f mi | «| Ocemresienianesics.eoenvresvenramenO - The Red Poil and | Farm Conditions : | SESE Published in the Interest of the Ohio Red Poll Breeders’ Association e Sle 1917, by’ Frank Nelson Soren nner | oe Bh) Bir) Ta Gee ae a) a aa The Red Poll and Farm Conditions Copyrighted 1917, by Frank Nelson " HOMER C. PRICK, President FRANK HARTLINE, Vice President FRANK NELSON, Sec’y and Treas. ‘. " | | = 4 o, aa 7 MAR 311917 ©Oo.a458939 ee ee List of Members — (January, 1917) HH. (Cy Price; sNewark, (©: Jieveozik., ©. okKerantz. i WOvVera ©: F. Nelson, London, O. Henry S. Kelley, Geneva, O. Jacob Overly, Bainbridge, O. Wm. K. Hirshberger, Lancaster, O. H. E. & J. E. Wynkoop, Eldorado, O. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, O. J. W. Lee, Racine, O. Stump & Etzler, Convoy, O. H. W. Rinkert, West Liberty, O. KE. M. Kroft, Mt. Perry, O. M. A. Page & Son, Dennison, O. G. L. Roush, Springfield, O. R. O. Evans, Blanchester, O. Lewis Rodgers, Good Hope, O. N. R. Peffley, Germantown, O. Elmer E. John, Dayton, O. Geo. H. Smith, C. C. Cushman, Megr., Chillicothe, O. R. C. Wise, Newark, O. KE. G .Norton, Seville, O. R. G. Bradfield & Son, West Jefferson, O. Frank H. Hawley, Le Roy, O. A. S. Bolen, Fremont, O. R. H. Statler, Shelby, O. F. M. Borst, Bainbridge, O. oO Directors Homer C. Price Frank Hartline Frank Nelson J. Wilbur Lee Stump & Etzler Seu cunCle Evan @ sneer LZ, Dual Cows of other Breeders there are--as freaks. But dual type by na- ture and in execution as a Breed there is but One--that one Breed-- The Red Poll. The Red Poll and Farm Conditions It is the Law of Average, whatever the field of human endeavor, that sus- tains. This very law, applied to Farm Con- ditions of today, imperatively de- mands that the Cow producing the Milk on the farm must also produce the Feeders and the Beef. It is this same Law of Average that, while imperatively demanding a dual- nature and type in the Farm- ers’ Cow, has also at the same time, through hundreds of years of appli- cation and test, proved the Red Poll to be the most truly dual-purpose ani- mal. Let us now look into this dual, or two sided, Milk and Beef nature of the Red Poll. If the Red Poll is of true dual type and nature it must, at all times, not only produce milk with the best of the milkers but it must, at the same time, produce Beef with the best of the Beef Breeds. Can the Red Poll do this? It can, second to none. In Milk Production the Red Poll stands fourth in the list in competi- tion with the world. Surpassing even some of the known strictly Dairy Breeds. Beauty No. 31725, one of the 5 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions Record Cows of the Breed, has an official record of 20280 pounds of milk and 891.5 pounds of butterfat. Her weight is 1750 pounds and but for her under line is an ideal, typ- ically formed Beef type animal. Pear No. 24888, weight 1440, is the World’s Champion Long Distance Red Polled Cow and is the champion Long Distance Record Cow, over all breeds, in the great Dairy State of Minnesota. Minnesota has one herd of thirty Red Poll Cows with not a Cow in it whose official record is under 460 pounds of butter fat. Absorb this fact and can you then ask, Is the Red Poll a Milker? In Milk Production the Red Poll surpasses the Jersey, Brown Swiss, Shorthorn and all Guernsey records excepting that of Murue Cowan. Now let us look into the Beef pro- duction of the Red Poll and see how really and truly is the Red Poll nature a dual nature. Here let me say regarding the Dual nature. Such is not a strange or unnatural attri- bute. It is but the embodiment and perpetuation of God’s perfect laws in full response to nature’s demands of a balance. Mammary development 6 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions at the expense of constitution and vigor, or the ability to lay on fat or weight at the expense of mammary worth, is not God’s work. He did not do this. Man did it. Man often thinks he can lift himself by his own boot straps, but he never succeeds in doing so. For this very reason, that the Red Poll is a natural, physically balanced animal and has so been bred, coeval with England’s earliest history down to the present day, is a guaran- tee to the Farmer that it is a Feeder and Beef animal. There is none supe- rior for the Farmer and cornbelt. This statement is fully substantiated by the records of the past ten or more years of the Slaughter Contest at the International of Chicago. Here, as individuals, the Red Poll Feeders have had to show and compete with the Agricultural Colleges. But no year has passed that has witnessed the Rod Poll outside the money. At Smithfield Club Show of Eneg- land in 1890 a Red Poll Steer dressed 73.72%. This, according to the Lon- don Live Stock Journal, has only once been exceeded in England and never by a full blood steer of any breed. Thus in this same law of averages, c The Red Poll and Farm Conditions cited above, are more than ample grounds to prove the Red Poll as a Milker and a Beef Animal par excel- lence. al » 1 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions eee J \ pen of Mr. W. J. Kennedy, of the Iowa Agricultural College. This ap- peared in the Breeders’ Gazette of Feb. 2, 1914, and was entitled RUTTERFAT PRODUCTION UN- DER FARM CONDITIONS. To The Gazette.—We read a great deal about the phenomenal butterfat records made by cows of the respect- ive dairy breeds. So much publicity is given these feats that the begin- ner is oftentimes led to believe that about all that is necessary to insure success in the dairy business is the purchase of a few cows of this or that breed. It is easy to figure that a few cows producing from 600 to 900 pounds of butterfat each would sup- port a fair sized family in compara- tive luxury. So much for the theory, but what are the actual facts? These wonderful feats are interest- ing and useful in that they show the possibilities of doing unusual things, when the surrounding’s are all favora- ble and high records, not economical returns, are the chief consideration. With our high-priced land, feed and labor the cornbelt farmer will be com- pelled to pay more attention to the dairy end of the cattle business in the 10 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions future. Some will make a specialty of dairying. For such men a special purpose dairy breed should be used. It has long since been demonstrated that the good special purpose dairy cow, when given the proper feed, care and management, is one of the most economical machines known to man: for converting roughage and concen- trates into food products. Other men, and they compose a large constitu- ency ,do not care to make a specialty of dairy farming. They wish to do some milking in connection with beef production. Some of these men will milk their cows and rear the calves on skimmilk and grain. Others will milk about one-half of their cows and allow the other half to suckle two calves each. This practice prevails on the highest-priced lands of England and Scotland and has proved to be very profitable. I have been making a rather care- ful study of the dairy test association work which is being conducted by the extension department of Iowa State College. The work has grown from year to year and has been very*help- ful to farmers of Iowa. In 1909 two associations were organized in Black- sh The Red Poll and Farm Conditions hawk county. The two assoications contained 46 herds with a total of some 688 cows. The work commenced on June 11, 1909. A man was placed in charge of each association. He did the testing and tabulated the daily feed an dmilk records kept by the farmers. The results of the first year’s work show just what is hap- pening under average farm condi- tions. These men did not know whether their cows were profitable or not. They wanted to know the truth about each cow and were much inter- ested in the final outcome. Out of the 688 cows in the two as- sociations 505 completed the full twelve months. They were of the following breeding: 7 Shorthorns, 218 grade Shorthorns, 19 Holsteins, 56 grade Holsteins, 6 Guernseys, 25 grade Guernseys, 3 Jersevs, 37 grade Jerseys, 16 grade Herefords, 3 grade Red Polls, 1 grade Angus, and 114 of mixed breed. Out of these 505 cews 32 made 300 pounds or better of butterfat. In breeding they were as follows: 1 Shorthorn, 16 grade Shorthorns, 5 grade Jerseys, 4 grade Holsteins, 1 Guernsey, 3 grade Guern- seys, 1 grade Hereford, and 2 grade Red Polls. 12 That there were some really useful cows in these associations is evidenced by the fact that the ten best cows made the following: Breeding. “yes-1974Nq spunog “yeF-1094Nq jo punod Jed 4so09 Ieee OECNORN- AMR GS os. odie os se ow vse a [<> @ -|-°492:.8 | .07.8c2 |-$32-386 48106379 a | GrAGe: sanOLtuiorn} >... ay asthe ca aden 9 1 30¢: 45.20 97.39 PF ee EAGE SOME MOUM = x < cecc »qeteie a «Secs ace ee 8 8 Seen 96.60 4 | G¥AGS -SHOPENOIN i723. ws stele s en ety 8 8 Bie ae 92.74 Dp pGrade. 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We also find, that of all breeds entered more Red Polls made good, or 300 pounds of butterfat or better, than any other Breed. We find that— Out of 225 Shorthorns entered but 17 or 7 1-2% made good. Out of 75 Holsteins entered but 4 or 5 1-3% made good. Out of 31 Guernseys entered but 4 or 12.9% made good. Out on 40 Jerseys entered but 5 or 12 1-2% made good. Out of 16 Herefords entered but 1 or 6 1-4% made good. Out of 3 Red Polls entered but 2 or 66 2-3 made good. Out of 1 Angus entered none or 00% made good. Out of 144 Mixed Breed entered none or 00% made good. But of equal if not greater import- ance, are the figures of cost of pro- duction per pound of butterfat and total profit per animal. Analyzing these figures we find the Red Polls | produced a pound of butterfat for less 15 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions than half that produced by the Guern- sey and more than five cents per pound cheaper than the Jersey. We also find the Red Polls away ahead in the average profit per cow. These are not figures of an isolated instance. Red Poll History is replete with just such achievements. I think the Red Poll the most economical producer known, either at the pail or on the block. Also we find the Red Poll Distanced only by one Hereford which beat by the narrow margin of 8-100 of a per cent. We find that the Red Polls led the following breeds: The Shorthorns by 8% in average profit per animal. The Jerseys by 26% in average profit per animal. The Holsteins by 20% in average profit per animal. The Guernseys by 49% in average profit per animal. The Mixed Breeds by 32% in aver- age profit per animal. The Angus by 26% in average profit per animal. Fell behind one Hereford 18-100 of a per cent. Perhaps some of my readers may 16 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions think the writer not impartial in his choice and selection of this article of Mr. Kennedys; that he is seeking to make capital of a favorable oppor- tunity. If such is your view you do me wrong. I cited above my reasons for taking this article. I took it be- cause it was extraneous and outside the fold. The Student of Red Polls knows only too well how replete with such victories is the history of the Red Polls, on either side the Atlantic. Here at home in Ohio, the skeptic can find more than food for thought even should he go no farther than the State University and stop with May- Sower No. 2964A12’s record. No, I truly believe Red Poll Breeders as a class are more impartial than are other Breeders. Why? Because most of us have served our apprenticeship at the benches of other Breeds. We are young, so to speak. Many, many of us left our pets, that had really become part and parcel of us, to step into Red Poll lines, not when we first had sight and notice of the hand writing on the wall, but only when the interpretation of the writing be- came a warning so audible we were forced to heed; forced to catch step. 17 The Red Poll and Farm Conditions While many of us, as Red Poll Breed- ers, may be able to “hark back” only too few years, think not, gentle reader, it is so with our choice of Breed, the Red Poll. If you are in doubt or ig- norant as to just when Red Poll an- cestry begins, read Bede, who died about 700 A. D. or turn to your En- cyclopedia Britanica there to find the Suffolk Duns pronounced as indige- nous to the country. But, returning to our figures cited above, covering cost of production per pound of But- terfat and average profit per Animal; there is another lesson in these same figures. Has it appeared to you? I mean the lesson of proportion. Study it; There is equally as many Farmers in other States, than in this section of Iowa, that are just as far off the track; that have not yet deciphered, if they have noticed, the hand writing on the wall. How long will it be be- fore they do? Are you, my dear sir, one of the number? Are you seeking enlightenment on the Red Poll? Do you wish it? Is so, apply to the undersigned who will send you an X-Ray on the _ subject entitled, “Facts and Figures.” FRANK NELSON, | Sec.-Treas. 18 U1) BI \1 | | | i ' | | |