a 4 ieee . SP ; ‘ 5 Ee ‘ . ; 5 ie eel bated se ie ~ oe fa ee : : ~ SSIS mated Spo, ee ind = ore rots a ; RY 45 ¢ Sikes on 1g Oe Sons =~ fe ig Serer ae . ve ne : + oat if a ; ay “« oa = REPORT OF THE _ SEVENTY-EIGHTH MEETING OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION _ FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE fy et ‘a 4 Sa 7 | 2 KS) i\¥ oy YRaL Hiss DUBLIN SEPTEMBER 1908 LONDON MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET r 1909 -_— | eet : of the Associaticn: Burlington House, London, W. - eet): “ er Me «* te PRINTED BY — icy SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. LID., LONDON Aas ] >? * ‘ COLCHESTER AND ETON * >. * ae ns CONTENTS, Semana ated Page (PRRICERS AND COUNCIL, 1908-1909 .........ceccsessrcscacvesecrerocesevnvncesedene XXxi ROPES OF THE ERETISH A SHOCTATIONs soccccsesccssoccesetaeraaseeeasceasscntres vee XXXIii Tabies: PAst AnnvAL MEETINGS: Places and Dates, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Local Secretaries xlix Trustees and General Officers Sr sae SEO BO ep oUn GAC ECOL OB Onr CER one ©: Sectional Presidents and Secretaries ............ccecseceeee eens Seucasis Ixvi Chairmen and Secretaries of Conferences of Delegates ............... Ixxxvii BiveningDiscOurses:. <2. i.ccccasscesceaseccstoese sa banc vets cc bins cath aseneetse lxxxviii Lectures to the Operative Classes...... Wee temev otek. oF GLE DACP EL Aaditowbae xcll ENTPOUCHECES ANC ARCCOLPES ateass trons cusstcssraceuacdebessonsaueae vote Stare xciv Analysis of Attendances .............. Piniacatecctercse ac ena. Meet wes . XCvi Grants of Money for Scientific Purposes ...........cccccc0ce ceceeeeeuens xevii REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE GENERAL Commirresx, 1907-1908 ... exx GENERAL TREASURER’s Account, 1907-1908 ee eee pew eA ne 0 sddiieceonare ORLY, DUBLIN MEETING, 1908: ADDRESS BY THE PResIDENT, Francis Darwin, MA., LL.D., F.B.S....... General Meetings ............... shits stan neisanaaabscndcaenedsetatea-\<> see so CRKVL Sectional Officers.......... erased sors ee Midtoatdetet shad Panueas aes saeenees even ORK Vil BM GHGECHEMOE PIPICUAL GS. ac yn gsunaienasen ag asaxtpencaeesteh euatorcce. ons, CXXyili Committee of Recommendations ...............cseccseeseneess exci: exxvili Research Committees ........... spc ee ane etna ncuiacasley ataeG tee eee jasiare CXXIX Coramunications ordered to be printed im ertenso ......cccceecccuceeee CXXXIX Resolutions and Recommendations referred 10 the Courcil ......... Cxxxix Synopsis of Grants of Money...... 3 REPORTS ON THE STATE OF SCIENCE .....e..ecccccesececcces SAS ERSRGORN veaceeee ns 3l TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS ...... SSRs a cnc w Ss SIO OR EES 579 BYENING DISCOUBSES ......056..sssccnesccnderenies aa ocfdlde cab nh uae ceeenetesieas 945 Lith) Qo owas cd erence & bs C8 cw halen Wave-length Tables of the Spectra of the Elements.—Report of the Com- mittee, consisting of Sir H. E. Roscoz (Chairman), Dr MarsHaLy Warts (Secretary), Sir Norman Lockyer, Professors Sir James Dewar, G. D. Livzine, A. Scuuster, W. N. Harriry, and Wotcorr Gips, Sir W. DE W. Asyey, and Dr. W. E. ApEnry, appointed to prepare a New Series of Wave-length Tables of the Spectra of the Elements ...............00% Colloid Chemistry. By H. R. Procrer, M.Sc. .........cccceccsuceeeee The Study of Hydro-aromatic Substances.—Report of the Committee, con- sisting of Dr. E. Divers (Chairman), Professor A. W. Crosstey (Secretary), Professor W. H. Prrxry, Dr. M. O. Forstsr, and Dr. H. R. LE Sueur .. The Excavation of Critical Sections in the Paleozoic Rocks of Wales and the West of England.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor C. Lapwortu (Chairman), Mr. G. W. Frannstpzs (Secretary), Mr. J. Lomas, Dr. J. E. Marr, Professor W. W. Warts, and Mr. G. W. Wiu- PSNI Mot obete ts pateusdecnyecey ever siete tal eleleta nie ate ev ateerr nea alee ack one celeb avahtars seuatssoiere On some Excavations in the Cambrian Rocks of Comley, Shropshire, Mie By EH. SeConsoLn, WiGiSiG ni. easiness diewnveleds wvebieds 112 115 119 201 221 231 23] vi CONTENTS. Page Erratic Blocks of the British Isles.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor P. F, Krnpaty (Chairman), Dr. A..R. DwErryHouss (Secre- tary), Dr. T. G. Bonney, Mr. F. M. Burton, Mr. F. W. Harmmr, Rev. S. N. Harrison, Dr. J. Horne, Mr. J. Lomas, Professor W. J. SoLias, and Messrs. J. W. Staruer, R. H. TippErman, and W. T. Tucker, ap- pointed to investigate the Erratic Blocks of the British Isles, and to take measures for their preservation. (Drawn up by the Secretary) ........ 242 Photographs of Geological Interest.—Sixteenth Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor J. Gurkir (Chairman), Professor W. W. Warts (Secretary), Dr. TI. ANpERsoN, Mr. G. Brnauey, Dr. T. G. Bonney, Mr. H. Coats, Mr. C. V. Croox, Professor E. J. Garwoop, Messrs. W. Gray, W. J. Harrison, R. Kipsron, and A. 8. Rerp, Professor 8. H. RryNoLDs, Dr. J. J. H. Tea, and Messrs. R. WeLcu, W. WHITAKER, and H. B. Woopwarp (Drawn up by the Secretary) .........0.cceeeeenceers 245 Faunal Succession in the Carboniferous Limestone (Avonian) of the British Isles.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor J. W. GrEGory (Chairman), Dr. A. Vaueuan (Secretary), Dr. WuErtron Hryp, and Professor W. W. Warts, appointed to enable Dr. A. VAUGHAN to continue his Researches thereon. (Drawn up by the Secretary) ..........0.0065 267 Investigation of the Fauna and Flora of the Trias of the British Isles.— Sixth Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor W. A. HERDMAN (Chairman), Mr. J. Lomas (Secretary), Professor W. W. Warts, Professor P. F. Kenpatt, Professor A. C. Sewarp, Messrs. H. C. Brastzy, E. T. Newron, and W. A. E. Ussuer, and Dr. A. SmirH Woopwarp. (Drawn ap Woy, COE Reeretaryy) oc ostats « DwarD BRABROOK, Dr, C, W. Kuvmriys, Professor L, C. Mratt, Miss A. J. Cooper, nee EBERT NU ILEUAMG Ye aia ecaicle ic alae sia civha.sie djeiee doa g= «apy oe > reece 458 The Electrical Phenomena and Metabolism of Arwm spadices.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor A. D. WALLER (Chairman), Miss SANDERS (Secretary), Professor Gorcu, and Professor FARMER,,.......++++7+0+0++ 463 Fatigue. By Witiam McDouaatt, M.A., MB. ..,...ccecceeececeeecceees 479 Body Metabolism in Cancer.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Pro- fessor C. 8. SHERRINGTON (Chairman) and Dr. 8. M. Coprman (Secretary). Pereamerapi ly ane Secretary) s.r sis.ese ees os sec es teen ewe recede aes 489 Studies of Marsh Vegetation.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Dr. __ F. F. Braceman (Chairman), Mr. A. G. Tanstey (Secretary), Professor eee Se WARD and Mrs AW. FIGS 2. ou. a scccssebenccecaeaucesameccta 492 The Structure of Fossil Plants.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Dr. D. H. Scorr (Chairman), Professor F. W. Otiver (Secretary), Mr. E. NEWELL ARBER, and Professors A. C. SewarD and F. E. WEISS.......... 493 Sequence of Plant Remains.—Interim Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor J. B. Farmer (Chairman), Professor R. J. Harvey Grsson (Secretary), Dr. J. Horne, Dr. Marr, Mr. Clement Ret, and Mr. Francis J. Lewis, appointed to examine the Sequence of Plant Remains in the Peat Deposits of Teesdale and Stainmore (Cumberland and Westmorland) and the Western portion of Iceland ...,,... BA NS Sect Heeee #9 493 x CONTENTS, Page Research on South African Cycads and on Welwitschia.—Second Interim Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor A. C. Ssewarp (Chairman), Mr. R. P. Grecory (Secretary), Dr, D. H. Scorr, and Dr. W. H. Lane.... 494 Studies most suitable for Elementary Schools.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Sir Pattre Maanus (Chairman), Mr. W. M. HELuzr (Secretary), Sir W. pz W. Asnny, Mr. R. H. Apie, Professor H. EK, ARMstrone, Miss L. J. Cuarke, Miss A, J. Cooper, Mr. Grorcze FLEtcHErR, Professor R. A. GreEcory, Principal Grirrirus, Mr. A. D. Hatt, Dr. A. J. HERBERTSON, Dr. C. W. Kuvoins, Professor L. C. Mratt, Professor J. Perry, Sir H. R. Rercuer, Mr. H, Ricuarpson, Mrs. W, N. Suaw, Professor A. SMrrHELLs, Dr. Luoyp Snapz, and Professor W. W. Watts, appointed to report upon the course of Experimental, Observational, and Practical Studies most suitable tor, Rlementary Sahools; «onc. seer es+ teeters cers ytpewinws 490 Introductory Statement by Sir Pamir Macnvs, M.P..........0e yee 495 Report of Sub-Committee on Elementary Experimental Science .... 501 Apprenprx A.—Syllabus of Work in Elementary Experimental SSGLEMGD cians te er artge Giswneloversinis’ oie saat e aiutptetn aa aamne ere 510 - B.—Syllabus for Girls’ Schools. Domestic Science........ 515 Fs C.—Contracted Scheme ot Work for Small Schools where the upper classes are grouped for instruction in this Rea ib eae reas ec reteeenty yeti Tn hs) oh he ee fans acelglasbal an 519 mi D.—List of Apparatus for Elementary Science Course .... 522 Changes affecting Secondary Education.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Sir Pump Maanvs (Chairman), Professor H. E. ARMstRone (Secretary), Sir Witu1AmM BousFiE.p, Dr. 8. H. Butcuer, Sir Henry Craik, Principal GrirFirus, Sir HorAcr PiunKert, and Professor M. E. SapiEr, appointed to take notice of, and report upon Changes in, Regulations—whether Legislative, Administrative, or made by Local Authorities—affecting Socondaby HARCALOM se sacle see ee cee eee Nome este wees pale eee 525 Curricula of Secondary Schools.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Sir Ottver Lopes (Chairman), Mr. C. M. Stuart (Secretary), Professor H. E. Armstrong, Mr. G. F. Danrett, Mr. W. D. Eaaar, Professor J. J. Finpiay, Dr. H. B. Gray, Professor R. A. GrEGorY, Principal Grirrirus, Sir Wrti1am Hucearns, Mr. O. H. Latter, Sir Poitier Magnus, Professor H. A. Miers, Mr. T. E. Pace, Professor J. Perry, Mr. Hvau Ricuarpson, Professor M. E. Sapier, and Mr. A. E. Suretey, appointed to consider and advise as to the Curricula of Secondary Schools ; in the first instance, the Curricula of Boys’ Schools ; and to consider through a Sub-Committee the question of the Sequence of Studies in the Science Section of the CrP 8 SSNs lesa Elise, Silat, Ueto cute ake hha hs 3h Ss A 526 The Sequence of Studies in the Science Section of the Curriculum.— Report of the Sub-Committee, consisting of Professor R. A. Grecory (Chairman), Mr. G. F. Danrett (Secretary), Mr. W. D. — Eacar, Mr. O. H. Latrer, Mr. HueH Ricuarpson, and Mr. GC. Me Strode ier each ne she eee ee oe eee 526 Corresponding Societies Committee.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr. W. Wuiraker (Chairman), Mr. F. W. Rupizr (Secretary), Rev. J. O. Bevan, Sir Epwarp Braproox, Dr. Horacr T. Brown, Dr. J. G. Garson, Principal E. H. Grirrrrus, Mr. T. V. Hotmus, Mr. J. Hopxinson, Professor R. Metpona, Dr. H. R. Miuz, Mr. C. H. Reap, Rey. T. R. R. Sresprne, Professor W. W. Warts, and the PrestpEnr and GENERAL Orricers. (Drawn up by the Secretary) REPORTS ON THE STATE OF SCIENCE, al Page Report of the Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies held at Dublin, September 3 and 8, 1908 ................00eeeeeees 538 Address by the Chairman, Professor H. A. Mrurs, F.R.S. ............ 540 Sanctuaries for our Native Flora and Fauna. By Mrs. Mary Hopson 547 On Detailed Natural History Surveys of Restricted Areas, an im- portant work suitable for Local Societies. By Professor G. H. OLS EERS OSOR een oagin.cre tac SCeR a 550 The Advisability of Re-stocking Haunts whence Fauna and Flora have PeeDisappeared. » By HenRy DAVEY cj. fv chictesisiees oie es vane elawaces 550 List of Corresponding Societies, 1908-1909 .......... ccc cee ee eee 552 Catalogue of the more important Papers published by the Corresponding Societies during the year ending May 31, 1908............0cceeees 557 xli CONTENTS. TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. [An asterisk * indicates that the title only is given. The mark + indicates the same, but with a reference to the Journal or Newspaper in which it is published in extenso. | Section AA—MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Page Address by W. N. Suaw, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., President of the Section .. 579 1. Discussion on the Isothermal Layer of the Atmosphere .............. 591 (i) Theodolite Observations of Balloons penetrating the Isothermal ever. eBy; Cid Mes CAN Wie rstcstohoje ssl ieha erie ofe + 90 he ietelvns aianalane 593 (ii) The Warm Stratum in the Atmosphere at Heights exceeding Hight Miles in the United States. By Professor A. LAWRENCE Rotcu 594 2. Report on the Measurement of the Geodetic Arc in Africa (p. 56) ...... 594 3. Seventh Report on the Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere by TERS OLeINTLES(IO9) Were -ieletsteratstamalcrale aleus ie abet le elclalels. vie oletaletel= Waitin 594 4. Report on the Magnetic Observations at Falmouth Observatory AGO MEDED lore aeets late oeen era cclredatalinvenclaatat clarke Meron wietlerevela\ete nasal otal sale tiatemy att 594 5. Report of the Committee on Electrical Standards (p. 31) ............ 594 6. Report on Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis (p. 58) .......... 594 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. *Joint Discussion with Sections B and Gon Gaseous Explosions .......... 595 : DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. ¥. Report on Bessel Functions (p. 68) isis. isccesass save caver nena 695 2. The Asymptotic Expansions of Bessel Functions. By J. W. Nicwotaans IDiSGsygIBeAn s2sie eters © HOD TALC OO aGo moro Corde atC: . 595 3. On Sir W. R. Hamilton’s Fluctuating Functions. By E. W. Hozsox, Oz Les WE Beier stove a rieve aires ais. vie cin atalanciaia w elsip tis = ehetptelinvedhiall ». 597 4. On the Law of Equipartition of Energy between Correlated acini IBY. N. EL ABUBBURY. PHO Sau et iiiccc cs ie thTe as tears eye Sao ee 598 5. The Complementary Theorem. By Professor J. C. Frmnps.......... .. 699 6. *The Genesis of Elliptic Functions. By Roprerr RussELL .......... 601 DEPARTMENT CF GENERAL Puysics. 1. Do the Radio-active Gases eae | plans to the Argon Series ? By: Sir, Wii ame Rae aes sar Bsa Hakeass: is cli eteie cites etuclai sleet 60] 2. On the Number and Absorption of the 8 ae emitted by Radium. By W. MAKOWEE baicked op oe ce tons 00s seabed eevee ane 601 3. *The Rate of hae of Helium from Radium. By Sir Jamis Dewar, F.RB.S. Gate yiryieleleveire slnloteronststtatetelatelot ye ithe rdsinks vee circa ee TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. Xlii DEPARTMENT OF CosmicaL Puysics (Astronomy), Page 1. Report of the Seismological Committee (p. 56)..........0000cceneees 602 2. A Generalised Instrument. By Sir Ropurr Batt, F.R.S. .......... 602 3. A New Form of Divided Object Glass Telescope. By Sir Howarp LRU BSP BNE Ber cetscey oan ota avasetats ai iatcigueioverclis ois. eVavel sso.ed'e Prarie hand Od « 6 603 4. The New Spectroheliograph for the Madrid Observatory. By Sir iO WARD CRIB RY AHR Se Mttaistetom antcheral stops « cisvelovs elbicbelaee. d-ote afelereis o.6 603 5, On the Relation between Intensity of Light, Time of Exposure, and Photographic Action. By Professor H. H. Turner, D.Sc., F.R.S... 604 6. Systematic Motion of the Stars. By Professor F, W. Dyson, F.R.S... 604: 7. The Reflecting Telescope and its Suitability for Physical Research. By SirsklowARD GRUBBH HAR Ga sea, serena nde rece tare once 9 G05 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. Discussion on the Theory of Wave-motion, opened by Professor Horacu IGANG ES HAE Ns ty stares aisyorsee es aeseauoreus¥sts “ahs Sate, Gastateviniinsatto Aree vince Pon SPAN S vend 605 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. 1. Linear Vector Functions. By Sir Roperr Bat, F.R.S.............0. 611 8. On the Ether Stress of Gravitation. By Professor F. Purszr, F.T.C.D. 613 4, Conservative Systems of Prescribed Trajectories. By Professor E. POP EPUTE PRY IANS le hedge cr ede ohana Beare aie ce RIS & pal bis o dod Wie Wks eso, igs 8 614 5. Factorisation of the A.P.F. of N=(y"+1). By Liout.-Colonel ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, R.E. .,... pep Vel corer he etalk ci sntaie: aipiis alate gi te ovotg hiss ray aidan 615 6, An Elementary Discussion of Schlafli’s Double-six. By Professor A. C. DP EXCNGMS OSU EL u Sirelmn scccicae cite omc re ee elon 616 7. On the Logarithmic Case in Linear Differential Equations. * By Pro- POSSOU TC UO USONs SCM HE, cvelirejaisre se emcalac deste tee oe ot 617 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL Purysics. 1. A New Three-Colour Camera. By Sir W. pE W. Asney, K.C.B., TISUIM SO) eg Saree ine Re Ai od aes aeRO At 9 ge 618 2. On the Measurement of Large Inductances containing Iron. By Sir Ottver Lopas, F.R.S., and BENJAMIN DAVIES .............. 620 3. A Remarkable Feature in the Splash of a Rough Sphere. By Pro- fesdore AGM VV ORTHINGTON:, C25,,.1H Re. - cisco sectowrcieldte secre as 621 4. Analogy between Absorption from Solutions and Aqueous Condensation on Surfaces. By Professor F. T. Trouton, D.Sc., F.R.S. .......... 621 5. On the Effect of Pressure on the Boiling-point of Sulphur. By Dr. J. A. ; PUAR RMR AIH Es SHXTON > siete va hes vale ovis chine wins cies ehh ook 621 6. On the Photometric Standard of the National Physical Laboratory. Pay batapren ). GUAZMERGOK, FP ORLG-. oss c's ness. a'vasieesled'seeweca nis 623 7. An Improved Dry Daniell Pile. By Joun Brown, F.R.S. ............ 623 Xv CONTENTS, DEPARTMENT OF CosmMICAL Puysics. Page 1. Is our Climate Changing ? By Sir Joun W. Moors, M.A., M.D....... 623 2. A Comparison of the Changes in the Temperature of the Waters of the North Atlantic and in the eran of at Trade Winds. By Commander M. W, C. Hepworra, C.B., R.N.R...... cece cece wees 625 8. Temperature Conditions in Scottish cas ‘By a M. WEDDERBURN, TE Sh] Ouachita na REM E EHO OIL cuinrorcrbanebatiicnmrorion opera . 626 4. The Constants of the Lunar Libration. By F. J. M. Srrarron ...... 626 5. Investigations on the Electrical State of the Upper Atmosphere. By W. Maxower, Marcaret Waits, and EK, MARSDEN .....,...4- . 627 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. 1. *Applications of Quaternions to Problems in Physical Optics. By professors TAWA CON WANG (en sie lle cicises sa ene ters ikea asta ee rene 627 2. *On a Generalisation of the Question in Probabilities known as ‘ Le Scrutin de Ballotage.’ By Major P. A. MacManon, F.R.S. ...... 627 3. On Conformal Transformations of a Space of Four Dimensions and their Application to Geometrical Optics. By H. BATEMAN ........ 627 4. On the Extension of Optical Ideas to General Electromagnetic Fields. iby (Paotessor.« Da WiHUETA RIOR, (SCD NOEs. vccsslc «lelefele) vielen eee soeseves 672 3. *The Liquefaction of Helium. By Dr. KAMMERLINGH ONNES ........ 673 4. *Anticipations and Experiments on the Liquefaction of Helium. By Sir Jamms Duwar, RS... 20s... sceee ates sae ssp 673 5. A Demonstration on the Rapid Electro-analytical Separation of Metals. By ir. Hiyey J. S.SAND : ss esis co ons sent a aaa Selena 6. *Studies on the Electro-deposition of Metals. By W. E. Huauss and ree ME PP RR KING «cy. Sac te meri ae ae Beevece PN noe oil 7. Transparent Silver and other Metallic Films. By Professor THomas MGR NMB MESH 35 ose,» di. asfqsersie's oa cy oa Tio gere 674 8. eT 2 Wave-length Tables of the Spectra of the Elements Pp SOOO Oe VO 8 oso 8 ein 8 wee ee 6s 66 0 SF ws © 6) wwe 6) ule ee mh) Bea freve TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1. Discussion on Problems of Fermentation + (i) The Factors which influence the Rate of Alcoholic Fermentation. By Artuur Stator, Ph.D.,, D.Se TERM MMI eM oc. Ge cvtridebe, ee TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. Xvii Page 9. *The Selective Permeability of certain Seeds. By Professor ADRIAN LLG, CGR REG EG OIE MO RRODOIES See SCGIOE . .Retcisinicsisnae 3a deme eee ae 67 3. The Production of Ammonia from Atmospheric Nitrogen by means of Peat. By H.C. Wottrreck, Ph.D. ..... con enon entet sote afertvare MMIII ODODE CAT) cia/s)ciciolejtieiaia’ #1 «ols = oie) s) a\s/4)e ole 00's 616,04. e 8 de aie 8s 5. Report on the Study of Hydro-aromatic Substances (p. 221) ........ 6. Report on the Transformation of Aromatic Nitroamines and allied Substances, and its Relation to Substitution in Benzene Derivatives tgs dn eee: eS. ae Kh oe vg ote 7. *Interim Report on the Study of Isomorphous Sulphonic Derivatives TE UGC vas ng BO ODT OC OC LO GRGO ODT OO Goble Lito colo te Once OOr We Section C.—GEOLOGY. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Address by Professor Joun Jory, Sc.D., F.R.S., President of the Section .. 1. *The Geology of the Dublin District. By Professor GRENVILLE A. J. ME, COI REI Ge Hse Ge euest Fe cn Lebo are ot oh sharey eg treretore «.atictecehs ropmicha 0. «Viel stale arate Avavepevacshs 2. On the Cave of Castlepook, near Doneraile, co. Cork. By R.J. Ussuer, H. J. Seymour, E. T. Newton, and R. F.ScHarrr .............. 3. Probable Cretaceous and Cainozoic Outliers off the Coast of co. Kerry. By Professor GRENVILLE A. J. COLE, F.G.8..... 6... cece eee eee ees 4. On a Section of the Lower Coal Measures at Emerald Pit, Dungannon. Ree Ge EOMON icky hens EGS ciate ona eo anv em Upinsdsenesintaee 5. *On the Raised Beeches of the Liffey Valley. By G. H. Kryanan ~ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1. *On the Igneous Rocks of the Outer Blasket Islands. By Professor SURG ERVe Mus Euawy et iP isis.siotsrer ciel ahat stakes aelepelctel eve exe Ca ere vie n ictalclee ated sid.c 2. The Laterite and Bauxite Zone of North-East Ireland. By Professor Se ACN VEPIOPAS eliyy COLIN UG Se, ota is.6 oisra wtie.cclacierO-s 0 srelvas ccs c bo 3. The Igneous and Associated Sedimentary Rocks of the Tourmakeady District, co. Mayo. By C. I. Garpinrer and Professor S. H. Rry- RORIADI Vines ieiauuis sata! s\s isle) see (6\e' sie iapw's)eie ce wivracelela eles cleo ocd't Mia ole tee ferac s: sea 4. The Lower Paleozoic Rocks around Killary Harbour, co. Galway, and co. Mayo. By R. G. Carruruers and H. B. Murr 5. Notes on the Petrography of Egypt. By W. F. Hume, D.Sc........... 6. The Chemical Composition and Optical Characters of Dolomite Crystals from Algeria. By A. Hutouinson, M.A., Ph.D..............0005 . A Protractor for constructing Stereographic and Gnomonic Projections of the Sphere. By A. Hutcuinson, M.A., Ph.D. ................ . Notes on the Microscopical Structure of the Derbyshire Limestones. By H. H. Annotp-Brmmosr, Sc.D., F.G.S..........ccacecccecees - *On the Occurrence of Native Iron in the Deccan Basalt. By Professor IR Hetate si icles ei hin bs rie eC ck oe ee SeOb4s Clos eee 10. The Tourmaline Rocks of Cwm Dwythwe, near Llanberis (North Wales). By W. G. FEaRNSIDES, M.A. ....... cece ccc ccc ceee 11. Note on the Occurrence of (so-called) Cave Pearls. By Haroip BRODBIOK, M.A, ..cssesvsiys 8, a see eee eee eee On Wea ah CCH dooce rdberedbdvnervesveses bee 675 676 . 677 697 697 697 698 . 699 699 699 699 699 700 701 702 703 704 xVili CONTENTS. 12. 13. Page The Derivation of Sand and Clay from Granite. By Professor W. Boyp DAWKINS, D.Sc., FRB. 2... cece cece cette rece ce cceeeesens *Interim Report on the Microscopical and Chemical Composition of Charnwood Rocks......sscscccccecrccescscrsnvseveees sane airiets 705 705 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. . Glacial Erosion in North Wales. By Professor W. M. Davis ........ 705 2. The Duration and Direction of Large Earthquakes. By Dr. Joun or ~I 10. wile Minn, B.S: ics eseteevawe eee seets sv ouns ives 0s vest nie 706 . Report on the Excavation of Critical Sections in the Paleozoic Rocks of Wales and the West of England (p. 231) ......ceceeeceeeeecs 706 . The Soufriére of St. Vincent: the Changes subsequent to the Eruption of 1902. By Dr. Tempest ANDERSON, F.G.8. .......eeeeeeeeees 706 . Recent Earth Movements within the Basin of the Laurentian Lakes. By Professor W. H. HOBBS ...... sess eee een ee eteetnnees 707 . Report of the Geological Photographs Committee (p. 245) ....+.0+0++5 707 . Report on the Erratic Blocks of the British Isles (p. 242) ......+++4.. 707 . Note on Casts of Dinosaurian Footprints in the Lower Oolite at Whitby. By Harotp Bropricn, M.A. .......... AEP ar ing niees 707 . Sixth Report on the Fauna and Flora of the Trias of the British Isles Oy ee mene Sere ey ain ajtauicebtalites 708 Report on the Faunal Succession in the Carboniferous Limestone (Avonian) of the British Isles (p. 267) .......... did ai «lara dank Seed . 708 Dopplerite from Sluggan Bog, co. Antrim. By R. WzLcH .......... 708 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. Discussion on Mountain Building .........cccseeeensereeee aieceils eainacent AOE te to ~ Ce 6. ~I % © 10. iM 12. Third Report on the Crystalline Rocks of Anglesey (p. 283) ......... er fH On the Finding of Silurian Beds in Kent. By W. Wuiraxer, F.R.S. .. 7il On a Case of Thrust and Crush Brecciation in the Magnesian Limestone, co. Durham. By Davip Wootacort, D.Se., F.G.8S. ......... coe SUL Well-water Supply of the North-Eastern Sudan. By G. W. Grapnam 712 *Contemporancous Erosion in the Lower Series of Coal Measures of the Bristol’Coal-feld, “By H- (BOUTON ys (2 00 +/5et sisretl as eee 713 Report on the pre-Devonian Beds of the Mendips and the Bristol Area (pr 286) vase aiasuve.sssse%1+ «ole oetoiels Caterer eee te Pe sume (ld . On a Fossil Reptile with a Trunk from the Upper Karroo Rocks of Cape Colony. By Professor H. G. Spunmy, F.R.S. .............. 719 On Distinctions in Dentition between the Fossil Reptilia classed as Cynodontia and Gomphodontia. By Professor H. G. Srntey, F.R.S. 714 Report on the Fossiliferous Drift Deposits at Kirmington, Lincolnshire, Ge. (pe QBBN Teva au wna ne oe cee eee ee ee aa 714 Se Report on the Correlation and Age of South African Strata, we. Cee eee ee we eee eee enters esseeeseesceeere Ce 714 Report on Topographical and Geological Terms used locally in South AFVIGG!(D. 2OO)m sake iets sles « cce'tia ote: Vester ereee apne rescore 7c! *Report on the Exact Significance of Local Terms .iscsssssesevesees V14 TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS, xix Section D.—ZOOLOGY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Page Address by S. F. Hanmer, M.A., Se.D., F.R.S., President of the Section.... 715 1. The Migratory Movements of certain Shore-Birds as observed on the Dublin Coast. By C. J. PATTEN, Sc.D. 1... cece eee eee eee eee 731 2. A Biological Expedition to the Birket el Qurun, Fayum Province of Egypt. By W. A. Cunnryeton, B.A., Ph.D., and C. L. BouLENGER, B. sete ay cca nice apae sei easieO sale site eis weit 732 8. On the Distribution of Irish Freshwater Mites (Hydrarachnida). By d. N. HALBERT 4.0.2... eee eee etree cece n cn eeeeeceees 732 4. On some Arctic and Antarctic Collembola. By Professor GrorcE H. MNUSEHIADUERY DC. pVis Ey MAS oe cre ne sorcicine ales elers # selene alesis aa siae 733 5. On Diaposematism, or the Interchange of Characters between Dis- tasteful Forms. By F. A. Dixy, M.A., M.D. ......--eeeeee eens 733 A cs RVers Heese Serhene athe NaeLs «a oxslepbahere S\Giaiaye o's jeisiege 734 7. *Some of the chief Mimetic Combinations among South American Butter- flies. By J.C. MOULTON. ....seeee eee n eect eee eeeneeeeneeneees 734 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1. An Inquiry into the Feeding Habits of British Birds. By C. Gorpon Thai WLS EN SA come Teton tbe odind Gn he a OGn anne eae mmr in pire 734 2. On the Abuses resulting from the Strict Application of the Rule of Priority in Zoological Nomenclature, and on the means of protecting well-established Names. By G. A. Bounencer, F.R.S. .......... 735 3. The Vascular System of Stylodrilus. By RowLaND SOUTHERN ...... 736 4. {Giant Nerve Cells and Fibres. By Dr. J. H. ASHworTH ............ 736 5. The Respiration of Land Isopods. By Ernest Ewart Unwin ...... 736 6. Report on the Occupation of a Table at the Zoological Station, Naples BT ait ae tat R Rais Be vie hlu le Se stayen Pale Sdialeb late vinlnaie scape sees 737 7. Report on the Index Animalium (p. 297) ........-....ese seen ee eens 737 8. Report on Experiments in Inheritance (p. 298) ......-.... sees eee 737 9. Report on the Fauna of the Lakes of Central Tasmania (p. 302) ...... 737 10. Eighteenth Report on the Zoology of the Sandwich Islands (p. 301) .. 737 11. *Interim Report on Zoology Organisation ...........eeeeeee ee eeee 737 12. Report on the Occupation of a Table at the Marine Laboratory, : Beir erie ee AN CPN YI = cSarata ciao en chars ehetate san ofa win alu as wes otulore' viv ere 1. 738 13. Report on Experiments on the Development of the Frog (p. 304) .... 738 14. A Recent Visit to the Ceylon Pearl Banks. By Professor W. A. Herp- AN, WoW. Scr sees neva teas de cteu es 525s fee uw chine Uh ae we ws 738 15. *Wild Ancestors of the Domestic Horse. By Professor J. Cossar IDNA LALLA Se SA SCOR GATISS BORREGO CIGOInICDIIEL moe h teehee 738 a2 xx CONTENTS. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. i Page Joint Discussion with Section K on Determination of Sex. Opened by L. WONCANTMR MIA, © |. Po ahs Secale Sale sreloieinio wre = oer en hae aire 1ao 1. *The Early Development of the Marsupialia. By Professor J. P. Hin 739 2, The Gastrulation and Formation of Layers in Amphioxus. By Pro- fessor E. W. MACBRIDE, F.BR.S. oo ,cceceeeeneecececcessenncece 739 3. *The Evolution of Fishes. By Dr. A. SmrrH Woopwarp, F.R,S, .,., 740 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, Joint Meeting with Section I :— 1. Binomics of Tsetse Flies. By R. NEWSTEAD ...........eee eee 741 2. Cultures of Amcebe. By J. W. W. Srepuens, M.D. ............ 741 3. The Action of Atoxyl and allied Compounds in vivo and vitro. By Dr. M. NIBRENSTEIN 2.0... sees eee e eee cere eee e eee eeees 742 4. The Morphology of Piroplasma canis. By Dr. A. Brerni and 1 DEEL E hasnt] ees opp on aOt aan Doo GODo a cuon orca nbt rome 742 5. *The Pharmacological Treatment of Trypanosomiasis. By Pro- * — HESS OLE: MIGOR MyerrcrcPoreta sisicrclats oreracetss cveleiaeersteRyenetas Sota e gp aeNey = 743 6. The Life-history of Trypanosomes in relation to the Diseases they produce. By J. E. S. Moorz and Dr. A. BREINL ...... 743 7, Hzmatozoa from some Ceylon Reptiles. By Murtet Rozertson, NBA Meets 25 5 ARO rCS SO Gann arian GOD TOM Ire he 743 8. On the Structure of Dendrosoma radians. By Professor SypNry J. Hickson, M.A., F.R.S., and J. T. WADSWORTH ..........++++00- 744 9. *On some Points connected with the Vertebrate Alimentary Canal, more particularly in that of the Higher Mammalia. By Professor INT XCAN DMR GH IRASIOI: Sere tote s< cre clelatseleicheroe eletete/e\lerele chehe ial umnnisn a ain 744 10. The Maxilla and Palatine in the Mammalia. By Professor Ricwarp JON ANDERSONs CVI Ss UMA I oa). le atefelae atolelniotle. crate aeieiate a aiaie atl 744 11. The Epiphyses of Long Bones (chiefly in Sauropsids). By Professor RERIECANDERSON: MCDoM VEGAS ccs cxstedeusGts slorgls bevesechehetelsnereiniies a Rites 745 12. *The Development of Littorina littorea. By W. M. Tarrersatt .... 746 13. The Digestive Enzymes of Invertebrates. By Dr. HerBertE. Roar .. 746 Section E.—GEOGRAPHY. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Address by Major E. H. H111s, C.M.G., R.E., President of the Section .... 748 1. The Physiographic Subdivisions of the Appalachian Mountain System, and their Effects upon Settlement and History. By Professor W.M. Davis ..... Bi ys ORM Seta cen eleu NNR cte cals Mi chee eke CNG: Rae 761 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1. School Geography as a Mental Discipline. By Professor R.A.GREGORY 762 2. The Geographical Study of Mediterranean Man, considered as an Element in a ‘ Classical Education.’ By Professor Joun L. Myrzs, A CBee cee, (4 ba a San NAA NISIRR is eS) IAW bee 763 i) TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. Xxi Page [3. Scientific Results of the Voyage of the ‘Scotia.’ By Wittiam §. ’ (Bruce, LL.D., F.R.S.B. .. 0. ccc cece cmc cece ses eessecnscanenes 764 ' 4, The Northward Expansion of Canada. By W. L. Grant .......... 765 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 1. New Instruments for Travellers and Surveyors. By E. A. REEvEs, PAE VEC se ate a ctet acetate) ei ciovartielei ctedshsVerstd eral’ sl avers) cieicisie\n.« aleisleneisie tials, 310» 766 2. Notes on the Cartography of the Counties of England and Wales. By HERBERT GEORGE FORDHAM ....... cece cece cece cece eens 768 3. The Longitudinal Section of the River Nile. By Captain H. G. Lyons, PEON By ee Ee ERS cus ci sicle toaris ucasasiere aves fear va svsisiaust@iecseeteustevienertials apni alel s% oe 768 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1. A Journey into the Primeval Forests of Tropical Peru. By L. C. Brr- WAGCLIE- ho po ddbeboroncobedun de nunias puoDoone obo dbs dpuadne aon 769 2. Unique Experiences at the Birth of a Volcano. By Rev. GrorGE IDTREORE pp onto Se dctnontarma coor ds boidoomo po nIDURCUDDEnOOUnOr 770 3. Report on the Exploration of Prince Charles Foreland, Spitsbergen (mcOG ee crea creraci ee wiaiucie touctaeaine certains « sleteisters inate ese are ie 770 4. The Marble Arch Caves in co. Fermanagh. By Haroip Broprick, M.A. 770 5. Mitchelstown Cave. By Dr. C. A. Hin, M.A., M.B. ............006. 771 6. Third Report on Investigations in the Indian Ocean (p. 305) .......... 772 7. Report on the Oscillations of the Level of the Land in the Mediterranean Tape (jd) BE) Na OR coe bob Od GOAN Ot Ory OOUEOA OO ORCS BOR arne cor 772 Section F.—ECONOMIC SCIENCE AND STATISTICS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Address by W. M. Acwortu, M.A., President of the Section. ............ 773 1. The needed Reform in the Assessment of Railways for Local Taxation. eh. CONEY NE EV OWS MA oi enw wies ays acecs «6 teehee aessiclses 784 2. Nationalisation of Irish Railways. By J. O'CONNOR... ........0.0005 784 3. On certain Peculiarities of Small Duties on Imports and Exports. By Professor F. Y. EDGEWORTH, D.C.L. 20... . ccc ccc cece eee 786 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1. The Financial Side of Irish Land Purchase. By Professor C. F. SASTAB TE Acs Salas Do) ™ aavsle tata cree cre ce etre hk eo eete en Nore olds 786 . The Housing of the Working Classes in Ireland. By N. J. Synnorr .. 787 . The Depopulation of Ireland. By Ropert H. Murray, M.A......... 788 . The Economic Ideal and its Application to Countries or Nations. By Professor Epwrn Cannan, M.A., LL.D. 2... eee ees 789 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. . *Interim Report on the Amount of Gold Coinage in Circulation in the REET eee. eis conf acs cs team heer tae tee es 789 . International Agreements on Labour Legislation. By Professor eR MEER | 5's. Be rask opie Wks od 5 ose eww’ cata amtila de slater 790 XX CONTENTS. Page 8. Proposals for an Economic Survey of the United Kingdom. By FEGN RY: W MIAGROSDY, BAS vs! sc0)s «5 er oicieteiels hatte ele jofaele Miaveyegds|s 791 4, Industrial Evolution in the Cutlery Industry. By G. I. H. Luoyp, M.A. 792 5. Trade Unionism in the Tinplate Industry. By J. H. Jones, M.A. .... 793 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, Joint Meeting with the Agricultural Sub-section :— 1. Social aa of Agricultural Co-operation. By J. GranamM BRooks, M.A La f clas a's elelelele @(e ee s)e00 we 6 see ue a's 8 6b © Wb 6) SMS a, ete) e Wee uae ieee (PLS 2. The Pet ane lopioe Aspect of Agrarian Reform in Ireland. By Mortrz JOLITS BONN ME: DA ses fesse ee aiaes ee 5 tome si vieceneis berets, waite 795 8. The Productivity of English Agriculturists. By Professor JaMEs WVITISON; UMMA TBS Ga nein net c sic s eisiaveyalers le «nie cle lvle'e/ elon) eia/aualaiarelapale”= 795 4. Economic and Statistical Investigation in Agriculture. By W. G. 8. PATVAISy VIVA fa tste halle Fevate/s Ps etetors weds fale fore a 1b ol foyelem fee vv ls wie oh abapaerelas 796 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. | *Discussion on Instruction in Universities as a Preparation for Commerce AIC EBUISINORS LATO Miarcvercsal visual cs ole asetais iets’ excise eysjeleieieiele qreis a ewe ale Fae 0-6 796 SUB-SECTION OF AGRICULTURE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Address by Right Hon. Sir Honacz PLUNKETT, K.C.V.O., F.R.S., Chairman 796 1. *Irish Soil Maps. By Professor GRENVILLE CoLE, F.G.S. ........-- 804 2. Electricity in Agriculture. By Sir Otrver Lopes, F.R.S...........-. 804 3. Agricultural Education. By J. R. CAMPBELL, SES Sa ee sorene aroun remeats 804 4. *Agricultural Education for Business and for Knowledge. By Dr. CARROLL. DUN EAM. 7 Secareiae! «ic telduais ose! afais ies: spoxeXele iain) fo, elaivus wae @inansere 805 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1. *Discussion on Breeding and the Relation of Modern Theories of Heredity to the Problems of the Stock Raiser.........0sssceceeseeeee 806 (i) *The Application of the Mendelian Theory to Practical Problems. By Professor W. BATESON, F.R.S. ....... eee eee eee eens 806 (ii) *Experimental Breeding Farms. By W. Hears, F.R.S. ........ 806 (iii) *Mendelism and the Elucidation of Live Stock History. By Professors). WEUSON). a sis cousssrs snjessle ious +) sie, alc) oie ob =( anal 806 2, Some Irish Experiments on Warble-flies. By Professor Guo. H. CARPENTHR BSc, MORAL Ar eerste ers tticissle'e fle cle ee eoevels ey ole State 807 3. Barley Growing and Selection in Ireland. By Hrrpert Hunter, B.Se. 807 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1. Small Holdings: Some Considerations on their Successful Establishment. By Mrs. L. WILKINS ....... esse cece cece e cece teen ence seen eaee 807 2. *The Small Holdings Problem. By CuristoPHER TURNER .......... 808 3. *The Management of Small Holdings. By F. ImpEy ........+..:- . 808 TRANSACTIONS -OF THE SECTIONS, XX11 4. *Letters from Small Holders. By W. Breaca THOMAS .............. 5. *The Economic Importance of judicious Tree Planting for Shelter by FE AMONELSs | Slee OOO TUNER Aes col MEM iesso sys sie sce ee he cc ees ewe 6. *A Method of Registering the Colours of Animals. By Major Barrerr ELSMIUTONS fod acon ot CAC ie rare Coe REANT A: Ais eae TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. Joint Meeting with Section F (p. 794) vreereererereseees Fate cichlids eres Section G.—ENGINEERING. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Address by Ducatp Cumrk, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., President of the Section .. Recent Advances in Steam Turbines. By Grmratp Sroney, B.E., M.I.C.E., M rie eevee errereoreroe rere reer eere ereere core eee eee ee overee ao FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, *Joint Discussion with Sections A and B on Gaseous Explosions.......,.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1, The Utilisation of Peat for making Gas or Charcoal with Recovery of 808 809 By-Products. By Captain H. Riaui Sankey, R.E., M.Inst.C.E. 824 2. Producer Gas. By J. Emerson Dowson, M.Inst.C.E. ............4, 825 3. {Suction Gas Producers. By P. W. ROBSON ............eeeeueers - 826 4. The Study of Breakages. By Wattrer RosEnuatn, B.A., B.C.E. .... 826 5. {The Electrical Conductivity of certain Light Aldtitnisin Alloys as affected by Exposure to London Atmosphere, By E. Witson ,... 827 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1, The Laws of Flight. By F. W. LANCHESTER ...........ccceeeeeee . 827 2. {The Causes of Wear in Motor Vehicle Machinery. By F.H.Royce.... 829 3. Clock-driving Mechanism of Equatorials. By Sir Howarp Grusp, GSES S5 SCRA Se Cone Oe ae eet eae Ney See ae 829 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1. Experiments on Rotating Discs. By J. Brown, F.R.S., and Maurice Ree RENE Se teiae nates acre tnt ue cet hee st © mee OREO 830 2. {General Urban and Inter-urban RS ni and Railless Electric Traction. By F. Dovetas Fox, M.Inst.C.B. ccc cece cece ‘830 3. The Strength of Solid Cylindrical Round- Ended Columns. By Pro- TESSOn. Wie By Wimmty,, MiAs, DiSGi 6. oc. 0s cose. PT Ct ee ee . 830 XXIV CONTENTS, Section H.—_ANTHROPOLOGY. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Page Address by Professor Witt1am RipcEway, M.A., LL.D., Litt,D., F.B.A., President of “the Section... 5.5 v.. 5-4." yes eeiansinia Ju fon) eae 832 1. The History of Mummification in Egypt. By Professor G. ELuiot RSRETIOH aM OVE Phe HBR sn as ease ole pixcvatelite Wiest aaron pe 847 2. A Sequence of Egyptian Stone Implements. By C.T. CuRRELLY...... 848 3. The Veddas. By C. G. Smniamann, M.D............ccccecsceescees 848 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1. Anthropological nee in Egypt. By Professor G. Exxior Smrru, MIEN, MEDD: SEG eae ches oyna Coe tes cules er NUNS sa Ore eee 849 2. Rajputs and ee By W. CROOKE) Bia ie i. os os nse ae wlateereters 850 8. Ona Collection of Dinka Laws and Customs. By E. Sipney Hartianp 850 4. Four Weeks in New Britain. By Miss B. PutLen-Burry ............ 850 5. The Northern Mound Builders of North America, By Grorar Bryce, | 131 BO DPA EG US ee ee aneg OA e AE aretbe cr res reese 2m 851 6. Prehistoric Archzology in Japan. By N. Gorpon Munro .......... 852 7. Some Ancient Stone Implement Sites in South Africa—their bearing on the Problem of the Antiquity of Man. By Rev. W. A. Apams, B.A, 852 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1. Report on Excavations on Roman Sites in Britain (p. 342)............ 853 2. Recent Excavations at Roman Chester. By Dr. R. Newsrrap...... 853 3. Some Remarks on the Irish Horse and its Early History. By Dr. R. F. SCHARYR ©. y5:¢ sar 5 sheltiate eld thera intel ove ere eietiavomuetel aie ities SR Sere ae 853 4. The Distribution of Gold Lunule. By Grorar Corrry, M.A......... 854 5. A Leather Shield found in co. Longford. By E. C. R. Armstrona.... 854 6. The Survival of La Tene Ornament in some Celtic Penannular Brooches. By Guononm Commey, MA. oA ec s'en niu oe s ace nico 5's stewie Ring iy a 854 7. Note on the Tara Brooch. By Grorcr Correy, M.A. .............. 854 8. The Origin of Irish Motes. By Gopparp H. Orprn, B.A. .......... 854 9. On certain Changes in the Lateral Wall of the Cranium due to Muscular Development. By Professor J. Symrveton, M.D., F.R.S. ........ 855 10. *The Development and Adult Form of the Human Brain. By Pro- fessor A. -MRASER >. 1s sinaer cick see te nes Oa tee ecoh eae 856 11. The Significance of the so-called Accessory Dental Masses sometimes found in the Upper Jawbones. By Professor A. Francis Dixon .. 856 12. Who Built the British Stone Circles? By J. Gray, B.Sc. ............ 856 13. Report on Anthropometric Investigation in the British Isles (p. 351) .. 857 . Report on Archeological and Ethnographical Researches in Crete (ps BEd) “Te rc nee eer toes Seore ae od wns ae 857 TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. XXV TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, Page 1. Excavations at Caerwent, Monmouthshire, on the Site of the Romano- British City of Venta Silurum, in 1907-08. By T. Asupy, M.A., [DSIRE | Sood} Gout oltn Oo OC oANOC OOO UDO OH Coa Rae OG Met Has mame 857 2. The Work of the Liverpool Committee for Excavation and Research in Wales and the Marches. By Professor Joun L. Myrzs, M.A. .. 857 3. Excavations at Caerleon, Monmouthshire. By H. G. Evetyn-Wuirr.. 858 4. Neolithic Culture in North Greece. By J. P. Droop, B.A.........,... 858 5. The Excavations of the British School at Athens at the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta. By M.S. THompson, B.A. ............ 859 6. Report on Archeological and Ethnological Investigations in Sardinia MUD SAD)) Pessoa clerarerrerctevarere tata cradate clerstat NE CNG perenne see ciel sorerels el 860 7. The Sculptured Stones of Norway and their relation to some British Monuments. By Dr. HAaAKON SCHETELIG .......,...cccceeccece 860 8. The Four Principal Aqueducts of the City of Rome in Classical Times. Spar SEE Ng Ae PADS Mpc ataralerx cis oe ek b.ei6 a ale Mees Ste ee ade 860 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1. Notes on an Ancient Land Surface in a River Terrace at Ipswich and on Paleoliths from a Gravel Pit in the Valley of the Lark. By Gs AN UNA s EER ARDY o's ome, fet. eh Seah ek ete See dae eee 861 2. Report on the Age of Stone Circles (p. 400) ..........cccceeeeceeees 861 3. Tenth Report on the Lake Village at Glastonbury (p. 414) .......... 862 4. Report on the Collection, Preservation, and Systematic Registration of Photographs of Anthropological Interest (p. 419) ............ 862 5. Cup- and Ring-markings. By Rev. H. J. Duxryrretp AsTLey, M.A., EN uae ara 5 aft chelate AAS ACS SD oe Vice eNO les Od ORE eee 862 6. Report on Classifying and Registering Megalithic Remains in the Er NEH COL ax suis ./ostetriass | . € re . . VN Get. Wa fe AOU OL J “9O8T ‘Zo ISNANY ‘IWVWHONIELON “d'W ‘uostued “a “f UO IUSTE ONL (SMa OW “O'O “bsa ‘MAOUD “U NVITIIA * ITYSUIVYSUIZION JO JUBUEINELT-pio07T ‘todjaq piloyT “uoy 4qSy oy, * @IIYSIO4SVdIeT JO JUBUAINaI'T-p1o0T ‘puvyyny Jo eynq aq} sv1y sip ever onmsAqtaq JO WUvooqNor]-pajo7T ‘aitysuoAeg JO ayN 94} sowIyH SIL ‘S2INVLEYOAS 1V¥OO7 ‘SLNAGISDYd-391A ‘SUNZOISSYa *WOs}aqoy “Ag ne ‘SV wa “Saad “bs “pur” qessny =| lv eee eeeee sete: iT Coa iT “at “ABSULB YL 70) ‘Vv LOSsajorg "9181 ‘9 toquieqgdag ‘MODSVID ‘CW “CTT “GN ‘SMAYANV SVNWOHL WOSSHA0ud *bsy ‘yOrreyy “Ce “bs ‘ourByeiy somes "SOWA ‘opp pA “AC SO CUO CUC TA LEO UD LEIS iO OG aii Gownar T “beg ‘sun0 x some Oe ‘aS Wa AE A | “Ont “CW ‘TOsumOUT, uaTTY IOSSOJOIG ‘TSU SW a TOE “ATT VW “Uosmog Ty, WIM IIs 1Osseyorg Sete eee eee ee “a W We Bh iits d TTOMXB]L SUL We aug Poe ee MOSSVpy) JO JSOAOL p1o'y aug BrOvSmclinh “oso CMS Wa “SW “ATT “Le ‘IASty Jo oynd eu9 eovIH SIH beg emaeL 7 HOF 08 os ne 0 o/s eineideisin ove eisemeK eT Sort iy Soa “ny ‘roquad.e9 "TM AC ‘SOU “yg “bsq “tequediegQ 4uvyt “MM "earl ‘ez qysusuy “OLS yO “SU “TO asUL WN ‘MVHSYMVH NHOL UIs= ‘SOW CSW CATT “aoe ‘uosurpawny "9 Atuey tg yereuep-1oley Foe Eee A ennEaSOate does Pieces rpientr ap casement a=" cd sa sow CaN “MO “weg ej00TIION "A PlOYViS US “UoH FUSty OUT eee eee ee ee ‘SO acer ty ‘arond jo eg a4 UO WSN ant eee eee ewe eee SSD mitt G ‘smorpuy “Id “IU, Id "ADIT au. Pee eee ee "Lt “qreg QORTIVM PAVIPONY Ig. 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Bog, Org crn ak "++ Joqstag Jo LoAUPY OU} [NJATISION UST OUT, tteereeeeeeeesouqugr Jo TOU 04} MNJAINSIO AL ISTH OU, ee ee ‘aa ‘UOUTIC yo doysig, oO} “Ad q3NT oud ‘CC ‘STAM PUL YI Jo doystg provy oN} ‘AON IUBTY PUL “WOH WUAY oUL oR eee eee eee eee ee ee wg jo ssonbivyy 949 ‘UOH SOW OUT, Coane renee dvenesdesseoeressatecaccaerasceesessberegsacressos gag -IOM0G JO JULUOINoV']T-psloyT ‘A1AIAQ PUB YON JO [AVY Oy} “MOR FYSTY on, wena pistaisie/@.¢/n(cim' © \ele\s alm eeerieny oa f “bsq ‘poom fayy I9AIIO | ee ee ee BO ae tel SCOT it GE “a'r “bsq ‘aoJ4usV SBUl0G,L Toe eP eee eee eee ee eee eee ees “UW “an fow'g *sq10qoy ULVITTT AA. ag ‘SOW as ani 4 ‘Zunox ‘H “VW dossajorg | *****"** TOC eT eee eee eee eee) adap SUaMGQ 043 JO qediug auL ‘Sud “os'a srettesseesceseecces SQISIBAIT(] BINOJOTA AY} JO IO[[OOUBYH-91A SUL | “JSST ‘Te JsnSny “UMLSHHONV AY “an “Wh ‘TeqsrepL soul A rossajorg + eee eee Oe eee pa1ojyeg jo IOLVIV aud Tnydryss0 Ay USI ou gn Sislelsiaisicieieecineiaieiy.e:elpisiels\=)sis/eeineeciee a g.emie.® Heim Cre TTA: ‘og’ “bsg ‘mosurydoxy sopregg | oot ttt ttt tt aoqsoqoueyg Jo roAeyy ON INJAIYSIOM BUSTY OUL | “Sw “aa “AIT “TO'd “a W ‘HONSOU HW “A IS "OSA 'S'T'a “bsg ‘Avpuavy “pe PoP eP eee eee eee eee eee ee ey paojyes jo doysig ey} “acy JUS onL CEO SIOOR CNEL Ga 1 ‘laqsoyouryy jo doysig. ploy ON} “ALY qusiy ouL SOW OSU COT T OW “DM ‘Agro JO [eq ON} “UOT FUSIY OU mien be tccsrtseviesanble sles ss eacp es Seisieiisiueisieeess aislunnicsenuntarsiy Pee aeueant OTT eV “DM ‘atrysuoaed Jo end ey ew STH “S3lYVLayNOeS TvVOO7 "SLN3SGISSYd-JZ5IA "SINAGISS2¢d ; o ‘sod “TSU “oud “a1 “Tod “Deg ‘ono y,00serq some) lix PaST PRESIDENTS, ViCE-PRESIDENTS, AND LOCAL SECRETARIES. “wy ‘touuey, pAO'T “M “A AOssojorg ‘OTA “S'0'd “os'a “bsq ‘uosatyyy *M "W se teee ‘Sra “a W “bsg ‘mosuvy “AAA "SY09g “WT “10980,7 [aVyoryy TOssajorg eee ee ee ee D eee eee ee ey ‘a'r ‘Xourny, uyor 11g shes sary OAOID "YM dig ‘uoH FUSTY OUT barr fauiaiiriay xa ee ee ee weysunqON Jo 10AKW OWL “8681 ‘eT raquiaydag ‘NVHONELLON sta ENT SR ccc ae a SerG En Re MOERIRTIMOT Praeaaat apwerrcommeruee see paogxg Jo ATSI0Aq “OSL ‘SOANOIO “WI LOSSAJOIT “"** g[qsBomoayy JO YN 944 QOVIH STH / ay} Ut AdoOIsht{q Jo Jossajorg “ASU “SA “T'O' "77" puslyzog Jo ound ou} 80BIN SIH | “A'IT “G'W “VW ‘NOSUMONVS NOGUNE 'S “f "UC «ade aadieein oaheh Oelsere Sole trmeiee ate aspraquieg Jo Aqysioayan 944 Jo Ao[JaouUBYH “Hy ‘alTysuOANq JO aang 94} 9081) SIFT Pee die catale Gaeaietat ye Natta ausvaforstalayahesfans ay tleywicvemtele ears aga axyya -WeYSAIWON JO JULUAMaV]-proT ‘suvqry “yg Jo eyNC a} eoBIH SIH Seen 39" sord ‘ TSW “SU COW ‘UMOrg wnIpD “Vy Iossejorg gia ee eS DN ey aren Eee “ \S finyp orem OST “Sy yy OUIMT, WITT JIG tossejorg r ‘TST sie ‘CSU SOA “CW “Wesvpovyy svisNO AS 1088} |... .seseeeeee does Sune ER a ee “agg “Wh “be ‘atATLO query gst" adie lavaiele o)eisiolsinitisieie 0,08 T Oa “TS'OM AML WII IIS redrou1rg mE Lem 2 6c Saaeea hie et a] 1} S ‘Sd “CSU “WOU W F SU SSW SOTT “A'0 ‘PEUOpoENE "V “H “f MOR ISTH OME | POT gag sod “oer SPAN “SOT CLs chy ae Ea rnraeie Sateen thea Meee eo erosOU ay Re oy “WORE aus ote | SH O88 LOr “OST “ATT ‘AIHITD CIVAIHORV ¥IS eee eee ee ee ee ‘L's ‘aviq4oy Jo ssonbisyq oq} ‘UO qS0W >uUL , P , ’ te eeseeeeeeeeeeeeeee se Sinquipy JO ISOAVIG POT oY} COR qusry ouL ‘s'y'sald “TSU “SWoassog “os'C “ATT MED Preaory ais z wee eeee i eseeeeee SZ “qiegq ‘uATaMayT ‘a‘L ‘rus eeaa Pen ‘SOU A “SW “ae oo ‘qiuploqy ploy “UoH FQSTy OT | “1681 ‘61 ysusny ‘TaIduvo see see reeese Peete ree nee . avsoper], PIO UH WS OL SOOO UUGOO CO OUUU OOO OUOUUUOGRIEL: iat: Gi g ‘u0y ‘ ‘SVU Pee e reer rere rene rerers sreeeseesenenees PSSLAASE Rls aa tay Reise Maren secon eS See (ae LL “SUd “CU “CTT “TOE “Pst ‘SNIODOH NVITTIM ‘swoos “OTT “TOC “WH, “WrMter POT ‘MoH 05TH ONL Cesc teeeeece ++ «rey faqng Jo ssanbieyy 04} ‘WOH ASOW OL, : puvjezy Jo samouorsy [whoy “SVN “SUA “ATT ed 92000 i ** gII[SUvSIOWMELH JO JULUOINELT-ploT “AOSpULM PLOT “MOR FUSIY OTT WL ‘Wileqieg Merpuy IIg ote rts :gpeeT JO aodvpy OUT, TOUSUL “441eg ‘uosyry seme Ig Og" ‘SI[OYIIIAS *Y Tossojorg ete eee ek 1D omc aes” a1) GRIP COR EI" OU EO weer ennee penrs W ‘mosyoR er TOM ‘u0oH qqsny anh O68T ‘g raquisydag ‘ Saua'y BO ae ee coadir doapaa SWAT COTT “aud “aoe ‘Hered uokT 11g “WOH AMBRE ONL fone en OWT NUCH “SOd'd Sed RECO E ON None “Tard ‘uodny yo doqsig p1oy ay sou INSTT oUL | “Osa “T'O'd “AO “THAV SALSAOAV MOLUAGAUA UIs teeecereceeesees “SO OM CACHIIMZINT [eH OU} “COM FUSIY OUT ‘SW “HTO “I's'0'p “pa ‘aodry jo ssanbivy_ ey} ‘WOH 4S0W eT SOW “SW “ATT “VW “DM ‘eayqsaosag Jo ayn 0G} BoVIH STH PLACES AND DATES OF PAST MEETINGS. Ix “bsg ‘WOSITITM “8 *f 'S'O'd “bey ‘AOHTR A “OH “9 “Ud “ay ‘wn[eoeyy “g "Vy aossajorg ‘Dear “HUTTE “ST “AA ‘S'Tu “bsq ‘uosdmoy.y *O ovesy “SW ‘Weupiay “VY "MM Iossejorg “bsg ‘AOIPIN “a "HL OS'd ‘WIT “V'a “bsg ‘y9n090N *V ‘Sg *bsq ‘uosjomeyH “HD ‘WH “bs aseN ‘H ‘a “VA “Dsop ‘gonad "* “4) “WH “bsg ‘eumog ‘9 yaaqiry “SSlYVLAYOaS 1vO07 Z Jo AqISIOATUN 94 JOMapIserg “CTT V'W ‘WopuoT ‘f 10ssezoIT oe ere eee ey BS ak: ‘aSpISIOATT “VY 1Ossojorg | “sow Ww “bsg “ploqqoo *L xMAT “S'S WW ‘ulared "HD = ** oqUOIOT, Jo 1oABPY eQT, ‘SU “O'N'O ‘Wosmeq wei IIs Tet treaetedeceeseeseereteeeceereucueureerereseees©+ @DBqBO JOf JomoIssIMMOD YSIH “ATT “O'W'O'D ‘UMS *¥ PIBUOG AIS ‘WOH eNL eee meee eee “ant oe: Gre) “ONWOD “qieg ‘raddny, saTieyp ug ‘u0H euL “**"**O11B3UQ JO BOUIAOIg 04} 1OJ UOWVONPY Jo JeqystUIp o44 ‘GO eq “L681 ‘ST ysusny ‘oLNouOT, eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee "g'N)'099"10,7 “WS “Su'seerl “C's “G11 °TO' “GON ‘SNVAR NHOL UIS seeeeeeeeceeeess O118j0O JO BONTAOIg 943 JO Jaimelg ey} ‘WOH eu, **O118JUQ JO : | Prof. W. G. Adams, J. T. Bottomley, Prof. W. K. Clifford, Prof. J. D. Everett, Rev. R. Harley. Prof. W. K. Clifford, J. W.L.Glaisher, Prof. A. S. Herschel, G. F. Rodwell. Prof. W. K. Clifford, Prof, Forbes, J. W. L. Glaisher, Prof. A. S. Herschel. J. W. L. Glaisher, Prof. Herschel, Randal Nixon, J. Perry, G. F. Rodwell. Prof. W. F. Barrett, J.W.L. Glaisher, C. T. Hudson, G. F. Rodwell. Prof. W. F. Barrett, J. T. Bottomley, Prof. G. Forbes, J. W. L. Glaisher, T. Muir. Prof. W. F. Barrett, J. T. Bottomley, J. W. L. Glaisher, F. G. Landon. Prof. J. Casey, G. F. Fitzgerald, J. W. L. Glaisher, Dr. O. J. Lodge. A. H. Allen, J. W. L. Glaisher, Dr. O. J, Lodge, D. MacAlister. W. KE. Ayrton, J. W. L. Glaisher, Dr. O. J. Lodge, D. MacAlister, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, Dr. 0. J. Lodge, D. MacAlister, Rev. W. Routh. W. M. Hicks, Dr. O. J. Lodge, D. MacAlister, Rev. G. Richardson. W. M. Hicks, Prof. O. J. Lodge; D. MacAlister, Prof. R. C. Rowe. C. Carpmael, W. M. Hicks, A. John- son, O. J. Lodge, D. MacAlister. R. E. Baynes, R. T. Glazebrook, Prof, W. M. Hicks, Prof, W. Ingram. a3 Ixvili PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place Presidents Secretaries 1886. Birmingham 1887. Manchester 1888. Bath 1889. Newcastle- upon-Tyne 1890. Leeds 1891. Cardiff...... 1892. Edinburgh 1893. Nottingham 1894. Oxford...... 1895. Ipswich 1896. Liverpool... 1897. Toronto ... 1898. Bristol 1899. Dover 1900. Bradford ... 1901. Glasgow 1902 Belfast weeeee 1903. Southport 1904. Cambridge 1905. SouthAfrica 1906. York......... 1907. Leicester ... 1908. Dublin eeeeee soa ELOte WV ...| Major P. A. MacMahon, F.R.S._ Prof. G. H. Darwin, M.A.,) LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. Sir R. 8. Ball, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. ‘Prof. G. F. Fitzgerald, M.A.,’ F.RB.S. Capt. W. de W. Abney, C.B., R.E., F.B.S. | |J. W. L. Glaisher, Sc.D., F.R.S., V.P.R.A.S. | Prof. O. J. Lodge, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. 'Prof.. A. Schuster, | F.R.S., F.R.A.S. | R. T. Glazebrook, M.A., F.R.S. Ph.D., Prof.A.W.Riicker, M.A.,F.R.S. M. Hicks, M.A., ¥.R.S. Prof. J. J. Thomson, M.A., D.Se., F.2.S. Prof. A. R. Forsyth, M.A., F.R.S. Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S.... | Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S.' Dr. J. Larmor, F.R.S.—Dep. of Astronomy, Dr. A. A. Common, F.R.S. —Dep. of Astronomy, Prof. H. H. Turner, F.RB.S. ‘Prof. J. Purser, LL.D.,M.R.1.A. | | —Dep. of Astronomy, Prof. | A. Schuster, F.R.S. C. Vernon Boys, F.R.S.—Dep. | of Astronomy and Meteor- ology,Dr.W.N. Shaw,F.R.S Prof. H. Lamb, F.R.S.—Swb- | Section of Astronomy and Cosmical Physics, Sir J.| Eliot, K.C.I.E., F.R.S. Prof. A. R. Forsyth, M.A., F.R.S. Principal E. H.Griffiths, F.R:S. | ‘Prof. A. E. H. Love, M.A., ) SESRIS: 'Dr. W. N. Shaw, F.B.S. ...... y R. E. Baynes, R. T. Glazebrook, Prof. J. H. Poynting, W. N. Shaw. R. E. Baynes, R. T. Glazebrook, Prof. H. Lamb, W. N. Shaw. R. E. Baynes, R. T. Glazebrook, A. Lodge, W. N. Shaw. R. E. Baynes, R. T. Glazebrook, A. Lodge, W. N. Shaw, H. Stroud. R. T. Glazebrook, Prof. A. Lodge, W.N. Shaw, Prof. W. Stroud. R. E. Baynes, J. Larmor, Prof. A. Lodge, Prof. A. Il. Selby. Rh. E. Baynes, J. Larmor, Prof. A. Lodge, Dr. W. Peddie. W. T. A. Emtage, J. Larmor, Prof. A. Lodge, Dr. W. Peddie. Prof. W. H. Heaton, Prof. A. Lodge, J. Walker. Prof. W. H. Heaton, Prof. A. Lodge, G. T. Walker, W. Watson. Prof. W. H. Heaton, J. L. Howard, Prof. A. Lodge, G. T. Walker, W. Watson. Prof. W. H. Heaton, J. C. Gla- shan, J. L. Howard, Prof. J. C. McLennan. A. P. Chattock, J. L. Howard, C. H. Lees, W. Watson, E. T. Whittaker. J. L. Howard, C. H. Lees, W. Wat- son, K. 'T. Whittaker. P. H. Cowell, A. Fowler, C. H. Lees, C. J. L. Wagstaffe, W. Watson, E. T. Whittaker. H.S. Carslaw, C.H. Lees, W. Stewart, Prof. L. R. Wilberforce. H..8. Carslaw, A. RB. Hinks» A, Larmor, C. H. Lees, Prof. W. B. Morton, A. W. Porter. D. E. Benson, A. R. Hinks, R. W. H. T. Hudson, Dr. C. H. Lees, J. Loton, A. W. Porter. A. R. Hinks, R. W. H. T. Hudson, Dr. C. H. Lees, Dr. W. J.S. Lock- yer, A: W. Porter, W-.:C._\D. Whetham. A. R. Hinks, §. 8. Hough, R. T. A. Innes, J. H. Jeans, Dr. C. H, Lees. Dr. L. N. G. Filon, Dr. J. A. Harker, A. R. Hinks, Prof. A. W. Porter, H. Dennis Taylor. E. E. Brooks, Dr. L. N. G. Filon, Dr. J. A. Harker, A. R. Hinks, Prof. A. W. Porter. Dr. W. G. Duffield, Dr. L. N. G. Filon, E. Gold, Prof. J. A, McClelland, Prof. A. W. Porter, Prof, E. T. Whittaker. PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. lxix —— Date and Place Presidents : Secretaries 1832. Oxford...... 1833. Cambridge 1834. Edinburgh . Dublin . Bristol 1835 1836 1837. Liverpool...) 1838 Newcastle 1839. Birmingham | 1840. Glasgow 1841. Plymouth... | 1842. Manchester 1843. _ 1844. 1845, Cambridge 1846, Southamp- ton. 1847, Oxford...... 1848. Swansea 1849. Birmingham 1850. Edinburgh 1851. Ipswich ... 1852. Belfast...... 1853. Hull 1854. Liverpool | 1855. Glasgow ... 1856. Cheltenham | 1857. Dublin 1858. Leeds 1859. Aberdeen... 1860. Oxford 186]. Manchester | 1862. Cambridge 1863. Newcastle 1864, Bath 'W. Odling, M.B., F.R.S CHEMICAL SCIENCE. COMMITTEE OF SCIENCES, Il.—CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY. John Dalton, D.C.L., F.R.S. John Dalton, D.C.L., F.R.S. Dr. Hope se eteereereeesscesesasessss James F. W. Johnston. Prof. Miller. Mr. Johnston, Dr. Christison. SECTION B.—CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. Dr. T. Thomson, F.R.S. ...... Rey. Prof. Cumming Michael Faraday, F.R.S....... Rev. William Whewell,F.R.S. Prof. T. Graham, F.R.S. ...... .../ Dr. Thomas Thomson, F.R.S. Dr. Daubeny, F.R.S. John Dalton, D.C.L., F.R.S. Prof, Apjohn, M.R.I.A Prof. T. Graham, F.K.5....... sewecrees Rey. Prof. Cumming en eeneree Michael Faraday, D.C.L., F.R.S. Rev. W. V. Harcourt, M.A., F.R.S. ...| Richard Phillips, F.RB.S. ...... John Percy, M.D., F.RB.S....... | Dr. Christison, V.P.R.S.E. ... Prof. Thomas Graham, F.R.8. Thomas Andrews, M.D.,F.R.5. ‘Prof, J. F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R.S. Prof. W, A.Miller, M.D.,F.R.5. 'Dr. Lyon Playfair,C.B.,F.R.5. Prof. B. C. Brodie, F.R.S. ... ‘Prof. Apjohn, M.D., F-.R.S.,| M.R.LA. Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart., | D.C.L. Dr. Lyon Playfair, C.B., F.R.S. Prof. B, C. Brodie, F.R.S...... Prof. W.A.Miller, M.D.,F.R.S. Prof. W.H. Miller, M.A.,F.R.S; Dr. Alex. W. Williamson, F.R.S. eueeeee Dr. Apjohn, Prof. Johnston. Dr. Apjohn, Dr. C. Henry, W. Hera- path. Prof. Johnston, Prof. Miller, Dr. Reynolds. Prof. Miller, H. L. Pattinson, Thomas Richardson. 'Dr. Golding Bird, Dr. J. B. Melson. |Dr. R. D. Thomson, Dr. T. Clark, Dr. L. Playfair. J. Prideaux, R. Hunt, W. M. Tweedy. | Dr. L. Playfair, R. Hunt, J, Graham. R. Hunt, Dr. Sweeny. Dr. L. Playfair, HE. Solly, T. H. Barker. R. Hunt, J. P. Joule, Prof, Miller, i. Solly. Dr. Miller, R. Hunt, W. Randall. B. C. Brodie, R. Hunt, Prof, Solly. T. H. Henry, R. Hunt, T, Williams. R. Hunt, G. Shaw. 'Dr. Anderson, R. Hunt, Dr. Wilson. |T. J. Pearsall, W. S. Ward. 'Dr. Gladstone, Prof. Hodges, Prof. Ronalds. H. S. Blundell, Prof. R. Hunt, T. J. Pearsall. Dr. Edwards, Dr. Gladstone, Dr. Price. ‘Prof, Frankland, Dr. H. EK. Roscce, J. Horsley, P. J. Worsley, Prof. Voelcker. Dr. Davy, Dr. Gladstone, Prof. Sul- livan. Dr. Gladstone, W. Odling, R. Rey- nolds. J. S. Brazier, Dr. Gladstone, G. D. Liveing, Dr. Odling. A. Vernon Harcourt, G. D. Liveing, . A. B. Northcote. A, Vernon Harcourt, G. D. Liveing. H. W. Elphinstone, W. Odling, Prof. Roscoe. Prof, Liveing, H. L. Pattinson, J. C. Stevenson, A. V. Harcourt, Prof. Liveing, R, Biggs. lxx "PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF IHE SECTIONS, Date and Place Presidents 1865, Birmingham 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874, 1875. 1876. 1877. "1878, 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. Nottingham | Dundee Norwich Exeter ...... Livetpool.. Edinburgh Brighton ... Bradford... Glasgow ... Plymouth. Dublin...... Sheffield ... Swansea ... Southamp- ton, Southport Montreal ... Aberdeen... . Birmingham Manchester Newcastle- upon-Tyne Leeds Edinburgh Nottingham Oxford see ELOL. -|Prof: H. Prof. W. A. Miller, V.P.R.S. H. Bence Jones, M.D., F.R.S. T. Anderson, M.D., ¥.R.S.E. ..-|Prof, HE. Frankland, F:R.8. Dr. H. Debus; F.R.S. E. Roscoe, B.A. F.RB:S, Prof. T. Andrews, M.D.,F.R.S. Dr. J.. H. Gladstone, F.R.S... Prof. W. J. Russell, F.R.S.. M.D., Secretaries A. V. Harcourt, H. Adkins, Prof. Wanklyn, A. Winkler Wills. \J. H. Atherton, Prof. Liveing, W. J. | Russell, J. White. A. Crum Brown, Prof. G. D. Liveing, W. J. Russell, ‘Dr. A. Crum Brown, Dr. W. J. Rus- | sell, F. Sutton. ..-/Prof, A. Crum Brown, Dr. W. J. Russell, Dr. Atkinson. , Ptof. A. Crum Brown, A. E. Fletcher, | Dr. W. J. Russell. J. Y. Buchanan, W. N. Hartley, T. E. Thorpe. -|Dr. Mills, W. Chandler Roberts, Dr. | W.J. Russell, Dr. T. Wood. -. Dr. Armstrong, Dr. Mills, W. Chand- ler Roberts, Dr. Thorpe. Prof. A. Crum Brown, M.D., ‘Dr. T. Cranstoun Charles, W. Chand- F.R.S.B. A. G. Vernon Harcourt, M.A., F.R.S. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S, +0/| ERASE DCL NH Htaceccnanttessess Prof. Maxwell Simpson, M.D. F.R.S. Prof. Dewar, M.A., F.R.S. Joseph Henry Gilbert, Ph.D.,| F.R.S. Prof. A. W. Williamson, F.R.S. Prof. G. D. Liveing, M.A., F.R.S. Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S. Prof. Sir H. E. Roscoe, Ph.D., | LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. H. E. Armstrong, Ph.D., F.R.S., Sec. C.S. W. Crookes, F.R.S., V.P.C.S. Dr. E. Schunck, F.R.S. Prof. W. A. Tilden, FE.B.S:, V.P.C.S8. Sir I. Lowthian Bell, D.C.L., F.R.S. Prof. T. E. Thorpe, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., Treas. C.S. Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen C.B., F.R.S. D.Sc. Bart. seeeee Prof. H. McLeod;¥.R.8....... | Prof. J. Emerson Reynolds, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. ler Roberts, Prof. Thorpe. ‘Dr. H. KE, Armstrong, W. Chandler Roberts, W. A. Tilden. |W. Dittmar, W. Chandler Roberts, J. M. Thomson, W. A. Tilden. Dr. Oxland, W. Chandler Roberts, J. M. Thomson. »|W. Chandler Roberts, J. M. Thom- son, Dr. C. R. Tichborne, T. Wills. ..|H. 8. Bell, W. Chandler Roberts, J. M. Thomson. P. P. Bedson, H. B. Dixon, W. R. E. | Hodgkinson, J. M. Thomson. P. P. Bedson, H. B. Dixon, T. Gough. P. Phillips Bedson, H. B. Dixon, J. L. Notter. .. Prof. P. Phillips Bedson, H. B, Dixon, H. Forster Morley. Prof. P. Phillips Bedson, H. B. Dixon, | T. McFarlane, Prof. W. H. Pike. Prof. P. Phillips Bedson, H. B. Dixon, | H. Forster Morley, Dr. W. J. Simpson. \P. P. Bedson, H. B. Dixon, H. F. Mor- | ley,W.W. J. Nicol, C. J. Woodward. ‘Prof. P. Phillips Bedson, H. Forster Morley, W. Thomson. , Prof. H. B. Dixon, H. Forster Morley, R. E. Moyle, W. W. J. Nicol. , H. Forster Morley, D. H. Nagel, W. W. J. Nicol, H. L. Pattinson, jun. C. H. Bothamley, H. Forster Morley, D. H. Nagel, W. W. J. Nicol. , C. H, Bothamley, H. Forster Morley, W. W. J. Nicol, G. S. Turpin. J. Gibson, H. Forster Morley, D. H. Nagel, W. W. J. Nicol. J. B. Coleman, M. J. R. Dunstan, D. H. Nagel, W. W. J. Nicol. Prof. H. B. Dixon, M.A., F.R.S.'A. Colefax, W. W. Fisher, Arthur | Harden, H. Forster Morley. Date and Place | 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Ixxi Ipswich Liverpool... Toronto Bristol Bradford ... Glasgow ... Belfast...... Southport Cambridge SouthAfrica Leicester ... Dublin seneee Presidents Secretaries SECTION B (continwed).—CHEMISTRY. Dr. Ludwig Mond, F.R.S. ... .| Prof. W. Ramsay, F.R.S....... Prof. F. R. Japp, F.B.S. ...... Horace T. Brown, F.R.S....... Prof. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S. ... Prof. Percy F. Frankland, ¥.R.S. Prof. E. Divers, F.RB.S........4+ Prof. W. N. Hartley, D.S8c., F.RS. Prof. Sydney Young, F.R.S.... George T. Beilby sere eenerecenee Prof. Wyndham R. Dunstan, F.R.S. Prof. A. Smithells, F.R.S. ... |Prof. F. S. Kipping, F.R.S. ... .|Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S. ......|E. H. Fison, Arthur Harden, C. A. Kohn, J. W. Rodger. | Arthur Harden, C. A. Kohn. Prof. W. H. Ellis, A. Harden, C. A. Kohn, Prof. R. F. Ruttan. C. A. Kohn, F. W. Stoddart, T. K. Rose. A. D. Hall, C. A. Kéhn, T. K. Rose, Prof. W. P. Wynne. W. M. Gardner, F. 8. Kipping, W. J. Pope, T. K. Rose. W. CC. Anderson, G. G. Henderson, W. J. Pope, T. K. Rose. R. F. Blake, M. O. Forster, Prof. G. G. Henderson, Prof. W. J. Pope. Dr. M. O. Forster, Prof. G. G. Hen- derson, J. Ohm, Prof. W. J. Pope. Dr. M. O. Forster, Prof. G. G. Hen- derson, Dr. H. O. Jones, Prof. W. J. Pope. W. A. Caldecott, Dr. M. O. Forster, Prof. G. G. Henderson, C. F. Juritz. Dr. E. F. Armstrong, Prof. A. W. Crossley, 8. H. Davies, Prof. W. J. Pope. Dr. E. F. Armstrong, Prof. A. W. | Crossley, J. H. Hawthorn, Dr. F. M. Perkin. Dr. HK. F. Armstrong, Dr. A. McKen- zie, Dr. F. M. Perkin, Dr. J. H. Pollock. GEOLOGICAL (anv, unr, 1851, GEOGRAPHICAL) SCIENCE. COMMITTEE OF SCIENCES, III.—GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 1832. 1833. Cambridge.|/G. B. Greenough, F.R.S. ... 1834. Edinburgh .| Prof. Jameson 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. Oxford Dublin Bristol Liverpool... Newcastle., 1839. Birmingham 1840. 1841. 1842, 1843. Glasgow ... Plymouth... Manchester Cork .,,.ss000 |R. I. Murchison, F.R.S. ....../J0hn Taylor. ...|W. Lonsdale, John Phillips. |J. Phillips, T. J. Torrie, Rev. J. Yates. SECTION C.—GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. /R. J. Griffith /Rev. Dr. Buckland, F.R.S.— Geog.,R.1.Murchison,F.R.S. Rev. Prof. Sedgwick, F.R.S.— Geog.,G.B.Greenough,F.R.S. CG. Lyell, F.B.S., V.P.G.S.— Geography, Lord Prudhoe. Rey. Dr. Buckland, F.R.S.— Geog.,G.B.Greenough,F.R.S. Charles Lyell, F.R.S.— Geog., G. B. Greenough, F.R.S. H. I. De la Beche, F.R.S. ... seme een eeereseseeees R. I. Murchison, F.R.8. ...... Captain Portlock, T. J. Torrie. William Sanders, 8. Stutchbury, T. J. Torrie. Captain Portlock, R. Hunter.— G¥eo- graphy, Capt. H. M. Denham, R.N. W.C. Trevelyan, Capt. Portlock.— Geography, Capt. Washington. George Lloyd, M.D., H. E. Strick land, Charles Darwin. W. J. Hamilton, D. Milne, H. Murray, H. E. Strickland, J. Scoular. W. J. Hamilton, Edward Moore, M.D., R. Hutton. E. W. Binney, R. Hutton, Dr. R. Lloyd, H. E, Strickland. Richard E, Griffith, F.R.S....|F. M. Jennings, H. E. Strickland. lxxii PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS, Date and Place 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. Cambridge. Southamp- ton. Presidents Henry Warburton, Pres. G. 8. Rev. Prof. Sedgwick, M.A. F.B.S. Leonard Horner, F.R.S. ...... Swansea... Sir H. T. De la Beche, F.R.S. 1849.Birmingham ) Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S....... | 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859 1860. 1861. 1862 1863 1864. 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 Edinburgh! eee Ipswich Belfast seeeee Tobit es hoe Liverpool.. Glasgow ... Cheltenham Dublin Leeds ...... . Aberdeen... Oxford...... Manchester . Cambridge Newcastle . Birmingham . Nottingham . Dundee . Norwich PVHXGbET arcane . Liverpool... . Edinburgh . Brighton... . Bradford ... 4 Sir Roderick I. Murchison, F.R.S. SECTION © (continued) William Hopkins,M.A.,F.R.S. Lieut.-Col. F.R.S. Prof. Sedgwick, F.R.S......... Prof. Edward Forbes, F.R.S. Portlock, R.E., Sir R. I. Murchison, F.R.S.... Prof, A. C. Ramsay, F.R.S.... The Lord Talbot de Malahide William Hopkins,M.A., F.R.S. Sir Charles Lyell, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. Rev. Prof. Sedgwick, F.R.S... Sir R. I. Murchison, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. J. Beete Jukes, M.A., F.R.S. Prof. Warington W. Smyth, F.RB.S., F.G.S, Prof. J. Phillips, F.R.S., F.G.S. Sir R. I. Murchison, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S. Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.S. DL .| Archibald Geikie, F.B.S.......| ..{R. A. C. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. R. Harkness, F.R.S., F.G,8. Sir Philipde M.Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. Prof. A. Geikie, F.R.8., F.G.S. R. A. C. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. J. Phillips, F.R.S. ...... Secretaries Prof. Ansted, E. H. Bunbury. Rev. J. C. Cumming, A. C. Ramsay, Rev. W. Thorp. |Robert A. Austen, Dr. J. H. Norton, Prof. Oldham, Dr. C. T. Beke. Prof. Ansted, Prof. Oldham, A. C, Ramsay, J. Ruskin. S.Benson, Prof.Oldham, Prof.Ramsay \J. B. Jukes, Prof. Oldham, A. C. Ramsay. A. Keith Johnston, Hugh Miller, Prof, Nicol. 1 -— GEOLOGY. C. J. F. Bunbury, G. W. Ormerod, Searles Wood. James Bryce, James MacAdam, Prof. M‘Coy, Prof. Nicol. Prof, Harkness, William Lawton. John Cunningham, Prof. Harkness, G. W. Ormerod, J. W. Woodall. J. Bryce, Prof. Harkness, Prof. Nicol. Rev. P. B. Brodie, Rev. R. Hep- worth, Edward Hull, J. Scougall, T. Wright. Prof. Harkness, G. Sanders, R. H. Scott. Prof. Nicol, H. C. Sorby, E. W. Shaw. Prof. Harkness, Rev. J. Longmuir, H. C. Sorby. Prof. Harkness, E. Hull, J. W. Woodall. Prof. Harkness, Edward Hull, T. Rupert Jones, G. W. Ormerod. Lucas Barrett, Prof. T. Rupert Jones, H. C. Sorby. E. F. Boyd, John Daglish, H. C. Sorby, Thomas Sopwith. W. B. Dawkins, J. Johnston, H. C, Sorby, W. Pengelly. Rev. P. B. Brodie, J. Jones, Rev. E. Myers, H. C. Sorby, W. Pengelly. R. Etheridge, W. Pengelly, T. Wil- son, G. H. Wright. KE. Hull, W. Pengelly, H. Woodward. Rey. O. Fisher, Rev. J. Gunn, W. Pengelly, Rev. H. H. Winwood. W. Pengelly, W. Boyd Dawkins, Rev. H. H. Winwood. W. Pengelly, Rev. H. H. Winwood, W. Boyd Dawkins, G. H. Morton. R. Etheridge, J. Geikie, T. McKenny Hughes, L. C. Miall. L. C. Miall, George Scott, William Topley, Henry Woodward. L.C. Miall,R.H.Tiddeman,W.Topley, } Geography was constituted a separate Section, see page Ixxix. Date and Place i PRESIDENTS AND SEORETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Ixxil Presidents Secretaries Prof. Hull, M.A., F.RB.S.,|F. Drew, L. C. Miall, R. G. Symes, 1874. Belfast 1875. Bristol 1876. Glasgow ... 1877. Plymouth... 1878. Dublin...... 1879. Sheffield ... 1880. Swansea ... 1881. York......... 1882. Southamp- ton. 1883. Southport 1884. Montreal ... 1885. Aberdeen... 1886. Birmingham 1887. Manchester 1888. Bath ee eeeeaee 1889. Newcastle- upon-Tyne 1890. Leeds aeteee 1891. Cardiff 1892. Edinburgh 1893. Nottingham 1894, Oxford...... 1895. Ipswich 1896. Liverpool... 1897. Toronto 1898. Bristol seneee 1899. Dover aeeeee 1900. Bradford ... 1901. Glasgow ... 1902, Belfast 1903. Southport 1904. Cambridge | Aubrey Strahan, F.R.S. ..... F.G.S. Dr. T. Wright, F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Prof. John Young, M.D....... W. Pengelly, F.R.S., F.G.S. John Evans, D.C.L., F.R.S. F.S.A., F.G.S. Prof, P. M. Duncan, F.R.S. H. C, Sorby, F.R.S., F.G.S.... A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.5., F.G.S. R. Etheridge, F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. W. C. Williamson, LL.D., F.R.S. W.T. Blanford, F.R.S., Sec. Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., F.RB.S., F.G.S. Henry Woodward, LL.D., - E.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. J. Geikie, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. A. H. Green, M.A,, F.RB.S., F.G.S. iProf. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., F.G.S. Prof. C, Lapworth, LL.D., F.RB.S., F.G.S. J. J. H. Teall, M.A., F.B.S., F.G.S, L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. W. Whitaker, B.A., F.R.S. ... J. E.. Marr, M.A., F.R.S....... ...|Dr. G. M. Dawson, C.M.G., F.R.S. W. H. Huddleston, F.R.S...... Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S. Prof. W. J. Sollas, F.R.S. John Horne, F.R.S. . Lieut.-Gen. C, A. McMahon, F.RB.S. Prof, W. W. Watts, M.Sc. M.A., 1905, SouthAfrica | Prof. H. A. Miers, M.A., D.Sc., E.R.S, G.S. Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S., Sec. | G.S R. H. Tiddeman. L. C. Miall, E. B. Tawney, W. Topley. J. Armstrong, F. W. Rudler, W, Topley. Dr. Le Neve Foster, R. H. Tidde- man, W. Topley. E. T. Hardman, Prof. J, O’Reilly, R. H. Tiddeman. W. Topley, G. Blake Walker. W. Topley, W. Whitaker. J. E. Clark, W. Keeping, W. Topley, ‘W. Whitaker. T. W. Shore, W. Topley, E. West- lake, W. Whitaker. R. Betley, C. E. De Rance, W. Top- ley, W. Whitaker. F. Adams, Prof, E. W. Claypole, W. Topley, W. Whitaker. C. E. De Rance, J. Horne, J. J. H. Teall, W. Topley. iW. J. Harrison, J. J. H. Teall, W. Topley, W. W. Watts. J. E. Marr, J. J. H. Teall, W. Top- ley, W. W. Watts. Prof G. A. Lebour, W. Topley, W. W. Watts, H. B. Woodward. Prof. G. A. Lebour, J. E. Marr, W. W. Watts, H. B. Woodward. J. E. Bedford, Dr. F. H. Hatch, J. E. Marr, W. W. Watts. |W. Galloway, J. E. Marr, Clement Reid, W. W. Watts. 'H. M. Cadell, J. E. Marr, Clement Reid, W. W. Watts. J. W. Carr, J. HE. Marr, Clement Reid, W. W. Watts. .|F. A. Bather, A. Harker, Clement Reid, W. W. Watts. F. A. Bather, G. W. Lamplugh, H. A. Miers, Clement Reid. J. Lomas, Prof. H. A. Miers, C. Reid. Prof. A. P. Coleman, G. W. Lamp- lugh, Prof. H. A. Miers. .|G. W. Lamplugh, Prof. H. A. Miers, H. Pentecost. J. W. Gregory, G. W. Lamplugh, Capt. McDakin, Prof. H. A. Miers. .|H. L. Bowman, Rev. W. L. Carter, G. W. Lamplugh, H. W. Monckton. ..|H. L. Bowman, H. W. Monckton. H. L. Bowman, H. W. Monckton, J. St. J. Phillips, H. J. Seymour. H. L. Bowman, Rev. W. L. Carter, J. Lomas, H. W. Monckton. .|H. L. Bowman, Rev. W. L. Carter, J. Lomas, H. Woods. 'H. L. Bowman, J. Lomas, Dr. Molen- graaff, Prof. A. Young, Prof. R. B, Young. Ixxiv PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place Presidents Secretaries PBOGs VOLK... «ances G. W. Lamplugh, F.R.S.......]H. L. Bowman, Rev. W. L. Carter, Rev. W. Johnson, J. Lomas. 1907. Leicester ...| Prof. J. W. Gregory, F.R.S....|Dr. F. W. Bennett, Rev. W. L. Carter, Prof. T. Groom, J. Lomas. 1908. Dublin...... Prof. John Joly, F.R.S. ......|Rev. W. L. Carter, J. Lomas, Prof. | S. H. Reynolds, H. J. Seymour. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. COMMITTEE OF SCIENCES, I1V.—ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, PHYSIOLOGY, ANATOMY. LS OXTONG cc. cas Rev. P. B. Duncan, F.G.S. ...| Rev. Prof. J. 8. Henslow. 1833. Cambridge!) Rev. W. L. P. Garnons, F.L.8. C. C. Babington, D. Don. 1834, Edinburgh. Prof. Graham............ssseees W. Yarrell, Prof. Burnett. q SECTION D.—ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. 1835. Dublin...... Dy PAVPAULIN AT nce saan penseas ee ome J. Curtis, Dr. Litton. 1836. Bristol...... Rev. Prof. Henslow ............ J. Curtis, Prof. Don, Dr, Riley, 8. | Rootsey. 1837. Liverpool...|W. S. MacLeay............ses0 |C. C. Babington, Rev. L, Jenyns, W. | Swainson. 1838. Newcastle |Sir W. Jardine, Bart. ......... J. E. Gray, Prof. Jones, R. Owen, || Dr. Richardson. 1839. Birmingham | Prof. Owen, F.R.S. ............| EH. Forbes, W. Ick, R. Patterson. 1840. Glasgow .../Sir W. J. Hooker, LL,D.......| Prof. W. Couper, E. Forbes, R. Pat- terson. 1841. Plymouth...| John Richardson, M.D., F.R.S./J. Couch, Dr. Lankester, R. Patterson. 1842. Manchester | Hon. and Very Rev. W. Her-| Dr. Lankester, R. Patterson, J. A. | bert, LL.D., F.L.S. Turner. Hea o MOON sacseecas | William Thompson, F.L.S....|G. J. Allman, Dr. Lankester, R. | | Patterson. Ose: York. ...c320- | Very Rev. the Dean of Man-| Prof. Allman, H. Goodsir, Dr. King, | chester. Dr. Lankester. 1845. Cambridge | Rey. Prof. Henslow, F.L.S...,| Dr. Lankester, T, VY, Wollaston, 1846, Southamp- |Sir J. Richardson, M.D., | Dr. Lankester, T, V. Wollaston, H, ton. | ERS: | Wooldridge. 1847. Oxford....,.|H. E. Strickland, M.A., F.R.S.; Dr. Lankester, Dr. Melville, T, V. | Wollaston, SECTION D (continued).—zOOLOGY AND BOTANY, INCLUDING PHYSIOLOGY. [For the Presidents and Secretaries of the Anatomical and Physiological Sub- sections and the temporary Section E of Anatomy and Medicine, see p. Ixxviii.] 1848. Swansea ...|L. W. Dillwyn, F.R.S..........]Dr. R. Wilbraham Falconer, A. Hen- : frey, Dr. Lankester. 1849. Birmingham | William Spence, F.R.S. ......|Dr. Lankester, Dr. Russell. 1850. Edinburgh | Prof. Goodsir, F.R.S.,F.R.S8.E.| Prof. J. H. Bennett, M.D., Dr. Lan- 4 kester, Dr. Douglas Maclagan. 1861. Ipswich ...|Rev. Prof. Henslow, M.A.,|Prof. Aliman, F. W. Johnston, Dr. B, F.R.S. Lankester. 1852. Belfast...... W. \Opilbyacv.cleestscoagescceches Dr. Dickie, George C. Hyndman, Dr, Edwin Lankester. 1853. Hull......... C. C. Babington, M.A., F.R.S.) Robert Harrison, Dr. EK. Lankester. ‘ At this Meeting Physiology and Anatomy were made a Repprate Committee for Presidents and Secretaries of which see p. xxviii. PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place lxxv Presidents Secretaries 1854. Liverpool... 1855. Glasgow ... 1856, Cheltenham 1857. Dublin 1858; Leeds .... 1859. Aberdeen... 1860. Oxford 1861. 1862. Cambridge 1863. Newcastle 1864. Bath.. 1865. Birming- ham ! 1866. Nottingham 1867. Dundee 1868. Norwich 1869, Exeter Co 1870. Liverpool... 1871. Edinburgh . 1872. Brighton ... 97873. Bradford ... Manchester cbeaeeee | Rev. M. J. Berkeley, F.L.S. Prof. Balfour, M.D., F.R.S.... Isaac Byerley, Dr. E. Lankester. Rey. Dr. Fleeming, F.R.S.E. William Keddie, Dr. E. Lankester: Thornas Bell, F.R.S., Pres.L.S. Dr. J. Abercrombie, Prof. Buckman, Dr. E. Lankester. Prof, W. H. Harvey, M.D., Prof. J.R.Kinahan, Dr. E. Lankestet, F.R:S. | Robert Patterson, Dr. W. H. Steele. C. C. Babington, M.A., F.R.S.|Henty Denny, Dr. Heaton, Dr. E: Lankester, Dr. E. Perceval Wright. Sit W. Jardine, Bart., F.R.S.E. Prof. Dickie, M.D., Dr. E. Lankester, | Dr. Ogilvy. ; W.S. Church, Dr. E. Lankester, P; L. Sclater, Dr. E. Perceval Wright. Prof. C. C. Babington, F.R.S. Dr. T. Alcock, Dr. E. Lankester, Dr, P. L. Sclater, Dr. E. P. Wright. Prof. Huxley, HIR.S.2 3.5.06 Alfred Newton, Dr. E. P. Wright. Prof. Balfour, M.D., F.R.S....| Dr. E. Charlton, A. Newton, Rev. H. B. Tristram, Dr. E. P. Wright. . H. B. Brady, C. E. Broom, H. T. Stainton, Dr. E. P. Wright. .| Dr. J. Anthony, Rev. C. Clarke, Rev. H. B. Tristram, Dr. BE. P. Wright. Rev. Prof. Henslow, F.L.S.... Dr, John E. Gray, F.R.S. T. Thomson, M.D., F.R.S. SECTION D (continued ).—BIOLOGY. Prof. Huxley, F.R.S.—Dep.;Dr. J. Beddard, W. Felkin, Rev. H. of Physiol., Prof. Humphry,| 8B. Tristram, W. Turner, EK. B. | HE.R.S.—Dep.of Anthropol.,| Tylor, Dr. E. P. Wright. | A. R. Wallace. . Prof. Sharpey, M.D., Sec. B.S. —Dep. of Zool. and Bot., George Busk, M.D., F.R.S. C. Spence Bate, Dr. S. Cobbold, Dr. M. Foster, H. T. Stainton, Rev. H. B. Tristram, Prof. W. Turner. Dr. T. S. Cobbold, G. W. Firth, Dr. M. Foster, Prof. Lawson, H. T. Stainton, Rey. Dr. H. B. Tristram, Dr. E. P. Wright. Dror iss Gobbold, Prof. M. Foster, E. Ray Lankester, Prof. Lawson, H. T. Stainton, Rev. H. B. Tris- tram. Dr. T. S. Cobbold, Sebastian Evans, Prof. Lawson, Thos. J. Moore, H. T. Stainton, Rev. H. B. Tristram, Foster, M.D., F.L.8.—Dep.| C. Staniland Wake, HE. Ray Lan- of Ethno., J. Evans, F.R.S. | kester. Prof. Allen Thomson, M.D.,|Dr. T. R. Fraser, Dr. Arthur Gamgee, F.R.S.—Dep. of Bot. and, HE. Ray Lankester, Prof. Lawson, Zool.,Prof.WyvilleThomson,| H.T. Stainton, C. Staniland Wake, F.R.S.—Dep. of Anthropol.,, Dr. W. Rutherford, Dr. Kelburne Prof. W. Turner, M.D. King. Sir J. Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S.—| Prof. Thiselton-Dyer, H. T. Stainton, Dep. of Anat. and Physiol.,| Prof. Lawson, F. W. Rudler, J. H. Dr. Burdon Sanderson,) Lamprey, Dr. Gamgee, EH. Ray F.R.S.— Dep. of Anthropol.,, Lankester, Dr. Pye-Smith. Col. A. Lane Fox, F.G.8. | Prof. Allman, F'.R.S.—Dep. of Anat.and Physiol.,Prof, Ru- therford, M.D.— Dep. of An- thropol., Dr. Beddoe, F.R.S. —Dep. of Physiology, W ) H. Flower, F.R.S. ;George Busk, F.R.S., F.L.8. | —WDep. of "Bot. and Zool., C. Spence Bate, F.R.S.— Dep. of Ethno., E. B. Tylor. | Prof.G. Rolleston, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S.—Dep. of Anat. and Physiol., Prof. M. Prof. Thiselton-Dyer, Prof. Lawson, R. M‘Lachlan, Dr. Pye-Smith, E. Ray Lankester, F. W. Rudler, J. H. Lamprey. 1 The title of Section D was changed to Biology. Ixxvi PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place Presidents Secretaries 1874. Belfast....., 1875, Bristol 1876. Glasgow ... 1877. Plymouth... 1878, Dublin 1879. Sheffield ... 1880. 1881. 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. Swansea ... Southamp- ton. Southport Montreal ',,. Aberdeen... Birmingham Manchester Prof. Redfern, M.D.—Dep. of Zool. and Bot., Dr. Hooker, C.B.,Pres.R.S.—Dep. of An- throp., Sir W. R. Wilde, M.D. Anat. and Physiol., Prof. Cleland, F.R.S.—Dep. of| Anth.,Prof.Rolleston,F.R.S5. | A. Russel Wallace, F.L.8.—| Dep. of Zool. and Bot., Prof. A. Newton, F.R.S.— Dep. of Anat. and Physiol., Dr. J. G. McKendrick. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S.— Dep. of Anat. and Physiol., Prof. Macalister.—Dep. of Anthropol.,F.Galton,F.R.S. Apseoe Prof. W. H. Flower, F.R.S.— Dep. of Anthropol., Prof, Huxley, Sec. R.S.—Dep. of Anat. and Physiol., R. McDonnell, M.D., F.R.S. Prof. St. George Mivart, F.R.S.-—Dep. of Anthropol., E. B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.R.S. —Dep. of Anat. and Phy- siol., Dr. Pye-Smith. A.C. L. Giinther, ¥.R.8.—Dep. of Anat. 5 Physiol., F. M. Balfour, FR S.—Dep. of Anthropol., ¥. W. Rudler. R. Owen, F.R.S.—Dep. of An- thropol., Prof. W.H. Flower, F.R.S.—Dep. of Anat. and Physiol., Prof. J. 8. Burdon Sanderson, F.R.S. Prof. A. Gamgee, M.D., F.R.S. — Dep. of Zool. and Bot., Prof. M. A. Lawson, F.L.S. —Dep. of Anthropol., Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S. Prof. E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S.— Dep. of Anthropol., W. Pengelly, F.R.S. eeeeene Prof. H. N. Moseley, M.A., F.R.S. Prof. W.C. M‘Intosh, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. W. Carruthers, Pres. L.S., E.R.S., F.G.S. | Prof. A. Newton, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S8., V.P:Z.8. P, L. Sclater, F.R.S.— Dep. of | | W.T. Thiselton- Dyer, R. O. Cunning» ham, Dr. J. J. Charles, Dr. P. H. Pye-Smith, J. J. Murphy, F, W. Rudler. E. R. Alston, Dr. McKendrick, Prof, W. R. M‘Nab, Dr. Martyn, F. W. Rudler, Dr. P. H. Pye-Smith, Dr. W. Spencer. R. Alston, Hyde Clarke, Dr. Knox, Prof. W. R. M‘Nab, Dr. Muirhead, Prof. Morrison Wat- son, E. KE. R. Alston, F. Brent, Dr. D. J. Cunningham, Dr. C. A. Hingston, Prof. W. R. M‘Nab, J. B. Rowe, F. W. Rudler. Dr. R. J. Harvey, Dr. T. Hayden, Prof. W. R. M‘Nab, Prof. J. M. Purser, J. B. Rowe, F. W. Rudler. Arthur Jackson, Prof. W. R. M‘Nab, J. B. Rowe, F. W. Rudler, Prof. Schafer. G. W. Bloxam, John Priestley, Howard Saunders, Adam Sedg- wick, G. W. Bloxam, W. A. Forbes, Rev. W. C. Hey, Prof. W. R. M‘Nab, W. North, John Priestley, Howard Saunders, H. E. Spencer. G. W. Bloxam, W. Heape, J. B. Nias, Howard Saunders, A. Sedg- wick, T. W. Shore, jun. G. W. Bloxam, Dr. G. J. Haslam, W. Heape, W. Hurst, Prof. A. M. Marshall, Howard Saunders, Dr. G. A. Woods. Prof. W. Osler, Howard Saunders, A. Sedgwick, Prof. R. R. Wright. W. Heape, J. McGregor-Robertson, J. Duncan Matthews, Howard Saunders, H. Marshall Ward. Prof. T. W. Bridge, W. Heape, Prof. W. Hillhouse, W. L. Sclater, Prof, H. Marshall Ward. C. Bailey, F. E. Beddard, 8. F. Har- mer, W. Heape, W. L. Sclater, Prof. H. Marshall Ward. ! Anthropology was made a separate Section, see p. lxxxv. Date and Place PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Ixxvii Presidents Secretaries 1888. Bath 1889. 1890. Leeds 1891. 1892. Edinburgh | 1893. Nottingham! 1894, Oxford? ... | 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. sew eeeeee) Newcastle -| upon-Tyne Cardiff ...... |W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, C.M.G., F.RB.S., F.L.S. Prof. J. 8. Burdon Sanderson, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Prof. A. Milnes Marshall, M.A., M.D., D.Sce., F.R.S. Francis Darwin, M.A., M.B., F.R.S., F.L.S. Prof. W. Rutherford, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. Rev. Canon H. B. Tristram, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. I. Bayley Balfour, M.A.,,| E.R.S. Ipswich Liverpool... Toronto ... Bristol...... Dover ...... Bradford ... Glasgow ... Belfast seeeee Southport Cambridge SouthAfrica Leicester ... Dublin SECTION D (continued). ...|Prof, W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. Prof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S. ... Prof. L. C. Miall, F.R.S. ...... Prof. W. F. R. Weldon, F.R.S. Adam Sedgwick, F.R.S. ...... Dr. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S. ... Prof. J. Cossar Ewart, F.R.S. Prof. G. B. Howes, F.R.S. ... Prof. 8. J. Hickson, F.R.S.... William Bateson, F.R.S......./ G. A. Boulenger, F.B.S. ...... J. J. Lister, FAR.S. ........s008 |Dr. W. E. Hoyle, M.A....... wee Dr. S. F. Harmer, F.R.S....... F, E. Beddard, S. F. Harmer, Prof. H. Marshall Ward, W. Gardiner, Prof. W. D. Halliburton, C. Bailey, F. E. Beddard, 8. F. Har- mer, Prof. T. Oliver, Prof. H. Mar- shall Ward. 8. F. Harmer, Prof. W. A. Herdman, S. J. Hickson, F. W. Oliver, H. Wager, H. Marshall Ward. F. E. Beddard, Prof. W. A. Herdman, Dr. 8. J. Hickson, G. Murray, Prof. W.N. Parker, H. Wager. G. Brook, Prof. W. A. Herdman, G. Murray, W. Stirling, H. Wager. G. C. Bourne, J. B. Farmer, Prof. W. A, Herdman, 8. J. Hickson, W. B. Ransom, W. L. Sclater. W. W. Benhan, Prof. J. B. Farmer, Prof. W. A. Herdman, Prof. S. J. Hickson, G. Murray, W. L. Sclater, — ZOOLOGY. 'G. C. Bourne, H. Brown, W. E, Hoyle, W. L. Sclater. H. O. Forbes, W. Garstang, W. E. Hoyte. W. Garstang, W. E. Hoyle, Prof. E. E. Prince. Prof. R. Boyce, W. Garstang, Dr. A. J. Harrison, W. E. Hoyle. W. Garstang, J. Graham Kerr. W. Garstang, J. G. Kerr, T. Taylor, Swale Vincent. J. G. Kerr, J. Rankin, J. Y. Simpson. Prof. J. G. Kerr, R. Patterson, J. Y. Simpson. Dr. J. H. Ashworth, J. Barcroft, A, Quayle, lr. J. Y. Simpson, Dr. H. W. M. Tims. Dr. J. H. Ashworth, L. Doncaster, Prof. J. Y. Simpson, Dr. H. W. M. Tims. Dr. Pakes, Dr. Purcell, Dr. H. W. M. Tims, Prof. J. Y. Simpson. Dr. J. H. Ashworth, L. Doncaster, Oxley Grabham, Dr. H. W. M. Tims. Dr. J. H. Ashworth, L. Doncaster, K. E. Lowe, Dr. H. W. M. Tims. Dr. J. H. Ashworth, L. Doncaster, Prof. A. Fraser, Dr, H. W. M, | He Tims, 1 Physiology was made a separate Section, see p. Ixxxvi. ? The title of Section D was changed to Zoology. Ixxviii PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place | Presidents Secretaries ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. COMMITTEE OF SCIENCES, V.—ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1833. Cambridge | Dr. J. Haviland.................. Dr. H. J. H. Bond, Mr. G. E. Paget. 1834. Edinburgh | Dr. Abercrombie ............... Dr. Roget, Dr. William Thomson. SECTION E (UNTIL 1847).—ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. 1835. Dublin ...... Dr. J. C. Pritchard: .02...2.:..% Dr. Harrison, Dr. Hart. 1836. Bristol ....,. Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S. ......| Dr. Symonds. 1837. Liverpool...) Prof. W. Clark, M.D. ......... Dr. J. Carson, jun., James Long, Dr. J. R. W. Vose. 1838. Newcastle |T. E. Headlam, M.D. ......... T. M. Greenhow, Dr. J. R. W. Vose. 1839. Birmingham John Yelloly, M.D., F.R.S....|Dr. G. O. Rees, F. Ryland. 1840. Glasgow ...|James Watson, M.D. ......... Dr.J. Brown, Prof, Couper, Prof. Reid. SECTION E.—PHYSIOLOGY. (1841. Plymouth... P. M. Roget, M.D., Sec. R.S. |J. Butter, J. Fuge, R. S. Sargent. 1842. Manchester | Edward Holme, M.D., F.L.S.| Dr. Chaytor, Dr. R. S. Sargent. 1843. Cork ......... Sir James Pitcairn, M.D. ...| Dr. John Popham, Dr. R. 8. Sargent. 1844. York......... J. C. Pritchard, M.D. ......... I. Erichsen, Dr. R. S. Sargent. 1845. Cambridge Prof. J. Haviland, M.D. ...... Dr. R. 8. Sargent, Dr. Webster. 1846. Southamp- | Prof. Owen, M.D., F.R.S. ...|C. P. Keele, Dr. Laycock, Dr. Sar- ton. gent. 1847. Oxford! ... | Prof. Ogle, M.D., F.R.S. ......|T. K. Chambers, W. P. Ormerod. PHYSIOLOGICAL SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION D. "1850. Edinburgh | Prof. Bennett, M.D., F.R.S.E. 1855. Glasgow ...|Prof. Allen Thomson, F.R.S. | Prof. J. H. Corbett, Dr. J. Struthers, L857 PDublin ..c... Prof. R. Harrison, M.D. ...... Dr. R. D. Lyons, Prof. Redfern, 1858. Leeds ...... Sir B. Brodie, Bart., F.R.S. |C. G. Wheelhouse. 1859. Aberdeen...| Prof. Sharpey, M.D., Sec.R.S.| Prof. Bennett, Prof. Redfern. 1860. Oxford...... Prof.G.Rolleston,M.D.,F.L.S. | Dr. R. M‘Donnell, Dr. Edward Smith. 1861. Manchester | Dr. John Davy, F.R.S........,.| Dr. W. Roberts, Dr. Edward Smith. 1862. Cambridge |G. E. Paget, M.D................ G. F. Helm, Dr. Edward Smith. 1863. Newcastle | Prof. Rolleston, M.D., F.R:S.|Dr. D. Embleton, Dr. W. Turner. 864, Bath .:......: Dr. Edward Smith, F.R.S. J. S. Bartram, Dr. W. Turner. 1865. Birming- Prof. Acland, M.D., LL.D., Dr. A. Fleming, Dr. P. Heslop; ham 2 | E.R-S. | Oliver Pembleton, Dr. W. Tutnet. GEOGRAPHICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES. [For Presidents and Secretaries for Geography previous to 1851, see Section C, p- 1xxi.] ETHNOLOGICAL SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION D. DroJ..€: Pritehard’ ..s2st.e.s Dr. King. Prof. H. H. Wilson, M.A. ...|Prof. Buckley. SER ae aston ytnneatek acca st dee eet ena G. Grant Francis. Sather hone teMeboeabe sts cane cceeancen Dr. R. G. Latham. Vice-Admiral Sir A. Malcolm! Daniel Wilson. 1846.Southampton 1847. Oxford ...... 1848.Swansea ... 1849, Birmingham 1850. Edinburgh ‘ Sections D and E were incorporated under the name of ‘Section D—Zoology and Botany, including Physiology’ (see p: Ixxiv), Section E, being then vacant; was assigned in 1851 to Geography, 2 Vide note on page Ixxiy, PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place 18565. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877, . Ipswich . Belfast Presidents Ixxix Secretaries . Liverpool... Glasgow ... Cheltenham Aberdeen... Oxford...... Manchester Cambridge Newcastle sneeseree Birming- ham. Nottingham | Dundee Norwich . Liverpool... Edinburgh Brighton ... Bradford ... eeneee Glasgow ... Plymouth... SECTION E.—GEOGRAPHY AND ETHNOLOGY. .|Sir R. I. Murchison, F.R.8., Pres, R.G.S. Col. Chesney, R.A., D.C.L., F.R.S. R. G. Latham, M.D., F.R.S. F.R.S. Sir J. Richardson, F.R.S. Col. Sir H. C. Rawlinson, K.C.B. Rev. Dr. J. Henthorn Todd, Pres.R.LA. Sir R. 1. Murchison, G.C.St.8., F.RB.S. Rear - Admiral Sir James | Qlerk Ross, D.C.L., F.R.S. M.D., Francis Galton, F.B.S.......... Sir R. I. Murchison, K.C.B., F.RB.S. Sir R. I. Murchison, K.C.B., F.R.S. Major-General Sir H. Raw- LL.D. | | .|Sir Samuel Baker, F.R.G.S Sir R. I. Murchison, D.C.L.,| F.R.S. John Crawfurd, F.R.S.......... | linson, M.P., K.C.B., F.B.S. | Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart.,|H. W. Bates, Rev. E. T. Cusins, R. R. Cull, Rev. J. W. Donaldson, Dr: Norton Shaw. R. Cull, E. MacAdam, Dr. Norton Shaw. Cull, Rev. H. W. Kemp, Dr. Norton Shaw. Richard Cull, Rev. H. Higgins, Dr. Ihne, Dr. Norton Shaw. Dr. W. G. Blackie, R. Cull, Dr. Norton Shaw. R. Cull, F. D. Hartland, W. H. Rumsey, Dr. Norton Shaw. R. Cull, S. Ferguson, Dr. R. R. Madden, Dr. Norton Shaw. R. Cull, F. Galton, P. O’Callaghan, Dr. Norton Shaw, T. Wright. Richard Cull, Prof.Geddes, Dr. Nor: ton Shaw. R. Sir R. I, Murchison, D.C.L., Capt. Burrows, Dr. J. Hunt, Dr. C. Lempriére, Dr. Norton Shaw. Dr. J. Hunt, J. Kingsley, Dr. Nore ton Shaw, W. Spottiswoode. J.W.Clarke, Rev. J.Glover, Dr. Hunt, Dr. Norton Shaw, T. Wright. |C. Carter Blake, Hume Greenfield, C. R. Markham, R. 8. Watson. ‘AL. W. Bates, C. R. Markham, Capt. R. M. Murchison, T. Wright. H. W. Bates, S. Evans, G. Jabet, C. R. Markham, Thomas Wright. H, Major, Clements R. Markham, D. W. Nash, T. Wright. H. W. Bates, Cyril Graham, C. R. | Markham, 8. J. Mackie, R. Sturrock, Capt. G. H. Richards, R.N., T. Baines, H. W. Bates, Clements R. R.S. | Markham, T. Wright. SECTION E (contimued).—GHOGRAPHY. Sir Bartle Frere, LL.D., F.R.G.S. Sir R.I. Murchison, Bt.,K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.B.S., F.G.S. Colonel Yule, C.B., F.R.G.S. Francis Galton, F.R.S.......... Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B. Major Wilson, R.E., F.R.S., ¥.R.G.S. Lieut. - General Strachey, R.E., C.8.1., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. Capt. Evans, C.B., F.R.S....... Adm. Sir E. Ommanney, C.B. K.C.B., | \H. W. Bates, Clements R. Markham, J. H. Thomas. |H.W.Bates, David Buxton, Albert J. Mott, Clements R. Markham. A. Buchan, A. Keith Johnston, Cle- ments R. Markham, J. H. Thomas. H. W. Bates, A. Keith Johnston, Rev. J. Newton, J. H. Thomas. H. W. Bates, A. Keith Johnston, Clements R. Markham. E.G. Ravenstein, E. C. Rye, J. H. Thomas. - H. W. Bates, HE. C. Rye, F. Tackett. H. W. Bates, EH. C. Rye, R. O. Wood. H. W. Bates, F’, E. Fox, H, C. Rye. F, Ixxx PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS, es ee a Date and Place 1878. 1879, 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. evoeee Sheffield ... Swangea ... Southamp- ton. Southport Montreal ... . Aberdeen... seneeeeee Newcastle- upon-Tyne Leeds Cardiff ...... Edinburgh Nottingham Oxford...... Ipswich ... Liverpool. Toronto Bristol stones Bradford . Glasgow ... Belfast ... Southport Cambridge SouthAfrica ---|J. Scott Keltie, LL.D. ........ -- | Sir Presidents son, LL.D.,F.R.S., F. F.R.S., Sec. R.G.S. C.B., K.C.M.G., R.A., F.R.S. C.B., F.B.S. Sir R. Temple, Bart., G.C.S.L., F.R.G.S Lieut. “Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen, F.R.S. Gen. Sir J. H. Lefroy, C.B., K.C.M.G., F.B.8.,V.P.R.G.S. Gen. J. T. Walker, C.B., R.E., LL.D., F.B.8. Maj.-Gen. Sir. F. J. Goldsmid, KO:S81.:C.B., EERIGS: Col. Sir C. Warren, R.E., G.C.M.G., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. Col. Sir C. W. Wilson, R.E., K.C.B., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. Col. Sir F. de Winton, K.C.M.G., C.B., F.R.G.S. Lieut.-Col. Sir R. Lambert Playfair, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S. E.S.8. Prof, J. Geikie, D.C.L., F.R.S., V.P.R.Scot.G.S. H. Seebohm, Sec. B.S8., F.L.S. ¥.Z.S. Capt. W. J. L. Wharton, R.N., F.R.S. J. Mackinder, F.R.G.S. H. M.A., .-| Major L. Darwin, Sec. R.G.S. Col. G. Earl Church, F.R.G.S. Sir John Murray, F.R.S. ...... George §. Robertson, K.C.8.1. Dr. H.R. Mill) ER GiSi as Sir T. H. Holdich, K.C.B. Capt. E. W. Creak, R.N., C.B., FBS. Douglas W. Freshfield...... "CF Adm, Sir W. J. L. ee R.N., K.C.B., F.B.S Rt. Hon. Sir George Goldie, | K.C.M.G., E.B.S. E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S., Secretaries Prof, Sir C. Wyville Thom-|John Coles, E. C. Rye. Clements R. Markham, a = H. W. Bates, C. E. D. Black, E. C. Lieut.-Gen., Sir J. H. Lefroy, nw Bates, E. C. Rye, Sir J.D: Hooker, K.CS.L, J. W. Barry, H. W. Bates. E. G. Ravenstein, E. C. Rye. John Coles, E. G. Ravenstein, E. C, Rye. Rey.Abbé Laflamme, J.S. O’Halloran, E. G. Ravenstein, J. F. Torrance. J.S Keltie, J. 8. O'Halloran, E. G. Ravenstein, Kev. G. A. Smith. F. T. S. Houghton, J. S. Keltie, E. G. Ravenstein. Rev. L. C. Casartelli, J. S. Keltie, H. J. Mackinder, E. G. Ravenstein. J. S. Keltie, H. J. Mackinder, E. G. Ravenstein. J. S. Keltie, H. J. Mackinder, R. Sulivan, A. Silva White. A. Barker, John Coles, J. 8. Keltie, A. Silva White. John Coles, J. 8. Keltie, H. J. Mac- kinder, A. Silva White, Dr. Yeats. J. G. Bartholomew, John Coles, J. S. Keltie, A. Silva White. »|Col. F. Bailey, John Coles, H. O. Forbes, Dr. H. R, Mill. John Coles, W. S. Dalgleish, H. N. Dickson, Dr. H. R. Mill. John Coles, H. N. Dickson, Dr. H. R. Mill, W. A. Taylor. Col. F. Bailey, H. N. Dickson, Dr. H. R. Mill, E. C. DuB. Phillips. .|Col. F. Bailey, Capt. Deville, Dr. H. R. Mill, J. B. Tyrrell. H.N. Dickson, Dr. H. R. Mill, H. C. ‘Trapnell. H. N. Dickson, Dr. H. O. Forbes, Dr. H. R. Mill. H. N. Dickson, E. Heawood, E. R. Wethey. -|H. N. Dickson, E. Heawood, G. Sandeman, A. C. Turner. ...|G. G@. Chisholm, E. Heawood, Dr. A.J, Herbertson, Dr. J. A. Lindsay. E. Heawood, Dr. ‘A. J. Herbertson, E. A. Reeves, Capt. J. C. Under- wood, E. Heawood, Dr. A. J. Herbertson, H. Y. Oldham, E. A. Reeves. A. H. Cornish-Bowden, F. Flowers, Dr. A. J. Herbertson, H. Y. Old- ham ae Heawood, Dr. A. J. Herbertson, E. A. Reeves, G. Yeld, PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. lxxxi Date and Place Presidents | Secretaries 1907. Leicester ...|George G. Chisholm, M.A. AAT Heawood, O. J. R. Howarth, E. A. Reeves, T. Walker. 1908. Dublin...... Major E. H. Hills, C.M.G.,|W. F. Bailey, W. J. Barton, O. J. Rt. R.E. Howarth, E. A. Reeves. STATISTICAL SCIENCE. COMMITTEE OF SCIENCES, VI.—STATISTICS, 1833. Cambridge | Prof. Babbage, F.R.S. .........)J. E. Drinkwater. 1834, Edinburgh | 1835. Dublin 1836. Bristol eeeeer 1837. Liverpool... 1838. Newcastle 1839. Birming- ham. 1840. Glasgow .. 1841. Plymouth... 1842, Manchester 1843. Cork 1844. York 1845, Cambridge 1846. Sottthamp- ton. 1847, Oxford...... 1848. Swansea .,. 1849. Birming- ham. 1850. Edinburgh 1851. Ipswich ... 1852, Belfast...... 1853. Hull 1854. Liverpool... 1855. Glasgow ... Sir Charles Lemon, Bart....... | Dr, Cleland, C. Hope Maclean. SECTION F.—S8TATISTICS. ‘Charles Babbage, F.R.S. ...... Sir Chas. Lemon, Bart., F.R.S. Rt. Hon. Lord Sandon steeerees Colonel Sykes, F.R.S. ......... Henry Hallam, F.R.S.......... .|Lord Sandon, M.P., F.R.8. Lieut.-Col. Sykes, F.R.S....... G. W. Wood, M.P., F.L.S. ... Sir C. Lemon, Bart., M.P. ... Lieut.- Col. Sykes, F-.R.S., F.L.S. Rt. Hon. the Earl] Fitzwilliam Gee Porter, WeRie ccscaccecses Travers Twiss, D.C.L., F.R.S. J. H. Vivian, M.P., F.R.S. ... Rt. Hon, Lord Lyttelton Very Rev. Dr. John Lee, V.P.B.S.E. Sir John P. Boileau, Bart. .../ His Grace the Archbishop of| Dublin. James Heywood, M.P., F.R.S. | Thomas Tooke, F.R.S. ......... | R. Monckton Milnes, M.P.... ' W. Greg, Prof. Longfield. Rey. J. KE Bromby, C. B. Fripp. James Heywood. W. R. Greg, W. Langton, Dr. W. C. Tayler. W. Cargill, J. Heywood, W.R. Wood. ¥’, Clarke, R. W. Rawson, Dr. W. C. Tayler. C. R. Baird, Prof. Ramsay, R. W. Rawson. Rev. Dr. Byrth, Rev. R. Luney, R. W. Rawson. | Rev. R. Luney, G. W. Ormerod, Dr. W. C. Tayler. Dr. D. Bullen, Dr. W. Cooke Tayler. J. Fletcher, J. Heywood, Dr. Lay- cock, J. Fletcher, Dr. W. Cooke Tayler. J. Fletcher, F. G. P. Neison, Dr. W. C. Tayler, Rev. T, L. Shapcott. ‘Rev. W. H. Cox, J. J. Danson, F. G, P. Neison. |J. Fletcher, Capt. R. Shortrede. Dr. Finch, Prof, Hancock, F. P. G Neison. | Prof. Hancock, J. Fletcher, Dr. J. Stark. J. Fletcher, Prof. Hancock. Prof, Hancock, Prof. Ingram, James MacAdam, jun. Edward Cheshire, W. Newmarch. E. Cheshire, J. T. Danson, Dr. W. H. Duncan, W. Newmarch. J. A. Campbell, E. Cheshire, W. New- march, Prof. R. H. Walsh, SECTION F (continwed).—ECONOMIC SCIENCE AND STATISTICS. 18656, Cheltenham 1857. Dublin...... 1858. Leeds ....... 1859, Aberdeen... 1908. Rt. Hon, Lord Stanley, M.P. His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, M.R.1LA. Edward Baines ..1...ssssesssees Col. sykes, M.P., E.RS: a w. | Rev. C. H. Bromby, E. Cheshire, Dr. W. N. Hancock, W. Newmarch, W. M. Tartt. Prof. Cairns, Dr. H. D. Hutton, W. Newmarch. T. B. Baines, Prof. Cairns, 8. Brown, Capt. Fishbourne, Dr. J. Strang: Prof. Cairns, Edmund Macrory, A. M. Smith, Dr. John Strang. is} Ixxxii PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS: ) Date and Place | Presidents Secretaries 1860. Oxford...... | Nassau W. Senior, M.A. ...... Edmund Macrory, W. Newmarch, | Prof. J. E. T. Rogers. 1861. Manchester | William Newmarch, F.R.S....| David Chadwick, Prof. R. C. Christie, | E. Macrory, Prof. J. E. T. Rogers. 1862. Cambridge | Edwin Chadwick, C.B. ........ H. D. Macleod, Edmund Macrory. 1863. Newcastle .| William Tite, M.P., F.R.S....;T. Doubleday, Edmund Macrory, | Frederick Purdy, James Potts. 1864. Bath......... |W. Farr, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.|E. Macrory, E. T. Payne, F. Purdy, 1865, Birming- | Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley, LL.D.,|G. J. D. Goodman, G. J. Johnston, ham. (2 aMeP: E. Macrory. , 1866. Nottingham Prof. J. E. T. Rogers..........+. R. Birkin, jun., Prof. Leone Levi, E: | Macrory. 1867. Dundee ..... M. E. Grant-Duff, M.P. .......| Prof. Leone Levi, E. Macrory, A. J. Warden. 1868. Norwich....| Samuel Brown ........esseeeeeee Rev. W.C. Davie, Prof. Leone Levi. 1869. Exeter...... Rt.Hon. Sir Stafford H. North-|E. Macrory, F. Purdy, C. T. D. cote, Bart., C.B., M.P. Acland. 1870. Liverpool... Prof. W. Stanley Jevons, M.A.|Chas. R. Dudley Baxter, EH. Macrory, 1873. Bradford ... Rt. Hon. W. I. Forster, M.P. 1874, Belfast...... ord OAMGran --iicsseses servers | 1875. Bristol...... | James Heywood, M.A., ¥.R.5., | . Edinburgh 3, Glasgow . Plymouth... Rt. Hon. the Earl Fortescue . Dublin . Sheffield ... G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., Pres. | Brighton ... Prof. Henry Fawcett, M.P. ... Pres. 5.5. ... Sir George Campbell, K.C.8.1., | | MP; J. Miles Moss. \J. G. Fitch, James Meikle. J. G. Fitch, Barclay Phillips. J. G, Fitch, Swire Smith. Prof. Donnell, F. P. Feliows, Hans MacMordie, F, P. Fellows, T. G. P. Hallett, EK. Macrory. A. M‘Neel Caird, T.G.P. Hallett, Dr. W. Neilson Hancock, Dr. W. Jack, W. F. Collier, P. Hallett, J. T. Pim. Prof. J. K. Ingram, LL.D. ... | seeeee 8.5. | 1880. Swansea ... G. W. Hastings, M.P...........} USS1. Worksci. cs. Rt. Hon. M. E. Grant- Duff, | M.A., F.BR.S. | 1882. Southamp- |Rt. Hon. G. Sclater-Booth, . Southport M.P., F.R.S. ton. ; | | R. H. Inglis Palgrave, F.R.5. | 1884. Montreal .., Sir Richard Temple, Bart., | G.C.8.1, C.1.H., F.R.G.S. | 1885. Aberdeen...’ Prof. H. Sidgwick, LL.D.,| Litt.D. 1886. Birming- J. B. Martin, M.A., F.S.S. ... ham. | 1887. Manchester! Robert Giffen, LL.D.,V.P.5.S. | 1888. Bath......... Rt. Hon. Lord Bramwell, | | DL.D., EBS. 1889. Newcastle- |Prof. F. Y. Edgeworth, M.A., upon-Tyne| F.8.8,. 1890. Leeds ...... Prof, A. Marshall, M.A., F.5.5. | 1891 . Cardiff . .+| Prof. W. Cunningham, D.D., D.Sc., 1.8.8. | W. J. Hancock, C. Molloy, J. T. Pim. Prof. Adamson, R. E. Leader, C. Molloy. N. A. Humphreys, C. Molloy. C. Molloy, W. W. Morrell, J. F. Moss. G. Baden-Powell, Prof. H. 8. Fox- well, A. Milnes, C. Molloy. Rev. W. Cunningham, Prof. H. 8. Foxwell, J. N. Keynes, C. Molloy. Prof. H.S. Foxwell, J. S$. McLennan, Prof. J. Watson. Rev. W. Cunningham, Prof. H. S. Foxwell, C. McCombie, J. F. Moss. F. F. Barham, Rev. W. Cunningham, Prof. H. 8. Foxwell, J. F. Moss. Rev. W. Cunningham, F. Y. Edge- worth, T. H. Elliott, C. Hughes, J. E. C. Munro, G. H. Sargant. Prof. F. Y. Edgeworth, T. H. Elliott, H. S. Foxwell, L. L. F. R. Price. Rev. Dr. Cunningham, T. H. Elliott, ¥. B. Jevons, L. L. F. R. Price. W. A. Brigg, Rev. Dr. Cunningham, T. H. Elliott, Prof. J. E. C. Munro, L. L. F. R. Price. Prof. J. Brough, E. Cannan, Prof. EK. C. K. Gonner, H. Ll. Smith, Prof, W. R. Sorley. PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. lxxxili Date and Place Presidents | Secretaries 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840, 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846, “1847, Rdinburgh Nottingham | Ipswich ... Liverpool... Toronto Bristol . Dover ...... Bradford ... Glasgow ... Belfast Southport Cambridge SouthAfrica Leicester... Dublin...... ...| Prof. E. C. K. Gonner, M.A. «..-'d. Bonar, M.A., LL.D.......... | .|E. Cannan, M.A., LL.D. Hon. Sir C. Ww. “Fremantle, K.C.B. Prof. J. 8. Nicholson, D.Sc.,. F.S.8. Prof. C. F. Bastable, M.A., | F.S.S. |L. L. Price, M.A. ....0 ‘Rt. Hon. L. Courtney, M.P....| BH Higes, WEBS oc ..cscescseces Major P. G. Craigie, V.P.8.S. Sir R. Giffen, K.C.B., F.R.S. EK. W. Brabrook, C.B. Prof. Wm. Smart, LL.D....... Rev. W. Cunningham, D.D., D.Sc. |A. L. Bowley, M.A. .........005 | Prof. W. J. Ashley, M.A....... W. M. Acworth, M.A. ......... | Sub-section of Agriculture—_| Rt. Hon. Sir H. Plunkett. | .|E. Cannan, Prof. E. C. Prof. J. Brough, J. R. Findlay, Prof. EK. C. K. Gonner, L. L. F. R. Price. Prof. E. C. K. Gonner, H. de B. Gibbins, J. A. H. Green, H. Higgs, L. L. F. R. Price. H. Higgs |. Cannan, Prof. E. C. K. Gonner, W. A.S. Hewins, H. Higgs. K. Gonner, H. Higgs. E. Cannan, Prof. E. C. K. Gonner, W.A.S. Hewins, H. Higgs. KE. Cannan, H. Higgs, Prof. A. Shortt. E. Cannan, Prof. A. W. Flux, H. Higgs, W. HE. Tanner. A. L. Bowley, E. Cannan, Prof. A. W. Flux, Rev. G. Sarson. A. L. Bowley, E. Cannan, Chapman, F. Hooper. W. W. Blackie, A. L. Bowley, HE. Cannan, S. J. Se Ree A. L. Bowley, Prof. 8. J. Chapman, Dr. A. Duffin A. L. Bowley, Prof. 8. J. Chapman, Dr. B. W. Ginsburg, G. Lloyd. Ss. J. \J. E. Bidwell, A. L. Bowley, Prof 8. J. Chapman, Dr. B. W. Ginsburg. 'R. 4 Ababrelton, A. L. Bowley, Prof. H. E. S. Fremantle, H. O. Mere- dith. Prof. 8. J. Chapman, D. H. Mac- gregor, H. O. Meredith, B. S. Rowntree. Prof. S.J. Chapman, D. H. Macgregor, H. O. Meredith, T. S. Taylor. W.G S§S. Adams, Prof. 8. J. Chap- man, Prof. D. H. Macgregor, H. 0. Meredith. A. D. Hall, Prof. J. Percival, J. H. BHesule ys Prof. J. Wilson. SECTION G.—MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Bristol Liverpool... Newcastle Birming- ham. Glasgow .... Plymouth... Manchester ee eeeeeee Cambridge Southamp- ton Oxford...... Davies Gilbert, D.C.L., F.R.S. Rev. Dr. Robinson ............ Charles Babbage, F.R.S....... Prof. Willis, F.R.S., and Robt. Stephenson. Sir John Robinson ...........6 John Taylor, F.R.S. .......00... Rev. Prof. Willis, F.R.S. ......! Prof. J. Macneill, M.R.I.A.... John Taylor, F.R.S. .........05. George Rennie, F.R.S.......... Rev. Prof. Willis, M.A., F.R.S. Rev. Prof, Walker, M.A.,F.R.S. T. G. Bunt, G. T. Clark, W. West. |Charles Vignoles, Thomas Webster. R. Hawthorn, C. Vignoles, T. Webster. |W. Carpmael, William Hawkes, T. Webster. | J. Scott Russell, J. Thomson, J. Tod, C. Vignoles. Henry Chatfield, Thomas Webster. J. F. Bateman, J. Scott Russell, J, Thomson, Charles Vignoles. James Thomson, Robert Mallet. Charles Vignoles, Thomas Webster. Rev. W. T. Kingsley. William Betts, jun., Charles Manby. J. Glynn, R. A. Le Mesurier. e2 lxxxiv PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS, Date and Place Secretaries 1848, 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862, 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Swansea ...| Birmingham Edinburgh Ipswich Belfast Hull Liverpool... Glasgow ... Cheltenham Leeds ...... Aberdeen.. Oxford Manchester Cambridge. Newcastle . Birming- ham. Nottingham Dundee seeeee Exeter Liverpool... Edinburgh Brighton ... Bradford ... Belfast Bristol Glasgow Plymouth... | Dublin Sheffield .. Swansea ... Southamp- ton. Southport . Montreal... . G. P. Bidder, C.E., F.R.G.S. ... | C. W. Merrifield, F.R.S. ...... Presidents lRev. Prof.Walker, M.A..F.R.S Robt. Stephenson, M.P.,F.R.S. Rev. R. Robinson ......-.0+se00e | William Cubitt, F.B.S.......... John Walker, C.H., LL.D., F.R.S. William Fairbairn, F.R.S. .. John Scott Russell, F.R.S. ... W. J. M. Rankine, F.R.S. George Rennie, F.R.S. ........ ‘Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosse, |. OH RS: William Fairbairn, F.R.S.... - Rev. Prof. Willis, M.A., F.R.S. ‘Prof, W.J.Macquorn Rankine, LL.D., F.R.S. (JF. Bateman, CiK., F.RS:.. William Fairbairn, F.R.S. ... ' Rev. Prof. Willis, M.A., F.R.S. |J. Hawkshaw, F.R.S. Sir W. G. Armstrong, iy, D;, F.R.S. Thomas Hawksley, V.P. Inst. C.E., F.G.S. Prof.W.J. Macquorn Rankine, LL.D., F.R.S. C. W. Siemens, F.R.S.. ' Chas. B. Vignoles, C.E., F. R. 8. | | Prof. Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S. | 'K, J. Bramwell, C.K, 'W. H. Barlow, F.B.S. we... ‘Prof. James Thomson, LL.D.,! C.E., F.R.S.E. W. Froude, C.E., M.A., F.R.S. Edward Woods, C.E. ee eeeneee ‘Edward Easton, C.E. ......... .' J. Robinson, Pres. Inst. Mech. Eng. lJ. Abernethy, HERES He vedecess ‘Sir W. G. Armstrong, C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. John Fowler, C.E., F.G.S. J. Brunlees, Pres.Inst.C.E. ... .|R. A. Le Mesurier, W. P. Struvé. Charles Manby, W. P. Marshall. Dr. Lees, David Stephenson. John Head, Charles Manby. ‘John F. Bateman, C. B. Hancock, Charles Manby, James Tl omson. .|J. Oldham, J. Thomson, W.S. Ward. \J. Grantham, J. Oldham, J. Thom- son. ...|L. Hill, W. Ramsay, J. Thomson. .|C. Atherton, B. Jones, H. M. Jeffery. ‘Prof. Downing, W.T. Doyne, A. Tate, James Thomson, Henry Wright. J. C. Dennis, J. Dixon, H. Wright. 'R. Abernethy, P. Le Neve Foster, H. Wright. P. Le Neve Foster, Rey. F. Harrison, Henry Wright. 'P. Le Neve Foster, John Robinson, H. Wright. |W. M. Fawcett, P. Le Neve Foster, 'P. Le Neve Foster, P. Westmacott, J. F. Spencer ..|P. Le Neve Foster, Robert Pitt. \P. Le Neve Foster, Henry Lea, W. P. Marshall, Walter May. P. Le Neve Foster, J. F, Iselin, M. O. Tarbotton. P. Le Neve Foster, John P, Smith, W. W. Urquhart. P. Le Neve Foster, J. F. Iselin, C. Manby, W. Smith. ~ .|P. Le Neve Foster, H. Bauerman. H. Bauerman, P. Le Neve Foster, T. King, J. N. Shoolbred. H. Bauerman, A. Leslie, J. P. Smith, H. M. Brunel, P. Le Neve Foster, J.G. Gamble, J. N. Shoolbred. . C.Barlow,H.Bauerman.E.H.Carbutt, J. C. Hawkshaw, J. N. Shoolbred. A. T. Atchison, J. N.Shoolbred, John Smyth, jun. W. R. Browne, H. M. Brunel, J. G. Gamble, J. N. Shoolbred. W. Bottomley, jun., W. J. Millar, J. N. Shoolbred, J. P. Smith. A. T. Atchison, Dr. Merrifield, J. N. Shoolbred. A. T. Atchison, R. G. Symes, H. T. Wood. A. T. Atchison, Emerson Bainbridge, H. T. Wood. A. T. Atchison, H. T. Wood. A. T. Atchison, J, F. Stephenson, H. T. Wood. A. T. Atchison," F. Churton, H. T. Wood. A. T. Atchison,"K. Rigg, H. T. Wood. ‘Sir F. J. Bramwell, F.R.S., | V.P.Inst.C.E. | A. T. Atchison, W. B. Dawson, J. Kennedy, H. T. Wood. PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888, 1889. 1890. 1391. 1892. 1893. 1894, 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902, 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. | Presidents Secretaries Aberdeen... Birming- ham. Manchester | Bath senna neee Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Leeds Cardiff ..... Edinburgh Nottingham Oxford...... Ipswich Liverpool... Toronto ... Bristol Bradford ! Glasgow ... Belfast... Southport Cambridge SouthAfrica WORK. ..ceese Leicester... Dublin...... Montreal... «| Prof, Lak. Vernon-Harcourt, B. Baker, M.Inst.C.E. ......... Sir J. N. Douglass, M.Inst. C.K. Prof. Osborne Reynolds, M.A., LL.D., F.RB.5. . HH: Preece, M.Inst.C.F. W. Anderson, M.Inst.C.E. ...' W F.B.S., Capt. A. Noble, C.B., F.R.S., ¥.R.A.S. | T. Forster Brown, M.Inst.C.E. Prof. W. C. M.Inst.C.E. Jeremiah Head, M.Inst C.E., ¥.C.S. Prof. A. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E. Unwin, F.2S., M.A., M.Inst.C.E. Sir Douglas Fox, V.P.Inst.C. H. G. F. Deacon, M.Inst.C.E. ... Sir J. Wolfe-Barry, K.C.B.,| F.R.S. Sir W. White, K.C.B., F.R.S. | Sir Alex. R. Binnie, M.Inst.. C.E. SECTION G.—ENGI |R. E. Crompton, M.Inst.C.E. Prof. J. Perry, F.R.S. ......... C. Hawksley, M.Inst.C.E. .. |Hon. C. A. Parsons, F.R.S... Col. Sir C. Scott-Moncrieff, G.C.S.1., K.C-M.G., R.E. J. A. Ewing, E.R.S. .......0006- Prof. Silvanus P, Thompson, ¥.R.S. Dugald Clerk, F.R.S. ......+ A. T. Atchison, F. G. Ogilvie, K. Rigg, J. N. Shoolbred. C. W. Cooke, J. Kenward, W. B. Marshall, E. Rigg. C. F. Budenberg, W. B. Marshall, E. Rigg. C. W. Cooke, W. B. Rigg, P. K. Stothert. C. W. Cooke, W. B. Marshall, Hon. C. A. Parsons, E. Rigg. BE. K. Clark, C. W. Cooke, W. B. Marshall, E. Rigg. W. Cooke, Prof. A. C. Elliott, W. B. Marshall, E. Rigg. C. W. Cooke, W. B. Marshall, W. C. Popplewell, E. Rigg. Marshall, E. C. |C. W. Cooke, W. B. Marshall, E. Rigg, H. Talbot. Prof. T. Hudson Beare, C. W. Cooke, W. B. Marshall, Rev. F. J. Smith. Prof. I, Hudson Beare, C. W. Cooke. W. B. Marshall, P. G. M. Stoney, Prof. T. Hudson Beare, C. W. Cooke, S. Dunkerley, W. B. Marshall. Prof. I. Hudson Beare, Prof. Callen- dar, W. A. Price. Prof. T. H. Beare, Prof. J. Munro, H. W. Pearson, W. A. Price. Prof. T. H. Beare, W. A. Price, H. E. Stilgoe. Prof. T. H. Beare, C. F. Charnock, Prof. S. Dunkerley, W. A. Price. NEERING. H. Bamford, W.E. Dalby, W. A. Price. M. Barr, W. A. Price, J. Wylie. .| Prof. W. E. Dalby, W. ‘I. Maccall, W. A. Price. .|J. B. Peace, W. T. Maccall, W. A. Price. W. 'T. Maccall, W. B. Marshall, Prof. H. Payne, E. Williams. W. 'T. Maccall, W. A. Price, J. Trif- fit. Prof. E. G. Coker, A. C. Harris, W. A. Price, H. E. Wimperis. Prof. E. G. Coker, Dr. W. E. Lilly, W. A. Price, H. E. Wimperis. SECTION H.—ANTHROPOLOGY. i ane E. B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.B.S. G. W. Bloxam, W. Hurst. Aberdeen...| Francis Galton, M.A., F.R.S. G. W. Bloxam, Dr. J. G. Garson, W. Birming- ham. Manchester | Sir G. Campbell, K.C.S.I.,. M.P., D.C.L.; F.R.G.S. | | Prof. A. H. Sayce, M.A. Hurst, Dr. A. Macgregor. G. W. Bloxam, Dr. J. G. Garson, W. Hurst, Dr. R. Saundby. G. W. Bloxam, Dr. J. G. Garson, Dr. A. M. Paterson. 1 The title of Section G was changed to Engineering. lxxxvi PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Date and Place | Presidents Secretaries 1888. Bath......... |Lieut.-General Pitt-Rivers,|G. W. Bloxam, Dr. J. G. Garson, J. DO, HERS: | Harris Stone. 1889. Newcastle- | Prof. Sir W. Turner, M.B.,!G. W. Bloxam, Dr. J. G. Garson, Dr. upon-Tyne, LL.D., F.R.S. | RR. Morison, Dr. R. Howden, 1890. Leeds ...... 'Dr. J. Evans, Treas. R.S., G. W. Bloxam, Dr. C. M. Chadwick, | E.S.A., F.LS., F.G.S8. | Dr. J. G. Garson. 1891. Cardiff ...... oe ¥. Max Miiller, M.A. ...;G. W. Bloxam, Prof. R. Howden, H. Ling Roth, EK. Seward. 1892. Edinburgh ‘Prof A. Macalister, M.A., G.W. Bloxam, Dr. D. Hepburn, Prof. | M.D., F.R.S. | R. Howden, H. Ling Roth. 1893. Nottingham| Dr. R. Munro, M.A. F.R.S.E.|G. W. Bloxam, Rev. T. W. Davies, | | Prof. R. Howden, F. B. Jevons, | J. L. Myres. 1894. Oxford... .| Sir W. H. Flower, K.C. B., H. Balfour, Dr. J. G.Garson, H. Ling it E.R.S. Roth. 1895. Ipswich ... Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie, J. L. Myres, Rev. J. J. Raven, H. | D.C.L. | Ling Roth. 1896. Liverpool... Arthur J. Evans, F.8.A. ......|Prof. A. C. Haddon, J. L. Myres, Prof. A. M. Paterson. 18927. Toronto ...|\Sir W. Turner, F.R.S. . .... A. F. Chamberlain, H. O. Forbes, | Prof. A. C. Haddon, J. L. Myres. 1898. Bristol...... 'K. W. Brabrook, C.B. . ...| H.Balfour, J. L. Myres, G. Parker. 1899, Dover ...... Oh Read, FSA. 'H.Balfour, W. H. East, Prof. A. C. Haddon, J. L. Myres. 1900. Bradford .... Prof. John Rhys, M.A.......... |Rev. E. Armitage, H. Balfour, W. Crooke, J. L. Myres. 1901. Glasgow ... Prof. D. J. Cunningham, W. Crooke, Prof. A. F. Dixon, J. F. | ERIS: | Gemmill, J. L. Myres. 1902. Belfast . Dr. A. C, Haddon, F.R.S. ...|R. Campbell, Prof. A. F. Dixon, J. L. Myres. 1903. Southport Prof. J. Symington, F.R.S....!E. N. Fallaize, H. §. Kingsford, | K. M. Littler, J. L. Myres. 1904. Cambridge |H. Balfour, M.A. ..........0000. |W. L. H. Duckworth, E. N. Fallaize, | H.S. Kingsford, J. L. Myres. 1905. SouthAfrica| Dr. A. C. Haddon, F.R.S. ...|A. R. Brown, A. von Dessauer, E. S. | | Hartland. TOG. Yorks. ..a--.« 'E. Sidney Hartland, F.S.A....|Dr. G. A. Auden, E. N. Fallaize, - H. 8. Kingsford, Dr. F. C. Shrub- sall. 1907. Leicester ...|D. G. Hogarth, M.A............. \C. J. Billson, E. N. Fallaize, H. S. | Kingsford, Dr. F. C. Shrubsall. 1908. Dublin...... Prof. W. Ridgeway, M.A. ...|E. N. Fallaize, H. 8. Kingsford, Dr. | F.C. Shrubsall, L. E. Steele. SECTION I.—PHYSIOLOGY (including ExperImEenTAL PATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL PsycHoLoey). 1894. Oxford...... ‘Prof. E. A. Schafer, F.R.S.,| Prof. F. Gotch, Dr. J. 8. Haldane, M.R.C.S. M. 8. Pembrey. 1896. Liverpool... Dr. W. H. Gaskell, F.R.S. ...| Prof. R.Boyce, Prof. C.S.Sherrington. 1897. Toronto ... ‘Prof. Michael Foster, ERS. Prof. R. Boyce, Prof. C. S. Sherring- ton, Dr. L. E. Shore. 1899. Dover ...... J. N. Langley, F.R.S. ........./ Dr. Howden, Dr. L. E. Shore, Dr. E. | Starling. 1901. Glasgow ... Prof.J.G.McKendrick, F.R.S.,W. B. Brodie, W. A. Osborne, Prof. W. iH. Thompson. 1902. Belfast... ‘Prof, W.. 43 Coiba Barcroft, Dr. W. A. Osborne, Dr. F.R.S. C. Shaw. Date and Place ) PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS. Ixxxvii Presidents 1904. Cambridge 1905. SouthAfrica 1906. } 1907. 1908. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904, 1905. 1906. Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S. Col. D. Bruce, C.B., F.R.S. ... Secretaries J. Barcroft, Prof. T. G. Brodie, Dr. L. E. Shore. J. Barcroft, Dr. Baumann, Dr. Mac- kenzie, Dr. G. W. Robertson, Dr. Stanwell. J. Barcroft, Dr. J. M. Hamill, Prof. J. 8. Macdonald, Dr. D. S. Long. | Dr. N. H. Alcock, J. Barcroft, Prof J. S. Macdonald, Dr. A. Warner. Prof. D, J. Coffey, Dr. P. T. Herring Prof. J. S. Macdonald, Dr. H. E. Roaf. A. C. Seward, Prof. F. E. Weiss. Prof. Harvey Gibson, A. C. Seward, Prof. F, EH. Weiss. Prof. J. B. Farmer, E. C. Jeffrey, A. C. Seward, Prof. F. E. Weiss. ...|A.C, Seward, H. Wager, J. W. White. G. Dowker, A. C. Seward, H. Wager. A. C. Seward, H. Wager, W. West. D. T. Gwynne-Vaughan, G. F. Scott- Elliot, A. C. Seward, H. Wager. A. G. Tansley, Rev. C. H. Waddell, H. Wager, R. H. Yapp. H. Ball, A. G. Tansley, H. Wager, R. H. Yapp. ‘Dr. F, F. Blackman, A. G. Tansley, H. Wager, T. B. Wood, R. H. Yapp, R. P. Gregory, Dr. M :rloth, Prof. Pearson, Prof. R. H. app. Dr. A. Burtt, R. P. Gregory, Prof. A. G. Tansley, Prof. R. H. Yapp. W. Bell, R. P. Gregory, Prof. A. G. Tansley, Prof. R. H. Yapp. Prof. H. H. Dixon, R. P. Gregory, A. G, Tansley, Prof. R. H, Yapp. R. A. Gregory, W, M. Heller, R. Y. Howie, C. W. H. L. Withers. Prof. R. A. Gregory, W. M. Heller, R. M. Jones, Dr. ©. W. Kimmins, Prof. H. L. Withers. Prof. R. A. Gregory, W. M. Heller, Dr. C. W. Kimmins, Dr. H. L. Snape. Kimmins, Prof, .|J. H. Flather, Prof. R. A. Gregory, W. M. Heller, Dr. C. W. Kimmins. A.D. Hall, Prof, Hele-Shaw, Dr. C. W. Kimmins, J. R. Whitton. York......... |Prof, F. Gotch, F.R.S.......... Leicester...) Dr. A. D. Waller, F.R.S. ...... Dublin...... Dr. J. Scott Haldane, F.R.S. \ SECTION K.—BOTANY. Ipswich ...|W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F.R.S, Liverpool...| Dr. D. H. Scott, F.R.S. ...... Toronto ...|Prof. Marshall Ward, F.R.S. Bristol......| Prof, F. O. Bower, F.B.S. Dover ...... |Sir George King, F.R.S. ...... Bradford ...| Prof. §. H. Vines, F.R.S....... Glasgow ...| Prof. I. B. Balfour, F.H.S. ... Belfast .| Prof, J. R. Green, F.R.S....... Southport |A. C. Seward, F.R.S. .......0. Cambridge |Francis Darwin, F.R.S. ...... | Sub-section of Agriculture— Dr. W. Somerville. SouthAfrica! Harold Wager, F.R.S. ......... WOrkKe.c. case Prof. F. W. Oliver, F.R.S. ... Leicester ...| Prof. J. B. Farmer, F.R.S. ... Dublin ...:.. Dr. F. F, Blackman, F.R.S.... SECTION L—EDUCATIONAJ, SCIENCE. Glasgow ...|Sir John EK. Gorst, F.R.S. ...| Belfast ...| Prof. H. H. Armstrong, ERS. Southport |Sir W. de W. Abney, K.C.B., F.RS. Cambridge | Bishop of Hereford, D.D. SouthAfrica} Prof. Sir R. C. Jebb, D.C.L., M.P. Work ictente peek M. E. Sadler, LL.D, .. .|Prof. R. A. Gregory, W. M. Heller, Hugh Richardson. Ixxxviii PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SECTIONS, Date and Place Presidents Secretaries 1907. Leicester... Sir Philip Magnus, M.P. ......)W. D. Eggar, Prof. R. A. Gregory, J. S. Laver, Hugh Richardson. 1908. Dublin .,..., 'Prof. L. C, Miall, F.R.S. ......| Prof. E. P. Culverwell, W. D. Eggar, d George Fletcher, Prof. R. A. Gregory, Hugh Richardson, CHAIRMEN AND SECRETARIES OF THE CONFERENCES OF DELEGATES OF CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES. Date and Piace | Chairmen Secretaries 1885. Aberdeen...! Francis Galton, F.R.S.......... Prof. Meldola. 1886. Birmingham Prof. A. W. Williamson,F.R.S.| Prof. Meldola, Lys eee 1887. Manchester | Prof.W.Boyd Dawkins,F.R.S.) Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. 1888. Bath......... | John Evans, F.R.S. .......0008- Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. 1889. Newcastle- | Francis Galton, F.R.S.......... Prof. G. A. Lebour. upon-Tyne) 1890. Leeds ...... |G. J. Symons, F.R.S. .........| Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. 1891. Cardiff ...... |G. J. Symons, F.R.S. ......00 Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. 1892, Edinburgh | Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. ......... T. V. Holmes. 1893. Nottingham Dr. (Gi Garson) -sescecscsecanes T. V. Holmes. 1894. Oxford...... Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. .........|T. V. Holmes. 1895. Ipswich ...|G. J. Symons, F.R.S. .........|T. V. Holmes. 1896. Liverpool... Dr. J. G. Garson ..s.ccsseeseeee T. V. Holmes. 1897. Toronto ...|Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. .........|J. Hopkinson. “ 1898. Bristol ...... |W. Whitaker, F.R.S. ......... T. V. Holmes. 1899: Dover ...... Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, F.R.S.|T. V. Holmes, 1900. Bradford ...| Prof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S. ...|T. V. Holmes. 1901. Glasgow ...|F. W. Rudler, F.G.S. ........./Dr. J. G. Garson, A. Somerville, 1902 Belfast...... | Prof. W. W. Watts, F.G.S. . ../E. J. Bles. 1903. Southport |W. Whitaker, F.R.S. ......... F. W. Rudler. 1904. Cambridge | Prof. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.8. | F. W. Rudler, 1905. London ...'Dr. A. Smith Woodward,| F. W. Rudler. F.R.S. WSO0GS York. .i2..¢. 'Sir Edward Brabrook, C.B....| F. W. Rudler. 1907. Leicester ...|H. J. Mackinder, M.A.......... F. W. Rudler, 1.8.0, 1908. Dublin...... | Prof. H. A. Miers, F.R.S......, HW ok eD): Stebbing. EVENING DISCOURSES. Date and Place Lecturer Subject of Discourse = : 1842. Manchester | Charles Vignoles, F.R.S...... |The Principles and Construction of Atmospherie Railways. Sin Mele brunelon.csvedadtesstes ‘The Thames Tunnel. a Le Mr ChisOn .-fes-ceschedeer ss The Geology of Russia. T8435 Cork «2.00500. Prof. Owen, M.D., F.R.S....... 'The Dinornis of New Zealand. Prof. E. Forbes, F. R.S.. . The Distribution of Animal Life in the Aigean Sea. Dr VRODINSOM s. sha sveeccace~2 9 |The Earl of Rosse’s Telescope. Naa MOLKiasscss 0) Charles Lyell, F.R.S. ........./Geology of North America. |Dr. Falconer, F.B.S........ ..... The Gigantic Tortoise of the Siwalik 4 | Hills in India, Date and Place 1845. Cambridge EVENING DISCOURSES. )xxxix Lecturer Subject of Discourse G.B.Airy,F.R.S.,Astron.Royal/| Progress of Terrestrial Magnetism. R. I. Murchison, F.R.S. ....../Geology of Russia. 1846. Southamp- | Prof. Owen, M.D., F.R.S, ...| Fossil Mammaliaof the British Isles. ton. Charles Lyell, F.R.S. .........| Valley and Delta of the Mississippi. W. R. Grove, F.RB.S.........0.4+ Properties of the ExplosiveSubstance discovered by Dr. Schénbein; also some Researches of his own on the Decomposition of Water by Heat. 1847. Oxford..,..., Rev. Prof, B. Powell, F.R.S. | Shooting Stars. Prof, M, Faraday, F.R.S.......| Magnetic and Diamagnetic Pheno- mena. Hugh E. Strickland, F.G.S....| The Dodo (Didus ineptus). 1848. Swansea ...' John Percy, M.D., F.R.S......./| Metallurgical Operations of Swansea and its Neighbourhood. W. Carpenter, M.D., F.R.S....| Recent Microscopical Discoveries, 1849. Birming- | Dr. Faraday, F.R.S............. Mr. Gassiot’s Battery. ham. Rev. Prof. Willis, M.A., F.R.S.|/Transit of different Weights with varying Velocities on Railways. 1850. Edinburgh |Prof. J. H. Bennett, M.D.,'Passage of the Blood through the F.R.S.E. minute vessels of Animals in con- nection with Nutrition. Dr. Mantell, F.R.S. .........005 Extinct Birds of New Zealand. 1851. Ipswich ...! Prof. R. Owen, M.D., F.R.S, | Distinction between Plants and Ani- mals, and their Changes of Form. G. B. Airy, F.R.S.,Astronomer|Total Solar Eclipse of July 28, Royal 1851. 1852. Belfast...... Prof. G. G, Stokes, D.C.L.,' Recent Discoveries in the properties | F.R.S. of Light. Colonel Portlock, R.E., F.R.S.| Recent Discovery of Rock-salt at | Carrickfergus, and geological and practical considerations connected with it. 1863. Hull......... Some peculiar Phenomena in the Prof. J. Phillips, LL.D.,F.R.S., F.G.S. Robert Hunt, F.R.S............., Prof. R. Owen, M.D., F.R.S. Col, E. Sabine, V.P.R.S. ......! 1854. Liverpool... 1855. Glasgow ...|Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F.R.S. | Lieut.-Col. H. Rawlinson 1856. Cheltenham Col. Sir H. Rawlinson W. R. Grove, F.R.S. .........05 Dublin......| Prof. W. Thomson, F.R.S, ... Rev. Dr. Livingstone, D.C.L. 1857. 1858. Leeds ...... Prof, J. Phillips, LL.D.,F.R.S. Prof. R. Owen, M.D., F.R.S. 1859. Aberdeen.,.|Sir R. I. Murchison, D.C.L.... Rev. Dr. Robinson, F.R.S. ... Geology and Physical Geography of Yorkshire. The present state of Photography. Anthropomorphous Apes. Progress of Researches in Terrestrial Magnetism. Characters of Species. .| Assyrian and Babylonian Antiquities and Ethnology. Recent Discoveries in Assyria and Babylonia, with the results of Cuneiform Research up to the present time. .|Correlation of Physical Forces. The Atlantic Telegraph. Recent Discoveries in Africa, The Ironstones of Yorkshire. The Fossil Mammalia of Australia. Geology of the Northern Highlands. Electrical Discharges in highly rarefied Media. 1860. Oxford......| Rev. Prof. Walker, F.R.S. ...| Physical Constitution of the Sun. Captain Sherard Osborn, R.N.| Arctic Discovery. 1861. Manchester] Prof.W.A. Miller, M.A.,F.R.S.|Spectrum Analysis. 1862. G.B.Airy,F.R.S.,Astron. Royal/The late Eclipse of the Sun. Cambridge | Prof. Tyndall, LL.D., ¥.R.S. ; The Forms and Action of Water. Prof, Odling, F.R.S.............| Organic Chemistry. XC EVENING DISCOURSES. Date and Place Lecturer Subject of Discourse 1863. 1864. 1865. Newcastle BAG eecs cee Birming- ham. 1866. Nottingham 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. Dundee...... Norwich ... Exeter Liverpool... Edinburgh Brighton ... Bradford ... Bristol ...... Glasgow ... Plymouth... Dublin sees Sheffield ... Swansea ... Prof. Williamson, F.R.S..... James Glaisher, F.R.S......... Prof. Roscoe, F.R.S. .<.....c0css | Dr. Livingstone, F.R.S. ... J. Beete Jukes, F.R.S.......... William Huggins, F.R.S..... Dr. J. D. Hooker, F.R.S....... Archibald Geikie, F.R.S....... Alexander Herschel, F.R.A.S. J. Fergusson, F.R.S........... |Dr. W. Odling, F.R.S..........| ' Prof. J. Phillips, LL.D.,F.R.S. | J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S.... ' Prof. J. Tyndall, LL.D., F.R.S. | Prof, W.J. Macquorn Rankine, | LEDaai Rs. HAs Abel abilvaSsscsane Nines BE. B. Tylor, F.R.S. .se-s.cesees Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S. Prof. Wis Bes Giiiiord svc, ccceesss ‘Prof. W. C. Williamson, F.R.S. Prof. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S. Sir John Lubbock, Bart.,M.P., F.R.S. Prof; Huxley Hoh: eesscetss W.Spottiswoode,LL.D.,F.R.S, ¥. J. Bramwell, F.R.S.......... | Prof. Tait, F.R.S.B. F Scape | Sir Wyville Thomson, ¥. R. S. W. Warington Smyth, M.A., F.R.S. | Prof. Odling; FR.Ss..0.. 0.00. | G. J. Romanes, F.LS.......... Profs Dewar; EGRiSitess+sceuves |W. Crookes, F.R.S. .......000. | Prof. HE. Ray Lankester, F.R.S. | Prof.W.Boyd Dawkins, F’.R.5. | Francis Galton, F.R.S.......... Prof. Huxley, Sec. B.S. |W. Spottiswoode, Pres. R.S.... | Degeneration. .|The Chemistry of the Galvanic Battery considered in relation to Dynamics. The Balloon Ascents made for the British Association. The Chemical Action of Light. .|Recent Travels in Africa. Probabilities as to the position and extent of the Coal-measures be- neath the red rocks of the Mid- land Counties. ..|The Results of Spectrum Analysis applied to Heavenly Bodies. Insular Floras. The Geological Origin of the present Scenery of Scotland. The present state of Knowledge re- garding Meteors and Meteorites. .|Archeology of the early Buddhist Monuments. Reverse Chemical Actions. Vesuvius. The Physical Constitution of the Stars and Nebule. The Scientific Use of the Imagi- nation. Stream-lines and Waves, in connec- tion with Naval Architecture. Some Recent Investigations and Ap- plications of Explosive Agents. The Relation of Primitive to Modern Civilisation. Insect Metamorphosis. The Aims and Instruments of Scien- tific Thought. Coal.and Coal Plants. Molecules. Common Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects. The Hypothesis that Animals are Automata, and its History. The Colours of Polarised Light. Railway Safety Appliances, .| Force. The ‘ Challenger’ Expedition. Physical Phenomena connected with the Mines of Cornwalland Devon. The New Element, Gallium. Animal Intelligence. Dissociation, or Modern Ideas of Chemical Action. Radiant Matter. Primeval Man. Mental Imagery. The Rise and Progress of Paléon- tology. The Electric Discharge its Forms and its Functions. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898, 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. EVENING DISCOURSES. xci Subject of Discourse Date and Place Lecturer Southamp- | Prof.SirWm. Thomson, F.R.S. ton. Prof. H. N. Moseley, F.R.S. Southport | Prof. R. S. Ball, F.R.6. ...... | Prof. J. G. McKendrick. ...... Montreal...) Prof. O. J. Lodge, D.Sc. ...... Rey. W. H. Dallinger, F.R.S. Aberdeen...| Prof. W. G. Adams, F.R.S.... \John Murray, F.R.S.E.......... Birming- |A. W. Riicker, M.A., F.R.S. ham. Prof. W. Rutherford, M.D.... Manchester | Prof. H. B. Dixon, F’.R.S. Col. Sir F. de Winton ......... Bath......... | Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S. ... |Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.S8c., | ERS. Newcastle- Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen, upon-Tyne| F.R.S. | Walter Gardiner, M.A......... Leeds ...... E. B. Poulton, M.A., F.R.S.... Prof. C. Vernon Boys, F.R.S. Cardiff ...... | Prof. L. C. Miall, ¥.L.8., F.G.S8. Prof. A. W.Riicker,M.A.,F.R.S. Edinburgh’ | Prof. A. M. Marshall, F.R.S. | Prof. J.A. Ewing, M.A., F.B.S. Nottingham | Prof. A. Smithells, B.Sc. Oxford...... J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S. | Prof. J.Shield Nicholson, M.A. Ipswich ...| Prof. 8. P. Thompson, F.R.S. |Prof. Percy F. Frankland, | B.R.S. Liverpool...| Dr. F. Elgar, F.B.S. .........4+4 | Prof. Flinders Petrie, D.C.L. Toronto ...| Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen, E.B.S. J. Milne; (BUR Sta. aceetiseteac ane Bristol...... Prof. W. J. Sollas, F.R.S. ..... Herbert Jackson .............++ Dover ...... Prof. Charles Richet............ Prof. J. Fleming, F.R.S. ...... Bradford ...' Prof. F. Gotch, F.R.S.......... | Prof. W. Stroud. ........ss0..0. Glasgow ... Prof. W. Ramsay, F.R.S....... (BR. Datwin, F.RAS. .......00. cee Belfast ... Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S.... | Prof. W. F. R. Weldon, F.R.S. Southport |Dr. R. Munro ................ POOR ee nem e temas eeeene Tides. Pelagic Life. Recent Researches on the Distance of the Sun. Galvanic and Animal Electricity. Dust. The Modern Microscope in Re- searches on the Least and Lowest Forms of Life. The Electric Light and Atmospheric Absorption. The Great Ocean Basins. Soap Bubbles. The Sense of Hearing. .|The Rate of Explosions in Gases. Explorations in Central Africa. The Electrical Transmission of Power. The Foundation Stones of the Earth’s Crust. The Hardening and Tempering of Steel. , How Plants maintain themselves in the Struggle for Existence. Mimicry. Quartz Fibres and their Applications. Some ‘Difficulties in the Life of Aquatic Insects. Electrical Stress. Pedigrees. Magnetic Induction. Flame. 'Prof. Victor Horsley, F.R.S.|The Discovery of the Physiology of the Nervous System. Experiences and _ Prospects African Exploration. Historical Progress and Ideal So- cialism. Magnetism in Rotation. The Work of Pasteur and its various Developments. ~ Safety in Ships. Man before Writing. Canada’s Metals. of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Funafuti: the Study of a Coral Island. Phosphorescence. La vibration nerveuse. TheCentenary of the ElectricCurrent. Animal Electricity. Range Finders. The Inert Constituents Atmosphere. The Movements of Plants. Becquerel Rays and Radio-activity. Inheritance. Man as Artist and Sportsman in the Palzolithic Period. The Old Chalk Sea, and some of its of the Teachings. xCil EVENING DISCOURSES. Date and Place Lecturer Subject of Discourse 1904. 1905. Cape Town Durban Cambridge South Africa: Pietermaritz- burg Johannesburg Pretoria ...| Prof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S. .. Prof. G. H. Darwin, F.R.S.... Prof. H. F. Osborn weeeeeeweeee |C. Vernon Boys, URES: 4 scene ... Douglas W. Freshfield......... Prof. W. A. Herdman, ¥.R.S. Col) D. Bruce; C:B:, BeR:S¢2... H. T. Ferrar Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S... ProfJy OFA molds, sc cccces sa Bloemfontein. Ac Re Banks sic acscccsceencsiens Kimberley .|Sir Wm. Crookes, F.R.S....... Profi PBA BOClCY fore senctesiets Bulawayo ...|D. Randall-MaclTver ............ DOG otk: t..0c2 | Dr, Tempest Anderson......... |Dr. A. D. Waller, F.R.S. ...... 107. Leicester...) W. Duddell, F.R.S. ....000ee ‘Dr. HP AGMIIKEY,... .., Swansea ..| Birmingham .| Edinburgh .| Swansea 1904, Aug, 17......! Cambridge..... 1905, Aug. 15..,..,,, South Africa 1906, Aug.1 ..,... 1 OPK 3. eee epee wi 1907, July 31 ...... Leicester 1908, a 5 oot A ' Dublin ..... * Ladies were nut admitted by y purchased tickets until 1843, Liverpool Newcastle-on-Ty: Birmingham Glasgow......... Plymouth .., Manchester Cork Cambridge Liverpool Glasgow... Aberdeen Oxford ...... Manchester .. Cambridge ..,.......... Newcastle-on-Tyne... NEES AES Birmingham., Nottingham ., Dundee ,.,... Norwich Exeter ...... Liverpool .. Edinburgh Brighton .., Bradford Belfast ... Bristol ... Glasgow Plymouth ... Dublin .., Sheffield... VOLK! .caectenes Southampton Southport .. Montreal ., Aberdeen ..... Birmingham Manchester .. Bath Edinburgh Nottingham .. Oxford Southport 2 ‘| The Duke of Northumberland, .| The Marquis of Breadalbane, .| The Rev. W. Whewell, F.R.S. .| The Lord Francis Egerton, FE, .| The Earl of Rosse, F.R.S. .... ‘| Sir Robert H. ‘Inglis, em ERS. .| TheMarquis ofNorthampton, Pres. ‘| Sir David Brewster, K.H., F.RS....... ..| William Hopkins, F.R.S............ .| The Earl of Harrowby, F.R.S. "| Richard Owen, M.D., D.O.L., F.R. ..| The Lord Wrottesley, M.A., Perce ier | .| William Fairbairn, LL.D., FR, Ss. B., .| Sir Oharles Lyell, Bart., M.A., .D. “Se. “| William R. Gpve, Q.0., F.R .| The Duke of Buccleuch, K.0 BF. A a ..| Prof. G. G. Stokes, D.O.L., F ..| Prof. T. H. Huxley, LL.D., i ..| Prof. Sir W. Thomson, LL.D. .| Dr. W. B. Carpenter, FRS. . .| Sir John Hawkshaw, FR. ..| Prof. A. Thomson, M.D. ..| W. Spottiswoode, M.A. ..| Prof. G. J. Allman, M. .| A. O. Ramsay, LL.D, ..| Dr. O. W. Siemens FR ..| Prof. A. Cayley, D.O.L. R.S ..| Prof. Lord Rayleigh, F. Rs en ..| Sir Lyon Playfair, K.O.B., FR. te ..| Sir J. W. Dawson, O.M.G., F.R. .| Sir H. E. Roscoe, D. 0. "| Sir A. Geikie, LL.D. FERS. ..| The Marquis of Salisbury,K.G., ..| Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B., F. ..| Sir Joseph Lister, Bart., Pres. ..| Sir John Evans, K.C.B., B. R.S. . ..| Sir W. Orookes, F.R.S, ..............0. 45 3 Sir Michael an rar ) Sec.R.S.... PA Prof. J. “Dewar, LLD., Fl ..| Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C. B.. ..| Rt. Hon, A. J. Balfour, M.P., .| Prof. G. H. Darwin, LL.D., ss Prof. E. Bey Pee .. Sir David Gill, K.C.B., F. . Dr. Francis Darwin, PRS The Earl of Burlington, F.R.S... The Rey. W. Vernon Harcourt, The Rey. T. R. Robinson, D.D.. F. G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal, F.R.S.) Lieut.-General Sabine, F.R.S. The Duke of Argyll, F.R.S. .. Prof. 0. G. B. Daubeny, M.D., The Rev. H. Lloyd, D.D., F.R.S. ...... H.R.H. The Prince Consort The Rev. Professor Willis,M.A.F. 8.| SirWilliam G, Armstrong,O. Prof. J. Phillips, M.A., LL Dr. Joseph D. Hooker, F.R. s PRE Prof. A. W. Williamson, F. ‘co Prof. J. Tyndall, LL.D. SERS. Ss. RS, Prof. T. Andrews, M.D., ae . F RS. BA mb: Sir John Lubbock, Ba Ge! oy F.R. . Sir F. J. Bramwell, F.RB.S. .......... Prof. W. H. Flower, O.B., F.R.S. Sir F. A. Abel, O.B., F.R.S. Dr. W. Huggins, F.R.S. HE L. allot Telatal sta 169 65 303 169 109 |} Ss (8 296 150 313 36 241 | 10 314 18 149 3 297 2 235 9 172 8 164 10 141 13 238 «| «83 194 33 182 | ~—(o4 936 «|| (15 922 «| 42 184 27 286 21 321 113 239 15 203 36 287 40 292 | 44 iy =| 3s 196 18 204 21 314 39 246 28 245 36 212 27 162 13 939 «6| 36 231 | 35 173 19 201 | 18 184 16 144 ll 279 28 178 17 203 | 60 235 «=| ~=«(30 2950 |~ 18 314 25 498 | 86 266 36 277 20 259 21 189 24 280 14 201 7 327 21 214 13 330 31 120 8 281 19 296 20 267 13 310 37 243 21 250 21 419 32 115 40 322 10 276 19 294 24 } Tickets of Admission to Sections only, : : ATTENDANCES AND RECEIPTS-AT ANNUAL MEETINGS. xcv Amount Old New 4 Grants | Annual | Annual ae Ladies /Foreigners| Total ee for Scientific) Year Members | Members Me ae zg Purposes as 25 a: = = 353 = = | 1831 aos = — = = oe = = | 1832 i = = = = = 900 = = | 1833 = = = — = 1298 = £20 0 0} 1834 = = = _ = = = 167 0 0 1835 — = = — = 1350 _ 435 0 0| 1836 — = — _ = 1840 mens 922 12 6 1837 as = = 1100* = 2400 = 932 2 2 1838 = = = — | 84 1438 = 1595 11 0 1839 = = = _ 40 1353 = 1546 16 4 1840 46 317 = 60* = 891 a 1235 10 11 1841 15 376 33 331* 28 1315 = 144917 8 1842 71 185 = 160 = = = 1565 10 2 1843 45 190 oF 260 = = = 98112 8) 1844 94 22 407 172 35 1079 cs 831 9 9| 1845 65 39 270 196 36 857 = 68516 0} 1846 197 40 495 203 53 1320 = 208 5 4 1847 54 25 376 197 15 g19 |£707 0 0| 275 1 8 1848 93 33 447 237 22 1071 963 0 0} 15919 6 1849 128 . 42 510 273 44 1241 1085 0 0] 34518 0| 1850 61 47 244 141 37 710 620 0 O}| 391 9 7 1851 63 60 510 292 9 1108 | 1085 0 0| 304 6 7 1852 56 57 367 236 6 876 903 0 0] 205 0 0 1853 121 121 765 524 10 1802 1882 0 0! 38019 7 1854 142 101 , 1094 543 26 2133 | 2311 0 0] 48016 4| 1855 104 48 412 346 9 1115 1098 0 0| 73413 9) 1856 156 * 190 ” 900 569 26 2022 | 2015 0 0} 50715 4) 1857 11 91 710 509 13 1698 1931 0 0| 61818 2 1858 125 179 1206 $21 _ 22 2564 | 2782 0 O| 68411 1 1889 : 177 59 636 463 47 1689 1604 0 0] 76619 6 | 1860 ; 184 125 1589 791 15 3138 | 3944 0 0] 1111 5 10 1861 150 57 433 242 25 1161 1089 0 0| 129316 6 1862 1 154 209 1704 1004 25 333 3640 0 0] 1608 3 10 1863 182 103 1119 1058 13 2802 | 2965 0 0] 128915 8| 1864 : 215 149 766 508 23 1997 | 22297 0 0 | 1591 7 10 1865 218 105 960 771 11 2303 | 2469 0 0] 175013 4 1866 193 118 1163 raat 7 2444 | 2613 0 0] 1739 4 0 1867 | 296 117 720 682 45t 2004 | 2042 0 0] 1940 0 0 1868 229 > 107 678 600 7 1856 1931 0 0| 1622 0 0 1869 | 303 195 1103 910 14 2878 | 3096 0 0] 1572 0 0 1870 311 eer 976 754 21 2463 «=| 2575 0 0| 1472 2 6 1871 280 80 937 912 43 2533 «| 2649 0 0] 1285 0 0 1872 237 99 796 601 11 1983 | 2120 0 0| 1685 0 0 1873 232 85 817 630 12 1951 1979 0 0| 115116 0} 1874 307 93 884 672 17 2248 +#| 2397 0 0] 960 0 0 1875 331 185 1265 712 25 2774 +=+| 3023 0 0]1092 4 2] 1876 238 . 59 446 283 lL 1229 | 1268 0 0| 1128 9 7 1877 290 93 1285 674 17 2578 | 2615 0 0] 72516 6 1878 239 ‘74 529 349 13 1404 | 1425 0 0 | 108011 11! 1879 171 4l 389 147 12 915 | 899 0 0| 731 7 7 1880 313 176 1230 514 24 2557 | 2689 0 0| 476 8 Lj 1881 253 79 516 189 21 1253 1286 0 0|1126 111] 1882 330 323 952 841 | 5 2714 +| 3369 0 0| 1083 3 3} 1883 317 219: 826 74 |\26&60H.$) 1777 1855 0 0|1173 4 0} 1884 332 122 1053 447 6 2203 2256 0 0| 1385 0 0 1885 428 179 1067 429 11 2453 «| 2532 0 0| 995 0 6 1886 510 244 1985 493 92 3838 | 4336 0 0| 118618 0 1887 399 100 | 639 509 | 12 1984 | 2107 0 0| 1511 0 5 1888 412 113 1024 679 «| Qk 2437 | 2441 0 0/1417 O11 1889 368 92 680 334 12 1775 |1776 0 0| 78916 8 1890 341 152 672 107 35 1497 | 1664 0 0] 102910 0} 1891 ? 413 141 733 439 50 2070 +} 2007 0 0| 86410 0} 1892 328 57 773 268 7 1661 1653 0 0} 90715 6| 1893 435 69 941 | 451 77 2321 2175 0 0} 58315 6 1894 290 31 493 261 22 1324 | 1236 0 0| 97715 5 1895. | 383 139 || 1384 873 41 3181 3228 0 0| 1104 6 1 1896 286 125 682 100 41 1362 | 1398 0 0| 105910 8 1897 327 96 1051 639 33 2446 | 2399 0 0| 1212 0 0 1898 324 . 68 + 548 120 27 1403 | 1328 0 0| 143014 2] 1899 Sa 45 801 _| 482 9 1915 | 1801 0 0| 107210 0 1900 374 131 794 246 20 1912 | 2046 0 0| 945 0 0] 1901 _ 314 86 647 305 6 1620 | 1644 0 0} 947 0 0 1902 319 90 688 365 21 1754 +| 1762 0 0| 84513 2 1903 449 113 1338 317 121 2789 «| 2650 0 0| 88718 11 1904 - 93797 All 430 -181 16 2130 2422 0 0] 928 2 2 1905 356 93 817 sn |) oe 1972 | 1811 0 0| 882 0 9 1906 339 61 659 951 | 42 | 41647 1561 0 0| 757 12 10 1907 465 12 1166 222 14 2297 | 2317 0 0| 115718 8] 1908 . } Including Ladies. § Fellows ofthe American Association weread mitted as Hon. Members for this Meeting { Including 848 Members of the South African Association. x¢vi ANALYSIS OF ATTENDANCES AT THE ANNUAL MEETINGS, 1831-1906. [The total attendances for the years 1832, 1839, 1843, and 1844 are unknown. | Average attendance at 72 Meetings : 1855, Average Attendance Average attendance at 5 Meetings beginning during June, between 1833 and 1860 . . - 1260 Average attendance at 3 Meetings beginning during July ly, between 1841 and 1851 . . 947 Average attendance at 28 Meetings beginning duri ing ‘August, between 1836 and 1906 . . 1978* Average attendance at 34 Meetings ‘beginning during September between 1831 and 1903 - 1933 Attendance at 1 Meeting held i in Oc tober, Ca rmbridge, 1862 ; 2 ~26L Se Meetings beginning during August and September. Average attendance at— 4 Meetings beginning during the 1st week in August ( 1st- 7th) . 1905 5 ” ” ” » 2nd 4, 4 » ( 8th-l4th) , 2130 8 ” ” ” jm ay) ay » (15th-21st) . 1761t 11 . a - ,, 4th "js “0 y. (22nd-slst) yy eeuue Average attendance at— ae Meetings beginning during the Ist week in September( 1st- 7th). 2082 ” ” ” re Zant Sis ” ( 8th-14th). 1860 8 5 * ie eae, pote » (15th-21st). 2206 2 ” ” » » 4th 4, 4 » (22nd-30th). 1025 Meetings beginning during June, July, and October. Attendance at 1 Meeting (1845, June 19) beginning during the 3rd week in June (15th-21st) . 1079 Average attendance at 4 Meetings beginning during the 4th week i in June (22nd-30th) : 1306 Attendance at 1 Meeting (1851, ‘July 2) beginning during the Ist week in July (1st-7th) . 710 Average attendance at 2 Meetings beginning during the 3rd week in July (15th-21st) ; 1066 Attendance at 1 Meeting (1862, October 1) beginning ‘during the Ist week in October (1st-7th) . . . . . . . oe SUTGT * Average attendance at 29 Meetings, including South Africa, 1905 (August 15- September 1); 1983. t Average attendance at 9 Meetings, including South Africa, 1905 (August 15- eptember 1): 1802, GRANTS OF MONEY. XCVli General Statement of Sums which have been paid on account of Grants for Scientific Purposes. 1834, £ ved Tide Discussions ......+ Sesstese 20 0 0 Sa eaeatananeten 1835 Tide DiscussionS ........+ssse++ 62 0 0 British Fossil Ichthyology ... 105 0 0 #167 UO O 1836 Tide Discussions .........s0008+ 163 0 0 British Fossil Ichthyology ... 105 0 0 Thermometric Observations, BEGIN welnsctssecccrscancevessstesss 50 0 0 Experiments on Long-con- tinted Heat ........seeecseeee 1750 Rain-gauges ...ccccecseees seoces 913° 0 Refraction Experiments ...... 15 0 0 Lunar Nutation.............000+ 60 0 0 Thermometers .......0eesseeeeee 15 6 0 £435 0 O sciea es Wes 1837. Tide Discussions .......ssses0+ 284 1 0 Chemical Constants ........... P24 13" 6 Lunar Nutation..............6086 TO or GO Observations on Waves ...... 100 12 0 Hides.at Bristol ......-..-........ 150 0 0 Meteorology and Subterra- nean Temperature............ 93 3 0 Vitrification Experiments 150 0 0 Heart Experiments ............ 8 4 6 Barometric Observations ...... 30 0 0 BRAPOIMCLECTS cccecsencsccsseccsceses’s 1118 6 £922 12 6 Z peat 1838. Tide Discussions ...........066 29 OP eO British Fossil Fishes............ 100 0 O Meteorological Observations and Anemometer (construc- UTGTE)) = Rescorecde sucddcannenoseer 100 0 0 Cast Iron (Strength of) ...... 60 0 0 Animal and Vegetable Sub- stances (Preservation of)... 19 1 10 Railway Constants ............ 41 12 10 Bristol Tides ............ Canteee.28 OU) OO Growth of Plants .............55 Tor Ort tein’ Rivers’) s....<2.c.ccecescs 3.6 6 Education Committee ......... 50 0 0 Heart Experiments ....... acer OM Hom 0) Land and Sea Level........... ODO Sea Steam-vessels..............ssse008 100 0 0 Meteorological Committee 319) 5 £932 2 2 1908, 1839. £ os. a | Fossil Ichthyology ........+00 TOO +0 Meteorological Observations at Plymouth, &¢. .........00. 63 10 0 Mechanism of Waves ......... 144 2 0 Bristol Tides ......sescecsseeeeeee 35 18 6 Meteorology and Subterra- | nean Temperature............ 21 11 O | Vitrification Experiments ... 9 4 U Cast-iron Experiments......... 103 OT Railway Constants ......... ERIS TO. | Land and Sea Level............ PA Pie es Steam-vessels’ Engines ...... 100 O 4 Stars in Histoire Céleste ...... i Ls O Stars (Lacaille) ..........0+..0608 ESO" 6 Stars in R.A.S. Catalogue 166 16 0 Animal Secretions.........+0+.+. 10 10 6 Steam Engines in Cornwall... 50 0 O Atmospheric Air .........eeeeee LGrele =O Cast and Wrought Iron ...... 40 0 0 Heat on Organic Bodies ...... Oro Gases on Solar Spectrum...... Za 10-0 Hourly Meteorological Ob- servations, Inverness and TeiaeO RENE: Ss ooshunpseacaconaceot 497 8 Fossil Reptiles ..,.....scseeeseee 118 2 9 Mining Statistics ............06 50 0 0 £1595 11 O ee 1840. | Bristol Tides <2... cs.0.cscseevses 100 0 9 Subterranean Temperature... 13813 6 Heart Experiments .........+ sels O Lungs Experiments .......+.++. 813 0 Tide Discussions .......s.e0e0ee 50 0 0 Land and Sea Level...... oes 611 J Stars (Histoire Céleste) ...... 242 10 0 Stars (lacaille) .......cssesenssee 415 0 Stars (Catalogue) ......ceeceeeee 264 0 O Atmospheric Air .....eceseeeeee 15 15 0 WateronsIrong coedeceescssanses 100700 Heat on Organic Bodies ...... er Om'O Meteorological Observations. 52 17 6 Foreign Scientific Memoirs... 112 1 6 Working Population ...........+ 100 0 O School Statistics ...........66+ 50 0 0 Forms of Vessels .........000008 184 7 0 Chemical and Electrical Phe- MOMEHA) vscnvecevecuces«ccarsems 40 0 0 Meteorological Observations at Plymouth ........ccecsesese 80 0 0 Magnetical Observations...... 185 13 9 £1546 16 4 xcviii 1841. iS Sasvie Observations on Waves ...... 30 0 Meteorology and Subterra- nean Temperature ..........- 8 8 Actinometers .......... dueswese are LO: 0 Earthquake Shocks .....0...+e. U7e 17, CLIC (POISONS arveceteveasns «sees 60 Veins and Absorbents ......... 3 0 MIMGGNGRIVETS J cissecdaoseosesse 5 0 Marine Zoology .........se+0++ 15 12 Skeleton Maps .......-.sseeeeee 20 0 Mountain Barometers ......... 6 18 Stars (Histoire Céleste) ...... 185 0 Stars (Lacaille),...ccscassssrs ry he Stars (Nomenclature of)....... 17 19 Stars (Catalogue of) ............ 40 0 Water on Iron ....... “coneepen C 50 O Meteorological Observations BUMUTAVOTIICSS) “sarccasnsadenasnae 20 0 Meteorological Observations @eductionOf) F..; 20) 16:52 Strength of Boiler Plates...... 10 0 0 £304 6 7 1853. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 165 0 0 Experiments on the Influence of Solar Radiation............ 1 0 0 Researches on the British ATIMELIMA wcnateesrennests eset 10 0 0 Dredging on the East ‘Coast DL Scotland... 2:2 aaeeoeteee 10 0 0 Ethnological Queries ..,...... OT O0 £205 We 1854. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory CGneluding balance of former grant)......... sooreeeee 330 15 4 Investigations on Flax......... LI 10.0 Effects of Temperature on Wrought: Iron s7.s.s.sce. snes ses 10 0 0 Registration of Periodical Phenomena.............. OCTEEY. 10 0 O British Annelida ...... scheeaes 00% 0 Vitality of Seeds .............. s Boe SS Jonduction of Heat........ Seater 4 2-0 £380 19 7 On ene a 1855. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 425 0 0 | Earthquake Movements ...... 1Oi20%°O | Physical Aspect of the Moon 11 8 5 Vitality of Seeds .............0 10+ 711 Map of the World............... 15 0 0 Ethnological Queries ......... 5 0 0 Dredging near Belfast......... 4 0 0 £180 16 4 1856. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observa- igpaee.e £75 0 0 186B ss... £500 0 0} eh a GRANTS OF MONEY. ; £ 3. d. Strickland’s Ornithological SYNONYMS ...scsseeeeeeseesees 0 0 Dredging and Dredging FOr ........ecseeeeeceseeneoere Spise 0 Chemical Action of Light ... 20 0 0 Strength of Iron Plates ...... 10 0 0 Registration of Periodical Phenomena,.......eseeeeeeeeeee 10: -0) 0 Propagation of Salmon......... NG) eu) £734 13 9 1857. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 350 0 Earthquake Wave Experi- MENES .......ccsersessessecerees 40 0 Dredging near Belfast......... 10 0 Dredging on the West Coast Of Scotland ..........c0ceeceeee 10 0 Investigations into the Mol- lusca of California ......... 10 0 Experiments on Flax ......... 5 0 Natural History of Mada- ASCAD veccec seco Secevesecasccese 20 0 Researches on British Anne- LEE. soe SSCS BE eco OPE OBCRCHS 25 0 Report on Natural Products imported into Liverpool... 10 0 Artificial Propagation of Sal- MON cccssaceescassecsvevecesserses 10 0 Temperature of Mines......... 7 8 Thermometers for Subterra- nean Observations............ 5 7 Life-boats .......ceccecescseeeeers 5 0 £507 15 1858. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 500 0 0 Earthquake Wave Experi- RPEM US se eckasdosecesinyereseee sens 25 0 0 Dredging on the West Coast + Of Scotland...,...ccesscoveseers 10 0 O Dredging near Dublin......... 5 0 0 Vitality of Seed ......ssseeeeee 5 5 0 Dredging near Belfast......... 1813 2 Report on the British Anne- MGA cdecascee wodsvese saceaesdov 25 0 0 Experiments on the produc- tion of Heat by Motion in L0G reshecrigebaebeeepaec opepetne 20 0 0 Report on the Natural Pro- ducts imported into Scot- BANG pasecetcvcevsscadscnssescsenn0 10 0 0 £618 18 2 1859, Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 500 0 0 Dredging near Dublin......... 15 0 0 . © SS: ds Osteology of Birds .......+. aot G0) Oa) Irish Tunicata .....sscscocesseee 5 0 O Manure Experiments ......... 20 0 0 British Medusidee ...........0+06 & On'0 Dredging Committee ......... 5 0 0 Steam-vessels’Performance... 5 O O Marine Fauna of South and West of Ireland............006 10 0 0 Photographic Chemistry ...... 10 0 0 Lanarkshire Fossils .........+6 20 0 1 Balloon Ascents.......cccccccsers 39 11 O £684 11 1 1860. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 500 0 Dredging near Belfast......... 16 6 Dredging in Dublin Bay...... 15 0 Inquiry into the Performance of Steam-vessels .........-0. 124 0 Explorations in the Yellow Sandstone of Dura Den 20 0 Chemico-mechanical Analysis of Rocks and Minerals...... 25 0 Researches on the Growth of TRIBES cogdeanedanudticanossnapetih 10 0 Researches on the Solubility Gig OALUS) cennueenpes aedestcceeses 30 0 Researcheson theConstituents of Manures’ <.....0.s:sses0ees 25 0 Balance of Captive Balloon ACCOUMUS tenses ccadeccseceereses 1 13 £766 19 1861. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory.. 500 0 Earthquake Experiments...... 25 0 Dredging North and Kast Coasts of Scotland ......... 23 0 Dredging Committee :—— 1860...... LOO OW ™ 0 USGI secant £22 0 OF | Excavations at Dura Den...... 20 0 Solubility of Salts ............ 20 0 Steam-vessel Performance ... 150 0 Fossils of Lesmahagow ...... 15 0 Explorations at Uriconium... £0 0 Chemical Alloys .......0seeseee 20 0 Classified Index to the Trans- ACULOUS sees ce seandeeasearsesser 100 0 Dredging in the Mersey and DGC iienerscecencrecsechusvnnanme 5 0 Dip Circle ......sscccecesssseneees 30 0 Photoheliographic Observa- LONG tee cee ccs sctecee eds tasteast 50 0 Prison Diet, .....- eieteoueecenn's 5 0 Tidal Observations ............ 25 0 Photoheliometer at Kew ...... 40 0 Photographic Pictures of the SLD), SancanedeBdsgodbanbocatoneaad 150 0 Rocks of Donegal.............+ 25 0 Dredging Durham and North- umberland Coasts ............ 25 0. 0 Jonnection of Storms ......... 20 0 0 Dredging North-east Coast OL PSCOUANG! Seccmeasacnhesae 6; 9) 6 Ravages of Teredo .........+.. pte ae Standards of Electrical Re- SINbANGE!<. ceessscc-neseametenaas D0 050 Railway Accidents ........... 00.30 Balloon Committee ...........- 200 0 0 Dredging Dublin Bay ......... 10) 1050 Dredging the Mersey ........ 5 O O Prison (Dietie .vctes aecdeecsenetaens 20 0 0 Gauging of Water.............+ 1210 0O Steamships’ Performance...... 150 0 0 Thermo-electriec Currents ... 5 £1293 16— 6 0 1863. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory... 600 Balloon Committee deficiency 70 Balloon Ascents (other ex- DELISES)) Milcecseneines sess wcecvene 25 Entozoa ........+. Seceiseinv cls veclesmel 25 Coal Wossils onc. s.crrdsoss scceke 20 Herrings........ “pened eso 1) Granites of Donegal............ 5 BrisoniDiet aievcce:sesdcenposnset 20 Vertical Atmospheric Move- TIVOTUGS sentence naieleaiste eeleies le atrets 13 Dredging Shetland ............ 50 Dredging North-east Coast of Scoblandys.avecneseeedtevet aarre 25 Dredging Nor thumberland and) Dinhamiaeceserce+-- cece seen iy) Dredging Committee superin- EN CENCE Galcresescccwdents nese 10 Steamship Performance ...... 100 Balloon Committee ...... coone. 200 Carbon under pressure......... 10 Volcanic Temperature ......... 100 Bromide of Ammonium ...... 8 Electrical Standards............ 100 Electrical Construction and Distribution. .......-c00cseeee 40 Luminous Meteors .......... 17 Kew Additional eee for Photoheliograph ............ 100 So So. 5: coocoocoo coco oe OFS oe:cr1eo 1S: o _ =) (SPS? ye aor ifs) So Seo oro ooo oo oooocoo oo GENERAL STATEMENT. £ 8. d. Thermo-electricity agcosen 145 0 0 Analysis of Rocks ............ 8 0 0 | Ely dxoida.spessrserecssr sce seetess 10 0 0 £1608 3 10 1864. | Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory... 600 O O Coal Fossils ..... Bence 60° Seance 2 OU) LOMO Vertical Atmospheric Move- MMCHUES! aa accssoeteseean snnieas satis 20 0 O Dredging, Shetland ........... aio O00 Dredging, Northumberland... 25 0 O Balloon Committee ............ 200 0 O Carbon under pressure ..... oO RONG Standards of Electric Re- SISHANICE sapaaecgens-ersens renee 100 0 O Analysis of Rocks ........... SPO 2 OFtO HiyGroida “Senessssesees nope sooth BLOM eG) Askham is Gili ;erecesseneres tee DO O10) Nitrite of Amyle ............... 10 0 0 | Nomenclature Committee ... 5 O 9 | Rain-Pauges seecosesesssspuere ao LOSERS Cast-iron Investigation ...... 20 0 0 Tidal Observations in the Humber ..... panaccesarioa sade oa Oo) 700: Specttal HAayss..ccorss-sceaetaceae 45 0 0 Luminous Meteors ............ 20 0 0 £1289 15 8 1865. | Maintaining the Establish- | ment at Kew Observatory. 600 Balloon Committee ...... sapere li 0) ELV ONO tenet. eceseceestesspannece 13 Hal-Pances f.ccrssnteadesnessss 30 Tidal Observations in “the lehibiil oer) Pet prorncs ces 3c SeaRELE 6 Hexylic Compounds ...,..... ee Amyl Compounds .........++++. 20 irish Vlora a. cessenece ARE eee 25 American Mollusca ............ 3 Organic ACIS 22) cre sce-cressee 20 Lingula Flags Excavation ... 10 P BUM PLONUS ioc. cccn+n ane canceapscacas 50 | Electrical Standards............ 100 | Malta Caves Researches ...... 30 Oyster Breeding ........5-..09 25 Gibraltar Caves Researches... 150 Kent’s Hole Excavations...... 100 Moon’s Surface Observations 35 Marine Fauna .....-.0+..+. cates ee Dredging Aberdeenshire ...... 25 Dredging Channel Islands ... 50 Zoological Nomenclature...... 5 Resistance of Floating Bodies In Water: ..ccsca,tetde scecsees 100 | Bath Waters Analysis ......... Luminous Meteors ............ 40 ao = ooo cooec“e|ec|ce|ecoooscooowm oosoSo ooco — ooo ooccecece|coooecoocso £1591 7 10 1866. Maintaining the Establish- GRANTS OF MONEY. ment at Kew Observatory.. 600 0 0 Lunar Committee ..........006 . 6413 4 Balloon Committee ............ 50 0 0 Metrical Committee........... 50 0 0 British Rainfall ..........0...06+ 50 0 0 Kilkenny Coal Fields ......... 16 0 0 Alum Bay Fossil Leaf-bed ... 15 0 0 Luminous Meteors ...... ++ 50 0 0 Lingula Flags Excavation ... 20 0 0 Chemical Constitution of Cast Tron ...cc.seseesseeeeeee 50 0 0 Amyl Compounds ........ Fate coe Oo! 0 Electrical Standards........... . 100 0 0 Malta Caves Exploration...... 30 0 0 Kent’s Hole Exploration ...... 200 0 0 Marine Fauna, &c., Devon and Cornwall...... Pests sls . 25 0-0 DredgingAberdeenshireCoast 25 0 0 Dredging Hebrides Coast 50 0 0 Dredging the Mersey ......... 5 0 0 Resistance of Floating Bodies MIAO WVALEL cance soswswniensssssre 50 0 O Polycyanides of Organic Radi- Pel deesccctnasifestccweasscaes ea 29-\Our® Rigor Mortis ....... cccaseereneeee 10 1Or8.0 Trish Annelida .. ....s..ssessees 15 0 0 Catalogue of Crania...........+ 50 0 0 Didine Birds of Mascarene HRIATIGA s.ccocsencessscecnse roe, BOEEOD.O Typical Crania Researches . 30 0 0 Palestine Exploration Fund... .. 100 0 0 “£1750 13 4 1867. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 600 0 Meteorological Instruments, IPAIESHING:......s.0c0cressee Saaco, al) AW) Lunar Committee ............... 120 0 Metrical Committee........... oO Kent’s Hole Explorations ... 100 0 Palestine Explorations......... 50 O Insect Fauna, Palestine ...... 30 0 British Rainfall................0. 50 0 Kilkenny Coal Fields ......... 25 0 Alum Bay Fossil Leaf-bed... 25 0 Luminous Meteors ......... aan ROOT TO Bournemouth, &c., Leaf-beds 30 0 Dredging Shetland ....ces.. 75 0 Steamship Reports Condensa- tion ...... “peAbanCoeCE BeNCORCROE . 100 0 Electrical Standards............ 100 0 Ethyl and Methyl Series...... 25 0 Fossil Crustacea........ “tehapos splay T5240) Sound under Water ...........- 24 4 North Greenland Fauna ...... 75 0 Do. Plant Beds 100 0O Iron and Steel Manufacture... 25 0 Patent Laws ....cccccssscscceeees 30 0 £1739 4 coooocoococo ecoocoooococeo f=) 1868. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory... 609 Lunar Committee ........0..+++s 120 Metrical Committee ............ 50 Zoological Record.............+. 100 Kent’s Hole Explorations...... 150 Steamship Performances ...... 100 British Rainfall...............06« 50 Luminous Meteors .........06. 50 Organic ACIAS .....,.....es0e0se 60 Fossil Crustacea .....sseessseee 25 Methyl Series.........--+seeeeeee 25 Mercury and Bile . bape 72 Organic Remains ‘in ““Lime- storie Rocks vovosen Street 25 Scottish Harthquakes ......... 20 Fauna, Devon and Cornwall.. 30 British Fossil Carols........+... 50 Bagshot Leaf-beds ........+0 50 Greenland Explorations ...... 100 Fossil Flora ....... Seas ae 213) Tidal Observations ............ 100 ‘Underground Temperature ... 50 Spectroscopic Investigations cil 0 of Animal Substances ...... 5 | Secondary Reptiles, &c. ...... 30 British Marine Invertebrate WVANIRG 2 ote sie cislob vine eneetaaente . 100 £1940 0 1869. Maintaining the LEstablish- ment at; Kew Observatory .. 600 | Lunar Committee ...........5 Res PEDO Metrical Committee............ 25 Zoological Record...........+4+ 100 Committee on Gases in Deep- well Water........... sonaghss np. edb) British Rainfall..........-...0+0s 50 ‘Thermal Conductivity of Iron, Loh Pre pb Bat orere coco DORCEDE 30 Kent’s Hole Explorations weshen 150 Steamship Performances...... 30 Chemical Constitution of Cast Tr0m.ee....cccoessesseesoees 80 Tron and Steel Manufacture... 100 Methyl Series..........s0ssseeeees 30 Organic Remains in Lime- stone Rocks ...........0606+ Lan GLO | Earthquakes in Scotland...... 10 British Fossil Corals............ 50 Bagshot Leaf-beds .........+++ 30 MoOssil Hora... .cccccscosneserss 25 Tidal Observations ........+«+ 100 Underground Temperature .. 30 Spectroscopic Investigations of Animal Substances ...... 5 Organic Acids........... Sei aisais 12 Kiltorcan Fossils ....,.......... 20 ooo ooocooce ooo ooo oo coco cooo osm oo ~ ooo oocecseo ooo ¢ C1V £ 3. d. Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action Rela- Ty Last Te scicocaeeenansnasba Sendond tp 1030: Mountain Limestone Fossils 25 0 0 Utilisation of Sewage ......... 10:50" 70 Products of Digestion ,........ 10 0 0 £1622 0 0 1870. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 600 Metrical Committee ............ 25 Zoological Record..,........ eee LOO Committee on Marine Fauna 20 Ears in Fishes ee ee er 0 0 0 0) 0 Chemical Nature of Cast Theo) il a Sopsmapeseoonspceb sconce: oD 80 0 Luminous Meteors...........000 30 0 Heat in the Blood.............++ 15 0 BritisheRainfall.., stecsssd0r=se0e 100 0 Thermal Conductivity of NON, ‘RGCswes we ctisisldvaivaclesskx seis 20 0 British Fossil Corals ......... 50 0 Kent’s Hole Explorations 150 O Scottish Earthquakes ......... 4 0 Bagshot Leaf-beds ...........- 15 0 Mossi Hora: soys..n eon te sewers 25 0 Tidal Observations .........46 .100 O Underground Temperature... 50 0 Kiltorcan Quarries Fossils ... 20 0 Mountain Limestone Fossils 25 0 Utilisation of Sewage ......... 50 0 Organic ChemicalCompounds 30 0 Onny River Sediment ........... 3 0 Mechanical Equivalent of HCAHE reste teuratescncteess oh 50 0 £1572 O 1871. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 600 Monthly Reports of Progress in Chemistnycewwes-sesecas cee 100 Metrical Committee ............ 25 Zoological Record............... 100 Thermal Equivalents of the Oxides of Chlorine ......... 10 Tidal Observation............... 100 HOSS OTA Ws. esccesaccmeaseeres 125 Luminous Meteors............... 30 British Fossil Corals............ 25 Heat in the Blood............. ah re Uf British Rainfall............ sense 50 Kent’s Hole Explorations ... 150 Fossil Crustacea ..sccscssseseee 25 Methyl Compounds .,......... veeeO Tyunar Objects cicsessesseneseree 20 coooowooooco oso Oo ole oococococoeoco ooco oooco ocooocoosccoceco ooo (=) GENERAL STATEMENT, £ s. a. Fossil Coral Sections, for Photographic Wi.s.,<1:-09. 20 0) 10 Bagshot Leaf-beds ............ 20 0 O Moab Explorations .,.......+6+ 100 0 0 Gaussian Constants .......+++0. 40 0 0 £1472 2 6 1872. Maintaining the Establish- ment at Kew Observatory 300 0 9 Metrical Committee ............ 715 0 0 Zoological Record ...........000+ 100 0 O Tidal Committee ............... 200 0 0 Carboniferous Corals ........ . 25 0 0 Organic Chemical Compounds 25 0 0 Exploration of Moab ........ - 100 0 0 Terato-embryological Inqui- RES senate ievoilenGvecassccsweceenme 10 0 0 Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 100 0 0 Luminous Meteors ....... race PROMO LSO Heat in the Blood....... scucoase Umi Fossil Crustacea .,......eseeses 25.00 Yossil Elephants of Malta... 25 0 0 Lunar Objects ....... doncttina ssc 20 0 0 Inverse Wave-lengths ........ 3 ORONO British hatte, yer. we eeteone se 100 0 0 Poisonous Substances Anta- POMISHIS ceensecseanceenaeeser eK Oe) Essential Oils, Chemical Con- StiiNtION; Kes \..-seevesndssssenss SOMO NO Mathematical Tables saitalvinels 50) 0! 0 Thermal Conductivity of Me- EU as ectarte telson elves eevee ita ota 25 0 0 £1285 0 0 1873. Zoological Record.........s0+0 100 0 0 Chemistry Record........ saatens 2 OOMEO EO Tidal Committe........ rataeke aye 400 0 0 Sewage Committee ............ 100 0 O Kent’s Cavern Exploration ... 150 0 0 Carboniferous Corals ....... 25 0 0 Fossil Elephants ............+ eo 2omOsG Wave-lengths.......... Wiecocsesees 150 0 0 British Rainfall..............06 . 100 0 0 Hssential\Ous... scsscaeccecaseas 30 0 O Mathematical Tables ....... «» 100, 40150 Gaussian Constants............ sx, LOWLOL NO Sub-Wealden Explorations... 25 0 0 Underground Temperature... 150 0 0 Settle Cave Exploration ...... 50 0 0 Fossil Flora, Ireland......... ¢o. p2010). 20 Timber Denudation and Rain- fall . Atticecetesenntacaersemeds so, 20, OO Luminous Meteors..,.......006+ » 30! OF 0 £1685 0 0 GRANTS OF MONEY, 1874, £ 3. d. Zoological Record ......+++ sse30 100° 0: 0 Chemistry Record..........0+0+ 100 0 0 Mathematical Tables ......... 100 0 O Elliptic Functions...........+++ 100 0 O Lightning Conductors......... 10 0 0 Thermal Conductivity of TROCKS) caccscescnsetavenerssescees 10 0 0 Anthropological Instructions 50 0 0 Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 150 0 0 Tuminous Meteors .......-.06 30 0 0 Intestinal Secretions ......... tbe 107 British Rainfall.............000++ 100 0 0 Essential Oils............ssseeveee 10 0 0 Sub-Wealden Explorations... 25 0 0 Settle Cave Exploration ...... 50 0 0 Mauritius Meteorology ...... 100 0 O Magnetisation of Iron ......... 20 0 O Marine OrganismsS............--. 30 0 0 Fossils, North-West of Scot- PAT esiedsexavseseseaaseneeneseve 210 0 Physiological Action of Light 20 0 0 Trades Unions .......+.ssseeeeee 25 0 0 Mountain Limestone Corals 25 0 0 Erratic Blocks ..........ssseeeee 10 0 0 Dredging, Durham and York- shire CoastS ...ccccsessseseees 28 5 0 High Temperature of Bodies 30 0 0 Siemens’s Pyrometer ......... 3 6 0 Labyrinthodonts of Coal- MECASUTES. cee sseneeeeeeeeeeneene 715 0 £1151 16 O 1875. Elliptic Functions ..........+. 100 0 O Magnetisation of Iron ......... 20 0 0 British Rainfall ............0000 120 0 0 Luminous Meteors ............ 30 0 0 Chemistry Record......... ..... 100 0 0 Specific Volume of Liquids... 25 0 0 Estimation of Potash and Phosphoric Acid...........0605 LOMO 0 Isometric Cresols ..........2.++ 20 0 0 Sub-Wealden Explorations... 100 0 0 Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 100 0 0 Settle Cave Exploration ...... 50 0 0 Earthquakes in Scotland...... 15 0 0 Underground Waters ......... 10 0 0 Development of Myxinoid Js lR@)S) eadeibbapenooboseeenoesceeog 20 0 0 Zoological Record..........-.++ 100 0 0O Instructions for Travellers... 20 0 0 Intestinal Secretions ........ 5 FAD WO 0) Palestine Exploration ......... 100 0 0 £960 0 0 1876. Printing MathematicalTables 159 4 2 British Rainfall 100 0 0 BTS UAW sonsae.=¢acslewocesenssse ey an) Tide Calculating Machine ... 200 0 0 Specific Volyme of Liquids,,, 25 0 0 ° <4 £ 8s. da. Tsomeric Cresols ......sseeeees , 10 0 0 | Action of Ethyl Bromobuty- rate on Ethyl Sodaceto- ACCHATC.....cseseceecerserneeesees 5 0 0 Estimation of Potash and Phosphoric Acid.........-++++8 13 0 0 Exploration of Victoria Cave 100 0 0 Geological Record..........:++ 100 0 0 Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 100 0 0 Thermal Conductivities of Rocks” ..deaccceecsascessesncve sss 10 0 0 Underground Waters .......++ LOMIOE 0 Earthquakes in Scotland...... 110 0 Zoological Record.......ee++ 100 0 0 Close Time .........sccceeseeeeeees bye:037,0 Physiological Action of SOUNG). ...cccccscsceccsess sasees 25 0 0 Naples Zoological Station ... 75 0 0 Intestinal Secretions ......... 15 0 0 Physical Characters of Inha- bitants of British Isles...... 1315 0 Measuring Speed of Ships ... 10 0 0 Effect of Propeller on turning of Steam-vessels .........++. 5. 0..0 £1092 4 2 1877. Liquid Carbonic Acid in INETMOTAI Se see net velon slswseua conven 20 0 0 Elliptic Functions ............ 250 0 0 Thermal Conductivity of ROCKS i eacesdsacconersosacsarasa3 ala Deedee Zoological Record...........++ 100 0 O Kent’s Cavern .....scccersseceee 100 0 0 Zoological Station at Naples 75 0 O Luminous Meteors .......+.-. 30 0 O Elasticity of Wires ........06 - 100 0 O Dipterocarper, Report on ... 20 0 0 Mechanical Equivalent of 18 (ihe Soeeceacsonee connae eeesee 35 0 O Double Compounds of Cobalt andeNiekelcen. 100):0) 40 Fermanagh Caves “‘Explora- TON fads ac t-cesanobaete uaeene- hex 1 00 Thermal Conductivity of 1880. ROCKS .....seesseseeseeseereeees 416 6 | New Formof High Insulation Luminous Meteors.........++.++4 10 0 0 TE GY ence ndestvosndaseegnastemen 10 0 0 Ancient Earthworks ............ 25 0 0 Underground Temperature... 10 0 0 £725 16 6 | Determination of the Me- aati 8. chanical Equivalent of Heat... tacessuacavaeces ssn 8 5» 10 Elasticity of Wires ............ 50 0 O Luminous Meteors ..........4. 30-.0 0 1879. Lunar Disturbance of Gravity 30 0 0 Table at the Zoological Fundamental Invariants ...... Sib. 0 Station, Naples ............... 75 © 0 | Laws of Water Friction ...... 20 0 0 Miocene Flora of the Basalt Specific Inductive Capacity of the North of Ireland 207 10. 0 of Sprengel Vacuum......... 20 0 0 Illustrations for a Monograph Completion of Tables of Sun- on the Mammoth ...,........ 17 00 heat Coefficients ............ 50 0 O Record of Zoological Litera- Instrument for Detection of UMMC esse succhosstescececcceecteme 100 0 0 Fire-damp in Mines ......... 10 0 0 Composition and Structure of Inductive Capacity of Crystals less-known Alkaloids ...... Bb 0.6 and Paraffines .....0-0..s0e ca ae ( Exploration of Caves in Report on Carboniferous BOrneo. tht debe sere 50 0 O POLY 208. catctasstocncccscspenutee Tis 0-..0 Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 100 0 0 | Caves of South Ireland ...... 10 0 0 Record of the Progress of Viviparous Nature of Ichthyo- Geology: ic.c.sneee eee 100 0 O SAMVUNS wt cses use sdadaeacsnenoeree 10 0 0 Fermanagh CavesExploration 5 0 0 | Kent’s Cavern Exploration... 50 0 O Electrolysis of Metallic Sotu- Geological Record............... 100 0 0 tions and Solutions of Miocene Flora of the Basalt Compound Salts...........26. 25 0 0 of North Ireland ............ 15 0 0 Anthropometric Committee... 50 0 0 | Underground Waters of Per- Natural History of Socotra... 100 0 0 mian Formations ............ DONO Calculation of Factor Tables Record of Zoological Litera- for 5th and 6th Millions .;. 150 0 0 GIEEC emia anmenn cossn dey es coax bee - 100 0 0 Underground Waters............ 10 0 Q | Table at Zoological Station Steering of Screw Steamers... 10 0 0 at Naples sania 75 0 0 Improvements in Astrono- Investigation of the Geology mical ‘Clocks’ ‘7... 0s 30 10) 20 and Zoology of Mexico...... 60 0 0 Marine Zoology of South Anthropometry <:-.....sss-snesss 50 0 0 NBER pidvannnce seeceecsee ettee 20 0 0 | Patent Laws oi eeeeeeee 5 0 0 Determination of Mechanical Equivalent of Heat ......... 1215 6 heel i ie 1881. Lunar Disturbance of Gravit 'f Underground Temperature .. Blectrical Standards............ High Insulation Key............ Tidal Observations ........++ Specific Refractions ............ Fossil Polyzoa .....esseeeeeeeeee Underground Waters ......... Earthquakes in Japan ......... Tertiary Flora ..............+00+ Scottish Zoological Station ... Naples Zoological Station Natural History of Socotra . Anthropological Notes and MUTETICS So ccccccodcscecenes cece Zoological Record.............. Weights and Heights of Human Beings ..........+5++- 1882. fxploration of Central Africa 100 0 0 Fundamental Invariants of Algebraical Forms ......... Standards for Electrical Measurements ....-...-.000++ Calibration of Mercurial Ther- TMOMEHETS ....ceceeeseesccecees Wave-length Tables of Spec- tra of Elements...........+... Photographing Ultra-violet Spark Spectra .......ec.ee0-. Geological Record............... Earthquake Phenomena of MADAM cen ecs-coce-ccaveneesnces Conversion of Sedimentary Materials into Metamorphic ESE Ceeiceinchacoodeseecenc mores Fossil Plants of Halifax ...... Geological Map of Europe ... Circulation of Underground WWHLCES ©. caconspepscasesanseencess Tertiary Flora of North of LL SLEVEG | ashes peootheageecencecs: British Polyzoa .......sssessesses Exploration of Caves of South Gertreland ~ ccc cccccscesansans-n Exploration of Raygill Fissure Naples Zoological Station . Albuminoid Substances of BENIN cesccstyactecasasssccereas Elimination of Nitrogen by Bodily Exercise..............+ Migration of Birds ............ Natural History of Socotra... Natural History of Timor-laut Record of Zoological Litera- LEST S) 5 Shaaaseec anes cack Aednaee SC © cooescooouUcocoScO®” So CS coocoscOoHccoceso® Sire 2 Oe One Sie oS Oo ocSoS:o SSS SSO, Oy SoS oo hehe So oo) oS oC 'S oo o ooo ye i" GRANTS OF MONEY. 1883. Meteorological Observations ONDE NEVIS isc1.-ss05seeeace= Isomeric Naphthalene Deri- WaLIVERseeheateunciiest= =i eps sopaes Earthquake Phenomena of UAPARNM fametcexksscnncsuese 0 Fossil Plants of Halifax...... British Fossil Polyzoa ......... Fossil Phyllopoda of Palo- ZOIC ROCKS ....ccsssceesseeeeses Erosion of Sea-coast of Eng- land and Wales .......¢+...++. Circulation of Underground Widens. < /ecueseacescncieniterttent Geological Record..........++++. Exploration of Caves in South Gleleelaniy ccctsescesetessencesc= Zoological Literature Record 100 Migration of Birds ............ Zoological Station at Naples Scottish Zoological Station... Elimination of Nitrogen by Bodily Exercise.............+ Exploration of Mount Kili- WHAcED NO. sarceraareesepensraien | Investigation of Loughton (Oc teeecenrcord EEMUcore crepe Natural History of Timor-laut 50 Screw GaUPeSivres.c.sccaesne asfst 1884, Meteorological Observations evii 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 0 0 0 0 O10 0 0 ws | we On) BEN INGVIS) seccvessscassasss 0 0 Collecting and Investigating Meteoric Dust...............08- 0 0 Meteorological Observatory at CHE SHOW sss cccasenases

Cscsccssecnseorsss 10 0 0 Fossil Phyllopoda ............0++ 20 0 0 Coal Plants of Halifax........ 25 0 0 Microscopic Structure of the Rocks of Anglesey............ Oo Us 9) Exploration of the Eocene Beds of the Isleof Wight... 20 0 0 Underground Waters ........+ 5 0 0 ‘Manure’ Gravelsof Wexford 10 0 0 Provincial Museums Reports 5 O 0 Lymphatic System ............ Zon 0) 0 Naples Biological Station 100 0 O Plymouth Biological Station 50 0 0 Granton Biological Station... 75 0 0 Zoological Record .........++0++5 100 0 O Wloraol China vs...dsserenscoese 75 0 0 | Flora and Fauna of the CaMEYoOONs ........seeereeee cee Soe OO Migration of Birds ............ 30 0 0 Bathy-hypsographical Map of BYITISHMISICS ee enceccrseseevs 160 Regulation of Wages ......... 10 0 0 Prehistoric Race of Greek TSTANGSteesececectacesooetenensn 20 0 0 Racial Photographs, Egyptian 20 0 0 £1186 18 0 ERAL STATEMENT. ———— GRANTS OF MONEY. 1888. £ Ben Nevis Observatory......... 150 Electrical Standards............ 2 Magnetic Observations......... 15 Standards of Light ............ 79 Electrolysis ......c.scsssseeeeees 30 Uniform Nomenclature in MIGCCHANICS «2. .ccccceccecceceess 10 Silent Discharge of Elec- EMCEE Nate dascexte- acess cosnes res 9 Properties of Solutions ...... 25 Influence of Silicon on Steel 20 Methods of Teaching Chemis- TAY oetiob soSedanccuer saber “near 10 Isomeric Naphthalene Deriva- MIME Neteicaia acess tcaracescceq= aes 25 Action of Light on Hydracids 20 Sea Beach near Bridlington... 20 Geological Record .............4 50 Manure Gravels of Wexford... 10 Erosion of Sea Coasts ......... 10 Underground Waters ......... 5 Palzontographical Society ... 50 Pliocene Fauna of St. Erth... 50 Carboniferous Flora of Lan- cashire and West Yorkshire 25 Volcanic Phenomena of Vesu- THLE Gecoc@sboegestptadnosasonseas 20 Zoology and Botany of West IPGHIGS wacessacccsscnscnccvcsscass 100 Flora of Bahamas .......0.....+. 100 Development of Fishes—st. FAHOREWS)) o o Oo Oo oo, Oo oS oo ooo ooo a OSes | Shell-bearing Deposits at | Eurypterids of the Pentland Naples Zoological Station ... 100 Marine Biological Association 17 1 Deep-sea Tow-net ...........+0++ 40 Fauna of Sandwich Islands... 100 Zoology and Botany of West 1892. : 8, Observations on Ben Nevis... 50 0 Photographsof Meteorological PhenOMENA.....02..scesseseesers 15 0 Pellian Equation Tables ...... 10 0 Discharge of Electricity from POUWGGS 6s vne wpe nice s ooease omeneeer 50 0 | Seismological Phenomena of J APA, con eeeeie seer ea ae rece 100 Formation of Haloids ......... 12 0 Properties of Solutions ...... 10 0 Action of Light on Dyed COLOUTS .....cesereneccasnoenens 10 0 Erratic Blocks .......... eee 16 0 | Photographs of Geological | SMOLNtCResbses: oss eeeens.< peoreontscce 20 0 Underground Waters ........ 29 BO. G Investigation of Elbolton CaVeresc.eccs seatasteua ewan eae 25 0 Excavations at Oldbury Hill 10 0 Cretaceous Polyzoa ........0.0+ 10 O 0 0 0 0 India Wslandsise... «nnessnanaaes 100 O Climatology and Hydrography of Tropical Africa ......... «. 50 0 Anthropometric Laboratory... 5 0 | Anthropological Notes and QUETIES! Angox.'ong one eer aeons 20 0 Prehistoric Remains in Ma- shonaland ........sss0000. Breer rll | ie (6) North-Western ‘Tribes of (Canada Wiescacasaes css semeneaes 100 0 Corresponding Societies ..... s. 2b 0: £864 10 a 1893. Electrical Standards............ 25 Observations on Ben Nevis... 150 Mathematical Tables ......... 15 | Intensity of Solar Radiation 2 | Magnetic Work at the Tal- mouth Observatory ......... 26 Isomeric Naphthalene Deri- WALVIES es piecne sane vstecrcaieane 20 BiLabIG DIGCKS cs csscscnessene 10 | Fossil Phyllopoda............... 5 Underground Waters ......... 5 Clava, Chapelhall, &e. ...... 20 ASN Ggevewessy sot) eswaiemnaeeraiee + 710 Naples Zoological Station ... 100 Marine Biological Association, 30 Fauna of Sandwich Islands 100 Zoology and Botany of West Inde Uslands)s; <<. c Roriosa rigsdocno-oonscnnta 25 0 0 £1430 14 2 1900. Electrical Standards............ 25 0 0 Seismological Observations... 60 0 0 Radiation ina Magnetic Field 25 0 O Meteorological Observatory at Montredle see ven-convectesecretss 20) 0)-0 Tables of Mathematical Func- GIONS ieleceche- eV es atebieop cenene sue 76 0 0 Relation between Absorption Spectra and Constitution of Organic Bodies......... ee ORT O- iO | Wave-length Tables............ Beworro | Electrolytic Quantitative AMIANYSiS:;.c.505cnteeete Beaehes so 0" 0 xiv £3. a. isomorphous Sulphonic De- rivatives of Benzene......... 200) “0 The Nature of Alloys ......... 30 0 0 Photographs of Geological UNECE Ac. iesccsecscversssaveees 10 0 0 Remains of Elk in the Isle of WAN asa dUaswaseteoneretonssassnss 1b O10 Pleistocene Fauna and Flora In| Canada's. csctesenccsseses ces 10 0 O Movements of Underground Waters of Craven ............ 40 0 0 Table at the Zoological Sta- GION, NAPICS ive ecsevsecconece O07 20)-0 Table at the Biological La- boratory, Plymouth ......... 20 0 0 Index Generum et Specierum Amimalivimijsc.cscsssssevesssoet 50 0 0 Migration of Birds ..........4 L602 Plankton and Physical Con- ditions of the English @hanneleviercscseceeeetseeccee 40 0 0 Zoology of the Sandwich NSUHTGH, yar dvaaesseesseyees= cere 100 0 O Coral Reefs of the Indian REQION: a nasatsdeevesnateoers 30 0 0 Physical and Chemical Con- ‘stants of Sea-Water ......... 100 0 0 Future Dealings in Raw PrOGuUCe \..:.ccs¥esscesscbecsece 210 0 Silchester Excavation ......... 100) 0 Ethnological Survey of CANAGH Weascesueeesteeresseeeee 50 0 0 New Edition of ‘ Anthropo- logical Notes and Queries’ 40 0 0 Photographs of Anthropo- logical Interest ........+.+.00+ 10 0 O Mental and Physical Condi- tion of Children in Schools 5 0 O Ethnography of the Malay Peninsula) \ (o>) ooo oo oo Oo [S)io a) (>) oo oo i=) oo°oo°o o| Sooo ool MK) Married forward: |. x:ssdcsecw eo iss sas Cid 25s Cee LOL * Neappointed. exlii SYNOPSIS OF GRANTS OF MONEY. £ Brouplit forward .o,