3 945 P68 B7 opy 1 The University of Chicago THE RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOK OF THE POTATO BEETLE IN A DESERT A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BY JOSEPH KUMLER BREITENBECHER Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted from PUBLICATION 263 OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PP. 341-84 ns Unrest ita Roe) ik Sear Pe eae x ne The University of Chicago THE KELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOK OF THE POTATO BEETLE IN A DESERT A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BY JOSEPH KUMLER BREITENBECHER Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted from PUBLICATION 203 OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Pp. 341-84 ‘ ™ Ps. i - ‘ sj - » » 2 ae Tiatwaraite Me’ Ss Se THE RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF THE POTATO BEE TLE IN: A. DESERT BY J. K. BREITENBECHER OF THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY [Extracted from Publication 263 of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, pages 341- 384. | CONTENTS. PAGE MTV GT OGUICCTOMN lore onset ice alate xi 09: ore co tere) ere Ai oles en's) oe olive l@n@ & collells Foire lei/s¥ elle) e!\eal ei'etiel avavinl «ele ctetats 343 Instrumentation and conditions of experiment ...........2.. ccc cece eee n eens 343 IVIALOT AUS ters aces feneietotate ereueletarsctousts gio: 1s atl do:ssleide 6 GG SOs oa wile ere Aialinle elavaleleoicteteler 344 RoleOor water in LEPLOGUCTLVE ACULVILY. << ixio- olcrere icles alelel> ete ie ouele laters otelsieiele Owe ‘awe awe ‘Owr> ‘owe Ow ‘o : : : amen —S ne A> AW> AWP Stratum. Quer AW Rate of evaporation. is) =) _ - = RW TWH AWN D|WNW OP LRTI ON coor AOR CRN AWM WNN- Deb Hew NDE CHO OOS Waa HHwW POR ORY NAN ownmn awo®? TABLE 5. 4G bo o. . S32 a = S38 S ; | 2) 25 | &s | =F | 28] & 5 || 22) 2/28 | Be | 22 2 |2 | 82 | 38] gs | 2S | 23 Q o we ov 3 es & 8 | & | Fa Fe | £2 | sg] sa o » “Oo =| Q, ont me) a = Se So ax 3°09 Ss He, ® O65 on °° of” om < [oa] Ba B 4 B B °C. |p. ct.| gms. gms gms gms. gms. 26.8! 36 |1.2957}1.2700|0.0257|0.239 |1.0567 26.8) 33 |1.2879/1.2574/0.0305|0.235 |1.0529 27.3) 30 |1.2367|1.2028/0.0339/0.229 |1.0077 27.9| 35 |1.2435/1.2150|0.0285/0.230 {1.0135 33.2) 23 |1.2860/1.2405|0.0455/0.275 |1.0105 33.9} 22 |1.2400/1.1585/0.0815/0.226 |1.0135 30.8] 35 |1.1840/1.1496/0.0344|0.223 |0.9610 36.2; 19 |1.1740;1.1196/0.0544,0.213 |0.9610 36.2} 15 |1.1870)1.0500/0.1370|0.218 |0.9690 33.3] 30 |1.2090/1.1320/0.0770|0.232 |0.9770 40.2} 15 |1.2750)1.1590/0.1160/0.272 }1.0030 40.0] 12 |1.2140)1.0405/0.1735/0.236 |0.9780 33.9] 28 |1.2415}1.1610)0.0800/0.229 |1.0125 40.5] 13 |1.1005|0.9805/0.1200|0.209 |0.8915 40.0} 11 |1.2540/0.9800/0.2740/0.232 |1.0215 28.3) 33 |1.2565|1.2015/0.0550/0.215 |1.0415 37.3] 15 |1.2230/1.1185/0.1045/0.213 |1.0100 37.1] 12 |1.1965/1.0550/0.1415/0.217 |0.9795 28.4) 35 11.2030/1.1815/0.0215|0.210 |0.9930 34.0} 19 |1.2380/1.1885/0.0495|0.219 11.0190 33.4] 14 |1.2780)1.2110\0.0670/0.234 {1.0440 25.4] 43 |1.2080/1.1845/0.0235|0.213 |0.9945 30.6] 24 |1.1580)1.1295/0.0285/0.214 |0.9435 30.0} 17 |1.2565|1.2160/0.0405|0.239 |1.0175 25.0] 44 |1.2660/1.2375|0.0285/0.228 |1.0380 29.7| 27 |1.2230/1.1900/0.0330/0.223 |1.0000 29.0} 23 |1.2055/1.1606|0.0449|/0.220 |0.9855 24.1) 47 |1.1727|)1.1420/0.0307 |0.224 10.9487 28.0; 31 |1.1693/1.1380/0.0313/0.222 |0.9473 27.5) 27 |1.1384)1.0489/0.0489/0.213 |0.9254 24.3| 45 |1.1422)1.1122/0.0300/0.224 |0.9182 27.1) 28 |1.2815/1.2435/0.0380/0.251 {1.0305 27.2) 25 |1.1390)1.0990|0.0400/0.225 |0.9140 22.3) 56 |1.4385/1.3975|0.0410|0.301 |1.1375 25.2] 33 |1.4550/1.4010/0.0540/0.312 |1.1430 25.2) 27 |1.5375/1.4795|0.0580|0.328 |1.2095 Total H,O in the beetle Ss. — — mal ily? mow DOP oo 3 ; Stora hae Soe. Loss H,0 of entire Ne Awnrl ee or) —e Ron aS ts BRO PHO TOWW PWD WHWHNH APL weight. QWoOmns Owmww os One roe Ss NANO KH On So FOTO PDD .82 wr = me CO — orc oow vol nemor) Loss H,O in terms of their dry weight. 358 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF REE CHR Re een ae ROR ees a aa fe my Transpiration Rate Curves on Basis of Entire Weight ze ~ 4 Air Temperature Curves in Degrees C. g 2.0%) | 5 - CHAE AT a ae" aN IPA n Fran ZAI eNO ge LTR ATIVAN TT" Es £3 at VAIN, 8 i CeanaNS7=02 GSBBERSUERE : 20% pl SS HH jor CEN et Bene Geeee Rae eeee fe NR | | MEY TTT ey Curves of Evaporation Rate S ae Relative Humidity Curves A EL BNEBBIS nb AZLLCN ENO aT Te CeCe PSN th eee eet CTP NGI NS Ena mein Howly-S 72 2s 6 SI 2 oda a ae Units AM. P.M. P.M. AM. A.M. P.M. A.M. | Fig. 1.—Curves showing relation between daily progress of evaporation and transpiration rates of beetles when exposed to different strata produced by an association of potato plants. Consult table 5 for above data. Stratum A Stratum B Curve 1= Rate of Curve 1= Transpiration Rate or Water Loss Rate of Water Loss Curve 2=Rate of — Curve 2= Evaporation Rate Evaporation Curve 3= Air Temperature Curve 3= Air Temp. ERRRRARERAD EECCREESE REEREA eee CASLECEE CEU PRR PACT lbh REP AV ERREER a 7 erat Tl eae et sliver N Raat Tew Hob gl im wt A baal! Units J > aca Ne slat SEER IL jar ela BaaeS Cer fal swe sos we 2 4 OM? 274 26.781 A.M. P.M. Hee P.M. P.M Fic, 2.—Results recorded in table 5 reduced to unity and curves plotted in order to draw a closer comparison than is given in figure 1. The same conclusions are self-evident. THE Porato BEETLE IN A DESERT 359 Figure 1 shows the plotted results for the data of this experiment. The broad, heavy lines give the results for stratum A, the broken line, the results at stratum B, and the narrow line those for stratum C. The abscisse represent the 2-hour time intervals, and each unit along the ordinate represents for the evaporation curves, 2.5 ¢.c.; for the transpiration curves in terms of entire weight, 3 per cent; for the transpiration curves in terms of dry weight, 13.5 per cent; for the relative humidity curves, 5 per cent; and for the temperature curves 2.5° C. These graphs are interesting in that they show a close agreement between the evaporation-rate and transpiration curve for each stratum. Since the humidity and temperature curves coincide closely for the two upper strata, and the evaporation and transpiration curves for these strata vary in a similar direction, it appears that the rate of loss of water from the animals when exposed to the atmosphere agrees closely with the evaporation rates; 1. e., the transpiration curves of these organisms, as Livingston (1906) found with plants, are largely controlled by the evaporating power of the air. TABLE 6.—Summary of rate of evaporation in each stratum combined with loss of water from the beetle. Location. Evaporation. Transpiration. Stratum. 3 acs Loss per cent H,O. Ratio. Figure 2 shows the water-loss in percentage, the evaporation-rates, and the air-temperatures, all reduced to unity. The broad, unbroken line represents the rate of water-loss in each case; the narrow, unbroken line, the evaporation rate for each stratum; and the broken line, the air-temperatures for each stratum. In making comparisons broadly, the air-temperatures agree in being represented by nearly straight lines, so that they were negligible; but the evaporation curves and curves of water-loss differ for each stratum, yet are similar when compared. At stratum A, the evaporation curve rises more rapidly and higher than the curve of water-loss, and the drop in the evaporation curve is faster than in the curve of water-loss. At stratum B, the curves of evaporation and of water-loss parallel each other until 6 p. m. when the evapora- tion curve drops more suddenly. At stratum C the increased air-movement is an added factor in the environmental complex, so that both the water-loss and evaporation rates rise much higher, although the temperature curves remain the same. The curve of water-loss at stratum C rises more rapidly and higher than the evaporation curves. The latter drops sooner than the curve for evaporation. This appears to be due to the fact that the beetles are more sensitive to the environmental fluctuations than the porous-cup atmometer, so that difference might account for the lagging effect. These differences in the rate of evaporation in the three strata and the water- losses are given in Table 6. This table shows that approximately 1 c. c. loss from the cup is equal to 1 per cent loss of water from the beetles exposed. 360 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF The evaporation rates here shown gave greater differences within this experi- mental cage than were obtained by Fuller (1911) for all the plant associations studied. Shelford (1912) uses Fuller’s data with tables and compares them with conditions in certain animals, stating that distribution and succession of the animals is clearly correlated with evaporating power of air. By a further comparison with the description of stations, Shelford shows that the evaporating power of the air may be taken in this case as an index of materials, abode, and the like. Since the evaporation ratios existing inside of this cage filled with potato plants are greater than those obtained by Fuller for the stations such as Shelford used, it appeared that L. decemlineata reared in such TABLE 7, Environmental conditions Leptinotarsa decemlineata subjected to desert conditions. determined. ~ ' icone o S sles os els |./ 3 - & (|b (se lo |s n ~ ~ gsios|ej2 13) & 2 2 |2~ |” |e | od mina oO lq =e +7 : — es =3 . on Ba PA Time. ze ad gle |a| #8 SH Re s a i cs =, ee General Remarks. Fare SiS .je| te | Ewe | Se |p ew Pe woe! on OSise| 7 |sb) 2] 33 ae BO [OSLER S| Oe o> B%/00| & |DF! 6 ca ak oF |SSEIOSBI Sa 55 Oo |i rs In- 2 | °. as ° o. | So. | s Buss Time. & Se ea musa (0S cet) | ee, | ses 2a General Remarks. nets oul ee) St | be | Som) Pew! $8 | o& S| #8 | Ss | BS | SES] Ses | fa] os e pen Dy J ne a) oom ao fo} an oF oF ae one om or Z & (o) joo ° jee) a Oy No.! gms. gms. gms. | %H2.O|%H.20| No. | p.ct 10 a. m. 10 | 7.2700 | 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 9 90 a ll a.m. 100) Gaveteiaieie, 1I\| ave teieiece! ||) inistniaiae elajoraicie eee 10 100 = Tips ms) || LOH cease oi a od een sea 1o | 100 ey 2p.m. | 10 | 6.9715 2985 0746 | 11.09 | 2.77 10 100 ss Elpeests BARS LA| eosin |e rear dl Me sates = 10 | 100 8 Asati || 10) eteccerey Meenicwa || welsereaionll: aac oe A 10 100 a Bipes 10) essere |i cawiersiers caeieeNl lh ceo 10 100 — 6 p. m. 10 | 6.7025 2690 0675 10.34 2.59 10 100 ‘ eperiis wh OMe 55 lene ace | ceeoecmlline nee a Se 10 | 100 ss 10 p. m. 10 | 6.4970 -2055 .0514 7.90 1.98 0 0 o 6 a.m. 10 | 6.3620 .1350 .0170 5.19 0.65 0 0 10 a.m. 10 | 6.17385 . 1885 .0471 7.26 1.81 0 0 | All dead. & 10 a. m. 16 | 2.1790 | 0.0000 ; 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 0 ° ll a.m. RG: |) is ietorstssoyd llr telelermtes || ctete/e’e el lf iaieietele 0 0 = Dope “ett g1 Bil |e orate al pein Ih clemea ss ll bseenets 0 0 > 2 p.m. 16 | 1.9900 1890 0473 | 22.16 | 5.54 0 0 | 3 dead; deduct 0.235 gm. ao Geen XTl onl Gal ee siareroran | ita slererere Sesieise || wesses 0 0 a5 4 p.m. DZ Ueecuctale arateieratend in aisiele 6 itiae aces BAR 0 0 oo 5 p.m. UBi |) core myersiays| siesta apie |Inaveaarete! |) wie'stare F 0 0 Be 5 p.m. | 13 | 1.5715 | .1844| .0461 | 6.21 | 1.55 ° 0 5 dead = 0.4595 gm. Pa p: mm RS lll eraterasoveval| crete every Il cavateteseretatl “etovare ere . | 10 p. m. 8 | 1.0545 0575 0144 10.23 2.56 0 0 | 2 dead = 0.2225 gm. se 6.4. mi; 6 | 0.8030 0290 - 0036 7.30 0.91 0 0 a 10 a. m. 6], wenen Bo lcicecnd li seats en ll Uatetatoers rae ) 0 | All dead. a] 10 a.m. 8 | 2.9510 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 0 2 ll a.m. SSF [fare atcretect || notoustcrare || aatsratroremal | attoreaes ; 0 0 2 1lp.m, Bi [eco ll rcsatarinr ll) racine [ues e es vs 0 0 oa 2p. m. 8 | 2.7845 1665 .0416 18.79 4.70 0 0 | 2 dead = 0.7525 gm. Fee 3 p.m, Cal Meare ecnenes eee sees 5 0 0 29 A Deis: | Aes | Weeccee || Meiers a heteonten Ices es 0 0 oe 5p.m. | 6| 1.9440] .0880] .0220] 14.42 | 3.61 0 0 | 2 dead = 0.6005 gm. a | 6 p. m. mn ocd hans con locos vlecoee oes 0 0 2 [ ap. mM. 4 | 1.3055 . 0380 -0095 9.84 2.46 0 0 A 10 p. m. 4 } 1.2705 -0350 0044 9.07 1.13 0 0! All dead. 10 a.m. 9 | 5.1725 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 0.00 0.00 5 56 a Ha, mm; soem uilecriancrl le canct: fal Rate 5 66 = 1p.m. Dll ess coreseres.l]avolensvara «| Pioleatatetond| |) muetcietete 5 8 89 2 2p. m. 9 | 4.8263 3462 . 0866 27.64 6.89 4 44 a 3 p.m. Gl iersteereulteaen eat molest Seteree : 4 44 » 4 p.m. ON Cerra Dacia mere rd besccrick 5 56 a 5 p.m. 9 | cease. | elves ieaecome ||P aceon sdisle 4 44 = 6 p. m. 9 | 4.6005 -2258 0565 17.96 4.49 3 383 | 1 dead = 0.4075 gm. 5 7 p.m. Bil eesicrer en!) tentecoteseeal| Pevcistaister|liuesyoretoce aia 0 0 10 p. m. 8 | 4.0340 - 1590 -0398 14.11 3.53 0 0 | All dead. The second experiment was performed to determine the relation of evapora- tion to the transpiration and reactions of insects when exposed for several days under natural conditions. To get a comparison between L. decemlineata and other insects, a cricket (Gryllus), a beetle (Catalpa lanigera), and two species of June-bugs (Lachnosterne) were used, since they could be collected in large numbers. These insects, with the exception of the potato-beetles, were obtained Tur Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT 363 at night by aid of a light, and were collected as soon as possible after emergence. All were placed at once in bell-jars in the constant-temperature room. A high relative humidity was produced as before by placing a wet filter-paper inside the jars, which permitted the animals, if not already saturated, to absorb water, ‘so that their water-contents would be as uniform as possible, and they would attain, in this respect, a similar physiological equilibrium. The insects were retained under these conditions until 10 a. m. the following morning, when they were exposed in similar cylindrical tubes. The instruments for measuring environmental conditions were also placed in these tubes, which were suspended to a wire and placed in the open, so that each tube was inclined toward the north. The direct rays of the sun were thus permitted to fall upon the tubes at right angles. Unless otherwise indicated in Table 8, the observations were made hourly from 11 a. m. July 19 to 6 p. m. July 21, and for the environmental conditions consult Table 7. Jt 2 see ee SaaS Sa Seiwa Curve 1= Evaporation Rate BRS eee eee eases PT TTP ATA TTA TY TSA ET SAL Zs one Be ee Curve 2= Air Temperature w Oo REE AH Pee ether ey | SARE SASS SARE RRAARE SEA BE! eo Re ie 2 Sea eee eae 2S a2 a a ene eee eee, , See SSeS aes eee aa _ _ Sa eeereen aes |. SSSR Sees ee Se La a Hourly Unis 2 34S 6 TS O10 il 1d 13 1d 1s 16 17-*18 19-2 DT SG RT OS Fig. 4. If one should plot the results given in Table 8, he will find that all of the organisms used give a transpiration curve which corresponds with their curves of evaporation. Catalpa lanigera and the crickets reacted to transpiration in a manner not unlike the potato beetles, while the Lachnosterne always gave a negative response, regardless of conditions. Another experiment upon loss of water and insect activity was made as a conformatory test, in which the methods and materials used were similar. The animals consisted of 31 DL. decemlineata (Tucson A, g. III), 10 Catalpa lani- gera, and 20 Lachnosterne. The latter were collected around an electric light and then placed in a refrigerator. All instruments and insects were exposed in the open in large netting spheres and hourly observations were made from 9 p.m. August 9 to 4 p. m. August 11; the complete data are given in Table 9. The evaporation-rates, the air-temperatures, and the relative humidities are to So << 5 6 Curve 1= Evaporation Rate Relative Humidity Curve 3 ‘peed /L€°0 |06°0 600° |120°S| OT | “PBA |8E°S | 8E°O |800° |E9F'I) #2 “IB91D | FS | OL | 06 [2°SE/9'T ‘ad 0 | O |TL’ST/€L°9 |€0E" |090°S| OL | O | O J€S'OL) SH'ST/9ES° |ILF'I| F2 “IB91D | Sb | GL | 16 |g'eeio'sI| “mcd ¢ 0 | 0 |¥6°E |9T°S|F60° E9E°S) OT | O | O [Gh'SI| L6°S |290° |20L°1| FB | “APNOTD | Et | eg | Tz Ig‘ozle'g “Ue 9 0 | 0 |LI'T |F9°0)820° |LEF°S| OL | O | O [EG°9 | GO'T |3Z0° |69L°I| Fz *IB9[D | 19 | 89 | SL /O°SZT'T ‘ud TT 0 | 0 |eS°S |LE°T/090° |S8h'S) OT | 98 | IT /€6°8 | EFT [OfO" |T62Z°1| Fa | ‘APNOIO | FS | 29 | BL \e‘ezlI'T ‘ui ‘d ¢ 0 Q.[ Perera ieee sehr or) rey am lees el neue lames ls eee el er “£pno[y er | 69 | 98 (0°08'8°0 ‘wa dg 0 | 0 |IT’F \$3°s/860° |ShS's| OT | SS | OT \€6'0%| SZ'E |880° |TZ8°1| Fo | “APNOTD | IS | OL | #8 IT’ EZIT'Z ‘ud y 0 ;O; Cy tetts ferret) OL | 98 | TL [°° peep zisze’ jese*t| Fz ‘Apaolg OF | IL | 06 |P'ZEelT'e | ‘w-dg 0 | 0 |SE°€ |F8°T\080° |EF9°S) OT | SF | ST |Z8°LT| 98°S |LL0° [91E°S| Te | ‘APNOTD | cE | OL | Té6 Is'aEle's "ut ‘dg 0 rN fascia alain (oe Racca) a ls oa doh oa ‘£pno[g 62 | OL | 68 lo'ZelI'°Z ‘ud F 0 | O |ZI°9 |SE°E|9FT” \SSL°S| OL | 92/8 [93°6 | FHT \OFO’ jE6e"s| Te | ‘APNOTO | FE | 19 | 8g le‘Iel9°s | ‘msde 0 Gs Par ea eee eee ony tear ie: jess eh sme |e nee aa 1g “£pnolg se | IL | 16 lo'Fel6'2 ‘ud z 0 | O |6T°6 |€0°S\61d° \698°S| OL | OL | € \€9"FS| GL°8 [98° |eeb's! 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Site) aiee aes | ie |e | oe a|- oi |tes ‘owtL S| eC eee eG) a | oe | © m| o/ 22 ei2.e8) x a Z| @/F276)/ 255 | x S21 5 ee e | 9 : S| Sy RaESe) F | RF) 2 | | sTSeiees) F | | 8] Ss) s/Pae/SR-| | | 8 3 z 4 eit: 2|8| 4 * 2 5 ro | 2 3 *(sotszeds Mo][ed [[BUIs) BUII390UqIBT “Biladtuey edlezes “BIWIUI[Ms09p EsIBOUIAdaT "BUOT}IPUOD [BJUSWIUOITIAUA ‘6 TIdVL Tuer Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT 365 shown in figure 4, while the transpiration and reaction curves of Leptinotarsa decemlineata and Catalpa lanigera are given in figure 5. The upper diagram contrasts for the potato beetle its transpiration rate with the percentage posi- tive to light, while the lower half of the cut does the same thing for Catalpa lanigera. ‘This experiment was similar to the former ones, in that the insects were subjected to the environmental conditions out-of-doors at the foot of Tumamoc hill. For other data and comparisons Table 9 should be consulted; the results given show that the evaporation curve as measured by the porous-cup atmometer and the transpiration curves of the insects are similar, as was previously found to be true. Moreover, the positive reaction curve of the potato beetle was the 55.0% 100% g ZeReeser Nes Srany' Leptinotarsa decemlineata . Soe LLLELL UTE ALLAN ee g eee ee ee e Foot ALT TT ET TT A TAL TT tt leon 83 E ie x 17.5% 25% 2 z 5 8 a 2 OA fees pest ecto 0% er PA oat 2 | 2 5 4 = 6.2% 65% 2 foe = = 4.2% 40% 8 4 & 5 4 a 2.2%1f-4 15% 'y . 2 ee ee se 0% S Fia. 5. reciprocal of its transpiration curve. In the same way the reaction curve of C. lanigera was associated with its transpiration curve until 9 a. m., when all reactions became negative. The Lachnosterne appeared here only with a negative reaction, regardless of their transpiration curve, which agreed with the curve of evaporation. These results prove, in the first instance, that the evaporating power of the air was the determining factor in the transpiration of these animals, a result similar to that obtained by Livingston (1906) for plants; secondly, that there existed from the base to the top of associated plants, in an arid region, an extreme zonation, in which great differences were found in the evaporating power of the air, and that this in turn controlled the rate of transpiration ; and finally, that the evaporating power of the air surrounding the organisms deter- mined their behavior through transpiration. Moreover, many animal organisms of the desert exhibited great localization in their distribution and the ruling feature of the environmental complex, whether it entailed a habitat of trees, among rocks, or in soils, was that of the moisture-relation. 366 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF ROLE OF WATER IN HIBERNATION. It is an established fact (Tower, 1906) that in the second or winter genera- tion Leptinotarsa decemlineata in its homozygous state always hibernates under normal conditions, but that desiccation, or cold, or both, might produce hiber- nation at any time. At Tucson it was also found that whenever the conditions became adverse enough to produce desiccation, hibernation was produced. Tower (1906) showed that preparation for hibernation in the winter generation con- sists largely in the reduction of the watery contents of the body and in an elimination of all food and other substances from the alimentary canal. These facts indicated that the loss of water appeared to be produced by two different mechanisms. One was controlled by an external medium, while the other was determined by heredity. In the former, water was extracted from the tissues through desiccation due to conditions in the medium, while in the latter water was eliminated from the tissues through internal processés under normal conditions. Tower states: “ Preparation for hibernation consists in a physiological change in the con- stitution of the body for the time being and a consequent lowering of the freezing-point of its tissues in exactly the same way that spores of many plants and the over-wintering eggs of rotifers prepare for the coming of the unfavor- able conditions in their environment.” The following experiments were performed to show how the above results can be brought about through desiccation. At Tucson this type of hibernation was quite common, but did not occur in nature at Chicago. ENTRANCE INTO HIBERNATION. It is evident that in the potato beetle entrance into hibernation may be “ induced hibernation,” which occurred whenever the evaporating power of the air surrounding the insect removed more water by weight in a given time than was introduced into the organism by food and other agencies. Such desiccation produced in the course of one or two days depended upon the adversity of the conditions, thus effecting change in the beetle’s behavior, so that its reactions were reversed and it burrowed in the soil. Extensive observations were made at Tucson Station A, where it was dis- covered that this type of hibernation took place whenever sufficiently desiccating conditions existed. The evidence of such a reaction in a large population was determined by comparing the daily environmental readings with counts of the non-hibernating population, which showed that during the rainy season and as long as water was added to the soil no entrance in this type was found, but when water was discontinued desiccation occurred and hibernation resulted. On the other hand, at Tucson Station B, the “induced hibernation” was always observed as the prevailing type of behavior, since in this habitat the conditions were more adverse. Moreover, at this locality, the growth of the food plants was retarded, since the leaves were tougher and showed less water-content ; desicca- tion was also much greater, so that the response of the organisms to such rigorous conditions was sharper than in any other locality under observation. This clearly demonstrated when a comparison of the daily environmental records were made with the daily count of beetles, which were found out of the Tue Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT 367 ground during one month of the rainy season. At Chicago, however, no induced entrance was discovered, since the conditions were more favorable there for normal activities, as the daily environmental readings indicate. From these observations it is evident that a type of hibernation occurred during periods of low water-content in the surrounding medium; this produced a lowering of the beetles’ content and induced a set of reactions so that a type of behavior, potentially hibernation, resulted ; to determine exactly the réle of water-loss in the observed reactions other experimental tests were performed. For the purposes of this particular problem, the first test consisted of inducing estivation by desiccating adults of the summer generation, which do not normally hibernate. The beetles for this experiment consisted of 259 adults (Tucson A, g. III) which had been placed in a culture cage filled with potato plants. They were allowed to feed until July 15, when a few bunches of eggs were deposited, and at 4 p. m. 200 of these beetles were collected and divided into two groups of 100 each, regardless of sex. The beetles were weighed, group A weighing 12.16 grams and group B 11.52 grams, respectively. Group A was now placed under a bell-jar with calcium chloride and group B under a similar jar filled with wet filter-paper. The jars with the beetles were placed side by side in an adobe building under identical conditions, except for differ- ences in the desiccating capacity of the medium within the bell-jars. Through- out the experiment the temperatures ranged from 26° to 38° C. At 8 p. m. July 24 these insects were removed from the soil in the bell-jar and reweighed. Group A from the desiccator weighed 8.53 grams, showing a loss of 3.63 grams, and group B from the humidor weighed 10.92 grams. Previously a box of soil (90 by 60 by 15 cm.) had been filled with a mixture of equal parts of sand and adobe, which also had been already saturated with water and was kept slightly moist throughout the experiment. Two bell-jars (a humidor and a desiccator) were placed side by side over the slightly moist soil in the above box; insects of group A were placed in the latter, and those of group B in the former; after 28 hours group A was in hibernation, but group B did not hibernate, although the beetles remained active upon the filter-paper. The calcium chloride was now removed from the bell-jar over the hibernated group A, and the soil was kept saturated ; at the end of 3 days 12 beetles emerged and after 6 days 57 more beetles were discovered, but at the end of 2 days no others had emerged; the soil was then sifted and 31 dead beetles were found. The individuals of group B still remained active, but none, however, had hibernated. These results show clearly that in the summer generation “ induced ” hibernation with a high death-rate may be produced through desiccation and, furthermore, that when water-balances were restored, all the living individuals emerged again and resumed the activities normal to their generation and season. To further substantiate the above conclusions other tests follow. In the fall generation, which hibernates normally, 1,000 newly emerged adults (Tucson A, g. IV) were collected on August 14, and divided equally, regardless of sex, into the following four groups: Each group was placed immediately in a separate wire-netting tube in the screened vivarium at Station A, and the tubes were made of wire-netting (95 cm. deep and 35 cm. in diameter), with a similar material covering the top. These were sunk 55 cm. into adobe soil composing the bottom of the vivarium, and each tube was filled to a depth of 53 cm. with a mixture of equal parts of sand and adobe. 368 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF The following conditions were experimentally planned in tube 1, containing 250 beetles, to give a low rate of evaporation, and the soil was kept moist by adding water each morning and evening. This tube was kept filled with sprays of Solanum hertwigti, which were kept fresh by having the stems in 250 c.c. bottles filled with water, and the sprays were renewed twice daily; it was also necessary to wrap tinfoil about the top of the bottles to prevent the beetles from drowning. The environmental conditions were apparently normal, for the TABLE 10. Tube 1. Tube 2. Tube 3. Tube 4. Food and moist. Food and dry. No food and dry. |No food but moist. When observed. ration. hibernated. No. of beetles o, of beetles dead. ate of evapo- No. of beetles above ground. No. of beetles above ground, above ground. Be fea ° | ° > ° o. of beetles hibernated. o. of beetles Rate of evapo- Rate of evapo- dead. Rate of evapo- ration. No. of beetles above ground. o. of beetles hibernated. No. of beetles ration. hibernated. dead. No. of beetles No, of beetles No. of beetles | R | es is ia) COR DOH DHOMDHPONWDORHENENOHK OWN GE: August 1 ao] to - oO aa) Nr K DS N oO ct . - pO oe Recent a) o o to * ie ors + (GOs 8 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. eel As Less se eG 9 |24. eles .» (24. str Belpasse .2/222| 0} 28)18. 0| 157! 93 0|129/121 177; 0 Tubes removed, soil sifted, and all hibernated adults found to be alive. SN WRONROQRPATIWORNOINARANQRK AIR D > WODH ND WAWNaWINWOONWHONHKOWNOT: CU wDNSDONSONOUNSNONNBDONDO KH BOONAMNAMNORANIWOWOWOMNON DHA OND NAAN NWOAWUONAWANANANOAONAWDNOR OO a. p- a. p- a. p- a. p- a. p. a. p. a. Pp. a. Pp a. p. a. p. a. p- a. p- a. p- as water-condition, the food-supply, the low rate of evaporation, and the soil- moisture were all favorable for the normal activities of the animals used (Table 10 for tube 1) in this problem. The following set of experimental conditions was maintained in tube 2, which contained 250 beetles; however, in this case the soil was kept only slightly moist and the first 5 cm. was used as a dry mulch, so that less moisture was lost through evaporation. The same food plants, Solanwm hertwigw, were added Tue Porato BEETLE IN A DESERT 369 thrice daily, but only a few small sprays were used each time, so that the air within the tube was free from dampness, a condition which would have increased the evaporation rate and assisted in making the environmental situation un- favorable. The environmental conditions in this case were normal, in so far as the food-supply was a factor; but the other surroundings were modified, at least as to the high rate of evaporation (Table 10 for tube 2). Both tubes 1 and 2 were planned to give the ascertained differences in evaporation-rates ; accord- ingly tube 1 produced a lower and tube 2 a higher rate, but the food relations for both were approximately normal. No plants were used in tubes 3 and 4, but each tube was wrapped with several thicknesses of coarse absorbent paper ; at the beginning of the test the soil within each was saturated with water, but no water was added during the experiment. Around the outside of tube 4 was placed a coil of lead-tubing drilled full of holes, and this was connected to a carboy of water. This device kept the absorbent paper surrounding the tube saturated and, furthermore, a large piece of oil-cloth was wrapped to the height of 15 cm. around the base of the tube and beneath the absorbent paper. This oil-cloth was extended out in all direc- tions for about 60 cm. from the bottom of the cage, so that the dripping water did not come in direct contact with the soil in the tube. On the other hand, no water was added to tube 3, so that this cage was kept dry during the experiment. These conditions, therefore, produced a high rate of evaporation in tube 4 and a low one in tube 3 (Table 10). The results for each of these tests follow. The 1,000 beetles used in this experiment were grown under the same environ- mental conditions and from the same parents, and, moreover, these animals had emerged as adults from the pupa state synchronously; so they were then as nearly uniform physiologically as it was possible to obtain them. The con- clusions showed for tube 1 with plenty of food and moisture, when the indi- viduals were counted at the end of the experiment, that there was no hiberna- tion ; 28 were found dead upon the soil. In tube 2, with plenty of food, but in which the air was kept dry, the census, when taken at the end of the test, showed that 157 had successfully hibernated and that 93 had died. At the end of the experiment tube 3, which contained dry air and no food plants, showed 129 beetles in hibernation and 121 dead ones. Tube 4, which was supplied with moisture but with no food, at the end of the test gave no evidence of hibernation ; 73 of the 250 beetles originally present were found dead upon the soil. These results proved that newly emerged adults of the fall generation can not be caused to hibernate under normal conditions, but that if the surrounding medium was dry a type of hibernation reaction did result through desiccation. Such deductions are possible, since the evaporation rates in Table 10 show that a low rate retarded hibernation and a high one accelerated this behavior. It is also true that this entrance into hibernation may be of the normal type, which always occurs under normal conditions in the winter generation. Low temperature, however, was an important factor at Chicago, but this kind of hibernation also took place in the pure winter-generation stock, even under high temperatures. This behavior was further studied in the second generation of the year under the following set of experimental conditions. At Tucson Station A this type of hibernation reaction in beetles of the winter generation (Tucson A, g. II) was observed to appear under a normal environ- mental complex in the fall of 1911, but all other hibernations (Tucson A, g. IV), 25 370 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF which took place under adverse circumstances in the early fall of 1912, were of the induced type. At Tucson Station B this behavior was not discovered in either the winter generation of 1911 or that of 1912, since the environmental conditions always produced desiccation in the early fall at this locality, thus causing the beetles to be in hibernation about 10 months each year ; they emerged about the middle of July, and after feeding for a short period re-entered hiber- nation late in August. At the Chicago Station, however, normal hibernation always occurred, because the environment was normal, for no excessive desicca- tion or any other climatic adversities appeared. It became necessary, therefore, to determine if these results could be confirmed by further data, so the following hibernation tests were carried out. For these tests 30 emerging adults (Tucson A, g. II) on September 2 were placed in a hibernating pedigree-cage containing potato plants for food; the soil was a mixture of equal parts of sand and adobe, and water was added twice daily, but the plants completely filled the cage. The experimental conditions, therefore, were apparently normal throughout the test. It was discovered by daily observations that these animals were in hibernation on September 18 and when dug up on October 2, the first adults were uncovered at a depth of 20 cm., but the larger number of beetles were found at the bottom of the pot. The beetles were inactive when first removed, but began to move in a few minutes at an air-temperature of 33° C. Various tests in the field demonstrated that they possessed no reactions to food or dry soil, but within 5 minutes they did respond, and all burrowed into the moist earth at a temperature of 21° C. This indicated that a cool moist soil accelerated the entrance reaction. These results were further tested to determine if similar reactions always took place. On September 2, 130 emerging adults (Tucson A, g. II) were put into a hibernating cage, which had been previously filled with potato plants, and in which the soil consisted of a mixture of equal parts of adobe and sand, to which water was added twice daily; thus the conditions were approximately normal, for no desiccation occurred. The beetles responded to this set of conditions, for they were in hibernation by September 22. When dug up on October 21 the insects were found distributed through the soil from the top to the bottom of the cage, but when tested in the field showed no reaction to food or dry soil, and when brought into contact with cool moist soil, out-of-doors, they burrowed into it within 5 minutes. This activity was again tested in the following manner: 51 emerging adults (Tucson A, g. IL) were removed September 3 and were placed in a hibernating cage filled with Solanum hertwigu for food. In this experiment a different food plant was also used, but with no apparent result upon their behavior. The soil was also of equal parts of sand and adobe, and water was added each morning and evening, so that the experimental conditions were apparently normal. All the animals were in hibernation by September 19, but when dug up on October 3 only 46 adults were alive. The first individuals, however, were discovered at a depth of 29 em., and the majority were at the bottom of the pot. When tested in the field no reactions to food or dry soil were observed, but when brought into direct contact with cool moist earth all burrowed into it imme- diately. Thus when normally hibernating beetles of the winter generation were removed from hibernation a cool moist soil was necessary to initiate this behavior. Tur Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT ov1 ACTIVITIES DURING HIBERNATION. It was observed that hibernating beetles were inactive when first dug from the soil, and if the insects were moved to a warm room they soon began to crawl; then entrance into hibernation occurred if they were brought into contact with moist earth. At Chicago, during the winter of 1911-12, it was observed that beetles which had hibernated out-of-doors migrated more deeply than usual during the cold winter. From the following test it appeared that beetles would move to moist regions in the earth during hibernation, for late in April 1912, at Tucson Station A, several hundred individuals were found to be hibernating in the open air cage. Accordingly a corner of this cage was watered and the soil was sifted ; thus, all the beetles were removed in that locality, but the newly dug soil was kept moist, and each week it was examined for adults ; during each observation a large number was always discovered. WATER RELATION OF SOILS AND HIBERNATING BEETLES. The beetles hibernate in small cavities or cells, which contain air of a relative humidity, that is in proportion to the water-content of the surrounding earth. During heavy rains the soil becomes flooded with water, so that some air is driven from the cavities, but if the rain continues for too long a period the beetles may die. On the other hand, if the soil is too dry, desiccation of the insects takes place and death may result; therefore, the part soil-moisture plays in mortality during hibernation is of great significance. Tower (1906), in discussing results with soils, states: “The water-content of soil is controlled, not by an abundant rainfall, nor by telluric water, but almost wholly by adhesion and capillarity in the soil—that is, physical conditions alone, such as permeability, capillarity, and the power to absorb and to retain water are the factors which influence the moisture content of soil . . . . Inall soils the pores which do not contain water are filled with air in which the percentage of relative humidity is controlled by the amount of water in neighboring pores. Likewise, the cells in which these beetles pupate are filled with air; the relative humidity is controlled by water in the pores of the surrounding earth.” Thus the physical composition of the soil is important in preserving insect life, and the adobe soil of the Tucson Desert, although it contains but little moisture, does possess other physical potentialities which act in retaining moisture, for through drying it becomes impervious to water and hibernating animals are sealed up in their cells and thus preserved from desiccation. To determine how dry the adobe soil was when containing living beetles, samples of it were taken from the walls of the cells (Table 11) and those of June 30 TABLE 11. Date. Depth. Wet soil. Dried soil. Water-loss. Water-content. cm. gms. gms. gms. H,O. per cent H,O. Ape Vos is. as 25 60.93 56.18 4.75 8.45 ADT Ss. 6.33.5 25 122 .22 110.00 T2322 ys April. 30... .<. 25 123.84 115.89 7.95 6.85 5 58.94 57.64 L380 2.25 June 30...... 10 76.55 73.55 3.00 4.07 20 58 .09 55.45 2.54 4.45 372 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF showed an average of less than 4 per cent water of their dry weights. This was during the dry season, when no beetles had emerged from hibernation up to the above date, but on July 1, the day following, 0.98 inch of rain fell; 73 beetles emerged on July 2, and by July 3 eggs were laid. This sharp response in behavior must be attributed to the water-content of the soil, for the beetles emerged immediately after the first rain and oviposition took place within 48 hours. The insects of the surrounding desert showed a similar response, inasmuch as the adobe soil held them imprisoned until the first rain, which raised their water-content and softened the soil so that emergence of immense numbers occurred. The following experiment was performed to show the relation of physical composition of soils to mortality during hibernation. Three hibernating cages were prepared containing soils, one was composed of sand, another of adobe, and a third of equal parts of sand and adobe. On October 1, 500 hibernating adults were caused to hibernate artificially in each tube by placing the insects at a depth of 40 cm. in the soil, and the soil within each tube was kept slightly moist until late in October; they were then allowed to remain out-of-doors under natural conditions during the winter until May 1, when water was added to each cage. On May 3, 362 adults emerged from the soil mixture, 251 from the adobe, but none from the sand. On May 5, the soil of each cage was sifted, when it was found that all in the pure sand were dead but that only 27 in the adobe and 23 in the soil mixture had succumbed. It appeared, then, that there was a relation between soil composition and mortality during hibernation, for the sand permitted excessive desiccation to occur, the adobe and mixed soils did not admit of great desiccation, but most individuals were hibernated suc- cessfully in the mixture of equal parts of adobe and sand. EMERGENCE FROM HIBERNATION. The physiological complex of emerging beetles was next considered in refer- ence to two phases of the problem. In one case the reactions of hibernating beetles caused to emerge by applying water to the soil were determined, and in the other the reactions of similar adults, in which emergence was produced by sifting the soil, were tested. In the first experiment hibernating beetles (Tucson A, g. II) were encouraged to emerge by applying water on June 1, when they were removed to the constant-temperature room; their reactions were found to be positive to light, but negative to gravity. The light response was further tested by placing 5 beetles in each of 10 test-tubes and each tube was placed so that one-half of it was in the shade of the laboratory roof and the other half in direct sunlight. The beetles all oriented and moved out into the sunlight at the end of each tube, where they remained, and in a few minutes were dead. The air-temperature in the exposed ends of the tubes was 57° C. In this experi- ment the organisms reacted to sunlight and the suggestion that possibly the red or blue rays might have influenced this result led to the next test. Of 50 hibernating individuals (Tucson A, g. IL) emerged after adding water on June 3, 25 were put in each of two test-tubes; one of which was placed in direct sunlight under a red bell-jar containing a potassium-bichromate solution, and, while no deaths occurred, no definite reaction was observed ; the other was placed in the direct sunlight beside the former, under a blue bell-jar provided with a solution of copper sulphate, when all became positive to the rays and Tur Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT 373 none died. We may therefore conclude that death in the first experiment was due to heat. Many tests of various kinds have been given elsewhere and with the same result—that when hibernating beetles were caused to emerge by applying water, they reacted positively to light and negatively to gravity. The next experiment consisted in testing the reactions of hibernating beetles, in which emergence was attained by digging and no water was added to the cage. For this test 47 hibernating beetles (Tucson A, g. II) were removed by digging at 8 p.m. on June 12. They were negative to a 32 c. p. lamp, but 23 of these insects were positive to candle-light of a weak intensity. These were immediately placed under a bell-jar containing moist filter paper, and when tested on June 13 they were found to be positive to light but negative to gravity. This behavior was repeated in the following case. Twelve hibernating beetles (Tucson A, g. II), when removed by digging at ? p.m. on June 20, were found to weigh 1.2573 grams, but they gave no response to light or gravity. (A soil-sample taken from the earth surrounding the beetles showed that it contained water to the extent of 12.7 per cent of dry weight.) When the animals were placed in a humidor at 10 a. m. on June 22, they weighed 1.3057 grams, having absorbed 0.1484 gram of water from the moist chamber; 10 of these beetles, when tested, were positive to hight, but 2, which were inactive, died in a very short time after the experiment. The 10 adults were also negative to gravity, for when placed in the constant-temperature dark- room, all crawled to the top of the cylindrical wire-netting tube. These experi- ments showed that positive phototropic and negative geotropic reactions were induced in hibernating beetles by increasing the water-content of the surround- ing medium, because the beetles under the moist bell-jar increased in weight and imbibed water directly from the moist air. It was also true that they absorbed water from the air in the soil. This relation was further shown in the following observations, which were made upon the emergence response. The time of emergence is controlled by the environmental complex, for if water were added to the medium surrounding hibernating beetles, when the soil temperatures were above 14° to 16° C., emergence resulted. This was evident at Tucson, for no emergence was discovered at either station until the rainy season in July, and furthermore, the winter rainy season caused no emergence because of low temperatures. At Chicago, emergence occurred whenever the soil-temperatures reached 14° to 16° C., for enough precipitation always took place during the winter and spring months so that emergence occurred as soon as the proper temperature relations existed, which was from May 20 to June 25. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION UPON THE RELATION OF WATER TO HIBERNATION. The conclusions arrived at from these previous results indicated that a type of hibernation might be produced at any time through desiccation, except with low temperatures, when little desiccation took place. This condition produced a loss of water from the beetles in such a way that they responded negatively to light and positively to gravity, so that they burrowed into the soil and remained there until the moisture-content of the soil was sufficiently high. They then absorbed hydroscopic water, which raised their water-content and reversed their reactions, so that they became positive to light and negative to gravity, hence o74 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF their emergence, so that now, in case other conditions were suitable, they were ready to enter upon their reproductive activities. Below 12° to 15° C. in soil- temperature the water-relation was not the controlling factor, but the duration of the hibernating period depended upon the length of the dry season in an arid complex and upon the length of winter (low temperature) in a temperate region. Baumberger (1914) reviews, at length, the literature on hibernation of insects and reaches the following conclusions, chiefly from his own researches : “1. That temperature is but a single factor and not necessarily the con- trolling one in hibernation. “2. That hibernation is usually concomitant with overfeeding and may be the result of that condition or the result of accumulation of inactive substances in the cytoplasm of the cell due to feeding on innutritive food. “3. That the loss of water which is general in hibernation probably results in a discharge of insoluable alveolar cytoplasmic structures which have accumu- lated and produced premature senility with an accompanying lowering the rate of metabolic processes. “4, That starvation during hibernation, together with loss of water, may result in rejuvenation, when aided by histolysis, and an increase in permeability. “5. That this rejuvenated condition and increased permeability will, if stimulated to activity by heat, permit pupation in codling-moth larve, which in this case is the termination of the hibernating conditions.” The results of Sanderson and Peairs (1913) add another condition for hibernation that was also discovered by Tower (1906) for the potato-beetle ; this is the influence of heredity. The former authors reached the following conclusions : “That our first work was an effort to show that emergence from hibernation was due to an accumulation of temperature, but it soon became apparent that hibernation is very largely controlled by the influence of heredity, and that the relation of the temperature and inheritance must be determined for each species.” For the Mexican cotton boll weevil, Hunter and Hinds (1904) found that dryness was more desirable for hibernation and that mortality during hiberna- tion was greater from exposure to moisture than from cold; but, on the other hand, high temperatures and moisture were the best conditions for the develop- ment of such beetle larve. In this connection, Baumberger (1914) stated: “The effects of ether on plants is similar to hibernation and since the action of ether is probably a drying one, this may throw light on the importance of moisture in hibernation.” Loeb (1906) says: “The lack of water acts similarly to a low temperature. This is the reason why seeds can be kept alive so long. Lack of water may reduce the reaction velocity of the hydrolytic processes in seeds at ordinary temperature so con- siderably that it may become practically zero.” The snail, according to the results of Kiihn (1914) loses weight in winter and reacts to drought in summer. Unless it contains a large amount of water, no dry food is taken, and if placed under moist conditions when in hibernation it will come out of its closed shell. Bellion (1909) finds that a low moisture- content of the air is the determining hibernating factor in the European snail, THE Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT 375 and Baker (1911) shows that snails during dry seasons form an epiphragm ; they usually bury themselves during hibernation and estivation. On the other hand, Pearl (1901) finds that the terrestrial slug Agriolimaz can hibernate in cold water. In the vertebrates, Rulot (1901) determines for the bat that the proportion of water increases during hibernation from November to April; but there actually was a loss of water, more in proportion at the end than at the beginning. Polimanti (1904) finds that an increase in humidity increases the pounds in a marmot during hibernation. In conclusion, the work of Sanderson (1908) agrees most closely with my results upon hibernation. In discussing the relation of temperature to the hibernation of insects, he states: “Tn come cases, however, the time of emergence from hibernation is con- trolled by moisture conditions as well as temperature, or independent of tem- perature. Thus Tower kept the potato beetle in hibernation for 18 months at a high temperature but with a dry atmosphere, and they emerged as soon as normal moisture conditions were produced. Webster and Hopkins have shown a similar effect of the lack of rainfall on the emergence of the Hessian fly in the fall. In relation to hibernation in humid climates the matter of moisture is probably not a controlling factor, but undoubtedly has the most important influence upon the time of emergence of forms in estivation during the summer or in an arid region.” My results upon the potato-beetle substantiate the work of Sanderson. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN WATER-CONTENT UPON ALTERATIONS IN TROPIC ACTIVITIES. The experiments and observations upon L. decemlineata proved that, when surrounded by a moist medium, the beetles were positive to light and negative to gravity. It is also evident from previous tests that if the moisture of the surrounding medium was decreased, desiccation resulted, so that the insects were reversed in their behavior and reacted negatively to light and positively to gravity. These beetles, however, responded to any intensity of light if moved from a lesser to a greater intensity, and accordingly when moved from darkness into the moonlight at Tucson they always reacted ; and in many instances insects which were negative to a strong light were also positive to a weak one. It was shown by Burdin (1913) that heat and dryness stimulate positive reactions in terrestrial amphipods, while cold, moisture, and quiet favor nega- tive reactions. The results of Dice (1914) prove that light of high intensity makes daphnias positively geotropic, but a decrease in light intensity has the reverse effect; and furthermore, these animals tend to become positively geotropic in high temperatures and negatively geotropic in low. Kanda (1916a), in studying geotropism in a marine snail, found that it is negatively geotropic, but most individuals would orient positively if placed on a dry glass or wooden plate. Later, Kanda (1916b) demonstrates for fresh-water snails that they are negatively geotropic when their lungs are empty and positively geotropic when their lungs are full of air. Olmsted (1917) finds that food is a factor in the reversal of the behavior to gravity in Planaria maculata. Adams (1903) concludes that earthworms retreat into their burrows during the day- time because of their negative phototropism, but they emerge at night not so 376 RELATION OF WATER TO THE BEHAVIOR OF much because of darkness as because of their positive phototropism for faint light. Wilson (1891) shows that Hydra is negative to bright light and positive to dim light. According to McGinnis (1912), Branchipus serratus is positively geotropic in light and negatively geotropic in darkness; darkness rather than light may furnish the stimulus to this reversal. In studying the reactions of Drosophila to gravity, Cole (1917) finds that the response to gravity is much less marked in flying than in creeping, where it is very definite. Many animals orient in the field in relation to the center of gravity of the earth. Loeb (1905) found that some animals turn their heads upward and others downward. ‘To this latter class belongs the garden spider, which he found may hang in this position in the center of its web for hours. He dis- covered the same behavior in some diptera. Shelford (1917) states that such animals as the grasshopper usually orient with the head up, while aphids and katydids orient with the head down. In the potato beetle the majority of larve and a large number of adults orient with the dorsal side down. There is a vast amount of literature dealing upon reversibility in photo- tropism through chemical agencies. Loeb (1893 and 1904) proves that it was possible to reverse the reactions of a large number of water forms through chemicals such as salts, acids, and the like. According to Moore (1912a, 19126, and 1913), phototropism in Daphnia and Diaptomus may be influenced through the agency of caffein, strychnin, atropin, acids, alcohol, and ether. Moore (1913) says: “ While negative phototropism in Diaptomus can be reversed by acids, but positive phototropism brought about by chemical means can not be reversed by strychnin (atropin or caffein).” Wolfgang (1912) determines that electrolites influence phototaxis, and Kanda (1914) reversed geotropism in Arenicola larve by means of salts. EXPERIMENTS UPON THE ROLE OF WATER IN GEOTROPISM. On May 15, at 8 p. m., 21 freshly emerged beetles (Tucson A, g. I) were moved to a constant-temperature room and tested 10 times as to their reactions to gravity, and in each test all were negative. These geotropic reactions were tested in the dark, and if the beetles crawled to the top of the tube, when held in a vertical position, they were considered as positive and if they crawled to the bottom as negative. The thermograph tracings showed a constant tempera- ture of 21° C., with a daily variation of 1° C., throughout the test. Again at 11 a. m. on May 16, when tested as previously (10 times), they were still negative to gravity, and at this time weighed 2.0009 grams; furthermore, on May 17 at 10° 30™ a. m., they weighed 1.9294 grams, and again gave the same test to gravity, so that these results proved that the beetles under these con- ditions were uniform for this reaction. For experimental purposes these insects _were divided into three groups. The first group of 7 adults was put into a calcium-chloride chamber, which produced so high a rate of evaporation as to desiccate them; the second of 7 individuals was subjected to a low rate of evaporation by placing wet filter-paper under the bell-jar, so that little water was removed from them under these conditions; in the third chamber 7 adults Tue Potato BEETLE IN A DESERT ore were used as a control. In table 12, the results are given, which shows that group 1 at the beginning of the test was negative, but by 9 30™ a. m., while under the dry bell-jar, all became positive, but when moist conditions were restored in the jar, by 10 a. m. on May 26, they were again negative. In group 2, at the beginning, all were negative and remained thus as long as they were kept under moist conditions, but at 10 a. m. on May 30, all had become positive. In TABLE 12.—Reversal in the potato beetle to gravity. Date and hour of observation. Weight of Positive to gravity. Negative to Weight of beetles. Positive to Negative to Weight of Positive to gravity. Negative to o - 5 ~ 3 el © [on & o a » —_