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All of this has been accomplished while executing one of the largest building renovations in United States museum history. That we were able to bring this eight- year-long, $26-million project to virtual completion during this extremely active period is evidence of the co-operation of many segments of the Museum's community and is a tribute to the special strengths and re- sources of the institution. To begin, the collective generosity of the Museum's friends — children, adults, corporations, and foundations — combined to raise a total of $12,623,925 for the Capital Campaign completed in 1974. This sum en- abled the Museum to qualify for a matching $12.5 million from the Chicago Park District bonding authority. We owe thanks to our donors, the taxpayers of Chicago, and also to our Trustees and many volunteers from the Women's Board and the corporate community for their dedicated efforts on our behalf. Next, architects, construction managers, contractors. Museum Trus- tees, and staff worked together to plan and execute this massive program. Many of the improvements have been detailed in earlier reports and still others are cited in these pages. Field Museum has been changed; it has improved. And we are proud of it. From April 15 through August 15, 1977, even as the renovation work proceeded, the Museum was host to the enormously popular "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibition. The United States tour of 55 objects from the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun included six American cities; Field Museum and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago were co-sponsors in Chicago. Admission to the exhibition was free; the regular Museum admission fees remained in effect. The exhibition was visited by 1,348,000 people. This is the largest attendance for the Tutankhamun tour and, to our knowledge, the greatest attendance for a temporary exhibition in the United States. Ac- cording to the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau, the city's hotel and restaurant trade received a substantial $30-million boost from the estimated 300,000 out-of-town visitors drawn to the exhibition. This was clearly a unique phenomenon in the Museum's history. A second major temporary exhibit attracted considerable public and critical attention during this two-year period. From February 15 through May 21, 1978, "Peru's Golden Treasures," the largest collection of Peru- vian gold artifacts ever shown in the United States, was on display at the Museum. This exhibit attracted more than 313,000 visitors over the four-month period and, again, no special admission fee was levied. Visitors lined up to view "Treasures of Tutankhamun" in summer, 1977. Although high attendance figures are certainly important, the success of exhibitions must be measured in long-term gains as well. As a result of these outstanding exhibitions, many people were made aware of Field Museum for the first time; others returned to renew old ties. Membership, participation in Museum activities, and volunteer service all increased. This very positive response to the Museum and its many offerings is not only immediately rewarding, but provides strength for the future. As we look ahead, it is clear that there is much to be done; work to be continued, new work to begin. For example, drawing on the richness of our collections and the creativity of our staff, we plan the renovation of our permanent exhibition halls — some have been substantially un- changed for decades. We must devote time and resources to the conserva- tion of our irreplaceable anthropology collections. It is unthinkable that this world-resource would be allowed to succumb to the ravages of decay. The prospects are exciting and stimulating — ^yet, we are seriously con- cerned. Ever-spiralling inflation faces Field Museum just as it does every family, company, and institution in the nation. If inflation continues at its present rate — with no increase. Field Museum will have to double its income in less than 10 years to keep pace. How can that be done? Finding the answer to that question is our single greatest challenge. New methods of support must be found and tested; new configurations of pub- lic and private collaboration must be devised. Governor Thompson and Museum President-Director Webber at signing of bill granting support to Illinois museums. (Riccardo Levi-Setti photo). The Commitment to Distinction, begun in 1975 to provide funds for operations and necessary capital improvements over a five-year period, has continued its initial success and details of the program are given on pages 4-5. An important step was taken during this biennium when the Illinois General Assembly passed a bill, introduced by Representative Michael Madigan, appropriating $3,000,000 in support of Illinois museums on public lands. Governor Thompson, mindful of the legitimate responsibil- ity of the state of partial support of museums that serve all of the people of Illinois, yet painfully aware, also, of the financial problems of the state, signed the bill into law at the level of $500,000, using his amendatory veto power. Field Museum received $95,000 from this appropriation. We wish to express appreciation to the General Assembly, Representative Madigan, and to Governor Thompson for this precedent-setting action which holds promise of a new partnership of local, state, and federal funding of major museums. The newly formed federal Institute of Museum Services granted Field Museum $25,000, joining in a modest way the National Science Founda- tion, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, which for years have granted generous and pivotal support to Field Museum's programs. It is these new and old programs of governmental support that, when melded with steadily increasing and generous contributions from indi- viduals, endowments, corporations, and foundations, lend encouragement as we look ahead. We know that our greatest wealth lies in the almost 1,000 men and women — staff. Trustees, Women's Board members, and volunteers — who combine their talent, energy, and mutual confidence and respect to further the goals of Field Museum. But, after all, we return to the inescapable premise that inflation must be brought under control if Field Museum, and, in fact, all private cultural, educational, and social service institutions are to survive in their historic forms. Planning and Development Development Division The Bulletin Membership Division Public Relations Division Field Museum has structured a series of supportive divisions — separate entities yet closely intertwined and interdependent — ^that work to im- plement the goals of the Department of Planning and Development. The entire concept of this office is dependent upon a triple-faceted thrust: development, membership, and public relations. The Department of Planning and Development and, specifically, the Development Division, seeks corporate, foundation, and individual sup- port not only for the present needs of the Museum, but also for the future as well. The Commitment to Distinction, begxin in late 1976, recorded $1.7 million in gifts by the close of that year, and this initial success has continued. In addition, during this period, the Museum received three- year challenge grant awards from both the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts. These grants total $1.5 million. This sum is the largest granted to any museum in the country by the two endowments' combined grants — an amount awarded to a very limited number of the nation's major museums. The Commitment to Distinction program and the challenge grants have complemented one another. By the end of 1978, the Museum had successfully met the matching requirements for the first and second years of the grants, receiving $400,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts and $800,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funds from the Commitment to Distinction have already been used to close the income gaps for the years 1976-1978. In 1978 the Commitment to Distinction was re-evaluated by the Board of Trustees, as it will be every two years, and was updated to 1982 with a goal of $13.3 million. Robert O. Bass, vice chairman and chief operating officer, Borg-Wamer Corporation and a Museum Trustee, succeeded Bowen Blair, partner, William Blair & Company, as chairman of the Corporate and Foun- dations Gift Division of the Commitment to Distinction program. Mr. Blair, also a Trustee, and chairman of the Resource Planning and De- velopment Committee of the Board, remains as General Chairman of the program. During 1978, Mr. Bass recruited a team of 45 volunteer corpor- ate executives and this group resumed the efforts of Mr. Blair's 1977 team, obtaining pledges and gifts to our program from corporations and foundations. During 1977-1978 contributions to the program and for other Museum purposes totalled $2,905,868 from individuals and $2,034,448 from cor- porations and foundations for a total of $4,940,316. This remarkable sum came from the more than 4,500 individuals who are currently contribut- ing to the Museum over and above membership dues and 500 corpora- tions and foundations. It is these donors who, together with government and the users of the Museum, keep Field Museum the strong and dynamic institution that it is. Particularly generous donors during the biennium were: Benefactors: Helen L. Kellogg (bequest), Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Kroc, Ellen Thome Smith (bequest), Harold E. Stuart Trust, Amoco Founda- tion, Field Enterprises Charitable Corporation, The Joyce Foundation, Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust, and the Woods Charitable Trust. Major Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Davidson (Sterling Morton Charitable Trust), Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Field, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Runnells, Commonwealth Edison Company, Conti- nental Bank Foundation, The Chicago Community Trust, International Harvester, The Walter E. Heller Foundation, The Nalco Foundation, The Dr. Scholl Foundation, Sears, Roebuck & Company, The Frederick Henry Prince Trust, and Arthur Young & Company. Also in 1978, further progress was made in the establishment of a Bequests and Deferred Giving Program as an integral part of the Com- mitment to Distinction. Documents necessary for such a program were developed and these were to be sent to the Board of Trustees in early 1979 for formal approval and implementation. (See p. 9 for information on bequests.) Field Museum relies on its members not only for their interest, con- cern, and enthusiasm, but for their financial support as well. Outstand- ing exhibitions during 1977-1978, most notably "The Treasures of Tutankhamun" and "Peru's Golden Treasures," attracted many new members. Impressively, at the close of 1978 the Museum's membership numbered 43,457 as compared to 26,125 at the end of 1976. Many special opportunities were given members during the past two years, including tours to Egypt and Peru, exhibit previews, dinner lec- tures, environmental fieldtrips, and adult evening study courses. Further, each member of Field Museum receives as a benefit of mem- bership a subscription to the Bulletin, issued 11 times a year. As the institution's main line of communication with its members, the magazine carries announcements of new and continuing temporary exhibits and educational programs such as films, lectures, workshops, field trips, dem- onstrations, and educational courses. Initiated in 1930 as a four-page publication — ^then csdledField Museum News — the Bulletin is now regularly 28 to 36 pages, and its horizons have broadened from exclusive concern with Field Museum affairs to the gen- eral realm of natural history; the magazine's focus, however, continues to be Field Museum expeditions, the Museum's collections, research ac- tivities, educational programs, exhibits, the history of the Museum, and related matters. It is the responsibility of the Public Relations Division to reach out not only to the membership, but also to the general public, and to make known the goals, functions, and purposes of Field Museum. Three major goals of the Museum — an increase in paid admissions, an emphasis on the Museum as a scientific institution, and a broadening of the base of mem- bership support — are heavily dependent on Public Relations assistance. During 1977 this division met the challenge of co-ordinating the many publicity aspects of the Museum's presentation of the "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibition. The division furnished information and ar- ranged interviews for media sources in Illinois and several surrounding states. This extraordinarily successful exhibition dramatized the Women's Board Presidents, past and present (left to right): Mrs. Edward F. Swift (current President), Mrs. Joseph E. Rich (1976-1978), Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelly II (1974-1976), Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger (1972-1974), and Mrs. Edward Byron Smith (1970-1972). Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith (1966-1970), founding President, died in 1977. Museum's position as a vast cultural resource and made individuals, corporate groups, and governmental agencies more keenly aware of its significant values. Women's Board In the 12 years since its founding, the Women's Board has steadily grown as an organization that has become central to the well-being and strength of Field Museum. Board members have traditionally been in- volved in a variety of Museum activities. At the close of 1978, three Board members were serving on the Board of Trustees, eight on Board commit- tees, and many more as valued volunteers. Mrs. Joseph E. Rich, a devoted and innovative president, completed her term of office at the 1978 annual meeting and was succeeded by Mrs. Edward F. Swift, who ably leads the Board in its many activities. With the death of the Women's Board founder and first president, Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, on March 16, 1977, Field Museum lost one of its warmest friends and most dedicated supporters. Her memory will con- tinue for many years to come through the activities of the Women's Board, which she inspired. The Board sponsored memorable special events in the past two years. The gala event for 1977 was a tremendously successful dinner held on April 12 to preview the opening of the "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibition. This event was planned and executed in conjunction with the Women's Board of the University of Chicago. On February 14, 1978, a special dinner preview in honor of "Peru's Golden Treasures" was spon- sored by the Board. In October, 1978, Women's Board Secretary Alexandra Mente resigned; she was succeeded by Susan VandenBosch. Board of Trustees At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees on January 16, 1978, William G. Swartchild, Jr., retired, Swartchild & Company, was elected Chairman of the Board, succeeding Blaine J. Yarrington, executive vice president. Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Chairman since 1974. The various Board committees employ an alternating schedule of two- year chairmanships. Vice-chairmen named in 1977 to head Board com- mittees were James J. O'Connor, Public Affairs Committee, and John S. Runnells, Program Planning and Evaluation Committee. At that time also, Mrs. Theodore D. Teiken was elected Secretary to the Board. In 1978, the following Trustees were named chairmen of committees: Bowen Blair, Resource Planning and Development; James H. Ransom, Internal Affairs; John W. Sullivan, Facilities Planning. The following were elected to the Board during 1977-1978: Mrs. T. Stanton Armour; Robert O. Bass, vice chairman and chief operating offi- cer, Borg Warner Corporation; and Edward R. Telling, chairman. Sears, Roebuck & Co. On her election as President of the Women's Board, Mrs. Edward F. Swift replaced Mrs. Joseph E. Rich as a Trustee for a term concurrent with her term as President of the Women's Board. Donald Richards, president. The Richards Foundation, and Remick McDowell, former chairman. Peoples Gas Co., were elected Life Trustees in 1977. John G. Searle, who was elected to the Board in 1951 and who became a Life Trustee in 1971, died in 1977. One of the Museum's most generous donors, Mr. Searle displayed a strong interest in and support of the in- stitution's research program. In appreciation of both his interest and contributions, the Museum's collection of preserved plants was named the John G. Searle Herbarium in 1972. The Museum has also marked with sorrow the deaths of Life Trustees Hughston McBain, J. Roscoe Miller, and Louis Ware. 8 Contributions and Bequests As an integral part of the Commitment to Distinction program, the Trustees have established a committee on bequests and deferred giving. It is planned to have a Bequests and Deferred Giving Program formally launched in early-1979. The major goal of the program, administered by the Department of Plginning and Development, will be the grov^h of the Museum's Endowment Fund. As late as 1950, income from the Museum's Endowment Fund sup- ported almost 80 per cent of the annual budget; by the late-1970's that same Endowment Fund income sustained only 20 per cent of the budget. For some time we have depended upon gifts from the private sector to bridge the gap between known non-contributed income and budgetary needs, and for an indefinite time to come we will find it necessary to seek annual gifts for this purpose. Over the long term, however, the Museum will not be able to sustain its vast research and educational programs with annual gifts alone. The needed support must be achieved in part by increasing the Museum en- dowment. While the Board of Trustees will continue to seek major gifts and annual, on-going gifts for the near-term, the very survival of the institution will depend upon endowment that will grow over the years. Such an endowment is built primarily through bequests and other forms of deferred gifts. The aim of a Bequests and Deferred Giving Program is to continue the tradition begun by Marshall Field I in 1906. It was through Mr. Field's generosity that the Museum was founded in 1893. Then, following his death in 1906, a generous bequest from him not only helped to construct the Museum's present building but also initiated the Endowment Fund. It was, in fact, this endowment, augmented by other gifts and bequests of the Field family and of other prominent Chicagoans, that largely sus- tained the Museum's annual operating budget from 1906 through the 1940's. Of course, no one at the opening of the century could have foreseen the ravaging inflation of the 1960's and 1970's that would erode the purchasing power of those endowment dollars. Field Museum has been fortunate that in recent years Museum mem- bers and fi:'iends have continued in the spirit of those original benefactors and have provided further support for the Museum by augmenting the Endowment Fund through their bequests. A person making a bequest to the Museum makes his gift as perpetual as natural history itself. To obtain further information on the needs of Field Museum, or for an appointment, those interested in remembering the Museum in their wills or through other forms of deferred gifts, should contact the Planning and Development Officer: Thomas R. Sanders PlEinning and Development Field Museum of Natural History East Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60605 or telephone (312) 922-9410, extension 207. The Programs Scientific Programs Anthropology Botany Geology Zoology Research and Publication The trend, first reported in our 1975-1976 Report, toward smaller and more precisely focused field studies has continued. As prairies, plains, and forests yield to the pressures of man's development, the opportunities for field studies steadily decrease. Fortunately, Field Museum was able to increase the number of field trips conducted in the past two years. Much work needs to be done before the opportunity to know ourselves, our work and our past is forever lost. The Western Australian Field Program, begun in 1976 in co-operation with the Western Australian Museum, Perth, extended through 1977 and 1978. The purpose of this ambitious expedition was the investigation of the biology of both the Kimberly region in northwest AustrgJia and the southern coastal areas of that continent. Not even the most basic collect- ing surveys had been made in this area before. Several staff members were involved in this project over the four-year period and results have been impressive. In 1977, entomologist John Kethley completed his collecting in West- ern Australia and Tasmania. In addition to general insect collections, Kethley made 300 Berlese samples of leaf litter and gathered approxi- mately 300,000 insect specimens. Under the direction of Laurel Keller, an assistant in the Division of Mammals, 1,200 mammal specimens were obtained. Malacologist Alan Solem collected 1,775 sets of snails — approximately 50,000 individual specimens, some two-thirds of which are new to science. 10 John Engel, a specialist in the study of liverworts, spent four months collecting in Tasmania. Liverworts are an ancient group of plants related to mosses; they are small, survive well in crevices, and generally disperse only over short distances. For these reasons, liverworts may represent ancient patterns of distribution and those from the southern end of the world may have geographic patterns that reflect climates and relation- ships of long ago. But geographic inference depends on good taxonomy; the same species cannot have different names in different places. As part of such taxonomic work, Engel plans to write a manual on the liverworts of Tasmania, something never done before. To this end, he spent four months collecting in Tasmania, where he surveyed many habitats and altitudes. All of the Museum's staff involved in the Western Australia Expedition have returned to the Museum and another cycle of research has begun. Several important studies based on material gathered in the field are in preparation and others are in press. The impact of this extraordinary venture will continue to develop as time passes. The success of this expedition was due in large part to the co-operation of colleagues and institutions in Australia, the leadership and gifts of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street, and grants from the National Science Foun- dation, the National Geographic Society, and the Museum's general funds. An authority on the cultures of Peru, archaeologist Michael Moseley continued his studies in that country. He is concentrating on understand- ing and isolating the environmental factors underlying agrarian collapse. These factors include tectonic uplift of the coastlands, formation of mas- sive, migrating sand dunes that inundate agriculture areas, and, rare, but apparently recurrent catastrophic floods capable of destroying entire irrigation systems. In conjunction with the Tiwanaku Archaeological Foundation, a program of subsurface geophysical exploration using equipment donated by Soiltest, Inc. was initiated at Bolivia's major ar- chaeological monument. The exploration isolated several "hot spots" that should, following excavation, prove to be locations of megalithic monu- ments. During the antarctic summer in early 1977, an expedition financed by the National Science Foundation and consisting of Field Museum's mineralogist Edward Olsen, William Cassidy of the University of Pittsburgh, and Keiso Yanai of the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo recovered a group of 10 meteorites from the Antarctic Range in a region called Victorialand. Normally, meteorites are quite rare and widely dispersed over the world. In warm, humid climates, they weather and oxidize away in relatively short periods of time. In Antarctica, how- 11 Curator Edward Olsen on expedition in Antarctica. ever, where it is intensely cold and dry, meteorites remain well pre- served. In addition, movements of ice on the 5V2-million-square-mile ice cap tend to concentrate the meteorites. Among the meteorites recovered is one weighing 407,000 grams, almost one-half ton. This is the largest meteorite ever found in Antarctica and is one of the six largest stone meteorites recovered anywhere in the world. All in all, 35 staff members from the scientific departments conducted fieldwork in 1977-1978. They went to locations in the United States, to Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Antarctica, England, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Southern Sudan. Publication is the end result of most scientific research and field work. In 1977 two especially noteworthy books by Museum curators were pub- lished: Manual of Neotropical Birds, Volume 1 by Emmet R. Blake (723 pages) and Living New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini) Volume 1 by Phillip Hershkovitz (1,117 pages). Both volumes were published by the Univer- sity of Chicago Press. These works, each of which have received laudatory reviews, are the culmination of years of meticulous preparation. Forty-five titles, amounting to a total of 2,650 pages, were published in Fieldiana, the Museum's four scientific series in 1977-1978. Including 12 Museum assistant Daniel Summers at work in the Division of Insects collection storage area. (Fleur Hales photo). those appearing in Fieldiana, Museum staff published 153 scientific pa- pers and books in this period. The unusual diversity of these publications can be ascertained from the list beginning on page 25. Study Collections Field Museum's collections of over 13.5 million specimens comprise a vast resource for not only Museum staff members, but for students and researchers around the world. In 1977-1978 the scientific departments made loans of more than 125,000 specimens to scientists and students for research and to other museums for exhibition. Additionally, more than 2,500 researchers and university students visited the Museum to consult with our staff or to examine specimens. Although the size of its collections is one of the major strengths of Field Museum and has done much to enhance its stature worldwide, we do not acquire new material simply for the sake of growth. Several years ago the staff and trustees developed an accession policy which, among other things, sets priorities for the acquisition of new materials in terms of our traditional and current areas of interest. This policy has been described by one writer as ". . . more complete, more specific and more detailed than any we have seen ... a polished, detailed and sophisticated document, very evidently compiled by a group of responsible persons after a lengthy and serious study of very complex problems involving the museum and its relations with the world." 13 The acquisition of collections is one of the major responsibilities of a museum; the preservation of those collections for generations yet to come is another. As a means of fulfilling this trust and, simultaneously, provid- ing for expansion space which will be required even for the limited collec- tion increase that will result from the new accession policy, significant new storage areas and much-needed laboratory and office spaces were added in the departments of anthropology, botany, and zoology. This was another facet of the building renovation program. A series of massive and complicated moves were necessary in order to take full advantage of the new space as well as the old. These moves have been completed with scarcely an interruption in the services that we provide to the scientific community. The Department of Anthropology has what we believe to be one of the finest specialized study storage facilities in the museum world. The four- level, climatically controlled area houses about 300,000 specimens or 75 per cent of the department's collections. In conjunction with this central storage facility, an Anthropology In- formation Management System is being developed. Assisted by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts £ind an equipment gift from the Digital Equipment Corporation, this computerized system will assist in the management of the collection, including maintaining the inven- tory and recording the location of all objects within the facility. In the Department of Zoology, the new Ellen Thorne Smith Bird and Mammal Study Center now provides a modern, secure, and functional facility for the housing of one of the world's great collections, as well as work and study space for staff, visiting scientists, and students. The center was made possible by a generous gift in honor of Mrs. Smith by her husband, Hermon Dunlap Smith. The reorganization of the bird and mammal collections was, as might be expected, a massive task. For example, in the Division of Mammals, old cases and 724 new cases were mounted on compact storage carriers allowing for much more dense storage than was possible previously. Over 120,000 specimens were moved into the new collection units. Also in the Department of Zoology, the space of the Division of Insects was almost doubled and most offices and collections were relocated for greater efficiency as a result of the renovation. Further, the Division of Fishes was enlarged by one-third through the addition of new shelving. During the expansion process, each one of the 90,000 jars containing the fish collection was washed and checked for proper storage maintenance. In the past, the Department of Botany had only one collection range. After razing all of the walls in one corridor and moving the Division of 14 Photography to new quarters, a second large collection range was created. Offices, laboratories, and library space also were relocated. The Biological Research Resources Program of the National Science Foundation, under a program initiated in 1972, continued to provide significant and critical support for several of our research collections. These funds, used for personnel, supplies, and equipment, have made it possible for us to continue to serve the needs of the research community effectively. Entirely new quarters were provided the Division of Photography, aided by generous gifts from Mrs. David W. Stewart of Rochester, N. Y. in memory of her aunt, Hedwig H. Mueller. Even as new space was being allocated, collection growth went on — as it must. Collections of breadth and high quality are essential to a great museum for both scholarly and exhibition purposes. Therefore, the selec- tive building of our collections continues to be a priority of the Museum. Although all departmental collections grew during this biennium, a number of particularly noteworthy gifts have been made recently to the Department of Anthropology. A collection of more than 100 Japanese lacquer objects, boxes, inro, and miniature shrines, collected with great care and discrimination by John Woodworth Leslie over a period of decades, was presented by Mr. Leslie. Many of these pieces of extraordinary quality will be exhibited in 1979. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore VanZelst continued to make generous gifts, including a collection of American Indian trade silver and three fine groups of Alaskan, Pacific Northwest, and Canadian Arctic ethnological specimens. Mr. and Mrs. John Mayo Mitchell presented a fine collection of Ameri- can Indian trade silver that complements nicely both the Museum's orig- inal collection and the collection given by Mr. and Mrs. VanZelst. Mrs. Helen L. Kellogg, who died in 1978, bequeathed a pair of fine T'ang pottery horses, as well as a generous sum of money, to the Museum. An outstanding collection of Japanese art, especially strong in ceramics and book illustrations, was given to the Museum by G. E. Boone in 1978. This collection will provide the nucleus for a systematic and comprehen- sive collection of Japanese arts and crafts. All of these gifts came from private individuals. It is believed that Field Museum's evident concern and care for its vast collections and the con- tinuing efforts to maintain their high quality offer assurance to these collectors that their collections will be treated with equal respect. 15 i Inro from collection of lacquerware given to Museum by Mr. John Woodworth Leslie. Scientific Staff Changes Loren P. Woods, Curator and Head, Division of Fishes, retired in 1978 after nearly 40 years on the Museum's staff. New additions to the curatorial staff during this period are: Sue Carole De VaZe, Ethno-Musicologist, Gamelan Project. Dr. De Vale's work will center on the many musical instruments in the anthropological collection. Michael Dillon, Visiting Assistant Curator, Botany. Dr. Dillon works on the plants of Peru and Veracruz, Mexico and has a special interest in the family Compositae. John W. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Curator, Birds and Head, Division of Birds. His research centers on the bird family Tyrannidae. Patricia W. Freeman, Assistant Curator, Mammals and Head, Division of Mammals. Dr. Freeman's interests are in mammalian evolution, sys- tematics, and functional morphology. i 16 Larry G. Marshall, Visiting Assistant Curator, Geology. Fossil mam- mals and their evolution on small islands, and the geochronology of Ter- tiary deposits are Dr. Marshall's special areas of study. Timothy C. Plowman, Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants. Dr. Plow- man is a specialist in the family Erythroxylaceae and in useful and medicinal plants of the upper Amazonian Basin. David M. Raup, Curator and Chairman, Department of Geology. Dr. Raup's research interests include mathematical models of evolution, the geologic history of biologic diversity, and the evolution of the Jurassic ammonite genus Kosmoceras. At the end of 1977, Robert F. Inger, Assistant Director, Science and Education, chose to resign his administrative post to further pursue his scientific work as Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles. As the first incum- bent in this position, he helped to shape the Museum's research and public programs to meet the challenges of future years. He was succeeded by Lorin I. Nevling, Jr., former Curator and Chairman, Department of Botany. Education Programs The Department of Education has been in a period of growth and tran- sition for the past several years. During 1977 the structure and pro- grammatic workings of the department were realigned to better serve the public, regardless of age. Two divisions. Group Programs and Public Pro- grams, now plan, design, and implement specialized offerings. The Group Programs division incorporates school-curriculum-oriented tours, workshops, and loan materials to the Chicago metropolitan com- munity and beyond. School groups receive instruction in the Museum setting that is a unique experience £ind supplements the school studies. A vast array of teaching materials is available for both pre- and post-visit use through the N. W. Harris Extension. Although school enrollment is declining and this decline is reflected in Museum attendance by school groups, program services to schools increased 12 per cent in 1978. During 1977-1978, 465,388 students and teachers in 9,570 groups came to Field Museum for programs and to use exhibits. New loan materials, called "Discovery Units" and designed for integra- tion into school curricula and classroom use, were produced by Harris Extension. These units include "Experience Boxes" which contain rep- licas or real artifacts and specimens for students to handle, slide packets, teacher guides, and suggestions for classroom activities. New topics focus 17 Javanese dancers perform Topeng Babakan, a village mask dance, accompanied by Museum's gamelan. on prehistoric life, pottery, birds, woodland Indians, Africa, Illinois prairies, and Chicago geology. Thirteen distribution centers in the Chicago metropolitan area distribute "Discovery Units" in conjunction with material delivered to 385 Chicago schools on a regular rotation schedule. The Public Programs division develops and presents a variety of offer- ings geared to families and individuals who seek more information re- lated to Museum exhibits and collections. Highlights of the past two years include the distinguished lecture series on Tutankhamun and another on "Peru's Golden Treasures"; the Anthropology Film Festival; the Noh, Inuk and the Sun dramas; lectures by Gerald Durrell and Richard Leakey; and the consistently popular Ayer lectures. 18 Our programs have increased in popularity as the Museum's member- ship has grown. For example, the number of Ray A. Kroc Environmental Field Trips nearly doubled from 47 in 1977 to 85 in 1978, with 4,442 adults and families participating in two years. These one-day trips were led by one or more specialists in the biology, geology, or ecology of such locales as the Indiana Dunes, Volo Bog, Moraine Hills State Park, Illinois State Park, and the Ryerson Conservation Area. Courses for adults also increased and 73 courses were held during 1977-1978, with total enroll- ment of 2, 161. A new dimension in programming began with the completed restora- tion of the Museum's Sudanese (West Javanese) gamelan. This gamelan, an ensemble of 24 musical instruments consisting of bronze and wood sounding parts supported by sculptured frames, appears to be about 130 years old, and is one of the great ensembles of non-Western musical instruments in existence. Unplayed since 1893 at the World's Columbian Exposition, the gamelan was restored by a team of conservation volun- teers who worked under the direction of Louis Pomerantz, art conser- vator; Ernst Heins, ethno-musicologist and gamelan expert; and Museum program director Sue Carole DeVale, Grants from the National Endow- ment for the Arts and from the Walter E. Heller Foundation supported the restoration project. The gamelan was enjoyed in concert January 14, 1978. This concert was the beginning of a series of events based on ethno-musicology, includ- ing Javanese shadow plays, gamelan courses, an international festival of music and dance, and children's music workshops. The innovative participatory exhibit "Place for Wonder," which opened at the close of 1976, has been a great success and since its opening 146,642 people have taken advantage of the privilege of "hands on" examination of the artifacts and specimens presented there. The "Pawnee Earth Lodge," another participatory exhibit, opened Oc- tober 15, 1977. Members of the Pawnee (Oklahoma) tribe served as con- sultants during the design and construction of the dwelling, made objects for it, and participated in taping four programs of seasonal Pawnee ac- tivities and ceremonies. Visitors are invited to sit on buffalo skin robes, to hear about daily life and legends, and to examine artifacts representative of Pawnee activities. The lodge has hosted 39,144 visitors for special programs since it opened. Both the "Place for Wonder" and the "Pawnee Earth Lodge" are manned exclusively by volunteers. The volunteer program, which is ad- ministered by the Public Programs division, has expanded and continues 19 Volunteer Judith Spicehandler at work on gamelan restoration project. (Louis Pomerantz photo). to be a source of major support to Museum staff and programs. At the close of 1978, the Museum was benefitting from the services of 280 volun- teers. During 1977-1978 volunteers contributed 116,140 hours— the equivalent of 66 man years. In 1978, 13 individuals each gave more than 500 hours of volunteer service. Volunteer work was performed in all four scientific departments, as well as in photography, education, exhibition, the library, membership, public relations, and publications. During the Tutankhamun exhibition, 350 trained volunteers gave a stunning total of 23,854 hours to that project alone. Many of those who were recruited for this exhibition stayed on to work in the scientific, exhibition, and education departments; 150 Tut volunteers returned to contribute 5,764 hours of assistance to "Peru's Golden Treasures." Further, 26 weekend volunteers share their specially developed tours, participatory activities, and workshops with Museum visitors of all ages throughout the year. Based on permanent and temporary exhibits, 694 programs were presented by volunteers to 21,659 weekend visitors in this two-ye£ir period. Most of the weekend volunteers are employed during the week; their weekend volunteer service is evidence of a special and much appreciated commitment. 20 All of the activities discussed here are organized and administered in new facilities. Prior to the Museum's renovation, the offices of the De- partment of Education were located in several distant parts of the build- ing, making co-operative efforts and co-ordination a difficult matter. The renovation permitted the department to be located entirely on the ground floor with extensive and pleasant new offices, work areas, and conference rooms. The A. Montgomery Ward Lecture Hall was extensively and ele- gantly refurbished. Three new and flexible lecture rooms were con- structed and a new teaching laboratory was added. Altogether, the educa- tional facilities now available at the Museum may be unrivalled by any similar institution. In October, 1978, Carolyn P. Blackmon succeeded Alice P. Carnes as Chairman, Department of Education. Her previous positions on the de- partment staff included: Acting Co-ordinator, Harris Extension, Volun- teers; Co-ordinator, Special Educational Services; and Head, Public Pro- grams. Library This has been a particularly busy and productive biennium for the Library. As a result of the building renovation program, new or expanded facilities were provided for each of the departmental and divisional li- braries, resulting in shelf space for at least 15 to 20 years' expansion. Each of the 200,000 volumes in the collection had to be moved, some more than once. At the end of 1978, only the Botany library remained to be moved and reorganized. In March, 1978, the Library joined OCLC, an on-line cataloging system and union catalog that includes over 700 libraries throughout the nation. Use of the system has significantly reduced the time required for catalog- ing books and preparation of cards for the Library's catalogs and has increased productivity. The sharp rise in the cost of books and periodicals due to inflation and the decline in the purchasing power of the dollar with respect to other currencies continues to be the Library's chief problem. This is a particu- larly thorny problem as much of the Library's buying is done overseas. The cost of subscriptions to on-going periodicals accounts for an ever- greater share of the book and periodical budget every year. The number of books purchased in this biennium was, nevertheless, increased by a significant 30 per cent. This increase was largely due to gifts made to the Museum for this purpose by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cherry in memory of their son, Samuel M. (Cherry Library Fund); Mrs. Chester D. Tripp (Jane 21 B. Tripp Library Fund); and Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wagner (Louis A. and Frances B. Wagner Library Fund). Exhibition Program The sharing of exhibits with the worldwide museum community brought particularly outstanding materials to Field Museum in 1977- 1978. The major exhibition event of the period was the 1977 presentation of the resoundingly successful "Treasures of Tutankhamun'.' With the aid of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Exxon Cor- poration, and the Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Charitable Trust, the Met- ropolitan Museum of Art in co-operation with the Organization of An- tiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt arranged this loan exhibition. The unique installation at Field Museum suggested an actual tomb with a dramatic entranceway and artifacts displayed in eight adjoining chambers. As visitors waited to enter the "tomb," they followed special, innovative admission procedures designed to handle the huge crowds most effectively. Each visitor received a numbered ticket; television monitors located throughout the public areas of the Museum relayed waiting times and ticket numbers currently being admitted to the exhibi- tion. Ticket in hand, visitors, therefore, did not have to wait in line, but were free to tour the Museum as they waited for their numbers to be flashed on the monitors' screens. From February 15 through May 21, 1978, "Peru's Golden Treasures" was on display at the Museum. Like the Egjrptian exhibition, this too was the result of a co-operative effort between funding agencies, museums, £ind government. "Peru's Golden Treasures" came to the United States under the auspices of the National Institute of Culture of the Peruvian government. It was organized by the American Museum of Natural His- tory and was supported by a federal indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities, United States. Field Museum's installation of this exhibition combined pieces from the Museum's collection with those from the Museo Oro del Peru to establish a context for understanding the five major periods in Peru's prehistory. A 75-page catalog with 32 color plates was published by the Museum to complement the exhibition. Still other temporary exhibits loaned to the Museum included: "Yoruk: Nomadic Weaving," "Imperial China: Photography: 1846-1912," "Chinese Folk Art," "Locks of Iran," "Indian Metalwork," and "Rails of the World." 22 "Peru's Golden Treasures" exhibition. Several intriguing temporary exhibits originating in the Museum and surveying special subjects were featured in the past two years, including: "Cash, Canon and Cowrie Shells: Non-modern Money of the World," "Basketry of Northwest Coast Indians," and two exhibits celebrating the publication of books by Curators Emeritus Blake and Hershkovitz. The renovation of the Museum's four halls dealing with the cultures of North American Indians, described in the last report and funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, was completed during this biennium. This renovation included the interpretive depiction of a contemporary Iroquois kitchen and a reproduction of a Pawnee earth lodge. A replica of a nineteenth-century Pawnee Indian dwelling, the lodge is 38 feet in diameter and 18 feet high at the central fire hole. The research, design, and construction of the lodge was supported by a combined grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Halls 19, 28, and J were also renovated during this period and the popular temporary exhibit "Male and Female: Anthropology Game," was adapted to create the permanent exhibit "The Natural His- tory Game." 23 Late in 1978, Lawrence G. Klein resigned his position as Chairman of the department; he was succeeded by Ed Bedno. Building Modernization and Rehabilitation Even as special exhibits and pub he programs drew record crowds, the Museum's on-going $26-minion renovation and improvement program continued with many improvements being made in both public and non- public areas. The Museum's new 'Tront door" — a floor-to-ceiling window wall enclosing a spacious reception area — was completed in time to greet the crowds queueing up for the "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibit in mid-April. Also in the north entrance area, a newly installed elevator travels from the ground floor to the fourth floor in a glass-fronted shaft. This elevator serves staff and visitors to the non-public areas and is another facet of our effort to provide convenient access for the handi- capped to all parts of the Museum. As a result of the renovation, the Museum has a ground-level entrance, as well as washrooms, telephones, and drinking fountains designed to accommodate those in wheelchairs. Moving the Book Shop to space that previously housed executive offices and incorporating checking facilities in the north entrance reception area revealed the grand sweep of stairs on each side of Stanley Field Hall. These changes both effected a return to the integrity of the ar- chitect's original design and afforded greater ease and safety in crowd handling. At the south end of the building a modern food service facility was completed on the ground floor. A well-planned food preparation center serves diners who may be seated in the large, carpeted cafeteria dining room or in one of five private dining areas. A portion of the enormous and complex heating, ventilating, air- conditioning system went into use in April of 1977 and the total system was being tuned for final acceptance by the Museum at the close of 1978. Temperature and humidity control are important considerations not only for human comfort, but for the protection of many specimens in the Museum's collections. For example, the Department of Anthropology lightwell referred to in the last report now houses central storage in a four-level temperature and humidity controlled environment. This specialized storage area, which is one of the finest of its kind in the world, is protected by smoke detectors, rate-of-rise heat indicators, and a sprin- kler system, as well as a computerized security system. 24 A central, computer-controlled security system that, among other things, monitors the Museum's doors, fire indicators, and certain mechanical systems, has been installed in the Division of Security and Visitor Services. This department, as well as virtually all administrative offices, are now located in a new office complex under the north portico. Approximately 90 per cent of the total modernization program has now been completed. The remaining projects, such as further renovation of exhibit halls and landscaping, have been deliberately deferred so that all of our efforts could be directed toward the conclusion of the major interior work which has taxed all Museum personnel for nearly five years. Scientific Publications Following is a complete list of the scientific publications by Museum staff members and a full list ofFieldiana, the Museum's scientific series, for the past two years. Exhibit catalogues are also included here. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Bronson, Bennet 1977. Introduction, pp. ii-ix. In: Baker, M. and M. Lunt, Blue and White, The Cotton Embroideries of Rural China. Scribner's, New York. 1977. The Migrations of the Southeast Asian Peoples: Archaeological Views of Historic and Linguistic Hypotheses. Kabar Seberang, vol. 1, pp. 1-12. James Cook University, Australia. 1977. Exchange at the Upstream and Downstream Ends: Notes toward a Functional Model of the Ancient Southeast Asian Coastal State, pp. 39-52. /n.- Hutterer, K. L., ed., Trade in Early Southeast Asian Coastal Asia. Michigan Studies in South and Southeast Asia. 1977. The Earliest Farming, Demography as Cause and Consequence, pp. 23-48. In: Reed, C. E., ed.. The Earliest Agriculture. Mouton, The Hague. 1978. Angkor, Anuradhapura, Prambanan, Tikal: Maya Subsistence in an Asian Perspec- tive, pp. 255-301. In: Harrison, P. D., and B. L. Turner II, eds., Pre-Hispanic Maya Agriculture. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 1978. (with J. Wisseman) Palembang as Srivijaya: The Lateness of Early Cities in South- ern Southeast Asia. Asian Perspectives , vol. 19(2), pp. 220-239. Feldman, Robert A. 1978. Technology of Peruvian Metallurgy, chapter 10, pp. 69-73. In: Moseley, M. E., Peru's Golden Treasures: An Essay on Five Ancient Styles. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Moseley, Michael E. 1977. (with R. Feldman) Beginnings of Civilization along the Peruvian Coast, pp. 271- 277. In: Walker, H. J., ed., Geoscience and Man, Louisiana State University. 25 1978. Pre-Agricultural Coastal Civilizations in Peru. Oxford Biology Readers, Carolina Biological Supply Co., Burlington, N. C. 16 pp. 1978. The Evolution of Andean Civilization, pp. 491-543. In: Jennings, J. D., ed., Ancient Native Americans. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco. 1978. An Empirical Approach to Prehistoric Agrarian Collapses: The Case of the Moche Valley, Peru, pp. 9-44. In: Gonzales, N. L., ed., Social and Technological Management in Dry Lands. AAAS Selected Symposium 10, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. 1978. Soiltest, Archaeology, and Irrigation Agriculture, vol. 27, pp. 14-16. In: The Testing World. Soiltest, Inc., Evanston, Illinois. 1978. Peru's Golden Treasures: An Essay on Five Ancient Styles. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. 68 pp. Rabineau, Phyllis 1977. Native Americans of the Northwest. PSA Journal, vol. 43, pp. 24-27. Terrell, John E. 1977. Biology, Biogeography and Man. World Archaeology, vol. 8 (3), pp. 237-248. 1977. Human Biogeography in the Solomon Islands. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 6 (1), pp. 1-47. 1977. Human Biogeography. World Archaeology , vol. 8 (3). Issue edited and compiled from original essays by John Terrell, Marilyn Miller, and Derek Roe. 1977. Sociobiology. Science Digest, vol. 83 (3), pp. 58-61. 1977. Geographic Systems and Human Diversity in the North Solomons. World Archaeol- ogy, vol. 9 (1), pp. 62-81. 1978. (with J. T. Clark) Archaeology in Oceania. Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 7, pp. 293-319. 1978. Archaeology and the Origins of Social Stratification in Southern Bougainville, pp. 23-43. In: Garanger, J., ed.. Rank and Status in Polynesia and Melanesia: Essays in honor of Professor Douglas Oliver. Publications de la Societe Oceanistes No. 39, Musee de I'Homme, Paris. VanStone, James W. 1977. Processes of Ingalik Culture Change: 1835-1935, pp. 145-153. In: Prehistory of the North American Sub-Arctic: The Athapaskan Question. Proceedings of the Ninth An- nual Conference, The Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. 1977. (with D. H. Kraus) A. F. Kashevarov's Coastal Explorations in Northwest Alaska. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 69, 104 pp. 1978. Discussion. In: Contextual Studies of Material Culture. National Museum of Man, Canadian Ethnology Service, paper no. 43, pp. 44-48. Ottawa. 1978. E. W. Nelson's Notes on the Indians of the Yukon and Innoko Rivers, Alaska. Fieldiana: Anthropology , vol. 70, 80 pp. 1976. (1978). The Yukon River Ingalik: Subsistence, the Fur Trade, and a Changing Resource Base. Ethnohistory , vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 199-212. Dated 1976, actually published 1978. Weber, Ronald 1978. A Seriation of the Late Prehistoric Santa Maria Culture of Northwestern Argen- tina. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 49-98. 26 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Burger, William C. 1977. Flora Costaricensis. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 40, 291 pp. 1978. The Piperales and the Monocots — Alternate Hypotheses for the Origin of Monocotyledonous Flowers. Botanical Review, vol. 43 (3), pp. 345-393. Dillon, Michael O. 1977. (with T. J. Mabry) Flavonoid Aglycones from Flourensia (Asteraceae-Heliantheae). Phytochemistry , vol. 16, pp. 1,318-1,319. 1978. (with W. G. D'Arcy) New or Noteworthy Asteraceae from Panama. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 65 (2), pp. 766-768. Engel, John J. 1977. (with R. M. Schuster) Austral Hepaticae, V. The Schistochilaceae of South America. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, vol. 42, pp. 273-423. 1977. Austral Hepaticae, IX. Anastrophyllum tristanianum, a New Species from Tristan da Cunha. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 38, pp. 71-74. 1978. Index Hepaticarum Supplementum: 1974-1975. Taxon, vol. 27, pp. 393-418. 1978. A Taxonomic and Phytogeographic Study of Brunswick Peninsula (Strait of Magel- lan) Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 41, 319 pp. Faden, Robert B. 1977. The identity oiCommelina japonica Thunb. (Commelinaceae). Taxon, vol. 26 (1), pp. 142-144. 1977. A New Species oiTrichomanes from Eastern Africa. American Fern Journal, vol. 67 (1), pp. 5-10. 1911 . Aneilema ochraceum and A. croceum (CovcixneMnaceae). Kew Bulletin, vol. 32 (1), p. 188. 1977. The Date of Publication of Bruckner's "Beitrage zur Anatomie, Morphologie und Systematik der Commelinaceae." Taxon, vol. 26 (5/6), p. 601. 1977. The Genus Rhopalephora Hassk. (Commelinaceae). P/i3'to/Oj^ja, vol. 37 (5), pp. 479- 481. 1978. A New Species of Aneilema (Commelinaceae) from South Africa. Bothalia, vol. 12 (3), pp. 565-566. 1978. Review of the Lectotypification ofAneilema R. Br. (Commelinaceae). Taxon, vol. 27 (2/3), pp. 289-298. 1978. Pollia Thunb. (Commelinaceae): the First Generic Record from the New World. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 65 (2), pp. 676-680. Glassman, Sidney F. 1977. Preliminary Taxonomic Studies in the Palm Genus Attalea H. B. K. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 38 (5), pp. 31-61. Nevling, Lorin I., Jr. 1978. The Regulation of Plant-Related Activities Carried on by Museums. Legal Problems of Museum Administration, ALI-ABA Course of Study, pp. 455-456. 1978. A New Species of Daphnopsis (Thymelaeaceae) from Ecuador. Selbyana, vol. 2, pp. 308, 309. 1978. (vdth Christine Niezgoda) On the Genus Schleinitzia (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae). Adansonia, ser. EI, vol. 18(3), pp. 345-363. 27 NiEZGODA, Christine J. 1976. (1977). (with John Nowaczyk, Jr.) Palynological Studies in Acanthinophyllum, Clarisia, Sorocea, and Trophis (Moraceae). Pollen et Spores, vol. 18 (4), pp. 513-522. Dated 1976, actually published in 1977. Plowman, Timothy C. 1977. (with B. Holmstedt, E. Jaatmaa, and L. Leander) Determination of Cocaine in Some South American Species of Erythroxylum Using Mass Fragmentography. Phyto- chemistry, vol. 16, pp. 1,753-1,755. 1977. Brunfelsia in Ethnomedicine. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 25(10), pp. 289-320. 1978. (with R. E. Schultes and T. Swain) Virola as an Oral Hallucinogen among the Boras of Peru. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 25(9), pp. 259-272. 1978. (with L. Rudenberg and C. W. Greene) lOPB Chromosome Reports LX: Erythroxylaceae. Taxon, vol. 27(2/3), p. 224. 1978. A New Section of Brunfelsia: Section Guianenses Plowman, pp. 294-295. In: Hawkes, J. G., Systematic Notes on the Solemaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society, vol. 76. 1978. (with B. Holmstedt, J.-E. Lindgren, and L. Rivier) Cocaine in Blood of Coca Chew- ers. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 26 (5), pp. 199-201. 1978. (with L. Rudenberg and C. W. Greene) Chromosome Numbers in Neotropical Erj- throxylum (Erythroxylaceae). Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 26 (5), pp. 203-209. Stolze, Robert G. 1978. A New Species of Asplenium from Guatemala. American Fern Journal, vol. 68, pp. 57-59. Stuessy, Tod F. 1977. Revision of Oparanthus (Compositae, Heliantheae, Coreopsidinae). Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 38 (6), pp. 63-70. 1978. Revision ofLagascea (Compositae, Heliantheae). Fje/dtana.- Botany, vol. 38 (8), pp. 75-133. Williams, Terua P. 1977. Comprehensive Index to the Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 24, part XIII, 266 pp. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Baird, Gordon C. 1978. Pebbly Phospherites in Shale: a Key to Recognition of a Wide-Spread Submarine Discontinuity in the Middle Devonian of New York. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 48, pp. 545-556. Bardack, David 1978. (with S. Teller-Marshall) The Morphology and Relationships of the Cretaceous T e\eost Apsopelix. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-35. Bolt, John R. 1977. Dissorophoid Relationships and Ontogeny and Origin of the Lissamphibia. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 41, pp. 235-249. 28 1977. Cacops (Amphibia: Labyrinthodontia) from the Fort Sill Locality, Lower Permian of Oklahoma. Fieldiana Geology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 61-73. 1978. (with R. E. DeMar) Taxonomic Position of Captorhinoides valensis Olson (Reptilia: Captorhinomorpha). Journal of Paleontology , vol. 52, pp. 934-937. Frest, Terrence J. 1977. (with D. G. Mikulic and C. R. C. Paul) New Information on the Holocystites Fauna (Diploporita) of the Middle Silurian of Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. Fieldiana: Geol- ogy, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 83-108. 1977. Cyathocrinites from the Silurian (Wenlock) Strata of Southeastern Indiana. Field- iana: Geology, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 109-136. Lund, Richard 1977. New Information of the Evolution of the Bradyondont Chondrichthyes. Fie/diana; Geology, vol. 33, no. 28, pp. 521-539. Marshall, Larry G. 1977. Evolution of the Carnivorous Adaptive Zone in South America. NATO Advanced Study Institute, pp. 709-721. 1977. A New Species of Lycopsis (Borhyaenidae: Marsupialia) from the La Venta Fauna (Miocene) of Colombia, South America. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 633-642. 1977. Lestodelphys halli. Mammalian Species Series. The American Society of Mam- malogists, no. 81, pp. 1-3. 1977. Lutreolina crassicaudata. Mammalian Species Series. The American Society of Mammalogists, no. 91, pp. 1-4. 1977. (with R. Pascual, G. H. Curtis, and R. Drake) South American Geochronology: Radiometric Time Scale for Middle to Late Tertiary Mammal-Bearing Horizons, Patagonia, South America. Science, vol. 195, pp. 1,325-1,328. 1977. First Pliocene Record of the Water Opposum, Chironectes minimus (Didelphidae, Marsupialia). Journa/ of Mammalogy, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 434-436. 1977. (with W. A. Clemens, R. J. HofTstetter, R. Pascual, B. Patterson, R. H. Tedford and W. D. Turnbull). Acyonidae Ameghino, 1889 (Mammalia): Proposed Suppression under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, no. 33, pp. 212-213. 1977. Cladistic Analysis of Didelphoid, Dasyuroid, Borhyaenoid and Thyacinid (Mar- supialia) Affinity. Systematic Zoology, vol. 26, pp. 410-425. 1977. (with R. Pascual) Nuevos Marsupiales Caenolestidae del "Piso Notohipidense" (SW de Santa Cruz, Patagonia) de Ameghino. Sus aportaciones a la cronologia y las com- unidades de mamideros Sudamericanos. Mar del Plata Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales y Tradicional, Publ. 2, no. 4, pp. 91-122. 1978. Dromiciops australis. Mammalian Species Series. The American Society of Mam- malogists, no. 99, pp. 1-4. 1978. Evolution of the Borhyaenidae, Extinct South American Predaceous Marsupials. University of California Publications Geological Science, vol. 117, pp. 1-89. 1978. (with M. Archer and A. Bartholomai) PropZeopz/s chillagoensis, a New Giant Rat- Kangaroo from North Queensland. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, no. 39, pp. 55-60. 1978. (with A. Berta) Fossilius Catalogus: South American Camivora. W. Junk (The Hague), Pars. 125, pp. 1-48. 29 1978. (with R. S. Corruccini) Variability, Evolutionary Rates and Allometry in Dwarfing Lineages. Paleobiology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 101-119. 1978. (with M. K. Hecht) Mammalian Faunal Dynamics of the Great American Inter- change: an Alternative Interpretation. Pa/eo6zo/o^v, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 203-209. 1978. (with R. Pascual) Una Prelinimar Escala Temporal Radiometrica de las Edades- mamifero del Cenozoico Medio y Tardio Sudamerican. Museo de La Plata. 1978. Chironectes minimus. Mammalian Species Series. The American Society of Mam- malogists, no. 109, pp. 1-5. 1978. Glironia venusta. Mammalian Species Series. The American Society of Mam- malogists, no. 107, pp. 1-3. 1978. (with B. Patterson) The Deseadan, Early Oligocene, Marsupialia of South America. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 37-100. 1978. (with W. A. Clemens, R. J. Hoffstetter, R. Pascual, B. Patterson, R. H. Tedford, and W. D. Tumbull) Acyonidae Ameghino, 1889 (Mammalia): Supplement to Proposal to Suppress this Name. Z. N. (S) 2159. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, no. 35, pp. 12-14. 1978. (with R. H. Tedford) Caenolestidae Troussart, 1898, and Palaeothentidae Sinclair 1906 (Mammalia); Proposed Conservation under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, no. 35, pp. 58-64. NiTECKi, Matthew H. 1977. (with G. G. Forney and D. T. Jenkins) Type Fossil Miscellanea (Worms, Prob- lematica, Conoidal Shells, Trace Fossils) in Field Museum. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 1-41. 1977. A Bibliography of North American Paleontological Type Catalogs, pp. 50-55. In: Fossil Invertebrate Collections in North American Repositories, 1976, University of Iowa. 1977. (with G. G. Forney and D. T. Jenkins) Type Fossil Coelenterata (Except Corals) in Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 75-92. 1978. (with G. G. Forney) Ordovician Receptaculites camacho n.sp. from Argentina. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 93-110. 1978. (with M. E. Johnson) Internal Structures of Cyclocrinites dactioloides, a Recep- taculitid Alga from the Lower Silurian of Iowa. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-15. 1978. (with D. C. Fisher) Morphology and Arrangement of Meromes in Ischadites dix- onensis, an Ordovician Receptaculitid. F/e/dmna.- Geology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 17-31. 1978. Fossil Algae. Aquatic Botany, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 99-102. Olsen, Edward J. 1977. (with L. Grossman, A. David, and P. Santoliquido) Chemical Studies of Condensates in the Murchison Type 2 Carbonaceous Chondrite, pp. 439-440. In: Lunar Science VIII. The Lunar Institute, Houston, Texas. 1977. (with J. Erlichman, T. Bunch, and P. B. Moore) Buchwaldite, a New Meteoritic Phosphate Mineral. American Mineralogist, vol. 62, pp. 362-364. 1977. (with T. Bunch, E. Jarosewich, A. Noonan, and G. Huss) Happy Canyon: a New Type of Enstatite Achondrite. Meteoritics, vol. 12, pp. 109-123. 1977. (with W. Cassidy and K. Yanai) Antarctica: a Deep-Freeze Storehouse for Meteor- ites. Science, vol. 198, pp. 727-731. 30 1977. Equilibrium Thermodynamic Calculations Applied to Meteorite Mineral As- semblages, Chapter 17, pp. 434-451. In: S. K. Saxena and S. Bhattacharji, eds., Energetics of Geological Processes. Springer- Verlag, New York. 1977. (with I. Krstanovic and S. Pavlovic) The Structural State of Serpentine Minerals and Their Chemical Composition. Bulletin T. LVI de I'Academie serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Classes des Sciences naturelles et mathematiques, no. 15, pp. 31-36. 1978. (with A. Noonan, K. Fredriksson, E. Jarosewich, and G. Moreland) Eleven New Meteorites from Antarctica, 1976-1977. Meteoritics, vol. 13, pp. 209-225. 1978. (with L. Grossman) On the Origin of Isolated Olivine Grains in Type 2 Carbona- ceous Chondrites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 41, pp. 111-127. Patterson, Bryan 1977. A Primitive Pyrothere (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the Early Tertiary of Northwestern Venezuela. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 22, pp. 397-422. QuiNN, James H. 1977. Sedimentary Processes in Rayonnoceras Burial. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 27, pp. 511-519. Raup, David M. 1977. Probabilistic Models in Evolutionary Paleobiology. American Scientist, vol. 65, pp. 50-57. 1977. Stochastic Models in Evolutionary Paleontology, Chapter 3, pp. 59-78. In: Hallam, A., ed., Patterns of Evolution, Elsevier. 1977. (with S. J. Gould, J. J. Sepkoski, T. J. M. Schopf, and D. S. SimberlofO The Shape of Evolution: a Comparison of Real and Random Clades. Paleobiology, vol. 3, pp. 23-40. 1977. Systematists Follow the Fossils. Paleobiology, vol. 3, pp. 328-329. 1978. Cohort Analysis of Generic Survivorship. Paleobiology, vol. 4, pp. 1-15. 1978. Presidential Address: Approaches to the Extinction Problem. Journal of Paleontol- ogy, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 517-523. 1978. (with S. M. Stanley) Prmcip/es of Paleontology , 2nd ed. W. H. Freeman and Com- pany. 481 pp. 1978. (with S. M. Stanley) Prmcjpios dePaleontlogia, 1971 ed. Editorial Ariel, Barcelona. 451 pp. Reed, C. A. 1977. (with D. Falk) The Stature and Weight of Sterkfontein 14, a Gracile Au- stralopithecine from Transvaal, as Determined from the Innominate Bone. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 23, pp. 423-440. Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. 1977. (with F. M. Carpenter) Structure and Relationships of the Upper Carboniferous Insect Eucaenus ovalis (Protorthoptera: Eucaenidae ). Ps^'cAe, vol. 83, pp. 223-242. 1977. (with David Bardack) New Agnathous Fishes from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 26, pp. 489-510. Rosser, Sue Vilhauer 1978. Investigation of the Classification of the Rodent Genus Eumys from the Middle Oligocene of the Big Badlands of South Dakota Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 33-60. 31 ScHRAM, Frederick R. 1978. Arthropods: a Convergent Phenomenon. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 61- 108. ScHULTZE, Hans-Peter 1977. Megapleuron zangerli, a New Dipnoan from the Pennsylvanian, WXmois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 21, pp. 375-396. Shabica, Charles W. 1978. Sedimentary Structures from the Carbondale Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 29, pp. 541-568. SOHN, I. G. 1977. Paraparchites mazonensis n.sp. (Ostracoda) from Middle Pennsylvanian Ironstone Concretions of Illinois. Fie/dmraa.- Geology, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 43-59. Taylor, K. 1977. (with T. Adamec) Tooth Histology and Ultrastructure of a Paleozoic Shark, Erfes^us heinrichii. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 24, pp. 441-470. Thompson, Ida 1977. (with R. G. Johnson) New Fossil Polychaete from Essex, IWinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 25, pp. 471-487. Turnbull, William D. 1978. The Mammalian Fauna of the Washakie Formation, Mid-Late Eocene, Southwest- ern Wyoming. Part I. Introduction, History, Geology . Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 33, no. 30, pp. 569-601. 1978. Another Look at Dental Specialization in the Extinct Saber-toothed Marsupial, Thylacosmilus, Compared with Its Placental Counterparts. Contribution to 4th Inter- national Dental Symposium Held at Cambridge, England in October 1974, Chapter 24, pp. 399-414. In: Joysey, K. A., ed.. Developmental Function and Evolution of Teeth, Academic Press, London. 1978. (with E. L. Lundelius, Jr.) The Mammalian Fauna of Madura Cave, Western Au- stralia. Part III. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 38, 120 pp. Woodland, Bertram G. 1977. Structural Analysis of the Silurian-Devonian Rocks of the Royalton Area, Vermont. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 88, pp. 1,111-1,123. ZiEGLER, J. Gail 1978. An Aniliid Snake and Associated Vertebrates from the Campanian of New Mexico. Journal of Paleontology , vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 480-483. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Blake, Emmet R. 1977. Manual of Neotropical Birds, vol. 1. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 723 pp. Bruner, John C. 1976. Variation in the Caudal Skeleton of Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque (Osteichthys: Percidae). Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 87-90. 32 Dybas, Henry S. 1978. The Systematics and Geographical and Ecological Distribution of Ptiliopycna, a Nearctic Genus of Parthenogenetic Featherwing Beetles (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae). Ameri- can Midland Naturalist, vol. 99, pp. 83-100. 1978. Polymorphism in Featherwing Beetles, with a Revision of the Genus Ptinellodes (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 71, pp. 695-714. Felgenhauer, Bruce E. and Frederick R. Schram 1978. Differential Epibiont Fouling in Relation to Grooming Behavior in Palaemonetes kadiakensis. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 83-100. FiTZPATRicK, John W. 1977. (with J. W. Terborgh and D. W. Willard) A New Species of Wood-wren from Peru. Auk, vol. 94, pp. 195-201. 1977. (with G. E. Woolfenden) Dominance in the Florida Scrub Jay. Condor, vol. 79, pp. 1-12. 1978. (with G. E. Woolfenden) The Inheritance of Territory in Group-Breeding Birds. Bioscience, vol. 28, pp. 104-108. 1978. (with G. E. Woolfenden) Red-tailed Hawk Preys on Juvenile Gopher Tortoise. Florida Field Naturalist, vol. 6, p. 49. Gans, Carl and Sandra Mathers 1977. Amphisbaena medemi, an Interesting New Species from Colombia (Amphisbaena, Reptilia) with a Key to the Amphisbaenians of the Americas. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 21-46. Glodek, Garrett S. 1977. (with D. W. Greenfield) Trachelyichthys exilis, a New Species of Catfish (Pisces: Auchenipteridae) from Peru. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 47-58. 1978. (with H. J. Carter) A New Helogeneid Catfish from Eastern Ecuador (Pisces, Siluriformes, Helogeneidae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 75-82. 1978. The Importance of Catfish Burrows in Maintaining Fish Populations of Tropical Freshwater Streams in Western Ecuador. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 1-8. Hershkovitz, Philip 1977. Living New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini), with an Introduction to Primates, vol. 1 . University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1,117 pp. IzoR, Robert J. 1978. (with Luis de la Torre) A New Species of Weasel (Mustela) from the Highlands of Colombia, with Comments on the Evolution and Distribution of South American Weasels. Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 55, pp. 92-102. Kethley, John B. 1977. A Review of the Higher Categories of Trigynaspida (Acari: Parasitiformes). Inter- national Journal of Acarology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 129-149. 1977. The Status of Hybalicus Berlese, 1913 and Oehserchestes Jacot, 1939 (Acari: Acariformes: Endeostigmata). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 59-64. 1977. (with G. S. Ide) Thewkachela ratufi n.g. n.sp., an Unusual New Cheyletic Mite (Cheyletidae: Acariformes) from the Giant Squirrel, Ratufa (Sciuridae: Rodentia) in 33 Sabah and Thailand. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 559-562. 1977. An Unusual Farantennu\oid,Philodanajohnstoni n.g., n.sp. (Acari: Parasitiformes: Philodanidae, n.fam.) Associated with A^ea^ws tenebrioides (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in North America. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 487-494. 1978. Narceolaelaps N. G. (Acari: Laelapidae) with Four New Species Parasitizing Sprioboloid Millipedes. International Journal of Acarology, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 195-210. Lemen, Cliff A. 1978. (with M. L. Rosenzweig) Microhabitat Selection in Two Species of Heteromyid Rodents. Oecologia (Berl.), vol. 33, pp. 127-135. 1978. Seed Size Selection in Heteromyids, a Second Look. Oecologia (Berl.), vol. 35, pp. 13-19. Martin, R. E. 1977. Species Preferences of Allopatric and Sympatric Populations of Silky Pocket Mice, Genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). American Midland Naturalist, vol. 98, pp. 124-136. Marx, H. 1977. (with G. B. Rabb and H. K. Voris) The Differentiation of Character State Relation- ships by Binary Coding and the Monothetic Subset Method. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 1-20. Pine, Ronald H. 1978. (with J. P. Angle and D. Bridge) Mammals from the Sea, Mainland and Islands at the Southern Tip of South America. Mammalia, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 105-114. Resetar, Alan 1977. A Key to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Northwest Indiana and Adjacent Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 61-66. Seevers, Charles H. 1978. (with additions and annotations by Lee H. Herman) A Generic and Tribal Revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 71, 289 pp. Smith, Eric 1977. Clarification Notes on Two Fabrician Chrysomelid Type Specimens (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae. Coleopterists Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 87-90. Solem, Alan 1977. Fossil Endodontid Land Snails from Midway Atoll. Journa/ of Paleontology , vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 902-911. 1977. Radiodiscus hubrichti Branson, 1975, a Synonym ofStriatura (S.) pugetensis (Dall, 1895) (MoUusca: Pulmonata: Zonitidae). The Nautilus, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 146-148. 1977. Shell Microsculpture in Striatura, Punctum, Radiodiscus, and Planogyra. The Nautilus, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 149-155. 1978. Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Camaenid Land Snails from Western North America (Mollusca: Pulmonata). Journal of Paleontology, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 581-589. 1978. Land Snails from Mothe, Lakemba, and Karoni Islands, Lau Archipelago, Fiji. Pacific Science, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 39-45. 34 1978. 1. Fam. Charopidae, pp. 521-533. In: La Faune Terrestre de I'lle de Sainte-Helene, quartrieme partie. Annates, Sci. ZooL, Musee Royal de I'Afrique Centrale, no. 220. Traylor, Melvin a. 1977. A Classification of the Tyrant Flycatchers (Tyrannidae). fiaZ/e^m of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 129-184. 1977. (with Raymond A. Paynter, Jr.) Ornithological Gazetteer of Ecuador. Harvard Col- lege, Cambridge. 152 pp. VoRis, H. K. 1977. Comparison of Herpetofaunal Diversity in Tree Buttresses of Evergreen Tropical Forests. Herpetologica, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 375-380. 1977. A Phylogeny of the Sea Snakes (Hydrophiidaej. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 79-169. 1978. (with H. H. Voris and Lim Boo Liat) The Food and Feeding Behavior of a Marine Snake, Enhydrina schistosa (Hydrophiidae). Copeia, no. 1, pp. 134-146. Wenzel, R. L. 1977. (with Paul P. Shubeck, N. M. Downie, and S. B. Peck) Species Composition of Carrion Beetles in a Mixed-Oak Forest. Bulletin of the Wm. L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 12-17. WiLLARD, D. W. 1977. The Feeding, Ecology and Behavior of Five Species of Herons in Southeastern New Jersey. Condor, vol. 79, pp. 462-470. WOMOCHEL, D. R. 1978. A New Species of Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Iran. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 65-73. 35 Field Museum o Statement of Revenues anc Years ended Decembei ^ Operatin] fund Source of revenue: Public funds — Chicago Park District tax collections $1,503,70 Grovernment grants (Note 4) 652,59 Total public funds 2,156,30 Private funds — Investment revenue availed of for operations: Pooled security investments 1,424,70 Securities of individual funds 174,30 Total investment revenue 1,599,01 Unrestricted contributions 1,158,13 Contributions designated by Board for future years Memberships (Note 2 ) 671,17 Private restricted funds availed of for operations Total contributed revenue 1 ,829,30 Earned: Admissions 601,69 Museum shops and cafeteria 1,185,26 Visitors' services and other 317,18 Total earned revenues 2,104,14 Total private funds 5.532,46 Total revenue 7,688,76 Operating expenditures: Scientific 1,335,68 Education and exhibition 762,37 Publication and photography 459,96 Library 196,88 Building operations and security 2,405,74 Administration and development 1,558,87 Museum shops and cafeteria 1,112,75 Total operating expenditures 7,832^'' Revenues in excess of (less than) expenditures before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle ( 143,5 Cumulative effect on prior years (to December 31, 1976) of changing the method of accounting for membership revenue. (Note 2) . Revenues in excess of (less than) expenditure $( 143,51. See accompanying notes. 2^ 36 slatural History Expenditures — Current Funds !1, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 (inmit- Commit- ent to ment to tinction Restricted Percent Operating distinction Restricted Percent fund funds Total of total 17% fund 1,514,760 fund funds Total of total 1,503,705 1,514,760 11% 45,460 597,920 1,595,978 18 327,917 375,000 592,793 1,295,710 10 45,460 597,920 3,099,683 35 1,842,677 375,000 592,793 2,810,470 21 225,235 1,649,942 18 1,246,783 212,648 1,459,431 11 114,309 288,613 3 54,569 111,166 165,735 1 339,544 1,938,555 21 1,301,352 323,814 1,625,166 12 1,158,135 13 948,598 187,500 948,598 187,500 7 1 671,172 7 674,239 674,239 5 85,510 85,510 1 85,510 1,914,817 21 1,622,837 187,500 1,810,337 13 601,694 7 1,596,647 1,596,647 12 1,185,265 13 5,446,353 5,446,353 40 317,184 3 188,279 188,279 2 2,104,143 23 7,231,279 7,231,279 54 425,054 5,957,515 65 10,155,468 187,500 323,814 10,666,782 79 45,460 1,022,974 9,057,198 100 11,998,145 562,500 916,607 13,477,252 100 458,849 1,794,536 20 1,280,492 445,869 1,726,361 14 374,535 1,136,907 13 860,961 408,823 1,269,784 10 25,761 485,722 6 363,934 5,549 369,483 3 14,332 211,214 2 181,453 12,991 194,444 1 479 2,406,224 27 2,613,232 ( 6,317) 2,606,915 21 149,018 1,707,892 19 1,558,956 49,692 1,608,648 13 1,112,755 13 4,854,143 4,854,143 38 -■^ 1,022,974 8,855,250 100 11,713,171 916,607 12,629,778 100 201,948 284,974 562,500 847,474 201,948 ( 101,596) ( 101,596) 183,378 562,500 745,878 37 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOTES TO STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES— CURRENT FUNDS December 31, 1978 and 1977 1. Significant accounting policies Accrual basis of accounting The financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting, except as to Museum property and collections and contributions discussed below. Description of funds The Museum has established two major fund groups — current funds and long-term funds. The current funds include the following. (1) The operating fund accounts for all reve- nues not restricted by the donor or the Board of Trustees and for the expenditure of those funds. (2) The commitment to distinction fund accounts for contributions under the com- mitment to distinction program that have been designated as applicable to future periods by the Board of Trustees; this fund is available to fund future operating fund deficits. (3) Restricted funds account for expendable contributions, grants and investment income which are restricted for a specific purpose by the donor and for the expenditure of those funds; current restricted funds' revenues are included in the statement of revenues and expenditures — current funds only to the extent expended. The long-term funds (Note 5) include the following. (1 ) Endowment funds, consisting of restricted endowment funds that account for contributions in which the donor specifies that principal may not be expended, and funds functioning as endowment which account for certain contributions or bequests which are generally nonrecurring and are restricted by the Board of Trustees. Board restrictions are revocable. Income from the investments of the endowment funds is available for unrestricted and restricted purposes and is accordingly accounted for in the current operating or current restricted fund. Gains and losses on the disposals of investments of the endowment funds are accounted for in the endowment fund except that, under the total return concept employed by the Museum, net accumulated gain in funds functioning as endowment is made available to the current operating fund (see total return concept below). (2) The Museum modernization fund accounts for revenue restricted by donors for use in the Museum's capital improvement program. These revenues include reimbursements from the Chicago Park District, contributions and investment income. (3) The fixed property fund reflects cost of the Museum's building and building equipment accumulated to October 1931; no depreciation has been provided on these properties. Collec- tions, furniture and equipment of the Museum are carried in the fixed property fund at a nominal value of $1. Current expenditures for building alterations and renovations and for acquisition of collections, furniture and equipment are charged to expense. Depending on the source of the revenue, these expenditures are included in the operating fund, restricted fund or Museum modernization fund. ContributioTis Contributions are accounted for on a cash basis. At December 31, 1978 pledged but uncollected contributions to the various funds amounted to approximately $1,152,000 of which $300,000 is from challenge grant funds awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (Note 4) and $61,000 is in respect of the capital campaign for the Museum modernization fund. 38 Total return concept The Museum applies what is known as the total return concept for investing its funds functioning as endowment. Under this concept, security investments are selected on the basis of expected total return, including dividends, interest and prospective appreciation. Since this policy may involve the purchase of attractive low yield investments, with result- ing reductions in dividend and interest receipts, the Museum computes investment income (from the funds functioning as endowment) each year as 5% of the average June 30 market values of the securities for the three preceding years. The excess or deficiency of actual dividends and interest in relation to the 5% computed investment income (in 1978 an excess of $22,435; in 1977 a deficiency of $15,670) is an adjustment to the net gain on disposal of securities accumulated in funds functioning as endowment which is included in revenues and expenditures — long-term funds (Note 5). Pension cost Pension cost, calculated under the entry age normal cost method with past service cost amortized over 15 years, is funded as accrued. Each year's actuarial gains from a group annuity contract, suspended since 1966, are treated as deferred credits and amortized over 10 years as a reduction of pension cost otherwise accrued. Tax revenue Tax revenue is principally recorded when received from the Chicago Park District as that is the period in which it is available for use. Substantially all of this revenue is derived from taxes levied for the preceding year. 2. Change in method of accounting for membership revenue In 1978 and 1977 receipts for annual memberships have been amortized into revenue over the membership term. In years prior to 1977, membership receipts were included in revenue as received. The new method was adopted to more accurately match this revenue with the costs of servicing the membership. The effect of the change in 1977 was to decrease revenues in excess of expenditures — current funds by approximately $415,000. The adjust- ment of $101,596 to retroactively apply the new method is included in revenues in excess of expenditures in 1977, the year of the change. 3. Pension Plan The Museum has a contributory trusteed pension plan covering all employees meeting certain age and service requirements. Pension expense, net of the amortization of actuarial gains from the suspended group annuity contract of $38,895 in 1978 and $33,700 in 1977 amounted to $165,565 in 1978 and $128,800 in 1977. 4. Challenge grant funds The Museum has been awarded challenge grants totaling $1.5 million from the Na- tional Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts (Endow- ments). Under the terms of the grants the Museimi will receive $1 of grant funds for every $3 of qualifying funds raised by the Museum. These grant funds are generally available for operating purposes. In 1978 the Museum received $700,000 from the Endowments ($500,000 in 1977). Of this amount $354,540 is included in the operating fund and $345,460 in the commitment to distinction fund ($125,000 and $375,000, respectively, in 1977). 39 5. Long-term funds The accompanying statements of revenues and expenditures — current funds do not include the revenues and expenditures of the Museum's long-term funds. The nature of these two fund groups is described in Note 1. Revenues and expenditures of the long-term funds are summarized below. 1978 1977 Revenues: Bequests and donations — Restricted endowment funds $ 55,000 20,465 Funds functioning as endowment 268,358 1,396,965 Museum modernization fund 542,471 396,643 Chicago Park District reimbursements 677,937 1,887,745 Net gain (loss) on disposal of investments ( 316,255) 380,890 Security investments 46,495 97,327 Credit (charge) resulting from application of total return concept 22,435 ( 15,670) 1,296,441 4,164,365 Expenditures: Capital improvement expenditures 1,114,291 4,218,061 Revenue in excess of (less than) expenditures $ 182,150 ( 53,696) The Board of Trustees Field Museum of Natural History We have examined the accompanying statements of revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the years ended December 31, 1978 and 1977. Our examinations were made in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan- dards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other audit- ing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The accompanying statements do not include the revenues and expenditures of the Museum's endowment funds (restricted and functioning as endowment) and the Museum modernization fund. The revenues and expenditures of these long-term funds for the years ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 are summarized in Note 5. In our opinion, the statements mentioned above present fairly the revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the years ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied during the period subsequent to the change, with which we concur, made as of January 1, 1977 in the method of accounting for membership revenues as described in Note 2 to the financial statements. Chicago, Illinois Arthur Young & Company April 6, 1979 40 BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 31, 1978 OFFICERS William G. Swartchild, Jr., Board Chairman BowEN Blair, Vice Chairman James J. O'Connor, Vice Chairman James H. Ransom, Vice Chairman John S. Runnells, Vice Chairman John W. Sullivan, Vice Chairman Edward Byron Smith, Treasurer Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Secretary E. Leland Webber, President— Director BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. T. Stanton Armour George R. Baker Robert O. Bass Gordon Bent Harry O. Bercher Bowen Blair Stanton R. Cook O. C. Davis William R. Dickinson, Jr. Thomas E. Donnelley II Marshall Field Nicholas Galitzine Paul W. Goodrich Hugo J. Melvoin William H. Mitchell Charles F. Murphy, Jr. James J. O'Connor James H. Ransom John S. Runnells William L. Searle Edward Byron Smith Robert H. Strotz John W. Sullivan William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. Edward F. Swift Edward R. Telling Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken E. Leland Webber Julian B. Wilkins Blaine J. Yarrington LIFE TRUSTEES William McCormick Blair Joseph N. Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. William V. Kahler Remick McDowell James L. Palmer John T. Pirie, Jr. Donald Richards John M. Simpson J. Howard Wood 41 Officers and Committees December 31, 1978 Board Chairman Executive Committee William G. Swartchild, Jr., Board Chairman Bowen Blair, Vice Chairman James J. O'Connor, Vice Chairman James H. Ransom, Vice Chairman John S. Runnells, Vice Chairman John W. Sullivan, Vice Chairman Edward Bjrron Smith, Treasurer Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Secretary E. Leland Webber, President — Director .William G. Swartchild, Jr. 4 Vice Chairman — Program Planning anb Evaluation Program Planning and Evaluation Committee Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Remick McDowell Hugo J. Melvoin William L. Searle Edward R. Telling Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken John S. Runnells Staff Lorin I. Nevling, Jr. Ed Bedno Carolyn P. Blackmon Phillip H. Lewis Melvin Traylor Vice Chairman — Resource Planning and Development Resource Planning and Development Committee Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Robert O. Bass Gordon Bent Marshall Field Nicholas Galitzine James J. O'Connor Bowen Blair Staff Thomas R. Sanders Vice Chairman — Public Affairs Public Affairs Committee Stanton R. Cook Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. Edward F. Swift Mrs. William Wood-Prince Blaine J. Yarrington James J. O'Connor Staff Thomas R. Sanders Vice Chairman — Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Committee Harry O. Bercher William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Charles F. Murphy, Jr. John S. Runnells Julian B. Wilkins John W. Sullivan Staff Norman W. Nelson Norman P. Radtke Melvin A. Traylor i 42 Vice Chairman — Internal Affairs James H. Ransom Internal Affairs Committee Staff George R. Baker Norman W. Nelson O. C. Davis Lorin I. Nevling, Jr. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Thomas E. Donnelley II Paul W. Goodrich Hugo J. Melvoin Jack C. Staehle Robert H. Strotz Treasurer Edward Byron Smith Investment Committee Staff George R. Baker Norman W. Nelson Bowen Blair Nicholas Galitzine Paul W. Goodrich William H. Mitchell James J. O'Connor Blaine J. Yarrington Nominating Committee Nicholas Galitzine, Chairman Thomas E. Donnelley II James H. Ransom William L. Searle Robert H. Strotz Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken 43 Women's Board December 31, 1978 OFFICERS Mrs. Edward F. Swift, President Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr., Vice President Mrs. Robert Wells Carton, Vice President Mrs. Donald C. Greaves, Vice President Mrs. Richard Lea Kennedy, Recording Secretary Mrs. William H. Hartz, Jr., Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz, Treasurer Mrs. Richard L. Thomas, Assistant Treasurer f Mrs. Keene H. Addington Mrs. Edward King Aldworth Mrs. Richard I. Allen Mrs. James W. Alsdorf Mrs. a. Watson Armour, III Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, Jr. Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Mrs. Vernon Armour Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann Mrs. Thomas G. Ayers Mrs. Russell M. Baird Mrs. George R. Baker Mrs. Claude A. Barnett Mrs. Robert O. Bass Mrs. George R. Beach Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger Mrs. Gordon Bent Mrs. Richard Bentley Mrs. Harry O. Bercher Mrs. Michael A. Bilandic Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, in Mrs. Edward F. Blettner Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mrs. Leigh B. Block Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. Philip D. Block, III Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist Mrs. William J. Bowe Mrs. Arthur S. Bowes Mrs. Lester Harris Brill Mrs. Robert E. Brook er Mrs. John A. Bross, Jr. Mrs. Cameron Brown Mrs. Isidore Brown Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mrs. William A. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Evelyn M. Bryant Mrs. T. D. Buddington Mrs. Thomas B. Burke Mrs. Robert A. Carr Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Miss Nora F. Chandler Mrs. George Chappell, Jr. Mrs. Fairfax M. Cone Mrs. Peter F. Connor Mrs. Stanton R. Cook Mrs. James R. Coulter Mrs. William S. Covington Mrs. Herschel H. Cudd Mrs. Ryerson Dahlman Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Mrs. Orval C. Davis Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Mrs. Charles Dennehy Mrs. Edison Dick Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Dixon Mrs. Stewart S. Dixon Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Mrs. C. Donnelley # 44 Mrs. Elliott Donnelley Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mrs. Maurice F. Dunne, Jr. Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mrs. Winston Elting Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Ms. Suzanne Clarke Falk Mrs. Ralph Falk Mrs. Calvin Fentress Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mrs. Joseph N. Field Mrs. Marshall Field Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman Mrs. a. W. F. Fuller Mrs. Douglas R. Fuller Mrs. John S. Garvin Mrs. John S. Gates Mrs. Maurice Patrick Geraghty Mrs. James Glasser Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Donald M. Graham Mrs. Donald C. Greaves Mrs. Harold F. Grumhaus Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mrs. William H. Hartz, Jr. Mrs. Frederick Charles Hecht Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. Kenneth Hempstead Hess Mrs. William A. Hewitt Mrs. Stacy H. Hill Mrs. John H. Hobart Mrs. W. Press Hodgkins Mrs. Thomas J. Hoffmann Miss Frances Hooper Mrs. Fred W. Hoover, Jr. Mrs. Robert M. Hunt Mrs. Chauncey Keep Hutchins Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. Mrs. Spencer E. Irons Mrs. Henry P. Isham, Jr. Mrs. Frederick G. Jaicks Mrs. Robert D. Judson Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. Richard Lea Kennedy Mrs. Walter A. Krafft Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Mrs. Louis B. Kuppenheimer, Jr. Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Jr. Mrs. Gordon Lang Mrs. Norman Laski Mrs. Gordon Leadbetter Mrs. John H. Leslie Mrs. John W. Leslie Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mrs. Chapin Litten Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Mrs. Donald G. Lubin Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie Mrs. James Magin Mrs. Robert H. Malott Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mrs. George Barr McCutcheon, II Mrs. John T. McCutcheon, Jr. Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. John C. Meeker Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mrs. Newton N. Minow Mrs. John Mayo Mitchell Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mrs. Evan Moore Mrs. John T. Moss Mrs. Charles F. Murphy, Jr. Mrs. Mallers Murphy Mrs. Lewis E. Myers Mrs. Charles Fenger Nadler Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen Mrs. John Nuveen Mrs. James J. O'Connor Mrs. James R. Offield Mrs. Patrick L. O'Malley Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Mrs. Henry D. Paschen, Jr. Mrs. R. Marlin Perkins Mrs. William J. Pfeif Mrs. John T. Pirie, Jr. Mrs. Charles S. Potter Mrs. Edward S. Price Mrs. Frederick Childs Pullman Mrs. George A. Ranney Mrs. Howard C. Reeder 45 Mrs. Donald H. Reuben Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mrs. T. Clifford Rodman Mrs. Frederick Roe Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. John S. Runnells Mrs. George W. Ryerson Dr. Muriel S. Savage Mrs. Leo H. Schoenhofen, Jr. Mrs. Arthur W. Schultz Mrs. John G. Searle Mrs. William L. Searle Mrs. Noel Seeburg, Jr. Ms. Joanne Nagel Shaw Mrs. C. William Sidwell Mrs. Richard W. Simmons Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mrs. Gerald A. Sivage Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Gordon H. Smith Mrs. Malcolm N. Smith Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. Gardner H. Stern Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson, III Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mrs. William S. Street Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mrs. Walter A. Stuhr, Jr. Mrs. Carroll H. Sudler Mrs. John W. Sullivan Mrs. Harry Blair Sutter Mrs. James Swartchild Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. Edward F. Swift Mrs. Hampden M. Swift Mrs. Phelps H. Swift Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Edward R. Telling Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken Mrs. Howard J. Trienens Mrs. Chester D. Tripp Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Mrs. Derrick Vail Mrs. J. Harris Ward Mrs. Thomas M. Ware Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mrs. E. Leland Webber Mrs. John Paul Welling Mrs. Frank O. Wetmore, II Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mrs. Julian B. Wilkins Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Norman B. Williamson Mrs. William Wood-Prince Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington Mrs. George B. Young 4 I 46 Donors to the Operating Funds of the Museum Total for 1977-1978 In addition to the many generous donors listed here, in 1977 3,485 individuals and in 1978 3,011 individuals made contributions of under $100. The Museum is deeply grateful for this support. INDIVIDUALS Donations of $5,000 or more Anonymous James M. Barker Trust Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Bensinger Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bent Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Cherry, Jr. Estate of J. Lester Cunningham Beatrice A. Delaney, Estate Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Field Paul J. Gerstley Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Kroc Mr. & Mrs. John Woodworth Leslie The Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Charitable Trust (Oscar G. Mayer) Minnan, Inc., Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Van Zelst) Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery Sterling Morton Charitable Trust (Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Davidson) Arthur T. and Mary B. Moulding Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding) Pritzker Foundation (Robert A. Pritzker) Mr. & Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Roberts Mrs. T. ClifTord Rodman Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. John G. Searle Mr. & Mrs. William L. Searle The Sedoh Foundation (Scott Hodes) Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simpson Mrs. Ellen Thome Smith, Estate Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. David W. Stewart Harold L. Stuart, Estate John W. Sullivan Ruth & Vernon Taylor Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Phelps Hoyt Swift) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George S. Trees, Sr. Mrs. Chester D. Tripp Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. E. Leland Webber Harry H. Wolf Family Foundation (Harry H. Wolf) Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley Mr. & Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington DONATIONS OF $1,000 to $5,000 Anonymous Abra Prentice Anderson Charitable Trust (Abra Prentice Anderson) Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, Jr. Mrs. Lester Armour Mr. & Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Armour Mr. & Mrs. George Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Bass Mr. & Mrs. George R. Beach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry O. Bercher Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Bjorkman Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McCormick Blair Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mary and Leigh Block Charitable Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Block) Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Cdr. & Mrs. G. E. Boone Edwin J. Brach Foundation (Mrs. Bertram Z. Brodie) Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Brown I & G Charitable Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Brown) Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Buchanan Family Foundation (DeWitt W. Buchanan, Jr.) Mrs. Walther H. Buchen Dr. Sidney Camaras Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Carton Mr. & Mrs. Jerry G. Chambers A. G. Cox Charity Trust (A. G. Cox) Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crane Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Crawford Dexter Cummings L. F. Davaney Mr. & Mrs. Ken M. Davee Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Dittmer Mrs. Elliot Donnelley Clara Douglas Mr. & Mrs. George H. Dovenmuehle Robert T. Drake Mrs. Harry J. Dunbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Kent W. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Erick Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Crawford F. Failey Mr. & Mrs. John V. Farwell III Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Fentress, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Freeman Anne Rickords Gait Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich The Grainger Foundation 47 (Individuals' donations of $1,000-$5,000) (David W. Grainger) (W. W. Grainger) Rose B. Grosse Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Frances Gueret Haffner Foundation (Mrs. Charles C. Hafiher, Jr.) (CharlesC. Haffner, III) Hales Charitable Fund, Inc. Mrs. Burton W. Hales Happy Hollow Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Corwith Hamill) Dr. & Mrs. William A. Hark Mrs. D. Foster Harland Mr. & Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Helberg Philip Hershkovitz Dr. Helen Holt Holzheimer Fund (Carl Holzheimer) The H. Earl Hoover Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. H. Earl Hoover) The Horner Foundation (Mrs. Frederick Kempe) Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Hulsen Dr. Marvin R. Hyett Mr. & Mrs. Reinhardt H. Jahn Mr. & Mrs. Harold James The John M. & Mary A. Joyce Foundation (Thomas P. Joyce) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kasper Mrs. Stanley Keith Oscar Kottmann, Jr. Mrs. Richard W. Leach Otto W. Lehmann Foundation (Robert O. Lehmann) The Leslie Fund (Mr. & Mrs. John W. Leslie) (John H. Leslie) Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Mr. & Mrs. H. Norris Love Mr. & Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding Marquette Charitable Organization (Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyers) Foster G. McGaw Foundation (Foster G. McGaw) Mr. & Mrs. John Meeker Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Meyer Lillian Molner Charitable Trust (Lillian Molner) Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. George V. Myers Col. & Mrs. John B. Naser Mr. & Mrs Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Nuveen Benevolent Trust (Mrs. John Nuveen) Dorothy Wrigley OfTield Charity Fund (Mrs. James OfTield) Mr. & Mrs. Fredric G. Pick Mr. & Mrs. John T. Pirie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ranney James H. Ransom Mr. & Mrs. David W. Rewick Mrs. David Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rich D & R Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal) The Arthur Rubloff Fund (Arthur Rubloff) Mrs. Dorothy S. Ruderman The Seabury Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. John W. Seabury ) The Seattle Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. William S. Street) Jeffrey Shedd Mrs. Clyde E. Shorey Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Farwell Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. George T. Spensley Mrs. David B. Stern Mrs. Joseph True Steuer Mrs. R. Douglas Stuart Mr. & Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Telling Estate of Dean Terrill The Thoresen Foundation (William E. Thoresen) Edmund B. Thornton Family Foundation (Mrs. George A. Thornton) The Thorson Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Thorson) Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Trienens Mr. & Mrs. Howard Warren Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams James F. Young Claire B. Zeisler Foundation (Mrs. Claire Zeisler) f DONATIONS OF $100 to $1,000 Lester S. Abelson Foundation (Lester S. Abelson) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Abrahams Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Acker Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus H. Adams III Mr. & Mrs. Leland C. Adams Dr. & Mrs. Robert Adler Thomas W. Alder Mr. & Mrs. Walter Alexander Louis A. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Allen John G. Allerton Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. AUin Mrs. John W. Allyn Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Alpert Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Alschuler Alsdorf Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. James Alsdorf) Geraldine S. Alverez Gretchen F. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Anderson Thomas W. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Angley Edward F. Anixter Arthur I. Appleton Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Appleton) Mr. & Mrs. James G. Archer Mrs. Milton K. Arenburg Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Ariagno Brooks Armour Mr. & Mrs. M. K. Armour James C. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Jewel S. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Jr. Edward C. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Wallis Austin The Avery Fund (Mr. & Mrs. William H. Avery) Dr. & Mrs. John P. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ayers Mrs. Arthur A. Baer Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Baird E. M. Bakwin WiUard J. Ball Francis J. Barbaria George Hugh Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Barnes F. Rose Ban- George Barr Foundation (Kristina & George Barr) Charles V. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bartholomay III Mrs. Robert Bartlett George Bartoszek Mrs. George A. Basta Mr. & Mrs. Rex J. Bates Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Lee Baumgarten Robert C. Becherer Ethel G. Becker Mrs. James H. Becker Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Keith Bermett Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bent Mrs. Richard Bentley The Albert E. Berger Foundation (Miles Berger) Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman Robert Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Berliner Mr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Berry Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bertoldi Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bessler Mr. & Mrs. David H. Betts Andrew P. Bieber Edward P. Bieber Mrs. John A. Bigler J. N. Bingham Mary Black Carolyn P. Blackmon Edith Blackwell Blake Blair I 48 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair Mr. & Mrs. Emmet R. Blake Donald Blanke Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Blettner W. R. Blew Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K. Block Mrs. Samuel W. Block Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist Mr. & Mrs. Walter Blum Mrs. Thomas S. Blumer Mr. & Mrs. George V. Bobrinskoy Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Bodine Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Bohlin Mr. & Mrs. CarlJ. Bohne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Bohnen William J. Bold Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boone Mr. & Mrs. John Jay Borland II Ann Elizabeth Bouvier Lloyd W. Bowers Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bowman Paul F. Boyer The Svend & Elizabeth Bramsen Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Svend Bramsen i Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Brandt William T. Branham Harvey W. Branigar, Jr. David P. Brannin Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brantman Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Brashler Wolf & Meiry Braun Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Julius Braun) Milton L. Braun Fund (Dr. & Mrs. Milton L. Braun) Lambert W. Bredehoft Mr. & Mrs. William E. Breitzke Dr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Breuhaus Alice M. Bright Mrs. Lester Harris Brill Mr. & Mrs. Merwin Bristol Irene C. S. Brittingham Charles A. Brizzolara Mr. & Mrs. John W. Broad Alan R. Brodie M. Scott Bromwell Mr. & Mrs. Berwick R. Bromson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Brook Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Brooker Baird Brown Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lee Brown Mrs. Gardner Brown H. Templeton Brown Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Brown James Brown IV Mrs. William A. Brown, Jr. Aldis J. Browne, Jr. Auben Brunnemann Mrs. C. Lawrence Buchanan Donald P. Buchanan Eugene D. Buchanan Dr. & Mrs. John R. Buchanan Robert Buehler Mr. & Mrs. John P. Buesch James E. Burd Mrs. Alfred L. Burke Mrs. Thomas B. Burke Homer A. Burnell Malcolm W. Burnett Mrs. Joseph A. Burnham Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bums Dr. & Mrs. Dan Y. Burrill George S. Burrows Robert S. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Myles Busse Mrs. Gerald M. Butler John C. Butler Robert B. Butz Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cantwell Raymond Carlen Carlin Fund (Leo J. Carlin) Peter R. Carney Mr. & Mrs. William J. Carney Mrs. William Roy Carney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. Champ Carry Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Carstens Silas S. Cathcart Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Champion, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Kent Chandler. Jr. Caroline S. & George S. Chappell, Jr. Charitable Fund (Mr. & Mrs. George S. Chappell. Jr.) Benedict D. Chaps Dr. & Mrs. Allan G. Charles Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Chenicek Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Chesrow Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Chester Frederick Newell Childs Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chomsky Dr. G. L. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Weston R. Christophenson Mrs. Freeman S. Church Robert B. Clark Zeta E. Clark Clarke Foundation, Inc. (Mr. & Mrs. John Walter Clarke) Robert L. Claus Max Clausen Mr. & Mrs. John Clemmer Marion Clow John S. Cochran Mrs. Eric W. Cochrane Saul Cohen Charles P. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. John C. Coleman John E. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. William Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Earle Combs III Philip Conley James P. Connelly Sister Madeline S. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Stanton R. Cook J. Frank Cornille William J. Costello Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Cottrell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Coulter Mr. & Mrs. William S. Covington Alfred Cowles Thomas R. Coyne Mrs. Norman L. Cram Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Cramer, Jr. Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. & Mrs. William A. Cremin Mr. & Mrs. Newell P. Crockett Michael Cudaihy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank CuUotta Edward M. Cummings Tilden Cummings Mrs. Daniel R. Cuimingham Thomas B. Curtis Edward A. Cushman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Cutler Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cutler Benjamin Daidone Carolyn Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Loren Daily Edward C. Dapples Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Evelyn R. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Davies Percy B. Davis Mr. & Mrs. William R. Davis Betty Lane DeLong Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Mrs. R. J. DeMotte Bruce Dean Mr. & Mrs. R. Emmett Dedmon Mr. & Mrs. George P. Dekker Virginia L. Denney Doris Devine Mrs. Edison Dick Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Dickman Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Diehl Mr. & Mrs. Don Diekman Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Dillon William R. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Stewart S. Dixon Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Michael Dloogatch Mrs. Edmund J. Doering Robert Don Mrs. Alanson J. Donald Dr. & Mrs. Alan W. Donaldson James R. Donnelley James F. Donovan Mrs. Robert D. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Allen M. Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Dom Mr. & Mrs. James H. Douglas, Jr. William C. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. H. James Douglass Dimmick D. Drake Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Drevs Mr. & Mrs. Jurgen Droegemueller Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. DuBose Mr. & Mrs. Burton Duffie Miss Viola Ruth Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dunn Florence P. Eckfeldt Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart Sigmund E. Edelstone Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Edelstone I Ross Edman John S. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Edwards Gerald J. Eger Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Ehlers 49 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Joseph S. Ehrman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Elberson Guida C. Eldorado Mr. & Mrs. F. Osborne Elliot Caryl L. Elsey M. Caroline Emich E. Stanley Enlund Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Erley Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Erskine Mr. & Mrs. Terry Etshokin Robert G. Ettelson Mrs. Bergen Evans Mr. & Mrs. Clay Evans Kenneth A. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Lucy F. Fairbank Paul E. Fanta Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Farrell Mrs. Henry Faurot, Jr. Mrs. Robert Faurot William E. Fay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Milton R. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Ferguson Mrs. Robert B. Ferguson Nello V' . Ferrara Mrs. Ann C. Field Mr. & Mrs. William H. Fifield Patrick S. Filter William Finkl Lawrence R. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fisher Morlan Fiterman Mrs. Mildred C. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. James G. Flood Mr. & Mrs. William Florian Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Florsheim Dr. & Mrs. Vladimir C. Flowers Eileen M. Foell Dwight Follett Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Ford Mr. & Mrs. James B. Forgan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Foxwell Ceroid B. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. A. Frankenthal Mrs. Clare Franklin Vincent C. Freda Christabel Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Norman Freehling Mr. & Mrs. George S. Freudenthal Robert A. Fried Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Friedlich Mrs. Allan Friedman William J. & Irene J. Friedman Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. William J. Friedman I Mr. & Mrs. Ted Frison Fulk Family Charitable Trust (Mr. & Mrs. R. Neal Fulk) William W. Fullagar Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Fuller Rudolph R. Gabriel Mr. & Mrs. George H. Galloway The Gaiter Foundation (Jack Gaiter) F. Sewall Gardner Henry K. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. William P. Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Gavin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gearen Dr. & Mrs. John E. Gedo Mrs. H. Hunter Gehlbach Thomas A. Gelderman Mrs. Maurice Patrick Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Gerk Mr. & Mrs. Isak V. Gerson Mr. & Mrs. James R. Getz Mrs. Adele Gidwitz Joseph L. Gidwitz Hertha Giffey Mr. & Mrs. Francis E, Gilbert Mrs. Mary R. Gilkey The J. William Gimbel, Jr. & Odell B. Gimbel Foundation (J. William Gimbel, Jr. I (Odell B. Gimbel I Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Gladding The Glore Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hixon Glore) Albert H. & lona D. Glos Foundation (Mrs. Albert H. Glos) Dr. & Mrs. Alphonse Gnilka Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Goedecke Mrs. Elizabeth Goerke Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. David F. Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Morton Lewis Goodfriend Mrs. Howard Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. John H. Grace, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Y. Grade Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Graham Julia Granby Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gray Mr. & Mrs. William S. Gray Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Greaves Arthur L. Green Mrs. John K. Greene Mary K. Greensfelder Clarence T. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Greiner Carroll L. Griffith & Sylvia M. Griffith Foundation (Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith! Mr. & Mrs. George Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Groen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Grumhaus Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Charles V. Grumwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Gurewitz Edward F. Gurka, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Gustus Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Dr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Haag Charles C. Haffner III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Hagedorn Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Hall Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hall W. J. Halligan Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Hamilton Eva Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hanley George D. Hardin Charitable Trust (George D. Hardin) James D. Harper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chauncy D. Harris The Harris Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Irving B. Harris) Marian S. Harris Mrs. Mortimer B. Htirris Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Houston Harsha Mrs. Augustin S. Hart, Jr. Mrs. James M. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Sidney G. Haskins Mrs. Jerome Hasterlik Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Hawkes Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hawrysz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hayward Mrs. William H. Hazlett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heagy Jerome M. Healy Grace C. Hefner G. W. Heidrick Mrs. Wilfred H. Heitmann Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Held Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Helms O. L. Henninger Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Henry Mary K. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Hensold Richard P. Herman Elton A. Herrick III Harry G. Hershenson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hess Mrs. John Heymann Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Hickey Burd Hikes Charles M. Hines Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hintz Edwin W. Hirsch Mrs. Robert Hixon George S. Hoban J. & M. H. Trust (Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hobart ) Bert J. Hoddinott Shirley L. Hodge Mrs. William R. Hodgson Grace & Edwin E. Hokin Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Hokin) Mr. & Mrs. Gerald HoUins Mrs. William Hollweg Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Holm Mr. & Mrs. V. V. Holmberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hook Frances Hooper Mr. & Mrs. William D. Home, Jr. Mrs. Irvin E. Houck James D. Houy Howell H. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Howe Frank Hroch Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln B. Hubbard Mrs. Otis L. Hubbard, Sr. Ronald J. Hubka Katherine J. Hudson James P. Hume Mrs. William O. Hunt f I 50 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. John B. Hutehins John S. Hutehins Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hutchison Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Charles Iker Robert F. Inger Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. IngersoU Mrs. S. L. IngersoU Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. Hans D. Isenberg Foundation (Hans D. Isenberg) George S. Isham Mrs. G. H. R. Jackson Carl B. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Jaicks Dr. Helge M. Janson Robert W. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Jarchow Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Edward R. Johnston Dr. Olga Jonasson Mrs. Pierce Jones Mrs. Robert V. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Joy ner Mrs. C. C. Jung Mrs. Charles F. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Kahnweiler Patricia M. Kammerer Dr. & Mrs. Alan Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Morris A. Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Lawrence KasakofT Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Kastenholz Mrs. Frank Katzin Edward Keating Willard W. Keith Dr. Algimantas Kelertas Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keller Thomas H. Keller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Kellog II Donald P. Kelly Ernest B. Kelly, Jr. George G. Kelly Philip L. Kennedy Mrs. Richard L. Kennedy Taylor L. Kennedy Charles C. Kerwin Mrs. E. Ogden Ketting Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kieckhefer Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kiefer Mrs. Ansel M. Kinney John J. Kinsella Robert S. Kinsey Mrs. Weymouth Kirkland Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Kirkpa trick Charles Kirschner Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kittleman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kleman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Kneibler Arthur B. Knight John S. Knight R.G.& EM. Knight Fund (Mrs. Robert G. Knight) Leo P. Knoerzer Mr. & Mrs. Lance L. Knox Maurice G. Knoy Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Knuckles Dorothy E. Koch Raymond F. Koch Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Kodat Laird, Norton Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke) Korhumel Foundation (Newton F. Korhumel I Mr. & Mrs. Albert Korman Peter J. Kosiba Robert S. Kosin Igor Kovac Mary C. Kraft William F. Krahl III Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krawiec Irene O. Kreer Dr. & Mrs. Bertram Kribben Leonard S. Kriser Kenneth Kroehler Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Kroeplin Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Krolski, Jr. Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation (Mrs. Sigmund Kunstadter) Mrs. Louis B. Kuppenheimer Louise H. Kurfess Mr. & Mrs. William O. Kurtz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lace Mrs. Jessie LaCombe Mrs. Louise E. Laflin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Laird Melvin M. Landau Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lang Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Lanterman Earl D. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Larson Harry Lasch The Viola Aloe Laski Charitable Trust (Mrs. Norman Laski) George P. Latchford III Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Laun Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Laurenson Celeste R. Lavelli Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawlor Philip C. Leavitt Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lederer Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lee The Leffman Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Leffman ) Mrs. Isabelleta Legg Otto W. Lehmann Foundation (Robert O. Lehmann) Edward L. Lembitz Richard A. Lenon John H. Leslie Mrs. Elizabeth Lettsome Charles and Ruth Levy Foundation (Charles Levy) John S. Lillard Thomas M. Lillard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lillibridge Terence Lilly Albert J. Lindar Mrs. Charlotte T. Lindar Mrs. Howard Linn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Linton Mrs. Chapin S. Litten W. John Little Dr. & Mrs. W. C. Liu Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Mrs. Joseph F. Lizzadro Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Dr. & Mrs. David J. Lochman L. R. Lock Dr. & Mrs. J. C. Lockhart Jerrold Loebl Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loeding Mrs. Edward J. Loewenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O. Logan Mary Longbrake John S. Lord China R. Loring Mrs. John J. Louis Mrs. A. L. Lovell Mrs. Curtis Lowell Charles W. Lubin Earle Ludgin Louise Lutz Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mabie Russell P. MacFall Mac Fund (M/M David O. MacKenzie) Dr. & Mrs. Wallace D. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. John A. MacLean, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. MacLeod J. DeNavarre Macomb, Jr. Mrs. Roderick MacPherson Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Madda Mrs. Albert F. Madlener, Jr. Lorraine Madsen Vivian Mahan Louis R. Main Phillip S. Makin Edith Grimm Malone Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Malott Fransean Mance Paul J. Mandabach Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mandabach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Mandell James E. Mandler Harold & Edna Manhoff Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Harold Manhoff) John F. Mannion Melinda Manoni Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. March Richard E.&FrancellaW. Marcus Family Foundation (Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Marcus) Mr. & Mrs. S. Edward Marder Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Margolies R. Bailey Markham Mrs. Gilbert H. Marquardt McKim Marriott Mr. & Mrs. Virgil C. Martin Mrs. Keith Masters Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Mather Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Mathers Mr. & Mrs. Russell Matthias Augustus K. Maxwell, Jr. Robert E. Maxwell Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Sr. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. James G. Maynard George A. C. McBride John F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. & Mrs. Myrl A. McClure 51 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Dr. & Mrs. Robert McCready Dr. Walter C. McCrone Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McCurry Mr. & Mrs. C. Bouton McDougal Mr. & Mrs. Remick McDowell Dr & Mrs. Ernest G. McEwen Charles S. McGill John E. McGovem, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mcllvaine Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. McKee Mr. & Mrs. William W. McKittrick Annie May McLucas Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Don H. McLucas) Mr. & Mrs. J. Andrew McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Earl McNeil Mrs. Albert Mecklenburger Helen Mayer Medgyesy L. Steven Medgyesy Henry W. Meers Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Meers I Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Meisel III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mc K. Melvin Dr. & Mrs. James W. Merricks Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Merritt Beverly Meyer Mrs. Lee Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Meyer Mrs. Vernon Meyer Bert H. Michelsen Andrew Michyeta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Miglin Dr. & Mrs. C. Philip Miller Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Miller Homer Miller Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Miller Dr. Shelby A. Miller Robert L. Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Mills Frank R. Milnor Mr. & Mrs. Newton Minow Myron Minuskin Anne E. Miotke Thomas M. Mints, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ned E. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. B. John Mix, Jr. Sharon Moehling Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Mojonnier Marion Molyneaux Henry I. Monheimer Dr. & Mrs. Evan G. Moore Mr. & Mrs. J. Garland Moore Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morava Margaret Morgan Jerrold L. Morris George L. Morrow Mrs. John Morrow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Horace C. Moses, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph A. Mulac Manly W. Mumford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Murdough Jeanne E. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mussett Mr. & Mrs. Arno R. Myers Gerald E. Myers Mrs. Harold B. Myers Bernard Nath Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nathan Mary C. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Netsch Mrs. John C. Nevins Mr. & Mrs. Shel Newberger Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Newgard Mrs. Karl H. Newhouse Frank B. Nichols George G. Nichols, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George G. Nichols, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Niederman Dr. & Mrs. Charles Francis Nims Mr. & Mrs. Hans Nissel The Murray and Grace Nissman Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Murray Nissman) Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Niven Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nofsinger Francis A. Nolan Karen Nordheim Harold W. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Nygren Mr. & Mrs. Emmitt M. O'Connor Lawrence L. O'Connor Robert J. O'Connor Francis X. O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt O'Kieffe Mrs. Patrick L. O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Shaugnessv William R. Odell Paul E. Ogle Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Okner Dr. & Mrs. Eric Oldberg Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Oliver, Jr. Mrs. Edward H. Oppenheimer Seymour Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. W. Irving Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood Garj- M. Ossewaarde James Otis, Jr. Stuart H. Otis John Ekern Ott Mrs. Richard C. Oughton David B. Owen Mr. & Mrs. Harry O. Owen, Jr. Sarah R. Packard Mrs. Walter Paepcke Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Page, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pagels Dr. & Mrs. Walter L. Palmer Karl R. Palmer Dr. Frank B. Papiemiak Dr. Linda Parenti Mr. & Mrs. Ben Parker Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Parker Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Keith Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Partridge Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Pascale Dr. Joan E. Patterson Fran Paulson William Pavey Mrs. Henry D. Paxson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Payne Charles D. Peacock III Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Peck Mr. & Mrs. J. O. Peckham, Jr. John H. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Perry Edward Peterlee Mr. & Mrs. Donald Peters Katherine Pettit Margaret C. Peyton J. Francis Pfrank Mr. & Mrs. Robert Picken Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Pickus Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pierce Paul Pierce, Jr. Robert R. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Pierson Mrs. Gordon L. Pirie Sherwood K. Piatt George B. Pletsch Mr. & Mrs. Irving B. Polhemus Mr. & Mrs. Maurice A. Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Oren T. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Randolph H. Pomeroy Mrs. Harold M. Pond Mr. & Mrs. George A. Poole Edward C. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Potter Albert W. Potts Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Powell Mr. & Mrs. George C. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Powers Robert C. Preble, Sr. Adeline J. Price Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Price Stanley R. Pringle Frank O. Prior Joseph Prokop Mr. & Mrs. John A. Prosser Mr. & Mrs. George B. Rabb Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rada, Jr. Richard J. Radebaugh Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Raidl Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Raisch Mary E. Rail Allen N. Ransom Mr. & Mrs. F. R. Rapids Martha L. Ravlin Kathleen Ray Albert L. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Read William M. Redfield Gertrude E. Reeb Mr. & Mrs. Charles A,. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Reed Permelia P. Reed Dr. Clifton L. Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Reeder Mrs. Robert G. Regan Thomas J. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Regenstein, Jr. Ruth Regenstein Robert H. Reid Margaret Reidy Marie K. Remien Myron J. Resnick Robert F. Reusche Ada K. Rew Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Rice Hilda C. Rice Dr. & Mrs. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Rieckhoff Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Rinehart # 52 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ritten Ruth A. Roberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Roberts Harriett Roberts Mrs. June Roberts Mrs. Mary D. Roberts Shepherd M. Roberts R. W. Robinson Sanger P. and Martha F. Robinson Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Sanger P. Robinson) Theodore W. and Annabel A. Robinson Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W, Robinson) Edwin O. Robson and Elizabeth S. Robson Foundation, Inc. (Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Robson) Alden A. Rockwell The Milius Roe Foundation (Mrs. Frederick Roe) Mr. & Mrs. Ottomar D. Roeder William R. Rom Harry A. Root, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rootberg Mrs. Magnus B. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Gerson M. Rosenthal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Daniel Rostenkowski Dorothy Rostov Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Rowley Dr. & Mrs. Wilbur Rowley Mr. & Mrs. D. G. Ruegg John W. Ruettinger Dr. & Mrs. Charles Runner Mrs. Paul Russell Dr. & Mrs. John Rust David C. Ruttenberg Mrs. Charles W. Ryan George A. Sacher Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sackheim Josephine Sackheim Judd Sackheim Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sackheim Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Sallas Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Sampson Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sanders Margaret H. Sanderson Mrs. Gene Saper Chester F. Sargent Mrs. Inez Saunders Dr. Muriel Savage Mr. & Mrs. Calvin P. Sawyer Sax Family Foundation (Leonard B. Sax) Philip Schaff, Jr. Mrs. L. L. Schaffner Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Schanck Marion H. Schenk Mrs. Gerhart Schild Marvin H. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schnadig Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Schlossman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Schneider Arraund J. Schoen Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Schreiber W. F. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Schuessler Mrs. Arthur W. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Sam Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Maurice D. Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Steven Schwartz Dr. J. P. Schweitzer Dr. & Mrs. John S. Schweppe Willis H. Scott Gilbert H. Scribner, Jr. A. T. Seaholm Mr. & Mrs. Fred Seaholm Frank Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Noel M. Seeburg, Jr. Virginia Seeman Mrs. Charles H. Seevers Dr. Rueben Segal Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Denise Selz Mr. & Mrs. C. Olin Sethness Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Shannon The Phihp A. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. (Mrs. Philip A. Shapiro I Mr. & Mrs. John I. Shaw Mrs. Charles C. Shedd Chester Shell James G. Shennan Louise Sherman Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shields Mr. & Mrs. DeVer Sholes Mary Shrimplin Mr. & Mrs. John G. Sickle Mr. & Mrs. Elliot M. Siegel Peter Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Louis Siegelman Mrs. C. W. Sills Mr. & Mrs. Jack Silver Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn L. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa Ross D. Siragusa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ira R. Slagter The William & Louis Slavin Foundation (Louis Slavin) (William Slavin) Mr. & Mrs. Belford A. Small Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Smick George Smith III (3off Smith Harold Byron Smith Harold Byron Smith, Jr. Mildred C. Smith Mrs. Raymond F. Smith Solomon Byron Smith Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Snydacker Mrs. John I. Snyder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Soderberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Soifer Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sonderegger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sondheimer Hugo and Virginia B. Sonnenschein Charitable Fund (Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein) Louise Sonoda Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sons James P. Soper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Souder, Jr. Mr, & Mrs. Jack D. Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Allen P. Spaulding Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Clara Spiegel Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Spiel Mrs. Joel Spitz Mrs. Pericles P. Stathas Edward Stauber Clarke C. Stayman Albert O. Steffey Mrs. Henry L. Stein La Salle Adams Fund (Sydney Stein, Jr.) Russell T. Stem, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Hal S. R. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stewart Marvin and Anita Stone Family Foundation (Marvin N. Stone) Emted Stone Fund (Mrs. Theodore Stone) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Stone Smith W. Storey Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mrs. Harold E. Strauss The R. I. S. Foundation (Mr. & Mrs. Ivan G. Strauss) Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Strobeck Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mr. & Mrs. Norman Strunk Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Stuart Frances Studebaker Mr. & Mrs. Erwin A. Stuebner Mr. & Mrs. Carroll H. Sudler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Surpless Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Sussman Mrs. Harry B. Sutter David F. Swain James Swarm Mr. & Mrs. James Swartchild Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Swartley Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. K. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. A. Dean Swift Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Swift III George H. Swift, Jr. Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Szathmary Mr. & Mrs. James M. Tait Stanley J. Tanan Rodger M. Tauman Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William L. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Nels Tessem Carol Thomas Lucia T. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Mrs. Thomas M. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Thompson Mrs. Thomas M. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thome Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Thullen Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Toomin Martin Topaz Mrs. Wilfred Tracy (ieorge S. Trees, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Treister Mr. & Mrs. Lee Trillich Jere Lynn Truex 53 (Individuals' donations of less than $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tucker Robert Wood Tullis Mrs. George C. TumbuU Mr. & Mrs. Allen M. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Turner Mrs. Lynn Turner Robert C. Tweit Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. Uihlein, Jr. Virginia A. Ure Mrs. Derrick Vail Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Van Der Eb Dr. & Mrs. Jack Van Elk Mrs. R. D. Van Kirk Ann T. Van Roosevelt Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Mr. & Mrs. Blair Vedder, Jr. Robert Veles Mr. & Mrs. M. P. Venema Dr. Charles S. Vil Jo Anne Vogt Dr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Volwiler Dr. & Mrs. Harold C. Voris Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker Dr. Harry K. Waddington Edwin A. Walcher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ives Waldo, Jr. C. R. Walgreen, Jr. Mrs. Robert Walker Mrs. Samuel J. Walker Mrs. Robert P. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Milton H. Wandrey Mrs. J. Anthony Ward Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Ward Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morrison Waud William D. Weaver Richard E. Webber Morris S. Weeden Jack Weisman Mr. & Mrs. William B. Weiss Carl J. Weitzel Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Welbon Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Welch Medard W. Welch Mrs. Donald P. Welles Mrs. Edward K. Welles Mrs. John Paul Welling Mrs. Preston A. Wells Mrs. Thomas E. Wells, Jr. F. Lee H. Wendell Rupert Wenzel The Louis Werner Fund (Mr. & Mrs. Louis Werner) Richard Wessling Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. West Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. Wetmore II The Wharton Foundation, Inc. (Mrs. Joseph P. Wharton, Jr. I Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Dr. & Mrs. Jesse K. Wheeler Dr. Lewis F. Wheelock Mr. & Mrs. Jay N. Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Whitcomb Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Whitney II Russell M. Wicks Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wier Mrs. Harry C. Wiess Dr. & Mrs. George D. Wilbanks Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Wilcox Mr & Mrs. Bradford Wiles Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Willens Mrs Howard L. Willett, Sr. Mrs. Albert D. Williams, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Williams Melville C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Willis John P. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Mary Wilson Robert M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wilson James R. Wimmer Mr. & Mrs. Gibson Winter Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wittie Mr. & Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Wood Mr. & Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mrs. Robert E. Wood Mrs. Ruby K. Worner Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Yauch Theodore N. Yelich Mrs. George B. Young Dr. & Mrs. Canaan Yunez Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Zapffe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Zwiener CORPORATIONS AND PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATIONS DONATIONS OF $5,000 or more Abbott Laboratories Allen-Heath Memorial Foundation The Allstate Foundation American National Bank and Trust Co. of Ch icago Foundation Amsted Industries Foundation Amoco Foundation Arthur Andersen & Company Atlantic Richfield Foundation CNA Foundation Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation Chicago Community Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation Commonwealth Edison Company Consolidated Foods Corporation Container Corporation of America Continental Bank Charitable Foundation The DeSoto Foundation The A. B. Dick Foundation R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Ernst & Ernst Esmark, Inc. Foundation FMC Foundation Field Enterprises Charitable Corporation First National Bank of Chicago Foundation General Electric Company General Mills Foundation HBB Foundation Harris Bank Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation Household Finance Foundation IMC Foundation Illinois Bell Telephone Company Illinois Tool Works Foundation Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation International Business Machines Corp. International Harvester Foundation Jewel Foundation The Joyce Foundation Kraft, Inc. Oscar Mayer Foundation McGraw-Edison Company Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust McDonald's System, Inc Montgomery Ward Foundation The Nalco Foundation The Northern Trust Company Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company Peoples Gas Company The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund Frederick Henry Prince Trust Quaker Oats Foundation S&C Electric Company Sahara Coal Company Dr. Scholl Foundation Sears, Roebuck & Company UOP Foundation Union Oil Company of California Foundation United Air Lines Foundation United States Gypsum Company The Victor Foundation Walgreen Benefit Fund Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. Xerox Corporation Arthur Young & Company « 54 (Corporations' and Foundations' donations of $1,000-$5,000) DONATIONS OF $1 ,000 - $5,000 AT & T Long Lines Addressograph Multigraph Corporation Anixter Bros., Inc. Armak Company Baxter-Travenol Laboratories, Inc. Belden Corporation Bethlehem Steel Corporation Borg-Wamer Foundation, Inc. Brown & Root, Inc. The Brunswick Foundation, Inc. The Bunker-Ramo Foundation, Inc. Burlington Northern Foundation Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Campbell-Mitheen, Inc. Canteen Corporation Carson Pirie Scott Foundation Central Steel & Wire Company Central Telephone Co. of Illinois Chemetron Foundation Cherry Electrical Products Corp. Chicago Bears Football Club Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Co. Chicago Title & Trust Co. Foundation Chicago White Metal Charitable Foundation Clow Foundation Combustion Engineering, Inc. Crane Packing Company Dana Corporation Foundation (Victor Products Division) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Federal Signal Corporation Foote, Cone & Belding GATX Corporation G-N Distributing Company General Motors Corporation (Fisher Body Division) General Service Foundation The General Tire Foundation, Inc. Geraldi-Norton Memorial Corporation Max Goldenberg Foundation Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company Hart, Schaffner & Marx Charitable Foundation Heaven II Foundation, Inc. Walter E. Heller & Company Edward Hines Lumber Company (Ehlco Foundation) I C Industries Interlake Foundation Intermatic Incorporated George E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. Johnson & Higgins of Illinois, Inc. Kirkland & Ellis LaSalle National Bank Bertha Le Bus Charitable Trust Liquid Carbonic Corporation MacLean-Fogg Company Marquette Charitable Organization Masonite Corporation James McHugh Construction Company McKinsey & Company McMaster-Carr Supply Company McNulty Brothers Company Midwest Iron Works, Inc. Miller-Davis Company Mitchell & Hutchins, Inc. Foundation John Mohr & Sons Morrison Construction Company Motorola Foundation The L. E. Myers Company National Boulevard Foundation New York Life Insurance Company Northeast Foods, Inc. Northern Illinois Gas Northwest Industries Foundation, Inc. Oak Park Trust & Savings Bank J. C. Penney Company, Inc. Pepsico Foundation (Frito-Lay, Inc) George Pick & Company Pittway Corporation The Procter & Gamble Fund Pullman. Inc. Foundation Rockwell International (M.G.D. Graphic Systems Group) Rollins Burdick Hunter Company Frederic Ryder Company Santa Fe Railway Foundation, Inc. Sargent & Lundy The Schwarten Corporation Sears Bank & Trust Company Security Pacific Charitable Foundation Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson Shell Companies Foundation Shure Brothers Incorporated Joseph W. Sullivan Fund (Skil Corporation) Sunbeam Corporation Szabo Food Service, Inc. Talman Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago Taylor Freezer Texaco, Inc. The Oakleigh L. Thorne Foundation (Commerce Clearing House) Touche Ross & Company Trans Union Corporation Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation United Conveyor Foundation United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Ben O Warren Foundation, Inc. (Warren Nursery, Inc.) Wieboldt Stores, Inc. Zenith Radio Corporation E. W. Zimmerman, Inc. DONATIONS OF $100 - $1,000 A. G. K. Restaurants, Inc. A&M Insulation Co. Advance Heating & Air Conditioning Corp. Alcoa Foundation Aldens, Inc. All-Types OfTice Supply Co. Alnor Instrument Company Amalgamated Insurance Agency Service, Inc American Technical Society Anderson Secretarial Service, Inc. Avon Products Foundation, Inc. Bally Manufacturing Corporation Francis Barbaria Interiors, Inc. E. Besler & Company Bliss & Laughlin Industries H. R. Braner Engineering, Inc Blunt, Ellis & Loewi, Inc. CFS Continental CPC International, Inc. Callaghan & Company Calumet Heat Treating Corporation Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc. Central National Bank Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation Channer Newman Securities Company Chicago Federal Savings & Loan Association Chicago Metallic Corporation Chicago Mountaineering Club The Chicago Ornithological Society Chicago Paper Company Chicago Plush & Leather Case Company Clark Foundation (J. L. Clark Manufacturing Co.) Consolidated Concessions, Incorporated Construction Aggregates Corporation Contract Cleaning Maintenance, Inc. Cook Electric Company Corey Charitable Foundation, Inc. Crampton, Inc. E. I. Cudahy Foundation Culligan. U.S.A. Helene Curtis Industries, Inc. Dana Molded Products. Inc. 55 (Corporations' and Foundations' donations of less than $1,000) Daubert Chemical Company Deloitte Haskins & Sella Edward Don & Company Elcen Metal Products Company Electro-Kinetics, Inc. Elkay Manufacturing Company The Enterprise Companies Euings Limited (Neil Mills, Bland Payne) Faber Foundation Ferrara Pan Candy Co. First National Bank of Morton Grove The Florsheim Shoe Foundation Ford City Bank G. B. Frank, Incorporated Franklm Boulevard Community Hospital Franklin Picture Company Fridstein & Murray Construction Co. Fruehauf Foundation General Meters & Controls Co. John H. Grace Company Guaranty Savings & Loan Association Harris-Hub Company, Inc. The Hartford Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. Heco Envelope Company Heidrick & Struggles, Inc. Hemer-Geissler Woodworking Corporation Holabird & Root Home Federal Savings Hubbard Scientific Division (Spectrum Industries, Inc. ) Humboldt Manufacturing Company Hyland Electrical Supply Co. M. Hyman & Sons, Inc. Hyre Electric Company Interpoint Corporation Fred S. James & Company, Inc. Jemberg Forgings Co. The Junior League of Evanston, Inc. Kelco Industries, Inc. Kemper Insurance Companies Ketone Automotive, Inc. A. M. Kinney Associates, Inc. Klefstad Engineering Co., Inc. Leo P. Knoerzer Corporation Koppers Company, Inc. (Forest Products Division) Krahl Construction Company Lance Construction, Supplies, Inc. Harry Lee & Sons, Inc. Libby, McNeil & Libby, Inc. Luria Steel & Trading Corporation (Ehrman-Howell Division) Markal Company Marquette National BEmk Marquis Who's Who, Inc. Marsh & Mclennan, Incorporated Marstellar, Inc. McDonald's of Rockford (Unit 2648) McGraw-Edison Company (Halo Lighting Division) Mid-Continent Products Company Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies Monarch Laundry Company Multiplex Company, Inc. Murphy, Lsinier & Quinn NCR Corporation National Account Systems, Inc. National Can Nature Camera Club of Chicago North American Car Corporation (Tiger Leasing Group) Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation Ohmite Manufacturing Company P-K Tool & Mfg. Company Paulson Picture Foods Pepper Construction Company H. F. Philipsborn & Company Plibrico Company Richard S. Post Consultants (Security Management Services) Precision Steel Warehouse, Inc. Process Gear Company, Inc. Processed Plastic Company Productigear, Inc. Quality Products Company R. M. Equipment, Inc. RVI Corporation Radio Steel & Manufacturing Company The Rayner Company Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. Reinsurance Agency, Inc. Charles L. Ritten & Company R. W. Robinson & Associates, Co. Roth-Blackhawk Foundation The Russell-Hampton Company SRA Foundation Schuessler Knitting Foundation Scott, Foresman & Company Scribner & Company Sethness Products Company Silvestri Paving Co. The Singer Company (Controls Division) The Smith Barney Foundation Soil Testing Services, Inc. Son and Prins Company South-Western Publishing, Co., Inc. Standard Car Truck Company Standard Educational Corporation Edward Stauber Wholesale Hardware, Inc. Stepan Chemical Company Sterne Walters/Earle Ludgin Inc. The Stone Foundation, Inc. (Stone Container Corporation) Stouffer Foods Corporation Fund Sun Printing Corporation Sweetheart Cup Corporation Target Corporation Time, Inc. Twin Construction, Co. (Division of Morelli Enterprises, Inc. ) Universal Metal Hose Company Upper Avenue National Bank Vsmce Publishing Corporation Ventfabrics, Inc. Joseph A. Vogt Company Wallace Business Forms, Inc. Foundation Wisconsin Tool and Stamping Company Woodwork Corporation of America Worth Federal Savings & Loan Association 0 $ 56 Donors to the Collections of the Museum, 1977-1978 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Mrs. Helen Bernstein Commander & Mrs. G. E. Boone Mrs. Wesley Brashares Margery C. Carlson Maurice B. Cook Z. George Czaja Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. C. Dark Mrs. Jean Dunkerly Dr. & Mrs. Adolph Faller Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Grosvenor E. Glenn Mrs. Jennifer Gossett Mrs. R. H. Haygarth John J. Hoellen Helen L. Kellogg Trust Peter Kunstadter Agnes Lawrence John Woodworth Leslie Dean R. Love Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mitchell Hisazo Nagatani Warren Nugent B. K. Reist Bartlett Richards Mrs. B. E. Schaar James G. Shakman Jack Silverman Alexander Spoehr David G. Swanson John E. Terrell Mrs. Hall L. Thoren Mrs. Ralph J. Tuch James W. VanStone Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. VanZelst Mr. & Mrs. Vem Wesby Mrs. Phihp K. Wrigley DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Thomas M. Antonio Bemice P. Bishop Museum Botanischer Garten und Botanishes, Museum, Berlin Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria, S. Africa Gary Brecken University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles Centre de Cayenne Mary Derby Valerie Dryer Escuela Nacional de Agriculture, Chapingo, Mexico Robert B. Faden Fairchild Tropical Gardens Robert L. Fleming University of Florida, Taliihassee Robin Foster French Institute, Pondicherry, India Wilham Gillis Luis D. Gomez P. Glenn Goodfriend Phil Hanson Harvard University Harza Engineering Co. William Hee E. Hegewald Charles Heiser Herbario Alberto Castellanos LN.I.R.E.B., Veracruz, Mexico Alan Horwath Institute for Systematic Botany, Netherlands Institute Botanico, M.A.C., Venezuela Institute de Conservacao de Natureza, Brazil University of Illinois, Urbana Iowa State University Daniel Janzen Jardim Botanico de Rio de Janiero Helen Kennedy Kwok W. Lee Longwood Gardens Manuel Mahu Tim McCarthy University of Michigan Milwaukee Public Museum Missouri Botanical Garden Scott Mori Morton CoUecteana Museo de Historia Natural, Guatemala Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Dorothy Nash National Herbarium Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria, S. Africa Lorin I. Nevling, Jr. New York Botanical Garden University of North Carolina Oakes-Ames Herbarium Ohio State University University of Oklahoma Edward J. Olsen University of Oxford, England University of Pennsylvania Timothy C. Plowman Patricio Ponce de Leon Avram Primack Col. Millard Rada V. S. R^u Alfreida Rehling Donald Richards Royal Botanic Gardens Ralph Seller Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Alex F. Skutch David Smith Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute D. D. Soejarto Southeastern Oklahoma State University Sul Ross State University United States Customs Laboratory United States Department of Agriculture, Cotton Branch Herbarium Texas A. & M. University University of Texas, Austin University of Texas, Dallas George Wilder R. L. Willey University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh J. R. I. Wood DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Leonard P. Alberstadt Sylvia Anderko Anderson Peat Company Peter Appel Warren & Elizabeth Barrash Leonard Bramisa Ted Bunch Onno Buss Albert V. Carozzi William Claussen Glen Commons Robert & Marjorie Cooper Richard X. Cramer Walter Dabsinskas Mrs. Lincoln Douglass R. Draftz Dry Valley Drilling Project Paul DuBois Jay Fiday Henry Field Daniel Fisher Terence Frest Geological Enterprises Arthur J. Gerk Frank A. Greene, Jr. Reinhold Groh Tom Guensburg Lee Gurga Richard K. Hose Maria Luisa Johnson Markes Johnson Wilbert Knoblock Mr. & Mrs. George Koldoff James Konecny John Krzton Edward Lace D.Lai 57 (Donors to the Collections — continued) Riccardo Levi-Setti Walter Lietz John Lucherini Pat MacDaniel Robert Marschner William G. Melton Don Mikulic Ray C. Mitchell Lanny Moreau NASA Johnson Space Center Matthew H. Nitecki Larry Osterberger Ronald H. Pine Joe Pohl J. Keith Rigby Richard Rock Frederick R. Schram Chris Scotese James Simak Eric Slusser Clarence R. Smith Bruce L. Stinchcomb John Tenery D. F. Toomey Tulane University Francis Tully Mrs. Ernest Vezzetti Kenneth R. Walker William Walters Vern Wesley Warren West Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Wolff Alan Woodland Bertram Woodland Walter Zeitschel DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY f Peter L. Ames Jane E. Anderson Fred Andrews Argonne National Laboratories Steven Arnold James Bacon George E. Ball James Barzyk J. Bengston Mrs. Maria Bilenko Rodney Black Margaret Bradbury William P. Braker A. S. H. Breure Donald Broadley W. L. Brown, Jr. John Clay Bruner Mrs. Beatrice Burch William C. Burger David Andrew Cawthon Mont Cazier Chicago Zoological Society Thomas A. Clarke D. M. Cohen Donald Daleske Carl G. Danielson Mrs. A. M. Davidson K. Dearolf Stanley Dvorak, Jr. Henry S. Dybas L. G. Eldredge Sharon B. Emerson Michael Evans H. Falcon William Fink John W. Fitzpatrick David E. Foster Dawn W. Frith E. L. Girardi LeeGoff Luis Diego Gomez D. W. Greenfield Michael D. Greenfield Paul Gritis Juanita B. Haid Mrs. Lloyd O. Haid James Hankin Dennis Harter Dipl. Ing. Ernst Heiss Philip Hershkovitz Lynn Houck Leslie Hubricht Julie Hurvis George E. lannarone Robert J. Izor Robert S. Jacobson John Janssen Bruce C. Jayne Colin Johnson Ellis Jones Pietr Kanaar Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Karpinski Steve Karsen Daniel E. Kessling John Kethley David H. Kistner Roger Klocek Leslie Knapp Dorothy J. Knull Noel H. Krauss N. L. H. Krauss William W. Lamar Jeanne LaRocco Rene Laubach John Lawrence Alexander Leighton Thomas O. Lemke Lincoln Park Zoo Society Gilbert Lomont D. C. Lowrie Jim Lucas Borys Malkin Scott Maness Allan Markezich Adrian Marshall Robert E. Martin Tim McCarthy Lt. Mead Rodney A. Mead Midwestern University Michael Miller R. R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Mix D. R. Moore LeMoyne Mueller Gary R. Mullen William A. Newman Roy A. Norton Charles W. O'Brien Dale Osborn Jose M. Osorio Brian Parkinson Peabody Museum Stewart Peck Q. Pickering Ronald H. Pine Kevin Pitts John T. Polhemas Edgar Reik Alan Resetar Tyson Roberts L. H. Rolston J. D. Romer Lillian Ross San Diego Zoological Garden Gerhard A. Schad Dietrich Schaff Jerry Schloemer Beverly Serrell John G. Shedd Aquarium Robert Sheridan Janet Sherman Hurst Shoemaker D. Shpeley Burke Smith Ian M. Smith Noel Snyder Alan Solem L. B Stames Daniel Summers Walter Suter James E. Thomerson Fred G. Thompson Melvin Traylor Mr. & Mrs. C. Troogstad J. R. Tucker Umtali Museum P. E. Vanzolini B. Verdcourt John Visser John Wagner Larry Watrous •• Earl Wells J. Kirwin Werner Richard L. Westcott Ralph Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Felix Wickstrom N. Wilson Shi-Kuei Wu Rainer Zangerl LIBRARY The Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson Library John R. Bolt Bennet Bronson William C. Burger Alice P. Carnes Preston Cloud Colombo National Museum Frances G. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dahlberg Ann De Vere Henry S. Dybas Harvey D. Erickson Joseph F. Estes W. Peyton Fawcett Henry Field H. G. Fischer Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Peter Gayford Frederick A. Gibbs Kenneth J. Grabowski Crawford H. Greenewalt Vicki Grigelaitis Paul Gritis Philip Hershkovitz Hirohito, Emperor of Japan Norman lies Robert F. Inger Carol C. Jones Jane B. Katz Oscar Kottman Christopher C. Legge John Lund Russell MacFall Larry G. Marshall Lorin L Nevling, Jr. Matthew H. Nitecki Max Plaut Timothy Plowman Warren M. Pulich Phyllis G. Rabineau Dorothy Rea Eugene S. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Roberts Alfreda C. Rogowski George C. Ruble Glen C. Sanderson 58 (Donors to the Collections — continued) Gwen Schultz Shedd Aquarium, Library John E. Terrell Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Edward Valauskas James W. VanStone Theodore W. VanZelst, Jr. Thomas Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Wagner E. Leland Webber Ronald L. Weber Rupert L. Wenzel Leo Whicher Louis O. Williams David A. Young ^B DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Coronet Instructional Media Mr. & Mrs. M. Richard Frank Mrs. Gaylord Freeman Evelyn Gottlieb Julie Hurvis Ira Kersh Mrs. George L. Simpson Mrs. George T. Spensley John Tohtz DONORS OF MATERIALS TO THE MUSEUM Digital Equipment Corporation Richard Pohl 3 59 STAFF December 31, 1978 E. Leland Webber, B.B.Ad., C.P.A., President-Director Norman W. Nelson, B.S., C.P.A., Assistant Director, Administration LoRiN I. Nevung, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Director, Science and Thomas R. Sanders, B.S., Planning and Development Officer LoRiN I. Nevung, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Director, Science and Education ^^j OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-DIRECTOR Susanmary C. Young, B.A., Secretary to the President-Director SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, SCIENCE AND EDUCATION Lorin I. Nevling, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Director, Science and Education Betty J. Peyton, Secretary to Assistant Director Carol Small-Kaplan, MFA, Photography — SEM Technician Department of Anthropology Phillip H. Lewis, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Anthropology and Curator, Primitive Art and Melanesian Ethnology Donald Collier, Ph.D., Curator Emeritus, Middle and South American Archaeology and Ethnology Glen H. Cole, Ph.D., Curator of Prehistory James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Curator, North American Archaeology and Ethnology Bennet Bronson, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology Michael E. Moseley, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Middle and South American Archaeology and Ethnology John E. Terrell, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Oceanic Archaeology and Ethnology Ruth I. Andris, Restorer Sue Carole DeVale , Ph.D., Ethno-Musicologist, Gamelon Project Christine S. Danziger, M.S., Conservator James R. Hanson, B.A., Clerk-typist Joyce A. Korbecki, B.A., Departmental Assistant Lillian Novak, B.A., Departmental Secretary Phyllis G. Rabineau, M.A., Custodian of Collections Assistants: Anna P. Campoli, B.F.A.; Robert A. Feldman, B.A.; Jan DiGirolamo, B.F.A.; Anne W. Leonard, M.A.; Karen C. McNeil, B.A.; Ronald L. Weber, Ph.D. ^., Collection Re-organization: Kathleen A. Christon, B.S.; Paul C. Fini, B.F.A.; Theresa J. fl^« Gross-Diaz, M.A.; Maija Sedzielarz, B.A.; Sue A. Stott, B.A.; Ethel Turnipseed ^' Robert J. Braidwood, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory Philip J. C. Dark, Ph.D., Research Associate, African Ethnology Fred Eggan, Ph.D., Research Associate, Ethnology 60 F. Clark Howell, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory Maxine R. Kleindienst, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory Donald W. Lathrap, Ph.D., Research Associate George I. Quimby, M.S., Research Associate, North American Archaeology and Ethnology Kenneth Starr, Ph.D., Research Associate, Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology LouvA H. Calhoun, B.A., B.F.A., Associate Solomon Gurewitz, Associate Christopher C. Legge, M.A., Associate Col. M. E. Rada, Associate Alice K. Schneider, B.A. Associate James H. Swartchild, Associate James R. Getz, Field Associate Evett D. Hester, M.S., Field Associate Jeffrey Quilter, M.A., Field Associate Sheila Pozorski, Ph.D., Field Research Associate Thomas G. Pozorski, Ph.D., Field Research Associate Department of Botany William C. Burger, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Botany and Associate Curator Louis O. Williams, Ph.D., Curator Emeritus John J. Engel, Ph.D., Richards Associate Curator, Bryology Patricio P. Ponce de Leon, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Cryptogams Robert B. Faden, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants Timothy C. Plowman, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants Michael O. Dillon, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Curator Roberta C. Becker, B.A., Departmental Secretary William E. Grime, B.A., Manager of Systematic Botanical Collections Robert G. Stolze, B.S., Custodian, Pteridophyte Herbarium Assistants: Birthel Atkinson; Lisa A. Byrne, B.A.; Janina Czapla; Ann B. Hollmann; Christine J. Niezgoda, M.S.; Gordana Racic, B.S.; Alfreida D. Rehling Robert F. Betz, Ph.D., Research Associate Margery C. Carlson, I*h.D., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Sylvia M. Feuer, Ph.D., Research Associate Robin B. Foster, Ph.D., Research Associate Sidney F. Glassman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Palms Arturo Gomez -Pompa, Ph.D., Research Associate Rogers McVaugh, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vascular Plants Richard W. Pohl, Ph.D., Research Associate Donald Richards, B.S., Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany Rolf Singer, Ph.D., Research Associate Djaja Doel Soejarto, Ph.D., Research Associate A. Spencer Tomb, Ph.D., Research Associate Tod F. Stuessy, Ph.D., Research Associate Marko Lewis, Field Associate Ing. Agr. Antonio Molina R., Field Associate Department of Geology David M. Raup, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Geology and Curator 61 Rainer Zangerl, Ph.D., Curator Emeritus, Fossil Fishes Matthew H. Nitecki, Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Edward J. Olsen, Ph.D., Curator, Minerology Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates William D. Turnbull, Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Mammals Bertram B. Woodland, Ph.D., Curator, Petrology John R. Bolt, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Reptiles and Amphibians Gordon C. Baird, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Larry G. Marshall, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Curator ^m Mary L. Alexander, Departmental Secretary ^B Kristine L. Bradof, B.S., Custodian of Invertebrate Collections John P. Harris, Preparator, Fossils Elizabeth A. Moore, B.S.N. , R.N., Clerk-typist J. Gail Ziegler, M.S., Custodian of Collections, Paleontology Assistants: Rudolph F. Chavez; Stanley C. Finney, Ph.D. Edgar F. Allin, M.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Edward Anders, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics David Bardack, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Herbert R. Barghusen, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Werner H. Baur, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Frank M. Carpenter, Sc.D., Research Associate Albert A. Dahlberg, D.D.S., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Robert DeMar, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Robert Denison, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Daniel C. Fisher, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Arnold M. Friedman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Louis H. Fuchs, B.S., Research Associate, Meteoritics Lawrence Grossman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics James A. Hopson, Ph.D., Research A iciate. Fossil Vertebrates Erik N. Kjellesvig-Waering, B.S., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Riccardo Levi-Setti, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr., Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Robert F. Marschner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Paul B. Moore, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Everett C. Olson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Bryan Patterson, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Leonard Radinsky, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Frederick R. Schram, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Joseph V. Smith, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Priscilla Turnbull, M.A., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Leigh Van Valen, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Department of Zoology Melvin a. Traylor, Jr., A.B., Chairman, Department of Zoology and Curator, Birds Emmet R. Blake, D.Sc., Curator Emeritus, Birds Philip Hershkovitz, M.S., Curator Emeritus, Mammals LoREN P. Woods, B.S., Curator Emeritus, Fishes Henry S. Dybas, B.S., Curator, Insects Robert F. Inger, Ph.D., Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles 62 C Hymen Marx, B.S., Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles Alan Solem, Ph.D., Curator, Invertebrates Rupert L. Wenzel, Ph.D., Curator, Insects Robert K. Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fishes John B. Kethley, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Insects Harold K. Voris, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles John W. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Birds Patricia W. Freeman, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Mammals Patricia H. Johnson, Departmental Secretary Judith A. Main, B.A., Scientific Illustrator, Insects Robert E. Martin, Ph.D., Facilities and Collection Co-ordinator, Mammals Eric H. Smith, Ph.D., Custodian of Collections, Insects David E. Willard, Ph.D., Custodian of Collections, Birds Assistants: Robert S. Anderson, B.S. — Fishes; Sophie Andris — Mammals; Margaret L. Baker, B.S.— Invertebrates; John C. Bruner, B.S.— Fishes; Garrett S. Glodek, M.S.— Fishes; Robert J. Izor, B.S. — Mammals; M. Dianne Maurer, B.A. — Birds; Michael L. Reed, B.S. — Mammals; Alan R. Resetar, B.S. — Amphibians and Reptiles; Daniel Summers, M.S.— Insects; Sandra L. Walchuk, M.S.— Mammals; Laurie C. Wilkins, B.S. — Mammals Secretaries: Valerie G. Connor-Jackson — Invertebrates; Sarah A. Derr, B.A. — Mammals; Cecile Margulies, M.A.— Insects; Molly M. Ozaki— Amphibians and Reptiles Arthur C. Allyn, B.S., Research Associate, Insects Rudyerd Boulton, B.S., Honorary Research Associate, Birds David Cook, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Anthony DeBlase, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Luis de la Torre, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Jack Fooden, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals David W. Greenfield, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fishes Euzabeth-Louise Girardi, Ph.D., Research Associate, Invertebrates Harry Hoogstraal, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects William B. Jeffries, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles David Kistner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Cliff Lemen, Ph.D., Research Associate, Zoology Lee D. Miller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Charles F. Nadler, M.D., Research Associate, Mammals Charles E. Oxnard, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Ronald H. Pine, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals John J. Pizzimenti, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals George R. Rabb, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles Austin L. Rand, Ph.D., Honorary Research Associate, Birds Charles A. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Walter Segall, M.D., Research Associate, Mammals Ronald Singer, D.Sc., Research Associate, Mammals Jamie E. Thomerson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fishes Robert Traub, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects John A. Wagner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Teresa A. Greenfield, M.A., Associate, Fishes Dorothy Karall, Associate, Invertebrates Edward M. Nelson, Ph.D., Associate, Fishes Harry G. Nelson, B.S., Associate, Insects Dale J. Osborn, Ph.D., Associate, Mammals 63 DioscoRO S. Rabor, M.S., Associate, Birds Burke Smith, Jr., M.A., Associate, Insects Lorain Stephens, Associate, Birds Robert L. Fleming, Ph.D., Field Associate, Birds Karl J. Frogner, Ph.D., Field Associate, Reptiles George Haas, Ph.D., Field Associate, Reptiles Frederico J. Medem, Sc.D., Field Associate, Reptiles Laurie Price, Field Associate, Invertebrates Walter R. Suter, Ph.D., Field Associate, Insects Janice K. Street, Field Associate, Mammals William S. Street, Field Associate, Mammals The Library of the Museum W. Peyton Fawcett, B.A., Librarian Michele Calhoun, M.S.L.S., Reference Librarian Eugenia J. Jang, A. A., Serials Librarian Chih-Wei Pan, M.S., Cataloger Alfreda C. Rogowski, Acquisitions Library Assistants: Kenneth J. Grabowski, M.S.; Patricia Piasecki, B.A.; Melissa H. Slater, B.L.S.; Benjamin W. Williams, B.A. Field Museum Press Editorial Staff i James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Scientific Editor Patricia M. Williams, B.A., Editor Department of Education— including personnel of the N. W. Harris Public School Exten- sion; the Ray A. Kroc Environmental Programs; and the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation for Public School and Children's Lectures. Carolyn P. Blackmon, B.S., Chairman, Department of Education Alice L. Lewis, Departmental Secretary Special Programs: Linton Pitluga, M.S.; Ann B. Prewitt, M.A.; Bonnie K. N. Shain, M.A.T.; Harriet M. Smith, M.A. Carol J. Scholl, M.S., Head, Group Programs Division Philip C. Hanson, M.S., Head, Harris Extension Sue G. Rizzo, Resource Co-ordinator Divisional Assistants: John Dykstra: Linda M. Finney, B.S.; Kezia D. Jones, B.A.; Ronald J. Lambert; Mary S. McCormick, B.A. Instructors: Elizabeth B. Deis, M.S.; Marie S. Feltus, M.A.; Edith Fleming, M.A. Resource Assistants: Marilyn L. Banayan, M.A.L.S.; Robert Cantu, A. A.; Delores L. Dobberstein, B.A. Susan E. Stob, B.A.; Head, Public Programs Division 64 f Program Developers: Lynne D. Arnold, Ph.D.; Victoria Grigelaitis, B.A.; James R. Hunter, M.A. Grace Fuller Greaves, B.S., Associate, Group Progreims Julie Hurvis, B.A., Associate, Group Programs Ellen Hyndman, B.A., Associate, Group Programs John C. O'Brien, Associate, Harris Extension Anne Ross, B.A., Associate, Group Programs Department of Exhibition Ed Bedno, M.S., Chairman, Department of Exhibition Harvey M. Matthew, B.S.E.E., Head, Controls Division Martha J. Poulter, M.A.T., Departmental Secretary John A. Riordan, M.S., Detailer E. Alvin Schiele, B.S.M.E., Head, Production Division Exhibit Service Preparators: Howard J. Bezin, B.F.A.; James L. Socha Preparators: John K. Cannon, M.F. A.; Christine F. Ingraham,M.F.A.;Edwin M.Kestler; Richard T. Pearson, B.A.; William T. Soltis, M.F.A.; Daniel L. Weinstock, B.F.A. Donald R. Skinner, M.F. A.; Acting Head, Design Division Designers: Clifford Abrams, B.F.A.; David R. Dann, M.F.A.; Beth A. Herman; Richard L. Shannon, B.S.D. Scientific Illustrators: Zorica Dabich, B.F.A. ; Zbigniew Jastrzebski, M.F. A.; Elizabeth A. Liebman Scriptwriters: Victor M. Banks, B.S.; Helen M. Chandra, B.A. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION Norman W. Nelson, B.S., C.P.A., Assistant Director, Administration William J. Lauf, M.B.A., Controller Beverly C. Scott, B.S.C, Secretary to Assistant Director Lenore Sarasan, Computer Systems Designer Accounting Department Joseph R. Sulek, B.A., C.P.A., Accounting Manager J. Victor Blakemore, B.A., Systems Analyst Accounting Clerks: Lynn C. Bales; Catherine O. Gordon, A.B.; Donna J. Johnson; Gregory J. Kotulski; Kathryn F. Laughlin, B.A. 65 Building Operations Department Norman P. Radtke, Manager, Physical Plant Andris Pavasars, M.S., Departmental Clerk Joseph D. Taylor, Construction Manager Engineering Division Leonard Carrion, Chief Engineer Rudolph R. Dentino, Assistant Chief Engineer Wesley Gray, Audio-Visual Technician Edward D. Rick, Electrician Stationary Engineers: Robert J. Battaglia, Joseph A. Nejasnic, Harry Rayborn, Jr., Ronald J. Stagg, Joseph J. Vard Engineering Assistants: Jose J. Diaz, Raymond D. Roberts, Timothy J. Tryba Housekeeping Division George A. Stlaske, B.A., Executive Housekeeper Shift Supervisors: Gwendolyn U. Anderson, Joseph J. Gue Group Leader: Lee Mister Housekeepers: Harold A. Anderson, Jacqueline Baguidy, Manuel Barajas, Estela S. Cortes, Cleola Davis, James Davis, George Dieudonne, Lamonte 1. Dixon, Bernard Douglas, Samuel Glover, Jesus L. Guerrero, Edward J. Jurzak, Gerard Kernizan, Ghislaine Lubin, Jose Z. Mendez, Cozzetta Morris, Ermite Nazaire, Lucinda L. S. Pierre-Louis, Susie Rhodes, Kettly Rodrigue, John A. Stahl, Henry J. Tucker, Felix B. Uballe, Jr., Dieudaide Victor, Ricky Wroten Maintenance Division Jacques L. Pulizzi, Building Maintenance Supervisor Craftsman: Carpenters — Louis M. Hobe, Stanley B. Konopka, George C. Petrik, Michael J. Shouba, Angelo T. Tallarico Painters — Michael C. Gotto, Arnester L. Johnson, John J. Kelly, Thomas Williams General Services Department GusTAV A. Noren, General Services Administrator Oscar E. Anderson, B.A., Printing Production Co-ordinator Erich F. Filers, Purchasing Agent Christine F. Gahan, B.A., Departmental Secretary Florence W. Hales, B.A., Photographic Assistant Geraldine Havranek, Switchboard Operator Darlene Pederson, Clerk-Typist, Purchasing 66 € LoRAN S. Recchia, Assistant, Photography Ronald A. Testa, M.F.A., Head of Photography Division of Printing and Publications Lorraine H. Cordova, Clerk, Publications Vincent T. Davis, Assistant, Publications Jeannette Forster, Clerk, Publications Michael F. Olivo, Printing Assistant Alan R. Quantrell, Clerk, Publications George C. Sebela, Head of Printing Museum Shops Department Betty L. Weaver, B.A., Manager of Museum Shops Clerks: Linda J. Bates, Emily M. Brandle, Paula L. Brewster, Gloria Clayton, Beverly V. Collins, Helen Cooper, Linda M. Dean, Betty J. Green, Deborah A. Johnson, Georgiana Kolasinski, Fern E. Konyar, Joseph Miller, Jr. Personnel Department Hubert A. Homan, Jr., A.B., Personnel Manager Susan M. Oi^on, Personnel Assistant Registrar Department Mary A. Hagberg, L.L.B., Registrar Anne T. McCaskey, B.A., Assistant Security and Visitor Services Department Anthony F. DeBlase, Ph.D., Head of Security and Visitor Services Sergeants: Salv.vdor Castro, Jr., Norman Harvey, Kathleen M. Larkin, B.A., Richard H. Leigh, Hernan Rendon Guards: Louis Andrade, Arnold C. Barnes, Jr., Frank L. Bishop, Andrew J. Bluntson, Floyd D. Bluntson, Robert J. Bodziach, Kerry Braswell, Jesus H. Chavarria, Sik K. Chin, Pierre P. Clermont, George E. Davis, Michael J. Dorgan, William Dubyk, Lionel O. Dunn, Allen E. Fenske, William S. Frank, Norval A. Glover, Steven A. Grissom, Ildefonso Hernandez, Charles M. Johnson, David C. Johnson, Paul J. Johnston, Tina L. Johnston, E>verage J. Jones, Irene Kelly, Howard Langford, Jr., Kevin J. Madden, Kevin J. Matthews, Michael P. Meza, Phoebe A. Moore, Karlyn Morris, Michelle C. McClinton, Monica S. McClinton, George F. McGiffin, Johannes Neubauer, Thomas A. Novak, Lula H. Pendivers, Lorraine A. Petkus, Paul J. Pierre-Louis, Henry Raatjes, Georges R. Raymond, Rosemarie Rhyne, David E. Sadowski, Jerome L. Simpson, Earl M. Singleton III, George W. Smith, Sr., Eloise R. 67 Stripling, Thomas L. Swartzel, Kenneth J. Taylor, David E. Villalobos, Phyllis A. Woods PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Thomas R. Sanders, B.S., Planning and Development Officer ^B Clifford Buzard, M.S., M.Div., Associate Development Officer ^P Michael J. Flynn, Manager, Field Museum Tours William J. Maurer, B.A., Assistant Development Officer Marcia a. Rasmussen, B.A., Departmental Secretary June E. Thames, B.A., List Researcher Veitrice L. Thompson, Secretary Susan E. VandenBosch, B.A., Secretary to the Women's Board Membership Division Dorothy S. Roder, Membership Manager Clerks: Sue C. Currier, Robert M. Franca, Judith K. Kobylecky, B.S., Josefina Sanchez Public Relations Division Mary A. Cassai, Ph.D., Public Relations Manager Mary C. Kleber, A. A., Departmental Secretary Mari F. Mullen, B.S., Public Relations Assistant David M. Walsten, B.S., Editor, Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin VOLUNTEERS The following volunteers have each given over 50 hours in a period of one year: Christine Abiera Robert Barth Laura Adamski Sanda Bauer Bruce Ahlborn Dodie Baumgarten Sydney Allport John Bayalis Amy Alluisi Ann Beverly Bazner Carrie Anderson Carol Beatty Cleo Anderson Virginia Beatty John Appel Marvin Benjamin Delores Arbanas Frances Bentley Jean Armour Phoebe Bentley Judy Armstrong William Bentley Steve Arnam Leslie Beverly Beverly Baker Ruth Blazina Margaret Baker Riva Blechman Dennis Bara Mary Ann Bloom GwEN Barnett Sharon Boemmel Rae Barnett Marjorie Bohn 68 f Julie Borden Idessie Bowens Hermann Bowersox Kristine Bradof Carol Briscoe Jean Brown Rose Buchanan Teddy Buddington Mary Ann Bulanda Elizabeth Buntrock James Burd Katharine Burdick Michael Burns LouvA Calhoun Anna Campoli Leticia Carlson Jean Carton Jean Casey Cathe Casperson GiLDA Castro Sol Century Karen Chesna-McNeil June Chomsky Mary Clapper Robert Clark Shauna Clark Mark Clausen John Collins Janet Connor Eugenia Cooke COLLENANE CoSEY Diane Coultas Richard Cox Mary Ann Cramer Connie Crane Velta Cukurs Alice Culbert Theresa Dade Georgette D'Angelo Eleanor DeKoven Mary Derby Carol Deutsch Sue Carole DeVale Anne DeVere MiYA Esperanza Diablo Marianne Diekman Jennifer Dillon Delores Dobberstein Stanley Dolasinski Carolyn Donovan Mary Beth Dowell Margaret Dreessen Janet Duchossois Stanley Dvorak Bettie Dwinell Linda Dybas MiLADA DY'BAS Sharon Ebbert Alice Eckley Bonnie Eiber Anne Ekman Karen Elarde Jeffrey Ellison Nancy Epping Lee Erdman Audrey Faden Kathryn Farmer-Margulis Martha Farwell Suzanne Faurot Lee Fefferman Linda Finney Jo Fitch Jayne Fitzsimmons Gerry Fogarty Gerda Frank Arden Frederick Nancy Frederick Melissa Frey Werner Frey Gary Fritz RoYLA Furniss Rosa Gamarra-Thomson Peter Gayford John Gelder Patricia Georgouses Nancy Gerson Dr. Elizabeth Louise Girardi Anita Goldberg Shirley Goldman LoRNA Gonzales rochelle goodsitt Helen Gornstein Evelyn Gottlieb Carol Graczyk Grace Greaves Ralph Greene Paul Gritis Theresa Gross-Diaz Patrick Gulley Kathy Gunnell Jessye Gunter Sol Gurewitz Fleur Hales Michael Hall Marjorie Hammerstrom Judith Hansen 69 John Harding Margaret Harding Bernice Harris Patricia Hastings Shirley Hattis Gail Hathaway Maureen Hawkridge H. J. Hedlund Katherine Hill Audrey Hiller VicKi Hlavacek Patricia Hogan Ralph Hogan April Hohol Rose Horner Claxton Howard Miranda Howard Ruth Howard Elmer Hulman David Humbard Julie Hurvis Adrienne Hurwitz Diane Hutchinson Lucinda Hutchison Ellen Hyndman James Jack Ira Jacknis Penny Jacobs Patricia Jacobssen Mabel Johnson Ernest Paul Jones Malcolm Jones Julia Jordan Letitia Kaminski Dorothy Karall Ruthe Karlin Dorothy Kathan Adria Katz Gayle Kedrick Ruth Keller -Petitti Shirley Kennedy Marjorie King Elaine Kinzelberg John Kolar Larry Kolczak Anne Koopman Carol Kopeck Katharine Krueger Roberta Laffey Anita Landess Carol Landow Hildy Lane Betty Langedyk Viola Laski Katharine Lee Jeannette Leeper June Lefor Dorothy Leghorn Steve LeMay Anne Leonard Elizabeth Lilly Carol Link Margaret Litten Elizabeth Lizzio Susan Lynch Edna MacQuilkin David Magdziarz Russell Maheras Anna Main Judy Main Richard Main Catharine Majeske Kay-Karol Mapp Gabby Margo Gretchen Martin Margaret Martling Martha Mather Geri Matsushita Joyce Matuszewich Melba Mayo William McCarthy Mark McCollam Ann McCorkle Patsy McCoy Chloe McKeever Jodie McNeel Cecily McNeil Elizabeth Meeker Withrow Meeker Thomas Menchaca Margot Merrick Marilyn Miller Martha Mills Grace Millman Joanne Mitchell Sharon Moehling Carolyn Moore Wiley Moore Patricia Morin Wendy Morton Debra Moskovits LeMoyne Mueller Anne Murphy Roger Myers Charlita Nachtrab Mary Naunton • 70 '^ JoAnn Nelson John Ben Nelson Mary Nelson Nancy Nelson Louise Neuert Natalie Newberger Ernest Newton Herta Newton Allen Niederman Joyce Niederman Barbara Nielsen Suzanne Niven Mary Eileen Noonan Bernice Nordenberg Janis O'Boye John O'Brien Diane O'Neil Joan Opila Gary Ossewaarde China Oughton Anita Padnos Raymond Parker Susan Parker Sally Parsons Delores Patton Frank Paulo Christine Pavel Elizabeth Peacock Anna Pearman-Daugerdas Hazel Pensock Celeste Perry Mary Ann Peruchini WiLMA PeSAVENTO Lorraine Peterson Kathleen Picken Diane Pieklo Kathleen Porter David Poster Elizabeth Rada Col. M. E. Rada LoRAN Recchia Erin Reeves Ruth Reinhold Shiela Reynolds Elly Ripp Addie Roach Yvonne Robins William Roder Barbara Roob Robert Rosberg Brenda Rosch Sarah Rosenbloom Marie Rosenthal Anne Ross Dennis Roth Helen Ruch Linda Sandberg Lenore Sarasan Theresa Schaefer Margaret Schaffner Tim Schalk Alice Schneider Sally Schoch Sylvia Schueppert Julia Schultz Carole Schumacher Sandy Schweitzer Beverly Scott Louise Searle Maija Sedzielarz Laura Seidman Jean Sellar Ruth Shaffner Ann Shanower Albert Shatzel Louise Sherman Judy Sherry Elaine Sindelar James Skorez Eleanor Skydell Burke Smith, Jr. Kay Snook Janet Sobesky Richard Spears Beth Spencer Irene Spensley Steve Sroka Tim Stark Lois Stein Lorain Stephens Lucille Stern Dorothy Stevenson Joann Stevenson John Stine Michael Story Susan Streich Jane Swanson Beatrice Swartchild James Swartchild Julia Szymczyk Patricia Talbot Terri Talley Jane Thain Clare Tomaschoff Peter Tortorice Dana Treister 71 Harold Tsunehara David Weiss Edith Turkington Peyton Wells Lynn Turner Fred Werner Helen Urban LaDonna Whitmer Karen Urnezis Ron Winslow Judith Valentine Kurt Wise Barbara Vear Reeva Wolfson Don Virgil Ken Young Harold Voris Karen Zaccor ^k Kim Waldron Joanne Zak ^W Sandra Wantuch Lynn Zeger Harold Waterman Faith Zieske Suzanne Webb # 72 '^ • « 3 • 9 ^ t «> Field Museum of Natural History Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60605 312/922-9410 ^ » e ii v%1 %4 >/l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 084205019