.4%, cropland (consisting mainly of corn stubble) 4.2%, plowed field 1.4%, woodlots 0.8% and urban areas 0%. Percent deviations from expected values of the chi-square test showed that kestrels utilized woodlots and urban areas less, and all other habitats more than expected. Selection of old fields was most pronounced (Table 2). The nature and distribution of perching sites in a given surveyed area probably introduced bias into road count data. In the Texas panhandle, for in- stance, frequent utilization of woodlots by kestrels (Allan and Sime 1943) could have been directly related to lack of perching sites in open habitat. In Madison County, the majority of kestrels were seen perching on utility lines, many of which run parallel to the census route. On the other hand, birds hid- den behind trees, buildings and signs may have resulted in low utilization estimates for woodlot and urban area use. Winter habitat separation by sexes has been re- ported as common among kestrels in Texas, California, Arizona, Mexico (Mills 1976; Koplin 1973) and Georgia (Stinson et al. 1981). Chi-square test showed male kestrels were significantly more numerous than females (58% males, P < 0.05). However, sex-specific differences in habitat were not significant in Madison County (P < 0.05). Habitat selection by Red-tailed Hawks was as follows: pastureland 69.9%, woodlots 16.7%, old field 12.5%, cropland 0.6%, plowed fields and urban areas 0%. Use of pastureland and old field sites was greater than expected; all other habitats were frequented less than expected (Table 2). The majority of Red-tailed Hawks associated with woodlots were perched along margins overlooking open areas. Similarly, Petersen (1979), using a road count in Wisconsin, found that internal portions of woodlots were seldom used. Of all habitat types, old field site use by hawks deviated the most from the expected values. Selec- tion for old field sites by kestrels, and to a lesser degree by Red-tailed Hawks, may have been in- duced by higher prey populations, specifically Meadow Vole ( Microtus pennsylvanicus). Austing (1964) found Meadow Voles to be staple prey for Red-tailed Hawks during winter months, and vole population density has been suggested as the major factor determining hawk distribution (Bart 1977). Kestrels also depend heavily upon Meadow Voles during winter (Craighead and Craighead 1956). In Madison County, matted vegetation used by voles for runways will not accumulate on intensively grazed pastureland and mowed hayfields, resulting in decreased population density. Old field sites, based on presumed prey density, have the greatest potential for supporting large numbers of winter- ing kestrels and Red-tailed Hawks. Acknowledgments Special thanks are extended to those who helped in obtaining field data: R. Altman, G. Barels, P. Mastrangelo, G. Murphy, J. Schafer, C. Schuler, T. Towles, and especially J. Colburn. Literature Cited Allan, D.F. and P.R. Sime. 1943. A hawk census on Texas panhandle highways. Wilson Bull. 55:29-39. 150 Nancy J. Sferra Vol. 18, No. 4 Austing, G.F. 1964. The world of the Red-tailed Hawk. J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 128 pp. Bart, J. 1977. Winter distribution of Red-tailed Hawks in New York State. Wilson Bull. 89:623-625. Chamberlain, M.L. 1974. Fall hunting behavior of the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) in Central Michi- gan. Jack-pine Warbler 52:2-9. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole, Harrisburg, Pa. 443 pp. Ferris, C.R. 1974. Effects of highways on Red-tailed Hawks and Sparrow Hawks. M.S. Thesis. West Va. Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. Jillson, W.R. 1928. The geology and mineral resources of Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Survey, Frankfort, Ky. Koplin, J.R. 1973. Differential habitat use by sexes of American Kestrels wintering in Northern California. Raptor Res. 7:39-42. Mengel, R.M. 1965. The birds of Kentucky. Omithol. Mono. No. 3, Am. Ornithol. Union, Lawrence, Kansas. Mills, G.S. 1976. American Kestrel sex ratios and habitat separation. Auk 93:740-748. Petersen, L. 1979. Ecology of the Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk in southeastern Wisconsin. Wise. Dept. Nat. Res. Tech. Bull. No. Ill, Madison, Wise. 63 pp. Schnell, G.D. 1968. Differential habitat utilization by wintering Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks. Con- dor 70:373-377. Sferra, N.J. 1984. Population densities of diurnal rap- tors wintering in Madison County, Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. 45 (3-4): 128-131. Soil Conservation Service. 1973. Soil survey of Madi- son County, Kentucky. U.S.D.A. and Ky. Agri. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. Stinson, C.H., D.L. Crawford and J. Lauth- ner. 1981. Sex differences in winter habitat of American Kestrels in Georgia./. Field Ornith. 52:29-35. Weller, M. W. 1 964. Habitat utilization of two species of Buteos wintering in central Iowa. Iowa Bird Life 34:58-62. Dept, of Biol. Sci., Eastern Ky. Univ., Richmond, Ky. 40475. Present address: Dept, of Zoology, Mich. State Univ., E. Lans- ing, Mich. 48824. Received 15 July 1984; Accepted 30 January 1985 Winter 1984 Short Communications 151 Short Communications A Clutch Of Unusually Small Peregrine Falcon Eggs M. Alan Jenkins Unusually small (dwarf or runt) eggs are rare, occurring at a frequency of 0.05-0.09% in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus) (Romanoff and Romanoff 1949), 0.08% in the Common Grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula ), and 0.18% in the Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) (Rothstein 1973). More than one small egg in a clutch is even rarer. Pearl and Curtis (1916 cited in Romanoff and Romanoff 1949) found only 1 1 % of chickens that laid any small eggs laid more than one, i.e. about 0.0055-0.0099% over all. Small Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs, here de- fined as those less than 40 ml in estimated volume, are also rare (Table 1). Although accurate frequency data from the wild are not readily available, Burnham (pers. comm.) found only 1 small egg in about 350 (0.3%) he has hand- led. Most small eggs occur as runts, an odd egg in an otherwise normal clutch (Ratcliffe 1980). The 2 eggs of the clutch described here are smaller than any noted in the literature for North American peregrines. That both eggs were small suggests a “normal” egg size for this female rather than odd eggs. I found the clutch in a Sonoran eyrie on 8 May 1981. This site was first known to be occupied in 1978 when an adult was seen there in mid- March. A pair of adults vigorously defended this area in late April of 1980, but the exact eyrie location was not found. The eyrie site used in 1981 was a small cave (ca. 2 X 2 X 2 m in size and hemi-conical in shape) near the top of an igneous cliff. There were 2 eggs in a scrape near the back wall of the cave. The eggs were cool to the touch and their contents sloshed when gently shaken, indicating they were addled. On 8 May successful eyries in this area should have contained nestlings, as had 10 other eyries previously visited. The estimated mean hatching date for Gulf of California peregrines is 12 April (n = 31), the latest known hatching date is 15 May (Porter et al. in prep.). I measured the 2 eggs with a caliper having a Vernier scale marked in increments of 0.1 mm; the results are given in Table 1 as eggs A and B. Table 1 also compares the size of these 2 eggs with some published dimensions of small and average-sized Peregrine Falcon eggs. Several factors have been given as causes for abnor- mally small bird eggs. Chickens may occasionally lay yolk- less eggs which weigh only a few grams (Romanoff and Romanoff 1949). The only known yolkless peregrine egg from the wild, also from the Gulf of California, was noted by Risebrough (1971). This egg was small but its dimen- sions were not given. In captivity, yolkless eggs occur about once in 300 eggs; one measured 33.2 X 25.0 mm (Burnham pers. comm.). The sizes of eggs laid by indi- vidual peregrines may also vary with age; small eggs are produced by young females laying for the first time (Blair 1 967) but also by old females (Ratcliffe 1 980). The eggs of one female reported by Ratcliffe (1980) from Britain de- creased in size in an 8-y period from almost normal eggs averaging 50.0 X 39.5 mm (39.7 ml) to the smallest re- corded size of 4 eggs averaging 46.5 X 32.5 mm (25.0 ml). Racial differences in egg size occur but are not great (Brown and Amadon 1968). The small-bodied subspecies babylonicus (considered by some to be a separate species) has the smallest mean egg size according to Brown and Amadon (1968) and is similar in body and egg size to the small F. p. minor (Table 1). Egg size variation due to racial differences are probably related to female body weight differences. Romanoff and Romanoff (1949) state that the smallest chicken eggs are produced by the lightest females. The first egg of a cycle (clutch) in the chicken is gener- ally the heaviest, decreasing thereafter (Romanoff and Romanoff 1949). Physical condition, nutrition, and climatic conditions can also affect egg size (Romanoff and Romanoff 1949). Olsen (1982) found that peregrine egg size increased with increasing latitude (in the southern hemisphere), use of tree hollows as nests, and decreasing temperatures. These relationships disappeared in certain areas after the 1940s, a period corresponding with the introduction of DDT and intensification of land use. Olsen (1982) found no significant difference in egg size between the first and replacement clutches from the same nest site, nor any correlation between clutch size and egg size. Some of the above causes of small eggs can be elimi- nated as factors in the Gulf of California clutch. The female defending the nest was seen clearly at close range and was in full adult plumage with no immature feathers remaining. She probably was at least in her third calendar year of life and had probably laid other clutches. How- ever, it is possible that she was a very old female. Racial differences in egg size can be eliminated because the eggs of this clutch are far smaller (ca. 35% less in estimated volume) than average eggs of the small subspecies F. p. babylonicus. The order of laying was not a factor because both eggs were unusually small. Whether or not the eggs were yolkless is not known, but it is unlikely that 2 such eggs would occur together. The effects of low latitude and warm temperatures as found by Olsen (1982), could be Table 1 . Dimensions of Peregrine Falcon eggs. Maximum length (L) and breadth (B) are in mm ; estimated volume (V) was calculated according to Hoyt (1979) and is in ml. 152 Short Communications Vol. 18, No. 4 0 2 ^ w w J JS pfi h H o 00 O) 00 00 o N to 1—1 cd to to o> to 05 3 rt 3 D O) .4) tS 05 .4; i PQ 1 3 : S oo 05 a. T3 § 3 ~0 3 re 3 a £ C/3 4J £ O 3 fc- Ml 3 3 "u *u 1 N 1 w j 3 S re S O £ o o u 4) rt c3 re — Sm u u £ £ m PQ s PQ Pi Pi ! O U PQ PQ CM CM rh in CO to o to in to to to id t Tt* ed cd i> re* re* re* re* re* Tt* re* re* 00 CO p-t © o 00 o CM CM _ 4 o o CM o o rf Tf Tt* re* Tt* re* Tt* o CM oo o 00 in in o m to CM cd CM CM cd o d m m m m m m m m m m re* x CM tO O CO O m ^ CM m re* to in to CM CM o CM o CM 3 > to 00 cd td re5 Tt* in CM td CM id CM CM CO co CO CO CO CM CO CO CO S 2 1 3 2 M G 2 * CO 00 CM to m CM CM in CO i— i o o V ffl to H PQ re* re* 05 *> 00 I> 00 CM 05 00 . ^ s Z CO CO oo CO CO CO eo CO CM CO CO CO p « CM re* in m to o m CM CM o 05 re*’ 05 td 00 00 td td CM td td •tf re* re* re* re* re* re* re* CO re* re* re* u o CM *%« CM § < 1 B e o .2 0 u 1 g 3 at <*2 u O 0 t£ P "3 .a .a c c V 4 ) S 2 < < x: x: £ £ o o ft. 5 5 ,5 « .2 J2 k, 0.05%) among four years. Birds comprised >90% of individual prey items, and 6 1 % of avian prey species were typically associated with predominantly open habitats. Horned Lark ( Eremophila alpestris), Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys), and Vesper Sparrow ( Pooecetes gramineus) collectively comprised 57% of all prey. Home ranges of three breeding male Merlins encompassed approximately 13, 23, and 28 km2, and each male traveled a maximum of 8 to 9 km from his nest. These home ranges encompassed five physiognomic habitat types. Percentages of total observations by habitat type indicated greatest us of sagebrush and grassland habitats. Sage- brush, riparian, and pondrosa pine habitats were used more (P < 0.05) than expected, but grassland and agriculture habitats re- ceived less (P < 0.05) use than expected. Comparisons of Montana eggshells with pre-pesticide (pre-1946) eggshells indicated 12% and 20% reductions in eggshell weight and eggshell thickness indices, respectively. These reductions were significant (P <). Seven organochlorine compounds were detected in eggs collected on the study area. The overall management goal should be maintenance of a viable Merlin population and the habitat fea- tures essential for its continued existence. Management recom- mendations include limitation of alteration of ponderosa pine sideslope habitat, restriction of activities from 10 March through 20 July, rescheduling of activities, establishment of 400 m zones of no disturbance surrounding nests, limiting loss of prairie habitat and sagebrush removal, limiting use of organochlorine com- pounds, reviewing potential impacts of activities prior to their occurrence, and maintaining confidentiality of nest locations. — Becker, Dale M. 1984. M.S. Thesis, University of Montana, Mis- soula. 158 News and Reviews Vol. 18, No. 4 THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC., YEAR-END REPORT This was another year of firsts! We broke the 700 member number for starters and, for the first time distributed a comprehensive Membership Directory (named “The Kettle”, of course). Dick Clark and his crew did an especially good job on that directory and we thank them for their efforts above and beyond the call of duty. As usual, the annual meeting (in Blacksburg, Virginia, this year) was the highlight of the year’s activities. Roughly 300 raptor enthusiasts attended a very well-organized and smoothly-run conference held at the Donaldson Brown Center for Continuing Education at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Papers ranged from topics on Condors to Screech Owls and the workshops provided valuable hands-on technique experience, e.g. transmitter attachment to eagles, etc. The banquet was well-attended and lots of fun, with full credit going to Jim Fraser and his fellow organizers. A special thanks goes to Jim’s wife for the music and dancing of an Appalachian fiddle-plucking and boot-stomping ensemble. The Andersen Award for Best Student Paper, again, went to the east Canadians working out of McGill University. Reed Bowman won the honor this year for his presentation of his M. Sc. results entitled “Behavior of Widow and Replacement Mates in Wild American Kestrels.” Congratulations also go to the runners-up, Andre Lavigne (“Growth of Nestling Kestrels in Relation to Dietary Facts”) and Nicole Vanderheyden (“Investigations into the Hematology of Captive American Kestrels”). And no, their major Professor, David Bird, wasn’t on the selection committee! Next year’s RRF conference to be held in Sacramento, California promises to be one of the biggest ever. But don’t let the length of the conference scare you. The program has been arranged in such a way as to allow participants to pick and choose the various symposia and meetings of particular interest. Frankly, sunny California at that time of year, i.e. November 2 - 1 0, 1 985, is enough to entice most folks for the duration. It promises to be a momentous occasion in raptor conservation history. For more information, write to: Dr. Richard R. Olendorff, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825. The Conference Guidelines Committee composed of Toni and Dave Bird, myself, Ed and Judy Henckel, Butch Olendorff, Nancy Venizelous and Jim Fraser has been very active in promoting excellence in RRF meeting organiza- tional efforts. A manual and questionnaire on this subject are now in rough draft format and we are very interested in your comments. Please send them to Dr. Bird (at Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill Univeristy, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1 CO). I am pleased to announce that the 1 986 RRF meeting will be in Gainesville, Florida, under the direction of Dr. Michael Collopy. We are now looking for bids for the 1987 conference from places located in either the mid-west or far west. Applicants will need: a central meeting place capable of housing roughly 500 participants; easy access to major transportation centers, and; a good pool of hard-working volunteers. Send your bid to Dr. Bird at the above address. One of the topics of intense discussions, especially among Board members was the journal, both as to format and timing. Specific changes have been implemented, including the formation of a working committee of associate editors, which will help with the manuscript review process. I am confident that by early 1985, Raptor Research will be going out on time. Furthermore, I personally like the new professional format, thanks to the efforts of our volunteer editor, Dr. Clayton White and his part-time Assistant Editor, Jimmie Parrish. I am more than pleased to tell you that RRF memberships have reached 770, our highest ever, with more and more international members joining us each year. It is not just the journal publication you support with your annual dues, but also a strong voice in raptor conservation, encouragement of young scientists to pursue excellence in raptor research and management, and the establishment of research grants and awards for dedication to raptor conservation. Most important, your involvement supports a solid network of diverse individuals and organizations with identical objectives in mind and heart. Let’s shoot for a thousand members for the end of 1985. Join (or rejoin) our swelling ranks! As an update on Directors and Officers, the Board decided to keep me around for another year, as your President. Sadly, we could not cajole our hard-working, devoted Secretary for the past two years, Ed Henckel, to renew his post, but happily for RRF, Jim Fraser has consented to take on this tedious task. The results of your ballots are in: Jim Mosher and Martin Bottcher remain in their positions of Eastern and International Directors, respectively, and Rich Howard won his bid for the At-Large #3 Director’s slot. Congratulations to all and a hearty thanks to our outgoing At-Large Director, Mark Fuller, for a job well-done and his encouragement for “new blood” in the organization. Warmest wishes for success in the new year. See you in Sacramento next fall! Jeff Lincer President Winter 1984 News and Reviews 159 Membership Recognition The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., expresses sincere appreciation to the following individuals for their continued support of the Foundation and its objectives. HONORARY MEMBERS — Founders of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Byron Harrell George Jonkel Don Hunter Paul Springier LIFE MEMBERS Dean Amadon Friedrick O.P. Hechtel SUSTAINING MEMBERS FOR 1984 Daniel!. Brimm Robert M. Weintraub James E. Doyle CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS FOR 1984 Jae Abel Paul Kerlinger Leslie P. Arelt Michael A. Lavelle R.T. Bell Library, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Karen S. Bollinger Lee Merrick Gary Bounholdt Bill Meyer Jim Brett Carl D. Mitchell Michael P. Coffeen E. Stuart Mitchell William G. Coleman Virginia Moede Eric B. Cummins James A. Mosher Stuart Elliott Joseph R. Murphy Joseph Eoff Michael J. Murray Albert Ferwerda New Jersey Raptor Association Roy A. Geiger, Jr. National Zoological Park Library Nancy F. Green Bruce N. Pikaard Carrie A. Griffith Richard N. Roberts Claire H. Hager Carol F. Smith David Harlow C. Pierre Thoumsin Victoria S. Johnsen Richard F. Waechter Jacquelyn L. Katzmire Donald Yarnell THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION CONFERENCE — NOVEMBER 1985. The 1985 Raptor Research Foundation International Meeting and Symposium on the Management of Birds of Prey will be held at the capital Plaza Holiday Inn in Sacramento, California, November 2 - 10, 1985. Highlights of this 20th anniversary meeting of the Foundation will include 1) the Second RRF Conference on Raptor Conservation Techniques — Twelve Years of Progress, 1973-1985, 2) a Western Hemisphere Meeting of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey (ICBP), 3) the Second International Vulture Symposium, 4) a Western North America Osprey Symposium, 5) a Workshop on North American Candidate Endangered Raptors, 6) an International Symposium on Raptor Reintroduction, and 7) a Symposium on Raptor Rehabilitation, Captive Breeding and Public Education. For more information contact Dr. Richard R. Olendorff, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825, or Nancy Venizelous, San Francisco Zoological Society, Stoat Boulevard at the Pacific Ocean, San Francisco, California 94132. 160 News and Reviews Vol. 18, No. 4 Reviewers for Raptor Research, 1984 The subject matter of manuscripts received for publication in Raptor Research is very diverse. Numerous individuals throughout the year have generously given of their time and expertise by acting as reviewers for manuscripts submitted for publication. The Editorial Staff expresses its sincere appreciation to the individuals listed below, who, through their efforts as reviewers, have helped to raise the standards and quality of the journal. Those individuals who have contributed reviews of two or more manuscrips are indicated by an asterisk. David M. Bird*, Douglas A. Boyce, Tom J. Cade*, Richard Clark*, William S. Clark, Michael W. Collopy, Gary E. Duke*, James H. Enderson*, Philip K. Ensley*, David L. Fischer, Glen A. Fox, Mark R. Fuller*, James A. Gessaman, Frances Hamerstrom, Frederick Hamerstrom*, A1 Harmata*, Steve Herman, Jerome A. Jackson, James R. Karr*, Lloyd Kiff, Michael N. Kochert*, Carl Marti*, David P. Mindell, James A. Mosher*, Helmut C. Mueller*, Joseph R. Murphy, Richard R. Olendorff*, Lynn W. Oliphant*, David B. Peakall, David T. Rogers, Jr., Steve K. Sherrod*, Joseph K. Scheiring, Gordon R. Ultsch, F. Prescott Ward, Robert C. Whitmore*, Stanley N. Weimeyer, E. William Wischusen*, Neil Woofinden. ANDERSEN AWARD — The third annual William C. Andersen Memorial Award for the best student paper was presented at the Raptor Research Foundation Annual Meeting in Blacksburg, Virginia, on 27 October 1984. The winner was Mr. Reed Bowman of the Macdonald Raptor Research Centre of McGill University for his paper “Behavior of Widow and Replacement Mates in Wild American Kestrels.” Students wishing to be considered for the 1985 Andersen Award must indicate their eligibility when submitting abstracts. Eligibility criteria were published in Raptor Research 16(l):30-32. Questions regarding the 1985 award should be directed to: Dr. Robert Kennedy, Director, Raptor Information Center, National Wildlife Federation, 9412 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. The Macdonald Raptor Research Centre of McGill University is offering 4 to 6 non-salaried summer student internships with free residence (not board). Internships provide exerience in public education, care and rehabilitation of captive raptors as well as an opportunity to pursue personal research. Interested candidates should submit two letters of recommendation, a resume of experience and interests, and an unofficial transcript of college academic records by April 1 , 1985 to: Dr. David M. Bird, Director, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO, Tel: 1-514-457-2000, ext. 345. Biology of the Peregrine and Gyrfalcon in Greenland. By William A. Burnham and William G. Mattox. Meddelelser om Gronland, Bioscience 14, 1984: 25 pp., 12 figs., 12 tables. Dkr. 46.75 excl. of VAT and postage. — This paper presents the results of 1 0 years of study ( 1 972- 1 98 1 ) in .western Greenland that took place primarily in the region of Sondre Strom fjord. The study is still ongoing. Much of the data were hard won, especially in the early years. Frequently the researchers had to make week long treks with 25-35 kilos of gear in back packs just to gather data on 2-3 eyries. I still have vivid memories of trudging over the landscape with the survey crew in 1975; backpack so heavy and feet so sore I could hardly walk after a one week trek. Over 40 researchers were involved in data gathering and 9 organizations provided some support. Within this report the bulk of the data deals with the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). Of the 17 pages containing biological data 9 were devoted to peregrine biology, 3 to Gyrfalcon ( Falco rusticolus ) and the remaining 5 to such topics as migration, banding recoveries, chemical pollutants, and interspecific competition. The biologies presented are not unlike that of both species elsewhere in their circumpolar ranges with but a couple of exceptions. The 2 species were not found to occupy the same cliff simultaneously (although they did in 1984). Part of their discussion attempts to explain why this would have developed in the historical sense. They speculate that food densities as well as the distribution of nests of the Common Raven ( Corvus corax), which Gyrfalcons usurp for nesting, have been important factors in the dispersion of the 2 species. A second departure from general peregrine biology was the findings on food habits. While peregrines are noted for their catholic diets this was not the case in Greenland. Four species made up about 90% of the diet in 1973. This probably results from the fact that therejust are not large populations of many species to prey on at inland localities. In some ways it is disappointing that so much data were lost by not checking food remains in eyries more thoroughly. For all years of the study productivity was recorded at each eyrie and in most cases young were banded. 1973 was the only year reported with food data. Why weren’t food remains systematically collected while in the eyrie? Had such data been collected a better idea of regional food differences, yearly prey fluctuation and biomass consumption at each eyrie may have emerged. Overall, considering the physical and logistic restraints encountered by field parties, this study is a credit to the authors and an important addition to raptor biology. — Clayton M. White. RAPTOR RESEARCH A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. EDITOR: Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young Univer- sity, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jeffrey L. Lincer - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Richard Clark - Order Strigiformes Ed Henckel - Family Cathartidae Gary E. Duke - Anatomy and Physiology Patrick T. Redig - Pathology, Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Jim Mosher - General Ecology and Habitat Analysis m INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Submit a typewritten original and two copies of text, tables, figures and other pertinent material to the Editor. Two original copies of photographic illustrations are required. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format and authors should design tables and figures accordingly. All submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of 814 x 1 1-inch (2 1 14 x 28cm) good quality, bond paper. Number pages through the Literature Cited section. The cover page shoulcfcontain the full title and a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 30 characters in length) to be used as a running head. Author addresses are listed at the end of the Literature Cited section. Authors should indicate if present addresses are different from addresses at the time the research was conducted. When more than one author is listed, please indicate who should be contacted for necessary corrections and proof review. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than 4 double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submitted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgements, when appropriate, should immediately follow the text and precede the Literature Cited. Both scientific and common names of all organisms are always given where first appearing in the text and should conform to the current checklists, or equivalent references, such as the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983). Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, following these examples: (Brown and Amadon, Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1968), or Nelson {Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982)). If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982)). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980)). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are. typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 814 x 1 1-inch (2 114 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to 14. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. Typewritten or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Raptor Research, Vol. 1 8, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH Raptor Research A Quarterly Publication of The Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 1985 (ISSN 0099-9059) Highwall-to-Pole Golden Eagle Nest Site Relocations. Robert A. Fala, Arthur Anderson and John P. Ward 1 Biology of Eleonora’s Falcon ( Falco eleonorae ): 7. Variability of Clutch Size, Egg Dimensions and Egg Coloring. Michael Wink, Dietrich Ristow and Coralie Wink V. 8 Nesting Behavior of Peregrine Falcons in West Greenland During the NESTLING Period. Julie Hovis, Thom D. Snowman, Virginia L. Cox, Raymond Fay and Keith L. Bildstein 15 The Hunting Ranges of Two Female Peregrines Towards the End of a Breeding Season. Richard Mearns 20 How Effective Are Hunting Peregrines? Rune Roalkvam 27 Dissertation Abstracts 30 News and Reviews 14, 29,32 Instructions for Contributors to Raptor Research 35 Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. S'vds The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Jeffrey L. Lincer, Office of the Scientific Advisor, 2086 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577 VICE-PRESIDENT : Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 1 7405 SECRETARY: James D. Fraser, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Cheatam Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 TREASURER: Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Build- ing, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55208 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: James A. Mosher, Savage River Consulting, P.O. Box 71, Frostburg, Maryland 21532 CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Patrick T. Redig, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295 Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 MOUNTAIN & PACIFIC DIRECTOR: A1 Harmata, Department of Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717 EAST CANADA DIRECTOR: David M. Bird, Macdonald Raptor Research Centre, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO WEST CANADA DIRECTOR: R. Wayne Nelson, 4218 -63rd Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 2W2 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR: Martin BOttcher, Postfach 2164, Steinfelder Strass 11, 5372 SCHLEIDEN, Federal Republic of Germany, GERMANY DIRECTOR AT LARGE # 1 : Michael Collopy, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32601 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: Tom Dunstan, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illionis 61455 DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Richard P. Howard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4696 Overland Road, Room 566, Boise, Idaho 83705 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $15 per year in the U.S., $17 per year outside the U.S., $13 per year for U.S. students, and $ 1 5 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regular member- ship. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communications may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research, Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A. Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Depart- ment of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S.A. RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 19 Spring 1985 No. 1 HIGHWALL-TO-POLE GOLDEN EAGLE NEST SITE RELOCATIONS Robert A. Fala, Arthur Anderson andJohnP. Ward Abstract - Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) constructed nests and produced young at 2 cliff-like mine highwalls at a southcentral Wyoming surface coal operation. The nests were in areas formerly unoccupied by nesting eagles, a result of the mining process creating suitable nesting habitat. Nest site availability is believed to be a local limiting factor on Golden Eagle productivity. Existing state and/or federal reclamation laws require the elimination of highwalls. Other laws, however, forbid the removal of Golden Eagle nests. To resolve this conflict and improve management of eagles, the nestling relocation technique was implemented to move nest sites to man-made nesting platforms mounted on poles. Behavioral responses of the adult eagles to the relocations indicated a high degree of parental attachment to young as well as nesting adaptability. Management implications of the technique are promising, particularly as they relate to mitigation for highwall nesting eagles and possibly other raptor species. However, further research is needed for this practice to be of predictive value for eagle behavior and response after relocation. Golden Eagle (Aquila chyrsaetos) nests are often threatened by surface coal mining operations in the western United States. Because Golden Eagles and their nests are also protected by the Bald Eagle Act, mining and reclamation are sometimes impeded. Errington (1932) first indicated that certain rap- tor nestlings, tethered away from the nest, would be cared for and fed by adult birds. This technique was adapted by Postovit et al. (1982) to affect a success- ful tree-to-pole Golden Eagle nest site relocation in northeastern Wyoming by moving nestlings pro- gressively further away from their original nest. Sub- sequent successful tree-to-pole Golden Eagle nest relocations were performed and reported for the same region (Phillips and Beske 1982, 1983). These authors stress the importance of locating artificial nesting structures within the home ranges of mated pairs while also taking into account the territories of adjacent nesting pairs. The demonstrated use of alternate nest sites (Lockie and Ratcliffe 1964; McGahan 1968; Boeker and Ray 1971; Call 1978) also indicates some flexibility by Golden Eagles in their adaptability to new nest locations. Postovit et al. (1982) and Phillips and Beske (1982, 1983) also report the use of artificial nesting structures by Golden Eagles in years subsequent to their initial relocation, indicating the potential long-term value of this technique. The directed nest relocations performed in northeastern Wyoming were: from tree to pole, tree to tree, and pole to pole. Success in simulating tree nest sites suggests that the simulation of other types of nest sites may be successful, especially for highwall nesting eagles. A conflict with highwall nesting eagles arose in the Hanna Basin surface coal mining region of southcentral Wyoming. A high- wall is the exposed face of rock or overburden, often nearly vertical, in an open cut of a surface mine; this substrate simulates cliff nesting raptor habitat (Figs. 1 and 2). Golden Eagles constructed nests and successfully fledged young on the high- walls of 2 mined-out pits: Bed 24 and Bed 51 East. Bed 24 highwall nest was first observed in 1979 and has fledged at least 1 eaglet during each of the past 4 yr (1979-1982). Bed 51 East nest was observed first in 1981 and has produced at least 1 eaglet in each of the past 2 yr (1981 and 1982). Both nests were constructed beneath overhangs on highwalls with angles approximately 55 from the horizontal. Bed 24 nest faced SW and was 12 m below the top of the highwall, 60 m in height; Bed 51 East nest faced SSW and was 10 m below the top of a highwall, 40 m in height. Unlike the situation in northeastern Wyoming where nests were impeding coal development, the 2 highwall nests in southcentral Wyoming were im- Raptor Research 19(1): 1-7 2 Fala et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 Figure 1. Golden Eagle and nest (arrow) at Bed 51 East mine highwall. Note the cliff-like nesting habitat. Figure 2. Close-up of Bed 51 East mine pit highwall nest with a nestling visible just below the adult eagle. lilSte Spring 1985 Golden Eagle Nest Relocations 3 Figure 3. Bed 5 1 East pole nesting structure with 1 large nestling visible on the platform. Adult perch sites are indicated by arrows. peding reclamation. State and/or federal laws re- quire timely reclamation and the elimination of all mine highwalls for safety reasons. Regulations also forbid the disturbance of eagle nests. Therefore, reclamation in southcentral Wyoming could not occur within the legal time limit. To resolve the dilemma, state and federal agencies cooperatively developed a mitigation strategy using the research provisions of applicable laws. Citing tree-to-pole nest relocations as a precedent, relocation of the 2 highwall nests was made during the 1982 nesting season. The intent of the highwall-to-pole strategy was to allow the pits and highwalls to be reclaimed while providing alternate nesting sites for the eagles. This paper describes the 2 highwall-to-pole relocations and some associated behavioral responses of the adult eagles. Study Area and Methods This study was conducted in the Hanna Basin coal region, southcentral Wyoming. Vegetation is typical of semi-arid plains with sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) and grassland communities dominating, except for drainages that are ephemeral where greasewood ( Sarcobatus spp.) prevails. Lack of trees of appreciable height precludes tree nesting by eagles. The topography is primarily gentle with dissection drainage patterns and numerous minor rock outcrops. Nesting habitat is limited to a few rimrocks or cliff-like outcrops. These rimrocks contain the only other oc- cupied or alternate Golden Eagle nests within the study area. Beginning in September 1981, eagle pairs were monitored once a month to determine the approximate location of their home ranges. Home ranges were determined by direct observations of the eagles. Prospective locations of artificial nest structures were within the home ranges. Artificial nesting structures were con- structed according to McEneaney and Phillips (1981) and erected with platform bases 7 m above ground level (Fig. 3). Platforms were installed in December 1981, to lure eagles into using the artificial structure over their actual nest site and to familiarize them with the structure. Leafless or dead sagebrush twigs and straw were then wired atop each artificial platform to construct a nest bowl. Bed 24 artificial nesting structure was erected on a reclaimed area 575 m from the highwall nest (Fig. 4), and Bed 51 East artificial structure was placed in a sagebrush site 470 m from the highwall nest site (Fig. 5). The latter was later moved to within 1 00 m of the highwall nest. Both structures were in direct line of sight of their respective highwall nests. The highwall nests were monitored bi-weekly beginning 1 March 1982, to document incubation, hatching, and number of nestlings. Monitoring was from 800 m with a 1 5 - 60X spotting scope to minimize disturbance during the sensitive incubation period (Fyfeand Olendorff 1976). Exact dates of nest events, such as hatching, were not determined since this was not critical. The main prerequisites for relocation was to do so when nestlings were present. Golden Eagle nestlings developed the ability to fast when ap- proximately 20 d old (Ellis 1979). To provide a margin of safety, 4 Fala et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 SURFACE HIRED AREA a • unreclaimed b • reclaimed Figure 4. Location of Bed 24 highwall nest and artificial nesting platform. attempts to move eaglets were made only after they were 4 to 5 wk old. On 8 June 1982 we removed 4 nestlings from the highwalls, 2 from each nest. They were fed about 0.3 kg of White-tailed Jack- rabbit (Lepus townsendii) and placed on the platforms of the artifi- cial structures. A jackrabbit carcass was provided on the platform as potential food for the adults to feed the young. Relocating and feeding of the young birds were accomplished within 2 h for each nest. Dawn to dusk monitoring of adults and nestlings resumed from 800 m distance as soon as relocations were completed. Nestlings were hand fed again on the platforms every 24 to 26 h until the adults began feeding them. Once the eaglets were ac- cepted at the artificial structures, monitoring was reduced to 15 min observation periods every 1 - 2 d. Both highwalls were re- leased for reclamation in August 1982 and eliminated before the 1983 breeding season. Results and Discussion Bed 24 Nest. — Bed 24 artificial structure was utilized by perching eagles between erection in De- cember 1981 and nestling relocation in June 1982, as indicated by actual observations of eagles and whitewash. Once the nestlings were placed on the artificial structure, the adult eagles were usually observed perched atop nearby spoil piles or along the Bed 24 highway, except for occasional hunting or soaring away from the site. During the 50 h between relocation and accept- ance of the nestlings, one adult flew in an anxious manner and alighted frequently at the highwall nest and at other perches along the highwall. The sex of this bird could not be determined at the time. In the interim between adult acceptance of the Bed 24 nestlings and fledging of the eaglets (28 d), 24 observations (6 h total) were made on 21 differ- ent days. The adult female was very attentive to the artificial structure, as exhibited by her perching on the structure during 5 of the 24 observations (or 1.25 h). Attentiveness decreased as fledging ap- proached. On 3 of the 5 occasions the female was observed on the platform feeding the young, but only during the first 5 d after acceptance of the nestlings at the artificial structure and not later than a nestling age of about 44 d. This is consistent with known natural eagle behavior (Ellis 1979). As was also noted by Postovit et al. (1982), no adult from the mated pair was ever observed at the former nest site once the new artificial site was accepted by both adults. In addition to the recommendations of Postovit et al. (1982) concerning enhancing the success of Golden Eagle nest site relocations, we believe that other interrelated factors contributed to the Bed 24 relocation success: the relative serenity and lack of human related activities within 3 km of the reloca- ■ — ■ GOLDEN EAGLE TERRITORY SURFACE MINED AREA a = unreclaimed b = reclaimed Figure 5. Location of Bed 5 1 East highwall nest and arti- ficial nesting platforms. Spring 1985 Golden Eagle Nest Relocations 5 tion site; familiarization with and use of the artifi- cial structure during the period between erection and nestling relocation; and the amount of time the adult bird(s) spent in line of sight of the relocated nestlings at the relocation site; i.e., response time. A few twigs were added to the platform nest by the adults in February 1983. Ultimately, this pair constructed a new nest 0.8 km to the NW at an adjacent mine property highwall. At the new high- wall nest site the adults hatched 1 eaglet in 1983. This nest was relocated a distance of 1340 m SE to the existing platform on 31 May 1983. The adult male came to the platform 13 min prior to the female, about 26 h after relocation of the eaglets. It was felt that if intentional disturbance had occurred early on (under USFWS permission) at the highwall before incubation commenced, the adults may have been forced to use the artificial structure. Inten- tional disturbance was not used in this instance, because the nest was discovered late in the nesting cycle and disturbance may have resulted in nest failure. Bed 51 East Nest. — The pair of adult eagles at Bed 5 1 East did not perch on the artificial structure in the interim between erection and nestling relo- cation. However, both adults were often seen flying in the general area. This relocation site was subject to reclamation disturbances involving use of heavy equipment within 0.8 km of the structure during the nestling relocation. Once the Bed 51 nestlings were placed on the artificial structure, the adults spent considerable time away from the relocation site. Direct line of sight between adult perches and the relocated nestlings was broken at places by topographical re- lief and the close proximity (100 m) of spoil, thus response time of the adults was reduced. After 54 h with little or no response by the adult eagles to the artificial structure, the nestlings were returned to their original highwall nest. No prey items had been placed at the artificial platform by the adult eagles, though a Desert Cottontail ( Syl - vilagus auduboni ) and a Wyoming Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus elegans) had been delivered to the highwall nest during the eaglets’ absence. Within 5 h after returning the nestlings to the Bed 5 1 high- wall nest, the adult female alighted at this site. One objective in this study was to habituate the mated pair to the artificial structure prior to recla- mation of the Bed 51 East pit and highwall. The intention was to familiarize the pair with the plat- form in hopes of encouraging them to nest there in succeeding years. With this in mind, we felt that the best course of action after returning the nestlings to their highwall nest was to wait a few days, then move the artificial structure closer to the highwall nest (from 470 m to 100 m) and make a second reloca- tion attempt. The adult female responded to the new location and frequented the nearest perch atop a spoil pile (100 m distant) in direct line of sight of the platform for several hours at a time. This en- hanced association with the platform resulted in acceptance of the platform by an adult 31 h after the second relocation of the nestlings. In the interim between adult acceptance of the Bed 51 nestlings at the artificial structure and the last fledging date of the young (35 d), 31 observa- tions (or 7.45 h) were conducted on 23 different days. An adult eagle was not sighted during 15 of these observations. However, 7 of these times an adult was observed perched atop the nearby spoil pile (100 m). Two sightings (30 min total) of adults on the artificial structure were made. One adult was observed atop the structure, and the other was of an adult on the platform with the young. These 2 observations were noted during the first 2 d after adult acceptance of the structure but not later than a nestling age of about 41 d. In contrast to Postovit et al. ( 1 982) and the Bed 24 case, we documented use of the former highwall nest site on 2 occasions. This occurred on the first 2 evenings after acceptance, when the adult female returned without prey and alighted at the highwall nest to roost. It was never postively determined that the adult male alighted on the artificial structure. Because the adult female returned to the high- wall nest, and seemed to lack attentiveness to the artificial structure after the apparent acceptance of the nestlings, there was concern over the seemingly tentative nature of the acceptance. Because we were not certain that the young were being fed, we climbed the platform structure and inspected the nest 20 h after acceptance. A Desert Cottontail had been delivered to the platform and picked clean by an adult. Despite the somewhat secretive and cau- tious acceptance of the artificial structure, there were no apparent ill effects to the eaglets, which developed normally and fledged. Both adults added material to the artificial nest during the next nesting season (March 1983), and incubation began at this site on 26 March 1983. One eaglet was hatched at the platform nest site in May. 6 Fala et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 The original highwall was not available at this time, but there was an adjacent highwall 100 m to the west. Since the desired relocation site was not at- tained in 1982, a platform-to-platform relocation was preformed at a distance of 914 m on 31 May 1983. This relocation elicited an adult male re- sponse after 79.5 h, however the female did not accept the new platform. After 122.5 h the project was aborted due to concern for the nestling. The nestling was adopted out and fledged at a surrogate nest. Both Nests. — As signified by the survival and ultimate fledging of the young at the respective artificial nest structures in 1982, the nestling relo- cation efforts at Bed 24 and Bed 51 East met with comparable results. However, the degree of diffi- culty in the relocation efforts and adult behavior after acceptance were distinctly different. We con- clude that the differences in adult behavior were instigated primarily by the inherent behavioral or tolerance differences of the eagle pairs to man re- lated manipulations. Also, Bed 51 East highwall nest site was located below ground level and not in view of mine related activities, whereas the artificial structure was located above ground level and in line of sight of mining activities. Conversely, the Bed 24 adults did not encounter human related distur- bances to within about 3 km of the relocation area, and apparently the eagles responded favorably and fledged young. We feel other possible explanations of the varied adult responses are related to the proximity of the artificial structure to suitable perches, the adults familiarity with and previous use of the platforms, and the amount of time the adults spent in direct line of sight of the structure once the nestlings were relocated (i.e., response time). Management Implications. — As a result of the successful highwall-to-pole nestling relocations, the Bed 24 and Bed 51 East pits were released for reclamation grading activities in August 1982, soon after eaglets fledged. All reclamation activities were completed by 1 February 1983, so that spatial buf- fer zones around the platform could be honored, thereby increasing the likelihood of nesting by adult pairs at the respective structures in succeed- ing years. Of paramount importance to nest manipulations of this type is whether the artificial structures will be used in subsequent years. Postovit et al. (1982) and Phillips and Beske (1982, 1983) reported use of artificial structures in years following tree-to-pole, pole-to-pole, and tree-to-tree eaglet relocations. In the case of the Bed 51 East nest site in this study, and a Wyoming uranium mine highwall case (Beske, pers. comm.), it appears that the same is possible for highwall-to-pole or cliff-to-pole reloca- tions. However, we recommend that this technique be utilized only on a temporary or emergency basis, or when other more permanent or natural nesting habitat cannot be created or enhanced (i.e., modifi- cation of natural cliff areas, preserving mine high- walls, tree planting, etc). In summary, the difference in response at the respective relocation sites for these 2 pairs of eagles represent some degree of adaptability for accepting and fledging young at an artificial, and drastically different, nest substrate under varying conditions. Due to the small sample size in this study, any generalizations about the nature of adaptability of Golden Eagle populations would be presumptuous. However, this study may be an indicator that relo- cation practices may prove beneficial in solving an important management dilemma currently faced by coal mine biologists and the USFWS. Acknowledgments This project was funded primarily by Arch Mineral Corpora- tion with assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wyoming Cooperative Fishery and Wildlife Research Unit, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. We thank M. Lockhart and R. Joseph for assisting with the field work and W. Dyer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for reviewing the manuscript. We thank S. Mikol-Ritter for assistance with the field work and L. Parker, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, for providing the photo- graphs used in the figures. Pacific Power and Light, Inc., assem- bled, erected and relocated the artificial nesting structures. A. Beske, Wyoming Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Research Unit, aided with both the manuscript and field work. Literature Cited Boeker, E.L. and T.D. Ray. 1971. Golden Eagle popu- lation studies in the southwest. Condor : 463-467. Call, M.W. 1978. Nesting habitats and surveying techniques for common western raptors. BLM Tech. Note TN-316. Bureau of Land Management. Denver, Colorado. Ellis, D.H. 1979. Development of behavior in the gol- den eagle. Wildl. Monogr. 70. 94 pp. Errington, P.L. 1932. Technique of raptor food habits study. Condor 34:75-86. Fala, R. A. 1982. The development of a mine highwall as wildlife habitat - highwall variance proposal. For Bed 51 West of Arch Mineral Corporation. Seminoe No. 1 Spring 1985 Golden Eagle Nest Relocations 7 Mine, approved by WDEQ and OSM, Hanna, Wyom- ing. 50 pp. Fala, R.A. 1982a. An eagle dilemma. Wyoming Wildlife 46:31-33. Fyfe, R.W. and R.R. Olendorff. 1976. Minimizing the dangers of nesting studies to raptors and other sensi- tive species. Can. Wildl. Serv. Occas. Paper No. 23. 16 pp. Lockie,J.D. andD.A. Ratcliffe. 1964. Insecticides and Scottish Golden Eagles. Brit. Birds 57(3):89-102. Mariah Associates. 1979. Final baseline wildlife study report. Prepared for the Arch Mineral Corporation Seminoe No. 1 Mine, Laramie, Wyoming. 88 pp. McEneaney, T. and R. Phillips. 1981. Golden eagle artificial nesting platform. (Design and Construction Criteria). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Sheridan, Wyoming Field Station. 5 pp. McGahan, J. 1968. Ecology of the golden eagle. Auk 85:1-12. Phillips, R.L. and A. E. Beske. 1982. Golden eagles and coal development in Eastern Powder River Basin of Wyoming. Annual Report for 1981. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Wildlife Res. Center. 55 pp. . 1983. Golden eagles and coal de- velopment in Eastern Powder River Basin of Wyom- ing. Annual Report for 1982. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Wildlife Res. Center. 55 pp. Postovit, H.R., J.W. Grier, J.M. Lockhard andJ. Tate, Jr. 1982. Directed relocation of a golden eagle nest site./. Wildl. Manag. 46:1045-1048. Arch Mineral Corporation, Environment Group, Box 490, Hanna, WY 82327. Address of second author: USFWS, 2120 Capitol Avenue, Room 7010, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Address of third author: Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, P.O. Box 3166, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. Received 8 March 1984; Accepted 30 January 1985 BIOLOGY OF ELEONORA’S FALCON ( Falco eleonorae ): 7. VARIABILITY OF CLUTCH SIZE, EGG DIMENSIONS AND EGG COLORING Michael Wink, Dietrich Ristow and Coralie Wink Abstract — The variation of egg size, egg coloring and clutch size was studied in an Aegean colony of Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae). Egg-laying occurs between mid-July and early August with laying intervals of 2.6 and 2.9 d between first and second, and second and third egg, respectively. Mean clutch size was about 2.28. Three-egg clutches are started earlier than 2-egg or 1-egg clutches, which results in a negative correlation between laying date and clutch size. Within a laying sequence, third eggs are significantly smaller than first and second eggs. Egg breadth has a higher interclutch variation than intraclutch variation. A positive correlation can be established between female weight and egg breadth. Egg color corresponds to laying order; the second and third eggs show many dark spots, the first egg is pale brown. Clutch size was correlated with the weight of the male falcon but not with female weight. A correlation between the hunting success of a male falcon and its weight is assumed. Food availability is a limiting factor in the colony studied, and since the female falcon relies entirely upon the food supplied by the male, a correlation between male hunting success and clutch size is suggested. Variability in clutch size and egg parameters has been studied in many birds, especially in species breeding colonially (gulls, terns, swallows), or species using nest boxes (tits, flycatchers, sparrows) (Lack 1966; Klomp 1970; Drent 1975). Birds of prey, except for the European Kestrel (Falco tin- nunculus) (Cave 1969), the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus ) (Horv&th 1955), and the European Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) (Newton 1979), have not been studied extensively, probably because of difficulties in acquiring sufficiently homogeneous data. Since the Eleanora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) breeds colonially and shows rather synchronized breeding, studies on reproductive biology and ecology are facilitated. On the other hand, field work is difficult to carry out because breeding col- onies are usually situated on rocky, uninhabited islands of the Mediterranean Sea. We studied a large breeding colony of Eleonora’s Falcon in the Aegean Sea for 8 seasons and report here on the variability of clutch size, egg dimensions and egg coloring with respect to laying sequence and weight of the corresponding parent falcons. Materials and Methods The present study was carried out in July/ August 1975 and in August/October 1977 near Crete in an Aegean colony of Eleo- nora’s Falcon of about 250 breeding pairs. A few data were de- rived from a study in August/September 1979 (Ristow et al. 1980; Wink et al. 1980b). About 40 nests were monitored daily during the egg-laying period of 1975, and all eggs were marked individu- ally with pencil so that the exact dates of laying and their sequence within a clutch were known. Altogether, 240 eggs were measured. Egg weight was deter- mined with a gauged spring balance to the nearest g. Egg length (L) and egg breadth (B) were measured with a micrometer to the nearest 0.1 mm. Egg volume was calculated as V = (7tL-B2)/6, in analogy to the volume formula of a globe (Rheinwald, pers. comm.). The weight of captured adult falcons was measured with a spring balance to the nearest 5 g. Results Egg Dimensions. — The measurements of 240 eggs made in 1975 and 1977 are summarized in Table 1. The data of both yrs are pooled, since the parameters L, B and volume did not differ signifi- cantly (P > 0.05, /-Test) between years. Third eggs are significantly smaller (P < 0.02, /-Test) than first or second eggs (Table 1), whereas first and second eggs cannot be distinguished by size. The mean egg shape index (L/B) decreases from first egg ( 1 .29) to second egg (1.25) to third egg (1.23); third eggs sometimes give the impression of being spherical. Relationship With Female Weight. — The range of B for 3 1 three-egg clutches was 5.6 mm, whereas the range was only 1.7 mm within the respective clutches themselves. To quantify the degree of in- traclutch and interclutch variation (Vaisanen et al. 1972), 30 sequenced three-egg clutches were sub- jected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Table 2). The proportion of interclutch variation was 15% higher in L and 52% higher in B than intraclutch variation. The strong interclutch varia- tion of B suggests that the anatomy and physiology of the female might be of importance. Unfortu- nately, these factors are difficult to measure, and the only factor that could be determined for the incubating female was weight. 8 Raptor Research 19(1):8-14 Spring 1985 Egg Variation in Eleonora’s Falcon 9 Table 1. Dimensions (X ± S.D.) of the first, second and third egg of Eleonora’s Falcon. The third egg differs significantly in breadth (P < 0.02, t- Test), length, weight and volume (P < 0.001, t-Test) from the first and second egg. Parameter N Dimensions Egg Length Total 240 42.14 ± 1.61 First Egg 23 42.63 ± 1.03 Second Egg 21 42.16 ± 1.40 Third Egg 23 40.41 ± 1.37 Egg Breadth Total 240 33.54 ± 1.01 First Egg 23 33.61 ± 0.98 Second Egg 21 33.80 ± 0.74 Third Egg 23 32.90 ± 0.72 Egg Weight Total 163 26.37 ± 2.32 First Egg 23 27.13 ± 1.89 Second Egg 21 26.57 ± 1.85 Third Egg 23 23.54 ± 1.74 Egg Volume Total 240 24.78 ± 2.56 First Egg 23 25.24 ± 1.62 Second Egg 21 25.26 ± 1.63 Third Egg 23 22.88 ± 1.40 The relationship between female weight and egg dimensions is illustrated in Figure 1 . Breadth, volume, but not L, are the most influenced parameters, and in consequence, egg weight also. The heavier the female, the heavier the resulting eggs and probably the hatching young also. Evaporative Water Loss. — Egg weight is sub- jected to a steady reduction during incubation due to H2O evaporation and CO2 production (Bezzel 1977). Sixty-four eggs weighed 22.8 ± 2.09 g ( X ± S.D.) at the end of incubation in 1977. Taking 30 d as incubation period and 26.4 g as initial egg weight, a daily loss of 116 mg occurred. On this basis, a 13.3% total loss occurred which may be influenced by climatic conditions at the breeding site (Table 3) with its relatively high temp and low humidity dur- ing daytime. Relationship With Laying Period. — Egg-laying Table 2. Results of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of inter- and intraclutch differences in egg breadth of 30 sequenced three-egg clutches of Eleonora’s Falcon. The figures in- dicate percentage estimates of variance com- ponents. Significance of F-test is shown with stars (actual F-values not given). Percent of Variance Variables Intraclutch Interclutch Egg Length 25.3*** 39.8* Egg Breadth 16.2*** 68.5*** * - P < 0.05; *** - P < 0.001. was rather synchronized and occurred between mid-July to early August with an interval of 2 or 3 d between each egg being laid (Table 4). The sizes of 54 eggs ordered by their date of laying show a negative correlation for L and weight, but not for B (Table 5). This effect can be easily explained by the fact that third eggs were smaller than preceding ones and laid about 5 to 6 d later than the first egg. Consequently, only slight negative correlations were established for first and third eggs analyzed separately. Egg Coloring. — First eggs are pale brown with numerous small dots, whereas second or third eggs are dark brown with many dots, usually larger, which are concentrated at the blunt poles of the eggs (Table 6). Therefore, egg sequence of any clutch can be determined according to egg color Table 3. Temperature and relative humidity (X ± S.D.) measured with a thermohygrograph at 15 Eleonora’s Falcon nests in 1977. August/September Time Temp (°C) Rel. Humid. (%) Night 20.92 ± 2.5 85.00 ± 6.7 Middaya 32.00 ± 4.5 49.50 ± 9.2 a 6 - 8 h after sunrise. 10 Wink et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 FEMALE WEIGHT Igl Figure 1. Linear regression analysis between weight of parent female Eleonora’s Falcons and egg breadth (*** . P < 0.001). and egg size, as is also the case in eggs of the Red- footed Falcon (Horv&th 1955). Clutch Size. — Clutch size data are summarized in Table 7. Only data obtained at the beginning of the incubation period (i.e., as soon as clutches are completed) were considered in order to avoid ar- tifacts due to loss of eggs or clutches during incuba- tion. A negative correlation (P < 0.001) existed Table 4. Date of egg laying (X ± S.D.; Range) and interval (X ± S.D.) in days between laying of first and second egg and laying of second and third egg in an Aegean colony of Eleonora’s Falcon. Egg Sequence Laying Date N Interval (d) First Egg 24.5 July ± 3.3 d 18 July - 27 July 21 Second Egg 27.1 July ± 3.3 d 21 July - 2 August 22 2.61 ± 0.92 (Between 1st & 2nd egg) Third Egg 29.1 July ± 3.3 d 24 July - 7 August 17 2.91 ± 2.12 (Between 2nd & 3rd egg) Spring 1985 Egg Variation in Eleonora’s Falcon 1 Table 5. Correlation values resulting from a linear regression analysis between sequence of laying and egg size in Eleonora’s Falcon. Parameter N R Y = A - b(x)* All Eggs Length 54 -0.43** Y = 46.15 - 0.16(d) Breadth 54 -0.11 Weight 54 -0.36** Y = 31.54- 0.21(d) First Eggs Length 21 -0.19 Weight 21 -0.36 Third Eggs Length 16 -0.06 Weight 16 -0.17 * - Sadis 1972; ** - P < 0.01. between the date of laying and clutch size (i.e., 3-egg clutches were started earlier than 2-egg or 1-egg clutches). Looking for an explanation, we studied the weight of the corresponding parent falcons. Clutch size was independent of female weight (r = 0.53, P < 0.01). The implication of this phenomenon was dealt with in detail in another paper (Wink et al. 1980a). We conclude that male weight and hunting efficiency are correlated; probably the mates of large males (which usually have 3-egg clutches) start laying at an earlier date than the mates of younger and smaller males. Discussion In Eleonora’s Falcon and all lands hitherto studied (Lundberg and Vaisanen 1979) egg size decreases with laying sequence. The opposite has been found in several passerines (Svensson 1978) [e.g., the Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) (Pitelka 1971), the Eastern Bluebird (Sialis sialis) (Pinkowski 1 975], as well as waders (Vaisanen et al. 1 972 ; Miller 1979), and the Red-footed Falcon (Horvath 1955) whose egg size increases with laying order. Pas- serines start incubation with the last egg and an adaptive value can be assumed for the observed egg size variation. Since the probability of predation is higher for the first than for the last egg, it is of advantage if the last eggs are bigger. The loss of a small first egg would be less costly than the loss of a large last egg (Miller 1979). This assumption de- mands that in the opposite case (i.e., Eleonora’s Falcon) the female should start incubation with the first egg in order to minimize the probability of a loss of the first and largest egg, and this is exactly what happens. Is there any adaptive value of the third egg being the smallest and darkest? In order to answer this question it should be recalled that the interval be tween laying of the first and the third egg is about 5 to 6 d, but that incubation starts with the first egg. Hatching takes place within a 2 to 3 d (seldom 4 d) Table 6. Observed numbers of eggs and color in relation to egg color and laying sequence in Eleonora’s Falcon. A = all eggs individually known; B = includes data from eggs which were categorized by their size. Egg Color First Egg Second Egg Third Egg A. Pale Brown 21 1 1 Dark Brown 1 17 18 B. Pale Brown 90 2 Dark Brown 4 91 36 12 Wink et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 20 30 9 JULY AUGUST Figure 2. Linear regression analysis between laying dates of first egg and clutch size of Eleonora’s Falcon (*** . P < 0.001). interval, however. To explain the gain of 2 to 3 d in laying time several factors have to be considered. The female may incubate the first egg less inten- sively during the first 3 days. “Clicking” calls of the young birds prior to hatching, which occurs in Falco eleonorae, can speed up hatching of an embryo to some extent (Drent 1975). Incubation time is posi- tively correlated with egg weight and incubation temp. According to basic physics, a dark body col- lects more radiation energy than a light one, thus we assume that a small and darker egg (i.e., the third egg in Falco eleonorae) would need a shorter incubation period. This would be of advantage, since the first young to hatch is the largest and the last young the smallest, which reduces the latter’s chances of survival. Table 7. Mean clutch size in an Aegean colony of Eleonora’s Falcon. Initial clutch size data were derived from the beginning of the incubation period (July/ August) in 1975. Clutch Size (n) Parameter Mean 1 Egg 2 Eggs 3 Eggs 4 Eggs Initial Size 2.28 5 45 26 Post-Incubation Size^ 1.97 21 76 18 (l)a aIn 1982 a 4-egg clutch was found, but according to egg size measurements it was derived from 2 females. ^Most data were collected in 1 977. If clutch size is determined at the end of the incubation period, clutch size is biased by egg loss due to predation. Spring 1985 Egg Variation in Eleonora’s Falcon 13 Comparing the clutch size in different colonies of Eleonora’s Falcon, the highest values are reached in the western Mediterranean: 2.55 eggs/clutch in the Balearic Islands (Mayol 1977), 2.85 - 3.05 eggs/ clutch in Morocco (Conant and de Naurois 1958; Vaughan 1961; Walter 1968; Clark 1981) com- pared with 2.28 eggs/clutch in the Aegean region for our study period. Clutches of 4 eggs are more common in the Moroccan colonies (the mode being 3-egg clutches, Clark 1981) than in the eastern Mediterranean where 4-egg clutches are uncom- mon. It remains to be studied whether this gradient in clutch size from eastern to western Mediterra- nean regions is primarily due to a better food sup- ply, or due to other factors such as climate, aridity, or genetic differences (Ojanen et al. 1979). The clutch size within a colony seems to depend on the hunting success of the male, who supplies the female and the young with food during the breed- ing period. A larger falcon generally has a better hunting efficiency than a small one (Bezzel 1977; Newton 1979). Since food availability is a limiting factor for Eleonora’s Falcon, it is not surprising that the clutch size is positively correlated with the weight of the male (Wink et al. 1980a). The physical condition of the female does not influence clutch size, but seems to be important for egg size and, in consequence, for the weight of the hatching young. The heavier a hatchling, the better its chances of survival (LeCroy and LeCroy 1974; Coulson and Thomas 1978; Lundberg and Vaisanen 1979; Par- sons 1970). Consequently, the offspring of a larger female may have an advanage over the young of a smaller female. Acknowledgments We thank our friends in Germany and Greece for help and support, and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes for grants (to MW and CW). We are thankful to Dr. R. A. Vaisanen for critical comments on an earlier draft of this paper and to Dr. L. Kiff for refereeing and linguistic help. Literature Cited Bezzel, E. 1977. Ornithologie. Eugen Ulmers Verlag, Stuttgard. Cave, A.J. 1968. The breeding of the kestrel, Falco tin- nuculus, in the reclaimed area Oostelijk Flevoland. Metherl. J. Zool. 18:313-407. Clark, A.L. 1981. Ecology of the Eleonora’s Falcon in Morocco. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. Conant, M. and R. de Naurois. 1958. Observations sur les especes nicheuses des iles de Mogador. Alauda 26:196-198. Coulson, J.C. and C. Thomas. 1978. The significance of egg size in gulls. Ibis 120:407. Drent, R. 1975. Incubation. In Avian Biology, D.S. Farner andJ.R. Kingeds., Vol 5:333-420. HoRv£th, L. 1955. Red-footed Falcons in Ohat-Woods, near Hortobagy. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 1:245- 287. Klomp, H. 1970. The determination of clutch size in birds. A review . Ardea 58:1-124. Lack, D. 1966. Population studies of birds. Oxford, Clarendon Press. LeCroy, M. and S. LeCroy. 1974. Growth and fledging in the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo). Bird Banding 45:326-340. Lundberg, C.A. and R. A. Vaisanen. 1979. Selective cor- relation of egg size with chick mortality in the Black- headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). Condor 81:145-156. Mayol, J. 1977. Estudios sobre el Halcon de Eleonor, Falco eleonorae, en las islas Baleares. Ardeola 23:103- 136. Miller, E.H. 1979. Egg size in the Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutella, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ornis. Scand. 10:10-16. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. T. and A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted. Ojanen, M., M. Orell and R. A. Vaisanen. 1979. Role of heredity in egg size variation in the Great Tit Parus major and the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Ornis Scand. 10:22-28. Parsons, J. 1970. Relationship between egg size and post hatching chick mortality in the Herring Gull ( Larus argentatus). Nature 228:1221-1222. Pikula, J. 1971. Die VariabilitatderEierder Population T urdus philomelos Brehm 1831 in der CSSR. Zool. Listy 21:69-83. Pinko wski, B.C. 1975. Growth and development of Eastern Bluebirds. Bird Banding 46:273-289. Ristow, D., B. Conrad, C. Wink and M. Wink. 1980. Pesticide residues of failed eggs of Eleonora’s Falcon from an Aegean Colony. Ibis 122:74-76. Sadis, L. 1972. Statistische Answertupmethoden. 3rd Ed., Springer, Berlin-New York. Svensson, B.W. 1978. Clutch dimensions and aspects of the breeding strategy of the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in northern Europe: a study based on egg collections. Ornis Scand. 9:66-83. Vaisanen, R.A., O. Hilden, M. Soikkeli and S. Vuo lanto. 1972. Egg dimension variation in five wader species: the role of heredity. Ornis Fenn. 14: 1-25. Vaughan, R. 1961. Falco eleonorae. Ibis 103:114-128. Walter, H. 1968. Eie Abhangigkeit des Eleonorenfal- 14 Wink et al. Vol. 19, No. 1 ken ( Falco eleonorae) vom mediterranen Vogelzug. Dis- sertation, Bonn University. Wink, M., C. Wink and D. Ristow. 1980a. Biologie des Eleonorenfalken ( Falco eleonorae ) 8. Die Gelegegro/3e in Relation zum Nahrungsangebot, Jagderfolg und Gewicht der Altfalken./. Orn. 121:387-390. . 1980b. Biologie des Eleonorenfalken 9. Eitemperaturen und Korpertemperatur juveniler und adulter Falken Wahrend der Brutzeit. Vogelwarte 30:320-325. Institut fur Pharmzaeutische Biologie dr Technischen Univer- sitat Mendelssohnstr. 1, 3300 Braunschweig, Federal Re- public of Germany. Address of second author: Pappelstr. 35, 8014 Neubiberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Received 18 April 1983; Accepted 27 September 1984. THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION CONFERENCE — NOVEMBER 1985. The 1985 Raptor Research Foundation International Meeting and Symposium on the Management of Birds of Prey will be held at the capital Plaza Holiday Inn in Sacramento, California, November 2 - 10, 1985. Highlights of this 20th anniversary meeting of the Foundation will include 1) the Second RRF Conference on Raptor Conservation Techniques — Twelve Years of Progress, 1973-1985, 2) a Western Hemisphere Meeting of the World Working Group on Birdsof Prey (ICBP), 3) the Second International Vulture Symposium, 4) a Western North America Osprey Symposium, 5) a Workshop on North American Candidate Endangered Raptors, 6) an International Symposium on Raptor Reintroduction, and 7) a Symposium on Raptor Rehabilitation, Captive Breeding and Public Education. For more information contact Dr. Richard R. Olendorff, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825, or Nancy Venizelous, San Francisco Zoological Society, Stoat Boulevard at the Pacific Ocean, San Francisco, California 94132. NESTING BEHAVIOR OF PEREGRINE FALCONS IN WEST GREENLAND DURING THE NESTLING PERIOD Julie Hovis, Thom D. Snowman, Virginia L. Cox, Raymond Fay and Keith L. Bildstein Abstract - Time-lapse photography was used to study adult and nestling behavior at 2 Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus) eyries in West Greenland during July and August 1974. During the first 10 d after hatching, nestlings at both eyries were brooded > 80% of the time. Brooding activity declined gradually during d 11-15 and was not recorded at either eyrie following d 20. The length of each feeding bout at 1 eyrie (Rings ) diminished steadily throughout the nestling period. In contrast, the length of each feeding bout at the other eyrie (Lone Female) remained relatively constant. The rate of food delivery was consistently greater at Rings than at Lone Female. The Rings nestlings began to wander from the nest scrape on d 9-10, but spent most of their time on the scrape until d 24. The Lone Female nestlings also spent most of their time on the scrape during d 1-20, but they spent less time in bodily contact with one another than did the Rings nestlings. Although the Peregrine Falcon {Falco peregrinus ) has been the subject of numerous scientific investi- gations, few studies had been conducted in the Arctic prior to the 1970s. Following the reproduc- tive decline of the peregrine throughout much of North America during the 1950s and 1960s (Hic- key 1969), however, the need to evaluate the status of Arctic populations became apparent (Cade 1969). In response, an intensive study was initiated in West Greenland in 1972. The primary focus of this long-term investigation was to determine the dis- tribution, density and reproductive success of a nesting population of Peregrine Falcons (see Mat- tox et al. 1972; Walker et al. 1973; Burham et al. 1974; Mattox 1975; Mattox et al. 1980 and Burn- ham and Mattox 1984 for the results of this por- tion of the project). An additional effort was made to study the breeding behavior of the birds. Here, we present one aspect of that behavioral investiga- tion: the use of time-lapse photography to record the activities of adult and nestling Peregrine Fal- cons at 2 eyries. Materials and Methods The study was conducted on the west coast of Greenland at 2 cliffs located approximately 6 km WNW and 24 km WSW of Sondrestrom fjord Air Force Base. The region ranges in elevation from sea level to 590 m, has a low-arctic climate, and is charac- terized by expanses of tundra interspersed with shallow ponds and lakes. Two Peregrine Falcon eyries were studied intensively during July and August 1974 by T.D. Snowman and V.L. Cox, who established a base camp near the Rings eyrie. The Rings eyrie was two-thirds of the way up a 45-60 m cliff and overlooked 2 large and several smaller bodies of water to the SSE; there were 4 nestlings (2 S i and 2 $ $ ) at the eyrie. The Lone Female eyrie, 20 km to the WSW of Rings, was two-thirds of the way up a 24-30 m rock outcropping and overlooked a large lake to the S. On 23 July, 1 live (a and 3-4 m from the nest scrape at Lone Female. Filming at Rings began 1 7 J uly, about 5 d after the eggs hatched, and continued through 6 August. During the first \Fh d, the camera exposed 1 frame/min; during the last 3V2 d, the rate was increased to 1 frame/15 sec. From 13 July through 5 August, additional observations of adults and nestlings were made with an 8-25X spotting scope from a hidden location 1 40 m from the nest scrape. Filming at Lone Female began 23 July , about 6 d after the original clutch hatched, and ended 5 August. The camera exposed 1 frame/min throughout the period. The film at the Lone Female eyrie had to be changed every 60 h, requiring a 6-h, 20-km walk from Rings ; incidental observations were made during these visits. R. Fay, J.A. Hovis and K.L. Bildstein transcribed observations from the film using a film-editing machine and microfiche reader. Four adult behavioral patterns were recognized: 1) brooding, including close sitting or standing over the nestlings (Jenkins 1978); 2) feeding, including feeding bouts and food deliveries; 3) adult on eyrie but inattentive, including observations in which at least 1 adult was on or near the nest scrape but was not brooding or feeding the young; 4) adult not at eyrie, including observations in which neither adult was in view. We excluded from analysis adult behavioral patterns influenced by human activity when the film was changed. We also recorded the absolute (on or off scrape) and relative (in contact with at least 1 other sibling or alone) location of nestlings. Results and Discussion Adult Behavior. — Nestlings at the Ringst/) eyrie were closely brooded during the first 10 d after hatching (Table 1). As the young began to acquire their second down at 10-14 d of age (Bent 1938), there was a gradual decline in brooding activity, with most brooding occurring at night or during 15 Raptor Research 19(1): 15-19 16 HO VIS ET AL. Vol. 19, No. 1 Table 1. Percent of time adult Peregrine Falcons engaged in various activities at 2 eyries in Greenland. Data were derived from 277 h and 199 h of film time at Rings and Lone Female eyries, respectively. Activity Age of Nestlings3 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 Brooding 86/NDb’c 80/86 13/37 0/0 O/'ND Feeding 9/ND 10/4 8/5 6/3 1/ND On eyrie, inattentive 1/ND 2/5 3/36 1/68 < 1/ND Not on eyrie 4/ND 8/5 75/22 93/28 98/ND aDays since hatching. ° Rings*/) Eyrie/Lone Female Eyrie. CND no data. periods of extreme temp or rain. No daytime brooding was recorded following d 15 of the nest- ling period; brooding at night was last observed when the young were 19-20 d old and was as- sociated with cold, rainy and windy weather. Most brooding activity at the Lone Female eyrie also occurred when the nestlings were < lOd old (Table 1). Thereafter, the young were left alone for increasing amounts of time; no brooding was re- corded following d 14 of the nestling period. A similar pattern in brooding activity was ob- served by Enderson et al. (1972) at 5 peregrine eyries along the Yukon River, Alaska. Nestlings were brooded > 90% of the time during the first 6 d after hatching, approximately 88% of the time by d 10, and < 10% of the time by d 20. The occurr- ence of increased brooding activity during periods of inclement weather has been reported for the peregrine (Nelson 1970; Enderson et al. 1972), the Gyrfalcon ( F . rusticolus ) (Jenkins 1978) and the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) (Newton 1978). Although adult birds could not be sexed accu- rately from the film, observations made with a spotting scope suggested that all brooding at Rings 4> was done by the female. Other studies also have found that males play a negligible role in brooding (Nelson 1970; Enderson etal. 1972; Har- ris and Clement 1975), a behavioral pattern that in part may be due to the difference in size between the sexes. Males apparently are too small to cover the nestlings properly and are probably less effi- cient brooders than are females (Nelson 1970), which are about one-third heavier. The amount of time the Rings adults spent feeding their young remained relatively constant throughout the first 20 d of the nestling period (Table 1). However, average length of each feeding bout diminished steadily during the period (Table 2). As the nestlings began to tear and shred food on their own, they probably required decreasing amounts of time to consume small prey items such as the Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) and the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), which comprise the major portion of their diet (Harris and Clement 1975; Burnham and Mattox 1984). Also, as the nestlings grew increasingly aggressive with age, it became difficult for the adults to feed them at the eyrie. By the fourth wk of the nestling period, the adults were dropping prey at the eyrie and allowing the young to feed themselves. The tendency to avoid the young during the later stages of the nestling period has been observed for both peregrines (Sherrod 1983) and Gyrfalcons (Jenkins 1978). The rate of food delivery at the Rings cf) eyrie was greatest when the nestlings were 6-20 d old (Table 2). At earlier ages, young took more time to con- sume lesser amounts of food (Enderson et al. 1972), were satiated more quickly (Newton 1979) and re- quired fewer prey items. The limitations of time- lapse photography probably account for the low rate of food delivery recorded during the fourth wk of the nestling period. As the average length of each feeding bout decreased (Table 2), many food de- liveries were too brief to be recorded on Film (Jen- kins 1978). Spring 1985 Peregrine Falcon in West Greenland 17 Table 2. Rate of food delivery and length of feeding bouts at 2 Peregrine Falcon eyries in Greenland. Age of Nestlings3 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 Rate of food delivery (prey/hr) Rings (f) Lone Female 0.8±0.1(2)b NDC 1.3±0.2(5) 0.9±0.1(3) 1.2±0.2(5) 0.8±0.3(5) 1.4±0.3(5) 0.6±0.1(5) 0.7 ±0.6(4) ND Length of feeding bouts (min) Rings<£ Lone Female 6.7±5.0(21) ND 4.9±2.6(85) 2.8±2.3(40) 3.7±2.0(95) 3.5±2.7(61) 2.5± 1.8(97) 3.0±2.2(47) 1.4±0.9(22) ND aDays since hatching. °Mean ± S.D.(N). N = number of days or number of feeding bouts. CND = no data. Feeding activity at the Lone Female eyrie re- mained relatively constant during d 6-20 of the nestling period (Tables 1 and 2). Both the percent of time the Lone Female adults spent feeding young (Table 1) and the rate at which they deli- vered food to the eyrie, however, were lower (Table 2) than at Rings. These findings most likely were related to differences in the number and sex of the nestlings at each eyrie. The 2 male and 2 female nestlings at Rings undoubtedly required more food than the 2 males at Lone Female. That the average length of each feeding bout at Lone Female did not diminish as the nestlings matured (Table 2) is more difficult to interpret. Possible explanations include: 1) a greater parental diligence on the part of the Lone Female adults; 2) differences in the development and behavior of the nestlings at the 2 eyries; or 3) the failure of the cameras to record accurately the occurrence and duration of each feeding bout at the 2 eyries. Nestlings at Rings were fed almost entirely by the adult female. The male was the primary hunter and provider of food, but was observed feeding the young only once, when they were 1 2- 1 3 d old. Har- ris and Clement (1975) observed a similar division of parental duties for peregrines, whereas Herbert and Herbert (1965) and Nelson (1970) found that the male undertook a greater portion of the feeding responsibilities as the nestlings matured. The aversion that adult falcons have towards being on the nest scrape together (Enderson et al. 1972; Harris and Clement 1975; Jenkins 1978) was further evidenced at the 2 eyries. The Lone Female adults were never filmed together. All of the 7 instances were the adults at Rings$ were filmed together occurred within the first 2 wks of the nestling period, all were associated with a food ex- change or feeding bout and all lasted less than 1 min. Harris and Clement (1975) suggested that females may dominate males during the nestling period, tolerating their presence only in conjunc- tion with the delivery of food. Neither of the females observed in this study appeared to be over- tly aggressive towards their mate and the rea- son for each pair’s general avoidance of one another remains unclear. The Rings adults were rarely inattentive while on the eyrie (Table 1). Until the young were 10-15 d old, periods of inattentiveness occurred primarily between periods of brooding and feeding. This be- havioral sequence also has been recorded for nest- ing Gyrfalcons (Jenkins 1978). With the cessation of brooding, the amount of time the Rings adults were on the eyrie and inattentive declined to < 1%, and they spent 90% of the time away from the eyrie. In contrast, the Lone Female adults spent an in- creasing amount of time inattentive on the eyrie as the nestlings matured (Table 1). This probably re- 18 HOVIS ET AL. Vol. 19, No. 1 fleets the fact that one of the Lone Female adults frequently perched away from the nest scrape but within the field-of-view of the camera. Nestling Behavior. — Peregrine Falcons are semi-altricial (Nice 1962). At hatching, young are sparsely covered with down, and their eyes, although usually open, are weak and relatively non-functional (Brown and Amadon 1968). The young are dependent on their parents for food throughout the nestling period and for at least 6 wks after their First flight (Nelson 1970; Sherrod 1983). Time of first flight varies, but usually occurs when the nestlings are appproximately 30 (Herbert and Herbert 1965) to 43 d old (Nelson 1970). The young at the Ringst/) eyrie were relatively helpless and immobile during their first wk. They were not observed leaving the nest scrape until they were 9-10 d old (Table 3), at which time they could sit up and propel themselves short distances by hopping about on their wings. By the end of the second wk, the nestlings were actively shifting about as a group. They had begun to preen themselves and were able to grab food from the adult as often as it was offered to them. By d 15, the nestlings were tearing and shredding prey items and fighting aggressively over their food. They continued to spend most of the time in bodily contact with one another and on the nest scrape (Table 3). Vocalizations, identified as soft “kaks,” were first heard at this time. During the fourth wk, the nestlings became increasingly mobile as they began to stand and stay off their wings. Thereafter, the amount of time they spent on the nest scrape and in contact with one another decreased rapidly (Table 3). When last observed, mid-way through wk 4, the nestlings appeared healthy and likely to reach fledging age. They were extremely active and aggressive, were able to feed themselves and remained outside of the field-of-view of the camera for long periods of time. Transferring the additional nestling to the Lone Female eyrie did not appear to affect the development or behavior of either young. The nestlings, like those at Rings , spent the majority of the time on the nest scrape during d 11-20 (Table 3). The amount of time the Lone Female young spent in bodily contact with one another during this period, however, was lower than at Rings . The presence of only 2 nestlings at Lone Female may explain this difference; at any point in time each of the 4 Rings (f) nestlings had a greater probability of being in contact with at least 1 of its siblings than did either of the Lone Female nestlings. In conclusion, time-lapse photography proved an effective means of monitoring the activities of adult and nestling Peregrine Falcons in West Greenland. First, the technique generated relatively large amounts of data with minimal disturbance of the birds (Enderson et al. 1972). Second, the information derived from the films Table 3. Percent of time nestling Peregrine Falcons were on the nest scrape or were in bodily contact at 2 eyries in Greenland. Age of Nestlings a 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 On nest scrape Rings (f> 100 95 94 90 36 Lone Female NDb ND 73 78 ND In bodily contact 90 80 91 85 28 Rings$ Lone Female ND ND 46 54 ND a b Days since hatching. ND = no data. Spring 1985 Peregrine Falcon in West Greenland 19 represents an important contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the Peregrine Falcon in the Arctic. Acknowledgments We thank William G. Mattox and the rest of the 1 974 Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey Team for their help in the field and during the preparation of this manuscript; and Jim Weaver for assembling our cameras in watertight boxes. The Mellon Fund of Dartmouth College supported our research and the U.S. Air Force provided essential logistical support in Greenland. We thank them both. The Biomedical Laboratory of Edgewood Arsenal (U.S. Army) — currently the Chemical Research and Development Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, supplied essential funds for travel and field maintenance for the 1974 Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey. Literature Cited Bent, A. C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey, Part 2. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 167. 482 p. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world, Vol. 1, McGraw Hill, New York. 414 . Burnham, W.A., M.A. Jenkins, F.P. Ward, W.G. Mat- tox, D.M. Clement and J.T. Harris. 1974. Falcon research in Greenland, 1973. Arctic 27:71-74. Burnham, W.A., and W.G. Mattox. 1984. Biology of the Peregrine and Gyrfalcon in Greenland. Meddelelser om Gr(fmland, Bioscience 14:1-25. Cade, T.J. 1969. The northern peregrine poulations. Pages 502-505 In J.J. Hickey, ed. Peregrine Falcon populations: their biology and decline. Univ. Wis. Press, Madison. 596 pp. Enderson, J.H., S.A. Temple and L.G. Swartz. 1972. Time-lapse photograhic records of nesting Peregrine Falcons. Living Bird 11:1 13-128. Harris, J.T. and D.M. Clement. 1975. Greenland peregrines at their eyries: a behavioral study of the Peregrine Falcon. Meddelelser om Gmpnland 205:1-28. Herbert, R.A. and K.G.S. Herbert. 1965. Behavior of Peregrine Falcons in the New York City region. Auk 82:62-94. Hickey, J.J., ed. 1969. Peregrine Falcon popula- tions: their biology and decline. Univ. Wis. Press, Madison. 596 pp. Jenkins, M.A. 1978. Gyrfalcon nesting behavior from hatching to fledging. Auk 95:122-127. Mattox, W.G. 1975. Bird of prey research in West Greenland, 1974. Polar Record 17:387-388. _ , R.A. Graham, W.A. Burnham, D.M. Clement and J.T. Harris. 1972. Peregrine Falcon survey, West Greenland, 1972. Arctic 25:308-311. , W.R. Heinrich, J. Oar, S.J. Belardo, K.E. Riddle and T.M. Smylie. 1980. West Green- land Peregrine Falcon survey, 1978. Arctic 33:199-202. Nelson, R.W. 1970. Some aspects of the breeding be- havior of Peregrine Falcons on Langara Island, B.C. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. 306 pp. Newton I. 1978. Feeding and development of Spar- rowhawk Accipiter nisus nestlings. J. Zool., London. 184:465-487. . 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books, Vermillion, S.D. 399 pp. Nice, M.M. 1962. Development of behavior in precocial birds. Trans. Linn. Soc. N.Y., no. 8., 211 pp. Sherrod, S.K. 1983. Behavior of fledgling peregrines. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Ithaca, N.Y. 202 pp. Walker, W., II, W.G. Mattox and R.W. Rise brough. 1973. Pollutant and shell thickness deter- minations of peregrine eggs from West Greenland. Arctic 26:256-258. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&I Univer- sity, Kingsville, TX 78363. Address of second author: 4 Stagecoach Road, Amherst, MA 01002. Address of third author: P.O. Box 132, McGrath, AK 99627. Address of fourth and fifth authors: Department of Biology, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, SC 29733. Send reprint requests to Keith L. Bildstein. Received 6 September 1984; Accepted 4 January 1985 THE HUNTING RANGES OF TWO FEMALE PEREGRINES TOWARDS THE END OF A BREEDING SEASON Richard Mearns Abstract - Radio transmitters were fitted to two female Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) at adjacent territories in South Scotland, and each was tracked during the late nestling and early post-fledging period. Whilst the young were on the nest ledge, and for a week after leaving,, both females remained close to the eyrie. Occasionally they left to hunt, probably within 5 km. Later the females began to range more widely. Eighteen days after the young had left the nest, one female regularly traveled 8-14 km, sometimes more, and once 1 8 km from the eyrie. The second female was not studied at this later stage. The territories of the two females did not apparently overlap. One female, next to a Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos) territory, tended to avoid that area. Although birds hunted often over coniferous forest this was mainly for domestic pigeons and few ‘woodland’ species were recorded. One pair took a larger proportion of waders than the other and this was consistent with the observed ranges of the females, which included areas of low marshy ground for one, but not for the other. During the breeding season, the male Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is responsible for almost all the hunting for himself, the female and young nestlings. As the food demands of young increase, the female may have to take a more active hunting role. This may be especially so if the brood is large (Weir 1978). For a pair of radio-tracked peregrines in Califor- nia, the female made proportionately fewer hunt- ing flights than the male, but when she did leave the vicinity of the eyrie, she appeared to go as far as the male and was tracked up to 8 km away (Enderson and Kirven 1983). Other peregrines, of undeter- mined sex, have been recorded hunting (not by radio telemetry) at 20 km and 27 km from their eyries (Porter and White 1973; Kumari 1974). This study was an attempt to assess the foraging areas of two female peregrines with young. Study Area and Methods The 2 eyries, A and B, were 4.5 km apart, about 300 m a.s.l., and had alternative cliffs 2.5 km and 3.0 km to the north, which had rarely been used. Eyrie A was easily observed from a road below; Eyrie B was 1 km from a road but was less easily observed because of trees close to the eyrie and beside the road. Both eyries were in areas planted with exotic conifers, mainly Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and larch ( Larix sp.), but also various other tree species. Most of this new forest was 20-25 y old, but some small areas had trees over 50 y old (Fig. 1). Most of the remaining ground in the study area was open, mainly heather (Calluna) moorland or rough pasture, though some parts had recently been ploughed and planted with trees. To the east was a mixture of pasture, rough grazing and arable land, with scattered small clumps of coniferous or deciduous woodland. The valley bottoms had numerous small lochs and marshy areas. Both eyries were on the edge of an upland area where several other peregrine pairs bred. Eyrie A had other pairs 9 km south- west and 9 km west, while eyrie B had other pairs 1 0 km south-west and 7 km west-northwest. There were none to the east or southeast within 30 km. A Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos) reared 1 young about 1 1 km southwest of eyrie A and an unsuccessful eagle pair nested 6 km southeast. The 2 eyries were chosen because of their previous good breeding success and the good network of roads nearby. The females were trapped at the nest during incubation and 10 g radio-transmitters were fitted to their central tail feathers. On non-breeding Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), transmitters of com- parable weight and fitted in the same fashion did not interfere with prey capture, nutritional condition or tendency to leave an area (Kenward 1978). The transmitter signals could be detected from more than 10 km away when birds were soaring, but from much shorter distances when birds were perched. Reception was severely restricted by intervening hills. Female A was monitored for a total of 1 78 h over 24 d, between 1 June and 25 July (Fig. 2). Female B was monitored for a total of 86 hover 16 d between 2 June and 30 June. Each was monitored until transmissions ceased to be heard, probably because of battery failure or because the central tail feathers were moulted. Both broods left the nest between 23 June and 27 June; 4 young (2 2 km Lost From Eyrie 22 Richard Mearns Vol. 19, No. 1 1 (2 h o s £ H 2 a o ? ^ 2 R < * 6 2^ £ h < A * i 0 5 ss 2 i ° H W o s h H X o h H S Z X 0 s w X U CM X w O z 5 s w X u CM X W Q . W ta > O a£ ^ £ ffl o u* w b ~ u h h < o co ^ o o o o D b c x x x a 1 J ■ 03 I> i CM CO QO C*H LzJ h CO CO CM C/3 CO 0 tF 1X5 m CM CO bo cm .s x * *> 2 &*£ be >. .£ 7 bo ■715 1 be co *7 Cti c •* § 8 x ►— 3 (U ' • X t- -1 CO qj CM O qj bo qj X b X Oh ■ M XX x -5 o o g> io .5 ^ o be '— 1 x3 2 Km FROM EYRIE LOST AT EYRIE JUNE T] § 14 -15 is] 20 21 27 28 m JULY 2 h- 3 < Q 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 HOUR OF DAY Figure 2. Peregrine Falcon nesting activity in the British Isles study area during continuous monitoring periods (Bird A only). to the young by the two females. There was little or no activity after 2000 H when continuous monitoring ceased; both females roosted on their cliffs close to their eyries. Sight Observations - Despite radio-location, ac- tual sightings of birds away from their eyries were few. On 6 occasions when female A was seen clearly, she was apparently alone, but once she was seen together with a male (probably her mate) 3 km from the eyrie. Bird B was seen 3 times alone and twice with a male at 3 km and 4.5 km away from the eyrie. There was no indication of cooperative hunting in these instances. At other times, I witnessed 5 attempts to catch prey, 4 of them above forest; twice this involved Domestic Pigeon ( Columba livid) flocks, once a flock of unidentified birds and twice probably a small passerine. Each attempt was unsuccessful and was between 0.5 km and 4 km from the eyrie. Adults were often pursued by their young beg- 24 Richard Mearns Vol. 19, No. 1 Table 2. Length of time (min) spent > 2 km from eyries.* BIRD A BIRD B Time away Time away No Av Min Max No Av Min Max Nestling period 3 5 2 10 2 38 15 60 Young out of nest - 1 week 4 43 5 93 2 53 15 90 - 2-3 week 9 90 10 300 - - - - - 4 week 9 77 20 150 - - - - ♦Excludes trips when birds were lost, if birds returned to eyries while I was away searching. ging for food even if not carrying prey; no young peregrines were seen more than 2 km from either eyrie. Interactions with Other Birds - On 1 occasion female A was seen in aerial dispute with one of the neighboring Golden Eagles, together with a Merlin ( Falco columbarius). The dispute continued for 6 min, after which the peregrine flew off towards her eyrie 3 km away. The Merlin pursued the eagle for 2 min longer, until the eagle moved south. The general vicinity of the eagle eyrie to the southeast seemed to be avoided, and once when returning to her eyrie from 15 km away the pereg- rine took a course that avoided flying directly over the eagle nest, even though this would have been the shortest route. Bird A (and her mate) also briefly mobbed a Common Buzzard (. Buteo buteo) when it was 3.5 km from the eyrie, and chased away a Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) from the front of the breeding cliff, though with no serious attempt to strike it. Diet - The prey recorded at both eyries were predominantly Domestic Pigeons and few ‘wood- land’ species were taken in 1978 or in other years; Table 3. Proportion of main prey groups in the large nestling and early post fledgling periods. TERRITORY A TERRITORY B 1978 1977-79 1978 1977-80 (38 items) (66 items) (17 items) (76 items) Game bird 3 1 0 3 Wader 31 26 12 13 Pigeon 47 53 53 49 Passerine* 16 17 35 34 Gulls, terns, ducks 3 3 0 1 ‘Woodland’ species 5 4 12 8 ♦Including Cuckoo and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Spring 1985 Peregrine Falcon in Scotland 25 most passerines were Meadow Pipit (. Anthus praten- sis) or Starling ( Sturnus vulgaris). More waders were recorded for eyrie A than B (Table 3). Discussion The activity of the adult peregrines clearly varied from day to day depending upon hunting condi- tions. It might also vary according to brood size, age and sex of young, success of prey capture and aver- age weight of prey generally available. Even with 3 or 4 young, the adults did not appear hard-pressed to obtain food and much time was spent in leisurely soaring or perching. In southwest England, Tre- leaven (1977) also noted long periods of inactivity by both sexes, in all the later stages of breeding; birds would often remain perched for hours, and twice birds were on the same perches for over 6 h at a time. During the nestling period both females re- mained within the general vicinity of their eyries almost all the time. This was consistent with obser- vations by Parker (1979) at one Welsh coastal eyrie where the female spent 89% of the time observed at the nesting cliff. Occasionally she hunted pigeons out over the sea when she sometimes “could hardly be seen with binoculars”. It is also consistent with the general observation that the female is almost invariably present when peregrine eyries are visited at this stage. Adult peregrines elsewhere have been observed seeking out perches either not obvious to their young or away from the nesting cliff, in response to increased and persistent aggression by their young in demanding food (Sherrod 1983). This may partly explain the extension of range for female A which took place when young had been out of the eyrie for a week and the long periods she spent perched on nearby hills. Ranges for all raptors are likely to be larger in the late nestling and post-fledgling periods than at other times in the breeding cycle, as food demands increase and the need to defend young decreases (see e.g. Marquiss and Newton 1982, for Spar- rowhawks ( Accipiter nisus )). In the breeding season the distances travelled must ultimately be limited by the need to return with heavy prey, itself a tiring feat. The maximum recorded distance from the eyrie of 1 8 km is intermediate between some other observations on peregrines. Outside the breeding Season, when there is no need to return with prey, the range could be larger still. The 2 ranges did not apparently overlap, but they may have done so outside the breeding season. One adult female known to have been from the eyrie 7 km WNW of eyrie B was found dead, within the breeding season range recorded for bird B in 1978. This was in December 1980, when the bird flew into a stone wall. Other untagged peregrines breeding nearby could have hunted in the same areas or flown over them in order to get to low ground, though no intruding peregrines were seen during the telemetry work. Golden Eagles are dominant over peregrines in choice of eyrie (Ratcliffe 1980) and probably over at least part of a hunting range. Flying around a Gold- en Eagle territory, rather than directly over it, would involve less expenditure of energy and time if it avoided a dispute with an eagle, especially when carrying prey. Meinertzhagen (1959) once saw a peregrine robbed of a grouse kill by a Golden Eagle. Throughout, both females apparently hunted over all types of habitat within their recorded ranges, including both young and mature conifer plantations. Catching prey, such as Domestic Pi- geons, above forest is unlikely to be a problem (Mearns 1983), but the trees offer immediate re- fuge for prey being chased and could reduce the success rate. Some of the waders recorded as food could have been taken as they flew past on migration and some may have come from upland breeding areas, but most were probably from low ground. Even though there was less information on the range of female B, she (and her mate) did not apparently hunt over the lower ground as much as the birds at eyrie A, as fewer waders were recorded as prey. Acknowledgments I thank the Forestry Commission for permission to work on their ground and various members of their staff for help that they gave, in particular the late Alec Marshall. I also thank A. Allison and Dr. M. Marquiss for help with identification of prey; and Dr. M. Marquiss and Dr. I. Newton for constructive comments on the original drafts of this paper. Literature Cited Enderson, J.H. and M.N. Kirven. 1983. Flights of nesting Peregrine Falcons recorded by telemetry. Raptor Res. l7(2):33-37. 26 Richard Mearns Vol. 19, No. 1 Kenward, R.E. 1978. Radio transmitters tail-mounted on hawks. Ornis Scand. 9:220-223. Kumari, E. 1974. Past and present of the Peregrine Fal- con in Estonia. In Estonian wetlands and their life. Valgus, Tallinn, pp 230-253. Marquiss, M. and I. Newton. 1982. A radio tracking study of the ranging behaviour and dispersion of European Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. ]. Anim. Ecol. 51:111-33. Mearns, R. 1983. The diet of the Peregrine in south Scotland during the breeding season. Bird Study 30:81-90. Meinertzhagen, R. 1959. Pirates and Predators: The piratical and predatory habits of birds. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh and London. Parker, A. 1979. Peregrines at a Welsh coastal eyrie. Brit. Birds 72:104-114. Porter, R.D. and C.M. White. 1973. The Peregrine Falcon in Utah, emphasizing ecology and competition with Prairie Falcon. Brigham Young University Sci- ence Bulletin 18:1-74. Ratcliffe, D.A. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon. Berk- hamsted. pp 416. Sherrod, S.K. 1983. Behavior of Fledgling Pereg- rines. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Colorado, pp 202. T releaven, R.B. 1977. Peregrine. The private life of the Peregrine Falcon. Headline Publications, Penzance. Weir, D.N. 1978. Wild Peregrines and Grouse. The Fal- coner 7:98-102. Connansknowe, Kirkton, Dumfries, SCOTLAND. Received 28 January 1983; Accepted 15 April 1984 HOW EFFECTIVE ARE HUNTING PEREGRINES? Rune Roalkvam Abstract - Data on Peregrine Falcon {Falco peregrinus) hunting success are reviewed. Breeding adults have a mean success rate of 34.9%, significantly higher than adults in the non-breeding season which have a rate of 12.7%. Juveniles have a success rate of 7.3%, significantly lower than non-breeding adults. Factors affecting hunting success rates are discussed. Since Rudebeck (1950-51) published his results on the hunting efficiency of some migrating rap- tors, the hunting abilities of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) have been widely discussed. I have analyzed available data on this subject in order to trace any differences in hunting success between different categories of peregrines. Results Data on peregrine hunting efficiency are pre- sented in Table 1. In addition, Monneret (1973) found a success rate of a. 10% (37 out of a. 400 attacks) for peregrines in a French mountain area. Table 1. Studies on Peregrine Falcon hunting success The variation in hunting performance is enor- mous (7 - 83% success rate). Juveniles are significantly less successful than adults outside the breeding sea- son, with success rates of 7.3 and 12.7%, respec- tively (X2 = 7.2 , P < 0.01, sources 1,7,12 and 3,5,7,15 (Table 1)). A few of Rudebeck’ s (1950-51) birds may be adults, so the difference is probably slightly greater. Breeding adults are more successful (34.9%) than adults outside the breeding season (12.7%) (X2 = 149.1, P < 0.001, sources 2,3,4,6,9,10,11,13,14 and 3,5,7,15 (Table 1)). Data on sexual differences in hunting efficiency Author Hunting Success % N Comments 1. Rudebeck 1950-51 7.3 260 Migration 2. Hantge 1968 17.0 69 Breeding $ " 11.0 121 Breeding x 1 1-inch (2 1 Vi x 28cm), good quality, bond paper, with at least 1 inch (2lA cm) margins. Do not use erasable, mimeo, or light-weight bond paper. Copies may be Xerox or carbon reproductions of good, clear quality. Number pages through the Literature Cited section of the manuscript. Type the author’s name in the upper right-hand corner of every page. Submit each table on a separate unnumbered page; combine legends for illustrations on one unnumbered page whenever pos- sible. Material submitted in tables or illustrations should not be repeated in the text of the manuscript. Write mathematical for- mulas on one line whenever possible. 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The Treasurer will then bill the appropriate agency for the reprints with the understanding that payment will be made within 30 days. All funds should be made payable to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., and forwarded directly to the Treasurer: Dr. Gary E. Duke, Department of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A. All personal contributions to- wards publication costs, as well as other personal costs of prepar- ing papers for publication, are tax-deductible. Copies of these instructions are available upon request from the Editor, to whom correspondence regarding contributions to Raptor Research should be forwarded. RAPTOR RESEARCH A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. EDITOR: Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young Univer- sity, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jeffrey L. Lincer - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Richard Clark - Order Strigiformes Ed Henckel - Family Cathartidae Gary E. Duke - Anatomy and Physiology Patrick T. Redig - Pathology, Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Jim Mosher - General Ecology and Habitat Analysis INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. 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If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982)). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980)). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise and typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 8*/2 x 1 1-inch (2 1 V2 x 28cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to V2. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. Typewritten or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Raptor Research, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. TREASURER’S OFFICE 3292 Richmond Avenue Shoreview, MN 55112 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH Return Postage Guaranteed Raptor A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Number 2/3, Summer/Fall 1985 (ISSN 0099-9059) Contents North American Merlin Breeding Survey. Lynn w. Oliphant .'7\\ . . . .37 Food Habits and Breeding Biology of Merlins in Denali National Park, Alaska. Karen Laing 42 Breeding Chronology and Reproductive Success of Richardson’s Merlins in Southeastern Montana. Dale M. Becker and Carolyn Hull Sieg 52 Productivity, Population Density and Rate of Increase of an Expanding Merlin Population. Lynn W. Oliphant and Elizabeth Haug 56 Breeding Behavior of the Merlin: The Courtship Period. John W. Feldsine and Lynn W. Oliphant 60 Captive Breeding of the European Merlin (Falco columbarius aesalon ). William Ruttledge 68 Growth Rates and Food Consumption of Hand-raised Merlins. Lynn W. Oliphant and Stacey V. Tessaro 79 Migration of the Merlin Along the Coast of New Jersey. William S. Clark 85 Merlins and the Behavior of Wintering Shorebirds. Douglas A. Boyce, Jr 95 swithsoK^. AUG 17 1987 ptfftARIES Research (Continued Inside Front Cover) The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Provo, Utah Notes on Wintering Merlins in Western Montana. Christopher Servheen 97 Observations of Winter Food Caching by the Richardson’s Merlin. Ian G. Warkentin and Lynn W. Oliphant 100 i Early Nesting Records for Merlins in Montana and North Dakota. Dale M. Becker 102 Merlin Feeding on Road-kills. Elizabeth Haug 103 Meadow Vole Predation by a Merlin Wintering in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Ian G. Warkentin .104 News and Reviews .106 Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Dues are $1 5 per year in the U.S., $17 per year outside the U.S., $13 per year for U.S. students, and $15 per year for students outside the U.S.. Add $2 to dues if membership is received after 15 February. The Foundation’s journal Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Subscription price to institutions and nonmembers is the same as regular member- ship. Single copies and back issues are available from the Treasurer. A Contributing Membership is $25, a Sustaining Membership is $100, and a Life Membership is $500. All contributions to The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., are tax-deductible. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to the Treasurer. Other communications may be routed through the appropriate Officer or Board member. All inquiries concerning the journal should be addressed to Clayton M. White, Editor, Raptor Research, Department of Zoology, 161 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S. A. Published quarterly by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Business Office: Gary E. Duke, Treasurer, Depart- ment of Veterinary Biology, 295K Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S. A. Printed by Press Publishing Limited, Provo, Utah 84602. Second-class postage paid at Provo, Utah. Printed in U.S. A. The Merlin “This is one of the most dashing of all birds of prey, pursuing its QUARRY WITH A SINGLE-MINDED TENACITY AND FEROCITY THAT CANNOT BE BETTERED BY MANY A LARGER AND MORE SPECTACULAR RAPTOR.” L.H. Brown, 1976. This Issue of Raptor Research is devoted to the Merlin ( Falco columbarius) — Ed. Adult male Richardson’s Merlin with House Sparrow — Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Photo by L. W. Oliphant RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATON OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. Vol. 19 Summer/Fall 1985 No. 2/3 NORTH AMERICAN MERLIN BREEDING SURVEY Lynn W. Oliphant Abstract - A total of 864+ North American nestings of the Merlin ( Falco columbarius) are summarized by state and province. Of these nestings, 812+ occurred since 1950. Productivity figures are presented for 526 successful nests. The number of nestings of the prairie race of Merlin ( F.c . richardsonii) far outnumbered the other two subspecies and also exhibited the highest reproductive rate. The Merlin (Falco columbarius) has been poorly studied in comparison to the other 4 species of falcons common to Canada and the United States. Trimble’s (1975) review of the status of the Merlin concluded that “All North American Merlins have recently decreased in reproductive success”. He also concluded that the great plains population (F.c. richardsonii ) was “in the greatest trouble”. Because the studies that led to these conclusions were based upon very limited sample sizes and more recent data on Merlins nesting in Saskatchewan indicated a rather healthy breeding population (Oliphant and Thompson 1978), I felt that an attempt to gather more information on the breeding status of this poorly studied falcon was in order. Methods A “Merlin Working Group” was formed at the 1976 Raptor Research Meeting in Ithaca, New York, and a decision to sum- marize the breeding status of the Merlin was made at the 1977 meeting in Tempe, Arizona. Letters were mailed to over 60 per- sons known to have an interest in Merlins, soliciting information on the historic (pre-1950) and present (post-1950) breeding status of the Merlin. Summaries were made for each state or province with person(s) compiling the information indicated. The followng criteria were used to edit submissions: 1 . Minimum accepted evidence for a “nesting” was a defending pair seen during the breeding season. 2. Nestings at the same site in different years were counted as separate nestings (i.e. counted as a nesting for each year). 3. Only banding age nestlings or accurate counts of newly fledged young (branchers) were accepted for calculation of young/successful pair. 4. Published accounts of individual nestings (usually in local natural history journals) were included in the totals but not generally cited individually. Results and Discussion Table 1 summarizes the results of the informa- tion submitted. Almost 75% of all recorded nestings since 1950 were Merlins (F.c. richardsonii) nesting on the northern great plains. Of these, approximately 85% were from the Canadian prairies. Reproduc- tive success of this population was generally good (3-4 yg/successful nest) with the exception of the 7 nests reported for North Dakota that averaged only 2.0 yg/successful nest. Although no attempt was made to extract information from museum collec- tions, a cursory examination of several large in- stitutions confirmed that the majority of Merlin eggs collected during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s were also from the Canadian prairies. To what extent these data reflect the true distribution and breeding density of the Merlin or merely the relative ease of access to breeding areas by humans is difficult to assess. In any case, concern regarding the recent reproductive success of F.c. richardsonii (Fox 1971; Trimble 1975) can perhaps be allayed somewhat on the basis of the data presented here. Loss of suitable habitat is perhaps the most critical factor that is presently affecting Merlins on the prairies. In comparison to the data on F.c. richardsonii, breeding information on the Merlins inhabiting the boreal forest (F.c. columbarius) is rather meager (Craighead and Craighead 1940; Lawrence 1946; Temple 1972). Recent reproductive success of this population is lower than that of richardsonii (2-3 yg /successful nests in most areas). Although there has been a decline in fall Merlin sightings at the 37 Raptor Research 19(2/3): 37-41 38 L.W. Oliphant Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 1. Summary of Merlin nesting attempts and productivity. Young/ Area and Compiler # Nestings Successful Pair Details 1. Newfoundland 5 (pre-1950) 4/1 = 4.0 Includes 2 ground nests (David Bird) 6 (1963-79) 4/1 = 4.0 20 (1969) 5/19 = 3.0 Temple, 1972. (David Bird visited 6 of these sites in 1977 - none were occupied.) 2. Maritimes and 7 (1955-79) 7/3 - 2.3 No breeding records for New adjacent islands (David Bird) Brunswick 3. Quebec 10 (1974-79) At least 5 of these nests hatched (David Bird) 1 (1965) yg. and one fledged at least 4 yg. Fyfe (pers. comm.) 4. Ontario 20(pre-1950) Eggs or young noted at 16 of these (Gerry McKeating) sites. 5. N.W.T. 11 (1950-78) 16/6 = 2.7 (Richard Fyfe) 17 (1972-74) 26/6 = 4.3 6. Yukon No nesting records (Dave Mossop) pre-1950 13 (1973-79) 4/2 = 2.0 8 possible additional nestings where only single adult observed; Nest sites new each year (not rechecks of old sites). 7. Manitoba 2 (pre-1950) (Bob Nero) 5 (1954-77) 4/1 = 4.0 Eggs at 3 of 4 sites where- production not recorded; Casual observations of another estimated 5-6 pair in Northern Man. (1977-79). (Dave Mossop) 3 (1956-61) 3 fledged yg. at one site. 8. Saskatchewan 27 (1958-65) 38/11’ = 3.5 6 of the 27 known successful with (Lynn Oliphant) 96 (1970-77) 187/47 = 4.0 unknown production and 1 known unsuccessful. Oliphant and Thompson, 1978. 70+(1978-82) 214/51 = 4.2 Urban Nestings (Richard Fyfe) 14 (1967-76) 31/8 = 3.9 Includes one nest in woodpecker hole. 9. Alberta 300 + (1968-79) 911/281 = 3.3 A single egg was taken from (Alan Smith) many of these nests for pesticide analysis. Productivity is re- ported without correction for this bias. 10. British Columbia 4 (pre-1950) ~ F.c. suckleyi (Keith Hodson) 2 females collected, one with eggs; other 2 nests with un- recorded number of young. 11 (1969-1977) 7/2 = 3.5 F.c. suckleyi At least 5 nests where production was not recorded were successful (fledged young seen) (Table 1 continued) Summer/Fall 1985 Merlin Breeding Survey 39 (Continuation of Table 1) Young/ Area and Compiler # Nestings Successful Pair Details 11. Alaska 2 (1960’s) 5/1 = 5.0 Other nest unsuccessful. Adolphson. (Doug Weir) 1969. 21 (1974-79) 6/2 = 3.0 Several other probable nestings where only single bird was seen. 5-6 (1980) -- Fledged broods 12. Washington 1 (pre-1950) F.c. suckleyi (Clifford Anderson) 3 (1978-79) Unconfirmed reports of F.c. suckleyi. One nest with a minimum of 3 fledged yg. 13. Idaho 3 (pre 1950) Craig and Renn, 1977 (Timothy Craig) 1 (1973) -- 1 (1975 3/1 = 3.0 4 eggs June 1 5 eggs June 5 All hatched, 2 died 1 (1977) Same site as 1975 - unsuccessful 14. California — - No known historical records - (Jim Adamson) All “Merlin eggs” are American Kestrel. Recent - Merlins observed in N. Calif, in June and July; no nests found. 15. Nevada __ No confirmed nestings. (Bob Oakleaf) 16. Wyoming 1 (pre-1950) Bent (1938) (Bob Oakleaf) 21 (1961-79) 20/7 = 2.9 2 nests known to have failed 17. Montana 8 (1970-74) 15/5 i 3.0 Ellis (1976) (David Ellis) 3 nests known to be unsuccess- ful although 5 young hatched at one site and died subsequently (Dale Becker) 10 (1977) 4/1 - 4.0 Only one nest located, other sites (9) had active pairs 8 (1978) 24/7 | 3.4 18 (1979) 60/17 = 3.5 All sites successful 15 (1980) 49/14 = 3.5 16 (1981) 38/10 = 3.8 18. Colorado 2 (pre 1950) 1877 and 1887 (Alan Jenkins) 19. Utah 2 (pre-1950) Eggs collected inl868 and 1869 (Alan Jenkins) 20. North Dakota 5 (1977-78) 9/5 = 1.8 2 yg. killed by Weasel at one (Howard Postovit) nest; 2 other nests with addled eggs (1 yg. and 4 addled eggs and 2 yg. and 2 addled eggs). (Bill Cornatzer) 5+ (pre- 1950) 5/2 I 2.5 2 (1977) (Table 1 continued) 40 L.W. Oliphant Vol. 19, No. 2/3 (Continuation of Table 1) Young/ Area and Compiler # Nestings Successful Pair Details 21. South Dakota 7 (1970) 15/4 = 3.8 Unknown # yg. fledged in re- (Steve Duecker) 3 (1971) mainting 3 sites. 2 nests checked had 2 and 4 small downies. 22. Nebraska No historical records (Ross Lock) 5 (1975-78) One additional site with male only. 1 nest with 4 newly hatched young and 1 egg. 3 (1980) ~ 2 nests with 5 yg. each (less than 1 week old). 23. Wisconsin 3 (1966-68) 2/1 = 2 Sindelar and Jacobson 1981. 24. Michigan 3 (pre 1950) All 3 successful (Sergej Postupalsky) 19 (1955-67) 24/8 = 3.0 1 (1979) - 25. New York, Penn. - - No authenticated records New England although some recent and (Mark Fuller and historic sightings during Janet Parte low) the breeding season. 26. Minnesota 4 + (pre- 1950) Johnson 1982 - 3 nests con- tained 4, 4 and 2 yg. less than 1 week old. 13(1950-64) 4/1 = 4.0 Beer, 1966 4 (1952-81) 5/1 = 5.0 Johnson, 1982 (P.B. Hofslund) 6+(1951-60) Cedar Grove Ornithological Station in Wisconsin (D.D. Berger, unpub. obs.) the Merlins migrating along the east coast have increased over the past 10-15 years (W.S. Clark, F.P. Ward pers. comm.) despite the rather low productivity figures pre- sented here. This discrepancy between the recent migration data and reproductive data is also true of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) and needs to be addressed. The darkest Merlin (F.c. suckleyi) remains the least well studied of the three North American sub- species. Only 14 nestings potentially attributable to this subspecies since 1950 are reported here and production figures were available for only 2 nests (3.5 yg./successful nest). Conclusions as to the status of this population must await further study. Acknowledgments The enthusiasm and work of Bud Anderson, Chris Servheen and Dale Becker was largely responsible for the initiation of the “Merlin Working Group” and the publication of this special Mer- lin issue and is gratefully acknowledged. The effort of all those making contributions to this survey is greatly appreciated. The author takes full responsibility for any residual errors in the re- port. Literature Cited Adolphson, D. 1969. Raptor populations committee report for 1969. Raptor Res. News 3:43-57. Beer, J.R. 1966. The pigeon hawk in Minnesota. The Loon 38:129-132. Bent, A.C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey, Vol. II. U.S. Natl. Museum Bull. 170, Wash. D.C. pp. 70-90. Craig, T. and F. Renn. 1977. Recent nestings of the merlin in Idaho. Condor 79:392. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1940. Nesting pigeon hawks. Wilson Bull. 59:241-248. Ellis, D.H. 1976. First breeding records of merlins in Montana. Condor 78:112-114. Fox, G.A. 1971. Recent changes in the reproductive success of the pigeon hawk./. Wildlife Mgt. 35:122-128. Summer/Fall 1985 Merlin Breeding Survey 41 Johnson, D.H. 1982. Raptors of Minnesota - Nestings distribution and population status. The Loon 54:73- 104. Lawrence, L. de K. 1949. Notes on nesting pigeon hawks on Pimisi Bay, Ontario. Wilson Bull. 61 : 15-25. Oliphant, L.W. and W.J.P. Thompson. 1978. Recent breeding success of Richardson’s merlin in Saskatche- wan. Raptor Res. 12:35-39. Sindelar, C. and A. K. Jacobsen. 1981. Wisconsin’s sec- ond recorded merlin nest. Pass. Pigeon 43:107-108. Temple, S.A. 1972. Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues and reproductive success in eastern Northern Ameri- can merlins. Condor 74:105-106. Trimble, S.A. 1975. Report No. 15, Merlin -Falcocolum- barius. Habitat management series for unique or en- dangered species. U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 41 pp. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Western College of Veteri- nary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan S7N OWO CANADA. FOOD HABITS AND BREEDING BIOLOGY OF MERLINS IN DENALI NATIONAL PARK, ALASKA Karen Laing Abstract - Four pairs of the Merlin ( Falco columbarius ) were studied during the 1983 breeding season in Denali National Park, Alaska. Additional observations were made of a fifth pair and a family discovered after young hatched. Observations began 30 April, during the courtship period, and ended 1 September, when Merlins had dispersed from nesting territories. To determine food habits, prey remains were collected and identified, and prey delivery behavior was recorded. Productivity was determined by checking nests during incubation and after young hatched. Breeding behavior, including sex roles and nest defense, was also documented during 125 h of observation. Little is known about the status of the Merlin {Falco columbarius ) in Alaska. During the past 2 de- cades some attention was given the decline of breeding populations in other parts of the range (Fox 1971; Hodson 1976; Newton et al. 1978; Oliphant and Thompson 1978; Newton et al. 1981 ; Williams 1981; Roberts and Green 1983). In con- trast; information on Merlins in Alaska is limited to general surveys (Gabrielson 1944; Kessel and Cade 1958; Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959; Murie 1963; White et al. 1977; Ritchie 1982, 1983; Mindell 1983). The objective of this study was to gather preliminary information on their productivity, food habits, and breeding behavior in Alaska. Study Area and Methods Merlin nests were studied in the Alaska Range, Denali National Park, Alaska, at 63 'N. All nests were within 200 m of the park’s only road, at elevations ranging from 770 m to 1230 m. Merlins often nest in strips of white spruce ( Picea glauca) wood- land at treeline, (Figure 1). Below 770 m, spruce forest dominates, while above treeline willow ( Salix spp.) and dwarf birch (Betula nana and B. glandulosa) give way to alpine tundra at about 1230 m. Between April and September the park receives most of its 37 cm annual precipitation. Rain accounts for most precipitation, but occasional snowfall may also occur in summer. Temperature ranges from 0° to 20°C. Daylength varies from 12 h in late March and September to 22 h in late June. Field Observations - Four nest sites were located in April and May 1983. A fifth pair was observed in May, but a nest was not located. An additional family was observed in late July and early August. One hundred twenty-five h were spent observing Merlins be- tween 30 April and 1 September, when they are in the park. Approximately half the observation time was spent at 1 nest. Between 1 5 and 20 h were spent at each of the other 3 nests, and 9 h were spent observing other Merlins. Observations were made using 7 x 35 binoculars and a 20-45x zoom spotting scope. Obser- vations at 2 nests were made from the road. The third nest was observed from atop a human food cache located 60 m from the nest, while the fourth was observed from the ground. Nest trees were climbed once during the third week of incuba- tion and twice after young hatched. On the third visit, young birds at 3 nests were banded. Food Habits - Information on food habits was obtained largely from discarded prey remains found at plucking perches near nests. Remains were collected at least weekly at 2 nests, and at least bi-weekly at other sites. Prey remains were identified by comparing prey items with study skins in the University of Alaska Museum. Mean prey weights were obtained from museum specimens and records. If remains of the same species were found at several locations near 1 nest on the same day, they were considered to be from a single individual except when feathers of juveniles could be differen- tiated from those of adults. Aging Merlins - Dorsal plumage of juveniles closely resembled that of adult females, varying in color from medium brown to dark brownish gray. At close range, juveniles were identified by the upper tail coverts and rump feathers, which were the same color as the back. In contrast, the upper tail coverts and rump feathers of females were slate brown against the darker back (Temple 1972). The color of the cere, eyelids, legs and feet proved a more useful field character. In adults all were bright yellow. Ceres and eyelids of juveniles were pale blue-gray to pale yellow, and legs and feet were pale yellow. Sexing Merlins - Adults were usually separated in the field by their marked sexual dichromatism. Dorsal plumage in males was slate blue, and in females, brownish gray. In some males the buffy background color of the breast and belly gave way to orange at the throat and flanks, a character never observed in females. Adults perching together were more easily sexed since males were smaller than females. In some pairs vocalizations helped distinguish bet- ween sexes. Juveniles were difficult to sex. When perched together, they could usually be sexed by size as in adults. At close range, they were sexed by the color of their light tail bands, which are gray in males, and buffy in females (Temple 1972). Results and Discussion Food Habits — Prey - Bird prey remains were the only remains found near nests (Table 1). Although Merlins were observed to bite at insects near perches, predation on insects could not be con- firmed since pellets were not analyzed. Snyder and Wiley (1976) note that studies of prey remains and pellets often give biased estimates of diets for rap- tors. Their data from stomach analyses, based on the number of prey items found, indicate that Mer- 42 Raptor Research 19 (2/3): 42-51 Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Alaska 43 Figure 1. Typical habitat occupied by the Merlin in Denali National Park, Alaska. lins take 74. 1 % insects, 25.2% birds, 0.5% mammals and 0.2% lower vertebrates. However, most of their data were from migrants. Brown and Amadon (1968) estimate that, by weight, Merlins take 80% birds, 15% insects and 5% mammals. Merlins preyed on 22 species of birds (Table 1). The main species were the American Tree Sparrow ( Spizella arborea), Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis ), Lapland Longspur ( Calcarius lapponicus ), Fox Spar- row (Passerella iliaca ) and White-crowned Sparrow ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ), in decreasing order of oc- currence. These 5 species formed approximately 49% of the numerical total remains collected. The 5 species also made up 48% of the prey biomass, with the Fox Sparrow contributing most substantially (13.3%, Table 1). The Varied Thrush ( Ixoreus naevius), Snow Bunting ( Plectrophenax nivalis), and Catharus thrushes were not numerically important prey species, but did contribute substan- tially to total prey biomass (Table 1). By contrast, the variety of major prey species taken by breeding Merlins elsewhere is much smal- ler. The Horned Lark ( Eremophila alpestris) alone formed approximately 50% of the numerical prey remains collected on the Canadian prairies by both Fox (1964) and Hodson (1976). Newton et al. (1978) in Northumberland, Great Britain, found the Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) comprised 48% of numerical remains collected. Finally, Merlins at an urban site in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, took an estimated 90% House Sparrows {Passer domesticus) (Oliphant 1974). Habitat preferences of major prey species at De- nali Park indicate that Merlins do not confine hunting to a particular habitat. Juncos are found primarily in spruce forest, while Tree, Fox and White-crowned Sparrows are common in willow and birch shrubland and spruce woodland, and Lapland Longspurs are found in alpine tundra. Forty-five percent of prey items collected bet- ween 10 July and 6 August were identified as juveniles. Juveniles taken included the American Tree Sparrow, Lapland Longspur, White-crowned Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Snow Bunting, Savan- nah Sparrow {Passerculus sandwichensis), Rosy Finch {Leucosticte arctoa ) and Ptarmigan ( Lagopus sp.). Frequency of Prey Delivery - According to Krull (1976) and Daniel Gibson (pers. comm.), northern 44 Karen Laing Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 1 . Prey remains found at 4 Merlin nests in Denali National Park, Alaska. Species %a % BlOMASSb Ptarmigan ( Lagopus sp.) 0.9 . Semipalmated Plover ( Charadrius semipalmatus ) 1.8 3.4 Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) 0.9 0.9 Horned Lark ( Eremophila alpestris) 1.8 2.7 Tree Swallow ( Tachycineta bicolor) 0.9 0.7 Catharus thrushes (C. ustulatus, C. guttatus, C. minimus) 0.8 9.0 Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) 2.8 8.6 Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) 6.2 5.4 Orange-crowned Warbler ( Vermivora celata) 2.8 1.0 Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) 1.8 0.7 Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis) 0.9 0.6 Wilson’s Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) 1.8 0.6 American Tree Sparrow ( Spizella arborea) 11.5 8.5 Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) 3.6 2.6 Fox Sparrow ( Passerella iliaca) 8.9 13.3 Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) 1.8 2.4 White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) 8.0 7.9 Zonotrichia sp. 0.9 1.0 Dark-eyed J unco (Junco hyemalis) 10.6 8.1 Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) 9.8 10.7 Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) 5.3 8.3 Rosy Finch (Leucosticte arctoa) 2.8 3.1 Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea) 0.9 0.5 Unidentified small bird 5.3 - Total 100.0 100.0 aTotal prey items = 113. bTotal calculated prey biomass = 2748 g; mean weights could not be determined for unidentifiable prey remains and Ptarmigan of unknown species and age. Frequency of Prey Delivery - According to Krull (1976) and Daniel Gibson (pers. comm.), northern passerines rest 3 to 4 H daily, usually between 2300 H and 0300 H, despite long summer photoperiods. Since Merlins were observed hunting between 0400 H and 2330 H, a 20-H day was assumed for the purpose of estimating frequency of prey delivery. During incubation, 18 May to 19 June, males delivered prey to females at a rate of 0.15 birds/h (3.0 birds/d). Between 19 June and 25 July, when young were being fed, males delivered prey to females at a rate of 0.48 birds/h (9.6 birds/d). Prey capture by females during breeding was not documented. In a study of a wintering female Mer- lin, Page and Whitacre (1975) estimated prey con- sumption at 2.2 birds/d. The Dunlin ( Calidris al- pina ), the major prey species in that study, weighs approximately twice as much as major Denali Park prey species. Hunting Behavior - Fast, low, horizontal flight from a perch has been described previously for Merlins (Bent 1938; Page and Whitacre 1975; Cade 1982). On 5 June a male departed its nest area and flew to an adjacent shrub-covered slope. He flew rapidly and close to the vegetation, gaining altitude only when he approached a rise, where he turned and swept back over the brush. He then perched without prey. Frederick Dean (pers. comm.) ob- served a similar low, fast flight along a ditch parallel to the park road. In this case the bird flew so low that it was level with the road bed. In another obser- vation a male left his perch, flying fast over an Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Alaska 45 adjacent river valley. When he was about 1 km from the nest he began to dive at several small birds. Both the falcon and the pursued birds dipped and rose several times. Within 2 min, the falcon returned to the nest area with prey. On several occasions females were observed to dive at a steep angle into brush below their perches near nests. Whether they were hunting or collecting cached prey could not be determined. Feeding and Caching Behavior - Merlins re- moved the head and wings of prey and plucked most of the feathers before eating. Merlins usually prepared prey on snags, stumps or fallen logs within 150 m of the nest, using favorite perches repeatedly throughout the season. Merlins sometimes cached prey in the vicinity of plucking perches. One Rosy Finch was found entire and unplucked. Four other birds were found par- tially plucked, with heads and wings removed. In 1 instance, following a food transfer, a female flew low toward an unseen perch for 10 sec, then ap- peared on a perch without prey. On another occa- sion, a female flew toward an unseen perch and then returned to the nestlings with prey. In this instance, the male had been absent from the area for 2 h. Habitat and Nest Sites - Breeding Merlins at Denali Park favored sloping white spruce forest within 1 km of treeline. All 4 nests were in white spruce trees (Tables 2,3). One nest tree was living and undamaged, while a second had little green foliage. A third was living but was missing many branches on one side, where an old telephone cable was attached to the trunk with a glass insulator (Figure 2). The fourth nest was in a snag (Figure 3). Merlins nested only in abandoned nests of Black- billed Magpies (Pica pica) (Table 4). There was no evidence that Merlins altered the structure of Mag- pie nests. Nesting habits vary throughout the Merlin’s range. All nests recorded in Denali Park were in trees, and most Merlins in Norway and North America nest in trees (Fox 1964; Oliphant 1974; Oliphant and Thompson 1976; Hodson 1976; Cramp and Simmons 1980; Evans 1982). Near Arctic treeline in Alaska and Canada, Merlins nest on the ground (Bent 1938, Ritchie 1983, Clayton White, pers. comm.). Ground nesting is the norm in Great Britain. Seventy-seven percent of 96 nests in Northumberland (Newton et al. 1978), and 64% of 90 nests in Wales (Williams 1981) were on the ground. Table 2. Description of 4 Merlin nest sites in Denali National Park, Alaska. Nest Vegetation Type21 Description 1 Open needleleaf forest; white spruce Nest tree was on a slope in open forest with a low, closed understory. Tree was located about 100 m from low, closed shrub scrub and 120 m from the road. 2 Open needleleaf forest: white spruce Nest tree was in flat forest with low, open understory. Tree was located 50 m from low, closed shrub scrub and about 150 m from the road 3 Closed tall shrub scrub: willow Nest tree was on a slope dominated by tall willows ( > 1.5 m). Area was formerly open spruce forest; almost all mature spruce trees were destroyed by porcupines during the 1950s, leaving many snags. Tree was 10 m from the road. 4 Open needleleaf forest: white spruce Nest tree was on a slope in spruce forest with a tall, open understory. Tree was 500 m from shrub, 100 m from a river, and 90 m from the road. aVegetation nomenclature and classification follows Viereck et al. (1982). 46 Karen Laing Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 3. Measurements of white spruce nest trees used by Merlins in Denali National Park, Alaska during 1983. Nest Tree Height (m) Tree Diameter at Nest Height (cm) Tree Diameter at Breast Height (cm) Height of Nest Above Ground (m) 1 9.3 18.8 37.6 5.5 2 7.5 12.9 22.2 5.5 3 9.0 18.8 26.9 4.1 4 10.0 21.8 28.3 4.1 X 8.9 18.1 28.8 4.8 S.D. 1.1 3.7 6.5 0.8 Nesting Chronology - Spring arrival dates have not been documented for the Alaska Range, but records for interior Alaska indicate arrivals during the last 2 weeks of April. Occasionally individuals arrive in Fairbanks as early as late March (Brina Kessel, unpubl. data). Merlins were first observed in Denali Park on 30 April, and engaged in breeding activity between that date and 15 May. During this period Merlins were extremely vocal. They were observed inves- tigating Magpie nests, and on 10 May a female was flushed off a nest in which she later laid eggs. Harassment of other bird species near nests was first observed 7 May. All observed copulation at- tempts occurred between 30 April and 15 May. After 1 5 May females at all nests were observed only when they left nests to take prey from males, indi- cating that they began incubating during the third week of May. Since Merlins incubate for 28-32 d (Cramp and Simmons 1980), it was assumed that Merlins in De- nali Park hatched during the third and fourth weeks of June. On 29 June, nestlings at all nests were downy white, and were unable to grasp with their feet. On 10 July all young were able to grasp well. Nestlings at 1 nest had remiges over 6 cm long on this date. Their backs, wings and heads were well feathered, although down still projected through the plumage in tufts (Figure 4). Nestlings at 2 other nests visited on 10 July were still downy, with re- miges 2-4 cm long (Figure 5). The fourth nest visited 10 July was empty. The young left sometime after 5 July, when the adult female was last seen carrying prey to the nest. Mer- lins at the other 3 nests fledged between 1 1 and 19 July. Merlins fledged about 32 d after hatching (Fox 1964; Newton et al. 1978). After 20 July adults were only occasionally seen in nest areas, the last being a male on 16 August. Juveniles were first observed away from nest areas on 7 August. Merlins continued to be observed throughout the park until the first week of Sep- tember. Nest Success - All 4 nests contained 5 eggs, which compared to mean clutch sizes in Canada and Wales of 4.1 to 4.7 eggs (Fox 1971 ; Hodson 1976; Roberts and Green 1983). Fifteen of 20 eggs produced hatched, 2 did not hatch, and 3 were not accounted for, yielding a mean of 3.75 hatchlings/nest (range 2-5). A minimum hatching success of 75% was ob- tained on this basis. By contrast, Fox (1971) re- corded 49% success in a Canadian population ap- parently affected by pesticide contamination, and 92-98% success in unaffected populations there. Successful nests at Denali Park appear to be pro- ducing as many fledglings as reported for other areas. One nestling died soon after hatching, but all others fledged, giving a mean of 3.5 fledglings/nest. Hodson (1976) reported a mean of 3.2 fledglings/ nest with young, while Oliphant and Thompson (1978) reported a mean of 4.0 fledglings/nest. Courtship and Copulation Behavior - Merlins were observed investigating potential nests on 3 occasions. On 7 May, a female called “ki-ki-ki-keee” as she flew around the perched male. While the male remained perched, the female disappeared among the boughs of a spruce tree, where she ut- tered a “tick” call, and remained for 2 min. On 10 Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Alaska 47 Figure 2. Magpie nest in White Spruce tree used by Mer- lins in 1983. May, a female entered a Magpie nest and uttered “ki-ki-ki-kee”, while a male flew in circles nearby, also calling. The female walked back and forth through the nest, then flew to an unseen perch and uttered a “chrrr” call, which often preceded copu- lation. The male flew toward her, also out of sight. Food exchanges during courtship were usually slow and tentative. On 10 May, a paired male brought an unplucked Snow Bunting to the female Figure 3. Magpie nest in dead spruce used by Merlins in 1983. and perched beside her. The male transferred the bird to his bill as the female bit at it with her bill. The male then allowed the female to take the bunting, and she left the perch. The male remained on the perch an additional 5 min, gave a “tick” call twice, then flew in the same direction as the female. On 19 May, the male at another nest brought a bird to the nest area and perched. He uttered the “ki-ki-ki- kee” and “tick” calls, and bit at the prey. After 5 min Table 4. Measurements (cm) of magpie nests occupied by Merlins in Denali National Park, Alaska during 1983. Nest Nest Diameter Bowl Diameter Bowl Depth Cavity Height 1 64.0 30.0 8.0 50.0 2 61.0 25.0 10.0 37.0 3 46.0 25.0 8.0 55.0 4 44.0 20.0 9.0 40.0 X 44.0 20.0 9.0 40.0 S.D. 10.2 4.1 1.0 8.4 48 Karen Laing Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Figure 4. Nestling merlin in Alaska, age ± 21 d. the female perched on the same snag. The male crouched, transferring the prey to his bill, while the female stepped slowly down the branch toward the male. When she was close enough, the male allowed her to take the prey. The pair appeared to tug at the prey a moment before the male relinquished it. The female remained on the perch as the male flew to the nest tree and called. Copulation attempts were observed 1 1 times during 16.3 h of observation between 30 April and 12 May. In one instance, Merlins attempted copu- lation twice in a 2 min period. One male mounted 3 times in a 2V6 h period. Females often appeared to solicit copulation. Typically, a female called “ki-ki- ki-keee”, flew low through the forest and perched near the male. The female then crouched on the perch and leaned forward so that her body was horizontal. While in this position, the female spread and lifted her tail to one side. The male then flew to the female, hovered momentarily above her, and uttered the “chrrr” call. In 2 instances a male ap- proached a perched female and uttered the “chrrr” call before the female assumed the crouch position. Figure 5. Nestling merlin in Alaska, age 10 - 14 d. Sex Roles During Incubation - Females per- formed the majority of incubation. During 30 h of observation during incubation, males incubated approximately 15% of the time. This estimate is based on direct observation of undisturbed males entering and leaving nests. Both Temple (1972) and Newton et al. (1978) estimated that males incu- bate 33% of the time. However, their estimates were obtained by flushing birds from nests and then sexing them. Males generally took over incubation for periods of 10 min to 1 h after bringing food to females. Females indicated readiness to resume incubation by calling and flying to perches near nests, at which time males vacated the nests. While 1 bird incu- bated the other often remained perched within 150 m. Perched males usually dozed or looked about, while perched females stretched and preened ac- tively. Males apparently did all hunting during the in- cubation period. Food transfer was accomplished in a more rapid and aggressive manner than was usu- ally observed during courtship. When a male en- Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Alaska 49 tered the nest area and called, the incubating female left the nest. She quickly took the prey from the male and flew to a perch to feed. On only 1 occasion did a male appear reluctant to relinquish prey. Sex Roles During the Nestling Period - Merlins apparently removed or ate eggshells and dead nestlings. When all nests were checked after hatching, 2 entire eggs were found, while 3 others were unaccounted for. No eggshells were found. Cramp and Simmons (1980) state that eggshells are removed or eaten by females. On 18 June, a dead nestling was found atop a 2 m stump commonly used as a plucking perch. My observations indicate that females brood young only during the first week after hatching. Even then females were observed off nests for progressively longer periods. Feeding young, which generally required 10-20 min, was ac- complished only by females. When the nestlings at 1 nest fledged at approximately 2 wk old, the female continued to feed them on the ground. During the nestling period, males were away from nests more often, yet delivered food to females more frequently than during courtship or incubation. While females may have taken prey near nests, they did not appear to make a major contribution to food collection. This finding is con- sistent with studies by Rowan (1921) and Oliphant (1974). However, Temple (1972) found evidence suggesting that females do hunt soon after brood- ing. Behavior of Young Merlins - On 29 June, nest- lings called weakly, and did not react to an ap- proaching hand. By 10 July, all young were alert and active. For example, 1 nestling perched at a nest entrance for 30 min, preened, watched passing vehicles, bobbed its head and snapped at insects. During the first week after fledging, young did not fly often. When they did, flights were low and of short duration. After the first week, fledglings be- came more active. They called frequently, and often in unison. They chased each other, and mob- bed adults returning to the nest area with prey. By early August, juveniles were observed chasing other birds. While not observed hunting success- fully, they were seen pursuing small birds. More often, they chased other raptors. On 16 August, 3 juveniles were observed chasing 2 American Kes- trels (Falco sparuerius) and 2 juvenile Northern Har- riers (< Circus cyeneus ) simultaneously. On other occa- sions, these same juveniles chased a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos ), a Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) and 2 Black-billed Magpies. All these chases appeared playful. Pursued birds, particularly kes- trels and Sharp-shinned Hawks, sometimes turned and chased Merlins, and frequently remained in the area following a chase. Kestrels and Merlins sometimes perched together in the same tree. Cade (1982) has observed similar associations of juvenile Merlins and Sharp-shinned Hawks in interior Alaska. Territorial and Nest Defense - Merlins at Denali Park generally chased intruders when found within 150 m of nests, females behaving more aggressively than males. Merlins were particularly aggressive toward raptors and other large birds. Golden Eagles, Northern Harriers, Common Ravens ( Cor - vus corax ) and a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) were chased on different occasions. Merlins were also observed diving at Black-billed Magpies and Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus ). In one instance, a female called vigorously for 10 min after a small airplane passed low over the area. During courtship, Merlins were chased by birds already present in nest areas. On 1 occasion, a Mew Gull ( Larus canus ) chased a female Merlin just after the Merlin dove at a magpie. Gray Jays (Perisoreus canadensis) displayed aggression toward Merlins in early May, but were ignored. Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) may pose a threat to nestlings. The nest vacated by young Merlins between 5 and 10 July contained spruce cones and scales in mid -July, indicating that squir- rels were using it. Squirrels may have displaced the Merlins. Red Squirrels at Denali Park have been observed to feed on American Robin ( Turdus mig- ratorius) nestlings. While they ignored Moose (Alces alces ) and Grizzly Bear ( Ursus arctos), Merlins were intolerant of human presence near nests. My searches for prey remains were commonly interrupted by a Merlin calling and diving at me, and this harassment con- tinued until I moved at least 100 m from the nest. Perched males sometimes allowed me to pass with- out disturbance, but when visible to a female, I was always pursued. The proximity of the park road to all 4 nests required Merlins to adjust to human activity. In 3 cases, nests were between 90 and 150 m from the road. Merlins at these nests appeared to regard the road as a territorial boundary, ignoring vehicles 50 Karen Laing Vol. 19, No. 2/3 and pedestrians on the road, but diving and calling at pedestrians off the road in the direction of nests. The fourth nest was located 10 m from the road. Plucking perches were located across the road, so the road bisected the nest territory. In May, adults called at any human activity on the road. By June, they ignored road activity, but pursued pedestrians off the road in either direction. Nest checks elicited a strong response. Merlins often flushed from nests when humans approached to within 5 m of nest trees, and always flushed when nest trees were climbed. They called from nearby perches, diving frequently to within 2 m of the intruder, and were joined by their mates, when present. Acknowledgments Permission to study Merlins in Denali National Park was granted by John Dalle-Molle of the U.S. National Park Service, which also provided equipment. Philip S Tiempf and Robin Hunter, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suggested the study and provided banding assistance. Kenneth Kertell, Michael Britten, Joseph Van Horn, Barbara O’Donnell, Marti Loew and Gary Lester assisted in the field. Stephen Herman, The Evergreen State College, provided guidance throughout the study, and Kenneth Kertell and Francis Singer reviewed earlier drafts. Daniel Gibson, University of Alaska Museum, identified many prey remains. I am grateful to these people, as well as to the many residents of McKinley Park, Alaska, who provided me with Merlin sightings. Literature Cited Beebe, F. 1974. Field studies of the Falconiformes of British Columbia. Occasional paper of the British Col- umbia Provincial Museum No. 17. Bent, A.C. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey, part 2. Smithsonian Inst., U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 170. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world, Vol. 2. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Cade,T.J. 1982. The falcons of the world. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y. Cramp, S. and K.G.L. Simmons. 1980. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa: the birds of the western palearctic, Vol. II, hawks to bustards. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, London, New York. Evans, D.L. 1982. Status report on twelve raptors. U.S. Dept, of Interior, Fish and Wildl. Service Special Sci- entific Report — Wildlife No. 238. Washington D.C. Fox, G.A. 1964. Notes on a western race of the pigeon hawk .Blue Jay 22:140-147. . 1971. Recent changes in the reproductive success of the pigeon hawk./. Wildl. Manage. 35(1) 122-128. Gabrielson, I.N. 1944. Some Alaskan notes. Auk 61:122-128. and F.C. Lincoln. 1959. Birds of Alaska. The Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Hodson, K.A. 1976. Some aspects of the nesting ecology of Richardson’s merlin ( Falco columbarius richardsonii) on the Canadian prairies. M.Sc. Thesis. Univ. of Brit. Col., Vancouver. Kessel, B. and T.J. Cade. 1958. Birds of the Colville River, northern Alaska. Biological paper of the Univ. of Alaska No. 2. Krull, F. 1976. Zeitgebers for animals in the continuous daylight of high arctic summer. Oecolgia (Berlin) 24:149-157. Mindell, D.P. 1983. Nesting raptors in southwestern Alaska: status, distribution and aspects of biology. U.S. Dept, of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Technical Report 8, Anchorage, Alaska. Murie, A. 1963. Birds of Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska. Mt. McKinley Natural History Assoc. Newton, I., E. Meek and B. Little. 1978. Breeding ecology of the merlin in Northumberland. Br. Birds 71:376-398. __ , J.E. Robson and D.W. Yalden. 1981. De- cline of the merlin in the Peak District. Bird Study 28:225-234. Oliphant, L.W. 1974. Merlins - the Saskatoon falcons. Blue Jay 32:140-147. and W.J.P. Thompson. 1976. Food cach- ing behavior in Richardson’s merlin. Can. Field-Nat. 90(3): 364-365. Page, G. and D.F. Whitacre. 1975. Raptor predation on wintering shorebirds. Condor 77:73-83. Ritchie, R.J. 1982. The results of raptor surveys along the Porcupine River, Alaska, 1982. Unpubl. final re- port by Alaska Biological Research, Fairbanks, for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Office, Anchorage. . 1983. The results of raptor surveys along the Porcupine River, Alaska, 1983. Unpubl. final re- port by Alaska Biological Research, Fairbanks, for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Office, Anchorage. Roberts, J.L. and D. Green. 1983. Breeding failure and decline of merlins on a north Wales moor. Bird Study 30:193-200. Rowan, W. 1921. Observations on the breeding habits of the merlin. Br. Birds XV(6): 122-129; XV(9):194- 202; XV(10):222-231; XV(1 1):246-253. Snyder, N.F.R. and J.W. Wiley. 1976. Sexual size di- morphism in hawks and owls of North America. Or- nithol. Monogr. No. 20. Temple, S.A. 1972. Sex and age characteristics of North American merlins. Bird-Banding 43:191-196. Viereck, L.A., C.T. Dyrness and A.R. Bat- ten. 1982. 1982 revision of preliminary classification for vegetation of Alaska. Unpubl. revision of U.S. Dept. Agri., Forest Service General Tech. Rep. PNW- Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Alaska 51 106, 1980. Institute of Northern Forestry, Univ. of Division of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. California, Davis, Davis , California 95616. Williams, G.A. 1981. The merlin in Wales: breeding numbers, habitat and success. Br. Birds 74:205-214. BREEDING CHRONOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS OF RICHARDSON’S MERLINS IN SOUTHEASTERN MONTANA Dale M. Becker and Carolyn Hull Sieg Abstract - Breeding chronology and reproductive success of the Merlin ( Falco columbarius richardsonii) were studied in southeastern Montana from 1978 - 1981 . Breeding activity spanned 5 mo from the earliest observation of adults to the latest dispersal of adults and young from nesting areas. Clutch size, brood size and fledging success at active nests were similar (P > 0.05) among the 4 yrs. Mortality tended to be highest before the hatching stage. Breeding chronology and reproductive success were similar to results of studies in Canada. The Merlin ( Falco columbarius) is 1 of 6 species of falcons that occur in North America. Three sub- species of the Merlin in North America are recog- nized (Temple 1972). F.c. richardsonii, the sub- species of interest in this study, occurs in the prairie parklands of the Northern Great Plains. Data pertaining to the ecology of F.c. richardsonii have been generated primarily from studies in the prairie provinces of Canada. The life history of Canadian Merlins, including breeding chronology and reproductive success, was documented by Fox (1964,1971). In Alberta and Saskatchewan, Hod- son (1976) reported that reproductive success at Merlin nests that fledged young was high, but net productivity was variable. An apparent increase in reproductive success over that reported by previous studies was discussed for Merlins in Saskatchewan by Oliphant and Thomson (1978). Information on F.c. richardsonii in the United States is lacking, although local populations or scattered breeding pairs occur in several western states (Oliphant, this issue). This study was initiated to document the reproductive ecology of a popula- tion of richardsonii in Montana. Study Area and Methods Breeding chronology and reproductive success were examined on a 39,448-ha study area in southeastern Montana. Sandstone buttes and hills ranging to 300 m above the adjacent prairies and farmlands are common on the study area. Maximum elevation is 1,282 m above sea level. Vegetation consists of approximately 27% forest cover and 67% grassland. The dominant forest species is ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). Aspen (Populus tremuloides), box elder (Acer negundo ), green ash ( Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and a variety of shrubs grow in more mesic sites. Major grassland species are western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii), blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), prairie junegrass (Koeleria cristata), and needle-and- thread grass (Stipa comata). The climate in southeastern Montana is characterized by fre- quent winds, hot summers, cold winters, and a semi-arid moisture regime. Annual precipitation averages 39 cm, of which 70% falls from May - September. Monthly mean temp during the Merlin breeding season range from -8°C in March to 33°C in July. Breeding chronology and reproductive success were studied from March - September, 1978-1981. Breeding territories were located by traversing potential breeding habitat (i.e., ponderosa pine stands) during April and May. Nest sites were detected when adults were flushed or exhibited aerial and vocal defense be- havior. When flushing was not observed but defensive adult Mer- lins were present, Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica ) nests in the vicinity were examined. Timing and duration of breeding activities were determined by observing Merlins from early spring through late autumn. Obser- vations of courtship, hatching, growth of young, fledging, and dispersal were documented at all active nests. Number of eggs, young and fledglings were recorded during 3 visits to each nest: during incubation, shortly after hatching, and just prior to fledging. Precautions were taken to avoid disturbance of adults and young (Fyfe and Olendorff 1976). Data collected during nest visits were used to calculate percen- tages of eggs hatched, young fledged, and eggs resulting in fledglings. Fledging success was calculated for active nests (“nests in which eggs have been laid”) and successful nests (“occupied nests from which at least 1 young fledged during the breeding season under consideration”) (Postupalsky 1974). Sex of nestlings was determined at approximately 2 weeks of age. Larger foot size and larger, less fully developed bodies (Fox 1964), along with greater tarsal diameter were generally reliable characteristics of females. Student t-Tests were used to compare reproductive success among years. Paried t-Tests were used to compare average clutch size, brood size and number of fledglings/ active nest within yrs. Clutch size, brood size and number of fledglings/active nest for the 4 yrs combined were compared using combination of probabilities from tests of significance (Fisher 1950). Unless otherwise noted, differences were considered significant at a = 0.05. Results Breeding Chronology. — The earliest observation of an adult Merlin on the study area was 1 1 March 1978. Breeding activities spanned approximately 5 mo from the earliest observation of an adult until the latest dispersal of adults and young (Fig. 1). Males were observed at breeding territories be- fore females. Courtship began shortly after the ar- rival of the females in early April and continued until late-May (Fig. 1). Eggs were layed from mid- April through mid-June. Females usually incu- 52 Raptor Research 19(2/3): 52-55 Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Montana 53 11 Mar 23 Apr Courtship Egglaying 5 Apr 26 May 15 Apr j 7 Jun 1 Incubation Hatching 15 Apr 27 Jun 24 May 1 27 Jun 24 May 1 4 Jul Brooding Nestling 24 May 26 Jul Fledging 24 Jun | 18 Jul Dispersal 1 . . !iil i i 1 i 10 Jul | 9 Aug . 1 . . 1 i 1 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 Month March April May June July August Figure 1. Nesting chronology of F.c. richardsonii in southeastern Montana. Horizontal lines indicate ranges of activity, vertical lines indicate means. bated eggs, although males were occasionally ob- served on nests for short periods. Earliest observed hatching occurred on 24 May 1980, and the latest on 27 June 1979. Nestlings were brooded 3 - 5 d, and remained in the nest 12 - 17 d before beginning to spend time on top of the nest canopy and/or in nearby branches. Young Merlins fledged from 26 - 33 (X = 29) d after hatching. Fledging dates ranged from 24 June - 18 July. Fledglings remained in the vicinity of the nest from 7 - 19 (X =13)d after fledging. The latest dispersal of young and adults from a breeding ter- ritory occurred on 9 August 1979. Reproductive Success. — Forty-eight active Merlin nests were located during the study, of which 43 (90%) were ultimately successful in pro- ducing fledglings. All nests were originally Black- billed Magpie *nests located in ponderosa pine trees on sideslopes of buttes. The number of eggs laid per nest did not vary significantly from year to year during this study (Table 1). Brood sizes were also similar among years. Sex ratios of 157 nestlings indicated a slightly greater proportion of females (53%) than males (47%). Numbers of fledglings per active nest did not differ significantly among years, and for 4 yrs combined, was higher than the average number per successful nest (Table 2). In 3 of the 4 yrs, and for the 4 yrs combined, significant mortality was observed from the time the eggs were laid until the Merlins fledged (Table 1). Average clutch size varied significantly from average brood size in 1978, 1979 and 1980, while clutch size was similar to brood size in 1981. Aver- age number of fledglings per active nest was smaller than average brood size in 1979 (P 0.08) and 1980. In 1978 and 1981, the number of fledglings per active nest did not differ significantly from 54 Becker and Sieg Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 1. Reproductive success for Richardson’s Merlins in southeastern Montana, 1978 - 1981. Year Sample size Clutch size (X ± SE)1 Brood size (X ± SE) Fledglings/ Active Nest (X ± SE) Eggs Hatched (%) Young Fledged (%) Eggs Fledged (%) 1978 8 4.1 ± 0.2a 3.3 ± 0.4b 3.0 ± 0.6b 79 92 73 1979 18 4.3 ± 0.2a 3.6 ± 0.4b 3.3 ± 0.4C* 84 92 78 1980 15 4.5 ± 0.2a 3.5 ± 0.4b 3.3 ± 0.4C 79 94 75 1981 7 4.3 ± 0.4a 4.3 ± 0.4a 3.3 ± 0.9a 100 77 77 Combined data 48 4.3 ± 0.8a 3.6 ± 1.4b 3.3 ± 1.6C 84 90 76 xMean ± standard error a,b,cMeans within rows (clutch size, brood size, fledglings per active nest) with the same superscript are not significantly different (P > 0.05) *In 1979, fledglings/ active nest was smaller than brood size at a *£ 0.08. average brood size. For the 4 yrs combined, clutch size, brood size and number of fledglings per active nest were different. Discussion Breeding Chronology. — The presence of male Merlins in early March when the study area was first visited indicated that some males may have arrived earlier, or possibly over-wintered in the area. Male F.c. richardsonii in Saskatchewan arrived at breeding sites as early as late February or early March, up to a month before females (Fox 1964). The chronology of Merlin breeding activities in southeastern Montana was similar to breeding chronology of captive F.c. richardsonii in Alberta (Campbell and Nelson 1975) and wild Merlins in Saskatchewan (Fox 1964; Oliphant 1974) and Al- berta (Hodson 1976). However, some breeding ac- tivities began earlier in the spring in Montana than in Canada. As an example, the peak egg-laying date in Saskatchewan was 20 May (Fox 1964), while Merlins in Montana had generally completed laying by this date. Reproductive Success. — Reproductive success remained relatively consistent throughout the study, as evidenced by the low year-to-year varia- bility of clutch size, brood size and number of fledglings per active nest. Average clutch size, Table 2. Reproductive success of Richardson’s Merlins in various areas in the Northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada (sample sizes in parentheses). Study Location X Clutch Size X Brood Size X Fledglings/ Successful Nest Fox 1964 Fox 1971 Saskatchewan Great Plains 4.5(10) 2.7(10) ... Fox 1971 (forested) Great Plains 4.1(9) 4.0(16) — Hodson 1976 (prairie) Alberta and 4.5(10) 2.7(17) 2.8(6) Oliphant and Saskatchewan 4.6(156) 3.5(107) 3.2(108) Thompson 1978 Saskatchewan ... 4.0(47) Fox and Donald 1980 Alberta 4.1(10) 3.7(10) ... Fox and Donald 1980 Alberta 3.4(10) 1.9(10) ... This study Montana 4.3(48) 3.6(48) 3.7(43) Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Merlins in Montana 55 brood size and number of fledglings per successful nest for the 4 yrs combined are similar to results reported by Fox (1964, 1971); Fox (1964, 1971); Hodson 1976; Fox and Donald (1980); and Oliphant and Thompson (1978) (Table 2). Average clutch and brood sizes for our study are towards the upper range of reported values, and although fledging data from other studies are limited, the average number of fledglings in this study is gener- ally higher. Percentages of eggs which hatched and resulted in fledglings in southeastern Montana are within the range of reported values. The hatching success rate of the Merlin in Montana is higher than the 60% and 58% hatching rates reported by Fox (1964) and Hodson (1976), respectively. In Alberta, 85% of the young Merlins fledged (Hodson 1976), while 96% fledged in Saskatchewan (Fox 1964). The percentage of nestlings which fledged during this study is within this range. Mortality tended to be highest prior to hatching for Montana, as evidenced by the significant loss of eggs before the nestling stage. However, post- hatching mortality was common during each year, and for the 4 yrs combined, resulted in a significant loss of Merlins before they fledged. Causes of mor- tality in this study were not specifically identified, but could be attributed to predation of eggs and nestlings and inclement weather around hatching time. Cold, rainy weather in Alberta during the hatching stage resulted in severe losses of active nests (Hodson 1976). Human disturbance did not appear to be a major cause of nest failures. Precau- tions were taken by study personnel to minimize disturbance of breeding Merlins and nestlings, and the isolation of most nests made harassment from other human activities unlikely. Results of this study indicate that the sequence and duration of Merlin breeding activities in south- eastern Montana were similar to the breeding chronology reported in Canada, although breeding activities appeared to begin earlier in the spring. Reproductive success rates in southeastern Mon- tana were generally higher and consistent among years when compared to other studies. Mortality was highest before hatching, followed by the period between hatching and fledging. Although human disturbance from research activities did not appear to be a cause of mortality, extensive human ac- tivities, such as energy development and mineral exploration, and development of more extensive agricultural practices may disrupt breeding ac- tivities. Data provided by this study will be useful in monitoring the status of this Merlin population in light of future land development activities. Acknowledgments Research in 1978 and 1979 was funded by the USDA Forest Service, Custer National Forest. Research in 1980 and 1981 was funded by the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station in Rapid City, South Dakota. We thank George T. Allen, Daniel W. Carney, Richard LeVesque and Stephen L. Mackey for assistance in data collection in the field. Gene Hoff provided housing for field personnel during the study. Critical comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript were provided by I.J. Ball, Richard L. Hutto, B. Riley McClelland, Christopher Servheen and Daniel W. Uresk. Literature Cited Campbell, J.A. and R.W. Nelson. 1975. Captive breeding and behavior of Richardson’s Merlins, 1974. J. N. Am. Falconer s Assoc. 14:24-31. Fisher, R.A. 1950. Statistical methods for research workers. Hafner Pub. Co. New York, N.Y. 354 pp. Fox, G.A. 1964. Notes on the western race of the Pigeon Hawk. Blue Jay 12:140-147 1971. Recent changes in the reproduc- tive success of the Pigeon Hawk. f. Wildl. Manage. 35:122-128. Fox, G.A. and T. Donald. 1980. Organochlorine pol- lutants, nest-defense behavior and reproductive suc- cess in Merlins. Condor 82:81-84. Fyfe, R.W. and R.R. Olendorff. 1976. Minimizing the dangers of nesting studies to raptors and other sensi- tive species. Can Wildl. Serv. Occas. Paper No. 23. Can. Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Ont. 7pp. Hodson, K.A. 1976. The ecology of Richardson’s Mer- lins on the Canadian prairies. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. 83 pp. Oliphant, L.W. 1974. Merlins: the Saskatoon falcons. Blue Jay 32:140-147. Oliphant, L.W. and W.J.P. Thompson. 1978. Recent breeding success of Richardson’s Merlins in Sas- katchewan. Raptor Res. 12:35-39. Postupalsky, S. 1974. Raptor reproductive suc- cess: some problems with methods, criteria and ter- minology. Pages 2 1-32 in Hamerstrom, F.N.,Jr., B.E. Harrell and R.R. Olendorff (eds.). Management of raptors. Raptor Res. Rep. No. 3. Temple, S.A. 1972. Systematics and evolution of the North American Merlins. Auk. 89:325-338. USFWS, Montana Cooperative Wildl. Rsh. Unit, Univ. of Mon- tana, Missoula, MT 59812. Address of second au- thor: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mtn. Forest and Range Exp. Sta., South Dakota Sch. of Mines and Tech., Rapid City, SD 57701. PRODUCTIVITY, POPULATION DENSITY AND RATE OF INCREASE OF AN EXPANDING MERLIN POPULATION Lynn W.Oliphant and Elizabeth Haug Abstract - The growth of a newly established population of the Merlin ( Falco columbarius) in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, was monitored from 1971 to 1982. Each year nesting pairs were located and their young were counted and banded. The breeding population increased from one pair to sixteen pairs over the twelve year period. The calculated rate of increase (r) of this population was 0.233. Productivity averaged 4.2 young/successful nest and 3.7 young/nest attempt. The density of this population in 1982 was the equivalent of 55.2 pair/ 100 km2. Man’s activities have often been the cause of long term declines in many raptor populations (Newton 1979). In contrast, the urban environment of a few cities on the Canadian Prairie-parkland have pro- vided a new and highly suitable man-made envi- ronment for the Merlin {Falco columbarius) (Oliphant 1974; Smith 1978). Following a few nestings in the 1960’s and early 1970’s, the Merlin population in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, exhibited a dramatic increase. This population ex- pansion has provided a unique opportunity to mea- sure the actual rate of increase (r) of a raptor popu- lation in a previously unused environment. Methods Surveys of suitable nesting habitat within the city were made each spring. Taped calls of Merlin vocalizations, which were utilized during the last 5 years, greatly reduced the effort needed to detect breeding pairs. Reports of Merlin sightings were investi- gated and often resulted in discovery of nests. In most years (1974-82) the nests were not climbed until the last half of June when the young were counted and banded. A “breeding pair” was defined as a pair at a nest site at least into the time of incubation. This criterion was necessary because many pairs relocated in new territories even up to a week or two prior to egg laying. A “successful nest” was one which produced at least one advanced nestling of banding age. The number of young produced was not known for some sites (nest not climbed or Table 1. Numbers of breeding pairs of Merlins and production of young in Saskatoon from 1971-1982. Year No. Breeding Pairs Minimum No. Young Produced Estimated No. Young Produced Average No. Young /Successful Nest Average No. Young/Nest Attempt 1971 1 3 3 3.0 ( 1) 3.0 1972 2 5 5 5.0 ( 1) 2.5 1973 4 4 8* 4.0 ( 1) 2.0* 1974 2 9 9 4.5 ( 2) 4.5 1975 3 14 14 4.7 ( 3) 4.7 1976 5 15 19* 3.8 ( 4) 3.8* 1977 6 22 22 4.4 ( 5) 3.7 1978 7 30 30 4.3 ( 7) 4.3 1979 10 37 37 4.1 ( 9) 3.7 1980 12 40 40 4.0 (10) 3.3 1981 14 57 61* 4.4(13) 4.4* 1982 16 50 54* 4.2 (12) 3.4* Totals Or X ± SE 82 286 302 4.2 ± 0.03 (n = 68) 3.7 ±0.07 (n = 82) * Productivity of one nest estimated as described in Methods section. 56 Raptor Research 19 (2/3): 56-59 Summer/Fall 1985 Population Growth of Merlins 57 YEAR Figure 1. Growth of breeding population of Merlins in Saskatoon from 1971 to 1982. number of young fledged unknown). Production at these sites was estimated by assuming a successful nest produced young equal to the average of all successful nests for that year and a nest with unknown outcome produced young equal to the average of all nests (successful and unsuccessful) for that year. The actual rate of increase (r) per year of the breeding popula- tion was estimated by taking the regression coefficient of loge of the number of breeding birds versus year (Caughley and Birch 1971). Analysis of variance was used to test the significance of the regression coefficient. Results Prior to 1 97 1 there were 3 Merlin nest records for Saskatoon (1963, 1965 and 1970). Of the 82 known nestings between 1971 and 1982, 71 were success- ful, 10 failed and the outcome of one nest was unknown. All of the nest sites were in old American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos ) or Black-billed Magpie {Pica pica) nests which, with three exceptions, were in large spruce {Picea sp.) trees. Table 1 summarizes the numbers of pairs and production of young from 1971-82. The growth of the breeding population is shown in Figure 1 . Other than a decline in 1974, there has been a steady exponential growth over the study period. Regression analysis revealed a rate of in- crease (r) per year of 0.233 ± 0.022. This linear relationship was highly significant (F = 1 16.9; df = 1, 10; P < 0.001) and represents a 26% increase in the breeding population per year. Although Saskatoon has a total area of 122 km2, only the older parts of the city have mature trees offering suitable nesting habitat for Merlins. All of the nest sites (1971 -82) were located within a 35 km2 core area. In 1982 all 16 pair nested within a 29 km2 area. The distance of each 1982 nest site to the nearest adjacent nest site averaged 1.2 km and var- ied from 0.7 km to 2.3 km. 58 Oliphant and Haug Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Discussion Several factors contribute to making the urban environment of Saskatoon a suitable nesting habitat for the Merlin. A primary factor is the presence of spruce trees which were planted early in the history of the city. As these trees matured they provided suitable nesting habitat for Crows and Black-billed Magpies. Houston (1977) has documented a major influx of these two species into Saskatoon between 1968 and 1972. Until the large stick nests of these corvids were present there were no suitable nesting sites for Merlins which, like other falcons, do not build their own nests. Another important factor is prey availability. The large urban population of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus ) provides an abundant prey base heavily utilized by the Merlins (Oliphant 1974; Oliphant and McTaggert 1977). Prey density is probably the most important factor responsible for the current high breeding density of the Merlin. A third factor is the proximity of the South Sas- katchewan River which runs through the middle of the city. The urban population was most probably derived from the Merlins that occur naturally along the major river systems on the prairies (Oliphant and Thompson 1978; Houston and Schmidt 1981). Nesting habitat, prey availability and intras- pecific competition do not appear to be limiting population growth in Saskatoon at this time. Given these conditions, the calculated rate of increase (r) of this population should approximate the maximum rate of increase (r max) for this situation (Caughley and Birch 1971). This assumes that the population is closed (no ingress or egress). Al- though this assumption is certainly not valid in the strictest sense, we believe that the majority of birds nesting in the city were indeed fledged from city nests. Opportunities to estimate the capacity for in- crease of a wild raptor population are rare. Ratcliffe (1980) describes the decline and resurgence of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus ) in Britain first due to shooting and secondly to pesticides. Rates of increase of the population were not calculated, however. The Merlins of Saskatoon have already achieved the highest recorded nesting density for this species. The overall breeding density for 1982 was equal to 55.2 pairs/ 100 km2. The densest group of nests was a group of 5 nests contained within 1.3 km2 (384.6 pairs/100 km2). Newton et al. (1978) reported maximum Merlin densities of 10 and 13 pairs/ km2 in two study areas in northern Britain. The closest nestings they recorded were 3 pairs at the corners of a triangle 1.0 - 1.1 km apart. This is very similar to the average distance between nearest neighbors in the 1982 Saskatoon population. In Wales (Williams 1981) the highest Merlin density recorded was 9 pairs in 35 km2 (25.7 pairs/ 100 km2) with 7 of these pairs found within 6 km2 (116.7 pairs/100 km2). This high density in Saskatoon far exceeds re- corded non-urban density on the Canadian prairies. During a population study of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis ) in southern Alberta, a minimum Merlin nesting density of only 1 .9 pairs/ 100 km2 was recorded (Schmutz 1982). In limited areas of good habitat, however, non-urban Merlin densities may be higher and occasionally pairs may nest less than 1 km apart (A. Schmidt, pers. comm.) Acknowledgments Coordination of the Merlin survey was done by John Poison in 1980 and 1981 and by John Feldsine in 1982. We also thank Paddy Thompson, Stacey Tessaro, Jane Jenkins, Adam Schmidt, Bob Rafuse, Stuart Houston, Al Smith, Jim Slimmon, Bruce Hanbidge and John Hanbidge for help with the survey or information on Merlin nestings. Andy Didiuk and Dick Neal made constructive comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Literature Cited Caughley, G. and L.C. Birch. 1971. Rate of increase./. Wildl. Mgmt. 35:658-663. Houston, C.S. 1977. Changing patterns of the Corvidae on the prairies. Blue Jay 35:149-156. Houston, C.S. and A. Schmidt. 1981. History of Richardson’s Merlin in Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 39:30-37. Newton, I., E.R. Meek and B. Little. 1978. Breeding ecology of the Merlin in Northumberland. Brit. Birds 71:376-398. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo Books, S. Dakota. 399 pp. Oliphant, L.W. 1974. Merlins - The Saskatoon falcons. Blue Jay 32:140-147. Oliphant, L.W. and S. McTaggert. 1977. Prey species utilized by urban nesting Merlins. Can. Field-Nat. 91:280-286, Oliphant, L.W. and W.J.P. Thompson. 1979. Recent breeding success of Richardson’s Merlin in Saskatche- wan. Raptor Res. 1 2 : 35-39. Schmutz, J.K. 1982. An estimate of Ferruginous Hawks in Alberta and the relationship between their density and land use. Unpublished report for the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Energy and Natural Re- sources. Summer/Fall 1985 Population Growth of Merlins 59 Smith, A.R. 1978. The Merlins of Edmonton. Alberta Naturalist 8:188-191. Williams, G.A. 1981. The Merlin in Wales: breeding numbers, habitat and success. Brit. Birds 74:205-214. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Western College of Veteri- nary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, S7N OWO CANADA. Address of second au- thor: Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N OWO CANADA. BREEDING BEHAVIOR OF THE MERLIN: THE COURTSHIP PERIOD John W. Feldsine and Lynn W. Oliphant Abstract - Behavioral observations were made on an urban population of the Merlin ( Falco columbarius richardsonii) nesting in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Fourteen distinct behavioral displays and four vocalizations were identified during the courtship period. The behavior of the birds was remarkably similar in most respects to large falcons such as the Peregrine Falcon ( F . peregrinus), Prairie Falcon (F. mexicanus) and Gyrfalcon (F. rusticolus ), which have been studied more thoroughly. Information on the breeding behavior of the Merlin is scanty and sometimes contradictory. Brown (1976), referring to the British Merlin (F.c. aesalon), states that “Merlins do not perform spec- tacular aerial display flights” while Cramp and Simmons (1980) briefly mention such aerial dis- plays. Most of the literature dealing with Merlin breeding behavior focuses on the nesting and rais- ing of young (Rowan 1921-22; Craighead and Craighead 1940; Lawrence 1949; Campbell and Nelson 1975) with little information on behavior during the courtship period. This study was de- signed to compile an ethogram of the behavior of the Merlin from pair formation to the time of egg laying. Methods Most of the observations were made on a population of Merlins nesting in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city of 1220 ha. and a population of 1 55,000 (see Oliphant 1974 and Oliphant and Haug 1984 for details of this Merlin population). Data were obtained during a behavioral study conducted in 1982 and 1983 by John Feldsine supplemented by casual observations between 1971 and 1 984 by Lynn Oliphant (estimated 800 h). During the 2 yr study 1 6 nest sites were visited each year from mid-January to the end of April. A tape recording of Merlin vocalizations was played at each site to draw out concealed birds and to initiate behavioral displays. Scattered observations were made at several nest sites throughout the day but the majority of observations was made between sunrise and 1100 H. In addition, intensive observations of 2 pairs of Merlins were made in 1982. A total of 1 75 h of observations were made on these birds between February 17 and April 30 from a parked vehicle using binoculars and a spotting scope between sunrise and 1400 H. Casual observations were also made In 1982 on a pair of Merlins that raised young in captivity. Results We were able to recognize 14 courtship displays and 4 primary vocalizations. The displays are in some cases comprised of several components, which may be employed in more than one display. Not all of the displays described were seen in both of the intensively studied pairs. These 2 pairs rep- resented the seasonal extremes in terms of appear- ance on territory; 1 pair was first observed courting on territory on 16 February, the other not until 14 April. The early pair was not as elaborate or expres- sive in its displays as was the late arriving pair, nor did it display so frequently. Vocalizations 1. Ki-ki-kee (Kek-kek-kek). This is the most commonly heard call and takes on several different forms, which vary in intensity, speed, rhythm and number of syllables according to the situation. It is used by both sexes with the male’s call higher in pitch and more rapidly delivered. This call accom- panies several courtship displays and territorial or other aggressive encounters, although in an aggres- sive context, it is deeper and resembles a kac-kac- kac sound (Craighead and Craighead 1940). 2. Tic (Chip). Used by both sexes in almost all courtship rituals and is typically repeated several times at intervals of a few seconds. Again, the male’s call is higher in pitch than the female’s. Often this call is given alternately by the pair, especially when near each other but not in visual contact. 3. Copulation Chutter (Copulation Bleat, Chrrr). Somewhat like the sound made by a short blast on a police whistle. When used by the male, this call indicates a desire to copulate. Females occa- sionally use it in encounters involving food, e.g., when the male returns with prey but fails to signal for a food transfer. This may indicate an extremely hungry female. Also used by non-resident birds of either sex when approaching a resident female. 4. Food Begging Whine. Used strictly by the female and consists of a series of monotonous whining notes resembling a very slow ki-ki-kee. It apparently tells the male either “give me the food that you have” or “go get me some food”. Occasion- ally females gave this call before, during and after a copulation sequence. It resembles and is presuma- bly derived from the begging call of the young. Courtship Displays 1. Power Flying. One of the earliest male courtship displays and may continue throughout 60 Raptor Research 19 (2/3): 60-67 Summer/Fall 1985 Breeding Behavior of the Merlin 61 the courtship period. It consists of a strong flapping flight with deep wingbeats accompanied by rolls which alternately display the dorsal and ventral as- pects of the plumage when viewed from the side (Fig. 1.1). Power Flying may be terminated by a Slow Landing Display, Power Dive or a Rocking Glide usually past a perched female and/or poten- tial nest tree. Power Flying is used as a territorial display to a rival or potential or existing mate. When performed in the presence of a rival male it reaches its greatest intensity. We have observed 2 males from adjoining territories Power Flying past each other at their common boundary. The Tic-Tic vocalization is usually given during this display. Volume and frequency of the vocalization and snappiness of the rolling vary with the intensity of the display. One male was observed Power Flying repeatedly over a period of about 1 wk followng the death of his mate just prior to egg laying. No other birds were observed in the area during these dis- plays suggesting that Power Flying may be used to attract potential mates into a male’s territory. 2. Power Diving. Another male display which appears to be a more intense variation of Power Flying with the only major difference being the angle of flight (Fig. 1.2). This display may be in- itiated by a direct high-level climb over the territory or preceded by Power Flying at heights which may reach several hundred meters. The steepness of the dive may vary from about 45° to near vertical. Flap- ping flight may continue throughout the dive ac- companied by 180° rolls. As speed increases the wings are partially folded. The dive may be termi- nated with a U-shaped climb or often by Power Flying or a Rocking Glide display past a potential mate or nest site. The context of this display is one of territory defense and advertisement. This dis- play was most often precipitated by one or more rival males on the resident male’s territory. As many as 4 birds were present on some occasions, and we suspect that the female copulated with one of the rivals as well as the resident male. Cramp and Sim- mons (1980) report that pairs were observed Power Diving together. We have never observed females Power Flying or Power Diving. 3. Rocking Glide. A less intense version of Power Flying (Fig. 1.3). The components of the 2 displays are similar except that there is no flapping flight with the Rocking Glide. The falcon initially flaps to build up speed or comes out of a Power Dive and then sets'the wings to glide. It then performs 90° - 1 80° rolls depending upon the speed attained beforehand. As in the previous 2 displays the rol- ling component of this display alternately flashes the blue back and contrasting lighter underparts of the male. The plumage contrasts are not so obvious when the display is performed by females or im- matures. Probably as a result of the slower flight speed, the tail and wing feathers are somewhat more flared than when Power Flying. This is a fairly common display and was fre- quently indulged in by both sexes, although more often by males. Males may use this display to attract mates to their territories or upon return to an es- tablished territory. In the latter situation the male begins rocking and sounding the Tic-Tic call when passing by a perched female. The use of this display by females was more aggressive and was most often observed in response to a taped female call. Females are often more aggressive than males in defense of the nest site, and intruding females often elicited a Rocking Glide display from a resident female. This display was often terminated with a Slow Landing display at the nest tree. 4. Flutter Flying. A common aerial display and may be observed almost daily at an active nest site. The flight pattern is usually circular or Figure-eight shaped (Fig. 1.4). Flight speed is slow with rapid shallow wing beats generally below the level of the body. It is similar to the fluttering flight of the Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus). The flight often terminates in a Slow Landing display. Flutter Flying probably functions as a mild territorial ad- vertisement and/or display to a perched mate. The Ki-ki-kee and/or Tic-Tic vocalizations are usually given by the flying male, and the female often answers. 5. High Circling/Soaring. Although the Mer- lin is often reported as never soaring, we often observed 1 or more (up to 4) birds circling at heights up to several hundred meters. These birds often set their wings and soared if conditions were favorable. Circling/Soaring was seen by both resident and non-resident birds of both sexes. In the former it probably served as a mild territorial display while for the latter it may serve as a means for surveying another territory from an advantageous position. 6. Slow Landing Display (Hitched Wing). Commonly a terminal component of other displays, the Slow Landing display is a male display made while coming in to perch (Fig. 1 .5). The flight pattern when approaching the perch is similar to 62 Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Figure 1 . Diagramatic representations of twelve major courtship displays of the Merlin. Symbols ( - Q O m 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 DAYS POST- HATCH Figure 2. Growth curve for Pair #2. Summer/Fall 1985 Growth of Hand-raised Merlins 81 DAYS POST- HATCH Figure 3. Food consumption - Pair #1. Figure 4. Food consumption - Pair #4. DAYS POST- HATCH 82 Oliphant and Tessaro Vol. 19, No. 2/3 the maximum. The average amount of food con- sumed during this period was very similar for the males (40.0 g/d). The female from pair #1 con- sumed 52.4 g/d as compared to 46.1 g/d for the other female. Food consumption decreased by day 23-27 to about 30 g/d for both males and females. General observations on the development of the 4 birds are presented in Table 1. There was a slight variation in the appearance of various behaviour patterns with males developing ahead of females. Post-hatching development is broken down some- what arbitrarily into 5 major periods: day 0-3 (new- born); 4-11 (small downy); 12-21 (large downy); 22-28 (brancher); and 29-independence (fledgl- ing>- Discussion Basic growth parameters for Merlins have been reported (Ricklefs 1968a, b) but are incorrect. The original data from which these growth parameters were derived are for the Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus ) (Fowler 1931) and the reported weights Table 1. Post-hatching Development Day Observations r * Hatch; eyes closed, down wet. Newborn i Down dry. 1 l 3 Eyes open. 4-8 Enter period of rapid growth; Become aware of surroundings; Small Downy - 9-11 Second down coat develops. Sheathed contour feathers appear; Sitting erect on tarsi; _ Wing flapping begins. 12-14 Primaries break sheaths; First casting. 15-17 Rectrices break sheaths; Egg tooth is lost; Large Downy — ■< 18-21 Standing upright. Cheek and flank feathers develop; Flight feathers developing rapidly; Grappling and holding food with feet; Increased wing flapping; Leveling off of food consumption and weight gain. Brancher "22-28 Maximum weight attained; Rapid replacement of down by contour feathers ■< (down visible only on head by 28 days); Short jumping “flights.” ^29-34 Fledging; become capable of sustained flight. 35-40 First long flights and development of flying abilities; Interest shown in potential prey (first pursuit Fledgling 40-50 of bird at 36 days, 1979 (male). First bath. Hunting begins; first kills on flying insects; first bird kill [Day 42, 1979 (female)]. Some down still remains on head. Completion of feather growth. _ 50-60 Become independent; disperse. Summer/Fall 1985 Growth of Hand-raised Merlins 83 were incorrectly converted from ounces to grams and mistakenly reported as Falco columbarius. The significance of the lower weights at full growth for pair #2 as compared to pair #1 is dif- ficult to assess due to small sample size and minor differences in feeding regimes, handling, etc. Data collected on weights of wild nestlings of known age suggest, however, that even pair # 1 was smaller and exhibited slower growth rates than most wild nestlings. Weights of 12 wild females between 20 and 28 d old all exceeded 250 g (limit of scales used) and weights of 5 wild, lid old nestlings (unsexed) weighed an average of 129.6 g (103-160 g) as com- pared to 80 g for pair #2 and 90 g for pair #1. It should be noted that our estimate of the hatching dates of pair #1 may be as much as 2 d too early based upon the observed weights of wild nestlings. The difference in growth rates cannot be attributed solely to differences in food quality between our hand-reared birds and wild birds. Weights of 3 captive bred Merlins (2 females, 1 male) raised by their parents but fed only Coturnix quail averaged 120 g at day 11. In 1979 we had the opportunity to directly com- pare our hand-reared pair (#2) with a wild nestling (male) which had hatched on the same date. The wild Merlin had fledged prematurely from a nest site. The birds were 27 d old at the time of compari- son but on the basis of feather development and flight capabilities the wild bird appeared to be 4-5 d more advanced than the hand-reared pair. There has been recent evidence to suggest that growth rates and final body size may be less in falcons reared by people as compared to those cared for by falcons (The Peregrine Fund; Mac- Donald Raptor Research Centre, pers. comm.) Jim Weaver (The Peregrine Fund) suggested that this difference might be due to fluids added to the food from the nasal glands of the adult falcon during feeding. Addition of physiological saline to the food appears to counteract this slower growth which is especially apparent during the early stages of de- velopment (Oliphant, unpub. obs.). Olendorff (1972) has also noted the potential problem of de- hydration in hand-reared buteos and, more re- cently, Wallace at the University of Wisconsin (Dobbs et al. 1 979) showed that diets containing less than 55% moisture slowed growth or even halted growth in young of the Turkey Vulture ( Cathartes aura). The moisture content of 5 wk old quail given by Dobbs et al. (1979) is very low (45%) in compari- son to other whole animal food. It appears that until further studies are done, it would be prudent to add water or physiological saline to ground quail being fed to hand-raised raptors. There was a noticeable difference in the tarsus, cere and orbit color of our hand-reared birds as compared to wild nestlings. Our birds had blue or blue-green skin as compared to the bright yellow color of wild nestlings of advanced age. This is undoubtedly due to the relative lack of carotenoid pigments in the diet of our hand-reared birds. Development of vocalizations was retarded in our hand-reared birds. When pair #1 was placed in the hack box with the 2 late taken wild young, they only made food begging cries typical of nestlings. The 2 late taken wild young had already developed a typi- cal adult call with a rapid stacatto delivery. Even a wk after fledging this difference was still apparent. The response of these birds to a wild adult male Merlin that appeared in the hack area was also very different. The late taken birds begged for food and chased the adult male but the hand-reared birds ignored him. Based upon our values, the total food require- ments for 1 Merlin from hatching to fledging are about 1,000 g. This can be expected to vary slightly depending on sex and size of the particular nestling and nutritive value of the food consumed. Sparrow-sized birds are the principal food of Merlins (Oliphant and McTaggert 1977; Hodson 1978). Average weights of freshly killed sparrows in Saskatoon were 28.6 g in summer (n = 15) and 35.6 g in winter (n = 1 0). The weight of a plucked carcass with head and tarsus removed averaged about 80% of fresh wt. This gives a value of about 25 g of useful food per average sparrow kill. The total food re- quirements per Merlin during the nestling period is therefore about 40 sparrows. Based upon the food consumption of pair #2 after fledging, an addi- tional 38 sparrows would be required from the time of fledging to independence at day 55. Assuming similar food requirements for a pair of breeding adults over an entire 120-d breeding season results in an additional 210 sparrows required per adult. The total calculated prey requirements for a breeding pair and 4 young would therefore be 732 sparrows. Observations at wild nests in the city of Saskatoon indicate that these calculations are close, but proba- bly on the low side. We recorded a total of 5 spar- rows killed (3-4 expected) during incubation by 84 Oliphant and Tessaro Vol. 19, No. 2/3 watching at 1 Merlin nest site from dawn to dusk. A similar watch at a nest site with 5 one wk old young recorded 10 sparrow kills (8-9 expected). This slightly higher than calculated kill rate could be due partially to the occasional loss of some kills during plucking or food transfers (whole carcasses were occasionally found at nest sites) and loss of cached food (Oliphant and Thompson 1976) either stolen by other birds or simply forgotten. The actual number of House Sparrow-sized birds killed by a breeding pair with 4 young is probably close to 800 for a 120-d breeding period. This is somewhat lower than that estimated by Lawrence (1949) which would have amounted to a total of 1 , 1 40 for a brood of 4 young over a 120-d breeding season. Acknowledgements We thank Paddy Thompson, Bob Rafuse, Sue McTaggert, Bruce and John Hanbidge for help in obtaining and rearing Merlins and gathering data on prey utilization by wild pairs. The Saskatchewan Department of Tourism and Renewable Resources issued the necessary permits. Dr. Charles T. Collins kindly supplied the computer printouts of the growth curves. This study was supported in part by an NSERC grant to the senior author. Literature Cited Dobbs, J.C., N.D. Ahlgren and A.M. Hayworth. 1979. Examining what raptors eat or are fed. Hawk Chalk 18(3):34-36. Fowler, F.H. 1931. Studies of food and growth of the prairie falcon. Condor 33:193-201. Hodson, K. 1978. Prey utilized by Merlins nesting in shortgrass prairies of southern Alberta. Can. Field- Naturalist 92:76-77. Lawrence, L. deK. 1949. Notes on nesting pigeon hawks at Pimisi Bay, Ontario. Wilson Bull. 61:15-25. Olendorff, R.R. 1972. Comments on rearing young buteos. Raptor Res. 6:6-10. Oliphant, L.W. and S. McTaggert. 1977. Prey species utilized by urban nesting Merlins. Can. Field-Naturalist 91:190-192. Oliphant, L.W. and W.J.P. Thompson. 1976. Food caching behavior in Richardson’s Merlin. Can. Field- Naturalist 90:364-365. Richards, F.J. 1959. A flexible growth function for em- pirical use./. Exp. Bot. 10:290-300. Ricklefs, R.E. 1968a Weight recession in nestling birds. Auk 85:30-35. Ricklefs, R. 1968b. Patterns of growth in birds. Ibis 110:419-451. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Western College of Veteri- nary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, S7N OWO CANADA. Address of second au- thor: Animal Pathology Laboratory, Agriculture Canada, 116 Veterinary Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N OWO CANADA. MIGRATION OF THE MERLIN ALONG THE COAST OF NEW JERSEY William S. Clark Abstract - Merlins were captured along a migration route in New Jersey from 1968 to 1979. Sixty-one percent of 1550 Merlins captured at Cape May Point in autumn were female. Seventy-six percent of 1 05 Merlins captured at Sandy Hook in spring were female. Eight percent and 59% of the Merlins captured were adults at Cape May Point and Sandy Hook, respectively. The dho-gaza was the most effective capture device. Females migrated before males in autumn and vice versa in spring. Both sexes are captured more frequently after noon in autumn and spring, but many males were captured in the morning in spring. Timing of spring migration was more compressed. Mean wt and wing chord measurements were calculated. Adults were significantly heavier than immatures (t-Test, P < 0.001). In spring, Merlins were considerably heavier than in autumn. Most Merlins can be sexed by wing chord length and wt. Subcutaneous fat visible beneath the skin was estimated and was not correlated to mean wt. Band recoveries indicate a migration pathway along the Atlantic Coast with wintering in Florida and the Greater Antilles, but none from Cape May Point have been recovered in Central America or nothern South America. Some Merlins moved northward in autumn. The Merlin (Falco columbarius ) is of panboreal distribution. Most studies of the species have con- centrated on the breeding season (Fox 1971; Oliphant and Thompson 1976; Newton et al. 1978) or systematics (Temple 1972a). Although most races are migratory (Peters 1964; Dementiev et al. 1966), and a few studies of Merlin migration have been published (Williamson 1954; Brown 1976; Thompson 1958), nothing has been published re- garding migration of populations of eastern boreal North America F.c. columbarius. This paper reports Merlin migration from data gathered during long-term raptor migration re- search at Cape May Point and Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Cape May Point is located at the southern tip of New Jersey where the greatest concentrations of migrating raptors in North America occur during the autumn migration (Dunne and Clark 1977; Dunne 1980). Sandy Hook is located on the south side of the New York Harbor and has been found to be a spring concentration point for raptors, espe- cially small falcons (Clark 1978). Methods During 12 autumns, my cooperators and I have operated a raptor banding station at Cape May Point. During 1977-1980, a second banding station was operated during spring at Sandy Hook. Merlins and other species of raptors were captured at both locations using bownets, mist nets and dho-gaza nets (Clark 1970, 1981). Captured falcons were banded using U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service bands and in most cases were weighed to the nearest gram and wing chord measurements in mm were taken. Merlins were aged and sexed using the technique outlined in Temple (1972b). Data on wing chord and weight were used to verify sex determina- tions using the statistical computer program SAS Discriminate Function Analysis. During 1978 and 1979, Merlins captured at Cape May Point were visually checked for subcutaneous fat on the sides of the breast, in the throat cavity and on the belly by blowing the feathers out of the way. Presence or absence of fat was recorded according to the coding scheme in Table 1. Results and Discussion Data were obtained for 1550 Merlins captured at Cape May Point during the years 1968-1979 (Table 2) and 104 at Sandy Hook during the years 1977- 1980 (Table 3). Age and Sex Ratios. — Only one exception was found to Temple’s (1972b) key for ageing and sex- ing Merlins. Many immature plumage males had both gray and buffy colors in the light tail bands (N = 577), while immature females had only buffy tail bands (N = 852). Temple noted that immature males had only gray color in tail. Immature plum- Table 1. Coding scheme for subcutaneous fat in captured Merlins. Fat Class Side T HROAT Belly 0 None None None T (Trace) 1 A trace of fat is noted in any of the areas Slight-medium bulge Present (or) Present 2 Medium-large bulge Lined and Lined 85 Raptor Research 19 (2/3): 85-93 86 William S. Clark Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 2. Merlins banded Fall, 1968-1979, Cape May Point, New Jersey Table 3. Merlins banded Spring, 1977-1980, Sandy Hook, New Jersey Males Females Total Males Females Total Immature 574 812 1,386 Adult 41 77 118 Unknown 2 44* 46 Total 617 933 1,550 * Includes 43 unknown from 1971 age females also had less well defined tail bands than those of males. Merlins are sexually dimorphic with females larger than males. A plot of wt vs wing chord sepa- rated the sexes (Fig. 1 ), even though there is a slight overlap in either measurement between sexes. The data were also checked for accurate sex determina- tion using discriminate function analysis. The same sex was selected by the program and the banders for every data pair of wing chord and wt. Immature 3 40 43 Adult 22 39 61 Total 25 79 104 Ninety-two percent of the Merlins captured in the autumn were first-year birds (Table 2). This age ratio was consistent with that of other raptors cap- tured at Cape May Point; American Kestrel (. Falco sparverius ) 92.5% (N = 8091), Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) 94.6% (N = 13,867), and Coopers Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) 92.7% (N = 756). Age ratios reported for songbirds banded on the coast reflect the same phenomena (Robbins 1977). Figure 1. Comparison of wing chord and weight of migrant Merlins captured at Cape May Point, New Jersey. Summer/Fall 1985 Migration of the Merlin 87 Table 4. Merlins captured by type of trap. Trap Type Cape May Point, N .J. Sandy Hook, N.J. Males Females Total Males Females Total Dho-Gaza 264 (43%) 371 (41%) 638 (43%) 10 (40%) 31 (39%) 41 (39%) Mist Net 170 (28%) 211 (23%) 381 (25%) 0% 2 (31%) 2 (%) Bow Net 177 (29%) 333 (36%) 509 (33%) 15 (60%) 46 (58%) 61 (59%) Other 4 0 Total 611 915 1,532 25 79 104 Presumably the best explanation is that immature raptors and songbirds are concentrated along the Atlantic coast during fall migration by the wind drift and leading line phenomena described by Mueller and Berger (1967). The higher winter mortality of immature raptors compared to adults (Newton 1979) may partially explain the higher percentage of adults in the spring sample (Table 3). Capture samples (Tables 2 and 3) showed an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of females. At Cape May Point, 61% of the Merlins captured were females; at Sandy Hook, 76% . These samples are significantly different (P < 0.001) from each other and from the expected 50-50 sex ratio (Fox 1964) (P < 0.001). Possible explanations for the observed skewed ratios include capture bias, differential migration and differential survivability. Based on Merlins being caught and not being caught, there seems to be little or no sex bias in the capture techniques. If there is a different migration path- way for males, it is probably not over land, as no other raptor banding stations capture many Mer- Month Figure 2. Merlins captured at Cape May Point, New Jersey, in the fall (1968 - 1979) by date by sex. 88 William S. Clark Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Date Figure 3. Merlins captured at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in the spring by date by sex. lins. Merlins have been reported in the fall migra- ting over water off the eastern coast of North America (anon. 1979). There are insufficient data to determine if there is differential survivability between males and females. Capture Techniques — Merlins were captured by 3 types of traps (Table 4). The modified dho- gaza (Clark 1981) is the most effective trap for capturing Merlins. There are minor differences in percentages by capture method among the 4 to 5 different stations at Cape May Point caused by ter- rain differences. Generally, dho-gazas (and mist nets) are more effective when there is a dark background behind them and bow nets are more effective in more open locations. Differences bet- ween the capture technique percentages of Cape May Point and Sandy Hook are probably due to differences in terrain. The Sandy Hook stations are in much more open terrain with little backdrop available. Diurnal and Seasonal Timing — The Merlin was one of the earlier autumnal migrants at Cape May Point, arriving in numbers by September 10, and completing the passage by mid-October (Fig. 2). Females migrated earlier in the season than males and peaked earlier (Fig. 2). Rosenfield and Evans (1980) theorize that migrating immature female Sharp-shinned Hawks precede males because of their dependence on larger avian prey. My data for Merlins support their hypothesis, as the Merlin also subsists almost entirely on birds and females mig- rate first. Males precede the females in spring (Fig. 3). This is consistent with behavior of other migrant species with the adult males arriving on territory first (Roest 1957). The spring migration period spanned a shorter time than the autumn period. The au- tumn migration “season” for Merlins is over a month while the spring migration period lasts only about 15 d. In spring they do not appear in num- bers until after 20 April and most have passed by 5 May. There is very little difference in the time of day the sexes are captured at Cape May Point (Fig. 4). In general, the data support the observation that Mer- lins are more plentiful in the afternoon. Migrating Peregrine Falcons ( Falco peregrinus) have been characterized by having 3 different flight characteristics during the day (Cochran 1975). First, from predawn to the time of thermal forma- tion, they hunt using powered flight in the desired migration direction at an altitude of around 30m. Summer/Fall 1985 Migration of the Merlin 89 Hour Interval Beginning Figure 4. Merlins captured at Cape May Point, New Jersey, in the fall by time of day by sex. During mid-day, they utilize thermals in the man- ner of most migrating raptors. In the afternoon, when thermal production slows down or ceases, they begin a low-level hunting flight, generally in a random direction. I believe that the Merlins mig- rating along the Atlantic Coast use similar strategies. On many occasions Merlins that had perched for the night on snags at Cape May Point were not present the next morning at first light (Dunne, pers. comm. 1981). The Merlins may have begun migrating using powered flight hours before sunrise, changed to thermals later in the morning, and finally, when thermal formation weakened later in the afternoon, they dropped to low altitudes Hour Interval Beginning Figure 5. Merlins captured at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in the spring by time of day by sex. 90 William S. Clark Vol. 19, No. 2/3 Table 5. Mean weight and wing chord of Merlins banded in the Fall at Cape May Point, New Jersey. Adult* Immature* t-TEST FOR Difference (P< 6.001) Weight Male 158. 6g (40) ± 11.6 152.7 (506) ± 10.7 Yes Female 217. 7g (72) ± 14.3 211.3 (27) ± 15.6 Yes Wing Male 190.4 (40) ± 4.2 190.2 (546) ± 5.0 No Chord Female 211.7 (73) ± 3.8 210.4 (759) ± 4.3 Yes *(Sample size in parenthesis)Mean ± SD and. began low-level hunting flight. Merlins were captured in numbers late in the day, long after other raptor species have ceased migrating. Merlins were also captured in numbers on overcast, drizzly days when thermals, if present, were weak. The situation is not quite so clear when one looks at the equivalent data for the spring captures at Sandy Hook (Fig. 5), probably due to the small sample size. Measurement Data — Mean wt and wing chord measurements were calculated for Merlins cap- tured at Cape May Point (Table 5) and Sandy Hook (Table 6). Adults of both sexes were significantly heavier than immatures (t-Test, P < 0.001). Only for females did adults have significantly longer wings than immatures. Interestingly, Temple (1972b) reported no significant differences in age class measurements of wing chord for F.c. colum- barius. The mean wing chords reported by Temple were not significantly different from my data (t- Test, P > 0.001). The spring data (Table 6) show almost the identical mean for wing chords as in the fall, but considerably heavier wt than in the fall. Fat — There are few references to fat deposition in raptors (Newton, pers. comm. 1977). Gesseman (1979) documented and quantified fat deposition in American Kestrels by sacrificing them and ex- tracting fat. He attributed changes in fat deposition to migrational needs. Merlins were checked for fat deposition during autumn 1978 and 1979. Of the 279 Merlins in- Table 6. Mean weight and wing chord of Merlins banded in the Spring at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Adult* Immature* t-TEST FOR Difference (P < 0.001) Male 169.0 (22) ± 13.7 155.9 (3) ± 10.2 No Weight Female 243.6 (39) ±21.6 234.4 (40) ± 13.4 Yes Male 190.1 (22) ± 3.4 188 (3) ± 2.4 No Wing Chord Female 211.9 (39) ± 4.4 210.5 (39) ± 3.8 No (Sample size in parenthesis) * Mean ± SD Summer/Fall 1985 Migration of the Merlin 91 Fig. 6 Merlin Band Recoveries from Cape May Point, N.J. CAPE MAY POINT N \ 111 Breeding Range ITT] Migration Path [ ] Main Wintering Area LEGEND FOR BAND RECOVERIES © September-November (•) December-February © March-May t c:> c ^ * <8 o <0 _ Figure 6. Map. OO as CCS o-1 CL 13 £ a S/3 o U P6 a n > c o S/3 >- c c -C c o qj 03 ^ ^ ^ o oo o oo -h in m cm h h s s m of m of CH b o b CM CO m o 00 CO co n- 00 CM CM CO © co 00 of 6 m © Of . — s ,—i co CM CO CO CM as of" id ai in as CO cO m CH b CH b cn H Q CO CO (j o s £ I> I 05 CO CO _g CO O c o CM J CM oo be co n co l-J i-H -c oj c co of co so 00 O CO CM o o ~ — CM CM ch- b o b CD CM I> as 00 co > > > > t" of • co 00 CO 03 of 03 CO 03 CO 03 CO 03 co 00 l> TT m o CO CO I— H co CO n CM i— i CM CM CM m of ^ s _ s i— i i—i — co s v in CO^ i> of u7 os’ © X Os of I> co m of H H >— 1 — 1 CH b CH b O o CM CM CO Os m 00 CO CO of O 00 00 co co no m as CO Of I> of o 1> i—i CM I> co 1> m CM m as co co CM co CM CM in m m as CO CO CM CM o CM © 6 © 00 00 os 1 CM as i—i Of CO CM 00 m CO o o CO o CO CM m as as — 1 as 00 1—1 1—1 CO S co in CO 00 © CM CM © 00 in Ff cFT aT © CO 1 CO CO^ >— 1 >— 1 i—1 >— < >— 1 co >— 1 CM CM o CM CM as" ofF © m in CM So inT CO CM CM as Of I> co 00 co CO CM m CO CM i—i 00 m m of m co of Of m in s— 1 »— 1 — 1 — 1 i— ' >— < — 1 1 >— 1 1 CH b CH b CH b CH b CH b CH b CH b CH b CH ’b Of o o o CM. as 00 co CO o m CM 00 00 in i — i O I> m fF- ’"7' CM i—^ m CO i—i m n o— s CO o of 00 as w I> 1 as co' CM CM o aT CM 00 ^2- 22- CM CM ' — ^ -- — ^ co as 00 00 CM in m CO cO CM of m CM I> CO as 00 -—i 1 >— 1 *— 1 CH *b CH *b CH 'b -Q 3 Cl I- 5 ^ . <0 g SO o .CL g g ~g g So S .g .J2 ■S, o -g CO 0. O CM n co in ■— i >— 1 CM CO O CM ICO o . o oo co (O 00 lO CO CM CM ^ 00 00 ' ' CM Oo 1 CT> OJ 1 -Q <—( co oo CM on 00 co t> 1— 1 l-H < CH *b 0+ x> GO ’XS J- rt £ a u r-H 00 •'f CD Tf CO co 4 CM OO CO CM OO ICO l> CM CO CO o *b CO oo co m Xh 00 (d ® cm CM ■'f r~ i> iS ^ , !C0 -H — < 2 co I> co ^ ^ 00 ICO CM CO t-H ZZ1. 00 CM in 1—1 CM -H Tf — , oo m oo ICO ID CO CD "t1 CM 00 00 — h 00 CO CO CO UO CM 00 ico co 00 J> l> ICO o o CM CO O oo o ICO CO ICO XD -H oo co oo oo OO CO CM CO — H — I CO oo CO oo CO CM j> ico CM — CM CM CM 00 oo m CM CM oo CD CM ■'f Tfl CO CO 4 l> CO CM CM co oo co" CHTbo+TbCHTbCHTbCH,bCH,b ot'oo'bo'bCH’bot'o CM CM CM CO m 00 O in O CM Tf1 m • 1 Oo CM m o> u 00 CM CO 05 0 co o m o CM CO CO 00 -'T T T t> CM x> CO i> ■41 0 co CO m CO CO CO ■41 CM CO CO 00 O 00 00 0 06 , 0 06 4 i— i i— H O t> co m CM CM r— . r— CO 1 — 1 0 1— c t> 00 v v CO CM 1— < i—i m m CO rf 1— < 05 CM I— ( CM o l> s _ _ on CM CO S CM , v , s , s _ ^ ^ , s v t> s H ^ CO_ CM CO m 1 — 1 0 0 O CO ^ s 00 00 I> CO CM 1 Zl- ZH- 1 CO 1 »— 1 CM CM 00 l> CM CO^ CM CO in oT © 05 1—1 XT oT fx CM XT CM O) in oT m 00 OO CO OO co 1— 1 in »— i m m CO 00 0 CO CM co t> I> 1 1 CO CM t> CO i> CO >— 1 1 CO m 00 CD — 1 05 CM CM CO CH *b CH *b CH ’X) CH *b CH *b CH *b 0 'b CH 'b CH ^b CH Aegolius funereus 9 140(4) 121-160 9 224(23) 199-235 9 167(96) 126-194 Glutz et al. 1979 90% of red-tail sightings were of birds in immature plumage. Adult red-tail sightings were con- fined to small meadows and clear-cuts surrounding the main flats. Adults may have limited themselves to peripheral areas to avoid harassment from immatures who often congregated around kills. Once we observed up to 11 immature red-tails fighting over a single prey. The Ferruginous Hawk ( Buteo regalis) was the next most fre- quently sighted raptor, averaging 31.4 birds/survey (Table 1) with a range of 7 - 67. Most Ferruginous Hawks sighted were also in immature plumage. Except for 2 birds perched on the edge of a clear-cut in 1983, all Ferruginous Hawks were sighted on the main flats. The observation bluff was a particularly good concentration spot, with less vegetation, allowing excellent views from ground level. Ferruginous Hawks have been known to move to Henrys Lake Flats from the Raft River Valley along the Utah-Idaho border, about 250 km to the southeast (Thurow et al. 1980. Raptor Ecol- ogy of Raft River Valley, Idaho, E.G. and G., Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, and pers. obs.). In late summer food availability becomes limited in Raft River Valley since Black-tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus califomicus) become less diurnal to avoid heat (Thurow et al. 1 980). The Ferruginous Hawks apparently respond by drifting on pre- vailing wind currents, which move primarily towards the Henrys Lake area. The Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) sightings averaged 13.2 birds/survey for the 10-yr period (Table 1) with a peak of 34 in 1980. Unidentified buteos and 9 other diurnal raptors sighted accounted for an average of 23.9 more sightings/survey. The heavy concentration of raptors at Henrys Lake Flats is probably due to the abundance of Richardson’s Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus richardsoni) . Ground squirrels at lower elevations are known to estivate in late summer and fall, when hot, dry weather eliminates or drastically reduces succulent vegetation (Ingles, L.G. 1965. Mammals of the Pacific States. Stanford University Press, California). The high elevation of Henrys Lake Flats keeps vege- tation green, and the ground squirrels are active and available as prey. There may be a general tendency for raptors to move up- slope as ground squirrels estivate and rabbits become more noc- turnal. We have observed similar concentrations of buteos in early fall from 2,000 to 3,000 m elevation on Steens Mountain in south- east Oregon, where Belding’s Ground Squirrels ( Spermophilus bel- dingi) were still active. In addition to an abundant food supply, the Henrys Lake area lies just west of the Continental Divide and may act as a corridor for migrating birds in general (Larrison, E. 1981. Birds of the Pacific Northwest: Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia. University Press of Idaho, Moscow). Our automobile surveys indicate that high mountain meadows are important late summer concentration areas for buteos, especially those in immature plumage. The Henrys Lake Flats and other high meadows of the intermountain west have become increasingly popular recreation areas. Recreation and other forms of land use may affect high meadow ground squirrel populations, which in turn may affect raptor concentrations in those areas. Acknowledgments M. DeLate, T. Reynolds, M. Reynolds, S. Trost and C. Webb helped to conduct surveys. Earlier drafts of this paper were im- proved by comments from M. Collopy and J. Gessaman. Department of Biology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho 83209. Received 6 March 1984; Accepted 22 April 1985 Winter 1985 Short Communications 145 Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Consumption of Harbor Seal (. Phoca vitulina) Placenta in Glacier Bay, Alaska John Calambokidis and Gretchen H. Steiger This note reports on the frequent consumption of Harbor Seal (. Phoca vitulina) placenta by the Bald Eagle (. Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and a fluctuation in numbers of Bald Eagles in Muir Inlet, Alaska, in relation to the availability of this food source. From 30 May to 23 August 1982 and 8 to 1 3 June 1984, we spent 41 d in our study area in the northern portion of Muir Inlet, located in the northeast corner of Glacier Bay in southeast Alaska. This recently (within the last 20 yr) deglaciated area is about 20 km long and an average of 2 km wide. The shoreline rises steeply on both sides of the inlet and consists of loose rock and glacial debris. There are no trees and vegetation is extremely sparse. Up to 1 ,000 Harbor Seals rest and give birth to youngon small icebergs formed by an active tidewater glacier at the head of Muir Inlet. Our research was focused on the biology and behavior of Harbor Seals in this area. Our regular censuses and observations of seals re- quired us to scan the entire inlet with binoculars and spotting scopes and consequently observe eagles and their interactions with seals. On 9 occasions in early June, we observed Bald Eagles feeding on Harbor Seal placenta; these were the only times we saw eagles feeding in our study area. In one instance we saw 6 eagles either feeding on the placenta, chasing after an eagle with placenta, or perching near a feeding eagle. At each of 3 Bald Eagle perches visited in early June 1982, we found from 2 to 15 clumps of lanugo hair (the fetal coat of Harbor Seal pups that is shed before birth and is expelled with the placenta). Bald Eagle numbers in our study area changed through the season and corresponded to the time of Harbor Seal pupping. We saw a minimum of 4-7 eagles on 5 d between 31 May to 17 June 1982 and a minimum of 5 on 2 d between 8 and 13 June 1984. We saw fewer eagles during visits later in the season. During the latter part of June we saw up to 2 eagles. In 16 d of observation in July and August 1982, we had only one eagle sighting. Bald Eagles in Muir Inlet consisted about equally of mature and immature birds, 4 of the 7 seen at one time in June 1982 and 3 of the 5 seen at one time in June 1984 were mature. The majority of Harbor Seal pups in Muir Inlet are born in late May and early June, the same period we saw the largest numbers of Bald Eagles. In both 1982 and 1984, over 300 Harbor Seal pups were born in this portion of Muir Inlet. Given a minimum weight of 1 kg for a Harbor Seal placenta, this would mean an excess of 300 kg of food available to eagles. We concluded that Bald Eagles in this area during late May and early June subsist largely or entirely on placenta of Harbor Seals because: 1) our frequent observations of eagles feeding on placenta and not on other food, 2) the abundance of this food source and the scarcity of other food sources in this deglaciated area, 3) the presence of seal lanugo hair found at eagle perches, and 4) the close parallel between the number of eagles in our study area and the Harbor Seal pupping season. Eagles appear to use this area for only a short period; we found no evidence of eagle nesting. Sherrod et al. (Living Bird 15:143-182, 1976) reported that Bald Eagles on Amchitka Island, Alaska consume northern Sea Lion (Emetopias jubatus) afterbirth. It is the only other report we know that mentions Bald Eagles feeding on placenta of pinnipeds. We have observed Bald Eagles feeding on seal placenta and scavenging on dead seal pups in other parts of Glacier Bay and Puget Sound, Washington. Acknowledgments Funding was by the School for Field Studies, Cambridge, MA. The National Park Service provided permits and Gary VeQuist was instrumental in this regard. Staff and students with the School for Field Studies aided in data collection. Sue Carter and Robin Butler made additional contributions. Al Harmata and Jon Ger- rard critically reviewed the manuscript. Cascadia Research Collective, Waterstreet Bldg., Suite 201, 218% W. 4th Ave., Olympia, WA 98501. Received 22 January 1985; Accepted 1 May 1985 Barred Owl Hunting Insects Arnold Devine, Dwight G. Smith and Mark Szantyr Although the Barred Owl (Strix varia) is partially insectivorous (Bent, U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 170, 1938) its methods of hunting and capturing insects have not been described. From 1924-2000 H we observed a Barred Owl hunting insects on 4 April 1984 at Blue Springs Stake Park, Orange City, Florida. The Barred Owl was apparently hunting noctuid moths (Lepidoptera) and large vein- winged insects on the lawn of an historic house in the park. The owl hunted these insects from a small stump or on a sandy stretch of lawn beneath a lighted area. In hunting, the owl sat motionless except for slight head movements to watch the insects. Captures were attempted only after the insects landed. Capture attempts were a combination of 3 movements; 1) a bound initiated from a partially forward leaning position, 2) a single wing flap and 3) a short glide. Attempts covered 1-2 m distances and the owl was twice observed to follow missed attempts with 2 or 3 immediate additional pounces. Insects were captured with the talons and consumed by bringing the head down to pick the insect from the talons. One insect not immediately consumed was transferred to the beak before the owl flew to a nearby tree. At 1949 H the Barred Owl returned to its hunting perch on the lawn where it unsuccess- fully attempted two more captures before leaving the area at 2000 H. During the time observed, the Barred Owl was successful in 2 of 18 capture attempts. Forsman et al., (Wildl. Mongr 87, 1984) reported that the Spot- ted Owl ( Strix occidentals) diet also includes insects and that these owls used pounces to capture insects on the ground or on tree limbs. Also, mid-air captures of flying insects were not observed. Biology Department, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT 06515. Received 22 March, 1985; Accepted 20 May 1985 146 Short Communications Vol. 19, No. 4 Northern Harrier Predation on Greater Prairie Chickens in Southwest Missouri Brian Toland Although habitat preferences of the Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) and the Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) are quite similar (Berger et al. 1963), harriers are rarely reported to prey upon these galliformes (Yeatter 1943; Schwartz 1945; Grange 1948; Weller et al. 1955; Ammann 1957; Berger et al. 1963). Other similar-sized avian prey such as Ring-necked Pheas- ant (Phasianus colchicus ), Sharp-tailed Grouse (T. phasianellus ), American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), ducks and the Domestic Chicken (Gallus spp.) are, however, not infrequently taken (Fisher 1893; Peabody 1900; Errington and Breckenridge 1936; Bent 1937; Brown and Amadon 1968) although usually as juveniles (Peabody op. cit . ; Saunders 1913;Randall 1940; Hecht 1951). This note reports harrier predation on adult and young Greater Prairie Chickens in the tail-grass prairie region of southwest Mis- souri during spring and summer 1984. The study area of 850 ha consisted of Prairie State Park and surrounding private lands. Prairie State Park is 1 mi southwest of Liberal, Missouri, in Barton County. Vegetation consists of bluestem grasses ( Andropogon spp.), Indian grass ( Sorghastrum nutans) and other native grasses and forbs, as well as invading cool season grasses such as fescue ( Festuca sp.). Old and reclaimed strip mines and deciduous woody growth are scattered throughout the area. Neighboring lands are mostly crops and fescue (Larson 1982). A total of 325 h were spent observing harriers and prairie chickens from 7 April - 7 August 1984. Using techniques de- scribed by Hamerstrom (1969), I found 7 harrier nests (density of 1 pair/121 ha) clumped in 3 loose aggregations in undisturbed grasslands. Approximately 150 prairie chickens were concentrated around 4 booming grounds on the study area during early spring (April-May) and later scattered throughout the area during nest- ing (May-July). At least 2 prairie chicken nests were located within 200 m of 2 harrier nests. Visits to Northern Harrier nests during the nestling stage were made to collect prey remains and/or pellets. I calculated frequency of occurrence of prey types from fresh pellets and identified prey remains. Percent composition of each prey species was calculated from the number of each type divided by the total. Percent biomass was estimated by weights given in Schwartz and Schwartz (1959), Terres (1980) and Steenhof (1983). Analysis of food items revealed a catholic diet (Table 1). The diet of nesting Northern Harriers in other regions has been of a similar euryphagus composition (Randal op. cit. ; Hecht op. cit. ; Craighead and Craighead 1956; Brown and Amadon 1968; Smith Table 1. Prey of nesting Northern Harriers at Prairie State Park in southwest Missouri, 1984. Frequency of Prey occurrence BIRDS Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido ) 8 Adults 3 Juveniles 5 Mourning Dove (. Zenaida macroura ) 3 Eastern Meadowlark (Stumella magna) 6 Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscala) 2 Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) 6 Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater) 3 Unidentified passerines 11 Total birds (Table 1 continued) 39 % COMPOSITION Average weight (g) Estimated % BIOMASS 6.6 624 22.6 908 12.3 454 10.3 2.5 134 1.8 4.9 95 2.6 1.6 112 1.0 4.9 50 1.4 2.5 41 0.5 9.0 75 3.7 32.0 33.6 Winter 1985 Short Communications 147 (Continuation of Table 1) MAMMALS Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster ) 24 20.0 8 4.1 Fulvous harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys fulvescens ) 6 4.9 21 0.5 Deer Mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus) 2 1.6 20 0.2 Cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) 1 0.8 120 0.5 Eastern wood rat (Neotoma floridana) 1 0.8 255 1.2 Unidentified rodents 7 5.8 30 0.9 Eastern cottontail ( Sylvilagus floridanus ) 9 7.4 1200 49.0 Total mammals 50 41.3 56.4 REPTILES Plains garter snake (Thamnophis radix) 1 0.8 109 0.5 Unidentified snakes 11 9.1 190 9.5 Total reptiles 12 9.9 10.0 INSECTS Coleopterans 12 9.9 0.5 tr1 Orthopterans 8 6.6 1 tr Total insects 20 16.5 tr TOTAL PREY ITEMS 121 100.0 100.0 fir = trace. and Murphy 1973; Snyder and Wiley 1976). A total of 7 prairie chicken remains were collected from the 2 harrier nests closest to prairie chicken nests. Of these 7 remains, 5 represented half- grown juveniles and 2 represented adults. An eighth prairie chicken was captured by an adult female harrier on 25 July at 0700 H. The hawk hovered briefly 4 m above a dense stand of bluestem grasses and fescue, before diving into the vegetation. After waiting about 10 min, I approached the site and the hawk flushed when I was about 20 m away. I discovered a dead adult female prairie chicken that was partly deplumed and still warm. I was unable to find a prairie chicken nest in the immediate vicinity, but numerous droppings and matted vegeta- tion (form) indicated that the prairie chicken had been on its roost. I left the site and watched from a distance of ca 300 m until the harrier returned to her kill after nearly 20 min. Berger et al. (1963) observed prairie chickens being captured by raptors (in- cluding 1 female Northern Harrier) early in the morning. Campbell (1950) reported an unsuccessful capture attempt of a Lesser Prairie Chicken ( T . pallidicinctus) during evening hours. Poor light during early morning and late evening hours may make approaching raptors more difficult for prairie chickens (or other quarry) to spot (Berger et al. 1963). All prairie chicken prey was brought to harrier nests during the last half of the nestling stage. During this time female harriers spent as much time hunting for their young as did males. It is probable that the larger females (50% heavier than adult males) caught the adult prairie chickens (Berger et al. 1963). I observed several adult male harriers feeding on mammalian prey among 148 Short Communications Vol. 19, No. 4 displaying prairie chickens at booming grounds just prior to the nesting season. The prairie chickens seemed oblivious of these male harriers. Female harriers, however, usually evoked a re- sponse from prairie chickens, ranging from a brief squat to an all out flush. Berger et al. (1963) reported that over a 4-year sample of harrier-prairie chicken reactions, prairie chickens flushed nearly 70% of the times female harriers approached, but only 30% of the times males approached. Of the 33 times that prairie chick- ens completely ignored approaching harriers, 94% were male hawks and 6% were females. Female Hen Harriers (C. c. cyaneus ) take significantly more Red Grouse ( Lagopus lagopus) and other gamebirds than do males (Marquiss 1980). I have found no evidence of Northern Harriers preying on Greater Prairie Chickens during winter or on booming grounds in early spring. However, prairie chickens did comprise a significant proportion of Northern Harrier diets (22.6% biomass; Table 1) during the nesting season when female and juvenile prairie chick- ens in close proximity to harrier nests may be more vulnerable to raptor predation. Acknowledgments Toney Chiles contributed invaluable field assistance. The Mis- souri Department of Natural Resources provided funding and technical assistance for this study through a state park research grant. Nancy Thompson-Toland helped with expenses and field work. Keith Bildstein, Clayton White and an anonymous referee made editorial suggestions which improved the manuscript. Literature Cited Ammann, G. A. 1957. The prairie grouse of Michigan. Michigan Dept. Conserv. Tech. Bull. 200 pp. Berger, D.D., F. Hamerstrom and F.N. Hamer- strom. 1963. The effect of raptors on prairie chic- kens on booming grounds. J. Wildl. Manag. 27:778- 791. Bent, A. C. 1937. Life histories of North American birds of prey (order Falconiformes). Part 1. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 167. Dover Publ., New York. Brown, L.H. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill, New York. Campbell, H. 1950. Note on the behavior of Marsh Hawks toward Lesser Prairie Chickens. J. Wildl. Manag. 14:477-478. Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, PA. Errington, P.L. and W.J. Breckenridge. 1936. Food habits of Marsh Hawks in the glaciated prairie region of north-central United States. Aw. Midi. Nat. 7:831- 848. Fisher, A.K. 1893. The hawks and owls of the United States and their relation to agriculture. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 3, Washington, D.C. Grange, W.B. 1948. Wisconsin grouse problems. Wis- consin Conserv. Dept. 318 pp. Hamerstrom, F. 1969. A harrier population study. Pages 367-383. In J.J. Hickey (Ed.), Peregrine Falcon populations: their biology and decline. Univ. Wiscon- sin Press, Madison. Hecht, W.R. 1951. Nesting of the Marsh Hawk at Delta, Manitoba. Wilson Bull. 63:167-175. Larson, L. 1982. Prairie State Park: an introduction to one of Missouri’s public prairies. Missouri Prairie J. 3:4-11. Marquiss, M. 1980. Habitat and diet of male and female Hen Harriers in Scotland in winter. British Birds 73:555-560. Peabody, P.B. 1900. How a Marsh Hawk grows. Bird Lore 2:43-49. Randall, P.E. 1940. Seasonal food habits of the Marsh Hawk in Pennsylvania. Wilson Bull. 52:165-172. Saunders, A. A. 1913. A study of the nesting of the Marsh Hawk. Condor 15:99-104. Schwartz, C.W. 1945. The ecology of the prairie chicken in Missouri. Univ. Missouri Studies 20: 1-99. and E.R. Schwartz. 1959. The wild mammals of Missouri. Univ. Missouri Press and Mis- souri Dept. Conserv. Smith, D.G. and J.R. Murphy. 1973. Breeding ecology of raptors in the eastern Great Basin of Utah. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull., Biol. Ser., Vol. 28(3). Snyder, N.F.R. and J.W. Wiley. 1976. Sexual size di- morphism in hawks and owls of North America. AOU Monogr. 20. Steenhof, K. 1983. Prey weights for computing percent biomass in raptor diets . Raptor Res. 17:15-27. Terres, J.K. 1980. The Audubon Soc. encyclopedia of North American birds. Alfred A. Knoopf, Inc., New York. Weller, M.W., I.C. Adams, Jr. and B.J. Rose. 1955. Winter roosts of Marsh Hawks and Short-eared Owls in central Missouri. Wilson Bull. 67:189-192. Yeatter, R.E. 1943. The prairie chicken in Illinois. Il- linois Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 22:377-416. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Natural History Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Current address: Route 4, Box 165, Columbia, MO 65201. Received 8 April 1985; Accepted 15 July 1985. Winter 1985 News and Reviews 149 The Migration of Birds of Prey in the Northern Red Sea Area: Report of the 1982 Suez Study by David Wimpfheimer, Bertel Bruun, Sherif M. Bahael Din and Michael C. Jennings with contributions by William S. Clark, Carsten Jensen, Donald Parr and lb Petersen, and forward by Dean Amadon. Arabic summary by Assad Serhal. 80 pp., 6 Tables, 24 Figures, 2 Appendices, 10 plates. Available from the Holy Land Conservation Fund, 1825 Eye Street Northwest, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006. $20.00 U.S. Whenever the nation of Egypt is mentioned, thoughts come to mind of the pharaohs, the great pyramids and the sphinx. One also remembers Egypt’s biblical and more recent history, both closely tied to the nation of Israel. Thoughts of migrating raptors do not immediately come to mind. Yet this report has made it apparent that a spring migration of raptors does occur over the lands of Egypt, and undoubtedly has done so since before the great pyramids were built. The report describes the initial results of the Holy Land Con- servation Fund’s expedition to Suez, Egypt, in the spring of 1982. As a result of many individual efforts and outstanding support from numerous individuals and agencies, both in the United States and Egypt, the authors have provided students of raptor migration with a data base for reference and future comparison for the Middle East. All of the authors except one have previous experience with Eurasian raptors. Observational data are re- ported for 124,996 raptors, representing 28 species, sighted dur- ing the period 23 February - 16 May 1982. The primary goal of the study was to learn more about the spring migration of raptors at or near Suez, Egypt, and towards that goal the authors have a good start. However, there is some question as to whether the report effectively establishes the Suez area as a concentration point as stated. Certainly there is a substantial spring overfly in the region, but the evidence supports the idea that raptors do not initiate migrations in the immediate vicinity of the city of Suez, and thus do not concentrate themselves in the area. A species by species account of sightings by time period and a seasonal total is provided for each of the 28 species tallied. Com- parisons by species are made with other regions, particularly Eliat, Israel. Six species, Buteo b. vulpinus, Aquila nipalensis. A pomarina, Milvus migrans, Circaetus gallicus and Neophron percnopterus ac- counted for 90% of total sightings. Sightings of B. b. vulpinus alone accounted for almost 65% of total numbers, but the vulpinus tally is biased by the inclusion of all B. buteo sightings with the vulpinus totals, as pointed out by the authors. Less than 10 individuals were tallied for 12 species. Observational data for 214 non-raptors are provided in Appendix A, which includes 3 new sightings for Egypt. Histograms of related species are provided depicting total numbers versus date. The figures could have been combined in many cases, especially Figures 14 and 15 and Figures 17 and 18. Analysis by 5-day interval would have been most helpful and welcome, but such was provided only for accipiters, which rep- resented 0.2% of total sightings. At least 2 observers were present on most days, and there was a gap in continuous coverage during early April when no observa- tions were made. In order to compensate for these gaps, the authors extrapolated data for observations both before and after periods of no coverage. On this basis, adjustments were calculated for selected species, including Aquila sp., A. pomarina and A. nipalensis. Adjustments were made with the assumption that the proportions of identified Aquila is the same as unidentified, which is confusing. However, these adjustment figures do not appear in final tallies and conclusions. Virtually every individual raptor sighted was identified at least to genus, and no “unidentified” category appears in the final tallies. As one who has observed North American migrations over the years, it is simply not possible to always pinpoint an individual, though worthy a goal such iden- tification may represent. Intermittent observations made in areas adjacent to Suez were also accomplished. Brief summaries are provided for Hurghada and surrounding area, for northern Sinai between El Arish and Nakhl, for Ismalia north of Suez (all observations accomplished by one or more of the authors), and summaries of previous reports in the literature for the region and for Eliat, Israel. Previous reports and more recent studies indicate the migration at Eliat is substan- tially greater than reported for Suez and surrounding areas (W.S. Clark, pers. comm.). Also included is a chapter on raptor migra- tion in the Middle East which provides the reader with a nice comparison as well as a substantial reference list. As the authors point out, their attempts to correlate meteorological factors with their observations needs further study. Purely qualitative evaluations of wind direction, wind strength(P) (only for surface winds), and cloud cover are provided with species tallies. Qualitative assessment carries over into obser- vations, where individuals are grouped under the heading of being either an “active” or “passive” migrant based upon convec- tion current utilization (Table 6) (after studies of raptor migration in Denmark by B. Bruun and O. Schelde, 1957, Efterarstraekker pa Stigsnaes, S.V. Sjaelland, D.O.F.T. 51:149-167). The useful- ness of such categorization seems questionable, since any indi- vidual of any species may either actively or passively utilize con- vection currents at any given time. Appendix B summarizes human threats to migrating raptors. Although there is little evidence of direct persecution such as shooting (Plate 4 of a “hunter” displaying 2 recently shot Steppe Eagles notwithstanding), potential for harm from chemical dumping and industrial pollution does exist in the Suez area. No mass kills have been reported, but as with most chemical contam- inants, raptors that feed, bathe, or drink while enroute through the region probably pick up harmful compounds which would be transported back to breeding territories. Overall, the report provides valuable data to the ever-growing worldwide raptor migration picture. Sherif Ben el Din’s illustra- tions evidence a keen familiarity with migrant raptors enroute through Suez. A more comprehensive assessment of observations would have been a welcome addition. Nevertheless, an 82-item literature section is provided which helps to substantiate the re- port as a basis for comparison with future raptor migration studies in the Middle East. — Jimmie R. Parrish. ERRATUM — Volume 18(4), page 159. Paul Springier should be Paul Springer. The Editorial Staff apologizes to Paul for failing to catch the misspelling before final printing. 150 News and Reviews Vol. 19, No. 4 Announcement LIT — a Literature Retrieval System Using dBASE II — is a literature cataloguing system for use with personal computers. While the LIT System ($30.00) can be used for literature on any subject, a prepared Keyworded Data Base is available including all publications (783 items) of the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. ($20.00 on disk or hard copy). New Data Bases are being prepared for all raptor references in Auk, Condor, Wilson Bulletin, etc. Also available is the LIT Ornithological Keyword List of nearly 900 Keywords ($15.00 on disk or hard copy for use with other systems). The following is a summary of LIT features and computer requirements: • Very quick and easy start-up, maintenance and expansion in dBASE II on most MS-DOS computers. • Rapid menu-driven data base creation, data entry and Keyword management. • Permanent, efficient and cost-effective generation of Keyworded bibliographies selected by author, title, citation, subject (Keywords), geographic location, etc. • Computer must have dBASE II software, but operator need not know how to use dBASE. • Computer must have a printer and at least two floppy disk drives (or one floppy and a hard disk) capable of reading 360K discs. RAM size must accommodate dBASE. • All source code is included for dBASE programmers. • Thorough documentation, sample data entry sheets, suggested data entry formats, and a sample Keyword List are all included. • LIT is far more than a computer program; it is also an easy to follow concept for small library/ reprint file management. For more information and a free brochure, write Richard R. Olendorff, 6009 Viceroy Way, Citrus Heights, California U.S.A. Complete documentation (37 pp.) is available for $5.00, which will be deducted from the LIT System purchase price at the time of purchase. Proceedings of the Southeastern United States and Caribbean Osprey Symposium — published by The International Osprey Foundation, Inc., edited by Mark A. Westall. Eleven papers, 132 pages. Copies can be ordered from The International Osprey Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 250, Sanibel, FL 33957 USA. Price: $16.00 U.S. The Southwestern Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop will be held on the University of Arizona Campus, Tucson, 22-25 May, 1986. The Symposium will focus on raptors in the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico. Sessions will cover raptor biology, management and research techniques, impact mitigation, and population status. There will also be a workshop on research and management priorities. For more information, or if you are interested in presenting a paper, contact Brian A. Millsap, Raptor Information Center, Institute for Wildlife Research, National Wildlife Federation, 1412 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Bird Banding by Elliott McClure, The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove, California. 341 pp., 514 x 814, paper: $15.00. — While this is a general book on bird banding there are several sections concerning raptors. McClure spent a large portion of his active professional life in Southeast Asia and much of the material is drawn from his experiences there. There are 13 distinct sections varying from the geological background of migration routes (the example is from Southeast Asia), nets and snares, banding nestlings, to the art of record keeping. There are 35 index entries for birds of prey (1 1 of those are for owls). Under the section, “The Bird and its Banding Idiosyncrasies,” there is a page and a half devoted to owls and 2 pages to falconiforms. Most of the standard trapping methods used on hawks are discussed (many variations of the Bal-chatri). An interesting method of snaring the buzzard ( Butastur ) is discussed at some length. This book has some valuable tips for raptor banders and it is well worth looking at. — C.M. White. RAPTOR RESEARCH A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. EDITOR: Clayton M. White, Department of Zoology, 161 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jimmie R. Parrish, Department of Zoology, 159 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young Univer- sity, Provo, Utah 84602 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jeffrey L. Lincer - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Richard Clark - Order Strigiformes Ed Henckel - Family Cathartidae Gary E. Duke - Anatomy and Physiology Patrick T. Redig - Pathology, Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Jim Mosher - General Ecology and Habitat Analysis INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Richard Clark, York College of Pennsylvania, Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania 17405 Raptor Research (ISSN 0099-9059) welcomes original manuscripts dealing with all aspects of general ecology, natural history, management and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal predatory birds. Send all manuscripts for considera- tion and books for review to the Editor. Contributions are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Submit a typewritten original and two copies of text, tables, figures and other pertinent material to the Editor. Two original copies of photographic illustrations are required. Raptor Research is published in a double-column format and authors should design tables and figures accordingly. All submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of 8V2 x 1 1 -inch (21 V2 x 28 cm) good quality, bond paper. Number pages through the Literature Cited section. The cover page should contain the full title and a shortened version of the title (not to exceed 30 characters in length) to be used as a running head. Author addresses are listed at the end of the Literature Cited section. Authors should indicate if present addresses are different from addresses at the time the research was conducted. When more than one author is listed, please indicate who should be contacted for necessary corrections and proof review. Provide an abstract for each manuscript more than 4 double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Abstracts are submitted as a separate section from the main body of the manuscript and should not exceed 5% of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgments, when appropriate, should immediately follow the text and precede the Literature Cited. Both scientific and common names of all organisms are always given where first appearing in the text and should conform to the current checklists, or equivalent references, such as the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983). Authors should ensure that all text citations are listed and checked for accuracy. If five or fewer citations appear in the text, place the complete citation in the text, following these examples: (Brown and Amadon, Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1968), or Nelson (Raptor Res. 16(4):99, 1982)). If more than five citations are referenced, each should include author and year (e.g., Galushin 1981)), or in a citation with three or more authors, the first author and year (e.g., (Bruce et al. 1982)). Citations of two or more works on the same topic should appear in the text in chronological order (e.g., (Jones 1977, Johnson 1979 and Wilson 1980). Unpublished material cited in the text as “pers. comm.,” etc., should give the full name of the authority, but must not be listed in the Literature Cited section. If in doubt as to the correct form for a particular citation, it should be spelled out for the Editor to abbreviate. Metric units should be used in all measurements. Abbreviations should conform with the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) Style Manual, 4th ed. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 and 2030) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1984). Tables should not duplicate material in either the text or illustrations. Tables are typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including title and column headings, should be separate from the text and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must contain a short, complete heading. Footnotes to tables should be concise apd typed in lower-case letters. Illustrations (including coordinate labels) should be on 8V2 x 1 1 -inch (21 V2 x 28 cm) paper and must be submitted flat. Copies accompanying the original should be good quality reproductions. The name of the author(s) and figure number should be penciled on the back of each illustration. All illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Include all illustration legends together, typewritten double-spaced, on a single page whenever possible. Line illustrations (i.e., maps, graphs, drawings) should be accomplished using undiluted india ink and designed for reduction by 1/3 to 1/2. Drawings should be accomplished using heavy weight, smooth finish, drafting paper whenever possible. Use mechanical lettering devices, pressure transfer letters, or calligraphy. Typewritten or computer (dot matrix) lettering is not acceptable for illustrations. Use of photographic illustrations is possible but requires that prior arrangements be made with the Editor and the Treasurer. A more detailed set of instructions for contributors appeared in Vocmop Pecreapi//^, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1984, and is available from the Editor. NON-PROFIT ORG. THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. TREASURER S OFFICE 3292 Richmond Avenue Shoreview, MN 55126 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #66 PROVO, UTAH Return Postage Guaranteed .'V> ;hiiins" saiavasn libraries Smithsonian iNSTiTUTiON^Noiiniiism nvinoshims^sbi — Z \ co Z GO ONIAN INSTITUTION MOIifUIXSNI_NVINOSHilWS S3iaVaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INS! — Z \ _ =5 CO — oo : w O X^vosv^X _» OX hxiws S3 lava an libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi^NViNOSHiiiMs2 s 3 1 k m z£ pi ^ rn ON IAN INSTITUTION NOIXniliSNI_NVINOSHXIWS S3 1 BVBail- LIBRARIES ^SMITHSONIAN- INS' GO Z * 2 - W > 2 >" 2 '^OS^y > 2 CO Z **v‘ 2 CO Z ONIAN INSTITUTION NOIXfUIXSNI_NVINOSHXIWS S3 I a VH 9 IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INS’ CO 2 \ ^ CO CU if* Jfe,. ^ ^ ^£Nl ec < a: Lf 7KT — O X^vosvavx Z O 2 -J 2 -j Z hiiins S3 lava an libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi nvinoshiiws S3i 2 ^ ' Z " Z f~“ 2 o ™ /^SSESX 2 , m 2 ^sr-S'x ™ ^ « ° k IONIAN _ INSTITUTION ^ NOlifUliSNrNVINOSHlIWS S3 lava 9 IT_ L I B R AR I ES ^SMITHSONIAN INS 2 (O z cn z .... 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