DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/report11penn V t CONTENTS 6 s? 4. 99 3 Sch»«] <*f Forestry Page. Foreword, 3 Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, Roster of, 5 Letter of Transmittal from the Commission to the Governor, 7 General Manager's Report, 11 General Superintendent’s Report, 19 Field Work in the Western District, 21 Field Work in the Eastern District, 30 Tabular Statement of Field Work, 35 Pathological Investigations 40 Field Investigations in Pathology, 42 Physiologist’s Report, 45 Investigations of Insects Associated with the Blight, 48 Chemist’s Report, 49 Tree Surgeon’s Report, 51 Geographer’s Report, 52 Forester’s Report upon Utilization, 54 Demonstration Work, 59 Silvicultural Effect of the Chestnut Blight 61 Regulations Governing Trees Infected with Chestnut Blight 63 Financial Statement, 67 (1) (2) FOREWORD. It is only within recent years that the possibility of a serious tim- ber famine has confronted the American people, and as a result many if the friends of forestry and forest conservation are thoroughly iwake to the absolute necessity of action in the various channels hat will tend towards remedying the threatened crisis. A comparison of the present market quotations of lumber with hose in force only a few years ago will form its own commentary. Chose who are well informed upon the gradual, but certain advancing mlues of commercial lumber declare that it would cost fully thirty- hree and one third per cent, more to-day to buy certain grades of lemlock and other common varieties of lumber than the same class If material would have cost less than five years ago. The price of he high-grade, seasoned hard-wood lumber and building material ns been increased at a much higher percentage, and in some in- tances, its use is almost prohibitory, because of its actual scarcity, iigh cost and prevailing economic conditions. These are among the many potent and excellent reasons why Penn- 'ylvania’s exceedingly valuable chestnut timber should be saved from otal extermination by the chestnut tree bark disease, which has aused such great loss in some of the eastern counties of the Com- aonwealth. The accompanying report presents the situation in de- ail, and the reader cannot fail to become interested in this economic roblem which means so much to all the people of the Commonwealth dio are interested in the protection and preservation of its natural ^sources. (3) 4050^0 (4) Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission MEMBERS OF COMMISSION. inihrop Sargent, Chairman, Bryn Maivr. irold Peirce, Secretary Haverford. muel T. Bodine, Villa Nova. orge F. Craig, Rosemont. eodore N. Ely, Bryn Mawr. EXECUTIVE STAFF. irk Alfred Carleton, General Manager. muel B. Detwiler, General Superintendent. ver D. Scliock, Assistant to General Superintendent. iomas E. Francis, Field Manager, Western District. sepli R. Wilson, Field Manager, Eastern District. ■vid T. McCampbell, Chief Clerk. in C. Williams, (Pennsylvania State Forestry Department) Collaborator. SCIENTIFIC AND OPERATIVE STAFF. derick D. Heald, Pathologist. G. Ruggles, Entomologist. P. Wentling, Forester in charge of Utilization, il J. Anderson, Field Pathologist. P. Gulliver, Geographer. oline Rumbold, Physiologist in charge of Tree Medication, eph Slirawder, Chemist. ’ G. Pierce, Tree Surgeon. ler E. Rockey, Forester in charge of Demonstration Work. (5) (6) 7 THE COMMISSION FOE THE INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL OF THE CHESTNUT TREE BLIGHT DISEASE IN PENNSYL- VANIA. 1112 MORRIS BUILDING, BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Philadelphia, January 8th , 1913. Hon. John K. Tener, Governor, Harrisburg, Penna. Sir: We have the honor to transmit to you herewith our report of the operations of this Commission for the latter half of the year 1912. The contents of the report may be very briefly summarized as follows : Organization. There is first, a statement by the General Manager as to the organization of the different lines of work and a discussion of certain special features. Our forces are now thoroughly organized ivith a good staff of specialists in charge of each line of work, similar to that of the State Experiment Stations. As our work is of an un- usual nature, it has taken considerable time and attention to effect this thorough organization. 1'ield Operations. Next follows a statement by the General Super- intendent of the essential features of the field operations, with sug- gestions as to future work. There have been many difficulties, par" ticularly the past season, apparently on account of the unusual rain- fall, but in spite of these we have made good progress, much beyond \\diat was to be expected. In about two-thirds of all cleaned locali- ties re-inspected, there has been no re-occurrence of the blight. The western portion of the State, to the extent of about one-half its area, has been cleaned to date. Pathological Work. The foundation of all our operations is the knowledge of the disease itself. Fortunately this has been increased very materially by our own investigations, the results of which are given following the report of the field operations. We have deter- mined that the form of the fungus in the southwestern part of the State is harmless, and therefore in that region no forced cuttings are required. Facts have been learned showing that the disease may be disseminated by the carrying of ascospores in the air, which has given us many helpful suggestions in the field work. The facts as to the longevity of spores have been obtained and as to the amount of cold they will endure before germination. Insect Investigations. Next follows a brief statement of the work so far done in the study of insects. This was begun very recently and there is little to report. Suffice it to say, hoAvever, that there is 8 no postive evidence obtained tbrat insects carry the disease, though it is still suspected. Much time has been given to the study of ants with no positive results as yet. It has been determined, however, by in- vestigations in co-operation with the United States Entomological Bureau, that certain species of insects eat the spores, and to a slight extent at least, take part in diminishing the disease. Chemical Investigations. In the chemical work, also, much is yet to be done, but a few interesting things have been determined includ- ing one important fact: that the blighted portions of trees possess a larger percentage of tannin extract than healthy portions of the same trees. Extract from blighted portions also appears to give a better color to the leather, particularly sole leather. Tree Medication. Considerable time has been given to this work but so far only with the result that it is found to be rather easy to inject various solutions throughout the chestnut tree. We have not been able as yet, however, to inject such trees with a sufficiently strong solution to kill the fungus and not injure the tree. Many in- teresting incidental facts have been learned, however, of use to us and to others in future studies. Treatment of Individual Trees. Splendid results have followed our work in the examination and advice as to the treatment of indi- vidual trees on lawns and in public parks, and also orchard trees. This work has been much appreciated by the people. In connection with this work it has been learned that the spraying of Bordeaux Mixture appears to prevent the entrance of the disease into healthy trees. Geographic Work. A brief statement of the geographic work fol- lows, which has been going on but a short time. This work is of much aid to the field operations, and is suggestive in probable expla- nations of certain unusual occurrences of the disease in particular locations. Utilisation of Diseased Trees. The important part of our work in the Eastern District is the exploitation of markets for the great amount of diseased chestnut timber existing there. Cutting of dis- eased timber has already begun on many tracts in this region through our influence. Plans are under way for the disposal of such timber in Valley Forge and Fairmount Parks, and arrangements have been made for a rapid consumption within the next two or three month of coi'dwood, chiefly for tanuin extract. Much investigation has also been started in this line of work. Demonstration. A statement is next given of the lecture work at Farmers’ and Teachers’ Institutes, and of exhibits made at County Agricultural Fairs. Our work is being explained free at one hundred of the Farmers’ Institutes in localities which are the most important in this respect. 9 There is finally appended a statement by the Deputy Commissioner of Forestry on the silvicultural effect of our sanitation work, giving its advantages in actual forestry management. Chestnut becomes weakened through repeated sprouting after lum- bering operations, but the practice of cutting low and peeling and burning the stumps, forces sprouting far down near the surface of the ground, with the effect of a production of much more healthy and vigorous new trees, which are not likely to be injured by decay from within, as in cases where the sprouts occur up on the stump and are supported by a decayed and weakened base. No remedy lias yet been obtained for the blight disease through the work of any institution. However, with the efforts being made in that direction by our scientific force, there is hope at least that such a result may yet be obtained. In closing, we beg to call to your attention the fact already stated, of being just now in condition, with a well equipped organization, and a good staff of scientific men for doing rapid and thorough work, and that it would be unfortunate »if we could not, while so well equipped, go on and finish the work that has been given us to do, particularly, as hereafter our work is bound to be doubly more ef- fective. It is important to note, also, the helpful effect of our op- erations on the bordering states of Ohio and portions of New York, West Virginia and Maryland, where the chestnut may be largely, if not entirely saved from the disease through our own operations, just as Massachusetts has helped other states in connection with her work with the gypsy moth. To efficiently continue the work it is of great importance that the next appropriation be made more liberal than the present one. It should be not less than $500,000. The increase would be economical in the end, for it will enable thorough work to be done, and not to do thorough work is, of course, uneconomical. Trusting that the entire report may be found interesting, and that it shows therein results which amply justify the continuation of the work, we beg to remain, Very truly yours, WINTHBOP SAEGENT, Chairman. (10) 11 EEPOET OF THE GENEEAL MANAGES FOE THE LATTEE HALF OF THE YEAE, 1912. The period of raj connection with the Commission dates from June 7, 1912. A brief statement has already been given by the General Superintendent, in his report of last July, giving the cir- cumstances which lead to my appointment, and which made it de- sirable to have a broader organization of the Commission force in order to do the work that seemed to be required in various lines. As that report practically covered the work done up to July 1, 1912, this report may be considered to refer to operations from that date. ORGANIZATION. As the chief duty of one in my position is understood to be the general direction of different lines of operations and the establish- ment of such new lines as seem to be required, naturally much time was needed to be given to organization. FIELD OPERATION'S. The chief purpose of the Act of Assembly establishing the Com- mission, is the extermination of the chestnut tree blight disease by the removal or destruction of all diseased material, and, therefore, the field operations are of prime importance. This work being under the direction of the General Superintendent, was already well organized and in thorough operation, and needed little or no atten- tion on my part. From the beginning, a more or less definite division has been maintained between the slightly infected western portion of the i State and the badly infected eastern portion, these divisions being called the Western and Eastern Districts, respectively. In the two districts quite different restrictions are maintained with respect to the method of procedure in handling diseased trees. The line of cemarcation between these districts, as at present understood, is the eastern boundary lines of Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Center, Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan and Bradford Counties. It will be re- membered by the Commission members that until recently, no definite regulations of quarantine governing the handling of diseased ehest- mi+ wood in these districts have been adopted, as we have been 'ng ourselves constantly the best method of operation, and in- dividual cases have been handled in accordance with local conditions 12 and the stage of our knowledge of dissemination of the disease at the time. Recently, as we have given more attention to the subject of utilization, it has become practically necessary for the information of parties wishing to make commercial use of diseased chestnut prod- ucts, to be able to refer them to some definite system of regulations imposed. Therefore, a complete statement of quarantine regulations governing the felling and transportation of diseased chestnut pro- ducts has been submitted to you for your approval, and is attached herewith to this report. PATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. As the chestnut tree blight disease is caused by a fungus parasite, at present knoAvn technically by the name of Diaporthe parasitica, Murr., and as little or nothing was known of the nature of this parasite at the time the Commission began its work, the first and most essential scientific study was an investigation of the disease itself, and the fungus which caused it. For some time field patho- logical investigations have been conducted in the region of the ad- vance line of the disease, chiefly as an aid to the scouting work. It seemed very necessary, however, to make some thorough studies in a general way of the fungus itself, its relation to its host — the chest- nut tree — the manner of dissemination, etc., with headquarters for such investigations near the main office in Philadelphia. Accord- ingly a pathologist of national reputation and much experience was selected to take charge of these lines of investigation, and to be pri- marily responsible also for the conduct of nursery stock inspection and for the instruction of new scouts. He is also expected to advise with others in direct charge of related lines of investigation. The entire pathological staff, as now made up, including two path- ologists and six assistant pathologists, is one of the best in the United States and will compare well with any similar body of scien- tific men at the State Experiment Stations or in the Federal Service. INVESTIGATIONS OF INSECTS. Numerous agents have been suggested as taking part in the dis- semination of the blight disease, and naturally insects have been thought of at once. It seemed very necessary, therefore, to make investigations of the habits of insects found associated with the dis- ease, and such a line of Work has, therefore, been established. One entomologist and an assistant in charge are conducting these inves- tigations. Previously, considerable work had been done also by an assistant of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, in co-operation with tlie Commission, and during the past summer two entomologists were employed for a brief period of three months each, for special summer investigations. 13 CHEMICAL STUDIES. For a time au assistant chemist was employed to aid the physiolo- gist conducting investigations in tree medication. Later, it seemed very desirable to investigate the effect of the disease upon the pro- duction of tannin, and also its effect upon the quality of the extract in the manufacture of leather and other ways. This assistant was, therefore, instructed to conduct such investigations. The results obtained already have been very interesting and of economic import- ance, as shown in his accompanying report. ' TREE MEDICATION. For some time an effort has been made to determine if certain liquid solutions or gases could be injected into the chestnut tree, with the result of preventing or killing the blight fungus, with- out injuring the tree. The physiologist in charge of this work, located at Philadelphia, at first was burdened with other duties of identifying specimens received and making cultures of the fungus. Since the reorganization of the scientific work, she has been relieved of these extra duties and instructed to give her entire time to the tree medication work. TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUAL TREES. Numerous requests have been received from time to time for the examination of individual trees, which because of their location on lawns or in public parks, and from long associations are usually prized, much above the value of ordinary trees, with a desire for advice whether such trees could be saved by some special treatment, if only for a short time. It was at first impossible to properly handle these requests with the help at hand, and, therefore, a well trained forester from the U. S. Forest Service was appointed to take im- mediate charge of this kind of work. He has been given one assistant and such other special help as -’could be furnished at different times. To date, not one of the numerous requests for examination of even a single tree at any distance, within the State, from Philadelphia, has been neglected. No doubt ip this way the Commission has been able to save, for a time at least, many trees that might have other- wise been considered hopeless and destroyed ; on the other hand, the minds of many people have been relieved by definite advice to destroy trees that could not have been saved. GEOGRAPHIC WORK. In the scouting work it is required that the field men report facts as to the percentage and location of chestnut trees and the principal other trees in the localities where they are working, as well as the percentage and location of the blight disease, and also o'- casionally, other information of value to forestry. 14 To show accurately what has been accomplished by the Commission, and to record our operations, it is necessary to bring, these facts to- gether in a harmonious whole on maps drawn to uniform scale. A former member of the U. S. Geological Survey, a, man of considerable training in Geography, has been employed to do this work. At the same time he is expected to furnish all the information he can on the relations of rainfall, altitude, temperature, etc., throughout the State to the occurrence of the blight disease. This work has been under way but a short time and already we have obtained interesting results, particularly as to the probable relation of rainfall to the spread of this disease. UTILIZATION. As the only practical means of accomplishing anything over a large area of the eastern part of the State is simply the disposal of diseased wood as rapidly as possible, it is of prime importance to encourage in every way the uses of different chestnut products.. The exploitation of such operations was put in charge of the As- sociate Forester of the Minnesota School of Forestry, who was secured for this work temporarily on leave of absence from that Institution. His connection with the Commissioin dates only from about Septem- ber 1st. Naturally, as with other lines of operations, much time had to be spent in getting in shape for active operations, providing cards and files for obtaining information, getting out circulars, and getting together a force of men capable of giving the proper assistance ; how- ever, much headway has already been made. Numerous cuttings of various tracts have been under way for some time, due to our efforts, many buyers have been put into communication with sellers, and deals have thus beeu made. A plan is being completed for disposal of wood in Fairinount and Valley Forge Parks; extract factories have been induced to take much more diseased chestnut wood *md other things done, making the progress in this line to date very satisfactory. DEMONSTRATION AND LECTURES. We have constantly endeavored, as far as possible with the limited help we have, to inform the people in advance of the destructive nature of the disease with which we are dealing. At the same time as fast as we have obtained any information of value or made any scientific dis- coveries, these have also been made known, so that the people may see we are trying in every way to be of aid to them in combating the disease. The work in this line has been in the form of demonstrations at county fairs where actual exhibits have been made, lectures at Teach- ers’ Institutes, talks to timber owners at Farmers’ Institutes and )ecial lectures and exhibits, at different times, before different so- eties at educational institutions and at expositions. The special jatures of this work at present are the exhibits being prepared to ; installed at the State Museum at Harrisburg and the Commer- al Museum in Philadelphia. CO-OPERATION. The Commission has been fortunate from the beginning in obtaining e hearty co-operation of various institutions, public and private, jich has not only been of much aid to us, but has shown the interest ken by the people in this most peculiar and destructive of forest ie epidemics. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The most extensive co-operation has been with the Bureau of Plant dustry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Actual financial lp has been given by that institution to the extent of about one pusand dollars per month, or at the rate of twelve thousand dollars f year. This help has been partly in the shape of furnishing micro- bes and other apparatus, and the payment of expenses of em- [>yees outside of Pensylvania, but chiefly in the actual transfer of aries of nearly all the pathological force from our own funds to it of ‘‘Investigations in Forest Pathology” in that Bureau. We have ^ turn been of much help to the Federal Service in stirring up inter- in forest tree diseases throughout the country, in obtaining ap- >priations for the Federal work and in general information given, ' to the nature of the disease and manner of dissemination. 1 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. e S id te as foo much cannot be said of the generous attitude of the University Pennsylvania. Two large and well-equipped laboratories with gas, ter and other facilities have been furnished by this University in new Zoology Building, free of rent, we taking part only in the ment of actual expenses of lighting and janitor service. The anical Department has also furnished space for the tree medica- 1 work and also considerable apparatus, including microscopes. STATE FORESTRY DEPARTMENT. aT he at ch- ill Tom the beginning there has been the closest co-operation with the te Forestry Department in all of our work, the Deputy Comrnis- ter himself, being a collaborator on this Commission. Constant ctical suggestions and help in many other ways have been given hat Department, as well as the help of their foresters on the forest ■rves. 2 OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Pennsylvania State College has taken part in the scientific invest^ i tions as far as its force of men and equipment would permit. . $ present one of our assistant field pathologists is located at that : d stitution. A field pathological laboratory is also maintained in connecti - with the Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, which instil :: tion has provided rooms for laboratory work. Dr. W. G. Farlow of Harvard University, is also aiding in t i scientific investigations through the work of one of his assistants w » is making culture studies of the blight fungus. The Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction office of the U. S. Bure of Plant Industry has also given material help by furnishing us wi * nuts of a Chinese chestnut, which is claimed to be immune to t is blight disease, to be used in grafting and cross-breeding experimeu We have all along maintained cordial and helpful relations wi * State institutions in several of the adjoining States. SPREAD OF THE DISEASE. - As between the two years, 1912 and 1911 it appears that in cert; ' portions of the State the chestnut blight disease has spread mu '’ more rapidly in 1912. This condition has been particularly tr ’ apparently, in the Western District, the disease having reoccuri - with considerable virulence in places where it was already or eradicated. The reoccurrence of the disease in cleaned areas v expected, but that it should happen to the extent if has the p season in certain localities seems due to the unusual rain fall those places in the summer of 1912. as shown on precipitation ma accompanying the report of the Geographer. PROGRESS OF THE FIELD WORK. The condition above stated of the considerable reoccurrence of i- disease in localities already cleaned has interfered materially w | the progress of the field work ; nevertheless, much has been acc< »- plished. The amount of actual sanitation completed is much m t than I ever expected could be performed, and the difficulties w r which we have had to contend makes such progress all the m . gratifying. With the exception of a single infected area in Somerset Corn f the inspection work and removal of diseased trees has been acc l plished over about one-half of the State, details of which are gii however, in the accompanying report of the General Superintend* 17 NURSERY INSPECTION. kl number of eases of new infections in the western part of the ■ite. caused by the introduction of diseased nursery stock, have de it imperative that strict inspection be made of all nursery stock ended for shipment. It was soon found that such inspection 'i1 ded to be more and more rigid. Finally, we have required indi- ilual tree inspection, and that every tree in shipping must be given individual certificate of inspection. This does away absolutely tih the possibility of including in bundles any that might werwise go uninspected, and furnishes a system of inspection far ad of that actually practiced by any of the States. It is also mired of the railroads that no chestnut trees be allowed to me into the State without proper certificates of inspection, tls it is not possible for the Commission to station a man perma- •li tly at all chestnut nurseries, the possibility has been noted that wiasional shipments of uninspected nursery stock might be made bout the knowledge of the Commission. To prevent such an occur- be it is now required of all nurseries that their stock shall be in- ffed at intervals, whether shipments are to bfe made or not. he total number of trees inspected during the fall season was .(, 1, of which 70 were rejected, and the remainder 3499 considered UI»e sound trees. The details as to the number of trees inspected, , I names of the nurseries themselves, dates of inspection, etc., are irlsn in the pathologist’s report. *- 01 i 1 RESISTANCE AND IMMUNITY. |j mong the different lines of investigation that should be made onnection with the blight disease there is left the study of resist- i or immunity to the disease on the part of individual trees, for ?h there is, so far, no provision. It is worthy of note that to date ■ueh study has been made by other institutions. I have thought ntly of giving some personal attention to this subject myself, so if as can be done, in addition to administrative work. The seed- k * we will obtain from the nuts introduced from China will form co >od basis for such an investigation in the way of introducing k ign stock. Observations should be made, however, on the natural " fiance of individual native trees and hereafter, it is expected that 11 3 attention will be given to that matter. By the use of buds or ts from such resistant trees or from foreign stocks, or by later 1111 ^-breeding, a variety of chestnut for orchard purposes may be ,;t loped which would be at least resistant, if not immune, to the ? it disease. 4 18 THE OUTLOOK. After giving the organization and scope of the work of the C mission, as above outlined, and knowing the principal results of operations, as summarized in the reports here following natnr one may ask the question, what is the outlook? As I have seen the progress of the work from all standpoi and undertook my duties unacquainted with the State, and < therefore, view the results impartially, and having had a previ experience of over twenty years in combating plant diseases, own view of the outlook as here follows may be of interest. First. The complete sanitation of the State as to this disease c practically the western half of it is in Jitself, in my own mind, wc much more than the entire appropriation already made; this in gard to the State itself. In addition we may have been the mean: saving the chestnut trees in Ohio and adjoining portions of New Y< West Virginia and Maryland as well. Second. The scientific results obtained already are not excee in interest and value by those of any other institution in the s£ length of time. The determination of a distinct form of the fun known as the “Connellsville fungus” and the discovery of the cai ing of ascospores by the wind is of the greatest practical importa in further operations against the disease. Learning more as we are every day of the proper methods of moval of diseased trees, based upon scientific and practical kno edge, our work is bound to be still more effective in the future, the least of the important results of our work, as stated by i Collaborator, the Deputy Commissioner of Forestry, in another pk is the good effect it will have on forestry management in the Stati We have organized such a splendid force of scientists and esters that our work will go on in the future with double the rapi< and thoroughness of the past. Given a sufficient appropriation the next two years, which should be much more than heretofore ap priated, I am still confident, as stated in the recent summary ofl suits for the Governor, that at the end of two more years, we s' have the chestnut blight disease practically under control. Abstracts of the reports of different lines of operations of the C| mission follow herewith, together with the last monthly fina statement. The complete reports of the different men in charge available, if desirable to obtain further details, not here abstract Respectfully submitted, MARK ALFRED CARLETON in REPORT OF THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. (Pigs. 1-21.) i! J THE CHESTNUT TREE BARK DISEASE. 'lie main facts known to the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission n it was created in June 1911, were that a destructive disease > used by a parasitic fungus had affected a majority of the chestnut iws in the southeastern corner of the State and that this disease in rapidly sweeping westward across the State. The Commission in created to find out the facts relating to the fungus and to apply Yubest available measures in an attempt to eradicate cliecn it. the time the Commission was organized no extensive systematic :ee y of the disease had been made by any investigators except those Si le U. S. Department of Agriculture. Accordingly, Dr. Haven inn alf who conducted these investigations was called in consultation ca the Commission determined to adopt the plan of control recorn- irt led by him. The first necessity in any fight is to know the loca- and strength of the enemy. Therefore, the first action advised by of Metcalf was to make a general scout of the State, to determine kni ixtent to which the disease had spread. The blight does not id in a solid line, but first appears on a single tree or small of trees miles ahead of the main body of the infection, from it spreads to the trees immediately adjoining. This fungus is nt which produces immense numbers of spores by which it tuates itself. It is assumed that the destruction of all in- >us material in any spot will prevent the further spread of the don se in that spot unless reinfected from an outside source, much ;ap destroying the roots and seeds of the Canada thistle we can to nt the spread of this pest. Therefore, the plan of control, in ire is to locate all the spots of advance infection in the rn part of the State and carefully destroy the diseased bark and infectious material by burning. By reinspecting these spots ecurrence of the disease and by scouting for any new spots may appear, it is expected that the disease will be kept from ad- tig further into the State. Sanitation (destruction of diseased appears to be the most practical plan of control that can be id by the Commission until scientific research has time to dem- ite a better method. by r pi 1 hat id ¥ 20 FIELD OPERATIONS IN 1911. The field operations of the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission gan in August 1911, when a party of six scouts was placed in field in York county. Subsequently, the force was increased until, November, thirty-five scouts were engaged in a hasty survey of central part of the State. The field work in 1911 was done at a t advantage, due to the lack of trained men and the very slight kno edge concerning the geographic extent of the disease in the Sta It was not until after the leaves began to turn color that an ef! live organization could be developed. The unusually favorable 1 and winter weather in 1911 and 1912 has made it possible to do mi work than could otherwise have been done. It was thought before the field work began in 1911, that the blij had not extended west of the Susquehanna river except in southeast York county. It was a great surprise to find that in the east< and central portions of Cumberland, Perry, Juniata, Snyder a Union Countiies the blight was already well established. Spotl fections were found widely distributed throughout this territo although the region was apparently not yet hopelessly infected. Ur January 1st, 1912, field work was confined entirely to scouting 1 ; central section of the State, to determine the location of the advaj line of the blight, that is, the point beyond which the areas of bl ip infection were small, few and widely scattered. This was found j extend along the Tuscarora mountains in Fulton county throe eastern Huntingdon, Centre and Clinton counties, central Lycomij county and thence northeast to the northeast corner of Susquehar i county, as indicated by the dotted line on the accompanying map. I Soon after the work began in 1911, about 6,000 circular letters aj] ing for information relative to the condition of the chestuut tr<| were sent out. Many hundred replies were received, and late injfll fall inspections were made at points in the western portion (ifjdl State where the chestnut trees were reported as being unhealthy. Or one case of blight was fouud out of over one hundred inspections HI' tributed throughout all the counties west of the advance line. It lal impossible in this preliminary scouting to cover every county inHI western half of the State, but the results of the inspection, togell with the information obtained in other ways, made it practically Hr tain that the advance line as located was approximately corre | West of this line it was expected that only a relatively small numl ; of isolated spot infections would be found when a detailed sun;) was made. A careful scouting of every county in the western half i the State in the spring, summer and fall of 1912 shows that the cone i sions reached last year were correct, except that a considerable ai of blight exists in Somerset county. 21 SCOPE OF WORK EAST AND WEST OF THE ADVANCE LINE. Soon after the work of the Commission was begun it became evi- lent that it was the duty of the Commission to carry on field work I ast as well as west of the advance line. The field work west of the dvance line has for its object primarily the total eradication of the ■light, and the checking of further westward spread. East of the ad- vance line, where the bulk of the chestnut trees is located, it is the uty of the Commission to acquaint owners of timber with the facts i elating to the blight. Every owner of chestnut timber should know of ; he existence of this disease on his property either in time to save the u minfected trees, or at least in time to cut out the diseased trees be- ore they deteriorate in commercial value. I For the purpose of our work the State has been divided into two it istricts. The western district comprises Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin, t lentre, Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan and Bradford counties and all the ounties lying west of them. The counties lying east of the above t amed counties comprise the eastern district. In each district a dis- f rict superintendent has been appointed to direct the field work. 'held headquarters, centrally located, have been established at Leba- : on in the east and Tyrone in the west. The western district was a ubdivided into seven divisions of five to seven counties each, and five li ivisions were made in the eastern district. Each division has been i( i charge of a Supervisor. A field agent was detailed to conduct the o mrk in a county and as many scouts as necessary were assigned im as assistants. ■ FIELD WOBK IN THE WESTERN DISTRICT IN 1912. 11 DETAILED SCOUTING. In January, 1912, the plan of the field work was changed. Field Igents of the Commission were stationed in the central part of the tate close to the advance line. Each Field Agent proceeded to make fee to tree examinations in the vicinity of previously located spot I afections. In this way a systematic and thorough examination was ;t lade, tract by tract. The infected trees were blazed and the owner iformed of their existence, with a request to cut them and destroy the iseased bark. Much effort was expended during the winter in olding field demonstration meetings and in other educational work II i familiarize the timber owners with the blight, in each community here the disease had been found. In this way all of the first dis- uvered infections along the advance line were removed without forced it ting being done by the Commission, but much effort and time had > be devoted to explaining to owners the benefit they would derive by following the plan outlined by the Commission. This delayed th | progress of the inspection so that in the spring only a small portioi of each county on the advance line had been thoroughly cleaned up. In the latter part of March and through April, May and June tin field force was steadily increased and the work organized so that even county in the western district had from two to five men making t thorough examination to locate spot infections. The discovery of tin extensive infection in Somerset county together with the existence o: the socalled “Connellsville Fungus” (see next heading i made it ex tremely important to know accurately the condition of the c-hestnui in the counties in the extreme western part of the State. Accordingly effort was concentrated on these counties throughout the summer, and in September scouting was completed and no blight found in the fol lowing counties: Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, Washing- ton, Greene, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Indiana, Armstrong, Butler. Jefferson, Venango, Cameron, Forest and McKean. Scouting was also completed in Fayette, Clarion, Elk. Warren and Potter counties early in the Fall and very slight infections found in each. In Fayette county a single spot infection was found, consisting of eleven trees purchased from a nursery the preceding year. In War- ren county four spots of infection were found near Warren. In one case a dozen nursery trees planted in 1911 were found affected with the blight, and the other three cases were native trees on which the blight was just beginning. In Potter and Clarion counties a single native tree was found infected in each county. In Elk county three spots of infection were found. The largest spot consisted of about three hun- dred native trees ; the second spot consisted of three native trees, and the third spot of about thirty trees, purchased from a nursery and planted in 1911. In the latter instance the blight had already spread to a native tree adjoining the infected nursery stock. When scouting was completed in the westernmost counties and all known infections were removed, the field men were placed in counties further east. Cambria and Sullivan counties have since been completed, work in Clearfield and Centre is nearing completion and the field force has been concentrated to complete the work in Somerset, Bedford, Blair, Clinton and Tioga counties as quickly as possible. A small force of men is at work in Bedford, Fulton, Hunt- ingdon, Lycoming and Bradford counties. The latter counties will be completed as soon as the more western counties are finished. THE CONNELLSVILLE FUNGUS. In December 1911, Mr. John Iv. Hibbs, a Field Agent of the Com- mission found a fungus at several points in Washington and Fayette counties which was apparently the chestnut blight fungus, Diaporthe parasitica. Specimens of this fungus were submitted to variou^ 23 Hi pathologists who pronounced it Diaporthe. Accordingly, >i| owners of the trees on which this fungus was found were notified and the trees cut voluntarily. However, the hi absence of the characteristic fans of mycelium and the decided sap- v rophytic nature of the fungus showed that there was a distinction be- i tween this and the virulent blight fungus. It was at first thought it: that this difference was due to the effect of smoke, which has done ): much damage to the trees in the localities where this fungus is i found. Detailed scouting early in the spring of 1911 showed that this i fungus is distributed through western Fayette, southern Washington r. and Greene counties. o' | When a Field Pathologist was employed by the Commission in 1 May, 1912, the first problem he undertook was to determine the : identity and virulence of the ‘‘Connellsville fungus” (so-called from : its abundance in the vicinity of Connellsville.) Through numerous tests by inoculations and extensive investigations in other directions, o the Connellsville fungus was proved by the Field Pathologist to be t a harmless saprophyte which belongs in the same genus as Diaporthe parasitica, but is a distinct species. The difference in appearance between the two fungi is very minute, being principally in the size of the spores. While this complicates the situation to a certain extent, it is now possible to tell with which species of fungus we are dealing. It is a great relief to know that the southwestern corner of the State is free from the parasitic species. An instruction camp was established where the scouts were given the necessary training. If they could not qualify after a week’s training, they were not employed. After they were given a chance to demonstrate their ability in practical work in the field, men who proved most efficient were promoted to be Field Agents and given charge of the crews. In each county, the Field Agent in charge made a preliminary trip through the county to get acquainted with the ter- ritory and to note the general conditions. A plan was then formu- lated for a more detailed survey. After this plan had been approved by the supervisor the county crew began a careful examination of all chestnut timber areas. In heavily timbered districts the entire crew (field agent and scouts) worked together in scouting. The plan usually followed was to inspect the timber in strips. The men were placed from 50 to 200 feet apart, one man to each parallel strip. In the agricultural districts where the timbered areas were small and scattered only one or two men worked together. When the ex- amination of each tract was completed, a data card, giving all the necessary information relative to the tract, was sent to Field Head- METHODS OF SCOUTING IN 1912. 24 quarters. Each card was numbered and a corresponding number was placed on the county map in the approximate spot where the tract was located. In the three extreme western divisions it soon became apparent that there was little or no blight, and in order to complete the work in a reasonable time, a more general system of scouting was adopted. No attempt was made to examine every tree in the general scouting, but all the chestnut areas were traversed and a close watch kept for dead or dying branches, unhealthy tops and other signs of the disease. Numerous inquiries were made as to the existence of un- healthy chestnut trees, nursery stock and chestnut orchards, and when a suspicious case was reported, a detailed examination was made. It had been the opinion of those engaged in chestnut blight opera tions outside of the State that the months of August and September were the best time of the year for scouting. In these months the dis- ease kills many tops and branches of trees, causing the so-called “‘dan- ger signals.” These branches with the dead leaves clinging to them are easily seen on trees in the open, but in the dense woods the green foliage makes it difficult to find the smaller dead branches and small cankers. In both 1911 and 1912 it was demonstrated that fall and early winter, after the leaves had fallen, is the ideal time for locating spot infections. The dead leaves on the branches girdled during the summer and early fall remain on the diseased parts throughout the winter and spring. After the foliage is off the trees, a scout can see for long distances through the bare tops in dense woods, and locate even very slight infections. Where the disease has not yet com- pletely girdled a section of the tree, the cankers are more easily seen in winter because of the greater amount of light admitted through the tops of the trees. In locating infections everything depends upon the man. The work of scouting requires a man with trained powers of observation, who can withstand the arduous physical exertion required in tramping for eight or ten hours through dense woods in a rough country, lie must be constantly on the alert to detect the blight in the tops, trunks or bases of trees, and in case of doubt, he must climb the trees to investigate. In addition to this, he must be able to deal tactfully with all classes of timber owners and be ever ready to perform the numerous duties required of him in carrying on an educational cam- paign in the community in which he is stationed. When he meets opposition he must be able to withstand criticism and see that the requirements of the law are carried out. Young men are best adapted for the work of scouting since tliev have the necessary vigor and enthusiasm and are willing to work for low wages. Older men of the type who have done the best work in scouting are difficult to obtain for work of this character, since men of this sort usually are settled and do not care to leave home. Many men with college training have been employed because such men quickly acquire the necessary knowledge of botany and forestry, if they do not already have it, and look on the experience gained as partial compensation for their services. METHODS OF ERADICATING A SPOT INFECTION. The plan now being followed when a spot infection is found is to blaze the infected trees at breast height and also at the base. The official stamp of the Commission is then put on the blaze with a marking hammer, and the infected trees are numbered consecutively. On the other side of the tree is tacked a yellow tag, on which is printed brief instructions governing the disposal of the tree. When possible, the owner is immediately interviewed. If he can be induced to do so, the trees are cut while the held agent is on the premises and can locate the trees for him in person. Otherwise the agent leaves infection sheets with the owner, in which are given the loca- tions of the diseased trees. The owner or person responsible for the care of the tract is again interviewed by the lield agent, who explains the nature of the blight, the necessity for removal of the diseased trees and the proper procedure to follow. The infection sheet, together with a letter of intsructions is then handed the owner. If, at the end of twenty days the owner has not removed the diseased trees, the work of removal is begun by the field agent in charge, with the help of choppers hired for the purpose. In all our work great stress has been laid on the prompt removal of infections, but until September, moral pressure only was brought to bear upon the owners to secure their co-operation. In September, and later, a more aggressive policy was adopted and in the few cases where owners refused to co-operate with the Commission, the work was done by the Commission and bills for the same presented to the delinquent owners. The procedure followed in destroying infection is as follows: The trees are felled so as to leave as low a stump as possible. If felled with an axe, the bark is first removed from the part of the trunk through which the cut is to be made to an inch below the surface of the- soil. If felled by sawing, peeling may be done after the tree has been cut down. In either case the stump and all exposed roots must be cleared of every particle of bark and all bark removed must be carefully collected and burned. After the tree is felled, all portions above the stump which show mycelium or pustules of the blight are peeled of bark or the entire piece cut out and burned. The brush from tops, and portions of the felled chestnut trees which are not peeled and which it is not intended to utilize must also be burned. After the stump is peeled, if fire can be made over it with- 26 out injuring the surrounding trees, the brush and refuse are piled over the stump and burned when there is no danger of forest fires. The fallen leaves around the stump over au area as far as the diseased portions of the trees extended after the tree was felled, are raked into the fire and burned. The fire must entirely consume or deeply char all of the material, no small ends of branches and small twigs being allowed to remain. If it is impossible to make the fire over the stump without injuring the surrounding trees, the sides and top of the stump must be coated with creosote to prevent any possibility of reinfection. Portions of infected trees which show no evidence of the blight are not permitted to lie in the woods over twenty days after felling, but they maj^ be handled and shipped in the same manner as logs or wood of other species of trees, provided they are shipped promptly in closed cars. If the wood from the diseased trees is not re- moved from the woods within twenty days from the time the trees are felled it must be peeled and the bark burned, or else wood and bark burned. Wood from diseased trees used where exposed to the weather must be peeled. Fire wood, if kept under dry cover, need not be peeled. The points to be emphasized in eradicating spot infections are: 1. Take all possible care to prevent injuries to surround- ing chestnut trees and sprouts in felling the infected tree. If it is necessary to clear away brush to facilitate cleaning up after felling, any small chestnut sprouts should be cut flush with the ground. Experience has shown that such stubs often become infected if near a diseased tree. 2. Cut all stumps as low as possible, to lessen expense of peeling and to save merchantable timber in the log. 3. Destroy all diseased portions of the tree showing pustules, by burning on the spot, immediately, either the bark or entire sections of the tree which show cankerous areas. 4. Either utilize all unbarked portions of infected trees within a brief time after they are cut, or, if it is desired to permit this material to remain in the vicinity of healthy chestnut trees, peel the bark from all portions of the trees which it is desired to retain. 5. In every case, peel the bark clean from the stumps to an inch or two below the surface of the soil. Experience has shown that the stumps of infected trees and portions of the green tops which are per- mitted to lie for several months on the ground, are almost certain to become infected if the bark is permitted to remain on them, even though no cankers exist on the stump at the time the tree is cut. Some of the largest spots of infection have developed from unpeeled stumps. The spores germinate on the sappy surface of the stump and the mycelium grows downward through the cambium, and in the course of a year or two reaches the sprouts which come up around 27 the base of the stump. Little infection in the sprouts is found where the stumps have been carefully peeled. Furthermore, the sprouts have more vigor and are better rooted when they come from peeled stumps, since in this case they must start from beneath the soil and can soon form their own roots. RESULTS OF CUTTING OUT SPOT INFECTION. Sufficient time has not elapsed since the Commission began work to determine the efficiency of sanitation in checking the disease. Early in 1912 the work of eradicating spot infections along the ad- vance line and to the westward was begun. The general methods out- lined in the preceding paragraph were used. Many facts relating to the proper procedure in destroying infection have only become known as a result of this first work, hence in some cases the cleaning- up was not done as carefully as we now know to be necessary. Forty-two tracts on which the original infection was cut out dur- ing the early part of 1912 were reinspected during November and December of this year. The number of diseased trees in these spots prior to cutting ranged from a single tree to ninety-three, the total number of diseased trees on the forty-two spots being 556. On re- inspection, twenty-eight out of the forty-two spots showed no recur- rence of the blight ; in three cases a single new infection was found, and in six cases there were two recently infected trees. The highest number of new infections numbered thirteen trees. In the forty- two spots averaging 13.25 original infected trees each, 156 reinfec- tions occurred or 3.7 infections per spot. In two-thirds of the forty- two spots no blight reappeared, and the new infections which de- veloped in the remainder equalled only two-sevenths of the number of trees originally diseased. These spots were located in the region of very slight infection in Elk, Clearfield, Centre and Fulton Counties. One of the most interesting spot infections studied was one which covered about ten acres located near Orbisonia in central Hunting- don county. In the fall of 1911, 271 infections, mostly on 4 year old stump sprouts, were discovered. During March, 1912, the in- fections on this tract were cut out and burned. A re-examination was made in October, 1912, and eighty-two new infections were found. These infections were mostly on small branches and about one-eighth of them must have existed last year when the tract was scouted, but were so small that they were missed. The remainder apparently developed blight this year, undoubtedly from poor work in burning the infections. At least, it is interesting to note that all but thirteen of the 82 new infections were within a hundred feet radius of last year’s infections which were not very carefully burned. 2S OCCURRENCE OF SPOT INFECTIONS. Spot infections of the blight appear in all kinds of locations. Some are in small woodlots, others far within the boundaries of large reserves; while in .some cases they are near roads and rail- roads; in other cases they are far from the routes of travel. Some are in the valleys, others on the highest elevations, some are in moist soil, others in very dry soil. A number of large in- fections along the advance line are located in gaps in the mountains where the wind sweeps through, and in upland benches, draws, ravines and other depressions, where it is likely that there are con- stant air currents. The examinations of spot infections show that in practftally every case the disease starts on a single tree, which may be located miles from any other infection. The disease is ; then communicated to the trees immediately surrounding the original infected tree, forming an irregular spot which is usually more or less elliptical in form. After the spot assumes considerable propor- tions, scattered diseased trees appear at some distance from the ! central infection, in the midst of healthy chestnut. The rate of spread of the blight from the original center of infec- , tion appears to vary greatly, according to the condition of the chestnut trees in the vicinity of the infection. Where the chestnut trees are sound, vigorous and healthy, the spread is apparently less . rapid than where the trees are injured by storms, insects, fire, drought or other agencies. An example of the slow spread from a centre of infection was I found in Elk county near St. Marys. The accompanying diagram shows the center of this spot infection to be 100 feet from a public- road in a dense stand of chestnut sprouts about 15 years old. The j original infection probably occurred sometime in 190S. A short time afterwards (Spring of 1909) two other trees from the same * stump as the original infection and three trees on a stump 77 feet to the east were infected. In 1910, 24 trees, in 1911. 100 trees, and in 1912, 166 trees wire infected, making the total number in the j spot 296 trees. The spread of the infection to the east was greater j than in any other direction. The most distant infection in this ] spot was 1250 feet from the original center. In contrast to this. I a spot infection in Somerset county may be cited. Here the original infection occurred in 1908. The disease was apparently carried from ? a chestnut orchard in eastern Pennsylvania on diseased scions of j chestnut which were grafted on native sprouts in Somerset county. In all about 100 trees were so grafted aud it is on these trees that the oldest cankers have been found. With this orchard as a center the disease has spread over an area about four miles wide and six miles long. A thorough scouting in 1912 revealed 6700 infected trees 29 and this number is being constantly increased by additional in- fections found as new tracts are scouted. The rapid spread of the blight in this region is probably due to the fact that these trees were severely injured by storms in 1911 and 3912. The most interesting fact secured through Ihe field work in 1912 is the advance which the disease has made in the mountainous region in. the central part of the State. The heavy line on the map shows the line of general advance as it exists at the present time. In the strip between this year’s advance line and the dotted line denoting the advance line as determined in 1911, the blight has appeared in a great number of spots where its presence could not be detected last year or early in the summer of 1912. In a great many instances, large spot infections became apparent during Sep- tember and October of the present year where previously only a few infected trees had been found or none at all. Just east of last year's advance line, in the Pennvpacker and Kothrock forest reserves, crews of men were engaged in locating and removing infected trees through- out the summer and fall, but in spite of this the number of infected trees which constantly appeared was so large that it has been impossible to clear the blight from these reserves up to the present time. In the heart of the Eothroek reserve an area of blight, several hundred acres in extent, appeared in mid-summer where no in- fections had previously been discernible. It is characteristic of the infections in this region this year that they are mainly on twigs ! and small branches in the tops of the trees. It is thought that the extremely wet weather in the spring, summer and fall of 3 912 had some relation to the rapid spread of the blight in this section. INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE CUTTING-OUT METHOD OF CONTROL. The magnitude of the task before the Commission must be con- sidered. The report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs for 1911 gives the acreage of timber land in Pennsylvania on which taxes I are paid as 7,428,228 acres. To this must be added nearly a million acres of forest reserves and more than a million acres of woodlots and limber tracts located in townships for which no figures appear in this report. A very conservative estimate places the average per- centage of chestnut in the forests of the State as slightly in excess of 20 per cent or about one-fifth of the stand. The western district contains at least 0,500,000 acres of wood- ; land. This entire area must be scouted since there are few localities : where the chestnut is absent, and until the land has been actually i gone over it is not certain that no blight exists. Even though the ! percent of chestnut is small, the blight, if present, may spread to adjoining areas with a higher percentage of chestnut. The number 30 of acres inspected per man per day in the western district has averaged 50 acres. At this rate, paying inspectors at the rate of 20 cents per hour, it would cost 4 cents per acre or a total of $260,000 to thoroughly scout the forest areas in the western district. In the eastern district there are at least 3,000,000 acres of wood- land. Allowing the sum of 2 cents per acre for the instruction of timber owners and the work in utilization in this district, the cost to the State would be $60,000. The total cost of the work in both divisions thus amounts to $320,000. FIELD WORK IN THE EASTERN DISTRICT IN 1912. The eastern district was subdivided into five divisions, each division being placed in charge of a supervisor. Previous to July, 1912, only a few men were employed in this division. Since July, however, there has been one or more field agents employed almost continuously in each county in the district. It is the policy in this district to carry on three lines of work, namely, field demonstrations, educational work and utilization in- vestigations. In held demonstration, a field agent goes to a property owner, takes him into the woods and shows him the symptoms and ravages of the blight. An inspection is not made unless the owner or tenant is present. In this way some action usually follows inspection, since the owner or tenant learns the nature of the disease and realizes the importance of endeavoring to, check its progress. The knowledge of the blight possessed by the majority of timber owners is the single fact that a ‘“blight'’ is j destroying the chestnut trees around New York and Philadelphia. : They have the vague impression that it is due to an insect. These ' owners are usually surprised to learn that the blight has already made its appearance in their timber. The ordinary observer seldom notices the blight until the disease is so firmly established as to be beyond hope of control. A very large number fail to notice the diseased condition of their trees even after the blight has killed many trees and partially destroyed their commercial value. The eastern district has not been as thoroughly scouted as the western district, since the complete organization of the work in the west took precedence over the work in the east. However, considerable data have been collected in each county which are embodied in the accompanying map showing the geographic extent of the disease.! The disease is most prevalent in the tier of counties along the' NOTE. Figs. 2, 7, 9, 13, IS, and 70 are from photographs made by E. T. Kirk. Figs. 39, 41, 42, 48 and 49 are from photographs made by Wm. Bovie. All other illustrations were photographed by Mr. Wm. Currie , the Commission photographer, under the supervision of the respective departments to which they are credited. Fig. 1. Young chestnut tree with top killed by Blight. Note drooping, shriveled leaves and dense growth of sprouts below the canker. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Fig. 2. Cankers on sprouts killed by Blight, near Oxford, Chester County, Pennsyl- vania. Fig. 3. Native chestnut trees dying from Blight. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Fig. 4. Native chestnut shade trees attacked by blight. Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. Fig. 5. Grafted chestnut trees in orchard attacked by blight. Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Fig. G. Young stand of chestnut killed by blight, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Fig. T. Blighted chestnut tree showing how “The Danger Signals’’ appear in winter. Fig. 8. Chestnut shade tree with branch billed by Blight. Note withered leaves. Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. Fig. ‘J. Sprouts killed by blight on tract near Oxford, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Fig. 10. Chestnut shade tree killed by blight. Philadelphia, Pa. Fig. 11. Chestnut trees in orchard, killed by chestnut blight. Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Fig. 12. Diseased chestnut trees girdled at the top , showing how the persistent leaves cling to the dead branches after the foliage from the healthy part has fallen. Fig. 13. Virgin forest of chestnut and white pine in Warren County, Pennsylvania. Two chestnut trees two feet in diameter; white pine in back ground, 40 inches in diameter. Fig. 14. Center of infection in spot infection of 296 trees located in Benzinger township. Elk County, Pennsylvania. The blight probably started on this tree in 1908. Fig. iij. General view of dead trees killed by the blight near Oxford. Chester County, Penn- sylvania. Fig. Hi. Chestnut trees broken by sleet storm, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Fig. IT. Spot infection in Bedford County, consisting of sixteen large chestnut trees. Fig. IS. Chestnut sapling broken by sleet storm. The blight had entered this tree where it was broken. Somerset County, Pennsylvania. It of spot infection of 296 trees illustrating the rate of spread of Jllight from a center. The original infection occurred ab| carefuiiy watching this considerably ahead of the general line of advance mtection 296 diseased trees were cut out in November, 1912 it, it is expected that the Blight can be kept from gaining headway Elk 0olmty Fig. 20. Map of Mcimoe Township, Juniata County, showing distribution of spot infections found by detailed scouting. Number of diseased trees shown in center of circles. n*. ai. Strip -i.n.y of southern York County, showing decrvii»e of percentage of llliiiht, wmt of a center of infection. A spot infection apparently oil sled in the vicinity of Delta (shown by triangle ou mupi ns early » I'."'.' figures Inside 1 STKIO. 35 •snopaaclsni jo "oji •patunq s?jb(I paj.aajai pub J9A0 ana sjdbjj jo -ofj •uoijDajni jo % 9SBJ3AY C5HUJMMOO •inujsaqa jo % aSciaAv 0(MOOCO*H Oi (M CO H C-l Co 'noijaadsui laquii^ jo aSuaiaB ajBinixojddy •puiq.iaqnuj jo aSuajDB ajeiuixojddv o -ti o _ _ 5COW H O 03 CO GO 05 05 CO OO I— 1 > f; ‘-Q rti OCOrlCOgcO go > o S w g n CO 03 C- IQ CO O j 2 ® h 2 a cz & a g “§§ B &•= Bg| r in ss, , b a >i « w 3 if si I " 6-: c. ^ Sat — n ft fl r P ocp« ^ O ^ C qj cz ^or^!§«2Q M AH 1 O • PP PJ OPQ o o EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. 36 •suo.upodsui jo 'o_\; •potunq spiud poipojm puu joao ;no sjouii jo -o^ •noiioajni 10 % ogu.ia.vv •jnnjsoqo jo % oguioAy ■noijoodsnt joaraj} io oSuoiou ajuiaixoJtidv ■pni![.i9qinjj 30 ogno.iDB ojuraixo.iddv/ ! ! it l-slf : i i o 1 WESTERN DISTRICT. •IBAOOI9I JO SS990ICI UJ S99IJ P9JD9JUT JO *0£ *p9Aom -91 S99JJ p9J99jni JO *0& S99JJ •pnnoj P9J99JUI JO *0_S[ 'SJDTJIJ P9JD9JUI JO ‘ ONJ •jnnjsaqo jo % 9SBi9Ay *p9jD9dsm jgqnnj JO 9SB9J9B OJBicriXOJddy .» •pnBjjaquiij JO 9gB9JDB 9JBCniX0.ldcIy fs a pq o P=I CO ' Oi ' 00 • CO • 1— 1 • O 1 II IrH 53 II :S rH II 1 ii : ii : ii : 181 i i rH II c- ! 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II II II iQ tO CO LQ co II i>0 05 CO || HI G5 II II It Ii Oi II s ii ii ii ii ii H WiN’l' CO r-t CO H I II 00 o : ii .h : ii : ii : ii : ii i II HOCOHC * II HnNINia i II ..... 1 II : ii : ii : ii 1 II oO >c: III =!'-!'* : ii : ii : ii : ii : ii i ii : ii : ii : ii : ii 408,673 175,000 222,759 581,801 CO II Oi CO CO II HO (N II HH CO II 00 C3> 8 II 310 rH II II 187,305 30,060 348,715 153,259' 83,437 138,531 GVC II H1 05 CO O || >TMH O II H 1- O Hi II Oi (M OT tQ || »Q CO C5 II Oi II II O II sn !! ii HOMH LO O CO Q 05 O O 00 co 0: ao h CO Ol TO CO i — 1 * CO i-O * CO II Oi CO || 0(3 i- II co 55 CO II pQ | ii rn' II “ II O II O'lHCH II SO rH /- H CO O II 0 1-1- O IQ rH II 0 30 00HOO S II ”33*5 II 747,687 143,247 232,729 215,839 IQ II So II o 1! S II II II >» c p o o 'O c w ft Co o Eh I'g - o C3 £ CD Q 2 Eh ft <© ft> CO O IN >Q IQ 00 Eh <3 PATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. (Figs. 22-38.) The pathological investigations in charge of Dr. F. D. Heald are conducted in Philadelphia in the Zoological Building of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Heald was not appointed until August 16th, . and has, therefore, only been able to make a fairly good beginning in the work. In addition to the pathological work, Dr. Heald is re- sponsible for the training of scouts and' for the inspection of nursery stock. INSTRUCTION OF SCOUTS. The training of scouts was begun in the Commission laboratories on September 23rd and since that time a total of twenty-six have been enrolled. It has required from five days to two weeks for each scout to complete the course outlined. This length of time has varied in accordance with the previous preparation and experience of the men employed. The proper training of scouts is considered to be as essential as research work, and it has been necessary to devote a con- siderabe amount of energy to this work. IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIMENS. As soon as the laboratory had been equipped, specimens received by the Commission Office for identification were turned over to this labo- ratory for examination. The accurate determination of the specimens lias required a considerable amount of time, involving both cultures and microscopic examinations. In addition to the specimens of Dia- porthe parasitica which predominate, various other fungi growing upon the chestnut, have been submitted. Some of these have been mistaken for Diaporthe by those not familiar with the nature of the fungus. GERMINATION OF THE SPORES OF DIAPORTHE. In order to get the characteristic type of growth of young Diaporthe colonies in Petri dish cultures, a preliminary study has been made of germination in agar hanging-block cultures of both ascospores and conidiospores. This particular feature is fundamental in analytic work on dissemination. The ascospore cultures were made from ascospores shot upon sterile slides. A drop of sterile bouillon was placed over a spore print on a slide and dilutions made from this to a second drop of bouillion on a sterile slide and the planting made directly from the spore dilution. It was found that germination of conidiospores is much slower than the germination of ascospores. This probably explains the fact that a smaller percentage of successful infections is secured in artificial in- oculations with conidiospores than with ascospores. At the end of twenty-four hours the germ tube of conidiospores is only slightly in excess of or sometimes double the length of the swollen spore. During 41 i the first part of the germination period the spore swells until it is oval | or oblong in form and its diameter is slightly in excess of that of the germ tube that is to be produced. (See figures 36-37). DIE FERENTIATION OH1 ASCOSPORE AND CONIDIOSPORE COLONIES ON PETRI DISH CULTURES. The tests made in hanging drop cultures in regard to the rapidity i of germination of the two types of spores suggested the possibility of differentiating ascospore colonies and conidiospore colonies by their I rate of growth. The results of comparative cultures of ascospores and conidiospores on 3 per cent, glucose agar, plus 10, by the common poured plate method show that the ascospore colonies become visible and conspicuous when the conidiospore colonies are still minute. THE RELATION OF INSECTS TO THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT DISEASE. The part which insects play in the dissemination of the blight is one of the topics that is being investigated in co-operation with the Entomologist. An examination has been made by means of cultures of small insect galls occuring on one year shoots of the chestnut to determine whether an infection had already taken place. The insects causing these galls are not available at this time of the year but they are designated in this report as Diptera species. The number of tests made is not sufficient upon which to base any accurate conclusions and the work will be continued and a large num- ber of similar galls from various portions of the State will be tested. Some cultures have been made also to determine whether certain insects frequenting blight lesions were carrying spores, with negative results. NURSERY STOCK AND DISSEMINATION. In connection with the work of inspection of chestnut tree nursery stock, a list is kept of trees shipped by the nurseries of this State with their destination. The places to which nursery stock is shipped in this State will later be visited by an agent of the Commission to deter- mine to what extent any of these become centres of infection. The list of ti'ees sent to adjacent states will be furnished to the United States Department of Agriculture. The inspection of nursery stock has suggested the possibility that chestnut blight might be carried by other nursery stock than the chestnut. Since the spores of Diaporthe are known to be carried by the wind, they might settle upon the surface of any nursery stock growing in the vicinity of diseased chestnut trees. In order to determine the effect of the ordinary nursery fumigation upon the spores of the blight fungus, an experiment was conducted at one of the principal nurseries of the State in which twelve twigs 42 of chestnut were immersed in water containing ascospores and then allowed to dry. Six of these were placed in a sterile capsule as a check and six placed in a fumigator and subjected to the usual fumigation. Twelve similar twigs were immersed in water containing conidiospores and subjected to the same treatment. The result of this experiment was that the the usual fumigation had no effect whatever upon the spores of the blight fungus. In addition to the above, various experiments have been conducted and are now under way to determine the effect of cold upon the growth of the blight fungus in cultures and also the comparative effects of light and darkness upon cultures of the same fungus. This work is much facilitated by having available a series of constant temperature rooms making it possible to test temperatures from below freezing up to the maximum temperature at which growth is possible. Eesults of other experiments recently made show: — - First, that conidiospores do not germinate in extracts of soil. This is important in indicating the possibility of their persistence when washed to the ground. Second, the expulsion of ascopores from the peritliecia is dependent upon temperature as well as moisture. In all tests made to date no expulsion has occurred when the bark bearing the peritliecia has been kept at a temperature less than 52 degrees Fahr. PUBLICATION. A bulletin is being written describing more in detail the charac- ters of the organism causing the blight than has been heretofore given. It will be accompanied by numerous illustrations and will be ready for publication within a few weeks. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS IN PATHOLOGY. Field investigations of the chestnut blight fungus have been con- ducted for a considerable time under the immediate direction of Mr. P. J. Anderson. A considerable series of experiments have been con- ducted in much detail. Among many things that have been learned there are two that are important and have much practical bearing in our efforts to eradicate the blight fungus. THE CONNELLSVILLE FOBM OF FUNGUS. First — As stated in the report of the General Superintendent much difficulty was encountered in the scouting work because of the condi- tion early apparent that the fungus as found in the vicinity of Con- 43 nellsville in the southwestern part of the State was harmless to the trees which it infested. This condition led to thorough investiga- tion of the nature of this form of fungus compared with the usual type that is found generally over the State, and it was learned that it dif- fers considerably from the usual form in several respects. The size and form of the spores are different. The behavior in culture media is quite different,- and artificial inoculations with the Connellsville form on young, healthy trees do not produce the usual cankers. A rather complete description of this form of fungus has been published in Vol- ume 2, Number 5 of “Phytopathology.” A more recent and detailed technical description of the Connells- ville fungus, under the new name of “Endothia Virginia,” has been published by Mr. Anderson and his brother Mr. H. W. Anderson, in Volume 2, Number 6 of “Phytopathology,” pages 261-262. A manuscript describing the Connellsville fungus and including in- formation additional to that given in the paper in “Phytopatho- logy,” has been submitted by Mr. Anderson, and is intended for pub- lication as one of the bulletins of this Commission. DISSEMINATION OF THE FUNGUS. Second : — Numerous experiments have been performed to determine whether or not the chestnut blight fungus is disseminated by means of the wind. It was soon found that the ascopores of the perithecial or second stage of the fungus are much more easily and rapidly dispersed than was thought at first. In nature after a rain, or when the pustules are artificially moistened, these ascospores are shot out into the air to a distance of as much as one inch at regular intervals and with considerable rapidity. Agar plates placed at different distances from moistened pustules have caught these spores before falling to the ground up to a distance of fifty feet from the starting point. Other experiments have shown that the blight may be caused by catching these spores in artificial wounds made in trees at similar distances from the shooting pustles. It seems natural to infer from these experiments and others conducted, the details of which cannot be here given, that the fungus is easily and rapidly disseminated lo- cally, at least, by means of ascospores carried by the air. A paper giving the details of various experiments performed leading to the conclusion above stated has been submitted to be published as another bulletin of this Commission. GROWTH OF THE FUNGUS IN THE WINTER. It has been found that the growth and appearance of the blight canker is quite different in late Fall and Winter, than during the Sum- 44 mer. The fungus does not advance into the healthy tissue in fan- shaped mats of mycelium. The edge of the canker is more regular and is circumscribed by a black line between the healthy and dead tissue, which line was not there during the Summer. The average growth in diameter of fifty-three cankers, for October was 1.92 cm. For twenty-two days of November and all of December cankers showed no increase in diameter, indicating that the weather had become too cold. No inoculations made during October, November and December show any signs of infection. Whether the spores will remain and begiu growth when the weather becomes warm again, is yet to be determined. FURTHER RESULTS ON DISSEMINATION. Clumps of coppice growth of chestnut were selected, in each one of which was one or more trees with cankers bearing ascospores. Wounds were made by sterile implements on surrounding trees facing the can- kers of the diseased trees and the bark was previously sterilized. These wounds were then protected from insects by wire screens and a strip of cotton placed upon them to insure against spores being washed from above. The cankered trees were drenched with water ouce a day for ten days. Of the 559 wounds made and protected in this way, 114 de- veloped cankers at the end of three months. In another set of bellows experiments not previously reported, sixty- three sterile wounds were made in the trunks of trees and shooting bark was supported at a distance of oue and a half to two and a half feet from each wound. A draft of air was created toward the wounded tree by hand-bellows for fifteen minutes and then the wound protected with cotton. Twenty-four out of the sixty-three wounds developed ankers. LONGEVITY TESTS. t Results of tests in the longevity of spores are as follows:— First — Ascospores after being ejected from the perithecia and kept dry on slides in the laboratory, retained their vitality twenty-four (24 ) weeks ; limit not yet reached. Second Ascospores kept dry in the bark without being dis- charged from the perithecia retained their vitality thirty -four (34 i weeks ; limit not yet reached. Third — Conidia kept dry as spore horns in the laboratory, retained their totality twenty-eight (28) weeks; limit not yet reached. Fourth — Both ascospores and conidia collected at regular intervals from the woods during the winter up to the present time (Feb. 1st) have retained their vitality. Even the couidia from the exposed pyc- nidia on wood have given a high percentage of germination at every period of the winter. 45 CULTURAL AND TAXONOMIC STUDIES. The true blight fungus has been much confused with several other very closely related species of this genus. Cultures of all these forms from various localities in America and Europe were made and studied on a large number of media. As a result of these studies it is now definitely proved that we have three distinct species in Eastern United States:— First. The true blight fungus. Second. The Connellsville fungus. Third. The long spored Svuthern fungus. Only the first two of these are found in Pennsylvania and only the first one of the three causes any injury to the trees. REPORT OF THE PHYSIOLOGIST (Figs. 39-49.) The investigations in tree medication have been in charge of Dr. Caroline Rumbold, and have three objects in view: 1. To ascertain if the growth of the chestnut blight fungus can be checked by the introduction of chemicals into growing chestnut trees. 2. To determine whether the fungus can be entirely killed by such a process. 3. Also to determine whether the tree can be rendered immune to the disease by such a process. The condition is also to be understood that the tree must remain uninjured in each case by the treatment. Some of the results obtained to date are as follows: — EFFECT OF ALKALIES ON THE GROWTH OF THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT FUNGUS. Certain alkaline compounds, lithium carbonate, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide, were emplot’ed in percentages varying from one-half to one-sixteenth per .cent, and added to bean juice agar (2 per cent.) and to boiled chestnut juice. On cultivating the fungus in these media, it was found that lithium carbonate was the most toxic, one eighth per cent, being sufficient to kill the fungus. EFFECT OF ALKALINE SOLUTIONS ON GROWING PLANTS. Rooted slips of Coleus and Impatiens were placed in alkaline solu- tions, and it was found that a one-fourth per cent., one- third per cent, and one-half per cent, of what was supposed to be a saturated solution of lithium carbonate readily entered the plants through the roots. If taken from the solution as soon as a slight curling of the leaves indi- cated the presence of the lithium in the tips of the plant, they survived 46 this treatment. Allowed to remain, the plants continued t« absorb the alkali, and died, the tips of the roots and of the leaves turning brown first. Next, chestnut seedlings two and three years old, which had been transplanted into pots, were injected with lithium carbonate solution through a root cut under water. The solution spread from the root throughout the seedling, as was shown by the effect of the solu- tion in the leaves and twigs whenever tested. Some of the trees ab- sorbed the one fourth per cent, solution readily, and others even the one third per cent. Controlled trees injected simply with distilled water, did not absorb the water as readily as the other trees absorbed the alkaline solution. On inoculating the trees injected with lithium cai’bonate and the controlled trees with the chestnut blight fungus, the alkali appeared to have no effect, as both series of trees were infected. FIELD EXPERIMENTS AT EMILIE, PA. In experiments conducted at Emilie, Pa., in April', lithium carbon- ate in different percentages was injected into orchard trees through the roots. The trees which had an average age of six years were already infected with the chestnut blight, most of the cankers being at the base of the tree. In August, while some of the injections had seriously retarded the growth of the trees, none of the latter were killed by them, though they did die from the blight disease. However, in no case were the injections of any benefit to the tree. METHODS OF TRUNK INJECTION. For large trees it is manifestly impracticable to practice injection through the roots. Two different methods, therefore, of trunk injec- tions were devised, in one of which a tin can and grafting wax were used, and in the other, a glass jar, rubber tubing and a clamp. Details of the use of these methods are given in the full report of the physio- logist in charge of tree medication. The latter method is well illus- trated, however, by accompanying figures 39, 41. 42. EXPERIMENTS AT COLEMANVILLE, PA. During the late summer, field experiments were conducted in a large chestnut orchard at Colemanville. Solutions of the following compounds were used ; copper sulphate, copper chloride, zinc chloride, lithium carbonate, barium chloride, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide. A number of other compounds were also used in different concentrations, including certain color solutions, such as eosin. methyl green and congo red, in solutions of one one-tenth per cent. These solutions were injected by the two methods of trunk injection above mentioned. So far, no difference in the rate of intake in different concentrations of the solutions has been noticed. No tests were made of the effect of temperature, wind and humidity in these experiments. Fig. 23. Amoeboid infection on two year old sprout. The bark has been removed from t-Be shoot and spread out flat. Fig. 24. Amoeboid infection on two year old sprout. Fig. 25. Type of sprout infection common in some tracts. i Fig. 27. Isolation culture from infection shown in Fig. 25. Fig. 28. Blight canker on branch showing characteristic swelling and cracking of bark on young wood. i Fig. 20. The figure at the left shows the fruiting pustules bursting through the bark, figure at the right shows a young infection with an enlargement, which is characteristic in vigorous branches. The often Fig. 30. Rough bark showing broad bands of perithecial pustules in the crevices. Spores shot from this specimen were used in making the ascospore cultures described in this report. Fig. 31. rerithecial pustules from rough bark. Fig. 32. Culture of Diaporthe parasitica obtained from pycnospores, produced by pycnidia on two year old wood pile, Bronxville, N. Y. Fig. 33. Bark from the end of a piece of cord wood. Obtained from railroad siding, Ft. Robinson, Pa. The inner or fibrous bark is completely covered with pycnidia. Fig. 34. Cultures of Diaporthe parasitica from mycelial transfers grown on potato agar in the light and in the dark. Culture in the light is beginning to show zonation. Fig. 35. Potato agar culture grown in light showing the pronounced zonation. 0 6 Fig. 30. Germination of Conidiospores in 3 per cent, glucose agar. 22°C. 1 after 12 hours; 2 after 10 hours ; 3 after 22 hours ; 4 after 30 hours ; 5 after 36 hours ; 6 after 36 hours. These illustrate the linear and y types of germination. Fig. 37. Germination of Ascospores in 3 per cent, glucose agar. 22°C. 1 to 4 a series showing growth of a single spore: 1 at 11.45 A. M. ; 2 at 2.45 P. M. ; 3 at 4.45 P. M. ; 4 at 7.45 P. M. : 5 after 24 hours ; 6 after 24 hours ; 7 after 24 hours. In 4, each cell has produced two hyphae. In 5, one cell has produced two hyphae, while a strong lateral has grown out from the main axis just beyond the spore. In 6 one ceil has produced a lateral but no terminal hyphae. In 7, one cell of the ascospore failed to produce a germ tube. Fig. 38. lit lire 11(1 from ascospores, culture 117 from conidiospores. Roth were made November 17, 1!)12 on 3 per cent, glucose agar and were five days old when photographed. Fig. 39. Method of attaching tube for injecting a solution into a tree. Tree No. 127. Plot P>. Martic Forge 1912. i per cent, formaldehyde. Tree injected August 14 consumed 1445 cc. solution. Photographed August 27. Fig. 41. Cross section of a tree at the point of injection. Shows the injection hole and glass tube entering it — held in place by the rubber cork and the clamp. Fig. 43. Tree No. 31. Plot A. 1912 Martie Forge. Injected October 7 with .01 tier cent. Congo Red. Tree consumed 2 gills, stain. Tree cut down October 13. Note — In the photograph of tree sections the stained areas are either marked or outlined by black lines. The photographs show the natural size of the sections. f. ' . ?. w ' TREE Fig. 44. Tree No. 60. Plot A. 1912 Martic Forge. Injected October 7 with. .01 per cent Congo Red. Consumed 2 1-2 gills of stain. Tree cut down October 13. Fig. 45. i TV! Tree JSTo. 02. Plot A. 1912 iiartie Forge. Injected August 20 with .01 per cent green. About 2 gills of stain consumed. Ire' cut down September 10. Fig. 46. Tree No. 63. Plot A. 1912 Martic Forge. Injected August 20 with .01 per cent Methyl green. Consumed about 1 quart of stain. Tree cut down September 10. TREE 63 g rucn Fig. 47. Tree No. 04. Plot A. 1012 Martic Forge. Injected August 20 with .01 Methyl green. Tree consumed about 2 quarts. Tree cut down August 21. See 1. Fig. 48. Tree Xo. f!4. Plot A. 1012 Martic Forge. Injection August 20 with .001 Methyl green. Consumed about one quart of stain in 45 minutes. Altogether about 2 i-2 pints consumed. Tree cut down August 21. Fig. 49. A tool and storage box having on top of it the implements used in making three injections. 47 As evening appr«>m-ned, the intake decreased. The experiments have not been continued long enough for accurate conclusions as to the path of the solutions in the tree. It was possible, however, to mark out the path of the solution on the bark of the tree, those twigs and branches whose fibres entered this path, having their leaves killed. In certain cases all of the leaves were eventually killed, making it look as though the solution had diffused throughout the tree, but soon the leaves on those parts of the tree not included in the path of the solution, fell off. Callus had formed and the leaves fell as in the fall of the year. More direct evidence concerning the path of the solution in the tree during the months of August, September and October was obtained from color solutions of eosin, methyl green and congo red, (Figs. 43-47). The effect of lithium carbonate solution was visible in the leaves in about three days after the injection, when the injection was made in August. The effect on the trees of injections in the spring was more general than in the case of those treated in August. Solutions of heavy metals, although killing in concentrations, did not at once affect the cambium layer when passing up and down the vessels. Cop- per chloride solution, twelve hours after injection into the tree, killed the leaves on the branch. The cambium was still alive. This layer died later, however, and still later the green coiffex. The effect of the different solutions on the leaves was so marked that one could tell from the manner of the blotching, what kind of solutions had been used (Fig. 7, S and 9). The leaves on those branches which did not receive the killing solutions, finally dropped off, and new leaves were produced, as though it were spring, while on those branches which were injected, the dead leaves continued to hang, making them conspicuous on the trees. This phenomenon was general when the solution of heavy metals and formal- dehyde was used. The first effect noticeable is the changing of the color of the leaves on injected branches, together with a decided smell of fermentation. The dying leaves do not become crisp until some time after they have turned brown. Injections of compounds of ammonia produced very different effects from those of the heavy metals ; in these cases the autumn leaf fall of the tree was normal as to time and appearance. Further experiments with these compounds will be made. CONCLUSION. So far, no general method for either killing or checking the growth of the chestnut blight fungus has been found. A successful method for injecting fluids into the tree has, however, been devised, which, with modifications can be used for injecting gases also. The present indications are that the heavy metals will not be of value in tree medication. 4 ! 48 INVESTIGATIONS OF INSECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT. These investigations are in charge of Professor A. G. Ruggles, for- merly associated Entomologist of the Minnesota Agricultural Experi- ment Station, and at present on leave of absence for work with this Commission. As in the case of other investigations, Professor Ruggles has only been engaged for a short time, and therefore his work is only fairly begun. The investigations in this line may be divided into four main divisions as follows: — 1st. The relation of insects to the blight as possible carriers of the disease. 2nd. The study of insect wounds that may form a good lodging place for fungus spores. 3rd. The study of insects that feed upon, the spores of the blight fungus. 4th. The study of insects infecting chestnut trees that have already been killed by the blight. In addition to the above, it may be also of importance to investigate the insects that attack living chestnut trees. The first of these divisions is being given considex-able attention as certain insects may really be agents for carrying the disease. The results of the work of Professor N. F. Davis, special entomolo- gist during the summer, may be summed up as follows: Many cases of infection were seen that were not thought to be due to the wind. No summer spores or winter spores were found, yet the disease kept spreading. Ants were thought responsible because xluw were found carrying mycelial threads of the fungus. 75 to 90 per cent, of the cases of infection were attributed to ants, particularly in dry weather. At present one cannot accept all or any of the conclu- sions reached by other former workers in this line. There are links to the chain of evidence yet to be supplied. Several experiments are outlined for this work that cannot be started until spring, however it is expected to have some facts about ants before the winter is over by means of greenhouse investigations. The second line of investigation has not been much studied. Many insects make wounds but we do not yet know always what species make these wounds. Some wounds now thought to be insignificant may have a special bearing as the starting points of infection. These are to be studied. The relation of insects to hypertrophied cankers should be investigated. Also further inquiry as to insects that eat chestnut blight spores is very important. 49 he fourth line or investigation is being made from the standpoint tilization of the wood. Before a tree is dead with the disease, in- ns begin to attack it. Afterward many insects help in its destruc- d. Recent observations show that blight cankers are a means of trance for wood-boring insects. In a peeled telephone pole, for in- f-ace, old cankers were filled with entrance holes of some of these in- e:s. (Fig. 50.) ur investigation should show how long a tree dying with blight a remain standing and still be useful for telephone poles or lumber. CORRESPONDENCE AND IDENTIFICATION OF INSECTS. a addition to the above lines of investigation under way or soon obe started, some time is required in identifying insects of the Istnut, sent in by correspondents, and studying insect injuries of chestnut tree, also, in correspondence on the spraying of chestnut hards for combating insects. SPRAYING INVESTIGATIONS. ted spider, plant lice, scales and leaf-eating insects have their bable insecticides recommended. It is economical to combine when sible both an insecticide and fungicide in the ssme spray. It is tired to determine the toxic properties of certain -ommon fungicides t readily mix with insecticides to the proporti u best adapted to j the chestnut blight fungus, and the amount of iraying necessary, ne fungicides have also an insecticidal value. REPORT OF THE CHEMIST. ,] 'he chemical work of the Commission is in charge of Mr. Joseph ■awder, and has been under way since about July 1, 1912. The ef object of the chemical investigations is to obtain facts con- ning the tannin content of the chestnut tree in health and when leased by the chestnut blight, and also in relation to the soil in ich the tree grows. Other incidental questions spring up as the rk goes on. Certain rather interesting results have been obtained ing the course of the investigations. ll I'OMPARATIVE TANNIN CONTENTS IN BLIGHTED AND HEALTHY TREES. 'he tests as to tannin content have been made so far entirely with :» bark. In twenty tests, all but one showed a higher percentage o tannin in the infected bark than in the healthy bark of the same 50 tree. The lower percentage in an exceptional case nmy be expi. by certain abnormal conditions in that case. ~So satisfactory planation has been offered for this tannin increase in the inf< portions of the tree. As no one has as yet explained the exact fun< of tannin in the plant world, this variation is for that reason of greater interest. COLOR OF THE EXTRACT. The tannin extract from the normal bark gives a bright, cl colored solution, while that from infected portions is always of a ■ brown color, (see illustrations, Fig. 51). Eemoving the tannin j the normal bark extract leaves a solution of a straw yellow c- while the removal of the tannin from the infected bark ext changes the color but slightly. EFFECT OF COLOR IN LEATHER MANUFACTURE. The effect of the difference in color of the tannin extract f infected and normal portions of the tree in leather manufacture tested by the actual tanning of sheepskin, in which the tannin from normal bark gave a very light color to the leather, that from infected bark gave a medium dark color, while extract from c-hesil oak gave a still darker color, (see illustrations). It appears thal the manufacture of certain leathers, particularly sole leather, I medium color as given by the tannin from infected bark, is the I that is preferred. It is, therefore, a matter of much interest. Details of experiments upon which the above statements are ba: and discussions of other minor experiments are given in the acci panying complete report from the chemist. PLANS OF FUTURE WORK. In future investigations, it is expected to determine with greti accuracy the chemical effect upon the sugar, starch, nitrogen cl pounds and cellulose of chestnut bark produced by the chestnut blil fungus. It is also expected to make more complete ash analyses. 1 second line of studies will be the effect of the fungus upon the wi4 from the chemical standpoint. A third investigation will be thelj tempt to extract tannin from chestnut wood with solvents other tli water. This will be an advantage in utilization. If it is possible! extract tannin by a chemical process, chestnut wood may be utili l to greater advantage without storing it in the woods or shipping it. I Sheep skin tannin in extract from sound chestnut bark. Sheep skin tannin extract from infected chestnut bark. Sheep skin tanned in extract from chestnut oak bark. 51 REPORT OF THE TREE SURGEON. (Figs. 52-55.) lie work of examination of individual trees on lawns and in ite parks as well as orchard trees with the idea of attempting to such trees by possible surgical or other treatment is in charge ; r. Roy G. Pierce, Tree Surgeon. 'quests for examination of individual trees are very frequent, tin the past four months 208 such examinations have been made by ree surgeon and one assistant. Most of these examinations were S in the vicinity of Philadelphia and in Montgomery, Bucks, Dela- ; and Chester counties. FAIRMOUNT PARK. l examination of the chestnut trees in Fairmount Park is in ress. Over 2,000 diseased trees have already been located in the and West Park, not including Wissahickon Drive. PRIVATE TREE SURGEONS AND FORESTERS. s the Commission does not stand the expense of treatment of ; individual trees, it is found practically necessary to investigate *eliability and skill of these private tree surgeons and foresters give their time to tree treatment work. A list of such men has obtained nearly all of whom have been seen by ageuts of the imission and the right methods of operation explained to them, it* work is also investigated, and when not up to the standard they io informed. CHESTNUT ORCHARDS. } list of 205 owners of cultivated chestnut trees has been eom- . Bulletin No. 2, ‘‘Treatment of Ornamental Chestnut Trees lilted with the Blight Disease,” has been sent to these owners. All e large chestnut orchards have been visited by employees of this mission. Other owners of such orchards will be seen personally son as possible. EFFECT OF SPRAYING. ials of spraying have been made by certain chestnut tree owners :e if the entrance of the chestnut blight may be prevented in svay. While results m, far are not entirely conclusive the indica- is that Bordeaux Mixture wilt prevent the entrance of the chest- dight fungus, but will not, of course, kill it after the tree is once ted. 52 REPORT OF THE GEOGRAPHER. The investigations of rainfall, temperature, altitude and ge topography of the State in relation to the distribution of the <. nut tree blight disease is in direct charge of Dr. F. I*. Gul Geographer. The work has been under way only a short time, addition to the field investigations it is the duty of the Geogr* also to bring together on a uniform scale map the facts given by agents as to the location, distribution and percentage of the b! percentage of chestnut trees, and other related facts in forestry RAINFALL. _ ! Maps have been constructed to show the spring, summer autumn rainfall over the State for various years. These show ma differences in succeeding years. The relation of greater or less fall and more or less humidity to blight distribution are 1 studied. POSSIBLE RELATION OF SUMMER RAINFALL TO THE SPREAD THE BLIGHT DISEASE IN 1011 AND 1912. It appears that in the summer of 1912 there was a much gn increase in the extent of the blight disease in certain portioi the western part of the State than in 1911. A careful stuc these conditions show the possibility that the cause was the i greater rainfall in those areas in 1912 than in the correspor months of 1911. Maps are herewith attached, which show ditfer< of rainfall in the two seasons. (Figs. 50-59.) MAPS ILLUSTRATING FIELD INSPECTION. A scouting map has been drawn to show the progress of the work to date, also a map of the western district showing number of infected trees found in areas which have been sc-out< detail. BASIS OF MAPPING WORK. All maps are made to correspond with the excellent quadr; sheets gotten out by the United States Geological Survey. In : for which sheets are not available the best other sources of i mation possible are used. 53 PH YSl 0 G R APH I G PEAT U R E S . A careful study is being made oi‘ the relation of mountains and Ivalleys, and the direction of the wind to the spread of the blight disease, but there has not been sufficient time to obtain any results. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. , As the blight disease is so often found along public highways, observations are being made to determine if automobiles, railway trains or telephone and telegraph linemen may be responsible to any considerable extent in carrying the disease from one infected locality into another. 54 EEPOET OF FOEESTEE IN CHAEGE OF UTILIZATION. (Figs. 62-70.) The exploitation of diseased chestnut wood in various forms for market is in charge of Professor J. P. Wentling, Forester, who is assisted by three other men. The work has been under way about four months, although good, thorough work with a central office and a capable force of assistants was not possible until after November first. EXPLOITATION OF BLIGHTED CHESTNUT WOOD ONLY. At first it was thought advisable to encourage utilization work through the State in unblighted as well as blighted chestnut and to stimulate trade in local chestnut. Later, however, it became evident that the badly blighted timber, mostly iu the eastern part of the State, warranted the entire attention of the men engaged iu this work. For the present at least, it seems therefore best to carry on most of the work east of the Susquehanna Elver. At present it is thought best to do as much of the active work as possible, in the southeastern part of the State where the conditions seem to demand immediate attention. METHODS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LANDS. As the different lines of work progressed, it became evideut that two methods of work should be followed: One on private lands and the other on public lands. In the former case the field men are directed to be helpful in every way possible, so long as they do not involve the Commission in any operation or transaction. Where necessary, assistance is giveu in examining and cruising timber, estimates are giveu on cost of cutting and marketing, aud in furnish- ing information on markets and market prices of various products, and in any circumstance that might arise in couuection with an individual operation. On public lands a fetv instances arose in which it seems necessary that the Commission take entire charge of cleaning out blighted wood and marketing the same. In cases of this kind it is expected that the governing body controlling a piece of public land do what it can financially, allowing the Commission to complete the work at its own expense. If the governing body has no money available for this work, the Commission may take entire charge, bearing initial expenses, and what loss there maj- be between the cost and returns, and in case any profit results, it should be turned over for use on the particular piece of public property under consideration. 55 TIMBER OWNERS. Field agents in utilization are required to meet timber owners directly and by the field work to find where the valuable chestnut jstands are, what their condition is, what they will produce, and what Ithe market is. In this way at least the good stands of chestnut will be brought to our attention. wt MARKETS. Considerable information has already been obtained as to markets D'lj for lumber, poles, ties, shingles, staves, etc. However, the average chestnut stand in the eastern part of the State is in many cases a straight cordwood proposition. It is therefore important to find all possible markets for this low grade material. Lumber users can be reached very well by correspondence. The lumber market is good. The situation as regards poles is similar. The small dealer who uses fence posts, a few ties, cordwood, shingles, staves, etc. is hard to reach by correspondence. Because of this the policy is pursued of hunting- out cordwood dealers and getting information by personal inter- views. A number of very good local markets for chestnut cordwood of almost any quantity have been found in this way. MINING TIMBER. In the northeastern and north central parts of the Slate large amounts of chestnut are now used and more may be used, in and about the coal mines. The addresses of all mining companies, both bituminous and anthracite, have been obtained and a letter sent to each asking for specifications of and prices paid for chestnut material. RAILROAD TIES AND FENCING MATERIAL. Chestnut railroad ties are not in very great demand by the steam roads on main lines, but electric lines do use large quantities of them. As a general rule it is pretty safe to manufacture standard ties and deliver them at a railroad before a definite market has been obtained. Fencing material — posts and rails — is in local demand in certain localities, and markets for this kind of material have been obtained only through personal interviews, and very largely through fuel deal- ers who handle coal as their product. COUNTIES EXPLOITED. The markets have been very carefully investigated in Montgomery, Bucks, York and Adams counties, and considerable work done in Philadelphia Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Berks and Lycoming counties, and to some extent in the remaining counties east of the Susquehanna River. In this investigation the county is taken as a 56 unit and the facts are tabulated and bled according to counties and industries. The study is made from town to town and information obtained by personal interviews chiefly along the main lines of traffic. CO-OPERATION WITH THE FOREST SERVICE AND STATE DEPART- MENT OF FORESTRY. The Commission has received from the Forest Service a list of all users of chestnut lumber in the State and will by correspondence and personal interviews, reach these users and get from them the grades of chestnut lumber they use and prices they pay for each grade. i t is possible now to further co-operate with this Service in obtain- ing similar data on poles, shingles, ties, cordwood and lumber in this State which has not been covered by the utilization study made already by the Forest Service during the past year, as well as on tim- ber-lands, markets, etc. The State Department of Forestry in conjunction with the United States Forest Service has collected a large amount of information on (lie wood-using industries of the State which data the State Depart- ment has promped to furnish to this Commission for use with the provision, of course, that such data shall not be published by the Commission. MILL STUDIES. Timber owners frequently ask what they shall make of their timber in order to realize the most profit. There is no definite information as to this matter except what little can be obtained from lumbermen. To be able to advise inquirers in this line mill studies have been undertaken. One operation with staves has been completed. Average trees from six to twenty inches in diameter (D. B. H.) have been run through a stave mill and an accurate account kept of the staves pro- duced. For the information to be of general value, a number of similar studies should be made in different regions where timber grows under different conditions. The next study proposed is that of shingles. LABOR. To obtain good wood cutters is one of the problems in the utilization of chestnut in large quantities. Labor that is fit for wood work is scarce in the eastern counties and for the most part employed. After finding the markets comes the problem of finding suitable labor. It is this item of labor, together with markets and the cost of transportation to the railroad that presents the chief difficulty in the way of the utilization of diseased chestnut wood. 57 DETERIORATION INVESTIGATIONS. A few cases have come to our attention where telephone poles have been rejected because of a condition which is charged up to the blight disease. Investigation of poles of this kind in almost every case showed a poor condition of the wood due to the fact that the trees from which the poles were made were dead on the stump a year or more before they were cut. It seems unfair to charge this to the blight. Insects aud fungi are agencies of deterioration and both of these attack diseased and weakened trees, but the extent and rate of the deterioration of the wood due to their injuries are not definitely known. For future work certain experiments are outlined to arrive at some conclusion as to this question of deterioration. SPECIAL TARIFF CLASSIFICATION. From present indications if negotiations that are now on foot terminate favorably, the special tariff classification for blighted cord- wood will be used to a considerable extent by the first of the year 1913, and as more and better markets for cordwood are discovered and timber owners are induced to cut and ship the blighted chestnut, this tariff ought in six months from now to be in general use. LUMBER ASSOCIATIONS. An effort is being made to interest lumber associations in an increased use of chestnut. An exhibition of specimens of lumber made from blighted timber will be made at the January meeting of the Pennsylvania Lumbermen’s Association in this city. Officers of this association have promised their hearty co-operation. PUBLICATIONS. Manuscripts now in preparation for publication include a “Hand- book of Chestnut Utilization” for the use of agents of this Commis- sion ; “Chestnut Utilization” a more popular publication for the people, and “Deterioration of Chestnut Poles due to Blight.” VALLEY FORGE PARK. A plan is being prepared for presentation to the Valley Forge Park Commission. It seems best under the circumstances that practically all of the chestnut timber should be removed from this park except such trees as may be saved by tree surgery work, and which are located along driveways and near the entrenchments. This work can best be done during the winter. A well-known lumberman at Reedsville has agreed, when the proper arrangements are made, to furnish prac- tical woodsmen to carry on the work under the supervision of the Commission. 58 When this work is done it is suggested that the area cleaned be re-planted with coniferous trees that may be obtain uom the State Forestry Department. PRIVATE OWNERS AND OPERATORS. Various inquiries are received wishing advice in the disposal of blighted timber in and about Philadelphia. Where timber of this kind is shown by inspection to be worthy of consideration of a millman, every effort is made to have a responsible millman see the property and then negotiate with the owner. Recently a transaction of this kind was engineered through the Commission office and it is believed that the millman concerned will install a mill and remove the timber during the winter. CORDWOOD. After locating cordwood markets, calling for about 2000 cords of wood a year, a business man of Philadelphia was interested in supply- ing the wood. At the same time an experienced woodsman was located at West Chester who agreed to furnish two carloads of cordwood per week for the coming year. It is believed that an agreement will be made between these parties to supply this wood. If so, the woods- man will be informed as far as possible as to locations where chest- nut cordwood is available. Arrangements have been made with the Oak Extract Company of Newport, to accept any quantity of cordwood from York and adjoin- ing counties. During the winter a campaign of advertising among the farmers and other timber owners, urging them to cut their blighted chestnut and deliver it at the railroad to be shipped to New- port, will be conducted. CLEAR CUTTING OF CHESTNUT. Cases arise where the percentage of chestnut is so low that by taking the blighted trees only, there is not enough to attract a mill- man. We are advising in many cases where there is any considerable amount of blight that all the chestnut be cut and utilized at one operation rather than cut over such areas three or four times through the possible reoccurrence of the blight. SOME FUTURE WORK. Information will be obtained as to the cost of all operations of cutting and utilizing chestnut timber from stump to market based on a thousand feet board measure, for: 1. Pure stands 2. Chestnut in a 70 per cent, mixture 3. Chestnut in a 50 per cent, mixture 4. Chestnut in a 30 per cent, mixture 5. Chestnut in a 15 per cent, mixture 6. Individual trees scattered throughout cleared areas. 59 An effort will be made to interest outside concerns in the conversion of spent chestnut chips from extract factories into wood pulp. Work of this kind has already begun. With the help of the chemist it is expected to investigate the tannin of chestnut wood as well as of the bark. The effect of different soils on the tannin content will be considered. Mechanical tests of blighted timber will be continued in a variety of conditions to determine definitely what is the effect of blight cankers of various stages of development on the strength of the wood. Within the next six weeks letters will be sent to all lumbermen of the State, all contractors who use rough lumber, mining companies, and cordwood users, encouraging them to call for chestnut wood in the forms in which they require it as much as possible in order to stimulate the trade in chestnut. REPORT OF DEMONSTRATION WORK. The demonstration work of the Commission, including the prepara- tion and handling of exhibits at county fairs and at special expositions and association meetings, lectures at Teachers’ Institutes and talks to farmers, is in charge of Mr. Keller E. Rockey, Forester. FAIR EXHIBITS. During the summer an exhibit of specimens of the chestnut tree blight and other specimens showing the work of the Commission and the uses of chestnut wood was made at thirty-three agricultural fairs in the State. Three men assisted Mr. Rockey in this work. At six other points a similar exhibit was prepared and exhibited by local field men. In nearly every case field men were on hand and rendered good assistance. The place given the Commission for exhibits was always without charge and as a rule was in a good location in one of the Exhibition buildings. The exhibit consisted, first, of chestnut bark specimens affected with the blight, the aim being to show the disease in all phases. Photographs of trees and forests illustrating the effect of the blight were also shown, as well as illustrations of surgical treatment, chest- nut orcharding, etc. Specimens of wood in various finishes and tannin extracts were shown to give some idea of the uses of chestnut. 60 Notices of our publications were distributed and placards and a map of the blight distribution were displayed. The total cost of our exhibits was almost nothing in comparison with those made by other State Departments, but the Blight Commission exhibits compared very favorably in value and public interest shown. At several fairs, on request, the representative in charge gave a lecture upon chestnut blight. With each exhibit was placed a registration book for those who desired copies of our publications, or who desired inspection of their chestnut trees. In all about 2,000 visitors were registered, nearly all of whom were timber owners. At Conneaut Lake, alone, 225 requests for inspection were received. Such requests have been or will be complied with. The 2,000 visitors who registered are. of course, a small percentage of the actual visitors at the exhibits. All kinds of people were registered, teachers from normal schools and high schools, county superintendents, and other county officers, members of the Legislature, newspaper men, students from the normal schools, boy scouts, park commissioners, and employees, tree doctors as well as owners of lawn trees, chestnut orchards and large tracts. Many visitors were from New York, New Jersey, Maryland and other States. Many brought specimens for identification. A surprising fact learned at these fairs was the ignorance of people concerning the blight. The belief is common that it is caused by insects ; on the other hand many people knew a great deal about it. Representatives of several other fairs not on our lists were anxious to have us exhibit; in a few cases this could be done, but several such requests had to be refused. FRUIT AND NUT GROWERS' ASSOCIATIONS. Exhibits and lectures have been given before the Adams County Fruit Growers’ Association at Bendersville, (he Northern Nut Grow- ers’ Association at Lancaster, the Perry County Fruit Growers’ As- sociation, and the Wyoming County Horticultural Society. An exhibit was also made at the State Grange meeting at Clearfield in December. FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Arrangements were made with Hon. A. L. Martin, Director of Farmers’ Institutes, to give us a place upon the program at 103 Farmers’ Institutes, which were selected as being located where they would be of the most value for our purpose. The subject matter of each lecture is outlined and approved before the Institute begins. EXHIBITS. Arrangements have been made to install a permanent exhibition in the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, which will be as complete ns possible. Adequate cabinet space and whatever printing is neces- sary will be furnished by the Museum. Twenty small photographs are now being enlarged by the Museum, for this purpose. It was arranged to place a similar exhibit in the State Capitol Museum at Harrisburg. Other exhibits not so elaborate might be placed in other places where conditions are favorable. T E A C I-I E JR S ' I N STITU TES. Exhibits and lectures were given before twenty-six of the Teachers’ Institutes. In making these exhibits the material is carried in a box made of chestnut wood and includes three cases of blighted specimens under glass, pictures, maps, and literature. At these institutes the co-operation of the teachers is requested in the following ways: First. To have a complete set of publications on the subject in the libraries. Second. To collect and display a good set of specimens. Third. To give the pupils an explanation of Ihe cause and nature of the blight disease. Fourth. To make field trips occasionally for • showing the disease in its natural condition. NORMAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. As yet little has been done to bring the subject of the chestnut blight before the normal schools and colleges on account of the lack of help in such work; however, it is expected that during the winter we can have the subject included in the Science courses of study, and have an occasional illustrated lecture and exhibit jat these in- stitutions. In the full report appended, a complete list of fair exhibits and all farmers’ and teachers’ institutes is given. THE SILVICULTURAL EFFECT OF THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT. By Hon. I. C. Williams, Collaborator, State Forestry Department . The following statement as to the silvicultural effect of the chest- nut blight on future forestry management within the State is fur- nished by Mr. I. C. Williams, Collaborator of the Commission, and Deputy Commissioner of Forestry: — - The present stand of chestnut trees in Pennsylvania is in most instances a third crop, and sometimes we find even a fourth crop or third regeneration. The frequent cutting of chestnut in Pennsylvania has weakened the stump and root systems of the trees cut. Each regeneration of sprouts probably arises with less vitality than the 02 preceding one. If our trees continue to be cut and regenerated in accordance with the old system, it is probable, we shall exhaust this- species of tree in time even without assistance from the chestnut blight. The wild, sweet chestnut is the best forest tree remaining in quantity in Pennsylvania. It is best because of quantity and is the tree to which the lumbermen of the State will probably have to turn while waiting for other and still better trees to be developed. Of all our forest trees the chestnut undoubtedly has the best sprout regeneration. This is another fact which makes the tree of unusual value at this time. In cutting chestnut the custom has been to leave high stumps. The succeeding circle of sprouts will generally be found rather high on the stump. As the sprout growth increases in size the stump of the parent tree within slowly rots away. This decay causes the young sprouts to have an insecure foothold and a minimum of root system, and they are almost certain to be decayed upon the inner side. Tree rot once started is almost sure to continue. Because these conditions are general, our present sprout growth is necessarily of a weakened and less valuable character. Young trees thus situated are easily thrown by the wind, are an open prey to insect enemies, and are by no means of the good character they might be under different and better conditions. The presence of the chestnut blight and the necessity for ils destruction has brought to the attention of the people a new method of treating this tree. The cutting out method of dealing with the blight requires that the trees be cut low, that the bark be removed from the stump to the surface of the ground, and that the blighted wood, bark, and other refuse of the tree be burned upon the stump. After such treatment little or no portion of the stump remains above the surface of the ground. Any sprout regeneration will come from the upper side of the main living roots. As a matter of expei'ience, it is found that such firing of the stump does not kill the main roois and that they produce a better sprout regeneration than formerly was had from the high stump. Such new sprout will shortly make for itself a complete new root system and will be independent of the parent stump, the decay of which will affect it slightly or not at all. The utilization of our present blighted chestnut stock, if carefully made and the refuse disposed of as stated, will assist in producing not only a regenerated stand of chestnut but one that will be better in all respects than any preceding stand except possibly the original seedling primeval forest. A knowledge of these facts brought to the people of Pennsylvania who are owners of chestnut woods will be and ought to be of great value. If this new method of handling their woodlots is carefully adhered t6 they will not only retain their chest- nut groves but have them of better character than ever before. Fig. 50. Photograph of a canker on a chestnut telephone pole, showing how wood-boring insects prefer such places for their entrance burrows. Fig. 51 Extract from wood and bark. Sound material. With Tannin tannin, removed. Plight material. With Tannin tannin, removed. Fig. 52. rwo cankers on cultivated grafted chestnut tree, after surgical treatment; coated with coal tar to prevent reinfection. Kennett Square, Pa. Pierre DuPont, at Kennet Square, Pa. Fig. 54. Spraying Bordeaux Mixture 4-5-50 on large chestnut trees at estate of Pierre DuPont. Sprayed every two weeks from April to middle of November, 1912. Kennett Square, Pa. Fig. 55. Spraying Bordeaux Mixture 4-5-50, formula, on large chestnut trees at estate of Pierre DuPont. Spraying done every two weeks from April to middle of Novem- ber, 1912. Kennett Square, Pa. Fig. 5G. Rainfall in Pennsylvania, Spring, 1911. -it 6\ - ww p°° niaicLV ‘voatvw SblOai NOUnVuLl^ 133^1^ HVlLOJLj Map of Pennsylvania completed January 1st, 1013. The dots show the relative progress of the blight across the State. Each dc in the wetsern district represents a known spot infection of from one to one thousand trees. The percentage of blight is show diagramatically in the Eastern District. . Fig. 62. Chestnut used for interior finish. i: Fig. 63. General view of combination portable saw and shingle mill. A type of mill which will effect closer utilization of blighted chestnut than the saw mill alone. Shingles ready for shipping Fig. 64. Staves made from blighted chestnut, bundled, ready for shipping. Produced by portable shingle mill from blighted chestnut. Fig. 66. Chestnut on the farm. Mortised posts made from blighted chestnut. Fig. 67. Portable Saw Mill — The type cf mill that must be depended upon to furnish lumbe from blighted chestnut of saw log size. Fig'. 6S. General view of portable stave mill operating in blighted chestnut. This kind of mill can utilize chestnut unfit for saw logs or shingles. ! Fig. G9. Chestnut on the farm. Rails for use in mortised posts made from blighted chestnut. 63 A further result of the experience had in cutting out blighted chestnut wood is that when the work is properly done and refuse completely burned on top of the stump, which should be deeply charred, the resulting sprouts show little or no attack of the blight at the base. Such attack, if any, is usually found in the tips of the branches, indicating rather strongly that the infection came not from the old stump or the soil but that the spores were carried from nearby infected stock. This kind of treatment, if faithfully adhered to, can be nothing other than good. With complete utilization of the present infected stand we may look for a regenerated chestnut forest of the best character. Watchfulness, of course, will be necessary probably for a term of years, or until some method shall be found by which this disease may be destroyed other than by cutting the trees. To Pennsyl- vania and to the chestnut forests of this State the determined effort to destroy the chestnut blight at this time will be of great value and this result alone will justify the expenditure of all the money and all the labor even if no other result will be obtained. A further result, however, is almost certain to follow in that the people of our State will have had their attention very pointedly called to the need for better forest treatment, not only of trees in groups but of trees as individuals; and the awakened consciousness of our people to the value of present tree growth and the dangers which threaten almost every species of tree will be of the greatest possible service in enabling them to see the need of a more construc- tive system of tree management. The ultimate result of such knowl- edge can be nothing other than the general restoration of tree growth to those lands within the State which are of little or no value for any other purpose than producing trees. REGULATIONS GOVERNING TREATMENT OF TREES FOUND INFECTED WITH CHESTNUT BLIGHT. ADOPTED BY THE CHESTNUT TREE BLIGHT COMMISSION, JAN- UARY 7, 1913. WHEREAS, since it is found necessary to make certain regulations in order to provide for the prevention, control and eradication of the chestnut tree blight, it is RESOLVED by this Commission Unit the following regulations, be adopted, and as occasion may rise, such other and further regulations, and the altering or amending of the same as may seem to it neces- sary. 5 04 REGULATION No. 1. For the purpose of quarantine, a division shall be made between the slightly infected Western portion of the State, and the badly infected Eastern portion. The line of demar- cation at present shall be as follows: — the eastern boundary lines of Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan and Bradford counties. These portions shall be known respectively as the Western and Eastern Districts. REGULATION No. 2. In the Eastern District the blight is so prevalent that apparently the only course of procedure practical is the ultilization of all diseased chestnut trees as rapidly as possible. All diseased trees must be removed within a distance of one half mile from the nearest boundary of all chestnut orchards or nurseries the owners of which are themselves applying adequate protective meas- ures. In all other portions of the Eastern District, owners are urged to cut all diseased trees, and where the amount of blight is SO per- cent or more, both diseased and sound trees, for the purpose of getting the full value from the merchantable products of these trees and also to reduce the chances of further infection and lessen the dissemina- tion of the disease from east to west. Owners of valuable ornamental, orchard or shade trees, are recom- mended to use the surgical methods outlined in bulletin No. 2 of this Commission. Trees so treated should be inspected for reoccurrence of the blight, every six weeks from April 1st to November 1st by the owner or his agent, and the trees or diseased parts promptly treated as found necessary. Immediately following the cutting of diseased trees, all stumps should be peeled clean of bark to the ground line and all brush from tops, bark fragments, and other refuse burned so that sound sprouts will be developed. It is recommended that the trees be cut low and the burning done directly over the stumps. All felled chestnut trees whether diseased or not, should be im- mediately removed from the woods and utilized, so that they may not become a breeding place for the blight fungus. Shipments of unpeeled blighted wood must be made in closed cars. REGULATION No. 3. Tn the Western District and where cutting is enforced in the Eastern District, the following procedure shall be strictly adhered to. After the agent of the Commission has inspected the chestnut trees on any property and has found diseased trees, the same shall be blazed at breast height, stamped with the official mark of the Commission, numbered consecutively and tagged as follows: — No THIS TREE IS INFECTED WITH THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT. This tree must be felled, the diseased bark removed and the stump peeled to the ground, within twenty days after notice to owner or 65 agent. All bark and unused portions of the tree shall be burned on the stump. Where such burning will injure adjoining Wees it should be done at a safe distance, in which case the stump must be painted with creosote, in place of burning. Portions of this tree to be utilized must be removed within twenty days after felling. Poles, posts, rails, and other products exposed to weather shall be peeled of bark. Take spe- cial care to prevent forest fires. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, By Field Agent. Following this a sheet showing the approximate location of each diseased tree shall be delivered to the owner of the trees, his agent, or employee, or other person responsible for the care of (lie property, together with written or verbal explanation of the necessity for the removal of the diseased tree and the method of procedure. A dupli- cate copy of the infection sheet, marked with the date of notification and the name of the person interviewed shall be mailed to the field headquarters. The process of removal of infected trees shall be as follows: — First. Where the ground beneath an infected tree is covered with a dense growth of brush, this growth may be cleared so that the diseased chips and branches may be easily picked up, provided that any small chestnut or chinquapin trees or sprouts shall be cut flush with the surface of the ground and the tops burned. All the trees should be felled so as to leave as low a stump as possible. If felled with an axe the bark shall first be removed from the part of the trunk through which the cut is to be made to an inch below the surface of the soil. If felled by sawing, such peeling may be done after the tree has been cut down. In either case the stump and all exposed roots must be cleared of every particle of bark, and all bark removed must be carefully collected and burned. After the tree is felled, all portions above the stump which show mycelium or pustules of the blight shall be peeled of bark or the entire piece cut out and burned. The brush from tops, the bark, and portions of the felled chestnut trees which are not peeled and which it is not intended to utilize shall also be burned. After the stump is peeled, if fire can be made over it without in- juring the surrounding trees, and without danger of forest fires, the brush and refuse collected shall be piled over the stump and burned. The fallen leaves around the stump over an area as far as the diseased portions of the felled tree extended, shall be carefully raked into the fire and burned. The fire must entirely consume or deeply char all of the material ; no small ends of branches and small twigs shall be allowed to remain. If it is impossible to make the fire over the stump without injuring the surrounding trees, the sides and -top of the stump shall be coated with creosote. 60 Portions of infected trees which show no evidence of. the blight shall not be permitted to lie in the woods over twenty days, but may be handled and shipped with the bark on provided it is shipped promptly in closed cars. If the wood from the diseased trees is not removed from the woods within twenty days from the time the trees are felled it must be peeled and the bark burned, or else wood and bark burned. Wood from diseased trees to be used where exposed to the weather must be peeled. Fire wood if kept under dry cover need not be peeled. If the owner or other person responsible for the destruction of the diseased trees starts immediately to treat them as directed, the agent of the Commission shall see that this work is done in strict accordance with the regulations governing this procedure and shall give all possible assistance. If at the end of twenty days the infected trees have not been treated according to tbe regulations of the Commission, or if the work has been improperly done, or the owner, his agent, or employee refuses to do this work according to the regulations of the Commission then, on the twenty-first day after the notice to remove these trees was first given, the agent of the Commission shall employ laborers and begin the work of removing such infected trees according to the method above described. Immediately after such work is per- formed be shall furnish to I he field headquarters a detailed statement of the expenses so incurred by the Commission. The amount of these expenses must be paid by the owner within sixty days from date of presentation of a bill for the same. 67 CHESTNUT ‘TREE BLIGHT COMMISSION. Financial Statement showing account December 17th, 1912. Received from State Treasury. August 22, 1911. . November 22, 1911, April 4, 1912, June 11, 1912, June 18, 1912, August 16, 1912, . October 3, 1912, .. November 14, 1912, December 17, 1912, $2,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 5,000 00 Interest from Comml. Trust Co., Dec. 31, 1911,- Interest from Comml. Trust Co., July 1, 1912, $16,000 00 15 21 18 44 Expenditures as per detailed statement below, Bal. available in Phila. Dec. 3, 1912, plus warrant de- posited Dec. 17, 1912, Contingent fund (S. B. D.), $700 00 Contingent fund (M. A. C.),- 800 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., 37,133 12 $16,033 05 11,222 62 Balance in State Treasury, Balance of appropriation, Vouchers ready for submission, ,G33 12 $4,811 03 9,000 00 $13,811 03 1,307 3S Net resources , Balance in State Treasury, $12,503 65 ‘ 9,000 00 Balance on band in Philadelphia, Dec. 17, 1912, $3,503 65 $8,000 00 20,000 OO 20,000 00 30,000 OO 30,000 00 30.000 00 20.000 00 30,000 OO $1S8,OCO 00 85 18 165 94 $188,251 12 154,429 03 $33,882 09 02,000 00 $95,822 09 9.788 04 $86,034 05 62,000 OO $24,034 05 $10,000 00 23,000 00 23.000 00 3,000 00 30.000 00 30,000 00 30.000 00 25.000 00 30.000 00 $204,000 00 100 39 184 38 $204,281 77 165,651 65 $38,633 12 71,000 00 $109,633 12 11,095 42 $9S,537 70 71,000 OO $27,537 70 DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES. Scientific research. Office furniture, ... Field equipment, Traveling expenses. Office salaries, Office expenses, Field expenses, Field salaries, * From S. R. and office fund. 'a a *2 as t-i a a> 6X1 a o i*5 Totals. $4,131 57 $4,131 57 1,660 10 1,660 10 125 57 $3,763 08 3,888 65 60 20 13,104 74 13,164 94 4,390 58 4,390 5S 809 10 6 30 815 40 44 OO 53,897 53 53,941 53 1 50 83,657 38 83,658 88 $11,222 62 $154,429 03 $165,651 65 Respectfully submitted to Winthrop Sargent, Chairman. D. T. McCAMPBELL, Chief Clerk. (68) FIG. I. SCOUTING AND INFECTION MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA TO JULY 1, 1913. Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania FINAL REPORT OF THE Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 15, 1913 1112 Morris Building, 1421 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. HARRISBURG-, PA.: WM . STANLEY RA1 , STATE PRINTER 1914 SCHOOL OF FORESTRY Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission MEMBERS OF COMMISSION Winthrop Sargent, Chairman Bryn Mawr Harold Peirce, Secretary Haverford Samuel T. Bodine Villa Nova George F. Craig, Rosemont Theodore N. Ely Bryn Mawr EXECUTIVE STAFF Mark Alfred Carleton, General Manager Samuel B. Detwiler, General Superintendent Oliver D. Schock, Assistant General Superintendent Thomas E. Francis, Field Manager, Western District Joseph R. Wilson, Field Manager, Eastern District David T. McCampbell, Chief Clerk Irvin C. Williams, (Pennsylvania State Forestry Department), Collaborator SCIENTIFIC AND OPERATIVE STAFF Frederick D. Heald, Pathologist A. G. Ruggles, Entomologist J. P. Wentling, Forester. in charge of Utilization Paul J. Anderson, Field Pathologist F. P. Gulliver, Geographer Caroline Rumbold, Physiologist in charge of Tree Medication Joseph Shrawder, Chemist Roy G. Pierce, Tree Surgeon Keller E. Roekey, Forester in charge of Demonstration Work a) (2) Contents Page. Advance spot blight infections ; treatment of various plats, 76-79 Ants as carriers of blight spores; experiments with, 44 Bast-miner ; relation of insect to dissemination of blight, 45 Beattie, Prof. R. Kent; Bibliography of the chestnut bark disease, 95-121 Bibliography of the chestnut bark disease, 95-121 Blight investigation and inspection of chestnut nurseries, 40 Blighted sprouts around stumps of trees cut at Hummelstown, 90 Burning over chestnut tree stumps; statement of results, 77 Carbon county, (Mahoning Valley), blight conditions, 64 Carleton, Mark A., General Manager, Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission ; Final report of, 27 Cicada sting wounds favorable for spread of chestnut bark disease, 45 Chemical investigations in connection with blight, 47 Chestnut trees a valuable factor in Pennsylvania forest wealth, 10 Chestnut trees, rapid growth of, 10 Chestnut trees in Pennsylvania ; threatened extermination of, 10 Chestnut cord-wood, reduced freight rates on, 57 Chestnut nursery stock ; regulations governing shipments of, 91 Chestnut orchards and nurseries, protection of against blight, 29 Chestnut bark disease ; fake remedies for, 30 Chestnut trees, various diseases of, 42 Chestnut tree medication, results of, 48 Chestnut tree blight exhibits at museums and schools, 58 Chestnut timber; deterioration of blighted, 56 Chestnut tree blight; methods of dissemination, 63 Chestnut tree blight; combatting the fungus, 10 Chestnut trees ; products of blighted trees marketable, 11 Chestnut tree blight; how destructive pest was spread, 11 Chestnut tree blight; discovery of its prevalence in China, 28 Chestnut Tree Blight Commission; active work suspended with regret, 12 Chestnut tree blight infection in Western District, 37 Chestnut tree blight ; first report of appearance in Pennsylvania filed by Harold Peirce, of Haverford, Montgomery county, 17 Chestnut tree blight in Wildwood Park, Harrisburg; successful treatment of, 30 Chestnut tree blight exhibits; where made, 32 Co-operative work of U. S. Department of Agriculture and Pennsylvania State Forestry Department, 33 Creosoting peeled chestnut stumps; tabulated results of, 78 Cutting-out process; effectiveness of treatment of method, 27 Detwiler, Samuel B., Superintendent. Reports of observations on sanita- tion cutting of blighted chestnut areas, 63 Discovery of chestnut bark disease in China, 28 Eastern Pennsylvania blight conditions, 67 Eradicating the chestnut blight; estimated cost of operations, 78 Field work of scouts and valuable results obtained, 36 Field work in Eastern District, report relating to, 38 Field laboratory work and special investigations, 43 Galls on chestnut and relation to blight infections, 47 (3) 4 Page. Geographical work; report of observations, 52 Gulliver, Dr. F. P., Geographer; Report of geographic work, 52 Harmless saprophyte in Western Pennsylvania, 38 Heald, Dr. F. D., Pathologist; Investigations of tree diseases, 40 Regulations for chestnut nursery inspections, 93 History of early efforts to eradicate blight in Pennsylvania, 17 Infection of chestnut in Western Pennsylvania ; tabulated report, 37 Infection centres on advance line of the blight, 71 Infection at Orbisonia, Huntingdon county; tabular statement, 72 Insects ; beneficial by destroying spores of blight, 28 Insects as carriers of the chestnut blight spores, 42 Insect investigations ; valuable facts ascertained by, 44 Law, amendment to chestnut blight, 94 Legislative action to control blight in Pennsylvania recommended, 22 Lime-sulphur solution to prevent spread of blight, 51 Local field work; how conducted in generally infected districts, 40 Main Line Citizens’ Association; valuable services rendered by, 19 Message from the Governor suggesting legislative help, 21 Mickleborough, Dr. John W. ; combatting the chestnut blight, 19 Murrill, Prof. W. A. ; plan proposed to combat chestnut blight, 23 Nursery inspections; regulating shipment of nursery stock, 28 Nursery chestnut stock ; list of inspections, 43 Official letter from the Commission to Governor Tener, 9 Official report of the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, 9-13 Origin of the chestnut blight disease, 11 Oldest infections located near New York City, 9 Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, Members of, 1 Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission ; Executive Staff of, 1 Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission ; Scientific and operative staff, 1 Pennsylvania initial State to combat spread of blight, 10 Pierce, Roy G., Tree Surgeon; Report of tree surgery work, 50 Production of blight spores, 41 Publications relating to the chestnut blight, list of, 95 Publicity work; valuable assistance rendered by newspapers, 59 Publications issued by the Commission; reports and bulletins, 33 Pycnospores and ascospores ; development and dissemination of, 42 Reinspections for blight; notes on, 86 Relation of soils to prevalence of blight, 52 Resistant and immume chestnut stocks; search for, 32 Rockey, Keller E. ; Report of public demonstration work, 57 Rumbold, Dr. Caroline; Experiments in chestnut tree medication, 48 Ruggles, Prof. A. G. ; Report of results of special insect investigations, 44 Sargent, Winthrop, Secretary of Commission; final official report of, 9 Schock, Oliver D., Assistant Superintendent; valuable co-operative work of the press acknowledged, 6Q Scientific research ; prompt and thorough work urged, 12 Scouting for the chestnut blight, 73 Shrawder, Joseph, Chemist; Report of chemical investigations, 47 Spot infections ; procedure to eradicate, 73 Suggestions for information of chestnut timber owners, 38 Tener, Hon. John K., Governor; message to the Legislature relative to the chestnut blight disease, 21 Topton Mountain, Berks county; study of blight conditions, 68 5 Page. Treatment of infected timber and disposal of lumber, 38 Treatment of infected chestnut areas, 74 Tree surgery; examinations made and results of operations, 50 Unfinished work of Commission ; experiments in progress and work con- templated, 34 Utilization of blighted chestnut a serious problem, 54 Value of chestnut destroyed in Pennsylvania, 59 Williams, Hon. Irvin C., Deputy Commissioner of Forestry; Report as Collaborator of Pennsylvania Department of Forestry, 17 Wentling, Prof. J. P. ; Report upon utilization of blighted chestnut, 54 (6) Official Letter to Hon. John K. Tener Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (7) (8) Scouting for the chestnut tree blight. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. THE COMMISSION FOR THE INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL OF THE CHESTNUT TREE BLIGHT IN PENNSYLVANIA 1112 Morris Building, Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, December 9th, 1913. HON. JOHN K. TENER, Governor, Harrisburg, Penna. Sir: We have the honor to transmit herewith our report of the operations of this Commission for a portion of the year 1913, this being also the final report of the Commission. Eastern Asia, the home of the San Jose scale, has been found to be also the home of the chestnut blight. The disease has been found definitely in northeastern China; probably it is also present in Japan. There is no reason to doubt that it found its way to this country in the same way that the San Jose scale did, on nursery stock, and at about the same time, or perhaps somewhat later. Any system of strict inspection of imported nursery stock could have kept it out of this country, but no such system was then in use. It would probably not have been possible at that time to secure a law authorizing such inspection because of the lack of public ap- preciation of the seriousness of imported fungous and insect epi- demics. The oldest known spots of chestnut blight infection are in the neighborhood of New York City. Here again the disease could have been checked at an early date and never found its way into Penn- sylvania, but nothing of the sort was even attempted. In fact, even up to 1911, no official work was done in New York upon the disease. In 1908 Murrill* advocated cutting out all chestnut trees within half a mile of diseased trees, but this plan was never put into practice in New York. In general, the greatest conservatism has prevailed regarding the seriousness of the disease. The view that the fungus was native to America, and its great virulence due to winter injury and other temporary climatic effects upon the trees, has been strenuously advocated. The Commission from the first, however, adopted the theory of the Department of Agriculture that the disease was of foreign origin and hence to be considered in the light of a dangerous invader. This view has since been amply ^Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 9, No. 98, p. 39. (9) 10 justified. Pennsylvania was the first state to treat the epidemic seriously, but by the time the Commission was able to begin work the disease was spread over the eastern half of the State too com- pletely to make its eradication there possible. Twenty years ago such an epidemic as the present one would have attracted little attention, but now the prices of all classes of timber have been for some years increasing, and promise to continue to increase indefinitely. It is obvious that every possible care must be taken of the present forest stand; upon this point there is no longer disagreement. In Pennsylvania the chestnut is especially valuable, standing in intimate relation to many of the leading indus- tries of the State. It is distributed throughout the State, compris- ing at least one-fifth, possibly one-third, of the timber. It is naturally adapted to poor, hilly land not suited for agriculture, and will pro- duce profitable yields of extract wood, fence posts, rails, etc., in 25 to 30 years; and ties, poles, and saw timber in 40 to 50 years. Be- cause of its comparatively rapid growth, its superior ability to perpetuate itself by means of sprouts, and the great variety of its uses, the chestnut may be considered the most important forest tree in the State. The ease with which chestnut can be managed according to the principles of forestry made it, before the appear- ance of the blight, one of the principal species depended upon to solve the problem of the future timber supply of the State. On steep slopes, where (lie per cent, of chestnut is high, serious de- terioration, washing of the soil, and reduction in water supply will undoubtedly follow the destruction of the chestnut trees. The complete loss of the present commercial stand of chestnut in Pennsylvania, which, now that the Commission has ceased work, seems absolutely certain, is a calamity which will be fully realized only in the future. In matters of this kind we have obligations to the future, aside from the particular emergency in hand. This is not the last tree disease that will sweep over the State. All efforts to control this disease would be justified even if we only learned how to control the next one. Methods which may not be practicable now will be highly practicable twenty years from now on account of the steady increase which is bound to come in timber values. The mere fact that this campaign against the chestnut blight has been undertaken at all shows a great advance of thought over that of previous years. With these facts in mind, it is obvious that three courses were possible, when the extent and seriousness of the chestnut blight was first realized in Pennsylvania. First, — Do nothing. Second, — Conduct scientific investigations of the disease ■with the 11 hope of determining by laboratory methods and very small field ex- periments some method of control. Third , — Conduct scientific investigations, and at the same time immediately attack the epidemic by any and every means that seemed to afford any possibility of checking or even delaying the course of the disease. To follow the first method would have been to emulate simply the example of New York and New Jersey. The second course had many points in its favor, but it was obvious that such a course would yield no results in time to be used on the present epi- demic, though possibly of the largest ultimate value. The third course appealed to the Commission as the only one possible under existing circumstances. The greatest handicap was the extent to which the disease was already present in the State. In the eastern half of the State the disease was obviously beyond control. In the western half the best course available, and in fact the only method that has been proposed at all for control of the disease, was that of cutting out the advance infections. While this method is open to many criticisms, nothing better has been proposed even to the present time. The Commission adopted the cutting out methods advocated by the U. S. Department of Agriculture with two exceptions: (1) Spots of considerable size were cut out in some cases; that is, the cuttings were not limited to strictly advance in- fections. (2). No immune zone was established at first, although this might have been done later. The method was essentially that advocated by Murrill in 190S, except that trees were not cut to as great a distance as half a mile from the source of infection. Detailed reports of the cutting out work are appended. It is sufficient to say here that the progress of the disease in the western half of the State lias been set back five years, and west of the line extending from Bradford to Somerset counties there is little infection, and what in- fection there is dates from 1913. There is no reasonable doubt that the disease could have been kept instatu qxio indefinitely, had the work of cutting out continued. As set forth in the appended reports, the methods of cutting out have been improved, the cost determined and reduced, and winter scouting established as a practical method. These methods developed by the Commission are now in active use in the States of Virginia and West Virginia, where the campaign of eradication is being vigorously pursued. One of the most valuable results of the Commission’s work was the establishment of the fact that the wood of a blighted tree is en- tirely fit for use, and if utilized soon after the death of the tree from blight, can be disposed of in the regular way and at normal values. The Commission has advocated the cutting out of all dis- eased trees, since on account of the prejudice against blighted poles 12 and timber, and the possibility of the market becoming glutted, this is the best plan. Also the cutting of diseased trees was urged be- cause it would reduce the sources of infection. Since utilization was all that remained to be done in the eastern half of the State, the Commission secured a special reduced freight rate on blighted lum- ber, determined what demand there was in and out of the State for chestnut lumber and other chestnut products, and proceeded to bring owners and dealers together. This work had just reached the point of its highest efficiency when the Commission ceased work. As there is no longer any means of inspection and certification of diseased lumber, the reduced freight rate is no longer available. When the Commission began work but few investigations had been made of the chestnut blight, and other States, as well as the U. S. Department of Agriculture, were working on the disease with- out special funds. The Commission by its example and by its direct efforts, assisted in securing Congressional and State appropriations, and practically all of the scientific work and all of the practical work which has been done on this disease since 1910 was made pos- sible by tire efforts of this Commission. A National law was passed which requires strict inspection of all imported nursery stock and the prohibition from entry of certain classes of stock, and which makes the repetition of such an event as the importation of the chestnut blight impossible, or at least highly improbable. The work of this Commission was one of the greatest factors in bringing about the passage of this law. Not only has the work of the Commission aroused public attention throughout the Eastern States regarding this disease, but the public 1 is awakened as never before by the example of the destruction of one species to the necessity of conservation of all timber resources. In this State the Commission has carried on a liberal educational cam- paign in which it has had the hearty co-operation of the State Forestry Department, the Conservation Association, such organiza- > tions as the Boy Scouts, various lumber and trade associations, and many other organizations, institutions, and individuals. In conclusion, it seems necessary to call sharp attention to the real lesson to be learned from the chestnut blight epidemic — viz.: the necessity of more scientific research upon problems of this char- acter; to be undertaken early enough to be of some value in compre- hending. if not controlling the situation. We have seen that the ■ blight might have been kept out of the country in the first place by inspection, or once in, that it might have been destroyed, or at least checked before it had gotten widely distributed. But instead it was permitted to enter, and to spread for many years without scien- I tific notice, and for several more years without any organized at- 1 13 tempt to control it, or even to study it seriously. Are we doing any better now with reference to the future? China has been shown to be the home of the chestnut blight. China, then, would seem to be the obvious place to study it; but no path- ologists are there, and state and federal parsimony has so far failed to provide for any investigations of the disease on its home ground by American pathologists. It has been proposed to replace the chestnut in southern New Eng- land by plantings of white pine, in itself the most important eastern timber tree; but the white pine is in turn subject to a newly im- ported disease, the blister rust. It is not certain that very serious and united efforts are being made to investigate and control this i disease even in the States that introduced it. As in the case of the ■ . chestnut blight, scepticism has even been expressed as to its serious- ness. Again, it would seem that the obvious place to determine the seriousness of the blister rust was in Europe, its home; yet to date neither state nor National government has dispatched a scientist on this errand. In this connection it may not be amiss to call attention to the fact that in Pennsylvania there is, aside from the employees of this Commission, only one professional plant pathologist! Yet the preventable damage which this one plant disease — chestnut blight— has done, would pay for the work of more plant pathologists than are now at work in the entire world. The Commission closes its work with regret, knowing well that the blight will now spread over the State without hindrance. There is some satisfaction in knowing, however, that the work left undone in Pennsylvania has been actively taken up in Virginia and West Virginia, and that the States of Ohio and North Carolina are making studies preparatory to combatting the disease as soon as it appears in those States. The scientific research carried on by the Commis- | sion will be continued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. We may be certain that the war against this and other foreign epidemics will not cease until science is so far advanced in both theory and practice that they can be controlled. Very truly yours, WINTHROP SARGENT, Chairman. (14) Report of Hon. I. C. Williams Deputy Commissioner of Forestry, Collaborator 2 (15) -I (10) A common mark of the blight. Small leaves which developed in the early spring on a top recently girdled by the blight, showing midsummer condition. Withered leaves above the canker; sprouts below. A HISTORY OF THE EARLY PENNSYLVANIA EFFORT TO COMBAT THE CHESTNUT BARK DISEASE. BY HON. I. C. WILLIAMS, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF FORESTRY, COLLABORATOR, HARRISBURG, PA. Preliminary to the final report of the Chestnut Blight Commis- sion, it is thought desirable to make a statement detailing the his- tory of the chestnut bark disease in Pennsylvania so far as known, and of the efforts to combat it, leading up to the formation of the Commission under the law of 1911, and the extended work of repres- sion begun at that time. The attention of the Pennsylvania Department of Forestry was first attracted to the appearance of the chestnut bark disease in this State by a letter from Mr. Harold Peirce, of Haverford, dated July 18, 1908, reporting its presence in Lower Merion Township, Mont- gomery County, and by an article appearing in the November, 1908, number. of “Conservation,” from the pen of Dr. John Mickleborough, of Brooklyn. Subsequent correspondence with Dr. Mickleborough revealed the fact that he had been a student of the disease for over a year and* had become familiar with it in all of its ordinary aspects. To these two gentlemen, therefore, the State is primarily indebted for the subsequent efforts made to study more particularly, and to attempt to control this vicious tree disease. The facts relating to the discovery of the disease in America and its identification are pretty well known. It was first detected by Dr. Hermann W. Merkel, in the Bronx Zoological Park, New York City, in 1904, although it is almost certain that it existed in that neigh- borhood for probably more than a year prior to Dr. Merkel’s discov- ery. Referred for identification to Dr. W. A. Murrill of the New Yoi’k Botanical Garden, he published a description of it in 1906*, and by him the fungus was named Diaporthe parasitica, so called because it was believed to be the only parasitic species of the genus. The naming of the fungus has since been corrected by means of the researches of Anderson, Clinton. Farlow, Shear and Stevens, and it is now known systematically as Endothia parasitica. Some controversy has been had over the origin of the disease and the case is probably not yet settled. Dr. Clinton’s contention is and has been, that it is a native fungus, which, by means of weather eon- *See “Torreya,” Vol. 6, No. 9. (17) 18 ditions and possibly other factors, lias taken on new attributes. Dr. Metcalf, his co-worker Prof. Collins, Dr. Shear, and others believed and still maintain that it is of foreign origin, introduced into America by the importation of horticultural stock. Its first known appearance in the region of New York City and its spread in con- centric zones from that point as a centre of infection, lent much plausibility to this theory. The recent discovery made by Mr. Frank N. Meyer, of the same fungus in northeastern China, where it is parasitic on mistaneo } and where, it appears, the host trees have become rather highly resistant to its attack, leads further probabil- ity of correctness to Metcalf’s theory. Possibly a great hope for America lies in this Chinese discovery. Pathologists and foresters are anxiously looking forward to the results of experiments now being made and which will be attempted, we hope, on a much larger scale in the future. The regrettable, ever- present fact is that this disease is with us here and now, and must be reckoned with from every angle of attack. There seems to be no present diminution sufficient to warrant the belief that it is likely to wear itself out, or that our trees will become sufficiently resistant to ward off the attack prior to the destruction of the trees them- selves. Subsequent correspondence between Dr. Mickleborough and the Department of Forestry culminated in a letter from him under date of March 9, 1909, in which lie outlined a definite plan for the exami- nation of a supposedly infected territory in southeastern Pennsyl- vania, and offered his services to the Commonwealth for carrying out plans of investigation. The proposed inspection was approved by the Department on March 17. 1909, and the services of Dr. Mickle- borough thus enlisted. The first inspection visit was made by him in company with the writer, March 29, 1909, at Mt. Holly, in Cum- berland county, but where no evidence of the disease was found at that time. Prior to the beginning of this work in 1909, Dr. Mickleborough had been invited by Dr. Jane Baker, physician in charge of the Chester County Insane Hospital, to speak before an educational con- ference at Embreeville, Chester county. At this time the disease was not generally prevalent in that region, but a number of infected chestnut trees were found. The work of inspection over the southeastern portion of the State thus undertaken under the direction of the Department of Forestry, as stated above, was conducted by Dr. Mickleborough. and carried through or into almost every county east of the Susquehanna. Dur- ing the progress of this examination the chestnut blight was not found north and west of the South Mountain, although prior to this time the United States Department of Agriculture had reported the 19 existence of two spot infections in the western portion of the State, near Altoona, and a re-examination of the material relating thereto by Dr. Metcalf and his assistants, seemed to leave no doubt as to the correctness of this report. Certain it is that in May, 1909, there was no large or extended infection west of the Susquehanna. Had there been in existence at that time the means to carry on work of control along both sides of the Susquehanna River, who can tell what the result might have been, looked at in the light of our present knowledge ? The report of Dr. Mickleborough’s inspection and study was pub- lished by the Department in the autumn of 1909. This is a 16-page pamphlet illustrated by drawings showing a portion of the structural formation of the fungus, and by a Lumiere color photograph of a stem section of chestnut covered externally by the fruiting fungus. This specimen of infected chestnut wood was sent in from Pike county, in the upper Delaware valley, and was incubated and de- veloped in a moist cell in the Department of Forestry during the summer of 1909. In the early part of the study of this bark disease, it was believed that the Japanese species of Castanea was either immune or highly resistant to attack. Several specimens of Japanese chestnut were under observation on Long Island, and fairly gave rise to this belief. One grove examined near Westbury, in June, 1909, showed the Paragons and common chestnuts badly attacked. The Japanese showed no attack at all. Through the courtesy of the Hicks nursery at Westbury, forty- live young chestnut trees supposed to be Japanese, and one hundred grafting scions were sent to the chestnut orchard of Mr. Levi Wise, at Gap, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and distributed among four persons of the neighborhood for planting and testing out for im- munity. The bark disease was at that time particularly prevalent in the chestnut woods at this place. Some of the newly planted trees died from other causes, but enough of them were attacked and killed by the blight to show that these particular trees, at least, were not immune. On the 29th day of March, 1910, Dr. Mickleborough delivered a lecture on the subject of this tree disease before the Main Line Citizens’ Association at the Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. This meeting was arranged largely through the efforts’ of Mr. Peirce, who at that time was the owner of several acres of chestnut wood- land, and of which tract Dr. Mickleborough made a rather extended examination, finding the chestnut blight present in a number of trees. This discovery and the lecture delivered on the subject brought the matter prominently to the attention of the citizens of that neigh- 20 borhood, and later led to some very important developments with respect to studying and combating the disease. Following this address by Dr. Mickleborough, Mr. Peirce was in correspondence with the Department of Forestry, calling attention to the inroads being made upon the chestnut trees by this disease in the neighborhood of his residence, requesting the Department to render such help as it might be able in assisting the people to under- stand the situation better, and, if possible, to eliminate or at least attempt to control the trouble. This correspondence culminated in the calling of a meeting on May 23, 1910, at the house of Mr. Robert W. Lesley, at Haverford, which was attended by a number of the residents and land owners of the neighborhood, by Dr. -John W. Harshberger, the botanist, representing the University of Pennsyl- vania, and by the Deputy Commissioner, representing the Pennsyl- vania Department of Forestry. The preliminary arrangements for beginning an extensive survey of this region were discussed at this meeting. The Department rep- resentative made his report to the Forestry Commission at its meet- ing held on June 3, 1910. On motion of Dr. Kothrock, the Commis- sion directed that the Department render the desired help, and on the same day a letter to this effect was sent to Mr. Peirce, the sec- retary of the citizens’ meeting. On September 1, 1910, a corps of inspectors from the Department in charge of the Deputy Commis- sioner, arrived at Haverford and Ardmore, prepared to begin their work. Offices were speedily fitted up in the building of the Merion Title and Trust Company at Ardmore, and the 'first inspection of trees was made on the property of Mr. Lesley on Saturday, Septem- ber 3rd. From this date forward until December 19, 1910, the work was vigorously carried on, and a close inspection made of 296 prop- erties, covering most of the region extending from Overbrook to Paoli, and from the Schuylkill River on the north, to a considerable distance south of the Pennsylvania Railroad. A draft of each prop- erty was prepared showing the location of all chestnut trees and in- dicating those which at that time were apparently free of disease, as well as those showing the infection. Each property owner was then furnished with a copy of the report and draft relating to his own land. To show the interest taken in this work by members of the Main Line Citizens’ Association, it is necessary only to state that the work was carried on almost entirely at the expense of the associa- tion. The individual contributions for the purpose amounted to $2,707.70. During the progress of this inspection, a second public meeting was held in the auditorium of the Merion Cricket Club, at which 21 time a preliminary report was submitted and discussion had with respect to the situation as it then existed. This meeting was at- tended by a large number of ladies and gentlemen, members of the association, and much interest was shown in the progress reported. The final report of the committee of the association having the work in charge was printed and rendered to the members under date of May 8, 1912. This committee was as follows: Messrs. Harold Peirce, Chairman; Theodore N. Ely, Allan Evans, Edgar C. Felton, William Lighter Fisher, Alba B. Johnson, and Robert W. Lesley. In a letter bearing date tlie 12th day of March, 1909, addressed to the Commissioner of Forestry at Harrisburg, Dr. Mickleborough used this language. “As to remedy, the best that can be suggested by anyone at present is Control and not Extermination , for various reasons. This I think is also true of the San Jose scale.” It will thus be seen that the original idea involved in the attack on the chestnut blight in Pennsylvania was control, just as the Department of Agriculture of this State has always aimed at control of the San Jose scale, suggested in the letter just quoted. After the pre- liminary studies were completed, no one believed that extermina- tion or eradication could be accomplished with the means at hand; but it was thought then, and is still the belief of those who are most closely associated with the work, that a control is possible, and that it was much more possible then than now, after the lapse of a period of five years. During the progress of the inspection along the Main Line, it be- came apparent that more than a local effort was demanded if any sub- stantial progress were to be made towards preventing the spread of the disease. Steps were taken to enlist the active interest of the Gov- ernor and the Legislature, (then in session). On the evening of April 10, 1911, Governor Tener sent a special message to both houses of the Legislature, calling direct attention to the situation, and asking the help of the General Assembly to combat the disease. The Governor’s message was as follows: “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, “Executive Chamber, “Harrisburg, April 10, 1911. “Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealtli of Pennsylvania: “I have the honor to call your attention to a new and virulent disease of the wild chestnut tree, commonly known as chestnut blight, recently discovered near New York City, and hitherto un- known in America. The disease has continued to spread, destroying the chestnut trees in the neighborhood of New York City and well up the Hudson. It has invaded Long Island, beginning at the west- ern end, sweeping eastward, practically covering the island. It has 22 progressed to tlie southwest, through the whole of the State of New Jersey, and all the chestnut trees there appear to be doomed to de- struction. It lias entered Pennsylvania and is prevalent in the Delaware Valley. It has been discovered in the following counties: Pike, Monroe, Northampton, Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Phila- delphia, Delaware, Lancaster, and southern Berks. In isolated places it lias crossed the Susquehanna, and is now detected in eastern York, eastern Perry and one portion of southwestern Perry. Other points of infection have been found near Altoona and Greensburg. “Experiments made by the Department of Agriculture at Wash- ington demonstrate that it is possible to prevent the spread of the disease by removing spot appearances as they are detected, and de stroying the trees in which the disease occurs. By this means the region around Washington has been freed from the blight for at least two years, and it has not re-invaded this area. In the south- eastern portion of Pennsylvania, where the infection is severe and almost complete, little hope exists for saving the trees, but in that portion of the State west of the Susquehanna and north of the Blue Mountains, it is hoped, by prompt action on the part of the State, to prevent further damage. Tf this disease can be held within the southeastern portion of the State, it will mean the saving of the wild chestnut trees in the other parts of the Commonwealth, the value of which extends into the millions of dollars. “I therefore recommend that the Legislature give immediate at- tention to this important subject and that a Commission be created with sufficient power and appropriation of moneys to determine upon and employ efficient and practical means for the prevention, control, and eradication of this disease, and that said Commission be authorized, in conjunction with the Department of Forestry, or otherwise, to conduct scientific investigations into the nature and causes of such disease and to adopt such means to prevent its intro- duction and spread as may be found necessary. “JOHN K. TENER.” The next day, April 11, 1911, a bill having this purpose in view, and which had been previously carefully drawn and vigorously criticised, was simultaneously introduced in both House and Sen- ate. This bill became a law by the signature of the Governor. June 14, 1911*. The lawr creates a Commission of five members and vests ! them with almost plenary power to carry out its mandates. An appropriation of #275,000 became available at once. The appoint- ment of the members of the Commission followed after an interval of about two weeks. Organization was effected, officers and assist- ants chosen, and on August 23, 1911, the Commission was prepared to proceed with its work. While the major effort of the Commission from the beginning , was to get a control, the subject of eradication was vigorously de- ! bated, and, as will be seen in subsequent pages, determined efforts ) at eradication were undertaken under the advice and direction of :See Pamphlet Laws, 1911, page 922. 28 the Commission. The feeling was that if there be any merit in such effort, opportunity ought not to be lacking to prove it. The early announced and decisive plan involving the cutting-out method, proposed and outlined by Dr. Murrill, contributed very consider- The Murrill plan (§) was as follows: “Owners of standing chestnut timber within the affected area are advised to cut and use all trees, both old and young, that stand within half a mile of diseased trees, unless protected from infection through wind-blown spores by dense forest growth or some other natural barrier. This may not prevent the spread of the disease through the agency of storms, birds and squirrels* but it will at least retard its progress. Old weathered chestnut trunks that have been dead several years have no power to spread the disease, and these may be cut at leisure for the tannic acid factory or for fire- wood. Trees of good size recently killed should be turned into lum- ber as soon as possible; the fungus affects only the bark, but other ! fungi may afterwards impair the value of the wood if allowed to stand too long. Discarded branches and young trees of no value that are cut near the edge of the infected area should be burned at once in order to destroy the spores they contain; but if they are well within the zone of infection, such precaution is useless.” Every element in the Murrill plan has been employed both by the Commission and by the State Department of Forestry. The fact that subsequently Dr. Murrill partially shifted his ground*, did not seem sufficient reason to warrant the abandonment of a plan of at- tack which in many cases was productive of satisfactory results. The history of what work the Commission did, and of the results accomplished form the substance of several preliminary reports sub- mitted to the Governor from time to time. The final report is what follows. §W. A. Murrill: Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, Yol. 9, No. 98, p. 30. February, 1908. ♦Harrisburg Conference Report, 1912, pp. 194 , 201, 202. (24) Report of Mark A. Carleton General Manager Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission (25) i J6 ) Summer condition of a blighted tree. The withered leaves of the top above canker, and the vigorous sprouts below the canker are characteristic signs. THE FIGHT TO SAVE THE CHESTNUT TREES; FINAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER. By MARK A. CARLETON, GENERAL MANAGER, PENNSYLVANIA CHESTNUT TREE BLIGHT COMMISSION. In closing the active work of this Commission, it is a great sat- isfaction to be able to report constant progress to date, and the at- tainment of good, practical results. The work began two years ago in the midst of much skepticism as to its possibilities, but the op- timism of the Commission and the wisdom of its methods of opera- tion have in the main, been amply confirmed by the results since obtained. PROGRESS OF FIELD WORK. A more or less definite division has been maintained between the slightly infected Western portion of the State and the badly infected Eastern portion, known respectively as the Western and Eastern districts. In a previous report it was stated that in the Western part of the State the blight had been eradicated to the extent covering nearly one-half of the area of the State. This area so far as is known to date has been maintained free from the disease. In a few cases new infections were found which have been removed. It is important to note in this connection not only the fact that the progress of the disease has been checked in Western Pennsylvania, but that we have without much doubt prevented the blight from gaining a foothold in Ohio, and nearby portions of New York and West Virginia. In the Eastern District since January first of this year, the field work has developed almost entirely into a campaign of utilization, no rigid sanitation work having been conducted except for the pro- tection of chestnut orchards and nurseries. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CUTTING-OUT METHOD. In the two years work no facts have yet been obtained which would indicate the advisability of any change in our present method of “cutting out’’ diseased trees and thorough cleaning of the stumps for the eradication of the disease. A number of tracts where the disease has been eradicated by Commission employees have again been inspected recently, giving results, which are in the main, favor- able. Of course, improvements have been made as to details all (27) 28 along. It is not a pleasant prospect to consider the serious results likely to follow after this method of eradicating the disease, con- ducted by the Commission, is obliged to cease. BENEFICIAL INSECTS. It will be of interest to quote here the words of the Forest En- tomologist, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in his comment on a widely disseminated press notice of that Department, Novem- ber 22nd, 1912, apparently based on the work of F. C. Craighead. “The beneficial work of these insects can, however, be greatly encouraged if the owners of the timber will dispose of the diseased trees in the principal centers of infection, as recommended by the Chestnut Blight Commission of Pennsylvania, and other State and Federal officials. Thus, if the large majority of the infection is disposed of, the beneficial insects will concentrate on the remaining scattering and isolated infections, and thus more completely destroy the fruiting bodies and contribute to the protection of the remain- ing living trees. In fact, it is a question of the owner securing the greatest benefit from the natural agencies of control by doing his share of the work.” NURSERY INSPECTION. The inspection of nursery stock has been made even more rigid than before. Not only has it been required that every individual tree should be inspected by a competent employee of this Commis- sion, but in shipping it has been required also that every individual tree should be tagged. A copy of the revised regulations governing the inspection and shipment of nursery stock is appended to this report, which shows the form of tags required to be attached both to individual trees and to bundles of trees. The fact that several of the most serious infections in the State have been caused heretofore by the planting of diseased nursery stock in new localities is suf- ficient reason for so rigid an inspection. DISCOVERY OF. THE CHESTNUT BLIGHT IN CHINA. It has recently been proved by authentic specimens and artificial cultures of the material transmitted by the Explorer of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, that the chestnut blight exists in East- ern China." This fact makes it all the more probable that the be- ginning of the disease in this country may have come about by the ‘Science, Vol. 36, No. 937, p. 825, Dec. 13, 1912. Winter condition of a chestnut tree with a blight-girdled top. 29 introduction of such diseased stock from China or Japan. That new centers of infection are often started by the introduction of diseased nursery stock, is a common observation. PROTECTION OF ORCHARDS AND NURSERIES. It has been the policy of the Commission for sometime to protect orchards and nurseries from outside infection in all cases where the owners have expressed a desire for such protection, and have them- selves taken care to control the disease as much as possible. This work has been successful much beyond our expectations. The largest and most important orchards thus protected are located at Sunbury, Paxinos, and Berwick. The owners of neighboring forest tracts have been required to remove all diseased chestnut trees within one-half mile of the nearest point of the orchard in each case. An interesting result in one of the most important of these cases is the fact that these owners have been able to sell the products of their diseased trees for an amount considerably above the entire cost of removal, sanitation work, etc. PREVENTION OR REMEDY. At this writing no specific remedy has been found for the disease. However, later information confirms the statements previously pub- lished that the disease may be largely prevented from entering healthy trees by contant and regular spraying with Bordeaux Mix- ture made up in proportions of 5 pounds of lime, 5 pounds of copper sulphate, and 50 gallons of water. The application of this mixture simply prevents any new germination of spores, but has no effect whatever, in cases where the disease has already started in the tree. Because of the cost, it is, of course, not applicable in forests. CONTROL OP THE DISEASE IN ORCHARDS. By cutting out the cankers and coating with antiseptic solutions and water proofing afterwards, the blight can be fairly well con- trolled in chestnut orchards and in certain valuable lawn or park trees. In connection with this treatment a spray of the Bordeaux Mixture as above noted should be used occasionally. Excellent re- sults along this line of experiment are shown in a large orchard at Paxinos, and in several of the public parks of the State. 30 FAKE TREATMENTS, THEORIES OR CAUSES, ETC. As often happens in the ease of a public campaign against a serious epidemic, we have been constantly besieged by the gratui- tous offers of various and sundry remedies for the blight, which in- clude applications of fertilizers to the soil, insertions of flowers of sulphur and other compounds in holes bored in the trees, applica- tions of coatings of different chemicals to the body of the tree, and numerous other treatments, all of which we believed in the beginning to have no value. However, all parties having theories to advance or remedies to propose have been given a chance to prove their claims by experimenting on trees controlled by the Commission for such i purposes at Emilie, Bucks county. A number of parties have taken advantage of the opportunity. Recently, an examination was made of the various treatments by a competent Board of Reviewers, whose con- clusion was that not one of the treatments tried had any deterrent effect upon the chestnut blight. Many of the persons above mentioned were apparently sincere in the claims they made, and were simply ignorant of the true cause of the disease. Instances have come to our attention, however, of parties practicing certain methods of treatment and charging for the same, who are plainly impostors. Employees of the Commission! have no doubt benefited many people by exposing the methods of these impostors. EXAMINATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL TREES. Excellent opportunities have been afforded the tree surgeon of the Commission and his assistants to counteract the influence of false theories and worthless remedies such as above mentioned, in responding to the numerous requests for the examination of indi- vidual trees. These requests have continued to come to the Commis- sion headquarters right up to the time of closing our work. No other line of work has been so effective in arousing the personal in- terests of the people. No request from any part of the State has been ignored. In this connection much incidental advice has been' given to property owners as to the general handling of lawns and orchards, and the management of small woodlots. PUBLIC PARKS AND FARMS. In co-operation with the officials of Wildwood Park, at Harris- burg, the Commission has completely eradicated the blight from that Park, about 150 diseased chestnut trees having been removed 01 31 treated out of a total of 1,290 trees. Here in a few cases the peeled stumps were ereosoted to show’ that method of sanitation. Consid- erable help has also been given to the management of Fairmount Park. Arrangements have also been made for the entire removal of blighted chestnut trees from the State Live Stock Board’s Farm, in Delaware County. In the event of the continuation of our wrnrk, it wras also planned to eradicate the blight thoroughly from the Valley Forge Park grounds. BLIGHT-EATING BEETLES. It has been announced by the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, that several species of beetles have been found eating the spores of the blight fungus, and it is stated that “should these insects prove as beneficial as the observations indicate, they are certain to be an important factor in the natural control of the dreaded chestnut blight disease.” It is worthy of note in this con- nection that the insect investigations of this Commission have shown ; that a number of insects also carry large quantities of blight spores, i and may thus indirectly assist in the dissemination of the blight. One of these insects w7hich was found to carry an enormous number of I spores is one of the beetles above mentioned as eating the fungus. CORDWOOD AND THE SPECIAL TARIFF. Since writing the last report, there has been a considerable ship- ment of chestnut cordwood, shippers taking advantage of the special tariff issued by the Pennsylvania Railroad. At last accounts the ; prospects were that there wrould be much business in this line right along in the future, being encouraged by the special low7 rates. PROMPTNESS IN UTILIZING CHESTNUT. Observations made by Commission employees in company with com- mercial lumbermen have showm that already in certain localities, dis- eased chestnut has been dead so long that deterioration is beginning. We have, therefore, made it plain to owners of such chestnut and have | advertised the fact as much as possible, that promptness is necessary in getting rid of the diseased trees, if the owners wash to obtain the most value possible from the trees. INTENSIVE LOCAL UTILIZATION. Our most difficult line of wTork has been that of utilization. Facts as to the conditions could easily be obtained, but the difficulty has been in bringing the buyer and seller together. Recently a plan was 3 32 adopted, which if we would be able to continue its operation, would without question, hasten very rapidly the utilization work. This plan, the details of which are given elsewhere, is to canvass particular localities thoroughly, finding out just what can be offered in the way of different chestnut products, ascertaining the local market for the same, and then determining so far as possible, where else the surplus may be marketed. In connection with the carrying out of this plan, up to this writing as many as a dozen portable saw mills have been located in one county, and in other localities many prac- tical operations had already been started, thus tending to rapid and clean cut work in utilizing blighted chestnut. RESISTANCE AND IMMUNITY. The discovery of the chestnut blight in China makes it now all the more probable that resistant chestnut stocks may be obtained in that country. It was, therefore, a wise movement last fall when we took advantage of the opportunity to obtain a considerable amount of seed of what is probably the most important chestnut in Eastern China. A large quantity of the nuts were planted at Paxinos, and the seedlings at this date which are from six to fifteen inches high, are looking well. From the nuts sent also to the State Forest Nursery at Greenwood, 75 seedlings are at present growing, and from those sent to Asaph, Pa., there are now 182 plants, averaging ten inches in height. All of these seed- lings will be of much value in cross-breeding and other ways in the important future work of developing blight resistant orchard trees. In this connection it should be noted that in a recent bulletin is- sued from the Arnold Arboretum a considerable discussion is given of the possibilities in developing blight resistant chestnut trees from Chinese introductions, a number of the latter now being grown at the Arboretum. The two mentioned as the most important in- clude the one of which we now have seedlings. So far these Chinese chestnuts grown at the Arboretum have not become blighted. According to the Kew Index, there are seven species of chestnut and twenty-one of the chinquapin in the world. From all these species there should be many other chances of obtaining blight resistant trees that may be used in breeding and making our own stock better. CHESTNUT BLIGHT EXHIBITS. Several exhibits of specimens showing the work of this Commis- sion have been placed in public institutions which will remain as monuments of our work. An excellent exhibit has been placed at 33 the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh. Another has been finally completed in the State Museum at Harrisburg, and a third one at the Commercial Museum in Philadelphia is not yet finished, but has been planned on rather a large scale. It was contemplated also to place another exhibit in the Everhart Museum at Scranton, which may yet be done. An excellent exhibition of specimens and illustrations of our work was made in connection with the State Forestry Exhibition at Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia, in May. PUBLICATIONS. When this final manuscript is published, there will have been is- sued the following publications of this Commission: Report of The Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference. (Un- numbered) . Bulletin No. 1 — The Chestnut Blight Disease. Bulletin No. 2 — Treatment of Ornamental Chestnut Trees Af- fected with the Blight Disease. Report of the Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, July 1st to December 31st, 1912. (Unnumbered). Bulletin No. 3 — Field Studies in Blight. Bulletin No. I — Chestnut Blight Fungus and a Related Sapro- phyte. Bulletin No. 5 — The Symptoms of Chestnut Tree Blight and a Brief Description of the Blight Fungus. Bulletin No. 6 — The Chestnut Tree. Methods and Specifications for the Utilization of Blighted Chestnut. Bulletin No. 7 — Morphology and Life History of the Chestnut Blight Fungus. Final Report of the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Numerous descriptive and educational circulars, charts, etc. CO-OPERATION. Very effective co-operation has continued to be maintained with the Office of Forest Pathology, of the U. S. Bureau of Plant In- dustry. Recently the salaries of all pathologists connected with the Commission have been carried by that office, and there has been constant communication and co-operation in reference to all re- search work. Much excellent help has continually been given by the State For- estry Department at Harrisburg, the Deputy Commissioner, Hon. I. C. Williams, being assigned as a collaborator with tliis Commission. The authorities of the University of Pennsylvania have been ex- ceedingly courteous in granting ample space for laboratory work 34 in the new Zoology Building. Room has also been given for labora- tory work in tree medication in the Botanical Building. Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster, and the State College of Penn- sylvania, have also provided room for laboratory work in the field investigations. There has been a liberal interchange of ideas and helpful sug- gestions through correspondence with the State Conservation Com- mission at Albany, N. Y., the State Forester and State Pathologist of New Jersey, the State Forester of Maryland and of Massachusetts, and with officials in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. MUCH IMPORTANT WORK UNFINISHED. The cessation of the work at this time is particularly unfortunate because so many important investigations, not yet finished, would likely have had a very practical and beneficial bearing upon the actual eradication of the disease. First. — Very little is known about the bast miner — the insect which, as stated in another place, is probably one of the most im- portant carriers of blight spores. A full knowledge of the life history of this insect would probably very soon have been com- pleted, and which would be a most interesting contribution to sci- ence*. Second. — The Chemist and Physiologist in tree medication had planned to use a new solution for injection into diseased trees, which according to chemical work already done, promises to check the growth of the blight. Third. — The local intensive work in utilization had just begun, and as stated elsewhere, bids fair to solve largely the difficult problem of utilizing rapidly the diseased chestnut. Fourth.- — The discovery of the blight in China and the posses- sion by the Commission of a large number of seedlings of one of the most important Chinese chestnuts, as well as immune and re- sistant Japanese stock, opens a field for breeding experiments which would without question have been of the greatest benefit to the owners of chestnut orchards. Fifth. — Although not demonstrated before, it is now proved that birds and insects carry enormous quantities of spores of the blight fungus, which necessarily changes our viewpoint considerably with respect to the eradication of the disease. Sixth. — In a number of forest tracts and several orchards, thor- ough “cutting-out” work and up-to-date surgery treatments have ♦Since writing the above, this work has already been finished, as stated in footnote on page 46. 35 been started by expert employees of the Commission, which are just now beginning to show evidences of the value of this kind of work. Brief statements of the results of the different lines of work con- ducted by the Commission follow, credited to the respective parties in charge. FIELD OPERATIONS. As heretofore, all field work has been conducted under the im- mediate direction of the General Superintendent, Mr. S. B. Det- wiler. In the following statements some of the principal features of the work to date are pointed out by him, and also suggestions given to timber owners who may wish to clear their woods of blight on their own responsibility. A statement in detail of the effective- ness of sanitation cutting in controlling the blight, by Mr. Detwiler, is appended to this report. REDUCTION OF FORCE. A majority of the field agents of the Commission were dismissed in January, 1913, because it was believed that very little work could be done during the inclement months of winter and spring. However, the unusually open winter made it possible for the small field force retained to accomplish more for the time and money ex- pended than at any previous time since our work was organized. An average force of 36 men in the western district and 11 men in the eastern district were in the field from the first of the year to July 25th, 1913, when all field work was discontinued. BETTER WORK IN WINTER. The experience of the past two years has demonstrated that more can be accomplished in locating and destroying the blight after the leaves have fallen than while the trees are in full foliage. Girdled twigs and branches bearing withered leaves are prominent at great distances in winter, and the increased amount of light admitted through the tops of the trees makes it easier to see cankers on the trunks and branches. The proper treatment of the infected trees is no more difficult in winter than in late summer or fall, unless the snow is very deep. In the badly blighted region in the eastern part of the State, field men are able to accomplish better results because most timber owners prefer to cut their timber in the win fer, when they can spare the time from their farming operations. 36 FIELD WORK IN THE WESTERN DISTRICT. Thorough scouting iu 1912 has shown that no blight exists west of a line drawn through central Somerset and Cambria counties, along the extreme eastern border of Cameron County, to the north- east corner of Tioga County. West of this line, nine isolated spot infections were found in six counties, but all of these infections were eradicated as soon as found, and have been under careful sur- veillance since. These infected spots were located in Fayette, Elk. Warren, Potter, Clarion and Indiana counties, and five out of the nine spots were found to he due to the planting of diseased nursery stock purchased from nurseries in the infected region. In April, 1913, the infection in Indiana County was discovered in a shipment of three chestnut trees purchased from a nursery in New Jersey. These examples show very strikingly the ease with which the blight is widely distributed through the shipment of nursery stock. Per- sons who have planted nursery grown chestnut trees in regions free from the blight, should watch these trees carefully for the first ap- pearance of the disease, and promptly destroy all infected trees. Field work in the Western District during the period covered by this report has been confined to Tioga, Clinton, Lycoming, Centre. Huntingdon, Blair, Bedford, and Somerset counties. Tioga, Clin- ton, Centre, and Blair counties have been scouted and most of the diseased trees removed, but a considerable amount of infection still remains in Lycoming, Huntingdon, Bedford, and Somerset counties. In addition, Fulton and Mifflin counties still have a large amount of infection remaining, siuc-e with the small field force it was im- possible to continue the work in these counties. The accompanying map shows the progress of the control work in the Western District, and the location of infected areas. The following tabulation is a statement of the number of infected trees found and cut out in the Western District from the time the work was begun until July 1st, 1913: Map showing spot infection in the western half of Pennsylvania to July 1, 1913, indicated by circles. Figures inside the circles indicate the number of diseased trees found in each locality. Inspection in eastern half of the State is generalized from the best information available. 37 STATEMENT OF CHESTNUT BLIGHT INFECTION IN THE WESTEBN DISTRICT. County. Number of tracts on which infection was found. Total number of infected trees found. ■ Total number of infected 1 trees removed. 1 147 4,027 2,787 91 1,048 829 225 1,884 1,680 142 1,763 169 3,481 2,' 704 9 117 117 1 1 1 9 450 450 6 377 377 Fayette, 2 11 11 80 1,902 800 Forest 233 5,287 4,771 1 1 1 259 5,015 4,486 Mifflin 95 1,976 i,46S 1 1 1 92 9,110 S,093 22 207 207 12 43 43 3 16 16 1,609 37,510 30,705 38 A HARMLESS SAPROPHYTE. Persons familiar with the appearance of the chestnut blight fungus may easily confuse it with another fungus found in Wash- ington, Greene, and Fayette counties. This fungus ( Endotkia radicalis Schw.), (Denot.) is related to the blight fungus (Endothia parasitica (Murr.) (And.), hut is found only on dead wood and bark and does not attack living tissues. It lias been thoroughly studied by the field pathologist, since at first it was feared that it might have parasitic tendencies. Continued investigation proves beyond doubt that this fungus is a harmless saprophyte which need not be feared. It need not be confused with the parasitic species by those who have the opportunity to compare them. FIELD WORK IK THE EASTERN DISTRICT. Field work in the Eastern District has been conducted mainly on the plan outlined in the previous report. Inspections were made on the request of timber owners and advice given as to the best method of procedure in each case. Particular attention was given to assisting owners of blighted chestnut in finding the best markets for the products. On the request of owners desiring to take ad- vantage of the reduced freight rates on blighted chestnut cordwood, inspections were made and necessary certificates issued. Super- vision of enforced cutting of all blighted chestnut trees within a half mile of chestnut orchards in which the owners are endeavoring to keep the disease under control, was continued. As the evidences of the blight become more noticeable and the seriousness of the situation forces attention, owners of chestnut timber in eastern Pennsylvania have shown an increasing interest in the work of controlling the blight, and more requests for assist- ance were received than could be given individual attention. For the guidance of owners who wished to clean their woods of blight, either by doing the work themselves or having it done by contract, the following suggestions were made by the Office of Utilization. These suggestions are for use in eastern Pennsylvania only, where the blight is general. SUGGESTIONS FOR TIMBER OWNERS. 1. It is always advisable in cutting blighted chestnut to clean up the ground thoroughly and burn all infected material, for the sake of the future crop and the community as a whole. Even if financial reasons make it impossible to treat the stumps properly, the brusb Cutting out 39 and refuse should be burned, and all merchantable material re- moved from the tract within a reasonable period. Where the per- centage of blight is very high, it is advisable to cut all the chestnut trees rather than attempt to remove only the diseased trees. 2. Stumps should not be cut higher than the diameter of the tree, but this may be impracticable in sprout growth timber. A low stump saves the best end of the log, and causes the succeeding generation of sprouts to be firmly rooted. 3. Where practicable, all timber should be peeled. Poles, ties, posts and rails, should be skidded to one or more convenient places. The bark and chips collected at these points should be burned, since this refuse is very frequently the breeding place of the blight fungus. 4. It is advisable to remove all bark from the stumps down to the mineral soil, to prevent the further spread of the disease by its growth on this bark. Unpeeled stumps, even if free from blight at the time the tree is felled, are very apt to become infected, and the disease will then eventually destroy the sprouts at the base. Stumps of trees cut in winter while the bark is “tight” may be left until spring, and peeled when the sap is ascending. Stumps made in sum- mer should be peeled at once. 5. All chestnut refuse, including the brush from the tops, bark from stumps, chips, etc., should be collected and burned at as early a time as may be done with safety from tire. Green tops of trees felled in summer can be burned immediately by close piling over a well-started tire. The danger of infecting the sprouts from the stump is lessened if the fire be made over the stump after peeling. Stumps can be more cheaply sterilized, however, by painting them with creosote, and creosote also appears to be absolutely effective in keeping the stump free from infection, whereas a fire seldom chars the base of the stump sufficiently. 6. Woodsmen, while cutting and removing chestnut, should do as little injury as possible to the remaining trees, whether large or small. Wdien the work is done by contract, trees carelessly broken in felling chestnut should be paid for at their market value. Mer- chantable chestnut left in the woods, either cut or uncut, when con- tracts call for the removal of all of the same, should be paid for at its market value. 7. Great care should be exercised in burning material so as not to injure other trees, or allow fires to remain unwatched in the woods. Forest fires may result, causing much damage. Burning should not be done when the woods are very dry, or a high wind is blowing. 40 LOCAL INTENSIVE FIELD WORK. Early in the spring a more extensive plan of field work in the southeastern portion of the State was adopted. A locality was se- lected where the blight is beyond control, and immediate utilization necessary to avoid serious financial loss. The boundaries of the area selected were so made that the timber in all of the woodlots in the area could be handled in much the same way as though the woodlots comprised a single tract. A map showing the exact loca- tion of all of the woodlots was made, and a field agent detailed to estimate merchantable chestnut in the form of saw logs, poles, ties, posts and cordwood in each woodlot. The local market for these products was then ascertained, to determine whether all timber on the area could be best sold locally on in outside markets. At the same time the field agent interested the owners of the woodlots in the prompt removal and utilization of their chestnut trees before greater loss was occasioned by the blight. Usually the owner of a considerable quantity of blighted trees is anxious to follow this course, but the scarcity of competent woodsmen makes it difficult or impossible. In such cases, the Office of Utilization presented the data obtained by the field agent to operators of portable saw mills, stave mills, pole or tie cutters, as the facts warranted, and as many \ buyers as possible were interested in locating on the area. So far as there was time to test this plan, it appears that this is the cheap- est and most effective way of getting results in the eastern district, I since what is desired is to get cutting started on a sane and profit- able basis, and this a mere general method of work usually fails to accomplish. Success or failure depends on whether or not buyer and seller can be brought together on a satisfactory basis. The work must be profitable to both owner and dealer. A competent and well-informed field agent can work out a comprehensive plan for disposing of all the merchantable chestnut in a commmunitv. Through his knowledge of prices, rates, specifications, sanitation measures, etc., he is the means of saving timber owners from much of the loss occasioned by the blight. / I DISEASE INVESTIGATIONS AND NURSERY INSPECTION. As before reported, the investigation of the blight fungus aud the nursery inspection work are under the direction of Dr. F. D. Heald. Mr. P. J. Anderson has given special attention to certain field investigations, including the work at Charter Oak. State- ments of some of the principal features of the work here follow: Hlijfht Infected District in Junintu County, 41 GERMINATION OF SPORES. Pycnospores of the blight fungus, sometimes called summer spores, germinate much more slowly than the ascospores, or so- called winter spores. The type of growth and size of colonies are different in the early stages of development on culture media. PRODUCTION OF PYCNOSPORES IN WINTER, In the case of this fungus the term “summer spores” is very mis- leading, as these spores are produced at all times of the year, being washed down in large numbers from blight cankers following each winter rain. BIRDS DISSEMINATE THE FUNGUS. Careful experiments show that birds act as carriers of spores of the blight fungus. Thirty-six birds belonging to nine different species have been tested. Nineteen were found to carry pycnospores, the maximum number obtained from a single bird, (Downy wood- pecker), being 757,074. The highest number was always obtained from birds shot a few days after a rain period. “SHOOTING” OF ASCOSPORES. The ascospores are expelled forcibly, but this expulsion depends upon temperature as well as moisture. No expulsion took place in the field from November 26tb, 1912, to March 21st, 1913, the tem- perature during tire winter rains being too low. Bark containing ascospore pustules has continued to expel ascospores for over six months, (in the laboratory). EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE. Pycnospores are easily killed by heat, (51°C). Ascospores are slightly more resistant, only a few being able to survive 57°C. RESISTANCE OF PYCNOSPORES. Pycnospores are easily killed under certain conditions, but can survive in considerable numbers under certain other circumstances. Their length of life in water depends to some exteut upon the tem- perature. Thirty-three per cent, survived in water at 55°C, after 42 42 days. A large percentage can survive freezing for a consider- able period. They are washed down to the ground from blight cankers, during every rain, and have never been found to disap- pear entirely from the soil during the longest periods between rains. As many as 12 per cent, of those originally present in a soil sample have survived drying for 63 days. The longevity of the pycnospores is greater in the “spore horn” stage than when they are separated by rains and then dried. They have been killed in twenty-four hours by drying in certain tests, while the act of drying alone is gen- erally responsible for the death of 50-60 per cent. EFFECT OF DRYING ON ASCOSPORES. Ascospores when shot on to glass slides have been reported as being very resistant to drying. In nature they are generally sepa- rated and washed by the rains. Laboratory tests under such con- ditions indicate that they are very sensitive to dessiccation. Dry- ing alone has been found to kill as many as 94 per cent, in certain tests. I ENTRANCE OF BLIGHT IN GALLS. A small gall on the chestnut due to a lepidopterous insect (moth) has been found to be one of the places of entrance of the blight fungus. Twenty-eight per cent, of those tested showed young blight infections. INSECTS AS CARRIERS OF THE DISEASE. Insects may act as carriers of the spores of the blight fungus. Of a total of 75 tested, many were found to be carrying spores. The maximum number of spores of the blight fungus (336.900). was ob- tained from a small beetle, ( Leptostylus maculata), which has been mentioned as a possible beneficial agent on account of its pustule- eating habits. OTHER DISEASES OF THE CHESTNUT. There is another “canker disease” of the chestnut prevalent in (he State which is entirely distinct from the blight. It is even more important as a disease of oaks than chestnut, and is known to oc- cur on chestnut oak, red oak, aiid white oak. A dieback of the chestnut is not uncommon. Still another fungus appears to be as- sociated with this trouble. A tip blight of the chestnut has also been found, and in connection with it, a third species of fungus. 43 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS. A field laboratory has all along been maintained at Charter Oak, and much of the outdoor inoculation work and other experiments have been conducted in that vicinity. Experiments have been con- ducted here on the rate of growth of blight cankers, details of which are tabulated in another manuscript, submitted for a bulletin. It is sufficient to say here that the retarding influence of the winter season is shown by these experiments. On the other hand, the cankers have continued to spread even in the winter, though the growth is much more rapid in the summer months. Inoculations have been made both with ascospores and with pycnospores during every month of the last year. No cankers have appeared as yet from winter inoculations. Other species of trees besides chestnut have been inoculated with the blight fungus in larger numbers than last year, special atten- tion being given to the oaks. As yet there is no evidence that the blight fungus will establish parasitic relation with any other host, although occasionally a canker will be produced. Careful tree surgery experiments have been conducted at Charter Oak, and to date only three cases are reported in which the canker continued to spread after cutting out and treatment. NURSERY INSPECTION. The office records give the following information in regard to each nursery inspection: — date, name and location of nursery, num- ber of trees inspected, number of trees rejected, fungicides used for dipping the stock, name and location of purchaser of stock. The nurseries from which chestnut stock was shipped during the fall of 1912 and spring of 1913, are as follows: — C. K. Sober, Paxi- nos, Pa.; Hoopes Bros. & Thomas, West Chester, Pa.; Lovett Nursery, Emilie, Pa. ; Rakestraw & Pyle, Kennett Square, Pa. ; Morris Nursery, West Chester, Pa.; Cheltenham Nursery, Oak Lane, Pa.; Jos. Moore, Montoursville, Pa.; S. L. Cummings & Co., Dewart, Pa., and Marietta Nursery, Marietta, Pa. In the fall of 1912, 6,538 trees were inspected. Of these 81 were rejected, and the remainder 6,457, distributed. In the spring of this year 5,305 trees were inspected, of which 195 were rejected and the remainder 5,110 distributed. The trees rejected were either in- fected with chestnut blight, or showed doubtful incipient infec- tions. In case of doubt the inspectors were instructed to reject the tree. The number of rejected trees, however, is no indication of 44 the percentage of blight in any nursery, since many diseased trees are removed from the nurseries previous to the time of making ship- ments, and only those thought to be healthy trees are offered for in- spection. Probably the greater portion of the trees went to purchasers in either Pennsylvania or New York. In case of re-distribution by other dealers, however, the final destination of the stock is not known. According to available records, the trees were sold to purchasers in the following States. — California, Colorado, Con- necticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio. Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. INSECT INVESTIGATIONS. The investigations to determine what part, if any, insects take in the transmission of the chestnut blight have been continued under the immediate direction of Prof. A. G. Euggles. A number of interesting facts have been determined, but several important studies were just well under way when the work was suspended. The relation of insects to blight dissemination comes under three headings; first, insects that carry the spores of the fungus and actually start new infections at the time: second, insects that carry the spores but do not directly start infections; and third, insects that make wounds in which infection readily takes place through spores carried by some other agency. INSECTS CAUSING DIRECT INFECTION. To the present time very little definite data have been obtained on tli is point, but the longer the subject is studied, the more prob- able it appears that ordinary insects traveling over a tree, although they may carry hundreds of spores on their bodies, do not directly start new infections. INSECTS CARRYING SPORES BUT CAUSING NO DIRECT INFECTION. Ants were allowed to run over cankers showing pyenidial pus- tules or “spore horns,” and also cankers where ascospores were shooting, and then placed in flasks of sterile water and washed 45 from two to twenty-four hours. Plate cultures made from this ma- terial showed in many instances the presence of blight spores on the bodies of the ants. In the same way it was determined that other insects to the number of about twenty species also carry the spores of chestnut blight. The number of spores carried in each instance varied from a very few to the enormous number of 336,900. The particular insect, (Leptostylus maculata) , carrying the 336,900 spores mentioned, is one of the beetles named in a recent press no- tice of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, as being very active in eating spores of the blight fungus. Therefore this beetle while destroying spores of the blight is at the same time covering its body with thousands of other chestnut blight spores which it carries from tree to tree, making it probably an injurious insect, instead of a beneficial one in this respect. INSECTS MAKING WOUNDS IN TREES THUS OPENING THE WAY FOR INFECTION. This is probably the most serious way in which insects are re- lated to blight dissemination. Among the most serious of wound making insects are the seventeen-year cicadas, tree-hoppers, bark borers, and bast miners. Of these only two have been studied closely, — the cicadas and the bast miners. CICADA STINGS. In 1911 there was a brood of seventeen-year cicadas in several counties in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. The relations that these stings bore to blight infection have been studied near Lehigh - fon. Many counts were made on trees and sprouts. While only 4.3 per cent, to 10.4 per cent, of all stings were found to be infected with chestnut blight, from 86 per cent, to 93.8 per cent, of all infec- tions were in stings. This cicada injury was studied where the blight seemed most abundant. In the same tract where blight was less prevalent, oilier counts were made with less striking results. These observations would seem to show that blight infection is in- fluenced considerably by the number of wounds made, but that infection many times does not take place through a wound although seemingly appropriate openings for catching blight may be present. THE BAST MINER, The work of the bast miner was first called to our attention by Mr. S. B. Detwiler. It is believed to be the most important insect causing wounds in the chestnut. Experiments and studies up to the pres- 46 ent time make it probable that the bast miner is responsible for much blight infection. To understand thoroughly the relationship of this insect to the blight fungus, the life history has to be known. Much time has been spent upon this subject, but unfortunately to date, the work has not been completed.* The injurious period of its life history has been obtained, but the period that would have to do with its suppression, namely the adult period and time of egg laying, has not been discovered. LARVAL EXIT HOLES AS POINTS OF INFECTION. Hundreds of sticks of smooth bark trees of chestnut were ex- amined during the past winter and spring to determine the num- ber and nature of the larval exit holes of the bast miner. Every piece a foot long and over two inches in diameter had bast miner 1 burrows present. The lowest number for a linear foot was one bur- row while the highest was fifteen. The number of exit holes for a small tree, therefore, would vary from ten to one hundred and j fifty. In one acre of chestnut trees the number of these exit holes would be enormous. In the light of what we now know, recent j observations show that 50 per cent, of this class of infections origi- j nated in bast miner exit holes* CROTCH INFECTIONS. Many infections are known to start around crotches, and we ; speak of them as crotch infections. The eggs of the bast miner are i laid near crotches and the newly hatched larvas may make entrance | holes sufficiently large to allow spores of blight to enter. Here i again the bast miner may be responsible, and if such proves to be a fact, this insect would be the indirect cause of 90 per cent, instead of 50 per cent, of the infection on smooth bark trees. All other in- I sects mentioned as making wounds, with perhaps the exception of the tree hoppers, are local or else the number of wounds is not ap- j preciable; but in the case of the bast miner, the insect is found wherever the chestnut grows. EXPERIMENTS WITH ANTS. Ants being found so commonly around blight cankers on chestnut trees, it has been claimed that in some instances they are respon- sible for as much as 90 per cent, of blight dissemination. To ob- *Since writing the above, Prof. Ruggles has produced the mature insect in breeding experiments and has thus completed our knowledge of its lifp history, opooHoeiioHNcoMOMOLO Second Inspection. December, 1912, December, 1912 December, 1912, December, 1912 December, 1912 March, 1913 April, 1913 November, 1912,* Mav. 1913 * April. 1913,* December, 1912, t December. 1912 April, 1913, t December. 1912, March, 1913,* March, 1913,* April, 1913 December, 1912, March, 1913, t December. 1912 December, 1912, May, 191 3, t April, 1913, f March, 19134 March, 19134 December, 1912,* December, 1912, December, 1912,$ April, 1913 March, 19134 •paAoraaj saaj$ pa^oajoi jo aaqoin^ T-IrHl-Hi— iT-tT— li— lC\|C\JCOCOCOCOTt<-<£><£>C~C-C~r-C~<2iT-HrH 1 I August, 1912,* August, 1912,* June, 1912,* i July, 1912,* April, 1912,* November, 1912* October, 1912,* January, 1912, t Jnlv. 1912 * June, 1912,* June, 1912.J Amriist. 1912 * July. 1912,* April, 1912, t May, 1912,* June, 1912,* July, 1912,* July, 1912, * June, 1912, t .Tnlv 1912 * July, 1912,f April, 1912,$ July, 1912,* April, 19124 August, 1912,* July, 1912,* September, 1912,* June, 1912, f October, 1912,* July, 1912,* County. Blair Blair, Blair Blair, Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Warren Huntingdon, TCllr Elk! Clearfield Blnip Blair Blair Blair Blair Warren, Blair Blair, Rio ir Blair,' Huntingdon, Blair, Blair Blair Clearfield Clearfield, Clearfield, Warren, Blair, •jaqmno $dbjj, TABLE V. Results Obtained in Two Years, in Cutting Out 35 Advanced Spot Infections of Chestnut Blight. Continued. 84 (•tSpjBiC) jajuao mo.ij uoijDaj -at jsaqjanj jo aaaejSTa •noijoaj -ui jsapjo jo aSi2 aiq^qojj •sjno.ids pajoajai qjiAi sdainjs pajBajj jo jaqain^ •saaaj pejoejui jo jdqmn& •sjnoads pajaajui qjiAY sdranjs pajnaaj jo jaqrans^ •pOAOOIDJ S98.1J pajoajai jo aaquin^ NffiHOft •jaqrana jdtjjx nm mm OC5H«CS d 144 gg.-Ss - .S.CJ.S S&Sls SKSiSSi «ii G t>.+j Cr *ri § = r= = £&*£ £.2,2.23 ssoss Sn"Sn 2 .S ?!= M Hi- *p- ■g"! c = 3 s;i S lr[ 5-8 ? >■>. IS | ||g || = "sc 5 HI RESULTS OBTAINED IN CUTTING OUT 8 LARGE SPOT INFECTIONS OF CHESTNUT BLIGHT. 85 86 NOTES OF RE-INSPECTION. Over 60 spot infections located on the western advance line were examined between August, 1913, and February, 1914. The spots were located in 7 counties on the extreme western advance line of the disease, and also some distance back of this line. The cutting out had been done by practically as many owners as there were spots, under supervision of various field men, so that the condi- tions were averaged in every way. The point which was brought out most prominently by the re-examination was the fact that where the stumps were well peeled and thoroughly charred and where the tops and refuse were well cleaned up and burned, and the merchantable material promptly removed from the vicinity of the spot infection, there was no reinfection of the stumps or sprouts of the treated trees. Where the work was carelessly done, there was more or less reinfection. However, there were exceptions in both cases. In some cases where the work was done only fairly well or even poorly, there was less infection than might naturally be expected. In some other cases where the work was done as well as it can be expected under field conditions, there was a consider- able reinfection. This variation is probably explained by other fac- tors which undoubtedly enter into the effectiveness of sanitation cutting. Probably the age of the original infection center is one factor governing the number of new infections which appear after the first cutting out. If the original infection is still so young iliat there is a comparatively small canker, or if the condition of the growth has been unfavorable for the production of ascospores, a small amount of new infection may be expected, since the wind apparently distributes most of the infection to the surrounding trees. On the other hand, if the diseased area of bark at the center of an infection is large and has produced a great number of peri- thecia, and the climatic conditions have been favorable for the ejection of ascospores, a large number of incipient infections are very apt to be left in the surrounding trees at the time of the first removal cutting. Just how long after cutting it takes these incipient infections to develop so that they can be detected in scouting depends on a number of conditions, such as the location of the diseased area on the tree and the height above ground where infection occurs, size of the tree, season of the year and climatic conditions following the occurrence of infection, location of the spot infection relative to topography, etc. Probably the most important factor govern- ing the number of new infections after a removal cutting is the character and quality of the man who scouted the area. Certain Healthy sprouts growing around a burned stump. 87 men have much better scouting ability than others, and in some of the spots examined, at least, this factor alone is sufficient to account largely for the conditions found on reinspection. However, even the best scout cannot detect small twig infections in the tops of tall trees before they have girdled the twigs, and it is frequently very easy to miss well developed cankers either at the base of large trees when no fruiting bodies have been produced, or on the upper trunks of tall trees before the tops have been girdled. It was very noticeable that new infections appearing in a spot where the original infection had been properly removed were al- most always within a short distance of the original infection. Prob- ably half of the new infections found, even after the second inspec- tion, were on trees that grew on the same stump or in the same tree group as. an original infected tree, and 90 per cent, of the newly infected trees were so close that their tops interlocked or were di- rectly exposed to the tops of the previously infected trees. The ac- companving diagram illustrates the characteristic manner in which new infection appears. In several cases the farthest infection as noted in the tabulated data was an old infection which was missed at the time of the first inspection, and which really constituted a separated spot infection. Blight spots in northern Pennsylvania seem to be smaller, more widely scattered, and to spread less rapidly from the center than spots in the southern part of the State. One reason for this may be that there is, as a rule, a much lower percentage of chestnut in the forest and the chestnut appears to be sounder and in better health than much of the chestnut in the southern part of the State. Further south along the advance line, greater injury is noticed on young trees from the bast miner; damage from ice storms and hail storms also appears to be greater. Another possible factor is that the climate is warmer, and favorable to the copious formation and ejection of ascospores over a longer period than in the northern part of the State. Another possible factor is differences in topo- graphy which favor the carrying of spores long distances along reg- ular “air lanes.” This may be the explanation for long chains of spot infections which occur along the lower edges of timber of the long, forested ridges, and on benches half way up mountain sides. Tli is is put forth merely as a suggestion and not as a fact, although there is some evidence to warrant a hypothesis of this kind. The results of the investigation show clearly that the chestnut trees immediately within aud adjoiniug a spot infection (say 25 feet beyond the outermost infected trees), should be cut out and the stumps sterilized whether the trees appear to be infected at the time the cutting is done, or not (.Fig. 4). The investigation 88 proves that these trees in the majority of cases will become infected later on, and it means extra expense and less effective control to wait until the infection appears. In very small spot infections or even those of considerable size, it is believed that such treatment will avoid a recurrence of the blight in the majority of cases. How- ever, to cut out these apparently healthy trees is not sufficient; the sanitation work must be done as thoroughly as if the trees were dis- eased. Even though the merchantable portions are taken out of the woods and the tops burned, the unpeeled stumps are very apt to become infected, especially if nearby diseased trees have been eject- ing ascospores. Four treated spot infections were examined which proved this very conclusively. The following facts relative to these spots are interesting: — Spot 1. Five infected trees in Huntingdon County were treated in April, 1912, by digging up the trees, stumps and all, and burn- ing them in an open field. In March, 1913, the spot was re-examined and three infected trees found. The stumps were peeled and the tops burned, but not over the stumps. A.t the same time all of the chestnut trees on a half acre surrounding the spot that were large enough for fence posts were cut out, the tops burned and the rest of tlie trees removed. The stumps were left unpeeled and in Janu- ary, 1914, G new infections were found on small saplings that re- mained after the cutting, and all but 4 out of 75 stumps from which the bark was not peeled showed pycnidia on the cut surface of the wood or bark, pustules in the dead bark on the side of the stump, and usually, mycelium growing downward toward the base of the stump through the live bark. Spot No. 2. Seven infected trees cut March, 1913; stumps well peeled but not burned over. In January, 1914, 9 new infections were found on adjoining trees and 50 new infections were found on the stumps of healthy trees cut in close proximity to the spot in March, 1913. These stumps were not peeled and the pustules appeared in the bark on the side of the stump, and in many cases showed mycelium running through the live bark of the lower part of the stump. Spot No. 3. Seven trees cut June, 1912; stumps peeled and well burned. March, 1913, 7 infections were cut out, the stumps poorly peeled and not burned. At this time 17 healthy trees were cut within a radius of 30 yards and the bark was not peeled from the stumps. In January, 1914, no new infections had appeared on any of the surrounding trees, but S of the stumps were infected. Spot No. 4. One infection cut July, 1912. Stumps peeled and burned. In April, 1913, 16 new infections were found on stumps cut at the time the original infection was removed and immediately Healthy sprouts in spot infection where blight was cut out by sanitary methods Properly burned stump; stump on the 89 surrounding the infected trees. These stumps were located as fol- lows: One stump 3 yards west of center; 3 stumps northwest of center (farthest 35 yards) ; 3 stumps north of center (farthest 20 yards) ; 5 stumps northeast of center (farthest 12 yards) ; 2 stumps east of center (farthest 3 yards) ; 2 stumps southeast of center (farthest 8 yards) ; these stumps were peeled and not burned over. In February, 1914, 4 additional infected stumps were found, the farthest being 12 yards from the center. East of the advance line sanitation has proved effective in hinder- ing the progress of the disease, but not in eradicating it. Inspec- tions made of a tract of blighted chestnut at Haverford, Pa., cut in 1910 and the stumps peeled, but not burned, showed both in 1912 and 1913, that only about 20 per cent, of the stumps and sprouts were reinfected. On a nearby tract where the trees were cut at the same time and stumps left unpeeled, the reinfection was approximately 80 per cent. At Hummelstown, Pa., on several acres of diseased chestnut, cut in the winter in 1911-12, a portion of the stumps were peeled and lightly burned. In the spring of 1913, 80 per cent, of the peeled stumps and 90 per cent, of the unpeeled stumps were reinfected. The reasons for the high per cent, of re- infection was the fact that the peeled stumps were not well burned, and the nearness of disease on trees in the adjoining woods and on the adjoining unpeeled stumps. This is shown by the location of the infection on the sprouts as follows: 90 TABLE VII. INFECTION ON SPROUTS AROUND STUMPS OF BLIGHTED TREES CUT AT HUMMELSTOWN, PA. PEELED STUMPS. Infected Sprouts. Stump Number. o as c O Z2 o c *2 42 5 11 0 2, 28 0 0 0 3 35 4 7 0 4, 20 4 1 0 5, 11 0 3 0 6 12 2 0 0 7, 50 0 2 0 8 10 0 2 0 9, 15 1 3 1 10 28 0 0 0 Average, 26.1 1.2 2.9 0.1 UNPEELED STUMPS. 1 15 4 3 0 2, 24 0 4 1 3 30 1 0 1 4, 10 0 2 1 5, 2 0 0 0 6 46 0 4 0 7 54 1 3 0 8, 55 1 1 0 9 23 0 1 0 10 40 1 3 0 Average, 29.9 ■ S 2.1 .3 The investigation at Hummelstown shows that there is little or no difference in the number and vigor of the sprouts produced by peeled and unpeeled stumps. In many cases, the sprouts reached a height of six feet or more in a single year’s growth. The sprouts from peeled stumps frequently spring from the roots, 2 to 4 inches from the stump, and push through three inches or more of soil. This will undoubtedly aid in keeping them free from disease, and the new growth will be better rooted than ordinary stump sprouts. l’cclcd stump uncovered after burial. Showing piece of diseased bark buried with stump 91 RECOMMENDATIONS. It has been shown that with the less effective methods of cutting out spot infections used in the beginning of its work by the Penn- sylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, the amount of blight has been substantially reduced. It is reasonable to suppose that much more efficient results will be obtained by using the methods which have been developed by experience, and which are recom- mended in this report: (1) Cutting out all chestnut trees inside the limits of a spot infection, also immediately beyond, regardless of whether or not they all show visible signs of the blight. (2) Great care in peeling the stumps and in burning or removing from the woods all felled portions of the treated trees. (3) Thorough disinfection of the peeled stumps, preferably by burning. (4) A force of well-trained and experienced men to do both the scouting and sanitation cutting. REGULATING SHIPMENTS OF CHESTNUT NUR- SERY STOCK. The Commission issued the appended official regulations for the better protection of buyers of chestnut nursery stock, and to aid in the effort to prevent the spread of the chestnut tree bark .disease. So far as could be learned, the railway and other transportation compahies generally complied with these instructions, recognizing their meaning and importance, knowing that diseased nursery stock was a serious menace. REGULATIONS RESPECTING CHESTNUT NURSERY STOCK; ADOPTED BY THE CHESTNUT TREE BLIGHT COMMIS- SION, MARCH 4, 1913. Whereas, It is found necessary to make certain regulations in order to provide efficient and practical means for the prevention, control, and eradication of the chestnut tree blight; therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by Act of Assembly, it is re- solved by this Commission that the following regulations be adopted, 92 and as occasion may arise, such other and further regulations, and the altering or amending of the same, as it may seem necessary. Regulation No. 1. Railroad companies, express companies, and other common carriers must not accept for shipment, until further- notice, any chestnut nursery stock which does not bear the official inspection tags of this Commission. Chestnut nursery stock shipped from without the State and intended for delivery within the State not being accompanied by an official inspection tag issued by the proper authorities of the State or Country wherein such shipment originated, certifying apparent freedom from chestnut blight, must be held at a convenient place within the State, and this Commission immediately notified. Every such shipment must be retained in its original package, unopened, and must not be de- livered to the consignee until after an examination shall have been made by an inspector representing this Commission, and then not until the inspector shall have attached thereto the official inspector’s tag of this Commission. The official inspection tag of the Commission .bears the official seal of the Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, and reads as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA The Commission for the Investigation and Control of the Chestnut Tree Blight Disease in Pennsylvania. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION This is to Certify that the chestnut nursery stock to which this certificate is attached, under my supervision, was carefully ex- amined, and at the time of shipment was found to be apparently free from any infection by blight caused by the fungus Diaporthe parasitica. Dated 191 at Pa. Inspector. For the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Each bundle, bale, or package of chestnut nursery stock shall bear the above tag, and in addition each tree shall have attached thereto a numbered and signed tag of which the following is a copy: Large sprouts growing around ereosoted chestnut stumps. 93 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA The Commission For the Investigation and Control of the Chestnut Tree Blight Disease in Pennsylvania. Certificate of Single Tree Inspection. Tree Number This is to Certify that the chestnut tree to which this tag is at- tached, under my supervision, was carefully examined, and at the time of shipment was found to be apparently free from any infection by blight caused by the fungus Diaporthe parasitica. Dated 191 at Pa. Inspector. Regulation No. 2. No chestnut tree nursery stock shall be re- moved from any nursery or other place where the same may be grow- ing, for the purpose of sale or shipment until said trees shall first have been inspected by this Commission and the official inspection tag attached thereto. “Removed” is here construed to mean the final tying up into an original package, transporting from the premises where grown, or offering same to a common carrier for shipment. Regulation No. 3. All chestnut tree nursery stock intended for sale or shipment must first be dipped into an approved fungicide prior to delivery or shipment. The official inspection tag will not be attached to stock unless first so treated. Regulation No. 4. All chestnut tree nursery stock found to be infected with the chestnut bark fungus must be immediately de- stroyed. This regulation applies to diseased stock found at the time of inspection for shipment, and also to inspections in the nursery before stock is marketed. Regulation No. 5. Nurserymen and common carriers, who, after receiving notice of the above regulations, negligently or willfully fail to refuse to be governed thereby, will, without further notice, subject their chestnut stock and shipments to quarantine, which will be maintained by this Commission. All correspondence relative to nursery inspection should be ad- dressed to Dr. F. D. Heald, Pathologist, Zoology Building, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. THE AMENDED CHESTNUT TREE BARK DISEASE ACT. The work of the Chestnut Blight Commission was suspended not because of the lack of a desire to proceed, or lack of onnortunitv to render most valuable services, but for reasons stated in the letter at the beginning of this report. While the legislation recognized the 94 need of continuing active work of this character by providing for a continuation of the Commission, it did not see its way clear to have the work advance with that vigor which the Commission believed necessary in order to achieve the most marked success. The original Act of Assembly approved June 14, 1911, provided that the Commission should continue operations for a period of three years from the date of the approval of the Act. This period would have expired by limitation, June 14, 1914. To continue the Act in force, and to provide for a Commission to take up the work at any time, should it be thought in the future desirable to do so, the original Act of Assembly was amended by extending the term of the original Commission to a period of five years from the date of their appointment, and to continue thereafter for so long, as in the judgment of the Governor, it might be necessary to have work done in accordance with the terms of the law. This makes the Commission a continuing one to be revived at the pleasure of the Governor. Sec- tion one, of foregoing Act, as amended* by the 1913 Legislature, reads as follows : “Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., That a commission, to consist of five members, to be appointed and commissioned by the Governor for a pei’iod of five years from the date of their appointment, and to continue thereafter for such period as, in the judgment of the Governor, may be necessary to enable them to complete the work to be done under this Act, and to be called The Commission for the In- vestigation and Control of the Chestnut-Tree Blight Disease in Penn- sylvania, is hereby created ; with power to ascertain, determine upon and adopt the most efficient and practical means for the prevention, control, and eradication of a disease of the chestnut tree, commonly known as the chestnut-tree blight disease; and for this purpose, in collaboration with the Department of Forestry, or otherwise, to conduct scientific investigations into the nature and causes of such disease and the means of preventing its introduction, continuance, and spread; to establish, regulate, maintain, and enforce quarantine against the introduction and spread of such disease; and. from time to time, to adopt and prescribe such regulations and methods of pro- cedure as to it may seem necessary and proper for carrying into effect the purpose of this Act, and exercising the powers and au- thority hereby conferred: Provided, That in the work of collabo- ration by the Commission with the Department of Forestry, said Department may employ such means, and make detail of such men. and do such other things, as may seem to be necessary or expedient to accomplish the purpose of this Act. Provided further. That if the fungus causing the aforesaid disease be found to attack other species of trees, such trees shall be deemed to come within the pur- view of this act.” *See P. Tu. 1913, p. 313. - -t ]% l ' V > Peeled chestnut stump buried, showing sprouts. Bibliography of the Chestnut Bark Disease By R. KENT BEATTIE, FOREST PATHOLOGIST, U. S. Department of Agriculture. (95) (96) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CHESTNUT BARK DISEASE.* Prepared for the Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. By R. KENT BEATTIE, Forest Pathologist , BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DECEMBER 31, 1913. The rapid rise and spread of the Chestnut Bark Disease since its introduction into the United States from the Orient, probably in the nineties, has called it to the attention both of scientific men and the general public. The result of this almost universal notice in the eastern states has been the production of numerous articles written from many different standpoints. It has been the effort in this bibliography to cite all the writings of a scientific or semi-scientific nature, with the aim of making a good working bibliography of the disease. Since it is manifestly impossible for any such bibliography to be complete, the author will be glad to have called to his attention any omissions or any corrections in the citations here given. Because of their importance in the chestnut bark disease problem, references to Endotliia radicalis and Endotliia gyrosa as well as those to Endotliia parasitica have been included in this bibliography. 1. Anderson, H. W. Rotes on the genus Endotliia. Phytopath- ology. Vol. 3, p. 67. February, 1913. 2. Anderson, P. J. Field Investigations in Pathology. Report Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1912. p. 4245. 1913. 3. Anderson, Paul J. Wind Dissemination of the Chestnut Blight Organism. Phytopathology. Yol. 3, p. 68. Feb- ruary, 1913. 4. Anderson, Paul J. and Anderson, H. W. The Chestnut Blight Fungus and a Related Saprophyte. Phytopathology. Vol. 2, p. 204-210. October, 1912. 5. Anderson, Paul J. and Anderson, H. W. Endotliia virginiana. Phytopathology. Vol. 2, p. 261-262. December, 1912. ♦Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. (97) 98 6. Anderson, P. J. and Anderson, H. W. The Chestnut Blight Fungus and a Belated Saprophyte. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Bulletin No. 4. Oc- tober, 1913. 6a. Anonymous. Disease of Chestnut. Forestry Quarterly. Vol. 4, p. 320. December, 1906. 7. Anonymous. A Disease of the Chestnut. Woodland and Boadside. Vol. 6, p. 31-32. June, 1907. 8. Anonymous. A New Tree Disease. The Outlook. Vol. 88, p. 621. 21 March, 1908. 9. Anonymous. Destruction of Chestnut Forests. The Minne- sota Forester. Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 31-32. March, 1908. 10. Anonymous. Are Chestnut Trees Doomed? American Fruits. Vol. 8, p. 5. June, 1908. 11. Anonymous. Editorial. Engineering News. Vol. 60, p. 339. 24 September, 1908. 12. Anonymous. Fighting the Chestnut Blight. Country Life in America. Vol. 15, p. 88. November, 1908. 13. Anonymous. Hope for the Chestnut. Country Life in America. Vol. 15, p. 171. December, 1908. 14. Anonymous. News and Notes. Mycologia. Vol. 1, p. 136. January, 1909. 15. Anonymous. [The Chestnut Tree Canker.] Torreya. Vol. 9, p. 214-215. October, 1909. 16. Anonymous. The New Pine and Chestnut Diseases. "Wood- land and Boadside. Vol. 8, p. 41. November, 1909. 17. Anonymous. Tree Diseases. Fourth Annual Beport Commis- sioner of Forestry, Bhode Island, p. 9-10. 1910. 18. Anonymous. [No title.] Torreya. Vol. 10, p. 99. April, 1910. 19. Anonymous. News and Notes. Mycologia. Vol. 2, p. 251- 252. September, 1910. 20. Anonymous. American Forestry Association, Thirtieth An- nual Meeting. American Forestry. Vol. 17, p. 99-111. February, 1911. 21. Anonymous. Editorial Appreciation of Pennsylvania’s For- est Management. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 3. Febru- ary, 1911. 22. Anonymous. The Doom of the Chestnut Tree. Harper’s Weekly. Vol. 55, p. 15. February, 1911. 23. Anonymous. Chestnut Blight. Forestry Quarterly. Vol. 9, p. 353. June, 1911. 24. Anonymous. Pennsylvania Forestry Legislation in 1911. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 50-51. August, 1911. 99 25. Anonymous. [Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Commission.] Forestry Quarterly. Vol. 9, p. 518-519. September, 1911. 26. Anonymous. The Chestnut Bark Disease. American For- estry. Vol. 17, p. 693. November, 1911. 27. Anonymous. Narrative of the Annual Meeting of the Penn- sylvania Forestry Association. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 83. December, 1911. 28. Anonymous. [Work of the Pennsylvania Commission.] For- estry Quarterly. Vol. 9, p. 651. December, 1911. 29. Anonymous. An Attempt to Suppress the Chestnut Blight. Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Eleventh Report, p. 5, 19-20. 1912. 30. Anonymous. Quaker City News. American Lumberman. No. 1912. p. 68. 6 January, 1912. 31. Anonymous. Proposed Forestry Legislative Procedure in the Empire State. American Lumberman. No. 1913. p. 65. 13 January, 1912. 32. Anonymous. Chestnut Bark Disease. Report Maryland State Board of Forestry, 1910-1911. p. 6, 8, 18-21, 30. January, 1912. 33. Anonymous. Chestnut Tree Blight Conference. Forest Leaves. Yol. 13, p. 97, 98. February, 1912. 34. Anonymous. The Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Ameri- can Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 136. February, 1912. 35. Anonymous. The Chestnut Bark Disease. Scientific Ameri- can. Vol. 106, p. 105. 3 February, 1912. 36. Anonymous. Fighting the Chestnut Tree Blight. American Lumberman. No. 1917. p. 43. 10 February, 1912. 37. Anonymous. Resolutions passed at the Conference Called by the Governor of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, February 20 and 21, for the consideration of the measures to be taken to control the chestnut tree bark disease. Report Second Annual Meeting, Northern Nut Growers’ Asso- ciation, December 14 and 15, 1911. p. 122-123. 1912. 38. Anonymous. Conference of States on Chestnut Tree Blight. The Southern Lumberman. Vol. 65, No. 857. p. 33-34. 24 February, 1912. 39. Anonymous. Conference on the Chestnut Tree Blight. Ameri- can Lumberman. No. 1919. p. 73-75. 24 February, 1912. 40. Anonymous. Harrisburg Chestnut Blight Conference. The Southern Lumberman. Vol. 65, No. 859, p. 24. 9 March, 1912. 41. Anonymous. Cure for the Chestnut Blight. The Southern Lumberman. Vol. 65, No. 859, p. 46. 9 March, 1912. 100 42. Anonymous. The Chestnut Tree Blight. Scientific Ameri- can. Vol. 106, p. 241-242. 16 March, 1912. 43. Anonymous. Three Enemies of Forests. The Southern Lum- berman. Vol. 65, No. 860, p. 37. 16 March, 1912. 44. Anonymous. At Work in Pennsylvania. The Southern Lum- berman. Vol. 65, No. 862, p. 27. 30 March, 1912. 45. Anonymous. Forestry Problems of Three Sections. Ameri- can Lumberman. No. 1926, p. 51. 13 April, 1912. 46. Anonymous. Lumbermen and Forestry. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 285. April, 1912. 47. Anonymous. Resolutions of Chestnut Tree Blight Conference. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 116. April, 1912. 48. Anonymous. The Chestnut Trees Must Go. The Guide to Nature. Vol. 4, p. 395-397. April, 1912. 49. Anonymous. [The Harrisburg Conference.] Phytopathology. Vol. 2, p. 91. April, 1912. 50. Anonymous. Chestnut Blight in Massachusetts. Country Life in America. Vol. 22, p. 92, 94. 1 May, 1912. 51. Anonymous. [News Notes and Map.] American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 335, 342, 347, 350. May, 1912. 52. Anonymous. The Chestnut Trees Going. American Forestry. Vol. 19, p. 457. July, 1912. 53. Anonymous. Chestnut Blight Warning. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 473. July, 1912. 54. Anonymous. Boy Scouts Aiding. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 541. August, 1912. 55. Anonymous. Boy Scouts to Save Trees. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 542. August, 1912. 56. Anonymous. Narrative of Bushkill Meeting of the Pennsyl- vania Forestry Association. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 146. August, 1912. 57. Anonymous. The Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 158. August, 1912. 58. Anonymous. Progress in Fighting the Chestnut Disease. Hardwood Record. Vol. 34, p. 23. 10 September, 1912. 59. Anonymous. News Note. Science. N. S. Vol. 36, p. 429. 4 October, 1912. 60. Anonymous. The Scientific and Operative Staff of the Penn- sylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Science. N. S. Vol. 36, p. 512. 18 October, 1912. 60a. Anonymous. The Chestnut Blight Disease. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Bulletin 1. October. 1912. 101 61. Anonymous. Treatment of Ornamental Chestnut Trees Af- fected with the Blight Disease. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Bulletin 2. October, 1912. 62. Anonymous. [News Note.] American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 811. December, 1912. 63. Anonymous. Chestnut Blight. Forestry Quarterly. Yol. 10, p. 742-743. December, 1912. 64. Anonymous. News and Notes. Forestry Quarterly. Vol. 10, p. 772. December, 1912. 65. Anonymous. Phytopathological Notes. Vol. 2, p. 274. De- cember, 1912. 66. Anonymous. Narrative of the Annual Meeting of the Penn- sylvania Forestry Association. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 178-179. December, 1912. 67. Anonymous. Pennsylvania Forestry Association. American Forestry. Vol. 19, p. 21. January, 1913. 68. Anonymous. State News, Pennsylvania. American Forestry. Vol. 19, p. 55. January, 1913. 69. Anonymous. The Chestnut Bark Disease. Journal of the Board of Agriculture (London). Vol. 19, p. 848-850. January, 1913. 70. Anonymous. Governor Tener on Forestry. Forest Leaves. Vol. 14, p. 2. February, 1913. 71. Anonymous. Chestnut Tree Blight Bulletins. Forest Leaves. Vol. 14, p. 11-12. February, 1913. 72. Anonymous. News and Notes. Mvcologia. Vol. 5, p. 90. March, 1913. 73. Anonymous. Use of Second Growth Chestnut. Lumber World Review. Vol. 24, No. 5, p. 24. 10 March, 1913. 74. Anonymous. Chestnut Tree Blight. American Lumberman. No. 1974, p. 58-59. 15 March, 1913. 75. Anonymous. A Remedy for Chestnut Blight. Hardwood Record. Vol. 35, p. 27. 25 March, 1913. 76. Anonymous. Fighting the Chestnut Bark Disease. The Sci- entific American. Vol. 108, p. 314. 5 April, 1913. 77. Anonymous. [No title.] Arnold Arboretum, Harvard Uni- versity. Bulletin of Popular Information. No. 47. 26 June, 1913) 78. Anonymous. Using Blight-Killed Chestnut. American For- estry. Vol. 19, p. 449. July, 1913. 79. Anonymous. The Chestnut Tree. Methods and Specifications for the Utilization of Blighted Chestnut. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Bulletin 6. 15 Au- gust, 1913. 102 80. Anonymous. Pennsylvania’s Fight Against the Chestnut Blight is Suspended. American Forestry. Yol. 19, p. 556-558. August, 1913. 81. Anonymous. [No title.] Mycologia. Yol. 5, p. 280. Sep- tember, 1913. 82. Anonymous. [No title.] The Outlook, p. 237. 27 September, 1913. 83. Anonymous. [No title.] Forestry quarterly. Yol. 11, p. 449- 450. September, 1913. 84. Anonymous. Report of the Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Forest Leaves. Yol. 14, p. 77. Oc- tober, 1913. 84a. Anonymous. Conquering the Chestnut Tree Blight. The St. Louis Lumberman. Vol. 52, No. 11, p. 59. 1 December, 1913. 85. Ashe, W. W. Chestnut in Tennessee. State Geological Sur- vey, Tennessee. Bulletin 10, part B, p. 11. January, 1911. 86. Baker, H. P. The Chestnut Blight and the Practice of For- estry in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 137-143. 1912. 87. Baker, Hugh P. Blight Commission Instruction. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 267. 1912. 88. Barney, Chas. T. Report of the Executive Committee. New York Zoological Society. Tenth Annual Report. 1905. p. 40. January, 1906. 89. Barsali, Egidio. Aggiunte alia Flora Livornese. Bulletino della Societa Botanico Italiano. Anno 1904, p. 204. Mag- giore, 1904. 90. Benson, W. M. Chestnut Blight and Its Possible Remedy. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 229-233. 1912. 91. Berlese, A. N. and Peglion. Y. Micromiceti Toscani. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano. Vol. 24, fasc. 3, p. 122. Luglio 1892. 91a. Berlese, A. N., Saccardo, P. A., and Roumebuere, C. Contribu- tions ad Floram Myeologicam Lusitaniae. Revue Mycologique. Yol. 11. p. 117-124. July 1SS9. 92. Besley, F. W. Mutual Forest Interests of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Forest Leaves. Yol. 13, p. 39-41. June. 1912. 93. Bessev, Charles E. Fighting the Chestnut Blight. Scieuce. N. S. Vol. 37, p. 417. 14 March, 1913. 94. B[irkinbine], J. Editorial. Forest Leaves. Yol. 13, p. 33. June, 1911. 103 Forest Leaves. Forest Leaves. Editorial. Forest Leaves. Editorial. Forest Leaves. Yol. 13, p. 49. Vol. 13, p. 113. Vol. 13, p. 130. Vol. 13, p. 145. 95. B[irkinbine], J. Editorial. August, 1911. 96. B[irkinbine], J. Editorial. April, 1912. 97. B[irkinbine], J. June, 1912. 98. B[irkinbine], J. August, 1912. 99. B[itler], F. L. The Chestnut Blight. Forest Leaves. Vol. 12, p. 148-150. August, 1910. 100. B[itler], F. L. Narrative of the State College Meeting of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 34-37. June, 1911. 101. Bizzozero, Giacomo. Flora Veneta Crittogamica. Part 1. I Funghi. p. 220-221. 18S5. 102. Briosi, Farneti. A Proposito di una nota dell Dott. Lionello Petri sulla Moria dei castagni (Mai dell’ Inchiostro). Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Series V. Rendi- conti Classe de scienzi fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. 22, ser. 5, 1 sem. fasc. 6, p. 361-366. 16 marzo, 1933. 103. Britton, W. E. Twelfth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Report 12, p. 220. 1913. 104. Brooks, A. B. Fungi That Injure Bark. West Virginia Geo- logical Survey. Vol. 5, p. 78-79. 1911. 105.1 Brown, Nelson C. Municipal Forestry. American Forestry. Vol. 18, p. 781. December, 1912. 106. Brown, Nelson C. Making the Most of a Bad Situation. The Country Gentleman. Vol. 78, p. 289-290. 22 February, 1913. 106a. Brunaud, Paul. Contributions a la Flore Mycologique de l’Ouest. Annales des Sciences naturelles, La Rochelle. p. 108. 1884. 107. Carleton, M. A. Fighting the Chestnut Tree Blight Disease in Pennsylvania. American Fruit and Nut Journal. Vol. 6, p. 78-79. September-October, 1912. 108. Carleton, Mark Alfred. Report of the General Manager for the latter half of the year, 1912. Report Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1912. p. 11-18. 1913. 308a. Cesati and De Notaris. Schema Sferiaceae Italianae. p. 207, 240. 1863. 109. Clinton, G. P. Chestnut Bark Disease, Diaporthe parasitica Murrill. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Report 1907. p. 345-346. May, 1908. 104 110. Clinton, G. P. The Chestnut Bark Disease, Diaporthe parasi- tica Murrill. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion Report 1908. p. 879-890. July, 1909. 111. Clinton, G. P. Chestnut Bark Disease. Connecticut Agricul- tural Experiment Station Report 1909-1910. p. 716-717, 725. 1910. 112. Clinton, G. P. Some Facts and Theories Concerning Chestnut Blight. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Re- port. p. 75-83. 1912. 113. Clinton, G. P. Chestnut Blight Fungus and Its Allies. Phyto- pathology. Vol. 2, p. 265-269. December, 1912. 114. Clinton, G. P. The Relationships of the Chestnut Blight Fungus. Science. N. S. Vol. 36, p. 907-914. 27 December, 1912. 115. Clinton, G. P. Chestnut Bark Disease. Connecticut Agricul- tural Experiment Station Repo t 1912. p. 359-453. May, 1913. 116. Clinton, G. P. and Spring, S. N. Chestnut Blight Situation in Connecticut. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Confer- ence Report, p. 154-157. 1912. 117. Collins, J. Franklin. The Chestnut Bark Disease. Proceed- ings Second Annual Meeting Northern Nut Growers’ Association, December 14 and 15, 1911. p. 37-49. 1912. 118. Collins, J. Franklin. Treatment of Orchard and Ornamental Trees. American Lumberman. No. 1920. p. 34. 2 March, 1912. 119. Collins, J. Franklin. Some Observations on Experiments with the Chestnut Bark Disease. Phytopathology. Vol. 2, p. 97. April, 1912. 120. Collins, J. Franklin. Address [on the Chestnut Bark Disease]. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 28- 39. 1912. 121. Collins, J. Franklin. Treatment of Orchard and Ornamental Trees. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 59-69. 1912. 122. Collins, J. Franklin. The Chestnut Bark Disease on Chestnut Fruits. Science. N. S. Vol. 38, p. 857-S5S. 12 Decem- ber, 1913. 123. Conklin, Robert S. The Chestnut Blight. Report Pennsyl- vania Department of Forestry 1908-1909. p. 59-61. 1910. 124. Cook, A. J. The Chestnut Tree Blight. Monthly Bulletin State Commissioner of Horticulture, California. Vol. 1, p. 314. June, 1912. 125. Cook, Melville Thurston and Taubenhaus, J. J. The Relation of Parasitic Fungi to the Contents of the Cells of the 105 Host Plants (T. The Toxicity of Tannin). Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 91, p. 21. 1 February, 1911. 126. Cook, Mel. T. Diseases of Shade and Forest Trees. The Plant- ing and Care of Shade Trees. Forest Park Reservation Commission of New Jersey, p. 101-103. 1912. 127. Copp, G. G. A Disease Which Threatens the American Chest- nut Tree. Scientific American. Vol. 95, p. 451. 15 De- cember, 1906. 128. Craig, John. Nut Culture from the Northern Standpoint. The Western New York Horticultural Society. Proceedings of the fifty-seventh annual meeting, p. 100. 24-26 Janu- ary, 1912. 129. Craighead, F. C. Insects Contributing to the Control of the .Chestnut Blight Disease. Science. Vol. 36, p. 825. 13 December, 1912. 130. Currey, Frederick. Sphaeria (Diatrype) radicalis Fr. in Synopsis of the Fructification of the Compound Sphaeriae of the Hookerian Herbarium. The Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London. Vol. 22, p. 272. 1859. 130a. Curtis, M. A. Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina. Botany, p. 143. 1867. 131. Davis, Nelson F. Chestnut Culture. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 83-99. 1912. 132. Davis, William T. Note on the Chestnut Fungus. Proceed- ings Staten Island Association of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 2, B. p. 128-129. July, 1908— February, 1909. 133. Deam, Charles C. Trees of Indiana. State Board of Forestry, Indiana, eleventh annual report. 1911. p. 171. 1912. 134. Deming, W. C. Beginning with Nuts. The Northern Nut Growers’ Association. Circular No. 4. April, 1913. 135. Deming, W. C. and Huson, Calvin J. (Correspondence on the Chestnut Tree Bark Disease). Report Second annual meet- ing, Northern Nut Growers’ Association, December 14 and 15, 1911. p. 119-121. 1912. 135a. De Notaris. Sferiaceae Italianae. Vol. 1, p. 9. 1863. 136. Detwiler, S. B. The Chestnut Blight. Third Annual Meeting Montgomery County Horticultural Association, Norris- town, Pa. September, 1911. 137. Detwiler, S. B. The Progress of the Fight Against the Chest- nut Blight. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 88-89. December, 1911. 138. Detwiler, S. B. The Pennsylvania Programme. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 129-136. 1912. 106 139. Detwiler, S. B. The Spread of the Chestnut Blight. The Coun- try Gentleman. Vol. 77, p. 6. 9 March, 1912. 140. Detwiler, S. B. The War on the Chestnut Blight. The Coun- try Gentleman. Vol. 77, p. 8, 27. 30 March, 1912. 140a. Detwiler, S. B. The Control of the Chestnut Tree Bark Dis- ease. Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters. Vol. 7, p. 131. 4 April, 1912. 140b. Detwiler, S. B. The Farmer and the Chestnut Blight. An- nual Report Bradford County Farmers’ Annual Institute, Towanda, Pa. 22 May, 1912. 141. Detwiler, S. B. Some Benefits of the Chestnut Blight. Forest Leaves. Vol. 13, p. 162-165. October, 1912. 142. Detwiler, Samuel B. Report of the General Superintendent. Report Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. July 1 to December 31, 1912. p. 19-34. 1913. 143. Detwiler, S. B. The Problem of the Chestnut Blight. The New York Lumber Trade Journal. Vol. 54, No. 643, p. 34. 1 April, 1913. 144. Detwiler, S. B. The Chestnut Blight and its Remedy. Penn- sylvania Arbor Day Manual, 1913. p. 170-179. 1913. 144a. Detwiler, S. B. Fighting the Chestnut Blight. Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Unnumbered circular. No date. 145. Detwiler, S. B. and Besley, F. W. The Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference. 1912. 146. Ducomet, M . V. Contribution a 1’ etude des maladies d\i chataignier. Association Francaise pour l’Avancement des Sciences. Comptes Rendus 40 Session. 1911. p. 502- 506. 1912. 147. Duggar, B. M. Fungous Diseases of Plants, p. 281-282. 1909. 148. Editors, Country Life in America. Wanted: A Remedy. Coun- try Life in America. Vol. 15, p. 45. November, 1908. 149. Elliott, Simon B. The Important Timber Trees of the United States, p. 290. 1912. 150. Ellis, J. B. and Everhart, B. M. Endothia gyrosa (Schw.) The North American Pyrenomycetes. p. 552. pi. 36. 1892. , 150a. Elwes, Henry John and Henry, Augustine. The Trees of G: eat Britain and Ireland. Vol. 4. p. 85S. 1909. 151. Fairchild, David. The Discovery of the Chestnut Bark Dis- ease in China. Science N. S. Vol. 38, p. 297-299. 29 August, 1913. 152. Farlow, W. G. [No title]. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 70-75. 1912. 153. Farlow, W. G. The Fungus of the Chestnut Tree Blight. Sci- ence. N. S. Vol. 35, p. 717-722. 10 May, 1912. 107 154. Fisher, A. K. [No title.] Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Con- ference Report, p. 103-104. 1912. 155. Francis, Thomas E. Field Work of the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Conference Report, p. 233-235. 1912. 156. Fries, Elia. Eclogae Fungorum. Linnaea. Bd. 5, p. 541. 1S30. 157. Fries, Elia. Elenchus Fungorum. Vol. 2, p. 73. 1828. 157a. Flies, Elia. Endothia. Sumnia Vegetabilium Scandinavian. Vol. 2, p. 385. 1849. 158. Frothingham, Earl H. Second-Growth Hardwoods in Con- necticut. United States Department of Agriculture For- est Service. Bulletin 96. p. 44, 56. 1912. 158a. Fuckel. Endothia gvrosum (Tul.) Svmbolae Mycologicae. p. 226. 1869. 159. Fullerton, Hal B. and Fullerton, Edith Boring. Fatal Chest- nut Disease. Long Island Agronomist. Vol. 1, No. 24, p. 1-2. 17 June, 1908. 160. Fullerton, Hal B. and Fullerton, Edith Loring. Doomed Chestnut Trees. Long Island Agronomist. Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 7-8. 29 July, 1908. 161. Fullerton, Hal B. and Fullerton, Edith Loring. 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