;«»fi QiJtjtj EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. $.jfU.A.r l/fA/.ril^c^^i _ (\jry\MM- RECREATIVE SCIENCE; % ItKorir anir |lmmkanar INTELLECTUAL OBSERVATION. YOLUME I. GROOMBRTDGE AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROW. TH^^DEAVOUB. We are of God^S "workmansliip, created in his image, an^:^ft©a with, powers to perceive and appreciate the wonders of his skill in the creation whiclj* exists around and above us. It is our priyiege that we find delight in the investigati6n of causes and the detection of analogieSj^s well as in observing the distinc- tive featurejf'of objects in the great system of harmonies which we designate as Nature. "When thtf visual organs have reached the limit of -dieir ability, the eyes of the mind penetrate beneath the surface in the dis- covery of laws, and the imagination and the fancy blend with physical facts the graces of poetry, and so heighten and intensify enjoy- ments which had their beginning in the merest exercise of the senses. Science de- fines and classifies the results of research, brings together related facts, deduces from them general conclusions, and so lays the bases of systems of knowledge which are the pride and glory of our civilization. This is an age of invention and discovery, and the meanest affairs of life, equally with the noblest works of utility and elegance, are in- debted to science, either for their origin, or at least, for the fundamental principles out of which they spring. "VVe banish darkness from our streets by the help of the chemist ; we know the day and hour at which an Vol. 1.— iTo. 1. eclipse or occultation will occur by the pre- dictions of the astronomer; the sun paints pictures for us on media prepared by the photographer ; and places separated by dis- tancchold converse by the instantaneous com- munications of the electric wire. To speak lighi^ly of scientific studies is to ignore the entjre fabric of our social life, with all its amelioration for the body and the spirit; . but to stimulate the spirit of research, is to help in the onward march of human advance- ment, and realize the idea of the poet, that " the thoughts of men are widened by the progress of the suns." By " Eecreative Science," we understand the cxiltivation of the various branches of physical r.nd mathematical inquiry in a way to afford amusement as well as instruction. Every science has its recreative features ; every separate and single fact in Nature has a sunny side, and when we have solved a hard problem we may find repose and refreshment in tracing out what poetical analogies it may yet induct us to in the consideration of its recreative features. The properties of a sphere require the highest abilities of the mathematician to demonstrate, but we have the model of every sphere in a dew-drop; it is held together in the co- herence of its particles by the same forces which give form and consistence to the world ; and if the astronomer were to use the dew-drop as a key to the fundamental laws of EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. astronomy, and tb.erefrom explain tlie idea of gravitation, he would be treating his subject in a recreative manner, wbich would engage tbe attention of a thousand times as many- minds as would take interest in a cold mathe- matical formula. To enlist the sympathies of the young, and brace up the powers of mature minds in the investigation of natural pheno- mena, wiU be the object of the work now offered to the public. Truth wiU herein have all the vestments of beauty that of right belong to it ; science, in the sternest sense of the word, will never be sacrificed to any mere literary effect ; but we shall gather, as the bee does, the sweetest honey-drops from the fields of human learning, and at every step recognize, in hope and faith and love, the Source of things created, and point the mind of the student to the great Benefactor, by whose will the worlds sprung into being, and man was designed to exercise the powers of his reason in regions to which sense alone would never admit him. Nature lies before us as a panorama ; let us explore, and find delight. She puts questions to us, and we may also question her ; the answers may oftentimes be hard to spell, but no dreaded sphinx shall interpose when human wisdom falters. Linking the departments of know- ledge together by the threads of their in- evitable connection, let us help one another in our several regions of research, and so load the way towards the. perception of harmonies of which we have already the foreshadowings in the genuine poetry of science. Nature must supply the warp and woof from which the imagination is to weave the web of enchantment ; if it be pleasant to gather the material, how much more so to behold the first thread, then the indication of the pattern, and at last the completed picture. SCIENCir AND THE BOY. THE DUTY OF THE TEACHES . Instil the love and reverence which you feel, The sweet delight in flowers and the sky, By pictures, books : in landscapes fair and wide. In the high mountains and the boundless sea. Teach him to love all these ; moreover, name The petals of each flow'ret, class each shell:— Mark well the wondrous fashion of God's work, in Bird, animal, and insect. His young heart Will pulse and throb with a njost holy awe When he shall mark the infinite wisdom shown In each and all, an atom or a globe, Proceeding from God's hand ; When he shall know That not a feather stirs beyond its place, That not a beauty but still has a use — That even in the roughest, hardest things Strange glories lie ; that in the wing o' the gnat, The skin of snake, or eye of crawling toad, • • ' Such clouds of glorious colour are contained. That the skilled pencil and the cunning brain Of man can scarcely picture ; the rough shell, Touched with Art's polish, brightly glows and glads Each eye that sees it, and a shred of wood Holds in its little space most wondrous forms. * * * * When this glimpse Thou hast given him of this world we have and hold, Bring forth those instruments by Science made To show the upper and the lower worlds, And mark the two infinities of each. Peer through the telescope, world-systems show, And tell what various knowledge testifies ; Of star-globes floating in the abyss of blue ; Eeason of worlds in worlds ; of suns that gem The sky like gold-dust sprinkled on a robe, • But yet are suxs. Each step you farther go Unveil new wonders, till he shall fall down, Knowing his infinite smallness, and gasp out His humble prayer to Him who made them all ! And now the microscope produce, and show Design and glory in a filmy wing, That plumes more gorgeous than the ostrich bears Deck the poor moth ; the house-fly has a foot Fitted with instrument so wisely made. That man, but in the gray age o' the world. Found comprehension for it. Show him how prodigal of work God is, How every small ephemeris sets forth Purpose and science, if born but to die, As we in our weak knowledge still must deem. Show him the mjTiads which live within A drop of water ; that Intelligence Creates and orders, and still cares for each; And then his heart will throb and bound again, Knowing his greatness, and thus led to God By steps hewn in the Infinite Unknown, But not uncertain, he will wisely pray — Reverence himself, and love his neighbour too.— $ RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. THE PLANETS. To no otlier subject can tlie oft-repeated assertion of "We live in an age of dis- covery" be more aptly applied, tban to tbe glorious science of Astronomy. Whereas in the scbool-days of our fathers, and indeed of most of us, the number of known planets was only eleven, the last fourteen years have increased the list to sixty-four. It is now difficult for any but the astronomer to keep pace with these rapid discoveries ; our most recent works on the subject are almost sure to be half a dozen planets in arrear with their information, for even whilst the sheets are passing through the press, a number of diligent observers are still exerting them- selves, in order to add new worlds to our solar system. It may be asked, how is it that the nine- teenth century has done so much in this par- ticular branch of astronomy ? Many great names had preceded those of the present time, many diligent observers lived and flou- rished in the eighteenth century, yet why had they overlooked so many planets ? Fig. 1. The systematic plan now adopted of sweeping the heavens with large telescopes, and mapping down all the stars in the neigh- boui'hood of the ecliptic, has mainly contri- buted to these planetary discoveries. All the planets are situated in a small zone of the hea- vens near the ecliptic, so that if such stars are mapped down, and the same region of space is again returned to, and carefully compared with the previous maps, it is quite evident that if a certain map had contained ten stars, and on sweeping over the same si)ace a few months later, eleven were found, a new comer must have travelled into this map. An hour's observation with the double-image micrometer is sufficient time to enable the astronomer to ascertain whether this addi- tional body be a planet or a star. In short, to make this assertion clear, the double -image micrometer, from its peculiar construction, shows two images of the same object ; and as a planet moves much more rapidly than a star, if the speed of the new body be compared with one of those pre- viously mapped down, an hour's time will amply prove whether both bodies are moving with an equal speed. The two images of the new body, and the two images of the body in comparison with it, are, by means of a rackwork adjustment, made to show four objects in one and the Fio. 2, same straight line, as in Eig. 1. Now, if both the objects are stars, their re- lative positions will remain unaltered, whilst if one is a planet, they may possibly, show themselves as in Fig. 2. Having previously read off the vernier of the position micro- meter when the four images were in a straight' i PvECEEATIVE SCIENCE. line, and again in an hour's interval, after moving the screw so as to again place them in the same straight line, it follows, that the redaings of the vernier will give the exact movement which has taken place during that hour. Sometimes the number of stars in a cer- tain map wiU he found to have diminished, and then it is evident that a planet had been previously mapped down as a star, and if this stranger cannot be detected in an adja- cent map, it will be lost for a time at aU events. In this manner, and also owing to clouds obscuring the sky before the requisite verification coidd be accomplished, and the heavens remaining overcast for several weeks afterwards, some planets have eluded the vigilance of observers. To the equatorial telescope we are in- debted for aU these discoveries, for it is ab- solutely requisite that we should be able to turn to any particular portion of the heavens that we may desire, in order to enable us to return to the required spot. This telescope moving on circles of right ascension and de- clination, accurately divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds of space, and having dials which will show these positions, it becomes an easy matter to find any required portion of the heavens. Such telescopes are more numerous than they used to be, and in the hands of a corps of observers, both public and private, and all directing their energies in the same direction, it is not to be wondered at, that such labours should be rewarded by the discovery of bodies hitherto unknown. Another circumstance remains to be men- tioned, i. e., formerly, astronomers were sa- tisfied if they constructed maps of the stars down to the 6th magnitude, now, such maps descend to the 10th, 11th, and 12th magni- tudes ; and as it is in the 9th, 10th, and 11th magnitudes that the bulk of these planets are classed, we can see a sufficient reason why so many planets have been previously over- looked. There is a singular history with regard to Goldschmidt's planet Daphne, resulting in the discovery of another new planet. Unfa- vourable weather setting in soon after its discovery, prevented a sufficient number of observations being made in order to ascertain its proper orbit; therefore this planet was lost, and its discoverer set about the task of rediscovering it. On the 9th of September, 1857, Goldschmidt conceived that he had found it, but Schubert has since proved that the object seen on that date could not be Daphne, but a netu planet. A delicacy seems to exist between Schubert and Goldschmidt as to whom the discovery should be ascribed, the latter having discovered it, yet thought it to be Daphne, whilst the former, from cal- culation, showed that it could not be that planet. Hitherto it has received no other name than Pseudo-Daphne, to distinguish it from the true Daphne. With the exception of Neptune, the whole of the new planets are what astronomers have termed Asteroids, or minor planets, and their discovery was in the first instance to be ascribed to Professor Bode, of Berlin, who, in the year 1772, ventured to predict the dis- covery of a new planet. That well-known astronomer became aware of the fact that a numerical relation existed between the distances of the planets from each other and from the sun. If we take the numbers 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, and 384, and add 4 to each of them, we shall have 4, 7, 10, 16, 28, 52, 100, 196, and 388 expressing the order and proportion of the distances of the planets from the sun. Thus Professor Bode found that 4 represented Mercury, 7 Venus, 10 tho Earth, 16 Mars, 52 Jupiter, and 100 Saturn, and that this numerical law held good with all the planets, with the solitary exception of a break between 16 (Mars) and 52 (Jupiter) ; there wanted a planet which should be expressed by 28, and so satisfied was Professor Bode that one existed, that he boldly came forward, and predicted it. EECREATIVE SCIENCE. On the 1st of January, 1801, Piazzi dis- covered the planet Ceres, and tlie gap was filled up ; yet, strange to say, in 1802, Dr. Olbers discovered another (Pallas) at the same mean distance from the sun as Ceres ; and in 1803 Harding detected Juno, and in 1807 Dr. Olbers found Vesta ; all of which can be represented by the number 28. Astro- nomers at length began to argue that, as these planets were very small, probably others would be discovered, which, collec- tively, would be equal in a somewhat similar bulk to the other planets. However, no fur- ther discoveries resulted until the year 1845, when Hencke, after many years' dUigent ob- servation, detected Astraea ; since which date planet after planet has been- added to this list, until it has rapidly become swollen to sixty- four, fifty-six of which constitute a ring of planetsi whose mean distance from the sun niay be represented by S8, and to this number no doubt others will be added. The numerical law of which we have been speaking, gave promise of other bodies being found exterior to Saturn ; 196 would repre- sent the distance from the sun of a planet exterior to Saturn, and such a planet (Uranus) was detected by Sir William Herschel ; and again, 388 would represent another still fur- ther removed from the sun. Owiag to the power of gravitation, plane- tary bodies exert an influence over each other ; thus, a body can be pxilled outtoards if under the influence of a body exterior to it, or in- wards if of one interior to it. !N"ow Uranus was observed to receive this outward in- fluence, and, consequently, a planet exterior to it was conceived to exist. A dozen years ago the independent abstruse calculations of M. Le Verrier, a French, and Mr.- Adams, an English mathematician, based on these per- turbations, were confirmed by the discovery of the planet Neptune. Should another planet exist, still more re- mote, at a numerical distance represented by 772, calculation may again be the means of finding a body so far removed from the sun j and thus the solar system may be again expanded considerably beyond the bounds which it is now shown to occupy. We are apt to conceive that planets move around the sun in almost circular paths, and indeed they would do so, were it not for the influence exerted upon them by other bodies. Supposing that no influence were exerted upon a planet, its motion would be repre- Fig. 3. sented by Fig. 3. Yet, as this is not the case, the annexed diagram, Fig, 4<, of Fio. 4. a planet's orbit, acted upon by an extc' rior planet in the one portion, and by an in- terior planet in another portion of the orbit, will give some idea of the efiect produced. It is necessary to understand this, in order to be conversant with the effects produced by one body upon another — effects which, studied by our best astronomers, have been « EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. the means of bringing to light bodies whose existence was previously unknown. Speaking of the mean distances of the asteroids from the sun, Flora (Hind's) is the nearest, viz., 209,788,000 miles, with a period of 1193 days. Ariadne (Pogson's) Was formerly considered to hold this post of honour, but the latest elements by Weir give its mean distance as 210,022,000 miles, with a period of 1195 days. Sygeia (Gasperis') is the most remote, viz., 301,324,000 miles, with a period of 2054 days. The eccentricity of the orbit may, however, in several cases, take a planet much nearer the sun than Flora's mean distance, or when in aphelion, much further off than the mean distance of Hygeia. For instance, Melpomene's peri- helion, and Themis's aphelion may be con- sidered as the present known limits of the asteroidal region. Of the asteroids, Vesta is the brightest, and Atalanta and Hestia the faintest. The following is a list of the planets of our solar system, together with the names of the discoverers, the place and date, and the number each astronomer has discovered :— ign. Ifames of the Planets. Date of Discovery. Discoverer. . . Mercury . , . Known to the Ancients — — . Venus . Do. — . , — The Earth (or Tellus) Do. — — Mars . Do. — 1 . Ceres . . . 1801, January 1 . Piazzi . 2 . Pallas . 1802, March 28 . Olbers . 3 , Juno . , 1804, September 1 Harding 4 . Vesta . 1807, March 29 . Olbers . 5 . Astrfea , , 1845, December 8 Hencke . 6 Hebe . 1847, July 1 . Hencke . 7 . iris ; . 1847, August 13 . Hind . 8 Flora . 1847, October 18 . Hind . 9 Metis . . . " 1848, April 25 Graham 10 Hygeia . ,. 1849, April 12 Gasperis 11 . Parthenope . 1850, May 11 . . Gasperis . 12 Victoria 1850, September 13 Hind . 13 Egeria . 1850, November 2 Gasperis 14 Irene* 1851, May 19 Hmd . 15 Eunomia 1851, July 29 Gasperis 16 Psyche 1852, March 17 . Gasperis 17 Thetis . 1852, AprU 17 Luther . 18 Melpomene . 1852, June 24 Hind . 19 Fortuna . 1852, August 22 . Hind . 20 Massilia t . 1852, September 19 Gasperis , 21 Lutetia 1852, November 15 Goldschmidt 22 Calliope 1852, November 16 Hind . 23 ThaUa 1852, December 15 Hind . 24 Themis 1853, April 5 Gasperis . 25 Phocea ,;. 1853, AprU 6 • . Chacornac 26 Proserpine . 1853, May 5 . Luther . 87 - Euterpe 1863, November 8 Hind . 28 Bellona \ 1854, March 1 Luther . 29 Amphitrite | 1854, March 1 Marth . SO , Urania. . , 1854, July 22 . . Hind , 81 Euphrosyne. 1854, September ] Ferguson 83 Pomona 1854, October 26 . Goldschmidt . Number each Place of Discovery, Observer has discovered. Palermo Bremen Lilienthal Bremen Driesen Driesen London London Markree Naples Naples London Naples London Naples Naples Bilk London London Naples Paris London London Naples Marseilles Bilk London Bilk. London London Washington Paris . * Irene was independently discovered four days later, by Gasperis. + Massilia one day later, by Chacornac. J Amphitrite one day later, by Pogson, and two days later, by Chacornac, 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 8 3 4 4 5 1 5 6 6 1 7 8 7 1 2 9 3 1 10 1 2 BEOEEATIYE SCIENCE. ign. Names of the Planets. Date of Disooverj \ Discoverer. Place of Discovery. 83 Polyhymnia , . 1834, October 28 . Chacornac . Paris . 84 Circe . . 1855, April 6 . Chacornac . Paris 85 , Leucothea . . 1855, April 19 , Luther . . Bilk 86 Atalanta , 1835, October 5 . Goldschmidt . . Paris 87 . Fides . . 1855, October 5 . Luther . . Bilk 38 . Leda . , . 1836, January 12 . Chacornac . Paris 39 . Lfetitia. . , . 1836, February 8 . Chacornac . Paris 40 . Harmonia . . 1856, March 31 . Goldschmidt . , Paris 41 . Daphne . 1856, May 22 . Goldschmidt . Paris 42 . Isis . . . 1836, May 23 . Pogson . . Oxford . 43 , Ariadne • 1857, April 15 . Pogson . . Oxford 44 . Nysa . . 1857, May 27 . Goldschmidt . Paris 45 . Eugenia . 1857, June 28 . Goldschmidt . Paris 46 . Hestia . , . 1857, August 16 . Pogson . . Oxford 47 . Aglaia . . 1857, September 15 . Luther . . Bilk 48 . Doris . . 1857, September 19 . Goldschmidt . Paris 49 Pales . . 1857, September 19 . Goldschmidt . Paris 50 , Virginia* . 1857, October 4 . Ferguson . Washington 51 . Nemausa . 1858, January 22 . Laurent . Nismes 63 . Enropa . 1858, February 6 . Goldschmidt . Paris 53 . Calypso . 1858, April 8 . Luther . . Bilk U , Alexandra . . 1858, September 11 . Goldschmidt . Paris 55 , Pandora . 1858, September 11 . Searle . . Albany 56 . Pseudo-Daphnet . 1837, September 9 . Schubert — — . Jupiter . Known to the Ancients. — — _ . Saturu ^ Do. — — . Uranus , . 1781 . . W. Herschel . London — . Neptune 1 . . 1846 . . Le Verrier . Paris. Number each Obgerver baa discovered. . 2 . 3 . 4 4 5 4 5 1 2 (5 7 3 G 8 0 2 1 .10 7 11 1 I . 1 . 1 Of the small planets, nine were discoreretl in 1857, eight in 1852, six in 1854, five in 1856, and five in 1858, four in 1853, and four in 1855, three in 1847, and three in 1850, two in 1851, and one in 1801, 1802, 1804, 1807, 1848, and 1849. Goldschmidt lays claim to the discovery of eleven, Hind of ten, Gasperig and Luther of seven each, Chacornac of five, Pogson of three, Olbers, Hencke and Ferguson of two each, and Piazzi, Harding, Graham, Marth, Laurent, Searle, and Schubert of one each. Sighfield House Observatory, Nottingham. - E. J. Low:fi. HOW TO GATHER DIATOMS. ■^ase-j- The Diatomacese being objects of interest to most persons possessed of a microscope, a few plain directions for gathering them may be appropriate to a time when aU who can get a brief holiday, are either away, or going to the seaside, or wild inland dis- tricts, where the finest are to be had. With a general understanding that they all grow in water, fresh, salt, or a mixture of the two, the materials required for collecting are : — From one to two dozen of " Preston Salts" bottles with corks ; a long light stick, for which the two thick joints of a cheap fishing-rod answer well, the hollow serving * Virginia, fifteen days later, by Luther. + Pseudo-Daphne, discovered by Goldschmidt, September 9th, 1837, yet thought by him to be Daphne. Schubert, from calculation, proved it could not be Daphne. Yet neither astronomer has as yet named it. { Neptune, independently discovered from calculation by Le Verrier and Adams, and found telescopically tyDr. GaUe. ' 8 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. for the attachment of — 1st, a curved cutting- hook, like a reaping-hook in miniature ; 2nd, a small muslin net ; and 3rd, an old spoon. A good Coddington lens and slip of glass, or a " live-box," may help in some cases to a knowledge on the spot of what we have found; but the objects of our search are so minute, that not much can be done in this way in the field. How can I tell what to look for? the youthful student may say. The answer to which is, that in mass when growing, they might be compared to brown jeUy, coating other water-plants, or stones, or the surface of mud at the bottom of the water. Spring and autumn are the most favour- portion with the hook, and transfer dexter- ously to another bottle ; we shall find Melosi' ras and Synedras. In small tributaries to the main stream we may be fortunate enough to obtain Campylodiscus costatus and C. spi- ralis, princes of the tribe> and Surirellas, or the exquisite Meridian. Boggy pools yield some elegant species, as Eunotias, Himan- tidia, not elsewhere to be had ; and wells of spring-water, Tabellarias and some Dia- tomas. In shallow streams stones may be picked from the bottom containing interest- ing species ; mountain torrents yield Gomphonema geminatum, the finest of its genus, and the curious Tetracyclus lacus- iris. Encyonema may be met with where able periods for them. Suppose we are out for the day on a Diatom-hunt, our pockets stored with as many bottles as they wiU hold, and the other necessary appliances with us : we make for a stream and go up its banks ; covering the stems and blades of grass over which water flows, we may see this brown jelly-like material, which is best got by gently cutting off some of the blades of the grass to which it is attached, and putting them into a bottle, which is to be fiUed with water to prevent shaking. CymbeUas and Gom- phonemas are what we shall probably have got. The white water- crowfoot, and grasses growing towards the centre of the stream, may be thickly covered at their floating tips with brown waving threads ; cut off a water runs rapidly and constantly, as over a dam. At the seaside we shall meet very dif- ferent kinds ; as, growing on large or small sea-weeds, the beautifvil flag-like Ac/man- thes and Striatella, the Bhabdonemas and Grammatophoras, fine Melosiras, and small arborescent forms, from one to two inches in length — these are Schizonemas. Also, if very fortunate, Amphitetras, Biddulphia pulchella and the Isthmias. Along the sands of quiet bays, at about the line of half-tide, in furrows constantly wet, many interesting species may be found. To get these in a state fit for carrying home, the yellowish facing of the sand should be scraped up with a spoon, and a quantity put into a EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. half-pint bottle, to be filled with, sea-water ; after a good shake, the sand will, in a few seconds, fall to the bottom, and the water with Diatoms is to be poured off, when they will settle as a sediment, which latter should be put into the smaller bottles. Brackish water furnishes Siddul/phia atirita, Melosira nummuloides, and fine Pleurosigmas and Naviculas. The gathering from each place should be put into a separate bottle, and it is well to put in a slip of paper with the cork, on which, with lead pencil, the locality may be noted. Extreme care in washing bottles and corks, previous to putting by for another occasion, is essential. On getting home we may seem to have brought back nothing but bottles of dirty water ; this should be emptied into saucers, putting the named slip by each, and with a few hours' exposure to sxmlight the Dia- toms will be found in a beautifully clean condition, on the surface of the mud, and may then be carefully removed for examina- tion, and preservation, if thought desirable. Of these we must treat on a future occa- sion. In addition to those above-named it may be well just to indicate other sources, some of which are hardly accessible to dwellers in large towns, except at the annual holiday time. Such are the stomachs of shell-fish fresh from the sea, oysters and scallops especially; of crabs and lobsters, of haddock, cod, and the different kinds of flat fish ; whence very fine kinds not otherwise obtainable, habitants of the deep sea, may be procured. It is es- sential that the shell-fish should be fresh from their oozy beds, since the ceaseless currents produced by the action of the cilia (micro- scopic hair- like processes) with which they are furnished, rapidly wash the Diatoms away, and the result of much patient search may, from inattention to this circumstance, prove a blank. A large infusorial animalcule, the Noctiluca, cause of muck of the phospho- rescence of the sea, proves to be a capital Diatom-gatherer. Deposits on the shores and at the bottom of lakes, now or previously existent at such spots ; of this many instances have been recorded, in which complete strata have been formed from the valves of Diatomacese, that lived and died on the spots where their re-- mains occur. Ehrenberg has described a remarkable species {Orthosira mirahilis), as inhabiting moss growing on trees. Our distinguished countryman Mr. Ealfs started one day in quest of this, and bringing home a quantity of the mossy coatings of trees growing in the neighbourhood of Penzance, Cornwall^ his place of residence, found on his retiirn that he had really got this Diatom in abundance. An attempt has been made to explain away the singular fact of a Diatom inhabiting such a locality, by the hypothesis that the examples found had been blown there by the winds. But this seems a purely gratuitous supposition, since it is per- fectly well known that moss growing in alpine localities, where it is moistened with mists and the perpetual trickling of springs, furnishes a home for some beautiful species of the tribe ; the occurrence of Diatomaceae in fragments of earth adhering to the roots of dried plants obtained from various parts of the world, shows that Diatoms do live in moist earth. We have only to suppose that the species in question is endowed with an unusual power of retaining its vitality during periods of drought, and the difficulty vanishes. If our readers will take up this question, it may soon be solved ; they wUl find it one of exceeding interest, and furnish valuable aid to the cause of science. The words used in the definition, were in effect that they gene- rally lived in water, but certainly not at all times, invariably. TuFFEN West. *o EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. WAYSIDE WEEDS AND THEIE TEACHINGS. IN SIX HANDFULS. " There's a dance of leaves in that aspen bower, There's a titter of winds in that beechen tree, There's a smile on the fruit, and a smile on the flower. And a laugh from the brook that runs to the sea." The Gladness of Nature. — Beyant. — x'i^sralptn.^ — TsE science of plants, Botany, has tHs great advajitage over every otlier department of natural history, tliat its objects are not only most readily accessible, but tbat tbey bave been familiar to most of us from cbildbood. The first steps of the entomologist, tbe geo- logist, or the mineralogist, are made, as it were, into a new world, wherein all is strange and unknown — to the novice we might say chaotic — but who does not know the first easy paths which guide us into Flora's realms P Are they not to every child bordered and carpeted with daisies, and but- tercups, and sweet-scented violets ? Have we Aot picked in them chickweed and groundsel for our favourite birds, and looked at the scarlet poppies somewhat doubtfully as poisonous, putting them under the same anathema as " hemlock," which, however, was often not hemlock at aU P Then, again, are not these paths overhung with the wild rose and honeysuckle for our summer shade ? And when, after long absence, it may be, in the smoky town or in some foreign clime, we return to retread the paths again, see these old familiar faces, do we not know their names as well as we do our own P " The cowslip, crocus, columbine, The violet and the snowdrop fine. The orchis 'neath the hawthorn-tree, The blue-bell and anemone. The wild rose, eglantine, and daisy." We know them all, and many another, with- out any teaching. Truly this name-knowledge is qo des- picable foundation for our future botanical education — a far better one than we could find for any other science ; sounder, too, for it has not only a place in the head but in the heart ; dull and dead must that heart be, that greets not warmly the old friends of our first toddling days. On this foundation we purpose to build, and thus to avoid what so often proves a first and formidable difficulty when subjects are dealt with of which the learners have no previous knowledge. We mean to take, both for text and illustration, the commonest way- side weeds and flowers familiar to all, and wo mean them, being their own interpreters, to teU us a great deal. We will try whether they cannot outline for us, if we may so speak, the plan of the flowery world, and whether we cannot gather from their simple teachings some idea of the great design, in accordance with which the vegetable king- dom is constructed and arranged. It may be that many will be content with this, but should some desire to go farther, and to gain more knowledge of the numberless forms of vegetable beauty and structure to be met with amid the native plants of our own land, and still more strikingly, perhaps, amid those of other latitudes, they will find the foundation begun upon our common " Way- side Weeds," a solid because a practical one. We call them common, and, in one sense, they are so — the sense in which we have chosen them for illustration ; but common are they in no others, for as surely and as well as the most gorgeous exotic, do each and all show forth the goodness, the wisdom, and the power of that great Creator, whose " Steps are beauty, and his presence light." A few words as to our arrangement. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 11 Each of. our prospective liaadfuls is made to embrace a certain section of plants, related to eacH other ia the natural classification. It is by no means requisite that all the plants named should be gathered at once, and, in- deed, as they often blow at different periods of the year, this would be impossible ; but enoiigh may always be found to illustrate our text, not only as regards the classification of the flowers, but with reference to the other botanical lessons which have been appended to each section. A general summing up will probably gather ouj* handfuls into one. If many common wayside flowers are familiar, and deck our first early wanderings in the fields, no less so are the fruits which succeed ; heps and.haws, crab apples, hazel nuts, sloes, blackberries, strawberries, and many another, for " Blackberries so mawkish now, Were finely flavoui-ed then." He or she must be veritably town born and bred, if they do not know these the common fruits of childhood's garden, and thus, pre- suming upon the knowledge, we will add our baskets of hedge-row fruits to our hand- fuls of wayside flowers. Handful I. — Flowers in Many Piecijs, . " Many-Petaled." Weeds are flowers — The Handful — Poppies — But- tercups and Marsh Marygold — ^Wallflower and Lady's Smock — Violets — Lychnis — Stitch wort — Chickweed and Geranium — Petals or flower-leaves — How attached " — Their shape and parts — A corolla — Stamens, their site, and how distinguished^-Pistil or central organ ; its forms — Calyx ; its forms, etc. — Position of parts of flowers in handful the first — Likeness and Difference — The Buttercups and Crowfoots — Poppy characters — Wallflower and the Cruciforms — Eegular Flowers — Starwort and Geranium — Summary. Let US see what we have got. Weeds every one of them ! Weeds we all know them to be, but flowers they are as well ; we wUl therefore give them the name indifferently, weeds or flowers, as it may be. Poppies in their red, from the corn-field or wayside ; bright shining buttercups from the meadows, with their magnificent cousin the marsh marygold ; a stray wallflower from the,; old castle waU, or garden if you wUl, for it ip a true British wUdling ; lady's smock ; and a charlock — the yellow flower you always caU wild mustard — or, if you like it better, a water-cress. Do not forget our wee blue friends the sweet violets, for, except the fra- grant wallflower, they are the only scented blossoms in our bundle. Add to these a scarlet lychnis ; one of the brilliant white stitchworts, or starworts, abetter name, from under the May hedgerow, and with it its little sister the common chickweed, and the mouse-ear, like a hairy chickweed, though it is not one ; lastly, put in a common wayside geranium, and we have handful No. 1, from which we are to learn a whole heap of bo- tanical lore. Our paper is headed " Many-pieced, or many-petaled flowers," TJnbotanical people call the pieces of a flower " leaves ; " but as the same term is applied to the leaves of the plant generally, the pretty term " petal" is more convenient ; we therefore, for the future, shall always speak of petals, albeit it gives our first initiament into botanical terms. Take all the flowers of our handful, or as many of them as you have got, and look at these petals ; pull them off if you possess a good show of specimens, and you wUl ^ee that they are all xinconnected with one another. First comes the bright red poppy, with its four petals (Fig. 1), aU attached Fig. 1. — Petal of Common Poppy. beneath the projection in the centre of thfe flower (Fig. 6). . 1^ BECEEATITE SCIENCE. Put down the poppy and take up the but- tercups, all you have gathered (Figs. 2, 3, 4), Fio. 2.— The Bulbous-rooted Ranunculus, back view. o, "petals of expanded blossoms ; b, reflexed calyx, or flower-cup; c, blossom half expanded, the flower- cup not yet turned back ; d, peduncle, or flower- stem ; e, bract or flower-leaf. and, if it chances to be in the handful, the marsh marygold, which probably some of Fio. 9. — Back view of blossom of Common Buttercup, or Creeping Ranunculus, a, petal ; b, flower-cup, in fiv^ sections ; e, peduncle. my readers know as the " May blob." Any and all of these have, as you see, five petals Fia. 4.— Section of Buttercup blossom, a, petal ; 6, stamens ; c, pistils ; d, flower-stem, or peduncle ; e, receptacle. (Fig. 3), and though the central organ (Fig. 4 c) is not exactly similar to that of Fig. 6. — Seed vessel or pistil of Fig. 5. — Buttercup Common Poppy, a ; b, stamen ; petals. c, part of petal. the poppy (Fig. 6), you may yet observe a likeness in the attachments of the petals. Fig. 7. — Cruciform blossom of Wallflower, a, petal ; b, sta- mens ; c, flower-cup, or calj'x ; d, peduncle, or flower-stem. Fig. 8.— Petal Wallflower, limb; 6, claw. of JIECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 18 Take the wallflower, another of your bunch of blossoms; its petals are very different from the petals of the poppy or the butter- cups. The latter, you have already seen, are oval and pointed at the baso (Figs. 1, 5) ; in the instance before us they are prolonged into the claw (Fig. 7 b), in contradistinction to the broad portion or limb. A somewhat similar petal you find in the scarlet or white Fig. 9.— Blossom of Lychnis, Fio. 10.— Petal of Lych- •with pistils only, a, petal ; nis. a, limb ; 6, claw. b, pistils ; e, calyx. lychnis (Figs. 9, 10), although in other re- spects it is diverse. Clawed, likewise, but less distinctly so, are the five petals of the wild geranium (Figs. 11, 12). However, there Fig, 11.— Blossom of Com- Fig. 12.— Petal of Wild mon Wild Geranium Geranium, a, limb ; (Uerb Robert), a, petals; 6, claw. b, calyx. is no occasion to go over in succession every plant in our handful ; you can do that alone, and pulling off the petals compare their varied shape and cuttings, as well as their attachments and numbers ; having done this, you wUl have gained some knowledge of one of the divisions of the kingdom of botany — the many-petaled {polypetalous) flowers, with their petals attached beneath what botanists call the pistil, but which, tdl we have formally introduced it, we must call the central organ of the flower. In the ma^ jority of flowers, however — we shall see, hereafter, not in all — between the central organ and the petals we have just been exa- mining, there is a greater or less number of small bodies, little heads siipported on slender stems (Fig 13). In the poppy and Fig. 13.-Stamen, Fio. 14.— Organs of Wall- magnified, flower, a, stamens; 6, pistil. ranunculus, these little bodies are very mamer- ous, almost too numerous to count easily (Fig. 4) ; but look into your wallflower, you have no difficulty there, for six is all you can find (Fig. 14), only you wonder to see that, in every blossom you examine, two are shorter than the others. Put down the wallflower, and take up your wUd mustard i Fig. 15. — Blossom of Common Charlock, a, petal ; 6, b, calyx sepals; c, stamen; d, pistil. Fig. 16.— Calyx or flower-cup of Com- mon Lychnis, a, calyx ; b, stamens. u EECREATIYE SCIENCE. (Fig 15), or your water-cress, and you will find the same tking. Be sure you hare got au established fact, and do not forget it. Take your lychnis, a red one, however, an^ you will find ten of these little bodies (Fig. 16) ; but, probably, no central organ. Try to count them in the violet, there are only five ; but you have some difficulty, for they all adhere together, and two of them have little spurs superadded, which might confuse a beginner. These little bodies, which we have just been examining, are called the stamens, but what they are, what is their structure and functions, we must tell in a future page, only remark that, in thejloioers you have examined, their attachment, in the composition of the blos- som, is the same as that of the petals. Put aside the stamens, or pull them off, and we come, at length, to our friend in the centre, whose name we have already let out— the pistil (Figs. 4, 6, 17, 18), and a very varied Fig. 17.— Pistil of Lychnis. «, ovary; 6, styles; c, receptacle. Fig. 18. — Seed -vessel and pistils of Com- mon Stichwort. piece of structure it seems, judging by the specimens. In the poppy it is short, round, and marked or rayed on tlie top ; in the buttercupi it seems made up of a number of projecting pieces ; in the wallflower, it is prolonged ; in the lychnis, rounded and oval, crowned by the thread-like styles. Ob- serve, in all these cases, it rises from a little seat or receptacle, to which are attached the petals and the etamens. You will not, how- ever, have advanced far in your botanical studies before you discover that this single mode of attachment is by no means uni- versal ; but one thing you wiU find constant, the relative positions of the organs of the flower, which we have just gone over. Pe- tals, or corolla, as the petals are called collectively, stamens and pistils, are al- ways placed in the same order, one within the other. They may not all be present ; in some blossoms they are never all present together, but you will never find stamens out- side the petals, or pistil outside the stamens. Spencer Thomson, M.D. {To he continued.) TAME FISHES. Peocithe a twenty-inch bell-glass ; set it on a stand in a north window ; lay down a bed of pebbles; plant a few tufts of water- weed (Anacharis), and fill with river water. After it has stood a few days, procure three small Prussian carp and six minnows. Have no gold-fish, no molluscs, and no roekwork. Al- low the conferva to grow on the glass, except on the side next the room, which keep clean. Every morning and evening feed the fishes with very small earthworms, gentles, or small caterpillars, and be careful to drop them in only one or two at a time, so that none be left to foul the water. Frequently sit beside the vessel, and watch the gambols of your pets ; now and then tap on the front of the glass with your finger-nail, and so accustom them to your presence. By degrees they will get bold and playful; be sure to tap with your finger-nail before you feed them, and instead of dropping the food in for them to take it in their own way, hold a worm between your fingers at the surface, and one of the boldest of the minnows will snatch it away playfully. Persevere, and you may .call them together by tapping on. the glass, and have them feed from your fingers, and even submit to be tickled on the back in quiet enjoyment of your friend^ ship and familiarity. H. EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 1* HUMBOLDT. IN TWO PAETS. — PABT I. HIS STUDY. BIETH AND EAKLY LIFE. It is well to be reminded, in tlie midst of tke rejoicings for victory in one nation and tlio meanings of defeat in another, that the great march of science still continues across the noise of smoke and wailing, that the passage of knowledge is tmintermpted cither by blockade or siege. IN'othing will do this forns more thorouglily than the lives of groat and wise men, of the soldiers of science, of the pioneers of progress, of the true apostles of peace. By their lives we shall be re- minded that ^ " We may make our lives sublime," and, to continue the quotation, " Departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of Time ;" footprints which will be assurances to those who follow, that great men have been be- fore them, who have turned from the hurry, bustle, noise, and smoke of glory ; the over- excitement and maddening rush for gold, the scramble for honours, or chicanery of place, to that quieter, calmer, better path of daily labour and daily worship, of patient investigation and pure thought, which rises, like calm incense in an evening sky, towards the throne of the All-Knower ; which abounds in love to our brothers, since it abounds in benefits conferred on them ; which eases and soothes men's minds disturbed by angry pas- sions, and is in its intensity a kind of noble faith, even in the Pagan philosopher, since by it he venerates and worships the Creator in his works, and looks through IS'ature up to Nature's God. There is no " life " of the present day which wiU better illustrate the foregoing than that of Frederick Henry Alexander, Baron Humboldt, known since his elevation to the peerage of humanity, simply by the last name. Humboldt's mother, a woman of great intellectual endowments and some beauty, was the widow of Baron Holwede when she attracted the attention and love o^ Major Humboldt, an aide-de-camp to the Duke of Brunswick, during the seven years' war. She did not long remain a widow. 10 BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. She entrusted herself, lier fortune, and one son by lier first marriage, to the aide- de- camp, and on the 22nd of June, 1767, at Pots- dam, gave birth to Charles William Hum- boldt, and at the chateau of Tegel, near Berlin, on the 14th of September, 1769, to the subject of this paper. The elder brother, Charles, grew up to be one of the finest wits in Germany ; he was a poet, critic, philolo- gist, statesman. His brother was, after his kind, a statesman too, one who interpreted the laws of Nature, and, after living a very long life, full of honour and renown, has died, leaving behind him the name of the greatest naturalist and savant of his country. IDTJCATIOK — THE FIBST IMPrLSE. The two boys were but young when they lost their father, and their education and introduction to the world was therefore left entirely to Madame Humboldt. This lady had entrusted one Joachim Campe in the education of her eldest son. The master was then well known as the author of "The Young Crusoe ;" now he is forgotten, save when connected with his pupils, for it is the property of great men to render all around them celebrated. Various was the instruc- tion given to the young Humboldts. Besides Campe, Christian Kunth should be men- tioned amongst Humboldt's teachers. From their father's chateau the two boys went to Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Oder, and, lastly, to Gottingen. It was at the last place, whilst his brother was writing poetry, and was filled with all the enthusiasm of the ardent spirits of the time in regard to that event, the French Eevo- lution — an event which, by the way, disap- pointed and horrified all its admirers — that Alexander happily met a gentleman of some notoriety, who had been round the world •with Captain Cook. The glowing narration of the beauties of Nature, which Humboldt heard from the mouth of this man, George Forster, fired him with the first desire to be- come a naturalist. He had made a debut in literature. He came out with something very scientific, something excessively learned, the result of cramming. He wrote abso- lutely " On the Textile Fabrics of the Gre- cians," about which he could have known nothing. Henceforward he was to abandon " textile fabrics," and to inquire not how Penelope's petticoat was spun, but how God made this earth, and in what way He had clothed the plains with verdure and the forests with leaves. GEOBGE rOESTEE. To this George Forster, in truth, the world should give credit for much of Hum- boldt's glory. It is a great thing to have given the first impulse to a youthful genius. Man, or book, which does it cannot be too highly estimated. "Robinson Crusoe" has filled our navy, rendered our merchants famous, has given a seaward impulse to the nation which other people seek in vain to possess. So old George Forster, gossiping over his modest can of Bavarian beer about his voyage with the great Captain Cook, sets that in a flame which eighty years cannot quench, and which in its progress, like a great fire on a high hiU, casts its reflection far and wide. "With George Forster, Humboldt made his first scientific tour. He travelled to England and to France, examining the earth, its strata, and the mineral productions of each countiy. He was also actuated by a strange desire to go to the new world, and to observe the life of a savage, to mark how far it dif- fered from that of civilized man, but that desire was not yet to be gratified. With the advice and assistance of Forster, he pub- lished his first scientific work on the " Basalts of the Ehine" ( Uber des Basalts aus Bhein) in 1790, when he had scarcely passed his twenty-first year. He had already become known for his ardent desire of knowledge, EECEEATIVE SCIENCE.: 17 for Lis love of experiment and deep fervour in tracking a truth, so far as one can, to its fountain-liead. Indeed, this, more than fa- mily influence, procured him his first employ- ment, that of inspector of mines in the pro- vinces of Bayreuth and Anspach. Holding this office, he was ever at work, and issued his second work, on the "Fossil Flora of Friberg" [Flora suhterranea Fribergensis, etc.) He told us what shapes flowers had before the flood, how they bloomed and fruc- tified ; he gave us their forms, and the thick- ness of their fibre, and, by induction, showed us what soil they loved, and what brilliant colours they gladdened the young world with. Working stiU on, in a few more years he had advanced his studies from the dumb stone world, or fossil vegetable life, to that more wondrous organism around and about h.im, experimented on the nervous system of men and animals, and published his third work, " Tiber die Gereizte Nerveuse et Mus- culaire." The world began now to talk of this young savant, this devourer of books, this perpetual worker and thinker, who seemed determined to master the whole circle of knowledge. DEATH OP HIS MOTHER — THE PEOJECT OF LIFE. It was late in the year 1798 that Hum- boldt lost his mother, his best and truest friend. To her he had always submitted, by her, famous and great as comparatively he was, he had ever been controlled. Her life alone bound him to the Old World, for he had long desired to experimentalize in the New. Freed by death from this dear tie, he eagerly flew to Paris, bought aU the scientific in- struments which he felt he should need, dis- posed of his estates in Prussia, and obtained permission from the French to j oin the Baudin scientific expedition then fitting out to survey South America. But the French Govern- ment were not quick enough for his hunger for knowledge. The expedition being de- ferred from time to time, he determined to wait no longer, and, in company with a young savant named Bonpland, Humooidt set out for Spain, The grandees of that country were by no means Tincourteous to the two young savants. Might not these two mineralogists discover a new PotosiP or, better still, a gold miie? or, indeed, it may be a diamond mine ? Kings of Spain and other great folks are fond of diamonds and gold, and material wealth ; so they would ];ut forth their hand to welcome the young philosophers. His Majesty of Spain was pleased that young Humboldt should scientifically overrun his American possessions ; so be it, he is eveiysviiere well received. buonapaete's expedition akd humboldt'3 expedition. In the meantime, whilst the preliminaries are being settled, the two philosophers meet with an English nobleman, a savant too, not too often met amongst our peerage at that time. This was Lord Bristol, and at his behest, and with his aid, Bonpland and Humboldt, leaving things to be arranged for them in Spain, prepared to run over and explore the wonders of Lower Egypt — a field for any one, and a field of wonders too. This was denied him however. Buonaparte, hated by Enghshmen, was preparing his, by no means scientific, expedition to Egypt. Napo- leon hated ideologues ; what could scientific men want in Lower Egypt? The sword questioned the right of the pen, brute force was in the ascendant ; Lord Bristol was arrested at MUan, and Napoleon went to Egypt ; whilst the savant stayed at home, or rather in Spain, during the year 1788-89. In May, 1799, however, Humboldt ma- naged, in the Spanish frigate " Pizarro," to avoid the Enghsh who were blockading the Spanish ports, but whose ships a storm had 0 l^ EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. scattered, and to set sail for South. America. He touclied at Teneriffe, and ascended the celebrated peak. Hereby be established the Plutonian theory of the earth's formation in contradistinction to the Neptunian. AMEEICA AT LAST. An epidemic, which broke out on board the " Pizarro," forced the captain to land his passengers at Cumana, on the north-east coast of Venezuela, and here aU Humboldt's long- ings and aspirations were satisfied. He em- ployed eighteen months in collecting speci- mens and exploring the country, and in a frail canoe ran up the Orinoco, penetrated to its source, and found its junction with the Hio Negro and the Amazon. Here his soul drank in that which he had so long longed for, and his eyes were feasted on immea- surable space. Here, says he, " you find a plain, bare indeed of any tree, but covered with rare herbs. Not a hill, not a rock, rises like an islet in this boundless space, this sea of Jand. Only some fragments of vast heaps of alluvial soil surge up, thinly scattered in a space of two hundred square leagues, and appear slightly higher than the surrounding plain. * * * In the midst of this grand and wild Nature a diverse and savage people live, separated each from each by a strange diversity of tongue. Some, like the Ottomacs and the Taurodos, are wanderers, living on grubs, ants, gums, and earth; others are more cultivated, and possess intelligence and gentle manners. The vast space between the Cassiquaire and the Atababo is peopled not by men, but by tapirs and apes formed into societies. Figures and characters cut upon the rocks testify that formerly civilization had advanced here. Intheinterior of the steppes, the tiger and the crocodile make war upon the horse and the bull ; upon its woody boun- daries man perpetually seeks to slay man; some, aliens of Nature, drink the blood of their enemies; others, apparently without arms, are yet prepared for murder, and slay with the poisoned nail of their thumb ; the weakest tribes, creeping along the sandy shore, eiface with their hands the traces of their timid footsteps. Thus, in the most ab- ject barbarism, as in the deceptive glitter of refined civilization, man ever creates for him- self a life of misery. The traveller who over- runs all space, no less than the historian who interrogates all ages, has ever before him the sad and changeless picture of human discord." Sad, indeed, is the reflection; sad, but true. It is for the good, the tender, the truly brave, and the kind, to knit up this ravelled garment of life. Well might Hum- boldt, observing the littleness and vileness of man, turn again to the continent — to that vast expanse, "wherein you grow almost accus- tomed to regard men as something imimpor- tant in the order of Nature." But Humboldt loved man equally with Nature, and for him treasured up knowledge, no less than for himself. Geology, ethnography, and geogra- phy were the especial objects of his many travels ; to these were also added natural history. After returning to Cumana with his friend Bonpland, and their admirable collection, they again set out and reached Quito in January, 1802. Five months were devoted to Quito, and to the exploration of its mountain valleys and the chain of snow- capped mountains which surround it. He ascended, on the 23rd of June, 1802, Chim- borazo, the summit of which is 21,420 feet above the sea.* In his " Cosmos," Humboldt has beauti- fully described the glorious sensation of looking out from the high mountain over the plains beneath him, and then told us that, to his latest day, the impressions he then had * There is a school rhyme about this : — " Chimborazo vras formerly thought to be The highest mountain which ever man did see," We need scarcely remind our readers that the Eastern Hemisphere boasts the highest mountain, the Everest, a peak of the Himalayas. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 19 will never be effaced. He was right; many- years afterwards he would sit in the even- ing of the day, meditating upon the grand plains of South America, upon the golden prairies and mountain-heights of lands he had visited half a century before — of scenes as far removed in space as they were in time. THE PUnSUIT OF SCIENCE. Humboldt's courage in the pursuit of science was immense. With Aime Bonpland and a guide he passed whole nights in those frozen mountain peaks, where a false step might have been destruction, and where the very elements were at war with him. He ascended to so great a height that the rare- fied atmosphere so affected him, that the blood gushed out from his nose and eyes ; but even then the ardent traveller did not turn back, he went on until his senses reeled and he had reached the highest summit. But it was now time for him to rest from his labours. The soldier of science had re- turned laden with spoils. It was necessary to arrange and classify those spoils, and Humboldt and Bonpland determined to re- turn to Europe. This they did, previously visiting tlie United States, and being received with much acclamation by the people, and great friendship by Jefferson, who was then President. In 1804, they set foot in Bor- deaux, after an absence of five years from Europe. THE EEStJLT OF TBAVEL — HUMBOLDT's WOEKS. The result of this voyage forms the mo- nument— the greatest, most complete, and lasting monument to Humboldt and his com- panion. It was published throughout a series of years, but it is too vast and too ex- pensive a work for any but the -wealthj savant, or the public library. The mere titles of the books will show the reader what the labour must have been to obtain such a result :— 1st. — " Travels in the Equinoctial Eegions of the New World." Paris, 1807—25, 3 vols, in 8vo. 2nd. — " View of the Cordilleras and the Indigenous Tribes of America, with their Habits, Manners, etc." 1810. In folio, with sixty -nine plates. 3rd. — " Zoological and Anatomical Obser- vations on South America." 2 vols, 1805 —32. 4th.—" A Political Essay on the King- dom of New Spain." Under this title he gives his views of the policy, agriculture, mineral wealth, social and monetary economy, civil and mihtary transactions of this king- dom. With an Atlas. Paris, 1811, 5 vols. 5th. — " Astronomical Observations, and , Trigonometrical and Barometrical Measure- ments." 2 vols, in 4to. 1812. 6th. — " General and Physical Geography of South America." 1807. 7th. — "Essay on the Geography of Plants." 1805. 8th. — " A Political Essay on the Island of Cuba." The very titles of these works will show the reader what an admirable, thorough, and continual worker was their author. The ex- tremely short hst we give of them could be driven out to a dozen times the length were we to particularize a thousandth part of the contents. Each of these works, though de- pendent on others, is complete in itself Maps, plans, charts, drawings of plants, rocks, ruins, insects, men, skeletons, trees, animals, minerals ; in short, of almost every thing relating even distantly to science, are there to be found bearing the impress of the hand and mind of the great worker. Hum- boldt knew well that his work was that of a life-time. He devoted to it the finest years of his for nearly a quarter of a century, the work being issued in Paris during his sojourn there from the years 1804 to 1827. It is in this sketch quite impossible to analyse these works. They are full of new 20 EECKEATIVE SCIENCE. ideas and scientific induction. In one part he settles a question as to a South. American tribe ; in another he suggests and carries out completely h.is system of the Geography of Plants, and shows us how we may judge of the climate, the heat, the soil, and the gene- ral nature of a country by its indigenous vegetation. In a third he teUs us the politi- cal history of a nation, and takes its social and economical measure. Little of import- ance is omitted. He is equally reliable on aU points. During bis sojourn in Paris, Humboldt was the savant of the day. AU learned men flocked to hear him and see him. He worked with some who are stiU foremost in the march of science. He wrote with Gay Lus- sac, Leopold de Buch, and Arago. He was sought for and honoured by kings and princes. He was elected member of the chief scientific societies of the world, and he was entrusted with more than one political mission. He had long been ennobled by the King of Prussia, whom he accompanied to Naples. Monarchs delighted to confer on him their orders of knighthood and of merit ; but at the death of the philosopher, when heralds sought to chronicle these gewgaws, to give a fictitious brilliancy to the great man, aU, save one modest star, which he often wore, were found neglected, tarnished, and covered with dust, in the drawer of that old bureau, at which he had so often sat, pen in hand, to chronicle his thoughts and his discoveries. Hain Fbiswell. WATEK-GLASS IN PHOTOGEAPHY. Now that Dr. Johann Puchs (formerly Professor of Mineralogy at the University ' of Munich) is dead, and therefore indifferent to praise or criticism, men are taking great interest in his inventions relating to water- glass, sometimes called soluble glass — inven- tions which promise yet to do good service in many a department of science, art, and manufactures. Fuchs died on the 5th of March, 1856, at the advanced age of eighty- two. A few months before his death, of which he is said to have had a presentiment, he was induced to write a pamphlet describing the principles, and some of the applications of his discoveries, in order, as he nobly says, "to render the experience gained by myself and others available for further investigations." In a thoroughly unselfish spirit he disclosed every detail that could in any way assist future workers. For a translation of this pamphlet, this country is lately indebted to H.R.H. the Prince Consort, who has chosen the journal of the society of which he is the patron (the Society of Arts) as the medium of its publication ; the Rev. John Barlow, M.A., having previously, in 1854, given a popular exposition of the subject to the members of the Royal Institution, on one of their Friday evenings. The chemical prin- ciples of Fuchs' invention have also been for some years explained, and the results exhi- bited, at the lectures on chemistry delivered at our Government School of Mines and Museum of Geology, Jermyn Street, by its eminent Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Hof- mann. Added to these sources of informa- tion, we have the report of an Imperial French commission, sent to LUle to examine the works of M. Kuhlmann, a distinguished follower of Fuchs, and to whom great credit is due for his ingenuity, enthusiastic per- severance, and success. This latter report is translated in the Athenceum journal. We can here only attempt to open the subject for our readers, photographic and others, leaving them, should they feel in- cited to further inquiry, to pursue the matter under the authorities just named. The story of Fuchs' life, in relation to his invention, is the old, old sad one of too many benefactors of our species — a story of disappointed early hopes, and a life of costly struggle against apathy, ignorance, prejudice, BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 21 and unjust self interest. If the theory of M. Flourens he true, that a hundred years is the true normal standard of man's life, then assuredly Fuchs may have lost twelve of his, by the adverse influence of disappointment and vexation, which even the bravest admit is felt on the failure of their legitimate hopes. Fuchs, in early life, had little attention paid to his really valuable discoveries. The world was then too ignorant and scoffing to pay attention to a man whose processes were founded upon elaborate, yet unassailable che- mical reasoning. Its scientific faith was in inverse proportion to its ignorance. Let us take care that a future generation may not have to say the same of us. At the very period at which Fuchs was vainly asking attention to his views respecting water-glass, one Nice- phore Niepce, of Chalons, on the Saone, was here in England ready to unfold his re- markable opinions in relation to light, and to dispose of his marvellous processes of pho- tographic drawing and engraving — processes by which Daguerre was completely anti- cipated ; but no one heeded him, and he returned to France a disappointed man, as we have lately learnt. Fuchs did not care to conceal his disappointment, for he com- mences his memoir with these words : — " In 1825 I had an opportunity of pub- lishing a paper on water-glass, which at that time hoAvever did not meet with the attention which the subject well deserved. It was even stated that it difiered in no respect from the well known ' liquor silicum' [water of flints], and, consequently, was nothing new. Experiments were made, but abandoned as soon as they did not lead to satisfactory results ; undertaken as they were without the necessary knowledge or imderstanding. Greater expectations were raised than could in the nature of things be satisfied ; failures, owing perhaps to faulty manipulation, fre- quently caused the process to be abandoned before it had been put to a fair test." How complete a picture is this of the trials and obstacles that have to be borne and sur- mounted by men who are philosophically in advance of their time, or who have to cast their suggestions amongst uncultivated, pre- judiced, or selfishly interested minds ! May we hope that the recital of such instances as these wiU make the present generation pursue more lovingly a wiser and more considerate course — a course uponwhich,itis to be hoped, we are now penitently inclined to enter. Worthy Fuchs was obliged to chronicle, that " There are always persons to be found who, themselves unable to carry on experiments, are always ready to condemn those of others, upon the faith of a single experiment, in which they failed ; as," says he, " I have ex- perienced myself, more than once." He adds, " An inert love of the customary and habitual almost invariably exerted the usual adverse influence." Shall we ever take warning by the past, and learn to estimate duly the "usual adverse influence "of many things, " customary and habitual," amongst us ? But, to suppress nothing, the good old man, before his death, quaintly vrrites, "A few years have changed much, and it has been thought since that the water-glass, after all, did not belong to the class of superfluous things, and that few other bodies toere capable of being put to so many various applications." Let us now make a few brief notes of what these applications may be, and endea- vour to get a rational idea of the chemical and physical principles upon which they depend. But, first of all, what is this water- glass, and how can it be procured ? The water-glass, or soluble glass of Fuchs, as it is designated in Gmelin's •* Handbook of Chemistry," is, chemically speaking, a tetra-sUicate of potash— a compoimd of si- lica, otherwise called silicic acid, and potash. The liquor silicum, already alluded to, is a mono-silicate. There is also a bi-sili- cate. Technically, Fuchs distinguishes four kinds of water-glass— potash water-glass, soda water-glass, double water-glass, and 22 EEOEEATIVE SCIENCE. fixing water-glass — each, having its appro- priate qualities and uses. Potash, water- glass is made by fusing together, for five or six hours, at a high temperature, in a fire-proof pot, a mixture of 15 parts of pulverized quartz or pure quartz sand (otherwise silica, or silicic acid), 10 parts of well-purified potash, 1 part of powdered charcoal. The charcoal is said to decompose any sul- phuric acid left in the potash, and so a perfect vitrification of the mass is obtained. The hard, blistered, grayish black mass thus obtained is pulverized, then boiled with five times its weight of water, in which it slowly, but almost entirely, dissolves, in the course of a few hours. The solution is finally evaporated. With a larger proportion of silica, as pure rock-crystal, quartz, sand, or flint are termed, an insoluble glass, resembling ordinary glass, is the result. Water-glass may also be obtained by Messrs. Hansome's method of dissolving broken flints in a solution of cUustic alkali, at a temperature of 300'^ Fahr. Or an aqueous solution of potash may be saturated with freshly precipitated hydrate of silica, and evaporated. Or a fourth method may be employed, as indicated by Mr. Way, who dissolves a peculiar kind of sand, which he has described, at the ordinary boiling heat, in a solution of caustic alkali (potash or soda). In order to obtain the mass prepared by either of these methods in the anhydrotis state, it must be heated till it fuses, when all water is expelled. It is then a hard, transparent, rather infusible glass, which, on exposure to the air, absorbs so much water (without any external change, excepting that it becomes slightly fissured), that it swells up strongly when heated. Its composition, when made with potash. u- Potash . . . . . . 27-57 Silicic acid, fourcombiniug proportions 72'43 100-00 An analysis, by Forchammer, established the theoretical statement of its constitution. When fully charged with combined water it is termed hydrated water-glass. Simply drying the solution of water-glass yields this hydrate, which is colourless, transparent, and brittle, but softer than glass. It is slightly alkaline, and, after thorough drying, contains 26 per cent, of potash, 62 of silica, and 12 of water. The salt is permanent in the air ; does not absorb carbonic acid from it; and effloresces only when accidentally mixed with other salts of potash. In the fire it swells up with loss of water, then fuses, and forms anhydrous soluble glass. Dilute acids decompose it, with separation of silica. It dissolves but slowly in cold, but readily in boiling water. After eva- poration, it becomes very tenacious, and may be drawn out in threads, like melted glass. It dries up to a varnish, when spread upon wood, paper, linen, etc., the combustibility of which it diminishes. Sal ammoniac precipitates silica immediately from its solution. Alcohol also precipitates the soluble glass from its aqueous solution, withdrawing, however, some of the potash, until, at last, on washing the precipitate, octo-silieate of potash alone remains. Phosphate of alumina, and carbonate, phosphate, or sulphate of lead, when rubbed lip with a solution of soluble glass, yield a tenacious mass, which becomes as hard as stone in the air. Baryta, strontia, lime, alu- mina, and oxide of lead combine with the whole of the silica and a part of the potash, to form an insoluble compound. Nearly aU the soluble salts of the earths and heavy metallic oxides produce a btdky precipitate. These details of its chemical behaviour will enable the experimental reader to carry on those further investigations, which Fuchs so earnestly desired to see accomplished. The writer of this notice has proved that positive and negative photographs withstand suffi- ciently the action of boiling caustic alkali. EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 23 Therefore, although the soluble glass is de- scribed as being corrosive, experiments should be carried out as to its applicability to the improvement or preservation in any way of photographs on glass, paper, or porcelain ; tlio suggestion of which was one of the main objects in introducing this subject under its present heading. Let us now, before considering some ap- plications more foreign to our own subject — photography — see if we can get a closer philosophical insight into this strange and useful thing, soluble glass, or tetra-silicate of cither potash or soda. Its essential basis is the non-metallic element, silicon — or sili- cium, as it has been called by some, from its supposed metallic nature. Berzelius de- scribed silicon to be a brown powder, and judging of it in this condition, he compared it with carbon and boron, two other non-metallic elementary bodies. How- ever, as aluminium, the new white metal, the basis of alumina and of clay, turned out to be metallic, it might be that silicon, the basis of silica, would also have to be classed with the metals. The researches of the distinguished Prench chemist, M. Deville, on aluminium, have, however, led to the production of many-sided crystalline plates of silicon, translucent and nearly colourless, not having any of the ordinary metallic pro- perties. We must now, therefore, view silicon as a non-metal, and group it with boron and carbon, to which it has several points of resemblance. This silicon, obtained by the action of aluminium and heat on silicious materials, burns in oxygen gas to form a white powder, the oxide of silicon, or silica, or silicic acid, as it is vai'iously termed. Pure rock-crystal, opal, beryl, chalcedony, hornstone, jasper, quartz, flint, sand, part of all clays, etc., consist of this silica or silicic acid ; indeed, it is one of the most abundant things in nature, as may be at o-nce observed from this description of it. It is in one state sobible in water, and is found in parts of plants, animals, and animalcules, and notably in. the canes, grasses, and stalks of cereals. This silica, or pure flint, fuses under the oxy hydrogen blowpipe to a clear bead; when fused, it may be drawn out into long threads like glass ; dropped in a state of fusion into water it solidifies to a transparent mass, free from flaws, and remarkably hard and tough, so that it sustains the blow of a ham- mer without breaking. It seems to harden, like steel, by sudden cooling. Silica can be evaporated from solution by steam. The Geyser tubes of Iceland owe their formation to the fact of the possible solubility and volatility of silica, joined to its peculiar power of losing this solubility under freslx circumstances. Silica is tasteless, inodorous, and, though chemically an acid, is without action on vegetable colours. It can, under certain conditions, combine with water to form a hydrated silicious jelly. The so- luble form of silica, obtained by preci- pitation from a silicate, loses its solubility by simple evaporation at a boiling heat, or little more. The varied and remarkable properties of silica must undoubtedly lead to further applications in practical manufacturing hands. The water-glass is the main door by which a practical man may best enter. The silicic acid, or silica, being understood to be an acid, we can now see at once that, like other acids, it may form " salts." Soap is a stearate of soda — stearic acid and soda. This salt is miscible with water, while the acid of the salt, the fat, is not. So, in the same way, silicic acid, in its insoluble form, is made miscible with water by means of an alkali- potash or soda. In both cases stronger agents can throw out the combined acids, and, as we shall see in the case of water-glass, with novel and highly useful results. Even bodies not acid, as sal ammoniac, etc., can throw down the silica under useful conditions. But the scientific details and marvels of silica are ex- haustless, and the eager student must pursue 24 EECEEATIVE SCIEI^CE. them further in. Gmelin and the authors al- ready named. And now, in conclusion, to consider some of the applications of silica in the form of Trater-glass to the arts. First, as most inte- resting to us, it is proposed to make careful photographic experiments with varieties of water-glass, adding more or less sUica, as may be deemed fit. Water-glass has heen also proposed (and is undergoing fair trial), in order to protect building stones from decay. The expectation is that water-glass, applied as a wash, will hare its silica deposited by atmo- spheric carbonic acid, in minute adherent par- ticles, upon the surface of the stone, which will thus be shielded by a flinty substance from the acids which smoky rain brings down in large towns ; and where carbonate of lime exists in the building stone, a further action is expected from the formation of an insoluble silicate of lime, another protective agent. The decaying surfaces in the cathedral of Notre Dame, in Paris, the new Houses of Par- liament, at Westminster, and many other simi- lar buildings have been thus treated. Then it has been proposed to mix soluble glass with mortars, to enable them to set under water, by virtue of the insoluble silicates, which would form under circumstances of contact between water-glass and the materials used. Another and very important (for the fine arts) application is in the stereochrome system of painting, invented by Puchs, and worked out successfully by Kaulbach in Germany, and Kuhlmann at LUle. The principle is to pre- pare a surface of cement or stone or slate in a manner proper to receive dry colours, and then to fix these colours on the wall or surface by means of a varnish of the soluble glass, which is syringed on, and left to dry. In a short time the carbonic acid of the air and the earths in the surface throw down the silica, or flint, the alkali partly combining ; or it efflo- resces out, and is easily washed ofi", the picture remaining adherent, and only removeable by mechanical disintegration. Experiments made in exposed places, as to weather, have proved to be perfectly successful. A crucial experi- ment was made at Berlin by suspending a ste- reochrome painting for twelve months in the open air, under the principal chimney of the New Museum at Berlin. During that time it was exposed to sunshine, mist, snow, and rain, and nevertheless retained its full brilliancy of colour. To allude again to photography, it may be observed that from the description given of the behaviour of water-glass in a concentrated form applied to paper — its acting as a cement, or glue — it will be advisable to try its powers in the preparation of paper previous to the for- mation of the photographic image. Its action when mixed with gelatine and tanning mate- rials also seems worthy of study by the pho- tographer. It should be applied in a dilute form to the finished photograph, as a concen- trated solution is reported to dry pulverulent. Bodies that do not cement well together with Avater-glass alone, can be made to cement by the addition of other substances. The various affinities of water-glass are very curious and interesting, and deserve minute study. Wa- ter-glass has been used successfully in paint- ing upon glass, and it is in this direction that we also hope for valuable results to the photographer. The true way is to let each one in his own department endeavour to apply water-glass and its sUicious correlatives in the best way his ingenuity can devise. It is confessedly a new and unworked subject, on which nothing very definite ought at pre- sent to be pronounced ; but surely enough is here ofiered to stimulate to further trials. Wood and textile fabrics are rendered less combustible by the application of water- glass, and we have been informed by Dr. Miiller that a glass-maker in Germany var- nished the wooden roof blocks of an entire village with water-glass, now thirty years ago, to render them less liable to accidental combustion. Theatrical dresses and proper- ties have also been alleged to be suitable for BECliEATIYE SCIENCE. 25 similar treatment. Kulilmann successfully- exposed some old paintings on wood, pro- tected by water-glass, to intense lieat and numerous washings. This treatment tkey resisted. On glass, artificial sulphate of baryta, applied by means of water-glass, im- parts a milk-white film of peculiar beauty, and this resists washing with warm water. By the action of a strong heat, the silicious varnish is transformed into a fine white ena- mel. Here, again, photographers on glass have a clue to further results. Kuhlmann, more- over, finds that an unassailable ink is made by grinding carbon with the water-glass. In calico printing the silicate has been tried instead of albumen to impart fixity to the colours, which, if not alterable by an alkali, resisted soap and washing. In printing and dressing stuffs, the water-glass, with starch and lime, or baryta, might be used to replace gelatine and tannin sometimes employed. Tannate of gelatine or starch, with lime or baryta, and the silicious material, have also been used in painting in distemper. The study of water-glass is full of in- terest, for by its aid the formation of minerals and natural petrifactions can be elucidated. In short, buUders, engineers, manufacturers, artists, chemists, physicists, geologists, and naturalists in general, may all find their account in studying the capabi- lities of this ingenious water-glass of Fuchs, and its applications in the hands of Kaul- bach, Kuhlmann, and others. Should it be thought desirable, we may return to the subject at a future day. We have here given only a hasty resume of the vast mass of facts and conclusions contained in the au- thorities already named. Puchs himself promised further details as to the applications of water-glass, but death stayed his hand. TS'e have already mentioned his presentiment of death when I about writing his pamphlet. This was only to i be soon too true, and, as Dr. Pettenkofer re- ! marks, " he who never deceived others, and I rarely himself, was not deceived in this pre- j sentiment." His last words are, " To the ! Giver of all good be thanks for all joys and I sufferings experienced! May his blessing be upon the work ! ; " Omnia ad majorem Dei honorem et gloriam ! i " Munich, Nov. 20, 1855." T. A. Malone. NIGHT-PLYINa MOTHS. A CEETAiN number of the moth tribe may be fitly separated as night-fiyers, for the reason that several true moths fly by day, and are nearly as fond of the bright sunshine as the light-seeking butterflies, whose natural ele- ment it is. Those moths which only fly by night generally pass the day in a kind of tor- por, from which some species cannot easily be awakened. In this state they may be found resting upon the trunk of a tree in a shady place, or on the underside of a leaf, and no amount of disturbance seems to rouse them from their trance. A pinmay be stuck through the body, transfixing the dormant msect to the trunk of the tree on which it is resting, without stimulating it to exhibit any sign of awakening consciousness ; and not till the time of flight arrives wUl it make any attempt to escape. It will then raise its wings lei- surely, and try their strength as usual, with- out appearing at first to be aware that it is secured to the spot by an instrument passed through its body. The wings are at last put into the rapid motion used in the act of flying, and this action is continued with occasional cessation till the hour of flight is 2a EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. passed, when the insect will relapse into the previous state of torpid repose. This is one of the proofs put forward by entomologists to show that insects aro almost insensible to pain, and that the sensation of a moth in such a position as the one described is rather that of submitting to an inconvenience than of any acute sense of pain. The anatomical structure of insects is such, indeed, especially in the distribution of the nervous system, that any concentrated sense of pain, similar to that conducted to the brain by the nerves in the higher classes of animals, appears I would call the collector's attention, as they are well worthy of examination. Many of these, from being of nearly the same size, and generally of a brownish colour, are thought by the tyro to be all of the same kind. Every species is termed " a moth " — neither more nor less — a comprehensive term by which the uuentomological world describe any of the tribe that happen to enter the open window late on a summer night, and flutter round the candle. The moth and the candle have, indeed, been associated in many a couplet and many a proverb, neither the poet nor the to be impossible to them. This will relieve the minds of many tender-hearted collectors, who might refrain forming a collection through fear of causing unnecessary suffer- ing. Some of the most splendid of our native moths fly either very late in the dusk of the evening, or at different hours of the night ; as, for instance, the G-reat Red Underwing, the still more beautiful Lilac Underwing, and many others ; but these do not so often enter living rooms as some of the smaller and less conspicuous species, to which last kinds proverb-maker imagining that, even during the same evening, a dozen or more very distinct species may be observed, each ap- proaching the light inhis own peculiar fashion, and each having a pecvdiar flight, by which its species may be distinguished as cha- racteristically as by the differences of the de- licate markings, or the structure of the palpi and antennse. Linnajus, in his " SystemaNatura;," placed all the moths, with the exception of the Spliin- gidce, m one grand group, which he called EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 27 Phalcena, a fanciful name deriyed from the Greek word ^a^aiva, meaning an insect wWchi flies towards a candle at night — a name evidently suggested to the great Swedish naturalist by the old proverbial image of the moth and the candle. The name is, however, no longer applied to the general group, to which, as a whole, it has been shown to be inappropriate. Among those, however, which are strictly night- flyers a very pretty collection might be made ; and some account of their habits, as observed by the student, and an accurate and careful description of theirtime of appearance, etc., might be made to form a very interest- ing record. The following are a few of the species which are attracted by a lighted candle. Supposing the window to be open, and a bright light burning upon the table, a succession of these scaly-winged visitors wotdd, on a mild summer evening, in July or August for instance, continue to appear from dusk to dawn, each with its peculiar kind of flight ; but only a few can be se- parately noticed. Among these, Pheosia Dictcea, popularly called the Swallow Promi- nent (No. 1), ought to be distinguished. This pretty genus of moths, of which there are two British species, are known as the " swallows," on account of the long lancet-shaped wings, and their remarkably rapid flight. The front pair of wings of this elegant insect are deli- cately marbled with shades of brown upon a white ground, the brown being blended in some places with a soft tone of gray. In its fitful flight, when agitated by the light of the candle, this insect continually darts towards the ground, and is lost in the darkness, soon to appear again glancing swiftly past the light, and then downward into the shade as before. The caterpillar of this elegant moth is of a shining, reddish brown, with small white spiracular marks above the legs. It has the last segment conspicuously humped, as is usual with the caterpillars of this genus, and those of several allied genera, from which they are made to form a group, popularly known as the " Prominents." One species of a closely allied genus has two additional humps, or segments, nearer to the head, from which peculiarity the specific name "Dro- medarius " has been conferred upon it. The caterpillar of Pheosia Dictcea feeds on the foliage. of the poplar, birch, and other trees, and there are two distinct broods, the perfect insect appearing both in June and August. It is, however, by no means a common species, and if the young collector should find it come to his light on the first evenings of his experiments, he may consider it a prize. Agrotis Corticea, the Heart and Club Moth (No. 2), is less fleet on the wing than the pre- ceding, and instead of flying downwards, towards the floor, invariably flies towards the celling, attracted apparently by the mUd white light by which it is pervaded. This moth, with its markings of plain brown, un- varied by any other tone, is yet well worthy of examination. The two brown marks in the centre of the front pair of wings, the upper one shaped like a heart, and the one next the body in the form of a club, are the most in- teresting, as having suggested the popular name of the insect ; but the other bandings and scalloped transverse lines also form very intricate and delicate tracery. Agrotis Cor- ticea belongs to a very numerous genus, com- posed of sixteen, or as some make it, twenty- three or more species, many of which are very common, as the Heart and Dart, and many others ; but Corticea, the species de- scribed, is rather rare, and the caterpillar, as yet, remains unknown. Cosmia Pyralina, the Lunar-spotted Pinion Moth (No. 3), if it enter a room, attracted by the light, is veiy wUd and irre- gular in its flight, dashing from the candle to the ceiling, and from the ceiling to the floor. Its front wings are very richly shaded with full warm tones of brown ; the light band towards the fringed edge, which widens and 58 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. forms a light patch, at the front edge, being of a pale and dusky peach-blossom tone. It is a very pretty insect, but by no means com- mon, though I have taken it more than once in a lighted room — always, I believe, on a rainy evening towards the end of July. The caterpillar of this pretty moth is pale green, with longitudinal stripes, of a paler tone, of the same colour, and a yeUow line; edged with black above the legs. It feeds on the foliage of the plum, pear, and other fruit- trees, in April and May. CUsiocampa Neitstria, the Lackey Moth (No. 4), is as abundant as the last described species is rare ; and yet it is seldom seen in the perfect form, as it is a swift night-flyer. Though the perfect moth is seldom noticed, unless sought by the entomological student, the caterpillars are known to every child, and, more especially to every gardener, by whom they are deemed pests of the worst description. Their bright longitudinal stripes of fuU blue-gray, pale silvery gray, orange, red, and black make them very conspicuous, and have been thought to resemble the lacings of rich liveries, from which circumstance both species has received the name of the •' lackeys." The moth, on entering a room, attracted by a light, has the same wild flight as the species last described, and is rather difficult to capture, even with the aid of a proper net. This moth is of a delicate light buff colour, with a darker band, edged with lighter lines of the same tone. Later in the season may be taken JPetasia Cassinea (No. 5), popularly known as the Sprawler, which, like the last, is much more rare in the winged state than in the caterpillar stage of its existence. It is, however, often attracted by a light, when its flight becomes random, dashing heedlessly on all sides, through the flame of the candle, up to the ceiling or down to the floor. This species seldom appears before November, and is often found as late as December. It is late in the hour of its flight as well as in the season, often retarding its visit to the expectant candle, till one or two in the morning. The caterpillar generally feeds on the foliage of the privet ; it is green, with yellow stripes, and, above a light line at the side, has a broad line of rich brown, shading off at the upper edge and blending with the green. Still later appears the remarkably elegant little moth, Fcecilocampa Populi, the Decem- ber Moth (No. 6), which, with its semi-trans- parent wings of deep purplish gray, with their pale buff transverse bands, will not fail to be considered a prize by the young collector. It is easily attracted by light, and, if any be in the neighbourhood, wiU make its appearance between the hours of seven and ten, on favourable evenings. The caterpillar of this pretty wintry visitant is pale ash-coloured, getting darker on the back, and having two pairs of red spots on each segment. It is found in June on the foliage of poplar-trees, becoming a chrysalis, when full fed, early in July, and remaining in that state till De- cember, at which seemingly unseasonable time for so delicate a little creature, the moth emerges from the warm protection of its close horny chamber. Great numbers of moths of more common species will come to the candle of the student, and many also of the larger and more con- spicuous will doubtless reward a persevering nocturnal watch, even in a room ; but a light in the open fields, or in a wood favourably situated, would yield a stiU more ample harvest ; though it is not all the night-flying moths, nor even the greater number of them, that are attracted by a light ; so that the fable of the moth and the candle does not hold good with regard to the whole moth family, and is, in fact, only applicable to a very small section of it. H. Noel Humpheets. BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 29 SCIENCE ON THE SEA-SHORE. I. FLINTS AND SPONGES. 0 Waem work on the shiuing sands, with tlie blazing sun in the meridian, and the surface of the broad and scarcely-ruffled sea co- vered with a throbbing vapour, that seems too oppressed to rise freely, and panting for a friendly breath of wind to help it in its journey upward. Not a cloud to give a momentary shadow and idea of coolness; and the heat seeming to come down in pulses to which every vein in the body beats time. "Were it not for the faint gurgle of the sea breaking into sluggish lines of foam along the pebbled shore as the tide rises, we shoidd believe we were consigned to an oven, to test the limits of human endurance. But the water is real — it sparkles as it breaks along the shingle, and its music is cool to the ear, and mentally subdues the fever of the body. But to turn one's eyes to the chalk, which right and left seems to be in- candescent, is to risk blindness ; it is too white to be gazed upon intently, and we must wait tUl the fervent sun sinks, hissing, into the wet horizon. There, after all, is a cool nook, and just in the very place in which we may trace the lines of flints as they lie in regular strata from the base to the summit. What is flint P How it has puzzled the philosophers to answer the question, and how has the microscope assisted them ! The most interesting point in the first step of the in- quiry is, that flint always occurs in chalk, and usually in separate nodules, as flies occur in amber. There is one notable exception, in the continuous stratum which rises from the beach near St. Margaret's Bay, and there may be a few other examples ; but the rule is, to find flints in beds, pretty regularly sprinkled over the surface, and every block having its own contour, distinctness, and individuality. Why should it occur in chalk ? and if a deposit from water, why shoidd it be in separate nodides P Take a thin slice of flint, properly pre- pared for the microscope, and let the in- strument unravel its history. If used to the detection of fossil infusoria, you will hardly fail to find them in it, and you gain one step towards an answer as to its history. Organized forms have had something to do with its formation; at some time very far back in the past there has been animal life there, and that life was marine. But you cannot account for the for- mation of separate and independent nodules of silica, scattered over a bed of chalk, by the help of these infusoria. Try a splinter of flint broken off in the rough ; but be very careful not to spoil your object-glass by bring- ing the two surfaces into close contact. Now what do you seeP Eemains of shells, and here and there distinct traces of a sort of reticulated structure, sparry incrustations of a contour which you cannot but believe is derived from some organic form, long since annihilated. These appearances are re- peated in various specimens, and have a general relationship one to the other, especi- ally in the interlacing lines and spiculae of which they consist. Now observe this speci- men of Pachi/matisma Johnstonii, which I have obtained on purpose for the comparison. Do you note the starry spicule with which its pores are beset, and which you see are flinty, and constitute the basis of the crea- ture's skeleton ? There is your index to the history of flints. The organic structure va- riously observable in the specimens owe their origin to sponges, in the structure of which sUex is the main ingredient, just as carbonate of lime is the principal material in the bony skeletons of madrepores. If we revert back in imagination to the period when these flints were formed, we see the floor of the ocean abundantly peopled with marine creatures. There were star- fishes, echinites, madrepores, and infusoria ; 30 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. but the sponges were, perhaps, the most numerous. Consisting of sUica, with a very- perishable organized tissue, these were ready at any time to undergo petrifaction, if circumstances were favourable. Bring two globules of mercury near to each other, and see how readily they run together into one mass. There you have a mechanical example of the way in which silica was precipitated from the water, and aggregated into nodules about the spiculsB of the sponges, and by de- grees filled up the whole skeleton, preserv- ing its form, but destroying its substance, and thus changing sponges into nodules of flint. Mr. Brande has imitated this very process in experiment, and has seen the formation of flinty nodules about a nucleus, when finely powdered silica has been mixed with other earths, and the whole diffused through water. Every separate sponge offering a separate nucleus, suffices to explain why flints should commonly appear, as they do, with such de- cided individuality of character ; they are petrified sponges, formed in much the same way as those petrified forests travellers tell us of, where the trees are all fiint; the woody fibre has disappeared, but the original struc- ture is still traceable in the mass of silex in which the perished organisms are now repre- sented. That silica abounded in the seas of the period in which the chalk beds were depo- sited IS certain ; but we are far from having arrived at a clear idea as to the chemistry of the whole subject to which flints introduce us. We can see the sponges in the flint, and the flint in the sponges, and the more we ob- serve, reason, and compare, the more are we convinced of their geological and chemical relations. Then comes the question, what is a sponge? Down here, in this wet hollow, we are sure to find some ; in dark places, where the water is of some depth, almost every fragment of sea-weed has attached to it some living species of sponges, and they Vary in size and structure, from mere specks to large and substantial masses. ]^ow and then we may find them on the shells of oysters and crabs; and once, in our aqua- rium, a fine hermit came out of his shell to die, and was foTind to have a sponge as large as a hazel-nut attached to his soft body, just below the insertion of the last pair of legs. Animal life may be said to begin or end in the sponges, they are the very lowest in the scale of animated nature ; but it is quite certain they are not members of the veget- able kingdom. Take a piece of sponge, such as is commonly used on the toilet table, and dip it into a thin solution of size, and you have a fair resemblance of its condition when living. The sponge proper is the skele- ton, the gelatinous coating is organized and animal; and the best proof of the fact is afforded by the microscope, which reveals ciliary motion, and there is an end of the difficulty as to what place it should occupy. The openings in the sponge are chambers, interlaced with sHicated fibres, and, by the play of the cilia on the gelatinous surface, the water is made to circulate from chamber to chamber, so that the sponges obtain their food by the same process as a vorticella or rotifer — namely, by creating currents through the agency of cilia. The exterior film is the life of the sponge, the skeleton is a deposit. But the film must be under- stood as pervading the inner as well as the exterior chambers, so that the currents of water pass through the entire mass, and carry nourishment to all the mouths for which the cilia work so incessantly. A very dead sort of creature is a living sponge. It has none of the organs of sense which dis- tinguish terrestrial animals, and not even the irritability which makes a sea-anemone of so peevish or spasmodic a temper. But it has its history, however brief, like others of the great class of zoophytes. The sponges increase by gemmation. Little buds appear within the openings of the reticulated mass, and these at last detach themselves, and EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 31 exhibit tlie same play of cilia as their parents. But, instead of at once becoming fixed, the action of the cilia causes the sponge to spin about in the water, so as to have a real loco- motive power of finding for itself a site, where it casts anchor, and for the rest of its days never knows either the pleasures or the pains of travel. If every separate flint was once a separate sponge, this locomotion accounts for their detachment and their subsequent con- cretion in distinct nodules. In the tank fitted up by Mr. Bowerbank, and presented to the Crystal Palace, there were, not long since, a number of living sponges, in very good condition for observa- tion. Whether they remain there we know not, but we can teU those who keep aquaria that, if the dredge or the hand-net bring up specimens which it is wished to preserve, that the great secret is darkness. In the light they soon perish and cause putrescence ; in a very subdued daylight they live for a length of time, and may so be preserved for microscopic observation. There are not less than sixty species inhabitmg the British coasts, and they differ considerably in their conformation, though corresponding in their physiological structure. ShIELEY HlBBEED. THE KEY TO A BIED'S HEAET. The number of feathered songsters that an- nually find their way into cages in England alone, and are kept unhappy prisoners there, can hardly be credited. It may be fairly stated at very many thousands. Of these, multitudes die from neglect or starvation; and how many broken-hearted? The few that survive, with certain choice exceptions, drag on a miserable life of lingering cap- tivity. Eorming a part of the household furniture, they are kept until they are worn out ; they are then replaced by others ! There is "fashion" in bird-keeping as well as in everything else. The question is. Should these things beP I say, No. Birds have very, very tender little hearts ; and they are quite willing to love us, if we will only let them. But we won't ! Let us reform this altogether. I shall take it as granted that every reader of Recreative Science is of a genial and kindly disposition. There will there- fore be a cordial assent to the doctrine, that we should strive to make everything li"ving beneath our roof "happy." How is this to be done ? Nothing more easy. There needs but the will, to accomplish the object. This leads me to remark upon a very inte- resting fact, viz., that every human being is a magnet — powerful as any steel magnet can be, albeit formed of a softer material. The powers of attraction and repulsion are born with us ; an observant eye may detect them in daily operation. Thus, no one person can touch another person without imparting and receiving some influence from the contact. Try this on a bird. Fondle it, and press it to your cheek : it will soon become sen- sible of your affection.* The eye, the hand, the breath, the will — all act on it. There are many of these sweet secret aifinities run- ning throughout Nature. Opportunity dis- covers them. The influence is excited by proximity ; it is developed by contact. How very much of the enjoyment of life is lost from the want of a knowledge of this little secret! "Natural Magic" should be sedu- lously studied. It gives us irresistible power, over both man and animals ; and thus enables us to live in Uoo charming worlds at once.f * During a recent professional visit to the north of England, and wliile in Liverpool more particularly, I quite astonished all the lovers of hirds. Ere I took my departure, I had made many of them quite pro- ficients in the Art of Bird- taming. \ Having had in my possession, at one and the same time, no fewer than 306 feathered songsters, and many other animals, I speak from experience— aM were tamed by " Natural Magic." 82 BECREATIVE SCIENCE. But a question here naturally presents itself, Are all birds alike sensitive ? Are they all open to these genial influences ? Certainly not. I am sorry to say there are mani/ in- stances in which the power I speak of is inefiectual — quite. Some birds, and other animals, like certain human beings, show no sympathy whatever. Nothing can please, nothing can win, nothing can attract them. We succeed best with them, when we take no notice of them ! Strange, but true. This confirms my remark, that sympathy is the only true magnet. It must be born with us ; or it does not exist. It is a part of our- selves :— " The tender violet loves to grow, Within the shade that roses throw; The myrtle bends towards the rose — Behold how God his wisdom shows How nail\ires, formed alike, come nigh. Attracted by sweet sympathy ! " It were indeed vain to attempt to unite the two poles ! But now to our feathered favourites. Perhaps they have hitherto been treated with neglect, perhaps ill-fed, perhaps exposed to all sorts of weather — their too common fate. Poor little innocents ! Eestore them at once to favour, and redouble your attention to them. It is the least you can do to make amends for your past cruelty. Let them occupy a place in your drawing-room — why not on the table, in a noble, spacious dwell- ing? If they are your friends, don't be ashamed of them. Talk to them, sing to them, play to them. They love to hear the sound of your voice, and they can readily recognize your approaching footstep. A day or two will work wonders. You will soon be able to let your visitors see that your "pets" really a?'e pets — realities, not coun- terfeits. To have a bird, or an animal of ani/ kind, in our house, that does not "love" us i —the idea is quite heathenish. The next thing is, to show the power of "Natural Magic" at the breakfast-table. It is here you will find that you possess the key to your bird's heart. Invite him regu- larly as your guest, and bid him heartily welcome. " Dicky " must be — shall be — one of our " Happy Family." So place him on the table — every morning. Now let us imagine — the morning sacrifice duly paid, and all comfortably seated around the well-spread table with smiling faces — • that we are about to take our grand lesson in Bird-taming. Open the door, or doors, of your little friend's dwelling. Let him see he is invited to be " free." Have ready on the table-cloth some little delicacy in which he delights, such as a sprig of ripe groundsel or flowery chickweed, a wee morsel of egg, or a bit of sponge-cake — above all, his bath. His little majesty will note all that you are doing, and readily resolve in his active mind the meaning of all he beholds. If he has been long neglected and treated with indif- ference, it is just possible he may not realize on the first morning all you expect from him. He will, perhaps, alight on the edge of the open door, look out, survey all that is going forward, and return to his old quarters. The rest of the day he will devote to thinking matters over. That birds do think, I am quite prepared to " prove." Next morning, again invite your pet or pets ; again open their doors, again spread before them some tempting luxury. Mark the result ; and let it be decisive evidence that birds have very retentive memories, as well as tenderly-afiectionate hearts. Looking up archly, your little friends will leisurely de- scend from their seat, hop along the table, help themselves to some tid-bit, and stare you boldly — ay, saucily — in the face. They will then show their " consequence," by coquet- tishly approaching close to your tea-cup ; and perhaps, with extended wing, give you battle. A week will accomplish all this — and more. The game is now your own. Every morn- ing will add to the tameness of your pets, and their droll audacity will aiford you in- EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 33 finite amusement. Your conquest completed, you will find many a sweet little song impro- vised for you, and warbled sotto voce from the windows of their habitation. Mind and listen attentively to it. Approach lovingly, and bend your head forward. Then present one of your fingers. It will be gently pecked at. Next, your lip. That will be welcomed by a "chaste salute." The bird's affection cannot go beyond this. Such a mode of salutation seems to be the only natural way of expressing the deep feelings of an affec- tionate heart. It rules throughout all Nature. Let us honour it, and ever rate it at its real value. Soni soit qui mal y pense ! One word more. When you have won your bird's heart, mind and keep possession of it. The heart of a confiding little bird must not be trifled with. It is not like the human heart — pliable and elastic as India- rubber. No ; while one bends, the other breaks. We mortals have the oddest pos- sible ideas about " love." We can love one, twenty, or fifty ! Little birds want only "one" love. In this they live ; in this they die — happy. Surely, if only for variety's sake, it is well to possess — The Key to a Bird's Heart (?). William Kidd. THE GYEOSCOPE. "What is a gyroscope?" is a question that many persons have asked, and many more have found some difficulty in answering. To furnish a reply to those who have made the inquiry, and to excite the attention of those to whom the remarkable phenomena exhibited by the gyroscope are unknown, is the object of this paper. The instrument in question is the Inven- tion of a French philosopher, M. Poucault, to whom we are indebted for the celebrated demonstration of the earth's axial rota- tion, by means of a pendulum. It consists of a wheel, carefully attached to an axis, having the mass of metal composing it dis- posed around its edge, in order that, when it is put into rapid rotation, it may revolve for a longer time than it otherwise would. The axis of this wheel is himg within a ring, which latter is suspended to the end of a semicircular arm, and this, by means of a spindle attached to the middle of its outer edge, is placed on the top of a pillar, rising out of the foot that supports the entire in- strument. : The apparatus may, therefore, be de- scribed as consisting of a heavy foot, a, from which rises a hoUow piUar, b, support- ing, by means of the spindle before alluded to, the semicircular arm, c, with its two ends upwards, the spindle being a vertical axis, on which this arm can rotate. The ring, D, is attached to the end of this arm by two pivots, which form a horizontal axis, on which the ring can move ; and through the edge of the ring, at right angles to the pivots by which it is suspended, two screws, e, f, are inserted, and these support the axis of the wheel, a. These arrangements enable the wheel, by means of a cord wound round its axis and quickly drawn off, to have com- municated to it a rapid rotatory motion, the plane of such motion being capable of varia- tion, from the vertical to the horizontal, or any intermediate position, by moving tho ring on the pivots which form its axis; while the spindle attached to the semicir- cular arm, enables the entire system of wheel, ring, and arm to rotate horizontally. ■j The following, among other experimentOi, can be performed with the gyroscope, illus- trating the following principles : — That inertia is a property of matter in motion, as well as of matter at rest. That the power possessed by Armstrong's and similarly formed guns, of resisting the influence of gravity, is due to the gyratoiy motion given to the ball as it leaves the muzzle of the gun. 84 RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. That orhital and axial motioa are in- timately related, and tliat the speed of one may regulate that of the other. That the condition of unstable equili- brium in which many bodies remain, is to be explained by the fact of their rotation ; as, for example, a child's top, etc., etc. Fig. 1. Examine the instrument while in a state of rest, and it will be readily moved in any direction, the slightest touch being sufficient to alter the position of any of its parts ; and if the stand be slowly moved round on the table, the entire system of wheel, ring, and arm wUl be moved round with it. Kotate the wheel by the aid of the string, as before described, and a remarkable change wiU be manifest. The wheel wUl now offer a great resistance to any attempt to alter the plane in which it is rotating, and the other parts of the instrument, like it, seem to par- take of a similar indisposition to be interfered with. The stand may now be- moved round on the tablft, but the wheel will not move with it ; the wheel and ring remaining ap- parently immoveably fixed. If the instru- ment be held in one hand by the stand, the same takes place, whatever be the direction in which it is moved. If the ring be re- moved from the arm, while the wheel is rotating, and held in the hand, the sensation experienced is like that which would be felt if it were a living thing struggling earnestly to escape. When the wheel is at rest, hang one of the cylindrical weights, H, on either of the heads of the screws, e, f, that support the axis of the wheel, and, as might be expected, that side will, by the operation of the law of gravity, be immediately pulled down. He- move the weight, restore the wheel to its vertical position and rotate it, and hang the weight on again. The wheel now resists the influence of the weight, and maintains the position it was in before the weight was applied, the rotation of the wheel apparently neutralizing the law of gravity. Not only will the wheel retain its posi- tion in spite of the influence of the earth's gravity, represented by the weight, but the entire system will commence a rotation on the vertical spindle at- tached to the semicircular arm. This last rotation is due to the action of the weight, for if this be lifted off the move- ment instantly ceases, and commences as soon as the weight is hung on again. If the weight be hung on to the op- posite end of the axis of the wheel, the rotation of the system on the vertical spin- dle still takes(; place, but in the opposite direc- tion. E-otate the wheel, and then ■^^*^- ^• remove it and the ring from the arm, and hang them on to the end of a string by one HECUEATIVE SCIEN^CE. 85 of tlie screws on wHcL. tlie weight was sus- pended (Fig. 2). Instead of falling, as might have been expected, the entire mass preserves the plane in which it is placed, although the whole weight of the wheel and ring is on one side of the point of suspension, and a revolu- tion of the whole is commenced round this point. These secondary revolutions seem to be due to the law of composition of forces, for the wheel is acted upon at the same mo- ment by the gravity of the earth, and also by the peculiar property of resisting attempts to change the plane of its motion consequent upon the state of rapid rotation in which it has been put. The peculiar forces exhibited by the gyroscope may be due to the property of inertia which belongs to all matter, and by virtue of which it cannot move itself when at rest, or stop itself when in motion, or when in motion change the plane in which it is proceeding. Or they may be traced to the direct in- fluence of the force communicated to the wheel, all the particles of which, whUe ro- tating, ha^-e a tendency to fly off in a direc- tion tangential to the circle in which it is moving, and in the same plane in which the rotation is taking place. Any attempt, therefore, to interfere with the direction of this plane will have to contend with the force with which, were they not restrained by the law of cohesion, every particle com- posing the wheel would fly off. E. G. Wood. Grand Prize Bird Show at SoaxHAMPxoN. — We hear of a variety of provincial " bird-shows" in prepara- tion, and among them an important one at South- ampton, open to all Hampshire. It is announced as being under the highest patronage, and we hope it will fully realize the sanguine expectations of its projectors. Tt will take place late in the autumn, and be under the superintendence of Mr. \Vm. Kidd, of Hammersmith, who is to give one of his popular " Gossipping" En- tertainments on Song Birds each day of the exhibition. ASTEONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS EOE AUGUST, 1859. A TOTAi eclipse of the moon will occur on the 13th of August, but will be invisible in England. It will be visible in latitudes 14° and 15° S., and in longitudes 67^° to 158' E. A partial eclipse of the sun will take place on August 27th, which will also be invisible in England. It will begin at 15h. 30m. G.M.T., in lati-' tude 28° 3' S., and longitude 42° 57' E., and end at 18h, 31m. in latitude 77° 23' S., and longitude 121° 34' E. The greatest eclipse will occur in latitude 61° 40' S., and longitude 33" 51' E., at 17h. lm.,G.M.T., when above half of the sun's limb will be obscured. Full moon on 13th, at 4h. 34m. p.m. New moon on 28th, at 6h, 14m. a.m. The moon is at her least distance from the earth on 27th, and at the greatest on the 12th. The sun is in the constellation Leo until the 23rd, and then in Virgo. Mercury is in Leo throughout the moon, and is favourably situated for observation at the commence- ment of August. It is in conjunction with the moon on tlie 28th. Venus is small, and nearly circular. On the morning of 21st she will be within 10' distance of Saturn, and at midnight of the same day within 4' of Mars, the three planets forming a cluster. Mars is invisible near the sun, and at its greatest distance from the earth on August 1st. Jupiter is in Gemini, and is a morning star. Saturn is near the sun, and invisible. August is ; remarkable for the great "number of meteors, which more especially take pjace about the 9th and XOth. On the 1st the sun rises' in London at 4h. 24m. a.m., and sets at 7h. 47m. p.m. On the 31st he rises at 5h. 11m., and sets at 6h. 48m. p.m. On the 1st twilight ends at lOh. 40m. p.m., and day breaks at Ih. 32m. a.m. On the 23rd twilight ends at 9h. 21m. p.m. On the 7th, length of day 15 hours. . OccuLTATioN OF Stars BY THE MooN : — On the 13th in Capricomi, 5th magnitude, disappearance, llh. 59m.; reappearance, 12h. 12m. meantime. On 14th, No. 67, Aquarii, 6th ijuignitude, disappearance, 16h. 40m. ; reappearance, 17h, 41m. On 18th, NoJlOl, Piscium, 6th magnitude, disappearance, 13h. 31m.; reappearance, 14h. 25m. meantime. E. J. Lowe, Highfield Observatory, Nottingham. OCCTJLTATION OF SaTURN BY THE MoON, MaY 8, aS observed at Cambridge Observatory, occurred earlier than was expected. Professor Challis remarked that the moon's limb, where it crossed the middle of Saturn and his rings, appeared to be unusually curved, and that both the ball and the ring were reduced before disappearance to a very narrow strip of light, and also that a lingering in disappearance took place. The colour of the planet was in remarkable contrast with the whiteness of the; moon's light. 30 RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. THINGS OF THE SEASON— AUGUST. FOR VARIOUS LOCALITIES OF BRITAIN. The following are intended merely as reminders for ont-door naturalists and collectors :— Birds Arriyinq. — Mountain Finch, Siskin, Blue and Gray Gull, Crossbeak, Gray Plover, Purple Sand- piper, Cambridge Godwit, Knot. Birds Departino. — Lapwing, Field Titlark, Dot- trell. Razor-bill, Turtle Dove, Quail, Cuckoo, Swift, Wryneck, Puffin, Foolish Guillemot. Insects to be Sought. — Field Cricket, Clouded Sulphur Butterfly, Camberwell Beauty, Callistus lunatus, Eed Admiral, Brown Hair-streak, Purple- edged Copper, Middle Copper, Pear Skipper, Brown- tailed Moth, Yellow-legged Locust, Painted Lady. Wild Plants in Flower. — Purple Melic Grass, Small Teasel, Devil's Bit Scabious, Corn Bell-flower, Hoary Mullein, Dodder, Marsh Gentian, Alpine and Water Parsnep, Water Hemlock, Samphire, Fiddle- dock, Small Water Plantain, Common Soapwort, Orpine, Horsemint, Wild Basil, Daisy-leaved Carda- mine. Small Fumitory, Dwarf Furze, Yellow Vetch, Hawkweeds, Plume Thistle, Southernwood, Fleabane, Chamomile, Yarrow, Ladies' Tresses, Sea Spurge, Wild Amaranth, Club Moss. METEOEOLOGY OF AUGUST, FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE HIGHFrr.r.n HOUSE OBSERVATORY. Year. 1842 ., Greatest Ueat. Degrees. . . 85.5 . . Greatest Cold. Degrees. . . 44.0 . . Amount of Eain. Inches. 1843 . .. 85.5 .. . . 45.0 . . . . — 1814 . .. 80.0 .. . . 40.0 . . .. 2.3 1845 . . . 74.5 . . . . 44.3 . . .. 4.8 1846 .. .. 80.0 .. . . 50.0 . . .. 3.3 1847 . . .. 76.5 .. .. 38.0 .. .. 1.4 1848 . . .. 74.7 .. . . 37.3 . . .. 4.8 1849 . . . . 80.8 . . .. 38.8 .. .. 1.7 1850 . .. 79.0 .. . . 34.3 . . .. 1.0 1851 .. .. 84.5 .. .. 36.0 .. .. 3.1 1853 .. .. 81.5 .. . . 46.5 . . .. 3.3 1853 .. .. 77.3 .. .. 38.0 .. .. 4.3 1854 . .. 81.5 .. .. 40.8 .. .. 1.4 1855 . .. 81.3 .. . . 40.7 . . .. 1.1 1856 . .. 93.5 .. . . 40.5 . . .. 4.0 1857 . .. 85.8 .. .. 46.0 .. .. 6.3 1858 . .. 83.0 ,. . . 39.8 . . .. 2.8 The greatest heat in shade reached 93.5'' in 1856, and only 74.5" in 1845, giving a range in greatest heat of IS.Q" during the past seventeen years. The greatest cold was as low as 34.2" in 1850, and never below 50.0" in 1846, giving a range of 15.8 in greatest cold. There has never been less than an inch of rain fallen in August, whilst there was as much as 6.2 in. in 1857. August is subject to great weather changes, and in the first fortnight severe thunder-storms usually occur, more especially about the 9th of the month. E, J. Lowe Mt ]M olewortty's d orner. How TO Observe the Habits of Birds. — Mr. Noteworthy has a favourite nook in his garden very much enshrouded with overhanging branches, where the birds love to congregate and warble sweetly. Every year a large patch of hemp is sown to make a graceful tuft of green, and as soon as it begins to ripen seeds, the tomtits crowd tlie stems, and in all sorts of comical attitudes enjoy a daily feast. This year the feathered family is more numerous than it has ever been, and very lovingly do they chatter to their delighted benefactor. The birds on the branches are not too far ofi" for a minute inspection of theii-plumago when a short focus telescope is used in the observa- tion. Mr. Noteworthy once suggested to a London optician the advisability of producing a' telescope expressly for naturalists. The hint was not taken ; it is now ofi'ered to the world : Wanted, a Naturalist's Telescope, adapted as to focus for the observation of birds at from five to twenty yards' distance. Cheap enough to command young people's pocket-money, and good enough for the vision of a philosopher. Miniature Eockwork. — The best of all materials for rockwork in fern-cases and aquaria, except where only a few loose blocks of stone are required, is com- mon coke. Break the coke into pieces of a suitable size for the intended structure. Make a thin batter of Portland cement, and dip each piece into it. Eepeat the dipping after the first has set, and then build up and cement together with Portland. Masses of rock- work are objectionable in aquaria and fern-cases, from their enormous weight, but by employing coke, you have it almost " as light as a feather." To make a pyramid, take a flower-pot and cement frag- ments of broken burrs all over it. It may then be lifted in or out of a tank or fern-case with the greatest ease, and is far preferable to a permanent structure. Flints in the Drift. — The recent discovery of flint implements (?) in the drift, has given rise to con- siderable discussion as to whether they are to he regarded as bona fide products of human art, or, as Mr. Wright has it in his coiTCspoudence with the Alhenaum, " the result of some mysterious operation of Nature." Mr. Noteworthy has at present no opinion on the subject. He has seen some of the so-called implements, and, instead of jumping to conclusions, will see them again and again, and in the meantime revolve the matter in his mind. Those who are in the habit of visiting the library of the Society of Anti- quaries should not fail to obtain a view of the objects, on the presumed histoi'y of which, doubtless, many very pretty hypotheses will be put forth. New Solvent and Cement. — Copper dissolved in ammonia is, by the Builder, said to form a solvent which acts on woody fibre, wool, and sUk in such a way as to produce a waterproof cement ; and cotton fabrics saturated with the solution of wool take dyes which have hitherto been used only to woollen goods. Many useful appliances are anticipated from this discovery. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. S7 rE'\'ENSEt CASTLE. THE CEASELESS WOEK OF THE SEA. EOCK-STBATA AND THEIE MATEHIAIS. Near wliere tlie Norman Conqueror first set foot on English soil, stands an old and stately ruin that, " Lifting its foreliead gray, Smiles at the tempest and Time's sweeping sway." Eoman tiles, peering with, ruddy faces through the " ivy green " mantling the stately walls, point to its first founders and to its ancient prime and glory ; while the great masses of neatly-trimmed and close-fitting squares of Caen stone show the extensive additions made by the martial men of a later age, who pos- sessed and renovated the fortress. Before those lichen-covered walls the red- haired Norman king encamped, when within their protecting range the ambitious Odo sought refuge. Stephen, too, sat down before them ; and from those grass-grown parapets and bastions, the bright eyes of the lovely maids of Provence, whom Peter of Savoy brought over to wed to English lords, looked out, six hundred years ago upon a damp and oozy tract around. Through those gapped and crumbling walls the "bleak winds wafted from the main" now sigh and moan, and rushing on, press down the tall, rank grass on the nume- rous hummocks that dot the surface of the marshy plain. These, when the brazen helmets of the Eoman sentinels glittered on those solid buttress-towers, were little islets in a great and shallow bay ; and the river, which now travels through a long and arti- ficial channel to the sea, flowed down close by the castrum-walls, and formed a Eomau naval port. While thus the waters of the daily tides flowed and ebbed around the hummock-isles, a solid buttress of the Eoman fortress, under- mined, fell out, and tumbled sidelong on the muddy slope. So the Normans found it, and when they mended up the cracks in the old masonry and extended the works, they built up, erect and strong, a sallyport over the prostrate mass. Gradually, slowly btit surely, and cer- tainly, from the time when Eoman hands surrounded the island-hummock with its Voi„ I.— iS^o. 2. 38 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. stout, broad wall unto this very hour, lias tlie great change in the physical and geogra- phical characters of Pevensey levels been progressing. Unceasing, unvarying in its process, has been the alteration of the tract around those ancient castle-walls. The winds Fig. 1. — Diagrammatical Section of a Chalk-cliff, showing the waste of land and the sorting of the materials by the sea. a, Fallen masses of chalk- rock ; 6,' flints left on the shore by the washing away of the soft chalk, and forming a beach along the level of high tide ; c, finer fragments, or sand, deposited in the tidal zone, between high and low water ; d, very fine earthy particles, or mud, depo- sited under water. driving along the shore, by means of the boisterous waves, the flint-shingle, derived from the abrasion of the cliffs of Beachy Head, first formed a tongue-like bar, the point of which, ever creeping onward with the ac- cumulation of each succeeding tide, gradually shut in the estuary, which then, by means of the river continuously bringing down fine particles of mud, powdered by the ro-'n and weather, from the surrounding hUls anCi lands, in the lapse of time has been completely silted up. Thus has been changed the whole face of the district, and sheep and cattle graze on verdant pastures that have sup- planted the brackish waters of the indented bay. In the mud, sand, and gravel strewn .over this great plain, river-shells, bones of wolves and other beasts, of porpoises and fish, xjockle and oyster-shells, ancient canoes, and bones of domesticated animals remain embedded, with the leaves and stems of hazel, birch, oak, and other of the indigenous trees of the ancient forests. Such are not, however, confusedly com- mingled, but the bones and larger dehris are deposited in one place, the shells and finer sediment in another ; the calcareous shells of the lymnseans are found still in the old river- course, the oyster-beds at the former river- mouths — all have been buried upon the spots on which they lived or grew. The bones and the canoes are where the currents, according to their force and strength, deposited them, affording thus clear evidence of the succes- sion of the prominent events which have oc- curred during the progress of the natural operations instrumental in filling up the ancient bay. Just as the history of the old castle itself has to be made out from the study of its masonry and its varied styles of architecture — just as we have to test the knowledge de- rived from the correlative sources of history, old deeds, legendary tales, and traditions, by the indicative characters of its actual struc- ture ; so, in the study of the past history of the physical conditions of any portion, how- ever limited, of the dry land of our globe, we have to measure all the other corroborative or extraneous evidences by the standard of the conditions of the strata, or beds of mineral matter themselves. As the marks of the mason's chisel or the trowel are in archaeo- logical inquiries valuable indications of the national workman by whose hands they were made, so, too, the position of a shell in the consolidated silt, the fragmentary op perfect condition of a bone, and many other ap- parently trifling features, have significations and values of high importance in geological or physical investigations. And the rock-strata of the earth are the consolidated muds, sands, and beaches of other shores and other ages — their fossils the petrified remains of the shell-fish, plants, or beasts, that existed on them or the adjacent EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 89 .ands. Every relic bears its own record, the faithful interpretation of which is ever to be got by careful and intelligent study. Now that we have completed our his- torical survey of the expanded levels of the Sussex shores, let us extend our view still further backward in time, and inquire how that ancient bay was formed. The surround- ing land, then, was first excavated by water, even as since the space thus cleared out has been refilled and reconverted into dry land by the same agency. Long before Homan or Norman trod on British soil — long before the aboriginal Celt, unknown to us save by the rude flint axe or arrow-head, or by a few bleached bones reverently laid in simple cist of unhewn stones, or hollowed log of wood — long before the first-born of the human race began his mundane course of pain and pleasure — ^long indeed before, far back in the abyss of time, there have been such changes of land and sea, such out-cuttings and in-fiUings, such wearing down of higher lands, such leveUings of ocean-spoils, both on great ex- tents and smaller scales. In the oldest rocks — myriads of ages old — the constituent par- ticles of quartz or mica, no matter how finely ground, tell of the still older wasted gneissic lands from which those particles were thus derived; the embedded fossils, so unlike the life-forms of this present age, confirm in their quaintness the testimony of the rocks; the rippling sea left ruffles on the sand ; the rain- dr(?|)s of sudden showers pitted its smooth and glistening surface ; worms drilled into it, and shell-fish burrowed in the ooze; green, limp sea-weeds gently floated in the tidal pools ; and sometimes the sea in its gentlest mood spread a gauzy film over the beautiful scene, and carefully preserved it for ever. Still the sea was at its ceaseless toU, ever destroying and ever renovating — restlessly, ceaselessly biting into the land and heaping up its spoils upon its shores. In the smooth, rounded spurs jutting from the surrounding higher and more ancient ground into the Pevensey flats — in the rounded contour of the bounding hills, the bold, steep escarpment of the chalk downs, we see as plainly the denuding action of the ever-toiling sea. If we stripped ofi" their velvety sward from those far older soUs, we should find, if we dug downwards below the subsoil, some great mass of mineral matter, such as clay, chalk, limestone, or sandstone. Fio. 2.— Section exposed in a brick-pit near Windsor, showing the differences of mineral composition, and the succession of roclc- strata, a, Vegetable soil; 6, London clay ; c, basement bed of London clay ; d, e, mottled clay and fire-brick earth ; /, bed of green-coated flints in dark sand ; g, chalk. If we dug very deep, we should find that such masses alternated with, or reposed upon, each other. We should find, too, that these rocks— fov by that term geologists designate the great earth-masses forming the crust of our globe — contained peculiar fossils, or petrified organic remains, different forms of which were characteristic and distinctive of each separate mineral stratum. If the strata or beds of earth had any particular inclina- tion, we should obtain all this knowledge without digging, by simply walking over the country and noticing what happened at their outcrops, as those areas are termed where the beds rise and present their hassetting edges at the surface. If we thus extended 40 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. our "Walk beyond the immediate region of Pevensey, we should see, in the railway-cut- tings, the roadsides, and in the banks of rivulets, that these sands, clays, and stones succeed each other in regular and definite order ; that one after the other they lead up to the chalk-hills, under which they dip downwards and disappear. Some of these strata contain ammonites, or great ornamental nautilus-like shells, sponges, palatal teeth and scales of fishes, molluscs or shell-fish, and other fossil marine objects, which mark at once their ancient oceanic conditions; others contain paludina;, or river- snails, gi- gantic bones of extinct reptiles, plants, and minute crustaceans {Cypridcn), the relics of Fig. 3.— Diagram of the Succession of Strata near Pevensey. a. Tertiary drift ; h, c, d, beds of clialk forming the downs ; e, upper greensand ; /, gault ; g, sand and stone ; /), pyritous and ferruginous beds; i, limestone (ragstone) — lower greensand; A-, weald clay and sandstone; I, bank of beach shutting in estuary; m, alluvial or marsh land. The edges of the strata presented at the surface at a, b, c, d, e, f, j*q;?»«>i Many years ago I made a note of tlie green tree-frog, as one of the desiderata of my little collection ; and, though I inquired often, I never succeeded in obtaining it till this time last year, when a kind letter from a lady informed me of the offer of three fine specimens. I lost no time in accepting the gift, and in a few days they were safely do- miciled with me at Newington. I have de- rived so much amusement from my " sticky- toed " friends, that I believe a brief account of them will be interesting to students of natural history generally, and especially to that section of them who delight in aquaria, and kindred homely pursuits. There are several species of frogs which may be collectively described as " green," but the green tree-frog is most distinct in appearance and habit from all the marsh- inhabiting ranas, for it is amphibious in only a qualified degree, and, as its name implies, it lives very much among the branches of trees. It is known among naturalists as Syla arhorea, sometimes as Syla viridis, on account of its bright green colour. It is a native of France and Germany, hence readily adapts itself to the climate of this country, and will, perhaps, some day be acclimated as an addition to our fauna. The only difficulty apparent at present, in regard to its perma- nent location in Britain, is the variableness of our climate ; for this frog becomes tho- roughly torpid in winter, and for that reason continued cold weather is congenial to its constitution. The occasional outbursts of sunshine with westerly winds in winter dis- tiirb its hybernation, and make it active at a season when it ought to be at rest, and hence it is just probable that it may never be- come a permanent resident in these islands. Leaving that point to be determined by experience, let me call your attention to the pretty creature here figured. His colour is vivid emerald green over the whole of the upper surface of the body, with the exception of two black marks, which extend from the eyes to the inner side of the shoulders. Beneath, his colour is a greenish white, and the skin is semi-transparent, and of a most delicate texture. The eyes are prominent, and of a lustrous black, as beautiful, indeed, as the eyes of a toad, which, to my think- ing, are among the most beautiful of aU the eyes in creation, except, of course, the eyes through which a human soul peeps. Hyla arhorea has a particularly neat contour, full- grown specimens are not more than half the size of the common frog, but the structure is more compact and graceful; and when in activity, the long legs and button toes indi- cate at once its chief characteristic, that of climbing and leaping. The activity of the creatiu-e adds to the interest we derive from 50 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. its beauty wlien kept as a pet. Its habit is to sit perfectly still on the summit of tbe rockwork iu tbe glass, or on a flat leaf of a plant wben set at liberty in a greenLouse; but tbe moment a fly passes, it wakens up, becomes restless, and screws its legs together for energetic action. Fixing its beautiful eyes on a buzzing bluebottle, froggy waits his opportunity, and presently at one spring he pounces on the victim, and swallows him whole. The bluebottle goes buzzing to its sepulchre. It is in this lively method of taking its prey that we are enabled to note particularly the manner in which this frog is equipped for the curious life it leads. The toes are all furnished with suckers, which enable it to hold firm to whatever object it may alight upon, so that though it may miss the mark of its appetite, as some- times happens, it never falls or loses its balance, but is instantly at rest on some kind of support, and as immobile as if nothing had happened. Syla arborea has all the ordinary charac- teristics of a reptile, though possessed of considerable individuality. The hybernation is quite of the reptile type, and the changing of skin takes place in precisely the same manner as in the common toad. The creature first changes colour, and becomes mopish. The vivid shining green gives place to a dark hue, which, as the time of exuvation approaches, deepens to a bottle-green. In a day or two he is again as bright and lively as ever, sporting a new jacket ; his eyes have a fresh sparlde, and his appetite is so keen, that the flies can no longer crawl over his nose with impunity — they are pounced upon and bolted, the moment they come within reach of his spring. One thing strikes me as worthy of special notice, and that is, that the flies have not the least sense of danger, and make towards him as they do towards glistening objects generally. The instinctive fear of enemies is a common fact in the natu- ral world, but between Hylas and his proper dinner there is no evidence of its existence, the dinner may, when he is in an idle mood, playfully tickle the nose that is presently to recognize its savour. Though it delights in water, and needs to have it always within reach, it is in summer- time but partially amphibious . It wUl now and then swim round, and then ascend the glass, where it wiU remain motionless for hours, hold- ing tight by means of its toe-suckers and the delicate membrane of the stomach, which in- deed it depends on chiefly when attached to a smooth surface. Being quite familiar with its history long before I obtained specimens, I prepared a cage of wire gauze to stand on a glass dish for them, when the three were presented to me. Unfortunately, I trusted the manufacture of the cage to a man who had neither brains nor fingers, and the result was, that having given them a branch to climb upon, a supply of water, and a piece of rockwork rising out of it, two made their escape the same night through a gap in the wirework, and were never heard of more. The cage was then cast aside, and the lonely representative of his race transferred to a bell-glass, neatly prepared for him with pebbles and rockwork. A small flower-pot ^^as made the basis of the rockery, and on it was fixed, with plaster of Paris, some small pieces of broken burrs, so as to form a pyramid. A ten-inch bell-glass gives him plenty of room, and escape is prevented by covering the top with the wire gauze lid of the disused cage. Once or twice a week Mr. Hylas has liberty to leap about and climb the windows, where he catches flies for himself. Meanwhile, the rockwork is lifted out, the pebbles washed, and the glass cleaned, and the whole made bright for his reception again. He has become very tame, and wiU sit on my finger, and leap from it when the buzzing of a blow-fly makes him for the moment a sort of aerial tiger ; then his quickness of sight, and spasmodic rapidity of action are indeed amusing. Ordinarily, EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 51 fliea are caught and put in for liim, but lie will never touch, a dead one, and, like a toad, will only take them when he sees them move, and then it is accomplished instantaneously. When not hungry, he allows any poor winged captive that may be wandering about, " wait- ing to be eaten," to walk over him and tickle his nose to any extent — he takes no notice, and, without moving a limb, goes on with his palpitation, which is the only sign given that he is stdl alive. This curious throbbing action of the gullet denotes the activity of the respiration in these frogs. But they breathe through the skin over the whole sur- face of the body as well, and hence, if kept immersed in water, with no means of escape, soon perish by asphyxia. Last autumn I followed the advice given by Mr. Thompson in his " Note Book of a Naturalist," and saved for my pet some dead flies for winter food. Mr. Thompson says he kept one in a vase for six years, and in the winter fed it with dead flies, moistened with warm water, " which it took freely from the fingers." But my specimen would not take them during the winter, though I re- peatedly presented them, and sometimes gave them a tremulous motion, with my fingers, in [hopes he would imagine the fly to be alive. But the attempt was as un- necessary as it was futile. From November till March he ate nothing at aU, and after the first fly had been caught and given him he became as active as ever. Like most other reptiles, the more complete their hy- bernation, the more certain are we of pre- serving them in health. When my bees began killing the drones last year, I gave my pet. a handful of the helpless creatures, and he devoured them wholesale as long as they had any amount of activity. The drowned drones had, of course, to be cleared out quickly, or the vase would have looked most unsightly. To the loss of the two specimens I attri- bute the fact that I have never yet heard the music of this frog, which is said to be most discordant, and by no means deficient in volume. Mine has been a perfect mute ; but I apprehend that when several are kept in company, the social feeling finds utterance, but they have too much sense to croak when there are no companions to join in chorus. Should I ever be so fortunate as to meet with a benefactor equally liberal with the one to whom I am already indebted, I shall expect to make acquaintance with many in- teresting points in the history of this pretty Eana, which, like the music, need companion- ship for their development. I know of several collections of them, but the parties are not so well stocked that I would venture to ask for gifts. Shielet Hibbeed. DEATH AMONG THE GOLD-EISH. Wheeevee you meet with folks who keep gold-fishes in the old-fashioned glass globes, you will be sure to hear the melancholy com- plaint that they will die in spite of every care taken to preserve them. The water ia changed most regularly, the glass kept beau- tifully clean, the vessel shaded from the sun- shine ; yet, alas ! alas ! death is always busy amongst them. Is it internal disease ? Is it external fungi P No ; the cause is starvation. Every other pet is expected to eat, but these gold-carp are expected to subsist on — nothing! " But don't they eat the animalculaj P " Non- sense ! Give them a few small earth-worms, or anglers' gentles, twice a week, and to pre- vent the necessity of frequently changing the water, throw in a handful of Anacharis (water-weed) ; and, instead of floating in suc- cession "on their watery bier," they wUl get plump and healthy, and grow as rapidly as in their native waters. Some of our gold- fishes have been in our possession seven years, and have increased in size three times what they were originally. H. 52 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. WAYSIDE WEEDS AND THEIE TEACHINGS, IN SIX HANDFIJLS. HANDFUL I. CONCLITDED, There ffeiiiains yet, for examination, one other part of tlie flower. Exterior to all the organs we have hitherto described, you can- not fail to have noticed a covering, or set of coverings, to which, as they hold the blossom generally, botanists have given the name of calyx, or flower- cup (Figs. 2, 3, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21.) This calyx, moreover, has its many differences, even in the limited number of plants we have as yet examined. It is divided, in most of our examples, like the corolla, into separate pieces; and as the divisions of the corolla are named petals, Fro. 19. — a, cal)'^ or flower-cup of stitch- wort ; b, stamens. FicJ. 20. — Expanding flower of common poppy, throw- ing off calyx, a. so are those of the calyx called sepals. Generally speaking, the calyx, or flower-cup, is green, but we see it in the wallflower (Fig. 7) more or less deeply coloured; and in the buttercup (Fig. 2) yellowish in hue. Fre- quently the number of the sepals, or calyx divisions, corresponds to those of the corolla, but not invariably, as we see in the poppy (Fig. 20), in which there are but two divisions, and these joined at the top, more or less completely. Moreover, this poppy calyx does not, as in the wallflower, the chick- weed, the violet, or the geranium, continue attached to the flower, but is cast oflT while in the process of floral expansion. Calyx, corolla, stamens, pistils — these, bear in mind, are the parts of a perfect flotccr, which always preserve the same relative positions within one another. With the exception of the lychnis, already noticed, you will find it so in every plant in our Handful. To make sure, look at the bright white, well-named starwort, or stitchwort, which we have not yet noticed ; all the parts are just as you have seen them in the rest. Differing in many respects, in this all our plants agree — the petals are perfectly dis- connected from one another, and from the stamens, and with the stamens are fixed to the little receptacle on which is placed the pistil. Now these characters, as we call them, though apparently unimportant to a superficial observer, are far from being so to a botanist; they mark. In fact, one division of botanical arrangement — a division, more- over, which comprises within its limits many other plants and families of plants beyond the few common weeds we have selected as examples. The buttercup or crowfoot family, or, as it is called botanl- cally, the Hanunculus genus, is made up of numerous individual members, all differing from one another, but yet bearing the general family face. Some so like that you will not distinguish them till the dliference has been pointed out ; others, though similar, still so difi'erent, that you cannot mistake them for each other. You have, in all probability, gathered into your handful at random, a lot of Avhat you call buttercups ; they have all flowers heceeatiye science. 53 about the same size, with bright yellow shining petals, and look as like as possible ; but take this one, which you gathered in the meadow — if you have got it up by the roots {as you ought to do every plant, the size of which in the least admits it) — you find that it has a bulbous swelling root, that its stem is upright and hairy, and its calyx sepals are turned back (Fig. 2) from the fully-expanded flower. This, which is the ranunculus biilbosa, or bulbous- rooted crowfoot, put beside the other which is in your Handful, and which, when you gathered it, you thought was precisely similar. Compare the flower-cup (Fig. 3) with the last. It spreads — in old blos- soms it falls off— but does not turn down, even in the fully-expanded flower, its root is not bulbous, and attached to it " are side-stems, scions, which rest on or run along the ground. This is the ranunculus rcpens, or creeping crowfoot ; and no less different is this third species, the ranunculus acris, or upright meadow crowfoot, which very likely grew beside the other two, and which, just as likely, you took into your Handful in perfect innocence of any differ- ence. It, too, has a spreading, and not a turned-back calyx, but it has no scions. Make another comparison of these three near relations ; their faces are all very similar, are they not? Look at the little stems, peduncles, which support the blossoms. In the first two species you examined, the bulbous and creeping crowfoots, these stems have little channels or furrows cut on their surface; in the last, the upright crowfoot, they are mostly rounded. Pray look over these little distinctions again, get them into your memory, and tell us, could you mistake these plants for one another again P Quite impossible, for sniiill as the marks of differ- ence may be, they are constant. Lastly, get into your mind an idea of the general appearance of these plants — the general hahit. as botanists call it — and you will have achieved a practical lesson in plant lore which will not readily be forgot. The above are three of the crowfoot family, with a strong resemblance ; but there are many of the same family, or, let us designate it properly, genus, very different; some have comparatively small flowers, and some are white, as we find in the common water ranunculus, which is so common in every streamlet and ditch that it well deserves to be called a wayside weed. Look now at the leaves, not the petals, but the plant-leaves, of Fig. 21. — ^Leaf of Common Buttercup. the buttercup race, with which we have just scraped acquaintance ; they are aU divided more or less deeply (Fig. 21), but we find others with leaves perfectly undivided : these are the spearwort ranunculuses, and one of them you may gather at the side of almost any pond. The buttercup-like flower of the spearwort you cannot mistake. One word more about our friends before we part. The members of the buttercup genus are most elo- quent expositors of many botanical facts, andi 54 RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. you are now in possession of tlie key to some of their peculiarities. If you use your eyes you cannot miss finding species different from those most common ones upon which we have founded our first lesson. Gather all you can ; never mind, at first, if you do not know their names, hut put them together, and compare in every part — leaves on the stem, and leaves springing from the root-crown, hairs or no hairs on any part, pistils plain or otherwise. These exercises will teach you how to look at plants, and make the very commonest weeds convey as much instruction as you coidd get from the rarest exotic. We have dwelt somewhat upon this ranunculus family, not only because of the well-marked cha- racters of its members, but because so many of them are familiar to us aU from childhood, and meet us in every country walk. "We must now say adieu, and look to the rest of our Handful. Take another look at the poppies. You could not mistake a poppy, putting colour out of the question, for a buttercup. The petals composiag the corolla are separate ; it is true the stamens are numerous, and both are attached to the flower in the same manner as in the ranunculus, but here the resemblance ends. The calyx, as we have seen (Fig. 20), is entirely distinct, both in its divisions and in its development, and the round central pistil in one piece of the poppy (Fig. 6) is abundantly diverse from the many pistils of the ranunculus (Fig. 4). There are many other differences, which at present we are not prepared for. We go to the waUflower (Fig. 7), the water- cress, or the charlock (Fig. 15), aU plants of the same great botanical section as the ranun- culus and the poppy; that is to say, they have many-petalled flowers, and petals and sta- mens (Fig.l4) are similarly attached ; but how different are they otherwise. The petals are clawed (Fig, 8), the stamens are definite in number, not many, and the central pistil is altogether dissimilar, as we shall see more clearly when we come to examine our basket of fruits. Now, the waUflower, the water- cress, the wild mustard, and many similar plants, belong to a most important family, called the CrucifersD, or cross-like plants, the petals being arranged in the shape of a cross, as a very little examination will show. Turn- ing for a moment from wild to cultivated plants, you wiU. find the characters of the cru- cifera well marked in any turnip, cabbage, or radish, which may chance to run to seed in your garden. In an economical point of view, there are few plant famUies more valuable to man than these crucifers. Buttercup, poppy, wallflower, each types of their own particular family, have regular flowers; you can di- vide them in any direc- tion through the centre into two equal halves. Not so our sweet little violet (Fig. 22), which holds its place beside them. It, too, is many- petaled, and has sta- mens and petals at- tached like the others, but its flower is irregu- lar ; to divide its five petals equally, you must cut the centre in one direction only. The stamens and pistil, a single glance wiU show, have their distinctive marks. The lychnis, stitchwort, and chickweed bring us back to the regular flowers. The stamens (Figs. 16, 19) are more than in the waUflower, fewer than in poppies or butter- cups. The petals are clawed (Fig. 10), the shape different, and, speciaUy, the pistU (Figs. 17, 18) differs from the plants we have already examined. Lastly, take the common wayside gera- nium (Figs. 11, 12), which we gathered into our Handful. Still we find the distinct petals attached with the stamens as before, only, at Fig. 22. —Blossom of Violet, a, corolla ; b, calyx; c, peduncle or flower-stalk ; d, bracts ; e, spur of corolla. EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 55 the base of tlie latter we come upon some- thing new, the organs are united just in the reverse to those of the violet. The pistil, with its five lobes at the base, and its long beak, is very different from any we have yet met with, and with it we have arrived at the end of our first gathering. Just let us review what we have learned from it. We began, supposing that we knew nothing what- ever of plants, and that all the stock of know- ledge we had to start with was the recog- nition of the very commonest weeds of the ivayside. Those which we selected for our first lesson were taken because of the one common character so often alluded to, the attachment of the distinct petals and the stamens to the organ named the receptacle, which supports the pistU. We have seen that but for this common character they differ widely, and we have learned, at the same time, what are the parts of which a complete and perfect flower is composed, namely, the calyx and its sepals, the corolla and its petals, the stamens and the pistUs, and these organs we now know, and look for in a special order. Enough here for one lesson, albeit we have a much better capital of information to start with when we go forth in search of a Second HandfiJ. Spencer Thomson. HUMBOLDT. IN TWO PAETS. — PABT II. HUMBOLDT AT BEELIN. The Life of Humboldt, like a term at col- lege, naturally "divides" at a certain period. We have seen him collect his material, and digest the substance of his great work. His fame has culminated. His presence is every- where sought for. Men who could not appre- ciate his scientific foresight or his brilliant suggestions, could yet believe in results. '• Sien ne reussii Jamais comme le succes," says the French proverb. " There's nothing in the world half so successful as success," cry the Americans, endeavouring to trans- late the untranslatable. He, who had been laughed at for a visionary when he sold his estates to procure means to explore the New World, was now declared to be the wisest of mankind ! He who had been a mere savant, an ideologue, was now consulted on state- craft no less than upon geology — was thought to know something of the government of the world, since he had learnt much of its forma- tion, and was brought from his study to be the privy councillor of his sovereign. Let young and ardent spirits take comfort as they think of this. Persevere ; have one idea, be true to it, follow one, act by another; have will, determination, and purpose, and, with God's blessing, the world will talk of you yet. In 1827, Humboldt was called to, and finally settled at, Berlin, with the title of privy councillor and many more substantial honours, which he continued to enjoy till the time of his death, that is, during the reigns of the late king of Prussia, Frederick William III., and his successor, Frederick William IV. A friend to almost every successive adminis- tration, he was enabled often to tender the ministry good advice, which was more gra- ciously received from him than from any one. Science is of no party; its politics are univer- sal, since it only can desire the good of man- kind. For two years Humboldt tarried in peace in his native town, when he was called by a great potentate once more into the fields of science. 5G EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. THE JOXTENEY TO ASIA. Hard work in tlie fields of knowledge never kills any one. Only the weakly and the desultory fall victims to mental exertion. With. Humboldt it was far otherwise. At sixty he was as vigorous as ever, and in the year 1829, when he had reached that age, he undertook a most hazardous expedition in Central Asia, in company with two of his friends, Ehrenberg and Gustave E.ose. This expedition, suggested by and carried out under the auspices of the Emperor Nicho- las, was directed eastward by Moscow, Kasan, Catherineburg, the Oural Mountains, To- bolsk, and Altai. Thereat the travellers branched out towards the military posts on the borders of China. Returning to Altai westward, Humboldt and his companions passed the steppes of Ischim, Orenburg, Astrakan, and the Caspian Sea. Thence they returned to Moscow, after having travelled over, in the space of nine months, more than 2300 geographical miles. The result of this was not so brilliant as that of his early la- bours, but it was very useful. He made Cen- tral Asia better known to us. By and through him, the curious extravagances of Marco Polo and the earlier adventurers were corrected, our maps made more perfect, and our know- ledge of the mineralogy and climatology of Asia extended. The relation of it was pub- lished in Paris in 1843, and in German at Berlin in 1844, under the title of " Central Asia," etc. In 1849 he published a further addition to his Researches, under the heading of Steppes and Deserts, wherein he com- pletely overthrows the theory which had grown up upon Marco Polo's foundation, of a vast central plateau in Asia, to the north of China. This may be seen at a glance by consulting his admirable " Map of the Chain of Mountains and Volcanoes in Central Asia," drawn out in 1839, and published in 1843. Of the purely scientific results of this travel much may be said. Humboldt deter- mined many of the most important facts in connection with terrestrial magnetism, find- ing that in those vast regions the sun had more perceptible magnetic power than fur- ther north upon its satellite. To his energy and discoveries are due governmental mag- netic establishments in Russia, America, France, Prussia, and England, wherein ob- servations are taken and registers kepi, and through which much, if not all, of our know- ledge is gained. Professor Dove, of Berlin, has reduced many of these registers, and through them has discovered the laws regu- lating the distribution of heat over the world's surface. THE NEW EEVOLITTION. In the midst of these labours, time had gradually whitened the head of the lover of science. Time had wrought wonders also everywhere. People were growing wiser, less estranged, more kindly to each other. Humboldt had lived, when a young man, in the midst of the excitement of one French revolution. He saw in it the result of care- lessness, cruelty, and luxury on the part of the nobles ; and of ignorance, neglect, and starvation in the body of the people. Ho welcomed it as the forerunner of a better age, but found it spend its angry course in blood, sound, and fury. He had watched each actor tread his part upon the stage and then disappear, and the great actor of all fall, at "Waterloo, from that bad eminence to which by cunning and blood he had raised himself. This was during his American expedition and his earlier life. Not to be behindhand, France in 1830, when he was sixty-one years of age, and had just completed his Asian journeys, prepared another revolution, which quietly settled down in the election of Louis Philippe, the citizen king. It was a delicate flattery towards the savant's political learning, that to this mon- arch Humboldt was accredited by Frederick William III. to acknowledge his government. EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 57 aud to congratulate liim on account of his accession to the throne. Since that period he each year, until the time of his death, renewed his visits to Paris, greatly to the satisfaction of his very many admirers and friends there, and about this period (1835-38) he published his " Critical Examination of the Geography of the New World." HtTMBOLDT IN ENGLAND. Allied as we are with Prussia, with almost the certainty of an heir of English descent one day filling the throne, it is some satisfaction to record that, in addition to diplomatists and warriors, she sent us in the train of her ambassadors at least one genius. In 1841 he came, in company with Frederick WiUiamlV., to London, and was present at the christening of the Prince of Wales, the Prussian monarch being the royal sponsor. He was received with enthusiasm, and feted all over the country. With the exception of a flying visit to Copenhagen in 1845, this was, we believe, the last journey undertaken by the great traveller. THE 1A.ST GBEAT WOEK, THE " COSMOS." The evening of life had come — slowly, indeed, but surely — upon him. Calmly phi- losophical and happy, witli a mind full of shadowy pictures of the beauties of the natu- ral world, with a still greater love for Grod's earth, a still fonder appreciation of its won- ders, when he might momently be called to quit it for ever, the wise and good old man determined to undertake a colossal enter- prise ; one fit, we might suppose, rather for the fire and energy of youth, than for the flagging hand and pausing brain of old age. But Humboldt was one of those perpetual workers who must work or not exist, to whom alone the grave brings rest when it reduces the quick hand to stillness and the busy brain to dust. He thought with Drydon, • A setting sun Should leave a track of glory in the skies." And the track of glory which he left is his monumental work, the " Cosmos." In his "Pictures of Nature" {Anischten de Natur), he had from time to time culled choice experiences from his voyages ; in the " Cosmos " he determined to' pass in review the whole sum and substance of what wo human creatures know of heaven and earth — that is, of physical, not of spiritual, know- ledge. He has attempted the seemingly contradictory task of being scientific and picturesque — hard, dry, and full of details, and yet light, amusing, and instructive. He has wedded the exactness of a carpenter's rule to the glowing description of the pen of a poet, and in this he has generally suc- ceeded. By his " Cosmos " he is more uni- versally known than by any other book. He himself has told us that he regards it " as a work offered to the German public, in the evening of an active life, the plan of which had been present in his mind, in faint out- line, for more than half a century." It is impossible for us here to give a description of the work. The time it took in publication will show its vastness. The first volume of the German edition appeared in April, 1845, and the fourth, thirteen years afterwards, in 1858. A translation by seve- ral scientific gentlemen, amongst whom General Sabine may be mentioned, of the first two parts, has appeared in London. The whole work has not, we beheve, been translated, or at least published. The "Cosmos" is the one work of the great man which will carry him down to poste- rity ; it is the Iliad of this modern Homer, the old man eloquent as the poet, but hap- pily not blind ; the ^neid of the new Virgil. " Who else," cries one of his critics, " could have achieved, who but he could have at- tempted, the Atlantean service ? Spread his 'Cosmos' before a young and ardent mind, which has just accomplished its liberal nur- 58 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. ture, and say, 'Read and eompreliend ;* tlie comprehension exacted will, when acquitted, have added an education." Thus he grew, flourished, and culminated, full of honours, bearing them meekly as he should do ; the friend of kings, nor less so of the humblest scholar. HX7MB0LDT AT HOME. Three years ago, one* who knew him well described him thus : — He is the observed of all observers, as well known in Berlin as the " TJnter den Linden." In spite of his eighty-seven years, he works unweariedly in those hours which are not occupied by the court. He is active and punctual in his im- mense correspondence, and answers every letter of the humblest scholar with the most amicable affability. The inhabitants of Ber- lin and Potsdam aU know the great man per- sonally, and show him as much honour as they do the king. With a slow but firm step and a thoughtful head, whose features are benevolent, bent rather forward, he has a dignified expression of noble calmness, and bends down to, or responds to the salutations of the passers-by, with kindness and without pride. He wears a very simple dress ; and frecxuently holding a pamphlet in his hand, he wajiders through the streets of Berlin or Potsdam iinattended, and unostentatiously, a noble semblance of a head of wheat bend- ing beneath the load of its precious and golden ears. Wherever he appears he, is re- ceived by tokens of universal respect ; the passengers step aside so as not to disturb his thoughts, even the very lowest looks respect- fully after him, and says to his neighbour, " There goes Humboldt." the last woeds op geeat men — hum- boldt's last WOEDS. Time came at last when the philosopher was to return to earth, to cease from the con- * Professor Klencke. templation of G-od's world here, and to open his eyes upon the heaven of that Almighty Workman, whose wondrous doings he de- scribed so enthusiastically and had so ardently loved. Yes, Humboldt was to say his last words — words which all men, great and little, have to say. The whole of life is to be summed up in one moment ; and out of the fullness of the heart thenthe mouth speaketh. Strange have been those disjointed sentences of dying schoolmen, warriors, philosophers, or kings. Strange, too, and yet not to be utterly unac- counted for, the fondness which we have for death-bed scenes and last words. Last words, and more last words ! Uh hien ! What do they teach ? We try to snatch from them some meaning, we qtiestion these moribund sentences as if they could teach us something more than we know of the world which is to come. We fancy that as Moses from tho mountain took that Pisgah-view of the pro- mised land, so from the summit of the death- bed others shaU see something of a brighter land stUl. But though — " Examples preach to the eye ; care then, mine says, Not how you end, but how you spend your days." This life-ending is full of intense interest. It will be worth while recording some of these mortuary sayings, for from them one may judge men well. Harry Marten, the great republican, as his last words, wrote the couplet above. Washington told his doctor, " I am dying, I have been dying a long time ; but I am not afraid to die." Dr. Johnson's dying adjuration was, "Live weU." Scott repeated the advice to his son-in-law, "I have but a minute to speak to you, my dear ; be a good man, be virtuous, be religious, nothing else can give you comfort when you come to lie here." Nelson said to Hardy, " Thank God, I have done my duty ! I have done my duty ! " Sir Harry Vane blessed the Lord, that he (Sir Harry) never deserted the righteous cause for which he that day sufiered. Hampden, shot through the spine, and in great pain, yet prayed to God, " Oh, EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 59 spare my bleeding country. Have these realms in thy special keeping. Confound and level in the dust all those who would rob the people of their just rights and lawful prerogatives." Cranmer held his hand into the fire, the hand which had signed his re- cantation. " This hand," said he, " hath offended, this unworthy right hand." When Ealeigh died, he spoke as nobly as he had lived. Hunning his finger along the edge of the axe, he said, "This is a sharp medicine, but it wUl cure aU diseases ;" and he told his exe- cutioner when he altered the position of his head, " So the heart be right, man, no matter which way the head lies." Napoleon, acting in his death over again the scenes of his life, mutters as his last words, " Tete d'armee."* Wolsey, whose tortuous church policy had raised him to be the chief man, under the king, throughout broad England, mourned that he had not served God as weU as he had served his king, for then, indeed, " he would not have been deserted." Groethe, who had endeavoured to know all that was know- able, cried out, as death's shadow hovered over him, for "Light, more light." And Newton, the great discoverer of the laws which re- gulate our sphere, the first who could clearly read the system of the Maker, said, meekly, " I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in finding now and then a smoother pebble than ordinary, whilst tTie great ocean of truth lay aU undiscovered before me." Characteristic all these. Curious also is it, as regards Humboldt, that Jean Jacques Rousseau should have anticipated him in his death words. Jean Jacques, who loved na- ture as intensely as any one, although his brain had been turned by "vain philosophy," lay dying on a fine evening; there was a sunset glow in the sky, which, as Sidney * Some historians write, " Tete * * * Armee." The difference,is essential. Smith would say, " glorified the room," and Jean Jacques breathed his last aspirations thus — " How pure and beautiful is the sky. There is not a cloud. I trust the Almighty will receive me there." It is on the 5th of May, in this present year of grace, and at three in the afternoon, that Humboldt lies dying ; the sun shines brniiantly into the room, and the departing philosopher thus addressed his niece : — " Wie herrlich diese strahlen ; sie scheinen die Erde zum Himmel za rufen !" " How glorious are these rays, they seem to call the Earth to Heaven !"* When he was committed to the grave Berlin presented a scene that will be ever memorable to those who witnessed it. Early in the morning the people assembled in countless crowds in the Unter den Linden, and in Friedrich-strasse, through which the procession was to pass. Oranienburger- strasse, at No. 67, in which street Humboldt died, was closed to the populace, and nearly all the houses in it were draped with black flags and other insignia of mourning. Those who were about to take part in the cortege assembled by degrees before the house, and soon the greater part of the literati and known men of Berlin assembled, when those who had not seen the great philosopher since his death hastened to take a last look at his remains. The coffin consisted of a single shell of oak, and was placed in Humboldt's study. Leaves of palm-trees and blooming exotics surrounded his portrait by Hilde- brandt, the emblems reminding the spec- tator of the long and dangerous travels in tropical lands which Humboldt had accom- plished. AU his friends having taken a last linger- ing look at the body, it was conveyed to the catafalque in front of the house, and as soon as the coffin appeared in sight all of the im- mense crowd who were able to obtain a sight of it instantly uncovered in token of the * That is, to link the Mortal with the ImmortaL 00 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. respect they entertained for their great coun- tryman. The cavalcade was soon afterwards in motion, and after the chief mourners, among whom were his servants and those of his family, followed the students of the Frederick- WUliam University, about six hundred in number, led by marshals bearing black rods ; next came a band of musicians, and after them eight clergymen. Before the Frederick Gymnasium in Friedrich-strasse the pupils were assembled, as were also those of another school in the same street, and as the procession approached, the boys sang a hymn, "Es ist bestimmtinGottesEath."* Through- out the whole line of procession the crowd took off their hats, and at the windows of the houses, which were filled by the resi- dents, many other marks of respect were observed among the populace, who filled every nook and corner whence a view of the cortege could be obtained, and unbroken and mournful silence prevailed. As soon as the Linden was passed, the sound of the tolling bells came upon the ear, mingled with the strains of a hymn sung by the Choral Society of Berlin: — " In Arm der Liebe ruht sich gut."t Under the portico of the cathe- dral, the goal of the procession, were the Prince Eegent,the Prince Frederick William, Prince Albrecht, the young Prince Albrecht, and Princes Frederick, George, Adalbert, and Augustus of Wurtemberg, and Frederick of Hesse Cassel, who received the remains of the illustrious deceased with xmcovered heads. The altar was richly decorated with pahns end blooming flowers, and there were four immense candelabra bearing wax tapers, the light from which mingled itself with that of the sun, which had broken bright and clear through the morning fog, and at that moment lit up the vaulted arches of the sacred edifice. * It is decreed by will of God. + In the arms of love, how sweet to rest. The Princes and Princesses Frederick Wilhelm, Carl, Frederick Carl, and Frederick of Hesse, witnessed the mournful ceremony in the church. A funeral sermon was preached by the general superintendent of the clergy, M. Hoffman, after which the assembly sang a hymn, " Jesus, meine Zuversicht," * a prayer was offered up, then the usual service for the dead was proceeded with, and a hymn by the congregation closed the ceremony. The coffin rested in the church during the day, but at night it was removed to Tegel, a village near Berlin, were Humboldt's early days were passed, and there entombed. There rest the remains of Humboldt's bro- ther William, who preceded him to the tomb twenty-four years ago, and the place is fur- ther distinguished as containing a beautiful statue of " Hope," by Thorwaldsen. So ended the life-long labour of Love. A sweet life this. Not dedicated to selfish aims or sordid gains ; not to tortuous policy or diplomatic lie ; not like that of one called away but a few weeks after him. Prince Metternich, of equally widely extended fame. God approving the simple and earnest life, made it long beyond that of others, and calm and untroubled, like sweet music, to its close. Now, whilst the noise of drumsand trumpets, of march and countermarch, of victory or defeat, fill the post-horns of all Europe, it is good to look upon it. When we see around us men struggling for sordid gold, it is sweet to look again on one who thought the earth and sea and sky somewhat richer than a banker's book. At all times it is pleasant to ponder on such a life, and to remember, whilst we do, that " Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust." Hain Feiswell. * Jesus, my final hope. Zuversicht — Providence or trust. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 61 TALK ABOUT TREES. Theee is no wood that does not contain a variety of trees which, however they vary in character, belong, according to naturalists, to two great families, known as endogens and exogens. To the former belong those graceful and gigantic denizens of the tropics which we are more familiar with in paintings than in person; where the bamboo and fan-palm rear their polished stems and broad-leaved foliage to the skies. These trees are not con- sidered to possess a true bark, but in some kinds the cuticle, or outer covering, is com- posed to a great extent of silex, or flint, so much so in some kinds of cane as to emit sparks, if struck with steel, and forming a beautiful object under the microscope. En- dogens are hollow in the middle, or, as in the case of sugar-cane, made up of a suc- cession of tubes ; but, nevertheless, although not capable of being used for the ordinary purposes of wood or timber, they are emi- nently adapted for purposes which are con- ducive to the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of those regions where they are found. It is only necessary to take a glimpse at the mechanical products of the Indian Archipelago, to illustrate this. "We have only to remember the beautiful baskets and fans which are formed, not only of the bodies and branches of these trees, but of their leaves, which are tougher and less perish- able than those of our own country. Nay, we may go further, and refer to the houses which are built entirely of bamboo, and in South America are very much like immense bird-cages. These species of trees are com- posed of filaments, readily divisible, but the surface as awhole,longitudinally,is extremely hard and polished. The palm best known to us is the cocoa-palm, which grows to a vast height without a single branch, and has a head of leaves, amidst which the cocoa-nut, so familiar to us, grows. This, whilst it is green, and might be injured, is defended by a shell of great thickness, composed of fila- ments of somewhat the same character as the wood itself, or rather the cuticle. Of late years a most important article has been introduced into this country in the shape of matting made from this fibre, and twisted into ropes ; it is durable and cleanly, inas- much as its rough surface readily allows of being cleansed from dust, etc. Those who have visited the bamboo forests of India have seen a beautiful, if not a sublime sight. Imagine a forest of polished columns of Na- ture's own making, branching out at obtuse angles upward in every direction, and ter- minating in silken tufts of foliage, glancing to the sxin with every zephyr that blows. As one universal link is kept up in all Nature, these wondrous natural structures are but vast examples of the silken grass stems that are crushed beneath our feet as we wander in the summer meadows : erect these (in thought) into a thousand times the size, and diminish yourself to a fly's bulk, and you have the Indian scene before you. Among the endogens we have some of those spe- cimens ofendurabUity which seem almost in- destructible by time and the rigour of cli- mate. Thus, the Draccsna draco, found in Teneriffe, was but a few years since, if it be not now, alive, being computed to have been in existence in the fourteenth century — this is really a splendid species. The mode in which endogenous trees grow may be illustrated by supposing that a bundle of straight fibres were placed side by side around a circular pole, that they were tied in at the lower end, the pole then with- drawn, and that they retained their po- sition, they would appear as in the ac- companying figure. And thus in reality they grow, concentring at the root, and often terminating at the apex, in the 62 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. endogens, in a single bud. Various opi- nions have been formed as to the mode in wbich these fibres were originally formed, some botanists contending that each filament, or each, bundle of fibres, is, in fact, a root of a leaf, and this is strengthened by the fact that in the endogens the fibres forming the leaf lie side by side in parallel lines. The leaves of this family of plants are sometimes of great size, extending to as much as forty feet in width — enough to cover a dinner- table with an extempore green cloth I En- dogens contain a great proportion of trees yielding fruit applicable for food, and, per- haps, fewer poisonous plants than the exogens, and there is a remarkable contrast in size in some specimens. When we come to consider the exogens, we find amongst them all those trees which we may truly call " timber," and which are found in such numbers and varie- ties in Old England, not to mention others which have been found capable of existing in an English climate. In this class we have what may be truly called " wood," and de- fined as that portion of the tree existing be- tween the pith and the bark. ' Botanists regard this substance as bundles of woody tissue or fibre, but, taking a timber tree as a whole, it is divided as follows : — The cen- tre, pith ; next to that, heart-wood ; then sap- wood ; then bark. The pith is a cellular sub- stance, large in comparison to the size of the plantwhen very young ; this comparison, how- ever, is soon lost as the young plant becomes a tree, and in old age is nearly indiscernable. Linnajus — that father of naturalists, whose works, imperfect as they are, having relation to modern discovery, will long stand unri- valled— amongst other theories, considered that the pith held the same place in trees that marrow does in the himian frame, and was, in fact, the centre and soul of the life ; this, however, was never, I believe, fol- lowed, because it was untenable ; and, there- fore, at the present day, pith may be defined as a cellular substance found in the centre of the bole and branches of a tree, but not of the roots (that is, of exogens). When young it is filled with fluid and grains of starch, which disappear when the foliage be- comes organized, and so serves as a magazine for nutriment. The supposition is, that at this period its office is performed, that it then dies, and, gradually contracting in bulk, at length entirely vanishes. There is no doubt, however, that a communication is kept up between the centre and circumference of tim- ber-trees, as the rays which radiate to the bark seem to prove. These are called me- dullary, or marrow-like (founded, perhaps, on the fact that they communicate with the cen- tre), and these again communicate with the leaves by cords of a fibro-vascular tissue. The heart- wood, which is resident next to the pith, forms, towards the centre, the true timber, and the support of the tree by its firmness and solidity. This increases in density and hardness as years pass away, partly, no doubt, by age, and partly by accu- mulated pressure from without. Heart- wood may be regarded as comparatively a dead substance, although it cannot be denied that it always contains some moisture or juices, but these arc not in active circulation. Whilst the tree is a growing tree, the mode in which it is formed is by a constant anniial deposit and outward growth, by which layer upon layer being added, the tree gradually increases in bulk, and those rings are formed which we see at the end of a fresh-cut stick of timber. External to the heart-wood is the sap-wood, or alburnum, which may be re- regarded as the heart-wood in a young or progressive state. The circles seen in the heart-wood are known as spurious grain, and are in fact nothing more than the junction of the annual deposits. The medullary rays are also known as silver (/raifi. The sap-wood, EECKEATIVE SCIEN'CE. 63 or alburnum, with tlie bark, is in truth, tlie growing part of the tree, which, being con- stantly deposited from the bark and inner bark, becomes in its turn conyerted into wood or timber. Spring giyes a new impulse to vege- table life, and the living juices of trees, no less than the current in our own veins, feel the influence of the genial ray. The absence of that amount of moisture in the upper part of trees which occurs in winter, causes the cellular tissues to become, as it were, vacua, and the sap rises by what is called capil- lary attraction. . Of the specific gravity of woody fibre, water forms usually two-thirds ; but woods difier extremely in this particular as well as in their contractile power, which de- pends entirely upon the direction of the fibres. The lighter the wood, the greater ca- pacity it has for imbibing moisture, and some trees secrete a vast amount, either of watery sap, as in the JBetula alba, or white birch, or gum, as in the caoutchouc (Siphonia elas- tica) ; others, such as Brazil-wood, log-wood, etc., have very useful qualities for staining by the juices that they secrete. Others, such as mahogany (^S^y^e^e«^« ?wa7^o^(^M^), rose-wood, which is produced by a species of Mimosa, king-wood, etc., are coloured by these juices, and are used in ornamental work. Satin- wood [Chloroxylon Stoietenia) is well known, and yields a wood-oil, as also does the sandal- wood (Sandonicum) of the family 3£eliaceai ; ebony {Ebenacece) and calamander-wood (of Ceylon) arc examples of this kind. With the characters of the fir tribe we are weU acquainted, it being a matter of notoriety that they yield all the resins, and that tar is made from their roots. With regard to the rising and falling of the sap, a familiar illustration has often been given in proof of the alleged fact, that there is a much greater quantity of sap in the upper than in the lower part of a tree ; namely, that if a piece of the bark is cut out trans- versely in spring, the sap exudes in much greater quantity from the upper part than from the lower. This is owing to the fact that the sap current is upward in the wood and downward in the bark. The last portion of the tree to be consi- dered is the bark. This substance, which varies from a mere thin skin to a coating a foot in thickness, as in the case of the Dou- glas Fir of America, is composed of several parts. The innermost (we have been proceed- ing from the centre) is called the liber, and a soft viscid substance, called cambium, or pa- renchyma, which form what are called the cor- tical layers, or layers of the bark. Through this substance the ligneous cords and medul- lary processes pass, and it is perforated by cellular tissue ; wood being, in fact, a col- lection of tubular and vascular tissue. Outer- most of all is the true bark, the epidermis, or cuticle, through which the atmosphere acts on the plant ; not referring to the leaves, which forms matter for separate considera- tion. The bark is, in fact, an organization to inspire and expire by, but whether the wood is formed by or from the leaves is a vexed question. The leaves of exogens ramify from a centre or midrib, and are netted in the most exquisite manner ; whereas those of endogens, as I have before observed, grow in parallel lines. Endogens are so called because there is a continual develop- ment towards the interior, and we find them spoken of by Theophrastus. Several elabo- rate works have been published on this class, to which the grasses belong. Endogens some- times terminate in a single shoot, whereas exogens are furnished with buds which are axillary, or resembling arteries from the main vein. When the spring-growth in trees takes place, there is a spontaneous separation between the liber and the bark, which ia necessary for the growth of the wood ; an addition to the wood is taken from the liber, and the cortical layers again receive an external addition, and so the tree progresses. 04 EECHEATIVE SCIENCE. The embryo tree is indeed a. wonderful object, and well worth examination j but it is not until the second year of its life that woody fibre begins to be deposited ; before that period it is a mass of cellular tissue only, pierced longitudinally with woody mat- ter ; when, however, the future tree is once actually and regularly formed, all goes on in the same routine to its fall by the hand of man or the decay of nature. The bark is continually renewing inter- nally as it externally perishes, and seems to form a protection and a vehicle as circum- stances of situation and climate require. Thus cork, that useful and well-known sub- stance, is the product and covering of a species of osikiCluercus suher), grown chiefly in Spain. As to the uses of wood, the forma- tion and situation of the tubes or cells, the form of the cotyledons or seed-leaves, or the botanical arrangement, I shall now say nothing ; suffice it that the exogens are the more numerous, and are found in all coun- tries, and number nearly 60,000 species, that is, of exogens generally, including trees ; the ordering of which is not considered by any means satisfactory. Some of the noblest specimens of timber of which this island can boast are of the cedar (cedrus) or fir (pinus) kind ; and the silver-fir (genus JPicea) has attained in some instances a vast growth. But what are these com- pared to the cotton-trees of California, the boabab, or monkey-bread tree (Adam- sonia digitata) of Africa, which is of this tribe {Bomhacece), being said to be the largest tree in the world, giving a bulk of 60 feet in circumference to 12 in height! If travellers can be credited, when one of the Californian trees has fallen from old age or some other cause, the way is com- pletely blocked up by its prone stem, which rises in diameter to the height of a man on horseback ! A hollow cotton-tree has formed the shelter for a party of horsemen from the El norte, or sudden hurricane of the South American continent, and a habitation during a whole winter for a squatter and his famUy ; and they frequently reach the enormous height of 350 feet ! O. S. EoriTD. WAEDIAN CASES. It is too often the case that those who intend to embellish their dwellings with fern-eases defer the planting of them till the season of flowers is fully over. The cases are then placed in the windows, and planted with ferns, but owing to the rapid decline of the season, there is not sufficient warmth to enable the plants to make fresh roots in their new abodes ; and besides this, having completed their season, and formed the hidden fronds which are to appear next spring, they have but little disposition to send out fibres into the soil to which they , are thus untimely introduced. Hence, where such adornments are used only in the winter they should be planted at once, while vege- tation is still active, in order that they may be, to use a horticultural phrase, "esta- blished" before winter sets in. Evergreen ferns should be chosen for the purpose, and unless the cultivator has had some expe- rience, the hardiest British and exotic ferns should have preference over kinds that are tenderly constituted. A very simple way of stocking fern-cases which are to take the place of flower-stands and other summer embellishments, and which are to be re- moved in the spring, is to procure an assort- ment of healthy plants in small pots, arrange them to produce a good effect, and then hide the pots by a covering of fresh moss, which wiU. keep its green colour till spring. Cinders are the best drainage for fern-cases, and turfy peat the best soil. H. EECKEATIVE SCIEN"CE. 65 COLLECTING AND PRESEEVING FUNGI. COLtBCTINa FOE THE TABLE. EiEST procure an. oblong flat-bottomed wicker basket, about from four to six inches deep, but with no lid, such as is commonly- used by butter salesmen in country markets. Have a clean cloth large enough to line the whole of the basket, and form two folds over the top. Also procure a sharp knife and a house-painter's brush. Select dry weather, if possible, and go out as early in the morn- ing as you can conveniently. When you reach your collecting-ground avoid most carefully all fungi that have been broken by cattle or other causes, also all which from their shri- velled appearance, change of colour, or other- wise, indicate they have passed their prime, selecting only those which are still attached to the earth or other substances, and are still living and in a growing state ; collect each separately ; first clean away with the brush all dirt, dust, grass, or foreign substances, especially flies ; next, cut ofi" the root a good inch from the extremity, and throw away with it the attached mould. You will now readily see, by the porousness of the stems, which are attacked by maggots. Such will always be the oldest, and had better be kept in a corner of the basket by themselves. The cloth should be constantly kept covered over the fungi, both whUe collecting and re- turning home, to prevent the attack of flies, etc., which are always on the look-out ; in fact, where they are in any abundance it is well to collect and prepare them in heaps on the ground and put them all in the basket at once, as by constantly opening you may truly shut in instead of out many of your greatest enemies. The above directions will stand good for most of the agarics, helvellas, morells, boleti, lycoperdons, etc. ; there are a few ex- ceptions, however, as Agaricus atramentari- ous and cornatus, which are of such a juicy or deliquescent nature that in a few hours or less a large portion of the fungus turns to liquid, and would make a miserable mess and con- fusion in a basket with other species. They should, therefore, be collected in a large pie- dish or some other earthen vessel. The truffle will require a very difi*erent process in collecting, the task being gene- rally left to dogs trained for the purpose, and known as truffle-dogs. The truffle-hunters in Hampshire (where they are rather com- mon on the chalk, and especially under beech- trees) are furnished with a stout ash stick, about the size of an ordinary broom-handle, and tapered at one end to a rather stout, blunt point ; this point, for about three inches, is iron, in the form of an extinguisher, and firmly fitted on the wood. "With this, when the dogs have indicated the whereabouts by scratching, the collector grubs them up. As they are of a solid nature, and in form and size somewhat resembling potatoes, of a dark colour, with an irregular, warty surface, they may be collected in a bag, basket, or what- ever is most convenient. Having now col- lected and conveyed home our specimens, our next aim is either to preserve or prepare them for the table. Of course, I now allude to the thirty species which, with proper treatment, are known to be wholesome, and which are natives of our land and compara- tively common. G6 BECEEATIYE SCIENCE. SALTING AKD PICKLING. They may be preserved in a variety of ways for tlie table, tlie most usual being dried in tbe open air, strung on strings, or preserved in oil, vinegar, or brine. Agaricus procerus. Boletus edulis, and Tuber ciberium may be even preferred raw ; wbUe others, as the belvellas, having somewkat the consis- tence of leather, are decidedly improved by cooking. There can be little doubt we have poisonous species, as Boletus luridus, Agaricus muscarious, etc., care should, therefore, be taken in collecting, and all brine, vinegar, or oil in which they have been preserved should be thrown away, as it is supposed that the poison is extracted by the liquor in which they have been preserved, while the fungus, even in poisonous species, becomes a wholesome food. PEESERVATION OF FUNGI IN LIQUIDS. The higher orders of fungi rarely appear in the herbarium, from the erroneous impres- sion that it is impossible to dry them. It is quite true that many are of so delicate, fragUe, and watery a nature, that it is quite impossible to dry and press them ; for these there is but one simple process, that of im- mersing them in bottles of a solution pre- pared for that pui-pose. There are many of these solutions in use for botanical, zoolo- gical, and anatomical purposes, but only one or two, I find, can be even moderately de- pended upon. Most spirits defy nearly all efforts to prevent evaporation, and they extract and destroy the colour of the plants, by which they lose their transparency. On the other hand, most solutions, from a com- bination of chemical salts, become opaque, and form a crystalline deposit round the mouth of the jar, which, from contact with the air, gradually feeds upon the covering of the vessel ; nor are acids always to be de- pended upon, extracting the colour and more or less destroying the most delicate and deli- quescent species, especially if exposed to agitation. Where expense is not studied, one evil is, to a certain extent, remedied by throwing away the solution in which they have been preserved for about a month, and which by that time has extracted the colour, then replace it with fresh, and there is not that danger of the liquid being discoloured. A few will be found of such a solid and dry nature as to require no drying, and must be kept in a cabinet, or drawers, as they will not flatten by pressure. We now come to a large bulk of the higher orders, which, although it is not absolutely necessary to keep them in solution, it is looked upon as a laborious and difficult task to dry and press them, and when done, the sections, etc., usually taken are but a humble apology for the whole plant. For these I can recom- mend the following methods as far superior to those in general use : — DRYING FUNGI FOE THE HESBAEIUM. Procure a wire cage, such as ia used by rat-catchers, about twenty-four inches long, WIEE CAGE. twelve wide, and twelve deep, with a shelf of the same material in the centre, or of smaller dimensions, according to the re- quirements of the collector. Let the wire be sufficiently close to keep out the ordinary flies, but no smaller, as we require a free ventilation; should the flies still get in, cover with a net sufficiently fine to ex- clude intruders. Arrange the fungi in rows EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 67 with stems downwards, resting on strings crossing from side to side, and each, free from its neighbour. Let this cage be suspended in the air if possible, as from a clothes' line, and in a draughty situation, as a passage between two houses ; a cool, shady spot being preferable, as it is the air, and not heat, which we wish to dry them. The surface of the fungi may be also pricked freely with a darning needle. As soon as they commence shrivelling, or show symptoms of drying, remove them from the cage, bend down the stalk in the direction of the pileus, or cap, and gently press them for twelve hours ; re- move them from the press, and again lay them flat in the cage, and expose them to the air till they appear sufficiently dry to bear further pressure. Again remove them, and lay them between flannel three or four times double ; on this put a thin layer of cotton wadding, another layer of flannel, then a fresh layer of fungi, and repeat the layers of flannel and wadding as long as you have spe- cimens. Put them in a box of suitable size, and subject them to pressure by placing a sheet of paper over the whole, and spreading sand lightly over the surface till the whole is covered about an inch and a half deep. Leave them for about two days, then remove them, and press between drying paper, put on per- fectly hot, for twelve hours. DRYIKG IN SAND AND LIME. There is another process, not generally known, by which they may be preserved either in their natural form or flattened for the herbarium. Take the whitest sand, nine pounds, pow- dered lime, one pound. Mix thoroughly and sift through a fine sieve, let the whole be well dried and kept in an earthen vessel closed against the air and damp, ready for use. Take tin boxes, of different sizes, perfo- rated freely with holes, large enough to ad- mit a moderate-sized pea, on the top and on all sides, from the top to about two inches from the bottom, but no lower. Kext, take some sheets of blotting-paper, drying- paper, or flannel, line the sides of the boxes as low as the holes, but no lower ; put a layer of the mixed sand and lime in the box (not heated), then place your fungi stems upwards, gently shake in the mixture till it reaches the edge of the pileus or gills, but not to cover them; nowtakea few strips carelessly torn from your paper or flannel, sufficiently long to cross the gills of the fungi and touch all sides of your box, like the medullary rays of an exogenous stem. This, by means of capil- lary attraction, will absorb the moisture from the gills of the fungi as well as that taken up by the sand, and convey it to the paper at ooooooooo '^: 9 o o: n 'a io'''n' O' »'io'o'|le » s, 'e, a. a 6 e,! e Alalia'-' 9 I G 'fP C: o '&' 0„o' O M O • 0 TIN BOXEa WITH HOLES. the sides, where it will evaporate through the holes and escape into the atmosphere; the box should be filled with the mixture to within half an inch of the top, but do not cover the top with paper. When all the boxes are prepared let them be stood in a shzo oven, on the hob of a fireplace, the funnel of a steamer, the boiler of an engine, bath-room, or any situation where there is a regular and not too high a tempera- ture. Take especial care that the tempera- ture is not excessive, and that the sand ia not put in hot. I have little faith in drying by pouring heated sand upon them. It is not a sudden and high temperature we re- quire, but a low continuous heat, and that from beneath, driving the moisture to the surface, where it will evaporate. To ascer- G8 BECREATIVE SCIENCE. tain if tliey are sufficiently dry hold a piece of clean diy glass over a perforated box at a tolerably high, temperature. If moisture is~ still remaining it will soon be indicated by a foggy appearance on the glass. With respect to flattening, as fungi are generally of a tough leathery texture, they may be flattened with care in an ordinary press, and I believe that their form, like that of most cryptogam! c plants, may be restored by boiling water. Specimens to be collected for the herbarium should not have the roots cut off". FUNGI ON THE STEMS OF TEEES. The parasitic and epiphytal fungi demand but few words. They are mostly on leaves of plants, and will simply require to be col- lected between the leaves of a folio book, and pressed by means of a string tightly bound round it. Many on the bark of trees, stems of plants, decayed wood, etc., may simply be shaved off by a chisel or sharp stiff knife, and driedin a warm room, or in the sun, and pressed if inclined to shrivel. Those found in or on the surface of liquids will require a very different treatment ; when first removed from the liquid they must be placed, on a pad of blot- ting-paper, six or eight sheets thick, and laid on a sloping board to drain, and during inter- vals as much must be absorbed as possible by gently pressing blotting-paper on the surface. No attempt should be made to press them tiU as much moisture as possible is absorbed by exposure to the air, and take especial care to keep them in a moderately cool tempera- ture till the liquid appears absorbed ; they should then, if possible, be placed on the paper intended for mounting, and paper and specimens together put between folded sheets of blotting-paper, and pressed very tenderly, and with care not to rub off the bloom. If very delicate, or of an irregular surface, they ought not to be pressed, but dried by the air, and protected on the herbarium paper by a light wooden frame surrounding them. Those that are found on bread, cheese, potatoes, and other decomposing; provisions, should be dried by exposure to the air, and mounted for the herbarium in white card-board boxes with glass lids ; many of the extremely delicate must at once be mounted between glass for the microscope, being the only way to pre- serve them. Many of the agarics and other fungi may have their delicate colours pre- served by absorbing any moisture on their surface with a piece of blotting-paper, and varnishing them with a hard transparent var- nish immediately they are removed from the ground, or wherever they grow, and sus- pended with strings in the air. Where the whole plant is coloured, and several are col- lected, different parts of each should be var- nished, as the moisture cannot evaporate through the varnish. PEESEEVING THEM WHEN MOtTNTED. Pungi are so delightful a relish to insects, that they will soon be devoured if not poisoned. Camphor so soon evaporates as to became a most expensive, troublesome, and, some say, most inefficient remedy, and its perfume becomes deleterious where in con- stant use, producing headache, etc., when confined in a room without ventilation. Turpentine and other essential oils become most obnoxious in glass cabinets, their re- sinous and greasy consistency encouraging the accumulation of dust on the specimens, the glass becomes dull and greasy, and, even if suspended in phials, are liable to be upset, and cause sad ^havoc in a collec- tion neatly mounted. A solution formed of spirits of wine, corrosive sublimate, and a very small proportion of camphor, is most generally efficacious ; but the use of this wiU vary almost as much as the plants vary them- selves. In the leaf fungi the camphor must be omitted, as it forms a crystalline deposit. For many of the agarics water must be added, or the mixture will destroy the colour. With the more delicate a coat of varnish answers admirably, as it at the same time fixes EECREATIVE SCIENCE. G9 tliem to the paper, aad prevents their being rubbed off. I use three ounces of corrosive sublimate at the time (sufficient to poison a little mul- titude), and have always several preparations in hand ; but I should advise amateurs not to manufacture for themselves, as poisons are dangerous tools to play with. MOUNTING. The larger species must be glued on paper the size of the herbarium. For this purpose the best transparent glue must be obtained, broken and soaked in cold water two days before using. There can be no rule with such an extensive and variable order as this, but in some cases oil, in others mutton fat, and in others lime-water must be mixed with the glue. For the smaller a solution of gum acacia should be used, with a little whiting and moist sugar, and four drops to the pint of oil of cinnamon. The most delicate may be floated on paper from gum- water, and when dry by exposure to the air, lightly coated with varnish; the same process as used for seaweeds will be useful for many fungi. Leaf fungi will form good practice and good objects for drawing or tracing, mounted between two sheets of glass ; the smaller species should be mounted on small pieces of paper, and pinned on the herbarium paper, they can then be removed from time to time, as others are added. Both sides of the fungus shoidd be shown when pos- sible. Feedeeick. y. Beocas. DIATOMS: HOW TO EXAMINE AND PEEPAEE FOE THE MICEOSCOPE. Having obtained, as supposed in our last, the materials for examination in a satisfactory condition for working with, let a little of the brown jelly-like substance be taken up on the point of a pen-knife, and placed on a slip of glass, three inches by one, called a slide ; over this put a piece of thin covering- glass, and, if necessary, add a drop or two of the water from which our objects were taken. A very small portion will suffice, for the power to be employed makes it seem two or three hundred times as much as it really is. In such an examination as this, use for the ordinary slide a larger one, with a slip cemented at the bottom, called a glass "table ;" this will prevent water running down on to the frame of the microscope, which would, particularly if it contain salt, quickly injure it. • If now we have got hold of naviculge or their allies, a very curious sight will be pre- sented, the whole of the objects in the field of view being endowed with active life and moving about in different directions. This motion is well calculated to arrest atten- tion ; it is not the rapid meteor-like whirl of most of the infusorial animalcules, but a gentle gliding in one direction, the distance and the time occupied in traversing it being clearly defined and readily noted by a good watch ; there is then a brief period of rest, and the return journey is duly proceeded with. Should two meet in their paths, they may either glide past one another, or, after being stopped in their forward course for an interval, they will set off back again ; so also if it be a fragment of stone by which they are arrested. That the force with which they move is considerable will be readily seen by the vigorous way in which bits of stone, etc., will be pushed aside. Calculations of the rate of speed in different species have been made, to the effect that the most rapid will Gt 70 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. get over a space equal to an inch, in about tkree minutes, and tlie slowest in about an hour ; but such convey a very erroneous im- pression, since the minute size of the objects is left out of the account, and the above dis- tances should be multiplied by three or four hundred to obtain a true idea of the rate of speed as seen with the microscope. The rea- sons for, and way in which, these motions are effected are involved in some obscurity. The most probable supposition is that they are connected with vital processes, the formation of oxygen, and growth of the minute organism. That there are external organs for producing it has been asserted, and lately revived, but the most careful and trustworthy observers agree that with the best glasses they have never seen any such ; and the very delicate mycelioid filaments with which some species especially are liable to be infested have no motion, and can therefore have nothing to do with it. Erustides detached from fila- ments or their stalks, where they have such, will occasionally move, but in a more languid and irregular way than those which live free. To ascertain readQy the exact characters of a Diatom which may appear new or doubt- ful, the best way is to put a little on talc, and expose to a gentle red-heat ; the pecu- liarities of shape, the angles, the markings, then come out with great sharpness, and may be studied with ease and satisfaction. The simple way of drying on talc presents advan- tages for preservation in an herbarium, for interchange with brother (or sister) collectors through the post, and so on. To mount for the cabinet, however, most will prefer them put up with Canada balsam, on glass slides. Filamentous forms we have seen well and readily prepared by careful heat- ing on a slide, and then covered up. There is so little satisfaction in mounting in fluid, and 30 much risk of loss, that we do not recom- mend this mode of preservation. The usual way of obtaining Diatoms in a fit state for mounting, is to put some of the material into a little porcelain or platina cup, to pour nitric acid over it, and then to boil for a short time ; what remains should then be carefully washed with pure water several times in suc- cession, in a precipitating glass, allowing the fine white powdery sediment, composed of Diatoms, to fall between each time of washing. Yery ingenious ways of obtaining those of different sizes, as large, middling, and small, have been adopted, on the principle of allow- ing different periods to elapse for the sediment to faU. The advantage of these will be best appreciated in working with fossil, or semi- fossil gatherings. It has been asserted that the acid begins to act upon the Diatoms injuriously after more than a minute or so of boiling, but we have met with only one or two instances, and those somewhat doubtful, where such an effect appeared to have been produced, and, on the other hand, have known them boiled by the half-hour together without any harm resulting. Caus- tic potash and soda, however, will very rapidly destroy them, and form with them soluble silicates. It would be interesting to ascertain whether ammonia wiU do the same, and under what circumstances : that it will in certain conditions, appears extremely pro- bable, or what becomes of the beautiful theory by which the formation of flints out of sponges is accounted for ? When the acid has been thoroughly washed away, the Diatomacean sediment may be kept for any length of time in small labelled bottles, with a little pure water; and to mount them, nothing more is required than to shake the bottle, take up a small portion of the milky fluid, put it on a slide, and when quite dry, add Canada balsam, and a thin covering- glass. It is sometimes advisable, especially when working with new and rich gatherings, to look carefully over a slide before the balsam is hardened ; different views of a rare form, such as could hardly otherwise, may thus be obtained, on moving it by gentle pressure on BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. n tte covering-glass whilst under observation. Had this simple expedient, which, is equally available to examinations in water, been more generally adopted, our knowledge would be more complete than it is of some doubtful forms, whilst others would never have ob- tained admittance on our lists to become "opprobria Diatomearum" — horrid puzzlers that we know not what to do with. An easy way of hardening the balsam, when the mounting is complete, is to put the slide on the mantel-piece, in a room with a fire, for a few days, or it may be put over a water or sand-bath, on a little metal table heated by a spirit-lamp j or where many have to be done at once, in an ingenious apparatus, like the Dutch-oven in principle, to which the name "Eetino-Klibanon," or slide-dryer, has been applied. Tuffen West. METEOEOLOaY OF SEPTEMBER. FIWJI OBSERVATIONS AT HIGHFIELD HOUSE OBSERVATORY. Year. 184:i Greatest Heat. Degrees. . .. 79.0 .. Greatest Cold. Degrees. . 42.5 ,. . Amount of Eaiu. Inches. 1813 . .. 78.0 .. . 35.0 .. . 1811 ,. .. 78.0 .. . 39.5 .. . . 2.7 1815 . .. 73.0 .. . 32.0 .. . . 1.5 1816 . .. 79.5 .. . 46.5 .. . . 1.3 1847 . .. 65.0 .. . 33.0 .. . . 2.2 1818 . .. 78.0 .. . 37.5 ., . . 3.5 184D . .. 77.7 .. . 33.8 .. . . 5.0 1850 .. .. 74.4 .. . 83.0 .. . . 2.0 1851 . .. 79.0 .. . 35.0 .. . . 1.5 1853 . .. 79.0 .. . 32.0 .. . . 5.6 1853 . .. 70.2 .. . 33.5 .. . . 2.1 1854 . .. 82.1 .. . 33.5 .. . . 0.9 1855 . .. 74.9 .. . 33.5 .. . . 0.7 1856 . .. 71.6 .. . 36.3 .. . . 2.6 1857 . .. 76.5 .. . 37.5 .. , . 8.0 1858 . .. 85.0 .. . 37.9 .. . . 2.3 Tiift a pnipat. liPflt. in elm 1ft rftfiPliPfl 8.5 n in 1.(^-turnip ; not new seed, but seed that is at least a year old, and quite sound. Much depends upon the quality of your seed whether your birds thrive well and sing well. I find my feath- ered treasures are greedily fond of grits — such as are used for gruel j they care for little else. Meal in this form, denuded of the husk, is wholesome, and it does them a world of good. As regards cleanliness, this is at all times indispensable. Clean trays, nicely scoured, plenty of red pebbly sand, fresh water twice daily, and delicately-clean perches — these are matters of absolute necessity. Search your cages too, very closely, to see if there be any minute vermin secreted in them. If so, change the cage directly and get a new one. These "Thugs" drink up the very life's- blood of your pets' bodies. They sleep in tortiare, and awake in agony. Their exist- ence becomes burthensome. I object to the use of the bath in winter, but cannot too strongly commend it in sum- mer. Supply it regularly every morning to all your birds. If any bird has his claws affected by dirt, gently immerse his feet in warm water. Drop them, between two of your partiaUy-closed fingers, into a shallow saucer. The dirt will soon become softened by the water, and wiU drop off. Then tenderly dry the bird's legs and feet with a piece of soft rag, pressing lightly the while on his little body, lest his delicate machinery suffer damage from the heat of your warm hand. " Medicine " for birds is needless — quite. If fed upon a varied diet, such as egg, mace- rated bread and butter, a plentiful supply of ripe, green salads, and their general food, they will never ail anything. Spread plenty of old bruised mortar — procurable from any dilapidated wall — on their sand. This they eat freely, and it aids their digestion. At night cover their cages over with a piece of baize. Remove it in the morning when the fire has been lighted. Always let your birds face the windows. I have already given ample directions for taming cage-birds (see "The Key to a Bird's Heart," in Eeceeative Science, p. 31). I hold in reserve, for future numbers, some other equally astqunding secrets of Nature. Among them are sop^e most inte- resting and cixrious facts connected with my power over wild birds in a garden, making them tame guests at the breakfast-table. I also hope to be able to explain the language of birds and pther animals, and show how capable they are of becoming (as they really deserve to be) our friiends and companions. Long experience in the world of Nature^ my " study " — ^has made me quite a natural magician. I am nothing, if not surrounded by my pets. They talk to me, and I talk to them.. Could I breakfast without themP No ! Nor they without me ! Would I part with them P Not for the universe ! Tommy Dot, Slyboots, and Scaramouch, among my birds, and Signor Snibbledibble, first and foremost among the whole race of " Wonderful Warbhng Mice "—give me the society of these my amiable and loving little friends and playfellows, and tvho more happy than I? William Kidd. 96 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. A TRAVELLING OYSTEE-BED. Thkbe is, pertapg, no group of animals re- specting which persons in general take less interest than that which comprehends the Crustaceans, or, in other words, crabs, lobsters, and the like, some of which are continually presented to our notice as delicacies for the table. When, indeed, the lobster, the crab, or the crayfish are dressed and served up, then attention is paid to them, and their freshness and flavour are feelingly commented upon ; but here the matter ends. And yet the history of the Crustacea, from those of microscopic size, which give luminosity to the ocean, to the spine-armed giants of the •waters, is replete with marvels. Manifold are the changes which many undergo from the egg to maturity ; strange are the habits of others. Some are terrestrial, at least during a greater portion of the year ; others semi- arboreal, climbing trees in quest of fruit ; others take up their abode in the shells of sea-snails, having probably devoured the legi- timate owner ; while others live amidst tan- gled sea-weed, through the masses of which they wend their way with incredible address. Many tenant the deep clear water, amidst rocks and submerged ravines or glens ; and not a few roam along the margin of the shore. Largely might we dilate upon this part of the subject, and largely upon singularities of organization, but we must here pull in the reins, our present design being merely to offer a few observations on the specimen here figured— ^it is an oyster-bearing crab. Among all the crustaceans, microscopic or gigantic, the mode of growth is eff'ected in a very peculiar manner, evincing most strikingly the wisdom of God in creation. We know that crabs and lobsters, and all their tribe, grow. We see them of dif- ferent sizes, and according to their mag- nitude {cceteris paribus) does the fishmonger charge the purchaser for them. Now, if we look at a crab or a lobster (and the observation applies to the totality of the group, from the minutest to the most pon- derous), we perceive at once that, like an armed knight of old, it is cased in complete and unyielding plates of mail, confining the limbs and body within definite limits, and which, like the rigid shoe on the foot of a Chinese lady, seem to preclude the idea of fur- ther increase ; yet grow it does, and the crab, before the year is over, if left to itself in its native waters, will be found to have increased surprisingly, perhaps by a third or quarter of its original bulk and dimensions. Here, then, are we led to inquire into the modus operandi by which this increase of bulk is efiected. It is by a process termed exuviation, that is, a moulting of the old shell, that liberty is given for this now naked animal to expand in all its proportions. Not only are the plates of the body thrown ofi", as well as those of the limbs, but the sheathing of the antenna;, fine as they may be, even of the spines and hair- EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 97 like filameuts, is also cast off, togetlier witli the cornea of the eye, and the lining of the stomach, with its strong grinding teeth, which some of our readers have, no doubt, heard called " the lady in the lobster." The crus- tacean, now denuded, remains a soft, defence- less mass, invested merely with a thin pellicle. Various species have their own mode of effecting this exuviation, and their own diffi- culties to contend with, for the operation is not in all cases very easy. Some difference in this respect may not improbably depend upon the age or condition of the individual, or upon causes beyond our present knowledge. It is at this crisis, when the creature is soft and clad in a delicate pellicle, that its growth and general expansion take place ; and this increase of bulk appears to proceed with remarkable celerity, a degree of suddenness, as if the pent-up frame, ready in its confine- ment for a sudden and energetic process of development, waited only the bursting of its wall of durance. Every species, as we have said, presents us with its own mode of exuviation ; for the process is definite, and not irregular or as the chance may be. The seasons also of this change are to a great extent determi- nate, though exuviation may be hastened or retarded by circumstances, or altogether sus- pended, even before the normal stature is attained. Then of course no further moult takes place, the animal having attained its maximum of development. The armour being thus thrown off, and the soft pellicle-covered body having en- larged, the secretion of a new coat of mail from the surface of the pellicle commences and is speedily completed ; the antennae being again sheathed, the eyes fitted with new glasses, and the stomach relined and furnished with a new grinding apparatus. It is supposed that crabs, lobsters, and crayfish undergo this change annually ; but abundance of food and congeniality of tem- perature, or the contrary, have, undoubtedly. much influence in hastening or retarding it. "We have every reason to believe that the exuviation of shrimps and prawns is very fre- quent, at least during the first period of their active existence, and it would appear that this is also the case with the young of crabs and lobsters, the intervals being longer as maturity approaches. Perhaps a brief ac- count of the mode of exuviation in two spe- cies, the common lobster and crab, may be here admissible. Up to the time of its moult the lobster is active and vigorous, and con trary to what has been observed by E-eaumur in the river crayfish or crawfish (which effects its freedom not without great struggles and contortions), it is agitated by no violent actions or convulsive efforts ; nay, so easy is the change that fine specimens, in the hands of the fisherman, have suddenly slipped from their encasement, leaving only their shell as the reward of his labour. It was by a circumstance of this nature that Mr. Couch was afforded the opportunity of witnessing the process and obtaining a perfect case left by the creature when it made its escape — for escape it did, to the no small annoyance of the fisherman, who was congratulating himself on a prize. In the specimen thus obtained by Mr. Couch, the sheathing of the antennae (horns) and complicated appendages round the mouth, the eye^stalks, and the transparent cornesB were uninjured. The segments and joints of the posterior or tail portion of the body, with the caudal or terminating plates, were all joined together, but without any intervening membrane ; while the under parts from beneath the snout, including the jaws, foot-jaws, great claws, and legs, with the breastplate, gullet or oesophagus, and inter- nal coat of the stomach, formed one connected portion. The manner in which the animal escaped was not to be mistaken. " Through the middle of the carapace (backplate) ran a luie as straight as if it had been cut with a knife, and evidently formed by a natural 98 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. process of separation, for it even proceeded through, the centre of the snout to the ter- minal pointed process, at the root of which it turned off on the right side, so that the least effort of the animal was sufficient to afford it a passage." Preparatory to this exuviation or moult, it would appear that the flesh within the great claws is astonishingly reduced in vol- ume and becomes very soft, parting from the thin, semi-osseous internal plate, which comes away attached to the joint of the formidable pincers so that it slips out with little difficulty. In the river crayfish the mode of exuvia- tion is different, and not only tedious, but, according to E-eaumur, even painful. In the common edible crab. Cancer pagu- mis, the exuviation, according to Mr. Couch (an admirable observer), takes place by a separation of the backplate, or carapace, from the under investment, the animal lying on its back during the process. Previously to this process, as in the lob- ster and others, the fleshy contents of the limb-cases shrink very considerably ; other- wise the flesh of the great pincers {cJielce), in particular, could not be extricated, for it does not appear that the shells of these chelcB, either in the crab or lobster, are fissured. "The newly extricated crab, not unlike a lump of dough inclosed in membrane, has, at first, only strength enough to enable it to crawl to a place of safety — some crevice or hole. There it absorbs as much water as will distend its organs and their common covering, now as flexible as velvet, to the full extent of their capacity, by which means the deposition of the new calcareous crust is made according to the acquired bulk of the animal, which is proportionally the most in- creased in the youngest individuals." In the earlier stages of life, the exuviation and sudden pushing forward of growth occur several times in the course of the year, but at more distant intervals as the animal verges ' towards maturity. The drawing represents the carapace, or large backplate, of a crab, covered with oysters, one or two of which are at least from four to five years old, and have there remained since the time in which they were deposited as mere dots on the spot where they have grown undisturbed, until dredged up by the fisherman. This crab was alive when we obtained it, and so were the oysters, and it was a curious sight to see the crab crawling about with its living but oppressive burden, the weight of which, on terra firma, or, rather, the board of the fishmonger, evidently incommoded it. On this shell five large oysters were firmly fixed, so as almost to cover the whole surface of the carapace. Yet the crab was by no means large — certainly not fully adult, its breadth across being only seven inches. Besides the oysters, there was a sandy de- posit of considerable extent and elevation obscuring the head and the intervals be- tween mollusc shells, and passing underneath their elevated edges. This sandy deposit, the particles of which were firmly agglu- tinated together, and which, on a prima facie view, resembled a sandy ant-hill, was the work of minute sea- worms, and was, in fact, a maze of burrows, which these sea-worms had constructed, and in which they dwelt, as in a populous city, and from which, when in the water, they half-extended themselves, twirling and twisting in quest of their ani- malcule food. The sight must have been very beautiful; but, when we obtained the specimen, though the crab and the oysters were alive, the delicate gelatinous sea-worms had all perished. Still their masonry re- mained to testify as to their long residence on a congenial basis. On considering this crab attentively, the following particulars struck us. It was not full-grown, it was not developed, and yet for four or five years it had not cast its cal- careous armour. This armour, or at least the backplate, was thinner than usual, and EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 99 tlie claws were small, in proportion, and by- no means well-formed ; no donbt, tlie oyster- shells must have impeded their free action, at least to some small extent. The colour of the carapace was paler than usual, and its texture was brittle. The contents of the encasement, that is, the body and muscles of the crab itself, were emaciated, the flesh was flabby, and, altogether it was unfit for the table; it was a very "poor crab" in- deed, probably half- starved, owing to its loss of activity. Now, our inference is this, viz., that at a certain period of its existence, after acquiring a new suit of armour, the crab in question became sickly, a regular and confirmed invalid, from what cause or causes we pretend not to say; that it lurked quietly in some sick-room, but not a very secluded one, not a deep recess; and that, stirring but little, the oyster-spat dropped upon it, developed, grew, covered it, and at length concealed it in the oyster-bed, among a crowd, to which it belonged not, and where it was, so to speak, a stray sheep, a wanderer from its own domains. This, we know, that it was obtained by the oyster- dredger, and certainly it had no business in such a locality. Perhaps the very locality into which accident introdiiced it caused its sickness. How long it might have lived had not the ruthless dredger hauled it up, we cannot tell ; sure, however, are we that, what with five oysters, and the sand-agglutinating sea-worms, it must have dragged on a miser- able, back-burdened existence. " Call you this backing your friends ?" JN"ow the present is not the only instance of a crustacean covered by shelled mollusca, or sheU-fish, that has come under our observa- tion. A few years since, a living, good-sized lobster was presented to us for examination, the whole backplate of which was a mussel- bed ; the mussels stood u.pright in dense array, forming a compact phalanx, a hedge- hog-back of mussels, each rooted to the spot where it had fixed itself in its primitive and imperfect condition. They were of large size, indeed of the largest, a sufficient token of their long quietude. Strange and interesting was the spectacle. In the British Museum, and also in some of the local museums, specimens of lobsters and crabs bearing oysters and mussels, toge- ther with other burdensome parasites, are preserved as curiosities, and well worthy are they of attention. They prove that causes which we do not understand arrest the growth of crustaceans, not only in maturity, but in their earlier stages of existence, and also that this arrest of growth is by no means incon- sistent with a certain degree of vital energy. In the case of the crab figured, the animal had certainly not undergone exuviation for five years, was in a sickly state, but in that of the mussel-backed lobster no appearance of sickness was observable ; it was of proper weight, and thoroughly active, yet the mussel- bed must have been a fixture for at least three years. True it is that it was less in- commoded by its burden than our poor crab, inasmuch as the large caudal portion (its main mass of muscles) was not incumbered, leaving it to its full liberty of movement. Strange that it should not have cast ofi" its armour for so long a period ; not more strange, how- ever, than many other points connected with the history of the crustaceans, into which we must not now attempt to enter. W. C. L. Maetin. FALLING STARS. Faliing STAE3 furnish good practice to ama- teur astronomers for the calculation of their distances from the earth, as well as their rate of motion through space. As they are usually abundant about the middle of November, we remind our friends in good time, to enable them to prepare their minds on the subject of parallax. 100 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. THE " CONSECEATIO " COINS OF THE EOMAN EMPEEOES AND THEIE FAMILIES. IN TWO PAETS. — PAET 11. At tlie deatli of Vespasian, and tlie cere- monials connected witli the declaration of his apotheosis, a coin was struck by the senate, in deference to the wishes of his son Titus, of similar character to that issued on the death of Augustus. The car and elephants are, however, more richly executed ; the leaders of the elephants are larger and more dis- tinct, and the statue of the emperor bears on its extended hand a small figure of Victory. The inscription over the car is simply div. AVG. VESP., for DIVO AVGVSTO VESPASIANO. To the Divine Augustus Vespasianus. The reverse of this coin has also the large S. C, and the name and titles of Titus. It was issued A.D. 180. Divine honours were conferred also upon empresses, and the daughters of emperors ; and similar coins to those above described were issued in honour of such events. Among these I have selected for my illustration one struck by Domitian, at the consecration of his niece Julia, the daughter of Titus. In this, as in other examples of coins struck to commemorate the " consecration" of females, the inventors of the devices used in the Eo- man mint displayed great ingenuity ; for while they strictly preserved the character of the car and statue first introduced into the Eo- man coinage, from the Greco-Egyptian type of the Alexandrian coin, above described, they, at the same time, succeeded in making them appropriate to a female consecration. This they effected by substituting a car- pentum, or covered car, for the war chariot, or the thersa. A carpentum device was first used on a coin struck in honour of Livia, the wife of Augustus, during her lifetime. The carpentum was, in the early days of Eome, a mere covered cart, such as was used by country people, especially for fe- males. It was generally drawn by mules, and, like all other carriages (excepting the thersa used for the statues of the gods, and the triumphal car of victors), was strictly ex- cluded from the streets of Eome during the republic. After the establishment of the em- pire, the privilege of using a carpentum in the streets on public festivals was conceded to the females of the imperial house, and also to those of a few other distinguished families; and its use thenceforward became a badge of rank. It was in a carriage of this descrip- tion that the statue of a deceased empress was placed to be carried to the games of the circus, instituted in honour of her con- secration, and at once suggested to the designers of the types for the coinage, the idea of producing for the commemorative coins of deceased empresses an analogous device to that of the car with elephants. The coin under description, struck by Do- mitian to the memory of his niece, bears on the obverse a rich carpentum, the carpentum pompaiicum of state occasions, supposed to contain the statue of the empress, though it does not appear. On arriving at the circus the statue was removed with great ceremony, and frequently placed among the statues of the gods, as a supposed witness of the games established in honour of the deceased personage which it represented. Among the flatteries accorded to Julius Csesar, as we are informed by Dion Cassius, it was decreed by the senate that his iconic or portrait statue, sculptured in ivory, should accompany the images of the gods to the circus in a sacred chariot, and should stand RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 101 immediately opposite to that of Jupiter. In the space above the carpentum bearing the statue of Julia, on the coin engraved as below, and running round the border, is the inscription divae juliae avg. divi titi f., Avhich would read at full length, divae juliae AUGVSTAE Divi TITI FiLiAE. To the Divinc Julia Augusta, Daughter of the Divine Titus. Beneath, in what is technically called the exergum of the coin, is the usual s. p. q. e., •and on the reverse there is a large S. C, the abbreviation of senatvs consvlto (by de- cree of the senate), surrounded by a legend, composed of the name and titles of Domitian. A beautiful and striking variation in the consecration type is that found on the coins Struck in honour of Sabina, the neglected wife of Hadrian. On the reverse of this elegant coin the figure of the empress, bearing a sceptre, is represented as being borne to the regions of the gods on the back of an eagle. Within the circuit of a floating veil are seven stars, representing a constellation, in which her spirit is about to take its abode. Beneath the figure are the letters S. C, and on the obverse a fine head of the empress, veiled, with an inscription to the effect that the coin was struck in honour of the Divine Augusta Sabina. It is thought by some that this coin was not struck by Hadrian to his long neglected wife, but that after his death, which occurred shortly after that of Sabina, it was issued by his adopted son and successor, Antoninus Pius, out of re- spect to the wife of his adopted father. The selection of the eagle as the spirit-bearer is consistent with its received character as the messenger of Jupiter, as the swiftest of flight among birds ; in accordance with which quality it is made the bearer of the fulmen or thunderbolt, and is frequently represented at the feet of that deity, grasping the classical symbol of the thunder in both its claws. There is a fine representation of the eagle, as the bearer of a deified spirit, among the sculptures of the arch of Titus, in which the emperor is seen borne between the wings of an eagle, and crowned by a flying Victory. A precisely similar device was struck, among many others, on the " consecratio " coins is- sued in honour of the Empress Faustina the younger, the wife of Marcus Aurelius, which I have engraved in preference to that of Sabina, as being of better execution. Another variety of device found upon the " consecratio " coins struck by Marcus Aurelius, in honour of his beloved but worth- less wife, [Faustina the younger, who, at the especial request of her bereaved husband, had been not only declared deified, but speci- fically declared to rank with Pallas as a virgin goddess, as though such a decree would at once refute the vulgar opinions regarding her well known profligacy. Of the coins struck in honour of the consecration of Faustina, I have next selected for Ulustration the one of the peacock type, engraved on next page ; the spirited and bold style, both of design and execution, being very remarkable. The peacock, as being sacred to Juno, appeared to the designers of that late age, who began to get critical in the selection of their symbols. 102 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. more appropriate in connection with, tlie con- secration of an empress than tlie eagle, whicli was strictly awarded to Jupiter, and con- sequently more in its place in tlie apotheo- ses of new divinities ,„„ ,._^^^^_p_ of the other sex. ^I'^^MBBr The legend, or in- scription, is simply CONSECEATIO (the consecration) and S. C. On the obverse of the coia is the portrait of the empress, with the inscription diva . favstina . pia. The peacock is made to play a rather dif- ferent, but less conspicuous part on another of the consecration coins of Faustina, with the same motto, conseceatio ; the device being formed of a richly decorated couch or throne, having a sceptre lying on the place to be occupied by the new divinity, and in front stands a peacock, denoting that the throne prepared for the reception of Faustina is equal to that of Jxmo. On another coin, with the motto aeteenitas, the empress is seen seated on a throne, borne towards heaven by two winged female figures resembling the angels found in the mediseval pictures of the great Italian masters. Some learned numis- matists have described these figures as the Hours, or asJSTymphs of the air; but Tristan considers them as representing the female relations of Faustina, who had died before her, and whose spirits return to bear her to the realms they have already known. On another type the new divinity is borne aloft by a female figure bearing a torch, emblema- tical, perhaps, of the kindling of a new life. The next coin I have selected for descrip- tion, on account of its bearing a distinct kind of type from those described, though at a certain epoch a very general one, is also found on a coin of Faustina's. The device repre- sented within the legend, conseceatio, is that of a Kogus, or funeral pyre. Temporary structures of this kind, only erected to be con- sumed, were often made of the richest mate- rials, and surrounded with niches, containing statues of ivory, and other costly decorations, and often a number of objects, known to have been valued by the deceased. In the more costly pyres, the figure of the deceased, modelled in wax, was placed on the top of the pile, with the couch on which it had been carried, while the real remains were enclosed in a chamber near the centre of the structure, which was fiUed with perfumes. The nearest relative, with his face averted, set fire to the structiire, while others cast into the flames cups of perfumed oU, orna- ments, dishes of food, richly-woven clothes, and other things supposed to be agreeable to the deceased. On the apex of the pUe, in the device under description, is a female figure in a biga, or car, drawn by two horses, doubtless a waxen effigy of the empress in her character of mother of the camps, mater castrorum, which she had assumed in order to acquire favour with the troops. It was customary on these occasions, just at the moment that the waxen figure melted into the flames, to release an eagle, which, taking a lofty flight, represented the escaping spirit of the material form that had just been consumed. At a later period, when the brilliant period of the empire was past, and the arts had sunk to a very low ebb, other devices of a more simple character were adopted, as being easier to execute. These, however, if less fanciful, were, perhaps, equally poetical in their conception, and, if less picturesque. EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 103 were, perhaps, more spiritual ; for, as Chris- tianity spread, even Pagan rites gradually assumed a less materialistic aspect, which is shown in the devices, however poor in exe- cution, which are found on the " consecratio" coins of the last emperors. On a coin struck by Maxentius to commemorate the con- secration of his son E-omxdus, the kind of type alluded to occurs. On the reverse of this coin (engraved below) is represented a tomb with the doors partially open, as for the escape of the departing spirit, which is symbolized by an eagle on the top of the structure in the act of taking flight. No human form is carried by the eagle, as in the earher types of the consecrative coins, but the spirit is deemed invisible, while borne aloft to the region of the gods by the bird of Jove. The inscription is aeteenae me- MOEiiE (in eternal memory), and below, M. OST. s., which, at length, would read MONETA OSTIA SECTJNDA (denoting the place where the coins were struck) ; for the national coinage was no longer confined exclusively to E-ome, as in the more palmy days of the impe- rial rule, but provincial mints had been established in various districts of the empire. A great variety of types of this last class might be described, but they are so similar in their leading characters, that little would be gained of sufiicient interest to the general reader, seeking rather the recreations than technicalities of science. There are, how- ever, certain ujiexplained types of similar character in our early Saxon coinage, which it might prove very interesting to inves- tigate more fully, as they might turn out to be consecrative types imitated from those of the late E-oman coinage, instead of mere "houses" or fortresses, as they have been previously described to be. A more careful examination may prove them to be representations of tombs copied from those of the late E,oman coins of the " consecratio" types, and used on similar occasions ; this, however, is at present mere conjecture. In conclusion, I may add that I he whole series of consecrative coins of the Eoman empire, from those relating to the death of the first Cajsar to those of the latest of the degenerate emperors, forms a most interesting field of examination and study, which will yield an abundant har- vest of recreation as weU as instruction. The numerous varieties of type issued at the consecration of Faustina the younger might alone form the subject of a very inte- resting essay. H. Noel Humpheeys. THE EXPANSION OF METAL, ILLUSTEATED BY EXPEEIMENT. It is well known that heat afiects the size of bodies — an increase of temperature expand- ing, and a decrease contracting them — and although very little is known of the nature of heat itself, some of its effects on bodies which come within its influence may be even rendered visible, when the amount of heat applied is far below that of what we call fire. Every one is familiar with the efiect of heat in expanding a column of mercury or spirit, as in a common thermometer ; but probably comparatively few have seen its effects on a bar of metal — say of copper, for instance. The writer has for many years been in the habit of illustrating the subject by means of an original contrivance, which may 104 EECBEATIVE SCIENCE. be easily comprehended by referring to the accompanying diagram. Tlie oblong figure represents a common slate, which, may be suspended from nails in a wall by the rings g h. The bar extend- ing from A to c is a copper wire, about one- tenth of an inch thick, fixed to the slate at A, but free to move in the direction of its length at c. The pointer, c f, has a notch in it at c, on the side towards a, and moves freely on a fulcrum, d (a well-rounded piece of metal, securely fixed in the slate, to fit a small hole in the pointer, c f, at x>), about one-tenth of an inch below the notch. The weight of the index keeps the wire a c (which is filed to a sharp edge at the end c to fit the notch) against the notch. If A c be lengthened, it will obviously (a being fixed) cause the index c f to move upwards on the graduated arc at f. Apply a lucifer taper to the copper wire, say at b, and the index will at once move upwards. Remove it, and, as the metal cools, it Avill gradually fall. The experiment is a very simple one, and illustrates the subject in a very pleasing manner. The dimensions of the instrument may be considered as ad libitum; but a convenient size will be as follows : — A c = 1 foot ; c D {i. e., from the notch to the fulcrum) = tV of an inch; D F = 10 inches. For every hundredth of an inch movement of the radius c d, f will move an inch — an amount soon obtained by applying the taper as above. The instrument is simply designed to shoto the expansion and contraction of the copper wire, not to measure it accurately. The one constructed by the writer is suffi- ciently sensible to show a difference in the length of the wire by the alteration of the temperature of the air in a room, at different periods of the year, and by a slight calcula- tion may be made to answer the purpose of a thermometer (in some degree), although an indifferent one. WlLLIAK C. BUEDEE. Observatory, Clifton, Bristol, PHEENOLOGY IN THE POULTRY- YAED. ►SHi' That the brain is tha organ of the mind, and the ultimate means by which it is brought into relation with the material objects around us, is a fact admitted by all persons who have bestowed a thought upon the subject. Phre- nologists, however, take a step in advance of this position, and map out the brain into certain regions, asserting that the different parts have distinct functions to perform ; for instance, that one part is concerned in the perception of colour, a second with that of size, a third with that of form, and so on ; and that the higher or reasoning faculties are situated in a distinct part of the brain from those which are concerned in the perception of external objects, and that both these pro- EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 105 tlons again are separated from those that influence the lower animal propensities of eating, drinking, fighting, etc., etc. Nor do they stop here, but, procaeding still further, they assert that the size of these different parts of the brain is indicative of the power fundamental principles on which phrenology is based, I cannot conceal from myself the serious difficulties which are opposed to its general reception. One of the most curious of these I propose to bring before the readers of Receeative Science in this paper. Fig. 1. — Skull of a Hen, showing spherical tuberosity. of the faculties which are exercised by them ; and, therefore, that we may judge of the mental character of an individual from a con- sideration of the shape of his head. If these statements are true of human beings, they Among our ordinary domesticated poid- try, all of which are usually regarded as being merely varieties of the Gallus domes- ticus, there exists a breed in which the shape of the brain and the whole structure of the Fig. 2. — Longitudinal Vertical Section of the Skull of a Cock, showing the shape of the cavity containing the brain. must be also true of the lower animals ; and phrenologists speak confidently of the great development of the combative organs of the bulldog, and so on of other animals. •Without attempting to deny the great cranium are of the most extraordinary cha- racter. The front part of the skull is ex- panded into a very large protuberance, which is partly formed of bone and partly of membrane. By far the larger portion 106 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. of the brain is contained in tKis tuberosity, and is consequently protected from injury cbiefly by the skin and feathers ; the hinder parts of the brain are situated as usual in the cavity of the skull, and as the communication between the posterior cavity and that of the tuberosity is small, the brain necessarily assumes the form of an hour-glass, the front portion being, however, much larger than the hinder. This very extraordinary structure, which is developed long before the escape of the chick from the shell, is constantly present in all the fowls of the variety. So remarkable is it, that the celebrated naturalist Pallas re- garded it as being produced by a cross with the Guinea-fowl (a supposition which is alike erroneous and absurd) ; and in the Catalogue of the Museum of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, London, a very old specimen was described by one of the highest of our living scientific authorities as the result of disease, whereas the conformation exists in every fowl of the variety. JSTor is it to be regarded as a recent or mere temporary freak of !N"ature ; on the contrary, it has been per- sistent for centuries, and is hereditary in the race. It was noticed more than two hundred years since by the old anatomist Peter BoreUi, and was described fifty years since by the celebrated Blumenbach. That my readers may better understand the remarkable structure that I have endea- voured to describe, two engravings are given j the first being an external view of the skull of a hen of this variety, showing the large globular tuberosity, the membrane closing in the opemngs having been removed ; the second giving a view of a section of the skull of a cock, in this the cavity containing the brain is displayed, and the peculiar shape of that organ may be inferred from it. Now, let me ask phrenologists, what alteration in the mental character of these birds ought to result from such an extraordi- nary change in the form of the brain P Surely, this is not an unfair question ? I, therefore, pause for a reply ; and if any of my phreno- logical readers will say what ought to be the character of such a bird, I will next month tell them what its instincts really are, and in what manner its mental faculties are affected by its very peculiar conformation. W. B. Tegetmeiee. AQUATIC ARCHITECTS. Entomologists are familiar with the diving- spider, the caddis-fly, and other architects that pursue their ingenious labours under water; but it is not generally known that the larvae of the pretty beetle LepUira micans passes the winter under water. I have often taken them in winter when en- gaged in brook-dragging, and for a time was puzzled to determine what they were. On the submerged roots of water-grasses will often be found attached small, egg- shaped, brown cocoons, nearly as large as the seeds of the smallest kidney-beans. On examining these they will be found to be the water-cases of larvse, containing within them the partially-completed beetle in a state of torpor. As the imago of Leptura micans passes an aerial life, we must not look to the parent as the author of this provision for the safety of its progeny during winter. The probability is that the insect resorts to the water-side, and deposits its eggs on the leaves of aquatic plants, which in due time are hatched, and for awhile lead an aquatic life ; and at last prepare for their final change to winged beetles by constructing a water- tight cocoon, within which they are ulti- mately developed. We know very little yet of the minute economies of insect-life, and every fact that can be added to their history introduces us to a new field of observation. H. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 107 METEOEOLOGY OF OCTOBER. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT HIGHFIELD HOUSE OBSERVATORY. Greatest Amount of Cold. Eain. Degrees. Inches. , 23-0 .. .. — . 25-0 .. .. — . 31-0 .. .. 1-6 . 31-0 .. .. 1-7 . 31-0 .. .. 4-3 . 360 .. .. 2-4 . 32-2 .. .. 4-7 . 27-7 .. .. 3-1 . 28-5 .. .. 2-1 . 30-0 .. .. 21 . 28-5 .. .. 2-9 . 27-0 .. .. 3-3 . 24-6 .. .. 0-9 . 80-0 .. .. 4-7 . 290 .. .. 3-8 . 31-5 .. .. 2-3 . 32-2 .. .. 3-3 The greatest heat in shade reached 71*7^ in 1850, and only SS'O'' in 1842, giving a range in greatest heat of 13'7° for the past seventeen years. The greatest cold was as low as 23'0"' in 1843, and never below 36-0" in 1847, giving a range of 13-0". In 1854 only nine-tenths of an inch of rain fell in October, whilst 4-7 inches fell in October, 1848, and again in 1855, being a range of 8f inches. On 19th October, 1846, 1"3 inches fell, and on October 7th, 1849, an inch of rain fell. The average rain-fall in October is nearly 3 inches ; it is a wet month. E. J. Lowe. Greatest Year. Heat. Degrees. 1842 . . .. 68-0 .. 1843 .. .. 66-0 .. 1844 . .. 63-0 .. 1845 .. .. 66-0 .. 1848 .. .. 70-0 .. 1847 .. .. 64-5 .. 1848 . . .. 71-0 .. 1849 .. .. 69-0 .. 1850 . .. 71-7 .. 1851 .. .. 70-0 .. 1853 .. .. 62-5 .. 1853 .. .. 65-2 .. 1854 .. .. 66-4 .. 1855 .. .. 67-9 .. 1856 . .. 68-2 .. 1857 . .. 71-0 .. 1858 .. .. 69-5 .. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS FOE OCTOBEE, 1859. The sun in Libra till the 23rd, then in Scorpio. The sun rises in London on the 1st at 6h. Im., and on the 31st at Oh. 53m. He sets on the 1st at 5h. 37m., and on the 31st at 4h. 34m. Twilight ends on 3rd at 7h. 26m. ; 31st, 6h. 28m. Day breaks 5th, at 4h. 15m., 29th, 4h. 56m. Length of day on the 12th, lOh. 53m., and on the 27th, 9h. 55m.; the decrease being 5h. 22m. on the 5th, and 6h. 27m. on the 24th. Full moon on the 11th, at llh. 61m. p.m. New moon on the 26th, at Oh. 32m. a.m. Moon nearest earth 22nd, furthest 6th. Mercury very small, unfavourably situated. In Virgo at commencement, in Libra at close of the moon. In superior conjunction to the sun 11th. In conjunction with Venus on 20th, near moon on 26th. Venus is at her greatest distance from the earth, and situated near the horizon ; she is, therefore, ex- tremely unfavourable for observation. She is in Virgo till towards the end of the month, and then in Libra. Mars a morning star, unfavourably situated. In Leo in the beginning of the month, then in Virgo. On the 30th, at 3h. 20m. p.m. he is only two minutes west of Eta Virginis. Jupiter is a fine object after midnight in th6 N.E. He is in Gemini at the commencement, and in Cancer at the close of the month. The following eclipses of Jupiter's satellites will be visible : — On the 4th, at 3h. 54m. a.m., the 2nd moon disappears. 6th, at Ih. 29m. a.m., the 1st moon disappears. lOth, at Ih. 40m. a.m., the 4th moon disappears. lOth, at 4h. 24m. a.m., the 4th moon reappears. 13th, at Oh. 2lm. a.m., the 3rd moon reappears. 13th, at 3h. 22m. a.m., the 1st moon disappears. 20th, at Ih. 14m. a.m., tho 3rd moon disappears. 20th, at 4h. 21m. a.m., the 3rd moon reappears. 20th, at 5h. 15m. a.m., the 1st moon disappears. 21st, at llh. 44m. p.m., the 1st moon dis- appears. 26th, at lOh. 33m. p.m., the 4th moon reappears. 27th, at 5h. 11m. a.m., the 3rd moon dis- appears. 29th, at Ih. Im. a.m., the 2nd moon disap- pears. 29th, at Ih. 36m. a.m., the 1st moon dis- appears. Saturn is an evening star till the 29th, after which a morning star. He is in the constellation Leo. A pleasing telescopic object, although the position of his rings are not favourable for telescopic observation. He is 2^ N. of the moon at 7 a.m. on the 21st. Uranus is in the constellation Taurus, and is be- coming more favourably situated for observation. He resembles a star of the 6th magnitude, and cannot be seen during moonlight. Vesta is in Cetus, and wUl be brightest on the 5th (at the time of opposition). This planet, about the 7th, makes an equilateral triangle with the stars Theta and Eta Ceti. Being of the 7th magnitude, it is only just visible to the unassisted eye. The moon is in the Pleiades near midnight on the 14th. There will be an occultation of Taygeta (5th magnitude star) on the I4th; disappearance, llh. 43m. p.m., reappearance on the 15th, at 12h. 56m. a.m. ; another of Maia on the 15th ; disappearance at mid- night, and reappearance at Ih. 7m. a.m. The sun south on the 3rd, at llh. 49m. 10s. a.m. ; on the 18th, at llh. 45m. 18s. a.m. ; and on the 28th, at llh. 43m. 56s.a.m. Equation of time on the 1st, 10m. 13s. ; on the 15th, 14m. 5s.; and on the 3l8t, 16m. 15s. E. J. Lowe. THINaS OF THE SEASON— OCTOBEE. FOR VARIOUS LOCALITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Birds Arriving. — Eoyston Crow, Common Shovel- ler, Dartford Warbler, Woodcock, Snipe, Wild Goose, Teal, Lesser GuiUimot. Birds DEPARTiNG.-~Common Marten, Sand Mar- ten, Hobby Falcon, Short-eared Owl, Water-rail, Land- rail, Eedstart, Sandpiper, Canadian Goose (rare), King Ousel. Insects.— Crane Fly, Blow Fly, Water Scorpion. Wild Plants in Flower. — Common Ivy, Genista pilosa. Purple Violet, Shepherd's Spikenard, Arbutus, Winter Green. 108 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. jM? JSToleworthy's Cf< orner. The Affection of Fish. — As cold-blooded as a cod, as senseless as a fish, are proverbs which go far to deny any overflow of affection to the piscine race. Those of our readers who, having aquatic vivaria, are in a position to observe the inhabitants thereof, may tell us better. Walton, copying from old Burton, tells us of several very long-lived fish, and of some which were so fond of him who fed them, that they would rise at his call. Pennant has a story of the blue shark permitting its young when attacked to take re- fuge by swimming down its throat; however that may be, the question of the return is the most diffi- cult. The descensus is easy enough, no doubt. There is another reason against fish having affec- tion, to which, notwithstanding the classical story of a Nubian having tamed an oyster ivhtch folloioed him about like a dog (?), we are inclined to give much weight. This is their amazing fecundity. A single child is nearly always a pet, i.e., a spoilt child. A lai'ge family has very little affection wasted upon its individual members. How can any one — fish, flesh, or fowl — ^love 100,000 little ones at once ? Yet, as has been often quoted, Leuwenhoeck found 9,000,000 eggs in a single cod ; Petit 300,000 in a carp ; Hamer the same number in a tench ; in a mackerel 500,000 ; in a flounder, 1,357,000. M. Rousseau took from a stur- geon 1,567,000 eggs. Shell-fish are not so prolific ; nevertheless, a lobster yielded 7,227 eggs; a prawn, 3,806; a shrimp, 3,057. This, we imagine, should settle the question of the affection of very prolific fish. Of the affection of the cetacea there can be but little doubt. Abundance of Fungi. — In the south-eastern counties of Ireland, there has this year been an extraordinary increase in the number of mushrooms, with which the pastures have been literally whitened. On the hUls, and wherever the grass is of a few years' standing, they have been so numerous that several might be found in every square yard. The people have gathered immense quantities for immediate use, and for the manufacture of catsup. In some places whole cart-loads have been seen thrown away, simply because more had been gathered than could be used. Nor have other kinds of fungi been less numerous. A very dry season was succeeded in the beginning of August by heavy rains, and tlie growth of fungi imme- diately followed. The immense abundance lias never been equalled in the memory of even the " oldest inhabitant." Naturalist's Telescope. — Mr. Noteworthy is re- minded that until the opticians prepare an instrument expressly for out-door observations, much may be done with the ordinary single opera-glass, purchaseable any- where for about 12». M. Mr. Noteworthy has long had one lying in an old drawer, and until reminded of it by the letter of a reverend friend, had altogether for- gotten its use and value. To see a tomtit pick the seeds from a clump of hemp plants is alone worth the cost of one of these excellent instruments. Origin of Words. — The history of a word, like the honest history of any man or thing, will tell you much ; but to know the history of many, they should be more wisely spelt. Look at the word "Admiral," for instance. What business has it with that letter " d " ? Milton, no mean authority, always spells it " Amiral." Satan towers above his fellows, " Like the mast of some tall Amiral." Its origin is thus given : — In opposition to the Venetian galleys used in protecting the Crusaders in the eleventh century, the Turks sent out a gene- ral governor of the fleet, an Emir or Evieral. The Venetians, in adopting the ofiicer, took also his name. Bailey gives the derivation thus : — Amir, Arabic, " gover- nor ;" oKioff, Greek, " of the sea." Johnson says, " from the Freilch 'Amiral,' of uncertain etymology." The French derive it from "Amir," and are logical in their spelling. If so, why, we ask, do we use the df EocK-woRK FOR Fern Cases, ETC. — Don't forget that pumice-stone is very light, free from pernicious ingredients, and of a suitable colour for miniature rock- eries, without necessitating the trouble of washing over with Portland cement. Better still for fern cases is the petrified moss from Scarborough, Cloughton, Nidderdale, Knaresborough, etc., which you may get in quantity either at those several places or at the London shops where shells and curiosities are sold. Appearance of a Star under the Telescope. — There is much difference between a star and a planet, as seen through a telescope. In looking at the latter the body is visible ; in the former it is only a concentrated light, the body itself being too far away in space to be seen. In order to focus a star, the tube must be drawn out untU the object is reduced to its minimum size ; it will then be shorn of its rays, and will put on a somewhat planetary appearance ; the smaller the telescope the less planetary will the star appear. If a telescope be not achromatic, it will not be possible to focus a star so as to free it frova false light. In look- ing at a planet eveiy additional power used increases its size, but in looking at a star the contrary (from the reason given above) takes place ; the star diminishes in size, yet increases in brightness, and this diminu- tion must go on until telescopes are constructed so large and powerful as to reduce a star to a mere point ; after this any additional power would increase the size, as then the body itself would be seen. Pistol Camera. — Mr. Skaife is reported to have invented a photographic apparatus which takes pho- tographs instantaneously, and has been named the " Pistol Camera," from the rapidity with which "when presented," it " goes off." Is this shooting the sun, shooting the moon, or shootuig the shadow? Nature's Bountiful Provision. — We may obtain a tolerable insight into Nature's care for her children, by considering the fertility of two animals only, the pigeon and the rabbit. It is fairly calculated that a single pair of pigeons might produce, indirectly, in four years, 14,760 others. In the same period of timeacouple of rabbits would have originated 1,'^74,840 bunnies. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. lOD SCIENCE ON THE SEA-SHOEE. II. — rHTSIOlOGY OF SPONGES. Having obtained a glimpse of tlie important part the sponges have performed in building up tbe rocky fabric of tbe world, let us take note of a few facts of tlieir modern history, and we sball tlien be better prepared to ascend a step biglier in tbe ladder of marine zoology. It must not be supposed that remains of sponges are found only in flints ; cbalk also abounds witb tbeir spicules. The muddy deposits now forming round our coasts receive additions from the sponges that now people the seas ; and in the white sand of the Mediterranean the remains of sponges are in regular process of deposit, and in many instances these prove to be almost identical with those found in the flints (7). On the other hand, many fossils besides those of sponges abound in flint ; polypes, foraminifera, fish-scales, desmidije, true shells, etc., etc., are evidences of the va- rieties of life which abounded in the ancient seas. Now, look at this piece of sponge which I have brought with me to clean the sides of our glass vessels. It is the common sponge of commerce. At first sight, the meshes appear to be confused, but, on close inspection, we can easily detect channels passing through from the external wall to the inner side of the cup-shaped mass. Around these are numerous small pores, and the universal prevalence of these pores gives the family its scientific name of Porifera. We know but little as to the life of the sponge. It was at first a stretch of imagina- tion to conceive the mass contracting and dilating, and thus causing a regular flow of water through the pores to the interior, and by the tubes again to the exterior, the food being separated for the use of the creature by the straining process. This has since been proved to be the mode of its living, the sponge proper is the frame-work or skeleton, and the gelatinous living fabric which re- sides in and upon it obtains nourishment in a manner similar to that of the minute ciliated creatures that we delight to watch under the microscope, churning the water and entrap- ping all sorts of unsuspecting creatures in their unscrupulous gullets. It was reserved Vol. I.— No. 4. 110 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. for Mr. Bowerbank to close an open ques- tion. He discovered that the sponges are provided with cilia, and thus fairly esta- blished them in the animal kingdom. He saw not only evidences of cilia, but the true hair-like processes playing with the regularity of paddle-wheels, transmitting a stream of water through the mass of the tough skeleton, and by a regular process of fishing obtaining its share of the bounties of the sea. Here is a fine boulder, half covered at this present low tide. With my bare arm I can reach down into one of its rough hollows, and with detective fingers obtain to a certainty one of the best of the sponges for microscopic ob- servation. Here it is; a dirty-looking, funnel- shaped mass, and its name a very inviting one, "Crumb of bread," which it certainly some- what resembles. Transferred to a small jar of fresh sea-water, wrapped round with a strip of wet flannel, and at once conveyed to the basket, it will be alive when we get home, and perhaps may live a week ; and if we put on all the power we have, with a good light, we shall see the cilia imitating clock-work. In the fresh-water sponges [Sjpon^illa), simi- lar ciliatory appendages have been observed, and were admirably studied by Lieberkiihn, who noticed that they disappeared with the approach of winter, indicating that probably at that season the creature ceases to feed, and becomes partially or perhaps whoUy dormant. Another good sponge, which we may ob- tain almost anywhere on the coast, is the " Sack," which is not so suitable to show the cilia, but the best of all to illustrate the rela- tion of the sponges to the history of flint. Tear it up, and put a fragment under the microscope, and, wonder of wonders ! see the maze of geometric forms exhibited in the bones of the creature ; for who can help re- garding the spicules as bones, even though a sponge be invertebrate P It is a wUderness of sUiceous needles ; no, not needles, pins, for every one has a knob at the base, and they cross and recross, so that the eye is bewildered to trace them out finally ; and yet all is order and unity. The fingers of the Almighty Maker were not more troubled in fashioning that microscopic lace of flint than in piling up the pinnacles of the Andes. The jelly-like body of the creature permeates these spiny meshes of lime and flint, and thus, from the support it derives from them, they may truly be regarded as the bones of a boneless creation. Death dissolves the living film, but the spicules remain unhurt for a thousand years, and reveal themselves in their original sharpness and geometric accuracy of pattern to the eye of that pene- trator of mysteries, the microscope (2, 3, 5). The simplest of the Protozoa is the Hhizo- poda, of which we have an easily procured type in the Amoeba, a semi-transparent orga- nization, found in ponds and infusions. They are examples of polygastric animalcules, de- scribed by Pritchard as " with one aperture only to the body, and no alimentary canal or lorica." A specimen of Amceha radiosa is represented in the cut at 1. It consists of a jeUy-like body, capable of expansion in such a way as to manufacture for itself legs and arms, for it has no appendages whatever but such as it produces at will. Thrusting out portions of its body, it forms what are called " pseudopodia," of which the specimen repre- sented has four. If we were to watch it one or two might be withdrawn, or one or two more extemporized, according to its own ec- centric vagaries. By means of these pseudo- podia it moves from place to place, and also, by a process of grasping and contracting them, it tucks into its body any morsel with which it comes into contact, and thus makes its temporary legs serve as feelers, feeders, and organs of locomotion. Strictly speaking, it has no mouth, and will as readily wrap up a grain of sand as a wandering infusorium ; but a power of digestion it has, and ihe sand, or the rejected portions of the embraced infusoria, are expelled through some part EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. Ill of the body, and tlius it gets its living. "Within the mass of the creature are the "many stomachs" which form the basis for the • classification of the polygastrica ; bnt they are mere vesicles surrounding a solid nucleus. The vesicles are by no means per- manent ; they appear and disappear according to the -wants of the creature, which thus manufactures arms, legs, and stomachs as it wants them, and resolves them back into its own amorphous jelly-like body as soon as their purpose has been served. Now the physiology of a sponge may be considered to assimilate very closely to that of a rhizopod, for the gelatinous flesh consists of an agglo- meration of separate bodies, each formed on the plan of an Amoeba, yet acting in concert, and subsisting in one harmonious scheme of organization. At 4 is a represen- tation of a part of the body of G-rantia, one of the marine sponges, which is seen to con- sist of a sort of community of Amoeba, with real cilia instead of pseudopodia. We can understand, therefore, how the cUia cause a current of water through the meshes of the sponge, how the particles of nourishment are seized and appropriated by the stomachs, and the rejected matters cast out with the efflux of the stream from the interior. This sponge has no net-work, and in this respect differs from the ordinary type of structure. If we again take note of the porous sys- tem, which indeed is that which, to ordinary eyes, is all that is noticeable about sponges, we shall observe that the larger channels are few in number, but the small ones ramify through the whole mass. The larger aper- tures are called " oscula," and the smaller pores and the two sets of apertures are con- nected within by means of canals, which again connect with another set of canals, and thus constitute a true circulatory system from without by the pores to within, and from within to without by the oscula, and to the whole of these the horny, calcareous, or sili- ceous frame-work gives consistence and form. The passage of the current through the whole of its course may be very prettily observed under the microscope, by adding to the water in which a living specimen is placed a little finely -powdered indigo. Dr. Grant, in 1827, first revealed to the world this curi- ous passage in the history of the sponges, to which has been added numerous additional details by more recent observers, among whom Mr. Bowerbank stands in the first rank. It should be added, as redeeming the sponge from the very low position in which we place the Amoeba, that it can open and close the oscula at pleasure, and that it has the power of forming new oscula if a larger current be required. These actions have been observed by Mr. Bowerbank in the common fresh-water sponge. The story of this wondrous life is not yet complete. The sponge can patch up any por- tion of its tough integuments that may suf- fer damage, and if two separate fragments are brought into juxtaposition, they will probably join together and become one mass as complete as if ah initio united. Professor Huxley has made observations on the inte- resting species called Tethys, which consists of a central whitish granular mass, associated with cylindrical spicula. Around this is a yellowish substance containing ova and stel- - late spicula. External to this is a sort of sheathing substance called the cortical layer, shown of a darker tint on the margin of the section. This cortical layer is of a deep red, deepest towards the margin, and shading off to a lighter zone inwards. The lighter portion consists of closely- woven bundles of fibrous tissue, with here and there in its substance stellate spicules, while the darker outside zone is granular, and contains great numbers of crystalline spheres beset with short conical spikes (8). Throughout the whole substance are bundles of spicula ; at the centre they are somewhat regular in arrangement, but be- come more and more confused as they ap- proach the cortical layer, so as to brace 112 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. tlie wKole fabric togetlier by a felt of spicules. The intermediate substance is the seat of the vital forces ; figuratively speaking, it is the heart of the sponge. It consists of circular cells and of spermatozoa in every stage of development. " The cell throws out a long filament, which becomes the tail of the spermatozoon, and becoming longer and pointed, forms, itself, the head. The perfect spermatozoa have long, pointed, somewhat triangular heads, about aoVo^h of an inch in diameter, with truncated bases, from which a very long filiform tail proceeds. The ova are of various sizes ; the largest are oval, and about gioth of an inch in diameter. They have a very distinct vitellary mem- brane, which contains an opaque coarsely gra- nidar yolk." These details are presented at 9, where the ova may be seen embedded amongst the stellate bodies. It should be borne in mind that the order of reproduction, so clearly explained by Pro- fessor Huxley, has been seen only in Tethys, and it is therefore only by analogy that we can predicate a similar propagation of ova in sponges generally. Lieberkiihn has observed, in the fresh-water sponges, small moving corpuscles similar to the spermatozoa of Tethys, and to Carter we are indebted for drawings of the seed-like bodies occurring in Sjpongilla meyeni, of which a portion of one is represented at 6. These are a sort of leathery capsules, externally tessellated by spicula, which in section give them the ap- pearance of toothed wheels. The capsule is fiUed with spherical cells containing ova, which when mature escape, through a hilum from the seed-like body, under the form of a gelatinous mass, in which certain changes begin, and the new life of the myriad germs is developed according to the order appointed them. But another mode of propagation is by what Lieberkiihn calls " swarm spores," which are proverbially only the seed-like bodies in a peculiar stage of development. Be that as it may, Lieberkiihn obtained swarm spores in active ciliary motion. In a few days they sank to the bottom of the ves- sel, where they began to adhere. They then expanded into a layer of gelatinous substance, and the characteristic flinty needles were pro- duced, and on the twentieth day became bona fide and recognizable sponges. Those who are familiar with the physiology of the protozoa will find no difficulty in reconciling with this distinct spermatozoid reproduction, a sys- tem of increase by gemmules and divisions. Sponges certainly do produce bud-like ofisets which become provided with cilia, and row- ing away from the parent mass, establish themselves elsewhere as new colonies. The lower we descend in the ranks of both animal and vegetable life, the more numerous do we find the provisions for extension of the spe- cies. An Actinia may be cut in twain, and therefrom become two distinct creatures, each capable again of multiplication by ova ; and below this low type, the possibilities of reproduction are still more varied, and evince the abundant provision of the great Archi- tect of the whole scheme for the preserva- tion, against all accidents and chances, of the humblest atoms of organized dust on which he has set the seal of his wisdom and power and infinite goodness. In future papers we shall endeavour to indicate the chief points of interest discover- able in the several orders of animal life that abound upon our shores, especially taking note of those which most readily adapt them- selves to the confined area of an aquarium. Those who would follow out into detail the history of the sponges will be best aided by Dr. Gr. Johnston's "History of British Sponges," Griifith and Henfrey's "Micro- graphic Dictionary," and an excellent " Ma- nual of the Protozoa," by J. E. G-reene, B A., in " Galbraith and Haughton's Scien- tific Manuals." Shieley Hibbebd. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 113 FLINTS OF THE UPPER CHALK: FORMATION. EvEETBODT knows tlie- appearance of flint, but few persons are acquainted with, its pre- sumed origin. If we go to the sea-side re- sorts of tlie Kentish and South-Eastern coast, we find abundant flints ; if we walk on the beach, there are flints innumerable, generally small and rounded, beneath our fatigued feet ; if we walk along the roads, there are flints flanking us on each side in the walls. Gathered from the pebbly beach, they are selected and split by a sharp blow, and then built up in mortar, with their split facets outwards, so as to form an enduring, though rather rough, piece of walling. Nothing could present a better exhibition of the cha- racter and contents of chalk-flints than such a wall. If a geologist had been employed to display them in the fittest manner, he could not have succeeded better than the rough wall-builder. Suppose, however, that we enter a garden of one of the sea-side houses, and hope to find refreshment in shrubs and flowers ; al- though the place may by courtesy be called a garden, it is after all a mere repetition of flinty specimens. There are more flints than flowers, more chalk fragments than crocuses, and more pebbles than peonies. In truth, flint, either rough or round, either monstrously large or minutely sharp, meets xis in all di- rections. There are even flint-faced houses as well as walls ; there are "flints beneath our feet, on either hand, and above our head. Where did all these flints come from ? That is a natural inquiry, and we shall endeavour briefly to answer it. The Upper Chalk Formation is the original seat and source of all these masses and these rounded pebbles. Walking along the coast under the high-rising chalk cliffs, we see layers of flint lying in the chalk itself, and forming long-continued beds or seams, com- monly taking the same course, the same bendings and wavings, as the chalk itself. These beds of flint may be seen at Margate, running all round by the North Foreland, and continuing to Dover. At Brighton, when we have passed Kemp Town and approach Eottingdean, two layers of flint become visible and strongly marked ; and at Eottingdean itself may be seen several layers of flat flint spreading out like hard tiles through the chalk. In the Isle of Wight similar siliceous seams are visible, and at Scratchel's Bay, near the Needles, very remarkable ob- lique seams of flint are observable in lofty chalk cliffs. These were not deposited ob- liquely, but must have been originally hori- zontal. The fair inference, from their present oblique position, is, that they, together with the cliffs, have experienced an upheaval at one end of the range of cliffs in primeval periods, when the strata of chalk first formed hori- zontally were subject to great disturbance from the action of internal forces. A curious sign of the great force employed is the shat- tered condition of many of the flints, though still imbedded in the solid rock. The dip of the inclined strata is in general from 70" to 80' ; but many of the teds, through a con- siderable distance, are quite vertical, and present the remarkable appearance of chalk and flints standing as it were head down- wards, or much as if this page should be turned half round, and the lines of print stand upon their ends. It is a perplexing question which we are prompted to put as we look up at vast accu- mulations of flint, so regular in their position, so irregular in their particular conflguration: How came these hard bodies — bodies so hard that their name is a synonyme for unim- 114 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. pressiveness — how came they to lie bedded in a mass so soft as chalk P the synonyme for hardness enclosed in that for softness? Philosophers cannot answer us unhesitatingly, they can only conjecture. A common flint, the refuse of our shores, the vilest material of rough buildings, is, after all the progress of science, still a standing mystery. A few points are, however, well ascer- tained, and they are these : All these flints were once in a state of fluidity. This is proved by the fact that they contain in, or fastened upon, their own substance numerous petrified remains of sponges and animals, which we shall presently describe. These could not have become imbedded in the sub- stance of the flint, and surrounded by it, un- less the flint had once been fluid or semi-fluid. ' Plint, also, as we now find it, or any siliceous substance of a similar character, can be re- duced again to fluid, or, as it is said, rendered soluble, when subjected to the action of caustic alkali (soda or potash) at a high tem- perature, in a steam-boUer or in chambers communicating with boilers. It readily fuses in a vapour heated a little above that of fused cast-iron. What is called E.ansome's arti- ficial stone is manufactured by processes of this kind. Chemists have discovered that flint, or silex, to use the technical name, is simply a compound of oxygen with a peculiar base (silicon). Silex is one of the simple materials entering into the composition of many rocks and strata, and that in so large a proportion that it is computed to form, either in a fluid or combined state, nearly one-half of the solid crust of the globe. A remarkable present production of flint is now taking place in the siliceous deposits formed by the celebrated geysers, or inter- mittent boiling fountains, in Iceland, and on a still grander scale in New Zealand, where, ■from the crater of the volcanic mountain of Tongariro, upwards of 6200 feet above the level of the sea, jets of vapour and streams of boiling water highly charged with silex are continually spouting forth. After dash- ing down the sides of the volcano in cas- cades and torrents, they empty themselves into the lakes at the base. As the tempera- ture of the water diminishes, a siliceous sinter is deposited in vast sheets, and in incrusta- tions of flint which are thrown down upon the extraneous substances lying in the course of these thermal or warm waters. Further, silex is actually precipitated by the boiling waters in the form of stalagmitic concretions, and in nodules resembling in colour and solidity the flints of the English chalk. This has been witnessed and reported by Dr. Dief- fenbach in his work on New Zealand. The most stupendous of the boiling pools whichhe noticed is partly surrounded byacliff sixty feet high, which is oxydized, corroded, and undermined from the effects of the heated vapours which are continually issuing forth in jets. At the base of this cliff" the pond is con- stantly boiling with a white foam, and throw- ing up fountains eight or ten feet high with great noise and violence. The generally in- soluble silex is here held in solution by the alkaline elements and very high temperature of the water. In another spot is seen a deep lake of a blue colour, surrounded by verdant hills, and in the lake are several islets, on all of which steam issues from a hundred open- ings between the green foliage without im- pairing its freshness. On the opposite side is a broad flight of steps, of the colour and aspect of white marble, with a rosy tint from silice- ous incrustation, over which flows a cascade of boiling water into the lake. On a small scale, Mr. Jeffreys has per- formed the same operation as that we have just described as in actual occurrence in New Zealand. That gentleman determined, by ex- periment, that silex is soluble in water highly heated, without the presence of alkalies or other chemical agents. There can now be no difficulty in conceiv- ing that silex was largely held in solution in the ancient chalk ocean, but there is considef- EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 115 116 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. able difficulty in understanding how it could be precipitated in the manner we now behold. One ingenious and highly probable theory has been proposed, which is briefly this : — The common tuberous flints and the hori- zontal tabular flints, together with those forming oblique or vertical veins, were all produced by the same agency. We know, from the frequent remains of sponges now distributed throughout the chalk, that these bodies were abundant in the sea that held the chalk in solution — so abundant that their remains are almost everywhere present in cer- tain beds and localities. Wherever a sponge settled upon shells or other organic bodies in the chalk ocean, it gradually enveloped it and grew round it more or less completely. It coated over any such mass upon which its gemmule might chance to settle, in a manner precisely analogous to the habits of the fresh- water sponge of our rivers, and to many other parasitical species which are inhabitants of the sea at the present period. As the sub- atance thus built upon was probably, to a small extent, immersed in silt or mud, we rarely find more than half or two-thirds of the surface enveloped, and it is from this circum- stance that we detect in chalk so many fossils which are, more or less, imbedded in flint. It is presumed that any flint found in the chalk formation was a mass of casing-sponge, which gradually accumulated round some organic nucleus, and either left the original body unchanged in shape, as we often find it, or in part transmuted the same into its own substance, leaving only tokens of the organism which may be detected by micro- scopical examination. As many of the or- ganisms would be broken up before the gemmule of the casing-sponge fastened upon them, only fragments remain in the flint, and sometimes only impressions upon its outside. We select, for illustration, specimens of chalk flints fiom our own cabinet and such as may be ordinarily met with by any observant pedestrian, either in clialk districts or in gravel districts, such as are common in the vicinity of London, where the' gravel is composed of flints derived from the chalk : — 1. An echinus of solid flint, from the chalk cliffs, Margate. In this specimen the mark- ings are particularly distinct, and it is evident that the liquid flint has filled up the original echinus, which has decayed away, leaving this interior cast of it. 2. A similar echinus, from the London gravel, Regent's Park. Althougli this echi- nus has been rolled about in its after course from leaving the chalk, yet it is as distinct as the former specimen Mhich came at once from the flint in situ. 3. A beautiful little echinite {Diadema depressa), from a chalk flint in the road on Haverstock HUl. Flint has entirely filled and surrounded it. 4. A bivalve shell in flint, from Margate. In this case the half-enveloping flint was large, and the shell could not be made port- able without fracturing the flint. The shell projected some distance from the mass. 5. A sponge enveloped in a flint casing, from the gravel of London. The net-like work of the sponge has been fully filled with silex. 6. A ventriculite (from ventriculus, a ven- tricle or sac) completely encased in flint, or perhaps a mere flint mould of the ventriculite, from the London gravel. This is a prevalent form in the gravel derived from the chalk. Probably all such flints have been moulded in the cup-like cavities of zoophytes. The top displays the impressions of the reticu- lated outer surface of the original, the form of which is conceived, from numerous specimens, to have been a hollow inverted cone terminat- ing in a point at the base, which was attached by fibrous rootlets to other bodies. The outer integument was disposed in meshes like net-work, and the inner surface was studded with irregular openings, which aj)parently were the orifices of tubular cells. When the flint filling up the cavity of a ventriculite can be extracted, it is a solid cone. RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 117 7. Another, but imperfect, mould of a ven- triculite, from the London gravel, showing the" hollow interior, and on its edge a spine of an echinus {Cidaris clavigera) is impressed. Here then we have, as in all the other speci- mens, palpable proofs that the moulding or enveloping flint was originally liquid, and slowly and faithfully grew round or in the organic nucleus. Any pedestrian who keeps his eye upon the flints and gravel laid down upon the roads around London, as near Hyde Park, Ee- gent's Park, Hackney, etc., or even by search- ing the gravel path of his own garden, may find several such specimens, and reason upon them as we have reasoned in these explana- tory remarks. J. E. Leifchild. BIRD-PRESERVING. Almost the first thing a young naturalist takes interest in is what is commonly called " bird-stuffing," and with him, when he at- tempts it, the term is very applicable. Oh ! the wretched, distorted things which rise from their collapsed state, where it had been better had they remained, " they mimicked Nature so abominably." But we must not suppress and dull the aspirations of genius, remembering that the most accomplished in any art had their beginning too. Many things are required to make anything of this art — such as delicacy of hand, great practice, but, above all, patience, the most inestimable of all common virtues. But I shall proceed to give a few plain directions, that the aspi- rant after taxidermal excellency may judge and try for himself, and not be disheartened. A fair specimen being obtained, take com- mon cotton wadding, and with an ordinary paint-brush stick plug the throat, nostrils, and, in large birds, the ears, with it, so that when the skin is turned no juices may flow and spoil the feathers ; you must then pro- vide yourself with the following articles : — A knife of this kind, a, which is very com- mon ; a pair of cutting plyers, b ; a pair of sti'ong scissors, c, of a moderate size; a button-hook, d ; a marrow-spoon, E ; and a hand-vice, F. With these, a needle and thread, and a sharpener of some kind, to give your knife an occcasional touch, you are pre- pared, so fiir as implements go. Then pro- vide yourself with annealed iron wire of various sizes ; some you may buy ready for use, some not ; but you can anneal it your- self by making it red-hot in the fire, and letting it cool in the air. Common hemp is the next article, cotton wadding, pounded whitening, and pounded alum, or chloride of lime ; as to the poisons which are used, thej' wiU be spoken of by and by. You should also have a common brad-awl or two, and some pieces of quarter-inch deal, whereon to stand the specimens when presei'ved, if to bo placed as walking on a plane ; if not, some 118 RECEEATIYE SCIENCE. small pieces of twigs or small branclies of trees sliould be kept ready for use, of vari- ous sizes according to the size of the bird ; ■mm. sometbing of tbis form. Spanish chestnut, or common laurel cut in December, will be found to answer best, but this must be regulated by- fancy and the requirements of the case ; oak boughs are sometimes of a good shape. The best time for preserving specimens is in spring, because then the cock birds are in the best feather, and the weather is not too warm. In mild weather three days is a good time to keep a bird, as then the skin will part from the flesh easUy. If a specimen has bled much over the feathers, so as to damage them, wash them carefully but thoroughly with warm water and a sponge, and immediately cover them with pounded whitening, which will adhere to them. Dry it as it hangs upon them slowly before the fire, and then triturating the hardened lumps gently between the fingers, the feathers will come out almost as clean as ever. To test whether the specimen is too decomposed to skin, try the feathers about the auriculars, and just above the taU, and if they do not move you may safely proceed. Lay the bird on his back, and, parting the feathers from the insertion of the neck to the tail, you will find in most birds a bare space. Cut the skin the whole length of this, and passing the finger under it on either side, by laying hold of one leg and bending it for- ward, you wiU be able to bring the bare knee through the opening you have made ; with your scissors cut it through at the joint ; pull the shank stUl adhering to the leg till the skin is turned back as far as it wUl go ; denude the bone of flesh and sinew, wrap a piece of hemp round it, steeped in a strong solution of the pounded alum, and then puU the leg by the claw, by which means the skin will be brought again to its place. After having served both legs alike, skin carefully round the back, cutting oiF and leaving in the taU with that into which the feathers grow, that is, the "Pope's nose." Serve the wing bones the same as the leg, cutting them off" close to the body, and turn the skin inside out down to the head. The back of the skull will then appear, and you will now find it of advantage, as soon as you have got the legs and taU free, to tie a piece of string round the body, and hang it up as a butcher skins a sheep. Make in the back of the skull a cut of the annexed form, with your knife, which you can turn back like a trap-door, and with the marrow-spoon entirely clear out the brains ; A representing the neck, and B the skin turned back. Having done this, wash the interior of the skull thoroughly with the alum, and fill it with cotton wad- ding. The next operation requires care and practice ; namely, to get out the eyes. This is done by cutting cautiously until the lids appear, being careful not to cut the eye itself, and you can then with a forceps, which you will likewise find useful, pull each from its socket ; wipe the orifice carefully, wash it with the alum solution, and fill it with cotton wadding. Cut off" the neck close to the skull, wash the stump, and the whole of the interior of the skin with the alum, and the shinning is done. Now comes the stufiing. The ordi- nary mode used by bird-preservers is a simple one, and answers very well ; there is a French method, however, which has its advantages, and will be adverted to hereafter. Take a piece of the wire suitable to the size of the bird, that is, as large as the legs will carry, and bend it into the following form, a repre- senting the neck, h, the body, and c, the EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 119 junction of the tail, allowing sufficient length, of neck for the wire to pasa some distance beyond the head, and being sharpened at each end, which may be done by obliquely cutting it with the plyers. Wind upon this wire hemp to the size of the bird's body, which you should hare lying by you to jixdge from, and it will present something of this appearance. You can shape it with the hand, but be careful not to make it the . least too large; and, after you have finished it to your satisfaction, you may singe it as the poulterer would singe a fowl, which will make all neat, but be particular to wind the hemp very tight. Then take the skin, lay it on the table on its back, and pass the wire at the head into the marrow where the neck is cut off, through above the roof of the mouth, and out at one nostril, and draw it up close to the skull ; turn the skin back, and draw it down over the hemp body, and pass the wire spike protruding at the lower end through the flesh upon which the tail grows, about the centre, and rather below than above. The skin may now be adjusted to the hemp body, and sewn up, beginning from the top of the breast, and being particularly careful always to take the stitch from inside, otherwise you will draw in the feathers at every pull. At first sew it very loose, and then, with the button-hook, draw it together by degrees. With the plyers cut two lengths of wire long enough to pass up the legs and into the neck, and leave something over to fasten the bird by to the board or spray upon which it is to be placed. The next operation requires some address and great practice, namely, the passing the wire up the legs. This is done by forcing it into the centre of the foot, and up the back of the legs into the hemp body, through it obliquely, and into the neck until it is pretty firm. In doing this, you must remember the ordinaiy position of a bird when alive, and, therefore, instead of passing the wire the whole way within the skin of the leg, when you get to the part where you have cut off the bone, that is, the knee-joint, pass it through the skin to the outside, and in again through the skin from the outside where the knee would come naturally in the attitude of standing or perching — it makes little difference which. This is essential, because if the wire be passed the whole way inside the skin, it produces a wrong placing of the legs. The accompanying cut will illus- trate this, a repre- senting the line in which the wire should run. The bird is now stuffed, and you may at once place it upon a spray, or board, as the case may be. In placing a bird upon a spray, the first joint should be bent almost on a level with the foot ; and, in placing a bird on a board, one leg should be placed somewhat behind the other. If the wings are intended to be closed, as is usually the case, bring them into their place, which may be done by put- ting the fingers under them, and pressing them together over the back ; you may then pass a needle, or large pin, of which you should have a good supply by you, through the thick part of the upper wing into the body, and so by the lower wing, and if you 120 EECKEATIYE SCIENCE. albw these to protrude, you may fasten to one of tliem a piece of thread, and wind it carefully and lightly round the body, which will keep the feathers in their places, and this thread should be kept on for a fort- night or three weeks, until the bird is dry. The tail should be kept in its place also for the same time, by a piece of thin wire bent over it thus : ^ The only thing now to do is to put in the eyes. The colour of course depends on the bird, and these you may buy at any fishing-tackle shop. If you do not use eyes too large, you will find little difficulty ; the juice of the lids will act as a sufficient cement. As to the mounting, I shall say nothing about that now, but shall only advert shortly to a French method of preserv- ing, which is more difficult, but has the advan- tage of superior firmness. It is this : Measur- ing from the insertion of the neck to the tail, make a wire frame of this form, the measure taken being from a to B. Upon this wind hemp for the neck only, and place in the skin in the same way as before directed, only that instead of one wire being passed through that in which the tail grows, it is a fork tbat is passed through it. Having formed this frame, fit on to it two legs thus: and after the- frame itself is in the skin, pass these from the inside down each leg, instead of from the outside, and fasten them on to the frame with the plyers by twisting the ends, B B, round the frame, c, in the first figure. This will make all firm, and you can then fill the body with cut hemp, and sew up. One word as to the other preparations used by bird-preservers. These are either corrosive sublimate or regu- lus of arsenic, which is yellow and of a con- sistence like butter. As I have said be- fore, in cold weather, when there are no flies about, alum will do perfectly well : in warm weather either of the two others may be used. I should prefer the former — corro- sive sublimate — as the other is " messy," and the chief object is to dry up anything which can be attacked by flesh-seeking insects. When you have finished your bird, you can lay the feathers with a large needle — it is as well to have one fixed in a handle and kept for this purpose — and, tying the two mandibles of the bill together with a piece of thread until the whole specimen has hardened and dried, the work is done. O. S. EoUND. TELESCOPES FOE AMATEUES. Convinced that cheap telescopes are not common enough, and that such as are manu- factured are badly constructed, I venture therefore to submit the following details of the best that my brother and myself have, in five years' experimenting, managed to con- struct : — Tube, of zinc at 4|(?. per foot, so con- structed that it can be used at any length, from 11 ft. 7 in. to 11 ft. 10 in. Its larger end 3 in., its smaller 2 in., in diameter. Object-glass — double convex lens of 144 in. focus ; to be had of any optician. Eye-piece, Huygenian, formed of two plano-convex lenses, sliding in such a way that they can be arranged at any distance IIECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 121 between | in. and If in. apart. Tlie one near the eye must be 1 ia. and tbe other l^ in. focus, with their flat sides toward the eye, and a stop of i in. between them. Section of Object-glass Box. External dark portion, wood ; lines across centre, lenses ; corners, putty. All interiors to be blackened ; the large tube can be smoked. If the small pieces of the eye-piece are turned too small, the plan used in a flute can be adopted. Each lens should cost I*. 6d., the tube 4s. Gd., and the wooden boxes for lenses 3*. at the utmost. At such a price, of course, it is not achromatic ; but if the tube is straight, and the object-glass stopped down to about 2 in., it will prove very effective on the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Section of Ej'epiece. — a a slide in 6 6 The black line is a stop of card-board. At tlie extreme right hand is the position of dark glass for viewing the sun. A piece of a smashed negative collodion plate is a very good substitiite for the black glass used before the eye-piece of telescopes when looking at the sun. Heebeet Hukst. Upper Clapton. DO DOGS UNDERSTAND HUMAN SPEECH P A GENTLEMAN met with a retriever while on a shooting excursion. The dog came in obe- dience to a whistle, and after a little coax- ing made himself quite friendly. There and then the dog adopted a master who could appreciate his noble qualities, and so they went home together. Some few weeks after this took place, a stranger happened to be shooting in tho neighbourhood, and passing near the house where the dog had taken up his abode, he was seen by the owner, who invited him in to partake of refreshments. In the course of conversation he was asked, " What sport ?" *' None worth speaking of," he replied ; " my dog is unequal to his work. I lost one a short time since worth his weight in gold, and, unfortunately, have heard no tidings of him since." " But how and where did you lose him ?" inquired the host. " Why, about fifteen miles from here, while out shooting, I missed several birds, which made me angry. I beat the dog, and threatened to shoot him. When I got into the next field * Grouse ' was gone. I tliought I should find him at home ; but no, he had gone utterly, and I believe he went because I threatened to shoot him." At this moment the dog entered the room. It was the lost dog, and of that there could be no doubt, but he disowned his former master. To the stranger's call he was stubbornly deaf, and when he attempted to pat him he re- sponded with a growl that had no friendly meaning in it. The dog then crouched under the sofa, and refused to move until the object of his hatred left the room. A cord was then tied round his neck, but he planted his foot firmly, and could not be moved. His old master had no alternative but to abandon ownership, and make him a present to his host. There is a saying that the more you beat a dog tlie more he'll love you ; but here we 183 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. have an exception to tliat cruel way of gain- ing Lis aflfections. Tlie dog in question Lad been well trained, and who can doubt his pride was wounded by the reception of un- merited blows ? But did he understand the meaning of those terrible words, " I'll shoot you," and fearing the murderous threatwould be executed, deem discretion the better part of valour P Michael Westcott. Wells, Somerset. A PHILOSOPHEE IN A EAILWAY TEAIN. It is, in every case, instructive to illustrate celestial phenomena by others within the range of terrestial existence. To those who are but slightly conversant with the more recondite facts and speculations connected with the physical sciences, this method is peculiarly useful, while from all it is worthy of regard. The phenomenon before us being well understood I need not explain it, but will proceed to show that it may be illus- trated, in fact experienced, as regards mun- dane objects ; and this in a simple manner. It would be well if all who have any know- ledge of physical science would endeavour to discover some such illustrations as the one I am about to give, towards which acquisition I hope this communication will tend. This phenomenon may be illustrated in many ways ; but, as the nature of all must from necessity be similar, I shall describe only one. If any person is travelling at night in a railway carriage, on a portion of line where some branch or line meets his, and observes the lights of an approaching train on that line, they will appear to travel to- wards him far more perpendicularly than is really the case, because of his motion, which, for the time, he should endeavour to forget. When he reaches the junction of the lines, any particular light represents the rays emanating from any star or planet. The explanation of this is very simple : The car- riage represents our earth, the rapid motion of which is not obvious to the senses; the lights on the distant railway illustrate the rays proceeding from the celestial bodies, whether obviously in motion or comparatively quiescent ; these are seen approaching, ap- parently at no very acute angle, which is thus increased, or rather appears to be, from the motion of the carriage. They represent, then, a ray on its progress to the earth, and where the lines join, its impact upon the eye, which appears to be at a far less acute angle than reason proves to be the case. Thus it appears that the motion of the car- riage produces this eflfect, corresponding to the delusion consequent upon the motion of the earth, which motion causes the stars to appear crowded towards the zenith. The dif- ference in angular variation produced upon the fixed stars and planets, although full worthy of notice, does not, of course, affect this principle, and, consequently, need not here be noticed. To render the explanation more perfect, I remark that the rays proceed- ing from the lamps before they reach the place where the lines join, do not illustrate those coming from the stars, except as ex- periencing, or being experienced, in connec- tion with the motion of the carriage ; when the lamps approach the junction of the lines, the rays coming from them represent those of a star falling upon the eye. A little consideration wiU make it obvious that this phenomenon does not alter the con- dition of the solar and lunar shadows, by which the distances of these bodies may be ascertained; yet it may be observed that the shadows always imply a lower angle than the bodies appear to make with the horizon, demonstrating the truth of the astronomical fact which I have here endeavoured to ilhxs- trate by a similar, and, as regards its nature, more intelligible, terrestrial phenomenon. Beading. J. A. Dayies, EBCEEATIVE SCIENCE. 123 WAYSIDE WEEDS AND THEIR TEACHINGS. IN SIX HANDFULS. — HANDFUL II. " The tribes of early flow'rets, Like holy thoughts enshrined, An altar to the unseen God, They raise in every mind. The hills and everlasting skies In grandeur have their birth, But the early flow'rets only His image bring to earth." Banks. stamens : d, What have we got P Bright yeUow blossoms of broom (Eig. 23), the bonny golden broom, which every one knows, or ought to know ; and equally bright and golden are those of the gorse or furze, or, as it is called in Scotland, the whin, which will make themselves seen on every common and roadside. Take these, and add to them the first of the pea or vetch tribe (Fig. 24) you meet with, throwing in a few heads of clover to make up a family party, of which the members, you quickly discover, all carry the same family face. Go on with your collecting; gather hawthorn in its season, and a crab- apple blossom or two ; wild roses (Figs. 25, 26, 27) and meadow-sweet in theirs; with the flowers of the straw- berry (Fig. 28) and bramble (Fig. 29). You have in your hand another family as distinct as the first. Go and secure some of those plants which you have been in the habit of calling hemlock, though ten to one if they are real hemlock; but let that pass 9,t present — we want the kind of plant for our present purpose (Fig. 30), and, if Fig. 23. — Blossom of Com- mon Broom, aa, petals ; 6, calyx ; pistil. you have no other chance, go into the kitchen-garden, and pluck a flowering sprig of celery, parsley, or carrot, or fennel, calling in, if necessary, the aid of the gardener or cook. You have now got a type of family No. 3. Lastly, the white meadow saxifrage and the willow herbs are so common that many of our readers may be able to add them to the company. FiGf. 24.— Blossoms of Common Yellow Vetchling. a a, petals ; bb, calyx ; c c, pedicels ; d, peduncle. The flowers are papilionaceous, or butterfly-like. The vetch tribes, represented by the broom, gorse, vetch, and clover (Figs. 28, 29), are very distinct from the rose family, to which the hawthorn, apple, strawberry (Fig. 28), and rose itself (Fig. 25) belong. Equally diverse are our hemlock friends (Fig. 30), and not less so the saxifrage and 124 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. the willow herb. Yet, pull tliem to pieces, tliey are all many-petaled, polypetalous (Fig. 31). Thus far they resemble the plants of Handful No. I., and, for aught you see Fi". 23.. -Blossom of Dog-rose, mens ; c, pistils, a, petals; b, sta- at present, might be grouped with them ; but we must look further. Different as the groups of Handful II. may seem from each other, they have one common point of resem- Fio. 26.— Back View of Blossom of Trailing Dog-rose. a, petals ; b, urn-shaped tube of calyx, forming the seed-cup ; e, upper divisions of calyx ; d, peduncle. blance in which they differ from Handful I., and that is in the mode in which their sta- mens and petals e>,re eittached to the other parts of the flower. Call to mind that in the many-petaled blossoms of Handful I, the petals and the stamens were invariably attached (Figs. 4 and 6) to the part called the Fig. 27. — Section of Blossom of Trailing Dog-rose, a, petals ; b, calyx, adhering to or forming the ovary or seed-vessel c ; d, stamens ; e, pistils. receptacle, which formed the support of the pistil J you could detach the calyx, or, as in 7— ,W Fig. 28.--Back View of Strawberry Blossom, a, petals of corolla ; b, sepals of calyx; c, peduncle; d, bract. the poppy and in some of the ranunculus genus, it could detach itself, without inter- fering with the other parts of the blossom. EECllEATIVE SCIENCE. 125 A very few trials with tlie plants we have now put into your hand will show that with them this cannot be done. If you take calyx, you take likewise stamens and petals, for to it they are attached, and not to the receptacle. All the examples you have will k Fro. 29. — Collection of Blossoms of Common Bram- ble, arranged in a corymb, a, petals ; b, calyx sepals ; c, stamens ; d, pistils ; e, pedicels ; /, bracts ; g, setse or bristles ; h, compound leaf not show this equally well ; but in some such as the strawberry (Fig. 28) and others it is very well marked. Per- haps this little difference in the attachment of the I)arts appears to a begin- ner a very little difference to say so much about ; and yet, slight as seems tho line of demarcation, it severs groups of plants by a strictly natural distinc- Fio. 29a.— Section of blossom of Common Bramble. tion, which differ widely, not only in their outward appearance, but in their medi- cinal and economical properties. We dwell upon it, therefore, because it teaches one of the most useful and well-marked lessons in botanical distinction which we can lay before Fio. 80. — Umbels of Common Beaked Parsley, ar- ranged in compound umbels, a, central point of primary umbel ; h, bracts, or inrolucel, at central point of umbellule. a beginner, and because it is one which he can so easily verify for himself by means of the commonest wayside weeds or flowers. Here, then, we have the grand distinction between Handful I. and Handful II., both made up of many-petaled plants ; but in the former the petals and stamens are attached to the receptacle underneath the pistil, in the latter to the calyx. Spencer Thomson, M.P. lie 126 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. A GEOLOGICAL SCENE IN THE ISLE OF WIGHT. ALUM BAY AND THE NEEDLES. EVEETBODY wllO lias 1)6611 to the Isle of Wigkt exclaims in enraptured terms of the beautiful scenery of Alum Bay, and in curi- ous wonderment of those natural curiosities the "Needles." The former derives its charms from the marvellously diversified and brilliant tints of its beds of tertiary sand, rivalling tlie bright hues of the tulip, or the Fio. 1. — Arch of Chalk and worn-down " Needle," in Durdle Bay. radiant colours of striped silk ; the latter are tall pinnacles of white chalk, projecting from the sea like monumental pillars, as, indeed, they are, of the waste and long-continued ravages of the sea and air. Notorious as is the scenery throughout the island for romantic beauty. Alum Bay is admittedly superior to any other portion, for where the coloured sands end the chalk cliffs rise towering with unbroken face, their pearly hue contrasted now and then with tenderest stains of ochreous yellow and greenish vegetation, to four hundred feet in height, and terminating by a thin projection of bold and broken outline in the far-famed wedge-shape "Needles," standing out in un- sullied whiteness from the blue waves. The magical repose of one side of the bay contrasts forcibly with the rugged outline and vivid colouring of the cliffs on the other, and when, after summer rain, the sun lights up the stripes of "purplish-red and dusky blue, bright ochreous yellow, gray nearly approaching to white, and positive black," it gives an almost unearthly resplendence to the scene, which no one who has seen it ever forgets. Such are the attractions which Alum Bay presents to the mere sight-seer ; to the eye of the geologist it presents still something more. He sees all the beauty of its aspects, all the wonderful contrasts and assi- milations of its variegated colours ; but he sees also that which to the untutored gazer is unthought of, or a mystery; he reads in those vertical strata the ancient history of those brilliant sands, the ancient conditions of those tall white cliffs ; he knows the story of those pointed pinnacles, and lie revels in the rock-voiced legendary lore of the uncounted ages of the past. He, in his mental vision, sees those old chalk lands silently and so- lemnly rising from a former sea, bearing on their giant shoulders the thick masses of sands and muddy sediments that gather on •their shores ; he digs into those sands and clays which the other merely gazes at, and EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 127 exhumes tlie shells, and hones, and leaves, and stems of a hy-gone creation, and by his labours and his reasonings raises up strange forms to our wondering sight. Not, however, from those " coloured sands " themselves does he bring us aught — the gaudy peacock is songless, the radiant humming-bird is mute, and those gay strata are fossilless. Notliing is preserved in them, so far as we yet know — and sharp eyes have looked them sharply over — of the spoils of the sea that spread them out, or of the relics of the land of which they formed the vivid fringe. But the clays on the right and on the left of them abound in fossils, and contain the bones of snakes — great coiling snakes, rival- ling in strength and size the great con- stricting boa. Still higher (to the left), in the " Headon" beds, which, overlooking the Barton and Bracklesham clays, cap the hill on the north, some few remains of the tapir- FiG. 2. — 1, Bembridge limestone; 2, Osborne beds; 3, 4, 5, Headon beds ; 5, Headon sands ; 6, Middle Bagshot sands ; 7, Lower Bagshot sands (coloured sands') ; 8, London clay ; 9, Woolwich beds ; c, chalk. like animals which have made the quarries of Montmartre so renowned may be found. Embedded in the solid masonry of the great Pyramids of Egypt, men long since noticed coin-like objects, which tliey ignorantly thought to be the lentils the ancient work- men cast aside at their meals, and which in lapse of time had been petrified in the rock. These philosophers have fancifully named "money-stones," or nummulites. In truth, they are the petrified remains of pore- shelled animals of very simple grade, as low in organization as the sponges ; and the "nummulite" is one of the species of a widely-spread and long-continued class, the foraminifera. In the early part of that tertiary age, in which these coloured sands and plastic clays of Alum. Bay were formed into rock-beds, they swarmed in every sea, and myriads may be picked but of the "Bracklesham" and " Barton " clays imme- diately above our "ruddy sands" (indicated by Nos. 6 and 7 in our section, Fig. 2).* With these last fossilless sands are com- mingled seams of white pipe-clay, one of which, six feet in thickness, is a natural herbarium, for, between its thin stratula* brown, dead leaves of ancient forest trees are spread by thousands, looking now, wheu the clay is split or cloven, like sepia drawings on white card-board. In the upper clays and sands at the foot of Headon Hill, and to the north of the " coloured sands," and in the same beds at Horditell, on the opposite coast of Hampshire, crocodilian and mammalian remains have been also found ; and the " London clay," under (south of) the same " coloured sands," may also be rich in fossil turtles, crocodiles, sharks, and sea-shells. The " Woolwich beds," formerly called by the unfitting term of "plastic clay" (for there are many ot}iev plastic clays), may also contain the relics of one or two species of mammals, with its innumerable fresh-water shells. From exhumations of extinct beings, and romantic visions of ancient by-gone scenes — from such glimpses of the age of life that was before our own, the geologist reverts to those uptiirned beds of sands and rock, and, not content with wondering how they got so, he guages the dip, or inclination, and observes the bending of the beds in the regions around. Even within the limits of the island itself, he finds them curving less and less, and at last reposing nearly horizontally in their own proper places in its northern portion. * At Alum Bay, the fossiliferous clay associated with the sands is immediately above them. At White- cliff Bay, it is in them, just below their top. In the latter case it is the equivalent of the Bracklesham clay ; in the former, of the Barton clay. The Herd- well clays are still higher than the Barton and e^uiva* lent to the Headon sands. 128 RECREATIVE SCIENCE. What, then, has cast them up thus in Alum BayP Some time since, I was engaged in map- ping out the fissures in the British Channel — for that narrow sea is but the result of frac- ture, from an upburst which rent a valley through the white chalk -beds that form the lofty cliffs on either side. By marking the lines of greatest sea-depth in fathoms, the lines of fracturage became easily perceptible until we got opposite to the Isle of Wight. There depths, equal to any we had found in the pro- per lines of cracks, seemed disposed in aU sorts of ways, or, rather, one might say not disposed at all. By dint of perseverance, however, something of a star-like figure was made o\it, marking, to the eye of a geologist, a point of uplift or centre of disturbance. On pointing this out to a friend, I was told that a boss of granite existed in the sub- marine depths there; and in this, at once, we seemed to have the cause and explanation of the stratal phenomena of Alum and Fresh- water Bays — the source and origin of the force or power which had cast on end the sea-girt cliffs of lovely Vectis long before the legions of imperial Home had seen or named the pretty isle. A few words now about the " Needles." Nature is a curious carver, and models strange things. The sea also does many remarkable things in its multiform toil ; the air, with its indefatigable assistants, wind, rain, frost, and snow, produces great results by scarcely perceptible means. Those curious pinnacles, like as the moth endured a chrysalis condition ere it assumed its winged state, have been something else before they were "Needles." What they were we see evidence of in the neighbouring coves and bays j we see also on the other side of the "narrow straits" at Etretat, Fecamp, and Dieppe. First the sea slightly undermines the chalk-beds of the cliffs its ravages have worked into steep and narrow promontories, and then tide after tide moistens it high up with its spray.* When winter frosts set in, the icy cold seizes vitally, as one might say, on the damp rock, and with its ex ansive Fig. 3.— Ideal Section of Promontory of Chalk, in the first stage of waste, showing a block broken out by frost, -which, on falling, will form a step or under- cut.* power splits off some fragments, which, when the thaw releases them, fall down and goon become the prey of boisterous waves, or yield l^iQ. 4_ — Ideal Section of Chalk Promontory, sliowing a series of blocks broken out by the frost.* up their substance in tiny particles to sum- mer's dancing ripples. For century after century, the frost con- tinues its periodic exerci3e,hurling down, year * The boring molluscs, such as the Saxicave, may also assist in working out the first steps in the face of the chalk-cliifs ; but the frost is the great and con- tinuous agent. I^ECHEATIVE SCIENCE. 129 after year, some few fresh, blocks. Slowly as this is done, the principle of action re- mains the same, and while, year after year, portions of the first shallow roof fall in, the un- dermining sea is working out a second step or undercut of the chalk, and a second set of fragments falls from the powerful grasp of the frost continuously with the first ; a third, fourth, fifth result, and so on by slow degrees a cave is formed, with its base the deepest indented into the side of the promontory. In the continued process of this action the cave is eaten quite through the wall of chalk, and an " arch" results, the crown of which in Fig. 5. — Ideal Section of Chalk Promontory, showing the crown of the arch broken through by the con- tinued action of the frost. The faint portions indi- cate the parts afterwards worn away by the continu- ance of the same agency, until a "needle " and cliff result, as shown by the dai-ker portions of the en- graving. like manner gradually peels away, until a vertical gap is made in the narrow headland, and a square buttress remains standing out alone from the sea. This the rain, weather, and frost sharpen by a similar, but dimi- nished action, of peeling ofi" the apex into a "Needle." While this has heen performing, the sea Las been indenting the deep bays between the promontories of chalk, and cutting out fresh steps, or undercuts, in their steep walls ; the frost has been breaking out a fresh cave further inland of the old, and in the lapse of time a second arch and a second "Needle" are produced. So on a third, a fourth, and as the like operations endure, the outermost, or first-formed "Needles" are diminished by waste to sunken rocks, become the prey of the Pholas, and are ground down by the surf into an undistinguishable portion of the great sea-bottom. So painsfuUy, so slowly, then, does Nature model out one, even, of her curiosities. S. J. Mackte. THE ETEUSCAN VASE. Time is not supreme as a destroyer. He may deface, but not wholly obliterate the name of a people ; nor, when he has crumbled their works to dust, can he finally annihilate the last faint record which shall serve as a key by which future generations shall obtain en- trance to their buried archives. How many have pondered over the Etruscan vase, and how many hard-thinking and deeply-read philosophers have turned aside at last from the mystical word " Etruria," knowing not whether to declare it the name of a people, a country, an era, or a myth. But the spell is broken, and, as in the case of Egyptian and Babylonian inscriptions, an ffidipus has arisen in the person of Johann Gustav Stickel, and the Etruscan riddle has been solved. By means of the Hebrew, Tuscan relics have become intelligible, and new chap- ters are added to history and ethnology. Two centuries after the foundation of Eome, a colony from Judea settled in Tuscany, tilled the soil, built towns, and raised altars to other gods than the Oif e Jehovah ! These idolaters were the fathers of the modern Tus- cans ; the Tuscans, in fact, have descended from the Jews ! Such is the conclusion of Dr. Stickel, ably set forth in his work, "Dag Etruskische," lately published at Leipsie. H. 130 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. METEOES, OE FALLING STAES. »^{jb«r*-»— Anothee recurring period of meteors, or falling stars, is now approacliing, let us there- fore examine in wliat way tlie amateur ob- server may really make himself useful, in this particular branch of science, and to do which we must give some account of the subject. So much interest is attached to these singu- lar phenomena, and so little is as yet known concerning them, that a wide field of inves- tigation is open before us. We are in the habit of occasionally seeing one or more of these bodies, mostly small in size, sometimes large, varying from a mere speck to above twice the size and brightness of the moon. What, then, are the kind of observations re- quisite, in order to make a record of those seen valuable P The following brief summary will give, in a few words, such information that, if care- fully followed and extensively persevered in, will tend much to throw the requisite light upon the subject. In the first place, the locality of observation should be recorded ; and, in the second, the time as accurately as possible. It is then necessary to note the apparent size, shape, brightness, and colour of the object, and whether the meteor be ac- companied by a train of separate sparks, a continuous streak of light, or destitute of such appendage; and if a streak, whether it lingers after the meteor itself has vanished. In addition to this, an estimate of the velocity and duration, direction of movement and altitude, or, what is still better, the path amongst the stars; and lastly, general re- marks as to the peculiarity of appearance. The necessity of aU this becomes apparent when we consider how varied are the difierent features. Meteors sometimes appear and vanish instantaneously, yet they have been known to remain visible above an hour. They are of every colour, and sometimes changeable, whilst others will give out sparks of a totally different colour to themselves. They move over a large or brief space in the sky, or sometimes do not move amongst the stars, and are, in fact, to aU appearance sta- tionary. They are circular, oval, pear-shaped, as a flame, a spark, a wisp of straw, or even quite grotesque in form. They increase in size or they become less, sometimes increas- ing and decreasing alternately; occasionally they appear, disappear, and reappear several times. Again, they are accompanied by a shower of stars, well-defined balls, a luminous streak, or by wavy liues. They are to be seen in every direction, and seemingly move in every direction, yet the greater number have a common origin. They explode with a noise, or no sound is audible. They occur by hundreds on some occasions, whilst at others very few, if any, are to be seen during a night's careful watch. Some on exploding hurl meteoric stones to the earth. On certain particular days of the year meteors are more numerous than at other times, and of these the 9th and 10th of Au- gust and the 12th and 13th of November have long been noted as famous for their showers of falling stars. Another period, from the 16th to the 18th of October, is also rich in meteors. The following periods, taken from the "British Association Eecords," show when meteors were more than usually abun- dant :* January 26, 1844; 10 to 15, 1847 ; 2 and 3, 1848 ; 2, 1857. * It must be recollected that unfavourable weather frequently prevents these epochs being recorded, and especially as the number of meteoric observersis very limited. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 131 I March 11 and 12, 1847 j 24 and 25, 1847 ; 27 to 29, 1848. April 19 and 20, 1847 ; 20 and 23, 1848 ; 27, 1848; 19 and 20, 851. June 17 to 22, 1847 ; 21, 1848; 16, 1850. July 25 to 30, 1846 ; 4 and 5, 1847 ; 22 and 23, 1847 ; 6, 1848 ; 22 to 24, 1848 ; 29, 1848 ; 20 to 23, 1849 ; 26 and 27, 1849 ; 16 and 17, 1851 ; 30, 1851 ; 28 to 31, 1856. August 23 and 24, 1847 ; 21, 28, and 29, 1848. September 15, 1846 ; 4, 1848 ; 30, 1848 ; 2 and 30, 1850; 9 to 12, 1852; 17 and 18, 1852 ; 6 and 10, 1853. October 16, 1843; 18, 1844; 28, 30, and 31, 1845 ; 10, 1847 ; 20 to 23, 1848 ; 5 and 9, 1850 ; 16 and 17, 1851 ; 3, 5, and 25, 1853 ; 28 to 31, 1856. November IS, 1843; 1, 1847; 5, 1848; 29, 1850 ; 3, 1852. December 21, 1846 ; 9 and 10, 1846 ; 12, 1847; 11, 14, and 15, 1848. Tlie August and Novemher periods {i.e., 9tli and lOtli of August and 12th to 14tli of November) are omitted in the above list as thoroughly established periods. Unfortu- nately a prevalence of cloud, a paucity of observers, and, lastly, the bulk of observers extending their enthusiasm only to the Au- gust and November epochs, tend much to keep other periods in the background. We have not as yet had the good fortune to witness the sky completely covered with these fiery bodies for several hours together, yet such instances have occurred. From four to six a.m., on the 13th of November, 1833, in the United States, they fell at the rate of more than a thousand per minute, and all of them diverged from a point situated in the constel- lation Leo, near Eegulus. This display was visible from longitude 61" in the Atlantic Ocean, to 100" in Mexico, and from the "West Indies to the North American Lakes. Similar appearances took place in Cumana on the 12th of November, 1779 ; at Mocha on the 13th of November, 1832; on the 12th of November, 1799, at Cape Florida, Cumana, Peru, and Greenland ; on the 13th of Novem- ber, 1831, in Spain and on the Ohio ; and vast numbers of meteors were seen on the 13th of November, 1834, 1835, 1836, and 1837, both in Europe and America. It is supposed that certain opaque bodies are revolving through space within the limits of the solar system ; some of which fall to the earth as meteoric stones. The volume of several are large, having been esti- mated at 75 miles in diameter, and one to have weighed 600,000 tons, and to have moved at a velocity of 72,000 miles an hour. The greatmeteor of the 11th of February, 1850 1 W^^\\\\\\\ ,o..o: O Fig. 1. (see Fig. 1, as seen at Oxford by Mrs. Baden Powell), Mr. Glaisher calculated had a velo- city of above 100,000 miles an hour. Some astronomers conceive that meteors are solid bodies, and become ignited on coming within the earth's atmosphere, owing to the great velocity with which they travel. Arago looked upon them as nebulous matter, similar to the tail of comets, and circxdating round the sun in a zone that crosses the earth's orbit about the 12th of November, and that they took fire on entering the atmosphere owing to their great speed. Sir John Lub- bock, on the contrary, considers them opaque bodies, which shine by the light of the sun, and are only visible whilst they pass through sunlight. In noticing the great meteor of the 19th of December, 1855 (see Figs. 2, 3, and 4, as seen at Highfield House), it appeared to me that, instead of becoming ignited, they caused, by their prodigious speed, a peculiar phosphorescent sometldng 132 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. to ignite in tlie upper regions of the air, at the instant of ignition being intensely bright, and then subsiding into a phosphorescent flame, which streak or flame was very slowly wafted about or carried along by currents. In the case of this meteor, it moved over 18^' in space in less than a second of time ; it cannot, therefore, be supposed that the meteor itself could be within 5' of this path ten minutes afterwards, although the phospho- rescent light was there. Now if we sup- pose that the meteor burst at this point (which seems improbable), it must have burst in a medium where light could shine, and if so, it is as easy to suppose that some substance should be ignited by it, as that the meteor itself should blaze. The intense brightness was too great for reflected light. This meteor was first seen in the N.N.W., and moved to- wards the W., from near H 17 Camelopardali downwards to midway between Capella and ju Persei. The time was 6h. 13m. a.m., and the size about that of the apparent diameter of the moon ; the light for the instant re- sembling a brilliant flash of lightning, and equalling that of day. After the meteor itself had vanished, a light similar to that of a comet's tail was visible along the whole path of the meteor; this gradually became less bright, and bent itself towards the E. Fig. 2 shows the appearance it assumed immedi- Fia. 2. ' Fig. 3. Fig. 4. ately after the meteor had vanished, and later (6h. 18m.) that of Fig. 3 ; and finally (6h. 23m.) that of Fig. 4. It was visible fully ten minutes. Somewhat analogous changes were observed in the singular meteor pf September 30th, 1850, which was visible from the Cambridge Observatory, United States, and was first seen by Madame Jenny Lind, who happened to be at the Observatory at the time. Professor Bond sketched the appearance at difierent intervals of time. It was visible an hour. Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 show the successive changes that it under- FiG. 6. Fig, 8. went. The height (according to the Hon. W. Mitchell) above the earth was 50 miles, and its distance from Cambridge 100 miles. (Fig. 5, at 8h. 54m. p.m. ; Fig. 6, 8h. 57m. ; Fig. 7, 9h. 3m. ; and Fig. 8, 9h. 7m.) The meteor of August 8th, 1849 (Fig. 9), Fio. 9. seen by myself at lOh. 16m. p.m., at the Highfield House Observatory, was kite- shaped, and left mimerous separate stars in its track. The singular feature in this meteor was its disappearance andreappearance again, li^ further on, after the lapse of a second EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 133 of time. Its point of disappearance was r below Arcturus. On its re-appearance it had become less in size, apparently moving directly away from us. Figs. 10 and 11 are Ml/ ^l\^ Fio. 10. Fm. 11. other instances of disappearing and reap- pearing again ; the former seen at Shardlow, by Mr. W. H. Leeson, on August 15th, 1850 (9h. 35m. p.m.) ; the latter at Nottingham, by the late Mr. F. E. Swann, on the 14th of October, 1855 (8h. 27m. p.m.) A remarkable meteor, A, Fig. 12, was seen by myself at Highfield House, on November 5th, 1849 (6h. 20m. p.m.) It left a thin pencil of red light in the sky throughout the whole length of its path (which was 50" in length). This pencil of light was visible five minutes, remaining as a straight line for two minutes and a half, and then changing to a wavy line, b, and in another minute B AAAAAAAA 0 Fig. 12. widening, as m c. The line was only as thick as a star of the first magnitude when first seen ; but at last, from the apex of one wave to that of the opposite one, it was larger than the apparent diameter of the sun. It commenced disappearing from each end, the middle portion remaining visible the longest. Mr. Glaisher considers it to have been ver- tical over a spot fifteen miles N.E. of Mont- gomery, and its distance from the earth about eighty miles. The meteor of 1851, July 4th (llh. 16m. p.m.), seen by myself at Highfield House (Fig. 13), was about twice the size of Jupiter, 00 o °oVoV^ Fig. 13. red in colour and circular in form, and was accompanied by a number of blue balls, which kept vanishing rapidly. It moved slowly, and remained visible for three seconds. The meteor of 1851, December 1st (8h. 23m. 45s. p.m.), also seen at the Beeston Observatory, was twice the apparent size of Saturn, moved slowly, and was visible four seconds. It appeared first as a spark, then ^^^jx'/ m Fig. 14. Kf;j'i> as a small number of sparks, increasing as it progressed to a great number (Fig. 14). Fig. 15 is an instance of Aurora borealis changing the direction of a meteor. It was seen by the Eev. J. Slatter, from Eose Hill, Oxford, on the 20th of April, 1852 (llh. 25m. p.m.) On several occasions, meteors have been seen to increase in brilliancy on passing through Aurora borealis. ! Fig. 15. o Fig. 10. Fig. 16 is an instance of an assemblage of separate bodies besoming larger and brighter, and disappearing at the maximum brightness. 184 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. Tliis was seen from the Beeston Observatory, on the 23rd of August, 1853 (9h. 40m. p.m.) Fig. 17 appeared at first as large as a star of the first magnitude, shot some dis- tance, and increased much in size j shot a .Q- •o- Fia, 17. second time, and again increased ; then di- vided into three separate portions. It was seen at St. Ives, by J. E. Watts, Esq., 25th of September, 1852 (8h. 35m. p.m.) Fig. 18 had a beaded train, red in colour. M. F. V. Fasel witnessed this at the Stone Fig. 18. Observatory, on the 6th of September, 1852 (9h. 18m. 30s. p.m.) Fig. 19, at first only equal to a star of the fifth magnitude (orange-scarlet), increased as separate fragments until it became at least three times the size of Saturn. Duration, two seconds. (August 29th, 1850, lOh. 3m. p.m., Highfield House.) -•— "S: Pig. 19. / Fig. 20. On the 29th of August, 1850, at lOh. 7m. p.m., I saw, at the Highfield House Obser- vatory, a meteor which suddenly and abruptly changed its path (Fig. 20). Another, with a curious path, was seen from the same place on the 15th of October, 1850, at llh. 5m. p.m. (Fig. 21). Lieut. Hardy, of Bath, observed a me- teor (Fig. 22) on the 20th of June, 1851 (llh. 30m. p.m.) ^iG- 21. Fig. 22. Mr. H. K, Watts witnessed from St. Ives a curious meteor (Fig. 23), August 25th, 1856 (lOh. 46m. p.m.) It was large, red, and had a Fio. 23, long whitish-red line running from it, emit- ting sparks. The same observer, on August 30th, 1854 (lOh. 20m.), witnessed Fig. 24, Fig. 24. which was large, red, and had a long train of brilliant sparks. Mr. G. F. AnseU observed near Hitchin a large fire-ball, intensely bright, which, at Fig. 25. the moment of explosion, resembled Fig. 26. (October 22nd, 1854, 7h. 45m. p.m.) It is impossible to give any idea of these appearances, except by pictorial illustration ; EECEEATITE SCIENCE. 135 a few of the more remarkable have, there- fore, been selected, in order to illustrate this paper. One point requires especial notice ; it is this — if the paths of a number of meteors be produced backwards, nearly all of them will meet at a certain point in the heavens, and this point, on the 10th of August of the present year, was situated midway between a and P Persei. Prom 11 p.m. till 3 a.m. on this night, the number of meteors seen steadily increased up to 3 a.m. ; watching a fourth of the heavens gave 70 per hour, or 280 for the whole sky. Those near the above-named point had mostly very short paths, and the further they were removed from this point the longer were their paths. At Ih. 32m. it was my good fortune to see a meteor ex- actly on this point; it appeared as a mere speck, increased to that of a star of the first magnitude, and again decreased, and vanished, without moving in the slightest degree. Two meteors seen at the Beeston Obser- ^ atory deserve notice ; the one (Fig. 26) seen ' 7/1 , vNc^ / I i I t ■%. ^ Fig. 26. September 29th, 1857 (lOh. 14m. 30s. p.m.), became very bright, and rapidly increased in size ; the preceding edge was circular and well defined ; but in every other direction it terminated in long streaks of light, not un- like streams of Aurora borealis. The other, seen on September 30th, 1858 (7h. 51m. p.m.), fell 1° W. along the taU of Donati's comet. It appeared, disappeared, and reappeared a score times, giving the impression of moving each time behind an opaque body. The point from whi eh the meteors diverge appears to be situated in Cygnus in July, whilst in August it is never far removed from Cassiopeia, and in November it is in Xico. The point of divergence seems to be the result of perspective, and that really the greater number of these bodies move in lines parallel to each other ; for those in the S. and S.E. generally move to S. and S.W., whilst those to the W. and N.W. move towards W. and W.S.W. It is a singular feature that when two meteors foUow each other on the same track, they invariably move at the same speed, and generally are very difierent in size. It might be supposed that the smaller one was an attendant or satellite of the larger one, and this very materially strengthens the opinion of their being mate- rial bodies. On the other hand, there are large meteors which move in paths dis- cordant to the direction of meteors generally, and they alter both their shape and colour. These maybe a perfectly distinct class, owing their origin to electricity, as their prevalence about the time of thunder-storms is a well- known fact. Mr. Hind, who has observed a meteor pass slowly across the field of a large tele- scope, describes it as appearing better defined than a star, which it in some degree resem- bled ; but the time was too short to allow of a planetary disc being seen. The fragments appeared like phosphoric lights. M. Bompas has deduced the following theory, founded on observations, regarding the regular increase of the number of meteors through the successive hours from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The number which appears in the E. is above double that appearing in the W., those in N. and S. being about equal ; therefore nearly two-thirds of the meteors originate in the eastern hemisphere. The greatest number is encountered when the olserver's meridian is in the direction of the earth's motion, which is at 6 a.m., and then decreases to 6 p.m., when he looks in the opposite dii'ection. The earth moving with 186 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. a velocity half that of the average velocity of meteors, it encounters nearly two-tliirds of the number on the side totoards which it is moving. From M. G-. von Boguslowski's observa- tions,* it appears that the average velocity of meteors is about double that of the earth in its orbit. Professor J. L. Smith shows the fallacy of concluding the apparent diameter of a highly luminous or incandescent body seen at a distance. For example, the body of electric light of carbon points, which really measured 0"3 inch in diameter, at a hundred yards' distance appeared half the diameter of the moon, at a quarter of a mile three times the moon's diameter, and at half a mile three and a half times the moon's diameter. M. Pettit, of Toulouse, states that he has identified a meteor which is 3000 miles dis- tant from the earth, and which revolves around our globe in 3h. 20m. LIST OP EEMAEKABLE METEOES. 1830, Feb. 15 „ June 25 1832, June 23 1833, Nov. 25 1837, Sept. 21 1839, Nov. 8 1841, Nov. 9 „ Dec. 21 1842, Oct. 4 1843, Feb. 5 1845, April 24 „ June 18 „ Sept. 7 „ Dec. 3 1846, Mar. 21 „ Mar. 22 „ June 3 „ June 20 „ June 29 „ July 14 „ July 23 „ July 25 „ Sept. 10 „ Sept. 25 „ Oct. 9 „ Nov. 9 ., Dec. 21 1847, June 21 „ Sept. 7 „ Nov. 19 1848, Feb. 2 „ Feb. 20 „ Sept. 4 „ Mar. 8 „ July 13 „ Sept. 4 „ Nov. 9 „ Nov. 15 Birmingham Gloucester Delhi Presburg Paris Edinburgh Hereford Glasgow Cambridge Notts Highfield House Ainab London Highfield House Toulouse Bagneres Moreton Bay Marieux Parma Braunau Toulouse Gloucester HighfieldHouse Highfield House Paris Dijon Parma HighfieldHouse Bombay Oxford Wrenbury HighfieldHouse Ventnor Slough Stone Eaaton HighfieldHouse HighfieldHouse Aix-la-Chapelle Dr. Hoptins Brit. Asso. Cat. Brit. Asso. Cat. W. W. Smyth D. P. Thomson D. Eankine Brit. Asso. Cat. D. P. Thomson John Glaisher D. P. Thomson E. J. Lowe Brit. Asso. Cat. J. E. Hind E. J. Lowe M. Pettit M. Pettit D. C. M'Connell D. P. Thomson M. Colla W. W. Smyth M. Pettit Brit. Asso. Cat. E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe M. Cadart M. Melline M. Colla E. J. Lowe Brit. Asso. Cat. — Symonds D. P. Thomson E. J. Lowe Mrs. Dixon Mrs. Atkin Henry Lawson E. J. Lowe ! E. J. Lowe M. E. Heis As large as the moon. Very large. Three united in one. Br illiau t, explo de d, three me tcoric s tones found. Cast a shadow. Twice the size of the moon. Very large. Twice the size of the moon. Remarkable. Blood-red mass.- Velocity 55 miles per minute. Large as moon. Height 90 miles. Two connected, each five times size of moon ; Large. Changed colour. [visible one hour. ' Increased in brightness when crossing Aurora. I Large. Inferred to be a satellite to the earth. I Set fire to a building. 1 Like the moon. Exploded as a cannon. Gave off five balls, each quarter size of original. Large. Violent explosions. Meteorite fell. Large. Inferred to be satellite to the earth. Large. Increased in brightness crossing Aurora. Large. Large. Two. Large. Remarkable bolide. Day-time. Increased in brightness when crossing Aurora. Large. Blue, and on bursting red. Large. Twice stationary for seven minutes. Large. Green with crimson border. Increased in brilliancy when crossing Aurora. Large as moon. Larger than moon. Kite-shaped. Large. Cream colour, sparks red and green. Large. Straw colour, changing to purple. Large. Large as moon. * " Jlecherches sur les Etoiles Filantes." RECEEATIVB SCIENCE, 137 848, Nov. 21 1849, Mar. 6 „ Mar. 19 „ Mar. 26 „ April30 ,. July 12 „ Aug. 8 „ April 13 „ Nov. 2 „ Nov. 5 „ Nov. 7 „ Nov. 9 „ Nov. 17 „ Dec. 4 „ Dec. 19 „ Dec. 30 1850, Feb. 5 „ Feb. 7 „ Feb. 11 „ Feb. 20 „ June 6 „ July 4 „ July 5 „ July 14 „ Aug. 10 „ Aug. 12 „ Aug. 14 „ Aug. 15 „ Sept. 30 „ Oct. 9 „ Nov. 6 „ Nov. 28 „ Nov. 29 1851, Jan. 8 „ April 27 „ May 22 „ June 1 „ June 20 „ June 22 „ Sept. 2 „ Sept. 19 „ Sept. 20 „ Sept. 25 „ Oct. 17 „ Nov. 3 „ Nov. 4 „ Nov. 11 „ Nov. 16 „ Dec. 1 1852, AprU20 „ July 3 „ July 12 „ July 13 „ Aug. 22 „ Sept. 24 „ Sept. 25 Oxford London Bombay Cochin London HighfieldHouse Highfield House Poona Highfield House Highfield House Mazagon Asseerghur Swansea HighfieldHouse Edinburgh Hartwell Sandwich At sea PenzancetoDur- London [ham Havre Beeston Grantham G-rantham Tipperary Penzance Beeston Shardlow Leven Hereford Bombay Highfield House London Beerbhom Durham Ennore Calcutta Bath Belfast Huggate Calcutta HighfieldHouse Bombay Stone Highfield House Bramcote Cast. Donington Highfield House Obs., Beeston Oxford Dreux Dunse London St. Ives Stone St. Ivea J. Slatter W. H. Black Brit. Asso. Cat. Brit. Asso. Cat. F. Barnard E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe Brit. Asso. Cat. E. J. Lowe E. J. Jjowe Brit. Asso. Cat. Brit. Asso. Cat. — Hill F. E. Swann J. D. Forbes C. Lowndes W. H. Weekes Brit. Asso. Cat. John Glaisher J. Wallis Brit. Asso. Cat. E. J. Lowe J. W. Jeans J. W. Jeans Brit. Asso. Cat. 11. Edmonds R. Enfield W. H. Leeson W. Swan C. Lingen Dr. Buist A. S. H. Lowe J. E. Hind Dr. Buist Prof Chevallier Dr. Buist Dr. Buist Lieut. Hardy J. Cameron T. Eankin Dr. Buist A. S. H. Lowe Dr. Buist M. F. V. Easel E. J. LoMe R. Enfield W. H. Leeson E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe J. Slatter M. J. E.Durand W. Stevenson J. C. Moore J. K. Watts M. F.'V. Fasel J. K. Watts Four fell into an Aurora, and disappeared. Large. White, afterwards greenish-red. Large. Green, red sparks. Large. Green, red tail. Divided into two. Daylight. Quarter the size of moon. Blue, red sparks. Kite-shaped. Disappeared and reappeared. Large. Large. Orange-red. Leaving a wavy streak. Height 80 miles. Large. Bright as moon. Loud explosion. Large. Large. Orange-red. Large. Large. Stationary If min., exploded, and moved on. Large as moon. Large as moon. (See account.) Very large. Large as moon. Large. Large. Exploded over Boston. Large. Large as moon. Ked, then blue. Bright as moon. Large. Large. Disappeared and reappeared. Pear-shaped. Large. Large. Streak visible 20 minutes. Stationary for a time. Sunshine. Large. Large. Large. Large. Large. Large. Purple and green. Large. Large. Nearly as large as moon. Large. Large. Large. Large. During a storm. A meteor parted into two. Large. Orange, then blue ; stationary at first. Large. Prismatic. Curious. Curious. Curious. Curious. Large. Nearly as large as moon. Large. Changed colour. Very large. Large. A splash of flame. Large and curious. Repulsed by Aurora. 138 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 1852, Dec. 17 1853, Aug. 7 „ Aug. 9 „ Aug. 23 „ Sept. 25 „ Sept. 30 „ Oct. 28 1854, Feb. 25 „ April 1 „ Aug. 30 „ Oct. 7 „ Oct. 22 1855, July 13 „ Aug. 3 „ Aug. 10 „ Oct. 14 „ Dec. 11 „ Dec. 19 1856, Jan. 7 „ Feb. 3 „ Aug. 25 „ Aug. 31 „ Oct. 27 „ Dec. 13 1857, Jan. 9 „ Apr. 16 „ Sept. 29 1858, Sept. 30 1859, Aug. 10 Dover Glasgow London Higbfield House Stone Leven Obs., Beeston Obs., Beeston Obs., Beeston St. Ives Nottingham Hitchin Beeston Beeston Beeston Nottingbam Edinburgh Highfield House EosehUl Obs., Beeston St. Ives Highfield House St. Ives HighfieldHousc Ashford HighfieldHousc Highfield House Obs., Beeston Obs., Beeston F. Higginson D. Eankine W. K. Birt E. J. Lowe M. F. V. Fasel W. Swan Mrs. E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe S. Watson J. K. Watts F. E. Swan G. F. AnseU E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe F. E. Swan 0. P. Smyth E. J. Lowe M. Carrington E. J. Lowe J. K. Watts E. J. Lowe J. K. Watts E. J. Lowe F. Wakefield A. S. H. Lowe E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe E. J. Lowe A lengthened description of the whole of the above meteors is included in the Hev. Professor Baden Powell's Eeports on " Lu- minous Meteors," published in the " British Association Transactions," 1848 — 1859. One other phenomenon deserves notice. In 1845 M. de Gasperis and Sig. Capocci, on the 11th of May, witnessed a great number of black bodies cross the sun's disc. In 1849 Mr. Brown, of Deal, on the 5th of February, saw two. Other observers have witnessed the same phenomenon, and Messier,* in 1777, saw 200 dark bodies cross the solar disc. Mr. Dawes conceives the appearance to be due to seeds floating in the atmosj)here, whilst the Eev. W. Eeed disputes Mr. Dawes's notion. To say the least, the subject is worth a few years' careful attention. It must, however, * " Obsei-vation singulier d'une prodigieuse quan- tite de petites globules qui ont passe au devant du disque du soleil." — Mem. Acad. Paris, 1 777, p. 4G1. Half size of moon, hissing, fell in sea, causing Large. ^ [spray. Separated into two. Curious. Curious wavy train. Large. Pear-shaped. Half the size of sun. Day-time. Disappeared on reaching zodiacal light. Very large. Large and curious. Large. Large. Large. Large. Curious. Large. A break in the tail. Large. Large as moon. Visible ten minutes. Nearly as large as moon. [red. Half size of moon. Green, then orange, then Curious. Curious. Curious. Large and curious. Large. Large. Large and curious. Curious. Curious. be borne in mind that, in all probability, they are within a few thousand, perhaps hundreds, of miles' distance ; therefore a telescope wiU require focussing expressly for this purpose, as the focus of the sun, for instance, would perhaps allow the bodies to pass across the disc without being seen. Professor Erman* has stated that the cold days of the 5th to the 7th of February, and the 11th to the 13th of May, were owing to the passage of falling stars between us and the sun. E. J. Lowe. Highfield Souse Ohseroatory. A WILD PEIMEOSE Was seen in bloom, October 10th, on Lesser Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde, lat. 551° N., where the gulf-stream promotes a very equ- able temperature. * " Astronomisclie Nachrichten," No. 385. EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 139 THE EXPECTED GREAT COMET. Of tlio many grand comets tliat have been seen, and of which, any account has been handed down to us, few or none have sur- passed in interest the great comet of 1264, the one which astronomers (and not them only) are now so eagerly expecting. AU the writers of the time alluded to it as the most magnificent that had ever been seen by any person then living ; and we are informed that on the day on which it was discovered Pope Urban IV. fell sick, and that he died on the night on which it was last seen, October 2, his illness and subsequent death being almost universally ascribed to the comet's pernicious influence. It seems to have been first noticed about the middle of July, although it did not attain its greatest brilliancy until the follow- ing month, when it was seen also early in the morning before sunrise. We are told that from the head, which presented a very nebu- lous appearance, an immense tail issued, which was not less than 100° in length. , • - Early in March, 1556, a comet became visible, which, although not so large or im- posing as the one just mentioned, is stiU described as " a great and brUliant star." It remained visible for about one month, and then disappeared. The Chinese annals, how- ever, make the duration of its visibility to extend to nearly two months. The comet was carefully observed at Vienna by Paul Fabri- cius, and a rude map of its apparent course amongst the stars drawn by him has materially assisted in determining its approximate ele- ments. The first set were calculated by Hall ey. Some fifty years afterwards, Mr. Dunthorne was induced to try and determine, if possible, the elements of the comet of 1264 from two observations said to have been made at Cam- bridge by Friar Giles, together with such in- formation as was to be found in the'writings of old chroniclers. His results proved so similar to those obtained by HaUey for the comet of 1556, that he was immediately led to suspect the identity of the two bodies ; and as the period seemed to be about 292 years, he concluded that the comet would again return about the year 1848. About twenty years after Dunthorne had published his memoir on the subject, that is to say, about the year 1760, the well-known French cometographer, Pingre, turned his attention to the question, and after examining a large number of observations and statements not made use of by Dunthorne, he came to the same conclusion, namely, that the comet might be expected again about the year 1848. The subject then remained in statu quo until about twelve years ago, when Mr. J. R. Hind investigated again the question of identity, by collecting all the most trustworthy records of the comet of 1556, and deducing an orbit therefrom. The result was, that the orbit obtained by him agreed so nearly with that given by Fabricius in his chart, as to leave no doubt that it was a very close approxima- tion to the truth. The identity of the two bodies having been satisfactorily proved, M. Bomme, of Middleburg, Holland, at a vast expense of time and labour, calculated the effect that might be produced on the comet's period by the combined attraction of the planets. Taking Hind's elements as his basis, Bomme found that the comet's period in 1264 was 302*922 years, and that planetary attraction would hasten its return by 4077 days. In 1556 the mean period was 308*169 years, and planetary attraction would accelerate its next return by 3828 days ; so that the comet might be again in perihelion on August 2, 1858. With Halley's elements Bomme found that the comet's perihelion passage would take place on August 22, 1860. There is there- 140 BECREATIVE SCIENCE. fore an uncertainty of about two years in tlie comet's next appearance, according as to which set of elements is adopted. One and a quarter of two years having passed away without anything having been heard of the comet, we may reasonably expect it in the course of the next few months. It is worthy of note that brilliant comets appeared in the years 975, 683, and 104, aU of which present some indications of identity with the one we have now been considering ; " but the accounts we possess are too vague to admit of anything more than conjecture." M. Hock, of Leyden, has made some inves- tigation relative to the first of the above three, but his results throw much doubt on the identity of that with the one of 1556. Geo. W. F. Chambees. JEasthourne. LEA.F GEOMETRY. A HI3T0ET of discoveries would, at any rate, prove one very remarkable fact, viz., that occurrences the most familiar to us, and things apparently worthless, are pregnant, nevertheless, with truths which acute ob- servers discover as it were by accident, and, thenceforth, the meanest understanding can acquire a knowledge of phenomena which had been for ages staring clever men in the face, and had yet remained undiscovered, though all-important to the general welfare of mankind. I wish, in this paper, to point out some very simple and interesting, if not useful, phenomena in that very common thing — a leaf. Look at that oak-tree. The branches, as they move gently in the wind, seem to break out from the trunk without any regu- larity ; and the leaves, it would be impossible indeed, at first sight, to see any order or arrangement in their position on the branch. But go up closer, and break off" a little sprig, like that in Fig. A. Fix on one leaf, cut half of it off, and then trace up the stem with your finger till you come to the next leaf imme- diately above it. Now tie a thread to the upper one on the stalk as close as possible to the stem, and draw it down, twisting it round the stalk of each leaf, till you come to the leaf which you had already marked. You will find that you have to pass four leaves before you come to the marked one, and that you have drawn the thread twice round the stem, thus completing the cycle. Now, if you go on downwards on the branch, you will find precisely the same thing ; at tlie fifth leaf below, you wUl be again exactly under the cut one. So you see that the ap- parent confusion of the leaves upon yon waving oak is in reality an exact order, which would be at all times perfect, but for the various accidents to which the tree is liable from its exposure to weather and de- structive insects. It has been discovered that the leaves o all plants and trees are arranged in regular order upon their branches, and botanists mark this arrangement, or " phyUotaxis," as they call it, by a fraction, the numerator of which consists of the number of turns round the stem, and the denominator the number of leaves in the cycle. This oak, therefore, is marked by the fraction |. But there is a great variety of different arrangements of leaves in the common trees and plants which surround us, and it is interesting to find them out. Thus the hoUy will be found to be f, the yucca of our gardens i\, and the lime- tree, the yew, and the bean \. This fraction shows also the distance between the leaves, expressed in parts of the circumference of the circle. This may be seen at once by referring to Figs. B and C, which represent stems with numbers where the leaves are supposed to RECREATIVE SCIENCE. 141 grow. In Fig. B, if we begin with No. 1, we have to go three times round the stem before we come to No. 8, which is exactly above it. This arrangement of leaf, therefore, would be marked by the fraction f ; if you look at the circle on the top of the stem, you will seo at once that Nos. 1 and 2, which represent the position of the first two leaves, are fths of a circle apart. In Fig. C, where we have only to go once round the stem before coming to age are expressed by the following fractions : h i. h i A. 2^>. ih H, etc. It will be seen that these numbers bear a singular relation to each other, for the numerator of each fraction is the sum of the two preceding, and the denominator, in the same way, is the sum of the two preceding denominators ; besides this, you will find that the denominator of one is the numerator of the next but one after it. This shows a very curious mathe- Fio. B. Fig. a. Fig. C. the leaf exactly above No. 1, the fraction is 1 , and at the top it is manifest that Nos. 1 and 2 are ^th of a circle apart. Although the phyllotaxis is invariably the same in the same species, it is sometimes different in different species of the same genus ; thus in the Euro- pean larch it is i-^, while in the American larch it is |. Botanists have discovered, too, that the most common arrangements of leaf- matical order, where we should least expect to find it, in the myriads of leaves which are tossed about in wild confusion by the summer breeze. But a discovery, almost more wonderful than this, has been made by Mr. M'Cosh, for he has found out that " the leaf is a typical plant or branch, and that every tree or branch is a typical leaf." This resemblance, N 14,2 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. however, between the leaf and the whole tree can only be traced in leaves whose veins and stem are fully developed. In such, a close analogy has been found between the distribution of the branches on the trunk and the position of the small vein upon the midrib. It will be found in most cases, if not in all, that the angle which the vein makes with the midrib is the same as that between the branch of the tree and the trunk. Mr. M'Cosh has measured the angle of ramifica- tion and the angle of venation in an immense number of different trees and plants, and has found the measurement to coincide. Those trees, which send out branches from the root, or near the root, such as the box, privet, holly, and oak, have leaves in the same way without any, or with a very short, footstalk ; whereas the leaves of those trees which have a long unbranched trunk, like the pear, cherry, sycamore, and chestnut, have, generally, also a long footstalk. Hollyhocks, rhubarb, mallow, and other low-branching herbaceous plants, generally send out a group of stems from the root, and, on examination, you wiU. find that several midribs start from the base of the leaf, and cause the leaf to assume a rounded shape. In some trees, like the beech and elm, the branches are almost equally distributed throughout the trunk, and in the same way the small veins are usually distributed on the middle rib. Other trees, like the sycamore and laburnum, send off groups of branches at particular heights, and the venation of the leaves follows the same arrangement. The laburnum has trip- let leaves, and a glance wUl show that the main trunk is divided into three main branches. Thus an interesting subject of inquiry opens out before any of my readers who live in the country, and to such I hope that leaves, in future, will not be regarded merely as the summer ornaments of our woods and lanes, but that they wiU find, with Goethe, " All shapes are similar, yet all unlike, I The chorus thus a hidden law reveals." GEEASE IN THE CABINET. Geease is a terrible destroyer of specimens in the cabinet of an entomologist. Where does it come from ? It is a kind of greasy fluid, which exudes from the bodies of many of our moths, especially of the Bombycidaj, thence spreading over the wings, and event- ually spoiling the specimen. Even keeping the drawer continually stocked with camphor will not prevent its appearance ; and I do not know what will, but I know how to cure it when it is there. The plan of operations may be described as follows : — Eirst procure a bottle of benzole, which may be got at any chemist's, and which must be kept well stoppered when not used. When about to operate, obtain a deep saucer, or, better, an evaporating dish, in which place your insect, then pour in carefully the ben- zole till the specimen is entirely immersed ; you need not be frightened at wetting it. It should be left thus for about five minutes, the dish being kept covered up to prevent waste by evaporation. At the end of this time your insect may be taken out and left till all the benzole has evaporated from it, which will not take very long, when it wiU be found to be in as perfect a condition as when first set out ; with one advantage, that of not being likely again to become greasy. This is not the only means of curing grease, but I find that it far supersedes any other, no especial process being afterwards used to dry the specimen, which is so liable to be detrimental to it; on the contrary, as we have seen, it improves it rather than causing any damage. The reason of this cure is, that benzole is a solvent of grease ; thus, by leaving the in- sect in it for a few minutes, the grease is entirely dissolved out of it, in this way pre- venting its future appearance. EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 143 METEOEOLOG-Y OF NOVEMBEE. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT HIGHFIELD HOUSE OBSERVATORY. Year. 1842 , 1843 , 1844 1845 1846 . 1847 , 1848 , 1849 1850 1851 , 1853 , 1853 , 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , 1857 . 1858 . The greatest heat in shade reached 620' in 1842, and only 52-5° in 1851, giving a range of 9'5° in greatest heat for November during the past seventeen years. The greatest cold was as low as 13'2'' in 1858, and never below 30*P in 1844, giving a range of IG'd" in greatest cold for November during seventeen years. Only three-quarters of an inch of rain fell in No- vember, 1846, 1848, and 1858, whilst the very large amount of seven inches fell in November, 1852. Generally a few very sharp frosts occur. The mean amount of rain for the month, 1'9 inches, as the un- usually great amount which fell in November, 1852, has raised the average a quarter of an inch. E. J. Lowe. Greatest Heat. Degrees, Greatest Cold. Degrees, Amount of Ram, Inches. . 62-0 .. .. 27-0 .. •— . 68-5 ,. . . 25-5 . . .. 2-2 56-5 .. .. 30-1 .. .. 3-4 60-0 .. .. 29'0 .. .. 1-6 . 58-0 ,. .. 28-0 .. .. 0-7 . 61-0 .. .. 30-0 ,. ,. 2-0 54-8 .. . . 22-7 . . .. 0-7 . 58-5 .. . . 17-5 . , ,. 14 . 61-2 .. . . 22-0 . . .. 2-9 . 52-5 .. ., 19-2 .. .. 1-4 . 60-0 .. . . 250 , . .. 7-0 . 57-2 .. .. 17-5 ,. .. 2-6 . 57-2 ,. .. 18-7 .. ,. 1-8 , 54-6 .. .. 231 .. ., 10 . 55-0 ,. . . 18-2 . . ., 1-9 . 60-5 .. . . 245 . . .. 1-2 57-2 ,. .. 13-2 .. ,. 0'7 ASTEONOMICAL OBSEEVATIONS FOE NOVEMBEE, 1859. The sun is in the constellation Scorpio till tne even- ing of the 22nd, when he passes into Sagittarius. In London he rises on the 1st at Oh. 55m., on the 15th at 7h. 20m., and on the 30th at 7h. 44m. Pie sets, at the same place, on the 1st at 4h. 32m., on the 10th at 4h. 9m., and on the 30th at 3h; 53m. On the 4th, at Edinburgh, he rises 17 ininutes later than in London, and on the 18th 21 minutes later. On the 14th, he rises at Dublin 9 minutes later than in London, and on the 28th 11 minutes later. Twilight ends on the 3rd at 6h. 25m. ; and day breaks on the 8th, at 5h. 10m., and on the 26th at 5h. 35m. Length of day on the 10th, 9h. 6m. ; length of day has decreased on 10th, 7h. 28m., and on 21st, 8h. 2m, Full moon on the 10th, at 2h. 5m. p.m. New moon on the 24th, at Ih. 43m, p.m. The moon is at her greatest distance from the earth on the 3rd, and at lier least distance on the 16th. She is near Jupiter on the 15th, Saturn on the 17th, Mars 21st, Yenus 25th, and Mercury on the 26th. Mercury is an evening star, in the constellation Libra, till the middle of the month, and after which in Sagittarius. He is becoming larger and more fa- vourably situated for observation, reaching his greatest easterly elongation on the 26th. On the 27th, he sets at 4h. 66m. p.m. He is seen as a crescent. Venus is an evening star, but being so far from the earth, and situated so low in the heavens, she will be unfavourable for observation. Venus is now almost circular, and her disc only 10" in diameter of arc, in the constellation Ophiuchus, except for a few days at commencement of month, when she is in Libra. Mars is a morning star, and still very unfavourable for observation, his disc being only 4" in diameter. Every day he will become a better object, although slowly. In the constellation Virgo. Jupiter is in the constellation Cancer, and very favourably situated for telescopic observation. On the 7th, he rises at 8h. 41m. p.m., and on the 27th, at 7h. 20m. p.m. Saturn is in Leo for the whole of the month, and a good telescopic object; his rings, however, are not so widely open as they were several years ago. On the 17th he rises 10h.51m. p.m., on 27th at lOh. 13m. p.m. Uranus is very favourably situated for observation. He is in Taurus, and j'«s< visible to the naked eye; he is situated within the triangle formed by the Pleiades, Aldebaran, and t Tauri, about two-thirds of the dis- tance between Aldebaran and t, and to the east of the latter star. Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites: — The first moon disappears on the 6th, at 9h. 58m.9s. p.m.; disappears on the 13th, at llh. 51m. 20s. p.m. ; on the 21st, dis- appears at Ih. 44m. 33s. a.m. ; on the 29th, disappears at lOh. 6m. 13s. p.m. The second moon disappears on the 22nd, at lOh. 8m. S7s. p.m., and disappears on the 30th, at Oh. 45m. 5s. a.m. The third moon disappears on the 24th, at 9h. 4m. Is. p.m., and reappears on the 25th, at Oh. 15m. 7s. a.m. The sun reaches the meridian on the 2nd, at 1 Ih; 43m. 42s. a^m., and on the 27th, at llh. 47m. 43s. a.m. Equation of time on the 2nd, 16m. 18s., and on the 27th, 12m. 17s. Declination, i. e., variation of the com- pass for London ,. .. =21' 30' W. Inclination, or dip of the needle . . = 68' 20' N. Total force (in units) . . . . = 10-30. E. J. Lowe. Highfield Observatory, Nottingham, THINaS OF THE SEASON— NOVEMBEE. for various localities of great BRITAIN. Birds Arriving.— Gadwell, Silktail, Widgeon, Golden Plover, Golden-eyed Pocher, Red-headed Pocher, Stock-dove, Hawfinch, Redwing, Fieldfare, flights of Crested Wren occasionally from Norway. Birds Departing. — Snipe, Water Wagtail occa- sionally migrates to south of England. Wild Plants. — Arbutus unedo in flower, Nidula- ria campanulata, various Agarics, and Lichens. 144 RECREATIVE SCIENCE. JVlTjsTolewortliy'sCr^ orner. New Pj:,anet. — We have the pleasure to announce that Dr. E. Luther, of Bilk, discovered another new planet (one of the asteroid gi-oup) on the 22nd of Sep- tember. This is No. 67 of the asteroids, and the 8th which Dr. Luther has had the good fortune to dis- cover. Our solar system now numbers 65. The new planet appears as a star of the tenth magnitude. It is not yet named. Undergeound Tempehature. — Professor W. Thompson has reduced Professor Forbes's observa- tion of the temperature of thermometers sunk to diflferent depths in the ground, from which we learn that at three feet deep the greatest cold of winter does not occur till February, at six feet not till March, at twelve feet in April, and at tWenty-four feet in July. So that at the latter depth summer becomes winter. Let us take a practical hint from this, and make ourselves some cool places, into which we may retire in hot vreather. Flint Implements in the Drift. — Sir Charles Lyell's version of this subject, before the British Asso- ciation, points to the conclusion that there is no neces- sary chronological connection between the works of man, and even the remains of man, and the strata in which both may be found. Dr. Anderson, in his paper, more decisively stated that flint weapons, skulls, and elephant remains were sometimes quickly petrified, buried in ancient strata by subsidence, or by tlie fall- ing in of the roofs of caverns, in which men had taken up their abode. " He saw no evidence, deducible from the superficial drifts, to waiTant a departure from the usually accepted data of man's very recent introduction upon the earth." Purification of Water. — Professor Faraday has been making inquiries, at the instance of the Trinity House, into the character of the water obtained for domestic purposes by the residents in lighthouses. It is, he says, invariably impregnated with lead, and hence injurious to health. But the purification of Buch poisonous water is most easily accomplished. " I ascertained that if a little whiting or pulverized chalk were added to such water, and the whole stirred toge- ther, the lead immediately assumed the insoluble form, 80 that when the water was either filtered, or left to settle, the clear fluid was obtained in a perfectly pure and salubrious condition." Mr. D. J. Heath, in a letter to the Times, advises the use of Perkins's small con- denser, applied to the waste-pipe of an ordinaiy kitchen boiler, as an inexpensive mode of obtaining distilled water where it is impregnated with lead or chalk. The return is from six to eight gallons per day. Bio Ships. — A very instructive diagram of the relative dimensions of big ships may be drawn with the help of a scale rule, and would be of value in schools, and a subject of interesting reference to all who give attention to such matters. The following figures furnish the details for a diagram of fifteen of the largest vessels ever built, and it will be seen that their united lengths amount to a mile : — Great Eastern, 580 feet, 19,000 tons; Adriatic, 390 feet, about 3600 tons ; Niagara, 375 feet, 4580 tons ; Himalaya, 360 feet, 5000 tons ; Duke" of Wellington, 240 feet, 2400 tons; General Admii-al, 325 feet, 6000 tons; Orlando (recently launohed for the British Navy), 337 feet, 3727 tons ; Atrato, 336 feet, 3476 tons ; Royal Charter (running " inside 60 days" from Liverpool to Mel- bourne), 306 feet, 2720 tons ; Great Republic, 302 feet, 3356 tons; Pennsylvania, 300 feet, 3241 tons; Arabia, 300 feet, 2402 tons ; Great Britain, 274 feet, 3500 tons ; Asia, 280 feet, 2226 tons; total, 5181 feet, 68,428 tons. Toads in the Heart of Trees, etc. — The won- derful stories about toads being discovered in the hearts of trees, in the centre of large massive stones, and in solid rocks, wherein it is said they have been embedded for many years, are now nearly silenced. The late Dr. Buckland considered, from observation, that toads catmot live a year, if totally excluded from atmospheric air ; and even if an occasional supply of air were given them, he regarded it as impossible that they could exist two years if kept entii-ely with- out food. A supply of oxygen is necessary for the performance of the functions of cold-blooded animals, although the demand for it is much less than in waim- blooded ones. The quantity necessary for the pur- pose increases with an increase of muscular exertion, and the oxygen which is consumed is replaced by car- bonic acid gas which must be removed. It causes the death of animals which inhale it even in small quantities. Reptiles, and most invertebrata that inhabit the land, became apparently inanimate when the tem- perature is lowered beyond a certain point. In this state their circulation and respiration appear to cease entirely, and the animals may be prevented from re- viving for a while, without their vitality being per- manently destroyed, if they be surrounded by an atmosphere sufiiciently cold. Frogs and serpents have been kept in an ice-house for three years, and at the end of that period have been completely revived. The Moon's Motion. — It is shown that Mr. Adams and M. Delaunay have an-ived at the same result by two different methods of reasoning, and they prove that the acceleration is not nearly as much as before anticipated, and this value is far too small to satisfy the ancient eclipses ; and, therefore, some other causes (such as a resisting medium), totally diiferent from the disturbing influences of the sun and planets, must be resorted to, or, as Mr. Main remarks, "we must hope, from a hint dropped by M. Delaunay, that he has some means, at present kept out of sight, for laying the ghost which he has helped to raise." The Banana at Kew is the most extraordinary plant in the whole of that extensive collection. It was introduced to Europe by Mr. Plowden, and has attained, during five years' occupancy of the palm-stove, a height of more than 30 feet, and the stem is 7^ feet in circumference. HECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 145 TYPICiVL FORMS OF EHIZOPODA. Amahiila. — Fig. 1, Amceba diffluens, contracted. Tigs. 3, 3, 4, the same, with the pseudopodia, more or less extended. Gromiada.—Y\Q. 5, Gromia oviformis, with the pseiidopodia protruded. Foraminifera. — Fig. 6, Jliliola, and Fig. 7, Eotalia Beccarii, with pseudopodia protruded. MICEOSCOPIC GEOLOGY. I. — EOCK-FOEMINO MICEOZOA — THE FOBAMINFEEA. Alt. around us is an invisible world, unseen by our natural senses. Microscopic living creatures and vegetable organisms swarm in eartb, water, and sky ; but tbe eyes of the many never behold tbem. Nothing is free from them. We find them in the clearest water, and in the strongest acids ; in the in- ternal moisture of living plants, and in the fluids of animal bodies. They are carried about by the storms and winds; they fall like powder on the decks of ships thousands of miles away from land, and Ehrenberg has found them even in meteoric dust. By their immense numbers they colour large tracts of water with remarkable hues. That beautifid phenomenon, phosphoresence of the sea, is due to the accumulation of myriads of mi- nute jelly-globes ; while a cubic inch of mouldering earth may contain upwards of forty thousand tiny scavengers. Vol, I.— No. 5. No one can think of them without rais- ing his eyes ia adoration to their Maker; and no one can see them and study them without feeling how exquisite is the handi- work of the Infinite Designer in these his minutest creations, even as it is grand and overwhelming in the vastness of the systems of worlds rolling on in the boundless realms of star-lit space. As it is now, so it has been, one might almost say, from the beginning. At any rate, some of the oldest strata of the paleozoic age — the sUurian — present us with marine species closely like the living forms of the same class still swarming on our shores and in our seas. The waters of the Niagara, for ten thousand years, have plunged over a ledge of steep clifi", even as they do now. In the superfi- cial alluvial soil they have left the marks of their headlong rushing as plainly as they 10 o 14G EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. have inscribed their records on the stony cliff-walls of the gorge through which their eddying waters foam onwards to the sea. How many ages older than that wonderful cataract those alluvial gravels are no mau can teU; but older, indeed, they must be, referring as they do to former geological and physical changes and conditions of the land. And yet, whUe on a vertical scale of the rock-strata, where an inch would represent a thousand feet, the whole era of the full deposit of those alluvial beds, in all their thickness, would not be equal to a pen-line, the level of these first-known traces of marine Poraminifers would be some six or S3ven feet down. During all those vast intermediate ages, such tiny living things have swarmed in ocean, lake, and river, in earth and air. "We cannot break down any friable freestone, such as oolite or Bathstone, any sandstone, limestone, or clay, without finding abundant specimens of ancient Microzoa in the dried and sifted dust. In those rocks, too compact to be reduced mechanically to powder with- out crushing, such as the limestone from Dudley, the marble from Matlock or West- moreland, very thin polished sections will reveal, under the magnifying power of the microscope, some of their beautiful and pecu- liar forms. Some rock -masses, indeed, such as chalk and various tertiary marls, are wholly composed of the perfect and well-preserved shells and cases of ancient minute organisms. Amongst these microscopic fossils, how- ever, are two classes, which beyond all others have played, as they still continue to do, a most important part in the accumulation of massive sedimentary strata. Over how many thousands of square miles in Europe alone does the chalk, that in the lofty cliffs of Dover ?ind of France presents us with a thickness of a thousand feet, extend ? And yet, in every cubic inch, a million perfect individuals may be counted, besides the broken shells and fragment- dust with which they are cemented together. So minute, sometimes, are these rock-forming Microzoa, that in the polishing slate of Bilin, for ex- ample, forty-one thousand billions are esti- mated within the same limit of a cubic inch. In the former, the chalk, the organisms are, however, much larger and marine ; still they require a magnifying power of at least 250 linear, or 62,500 times, to render them intel- ligibly, and a far higher power than this for the examination of their intimate struc- ture. In the latter, the Bilin slate, the organisms are, for the most part, the silicious lorica of vegetable diatoms, such as Mr. Tuffen West has already described in a re- cent state in his papers in this work. For the past seventy years, microscopic objects, whether vegetable or animal, have, for the most part, been commonly described and spoken of as Infusoria, a name they first derived from the almost universal presence of animated atoms in water in which flower- stalks had been steeped, and in other vege- table infusions. The severer scientific scru- tiny to which this, like every other depart- ment of natural history has of late years been subject, has shown that many very- different classes, both of animals and vege- tables, have been improperly included and grouped under this now restricted title. Of the two classes of minute animals which we have alluded to as principal con- stituents of some rock-masses, neither is infusorial. One of these, the Foraminifera, belongs to the lowest grade of animal life — the Protozoa, or globular animals ; the other, the Entomostraca — however at first sight it may seem to diverge from the familiar crab or lobster type — belongs to the Crus- tacea, or crust-sJielled animals, one of the principal sub-divisions of the Articulate or ring-formed group. Of each of these kinds innumerable hosts are living at the present hour, and they are as easily obtained in their living as in their fossil state. It will be well, however, in this paper. EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 147 lest we should become too discursive, to con- fine ourselves to one class, and, from their great antiquity, the Foraminifera hold the first claim to our attention. All are familiar with the household sponge, and it is now very generally known that sponge, with its curious tissue of inter- lacing fibre, is but the horny skeleton of a marine animal of the lowest condition of life ; the like horny skeletons of small British 9 Hyaline-shelled Foraminifera (Globular arrange- ment, running into Nautiloid). Fig. 8, Orbulina universa, D'Orbigny. 9, Globigerina buUoi'des, D'Orb. 10, Rotalina Partschiana, D'Orb. ] 1, Polystomella Fichtelliana, D'Orb. 12, P. Eegina, D'Orb. sponges are commonly cast by the waves on our beaches. But still few know the animal itself of the sponge, or would recognize what it was if they saw it. The investing animal substance of these homy skeletons was a soft thin jelly, called by naturalists " sar- code." It possessed no visible muscular structure, and yet it had some slight power of contraction and expansion, some slight capacity of voluntary movements. Through the smaller pore-like cavities with which the skeleton of the sponge is seen to be per- forated, the ocean-water was inhaled in a current produced by the paddle-action of the numerous minute cilia (or thread-like disten- sions of sarcode) with which the internal surfaces of those channels were lined, while the water thus inhaled was expelled by the fewer and larger tubular orifices denomi- nated oscula. The sponge itself was rooted to one spot from the period of its first settle- ment— for while young as a gemmule it swam freely about — to the end of its life, and the sponge of commerce is no more, as we haye said, than the mere framework of the crea- ture, which, dredged from its native depths, has been kicked and trodden and blown about, on the sands of the Mediterranean, until every particle of its animal substance has been wasted and destroyed ; and the dust, so fuU of exquisite microscf pyrastri). Red Admiral Butterfly (Papilio Atalanta). 154 EECEEATIVE SOIENCE. Ghost Moth (Phala3iia humuli). Great Egger Moth (Pha- laena Eoboris). Great Tiger Moth (Pha- l8Bna Caja). Dart Moth (Phalana segetum). Gyrinus natator. Dytiscus circumflexus. < 7. — The Expanding ov the piest Peonds OF Pebns. Garden White Butterfly (Papilio Brassicse). Orange Tip Butterfly (Pa- pilio Cardamines). Meadow Brown Butterfly (Papilio Janira). Currant Clear - wing C Sphinx Tipuli- forme). Polypodium dryopteris. Polystichum aculeatum. „ angulare. Lastrea dilatata Athyrium filix foemina. Lastrea filix mas. Seolopendrium vulgare. Cystopteris fragiiis. Osmunda regalis. Pteris aquilina. Struthiopteris Germanica. Adiantum pedatum. Onoclea sensibilis. Polystichum acrosti- choides. Cyrtomium falcatum. 8. — The Floweeing- of Geasses. Gynerium argenteum (Pampas grass). Anthoxanthum odoratum. Alopecurus pratensis. Aira csespitosa. Dactylis glomerata. Cynosurus cristatiis. Arundo pliragmites. Spawning of Frogs. Mushrooms. Holcus lanatus. Briza maxima. Arrhenatherum avena- Bromus mollis, ceum. „ sterilis Briza media. Stipa pennata. 9. — Miscellaneous. Swarming of Bees. Spawning of Fish. Spawning of Toads. I The following example, selected from the climate of Nottingham, will illustrate the manner of using these observations : — The Apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris) var. Moor-park, came into bloom — 1844 1845 1846 1847 Maich 15 „ 28 February 26 March 19 1848 1849 1850 1852 March 27 „ 20 13 The meantime of flowering is March 16, the range being 31 days. In 1852 the period was three days earlier than the average. E. J. Lowe. Higlifield Souse Observatory. WONDEES OF A STAGNANT POOL. Aftee long confinement to the house, whether from illness or an unusual pressure of en- gagements, how delightful to turn out for a stroll in the fresh pure air ! Unheededwhether it rain or shine, if a naturalist of the true stamp, all around seems to welcome him, and care aiid trouble for the time fly far away. It was early in the morning, recently, that, in urgent need of a breath of fresh air, we started for a walk before breakfast ; rain had fallen heavily during the night, and the air was still reeking with moisture. One trouble, and one alone, was ours during the walk — "What shall we contribute to our readers in the next Eeceeative Science ? One subject we had given much time to presented so many new features requiring careful and prolonged examination, that it had to be left for further time and opportunities ; so on in meditative mood we walked, till our thoughts turned to the teeming abundance of the lower classes of vegetable life, and the important part they play in the grand scheme of life on our globe. Coming, then, to a stagnant, foetid ditch, our attention was caught by the unusual quantity of a blackish-green slimy-looking substance, at the bottom, sides, and floating on the top by means of entangled air. Some of this was gathered. A similar material by the side of the road, left by a now dried-up rain-pool, furnished another gathering, each, for lack of a better means of conveyance, being placed in a bit of paper, and trans- ferred to the waistcoat-pocket. A little further on the palings, the trees, the very walls in parts, were covered with a bright green powdery -looking substance, as if they might have been recently painted, some of which was carefully scraped off"; and, lastly. EECHEATIVE SCIENCE. 155 nearly at our own door, we find on tlie gravelled path., at tlie base of tlie wall, a lively crisp-looking little vegetable, some of which, is secured, and we have material enougb for some hours' careful examination, and, if time permitted, montbs,' it may be years, of study. Let us take out the microscope ; some slides and thin glass-covers, and a tumbler of clean pure water, will be wanted ; and it may be as well to have a little bottle of glycerine, and another of asphalte varnish, for the preservation of tbe subjects of ex- amination. The magnifying power required will be tolerably high, say about two hundred diameters. We will take a little of the ma- terial obtained from the pool, black from the close crowding of the little threads composing it, remove it with the point of a penknife to a slide, and then put on a cover. In the meantime, the portion from which it was taken may be put into a watch-glass, or other shallow vessel, with a little water. Eaise the tube of the microscope, lest the object-glass be injured by touching the slide or the wate • Fig. 1. — Oscillatoria. a, portion of a mass under a moderate magnifying power ; b, end of one filament, with cilia (?) much more highly magnified; c, fila- ment breaking upj d, sporange (?). upon it, and carefully lowering it till rightly focussed, look what we have got. "Why the whole field is in motion! it looks as if we had a number of little slender worms, of a pale copperas, or verdigris-green colour, uni- form in diameter, and with a sufficient power and good light, bars or stripes at short intervals may be seen passing across them. Here are some that look as if they might be fastened together like a bundle of fag- gots, with those on the outside writhing and twisting as if they would free themselves from an unwelcome embrace. Some have succeeded in the attempt, and are passing across the field with an undulatory motion ; others are imitating the action of a pendu- lum, whilst here is one turning what might be taken for a head, with which it would see what is going forward behind it. The peculiar character of these movements has caused the name of Oscillatoriae to be given to the tribe (Fig. 1). How do they moveP is the first question that suggests itself, and it is not easily to be answered; for upwards of a century has it been debated, and it is yet hung round with doubts. It has been suggested by Dr. Harvey, that the appearance of wave-like flexure and oscillation may be due to onward progress in a spiral direction. This view is enter- tained by Dr. F. D'Alquen, in a very able article in the " Quarterly Journal of Micro- scopical Science" (vol. iv. p. 245), where the whole subject is treated at length, and a source of motive power described in one species, which, if the author be correct, would be, so far as known, new and unique in the vegetable kingdom, an irritable contractile fibre passing down the centre of each fila- ment. Our own observations lead us to think that the motion is really in a spiral direction, but to what it may be due we do not venture to give a decided opinion. One observation we made, however, seems very much to the point : on doubling oiir magni- fying power in this instance, as represented at b (Fig. 1), a number of fine threads were seen projecting all round the end of the fila- ment, to one of which a minute particle of dirt adhered ; we could thus see that the fila- ment was turning rapidly round, and found it difficult to resist the belief that the lash- 156 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. ing of the water was produced by the ac- tive movements of cilia, and not merely by the passage through it of motionless pro- cesses. Such cilia, if indeed they be so, may occasionally be seen on other parts of a filament, and the most rapidly moving speci- men we ever met with was furnished with them in unusual profusion. Before finally putting this down, let us add a drop of chlo- roform ; the motion is instantly stopped, and laudanum produces a similar effect. "What relation is borne by Oscillatoria to other plants is yet a mystery. If we look at the dried-up material taken from the gravel path, it wiU be found to be motionless, in much shorter pieces, and those contained in gelatinous tubes ; the same thing evidently, but in a different state. As it would have been impossible, before the changes had been observed, to predicate that from an egg, a motionless speck, should come an active, vo- racious caterpUlar, which should turn again to a quiescent chrysalis, and whence should emerge at last a graceful volant denizen of air ; so, till all the changes involved in the life-history of this simple vegetable are known, we are unable to say what phase the motUe stage we have been examining may represent. Probably, when the pools or damp places it inhabits are slowly dried, it assumes the altered form with investing hyaline tubes ; when quickly dried, each fila- ment breaks up into its component joints (c), which are probably analogous to the buds of higher plants. Sometimes we find a portion assuming a different appearance, enlarged and thickened (d), with spaces on each side of it bare of colouring matter — such may be a sporange, or reproductive body ; and there are good grounds for thinking we know but the caterpillar state, the connection of which with its perfect condition remains yet to be traced. To any who have taste for such an investigation, a rich reward in continually renewed interest may safely be promised, and it may be their good fortune to add another leaf to our yet most scanty knowledge of the " Book of Nature." The "greenstuff" from thepaling is a plant of another kind ; like little beads of a rounded or oval form, and delicate grassy green colour (Fig. 2). Generally each little "bead" is •^ 0 . 0 c, 0 ^ 0 o 0 Fig. 2. free, sometimes two may be seen united, and occasionally four or six in short strings. If this be really a unicellular plant ; if each of these little "beads," or "cells," as they are termed in scientific language, be really a plant in itself, " Totus, teres, atque rotundus," (which may be freely translated for the occa- sion, "perfect, round, complete in all its parts"), it surely must, as the late lamented Professor Henfrey said, be the most numerous in individuals on the face of our globe. But it requires to be grown and watched, varying loOO ^Sbo SSSSSBdo SS09 00 pQ oa no QQQO oqOq OQgg nr»nc\ .,N»~ ^"u ""' CO 00 Fig. 3. — Ulva crispa. a, portion of frond in its ma- ture state ; b, e, c, early stages ; d, zoo-spores (?). external circumstances of temperature, amount of moisture, exposure, and so on, with a good deal of ingenuity, before this can be safely affirmed. RECREATITE SCIENCE. 157 The little " Ulva crispa," gathered last, is always a favourite object (Fig. 3) with its bright green endochrome dotted with a charm- ingly regular irregularity over the delicately transparent membrane of the frond. With the mature plant may often be found narrow flat threads as at h, which show in an instruc- tive manner how a broad leaf-like expansion may be formed by repeated cell-divisions, now in a longitudinal direction and then in a transverse direction. Some of the pretty bright green cell-contents have escaped, and taken on an active animal-like existence, as at d. The specimen from which our figure was taken swarmed with them, and though we did not actually witness any of them escaping, such has been seen. Numerous Euglenae (Fig. 4) occurred with them, of Fio. 4. — a, motile ; and 6, resting condition of Euglense. which all that can be said here is simply to stimulate inquiry ; though so thoroughly animal-like in their movements, altering their shape continually as they move over the field, vibrating the little whip-like cilium or two vrith which they are furnished — with their little red eye-like speck, and at some stages of their existence a small vesicle dilat- ing and contracting at intervals heart-like, yet these are now known to be only motile spores (the name given to bodies analogous to seeds produced by non-flowering plants). The stages of growth of Ulva are not yet fully known, and it seems possible that the Eu- glense forms found on this occasion with the Ulva might be motile spores of the latter. Having sought to attract to the study of these humble plants, by showing how elegant their appearance is under the microscope. how instructive the little we yet know about them, and how much of yet greater interest remains to be learnt of the history of their life, let us briefly glance at the important part borne by them in the economy of Na- ture. In poesy, the intensified and spiri- tualized reflection of the popular mind, mis- taking the cause, it is held that they are per- nicious in their effects. " Mantled o'er with green, The stagnant pool,' " is a familiar representation of all that is foetid and unwholesome. But is it indeed owing to this green vegetation that such is the case ? Nay, on the contrary, the very opposite is the fact. Is there such a collection of foiil- ness ? Borne on the four winds of heaven, at once the Oscillatoria and allied types of vege- tation appear to commence their mission of usefulness to man. Look at the portion left in the watch-glass : the spot where it was crowded together, a shapeless, unsightly sub- stance, is now deserted, and instead, it has wormed its way to the extreme edges of this miniature collection of water, the ends all pointing outwards, as they would go further " 'an if they could." Even to the naked eye, it is now a pretty spectacle, the threads forming a delicate green fringe round the margin of the glass. Thus, in the pools they spread, increasing with amazing rapidity, feeding on agencies destructive to our hfe, oxygenating the water, and through it the air in the neighbourhood of which they grow. By their decay a soil is formed for plants of a higher type and with higher powers of use- fulness. But let us, especially the dwellers in great cities, forget not how much we owe to the unthought of agencies of " that green stuff;" in revivifying the "used-up" atmo- sphere we are compelled by the circumstances of position to breathe, and let us not again attribute to them, our friends, ill effects which they are incessantly doing their ut- most to counteract. TUFFEN WbST. 158 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. WAYSIDE WEEDS AND THEIR TEACHINGS. IN SIX HANDFTJLS. — HANDrUL II. CONCLUPED. Wk now turn our attention literally to the business, or at least to the flowers, in hand. We have found that they are many- petaled, and that petals and stamens by their attachment to the calyx afford us a character which is a common bond of union ; but after this, we must confess, we cannot show you any great resemblance. Vetch or pea tribe, rose or apple tribe, and hemlock tribe, to say nothing of saxifrage and willow herb, are not very similar. Fig. 31. — Petals of Common Broom, separak ;il. a, standard ; b b, wings ; c, keel. Pull this broom to pieces ; it is an excel- lent example of its order. Off" come its petals one by one (Fig. 31), and an irregular lot they look. In truth, the pea-flowering tribe, in this country at least, has very ir- regular flowers, by which we mean that they can only be divided one way into two equal halves. You pull off the petals and the stamens remain (Fig. 32), and there they will remain, even long after the flower has with- ered and fallen, as we see in the example (Fig. 33). T-. <^.^ r, 1 , ' X- 1 Look closely at liG. o3. — Calyx and essential •' organs of Common Broom, the stamens (Fig. a, calyx; b, stamens; c, 32) after detach- curved style. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ You will perceive they are all joined together at the base by their filaments, and surround, as it were, the pistil which in the broom (Fig. 32) has a pecu- har curve. This pistil enlarges into the seed- pod or legume (Fig. 33), and from this form of seed-vessel the whole of these vetch and pea plants have ta- ken their family name of Legu- FiG.33.— Pod or Legume of Com- minous Plants; mon Broom, a, legume ; b, albeit they have persistent calyx ;c, remains of ^^^1^^,. name, stamens ; a, remains of stigma. taken from the fancied resemblance of some of the pea- blossoms to a butterfly, and hence they are sometimes called Papilionaceous Plants. The peculiar form of these butterfly -like petals has procured for them the names which are appended to the figure. You can scarcely EECREATIVE SCIENCE. .159 $ee one of these leguminous plants again ■without knowing its social status in the botanical world, and recognizing it as a member of a most important family — quite one of the most so in Flora's kingdom. Most important to man, seeing that from it he draws such a vast number of articles which are almost necessaries to his comfort- able existence. Lastly, look at the leaves of our leguminous friends (Fig. 34); but we shall speak of them in a future lesson. Suffice it to point out here that they are what botanists call compound — that they are cha- racteristic as such, especially with the superaddition, to many, of the ten- drils (Fig. 34). With distinct pe- tals, with petals and stamens attached to the calyx, the rose tribes are grouped with our pod-bear- ing friends the Leguminosse ; but from them, in other Fig. 34.— Compound Leaf of respects, they differ Vetch, a, tendrils. widely. Firstly, the blossoms are regular ; you can cut a strawberry, a wild-rose, or an apple blossom through the centre, in any direction, into two equal halves. Calyx, corolla, sta- mens, pistil, varying in divisions, number, etc., are yet all regular. You will have no difficulty with the first three sets of organs in any we have made you gather ; but when you come to put the pistil, or rather pistils, of the strawberry and bramble, beside those of the apple or wild-rose, you are probably quite thrown out. The strawberry and the bramble (Fig. 29a) bear their pistils relatively to the other parts of the blossom, in accord- ance with your previous experience of plant arrangements ; but the rose and the apple seem to put their calyx and other parts right on the top of the pistil, or at least of the seed-vessel. We are too young in our lessons to consider this subject here, and when we come to opefl our fruit-basket it will be fully gone into ; suffice it that the difference is more apparent then real. Fig. 35. — Compound Leaf of Eose. however, sufficient difference to cause divi- sions in the great class of the Rosaceous plants ; some claiming to be the true stock, or Erosese, whilst others, including our friends the apples and pears, rank as the Pome tribe, and a third set takes their places with the cherries and plums. Nevertheless, divided or not, the Eosacese are a most excellent family, and are not one whit behind the pod- bearers in the amount of good things they prepare for us. We must not forget that many of them, such as the rose (Fig. 35), have compound leaves. Neither must we forget that with all the good things they give us, they are also great preparers of prussic acid, and that bitter almonds, peach kernels* 160 BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. and even apple pips, contain it in abundance. True Eosaceans, however, are less given to tkis manufacture, and offer us astringency in its place. Group No. 3, in our hand, greets us with the very different aspect of the hemlock tribe (Fig. 30). We find, pn examination, the bond of union in the attachment of the petals and stamens, but almost all else is different. First, there is the great distinctive feature which gives the family name of umbel- bearers to this large section of the vegetable kingdom ; an umbel being that peculiar dis- position of the flowers which we see in Fig. 30, and which we find in all plants belonging to the order. Observe how the flower-stems all spring from one central point. You will seldom gather these hemlock-like plants with flowers otherwise than white, though some have a pinkish tinge, and one or two are yellow ; moreover, we have compound leaves again (Fig 36), but compound after a dif- Fis. 36. — Compound Leaf of Umbelliferous Plant. a, sheath for stem. ferent mode from the leaves of the vetch, oc of the rose ; the leaf, too, sheaths the stem rib its base, and the stem is more or less hollovr. Look to these things, for they are part of your lesson, and then let us see to the blossoms themselves. Here, perhaps, you do not see matters quite so plainly as you did in the large-blossom plants we have hitherto examined ; a little more patience is required, and the magnifying glass will aid you. Do not forget we are still among the distinct petal flowers. Five little petals have these umbellifers, placed on the top of what you will recognize as the seed — seed-vessel it is indeed (Fig. 37) — and with a calyx, more or less minute, adhering closely to the latter. On the summit of this little double seed, you will more easily make out the double styles, and the five stamens will not tax your patience much. Probably, before your examination has proceeded thus far, you will have made the discovery that the petals of this tribe of plants are by no means equal in size, and, if you have examined closely, that they have frequently a peculiar turning in — inflection — ,, . 1846 ., 1847 ., 1848 . 1849 . 1850 . 1851 . ■ 1852 .. 1853 . 1854 . 1855 . 1856 . 1857 . 1858 . The greatest heat in shade reached 620° in 1856, and only 43'0'' in 1844, giving a range of 17-3° in greatest beat for December during the past seventeen years. The greatest cold was as low as 12'0° in 1855, and never below SO-O" in 1857, giving a range of 18'0'' in greatest cold for December, during the past eighteen years. Only 0-4 inch of rain fell in 1844 and 1857, whilst 4 inches fell in 1845, giving a range of 3"6 inches for December, during the past sixteen years. The mean amount of rain for this month is 1'9 inches, December is a very variable month, depending much on the general du'ection of the wind for its character ; it is, however, usually mUd, with the wind blowing be- tween W. and SW. E. J. Lowe. Greatest Heat. Degrees, Greatest Cold, Degrees. Amount of Kain. Inches. — ., .. 210 .. .. — 57-5 ,. , , 27-5 . , — 57-0 ,. .. 29-0 .. .. 1-6 43-0 .. .. 19-5 ., .. 0-4 53-0 ,. . . 2G0 , . ,. 4-0 47-5 .. .. 15-7 ,. .. 1-3 56-0 ., . . 29-0 . . .. 3-4 58-1 .. . , 26-2 , . .. 2-4 530 ., .. 20-5 .. .. 3-9 55-0 ,. , . 23-5 . , .. 1-7 56-3 .. , . 20-3 , . .. 1-6 56-5 .. , , 24-8 , , ,. 20 510 .. ,. 13-8 ,, .. 0-6 56-6 .. , . 24-0 . . .. 2-4 50-8 .. . . 120 . . .. 0-8 60-2 ,. . . 12-5 . . ., 1'8 56-8 ., .. 30-0 .. ,. 0-4 54-0 .. .. 24-8 .. .. 1-9 ASTEONOMICAI; OBSEEVATIOI^S EOE DECEMBEE, 1859. The sun is in the constellation Sagittarius till the morning of the 22nd, when he passes into Capricomus. In London he rises on the 1st at 7h. 45m., on the 15th at 8h. 2m., and on the 31st at 8h. 9m. He sets on the 1st at 3h. 53m., on the 15th at 3h. 49m., and on the 61st at 3h; 58m. In Dublin he rises 10 minutes later, and sets 10 minutes earlier. In Edinburgh, at the commencement of the month, he rises 26 minutes later, and sets 26 minutes earlier, and at the end rises 27 min. later, and sets 27 min. earlier than in London, The sun reaches the meridian on the 1st at llh. 49m. 7s. a.m., on the 15th at llh. 55m. 138. a.m., and on the 31st at 12h. 3m. 8s. p.m. Equation of time on the 1st, 10m. 53s. ; on the 15th, 4m. 47s. ; and on the 31st, 3m. 8s. Up to Christmas-day clock after sun ; after which before sun. Day breaks on the 1st at 5h. 41m., and on the 29th at 6h. 2m., and twilight ends on the 1st at 5h. 56m., and on the 30th at 6h. Om. Length of day on the 3rd, 8h. 3m., and on the 23rd 7h. 44m. The length of day has decreased on the I2th 8h. 44m. Full moon on the 10th at 3h. 13m, a.m. New moon on the 24th at 5h. 47m. a.m. The moon is at her greatest distance from the earth on the 29th, and at her least distance on the 13th, She is near Jupiter on the 12th, Saturn o» the 14th, Mars on the 19th, and Venus on the 26th, Mercury is an evening star till the 13th, and then a morning star. He is situated very low, and is, coi> sequently, imfavourable for observation. He is in Sagittarius, passing into Ophinchus at the end of the month. He rises on the 1st at 9h. 38m., and on the 26th at 6h. 15m, He sets on the 1st at 4h, 56m, p.m., and on the 28th at 2h. 48m. p.m. Venus is unfavourably situated for observation, being low, near the sun, and also at a great distance from the earth. She is an evening star, and is in Ophinchus, passing into Sagittarius in the middle of the month, and into Capricomus at the close. She is nearly circular in form, and rises between 9 and 10 a.m., and sets on the 26th at 5h, 37m. Mars is unfavourably situated for observation, its disc being less than 6" of arc. He is a morning star, and in Virgo tiU the end of the month, when he passes into Libra. He rises at about a quarter past three, a.m., and sets on the 26th at Ih. Im. p.m. Jupiter is a fine telescopic object, his apparent dia- meter on the 31st being 44", having increased from 30" since June. He is in Gemini, except for the first few days, whenhe is inCancer. He is an evening star, rising on the 1st at 7h. 2m. p.m., and on the 26th at 5h. 20m. p.m., and being on the meridian on the 1st at 3h. 9m. a.m., and on the 26th at Ih. 21m. a.m. Saturn is an evening star, and a good telescopic object. He is in Leo throughout the month. His motion is direct until the 8th, when he is stationary, and after which retrograde. He rises on the 1st ^t 9h.56m. p.m., and on the 26th at 8h. 16m. p.m. Uranus is favourably situated for observation, being in the constellation Taurus throughout the month. He is on the meridian on the 1st at llh. 84m, p.m., and on the 26th at 9h. 51m. p.m. There will be six occultations of stars by the moon on December 8th, viz.: — Electra, 4th magni- tude, disappears 3h. 36m. p.m. ; and reappears 4h. 25m, p.m. Celoeno, 5 Jth magnitude, disappears 4h. Om. p.m., and reappears 4h. 9m p.m. Merope, 5th magni- tude, disappears 4h. 6m. p.m., and reappears 4h, 49m. p.m. Alcyone, 3rd magnitude, disappears 4h. 32m. p.m . , and reappears 5h. 24ra. p.m. Pleione, 5ith magni- tude, disappears 5h. 18m. p.m., and reappears 5h, 59m, p.m. Atlas, 4th magnitude, disappears 5h. 32m.. p.m., and reappears 5h. 38m. p.m. The following eclipses of Jupiter's satellites are visible : — On the 2nd, at Ih. 2m, 19s. a.m., 3rd mooil disappears. On the 2nd, at 4h. 14m. lis. a.m., 3rd moon reappears. On the 6th, at llh. 59m. 37s. p.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 14th, at Ih. 53m. 8s» a.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 15th, at 8h. 21ia. 180 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 80s. p.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 16th, at Ih. 38m. 17s. a.m., the 4th moon disappears. On the 16th, at 5h. Om. 16s. a.m., 4th moon reappears. On the 17th, at 7h. 15m. 53s. p.m., 2nd moon disappears. On the 22nd, at lOh. 15m. 10s. p.m., 1st moon disap- pears. On the 24th, at 9h. 52m. 26s. p.m., 2nd moon disappears. On the 30th, at Oh. 8m. 57s. a.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 31st, at 6h. 37m. 26s. p.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 31st, atl2h. 28m. 593. a.m., 2nd moon disappears. Meantime of the transit of the first point of Aries : — On the 1st at 7h. 19m. 32s.; on the 15th, 6h. 24m. 29s. ; and on the 31st, 5h. 21m. 358. E. J. Lowe. Highfield House Observatory, Nottingham. THINGS OF THE SEASON— DECEMBEK. FOR VARIOUS LOCALITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Birds Arriving. — Pintail, Scaup, Black Velvet and Eider Ducks, Brent and Laughing Geese, Wild Swan, Gray-headed and Orange-headed Gossanders, Black-throated and Red-throated Divers, Grossbeak, Sno-wflake, White Nun, Long-tailed and Tufted Pochers, occasional flights of Eedpoles, Starlings, and Skylarks from the Continent. Woodcocks continue to arrive. Birds Departing. — Gray Plover. Wild Plants. — ^Verrucaria, Endive-leaved Ceno- myce, Fringed Bornera, Thelotrema, Spiloma, Tar- gionia, Graphis stricta, Glaucous Riccia, Christmas Rose. Furze and Hepatica bloom in sheltered places. Mistletoe berries ripen. Mt Noteworthy's Corner. Duration of Life. — Dr. Guy says that among lite- rary men poets live the shortest lives of any. Taking Tibullus, Persius, Lucilius, Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and Martial, as the leading Roman poets, the average duration of life was 48^ years. Against these he places for contrast, Kirke Wliite, Collins, Parnell, Bums, Goldsmith, Thomson, Cowley, Shakspeare, and Pope, and the average is 43 years. Married lite- rary men live longer than the single. Of 188 men of science, the lowest age at death was 22, and the highest 92 : the last was a naturalist. Scientific men have an advantage over artists and literary men, but the pur- suit of literature is pronounced by Dr. Guy favourable to longevity, but destructive to life at early periods. A comparison of 8449 facts gives as one result that the duration of life of married men is greater than that of the unmarried by as much as 5f years. Portable Furnace. — At a soiree, lately held at the London University, Mr. Grifiin exliibited a portable furnace of novel construction, adapted for laboratory uses and for amateurs in metal-work. It can be placed on a table or bench, and, by means of a gas-flame, fed by a flexible tube, produces a heat sufficiently intense to melt any of the metals ordinarily used in the arts. The expense of melting Sf lbs. of copper in ten mi- nutes is three farthings. The caloric is economized, and confined to a small area, by means of earthenware discs ; and when the crucible containing the metal is at a white heat, the hand may be placed on any part of the apparatus externally without being burned. Earlt Frosts. — During twenty years past, there have been four hard frosts in September, on one occa- sion as early as the 7th. In fourteen years out of twenty, sharp frosts have occurred between the 20th and 30th of October. The earliest frosts during the past twenty years occurred : — September 7, 1855 ; ther- mometer, 28° ; duration of frost, one day. September 17, 1840; thermometer, 29°; duration, one day. Sep- tember 20, 1856; thermometer, 29°; duration, one day. September 27, 1847 ; thermometer, 28° ; duration, one day. During the whole period, the frost of 1859 was most severe, the thermometer was at 17° on the 23rd, and the frost lasted eight days. The frost next in severity to the one of the present year occurred on the 21st of October, 1842, thermometer, 20°. These registrations are from observations made at Chiswick, of which Mr. Thompson has prepared a table, which appeared in the Gardener's Chronicle on the 5tlx of last month. The October Gales. — Admiral Fitzroy has proved, by statistical data, that most of the painful disasters resulting from the late gales might have been obviated had the plain teachings of science been heeded by the brave mariners whose bones have strewed our shores. The barometer and thermometer distinctly foretold that storms were coming. Science gave warning of what Nature was about to do, and few of the many who perislied but liad time to prepare against the worst. The low state of the barometer, and the move- ments of the thermometer, plainly indicated, first, a storm from the north, and next a storm from the south, as eventually happened. Nor was the warning a short one ; it gave time for vessels far at sea to prepare to ride it out, and for those near shore to seek a proper refuge, and this the "Royal Charter" might have done, and witli aU her living freight have come safely into port at last. Mr. Noteworthy rejoices to know that the life-boat and coast-guard stations are to be provided with good barometers, and he hopes no pride of personal daring will stand in tlie way of a careful study of the indications of the valuable instru- ment. Mr. Noteworthy learns from his friend, Mr. W. C. Burder, through the columns of tlie Times, that the storm of the 25th and the 26th was, probably, a revolving one, but that the radius was so large, that in the part of its course near Bristol, the tangent and the arc may be considered parallel. With all the dis- may and sorrow that come with the warring of the ele- ments, the pliilosopher will mingle thankfulness that man is not left utterly in the dark, but may, if he chooses, see the cloud no bigger than a man's hand, and shield his head against its bursting. EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 191 " His nest is near the garden-door, But who hath eyes to find it ? " OUE PEIEND THE EOBIN. If we held tlie Pytliagorean notion of the transmigration of souls, we might indulge in very pretty speculations as to the antecedents of the spirit of our familiar friend, the Eobin Eedbreast, His dashing carriage, audacious strut, self-possession, and adventurous cou- rage seem so many indications that his soul is human; for is he not a mixture of the hero, the minstrel, and the coxcomb? In the light of tradition he is not a bird, but a person, and one almost elevated into the ranks of a petty deity. It is hard to say whether the moral story of his life, as we make acquaintance with it by experience, or the mysterious influence of traditionary pres- tige, is to be regarded as the source of that homage we pay to his name and nature, by ■which he becomes of right the most sacred Vol.. I.— No. 6. of our lares. Our hearts leap out to the robin as he leaps in at the garden-door ; and if we cannot in the body, at least in the spirit we shake hands with him as the dearest friend of our childhood, and one whom we are prepared to cherish and defend at all hazards. The robin and the sparrow vie with each other in courting the friendship of man. But the robin not only courts, but compels — not only sues, but demands — and so he gains a march on the sparrow, and will be spared by the prosiest blockhead, who would shoot and poison every other bird within his reach. The affection for the robin is shared by all of us alike— it may differ in degree, but not in kind ; and even the heart- less bird-catcher handles him with more tenderness than any other bird, and some- 1&2 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. times has the humane courage to let him go for his beauty's sake. But the robin has character as well as beauty ; his bold outline, broad chest, and twinkling eyes give him the attitude of a chieftain ; and his breast wears the robe of royalty, by which we know him best. The unmatched sweetness and wildness of his song — the personal dash of his bearing, his fearless familiarity, his solitariness as he stands all alone on the top of a gate-post, defying the blasts of Boreas and the snow- shrouds and sleety arrows of Death, which have conquered all but him — the brightness of his scarlet breast, and the web of romance that centuries have woven in his honour ; — these are sufficient reasons why the robin should enjoy the highest fame among the birds of Britain. Therefore is he ouvfiiend the robin, whom we never see and never hear but we feel a thrill of homeliness that springs from the very seat of our best affections ; for, after all, he is a helpless creature, and our human sympathies warm up with most force and spontaniety for all who tenderly manifest their dependence upon us. If the excellence of love is to be mea- sured by comparisons, the mother loves no chUd so fervently as the one she has to nurse, and soothe, and nestle to her bosom ; and as if he knew that human love must ex- press itself in kindness, he comes without fear to the threshold, and even takes his place at the table to share with us the best we have, and so wins our whole heart by his confidence. What an uninteresting bird is the robin apart from these poetical features of his history ! He takes a wife in direct opposition to the precepts of Malthus, renounces the idea of prudence and provision beforehand for a family, but simply yields to impulse, and " takes no thought for the morrow." The nest is often built while snow lies thick on the ground, most frequently at the bottom of an old hedge, sometimes in a hole in an old wall, or in a boss of ivy, and most rarely of all on the summit of a thick bush. With an instinctive veneration for the past, the robin avoids all new places, and gives the preference to a hedge that has not been clipped for years, in which the stems of the quicks are matted a foot deep in dead leaves and wisps of moist hay ; or on a wall that is in ruins, and which the ivy will some day, not far distant, bring to the ground. A hollow in a root, an old pile of mossy faggots, a neglected corner of a woodyard — these are the places in which you may look out for the robin, if you want to study his domestic life. Turner, who wrote on the "Eobinet" — he was so called by Drayton and others of the old writers — three centuries ago, set afloat a whole chapter of inaccuracies, which have been copied by almost every writer since, including even WHloughby, Buffon, and Bewick. Turner says, he "nestleth as far as possible from towns and cities, in the thickest copses and orchards ;" whereas, in truth, the robin loves the neighbourhood of man all the year round, though his peculiar fami- liarity is manifested only in autumn and winter ; and in every one of the suburbs of London, where there is any touch of rurality, the robin regularly builds, and rears its young. At Stoke Newington, there are as many robins' nests every spring as there are of blackbirds and thrushes ; and he is only beaten in this respect by the sparrow, which is a social bird, whereas the robin is a hermit, and an association of hermits would be para- doxical. Turner says, "she coverethher nest with archwork, leaving only one way for entrance, for which purpose she builds with leaves a long porch before the doorway ; all which, before going out to feed, she covereth with leaves." This is another mistake, which nearly all the writers on birds have copied ; but there is just a grain of truth in it, be- cause the nest is usually in the midst of a collection of drifted rubbish and dead leaves, and is therefore not easy to find; but a RECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 183 "porch." and a " coTering" are inventions of the fancy. The best figure of a robin's nest I have met with is that in the second volume of the Eev. E. O. Morris's " Nests and Eggs of British Birds." It is a moderately neat nest, not particularly finished or artistic, but about London ; for, as a genuine rustic, the robin is not over particular, except as to strength and safety. People who collect eggs are a good while obtaining experience in dis- tinguishing those of the robin, for they vary in colour considerably. They are usually " Art tbou the bird whom man loves best, The pious bird with the scarlet breast, Our litde English Eobin ?" W0BDS\T0RTH. compact, roomy, and always warm. The mass of the structure consists of moss, dried leaves, and bents ; and the lining is usually of linen and wool. I have seen bits of cloth, paper, and Berlin wool worked into nests freckled with yellow and brown on a white ground, but are sometimes gray, with ferru- ginous spots, and occasionally of the purest white. The building of the nest is usually a slow 184 RECKEATIVE SCIENCE. aflfair : tliere is a great deal of fidgeting and caprice ; the newly -married pair seem to have no settled views of life, and often lay the foundations of many nests before they finally work in earnest to complete one. A pair that built in my garden last summer, and brought out a strong brood, made choice, I think, of not less than half a dozen places along the length of the privet-hedge, and at last settled within ten yards of the drawing-room win- dows, whence we could watch my lord and my lady making their excursions, and knew when eggs had been laid by missing my lady alto- gether. But my lord was so pompous, rest- less, serious, and busy, that he filled the scene with his own consequential presence, and the square* rod of turf which fronted his domain was none too large for him to give it all the life it needed. Eennie tells of a pair building in a greenhouse at Christmas, and bringing out their young, in due course, with perfect safety. The Eev. F. O. Morris gives the following dates at which nests con- taining eggs were found: — November, 1851, at Gribton, Dumfriesshire; January, 1848, at Moreton, and near York ; first week of February, 1844, near York ; 20th of Febru- ary, near Belfast. From the end of April to the beginning of June are the periods when the first broods usually come out — earlier or later, according to the season and the locality. No one unaccustomed to young birds would suppose the little puffy gray things to be robins. They soon, however, acquire the first instalment of their future russet in nu- merous rust-coloured spots, and these gradu- ally disappear ; towards August the " scarlet" of the breast begins to show itself distinctly. Then old and young alike acquire their pro- per winter plumage, and towards the middle of September robins appear to be suddenly plentiful, as if they were birds of passage and had just arrived, whereas with little song and very sober coats, the old birds have been close to us all summer, and their numbers are now increased by the young of the year. Long before the young birds have ac- quired their russet garb, they demonstrate themselves to be robins by their pugnacity. Before they have full strength to leave the nest and shift for themselves, they fight amongst each other, and no sooner is it plainly evident that if kicked out they need not perish, than they are kicked out. The father knows them no longer, except as ene- mies against whom he rejoices to show the strength of his beak and claws. From this time tUl the season of nidification again re- turns, robins prove their royalty by their love of combat. Old birds and young birds, cock birds and hen birds, all fight, and prefer to fight each other rather than any meaner foes. At pairing time the pugnacious pas- sion is at its height among the males ; every attitude, every movement, every song, have all one meaning— ;^^^^. When the robin's song is at its best, at the end of September, and again just after the turn of the year, take note of the way in which he performs his min- strelsy. He comes with a flirt over the fence and alights on the ground, his beautiful breast burning with martial hues, and his heart beating with martial passions. He does not hop like a common bird, but shuffles, three hops at a time, with a small flutter at the end, then shuffles again, and presently flirts on to the rail, post, or branch which gives him the best view of your face, and there, eying you with dignified confidence, he trills out his short, plaintive, and melli- fluous song. Now listen ! That same song, note for note, is immediately repeated from a neighbouring tree or fence, and see ! he has been listening for it with all his feathers ruffled, knowing that if there be one of his race within hearing, his defiant piping will be answered in the same strain of wildness and of war. Yes, it means war, sweet as it is ; and rarely does the robin sing except as a challenge which the next within hearing ia always bold enough to answer. You may hear fifty robins in the course of a short EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 185 walk, and every one will be found to sing, pause for reply, and sing again, and every separate song is an invitation to mortal com- bat. When they fight, as they do fre- quently, it is without quarter on both sides — one of them is almost sure to perish. Many a robin have I found and buried with martial honours, pronouncing him a "little fool," when his mite of a body, all ruffled and blood-stained, has been in my hand ; but the battles take place usually at day-break, and none but early risers have a chance of witnessing this trait of the robin's character. Rennie once saw an instance at Compton Bassett, in Wiltshire, " in which a redbreast made a daily visit in summer within a cottage- door." Wonderful sight to see ! how many hundreds of such " instances" have country people, who are not naturalists, seen ? Why, there is hardly a countryman in the three kingdoms but, at some time or other, has seen a robin go within the cottage-door ; and any man with a goodnatured face may scrape acquaintance with the robin without ceremony of introduction, for his motto is veni, vidi, vici — it is not for you to seek him, he makes the direct appeal by placing himself in your power, and, unless you are a downright brute, you are beaten by his confidence. He is the friend of man, and is determined that man shall be his friend. When caged, and so de- spoiled of that joyous liberty he loves so much, to sing and slaughter at his own free-will, he still is the most impudent of all birds. I never keep but one caged robin, and that is only during the winter months. I let him free in March, as they are easily caught, and easily kept, but are apt to die in sum- mer. This is the way to indulge your own desire without doing grievous wrong — nay, robins often perish of cold and want in winter, for they are not so hardy as they look, and by keeping a robin over winter only, one may console one's self by the belief that the bird has been rescued from possible misery. My present " Bobby" came home three miles screwed up in a paper bag inside my hat. In three days he was at home in his cage, in a week he was as tame as an old canary. The secret is to give insect food in plenty ; quietly drop in the cage one meal-worm, or one spider, or a small earth-worm. Presently you hear a tapping, and the prey is swallowed. Give another, and another, till Bobby has made away with half a dozen. Leave him alone for an hour, then fill his food-vessel with a paste made thus : grated carrot as much as will fill a table-spoon, a quarter of a French roll steeped for a minute in boiling water, squeezed dry, and then slightly wetted with boiling milk, a table-spoonful of hemp- seed scalded with boUing water and drained quite dry ; mix all together, and let him have a little at a time ; it will keep two days in a cool place, and in cold weather need only be made twice a week — of course if it gets sour it should be thrown away. With this and daily supplies of animal food, whether insects or minced beef, robins always do well, and there is no occasion for German paste, or any other mysteries. When once he takes fairly to the food, place a meal-worm on the open palm of your hand and let his door be opened. If he does not sweep over your hand and carry away the meal-worm on his way to alight on a cornice or a curtain-pole, tlien you are not clever in managing birds, and must hope for better luck in future. I never would keep a robin except as a member of the family, with liberty to go in. and out of his cage as he pleased, and with & special welcome to hop about the table at meal times, and help himself from every- dish. To make sure of success, you must get a strong bird that has been caged when " gray." To catch one at this season is to sacrifice it, for it will sigh itself away and break its heart at the loss of freedom. With a good gray the case is difierent. He loves his cage as much as you love your home, and if you open the cage-door when all is quiet, he will at once explore the room, and be as thoroughly 180 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. at home as any of your children. Throw a meal-worm on the floor, his quick eye will detect it, and he will, by his look, ask you for another. Gratify his whim, and pre- sently present one in the palm of your open hand, and, by a graceful sweep on the wing, it will be taken ; and from that moment you and he are the best of friends. Now you may enjoy a hearty laugh at his erpense. Set on the table an earthen pan, filled to within an inch of the rim with water, on which float a good-sized bung, or a flat piece of wood measuring say three inches each way ; your friend will alight on the edge instanter, then take to the raft, and there splash and dip till drenched to the skin. His efforts to balance himself as the frail support tilts over with him, will prove the best fun you have had this season ; and it will be better fun still when the " drowned rat" betakes himself to the front of the fire, to shake himself dry in the enjoyment of the warmth. Don't be in haste to pronounce this cruel, for the robin is as fond of water as a No-vfoundland dog. The personal bravery of this bonny bii'd is all in keeping with his place in history and tradition. Is there a national folk-lore of any kind that lacks a legend of the robin ? Didn't we all make acquaintance with "Cock E^bin" in nursery rhymes that will never die out of our memories? Haven't we all wept, and are ready to weep again, at the dear old story of the " Babes in the Wood," whose little lifeless forms were buried de- cently with the perfumed strewings of the autumn, in the lonely land of blackberries ? Cannot we trace to that legend very much of the sanctity with which the robin is invested as the bird of privilege, to be protected and cherished in the enjoyment of his native wildness ? All the robin legends have the same tendency to endear him to us. In Brit- tany there is a legend that when the Saviour was bearing his cross, a redbreast plucked a thorn from hia crown, which, piercing its breast, dyed it with the stain that has ever since sufficed to link it with our sympathies. In poetry he bears a variety of designa- tions. Shakspere makes a comparison of his "love song," and Ophelia, in her madness, sings of him as "all her joy." Carrington calls him " the bird of autumn," and " sweet household bird." Dr. Jenner describes him as "the sweetest of the feathered throng," and thinks of him as the "helpless bird." Wordsworth as the " pious bird," and Gra- hame, in plain English, calls him "the friend of man." He is too thoroughly English to possess classical distinctions. The Greek poets wanton with swans, and nightingales, and swallows, that " bring the message of the gods ;" and the Soman poets gave their hearts to bees and roses, all-forgetful of the homely redbreast. Even Keats was too much flushed with the wine of an old vin- tage, too much dazed by god Bacchus, and lulled by the fragrance from pagan altars, to befriend the robin with a word of praise. Is it not the robin that Tennyson alludes to as the " Wild bird whose warbled liquid sweet Eings Eden tlirougli the budded quicks? " Strange omission if the wondrous dirge, " In Memoriam," has no place in it for the very type of tenderness for the "sacred dust." He must be there, though I have failed to find him. One more of these cita- tions must suffice to bring the story of the robin to an end. Grahame has a passage descriptive of the robin's visit to a smithy, which Sydney Yendys may have read ere he penned that famous line, " blows the rough iron of his heart red-hot"— " Fearless of the clang and furnace glare, Looks round, arresting the uplifted arm, WhUe on the anvil rests the glowing bar." Here, then, we bid him farewell, and when his loud canticle — best of Christmas carols — breaks the silence of the wintry air, we will delight to hail him as Oue Eeiend the eobin. Shieley Hibbeed. BECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 18t THE ANECDOTE HISTOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. COLLECTION I. It would be superfluous to enter into any- lengthened or learned dissertation on tlie origin of the term Photography, suffice it to say that it is derived from the Greek words phos (photos) and ffrapho, which in English signify to draw or paint hy the agency of light. The art has also been called Heliography, a term compounded of two Greek words, meaning to paint or draw by the agency of sunlight ; and indeed this lat- ter appellation better illustrates our topic when we speak of the science of the sun- beam— the sunbeam or pencil of light that portrays, on any properly prepared surface, and through the medium of the delineat- ing lens, either portraits, pictures, or land- scapes. Photography, or the science of the sun- beam, has thus become essentially one of the most beautiful and graphic arts of the day, and has proved itself an invaluable auxiliary to the progress and promotion of almost every art and science, while its general difiusion throughout England, the Continent, and the world, is no small proof of its universality and value. We have now a central society in London — the Photographic Society and Exhibition — numbering between 400 and 500 of the most eminent practical photogra- phers ; another in France, and others in the principal continental cities. There are nu- merous artists of emiaence in London who practice photography as a profession, while the total number of those who devote them- selves to it in the metropolis and provinces may be estimated by hundreds. Then there are amateurs without number, a multitude of professed photographic material dealers and practical apparatus makers, while the money expended in the art amounts to many thou- sands a year. Most of our large English cities have their photographic societies and exhibitions, and one has been recently estab- lished in India. In addition to this, it has given great impetus in a new direction to the glass and chemical trades, to the frame manu facturer, to the miniature painter, the opti- cian, the paper-maker, and the picture- seller. No fewer than thirty different processes have been invented for taking photographs on paper, though these, since the introduction of the collodion and albumen processes on glass, have been comparatively abandoned. Unlike steam, telegraphs, and railways, the origin of photography is not involved in obscurity. It is, in fact, one of the brilliant discoveries of our own day and generation, and dates from the beginning of the present century. Its foreshadowing is by some very imaginative people traced to those lines in Milton, where he is supposed to hint at some magic process of after-time, in which, " With one touch virtuous The arch-chemic sun, so far from us remote, Produces." Others, speculating on its origin, allege that photography, in some rude form, was known to the Indian jugglers. Suppositions of an equally interesting and ingenious cha- racter assert that our great mother Nature was the authoress of all photography ; that she it was who first placed it in the cradle of discovery, where it was nursed by light, and nourished on sunbeams. These and other interesting photographic facts will be illustrated more in detail by the anecdotes that follow. There is a story that the first principles of a peculiar photographic process were dis- covered fifteen years ago by M. Bayard, on the amber and purple surface of a peach. Proud of his peaches, M. Bayard, it is said. 188 EECREATIA^E SCIENCE. was accustomed to mark them with his initials. To effect this he was in the habit of gumming on to the surface his initials cut in small paper characters, and which, under the action of the autumn sun, left their im- pression on the ripening fruit. Photogeaphic Effects of Lightning. —The first authentic mention of this sin- gular natural phenomenon was made by Pranklin in 1796, who states that a man who was standing opposite a tree that had just been struck by a thunderbolt, had on his breast an exact representation of the tree. On August 26, 1823, a little girl was standing at a window, before which was a young maple-tree. After a brilliant flash of light- ning, a complete image of the tree was found imprinted on her body. M. Easpail records that in 1855 a boy climbed a tree to rob a bird's-nest. The tree was struck, and the boy thrown to the ground, and on his breast the image of the tree, with the bird and nest on one of its branches, appeared very plainly. Signor Orioli brought before the scientific congress at Naples the following cases of impressions made by lightning : — In Sep- tember, 1825, the lightning struck the fore- mast of the brigantine, St. Buon Servo, when a sailor under the mast-head was struck dead, and an impression of a horse-shoe, like that fixed at the mast-head, was found upon his back. On another occasion a sailor standing in a similar position had on his breast the impression 44, with a dot between the two figures, corresponding with the figure 44 at the mast-head. On October 9, 1856, a young man was found struck by lightning. He had on a girdle with some gold coins in it, and they were imprinted on his skin in the same manner as they were placed in the gir- dle. In 1836 an Italian lady of Lugano was at a window in a thunder-storm, and a flower that happened to be in the path of the elec- tric current was perfectly reproduced on her leg, and there remained permanently. On July 24, 1852, a poplar-tree in a coffee planta- tion was struck by lightning, and on one of the large dry leaves was found an exact repre- sentation of some pine-trees that lay at a distance of 367 yards. The above cases, were they not clearly ex- plainable on scientific grounds, would almost appear to be incredible; but they are not one-half so difficult of belief as that alleged marvellous discovery by Dr. Conyers, who, it is said, on anatomizing a gentleman who died for love, found an impression of the lady's face upon his heart. Theoretical Explanation of Light- ning Impeessions. — M. Poey, director of the Observatory at Havana, is of opinion that these impressions are produced in the same manner as the curious electric images obtained by Karslen, Grove, and Fox Tal- bot, either by statical or dynamic electricity, of different degrees of intensity. The fact that impressions are made through garments, is accounted for when we remember that their rough texture does not prevent the lightning passing through them with the impression it has received. Oil - painted Photogeaphs. — Photo- graphs have been produced by Mr. Parris, the artist, painted in oil, so as to have aU the effect of the most finished miniatures. The oil process removes those over-strong mark- ings which photography, at its best, produces in portraits. CuEioTJS Halo Light bound Poe- teaits and Piotukes. — This curious ap- pearance is found to arise from the reflected light in and from the lens. The positive pic- ture is found to have a sort of halo of light about the centre of the picture, and the same appears in the negative, but reversed, i.e., black. Photogeaphic Effects of one Leaf ON Anothee. — Mr. Piesse has called atten- tion to the delicate shading or finishing of leaves produced by the photographic touch of the sun, in the case of geranium and other leaves, where one leaf produced a shade BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 189 upon the other, the tinder leaf presenting a beautiful photograph of the upper one, its serrated edge and form being perfectly de- fined. Wherever the shade was cast, that part of the leaf was of a deep green, while the unshaded parts were of a pale sea-tint. FiBST Peinciples or Photogeapht Enown to the Alchemists. — The action exercised by light upon fused chloride of silver, horn-silver, is alleged by Dr. HaUeur, of Berlin, to have been known to the alche- mists as early as the 16th century, who noted that light imparted a black tint to the ori- ginally white salt of silver. The chloride of silver suffers under the influence of the prismatic rays. The Phenomena Noticed by Subse- quent ExpEEiMENTEES. — Petit published his observations upon the influence of light on the crystallization of various salts in 1722, and Chaplot and Dieze in 1788 and 1789 ; and Scheele, in 1777, published his observa- tions on the nigrescence of chloride of silver under the influence of light, and on the alterations. Silhouette Piguees Taken by the Action of Solae Light. — One of the ear- lier chemists, M. Charles, is recorded, about this period, to have exhibited, in his lectures at the Louvre, a paper capable of taking sil- houette figures by the action of solar light, but no account has come down of his process. Wedgewood, the Pibst Photogba- phee. — The honour of being the first practi- cal photographer is generally conferred upon Wedgewood, who, in 1803, contributed a paper to the Journal of the Royal Institution, accompanied by observations from Sir Hum- phry Davy, entitled '* An Account of a Method of Copying Paintings upon Glass, and of Making Profiles by the Agency of Light upon Nitrate of Silver." White paper, or white leather, saturated with a solution of nitrate of silver, served as the impressionable surface. Wedgewood's description of his discovery is tPQ yemarkabje i^ot to he re- corded. He says : — " The alteration of the colours commences the more speedily in pro- portion to the degree of the intensity of the light. In bright sunshine, from two to three minutes sufiice to produce the full effect; whereas, in the shade, several hours are re- quired to arrive at the same effect. Through differently coloured glasses the light acts with different degrees of intensity. When the shadow of a figure is thrown upon the pre- pared surface, the parts covered by the sha- dow remain white, whilst the other parts speedily turn black. To copy paintings on glass, the negative images should be taken on leather, because the action is more rapid with this material than if paper were used. When the colour is once fixed on leather or paper, it proves fast to a degree ; water, and even soap and water, failing to remove it. Besides the method of copying just given, there are several others. It will be useful to make copies of all such objects as are partly transparent and partly opaque. The woody fibre of the leaves of plants and the wings of insects may be very accurately copied in this manner. All that is needed to this end is, to transmit the direct light through the object to be portrayed, and to receive the shadow on prepared paper or prepared leather." EXPEEIMENTS BY SlE HuMPHEY DaVY. — Sir H. Davy, in commenting on Wedge- wood's discovery, says : — " It has been ob- served that the image of the camera obscura is too feeble to make an impression upon the nitrate of silver within a reasonable space of time. To copy these images was Wedge- wood's chief object. I followed up his expe- riments, and found that the images of small objects produced by the solar microscope may be copied without difficulty on prepared paper. A comparison of the effects produced by the action of light upon chloride of silver, with those produced on nitrate of silver, fully and clearly showed that the chloride is the more sensitive compound of the two. All that is required now to render these experiments as 190 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. useful as they are interesting, is to find a way of preventing the subsequent colouring of the white parts upon exposure to daylight." Cattses of Wedgewood's and Davy's FAiiitTBB. — After these results by Wedge- wood and Davy, no experiments were made for many years ; their failure owing solely to the fact that the agents now used with such success to fix the image by acting on the nitrate of silver, were then unknown. Hypo- sulphate of soda, discovered by Sir John Herschel in 1819, and iodine, discovered in 1812, were then unknown, and without the discovery of these or similar agents, photo- graphy would probably never have reached its present point of perfection. The DAGiTEEEEOTTrE. — So named after Daguerre, who commenced his experiments jn 1824, and having become acquainted with Niepce in 1826, they pursued their experi- ments together. In 1829, they employed " iodine," from sea-weed, to blacken the plate which held the heliographic impression, which they applied with the greatest success to that purpose. It took about twenty minutes to obtain an impression. The picture is taken on a copper-plate with a silver surface, now under the operation of M. Claudet, who adopts the Daguerreotype, and whose system is said to be followed by all the so-called American inventions. The Discoveeies oe Niepcb and Dagueeee. — In 1814, Niepce, after a series of experiments, succeeded in fixing the images of the camera obscura, having discovered the peculiar property of the solar rays to alter the solubility of resinous substances. He spread a thin layer of asphalte on a glass or metal plate in the camera obscura, and, after waiting from five to six hours, he found on the plate a latent image, which became vi- sible on treating the surface of the plate with a solvent. In 1827, he made experiments at Kew, and some of the pictures are said to be preserved there. Invention op the Collodion Peo- cess. — A friend of the late Mr. Scott Archer, the inventor of the collodion process, says that on September 19, 1850, Mr. Archer communicated to him his discovery, and they made the first coUodion picture together. He had previously imparted the secret to one or two friends, who assumed to themselves more or less of the credit of the discovery. The collodion process undoubtedly ranks above all others, both as a sensitive medium, and for the exactness and beauty of the images it develops. It is so instantaneous in its action that clouds, waves, ships, aud figures in motion, may be taken by a siogle lens. Chaeles Maybuey Abciiee. SPOETIYE EXEECISES UPON MUSICAL NOTATIOjS". IN TWO PAETS. — PAET I. The present paper is* intended to serve the laudable purpose of impressing upon the mind the names, relative value, and use of the ordinary musical signs. It does not pre- tend to contain aU, or even the half, of what might be done in the same way ; but may prove useful, as well as amusing, upon the principle of verbum sapienti. Every one is presumed to have learned a little of musin ; not every one can read a page of musii al notes. The Sportive Exercises, by presenting, in the form of problems, the simplest rules and terms of musical notation, may afford, in the hands of a teacher, armed with chalk and black board, an hour's profitable recreation to a class, and at the same time give the soli- EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 191 tary musical tyro a little help towards the remoTal of a very common difficulty. SECTION I.— DEFINITIONS, All musical sounds are expressed by certain characters called notes, which are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet — A, B, C, D, E, F, G. These notes are written upon a Staff, , which is a figure formed of five ^ lines and four spaces. The lowest line is called the first. The Staff used for the notes of tbe right hand, in playing upon the pianoforte, is called the Teeble Staff ; that used for the left hand is called the Bass Staff. The names of the lines and spaces of the Teeble Staff are as follow :— t: *-E- 'JEl ^_4 3 2 i The names of the lines and spaces of the Bass Staff are as follow :— :si:4 -a- Peoblems ttpon Section I. Write upon the Teeble Staff, in notes of this character J, the words — 1. Ace ; 2. A&ED ; 3. Cage ; 4. Deaf ; 5. Ceded ; 6. Bee ; 7. Bede ; 8. Baggage ; 9. Cabbage ; 10. Dace; 11. Paded; 12. Egg. Solutions. 1. 3^= g: 8.' ^=:t- c 10. 0 It— - 11. ^=^^ 12. "Write the foregoing twelve words upon the Bass Staff. Solutions. EE — •- EE i92 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 5. ::p: E qii=rp: 'X=r-t=: 1.' 8. 3=i BAGGAGE 1 III t* J 1 ^ * « J J r « • • — i •' U - 11, 1 A =3- r — =^ lU. -•- D h w A C -F- E r- =3 3" P= — 1 -• • , L- 19 ~ * t- A D E ■ P p_ ll« „ E^— t— 1= 3 SECTION II.— CLEFS AND LEGER LINES. The Treble and Bass Staves are distin- guished from eacli other by means of -^ certain marks called Clefs. These "^ " are for the former a mark like Sf, thus : *^ For the latter a C, thus : gi : The Clefs determine the names and spaces of the notes placed upon the lines and spaces. But the ordinary staves, Treble and Bass, not being of sufficient extent to contain all the notes that can be sung or played, certain additional lines above and below the Staflf are added. These are called Legek Lines. The Legee Lines of the Treble Staff are— above the Staff, A, C, E, etc. ; below it, C, A, F, etc. A__C=: ^ = The Spaces above the Staff are, G, B, D, etc. ; below, D, B, Gr, etc. The Legee Lines of the Bass Staff are — above the Staff, C, E, G, etc. j below it, E, C, A, etc. ^ A The Spaces above the Staff are, B, D, F, etc. ; below it, F, D, B, etc. Peobiems upon Section II. "Write upon the Treble Staff, using Legee Lines and Spaces above or below when necessary, the following words in this character, J. First upon the lines only: — 1. Baggage ; 2. Cab ; 3. Fee ; 4. Caged j 5. Fed ; 6. Face. Solutions. 3=^: baggage. P^i 3=i 3.?K=E^3=3Eor *eE: 3f=£Eyt '■t i-^^^^t :-^z=E=rz FACE. EEOEEATIVE SCIENCE. 193 Next, using the Spaces only :— Solutions. '■^^m^ CAGED. FACE. Write tlie same words upon the Bass Staff, with its Legee Lines above ol* below, at first using only the lines as before :— Solutions. 1. 95=3=^=3=3=1 3EE BAGGAGE. 2.a^=i=3= CAB. 3.ei =r— -F^-z: e?EEE: FEE. 3=3: CAGED. g.Bi^ ^= FED. 6. et :?^EEEEEEEEE FACE. 1.3 Write the same, usrog only the Spaces : — Solutions. ^t:^=^- :!:: -A-- BAGGAGE. W=^Z ilzii^t:: CAB. ai: :t:=t:: FEE. ^■^=i=3=E^ t=^: :t=1: CAGED. FED. ■A- SECTION III.— INTEEVALS. The distance between one note and another upon the Staff, or the difference between two sounds in point of gbatity otr acuteness, i.e., in depth or shrillness, is called an Inteeval. The least of our Inter- vals is called a semi-tone, or half-tone. The greatest may be several octaves. Examples of Intervals. Ascending. 5 6 7 Descending. 12345678 Starting from any one note of the scale, the note next contiguous to it is called a second ; the next is a thied ; the next, a foueth ; the next, a fifth ; the next, a sixth ; the next, a seventh ; the next is an eighth, or octave ; the next is a ninth ; and so on. 13 194 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. Taking the above Ascending Treble Staff for a basis ; calling a second two, a third three, and treating the other Intervals in a similar manner ; and letting the E upon the first line ^tand for the figure one, enforce your ac- quaintance with these Intervals by means of the following— Peoblems upon Section III. Write the numbers— 1. 1847;* 2. 23578; 3. 421345; 4. 235218; 5. 1478642; 6. 2468643; 7. 1358978. Solutions. The foregoing are exercises upon the Ascending Staff. It is equally necessary to practice downwards. The same numbers may next be used in connection with the Descend- ing Staff above printed ; the E in the fourth space standing for the figure one, and the E upon the first line for eight. • i.e., Write the first note, then the eighth, then the fourth (from E, 1), then the seventh. Solutions. These are given as a means of habituating the young student to measure distances or Inteevals in ascending and descending ; to be able to do which readily will be of incal- culable advantage to him. W. Newman. EEFLECTION EEOM POLISHED SUEFACES. EvEEY one sees that when light, homogeneous or mingled, falls upon any rough surface, it is differently acted upon than would be the case were that surface either artificially or naturally polished. In the former case, cer- tain rays are supposed to be absorbed, and others, producing its colour, reflected. As regards polished surfaces, we find that the light falling upon them, whether homogeneous or mixed, is reflected in a different manner. If white light falls upon a surface of polished brass, it is found that the objects in front of EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 195 it are reflected, which reflection varies in intensity with the colour of the reflecting surface. The reflection from white surfaces is the brightest, because here the greatest number of rays is reflected, and its inten- sity diminishes as the proportion of those absorbed increases. The reflection of non-luminous bodies, which characterizes polished surfaces, may, perhaps, be explained, when we consider that the asperities of such are far more reduced than those of rough objects. When light falls upon rough or unpolished surfaces, as a piece of slate, it is easy to conceive that the rays, before quitting them, are many times reflected, which, of course, renders them feeble, and thus unable to return the impres- sions of objects in front. Consequently, if this explanation is accepted as true, the dif- ference of reflection from polished and rough surfaces is merely one of degree, although ap- parently of kind. The reflection of light from unpolished surfaces only suffices to produce blank colour, showing nothing beyond. I consider this hypothesis strengthened by the fact, that unpolished surfaces will, although not very distinctly, reflect luminous bodies ; a wall will reflect the image of a candle if placed pretty close to it, from which it ap- pears probable that the strength of the rays overcomes the many reflections, and thus, for the time, causes a rough surface to act as a polished one. J. A. Davies. A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE COMETS WHOSE CEBITS HAVE HITHEETO BEEN COMPUTED. A NEW comet having been discovered, the tirst thing an astronomer does, is to obtain three observations of it, whereby he may compute the elements of the orbit. He then examines a catalogue of comets, to see if he can identify the newly-found stranger with any that have been before observed. The value of a complete catalogue is therefore obvious, and as nothing of the kind has, as far as the writer is aware, been published for some years, he has been led to compile a new one. In the preparation of the following, care has been taken that only the most reliable orbits that were to be obtained should be in- serted, the general rule being to prefer the one which was derived from the longest arc, other things being satisfactory. Among the autho- rities consulted may be mentioned Pingre, Hussey, Olbers, Cooper, Hind, Arago, and others. From the Journals of the Eoyal Astro- nomical Society of London, the Academy of Sciences of Paris, the Astronomischo Nachrichten, etc., much valuable informa- tion has also been obtained. PP denotes the time of perihelion pas- sage expressed in Grreenwich mean time, N.S., since 1582. TT denotes the longitude of the perihelion. U denotes the longitude of the ascending node. I denotes the inclination of the orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. q denotes the perihelion distance ex- pressed in semi-diameter of the earth's orbit. 6 denotes the eccentricity (of an elliptic orbit). M denotes the direction of motion, -f- direct, — retrograde. The periods assigned in the column of " duration of visibility" are subject to much uncertainty in the case of the ancient comets. 196 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. No. Year. 1 370B.C. 2 136 3 63 4 11 (4) 66 A.J). (4) 141 5 240 (4) 451 6 539 7 565 8 563 9 574 (4) 760 10 770 11 337 i. 12 961 (4) 989 iii. (4) 1066 IH 1093 14 1097 15 1231 16 1264 17 1299 18 1301 i. (4) 1301 ii. 19 1337 i. 20 1351 21 1362 i. 22 1366 (4) 1378 23 1385 24 1433 (4) 1456 25 1457 26 1468 ii. 27 1472 i. 28 1400 29 1506 (4) 1531 30 1532 30 1532 PP. d.h. Winter April 29 July Oct. 8, 19 Jan. 14, 4 March 29, 2 Nov. 9, 23 July 3, 13 Oct. 20, 14 July 11, 18 August 29, 7 April 7, 6 June 11 June 6, 14 Feb. 23, 23 Dec. 30, 3 Sept. 11, 23 April 1, 0 Feb. 15, 0 Sept. 21, 21 Jan. 30, 7 July 15, 23 March 31, 7 September Oct. 23, 23 Jan. 15, 1 Nov. 25, 23 March 11,4 October 13 Nov. 8, 18 Oct. 16, 6 Nov. 5, 4 June 8, 23 Sept. 3, 16 Oct. 7, 9 Feb. 28, 5 Dec. 24, 11 Sept. 3, 15 Aug. 24, 21 Oct. 19, 14 Oct. 19, 22 32S 251 71 313 84 318 143 150—210 230 300—330 330 270—330 above 30 220 150—180 28 32 40 12 60 189 0 58 or 238 158 45 294 15 128 17 357 7 90 59 389 3 206 33 263 3 380 35 261 0 84 0 264 55 25 50 156 20 125 40 332 30 207 30 134 43 13 30 272 30 175 30 3 20 107 8 180 60 312 0 133 0 2 20 93 1 69 0 219 0 249 0 66 0 212 fl 299 31 47 17 101 47 263 31 262 1 110 9 301 0 43 30 93 48 256 6 356 3 61 15 43 3 207 32 58 40 288 45 250 37 132 50 301 39 49 25 135 44 119 fl HI 7 80 27 20 70 10 +, 40 3 17 44 10 0 60 30 4 8 46 31 61 49 10 or 12 79 33 very sm. 101 0-80 0-58 0-445 0-720 0-372 0-341 0-775 0-907 0-963 0-642 0-580 0-552 0-568 0-720 0-928 0-738 0-943 0-430 0-318 0-333 0-640 0-828 1-0 0-456 0-958 0-583 0-774 0-329 0-586 2-103 0-853 0-539 0-738 0-386 0-5670 0-6125 0-5091 Calculator. PiffgrS Peirce Peirce Hind Hind Hind Burekhardt Laugier Burekhardt Burekhardt Laugier Hind Laugier Laugier Pingre Hind — iBurckhardt —I Hind + Hind +'Burckhardt 4- Pingr6 -j- Pingro — Pingre + iBurckhardt — ,Laugier — iLaugier + Burekhardt Burekhardt Peirce Laugier Hind Hind Pingre Hind Laugier Laugier Hind Laugier HaUey M^chain ") Halley j Date of Discovery. 68, July 23 11, Aug. 26 66, Jan. 31 141, Mar. 27 240, Nov. 10 451, May 17 539, Nov. 17 565, Aug. 4 568, Sept. 3 574, May 2 760, May 16 770, May 26 837, Mar. 22 962, Jan. 28 989, Aug. 5 1066, April 2 1092, Jan. 8 1097, Sept. 30 1231, Feb. 6 1261, July 14 1299, Jan. 24 1301, 1301, Sept. 16 1337, May 1351, Nov. 24 1362, Mar. 5 1366, Aug. 26 1378, Sept. 26 1385, Oct. 23 1433, Oct. 12 1456, May 29 1457, June 1463, Sept. 1471, Dec. 1491, Jan. 1506, July 31 1531, July 13 1532, Sept. 22 Discoverer, Greek obs. Chinese obs. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto China & Europe Chinese (?) China & Europe Ditto Chinese Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Europe & China European obs. Ditto Kegiomontanus Chinese obs. Ditto P. Apian P. Apian Duration of Visibility, 5 weeks. 5 weeks.* 9 weeks.* 4 weeks.* 6 weeks.* 13 weeks.' 9 weeks.' 15 weeks. ^ 10 weeks.'" 13weeks(?).ii 8 weeks. '^ 10 weeks.'* 5 weeks.'-* 5 weeks. 5 weeks.'* 6 weeks or +.'* 17 weeks." 4 weeks.'" 4 weeks. 3 months. '9 11 weeks.2» {?).2' 6 weeks.'-' 3 or 4 months.*' 1 week.2* 5 weeks." Several days.*' 6 weeks.*' (?).28 2 months (?). 1 month.23 3 months.30 2 or 3 months." 3 months.32 (?).33 2 weeks. 5* 5 weeks.** 10 weeks.** ' Is said to have separated into two parts, * It had a short, but brilliant tail. * An apparition of Salley's comet (?), mentioned by Dion. Cassius as having been suspended over Bome, previous to the death of Agrippa. * An apparition of Halley' s comet (J). It had a tail 8=" lone, * An apparition of Halley' s comet. « Elements somewhat doubtful. It had a tail 30^ long, ' Undoubtedly an apparition of Salley's comet, » It had a tail 10 feel long. ' A mean orbit. It had a tail 10° long, 1" Elements very reliable. On September 8tb it had a tail 40^ long. " Elements uncertain. '* An apparition of Halley' t comet. 1* It had a tail about 30^ long. '• Tolerably trustworthy. The maximum length of the tail was 80'', but it dwindled down to 3^ in a fortnight. '* Probably an apparition of Halley'a comet. Mentioned by several Saxon writers. '8 Possibly an apparition of Halley'i comet. This is the famous object which created such universal dread throughout Europe in 1066. la England it was looked upon as a presage of the success of the Norman invasion. " Elements satisfactory. " A tail 50^ long. Was seen in China, and much bifur- cated. 1" One of the grandest comets on record. Its tail is said (o have been 100' long. *" Elements very doubtful. *' Very uncertain. *2 Probably an apparition of Halley' s comet. ** A fine comet. The elements assigned by Halley, Pingrft, and Hind differ somewhat from those here given. ** Very uncertain. No latitudes given. ** Uncertain. The tail was 20 feet long, and the head was the size of a wine-glass ! 26 "Very uncertain. *' An apparition of Halley's comet. *8 Tolerably certain. The tail was 10' long. *9 An apparition of Halley's comet. It had a splendid tail, 60' long. *" Only approximate, *' Uncertain. ** A celebrated comet. When at its least distance from the sun (3,300,000 miles) on January 21, it was quite visible in full daylight. It had a fine tail, which the Chinese say was as long as a street ! J3 Uncertain. 3* Elements uncertain. It was as large as a ball/ and had a tail from 3' to 5' long, 3* An apparition of Halley's comet. 3" It had a tail several degrees long. Gibers has computed an orbit which agrees well with Halley's, but Mdchain'a is con- sidered the best. (To he continued.) Geo. W, F. Chambees. HECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 197 ELEMENTAEY METEOEOLOGY. The industry of the thinking portion of mankind, as a matter of course, will cause the different branches of science to advance towards perfection. Already some sciences liave become perfect to a degree that even philosophers themselves are astonished at the result of their own labours; and yet were we allowed to see the progress of another century, our present astonishment would be as nothing in comparison with the fresh truths that another generation must undoubtedly unfold. If Ave look back upon Beeston Observatorj'. Astronomy, we are amazed that om* fore- fathers should have considered our earth as the central orb, around which the sun and all the heavenly host revolved. In the progress of time Astronomy advanced, and the sun became the central body ; yet how vague and imperfect were the guesses and surmises of astronomical truths until the immortal Newton, by his discovery of the laws of gravitation, connected all the hea- venly bodies together. By a knowledge of ^ I these laws, distant planets have been weighed and measured; by a knowledge that each material body is influenced by, and influences every other material body, new planets have been discovered, and truths unfolded so vast that but few are able to understand them. Photography has made rapid strides, owing to the advanced state of the science of Chemistry ; it was but yesterday that the sun was first made to paint portraits and take sketches from Nature. Daguerre discovered that he could render a polished silver plate so sensitive to light, that it would take a picture of anything which was brought to a focus upon it. Then it was ascertained that even a thin film of collodion, spread upon glass, coidd be made as sensitive as a silver plate, if immersed in a bath containing a sohition of nitrate of silver ; and that such pictures could be copied indefinitely upon paper. And lastly, M. Niepce announced that he could bottle sunbeams, keep them corked up for months, and then take a picture without any light save that of the bottled sunbeams ; that even a common print placed in the sun imbibed sunbeams suffi- cient to allow it to print a copy of itself in the dark. Then sun pictures could be taken so small that a lengthy document might be contained on a piece of glass no larger than a pin's head. Meteorology, of which we have more especially to treat, has not at present made such vast progress, although it has received the attention of many careful observers ; it must still be looked upon as a new science — a science in the condition of Astronomy before the law of gravitation had been discovered — an advancing science, which ere long must become as important a branch of study as astronomy, geology, or natural history. It is astonishing that so important a 198 EECREATIYE SCIENCE. science sliould liave so long received so small a portion of our attention. When we con- sider tliat our health, and even life, depend upon the weather, that storms arise and wreck our vessels, that heavy rains inundate our lands and damage or destroy our crops, that in an island depending so much on foreign countries for its supplies, inhabited by an industrious people striving to make the most of the soil, and vying with the world in its manufactories, and in a population far advanced in scientific knowledge in all its branches, and studying the best means of preserving life and health, and of attaining domestic comforts, it is not to be wondered at that meteorology is now becoming an im- portant subject of investigation. Probably the reason this study has been hitherto much neglected is owing to the fact, that weather changes being variable and unaccountable, we are apt to think it impossible to find out the laws which govern them, and perhaps even to doubt the existence of such laws. That laws exist, as powerful as those which connect our earth with the sun, there cannot be a shadow of a doubt. Were there no laws, we should be parched with thirst, and anon deluged with rain — scorched by an over- powering heat of the sun, or frozen to death by excessive frost. Storms of wind would tear up our largest trees and hurl down our noblest buildings ; or the air would remain immovable and stagnant, ceasing to carry off the poisonous exhalations from our towns. As it is, however, we have a certain range of temperature and pressure ; rain wiU always fall to a known extent, yet never exceed a certain limit ; the air can never be very long at rest, and the velocity cannot extend beyond an ascertainable pressure. Even the clouds, of which nothing can be said to be more changeable, obey a wise law of Provi- dence, by which the earth is shielded in a greater or less degree from our winter's cold and summer's heat. Thus, in summer, the greatest amount of cloud occurs in the after- noon, and the least at night ; whilst in winter, the reverse takes place. Our first salutation is in allusion to the weather, and, indeed, the subject is so fascinating, that it is remarkable we find so few practical meteorologists. Time will more rapidly increase the number of observers, for with regard to those who have once commenced in earnest, they rarely re- linquish this pursuit. Government, seeing the importance of such observations, has now its department of meteorology, and each country is adding its quota of observatories and observers. France, Russia, Austria, Holland, Spain, and America are making rapid advances ; records are being abundantly made both by sea and land, so that in course of time we may expect to unfold some of those beautiful laws of nature which govern the changes of the weather. There yet requires the discovery of a law which shall bind together all our atmospheric elements, as the law of gravita- tion binds the heavenly bodies together. Nothing would be more calciilated to bring important laws speedily to light than the free use of the electric telegraph to the observers, connecting the more important stations together ; and in seed-time and harvest an extensive series of telegraphic meteorological stations, from which farmers might readily learn the probable state of the weather for a few hours, or perhaps days, would really be invaluable to our agri- culturists. In studying the laws of meteorology, or rather, in endeavouring to find out laws, it must be borne in mind that important facts have already been revealed, many phenomena have shown themselves ; and, knowing these things, we are enabled to, at all events, place limits to meteorological laws. In the first place, the changes in the barometer are duo to lateral displacements of our atmosphere. The air which surrounds the earth is always weighing the same pressure, when weighed as a whole ; yet how very different does the EECEEATIVE SCIENCE, 199 ease become if we confine our remarks to any particular locality, for we shall there find con- stant changes within certain limits. The pres- sure may be as light as 28 inches, or as heavy as 31 inches, at the sea-leyel ; but it cannot be, for example, as little as 26 inches, or as great as 32 inches. Here, then, we have certain limits for the pressure of the atmosphere ; and if the barometer rises in one locality, it must necessarily fall in another, as the pres- «ure from one spot must be added to another- With regard to temperature, a certain degree of heat is given to our globe from the sun, always the same under similar circumstances, but very different in difierent localities, and varying in a remarkable degree, in the same spot, from time to time. As an instance, the temperature in the shade, in winter, in Great Britain, has been known to be 60° lower in one year than at the same period in another. One great cause in the alteration of tempera- ture depends on the position of the sun with regard to a particular country ; the more vertical the sun becomes, the higher the tem- perature rises, whilst the nearer the sun ap- proaches the horizon, the less heat does that particular locality receive ; hence arises our summer's heat and our winter's cold. Know- ing this fact, it becomes evident that whilst it is winter in the one hemisphere, it must necessarily be summer in the other. But the winters are not always alike. We have cold winters, and we have those that are warm ; nevertheless, the same temperature is received from the sun every winter in each hemisphere. It is simply colder in one portion of that hemisphere than in another j and if heat is robbed from one particular spot, it must become accumiJated at another. Thus, we find that last winter was excessively severe in North America, whilst England experi- enced mild weather. It seems as if the great cold of the polar regions became master of the feeble heat of the winter's sun; and, under these circumstances, we are at the mercy of the winds which bring the cold from the icy sunless districts; they may either carry this icy influence over us, or avert it in another direction. The same law which governs planetary movements seems to hold good with regard to wind, namely, the^r*^ impulse which pro- pelled a planet in a straight line directly away from the sun, and the power of gra- vitation, which exerts an influence in the opposite direction ; the two forces combined producing nearly circular motion. Asillus- Fi(j. \. tration, see Pig. 1, where i j, k l, M N, o P, represent the first impulse, and J i, l K, N m, p o, the power of gravitation, these two in- fluences moving a body in the direction A B, B c, o D, along the arc e r g h. The polar currents set in straight linea toward the equator, they meet the resist- ance of the earth rotating on its axis and become bent, whilst the equatorial currents set in straight lines towards the poles, and are also bent by the earth's rotation, the former creeping along the ground, and rising higher as they approach the equator, and the latter moving at a great height, yet becoming lower as they approach the poles, the two currents mingling together in the regions of variable winds. The same current, from the 200 EECREATIYE SCIENCE. same place, does not always pass over tlie same spot ; local circumstances, of wticL. we cannot at present form any correct ideas, operate in causing a variation in the direction of the currents in the variable wind districts. The polar and equatorial currents combine, and, as the one or the other prevails, we have a northerly or a southerly wind. That the wind must always blow in circles is evident from the variability of the wind itself. In England, at the 'same moment, we can have the wind blowing from every point of the compass. These circles will vary very much in diameter. There are many influences exerted to alter the direction of the wind, and the temperature of the mass of air borne along by it. Hills and mountains can change the direction of a current, whilst a mass of air, of a certain heat, will become altered in its temperature by simply passing over a cold or a warm district. Moisture is another element which is always present in the air ; at one time pass- ing over us as invisible vapour, at another visible as a cloud, and at a third discharging rain, or, if at a low temperature, frozen into hail or snow. In studying the clouds atten- tively, we learn many curious facts with re- gard to their forms and positions. Clouds chiefly move in circles, and this is seen from the tendency they have to form in straight lines, i. e., converging to a point in the far distance, and the reason they are seen as straight lines is owing to these circles having a diameter, too large to be seen, curved in our limited view of them. Lines of cirri, con- verging to the north near Nottingham, have been observed at the same time converging to the north-west at Manchester. Clouds have been said to owe their form to currrents of air, and, in some degree, perhaps, this is true, as is shown by the clouds presenting their pointed ends to the wind ; yet there is another more powerful force exerted, a power inter se, which, in rare instances, has been well shown from this observatory. Clouds have been seen to be moved in one direction by the wind, and, at the same time, currents (within the cloud itself) moving the mass of the cloud in an opposite di- rection. See Fig. 2, where c is a cloud moving in the di- rection of the ar- rows, A A, having a spiral progressive motion in the di- rection of the ar- rows, B B. "Whilst writing this article, a very singular ex- ample was noticed. A cumulus (Fig. 3) floated in the direction a a, having two motions within it at its two extremes, the one in the one direction, b b, and the other in Fig. 2. Fig. 3. the opposite direction, d d. This is also shown in thunder-storms, when the whole cloud can be well observed ; instead of the cloud dis- charging rain from all portions, it will be discharged only from a particular part (see Fig. 4). It is also shown by the same cloud discharging rain from one portion and hail from another. In most storms there is a belt of frozen rain (or hail), and this is, at the first portion of the storm, probably owing to the colder heavier air rushing to the EECREATIYE SCIENCE. 201 front. It might be tliought, therefore, that hail should fall before any rain, and this would be the case were it not that the first edge of the cloud had to meet a warmer cur- Jiorizon. Jlaiif Fig. 4.— Thunder-cloud. rent, causing the hail to melt. If a thunder- storm (where the zone of hail passes ver- tically over a place) be attentively watched, it will be seen that rain falls first, followed by half-melted hail, after which the hail- stones become larger and harder until a maximum is reached, after which they as rapidly decrease in size and hardness, and at last are succeeded by rain. The hail-storm is a compact mass at the front of the cloud ; it cannot be a circular belt around it, other- wise, before the termination of the storm, another hail-shower would occur; and this seems never to be the case. However, we have said enough, intro- ductorily, to convince all thinking men that a wide field of investigation is open before them, which, by careful culture, is capable of yielding a plentiful rich harvest of truth. We, therefore, propose to take up each branch of the subject, and describe how ob- servations may be best made, which instru- ments it is most desirable to use, and what precautions are necessary, in order to render the records useful to science and mankind. E, J. Lowe. Heeston Observatory, A PLAYTHING OF THE TIDES. A PLiYTHiNa of the tides— a plaything of the waters ! Truly so. A tennis-ball of flint, which the never-sleeping waves have bandied to and fro for many a long series of years. But, seriously, what is it ? We have already said that it is a ball of flint ; but, to speak more correctly, a ball it was before chance threw it into our hands, by the agency of which its exterior integrity became sadly, yet happily damaged. Forgetting its antecedent condition as a plaything, driven onwards and backwards, and rolled round and round by many a flow and many an ebb, let us place it before our readers. We can only do so by de- lineation. Who, then, we would ask, looking with a hasty glance at our "facsimile,'^ and for the moment forgetting all about its silicious com- position, but would say — " This is a petrified fruit, surely ? Why, there are the plain indi- cations of a fruit- stalk, from which elevated fibres extend over its rotund surface. But what a strange fruit, or perhaps kernel ; how reticulately rugose its surface ; and what are we to say to its apple-like investment, and the cavity within which the kernel is lodged, adherent by the fruit-stalk only ? " Now, to speak the truth, some such mo- mentary ideaflitted across our own mind as the kernel was revealed by a smart blow, striking ofi" a portion of the thick investment. It was but momentary, and we smiled at our want of reflection ; yet there was some excuse for our precipitancy. One summer's day, we were sauntering 202 EECEEATH^E SCIEIS^CE, along the margin of the sea, below tile cliffs at Margate, on which the Infirmary stands, and from which cliffs we had, some months ago, extricated a portion of the chalk impress of a gigaiitic and beautifully -marked ammo- nite. There, as we have said, were we saun- tering, now and then stopping to look at a crowd of sandhoppers {Talitrus), as our feet disturbed them from their shelter under a mass of dried sea-weed ; now, perchance, lin- gering to watch a group of little wandering crabs hurrying to the nearest pool, or a her- mit-crab in that little sheet of water prowling about intent on prey ; and then, arresting our steps to listen to the hoarse grinding music of the inflowing tide, and follow the advance of the unnumbered pebbles, as the waves idly played with them, rolling the lighter frag- ments over and over, as they have done for ages, wearing down (flints as they are) the angularities which they originally presented ; for when the chalk-slip in which they were embedded fell, its lighter particles became by degrees washed away, and these rigid flints remained to undergo the ceaseless action of the alternate tides. Thus, in careless mood, such as follows long sickness, and thus pleasing our fancj^, did we see the orbicular pebble in question gently roll up the shingly beach to our very feet. We stooped, and took it up. " Ball of ocean, with which the wild waves are playing," for so we mused, "how long is it that thou hast thus served for their sport ? — how long is it since, a sUicious jelly, thou becamest hardened in a deep cretaceous bed, and what have the waves done with thee since they undermined thy native cliff?" Ask of the mummy the history of the Pha- raohs of old. Why, the very stones of their buildings discover, to the test of the micro- scope, organic forms ; nay, the sands of the surrounding deserts are replete with fossil infusoria. That mummy walked upon the relics of a world gone by. Vague is the word " antiquity ;" it applies only to man. Would we learn, we must ask of the great globe itself. Is it silent? No; it teaches by Nature's own lithoglyphs, which speak — oh ! how truthfully and how impressively — preaching to us our own nothingness, and the mystery of time. Well, we held the pebble in our. hand. It is difficult to say by what impulse we were induced to split it. Long sickness makes the mind languid, and we had no hammer with us, but strike we must. We looked out for a large block imbedded in the sand ; we soon picked up a fragment of flint which seemed serviceable, and placing the pebble on the block, struck smartly. The flint ham- mer, although it broke, did its work well. It laid open a kernel, in a neat and definite little chamber, hollowed out in the imprison- ing wall of silex. The fissured portion showed a white and glossy surface — a sort of opaque porcelain — dotted with blue (the re- sult, perhaps, of some metallic oxide), and its thickness proved how good a preservative it had been for the delicate granular kernel, with its superficial threadlets diverging from the apparent fruit-stalk. A fruit — a kernel ? No ! Yet a kernel, and that kernel a sponge. Yes, this kernel is evidently one of the sponges of the flint. Of many of these the EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 203 beautiful tracery is easily revealed on thin laminae, by the aid of a moderate glass. But these sponges permeate the very flint itself, are preserved in flint, and only manifest themselves under peculiar circumstances. But here we have a nodule of flint, with an internal chamber, the nidus of a delicate fruit-like body, which we regard as a fossil sponge. It is in what is termed the upper chalk deposit that flints abound. Oftentimes we see them laid in courses at regular inter- vals, as if the skilful hand of the mason had arranged them. Examples of this kind occur in the Isle of Wight.* Such, however, is not the case as regards the chalk-cliffs on the Kentish side of the sea, along or below the estuary of the Thames. In these clifis we find delicate shells and echinoderms (some filled with chalk, others a solid mass of flint), irregularly scattered, with occasional ammo- nites ; while in the chalk pits near Graves- end, we have, in addition, silicified sharks' teeth and various other relics, including the spines of echinoderms, and corals in abun- dance. Let us then suppose our flint nodule to have proceeded from this upper chalk depo- sit, and then comes a question — Where was it, and from what did it hang, when the fluid or semifluid silex enveloped itP Was it a tenant of some rift in the chalk-rock itself? Are the silicified sponges in their primitive seat ? It cannot be. There has been destruc- tion, there has been a turmoil and melee; then a quiet subsidence, a gradual deposit of chalk through a series of ages, an infiltration of fluid silex — there filling up echinoderms, there inclosing sponges, there impregnating the teeth of sharks and other fishes, and there simply consolidating into masses which give no trace of organic existence. We need not say that the great deposit of chalk took place by degrees at the bottom of a deep sea, nor shall we here analyze the * The arched rock in Scratchell's Bay. chalk itself; far too wide would the field be for our prescribed limits j we pass the sxib- ject by. To revert to our specimen : How happens it that the flint has not tightly embraced the kernel-sponge, but has left, as far as we can probe, an interval, so as to form a chamber, in which, except at the stalk, it seems to remain free P Did the living gelatinous in- vestment of the sponge once fill up the vacuum, and then perishing, waste to a mere nothing P Conjecture fails us. We have not broken the kernel, the gray* tinted, granular superficies of which, with the diverging fibrous lines, our sketch accu« rately depicts, and therefore cannot positively assert that its interior is purely silicious ; wo presume, however, that such is the case, and should be sorry to see it tested by experi- ment. W. C. L. Martin. MOSSES IN FEEN-CASES AND AQUAEIA. Mosses, properly selected, would form most valuable, as well as attractive objects in the fern-case and aquarium. In the former, especially, Bryum pyreforme would thrive most luxuriantly, and is valuable to use as a surfacing to plants in pots, or even among ferns in the open air, as it prevents the sur- face of the mould from drying, and its root are not strong enough to rob the plant. In the aquarium many would flourish, as Fontinalis antipyretica, Cinclidotas fontin- aloides, Hypnum ruscifolium, filicinum, fluitans, riparium, and Bryum punctatum ; and the following most lovely species are worth a trial : Hypnum alopecurum and den- droides, Bryum hornum, roseum, and ligula^ turn ; the latter will most decidedly retain their beauty for some time if they do not vegetate. P. Y. B. 204 EECREATIVE SCIENCE. COINS OF THE SELEUCID^, KINGS OP SYRIA. A COMPLETE cabinet of ancient coins com- prises so vast an aggregation of specimens, that its formation is far beyond tlie means of the great majority of those who have collected or hoarded a few of these interesting monu- ments. It is in national museums or libra- ries alone that duly classified series of ancient coins of every class can be attempted. Some few private collections, as the Hunterian, the Pembroke, and the celebrated Thomas cabi- net, were indeed wonderfully rich in many very distinct branches ; and yet, as embracing examples illustrating the whole of this most important and interesting branch of archae- ology, they were necessarily inferior to many of the poorest public collections. It is there- fore evident that any attempt to form a general cabinet with anything like tolerable completeness, would involve an outlay both of time and money far beyond the conveni- ence of any collector. Hence it may be suggested that some special department should be selected by the young numis- matist, to which he should confine his chief attention. By this means, and by beginning early and seizing the happy opportunities that never fail to occur from time to time, 8ome single branch of the subject may be so completely illustrated as to form a very in- teresting, if not important cabinet, illustra- tive of a special period or dynasty. As an instance, I may allude to the cabinet of Roman " Large Brass," formed by Captain W. H. Smyth. This fine collection (the de- scriptive catalogue of which, by its possessor, is one of the most interesting and instructive numismatic works in the English language) consists only of specimens of the Roman copper coins of the larger class, from the reign of Augustus, B.C. 42,* to that of Salo- • The date of the battle of Philippi. ninus, who was assassinated in the year 259 A.D. In the Roman series a collection of the denarii, or standard silver coinage, might be made of the same period, at but little more cost. Some of the types are very interest- ing, and it would have the advantage of en- abling the collector to continue his series down to the time of Constantine and his family, or even to a period later than that, at which the larger class of brass money dwindled, and gradually disappeared with the decline of the empire. The old French numismatist, Le VaiUant, made a special collection of the coins of the Macedonian kings of Syria, and our own antiquary. Cough, has principally restricted himself, in the numismatic department of his archaeological researches, to the same subject, his volume on the coins of the Seleucidse being one of the finest works of its class. From that series of coins, indeed, a most compact and complete cabinet may be formed, and its being limited would enable almost any enthusiastic collector, who had patience to see Ms cabinet increase slowly year by year, to get together, in a comparatively short space of time, a very respectable cabi- net, illustrative of the establishment, the flourishing period, the decline, and extinction of this important dynasty. Another feature in favour of this subject (and some others of a similar class to be afterwards alluded to) is, that the whole period embraced belongs to the finest era of monetary art, nearly the whole of the coins of every reign, except a few of the last, being of fine execution, and some of them remarkably splendid works of art, especially those of the reign of Anti- ochus the Great. The silver tetradrachms, or pieces of four drachmae, are the finest coins of the series ; but a collector wishing to get his EECREATIYE SCIENCE. 205 illustrative series together economically, may- avoid these, when rare, and consequently ex- pensive, and put up with a silver coin of smaller dimensions, or even with a copper one— copper coins of some of the reigns being plentiful, and of good execution. The following is a brief outline of the origin of the dynasty, and of the general character of the coins of each reign. The death of Alexander the Great took place in 323 B.C., soon after his total sub- jection of the whole of Western and Central Asia. The vast empire had been divided by the conqueror (after the oriental manner) into satrapies, over which those Macedonian commanders who had most distinguished themselves in the conquest, were appointed the respective governors. The death of Alexander was no sooner known in the different provinces of the vast empire, than, as if by a given signal, there began a general struggle for the supreme power. Philip Arrhi- dseus, Alexander's half-brother, who was ap- pointed regent during the minority of Alex- ander's infant son by the celebrated Eoxana, was utterly unequal to the diiEculties of the position, and a general war ensued, in which much of the best blood of Greece and Mace- donia was spilt. The subjection of the Asiatic races was, however, so complete, that no at- tempt to resume their independence was at- tempted ; so that, eventually, the empire was divided (for a time) mainly between four of the most successful of the combatants — Lysimachus obtaining a large region, em- bracing Thrace and the adjoining provinces, Cassandra Macedonia, Ptolemy the noble province of Egypt, and Seleucus the whole of Central Asia, including Babylonia Proper, Assyria, Bactria, to the confines of India, and westward, the whole of Syria to the coasts of the Mediterranean and the frontiers of Egypt. Two only of the chiefs who thus succeeded in conquering a throne became the founders of permanent dynasties — Ptolemy in Egypt, and Seleucus iu S^ria. §eleu- cus I., surnamed Nicanor (the victorious), no sooner felt himself firmly established, than he founded several cities, to form the principal centres of his far-extending do- minions. Of these Antiochia (Antioch) was intended to be the metropolitan, as being near to the Mediterranean, and therefore in a posi- tion to command ready communication with Europe and with Egypt, Babylon being deserted as too remote for the seat of a dominant power whose main support and prestige was drawn from Europe. It was as the ruler of the ancient kingdom and capital of Babylonia, however, that Seleucus founded his claims as ruler of the vast regions of the East, for the possession of Babylon gave to his power an air of stability among his Asiatic subjects. It was, doubtless, to aid this feeling that he caused coins to be struck, on which the chief characteristics of the great symbolic winged bulls of the ancient palaces of the kings of Babylon (still perfect in the time of Seleucus) were introduced. This, probably, took place when he formally assumed the regal title — about the year 312 B.C. On these coins, which are very rare, only four or five specimens being known, the new king of the East is represented wearing a helmet, on which the horns and wings of the Baby- lonian bulls form the chief ornament. The human-headed bull, as a symbol of Babylonian sovereignty, is thus symbolized in the device of the obverse of the coin engraved below, the head being, in all probability, an idealized portrait of Seleucus. It was at this period, as is well known, that princes first ventured to place their portraits on the public coinage of the state, only the images of the gods or the device of the national signet — generally consisting of some object sacred to the gods — having up to that period been used upon national money. Alexander was the first who, in the character of " Hercules " — from whom he claimed descent — caused his own features to be imitated in the representation of this mythological deity j but did not at- 206 EECREATIVE SCIENCE, tempt to place his own portrait, in his simple character as sovereign, on the coinage. Lysi- machus followed out the hint, when he estab- lished his kingdom of Thrace, by causing his features to be introduced as those of the horned Bacchus on the coins which he issued. The coin of Seleucus Nicanor, engraved as one of our illustrations, may be taken as another example of the transition from the images of the gods to those of princes on the national money. Suidas, a Byzantine author, writing in the 9th century, tells us that the horn of a bull, etc., found on the coins of Seleucus Nicanor, was used in allusion to the recapture of a bull which had escaped duringa sacrifice which was being performed by Alexander. This, how- ever, as a statement made above a thousand cus, even to the last of the dynasty. The device of the reverse of the coin Fig. 1 is, however, formed of a figure of Victory crown- ing a trophy, in allusion, no doubt, to the great victory over Antigonus and Demetrius, at Gaza, which completely cemented his power in the West, and reopened his inter- rupted communications with Babylonia. It is this epoch, in fact, which forms what chro- nologers term the Seleucidsean epoch, their dynastic dates being calculated from that period ; and nearly all the coins bear dates which mark the number of years from that time to the epoch at which the coins of sub- sequent eras respectively were struck. The inscription on this coin is simply BASlAEnS 2EAETK0T (of the King Seleucus). The small Greek numerals, ahd a single letter, have re- FlG. 1. years after the reign of Seleucus, is nob to be much depended upon, and is less in accordance with the spirit of the time than the supposition which I have adopted in pre- ference. The reverses of many of the coins of the Seleucidge have for type a very ele- gantly-designed figure of Apollo, adopted as a family device by the Seleucidse, in allusion to a dream of the mother of the first Seleucus, who, in the vision, was informed that her child was the oifspring of that deity. A ring is described as having been found in her bed bearing the device of an anchor, and the child was, it was said, marked on the thigh with the same figure, which continued (as Justin relates) to be found on all the true descendants of Seleu- ference to a date, and to the name of the city at which the coin was struck, or to the name of the magistrate having charge of the mint. The coins of Seleucus Nicanor which are most usually found, and with which most collectors must rest contented as a momunent of his reign, are those struck by him before he assumed the title of king, and on which he used the types of the coinage of Alex- ander, the head of Hercules clothed with the lion's skin, but with the addition of wings behind the ears. Of this type some have only the simple name of Seleucus on the reverse, while others, those struck at a later period, have the title of king. Some of them, especially the copper, have a bull on the device of the reverse j and there are EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 207 other varieties, some having a head of Ju- piter for obverse, like those of Philip II. of Macedon. The coin engraved (Fig. 1) is a silver tetradrachm, or piece of four drachmae. Seleucus Nicanor was assassinated, after a long reign, by his brother-in-law Ceraunius, in 282 B.C. His successor, Antiochus I., was surnamed Soter, or Saviour, in consequence of his vic- tory over several hordes of Celts, who threat- ened to overrun the whole of Asia Minor. This prince was the first of this dynasty who caused his own portrait to be placed, unideal- ized and unaccompanied by any sacred sym- bols, on the public coinage of the newly- established empire. On the reverse the de- vice is generally the figure of Apollo, as on the coins of Antiochus the Great, engraved tions as those of his father ; but may be dis- tinguished by the youthful character of the portrait, as he was assassinated at the early age of 20. Antiochus III., surnamed the Great, was the brother of the preceding, and reigned from 223 to 187, B.C. The coins of this prince, the antagonist of the Romans in the East, and the protector of Hannibal, who took refuge at his court, are perhaps more nume- rous than those of any of his predecessors or successors. A very interesting collection might indeed be formed of the coins of his reign alone. The series exhibits the features of the prince, from early youth to advanced age, in a fine series of portraits, which are remarkable as mere works of art ; while the series of the reverses are very various. hero (Fig. 2). The legend is ANTiOKOoT. He died in 261 b.c. Antiochus II. was surnamed Theos (the god), on account of his delivering the Mile- sians from their tyrant Timarchus. He died by poison in 247 B.C. His coins were distin- guished from the preceding by the device of the reverse, which is generally a finely- executed figure of Hercules, seated, and lean- ing on his club. These coins are very fine. Seleucus II. reigned from 247 to 227 s.c. His coins have a portrait on the obverse, and a fine figure of Apollo leaning on a tripod on the reverse, with the inscription BASIAEXIS SEAEYKoT. Seleucus III. reigned from 227 to 223 B.C. His coins have the same devices and inscrip- that engraved above being the most common. It represents Antiochus in the early years of his reign, and is a silver tetradrachm. The gold coins of this reign are large and fine, but it is on the copper and small silver that are exhibited the greatest number of devices. Seleucus IV. reigned from 187 to 176 B.C. There are no good coins of this reign. The small copper have the prow of a vessel for reverse, with the name and title as usual. Antiochus TV. (from 176 to 164 B.C.) The coins of this prince are remarkable as being the first which bear the surnames of the prince. They run as follows : — BASIAEnS ANTIOKOT 0EOT Eni*ANOT5, " The king An- tiochus, the god, the illustrious." Some of 208 EECREATIYE SCIENCE. tlie copper have a fine head on the obverse, and a well executed eagle grasping a thunder- bolt on the reverse. The small copper have the portrait with the radiated crown — the first time it appears on this series. Antiochus V. (from 162 to 150 B.C.) His coins may be distinguished by his surname ETHATOP (Eupator). In the space of this article it will only be possible to give the names and surnames of the remaining members of this dynasty. Deme- trius I. (Soter) reigned over a portion of the empire, from 162 to 150 B.C. ; Alexander Bala, from 150 to 147 B.C. ; the reigns of Deme- trius II. (Nicator), Antiochus VI. (Diony- sius Epiphanes), Diodotus, Triphon, and Antiochus VII. (Sidetes), occupy together, in a time of general disturbance, from 147 to 125 B.C. Alexander Zebina reigned from 125 to 124 B.C. ; his portrait has sometimes a crown of rays, but sometimes a simple fillet. Seleucus IV., who reigned for a short time, 124 B.C., has left no coins ; Antiochus VIII. (Grypus) reigned from 124 to 76 B.C., over a portion of the kingdom ; Antiochus IX. (Cyzicenus), from about 111 to 91 B.C., reigned in some of the provinces. Then foUows Seleucus VI. (Epiphanes Nicator), from 96 to 94 B.C. Antiochus X. (Eusebes, and on his coins Philopater), Antiochus XI., Antiochus XII., and Demetrius III., reigned alternately or simidtaneously from 96 to 83 B.C. Most of the coins of these last princes and pretenders have for reverse a sitting figure of Jupiter, similar to that on the tetradrachms of Alexander the Great, but poorly executed, and are of base metal. Tigranes the Armenian reigned over great part of the Syrian dominions, from 83 to 69 B.C. ; and his coins with the portrait, wearing the curious Armenian cap or crown, are very remarkable. Antiochus XIII., from 69 to 65 B.C., about which period the whole of the remaining Asiatic dominions of the kings of Syria were declared a Eoman pro- vince by Pompey. Most of the coins of this series may be easily recognized by a young numismatist after a little experience. The dates of the Seleucidsean dynasty on many of them at once settle the difficulty ; and in the earlier part of the series the surnames are also distinguishing features. But it is only the complimentary surnames that are found on the coinage, many of those by which they are historically known being popular appel- lations, not officially acknowledged. The monographic names of cities are another means of identification ; and after a time a collector will get to know the portraits, which are all evidently careful likenesses. Since the foregoing was written, the trea- sures of the celebrated numismatic cabinet of the late Lord Northwick have been dis- persed, and among them some noble gold coins of the regal series of Syria. A very rare one of Antiochus V. (Eupator), weigh- ing 255f^ grains, brought £18 10*. It was formerly in the Thomas collection, at the dispersion of which it was sold for £10, proving that really rare coins, in fine condi- tion, are rapidly increasing in value. A gold coin of Demetrius II., bearing the date 5nP (186), sold, with some others, for £21 ; the date being interesting as that of the year of his assassination at Tyre. In the confusion of successions, the same date occurs on money struck by his wife Cleopatra, and on the coins of his son, Antiochus VIII., and Alex- ander II. But the great gem of the Syrian series in this collection was the splendid gold tetradrachm (weight 257 grains), struck by Cleopatra, the mother of Antiochus VIII., during her regency. This coin was described in the catalogue as " rare to excess." Mion- net, in his fifth supplement, cites the North- wick cabinet as containing this rare coin, of which he only knew one other example. After considerable competition, the numis- matic prize was purchased for the British Museum for the sum of £240 ! H. NOEI. HUMPHBEYS. RECREATIVE SCIENCE. 109 HERBAEIUM OF MOSSES. APPAEATTTS. In tlie midst of wintry desolation, liow tlie eye is cliarmed by the vivid freshness of tlie tufts of emerald moss that beautify the clefts of the rocks, the decayed hollows of old stone- walls, and the buttresses of gray ruins. The study of mosses is attractive beyond the unique beauty of the plants, for every inves- tigation of their structure reveals a wonder- ful system of vegetable mechanism, which under the microscope assumes the most varied and artistic forms, often as geometri- cal as snow-crystals, and very frequently being striking resemblances to familiar works of art. A simple Coddington lens is suffi- cient to determine most of the species, and we are invited to search them out by the romantic situations in which they are usually found ; nay, they make dreary places roman- tic for a time, and carpet the earth with ver- dure when most other forms of vegetation have yielded to the rigours of winter. But the mosses are not exclusively winter plants ; every month in the year presents us with species in growth and fruit, and there is always some such to be sought by the collec- tor. They are, nevertheless, in their highest perfection in the midst of frost and snow, and at this season of the year the beginner need not search far to discover an abun- dance of the most interesting and beautiful species. For collecting mosses, the following appa- ratus wiU be required: — 1st. A water-proof bag, of oilskin, gutta-percha, or some such material, for aquatic species. 2nd. A small- sized dinner-knife, which should be provided with a leather sheath as used for scissors. This, from its long, thin, and flexible blade, is far preferable to a pocket-knife, to peal mosses off trees, palings, walls, etc. 3rd. A Fig. 1.— The Hoe-blade. small hoe-shaped blade, fitted to a short tube, like an elongated thim- ble, with a bayonet- joint. Any clever work- man would suggest the mode of constructing this instrument, which should be made to fit a walking-stick or um- brella, or it may have a handle made on pur- pose (Fig. 1). 4th. A few unglazed holland bags, say six, the largest six inches long, and four wide, the smallest three inches long and three inches wide. These may be fastened with strings, but I prefer two buttons, as shown in the engraving (Fig. 2). 5th. The Drying Press. — This is formed of thin strips of wood, so arranged as to allow a free current of air to circulate between the layers of specimens and the papers placed be- tween them, to facili- tate the escape of mois- ture. The outside frames should be made with two stout cross- FiG. 2.— The Bags. bars ; the two outer strips one inch wide, the inner strips half an inch wide ; the spaces between one-quarter of an inch ; the inner frames to be composed of two layers of strips all half an inch wide, with quarter-inch spaces; with three cross-bars between, to which botli layers of strips are fastened by a screw passing through the whole ; the end 210 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. cross-bars one incli wide, tlie centre half an inch. Two light straps to pass over the cross- bars, to fasten them, will keep the whole toge- ther compactly when filled with specimens in process of drying (Fig. 3). nnnninnni keep the specimens clean and in good order, and, when the day's collecting is completed, can be rolled up, and carried home. I can say nothing in praise of vascnlums, as experience has taught me to avoid, when engaged in Hoann Fig 3— The Press. 6th. An apron should be provided, made of oil or American cloth, twelve inches wide and twenty inches long, divided into parii- FiG. 4. — The Apron. tions like a lady's needle-huswife, as repre- sented (Fig. 4). This being water-proof will Collecting, whatever is weighty or cumber- some ; and if once the species get mixed, the loose dirt spoils their beauty, and they can never be examined with that comfort, or pre- served with that delicacy and beauty, which are so characteristic of this order. In fact, as a rule, vascnlums are well calculated to damage, not preserve our most delicate plants. 7th. A pair of surgeon's dissecting forceps (Fig. 5), for examining minute specimens. FxG. 5. and removing them from foreign objects, or the water in which they are immersed before drying. HOW TO COLLECT THEM. A final preparation before starting, is to be well protected about the feet and legs, for to get mosses you must not mind an occa- sional plunge into a bog. Choose a damp day, or, better, a clear day soon after a heavy rain, for it must be remembered that in dry weather many mosses, as Poly- EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 211 triclium undulatura, Pterogonium SmitMi, and many of tlie Bryums, shrivel and be- come unsightly and much altered in ap- pearance ; but dry weather should not be considered as altogether unfit for collect- ing, for such as Pterogonium Smithii I con- eider improved by its curly appearance. In exploring for mosses, you will find Hypnum riparium abundant on the wooden gates of locks, miU-dams, hatches, etc.; Fontinalis antipyrelica, growing in waving or feathery plumes from the bottom and sides of tole- rably deep streams ; the Polytrichums, abun- dant on heaths and sandy banks ; the Ortho- trichums, on stones and trunks of trees ; the Phascums, forming patches of reddish-brown, or green, with yellow dots like seed, on the sur- face of the earth ; Weissia ealcarea, forming a blackish-brown stain on the surface of chalk in pits and railway-cuttings, and so minute as to compel the collector to chip ofi* the sur- face of the chalk to get the specimens. The Dicranums and Hypnums may be found everywhere, from the sides of our wells to the walls of the house, the tops of trees, and on lofty mountains. Bryum argentium, I am told, is found all over the world. It is abun- dant on Westminster Bridge, and on waste grounds where houses are building, or have lately been built, between the stones in un- frequented squares, and on many walls in and near London. While collecting, the hoe-shaped blade, attached to the stick or umbrella (Figs. 6 and 7), will be found especially useful for loosen- ing Orthotrichums, and others that grow on trees above your reach. The specimens may generally be caught in the hand as they fall. It will also be useful for pealing them off the sides of walls, banks, etc. ; and even on the ground it will often save stooping or kneeling where the soil is damp. Many may be reached and removed from under water, and from wet banks and the sides of deep ditches, with a piece of stout iron wire, crooked to form a hook, and tied on to the stick. AEEANaiNa THE SPECIES. The species should be kept separate as far as is possible, and should be stored in the apron or the bags, accordiug to their relative sizes and delicacy of structure. On return- ing home, the first task should be to endea- vour to name them ; if, however, we intend Fig. 6.— Blade on Stick. Fig. 7.— Blade on Umbrella. leaving the naming to some friend after the specimens are dried, we mu^t put the date of collecting and district with each, and if we have more than we can readily dry, expose the others to the air of a warm room, thinly spread on blotting-paper, and when dry may be placed away and pressed at any future period, as will be explained presently. 212 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. DETING IN THE PEESS. Having picked the specimens over loosely, take a large sheet of stout brown paper, turn out the mosses upon it, and carefully remove from them any dead leaves and other rubbish that may be mixed with them, throw them into a basin of boiling water, and, with your drying paper and press beside you, remove each specimen with a pair of surgeon's dis- secting forceps, and place it on the paper with all the water it has absorbed. It requires the greatest care to prevent them shrivelling, even when pressed, especially if they are changed in a warm room. The press is a compact little apparatus, and very light, should be made of mahogany or cedar, nine inches long and five and a half wide, fastened by two light straps, as seen in the illustration (Fig. 3) ; it may stand on a footstool in front of the fire, or in any warm corner near the fire-place. The specimens should first be changed in about twelve hours after having been put in, and again every second day until dry, and take especial care not to press too tight, or the beauty of many will be destroyed. MOTJNTINa POE THE HEEBAEIUM. "When dry, the duplicates may be kept between folded sheets of waste paper, the name of each (or w^hat information may be deemed proper) written at the left-hand bot- tom corner ; when mounted it should be on the stoutest note paper, largest size, and named as the duplicates. Very little expense or skill is required in forming a moss herbarium ; the plants being so small, little trouble is involved in mounting them, nor is it absolutely necessary to poison them, as there is little for insects to feed upon. At present I have been addressing the amateur botanist, whose chief aim is to have a well-named collection. There may be others, however, whose chief delight is collecting, in- tending, as I before mentioned, to get some botanist to name them, or who intend to use them to form devices, or in the manufacture of fancy articles, for which they are most ap- propriate from the many delicate forms in which Nature has fashioned them. Besides this, the species most suitable for ornamental uses are abundant, and may be easily dyed in a great variety of colours. To use mosses for such purposes proceed as follows : — COLLECTING FOE FANCY VTOEK. Have a large unglazed holland bag, choose the driest weather, collect as many as you require (or as many as you can find) of every species you meet with, put all together into the bag carelessly, rolling up in scraps of paper the Phascums and such as are removed with the dirt. On reaching home, if any are in the slightest degree damp, let them be dried thoroughly before a fire, or by exposure in a warm room. The collections of a day, week, month, or year, may be all packed together in a bag or box provided with partitions to separate certain districts or periods of collect- ing ; they may be so kept for years if neces- sary, and the whole or any portion may be properly dried at any time that may be con- venient. By maceration in boiling water, and pressing in the ordinary way, many will come out of the water in all the freshness and beauty of form they possessed when growing, years after collecting. This is a most valuable and important fact for the tourist, as, while travelling, many of the most handsome and delicate species, which are only found in certain localities, may be collected in abundance, which other- wise must be neglected altogether, and a skil- ful botanist would at all times be able to separate a majority of such species. I could in a brief space of time separate 100 British species, allowing any one previously to use their skill in mixing and confusing them. Eeedeeick Y. Beocas. EECREATIYE SCIENCE. 213 now TO USE THE TELESCOPE. " Telescope Teachings :" A Familiar Slcetcli of Astronomical Discovery. By the Hon. Mrs. Ward. A RTJDiMENTAEY book on th.e practical study of astronomy, and as such, it would be impos- sible to find one more attractive to the novice. Indeed, the work is well calculated to make as- tronomers of those who have not studied the subject. Mrs. Ward shows, in a clear man- ner, how very much can be done at a small cost, both in labour and money. Many of the plates (of which the work is profusely illxistrated) are admirable pictures, faithfully executed. Donati's Comet and the Eclipse of 1858 may more especially be noted; in fact, those who desire (and who does not ?) to have the splendid comet of that year brought truthfully before them, should by aU means possess this book. G-reat credit is due to the authoress, to the artist, and to the publisher ; each have done their part well, so that the work must have, as it really deserves, a great circulation. We extract, as an example of the author's method, the following directions for the ob- servation of the spots on the sun by means of the telescope : — " We must place a piece of dark-coloured glass before the eye-piece of the telescope, as the sun is far too bright to be looked at without this protection. There are two other little precautions which we would recommend to the observer : firstly, to point the teles- cope by observing its shadow on a piece of paper, held to receive it ; when this shadow is perfectly round, it will be found that the instrument is exactly pointing to the sun ; secondly, prepare a flat piece of pasteboard, with a hole cut through it of the diameter of the telescope, and when the instrument is properly adjusted, slip on the pasteboard to screen the unemployed eye and the head and face from the heat of the sun. The first precaution is recommended to save the ob- server from being dazzled in vain endeavours to ' hit the sun' in the ordinary way, and both are more easily and quickly done iu practice than in description. "Looking now through the telescope, should the dark glass used be of a reddish shade, we shall see a round orange-coloured disc in a black sky. On this disc there are generally a few black spots, somewhat re- sembling small blots or splashes of ink. When examined with care the larger spots prove to be not uniformly black, and not circular in shape, but of two dark shades, and of irre- gular outline. " It is sometimes practicable to look at the sun through a fog or thin cloud without using the coloured glass. Its disc then appears white, and the spots are of two shades of brown. " The opinion generally held by astrono- mers concerning these spots is, that they are the comparatively darh solid hodyoftJie sun, laid bare to our view by immense fluctua- tions in its luminous atmosphere ; that the sun has at least two atmospheres, upper and lower, and that the darker ^^sxt of the spots is where the sun is seen through a rent in hoth layers of atmosphere ; the lighter, where one layer still covers it. Hecent observations have indicated that there are three grada- tions of shade, in some spots at least, the centre being the darkest. " The solar spots are not permanent. When watched from day to day, they are observed to enlarge or contract, to change their forms, and at length to disappear alto- gether; and new ones appear where pre- 14 214 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. viously there were none. These changes can be detected with a very small telescope. Another phenomenon on the sun's disc is the occasional appearance of certain branch- ing streaks of lights on its luminous surface, curved in shape, and distinguished by their superior brightness. These are caHedfaculce, and are often observed in the neighbourhood of great spots, or on parts of the solar disc, where spots shortly afterwards break out. These have been supposed to be ridges of immense waves in the luminous regions of the sun's atmosphere, indicative of violent agitation in their vicinity. "With powerful instruments the whole surface of the sun may be seen to be finely mottled with minute dark dots or pores, which fluctuate in their appearance like the rest of the markings. " The solar disc can be exhibited in a very agreeable manner by holding a screen or sheet of paper at a proper distance from the eye-piece of the telescope, and slightly alter- ing the focus of the instrument, when the bright image of the sun will be shown, with all the spots distinctly appearing. The effect will be heightened by darkening the room, as, for instance, by having a hole made in the window-shutter for the telescope, and closing every other aperture. The faculce show par- ticidarly well in this way, and their presence may often be thus detected when the fatigued eye has failed to observe them by a direct scrutiny. With this contrivance, however, the spots will be reversed, as in a camera obscura; but they may be noted down on paper, and afterwards traced on the other side, when thev will appear in their true positions. "A persevering observer in Germany (Schwabe) examined the sun's disc for twenty- four years. He found a great variety, in dif- ferent years, in the number of days in which the spots were to be seen. There were'but two days in 1850 that he failed to see them out of three hundred and eight days in which he looked at the sun ; in 1843 there were one hundred and forty-nine days with- out them, out of three hundred and twelve. He did not think that the spots have (as has often been imagined) any influence on the temperature of the year. " The changes in these spots are truly surprising when we consider the size of the sun; and its size is known with consider- able exactness, having been calculated by comparing its apparent diameter with its known distance." METEOEOLOGY OE JANUAEY. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT HIGHFIELD HOUSE OBSEKVATOEY. Greatest Greatest Amount of Year. Heat. Cold. Bain. Degrees. Degrees. Inches. 1842 . . — .. .. 12-5 .. , __ 18i3 . . .. 55-0 .. .. 16-5 .. . 1-6 18-M .. .. 50-0 .. .. 23-0 .. . 1-5 1845 . . .. 53-0 .. .. lT-0 .. . 1-3 184G . . .. 55'5 .. .. 20-5 .. . 20 1817 . . .. 40-5 ., .. 24-5 .. . 21 1848 . . .. 54-5 .. .. ]60 .. . 0-9 18-19 . . .. 55-0 .. .. 20-5 .. . 2-6 1850 .. .. 480 .. .. 20-0 .. . 1-6 1851 . . .. 55-3 .. .. 25-9 ,. . 2-3 1852 . . .. 53-0 .. .. 23-0 .. . 3-5 1853 . . .. 53-2 .. .. 29-5 .. . 8-0 1854 ,, .. 55-2 .. .. — 4-0 .. . 2-9 1855 .. .. 53-7 .. .. 21-6 .. . 0-5 1856 . , .. 51-0 .. .. 18-5 .. . 2-9 1857 .. .. 53-5 .. .. 175 .. . 3-2 1858 .. .. 54-0 .. .. 22-8 .. . 02 1859 . . .. 54-5 .. .. 27-0 .. . 0-6 The greatest heat in shade reached 560° in 1844, and only 46-5° in 1847, giving a range of 9'5° in greatest heat for December during the past seventeen years. In fourteen years the temperature reached 53°. The greatest cold was as low as 4° below zero in 1854, and never below 29'5° in 1846, giving a range of 33'5'' in greatest cold for January during the past eighteen years. The coldest years being 1842, 1843, 1845, 1848, 1854, 1856, and 1857; and the warmest, 1846, 1847, 1851, 1853, and 1859. In 1854 the tempe- rature fell 16"5° below any other year. Only 0-2 inch of rain fell in January, 1858, and as much as 3'5 inches in 1852, giving a range of three and a quarter inches forJanuary, during the past seventeen years. During this month the lowest temperature of the year is usually attained. E. J. Lowe. EECEEATIYB SCIEIS'CE. 215 ASTEONOMICAL OBSEEVATIONS EOE JANUAEY, 1860. The sun is in the constellation Capricornus until the 20th, when he passes into Aquarius. He is at his nearest distance to the earth on the evening of the 2nd.. He rises in London on the 1st at 8h. 8m., on the 15th at 8h. 2m., and on the 31st at 7h.43m. ; and sets on the 1st at 3h. 59m., on the 15th at 4h. 17m., and on the 81st at 4h. 44m. The sun reaches the meridian on the 1st at 12h. 3m. 37s. ; on the 15th at 12h. 9m. 32s., and on the 31st atl2h. 13m. 41s. Equation of time on the 1st, 3m. 37s. ; on the ,15th, 9m. 32s.; and on the 31st, 13m. 41s.; the clock being before the sun, i. e., the equation of time being addative. Day breaks on the 4th at 6h. 3m., on the 12th at Gb. 2m., and on the 26th at 5h. 50m. ; twilight ends on the 10th at 6h. 18m., and on the 27th at 6h. 37m. Length of night on the 17th, 15h. 39m. Full moon on the 8th at 3h. 23m. p.m. New moon on the 22nd at 12h. I7m. a.m. The moon is at her nearest distance to the earth on the 10th, and most distantly removed on the 25th. She is near Jupiter on the Btli, and near Saturn on the 11th. Mercury is not favourably situated for observation. He is a morning star, and situated in Ophiuchus at the beginning of the month, passing into Sagittarius, and into Capricornus on the 3lst. He reaches his greatest western elongation on the 4th, and is farthest removed from the sun on the 26th. He rises on the 1st at 6h. 15m. a.m., and on the 31st at 7h. 20m. a.m. ; and sets on the 1st at 2h. 35m. p.m., and on the 31st at 3h. 23m. p.m. Venus is unfavourably situated for observation ; she is in Capricornus in the beginning and in Aquarius at the end of the month. She is nearly circular, and rises on the 1st at 9h. 34m. a.m., and on the 31st at 8h. 53m. a.m. ; and sets on the Ist at 5h. 54m. p.m., and on the 31st at 7h. 32m. p.m. Mars is also unfavourably situated for observation. He is a morning star, in the constellation Libra, until the end of the montli, wlien he passes into Scorpio. He rises on the 1st at 3h. 7m. a.m., and on the 31st at 2h. 53m. a.m., setting on the 1st at Oh. 47m. p.m., and on the 31st at llli. 32m. a.m. Jupiter is a magnificent object; he is in the con- stellation Gemini, and is in opposition and at his greatest brightness on the 11th. He rises on the 1st at 4h. 43m. p.m., and on the 31st at 2h. 25m. p.m. ; and sets on the 1st at 8h. 59m. a.m., and on the 31st at Oil. 49m. a.m. Saturn is also a fine object ; situated in Leo, and is visible tlu-ougliout the night, rising on the 1st at 7h. 50m. p.m., and on the 31st at 5h. 41m. p.m.; setting on the 1st at lOh. 31m. a.m., and on the 31st at 8h. 31m. a.m. Uranus is in Taurus, a little above Hyades, and is visible throughout the night, rismg on the 1st at Hi. 27m. p.m., and on the 31st at llh. 27m. a.m. ; and set- ting on the 1st at 5h. 31m. a.m., and on the 31st at 3h. 29m. a.m. There is an eclipse of the sun on the 22nd, invisible in England. It occurs in the Great Southern Ocean, the central path crossing the South Pole, where it is annular. Occultation of stars by the moon on the 5th : — No. 17, Tauri, 4th magnitude, disappearance 4h. 6m. a.m., reappearing in 34 minutes. On the 7th, e Gemi- norum, 3 J magnitude, disappearance llh. 48m. p.m. On the 9th, S Cancri, 4th magnitude, disappearance 81i. 32m. p.m., reappearance 9h. 29m. p.m. Eclipses of Jupiter's satellites at Greenwich : — On the 1st, at 7h. 39m. 10s. p.m., 4th moon disappears. On the 4th, at 7h. 34m. a.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 6th, at 2h. 2m. 54s. a.m., 1st moon disap- pears. On the 6th, at 8h. 54m. 33s. p.m., 3rd moon disappears. On the 7th, at 8h. 31m. 25s. p.m., 1st moon disappears. On the 8th, at 8h. 5m. 33s. a.m., 2nd moon disappears. On the 13th, at 6h. 11m. os. a.m., 1st moon reappears. On the 14th, at 4h. 10m. 28s. a.m., 8rd moon reappears. On the 15th, at Oh. 39m. 38s. a.m., 1st moon reappears. On the 10th, at 7h. 8m. lis. p.m., 1st moon reappears. On the 18th, at 5h. 18m. 13s. p.m., 4th moon reappears. On the 18th, at 9h. 44m. 34s. p.m., 2nd moon reappears. On the 22nd, at 2h. 34m. 2s. a.m., 1st moon reappears. On the 28rd, at 9h. 2m. 37s. p.m., 1st moon reappears. On the 26th, at Oh. 21m. 13s. a.m., 2nd moon re- appears. On the 29th, at4h. 28m. 35s. a.m., Istmoon reappears. On the 80th, at lOh. 57m, 12s. a.m., 1st moon reappears. Duration of twilight after sunset, on the 1st, 2h, Om., and on the 16th, 2h. Im. The Pleiades are on the meridian on the 2nd, at 8h. 58m. 21 s. p.m. Eigel on the 3rd, at lOh. 16m. 47s. p.m. a Persei on the 5th, at 8h. 15m. 46s. p.m. Aide- baran on the 7th, at 9h. 21m. 15s. p.m. Capella on the 19th, at 9h. 12m. 20s. p.m. Sirius on the 23rd, at lOh. 29m. 5s. p.m., and Eigel on the 26th, at 8h. 46m. 21s. p.m. E. J. Lowe. THINGS OF THE SEASON— JANUARY. FOR VABIOUS LOCALITIES OF GEE.4.T EEITAIN. BiEDS Aeeiving. — Occasional flights of Grosbeaks, Silktails, Norway Spinks, and Hen Chaffinches. BiEDS Depaeting. — Snowflake, Orange-breasted and Gray Goosander, Long-tailed and Tufted Pocher, Grosbeak. Insects. — Carabus catenulatus and cancellatus, Helobiabrevicollis, Calathus cisteloides, 7-spotted and 2-spotted CoccineUa, Acheta domestica, Cheimatobia vulgaris and rupicapraria, Peronea spadiceana. In ponds various Colymbetes, Dyticus, and Hydrous piceus. Wild Plants. — Nailwort, Aconite fl., Poa trivialis, Winter Furze, White and Eed Dead-nettie, Mosses and Lichens in fine condition. 216 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. JVIt JVToleworthy's Ch orner. The Atmospherio Clock.— «-Mr. Noteworthy has been much amused by the performance of an atmos- pheric clock, which he regards as a valuable appli- cation to a purpose of utility of the simplest of all natural laws. This clock possesses no mechanism, but indicates the hour by the regular descent of a column of merou'Tr, and might, therefore, with equal propriety, be called the gravitating clock. In the left- X XI XII hand cut the clock is represented in its complete form, with the mercury in the inner tube falling till it reaches the bottom. The clock has then to be reversed, and the mercury will traverse the tube again in the con- trary direction, for all it has to do is to obey the law of gravitation. Mr. Noteworthy's young friends have asked him to explain the reason why the mer- cury falls so slowly and regularly as to serve for a time-divider, and he has made the right-hand dia- gi-am to explain the details. There are two glass tubes, ,one within the other. The inner tube con- tains the mercury, and also atmospheric air. At each end this inner tube communicates by a small orifice with the outer tube, and, consequently, the mer- cury, in its descent, has to force the air out of the inner tube to the outer, and thus its rate of descent is regulated. In the cut the arrows show the course of the inclosed air. The descending arrow in the inner tube is the air forced downwards by the weight of the mercury. This air escapes by the small orifice at the end of the tube, passes into the outer tube, and ascends in it, as shown by the two lowermost of the arrows. When it reaches the top of the outer tube, it enters the small end of the inner tube, and thus, as fast as tlie air is forced out below, it enters above, as shown by the descending arrow above the mercury. This clock is in no way influenced, or certainly not to any appreciable extent, by the external air, as the outer tube is hermetically sealed. ^The gravitation of the mercury and the resistance of the air in passing through the orifice determine the rate of motion, and the division of the scale of hours is, of course, in accordance with it. It is not only an instructive toy, but a really useful invention. BiEDS IN WiNTEE^A Query. — Many of the finches, and other small birds that traverse the fields in " flights" during autumn and winter, are, as regards the sexes, separated into distinct bodies, one " flight" will consist of males only, and another of females. In the case of the robin, which never becomes gregarious, all the birds now seen near the habitations of man are males. What becomes of the females ? Do they haunt deep woods and solitary places ? And how is it that all the robins met with in gardens and orchards, and in other places near towns and villages, are males, and mostly birds of the same season? Efflorescence. — Mr. Noteworthy does not believe all he hears, else he would tell of an old porcelain dinner-plate, which by a natural process has become covered with a forest of trees, shrubs, and flowers, while standing on a shelf in a common cupboard. Attracted by a handbill announcing the " startling fact ," Mr. Noteworthy wended his way to No. 2, Wil- liam Street, Shoreditch, and, on payment of sixpence, had a sight of the " Forest of Crystal Shrubs." It is simply a case of efflorescence, and the crystals, formed by some slow decomposition taking place in the clay, force themselves through the enamel, and, in some instances, rise to a height of half an inch in tufts and bundles. In several places portions of the enamel are lifted up by the crystalline growth, and appear like lozenges laid on the flat surface. It is the most curious example of efflorescence Mr. Noteworthy has yet seen, but evidently of the same nature as that which some- times takes place on the face of a newly-built brick wall, when muriate or nitrate of lime oozes out in the form of a chalky powder. This dinner-plate has turned an honest tradesman into a sbo-\vman, and it would perhaps have been better for him had Dame Nature left his cupboard alone. Celts in the Drift.' — Mr. Edwards, an inge- nious glass-maker of Birmingham, suggests, in the columns of the Times, tliat the so-called celts may be natural productions. He says, when glass cools too quickly, fragments fly off" from the bulk of a shape and size closely resembling celts, and if masses of flint were at one time heated by subterranean fires, and then cast forth into the air, the rapid cooling of their outer surfaces would cause them to fracture, and so form natural resemblances to works of art. Mr. Noteworthy believes the celts to be celts, never- theless ; that is not an open question. BECEEATIVE SCIENCE. 217 THE COMMON HOUSE-SPIDEE. {Tegenaria domestica.) " What can there be interesting in tkat com- monplace, repulsive, little creature, which infests our houses, annoys us by its presence, and shocks our sense of decency with its Fig. 1. — The Female House-Spider (Tegenaria domes- tica), as seen with a Stanhope lens, a a, eyes; b h, mandibles ; c c, maxillary palpi. filthy webs ? — in that cruel little monster, whose whole life is employed in weaving snares to entrap unwary flies, lying in wait for them in dark, damp corners of crevices, murdering them remorselessly when they are caught in its toils, and then sucking their life's-blood? The house-spider, indeed ! Why, we sweep it from the very face of Nature wherever we find it, together with its cham- ber of horrors ; and it must indeed be some strong temptation that would induce one to defile one's hands by contact with a creature the very idea of which suffices to inspire terror and disgust." Thanks, reader, for your concise preface, and for such an accurate popular estimate of one of the most wonderful of God's crea- tures, formed for the attainment of wise and Voi, I.— No. 7, useful ends, and perfectly adapted to the office it is destined to fulfil. Endeavour to overcome your repugnance for a while, and let us introduce you to this little creature that inspires you with such disagreeable sen- sations ; accompany us, first, in a brief exami- nation of its remarkable structure, and then you may, if you think proper, continue your reflections undisturbed by any of our obser- vations. But you may, perhaps, not possess a Stan- hope lens ; we must therefore provide you with one, as well as with the living object to be considered. And see ! here we are already face to face with our terrible spider! (Fig. 1.) You see it can return your wondering gazo fourfold, for it possesses eight eyes (Fig. 1, a a) ; simple indeed in their structure, and incapable of motion, but disposed in two rows on the top of its head, and so directed and arranged that they enable the creature to espy its prey from whatever quarter it may approach the web (Fig. 2). And Fio. 2. — Enlarged View of Anterior Portion of Cephalo- thorax, bearing the eight eyes, and hairs, a, one of- the hairs magnified. woe to the poor victim when once en- snared in the toils ; for the terrible spider immediately rushes on its prey, and brings sitch an array of weapons to Dear against its unprotected body, as to render escape next to impossible. There is, perhaps, not another living creature so fearfully armed as the 218 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. spider. Below the eyes (Fig. 1, h h), you will perceive the large basal joints of the jaws, or mandibles, as they are technically denomi- nated, wherewith it butchers its prey. And what terrible instruments of slaughter are these ! Picture to yourself a pair of huge clasp-knives, with extremely broad handles (Fig. 5, a), the blades being so opposed to one another, that when they are forcibly driven into an object their pointed extremi- ties encounter each other in the centre. Then conceive these knives to have the edges of their blades serrated with a row of fine teeth, commencing near the haft (Fig. 3, a) ; and on the handle itself (Fig. 3, b) five large pointed teeth, shaped like the head of a lance, and upon which the saw-like blade can be Fio. 3. — Termination of the Jaw, or Mandible, a, row of teeth on the claw ; h, basal joint of mandible, showing the five large teeth ; c, commencement of poison-sac ; d, course of the poison-duct. The last two are only visible when the mandible has been carefully bleached with chlorine. brought to work to and fro. Lastly, you must imagine these terrible instruments to be poisoned, for within what we have called the handles of these knives (the basal joints of the mandibles) there is a receptacle (Fig. 3, c) containing a subtle venom, which is con- ducted through a tube (Fig. 3, d) to the pointed extremity of the blade. The moment this pierces the body of the prey the poison is emitted, and entering the wound renders it fatal, probably at the same time benimabing the sensibility of the victim. Did ever hired assassin of romance invent or employ a more fatal and diabolical weapon than this combination of poisoned dirks and saws ? And yet this is but one portion of the Fia. 4.— Edge of Maxilla, greatly enlarged, showing teeth and hairs. spider's apparatus for despatching its prey ; for, besides these mandibles, it possesses a smaller pair of jaws (the "maxillae"), whose finely-toothed edges are comparable to a couple of deep rasps (Fig. 4), that most proba- bly operate one against the other in a similar manner to the two limbs of the large jaws, serving to enlarge the wound from which the little monster sucks the life's-blood of the wretched fly ! But now let us turn our little spider upon its back, and, regardless of its puny strug- gles, investigate the under surface of its body. We shall then have an opportunity of seeing how admirably its eight long slender legs— (for you are, doubtless, aware that the Arach- nidce, or spider tribes, are furnished with EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 219 that ntimber, in contradistinction to the insect races, which possess only six) — how admi- rably, we say, its eight legs are disposed, for the purpose of enabling it to grasp the poor fly in its terrible embrace. These legs, which have seven joints, or articulations, are, as you perceive (Fig. 5, h), placed in an oval upon the Fxo. 5. — View of Uiiilcr Surface of Male Spider, ivith the first joints of the legs, a a, mandibles ; h b, legs ; c 0, maxillary palpi; d d, spinnarets, under side of what is termed the cephalo- thorax,* and the object of their being of such great length and tenuity is not only that they may grasp the victim more firmly than if they were shorter, but also that, when stretched out (as we see them whilst the creature is at rest watching for prey), they may cause the weight of the body to be distributed over a large surface of the fragile web. JSTor are these members of locomotion wanting in features of interest, for they are all furnished at their extreniities with a bean- * The " head-chest." The body of the Arach- nidffi is divided into two sections, the cephalothorax (or head and chest fused together) and abdomen. In the insect races these three sections are distinct, and united by slender filaments. tiful apparatus resembling a comb, termi- nated by a pointed hook (Fig. 6). These instruments are precisely of the most suit- able construc- tion to enable their possessor to grasp, card, dis- entangle, or wind its threads with the utmost faci- lity, and if you were to examine them with a microscope, and compare them with the mechanical contrivances employed in our factories for a similar purpose, you would be compelled to Fig. 6. — Terminal Point of t]ie Spider's Foot, showing the hooked comb. Fig. 7. — One of the Combs, highly magnified. admit, perfect as you may consider the latter, that they are but awkward imitations of the efficient tools formed by the hand of the great Artificer (Fig. 7). And now, if you will for an instant compare Figs. 1 and 5, j^ou will notice on either side of the head, what might be mis- taken for a fifth pair of legs, of shorter dimensions than the rest. These are the maxillary palpi, which probably correspond to the feelers of insects' in their functions (although some naturalists believe the large mandibles already described to be metamor- phosed feelers, or antennae, as they are techni- cally called), and you will perhaps be surprised to notice a difierence in shape between these members in the two illustrations (Figs. 1, c e, and 5, cc). This is owing to the fact that the one represents the female and the other the male. The club-shaped palpi of the male (Figs. 5, c c, and 8) are said to serve a most remarkable end in connection with the gene- 220 EEOEEATIVE SCIENCE. rative process ; but a consideration of this por- tion of the subject would be too great a trespass upon the domains of physiological science for such a popular article as the pre- sent, and we must, therefore, confine our- selves to pointing out the circumstance that the form of the palpi presents a distinction whereby the sex of the spider may at once be recognized, those of the male being, as just observed, club-shaped, fur- nished with several hooks, and a species of cup (Fig. 8), whilst those of the female ta- per to a point (Fig. 1, c), and are armed at the extremity with a toothed Fig. 8. — Last Joint of one of comb, resembling the maxillary palpi of male those at the end of the feet, as well as with several long sword- shaped hairs (Fig. 9). Fig. 9. — The Same in the Female. Having frequently had occasion to refer to the web employed by the spider to entrap animal, is the contrivance whereby it is enabled to construct this web. If you move your lens to the termination of the abdomi- nal segment of the body (Fig. 5, d), you will perceive two little protuberances, in which you cannot fail to recognize the spinnarets. This is the longest and most prominent of three pairs (Fig. 10)— the remaining two pre- senting the appearance of circlets (Fig. 10, a) — with which the spider is endowed for the object referred to, and they are all studded over with rows of little microscopic tubes (Fig. 10, h h h), from which there exudes a glu- tinous substance that solidifies into a filament as soon as it becomes exposed to the at- mosphere. It is the combination of all these micro- scopic filaments that forms the silken thread with which the wily assassin weaves its toils, for the microscope has revealed that every one of those almost invisible fibres which we see floating in the air, is composed of hun- dreds of finer ones, just as a ship's cable is formed by the union of numerous lengths of hempen yarn. But mark the dificrence in the two opera- tions ! In the fabrication of a rope, the twist- ing process is supplementary to much human -6* Fig. 10, — Posterior Portion of Spider's Body, showing the six spinnarets. a, Shorter spinnarets, with circlets of tubes ; a*, the same magnified ; hb h, spinning tubes on long spinnarets ; 6*, single tube magnified. its prey, we must now mention that the most I labour employed in the cultivation of the noteworthy feature in the structure of the \ liemp, its preparation for spinning, and its EECEEATIVE SCIEN'CE. 221 manufacture into yarn ; whereas, our won- derful little spider produces from certain glands within its body the substance of which the invisible silken yarn is constituted, and forms it into a cord much more rapidly than the eye can follow the process. Is not this an admirable example of the superiority and simplicity of Nature's opera- tions, as compared with the industrial pro- cesses of the human race P With wonderful rapidity and instinct the spider employs these threads to weave its web, or wanders from place to place, often constructing a perfect net, to entrap its prey (upon accurate geometrical principles*), in less than an hour, and, what is most re- markable of all, performing this task in what to us would be total darkness ! There are many other curious and myste- rious circumstances connected with these webs. The garden-spider {E;peira diadema), for instance, covers all the concentric fila- ments of its net, at regular intervals, with glutinous or adhesive globules, presenting tmder the microscope the appearance of pearls strung upon a thread, and destined to facili- tate the capture of its prey. But our restricted space will not allow us to dwell upon these interesting details, and for all that concerns the habits of the spider, as well as its inter- nal physiology, which is as interesting as its external structure, we must refer you to some of the books that have been published on the subject ;t or, if you wish to render yourself useful to science, we recommend you to open the book of JN'ature itself, and there to study the life-history of a creature whose habits have unfortunately prevented it from re- ceiving its due share of the naturalist's attention. It is certainly an annoyance to us in our * This refers more particularly to the garden- spider {Epeira diadema). + Kirby and Spence's " Entomology," concerning the habits ; Carpenter, or Newport, and Vogt and Trevi- ranns (German) as regards Anatomy, etc. houses, and toarns ns of the necessity for cleanliness ; but were it not for the presence of the spider, the flies and other insects with which our dwellings swarm in summer, would be intolerable, and it is therefore a wise pro- vision of Nature to reduce the number of these prolific insects. A little reflection, too, will show you that its life-history and habits pre- sent only a repetition of those of most other animals of prey, of which many, although possessing no such features of interest as our little spinner, are regarded with much less horror and repugnance. Nay, if we are to believe what one of our poets tells us, the little arachnidan is not half so cruel and predatory as man himself. He says :— " Ingenious insect, but of ruthless mould. Whose savage craft as nature taught, designs A mazy web of death — the filmy lines That form thy circling labyrinth, enfold Each thoughtless fly that wanders near thy hold, Sad victim of thy guile ; nor aught avail His silken wings, nor coat of glossy mail, Nor varying lines of azure, jet, or gold : Yet though thus ill the fluttering captive fares, Whom heedless of the fraud thy toils trepan ; Thy tyrant fang that slays the stranger, spares The bloody brothers of thy cruel clan ; While man against his fellows spreads his snares, Then most delighted when his prey is man." Very poetical, indeed ! and unfortunately too true, so far as the human race is con- cerned, but not so with regard to the spider, for it is one of those few creatures whose ferocious disposition prompts them to prey upon their own species ; nay, even the gentle ties of marital affection do not serve to re- strain its thirst for blood, and it is not at all an unusual circumstance (and one that we have ourselves frequently witnessed), for the female to destroy her mate. But if there have been minds that have dwelt upon such terrible and repulsive fea- tures as these, in the history of the arach- nidan species, there are also others in whom the theme has been productive of those gentle and sublime thoughts that suggest themselves sooner or later to every right-thinking man 222 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE. who directs his reverent attention to God's glorious works ; and we shall now conclude these few observations on the humble house- spider, by quoting the lines of one* whom the consideration of its habits inspired with a sen- timent of religious awe and veneration : — " See how threads with threads entwine ; If the evening wind alone Breathe upon it, all is gone. Thus within the darkest place Creative wisdom thou may'st trace ; Feeble though the insect be, Still He speaks through that to thee. " As within the moonbeam I, God in glory sits on high, Sits where countless planets roll. And from thence controls the whole. There, with threads of thousand dyes, Life's bewildering web he plies, And the Hand that holds them all Let's not even the feeblest fall." Liverpool, James Samuelsojt. THE CONJUNCTION OF THE PLANETS JUPITEE AND VENUS, ON THE MOENINC OF JULY 21st, 1859. The year 1859 was, on the whole, poor in astronomical occurrences. In this respect it offered a' strong contrast to its immediate predecessor ; for, in • 1858, astronomers were gratified by the discovery of four new aste- Telescopic Viev>- > : t Approximation. roids, the return of two known comets, and the unexpected appearance of four unknown, one of which was the ever memorable " Do- nati," as well as by the occurrence of a lunar and solar eclipse, visible from this country. * Oehlenschlager. In 1860, whatever chance visitors may come, we have again a lunar and solar eclipse to expect, both visible from England, and the latter total in Spain and Africa. But last year (1859) only one comet and one asteroid rewarded the explorers of the heavens ; and though four solar eclipses occurred, none were total, and all were invisible in England, being displayed only to that select assemblage of observers likely to view them in the far Southern Ocean, or from Siberia, the northern part of North America, and Greenland ; and the two lunar eclipses were announced to be visible from Australia and Asia. The occultation of Saturn by the Moon, on May 8th, was the occurrence most nearly resembling an eclipse, visible from this coun- try, and carefully it was observed when the day came. But there was one more pheno- menon to be seen in the year 1859, and that one of rare occurrence, namely, the unusually near approach (in apparent position) of the planets Jupiter and Venus, at about a quarter to four o'clock, on the morning of July 21st. This was foretold in the " Nautical Almanac" of the year, in the following not very exciting terms : — "July 20, 14" 45'" ? d 2^ .... 90° I'S." The attractive " Illustrated London Alma- RECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 223 nac," however, gave a more lengtliened ac- count of the promised phenomenon, illus- trated by a woodcut sure to catch the eye, though the reader could at first hardly believe it was intended to represent an expected ap- pearance, so singularly near were the planets placed to each other. A few words may here be added with ad- vantage on the subject of planetary conjunc- tions. The planets — that is, the principal planets, not including the asteroids — run in tracks very similar to each other, as viewed from the earth ; but as they all appear to travel with very different degrees of speed, they frequently overtake each other. The annexed illustration is intended to show how « CasvOJ* * Pollux Portions of the Orbits of Jupiter and Venus. the path of Jupiter runs part of its way north of that of Venus, and part of its way south ; also how Venus, from moving actually quicker than Jupiter, and also from its being much nearer than Jupiter to us who view it, will traverse a portion of the celestial vault in twenty days, which will occupy Jupiter nearly four months. Whenever it overtakes Jupiter a " conjunction" occurs ; but the curious thing in the present instance was, that it outran Jupiter this time, so close to the point where its orbit crosses that of Jupiter, that the two planets appeared to the naked eye as one star. Such an occurrence was already on record ; for Kepler states that, on the 9th of January, 1591, he and Mcestlin witnessed an occultation of Jupiter by Mars, and that the red colour of the latter on that occasion clearly indicated that Jupiter was the further of the two planets. He also mentions that, on the 3rd of October, 1590, Mcestlin wit- nessed an occultation of Mars by Venus. On this subject, however. Professor Grant remarks — " It is to be borne in mind that these observations were made before the in- vention of the telescope, so that it is doubtful whether, in either of these cases, the one planet was actually superposed above the other." He adds that phenomena of a si- milar nature have occurred in more recent times. They are, however, extremely un- usual, and this conjunction was alluded to early in the year by Professor Wolfers, of Berlin, as a " rare phenomenon." The writer was fortunate enough to see it under circumstances more favourable than those enjoyed by the illustrious Kepler, hav- ing been one of a party of nine persons who assembled in the chilly morning twilight of July 21st, shortly after three o'clock a.m., for the purpose of viewing the conjunction through an old three-inch Dollond telescope. The upper part of the sky was pretty clear, and though the rapidly -increasing day- light allowed but few stars to be seen, the moon was bright ; but the whole eastern horizon, to the height of several degrees wag obscured by a reddish fog, shaded off into indistinct filmy clouds. At first sight, we despaired of seeing anything ; but while we looked, one small star shone out in an inter- stice between the clouds. It was no other than our much desired planets, for this time appearing as a double star of unusual compo- sition. The astronomical eye-pieces of the old telescope had been for some reason dis- - carded by us, in an observation of the moon on the preceding evening, and the terrestrial eye-piece was now employed. The planets were stiU half concealed by fog. Venus ap- peared through the telescope of a deep yellow colour, Jupiter a dull grayish white, and at about this distance from each other : ^ ^,, Sunrise rapidly approached ; Venus CI 224 EECEEATIVE SCIENCE, tecame paler, and Jupiter more and more indistinct from its gray colour, tkougli its outline was defined with some sharpness. The planets, as long as visible, neared each other, and, though occasionally concealed by clouds, had risen to a somewhat clearer at- mosphere as they gained their nearest position, represented in the first illustration. Almost immediately afterwards, a larger drift than usual closed the observation by completely concealing the planets. But the sight re- mained vividly impressed on the mind's eye, with that peculiar clearness which seems to belong to the remembrance of celestial ob- jects ; and the writer is glad to give that remembrance a tangible form, by transferring a record of it to the pages of Keceeative Science. Maky Waed. Trimleston Souse, near Dublin. NOTES ON THE ELAND. The permanent addition to our meadows of an entirely new and distinct species of cattle, furnishing a wholesome meat of a novel kind to our tables, to vary the eternal round of beef, mutton, and pork, is an event of very general interest. Even as regards its influence upon the aspects of the landscape scenery of our agricultural homesteads, there is much in- terest in the novel feature, as producing a new series of impressions of beauty, and present- ing fresh objects which will be eventually blended by a rising race of artists with the home associations of older standing; for groups of Elands will at no very distan epoch often form ordinary features in the ever-attractive pictures furnished by our rich meadow scenery. The addition, however, of a new and very delicious meat, of succulent and wholesome character, to the very restricted list of our larder stores, is of far more material im- portance. It is well known that too much sameness of food is not conducive to health- For instance, it has been found upon exp eri mcnt that troops fed upon the very finest mutton continuously, even when varied by every culinary device to procure variety of flavour, have soon lost their usual health ; which has been restored on recurring to the ordinary alternating series of mutton, beef, and pork. It is certain that if fish food were made to alternate more frequently with our more solid meats, that beneficial effects would result ; for it has been observed by medical practitioners, in Catholic countries, that where on one day in the week fish alone is eaten, those disorders immediately arising from indigestion are far less frequent than with us. In many inland and remotely situated localities it is, however, very incon- venient to procure fish, even in these days of railways, and therefore tlie occurrence of some other means of varying our routine of EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. 225 ordinary food is to be alltlie more tliankfuUy accepted. Being, too, of tliat lighter kind of meat wliicli comes under the head of " game," which is found to be of easier digestion than the flesh of sheep or oxen, the new meat is the more acceptable. It resembles venison in many of its characteristics, but is more succulent, and possesses a flavour of its own which many will greatly prefer. The Elands, from which we are now led to expect an abundant supply of this new meat, are natives of South Africa. They are the largest of the antelope tribe, to which they belong, and appear therefore better suited than any of their congeners for the pur- poses of forming a domestic breed, furnishing a new kind of meat ; though, since their first introduction with that view. Dr. Livingstone has described many other species of the ante- lope tribe, which are likely to be imported with a view to acclimation for similar pur- poses at future periods. Several very in- teresting experiments in the acclimation of exotic animals, likely to prove of value for domestic uses, are at the present time being made in Paris, where a company was recently formed (the Societe Imperiale d' Acclimation) for that express purpose. It was as manager of that company, in so far as regarded the scientific arrangements for rendering the change from tropical regions less trying to ani- mals accustomed to a temperature averaging above a third higher than that of Europe, that Mr. David Mitchell, the energetic and talented secretary of the Zoological G-ardens, had been requested to take up his abode at Neuilly for a time ; and it was while there that the singxilar andmysterious accident occurred which caused his premature and lamented death. It is to be regretted that we have no establishment of the kind in England, to which the talents of Mr. Mitchell might have been devoted at home. The only approach to such an undertaking was that established by the late Earl of Derby at Xnowsley, occupying above a hundred acres, where, among a magnificent collection of animals, the first Elands ever brought alive to this country were comfortably located in No- vember, 1842. This small herd consisted of two male Elands and a female. A fresh sup- ply arrived at Knowsley in 1852, but the noble owner was not destined to witness the success of this last importation. He died soon after their arrival, bequeathing them to the Zoological Society in the Eegent's Park, where, under the able management of Mr. Mitchell, the original herd of five increased so rapidly as to render their dispersion neces- sary. Several pairs were sold ; and they have since increased and multiplied in a satisfactory manner, in open parks and meadows, so that their acclimation may be said to be complete. On their first introduction, it was said that even in their wild state they had so great an aptitude to fatten, that a full-grown bull in good condition was often found to weigh 2000 lbs. If this statement co\ild be realized, they would be in this respect very little in- ferior to our own celebrated short-horns ; but experience has not as yet fully borne out this statement. This may be owing to the in- ferior nutritive powers of our grasses to those they feed on in their native wilds ; and if so, the introduction of some of the coarse African grasses as pasture for these animals, will, perhaps, enable the breeders of herds of Elands to realize in weight and condition surpassing even that which was at first ex- pected. It was stated also, in the first enthu- siasm of the novelty, that the attainment of their full growth was extremely rapid. This also has been found a somewhat delusive hope, inasmuch as it is now affirmed that from six to seven years is the earliest period at which the animal, as at present acclimated, yields what may be termed good " butcher's meat," being nearly double the age at which mutton of the highest quality becomes fully mature ; and almost the same may be said of most of the finest beef, which is certainly produced at a much earlier age of the animaJ, 15 226 EECEEATIYE SCIENCE. than that at which the Eland vension seems likely to he obtained. This drawback, though considered a very- serious one by experienced breeders of cattle, is in some degree compensated for by the fact that the animal acquires "condition" much more naturally, and without the exces- sively rich stimulants used in the stall-feeding, by which our finest beef is prepared for the market. The gain in this respect may more than compensate for the comparative slowness at which maturity is acquired in our climate. At all events, the herds are increasing in number, and also in the somewhat more rapid progress to full development ; and there appears no doubt but that at no distant period a regular supply of the delicious meat which they furnish will be found in our markets ; though, perhaps, at first, the price may be somewhat above that of other meat. The first Eland bred in England for the table was killed on the 7th of January, 1859, at Hawkestone Park, the seat of Lord HiU, and the result was, after all drawbacks, suffi- ciently favourable to prove the entire success of the experiment, and the certainty that it will not bo abandoned. The animal killed, though not more than six years old, weighed 1176 lbs., and with much less proportion of bone than in the best-bred " short-horn," while the texture of the lean was found to be as fine and as richly flavoured, and the fat firm and delicate. In aU the joints great juiciness was remarked, and, in addition to its value as meat, it appears to display won- derful qualities for the formation of a re- markably rich soup. On another occasion I may give some account of other kinds of foreign deer that are in progress of acclimation in this country, some of which promise to equal, if not sur- pass, the Eland, as furnishing additional and highly desirable food for the table. The engraving is after a photograph taken in the Zoological Gardens, E-egent's Park. H. NOEI, HUMPHEETS. THE BALANCE OE LIFE AND DEATH— A TEACHING OE THE AQUAEIUM. In the vast procession of beings which passes before the eyes of God as a pano- rama, and of which man catches but imper- fect glimpses here and there, the many which drop out of the ranks into the jaws of death form the tesselated pavement on which the successive races tread, secure in their per- petuity. Life stands in fear of death, though death is but its servant — a faithful servant — appointed by the Author of life to gather life's tangled threads into an order of suc- cessive developments. The dying Christian may fear death, though assured of immor- tality ; and the unthinking worm writhes in its expiring agonies, as if it would by a last efibrt struggle into strength once more. Deeply hid in the core of the organic uni- verse is the secret of Death, " who keeps the keys of all the creeds ;" yet man is permitted to read a part of the mystery in the expe- riences of his kind, and in the records of past ages. He doubts the fact of death, whUe openly admitting it ; for his fear dic- tates a thought directly opposed to reason, to observation, and to the knowledge that has been revealed— " He thinks he was not bom to die, And Thou hast made him, Thou art just." Yet when man looks upon Nature, he sees everywhere the records of death's work among the representatives of creative energy. The stratified rocks are but the tombstones in the great graveyard of the world ; they cover the bones of a million generations, and their in- scription is, " The dust we tread upon was once alive." If the infusion of life into EECREATIVE SCIENCE. 227 countless forms, each in itself perfect, needed notliing less than Almighty power, it needed Almighty power too to complete the scheme in the institution of dissolution ; and the grim king of terrors, before whom the bee and the sparrow tremble, perhaps, not less than man, became co-worker with God by a wise and beneficent appointment : and so the orders of being began, and have to this hour continued, as a series of dissolving views, in which there is no hiatus, but only change; no shifting of the focus or the screen, no aberration or intermission of the source of light, but an unending variety in the pictures. We know not how other worlds may fare, but this we know, that here death supplies from every extinguished picture the colours with which the next are painted, and we live — man and brute — on the debris of the past. I see all this and more in the a