■507 1 969/70- ;i977/78 r«*'j A'.l $ 3 CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or its return to the library from which it was borrowed on or before the Latest Date stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for each lost book. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of beoki are reason* for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. TO RENEW CALL TELEPHONE CENTER, 333-S400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAAU>AIGN MA^ 14^ JUN 1 /f 1995 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. LI 62 € o iield Museum of Natural History eport1971/t 5 0 ? iw'Mn % P^.-fi.-K iy.xftM T^-^ sfc^ W- '*■■( ai J-?i iwww*w|ggs "ku m-^ .In i^ <* * *--• ,^ ^1 (F I FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Report 1971-1972 om the Penn.syl- vanian of Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 30, no. 1, 7 pp., 3 figs. 1972. Gametangia of Silurian Iscliaditcs hemisphericKs Receptaculitaceae, Dasycladales. Phycologia, vol. 11, no. 1, 4 pp., 2 figs. 1972, North American Silurian Receptaculitid Algae. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 28, 108 pp., 1 table, 45 figs. 1972. The paleogeographic significance of receptaculitids. 2Jtth International Geological Congress, Section 7, 7 pp., 2 figs. Olsen, Edward 1971. (with E. Jarosewich). Chondrules: First Occurrence In an Iron Meteo- ite. Science, 174, no. 4009, 3 pp. 1972. (with A. Friedman and J. Bird). Moche copper analyses: early new world metal technology. American Antiquity, vol. 37, 5 pp. Paul, Christopher R. C. 1971. Revision of the Holocystites Fauna (Diploporita) of North America. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 24, 166 pp., 70 figs. Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. 1971. (with R. Johnson). Mazon Creek Faunas. Part I, Proceedings of the North American Paleonotology Convention, 1969, 24, pp., 1 table, 3 figs. 1972. (with F. M. Carpenter). Additional insects in Pennsylvanian concre- tions from Illinois. Psyche, vol. 78, 29 pp., 20 figs. ScHRAM, Frederick R. 1971. A Strange Arthropod from the Mazon Creek of Illinois and the Trans Permo-Triassic Merostomoidea (Trilobitoidea). Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 6, 18 pp., 11 figs. TuRNBULL, William D. 1971. The Trinity Therians: Their Bearing on Evolution of Marsupials and Other Therians, Chap. 9, pp. 151-179. In Dahlberg, A. A., ed., Dental Morphology and Evolution, University of Chicago Press. 1972. Washakie Formation of Bridgerion-Uintan Ages and the Related Faunas, Chap. 2, pp. 20-31, 2 figs. In West, R. W., co-ordinator. Guidebook for Field Conference on Tertiary Biostratigraphy of Southern and Western Wyoming, August 5-10, 19 0? I z Zangerl, Rainer 1971. (with D. Bardack). Lampreys in the Fossil Record, Chap. 2, pp. 67-84, 7 figs. In Hardisy, N. W., and I. C. Potter, eds.. Biology of Lampreys, Vol. 1, Academy Press, London. 1971. Two Toxochelyid Sea Turtles from the Landenian Sands of Erquelinne (Hainaut) of Belgium. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique, Memoir 169, 32 pp., 9 plates, 18 figs. 1971. On the Geological Significance of Perfectly - Preserved Fossils. Part 1, Proceedings of the North American Paleontology Convention, 1969, 16 pp., 8 figs. 35 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Allen, Gerald R. and Richard N. Mariscal 1971. A Redescription of Amphiprion nigripes Regan, a Valid^ Species of Anemone Fish (Family Pomacentridae) From the Indian Ocean. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 8, 9 pp., 3 figs. Blake, Emmet R. 1971. A New Species of Spinetail (Syenallaxis) from Peru. Auk, vol. 88, p. 179. De Blase, Anthony F. 1971. New Distributional Records of Bats from Iran. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 3, 6 pp. Dybas, Henry S. 1971. The Idenity of Bambara invisibilis (Nietner) from Ceylon (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae). The Entomologist, vol. 104, pp. 321-323. Fooden, Jack 1971. Report on Primates Collected in Western Thailand, January-April, 1967. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 59, no. 1, 62 pp., 6 pis., 5 figs. Hershkovitz, Philip 1971. Stapedial Processes in Tympanic Cavities of Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus). Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 607-609, 1 fig. 1971. A New Rice Rat of the Oryzomys palustris Group (Cricetinae, Muridae) from Northwestern Colombia. Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 52, no. 4, 10 pp. 1971. Basic Crown Patterns and Cusp Homologies of Mammalian Teeth, pp. 95-105, 17 figs. In Dahlberg, A. A., ed.. Denial Morphology and Evolution, University of Chicago Press. 1972. Notes on New World Monkeys. International Zoo Yearbook, vol. 12, pp. 3-12. 1972. The Recent Mammals of the Neotropical Region: A Zoogeographic and Ecological Review. In Keast, A., F. L. Eck, and B. Glass, eds., Evolution, Mammals, and Southern Continents. University of New York Press (Albany), 100 pp. Heyer, W. Ronald 1971. Mating Calls of Some Frogs from Thailand. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 61-82, 21 figs. 1971. Description of Some Tadpoles from Thailand. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 83-91, 6 figs. 1972. A New Limbless Skink (ReptiHa: Scincidae) from Thailand with Com- ments on the Generic Status of the Limbless Skinks of Southeast Asia. Field- iana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 109-129. Kethley, John B. 1971. Hydranetes, a New Genus of Ereynetidae from Hydrophilid Beetles (Prostigmata: Ereynetidae). Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 176-184. 1971. Population Regulation in Quill Mites (Acarina: Syringophilidae). Ecol- ogy, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1113-1118. 1971. (with F. F. Sherberger and W. B. Sikora). Records of Diolbocera vandy- icei in Georgia (Embioptera: Teratembiidae). Journal of the Georgia Entomo- logical Society, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 109-192. 36 KiSTNER, David H. 1971. Revision of the Termitophilous Tribe Philotermitini (Coleoptera: Sta- phylinidae\ I. The Genus Neophilotermes Seevers and Its Host Relation- ships. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 4, 12 pp., 5 figs. LiEM, Karel F., Hymen Marx, and George Rabb 1971. The Viperid Snake Azemiops. Its Comparative Cephalic Anatomy and Phylogenetic Position in Relation to Viperinae and Crotalinae. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 59, no. 2. 65 pp., 16 figs. Marx, Hymen and George B. Rabb 1972. Phyletic Analysis of Fifty Characters of Advanced Snakes. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 63, 321 pp., 52 figs., 167 tables. Moore, Joseph C. 1972. More Skull Characters of the Beaked Whale Indopacefus pacificus. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 62, no. 1, 19 pp. Schaffer, William M. and Charles A. Reed 1972. The Co-Evolution of Social Behavior and Cranial Morphology in Sheep and Goats (Bovidae, Caprini). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 61, no. 1, 88 pp., 26 figs., 12 tables, 34 plates. Segall, Walter 1971. The Auditory Region (Ossicles, Sinuses) in GHding Mammals and Selected 5 Representatives of Non-Gliding Genera. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 27-59, 14 figs. 1971. The Auditory Region in Bats Including Icaronycteris index. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 103-108, 2 figs. Solem, G. Alan 1971. MoUusks Introduced into North America. Introduction. Biologist, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 80-92. 1971. Structure and Function of Teeth in Unrelated Carnivorous Snails. Am- erican Philosophical Society, Year Book, 1971, pp. 347-349. 1972. MoUusks from Prehistoric Sites in Afghanistan. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 62, part 4, pp. 57-65. 1972. Tekoidina, a New Viviparous Tornatellinid Land Snail from Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 40, part 2, 44 pp. 1972. Microarmature and Barriers in the Apertures of Land Snails. The Veli- ger, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 93-114. 1972. Malacological Applications of the Scanning Electron Microscope — II. Radular Structure and Functioning. The Veliger, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 327-336. Traylor, Melvin a. 1971. Molt and Migration in Cinnyricinclus leucogaster. Journal of Ornithology, vol. 112, pp. 1-20. 1972. Notes on Metopothrix aurantiacus. Auk, vol. 89, pp. 455-456. Wenzel, Rupert L. 1971. Zoogeography of the Holarctic Genus Margarinotus (Coleoptera, His- teridae). Proceedings of the XIII fnternational Congress of Entomology, Mos- cow, 1968, vol. 1, pp. 215-216. 37 Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin Burger, William C. International Nature Photography Ex- hibition, no. 3. and Ronald Liesner Color in Flowers, no. 5. Clark, John Shall We Inherit the Whirlwind?, no. 11. Clark, Phil Netv Pride in Black Africa, no. 7. Scandinana: Lands of Fjords and the Midnight Sun, no. 2. Fawcett, W. Peyton The Christmas Rose, no. 11. Tapa Cloth, no. 1. FooDEN, Jack Color and Sex in Gibbons, no. 6. INGER, Robert F. Ecology and Economics, no. 7. Johnson, Van L. The Primitive Basis of Our Calendar, no. 1. Kliers, Maurice I. Hanukkah, no. 11. Krueger, Katherine Hidden Color Pattern in Fossil Shells, no. 4. Lewis, Phillip H. New Ireland: Coming and Going 1970, no. 8. LlBBY, WiLLARD F. Radiocarbon Dating — Tiventy Years Later, no. 7. Martin, Paul S. The Revolution in Archaeology, no. 3. Millar, John R. Forward and Backward Glances, no. 6. VOL 42, 1971 Munger, Elizabeth Before Credit Cards, no. 9. More About Field Museum, or Why We Need $25,000,000, no. 9. Nelson, Harry G. Notes From Underground, no. 9. Nitecki, Matthew H. Algae Are Man's Best Friends, no. 2. Olsen, Edward J. The Campo del Cielo Meteorite, no. 6. Color in the Non-biological World, no. 5. Is It Really Jade or Not?, no. 10. Space Biology and the Murchison Meteorite, no. 1. Schneider, Alice Wang Ch'uan chen chi, no. 11. Solem, Alan High Hopes to Fallen Dreams, no. 5. Stoner, Barbara Why Was William Jones Killed?, no. 8. Straub, Virginia Mid-Sky Charming Girls, no. 10. Taylor, Jonathan Muscology — Meeting the Relevance Problem, no. 7. Traylor, Melvin a. The Great Frigate Bird, no. 5. Migrations, no. 9. Wenzel, Rupert L. and Solomon A. Smith Color in Animals, no. 5. Williams, Louis O. The White Flowered Bottle Guard, no. 4, Williams, Patricia M. Canning a Legend, no. 2. Fieldiana, no. 3. 38 Williams, Terua A Latin American Christmas, no. 11. WiTTEBORG, LOTHAR P. How an Exhibit Is Made — Color in Nature, no. 4. ZiBRO, Joyce About Field Museum, no. 9. Afro-American Style from The Design Works of Bedford-Stuyvesant, no. 4. Portrait of a Naturalist-Explorer, no. 1. YuHAs, Louise Jade in Chinese Culture, no. 10. VOL. 43, 1972 Allen, Louis A. Art from Arnhem Land, no. 1. Barnstone, Willis The Cave of the Peking Man (a poem), no. 9. Beadle, George W. The Mystery of Maize, no. 10. Betz, Robert F. Wild Illinois, no. 4. Bronson, Bennet The Campaign Against the Antiquities Trade, no. 8. Politics and Archeology, no. 6. and William Burger The Two Revolutions, no. 10. Brukoff, Joyce Marshall Oti Being Mother to a Tiger, no. 11. Burger, William C. The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring, no. 4. International Nature Photography Ex- hibition, no. 3. Burke, Sarah P. The Folk Art of Russia, no. 6. Clark, John "The Mile-Wide Mutterings of Un- imagined Rivers," no. 5. Cole, Glen New Neanderthals, no. 9. Collier, Donald Men and Their Work, no. 8. Fawcett, W. Peyton The English Flies, no. 2, FoRSLEv, Albert W. An Ecological Dilemma — Our Na- tional Parks, no. 7. Gentry, Johnnie L., Jr. People in Botany, no. 4. Gibson, Dorothy N. The John G. Searle Herbarium, no. 4. HoRWiCH, Robert and Leland LaFrance The Mountain Guereza, no. 11. Jacobs, Madge Soviet Union: Arts and Crafts in Ancient Times and Today, no. 6. Janus, Christopher G. The Search for Peking Man, no. 9. Krueger, Katherine The Rest of the Iceberg, no. 5. Liem, Karl F. Some Approaches and Methods in Comparative Anatomy, no. 7. Moore, Susan How I Risked My Life for Archae- ology, no. 8. Munger, Elizabeth People Who Study People, no. 8. Twelve Men to Learning Much In- clined, no. 7. Nadler, Nancy Expedition into the U.S.S.R., no. 6. Olsen, Edward J. Meteorites: Geology of Space, no. 5. Scientific Hot Line, no. 9. 39 Reed, Charles A. and William M. Schaffer How to Tell the Sheep from the Goats, no. 3. Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. The Early History of the Geology Department, no. 5. Onward and Upward with Geology, no. 9. Simpson, Donald R. Collecting in Amazonian Peru: A Letter from the Field, no. 4. SoLBM, Alan The World is Our Study, no. 7. Struever, Stuart and Barbara Baum Collins A New Spirit in Search of the Past, no. 2. Terrell, John, assisted by- Sampson Purupuru A Tale from the South Pacific, no. 3. Traylor, Melvin a. Endangered and Disappearing Ani- mals, no. 7. VanStone, James W. Greenland, Robert E. Peary, and Field Museum, no. 11. Wahlman, Maude An African Potter at Work, no. 8. Williams, Louis 0. Man and Plants, no. 4. Williams, Patricia M. The Ginsenr Mystique, no. 2. Who's Who in Geology, no. 5. Woodland, Bertram G. Mountain Building and the Theory of Global Plate Tectonics, no. 5. f 40 c I Contributions and Bequests Just as the past becomes a living presence through the collec- tions, research, exhibits, and educational programs of Field Museum, the contributions and bequests of today become the means for con- tinuing the Museum's greatness tomorrow, a year from now, or a generation to come. The generosity of donors to Field Museum bene- fits people of all ages. Many senior citizens who enjoy the Museum's exhibits and programs today can vividly recall their first visit as one child in a school group making its inaugural "Field" trip. For these visitors. Field Museum is literally a never-ending search. For those whose contributions* and bequests continue to support the work of the Museum, their legacy can be as perpetual as history. Those who wish to provide for Field Museum in their wills may use the following form: FORM OF BEQUEST I do hereby give and bequeath to Field Museum of Natu- ral History of the City of Chicago, State of Ilhnois: If you would like additional information about the many oppor- tunities for giving gifts and bequests of a lasting significance to Field Museum, please contact: Mr. Thomas Sanders Planning and Development Officer Field Museum of Natural History Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605 312/922-9410 ♦Contributions to Field Museum of Natural History are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax purposes. 41 NOTES TO STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES— CURRENT FUNDS December 31, 1972 1. Significant accounting policies Building improvements, collections, furniture, and equipment of the Museum are charged to expense in the year purchased, and in accordance with common institutional practice, no depreciation is provided on the Museum building. Con- tributions are accounted for on a cash basis. In all other respects, the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures — Current Funds is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. All unrestricted contributions are included in revenues, but re- stricted contributions are included only to the extent that the specified expendi- tures are made. The Museum applies what is known as the total return concept for investing its funds functioning as endowment (i.e., those funds on which restrictions on the use of principal have been imposed by action of the Museum's own Board of Trustees, rather than by outside donors or testators). Under this concept, secur- ity investments are selected on the basis of expected total return, including divi- dends, interest and prospective appreciation. Since this policy may involve the purchase of attractive low yield investments, with resulting reductions in dividend and interest receipts, the Museum computes investment income (from the funds functioning as endowment) available for expenditure each year as 5% of the aver- age June 30 market values of the securities for the three preceding years. Dif- ferences between this amount and dividends and interest actually received each year are charged or credited to accumulated net gains on sales of securities held by funds functioning as endowment. In 1972 the resulting charge amounted to $172,737 ($108,284 in 1971). The Museum has a contributory trusteed pension plan covering substantially all full time employees. Pension expense under the plan, including amortization of past service cost over 15 years, amounted to $120,000 ($115,000 in 1971). The Museum's normal policy is to fund pension costs on a current basis as they accrue. At December 31, 1972 the unfunded past service liability was approximately $394,000. 2. Restrictions on expenditures The restricted funds are subject to restrictions placed upon the funds pri- marily by donors. Those funds may be expended only in accordance with the terms of the respective gifts or bequests. 44 I The Board of Trustees Field Museum of Natural History We have examined the accompanying statement of revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended Decem- ber 31, 1972, prepared on the basis described in the first paragraph in Note 1. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan- dards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the statement mentioned above presents fairly the revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended December 31, 1972 in conformity with the method of accounting described in Note 1 appHed on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Arthur Young & Company Chicago, Illinois March 16, 1973 I 45 Donors to the Capital Campaign Gifts and Pledges Received 1971-1972 INDIVIDUALS I DONATIONS OF $100,000 OR MORE Anonymous Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Marshall Field William H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simpson Hermon Dunlap Smith DONATIONS OF $10,000— $99,000 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Bensinger Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bent Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair Mary and Leigh Block Charitable Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Newell Childs Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Happy Hollow Fund Mrs. Henry P. Isham Mrs. John L. Kellogg Dr. Eleanor Isabel Leslie Mr. & Mrs. John W. Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. Mabel Greene Myers Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal (D & R Fund) Robert C. Ross Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Maurice L. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Daniel C. Searle (D & D Foimdation) Mr. & Mrs. William L. Searle Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith Mrs. David W. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dudley Tripp Women's Board of Field Museum Philip K. Wrigley DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $10,000 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bent Mr. & Mrs. Walter Betczynski Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. William T. Branham Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown Mr. Gardner Brown Mrs. Isidore Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kent H. Buell 46 Dr. Margery C. Carlson Mrs. Charles F. Clarke"! A. G. Cox Charity Trust Gary Louis Cozette Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Robert T. Drake WiUiam B. Dring Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Ettelson Mrs. Ralph Falk Dr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Falls Edward I. Farley Joseph N. Field Miss Shirley Flood Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Mr. & Mrs. Howard Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Burton W. Hales (Capital Campaign — Individuals' Donations — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Hollins Bailey K. Howard I & G Charitable Foundation: Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Brown Miss Lynn B. Kohner Jerrold Loebl Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Dr. Irene T. Mead Henry W. Meers Fund Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Milligan Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mrs. Mary Moore Louis L. Penner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Phillips Frederic G. Pick Mr. & Mrs. Maurice A. Pollak Mrs. T. Clifford Rodman Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Schlossman Harold Byron Smith Mrs. Harold C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mr. & Mrs. Ivan G. Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam G. Swartchild, Jr. Sara Taylor Swift Trust Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorne Dr. Victoria Vacha Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Sr. Mrs. Morrison Waud Mr. & Mrs. E. Leland Webber Mrs. John Paul Welling Mr. & Mrs. Jay N. Whipple Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams John P. Wilson, Jr. CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS DONATIONS OF $100,000 OR MORE Commonwealth Edison Continental Bank Charitable Foundation Marshall Field & Company Foundation Field Enterprises Charitable Corporation First National Bank of Chicago Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. Sears, Roebuck & Company Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. DONATIONS OF $10,000— $99,000 American National Bank & Trust Company Foundation Amsted Industries Foundation The Anderson Foundation CNA Foundation Container Corporation of America Foundation D'Arcy-McManus & Masius, Inc. A. B. Dick Foundation R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Ernst & Ernst First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago Foundation General American Transportation Corporation Hales Charitable Fund, Inc. Harris Bank Foundation Illinois Bell Telephone Company Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. International Business Machines Corporation International Harvester Foundation Jewel Foundation Mark Morton Foundation Oscar Mayer Foundation, Inc. 47 (Capital Campaign — Corporations' Donations — continued) Chauncey and Marion Deering McCormick Foundation McKinsey & Company, Inc. I. A. O'Shaughnessy Foundation, Inc. Alexander Proudfoot Company The Seabury Foundation Joseph W. Sullivan Fund (Skil Corporation) Swift & Company Foundation John S. Swift Co., Inc. Charitable Trust United Foundation, Inc. Montgomery Ward Foundation DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $10,000 Abbott Laboratories Allied Van Lines, Inc. Bally Manufacturing Corporation Caspers-Lafayette Co. Central Telephone Company of Illinois Chemetron Foundation Chicagoland Glider Council Crane Packing Company Edward Don & Company Clinton E. Frank, Inc. Geraldi-Norton Memorial Corporation A. J. Gerrard & Company Hall Communications, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Interstate United Corporation Johnson & Higgins of Illinois, Inc. Bertha LeBus Charitable Trust James P. McHugh Construction Co. Mid-Continent Metal Products Co. Motorola Foundation The Nalco Foundation National Boulevard Bank of Chicago The National Cash Register Company The Oppenheimer Family Foundation Planned Lighting, Inc. Precision Steel Warehouse, Inc. Roth-Blackhawk Foundation Servomation Corporation Szabo Food Service, Inc. Western Transportation Company Zenith Radio Corporation f 48 Donors to the Operating and Restricted Funds of the Museum Total for 1971-1972 INDIVIDUALS DONATIONS OF $5000 OR MORE T. George Allen (bequest) Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bent Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boylan Buchanan Family- Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Davidson Joseph N. Field Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Kroc Miss June Martino Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mitchell Richards Foundation Dr. Maurice L. Richardson (bequest) John Hopkins Riley (bequest) Mrs. Clive Runnells John G. and Francis C. Searle Fund Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam S. Street (The Seattle Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dudley Tripp Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Turner Women's Board of Field Museum Philip K. Wrigley DONATIONS OF $1000— $4999 Mrs. Lester Armour Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Armour Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Harry O. Bercher Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair William McCormick Blair Mrs. L. E. Block Mary and Leigh Block Charitable Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bowes Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Buck George S. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler David D. Clohesy (bequest) Mrs. Thomas A. Connors Miss Margaret B. Con over Mrs. James A. Cook Dexter Cummings M. J. DeUigatti David E. Donnelley (RGDED Foundation, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mrs. Harry J. Dunbaugh Dr. Frederick O. Eggert Walter Erman Mr. & Mrs. Crawford F. Failey Mr. & Mrs. James D. Fotos Albert D. Farwell Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Fentress, Jr. Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Mrs. Anne Rickords Gait Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Corwith Hamill HBB Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Thedore Tieken) Mr. & Mrs. James O. Heyworth Mrs. Robert Hixon Dr. Helen Holt The H. Earl Hoover Foundation Mrs. Stanley Keith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly John H. Kronblith Otto W. Lehmann Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frederick K. Leisch Mr. & Mrs. John W. Leslie Mrs. Edward J. Loewenthal (The RULO Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Remick McDowell Mr. & Mrs. William R. Moore 49 (Individuals' Donations of $1000-$4999 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Colonel & Mrs. John B. Naser Nuveen Benevolent Trust James L. Palmer James W. Pihos Mr. & Mrs. John T. Pirie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Read Mr. & Mrs. John Shedd Reed David W. Rewick Robert E. Rhea Mrs, T. CUfford Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith Miss Kate Staley Mrs. David B. Stern, Jr. Mrs. Joseph True Steuer Mrs. Joanna Sullivan as Custodian for Maureen & Kathleen Sullivan John W. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Sara Taylor Swift Trust Dean Terrill (bequest) Misses Grace and Mildred Tress Edgar J. Uihlein Eugene A. Veto Dr. & Mrs. Maurice H. Wald Mrs. Richard A. Waller (bequest) John W. Watzek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Welbon Mr. & Mrs. Medard W. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. Claire B. Zeisler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Zweiner DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $1000 Mr. & Mrs. Ely M. Aaron Miss Marie Abrahamsom Mr. & Mrs. Kunhiko Adachi Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Adamek C. A. Adams Cyrus H. Adams, III Earl H. Addison Eduard Adler Dr. Robert Adler Robert S. Adler Family Fund Lawrence J. Aggerbeck Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Agler Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Ahrendt Mrs. Wylie G. Akenson O. A. Akerlund Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Alberti, Jr. Thomas W. Alder Mr. & Mrs. William W. Alderman, Jr. Miss Anna H. Alexa Edward Alexander Mr. & Mrs. John L Allen John T. Allen, Jr. Joseph Allworthy Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Alschuler The Alsdorf Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Sol Altschul Peter Amacher Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. Amberg Mr. & Mrs. Enio Amici Mr. & Mrs. John A. Andersen Marshall Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Anderson Mrs. Bonnie J. Anderson Brierly W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle E. Anderson Corliss D. Anderson David C. Anderson Donald B. Anderson Miss Gretchen F. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Anderson Arthur W. Andre Mrs. Ralph L. Andreas Vernon Annamunthodo Richard A. Antes W. John Anthony Joseph P. Antonow Mr. & Mrs. Asa S. App Arthur I. Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Archambault Laurence H. Armour, Jr. Mrs. Stanton Armour, Sr. Mrs. Eugene Armstrong Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Jr. J. R. Armstrong Leshe Arnett C. Harvey Arnold Herbert R. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. John E. Arnold Mrs. Lloyd Arnold Mr. & Mrs. George Arquilla, Jr. Willard G. Asmus Minos Asproyerakas Dr. Nathan Atovsky Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Atwood Orval H. Ause Edwin C. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Axelrad Mrs. John P. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ayers Mrs. Gustavus Babson Alexander H. Bacci I 50 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Baer Mrs. Robert A. Baer David P. Baier Miss Patricia Bain Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Baird George J. Bakalis James E. S. Baker Kenneth A. Baker Clark S. Baldwin Rosecrans Baldwin Dr. Harold Balikov Willard J. Ball Mrs. Brook B. Ballard Miss Leah Balsham William B. Banta Edward Bara, Sr. Steven J. Barnes Dr. & Mrs. George Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Barney John M. Barney Charles L. Barr George Barr Foundation Charles C. Barrett Patrick J. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. William D. Barta George F. Bartoszek Paul J. Basinger Isadore Baskin Emery Bass Robert O. Bass George A. Basta James Bateman Miss Faye E. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Lucien R. Battiato The Baxter Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bayard Mrs. George R. Beach, Jr. Lewis Beach Dr. & Mrs. George W. Beadle Orville C. Beattie Ross J. Beatty Robert C. Becherer Mr. & Mrs. John Beck Miss Edith Becker Mrs. James H. Becker Marion G. & S. Max Becker, Jr. Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Alfred N. Bederman Miss Sylvia Beeler Daniel W. Behnke Mrs. Benjamin Leslie Behr Robert I. Beil Dr. Helen R. Reiser Dr. John G. Bellows Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Benchley Mrs. Grace V. Benke Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bent Bertram W. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Bensinger Mrs. Julian Bentley Mrs. Richard W. N. Bentley Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam C. Bentley Garrett L. Bergen Miss Blanche M. Berger George C. Bergland Edwin A. Bergman Robert Bergman Richard C. Berliner Mrs. Edward J. Bermingham, Jr. Charitable Trust John A. Bernauer Mrs. Robert S. Betten Harry J. Bettendorf Dr. Henry B. Betts Theodore C. Beug Miss Hermine Beukema Lt. Col. Don Beurman Miss Moyra Beynon Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bidwell Andrew P. Bieber Charles F. Biersborn Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Biesel John N. Bingham Paul E. Birk Mrs. Frank J. Bittel Mr. & Mrs. John C. Blackmore Dr. & Mrs. William J. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Allan Blair Blake Blair Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair E. S. Blanck Thomas R. Blatchford Edward F. Blettner W. R. Blew Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K. Block Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block, III Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist J. F. Bloomberg George W. Blossom, Jr. Mrs. George W. Blossom, III Milroy R. Blowitz Herbert Blum Mrs. Walter Blum Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Blumberg Raymond S. Blunt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs Ronald P. Boardman Mrs. G. V. Bobrinskoy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bobrow Dr. & Mrs. Leon B. Bobrow Miss Marion Bocach Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Bodine Stephen Bodjanac Robert E. Bodman W. S. Bodman Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Bodovitz Arthur H. Boettcher Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Bohnen S. B. Boken Howard Boltz Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bonadonna James A. Bond Louis Bonhajo Mrs. William A. Boone Mrs. Bruce Borland Mr. & Mrs. John J. Borland II Wallace Bornhoeft Mrs. Melvin Boruszak Mrs. Roland I. Bosworth Miss Anne E. Bouvier Mrs. William J. Bowe Mrs. Clarence W. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Bowen Dr. Robert Bowen Sidney L. Boyar Dr. & Mrs. John R. Boyd Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Boysaw The Edwin J. Brach Foundation 51 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) George Bradley John R. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. David E. Bradshaw Harold S. Brady The Svend and Elizabeth Bramsen Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Judson B. Branch Mr. & Mrs. William H. Brandt William T. Branham Harvey W. Braniger, Jr. David P. Brannin John J. Bransfield, Jr. E. L. Brashears August J. Braun Mr. & Mrs. JuUus Braun Dr. Milton Braun Thomas F. Braziunas H. D. Bredehorn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brehman Mr. & Mrs. William E. Breitzke James G. Brennan Miss Hannah Brenner Rhea & Mariam Brennwasser Mrs. Adam A. Breuer Dr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Breuhaus Dr. Edward A. Brickman George L. Briggs Miss Alice M. Bright Mrs. A. L. Brody Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brogan Mrs. Louise K. Broman Beckwith R. Bronsom Bennett Bronson Walter D. Bronson H. C. Brook Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Brooke III Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Brooker Howard Brooks William B. Browder Mrs. Calvin D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Brown Charles L. Brown Mrs. Gardner Brown Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Brown Mrs. John Whiteside Brown Dr. & Mrs. Murray C. Brown Robert C. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Dr. Rowine Hayes Brown ^'" Mr. & Mrs. William A. Brown Mrs. Jean Hume Browning Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Brumbaugh Avery Brundage Foundation Mrs. Henrietta A. Brunsvold Mrs. Evelyn Bryant Donald P. Buchanan Eugene D. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Buchanan Mrs. DeWitt W. Buchanan, Jr. Dr. R. A. Buckingham Robert E. Budorick Adolph Buechler Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Buehler, Jr. H. L. Buehler Mr. & Mrs. Kent H. Buell William F. Buell Lewis E. Bulkeley Richard S. Bull, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Bulley Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Burch James E. Burd Patricia J. Burda Mrs. Kenneth F. Burgess Herman Burgi, Jr. Thomas M. Burke Homer A. Burnell Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Burnstine Dr. & Mrs. Dan Y. Burrill Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Burton Mrs. Dorothy M. Burwell Dan J. Bustos John C. Butler George W. Butler Marta Buttenwieser Robert B. Butz WilHam A. Buzick, Jr. Leonard Byman Dr. Hyo Hyun Byun Mr. & Mrs. George R. Cain Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Caldwell Wesley C. Calef Laurence K. Callahan Milton H. Callner Foundation Anson W. Cameron G. Brent Cameron Palmer W. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. D. D. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. James A. Campbell Dr. Kenneth M. Campione Canmann Family Foundation Dr. Nicholas J. Capos Thomas F. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Otto F. Carl George T. Carlin Leo J. Carlin Paul Carlson Donald A. Carney Peter Roy Carney Mr. & Mrs. William R. Carney Miss Geraldine Carosella Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Carpenter Daniel T. Carroll Dr. Michael E. Carroll Miss Anne G. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Clyde N. Mr. & Mrs. Philip V. Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Caseley Mr. & Mrs. George W. Caspari Mr. & Mrs. John W. Castle Mr. & Mrs. James H. Gate Silas S. Cathcart J. H. Cattell The Chaffetz Family Foundation Sig Chakow Dr. Helen J. Challand f 52 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) C. Everett Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Channer Caroline S. & George S. Chappell, Jr. Charitable Fund Dr. Allan G. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Charlton Joseph A. Chenicek W. T. Chester Lawrence A. Chez Chicago Women's Aid Dr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Chilcote Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Newell Childs William G. Chorn Mr. & Mrs. George B. Christensen Peder A. Christensen Dr. G. L. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Chris G. Christopherson Mrs. Freeman S. Church Herbert S. Church, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Church, Jr. S. Thomas Cidell Mrs. Edward S. Clark James W. Clark Thomas J. Clark Mrs. Charles F. Clarke John Walter Clarke Mrs. Philip R. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Claus Richard W. Claus Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Clement George L. Clements Lloyd T. Clemetsen Air. & Mrs. Duane L. Clinton Miss Stella Clinton A. J. Clonick Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard L. Closs Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Clow, Jr. Kent S. Clow, Jr. Miss Marion Clow Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Coakley William F. Coale Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cob urn John L. Cochran Mrs. Eric W. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Abraham H. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Burton D. Cohen Jack Cohen Perry Cohen The Cohn Family Foundation, Inc.: Robert H. Cohn- Alvin W. Cohn Mrs. James C. Cohrs Francis W. Colburn Mrs. L W. Colburn Dr. Glen Cole Orville P. Cole Charles P. Coleman Clarence L. Coleman, Jr. & Lillian S. Coleman Foundation Dr. John M. Coleman Marvin & Charlotte Coleman Foundation William Coleman Dr. Donald CoUier Mr. & Mrs. John C. Colman Ralph F. Colton William R. Colton Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Conant James J. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Fairfax M. Cone Mr. & Mrs. Spencer B. Cone Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Conger Philip Conley George F. Connelly Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Cook John S. Coonley John L. Coons Dr. Robert J. Corbett Mrs. David P. Cordray Mr. & Mrs. Gale C. Cor ley Mrs. Martin P. Cornelius, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Cornwell Maurice B. Cossman Dr. Maurice H. Cottle Donald C. Cottrell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Graham T. Coulter Mr. & Mrs. Blair Coursen Mrs. George Covington Mr. & Mrs. William S. Covington Alfred Cowles Mrs. Knight C. Cowles The Cox Foundation Clifford B. Cox Thomas R. Coyne Mrs. Norman Lee Cram Arthur A. Cramer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred N. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Crane Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crane Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam F. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Creber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Cremin Mrs. John Randolph Crews John T. Crofts Stanley Cronwall Crossley Foundation Irving Crown Mrs. Herschel H. Cudd Frank Cullotta Herbert K. Cummings Tilden Cummings Miss Gertrude Curtis Paul W. Cutler Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cutler William R. Cutter Miss Thorine Dahl Mrs. Arnold R. Dahlstrom Benjamin Daidone Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dandurand George Edson Danforth William F. Danforth Oscar O. D'Angelo WiUiam W. Darrow Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Davies Mr. & Mrs. DeForest P. Davis, Jr. Howard J. Davis Mrs. Marianne H. Davis Mrs. Nathan S. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Orval C. Davis 53 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Davis Bruce Dean Thomas A. Dean Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeBoer Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Robert S. DeGolyer Louis H. T. Dehmlow Dr. & Mrs. Friedrich Deinhardt Mrs. James A. Delaney, Jr. Howard W. Dellard Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Mr. & Mrs. William R. Demmert Mrs. R. J. DeMotte Miss Virginia J. Denney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Dentice Mr. & Mrs. James V. Dernehl Mr. & Mrs. William E. Derrah Mr. & Mrs. Ashley D. DeShazor Mrs. Albertina S. Despotes Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. DeSwarte Gus C. Detlefsen John J. Devery Mr. & Mrs. John H. Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Carl Devoe Edward J. DeWitt Mr. & Mrs. David L. Diana Dr. & Mrs. Luis E. Diaz-Perez Mrs. Edison Dick Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Diehl Edward G. Dierks Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Digman Mr. & Mrs. Otto C. Dill Robert Diller Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Dillon Mitchell J. Dimand Dr. Salvatore A. Dimiceli Mr. & Mrs. Robert U. Dini Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Dr. Frank W. Dobbs Dr. & Mrs. Norman B. Dobin Isidor Doctor Gabriel V. Dodd Mrs. Edmund J. Doering Burtis J. Dolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dolan David Dolnick James C. Domabyl Norbert F. Dompke Daniel A. Don Jerome Don Miss Dorothy E. Donlon Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley James R. Donnelley Mrs. Raymond G. Donnersberger James V. Donoghue Mr. & Mrs. Maurice M. Dore Mrs. Allen M. Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. Querin P. Dorschel A. H. Doty Richard M. Doub Miss Clara Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. James H. Douglas, Jr. William C. Douglas Mrs. Helen James Douglass H. James Douglass John F. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. George H. Dovenmuehle James C. Downs, Jr. Miss Phyllis E. Downs Anthony E. Doyle Robert A. Drake Robert T. Drake Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Dressel Max Dressier and Bertha Dressier Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Drevs Mr. & Mrs. Ben W. Drew, Jr. Miss Diane G. Drobish Carl Dry Joseph A. Dubbs Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. DuBose Burton Duffie Carl P. Duncan Kent W. Duncan Louis Duncan Mrs. Allison Dunham William E. Dunlap The Reverend Ralph G. Dunlop Laura B. Dunn Trust Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. M. F. Dunne, Jr. Miss Cynthia Ann Durko Bruce L. Durling Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Dyer Robert J. Eck Florence P. Eckfeldt Alfred K. Eddy R. J. Eddy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Edelstein Mr. & Mrs. Guy Ederheimer, Jr. Murray Edes Dr. & Mrs. O. H. Edinger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Edwards Mr. William H. Edwards Mark Egan William Q. Egan Mr. & Mrs. George W. Eger, Jr. Gerard J. Eger Stanton L. Ehrlich Joseph S. Ehrman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Ehrmann Mr. & Mrs. Alvin M. EicoflF Fred R. Eiseman Ernest A. Eklund Mrs. J. J. Eldred Mr. & Mrs. William O. Eldridge William Elfenbaum Mr. & Mrs. John C. EUer E. E. EUies Miss Grace E. Elliott Mrs. William S. Elliott Cecil Homer Ellis € 54 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) H. John Ellis, Jr. The P>ed and Helen Ellis Charitable Foundation Mrs. Raymond J. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Terry Paul Ellis Dr. & Mrs. James P. Elmes Mrs. Henry Embree J. W. Embree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Embree Miss M. Caroline Emich Mr. & Mrs. C. Lyman Emrich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tomy Endo Mrs. Benjamin F. Enelow Mr. & Mrs. Robert Engelman Robert A. Enlow E. Stanley Enlund Dr. & Mrs. H. H. Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Erickson Donald Erickson Mrs. Richard C. Erickson Dewey A. Ericsson Walter H. Ericsson Miss Mary E. Erskine F. McD. Eryin Mrs. Bergen Eyans Chester Eyans Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Evans Kenneth Evans Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Evans Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Evans W. M. Evans TheB. N. & M. C. Everett Foundation William S. Everett Mr. & Mrs. George B. Everitt Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Eyler Stanley W. Faierson P. W. Fairchild D. L. Fairweather Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Faithorn, Jr. Mrs. Ralph Falk Dr. Eugene I. Falstein Paul E. Fanta David L. Fargo Mrs. H. D. Fargo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Preston Farley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Farmer Charles W. Farnham Ray m on E. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Farrell Mrs. Robert S. Faurot W. Peyton Fawcett The Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Family Foundation Mrs. Bernard J. Felbinger Joseph Ferguson Mrs. R. W. Ferguson Judge & Mrs. H. Fern Sidney Feuchtwanger Armin F. Fick Marshall Field The Fiffer Foundation Edwin P. Fifielski Dr. Mildred Finney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen I. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Fischer, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Morris Fishbein Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Fisher Dr. James P. Fitsgibbons L. J. Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Flack Donald Flax Charles J. Fleck, Sr. Mrs. E. F. Flegg Misses Anna & Louise Fleischman E. L Fleming Joseph Fletcher Mrs. Mildred C. Fletcher Philip H. Flick Mrs. Joseph B. Fligman Mr. & Mrs. James G. Flood Mr. & Mrs. Harold Florsheim Mrs. Lillian H. Florsheim Dale Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Floyel Patrick J. Flynn Dwight W. FoUett Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Ford Harold E. Foreman Mrs. George H. Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Fortman, Jr. Miss Leila M. Foster Dr. & Mrs. Earle B. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Edmund R. Fowler Mrs. Peter Fox Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Foxwell Robert L. Francoeur Ejler Frandsen A. A. Frank, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Zollie Frank Allyn J. Franke Marshall L Frankel Richard D. Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. A. Frankenthal Harry L Franklin Hermann Frauen C. B. Frazier Dr. Vincent C. Freda Miss Carolyn Frederick Dr. Christabel H. Frederick Emanuel Freeman William M. Freeman Miss Phyllis J. French Mrs. Silvia Freudenfeld The Freudenthal Foundation Dr. & Mrs. J. Dennis Freund Foundation Ralph K. Frew Mrs. Charles Daniel Frey Dr. & Mrs. David A. Frey Robert A. Fried Dr. Stanton A. Friedberg Dr. H. H. R. Friederici Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. FriedHch Fred M. Friedlob Mr. & Mrs. Allan Friedman Richard E. Friedman The William J. & Irene J. Friedman Family Foundation Mrs. Edmund W. Froehlich Victor R. Frumkin Mr. & Mrs. E. Montford Fucik Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Fucik 55 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Fulk Family Charitable Trust William W. Fullagar Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Fuller Harold G. Fulmer III Paul C. Fulton Joseph M. Gabriel Rudolph R. Gabriel Miss Elsie Gadzinski Mrs. Geraldine Gallagher Mrs. James L. Garard Mrs. Myrl A. Garas Raymond Garbe Alexander S. Gardner F. Sewall Gardner Henry A. Gardner Henry K. Gardner Mrs. J. M. Garner Miss Maryella Garner Alan C. Garrett Warren Garst George Garver Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Garvey, Jr. Richard I. Gavin Robert Gay Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gearen John T. Geary, Jr. Alfred E. Gebhardt Miss Shirley I. Gebhardt Dr. & Mrs. John E. Gedo Albert S. George Calvin M. George Edward C. George Miss Marjorie J. George Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. George, Jr. Mrs. Maurice Patrick Geraghty Raymond I. Geraldson John H. Gerard Frank Gerbing, Jr. G. F. Gerk Louis Gershon Mrs. Jesse R. Gerstley Mrs. Harry W. Getz James R. Getz Oscar Getz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gibbs, Jr. William T. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. J. Charles Gilbert Paul J. Gilbertson Robert T. Gilchrist Mr. & Mrs. John O. Giles Langdon B. Gilkey Mrs. James Gordon Gilkey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey B. Gill Dr. & Mrs. John H. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Karl S. Giloth J. William Gimbel, Jr. and Odell B. Gimbel Foundation Walter Ginsburg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Remi J. Gits, Jr. Alfred E. Gladding Louis J. Glass Marvin Glass Mrs. James J. Glassner Mrs. Charles F. Glore Albert H. Glos Louis H. Goebel Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. Goelzer Mr. & Mrs. William C. Goering Mr. & Mrs. George C. Goewey Myron B. Golber Bertrand Goldberg Mrs. Marcia W. Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Morris Goldenberg Mr. & Mrs. M. Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Morris Goldman Fred L. Goldsby Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith I. H. Goldwau Joseph J. Golman Mrs. Howard Goodman C. T. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Colin S. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Frederic G. Gordon Miss Marion G. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gorelik Sidney S. Gorham, Jr. Daniel R. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gorske Mr. & Mrs. T. Poultney Gorter Eugene Gott Mrs. Sanuel Gould John W. Grab Harold J. Graf Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Graf Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Graham Donald M. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Graham Mr. & Mrs. William B. Graham Mr. & Mrs. John J. Grant Michael E. Grant Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam G. Grashorn Eugene Gray J. Douglas Gray Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam S. Gray Dr. John T. Grayhack Greater Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Dr. Edward D. Greaves James L. Green Miss Ruth E. Green Aubrey J. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Greenebaum Dr. Bernard M. Greenwald Col. & Mrs. Clifford C. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gregor Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Dr. Dorothy Grey Mr. & Mrs. G. P. Grieve D. J. Griffin Dr. B. Herold Griffith Carroll L. & Sylvia M. Griffith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James P. Griffith Eugene J. Grisko Sidney J. Groban Fred H. Groen, Jr. Frank D. Grossman Mrs. W. F. Grote, Jr. Mrs. Karl Grube c 56 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Dr. & Mrs. John G. Gruhn Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Grumhaus Mrs. William C. Grunow Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Ernest Guild David L. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Solomon Gurewitz Miss Helen K. Gurley Dr. Edwin L. Gustus William P. Gutekanst Mr. & Mrs. C. Arthur Guzzardi H. C. Gwinn Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Ralph F. Haag Mr. & Mrs. Niles Hack Miss J. Hackert John W. D. Hadley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haffner Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Hagey A. W. Hagstrom Arthur B. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Hall George E. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Hartley A. Hall John L. Hall Edward W. Hallauer W. J. Halligan Dick Halstead Romaine M. Halverstadt Mr. and Mrs. Chalkley J. Hambleton Charles F. Hamburg, Jr. Hunt Hamill Mrs. Curtis R. Hammond James W. Hammond The Hampton Fund Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hanley Dr. & Mrs. C. Rollins Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hansberger J. Russell Hanson Melvin A. Hardies Frank Harding Mrs. D. Foster Harland Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Harker Millard Harmon Mr. & Mrs. George H. Harong Mr. & Mrs. Dixon L. Harper Miss Mary Harrington Miss Noni Harrington Dean & Mrs. Charles U. Harris Chauncy D. Harris Gerald H. Harris Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. J. Ira Harris Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer B. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Harrison E. Houston Harsha Mrs. Augustin S. Hart Harry J. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Hart, Jr. Robert S. Hartman C. Daggett Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harza Mr. & Mrs. Sidney G. Haskins Mr. & Mrs. John Hasler Mrs. John W. Hasler Mrs. Jerome Hasterlik Dr. & Mrs. Hansjorg Hattemer Mr. & Mrs. John P. Haughton John W. Hausheer Mrs. Albert R. Hauser Mrs. Benjamin Hausman Larry Havlicek Ms. Susan Toni Havranek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Hawkes Miss Maude M. Hawks Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hawrysz Mr. & Mrs. Harold Haydon Mrs. William H. Hazlett Dr. Jerome Head Robert P. Heald Mr. & Mrs. Laurin H. Healy Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. N. Hecht Miss Helen Heggie Mr. & Mrs. George Heigho Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Harold H. Heinkel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heinsimer Hubert Heifer Mrs. Maria E. Heller Frank X. Henke, Jr. O. L. Henninger Henry M. Henriksen Dr. David D. Henry Martin K. Henslee Harold H. Hensold, Jr. Jerry Herdina Gerard F. Herkes Mrs. James Herman J. H. Herz Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hetreed Douglas Hewitt Mrs. John Heymann Robert L. Heyman Mr. & Mrs. George N. Hibben Mr. & Mrs. A. James Hickland Alan L. Hickok Howard E. Hight Dr. & Mrs. R. R. J. Hilker Kimball Hill Mr. & Mrs. Stacy H. Hill David C. Hilliard Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hillier Mrs. Henry D. Hirsch Robert F. Hite Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Hoagland George S. Hoban Mr. & Mrs. John Hobart Russel D. Hobbs Edward W. Hobler Charles A. Hodlmair Francis M. Hodour Michael F. Hodous Mr. & Mrs. Lester Hodson Dr. Eugene Hoffman The Honorable Julius J. Hoffman Irving Hoffman Henry Hofmann Frank J. Hogan Mrs. W. S. Holabird, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart K. Holcomb 57 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Samuel Hollander Sarah Hollander (bequest) Marshall M. HoUeb Mrs. Letitia Baldrige HoUensteiner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hollerbach Mrs. Allen D. HoUoway Barney L. Hollowick Carl Holzheimer Dr. M. B. Hopkins Stephen Y. Hord Mr. & Mrs. William D. Home Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Horning Mrs. Helen Horton Rev. John C. Horton The John Todd and Helene A. Horton Charitable Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Horween Arthur N. Horwich Leslie E. Houck Joseph J. Houda Mr. & Mrs. Harvey H. Howard J. A. Howard Miss Amy L. Howe Mr. & Mrs. James E. Howie A. O. Hoyt Mrs. J. D. Hrdlicka Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Hrozencik The H.R.S. and G.U.S. Foundation Frank B. Hubachek Mrs. Otis L. Hubbard, Sr. Miss Katherine J. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. George Huebner Mr. & Mrs. George E. Huensch George A. Huggins Dr. Charles E. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hughev Mr. & MVs. C. H. Hull Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Hullender Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Hulsen Miss Lucinda C. Hunt Manly K. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. William O. Hunt Mrs. C. Kenneth Hunter Lemuel B. Hunter Mrs. Paul M. Hunter G. H. Huntley Edward A. Hurd, Jr. Mrs. Raymond J. Hurley Richard H. Huson Donald Hutchings John S. Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Hutchinson Frank D. Huth Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Hwastecki Earl Hvlen Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mrs. Wilmarth Ickes Dr. Farouk Idriss Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Iker Paul F. Ilg Jacob Inger Mrs. H. B. IngersoU Robert S. IngersoU Mrs. S. L. IngersoU John J. Insella Tony Izerello John C. Irvin Frank O. Irwin Mrs. Henry Irwin Mr. & Mrs'. Tod Isaacson Hans D. Isenberg Mr. & Mrs. George S. Isham Mr. & Mrs. James L. Isham Robert A. Jablonski Mrs. Robert B. Jackson Warren K. Jackson Carl B. Jacobs Mrs. Walter H. Jacob? Emmanuel Jacobson Raphael Jacobson Bruce R. Jagor Reinhardt H. Jahn Herman R. Jahnke Frederick G. Jaicks Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam Jakofsky Mrs. Ralph C. James Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. James William D. James, Jr. Thomas A. Jancosek Judge & Mrs. Rudolph L. Janega Robert W. Janssen Mrs. Florentyna M. Janulis Japan America Society of Chicago, Inc. Mrs. Leonard Japp, Sr. Charles C. Jarchow Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Jarchow Robert B. Jarchow Andrew 0. Jaros Sidney F. Jarrow Jack Jay Robert W. Jay Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Owen H. Joggerst Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Johnson Betty Johnson Calmer L. Johnson Carl A. Johnson Carl H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. C. V. Johnson George E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. Robert E. Johnson, Sr. Roy L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John Sills Jones Robert V. Jones Miss Winifred Jones C. R. Jonswold Robert J. Jordan Paul C. Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. Gabe Joseph Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Jung Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kackley William V. Kahler Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kahn Simon Kahn Jean M. Kalvelage Mrs. Jean Kane Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kanrich Stanley & Joan Kaplan Fund, Inc. Walter Kaplan George A. Karagas # 58 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Sam Karash Bernard Karel Mr. & Mrs. Frank Karger, Jr. Lambert P. Karst Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kaspar George F. Kast Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Kaufman Henry W. Kaufman Peter D. Kauss Miss Florence S. Kaye Mr. & Mrs. James G. Kazanis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Keane Donald S. Keare Mrs. Jerry J. Kearns Marshall "W. Keig Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Keister Mrs. Stanley Keith Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Kelemen Dr. Algimantas Kelertas Russell P. Kelley Foundation Ernest B. Kelly, Jr. John P. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Kellogg II Dr. Frank B. Kelly Andrew J. Kemp Miss M. Rosalie Kempe Mrs. James S. Kemper Charles F. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. William Kerr Charles C. Kerwin Edward M. Kerwin Mrs. Meyer Kestnbaum Robert D. Kestnbaum Mrs. E. O. Ketting F. J. Kezdy Miss Colleen Khoury Alan R. Kidston Robert J. Kieckhefer Robert Kikuchi Mr. & Mrs. Danforth Killips Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kimmel Donald King Mrs. Harvey W. King Dr. Lowell R. King W. S. Kinkead Dr. Janet R. Kinney John J. Kinsella Robert S. Kinsey Richard W. Kirchheimer Mrs. Weymouth Kirkland Clayton Kirkpatrick Lyman R. Kirst Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Kish Miss Mixie Kitazaki Frederick F. Kitzing Mr. & Mrs. Ken Klaren Mrs. Harold D. Klatz Mr. & Mrs. Sivert Klefstad Walter L. Klein Donald J. Khne Rev. Gerald C. Kline Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kneibler Charles F. Knight Mrs. Francis Knight G. Knight and E. M. Knight Foundation Raymond F. Koch Raymond J. Koch Thaddeus Jude Kochanny Dr. Harold Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Atlee Kohl Mrs. Sylvan Kohn Miss Lynn B. Kohner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kokes Barbara Koks Kenneth W. Kolar Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kolb Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Kolehmainen Arthur F. Korf N. F. Korhumel Miss Mildred M. Korosic Peter J. J. Kosiba Robert S. Kosin Miss Lucille V. Kosinske C. James Kotal Igor A. Kovac Harry O. Kovats, Jr. Frank B. KozHk Miss Florence A. Kraemer Douglas Kramer Victor E. Kraus Dr. Arthur M. Krause Mr. & Mrs. Merton S. Krause Miss Pearl M. Krause Mrs. Bernice F. Kremer Miss Jeannette G. Kremer Miss Edith M. Krentz Leonard O. Krez Miss Lucille Kriel Carl Kresl Dr. Charles Kresnoflf Mr. & Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kroc Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Kroc Kenneth Kroehler W. A. Kroeplin Walter Krolski Joseph P. Krone Miss Kay Kruger Mrs. W. L. Kruppenbacher Mr. & Mrs. James S. Kuhn Overton F. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Willard Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kulasik Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation Irv Kupcinet Commander John F. Kurfees, USN (Ret.) Clyde Kurlander Dr. & Mrs. Abraham Kushner Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy S. Kwiatt Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Kyle Miss Clara R. Lacey Kenneth B. Lacy Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lake, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Lambert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Lamberton John R. Lanahan David P. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Frederic S. Lane William Noble Lane Mrs. Gordon Lang Mrs. George Taylor Langhorne 59 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Joseph B. Lanterman Robert E. Largay Mrs. Walter D. Larkin Earl D. Larsen Roger N. Larson The Lash Foundation Miss Frances E. Latham Mrs. Katherine A. Lathrop Mrs. Sam Laud R. F. Lawinger WiUiam J. Lawlor, Jr. Miss C. Agnes Lawrence Mrs. Roland H, Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. William R. Lawrence Gerard Lawson John Franklin Lax Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Leadbetter George J. Leahy Dr. Aaron Learner The Francis L. Lederer Foundation LesHe C. Lehman Lloyd W. Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Leich Dr. & Mrs. Murray H. Leiffer John G. Leininger Edward L. Lembitz William H. Lerch John Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Lerner Hymen Lesk James N. Lesparre Mrs. Edward H. Levi The Elaine and Stanley Levi Foundation Mrs. Ceha Levinson Paul 0. Lewis Dr. PhiUip Lewis Dr. R. Burns Lewis Robert A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Lewy (The Prospect Foundation Edward Lifmann T. M. Lillard James Lilly Mrs. Howard Linn Dr. Roman J. Lipinski Mrs. WiUiam Lippman Dr. & Mrs. W. C. Liu Mrs. Katherine Trees Livezey Mr._& Mrs. Samuel V. Lizzo Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd L. R. Lock The Lockformer Foundation Mrs. Clarence Loeb The Allan and Elizabeth Loeb Foundation Edward E. Loebe Jerrold Loebl Richard M. LoefF Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O. Logan John Logeman IV Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Lommen Hugh B. Long Mrs. WiUiam E. Long Kenneth Lopaty John T. Lorch John S. Lord Miss Susie De Lorenzi Donald J. Lotrich Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Miss Ruth Loughead Mrs. John J. Louis Michael W. Louis H. Norris Love Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Lovelace, Jr. Mrs. Nancy B. Lovell William H. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lubeznik Mr. & Mr. Donald G. Lubin L. N. Lucas Kubet Luchterhand Francis F. Lukas Mrs. H. J. Lund Elliott Lundberg Mrs. Helen N. Lundv Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Lutz, Jr. Mrs. J. A. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Len Lyon Raymond P. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Maas William D. Mabie Charles M. Macal E. K. MacDonald James D. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Macdonald Mrs. Malcolm B. Maclntire Edward E. Mack, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David O. MacKenzie Mrs. Wallace D. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. John A. MacLean, Jr. Edwin D. MacLuckie Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. MacQuaker J. de Navarre Macomb, Jr. Mrs. Albert F. Madlener, Jr. Otto Madlener PhiUp S. Makin R. T. Makins Mrs. Edith Grimm Malone Douglas P. Maloney Harold and Edna Manhoff Foundation Mrs. John F. Manierre John M. Mann John F. Mannion Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Mansfield George L. Manta Gilbert Marcus Thomas Marczewski S. Edward Marder Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Margolies Cyrus Mark The Markle Foundation Sydney R. Marovits Mrs. Gilbert H. Marquardt Walter L. Marr Mrs. Marcia G. Marrinson A, Fletcher Marsh E. S. Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Terrence G. Marsh C. V. Martin Foundation Robert A. Martin Dr. Stanley Martin Frank Martino Mrs. Margaret Martling Keith Masters Miss Dorothy R. Matchett Selwyn R. Mather Thomas N. Mathers Robert Matthies Walter J. Mattick Edward A. Matuga € 60 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) John C. Mauldins Augustus K. Maxwell, Jr. Robert E. Maxwell J. L. Mayberry, Jr. Mrs. David Mayer Harold M. Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Maver Mr. & Mrs. William J. McAllister Billings M. McArthur Jeremiah D. McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Leah E. McCain Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McCallister Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. McCartney Mr. & Mrs. Franklin B. McCarty, Jr. Nolen A. McCleary Robert W. McCluggage Mr. & Mrs. James J. McClure, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brooks McCormick Dr. Walter C. McCrone Dr. T. M. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McCurry Mr. & Mrs. John M. McDonald Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDougal, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ernest G. McEwen Mrs. William D. McFarland Risley B. McFeely, Jr. Charles S. McGill Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Mcllvaine George A. McKay Miss Mabel McKay Albert E. McKee Robert W. McKittrick Mr. & Mrs. William W. McKittrick Edward C. McLean Mr. & Mrs. Don H. McLucas Andrew J. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred G, McMillan Miss Shirley McMillen Robert C. McNamara, Jr. J. Allan McNichol Joseph Munroe McNulty McShumwill Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frankhn McVey Mr. & Mrs. A. L. McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. John L. Means Dr. L. Steven Medgyesy A. Medora Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. S. Mason Meek Henry W. Meers Fund Dr. Kermit Mehlinger Joe A. Meisel III Gerhard B. Meissner Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Melin, Jr. Miss Margaret Mellodv E. G. Mells William N. Melzer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Merriam Dr. & Mrs. James W. Merricks Mrs. F. Leighton Merserve Paul H. Mesenbrink Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Metcalf Mr. & Mrs. Leonard B. Meyer David C. Meyers Allen C. Michaels Joseph M. Michaels Michaels Foundation, Inc. Edward Michalko Robert D. Michels, Jr. Foundation Andrew Michyeta, Jr. John A. Middleton, Jr. Mrs. Jerome B. Mikesell Munroe Milavetz Mr. & Mrs. H. T. Milgrom Dr. & Mrs. C. Phillip Miller David S. Miller Glenn R. Miller Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Harold Miller Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Miller Homer L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. J. Carter Miller Dr. & Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mrs. Paul C. Miller Ralph P. Miller Dr. Robert G. Miller Miss Roberta Miller Mrs. Thomas S. Miller John J. Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Milligan Mrs. Dorothy Stone Mills Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Mills, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. M inkier Robert E. Minuth Mr. & Mrs. Lyman L. Mitchell Mrs. N. A. Mittelman L. T. Moate C. I. Mock Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Moe Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Moeng, Jr. H. G. Mojonnier Mr. & Mrs. Mel A. Mongerson Henry I. Monheimer Mr. & Mrs. W. C. M onsen Dr. Clark A. Montgomery John H. Morava Fred M. Morelli Albert A. Morey Dr. Freda Morgan Mr. & Mrs. K. P. Morgan Samuel Morgan Jerrold L. Morris Mrs. Gertrude Morrison George L. Morrow Mrs. John Morrow, Jr. R. M. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Morton Horace C. Moses, Jr. Walter H. Moses Alfred Mossner Foundation Raymond Mostek The Fourth Anton P. and Margaret W. Mourek Charitable Trust Russell G. Moy 61 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mrs. David G. Moyer John A. Muhlenberg Patrick J. MuUady J. Bernard Mullen, Jr. Manly W. Mumford Mr. & Mrs. Clyde J. Murray Prof. Gordon N. Murray James J. Nack Mrs. Walter H. Nadler Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Nagel, Jr. Hodo Nakayama Mrs. Jerome Naman Mr. & Mrs. Lyman M. Nash Roscoe C. Nash Bernard Nath Mr. & Mrs. George L. Naylor Harry E. Neander Mrs. Maurice H. Needham Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Neely Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Neegers Mrs. Louise M. Nehlsen The Neisser Fund Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Nelson Charles M. Nelson Hubert B. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson Mrs. George D. Neptune Mrs. Aldo E. Nessler Dr. M. Graham Netting Dr. & Mrs. William Evans Neville Mrs. John C. Nevins Mr. & Mrs. James H. Newberry, Jr. Gerald Newman Dr. Charles H. Nichols Oliver Nickels Mr. & Mrs. Howard I. Niederman Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Charitable Trust George Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Nielsen Thomas M. Niles J. J. Nolan Mrs. Seymour Nordenburg Ms. Mabel M. Nordhold Mrs. Lawrence E. Norem Harold Norman Fund Mr. & Mrs. Lester Norris Mr. & Mrs. Lester I. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Theodore S. Noskowicz Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Noyes Edward W. Nugent Richard H. Nugent Donald C. Nygren Karl F. Nygren Mrs. Wilma Oaks Mr. & Mrs. James F. Oates, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Oberheide Mr. & Mrs. Anton Oberhuber Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O'Brien Miss Lucille P. Obst Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. O'Connor Lawrence O'Connor Thomas B. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Odell William R. Odell Mr. & Mrs. William W. Oelman Dr. & Mrs. William C. Offenkrantz Dorothy Wrigley Offield Charity Fund The Wrigley and Edna Jean OfReld Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. O' Grady Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam P. O'Keefe DeWitt O'KieflFe Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O'Leary Dr. George A. Olander Dr. & Mrs. Eric Oldberg Harry M. Oliver, Jr. Dr. Marguerite G. Ohver Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Parks Olson Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Olson Charles A. O'Malley Mrs. Patrick O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Opitz Mrs. Edward H. Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. James K. Oppenheimer The Oppenheimer Family Foundation Mrs. J. Michael O'Riley Dr. John R. Orndorff W. Irving Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood J. Sanford Otis James Otis, Jr. Stuart Huntington Otis John Ekern Ott Wendel Fentress Ott Dr. George H. Otto Mrs. Richard C. Oughton John H. Owen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Owens Mr. & Mrs. George W. Overton Russell Packard Ms. Sarah R. Packard Thomas Padilla Mrs. Walter Paepcke WiUiam R. Page, Jr. Dr. Edward Page-El F. V. Paine Mrs. James W. Painton Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Pallas R. M. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Palmer Clarence O. Palmquist Athan A. Pantsios Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Parcell Mr. & Mrs. Roland Parduhn Mrs. Norman S. Parker Dr. & Mrs. Frances M. Parks Hon. Cecil A. Partee Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Partridge Judge Herbert C. Paschen A. D. Pashkow Daniel E. Pasowicz Dr. Paul J. Patchen Dr. & Mrs. Philip Y. Paterson Norman J. Patinkin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Patterson William Pavey Charles Paveza Charles D. Peacock III 62 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mrs. E. S. Pearsoll George A. Pearson, Jr. Otto Pecha, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Peck Frederick R. Pedrigi Eugene Pekow Vernon J. Pellouchoud Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Penner F. K. Peppier Daniel Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Perlman Louis and Anita Perlman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Perrin Mr. & Mrs. Ward E. Perrin Mr. & Mrs. David B. Perry William A. Perry Dr. & Mrs. LeRoy A. Pesch Mr. & Mrs. James Petcoff Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Peters William 0. Petersen Kent F. Peterson Mrs. Nancy Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Peterson Richard B. Peterson Guy S. Petit-Clerc William J. Pfeif Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pflughoeft Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Phalen William A. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert J. Pichler Frederic G. Pick Mrs. Robert F. Picken Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Pielsticker Mr. & Mrs. John Pierrepont Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Pierson Eugene R. Pietkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Wesley O. Piles Tom Pilkington Bert O. Pinch Mrs. Ira M. Pink Mrs. Gordon L. Pirie Mr. & Mrs. David S. K. Piatt William Pletz Mr. & Mrs. George M. Plews John William Pocock Mrs. Helen S. Pojman Miss Gertrude Polashak Mrs. William Roe Polk Mr. & Mrs. Maurice A. Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Oren T. Pollock E. J. Pool Mrs. Henry Pope, Jr. Mrs. James W. Pope John W. Pope Edward C. Porter Charles Posey David Poster Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Potter Dr. Robert Morse Potter Albert W. Potts Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Potts H. Robert Powell Claude W. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Preble, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morgan Price Harry Prince Mr. & Mrs. William Wood Prince Robert A. Pritzker Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Props The Prospect Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John A. Prosser Mr. & Mrs. William A. P. Pullman Victor W. Purcey Ward L. Quaal Mrs. R. T. Quackenbush S.S. Raab Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Rabatine Mrs. Dorothy W. Radack Richard J. Radebaugh Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. Radloff Mr. & Mrs. L.S. Raisch Norman Ramsden Mrs. Clarence B. Randall Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ranney Allen N. Ransom James M. Ratcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ratty Roy A. Rauschenberg Walter Rause Miss Martha Ravlin Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Read William M. Redfield Miss Gertrude E. Reeb Carl S. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reed Dr. Clifton L. Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Reeder William A. Reego Mrs. George C. Reeves James A. Reeves Mrs. Robert G. Regan Miss Ruth Regenstein F. Theodore Reid, Jr. Mrs. Sophie M. Reiffel Glen Reiman Dr. Arthur F. Reimann Miss Marie K. Remien Fred H. Remmert John W. Rendall Dr. Earl Renfroe Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Replogle Mr. Harold Reskin Dr. John T. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds Marion G. Rhines Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Rice Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Ricker Mr. & Mrs. Martin Riessen Elmer W. Rietz George G. Rinder Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Rinehart Denis J. Rintz Mrs. John Ritchie Charles Ritten Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Harry V. Roberts Narlie Roberts Hugh Robertson Scott Robertson John W. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Robinson 63 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Sanger P. and Martha F. Robinson Foundation Theodore W. and Annabel A. Robinson Foundation Edwin 0. Robson and EHzabeth S. Robson Foundation, Inc. Henry W. Rodewald Dr. Douglas D. Rodriguez Robert W. Rogers John Roloff Mrs. Robert M. Roloson III Miss Virginia M. Roos Harry A. Root, Jr. The Philip and Myn Rootberg Foundation Miss Evelyn Rose Mr. & Mrs. George E. Rose, Jr. Ben L. Rosenberg Dr. Ronald Rosenberg Mrs. Jack Rosenbloom Nathan Rosenstone Gerson M. Rosenthal, Jr. Allan I. Roshkind Dr. Reno Rosi Earl Ross Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Ross, Jr. Dr. William M. Ross Miss Gertrude E. Rossing H.H. Rost William R. Rostek Daniel Rostenkowski Mr. & Mrs. William Rostoker Mr. & Mrs. A. Frank Rothschild Fund Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Rothschild Melville N. Rothschild Fund Miss Edith Rotta Mrs. Paul Rowan Mr. & Mrs. Mason Rowell Ben A. Rozek Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Rubin Edward P. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rubinstein Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rubloff Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Rubovits John W. Ruettinger Mrs. Rudy L. Ruggles Herbert W. Rumsfeld Mrs. Paul Russell Dr. John H. Rust Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ruttenberg Patrick G. Ryan PhyUis J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Robert B, Ryan Mrs. Anthony M. Ryerson Mrs. Donald M. Ryerson Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson J. Coert Rylaarsdam Werner Ryser John Rzeszotko Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sachs Robert W. Saigh Mr. & Mrs. Alan Saks Mrs. Robert C. Sale Dr. Melvin R. Salk Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Sallas Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Salvaneschi S.M. Salvino Dr. Carl H. Samans Marshall G. Sampsell Harold R. Sampson William D. Sampson Mr. & Mrs. Quentin E. Samuelson Frank B. Sanders Henry T. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Sandman Chester F. Sargent Miss Harriet A. Sasse John R. Sathern Charles D. Satinover Mr. & Mrs. Alton F. Sautter Mrs. Alvah L. Sawyer Leonard B. Sax Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Scanlin Mrs. Henry Scarborough Bernard E. Schaar John H. Schacht William A. Schaefer Miss Hazel Schafer Mrs. L.L. Schaffner Francis R. Schanck Lester Schatz Miss Marion H. Schenk Haskell Schiff Mrs. Gerhart Schild James C. Schindler William E. Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schlesinger Richard W. Schlienz Harold W. Schloss Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Schlossman Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Schmitt Dr. Kenneth D. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. John Brewster Schmuck Edgar L. Schnadig Mrs. AHce Schneider Roy E. Schneider Mrs. Leo H. Schoenhofen Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Schrage Marvin P. Schramm Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schroeder Walter E. Schuessler Mrs. Beth B. Schuett E. Charles Schuetz Miss Isabelle Schuh Mrs. Arthur W. Schultz Edward H. Schultz, Jr. Mrs. George Schulz Mark Schupp William A. Schwab J.J. Schwander Robert Schwarting Dr. & Mrs. T.B. Schwartz Dr. J. P. Schweitzer Dr. & Mrs. John Schweppe Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schwerdtman Harry Schwimmer Peter Scott Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Scott A.T. Seaholm Irving Seaman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Frank T. Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Noel Seeburg, Jr. c 64 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Seeberger Stephen E. Sebestyen Irving N. Segal Dr. Ben Seid Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Seidman Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Seren Dr. H. M. Serota Fred P. Seymour, Jr. Dr. James G. Shaffer Arthur M. Shapiro Dr. Charles M. Shapiro Mrs. Jerome Share Mrs. Alfred Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shaw Mr. & Mrs. John L Shaw Dr. Noel G. Shaw Burcher Sheard Mrs. Charles C. Shedd Jeffrey Shedd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sheehan Chester Shell Dr. & Mrs. Emmett W. Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Shelton Mrs. Earl E. Sherff Saul and Devorah Sherman Fund Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Shields John T. Shively Robert W. Shoemaker Mrs. Clyde E. Shorey Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Shouba Mrs. Samuel Shrut Alan H. Shure Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sibley Dr. Harry Sicher A.P. Siciliano Mrs. Alan C. Siegel E. John Sierocinski Otto Ross Sikora Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel M. Silberman Mrs. C.W. Sills Stephen H. Sills Mrs. Theodore Silverstein C.C. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Simms Mr. & Mrs. Seymour F. Simon Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Simpson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Sims Dr. John D. Singer Miss Marilyn Singer Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa Arnold D. Sirk Edwin C. Sittler Gerald Sivage Mr. & Mrs. Leon N. Skan George R. Skodon John Slater Dr. Laurence L. Sloss Gerald Slusser Stephen Small John H. Smalley Robert W. Smick Mrs. Bernice Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Smith Miss E. June Smith Farwell Smith Dr. Garth D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. George D. Smith II Goff Smith Miss Grace Frances Smith Harold Byron Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hawley Smith, Jr. Herman & Mary C. Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John A. Smith John F. Smith, Jr. Leonard R. Smith, M.D., S.C. Miss Mildred Core Smith Miss Ollie M. Smith Richard M. Smith Dr. T. Manuel Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thorn E. Smith Walter H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. David B. Smyth Walter S. Snodell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Snydacker Bernard A. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Snyder James E. Snyder Walter H. Sobel Mr. & Mrs. Fred Soderberg, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Sofield Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sohl Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Sokolik Howard Sonderman The Hugo and Virginia B. Sonnenschein Charitable Fund Miss Louise Sonoda Mrs. Robert Sooy James P. Soper, Jr. Miss M. Attie Souder Mrs. Edwin J. Souhrada Harold Spaght Frederick P. Spaulding J.B. Spaulding Joseph S. Spencer Lewis D. Spencer Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. George T. Spensley Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam B. Spetch A. James Speyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spicer Mrs. Arthur H. Spiegel Mrs. Clara G. Spiegel F. WiUiam Spiegel, Jr. Ronald Spiegel Mrs. Robert E. Spiel Gergory G. Spiess Leonard M. Spira The Joel and Maxine Spitz Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Spitz Mr. & Mrs. Tom L. Spitza Richard W. Srch & Family Mrs. Richard W. Stafford A.E. Staley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stamatakos Dr. Maurice S. Stamler Frederick K, Stamm Thomas Stanislawski 65 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Starmann Dale Starzyk Charles B. Stateler Charles Steele, Jr. Miss Mildred D. Steelhammer Earl F. Steffens Dr. Enrique Steider Mrs. Herbert Stein Dr. Jay W. Stein Karl E. Stein Paul M. Steinbrink Mr. & Mrs. William Steinwedell Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Stelzer Dr. Frederick Stenn Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stephens Mrs. James A. Sterett Mr. & Mrs. Gardner H. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stevens Mrs. Clement D. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson III Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stewart Frank T. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Stine Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Stock Edward J. Stoll Russell F. Stoll Robert G. Stolze The Stone Foundation, Inc. Mrs. David R. Straub Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mr. & Mrs. Ivan G. Strauss Mrs. Joseph L. Strauss Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Stuart Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Stuart Erwin A. Stuebner Willard C. Stuhlfaut Mr. & Mrs. James F. StuU Mr. & Mrs. Allen P. Stults Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sturgis Mrs. King C. Stutzman Carroll H. Sudler Dr. & Mrs. Oscar Sugar Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sugarman Edwin T. Sujack John J. Sullivan Gene R. Summers Ernest G. Sundin William A. Sundlof Mr. & Mrs. Nerval E. Surbaugh Mr. & Mrs. James L. Surpless Albert E. Suter Jack E. Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn H. Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. William Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. James Swartchild Miss Sandy Swartz Mrs. Roily O. Swearingen Mrs. Lloyd E. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Swehla Miss Gayle Swenson Mr. & Mrs. William O. Swett Mrs. Edward F. Swift George H. Swift, Jr. Gustavus F. Swift Thomas Swigart, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Swihart Richard E. Swin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Taff Stuart Talbot Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Talso Dr. & Mrs. John R. Tambone Robert P. Tandrup Stanley J. Tanan Miss Joyce S. Tani Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Tannenbaum Miss Diane J. Tartol Paul W. Tatge Mrs. Colleen Tatner Miss Bette Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor Mr. & Mrs. R. William Taylor William C. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William L. Taylor, Jr. Ralph D. Teich Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Templeton William F. Tencate John Edward Terrell Robert D. Teunis Dr. Charles S. Textor II Ashley C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Thomas Edwin C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas Joseph H. Thomas Mrs. L. R. Tompkins Mrs. Frank D. Thompson Russell W. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Thompson Miss Marie Thomsen Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Thon The Thoresen Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorne The Thorson Foundation Howard A. Thrun Douglas E. Tibbitts S. N. Tideman, Jr. Mrs. Albert Harris Tippens Vernon Tittle Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Toomin Mr. & Mrs. George Torigian Dr. Lorraine Torkelson Victor Torsberg Town & Country Arts Club Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toyomura Mrs. Wilfred Tracy H. J. Trainor t 66 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Trandel Glen Tranter Mrs. Edna M. Trentlage George S. Trees The Trieschmann Foundation Dr. F. E. Trobaugh, Jr. William C. Trotter Mr. & Mrs. Calvin D. Trowbridge John Truempy Dr. & Mrs. George C. Tsatsos William N. Tucker Mrs. Ruth J. Tuech Robert Wood TuUis Joseph J. Tumpeer Kermit E. Tutt Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Tweit Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Dr. Morris H. Tynes Craig J. Umans Marshall S. Underhill, Jr. Gerard M. Ungaro The University Circle of Northwestern University Mrs. Frederic W. I" Upham Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Uretz Mr. & Mrs. Howard Urow Nelson M. Utley Mrs. Derrick Vail Mr. & Mrs. James D. Vail Harrison Van Aken, Jr. Dirk T. Van Alstyne Arthur A. Van Aman John B. Van Duzer Miss Edna V. Vanek John C. Vanek Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Van Kampen Mrs. Errett Van Nice Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mr. & Mrs. James Van Santen Dr. James W. VanStone Norman Vaughan B. Blair Vedder, Jr. Mrs. WiUiam E. Veerhusen Dr. & Mrs. K. L. Vehe Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Velde, Jr. Herbert P. Veldenz M. P. Venema Mrs. J. T. Venerable Marvin D. Veronee Dr. Frank J. Veverka Charles H. Vial Charles Vibert Mr. & Mrs. Lee J. Vickman Mr. & Mrs. John J. Viscarra Mrs. Blanche Vlach Mr. & Mrs. Harry Vogelsinger, Jr. Edward J. Vogt John A. Volkober Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Von Vogt Dr. & Mrs. McK. Voorhies Dr. Harold C. Voris W. C. Vorreiter Omer G. Voss Stase Vosylius E.H. Wachs Dr. Henry K. Waddington Richard Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Wagner Orlin I. Wahl Mrs. Maude Wahlman Miss Betty Wahrbein Arthur W. Wakeley Jack K. Wakumoto Edwin A. Walcher, Jr. Mary Ann and Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Fund Malcolm M. Walker Mrs. Samuel J. Walker Nettie Wall Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wallace Mrs. William Waller Mr. & Mrs. David B. Wallerstein Dr. Eugene L. Walsh Dimitry & Kay Wanda Mr. & Mrs. Milton H. Wandrey Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wanger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Ward William Park Ward Mrs. J. Harris Ward Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Warren James L. Warren Paul G. Warren Dr. & Mrs. Donald Washburn Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Sr. Dr. Milan M. Wasick Mrs. Isabel B. Wasson Mrs. Theron Wasson Mr. & Mrs. George H. Watkins Mrs. H. B. Watkins William A. P. Watkins Walter J. Watson Amos H. Watts Mrs. Morrison Waud Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Waverly William D. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. E. Leland Webber Frederick F. Webster Richard W. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Weeks Charles W. Wegener Ernest A. Wegner Mr. & Mrs. Julian Weil Irving L. Wein Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Sol. S. Weiner Archie H. Weindorf Myron Weinstein Theodore Weinstein David R. Weinstock Miss Ruth Weintroub Mrs. Lydia Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Weiss William B. Weiss Carl J. Weitzel Clarence W. Weldon Mrs. Donald P. Welles Mrs. Edward K. Welles Mrs. John Paul Welling C.A. Wells James M. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Lyman R. Wells Miss Margarete Wemlinger Miss Barbara H. Wendell 67 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Barrett Wendell F. Lee Wendell Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey Wendt P.W. Wenig Mr. & Mrs. David Wenner, Jr. William C. Wenninger Peter L. Wentz Richard Wessling Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. West Theodore A. Westerberg Mrs. Frank O. Wetmore II H.O. Wetmore Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Wetterlund The Wharton Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William R. Wharton Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Jay N. Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Whiston Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Whitcomb Alexander P. White Mrs. Dorothy L. White Miss Naomi White Phihp C. White Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. White Miss Brenda Whited Mr. & Mrs. Verne Whitnell Miss Adele Whitney Miss Lois Whitney Russell M. Wicks Dr. & Mrs. George D. Wilbanks Robert A. Wilbrandt Robert B. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Erskine P. Wilder, Jr. Robert L. Wildman Phillip Will, Jr. Joseph R. Willens Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Williams Albert D. Williams, Jr. Melville C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Emory Williams Harry J. Williams Dr. Jack WiUiams Dr. Louis O. Williams Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Jack A. WiUiamson Christopher W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Donn R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Wilson Mrs. John P. Wilson Mrs. John P. Wilson, Jr. Judge Minor K. Wilson Robert M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wilson Mrs. Charles Deere Wiman James R. Wimmer Joseph Winiecki Winnetka Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Winland Walker Winter Mr. & Mrs. William T. Wittman Dennis A. Witz Richard R. Woehrle Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Woewucki Mr. & Mrs. Murray Wolbach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Wolfson Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wolper Yau Chun Wong Arthur M. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Wood J. Howard Wood Mr. & Mrs. Harry Woodnorth Mr. & Mrs Robert A. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Herbert N. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Worden Otto R. Wormser Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dean Wright Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Wright Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Wright Miss Margaret J. Wright Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Writer Mrs. Therese S. Wrobel Dr. & Mrs. Laurence Wu Mrs. Eleanor M. Wurster Miss Frances Wyant Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Wyatt E.S. Wygonik A. D. Yablin Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yastrow Theodore N. Yelich Mrs. Ray M. York Claude W. Youker, Jr. J. L. Young James Webb Young Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Zawacki Edward V. Zenzola Frank Ziemann James Zien Mrs. O. David Zimring Mr. & Mrs. David B. Zoellner Mr, & Mrs. Michael Zook Anthony G. Zulfer, Jr. Anthony A. Zurek < 68 CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS DONATIONS OF $5000 OR MORE Atlantic Richfield Foundation Chicago Community Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation International Harvester Co. The Lowenstine Foundation The Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Charitable Trust McDonald's Corporation on behalf of the Employees Sahara Coal Co., Inc. Sears, Roebuck & Company DONATIONS OF $1000— $4999 Allen-Heath Memorial Foundation The Allstate Foundation American National Bank & Trust Company of Chicago American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Amsted Industries Foundation Arthur Andersen & Co. BBS Enterprises Inc. Borg-Warner Foundation, Inc. Burlington Northern Foundation Carson Pirie Scott Foundation Chemetron Foundation Chicago Daily News Charities Fund Chicago Sun-Times Charities Fund Chicago Title and Trust Company Foundation Chicago Today Charities, Inc. Commerce Clearing House, Inc. (The CT Foundation) Commonwealth Edison Company Consolidated Foods Corp. Container Corporation of America The A. B. Dick Foundation R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Elgin-Honey Hill Corp. Fein and Christian Enterprises Inc. First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago Foundation First National Bank of Chicago Foundation Foote, Cone & Belding Geraldi-Norton Memorial Corporation The Gillette Company G-N Distributing Co. Gould Foundation Hales Charitable Fund, Inc. Harris Trust and Savings Bank Foundation Hi-Life Packing Co. Household Finance Corp. Illinois Bell Telephone Company Illinois Tool Works Foundation Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. International Business Machines Corporation Jewel Foundation Kirkland & Ellis L & W Enterprises Inc. McDonald's of Metro St. Louis Inc. McMaster-Carr Supply Company Motorola Foundation The Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust Northmac Inc. Northwest Industries Foundation, Inc. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company George Pick & Co. Pullman Inc. Foundation The Quaker Oats Foundation Rollins Burdick Hunter Co. Santa Fe Railway Foundation, Inc. S & C Electric Co. The Seabury Foundation Skil Corporation Sonnenschein, Levinson, Carlin, Nath & Rosenthal Sunbeam Corp. Taylor Freezer Texaco, Inc. Union Oil Company of California Union Stock Yard & Transit Company (Prince Foundation) United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Ben O. Warren Foundation, Inc. Arthur Young & Co. E. W. Zimmerman Construction Products, Inc. 69 DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $1000 Admac, Inc. Advance Heating & Air Conditioning Corp. Aerosol Research Co. Afton Enterprises Inc. A & L Traa, Inc. Allied Structural Steel Company Alnor Instrument Co. Amazon Hose & Rubber Co. American District Telegraph Co. American Hospital Supply Corp. American SAB Co., Inc. Anderson & Litwack Co. Apex Railway Products Co. Arches of Gold, Inc. Atlas Electric Devices Co. Automatic Rolls Inc. Automatic Rolls of New England Inc. The Bakery Bama Pie Inc. Baxter Laboratories, Inc. Alfred Benesch & Company The Benson Creamery Co. Birchwood Inc. Bliss & Laughlin Industries The Borden Company Budd Business Forms Inc. The Bunker-Ramo Foundation Inc. Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Joe Burns & Co. Cadaco, Inc. Caesars, Inc. Callaghan & Company CAM, Inc. Camera Exchange and A/V Center Capitol Cement Company, Inc. Central Ice Cream Co. Central National Bank in Chicago Century-Weaver Foundation Chatham Paving Co. Cherry Electrical Products Corporation Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation Chicago Litho Plate Graining Co., Inc. Citizens National Bank of Chicago City Products Corp. Clamac, Inc. Clow Corporation CNA Investor Services, Inc. Comprehensive Copy Service Inc. G. F. Connelly Co., Inc. Continental Airlines Foundation Conway Import Co., Inc. Cooper & Golin, Inc. Cord Inc. Corey Steel Co. Coronet Films Crooks Terminal Warehouse, Inc. DOB-SAB, Inc. Edward Don & Company Reuben H. Donnelley Corp. The Dorsey Foundation Alan Drey Co., Inc. Edit Incorporated Electro-Kinetics, Inc. E. K. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprise Paint Mfg. Co. The A. Epstein Companies, Inc. Equipment Storage Corp. Ernst & Ernst Frederick J. Essig & Co. Everbrite Electric Signs Inc. FMC Corporation Fabrico Manufacturing Corp. Fellers, Inc. J. C. Ferguson Publishing Co. Ferrara Candy Co. Financial Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. First National Bank of Morton Grove The Florsheim Shoe Foundation, Inc. Foremost Liquor Stores Charitable Foundation Franchise Management, Inc. Clinton E. Frank, Inc. (CEF Foundation) Otto Frankenbush, Inc. F.R.C. Enterprises, Inc. Harold Freund Baking Co. Freund Can Co. The Gaylord Foundation, Inc. Gee Company General American Transportation Corporation General Electric Co. General Exhibits & Displays, Inc. General Mills Foundation G & M Food Corporation The Golden Oak Corporation The Golden M. Jerry Golten Co. The Kroc Foundation Low's Inc. Luce Press Clippings, Inc. Mac America Corporation Mac Five Points, Inc. MacLean-Fogg Lock Nut Company Mardon, Inc. The Marmon Group, Inc. Marsh and Truman Lumber Co. Marsteller Inc. Matherson-Selig Co. McDonald's Distributing Foundation f i 70 (Corporations' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) McDonald's Systems, Inc. McDonald's of Lomita, Inc. McDonald's Restaurants of Canada, Ltd. McDonald's of Naperville McDonald's Restaurant McDonald's 106, Inc. McDonald's Drake, Inc. McDonald's East 14th, Inc. McDonald's Speedee, Inc. McDonald's of Aberdeen McDonald's Carry-Out Restaurant McDonald's Drive-In No. 2 McDonald's of Ashtabula 3211 Clark, Inc. McDonald's Unit 339 McDonald's Drive-In of Appleton, Inc. Mechanical Plating Co. Medford Enterprises Mehring & Hanson- Wendt Inc. Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Midwest Federation of Mineralogical & Geological Societies Mini-Bee, Inc. M & K Sales Mojonnier Bros. Co. Monarch Laundry Co. Monogram Models, Inc. Morris Corporation of Richmond Mueller Enterprises Inc. Multiplex Co., Inc. Muncie McDonald's No. 2 National Account Systems, Inc. National Boulevard Bank of Chicago Foundation National Bureau of Property Administration, Inc. National Can Corporation National Tea Co. Needham, Harper & Steers, Inc. Henry Newgard & Co. Norgland, Inc. North American Car Corporation Northwestern Photo Engraving Co. Otto & Sons Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Foundation Peach Street, Inc. Pepper Construction Co. Perfection Tool and Metal Heat Treating Co. Perry Laboratories, Inc. The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund PPG Industries, Inc. Foundation Portec Foundation Post Enterprises Inc. Precision Steel Warehouse, Inc. Producers Livestock Credit Corp. Productigear Co. Quaker Maid Dairy Quitter Enterprises, Inc. R.D.R. Corporation R.J.Y. Enterprises, Inc. R & L Stibeck Inc. R & S Cermak Liquors, Inc. Ral-Land, Inc. Richardson Corp. Richardson-M olter Foundation, Inc. Ritden Inc. Roberts and Porter, Inc. Rockport Enterprises Rohlen Foundation Roo-Mac, Inc. Ross, Hardies, O'Keefe, Babcock & Parsons Runzel Cord and Wire Co. Russell-Hampton Co., Inc. Samartano and Company K. Schlanger Co. L. D. Schreiber Cheese Co., Inc. Schuessler Knitting Foundation Sciaky Brothers, Inc. Scribner & Co. Sealy Mattress Company Sears Bank & Trust Co. Senecal Enterprises, Inc. John Sexton Sand and Gravel Corp. Sign Crafters, Inc. Soil Testing Services, Inc. Solart Enterprises, Inc. Son and Prins Co. Soodik Printing Co. South Indiana Operating Co., Inc. Spath-Samuel Corp. Maxwell Sroge Company Inc. Standard Car Truck Co. Standard Photo Supply Co. Starbey Food Products Co. Step, Inc. Stepan Chemical Co. Sweetheart Cup Corp. Swift & Co. Foundation Taylor Management Co. Tee-Pak, Inc. Tennessee Continental Corporation Town and Country Arts Club Trans-Union Corp. Arthur C. Trask Co. Tri-Mac, Inc. The Triskett Co. United Conveyor Corp. The United Educators Foundation Universal Metal Hose Co. Universal Wire & Cable Co. Urban Investment & Development Co. Vaco Products Co. Ventfabrics, Inc. W and K Management Corp. Wagy's Gladstone, Inc. Warwick Electronics Inc. West Baking Company, Inc. Harry Weese & Assoc. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 1 (Corporations' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) White Bear Food Jack Witkowsky Yasny Lts. Products, Inc. Wolfberg & KroU Young and Rubicam, Willard Foods, Inc. Wolf Range Company Inc. Winzeler Manufacturing Woodbridge Ornamental & Tool Co. Iron Co. The Zack Foundation Wisconsin Tool & Stamping Co. € 72 Donors to the Collections of the Museum, 1971-1972 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY W. B. Agler Dr. Robert P. Armstrong Otto A. Behnke Mr. & Mrs. Harlan J. Berk Sammy Berk Carole Bilina Dr. Paul Bohannan Bennet Bronson Phillip T. Clark Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Cohen Dr. Glen H. Cole Dr. Donald Collier Mrs. J. A. Elin W. Peyton Fawcett Mrs. Morris Fishbein Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Solomon Gurewitz Mrs. Andrew A. Hamilton Jon and Paul Holtzman Mr. & Mrs. Dan Burne Jones Dr. C. M. Keller Dr. M. R. Kleindienst Dr. Phillip Lewis Dr. Mesquitela Lima Mrs. Eleanor C. Lowrey Joseph C. Lyons John Lundgren Mrs. Leonard Meyers Florence J. Mikowski Mrs. Aldo E. Nessler Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Newman Dr. Orlando Park Mr. & Mrs. David Press Burleigh A. Randolph Don Reisner Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James Rogers Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. Ahce K. Schneider Walter W. Sheridan John E. Terrell Chester D. Tripp Dr. James W. VanStone Mrs. James P. Wahlman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wielgus Dr. & Mrs. Louis 0. Williams Mrs. Lois Yellowthunder DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY University of Alabama Associated Colleges of the Midwest H. G. Baker Mrs. Karoline Benyovszky Botanical Museum of Harvard University University of California University of Canterbury, New Zealand Chico State College, California Andre Clewell University of Colorado Maurice Cook William Bridge Cooke Cornell University Herbarium Dudley Herbarium, Stanford University Escuela Agricola Panamericana Escuela Nacional de Agricultura La Mohna University of Florida Leo A. Galloway Alwyn Gentry University of Georgia Gray Herbarium University of Hawaii Dr. A. H. Heller Herbario San Marcos, Peru Herbario Vargas, Peru Dr. Oscar Horst Illinois State Environmental Agency Indiana University Instituto Botanico, Caracas Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico John D. Jackson David Janus Dr. B. A. Krukofif E. L. Little Loma Linda University Herbarium Thomas MacDougall Miami University, Ohio Missouri Botanical Garden University of Missouri Dr. V. Muehlenbach New York Botanical Garden Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki Northeastern University, Boston Paul Opler OTS Project, Costa Rica Pennsylvania State University Norma E. Pfeiffer James S. Pringle University of Rhode Island Rocky Mountain Forest Service Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens, Scotland Slippery Rock State College, Pennsylvania 73 (Donors to the Collections — continued) Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center University of Southwest- ern Louisiana Summit Herbarium, Canal Zone University of Tennessee Texas A. & M. University Dr. Paul W. Titman USDA Forest Service USDA National Arboretum United States National Museum of Natural History Universidad Naeional Autonoma de Mexico Universidad Naeional de Mexico, Herbario Naeional Mexico Universidad Naeional del Nordeste, Argentina Wayne State University University of Wisconsin DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Estate of George H. Adamson American Museum of Natural History Ronald W. Anderson Edward Bartowski Kenneth Bartowski Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Berry Professor Leonardo Branisa Dr. Carl E. Cahn- Bronner University of California W. Dabasinskas Daniel Damrow Dr. Robert H. Denison Dr. Henry Field Terence Frest Mrs. Calvin George Thomas Gibbs John H. Ging Frank Greene Jerry Herdina Sue Hoeh Earl Hoflfman William Howe IIT Research CorHss Ingels Shi-hung Jang Thomas J. Jarrett Dr. J. G. Johnson Walter F. Kean Kenneth Kietzke Roger Klocek Mr. & Mrs. James Konecny Mrs. William Krueger John Krzton James Kyker David T. Larsen Leonard Lasco D. L. Leisher Okus Loden George B. Lowe Russell P. MacFall Allan Markezich Francis Joseph McCauley National Aeronautics and Space Administration John M. Neil Dr. Ronald Parsley Sarah Pressman Prof. J. Keith Rigby Sandra Scardina Victor E. Schmidt Bernard Schmitt Dr. Fred Schram Earl D. Seaton Dr. Albert V. Shatzel Mr. & Mrs. James C. Simak Lawrence Everett Singer Misses Nora and Joan Stubbs Michael Tosto Dr. Anthony Turkevich James TurnbuU United States National Museum Dave Vasalle Joseph Vasiukevicius Neal Veith Stephen John Vescelus B. W. Vogt E. Leland Webber Dr. J. Marvin Weller Brian Witzke Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Wolff David Young DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia Saichiro Akita Dr. Roger D. Akre Phil Albrecht Douglas E. Barnett Dr. Thomas C. Barr Dr. William F. Barr John Beesley Dr. R. Bielawski Branley A. Branson 74 Warren Brigham Dr. Donald G. Broadley Dr. Walter C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Burke, Jr. Keith A. Carson The Chicago Shell Club Chicago Zoological Society Dr. Rosemary Clarke James S. Cope Donald G. Cox James Crescente Richard S. Crossin Donald Daleske Mrs. John D'Ambrosio Dr. Luis de la Torre Dr. Maury Pinto de Oliveira Michel Desfayes Georgette M. Dexter Stanley Dvorak, Jr. # (Donors to the Collections — continued) Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dybas Dr. David Eccles Dr. K. C. Emerson Harley Falcon Dr. Henry Field Mrs. Karen Finn Dr. M. J. Fouquette Dr. Dorothea S. Franzen Mrs. Arthur Frost Mrs. Joseph Girardi Glenn Goodfriend Dr. Jean W. Graber Dr. David W. Greenfield Paul H. Gundersen Mrs. Lloyd Orr Haid Mrs. Lynda Hanke Phillip Heemstra Dr. Earl S. Herald Mrs. Thomas M. Hodges Dr. Harry Hoogstraal Dr. Henry F. Howden Leslie Hubricht Dr. P. Wagenaar Hummelinck Mrs. Eulamae Iwan Dr. Clarence D. Johnson Mrs. Marian Johnson Dr. Phyllis Johnson Mrs. R. B. Keep Dr. F. Wayne King Dr. David H. Kistner N. L. H. Krauss John Kurfess John Kurfess, Sr. Joseph O. Lange Dr. John F. Lawrence Dr. Douglas Lay Dr. Paul D. Lewis, Jr. Dr. Robert E. Lewis Dr. David S. S. Liem Lincoln Park Zoo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Linkus Prasert Lohavenijaya Garrell E. Long Don Lowrie Dr. F. Lukoschus Dr. K. H. Liiling John A. Lundgren Dr. Borys Malkin Jeremy J. C. Mallinson Scott J. Maness Joe Marshall Mrs. Marge McGuckin Steven R. Miller Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Robert Nadler Dr. Peter Nares Mrs. Diana Nichols Dr. Annamarie Nocentini Dr. Johan Ottow Dr. Stewart Peck Joseph Pizzo Michael Prokop Pyramid Pet Distributors Dr. D. S. Rabor Dr. A. G. Raske Verne Reaves Dr. Charles A. Reed Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Netherlands Dr. Herbert H. Ross Barry Roth Dr. Albert Rudnick J. L. Russo George A. Sacher Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Paul A. Schwartz John G. Shedd Aquarium Ms. Diane DeVry Simard Allyn G. Smith Dr. Hobart M. Smith Dr. David H. Snyder Eugene Snyder Anders E. "Solem Stewart Springer Mrs. Anne Stapleton Dr. Lawrence H. Streicher Dr. Dallas A. Sutton Ms. Margaret Teskey Major Vernon J. Tipton Dr. Harold Trapido Ray Treon, Jr. United States Treasury Dept., Customs Service Dr. P. H. Vercammen- Grandjean Bernard Verdcourt Dr. Harold K. Voris Dr. John Wagner Robert Waide Richard Wassersug Dr. Christopher H. Watts Prof. J. Marvin Weller Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel Donald R. Whitehead Dr. Frank N. Young Dr. Rainer Zangerl Dr. F. Zumpt LIBRARY Warren Albert Dr. Robert P. Armstrong The Art Institute of Chicago Balfour Library, University of Cambridge Mrs. Alan King Barlow Joseph Spear Beck Mrs. Karoline Benyovszky Mrs. Frank Bopp Dr. William C. Burger Chicago Shell Club Phil Clark Dr. B. E. Dahlgren Sri Jaidayal Dalmia Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Davidow Mrs. Elizabeth Best Deis Dr. Helen Dixon Henry S. Dybas Donald C. Edinger W. Peyton Fawcett Dr. Henry Field John W. Garret Mrs. Dorothy N. Gibson Robert Ginsburg Kathryn A. Haebich Prof. J. Halpern Dr. Chauncy D. Harris Max Hoffmann Dr. Harry Hoogstraal Dr. Robert F. Inger Israel Museum, Jerusalem Ithaca College Museum of Art, Ithaca, N.Y. 75 (Donors to the Collections — continued) Itsuhiko Ito Forest B. Johnson Kenneth W. Kennedy N. L. H. Krauss Dr. Ingo Krumbiegel Mrs. Ruth Kuo Uno M. Lake Christopher C. Legge Myrtle Lindquist Dr. Elbert L. Little, Jr. Dr. Gottfried Mauersberger Florence J. Mikowski John R. Millar William W. Milstead Dr. Joseph C. Moore Museo Nacional de la Cultura Peruana, Lima Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas Meiken Nakajima Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki Northwestern University Library William F. Okleshen Dr. Edward J. Olsen Palaeontological Association, London Max L. Plaut Stephen Polyak Lee Putnam Dr. George I. Quimby Dr. Austin L. Rand Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Mrs. Samuel A. Rinella Dr. Justo P. Rojo Ernest J. Roscoe Mrs. Alfreda Rogowski Dr. Hans-Peter Schultze Dr. Wayne Serven Dr. Donald Ray Simpson Solomon A. Smith II Dr. Alan Solem Dr. Henry A. Sparks Dr. Kenneth Starr Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation, Inc., Washington, D.C. Dr. B. K. Swartz, Jr. Chobei Takeda Stuart Talbot Melvin A. Traylor Tomasz J. Turley Dr. WiUiam D. Turnbull Dr. James W. VanStone Charles Vesely Richard A. Waller E. Leland Webber Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel Henry P. Wheeler Leslie Wheeler Whitney Museum of American Art, New York Raymond Wielgus Mrs. Carl Williams Dr. Louis O. Williams Robert B. Williams Dr. Bertram G. Woodland Loren P. Woods i DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION USSR Cultural Exchange Program Mrs. Isabel B. Wasson { 76 Board of Trustees December 31, 1972 OFFICERS Remick McDowell, President Harry O. Bercher, Vice-President BowEN Blair, Vice-President Thomas E. Donnelley II, Vice-President Edward Byron Smith, Treasiirer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger Gordon Bent Harry 0. Bercher BowEN Blair William R. Dickinson, Jr. Thomas E. Donnelley II Marshall Field Nicholas Galitzine Paul W. Goodrich Remick McDowell Hugo J. Melvoin J. RoscoE Miller William H. Mitchell Charles F. Murphy, Jr. Harry M. Oliver. Jr. John T. Pirie, Jr. John S. Runnells William L. Searle John M. Simpson Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith John W. Sullivan William G. Swartchild , Jr. E. Leland Webber Julian B. Wilkins J. Howard Wood Blaine J. Yarrington HONORARY TRUSTEES % William McCormick Blair Joseph N. Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain James L. Palmer John G. Searle Louis Ware 77 Women's Board December 31, 1972 % OFFICERS Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger, President Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II, Vice-President Mrs. Joseph E. Rich, Vice-President Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Vice-President Mrs. Robert E. Straus, Recording Secretary Mrs. Carroll H. Sudler, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer, Treasurer Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman, Assistant Treasurer James W. Alsdorf A. Watson Armour III Lester Armour Mrs. Vernon Armour Mrs. William H. Arnold Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann Mrs. Russell M. Baird Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard Mrs. Claude A. Barnett George W. Beadle Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger Mrs. Gordon Bent Mrs. Richard Bentley Harry O. Bercher Bowen Blair Edward McCormick Blair Mrs. Edward F. Blettnt:r Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mrs. Leigh B. Block Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. William J. Bowe Arthur S. Bowes Robert E. Brooker John A. Bross, Jr. Mrs. Cameron Brown Mrs. Gardner Brown Mrs. Isidore Brown Mrs. John Whiteside Brown Mrs. William A. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Evelyn M. Bryant Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Thomas B. Burke Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Miss Nora F. Chandler Mrs. George Chappell Mrs. F. Newell Childs Mrs. Robert E. Coburn Mrs. Fairfax M. Cone Mrs. Peter F. Connor Mrs. Thomas J. Coogan Mrs. James A. Cook Mrs. James R. Coulter Mrs. William S. Covington Mrs. Norman L. Cram Mrs. Herschel H. Cudd Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Mrs. Edison Dick Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Dixon Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Mrs. Elliott Donnelley Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mrs. Querin P. Dorschel Mrs. G. Corson Ellis Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mrs. Winston Elting I 78 Mrs. Ralph Falk Mrs. Clarke Falk Mrs. Arthur G. Falls Mrs. John F. Fennelly Mrs. Calvin Fentress Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mrs. Joseph N. Field Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman Mrs. a. W. F. Fuller Mrs. Douglas R. Fuller Mrs. Maurice P. Geraghty Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Donald M. Graham Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Mrs. Harold F. Grumhaus Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mrs. Robert P. Gvvinn Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mrs. Frederick C. Hecht Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. Kenneth H. Hess Mrs. William A. Hewitt Mrs. John H. Hobart Mrs. W. Press Hodgkins Miss Frances Hooper Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. Mrs. Spencer E. Irons Mrs. Henry P. Isham Mrs. Henry P. Isham, Jr. Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. Richard L. Kennedy Mrs. Walter A. Krafft Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Jr. Mrs. Gordon Lang Mrs. Gordon Lbadbetter Mrs. John W. Leslie Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mrs. Chapin Litten Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mrs. John T. McCutcheon Mrs. John T. McCutcheon, Jr. Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mrs. John M. Mitchell Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mrs. John T. Moss Mrs. Mallers Murphy Mrs. Lewis E. Myers Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Mrs. John Nuveen Mrs. Paul W. Oliver Mrs. Patrick L. O'Malley Mrs. J. Michael O'Riley Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Mrs. Walter Paepcke Mrs. Henry D. Paschen, Jr. Mrs. John T. Pirie, Jr. Mrs. William Roe Polk Mrs. William P. Pope Mrs. Charles S. Potter Mrs. Edward S. Price Mrs. Jay A. Pritzker Mrs. Frederick C. Pullman Mrs. George A. Ranney Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mrs. Howard C. Reeder Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mrs. T. Clifford Rodman Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. Clive Runnells Mrs. John S. Runnells Mrs. Harold Russell Mrs. George W. Ryerson Dr. Muriel Smith Savage Mrs. Leo H. Schoenhofen Mrs. Arthur W. Schultz Mrs. John G. Searle Mrs. William L. Searle Mrs. Patrick Shaw Mrs. John M. Simpson Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mrs. Gerald A. Sivage Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Farwell D. Smith Mrs. George Dresser Smith II Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. Gardner H. Stern Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson III Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mrs. Joseph L. Strauss, Jr. Mrs. William S. Street Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mrs. Walter A. Stuhr, Jr. Mrs. Carroll H. Sudler Mrs. James H. Swartchild Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. Rolly 0. Swearingen Mrs. Edward F. Swift Mrs. Hampden M. Swift Mrs. Phelps H. Swift Mrs. a, Thomas Taylor Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken Mrs. Chester D. Tripp Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Mrs. Derrick Vail Mrs. Cyril L. Ward Mrs. J. Harris Ward Mrs. Thomas M. Ware 79 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Louis 0. Williams, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Botany and Curator, Central American Botany William C. Burger, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Vascular Plants Patricio Ponce de Leon, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium Johnnie L. Gentry, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants Donald Ray Simpson, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Peruvian Botany Dorothy Gibson, Supervisor, Herbaria Rolf Singer, Ph.D., Visiting Research Curator in Mycology John J. Engel, Ph.D., Richards Visiting Assistant Curator, Bryology Roberta C. Carnagio, B.A., Departmental Secretary and Librarian Robert F. Betz, Ph.D., Research Associate Margery C. Carlson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Sidney F. Glassman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Palms E. P. KiLLiP, A.B., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Rogers McVaugh, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vascular Plants Richard W. Pohl, Ph.D., Research Associate Donald Richards, B.S., Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany Tod F. Stuessy, Ph.D., Research Associate Ing. Agr. Antonio Molina R., Field Associate A. H. Heller, Associate DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Rainer Zangerl, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Geology and Curator, Fossil Fishes Edward J. Olsen, Ph.D., Curator, Mineralogy Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Bertram G. Woodland, Ph.D., Curator, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology John Clark, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Sedimentary Petrology Matthew H. Nitecki, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Invertebrates William D. Turnbull, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Mammals John R. Bolt, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Fossil Amphibians Orville L. Gilpin, Chief Preparator, Fossils Edward Anders, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics Ernst Antevs, Ph.D., Research Associate, Glacial Geology David Bardack, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Paleontology Albert A. Dahlberg, D.D.S., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Robert E. DeMar, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Robert Denison, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Fish Arnold M. Friedman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Louis H. Fuchs, B.S., Research Associate, Meteoritics 82 f • James A. Hopson, Ph.D., Research Associate Ralph G. Johnson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleoecology Walter Kean, B.S., Associate, Mineralogy Erik N. Kjellesvig-Waering, B.S., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr., Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Mammals Robert F. Mueller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Paul B. Moore, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Everett C. Olson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Bryan Patterson, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Leonard Radinsky, Ph.D., Research Associate George W. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics Frederick R. Schram, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Mammals, Fossil Invertebrates Joseph V. Smith, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Thomas N. Taylor, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleobotany Leigh Van Valen, Ph.D., Research Associate J. Marvin Weller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Stratigraphy R. H. Whitfield, D.D.S., Associate, Fossil Plants Violet Whitfield, B.A., Associate, Fossil Plants DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Rupert L. Wenzel, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Zoology and Curator, Insects Luis de la Torre, Ph.D., Curator, Mammals Philip Hershkovitz, M.S., Research Ciu-ator, Mammals Emmet R. Blake, M.S., D.Sc, Curator, Birds Melvin a. Traylor, A.B., Associate Curator, Birds Hymen Marx, B.S., dissociate Curator, Reptiles LoREN P. Woods, B.S., Curator, Fishes Robert K. Johnson, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Fishes Henry S. Dybas, B.S., Curator, Insects John B. Kethley, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Insects Alan Solem, Ph.D., Curator, Invertebrates Keith A. Carson, Tanner Carolyn S. Evers, B.A., Departmental Secretary Arthur C. Allyn, Research Associate, Insects RUDYERD BOULTON, B.S., Research Associate, Birds David Cook, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Alfred E. Emerson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Jack Fooden, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Harry Hoogstraal, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects David Kistner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects 83 Ch'eng-Chao Liu, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles Helen M. McCammon, Ph.D., Research Associate, Invertebrates Lee D. Miller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Joseph Curtis Moore, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Charles F. Nadler, M.D., Research Associate, Mammals Charles Ernest Oxnard, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy ^^ Clifford H. Pope, B.S., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles ^^ George B. Rabb, Ph.D., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles Austin L. Rand, Ph.D., Honorary Research Associate, Birds Charles A. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Robert Traub, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Ronald Singer, D.Sc, Research Associate, Mammahan Anatomy Waldemar Meister, M.D., Associate, Anatomy Edward M. Nelson, Ph.D., Associate, Fishes Harry O. Nelson, B.S., Associate, Insects Dale J. Osborn, Ph.D., Associate DiOSCORO S. Rabor, M.S., Associate, Birds Lillian A. Ross, Ph.B., Associate, Insects Walter Segall, M.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Ellen T. Smith, Associate, Birds Robert L. Fleming, Ph.D., Field Associate Georg Haas, Ph.D., Field Associate Frederick J. Medem, Sc.D., Field Associate Laurie Price, Field Associate William S. Street, Field Associate Janice K. Street, Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF EXHIBITION Lothar p. Witteborg, M.A., Chairman Harry E. Changnon, B.S., Assistant to the Chairman Ernst A. Gramatzki, Taxidermist Samuel H. Grove, Jr., Senior Scientific Illustrator Ben G. Kozak, B.F.A., Chief Exhibit Designer TiBOR Perenyi, Ph.D., Senior Scientific Illustrator Donald R. Skinner, M.F.A., Chief Graphics Designer Solomon A. Smith II, M.A., Co-ordinator of Special Exhibits DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION A Robert A. Matthai, Ed.M., Chairman Alice P. Carnes, Ph.D., Co-ordinator, Teacher Education Carolyn P. Blackmon, B.A., Co-ordinator, Special Educational Services Priscilla D. Byrne, B.A., Secretary 84 N. W. Harris Public School Extension David O. Pressler, B.F.A., Co-ordinator Bertha M. Parker, M.S., Research Associate James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation For Public School and Children's Lectures Marie Svoboda, M.A., Co-ordinator James K. Bland, M.A. Julie A. Castrop, M.A.T. Edith Fleming, M.A. Martha E. Lussenhop, M.S. Harriet Smith, M.A. J. L. Williams, B.A. THE LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM W. Peyton Fawcett, B.A., Librarian Chih-Wei Pan, M.S., Cataloger Eugenia Jang, Serials Librarian Alfreda C. Rogowski, Order Librarian Max L. Plaut, M.A., Reference Librarian FIELD MUSEUM PRESS Editorial Office James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Scientific Editor Patricia M. Williams, B.A., Managing Editor, Scientific Publications Division of Printing George C. Sebela, Head DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ICent H. Buell, B.A., Assistant Planning and Development Officer George H. Ottery, IH, B.A., Public Relations Counsel Dorothy M. Roder, Membership Secretary Virginia M. Straub, Secretary to the Women's Board ADMINISTRATION GUSTAV A. NOREN, General Services Administrator SusANMARY C. YouNG, B.A., Secretary to the Director Betty J. Peyton, Secretary to Assistant Director, Science and Education Beverly C. Scott, B.S.C, Secretary to Assistant Director, Administration Mary A. Hagberg, L.L.B., Registrar 85 Le Roy R. Zolner, Chief Accountant Michael D. Lee, M.B.A. Purchasing Agent Hubert A. Homan, Jr., A.B., Personnel Manager THE BOOK SHOP UNO M. Lake, A.B., Manager DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPHY John Bayalis, Photographer Ferdinand Huysmans, Dipl. A., Assistant Clarence B. Mitchell, B.A., Research Associate BUILDING OPERATIONS James R. Shouba, Building Superintendent Chester J. Grenda, Jr., M.S., Assistant Building Superintendent Leonard Carrion, Chief Engineer Jacques L. Pulizzi, Superintendent of Maintenance Rudolph Dentino, Assistant Chief Engineer SECURITY AND VISITOR SERVICES Anthony F. DeBlase, Ph.D., Chief VOLUNTEERS (The following volunteers have each given over 50 hours in a period of one year) t Mrs. Richard Bentley Mr. Harlan J. Berk Mrs. Michael Birnkrant Miss Maureen Blake Miss Meredithlynn Bradley Mrs. Robert L. Brookman Mrs. Roger Brown Mrs. Thomas Burke, Jr. Mrs. William M. Carson Mrs. James R. Coulter Mrs. Leonard Davidow Mrs. Britton A. Davis Mrs. Anthony DeBlase Mr. James B. Dickson Mrs. Arthur Donovan Mr. Stanley Dvorak Mrs. Henry Dybas Mrs. John Engel Mrs. Charles Fuller II Mrs. Joseph Girardi Mr. Solomon Gurewitz Miss Gertrude M. Hannen Mrs. Philip Hauser Miss Kathleen Henning Mr. Charles Henry Mr. Robert Hicks Mrs. William A. Hoff Mrs. Ralph Hogan Mrs. John D. Holloman Mr. Claxton Howard Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mrs. Zofia Jastrzebska Mr. Joseph Jobst Mrs. Kathleen Kaczkowski Mrs. Rudolph Karall Miss Mary Kay Karzas Mrs. Robert T. Keppler Mr. Robert Kott c 86 Miss Rosalie Kwiatkovvski Mr. John Lind Miss Jamie Logan Mrs. Franklin Loucks, Jr. Mrs. F. J. Lynch Mrs. Arthur MacQuilkin Mrs. H. F. Matthies Mrs. John McGuckin Mr. John R. Millar Mrs. Stuart Moss Miss Roberta Nelson Mrs. Herta Newton Mrs. Seymour Nordenberg Mr. John C. O'Brien Miss Teresa Olvvick Mrs. Richard Oughton Mrs. Donald Peters Mrs. Herman Pfeifer Mrs. John Prokop Mr. Vernon Reaves Mrs. Ronald P. Rogers Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. Harold M. Ross, Jr. Miss Nancy Sue Rumbel Mr. Arthur Salna Mrs. a. R. Sarabia Mr. Teruo Sasaki Miss Hana Sawyer Mrs. Alice Schneider Mr. Paul R. Schustek Mrs. C. W. Sidwell Miss Jean Marie Silberman Mrs. Nathan Silberman Mr. Samuel J. Silverstein Mrs. George T. Spensley Mrs. John Stephens Mrs. Russell F. Stephens, Jr. Mr. Andy Strang Mrs. James Swartchild Mrs. Hoshien Tchen Mrs. Vladimir Vincenty Mrs. Henry Von Blohn Mrs. John Wallace Mr. David Wend Mrs. Janice Westmoreland Mrs. Roy Wiley Mrs. Gibson Winter Mrs. Marvin Wolfson Mrs. Rudolph Wolfson Mrs. Theodore Wroblicky Mr. Thaddeus A. Zamirowski, Jr. 87 <& c PRINTED BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS ON RECYCLED PAPER ^ f t I ^ # uNivEHsrrv of ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 084205019