Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. REPORT OF CHIEF OF BUREAU OF BIOLO Unitep States DeparrMEent or AGRICULTURE, Bureau or BrorocicaL Survey, Washington, D. C., September 1, 1928. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the work of the Bureau of Biological Survey for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. Respectfully, Hon. W. M. Jarpine, Secretary of Agriculture. Paut G. Reprneton, Chief. WILD LIFE RESEARCH AND ADMINIS- TRATION Research, service, and regulatory functions with regard to wild life em- brace all the varied operations of the Bureau of Biological Survey. In these three branches the bureau has enjoyed continued cordial relations with scien- tific institutions and individual re- search workers; with officers of State departments of agriculture, extension services, livestock and other associa- tions, cooperating stockmen, and farm- ers; and with State conservation de- partments, the Alaska Game Commis- sion, sportsmen’s associations, hunting clubs, and individual sportsmen and other conservationists. Through the interest of cooperators in the varied duties assigned to the Bureau of Bio- logical Survey, the influence and help- fulness of the bureau is greatly ex- tended, far beyond the sphere of activ- ity of the limited force of workers that can be carried on its rolls. Fundamental to all other functions of the bureau is the important branch of research. The scientific investiga- tions of the survey cover studies of the distribution and habits of wild-life forms, their economic status as deter- mined by food and feeding habits, the conservation and propagation in cap-~ tivity of useful wild mammals and birds, and methods of reducing the damage wrought by predatory animals 14833—28——1 on livestock and on game and other useful species, by rodents on farm and forage crops, and by other forms that are otherwise economically injurious. The importance of extending the re- search work of the bureau can not be too strongly stressed. Without it, the service expected by the public and by the various States in advice and co- ordination of effort in wild-life con- servation, utilization, and control can not be properly rendered. Dependent upon the research work of the bureau and developing from it is the branch of service, the activities of which consist for the most part in disseminating the information gath- ered; work for the benefit of the pub- lic, not primarily involving research, described as wild-life control, either in independent operations on public do- main or in organized campaigns con- ducted cooperatively with State, Ter- ritorial, or other agencies; and wild-life conservation through the ad- ministration of bird refuges and big- game preserves. The future enjoyment of wild-life resources is dependent upon the ad- ministration of conservation laws and related regulatory and educational ac- tivities. The laws administered by the Bureau of Biological Survey, through the preparation and enforce- ment of regulations, include (1) the migratory bird treaty act, (2) the Lacey Act, regulating interstate com- za RAR Cc EE IV & D es i e a Ae 2 ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE merce in wild-life forms and their im- portation from foreign countries, (3) the act protecting wild life and prop- erty on game and bird reservations, (4) the upper Mississippi River wild- life and fish refuge act, (5) the Bear River migratory bird refuge act, (6) a section of the tariff act of 1922 (sec. 1569) authorizing regulations to con- trol the importation of eggs of game birds, and (7) the Alaska game law, through representation on and coop- eration with the Alaska Game Com- mission. ORGANIZATION CHANGES Just before the close of the year a reorganization of the activities of the bureau on conservational lines was ef- fected in the consolidation of the di- vision administering game and bird reservations and Alaskan wild life with the division of migratory-bird treaty and Lacey Acts administration. The new division of game and bird con- servation is under the leadership of H. P. Sheldon, formerly in charge of the latter division. His title has been changed from chief United States game warden to United States game con- servation officer. The change in ad- ministrative direction permits the as- signment of E. A. Goldman, formerly in charge of the reservations division, to research work, to continue scien- tifie investigations that had been in- terrupted by administrative responsi- bilities. mer divisions will now be known, re- spectively, as United States reserva- tion protectors and United States game protectors, but cooperating State and other officials detailed to enforcement of the migratory-bird treaty and Lacey Acts will still be designated United States deputy game wardens. The change in organization was made with a view to preventing what was seen to be a tendency toward overlapping of functions of the two divisions, and will be in the interest of better corre- lation of the work of the bureau and of greater efficiency and economy, par- ticularly in the further development of the migratory-bird refuge program. A further change in leadership with- in the bureau was brought about on February 16, 1928, when A. K. Fisher, connected with the Bureau of Biologi- cal Survey ever since its organization in 1885 and since 1909 in charge of the division of economic investigations, was assigned to scientific work to round out material on the economic status of hawks and owls, a subject on which he has long been a recog- nized authority. He was succeeded division. The wardens of the two for-~ by Stanley P. Young, by transfer from, active predatory-animal field opera- tions in Colorado, and for the past year assistant in the direction of the W. E. Crouch, for 12 years a leader in rodent-control operations. in Idaho, was brought to Washington to assist Mr. Young. CHIEF ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE YEAR Among the landmarks placed during: the year that indicate definite accom- plishment in wild-life administration or forward-looking legislation to pro- mote conservational programs, may be mentioned the following, the details concerning which are set forth in this report, together with the urgent need for still greater constructive advance: Inauguration of studies of changing abundance of migratory wild fowl from year to year, through systematic and repeated censuses taken by coopera- tors of the Bureau of Biological Sur- vey on important concentration areas. Authorization by congressional legis- lation of more extended research hav- ing to do with the relations of wild life to forestry—the effects of birds, mammals, and other forms on forest production. Successful crossbreeding of Alaskan reindeer with native caribou captured, for the experiments, and the birth of fawns of materially increased weight. Progress in research work on the food of the English sparrow through the completion of examination of thou- sands of stomachs collected throughout the country, the first stage necessary to. the preparation of a final report. Establishment of the rabbit experi- ment station in California to supple- ment other investigations on the pro- duction of rabbits for fur and food. Definite progress through coopera- tive effort in investigations of diseases of foxes and measures for their pre- vention and cure on fox farms. Development, through a conference of field leaders in rodent and preda- tory-animal control at Ogden, Utah, of improved plans for research work and definite policies in local and gen- eral control operations. Congress Yre- quested that there be submitted to it at the next session a plan that will operate to insure adequate control of the predatory animals throughout the country. Avithorization by Congress of a ref- uge for migratory birds in the exten- sive Bear River marshes, Utah, and first steps in its administration, as an aid to conserving the wild-fowl re sources of the West. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 5 Greater expedition in the work of acquiring lands for the upper Missis- sippi wild-life refuge through congres- sional aid and through private dona- tion of areas important to the purposes of the refuge. Definite progress in studies of the re- quirements of the Wyoming elk, in the administration of other game animals and birds on reservations, and in co- ordination of State and Federal poli- cies in wild-life administration gen- erally. The development of additional ref- uge areas for wild life has been brought more intimately to public at- tention, and the sentiment throughout the country is more definitely crystal- lized in favor of a unified program, as it becomes generally understood that the onward march of civilization, with its farming and industrial operations, threatens at least locally the ultimate extinction of the various forms of wild life that were the delight of our for- bears and that can not be perpetuated for future enjoyment unless provided with- free range, including feeding, breeding, and resting grounds. BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND LIFE- HISTORY STUDIES Research is an absolute essential to progress in wild-life administration. The Federal Government alone can not be depended upon to solve all the prob- lems involved. Cooperation of all agencies—States, Federal bureaus, as- seciations, and individuals—to provide reliable and specific facts for long-time programs of conservation is a very definite obligation. All problems af- fecting wild-animal life should be con- sidered not alone from the standpoint of the present but of future genera- tions. Constructive programs must be put into effect that will make avail- able to all the people the wholesome influences of the great outdoors, in- cluding the stimulus of wild-life as- sociation. During the past year par- ticularly important progress has been made in projecting clearly defined plans of research to these ends, and in enlisting the cooperation of organi- zations interested in these undertak- ings. INVESTIGATIONS OF WILD FOWL AND BIG GAME WATERFOWL CENSUSES The response made by observers throughout the country to the appeal of the bureau for assistance in gath- ering more complete information re garding the abundance, distribution, and movements of waterfowl has been most gratifying. More than 3,000 ob- servation stations have been estab- lished, representing every State in the Union and all the Provinces of Can- ada, as well as Alaska and Porto Rico. Reports from these stations are made by volunteer observers on selected dates once each month, each giving results of actual field observation on a waterfowl-resort area typical of the region. Cooperation has been obtained from virtually all State game and con- servation commissions, chiefly through their warden forces; from Canadian authorities, through cooperation of the Office of National Parks of Canada and game officials of the Provinces ; from sportsmen’s and conservation or- ganizations; and from _ individuals. Federal bureaus include the Forest Service, the Weather Bureau, and the Hxtension Service of the Department of Agriculture, the National Park Service, the Office of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bureau of Education of the Depart- ment of the Interior; the Bureau of Lighthouses and the Bureau of Fish- eries of the Department of Commerce ; the Coast Guard of the Treasury De- partment; and the Office of Engineers of the War Department. The work hag been aided also by such State and national organizations of sportsmen and conservationists as the American Wild Fowlers, the American Game Protective Association, and the Izaak Walton League of America. The work of cooperators has been stimulated, systematized, and checked up through field contacts by the lead- ers, and the reports received, totaling many thousands, furnish the basis for a far more detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the status of waterfowl in North America than has heretofore been available. The information has been carded and indexed for ready reference, and preliminary maps pre- pared: showing in a graphic way con- ditions that must be given considera- tion in formulating plans to insure the maintenance of waterfowl in satis- factory numbers. The results of this survey will become increasingly valu- able as they accumulate over a period of years. The undertaking has cry- stallized and put into effect the feel- ing of leaders in game-conservation work throughout the country that prac- tical broad-gauge efforts must be made to obtain the facts as a basis for ef- fective administration. STATUS OF THE WOODCOCK Inquiry was made and reports were received from more than 300 selected | observers among ornithologists and sportsmen regarding the status of the woodcock throughout its present range. The information thus obtained was tabulated and compared with that al- ready on hand in considering the many proposals received regarding measures essential to the adequate protection of this interesting and valuable game bird and in amending regulations gov- erning the open season. The migratory-bird treaty-act advis- ory board has recommended that the Bureau of Biological Survey carry out a detailed investigation of the wood- cock throughout its range. Much es- sential information concerning this bird is lacking. A closer check on the migratory flight lines by extensive field study and banding operations is desir- able. ELK IN WYOMING In accordance with plans developed in the preceding year, in cooperation, with the State game and fish commis- sion of Wyoming, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Animal Industry, an experienced biologist has been en- gaged throughout the year in a study of the Jackson Hole elk. This is in harmony with recommendations made by the commission appointed by the President’s committee on outdoor rec- reation. Detailed and comprehensive information is being obtained regard- ing the number, the breeding and feed- ing habits, and the seasonal move- ments of these elk, as well as their range and food requirements in rela- tion to livestock grazing, and their diseases and parasites or other causes of depletion. The Bureau of Plant In- dustry and the United States National Museum have aided by identifying im- portant forage plants consumed by the elk. Study of the grazing habits of the elk is,being made in accordance with methods used by the Forest Serv- ice in studying the grazing habits of livestock, in order that the results may be useful in working out plans helpful to the local game and livestock inter- ests, as well as to those of other re- . gions where, similar studies are needed. The seasonal movements of the elk and such influencing factors as food, temperature, shelter, and insects are being studied. Observation is be- ing made on the influence of predatory animals, including cougars, wolves, and coyotes, on the decrease of the ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE elk. Statistics are not now available on the number of elk killed by hunt- ers, but the State fish and game com- mission of Wyoming has arranged to obtain reports on this subject in con- nection with the issuance of future licenses. No cases of starvation were observed during the past winter, dur- ing which conditions were rather fa- vorable, and it is believed that there were few, if any. All animals exam- ined had full stomachs, and in few cases was the food improperly digested. Elk parasites collected, and later identified by the Bureau of Animal Industry, included tapeworms and cysts, lung worms, grubs, and ticks. One adult bull elk and two adult cows were found affected by scab, and sev- eral others were reported. Particular attention was. given to diseases throughout the winter and spring. A total of 409 animals were found dead, and 193 postmortem examinations were made. Of this number 70 showed defi- nite evidence of necrotic stomatitis, and others presented indications of this disease. The diagnoses are based largely on the reports made by the Bureau of Animal Industry on dis- eased tissue submitted. These studies involved about 7,000 animals, so the total loss was approximately 5.8 per cent. There was a total of about 1,406 calves with a known loss of 259, or approximately 18 per cent. The pres- ence of squirrel-tail in the hay and undue concentration of the herds on feeding grounds are apparently largely responsible for the prevalence of ne- crotic stomatitis. If these causes can be eliminated or reduced the herd will be safer from ravages of epizootic diseases. It seems impracticable to treat diseased elk, hence preventive measures are required. The ideal arrangement would be to maintain the elk in as nearly a wild state as possible. Effort should be made in the direction of preserving the elks’ natural instincts, so that they will care for themselves properly and obtain their own food as far as possi- ble. The feeding of hay in severe winters will doubtless continue to be necessary, but the feed should be free from disease-inducing plants. ELK IN ARIZONA At the request of the Forest Sery- ice and of State officials in Arizona, a representative was detailed to the Chiricahua Mountains to investigate and report on the practicability of introducing elk into that region. His study was made in cooperation with BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 5 representatives of the Forest Service, the State game department, the State game protective association, and the local stockmen’s association. Consid- eration of all the factors involved. ap- peared adverse to the proposal, but it was recommended that effort be made to increase such other desirable game species as mule deer and wild turkey. DEER IN PENNSYLVANIA In response to an urgent call from the board of game commissioners of Pennsylvania a biologist was detailed to examine conditicns attending the large loss of deer in certain parts of that State. His studies revealed con- clusive evidence of overstocking. over- grazing, and consequent starvation of thousands of young deer. Copies of the report were furnished to the State board of game commissioners, the Forest Service, and the game depart- ments of other States where similar conditions might obtain, and it was also republished extensively in period- icals devoted to game interests. The report included information regarding the history of game management in Pennsylvania, the present abundance of deer, their food habits and food supplies, damage by deer, and the losses that had occurred, with sug- gestions for improving game-manage- ment practices. Many letters received indicate that similar losses occur in other sections, and this analysis of con- ditions in Pennsylvania is thus proving helpful in other States. BROWN BEARS IN ALASKA Some concern has been felt relative to the status of the Alaskan brown bear, but investigations conducted by the survey in the spring of 1928 in- dicate that there has not been such a serious decrease in the numbers of this unique American animal as to warrant fear of its extermination. STUDIES OF OTHER BIG GAME A number of other special studies were carried on during the year, in- eluding investigations in cooperation with the Office of National Parks of’ Canada and the American Wild Fowl- ers concerning destructive agencies and other factors that affect the num- bers of waterfowl on their breeding grounds. A report on the caribou of Alaska, based on studies carried on during the past several years, was prepared for publication. i COOPERATIVE STUDIES OF WILD LIFE IN FORESTS AND PARKS MAMMALS AND BIRDS IN SOUTHERN FORESTS In cooperation with the Forest Serv- ice a preliminary study was made dur- ing the months of April and May at the forest experiment station on the Bent Creek area of the Pisgah Na- tional Forest in North Carolina to determine the numbers, activities, and habits in relation to forest production of the mammals and birds inhabiting the area. Four areas of 2 acres each in three distinct forest types were se- lected for trapping operations. These were visited daily to remove speci- mens and record observations. Studies also were made of injury by rodents or other animals to seedlings and young growth of valuable forest trees. Lists of birds and mammals found on the experimental areas and in the vicinity were kept, and observa- tions made regarding their numbers and general feeding habits that might be a factor in the success of forest production, The stomachs of all ro- dents collected were preserved for laboratory study. PORCUPINES IN RELATION PRODUCTION TO FOREST Studies of the porcupine have dem- onstrated that this animal is seriously important economically, and that where it is locally abundant control opera- tions may be needed. In the South- west porcupines occur commonly in, places on the Tusayan, Coconino, Car- son, and San Juan National Forests. Although characteristically forest ani- mals, they may be found at considera- ble distances from trees, and are par- tial to ridges, gullies, rocky breaks, caves, and bowlder slopes. In this region they prefer the bark of mod- erate-sized yellow pines to that of other trees, but injure also other pines, firs, spruces, and junipers. In certain parts of the Southwest porcupine damage is probably second only to that caused by fire and mistle- toe. In larger trees the damage is chiefly to the tops, the upper portions of the trunk being so peeled and girdled that the summit of the tree is either killed or deformed. Porcu- pines also consume a_ considerable quantity of foliage, thus retarding the growth of trees. The fact that porcu- pines often revisit particular trees in the course of their wanderings through the woods has afforded a vulnerable 6 ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE point of attack in planning control work. CONTEMPLATED STUDIES OF FOREST ANIMALS Worest wild-life research will be con- ducted on an increasing scale in ac- cordance with provisions of the re- cently enacted McNary-McSweeney bill, which provides for the gradual, effective development of a forest-re- search program. Among other lines of research it authorizes participation by the Biological Survey in experiments and investigations in determining the life histories and habits of forest mam- mals, birds, and other forms of wild life, whether injurious to forest growth or of value as a supplemental resource, and in developing the best and most effective methods for their management and control. This is a most far-sighted and important piece of legislation and will make possible the systematic organization of research and the assembling of basic informa- tion essential for national, State, and local programs for the development of forests and forest resources. ANIMAL LIFE IN GRAND OANYON NATIONAL PARK Near the close of the fiscal year con- ferences were held and plans arranged for cooperation with the Carnegie In- stitution of Washington, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Re- search Council, and the National Park Service in efforts to learn what corre lations there are of the present animal and plant life with that of the geologi- eal formations in various national parks. This investigational and edu- cational program, beginning in the Grand Canyon of Arizona, should afford important and interesting in- formation regarding features to be ob- Served by visitors to the parks. INVESTIGATIONS IN GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION BIRD MIGRATION Many records have been added to the geographic distribution files of the Bureau of Biological Survey during the year from data gathered by corre- spondents and cooperators, and from general literature, about 40,000 addi- tions having been made to this valu- able file of approximately 1,500,000 rec- ords. Maps of the breeding ranges of many species have been revised. Prog- ress has been made in the preparation of a bulletin on the distribution and migration of North American swal- lows. Revision of a circular on the spread of the European starling in North America to 1928 was completed and forwarded for publication at the end of the year, supplementing the in- formation published in 1925. Techni- cal Bulletin No, 26, Our Migrant Shore- birds in Southern South America, which sets forth the dangers that be- set many of the northern species in their winter homes, was issued during the year. Another outstanding report, Technical Bulletin No. 61, Wild Birds Introduced or Transplanted in North America, prepared by John C. Phillips, a collaborator of the bureau, details the meager success that has attended the numerous efforts to introduce for- eign birds and transplant native species. Bird-migration records have been brought to date and include re- ports received during the year from the 200 cooperative observers. BIRD BANDING The banding of birds continues to yield increasingly interesting and valu- able information. -The opportunities afforded by this method for intimate acquaintance with the birds and for obtaining definite information regard- ing their habits, migratory movements, and distribution, make a strong appeal to bird students. The number of qualified cooperators has continued to grow Steadily until a point has been reached where existing facilities for this investigation are inadequate to meet the demands upon the bureau, A great accumulation of data emphasizes the necessity for the publication of re- ports that are demanded by educa- tional institutions, cooperators, and bird students generally. At the close of the year more than 1,400 persons, including 99 in Canada, were on the list of bird-banding covperators. The methods employed and the results ob- tained have aroused much interest in European countries, and a comprehen- sive account of trapping methods for “ringing” birds, as banding is termed in England, was prepared in the Bio- logical Survey and published in No- vember in British Birds Magazine. Dutring the year 195,000 bands were purchased for the use of cooperators, and the number of birds already re- ported as banded during the year totals 127,105, an increase of more than 35,000 over the previous year, bringing the total banded since 1920 to more than 400,000. Return records reported during the year total approximately BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 7 7,000. Technical Bulletin No. 32, Re- turns from Banded Birds, 1923 to 1926, ‘including tabulations of the more than 10,000 sets of return data received, was ‘published during the year, and a popu- lar explanation of the purposes and ‘accomplishments in bird banding ap- peared in the 1927 Yearbook. An ex- tended popular article, Bird Banding, the Telltale of Migratory Flight, pub- lished in the National Geographic Magazine in January, elicited much favorable comment. Outstanding during the year was the banding of 5,000 mallard ducks at the National Bison Range, Moiese, Mont., returns from which show that birds from that section winter chiefly on the Pacific coast, from Washington south to southern California. This is ‘one of the many instances where sig- nificant information has been obtained regarding the movements of waterfowl. The percentage of returns to the total number of waterfowl banded should afford a basis for calculating the ap- proximate numbers of these birds when reliable information is obtained regarding the annual kill by hunters. A manuscript on this phase of the work has been prepared for publica- tion under the title “‘A Method of De- termining the Annual Fluctuation in the Abundance of Waterfowl.” Progress has been made in the prep- aration of a manual showing the most satisfactory methods of trapping and handling birds for banding. Bird banding is stimulating its devotees to record the results of their work, and is thus yielding information of im- portance, as indicated by a list of more than 500 articles on the subject, recently compiled in the bureau. CENSUSES OF NONGAME BIRDS The censuses of birds other than waterfowl have been continued as in previous years and provide valuable ‘data regarding the breeding of birds on selected areas throughout the coun- try. The reports of cooperative ob- servers provide specific information re- garding the relative abundance of spe- ‘cies, and the observations accumulating over several years yield data for a better understanding of the abundance ‘and breeding habits of this class of birds. / BIOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF MAJOR AREAS Further progress has been made ‘during the year toward the completion ‘of a biological survey of Wisconsin. A report on the mammals and life zones of Oregon was practically com- pleted, one on the birds of Washington was finished, and one on the birds of Florida is well under way. An exten- sive report on the birds of New Mexico was in press at the close of the year, being published by the State game commission of New Mexico in coopera- tion with the State game-protective as- sociation and the Biological Survey. Comprehensive reports finished during previous years, but still awaiting pub- lication, include annotated lists of the birds of Texas and of the mammals of New Mexico. IDENTIFICATION AND TAXONOMIC WORK Conclusions in research on any of the biological sciences have little, if any, scientific worth unless the identi- fication of the species involved is accu- rate. The work of identifying speci- mens is particularly vital in studies along economic or medical lines, since wrong determinations may result in losses of property or even of human life. The direct bearing of taxonomic work on all phases of the operations ot the bureau and of cooperating Fed- eral and State agencies and educa- tion institutions makes desirable a considerable enlargement of this phase of the survey’s work. The scientific collections of the bureau now include approximately 63,000 birds and 135,000 mammals. Not only are these collec- tions the basis of important research work of the staff, but they are also available for the use of special work- ers in other institutions. During the year a revision of the North American lemming mice was published in the series of the North American Fauna (No. 50), and at the end of the year a review of the American long-tailed shrews (North American Fauna No. 51) was in press. LIFE HABITS OF INJURIOUS AND BENEFICIAL SPECIES Mammals, especially certain ro- dents, may often become serious pests, and, on the other hand, many mam- mals are mainly beneficial in their effect on the soil and in their control of various fungi, rusts, or insects that might otherwise do extensive damage. Recent studies of the life habits of mammals have been concerned chiefly with jack rabbits, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, kangaroo rats, and por- cupines. RODENTS AND RANGH FORAGE IN ARIZONA Biological investigations in the Southwest have dealt primarily with 8 ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the relations between and range forage, operation with the Forest Service, the University of Arizona, and the Car- negie Institution of Washington. Quantitative determinations of the food of rodents have served to empha- size the importance of these relations. The work has demonstrated that the native animal population of the South- west is a fundamental factor in range management. Intensive studies have been con- ducted to determine the effect of na- tive rodents on plant growth, particu- larly forage. These included the re- sults of overgrazing by native rodents, a habit that prevents satisfactory re- production of some of the more valuable plants, thus causing them to be crowded out by others less de- sirable. Several experimental plots are maintained in Arizona, and. on these the experiments have proved that palatability of plants obtains with rodents as well as with livestock, and that prairie dogs and cattle have essentially the same order of prefer- ence for the more palatable and nutri- tious grasses. Analyses of data ob- tained on the experimental plots over a 10-year period have shown that prairie dogs often reduce production of the more valuable forage grasses from 25 to 80 per cent. In some in- stances they have been known to de- stroy some of the more _ yaluable grasses over extenSive areas. There is an intimate relation be- tween the number of rodents and the available forage, the rodents tending to multiply in direct proportion to the increase in food. It is thus clear that if stockmen wish to reap the bene- fits from the increased forage that comes with improved range manage- ment they must control the rodents. JACK-RABBIT DEPREDATIONS Investigation of the life history and habits of jack rabbits has shown that these are among the most important of the rodent pests over considerable areas in the Southwest and West. Stomach contents examined show that their principal food there is mesquite, chiefly leaves, although pods are fre- quently eaten. The grass destroyed, which is next in importance, can not be shown by calculations based en- tirely upon the quantity of food eaten, as much is cut down and left lying on the ground. Feeding experiments with the black- tailed jack rabbit in Arizona showed that on the average 18 rabbits eat 1 native rodents j conducted in co- ton of dry forage in the course of a year. Weights of the antelope jack rabbit average about 9 pounds; of the adult black-tailed jack rabbit about 54% pounds. These animals have been found highly adaptable as to food and feeding conditions. At dry _ periods they consume much cactus, but as soon as other vegetation appears they leave this for more palatable plants. They consume the same foods that livestock eat, but are likely to be more destruc- tive to both grasses and browse since they graze more closely. Investigations of the breeding habits of both the antelope and the black- tailed jack rabbits have shown that the breeding period extends over at least nine months, from December to Sep- tember, during which time several lit- ters may be produced. In extremely arid sections rabbits are likely to be very scarce, while on slopes at the bases of the mountains where the grasses are best they are more abundant. ANIMAL PESTS OF BULBS In the Pacific Coast States studies of the habits of rodents, moles, and cer- tain birds in relation to the growing of bulbs and bulbous plants were con- tinued. These were designed to pro- vide information to meet the needs of American bulb growers in a region where an important new industry is in the making, the soil and climate being favorable for bulb production to supply the winter trade of florists. Certain types of plantings have been found particularly susceptible to ro- dent injury, and some to attack by introduced game birds. Throughout Oregon and California the pocket gopher is the chief offender, by reason of its general distribution and its persistent habit of storing food. In the more northern coast sections, meadow mice primarily, and moles as accessories, constitute serious pests. Experiments were conducted to deter- mine means to protect bulb plantings by controlling the animals. BEAVER TRANSPLANTING Studies were continued of the habits of beavers, and work was done in im- proving methods of taking these ani- mals alive in localities where they are troublesome. Experiments were con- tinued also in establishing them in sit- uations where they are desired to con- serve water and promote fish produc- tion, to provide a source of profit from their pelts, or to furnish objects of BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 9 interest and attraction, as in parks. Technical Bulletin No. 21, Beaver Habits and Experiments in Beaver Culture, bringing to date the details of this project, was issued during the year. HARBOR SEALS IN COASTAL WATERS Some work on the feeding and other habits of the harbor seal served to call attention to the urgent need of estab- lishing definitely the economic status of this species and of the larger sea lion, through study of their relations to the fishing industry. The Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Com- merce expressed a desire that the sur- vey obtain information on the subject as a basis for determining policies of State and Federal Governments with reference to these animals in waters along the Pacific coast, including Alaska. TULAREMIA AND ITS SPREAD BY WILD ANIMALS In response to requests made at the national game conference of the Amer- ican Game Protective Association, at which tularemia in wild animals was discussed by bureau representatives, a mimeographed circular was issued to summarize pertinent information re- garding this epizootic disease as it re- lates to game animals and birds, with information as to practical ways by which hunters or others handling car- casses of infected animals might safe- guard themselves. Quarantine meas- ures were recommended to prevent the introduction of diseased animals for restocking. Copies of the circular were sent to game commissions, sports- men’s and conservation periodicals, and the public press, and served to bring to the attention of the public generally the importance of exercising care particularly in handling wild rabbits to avoid infection with this debilitating or even fatal disease. The active interest of sportsmen, conserva- tionists, and game officials was en- listed in preventing introduction of the disease among the native stock through the liberation of the gume animals af- fected. One shipment of wild rabbits, sick and dying from tularemia, was de- tected and promptly destroyed by game officials in Massachusetts, one of the few States in which the disease has not been found among native animals or human beings. Progress has been made in investiga- tions inaugurated by the Bureau of 14933== open Biological Survey in cooperation with the United States Public Health Serv- ice to determine the possible suscepti- bility of ruffed grouse and other game birds to tularemia. The blue grouse was found susceptible to the disease following laboratory inoculation with virulent material from diseased ani- mals at the spotted-fever laboratory of the Public Health Service at Ham- ilton, Mont., and similar results were obtained with the ruffed grouse in co- operative investigations at the Univer- sity of Minnesota. Studies are being continued to determine whether these and other important game birds may be infected by rabbit ticks or other nat- ural carriers, and whether the disease may be prevalent among them in a wild state. ALASKA REINDEER INVESTIGATIONS The chief problems in reindeer in- vestigations are concerned with breed- ing and feeding; the reaction of the reindeer and caribou to handling; re- production, carrying capacity, and the worth of Alaska forage plants in graz- ing use; and the development of a satisfactory plan for range manage- ment. Investigations are conducted at the bureau’s reindeer experiment sta- tion at Fairbanks, Alaska, and on typ- ical grazing areas elsewhere in the Territory. Assistance also is given to reindeer owners at their round-ups in demonstrating improved methods of counting, marking, and ownership dis- tribution of animals. A member of the station staff was detailed to Washington during the winter and visited various points in the United States where grazing in- vestigations were in progress, in order to note improved methods and equip- ment adapted to Alaskan conditions, Through the courtesy of an Alaska reindeer corporation, several reindeer carcasses were furnished for use in studies in the department laboratories in Washington to determine the most satisfactory market cuts, the chemical and nutritive properties of the meat, and improved methods of dressing, handling, storing, and cooking. These investigations were conducted in co- operation with the Bureaus of Agri- cultural Economics, Animal Industry, and Home Hconomics of this depart- ment, and in consultation with the Alaska division of the Bureau of Edu- cation of the Department of the In- terior, which supervises. reindeer pro- duction and use among the natives of Alaska. 10 REINDEER EXPERIMENT STATION Early in the winter the Alaska Rail- road Co. constructed a_ substantial house on the railroad right of way on the campus of the Alaska Agricultural College at Fairbanks and furnished it as residence quarters for the reindeer experiment station staff. Transfer to these quarters was made on January 1. Through the cooperation of the Alaska Agricultural College, office space also was provided in the main building of the college. This provision of quarters and office space for the experiment-sta- tion staff has greatly facilitated pro- gress in investigational work. Fencing was completed on two pas- ture areas of 32 and 325 aeres, respec- tively, at the station, and three trans- fer corrals and one shelter shed were erected. In addition fences have been started on four additional pastures of 390, 58, 72, and 20 acres. This equip- ment at the station has been provided with a view to handling about 75 rein- deer and caribou for experimental in- vestigations and_for inclosing a small herd of buffalo from the national bison range, Montana, to be kept under observation there. The total station area under fence at the present is 397 acres ; that in process of completion is 520 acres; leaving about 260 acres to be fenced the coming year. Additional lands have also been made available by Executive order for use in the sta- tion work. REINDEER FORAGE STUDIES Quadrat studies of forage were con- tinued during the year, and additional inclosures were established both in the interior and on the Bering Sea coast. These are designed to provide definite information regarding vegetative suc- cession and climaxes, as well as plant reproduction and reaction under graz- ing use, and should afford a basis for conclusions regarding carrying capac- ity and range management. Three initial carrying-capacity pro- jects on lichen range were completed during the winter. These, supple mented by lichen-feeding tests in the feed lot, indicate a winter requirement per animal of 20 to 30 acres, based on the average range, and that probably a 30-year recovery period will be neces- sary. Further study on an extended seale is necessary for a more definite determination of both forage value and recovery period. Under the most favorable conditions in feed lot or in pasture during light ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE snow cover, where the food was éasily accesible the reindeer and earibou held their own on the lichen diet or made minor gains. Under severe con- ‘ditions, however, with the snow cover about 2 feet in depth, where the ani- mals were forced to rustle extensively for their food they lost in weight, the average loss per animal over an 84-day period being 17 pounds. These tests have demonstrated clearly that the lichen forage is not a fattening food but merely a convenient maintenance forage for winter use. The lichen re- quirement per head per day is 20 to 30 pounds, air-dry weight, for animals. averaging about 175 pounds. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS Feeding studies have been continued to determine the cultivated foodstuffs that reindeer and caribou will eat and the quantities required. This is in preparation for further study as to the economic possibilities of winter feeding in connection with local farming opera- tions and as to the effect of such feed- ing on meat production. It has been demonstrated that reindeer will thrive on cultivated foods and may be fat- tened as are other classes of livestock. The effect of feeding balanced rations is now being observed. It has been shown by the tests conducted at the station that the use of baled hay is not economical, since about 50 per cent of it is wasted. The use of prepared foods, such as alfalfa meal and molas- ses meal, is 50 to 60 per cent cheaper, since all the food is eaten and the freight cost is less. Records main- tained indicate an annual requirement per head of 3 pounds of salt on ground feed or pasture, and 5 pounds on such dry feed as hay and grain. CROSSBREEDING WITH CARIBOU Crossbreeding of reindeer with cari- bou, including reciprocal crossing, has been successfully initiated. Six fawns from such crosses were born last spring at the station. Their average birth weight was 141% pounds, a dis- tinct net gain of about 5 pounds over that of the reindeer fawns, which average only 914 pounds. Weighing showed that on an average these fawns double their weight in 15 days. Ob- servations on the results of the caribou crossbreeding experiments made on Nunivak Island during the year also indicate gain in size as a result of the cross. The gestation period is 240 days. Normally does shed their horng BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY five to seven days after dropping the fawn, and variations in this respect indicate some abnormal condition. It is believed that the crossbreeding with caribou will prove of benefit not only in increased size but also in greater hardiness, spirit, and rustling ability. The caribou doe proves to be a better mother and better rustler than the reindeer. REINDEER PARASITES AND THEIR CONTROL Important information on the life history of the warble and nose flies af- fecting reindeer was obtained at the reindeer experiment station through the collection and rearing of grubs. This indicates that June 20 is about the most important date for control work, as it is the time of the last drop- ping of grubs and the first hatching of eggs. Information now available indi- cates that moving the herd at this time from the range where the fawns are born and where the last dropping of grubs oceurs, to a summer pasture 15 to 20 miles away, will greatly reduce infestation. Heavy infestation of reindeer by nose grubs greatly reduces their vital- ity and is at times fatal. The nose fly has been found to be an even greater menace to reindeer than the warble fly. The latter nevertheless is exceed- ingly troublesome, causing irritation and loss of condition, and the deposi- tion of larvae of blowflies in the open wounds caused by warbles frequently results in the death of the animals. INVESTIGATIONS IN ECONOMIC ORNITHOLOGY LABORATORY TRV ESTEC TIONS OF THE FOOD OF Hxamination has been completed of all English sparrow stomachs on hand, a total of more than 8,000. This brings to a close laboratory work that has been in progress intermittently for nearly 10 years and makes available for study a mass of material far greater than has ever before been used in determining the economic status of a.single species of bird. It is more than three times as great as the star- ling material used as a basis for De- partment Bulletin 868, and this was more than the combined material of all European investigators of this bird, including Collinge, Newstead, and Gilmour. This furnishes an idea of the relative scope of the English spar- row examination and that of studies of the food habits of other birds. The ’ cation. 11 indexing and tabulation of the items from the 8,000 stomach cards remain to be completed before the information will be in form available for publica- tion: This is in itself a slow and tedious piece of work that will take months to complete. During the year 1,555 stomachs and 61 pellets of birds were examined in the laboratory. The majority of these were from birds of prey, supplemented by the stomachs of English sparrows mentioned above, and of shore birds, bobwhites, crows, and other species. The birds of prey were of 32 species, and their examination marks an im- portant step toward the preparation of a new bulletin on this economically important group, Among this material were several lots submitted by indi- viduals and institutions interested in the status of these birds, including game officials of the State of Wash- ington and of the Royal Ontario Mu- seum of Zoology at Toronto, Canada. Examinations also were made of stom- ach material collected during the co- operative study of quail in Georgia. FOOD OF OTHER VERTEBRATES There were examined also the stom- achs of 263 mammals of 18 species from six States and Alaska. Among them were stomachs of prairie dogs, deer, elk, seals, and a number of pred- atory animals. Examination of rep tile and amphibian material included 109 stomachs of alligators, snakes of several kinds, and bullfrogs. In ad- dition to the laboratory examinations of stomachs, work on the economic study of reptiles has been advanced by the issuance of a revised edition of a mimeographed circular on poison- ous snakes. A popular article in the 1927 Yearbook discussed briefly the food habits and economic status of toads. REPORTS ON INVESTIGATIONS Manuscript for a farmers’ bulletin on the European starling has been brought to date and at the close of the year was in the process of publi- There was published a tech- nical bulletin (No. 24) on The Magpie in Relation to Agriculture, which dealt not only with the economic status of the bird, based on a study of its food habits, but also included suggestions for control measures where necessary. This bulletin responds to a long-felt need among ranchers, poultry raisers, and bird students in the West, where the magpie plays a rodle comparable 12 with that of the crow in the East. Farmers’ Bulletin 755, Common Birds of Southeastern United States in Re- lation to Agriculture, was revised. The economic status of several of. our birds that at times are in need of' eontrol was briefly treated in a mimeo- graphed circular, issued for the use of field men of the bureau, and setting forth logical policies for the curtail- ment of damage, with a view to uni- formity in handling matters of this kind throughout the country. On the basis of field work in 1925 and 1926 and subsequent laboratory examination of about 1,300 stomachs, a manuscript has been prepared for a technical bulletin on the relation of blackbirds to the rice crop in the Gulf coast area. An article cn Black- bird Control in Grain Areas in the 1926 Yearbook was also based largely on this investigation. LOCAL STUDIES OF runt ous AND BENEFICIAL R CROWS IN ILLINOIS For a number of years crows in southern Illinois have been inflicting severe damage on the corn crop raised on bottom lands adjacent to the Wa- bash and Ohio Rivers. Appeals have been made for aid in lessening these annual losses, and campaigns of whole- sale destruction urged. Although re- duction in the number of crows usu- ally can be most economically effected during the winter months, when food searcity tends to force these birds to take baits and enter traps, a study in- dicated that winter conditions in southern Illinois were not well suited fer such operations. Light snowfall, little frost, and an abundance of food in abandoned or incompletely har- vested fields of corn all conspire to make crow control there extremely dif- ficult. So adverse were conditions that attempts to trap for banding even limited numbers of crows to deter- mine individual migratory movements proved unprofitable. BIRD ENEMIES OF CELERY PESTS: Study of the relation the leaf tyer and other insect pests of celery was continued in Florida in the spring of 1928. With the insects ap- pearing in reduced, and thus more nearly normal, numbers than during the previous spring, the observations on the habits of birds were considered particularly valuable. Though less conspicuous work was done by palm warblers and tree swallows than dur- of birds to: ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ing the previous year, when there was: a great abundance of the insect, these birds, together with bobolinks and red- ‘winged blackbirds, were rendering ex- cellent service in destroying celery pests. This is especially noteworthy, since in the South the two birds last named are themselves frequently re- garded as pests where rice crops are ripening and being harvested. BIRD ENEMIES OF CHESTNUT WEEVILS In the first year (1926) of the proj- ect of increasing bird foes of chestnut weevils, carried on in cooperation with the Bureau of Plant Industry in the experimental chestnut orchard at Bell, Md., a total of 17 broods of birds was produced in the approximately 50 bird houses erected on a tract of 214 aeres. In 1927, with the same equipment, the number of broods rose to 40. In the spring of 1928 the nest boxes were doubled in number, and the experi- mental area correspondingly increased in size. The results attained up to the 1st of July with this added equipment gave indication of a still greater re- sponse on the part of the birds, one that can be fully appraised, howeyer, only at the close of the nesting season. WILD-FOWL DISEASE AND FOOD INVESTIGATIONS . DUCK MALADY IN THE WEST Attempt was made during the sum- mer of 1927 to diagnose the cause of duck mortality in southern Oregon, where on several oceasions large num- bers of ducks have perished under cir- cumstances that indicated a cause other than alkali poisoning. The out- break of the duck malady was toa limited to permit a full investigation, but enough was learned to show that although alkali was present, it may not have been the sole cause. Evidence pointed to a possible combi- nation of agencies, some of which may not have been present at Great Salt Lake, Utah, where, a few years ago, alkali was found to be the source of the trouble. FOOD RESOURCES OF WILD FOWL The survey of the wild-fowl food re- sources of the upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge has been com- pleted as far south as Prairie du Chien, Wis. The past year’s work included the surveying and reporting on fully 250 lakes and sloughs and the sum- marizing of data on some of the major areas of the refuge. Progress was BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY made also upon the survey of the very numerous lakes and marshes of the State of Minnesota, a project that will probably be completed in another sea- son’s field work. Reports on the work in former years in Montana, North Dakota, and Missouri still await pub- lication. Special investigations of the wild- fowl food resources were made in two localities in South Carolina, two in North Carolina, and one each in Geor- gia, Virginia, Michigan, and Ontario. The Virginia-North Carolina inspec- tion related to Back Bay and Curri- tuck Sound, localities over which sportsmen have been much concerned because of damage there by salt water to the food plants of wild fowl. The supply of wild-duck foods was found better than in other recent years, but consisted almost entirely of a single species, Sago pondweed, which has con- siderable resistance to salt. Appar- ently the improved conditions noted are due mainly to heavy rainfall dur- ing the growing season, and the men- ace to Back Bay and Currituck Sound as winter homes for wild fowl] will probably continue so long as there is a flow of salt water into them. STUDIES OF OTHER GAME BIRDS COOPERATIVE QUAIL INVESTIGATION Excellent progress was made in all phases of the quail study being con- ducted in southern Georgia in coopera- tion with a committee of sportsmen interested in the betterment of quail conditions. A large part of the inves- tigational work was concluded by March, 1928, though plans have been made to continue certain experiments and studies during part or all of the following fiscal year, at the conclusion of which it is planned to publish a final report. Analyses of the stomach contents of nearly 400 additional quail gave further insight into the food preferences of these birds, and this will assist in making recommendations for the propagation of suitable food- producing plants. During the summer of 1927 every effort was made to perfect the ‘ adop- tion system” of artificial quail propa- gation that has been used on a pro- ductive seale by five privately financed ventures in the vicinity of the field headquarters of this study. Eggs are obtained and incubated by the usual methods, but as soon as the chicks are hatched they are taken from the 13 bantams and given in batches of a dozen to 15 to cock quail that have previously been captured afield. The chicks are promptly adopted and cared for perfectly, and when a week old are released with their foster fathers. This system is proving to be an easily workable one under condi- tions prevailing on southern quail preserves. _ Nesting studies of the quail were concluded late in the summer of 1927, bringing the total of nests studied up to 602. Results of this phase of the project have been already analyzed and will be detailed in the manuscript of the final report. Considerable time was devoted to the study of the parasites of quail, especially intestinal parasites. Through a cooperative arrangement with the Bureau of Animal Industry a specialist was detailed for a period of approximately two months to the headquarters of the investigation at Beachton, Ga., where she studied the life histories of nematodes and. ces- todes prevalent in quail. One of the field assistants of the investigation spent some time also on the Virginia State game farm to observe the dis- eases and parasites of the young birds. As the investigation is nearing its close, the banding of quail has been largely discontinued. Approximately 100 returns of banded quail were re- ported during the year as a result of shooting or trapping, and additional information obtained as to the move- ment of both the native and the intro- duced Mexican quail. PROPAGATION OF GAME BIRDS Two game farms were inspected during the year, and a preliminary manuscript revision was made of the Farmers’ Bulletin on Propagation of Game Birds. It is planned to issue the new publication in two parts, one devoted to the upland game birds and the other to the aquatic. Findings from last year’s study of methods used in game-bird rearing establish- ments in Hurope have been incorpo- rated in the new reports, and three other manuscripts on species suitable for introduction, on duck ponds, and on systems of game management, based in part on information obtained during the European investigations, have been prepared for outside pub- lication, 14 INTRODUCTION OF GAME BIRDS In addition to the bulletin issued to summarize information on wild birds introduced or transplanted in North America, a manuscript was prepared on game birds suitable for introduction into the United States. These reports eover both historical and current theoretical and practical aspects of a problem that is of great interest, par- ticularly to sportsmen. INVESTIGATIONS OF FUR RESOURCES CONSERVATION OF FUR ANIMALS Various constructive conservation programs are serving to maintain many fur animals in the wild. State and other programs have accomplished a’ great deal, but much remains yet to be done. In performing its part in this work the Bureau of Biological Survey has sent specialists to attend a number of meetings in various parts of the country of societies interested in fur animals and other wild life, and these have made special effort to put before the public the need of well- systematized fur-protective activities. The characteristics of various fur animals, their relative abundance, and their distribution have been brought to the attention of the fur trade by a series of monthly articles in the official organ of the National Association of the Fur Industry. Information of an educational nature has been distributed in cooperation with this association in the form of a booklet for School use that deseribes the life habits and util- ity of various animals for fur. Lan- tern-slide lectures and radio talks also were given. In the introduction to Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1552, Fur Laws for the Season 1927-28, it is pointed out that our natural fur resources are steadily diminishing. FUR-FARMING INVESTIGATIONS Along with the nation-wide effort to eonserve wild life, the raising of wild animals in captivity has continued to grow. It has been evident during the past year even more than previously that fur farming is rapidly developing into a stable, sound, and businesslike industry. Not all fur animals are suit- able for raising in pens, but attempts have been made with most of them. A leaflet entitled “ Recommendations to Beginners in Fur Farming,” first is- sued in mimeographed form, has been prepared for general distribution. ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FUR-FARMING IN ALASKA Under an agreement between the ‘Governor of Alaska and the depart- ment, work among the fur farmers of Alaska is being conducted by a vet- erinarian selected by the Biological Survey with a view to the betterment of conditions. The veterinarian in- spects as many fur farms as possible, maintains contact with fur-farming projects under extremely varied condi- tions, and furnishes specialized infor- mation to the ranchers. His efforts are particularly directed toward more efficient methods of feeding, . control of diseases and parasites through san- itation and treatment, and improving housing conditions. (“DISEASES OF FUR ANIMALS The concentration of large numbers of foxes and other fur animals on small areas has given the infectious diseases to which these animals are subject the opportunity to assume epi- zootic proportions, and heavy losses on some farms have been encountered. In an effort to be of the greatest assist- ance to fox ranchers in controlling these outbreaks it was necessary to study the causative organisms, the progress of the diseases, and protec- tive measures. A 5-year cooperative agreement was entered into with the University of Minnesota, where con- siderable work on this project had been already in progress. The facilities provided at the medical school of the university have enabled the workers to observe epizootics on several ranches in that part of the country from the time of their onset to their termina- tion. Several hundred foxes were given detailed post-mortem examina- tions, and laboratory studies were made of practically all the organs of the body, together with the patho- genic organisms obtained. Two distinct infectious diseases of high virulence are recognized in foxes, and preliminary tests indicate the pos- sibility of immunizing the animals. A preliminary nontechnical presentation of the parasitic and other diseases of foxes, including the so-called distem- per, appeared in the 1927 Yearbook of the department. Further tests on a large scale are in progress. FUR ANIMAL EXPERIMENT STATION At Saratoga Springs, N. Y., the Bureau of Biological Survey main- tains its fur animal experiment sta- tion, where extensive experiments on methods and practices in raising vari- BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ous fur animals in captivity have been conducted. Before the establishment of the rabbit experiment station at Fontana, Calif., studies had been be- gun at the fur animal experiment sta- tion to determine the relative rate of growth of young rabbits of different breeds on various rations. Weights were recorded at intervals of a few days to learn the ages at which the most rapid growth was made and the most profitable development reached. Differences in climate, food, and other factors in the two sections will afford considerable comparative data for use in making recommendations on the management and care of rabbits. Studies have been continued of the various factors influencing the quality of pelts of foxes, including compari- sons of rations and changes in man- agement. The influence of diet on breeding animals was studied, and cer- tain significant facts were developed that may explain the frequent failure of foxes to reproduce. A mimeo- graphed leaflet entitled ‘“ Feeding Vix- ens and Pups,’ made available for distribution during the year, describes the feeding methods recommended. Crosses of various strains of foxes were made with the view to determine means of avoiding objectionable fea- tures in the offspring and the possibil- ity of fixing desirable qualities. This project was somewhat handicapped by lack of animals of the necessary qual- ity. It is desirable that several foxes having the desired characteristics be obtained to supplement the stock now on hand. The silver fox is the principal spe- cies being raised in captivity for its fur alone. During this year the impor- tations of foxes from Canada showed a decided decrease. On the other hand, a number of large exportations of sil- ver foxes as well as other animals were made to various European countries. For the information of an increasing number of interested persons, a leaflet (No. 8) entitled ‘Mink Raising,” was published during the year, and a mime- ographed leaflet, Raising Raccoons, also was issued. The raccoon, marten, skunk, and muskrat seem tolerant of captivity, but it is questionable whether the muskrat and some of the others can be profitably raised under pen conditions. A growing interest in the raising of muskrats on natural marsh areas is resulting in frequent ealls for advice regarding their food plants, the type of marsh land best adapted for their use, and habits, en- emies, and diseases. Mimeographed 15 leaflets on the care of ferrets and on the care of white mice and rats were revised and reissued to supplement cor- respondence. Karakul sheep are being raised in different parts of the country, and in- vestigations indicate that they will become a valuable addition to the group of animals raised under fenced conditions for their pelts. Rabbits are among the most numer- ous of fur animals now being raised in captivity, the distribution of the in- dustry including every State. They are raised for a twofold purpose, as they can be utilized both for food and for fur. Parasitic diseases, which in some degree are common to practically all fox ranches, have been given special attention. Since almost every animal must be treated a number of times dur- ing its life for worms, fleas, or mites, it is important that the simplest and most efficient methods be determined. Lungworms appear to be increasingly numerous and widespread in this coun- try, and a satisfactory treatment for them has not been developed. At- tempts at mechanical removal of these worms from the trachea have been made, in most cases successfully, and the animals were partially relieved. This method, however, is far from ideal, and further investigations are planned. Studies have been made of the breed- ing habits of martens in captivity, and five additional animals have been pur- chased for experimental work. A pro- gress report on the marten-breeding experiments of the survey was pre pared in the bureau and published in November in the Journal of Heredity. A leaflet (No. 6), briefly stating the history and location of the experiment station and its chief accomplishments, was published early in the year, under the title ‘‘ Experimental Fur Farm of the Biological Survey.” RABBIT EXPERIMENT STATION The recent extensive development of the rabbit industry in this country led to a cooperative project at the close of the preceding fiscal year between the department, the National Rabbit Federation, and a local corporation in- terested in raising rabbits, for the maintenance of a rabbit experiment station at Fontana, Calif. The sta- tion consists of 5 acres of land, on which is a residence, an administra- tive building with offices and labora- tory, rabbit buildings, hutches, and 16 other equipment. It was furnished and stocked with rabbits at the ex- pense of these cooperators of the de- partment. cperated by the Bureau of Biological Survey, and attempts are being made there, as well as at the fur-animal ex- periment station in New York, to as- certain the most economical and prac- tical methods of feeding, housing, and raising the various utility breeds of rabbits. Leaflet No, 15, Rabbit-House Construction, and No. 22, Chinchilla Rabbits for Food and Fur, were pub- lished to facilitate the distribution of information called for along these lines. RESEARCH IN ERADICATION METHODS ANNUAL REPORTS Predatory animals, such as coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, and bobcats, have been the cause of millions of dol- lars loss every year to livestock in the so-called range States ever since the time of the early settlers. Beneficial forms of wild life also have suffered by the depredation of these animals. Enormous losses also haye been in- flicted on agricultural crops by such in- jurious rodents asi prairie dogs, ground squirrels, jack rabbits, field mice, pocket gophers, and rats—not only in the western agricultural regions, but in the Hast also, where many of these rodents, such as field mice, wood- chucks, and rats, have given the farmer much concern and still cause great loss. ERADICATION METHODS LABCRATORY Investigational work for the develop- ment of improved and _ economical methods in control operations against these destructive animals was con- ducted throughout the year at the eradication methods laboratory main- tained by the bureau at Denver, Colo. Much information was gained on the efficiency of the various poisons em- ployed, and control methods were im- proved. Particular attention was given to the use of thallium sulphate as a poison, and to the various com- pounds of strychnine, both in sulphate and alkaloid form. Reports on the characteristics and use of red squill and thallium sulphate in the control of injurious rodents were completed for publication as technical bulletins. LEADERSHIP IN WILD-LIFE CONTROL During the last week of April a con- ference of leaders in rodent and preda- tory-animal control was held at Ogden, The station is now being’ OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Utah, the first meeting of the kind since 1919. Of outstanding importance among the accomplishments was the development of detailed policies to be followed in the conduct of control operations, including preliminary re- search work. When fully operative, this will effect considerable economies of time and funds, and even before the close of the year it had permitted an extension of control work without in- creased financial resources. Other definite recommendations made at the conference will mean consid- erable improvement in the laboratory and field methods. Realignment of the present personnel in keeping with these recommendations will permit the em- ployment. of an administrative officer for the laboratory, an experienced pharmacologist, and five field investi- gators. The extension thus made pos- sible in the personnel of the eradica- tion-methods project will centralize in- vestigational work in control methods, thus giving district leaders more time for actual control operations. At the conference of field leaders the policy to be followed was definitely stated to be one of control of injurious wild life rather than of eradication. The fact remains that the bureau must work for the eradication of certain species locally where their destructive- ness is so impressive that no other policy of handling them is permissible. For example, the gray wolf and the prairie dog are so deleterious to agri- culture and stock raising that their presence in some localities can not be tolerated. Other species, such as the coyote and the ground squirrel are so prolific and occur over such wide areas that their extermination, even if de- sired, would be impossible. The Bu- reau of Biological Survey is not em- barked upon a general extermination program, and the main objective is so to control the predatory animals and rodent pests as to reduce economic losses to a minimum. COOPERATIVE CONTROL OPERATIONS The importance of controlling in- jurious wild-mammal pests can not be overemphasized. The Bureau of Bio- logical Survey has been constantly called upon for additional assistance in control operations, but the resources at its disposal have not permitted an extension of cooperative work. No re- quest for assistance received during the year, however, has failed to receive attention—the individual was given as- sistance either through correspondence or by actual field demonstration. It BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY is becoming more noticeable each year, however, that if control] measures as developed by the Bureau of Biological Survey are to be effective, it is impera- tive to get into close touch with all possible cooperators and to furnish them with expert assistance. In- creased personnel throughout the coun- try is desirable to meet the demands for leadership of this kind. Trained leadership in field operations has been a great factor in the development of efficient hunters, trappers, and poison operators. COOPERATIVE FUNDS AVAILABLE Federal and cooperative funds avail- able during the year permitted organ- ized field work on the control of preda- tory animals and injurious rodents in 18 States. Federal funds totaled $477,880, of which $22,718 was used in research work at the eradication meth- ods laboratory ; $278,939 in control of predatory animals; and $176,223 in the control of rodents and other small animal pests. Cooperative funds from 14 of these States aggregated $347,556, and in addition, cooperating counties, livestock associations, and individuals within the respective States raised $679,065, making a total of $1,026,621 in cooperative funds, of which $432,359 was expended for the control of preda- tory animals, and $594,262 for rodent control. Approximately $1,481,773 was used in control Operations under the leadership of the Bureau of Biological Survey, of which $455,162 was from the Federal Treasury. Table 1 gives a 17 summary of cooperative funds used dur- ing the year. PREDATORY-ANIMAL CONTROL Greatly extended operations are es- sential in the range States, if the prcblems in predatory-animal control are to be solved. That the stock in- terests in these States look to the Fed- eral Government for more adequate and equalized expenditure is evident from the annual resolutions of State livestock associations as well as cor- respondence received from hundreds of private stockmen. The Federal Government should provide more ade- quate financial support whenever prac- ticable, particularly since there still exists in large numbers on the Federal domain a heayy infestation of preda- tory animals, which eventually invade private and State lands and are taking a $20,000,000 annual toll from the pro- ducers of livestock and poultry. WOLVES AND COYOTES At the request of the Governor of Alaska, following an appropriation of $10,000 for the purpose of cooperation with the Bureau of Biological Survey in predatory-animal control, one of the bureau’s experts was detailed to the Territory to make a study of the best method of attacking the predatory- animal situation there. Wolves and coyotes in Alaska are committing seri- ous depredations on deer, mountain sheep, fur bearers, and on many of the game birds, including ducks and ptarmigans. TABLE. 1.— Cooperative funds made available for use in campaigns against wild animal pests in cooperation with the Bureau of Biological Survey ten Total rodent and predatory- Rodent work Predatory-animal work omsneil aan States Other | Other Other State SOLITCES Total State EOnCaS Total State | ROnicne Total : | Arizona st ittriee oe \$14, 999 | $67,758 | $82,757 | $14, 998 | $1,163 | $16,161 | $29,997 | $68,921 | $98, 918 @alifomias22 2... eae ee 259, 890 | 259, 890 19,966 | 46,970 | 66,936 19, 966 | 306,860 | 326, 826 Colorado --.-- 605 12, 874 13, 479 | 497 | 22,734 23, 231 1,102 | 35,608 36, 710 Tdaho-___ 7,4 17, 434 4,436 | 40, 385 44, 821 Be seas Se eee ee eS! TOO Ns le ee iq GOON ot) see Sy eres fel ce D2; QOL by eee! bape: 12, 901 Montana-_-__-_-- 30,250 | 25,476 | 30,688 | 56, 164 Nevada. _.___-_- 16,980 | 18,479 |.-__-.___ 18, 479 New Mexico___- 35,406 | 62,954 | 15,279 | 78,233 Ofegon:s S32. 10, 476 5, 535 16, 011 | 19,074 | 19,944 39,018 | 29,550) 25,479 55, 029 South Dakota_- eee ee 1, 242 W242 le MD R195, s ea 15, 195 15, 195 | 1,242 16, 4387 "RExds'= 2 oo 6, 134 37,002 | 43,136 | 24,782 50, 543 75, 325 30,916 | 87,545 | 118,461 Utahiil bs 2 5,045,222 ees BtO45t |"! 80/355: eee ves 30,355 | 35,400 |__-__.___ | 35,400 Ww ashington ia 2,879 | 31,431 34,310 | 36,148 | 2,199 38, 347 39, 027 33, 630 72, 657 Wivoming = 2 393 2=-) | 5, 268 18, 866 24, 134 16,889 | 10,832 | 27,721 22,157 | 29,698 51, 855 Eastern United | | States.) Nae rrs2)e 8973061)! 3!730))|5_ 3 ules (See e ieee, Hace meee | 3,780] 3,730 spect | 1 —— Motales= ou = 22 91,790 | 502,472 | 594, 262 | 255, 766 | 176,593 | 432, 359 | 347, 556 | 679, 065 |1, 026, 621 14833—28——_3 18 Predatory-animal control operations were carried on in al! the States from Montana to Texas and westward, and also in South Dakota. Organized co- operative work was inaugurated be- fore the close of the year in Oklahoma and Arkansas, States in which wolves Aas well aS coyotes are causing severe depredations on wild game, domestic stock, and poultry. Coyote control was carried on to a limited extent also in southwestern Kansas and on _ the Niobrara Federal game reservation in Nebraska. In illustration of the suc- cess of the work it may be cited that in western Colorado one woolgrower, who lost 60 lambs and 8 ewes dur- ing lambing operations a year ago, states that on account of control work of Biological Survey hunters on this particular range, during the past year he lost only 1 lamb. Ue stated also that he had enjoyed the added advan- tage of being able to let his ewes and lambs run loose without molestation. In Coos County, Oreg., the county agent reports an increase in sheep of more than 300 per cent, due entirely to the control of coyotes by poisoning methods conducted by the survey. Likewise, in Josephine County, Oreg., the county agent cites a substantial in- erease in the turkey business since the inauguration of coyote campaigns there. Forty-eight stockmen in 16 counties in Utah report greatly yre- duced coyote depredations on their ranges as a result of the work of sur- vey hunters. In one Texas county a Biological Survey hunter killed a fe- male wolf that within a yeal’s time had destroyed $5,000 worth of regis- tered sheep and goats. In another county two wolves responsible for a $2,000 loss in livestock in 12 months, as well as a female coyote that had caused a loss of $1,200 by similar depredations, were killed. The coyote is probably the most ag- gressive of the predatory species and continues to present the major preda- tory-animal problem on western cattle and sheep ranges. It can maintain itself in the face of advancing civili- zation and through the persistent war- fare conducted against it by inexperi- enced individuals, it is becoming wary of man’s traps. As a result, control is extremely difficult in certain sec- tions of the West. The coyote is a prolific breeder, and often an area in which complete control has been at- tained may become reinfested in a very short time. During the past year more complaint than heretofore has been received from cattlemen of losses ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of young calves by the coyote, one ranchman near Greenland, Colo., re- porting the destruction of 100 young calves through its depredations, Such ‘ground-nesting birds as grouse, ducks, and quail also are its constant victims. The control of this predator in areas of heavy infestation is possible only by coordinated action of Federal. State, and private agencies. The gray wolf is under control in all States west of the one-hundredth ineridian. The small red wolf of east- eri Texas, however, is still the cause of severe depredations on livestock, but marked progress toward its con- trol has been made during the year. The total number of coyotes de- stroyed during the year, for which skins or sealps were actually obtained, was 35,709; gray wolves, 11; and red wolves, 716. In addition, it is es- timated that 48,000 coyotes were de- stroyed by the use of poisons but not recovered. MOUNTAIN LIONS Biological Survey hunters disposed of 218 mountain lions during the year—i8 in Utah, 17 in Oregon, 23 in Montana, 38 in New Mexico, 108 in Arizona, and 15 in other States. In Arizona the figure given brings the grand total of mountain lions killed in the State in 12 years to 910. BEARS In the course of the year it became necessary to kill 226 bears known to prey on livestock. Bears in general are not predatory in their habits and are usually classed as game. Individ- uals, however, that become predatory must be destroyed. The policy of the Biological Survey regarding the bear is to establish definitely that an indi- vidual has become addicted to stock- killing before it is considered preda- tory. The policy was detailed in a popular article, Bears Sometimes Un- justly Blamed as Stock Killers, pre- pared in the bureau and published in the 1927 Yearbook. In Alaska the large brown and griz- wily bears are classed as game animals and may be taken legitimately only during open seasons. The black bear is classed as a fur animal and may be taken in the open trapping season throughout the Territory except in the northern part of fur district No. 2, where, because of local depredations, it may be taken at any time. There has been, and still is, some complaint regarding the menace of the Alaska BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY brown bear and the grizzly to life and property. The regulations under the Alaska game law concerning the tak- ing of these animals provide that “ any person may kill a large brown or griz- zly bear at any time when such animal is about to attack or molest persons or property, or when found within half a mile of a residence or human habi- tation.” It is felt that this regulation gives wide latitude to those who may en- counter dangerous or destructive in- dividuals of the species in question. In general, the testimony from reliable sources throughout Alaska is to the ef- fect that the large brown and grizzly bears, with but few exceptions, avoid mankind as much as possible and that mauling or actual killing of human be- ings by unmolested bears rarely occurs. BOBCATS AND CANADA LYNXES Bobeats and lynxes are the source of considerable loss to livestock, es- pecially to sheep during the lambing season, but are readily brought under control by trained hunters. During the year 4,838 bobcats and 40 lynxes were taken in the States in which predatory-animal control was under- taken by the bureau. CONTROL OF RODENTS AND OTHER SMALL MMALS Organized rodent-control operations were carried on during the year under the leadership of the Biological Survey in 18 States, and educational work in 10 others. The operations benefited several Hastern States, including North Carolina, which was this year added to the list. In the field operations 3,306,000 pounds of poisoned bait, 141,580 pounds of calcium cyanide, and 626,463 pounds of carbon disulphide were used in con- trolling rodent pests on 14,545,591 acres of land. Besides other poisons, more than 88,000 ounces of strychnine were used in preparing bait, of which 74,000 ounces were purchased through the bureau from the manufacturers at a Saving to cooperators of approximately $37,000. The saving under this plan al- lowed the cooperative funds available to be used in more extensive opera- tions. Control work was carried on in co- operation with such other agencies as agricultural colleges, State departments of agriculture, county agricultural agents and other county officials, and 4 farmers’ and stockmen’s associations; 19 and with the Extension. Service and the Forest Service of this department ; the Office of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Reclamation, of the Interior Department; and with individual farmers and stockmen. The coopera- tion received from these agencies, in- eluding work, materials, and money, is very gratifying, the funds being more than three times the amount expended by the bureau from Federal appro- priations. The importance of the results may be judged from replies to a question- naire ‘mailed to 4,018 cooperators in one State. These estimated that as a result of the year’s work in rodent con- trol in that State alone there was a saving in crops, range grasses, and fruit trees of $474,235. Rodents are of numerous species and they are so widely distributed that uncontrolled their damage to farm erops and forage would be appalling. A comprehensive rodent-control pro- gram, more drastic than present funds permit, is called for. Much has been accomplished, but very much remains to be done. GROUND SQUIRRELS Ground squirrels of various species are generally distributed over the area west of the Mississippi River, and in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and In- diana. Their destructiveness. to agri- culture consists mainly in damage to growing grain, forage crops, and gar- den vegetables. Practically every crop grown on the farms in. the infested areas is subject, to damage by them. In irrigated sections they also bur- row through the embankments of ¢ca- nals and dams and cause their de- struction and the ruin of crops on adjacent agricultural lands.. Much loss is sustained also in their consumption of forage on the open ranges. Ac-- cording to signed statements made by 4,037 farmers in one Western State alone, during the years 1918, 1919, and 1920, there would have been a total annual loss from ground squirrels of $2,087,742 in farm crops. on 638,971 acres, or an average of $3.26 an acre, practically all of which was prevented by the cooperative work with the sur- vey. Hstimates obtained this year from farmers in various localities of Montana, where the infestation av- erages five or more ground squirrels to the acre, indicate that each ground squirrel can destroy during a season 75 cents worth of grain, or at the rate of $3.75 an acre. 20 The Biological Survey. carried on campaigns to control the depredations of ground squirrels in all States west of the Great Plains, and in Kansas and South Dakota. Excellent financial and other cooperation was received, and. in most cases losses in agricul- tural crops were kept at a mini- mum. In this work 2,690,479 pounds of poisoned bait, together with 119,868 pounds of calcium cyanide and 610,580 pounds of carbon disulphide, were used on a total of 11,104,749 acres. Of these quantities 103,715 pounds of poi- sohed bait were furnished by the bu- reau and used on 862,731 acres of Fed- eral land, most of which was on na- tional forests and other public domain. The destruction of ground squirrels on public domain adjacent to private holdings is of great importance in many localities in the West. These Federal lands are a center of infesta- tion. and if the pests are not controlled there, permanent relief is impossible on adjacent property. The bureau is bandicapped in its work on Federal lands by lack of sufficient funds, and only a comparatively small acreage now infested can be treated. One of the real accomplishments in cooperative ground-squirrel control during the year was the establishment of a central bait-mixing station in the Idaho district, similar to smaller sta- tions that have been in operation in other districts. Such a station assures a district good poisoned bait uniformly mixed, and makes available at all times adequate quantities at the low- est possible cost. Savings made pos- sible by the central plant come from the use of machinery and low-priced labor on such routine work as mixing, sacking, and distributing, thus afford- ing field leaders, county agents, and other cooperators more time for field work. The saving to the bureau and to the extension service in Idaho in time and reduced cost of materials amounted to more than $3,000 for the season, in addition to savings effected for other cooperators. Between March 15 and June 30° more than 175,000 pounds of mixed bait were handled, and 75 per cent of it was delivered by truck direct to ecooperators at various points in the State. PRAIRIE DOGS Prairie dogs of several species are distributed over the Plains States and westward to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, as well as in Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona. They ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE cause serious loss in farm crops, but probably inflict the greatest damage on range forage. In control operations 463,049 pounds of poisoned bait, 2,960 pounds of calcium cyanide, and 5,000 pounds of carbon disulphide were used on a total of 2,484,011 acres in Ari- zona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota. Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. In this work 96,814 pounds of poisoned bait were used on 673,360 acres of Federal land. In sey- eral of these States extensive areas have been cleared of prairie dogs, re- sulting in a material saving to the live- stock and farming industries. One stockman of Arizona reported that “poisoning prairie dogs on my range saved me about $2,000 worth of grass.” Another reported, “I estimate we Saved over $5,000 by clearing prairie dogs from 4,200 acres.’ Conditions regarding the treatment of Federal lands in the control of ground squirrels apply also in the case of prairie dogs. JACK RABBITS Jack rabbits inhabit practically all of the territory west of the Mississippi River and are responsible for consid- erable loss in farm crops, particularly in alfalfa and grain, and also in range grasses and fruit. In the Southwest they do considerable damage to cotton plants. During the winter they de stroy hay in the stack, and in summer consume a large quantity of forage on the range. The heaviest damage 0c- curs during periods of extended drought. That rabbits destroyed 40 tons of hay in the stack on one farm during a winter season is shown by court records in Lincoln County, Idaho. Midland County, Tex., alone records a less of $95,000 this year from reduced cotton yield from their depredations. In orchards the rabbits girdle the trees and eat the bark in winter, when other food is searee. Operations for the control of jack rabbits, conducted in 13 States during the year, resulted in the protection of large crop areas. An example of this protection is furnished in a_ report from one cooperator in Arizona as fol- lows: “I estimate that you saved $80,- 000 worth of cotton for us in this dis- trict by assisting us in poisoning jack rabbits.” Many other reports of simi- lar nature have been received. A continuance of efforts begun last year by field men of the bureau to market wild-rabbit skins gave added impetus to the cooperative control of jack rabbits. During this year more. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY than $160,000 was received in this way by cooperators in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. If a profitable market for these skins is maintained, the prob- lem of controlling jack rabbits will to a large extent be simplified. POCKET GOPHERS Pocket gophers of various species are distributed over much of the United States and become a serious farm and orchard pest in many localities. They not only eat growing grain but cover much more of it with soil. Their bur- rows and mounds prevent close mow- ing and interfere with and break ma- chinery, and their burrows in irriga- tion ditches result in deep gullies on sloping land, waste of water, and inter- ference with its distribution. They cause costly breaks in dams and em- bankments of irrigation canals. An orange grove in Arizona was sold at a loss of $10,000 because of damage by pocket gophers to the tree roots. The owner of another grove had his net annual income cut $2,500 when he lost 250 trees from pocket-gopher work. A break in an irrigation canal near Gila Bend, Ariz., caused by pocket gophers, resulted in a $35,000 crop loss and re- quired nearly $5,000 for repairs. Cooperative campaigns for the con- trol of pocket gophers carried on in 15 States afforded protection to large areas of forage and grain crops and fruit and forest trees, as well as to irrigation water. It is well to give typical examples of the protection af- forded: An irrigation-district superin- tendent at Tuscon, Ariz., reported, “We have poisoned pocket gophers on our irrigation project the past four years under the management of your assistant and have had splendid results. I would estimate the saving at at least $4,000.” A date grower reports an estimated saving of $10,000 worth of date palms through pocket-gopher con- trol work. A farmer says: ‘“ Saving from pocket-gopher poisoning on 540 acres estimated at $1,200.” On the Nebraska National Forest 14,000 acres of pine plantations were treated in co- operation with the Forest Service, and the damage by pocket gophers was checked, whereas in the past 25 years about a third of all trees planted had been killed by the rodents. A two-reel motion-picture Million-Dollar Pockets, graphically depicting methods of coping with pocket gophers, was released during the year and has been shown in prac- film, 21 tically every State in which the bu- reau is conducting control operations. The film has stimulated great interest and has accomplished much in bring- ing before the public the necessity of destroying pocket gophers in localities where they are actively or potentially injurious. FIELD AND HOUSE MICE In addition to house mice, several forms of field mice are distributed over the whole of the United States, the degree of infestation varying to a great extent from year to year. During some years these rodents are scarce in certain localities in which in other years they increase to large numbers and inflict heavy damage ta. farm and orchard crops, in some cases ruining entire fields. The injury to field crops is brought about by mice eating the roots of the plants reached by their numerous burrows. The in- jury to fruit trees and shrubs consists in the destruction of the bark near the surface of the ground. When the girdling is complete and the cambium eaten through, the action of the sun and wind soon complete the destruc- tion. There are many cases in which 20 per cent or more of the trees in or- chards are killed by mice. One orchard in Washington State suffered 50 per cent damage this season, and a heavy infestation of mice in Jones and Lyman Counties, S. Dak., was responsible for the loss of more than 40,000 acres of corn. Damage _ by house mice to grain in storage in warehouses of the northern Sacra- mento Valley, Calif., has been reported as amounting to $100,000 for the year. The pine mouse, a species of field mouse, is exceedingly destructive to fruit trees and shrubs in the Hastern States and to a minor extent to bulbs and root crops also. Field-mouse infestations of serious proportions were noted in California, Idaho, Oregon, South Dakota, Wash- ington, Utah, and many Hastern States. Control was undertaken in the West in these States and in the East in North Oarolina, Maryland, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. More than 53,000 pounds of poisoned bait were used in the Wenatchee and Ya- kima districts in Washington alone to control this pest. BROWN RATS The brown rat, introduced from the Old World and now established in ey-. 22 ery State of the Union and the Terri- tory of Alaska, is the most injurious of rodents. Feeding indiscriminately, it damages manufactured and other commodities and destroys all kinds of vegetable and animal matter, and at the same time contaminates large quantities of food. As a disease car- rier the rat is a serious menace, and is responsible for deaths among hu- man beings through its spread of bu- bonic plague and other infectious dis- eases, An example of rat depredation that indicates the extent of its destructive- ness and shows something of the range of agricultural products concerned was furnished during the year in Gal- veston County, Tex. One fruit grower reported that rats ravished his berry patch to such an extent that instead of his being able to ship 115 lugs (boxes) of berries as he had the pre- vious year, he could pick only 4 lugs this season. One farmer reported a loss of $500 in sweet potatoes and tur- nips from 20 acres, and another re- ported a loss of $60 in figs, $1,500 in trees girdled, and $100 in truck crops. Losses in watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, beans, and corn were also reported in the same county, one farmer stating that he lost $1,000 in watermelons on 10 acres through depredations of rats. Action in the control of rats has been undertaken during the year in 16 States in the form of organized antirat campaigns in cities and country districts or demonstrations showing methods of destroying this pest. Among the cities in which extensive antirat campaigns were conducted were Port- land, Oreg.; Tacoma, Wash.; Oak- land City, Ind.; Stevens Point, Wis.; and Sylva, N. C. Notable among the campaigns in country districts was one in Texas or- ganized in 54 counties. In the course of the work 22,200 pounds of barium carbonate were used in preparing poison baits, and prizes were offered to persons destroying the most rats. As a result 3,690,528 dead rats were counted in these contests. On the basis of the estimate of governmental and industrial experts that each rat will destroy from $1.80 to $2 worth of foodstuffs and other property in a year, this represents an immediate total saving of more than $6,500,000 to Texas, the amount of property these rats would have destroyed if they had lived another year. In the campaign in Ellis County, Tex., with a popula- tion of less than 57,000 persons, 243,321 ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE rats were destroyed in one month, probably a world’s record. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1533, Rat Control, issued at the beginning of the year, has been in great demand, and about 200,000 copies have already been distributed. A motion-picture film. How to Get Rid of Rats, also was re- leased during the year and has been shown in practically every district of the United States where rats are in- jurious. WOODCHUCKS Woodchucks inhabit rocky places, woodlands, and bramble thickets, and from the nature of their habitat, come in contact with agriculture only in seattered localities. When their haunts are immediately adjacent to farm lands, however, they become a serious pest. In the East they appear to be more numerous in certain agri- cultural areas than formerly, and in many open fields are now burrowing far from their usual haunts. Wood- chuck damage is diverse and affects many different crops and fruit trees, and particularly such forage crops as alfalfa, clover, and other legumes. In control measures undertaken in eight States poisoned baits and calcium cyanide as a fumigant were used. A leaflet (No. 21) entitled ‘‘ Woodchuck Control in the Hastern States” was issued and has been widely distributed. PORCUPINES In the forested areas of the West the increase in numbers of porcupines is very evident, and much damage is done to trees. It is important that control measures be taken in many of the national forests to protect both the well-developed trees and _ the younger growth. Control operations were carried on in six States, the ac- complishments in Oregon and Arizona being especially noteworthy, and con- siderable progress in methods of pre- paring poisoned baits was made dur- ing the year. A leaflet on porcupine control, based on field and laboratory research, is in preparation. OTHER INJURIOUS RODENTS Other injurious rodents, including the wood rat and the kangaroo rat, are responsible for considerable loss to agriculture in certain sections of the country. Where these rodents are nu- merous enough to be injurious, control measures haye been recommended. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY MOLES Moles are found only in the Pacific coast region and in the eastern half of the United States. Where they burrow in such places as gardens, lawns, and fields, they are considered a pest because of the displacing of plants, covering of growing crops, the use of their runways by field mice, and the obstruction their mounds offer to the use of machinery. The damage caused by moles in bulb-raising areas in the Northwest is coming to be of considerable economic importance be eause of the rapid increase in this industry. CONTROL OF ANIMAL-BORNE DISEASES RABIES Sporadic cases of rabies were re- ported and verified during the year in Oregon, being possibly the remnant of a heavy outbreak that occurred in that State in 1926. In Nevada, 14 posi- tive caseS were recorded, 3 in coyotes, 2 in bobeats, 5 in domestic cows, 2 in sheep, and 1 each in a domestic dog and a house cat. These cases indicate that rabies is still fairly well distrib- uted over that State. Biological Sur- vey hunters in Nevada took rabid ani- mals from five counties, where some livestock was lost, but the spread of rabies was expeditiously suppressed in practically all cases. In Colorado dur- ing early spring a rabies outbreak of considerable proportions occurred in the area between the towns of Golden and Boulder, the disease being confined entirely to dogs, and so far as known not reaching predatory animals. Spo- radic cases of rabies occurred in Wash- ington, particularly in the eastern part of the State, but through effective co- operation of the Washington State Department of Health and the State eollege at Pullman it has been possible to detail hunters quickly to districts where outbreaks threatened and to utilize this expert personnel to reduce the number of predatory animals by the use of both traps and poison. TULAREMIA Tularemia among jack rabbits in South Dakota and among field mice in California was reported during the year, and measures of control were undertaken by the rodent-control force of the bureau. BUBONIC PLAGUE Two cases of bubonic plague among human beings have -been reported in 23 Contra Costa and Santa Cruz Coun- ties, Calif., one of which proved fatal. Positive cases of the plague were found in ground squirrels from these counties as well as in those from Ala- meda, San Benito, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo Counties. Special atten- tion is being given in cooperation with State and Federal public health offi- cials to checking the spread of the dis- ease in the infested areas through re- ducing the ground-squirrel population. MAINTENANCE OF WILD-LIFE RESERVATIONS As civilization advances, the re- moval of forests and the drainage, of marsh and water areas for cultivation and industrial purposes continues, and the necessity for establishing more reservations for migratory birds and big game throughout the United States increases proportionately. The refuge idea as a means of conserving valua- ble wild life is not new. It has al- ready been well tested and success- fully used in several States as a means of restocking depleted covers, and the steady increase of birds and animals on the Federal reservations during the year is further proof of the soundness of the system. It is now recognized that the refuge system or some exten- sion of the principle is the only means by which the extermination of many ot the valuable forms of wild life can be prevented in North America. To be most effective, a game or bird reservation must be given constant at- tention by a resident protector, one who is thoroughly familiar with the area. Frequent patrols are necessary to prevent poaching and to control predatory animals or other natural enemies. The upkeep and increase of food plants and the checking of dis- ease also are important functions of reservation protectors and require con- tinuous attention and study. Reservation administration falls within three recognized lines of actiy- ity: (1) The acquisition of lands for reservations; (2) the protection and maintenance of bird refuges and game preserves, and their wild life; and (3) restocking with suitable species. Land acquisition is now going forward on the upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge and the newly author- ized Bear River migratory-bird refuge and requires the services of engineers, surveyors, and land valuation and pur- chase experts. Included in protection and maintenance of reservations is watchfulness for the welfare of the animals, improving the areas for their 24 use, and facilitating enjoyment by the public. Reservaticns make it possible to re- store to surrounding or similar areas’ indigenous forms of wild life that may have become extinct by reason of over- shooting or other causes. The utiliza- tion of surplus stock on reservations for transporting and planting else- where is increasing from year to year. A list of wild-life reservations under the jurisdiction of the survey and of other branches of the Federal Govern- ment was published in the Yearbook for 1927, and recent changes are men- tioned in this report. The total num- ber under the jurisdiction of the bu- reau at the end of the year was 78. BIG-GAME PRESERVES Fenced preserves and other areas for big game under Biological Survey ju- risdiction are the national bison range in Montana, the Niobrara reservation in Nebraska, the Sullys Hill game pre- serve in North Dakota, the Wind Cave game preserve in South Dakota, all of which are surrounded by game fence; and the winter elk refuge in Wyoming. No seriously adverse conditions at these reservations were experienced during the year. The approximate number of big-game animals on these reservations on June 30, 1928, is shown in the accompanying table. NATIONAL BISON RANGE It has been necessary to reduce the herds of buffalo and elk at the national bison range, Montana, in order to pre- vent overcrowding and the possibility ot disease and starvation through nat- ural inerease. This reduction has been effected by the sale or gift of animals for stocking other ranges and for exhi- bition in public parks and zoological gardens throughout the country, and by slaughter and disposal for food pur- ‘feeding grounds. ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE poses. Twenty-three buffalo from this: range were shipped to Alaska near the end of June in an experiment made by the Alaska Game Commission to es- tablish a herd in the Tanana Valley, near Fairbanks, under funds appropri- ated for the purpose by the legislature of Alaska. The removal of the sur- plus animals will assist materially in the recovery of forage on the range, although some additional animals will have to be disposed of in order to bring the stock within safe bounds. The building of additional game fences will enable the preserve to carry a greater number of animals by permitting graz- ing by rotation. The herd of mountain sheep at the bison range has been in- creased by the birth of 14 lambs, bring- ing the total number of animals in the herd to 92. WINTER ELK REFUGE The winter was one of sufficient se- verity in western Wyoming to require, as in the previous season, the feeding of a heavy tonnage of hay to an in- creased number of elk visiting the The first elk to enter the refuge was a lone bull on Novem- ber 6; a week later 10 cows and calves came in, and 1138 elk were counted on November 20. By the end of Noyem- ber about 2,500 elk were on the refuge and adjacent ranches, and during De- cember and thereafter the number in- creased steadily. The snow averaged about 1 foot in depth at the end of December, and feeding the elk began on January 12 and continued to April 21. More than 9,000 elk were fed dur- ing the winter, a substantial increase over the maximum count of 7,549 the previous year. The total quantity of hay fed by the Federal and State gov- ernments was 3,460 tons, compared with 3,006 tons during 1927. The inereas- ing numbers of elk visiting the refuge area emphasize the importance of plac- TaBip 2.—Big-game animals on reservations of the Buredu of Biological Survey, June 30, 1928 Deer Moun- Preserves Buffalo} Elk Ra tain Total I sheep | White-| yru16 tailed | ~ National bison range, Montana_.____________- 459 M190) pease 92 1 34 1150 925 Wind Cave game preserve, South Dakota____ 189 1155 3873 Sullys Hill game preserve, North Dakota____- 129 56 Niobrara reservation, Nebraska__-___-.____-_- 1106 207 CAR} a LAs aya as MAN eNO ar a BOE 755 1 480 1, 561 1 Estimated. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ing a definite limit to the size of the Jackson Hole elk herd, and point to the necessity of providing more winter forage for a suitable number of ani- mals if starvation in another severe season is to be averted. Early in the fiscal year the Isaak Walton League of America transferred to the department satisfactory title to the 1,760 acres of land in Jackson Hole adjacent to the elk refuge, which the Waltonians had purchased, with a view to increasing the total area in the Government holdings. The feeding of augumented numbers of elk during the past two winters re- duced to a comparatively few tons the stock of hay that had accumulated dur- ing previous mild winters. Only about 195 tons remained on hand. The crop. on the refuge this year will probably be about 1,500 tons. If next winter should be mild there is a possibility that the refuge hay crop, supplemented by hay purchased by the State of Wy- oming, will suffice for the needs of the elk, but another very severe season would result in starvation on a large scale. To maintain and replenish the supply each season, it is important to increase the size of the refuge and thus make unnecessary emergency purchases of hay at high prices. Steps are being taken to increase production on the Government lands and to reduce the proportion of injurious squirrel-tail grass. In accordance with a recommendation of the elk commission, a biologist fa- mniliar with big-game animals was de- tailed to a study of the life history and needs of the elk. The results of work already accomplished are dealt with under another heading. The elk commission recognized the necessity of acquiring additional land adjacent to the present refuge to insure adequate winter-feeding facilities, and recom- 25 mended appropriate Federal legisla- tion. A bill introduced in Congress in December to provide for the enlarge- ment of the elk refuge contemplated the acquisition of about 12,000 acres of suitably located land under an appro- priation of $275,000. This bill received the approval of the Bureau of the Budget to the extent of authorizing an appropriation of $150,000, with the proviso, however, that this amount would be available only in case an equal amount in subscriptions or land were contributed by the State, counties, organizations, or individuals. The bill still awaits congressional action. OTHER BIG-GAME PRESERVES Including three fawns born to the antelope at Niobrara reservation in Nebraska during the year, there are now 10 of these animals at this pre- serve. The antelope band at Wind Jave preserve, S. Dak., was increased to 29 by the birth of 7 fawns. An 80- inch game fence, which will inclose approximately 4,000 acres of addi- tional rugged land, was brought nearly to completion on the Wind Cave pre- serve. Five and one-half miles of stock fence also were completed at the elk refuge in June. UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER WILD-LIFE AND FISH REFUGE Land-acquisition work on the upper Mississippi River wild-life and fish refuge continued. Progress was con- siderably hampered, however, because of the average price limit of $5 an acre fixed by the legislation that au- thorized the establishment of the refuge. Many tracts that could not be purchased have been leased with the object of purchase, and this action has assisted in controlling the situa- tion. The present Congress, however, TABLE 3.—Young of big game born on reservations of the Bureau of Biological Survey during the calendar year 1927 * Deer Ante- | Moun- Preserves Buffalo} Elk 7 tain Total One sheep | White- Mul tailed mee National bison range, Montana______________- 118 SOR Set wa 20 5 273 Wind Cave game preserve, South Dakota____ 14 A aS E Salers O02 49 Sullys Hill game preserve, North Dakota____- Oi ar seaae [abe ee | eee Ba 14 Niobrara reservation, Nebraska___-___________ 18 Be Ge a eee 31 PT tall eee ek Sie fare OH, aera PAT se 165 121 6 | 20 | 5 50 | 367 1 Including some data published in the report covering the fiscal year 1927, the change from fiscal to calendar year being in the interest of greater accuracy in the compilation of figures. Some figures in the text of this report are for the fiscal year. 26 has authorized the payment of a maximum average price of $10 an acre, and this will facilitate future acquisi- tions. ministration of this refuge, as ap- proved June 24, 1927, by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce, were issued in July (S. R. A.—B. 8. 67), by the Biological Sur- vey, to cover such matters as wild-life protection, fire prevention, and recrea- tional uses of this important area, and have proved adequate. A resolution recently passed by Con- gress authorized the acceptance of title to about 488 acres near the city of McGregor, Iowa, donated by James Buell Munn, of New York City, as an addition to the refuge. A large part of this area was not subject to over- flow, but will be useful for observation and administrative purposes, and con- gressional consent was necessary to acceptance. The lands are valued at between $30,000 and $40,000. OTHER IMPORTANT REFUGES FOR BIRDS BIG LAKE Big Lake bird refuge, in northeast- ern Arkansas, which was deep in water during the flood period of 1927, was visited by an even greater flood this year. The levees around the refuge were threatened, and at one time the water had risen to the tree- tops on certain areas. Late in June the entire refuge was. still under water. MALHEUR LAKE At Malheur Lake bird reservation, in eastern Oregon, the water has been higher than for a number of years, with resultant benefit to the water- fowl and growth of their food plants. There appears to be promise that for the first time in four years the young pelicans hatched on the reservation will safely reach maturity. NEW AND ABANDONED RESERVATIONS MATANZAS, PATHFINDER, AND UPPER KLAMATH ESTABLISHED During the year three new reserva- tions were established: Matanzas Bird Refuge, Fla., August 10, 1927; Path- finder Bird Refuge, Wyo., April 19, 1928; and Upper Klamath Wild-Life Refuge, Oreg., April 3, 1928. The Upper Klamath refuge consists of 5,200 acres of marshland along the west side of the lake of the same Joint regulations for the ad- ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE name. It is of considerable impor- tance to the waterfowl of the region, in view of the wholesale drainage of marsh areas for agricultural purposes, and especially the practical elimina- tion of Lower Klamath Lake, embrac- ing about 80,000 acres, and formerly one of the most important breeding and resting grounds for migratory waterfowl in western North America. BEAR RIVER REFUGE AUTHORIZED The outstanding feature of the year in reservations was the approval on April 3, 1928, of an act of Congress providing for the establishment of the Bear River migratory bird refuge on the marshes at the mouth of Bear River, Utah. The legislation author- ized an appropriation of $350,000, of which $200,000 was made available to initiate the work and carry it through the fiscal year 1929. Through the construction of a sys- tem of low dikes, fresh water from Bear River will be impounded over tens of thousands of acres, mainly bar- ren mud flats bordering the present shore of Great Salt Lake. The cre- ation of a refuge in this locality through a system of dikes has several objectives: The spreading of fresh water over the broad salt-impregnated mud flats will end the appalling losses of waterfowl, especially ducks, through so-called alkaline poisoning. It is esti- mated that in the past few years not less than 7,000,000 ducks have perished from this cause alone within and ad- jacent to the area to be included in the refuge. It has been found that aquat- ic vegetation providing an abundance of food for waterfowl grows amazingly in water so impounded, and thus a poisonous death trap for the birds will be converted into a great feeding and resting ground for a host of migrants which in their overland flight, as shown by bird-banding operations, visit points in neighboring States as far west as. California. The construction of the dikes will also greatly increase the breeding areas for resident waterfowl and prevent the periodical invasion of salt water due to slight rises in the level of Great Salt Lake. In 1924 an inundation of this sort destroyed thousands of acres of fresh-water marsh in the Bear River Delta, thus contributing very materially to the ad- verse conditions. Under the new law not less than 60 per cent of the area is to be maintained ag an inviolate sanctuary for migratory birds, the remainder being subject to. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY possible use as public shooting grounds under regulation. Much of the area involved consists of national domain or of lands that will be added through the cooperation of the State, but some areas must be purchased. Active steps are being taken to initiate the land-acquisition and engineering work. MOSQUITO INLET REFUGE DISCONTINUED The Mosquito Inlet bird reservation, near New Smyrna, on the east coast of Florida, became of little value to birds owibg to the growth of the town and consequent question of jurisdiction. An Executive order abandoning the refuge was accordingly issued on March 17. RECREATIONAL USES OF WILD-LIFE RESERVATIONS Designed primarily to prevent the extermination of numerous valuable and interesting species or to extend to them needed protection, some of the wild-life reservations afford unusual opportunities for recreational enjoy- ment by the public and for scientific observation and study. Many kinds of wild life are essentially shy and re- tiring and to thrive must be granted seclusion. This is especially true of bird colonies during the breeding sea- son, The big-game preserves, how- ever, afford places where the public can enjoy the sight of wild animals at short range. Public interest in such recreational advantages is shown by the increasing number of visitors to some of the larger and better-known reservations. This public appreciation is gratifying, although the presence of visitors adds to administrative bur- dens, and funds are lacking to provide properly for their comfort and safety. The Sullys Hill game preserve, near Devils Lake, N. Dak., continues to at- tract an increasing number of visitors. During the year 23,233 persons and 4.903 visiting automobiles were re- corded, taxing to the utmost the avyail- able facilities. In addition to affording protection to wild life, the upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge will ulti- mately furnish opportunities for pub- lic recreational uses at many points. These will include camping, fishing, and even public shooting on certain areas. On parts of the navigable waters and meandered lakes within the upper Mississippi refuge, hunting of waterfowl was permitted during the 1927 season in accordance with State laws and the regulations under the migratory-bird treaty act. Public 27 shooting of migratory game birds is permitted also on a part of the Pig Lake bird reservation, Arkansas, and on other refuges where limited hunting will not defeat the purpose for which they were created. URGENT NEEDS OF RESERVATIONS Additional funds are required for the proper maintenance of many of the game and bird reservations. During recent years appropriations have per- mitted the carrying out of only the most vitally necessary improvements and repairs. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS RESERVATION The Aleutian Islands bird reserva- tion extends in a chain for about 800 miles southwestward from the end of the Alaska Peninsula. It embraces many large and small islands on which the status of wild life is but imper- fectly known. Requests for permits to use some of the islands for sheep rais- ing, fur farming, and other commer- cial developments require careful con- sideration to protect the wild life and safeguard the interests of the natives who are dependent upon the island re« sources for their livelihood. As soon as funds can be made available a regular warden service should be es- tablished and a seaworthy vessel pro- vided to patrol the area. A compre- hensive survey of the wild life of the reservation and conditions affecting it is needed as a basis for efficient ad- ministration, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS RESERVATION The Hawaiian Islands bird reserva- tion includes widely scattered islands far out in the Pacific Ocean northwest of Hawaii, constituting as a whole a group of surpassing interest from the wild-life standpoint. Certain of the islands are the natural homes of birds found nowhere else. Some of these birds have become extinct, while Others, | including the Hawaiian teal, have been so greatly reduced that they are not likely long to survive without special protection. The islands provide breed- ing places for large colonies of alba- trosses and other interesting sea birds, and thus invite raids by poachers and trespass by fishermen. At one time. rabbits were unwisely introduced on to some of the islands, and on Laysan, the most important of the group, these rodents so destroyed the vegetation that most of them starved. The de- struction of vegetation produced con- ditions very unfavorable for bird life. 28 Efforts to eradicate the rabbits with a view to making the vegetation avail- able to the birds have apparently been successful. Two wardens should be placed on Laysan Island and provision made for regular visits to the other islands. SAVANNAH RIVER BIRD REFUGE ‘Of particular importance as a haven for certain rare and valuable migra- tory birds is the Savannah River bird refuge in South Carolina. Thousands of the rare and beautiful wood duck— near extinction a few years ago—nest there. It is made up of abandoned vice plantations and is unusually at- tractive to all species of wild fowl ‘common to the Atlantic coast, and many woodcock ‘and Wilson snipe visit the area. Unfortunately, funds are not available to provide adequate super- vision for this reservation or to mark properly its boundaries. INVESTIGATIONS OF PROPOSED REFUGES There is urgent need for funds to ‘enable the survey to investigate and determine the suitability of areas that ‘care being proposed for refuge purposes. During the year an engineer was en- gaged to make a reconnaissance of the Klamath marsh area in Oregon, to ascertain its suitability for refuge uses. It was found practicable from an engi- neer’s standpoint, but the Indians who control the lands have thus far been ‘averse to making any arrangements with the Government for disposing of them for this purpose. A survey was ‘also made of Lower Klamath Lake to ‘ascertain the possibility of flooding a portion of it so as to restore for migra- tory waterfowl an area long used by these birds. This was found to be im- practicable for the reason that the au- thorized use of the water for irrigation and other purposes would not leave ‘enough to meet the requirements. LAW ADMINISTRATION Respect on the part of sportsmen ‘and the public in general for Federal and State laws for the conservation of wild life continues to increase from year to year, and United States district ‘courts and district attorneys have con- tinued their interest in the enforce- “ment of the regulations. There are still many hunters, however, who will violate the law whenever opportunity is afforded. ‘the Federal ‘State game and fish laws. ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PROTECTION OF MIGRATORY BIRDS BETTER LAW ENFORCEMENT NEEDED Demands for better enforcement of migratory-bird regula- tions are insistent and general. Citi- zeus everywhere express their approval of the law but assert that enforcement is notably inadequate. The reason for this criticism becomes evident when it is realized that the appropriation available for enforcing the migratory- bird treaty act regulations allows for the full-time employment of only 24 salaried game protectors throughout the entire country. Each game pro- tector must on the average cover two States, and in his work can have little assistance from the United States deputy game wardens, since funds are not sufficient to permit many of these latter officials—generally voluntary co- operators—to be assigned to this duty. The fact that United States game pro- tectors are known to be few encourages poachers, market shooters, bird snar- ers, plume hunters, and other violators to ply their illegal trades in contempt of the law, and serves to bring the Federal regulatory work into disre- pute among many sportsmen. The es- tablishment of an adequate force of game protectors would have immediate beneficial results in a quickening of public interest in wild-life protection and in strengthening the public sup- port of the migratory-bird treaty act. It is confidently felt that illegal prac- tices in the taking of migratory birds in the United States can be reduced to a practical minimum by a force of not to exceed 100 protectors. FEDERAL AND STATE COOPERATION Cooperation between the game pro- tectors of the Bureau of Biological Survey and the State game wardens has continued with gratifying results and with mutual benefit, for Federal protectors in numerous instances dis- covered and reported infractions of the Informa- tion and evidence in connection with such offenses have been referred to the State game departments and have enabled them to collect in fines and eosts the sum of $7,860.99. Several United States game protectors have been issued commissions as State game wardens in order to further this cooperation. State wardens also have given Federal officers valuable aid. Several publications were prepared by the survey and widely distributed to facilitate better cooperation be- BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY tween Federal and State authorities engaged in conserving our birds and game. One of these was the twenty- eighth annual Directory of Officials and Organizations Concerned with the Protection of Birds and Game, issued as Miscellaneous Publication No. 6 of the department. The annual summary of the game laws of the United States, Mexico, and Canada (Farmers’ Bul- letin No. 1550) was published, and 390,000 copies were widely distrib- uted; and 110,000 copies of the annual publication containing the fur laws (Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1552) were is- sued. The bureau also issued a pam- phlet (S. R. A.—B. S. 68) containing the text of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds and various Federal laws and regulations for the protection of wild life. The open seasons for game were conveni- ently set forth in a poster, 16,500 cop- ies of which were issued as soon as possible after adjournment of the State legislatures. This poster was reprinted in numerous sporting and outdoor periodicals, and the informa- tion was thus widely disseminated. A statement compiled by the bureau and issued through the press service showed that about 6,000,000 hunting licenses were issued by the States for the season 1926-27, and that about $8,000,000 revenue was derived from this source. The larger portion of the funds so received by the States is em- ployed in the protection and propaga- tion of game and fish and in the acqui- sition and administration of lands for State game refuges. HEARINGS UNDER THE MIGRATORY-BIRD TREATY ACT No general public hearings or con- ferences were held relative to migra- tory-bird conditions, but a part of the annual meeting of the migratory-bird treaty act advisory board, which was held as usual in the city of Washing- ton during the month of December, was open to the public. The board dis- cussed and approved certain modifica- tions in the regulations affecting open seasons on waterfowl in Illinois and affecting the location of sinkboxes (batteries) in coastal waters. Recom- mendations relative to the open seasons on gallinules and to the open seasons on mourning doves in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Missis- sippi were also approved. These rec- ommendations were adopted by the Secretary and approved by the Presi- dent. Upon later representation from the State game authorities of Georgia 29 and Louisiana the bureau made further recommendations relating to the open seasons on mourning doves in these States and proposed amendments, which were adopted and approved, to bring the Federal regulations into har- mony with State laws. The status of the woodcock has been given much attention not only by the survey but by the advisory board. In New England and in the Maritime Provinces of Canada reports indicate a gratifying increase of these birds, but in the areas west of the Alleghenies to the Mississippi River and in a major portion of the coastal States a serious decrease has been almost generally re- ported. The latter areas comprise the larger portion of the woodcock’s range, and the unfavorable status of the bird in these regions is significant. Accord- ingly the advisory board favored the recommendation made by the survey that, notwithstanding the situation in New England, the maximum open sea- son on woodcock be reduced from two months to one month. The regulation effecting this change was adopted by the Secretary and approved by the President. LAW VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES During the year migratory bird treaty act cases were handled and dis- posed of as shown in Table 4. From lack of sufficient evidence, youthfulness of the accused, the imposition of adequate fines in State courts, or other satisfactory reasons, 88 cases reported by United States game protectors were not forwarded for prosecution. Six cases tried before juries resulted in conviction and the imposition of sub- stantial fines. Penalties included jail sentences imposed by Federal judges in 11 cases, and fines ranging from $1 to $500 and totaling $11,213.05. De- fendants were placed on probation in 4 cases and paroled for six months in 1 case, and in 4 cases sentence was sus- pended. Two defendants were par- doned by the President after having served 30 days of a 40-day sentence. Migratory waterfowl] illegally possessed. or unlawfully killed valued at approxi- mately $1,000 were seized during the year, aud those fit for food were do- nated to hospitals and other public charitable institutions. Among the violations for which offenders were punished were the following: Selling and shipping waterfowl without Fed- eral permit; trapping ducks; killing ducks in closed season; exceeding the daily bag limit on ducks; shooting waterfowl from power boats; hunting 30 ducks after sunset and mourning doves prior to half an hour before ‘Sunrise; and killing nongame and in- sectivorous birds for which no open Season is provided. Four persons illegally trapping fur- bearing animals were apprehended by reservation wardens on the upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge and prosecuted in State courts, where fines were imposed totaling $90 with $125.25 additional costs; two of- fenders were remanded to jail for 60 days in default of payment. The first cases involving a violation of the act creating this refuge were reported for prosecution and were pending at the end of the year. Since the passage of section 84 of the United States Criminal Code, de- signed to protect wild animals and birds and their eggs on Federal ref- uges, 79 prosecutions have been insti- tuted in Federal courts. New cases submitted to the solicitor during the past year numbered 4; 5 cases were terminated by convictions, with fines totaling $205; and 1 was dismissed. PERMITS ISSUED Scientific collecting and other permits.— Permits issued during the year to col- lect migratory birds and their nests and eggs for scientific purposes num- bered 200, bringing the total outstand- ing to 1,665. Thirty-seven scientific possession permits were issued during the year, principally to taxidermists, making the total outstanding 321. Permits issued authorizing the posses- ‘sion and sale of waterfowl for propa- gating purposes numbered 653, bring- ing the total number of such permits to 3,750; a number of permits of this description were canceled during the year. Outstanding permits for pos- gessing specimens accidentally killed ‘or found dead now number 469, of which 67 were issued during the year. ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Reports on file indicate that 42,155 wild ducks, chiefly mallards, and 4,762 wild geese, mostly Canada geese, were raised in captivity under permit. In- | cluded in the total were 670 wood ducks and 169 pintails. These figures constitute a noticeable increase over the reports of the previous year. The propagation of game birds is being encouraged in every practical way, and wide use was made of the bulletin on the subject. There is reason to be- lieve that in some areas where ducks, particularly mallards, have become scarce, restocking might be success- fully accomplished through the propa- gation of birds by sportsmen’s organi- zations and by individuals. Many of the wild fowl raised in captivity have been liberated. Permits to kill injurious birds—Three or- ders authorizing permits for the kill- ing of migratory birds when found injurious were issued by the Secretary under article 7 of the migratory-bird treaty and Regulation 10, as follows: An order (August 10, 1927) permit- ting the killing of shrikes by leaders of the cooperative quail investigation, or by any reliable person designated by them, in any manner when found injuring or destroying valuable birds on lands in Thomas and Grady Coun- ties, Ga., and Leon and Jefferson Counties, Fla., on which the quail in- vestigation is being conducted. An order (August 17, 1927) permit- ting the killing by shooting of gulls and terns throughout the United States by any person when authorized by a permit issued by the Secretary and countersigned by the Chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, in such numbers as may be necessary, not ex- ceeding 50 in the aggregate of both kinds, and in sections where such birds have become objectionable about private property or a menace to pub- lic health. Permits issued under the ‘TABLE 4.—Cases of violation of the migratory-bird treaty act handled during the year 1928, disposed of, and still pending Cases Number Pending from former year_._..---_------- 403 -New cases reported....-........--.------- 423 Totals oe eee ie ee ee ER 826 SD {sposedsOfe ne = se ae eke ee 440 Pending at end of year__........-.------- 386 Cases Number Disposed of by: Conviction 22 23 332 Dismissal ee 57 Verdict of not guilty____--_---_----- 10 No: bill found eee eae 3 Nolle prosses a eee 20 Abandonment of prosecution__--.-_- 15 Denial by court of permission to file information eS 3 BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY order are valid for one year from the date of issuance. An order (May 18, 1928) permitting any person, when authorized by a per- mit issued by the Secretary and coun- tersigned by the chief official in charge of the fish and game laws of the State of Maine or his duly authorized rep- resentative, to shoot herring gulls be- tween July 20 and August 20 of any vear for which the permit is issued, when necessary to protect the blue- berry crops on areas within the State. INTERSTATE COMMERCE JN WILD BIRDS AND MAMMALS Administration of the Lacey Act, which regulates interstate commerce in wild birds and mammals, continues to uncover large numbers of violations of State laws relating to traffic in pelts of fur animals. As heretofore most of the evidence of apparent violations has been referred to State game of- ficials for investigation and State pros- ecution when the shipments proved to have been illegally made. Federal operations are greatly handicapped, and the illegal traffic continues, from the fact that Federal employees are not empowered to seize illegal ship- ments of skins and furs. Some head- way has been made, however, in re- stricting violations, in that the courts of one State, to prevent violators from profiting by the sale of furs illegally taken or shipped, have ordered the proceeds of such sales to be paid to the State. When furs have been removed from the jurisdiction of one State and com- mingled with articles of interstate commerce in another, usually they are not subject to State seizure. A Dill has been introduced in the present Congress to confer authority upon em- ployees of the department engaged in enforcing the provisions of the Lacey Act to seize illegal interstate ship- ments of the dead bodies of wild ani- mals or parts thereof. In its cooperation the survey has fur- nished game-protection officials in the various States with evidence of 4,672 shipments that apparently contained illegal skins. During the fiscal year the several States closed 475 cases based on information originally fur- nished by the survey, in which the aggregate fines assessed amounted to $17,909.50 and the costs to $1,237.30, a total of $19,146.80. Sixty-five beaver skins were seized at the instance of a Federal protector, and sold by the State for $700. Six cases also were 31 settled in State court by the imposition of jail sentences ranging from 15 to 90 days each. No cases involving violations of the Lacey Act were reported for prosecu- tion during the year; but approxi- mately 80 investigations were still pending; 258 investigations involving apparent violations were closed. IMPORTATIONS OF FOREIGN BIRDS AND MAMMALS The close of the fiscal year marks the completion of 28 years of super- vision by the Biological Survey of the importation of foreign birds and mam- mals. During this period more than 15,000 permits have been issued for the entry of a corresponding number of shipments, including several million birds and mammals. Approximately 9,000,000 birds have been imported dur- ing these years, about 6,000,000 of which have been canaries, 2,000,000 miscellaneous birds, and 750,000 game birds. Complete figures are lacking for the first year in which the law was in operation, and also for 1919 and 1920, immediately after the World War, when importations fell off to a small fraction of the former number. With the exception of five years the total number of birds annually im- ported has varied from 200,000 to more than 600,000, the half-million mark having been passed only in 1927 and 1928. The figures indicated for 1928 have never before been attained. Canaries have averaged 1,000 a day in 1913, 1914, 1927, and 1928, and in four other years (1907, 1910, 1911, and 1912) they almost reached this mark. Nearly two-thirds of all game birds imported have been Mexican quail. Next to these stand pheasants, formerly a large item in the entries, but State game farms and private enterprises now supply most of the stock for this country, and importations have fallen off considerably. Hungarian par- tridges reached their highest mark, 36,507, in 1911. Miscellaneous birds have normally varied from 40,000 to 200,000, but in late years have fallen below the maximum. Only in 1922, 1923, and 1927 have they exceeded 100,000, but in 1923 they reached 197,265. The number of permits issued dur- ing the year was 1,211, an increase of 144 over that of the preceding year, and inspection of shipments at ports of entry increased from 3387 to 411. Six additional permits were issued at Honolulu, Hawaii, for the entry of 53 miscellaneous birds. The total num- 32 ber of foreign birds imported was 682,308, of which 8,741 were without permit. The importations under per- mit consisted of 458,449 canaries, 56,307 parrots, 84,915 quail, and 82,637 representatives of miscellaneous spe- cies. MAMMALS Permits for the importation of mam- mals included chiefly foxes, muskrats, and bears, and a number of others largely for exhibition purposes. Com- paratively few fur-bearing animals ex- cept foxes and muskrats were brought in, and so far as known no injurious species were admitted. The importation of foxes from Canada again showed a decided de- crease from the number imported the previous year, 3,044 as compared with 4,242 in 1927. During the past eight years the records indicate that nearly 35,000 have been brought in from Canada, two-thirds of which were entered in the three years 1924, 1925, and 1926, figures for which were 4,781, 8,424, and 7,809, respectively. The peak, reached in 1925, was followed by a slight decrease in 1926, a falling off of nearly 50 per cent in 1927, and a still further decrease during the past year. The fact that the fox-farming industry is steadily progressing and has now reached a more normal and substantial basis would indicate that the increase of 1924-1926 was. due to some special stimulation or that the number of fox farms in the United States has now increased sufficiently to supply a large proportion of the breeding stock. Besides foxes, muskrats for fur farm- ing and black bears for exhibition pur- poses have been imported in some nuim- bers. A considerable number of the latter species are brought in each year during summer and early fall. Many inquiries have been received regarding the introduction of the South American coypu, With a view to its establishment as a fur-bearing animal, but as yet no actual importations have been made. Among the most interesting mam- mals imported during the year were representatives of the two existing forms of sea elephant (Mirounga), the southern form represented by a speci- men from South Georgia, imported by a large circus and placed on exhibition during the spring; and the northern by several Guadalupe sea elephants brought in and exhibited by the San Diego Zoological Society...Thus, for the first time, both of these rare mam- ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE mals were on exhibition at the same time in the United States. Other in- teresting mammals included four brown hyenas and several rare monkeys. BIRDS AND THEIR EGGS The importation of birds included 84,915 Mexican quail, 12,620 Hungarian partridges, several shipments of pheas- ants, a few waterfowl, and other mis- cellaneous game birds. For the first time in several years a number of pheasants were brought in from Eng- land, chiefly to introduce new blood. Many of the Hungarian partridges were imported by the State of New York and others were shipped to States in the West, where considerable inter- est in their introduction has developed. Permits were issued for the entry of 4,956 eggs of game birds, against 530 in 1927. Shipments this year were chiefly pheasants from England, the largest including 1,500 eggs; eggs of ducks and grouse were also cntered from Alberta. Among the more interesting birds imported were a Somali ostrich (Struthio molybdophanes), 2 shoebill storks (Balaeniceps rez), 2 mikado pheasants (Calophasis mikado), 3 Impeyan pheasants (Lophophorus im- peyanus), and 26 argus pheasants (Ar- gusianus argus), T Formosa tree par- tridges (Arboricola crudigularis) and 19 chukar partridges (Alectoris graeca, Chukar); a number of rare pigeons, including 5 Caroline Island pigeons, 3 white-fronted amethyst doves (Phlo- goenas kubaryi), and 2 doves of the species Claravis pretiosa; parrots in considerable variety, including several black cockatoos (Solenoglossus aterri- mus), 4 hyacinthine macaws (Anodo- rhynchus hyacinthus), 5 rare parra- keets (Psittinus ineertus), and 6 Forster lories (Trichoglossus forstert) ; 2 queen wydahs (Diatropura progne), 3 half-moon wydahs (Coliostruthus ar- dens) ; and 4 emperor starlings (Cos- mopsarus regius)—the starlings being imported for the first time in October, 1927. Mexican quail—During the season of 1928 the number of quail imported from Mexico was slightly less than in 1927, the total number being 84,915, as compared with 85,141. Of the birds imported this season 28,910 were en- tered at Brownsville, 33,190 at Laredo, and 22,515 at Hagle Pass, Tex. The system of issuing permits at the bor- der, which proved so successful last year, was continued. ‘The entries, as last year, were made by three import- BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ers who held concessions from the Mex- ican Government. These concessions authorized a larger number of birds than had ever before been imported, and plans were made for shipments on. a large scale, but the record of entries shows that the number actually brought in was less than in 1927. Inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry issued all permits for the ex- act number of birds brought in and examined all shipments at the border before reshipment, but no quail disease was reported. Weekly reports were made on the number of quail entered and details as to shipments. These quail were distributed to about one- third of the States, as follows: Ken- tucky, 12,155; Alabama, 12,085; North Carolina, 8,719; Maryland, 7,505; Oklahoma, 6,624; Georgia, 5,560; Vir- ginia, 5,496; Kansas, 5,044; Texas, 4,267; Florida, 3,716; Pennsylvania, 8,607; New York, 3,210; Missouri, 1,832; New Jersey, 1,412; South Caro- lina, 566; and West Virginia, 536. Several small shipments to other States included about 2,585 birds. New regulations (S. R. A—B. S. 69), which, among other provisions, modi- fied the size of crates for shipping quail, went into effect on November 21, 1927. The main object in reducing the size of the crates was to make them lighter and thus not only cut down ex- press charges but render practicable their return and re-use. After the close of the season a move- ment was started among southern im- porters to change the season so that quail could be obtained earlier in win- ter. This, however, does not meet with approval in some of the Northern States, and moreover, would be within open seasons for quail shooting, which do not close in five of the Southern States until after February 1. The distribution of large numbers of high- priced quail before the season closes would seem a doubtful and expensive experiment, and one well-nigh useless unless the birds could be placed on pre- serves or areas closed to all hunting. CAGE BIRDS About one-third of all the known species of parrots have been brought in at various times for purposes of exhi- bition, and, like canaries, have increased considerably since the World War. Very few parrots breed in captivity in the United States, but some live for a number of years. The number im- ported annually varies from about 35,000 to 60,000. Of these the largest number are shell parrakeets, or bud- 30 gerigars, from Australia; and several kinds of Amazons, including Cuban parrots Panama parrots, and double yellowheads from Mexico. Consider- able numbers of cockatoos also were brought from Australia, and some of the rarer parrots and parrakeets from the West Indies and South America. One interesting genus of African par- rakeet (Agapornis), represented by 10 species, has recently become popular, and at least 8 of the species have been available for aviaries in this country. The shipment of cage birds from Mexico continues but in reduced num- bers. The Mexican Government now requires export permits for cardinals, mocking birds, and certain other spe- cies, and before importation permits are issued it is necessary for the im- porter to obtain not only authority for export from Mexico but authority for possession from the State to which they are consigned. Notwithstanding the restriction of State laws on posses- sion and traffic, applications still con- tinue to be made for the entry of car- dinals, mocking birds, and nonpareils. PROTECTION OF WILD LIFE IN ALASKA Alaska possesses many interesting and highly valuable forms of wild life that need more protection than is now afforded them through the limited re- sources available to the Alaska Game Commission. With fairly large num- bers of such noted big-game animals as the mountain sheep, the moose, the caribou, the mountain goat, the deer, and the grizzly and Alaska brown bears, and with foxes, beavers, minks, muskrats, and lynxes present in con- siderable numbers, there exists a real opportunity to put into effect a wild- life administration program that not only will insure a continuance of game and fur animals in present numbers, but should operate to increase the stocks of many of these and of other species, including the marten, which, without better protection, must rapidly go down hill. Forward-looking Alas- kans are behind the work of the Alaska Game Commission. Demands are be- ing made for more strict law enforce- ment than can be given by the com- mission through its force of seven full-time wardens. Each of these wardens is expected to handle an area of over 70,000 square miles, as com- pared with only 100 square miles cov- ered by wardens in the better organ- ized States. Violation of the Alaska game law and regulations is only too frequent because of the small enforcement per- 34 sonnel now available. During the year the operating expenses of the Alaska Game Commission were more than $67,000. From the sale of licenses and from fines and forfeitures for the same period there was derived $66,000. It is a certainty that the Alaska Game Commission can not fully redeem its responsibility or with success carry out its game and fur conservation and protection program without more funds with which to increase its force of wardens and to provide more adequate transportation facilities for them, particularly boats of a kind that can be kept continu- ously in service under adverse weather and sea conditions. At present the boats of the commission have to be laid up part of the year because of insufficient operating funds. Most of the governmental agencies in Alaska do not have enough field work in the winter season and their boats are laid up. Not so, however, with the Alaska Game Commission. The trapping seasons are on from No- vember to March, and it is essential- that the wardens be in the field at a time when without suitable boats they are confronted by grave danger in the adverse weather conditions that they are certain to encounter. The regulations adopted by the Sec- retary under the Alaska game law of January 13, 1925, already have shown their effectiveness in the conservation of the wild-life resources of the Terri- tory. A popular presentation of the improvement in wild-life conditions there was the basis of an article pre- pared in the bureau and published in the 1927 Yearbook. Only such changes in the original regulations have been adopted from year to year as investi- gations have shown to be necessary. The regulations this year were pub- lished in Circulars Nos. 4 and 5 of the Alaska Game Commission. HEnforce- ANNUAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ment of the new law and the regula- tions of the Secretary are under the immediate jurisdiction of the five com- missioners authorized by the act, one of whom, the administrative officer, is. the chief representative of the Bureau of Biological Survey resident in the Territory. The amendments adopted this year affect moose, caribou, mountain sheep, and bears. The relative scarcity of moose on the small section of the Alaska Peninsula inhabited by them made it appear advisable to close the season in that region until such time as this animal shows a satisfactory increase. Large brown and_ grizzly bears also were afforded additional protection on the Kenai and Alaska Peninsulas and in the Kodiak-Afognak Islands group by a reduction in the bag limit from 3 to 2 a season. The limit allowed nonresidents on caribou and mountain sheep was reduced from: 3 to 2 each a season. Other amend- ments affecting big game relate to the: handling of the meat of such animals in cooked form in certain portions of the Territory under permit of the Alaska Game Commission. Last year the regulations provided short open seasons on beaver in cer- tain regions and prescribed a system of tagging the skins of these animals, whether taken within or coming from outside the Territory. This year the season was again closed throughout the Territory, and it is contemplated that the tagging system will be of great assistance in protecting beavers much more effectively. Beaver poach- ing was formerly a common practice in many sections of Alaska, but owing to the limited force at the disposal of the commission, strict enforcement of the law and regulations proved im- possible. Under the tagging system now in effect untagged skins will be subject to seizure. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICD : 1928