SEES % nineetees Ss OPES, es ee oe at Sea ete Me REET eRe S 339,28 ding N o Al 2 ee) i ‘A _ Published by tl tlle Reading and ee | Natural History Society "hd il: 1959 Price to Non-members— Two Shillings and Sixpence EPs my 7 Ne Tuten H . iW il 4 iW i iy i ns is 4 - 1 = THR READING NATURALIST No. 11 for the Year 1957-58 The Journal of The Reading & District Natural History Society President: Professor H. L. Hawkins, D.Sc., F.R.S., FeG.S. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. A. Fishlock, Clarence Lodge, 93, London Road, Reading. The Editor, B. R. Baker, Miss L. E. Cobb, A. Price, Mrs. A. M. Simmonds Botany: Entomology: Geology: Ornithology: Editor: Enid M. Elmes, 27, Westbourne Avenue, Acton, W.3. Editorial Sub-Committee My > o, % 0 OCT 196] %, ; Honorary Recorders Nea a Miss K. I. Butler, 18, Morgan Road, Reading. B. R. Baker, Esq., 7iA, Berkeley Avenue, Reading. Professor H. L. Hawkins, F.R.5S., 63, Tilehurst Road, Reading. Dr. E. V. Watson, Little Court, Cleeve, Goring-on-Thames. CONTENTS Meetings and Excursions in 1957 = 58 The Young Naturalists' Evening S.Y. Townend Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxford- shire Naturalists! Trust The Chiltern Research Committee Meteorological Data for 1958 M. Parry Extracts from the Annual Reports of the Honorary Recorders: Botany K.I. Butler Entomology B.R. Baker Ornithology H.V. Watson An Introduction and Interim List of Syrphidae of the Reading Area JH. Cole Gall Mites occurring in Central Berkshire and South Oxfordshire D. Leatherdale A Month with Wol C.J. Leeke The B.S.B.I. Distribution Maps Scheme ; L.&. Cobb A Three-kilometre Square V.N. Paul List of Members Page =-3- Hditorial In this eleventh number of the Reading Naturalist, the production of which has been attended by many difficulties, we have again been able to increase the number of original articles, though some contributions that we had hoped for failed to materialise. Among the Reports of the Society's recent activities, two deserving especial attention are those concerned with the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists! Trust and the Chiltern Research Group, proposed complementary bodies that all Members must surely wish to support, and to the second of which it is hoped that as many as can will give active assistance when the time is ripe. The list of Members is included in response to several requests and is as up-to-date as possible. We offer our warmest thanks to all who have contributed to the Journal, to the Director of the Museum and Art Gallery, Mr.T.L. Gwatkin, for granting facilities for its production, and to those Members who have given much of their time to helping with this work. We also gratefully acknowledge a most generous grent from the Cultural and Entertainments Committee of the Reading County Borough Council. In previous years, the interval between the compilation and publication of the Recorders' Reports has been unsatisfactorily long, but Members have had the opportunity of hearing their contents read at a Meeting soon after the end of each season. With the decision to omit the Reports from the winter programme, however, records would not become generally known until after the season following the one in which they were made. The possibility of altering our date of publication to early spring is therefore being investigated, and, if this proves practicable, we hope to produce an interim, but necessarily shorter, number early in 1960. - 4 - Meetings and Excursions in 195 7-58 Eleven meetings were held during the winter of 1957-58, of which three were devoted to the Jnnual General Mecting, the Honorary Recorder's Reports, and Members Exhibits. The Presidential ddress was given by Professor H. L. Hawkins, who spoke on "The West Indies", Titles of other lectures were "The Work of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew", by Dre Bor, "Highlights in Natural History" by W. f.. Smallcombe, "Weather Rhythms" by the Rev. W. Connick, "Carnivorous Molluscs", by Professor 4. Graham, "Some Plant Disease Fungi" by Dr. H. Owen, and "Where the Foot of the Rabbit" by Dr. i. S. Thomas. Dr. W. E. Swinton was unfortunately unable to give his promised lecture on "The Evolution of the Mammals". Instead, at short notice, Mr. J. Ounsted talked about "New (botanical) Finds in the 1950's". The summer excursions, with the attendance in brackets, were:- April 19th, Loddon Valley, for Loddon lilies (17); April 30th, an evening visit to Tilehurst Potteries, for newts (21); May 10th, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, for the Annual Open Day (3); May 21st, an evening visit to Oxbow Lake, near Burghficld Gravel Pit, for freshvater biology (over 20); May 31st, Heckfield Place, by kind permission of Mrs. Colin Davey (30); June 1ith, an evening visit to Coleman's Moor, for plants and insects (16 members and a party from St. Jospeh's Convent); June 21st, the Ridgeway, for plants and birds (9); July 9th, an evening visit to Thames-side meadows at Little John's Farm (17); July 19th, Fawley, for chalk plants (8); July 30th, Hartslock Woods, for plants and birds (14); August 9th, Streatley Hill, for chalk plants ( 10); August 20th, an evening visit to Pincents Farm gravel pits, for geology; August 30th, a coach excursion to the Entomological Section of I,CeI. Research Station, Jealott's Hill (17); September 10th, Wokefield Common, entomology (7); September 20th, Swellowfield Park, by kind permission of Sir Arthur Russell (over 20); October 4th, Heckfield Place, by kind permission of Mrs. Colin Davey, Fungus Foray (19 -= despite torrectial rain in the afternoon). The Society and the Department of Zoology of the University of Reading were joint hosts at the 63rd Annual Congress of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Socicties between 9th and 12th April, 1958. Mrs. Fishlock acted as Honorary Local Secretary, Miss J, W. Watson as Field Excursion Secretary, Miss &. Y. Townend as Publicity Secretary, and Mr, B. Baker as Honorary Treasurer, and these, with the President, Professor H. L. Hawkins, and the other members of the Congress Committee, contributed greatly by their devoted work to this very successful meeting, sen Report on the Young Naturalists’ Evening held on 5th March, 1959 By S. Y. Townend, BeSc. Members who attended the Congress of the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies held in Reading in April 1958 will remember the Young Naturalists' Evening. Resulting from that evening a number of people made the suggestion that as it was such a success it should be repeated. As a result of preliminary discussions between members of the Reading and District Natural History Society and the Director of the Museun, it was decided to proceed with arrangements for another Nature Brains Trust sponsored by the Socicty in conjunction with the Cultural and Entertainments Committee. This time it was to be held in the Large Town Hall during the spring term and notices to this effect were circulated to all Reading schools. The venture was most fortunate to have the full support of the Estates Committee who made no hire charge for the Town Hall. Dr. Maurice Burton, Professor H. L, Hawkins, Mr. J. Ounsted and Mr. K. E. Le Simmons kindly consented to serve on the panel with Mr. We Ae Smaliconbe as Question-master and eight prizes were offered by the Natural History Society for the best questionse The request to pupils to send in questions on any natural history topic, met with an overwhelming response for 396 questions were received. Most schools in Reading were able to use their full allocation of seats and on the evening of 5th March the Large Tovm Hall contained a large audience of enthusiastic young naturalistse Members of the Natural History Society acted as stewards to show the children to their seats. Only a very limited number of questions could be answered by the panel so it was quite a problem to chooscless than twenty from the number submitted, 4. few of the questions answered were illustrated by lantern slides. gain, it was aifficuit to select the prize-winning eight, there were so many worthwhile questions, In the end the following pupils were presented with book prizes by the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Reading, Councillor E. 4. Busby. Yvonne Edwards, 41fred Sutton Secondary Girls! School (13 years). M. Foster, Stoneham School (1) years). Susan Hall, Alfred Sutton Secondary Girls' School (12 years). Diane Jones, Westwood School (12 years). Barbara Lane, The Hill Primary School (6% years). C. R. V. Thomas, Stoneham School (45 Leceey Kathleen West, Redlands Primary School (11 years). Robert Young, Grovelands Primary School (411 years). Lifter the presentations the children were treated to a showing of the magnificent colour film of animals in the Royal National Parks of Kenya, "Kinship of the Creature", which delegates saw during the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies Congress. 4 circular Letter to head teachers was sent after the event to thank them for their co-operation and asking them for comments on the evening as an experimental venture. The replies showed that the programme had been much appreciated and would be worth repeating, say annually, though not nm the same form. a a Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Naturalists! Trust The preservation of areas of special interest to naturalists is an undertaking which all our members will undoubtedly support, especially as some of the sites up for future diseussion may well have been visited by the Society during summer excursion programmes. Your Society has been represented at the planning meetings in Oxford py Mr. B. R. Baker. These months of planning have resulted in the Inaugural Meeting which is to take place in Oxford on 14th November. Copies of the manifesto will already be in the hands of all our members - sufficient to say that the aims of the Trust as set out therein are surely those that we as naturalists would all like to see put into effect. We hope menbers of our Society will show their approval of this venture by joining the coach party to the City of Oxford School Hall on 14th Novembere Here is the opportunity to meet fellow naturalists, to talk with them of plants and animals and to sect in motion a Trust whose express function will be the safeguarding of those special chalk slopes, woods and marshes in which we all find so much of interest. Chiltern Research Committee At a meeting at Aylesbury Museum on 12th April, 1959, representatives of nine Natural History Societies (including the R. & D.N.H.S.) and other bodies in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire discussed and agreed to adopt a proposal, presented by Mr. R. S. R. Fitter, that a joint organisation should be set up for the study of the Chilterns as a whole. The aims of the organisation were to provide surveys of the fauna and flora and to study specific problems relating to them, and the work was to be organised and directed by such specialists as were available in the various Scucieties. The work would be carried out by society members and it was hoped that help and advice might be given by local University Departments. The possibility of engaging a paid Secretary on a full or part-time basis was also envisaged. The results of these studies would enable the Committee to act in an advisory capacity in matters of congexvation, At a later meeting, also at. Aylesbury, on 2th liay, ropresentatives of the interested Societies met to discuss general organisation and to consider problems to be tackled, of which several in botany, entomology and ornithology were proposed. It is hoped that a start on one or more of the projects may be made in 1960. Qur Society's representative in this venture is Mrs. V. Paul who will keep us in touch with future developments, STATION = READING UNIVERSITY HEIGHT ABOVE SEA LEVEL - 148 ft. YEAR 1958 i. a Ia wo. 2, Fe. (MR ee isu | oUle “PAUB, Sep. [ocr] NOV. [OG "TERR | T NOV. |DEC. | YEAR EAN DAILY | MAX. 44,3 148.3 | 46.5 €2.2 166.4 | 70.5 | 69.1 167.3 158.2 | 49.2 46.4 156.9 2 EMPERATURES Le 4. 8 186 8 | 54,2 | 54,8 153.4 | 46.6 | 4023 (37.2 | 43.9 2 4 34.3 |36.0 | 34.0 | 39, { { OF, MEAN 39.5 140.1 140.3 | 46.5 | 54,1 158.6 | 62.3 | 61.9 | 60.3 152.4 | 44.7 41-8 | 50.4 ! a 17| 76 a 80 | 76} 64 | 57 | 55 | | BO XTREME 212% Bada 1 2b MS Geet ae EMPERATURES Dit pede Ao) 46 | Adc 50 7 21 & OF. 13.15.25 24 Gilg 27 6 14 5, | dan.23 5 a7 | 36 | Bar| eR 58 Wont 28 dq22y | «24550 8 ls |20 121 | 13,17] 24 SF 25.20 ues. | “44 7 ler 20/24 WYs WITH FROST 0 GROUND FROST 0 0 0 1 3 45 ” tt 0 0 0 0 10 18 94 155.6 |200.9 45.8 |27.2 4303, 2 40 17 11 29 rae,T He, é 146.4 35 188.9 9 te fue 3. 52 4,88 ‘DAILY. MEAN 4.53| 0.881 3.57 AMOUNT 1.45] 4.10 3.51! rele A RECIPITATIN | DATE 5 ce 1 rh we ae 1 118.29 | Sep.29 LONGEST RUN OF oe. nen CONSECUTIVE RAIN DAYS| 5. wri} Pe le 5° ene ok ee 3 4 LONGEST RUN OF | | CONSECUTIVE DRY DAYS| 6 | 3| 11 41 Ait 2 6 A) to ea G. | | SNOW OR SL OR SLEET DAYS 5 3 1 0 Ot ae ben, @ 0 14 0 4 DAYS SNOW LYING m9 0 0 1. FOG AT 0900 G.M.T. 3 Roe aes 4 @ | gle 43 NDERSTORN | DAYS OF THUNDER ACTIVITY DAYS OF HAIL | | ; aa 45.2 146.3 151.8 | 56,9 ? 54.3. | 34.5 | 36614 | 40.1 aera | 44,8 | 50.5 ’ Py : 38, 3 36.3 3 1 42.9 . MEAD 59,8 140.41 41.0 | 48.5 | 54.5 , 59.9 75 158.3 /51.3 | 44,3 140.5 | 50.6 i iAMOUNT 1.7 1.69 | 1.901 1.86) .20| 2,10 2.60) 2.74] 2.30| 25.72 PRECIPIT ATION-—-—- nia zs) za ent a < 2p eee i 4 | ' ' . RAIN DAYS PUR IS 12 | 10) AO; 12 Re fae ae oes lee aes i > ee a el Cat Loa) a ee Fae ce er ee ee Weather Records for 1958 Data supplied by M. Parry The data refer to Reading University Meteorological Station except those for Sunshine, which were recorded at Sutton's Seed Trial Grounds. A "rain day" is a day On which rainfall exceeds 0,01 ine The averages for temperature refer to tke period 1921-50, those for amount of precipitation to 1916-50, and those for number of rain days to 1881-1915. Extracts from the Recorder's Report for Botany, 1957-58 By K. I. Butler The nomenclature followed is that of Clapham, Tutin & Warburg in "Plora of the British Isles" and Hubbard in "Grasses". The area covered has been extended beyond the usual ten-mile radius to include parts of the Berkshire Downs up to roughly 20 miles from Reading. One outstanding record for which this exception is made is that by Miss E. Harris, of Reading University, of Crocus purpureus Weston (Purple Crocus) in the Inkpen district of Berkshire, growing in the same pasture as when recorded there by Druce in 1894. Druce mentions in his "Flora of Berkshire" that is had been known in that area for nearly a century. The year 1958 was particularly noteworthy for orchids, and many observations were made in different localities. The more outstanding records are included in the general report. Unfortunately not all was gain, and losses must also be recorded. Herminium monorchis (L.) R.Br. (Musk Orchid) escaped the plough in 1952, but Mrs. A. N. Simmonds reports that the slope has been reploughed more extensively and that a careful search on June 17th failed to reveal any plants. Aceras anthropophorun (L.) S. F. Gray (Man Orchid) was been recorded on a chalk slope near Ipsden since 1945, but is in great danger of extermination by pigs. Another danger to the precarious existence of our wild orchids is indiscriminate picking and over collecting. Orchis simia Lam. (Monkey Orchid) is now considered our rarest orchid, but a flowering specimen, to the Recorder's knowledge the only one, was picked within a week. Plants of interest seen at the Society's Field Meetings Burghfield Gravel Pits - May 21st. Chara vulgaris (Common Stonewrt), a spore-bearing freshwater plant included among the Algae and growing submerged, which was previously noted by A. Price; Utricularia vulgaris L. (Greater Bladderwort), a second locality in the Reading area for this insectivorous plant, of which there were many specimens. Coleman's Moor = June 11th. Hottonia palustris L. (Water Violet); Turritis glabra L. (Tower Mustard); Orchis praetermissa Druce (Common Marsh Orchid). A Thames=side Meadow near Reading - July 9th. Most of the following plants seen here in a sluggish stream, which was first discovered by Mrs. V. N. Paul in 1956, are becoming increasingly rare owing to drainage, Utricularia vulgaris L. (Greater Bladderwort) covering the stream; Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. (Frog Bit), both male and female flowers; Myriophyllum verticillatum L. (Whorled Water Milfoil), more uncommon than M. spicatum L, (Spiked Water Milfoil); Ceratophyllum demersum L. (Hornwort) ; Hottonia palustris L. (Water Violet), many plants, not in bloom. Members! Records Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm. (Hart's-tongue Fern). Not very common locally. On the walls of Peppard Church (A. Balfour). Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth (Lady Fern). Wokefield Common Mrs. Hodgson). Ophioglossum vulgatum L. (Adder's Tongue). Wood, Tilehurst (D. E. Bradley). Papaver hybridum L. (Round Prickly-headed Poppy). Corn-field, Gatehampton, Oxon, (Mrs. Paul). Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br. (Pepperwort). At side of road, Gatehampton, Oxon, (Mrs. Paul). Lepidium ruderale L. (Narrow-leaved Pepperwort). More usually found near the sea. Frilsham, January 19th, (Miss L. E. Cobb). Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm. (Lesser Swine-Cress). Not nearly so frequent in inland districts as C. squamatus (Forsk.) Aschers. (Swine-Cress). Abundant at Theale rubbish tip; one plant at Woodley (J. Hodgson). Chenopodium polyspermum L. (Many-seeded Goosefoot), A rather local Chenopodium. Frequent in East Berks (Mrs. Sinmonds). Geranium rotundifolium L. (Round-leaved Craneshill). A very interesting growth all along the roadway banks from Reading to Goring (Mrs. Paul). Astragalus glycyphyllos L. (Milk Vetch). Edge of wood on the road from Medmenham to Fingest (Mrs. Simmonds). It still survives on the roadside of the Old Bath Road near Twyford, in spite of building and the clearing of waste land (Recorder). Lathyrus nissolia L. (Grass Vetchling). Roadside, Tilehurst (Mrs. Paul). Genista tinctoria L. (Dyer's Greenweed). Between Warfield and Hawthorne Hill (Mrs. Sinmonds). Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. (Opposite=leaved Golden Saxifrage). Bog in a wood near Ranikhet Camp (J. Hodgson). Polygonum polystachyum Wallich. A native of the mountains of Assam and Sikkim, between 7,000 and 12,000 ft., occasionally naturalized. Roadside near Horncastle, Reading (J. Hodgson). Cuscuta europoea L. (Large Dodder). Wallingford, parasitic on Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) (Mrs. Paul). ~~ 10 = Orobanche elatior Sutton (Tall Broomrape). One of the more uncommon Broomrapes. Seen by Several members near Aldworth, parasitic on Centaurea scabiosa L. (Greater Knapweed). Prunella lacinata L. (Cut~leaved Selfheal). The large colony discovered by Mrs. Paul in 1954 at Fawley, Bucks, still continues to flourish. Salvia pratensis L. (Meadow Clary). In full bloom at Unhill Bottom (Mrs. Simmonds and the Recorder). Galium uliginosum L. (Fen Bedstraw). Locally frequent in Britain. Coleman's Moor (Mrs. Hodgson). Serratula tinctoria L, (Sawwort). Two new localities in Hast Berks, Stanford Park; near Naptown Farm, (Mrs. Simmonds). Picris echioides L. (Bristley Ox-Tongue). East Berks, (Mrs. Simmonds); Nunhide Lane (A Balfour). Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill) Druce (White Helleborine). In beechwoods skirting the main Oxrord Road near Streatley, many hundreds in Hartslock Woods area and near Woodcote (D. Lang). Epipactis sessiliflora Peterm. (Violet Helleborine). Woods at Tilehurst (D. E. Bradley). Eoipactis leptochila (Godf.) Godf. (Narrow-lipped Helleborine). Hartslock Woods area CD. Lang). Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. (Frog Orchid). Downs near Ashton Upthorpe, 5 ory ae (Mrs. BE. R. Blackwell); Nuffield golf course, 20 plants, (D. Lang). Coeloglossum viride x Orchis fuchsii. Moulsford Downs (Mrs. Blackwell). Gymnadenia canopsea (L.) R.Br. (Fragrant Orchid). Moulsford Downs. Estimates of 1,000 blooms on June 21st (D.E. Bradley) and of 5,000 = 6,000. including 10 albinos, on June 23rd (D. Lang); near Woodcote (D. Lang). Platanthera chlorantha (Cust.) Rchb. (Greater Butterfly Orchid). Woods near Tilehurst, 12 plants (D. E. Bradley); near Woodcote (D. Lang). Ophrys insectifera L. (Fly Orchid). Hardwick area, 20 specimens. (Mrs. Simmonds). Orchis simia Lam. (Monkey Orchid). One flowering plant, June 25th, (The Recorder). Orchis ustulata L. (Burnt Orchid). Downs near Ashton Upthorpe, 20 flowering plants, (Mrs. Blackwell). Aceras anthropophorum (L.) S. F. Gray (Man Orchid). Ipsden, 4 plants. Mrs. Simmonds). -ll- Poa compressa L. (Flattened Meadow-Grass). Roadside, Tilehurst, (Mrs. Hodgson). Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz (iood Barley). Wood near Holly Copse, and in Hartslock Woods, (Mrs. Simmonds). Bromus _secalinus L. (Rye Grass). Cornfield between Gatehampton and Goring Station, (Mrs. Sinmonds). Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. (Foxtail Millet). Rubbish tips, Theale and Pangbourne, (Tie Hodgson). Echinochloa crus-galli (L. ) Beauv. (Cockspur Grass). Theale and Pangbourne rubbish tips, 1 plant at each, (J. Hodgson). Lolium temulentun L. (Darnel). Several scattered plants on Theale rubbish fin,) (J. Hodgson) « Dracocephalum parviflorua Nutt. Native of North America. One plant on disturbed ground at Pangbourne, (J. Hodgson). Identified at Kew. Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. (Silky Apera). Arable land, Wargrave, (Mrs. Hodgson). Introduced Plants Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Policeman's Helmet). A white~flowered form in marshy ground near Wallingford, (Mrs. Paul). Potentilla recta L. (Sulphur Cinquefoil). Garden escape or casual becoming naturalised in waste or grassy places. Ranikhet Camp, Tilehurst, (J. Hodgson). Doronicum pardalianctes L. (Great Leopardsbane). Peppard Common, (Mrs. Hodgson). Bunias orientalis L. Near Caversham gravel pit, (Mrs. Hodgson) The Recorder wishes to thank all those who have made this report possible. me 1D me Extracts from the Recorder's Report for Entomology 1957-58 By B. R. Baker, B.SCo, AMA; Hl Resend. Our best thanks are due to the following entomologists for submitting records = J. Cole, H. L. Dolton, G. Harrisson, A. Price, and the Director of Reading Museum for allowing incorporation of museum records. Early Appearances 2nd February Padworth. A specimen of the Spring Usher moth Erannis leucophaearia (Schiff.). Also the Syrphid fly, Eristalis tenax L., early out of hibernation. 15th February Padworth. A specimen of the lacewing, Hemerobius stigma Steph. This insect is exclusively associated with conifers and has a succession of broods throughout the year. 16th February Reading. Small Tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais (Vanessa) urticae L., out of hibernation. Notes on Individual Insect Orders Order Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) 12th May Ephemera danica Muell. (Green Drake), appearing on the Kennet at Burghfield Bridge. 21st May Ephemera danica Muell and HE. vulgata L. observed in large numbers on the occasion of the Society's evening excursion to the Kennet. KE, vulgata was also observed on the Society's excursion to Heckfield on 31st May. E. lineata Eaton taken at Tilehurst in a light-trap in August 1953. This is a belated record but is of great interest as this inssct has not been recorded in Britain since 1901. On 29th May, Mr. Harrisson and myself dredged in the Thames from a boat hoping to discover nymphs of lineata but we were unsuccessful. During the first 2 weeks of August, with the co-operation of the Thames Conservancy, a light-trap was operated at Mapledurham Lock, but no adult lineata were taken. 12th May Paraleptophlebia submarginata Steph. (Turkey Brown) Kennet, Reading. 23rd August Ephemerella notata Eaton, Kennet, Woolhampton. 23rd August Baetis bioculatus (L.) (Pale Watery Dun) Kennet, Woolhampton. at BBP 2nd November Paetis vernus Curtis (Medium Olive Dun) Foudry Brook near Pinge Wood (as nymphs). 19th February Baetis rhodani (Pict.) Foudry Brook near Pinge Wood as nymphs). 25th September Baetis punilus (Burm.) Holy Brook, Burghf'ield Road (as nymphs). 16th March Centroptilum luteolum (Muell.), Foudry Brook near Pinge Wood (as nymphs). 19th February Ecdyonurus venosus (F.), Foudry Brook near Pinge Wood (as nymphs). 12th July Ecdyonurus insignis (Eaton) (Large Green Spinner) Kennet, Woolhampton. 26th May Rhithrogena semicolorata (Curtis) (Yellow Upright) Pamber Forest. Order Odonata (Dragon-flies) 21st May Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulz.) (Large Red Damsel-fly), Kennet near Burghfield Bridge. 11th September Cordulegaster boltonii (Don.) 1 specimen taken on the stream in Pamber Forest. Order Plecoptera (Stone-flies) 1st & 15th March Taeniopteryx nebulosa (L.) (February Red). _ Af . “he ee: Dy \ a PEO OR a } hy, FOE Phytoptus avellanae the mite ie i responsible for 'big=bud! of ; \ hazel (X 400), eS, most of them are free-living (vagrants). They are generally remarkably host-specific, whether as gall=causers or as vagrants, and it is perhaps fortunate, although sometimes misleading, that many species may be identified from the plant on which they have been found. Galls, when they occur, are of simpler types than the sometimes complex structures associated with some gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), but they are equally variable in form. Galls often take the form, unknown in galls of insect origin, of an erineum; this is a felt of abnormal hairs, = OP we usually on the surface of a leaf, resembling a patch of mildew, and indeed such galls were described and identified as fungi until the middle of the nineteenth century. Eriophyids are of little economic significance on the whole, but some species are major pests in their role as vectors of plant viruses, such as reversion of black currants carricd by the gall-causing Cecidophyes ribis in Britain and wheat streak mosaic transmitted by the vagrant Aceria tulipae in the U.S.A. The life-cycles and bionomics of most species have never been investigated, and offer a fruitful field for anyone possessing the necessary patience and diligence. The lack of available literature is a handicap to be surmounted. For the basis of modern classification we are indebted to Alfred Nelepa of Vienna, who produced a voluminous series of papers, many of which are now difficult to obtain except for reference purposes; his most complete list appeared in the year of his death (1929), but his volume of "Das Tierreich" (1898) is more useful for the beginner. H. Roivainen in Helsinki and H. H. Keifer in Sacramento are the only workers currently engaged in a serious study of the Eriophyidae. The former is co-auther of a handbook on the family (Liro & Roivainen 1951) which is extremely useful, although it is technically restricted to those species occurring in Finland and is written in Finnish. Keifer (1952) summarised his work to that date, and is still revising his concepts of the family in an important series of "Eriophyid Studies” published by the Californian Department of Agriculture. A list of Eriophyids recorded in the London area (Niblett, 1959) appeared whilst the present paper was in preparation; it is limited to gall~causing species, as was an earlier but still useful list by Burkill (1930). The following list, compiled from records over the six years 1954-59, represents the results of casual rather than intensive collecting; it is biased in favour of the area around Whitchurch and Pangbourne, and it also exaggerates the proportion of gall-causing species. A few of the records have been published previously (Leatherdale, 1956, 1957). The Eriophyid nomenclature is that used by Liro & Roivainen, except that they considered Aceria and Cecidophyes as subgenera of Eriophyes, and Vasates as a subgenus of Phyllocoptes, whereas I at present follow Keifer and give them full generic status. It has been considered a convenience to arrange the list in the alphabetical order of host=plant genera. Insufficient material has so far been recorded to allow of an indication of the relative abundance of the species, but those most widely encountered are marked with an asterisk, References Burkill, H. J., 1930, British gall mites, Lond. Nat. 1929: 58-68. Keifer, H. H., 1952, The Eriophyid mites of California, Bull. Calif. Insect Surv. 2 (1): 123 pp. Leatherdale, D., 1956, The incidence of some gall- causing insects in south Oxfordshire, 1955, Ent. mon, Mag. $2: 46; 1957, The incidence of some gallcausing insects and mites in south Oxfordshire and central Berkshire, 1956, Ent.mon.Mag. 93 26-29. iro, J. I, & Roivainen, H. 1951, Suomen Eldimet, Animalia fennica, no. 6 Ak&mapunkit, Eriophyidae, Helsinki: 281 pp. Nalepa, A., 1898, Eriophyidae (Phytoptidae), Das Teirreich Leif. 4, Berlin: ix + 74 pp.; 1929, Neuer Katalog der bisher Plant Acer campestre L. Acer pseudoplatanus L. Aesculus hippocastanum L. Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Centaurea scabiosa L. Convolvulus arvensis L. Corylus_ avellana L. Crataegus spp. Euonymus europacus L. Fraxinus excelsior L. Galium aparine L. Geum urbanum L. Glechoma hederacea L, Juglans regia L. Populus tremula L. te 92 Eriophyid *Rriophyes macrochelus (Nal.). Leaf galls; — widespread throughout the area. *Briophyes macrorhynchus (Nal.). Leaf galls; ubiquitous. *Eriophyes macrorhynchus (Nal.). See above. *Aceria hippocastani (Fockeu). Leaf erineum; the horse chestnut without this small gall is a rarity. Eriophyes laevis (Nal.). Leaf gall; Bradfield, Pangbourne, Reading, Goring, Henley, but unaccountably absent from many stations. Aceria_centaureae (Nal.). Leaf gall; Whitchurch, Bracknell, Wokingham, Ewelme, South Stoke, Streatley. Aceria convolvuli (Nal.). Leaf gall; Whitchurch (not every year). *Phytoptus avellanae Nal. Bud gall; Whitchurch, Warfield, Burghfield, generally common. *Briophyes goniothorax (Nal.). Leaf gall; widespread, but not on cultivated species of Cratacgus. . Eriophyes convolvens (Nal.). Leaf gall; Mapledurham, local. Aceria fraxinivorus (Nal.). Inflorescence gall; Warfield, Wokingham, Theale, Streatley, Woodley. Vasates epiphyllus (Nal.). Vagrant; Whitchurch. Cecidophyes galii (Karp.). Leaf gall; one of the few examples of an Eriophyid infesting an annual plant; Whitchurch, Goring Heath, Ewelme, Mapledurhan, Theale, Reading. Cecidophyes nudus (Nal.). Leaf gall: Whitchurch Hill, local. Vasates glechomae (Liro). Vagrant; Whitchurch. *Eriophyes tristriatus erineus (Nal.). Leaf erineum; occurs in most stations. *aceria populi (Nal.). Leaf erinewn; Pangbourne, Woodley, Warfield, Bradfield, Theale, generally common. ae ae Prunus domestica insititia i. Poiret. Prunus spinosa L. Pyrus communis ins Ribes nigrum L. Salix alba L. Salix alba L. var. vitellina (L.) Stokes Salix caprea L. Salix fragilis L. Sambucus nigra L, Senecio jacobaea L. Senecio squalidus L. Taxus baccata L. Tilia x vulgaris Hayne Ulmus glabra Huds. Ulmus procera Salisb. Urtica dioica L. Viburnum lantana L. ee ee ss Eriophyes padi (Nal.). Leaf gall; Whitchurch. Eriophyes similis (Nal.). var. pruni- spinosae Nal. Leaf gall; Warfield, local, Eriophyes pyri (Pagenst.). Leaf gall (blister mite); Warfield, probably widespread. *¥Cecidophyes ribis (Westw.), Bud gall (big bud ) ; Reading, Warfield, Pangbourne, widespread. Eriophyes triradiatus (Nal.). Witches' broom; Wokingham, Whitchurch, Reading, Henley, Pangbourne, Goring, widespreed. The etiology of this gall requires further investigation, for a fungus may also be involved. Eriophyes triradiatus (Nal.). Whitchurch. Aceria tetanothrix (Nal.). widespread. Anthocoptes salicis Nal. vagrant; Warfield, Whitchurch, Pangbourne. *Eriophyes triradiatus (Nal.). widespread. *Spitrimerus trilobus (Nal.). Leaf gall; Whitchurch, Whitchurch Hill, Goring Heath, Crays Fond, Pangbourne, Warfield, Reading, widespread. See above; Leaf gall; See above; Eriophyes liaproctus (Nal.). Leaf gall; Whitchurch Hill, Mapledurham. Eriophyes lioproctus (Nal.). Reading, Wallingford. See above; Cecidophyes psilaspis (Nal.). Bud gall; Mapledurham. *Aceria tiliae (Pagenst.). Leaf gall; Tilehurst, Pangbourne, Whitchurch, Theale, Reading, Warfield, Woodley, common. *Phytoptus tetratrichus Nal. widespread. Leaf gall; Briophyes ulmi (Nal.), Leaf gall; Ewelme. *Eriophyes ulmi (Nal.). Epitrimerus urticae Liro. Eriophyes viburni (Nal.). MS Rie ESSE 2 era See above; ubiquitous. Vagrant; Whitchurch. Leaf gall; ee A MONTH WITH WOL. By O seve Leekes B.aCe Wol (with apologies to A. A. Milne) is a young Tawny Owl, Strix aluco. We met following an announcement by the school caretaker that he had a "Little Owl" in the basement. I found that he meant a "little owl", without capitals, and that Wol, as he (7?) was later christened, had been taken from the nest by boys who did not know what to do with him. This was mid-day on Wednesday, 8th July, and Wol had been without food for at least 24, and possibly 36, hours. This was remedied very soon by giving him three strips of stewing steak, each about 3 inches long and % inch thick, which he swallowed whole with a few quick jerks. The inmediate problem of feeding was solved, so Wol was placed in a cardboard box to sleep. After school, he was carried home where he was transferred to a large wooden box with a glass front. This box was his sleeping place for the next ten days. At first the floor was covered with several thicknesses of newspaper, which rapidly disintegrated due to the action of eight powerful claws aided by foecal moisture. Later the remnants of paper were replaced by a layer of broken-down bark. The second problem was pellet-formation. No pellets appeared up to Thursday evening and the droppings were, I thought, too fluid even for a bird of prey. On Friday, cotton wool was wrapped round each piece of raw meat, and an urgent call for small mammal carcases was circulated to several local cats. The medicine-chest was raided each day for small quantities of cotton wool, and the first small mammal, a short-tailed vole, was supplied on Thursday, 16th July. Up to this time, a number of irregular, grey, cotton-wool pellets had been ejected. The vole, an adult female, was swallowed whole and tail first, two facts that caused me some surprise. fThe first "real" pellet, resulting from the vole, was ejected on Saturday evening about 48 hours after the meal. It was some 2 inches long and $ inch in diameter, tapering at each end. The condition of the droppings had become more "normal" and I felt that a critical period had passed. As Wol grew, he became more active, producing loud and prolonged nocturnal thumpings as he banged about in his box. After he had kept us awake for two nights, a move outside was strongly indicated and indeed was underlined by the increased size of the droppings. On Saturday, 18th July, a small enclosure was constructed using the chain-link wire from a collapsed fence, some pine posts, three sheets of corrugated iron, several rustic planks and a wooden box. The whole, a somewhat unedifying Sight, was designed more for comfort for Wol than convenience for me. It allows him room to fly and gives shade and privacy. So much for the general management of an owl in and around the housee We felt, and may be open to criticism on this puint, that an attempt should be made to fuss Wol to make up to him for the loss of his parents and brethren. Consequently many hours were spent in talking ie pee mostly rubbish to him, and in handling him, and have resulted in a remarkably tame owl. Although I am quite sure he loves being fussed, since he is loath to fly from my hand or shoulder, he asserts his independence by chiding in a high-pitched, chittering voice. Wol is very gentle when he nibbles ears or fingers, or even when "preening" hair and moustaches, but he often underestimates the strength of his claws, evoking sharp remonstration, especially when he grabbed an ear in a careless moment! In appearance, Wol has always been predominantly "round", a stocky bird who intrigued everyone with his fearless friendliness. When first obtained he was covered in nestling down-feathers except for a narrow band of new primaries and rectrices showing some {inch wide. The very dense down-feathers contributed considerably to the round appearance and they were so soft that it was difficult to perceive exactly when they were touched. His head was just like a powder—puff. A detailed description of plumage is not necessary here, but a few impressions may be of interest. The colour is generally a mixture of splashes and bars in all shades of brown from off-white to near-black, much richer and darker than the nestling down. The whole is a good exampie of cryptic coloration. The large eyes attract immediate attention, appearing ludicrous when partly closed during daytime. The pale-blue nictitating eyelids close obliquely downwards and outwards under sky-blue upper lids, which are bare except for a few small fawn-coloured feathers, mostly along the margins. In the evening, however, there is nothing ludicrous about these beautifully efficient photoreceptors which can function well in incredibly poor light intensities. Around the bluish, horn-coloured beak, which is more powerful than I had hitherto believed, appear to be stiff, black filoplumes. In fact, they are peculiar feathers, each with widely spaced, whitish barbs, unconnected by barbules. The black rachis, which extends distally beyond the barbs, may be of some tactile value. Perhaps the feet, next to the eyes, are the most noteworthy feature. In general, one is used to slender tarsi on most birds, but owls have remarkably robust ones. The claws are sharp, nearly = inch long and, actuated as they are by powerful muscles, they make formidable weapons, As in parrots and woodpeckers, the outer tocs normally point backwards. Occasionally Wol will settle with one pointing forward, but never for more than a moment. By reports the Tawny Owl has a catholic taste in food, including all the usual small rodents, young rabbits, leverets, shrews and even chickens and fish H.N. Southern also reports that earthworms are taken in quantity, this from direct observation on nesting birds and also fron the discovery of pellets composed entirely of earthworm chaetae. (There are four chaetae to each segment.) Wol has eaten in addition to the above (whole or in part) a mole, a young robin and blackbird, unfortumately killed by a cat, a large stag-beetle larva and a variety of butcher's meats. I believe that, with few exceptions, a wide range of foods is to eal be desired in order that a captive animal may be healthy. Incidentally, the more densely furred animals, such as shrews and moles, are not taken so readily as mice and voles, which in turn are less favoured than liver or beef - Wol is nobody's fool: On behaviour, it would be possible to write much. At first, the only sounds Wol emitted were made by clapping the beak shut several times in rapid succession. This is a typical noise made by owls as a warning and indeed it must be very effective against potential nest plunderers. Leiter, as he came to recognise me as the provider of his food, he developed a subdued, squeaky call with which he would indicate hunger, his prime stimulus. Subsequently he added the chittering call, previously mentioned, which he gives out if he is touched while feeding and, less excitedly, when annoyed in any other way. Later still, a new call developed. This was a double "note", of a high frequency, penetrating and insistent, produced when he was hungry. Since the month, he has answered the calls of a pair of wild tawnies, still squeaky but copying in general form the exciting pattern of the wild birds. In feeding, he always uses his feet for holding the food while looking around, either for a suitable feeding place, or if distracted. He can exert considerable force in tearing off pieces, making an audible "thump" as the tissues give way. But it was only after the first week that he was seen to tear his food; previously it was bolted whole and hurriedly. Presumably nestlings have not the time for the niceties of genteel behaviour. Now that he is larger and more capable of swallowing large pieces, he always picks some off first. If he is given more food than he wants immediately, he sometimes refuses it, but often takes it up into his box, where he will push it as far into a back corner as possible and then, pausing at each step, he will back away slowly, while intently watching his cache until, on reaching the edge of the box, he will turn quickly, with a shrug, and depart. This storing of food is so consistent that I think it may be an important behaviour pattern in times of plenty. This view could only be supported if a general observation to this effect was made in a number of owls. I have never seen him drinking and he may well have obtained enough moisture from his food, especially as refrigerated meat was always warmed by hot water before it was wrapped in cotton wool, which became saturated. On 3rd and 4th August, in the evening he attempted to bathe in a green pie-dish of water. Since he accomplished this only with difficulty, a white enamel bowl was purchased a day or two later. Probably because of the different colour, Wol would have none of it; until one very hot afternoon he was seen standing in the bowl with his wings widely stretched and his eyes closed. After some minutes of sheer bliss he bathed vigorously and flapped wetly on to a perch to dry. Among Wol's many amusing traits and habits is the following, which occurs when he is interested in anything - which is almost all the time. He moves his head sideways or up and down or, more often, with a circular motion while concentrating his attention on the object concerned. This action I believe makes use of parallax in observing and possibly in range- finding. The eyes, placed as they are at the front of the head - not at the sides - allow a wide field of stereoscopic vision. Thus, aided by a SET ae their behaviour pattern owls have become particularly efficient hunters. It is interesting to note that the ears of owls are markedly asymetrical, and it has been suggested that this confers on them a stereophonic aay po which is also capable of direction and range-finding. There emerges a picture of a bird beautifully adapted for the capture of small animals, and since its eyes are so fitted for night vision and its hearing is so acute it has become the scourge of all nocturnal small mammals, It has been estimated that a pair of Tamy Owls will each take 1,500 mice and voles in a year, excluding those needed for the rearing of young: The fact that they can subsist on a territory of 50 acres also says something for the reproductive rate of these rodents. The B.S.B.1. Distribution Maps Scheme By L. E. Cobb, B.A. Non=-botanists cannot have failed to become aware of, and perhaps mystified by, the preoccupation of their colleagues with "squares" over the past five years. Now that the field work for the Botanical Society of the British Isles plant-mapping scheme is virtually over, it may be useful to explain the object and scope of the scheme and briefly review the preliminary results. The flora of British counties has been comparatively well known for a great many years, thanks to the work of devoted botanists, many of them amateurs, who studied the plants of their own districts and published books on the subject or lists in the Victoria County Histories or elsewhere. Britain has, however, lagged behind many other countries in obtaining information on the prevalence of species within these comparatively large areas by breaking them down and subjecting the sub-divisions to more detailed study. To remedy this, the B.S.B.1., working from headquarters at Cambridge, decided to map the flora of the British Isles by dividing the country into squares with sides 10 km. (6% miles) long and endeavouring to obtain records of all the vascular plants growing wild in each. The records were assembled from three sources: herbarium collections, the literature and observations made for the purpose in the years 1954-58 by collaborating botanists, professional and amateur, each of whom made himself or herself responsible for one or more squares, Several members of this Society have taken part in the scneme and between them have been responsible for collecting records in most of the squares in the Reading area. The bulk of the data has now been assembled and is being analysed and recorded by the punch-card system at Cambridge, where it will be available for reference. and an Atlas of distribution maps is being Soe produced for publication, it is hoped, in the autumn of 1960. Already many interesting and sometimes surprising facts have been established, particularly about the commoner species, which have in some ways most rewarded study, though naturally the thorough searching to which some hitherto comparatively neglected areas have been subjected has resulted in the discovery of new localities for certain rare plants. Outstanding among these is the location in Suffolk of a large colony of the military orchid (Orchis militaris L.), a species formerly recorded only from the Chiltern and North Downs area and there perilously near extinction. In general, the richness of flora revealed has been surprising. In March 1959, nearly 500 of the 3,500 squares in the British Isles had more than 450 records each and of these over 100 had 550-650, 33 had 650=750 and two had over 750. ‘The richest was Ampthill, near Bedford, with 828 species. Only about 100 squares in England and Wales had less than 250 species, though such low totals were common in Scotland and general in Ireland. The specialised mountain and bog habitats that form much of these countries produce an interesting but not a varied flora. The richest areas are in Eastern and South-Eastern England. The squares around Reading generally maintained an honourable average of 350-550 species, exceptions being two squares with over 550 and one to the East of Reading with less than 250. This one was thoroughly worked by one of our most competent botanists and disposes, in this case at least, of the possible criticism that the number of records reflects the enthusiasm of the recorder rather than the richness of the flora. One of the two rich squares was, surprisingly, the one largely under the bricks and mortar of the County Borough itself. Is this an indication of how outstanding the locality must have been in its rural state, of the zeal of the staff and students of the Botanical Department of Reading University or the recorder responsible for the square, or of the carelessness of local gardeners? The second very productive square, well known to the Society as a happy hunting ground, is the subject of the article below. A Three-Kilometre Square By V. N. Paul The B.S.B.I. Mapping Scheme has made us conscious of "squares", and the necessity to investigate small areas thoroughly. The North-West corner of the Ordnance Survey Sheet 41/78 includes Russell's Water, Maiden's Grove and Nettlebed, but most important of all Bix Bottom. Entrance to this Naturalist's Paradise may be gained in two ways, either by leaving Henley along the Fair-mile, turning right through Lower Assendon, and finally, when you come to the timber yard, taking the first turming to the left, which is clearly labelled Bix Bottom, or by the more breath-taking descent from the top of Bix Hill, down past Bix Hall with its lovely garden, shielded from the road by an unruly, yet controlled yew hedge. The roads are twisting and narrow, and visibility is poor - half-way along the authorities tell you that it is unfit for motor traffic, but, unless you value your car greatly, this may be safely disregarded, for there is a most convenient parking spot near the Rifle Range, just beyond Page's Farm. To those who know this area, it is now extremely difficult to decide where to go first. There is the wall of Page's Farm, on which Ceterach officinarum DC persisted until a year ago. Another search might bring this little fern, commonly known as Rusty-back, to light again. If not, then Pale Toadflax (Linaria repens (L.) Mill.) with its delicately pencilled pale mauve flowers, and Wall-rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria L.) will be found growing among the flints. Then across the road, past the bee=hives, and through a healthy crop of stinging nettles to the slope of the wood beyond. Here is an extraordinary Sight - Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia L.) outgrowing Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis L.) a sea of dark green leaves, growing in fours at.the top of slender stems, with the spider-like flowers in their centree The fruit is a purplish black berry, and the slender petals and sepals, four of each, often persist long after fertilization. There are many thousands of plants in this one area, and one never tires of revisiting it. For those interested in the two "bird's nests", Yellow Bird's-nest (Monotropa)and the Bird's=nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich.), it is better to stay in the wood. The slope is steep, but Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris L.) has been found in one place, and may grow in others; it was recorded for Bix by Druce thirty years ago. Later in the year, Narrow-lipped Helleborine (Epipactis leptochila (Godf.) Cadf.) is fairly frequent in this wood, and at the top, where Neottia is in its full beauty, Violet Helleborine (E. purpurata Sm.) is found. Going on to the open chalk slope, and finally down the fire-break next to the wood, one may find the rigid spikes of Hairy Rock-cress (Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop.) Deadly Nightshade (Atropa bella-donna L.) Early Purple Orchis (Orchis mascula (L.) L.), and Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera Huds.). Covering the ground in the open spaces are Candytuft (Iberis amara L.) and L. repens, together with a host of other chalk- loving plants. Coming back to the Rifle Range again, a visit must be made to see Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis Te)’ This is growing in the hedgerow bordering the road. Ei hs there, but now it has spread along the bank, and an occasional plant can be found on the opposite side of the road. It is better to keep to the road for about 200 yards, until you come to a large post on the left-hand Side which marks the beginning of a footpath which goes through to Nettlebed. Just inside the hedge, Creeping Jenny i acsemee nummularia L. ) grows among the grass, but search among the undergrowth for the Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum L.); there are many leaves of the Twayblade Orchid (Listera ovata Br.) to confuse you, but every year the tiny fern can be found somewhere on the slope. On the footpath, plants of the Greater Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera chlorantha (Cust.) Rchb.) grow, and in the wood the Lesser Butterfly (P. bifolia (ty) Rich. ). The chance to compare their pollinia is rarely so close at hand. In the smaller, more delicate, P. bifolia, the pollinia are almost parallel, whereas in P. chlorantha the two heads come together, forming an inverted V. Three plants of the Fly Orchid (Qphrys insectifera L.) grew for many years near a rotting tree stump, and although O. insectifera is fairly common in the woods, these three seemed to be more important than the rest. White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce), Broad Helleborine (E. helleborine (L,) Crantz.), and Ploughman's Spikenard (Inula conyza DC) help to make up the undergrowth. After the footpath joins the main lane it is possible to strike up to a higher slope among the plantations on the 500 ft. contour overlooking the valley below. Here you may find O. insectifera with ten flowers to a spike, wonderful specimens of P. chlorantha, and many specimens of QO. apifera. It is very easy to lose your way in these woods, but when in doubt, turn down the hill to the valley below, along which runs the road. On the slope there are several clusters of Solomon's seal (Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All.) with their small clusters of white bell-like flowers hanging below the arching stems of leaves. On the road once more, and facing towards the Rifle Range, with almost a surfeit of things to remember, the Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L. s.1l.) may be passed by unnoticed. Yet this inconspicious plant is fairly rare in the Reading District, and here it grows plentifully on the edge of the road, Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale, L.), Common Gromwell (Lithosperman officinale L.), with fruits like tiny white china beads, and the Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Bre), may be found on the opposite side of the road among the plants of Bugle (Ajuga reptans L.) which form a blue carpet when in flower. If time permits, or perhaps on another day, a visit to the old clay pits on Nettlebed Common is well worth while. One of the pits contains a forest of Water Soldiers (Stratiotes aloides L.) growing like giant aloes under the water. Anchored by a long underwater stem to the bottom of the pond, they float up to the surface in the flowering season. Male and female flowers are on different plants, and the three-petalled white female flowers are much commoner than the male flowers, which have longer stalks. June is the best month to visitthis plant. Growing in the same pond, there is an abundance of Marshwort (Apium inundatum (L.) Rchb.), but it is difficult to reach because of the slippery clay on the sides of the pond. Growing on the mixture of clay and sand, are Common Birdsfoot (Ornithopus perpusillus L.), Buckshorn Plantain (Plantago coronopus L.) and Heath Grass (Sieglingia decumbens (L.) Bernh.). In the wetter parts wah Pa demissa Hornem., and C, ovalis Gooden, occur. Horse Mint Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds.) grows among the brambles, and a cluster of Tansy (Chrysanthemum vulgare (L.) Bernh.) by the roadside. So many plants have been neglected in this account, but you may find the pond with Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus L.), with its strange stout spike of flowers; the bare patch on the common where Trifolium striatum L. is struggling to gain a hold; the Musk Orchid (Herminium monorchis (L. ) R. Br.) which grows in two different places in the square; and the Lizard Orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng.), which was reported many years ago. Just one cluster of Wood Barley (Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz.) was found at Maiden's Grove, but if you make this journey, please do not disturb or pick these plants, but leave them for all to enjoye READING AND DISTRICT NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Honorary Menbers Fishlock, W. Ce, 93, London Road, Reading, Berks. Hastings, Somerville, M.B., M.S., F.ReC.S., 127, Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey. Hawkins, Prof. H. L., D.Sc., FeRoS., F.G.S., 63, Tilehurst Road, Reading, Berks. (Tel. 52139) Runge, C., 11, St. Andrew's Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks, Vear, Ts, 134, Shinfield Road, Reading, Berks, Aidan, Sister Mary, St. Joseph's Convent, Broad Oak, Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berks. Ashworth, Miss L., Holdfast Hall, Jealott's Hill, Nr. Bracknell, Berks. Allaway, A., Waylands, Shiplake Row, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, Arnold, T. S., Heath Barton, Manor Road, Goring, Oxon. Assheton, Miss S., 72, Bath Road, Maidenhead, Berks. Baker, Be Re, BeSco, AeMsAs, FeRsE.S., TLA, Suvh 207 / veto, sod, 3-Pks Baker, Mrs. H., 7iA, Berkeley Avenuc, Reading, Berks. Baker, L. We, Hillfoot Cottage, Cockney Hill, Reading, Berks. Baker, Mrs.,Hiilfoot Cottage, Cockney Hill, Reading, Berks. Baker, Master Stephen, Hillfoot Cottage, Cockney Hill, Reading, Berks. Balfour, A. Pe, FeL.S., VeMeH., 4, Baskerville Avenue, Sonning Common, Oxon. Bambury, Mrs, R.,62, Grosvenor Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Beck, A. G., 8, Wendover Way, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Bentall, Mrs., Crooksbury, Upper Woodcote Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Bentall, Miss, Crooksbury, Upper Woodcote Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Blackwell, Mrs. E. R., 12, Warren Road, Woodley, Reading, Berks. Bourne, A., Flt u, scwthcots Faradoc, Ging, serks. Boyce, R., BeSce, Black Horse Lodge, Hurley, Nr. Maidenhead, Berks. Bowden, Je, 419, Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berks. Bowden, Mrs. E., 419, Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berks. Bradley, De, 6, Wellfield Close, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks. Brown, Miss Re M., Berin's Ridge, Lower Basildon, Reading, Berks. BS ie ees Bunting, Prof. A. H., M.Sc., Dept. of Agricultural Botony, The Univereiby, Reading, Berks. Butler, Miss K. I., 18, Morgan Road, Reading, Berks. Carligle, C. S., 8, Hazeley Close, Hartley Wintney, Hants. Carlisle, Mrs., 8, Hazeley Close, Hartley Wintney, Hants. Carr, Mrse Sylphide de Ravenna, 26, Westcote Road, Reading, Berks, Chavasse, Rev. Ss. E., 18, College Road, Reading, Berks. Clements, Mrs. H., 108, Kenilworth Avenue, Reading, Berks. Cobb, Miss L. E., BeA,, 55, Northcourt Avenue, Reading, Berks. Cole, J. H., B.Sce, 60, Elvendon Road, Cleeve, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon. Corbet, Mrs. B. M., 59, Western Elms Avenue, Reading, Berks. Coster, Mrs., 49, Sherwood Street, Reading, Berks. Dalzell, Mrs. A., 2/7, Prospect Street, Reading, Berks. Dean, Miss Ly R., 64, Cressingham Road, Reading, Berks. Dolton, H. ls, 36, Chester Street, Reading, Berks. Eager, Master Stephen, 76, Redhatch Drive, Earley, Reading, Berks. Edwards, We. Je, * uccinood", 201, Halls Read, .Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Edwards, Mrs., “rooltsa0g", @Uh, Halls ead, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Erith, Miss A. G., BsSc.e, PheD., 70, Highmoor Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Evans, Miss A,., 70, Northcourt Avenue, Reading, Berks, Fishlock, Mrse As, 93, London Road, Reading, Berks. Flack, Miss 0., 198, Reading Road, Wokingham, Berks. Gant, Mrs. L., 51, Stanhope Road, Reading, Berks. Gant, H. S., 51, Stanhope Road, Reading, Berks. Gill, N. E., 69, Park Lane, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Gillman, D. R., 62, London Road, Reading, Berks. Gipps, Mrs., Six Oaks, Easthampstead Road, Wokingham, Berks. Gipps, Master Richard, Six Oaks, Easthampstead Road, Wokingham, Berks. Green, Mrse Ce. Me, 22, College Road, Reading, Berks. Green, T. C., 22, College Road, Reading, Berkse Greenhalgh, G. F., 22B, Hill Road, Arborficld, Reading, Berks, Gwatkin, T. L., MoA., 14. Courtcey Drivo, Brucr Grca, Reading, Berks. Harris, Prof. Te Me, MoAs, FeR.Se, FoL6S., Dept. of Botany, The University, Reading, Berks, Hawkins, Mrs., 63, Tilehurst Road, Reading, Berks. Hodgson, Mrs.e, 29, Thirlmere Avenue, Reading, Berks. Hodgson, Je, 29, Thirlmere Avenue, Reading, Berks, -~ 14 @- Homer, T. Je He, MeA., Yelton Hotel, Hastings, Sussex. Hotston, Miss C. J., 50, Norton Road, Reading, Berks. Hyde, Re Ae, Woodside, Reading Road, Finchampstead, Berks. Johnson, Clive, 67, Vastern Road, Reading, Berks. Jones, Miss M., Manor House School, Sherfield-on-Loddon, Berks, Key, Miss G. L., 22A, Southcote Road, Reading, Berks. Laffin, Ge, 45, Gloucester Koad, Reading, Berks. Lambden, Mrs, H. D., BeSce, 74, Beech Lane, Earley, Reading, Berks. Leatherdale, D., FeleS., F»RE.S., M. Inst. Inf. Sci., Eastfield Lodge, Whitchurch, Oxon. Leeke, Ce Je, BeSco, AsMeI. (Biol.), 1, Heathway, Chapel Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks. Lewis, F. He, 25, King Street, Reading, Berks. Lewis, Ge, 49, Rances Lane, Wokingham, Berks, Lewis, Mrs., 49, Ranees Lane, Wokingham, Berks. Lidiard, Miss H. 8., Essex Farm Cottage, Burghfield Common, nr, Reading, Berkse Lukin, Mrs. R., Lockram House, nr, Mortimer, Berkse Matson, Miss, 9, Manor Crescent, Didcot, Berks. Mason, Miss D., Flat C.1, Alexandra Road, Reading, Berks. Metcalf, C., 9, Marlborough Avenue, Reading, Berks. Mayhew, Miss V., 166, Thirlmere Avenue, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Nelmes, Miss E. M., MeAe, 27, Westbourne Avenue, Acton, London, We3- Newman, Mrs. W., 52, Northcourt Avenue, Reading, Berks. Newman, Je F., BeSc., Earley Cottage, 25, Beech Lane, Earley, Reading, Berks. Ounsted, Jo, MeA., Leighton Park School, Reading, Berks. Owen, Dr. H., Dept. of Agricultural Botany, The University, Reading, Berks. PadLey, F. C., 2, Eldon Place, Reading, Berks. Paul, Mrs, Ve N., The Mount, Peppard Common, Oxon. Pearson, Be, Heath Road, Pamber Heath, Basingstoke, Hants. Phillips, Ge, 22, Grosvenor Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks, Phillips, Mrs., 22, Grosvenor Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Phillips, Miss L., 22, Grosvenor Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Price, A., o/o Mrs. Morgan, 4.7, Lorne Street, Reading, Berks. (Tel. 54.996). Priest, Ae, 104, Cholmeley Road, Reading, Berks. Quartermain, T,., Beechcroft, Purley, Berks. -~15=— Quick, Dr. H. E., B.Sc., FLR.C.S., Craythorne, Shinfield Road, Reading, Berks. Rhodes, J., NeAwH$., 65, Tilchurst Road, Reading, Berks, Rhodes, Mrs., BeaScs, 65, Tilchurst Road, Reading, Berks. Rogers, Mrs., 33, Shepherds Lane, Mapledurham, Oxon. Rogers, Miss Dilys, 33, Shepherds Lane, Mapledurham, Oxon. Rothwell, J., 16, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks, Rothwell, Mrs. E. Me, 16, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Runge, Mrs. M., 11, St. Andrew's Road, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Severn, Lady, Winterbrook Lodge, Wallingford, Berks. Shervood, Miss A., 25, Wardle Avenue, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Simmonds, Mrs. A. M., 45, Highgrove Street, Reading, Berks. Smith, Miss J. Robson, 136A, Tilchurst Road, Reading, Berks, Smith, M., 37, The Crescent, Earley, Reading, Berks. Sparrow, Je Ne, School House, Bearwood, Wokingham, Berks. Stone, Miss C., Ridge House, Basildon, Berks, Swadling, Miss M. M., FeLeA., Berin's Ridge, Lower Basildon, Reading, Berks. Swain, Mrs, W., 91, London Road, Reading, Berks. Tobias, Miss J. M,, 17, Ramsbury Drive, Harley, Reading, Berks. Townend, Miss S. Ye, BeSc., 71, Berkeley Avenue, Reading, Berks. Townsend, Mrs. I., 97, Queens Road, Reading, Berks. Treacher, Mrse M., Uporchard, Twyford, Reading, Berks. Trickett, Miss 5., 13, Tilehurst Road, Reading, Berks, Waight, Miss Fe M. 0., FeleS., 139, St. Peter's Road, Harley, Reading, Berks. Ward, Je Aw, The Dene, Crowsley Park, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. Watson, Dr. E, V., Little Court, Cleeve, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon. Watson, Miss J, M., 30, Westwood Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks. Weller, Miss J., Flat D, 4, Bath Road, Reading, Berks. Williams, Jy.l.E., 31, Armour Road, Tilchurst, Reading, Berks. Wood, Dre N., Elmhurst, Milestone Avenue, Twyford, Berks. Wood, Mrs., Slmhurst, Milestone Avenue, Twyford, Berks. ie v NE : ¥ om rth had ase, - - o , if onlyed ere aus, syxioguead, bans P why Py hy ie : ~-) = abaott ghee , NY a . PY Le! é: 2B i. 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