•,;0 \ PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE LWERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Handle with EXTREME CARE rhis volume is damaged or brittle and CANNOT be repaired! photocopy only if necessary return to staff do nof put in bookdrop Gerstein Science Information Centre XXVI. SESSION 1911-1912. PRICE— TWENTY-ONE SHILLINGS. LIVERPOOL : C. TiNLiNG & Co., Ltd., Printers, 53, Victoria Street. 19 12. PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OK THK LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOL. XXVI. yEH8iOi\ i'Jil-i'Jl2. LIVERPOOL: C. TiNLiNG & Co., Ltd., Pjuxtkhs, 58, Vjcruia.A Strekt. 1 'J 1 ^i . CONTENTS. I.- -Proceedings. PAGE Office-bearers and Council, 1911-1912 . . . vii Report of the Council ...... viii Summary of Proceedings at the Meetings . . ix List of Members ....... xiii Treasurer's Balance Sheet ..... xvii II. — Transactions. Presidential Address — " Keptiles in Captivity."' By J H. O'CONNELL, L.R.C.P 1 Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Liver})0()l Marine Biological Committee and their Biological Station at Port Erin. By Prof. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc, F.R.S .18 Report on the Investigations carried on during 1911, in connection with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory, at the University of Liverpool, and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Barrow ; By Prof. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc, F.R.S., Andrew Scott, A.L.S., and James Johnstone, B.Sc. . 71 L.M.B.C. Memoir on "Buccinum." By W. Dakin, D.Sc 253 PROCEEDINGS LfVERrOO]. BIOLOGICAL SOf'TETY OFFICE-BEAEERS AND COUNCIL. ^i'- j;lrestbents : 1886—87 Phof. W. MITCHELL BANKS, M.U., F.R.C.S. 1887—88 J. J. DRYSDALE, M.D. 1888—89 Peof. W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S.E. 1889—90 Prof. W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S.E. 1890—91 T. J. MOORE, C.M.Z.S. 1891—92 T. J. MOORE, C.M.Z.S. 1892—93 ALFRED O. WALKER, J. P., F.L.S. 1893—94 JOHN NEWTON, M.R.C.S. 1894^95 Prof. F. GOTCH, M.A., F.R.S. 1895—96 Peof. R. J. HARVEY GIBSON, M.A. 1896—97 HENRY O. FORBES. LL.D.. F.Z.S. 1897—98 ISAAC C. THOMPSON, F.L.S. , F.R.M.S. 1898—99 Prof. C. S. SHERRINGTON, M.D.. F.R.S. 1899—1900 J. WIGLESWORTH, M.D., F.R.C.P. 1900—1901 Prof. PATTERSON, :\r.D., r^r.R.C.S. 1901—1902 HENRY C. BEASLEY. 1902—1903 R. CATON, :\r.D., F.R.C.P. 1903—1904 Rev. T. S. LEA, 51. A. 1904—1905 ALFRED LEICESTER. 1905—1906 JOSEPH LOMAS, F.G.S. 1906—1907 Prof. W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S. 1907—1908 W. T. H.\YDON, F.L.S. 1908—1909 Prof. B. MOORE, M.A., D.Sc. 1909-1910 R. NEWSTEAD, M.Sc, F.E S. 1910—1911 Prof. R. NEWSTEAD, M.Sc, F.R.S. SESSION XXVI., 1911-1912. J. H. O'CONNELL, L.R.C.P. 0i:ce- presidents : Prof. W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S. Prof. R. NEWSTEAD, M.Sc, F.R.S. liion. Crensurer: ;pon. librarian: W. J. HALLS. MAY ALLEN, B.A. Hon. Secretanj: JOSEPH A. CLUBB, D.Sc. Council: HENRY C. BEASLEY. Prof. B. MOORE, i\LA., D.Sc R. CATON, M.D., F.R.C.P. H. B. FANTHAM, D.Sc, B.A. W. T. HAYDON, F.L.S. J. JOHNSTONE, B.Sc. DOUGLAS LAURIE, M.A. W. S. LAVEROCK, M.A., B.Sc Prof. SHERRINGTON, F.R.S. W. M. TATTERSALL, D.Sr-. J. SHARE-JONES, F.R.C.V.S. I E. THOMPSON. Rejiri'se)tt((tive of Stiuhnits'' Section : R. ROEBINS (Miss), Vlll LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. EEPOET of the COUNCIL. DuRixci the Session 1911-12 there have been seven ordinary meetings and one fiehl meeting- of tlie Society. The communications made to the Society at the ordinary meetings have been representative of almost all branches of Biology, and the various exliibitions and demonstrations thereon have been of great interest. Prof. F. W. Gamble, D.Sc. F.R.S., of Birmingham, lectured before the Society, at the February Meeting, on "Methods and Results of Symbiosis." The Library continues to make satisfactory progress, and additional important exchanges liave been arranged. The Ti'easurer's statement and balance-sheet are appended. The members at pi-esent on the roll are as follows : — Ordinary members ------ 45 Associate members ------ 5 Student members, including Stud(Mils" Section - 'M Total - - 87 SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS AT MEETINGS. IX SUMMAEY of PEOCEEDINGH at the MEETINGS. The first meetiug of the twenty-sixth session was iield at the TTniversity, on Friday, October 13th, 1911. The President-elect (J. H. O'Connell, L.E.C.P.) took the chair in the Zoology Theatre. 1. The Report of tlie Council on the Session 1910-1911 (see "Proceedings," Vol. XXY., p. viii.) was submitted and adopted. 2. Tlie Treasurer's Bahnice Sheet for the Session 1910- 1911 (see "Proceedings," Vol. XXV. p. xx.) was submitted and approved. ?t. The following Office-bearers and Council for the ensuing Session were elected: — Vice-Presidents, Prof. Herdman, D.Sc, F.R.S.. and Prof. Newstead, M.Sc, F.R.S. ; Hon. Treasurer. AV. J. Halls; Hon. Librarian, May Allen, B.A. ; Hon. Secretary, Joseph A. Clubb, D.Sc. ; Council, H. C. Beasley. Dr. Caton, Dr. Fantham, W. T. Haydon, F.L.S., J. Jolmstone, B.Sc, J. Share- Jones, F.R.C.V.S., Prof. B. Moore, M.A., D.Sc, W. S. Laverock, M.A., B.Sc, Douglas Laurie, M.A., Prof. Sherrington, F.E.S., and E. Thompson. 4. J. H. O'Connell, L.R.C.P., delivered the Presidential Address on " Reptiles in Captivity " (see " Transactions," p. 1). A vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Dakin, seconded by Mr. Laurie, and cariicd with acclamation. X LTVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The second meeting- of tlie twenty-sixtli session was held at the University, on Friday. Xoveniliev 10tli. 1911. The President in the chair. 1. ])r. Clul)!) exliibited with leinarks a livini>' specimen of (j int. rip crosti, from AVest Africa. 2. Prof. Herdman cxliihited a collection of Marine Invertebrates dredged from Helnidean seas during the summer. o. Prof. Herdman submitted the Annual Report on the work of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee and the Port Erin Biological Station (see " Transactions," p. 1-')). The third meeting of the twenty-sixth session was held at the University, on Friday, December 15th, 1011. The President in the chair. 1. Mr. H. C Beasley exhibited with remarks some specimens of peaty material from Leasowe, with fungus investing it. 2. Br. Bakin subini1t(Ml a ])a])er on the "()sino1ic pressui(> of tlic l)lood of A((ualic Animals.' The fourth meeling of the tweniy-sixth session was held at the Tlniveisity, on Friday, January I'Jili. U)FJ. Th<' A'icc-President (Prof. TTerdinan) in the cliair. 1. Dr. II. B. Fantiiam communicated a paper on ■ Some I'^higellate Parasites of Insects — not ahvavs harmUil — and tlieii" rehiiion to SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS AT MEETINGS. - XI Trypauosomes." The parasites discussed heloii"' to the o-enera HerpetoinoiKis mid ('rlf/i idia and occur in tlie di<>'estiv(' tracts of insects su(di as flies, niosquitos and water-buo's. ''J' lie herpeto- monad found in the httex of various Eu/jln>rh/a and the parasite of Kahi-azar were mentioned. Tlie fifth meeting- of the twenty-sixth session was iield at tlie University, on Fridav. February !)th, 11)12, jointly with the Students' Section of the Society. 1. Prof. F. W. Gamble, F.R.S., of Birmino-ham, lectured before the Society on " ^[ethods and Results of Symbiosis." The sixth meeting- of the twenty-sixth session was held at the University, on Friday, March 8th, 1912. The President in the chair. 1. Prof. Newstead lectured to the Society on " Notes on the Natural History of Nyassaland," g-iving- a most interesting account of his receni visit to thai countrv. The seventh meeting- of the twenty-sixth session was lield at the Fniversity, on Friday, May lOth, 1012. The President in the chair. .1. Prof. Herdman submitted tlie Annual Report of the Investigations carried on during 1911 in con- Xll LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. neetioii witli the Laiicasliire Sea FisluM'ies Committee (see " Transactions/' p. 71). 2. L.M.rJ.C. Memoir on tlie Wlielk. hv Dr. T^lakin (see *' Transactions," ]). 25B). The eighth meetinfi;" of the twejity-sixtli session was tlie Annnal Field Meeting lield at Hilbre Ishtnd, on Saturday, -lune 1st. At the short business meeting lu'hl after tea, on tiie motion of the President from the chair, Mr. James .Tolmstont". IV. Sc. was unaninionsly elected PicsichMit for tlie ensuinfi- session. LIST of MEMliJ:i{8 ut the LIVEEPUUL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SESSIO.X 1911-1912. A. Or])i.\ary Members. (Life ^lembers are marked with an asterisk.) ELECTED. 1908 ALiam. Prof. J. Hill, 74, Roduey Street, Liverpool. 1909 *Alleu. Miss May. B.A., Hox. LumAKiAX, rmver- sity, Liverpool. 1910 Barratt, Dr. J. O. Wakeliu, Cancer Eesearoli Laboratory, University, Liverpool. 1888 Beasley, Henry C, 25a, Prince Alfred Iload, Wavertree . 1908 Bigland, H. D., B.A., Shrewsbury Koad, Birkenhead. 1903 Booth, jnn.. Chas., 30, James Street, Liverpool. 1886 Caton. P... M.D., F.R.C.P., 78, Rodney Street. 1886 Chibb, J. A., D.Sc, Hox. Secretary. Free Public Museums, Liverpool. 1909 Dakiu. AV.. D.Sc, The University, Liverpool. 1911 Ellison, (jeorg'c, 4, Loudon Orove, LiAerpool. \1V LIST OF MEMBERS. 1910 raulham. Dr. 11. B., School ui Tropical Moiliciuc. T^niversity, Liverpool. i;»l):J Glynn. Dr. Ernest, 62, Rodney Street. 1880 Halls. W. J.. Hon. Treasuret?, 35, Lord Street. l!)l(l Haniillon, .Mr<. .1.. 1)2, Hiiskisson Street, Liver- pool. 18110 Ilaydon. W. T., T.L.S., o'j. Grey Road, Walton, Liverpool. 1880 Herdnian. Prot. W. A., D.Se.. F.E.S., Vice- President, University, Liveri)ool. 18U3 Herdman, Mrs. W. A., CroxtetL Lodge, Ullet Rood, Liverpool. I!)()'J Holt. A., Croftou. Aio-l)urtli. 11)0-') Holt, George, Grove House, Knntslord. 1U();5 Holt, Richard D., M.P., 1, India Jiuildmgs, Liverpool. 18!)8 .lohnstone, James, B.Sc, Iniversity, Liverpool. 18!J4 Lea, Rev. T. S.. D.D., The N'icarage, Si. Austell, Cornwall. 1890 Laverock, W. S., M.A., B.Sc, Free Museums, Liverpool. IJJOO Laurie, R. Douglas, M.A., University, Liverpool. lUU.'j Moore, Prof. B., D.Sc, T.R.S., University, Liverpool . 19U4 ^'e^vstead, Prof. R.. Yi( e-Pkesidi.xt, M.Sc, I'Mi-.S.. Scluiol of '1 ropical Medicine, J^iverpool. 190 1 ()"('()iiiicll, 1)1. .1. II., pRESiDE-NT. ;!8, Heathfield Road, liiverpool. 1904 Pallis, Miss ^I.. 'I'atoi, Aigburth Drive, Liverpool. 1903 Petrie, Sir Charles, Ivy Lodge, Ashfield Road, Aigburth, Jjiverpool. 1903 H;illil)(Mic. II. ]{., (»;il<\v()()d, Aighurlli. 18!)0 Hiilliboiic, Mi.ss May, JJackwood, Neston. LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. XV 1910 Eiddell, AViii., M.A., Zoological Departiiu'iit, I'niveisity, Liverpool . 1897 Robiuson, H. C, Malay States. 1908 Eock, W. H., 25, Lord Street, Liverpool. 1894 Scott, Andrew, A.L.S., Piel, Barrow-in-Furness. 1908 Share-Jones, Tolm, F.li.C.V.S., University, Liverpool. 1895 Sherrington, Prof., M.D., F.R.S., University, Liverpool. 188() Smith, Andrew T., 21, Croxteth Road. 190:i Stapledon, \V. (J.. " Aniiery,"' Caldy, Wi-si Kirhy. 1903 Thomas, Dr. Tbelwall, 84, Rodney Street, Liver- pool. 1905 Thompson, Edwin, 25, Sefton Drive, Liverpool. 1889 Thornely, Miss L. R., Xunclose, Grassendale. 1888 Toll, J. M., 49, :\"ewsham Drive, Liverpool. 1891 Wiglesworth, J., M.D., F.R.C.P., County Asvlum, Rainhill. B. Associate Members. 1905 Carstairs, Miss, ;39, Lilley Road, Fairfield. 1905 Harrison, ()ulton, Denehurst, Victoria Park, Wavertree. 1910 Kelley, Miss A. M., 10, Percy Street, Liverpool. 190a Tattersall, W. D., D.Sc, The Museum, Man- chester. 1910 Tozer, Miss E. N.. Physiology- Laboratory, The University, Liverpool. XVI LIST OF MEMBERS. C. University Students' Sectiojs. Pre.'^ident : Miss R. Robbius. Hon. Secretary: Miss C. M. P. Stafford. Members : The Misses (ileave, Robinson, Ijataiche, (jiill, Edmondson, Piatt, Bradle}-, Cavanagb, Lewis, Kay, E. vSniitli, llling-worth, Thornton, Hewitt, Hodgson, Quirk, Payne, Brew, Milliean, Cleike, Kirk, I^dall, (jarside. Little, Higsun, Robinson, CTeg-g and Upson; Messrs. Waterhouse, Goodbiiin, Rowlands, Barlow, Daniel and Hamilton. D. Honorary Members. S.A.S., Albert I., Prince de Monaco, 10, Avenue du brocadero, Paris, lioruet. Dr. Edouard, Quai de la Tournelle 27, Paris Claus, Prof. Carl, University, Vienna. Fritsch, Prof. Anton, Museum, Prague, Bohemia. Haeckel, Prof. Dr. E., LTniversity, Jena. Hanitsch, R., Ph.D., Raffles Museum, Singapore. Solms-Laubach, Prof. -Dr., Botan. Insiit., Sirassl)uig. o o CL CI LU > m f- > f- LU U o « CO B 1 & «J ,_:t-oOOooocotot~ ajcocO'-i'OOcccocqco'O C^ O CO ^ X CO Ci 2 Eh < -< r1 S S •:? pq O O CO ^ o 'C .53 a G "S g U U iS > "S "73 -2 ^ ^ c3 S 03 -« pq CO <: M2 ^ J J '^ © H cc M CO CO O CO o o o -* r-i CM O O O most suitahle temperature, light and feeding'. However, there are a few g^eneral considerations to be investigated first. Most re2)tiles, when free, hibernate during the colder nu)nths in their own (limates, as also our own snakes and lizards, but prior to doing so they store up sutiicieut fat to carry them through their sleep. This raises an interesting- })oint as to whether hibernation is essential to the well-being- of a reptile or not; mar.y foreign lizards have lived more than one winter in our climate in an artihcial temperattire, some indeed for several years. without. ai)pareutly, any bad effects resulting from suspension of hibernation. These cases w mild setuu to show that this resting stage is not a jihysitdogical necessity to every lizard. On the other hand, some years ago. I kept some green lizards which I liad collected in Jersey, partly through a winter at a suitable heat. They did not do very well and most of tliem died before the winter ended. I find the Amj)hil)ia behave much as the reptiles do. for on another occasion a British toad had been allowed to go into its winter sleep and after two or three weeks it was ])ut back into the lieated case. It was completely upset and did not resume feeding for a very long time. 70° F. is a good average heat at which to mainfain most reptiles; this may be done by direct heal uiidiM' tlie (-ase, the bottom of which is covered with sand, or to h:ivf tlie case over ;i heated water bath. 'I"he hcsl and KEPTILE LIFE IX CAPTIVITY. 3 most economical method is by using a small copper boiler witli copper pipes, in which hot water can circulate in a tray under the case. Unfortunately, lizards require a considerable amount of sunshine before they will feed or do well, and are thus the most difficult group to deal with. Some of the desert species are particularly difficult to keep. The Crocodilia are probably the easiest to manage. Their cases should contain a tank sufficiently large to enable them to move about with freedom, and deep enough for them to remain completely submerged if they so wish. In addition it is advisable to have a dry part for them to come out of the water and bask in the sun. They will feed freely on raw meat, fish, small frogs or even insects. There is a marked difference in the temperaments of these creatures. The long-snouted W. African crocodile (C. cataphractus) is a timid animal, not much given to biting, while its all}^ the common crocodile (C. nilotlcns) is alwaj's vicious and treacherous ; C. aviericd/nis is very pretty when small and docile; C. porosus, an Indian species, is usually vicious. Osteolaemus tetraspis, from the W. Coast of Africa, is an interesting species to keep ; it is short and heavily built and nicely mottled and marked. Of all the Crocodilia, the Mississippi Alligator is the most suitable for captivit}^ as it is especially docile and quickly recognises its feeder. The natural cry of this group is something between a grunt and a bark, and they are remarkabl}^ sensitive to the lightest touch over the shields of their backs and sides, and will get into the strangest positions in their endeavours to remove the source of annoyance. Swimming is usually performed by vigorous strokes of the tail with the limbs pressed close to the sides of the body. 4 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The water tortoises require similar conditions to those of crocodiles. These may be easily distinguished by the flattened webbed feet and usually depressed carapaces. Most of the water forms are animal feeders and tear their food with their long- and sharp claws. It is necessary to be very careful in handling- the larger ones as they bite very badly, usually taking out a piece of one's finger. The large Amazon fresh water tortoise (Podocnemis) seems to be a vegetable feeder. Some years ago a specimen measuring eighteen inches long was brought to me dead, and on opening it I found it was packed with seeds resembling those of the sycamore and another type resembling pepper berries. I planted some of the former and a few germinated and put forth the dicotyledons, but died before its true leaves came, as the cold Aveather set in. Most of the seeds and berries had been bitten, I presumed that they must liave falh>n into the water and then been taken as food. Most land tortoises are vegetable feeders, and Avill hibernate if they liave been feeding well and are put into earth or moss. These two grou]is aie (•(»ni])aiatively easily dealt with, they will feed readily and are not much siibject to diseases. Yet tliere are certain conditions to be aware of. Crocodiles sliould not l)e fed eiiiirt'ly on meal, as there is a tendency for tlieir ])oii('s to liecome softened, no doubt due to an insufficiency of lime salts. However, apart from this, they are liabh' to injure their jaws and teeth in biting at any haitl substance introduced into the case, and afterwards developing obstinate soi'es. The Caspian tortoise (Clciii >in/s rnsp/cd] has often patches of diseased bone in its cara])ace, and in s(>])arat ing, openings are left. The <)|)hi(lia aie very much UKnc dillicult to h)ok after, not so niucli on account of the heat oi liglit as RErXILE LIFE IN CAPTIVITY. 5 their susceptibility to diseases and the infectious nature of these conditions. The most dreaded aifection is a membranous condition of the mouth which spreads to the fauces, and is known as " canker." This disease gains entry to the mucous membrane inside the lips and jaws through injury or abrasion. The animal becomes ill-tempered and snappish, and ultimately dies, partly as the result of starvation, through the inability of the tissues to absorb food stuffs, and also partly from toxins formed by the growth. Another snake disease is known as " casting disease," and means that no sooner is the old slough cast than another one begins, with the result that in a bad case the unfortunate snake gets covered with a more or less thick felted mass of partly shed scales. While snakes are casting the}^ will refuse food, and more especially wlien in this chronic state. For canker I know of no actual cure, but have always made a rule of isolating the infected specimen and disinfecting the case thoroughh' to try and prevent the spread of this scourge. Casting disease can at times be cured by bathing the animal in water to which a little glycerine has been added. Snakes are carnivorous reptiles and require water for drinking and bathing. They show considerable diversity in their methods of taking their prey, the poisonous species strike and usually wait the victim's death. The constrictors kill their prey by encircling its body witli their own folds, while others, as the grass snakes — Tropidonotus — swallow frogs alive, catching them by a leg. It is possible to get the pythons and boas to take dead animals, but even then they will constrict them. The capture and death of an animal by a constricting snake is a remai'kable process. Assuming that a rat is 6 TRANSACTIONS LIVERFOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. put into a boa's case, the suake glides towards it aud when quite close it will investigate it. Tlieu, appareutly satisfied that all is right, it will retract its ueck aud suddenly dart forward, usually catching the animal by the side of its head or neck, and a combined movement follows, the snake draws its prey towards it and throws a coil or two of its body round the luckless animal. Should it shuffffle viyorouslv, additional coils are brought into play, and it is lield until dead, a matter of two or three minutes. I do not think there can be much, if any, pain as asphyxia sets in rapidly. It is often said that a python ])ours saliva over its victim before swallowing it, this I have never observed. The animal when dead is released in order to be swallowed head first, but no saliva is poured over it. Another point often brought forward is Ihc su])])osed fascination and terror of the animals used for feeding these snakes. TI)t'rt> is no such thing. Wlicther tlie intended food is rai. vab])it, or liird, uo signs of fear are shown, but on the contiary the \i(tini will ])la(i(lly fc(Ml in close ])roximity to the snake. 1'he Pythoninac. as a group, are most interesting, and become very docile in a short while. The common boa (/y. roust rictor) is a frequently kept species, as it is one of the handsomest and also one of the hardiest of them all. It will readily take mice, birds, rats, or rabbits, according to its size. It is very inquisitive and will examine its sunoundings or a stranger minuteh- : it is somewhat nervous, but soon gets to know its attendant. A rather remarkable fact in its economy — at least in s])ecimens up to six or eight feet — is the apparent absorption of all the lime taken in the bodies of its victims. I mention tliis matter with some reserve, although I have failed — spectroscopically — to detect lime REPTILE LIFE IK CAPTIVITY. 7 in the excreta. The excreta consist of hair masses, entangled in which are a few small bones, which thus have escaped the very active gastric jnices, and iilmost solid masses of nric acid. A word of warning may be given to collectors and others— and it is this : never put a freshly imported specimen into a case with snakes which one knows are healthy, always isolate the new arrival as it is quite possible that it may have canker. The black python {1\ seha) of W. Africa is frequently imported, and grows rapidly and does well in captivity, as also does the Indian {P. mnlurvs). On the other hand, P. vegius is not a satisfactory feeder. I had an unfortunate experience with a small snake of this species once. It had not fed with me, and I had put a rat weighing six ounces into the cagiJ for a larger snake. I may mention the small python also weighed six ounces. It seized tlie rat and killed it, and with great difficulty swallowed it, but only survived its meal some twenty-four hours. Snakes renew tlieir epidermal shields periodically, the young ones will cast every couple of weeks, and the process becomes less frequent as the snake grows. Many exaggerated stories are told of the large animals taken by the Constrictors as food, but it is recognised that a snake can only swallow prey the greatest diameter of which does not exceed that of the snake's neck bj- three times. A boa in my possession increased from 2^ lbs. to 7 lbs. in a year. Certain snakes will not feed readily iri captivity and must be fed artificially. This is best done by means of a smoothly ground glass tube, which is inserted into the snake's mouth and chopped meat gently pushed down. It is necessary to ])e very careful 8 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL RtOLOGlCAL SOCIETY. (luring the operation as any laceration of the mneoiis membrane may easily lead to canker. When a snake bites it does not as a rule retain its hold, and this is true for the constrictors, unless they have seized prey; and tliis is directly the reverse of tlie next group, the lizards. "When the latter bite they usually hold on firmly, gnndiug their teeth into one's hand. It is advisable to use great caution when the larger ones are being liandled. Lizards are rather more difficult to deal witli in a satisfactory manner in captivity. As mentioned before, they require an amount of sunshine before they will feed readily, (juite indepen- dently of the temperature of the case. The Britisli species, of course, do not require artificial heat, but will feed well and remain active during the day, only becoming dull at niglit time. Most lizards are carnivorous and will eat worms and insects of all sorts, the larger kinds will take mice or small birds. Very few groups show such diversity of form and special adaptability for various modes of life as do these creatures. There are the water species, mostly with compressed bodies and tails; the tree living ones, with more or less long wliip-like tails and strong claws; the Haticiied sand or desert species ; (he curious (ieckos, with their ])almate lamellated discs which enable tliem to cling to the sides of walls and to run up to and across ceilings. A i-emaikable peculiarity of many lizards is the ease wiili wliicli iliey paii wilii a ])oiii()n of ilieir tails, owing to a sj)ecial mode oi ait iculation, and wliicli no > tlic iaiirer ones whicli arc comnionlv EEPTILE LIFE IN CAPTIVITY. M imported we may mention the Monitors, these rre usually long and lithe looking and somewhat suggestive of the Ophidia. The head is flattened and elongate, and armed with sharp teeth. A curious power is possessed by this group, or to be correct, especially noticeable in this group, and it is that they seem to be able to bend their jaws when biting, so that when one gets hold of a finger the anterior portion of the jaw is not thrown out of action; and they hold on most determinedly and give a very serious bite. They will also fight amongst themselves. Their food consists of meat, small mammals or birds. The tuberculated Iguana is a Aery handsome species of a bright leaf-green colour with darker marks which are white edged. They feed best, in captivity, on bananas, and require a brancli to climb on. Like the Monitors, they are not above using their long whip-like tails as weapons of olfence or defence. The Mastigures are found in India and N. Africa, and have compressed bodies which are covered with small scales like grains of sand. Their tails are armed with formidable spines. As a rule, they are difficult to keep, but this summer I kept several in a heated case in a small conservatory, to which the sun had full access. The temperature used to go up to 100° F. ; and all fed ravenously on cabbage and lettuce, and they drank water freely. Their activity in this heat was wonderful. The Geckos, being nocturnal, are seen best at night, when they will run up the glass sides and dart about after insects with great rapidity. The pretty little Anoles have some power of clianging their colour, but not nearly as much as the Chameleons. Tlio stump-tailed Australian lizard {I'racltysaurus 10 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. rinjosus) is twelve or eighteen inches long, and has large scales like miniature fir cones on its head and back. There are two poisonous lizards, known as Gila monsters [Heloderma horriduTn and a second H . suspectum), they certainly seem to have the power of killing small mammals or birds with their salivary secretion. In appearance the common Gila monster is a dusky colour with broad yellowish bars across its back, and the scales are tuberculated. Many of these creatures become quite tame and learn to know their attendant, and will watch for feeding time. Tortoises present very little difficulties in the way of keeping. Land species will usually feed readily on green vegetables or fruit ; the African genus Cinixys has only eaten bananas with me. Needless to say, they require an even heat. The water tortoises are among the most interesting of this group ; they are all carnivorous, Avith a verj- few exceptions. The members of the American genus Chrysemys are ])rettily marked when young, many of them having a remarkable colour S(dienie, in which red, yellow, brown or green predominates, and the general effect is very striking. Tlie best known is ])iobably (' . p/cfa. which has an olive cara])ace with yellowisli or reddisJi stripes outlining the shields of the back. l^ach marginal shield has a ciicular red line on it. and (he same colour is seen on ilic under sides of these shields. The plastron is yellow. TJiey are to be had from the dealers, ranging from one to three inches long, and will take small pieces ot meal oi' worms. Water lixing species have flat webbed feet and swim well. A remarkable animal is the Alligator terrapin, a KEPTILE LIFE IN CAPTIVITY. 11 lumbering brute, with a large head, which it cannot retract within its shell, a long scaly tail, and is very vicious. A bite from a specimen a foot long would be a very serious matter, as it has strong hooked jaws, and takes every opportunity of snapping. The Trionyx group is remarkable in having a small amount of bony shields in their carapaces and plastra, and in being covered with soft skin. They are flattened, and as the name implies, have only three nails on their feet. Their nostrils end in a tubular prolongation, and the horny jaws are sheathed in skin, yet the larger members of this group are very savage. A long experience with reptiles and amphibia has afforded many opportunities of noticing remarkable facts about them. On one occasion an agama, six inches long, and a small stumpy-nosed crocodile shared the heated case with a large S. African bull frog [Rana adspersa). The former was missed, and as suspicions rested on the large frog — which was seven inches long from tip of snout to vent — the amphibian was made to disgorge its meal and the lizard revived. Ultimately, it and the small crocodile were eaten by the huge frog, which could also take mice as food. Most reptiles are cannibalistic and will not hesitate to kill and eat their own kind. A common chameleon caught and killed a small anole, which was dashing about its case, before it could be stopped. Another chameleon caught a triton and bit it severely; but in this case the biter was bit, as in spite of being attended to at once the toxins of the newt proving too much for the attacker; and the former died within half an hour. Chameleons are easily kept while the summer ond autumn months are in force, but as soon as wiater B 12 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. approaches, even if one has a stock of blue-bottles hatched artificially, they usually die. It is necessary to supply all reptiles v,ith water, and certain species will require spraying with water to keep them satisfactorily. This is particularly the case with Mastig-ures. Phrynosoma is uo\ an easy species to keep, but very much more difficult is the skink {Sci/iciis officinal is"^, which requires a very high temperature and an abundance of sunlight. One could expand notes and memories of strange happenings while observing various species of the reptilia while in captivity, but what strikes one most in this group is the keenness of its members and their ever alert watch on their surroundings, and they help to make us realize what an earth peopled with the monsters of the past must have been, and, incidentally, Avhat small chances the human race would have had in conflict with them. O 3j 13 THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET ERIN BEING THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPOET OF THE LIVEEPOOL MAEINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. Again we are happy in not having to record any changes in the Committee or on the Staft. The year has been a good one both in weather and in work, and we are able to show an increased number both of investigators in the Laboratory and of visitors to the Aquarium. The new research wing added last winter, and described fully in the last Eeport, has relieved pressure, and has proved quite satisfactory and most useful — especially during the Easter vacation. The enlarged library is a pleasant room, and is useful, not merely to accommodate the books, but as a sitting-room common to all workers in the building for purposes of reading, writing and occasional meetings. We have now abundance of room for additional books on the shelves ; our present library of about 310 volumes and 620 Eeports and pamphlets looks ratlier a meagre collec- tion, and a considerable addition to the library of marine biology is one of our most pressing needs. Figure 1 (frontisi^iece) shows the Biological Station in its present condition from a photograph taken last Easter, after the additions were opened for work; and fig. 2 gives the back view of the new wing, with its door to the yard and the outside stair to the upper floor. The library w^indows are seen in the latter figure under the low-sloping roof, between the research wing and the back of the aquarium. The ground plan (fig. 3) makes the accommodation clear on both floors. 14 TKAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY . The usual Easter Vacation Class in Marine Biology, as a branch of Nature Study, was carried on with the usiuil success during A})ril, under the guidance of Mr. Douglas Laurie and Dr. Dakin; and, in addition. Professor Harvey Gibson held a course of lectures and practical work on Marine Algte for Students of liotany. Further details in regard to both these courses are given below. Professor Cole again brought a contingent of his senior students from University College, Heading. We had a group of worlcers from Queen's College, Cork; and altogether six different ITniversities or Colleges have been re])resented in the Laboratory. Fig. 2. Back of llu; Biolot^ical Station, fi-oiii the yai'd. As oil jji'cvious occasions, I sliall firsi gixc liie statistics ;is lo ilic ()ccu|);il ion oi' Hie *" Tables" (hiring tlie yeai', then will lollou tlic " Curaloi''s l{i'])ort," and tin' icpoitv lli;il JniNc l)('cn senl io iiu' h\- vniious MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 15 ^^^^ ■ L 1 m V=|=1H ^■=B— ^^1 T 1 _ ^ ^1 " ' 1 tc. 1 1 11 1 J iii »> 1 !■ lA i o .§1 ^1 l, vt iJ ^" '^J ' 1 ■ fc/-\l ^ ^ 11 FT. \ ^ < : \A W a ■S « J^ n/r ■ A;/?* ■ A/m> B 1 — S }m D -t CC ,= < 1 Z) ^ a ' ^ < p: *"'?/ ■ V^"! I \ ^^ f t-u Id n! ' ~ dF °l I 1 W'or* 1 room, 1 1 1 1 rT/ Passage / 1 1 1 II! 1 < 1 1 ■p D|| D .=.=^ ■ ■ ■ ^e 0-) 16 TKANSACnOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. investigators ou the work they liave doue, and, finally, I shall describe some of the researches upon which I have been myself engaged. The Station Recoed. Sixty researchers and students have occupied the Work-Tables in the Laboratories for varying periods during the year, as follows : — Dec. 21th to Jan. QtJi. Professor Herdman. — Official. March 2ith to April Uh. Professor F. J. Cole. — Educational. INIi-. H. L. Hawkins. — Echinodermata. ,, Mr. Malpas. — General. ,, Miss Attride. — General. March 2ith to April (ith. Miss Da vies. — General. ,, Miss Freeman. — General. March 21th to April \Oth. Mr. S. Manghara. — Nutrition in Marine Alga?. March 2Slh to April Uth. Mr. E. W. Shann.— General ., Dr. W. M. Tattersall. — Embryology' of Littorina. ,,. Miss Kyffin. — General. „ Miss Stewart. — General. ,, Miss Payne. — General. „ Miss Lindsey. — Genera!. ,, Miss Pearce. — General. March 25th to April 29th. Professor Herdman. — Plankton. :Mr. W. Ridd<-ll.— Plankton and Polychaeti. ,. Dr. Dakin. — Buccinum. April llh to llth. Mr. R. D. Lam'ie. — Educational. April Uh to 2Uh. Mr. H. G. Jackson. — Eupagurus. ,, Mr. W. H. Evans. — Physiologj* of Invertebrates. „ Miss Latarche. — Biometry. ., Miss Jackson — General. „ Miss Jolley. — General. „ Miss Scott. — General. „ Miss Robinson. — General. „ Miss Gleave. — General. „ Miss Coburn. — General. „ Miss Lewis. — General. „ Miss Bamber. — General. „ Miss Robbins. — General. „ Miss Gill. — -General. „ Miss Firth. — General. „ Mr. Daniel. — General. April 1th to 22nd. Mr. R. H. Compton. — .Marine Alga). April 8th to 22nd. Miss Hood.— General. „ Miss Onions. — General. April VMh to 29th. Prof. B. Moore. — Physiology of Invertebrates. April I'.ith to 25th. Professor R. J. Harve\- (Jibson. — Educational. April l[ith to 29th. Mr. JO. Whitley.— Physiology of Invertebrates. April I4th to 25th. Mr. W. A. Gunn. — G(!neral. April \5th to 22nd. Mr. J. C. Johnson. — Marine Algae. „ ]\Iiss Duke. — Marine Algte. „ Miss Dubbin. ^Marine Algae. „ Mr. Mosley. — General. „ Mr. Megson. — General. MAllIXE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET ERIN. 17 April lith to 2ith. Miss Knight. — Marine Algae. „ Miss Hewlett. — Marine Algae. „ Miss Edge. — Marine .Algae. ., Miss Stubbs. — Marine Alg£e. „ Miss Galloway. — Marine Algae. „ Miss Grundy. — Marine Algae. ., Miss Gleave. — Marine Algae. „ Miss Molj^neux. — Marine Algae. „ Miss Beardsworth. — Marine Algae. June 3rd to 6th. Professor Herdman. — Official. July 1th. Professor Herdman. — Plankton. Mr. W. Riddel!.— Plankton. Juh) \Qth to August \%th. Dr. H. E. Roaf. — -Physiology of Invertebrates. Juiy nth to 28th. Mr. R. A. Wardle.— General. „ Mr. Holden. — Marine Algae. August 2Ut to Sept. 4th. Mr. J. C. Waller. — General. August 23rd to Sept. 15th. Professor B. Moore. — ^Bio-Chemistry of Echinus. August 23rd to Sept. Idth. Professor Herdman. — Plankton. Sept. 5th to I8th. Mr. W. A. Gunn. — ^General. Sept. &th to I9th. Mr. Bury. — General. Sept. 1th to 19«A. Mr. W. Riddell.— Plankton. Sept. 8th to 28th. Dr. Dakin. — Buccinum. Sept. 23rd to 30th. Mr. E. Hamilton.— General. The " Tables " in the Laboratory were occupied as follows : — Liverpool University Table : — ■ Professor Herdman. Mr. E. Hamilton. Dr. H. E. Roaf. Mr. Gunn. Dr. Dakin. Professor B. Moore. Mr. H. G. Jackson. Mr. Whitley. Professor R. J. Harvey Gibson. Miss Latarche. Mr. Laurie. Mr. W. H. Evans. Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Table : — ■ Mr. S. Mangham. Mr. Megson. Mr. Mosley. Mr. Bury. Mr. RiddeU. Mr. J. C. WaUer. Mr. R. H. Compton. Manchester University Table : — Dr. W. M. Tattersall. Miss Lindsev. Mr. Holden. Mr. R. A. Wardle. Miss Payne. Miss Stewart. Mr. E. W. Shann. Miss Pearce. Miss Kyffin. Birmingham University Table : — - Miss Hood. Miss Onions. University College, Reading, Table : — Professor F. J. Cole. Miss Davies. Miss Attride. Mr. Malpas. Mr. H. L. Hawkins. Miss Freeman. The following senior students of Liverpool Univer- sity, and of Queen's College, Cork, occupied the Laboratory for periods varying from a fortnight to three weeks during the Easter vacation, and worked together 18 TRANS ACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. under tiie supervision of Professor Harvey Gibson, Dr. Dakin and Mr. Laurie. Miss Jackson. IMiss Jolley. Miss Scott. Miss Robinson. Miss Gk-avc. Miss Coburn. Miss Lewis. Miss Bambcr. Miss Robbins. aiiss Gill. Miss Firth. Mr. Daniel. Miss Knight. Miss Howlett. Miss Edge. Miss Stubbs. Miss Galloway. Miss Grundy. Jliss F Gleave. Miss Molvneux. Miss Beardsworth, *Mi-. J. C. Johnson. *Miss Duke. *Miss Dubbin. In addition to these "workers, the Station lias been visited during the year by several travellers interested in Natural Science and Education, by various groups of more senior school pupils with their teachers, and by members of scientific societies. We have been endeavouring for some years to bring the Aquarium and Museum more closely into connection with the educational system of the Island, and I am glad to say that a beginning has now been made. Mr. Ashtoii, the Headmaster of the Secondar}^ School, sends eiglileen of his boys every Wednesday afternoon for a lecture and ])ractical demonstration, from our Curator, lasting fi'om 2-')0 to 4 o'clock. Mr. Chadwick writes to me after the first of these: — " I began with a lesson on tiie Protozoa, and after a short lecture, with plenty of black-board sketches, I got out a couple of microscopes and showed the boys an Anneba and a number of Foraminifera and Padiolaria. They all liring notebooks, and Mr. Ashton r(>f|uires th(>ni to write out. afterwards, an account of cacli h'ssoii. ]Vt>xl week T shall take animal cells, so that lliey may undx> MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POliT EltlX. 25 propensity of tlie berried lobsters to shed their ripening- eggs cannot be obviated when they are confined in small tanks. The same conditions appear to apply to the health of the larvae. (Jf 1,400 larvae placed in the large concrete tank in the hatchery only sis reached the lobsterling stage ; while a considerable percentage of 900 placed in the spawning pond were seen swimming at or near the surface until the third (^and in a few cases the fourth) larval stage was reached. Many of these would probably have reached the lobsterling Fig. 10. — The Hatching Tanks when-used for rearing lobsters in the Summer. stage but for the presence of the fish in the pond. It is, no doubt, probable also that the abnormally high temperature to which the water in the pond was raised on many days in July and August by the exceptional heat of the sun this summer had a prejudicial effect on the lobster larvae. It is a curious fact that all our experiments in lobster rearing in this and past years have afforded strikino- ilhistrations of the ' survival of 26 TllAXSACTlOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, t]ie fittest.' "Whenever some hundreds of larvae are confined together in tlie comparatively small space of a tank, about 2 per cent, or -'3 per cent, only reach the lohsterling- stage. It apparently matters not whether they are artificially fed or left to exercise their canui- halistic proi)ensities — tlie result is in all cases practically Fi(i. 11. Newly-batched young lobster. Kioin a pbotoi^iaph by Mr. Edwin Thomp.son. tlie same. No difference in the rale of mortality at the periods of larval ecdysis has hccii ohserNcd between ai 1 ificially fed laivae ;iii(l those wliicli have lived enlirtdy upon their weaker biet liieii. 'i'lie iii()iialil\- at llie periods of ecdysis was exceedingly hea\y amongst the 1,400 larvae in tlie hutchery tank, though tliey were fed at frequent intei\als and snpplied with abundance of circulat in"- water." MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 27 OTHEE EEPOETS ON WOEK. Professor Harvey Gibson writes as follows : — " During the Easter vacation a course on Marine Algse was given at the Station, attended by over twenty advanced students from the Botanical Department of the University, by two students from the University of Birmingham, three from University College, Cork, and one from the University of Cambridge. The course con- sisted in systematic collecting in Port Erin Bay, Port St. Mary, and elsewhere. The plants collected were examined in the laboratory during flood tide, and each evening a short lecture was given on the morphology and life-history of representative forms. In addition to the identification of species already recorded from the district, several new forms were found and material was gathered for subsequent research. It is hoped at an early date to publish in the ' Transactions of the Biological Society ' some notes upon these new species, and on certain morphological points which have not hitherto been described. One hundred and fifty-seven species in all were collected, among which the following are the more important novelties: — Chlorophyceae. Phaeophyceae. Pranola stipitata. Ectocarpus granulosus. Enieromorpha percursa. „ hincksii. Endoderma witrockii. Cladofstephus verticillatus. Epicladia flic-strae. Ascocyclws leclancheri. Cladophora nuda. Leathe-sia difformix. Bryopsis hypnoides. Sporochnus peduncidntits. Fucus ceranoides. Rhodophyceae. Bangia fuscopurpurea. Dilsea edulis. Hehninthodadia purpurea. Petrocelis cruenta. Calloph.yllis laciniata. Peyssonndia dubyi. Catenella opuntia. Hildpiihrnndtia rosea. Sphaerococcu-s coronopifolius. RJwdomda lycopodioides. Champia parvula. Laurentia obtusa. Delesseria hypoglossum. Polysiphonia violacea. Ceramium gracillimum. ,, byssoide-s. „ acanthonotum Nemalion multifidum. 28 TRANSACTION S LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. " Some of the above were collected by Miss M. KniSeptem})er Diatoms made their appearance again, for the Autumn visitation, towards the end of September, and were very abundant in all the gatherings during the first week of October. Tliey continued to be ])resent in quantity during October, the jiigli numbers keeping up longei' lliaii usual, liolli species of JJiddul/)/ii(i [li. tnobiliensis and B. sinensis, see fig. 15) occurred in quantity in October, and occasionally in September, an unusually early appearance for B. s/nr7isis, wliicli seems to be in very vigorous coiidilion Ihis year, lieaders may be reminded thai lliis is tlie species from the Far East, whicli made its appearance in l*]ui'opean seas eight years ago, and is ia])i(lly sj)ri'ading along our MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET ERIN. 30 coasts. Fig. 16 shows the two species of Biddulphia under a higher magnification. Our B. mobiliensis (Fig. 16, a) approaches the form "regia^^ regarded as a distinct though allied species hy Fig. 15. Plankton show ing BidchUphia sinensis and B. mobiliensis. Ostenfeld. B. suiensis (Fig. 16, b) seems to l)e of more elongated form in our district than in Ostenfeld 's figures. The autumnal Diatoms finally disappeared at the end of Octoher, and since then the plankton has remained relatively small in quantity. A detailed account of the plankton catches of the year will, as usual, he given hy Mr. Andrew Scott and myself in the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory Report, early in 1912. We may remark here, however, that the figures given above, for May, are unusually large, and that the increase from 40 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the ten tlioiisaud on May 4tli to over fifty-four millions on May 16th, is most ra})id. The most abundant species were Chaetoceras dehilc and (It. sociale. On Mav 16th Fig. 16. Biildulphia mobiliensis {a) and B. sinensis (6). the first of these species reached thirty millions and the second 12 millions in the standard fifteen minutes' haul with a small net one foot in diameter of mouth. Extended Investigation ur the West Coast. In last year's report 1 pointed out that our knowledge of the minute floating life or " plankton " of the western coasts of the British Islands was very incomplete because of a great gap extending from the North of Scotland down to the Irish Sea — a gap which neitlier the I nlci'national Observations, on tlie one hand, nor those of the Scottisli and the Irish Authorities, on the other, seem to fill up. With a view to obtaining some (hiia iliat may, in part at least, bridge this gap, and possibly throw light MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN, 41 upon the causes of the seasonal changes in the plankton of the Irish Sea, for several years back, during the summer vacation, I have taken plankton hauls, both vertical and liorizontal, from the yacht at many localities amongst the islands and lochs of the West of Scotland, as far north as Portree in Skye, and as far out to the west as the island of Barra. I was able to show Fig. 17. Zooplankton. ■'fl^/.H 4 ^ Fig. 18. Phytoplankton. in the last report, from these Scottish gatherings, that the state of aifairs at that time of year is somewhat different from that in the Irish Sea. At some spots in Hebridean Seas, for example, very large Phyto-plankton hauls may be taken year after year in July — at a time when in Manx waters the hauls are for the most part comparatively small, and are all composed of Zoo- plankton (figs. 17 and 18). 42 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Diiriiifj this last summer (July and August, 1911) I devoted a longer time than usual to a more detailed survey, with both bottom and surface nets, of a considerable area oil' the West and North of Scotland. The larger yacht we now have available for such work renders it possible to go further, take a larger party and remain out longer. Mr. AVm. Eiddell acted as my Assistant on part of the cruise, and will help in working up the details of the material collected for a later report. I can only at present give a brief preliminary account of the results obtained. Our observations extend from the Irish Sea as far North as Noup of Noss in Shetland (from 54° N. lat. to 60° N. lat.) and as far West as Castle Bay in Barra. They include 152 observations of the sea-temperature, and 142 of the salinity. On August 22nd, when crossing from the south end of Cantyre to the North of Ireland, a series of nine temperature and salinity observations were taken, one every hour during the most important part of the traverse ; and on the following day when crossing from Larne in Ireland to Port Erin, another series of eleven liourl^- observations was taken. During these two months (July Tth to August 28rd) the temperatures varied from 11'2° C. to 17-8° C:, and salinities from 1-018 (=. 22-69 %„) to 1-0276 (= 34'87 %n), tbs latter reading being a very high salinity for Biitish seas. It was recorded on August 12tli in tlie open sea to the East of the Shetlands, but nearly as high a reading was obtained off ]*'air Island, off North Ronaldsay and elsewliere in the Oikney seas, and 1027 was obtained on July 13th and 14th, off Canna and Rum on the West of Scotland. It would be premature, until the samples have been more fully investigated, to make any positive statements as to how this year's observations compare wiili those MAEINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 43 of previous summers ; but this much may be said that the impression produced at the time of collecting (fig. 19) was that during July and August the Diatoms were less in evidence, that the Phyto-plankton was less in amount '^M . ^^^^^^E^^ fllHHH k^^HH r'^ HMMM^ttM^ ^^^■j H|V /'^^ , M/M i^^^^^H ^iJB^SMk! H P^^H - ':#f9H ^EMB *^^^ :^pP ^m il^H Htm ^..^^^^^^B 1?- ii& IL ^iiyamir~ , ^.. Mi Hr^ ilH ^ 1^— ^^^«^ Fig. 19. Taking Plankton and Salinity observations on the " Runa." and less widely extended, and that a larger proportion of the present collection is Zoo-planktonic. In addition to the investigation of the plankton a certain amount of dredging with the " Agassiz " trawl (see fig. 20) took place during the vScottish cruise. The apparatus worked well, and some interesting hauls were obtained. Figure 21 gives the appearance of a mixed 44 TKAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. haul of Invertebrates wlieu emptied on the deck. Probably oiir most interesting capture with the dredge was the Giant Sea-Pen {Funiculina quadrangvlaris, which was recorded* as follows in a letter which was sent to "Nature" from the " Runa " on July 11th:— " Marine Biologists may be interested to hear that Fig. 20. S. Y. " Runa " with the "Agassiz " dredge coming np at the stern. the bed, near Oban, of the largest British Peimatulid Funiculina quadrnnfjularis, and the smaller Virf/ularia mirahili.s described by Mr. W. P. IMarsliall and ilic late Profes.sor Milnes Marshall, in 1881 or 188'J (1 have no books of reference with nie), is still apparciiilv in very flourishing condition. In a cou])le of liauls of tlie small Agassiz trawl, from tliis yacht yesi('r(hi\-, hctwccii ilie islands of Kerrera and Jjismore, at d('])ths of cigliteen to twenty fathoms, I got about a dozen fine specimens of "Natuue." July 20th. litll. p. 77. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 45 Funiciilina, the largest of which measured nearly four feet iu length. The bed must be of considerable extent, as the hauls were not on the same spot, and both brought up equally good specimens of these magnificent pennatulids. Most of the large specimens of Funiculina, Fig. 21. Examining the Catch on deck. by the way, were not caught in the trawl-net, but w^ere balanced across the front of the frame, at each end, in such a precarious position as to make one wonder how many others had been lost in hauling in. The bottom deposit was evidently fine mud." 46 transactions liverpool biological society. The Microscopic Life of the Beach, An immense amount of work remains to be done in examining with the microscope the various deposits, such as sand and mud, found between tide-marks on our shores — not once for all, but periodically; so as to determine the nature of the minute animals and plants, tlieir relative abundance and their variations in quantity. Some of these lowly organisms, although individually insignificant, may exist in such quantities as to discolour the sands or the sea-water, and even give rise to plagues amongst shell-fish and other more valuable animals. Invasions of this kind are known to have appeared in America and in Australia, and a minute animal, hitherto unnoticed in British seas, has been found repeatedly on the tidal sands at Port Erin this year in considerable quantity. I gave a preliminary account of this occurrence to the Liunean Society of London on June 1st, and described the later manifestations at the Portsmouth meeting of the British Association in September. As tliere have been some further clianges since, I shall now summarise the whole visitation, quoting some parts from what was published by tlie Linnean Society in their -louinal,* and using, by kind permission of the Society, the blocks which were prepared for tliat ])ublication. The matter began with the following observation: — " In going to and fro between the village of Port Erin and the Biological Station, duiing tlie recent Easter vacation, those of us who were constantly at work had occasion to take a sliort cut across the sandy beacli at least twice and sometimes six times in llie day. One gets into the liabil, in liiese traverses, of looking closely at the beach when tlie tide is out, on ilie cliaiice of seeiuff something of interest cast up. On April 71 li, I'noticed a *Journ. Linn. Soc, /ool., X.XXJI, \o. 212, ]>. 71. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 47 new and somewliat unusual appearance on the sand about or a little above half-tide mark. The hollows of the ripple-marks and other slight depressions formed by the water draining off the beach were occupied or outlined by a greenish-brown deposit which in places extended on to the level parts so as to discolour patches of the sand (see fig. 22). Fig. 22. The general appearance of the brown deposits in the ripple-marks on the sand, reduced in size. " In this position the deposit remained, more or less, for a month — waxing and waning, sometimes increasing in a tide, say, roughly tenfold, and at other times apparently disappearing for a day or two and then re-appearing either on the same part of the beach, or it might be a few hundred yards away. At one time it discoloured a continuous stretch of sand about fifty yards long by five yards in breadth a little below high-water mark, and was noticeable from some distance away. " On first noticing it I supposed the appearance was caused by a deposit of Diatoms, but on taking a sample to the laboratory, microscopic examination showed that although a few Diatoms (including Navicnla amphisbaena, or a closely allied form) were present, the 48 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. deposit was formed almost wholly of enormous numbers of a very active little Peridinian or Dinoflagellate of a bright yellow colour (figs. 23 and 24). More careful investigation, in which Mr. Eiddell and Miss M. Latarche helped me, enabled us to identify this form as Ami)hidinliim oijercvlatuvi, described by Claparede and Lachmann, in 1858, from specimens obtained at Christiansand, Bergen, and a few other places in Norway. »^'^?* Fig. 23. Sand-grains and Amjihi- (iiniion (photo-micrograph under low-power magnification). I'l-. iM. Part of Fig. 28 under liigii-powcr raagniiication. '■ The pul)]isli('(l records of A/ii ///lidiii i inn , liowever, do not give the im])ression lliat il is a connnon or abundant organism. Tlic hitest comprehensive work on such forms — the article on Peridiniales, by Paulsen, in the ' Nordisclies Plankton ' (Kiel, 1908) — recognises four species of Awjihidi/ninn: .\ . crassu ni , A. rof iniddt u di , and A. lon<)um, whicli as yei Iiavc been recorded from Kiel 07ily; and .4. operculatuin, which is stated to occur in ])rackis]i water on the north coasts of Europe, In MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET ERIN. 49 addition, Kofoid (' Diuoflag-ellata of the San Diego Eeg-ion,' 190T) records A. lacustre from fresh water, .4. aculeatum, a pelagic form from Naples, and .4. sulcatum, which he took in a vertical haul from ninety fathoms in the Pacific. On hunting through the few scattered references to A. operculatum which occur, one finds, however, that E. S. Bergh, in the ' Zoologischer Anzeiger ' for 1882, states (p. 693) that Spengel in December and January found it in huge quantities on the beach at Norderney. Although, therefore, Amplii- dinium operculatum has been recorded once before as occurring in quantity, the occurrence appears to be a sufficiently rare event to be worthy of notice; and, so far as I can ascertain, the species, although known from several parts of North-west Europe, has not been previously found on the British coasts. I have written to most of the marine laboratories (Plymouth, Cullercoats, St. Andrews, and Millport) and to many marine biologists, and have not been able to hear of any British record. "It is, however, not an unknown thing for rare Dinoflagellates to appear suddenly in some locality on an occasion in phenomenal quantities. Torrey, in the ' American Naturalist ' for 1902, describes the unusual occurrence of a species of Gonyaulax on the coast of California. Sherwood and Yiual Edwards, in the ' Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries ' for 1901, tell how for two weeks in September a Peridinium infested Narragansett Bay in such numbers as to colour the water blood-red and cause the death of many fishes. Finally, Whitelegge, in the ' Records of the Australian Museum ' for 1891, gives an interesting account of a new species of Glenodinium {G. ruhrum) which appeared in such quantities in Port Jackson as to give the water ' the 50 TRAXS ACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. appearance of blood ' and canse the deatli of great numbers of oysters, mussels, and all forms of shore life. Whitelegge supposed that the very heavy rainfall that vear, by affecting the salinity of the water, and then a lengthened period of calm weather which followed, may have provided favourable conditions for an unusual development of the Dinoflagellata. The Glenodinimn appeared in vast numbers about the middle of March and disappeared early in May. When it was at its climax, the allied colourless species Gyinnodinium spirale appeared in the bay and soon increased greatly in numbers and became finally even more abundant than the red Glenodinium upon which it was evidently feeding. " Returning now to our AmphiJhiiiun operculatuvi, it is not easy to account 'for the sudden appearance of this unusual Dinofiagellate (previously unrecorded in Britain) in such profusion on the beach at Port Erin last April. Plankton hauls were being taken regularly across the bay at the time, and they showed no trace of the organism. In fact, Amphidinluni has not occurred in any of the thousands of gatherings which we have taken in the Irish Sea during the last five years, and which have been examined in minute detail by Mr. Andrew Scott. " Thinking it might be present in the sliallow wattM' close to the edge of the beach, Mr. \V. Piddell imd I took some hauls of the tow-net from a ])uiit worked backwards and forwards in a few inches of water as near as we could get to the discoloured sand, but tlie g;iili(>riiig, although it contained fine .sand and mud, showed IK) trace of oui' Diiiolliigi'l hi tc 11 nia\- be noled here that altliough the size oF tlie A m /j/i/di/i/ii i/i , 0*05 mm. in greatest diameter, is such thai it can sli]) through the mesh (averaging about 008 mm.) of the finest MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIX. 51 plankton silk (No. 20), still so mucli clogging of the meshes always takes place in such hauls, and so many other smaller organisms and particles of mud are retained, that it is certain that had the Amphidinium been present in any quantity in the water it would have shown up in the gatherings. " Careful scraping of the sand showed that the Dinoflagellates were only in and on the surface-layer, and therefore could not be regarded as coming up from below. It occurred to us that possibly they might be fresh-water forms derived from the land ; but we ascertained that the little stream in the centre of the bay, which in wet weather overflows on to the beach (at other times it is conveyed into the town sewer), had not, on account of the unusually diy season, sent any water to the beach for some weeks. Moreover, on experimenting with the living Amphidinium in the laboratory, Miss Latarche found that while it lived well in sea-water, or when diluted with a little fresh, it died at once in fresh and survived for a few days only in brackish water, containing only a little sea-water. The exact salinities of these mixtures were, unfortunately, not noted at the time. Samples of the Amphidinium kept in shallow dishes of wet sand at the Biological Station in a few days showed such profuse growth that the sand was covered by a dark-coloured layer, the water became impure, and eventually all the Dinoflagellates died off. " Observation under the microscope shows that although this is a singularly active Dinoflagellate, circling round and round with great vigour, so that a drop of sand and water containing a number of the organisms presents a most animated picture under a low power magnification, still the Amphidinium seems to be actually attracted to the sand-grains and associated with 52 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. them. The sand-grains in the field of view are always peppered over with a number of specimens of the Aryiphidinium (figs. 23, 24, 25), and if individuals be watched they are seen after swimming round to come back to rest on a sand-grain and remain there for a time before starting olf on another excursion. If they are thus constantly associated with sand-grains or other solid particles, and never swim more tlian a microscopic distance from such a resting-place, that may account for the fact that we have never found them in our plankton gatherings. '»■■ "■ . -; n ■ '' ^ ,, y ' ^' 0 " w^^ :■-->' ' ,. < Fig. 25. Sketch from living preparation, to show some AinjjJiidhiia resting on the sand-grains and others swimming about (low power). " Ampliidinium operculatuni is also, however, positively heliotropic, congregating in quantity on the lighter side of the dish in the laboratory, and shifting in bulk from the sand at the darker part of a tank to the end nearer the window. This property accounts for the invariable occurrence of the discoloured sand on the surface only and never in the deeper layers. " Tlie published figures of this species are not very good, so a view of both dorsal and ventral surfaces, as seen under a high magnification, is given here (fig. 26). There certainly seems to be a slighi btil dcfiiiilc cuticle covering the greater ])ari of the surface, althougli this -MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 53 lias been denied by some previous writers. The two characteristic Dinoflagellate grooves certainl}^ join, as is stated by Calkins, but not by other observers. The posterior flagellum which projects freely from the body is not diflBcult to see, but the anterior one which lies along the transverse groove is not so easy to demonstrate, and may differ a little in position and extent from what is shown in the figure. Stages in longitudinal fission were frequently seen, and that is probably the commonest method of reproduction. What appeared to be con- jugation between two individuals was observed by Miss Latarche in one instance. / / / Fig. 26. Dorsal and ventral views of Amphidiniumoperculatum — enlarged from high-power magnification. " It may be that this organism lives normally in small quantities, so as not to be conspicuous, in some region of the sand}^ beach, or possibly in some special 54 TRAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. habitat bevoiid the beach, and tliat the present vast increase in numbers has been due to some unusual conjunction of circumstances; but what these were I am not vet prepared to sug'g'est. Several possible explanations have occuried to us which we hope to test by further observation. In the case of the Port Jackson Glenodiniuni plague, Whitelegge thought the increase may have been due to exceptional rainfall and calm weather ; but the occurrence this spring at Port Erin was preceded by unusually dry and rather stormy weather." When giving this account of the matter to the Linnean Society, on June 1st, I concluded by saying: — "' I am inclined to think that, although I can find no previous record of such an occurrence, it is probable that these swarms of Amyhidininm have been seen before at Port Erin, and possibly elsewhere. I fancy I have seen the phenomenon myself in the past, and have sup])Osed it to be due to swarms of Diatoms, which certainly do cause some of the yellowish-green and brownish-green patches on the sand between tide-marks." Two days after making this statement I was again on the beach at Port Erin. I found in the same region what was apparently the same patch of discoloured sand, but on examining a scraping with the microscope found that the deposit was now wholly composed of a golden- yellow Xaviculoid Diatom — one of the '" A in pliishtioia group " of NavlcuJa (fig. 27), probably Navicula {C alone is) ampliishaena, Bory. I searched the beach carefully between tide-marks, and examined samples from everv suspected ])atc}i of sand, but could find no trace of AinphnlinivDi . 'I'lic Xavicula, wliich was present in April in very small cjuantity (see above), seemed to have (■()in])lcte]y rejdaced the Dinoflagellate. We have proba])ly still nnicli \o learn in regard lo d for, on suitable types, such as PonfohdcUa, a Cestode and a Pycnogonid. Ill iiddition to M'liat can he recorded in tliis Aiimial Report, iliei'e are some pieces of work wliicli :ive incomplete, or only heg'un, and tliere are many isolated observations being ac(;iimiilate(l. Moreover, there are .Mr. Cliadw ick's roniiiic daily records of the physical conditions of sea and. air wliicli may sometime prove of interest in connccl ion wiih iilankion results and witli variations in the l''ish('ri('s. The diag-ram of Sea and Air Teinpcial iircs lor IDll is not yet coniplcied. hul those for the Iwo preceding years (which have not MAEIXE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET EEIX. 59 previouslv appeared iu our Reports) are inserted here to show the general similarity of the tAA'o curves, along with a few points of divergence, and the manner in which the temperature of the sea lags behind that of the air in both winter and summer. JAN 2 9 ma FEB. 30(6/3 20271 MAR S 132027 3 10 (7 S* / MAV. 8/522 29 JUNE 5 /2t9i S|3 JULY. 10172*51 AUC. 7/*2/28 SEPT * 11 1825 2 OCT NOV. 9ie.i3Mei320i7 DEC mm is i ' I 1 1 . ; ; ' 1 . ' 1 1 ■in 6* ' 1 j t 1 ' ' ■ *-~ 63 1 ~ 1 I J t ' r- 62 61 - "- — ^ 4- - h- -4- - -^ _ '■ 1 1 r 60 \ H -^-1—1 — t . . . 1 , — -|- — ; 1 j -^— ■ 1 — dz - SB , t " i 1 ~ -r ~ 58 1 1 1 1 1 -f- ~ 57 1 / Ni 1 ! — 56 : - 1 1 1 1 1 , , • l^-\. 1 : 1 ' \ — ' ;v^ »v 1 1 1 1 1 i ' ^5* ' ' I ' J j ,'--y!^ ^ 'l..i_ 1 1 1 • 1 ' *~53, 1 /^ i '"' ' , \ i/j ^ 1 ■••! 1 1 i — 3 ^? 1 r ' "fTT "■ ~ TT — 5 3/ '• 50 • -^- ^ - ■ ■ t^ v: ■■ _L - _ _ 1 ! |- _ _ 1 .• \ h >-^~ -, >-- ::i1j: ^Yr7 '- -=f — - L J - -; - - 1 1 ■■.; 1 r 5"fS =t 1 — r 1 i "'f"" \ S-iS' * A " 1 1 ' — j—f k _j\ "1 /•> 1 ■ ■'■■ ~ ^-tf^TF^ M't" T.^ ir- - J 1 ^ - - - i - ^ V ■ —r- V lA^irr- 1 1 1 i' ! 1 ■~ i ~ ^-r— V \ i^i \ ■ -: : ■ :^ ! 1 ] ~T^ ^• ~ «J_L^ JL ^ •' 1 : ' 1 ^ T -ri-7 i\ — tL-H^ ' ' A^- . ■, 1 1 1 . ■ ~ ~^~ -rnt ^ H) ' : 1 ■ ■_ [ 39 Ta I R ' ._ ' ' i _ _ 1 ■ ± \l ~r 38^ mCKLViVCflACE TEMPeRAVJK OF THE AIR AND SEA ATS-^AT ^ -^ - 1 , - ^ ff r~ -T^ 1 \ 37 i 1 1 '■■ 1 V _ . »-r-- 1 ! 1 ' ; i X 3t —V^ PORT EWNDUPINC THE Y£ARI909i _ ' _^_ ' . 1 i 33 [ 1 1 H-l - ' ! -1— i r i 1 1 '11: 1 ; i 1 1 65 6f 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 ^'fs 'S 52 5 5/ 5 50 |-*7 JAN. 1 815^229 s f£S. AM/ 5/2B> I 26i ., APR 9ws>y^ XV It ^ JUi ■m 25< JULY. 2 9;e2330| AUC. 6/33027] SEPT om7Z* OCT 1 8/52229 5 NO\t 1219 i6 3/0/72+, 1 1 i ' j 1 ! , i 1 k w I 1 \ 1 - \ \' A i J \\ \ "'] ^''" k- r' '^ ■ '1 I ■-1 -'.• i " a. 1 /■ ' i '^ / 1 1 , )' T' 'V^*i-"'' 1 ' '\ «- - I ? l"^ , ; .^ 1 - 1 s / 1 1 1 V A ■■ ! I-- 1 1 s X i ( /L- "»1 1 1 1 \ \ 1 I .-' ■ r ■^, ^ r"- ■^ ' : SEA 1 /[ i i .^. im 'Ax /■' \ V / \ / ' l\ ' ■' J, A. .^ » ■^ i\ / I / ?*i*3 v" t ['*' / J V 1 V, / 1*2 1 \ ''4^1 r"^ ^ ^ 1 1 \ */ v / 1 ' V t ( 39 3S 37 36 *-L r:s '. \/ 1 .,' n / zt f 1 ■ WE€lfLYAVC:FACE TCUPERATURE OF THE Am AND SEA AT9a«AT PORT ERIN DURING THE YEARI9I0 H ' 1 1 11 35 ■ i 1 yt ! ■ v 1 - 33 ^ 32 1 1 ! 1 1 L_ _ _J ^ _ _ 60 TRAiVSACTIOXS LlVERrOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. We append to this Report : — (A) The usual Statement as to the constitution of the L.M.B.C., and the Laboratory Eegulations; (B) The Hon. Treasurer's Eeport, List of Subscribers, and Balance Sheet. Appendix A. THE LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE (1911). His Excellency the Right Hon. Lord Raglan, Lieut. - Governor of the Isle of Man. Rt. Hon. Sir John Brunner, Bart. Prof. R. J. Harvey Gibson, M.A., E.L.S., Liverpool. Mr. W. J. Halls, Liverpool. Prof. "W.A. Herdman, 13. Sc, E.R.S., E.L.S. , Liverpool. Chairman of the L.M.B.C, and Hon. Director of the Biological Station. Mr. p. M. C. Kermode, Ramsey, Isle of Man. Prof. Benjamin Moore, Liverpool. Sir Charles Petrie, Liverpool. Mr. E. Thompson, Liverpool, Hon. Treasurer. Mr. A. (). Walker, E.L.S. , J.P., ioimeriy (.1 Chester. Mr. Arnold T. Watson, F.L.S., Sheffield. Curator of the Station — Mr. H. C. Ciiadwick, .\.L.S. Assistant — Mr. T. N. Cregpen. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATIOX AT PORT ERIX. 61 CONSTITUTION OF THE L.M.B.C. (Established March, 1885.) I. — The Object of the L.M.B.C. is to investigate the Marine Fauna and Flora (and any related subjects such as submarine geology and the physical condition of the water) of Liverpool Bay and the neighbouring parts of the Irish Sea and, if practicable, to establish and maintain a Biological Station on some convenient part of the coast. II. — The Committee shall consist of not more than 12 and not less than 10 members, of whom 3 shall form a quorum; and a meeting shall be called at least once a year for the purpose of arranging the Annual Report, passing the Treasurer's accounts, and transacting aii}^ other necessary business. III. — During the year the Affairs of the Committee shall be conducted by an Hon. Director, who shall be Chairman of the Committee, and an Hon. Treasurer, both of whom shall be appointed at the Annual Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election. TV. — An}- Vacancies on the Committee, caused by death or resignation, shall be filled by the election at the Annual Meeting, of those who, l\y their work on the Marine Biology of the district, or by their sympathy with science, seem best fitted to help in advancing the work of the Committee. Y. — The Expenses of the investigations, of the publi- cation of results, and of the maintenance of the Biological Station shall be defrayed by the Committee, who, for this purpose, shall ask for subscriptions or donations from the public, and for grants from scientific funds. YL^ — The Biological Station shall be used primarily for the Exploring work of the Committee, and the Specimens collected shall, so far as is necessary, be 62 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. placed in the first instance at the disposal of the members of the Committee and other specialists who are reporting upon groups of organisms : work places in the Biological Station may. however, l)e rented hy the week, month, or year to students and others, and duplicate specimens which, in the opinion of the Committee, can l)e spared may be sold to museums and laboratories. LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Laboratory Regulations. I. — This Biological Station is under the control of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee, the executive of which consists of the Hon. Director (Prof. Herdman, F.R.S.) and the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. E. Thompson). II. — In the absence of the Director, and of all other members of the Committee, the Station is under the temporary control of the Resident Curator (Mr. H. C. Chadwick), who will keep the keys, and will decide, in the event of any difficulty, which places are to be occupied by workers, and how the tanks, boats, collecting apparatus, &c., are to be employed. III. — The Resident Curator will be ready at all reasonabe hours and within reasonable limits to give assistance to workers at the Station, and to do his best to supply them with material for their investigations. IV. — Visitors will be admitted, on payment of a small specified charge, at fijced hours, to see the Aquarium and MARIXE BIOLOGICAL STATIOX AT PORT ERIX. 63 Museum adjoiniug tlie Station. Occasional public lectures are given in the Institution by members of the Committee. Y. — Tbose who are entitled to work in the Station, when there is room, and after formal application to the Director, are : — (1 j Annual Subscribers of one guinea or upwards to the funds (each guinea subscribed entitling to the use of a work place for three weeks), and (2) others who are not annual subscribers, but who pay the Treasurer 10s. per week for the accommodation and privileges. Institutions, such as Universities and Museums, may become subscribers in order that a work place may be at the disposal of their students or staff for a certain period annually ; a subscription of two guineas will secure a work place for six weeks in the year, a subscription of five guineas for four months, and a subscription of £1U for the whole year. YI. — Each worker is entitled to a work place opposite a window in the Laboratory, and may make use of the microscopes and other apparatus, and of the boats, dredges, tow-nets, &c., so far as is compatible with the claims of other workers, and with the routine work of the Station. YII. — Each worker will be allowed to use one pint of methylated spirit per week free. Any further amount required must be paid for. All dishes, jars, bottles, tubes, and other glass may be used freely, but must not be taken away from the Laboratory. Workers desirous of making, preserving, or taking away collections of marine animals and plants, can make special arrangements with the Director or Treasurer in regard to bottles and preservatives. Although workers in the Station are free to make their own collections at Port Erin, it must be clearly understood that (as in other Biological Stations) no specimens must be taken for such purposes from the 04 TRAXSACTIOXS LTVERTOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Laboratory stock, nor from the Aquarium tanks, nor from the steam-boat dredging expeditions, as these specimens are the property of the Committee. The specimens in the Laboratory stock are preserved for sale, the animals in the tanks are for the instruction of visitors to the Aquarium, and as all the expenses of steam-boat dredging expeditious are defrayed by the Committee, the specimens obtained on these occasions must be retained by the Committee (a) for the use of the specialists working at the Fauna of Liverpool Bay, (h) to replenish the tanks, and (c) to add to the stock of duplicate animals for sale from the Laboratory. YIII. — Each worker at the Station is expected to lay a paper on some of his results — or at least a short report upon his work — before the Biological Society of Liverpool during' the current or the following session. IX. — All subscriptions, payments, and other com- munications relating to finance, should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer. Applications for permission to work at the Station, or for specimens, or any communications in regard to the scientific work should be made to Professor ilerdman, F.R.S., L^niversity, Liverpool. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATTOX AT PORT ERIN. Appendix B. HOX. TREASUEER'S STATEMENT. In the following pages the x\nnual Subscription List and Balance Sheet are shown. Unfortunately tlie List of Subscribers is slightly less than last year, which is much to be regretted, as the expenses become greater 3'ear by year owing to the increased work done at Port Erin. The Balance Sheet shows a small balance in hand, but next year the expenses will be extremely heavy owing to the publication of two new Memoirs, and more funds for this purpose are badly needed. Edwin Thompson, Hon. Treasurer. 25, Sefton Drive. Liverpool. 66 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SUBSCEIBEKS. £ s. d. Beaumont, W. I., Citadel Hill, Plymouth ... 110 Briscoe, F. W., Colby, Isle of Man 0 10 G Browne, Edward T., B.A., Anglefield, Berkhamsted, Herts. ... 110 Boyce, the late Sir Eubert, F.R.S., University, Liverpool Brunner, Mond & Co., Northwich... Brunner, Rt. Hon. Sir John, Bart., Silverlands, Chertsey Brunner, J. F. L., M.P , 23, Weatherley Gardens, London, S.W. ... Brunner, Roscoe, Belmont Hall, Northwich Bullen, Rev. R. Ashington, Heathside-road, Woking Caton, Dr., 78, Rodney-street, Liverpool ... Clubb, Dr. J. A., Public Museums, Liverpool Cole, Prof., University College, Reading ... Crellin, John C, J. P., Andreas, I. of Man Crosfield, Harold G., Oxton, Birkenhead Dale, Sir Alfred, University, Liverpool ... Dixon-Nuttall, F. R., J. P., F.R.M.S., Preseot ... Eliot, Sir Charles, University, Sheffield ... Graveley, F. H., Indian Museum, Calcutta Halls, W. J., 35, Lord-street, Liverpool ... Herdman, Prof., F.R.S., University, Liverpool ... Hewitt, David B., J. P., Northwich Hickson, Prof., P.R.S., University, Manchester ... Holland, Walter, Carnatic Hall, Mossley Hill Holt, the late Alfred, Crofton, Aigbui'tli, Liverpool Holt, Dr. Alfred, Crofton, Aigburth, Liverpool ... Holt, Mrs., Sudley, Mossley Hill, Liverpool Holt, P. IL, Croxtcth-gate, Sefton-park, Liverpool Isle of ^lan Natural History Society Forward 1 1 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10 6 1 1 0 0 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 10 6 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 £37 9 6 MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT POET EKIX. 67 Forward... Jar may, Gustav, Hartford, Cheshire Lever, Sir W. H , Thorntoa Hough, Cheshire ... Lewis, Dr. W. B., W. Riding Asylum, Wakefield... Livingston, Charles, 16, Brunswick-st., Liverpool Manchester Microscopical Society... Meade-King, R. R., Tower Buildings, Liverpool... Mond, R., Sevenoaks, Kent... Monks, F. W., Warrington Mosley, F. O., Woodside-road, Beaumont Park, Huddersfield Muspratt, Dr. E. K., Seaforth Hall, Liverpool ... Narramore, W., Camhridge Avenue, Great Crosby O'Connell, Dr. J. H., Dunloe, Heathfield-road, Liverpool Petrie, Sir Charles, Devonshire-road, Liverpool ... Rae, Edward, Courthill, Birkenhead Rathbone, Mrs. Theo., Backwood, Neston... Rathbone, Miss May, Northumberland -street, London Rathbone, Mrs., Green Bank*. Allerton, Liverpool Roberts, Mrs. Isaac, Thomery, S. et M., France ... Robinson, Miss M. E., Holmfield, Aigburth, L'pool Smith, A. T., 43, Castle-street, Liverpool... Tate, Sir W. H., Woolton, Liverpool Thompson & Capper, Manesty-buildings, Liverpool Thomson, Dr. J. Stuart, University, Manchester Thornely, Miss, Nunclose, Grassendale ... Thornely, Miss L. R., Nunclose, Grassendale Toll, J. M., 49, Newsham -drive, Liverpool Walker, Alfred 0., Ulcombe Place, Maidstone ... Watson, A. T., Tapton-crescent Road, Sheffield ... Whitley, Edward, Oxford Forward s. d. 37 9 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 i 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 £81 18 7 68 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Forward .- Weiss, Prof. F. E., University, Manchester Wiglesworth, Dr., Eainhill... Wragg, Sir W., D.C.L., Port St. Mary, Isle of ^^[an Yates, Harry, 75, Shudehill, Manchester ... Deduct Subscriptions still unpaid, less old Subscriptions received £ s. d. 81 IS 7 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 £86 2 7 9 9 0 £76 13 7 Subscriptions for the Hire of " Work-Tables." Victoria University, Manchester ... University, Liverpool University, Birmingham Bedfoi'd College for Women, London University College, Reading £10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 £34 4 0 The Naturalist's Dredge. MARINE BIOLOGfCAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 69 H m H H O O O o t— I H- 1 o o > I— I « © ;cOt- 00-*>OOCCwC)00 iCMO -t<>-Ht-O-rra00CC0OO CO (M •^P a fl n « i~i ^3 0.) a C/J ^ C) o a) CU ,-1 o O »J o P CC< "«.; »< ■~ fP ^■ c 'r o _ ^ ffl go :. 3 .^' ^ ^ > o •poo 3 ■■'^ ci o< c« 1910 Print Print Books Stc Posta Natui Siilar} 3 o - - - - - . ~ 7. 2 ^ P5 c < 2 is 7i EEPORT on the I-nvestigatiojs'S carried ou during 1911 in connection with, the Laxcashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory at the University of Liverpool, and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Barrow. Drawn up by Professor W. A, Herdman, F.R.S., Honorary Director of the Scientific Work ; assisted by Mr. Andrew Scott, A.L.S., Resident Fisheries Assistant at Piel; and Mr. James Joiixstone, B.Sc, Fisheries Assistant at the Liverpool Laboratory; and others. (With plates and text ligures.) Contents. page 1. Introduction (W. A. Herdman) - . . . . 71 2. Fish Hatching at Piel (A. Scott) ----- 78 3. Classes, Visitors, &c., at Piel (A, Scott) - - - - si 4. Report on Plaice Measurements (J. Johnstone) - - 85 5. Internal Parasites and Diseased Conditions of Fishes, with Plates I-V (J. Johnstone) - - - . 103 6. Report on Hydrographic Observations (Dr. H. Bassett) - 145 7. On an Ulcerative Disease of the Plaice (W. Riddell and D. M. Alexander, M.D.) ------ igs 8. On Public Health Bacteriology in the Lancashire Sea- Fisheries District (\V. A. Herdman) - - - 162 9. Bacteriology of Mussel Beds in Wyre (J. Johnstone) - 187 10. Intensive Study of Plankton around South end of Isle of Man— Part V (W. A. Herdman and A. Scott) - 197 11. Plankton of the West Coast of Scotland in relation to the Irish Sea— Part 11 (W. A. Herdman and W. Riddell) 215 12. Note on the West Coast Lobster Fisheries (Dr. J. Travis Jenkins) --..---_ 245 13. Appendix — Memoir on the Edible Whelk (Buccinum undatum) (Dr. W. J. Dakin) ----- 253 INTRODUCTION. The account of the hatching of edible flat fish (plaice and flounders) at our Piel establishment, the details of which are given by Mr. Scott in the body of this Report, show^s that the work has proceeded on the normal lines and has resulted, as usual, in about thirteen and a quarter millions of young fish having been set free in the Lancashire waters. To these have to be added the 72 TRAXSACTIOiSrS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. millions set free from tjie Port Erin Hatchery when considering tlie Irish Sea as a whole. Care is taken in the distribution from both hatcheries to return the fry to the sea in suitable localities, such as are frequented by the naturally produced fish of the same age. I desire to ])oint out, however, that these numbers must be regarded as small, though it is dithcult to see how, Avith our present accommodation and organisation, they could be substantially increased. Mr. Scott also gives particulars of the practical classes in Marine Biology and in Navigation for fisher- men, and in Nature vStudy for school teachers, held in the Piel Laboratory by Mr. Johnstone and himself during Spring and early Summer. Dr. Bassett, who for several years has kindly under- taken the examination of the samples of sea-water obtained in our hydrographic cruises, has now been appointed Professor of Chemistry in University College. Reading, but I am glad to say that he still continues to carry on our work, and his report on the results obtained during 1911 will be found printed below. A great series of valuable statistics in regard to the measurements of plaice, caught in the course of the routine trawling experiments carried out ])y Captain AVignall and the other Fishery Officers of the district, is now being accumulated. An instalment of these, liiiii^-iiig the niattci- up lo •(hite, is given by Mr. Joliiisifuic. liut no general discussion of these data will be attempted until a sufficient series has been accumu- lated to render the conclusions independent of annual \ariations. Mr. Johnstone, however, nuikes use of some of these statistics as the basis for a short note on the formula dealing with the relation ol lengtli to weight iu ihc plaice. Tlii.^ \s ill be found at page (Sli, SEA-FISHERIES LABORATOEl. 73 Fisii Parasites and Fish Diseases. Mr. Johnstone has an important article dealing with certain new internal parasites of common fishes in the district, and also with various diseased conditions in the Raj, the Cod and the Flounder, wliicli have been investigated in the Laboratory' during the year. All these points are rather technical and cannot be brietlv summarised, but they all add important items to our knowledge of tlie conditions under Avhich our fish live. A further paper on a similar subject, viz., a diseased condition which affects the spawning Plaice in the hatchery ponds at Port Erin, is given by Mr. W. Riddell and Dr. Alexander, and the Bacteria found in the diseased fish are discussed. Bacteriology of Siiell-Fisii Beds. The shell-fish (juestion in its relation to Public Health is becoming of increasing importance, almost year by year. Mr. Johnstone, Avho carries out our bacterio- logical investigations, has had further work in connection with the Conway Mussel beds during the past year, and has just made a report to the Fishery Board iov Scotland on the topographical and bacteriological con- dition of the Oyster beds in the Firth of Forth, near Edinburgh. On account of the growing importance of this work, and the prospects of its increase in the near future, I have thought it useful to give in the present Report a summary and discussion of the bacteriological investigations that have been undertaken in the past under the direction of the Committee, and to point out how necessary it is that the topographical relations of the samples examined in the laboratory should be studied by the naturalist in the field. Tides and other currents, 74 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. prevalent winds, shelter, depth of water, nature of bottom and condition of the shell-fish bed, all affect the distribution of the sewage and other organisms; and the Bacteriologist who undertakes such work, unless he is a Field-Naturalist and Fisheries expert and knows how to allow for the various factors in the environment, runs considerable risk of being deceived by the samples examined and of arri\ing at erroneous concliLsions as to the condition of the shell-fish in relation to sewage contamination. Plankton iNVESTiciATioNS. Mr. Riddell and I have undertaken for a second year a discussion of the plankton samples which I collected from my yacht in the seas to the North and West of our district. This year our cruise in July and August extended from the Irish Sea to the Shetland Islands, so we were able to sample undoubted Atlantic water of high salinity bringing in Oceanic organisms. The relations of the Oceanic water and its living contents to the periodic changes and variations in the plankton of our coastal waters are not easy to unravel, and our occasional collecting expeditions to the Scottish waters north of this district are undertaken in the hope of throwing light on the distril)ution of the [)laiiktoii organisms and their history tliroughout tlie year. My investigations, with Mr. Audrc^w Scott, of the plankton collected in the Irish Sea throughout the year have followed the usual lines and are reported upon in " Intensive vStudy," Part V, in the same manner as before. I'he work is of such a detailed nature tliat no brief statement iii regard to it can b(> usefullv made. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATUKY. 75 Fisheries Exiiibitiox. It was decided last Summer to arrange an Exhibition illustrative of the fisheries of the district, and a grant of money was made by the Committee in August for this purpose. Most of the specimens required had already been collected for the Fisheries Museum at Liverpool University. Otherwise it would have been impossible to have obtained them in the time at our disposal. Woik connected with this Fisheries Exhibit occupied a large part of Mr. Johnstone's and Mr. Scott's time during the Summer. Dr. Jenkins took pains to obtain for us some fine specimens which were needed to complete the series. My private Research-Assistant, Mr. Wm. Riddell, also gave a good deal of time and valuable assistance in the preparation of specimens, illustrations and labels for this Exhibition. I desire, however, to put on record for the informa- tion of the Committee that, although a number of different minds and hands have co-operated in the preparations, this Fisheries Exhibition is mainly the work of Mr. Johnstone, who has been indefatigable in his efforts to obtain the best specimens and illustrations and to arrange them in the most instructive manner. In order to make the Exhibition more complete we have had to include, on loan, some series (such as samples of sea-bottoms, and of Plankton gatherings) that belong to the Zoological Museum of the Fniversity, and some results of work done at the Port Erin Biological Station and elsewhere on the West Coast. The collection was sent in the first instance, at the request of the Fishmongers' Company and the National Sea Fisheries Protection Association, to the Fisheries Exhibition which was held iu tlie Autumn at Rusholme, 76 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Manchester. After tliat it was removed to the Public Museum iu Liverpool, where for some Aveeks it occupied a very favourable position in the middle of one of the large galleries, close to the Museum collection of British Fishes; and there it was seen to great advantage and was apparently much appreciated by the Liverpool public. A special descriptive Guide with many illustrations was prepared in order to ])ut before the public the extent of the Lancashire Sea Fisheries District, the Committee's administrative and scientific organisation, the nature of their work, and some of their results. A number of copies of this Guide were sold during the Liverpool visit. In December the Exhibition was removed to the Art Gallery at Oldham, and about the middle of January it was taken to the Chadwick Museum at Bolton. It is now on the point of being moved to Preston, and arrange- ments have been made for visits thereafter to several of the other Lancashire boroughs. This summary-exposition, as our travelling Exhibit may be called, of the application of science to sea-fisheries investigation in our district ought to focus attention upon what has been done during recent years under the aus])ices of the Lancashire and Western Sea-Fisheries Pommittee, and should help iu educating public opinion as to the claims of such work for recognition and sub^;tantial support . Tlie delay in receiving any res{)onse to the Com- mittee's application to the Treasury for a grant in aid of such work, under tlie Development Act, has been most disappointing and, from the point of view of the scientific staff, aliiio>l Develop- ment Commissioners. The ])ity is th;it dining all this time useful work remains undone for want of funds, SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. It which we understand are waiting to be used ; series of observations at sea. which were stopped pending- the receipt of support from Government, cannot yet be resumed, and the break in our records becomes monthly more serious and may at some future time prove a fatal obstacle to the completeness and validity of important conclusions. In the interests of fishery research on the West Coast, it is devoutly to be hoped that the subsidy recommended by the Commissioners to the Committee's application may enable our full scheme of observations and experiments to be resumed at an early date. It is understood that the Commission has reported favourably on our claims and that the answer from the Treasury may now be received any day. We have suffered so much from delay which we have been ])nwerless to avert, that it may be hoped that we shall now set an example to others by promptly organising our scheme of work and expenditure, in the event of an adequate grant being placed at our disposal.* I have placed as an Appendix, at the end of this Report, a detailed memoir on the Edible Whelk {Buccinuin undattim), prepared by Dr. W. J. Dakin, of the Zoology department in the Fniversitv of Liverjjool. The Whelk is of economic importance, both as a food- matter and as a fisherman's bait, and I am sure that Fisheries Authorities and investigators will be glad to have placed before them in this accessible form all the information in regard to the animal's structure, actions, life-history and value that has been brought together by Dr. Dakin. W. A. Herdman. Fisheries Laboratory, uxiversity of liverpool : March 2bth, 1912. * In Press, May 1st. 1912. — Since the above was printed notification of a grant of £1,640 for the current year has been received, and the new scheme of investigation under the Developmeiit Act has now started. W.A.H. 78 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. FISH HATCHING AT PIEL. By Andrew Scott, A.L.S. Tlie results from the fish hatching carried on in the spring of 1911 were almost similar to those obtained in previous years. The adult plaice were trawled in the autumn of 1910 in the closed area of Luce Bay by our Fisheries steamer, and we have again to thank the Fishery Board of Scotland for the necessary permission to fish in this protected fishing ground. The flounders were caught in the vicinity of Piel by the police cutter stationed in the Xorthern section of the Lancashire district. Unfertilised eggs from plaice and flounders were noticed floating in the tanks for the first time on February 2Gth. Fertilised eggs from both species of fish were collected and placed in the hatching boxes ten days later. The spawning was earlier in 1911 than in 1910, and was no doubt accelerated by the mildness of the winter. Spawning at sea also appeared to be earlier in 1911 than in the previous year, as many of the whiting caught by the steamer on the off-shore fishing grounre unobtainable at sea. The spawning of the fish in the tanks lasted two months. During that period fully one and a quarter millions of ])laice eggs were obtained, and thirteen aner of Frv 16,046,000 13,248,000 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 81 CLASSES, VISITORS, &c., AT PIEL. By Andrew Scott, A.L.S. Four classes for fishermen were held at Piel in the spring of 1911. The Education Committee of the Lancashire County Council voted the usual sum of money, which enables forty-five fishermen residing- in the Administrative area to attend a course of instruction at Piel. The Southport Education Committee sent four men and the Blackpool Education Committee again sent three men. The Liverpool Education Committee sent two fishermen from the steam trawlers fishing out of Liverpool. The Cumberland Education Committee, for the first time, sent men belonging to that county. Altogether, fifty- seven fishermen students attended the classes, and received instruction in Elementary Marine Biology. Twenty- eight of them also received a course of instruction in jVavigation and Seamanship in addition to their Marine Biology. The studentship holders were divided into four classCvS — three of fourteen each, and one of fifteen men, as shown by the following lists: — First Class, held March 18th to 24th.~J. N. Armstrong, Silloth ; John Ferguson, Maryport ; John Butler, Flookburgh; James Hill, Flookburgh ; Thomas Cocking (Juur.), Morecambe ; George Mount, Morecambe ; James Cartmell, Blackpool; W. Gornall, Blackpool; Jack Rimmer, Blackpool ; Richard Howard, Soutliport ; Benjamin Wright, Southport ; John Wright, Southport ; William AVright, Southport; Joseph Beck, Liverpool; Frederick Houghton, Liverpool. Second Class, held March 27th to April 7tli. — Thomas Pater, Whitehaven ; William Wilson, Baicliffe ; William Hodgson, Flookburgh ; Thomas Shaw, Flookburgh ; 82 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Ghorst, Bolton-le-Sands ; Arthur Townley, Sunderland Point; Richard Bond, Morecambe ; Thomas Bond, Morecambe; Thomas Gerrard, Morecambe; Henry Atkinson, Knott End, Fleetwood; John Abram, Banks; Ricliard Abram, Banks; Richard Brookfield, Banks; Thomas Abram, Banks. Third Class, held April 24th to May Oth.— H. Chappie, H. Crompton, R. J.Gornall, J.Harrison, F.Hill, J. Johnson, A. Kissack, T. Nisbett, C. Price, J. Rawcliii, T. Singleton, S. Smith, C. E. Wilson, W. Wright, Fleetwood. Fourth Class, lield May 8th to 19th.— R. Cringle, J. Cropper, R. Grundy, T. Hodgson, W. Holmes, J. Huntington, R. Iddon, M. McMannus, T. Nisbett, W. P. Sawyers, M. Sumner, W. A. Tennant, G. Wright, J. Wright, Fleetwood. In the first two classes the course of instruction related to Marine Biology only, and was similar to what 1ms been given in former years. The third and fourth classes were restricted to deep sea trawl fishermen, residing in Fleetwood, who were preparing to sit for the Board of Trade examinations for certificates as second hand or skipper of a fishing vessel. The morning lesson, lasting two and a half hours, dealt witli Marine Biology suitable for deep sea fishermen. The afternoon lesson, lasting three hours, was conducted by Captain E. Barker Thornber, the County .Navigation Instructor, who gave an efficient course in Navigation and Seamanshi}). The continued success of the Xavigation courses has led to further dev<'lopment, and it has been decided to hold three classes foi' Avcp sea trawlers in tlie spiing of 1912. Only one class in M\rine Biology will bi- hehl. Classes for first and second year courses in Nature Studv for school teachers were carried on between April SEA-FISHEEIES LABORATORY. 83 26tli and May lOtli. These classes were again organised by the Barrow Education Committee, with the permission of the Chairman of the Sea-Fisheries Scientific Sub- committee. The annual inspection of the classes by the Members of the Sea-Fisheries Committee, and of the various Educa- tion Committees of the County, was arranged to take place on May -Jrd. The day proved most unfavourable. The party were unable to land from the steamer after she arrived in the harbour, owing to a strong southerly gale and heavy sea beating on the shore. A number of representatives of the steam trawling industry at Fleet- wood visited the class on May 11th, and were able to see the men at work. Members of various rambling clubs and a party of scholars from Barrow Secondary School visited the establishment on the Saturday afternoons during March and April. Mr. A. Harris, H.M. Inspector of evening schools for the district paid an official visit, and inspected the teaching work that was going on. Mr. K. C. De, of the Indian Civil Service, came to see the laboratory, along with Dr. Jenkins, in July. Dr. J. W. Eobertson, Chairman of the Eoyal Commission on Indus- trial Training and Technical Education, Canada, paid a visit to the establishment in September. He made exhaustive encjuiries regarding the methods employed at Piel in carrying on the classes for the instruction of fisher- men in Navigation and Elementary Marine Biologv, and the Nature Study (Marine Life) Classes for school teachers. The equipment of the establishment was inspected, and favourably commented upon. Mr. T. Kitahara, of the Imperial Bureau of Fisheries, Japan, also called and made inquiries about the work carried on. The followino- letter has recently been received from the Director, Department of Technical Education, Province of Nova 84 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Scotia, Canada. " Will you kindly send me a full and " detailed outline of the classes wliicli you give in life " history of fisli, etc., for the special instruction of men " engfaged in the fishing industry. I note that j^ou give " the only class in England dealing with this very inipor- " tant question. It is of paramount importance in this " Province also, where the fishing industry is one of the '* three most important industries in the Province. We ■' would like to take some steps towards giving some ■' adecjinite instruction to the men engaged in this ■' industry. — (Signed) F. H. Sexton, Director." We have again to thank the United States Fisheries Department ; the Smithsonian Institution ; Professor E. Ehrenbaum, of the Biological Station at Heligoland ; Dr. Annandale, Superintendent of the Indian Museum ; Mr.'E. W. L. Holt, the Scientihc Adviser to the Irish Fisheries Department; and others, for further additions to our Library. SEA-FISIIERIES LABORATORY. 85 REPORT UN MEASUREMENTS OF PLAICE MADE DURING THE YEAR 1911. By Jas. Johnstone. The meusiu'emeuts of plaice caught in the course of the ■ routine tra\vliug experiments, carried out by Captain Wignall and the Fishery Officers, have been made in the usual manner. They are recorded in the following series of tables, and I do not propose to discuss them here. For the most part the localities sampled are the same as in previous years ; and the statistics form a useful continuation of those already published. Captain Wignall has, as in former years, devoted attention chiefly to the summer plaice fishery near Nelson Buoy, off the Estuary of the Ribble, and the winter fishery near Great Orme's Head, and in the adjacent bays, and his series of figures for the last three years is sure to be useful. Mr. G. Eccles gives a very complete series of measurements of plaice caught near the Estuary of the Mersey, particularly for a remarkable fishery which occurred in 1911 near West Hoyle Bank, opposite the Estuary of the Dee. This is just the sort of work that is admirable : whenever such an exceptional abundance of fish of any kind is observed it is most desirable that the ofiicers should make frequent hauls and obtain good series of measurements. Samples of plaice, sent by Captain Wignall and the Fishery Officers, have also been examined as in former years. Statistics of length, sex and age are given for various fishing grounds. It is proposed to discuss these when a sufficient mass of data has been obtained, and it has become possible to deduce the general conditions applicable to the principal fishing grounds, without necessarily taking into account the variations from year to year. Average weights for the varigus samples, w"t ig-lit ill grams — k X 86 TRAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. and for each centimetre group have also been found, but tlie tables are not published, since they can be summarised in a future report. In this connection I add a short note relative to the length-weight function in the plaice. The Length and Weight Relation in Plaice. In l!)()o* Professor A. Meek showed that the weight in ounces of a plaice is given by the relation w = aP, I beinsT the length in inches and a a coefficient, which was found in the series of figures considered to be about OOOGT. Subsequently Professor D'Arcy Thompson suiTirested that the formula (length in centimetres)* 100 sliould be used in fishery investigations. It was adopted by Henking and Heincke in 1907, t and has since been generally employed. The coefficient Ic ranges in value from about O'T to about T2 according to the fishing ground, the season, and the length of tlie fisli. It is a reliable index of the vague attribute known as the " condition " of the fish. When a plaice is plump and well nourished, and full of roe, k is big; when it is thin, " watery," or spent, k is small. Genei'ally speaking it is greatest in the early summer months, and least in the late winter, since at the latter season plaice usually cease to feed. In the case of a siiMinii'i- fishery, such as that cari'ied on during the months, .lune to August, near Nelson Buoy and its vicinity, this is the way in which k varies; but in tlie case of a winter fishery, such as that carried on off the coast ot North Wales duiiiig the months of Octobei- to *Xorthiiml)ir]an(l Sua-Fish. ConiniiKcc. Kept, on Sci. Invests, fnr 19P3. Ncwfastle, 1903, p. 40. t " SchoUen u. SchoUenfischcrci." Bolcili^;, Dcul.scblandR a.d. Int. ^lecrceforsch., IV, V, Berlin 1907. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. -87 January, k attains its maximum value later in the year. These remarks apply to immature fish and males. In the case of mature females the development of the ovary and the subsequent spawning produce variations which have nothing to do with the question of the seasonal changes of " condition." This coefHcient k is the only convenient index of condition. It is true that the average weight would be just as useful, but we should then have to compare fish of the same lengths. The coefficient can, however, be found for an entire catch of fish, so that samples which differ with respect to their range of lengths can easily be contrasted. To find k we use the formula g = /t^r^^, putting it in the form 100 g ' S(/'') (J being the weight of all the fish in the catch, I the mean length of each centimetre group, and / the frequency at each mean length. The arithmetic involved is laborious when, as is generally necessary, the fish are arranged in centimetre groups ; for the cube of each mean length has to be found* and multiplied by the number of specimens in the group, and the values found have then to be summed. But in the investigation of a catch of plaice, average weights for each group are usually calculated in any case. In the International Fishery Investigations the lengths recorded are always means, thus all fish between, say, n and ti + 1 cms. are recorded as rt-5 cms. The graph of average weights is therefore a " histograph " — a series of columns of base 1 cm. in length, and the numbers are areas — the sum of the 88 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. average weights is the area of the figure between the graph and the ^'-axis. If we call /(/) the length-weight function, I T J^^ '^^ ^^ equal, therefore, to the sum of the average weights. Now assume that /(/) is M^ and integrate this expression for the range L^ to L^. The coefficient k is then easily calculated for _ 4 (sum of average weights) Obviously it is necessary to add 0'5 to the highest mean length to find L^, and to subtract 0'5 from the lowest mean length to find L^, the upper and lower limits respectiveh'. Now, if such a series of average weights is found and "smoothed," a curve can be drawn very approximately through the points. If from the same series the equation g ~ ^^'-(FTp. ^^ calculated it will generally be found that its grapli does not agree as closely as it ought witli the curve obtained by smoothing the observed average weights. This suggests that the length-weight function referred to above is not the best one. To find a better one we employ the systematic " method of moments " used in biometric work, and assume tlnit ili(> series of average weights is represented by tlie parabola g = a + hi -\- cP -\-dP + . . . Generally it is necessary to find the constant (i and tlie coefficients, />, c, d , and to do this successive " moments of inertia " must be calculated from the rough statistics, and equated to moments calculated from the theoretical equation. The simultaneous equations so formed are solved to find the constants. Tlie niciliod is clearly described, with examples, in Palin I^lderton's " Frequency Curves and Correlation," and need not be further referred to here. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 89 It is not laborious. It is true that the curve so calculated may not diifer greatly from that obtained by the Meek-D'Arcy Thompson formuhi. but in some cases it does differ sufficiently to render the latter formula unsuitable for exact calculations. If, for instance, we attempted to calculate the numbers of plaice above and below a certain length (say the mean length at sexual maturity) contained in a series of catches from a specified fishing ground and season, from the commercial statistics, we should have to find the length-frequency equation, and the length-weight equation. I don't think there is any other way in which this could be done. The " k formula " would in this case be unsatisfactory. Generally speaking, I have found that a series of average weights of plaice, from a definite ground and season, can be represented by the equation g — a + hi -{- cP- if the series is a small one, i.e., the range of sizes varying, for instance, from 14 cms. to 24 cms. With a greater range another term may be necessary. But the coefficiency of P is always small and tends to vanish. It may be negative, and in such a case extrapolation from the curve is obviously unsafe. But such an equation as is thus obtained would not be nearly so useful as a means of comparison of the condition of the fish, for all the coefficients would have to be considered. Obviously the simpler formula is to be preferred for such a purpose. g = 83-21 + 12-20 I + 0-636 l^ ; or g = 0-97 ^ g = 74-32 + 10-37 I + 0-109 l^ : or g = 0-90 ~ g = 90-77 + 14-20 I + 0-696 P ; or g = 1-22 — g = 94-33 + 13-81 I + 0-697 l^ g = 139-15 + 17-70 I + 0-649 l^ ~ 0-0015 l3 g = 147-13 + 19-20 I + 0-934 P+ 00146 l^ The first term is, in all cases, the average weight of the median group. 90 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY TABLES. I.— LENGTH FREQUENCIES. Luce Bay, t Off Shore from Morecambe Bay, 6 inch mesh, 1911. 6 inch mesh, 1911. September. March. April. July. Mature Fish 16-5 57 — 1 — — . 17-5 101 — 1 — 1 18-5 110 — 3 — " 1 19-5 109 — . 1 3 20-5 87 — 1 6 21-5 56 — 1 — 10 22-5 56 — 1 8 23-5 58 — 1 — . 6 24-5 36 — 3 6 25-5 50 — 2 4 26-5 45 — 1 2 1 27-5 44 — 1 — 5 28-5 39 — 1 — 3 29-5 67 — 1 — 2 30-5 58 1 1 — 1 31-5 59 3 1 . — 1 32-5 80 4 1 2 — 33-5 62 13 — — — . 34-5 66 20 — 1 — 35-5 54 39 1 1 — 36-5 45 41 1 — . — 37-5 29 29 — — — 38-5 25 25 — — , . 39-5 23 23 — — . — 40-5 18 18 — — — . 41-5 10 10 — — . 42-5 13 13 — 1 — 43-5 8 8 — — — 44-5 10 10 — 1 — 45-5 6 6 — 1 — 46-5 3 3 — — — 47-.5 4 4 , — 48-5 1 1 — 1 — 49-5 1 1 1 50-5 — — — — — 51-5 — — — . — . — 52-5 — — 53-5 1 1 — — — Totals 1491 273 25 15 58 SEA-ti'ISHfiRIfiS LABORATORY. 91 Blackpool to Liverpool Bar, 6 inch trawl-mesh, 1911. Liver- Nelson Buoy. Jumbo Buoy. Oct. pool Bar. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. 10-5 11-5 12-5 — — 3 — — 1 1 13-5 2 — — 8 1 1 2 — 14-5 3 2 4 27 3 2 1 3 lo-5 9 3 12 63 7 10 7 13 16-5 8 12 30 104 29 60 10 45 17-5 11 29 50 86 38 76 5 65 18-5 25 55 69 104 24 95 6 85 19-5 17 47 70 94 27 58 7 75 20-5 10 30 i 41 98 14 46 14 54 21-5 6 16 ! 28 140 30 50 5 50 22-5 3 18 16 142 30 43 4 37 23-5 6 7 12 139 31 49 6 37 24-5 7 4 6 104 45 68 8 26 25-5 7 2 3 75 44 57 8 25 26-5 7 4 4 41 19 48 6 31 27-5 • 7 2 2 22 14 25 10 22 28-5 6 1 2 22 9 13 6 32 29-5 — 1 — 14 1 11 8 28 30-5 1 2 1 14 2 4 3 15 31-5 2 — 1 8 1 4 2 9 32-5 1 — 2 9 6 2 1 9 33-5 — — 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 34-5 1 — 2 5 1 — 1 1 35-5 . — — — 3 2 1 4 36-5 — — — 3 2 2 1 37-5 — — — 1 — — — 1 38-5 — — — — — 1 1 Totals 139 235 356 1331 381 725 123 683 92 TRANSACTIONS LtVEHPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Off Mersey Estuary, 6 inch mesh, 1911. Horse Channel, C inch mesh. April. May. June. August. October. 10-5 11-5 2 . 12-5 7 13-5 1 9 7 14-5 — 35 33 15-5 3 94 96 4 2 16-5 20 189 364 18 16 17-5 92 299 523 57 24 18-5 255 393 .524 97 21 19-5 320 432 340 151 16 20-5 255 300 296 104 4 21-5 166 250 148 131 15 22-5 141 154 92 70 11 23-5 90 98 52 44 21 24-5 61 43 21 55 24 25-5 23 21 7 27 22 26-5 11 17 6 20 19 27-5 8 3 1 11 23 28-5 1 6 6 17 29-5 4 1 . 4 8 30-5 2 2 1 4 2 31-5 — 2 1 4 4 32-5 1 2 3 33-5 1 2 34-5 — . 1 35-5 — 1 2 1 36-5 1 . . 1 37-5 1 38-5 . . 39.5 — 1 1 40-5 — 41-5 42-5 3 43-5 — 44-5 — 1 45-5 46-5 — — — 1 — 'J'otals 1457 2358 2512 818 257 SEA-FISIIERTES LABOilAtORY, 93 Off Mersey Estuary, 6 inch mesh, 19H. Off West Hoyle Bank, 6 inch mesh. June. July. August. September. October. November. 10-5 11-5 — — — — — 12-5 — — — — — . — 13-5 — 3 — — — — 14-5 1 4 — — — — 15-5 3 40 — — — 2 16-5 19 129 7 1 3 2 17-5 48 233 37 3 3 9 18-5 102 287 39 4 4 6 19-5 182 477 72 4 5 6 20-5 213 434 70 1 6 11 21-5 171 521 88 3 5 7 22-5 105 612 134 14 6 18 23-5 139 601 102 21 3 31 24-5 143 529 119 28 5 40 25-5 93 506 135 42 10 69 26-5 78 295 100 54 12 77 27-5 60 209 57 67 8 91 28-5 25 129 36 60 19 96 29-5 21 74 18 50 24 89 30-5 6 39 13 24 10 88 31-5 23 11 13 9 68 32-5 — 8 3 4 11 46 33-5 . — 9 — 3 4 39 34-5 1 1 2 5 18 35-5 — . — 3 7 36-5 . — . — — . — 1 5 37-5 — — 1 1 38-5 — — — 1 39-5 — — — — — — 40-5 — — — — — 1 41-5 — . — — . — — — 42-5 — — — — — 43-5 — — — — — — 44-5 — — — . — — — 45-5 . — — — — 46-5 — — — — — — Totals 1470 5163 1041 398 1.57 828 94 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Near Mersey Estuary, Shrimp Trawl, 1911. Jan.* March. April. June. July. Oct. Nov. Dec. 4-5 255 29 15 32 314 5-5 980 24 242 — 27 6 450 3728 6-5 692 99 189 — 1 39 1107 8495 7-5 293 161 68 3 1 76 1475 5048 8-5 161 322 40 5 15 5 725 1707 9-5 171 280 49 3 41 — 217 320 10-5 46 176 61 2 41 1 1 49 11-5 34 271 55 1 57 1 1 48 12-5 17 202 66 1 32 — 3 21 13-5 13 188 45 2 10 — 1 9 14-5 s 149 81 — 9 1 2 2 15-5 5 163 64 — 6 1 . — 1 16-5 3 106 74 1 11 — — 1 17-5 3 69 80 — 14 — ■ — — 18-5 2 77 49 — 18 — — 1 19-5 . — 45 37 — 17 — 1 — 20-5 — . 31 28 — 20 — — — 21-5 — 7 14 — 12 — 1 — 22-5 — 6 13 — 6 — — — 23-5 — — 4 — 7 — — 5 24-5 — 1 1 — — — 4 25-5 26-5 27-5 — 2 2 — — — — — 1 . . 28-5 29-5 30-5 — — — — — — — 1 1 . 1 31-5 32-5 — — — — — — 1 1 33-5 — — — — — — — — Totals 2683 2379 1292 18 360 130 4018 19756 Includes two hauls, 28—30/12/1910. SEA-PISHERIES LABORATORV. 95 Off Mersey Estuary, 7 inch trawl net, 1911. January. March. 10-5 11-5 — — 12-5 — — 13-5 — 1 14-5 — 1 15-5 1 3 16-5 3 10 17-5 13 14 18-5 23 24 19-5 26 41 20-5 26 25 21-5 27 23 22-5 10 14 23-5 16 17 24-5 17 14 25-5 13 1 26-5 9 — 27-5 8 — 28-5 3 — . 29-5 1 — 30-5 — __ 31-5 1 — 32-5 — — 33-5 1 — Totals 198 . 188 96 TRAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Conway, Beaumaris and Red Wharf Bays, 6 inch mesh, 1911. January. June. July. August. Sept. October. Nov. Dec. lo-.-. 11-.-) — 12-.^) — — — 2 — 1 — — IS-.-) — 1 — 3 — 3 — — 14-.-) — — — 3 2 14 1 — 15-5 0 ;") — 6 7 71 8 5 1(5- 5 8 9 — 37 13 182 28 17 17-.-) 7 19 • — 24 34 280 01 21 ISf) 10 10 2 28 31 253 37 18 19-5 21 () — 29 18 200 40 20 20-5 13 a 7 19 2.'-> 129 IS 23 21-) 19 4 18 13 17 101 2,-) 19 22--) 14 () 22 8 10 90 19 10 23-.-) 14 r. 17 10 ir> 08 20 24 24-.-) 7 ;-) 1(5 9 8 47 15 15 20--) 7 (') 13 9 11 44 19 32 26-.-) 7 0 10 f) 11 39 17 29 27-;-) 3 4 8 5 13 42 12 18 28-r) .-) 3 3 7 5 40 11 33 29-5 2 — 2 2 4 31 11 10 30-5 — — 1 4 4 18 12 26 31-5 — . — — 1 1 24 12 18 32-5 — 2 • — 1 1 17 0 19 33-5 — — 1 — — 13 9 14 34-5 — — ■ • — 1 — 11 0 13 35-5 — — — — — 3 4 8 36-5 2 — . — — — 7 — 6 37-5 — 1 — — — 2 3 1 38-5 1 1 1 — — — 1 2 39-5 — — — — ■ — — 3 2 40-.5 . — — — — — . — 2 1 41-.5 — — — — — — 3 42-5 43-5 — — — — — — I 44-5 45-5 1 — — — — — 1 1 — 46-5 47-5 48-5 49-5 .50-5 — — — — — 1 1 — — — — — — 1 — — Totals 147 99 121 227 230 1750 415 420 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY, 97 Cardigan Bay, 6 inch mesh, 1911. January. May. June. 14-5 1 15-5 — 2 1 16-5 . — 1 1 17-5 — 4 7 18-5 1 6 6 19-5 — 5 5 20-5 — 13 9 21-5 — 14 11 22-5 2 13 6 23-5 3 19 14 24-5 2 23 19 25-5 5 29 35 26-5 f) 18 35 27-5 8 23 38 28-5 f) 21 37 29-5 G 35 24 30-5 G 22 11 31-5 4 15 G 32-5 4 9 2 33-5 7 6 1 34-5 4 2 — 35-5 1 2 36-5 3 2 — 37-5 3 — — 38-5 5 — 39-5 3 3 — 40-5 1 41-5 — — — 42-5 2 — 43-5 — — — 44-5 1 45-5 1 — 46-5 — — — 47-5 2 — — 48-5 — — 49-5 — — 50-5 — — — 51-5 — 52-5 — — 53-5 2 — — Totals 86 287 269 98 TEANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Carnarvon Bay, 6 inch mesh, 1911. March. April. May. June. Jul.V. August. Sept. October. 14-5 5 15-5 — . — — 4 10 16-5 5 1 — 1 15 16 17-5 3 7 — 1 — 1 23 24 18-5 6 4 • — 1 1 f) 25 15 19-5 9 5 — 2 1 12 23 21 20-5 6 5 — — — 7 23 21 21-5 6 3 — — 3 4 16 15 22-5 2 5 — 2 1 2 12 15 23-5 3 4 1 — . 7 14 24-5 3 2 — — 1 1 2 6 2oo — 6 — 1 4 4 26-5 — 5 — . 2 1 5 27-5 — 4 1 1 — 5 28-5 — 1 1 . 1 2 2 29-5 1 — 2 2 30-5 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 31-5 1 — — 1 5 1 32-5 . — . — 1 2 3 33-5 — 1 . 6 1 34-5 — 1 . 3 35-5 1 — 1 1 1 36-5 — — 1 37-5 — — 1 — 1 — — . 38-5 — 1 — 1 . 39-5 2 — — — — 40-5 — — . — — 1 — — 41-5 42-5 43-5 — — — — 1 — — = 44-5 45-5 46-5 — — — — — — — — 47-5 — . — 1 — — — — 48-5 49-5 50-5 51-5 — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — — — — 52-5 53-5 — — — — — — — — Totals 49 56 8 12 38 32 160 181 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY, 99 fcT a ID O -* O _ M H (N ^^ (M-H -^ _-H (N CO 'XD ■* fO -H lO o t^ o: IS Tt* 03 -a a u ^ M -H |> IM -^ - M -H ^ CO i> t^ M t- c: o i> CO iM -H M -- CO M* t^o '^ •* CO ^-^ I - i ^-H : (M o ■^ Of en •^ :-^ :^^ •-^ (N re-iF-ieocq-^coooM-^tN i- - : o c; ^ iM '^ 'o ■* CO (N : -^ (M i o PQ Sr. -5 ot- rt^ ■- CO .-< : "^ :^^^ -- (N (M IC ^ W (N lO O 1.-5 CO CO —I -H c o CD -< (NCO (N ''o rt* 1— i CO (M (M— ( ^ -H Cq ^ CO M -^ coic--3 Of ^ CO -^ (M ^ CO -^ ■* Tj* Tf CO CO ^ : 1—1 rn Ttl -^ ; -^ ; CO ^ • ^ i IM — i" -: -: CO o t- 00 00 I- CO CO -H -H : - -^ M : a; 1 6 lO lO CI CO lO 00 •9 o CO C-1 LO CI C) ob CI >p o CO CO in CO CO CO CO in CO n CO ob CO »p (35 CO >n o SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 101 Sh CIS S CO >» « CO o CD s o •00 August, 1911. November, 1911. o^ eo (M •^ : '-' lo t- CO CO -* lo CO (M : : : : -^ - 'So M ^ (M ::::—' r 4 1^ L'^ Lt 1^ >0 >C IT CO r^ CC c; o — -H rt ^ -H (M C\ IT CO 4 ci 5^ cc in c CO CO 102 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, OS u (D a O o_ >* - CO :::::::: :^ : ^ ^ CM IM "^ t- ■* o -* CO ■* CM e^ M :^^ ^ -'::::::::::: '^- — - :::::::::::-' ::::::: :^ : :^ -^ (N -* eo^Dic^t^eocOr^CMO^ ^ •^ '^ :: -.^ :::::: : C5 lT o CH- >o ^ Tj* CM ^ ^ CO :::::::: CM : i-h eo cm cm -* co ^ ^ -^ iM :f-4is :ioco-*^eocMeM.-H * CM CO : : : : : :cm :cm rcMCM^co t>CDCOifflCM^ :CM :CM-H-H -^ ^O Tt< ::•::::::'"*• -' CO - - - : : : : : ^ cm co co t-i Tt< ^ cr CO "o cm>cioioio>nicw5>out t^oboiO'^CMco-^iocor^db ^rt-HCMC-JC^lCMCMCMCMCMCM >n C: CM 6 CO CO CM CO in CO CO CO in "0 CO Ifi CO lO CO IC do CO CO iC 6 SEA-fisiiEKiEs Laboratory. 103 IXTEEXAL PARASITES ANT) DISEASED CONDITIONS OF FISHES. By Jas. Johxstoxe. Contexts 1. COENOMORPIirS LINGVATULA (van Bexecen). 2. TETRARHYl^CHUS BEXEDENI (Crety). 3. GYROCOTYLE URNA, Grdbe and Wagener. 4. GYRODACTYLUS ELEGANS, Xoedmann. 5. MELAXOTIC SARCOMA IX RATA BATIS. Q. MELAXOTIC SARCOMA IX RAIA CLAVATA. 7. FIBRO-SARCOMA FROM GADUS CALLARIAS. 8. LYMPHOSARCOMA PRODUCIXG EXOPHTHALMOS IX FLE UROXECTES FEES US. 9. ECTASIA OF THE SEXSORY CAXALS OF RAIA CLA VATA WITH IXTRA-CY^STIC MYXO-FIBROMATA. 10. CUTANEOUS PAPILLOMA FROM HIPPOGLOSSUS VULGARIS. 1. Cosnomorphus linguatula (van Beneden).' I am indebted to a pupil of mine. Mr. Thomas Newby, mate of the Fleetwood steam trawler "" Cygnet," for four specimens of this most interesting Cestode. They were taken from a Coalfish (Gadus virens) caught to the north-west of St. Kilda, in l-'jO fathoms of water. Mr. Newby had seen them frequently, but only in coal- fish. He noticed that the worms were of a very unusual appearance and preserved part of the liver of the host in ice until the arrival of his vessel in port. Mr. T. R. Bailey, Port Sanitary Inspector at Fleetwood, sent on the specimen to me. All four worms were alive when * The only references to the occurrence of this Cestode \\hich I can find are ; — 1853. P. J. van Beneden, Bull, de V Acad. Roy. Belgique, T. XX, Partie II, p. 260, pL I, Bruxelles. 1854. Diesing, Sitznngsb. K. Alcad. Wissensch. Wien. XIII, p. 591. 1889. Lonnberg, E. ' Ueber eine eigenthiimliehe Tetrarhynchiden - larve.' Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.-Akrid. Handlingar . Bd. 15, afd. IV. Xo. 7, pp. 1-48, pLs. I-III. Stockholm. H 104 TRANSACTIONS LIYEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. received. They were adherent by their suckers and hooks to the jjiece of liver, and two of them liad excavated cavities in the tissue. I tried to kill one in fresh water, then in sea water containing cocaine, but without success. One specimen was preserved in Zenker's tluid and serial sections were made and stained witli Mann's methyl- blue eosm. The rest were preserved in weak formalin. Fixation and staining were quite satisfactory. The appearance of the Cestode when alive is repre- sented in fig. 2, PI. I, about natural size. It varied from 30 to 60 mm. in length, according to the des-ree of contraction, for it was very mobile. When fully extended it was Cjuite smooth, without wrinkles or furrows, a slight constriction marked oft^ the anterior " cephalic " part froni the body, which tapered to a blunt-pointed " tail " extremity. Wben contracted after killing, the whole body was irregularly segmented by rather deep constrictions, and a short terminal portion — the "appendix" of Lonnberg — was retracted into a socket or sheath. In this condition the worm is figured by the latter author, who also gives an account of its moipliology. I am, however, able to add some details of structure, and these may be worth recoiding since Lonnberg' s paper is not easily accessible. At any rate, the Cestode is so rare that confirmation of the already pul)lislit(l account may be desiraiile. Tlie Scole,r. In life the scolex is quite smooth, btit after fixation it is marked by a gT'eat number of longitudinal, shallow furi'ows (Text-fig. 1). 'I'here are two bothiidia, " dorsal " and " ventral " in jjosiiion, and cacli of these stiuctures is an (dongaied suctorial organ like the suckci of ;i /}(jf/i riocr/jfuil ii.s. Its wall consists of de-nsc p;ircijcliymal tissue, with rel;itiv(d\- few muscle fibres. A sliglit ridge runs longitudinally alnng SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 105 its floor, and the muscle fibres are much less prominent along the median part of the basal wall than elsewhere. These characters suggest that the bothridium really consists of two structures, the adjacent walls of whicli have fused together. It lies entirely below the general surface of the scolex. Its posterior wall is entire, but anteriorly the lateral walls thin out and disappear. The proboscides, four in number, are situated at the anterior extremity of the scolex. They are very short, almost globular in form, and closely covered with short recurved hooks. The dorsal and ventral pairs are in contact with each other, but a little distance separates the two pairs. Each proboscis is in relation to a sheath, into which it may presumably be invaginated, though this did not occur while I had the worms under observation. The proboscis sheaths pass into muscular bulbs. All this proboscidial apparatus resembles in every detail that of a typical Tetrarhynchid, from which the scolex of Coenomorphus differs only in the characters of the bothridia. Muscles of the ScoJex. These differ in some respects from those of the Tetrarhynchids. Lonnberg does not give figures of their arrangement, so I have prepared the diagram (Text-fig. 1). The muscle bundles originate either in the proboscis sheaths, or in the walls of the bothridia. The principal systems are: — (1) A very compact bundle running " dorso-ventrally " between the two bothridia, internal to the proboscis sheaths: this is represented in fig. 3, PL I, in transverse section, and diagrammatically in Text-fig. 1 by the darkly shaded tract joining the bothridial suckers. (2) Fibres origin- ating in the axial parts of the proboscis sheaths. Other fibres of this series^ taking origin in the dorsal sheaths, are inserted into both of the ventral sheaths, and vice TRANSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proboscis sneain ■Bofhridial sucker J?eJrqcfor muscle Proboscis sheath cr the proboscis Prbboscidial nerve In. fera I nerve cord Ixcrefhry canal Figs. 1 and 2. Coenotnorphns lingaatula. 1. Diagrammatic transver.sL' seclion tiiroiiuli tiieScolex Hhowinjj; the airangeiiU'iit of i\w muscles. 'J'iic iniisculai' parts of tim hotliiiilia and the dorsD- ventral muscle commissiu-(! cnimectint; them are daiUly shaded. The muscle bundles I'adiating out towards the periphery are represented as if they were projected in a single plane : in reality they run obliquely. (See PI. 1, fig. i^, w hich is an actual representation of the muscle fibres seen in one section some little distance behind the transver.se level taken as represented in the Text-figure). The numbers of fibres drawn arc in all cases less than those actually seen in the sections. 2. The axial parts of the Scolex some distance behind the central nervous S3^stcm. The coarse connective tissue between the proboscis sheaths ; the proboscidial nerves, and the lateral nerve cords are shown. The latern! nerve cord on the right side is seen giving off branches to the bolluidial suckers. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 107 i-e)'sa, an axial deeussation being' formed. The dorsal sheaths themselves are not connected together by muscle fibres, nor are the ventral (jnes. (3) Radial fibres inserted into a peripheral fibrous zone beneath the integument. Some of these originate on the outer parts of the proboscis sheaths, while others seem to take origin in the dense parenchymal tissue in the axial part of the scolex. These bundles are represented as transverse in Text-fig. 1, but they are really oblique (see fig. 5, PI. I). They are relatively strong and are very numerous. Not all the fibres originating on the outer parts of the proboscis sheaths belong to this series, for some of those starting from the dorsal sheaths run towards the ventral parts of the scolex, and vice versa, a decussation being formed on either side. Others taking origin on the dorsal and ventral parts of the sheaths run into the tissues of the bothridial suckers. (4) Transverse fibres running across from side to side of the scolex, and passing between the proboscis sheaths. (5) Fibres })assiug outside the sheaths in the lateral parts of the scolex; tliese run dorso- ventrally. There are relatively few fibres in series (4) and (5). Series (1) and (2) are situated anteriorly to the central nervous system. Behind the latter the only muscle fibres are those connecting together the bothridia. These (Text-fig. 2) run external to the proboscis sheaths. Longitudinal muscles. These originate as two series of fibres proceeding from the outer surfaces of the proboscis bulbs. They become gathered up into two sheets which (fig. 7, PI. I) run backwards through the appendix, dorsal and ventral to the main lateral excretory canals. This arrangement is similar to that in other Tetrarhyncliids . The Central Servous System. This is represented in 108 TRAXSACTIOXS LIAEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. fig. o, PI. 1. which is based on a rpcoustnictiou from serial sections. I am not at all sure that it is accurate iu all details, for the ditticulty in the investigation of the nervous system of Cestodes is that the fibrils stain only with great difficulty, or not at all. What has stained in the series of sections studied is the parenchyma, with the ganglion cells, and it is these tissues that are represented — of true nerve tracts there was no indubitable indica- tion in the preparations. But ganglion cells were certainly present in the main cerebral mass, and some of these bodies are represented in fig. 1, PI. I. They are typical bi})olar or multipolar cells of variable size with characteristic nuclei. They are usually situated in spaces, the boundaries of wliich appear to be fine reticula, with some nuclei. The processes of these ganglion cells can be traced for a very short distance only, and they appear to fray out into fine fibrils. The tissue in which they are embedded is a modification of the parenchyma, with a closer meshwork, and a rather more intense staining reaction than elsewhere in the body. Part of this ground tissue appears to consist of exceed- ingly fine fibrils running in all directions, biit whether or not this is truly nervous and not neuroglial is difficult to determine. The central ganglionic mass lies immediately behind the strong dorso-ventral muscle Ijundlc referred to above as joining together the bothridial suckers. It is really a commissural mass crossing the body from side to side, in the middle line, and between the dorsal and ventral proboscis sheaths (fig. 5, PI. I). ]'\)ur nerves take origin, each bv several " roots," at the lateral anterior margins of this ganglionic mass, and these— the both- ridial nerves, in other Tetrarhynchids, run outwards and forwards into the scolex, T^\o large nervous strands take SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 109 origin from the lateral ami posterior margins of the ganglionic mass, and these run outwards and backwards as the lateral nerve cords. At intervals branches proceed from them into the tissues of the suckers. They are elliptical in section and can be traced backwards tis far as the beginning of the appendix. Four other nerves take origin from the anterior part of the central mass and these (which are shewn in section, but not lettered, in fig. 5) run backwards in pairs between the proboscis sheaths. They become applied to the outer surfaces of the proboscis bulbs and cannot be traced further. They are the proboscidial nerves. Distinct regions are indicated in the central nervous mass, thus the anterior sections contain the ganglion cells, while the posterior ones display only neuroglial tissues. The number of ganglion cells is quite small, all could easily be reproduced in a plastic reconstruction of the sections. The axial part of the mass appears to be homogeneous, but the lateral parts appear to be differen- tiated to form tracts running outwards towards the various nerve roots. The proboscidial nerve roots can easily be traced through the posterior sections of the mass into the ganglionic regions. The posterior regions of the mass consist mainly of a tissue which is certainly parenchymal in nature, and a part of this is represented in fig. 4, PI. I. I liave chosen a part which contains a ganglion cell. There is, first of all, a framework of relatively coarse fibres or trabeculae, bounding (in section) roughly polygonal spaces. Filling this is the parenchyma, a tissue which in sections appears to be a reticulum, but which, no doubt, consists of homogeneous films meeting together so as to include polyhedral spaces. In the preparations we see, of course, mainly the sections of these films. Coarse 110 TEAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. .neuroglial fibres; traverse this meshwork in various directions, and here and there are nuclei, belonging to the parenchymal tissue. Calcareous corpuscles, and excretory capillaries are also present, but not so much in the ganglionic region as in the more posterior parts. This parenchymal tissue is, no doubt, traversed in all directions by the hypothetical systems of nerve fibrillae which pass out into the bothridial. ])roboscidial and lateral nerve tracts. (jf course, if it were not for the presence of the highly characteristic ganglionic cells one would have great hesitation in describing all this system of parts as nervous. The form, it is true, is that of a central nervous system and I have no doubt that such is its nature. On tlie whole it appears to be simpler than the corresponding series of parts in the Tetrarhynchids described. The e.vcretory ctiiuils. These conform in their disposition to that of a true tetrarhynchid scolex. As a rule, however, there arc two main canals on each side of the body : in the specimen described there is only one. The branching and anastomoses of these canals is also similar to the condition in allied forms; a peculiar feature (noted also by Lonnberg) is the presence of very large sinuses in the posterior parts of the body : some of these are represented in fig. 7, PL I. Fine excretory capillaries are present everywhere in the scolex. Of " flame-cells " I have seen no trace. Tlie Appetiduv. This is represented (in section) in fig. (i, 1*1. I. It is llie term ilia i . conical cxlrcmity of the body which is capalile of retraciion with in a terminal socket, or pouch, no doubt by the action of the longi- tudinal muscles. It. and the adjacent part of the body consists of a tissue rather different from that forming the rest of the animal— not parenchymal in nature, but SEA-FISHEEIES LABORATORY. Ill made up rather of very fine fibrillae ruuuiiig in various directions. The lateral excretory canals approach each other and finally fuse near the extremity of the appendix. Lonnberg describes a terminal vesicle, but this is repre- sented in my sections bv the common part of the main canal system and there is no real vesicle, only a cavity having a stellate figure in sections. In close proximity to the lateral canals, internal to tliem in the body but external in the appendix, are two peculiar plexuses of vessels. These are very narrow in calibre, have relatively thick, homogeneous walls, and anastomose with each other repeatedly. They appear to be excretory capillaries. Nature of the Ort/d/i/sin . Cocnoiiioi- [ijius Im (/inifii/n is certainly a larval form, and it may be that it corre- sponds to some adult Tetrarhynchid already described from some large animal, such as a porpoise or shark (since the host is itself a fairly large fish). But it differs in several respects from the typical plerocercoid larva of known species of Tetrurhyuchvs. The " cephalic segment " (bothridia and ])roboscidial ])arts) correspond, but the "post-cephalic segment" differs greatly, thus muscles and excretory canals are not present behind the scolex, except in the walls of the receptaculum scolicis, and then they form part only of the integumentary system. The appendix, too, is something f|uite distinct. What the organism suggests is the scolex and the unsegmented " neck" region of a Tetrarhynchid such as T. eriiiaceus. No trace of genital organs is present. Lonnberg, it is true, describes the " anlagen " of ovaries, testes and vasa deferentia in the appendix of his specimen, but he gives no figures, and I cannot help feeling that he has mistaken the knots of excretory ciipiUary vessels for these organs. 112 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fixation plays strange tricks with the appearance of these organs, and sometimes they are widely expanded, with almost invisible walls, while at other times their Inmina are reduced to the merest chinks, and the walls may be quite thick. The situation of the worm is also unusual. As a rule a Tetrarhynchid larva inliabits the body cavity, but it is enclosed in a cyst, derived partly from the larval, partly from the host's tissues. Coenomorphus, however, lives freely in the peritoneal cavity attached by means of its suckers and hooks in the manner of an ordinary Cestode. What we doubtless have here is a " permanent " larval stage. Gadus vireiis is, for Coenotnorphus, a collateral liost, not a true intermediate host. I have argued elsewhere* that this is the nature of the Teleostean hosts of Tetrorli i/iirhus erinaceus, which Cestode inhabits only the Rays in its adult condition, but a number of Teleosts in the plerocercoid stage. It is difhcult to believe that the Ray is infected by eating such fishes as Gurnards and Whiting, in which fishes plerocercoid larvae of T. eviiKweus are, in my ex})erience. ahrays found. The true hirval host is no doubt some small invertebrate, a mollusc or crustacean, and both the Teleosts and Elasmobranchs are infected by eating these creatures. The plerocercoid and iuhilt stages are, on this view, collateral ones, as are the hosts. The same view is also taken by Southwell with regard to tlie life history of Tetrtir/i i/)ii-/i i/s iinmvi factor , wliicli inhabits both Teleo.sts and Ehismobi'aiicJis in Ceyh)n waters. l)ut the Teleost in this case is, according to Southwell, a cuJ-dc- sac in the life-history. Coenomorphus is therefore probably a Tetrarhynchid * Parasitology, Vol, IV, No. 4, January, 1912, p. 368. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 113 larva which has failed to find its definitive adult host. It is present in the (modified, no doubt) oncosphere stage in some invertebrate which is eaten both by the Coalfish and by the animal in which the Cestode is sexually mature. Its situation is unusual, but so also is that of T. erinaceus in the body muscles of the Megrim or Halibut, and there, too, the larva is mobile, moving about like a cheese maggot in its cavity ; while it is much larger than the larva of the same species which inhabits the Whiting or Gurnard. The absence of the larval cyst; the growth of a "neck" region; and the direct attachment of the scolex to the tissues of the host, are, however, features not presented by T. erinaceus. The reason that the sexual organs have not developed is doubtless the absence of the specific stimulus to division of the cell rudiments of these organs, afforded by the fluids of the true adult host. Lonnberg suggests that his specimen might con- ceivably have been a pathological form, but apparently rejects this possibility. I have no doubt that it is not pathological, and that the only departure from normality is the capacity for an extended period of larval life, and for greater growth than occurs when the regular life history is experienced. 2. Tetrarhynchus benedeni (Crety).'' On July 1st, 1911, a local fisherman, working a stake-net at Roosebeck, Morecambe Bay, caught 08 specimens of the Tope {Gnhor/tiiuis r/o/eus), the fishes varying in length from four feet six inches to five feet six inches. All were females M'ith well-developed ovaries. One of these dogfishes was dissected by my * Vaullegeard, A. " Pccherches sur les Tetrarhynques." Mem. Soc. Linn, de Normandie, XJX^ Vol. (ser. 2% Vol. Z") S^fasc. P. 265, PI. XIII. Caen, 1899. 114 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. colleague, Mr. A. Scott, nt the Marine Laboratory, Piel, and a single Cestode was found by him. I describe this worm here. It is a Tetrarliijnchus which I have not previously seen; and its measurements are: — Length of strobila : 85 mm. Length of scolex : 1'92 mm. Length of botliridin : 0'36 mm. Breadth of bothridia : 0'42 mm. Length of proboscis bulbs, 036 mm. Length of terminal proglottis, 4'5 mm. Breadtli of terminal proglottis : 1 mm. The worm is figured below. It is relatively long and slender, more so than any other Teti-arJiyncJius which I have seen. Srob'.r. 1, fig. -'}. There are two bothridia, leaf- shaped, more pointed anteriorly than at the posterior end, where there is a shallow notch, as in the bothridium of T . erinaceu.s. Tliey project well out from the scolex, and are relatively shallow. The proboscides, four in number, arise from the antero-lateral margins of the bothridia. The remainder of the scolex — the " liead-stalk " — is ratlier long, and decreases at first in diameter, swelling f)ut in the region of the proboscis bulbs, and thereafter the diameter of the neck decreases greatly. The bulbs themselves aie relatively short. Tliese characters correspond fairly well with those of TrfrarJnpic/tus lojKjiroIIis, and I thought at first that this was the species represented. The armaiuro of the proboscides is, however, (|uite different, the liooks and spines in each oblique row being different from each other, as in the case of T. rrinncem. They are very diffi tumour. It really lies directly underneath tlie rectus extcruus, but SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 129 the latter has been pulled a little to one side in making the dissection for the figure. The nerve itself is partly atrophied. It is greatly flattened out, and near the bulbus it consists of relatively few fibres. It cannot be traced into the bulbus, and it is evidently undergoing degeneration, although the imperfect fixation of the specimen did not allow of this condition being minutely studied. Underneath the tumour, and between the latter and the floor of the orbit, was a small flattened body, fatty and semi-transparent in appearance, with a little black pigment. This is indicated in fig. 7. It is apparently the remains of the recessus orbitalis. Nature of the Tumour. The fish had been preserved in weak formalin before being sent to me, and the fixation of the tumour was far from being all that could be desired. Nevertheless, almost all details of its minute structure could be deter- mined, and I think there is little doubt as to its nature. It was surrounded by a very loose investment of fibrous tissue, and under a low power a complete transverse section showed what appeared to be a number of bundles of connective tissue radiating out from one main point on the margin of the growth, with two other series of bundles radiating out from adjacent parts of the margin. Outside the tumour were the sections of the muscle bundles, and that of the optic nerve. The greater part of the substance of the tumour is made up of loose, delicate, fibrous, connective or elastic tissue bundles, running mainly parallel to each other, and forming what might be called the trabeculae or frame- work of a stroma, consisting of a very delicate reticulum. But towards the external part of the tumour these fibres 130 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. are peculiarly modified: they become greatly enlarged, or thickened, as if they were undergoing some kind of colloidal degeneration. Fig. 6 of Plate II represents such a thickening of the fibres, and their adhesion together in bundles. These thickened fibres are at first quite structureless, and they stain bright red with Mann's methyl-blue-eosin, and orange with Mallorv's connective tissue stain. The large fibre in fig. 7, PI. II, shows the further progress of this degenerative change. The fibres now display what appears to be a very delicate, faintly- staining reticulum (blue with both of the stains men- tioned), the interspaces of which contain a substance which does not stain at all. Between these thickened fibres is the general stroma of the tumour : this is represented in fig. 7 : it resembles nothing so much as the reticulum of a lymph gland. This reticulum is continuous with the enlarged fibres mentioned above. All this reticulum contains great numbers of very small cells occupying its interspaces, and two kinds of cells are present : (1) small cells, the nuclei of which measure about 0002 /x in diameter. The cell bodies of these hardly stain at all with either Mallory's stain, methyl-blue-eosin, haematoxylin and eosin, iron haema- toxylin or Romanowsky's stain. When the latter reagent is applied to a smear made from th(> tumour, the cell bodies belonging to these nuclei can just be seen. (2) Larger cells, staining red with Mallory's combination, and measuring about ()()05 mm. Some of these cells are represented in fig. 1, PI. III. In the parts of the tumour Avhere tlie connective tissue fibres are undergoing the modification mentioned above, some of tliese cells can be seen (fig. (i, PI. II) between the adhering bundles of fibres, or even included in iln^ sti'ucture fornnnl by the fusion of the latter. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 131 Large spaces exist in all parts of the tumour, and some of these are true lymphatic vessels. Usually they contain the larger cells belonging to category (2), but often they appear to be empty. Blood vessels are very few and are difficult to identify. Some of the smaller lymjah vessels contain relatively large bodies, apparently formed by the fusion of the cells mentioned, or by the accumulation of some substance within them : the largest of these bodies measures about 0"05 and 001 mm. along its main diameters. They are loaded with brown or black pigment granules. Some are represented lying freely in a lympb vessel in fig. 1, PI. III. Sometimes a small vessel, lymphatic or blood- vascular, it is difiicult to say which, contains numbers of the cells (2) adhering to its walls. This suggests an inflammatory process. In a section parallel to the main diameter of the tumour, it is seen that the interior of the bulbus oculi also contains the same kind of tissue that is found in the tumour outside. The sclerotic is incomplete in the section, so that a large cavity, much bigger than that necessary for the passage of the optic nerve, must be present. There is no trace of the choroid layer, and only the merest indication of the pigmented layer of the retina. Through this cavity the foreign tissue is con- tinuous. I think there is little doubt that the growth is a lympho-sarcoma. It resembles strongly a small round- celled sarcoma, but the connective tissue stroma is so strongly developed, and the general suggestion of the structure of a lymphatic gland is so striking that one feels obliged to call it a lympho-sarcoma. The original site of the growth was probably the choroid layer of the retina. Identification of the growth as a glioma was suggested by the destruction of the retina, but no traces 132 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. of glial elements could be made out in tlie tissues of the tumour. There were no traces of similar growths in other parts of the body, in the pseudobranch, for instance, or in any part of the gill-system, so it does not appear likely that the neoplastic cells were conveyed to the eye in the blood stream from otlier parts of tlie body. Of course, the peculiar vascular arrangements of the eye — the ophthalmic artery originating in the pseudobranch, and the choroid gland, suggested such an origin for the tumour, but it is probable, I think, that the growth is a primary one. 9. Ectasia of the Sensory Canals of Raia clavata with intra-cystic Myxofibromata. The head portion of a large liay, sent to me by Mr. Bailey, presented a most peculiar appearance on account of the presence of large vesicles both on the dorsal and ventral surfaces. On feeling these vesicles with the finger it was apparent tliat they contained some solid growths, but here and there they were soft, the walls were thin- and transparent and they contained only liquid. Noticing the form of the vesicles more closely, it was seen that they were symmetrically disposed on both sides of tlie middle line of the head, and a curved line drawn along their median parts corresponded very closely to the direction of the sensory canals in a normal fish. The vesicles are, in fact, the cephalic sensory canal system dilated llirougliout its entire course, l)ui with constrictions here and there wliich confer on it the ])eculiar vesiculated appearance. Plate IV is the reproduction of a ph()t()giaj)h of I lie ventral surface of the lu^ul, and shows, on the right (of the photogiaph), ihe iiniouched condition of the canals, and on the left, the cavities cut open. If this is com- SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 133 pared with a good figure of tlie sensory canals of the Skate, Ewart and Mitcliell's for example*, it will be seen tliat there is no doubt as to this interpretation. All the canals figured in fig. 7, PI. III. of the memoir cited are present, though some are not clearly shown in the photograph. That part of the infra-orbital canal lettered 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 by Ewart and Mitchell; the part of the hyomandibular lettered H .M . ; the sub-orbital S.0.4 to S.0.5; and the infra-orbital 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 are greatly dilated, and some of these dilatations present themselves as vesicles about 35 cms. in diameter, and raised up above the general level of the skin by as much as 1'5 cm. Some of the canals are not much greater in calibre than in the normal fish: these are the infra-orbital 1.0.7 to 1.0.8; the supra-orbital S. 0.3 io S.0.4; the infra-orbital, 1.0.3 to 1.0.4, and 1.0.6; and the hyomandibular adjacent to its union with the infra-orbital. On a first examination it appeared that some of the canals were absent, but they were found beneath the floors of the larger vesicles. This was the case with the hyomandi- bular, and part of the supra-orbital. In these cases the hidden canals were of the normal calibre. There is not nearly the same amount of dilatation of the canals on the dorsal surface of the head ; but the two supra-orbitals 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 are dilated, the greatest diameter being about 15 cm. In front and external to the left orbit there is also a large and complex cyst, which is about 4 cms. in diameter, is raised up above the general surface of the skin about 1 cm., and is depressed below the surface about 15 cm. It occupies the place of junction of the hyomandibular and infra- orbital canals, and is almost certainly made up of * Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinhurgh, Vol. 37, 1891-2, pp. 87-105, pi. Ill, fig. 7. 134 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. expanded portions of these tubes. From it runs forwards a large canal, also dilated to about 05 cm. in diameter: this is probably Ewart and Mitchell's H.M.4 to H.M.5. A smaller round cyst, about 1 cm. in diameter, projects out from the antero-median surface of this large cyst, and a large cyst, with semi-transparent walls, and about 25 cms. in diameter, lies on the floor. With these exceptions, the dorsal surface of the head is normal. The cavities contain a transparent, sticky fluid, which is probably very similar to that secreted by the sensory canal epithelia. Within them are the intra- cystic growths, and these are very peculiar in nature. All the dilated canals contain these growths, but in some of them, the right supra-orbital on the dorsal surface, for instance, the growths are small, round, worm-like bodies, slightly yellow in colour, and translucent. They are smooth and are rarely branched or lobulated. Some of these bodies are represented in fig. 2, PI. IV. The other growths are white in colour, fairly hard, sometimes with a peculiar glistening appearance, and of the most extraordinary shapes. Two of the larger ones are represented in PI. IV. The largest is about 8 cms. in length and about 1'5 cm. in diameter at its widest part. The two growtlis represented were attached to the internal wall of the cyst by very delicate pedicels, the remains of which can be seen in tlie pliotograpli, and they were very easily detaclied. They were taken from the expanded })art of the infra-orbital canal, and one hiy in eacli oF ilic large vesicles, but tlie larger of the two })rojected into the hyomandibular canal. The other dilatations on the ventral surface contained only the smaller yellow bodies. It will be seen from the photo- grai)h that the larger growths are produced into a[)j)(Midages, lobes, and that ihey are racemose or SEA-nSHERIES LABORATOEY 135 botryoidal in form. It is difficult to describe them, but the photographs convey a very good idea of their appearance. The growths in the left supra-orbital canal on the dorsal surface are quite similar, but part of the floor of the cyst in this case is seen to be produced into hard white ridges of varying form, and these can easily be traced into the growth. Both in this canal, and in the large cyst of the dorsal surface, the growths are very firmly attached to the floor of the canal. In the large cyst some of the growths have proliferated from the roof of the cyst, and one of them has either broken through, or has evaginated, so that it is visible without cutting open the cyst. In the photograph of the ventral surface, two of the growths are seen still attached to the floor of the cyst. Nature of the Tumours. Fig. 2, PI. Ill, represents part of a section of one of the smaller, white, irregular growths, stained with Mallory's combination. The substance of the tumour is very uniform, consisting of a fine fibrous tissue containing relatively few- blood- vessels. One of these blood-vessels is cut in the section : it contains three red blood corpuscles and a leucocyte. Outside the blood-vessel are a number of similar leuco- cytes, and the aggregation of these cells round small vessels is quite typical of the tissue. The remaining elements of the tumour are very fine connective tissue fibres, with very few nuclei. The fibres run in all directions, except round the blood-vessels, where their general course is concentric to the section of the vessel. The tumours have a very distinct epithelium, continuous with and similar to that lining the cysts. Its structure (which is not easily made out on account of the formalin fixation) is represented in fig. •'], PI. III. The cells are columnar, the free edges being usually confluent, or K 136 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. apparently so; and the nuclei are situated usually about their middles. Interpolated between them are elongated granular bodies without nuclei, and coarsely granular, and there are a few large "goblet" bodies. The epithelium rests on a coarse reticulum, the exact structure of which is difficult to make out. Such a structure is quite consistent with the interpretation of the tumours as intra-cystic myxo- fibromata. They are apparently comparable in structure with polypoid growths on the naso-pharyngeal epithe- lium, and they are indeed present in a highly mucous cavity. It is true that the stellate nucleated cells with long processes, described as present in typical growths of this nature, could not be seen in the large white cysts, but the latter were probably too highly developed, and the typical structure need not, of course, be postulated for identification. The production of the cysts is, it seems probable, to be accounted for by the occlusion, or the congenital absence of the sensory canal pores. These are not very numerous, and the absence of most of them would lead to the production of mucus within the canals at a greater rate than it could be removed. It was, of course, difficult to be sure that the majority of these pores were absent, but since the liquid in the large vesicles must have been there under pressure, it is obvious that pores could not have been present in normal number. There may also have been occlusion of tlio canals at some places by the intra-cystic growths, aud it may well be the case tliiit the lormatioii of these, together wilh Uie congenital al)s('uc(^ of ])()res, was tlie cause of the remarkable dilatation of the canals. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 137 10. Cutaneous Papilloma from a Halibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris) . In November, 1911, Mr. F. Stokes, Port Sanitary Inspector at Grimsby, sent me a piece of tissue weighing about two pounds, cut from off the snout of a halibut landed at Grimsby. The fish was about 120 lbs. in weight, and the Inspector was of opinion that it was " well-fed " and in good condition, apart, of course, from the growth on the head. The latter, however, was a very extraordinary one. It was very irregular in shape, so that in the cut-out specimen it was almost impossible to be sure of the relations of its parts to the head of the fish. It was pigmented much in the same manner as the skin of the upper surface of the fish, but was perhaps darker in places. The free surface was everywhere thrown into fungoid, or "cauliflower- shaped " excrescences. In some places these protuber- ances were large, lobulated and botrj-oidal, presenting in fact a great variety of appearances. In other places the surface of the growth, was very minutely papillated, and dead grey white in apj>earauce. It is very difficult to describe the appearance of this growth. It was very hard and dense, presenting in its in- ternal parts all the appearance of a hard fibroid tumour. In the deep the tissue was mainly aggregated in nodular masses, presenting a dead white, sometimes glistening, appearance. The tissue, both directly under- neath the surface of the tumour and in the deeper parts, was very difiicult to manipulate when cutting sections. It was extremely hard after embedding in paraffin, and could only be cut with great difficulty. Staining, too, was difficult on account of the formalin fixation, but fairly good results were obtained with Ehrlich's haema- 138 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. toxylin followed by eosin. I give, iu the meantime, only a provisional account of the structure of this growth. Fig. 5, PI. Ill, represents a vertical section through the outer part of the finely papillated portion of the tumour : the little protuberances standing out above the surface are the sections of these smaller papillae. Below them the tissue consists largely of bundles of coarse connective fibres running in every direction. Two series of bundles do, however, assume prominence : (1) very coarse fibres running nearly perpendicularly to the surface of the tumour into the interior of the papillae, and branching and apparently anastomosing freely ; (2) coarse fibres running approximately perpendicularly to these in the deeper parts of the tumour. These also branch, adhere together, and anastomose. In metliyl- blue-eosin all these coarse fibres stain at once a very intense blue, and the same intense staining results from treatment with Mallory's combination. When treated with carbol-gentian the lower parts of the tumour (at this particular place) give a very decided mucin reaction. Mingled with these coarse, intensely staining fibres are finer ones, and these form a general stroma which penetrates into the interiors of the papillae. Fig. 4, PL III, represents part of the tissues within one of these papillae, the external surface being to the left in the figure. There is no evident epithelium on the surface of the tumour, and no trace of epidermis, and one can only see a kind of limiting membrane of very obscure structuie. The tissues within the papilla consist of a fine areolar nrhvork willi numerous nuclei, buudh'S of coarser fibres, and some of the very coarse connective tissue fibres from the lower parts — none of the latter is, however, represented in the figure. The papilla is very vascular, and sections of a (•a])niarv kiiol are sliown : SEA-nSlIERIES LABORATORV. 139 these contain blood corpuscles, but the number of the latter is relatively few. Everywhere in sections of the papillae, and in the tissues directly underneath, are capillary tubes ramifying to an extraordinary extent, branching and anastomosing very freely. They are most numerous directly beneath the surface, where they form an irregular layer, but they are present also in the depths : they are represented in fig. 5 by the lines of dots. Some of them are shown in fig. 4, and are represented as filled with short fibrils. I thought at first that the contents of these vessels were granular, but examination under high power lenses shows the fibrillar nature of this material. In unstained sections this substance is coloured light brown in mass, but where a few of the fibrils can be seen at the cut edges of the preparation, they appear to be nearly colourless. They present a glistening appearance when seen by reflected light. They do not stain with methyl-blue- eosin, Mallory's combination, Ehrlich's haematoxylin and eosin stain, iron haematoxylin, or eosin alone. They do not Gram-stain, nor do they take stain from carbol- gentian. I thought at first that they might be bacterial in nature, or perhaps the hyphae of a fungus, but the negative staining reaction makes these interpretations impossible. They do not react in any way to dilute acetic acid, and cannot be crystals of lime. They are not lipoid for they do not dissolve out under treatment with xylol. They are some kind of inclusion in the tissues of the growth, contained either in capillary blood-vessels or in channels of their own. The deeper parts of the growth vary in minute structure. In many places what is seen is essentially the condition already described in the case of the fibro- sarcomatous tumour from the cod ; that is, there is a 140 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. basis of either coarse or fine connective tissue fibres, and included in tlie interstices of this are numerous small round cells. Sometimes this tissue resembles that shown in fig. 7, PI. Ill, but it is always much denser, and the cells are, relatively to the fibrous stroma, more numerous. It is sometimes very vascular, but the contents of the blood-vessels are peculiar. vSometimes a smaller vein or artery contains practically unmodified red blood corpuscles, but these are generally aggregated together in the centre of the lumen of the vessel. In other places the blood corpuscles appear as if they were "clumped" or agglutinated: the nuclei are few in number, or entirely absent, and the cell margins are indistinct as if the corpuscles had stuck together. Very often the space between the axial mass of corpuscles and the internal walls of the vessel is bridged by delicate fibrils, radiating out in a stellate manner, and suggesting the staining of fibrin filaments produced after intra- vascular coagulation of the blood. I am uncertain whether this coagulation has been produced in a natural manner, or as the result of the fixation ; practically undiluted commercial formalin solution had been employed for preservation. But I am inclined to think that the intra-vascular coagulation is a natural reaction produced in the development of the tumour. The walls of tlie blood-vessels themselves are highly modified, and sometimes cannot be distinguished from the surrounding connective tissue stroma. If this alteration of the blood has taken place as the result of some toxic substance produced locally, it may be tlie case that the other vessels, with their fibrillar inclusions, have also been produced in this manner; that is, they may be capillary vessels containing crystalline products of the decomposi- tion of the haemoglobin of the blood. I have already SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 141 seen extensive crystallisation of the haemoglobin in the case of a plaice which died in the tanks at Port Erin, and which had ulcerated patches on its skin. Elsewhere the growth has the characters already described, with some modification. It is mostly fibrous, sometimes finely fibrous, but at other times the structure is very coarse and the fibres seem to be swollen and degenerate, undergoing some kind of colloidal change. Here and there are patches, or nodules of proliferation, when there are very numerous small round cells. We conclude that the growth is a cutaneous papilloma — a kind of gigantic wart ; with indications of a tendency to the production of local malignancy. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate I, figs. 1-7. CoENOMORPHUs LiNGUATULA (van Beuedeu).* Fig. 1. Ganglionic part of the central nervous system. Zeiss apochromatic I'o mm. Fig. 2. The animal in the extended condition. Slightly reduced. Fig. 3. The anterior part of the Scolex. Recon- structed from serial sections, and seen from the " dorsal " surface. Only two of the proboscides, and two proboscidial bulbs and sheaths are represented. Mag. about 10 dia. Fig. 4. The central nervous system. The parenchy- mal ground tissue is all that is represented in addition to a ganglion cell and an excretory canal. Zeiss apochromatic 15 mm. • Tetrarhynchus megacephahis, Rud., may be the final form of Coenornorphus. 14'2 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fig. 5. Transverse section of the vScolex passing through the central nervous system. Mag. about 10 dia. The figure should be compared with Text- tig. 1, p. 106, which is based upon this and the adjacent sections of the series. Fig. 6. Transverse section near the posterior extremity of the animal, and passing through the appendix. The crescentic cavity is produced by the involution of the integument con- sequent on the retraction of the appendix. Mag. 20 dia. Fig. 7. Transverse section passing through about the middle of the animal. Mag. 14 dia. Plate II, figs. 1-8. Fig. 1- Melanotic sarcoma from Raia hatis. Round and spindle cells containing melanin granules ; diii'use melanin granules ; slight connective tissue stroma ; nuclei of cells either modified or normal. Fig. 2. The same. Two typical spindle cells. Length about 008 mm. Fig. 3. The same. Part of the tumour where a break- down of the walls of the blood capillaries has occurred. The darkly shaded cells belong to the sarcoma; tlie lightly shaded ones are red blood corpuscles. Fig. 4. The same. Section of a metastasis. The darkly shaded part represents the sarcomatous tissue; on the left, part of the epidermis. All the structures shown belong to the integument. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 143 Fig. 5. Melanotic sarcoma from Rata clavata. Cells of rather irregular shape showing a tendency to spindle formations. Marked connective tissue stroma. The darkly shaded object is part of a connective tissue fibre. Fig. 6. Lympho-sarcoma from the eye of Pleuronectes flesus. Fibrous part of the growth, showing colloidal swelling and fusions. Fig. 7. The same ; an enlarged connective tissue fibre showing a reticular structure. Fine meshed reticulum enclosing leucocytes. Fig. 8. Fibroma growing on the integument of the eye of Raia clavata. Coarse fibrous tissue with few cells. Plate III, figs. 1-8. Morbid histology of fishes. Fig. 1. Lympho-sarcoma from the eye of Pleuronectes flesus. Lymph space containing leucocytes, some of which contain melanin. A smaller lymph space on the right containing leucocytes most of which are adherent to the walls. Fig. 2. Myxo-fibroma from Rain clavata. Fine fibrous tissue running in all directions. A blood- vessel containing several blood corpuscles and a leucocyte. Numerous leucocytes in the tissue surrounding the vessel. Fig. 3. The epithelium covering the myxo-fibromata sectioned in fig. 2. Columnar cells, with interpolated mucus cells, resting nn a coarse connective tissue stroma, containing cells in its interstices. Fig. 5 ¥ig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8 144 TRAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fig. 4. Cutaneous papilloma from the Halibut. Part of one of the papillae represented in section in tig. 5. Richly vascular connective tissue : a capillary knot is cut through. Vessels containing finely fibrillar inclusions. Cutaneous papilloma from the Halibut. Section of the external part of the growth. Fibro-sarcoma from the Cod. The more fibrous part of the tumour, but containing also numerous small round cells. The s«me. Irregular stellate cells. The same. Small round cells, some showing spindle forming tendency. Eelatively little fibrous tissue. Plate IV, figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1. Pay with ectasia of the sensory canals. Ventral view of head. The canals are cut open on the left, but are left untouched on the right side. The intra-cystic growths have been removed on the left side. Fig. 2. Dorsal view of the head. The canals are cut open, and the intra-cystic growths are present in situ. (Photos, bv Mr. A. Scott.) Plate V, figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1. Pay with ectasia of the sensory canals. Photograph of two intra-cystic growths dis- sected out from the canals cut open in fig. 1, PI. IV. Natural size. Fig. 2. l*aj)ill()matous growths from tlu> snout of a Halibut ; about one-half natural size. (Photos, by Mr. A. Scott.) Plate I. F/ei A Proboscis -Muscia bund/e ■longz/ucfina/ -- — muscles nene cord Ix ere tor/ cana/s COENOMORPHUS LISGUATULA (van Be.neden). Plate II. in,' 0 fiq I Fiq.-i fig. f //■^. 6 /-/^z /}^S (J-. J". fZeZ.) MORBID HISTOLOGIC OF FISHES. Fiq.Z rig. 5 f^fr\f^r^ . G' i'oT :-' ,^>- /7a s (./. J. del.) MORBID HISTOLOGIC OF FISHES. Plate IV. f Photos. b\' A. Scolt.) RAT WITH ECTASIA OF THE SENSORT CANALS. Plate V Fig. 1. Ray with Ectasia of the sensory canals. Two of the intra cystic growths. Nearly natural size. Fii;. 2. Papillomatous growths from snout of halilnit. Reduced about one-half. DISEASED CONDITIOXS OF FISHES. [Photos, by A, Scott.) SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 145 EEPORT ON THE HYDROGRAPHIC WORK IN THE IRISH SEA DURING 1911. By Henry B as sett, Jun., D.Sc, Professor of Chemistrv, TJniy. College, Reading. During 1911 considerable difficulty has been experienced in carrving out the hydrographic work in the Irish Sea. Samples were collected from the seven stations on the lines, Piel Gas Buoy — Calf of Man, and Calf of Man — Holyhead, on February 1st, June 12-13, and October 24-25; and from Stations V, VI and VII on December 10th. The June samples were collected as a sort of compromise for those which should have been collected in May and August, during which months it was found impossible, for various reasons, to carry out hydrograpEic cruises. The observations made have, however, been sufficient to show that the state of the water in our area during 1911 was quite different from that found during the two preceding years, 1909 and 1910, and more like that found during 1907 and 1908 (with a probable difference which will be referred to presently). Here, again, we apparently have that intimate connection between the salinities (that is to say, the state of the Gulf Stream Drift) and meteorological conditions to which attention has been drawn in the last two reports. It is hardly necessary to point out that the brilliant dry summer of 1911 differed completely from the miserable wet ones of 1909 and 1910. Table I, which summarises the salinities at the Stations, Y, YI and YII from the commencement of our observations in July, 1906, is instructive. As has been shown previously, these are the only ones of our Stations which are affected by the Gulf Stream Drift — the effect of 146 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the latter at the other Stations being' entirely masked by inflowing fresh water. Even Station VII, which is nearest the Welsh coast, is liable to be affected by the fresh coastal water, which probably accounts for the somewhat irreg-ular results at this Station. On looking through Table I one is struck by the remarkable similarity in the salinities at any particular Station and at corresjjonding periods of the year during the years 1907, 1908 and 1911. Stations V and VI are particularly striking in this respect, while the results for Station VII are somewhat less regular. Similarly, the very close agreement of the salinities tlu'oughout the two years, 1909 and 1910, is worthy of particular note. It certainly looks as though years when the salinities are low during the winter months at these three hydro- graphic stations (and ])rohably at others as well), are years when the following summer months are unusually gloomy and wet. During such years it would appear that the Gulf Stream Drift is so feeble that the maximum salinity is not reached before May, and is then a good deal lower than usual. In other years the maximum salinity occurs several months earlier, and is a good deal more pronounced. In 1911, which was, of course, a quite abnormal year, the maximum seems to have been reached at the very beginning of the year or even at the end of December, 1010. I believe that this is quite unusual in our area, and am inclined to associate it with the brilliant character of the summer of 1911. Unfortunately, we have no data for December 1906, 1907, 1908 and 1909, but from the general character of the salinities during tliose years I believe that the salinities during December were slightly lower than those SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 147 found during November. This is what we have found to be the case in December, 1911, and it represents, I believe, the more usual state of affairs. Since, moreover, the high values of the salinities on February 14th, 1912, at the three chief stations (Station V, 34'65 ; Station VI, 34-47 ; Station VII, 34-38) indicate that they will almost certainly prove to be the maximum values at these stations for 1912, I have little hesitation in saying that the summer of 1912 will probably be like neither the brilliant dry one of 1911 nor the gloomy wet ones of 1909 and 1910, but just one of the somewhat variable and uncertain summers which are usually experienced in this country. It is worthy of note that the salinities found during February, 1912, are the highest we have observed since commencing hydrographic observations in 1906. This indicates the presence of an unusual amount of warm water in the North Atlantic, and it is probable that the wet and unsettled character of the winter and spring months which liave just passed is directly traceable to this, for the presence of warm water is regarded by hydrograpliers as favourable to the formation of cyclones. Further work is still needed to show if the intimate connection, which seems to exist between the state of the Gulf Stream Drift and the succeeding summer weather, will hold over a long period. The question is so important that it would be a great pity if anything should prevent its accomplishment, and if it is not possible for the Fisheries' Steamer to collect the water samples regularly, then some other arrangements ought to be made. Mr. J. Johnstone, B.Sc, collected the water samples and made the temperature observations as usual during 1911, while I have carried out the 148 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. salinity deterininations as in previous years. The results are collected in the tables, which follow, where T^, CP/ooj S7oo> 3,nd (Tt have the usual meaning;s. Monthly means of daily sea temperatures at the surface, for the years 1910 and 1911, are also ti!;iven. These are calculated from figures supplied by the Meteorological Office. Table I. Station. Year. Jan.- Feb. May. Julv- Aug. Oct.- Nov. Dec. 1906 34-24 33-93 V 1907 34-40 34-33 34-13 34-00 — 53° 53' N. 1908 34-27 34-25 34-05 3405 — 4°46'W. ^1 1909 33-86 34-20 1 34-11 33-82 — 1910 33-86 34-07 .34-00 33-84 34-43 1911 34-27 34-27 (Jun. 13) 34-09 34-00 / 1906 34-16 34-02 VI 1907 34-33 34-29 34-09 33-95 — 53° 43' N. 1908 34-40 34-14 34-14 34-18 — 4° 44' W. 1909 33-93 34-22 34-11 33-95 — 1910 33-93 34-18 34-02 34-04 34-33 V 1911 34-36 34-23 (Jun. 13) 34-14 34-05 1 1906 34-13 34-04 VII 1907 33-75 33-96 33-98 33-73 — 53° 33' N. J 1908 34-38 3405 34-14 34-02 — 4°41'W. 1909 33-98 34-14 34-00 33-84 — 1910 3373 3413 33-89 34-04 34-16 1911 34-07 34-05 (Jun. 13) 33-78 33-77 February 1, 1911. Stations I. to IV. Surface observations only Station. Time. T° ci7oo / 00 o-t I. II. 111. IV. 54° N.; 3°30'W. .54° N.; 3°47'W. .54° N.; 4°4'W. 54° N.; 4°20'W. 10.45 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 12..30p.m. 1.30 p.m. 5-0 5-5 6-6 7-0 17-67 18-18 18-66 18-85 31-92 32-84 33-71 34-05 25-26 25-83 26-48 26-69 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 149 Station V. (2.40 p.m.), 53° 53' N. ; 4° 46' W. Depth of Station, 43-9 metres. Depth (metres) mo C17oo S7oo o-t 0 30 78 7-7 7-7 7-7 18-97 18-97 18-97 34-27 34-27 34-27 26-77 26-77 26-77 Station VI. (3.55 p.m.), 53° 43' N. ; 4° 44' W. Depth of Station, 69-5 metres. Depth (metres) mo / CO S7oo o-t 0 30 65 7-75 7-75 7-75 19-02 19-02 19-02 34-36 34-36 34-36 26-83 26-83 26-83 Station VII. (4.50 p.m.), 53° 33' N. ; 4° 41' W. Depth of Station, 43-9 metres. Depth (metres) mo ci7oo S7oo <^t 0 30 44 7-30 7-35 7-35 18-86 18-85 18-86 34-07 34-05 34-07 26-67 26-64 26-66 June 12 to 13, 1911. Station I., 12/6/11 (4.5 p.m.), 54° N., 3° 30' W. Depth of Station, 23-8 metres. Depth (metres) mo ci7oo S7oo o-t 0 22 15-1 11-3 18-03 18-28 32-57 33-03 24-10 25-21 150 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Station II., 12/6/11 (6.40 p.m.), 54° N. ; 3° 47' W. Depth of Station, 32 metres. Depth (metres) mo ci7co S7oo O't 0 28 14-95 10-5 17-98 18-51 32-48 33-44 24-06 25-67 Station III., 12/6/11 (7.30 p.m.), 54° N. ; 4° 4' W. Depth of Station, 38-4 metres. Depth (metres) rpo ci7oo S7oo o-t 0 35 14-2 10-95 18-34 18-66 33-13 33-71 24-72 25-73 Station IV., 12/6/1 1 (8.35 p.m.), 54° N. ; 4° 20' W. Depth of Station, 42-1 metres. Depth (metres) mo / OO S7oo o-t 0 39 13-05 10-75 18-52 18-80 33-46 33-96 25-21 26-03 Station V., 13/6/11 (10.40 a.m.), 53° 53' N. ; 4° 46' W. Depth of Station, 82-4 metres. Depth (metres) mo ci7oo S7oo O't 0 30 70 10-2 9-7 9-7 18-97 18-96 18-96 34-27 34-25 34-25 26-37 26-44 26-44 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY 151 Station VI., 13/6/11 (11.45 a.m.), 53° 43' N. ; 4° 44' W. Depth of Station, 86 metres. Depth (metres) rpo cr/ S7oo o-t 0 30 70 10-8 10-35 10-35 18-95 18-94 18-95 34-23 34-22 34-23 26-24 26-30 26-32 Station VII., 13/6/11 (12.35 p.m.), 53° 33' N. ; 4° 41' W Depth of Station, 54-9 metres. Depth (metres) C17 ^ /oo S7o o-t 0 11-4 18-85 34-05 25-98 30 10-9 18-84 34-04 26-06 50 10-9 18-85 1 1 34-05 26-07 October 2i to 25, 1911. Stations I to IV., 24/10/11. Surface observations only. Station. Time. mo ci7oo S7oo I <^t I. 54° N. , 3°30'W. 1.35 p.m. 12-4 18-24 32-95 24-95 II. 54° N. , 3°47'W. 2.35 p.m. 11-8 18-67 33-73 25-66 III. 54° N. 4°4'W. 4.30 p.m. 11-9 18-74 33-86 25-74 IV. 54° N. ; 4°20'W. 1 5.30 p.m. 12-8 18-85 34-05 25-72 Station V., 25/10/11 (10 a.m.), 53° 53' N. ; 4° 46' W. Depth of Station, 71 metres. Depth (metres) T° Cl%o S7oo o-t 0 30 66 12-85 12-75 12-75 18-87 18-87 34-09 34-09 25-74 25-76 152 TEAXSACTIONS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Station VI., 25/10/11 (11 a.m.), 53^ 43' N. ; i° 44' W. Depth of Station, 73 metres. Depth (metres) rpo ci7oo S7oo <^t 0 30 1 70 1 13-2 13-1 13-1 18-90 18-90 34-14 34-14 25-53 25-73 Station VII.. 25/10/11 (12 noon). 53^ 33' N. ; 4° 41' W. Depth of Station, 62 metres. Depth (metres) mo C17 ^^ loo S7oo \ ^t 0 30 58 13-3 13-2 13-2 18-70 18-70 33-78 25-41 33-78 25-43 December 10, 1911. Stations V., VI., and VII. Surface observations only. Station. Time. rpo ci7oo S7oo o"t V. 53°53'N.; 4°46'W. 1.4 p.m. VI. 53°43'N.; 4°44'W. 12.4 p.m. VII. 53°33'N.; 4°41'\V. 11.4 a.m. 9-8 8-8 18-82 18-85 18-69 34-00 34-05 33-77 26-26 26-20 o 09 > •00 09 0) s H o S3 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY, 153 2K h-3 sm o :» — I — ' 00 — < 'i -H X i o 1^ — ( — I CO 05 -^ > CO -. -» ". ^ a m <5 2 a ^ § 3 3 5 ^ «5 154 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEEFOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. • I .^ C-1 f^ LT c^ ^ ;* -f -M ] r— * CI oo '^ I.' * ^ 1 . c; (N 05 ;i l-" ^ d :' U' 1 1 do dc j 1 ® CO 1 09 «^ sD ci O X :^ 0 w T)< 1 o O ic cp i^ L* -+ L-- — «;) t^ r- M > — L~ lt: t~- c- Cs u- 1* X c^ ^ r— F— •i> •00 •^N 1-3 ._^ !M c X o c t- L- X ^ ' 0 £ 7^ t^ (N -^ :; 1; 1' t- • ' 9" ^ El - Lt IT t^ 6 ^ -^ I" -f r ; " i^ 2 o t-- 30 IT t- m X o o « X t- ; 22, o oc t-- *' L- O 1- a ^- O 't r- — &> 2 L* O L- ti d s^i i-'^ L- ffj (M o o s< "' ^ r^ J — a> > ^ __ ■^ M o do do l~- oc & f' - 4< M .li d 1 i -M JS "Ofi 12 — ; QC X ~- X ir 0 - 1 '^ d -t (> >■* ~f •^ — 1 0 !■- a dc t-- t- X C" c- y- ^ -f. — a >» — '~ ■■ eS o C5 00 c o- r- X £ CO 0 — •* > 8 :s -^ M >.': i-~ 1- c c — Tf f^ X l^ t^ X ~- -■ ~- -i- — d 03 — ' •— ^ S (U cd O ^H ^ M (N » 1 •M J3 -»a 0 1 O > -> t-' i (. 5. Q S 5 < > ■" 1 _> < 1 ' 1 c 1 > c C 1 SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 155 XOTE ON AN ULCERATIVE DISEASE OF THE PLAICE. By W. Riddell, M.A., Fisheries Assistant, Zoological Laboratory, Liverpool; AND D. Moore Alexander, M.D., School of Public Health, Liverpool. (With Two Plates.) History and Characteristics. For some years past the stock of spawning plaice at the Port Erin Hatchery has been subject to a disease, apparently infectious, which has done much damage. The plaice are kept in two large oj)en-air ponds, which together occupy a space 90 feet long by 50 feet wide, with a total capacity of about 130,000 gallons. The number of fish in the ponds varies from about 800 to 400 or more; the average number is roughly 350. Disease seems to have made its appearance first in 1905 ; at any rate no diseased fish were observed before that year. It has been more or less constantly present ever since ; in 1910 there was less disease than in any other year since 1905, but in 1911 many of the fish in the pond were affected. The disease is characterised by superficial ulceration (see PI. I), which seems to have no very characteristic site, though possibly ulcers are more common on the top of the head and at the base of the tail. Still we have seen ulcers on so many different parts of the surface that we cannot regard any position as typical. The ulcers are of a spreading and sloughing type, leading to con- siderable destruction of tissue and often extending down to the muscular layer. They vary in size up to about 156 TRANSACTIONS LIVJEEPOOL BIOLOGiCAL SOCtEtY. ?) cm. in diameter, witli a well marked edge and a red injected base. The lesion commences as a small intiamed area of skin; this increases in size and ultimately the skin breaks down to form an ulcer which gradually enlarges. As a rule more than one ulcer are present, but they are never numerous. The fish dies eventually in an emaciated condition, but infected fish have been observed to feed freely, and even badly infected fish may retain their muscular strength to a surprising extent. Microsco])ically, a section through an ulcer reveals great destruction of tissue, the base being covered with debris. Beneath this are many swollen capillaries filled with blood corpuscles, accounting for the injected appearance which the base presents to the naked eye. Xo bacteria were to be seen in the tissues. In the outer layer of dead cells and debris were numerous slender Gram-negative bacilli; these, however, we regard as coming from outside, and probably not pathogenic. Bacteriological Investigation. The material for this investigation was derived from : — (1) A fish (I) found dead in the ])ond and sent to Liverpool, examined when two days dead. Cultures were made on to nutrient gelatine from heart blood, liver, and from a large ulcer. (2) Cultures were made by Dr. Da kin at Port Erin (a) from the ulcers of two living fish (II and III) on gelatine, and (b) from the heart blood and liver of the same two fish, also on gelatine. All these cultures were at once despatched to Liverpool. (3) A sample of water from the ponds. SEA-FISHEEIES LABORATORY. 157 Ulcers. — Scrapings of four ulcers from three fish were examined. The gelatine cultures obtained were diluted with normal saline and plated out upon gelatine with a view to discovering whether the original cultures were pure or a mixture of organisms. From I a pure culture was obtained : the ulcers of II and III produced a mixed culture of two organisms, one of which was identical with that from I. All liquefied gelatine within forty-eight hours. Heart Blood. — From I a bacillus was obtained which was identical with the bacillus of the ulcers. From II was obtained a growth of a bacillus which was at once differentiated from the others by its inability to liquefy gelatine, ^o growth was obtained from III. Liver. — I gave a bacillus identical with that derived from the ulcer and blood of the same fish. No growth was obtained from II, and no culture was taken from the liver of III. Water. — Two distinct organisms were isolated. The one closely resembled the organism obtained from the ulcer of I and one of the organisms from the mixed cultures given by the ulcers of II and III. The other resembled the non-liquefying bacillus obtained from the heart blood of II. Three organisms therefore have to be described : — Bacillus A : derived from the ulcers of all three fish, and from the liver and heart blood of I. Upon agar this gives a raised yellowish growth with clear transparent edges. It grows well upon all ordinary solid media at cold incubator temperature or at room temperature. At 37° C, in the warm incubator, the growth is scanty, almost invisible on the few media upon which it exists, and it loses its viability in two or three days at this tem- perature. It has little or no action upon the common 158 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. sugars in 0'5 per cent, solution in peptone broth, and milk is unclianged after seven days' incubation. Gelatine is liquefied in thirty-six hours. Morphologic- ally it is a stout curved bacillus which shows longer straight forms. It is Gram-negative. Bacillus B: derived from the ulcers of II and III, and identical with the liquefying bacillus obtained from the water sample. This organism is closely allied to A in its character- istics as regards growth at different temperatures. It grows best at ^0° C. less well at room temperature, and apparently not at all at 37° C. Even at room tempera- ture it loses its viability upon solid media in 5-6 days and must be frequently sub-cultured. Its ap])earance on solid media is very like that of B. coli, clear, transparent, only becoming at all clouded at the bottom of the tube. It liquefies gelatine within forty-eight hours. Morpho- logically it is a slight slender bacillus, about the same length as .4, and also shows some tendency to curve. It is Gram-negative. Bacillus C. This differs from /I and B in not liquefying gelatine. It was derived from the heart blood of II and from the sample of water. In shape and size it resembles A, and is (jram-negative. Smears were made from ulcer, liver, and blood of I, and the accompanying micro-photogra])lis (PI. II, figs. 1-3) show the distribution of the bacilli in these. Since this fish had been dead at least two days when examined', the tissue might have become invaded with intestinal organisms and the bacilli seen may represent secondary invaders, hut it is significant that the cultures obtained from this fish correspond w itli those from the others. Furtliei', no barilli were observed in smears made from liver and blood of two other fish, not ulcerated, which SEA-FISHEETES LABORATORY. 159 were also sent to Liverpool after being fonnd dead in the pond. Bacillus A has some characters in common with Bacillus Salmonis-pestis, which, however, is not viable in sea-water. AVhether any of these bacilli tluis isolated have an actual connection with the ulceration can only be determined by experiments, such as those of Hume Patterson on B. Salvionis-ijestis, with fish living- in water to which cultures of the organisms have been added. We hope to carry out experiments of this nature with all three bacilli and to incorporate the results in a future report. COXCLUSIOXS. When the disease first appeared in 1905 Johnstone* regarded it as due to an entomophthoran fungus, appar- ently closely related to the genus ConiJinhoh/s, which he discovered in the viscera (liver, kidney, and mesenteries) of some of the affected fish. He notes the characteristic ulceration of the surface of the body. This fungus we believe to have been a secondary condition. The fish which died in 1905 were affected with the same super- ficial ulceration as those which we have examined, and this condition has been constantly present among the Port Erin fish ever since. None of the fish which we have seen have shown any signs of fungus in any of the viscera, and it was by no means constantly present even in the fish which Johnstone examined. He remarks that though many of the dead fish showed no signs of fungus, the surface lesions were of the same nature in all the fish. He was unable to find any trace of fungus in the ulcers. We believe, therefore, that this fungus was a secondary condition, the case being comparable to that of salmon disease. This fungus appears to have died out. . *Eep. Lane. Sea-Fish. Lab. XIV, 1905 (1906), p. 179. IGO TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Anderson* has recently described a very similar disease among whiting- and plaice from Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen. He gives the following descri])tion of the ulcers on the plaice: — "They commenced in paling and desquamating spots, spreading rapidly to form large ulcerated areas, often one to two inches in diameter. The edges of the ulcers were deeply undermined, the base often extending down to the muscular tissue. . . . The base of the ulcers often presented a very injected appear- ance." This would apply equally well to the Port Erin fish. TJie disease described by Anderson was apparently more virulent than the present one, though its virulence seems to have decreased towards the end of the period he mentions; thus during September and October 187 dead plaice were removed from the pond, while from that until December 26th onl\- 13 more were found. Anderson regards the disease as some form of septicaemic poisoning, possibly caused by sewage-borne organisms. The pathogenic organism seems to have been the StapJiyJoroccus pyogenes aureus, which was obtained from all the superficial lesions examined and from the blood in most cases. In this respect, therefore, It differs from the disease now descl-ibed. The Port Erin disease canuot be due to sewage pollution, as the water is remarkably pure, and the fish are obtained from areas where there can be no question of pollution. These septicaemic conditions may be due to various organisms acting on fish which are under abnormal conditions. As regards fresh-water fish, Ceresole* has described a bacillus causing ulcerative septicaemia in gold-fish (Carrassius auratus). * 28th Ann. Rep. Fish. Bd. Scotland, Pt. Ill, 1911. t Zcntr. fur Bakt. und Parasitenkunde, Bd. 28, 1900. Plate I. i^ ^^k |. A g^P ^ ^k K -^ ^. H i e'i**^ H V PPF 1 1 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. DISEASED PLAICE. Plate II. \^k ^ N ¥ '' .« > « • # BACILLI FROM DISEASED PLAICE. SEA-FISHERIES L.ABOEATORY. 161 It lias been suggested that these lesions are due to accidental injuries received either in the trawl or in the storage pond. While it is not impossible that such injuries may be a slight contributing factor, we cannot regard them as the cause. If they were, it would be very difficult to account for the absence of disease prior to 1905, though the conditions of capture and storage have undergone no change since that year. Taking all the evidence into consideration we believe, though we do not consider it definitely proved as yet, that this disease is bacterial and probably connected with one of the three bacilli which we have described. The condition is, then, a septicaemia strictly comparable to those described by Anderson and Ceresole. All the evidence appears to us to point to this conclusion. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate I. Fig. 1. — Head of diseased Plaice showing ulceration. Fig. 2. — Another specimen showing ulceration at base of dorsal fin. Plate II. Fig. 1. — Smear from an ulcer of Fish I, showing the Bacilli. From a micro-photograph. Fig. 2. — Smear from liver of Fish I. From a micro-photograph . Fig. 3.- — Blood-smear from Fish I. From a micro- photograph. 162 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. PUBLIC HEALTH BACTERIOLOGY IX THE LAXCASHIRE SEA FISHEIMES DISTRICT. By Professor AY. A. Herdmax, D.Sc, F.R.S. After twenty years of scientific work on shell-fisli and sewage in connection with the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Committee, and just when the promised Government grant will enable that work to be extended and put on a ])er- manent basis for the future, it seems, now, the a])prupriate time to summarise what has been done in the past and to state the views and the actions which that work has led up to. The Lancashire and Western Sea-Fisheries Committee has jurisdiction over the largest shell-fish producing areas in the British Isles; and the Scientific Staff of this Fisheries District can claim to have been pioneers in the, application of scientific methods of research to these great shell-fish beds, and especialh' in the investigation of sewage jjollution as a possible danger to the public healtii. The connection between the consumption of polluted shell- fish and epidemics of enteric disease is now too well established to need further demonstration. It is admitted in the Reports of the Local Government Board and of the Royal Commission on vSewage Disposal and in many other authoritative works. The chances of sewage pollution on our populous shores are, and have been for the last few decades, constantly increasing ; and some sea-side localities are certainly, in their present condition, quite unfit for the cultivation or storage of sliell-fish intended for human food. On the other hand the magnitude of the shell-fish industries around the British Islands, the number of men and their families engaged directly or indirectly, and the value of these food supplies to the SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 163 nation must not be forgotten. Here we have, on the one hand a growing menace to the public health, and on the other the threatened reduction, if not destruction, of a great industry. The prospects of averting, or at any rate of minimising, both these evils depend upon a more intimate and accurate knowledge of the connection between the shell-fish and the disease germs, and the relation of both to their common environment ; and the opportunity has thus been given for scientific investiga- tions on a large scale and leading to results of far-reaching importance. The local bacteriological work on sheli-fisli was beffun in the spring of 1895, when my late colleague Professor (afterwards Sir Hubert) Boyce was visiting me at Port Erin and we joined in work, both on the shore and in the Biological Station, on the bacteriology of re-laid American Oysters (obtained from Liverpool and Fleetwood) under various conditions. These experiments showed that oysters laid down only a short distance apart differed enormously in their bacterial contents. Taking Bacillus coll as an example, a certain standard culture made from an oyster laid near the mouth of a small sewer gave 17,000 colonies, while a similar culture from those laid a little distance off in purer water had only 10 colonies. This work at Port Erin formed the subject of a paper read by Professor Boyce and myself before Section D. (Zoology) at the Ipswich meeting of the British Association in September, 1895. Shortly after this, in October, 1895, public attention was directed to the subject in a sensa- tional manner by the serious outbreak of enteric fever amongst those at the Stirling County ball, who had unwisely supped on oysters which were afterwards proved to be in a very doubtful condition. This occurrence was followed by a wide-spread "oyster scare" which led to a. 164 TEAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. comprehensive investig-ation of shell-fish beds and layings round the coasts of England and Wales, and the publica- tion, in the following year (1896), of a Local Government Board Report by the late Dr. H. Timbrell Bulstrode, with an additional Report on the bacteriology by Dr. E. Klein. In the meantime Professor Boyce and I continued our investiffations on the bacterioloffv of shell-fish under various conditions, both at Port Erin and also in the Zoological and the Pathological laboratories of the University of Liverpool, with the help of several col- leagues, and read successive reports at the Liverpool (1896), the Toronto (1897) and the Bristol (1898) meetings of the British Association. We also published a paper on an unhealthy condition of American oysters associated with the accumulation of copper in the leucocytes (Proc. Royal Society, 1897) ; and finally incorporated all our results in a larger work "O^^sters and Disease," issued as a '* Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Memoir " in 1899. One of our first objects in all tliis work had been to determine whether sewage bacteria, such as the Bacillus coll comviunis and B. enteritidis sporogenes, occurred in the alimentary canal of the living oyster taken fresh from the beds — apart from what might be found in stored oysters obtained in towns from markets and shops. We also, in order to trace the history of the bacteria in the sliell-fish, infected oysters kept under experimental con- ditions, and examined these after fixed intervals of time, and so were able to show that the typhoid organism, for example, could be recovered from our experimental oysters up to 10 or 12 days after infection, and even under some conditions up to three weeks from the sea-water associated with the oysters. In the 1896 report (British Association— Liverpool pieeting) we dealt mainly with the bacteriology of tlie SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 165 oyster and the behaviour of Bnrilhi'^ fi/phosu.'! in sea-water and in the body of the shell-fish, and although we found that we were, on occasions, able to recover our experimental bacilli up to the twenty-first day from infected sea-water kept in the cold, still in most cases they disappeared before that time. At any rate there appears to be no multiplication either in the sea-water or in the body of the shell-fish -on the contrary, we found, as others* have done, that in clean sea -water the Bacdhis typhosus rapidly decreases in numbers. In further experiments where the infected oysters were subjected to a running stream of clean sea-water, the results were definite and uniform. There was in all cases a great diminution or total disappearance of the typhoid organism in from one to seven days. The stream of water enables the mollusc to purify its gills and alimentary canal, and so free itself from the results of sewage pollution ; and we found that in the great majority of cases most of the bacteria Avere in fact cleared out in the course of the first three days. A considerable amount of attention was also given in these reports to other diseased conditions of the oyster, and to the presence of copper and iron in abnormal quantities in the tissues of shell-fish from some localities. Some of the earlier Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory Reports, from 1895 onwards, gave brief notes of the work that we were doing on the bacteriology of the oyster, covering much the same ground as the report.s that were made to the British Association ; and as a general summary, in the Lancashire Report for 1903 I had an article, entitled " Sewage and Shell Fish," which dis- cussed the evidence that had been accumulated locally * De Giaxa has shown that even if pathogenic bacteria are able to live for a time in sterilised sea-water they soon die off in the struggle for existence with the bacteria of normal sea-water. 166 TBAXSACTIOXS LIVEETOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (and which had been laid before the Eoval Commission on Sewao-e Disposal* then sitting) in regard to the serious contamination by sewage of some of the shell-fish beds of the district. This article included the report by the late Mr. R. A. Dawson, then the Superintendent of the Fisheries District, on the mussel beds of our coasts in regard to danger of pollution by sewage, revealing a very serious state of affairs in seme parts of the district. In connection with this article in the 1903 Eeport we have the first of Mr. Johnstone's papers on the bacteriology of samples of mussels from tlie Mersey Estuary. This report was submitted to the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Committee and was also communicated to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries at their request. Mr. John- stone demonstrated the presence in these mussels of bacilli which were regarded as affording certain evidence of sewage pollution. This investigation was followed by the examination of samples of mussels from various other beds in the district; and in all these cases in whicli sewage contamination Avas reported upon from this Laboratory we did not rely upon the bacteriological evidence alone — that evidence throughout has been used as an impoitaiit corroboiatioii. bul not as the sole ])roof. In the fourth report of the Eoyal Commission on Sewage Disposal, 1904, the Commissioners state that they would not be justified in recommending that the closing of a sliell-fish bed or laying sliouhl depend as a maiter of routine on the results of the bacteriological examination, and ihis is very much the conclusion at which Mr. Johnstone and I had llien arrived as the I'esult of our experience, and it is the opinion that I gave in my evidence before the Roj-al Commission. In 190-i I expressed my views on the question of samples as follows : — • See Fourth Heport of the Commissioners, Cd. 1884, p. 90, 1904i SEA-FISHERIES LABORATOEY. 167 '' lu taking samples of suspected shell-fish I would attach great importance to personal supervision hy a scientific or fisheries expert. The samples should obviously not be taken by the parties interested, and they should not be taken by disinterested, but untrained collectors who may miss seeing some qualifying factor or some important piece of evidence. A knowledge of the local conditions, of the influence of tidal and other currents, and of prevalent winds, may be of great value in judging of the presence and extent of pollution, and of the parts [of the bed] liable to be affected at a particular time of day, or of the month. Consequently a personal examination of the locality by a scientific man is always important. Samples from various parts of the same bed may have to be taken at different states of the tide, and these should be chosen with knowledge and discrimination. "Any additional evidence that can be obtained from an inspection of the physical and biological conditions on the bed is all the more important because of our want of exact knowledge as to the meaning and value of some bacterio- logical results. The topographical observations and the laboratory work ought always to be considered together, and must be regarded as parts of the same investigation conducted by the one Authority. The bacteriological examination may at once confirm the field-work in such a manner as to leave no doubt as to the purity or pollution of the locality, or it may give useful indications which suggest the necessity for further observation of the local conditions. It may also give a measure of the amount of pollution. The question has been raised as to whether it is possible to fix a standard of pollution which should be regarded as dangerous to health. Can we say that all samples yielding say 10, or say 20 B. coll per c.c. must be condemned, but that those showing less than say 5 per M 168 TEAXSACTION^S LlVEttPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. e.c. may be tolerated? Before answering siicli a question we must have further inA-estigations. There are still too many of the points involved which are left in doubt. For example, we cannot be certain that all samples yielding 10 B. call per c.c. are equally dangerous. Even if we assume (as we probably may safely do) that pure oceanic sea-water is free from B. roJi and allied organisms, and that these are to be taken as an indication of some sewage contamination, we do not know how remote in time the pollution may have been and how comparatively harmless from a pathogenic point of view it may have become. It is possible, or even probable, that B. coli may be distributed to considerable distances in the excreta of fish and sea-birds, possibly with some modification. Then again, the bacteriology of the shrimp's alimentary canal requires examination, and we may add the fishes that feed upon the shrimp. There are also other sewage feeding invertebrates that may conceivably pass on some organisms and not others, and may favour the distribution of B. coli under circumstances that deprive its presence of any special [pathogenic] significance. " I am not arguing against the value of ba<;teriology, but against a possible abuse of the method, and in favour of a much wider investigation in which the laboratory work will in all cases be supplemented, guided and inspired by the marine biologist's work in the fiehl. I'lic case of each estuary, bed, or laying must be regarded as a separate ])i'()l)leni to ])c solved witli a full kuowledoe of all the local conditions." In 1905 Mr. Johnstone reported to oui- Scientihc Sub-Committee on the detailed examination of the Llan- fairfeclian mussel IxmI in tlic Mciiai Sti'aits. lie and I)i'. -Jenkins personally collected samj)les for analysis an undertaken in consequence of these communications. It was, for example, a statement received from the Medical Officer of Health of an inland town that gave rise to Mr. Johnstone's report on the bat^teriological conditioji of the mussel beds in the Estuary of the Wyre. It is clear tliat although the degree of pollution is not so great there as in other known cases, the examination was very desirable, and further investigation of that neighbourhood may become necessary. The importance of such work, carried out in cd-opcrat ion with th(> Public Health Uflicci's of the towns to which shell-Hsh arc consigned, can scarcely be over-estimated, and it is gratifying to liiul that Dr. Bulstrode, in his recently published " Report on Shell-fish other than Oysters in relation to J)isease " (Local Government Board, Cd. 5313, 1911), refers in SEA-FISHERIES LABOEATORY. 17? appreciative terms to the investigations on shell-fish, both under healthy and unhealthy conditions, which have been carried out by the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Committee. Dr. Bulstrode's companionship and co-operation in these investigations have been of great value to us, and it has been encouraging to find that we were generally taking the same view of the problems that he did, and were reporting on the various localities in very* similar terms. As a final reference to his recent Report, I may point out, for the information of our local Committee, that, in discussing the possible machinerv' for the regulation of shell-fish areas, Dr. Bulstrode refers to the further valuable work that might be carried out by a vSea-Fisheries Committee organised for scientific research as ours is, and says: " The Officers of the Lancashire ami Western Sea-Fisheries Committee have, under the guidance of the Honorary Director, Professor Herdman, F.R.S., together with Dr. J. Travis Jenkins, Mr. James Johnstone, and Mr. Andrew Scott, made a detailed survey of the shell-fish beds and areas in their district, and of the sewers and drains which discharge in their vicinity. They have also from time to time made valuable bacteriological examinations of the waters and shell-fish in different places, and have conducted experiments as regards the re-laying of shell-fish, which are likely to prove of permanent value both to the shell-fish industry itself and to the public health "' (loc. cit., p. 123). This recognition of the value of the Committee's work in the Official Report of the Government Depart- ment directly concerned should encourage and stimulate those who are doing the work, and may justify the Committee in undertaking a larger expenditure on these very necessary investigations. Turning now to the last, and perhaps the most 178 TEAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. important piece of sliell-fisli work Ave have undertaken in connection with public health, it was as far back as the summer of 1906 that Mr. Johnstone, in consequence of information we had received as to the condition of shell- fish sent to the markets, commenced the investigation of the mussel beds in the Estuary of the Conway, in North Wales, an investigation which has been carried on intermittently until the present time, and is probably not yet finished. The Conway mussel industry is of considerable importance. Amounts of up to 6,000 cwt. per month (of the value of over <£T00) were sent from Conway during part of 1906, to Manchester, Leeds, Huddersfield, Halifax, Nottingham, and other inland towns. Sewage, however, is discharged into the Estuary at Conway, and also into the river above, and there can be no doubt that a considerable degree of pollution of the mussels is present. Several out- breaks of enteric fever in inland towns have now been attributed, by Public Health Officers, to Conway mussels. Public enquiries have been held, and a great deal of further work, both topographical and bacteriological, has been done by Mr. Johnstone since his ])reliminary paper in our Pc])ort for 1906. Moreover, iiJi cxiiiu illation of the beds was niade along with Dr. Bulstrode in 1907, and along with an Inspector from the Fishmongers' Company in 1908, and our results were entirely confirmed by these inde])endent authorities. But alth()U' Ihis 1o])()<>Taphicnl details must be fully considered ; and the results of the further bacteriolop-ical annlvscs ;ito to br interpreted in the li^rht of sucli (Icliiils. It is doublful whether we are ever justified in ii])])lying llic icsiiUs ol b;i(t(>rIol(i<4Mc;i I Dualvsis alone in administTativ(> rouiine. It would, lu) SEA-FISHERIES LABOEATORY 185 doubt, be very simple, and would seem desirable, if a Local Authority were able to reject or approve a con- signment of shell -fisli on the results of a routine examination in the bacteriological laboratory, and, if this were possible, much trouble would be avoided. TTnfortunately, this simple procedure is not adequate, the trouble must be taken, common- sense topographical evidence must be considered or in many cases unjustifiable hardship would be inflicted on the fishermen, the industry would be seriously damaged, and the real source of pollution might fail to be traced. Over and over again in our local work we have come upon cases where either a favourable or an unfavourable bacteriological report in regard to a bed might have resulted according to the exact spot from which samples were gathered or the precise conditions under which they were taken. Moreover, in other cases we have shown that the bacteriological results can only be properly interpreted by those who have an intimate knowledge of the natural history of the locality. All this kind of work, in the interests both of the public health and also of the fishermen wlio make their living from the shell-fish industries, ought to be under- taken in all cases by a biological Bacteriologist who is at the same time a good Field IS'aturalist and a Fisheries Expert. In a rational bacteriology upon which regulation of an industry may come to be based, and from which conclusions as to the source and the history of the infection may have to be drawn, it is not sufficient inerely to record the proportion of a certain sample of shell-fish in which a certain organism was observed. For example, the type of statement which one meets with in the annual reports of Medical Officers of Health, that 186 TRAXS ACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY out of SO many oysters or mussels examined during the year a certain number contained " coli " and a certain number " enteritidis/" is useless for all practical pur- poses, and cannot lead to any result. As I have shown above, the significance of " coli " infection lies not in the mere presence but in the relative abundance of the org-anism. Records of the bacteriology of samples of shell-fish are futile unless one knows in detail where the sheil-fish came from, the conditions under which they were collected, their history since tlie time of collecting and the relative number of each kind of organism present. The presence of such an organism as /?. coli in relatively small (luantity, and possibly of remote origin, may be of no importance in connection Avith tlie public health, and at most it merely indicates the possibility that the shell- fish in question may under certain circumstances con- tain pathogenic organisms. When the number of organisms present is relatively great, and when there is topographical evidence of romparatively recent con- iamimition, then the risk of pathogenic organisms being present — whether actually isolated or not — is much greater, and condemnation of the shell-fish becomes justifiable. ]hit unless the relative amount of infection is determined, and the various factors in the environment affecting the problem are known in detail, tlie laboratory bacteriologist or public health official runs some risk of being deceived by the samples examined and of arriving at erroneous conclusions, from routine analyses, as to the real condition and history of the suspected shell-fisli in v(dation to sewage contamination. In sea-fisheries investigation and adniinisiralion we must be careful tliat bacteriology remains our useful servant and does nol become a t\'ranni(:il masiev. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. ' l87 KEPOET UN THE EXAMINATION OF THE MUSSEL BEDS IN THE ESTUARY OF THE WYRE WITH EEFERENCE TO THEIR LIABILITY TO CONTAMINATION BY SEWAGE. By James Joii^^stone, B.Sc. Early in the present year (1911) Dr. Jenkins received a communication from the Medical Officer of Health of an inland town with reference to a consign- ment of mussels said to have been sent from the Estuary of the Wyre. A bacteriological examination of these shell-fish had been made, and it was stated that the analysis gave evidence of an undesirable degree of pollution by sewage bacteria. In consequence of this report Dr. Jenkins suggested to me that it would be desirable to make an inspection of the condition of the mussel beds in the Wyre area ; all the more so since those shell-fish have not been examined since the former sewerage system of Fleetwood was replaced by that now in operation. I accordingly^ made three visits to the Wyre Estuary — on 9th February, 22nd February, and 9th March — and collected samples for examination on the two latter occasions. I also received a further sample of mussels on April 29th from Mr. John Wright, who collected the shell-fish according to instructions. I have much pleasure in acknowledging the assistance and co-operation of Mr. T. R. Bailey, the Port Sanitary Inspector, who accompanied me and Mr. J. AVright on each of our visits of inspection. The sketch chart of the sewage outfalls reproduced here has been marked by Mr. Bailey from the Surveyor's plans. 188 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Fleetwood Sewage Outfalls. The whole of the Fleetwood sewage was formerly discharged into the Wyre at various points between the docks and ferry, through separate outfall sewers, and it is these that are shown on the chart published by the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal. At the present time the untreated sewage of the Urban District (the population of which in 1909 was estimated at 15,000) is intercepted by a sewer which runs westwards towards the Rossall shore, and discharges through an 18-inch outfall sewer near Rossall Landmark. There is a storm overflow near the pumping station on the Eossall side, and another storm overflow discharges into Fleetwood Harbour. There are two very small sewers near the Knottend Ferry. The Wyre also receives the untreated sewage from Poulton-le-Fylde from an outfall dis- charging on the West side of the Estuary near Skippool Marsh; and a small sewer discharges on the East side, about half a mile above Wardley's Hotel near the brook called Peg's Pool. In addition to these outfalls there are drains conveying effluents from (1) a flsh oil works, (2) a fisli curing house, and (3) a fish meal works, all of whicli factories are situated on the side of the Estuary near the docks. These drains are 6-inch pipes about 100 to about 300 yards long. They discharge on the beach well above the level of low water of ordinary tides, and the effluents reach the channel through little brooks, and flow right over the mussel beds, between Preesall and the docks. There is also a small drain from an ice factory, opening into the harbour. It will be gatheied from the foregoing description, and from the sketch chart, that the conditions in the Wyre Estuary, as regards liability of sewage contamina- vSEA-FISIIEKlES LABORATORY. 18y tion of the mussels and oysters bedded there, are fairly good. There cau be no question of the Fleetwood sewage fouling the mussel beds in the Wyre : it is discharged on to the Rossall shore where there are no shell-fish beds — at least none that need concern us here; and if we may assume that the storm overflow in the harbour always serves the purpose for which it was designed, we may W FLEETV/OOD J dismiss the question of the sewage of Fleetwood itself. Two sources of pollution need only be considered, (1) the effluents from the works mentioned above, and (2) the sewage of Hambleton and Poulton-le-Fylde. It was the presence of these sources of pollution that made bacteriological analyses necessary. iOO THAXSACTIOXS LiVERroOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Bacteriological Analyses. (1) Mussels from the beds near the docks (2 analyses). (2) Mussels from the beds at Wardley's. (3) Estuarine water from the channel near the docks. (4) Water from the channel adjacent to the Wardley's h'erry Slip. (5) Effluents from the fish oil and fish meal works. Methods. I give an outline of the methods of analj'sis; obviously the comparative value of such analyses depends on the methods employed. Griinbaum's neutral-red, bile-salt, lactose agar medium was employed for the isolation of the bacteria regarded as significant of faecal pollution. Five mussels formed a sample. The soft parts were removed from the shells and cut up finely with scissors, then ground up in a mortar, and made up to a volume of 250 c.c. with sterile water. One c.c. of this emulsion, containing l/50th part of a single mussel, was then plated in the agar medium mentioned ; five such plates were made in each analysis. One c.c. of tlie water was similarly plated. In the case of the manufacturing effluents dilutions were made so that 1 c.c. of each corresponded to 01, 001, O'OOl of the original liquid. 1 c.c. of the original Ii(jui(l, and 1 c.c. of each diluent, were plated as in the case of tlie water. In all cases the usual precautioDS to obtain sicrilify of tlie api)aratus and materials used were taken; and control plates to test the vsterility (to the agar medium employed) of the water used for dilution, the air of the laboratory, aiid the hands of the operator, were made. The icsults ol' the analyses were as follows: (1) Mussels Fioni 1 he beds near the docks. — (a) Taken at low water of a neaj) tide : The average SEA-FISIIERIES LABORATORY. 191 iiiniiber of iiitestiuul bacteria coutaiiied in one mussel was (ib. {h) Taken at low water of a spring tide: The average number of intestinal bacteria contained in one mussel was 90. (2) Mussels raked from the channel near Wardley's Ferry Slip : The average number of intestinal bacteria contained in one mussel was 150. (3) Estuarine water from the channel adjacent to the place where samples (1) and (2) were taken : 1 c.c. of the water contained, on the average, OT bacteria (less than one organism per 1 c.c). (4) Water from the channel adjacent to the Wardley's Ferry Slip : 1 c.c. contained, on the average, 22 intestinal bacteria. Those unfamiliar with the bacteriology of shell-fish and sewage effluents may best appreciate the meaning of these results from the following comparisons. As a standard result which may enable us to assign a value to the Wyre analytical figures we may take the case of the Estuary of the Conway River in North Wales, where the sources of sewage contamination are abundant and obvious ; and where there is actual epidemiological evidence of the transmission of enteric fever by the mussels taken from the estuary. Mussels taken from these beds contained, on the average, about 2,000 intestinal bacteria each, the analysis being made by methods identical with those described above.* * Mussels bought from a retail shop may be very much worse than those taken froin a badly polluted Estuarine area. In one sample bought from a low-class Liverpool fish-shop I found — as the average of ten mussels — that each shell-fish contained 17,150 intestinal bacteria. It must often be the case that multiplication of the contained bacteria — perhaps even direct re-infection — may take place during storage in insanitary premises ; and obviously it would be unfair to lay the blanie of such excessive pollution on the natural conditions of the beds from which the shell-fish were collected. 192 TKANSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In this case the water of the Estuary coutaiued, at the worst place sampled, 156 intestinal bacteria per c.c. ; and. on the average, 85 per c.c. Judged, then, by such standards the mussels taken from the Wyre near Fleetwood Docks, and from the channel at Wardley's, do not appear to be dangerously polluted ; and the water in the lower reach of the estuary is also passably clean. Two matters, however, appear to require special consideration. These are: — (1) The pollution of the Estuari/ at Wardley's. It will be seen that the average number of intestinal bacteria contained in the surface water near the Wardley's Ferry is too high to be neglected. At this point the influence of the pollution from Poultou, and that of the outfall sewer at Peg's Pool, are felt. Nevertheless, the mussels taken from the bottom of the channel at Wardley's are very similar as regards contamination to those from further down the Estuary. The sample taken was practically fresh water, and the sewage probably floats on the surface and may not generally come in actual contact with the mussels on the bottom of the channel. The mussels on the foreshore near low water mark may, at times, give evidence of more serious pollution, but it does not appear that these are taken for immediate marketable purposes. The conditions at this part of the Estuary might bo improved if tlie Poulton sewage were intercepted and discharged lor ;i slioit time only at the beginning of ebb tide. It would then be greatly diluted and would not seriously affect the shell-flsb at the bottom of the channel. So far as the results of these analyses go there does not ajjpear to be much danger of j)ollntion by tlie Poulton sewage, but nevertheless the relatively high bacterial SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 193 contents of the estuarine water at Wardley's does indicate the possibility of a fouling- of the mussels under certain circumstances. (2) The EffiMents from the Fish Refuse Worhs. Cultures were made from the effluent proceeding from the Fish Oil AVorks with the object of isolating any intestinal bacteria that might be contained therein. Plates inoculated with 1 c.c, 01 c.c. 001 c.c. and 0001 c.c. were made, but all were sterile, Bacillus coli being certainh^ absent from these quantities of the effluent. Similar quantities of the effluent from the Fish Meal Works were also anal^-sed. Plates containing 01, 001 and 0001 c.c. were sterile after 48 hours' incubation; but the plate containing 1 c.c. showed a small patch of colonies. This, however, was, I think, due to accidental contamination from a pipette used in inoculation. Ordinary domestic sewage may be taken as con- taining from 10,000 to 1,000,000 Bacillus coli per c.c. The effluents in question are no worse than the estuarine water, and so far as this analysis goes they need not be regarded as contributing to the pollution of the mussels by intestinal bacteria. These effluents are offensively smelling liquids. As discharged on the beach they were, when I saw them, clear, rather warm, and sometimes oily looking. The smell was not that of putrefying oi'ganic matter, but rather suggested aromatic compounds of some kind : phenol, however, was not present in appreciable quantity. Samples were placed in sterile flasks and incubated at ordinary room temperature, but the liquids did not contain any appreciable quantity of putrescible 194 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. substance, and the smell disappeared completely after two days. They were very slightly turbid, but no more so than ordinary river water. In February, 1908, a sample of one of these effluents was sent to me for examination. It was highly septic, containing (in nutrient agar cultures) over 100,000 and less than 1.000,000 bacteria per c.c. It contained no antiseptic substances, and when dosed with sugar an abundant growth of bacteria and infusoria appeared. It had the same offensive smell possessed by the effluents examined this year. It was subjected to chemical analysis at the County Laboratories, and gave the following results : — In parts per 100,000. Total solid matter in solution... ... 16332 Ox3'gen required to oxidise in (1) 15 minutes ... (2) 4 hours Ammonia Ammonia (from organic matter by dis- tillation with alkaline permanganate) Sulphuretted hydrogen Mixed with tap water (10 per cent, effluent and 90 per cent, water) and allowed to stand three hours, the mixture lost five-sixths of its total dissolved oxygen ; and allowed to stand twenty hours it lost twelve- thirteentlis of its dissolved oxygen. Tlio Aiuilyst reported tliat '' Fish would be suffocated for want of air in such a mixture of effluent and water, or even with a smaller proportion of effluent." I did not collect this sample myself, and am therefore unable to say whether or not the effluent may have been accidentally contaminated by bacteria during collection. 3-T 11-8 12-5 5-4 0-36 SEA-FISHEEIES LABOEATORY. 195 It does not appear probable that there is any danger of the pollution of the mussels b}- human or animal faecal matter by means of these effluents, and this is the danger with which we are more immediately concerned. But some attention should be directed to the pollution of the foreshore and shell-fish by a discharge which appears to be a noxious one, and which the Committee may be empowered to prevent. Whether or not the emanations from the Fish Oil and Fish Meal Works constitute a technical '" nuisance " is a matter for consideration by the local sanitary authority : but the fouling of the foreshore and shell-fish by an undoubted manufacturing efftueut (not a sewage effluent) is a matter that comes within the purview of the local fisheries authority. I would direct attention to the recently published report on the shell-fish beds of England and Wales by the late Dr. Bulstrode, of the Local Govern- ment Board, in whic-h this particular case of pollution is considered.* The effluents in question are described as offensive ones, and it is stated that the poor quality of the mussels on the foreshore is due to the detrimental effect of the effluents. In the Analyst's Report quoted above, the opinion is expressed that the liquids would be harmful to fish life because they would deprive the estuarine water of a large part of its contained oxygen. It is true that, as a rule, the discharge would be greatly diluted, still it would probably happen repeatedly that small parts of the mussel bed on the foreshore would be bathed in effluent which had undergone little dilution — even dilution to the extent of 90 per cent, would be likely to be prejudicial according to the chemical analysis — and * Supplement to Rept. Med. Off. Loc. Govt. Bd. for 1909-30- Shell-fish other than oysters in relation to disease. By H. T. Bulstrode, M.I)., p. 2-22 ; [Cd. 5313] 1911. 196 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEErOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. to that extent the discharge would be noxious to tlie fisheries. I do not know what is the precise nature of the manufacturing' process at either of the works mentioned ; or whether the effluents are always of approximately the same nature. Obviously further examination, from the point of view of the fisheries, is desirable. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 197 AN INTENSIVE STUDY OF THE MARINE PLANKTON AROFND THE SOUTH END OF THE ISLE OF MAN.—PAET Y. By W. A. Herdman, F.R.S.. and Andrew SroTT, A.L.S. METHODS. The work was carried on during 1911 on the same lines as in ])revious years. Mr. W. Riddell ajgain gave most efficient lielp at sea, in the observations taken from the yacht; Mr. Chadwick and Mr. T. N. Cregeen, of the Port Erin Biological Station, collected the samples from Port Erin Bay throughout the year; the two authors divided the rest of the work as before; and Miss H. M. Lewis, in the Zoological Department of the University of Liverpool, devoted a great deal of time and trouble to compiling the statistics, tables, curves and diagrams from which this paper is written. The work at sea from the steam-yacht '' Runa " was carried on for some weeks in April, and again in the later summer (August and September), usually the two most important times of planktonic change. During the rest of the year, statistical weekly gatherings were taken for us in Port Erin Bay, in accordance with a uniform plan, by the staff of the Biological Station. We do not propose this year to make such a detailed statement of the results as we have done for previous years, but rather to give conclusions and comparisons, and to pick out for remark any matters that seem new or unusual. Consequently we would refer readers who are interested in a fuller discussion of any points we have already dealt with to the preceding four parts of this work. (See Reports for 1907-1910.) 198 TKANSACTIONS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. M ATEi? lAL Available . The coUectioiis made this year have amounted to over 500 — within the limited area oft: tlie Isle of Man to which this " Intensive Study"' applies. This series compares with those of former years, as follows: — Year. At Sea, from Yacht. In Bay throughout Year. Totals Spring. Autumn. 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 218 156 329 107 120 279 242 147 249 84 138 157 231+49 296 314 635 555 756^ 652 518 Totals ... 930 1,001 1,185 3,116 Tliese make about 1000 in each of tlie thi-ee vertical columns —Spring, Autumn and Bay -and from over oOO to over 750 for each of the five years in question. The remarks made in tlie previous Eeports about tlie nets used and the methods adopted ap])ly again; but for the vertical hauls we have used almost wholly the Nansen net, either ()])en throughout the haul or closed after traversing a certain zone. The other nets used were " coarse " and " fine " (No. '^'0 silk) horizontal, '"funnel" net, '"Otter" net, '"medium Nansen," "large Nansen," and "Shear" net. All these nets and tlie methods in whicdi we use them have been sufficiently described in the ])revious parts of this study. PLANKTON OF PORT ERIN BAY IN 1911. The plan adopted lor the last few years in regard to the ])hiiik1oii saiiiph's fiom Port I'ain ]5ay has been to take two horizontal (coarse and flue nets) and one vertical haul twice each week' throughout the year — thus giving SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 199 six samples in the week. The twelve months in 1911 are represented as follows : — Months ... I II III IV ! V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Gatherings 27 18 30 31 27 31 ; 27 23 27 22 24 27 Each month is thus represented by a considerable amount of material, the average per month being about 26 hauls. The lowest monthly records are 18 for February and 22 for October, and the highest, 31 for April and June. It has to be added that in April, August and September additional material, obtained from the " Runa " outside the bay, is also available for comparison. Treating these records in the same way as in previous years and comparing the results we find that : — (1) The monthly averages for the horizontal nets are not quite so large as those of last year. In 1910 the highest was 63 c.c; in 1911 it was 46 c.c. (2) The maximum was reached a month later — in May in place of April. If we analyse this maximum into its three most important constituents, we find that in 1911: — The Diatom maximum was in May. The Dinoflagellate maximum was in June. The Copepod maximum was in July. The vertical hauls at the mouth of the Bay, as on previous occasions, agreed well in their evidence with the much larger bulk of material obtained from the horizontal nets. The maxima in the vertical hauls were at the times stated above and the quantities were : — In 1910 (April and Mayj about 4 c.c. per haui. In 1911 (May and June) about 5 c.c. per haul. o 200 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY It may be noted here that in 1911 the hours of sunshine reached the monthly maximum in May, and the total number was considerably greater than that of 1910. (See below under Sunshine.) If now we neglect the vertical hauls — which are not directly comparable with the horizontal — and treat each pair of coarse and fine net samples taken at the same time as forming together a single double haul, we get the following result for the twelve months: — Double Average Diatoms. Dinoflag- Copepoda. Copepod Copepod 1911. hauls, catch. ellates. juv. naupUi. .January 9 3-6 52,064 3,511 3,314 188 1,553 February ... 0 4-0 60.528 2,508 2,579 222 2,537 March " 10 4-4 245,851 2,495 1,013 175 3,062 April 11 90 240,446 901 2,752 246 3,520 Mav 9 460 24,201,900 26,230 9,187 2,039 15,240 June .... 11 37-3 3,767,835 50,365 25,285 1,762 44,820 July 9 18-8 8,209 18,967 75,.533 1,229 62,618 August 8 11-4 1,998 1.510 61,351 2,426 35,058 September ... 9 15-3 928,501 8,818 31,651 2,426 44,244 October 8 14-5 4,742,791 10,510 18,5.59 1,700 32,058 November ... 8 5-5 .506,729 6,574 20,741 894 8,058 December ... 9 3-4 124,144 5,131 10,492 124 5,190 This table serves for comparison with those we have published for 1909 in Part III, p. 212, and for 1910 in Part IV, p. 199; and shows very clearly the average monthly catches, forming a simple curve rising steadily from 'i'G c.c. in January to 40 c.c. in May, and then declining to ;3'4 c.c. in December. It also sliows tlie two maxima in the Diatom column, the first in May with over 24 millions and the second in October with nearly 5 millions. I'inally the succession of maxima, Diatoms in Mav, Diiioflagellates in rlune, and Copepods in tluly, is clearly seen. These maxima are all large ones, in the case of Diatoms and Copepoda much larger than in the previous two years, and in the case of the Dinofiagellates only exceeded by that of 1910. If we add together Diiitoins niid Diiioflagellates in SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 201 May and June (the months when phytoplankton pre- dominates), and compare the total with that for Copepoda (both young and adult) in July and August (months of the zooplankton maximum) the contrast is obvious. Phytoplankton. Zooplankton. May + June 28,046,330 98,333 July + August 30,684 238,215 These are, moreover, not the largest hauls in any of the cases, but only monthly averages; and in the right- hand column it is only the Copepod zooplankton that is taken into account. Still the dilt'erences are quite sufficient to show the changes in the nature of the pre- dominant plankton in passing from the one period to the other. It is always necessary to analyse the total numbers for the days, or nets, whenever a sudden change is seen, in order to determine what has caused the change. For example, in 1911, on April 21st the total catch in the coarse net went up to 225 c.c. from an average of about 40 c.c. during the previous gatherings of the same net that month. The gathering immediately before, on April 18th, was 4"5 c.c. Now this great increase in bulk — about five-fold — was not due to any increase in numbers in any one of the more important groups, as the following figures will show : — Diatoms. Dinoflag- Copepoda. Copepod ellates. nauplii. April 18 4-5 c.c. 238,000 3,000 7,651 7,000 AprU21 22-5 c.c. 194,000 0 2,403 4,800 It is evident that these figures for Diatoms, Copepoda, etc., do not account for the rise in volume of April 21st. It is necessary, then, to examine the specific details, when we find that an increase in the number of Medusae, polychaet larvae, fish eggs, and a few other larger 202 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. organisms occurred on the 21st, and caused the increase in the volume of the catch although not in the number of organisms caught. In the case, on the other" hand, of a sudden rise early the following month from 7 c.c. on May 4th to 20o c.c. on May 10th, the number of Diatoms rose from 115,450 to 2,268,750, which quite accounts for the increase in volume of the catch, and this Avas in fact the beginning of the vernal Diatom maximum, and the numbers of c.c. went on in the next few days to 857, 42'8, etc., all caused bv Diatoms in tens of millions. As an example of how thick the water was with phytoplankton at the time, it may be stated that on May 16th, when the largest horizontal hauls were obtained (42'8 in coarse, and ()()'2 in the fine net), the vertical net hauled througli only six fathoms gave 17'2 c.c. (a very large haul for tlie vertical net) and contained nearly three millions of Diatoms. As a contrast to that, we have a month later the vertical net, on June 15th, giving 16 c.c. (nearly the same volume of catch) with only 8,200 Diatoms. On looking into the specific details the cause is seen to be the great increase in the number of Copepoda on the latter date. Bay Diatoms. Tlie following notes as to the occurrence of the Diatoms at Port Kr'ni at the time of the vernal maximum were taken at the time of collecting, but have been revises! and added to since as a result of examining the caiches in detail : — May ]-]f/i. — Tlie Vernal Diatoms now appearful in (jiKiiil il ics (ciilni wciitlicf with a iiiaiked I'ise in temperature). May Idtli. — Tow-net gath(Mings large, and consisted almost entirely of Diatoms (weather continues SEA-FISIIERIES LABORATORY. 203 calm and the increase in temperature is main- tained). May l\)t}i. — Diatoms occurred in very large quan- tities, especially in the fine net. May 22nd. — Catches rather smaller, but Diatoms still in abundance, even in the vertical net (weather still fine and warm). May 2bth. — Diatoms much less numerous. Fine net had only about one-tenth, or less, of the gatherings on May 19th (no obvious change in weather conditions). All the above large catches of Diatoms consisted almost entirely of species of Chaetoceras. It was not until a week later that Riiizosolenia (chiefly R. semi- spina) made its appearance. It reached its maximum early in June, and then gradually died off. By the beginning of July the Diatoms had practically disappeared. The following gives the c^uautity of plankton and the total number of Diatoms present in each haul of the fine net taken during the month of the Diatom maximum : — Date. Quantity in c.c. Total Diatoms. May 1 2-5 43,.360 4 1-0 10,610 „ 10 6-5 525,680 „ 13 30-2 19,118,000 „ 16 60-2 .54.U1..500 „ 19 54-5 34.447,500 „ 22 30-5 27,775.000 „ 25 8-3 2,504.500 „ 29 14-8 22.023,100 June 1 11-3 4,926,000 3 24-7 12,943.000 5 12-7 2,6.56,000 The sudden rise on June ord is due to Rhizosolenia semispina. The figures given above for May are unusually large, and the increase from about ten thousand on May 4th to over fifty-four millions on May 204 TEANS ACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 16tb is most rapid. The most abundant species were Chaetoceras dehile and Ch. socinle. On May 16th the first of these species reached 30,000,000, and the second 12,000,000 per haul. The More Important Genera of Diatoms. We have taken out again the same seven genera as in our last report, viz., Biddulphia, Chaetoceras, Coscinodiscus, Rhizosolenia, TJtalassiosira, Guinardia and Landeria. We think it unnecessary to print the detailed tables again this year. Those we gave last year (Part IV, pp. 204-6) form a very good example, and we shall merely note here the points in which the details for each of the seven genera differ in 1911 from those recorded for 1910. BiddulpJiia. — Does not attain to quite such high numbers in spring this year, and the highest record (312,560) is in April in place of March; but after dying out completely in summer, the genus has a second, and this year a greater, maximum in November (660,600 on November 24th), when there is the high monthly average of 341,231— last year it was under 40,000. Chaetoceras. — Last year the maximum of this genus (49 millions) was in April. This year it is a month later with 68 millions on May 16th. The autumnal, smaller maximum is larger than in the previous year, and reaches over 10 millions on October 2nd, and about 6 millions on October 16th and 19th. Coscinodiscus. — The spring maximum was earlier this year than in 1910, and reached 392,400 on March 14th. An unusually late haul was 79,290 on May 1st. The autumii increase was unusually great, the maxima being 42,400 on October 10th, 44,700 on October 16th, SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 205 and 40,450 on November 2Tth, as against 11,400, the highest number in these montlis in 1910. Rhizosolenia. — This important genus again had its maximum in June, but did not reach so high a point as in 1910. Notable hauls are 2,160,000 on May 22nd, 2,880,000 on May 29th, four hauls of from ^ to over 10 millions between June 3rd and 8th. The autumnal increase this year did not amount to much, the largest haul being 276.000 on October 19th. Thalassiosirn. — The spring maximum was again in May, with 1,120.000 on May 29th. Quantities of several hundred thousand per haul remained until June 5th, and then the genus suddenly disappeared and was unrepre- sented until October 5th, when 287,000 were taken in one haul. Guinardia.- — This genus is very poorly represented this year, the highest figure being 204,000 on June 1st, compared with nearly nine millions the previous year. Lauderia. — This form also shows smaller numbers than in 1910. The only haul of over a million was 1,203,500 on May 19th— whereas it attained to 20 millions in April, 1910. We add here the monthly averages of these seven genera of Diatoms, as follows: — 1911. Biddul- Chaeto- Coscino- Rhizoso- Thalassi- Guinardia. Lauderia. phia. ceras. discus. lenia. osira. Jan 31,758 11,903 5,119 64 0 22 0 Feb 38,150 8,606 11,572 50 0 133 33 March 124,225 41,990 73,796 1,425 0 283 160 April 115,823 86,185 34,890 1,650 0 82 150 May 21,139 22,745,683 17,531 858,208 217,329 27,938 312,363 June 2,073 1,431,005 200 2,121,226 135,073 60,656 12,864 July 0 478 0 7,180 0 551 0 August ... 219 1,437 12 310 0 31 0 Sept 11,110 868,017 1,479 21,018 0 481 1,511 Oct 142,690 3,956,047 25,444 72,622 84,462 987 41,387 Nov 341,231 143,251 17,402 0 12 2,597 12 Dec 77,788 31,159 9,411 0 0 4 0 206 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The above table brings out clearly the marked Diatom maximum in May, the minimum in July and August when very few Diatoms were present, and the second or autumnal maximum in October. The vernal and autumnal maxima are shown unusually clearly by Thalassiosira, which was present only at these periods, being totally absent from November to the end of April, ■and in July, August and September. Placed in the order of their highest monthly averages throughout the year, i liese common Diatoms are as follows : — March — Coscinodiscus. May — Chaetoceras, ThaJassiosird and Lavderia. June — RhizosoJenia and Guinardia. November — BJdduljjhia. On the whole, the regularity of occurrence and of waxing and waning througliout the j'ear, rather than differences from year to year, is what strikes the observer as of primary importance. Biddulphia mobiliensis and B. sinensis. Both the species of Biddulphia which we have been obtaining in quantity during recent years (B. mobiliensis and B. sinensis) occurred in October this year, and even occasionally in September, an unusually early appearance for B. sinensis. Fig. 1 shows a typical example of a ])hiiikton containing abundance of both species, the longer and relatively narrower forms in the figure being B. sinensis, and the shorter, nearly square forms, B. mobiliensis : there are, of course, other differences which are not seen clearly in iliat figure. In llx" more enlarged micro-photogi'aph (fig. 2), a poiiiis to a iypii al B. mobiliensis as seen in our district, and b to an SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 207 Fig. 1. £? J ite*<~i \> Fig. 2. 208 TRANSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. example of B. sinensis. Our B. viohiliensis uudoubtedly approaches the form " rer/ia,'" reg^arded as a distinct though allied species by Ostenfeld (Medd. Kom. Havimders., Plankton, Bd. I. 6, 1908). Gran, in the Diatomacea of the Nordisches Plankton, unites these two forms as B. niohiliensis. In our district B. sinensis is of more elongated form than is shown in Ostenfeld' s figures. Most of our specimens of B. sinensis are very distinct and easily distinguishable from the mohiliensis-regia group by the shape and the position of the spines, but we have found one or two specimens during this last year where one end of the cell bore the characters of sinensis, while the other had the appearance of mohiliensis. Until, however, we get further specimens we do not propose to base any opinion as to the species upon this possibly abnormal form. We are watching the fresh material of B. sinensis carefully in the present j^ear (1912), and may return to the subject in our next report. DiNOFLAGELLATA. The monthly averages for Cerafimn and Feridiniunfi throughout 1911 were as follows: — 1911. Ceratium tripos. Peridinium spp. 1911. Ceratium tripos. Peridinium spp. 3,402 1,815 1,820 505 9,131 28,811 44 0 0 2 6,522 14,335 July 17,942 1.385 8,478 8,422 6,382 4,866 864 February ... March April August September October November... December ... 125 33 12 Mav 47 11 We have taken, in the case of Ceratium, the familiar form commonly known as C. tripos, without discriminating between the sub-species or varieties which SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 209 have been described. The other common species, C. fusus and C. furca, are also present, although they are not so abundant as C. tripos. Under Peridininm, in these reports in the past, we have united several different forms, and we do so again in the table above and the one that follows to preserve continuity ; but we shall give a further statement below as to the sab-genera and species of Peridinium that occur in our material. Looking at the figures from which the table of monthly averages has been compiled, we find that the numbers in the case of both Ceratiuin and PeridiniuTn begin to get larger towards the end of May, and reach their highest in June and early July. At that time of year (end of May and June), also, we find that all the common species are represented in all the nets used, as the following record of two adjacent hauls demonstrates : Species recorded Ceratium furca ... „ fusus ... „ tripos... Peridinium spp. May 29. June 1st. Coarse. Fine. Vertical. Coarse. Fine. 300 9,100 200 3,200 10,000 100 1,000 50 1,000 2,000 ; 4,500 3,500 1.50 8,800 10,000 6,600 10,000 250 10,000 20,000 1 Vertical. 2,000 1,.500 2,000 2,500 Although the above are representative hauls, they are none of them very large ones. We add the following records of greater numbers of C. tripos taken in single hauls : — June 19th, fine net 30,000 „ 30th, „ 30,000 30th, coarse net 36,400 July loth, „ 76,600 Sept. 8th, „ 57,000 210 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Irish Sea Species of Peridiuium. Mr. Eiddell has drawn up for us the following list, with diag'iioses, of the species of Peridininm we have found, so far, in our district. G. 3. Genus Peridinium. — Testa divided into plates; preciiigular plates seven, bottom plates Iavo. Sub-genus I. — Protoperidinium : Girdle nearer apex on right side ; usually no antapical horns ; spines may be present. (1) P. orhicvhu-e, Paulsen; globtihu', small; no spines and no apical hoin ; giidle almost equa- torial. L. 0"04 — 0045 mm. Rare in Irish Sea. (See fig. :], No. I.) (2) P. (> rat mil, Pouchet ; depressed; apical horn not prominent ; two anta])ical spines. L. 0062 mm., greatest breadth 0084 mm. Not un- common. (Fig. '], No. 2.) (3) P. sfeini, Jorg. : pyrifoini ; apical horn distinct; two antapical spines, each winged. 1j. 0045- 0-052 mm. Rare. (Fig. 3, No. ;J.) SEA-FISHERTES LABORATORY. 211 (4) P. ijelluciduin, Bergli ; pyriform ; girdle at right angles to long axis; three autapical spines. L. 0045— 0-068 mm. Eare. (Fig. 8, No. 4.) Sub-genus II. — Euperidinium : Girdle nearer apex on left side ; antapical horns often present. (1) P. depressuin, Bailey; girdle oblique to long axis; horns subequal, hollow. L. 0'152 — 02 mm. Commonest form in Irish Sea. (Fig. v^, No. 5, A and B.) (2) P. divergem, Elirenberg ; girdle at right angles to long axis ; inner side of antapical horns with protuberances. L. 008 — 0-084 mm. Rare. (Fig. 3, No. 6.) (3) P. eonicuin, Gran; girdle at right angles to long axis ; antapical horns short and without pro- tuberances; left border of longitudinal furrow straight. L. 0-048—0-06 mm. Rare. (Fig. 3, No. 7.) NOCTILUCA. The distribution of Noctiluca throughout the year, in 1911, was unusual in two respects — (1) in its presence in fair quantity during many months (ten), and (2) in having no marked maximum in summer and autumn. It seems to have remained in Port Erin Bay over the winter, and was caught during the early months of the year in diminishing numbers — up to 1,200 per haul in January, 300 in February, and 100 in March. It is not recorded in April and May, but re-appears in small numbers in June, reaches 1,200 in the best haul in Jul}^ a few in August, and 1,800 in September, 2,000 (the top figure) in October, fewer in November, and 1,600 in December. Hauls of between one and two thousand occur at such diverse times of year as January, July, September, October and December. 212 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. COPEPODA. Ou taking out again the records of occurrence of the nine commonest species of Copepoda, we get the following results : — Colanits helgolandicus. — As usual, Calanus was present in small numbers throughout the year, but became much more abundant in summer, June to October, and especially in July, when two of the customary large swarms appeared — one on July 4th and the other on July 18th. The numbers, however, were throughout smaller than in 1910. Pseudocalanus elongatiis. — This is one of the most abundant species, and is present in quantity at Port Erin all the year round. The numbers begin to get progres- sively larger in April, May and June, to a maximum in July, after which they decrease irregularly through August and September. The greatest haul (54,350 on July olst) is more than twice as large as the top haul of 1910. Oithona similis. — The commonest Copepod in Port Erin Bay throughout the year is again Oithona similis. The greatest haul is 225,450 on July 18th, a very large number for a Copepod, in our standard hauls, and nearly twice as much as the largest ( 120,700 at Station I on Augusi 20th) of the previous year. In gcneial, the record is the same as before. Temora loiKjicornis. — This is a summer form, and this year it was only abundant in June and July. It has a remarkably symmetrical distribution, forming a simple jKMiniil curxc, rising fioin an average of 1 ])er haul in January, having the maximum in summer, and sinking to 2 per haul in December. The average for June is 4,675 per haul and for July 4,706, and the two largest SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 213 hauls are 20,000 on June 3rd, and 17,900 on July 4tli. Temora, with the same distribution throughout the year, was more abundant in 1910 and had its maximum at the end of July. Paracalanus parvus. — Last year's remarks in regard to this species apply again. The maximum is again in September, and the largest hauls are 61,930 on August 24th, and 32,390 on September 29th. Acartia clausi. — This species again only reaches high numbers in summer, and this year has its maximum in August — the only really large hauls were 59,360 on August 24th and 42,380 on October 19th. Anomalocera patersoni. — This oceanic form was exceptionally rare at Port Erin in 1911, and was absent during most months of the year. A few stray individuals were present in June and July. Centrofages hamatus. — This is a summer form appearing in April, becoming more abundant in May, with a low maximum in June, and then dwindling gradually to September. Microcalanus pusiUus. — Last year's record again holds good for this species. The maximum in 1911 is in December, and the minimum in July, August and September. Amongst other rarer Copepoda, Euferpina acutifrons is a winter form which occurred in fair quantity in November, December and January, and in no other month. Isias clavipes occurred in May, June, August, September and October, the two largest hauls being 130 on May 13th, and 156 on >September 13th. Omitting these latter, rarer, species, the monthly average hauls in Port Erin Bay for the above nine, more important, species of Copepoda are as follows : — 214 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. a xtl 02 3 -2 OJ ■ , 55 l\ I '' .-■ V . ;>*■ ■1 ' } > .,. 53 I \ i - ^- ~^ M' ' •"■ . 5^ V" 5/ ,. ■. W r- *' ' • ■i-9 j .^ \ +S ; - ■f7 , • * +e SE A 1 p L,/ / +0 •-'-' . L-" \ --I ++ ^ A ■ .^ / +5 Hv' \ ' .^ •PJ \ ' ' \ +/ k '\ ■ +t» ■ A|/ R \ t 1 ' ,sw '' 1 38 WEEKLY AVEFIACE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR AND SEA AT 9. ~ AT PORT ERIN DUffINC THE YEAR 1911. n 37 3& 35 3f 33 4 1 Sii 1 1 1 ^ J 1 1 1 Fig. 4. / J 8 A 15 V. 22 29 5 It /9 26 MAt 51219 26 2 A 9 p te R ■>0| 7tt nv 2/ 28 J 1* u It m IS 25 2 9 /L Y. 23 30 c. 3 10 p 17 T / c 8 c r (22 29 5 0\t I 3 to :c J7 2t 65 ef 63 62 ,\ ei \ 60 59 \ \ an A 57 \ m \ -■ \:- 55 r ^ / \- •■• ^ i\ / \ \: / \ ' V .* ■'■ \ ■«-. ^ 52 1 \ ^ ., ^' 5/ 1 ,/ '■ V A ;^ 50 1 \ '■^ >*» i 1 A- x 5-*7 3 -HI I 1 / f -• -; s E A ">V. 1<- 5*5 .-. v / 1 s-M 1 , J, J, a. ,. -. /\ \ r=i« i t •' ■■■ / / V V ' « \ y r r\ \ f/ : ^ / \ / V \ / •w A^IR\ 1 \/ J 39 1 3H WEEKLY AVERAGE TEUPERATURE or THE AIR AND SEA AT9A^.AT PORT ERIN DURINC THE YEARIStO. 37 , . . 1 . __ 1 .".' i J " ^ 3:; .._ _, .]_ . Fig. 5. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 223 considerably above those of the corresponding months of 1910. Some other mouths were a little over, July was a little under, but August had no less than 194 hours recorded, as against 80 hours in 1910, and about 107 as the average of the previous four years. It is clear, however, that this summer and autumn sunshine can have Tio effect upon the spring phytoplankton. It is, as we showed last year, the March sunshine that may be co- related with that ; and any effect of the enormous increase in the August sunshine must be looked for in the autumn and winter plankton — or possibly even in that of the following season. We have seen above that some elements of the plankton were unusually large last autumn, such as the Diatoms. This is well shown by the l)iatom monthly averages per haul in tlie two years : 1910. 1911. August I 850 1,998 September i 676,823 928,501 October .553,601 4,742,791 November , 100,262 i 506,729 In both years the autumnal increase begins in September, and reaches its maximum either in that month or in October and falls off in November; but in 1911 the maximum is about nine times as great as in the previous year. Some of the groups of the zooplankton. notably Cladocera, Polychaet larvae, and Lamellibranch larvae, also show larger numbers this year in autumn and early winter than has been usual. Whether this is to be regarded as a result of the great increase in the amount of sunshine last summer, and if so whether the connection is direct or is in the case of the animals a result of the increased number of Diatoms, we are not prepared to say. 224 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Amongst the Diatoms, in spring, species of Chaetoceras were in much greater abundance than usual this year, and in autumn Biddulpkia, Thalassiosira and Chaetoceras were greater in amount than in any of the previous years of our study at corresponding times. In Conclusion. Each additional year's work tends to confirm us in our view tliat, although there is a natural sequence in the distribution of the plankton throughout the year, and although there is a certain constancy in the maxima and minima for particular groups and even species, still the sequence is liable to disturbance and the maxima are aifected botli in time and in amount by surrounding conditions. This leads to the numerous variations which we have had to record from year to year. Moreover, even when some constituent of the plankton is most abundant, its distribution may be irregular, in streaks or in ])atches, so as to destroy any such uniformity as would justify small samples being taken as representative of wide areas. We are not yet prepared to make llie promised collaiioii and (•(iiii])arison of our records for tlie live years, llial was referred lo in the last Keport. We shall liope to do so in a final ])aii next year. SEA-FISPIERIES LABORATORY. 225 THE PLANKTON ON THE WEST COAST OF SCOTLAND IN RELATION TO THAT OF THE IRISH SEA.— PART II. By W. A. Herdman, F.R.S., and Wm. Riddell, M.A. Introductory Note. In last year's Report we pointed out that our know- ledge of the plankton of the western coasts of the British Islands is incomplete, by reason of a great gap extending from the North of Scotland down to the Irish Sea — a gap in our knowledge which neitlier the International observa- tions on the one hand nor those of the Irish or Scottish Authorities on the other seem to fill up. With the view of obtaining data, which might in part at least bridge this gap and possibly throw light upon the question of the seasonal changes in the plankton of the Irish Sea, one of us has for several years, during the summer vacation, taken plankton hauls, l)oth vertical and horizontal, from his vacht at various localities amongst the islands and sea lochs of the west of Scotland as far north as Portree in Skye, and as far out to the west as the Island of Barra. In our paper last year we discussed these data, and were able to show that the state of affairs in these Scottish seas, at that time of year, is somewhat different from that in the Irish Sea. At some spots in the Hebridean seas, for example, large phytoplankton hauls may be taken in July, at the time when in Manx waters the hauls are comparatively small, and are composed of zooplankton. It thus becomes of fundamental importance in connection with local sea-fisheries problems to determine more accu- rately the relation of the Irish Sea plankton to that of neighbouring waters to the north, to the south, and in the Atlantic outside. Such information may enable us to "226 TKAXS ACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. estimate, for example, how far our local seasonal changes in the plankton are due to migrations or invasions from outside waters. As the region to the south of the Irish Sea, inchiding the English Channel, is being thoroughly investigated under the scheme of the International Council, and the necessary data will therefore naturally be available from that source, it becomes all the more important to do all that is possible to get information in regard to the con- dition of the plankton in the seas olf the north of Ireland, and the west and north-west coasts of Scotland. Cruise of 1911. During this last summer, July and August, 1911, we were able to devote a longer time than in previous years to a moi-e detailed survey, from the yacht " Euna,"' with both bottom and surface nets, of a considerable area of the west and north of Scotland. Our observations extend from the Irish Sea as far north as i^oup of Noss in Shet- land (from about 54° N. lat. to ()0° X. lat.), and as far west as Castle Bay in Barra. They include 152 observa- tions of the sea-temperature, and 142 of the salinity, and not only sample the water at a number of points lying off llie Coast of Scoiland, but also give us a series of observations across the northern entrance to ilic Irish Sea, as follows: — On August 22nd, when ci'ossing from the south end of Cantvre to Ihe iioi'th of Ireland, a scries of nini' t(Mn[)ci'ai ui'c and salinitv observations were taken, one cverv hour Oikncys, off Fair Island, and in the Shetlamls 27 and over is reached. Tlic highest reading is 27"() in liressay Sound on Augfust 12th. Althouodi our readinfjs are, we believe, comparable with one another for the purpose of sucli coiit lasts as we have made above, we wish to state that we are inclined to regtu-d them all as uniformly too low, and requiring a correction applied (which we have not yet determined) before they can be used for compansou with other series of observations. sea-fisheries laboratory. 229 Plankton Observations. The plankton hauls, taken as frequently as possible simultaneously with the temperature and salinity obser- vations, were in all cases made with the same nets and by the same method so that the various gatherings might be as nearly comparable as possible. All the vertical hauls were made with the smaller Xansen closing net, of No. 20 silk, and having a mouth 35 cm. in diameter. Surface hauls were sometimes taken at the same time, with ordinary open surface tow-nets made of the same silk (No. 20) as the Xansen net and of approximately the same size of mouth. The Lucas sounding machine, fitted with 200 fathoms of pianoforte wire, was used in all cases in taking the vertical hauls—down to a depth of l'-]b fathoms. The list given below at page 230 shows the complete series of these plankton gatherings, which will be found to represent most of the localities dealt with in our paper in last year's E-eport, and we have, moreover, extended this year the observations considerably further to the north — from the Island of Skye to the Shetland Isles. We do not propose in this year's Eeport to make a detailed analysis of these hauls, as we hope to be able to repeat a number of the observations in the coming season ; but in comparing even the brief descriptions given in our list with the characteristics of the plankton at the same localities in last year's Eeport, we notice certain dilferences which we desire to point out. For that purpose we shall gi'oup this year's 70 gatherings into seven areas comparable as far as possible with those of last year's Eeport, and shall indicate briefly the nature of the plankton in each and note anj^ differences that are seen. 230 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOIOGICAL SOCIETY. -3 -; X o o _ _ ^ ^ -a A P5 -IhMT 'S .. •- • - bC c6 s 5S s O 4J 1 1 tc^ S tfrt h^f^^tlH s s P X -2 r; =: <^ S o ID N , "rt "d j^-3 Is Is "3 "^ ^'Ji-jiznr'-.'ji^ 2r- ^3o! c^ 2 t^S S cS o eS eS cS C cs ^ C f-^ 'y* tL P5j3 I o o -a c ; ^ -3 _; J= e^5s cs .t; ^ «« . 2 r- 3 *: o o o O O h:; H^ H^ 2 cs S o m ^ S h:;^ S £ S S 6 S S 2 £ S 2 S S 2 2 2 PHdPHi:S(id,eScScep,d,cLciJ (iPncS q ..t ^ a 3 Dh'-S o aj t« 2 t« S a> k. il i.2 o c^ . * eS 2 . C t- w : O; 2 Oh ^ • ^ !r S S : o o £ y ' c g S! J ' L* "t"^ -*-* u-t 22-^2222 2 o ^ --( --! — I CO c; Ci c^i q- 7^-^- CO o -< SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 231 . g 03 e 3 Oi c8 §J M ^«- ■^ ^& fi S 0. > o § f= S si N J =S 4^ -^ § S 1 c»« -q ■+2 &• sraoq'j'Bj ;^ g P o oj ti) a; tj tH in t^ a; ^ o a> O O o o o ffi S^ &H -2 3 Ph Ch & i c« O O O 5^000 s] cj — ; — ' .iSy, o ff ^^ .2 o _• -x-: o c -ki 1^, •- j^ ^^ 5 "... 5 o 2 ..- .. ' ■- =i ^'p^o P>o o q CO -+' O Hi ^■^ fo^a >.-3 :^ .^ "3 13 13 -§ .§ .§ ^ c6 s O Tj 1—1 O K a fi s Ph be _ (Zi^ z:>_ to !Z>_ c> <:>_ ^ ^ "coco CJO O P O ^' lO CO' '*' Ci -t CO' 5 5 ^ 00 i-H ■<<1<1 232 transactions liverpool biological society. Comparison with Previous Years. We have no data this year represent in (if the Clyde Sea-Area, but can deal with all our previous localities north of Cantyre, as follows : — Firth of Lorn. Half a dozen hauls, ranging between Sheep Island and the Lynn of Morven — mixed hauls, but on the whole more zoo^^lanktonic than in previous years. The Diatoms are mainly neritic. A haul taken off Lismore on July 10th is the only purely jjhytoplanktonic gathering in this series, and contains about tifteen millions of Chaetoceras. The rest of the hauls from this district were taken a couple of weeks later between the 24tli and 26th of July, and it is quite likely that their more zooplanktonic character is due to the seasonal disappearance of the phytoplankton. North End of Sound of Mull. Hauls at Tobermory show much the same characters as in previous years, but one off Ardmore, on July 11th, j)resents a striking difference as it is almost a pure zoo- plankton, the Diatoms which were present to the number of over 40 millions per haul the previous year being represented now by only a very few Chaetoccr of additional animals. ill ilif zooplankton, but merely the absence of the Diatoms. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 237 2. Between Canna and Rum. •^'j!^, '/l^r'S. 'SoL? Chaetoceras constrictum 5,714,300 — „ curvisetum 41,714.200 — „ debile 5,285,700 decipiens 3,857,140 1,050 „ spp 15,214,275 — Coscinodisciis radiatus 4,690 420 Guinardia flaccida 1,040 — Lauderia borealis 23,960 — - Nitzschia seriata 357,140 — Pleurosigma sp x — Rhizosolenia semispina 142,750 840 „ shrubsolii 29,175 — „ stolterfothii 17,715 — „ styliformis — 420 Ceratium fusus 1,040 — „ intermedium — 200 tripos 5,210 3,350 Peridinium spp 18,750 — Tintinnidae 22,920 630 Medusae 50 — Sagitta 6 7 Polychaet larvae x 200 Plutei 520 — Gastropod larvae 56,270 — Limacina retro versa — 8,400 Calanus helgolandicus 500 520 Pseudocalanus elongatus 3,125 2,100 Acartia clausi 1,215 — Oithona similis 4,430 3,150 Nauplii 23,445 9,650 Evadne nordmanni — 200 Oikopleura 2,080 2,300 This again shows a zooplankton in 1911 at a locality where at the same time of year in 1910 there was a marked phytoplaukton. The difference is due again simply to the absence of the millions of Diatoms that characterised the locality in 1910 — and the presence of Pteropods in 1911. 238 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 3. L. Inchard, near Cape Wrath, 15/8/11. Surface. Chaetoceras boreale 378,000 breve 315,000 constrictum 11,250,000 criophilum 2,333,400 debile 22,-175,000 „ deciinens 1,102,500 densum 1,000,000 „ didj-muin 16,400 „ teres 95,750 spp 7,500,000 Corethron criophilum 400 Nitzschia seriata 107,000 Rhizosolenia semispina 43,300 stolterfothii 33,600 styliformis 12,600 Thalassiosira gravida 7,500 „ nordenskioldii 2,500 Peridinium spp 10,000 Ceratiuni fusus 200 „ intermedium 8,000 „ lineatum 420 „ longipes 3,350 „ tripos 11,350 Tintinnidae 10,000 Evadne nordmanni 840 Pseudocalanus elongatus 420 Acartia clausi 840 Oithona similis 1,450 NaupUi 6,000 Oikopleura 630 This is a typical pliytoplankton. It was taken late in tlic summer and it is the furthest north of onr gatherings off the nui inland of Scotland. The number of Diatoms is enormous, the gathering is dull green and dense, and, as the list shows, a few species of Chaetoceras are re})resonte(l by nearly fifty millions of individuals. SEA-FISHERIES LABOEATORY. 239 4. Moussa Sound, Shetland, 11 811. Bacteriastrum delicat ulum Chaetoceras atlanticum boreale breve cinctum constrictum criophilum debile decipiens didjanum teres SPP Dactyliosolen tenuis Eucampia zodiacus Leptocyliiidrus danicus Nitzschia seriata Rhizosolenia alata „ stolterfothii . „ styliformis Thalassiosira gravida „ nordenskioldii Dinophysis sp Peridinium spp Ceratium furca , fusus intermedium lineatum longipes macroceros tripos Calanus helgolandicus Pseudocalanus elongatus Acartia clausi Centropages hamatus Oithona similis Nauplii Evadne nordmanni Podon intermedium Decapod larvae Sagit ta Limacina retro versa Ecliin. plutei Tintinnidae Oikopleura Fish eggs Surface. 53,000 42,800 32,750 1,562,500 201,600 176,400 1,193,000 5,812.500 1,250,000 3,625,000 438,500 29,062,500 54,800 45,350 37,800 7,687,500 118,450 141,100 25,200 1.900 115,900 3,150 44,700 19,500 41,600 103,300 171,350 2,500 8,200 252,000 10 630 8,800 315 6,900 3,150 1,250 630 10 1 5,000 2,500 14,500 630 3 This far-north gathering, in the Shetland Isles, in August, is an undoubted phytoplankton with about fifty millions of Diatoms. It has also, however, an unusually large number of Diuoflagellates, and a fair number of Copepoda and other animals, including 5,000 of the Pteropod Limacina retroversa. 240 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The main points of difference between this year's hauls and those of former j-ears are off Ardmore at the north end of the Sound of Mull, and in the sea around the Small Isles. In both places the phytoplankton formerly present is now replaced by zooplankton. More- over, round the Small Isles the Diatoms are now mainly of oceanic type in place of beinp; neritic forms. Other localities are much the same as in previous years ; but in the new ground, further north, there is more phyto- plankton than in the seas south of Skye. During all this time (July 8th to August 2'3rd) the plankton at Port Erin, in the Irish Sea, was an undoubted zooplankton composed chietly of Copepoda and having few or no Diatoms. The facts, such as they are, all seem to support the suggestion, put forward last year, that the most probable explanation of the presence of liuge masses of Diatoms in the Scottish Seas in summer is that the phytoplankton remains longer and passes off more slowly as one goes further north. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. Appendix — List of the Physical Observations.' Date. Time. Locality. Temp. C. July 7 9.40 p.m. Port Erin Bay 14° 8 3.0 a.m. Off Bradda Head 12-6° 4.0 a.m. Off Contrary Head 12-5° 9.0 a.m. Off Portpatrick 11-2° 11.30 a.m. N.W. by W. of Corsewall 11-4° 12.30 p.m. 10 miles S. of Cant^Te 11-3° 2.0 p.m. W. of iluU of CantATe 11-8° 3.30 p.m. E. by S. of the Mull Lt. House 12-2° 4.45 p.m. W. of Gigha Buoy 12-4° 7.0 p.m. Lowlandman Bay, Jura 12-2° „ 9 9.1.5 a.m. 2 miles N. of Lowlandman Bay ... 11-2° 10.30 a.m. Off Ruadh ". 11-3° 11.30 a.m. Off Scarba 11-8° 12 noon Off Easdale 11-8° 10.30 p.m. Oban Bay 13-4° „ 10 9.0 a.m. Oban Bay 12-8° 10.30 a.m. Off Lismore 14-8° 4.15 p.m. Sound of Lorn 15-2° 4.45 p.m. Lynn of Morven 15-4° 5.30 p.m. Sound of Mull 13° 6.30 p.m. Outside Tobermory 12-2° 11 8.0 a.m. Tobermory Bay ..' 13-8° 9.30 a.m. Off Ardmbre. Mull 13-6° 11.0 a.m. Off Cailliach Point 13-4° 3.0 p.m. Off Staffa 15-.5° 9.30 p.m. Off lona 12-3° „ 12 9.0 a.m. Off Zona 12-3° 3.0 p.m. Off Cailliach 13-2° 4.25 p.m. 3 miles S.W. Muck Id 15-2° 6.10 p.m. Off Loch Scresort, Rum 15-6° 10.30 p.m. Loch Scavaig, Skye 17-8° „ 13 8.15 a.m. Loch Scayaig 14-5° 11.30 a.m. Between Canna and Rum 13-5° 2.0 p.m. Off Hyskeu- Id 14-6° 4.10 p.m. Between Hyskeir and Barra 15-8° 10.30p.m. Castle Bay," Barra 13-9° „ 14 11.0 a.m. Vatersay Sound 12-9' 12.30 p.m. 10 mUes S. of Castle Bay 14-8" 4-0 p.m. N. of Canna 12-4° 8.0 p.m. Loch Scresort, Rum 13-9° „ 15 9.0 a.m. Loch Scresort 13-6° 9.30 a.m. Between Rum and Skye 13-1° 12.20p.m. Entering Sleat Sound." 12-2° 3.0 p.m. Outside Narrows of Skye 12-6° 4.0 p.m. Off Croulin Island ". 14-2° 16 12.30 p.m. Portree, Skye 11-6° 6.15 p.m. Portree ..' 13-4° 17 10.50 a.m. Portree 12° 11.40 a.m. Off Holm Island 12-2° 1.0 p.m. 4 miles N. of S. Rona 12-6° * As we haye stated aboye (p. 228), we haye now reason to think that all our araomete readings are consistently too low, and require a correction to be applied before thej' can b compared with other series. iraometer Pll 1-0262 25-; 1-026 25-( 10264 25-5 10265 25-^ 10262 25-] 1-0256 24-J 10264 25-5 10262 25-] 10262 25-] 1-02.56 24-( 10242 23 -( 1-024 23-.: 1-0234 22-c 1-02.54 24-; 1-0258 24-'; 1-026 25-2 1-0262 25-3 1-0261 25-e 1-0264 25-4 1-0262 25-2 1-0264 25-5 1-0263 25-8 10261 25-7 1-0238 23-8 1-027 26-2 1-0267 26-1 1-0265 26-1 1-027 26-2 1-027 26-1 1-0266 26-0 1-027 26-0 10262 25-4 1-026 251 1-026 24-91 1-0256 24-6i 1-0254 24-7 1-0266 25-41 1-026 25-11 1-0266 25-5J 1-0266 25-5i 1-0266 25-6^ 242 TKAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Date. Time. Locality. Julv 18 8. -to a.m. Near mouth of Gairloch 10.15 a.m. Off Ru Rea 11.0 a.m. Loch Ewe 6.0 p.m. Entering Loch Tomclon „ 19 10.0 a.m. Upper Loch Torridon 11.30 a.m. Outer Loch Torridon 1.0 p.m. Off N. of Raasay 20 8.30 a.m. Loch-na-Beiste ' 8..50 a.m. Off Loch-na-Beiste 9.10 a.m. Loch Alsh 11.30 a.m. Loch Duich 3.45 p.m. Loch Hoiirn 4.45 p.m. Soimd of Sleat „ 21 8.40 a.m. Tarbet, Loch Nevis 9.30 a.m. Loch Nevis 1.0 p.m. Between Eigg and Ardnamnrchan „ 22 9.0 a.m. Tobermory Bay „ 23 11.30 a.m. Oban 2.40p.ni. Oban 5.30 p.m. Oban 8.30 p.m. Oban „ 24 11,30 a.m. Off Loch Spelve ,, 25 Lynn of Morven and Loch Linnhe, between Bernera Island and Ru Mor „ 2f) Between Sheep Island and Kerrera Aug. 2 11.30 a.m. Sound of Mull, off Green Islands... 12-45 p.m. N. end of Sd. of Mull, off Ardmore 4.30 p.m. S. of Sd, of Sleat, between Eigg and Sleat Pt., open sea „ 3 12 noon Isle Ornsay 3.0 p.m. Upper Loch Hourn 4.0 p.m. Outer Loch Hourn „ 4 10.0 a.m. Sound of Sleat 10.30 a.m. Sound of Kilrca 10..50 a.m. Loch Alsh 11.30 a.m. Off Croulin 4.0 p.m. Off Ru Rca „ 5 11.30 a.m. Mouth of Loch Ewe 4-0 p.m. Off Handa Island „ G 8.0 a.m. Loch Erribol 11.0 a.m. 3 miles off Tongue 1.0 p.m. Half-way to Hoy „ 7 10.0 a.m. Off Stromncss 8 11.30 a.m. Risa Island 0.0 p.m. Scapa Bay „ 9 12 noon Bring Deeps „ 10 9.0 a.m. Off Copinsa\' 3.0 p.m. Off S. of Fair Island 6.0 p.m. Off Sumburgh Head „ 11 10.0 a.m. Moussa Sound 6.0 p.m. Bressay Sounfl 12 6.30 a.m. Bressav Sound 10.0 a.m. Off Sumburgh Head 1.0 p.m. Off Fair Island 4.0 p.m. Off N. Ronaldsav 7.0 p.m. Off Noup Head " ■mp. C. Ariiometer /^17-5° 12-8° 1-0252 24-3 12-6° 1-0264 25-45 12-4° 1-026 2502 13-2° 10256 24-76 13-8° <101S < 17-34 12-4° 1026 25-02 11-9° 1-026 24-95 12-2° 1-0262 25-19 12° 10254 24-37 12-2° 1-0248 23-8 15° <1-018 <17-54 14-2° 1-0242 23-56 13-5° 1-026 25-21 13-0° 1-0256 24-73 13-4° 1-0258 24-99 12-8° 1-0262 25-29 12-9° 1-0246 23-72 12-3° 1-0262 25-21 12-5° 1-0258 24-84 12-5° 1-0256 24-65 12-6° 1-0258 24-86 11-8° 1-026 24-93 12° 1-0254 24-37 13° 1-024 23-15 13-2° 1-0238 22-98 12° 1-0264 25-35 12-9° 1-0255 24-62 13-2° 1-026 2516 131° 1-0264 25-54 12-8° 1-026 25-09 14° 1-0248 24-11 14° 1-025 24-31 13-6° 1-0259 25-13 13-2° 1-0257 24-86 12-95° 1-026 25-11 12-35° 1 •0257 24-72 13° l-( 12(15 25-62 13° 1-0251 24-24 12-6° 10266 25-65 12-6° 1-0267 25-75 13-2° 1-0268 25-95 13-2° 1-0268 25-95 14° 1-(12(I1 25-4 13° l-()27 26-11 15° l-02()8 26-28 13° 1-0268 25-91 13° 1-0268 25-91 13-5° 1027 26-2 141° 10271 26-41 ]2-9° 1-0273 26-4 13-0° 1-(I27I 26-51 12-6° l-()276 26-63 14-r 1-027 26-31 11-2° 1-0272 26-53 12-4° 1-0272 26-21 12-9° 1-0268 25-9 SEA-FISHEEIES LABORATORY. Date. Time. Aug. 14.... .. 11.0 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. „ 15.... .. 8.0 a.m. 10.0 a.m. 1.0 p.m. „ 16.... .. 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 1.0 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.0 p.m. , 17.... .. 9.30 a.m. 12 noon 4.0 p.m. 6.0 p.m. „ 18.... .. 10.0 a.m. 12 noon 4.0 p.m. K).... .. 3.0 p.m. „ 20.... .. 10.0 a.m. 8.0 p.m. „ 21.... .. 7.30 a.m. 9.0 a.m. 11.0 a.m. 1.0 p.m. 3.0 p.m. „ 22.... .. 6.0 a.m. 10.0 a.m. 1.0 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. „ 23.... .. 8.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. .. 2.5.... .. 3.0 p.m. „ 26.... .. 10.30 a.m. „ 28.... Locality. Temp. C. Off Old Man of Hoy U° Between Ho}' and Cape Wrath ... 14-2° Off Cape Wrath 12-9° Head of Loch Inchard 12-8° Off Handa Island 12-6° Off Rii Covach 13-2° Off Ullapool 13-2° Upper Loch Broom 15° Off Loch Gruinard 13-6° Off Ru Rea 13^ Kyle of Rona 13-8° Loch-na-Beiste 13-4° Sound of Sleat 1.5-4° N.E. of Rum 15° Off Canna 15° Off Canna Harbour 14° Between Rum and Coll 14° Off Dutchman 14° Sound of lona 14-2° Sound of lona 14-2° Sound of lona 14-2° Sound of lona 13-9° Off Staffa 14° Off N. of Mull 14-6° Sound of Mull 14-2° Between Lismore and Kerrera ... 15-3° Oban Bav 13.5° Off Crinan 13-4° Off Lowla'ndman Bay 14-6° Between S. of Islay and S. of Gigha 15-2° Betw. S. of Islay & Machrihanish. 13-7° Between Cant%Te'^ and Rathlin Id. . . . 14-4° Off Garron Pt., Antrim 14-3° Off Carnlouch Bay, N. of Maidens 13-4° Off mouth of Larne Lough 13-7° Lame Lough 13-4° Off Muck Island 13-5° Off Mouth of Belfast Lough 14-.5° Off Donaghadee 14° On Course S.S.E. from Mew Id. ... 13-9° 14-8° 14-4° „ (t\\ice) 16-1° 15-4° „ (8 miles off Bradda) 15-7° ,. (1 mile off Bradda) 15-5° 1 mile X.W. Bradda 14-6° Station I, 5 miles out 14-7° „ (a mUe awav) 14-6° Station III ". 14-6° 1 mile X.W. Bradda 14-6° Station 1 14-7° „ III 14-5° 1 14-8° „ III 14-9° -aometer. ^17-5° 1-0266 25-89 1-0267 26-03 1-027 26-1 1-0265 25-59 1027 26-04 10266 25-75 10263 25-46 1-025 24-49 1-0263 25-53 1-0267 25-81 1-0258 24-99 1-0255 25-07 1-0258 25-29 1-0264 25-89 1-0264 2.5-7 1-0264 2.5-7 1-0262 25-5 1-0259 25-24 10259 25-24 1-0257 25-04 1-0259 2519 1-0258 25-1 1-026 25-41 1-0257 25-04 1-0244 23-96 1-02.58 25-01 1-026 25-19 1-0262 25-61 1-026 25-53 1-0261 25-35 1-026 25-37 1-0259 25-26 10262 25-39 1-0261 25-35 1-0261 25-29 10261 25-31 1-0258 2.5-19 1-026 25-3 1-0259 25-19 1-0256 25-05 1-0258 25-17 1-0255 25-21 1-0258 25-37 1-0257 25-33 1-026 25-59 1-0258 25-21 1-0258 25-23 1-02.59 25-31 1-0258 25-21 1-0257 25-11 1-0258 25-23 1-02.58 25-19 1-0259 25-35 1-0259 25-37 244 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Date. Time. Locality. Temp. C. Ariiometer ^17-5° Sept. 8 Forenoon 9 4.0 p.m. 11 Afternoon 12 Forenoon 13 Forenoon 15 Forenoon 16 Forenoon 18 Forenoon 19 Forenoon Station 1 15-7° 1-0258 25-43 .. Ill 15-5° 1-026 25-59 Off Niarbvl 15° 1-0258 25-29 Off Dalbv 15-2° 1-026 25-53 Station ■ 1 14-6° 1-0262 25-61 „ III 14-5° 1-0264 25-79 Station 1 14-6° 1-0262 25-61 „ III 14-7° 1-0262 25-63 Off Niarbvl 11-2° 1-0262 2503 Station 1 11-8° 1026 24-93 .. Ill 12° 1-026 24-96 Station 1 14-4° 1-0262 25-57 ., Ill 14-5° 1-026 25-39 „ III 14-4° 1-0258 2517 S.V. " i;uii;i " al lio>\vick J il iMli, blirtlaii.l, \u,L,u^' lOlli, I'Jl 1. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 245 NOTE ON THE AVEST COAST LOBSTER FISHERIES. By J. Travis Jenkins, D.Sc, Pli.D. Superintendent of Sea Fisheries. In the Annual Report of Proceedings under Acts relating to Sea Fisheries for the year 1910, issued by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in 1912, there is a memorandum on the size, sex and condition of Lobsters, which, as it contains deductions based on erroneous statistics, needs some correction. The Memorandum in question has, so far as the Northumberland district is concerned, been somewhat severely criticised by Professor Meek. The Board maintain that it is better to raise the minimum size limit to nine inches than to protect the berried female. Prof. Meek points out the fallacy in the Board's reasoning.* As a matter of fact, in the Lancashire and Western District the minimum size limit is nine inches and the berried lobster is protected, so the arguments on either side do not concern us much. Tlie West Coast of England and Wales is admittedly not an important lobster hshing centre. On this coast fishing for lobsters and crabs is carried on in open boats, and the prevailing westerly and south-westerly winds put a stop to fishing in the winter months. Not only is it frequently unsafe to venture out to sea in open boats for days or even weeks at a time, but the lobster " pots " are frequently washed up on shore or destroyed in other ways by strong winds and gales. * Report by Professor Meek on the Memorandum issued Ijv the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, on the size, sex and condition of Lobsters. Printed by order of the Northumberland Fisheries Committee, 16th April," 1912. 246 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Board publish the following statistics in the Memorandum as to the number of lobsters caught on tlie West Coast in the years stated : — 1900 . .. 104,062 1905 .. 69,572 1901 . .. 98.826 1906 .. 67,997 1902 . .. 94,943 1907 .. 51,009 1903 . .. 64,174 1908 .. 53,706 1904 . .. 78,237 1909 .. 46,806 If this table be correct tlien there is clear evidence of a rapid and serious decline in the yield of tlie West Coast lobster fisheries, a decline which if not checked will lead to the complete extinction of the fisheries in another nine years or so. The Board state : — " On the West Coast the landings in the second period of five years are 151,152, or 34'3 per cent, less than those in the first, and the decrease from year to year is fairly steady, 1909 showing a decrease of over 50 per cent, on 1900." " There is reason to believe that the statistics have been fuller and more accurate of late years, so that the decrease shown .... notably for the West Coast is not at all likely to be due to less efficient collection of statistics." While this last statement may be perfectly true it does not exclude the possibility of error. The decline may be due, and as I sluill endeavour to sliow is really due, to the more efiicienl collection of statistics and not to a falling off in the fisheries. '^J'he fact is the earlier totals for the West Coast are unfortunately fictitious and are far too high. If til is he not the case tlien it is ol)\i<)Us that tlie measures of protection, or the methods of enforcing them, on the AVest Coast are not sufiicieut to preserve the SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 247 lobster fisheries from a rapidly approaching extinction. At the rate of exhaustion shown in the Board's Memorandum there will be no lobsters left on the West Coast in 1920. That the error in the Board's statistical returns is a very serious one may be seen from the study of two localities for which, fortunately, statistics are available for the years 1900-9. These two places or ports are Pwllheli and Holyhead. For ports outside the Lancashire and Western District the details are not available. Take Pwllheli first. The total number of lobsters returned as landed at Pwllheli from 1900 to 1904 are as follows : — 1900 ... 8,100 1903 ... 3,570 1901 ... 3,000 1904 ... 3,692 1902 ... 3,172 As a matter of fact, these lobsters are caught oli' the Lleyn promontory of Carnarvonshire, principally at Bardsea Island, but as they pass through Pwllheli on their way to the market they are " returned " from that port. As I showed on a former occasion* the records for Pwllheli previous to the middle of 1902 are undoubtedly false and consequently misleading. In all probability the statistics of lobsters for Pwllheli are from 4,500 to 5,000 too high for 1900; that is, there is in one single port an error of from 4 to 5 per cent, of the total figures for the whole of the West Coast for that year. Since statistics are collected from 40 fishing ports on the West Coast, it will be seen that the possibilities of error are fairly large. As another example, take the number of lobsters returned for Holyhead : — * Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries. Superintendent's Report for the Quarter ending December, 1904. Preston, 1905. 248 TKANSACTIOiXS LIVERPOOL BIOT,OGICAL SOCIETY. 1900 .. . 2,9G0 1905 .. 1,050 1901 .. . 3,127 1906 .. 1,762 1902 .. . 2,005 1907 .. . 1,593 1903 .. . 2,189 1908 .. 686 1904 .. . 1,378 1909 .. 1,400 Now it is practically certain that the earlier totals are sheer guesswork. From an intimate knowledge of the district I have no hesitation in saying that the totals for 1900 and 1901 are at least twice as high as they ought to be. If the official statistics were available in detail it is possible that other similar instances could be quoted. The above remarks are based on the assumption that the annual totals of lobsters (in the lioard's memorandum of 1910) have been correctly abstracted from the Annual Reports furnished by the Central Authority. But have they? A comparison with these annual reports does not tend to reassure one that such is the case. Up to, and including 1902, the official fishery statistics were published by the lioard of Trade under tlie title of " Statistical Tables and Memorandum rehtting to the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom." In and since 1903 the lioard of Agiicultnre and Fislieries have })ubrished the official siatisfics in the " Annual Keport of Proceedings imder Acts relaling to tlie Sea Fisheries." On comparing Ihe totals in the Board's ^NIiMnorandum with these official records, we get the tolh)\\ing result: — SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 249 Returx of Lobsters Landed (West Coast). 1900 Memorandum of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. (1910). 104,062 98,826 94,943 64,174 78,237 Official Statistics. (From Annual Reports.) 155,868 160,746 163,183 138.404 115,218 Statistical Tables and Memorandum relating to the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom. (Board of Trade). 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 69,572 67.997 51,009 53,706 46,806 69,572 67,997 51,009 53,706 46,806 Annual Report of Proceed- 1906 ings under Acts relating 1907 to the Sea Fisheries. 1908 (Board of Agriculture and 1909 Fisheries. ) According to this there is a considerable difference in the yarious official estimates up to and including 1904. There may, of course, be some explanation of these discrepancies in the years 1900-4. The total number of lobsters landed in England and Wales is also variouslv ariven. Return of Lobsters (England and Wales). Memorandum of Board of Other Official Agriculture Returns and Fisheries. (as above). (1910). 1900 602,346 654,152 1901 588,571 6.50,491 1902 580,496 648,736 1903 475,121 549,351 1904 515,034 552,015 1905 502,673 502,673 1906 520,657 520,657 1907 495,326 495,326 1908 512,478 512,478 1909 546,805 546,805 As regards the detailed figures furnished by the Lancashire and Western Committee, the Board have 250 TKAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, again fallen into serious errors. For instance, take the statement (p. Ixxxiv) : — " Tlie ratio of non-berried females to males points unmistakably to the widespread occurrence of stripping." As can easily be proved by a reference to the Board's own figures, it 2)oints unmistakably to nothing of the sort. The number of non-berried females and males in the Lancashire and Western District is given in Table IX. The next table above is for Cornwall (Table VIII) : — Cornwall. Lancashire & Western. Non-berried Non-berried Females. Males. Females. Males. Under 9 in 986 815 11 0 „ 10 „ 1.0()1 831 1,043 1,.504 „ 11 „ 723 019 1,380 1,337 , 12 rm 442 1,102 1.028 Over 12 „ 481 415 759 043 3,849 3,122 4,901 4,512 That is to say the ratio of no n -berried females to males is in Cornwall 123"2 : 100, and is in Lancashire and Western lOS'O : 100. vSo that if these figures prove that stripping is prevalent in the Lancashire and Western District, they also prove that stripping is still more prevalent in the Cornwall District, and this is very strange since there is no restriction in Cornwall on the landing of berried lobsters ! As a matter of fact, the Lancashire and Western statistics were obtained fiom two distinct sources, which slionld have been kepi distiiici and not ]uni[)(Ml together as in Tabh' IX. The statistics from Pwlllieli were obtained by our I'^isherv ofti^jer as a result of measure- ments and detenu mai ions of sex of fhe lobsters landed 1)\- llu- hsheiiuen. Coiiseiiuenil v, lobsters under nine SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 251 inches and berried lobsters, the landing of which is illegal in the District, are excluded. (I find, however, that the Fishery officer includes 7 berried lobsters landed on May 27 (2), June 17, June 24 and July 7 (3), 1908, by a fisherman, who was warned on the first occasion and prosecuted on the other three.) A few measurements were made in similar manner by the Fishery ofiicer at Carnarvon and Bangor. The statistics at New Quay relate to the fishing carried on by an individual fisherman (our Fishery officer at New Quay), who recorded all the lobsters found in his "pots." Consequently, lobsters under nine inches and berried females are both included. The total number of lobsters of all kinds caught by this single fisherman will, of course, bear but a small ratio to those landed and measured at Pwllheli. At New Quay the berried lobsters taken in the pots were labelled before liberation, but in no instance was one recaptured. To group together returns obtained from entirely different sources, and from different methods, as was done by the Board in Table IX is misleading. The fallacy of the Board's arguments, which lead them to conclude there is widespread " stripping " of berried lobsters in this district, is seen when the detailed statements are examined. Lancashire and Western Lobsters (1907-9). — Determinations OF Sex, etc. Berried females Non-beri'ied females Males The Records From all of one sources. Fisherman 29 21 4,901 385 4,512 362 9,442 768 252 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Xow the proi)oitioii of uoii-berried females to males is pretty much the same iu the two tables, viz., 108'6 to 100 in the first, and 106"3 to 100 in the second, so that stripping is to be expected as much in the second instance as in the first. But as the figures in the second column were supplied by our Fishery officer at New Quay who fished himself, they exclude all possibility of stripping. He was not allowed to sell the fish he caught, so even the possibility of a little surreptitious gain or profit through stripping is excluded. And as the officer was unaware of the purpose of the returns he made, he cannot be accused of " cooking " tliem to produce any desired result. So much, then, for the " widespread occurrence " of stripping of berried lobsters in the Lancashire and Western District. 253 L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS. No. XX. BUCCINUM. (The Whelk) BY WM. J. DAKIN, D.Sc, F.L.S. CLASSIFICATION. The whelk belongs to that class of the cephalophoroiis MoUusca, the Gastropoda, which includes also the lim- pets, land snails, and uudibranchs. The group is characterised by the possession of an asymmetrical body, a well developed head bearing eyes and tentacles, a foot for creeping, and a shell consisting of one piece only (univalve). In some cases the shell is reduced consider- ably, and it may even disappear completely in the adult (e.g. Nudibranchiata). The Gastropoda may be conveniently divided into the two sub-classes: — Streptoneura and Euthyxeura. The first of these groups is defined by the nervous system being involved in the torsion of the body so that the visceral loop joining the visceral and pleural ganglia is twisted into a figure of eight. The morphological right side of the loop becomes carried over the alimentary canal to tlie topographical left side, and the left half, under, to the right side. This sub-class is also named Prosobranchia from the fact that, in most genera, the gills lie anterior to the heart. The whelk is a representative of the Streptoneura, and the common land snail is a type of the other group, Euthyneura ; the exact position of Buccintnn can be seen in the scheme given on the next page. 254 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Class GASTROPODA. Body asymmetrical, well developed head, well developed foot, usually with flat creeping sole. Shell in one piece, usually coiled in a spiral, but may be reduced and completely disappear. Pallial complex situated on tlie right or left side in a more or less anterior position. One half, usually the morphological left, of the ])allial complex reduced, and may be absent. Sub-class I. Streptoneura ( = Prosobranchia). Sexes separate. Visceral loop twisted into tigure of eight. Pallial complex placed anteriorly. In most, only one gill, which is situated in front of heart. Chiefly marine. Shell very rarely absent. Order I. Diotocardia ( = Aspidobranchia). Order II. Monotocavdia ( = Pectinibranchia). Heart with one auricle. One gill with leaflets on one side of an axis. Well differentiated osphradium. Eye a closed vesicle. Single kidney. Siphon and penis usually present. Suh-order 1. Architaenioglossa. SiiJ>-(>rder II. Taenioglossa. Sith-ordcr III. vStenoglossa. Pectinibranchs with much concen- trated nervous system. Proboscis, siphon, and penis always present. Tribe I. Rachiglossa. lladular forinuhi. 1.1.1. Fam. Buccinidae Gen. BuccinuTn. BUCCINUM. 200 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The body of the whelk is divisible into three obvious external regions, head, foot, and visceral mass (PI. I, fig. 7). A large part of the animal can be extended beyond the mouth of the shell, but the visceral mass always remains hidden, and the entire animal can be retracted when disturbed. The integument of the visceral mass is produced to form that characteristic molluscan structure — the mantle (PI. I, fig. 7, Pall.). The mantle. forms a continuous cloak round the body, its free edge being just visible at the shell mouth when the animal is extended. It encloses a space, the mantle cavity, which is best developed on the dorsal and anterior surface. The shell is secreted chiefly by the epithelium of the mantle, particularly of the mantle edge. The organs in the mantle cavity will be referred to later. The head of the whelk in an extended condition bears anteriorly two appendages, the tentacles (fig. 7, Tent.). These are compressed dorsoventrally at their base but are produced to a fine conical lip. They are capable of considerable extension and contraction, but cannot be introverted. At the base of the tentacles and on their outer sides are a pair of cephalic eyes, situated on slight lateral prominences.* Below the tentacles and in the middle line is a conspicuous opening, an apparent mouth. This is, how- ever, not the true entrance to the buccal cavity. The latter opens at the extremity of a retractile snout but has been carried backwards, owing to an ingrowth of integu- ment, and consequently the true mouth is onlj- seen when * One specimen of i32fcci>m?n undatum found at Port Erin possessed three tentacles — perfectly normal in shape and each with an eye at the base. From the position it is probable that a second tentacle and eye was present on the left side. A similar case in Patella vidgata has been recorded bv Bateson. 256 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERrOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the invaginated tube is everted. This eveisible tube is the proboscis, and it can be extended about two inches outside the opening- of the apparent moutli. The Foot forms the greater part of the mass seen when the animal is fully extended (PI. I, tig. 7). It has a very different appearance in life from that seen even in the best preserved dead specimens, where the foot is hard and always somewhat contracted. It is formed of a complex and powerful mass of muscles, and when fully extended is perfectly smooth, without any trace of wrinkles, soft and velvety to the touch, and capable of much change of shape. It has a perfectly flat ventral surface, with a blunt anterior and a tapering posterior end (PI. II, tig. 9). The ventral surface or sole is used for creeping, but I have also seen the anterior part used for holding food matters. When a whelk supports itself above the water- line in an aquarium tank, it does so solely by means of suction. Some little force is required to detach it, but the sole is simply slimy and no adhesive substance is secreted. Upon the dorsal but posterior region of the foot is situated a horny disc, the operculum, used for closing the aperture of the shell when the animal is withdrawn. Running transversely across the anterior part of the foot is the deep pedal groove. This will be described in detail below, in the section on the foot. The Shell. The shell of the whelk (PI. I, figs. 1 and 2), secreted l)v ilie mantle, consists of a single valve which is coiled s])iialiy owing to the varying conditions under which different parts of tlie mantle edge secrete shell substance. In most cases the twist is of such a nature tlnit if the shell is held by llu' a])ex with the aperture away fiom tlie observer and turned down- BUCCINUM. 257 wards, the aperture will lie to the right of the columella. Shells coiled in this manner are " dextral," but one occasionally finds a " sinistral " whelk with the spiral reversed and the asymmetrical viscera developed on the opposite side of the body. The shell may be regarded as a long cone coiled into a spiral. Text-fig. 1 shows the terms in use for the Apex Spire Whorl Body Whorl Sutures - — Columella Outer Lip Mouth Anterior Canal or Shell Siphon Fig. 1. different parts. The apex is the oldest part of the shell and often in gastropods presents important characters, such as being coiled in the reverse direction. The whorls are in close contact and are about six or 258 TRA-NSACTIO.XS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. seven in number in an average adult specimen. The last turn of the shell is known as the body whorl and is extremely large. The successive whorls of the shell in the female show a greater enlargement than is the case in male shells. The lines marking the point of contact of two successive wliorls art- known as the sutures. The mouth of the shell is produced into a short anterior canal or shell siphon (fig. 1, PI. I) in which lies a prolongation of the mantle, the pallial siphon (fig. 7, Slpli.). This con- dition is characteristic of carnivorous gastropods. The pallial siphon can be extended some distance out of the shelly canal, into which it is retracted when the body is withdrawn. In some gastropods there is also an anal or posterior canal wliich is represented by the perforation in Fissurella and the series of holes in Haliotis. The outer surface of the shell is covered by a horny layer which can be stripped off quite easily. In worn specimens it is frequently absent in patches. This layer, the periostracum (PI. I, fig. 4) gives the shell a some- wliat brown appearance and a furry surface. It will be referred to in detail below. The external surface of the wliorls is marked by very distinct grooves and ridges which run regularly in a longitudinal direction, and can be traced round all the whorls to the apex of the shell. They correspond to the lines radiating from the umbo of a lamellibranch shell. In Jhicclnmn iliese lines are arranged on crests and" troughs ; and are in groups of about six ridges between two crests. 'J'he crests become much more distinct as one j)asses from the mouth iowards tlie apex of the sliell, wliere they are more crowded. Running roughly at right angles to the former system of longitudinal crests, and th(>refore transversely to the direction of growth, is anotlier system. This is made up of two sets of markings lines of growth and BUCCINUM. 259 broad waves or corrugations. The lines of growth are rather indefinite striae, not nearly so distinct as the ridges of the first system, except near the mouth of the shell and particularly on the shell siphon. The corrugations on the other hand are much more definite on the earlier whorls, and on the last or mouth whorl of an adult shell they are only well marked near the suture line. These transverse corrugations relieve the monotony of the plane surface and are one of the first characters which strike the observer when comparing the shell with that of Fusus. A longitudinal section taken through the body whorl of the shell shows the following structure : — (a) an outer wide layer of irregular columns; {h) a middle and narrower layer, also composed of columns, which are, however, regular in shape and arranged at almost a right angle to the surface of the shell; (c) an inner layer characterised by delicate oblique cross lines. The outermost layer begins at the outer lips of the shell mouth, the middle layer commences a little further inside, and it is soon followed by the inner layer. According to Tullberg, who seems to have made a careful study of the structure, a fourtli and more internal layer still, occurs in the older whorls and increases in thickness as one approaches the apex of the shell. This is not seen in the micro-photograph, which is from a section through the wall of the body whorl. Text-fig. 2, after Tullberg, indicates the position of origin of the layers. In addition to these layers of shell substance, there is a very well developed periostracum which can be quite easily peeled off from the shell and examined without sectioning. The Periostracum is a chitinous layer, yellow in colour, and raised on the external surface into a number 260 TRAXSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. of papillae wliich give the shell the appearance of being covered with a velvety tissue. These papillae are all directed backwards towards the apex of the shell. In sections (Text-fig. 2) the periostracum appears to be made up of layers lying obliquely to the surface. A spine is simply a prolongation of one of these layers. The outer layer (a) of shell (Text-fig. 2, a) is marked by the possession of more organic substance than the other layers. The calcareous substance crystallises irregularly as mentioned above, and the appearance can be understood better perhaps from the photograph (PL I, fig. G) than from any description. The middle layer, Text-fig. 2 [h), is, as we have seen above, marked in longitudinal sections by parallel lines running perpendicular to the surface of the shell. In transverse sections, however, the appearance of this layer Fig. '2. is, as TuUberg remarked, just like the inner layer (c) in longitudinal section. This structure will be understood better when the remaining two layers (c and d) inside it are examined in transverse section. It will then be seen that the layer (^d) is marked like Ihe middle layer (h), and thus b(jth {h) and (d) seem built of paralUd columns in longitudinal sections, whilst they are marked by oblique lines in transverse section. The layer (c) is apparently built up of j)arallel columns in transverse section. The reason foi' this stiange appearance is that ilie three inner layers (h, c, and d) are built up in exactly the same way BUCCINUM. 261 of small plates wliic-li are arranged in rows with the plates at an angle to each other. Whilst, however, the rows of the layers {h and d) are sitviated in a line at right angles to the direction of the whorls, the other layer has the rows running almost in the direction of the lines of growth. It follows that in a longitudinal section of the shell, the plates of layers (/; and d) are seen from their cut faces and appear as columns, the cross striation marking the cut faces of the plate. The plates of layer (c) are, however, cut so that they are seen in side view, and the oblique running lines mark the edges of the plates. We might therefore divide the shell into two layers, an outer and an inner, the latter witli three subsidiary strata built up in the same way, but, as the geologists would say, unconformable. We have already seen that at the apex of the shell there are a number of partitions cutting o^ small chambers. These are formed entirely by layer [d] of the shell. Formation of the shell layers and p e r i o s t r a c u m . — The shell is formed by the entire surface of the mantle, but chiefly by the mantle edge. The periostracum and the three outer shell layers are formed solely by the edge, each of them farther from the actual margin, whilst the innermost layer {d'j can be increased in thickness throughout life by the mantle immediately below it. The structure of the mantle edge, with the shell secreting cells, will be given in the section on the mantle. There is probably little doubt that the actual crystallisation of the shell substance into the structure seen in sections takes place outside the secreting cells, and is determined to a certain extent by the constitution — a mixture of conchiolin and lime — of the secretion. The origin of the complex shell structures must, however, be 262 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. further governed by an architecture already present in the secreting area of the mantle. Such a differentiation of the secreting cells is, however, ultra-niirroscopic, and the sculpture of a mollusc shell belongs to the same category as the regular shape of the teeth on the radula, the form of placoid scales and the growth of the Echinus plates. The Columellar muscle is attached to the shell by the same kind of cells that are noticed in Pecfen and other lamellibranchs. During lite a movement of the muscle takes place, but there is no actual movement of the muscle fibres. A growth of new fibres takes place in front, and resorption behind, so that as a result the whole structure appears to move forwards. The Foot. The ventral creeping foot is exceedingly well developed in Buccinum. It is muscular, and capable of very considerable expansion and contraction, so that whilst soft and almost translucent when expanded, it becomes opaque and tough as cartilage and difficult to deal with in dissections when contracted. The flat and smooth ventral surface, or sole, has, when the foot is expanded the shape indicated in fig. 9, PI. II. Thus the anterior margin of the foot is broad, and the width remains constant for some distance backwards until towards the posterior end it gradually narrows away to a point, llunning parallel to the anterior margin of the foot is a deep groove (hg. 9, PL II, Ped. gl.), which cuts off an anterior narrow ridge from the major portion of the foot; and into this anterior groove open numerous glands. The molluscan foot is usually well provided with glands, and these may be divided into (a) scattered gland cells covering the foot, and (/>) specialised com])Ound glands. BUCCINUM. 263 The latter class includes the byssus gland of the lamelli- branchiata. In the gastropoda the specialised glands may be divided into an anterior foot gland, often opening anteriorly into a transverse groove, and an unpaired median gland opening into a cavity situated in the middle line of the foot. It is very probable, however, that both these are parts of the same system, and it is generally believed that one or other is homologous to the byssus gland of the lamellibranchs. The median unpaired opening is absent in the whelk, but the anterior glands are very well developed, and the pedal groove can be observed quite early in the embryo. The portion of the foot anterior and dorsal to the pedal groove, as well as the anterior part of the ventral surface, may be used as a clasping organ, and in this way the whelk can to a certain extent retain its hold whilst using the proboscis and radular apparatus to bore through a molluscan shell or a crustacean exoskeleton. As stated above, the foot is highly muscular. It is almost entirely composed of muscle fibres, and moreover the greater part of it is one muscle — the columellar muscle of the shell, which arises from the columella (PI. I, fig. 3), and in average-sized specimens from the inner surface of the 5th whorl, and is inserted into the under surface of the operculum, and thus must pass through the foot in order to reach this point. In the foot it is crescentic in section, the convex side being dorsal and very distinctly marked o& from the narrow band of more superficial tissue. The whole muscle lies here near to the dorsal surface of the foot. The attachment to the operculum is on the ventral side and forms an elliptical area which is situated eccentrically. The columellar muscle of the gastropods has been homologised with the adductor of the lamellibranchs by 264 TEAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. those authors who have considered the operculum homologous with the other valve of the lamellibranch shell ; and with the retractor muscles of the foot, by those who consider the operculum as representing the byssus of the lamellibranchs. Both theories are untenable. The operculum is probably a new structure, and the search for homologies is sometimes carried too far. The foot exhibits very great changes in size, according to whether it is fully expanded or completely contracted. Whilst the whelk is creeping about, the foot is almost constantly changing in shape, and if not in total volume the size of different regions at least varies. This power of change is due to the vascular supply and the muscular structure. The pedal arteries form a very complete network extending throughout the foot. Blood runs back through a large central sinus. The expansion takes place through the forcible intrusion of blood into the foot. If the foot of an expanded animal be suddenly cut off with a very sharp scalpel, the sudden outflow, or jet of blood, seen as one severs the sinus, is most striking. This is due to the muscular contraction which begins immediately the foot is touched with the knife. The blood, in fact, has most important functions to perform in effecting both the expansion of the foot and the extrusion of the proboscis. Tlie creeping action of the gastropod foot has already attracted considerable attention. In most cases when tlie animal is in motion a series of waves can be seen coursing along the foot. These may be in a direction from behind forwards — direct [Aplysia, Dons, etc..) or in the reverse direction anterior to posteiior — retrograde [Littoriva littorea and others). In some gastropods again tlie foot is divided into two longiludinal halves and these move alternalcl V, l)otIi cxh ihil in"' svstems of \\a\('s. In BUCCINUM. 265 addition to the above types there are cases (Parker) where there seem to be no waves at all and the foot glides like a Planarian over the substratum. In Buccinum the waves can only be detected at the edges of the foot, but in addition to this motion the whole of the anterior part can be moved forward and then attached whilst the posterior portion is pulled up to it. This is particularly well seen when the mollusc is removed from the water. The actual forward motion of the foot is caused by muscular contraction pulling forwards all those regions of the foot temporarily raised, — at least when compared with the rest of the foot. These regions are the waves, the crests being for the time the fixed portions. The Operculum is a disc of chitin with a deposit of calcium carbonate, placed on the dorsal surface of the posterior part of the foot (PL I, fig. 7, Op., and fig. 5). It is carried on a slight elevation, the " opercular disc," and when the animal is withdrawn into the shell fits into the mouth, closing the orifice completely. The operculum is pulled to with considerable force, for, since the colum- ellar muscle is attached to this plate and the direction of pull is almost exactly along the muscle, the whole force of which the muscle is capable can be exerted. The amount of lime in the operculum of Buccinum is but small, and the structure is horny in appearance, lacking the strength of some other gastropod opercula which may be thick and extremely hard. Seen from its superior surface, it is marked by very distinct lines of growth which are arranged concentrically round an eccentrically placed "marginal nucleus." The attachment to the foot is also eccentric, the oval area lying quite to one side, the side further from the nucleus and anterior when the foot is uncontracted. Round the area of attachment the tissue of the opercular disc form 266 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. a collar which projects for a little distance, sheathing the unattached marginal regions of the operculum. This " opercular lip " is deepest on the posterior border where there is a greater width of unattached operculum. When creeping, the operculum is arranged, as we have seen, transversely across the foot. The anterior margin in this position is the Internal border, the posterior margin the external border when the operculum is applied to the shell mouth. Fig. 2a. If the operculum is removed from the foot and the attached or ventral surface examined, a very dilferent system of striae will be seen. The operculum is, as a matter of fact, composed of several layers, and the markings on the superior and inferior surfaces are therefore quite independent of one another. The area of attachment, as already mentioned, is situated towards the anterior margin, and entirely to one side, therefore, of the nucleus. This area is marked by about ten bands (ill adult specimens), ari'anged concentrically, but with only ])art of any band s]u)wing, the lemaiuder being outside tlie area of iittaclimeiil . Furthermore, these bands are arranged in an inibiiciil ing manner (Text-fig. 2a, h), each on(> nearer lo the centre overlaj)[)ing its more marginal n(Mg1il)our. The area outside the region of attachment is covered with a somewhat glossy hoi'ny layei'. which hides the concentric bands BUCCINUM. 267 as stated above. This glossy ventral layer is broadest under tlie posterior margin (Text-fig. 2a, a). The operculum is composed of three layers, a very delicate superior layer, a median layer of considerable thickness which is itself formed of numerous laminae arranged at an acute angle to the plane of the operculum, and a third and most ventral layer, the glossy one described above. The thin superior layer is formed by a pad of cells situated in a cleft helow the anterior lip of the opercular disc. The middle layer is secreted by the cells of the disc at the margin of the region of attachment, and chiefly anteriorly. As a matter of fact, the epithelium of the foot is perfectly continuous underneath the operculum, and it is by means of these cells that the muscle fibres are attached to the operculum. The most ventral layer of all is produced by the cells of the opercular lip. It will be noticed that this lip is much deeper and more obvious altogether posteriorly where the glossy layer is widest and best developed. It is possible without more than decalcification to cut sections through foot and operculum. These will show quite easily the positions of the various secreting cells. The secreting cells are characterised by their great depth. They are narrow and about four times as deep as the other epithelial cells of the foot in the vicinity. The pedal groove (PI. II, fig. 9, Fed. gl. ; fig. 10, Fed. gr.) is a deep incision running transversely across the anterior margin of the foot. It appears quite early in the larva, and is relatively very large at this period. In transverse sections of the groove (PI. II, fig. 10), or longitudinal sections of the foot, a region round the base of the groove can be seen with the unaided eye to be different from the rest of the foot. Sections stained with methyl-blue-eosin are very characteristic and make 268 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. obTiGiis the fact that this peculiar region is composed of numerous compound glands. The groove is, in fact, nothing but a slit-like common opening of a very large number of glands. The foot in the region of the groove is bounded, as elsewhere, by a layer of deep epithelial cells with characteristic striated cuticular margin and cilia. These ciliated cells are compressed laterally and separated by gland cells. Exactly the same type of cell lines the groove, and there is no change even at the bottom of it, except that the cilia are longer and much better developed than else- where. Here the epithelial cells are much compressed and the nuclei are drawn out into long spindles. Between the cells open the compound glands. Below the epithelium is the muscular tissue, built up mainly of transverse running fibres, so that their cut ends appear in section (fig. 10, Ped. mus.). There are, however, scattered oblique and longitudinal fibres. In the region of the groove the muscular tissue remains absent, and its place is taken by the glands. Thus the very distinct demarca- tion of the gland is due as much to the absence of muscles here as to the presence of the gland cells. The glandular tissue (fig. 10, Ped. gl.) is very characteristic. There is no blue staining contents characteristic of the mucous gland cells or similar cells in the mantle and pedal epithelium. Instead, there are packets of very thin- walled cells situated some considerable distance below the epithelium. The packets are bounded by very thin connective tissue sheaths, but this is so delicate that it may seem no more than the outer walls of the cells which are arranged to form the packet. The cells are intensely vacuolated. From each packet a narrow path of the same cells runs to llie BUCCINUM. 269 epithelium. Tliese cells, however, do not enclose any canal. It appears as if the secretion must reach the groove by passing through the cells. Usually in sections there are no traces of secretion in the groove, and in living specimens no mucus or other fluid appears coming from the groove. What is, then, the function of the gland? It is homologous with the pedal pore of many other gastro- poda ; once considered an aquiferous pore by which water entered the animal. The gland secretes the substance of which the egg capsules are formed. This fact, noted in 1899 by Cunningham to apply to Buccinum and Murex, has since been found to be true for Purynra by Pelseneer. The Mantle and Pallial Cavity, The pallial cavity proper is the sjjace between the mantle and the dorsal surface of the body of the animal. Its floor is formed by the body wall, its roof by the mantle. It will be advisable to refer in a general way to this part of the animal in a separate short section, inasmuch as the cavity contains several important organs belonging to different systems. These organs considered together may be termed the Organs of the Pallial Complex. Three of them are structures developed largely from the mantle itself — the ctenidium or gill, the osphradium, and the mucous gland (PL II, fig. 8). Furthermore, there are to be considered the Pectum and Anal opening (fig. 8, Red.), the Renal opening, and the male and female genital openings. The mantle itself is thick and muscular, and this applies most markedly to the free edge. The edge is slightly recurved outwards, and just behind the extreme margin and on the outer surface is a delicate band of yellow pigment. If the mantle is slit down the extreme right side on the left of the rectum (and the oviduct in the female), 270 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. and turned over to tlie left, the organs of the pallial cavity can be easily made out. On the extreme left, and arising from the inner surface of the mantle, are two ridges which form the side walls of a groove, the pallial siphon (fig. 8, Si'ijh.). These side walls and the basal part of the groove are continued so as to form a truncated cone with a gutter down one side of it. This pallial siphon lies in the shell siphon, but can be extended a considerable distance when the animal is active. Water entering the mantle cavity passes in by means of this tube, which is characteristic of the carnivorous gastropods. One would imagine from observation of the living animal that the siphon was connected with some important system of sense organs. It is continually in motion from side to side, and extends much further from the animal and is more active than the tentacles. Examination of the mantle cavity in this light reveals an interesting series of organs. The ospliradium, which is a darkly pigmented structure on the left side, is situated right across the end of the siphon (fig. 8, Osph.). Thus all water entering the pallial cavity must pass over it before reaching the other organs. The osphradium is a narrow organ composed of two series of leaflets arranged along the sides of a central axis. It will be discussed further in the chapter on the sense organs. To the right of the osphradium is tlie gill (fig. 8, C/;.). It is separated from the osphradium by the ctenidial axis \^•hich can be seen as a white ridge running from the most distal part of the gill to the inner end of the pallial cavity. The gill itself is composed of leaflets arranged on one side of this axis only, the topographical right. Between the ctenidium and the cut side of the mantle the inner surface of the latter is occupied by the large mucous or Hypobranchial gland (fig. 8, Mu. gl.), BUCCINUM. 271 which extends therefore from gill to rectum. The gland is made up of a number of deep lamellar foldings of the mantle, about twenty in number. The structure of this org-an is considered elsewhere. The Anus (fig. 8) is situated at the apex of a prominent papilla on the right side (topographical). The vaginal portion of the oviduct is conspicuous in ripe females as an 0})aque white cylinder on the extreme right. Its opening into the pallial cavity is not so prominent as the anal opening by reason of the lowness of the papilla. In male specimens the pallial cavity will be filled by the large penis which usually lies twisted backwards. All these organs terminate about the same distance from the mantle edge and thus leave free a wide region, the inner surface of the thickened margin. The Eenal opening is a slit-like pore, situated to the left of, and slightly above the rectum on the posterior wall of the mantle cavity, in fact on the membrane separating this cavity from the renal organ. The long axis of the slit is dorso-ventral in direction. The Mantle Edge. A great part of the mantle, whether at the thickened edge or in the region of the ctenidium and other organs of the pallial complex, is composed of a modified connective tissue. One sees in sections practically nothing but thin cell walls with nuclei adhering to them, and here and there fragments of muscle fibres. This characteristic mantle connective tissue (figs. 31, .r con. and 45, Pall, gl.) is seen very well in the thickened edge, where it occupies about | of the total thickness. Against the epithelial layer, which bounds the surface of the mantle, and underlying this everywhere, is a thick sheet of compact fibrillar connective tissue of the more normal 272 TEANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. invertebrate type (fig. 45). Running througli this layer are muscle fibres of which the circular are near to the surface whilst longitudinal fibres occur more frequently nearer the central connective tissue mass. The most important feature of the mantle edge is the epithelium, for this is concerned here with shell building. The epithelium covering the free inner surface of the mantle is formed of columnar cells whose height is several times their breadth. These cells are typical ciliated cells, so that the epithelium presents here a ciliated surface. The ciliated cells are separated everywhere by mucous cells. These ciliated cells extend round the edge of the mantle to the shell side. On this side of the mantle (and in that region where the mantle forms the roof of the pallial cavity) there is a remarkable gland running across and opening to the surface not far from the mantle edge. The gland is situated deep below the epithelium imbedded in connective tissue. The actual gland cells communicate with the surface by long processes which are so crowded together that, just below the epithelium and away from the gland cells, they appear like the fibres of a broad nerve. The resemblance is quite striking in methyl-blue- eosin stained sections, for the stain is not unlike a nerve stain. Another very striking feature of the gland is that, instead of the fibre-like communication to the surface opening between epitlielial cells, the epithelium appears to be absent for a sliort space and its place taken, in fact, by the gland cell processes themselves. This glandular mass in the Bucchinm mantle was noticed by Tullberg, who discusses its function without, however, coming to any definite conclusion. He states that it might very well be a gliiiul for the secretion of the Periostracum, and tliis is suppoited by the fact that the gland is absent on the mantle below the visceral mass BUCCINUM. 273 where no Periostracum is formed. Against this, however, he adds that the gland is too large for this function alone and that it would be peculiar to find a special gland for the secretion of the Periostracum, whilst the shell itself is formed by the general epithelium of the mantle. In my opinion the objections that Tullberg brought forward are not important. In the lamellibranchs the Periostracum arises in a groove from a very definite pad of cells, certainly epithelial in position but still differentiated enough to form a special organ. Hence there is no reason why the thick Periostracum of the whelk should not be formed by this gland. In any case no other function has been ascribed to it. The compara- tive anatomy of this organ is being followed up by the author. The shell side of the mantle from the opening of the gland inwards is faced by epithelial cells differing from those already noted in the absence of cilia. These are the shell secreting cells. They are marked, particularly near the gland, by the possession of granules of yellow pigment. RESPIRATORY ORGAN (CTENIDIUM). There is only one ctenidium present in Buccinuin, as in most of the higher Gastropoda. This is the morpho- logical right gill, but is situated now on the left side of the pallial cavity. It has already been referred to as being visible through the thickness of the mantle. This ctenidium extends from a point, in line with the anterior limits of the osphradium and mucous gland, as far back as the pericardium (fig. 8, Ct.). It is composed of a large number of flattened leaflets which are packed parallel to one another and vary in size, so that they become 274 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. successively smaller as either end of the cteuidium is approached. These leaflets are roughly triang-iilar in shape. The axis of the ctenidium lies close to the ospliradium (fig. 8, Ct. a.r.). The respiratory leaflets are disposed along one side only and are further attached by the whole of their bases to the mantle (see Text-fig. 8, p. 277). The ctenidium is therefore Monoiiecfinafe. The eiterent bronchial vesse] runs along under the ctenidial axis and thus the area of each leaflet adjoining the axis may be known as the efferent end and the free side, the efferent margin of each leaflet. Branchial lacunae extend up the afferent margins of the leaflets from the afferent branchial sinus which lies in the mantle immediately below the point of attachment of the afferent edges of the lamellae. The ctenidial axis (fig. 8, Ct. a.v.) is conspicuous as a smooth ridge running along the inner surface of the mantle as far as there are ctenidial leaflets. It is made of the same peculiarly vacuolated con- nective tissue (fig. 89, Ct. gl.) seen in the mantle at the base of the ctenidial leaflets. Towards the side to which the branchial lamellae are attached the place of this tissue is taken by longitudinal muscle fibres (fig. 89, Ct. THUS.). This layer increases in thickness towards the middle of the ridge. The ctenidial nerve (fig. 39, Ct. n.) runs along the nxis not far from the osphradial side, and gives off branches at intervals, wliich pass to the leaflets. Histology. The microsco])ic sti'uctnrc* of the cieiiidial leaflets is interesting by reason of llie histological diff'erentiation of the different areas. Each leaflet consists of a double BUCCINUM. 275 bounding layer of epithelium enclosing a flattened cavity, which is a blood space. Underlying this epithelial layer (figs. 31, 32, 33, ct. e.' , ct. e." , ct. e.'") there is an internal connective tissue layer with muscles, lining the blood space just mentioned. Between these two layers a supporting tissue is developed which is much thickened near the ctenidial axis and runs along the efferent margin of each leaflet (figs. 31, 32, 33, Sup. m.). This supporting tissue, which in its thickened parts is apparently hyaline, has been regarded as cartilaginous or chitinous ; this will be referred to below. The relation of the various structures enumerated can be made out best in a section transverse to the leaflets and perpendicular to the mantle. Such a section, running through the efferent margin, is figured on PI. IV (figs. 31, 32, 33). The external epithelium, which bounds the lamellae, differs considerably in the various regions. Taking the section through a point near the efferent margin, there is first the free edge to be considered. The epithelium here is composed of somewhat deep and regular columnal cells bearing cilia (fig. 33, ct. cJ). This epithelium diminishes in thickness and becomes more irregular than indicated in the figure as one leaves the free margin. The cilia are also lost and the cells appear glandular (fig. 33.) Following on this region the cells again become more deep, more regular and with deeply staining cyto- plasm. They all bear well developed cilia, so that the whole area occupied (fig. 32, Ct. e.'") by them is very conspicuous by reason of the marked contrast with the glandular cells lacking cilia on either side of it. Passing this area towards the mantle, the cells become once more glandular and without cilia. The epithelium here is often thrown into folds through contraction, probably on 276 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY fixation (fig. 31, Ct. e."), but this in all probability can take place in life since there is a plentiful supply of muscles in the sub-epithelial layers. Immediately under the epithelium there is a supporting membrane. This is very delicate and almost indistinguishable under the greater part of the area of the leaflets, but thickens considerably, so that it becomes the outstanding feature in stained sections, near the efferent margin (fig. 33, Sup. m.). It is this substance that lias been termed cartilage or chitiu. It is clear, however, that this supporting membrane must be con- sidered in conjunction with the connective tissue on its internal face, that is, bounding the blood cavity. This layer is distinctly peculiar. Seen in transverse sections, all that can be observed are a few nuclei with very little surrounding cytoplasm (fig. 32, Ct. con.). If, however, a section is cut very slightly tangential to the leaflet, it may be possible to secure the layer itself. It then appears made up of squamous cells, often with the corners drawn out (fig. 34). If these cells touched, making up a definite membrane, it would be difficult to distinguish them from an endothelium. Instead of this, they are more or less scattered, and at odd places there is a crowding together to form islands of pseudo membrane. This tissue is thus very characteristic. Now the supporting membrane is in close contact witli tliese cells, and moreover, in places it is quite continuous willi the matrix surrounding them. This brings out strongly its resemblance to the matrix of ordinary connective tissue both in structure and in staining. Hence I have come to the conclusion that the sup])orting structure, thickened at llie efVerent margin, is really a connective tissue, free from cells or fibres, and that the cells which have formed it occur on its inner surface. BUCCINUM. 277 The relative areas covered by the different structures are indicated in Text-fig. 3. The connective tissue supporting skeleton extends from the axis along the efferent border to the angle. At first it extends from the free edge of each leaflet to the mantle, but it gradually becomes reduced. The area of ciliated cells increases quickly and then extends to the angle of efferent and afferent edges, occupying in sections from about a third to one-sixth of the length of the leaflet (measured from efferent margin to mantle side). The glandular cell area is nearest to the mantle. It increases steadily in thickness as the afferent edge of the leaflet is approached and is widest in that region. Fig. 3. ct. e.'" Area of Glandular Cells, ct. e." Area of Ciliated Cells. These differ from the reference letters on Plate IV. One further detail remains to be described. Peculiar characteristic bridges run across the blood cavity in the leaflet. Each of these appears to be formed of muscle fibrils which diverge at their extremities (fig. 34, Ct. mus.). The cell in which these muscular fibrillae have been formed remains, and is usually quite obvious with its residual cytoplasm and nucleus in the centre of the bridge. Thus it is possible by contraction of these numerous muscle strands to approximate the two surfaces of the leaflets, and hence to force out the contained blood. 278 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Another peculiar histological structure may be referred to here. The epithelium of the lamellae is simply the folded epithelium of the inner surface of the mantle. The outer epithelium hounding the mantle exter- nally is, of course, not folded here or elsewhere (fig. 31, Pall. e/p.). Between these two layers there is the very characteristic median stratum of connective tissue made up of extremely large cells with delicate walls, feebly staining nuclei and practically no contents (fig. 31, X. con.). "What function this layer may play has so far not suggested itself. MUCOUS GLAND. The mucous gland is the most conspicuous organ in the pnllial cavity, both by reason of its secretion as well as by its structure. It is a modified region of the mantle between the ctenidium and the rectum where gland cells predominate, and the inner wall of the mantle is thrown into deep folds which run transversely, overlapping slightly and hanging down into the pallial cavity. The mucous gland is really the inner wall of the mantle whose cells are elongated and specialised as gland cells. The anterior folds of the gland are directed backwards, the most posterior ones forward (fig. 8, Mu. gl.). They are much thicker than the ctenidial leaflets and are separated by much greater spaces. The number varies, 20-25 being about an average for a full- sized whelk. This region of the niaiillr is extremely well supplied with blood, as a glance at fig. ^55 will show, and numerous vessels run down parallel to the folds from the reno-mucous vessel io the afferent branchial vessel. The secretion of tlie gland is either perfectly hyaline or yellow-wliilc in colour. It is perfectly abominable to handle, and after months in nrrriNiTM. 279 five per cent, formalin it still retains its fresli appearance and consistency. It can be drawn out into long threads of surprising length (some feet) without breaking. The secretion of this matter takes place very rapidly when the animal is severely stimulated, particularly with irritating fluids. Concerning its function but little is known. It would appear in the first place to be a pro- tective—or defensive — secretion. It does not leave the animal gradually after secretion but is produced, as we have seen, spasmodically and quickly, and raises itself in a sheet. Obviously it removes in this way any dirt, sand grains or other matter from the organs of the pallial cavity, and, moreover, protects them to a certain extent from the entrance of such materials. Histology of Mucous Gland. Sections taken through the mucous gland show that we have to deal with a very much modified epithelial layer, which rests on a basement membrane of connective tissue overlying the peculiar cellular connective tissue of the mantle (fig. 40, Con.). This latter tissue extends into the folds, but only occurs as bridges running across at intervals and leaving great cavities between the two sheets of epithelium. The epithelium is composed of three types of cells as described by Bernard : 1 , Mucous cells; 2, ciliated cells; 3, neuro-epithelial cells. In sections, the characteristic appearance is to find cell walls running from the periphery to the basement membrane dividing the whole up into large chambers filled with mucus (fig. 40, Mu. c), but in addition there is a more protoplasmic peripheral region bearing cilia and another series of cell walls. There are also two distinct nuclear regions, one of which is peripheral T 280 TRANSACTION'S LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (nuclei belonging to the ciliated cells), and the other basal (nuclei of the mucous cells). The ciliated cells are long and narrow, with, howerer, an expansion at the periphery which forms a kind of platform. The mucous cells are very large and wide, their length varies according to the amount of mucus present. Their peripheral ends are, however, often quite attenuated. Bernard has made a very detailed study of the process of mucus formation, examining pieces of living tissue from the gland with the microscope. He concludes that before the production of mucus the ciliated cells are all in contact and form a continuous surface without grooves or openings. The mucous cells do not reach at first the level of the surface, but gradually they extend until they appear between the ciliated cells. A small opening occurs and from it the excretion pours out as a drop. The cell continues to secrete mucus. The ciliated cells can detach their peripheral portions, which go off as ciliated spherules minus nucleus and with little protoplasm. Finally dead cells of both kinds are expelled and may be seen in the excretion. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. The alimentary canal opens at the true mouth, at the apex of a long retractile proboscis (fig. 11, Proh.), probably notlo be seen without dissection in the preserved specimens. The opening wliicli has been noted on the surface of the head below the tentacles is not then the true mouth. At this point tlio body wall is turned in to form a permanent introvert of considerable length, part of wliich, however, is again turned on itself to form The Proboscis. 'I'ext-fig. 4 explnins this port of tlie BUCCINTTJI. 281 body better than any description. The invaginated body wall between a and d forms both the proboscis, which can be protruded, and a proboscis sheath; part of the latter, however, can be everted (fig. h to c). u.n m Fig. 4. Tlie section of the proboscis sheath a-h in Text-fig. 4 is connected somewhat closely to the body wall by short muscles. This region retains its position whatever be the disposition of the proboscis. A definite ring of muscle and connective tissue (usually of a reddish hue in fresh specimens) encircles the sheath at 6, and marks the boundary of the next section h-c This portion, about 282 TEANSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1^ inch long in the ailult, is thin walled, made up of muscular fibres and connective tissue, and is connected by- long strands of muscle with the walls of the body cavity. Some of these strands pass backwards for some distance. Now this region can be everted in such a way that whilst forming part of tlie proboscis sheath in the retracted condition (fig. a), it forms the base of the proboscis in the extended position (fig. b). Thus the protrusion of the proboscis is not due to muscular action of this structure itself but to the unfolding of the hinder part of its sheath. The proboscis is nothing but a further con- tinuation of the body wall, and the true mouth lies as mentioned above at its distal end (figs, a and b, M.). The cavity (part of the external world) between the proboscis and its sheath (Text-fig. 4, Uliyn., and PI. II, fig. 11, RJiyn.) is known as the Ehynchodaeum, and the opening of the latter, or tlie false mouth, is the Ehynchostome [Jxst.). Such a proboscis is termed a 2)1 eur embolic lyrohoscis (Lankester*), from the fact that when withdrawn it is the base that is pulled and disappears first. The other and opposite type is the l)le%irelcbolic, met with in the Cypraeidae, etc. The proboscis of Buccinum was known to the ancients, and both Arisioth^t and Plinyl refer to it. Cuvier was the first, however (1817) §, who described it \\\{\\ accuracy and detail. Pharynx.— Tlie moutli (Text-fig. 4, /I/., and fig. 11) o])ens into a muscuhir ])hary]ix (PI. 11, fig. TJ, l*h.), the walls of wliich are attached all round \o th(> proboscis walls by radiating muscles. Into tlie floor of the '■'f Lankester. Art. MuUiisca, Rnr-velnp. Britaiinica, 9th edit., Vol. XVI, 188.3. t Aristoteles. Do .Xniiiial. hist., Lib. IV, cap. 4, i^ij 7, 8, 9. I Plinius. Hist. Nat., L. XI, c. 37. S Cuvier. Mem. pour servir a I'hist. et ji ranatomie des Mollusques. BUCCINUM. 283 pharynx, which bears no teeth, projects the tongue apparatus, and the muscles of this characteristic organ almost surround the anterior part of the alimentary- canal. The whole structure is known as the Odontopliore (Text-fig. 4, Od.), and consists essentially of a tongue, projecting into the pharyngeal space, covered by a flexible rasp — a membrane set with teeth — known as the radula. A description of this apparatus is given separately below. The pharynx extends backwards for about 1 cm., and almost at the point where the radular apparatus opens into it, two salivary ducts enter laterally, one on either side (PL II, fig. 12, Sal. cL). These ducts can be seen as two delicate white tubes running along the sides of the oesophagus (fig. 12, Oes.), the next portion of the gut. The Oesophagus extends from the pharynx to the stomach, and is the longest section of the alimentary canal. The most distal part, immediately behind the pharynx, is flattened dorsoventrally and runs along through the proboscis to its posterior end. Here it turns abruptly on itself and runs forward again in close contact with the proboscis sheath. The anterior direction is kept until the region is reached where the nerve collar lies hidden by the conspicuous salivary glands, and then another somewhat abrupt bend occurs (Text-fig. 4, a and b) and the oesophagus passes through the nerve ring and runs posteriorly along the floor of the body cavity. This curious looping of the oesophagus is probably due to the nerve collar which has retained its normal anterior position and compelled the alimentary canal to take the course which has been described. The part of the gut which is thus bent into an S is marked by longitudinal folds projecting into the lumen. None of these longitudinal folds are specialised or better developed 284 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. tbau others. At its sides riui the salivary glaud ducts already mentioned. They arise iu the large salivaiy glands, compact bodies of a yellow lolour, which are situated asj^mmetrically about the alimentary canal and nerve collar. The latter is hidden com- pletely except from below. The left gland lies more posterior and more dorsal than the right, and thus covers part of the latter. The ducts are formed by numerous small branches joining up in the tissue of the glands and leaving them dorsally (PI. II, fig. 12, Sal. (jL). The histological structure of this organ is given below. Neither gland alters its position during the evagina- tion or invagination of the proboscis, and a further most important point to notice is that neither salivary duct 2)asses through the nerve ring. This is probably due to the fact that with elongation of the proboscis the salivary glands came to lie in front of the nerve collar. With the later elongation of the salivary ducts the salivary glands came to lie behind the nerve collar and moved to the position externally to the collar. This explains the fact that in the Rachiglossa tlie ducts do not penetrate the nerve collar, a feature otherwise common in the Monotocardia, where the glands are posterior to the nerve ring. A little distance behind the nerve collar a narrow tube opens into tlie oesophagus on its dorsal surface (fig. 12). After running forwards for a few millimetres, it curves round and widens into a very tliin-walled bag, usually flattened, and of a brown colour iu fresh specimens, owing to tlie contents. The bag extends back for some distance, lying upon the oesoj)hagus. It is tlio so-called gland of Leiblein (PI. II, fig. 12, Ln. g.) — the poison gland of the Toxiglossa. Both gland and oesophagus move over towards tlie BUCCINUM. 285 left side as the visceral mass is reached. Just before the region of the pericardium and digestive gland is entered, a peculiar caecum is to be found on the oesophagus (fig. 12, Ln. g.). Its walls are rather more thick than the part described above, and resemble the short piece now left between caecum and stomach. The caecum can be easily seen in simple dissections, for the oesophagus has now left the head region and is visible without any incision whatever at the surface of the visceral mass on the left ventral edge. The caecum itself lies just behind the pericardium (fig. 12, Caec). The Stomach — that part of the alimentary canal into which the ducts of the large digestive glands (the so-called liver) open — is a bag of considerable size, with one surface lying against the digestive gland and the other surface against the bounding integument. Thus the stomach is clearly visible without any dissection. Curiously enough, it is attached strongly by short muscle strands to the epithelial layer of the body wall, so that the latter, which can be easily removed from the other parts of the viscera, is only pulled away with difficulty from this area. The stomach (fig. 12, St.) is very irregular in shape. It is flattened, so that there are two more important surfaces, and it is elongated in an antero-posterior direction. The oesophagus opens into it ventrally about midway between the point of origin of the rectum and the posterior apex of the stomach. Just before entering the stomach the oesophagus passes under a somewhat conspicuous lobe of this organ, which is marked with radiating striae and lies between oesophagus and intestine (fig. 13, Dg.'O. The markings on the external surface of the stomach correspond to ridges which occur on the inner surface and 286 TKAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. project into the lumen. Two openings into the stomach, both on the inner surface, mark the entrance of the ducts from the digestive ghmd (fig. 13, Dg. d.). One of these is situated anteriorly close to the proximal part of the rectum, the other is just posterior to the point of entrance of the oesophagus. The Digestive Gland is the largest structure in the visceral mass, and extends from the pericardiac region to the tip of the spire. It is brown or brown-green in colour, and soft and oily in consistenc}-, with no very pleasant smell. This large gland, which is made u]) of fine branching tubules, was formerly regarded as a " liver." It is now agreed that this name is unsuitable, as the digestive functions are more comprehensive and unite the functions of the different digestive glands of the verte- brate gut. It is, furthermore, the chief organ in the body for absorption of digested food. Originally the digestive gland of the Gastropoda was paired and symmetrical. In the adult Bvccinum there is an obvious division into right anterior and left posterior lobes. The latter is much the larger of the two and extends from the tip of the stomach to the end of the spire. The boundary of the two regions lies at the j)Osterior end of the renal organ. The paired nature is still further indicated by the fact that the tubules, of which the gland is composed, open into one another, and finally form two large ducts which enter the stomach, as mentioned above. The posterior part of the digestive gland is ])artially covered by the goinul which lies, fonniiig ;i kind of arcli (fig. 58), on its dorsal surface. The Intestine (fig. 12, Ncct.), the original posterior ])ortion of tlie gut, is of shorter length than the oeso- phagus. Owing to the torsion wliicli has taken phice in development it runs forward (h)is;illy to open into the BuccixuM. 287 pallial cavity. The intestine leaves the stomach dorsally and anteriorly and lies close to the surface until the renal organ is reached. It then plunges underneath the latter (though still on the surface of the digestive gland and outside the pericardium), and reaches the pallial cavity. It is now some distance away from the oesophagus and ascends into the wall of the pallial cavity, taking a course along the right side at the extreme edge. In the female this distal portion, the rectum, is compressed by the oviduct. The rectum terminates in a conical protu- berance at the end of wliich the anus is situated (fig. 8, An.). "With the exception of glandular walls, no special anal or rectal glands are present. Histology of the Aliment a ry Canal and related Organs. A detailed account of the histology of the whelk's tissues would be far beyond the limits of this Memoir. Only some of the more typical and important structures will be referred to here.* The Pharyiw. — The pharynx in life has a peculiar pink colour, due to its muscular wall. In sections one finds the lumen of the gut lined by a layer of deep epithelial cells. As a matter of fact, the lining of the gut is very similar throughout its length, and the same kinds of cells are found in the epithelium, viz. : — (1) Ciliated cells, (2) Eosinophilous cells, (3) Gland cells. Whatever may be the function of the two latter types, it is interesting to notice that they occur throughout the whole length of the gut from pharynx to rectum. The ciliated cells (fig. 24, CI. c.) are typical tall ■■'■ The author intends to publish shortly a series of papers dealing with Molluscan Histology. 288 TRANSACTIONS LIVERrOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. columnar epithelial cells, with an oval nucleus situated near the middle of the length. A distinct border, due to the desmochondria at the base of the cilia, is present. With either methyl-blue-eosiu, or Mallorv's stain, the contents of the eosinojjhilous cells (small spherical granules) (fig. 24, Ev. c.) stain an intense red and the contents of the gland cells light blue (fig. 24, Gl. c). The most interesting ])art of the j)harvnx is, however, its muscular sheath, which underlies the epithelium. It may be divided into two layers, longitudinal fibres situated next to the epithelium, and an outer circular muscle layer (fig. 24, Mvs. long, and Mus. circ). There is no outer layer of epithelium bounding the cavity in which the pharynx lies, for this is simply a haemocoele. The muscle fibres are extremely thick, and each is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. This matrix is, however, so reduced that it has rather the appearance of very thick cell walls, where the muscle fibres are cut transversely. The fibres themselves resemble the cell contents, for they are almost round in transverse section; the angular shape really possessed by them is probably due to crowding and pressure. The structure of the fibres is extremely distinct in this pharyngeal musculature, and one sees a beautiful peripheral arrangement of fibrils surrounding a large central granular sarc, in which may sometimes be seen the nucleus. A better or more easily procured example of this type of muscle fibre could hardly be imagined. These large fibres with their great sarcoplasmic centres give the reddish pink tinge to the pharynx, a colour which is hardly ever present in molluscan muscles, and in the whelk in one other place only, the muscles of the odontopliore. The Gland of Lciblein. — So far as I am aware, no BUCCINUM. 289 description of the structure and chemistry of this gland exists. In life the gland possesses brownish contents which can be seen through the delicate walls. It is homologous with the so-called poison gland of the Toxi- glossa, and, as stated above, belongs normally to the ventral side of the oesophagus. Its opening has been brought to the present dorsal position by the torsion of the alimentary canal in this region. The walls of the sac are formed of a delicate layer of connective tissue (fig. -30. Con. t.), which is, at the same time, a supporting membrane for a stratum of peculiar cells which line the cavity. These are extremely long pear-shaped cells which are attached to the basement membrane by their narrow ends. They have the appear- ance of loosely adhering cells, sometimes looking like contracted Infusoria, attached by narrow stalks and protruding swollen sac-like portions into the lumen of the gland (fig. 30, Gl. c). The cells themselves are of all sizes, and vary from ordinary columnar epithelial cells to the elongated pear- shaped kind. There is no doubt that all the cells are of one category, and the differences observed are merely those of growth. In all cases the nuclei, which are elliptical in shape, are to be found near the bases of the cells. The cells are well filled with protoplasm and crowded with brownish yellow granules. In the sections so far examined the lumen of the gland has contained numerous cell remains, and it is evident that dehiscence of the whole cell, or at least part, takes place when filled with the brown granules. The function of this gland is at present problematical, and I do not know on what evidence the term poison gland, as applied to the homologous structure in the Toxiglossa, has been given. It could hardly function as 290 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. a poisou gland in the whelk, opening, as it does, so far back. It is in all piobability a digestive gland, but it might function as an "antiseptic.'' The Salivary Glands possess an extremely compact structure. The}' become brittle in preserved specimens, and are most difficult to cut when embedded in paraffin. Sections show that after the salivary ducts break up in the gland, the branches dividing into finer tubules in their turn soon end through complete occlusion of their cavities. Sections of the ducts with their columnar cells bearing cilia (fig. 26, Sal. d.) are met at irregular intervals, but the greater part of the tissue is composed of groups of large intensely vacuolated cells (fig. 26, .S^, (jl. c). These large cells become continuous with the epithelium of the ducts, but, unlike the gastric gland cells, they are so large that the cavity of the ductule soon ceases to exist when the walls are formed of them. In most of the cells a trace of protoplasmic contents at least remains, and there is a distinct nucleus. The rest of the cell is either one large vacuole with colourless non- staining contents, or is filled with bodies of irregular shape and very variable size, which stain intensely with eosin (fig. 26, S. gl . cJ). In some gastropods the secretion of the salivary glands contains a large amount of free sulphuric acid, which is supposed to aid in the boring of calcareous shells. No marked acid reaction could be obtained with the whelk secretion. Griffiths finds that the gland has the same function as that of Patella, and contains a ferment capable of transforming starch into glucose. Tlie Oesopfiagtts. — The section figured has been cut not far from the caecum (PL III, fig 25). It has already been mentioned that longitudinal ridges run along the lumen of the oesophagus. These can often bo seen from BtTCCINUM. 291 the exterior, but not because the external surface is thrown into folds. It is only the internal layers that are folded, so that as a result the walls are alternately thick and thin. There is no external epithelial layer bounding the alimentary canal, for it runs through a haemocoele and not a true body cavity bounded by an endothelial layer. One finds, therefore, most externally, an attenuated connective tissue layer (fig. 25, Oe. con. ), This gives place to compact dense connective tissue, through which run many muscle fibres (fig. 25, Oe. conj). Externally, the circular or transverse muscle fibres predominate, internally one finds longitudinal fibres, and this layer is particularly thick and forms the main substance of the folds. The connective tissue sheath is divided, therefore, into two distinct layers by reason of the muscles which run through it. The inner layer with the longitudinal muscles varies in thickness according as to whether it is under a groove or a fold, and forms the support for the epithelium which lines the gut. The Epithelium is composed of regular columnar epithelial cells, the height of which is about twelve or more times the thickness. There are three kinds evident, viz. : — (1) Ciliated cells, (2) Eosinophilous cells, and (3) Gland cells, and their frequency is in the order given above, the gland cells being least numerous. The ciliated cells are very narrow basally, but increase in thickness towards the lumen, and their surfaces form a distinct unbroken plane. They are typical ciliated cells and show very distinctly the double row of desmochondria at the base of the cilia, and the connecting fibres in the cytoplasm. Between these cells occur the eosinophilous cells in great numbers. They are more common here than any- where else, and are crowded with small granules which 292 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. show a most marked avidity for eosiii. The gland cells stand out very distinctly in methyl-blue-eosin stained preparations, for their contents appear lig-ht blue, whilst the epithelium generally is a dense red, a granular red ! They do not occur in very great numbers. In some sections the lumen of the oesophagus is filled here with the blue stained contents of tliese gland cells and the red stained extruded cells. Eosinophilous granules also abound in the secretion. Tlie Caecum. — The caecum differs from the part just described in having the simple folds of epithelium and connective tissue thrown into most complex secondary folds. Thus the lumen is split up and reduced in size, and the connective tissue is reduced to a thin layer between the folds of epithelium. Another important and obvious distinction is that the eosinophilous cells have become much reduced in number, and hence the lining epithelium has almost lost the granular densely stained appearance. A few scattered gland cells are to be found. What the function of this caecum may be it is difficult to say, for the walls are not in the least like the walls of a gland, and gland cells are reduced in number. The Stornacli. — In structure; the wall of tlio st()m;)cli does not differ essentially from tlie rest of the alimentary canal. Tlie cavity is lined by a layer of columnar ciliated e])itlielial cells (liexagonal in transverse section), which are perhaps not so long noi' so slender as the cells of the rectum, but resemble them closely. Amongst these cells iiic scuttcicd cosiiiopliilous cells of the same charactei' as iliose found else\\liere in the walls of the gut. (jland cells occur but rarely. The nuclei of the epiihelinl cells are io be iound neaicr 1o Ihe basal iiieiiibraiie ihan thosf! of Ihe cells (»r ihe reinainiiig pails oi ili(! digestive BrcriNUM. 293 tract. Underlying tlie epithelium is a thin but distinct basal membrane, and below this a layer of connective tissue with muscle fibres. Numerous large blood spaces occur in the connective tissue, so that it may practically be said that the stomach lies in a blood cavity. The conspicuous grooves, which have already been referred to as occurring on the inner surface of the stomach, are produced by variations in height of the epithelial cells. In this respect the epithelium agrees with the same layer in the stomach of the lamellibranch Pecten. The Digestive Gland. — This large gland has been known as the liver, the Hepatopancreas, and the Gastric Gland. It is now regarded as a " pancreas," but with additional functions, such as storing pigment and fat. The term liver should certainly be abolished and replaced by the name " digestive gland." The gland is tubular, and is formed by repeated division of the ducts which open from the stomach. These numerous branches ramify still further, and even- tually end blindly as caeca. The gland, like that of Pecten, is composed almost entirely of these caeca and ductules, and the connective tissue which encloses each ductule and caecum, and is therefore to be seen between them, is reduced to a minimum. There are numerous blood lacunae penetrating between the caeca. The appearance of stained sections is very character- istic, for almost all the gland cells are crowded with large, oily-looking granules, which stain vividly with eosin (fig. 29, Dg. gi-.). They are so numerous, in fact, that details of cell structure are almost entirely obscured. Commencing from the opening of a ductule into the stomach, and passing towards the blind end of one of its 294 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. branches, the following changes are to be noticed in the character of the cells. The walls are at first made up of ciliated columnar cells (fig. 29, Dg. cJ), which resemble those of the stomach. The protoplasm is distinctly seen here, since there is little or no secreted or absorbed substance. These cells are gradually replaced by more and more vacuolated ones (fig. 29, Dg. c"), containing the intensely staining bodies. Cilia disappear, and finally the typical broad cells almost meet in the centre, so that the cavity becomes very narrow, almost occluded, as the end of a caecum is reached. There are usually said to be three kinds of cells present in the digestive gland of molluscs — ferment cells, granular cells (liver cells), and lime cells. It is extremely difficult to make out these different types in the whelk. Very occasionally cells are met with which are possibly lime cells, but most cells are alike in con- taining the oily or fatty bodies already referred to. Whether it is really possible to draw a distinction between ferment cells and granular cells is very doubtful. It is probable that both are merely stages in the life of the same cell. Intestine. — The intestine differs hardly at all in structure from the oesophagus. There is the same layer of very tall and narrow epithelial cells, with long cilia. Gland cells, however, are far more numerous. The eosinophilous cells are present in considerable numbers as before. The lumen contains large quantities of the granules fiom the latter cells, and considerable numbers of extruded rells or parts of cells. BUCCINUM. 295 THE ODONTOPHORE. The complex odontopliore of the whelk was examined by Geddes in 1878. He does not describe the structures in detail, but gives figures of some dissections. In order to expose this organ, the proboscis should be removed and pinned down with the dorsal surface uppermost. If a cut is made down the middle line and the flaps folded back, the whole apparatus lies somewhat as figured in PI. Ill, fig. 19, the oesophagus resting on the odontophore. Now the odontophore consists essentially of a band (the radula), to which are attached a large number of muscles. This band is fixed, pulle3'-like, on a grooved support, which we shall call the odontophoral cartilage. The whole structure is bound together by two delicate sheets of transverse muscle fibres. One of these will be seen immediately the oesophagus is removed, and lies dorsally, forming a roof over the radula and cartilage (fig. 19, d.rn.s.). Two dorsal protractor muscles (fig. 19, d. pr. VI.) run from the anterior end of the proboscis walls to the odontopliore. In addition to these, the walls of the buccal cavity are muscular, and there are two delicate ventral protractor muscles (fig. 18, v. pr. m.). It seems probable that protrusion of the odontophore (it can be brought up to the mouth opening), is aided by blood pressure, in addition to muscle action. A conspicuous central dorsal muscle (figs. 19 and 16, C.d.m.), which is attached to the extremity of the radula (dorsally), extends back over a large nuniljer of other muscles, all of a faint red tint, to become attached to the fioor of the proboscis. At the sides of these muscles are two peculiar straps, consisting of a connective tissue matrix with numerous muscle fibres (figs. IG, 18, 19, 20, u '296 TKAXS ACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. L.t.h.). These are extremely importaut structures, and run back a cousiderable distance, to branch finally and become attached to the tioor of the proboscis. They will be termed the Lateral odontoplioral hands. These bands form the meeting place at their anterior extremities for a number of dorsal and ventral muscles and the odonto- plioral cartilage. Thus many of the muscles of the radula are not attached to the walls of the proboscis directly, but to two lateral musculo-connective tissue bands. Neither Geddes nor Oswald have figured this muscle connection with the lateral bauds correctly. The odontophoral cartilage is formed of two long band-like lateral cartilages, which are much thicker at their anterior ends and somewhat L-shaped in section. They fuse ventrally at their anterior ends, and thus by reason of their shape form the walls of a gutter or groove open dorsally (figs. 20, 18 and 23). In addition, they are united posteriorly by the sheet of transverse muscle fibres, the companion structure to the dorsal sheet already noticed (fig. 18, V.e.m.). Upon this odontoplioral cariilage lies the radula. Tliere is usually aliout 20 mm. of it on the dorsal surface, and 10 mm. on the ventral. The muscles of the odoiitojjliore may be divided into : — I. Muscles atlachcd to laduhi, (a) dorsally, and (6) ventrally; II. Muscles attached to o(lunto}»horal cartilage; or I. Protractors, {a) of Pharynx, and (?>) of lladula and Caitilage. II. detractors, {(t) dorsal, and (J>) ventral. The i)t()tra(;tors of the Pliarynx consist of two muscles which run doisall\- from the anteiior end of tlie BFCCINUM. 297 proboscis to the posterior end of the pharynx. By contraction of these muscles the pharynx can be moved forward. The protractors of the Odontophore have already been referred to. They are first a pair of muscles which run from the walls of the proboscis to the sides of the odontophore, really to the lateral " cartilages " of the odontophore, and a pair which are situated ventrally and anteriorly (figs. 18, 21, V. pr. m.). These are also inserted in the odontophoral cartilages. In addition to these might be included the miiscles of the buccal cavity walls, which are attached to the radular sheath. The action of all these muscles is to pull forward the radular apparatus. The Retractor muscles are much more complicated, and are at first somewhat difiicult to follow. There are two series of these muscles, dorsal and ventral, lying above and below the odontophoral cartilage respectively. The dorsal retractors are much more numerous, and larger than the ventral, and, as will be seen later, this is to be correlated with the movements of the radula and the arrangement of teeth on the same. The first retractor to be observed is the most dorsal unpaired median baud (fig. 16, C.d.vi.), which is attached to the end of the radular sac, and after running back some distance is inserted into the walls of the proboscis. Before referring to the other dorsal retractors attached to the radula, mention must be made of two curious muscles which run from the end of the radular sac, at the point of insertion of the central dorsal muscle, to the two cartilages (fig. 16, c.c). They are thus fixed to two apparently unstable points. The action of these dorsal occlusor muscles and the median dorsal muscle is interesting, for the contraction of the former will bring 298 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the two cartilages together, closing the gutter and preventing the radula from slipping up over the sides, whilst the contraction of the median muscle will pull back the radular sheath and even the pharynx. There still remains a large number of retractor muscles attached to the dorsal portion of the radula. Of these, two on each side arise from the anterior ends of the lateral odontophoral hands (or the posterior ends of the odontophoral cartilages), and are inserted laterally to the radular sheath (fig. 16, l.r.rJ , l.r.r."). The others all arise on the floor of the proboscis wall some distance posteriorly. They comprise (1) the median muscle lying under the centre dorsal muscle (fig. IG, c.d.ni. inf.), (2) the paired muscles (fig. 16, rj, r."), and {']) the paired muscles (fig. 16, V. r.). Altogether, there are four or five pairs of muscles running together in this way, and all are attached laterally and ventrally to the radular sheath some distance forwards. The Ventral Retractors are mucWinferior in strength and number to the dorsal muscles. Like the latter, they are attached both to the floor of the proboscis sheath and to the anterior ends of the lateral odoutophoial bands. In fig. 18, the ventral muscles are supposed to be seen through the odontophoral cartilage, all the dorsal muscles and dorsal part of the radula having been removed. It Avill be seen that on each side tlici-e is a bi- or tri-partite muscle, the lateial ventral retractor, which runs from the lateral tongue band, and is attaclied in front to tlie sides of the radula (figs. 17 and IS. r.r.in.). In addition to these there are two median ventral muscles (fig. 17, m.v.r.), wliich lie in close contact with tlie ventral sheath of circular-muscle fibres (fig. liS. r.c./nj, ;ind then run buck to be inserted in llie s;inie region as the dorsal retractois, the tloor of tlie proboscis. BUCCINUM. 299 In regard to the mode of action of the apparatus, Huxley came to the conclusion that the '' cartilages " which support the radula were perfectly passive and that the radula was pulled backwards and forwards, as a strap over a pulley or a polished surface, so that it scraped the object like a rasp or file. This was the result of observations on some living gastropoda. Geddes held the opposite view, a view formerly hinted at by Cuvier, to the eifect that the action of the radula was due to the muscles pulling the whole tongue up and down. My observations lead me to support Oswald, who asserted that both these movements played a part ; but those described by Huxley seem, at the same time, to be the most important. The mere fact of the attachment of the muscles to the odontophoral cartilage shows that this is not altogether passive. Again, the effect of the dorsal retractors pulling on the radula would be to cause the cartilage to move dorsally, but this would only happen to any extent if the radula were fixed securely against the cartilage. Most of the muscles, however, are inserted in such a way that much power would be lost if they were only moving the cartilages ; in fact, it would be difficult to account for their positions. Furthermore, there can be little play for the cartilage in the securely bound up odontophoral mass. (Jne would conclude, therefore, from the anatomy alone that the rasping movements of the radula over the cartilf.ge were the most important, whilst at the same time this structure was not altogether passive. Any doubt, however, was dispelled by one of the whelks actually attacking the finger of the author and rasping away for a few seconds on the skin. The median teeth of the radula are so placed that at the point of reflection of the 300 TRANSACTIONS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. latter over the tougiie they point upwards. It is not easy to see how they could be of much use in boring if they remained in this position. One sees here perfectly clearly the reason for the ])owerful dorsal musculature. When the radula is pulled b}- the ventral muscles the teeth slip backwards over the object with little friction since they are pointing the other way, but when the dorsal muscles contract, the teeth are directed against the object and much resistance has to be overcome. The action of the radula can, as a matter of fact, be easily demonstrated in whelks that liave been narcotised. If the proboscis is removed from one of these animals and squeezed between the finger and thumb gently, the odontophore will be protruded, and the application of a little pressure to a spot which can be found by trial will cause the radula to move backwards and forwards over the cartilage. The action of the muscles, so far as I have been able to determine, is as follows : — By contraction of the dorsal retractors, the radula is pulled so that the teeth rasp the object. At the same time the occlusor muscles come into action and hold the sides of the cartilage together, so as io maintain the groove. I find no evidence whatever to show that by contraction of these muscles the radula comes to lie on the sides of the cartilages as stated by Oswald. On the other hand, the position of the lateral teeth sliow the necessity of the groove, for as they pass from the plane ventral surface of the tongue to the gutter- like dorsal surface, they " bite " inwards, and so the net result is a tri-partite attack on Ihe object. The veiilral muscles now come into play and draw the radula easily l)ack\vards. There would be no point ill the arrangement of the lateral teeth whereby they can rotate inwards and act in a most efficient manner, if BUCCINITM. 301 movements of the radiila over the cartilage were not the usual method of attack. The radular teeth (fig. 14) are, in accordance with the Rachiglossan formula, three in number, one median and two lateral. The median teeth, known as the central or rachidian, are placed with their anterior margins exactly transversely across the radula and possess a number of similar denticles which will be referred to again below. A thickened yellow band marks the position of the tooth itself. All the teeth are fused to the chitinous radular band. The lateral teeth are set obliquely, and almost alternate in position with tTie centrals. The inner end of a lateral tooth lies almost opposite the base of a central tooth, whilst its outer end is opposite the next posterior central. Furthermore, the lateral teeth are not exactly on the same plane as the centrals, and as the radula passes into the lingual groove they are caused to rotate until their denticles are directed towards the middle line. The denticles of the lateral teeth are much larger than those of the centrals and vary in shape, the outermost being by far the most powerful. On the whole, the radular teeth are very regular and characteristic in the gastropoda, and are commonly used for purposes of classification. The teeth of Buccinum undatum, however, make a very striking exception to this rule, since the number of denticles on both the central and lateral teeth varies in an extraordinary manner, giving an excellent example of meristic varia- tion. The three first radulas taken from Port Erin whelks varied in number of denticles as follows: — Lateral teeth : — 4. 4. 4 Central teeth:— 6. 7. 8. Bateson records that from 27 specimens the varia- tions were as follows : — 302 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Lateral -4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3&4. 3 & 4. 4&5. Central - 5. 6. 7. 6-8. 9. 6. 7. 8. Cases - 8. 12. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. It will be seen that even the bilateral symmetry may be destroyed, the opposite lateral teeth having a different number of denticles. Furthermore, though in almost all cases the teeth are the same on the one radula, there have been observed specimens where the number of denticles on the anterior central teeth was less than the number at the posterior end of the radula. Histology of Odon top h oral Cartilage a n d E a d u 1 a i- Muscle s. The cartilage of the moUuscan radula (fig. 23) represents probably the earliest development of cartilage in the animal kingdom, and by reason of its distinctness and ease of preparation it is a good example for the study of invertebrate cartilage. The most external bounding layer is a delicate connective tissue, which encloses the cartilage cells. The cartilage itself has the appearance of a plant tissue. It seems at first sight to be composed of very large irregular cells with small round nuclei and extremely definite and deeply staining cell walls. The cells (fig. 22, Cart.) are 18/i in diameter, turgid with fluid, and contain a delicate fibrillar protoplasm which does not stain intensely owing to its attenuated state. The nuclei (fig. 22, Nuc), which are perfectly spherical, are only 4/x in diameter. A nucleolus is usually present and many small granules of chromatin. The apparent cell walls are in reality tlie intercellular matrix formed by the cells. This is small in quantity and is formed in such a regular manner that it has the appearance of cell walls rather than a matrix. This pseudo-wall, if followed, BrcciNUM. 303 often appears to be continuous round two or more cells (fig. 23). The more cells round which it is continued the thicker it is, and hence in places there appear to be septa running into the mass and forming at the same time the bounding walls of contiguous cells. The cartilage of the molluscan odontophore has often been referred to by writers, but has apparently never been examined in any detail. It has been compared to cellular or vesicular connective tissue, or called cartilage without micro- chemical tests. Josef Schaifer seems to be the only worker who has examined it in any detail, but his paper has ajjpeared only as a resume without illustrations. The main conclusion is that the "cartilages" vary towards or away from a distinctly real cartilage, and that the development of a low or high type of cartilage is to a certain extent independent of the phyletic position of the animal. The Buccinum cartilage is most certainly a real cartilage. Micro-cliemically it reacts in a slight but distinct manner to thiouin, giving the characteristic muco stain. It is therefore to a certain extent a muco- cartilage. The odontophoral cartilage is not entirely composed of cartilage tissue, as the dorsal portions of the walls of the groove (fig. 23, Ling, con.) are of a very compact con- nective tissue, composed of a matrix resembling the inter- cellular matrix of the cartilage area, but penetrated by a large number of muscle fibres. The muscle fibres (fig. 22) of the radula are also striking in structure. They are red in colour, and contain much sarcoplasm. Each muscle cell is a spindle- shaped structure of considerable length. In section it is circular, and the diameter of these fibres is considerable, 15//. The sarcostyles (fig. 22, Mtis. col.), or actual contractile elements, are arranged round the periphery of 304 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the muscle cell, and the large remaining central space is occupied by the sarcoplasm. Thus in any transverse sections of these muscles, the fibres are represented by circular discs, the centre of which is granular proto- plasm, whilst the periphery is either a dark staining circle or this may have been resolved by the stain into a number of segments — each a transverse section of a sarcostyle. The sarcostyles do not run quite longitudinally along the muscle fibre or cell, but wind spirally round it. Thus a delicate double striation is present, but cannot be seen unless one focusses completely through a fibre. The Radula, with its teeth, is being formed con- tinually by the cells of the radular sac in which its posterior dorsal extremity lies, and as the teeth of the anterior region are broken away in action, new regions move forwards and take the place of the old. The radular sac is a delicate cellular caecum continuous anteriorly with the epithelium of the pharynx. It ends blindly at the point to which is attached the centro- dorsal retractor muscle (figs. 19 and 16, C.d.))i.). The cells forming the wall of the blind end are known as Odontoblasts. These secrete the teeth and the basement membrane which bears them. In Buccinum the odonto- blasts are very numerous and exceedingl}^ narrow. Their length, however, varies in a regular manner according to position, so that cushions of cells are formed. Transverse and longitudinal sections are both required to elucidate the structure of the radula sac. The transverse section (Text-fig. 5, a) gives the key to the structure, for it is seen that the radula near and up to tlie point of origin is so fixed that tlie lateral portions with the lateral teeth are turned up at right angles to the median area. The cells of the radula sac are longest at the extreme end, where tlie radula is formed. As a matter of fact, the BUCCINUM. 305 external surface of the sac at this point forms a perfect circle in transverse sections (Text-fig. 5). The cells of the lateral and basal walls of this circular sheath are of medium length. The cells of the dorsal wall are of extraordinary size and extend down into the cavity, forming a deep ridge, which extends for some distance from the blind end. This odontoblast ridge lies, of course, in the gutter formed by the radula. Thus one sees that the cells of the lateral and ventral walls are directed towards the basal ventral plate of the radula, whilst the dorsal ridge cells are directed towards the teeth, both median and lateral. Fig. 5. As one passes towards the pharynx the depth of all the cells decreases, the dorsal ridge passes away and gradually the ordinary epithelial type is reached continuous with the epithelium of the pharynx. The nuclei of the odontoblast cells are oval, moi'e or less elongated and contain numerous small granules. The most characteristic feature of the odontoblast, how- ever, is the free end of the cell. The secretion leaves it 306 THANSACTinxs liv?:epool biological society. in the form of numerous cilia-like processes whicli, in a Mallory-stained section, are at first red in colour. The}' soon become blue or purple as one passes from the cell, and then lose their individuality in a homogeneous blue stained mass of chitin, which forms the basis of the ribbon and teeth. The fibrous ground can be detected every- where in young- teeth stained with Mallory's connective- tissue stain. In the whelk the teeth are absolutely continuous with the basal membrane of the radula, and it is almost impossible to make out any line of junction or to say which cells have participated only in the fabrication of the teeth. The ventral and lateral cells of the blind end have, however, most certainly played the greater part in the formation of the ribbon membrane and the dorsal cells, the teeth. One point, however, of great importance is that the ventral and lateral cells are still connected with the radula by the cilia-like tags some considerable distance away from the blind end, and the same applies to the dorsal cells. This probably indicates that when the point of the radular membrane (in this attached region) was at the extreme posterior end of the sac, the cells below it were there too. In other words, just as the radula is secreted and pushed forwards, so do the odontoblasts move forwards with it, and new ones are formed at llie blind end of the sac. There are at present two views on this subject. One is tliat the odontoblasts, very many of which secrete one tooth, remain functional after that tooth has been formed and go on secreting the next, and so on. The other view is that the odontoblasts have performed all they are capable of in secreting one tooth and tliat they pass forwards to be replaced by new cells. Obviously tliey have to become much smaller. The sections of the BrcnxrM. 307 whelk's radular sac favour, then, the latter theory. The very young teeth are probably entirely formed of chitin. Certainly there is no differentiation given by stains. They very soon become hardened by the deposit of mineral salts, but they differ, as do all other Odontophora, very considerably from the Docoglossa, where the teeth contain a remarkably large proportion of silica. Accord- ing to Miss Sollas, the composition of the teeth of Littorina is : — Ash 3'7 per cent, containing iron, calcium and magnesium, while the rest is organic matter, the basis being chitin. In the Docoglossa, on the other hand, the mineral matter may amount to as much as 27 per cent. (Patella vulgata) — silica hydrate being present in large quantity. Outside the odontoblast layer is a \er\ compact connective tissue layer, and it is in this connective tissue that the muscles, which are attached to the radula, terminate. The muscles are of the type described above. Their terminations can be followed very beautifully indeed in sections stained in Mallory, for the muscles are bright red, and the connective tissue bright blue. BLOOD VASCULAR SYSTEM. The vascular system of some molluscs has attained a high degree of complexity. This is especially the case with the Cephalopoda and some of the Prosobranchiata, and the whelk amongst the latter may be taken as showing a good example of a well developed molluscan blood system. It seems that, at the present day, in many zoology courses there is a tendency to pay little attention to the vascular system of the molluscs. The cephalopods receive perhaps adequate treatment, and possibly the snail (Heluv) has some attention. 308 TRAXSACTIOXS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In most cases, however, beyoiid the heart and large vessels leaving it, very little is investigated. Now in the whelk it is quite easy to demonstrate all the more important facts in connection with the circulation, and if a little care is used in injecting, there is no reason why this method should not he adopted in the ordinai-y laboratory classes for senior students. Very few complete accounts have been given of prosobranch blood systems, and it is hoped that this description will serve as an aid in the study of an excellent and exceedingly common type. A great part of both the venous and arterial systems can be made out from the surface, without any dissection All the vessels shown in figure 35 on Plate V can be seen, with the exception of the dotted trunks which run in the foot. This means that a cold injection mass may be used, without troubling to employ any of the complicated and unsuccessful mixtures which have been invented in order to attain solidification or coagulation in the vessels. Directions for Injection. For students' purposes, two very simple injecting masses will suffice : — 1. — Cold Injecting Mdss. — Use one of the familiar C(illapsi])le tubes of ai-tists' oil colours. Chrome-yellow is a convenient iinl. Scjueeze this iutn a dish and dilute with turpentine, stirring until a slightly thick l)ut uniform mixture is produ(;ed. 2.- Hot /ii/crlinf/ M(/ss, for studying llu^ deeper vessels. — Melt down one oi' two ])ieces of oidinnry table jelly in an evaporating dish, adding water li necessary. Add to this some carmine, rubbed . — The syringe should be inserted into the aorta (figs. 85, 36, Ao.) at the point where it leaves the ventricle. This injection should be performed with the hot jelly, but it is the most difficult one and often fails. The arterial system is injected by this means. The Heart. Buccinuin possesses (as do all Monotocardia so far as is known, except Cypraea) only one auricle (the left one of the lower Grastropods). The auricle and ventricle lie in the pericardial cavity, which is bounded by the renal organ and the digestive gland, the auricle being anterior. The auricle is a very thin-walled sac, capable of considerable extension. It is somewhat like a pear in shape with the pointed end situated ventrally, and into this end opens the efferent branchial vessel. There are two other openings into the auricle which are situated at tlie dorsal end. One of these at the anterior edge of the pericardium is the opening of the nepliridio- cardiac vein, the other, which is situated on the posterior surface, is the opening into the ventiicle. The latter, the auriculo-ventricular passage, is guarded by a valve so tliat blood is prevented from passing backwariLs from \cntrich' to auricle. It will l)e noticed that the nepliridio-cardiac vein opens directly into the auricle and not into the efferent branchial vessel. It is often somewhat difficult, liowever, to (h'tciniinc whether the vein enters neai the oj)ening of BUCCINUM. 311 the branchial vessel and lies along the anterior margin, or whether it enters more dorsally. The ventricle is very different in appearance from the auricle. It is roughly spherical, with very thick spongy walls, but the cavity is so much reduced by crossing muscles that the consistency of the w^hole is very like that of a sponge. Injections into the ventricle hardly ever succeed, because most of the injecting fluid oozes out at the point of insertion of the sj^ringe. Arterial System. From the ventral pole of the ventricle a single vessel arises, the xlorta (hgs. 35, 36, Ao.). This is of very short length for it divides almost immediately into two branches, the anterior or Cephalic aorta (figs. 35, 36, A.c), and the posterior or Visceral Aorta (figs. 35, 36, A. vis.). The Anterior Aorta gives off immediately a small vessel (fig. 36, a.') which sends branches to the oesophagus and the columellar part of the spire and then plunges below the floor of the mantle cavity into the large sinus in which lie the oesophagus, salivary glands and proboscis. The aorta lies at first at the left side but soon crosses over the oesophagus and runs under the salivary glands. Just after entering the body cavity, it gives off a vessel on the right side which passes to the columellar muscle (fig. 36, A. col.) and branches on its surface. The next large vessel leaves the under surface of the Cephalic Aorta (fig. 36, A. yall.) and passes through the muscles to reach the surface of the mantle. It divides into two main trunks, of which the ventral one reaches the surface on the under side of the animal, and the dorsal vessel just below the osphradium (fig. 35, A. pall.'). This dorsal pallial artery supplies the siphon, and V 312 TRANSACTIONS LIVEEPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. '^ runs round the edge of the mantle, giving off branches on both sides. Very small vessels leave the aorta at intervals and pass to the alimentarj' canal. The next two vessels which arise are asymmetrically placed. Thej' leave the aorta lateralh', but the left one is somewhat posteriorly situated. These vessels (fig. 3G, A. cut.), after passing out laterally, run up the walls of the body cavity and break up into small vessels innervating the roof (the floor of the mantle cavity). The vessel on the right side, however, gives off an additional branch (hg. 3G, A. cut.'), whieh bores into the wall and passes to the tissues below the ovary and rectum. The Cephalic Aorta passes forwards until the Nerve Collar is reached and then breaks up at one jx>int into several vessels. The point where this division takes place is hidden by the salivary glands and by connective tissue. One large vessel runs down at right angles to the course of the Cephalic Artery. This is the Pedal Artery (figs. 36 and 35, A. -ped.). After a short course, it divides into two branches which make their way into the foot, branch again (each in a similar way) and supply the musculature. These blood vessels are of considerable size. Here they branch, but must of their small branches, which form almost a capillary network, are not shown in the figures. It is by means of this network, and the forcible action of the blood, that the great expansion of the foot is effected. Returning to the nerve collar region, it will be seen that another large vessel runs dorsally, also at right angles to the aorta. This aitery, the lUiccal (fig. 30, A. hue), goes forward ai